title | subtitle | author | date |
What is a Good Forecast? |
An Essay on the Nature of Goodness in Weather Forecasting (Allan H. Murphy) |
Are Frode Kvanum |
05.11.2021 |
There are three types of Goodness in Weather Forecasts
Type 1 Goodness : Consistency
- A forecaster's internal assessment is the Judgement
- A forecaster's external assessment is the Forecast
- Forecasts should correspond with the best Judgement
Type 2 Goodness : Quality
- Correspondence between Forecasts and Observations
- Observations are not controllable
Type 3 Goodness : Value
- Benefits realized/expenses incurred by using the forecast
- ex-ante forecast value
For both Type 2 and Type 3 Goodness to be maximized, the best a forecaster can do is to provide forecasts consistent with the Judgement
- Consistency feeds directly into Quality and Value
The Brier score $$ BS = (f - x)^2 $$ The MSE of probabilistic forecasts
Expected Brier score $$ EBS = p(1 - p) + (f - p)^2 $$
Differentiated with respect to
$f$ $$= 2f - 2p$$
Cost-Loss ratio
C/L ~ 1, Cost close to Loss, measure may not be worth it
- Value is multivalued for a given skill