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JavaScript Coding Conventions Guide

This is not intended to be a comprehensive list. If a situation is not described in this guide, use common best practices such as the Google JavaScript Style Guide.

Coding Style

  • No tabs. Two spaces.
  • No trailing whitespace.
  • Attempt to keep lines fewer than 120 characters.
  • Always use semicolons and don't rely on implicit insertion.
  • Single quotes. Double quotes are OK only when nested within single quotes.
# good
var foo = 'Hello, world.';
var bar = 'Hello, "world."';
# bad
var foo = "Hello, world.";
  • Functions are followed by no space.
# good
function foo() {
# bad
function foo () {
  • Argument definitions are followed by no spaces.
# good
function foo(a, b, c) {
# bad
function foo( a, b, c ) {
  • A single space will always and should only follow semi-colons when defining object literals.
# good
var foo = {
    bar: 1
# bad
var foo = {
    bar : 1
var foo = {
  • A single space will always follow conditional statements.
# good
if (true) {
# bad
if(true) {
  • Never declare multiple variables with a single var statement.
# good
var foo = null;
var bar = null;
# bad
var foo, bar = null;
  • Always throw errors, not strings.
# good
throw new Error('foo');
# bad
throw 'foo';

Code Comments

  • Comments should explain "why" not "what".
  • Less can be more with comments. Encourage yourself to re-read comments after writing them and see if you can convey the same thought more succinctly.
  • Custom methods (private or public) should each have a summary unless their function is blindingly obvious.
  • Backbone/Marionette method overrides should not have summary comments. For instance, onRender does not need a comment explaining that it is called when the view is rendered.
  • Hacks, workarounds, uncommon patterns, etc. should have an explanation of why they are necessary. Provide links for copy/pasted code source(s).
  • Use proper sentences.

Variable Names

General Variable Names

  • Variable names must not be reserved words or identifiers.
  • Method names must not be reserved Backbone/Marionette names, unless the intent is to override the method. Common method names collisions are: _onCollectionAdd, _onCollectionRemove, and _ensureElement.
  • Variable names should use camel-casing. Example: coffeeMug.
  • Only constructors and constants should begin with an upper-case letter. Example: CoffeePot.
  • Function names should describe the intent of the function, not how the function is called. Example: makeCoffee instead of pushStartButton.
  • Private properties/methods should be prefixed with _. Example: _brewCoffee.
  • Methods that return a value should be prefixed with get. Example: getCoffee.
  • Methods that set a property/attribute should be prefixed with set. Example: setCoffeeTemperature.
  • Booleans should be prefixed with is, are, has, etc. Example: isCoffeeReady.
  • Use "positive" names instead of "negative" names. Example: isEnabled instead of isDisabled.
  • jQuery objects should be prefixed with $. Example: $coffeeOrderForm.
  • Event handlers should begin with on, then the event name, then the name of the object. Example: onDrinkCoffee.

Backbone/Marionette Variable Names

  • Marionette Views should be postfixed with 'View'. Example: CoffeeCupView.
  • Marionette Behaviors should be postfixed with Behavior. Example: liquidBehavior.
  • Marionette Regions should be postfixed with Region. Example: cupHolderRegion.
  • Backbone Collections should be plural. Example: CoffeeCups.
  • Backbone Models should be singular. Example: CoffeeBean.

Code Organization

General Code Organization

  • Only define one module per file.
  • Properties and methods should be private unless they need to be accessed by an external module.
  • Prefer Lo-Dash methods over native implementations except when working inside content scripts (which do not have access to Lo-Dash).
  • Do not commit blocks of commented-out code.
  • Do not commit console statements nor TODO statements. Create GitHub issues for TODO statements and reference the issue at the given location.

Backbone/Marionette Code Organization

  • Backbone/Marionette modules should be organized in the following order:
    1. Backbone/Marionette properties.
    2. Custom properties.
    3. Backbone/Marionette methods, in the order in which they are called.
    4. Public methods.
    5. Private event handlers.
    6. Private methods.
  • Event handlers named according to their event/object should not contain functional code. They should call methods named according to their function.
    • Example: onDrinkCoffee should call typeMuchCode and then crash, rather than having the contents of those methods within onDrinkCoffee itself.
  • Custom instance-scope variables should be initialized in initialize() (or a custom method called from initialize).
  • Do not reference a view's options outside of initialize
  • Backbone model attributes should be defined in defaults. Use a function instead of object for defaults if the properties are non-primitive types.
  • Prefer Marionette Behaviors instead of mixins/inheritance for Marionette views.
  • Keep Marionette templates as simple as possible. Never call a function from a template - mix the value into the template via templateHelpers

Event Handling

  • UI events should not directly affect view state. Instead, they should affect Backbone model state, which triggers changes to the view state.
  • Use Marionette's events, modelEvents, and collectionEvents.
  • Leverage bindEntityEvents when binding several events to a non-model/non-collection object.
  • Prefer using Backbone's listenTo() instead of on(). Models and collections may use on() when listening to their own events.
  • Use addEventListener when binding to window.
  • Prefer declaring event bindings in initialize whenever it is practical.
  • $.on() and addEventListener should have a associated $.off() and removeEventListener calls in destructors such as onBeforeDestroy.
  • Custom events and triggers should be avoided if possible. There is probably a Backbone/Marionette event that suits your needs.


  • Don't use parseInt without radix. Example: parseInt(x) should be parseInt(x, 10) or _.parseInt(x).
  • Use _.isUndefined and/or _.isNull (and understand the difference).
  • Use objects as enumerations to define constants. Enumeration values should be strings, not integers, for readability.
  • Avoid magic numbers. Assign the numbers to named variables.
  • Never use the DOM's state for code flow. Store the state of the DOM in models and/or properties.
  • setter methods should not return a value.
  • getter methods should not change any state.
  • Globals should never be used except when explicitly needed for interfacing with third-party libraries.
  • Always oblige ESLint. If you disagree with a coding style rule then talk to @MeoMix.

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