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+# UFT One Azure DevOps extension
+Enables you to run UFT One tests as a build in an Azure DevOps build process. This extension includes 4 tasks.
+## Table of contents
+1. [Integration with UFT One](#Integration-with-UFT-One)
+2. [Configuration](#Configuration)
+3. [Extension functionality](#Extension-functionality)
+4. [Resources](#Additional-resources)
+# Integration with UFT One
+In a build step, run UFT One tests stored in the local file system or on an ALM server. When running tests from ALM Lab Management, you can also include a build step that prepares the test environment using test sets or build verification suites before running the tests. After the build is complete, you can view comprehensive test results.
+# Configuration
+#### Prerequisites
+- UFT One (version >=**14.00**)
+- Powershell (version **4** or later)
+- JRE installed
+#### Setup
+1. From [Visual Studio Marketplace][marketplace]: Install the **UFT One Azure DevOps extension** for the relevant organization
+2. On our [GitHub][repository]: Navigate to a specific release (latest: **1.1.0**)
+3. From [Azure DevOps][azure-devops]: Navigate to **agent pools** and set up an agent (interactive or run as a service)
+4. On your agent machine:
+4.1. Download the resources provided by a specific release (UFT.zip, unpack.ps1 and optionally the .vsix file)
+4.2. Run the *unpack.ps1* script
+# Extension Functionality
+##### Run from File System
+- Use this task to run tests located in your file system by specifying the tests' names, folders that contain tests, or an MTBX file (code sample below).
+``` xml
+- More information is available [here][fs-docs]
+##### Run from ALM
+- Use this task to run tests located on an ALM server, to which you can connect using SSO or a username and password.
+- More information is available [here][alm-docs]
+##### Run from ALM Lab Management
+- Use this task to run ALM server-side functional test sets and build verification suites.
+- More information is available [here][alm-lab-docs]
+##### Run from ALM Lab Environment Preparation
+- Use this task to assign values to AUT Environment Configurations located in ALM.
+- More information is available [here][alm-env-docs]
+# Additional Resources
+For assistance or more information on configuring and using this extension, please consult the following resources:
+- [Extension Marketplace page][marketplace]
+- [Help Center][docs]
+- [UFT One Forum][forum]
+- [Support][support]
+[//]: # (References)
+ [docs]:
+ [forum]:
+ [support]:
+ [repository]:
+ [marketplace]:
+ [fs-docs]:
+ [alm-docs]:
+ [alm-lab-docs]:
+ [alm-env-docs]:
+ [azure-devops]:
+ [azure-portal]:
+ [azure-powershell]:
+ [azure-connect]:
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