- allow modal styles to be customized #390 (@winkerVSbecks)
- Varun Vachhar (@winkerVSbecks)
- :first-child to first-of-type for ToC #389 (@winkerVSbecks)
- Varun Vachhar (@winkerVSbecks)
- Update remaining icons #388 (@MichaelArestad)
- Michael Arestad (@MichaelArestad)
- Update a handful of icons #387 (@MichaelArestad)
- Michael Arestad (@MichaelArestad)
- Add Redo and FastForward images - also updated Browsers image #386 (@MichaelArestad)
- Michael Arestad (@MichaelArestad)
- Yadong Zhang (@zhyd1997)
- add inverse styling for link and selectable variants of the cardinal #384 (@winkerVSbecks)
- Varun Vachhar (@winkerVSbecks)
- Add inverse status to cardinal #383 (@winkerVSbecks)
- Varun Vachhar (@winkerVSbecks)
- Added four Operating System icons and updated Measure #382 (@MichaelArestad)
- Add inverse and noChrome inverse button types #381 (@winkerVSbecks)
- export button types for reuse #380 (@winkerVSbecks)
- adjust link tabs padding #379 (@winkerVSbecks)
- Add ChromaticInverted logo and export icontype type #377 (@winkerVSbecks)
- Michael Arestad (@MichaelArestad)
- Varun Vachhar (@winkerVSbecks)
- Format icon elements so react treats them as a the children of an svg #375 (@JonathanKolnik)
- Jono Kolnik (@JonathanKolnik)
- Update cardinal icon #374 (@MichaelArestad)
- Michael Arestad (@MichaelArestad)
- Increase size of icons in standard form elements #371 (@MichaelArestad)
- Michael Arestad (@MichaelArestad)
- update storybook logo and fix SVGR export #373 (@winkerVSbecks)
- Varun Vachhar (@winkerVSbecks)
- Update logos #372 (@winkerVSbecks)
- Varun Vachhar (@winkerVSbecks)
- Update trash icon #370 (@MichaelArestad)
- Michael Arestad (@MichaelArestad)
- Make Icon size in Buttons smaller #368 (@MichaelArestad)
- Michael Arestad (@MichaelArestad)
- Resized check, camera, and folder #367 (@MichaelArestad)
- Michael Arestad (@MichaelArestad)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Add unpin icon #366 (@MichaelArestad)
- Michael Arestad (@MichaelArestad)
- Update every icon (and add a few new ones) #364 (@MichaelArestad @winkerVSbecks)
- Michael Arestad (@MichaelArestad)
- Varun Vachhar (@winkerVSbecks)
- export images and icons #363 (@winkerVSbecks)
- Varun Vachhar (@winkerVSbecks)
- Add typography styles and a couple of missing colors to shared styles #362 (@winkerVSbecks)
- Varun Vachhar (@winkerVSbecks)
- upgrade to storybook 6.5 #361 (@winkerVSbecks)
- Varun Vachhar (@winkerVSbecks)
- Only change the look of a link when it is hovered over or tabbed to #359 (@andrewortwein)
- Andrew Ortwein (@andrewortwein)
- Tom Coleman (@tmeasday)
- Dominic Nguyen (@domyen)
- Tom Coleman (@tmeasday)
- Mateusz Burzyński (@Andarist)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Dominic Nguyen (@domyen)
- Kyle Gach (@kylegach)
- Add unlink icon #336 (@MichaelArestad)
- Michael Arestad (@MichaelArestad)
- Dominic Nguyen (@domyen)
- Dominic Nguyen (@domyen)
- Dominic Nguyen (@domyen)
- Dominic Nguyen (@domyen)
- Update Icons: markup, unordered list. Add icons: bold, ordered list CH-1332 #330 (@MichaelArestad)
- Michael Arestad (@MichaelArestad)
- Kyle Gach (@kylegach)
- Add Document illustrations to Colored Icons #326 (@MichaelArestad)
- Michael Arestad (@MichaelArestad)
- Kyle Gach (@kylegach)
- Kyle Gach (@kylegach)
- Pulled in
component fromfrontpage
#320 (@smithambera) - add eslint config to lint stories #318 (@ndelangen)
- Bump nth-check from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1 #300 (@dependabot[bot])
- Bump prismjs from 1.23.0 to 1.25.0 #299 (@dependabot[bot])
- @dependabot[bot]
- Amber Smith (@smithambera)
- Norbert de Langen (@ndelangen)
- Pulled in colored icons from
#316 (@smithambera)
- Amber Smith (@smithambera)
- Pulled in
component fromfrontpage
#317 (@smithambera)
- Amber Smith (@smithambera)
- emotion convertion #305 (@ndelangen @Andarist @smithambera @domyen)
- Remove props from Icon #315 (@smithambera)
- Pull (most of) Footer from
into the DS #314 (@smithambera) - Remove letter spacing from Subheading muted styles #312 (@smithambera)
- Pull AddonsSubheading from
into the DS #311 (@smithambera) - Pull Heading from
into the DS #310 (@smithambera) - 333 - Pull Breadcrumb from
into the DS #309 (@smithambera) - Merge branch 'tech/upgrade-storybook' into tech/convert-to-emotion #296 (@ndelangen)
- Amber Smith (@smithambera)
- Dominic Nguyen (@domyen)
- Mateusz Burzyński (@Andarist)
- Norbert de Langen (@ndelangen)
- Update TagItem && TagList Styles #308 (@smithambera)
- Amber Smith (@smithambera)
- TooltipNote: Increased the opacity of the background color #307 (@MichaelArestad)
- Michael Arestad (@MichaelArestad)
- Kyle Gach (@kylegach)
- Dominic Nguyen (@domyen)
- Remove italic style from em tags #294 (@smithambera)
- Amber Smith (@smithambera)
- feat: add playback, playnext, and stopalt icons #293 (@darleendenno @domyen)
- Deen (@darleendenno)
- Dominic Nguyen (@domyen)
- convert more to typescript #292 (@ndelangen)
- Norbert de Langen (@ndelangen)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- convert to typescript #289 (@ndelangen)
- Norbert de Langen (@ndelangen)
- add types being generated before publishing & fix 2 typing issues #287 (@ndelangen)
- Norbert de Langen (@ndelangen)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Dominic Nguyen (@domyen)
- Dominic Nguyen (@domyen)
- Added ComponentDriven Icon #277 (@MichaelArestad)
- Michael Arestad (@MichaelArestad)
- Ensure outline appears on LinkButton keyboard focus #271 (@darleendenno)
- Deen (@darleendenno)
- Add a github action to auto release #274 (@winkerVSbecks)
- Update README to include note about npm access token in release instructions #273 (@darleendenno @winkerVSbecks)
- Deen (@darleendenno)
- Varun Vachhar (@winkerVSbecks)
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:storybookjs/design-system (@kylesuss)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Dominic Nguyen (@domyen)
- Dominic Nguyen (@domyen)
- Dominic Nguyen (@domyen)
- Break words in ClipboardCode #259 (@ghengeveld)
- Remove console log in Avatar component #258 (@kylesuss)
- Update browser database (@ghengeveld)
- Add Azure DevOps icon (@ghengeveld)
- Bump prismjs from 1.20.0 to 1.23.0 #253 (@dependabot[bot])
- @dependabot[bot]
- Gert Hengeveld (@ghengeveld)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Dominic Nguyen (@domyen)
- Allow customization of form error state placement #250 (@kylesuss)
- fix: Remove button jiggle #247 (@alii)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Update tertiary Select variant to match new designs #245 (@kylesuss)
- Use focus-visible to hide outlines when using mouse #241 (@domyen)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Tighter spacing for top level flat list #238 (@winkerVSbecks)
- Change grave accents to single quotes #237 (@yhor1e)
- Varun Vachhar (@winkerVSbecks)
- yhor1e (@yhor1e)
- Make tag items shorter (32px) #235 (@winkerVSbecks)
- Varun Vachhar (@winkerVSbecks)
- change ItemType enum to avoid breaking change #234 (@winkerVSbecks)
- Varun Vachhar (@winkerVSbecks)
- change ItemType enum to avoid breaking change #234 (@winkerVSbecks)
- Varun Vachhar (@winkerVSbecks)
- Toc #226 (@winkerVSbecks)
- Add TagLink export #233 (@winkerVSbecks)
- Varun Vachhar (@winkerVSbecks)
- bugfix: add ButtonToggle to the list of exports #232 (@winkerVSbecks)
- Varun Vachhar (@winkerVSbecks)
- Dominic Nguyen (@domyen)
- Port over Cardinal component from Chromatic #221 (@winkerVSbecks)
- remove gradient background from tooltips #230 (@domyen)
- Add default tooltips for copied and uncopied states #229 (@winkerVSbecks)
- Update Storybook to 6.1.1 and change component organization #228 (@domyen)
- Dominic Nguyen (@domyen)
- Varun Vachhar (@winkerVSbecks)
- Input styling changes, Form component addition #216 (@kylesuss @winkerVSbecks)
- Add ButtonToggle #224 (@winkerVSbecks)
- TagItem and TagList components #212 (@winkerVSbecks)
- Clipboard components #222 (@winkerVSbecks)
- Add hoverable effect to shared styles #223 (@winkerVSbecks)
- add the outline icon #219 (@winkerVSbecks)
- Convert Link to TS #215 (@winkerVSbecks)
- Fix Loading AvatarList Not Showing in Stories #214 (@ahmadatallah @kylesuss)
- remove extra space around the github button #213 (@winkerVSbecks)
- Ahmad Atallah (@ahmadatallah)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Michael Shilman (@shilman)
- Varun Vachhar (@winkerVSbecks)
- includes className prop on tooltip/TooltipMessage component #211 (@D3Portillo)
- Port over the Header component used across all sites #210 (@winkerVSbecks)
- Denny Portillo (@D3Portillo)
- Michael Shilman (@shilman)
- Varun Vachhar (@winkerVSbecks)
- Pass refs to componenent pickers for button, link #205 (@kylesuss)
- Forward ref for button, link components #204 (@kylesuss)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Update version to 5.1.23 ([email protected])
- Dominic Nguyen (@domyen)
- Kyle Suss ([email protected])
- Dominic Nguyen (@domyen)
- Upgrade version to 5.1.22 (@kylesuss)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Upgrade version to 5.1.21 (@kylesuss)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Upgrade version to 5.1.20 ([email protected])
- Dominic Nguyen (@domyen)
- Kyle Suss ([email protected])
- Dominic Nguyen (@domyen)
- Upgrade version to 5.1.19 (@kylesuss)
- Upgrade version to 5.1.18 (@kylesuss)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Update version to 5.1.17 ([email protected])
- Dominic Nguyen (@domyen)
- Kyle Suss ([email protected])
- Dominic Nguyen (@domyen)
- Upgrade version to 5.1.16 (@kylesuss)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Upgrade version to 5.1.15 ([email protected])
- Dominic Nguyen (@domyen)
- Kyle Suss ([email protected])
- Dominic Nguyen (@domyen)
- Upgade version to 5.1.14 (@kylesuss)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Upgrade version to 5.1.13 (@kylesuss)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Upgrade version to 5.1.12 (@kylesuss)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Update version to 5.1.11 (@kylesuss)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Export ShadowBoxCTA (@kylesuss)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Update version to 5.1.9 (@kylesuss)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Update version to 5.1.8 (@kylesuss)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Upgrade version to 5.1.7 (@kylesuss)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Update version to 5.1.6 (@kylesuss)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Upgrade version to 5.1.4 (@kylesuss)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Upgrade version to 5.1.3 (@kylesuss)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Do not dynamically generate styled link component in render #176 (@kylesuss)
- Update styled-components dependency #173 (@domyen)
- Update version to 5.1.2 (@kylesuss)
- Do not dynamically generate styled link component in render #176 (@kylesuss)
- Update styled-components dependency #173 (@domyen)
- Update version to 5.1.1 (@kylesuss)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Upgrade to 6.0 / Args #164 (@shilman @ndelangen)
- Add/auto ref url #169 (@ndelangen)
- upgrades && typescript migration #166 (@ndelangen)
- [Security] Bump handlebars from 4.4.3 to 4.7.6 #167 (@dependabot-preview[bot])
- Remove keycode, reduce bundle size #162 (@oliviertassinari)
- Make border-radius more consistent #161 (@domyen)
- ADD types/fs-extra (@ndelangen)
- ADD dotenv && CLEANUP (@ndelangen)
- CHANGE to projectToken (@ndelangen)
- CLEANUP (@ndelangen)
- Update chromatic domain name (@domyen)
- Dominic Nguyen (@domyen)
- Michael Shilman (@shilman)
- Norbert de Langen (@ndelangen)
- Dominic Nguyen (@domyen)
- Export Tooltip ([email protected])
- Kyle Suss ([email protected])
- Dominic Nguyen (@domyen)
- Dominic Nguyen (@domyen)
- Downgrade Styled Components back to v4 #156 (@ghengeveld)
- Gert Hengeveld (@ghengeveld)
- Render tooltip portal in #root if it exists #155 (@ghengeveld)
- upgraded to 5.3beta and added dependencies plugin #125 (@atanasster @ndelangen)
- Upgrade to addon-essentials and main.js config #141 (@shilman @domyen @kylesuss)
- Remove package-lock.json #153 (@shilman)
- Config in package.json takes precedence + false is the default for thhttps://github.com/storybookjs/design-system #152 (@hipstersmoothie)
- change chromatic workflow to 'push' (@ndelangen)
- add app-code in public (@ndelangen)
- Andrew Lisowski (@hipstersmoothie)
- Atanas Stoyanov (@atanasster)
- Dominic Nguyen (@domyen)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Norbert de Langen (@ndelangen)
- Change onlyPublishWithReleaseLabel setting (@kylesuss)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Fix usage of mode prop in WithTooltip #140 (@kylesuss)
- Upgrade to 5.3-beta and simplified path separators #118 (@kylesuss)
- Load languages after setting global Prism. #124 (@ghengeveld)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Gert Hengeveld (@ghengeveld)
- Fix usage of mode prop in WithTooltip #140 (@kylesuss)
- Upgrade to 5.3-beta and simplified path separators #118 (@kylesuss)
- Load languages after setting global Prism. #124 (@ghengeveld)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Gert Hengeveld (@ghengeveld)
- Fix usage of mode prop in WithTooltip #140 (@kylesuss)
- Upgrade to 5.3-beta and simplified path separators #118 (@kylesuss)
- Load languages after setting global Prism. #124 (@ghengeveld)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Gert Hengeveld (@ghengeveld)
- Load languages after setting global Prism. #124 (@ghengeveld)
- Update changelog (@ghengeveld)
- Gert Hengeveld (@ghengeveld)
- Rename 'loading' prop to 'isLoading' to avoid unknown attribute warnings #122 (@ghengeveld)
- Tech/use action #99 (@ndelangen)
- Gert Hengeveld (@ghengeveld)
- Norbert de Langen (@ndelangen)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Fix Highlight PropType error for CSS langauge #86 (@kylesuss)
- Add delayHide prop to tooltip for better hover behavior #85 (@kylesuss)
- Add global styling setup to README #79 (@kylesuss)
- Fix hook usage #66 (@kylemh)
- Move remaining body styles to
#76 (@tmeasday) - Improve stories so they look nicer in SB Docs #75 (@domyen)
- Remove unused test scripts #74 (@kylesuss)
- Add icons for unfold and alternative share #72 (@domyen)
- Dominic Nguyen (@domyen)
- Upgrade SB Docs (@[email protected])
- Add design system image and show in readme (@domyen)
- Input: Change the "code" style focus color to blue #56 (@domyen)
- fix: Spinner accessibility #55 (@jsomsanith)
- Dominic Nguyen (@domyen)
- Jimmy Somsanith (@jsomsanith)
- Fix WithTooltip 'as' prop collision w/ styled-components (@[email protected])
- fix: withTooltip accessibility #47 (@jsomsanith)
- Change Input appearance="pill" focus color to blue #53 (@domyen)
- Jimmy Somsanith (@jsomsanith)
- Dominic Nguyen (@domyen)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- fix: ListItem accessibility #50 (@jsomsanith)
- Jimmy Somsanith (@jsomsanith)
- Dominic Nguyen (@domyen)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- fix: Link - LinkWrapper optimisation #44 (@jsomsanith)
- feat: ButtonWrapper prop in Button to customise rendering #41 (@jsomsanith @kylesuss)
- Avoid recreating onHide function prop in WithTooltip (@[email protected])
- Jimmy Somsanith (@jsomsanith)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- @[email protected]
- fix: ProgressDot accessibility #45 (@jsomsanith)
- Add extrabold vars for styling #46 (@kylesuss)
- Add appearance to ListItem #43 (@kylesuss)
- Jimmy Somsanith (@jsomsanith)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Export tooltip ListItem for consumption #40 (@kylesuss)
- Export spinner so it can be consumed #39 (@kylesuss)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Fix Link containsIcon specificity #38 (@kylesuss)
- Fix tertiary hover styles. Use tertiary color #37 (@kylesuss)
- fix: link stories accessibility #34 (@jsomsanith @domyen)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Jimmy Somsanith (@jsomsanith)
- Dominic Nguyen (@domyen)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Upgrade addon-docs to 5.2.0-alpha.30 (@[email protected])
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- @[email protected]
- Update form components to support secondary styling #32 (@kylesuss)
- Update Icon comments for formatting in docs mode #30 (@kylesuss)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Update outline button appearance shadow to secondary color #31 (@kylesuss)
- Refactor Highlight CSS loading to avoid css-loader expectation #29 (@kylesuss)
- fix: icon story accessibility #28 (@jsomsanith)
- fix: select accessibility #27 (@jsomsanith)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Jimmy Somsanith (@jsomsanith)
- Update Checkbox styling to mirror Radio #26 (@domyen)
- fix: radio accessiblity #25 (@jsomsanith-tlnd @jsomsanith @domyen)
- fix: checkbox accessibility #23 (@jsomsanith-tlnd @domyen)
- Add closeAlt icon from Storybook's UI (@domyen)
- Add :checked:focus state on the checkboxes && updated stories (@domyen)
- Dominic Nguyen (@domyen)
- Jimmy Somsanith (@jsomsanith-tlnd)
- Jimmy Somsanith (@jsomsanith)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- fix: Textarea accessibility #22 (@jsomsanith)
- fix: invalid input with aria-invalid attribute #20 (@jsomsanith)
- Jimmy Somsanith (@jsomsanith)
- Add support for closeOnClick to WithTooltip #19 (@kylesuss)
- fix: input accessibility #18 (@jsomsanith)
- Enable a11y addon #15 (@oorestisime)
- chore: button icon only demo text alternative #17 (@jsomsanith)
- fix: AvatarList ellipsis in an li #16 (@jsomsanith)
- fix: avatar list accessibility #14 (@jsomsanith)
- fix: Avatar accessibility #12 (@jsomsanith)
- Talk about the scope/goals of the design system (@domyen)
- Upgrade addon-docs to 5.2.0-alpha.27 (@[email protected])
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Jimmy Somsanith (@jsomsanith)
- Orestis Ioannou (@oorestisime)
- @domyen
- @[email protected]
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Upgrade to addon-docs 5.2.0-alpha.23 (@[email protected])
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- @[email protected]
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Apply link styles to LinkWrapper #6 (@kylesuss)
- Document yarn release, add .yarnrc & .eslintignore #5 (@kylesuss)
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- Update org name to storybookjs from storybooks #4 (@kylesuss)
- Bump version to: 0.0.12 #3 (@kylesuss)
- Solidify button appearance combos, document active state #2 (@kylesuss)
- Upgrade addon-docs to alpha.21 (@[email protected])
- storybook 5.2.0-alpha.16 (@[email protected])
- Upgrade addon-docs (@[email protected])
- Storybook 5.2.0-alpha.13 && build-docs on publish (@[email protected])
- Kyle Suss (@kylesuss)
- @[email protected]
- Add props descriptions via docgen comments (@domyen)
- Refactor Button props to better document the proptypes (@domyen)
- Get PropsTable working for all components (@domyen)
- Upgrade addon-docs (@[email protected])
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:storybooks/design-system (@[email protected])
- Upgrade addon-docs (@[email protected])
- Upgrade addon-docs to 5.2.0-alpha.9 (@[email protected])
- Clean and Qa (@domyen)
- Minor tweak (@domyen)
- Add more form components && spinner && allow prettier to work its magic (@domyen)
- Add StoryLinkWrapper for Storybook testing purposes (@domyen)
- Remove explicit SVG fills because they're not necessary with currentColor (@domyen)
- Prefer named exports (@domyen)
- Add AvatarList (@domyen)
- Update Badge with more states (@domyen)
- Refactor Icon (@domyen)
- New icon (@domyen)
- Update DS colors (@domyen)
- Use the correct font-weight globally (@domyen)
- Improve tooltip shadows (@domyen)
- Upgrade storybook docs (@[email protected])
- Improve avatar & badge docs slightly (@[email protected])
- Upgrade addon-docs to alpha.7 (@[email protected])
- Change dir structure and add new components (@domyen)
- Remove non DS components (@domyen)
- Change heading of "design system" to make it nicer when imported (@domyen)
- Build before releasing (@[email protected])
- Remove mobx dependency (@[email protected])
- Add index, convert default to named exports (@[email protected])
- Force public access for scoped packages (@[email protected])
- 0.0.2 (@[email protected])
- Add release script (@[email protected])
- Fix changelog (@[email protected])