- Thursdays, 11:30 am to 12:45 pm
- Javascript pre-course call link with breakout rooms
- 45-mins (offline):
- All mentors solve next week's programming challenge
- Mentees solve the challenge which is solved by mentors already
- 1.15-hour (online): Discussing the challenge solved by the mentees
- Team 1: Rahul & Sahil
- Team 2: Kapil & Abhishek
- Ashish tag along on either team
- Mentees and Mentors can stay in touch over the #general channel on Slack
- Challeneges shared by the TA's & Teachers
- Always be puntual or before time
- Remain patient and calm during the session
- Keep an open mind towards problem solving and receiving feedback from your mentees
- Student describes their understanding of the problem, including with an example. Don't need detailed algorithm at this stage. Also would be good if student describes from memory.
- Student walks through algorithm with an example - mentor tries to 'break' it
- Mentor walks through her algnorithm with an example
- Student walks through mentor's algorithm with a different example - mentor tries to 'break' it by making changes to input 'on the fly'
- Make sure that you receive and give verbal feedback. eg. when one person explains something, the other peson should be saying "uh huh", "ok", "yep", "umm...wait", "I don't understand", etc.
- Make sure students understand the problem
- Ask them to describe the problem by taking an example
- Ask(or help) them in drawing a diagram
- Do not give away the solution of the problem (Ever)
- Describe the best algorithm that you have used to solve the problem
- use diagram
- Check if mentees have understood the algorithm
- Ask one of them to describe the algorithm by taking an example
- If the algorithm is too complex try writing pseudo-code
Students can ask you doubts from ongoing topic if there is time.
- If it is a bug, you can ask them which steps they have followed from this document
- You can ask other mentees if anyone would like to help them
- If you've given a solution or described a way to solve, and the session did not have time left to see the results from the student, ask for the results in the next session.
What are the benefits for mentors?
- Enhanced coaching and listening skills
- Opportunities to develop and practice your personal style of leadership
- Learn new perspectives and approaches, gain Eeperience of dealing with challenging situations
- Gain additional recognition and respect
- Opportunity to exercise your creativity
- Extended professional/community networks
- Demonstrate expertise and share knowledge and skills