- It is used in a lot of places
- Takes up all space available on screen (or of parent)
- Single child widget which means it can contain only one more widget
- If there is a child in
it resizes to the child's size
- Takes care of status bar and put content in main screen
Container properties
- Width
- Height
- Margin -
- Padding
List of specific types - By default List can contain dynamic objects - We can specify the type of List by declaring it like this List - Example, List names = ['Arnav', 'Mark', 'Raj' ]
- Most of the layouts have nested elements and Rows & Columns allow us to create such layouts
min and stretchMainAxisAlignment
to show center, start, end and spaceEvenly
- crossAxisAlignment
- make width of all 100
- make width of one 300 and then explain what's happening
- use crossAxisAlignment.stretch and get rid of width property on containers
- Design the layout given below Starter Repository
- Stretch - Add styles to text and icons at the bottom to make it look like this