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The examples directory contains a number of small distributed systems that have been instrumented with DInv's interface. Using DInv is a mulit step procedure. Each of the example programs is paired with a script The script oversees the execution of each stage, and pipes each steps output into its successor. The scripts have a standard interface

* `./` : Standard execution, results printed to standard out,
  all generated files removed after execution.

+ Options :
    * -d : dirty run, the generated files at each stage are
  not remove after execution
    * -c : cleanup generated files

Hello DInv

Hello DInv is our introductory example program, in which a client sends "Hello" to a server, and the server responds with the time. The execution of each stage of DInv has been bash scripted in DInvDirectory/examples/helloDinv/ to run the example

  • `cd DinvDirectory/examples/helloDinv/1
  • .\ The inferred data invariant of this execution are the message strings passed between client and server.


Sum is a client server system. The client randomly generates values for two variables term1 and term2 over a constant range. The terms are sent to the server which adds them, and sends back the results as the variable sum. Inferred invariant for this example include

  • server-sum = client-term1 + client-term2
  • server-sum >= client-term2
  • server-sum >= client-term1


Linear is a three host system. The hosts are client, coeff, and linn. The hosts only pass messages with their neighbours ie client <--> coeff <--> linn.

Similar to the sum system the client randomly generates two terms, packages them, and sends them to its neighbour coeff. coeff generates a coefficient for the first term, then packages it along with the first two terms and sends to linn. linn calculates the linear equation linn = coeff * term1 + term2. The variables sum is propagated back through coeff to the client host.

detected invariant include

  • linn > coeff
  • linn > term1
  • linn > term2