TicTacToe Finish
- Refactor code to remove repeating of logic (Think of widgets and methods)
- Separation of Logic and UI
- Stop overwriting on already filled X and O
- Winning Logic, update text also to show current move and state (win or draw)
- Animate the X and O appearance Animation Video here
- Highlight Winning Cells
Climate App Layout Starter Repo
- Font used - Spartan MB
- Background Images used on screens should have color filter to account for white text
Stretch Kismet App Improvements
- As of now we are using if/else blocks to navigate the stories. Imagine having longer stories, it would mean more if/else block. Basically not a scalable way of creating app.
- Use the JSON data to modify the
class - Refactor storyBrain
Stretch Quotes Application
- Build Quotes app from Scratch
- The starter repo contains bare minimum layout and a json file
- Figure out how to read json file without using external package
- Create quote class (You decide the fields)
- Use the class to convert json to list of quotes
- design the layout and use the list of quotes to display them