This repository is the major code implementation for the paper:
Hai Huang, Jiaming Mu, Neil Zhenqiang Gong, Qi Li, Bin Liu, Mingwei Xu. Data Poisoning Attacks to Deep Learning Based Recommender Systems. In ISOC Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS), 2021.
Python ≥ 3.6, Pandas ≥ 1.0, NumPy ≥ 1.19, PyTorch ≥ 1.4.
Take the MovieLens-100K dataset for example, you can use the following command to conduct our attack:
python --path Data/ --dataset ml-100k --epochs 20 --batch_size 256 --num_factors 8 --layers "[64,32,16,8]" --l2_reg 0 --num_neg 4 --lr 0.001 --alpha 1E-2 --kappa 1.0 --rounds 5 --m 5 --n 30 --topK 10 --targetItem 100 --reg_u 1E2 --prob 0.9 --s 1
You can use the following command to conduct the random attack:
python --path Data/ --dataset ml-100k --epochs 20 --batch_size 256 --num_factors 8 --layers "[64,32,16,8]" --l2_reg 0 --num_neg 4 --lr 0.001 --m 5 --n 30 --topK 10 --targetItem 100
Similarly, you can use the following command to conduct the bandwagon attack:
python --path Data/ --dataset ml-100k --epochs 20 --batch_size 256 --num_factors 8 --layers "[64,32,16,8]" --l2_reg 0 --num_neg 4 --lr 0.001 --m 5 --n 30 --topK 10 --targetItem 100
As for the MF attack, you can refer to the paper "Data poisoning Attack on Factorization-Based Collaborative Filtering" and its code implementation at for more details.
Note that, the hit ratio for the whole model when evaluating the model under normal circumstances is different from the hit ratio for a single target item ( related to our attack goal ). You can refer to the NCF paper for more details of the former metric.