Fit and finish
- Better background
- Larger icons
- Stronger highlighted cells
- Cover fit
Fix fullBoard
Remove Flutter dependencies in gamelogic.dart
- Use enum instead of x and o widgets
- Use List<List> for board
- Use List<List> for colorBoard
- use a method to convert enum or bool to the appropriate widget
Don't duplicate code which creates cells and rows
Use Token instead of String to represent current player
- Refactor winnerPopup() into two distinct functions:
- Change player if game is not finished
- Get the status text
- Write test cases to each new function
- Refactor winnerPopup() into two distinct functions:
instead of FlatButton
- Do points 1, 2, 3 and 4 from above
- Use this starter repo and make a
Widget, add it to NewsListPage
- You can add any content you like at this point but get the layout right
- Repeat the
in aListView
to make screen scrollable, you can have different content on these cards to have something like this
Fetch Real Data from
, you will have to sign up for free account to get api key- Create a network helper to call the api, parse the data into list of newsItem
- Make sure to handle scenarios when you are not given
Use the fetched data and
to build list of real news -
On tap of any news Item open the news detail page (new widget
) which looks like this- Make sure it is scrollable
- the caption of image is a placeholder text as the API doesn't supply that
- Pass the real data from newsCard to