All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
v0.5.3 - 2025-02-03
- ASE interface for DFTB+ calculations added
- Add a new keyword 'freset_forces' to reset forces to zero after each step
- init_velocities keyword is ignored if non-zero velocities are present
- init_velocities can now be forced via the 'force' option
- Volume now gets correctly printed to the .log output file
- Updated CMakeLists.txt to support macOS arm64 architecture.
- Added CI workflow for macOS arm64 architecture.
v0.5.2 - 2025-01-05
- The reference output file is now decoupled from the .log output file and is given its own input file keyword 'reference_file'
- Citations added in the .ref output file for the available QM programs, the v-Verlet integrator, the RATTLE algorithm and PQ itself
- BibTeX entries are now included in the .ref output file
- CI workflows removed
on push
events - building and testing workflows are deployed now only if relevant files change
- Added checks to PRs if latest base commit is included in changes of PR
- CI for Release build updated to install all integration test dependencies
- Full anistrop coupling works now with stochastic cell rescaling manostat
v0.5.1 - 2025-01-05
- Nose-Hoover chain restarting now including old chain parameters
- 'dftb_file' keyword added to change default input file dtfb.template for dftbplus QMMD
- Input keys in input file can now be given case-insensitive as well as with '-' or '_'
- Checks for
modifications on pull requests and pulls
- Fixed QM atoms update for QM-MD calculations
- Integration test added for DFTB+ calculation
v0.4.5 - 2024-07-13
- Minimal Image Convention for triclinic cells now implemented with analytic extension
v0.4.4 - 2024-07-09
- Anisotropic NPT calculations now working correctly
- Minimal Image Convention for triclinic cells only approximate
v0.4.3 - 2024-07-08
- MACE NPT calculations bug fix - virial evaluation is now correct
- Anisotropic NPT calculations not working properly!
- Minimal Image Convention for triclinic cells only approximate
v0.4.2 - 2024-07-04
- Isotropic manostats producing SEGFAULTS is now fixed
- Version number in output files is now always the latest tag
-Integration Test added for an exemplary NPT calculation using Berendsen-Thermostat and -Manostat (isotropic)
- MACE NPT calculations not working!
- Anisotropic NPT calculations not working properly!
- Minimal Image Convention for triclinic cells only approximate
v0.4.1 - 2024-07-02
- Logfile output updated to give all important information about the simulation settings
- added CI workflow for Kokkos enabled compilations
- Isotropic manostats producing SEGFAULTS
- MACE NPT calculations not working!
- Anisotropic NPT calculations not working properly!
- Minimal Image Convention for triclinic cells only approximate
v0.4.0 - 2024-07-01
- M-Shake
- MACE Neural Network Potential for QM-MD calculations
- Steepest-Descent Optimizer and ADAM optimizer
- MACE NPT calculations not working!
- Anisotropic NPT calculations not working properly!
- Minimal Image Convention for triclinic cells only approximate