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Copyright 2021-2023 Moddable Tech, Inc.
Revised: April 25, 2023

class AudioOut

The AudioOut class provides audio playback with a four stream mixer.

import AudioOut from "pins/i2s";

Play a sound

The following example plays a single bell sound. The audio is stored in a resource. The format of the resource is Moddable Audio, which is uncompressed audio with a small header containing the audio encoding.

let bell = new Resource("bell.maud");
let audio = new AudioOut({sampleRate: 11025, bitsPerSample: 16, numChannels: 1, streams: 1});
audio.enqueue(0, AudioOut.Samples, bell);

The constructor configures the sampleRate, bitsPerSample, and numChannels for the output. The supported configurations depend on the host hardware. The constructor also configures the maximum number of parallel streams supported by the instance, one in this example.

Play a sound repeatedly

The following example plays the same bell sound four times in row by passing 4 for the optional repeat parameter of the enqueue function.

let audio = new AudioOut({sampleRate: 11025, bitsPerSample: 16, numChannels: 1, streams: 1});
audio.enqueue(0, AudioOut.Samples, bell, 4);

Set the repeat parameter to Infinity to repeat the sound indefinitely:

audio.enqueue(0, AudioOut.Samples, bell, Infinity);

Receive a callback

To receive a callback after a buffer completes playback, enqueue a Callback command:

audio.enqueue(0, AudioOut.Samples, bell, 2);
audio.enqueue(0, AudioOut.Callback, 5);
audio.callback = id => trace(`audio callback id ${id}\n`);

This example traces the value 5 to the console after the bell sound plays twice.

Play part of a sound

To play part of a sound, pass the optional start and count parameters to the enqueue function. The start and count parameters use sample number as units, not bytes. The following example plays the second second of the bell sound once followed by the first second twice.

let audio = new AudioOut({sampleRate: 11025, bitsPerSample: 16, numChannels: 1, streams: 1});
audio.enqueue(0, AudioOut.Samples, bell, 1, 11025, 11025);
audio.enqueue(0, AudioOut.Samples, bell, 2, 0, 11025);

Play sounds in parallel

To play sounds in parallel, enqueue them to separate stream. The following sample plays the bell sound once on stream zero in parallel with the beep sound four times on stream one.

let audio = new AudioOut({sampleRate: 11025, bitsPerSample: 16, numChannels: 1, streams: 2});
audio.enqueue(0, AudioOut.Samples, bell);
audio.enqueue(1, AudioOut.Samples, beep, 4);

Flush enqueued audio

The audio queued on a given stream may be flushed by calling enqueue with the Flush command. The following example flushes stream 1.

audio.enqueue(1, AudioOut.Flush);

Stop playback

To stop playback of all streams, call stop.


The stop function does not flush any enqueued samples. Calling start resumes playback where the audio was stopped.

Simple Attack-Sustain-Decay

Audio samples often consist of three sections, an initial attack followed by a sustain section that can be seamlessly looped indefinitely, followed by a final decay section for the end of the sample. The AudioOut instance can be used to play these kinds of audio samples for durations that are unknown when playback begins, for example playing a sample for the length of time the user holds down a button.

This is done by using the ability to repeat a sample an infinite number of times, until the next sample is queued. To begin the sample playback, enqueue both the attack and sustain sections.

audio.enqueue(0, AudioOut.Samples, aSample, 1, aSample.attackStart, aSample.attackCount);
audio.enqueue(0, AudioOut.Samples, aSample, Infinity, aSample.sustainStart, aSample.sustainCount);

When it is time to end playback of the sample, enqueue the decay section. This will terminate the enqueue sustain section when it completes the current repetition:

audio.enqueue(0, AudioOut.Samples, aSample, 1, aSample.decayStart, aSample.decayCount);


The constructor accepts a dictionary to configure the audio output.

let audio = new AudioOut({sampleRate: 11025, bitsPerSample: 16, numChannels: 2, streams: 3});

The following properties are defined.

  • sampleRate -- The number of samples per second of audio to playback. Sample rates from 8000 to 48000 are supported, though this may be limited on a particular device.
  • bitsPersample -- The number of bits per sample, either 8 or 16.
  • numChannels -- The number of channels in each audio sample, 1 for mono and 2 for stereo.
  • streams -- The maximum number of simultaneous streams supported by this audio out instance. Valid values are from 1 to 4, with a default value of 1.

All audio buffers played on a given an instance of AudioOut must have the same sample rate, bits per sample, and number of channels as the AudioOut instance is initialized to in its constructor.

When an audio out is instantiated, it is in the stopped state. It is necessary to call start to begin audio playback.


Call the close function to free all resources associated with the audio output. If audio is playing at the time close is called, it is immediately stopped.



Call the start function to begin playing audio. If no audio is enqueued for playback, silence is played.



Call the stop function to immediately suspend audio playback.


Calling stop has no effect on the state of any audio queued for playback on any streams. Calling start after stop will resume playback at the point it was suspended.

enqueue(stream, command, buffer, repeat, offset, count)

The enqueue function has several different functions, all related to the audio queued for playback:

  • Enqueuing audio samples for playback on a stream
  • Enqueuing a callback at a particular point in a stream's playback
  • Flushing the audio queued for playback on a stream

All invocations of the enqueue function include the first parameter, the target stream number, a value from 0 to one less than the number of streams configured using the constructor.

The length function returns the number of unused queue entries of a stream.

Enqueuing audio samples

Audio samples to play may be provided either as a MAUD audio resource or as raw audio samples. In both cases, the samples must be in the same format as the audio output (e.g. have the same sample rate, bits per sample, and number of channels).

To enqueue audio samples with a Moddable Audio header (MAUD), call enqueue with a buffer of samples:

audio.enqueue(0, AudioOut.Samples, buffer);

To enqueue a buffer of uncompressed audio samples with no header call enqueue with a buffer of samples:

audio.enqueue(0, AudioOut.RawSamples, buffer);

To play the buffer several times, specify the optional repeat count. The repeat count is either a positive integer or Infinity.

audio.enqueue(0, AudioOut.Samples, bufferOne, 4);
audio.enqueue(0, AudioOut.Samples, bufferTwo, Infinity);

If the repeat count is Infinity, the buffer is repeated until the audio out instance is closed, the streaming is flushed, or another buffer of audio is enqueued. In the final case, the currently playing buffer plays to completion, and then the following buffer is played.

A subset of the samples in the buffer may be selected for playback by using the optional offset and count parameters. Both parameters are in units of samples, not bytes. The offset parameter indicates the number of samples into the buffer to begin playback. If the count parameter is not provided, playback proceeds to the end of the buffer. It the count parameter is provided, only the number of samples it specifies are played.

Enqueuing tones and silence

To enqueue a tone, provide the frequency and number of samples. The square wave will be generated. The following queues 8000 samples of a 440 Hz A natural. Pass Infinty for the sample count to play the tone until flush, stop, or close.

audio.enqueue(0, AudioOut.Tone, 440, 8000);

To enqueue silence, provide the number of samples. Queuing silence is useful for adding precise gaps between audio buffers. The following queues 11025 samples of silence.

audio.enqueue(0, AudioOut.Silence, 8000);

Enqueuing callbacks

To schedule a callback at a particular point in a stream, call enqueue with an integer value for the buffer argument. When the buffer preceding the callback completes playback, the instance's callback function will be invoked.

audio.enqueue(0, AudioOut.Samples, bufferOne);
audio.enqueue(0, AudioOut.Callback, 1);
audio.enqueue(0, AudioOut.Samples, bufferTwo);
audio.enqueue(0, AudioOut.Callback, 2);
audio.callback = id => trace(`finished playing buffer ${id}\n`);

Instead of a single callback function that is called for all streams, a separate callback for each stream maybe provided using the callbacks property:

audio.callbacks = [
	id => trace(`finished playing buffer ${id} from stream 0\n`),
	id => trace(`finished playing buffer ${id} from stream 1\n`)

If both the callback and callbacks property are set, only the the callbacks property is used.

Dequeuing audio samples

All of the samples and callbacks enqueued on a specified stream may be dequeued by calling enqueue with only the stream parameter:

audio.enqueue(3, AudioOut.Flush);

Changing volume

To change the volume, enqueue a Volume command on a stream. The volume command does not change the volume of samples already enqueued, only those enqueued after the Volume command.

audio.enqueue(0, AudioOut.Volume, 128);

Values for the volume command range from 0 for silent, to 256 for full volume.


The length function returns the number of unused queue entries of the specified stream. This information can be used to determine if the stream is currently able to accept additional calls to enqueue.

if (audio.length(0) >= 2) {
	audio.enqueue(0, AudioOut.Tone, 440, 1000);
	audio.enqueue(0, AudioOut.Tone, 330, 1000);


All properties of the audioOut instance are read-only.


The sample rate of the instance as a number.


The number of bits per sample of the instance as a number.


The number of channels output by the instance as a number.


The maximum number of simultaneous streams supported by the instance as a number.

class Mixer

The Mixer class provides access to the four-channel mixer and audio decompressors used by the AudioOut. This is useful for processing audio for other purposes, such as network streaming.

import {Mixer} from "pins/i2s";

The mixer has the same API foundation as AudioOut, including enqueue. The mixer does not implement start or stop methods but instead provides a mix function which is used to pull samples that have been queued.



The mix function can be called in two ways. First, when passed an integer count of the number of samples to mix, it returns a host buffer that contains the samples. Second, when passed a buffer (ArrayBuffer, SharedArrayBuffer, Uint8Array, Int8Array, DataView), it mixes the samples directly to the provided buffer.

Output tone to new buffer

The following code mixes 600 samples of a 440 Hz tone to a new buffer.

const mixer = new Mixer({streams: 1, sampleRate: 12000, numChannels: 1});
mixer.enqueue(0, Mixer.Tone, 440);
const samples = mixer.mix(600);

Output tone to existing buffer

The following code mixes 600 samples of a 440 Hz tone to an existing buffer.

const samples = new ArrayBuffer(600 * 2);
const mixer = new Mixer({streams: 1, sampleRate: 12000, numChannels: 1});
mixer.enqueue(0, Mixer.Tone, 440);

MAUD format

The maud format, "Moddable Audio", is a simple audio format intended to be compact and trivially parsed. The enqueue function of AudioOut class accepts samples in the maud format. The wav2maud tool in the Moddable SDK converts WAV files to maud resources.

The format has a twelve byte header followed immediately by audio samples.

  • offset 0 -- ASCII 'm'
  • offset 1 -- ASCII 'a'
  • offset 2 -- version number (1)
  • offset 3 -- bits per sample (8 or 16)
  • offset 4 -- sample rate (between 8000 and 48000, inclusive). 2 bytes, unsigned, little-endian
  • offset 6 -- number of channels (1 or 2)
  • offset 7 -- sample format (0 for uncompressed, 1 for IMA ADPCM, 2 for SBC)
  • offset 8 -- sample count. 4 bytes, unsigned little-endian

Audio samples immediately follow the header. If there are two channels, the channels are interleaved. 16-bit samples are signed little-endian values. 8-bit samples are signed values.

IMA ADPCM are based on the algorithm described in "Recommended Practices for Enhancing Digital Audio Compatibility in Multimedia Systems" Revision 3.00 from October 21, 1992. Audio compression is approximately 4:1 for 16 bit samples. Only single channel audio is supported. Each compressed chunk contains 129 samples and uses 68 bytes. Chunks are decompressed one at a time, on demand during playback to minimize in-memory buffers.

Manifest defines

The audioOut module is configured at build time.

Defines for all targets

  • MODDEF_AUDIOOUT_STREAMS -- maximum number of simultaneous audio streams. The maximum is 4 and the default is 4.
  • MODDEF_AUDIOOUT_BITSPERSAMPLE -- number of bits per sample. macOS supports 8 and 16. ESP32 and ESP8266 support 16 only. The default is 16.
  • MODDEF_AUDIOOUT_QUEUELENGTH -- maximum number of items that may be queued on a single stream. Default is 8.

Defines for ESP32

  • MODDEF_AUDIOOUT_I2S_NUM -- The ESP32 I2S unit number. Default is 0.
  • MODDEF_AUDIOOUT_I2S_BCK_PIN -- The I2S clock pin. The default is 26.
  • MODDEF_AUDIOOUT_I2S_LR_PIN -- The I2S LR pin. The default is 25.
  • MODDEF_AUDIOOUT_I2S_DATAOUT_PIN -- The I2S data pin. The default is 22.
  • MODDEF_AUDIOOUT_I2S_BITSPERSAMPLE - Number of bits per sample to transmit over I2S, either 16 or 32. Default is 16.
  • MODDEF_AUDIOOUT_I2S_DAC - Enable built-in Digital-to-Analog (DAC) output. Set to 1 to enable DAC. Default is 0.
  • MODDEF_AUDIOOUT_I2S_DAC_CHANNEL - Controls DAC output - left (1), right (2), or both (3). Defaults to both.
  • MODDEF_AUDIOOUT_I2S_PDM - Enable built-in PDM encoder. Set to 1 to enable PDM. Default is 0.
  • MODDEF_AUDIOOUT_I2S_MIXERBYTES - Number of bytes to allocate for the mixing buffer. This value is also used to size the two DMA buffers for the audio driver. Even when there is only a single stream of audio, there is a mixing buffer. Defaults to 512 for 8-bit audio and 768 bytes otherwise. Smaller values reduce memory use, while slightly increasing the audio processing overhead. Smaller buffers are more likely to glitch under high CPU load in the overall system.

Defines for ESP8266

  • MODDEF_AUDIOOUT_I2S_PDM -- If zero, PCM samples are transmitted over I2S. If non-zero, samples are transmitted using PDM. Set to 32 for no oversampling, 64 for 2x oversampling, and 128 for 4x oversampling. Default is 0.