core.type.bool :: (Value) => Bool
Convert a value to boolean.
core.type.num :: (Value) => Number
Convert a value to number.
core.type.str :: (Value) => String
Convert a value to string.
core.type.regex :: (
String, (* Expression *)
?String (* Flags, e.g. 'i' for ignore case *)
) => Regex
Creates a regular expression from a string using the ECMAscript syntax.
core.type.list :: a* => List[a]
core.type.set :: a* => Set[a]
core.type.bitflags :: (Number) => BitFlags
Interpret a number as bitflags.
core.type.composite-key :: Value* => Value
core.logic.not :: (Bool) => Bool
core.logic.and :: Bool+ => Bool
core.logic.or :: Bool+ => Bool
core.ctrl.eval :: (Fn[a]) => a
Evaluate a function.
core.ctrl.fn :: (a) => Fn[a]
Wrap an expression to a "lazy" function.
core.ctrl.if :: (
Bool, (* Condition *)
a, (* If true *)
b (* If false *)
) => a | b
core.rel.eq :: (a: Value, a: Value) => Bool
core.rel.neq :: (a: Value, a: Value) => Bool :: (Number, Number) => Bool
core.rel.lte :: (Number, Number) => Bool :: (Number, Number) => Bool
core.rel.gre :: (Number, Number) => Bool :: (
Number, (* Value to test *)
Number, (* Minimum value *)
Number (* Maximum value *)
) => Bool
Check if the value of the 1st argument is >= 2nd and <= 3rd.
core.math.add :: Number+ => Number
core.math.sub :: Number+ => Number
core.math.mult :: Number+ => Number
core.math.div :: (Number, Number) => Number
core.math.pow :: (Number, Number) => Number
core.math.mod :: (Number, Number) => Number
core.math.min :: Number+ => Number
core.math.max :: Number+ => Number
core.math.floor :: (Number) => Number
core.math.ceil :: (Number) => Number
core.math.round-int :: (Number) => Number
core.math.abs :: (Number) => Number
core.math.sqrt :: (Number) => Number
core.math.sin :: (Number) => Number
core.math.cos :: (Number) => Number
core.math.tan :: (Number) => Number
core.math.asin :: (Number) => Number
core.math.acos :: (Number) => Number
core.math.atan :: (Number) => Number
core.math.sinh :: (Number) => Number
core.math.cosh :: (Number) => Number
core.math.tanh :: (Number) => Number
core.math.exp :: (Number) => Number
core.math.log :: (Number) => Number
core.math.log10 :: (Number) => Number
core.math.atan2 :: (Number, Number) => Number
core.str.concat :: String+ => String
core.str.match :: (Regex, String) => Bool
core.list.get-at :: (List[a], Number) => a
core.set.has :: (Set[a], a) => Bool
Check if the the 1st argument includes the value of the 2nd. :: (Set[a], Set[a]) => Bool
Check if the the 1st argument is a subset of the 2nd.
core.flags.has-any :: (Flags[a], Flags[a]) => Bool
Check if the the 1st argument has at least one of the 2nd one's flags.
core.flags.has-all :: (Flags[a], Flags[a]) => Bool
Check if the the 1st argument has all 2nd one's flags.
structure.type.element-symbol :: (String) => ElementSymbol
Create element symbol representation from a string value.
structure.type.atom-name :: (Value) => AtomName
Convert a value to an atom name.
structure.type.entity-type :: (EntityType) => EntityType
Create normalized representation of entity type: non-polymer, polymer, unknown, water. :: BondFlag* => BondFlags
Create bond flags representation from a list of strings. Allowed flags: aromatic, computed, covalent, hydrogen, ion, metallic, sulfide.
structure.type.ring-fingerprint :: ElementSymbol+ => RingFingerprint
Create ring fingerprint from the supplied atom element list.
structure.type.secondary-structure-flags :: SecondaryStructureFlag* => SecondaryStructureFlag
Create secondary structure flags representation from a list of strings. Allowed flags: 3-10, alpha, beta, helix, none, pi, sheet, strand, turn.
structure.type.auth-residue-id :: (
String, (* auth_asym_id *)
Number, (* auth_seq_id *)
?String (* pdbx_PDB_ins_code *)
) => ResidueId
Residue identifier based on "auth_" annotation.
structure.type.label-residue-id :: (
String, (* label_entity_id *)
String, (* label_asym_id *)
Number, (* label_seq_id *)
?String (* pdbx_PDB_ins_code *)
) => ResidueId
Residue identifier based on mmCIF's "label_" annotation.
structure.slot.atom :: () => AtomReference
A reference to the current atom.
structure.slot.atom-set-reduce :: () => a: Value
Current value of the atom set reducer.
structure.generator.atom-groups :: {
entity-test?: Bool = true, (* Test for the 1st atom of every entity *)
chain-test?: Bool = true, (* Test for the 1st atom of every chain *)
residue-test?: Bool = true, (* Test for the 1st atom every residue *)
atom-test?: Bool = true,
group-by?: Any = atom-key (* Group atoms to sets based on this property. Default: each atom has its own set *)
} => AtomSelectionQuery
Return all atoms for which the tests are satisfied, grouped into sets.
structure.generator.rings :: RingFingerprint* => AtomSelectionQuery
Return rings with the specified fingerprint(s). If no fingerprints are given, return all rings.
structure.generator.query-in-selection :: {
query: AtomSelectionQuery,
in-complement?: Bool = false
} => AtomSelectionQuery
Executes query only on atoms that are in the source selection.
structure.generator.empty :: () => AtomSelectionQuery
structure.modifier.query-each :: {
query: AtomSelectionQuery
} => AtomSelectionQuery
Query every atom set in the input selection separately.
structure.modifier.intersect-by :: {
by: AtomSelectionQuery
} => AtomSelectionQuery
Intersect each atom set from the first sequence from atoms in the second one.
structure.modifier.except-by :: {
by: AtomSelectionQuery
} => AtomSelectionQuery
Remove all atoms from 'selection' that occur in 'by'.
structure.modifier.union-by :: {
by: AtomSelectionQuery
} => AtomSelectionQuery
For each atom set A in the orginal sequence, combine all atoms sets in the target selection that intersect with A.
structure.modifier.union :: (AtomSelectionQuery) => AtomSelectionQuery
Collects all atom sets in the sequence into a single atom set.
structure.modifier.cluster :: {
min-distance?: Number = 0,
max-distance: Number,
min-size?: Number = 2, (* Minimal number of sets to merge, must be at least 2 *)
max-size?: Number (* Maximal number of sets to merge, if not set, no limit *)
} => AtomSelectionQuery
Combines atom sets that have mutual distance in the interval [min-radius, max-radius]. Minimum/maximum size determines how many atom sets can be combined.
structure.modifier.include-surroundings :: {
radius: Number,
atom-radius?: Number = 0, (* Value added to each atom before the distance check, for example VDW radius. Using this argument is computationally demanding. *)
as-whole-residues?: Bool
} => AtomSelectionQuery
For each atom set in the selection, include all surrouding atoms/residues that are within the specified radius.
structure.modifier.include-connected :: {
bond-test?: Bool = true for covalent bonds,
layer-count?: Number = 1, (* Number of bonded layers to include. *)
as-whole-residues?: Bool
} => AtomSelectionQuery
Pick all atom sets that are connected to the target.
structure.modifier.expand-property :: {
property: Value
} => AtomSelectionQuery
To each atom set in the selection, add all atoms that have the same property value that was already present in the set.
structure.filter.pick :: {
test: Bool
} => AtomSelectionQuery
Pick all atom sets that satisfy the test.
structure.filter.with-same-atom-properties :: {
source: AtomSelectionQuery,
property: Any
} => AtomSelectionQuery
Pick all atom sets for which the set of given atom properties is a subset of the source properties.
structure.filter.intersected-by :: {
by: AtomSelectionQuery
} => AtomSelectionQuery
Pick all atom sets that have non-zero intersection with the target.
structure.filter.within :: {
target: AtomSelectionQuery,
min-radius?: Number = 0,
max-radius: Number,
atom-radius?: Number = 0, (* Value added to each atom before the distance check, for example VDW radius. Using this argument is computationally demanding. *)
invert?: Bool = false (* If true, pick only atom sets that are further than the specified radius. *)
} => AtomSelectionQuery
Pick all atom sets from selection that have any atom within the radius of any atom from target. :: {
target: AtomSelectionQuery,
bond-test?: Bool = true for covalent bonds,
disjunct?: Bool = true, (* If true, there must exist a bond to an atom that lies outside the given atom set to pass test. *)
invert?: Bool = false (* If true, return atom sets that are not connected. *)
} => AtomSelectionQuery
Pick all atom sets that are connected to the target.
structure.combinator.intersect :: AtomSelectionQuery* => AtomSelectionQuery
Return all unique atom sets that appear in all of the source selections.
structure.combinator.merge :: AtomSelectionQuery* => AtomSelectionQuery
Merges multiple selections into a single one. Only unique atom sets are kept.
structure.combinator.distance-cluster :: {
matrix: List[List[Number]], (* Distance matrix, represented as list of rows (num[][])). Lower triangle is min distance, upper triangle is max distance. *)
selections: List[AtomSelectionQuery] (* A list of held selections. *)
} => AtomSelectionQuery
Pick combinations of atom sets from the source sequences that are mutually within distances specified by a matrix.
structure.atom-set.atom-count :: () => Number
structure.atom-set.count-query :: (AtomSelectionQuery) => Number
Counts the number of occurences of a specific query inside the current atom set.
structure.atom-set.reduce :: {
initial: a: Value, (* Initial value assigned to slot.atom-set-reduce. Current atom is set to the 1st atom of the current set for this. *)
value: a: Value (* Expression executed for each atom in the set *)
} => a: Value
Execute the value expression for each atom in the current atom set and return the result. Works the same way as Array.reduce in JavaScript (result = value(value(...value(initial)))
) :: (a) => Set[a]
Returns a set with all values of the given property in the current atom set.
structure.atom-property.core.element-symbol :: (?AtomReference = slot.current-atom) => ElementSymbol
structure.atom-property.core.vdw :: (?AtomReference = slot.current-atom) => Number
Van der Waals radius
structure.atom-property.core.x :: (?AtomReference = slot.current-atom) => Number
Cartesian X coordinate
structure.atom-property.core.y :: (?AtomReference = slot.current-atom) => Number
Cartesian Y coordinate
structure.atom-property.core.z :: (?AtomReference = slot.current-atom) => Number
Cartesian Z coordinate
structure.atom-property.core.atom-key :: (?AtomReference = slot.current-atom) => Value
Unique value for each atom. Main use case is grouping of atoms. :: {
?AtomReference = slot.current-atom,
flags?: BondFlags = covalent
} => Number
Number of bonds (by default only covalent bonds are counted).
structure.atom-property.topology.connected-component-key :: (?AtomReference = slot.current-atom) => Value
Unique value for each connected component.
structure.atom-property.macromolecular.auth-residue-id :: (?AtomReference = slot.current-atom) => ResidueId
type.auth-residue-id symbol executed on current atom's residue
structure.atom-property.macromolecular.label-residue-id :: (?AtomReference = slot.current-atom) => ResidueId
type.label-residue-id symbol executed on current atom's residue
structure.atom-property.macromolecular.residue-key :: (?AtomReference = slot.current-atom) => Value
Unique value for each tuple (label_entity_id,auth_asym_id,auth_seq_id,pdbx_PDB_ins_code)
, main use case is grouping of atoms
structure.atom-property.macromolecular.chain-key :: (?AtomReference = slot.current-atom) => Value
Unique value for each tuple (label_entity_id,auth_asym_id)
, main use case is grouping of atoms
structure.atom-property.macromolecular.entity-key :: (?AtomReference = slot.current-atom) => Value
Unique value for each tuple label_entity_id
, main use case is grouping of atoms :: (?AtomReference = slot.current-atom) => Bool
Equivalent to atom_site.group_PDB !== ATOM :: (?AtomReference = slot.current-atom) => Number
structure.atom-property.macromolecular.label_atom_id :: (?AtomReference = slot.current-atom) => AtomName
structure.atom-property.macromolecular.label_alt_id :: (?AtomReference = slot.current-atom) => String
structure.atom-property.macromolecular.label_comp_id :: (?AtomReference = slot.current-atom) => String
structure.atom-property.macromolecular.label_asym_id :: (?AtomReference = slot.current-atom) => String
structure.atom-property.macromolecular.label_entity_id :: (?AtomReference = slot.current-atom) => String
structure.atom-property.macromolecular.label_seq_id :: (?AtomReference = slot.current-atom) => Number
structure.atom-property.macromolecular.auth_atom_id :: (?AtomReference = slot.current-atom) => AtomName
structure.atom-property.macromolecular.auth_comp_id :: (?AtomReference = slot.current-atom) => String
structure.atom-property.macromolecular.auth_asym_id :: (?AtomReference = slot.current-atom) => String
structure.atom-property.macromolecular.auth_seq_id :: (?AtomReference = slot.current-atom) => Number
structure.atom-property.macromolecular.pdbx_PDB_ins_code :: (?AtomReference = slot.current-atom) => String
structure.atom-property.macromolecular.pdbx_formal_charge :: (?AtomReference = slot.current-atom) => Number
structure.atom-property.macromolecular.occupancy :: (?AtomReference = slot.current-atom) => Number
structure.atom-property.macromolecular.B_iso_or_equiv :: (?AtomReference = slot.current-atom) => Number
structure.atom-property.macromolecular.entity-type :: (?AtomReference = slot.current-atom) => EntityType
Type of the entity as defined in mmCIF (polymer, non-polymer, water, unknown)
structure.atom-property.macromolecular.secondary-structure-key :: (?AtomReference = slot.current-atom) => Value
Unique value for each secondary structure element.
structure.atom-property.macromolecular.secondary-structure-flags :: (?AtomReference = slot.current-atom) => SecondaryStructureFlag :: (?AtomReference = slot.current-atom) => Bool
True if the atom bolongs to modification of a standard residue.
structure.atom-property.macromolecular.modified-parent-name :: (?AtomReference = slot.current-atom) => String
'3-letter' code of the modifed parent residue. :: () => BondFlags :: () => Number