1.0.4 (2024-09-20)
- disable nextjs server minification to prevent circular dependencies in typeorm (c8991c7)
1.0.3 (2024-09-20)
- fix entrypoint migrations and app start logic (848eb55)
1.0.2 (2024-09-19)
- fix build (c71aad5)
1.0.1 (2024-09-12)
- 3D model storage (#52) (9b48dfb)
- add .gitignore rules for web files and create Editor.css (bfe04f0)
- add devcontainer environment (b27b965)
- add new next project with basic auth logic (ec57c2f)
- add storage feature (ed49eb8)
- add testing framework vitest, add config, create example test (8e48819)
- add typeorm database connection and example entities (1f372da)
- added users to db with token (#51) (f77fc8e)
- adding adobe design sstem, added mutations and queries base (c1e4e30)
- adding new structure to the project feature (5b72cd4)
- auto convert camelCase entity names to snake_case database field names (#55) (9949269)
- ci (74e919e)
- deployment (#64) (0f4d7c1)
- embed entity and functions (#61) (8cba5f1)
- fixed deps + typing HOC (#56) (968400b)
- merge projects models (#59) (9100d0c)
- metadata API (8f07f1a)
- models metadtaa saving (306c1ff)
- project-model API (0df5db9)
- rename model, multiple file trigger, and better error display (#57) (e3c9f73)
- replace fetch with axios (#70) (706d418)
- return objects in plain mode, toPlain helper (5b87b85)
- structure update (941724e)
- studio integration (#63) (a433806)
- tailwind cleanup, switching to adobe design system (b14daf7)
- tests for route paths (30d5446)
- updated tailwind config (fb04d25)
- use the converter utility to convert models in studio app (#67) (fea08eb)
- user not enabled page (#68) (2f8bf51)
- web components example (#66) (e5aad26)
- adding responsive layout (#62) (8fc5190)
- circular dependency error (605e8d0)
- delete bucket when deleting model (#71) (e899824)
- fix tests interfering with each other (1ffb6df)
- fixing next-typeorm incompatibility (#49) (e037ad5)
- path alias in route (78fc054)
- path aliases for tests (3b9d826)
- remove .env with test key, regenerate keys on auth0 (f56fcdd)
- update ci cwd (60127bd)
- user primary key (3d57636)