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1187 lines (833 loc) · 33.7 KB


Code Block: Description
A literate Markdown tangle tool written in Ruby.

Lmt is a literate Markdown tangle program for literate programing in a slightly extended Markdown syntax that is written in Ruby.

In literate programming, a program is contained within a prose essay describing the thinking which goes into the program. The source code is then extracted from the essay using a program called tangle (this application). The essay can also be formatted into a document for human consumption using a program called "weave" and can be found here.


While there are other Markdown tanglers available (especially lmt, which this program is designed to be superficially similar to) none quite match the combination of simplicity and extensibility which I need.


In order to be useful for literate programming we need a few features:

  1. The ability to strip code out of a Markdown file and place it into a tangled output file.
  2. The ability to embed macros so that the code can be expressed in any order desired.
  3. The ability to apply filters on the contents of a macro
  4. The ability to to identify code blocks which will be expanded when referenced
  5. The ability to append to or replace code blocks
  6. The ability to include another file.
  7. The ability to extend the tangler with Ruby code from a block.
  8. Simple conditional logic to enable output only under certain circumstances

There are also a few potentially useful features that are not implemented but might be in the future:

  1. The ability to write out other files.
  2. Source mapping
  3. Further source verification. For instance, all instances of the same block should be in the same language. Also, detect and prevent double inclusion.
  4. include path semantics.


Markdown already supports code blocks expressed with code fences starting with three backticks, usually enabling syntax highlighting on the output. This should work excellently for identifying block boundaries.

There are two types of blocks: the default block and macro blocks.

Output begins with the default block. It is simply a markdown code block which has no macro name. with no further information. It looks like this.

Output Block
#Output starts here

If there is no default block, then no output file will be created.

In order to add the macro feature we need, we will need to add header content at the beginning of such a quote. For code blocks, we can add it after the language name. For example to create a macro named macro_description we could use:

Code Block: Macro Description
# this shouldn't be in the output, it should have been replaced.
block_replacement = false

Of course, these do not play well with Markdown rendering, so we will need a weaver to display the name appropriately.

To replace a block put = before the block name like so:

Replacing Code Block: Macro Description
# this is the replacement
replaced_block = true

To append to a block, just open it again. The macro expansion only happens after the entire file is read.

Code Block: Macro Description
# Yay appended code gets injected
block_appendment = true


We will also need a way to trigger macro insertion. Given that unicode tends not to be in use, why don't we say that anything inside ⦅⦆ refers to a block by name and should be replaced by the contents of that block.

Code Block: Macro Insertion Description
block_replacement = true
replaced_block = false
block_appendment = false


Given the definition of macro_description above, all the variables will be true at the end of that block.

This also works with spaces inside the ⦅⦆

Code Block: Macro Insertion Description
insertion_works_with_spaces = false

Finally, if substitution isn't desired, you may escape the and with \ which will prevent macro expansion. As below; the first character of escaped string is

Code Block: Macro Insertion Description
escaped_string = '\⦅macro_description\⦆'


Filters can be defined as functions which take an array of lines and return the altered array. They are applied after a macro's contents are expanded and before it is inserted. They are triggered with the | symbol in expansion. for example: given

Code Block: String With Backslash
this string ends in \.

The following will escape the \

Code Block: Filter Use Description
string_with_backslash = "⦅string_with_backslash | ruby_escape⦆"

There are a few built in filters:

Code Block: Filter List
  'ruby_escape' => ⦅ruby_escape⦆,
  'double_quote' => ⦅double_quote⦆,
  'add_comma' => ⦅add_comma⦆,
  'indent_continuation' => ⦅indent_continuation⦆,
  'indent_lines' => ⦅indent_lines⦆


Other files may be using an include directive and a markdown link. Include directive are lines starting with ! include followed by a space. No further text may follow the markdown link. Paths are relative to the file being included from.

During tangle the link line will be replaced with the lines from the included file. This means that they may replace blocks defined in the file that includes them such as this one

Code Block: Included Block
included_string = "I am in lmt.lmd"

See include: included file


In order to extend the tangler, it must be possible to mark a block for evaluation. To do so we will extend the mechanism to indicate replacement. Let's use !. A block simply named ! will just be executed within a contained scope. Within this scope, it will be possible to access the map of filters through the @filters variable. All of these blocks are executed and removed from the stream before any further processing is done.

However, after blocks have been parsed, the map of blocks will be passed to the parse_hook method which an extension may define. It will be passed a two arguments. The first is an array with the lines of the main block, the second is a map of block name to line arrays. It is expected to return the same data structure in a two value array. An example parse hook which adds a block to the list of know blocks follows:

Execute Extension Block
def parse_hook(main_block, blocks)
  blocks["from_extension"] = ["from_extension = true\n"]
  [main_block, blocks]

Include Path

It is possible to add directories to the include path using the ! include-path directive like so:

! include-path include

The contents of that directive will be added to the include path.

Conditional Output

Under certain circumstances it is useful to have certain output only happen under certain circumstances. For instance, a file prepared for Windows might have slightly different content than the same file prepared for Linux. In order to enable this, a variable may be set within an extension block and then output may be enabled / disabled using directives based on them.

Execute Extension Block
@a_variable = true
@another_variable = false

We can then disable and enable output using the if, else, elsif, and end directives. The if directive takes a line of ruby code, executes it.

! if @a_variable

Since a_variable is true, the next block will be processed.

Code Block: Conditional Output
conditional_output_else = true
conditional_output_elsif = true

! elsif @another_variable

Code Block: Conditional Output
conditional_output_elsif = false

! else

And the following block will have no effect.

Code Block: Conditional Output
conditional_output_else = false

! end

Self Test

Of course, we will also need a testing procedure. Since this is written as a literate program, our test procedure is: can we tangle ourself. If the output of the tangler run on this file can tangle this file, then we know that the tangler works.

Code Block: Self Test
def self.self_test()


We need to know where to get the input from and where to send the output to. For that, we will use the following command line options

Code Block: Options
on("--file FILE", "-f", "Required: input file")
on("--output FILE", "-o", "Required: output file")
on("--include-path DIRECTORY,DIRECTORY", "-i", Array, "Include path")
on("--dev", "disables self test failure for development")

Of which, both are required

Code Block: Options
required(:file, :output)

Implementation and Example

Now for an example in implementation. Using Ruby we can write a template as below: (We are replacing the default block because the version above doesn't have a #!.)

Replacing Output Block
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Encoding: utf-8


module Lmt

class Tangle
  include Methadone::Main
  include Methadone::CLILogging

  @dev = false

  main do
    rescue Exception => e
      puts "Error: #{e.message} #{extract_causes(e)}At:"
      e.backtrace.each do |trace|
        puts "    #{trace}"

  def self.extract_causes(error)
    if (error.cause)
      "  Caused by: #{error.cause.message}\n#{extract_causes(error.cause)}"






  description "⦅description⦆"

  version Lmt::VERSION

  use_log_level_option :toggle_debug_on_signal => 'USR1'

  go! if __FILE__ == $0


This is a basic template using the Ruby methadone command line application framework and making sure that we report errors (because silent failure sucks).

The main body will first test itself then, invoke the library component, which isn't in lib as traditional because it is in this file and I don't want to move it around.

Code Block: Main Body
@dev = options[:dev]
include_path = (options[:"include-path"] or [])
tangler =[:file], include_path)

Finally, we have the dependencies. Optparse and methadone are used for cli argument handling and other niceties.

Code Block: Includes
require 'optparse'
require 'methadone'
require 'lmt/version'

There, now we are done with the boilerplate. On to:

The Actual Tangler

The tangler is defined within a class that contains the tangling implementation. It contains the following blocks

Code Block: Tangle Class
class Tangler

  def filters_map




The initializer takes in the input file and sets up our state. We are keeping the unnamed top level block separate from the rest. Then we have a hash of blocks. Finally, we need to make sure we have tangled before we write the output.

Code Block: Initializer
def initialize(input, include_path = [])
  @include_path = include_path
  @extension_context =
  @extension_context.filters = ⦅filter_list⦆
  @input = input
  @block = ""
  @blocks = {}
  @tangled = false


Now we have the basic tangle process wherein a file is read, includes are substituted, extensions and conditionals are processed, the blocks extracted, the extension hook called, macros expanded recursively, and escaped double parentheses unescaped. If there is no default block, then there is no further work to be done.

Code Block: Tangle
def tangle()
  contents =  handle_extensions_and_conditionals(
  @block, @blocks = @extension_context.parse_hook(*parse_blocks(contents))
  if @block
    @block = expand_macros(@block)
    @block = unescape_double_parens(@block)
  @tangled = true

Reading The File

This is fairly self explanatory, though note, we are storing the file in memory as an array of lines.

Code Block: Read File
def read_file(file), 'r') do |f|

Including the Includes

As our specification is a regular language (we do not support any kind of nesting), we will be using regular expressions to process it. Those expressions are detailed in:

See include: included file

To resolve include paths we need:

See include: included file

Here we go through each line looking for an include statement. When we find one, we replace it with the lines from that file. Those lines will, of course, need to have includes processed as well.

When we encounter an include-path directive, it needs to be added to the include path.

Code Block: Include Includes
def include_includes(lines, current_file = @input, depth = 0)
  raise "too many includes" if depth > 1000
  include_exp = ⦅include_expression⦆
  include_path_exp = ⦅include_path_expression⦆ do |line|
    include_path_match = include_path_exp.match(line)
    include_match = include_exp.match(line)
    if include_path_match
      path = resolve_include(include_path_match[1], current_file)[0]
      @include_path << path
    elsif include_match
      file = resolve_include(include_match[1], current_file)[0]
      include_includes(read_file(file), file, depth + 1)

Evaling the Extensions and Processing the Conditionals

The extensions are executed within the following context. This context is also used to evaluate conditionals.

Code Block: Context Class
class Context
  attr_accessor :filters

  def get_binding

  def parse_hook(main_block, blocks)
    [main_block, blocks]

Because conditional processing must occur concurrently with bock evaling, we have to build up each block and eval it the moment it is complete. To do so, we find all the lines that are not in an extension block. When we enter a new extension block, we clear the current extension block, and when we leave an extension block, we eval it.

Code Block: Handle Extensions And Conditionals
def handle_extensions_and_conditionals(lines)
  extension_expression = ⦅extension_expression⦆
  condition_processor =
  extension_exit_expression = /```/
  in_extension_block = false
  current_extension_block = []

  other_lines = lines.lazy
    .find_all do |line|
    end.find_all do |line|
      unless in_extension_block
        in_extension_block = line =~ extension_expression
        if in_extension_block
          current_extension_block = []
        in_extension_block = !(line =~ extension_exit_expression)
        if in_extension_block
          current_extension_block << line



Processing The Conditionals

To process the conditionals, we need a stack. Given that we are handling if, elsif, and else, we will need to track: 1) the type of statement (in case we want to add loops later), 2) the state before we encounter the if and, 3) if the else should be executed. For if statements, we can store these in an array like [type, prior_state, execute_else]

Since this process happens concurrently with evaling the included blocks, it's process is represented by a class. Should_output is the inside of the filter statement which is used to filter the lines.

Code Block: Conditional Processor
class ConditionalProcessor

  def initialize(extension_context)
    @if_expression = ⦅if_expression⦆
    @elsif_expression = ⦅elsif_expression⦆
    @else_expression = ⦅else_expression⦆
    @end_expression = ⦅end_expression⦆
    @output_enabled = true
    @stack = []
    @extension_context = extension_context

  def should_output(line)
    case line
      when @if_expression
        condition = $1
        prior_state = @output_enabled
        @output_enabled = !!@extension_context.get_binding.eval(condition)
        @stack.push([:if, prior_state, !@output_enabled])
      when @elsif_expression
        throw "elsif statement missing if"  if @stack.empty?
        condition = $1
        type, prior_state, execute_else = @stack.pop()
        @output_enabled = execute_else && !!@extension_context.get_binding.eval(condition)
        @stack.push([type, prior_state, execute_else && !@output_enabled])
      when @else_expression
        throw "else statement missing if" if @stack.empty?
        type, prior_state, execute_else = @stack.pop()
        @output_enabled = execute_else
        @stack.push([type, prior_state, execute_else])
      when @end_expression
        throw "end statement missing begin" if @stack.empty?
        type, prior_state, execute_else = @stack.pop()
        @output_enabled = prior_state
  def check_block_balance
    throw "unbalanced blocks" unless @stack.empty?

Parsing The Blocks

Now we get to the meat of the algorithm. This uses the regular expression in lmt_expressions

First, we filter out all non block lines, keeping the block headers, slice it into separate blocks at the header, process the header and turn it into a map of lists of lines. We then group by the headers and combine the blocks which follow the last reset for that block name.

We also need to remove the last newline from the block as it causes problems when injecting a block onto a line with stuff after the end.

Finally, (after making sure we aren't missing a code fence) we extract the unnamed block from the hash and return both it and the rest.

Code Block: Parse Blocks
def parse_blocks(lines)
  code_block_exp = ⦅code_block_expression⦆
  in_block = false
  blocks = lines.find_all do |line|
    in_block = !in_block if line =~ code_block_exp
  end.slice_before do |line|
    code_block_exp =~ line do |(header, *rest)|
    white_space, language, replacement_mark, name = code_block_exp.match(header)[1..-1]
    [name, replacement_mark, rest]
  end.group_by do |(name, _, _)|
  end.transform_values do |bodies|
    last_replacement_index = get_last_replacement_index(bodies)
    bodies[last_replacement_index..-1].map { |(_, _, body)| body}
  end.transform_values do |body_lines|
    body_lines[-1] = body_lines[-1].chomp if body_lines[-1]
  throw "Missing code fence" if in_block
  main = blocks[""]
  [main, blocks]

We have a private helper helper method here. So, after we turn each block chunk into an array of [name, replacement_mark, body] we can find the last one by scanning for a replacement mark set to =. Otherwise the answer is 0 as there is no replacement index.

Code Block: Tangle Class Privates
def get_last_replacement_index(bodies)
  last_replacement = bodies.each_with_index
      .select do |((_, replacement_mark, _), _)|
        replacement_mark == '='
  if last_replacement

Handling the macros

The other half of the meat. Here we use two regular expressions. One to identify and propagate whitespace and the other to actually find the replacements in a line.

This is implemented by splitting the line on the replacement section, grouping into pairs, and then reducing. Afterwords, we end up with an extra layer of lists which need to be flattened. (Yes I am using a monad and bind.)

Code Block: Expand Macros
def expand_macros(lines, depth = 0)
  throw "too deep macro expansion {depth}" if depth > 1000 do |line|
      expand_macro_on_line(line, depth)
    rescue Exception => e
      raise Exception, "Failed to process line: #{line}", e.backtrace

Expand_macro_on_line turns a line into a list of lines. The collected results will have to be flattened by 1.

First we process the white space off the front of the expression. This will be added to each line in the extended macros so that the output file is nicely indented. It also means that indentation sensitive languages like python will be tangled correctly.

Code Block: Tangle Class Privates
def expand_macro_on_line(line, depth)
  white_space_exp = /^(\s*)(.*\n?)/
  macro_substitution_exp = ⦅macro_substitution_expression⦆
  filter_extraction_exp = / *\| *([-\w]+) */
  white_space, text = white_space_exp.match(line)[1..2]

Then we chop it into pieces using the macro substitution expression This results in text, macro_name / filter pairs. If there is a macro name, we then split the filter names off with the filter expression which provides filter names followed by stuff between them (nothing) which we discard.

Code Block: Tangle Class Privates
  section = text.split(macro_substitution_exp)
      .map do |(text_before_macro, macro_match)|
        if (macro_match)
          macro_name, *filters = macro_match.strip.split(filter_extraction_exp)
          [text_before_macro, macro_name, filters.each_slice(2).map(&:first)]

Finally, we are ready to actually process the text and macros. We build the list of ines with just the white space, and appending the results of precessing to the end. Each potential line is built up by appending to the end of the last line. If there is no macro, then we can just append the text.

Code Block: Tangle Class Privates
      end.inject([white_space]) do
        |(*new_lines, last_line), (text_before_macro, macro_name, filters)|
        if macro_name.nil?
          last_line = "" unless last_line
          new_lines << last_line + text_before_macro

If there is a macro substitution, first we get the new lines. The we append the first line of the macro text to the last line. Finally, we append the white space to the front of each of the macro's lines and insert them into the middle. of the list of lines we are building.

Code Block: Tangle Class Privates
          throw "Macro '#{macro_name}' unknown" unless @blocks[macro_name]
          macro_lines = apply_filters(
              expand_macros(@blocks[macro_name], depth + 1), filters)
          unless macro_lines.empty?
            new_line = last_line + text_before_macro + macro_lines[0]
            macro_continued = macro_lines[1..-1].map do |macro_line|
              white_space + macro_line
            (new_lines << new_line) + macro_continued

Finally, throughout this process, we have to be ware that a macro may have no content. We must deal with nil and empty lists where they occur.

Unescaping Double Parentheses

This is fairly self explanatory, gsub is global substitution. We need three \s two to match the escape sequence for \ in ruby and a third to handle the escaped and when this file itself is tangled.

Code Block: Unescape Double Parens
def unescape_double_parens(block) do |l|
    l = l.gsub("\\\⦅", "⦅")
    l = l.gsub("\\\⦆", "⦆")

Write The Output

Finally, if there is a default block, write the output.

Code Block: Write
def write(output)
  tangle() unless @tangled
  if @block
    fout =, 'w')
    @block.each {|line| fout << line}

The Filters

The filters are instances of the Filter class which can be created by passing a block to the initializer of the class. When the filter is executed, this block of code will be called on all of the lines of code being filtered.

Code Block: Filter Class
class Filter
  def initialize(&block)
    @code = block;

  def filter(lines)

Because it is fairly common to filter lines one at a time, LineFilter will pass in each line instead of the whole block.

Code Block: Filter Class
class LineFilter < Filter
  def filter(lines) do |line|

Filters are applied by the following method:

Code Block: Apply Filters
def apply_filters(strings, filters) do |filter_name|
  end.inject(strings) do |strings, filter|

Ruby Escape

Ruby escape escapes strings appropriately for Ruby.

Code Block: Ruby Escape do |line|

Double Quote

Double quote surrounds strings in double quotes

Code Block: Double Quote do |line|
  before_white = /^\s*/.match(line)[0]
  after_white = /\s*$/.match(line)[0]

Add Commas

Add commas adds comma to the end of each line.

Code Block: Add Comma do |line|
  before_white = /^\s*/.match(line)[0]
  after_white = /\s*$/.match(line)[0]

Indent continuation

Adds two spaces to the front of each line after the first

Code Block: Indent Continuation do |lines|
  [lines[0], *lines[1..-1].map {|l| "  #{l}"}]

Indent Lines

Adds two spaces to the front of each line

Code Block: Indent Lines do |line|
  "  #{line}"

Option Verification

Option verification is described here:

See include: included file

Self Test, Details

So, now we need to go into details of our self test and also include regressions which have caused problems.

First, we need a method to report test failures:

See include: included file

Then we need the tests we are doing. The intentionally empty block is included both at the beginning and end to make sure that we handled all the edge cases related to empty blocks appropriately.

Code Block: Test Description

Testing: Macros

At the top of the file, we described the macros. Lets make sure that works by ensuring the variables are as they were described above

Code Block: Test Macro Insertion Description
# These require the code in the macro to work.
report_self_test_failure("block replacement doesn't work") unless block_replacement and replaced_block
report_self_test_failure("appending to macros doesn't work") unless block_appendment
report_self_test_failure("insertion must support spaces") unless insertion_works_with_spaces
report_self_test_failure("double parentheses may be escaped") unless escaped_string[0] != '\\'

Finally, we need to make sure two macros on the same line works.

Code Block: Test Macro Insertion Description
two_macros = "⦅foo⦆ ⦅foo⦆"
report_self_test_failure("Should be able to place two macros on the same line") unless two_macros == "foo foo"

For that to work we need:

Code Block: Insertion Works With Spaces
insertion_works_with_spaces = true


Code Block: Foo

Testing: Filters

At the top of the file we described the usage of filters. Let's make sure that works. The extra .? in the regular expression is a workaround for an editor bug in Visual Studio Code, where, apparently, /\\/ escapes the / rather than the \.... annoying.

Code Block: Some Text
some text
Code Block: A List
item 1
item 2
Code Block: Test Filters
report_self_test_failure("ruby escape doesn't escape backslash") unless string_with_backslash =~ /\\.?/
some_text = ⦅some_text | double_quote⦆
report_self_test_failure("Double quote doesn't double quote") unless some_text == "⦅some_text⦆"
some_indented_text = "⦅some_text | indent_lines⦆"
report_self_test_failure("Indent lines should add two spaces to lines") unless some_indented_text == "  ⦅some_text⦆"
items = [⦅a_list | double_quote | add_comma | indent_continuation⦆]
report_self_test_failure("Add comma isn't adding commas") unless items == ["item 1", "item 2"]

Testing: Inclusion

Code Block: Test Inclusion
report_self_test_failure("included replacements should replace blocks") unless included_string == "I came from lmt_include.lmd"

Testing: Extensions

Code Block: Test Extensions
report_self_test_failure("extension hook should be able to add blocks") unless from_extension

Testing: Conditional Output

In the description, the if statement was to be executed.

Code Block: Test Conditional Output
report_self_test_failure("conditional output elseif should not be output when elseif is false") unless conditional_output_elsif
report_self_test_failure("conditional output else should not be output when if true") unless conditional_output_else

If and elsif

Neither the elsif or elsif statement are output when if is true.

Code Block: Test Conditional Output
report_self_test_failure("conditional output elsif should not be output even if true when is also true") unless conditional_output_elsif
report_self_test_failure("conditional output else should not be output when if is true (if and elseif)") unless conditional_output_else
Execute Extension Block
@a_variable = true
@another_variable = true

! if @a_variable

Code Block: Conditional Output If And Elsif
conditional_output_else = true
conditional_output_elsif = true

! elsif @another_variable

Code Block: Conditional Output If And Elsif
conditional_output_elsif = false

! else

Code Block: Conditional Output If And Elsif
conditional_output_else = false

! end


When the if is false but the elsif true, only the elsif is output.

Code Block: Test Conditional Output
conditional_output_if = true
report_self_test_failure("conditional output if should not be output when false") unless conditional_output_if
report_self_test_failure("conditional output elseif should be output when elseif is true") unless conditional_output_elsif
report_self_test_failure("conditional output else should not be output when elseif is true") unless conditional_output_else
Execute Extension Block
@a_variable = false
@another_variable = true

! if @a_variable

Code Block: Conditional Output Elsif
conditional_output_if = false

! elsif @another_variable

Code Block: Conditional Output Elsif
conditional_output_else = true
conditional_output_elsif = true

! else

Code Block: Conditional Output Elsif
conditional_output_else = false

! end


The else is output when none of the if or elsif statements are true.

Code Block: Test Conditional Output
conditional_output_if = true
conditional_output_elsif = true
report_self_test_failure("conditional output if should not be output when false") unless conditional_output_if
report_self_test_failure("conditional output elseif should not be output when elseif is false") unless conditional_output_elsif
report_self_test_failure("conditional output else should be output when neither if nor elseif is true") unless conditional_output_else
Execute Extension Block
@a_variable = false
@another_variable = false

! if @a_variable

Code Block: Conditional Output Else
conditional_output_if = false

! elsif @another_variable

Code Block: Conditional Output Else
conditional_output_elsif = false

! else

Code Block: Conditional Output Else
conditional_output_else = true

! end


Some regressions / edge cases that we need to watch for. These should not break our tangle operation.

Empty Blocks

We need to be able to tangle empty blocks such as:

Code Block: Intentionally Empty Block

Unused blocks referencing nonexistent blocks

If a block is unused, then don't break if it uses a nonexistent block.

Code Block: Unused Block

Fin ┐( ˘_˘)┌

And with that, we have tangled a file.

At current, there are a few more features that would be nice to have. First, this does not yet support extension by commands. Second, we cannot write to any file other than the output file. Third, we don't have many filters. These features can wait for now.