diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 35eb431..30ca06c 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
# autocue changelog
+### 2024-07-01 – v4.0.4
+- Allow to override results via JSON even _after_ having done a fresh analysis (automatic or forced), for ultimate flexibility when using `cue_file` for pre-processing. You can now add fades, ramp or hook points, or do other calculations and feed the results into `cue_file` for tagging. **Use with care**, because some values are dependent on others. In any case, `cue_file` will ever _only_ write tags beginning with `liq_` and (if requested) `replaygain_`.
+- Prevent some strange errors that could happen when piping something into `cue_file` and JSON input was not `stdin`. We now use `ffmpeg -nostdin` to prevent it reading input that was meant for `cue_file`.
+- Don’t write _all_ `liq_*` tags (could have side effects), but only those _known_ (see `cue_file --help` for current list).
+- Streamlined tag conversion code a little.
### 2024-06-18 – v4.0.3
- Changed default of `-x`/`--extra` and `settings.autocue.cue_file.overlay_longtail` from `-15.0` LU to `-12.0` LU, requested by @RM-FM and the community. Together with the `-d`/`--drop` default change from `60.0` to `40.0`, this makes for a "tighter" playout and doesn’t lose too much of long or sustained endings.
diff --git a/FAQ.md b/FAQ.md
index fe7dabb..3ed653f 100644
--- a/FAQ.md
+++ b/FAQ.md
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-date: 2024-06-26
+date: 2024-07-01
author: Matthias C. Hormann (Moonbase59)
# FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ author: Matthias C. Hormann (Moonbase59)
- [How to pre-process more than one file at a time ("mass tagging")?](#how-to-pre-process-more-than-one-file-at-a-time-mass-tagging)
- [What tagging software to use?](#what-tagging-software-to-use)
- [Can I use `cue_file` to replaygain my files?](#can-i-use-cue_file-to-replaygain-my-files)
+- [Can I use `cue_file` to _manually_ add/overwrite tags when pre-processing?](#can-i-use-cue_file-to-manually-addoverwrite-tags-when-pre-processing)
- [How to make transitions _tighter_, i.e. overlay earlier?](#how-to-make-transitions-tighter-ie-overlay-earlier)
- [How to make transitions _longer_, i.e. overlay later and keep every bit of a song ending?](#how-to-make-transitions-longer-ie-overlay-later-and-keep-every-bit-of-a-song-ending)
- [Can I completely _disable_ the "sustained endings" feature?](#can-i-completely-disable-the-sustained-endings-feature)
@@ -156,6 +157,36 @@ As always, you should _know what you’re doing_, and set up these tools appropr
+## Can I use `cue_file` to _manually_ add/overwrite tags when pre-processing? ⇧
+- _Yes_, you can, even _after_ forcing a re-analysis (v4.0.4+).
+- _Only_ tags from `cue_file`’s list of _known_ tags (see `cue_file --help`) will ever been written by `cue_file`. So no overriding artist or title here—that’s what should have been done in an earlier step, using a good tagging software.
+- **Use with care!** Some values are dependent on others, you could easily mess up something.
+- You **must** create _well-formed JSON_ and can then use `cue_file` with the `-j`/`--json` switch to let your tags override or add to what’s already there.
+#### Example: Adding fade-in and fade-out, using `echo` and `stdin`
+echo '{"liq_fade_in": 0.1, "liq_fade_out": 0.1}' | cue_file -j - -fwr "filename.ext"
+- `-j -` — sets JSON input to `stdin`
+- `-fwr` — _force_ re-analysis, _write_ tags, write _replaygain_
+#### Example: using a JSON file `fades.json`
+ "liq_fade_in": 0.10,
+ "liq_fade_out": 0.10
+cue_file -j fades.json -fwr "filename.ext"
+- `-j fades.json` — read JSON data from file `fades.json`
+- `-fwr` — _force_ re-analysis, _write_ tags, write _replaygain_
## How to make transitions _tighter_, i.e. overlay earlier? ⇧
- First, try to _decrease_ `-d`/`--drop`/`settings.autocue.cue_file.sustained_loudness_drop` _gradually_. The default is `40.0`%, so maybe go down in 10% increments and see how you like it.
@@ -308,7 +339,7 @@ Nothing is definite yet, Liquidsoap 2.3.0 is still under heavy development.
Most certainly, as of 2024-06-23…
-- you will need a _new version_ 5.x.x of both `autocue.cue_file` and `cue_file`, because Liquidsoap will change the tags and API.
+- you will need a _new version_ of both `autocue.cue_file` and `cue_file`, because Liquidsoap will change the tags and API.
- you’ll need to _pre-process your files again_, if you have used that feature.
- I will see that `cue_file` will be able to _remove obsolete tags_.
- if possible, I’ll do some _checking_ so that you don’t run `autocue.cue_file` (and thus `cue_file`) under an incompatible Liquidsoap version. The `check_autocue_setup()` function will take care of that.
diff --git a/autocue.cue_file.liq b/autocue.cue_file.liq
index 52d4eee..e3986f8 100644
--- a/autocue.cue_file.liq
+++ b/autocue.cue_file.liq
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
# 2024-06-16 - Moonbase59 - v4.0.2 - Allow `-8.33dB` type values with no blank
# 2024-06-18 - Moonbase59 - v4.0.3 - Changed overlay_longtail from -15 to -12,
# most people seem to want transitions a bit tighter
+# 2024-07-01 - Moonbase59 - v4.0.4 - Sync with cue_file version
# Lots of debugging output for AzuraCast in this, will be removed eventually.
@@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ let settings.autocue.cue_file.version =
"Software version of autocue.cue_file. Should coincide with `cue_file`.",
- "4.0.3"
+ "4.0.4"
# Internal only! Not a user setting.
diff --git a/cue_file b/cue_file
index 49d418f..dfc4efe 100755
--- a/cue_file
+++ b/cue_file
@@ -58,13 +58,18 @@
# for slightly tighter/denser playout (community wish)
# 2024-06-18 Moonbase59 - v4.0.3 Change LONGTAIL_EXTRA_LU from -15 to -12,
# most people seem to want transitions a bit tighter
+# 2024-07-01 Moonbase59 - v4.0.4 Fix JSON override after analysis
+# - Add `-nostdin` to ffmpeg commands, prevents strange
+# errors when piping something to cue_file
+# - streamline tag conversion code a little
+# - only write known tags, not all `liq_*`
# Originally based on an idea and some code by John Warburton (@Warblefly):
# https://github.com/Warblefly/TrackBoundaries
# Some collaborative work with RM-FM (@RM-FM): Sustained ending analysis.
__author__ = 'Matthias C. Hormann'
-__version__ = '4.0.3'
+__version__ = '4.0.4'
import os
import sys
@@ -250,6 +255,56 @@ def amplify_correct(target, loudness, true_peak_dB, noclip):
return amplify, amplify_correction
+# remove " dB", " LU", " dBFS", " dBTP" and " LUFS" suffixes from
+# tags_found
+def remove_suffix(tags):
+ suffixed_tags = [
+ "liq_amplify", "liq_amplify_adjustment",
+ "liq_loudness", "liq_loudness_range", "liq_reference_loudness",
+ "replaygain_track_gain", "replaygain_track_range",
+ "replaygain_reference_loudness",
+ "liq_true_peak_db",
+ "liq_true_peak", # in case old " dBFS" values were stored in v1.2.3
+ ]
+ for tag in suffixed_tags:
+ if tag in tags and isinstance(tags[tag], str):
+ # No need to check for unit name, only using defined tags
+ m = re.search(r'([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)', tags[tag])
+ if m is not None:
+ tags[tag] = m.group()
+ return tags
+# convert tags into their typed variants, ready for calculations
+def convert_tags(tags):
+ items = tags.items()
+ # make keys lowercase, include only tags in tags_to_check
+ tags = {
+ k.lower(): v for k,
+ v in items if k.lower() in tags_to_check}
+ # remove suffixes from several tags
+ tags = remove_suffix(tags)
+ # convert tag string values to the correct types, listed in tags_to_check
+ tags = {k: tags_to_check[k](v) for k, v in tags.items()}
+ return tags
+# override a (typed) result with JSON overrides
+def override_from_JSON(tags, tags_json={}):
+ # get tags in JSON override file
+ tags_in_json = convert_tags(tags_json)
+ # unify, right overwrites left if key in both
+ # tags_found = tags_in_stream | tags_in_format | tags_in_json
+ tags = {**tags, **tags_in_json}
+ return tags
def read_tags(
@@ -282,28 +337,20 @@ def read_tags(
# get tags in stream #0 (mka, opus, etc.)
- stream_items = result['streams'][0]['tags'].items()
+ stream_tags = result['streams'][0]['tags']
except KeyError:
- stream_items = {}
+ stream_tags = {}
# get tags in format (flac, mp3, etc.)
- format_items = result['format']['tags'].items()
+ format_tags = result['format']['tags']
except KeyError:
- format_items = {}
+ format_tags = {}
- # get tags in JSON override file
- json_items = tags_json.items()
+ tags_in_stream = convert_tags(stream_tags)
+ tags_in_format = convert_tags(format_tags)
+ tags_in_json = convert_tags(tags_json)
- tags_in_stream = {
- k.lower(): v for k,
- v in stream_items if k.lower() in tags_to_check}
- tags_in_format = {
- k.lower(): v for k,
- v in format_items if k.lower() in tags_to_check}
- tags_in_json = {
- k.lower(): v for k,
- v in json_items if k.lower() in tags_to_check}
# unify, right overwrites left if key in both
# tags_found = tags_in_stream | tags_in_format | tags_in_json
tags_found = {**tags_in_stream, **tags_in_format, **tags_in_json}
@@ -320,29 +367,6 @@ def read_tags(
except KeyError:
- # remove " dB", " LU", " dBFS", " dBTP" and " LUFS" suffixes from
- # tags_found
- def remove_suffix(tags):
- suffixed_tags = [
- "liq_amplify", "liq_amplify_adjustment",
- "liq_loudness", "liq_loudness_range", "liq_reference_loudness",
- "replaygain_track_gain", "replaygain_track_range",
- "replaygain_reference_loudness",
- "liq_true_peak_db",
- "liq_true_peak", # in case old " dBFS" values were stored in v1.2.3
- ]
- for tag in suffixed_tags:
- if tag in tags and isinstance(tags[tag], str):
- # No need to check for unit name, only using defined tags
- m = re.search(r'([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)', tags[tag])
- if m is not None:
- tags[tag] = m.group()
- return tags
- # remove suffixes from several tags
- tags_found = remove_suffix(tags_found)
# create replaygain_track_gain from Opus R128_TRACK_GAIN (ref: -23 LUFS)
if "r128_track_gain" in tags_found:
rg = float(tags_found["r128_track_gain"]) / 256 + (target - -23.0)
@@ -353,9 +377,6 @@ def read_tags(
"replaygain_track_gain" in tags_found):
tags_found["liq_amplify"] = tags_found["replaygain_track_gain"]
- # convert tag string values to the correct types, listed in tags_to_check
- tags_found = {k: tags_to_check[k](v) for k, v in tags_found.items()}
# Handle old RG1/mp3gain positive loudness reference
# "89 dB" (SPL) should actually be -14 LUFS, but as a reference
# it is usually set equal to the RG2 -18 LUFS reference point
@@ -445,7 +466,7 @@ def add_missing(tags_found, target=TARGET_LUFS, blankskip=0.0, noclip=False):
tags_found["liq_amplify"] = tags_found["replaygain_track_gain"]
if "liq_amplify_adjustment" not in tags_found:
- tags_found["liq_amplify_adjustment"] = "0.00 dB"
+ tags_found["liq_amplify_adjustment"] = 0.00 # dB
if "liq_loudness" not in tags_found:
tags_found["liq_loudness"] = target - \
@@ -501,6 +522,7 @@ def analyse(
+ "-nostdin",
@@ -841,7 +863,7 @@ def write_tags(filename, tags={}, replaygain=False):
# copy only `liq_*`, float with 2 decimals, bools and strings lowercase
tags_new = {k: "{:.2f}".format(v)
if isinstance(v, float) else str(v).lower()
- for k, v in tags.items() if k.startswith("liq_") or k in rg_tags
+ for k, v in tags.items() if k in tags_to_check or k in rg_tags
# liq_true_peak & replaygain_track_peak have 6 decimals, fix it
if "liq_true_peak" in tags_new:
@@ -955,6 +977,7 @@ def write_tags(filename, tags={}, replaygain=False):
args = [
'-v', 'quiet',
+ '-nostdin',
'-i', str(filename.absolute()),
'-map_metadata', '0',
@@ -1197,6 +1220,9 @@ if args.force or not skip_analysis:
+ # allow to override even the analysis results
+ if args.json:
+ result = override_from_JSON(result, tags_json)
result = add_missing(tags_found, args.target, args.blankskip, args.noclip)