Windows | Mac | Name & Use |
Control + Shift + A | Command + Shift + A | Action -> This is an awesome feature: Search any action by name and find the corresponding keystroke |
Alt + F7 | Alt + F7 | Find Usages -> Note the distinction between 'value read' and 'value write' in result window |
Control + B | Command + B | Go to declaration -> Go to the field/method definition, or go to the usage of that field/definition |
Alt + Control + Left/Right Arrow | Option + Command + Left/Right Arrow | Go back or forward to the previous/next cursor location |
Control + Shift + Backspace | Command + Shift + Backspace | Go to last edit location. Press again to go to previous edit location etc. |
Control + Tab | Control Tab | Go to the next file (+ Shift for previous file) |
Control + W | Alt + Up Arrow | Expand current selection (Select successively increasing code blocks) |
Control + Shift + W | Alt + Down Arrow | Contract current selection (Decrease current selection to previous state) |
Control + Alt + V | Command + Option + V | Extract a variable |
Control + Alt + M | Command + Option + M | Extract a method |
Shift + F6 | Shift + F6 | Rename in file |
Control + Q | F1, Control+J | Quick Documentation (press again for side-panel view) |
Control + M (need to verify) | Control + M | Hint (Or Basic code completion) |
Alt + Enter | Option + Enter | Same as selecting the little lightbulb next to margin (Project quick fix (show intention actions and quick fixes) |
Control + N | Command + O | Go to a class by name |
Control + Shift + N | Command + Shift + O | Go to a file by name |
Control + F12 | Command + F12 | View File structure popup and then search by typing |
Press Shift Twice | Press Shift Twice | Search Anywhere |
Control + Shift + A | Command + Shift + A | Find Action |
Alt + Insert | Command + N | Generate Code (Constructor, getter, setter) |
Control + / | Command + / | Line Comment or Uncomment |
Control + '+' or '-' | Command + '+' or '-' | Collapse or expand code blocks (equivalent of clicking plus/minus on side) |
Control + D | Command + D | Duplicate a line |
Control + Y | Command + Backspace | Delete whole line |
- Collapse large if/try blocks (consider refactoring to make them a separate method)
- Flutter Inspector to jump from a widget in emulator to the associated code
- Structure side panel
- Click on margin color to show change compared with latest git commit