- Android migration (embedding V2)
Correction de type pour ios
Migration flutter 2.0.3
Adding setZoom to controller to be able to set the zoom programatically
revert plugin declaration with platforms
Fixing iOS NSNotificationScaleChangedNotification listener
Adding zoom listener to be able to know the scale at every moment. APV updated to version 1.5.2 and link issue has been fixed
Updating APV version to 1.4.1
Updating APV version to 1.4.0
Adding dualPageWithBreak that will displays or not a break between the 2 pages in dualPage mode
Fixing ios viewer
Adding displayAsBook capabalitity, se to true to show the first and last page as cover (alone)
Fixing IOS Class, view is now rendered correctly
Update apv version
Fix resetZoom to take snapEdge in account, using zoomToWithAnimation to do so
Updating apv version
Updating apv version
Updating apv version
Fixing ios default Page
Fixing dualPageMode for ios, scale calculation wasn't accurate
Updating APV version to 1.3.1, snapEdge was missing in startXAnimation so the page is centered in screen when using jumpTo()
Android resetZoom
Adding fit policy to both on ios
Adding reset zoom for iOS
Fixing default page issue
Fixing android get page size, scalefactor was missing in the returned value!
Updating APV version to 1.3.0
Adding getPageWidth and getPAgeHeight with the scale to controller
Fixing scale on ios in dual page mode
Fixing scale on ios in dual page mode
Fixing typo
Adding fitPolicy selector and possility to get the actual zoom
Adding setPageWithAnimation and resetZoom to the controller
Fixing vertical scroll on iOS
Updating with apv version 1.2.0 Adding backgroundColor support Adding dualPageMode support on IOS
Updating with apv version 1.1.0
Updating with apv version 1.0.12
Updating apv version to 1.0.9
Updating README
Added dualpage mode based on the orientation of the device
Updating the README file
Adding analisys_options.yaml
New release fixing the channel id for the invoke method and renaming java and objc files
First release of the updated plugin flutter_pdfview from endigo Fitpolicy from AndroidPdfView is now set to BOTH and the option fitEachPage has been added. The plugin AndroidPdfView from barteksc is not maintained anymore, so flutter_fullpdfview is now using apv => https://github.com/arnaudelub/apv