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#Marshalling and Unmarshalling


Marshalling and unmarshalling is used both on the client and server side. On the server side it is used to map an incoming request to a Scala or Java object and to map a Scala or Java object to an outgoing response. Similarly, on the client side, it is used to marshal an object to an outgoing HTTP request and unmarshal it from an incoming response. There could be a multitude of content formats for marshalling/unmarshalling, common ones are JSON and XML.

Akka HTTP provides marshalling/unmarshalling facilities explained in Scala marshalling/unmarshalling and Java marshalling/unmarshalling. Also, there are other open source marshallers and unmarshallers for Akka HTTP available for different formats and using different object marshalling/unmarshalling implementations.

squbs provides a Java API for manual marshalling/marshalling as well as adding facilities for working in a Scala/Java cross-language environment. Manual access to marshallers and unmarshallers is useful for stream-based applications where some work may need to be done in a stream stage. It is also useful for testing marshaller configurations to ensure the right format is achieved.

This document discusses the marshallers and unmarshallers provided by squbs, and the facilities you can use to invoke these marshallers and unmarshallers manually. This document does not address the use of marshallers and unmarshallers as part of the Akka HTTP Routing DSL. Please see the Akka HTTP Routing DSL Scala and Java marshalling directives for using marshallers, including ones provided in this document, in the Routing DSL. ###Dependency

Add the following dependency to your build.sbt or scala build file:

"org.squbs" %% "squbs-ext" % squbsVersion



The JacksonMapperSupport provides JSON marshallers/unmarshallers based on the popular Jackson library. It allows global as well as per-type configuration of Jackson ObjectMappers.

Please see Jackson Data Binding documentation for detail on ObjectMapper configuration.


You just need to import the JacksonMapperSupport._ to expose its implicit members in the scope of marshaller/unmarshaller usage in Scala code:

import org.squbs.marshallers.json.JacksonMapperSupport._

Both automatic and manual marshallers will implicitly make use of the marshallers provided by this package. The following code shows various ways to configure the DefaultScalaModule with the ObjectMapper:

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper
import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.DefaultScalaModule
import org.squbs.marshallers.json.JacksonMapperSupport

/* To use DefaultScalaModule for all classes.

  new ObjectMapper().registerModule(DefaultScalaModule))

/* To register a 'DefaultScalaModule' for marshalling a
 * specific class, overrides global configuration for
 * this class.

  new ObjectMapper().registerModule(DefaultScalaModule))


The marshallers and unmarshallers can be obtained from the marshaller and unmarshaller methods in JacksonMapperSupport, passing the class instance of the type to marshal/unmarshal as follows:

import akka.http.javadsl.marshalling.Marshaller;
import akka.http.javadsl.model.HttpEntity;
import akka.http.javadsl.model.RequestEntity;
import akka.http.javadsl.unmarshalling.Unmarshaller;

import static org.squbs.marshallers.json.JacksonMapperSupport.*;

Marshaller<MyClass, RequestEntity> myMarshaller =

Unmarshaller<HttpEntity, MyClass> myUnmarshaller =

These marshallers and unmarshallers can be used as part of the Akka HTTP Routing DSL or as part of invoking marshalling/unmarshalling discussed in this document, below.

The following examples configure the DefaultScalaModule with the ObjectMapper:

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.DefaultScalaModule;
import org.squbs.marshallers.json.JacksonMapperSupport;

/* Globally registers the 'DefaultScalaModule'.
  new ObjectMapper().registerModule(new DefaultScalaModule()));

/* This example below registers the 'DefaultScalaModule'
 * just for 'MyClass'

  new ObjectMapper().registerModule(new DefaultScalaModule()));


The XLangJsonSupport adds cross language support by delegating marshalling and unmarshalling to:

  • Json4s for Scala classes
  • Jackson for Java classes

These are generally the preferred marshallers for each language as they support language-specific conventions without further configuration. They are also generally better optimized for the different conventions.

However, the decision to use Json4s or Jackson is made from the type of the object passed in for marshalling/unmarshalling. If you have a mixed object hierarchy you may still need to configure the marshalling/unmarshalling facilities to support different conventions as illustrated in the followings:

  • Scala case class referencing Java Beans. Since the top-level object is of a Scala case class, Json4s will be chosen. But it does not know how to marshal/unmarshal Java Beans. A custom serializer needs to be added to Json4s to handle these Java Beans.
  • Java Beans referencing Scala case class. Since the top-level object is a Java Bean, Jackson will be chosen. Jackson by default does not know how to marshal/unmarshal case classes. You need to register DefaultScalaModule to the Jackson ObjectMapper to handle such cases.

A general guideline for marshalling/unmarshalling mixed language object hierarchies: Unless Json4s optimizations are preferred, it is easier to configure Jackson to handle Scala by just registering DefaultScalaModule to the ObjectMapper.

Like JacksonMapperSupport, it supports per-type configuration of the marshaller and unmarshaller. It allows configuration both for Json4s and Jackson.


You just need to import the XLangJsonSupport._ to expose its implicit members in the scope of marshaller/unmarshaller usage in Scala code:

import org.squbs.marshallers.json.XLangJsonSupport._

Both automatic and manual marshallers will implicitly make use of the marshallers provided by this package. The following provide samples of configuring XLangJsonSupport:

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper
import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.paramnames.ParameterNamesModule
import org.json4s.{DefaultFormats, jackson, native}
import org.squbs.marshallers.json.XLangJsonSupport

/* The following configures the default settings
 * for 'XLangJsonSupport'

// Adds ParameterNamesModule to Jackson
  new ObjectMapper().registerModule(new ParameterNamesModule())
// Tells Json4s to use native serialization

// Adds MySerializer to the serializers used by Json4s
XLangJsonSupport.setDefaultFormats(DefaultFormats + MySerializer)

/* The following configures XLangJsonSupport for specific class.
 * Namely, it configures for 'MyClass' and 'MyOtherClass'.

// Use ParameterNamesModule for mashal/unmarshal MyClass
XLangJsonSupport.register[MyClass](new ParameterNamesModule()))

// Use Json4s Jackson serialization for MyOtherClass

// Use MySerializer Json4s serializer for MyOtherClass
XLangJsonSupport.register[MyOtherClass](DefaultFormats + MySerializer)


The marshallers and unmarshallers can be obtained from the marshaller and unmarshaller methods in XLangJsonSupport, passing the class instance of the type to marshal/unmarshal as follows:

import akka.http.javadsl.marshalling.Marshaller;
import akka.http.javadsl.model.HttpEntity;
import akka.http.javadsl.model.RequestEntity;
import akka.http.javadsl.unmarshalling.Unmarshaller;

import static org.squbs.marshallers.json.XLangJsonSupport.*;

Marshaller<MyClass, RequestEntity> myMarshaller =

Unmarshaller<HttpEntity, MyClass> myUnmarshaller =

These marshallers and unmarshallers can be used as part of the Akka HTTP Routing DSL or as part of invoking marshalling/unmarshalling discussed in this document, below.

The following provide samples of configuring XLangJsonSupport:

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.paramnames.ParameterNamesModule;
import org.squbs.marshallers.json.XLangJsonSupport;

/* Global XLangJsonSupport Configuration.

// Adds ParameterNamesModule to Jackson
  new ObjectMapper().registerModule(new ParameterNamesModule());
// Tells Json4s to use native serialization

// Adds MySerializer and MyOtherSerializer (varargs) to the serializers used by Json4s
XLangJsonSupport.addDefaultSerializers(new MySerializer(), new MyOtherSerializer());

/* Per-class configuration of 'XLangJsonSupport'.
 * In this case we show configuring 'MyClass' and 'MyOtherClass'

// Use ParameterNamesModule for mashal/unmarshal MyClass
XLangJsonSupport.register(MyClass.class, new ParameterNamesModule()));

// Use Json4s Jackson serialization for MyOtherClass
XLangJsonSupport.register(MyOtherClass.class, XLangJsonSupport.jacksonSerialization());

// Adds MySerializer and MyOtherSerializer (varargs) to the serializers used by Json4s for MyOtherClass
XLangJsonSupport.addSerializers(MyOtherClass.class, new MySerializer(), new MyOtherSerializer());

####Invoking Marshalling/Unmarshalling

Besides using marshallers and marshallers as part of Akka HTTP Routing DSL, manual invocation of marshalling and unmarshalling is often required for use in both server-side and client-side Flows as well as for testing.


Akka provides a great Scala DSL for marshalling and unmarshalling. It's use can be seen in the example below:

import akka.http.scaladsl.marshalling.Marshal
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.MessageEntity
import akka.http.scaladsl.unmarshalling.Unmarshal

// We need the ActorSystem and Materializer to marshal/unmarshal
implicit val system = ActorSystem()
implicit val mat = ActorMaterializer()

// Also need the implicit marshallers provided by this import
import org.squbs.marshallers.json.XLangJsonSupport._

// Just call Marshal or Unmarshal as follows:

#####Java The MarshalUnmarshal utility class is used for manually marshalling and unmarshalling objects using any Marshaller and Unmarshaller defined in Akka HTTP's JavaDSL. It's use can be seen in the example below:

import akka.http.javadsl.model.RequestEntity;

import org.squbs.marshallers.MarshalUnmarshal;

// We're using JacksonMapperSupport here.
// But XLangJsonSupport works the same.
import static org.squbs.marshallers.json.JacksonMapperSupport.*;

// Base infrastructure, and the 'mu' MarshalUnmarshal. 
private final ActorSystem system = ActorSystem.create();
private final Materializer mat = ActorMaterializer.create(system);
private final MarshalUnmarshal mu = new MarshalUnmarshal(system.dispatcher(), mat);

// Call 'apply' passing marshaller or unmarshaller as follows, using marshaller
// and unmarshaller methods from 'import static JacksonMapperSupport.*;':
CompletionStage<RequestEntity> mf = mu.apply(marshaller(MyClass.class), myObject);
CompletionStage<MyClass> uf = mu.apply(unmarshaller(MyClass.class), entity);