diff --git a/MCprep_addon/__init__.py b/MCprep_addon/__init__.py
index a4f808b6..36dc1a34 100755
--- a/MCprep_addon/__init__.py
+++ b/MCprep_addon/__init__.py
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
bl_info = {
"name": "MCprep",
"category": "Object",
- "version": (2, 0, 2),
+ "version": (2, 1, 0),
"blender": (2, 74, 0),
"location": "3D window toolshelf > Tools tab",
"description": "Speeds up the workflow of minecraft animations and imported minecraft worlds",
@@ -55,8 +55,7 @@
v = False
-ver = 'v(2, 0, 2)'
+ver = 'v(2, 1, 0)'
# Below for precursor functions
@@ -187,6 +186,7 @@ def estimateScale(faces):
return guessList[ countList.index(max(countList)) ]
# Analytics functions
def install():
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ def install():
"version": vr,
}), {
"X-Parse-Application-Id": ak,
- "X-Parse-REST-API-Key": rk,
+ "X-Parse-REST-API-Key": rk,
"Content-Type": "application/json"
result = json.loads( (connection.getresponse().read()).decode())
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ def usageStat(function):
"count": count, # -1 for not implemented yet/error
}), {
"X-Parse-Application-Id": ak,
- "X-Parse-REST-API-Key": rk,
+ "X-Parse-REST-API-Key": rk,
"Content-Type": "application/json"
result = json.loads( (connection.getresponse().read()).decode())
@@ -377,6 +377,8 @@ def execute(self, context):
return {'FINISHED'}
# quickly open release webpage for update
class openreleasepage(bpy.types.Operator):
@@ -595,12 +597,14 @@ def materialsCycles(self, mat):
## ^ need to get right format to remove link, need link object, not endpoints
nodeMix1.inputs[0].default_value = 0 # no transparency
- if nodeTex.image.source =='SEQUENCE':
- nodeTex.image_user.use_cyclic = True
- nodeTex.image_user.use_auto_refresh = True
- intlength = mat.texture_slots[0].texture.image_user.frame_duration
- nodeTex.image_user.frame_duration = intlength
+ try:
+ if nodeTex.image.source =='SEQUENCE':
+ nodeTex.image_user.use_cyclic = True
+ nodeTex.image_user.use_auto_refresh = True
+ intlength = mat.texture_slots[0].texture.image_user.frame_duration
+ nodeTex.image_user.frame_duration = intlength
+ except:
+ pass
def execute(self, context):
@@ -1197,6 +1201,7 @@ def execute(self, context):
return {'FINISHED'}
class fixMinewaysScale(bpy.types.Operator):
"""Quick upscaling of Mineways import by 10 for meshswapping"""
bl_idname = "object.fixmeshswapsize"
@@ -1223,6 +1228,326 @@ def execute(self, context):
bpy.context.space_data.pivot_point = tmp
bpy.context.space_data.cursor_location = tmpLoc
+# For proxy spawner, getting list of usable rigs
+def getRigList(): #consider passing in rigpath... but
+ addon_prefs = bpy.context.user_preferences.addons[__package__].preferences
+ # test the link path first!
+ rigpath = addon_prefs.mcrig_path
+ blendFiles = []
+ pathlist = []
+ riglist = []
+ #from os import listdir
+ #from os.path import isfile, join
+ onlyfiles = [ f for f in os.listdir(rigpath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(rigpath,f)) ]
+ for f in onlyfiles:
+ # only get listing of .blend files
+ if f.split('.')[-1] == 'blend':
+ pathlist.append(rigpath+f)
+ for rigPath in pathlist:
+ with bpy.data.libraries.load(rigPath) as (data_from, data_to):
+ for name in data_from.groups:
+ if name in bpy.data.groups:
+ if v:print("Already grouped in this one. maybe should append the same way/rename?")
+ riglist.append( ('//'+':/:'+name,name,"Spawn a {x} rig (local)".format(x=name)) ) # still append the group name, more of an fyi
+ else:
+ riglist.append( (rigPath+':/:'+name,name,"Spawn a {x} rig".format(x=name)) )
+ # setup template
+ rigListExample = [('blend/creeper', '#Creeper', '#Description'),
+ ('blend/steve', '#Steve', '#Description'),
+ ('blend/dawg', '#Dawg', '#Description')]
+ return riglist # for debugging, return rigListExample
+# Class for spawning/proxying a new asset for animation
+class mobSpawner(bpy.types.Operator):
+ """Instantly spawn any group rig found in the rigs folder. Check the addon preferences to change the path or add new rigs."""
+ bl_idname = "object.mcprep_mobspawner"
+ bl_label = "Mob Spawner"
+ bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
+ # side ntoe, make function for trying to reconnect groups to the primary folder?
+ # issue is that if we move the blend file elsewhere and have library linking, even
+ # though paths passed in are absolute, it turns it into relative and messes up
+ # as soon as it's moved - but we still know where the directory SHOULD be
+ # (and maybe have it auto-duphack the model copies if there aren't enough, etc)
+ # properties, will appear in redo-last menu
+ def riglist_enum(self, context):
+ return getRigList()
+ mcmob_type = bpy.props.EnumProperty(items=riglist_enum) # needs to be defined after riglist_enum
+ relocation = bpy.props.EnumProperty(
+ items = [('None', 'Cursor', 'No relocation'),
+ ('Clear', 'Origin', 'Move the rig to the origin'),
+ ('Offset', 'Offset root', 'Offset the root bone to curse while moving the rest pose to the origin')],
+ name = "relocation")
+ toLink = bpy.props.BoolProperty(
+ name = "Library Link mob",
+ description = "Library link instead of append the group",
+ default = False #change back to false later
+ )
+ clearPose = bpy.props.BoolProperty(
+ name = "Clear Pose",
+ description = "Clear the pose to rest position",
+ default = True
+ )
+ # clear location
+ # offset "main" bone from world (only I would use this, really. include it, off by default)
+ # link or append
+ # >> use same append layer if any!
+ # >> shift-d related, make new proxy/make new animation layer/link animation/copy only current pose etc
+ if v:print("mcmob_type: ",mcmob_type)
+ # def draw(self):
+ # we CAN format the redo-last panel, e.g. the bolt addon has done it for sure.
+ # need to figure out that / find an rigListExample
+ def proxySpawn(self):
+ if v:print("Attempting to do proxySpawn")
+ if v:print("Mob to spawn: ",self.mcmob_type)
+ def execute(self, context):
+ [path,name] = self.mcmob_type.split(':/:')
+ if checkOptin():usageStat('mobSpawner'+':'+name) # want to also pass in the kind!
+ addon_prefs = bpy.context.user_preferences.addons[__package__].preferences
+ try:
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') # must be in object mode, this make similar behavior to other objs
+ except:
+ pass # can fail to this e.g. if no objects are selected
+ #self.proxySpawn()
+ # assumes : is never in filename.. which should be true
+ # NOOO! not for windows!!
+ if self.toLink:
+ if path != '//':
+ bAppendLink(path+'/Group/',name, True)
+ # proxy any and all armatures
+ # here should do all that jazz with hacking by copying files, checking nth number
+ #probably consists of checking currently linked libraries, checking if which
+ #have already been linked into existing rigs
+ try:
+ bpy.ops.object.proxy_make(object=name+'.arma') # this brings up a menu, should do automatically.
+ # this would be "good convention", but don't force it - let it also search through
+ # and proxy every arma, regardless of name
+ except:
+ print("Spawner works better if the armature's name is {x}.arma".format(x=name))
+ # self report?
+ pass
+ else:
+ # .... need to do the hack with multiple mobs!!!
+ if v:print("THIS IS THE LOCAL FILE... not sure what that means here.")
+ else:
+ # append the rig, the whole group.. though honestly ideally not, and just append the right objs
+ #idea: link in group, inevtiably need to make into this blend file but then get the remote's
+ # all object names, then unlink/remove group (and object it creates) and directly append all those objects
+ # OOORR do append the group, then remove the group but keep the individual objects
+ # that way we know we don't append in too many objects (e.g. parents pulling in children/vice versa)
+ # also issue of "undo/redo"... groups stay linked/ as groups even if this happens!
+ # not doing append layers anymore!
+ #groupAppendLayer = addon_prefs.MCprep_groupAppendLayer
+ #if groupSwap and name not in bpy.data.groups:
+ # if group not linked, put appended group data onto the GUI field layer
+ # activeLayers = list(context.scene.layers)
+ # if (groupAppendLayer!=0):
+ # x = [False]*20
+ # x[groupAppendLayer-1] = True
+ # context.scene.layers = x
+ if path != '//': #ie not yet linked in.
+ sel = bpy.context.selected_objects # capture state before, technically also copy
+ bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT')
+ bAppendLink(path+'/Group/',name, False)
+ grp_added = context.selected_objects[0].users_group[0] # to be safe, grab the group from one of the objects
+ gl = grp_added.dupli_offset # if rig not centered in original file, assume its group is
+ cl = bpy.context.space_data.cursor_location
+ #addedObjs = grp_added.objects
+ addedObjs = context.selected_objects # why doesn't group added objects work?
+ for a in addedObjs:
+ a.select = True
+ if a.hide:
+ a.hide = False
+ bpy.ops.group.objects_remove()
+ a.hide = True
+ else:
+ bpy.ops.group.objects_remove()
+ for a in grp_added.objects: # but this for selecte dobjects doesn't work below.
+ a.select = True
+ if a.hide:
+ a.hide = False
+ bpy.ops.group.objects_remove()
+ a.hide = True
+ else:
+ bpy.ops.group.objects_remove()
+ grp_added.name = "reaload-blend-to-remove-this-empty-group"
+ bpy.ops.group.objects_remove_all() # just in case
+ grp_added.user_clear() # next time blend file reloads, this group will be gone
+ if self.clearPose or self.relocation=="Offset":
+ #bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') # too soon?
+ for ob in addedObjs:
+ if ob.type == "ARMATURE" and nameGeneralize(ob.name)==name+'.arma':
+ if v:print("This is the one, ",ob.name)
+ if self.relocation == "Offset":
+ # do the offset stuff, set active etc
+ #bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
+ bpy.ops.transform.translate(value=(-gl[0],-gl[1],-gl[2]))
+ #bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT')
+ act = context.active_object
+ bpy.context.scene.objects.active = ob
+ if v:print("ACTIVE obj = {x}".format(x=ob.name))
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='POSE')
+ if self.clearPose:
+ if v:print("clear the stuff!")
+ bpy.ops.pose.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ bpy.ops.pose.rot_clear()
+ bpy.ops.pose.scale_clear()
+ bpy.ops.pose.loc_clear()
+ # preserve original selection? keep all selected
+ if self.relocation == "Offset":
+ tmp=0
+ #bpy.ops.pose.select_all(action='DESELECT')
+ for nam in ["MAIN","root","base"]:
+ if v:print("We are here right?")
+ if nam in ob.pose.bones and tmp==0:
+ # this method doesn't work because, even though we are in POSE
+ # mode, the context for the operator is defined at the start,
+ # so acts as if in object mode.. which isn't helpful at all.
+ # ob.pose.bones[nam].bone.select = True
+ # bpy.ops.view3d.snap_selected_to_cursor(use_offset=True)
+ # #ob.pose.bones[nam].bone.select = False
+ # tmp=1 # to end loop early
+ # these transforms.. are so weird. what. but it works..
+ # but not for all, some rigs are different. need some kind
+ # of transform to consider in, global vs local etc.
+ ob.pose.bones[nam].location[0] = cl[0]
+ ob.pose.bones[nam].location[1] = cl[1]
+ ob.pose.bones[nam].location[2] = -cl[2]
+ tmp=1
+ if tmp==0:
+ print("This addon works better when the root bone's name is 'MAIN'")
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
+ bpy.context.scene.objects.active = act
+ # for a in addedObjs:
+ # a.select=True
+ break #end the for loop, only one thing to offset!
+ # now do the extra options, e.g. the offsets
+ if self.relocation == "Clear":
+ bpy.ops.transform.translate(value=(-gl[0],-gl[1],-gl[2]))
+ elif self.relocation=="None":
+ bpy.ops.transform.translate(value=(cl[0]-gl[0],cl[1]-gl[1],cl[2]-gl[2]))
+ # add the original selection back
+ for ob in sel:
+ ob.select = True
+ else:
+ # here this means the group HAS already been appended.. recopy thsoe elements, or try re-appending?
+ # (yes, should try re-appending. may need to rename group)
+ self.report({'ERROR'}, "Group name already exists in local file")
+ if v:print("Group already appended/is here") #... so hack 'at it and rename it, append, and rename it back?
+ return {'FINISHED'}
+# Install mob window (popup)
+class installMob(bpy.types.Operator):
+ """Install custom rigs for the mob spawner, all groups in selected blend file will become individually spawnable"""
+ bl_idname = "object.mcmob_install_menu"
+ bl_label = "Install new mob"
+ mcmob_install_new_path = bpy.props.StringProperty(
+ name = "mcmob_install_new_path",
+ description = "Select blend file to install for mob spawning",
+ subtype = 'FILE_PATH',
+ default = "//")
+ # def invoke(self, context, event):
+ # return context.window_manager.invoke_props_dialog(self)
+ # well, this would have been useful if it showed the filebrowser when clicking the icon, but it doesn't.
+ # hence, we need to show a path in the filebrowser. clear it after.
+ # def draw(self, context):
+ # layout = self.layout
+ # row = layout.row()
+ # row.label("Select blend file to install")
+ # row = layout.row()
+ # row.prop(self, "mcmob_install_new_path")
+ # row = layout.row()
+ #col.operator(// install new mob).path_install = self.mcmob_install_new_path
+ def execute(self, context):
+ addon_prefs = bpy.context.user_preferences.addons[__package__].preferences
+ if v:print("attempting to install {x}".format(x=self.mcmob_install_new_path))
+ #check blend input file exists
+ newrig = self.mcmob_install_new_path
+ drpath = addon_prefs.mcrig_path
+ if not os.path.isfile(newrig):
+ newrig = bpy.path.abspath(newrig)
+ if not os.path.isfile(newrig):
+ self.report({'ERROR'}, "Rig blend file not found!")
+ return {'CANCELLED'}
+ # now check the rigs folder indeed exists
+ if not os.path.isdir(drpath):
+ drpath = bpy.path.abspath(drpath)
+ if not os.path.isdir(drpath):
+ self.report({'ERROR'}, "Rig directory is not valid!")
+ return {'CANCELLED'}
+ # copy this file to the rig folder
+ import shutil
+ filename = (newrig).split('/')[-1]
+ shutil.copyfile(newrig, drpath+filename)
+ self.report({'INFO'}, "Mob-file Installed") #Successfully, do checking of the file!
+ addon_prefs.mcmob_install_new_path = "//" # clear the path after install, to show it's not like a saved thing.
+ return {'FINISHED'}
+# Show MCprep preferences
+class showMCprefs(bpy.types.Operator):
+ """Show MCprep preferences"""
+ bl_idname = "object.mcprep_preferences"
+ bl_label = "Show MCprep preferences"
+ def execute(self,context):
+ bpy.ops.screen.userpref_show # doesn't work unless is set as an operator button directly!!! sigh
+ bpy.data.window_managers["WinMan"].addon_search = "MCprep"
+ #bpy.ops.wm.addon_expand(module="MCprep_addon") # just toggles not sets it, not helpful. need to SET it to expanded
+ return {'FINISHED'}
# Above for class functions/operators
@@ -1230,6 +1555,27 @@ def execute(self, context):
+# Panel for placing in the shift-A add object menu
+class mobSpawnerMenu(bpy.types.Menu):
+ bl_label = "Mob Spawner"
+ bl_idname = "mcmob_spawn_menu"
+ def draw(self, context):
+ #addon_prefs = bpy.context.user_preferences.addons[__package__].preferences
+ bpy.context.scene.mcRigListGlobal
+ layout = self.layout
+ rigitems = getRigList()
+ if v:print("RIG ITEMS length:"+str(len(rigitems)))
+ for n in range(len(rigitems)):
+ # do some kind of check for if no rigs found
+ if False:
+ layout.label(text="No rigs found", icon='ERROR')
+ layout.operator("object.mcprep_mobspawner", text=rigitems[n][1]).mcmob_type = rigitems[n][0]
# pop-up declaring some button is WIP still =D
class WIP(bpy.types.Menu):
@@ -1254,6 +1600,11 @@ class MCprepPreference(bpy.types.AddonPreferences):
description = "Asset file for meshswapable objects and groups",
subtype = 'FILE_PATH',
default = scriptdir + "/mcprep_meshSwap.blend")
+ mcrig_path = bpy.props.StringProperty(
+ name = "mcrig_path",
+ description = "Folder for rigs to spawn in",
+ subtype = 'DIR_PATH',
+ default = scriptdir + "/rigs/")
mcprep_use_lib = bpy.props.BoolProperty(
name = "Link meshswapped groups & materials",
description = "Use library linking when meshswapping or material matching",
@@ -1281,6 +1632,16 @@ class MCprepPreference(bpy.types.AddonPreferences):
name = "mcprep_meshswapjoin",
description = "Join individuals objects together during meshswapping",
default = True)
+ mcprep_riglink = bpy.props.BoolProperty( # is this actually being used over the other liblink option?
+ name = "mcprep_riglink",
+ description = "Link and proxy rigs as opposed to directly appending from rig library",
+ default = False)
+ mcmob_install_new_path = bpy.props.StringProperty(
+ name = "mcmob_install_new_path",
+ description = "Select blend file to install for mob spawning",
+ subtype = 'FILE_PATH',
+ default = "//")
+ # TRY to make it so only blend files and folders are displayed in file-browser!
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
@@ -1289,7 +1650,7 @@ def draw(self, context):
layout = layout.box()
split = layout.split(percentage=0.3)
col = split.column()
- col.label("Exporter:")
+ col.label("Default Exporter:")
col = split.column()
col.prop(self, "MCprep_exporter_type", text="")
split = layout.split(percentage=0.3)
@@ -1298,17 +1659,43 @@ def draw(self, context):
col = split.column()
col.prop(self, "meshswap_path", text="")
layout = self.layout
row = layout.row()
- row.prop(self, "mcprep_use_lib")
+ row.label("Mob spawning")
+ layout = layout.box()
+ split = layout.split(percentage=0.3)
+ col = split.column()
+ col.label("Rig Folder")
+ col = split.column()
+ col.prop(self, "mcrig_path", text="")
+ split = layout.split(percentage=0.3)
+ col = split.column()
+ col.label("Select/install mobs")
+ col = split.column()
+ col.prop(self, "mcmob_install_new_path", text="")
+ col = split.column()
+ col.operator("object.mcmob_install_menu", text="Install file for mob spawning").mcmob_install_new_path = self.mcmob_install_new_path
+ # misc settings
layout = self.layout
row = layout.row()
+ row.prop(self, "mcprep_use_lib")
+ row = layout.row()
+ # another row for
+ layout = self.layout
+ split = layout.split(percentage=0.5)
+ col = split.column()
+ row = layout.row()
if checkOptin():
- row.operator("object.mc_toggleoptin", text="Press to opt OUT of anonymous usage tracking", icon='CANCEL')
+ col.operator("object.mc_toggleoptin", text="Opt OUT of anonymous usage tracking", icon='CANCEL')
- row.operator("object.mc_toggleoptin", text="Press to opt into of anonymous usage tracking", icon='HAND')
+ col.operator("object.mc_toggleoptin", text="Opt into of anonymous usage tracking", icon='HAND')
+ #row = layout.row()
+ col = split.column()
+ col.operator("object.mcprep_openreleasepage", text="MCprep page for instructions and updates", icon="WORLD")
+ row = layout.row()
+ row.label("Don't forget to save user preferences!")
@@ -1326,6 +1713,9 @@ def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
split = layout.split()
+ col = split.column(align=True)
+ col.label("World exporter:")
+ split = layout.split()
col = split.row(align=True)
row = col.row(align=True)
row.prop(addon_prefs,"MCprep_exporter_type", expand=True)
@@ -1334,57 +1724,62 @@ def draw(self, context):
split = layout.split()
col = split.column(align=True)
+ col.label("MCprep tools")
col.operator("object.mc_mat_change", text="Prep Materials", icon='MATERIAL')
- # col = split.row(align=True)
col.operator("object.mc_meshswap", text="Mesh Swap", icon='LINK_BLEND')
- if addon_prefs.MCprep_exporter_type == "(choose)":
- split = layout.split()
- row = split.row(align=True)
- row.label(text="Select an exporter above",icon='ERROR')
+ col.operator("object.mcprep_mobspawner", text="Mob Spawner", icon='POSE_HLT')
#the UV's pixels into actual 3D geometry (but same material, or modified to fit)
#col.operator("object.solidify_pixels", text="Solidify Pixels", icon='MOD_SOLIDIFY')
split = layout.split()
- col = split.column(align=True)
- col.label(text="MeshSwap settings")
- layout = layout.box()
+ row = split.row(align=True)
+ if addon_prefs.MCprep_exporter_type == "(choose)":
+ row.label(text="Select exporter!",icon='ERROR')
+ elif addon_prefs.MCprep_exporter_type == "Mineways":
+ # split = layout.split(percentage=1)
+ # col = split.column(align=True)
+ col.label (text="Check block size is")
+ col.label (text="1x1x1, not .1x.1.x.1")
+ # Attempt AutoFix, another button
+ col.operator("object.fixmeshswapsize", text="Quick upscale from 0.1")
+ else:
+ row.label('jmc2obj works best :)')
- split = layout.split(percentage=0.8)
- row = split.column(align=True)
- row.prop(addon_prefs,"mcprep_meshswapjoin",text="Join same blocks together")
- row.prop(addon_prefs,"mcprep_use_lib",text="Link groups")
- # if addon_prefs.mcprep_use_lib == True:
- # row.enabled = False
split = layout.split()
col = split.column(align=True)
row = col.row(align=True)
- row.prop(addon_prefs,"MCprep_groupAppendLayer",text="Append layer")
- if addon_prefs.mcprep_use_lib == True:
- row.enabled = False
- split = layout.split()
- row = split.row(align=True)
- row.label(text="Meshswap source:")
- row.prop(addon_prefs,"meshswap_path",text="")
- if addon_prefs.MCprep_exporter_type == "Mineways":
- split = layout.split(percentage=0.8)
+ if not context.scene.mcprep_showsettings:
+ row.prop(context.scene,"mcprep_showsettings", text="settings", icon="TRIA_RIGHT")
+ #row.operator("object.mcprep_preferences",icon="PREFERENCES",text='')
+ row.operator("screen.userpref_show",icon="PREFERENCES",text='')
+ else:
+ row.prop(context.scene,"mcprep_showsettings", text="settings", icon="TRIA_DOWN")
+ row.operator("screen.userpref_show",icon="PREFERENCES",text='')
+ layout = layout.box()
+ split = layout.split(percentage=1)
col = split.column(align=True)
- col.label (text="Check block size is")
- col.label (text="1x1x1, not .1x.1.x.1")
- # Attempt AutoFix, another button
- col.operator("object.fixmeshswapsize", text="Quick upscale from 0.1")
+ col.prop(addon_prefs,"mcprep_meshswapjoin",text="Join same blocks together")
+ col.prop(addon_prefs,"mcprep_use_lib",text="Link groups")
+ col.label("Append layer")
+ col.prop(addon_prefs,"MCprep_groupAppendLayer",text="")
+ if addon_prefs.mcprep_use_lib == True:
+ col.enabled = False
+ col.label(text="Meshswap source:")
+ col.prop(addon_prefs,"meshswap_path",text="")
+ col.label(text="Mobs folder:")
+ col.prop(addon_prefs,"mcrig_path",text="")
layout = self.layout # clear out the box formatting
split = layout.split()
row = split.row(align=True)
if checkForUpdate():
- row.label (text="Update available!", icon='ERROR')
+ row.label (text="Update ready!", icon='ERROR')
split = layout.split()
row = split.row(align=True)
- row.operator("object.mcprep_openreleasepage", text="Get it now")
+ row.operator("object.mcprep_openreleasepage", text="Get it now", icon="HAND")
@@ -1408,6 +1803,15 @@ def invoke(self, context, event):
def draw(self, context):
+# This allows you to right click on a button and link to the manual
+def ops_manual_map():
+ url_manual_prefix = "https://github.com/TheDuckCow/MCprep"
+ url_manual_mapping = (
+ ("bpy.ops.mesh.add_object", "Modeling/Objects"),
+ )
+ return url_manual_prefix, url_manual_mapping
# Above for UI
@@ -1415,16 +1819,62 @@ def draw(self, context):
+# for custom menu registration.. not sure why
+def draw_mobspawner(self, context):
+ layout = self.layout
+ layout.menu(mobSpawnerMenu.bl_idname)
+def addon_filter_items(self, context):
+ import addon_utils
+ items = [('All', "All", "All Add-ons"),
+ ('User', "User", "All Add-ons Installed by User"),
+ ('Enabled', "Enabled", "All Enabled Add-ons"),
+ ('Disabled', "Disabled", "All Disabled Add-ons"),
+ ]
+ items_unique = set()
+ for mod in addon_utils.modules(refresh=False):
+ info = addon_utils.module_bl_info(mod)
+ items_unique.add(info["category"])
+ items.extend([(cat, cat, "") for cat in sorted(items_unique)])
+ return items
def register():
+ bpy.types.Scene.mcRigListGlobal = bpy.props.EnumProperty(
+ items = [('', '', 'Load rigs in the MCprep panel')],
+ name = "Global mob rig list")
+ bpy.types.Scene.mcprep_showsettings = bpy.props.BoolProperty(
+ name = "mcprep_showsettings",
+ description = "Show extra settings in the MCprep panel",
+ default = False)
+ bpy.utils.register_class(mobSpawner)
+ bpy.utils.register_class(installMob)
- bpy.utils.register_class(MCprepPreference)
+ bpy.utils.register_class(showMCprefs)
+ bpy.utils.register_class(mobSpawnerMenu)
+ bpy.types.INFO_MT_armature_add.append(draw_mobspawner)
+ bpy.utils.register_class(MCprepPreference)
+ #bpy.utils.register_manual_map(ops_manual_map)
@@ -1433,15 +1883,25 @@ def register():
def unregister():
+ bpy.utils.unregister_class(mobSpawner)
+ bpy.utils.unregister_class(installMob)
+ bpy.utils.unregister_class(mobSpawnerMenu)
+ bpy.types.INFO_MT_armature_add.remove(draw_mobspawner)
+ bpy.utils.unregister_class(showMCprefs)
+ #bpy.utils.unregister_manual_map(ops_manual_map)
+ del bpy.types.Scene.mcRigListGlobal
+ del bpy.types.Scene.mcprep_showsettings
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/MCprep_addon/mcprep_meshSwap.blend b/MCprep_addon/mcprep_meshSwap.blend
index e6f8bf8e..e90a7c31 100644
Binary files a/MCprep_addon/mcprep_meshSwap.blend and b/MCprep_addon/mcprep_meshSwap.blend differ
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index ce9351b0..f0abe3c1 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -7,17 +7,26 @@ CREDIT
While this addon is released as open source software, the assets are being released as [Creative Commons Attributions, CC-BY](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/us/). If you use MeshSwap, **please credit the creators** by [linking to this page](https://github.com/TheDuckCow/MCprep) wherever your project may appear.
-Models developed by [Patrick W. Crawford](https://twitter.com/TheDuckCow) and [SilverC16](http://youtube.com/user/silverC16).
+Block models developed by [Patrick W. Crawford](https://twitter.com/TheDuckCow) and [SilverC16](http://youtube.com/user/silverC16).
+Rig models credits below, provided with explicit permission:
+- Fancy Feet Steve rig: [Patrick W. Crawford](http://www.youtube.com/TheDuckCow) ([Rig link](http://bit.ly/MinecraftRig))
+- Creeper rig: [Patrick W. Crawford](http://www.youtube.com/TheDuckCow) (MCprep exclusive)
+- Horse rig: [Patrick W. Crawford](http://www.youtube.com/TheDuckCow) ([Rig link](http://www.blendswap.com/blends/view/73064))
+- Guardian rig: [Trainguy9512](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCktnetC2h25hMTk1tIz7IQ) ([Rig link](http://www.blendswap.com/blends/view/79729))
+- Skeleton Rig: [Trainguy9512](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCktnetC2h25hMTk1tIz7IQ) ([Rig link](http://www.blendswap.com/blends/view/79628))
+- Wolf Rig: [Trainguy9512](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCktnetC2h25hMTk1tIz7IQ) ([Rig link](http://www.blendswap.com/blends/view/79495))
+- Chicken Rig: [Nils Söderman (rymdnisse)](http://youtube.com/rymdnisse) ([Rig link](http://rymdnisse.net/downloads/minecraft-blender-rig.html))
+Thank you to all the contributors to this project! It will continue to grow and cover more assets in the near future.
**If you like the addon, [please consider donating](http://bit.ly/donate2TheDuckCow) for the continued quality development! [Share this addon](https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=Make+easier+Minecraft+renders+using+the+MCprep+addon+bit.ly/MCprep+by+@TheDuckCow) so others can benefit from it!**
About MCprep
-This is a blender python addon to increase workflow for creating Minecraft renders and animations, by automatically setting up better materials, importing library models and groups, and setting up proxy characters for animation and default animations for regular features like grass and leaves on imported 3D minecraft worlds. This addon assumes you have already imported the minecraft world. While the script should work for any world importer, it has been tested and developed based on the jmc2obj minecraft world to obj file converted.
-The forum WIP thread for the development of this addon is found below, though now also out of date:
+This is a blender python addon to increase workflow for creating Minecraft renders and animations, by automatically setting up better materials, importing library models and groups, and setting up proxy characters for animation and default animations for regular features like grass and leaves on imported 3D minecraft worlds. This addon assumes you have already imported the minecraft world. While the script should work for any world importer, it has been tested and developed based on the jmc2obj minecraft world to obj file converted. The addon now also comes with built-in rigs, including characters and mobs, and allows you to quickly place them into your worlds.
This addon is made to work with an asset library directory, from which models and groups are linked or imported from. This library blend file is included, but does not have all types of blocks generated yet. This will be improved in the future.
@@ -51,6 +60,19 @@ How to use this addon
- **Step 1:** Select the objects that you wish to be meshSwapped. Swappable objects are determined *automatically* based on the contents of the blend file selected above. If an object is not found or swappable, it will just be skipped - no harm done by "overselecting" (so select all objects to make sure everything that can be swapped gets swapped!)
- **Step 2:** Press Mesh Swap (there will be a small delay, meshswapping large areas such as fields of grass may take awhile).
+**Mob Spawner (new!)**
+- **Purpose:**
+- **Step 0:** Make sure the mob spawner path is a directory with valid blend files setup for linkining (addon preferences > MCprep). By default, this path will already be setup and valid pointing to the included rigs with this release, as defined in the credits section above
+- **Step 1:** Either press the "mob spawner" button in the MCprep panel, or go to the shift-a menu: armature > mob spawner > [mob name] to instantly append or link in a rig.
+- **Step 2:** Check the redo last menu for additional settings, such as relocation of the rig, library linking, and even changing which rig to spawn. These are the following options:
+ - mcmob_type: Change the mob spawned, e.g. from a creeper to a wolf
+ - Relocation: Change where the spawned rig appears.
+ - Library Link mob:
+ - Cursor (default): Place the rig at the cursor's location
+ - Origin: Move the rig to the origin
+ - Offset root: Move the rig to the origin, but offset the root bone to the cursor's location (note: doesn't work with all rigs correctly right now, will be improved in the future)
+ - Clear pose: clear to pose to rest. If false, the initial pose will be that found in the rig's source blend file.
To add your own objects to meshswap (or groupswap):
- **Step 1:** Check your imported world object and see the name of the material for the object you want to setup. You might think it is "glass plane", but if the importer names the material "glass_plane", you need to note this name down for step 3.
- **Step 2:** Model you object in the mcprep_meshSwap.blend file, or append it.
@@ -64,6 +86,13 @@ To add your own objects to meshswap (or groupswap):
* **Note:** there is no UI for adding properties to a group, so if you want to add a property to a group (say a torch which has a pre-animated light and particle system, as the included blend file does) you must go into the python consol and add the property like so: bpy.data.groups['groupName']['propertyName'] = 1
(the value only matters for the variance property)
* **Example:** bpy.data.groups['torch']['torchlike'] = 1
will add the torchlike property to the torch group, allowing it to have correct rotaitons when meshSwapped in.
+To add your own rigs to the Mob Spawner:
+- **Step 1:** Make your rig, or download one you want to use!
+- **Step 2:** Make sure all elements of the rig, ie all armatures, body parts, and extra objects, are added to a single group inside your rig file. The name of this group is what will appear under the shift-a menu, and typically matches the name of the file if there is just one rig per blend file.
+- **Step 3:** Optional but useful, rename the root bone of the rig to one of [MAIN, root, base], used for relocation. Additionally, make the armature for animation named [name].arma where [name] exactly matches the name of the group. This is used for auto-proxying of the armature and relocation methods.
+- **Step 4:** In the Blender Preferences > Addon > MCprep preferences panel, set "Select/Install Mobs" filepath to the blend file you want to install, then press "Install file for mob spawning"!
+- **Alternative:** To specify a different, custom folder in a location of your choosing for mob spawning, simply change the "Rig Folder" path to your choosing, under blender preferences > addon > MCprep. Save user preferences to keep this change for future blender sessions.
+- Note: all groups inside installed blend files will appear for mob spawning. A large number of rigs will currently slow down the shift-A menu displaying the spawnable rigs (will be improved in the future). Note that after installing a blend file, you do *not* need to save user preferences to use it in future blender sessions.
Known Bugs