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Gestalt Asset Core Quick Start

Immortius edited this page Jun 8, 2015 · 21 revisions

Gestalt Asset Core Quick Start

Defining an Asset type

There are two important classes when defining a new asset type.

Firstly, the AssetData class provides an implementation-agnostic representation of the data needed to create the asset:

public class BookData implements AssetData {
    private String title;
    private String body;

    public String getTitle() {
        return title;

    public void setTitle(String title) {
        this.title = title;

    public String getBody() {
        return body;

    public void setBody(String body) {
        this.body = body;

Then there is the Asset class itself, which may be implementation specific (e.g. OpenGLTexture):

public class Book extends Asset<BookData> {

    private String title;
    private String body;

    public Book(ResourceUrn urn, AssetType<?, BookData> type, BookData data) {
        super(urn, type);

    protected void doReload(BookData data) {
        title = data.getTitle();
        body = data.getBody();

    protected void doDispose() {
        title = "";
        body = "";

    public String getTitle() {
        return title;

    public String getBody() {
        return body;

Additionally, you may need a AssetFactory class depending on how the asset type will be registered. A factory class looks like:

public class BookFactory implements AssetFactory<Book, BookData> {

    public Book build(ResourceUrn urn, AssetType<? super Book, BookData> type, BookData data) {
        return new Book(urn, type, data);

although if your constructor meets the signature, you may be able to get away with a method reference (e.g. BookAsset::new

Establishing an AssetTypeManager

AssetTypeManager is is the central manager for all asset types. ModuleAwareAssetTypeManager will set up asset types to read

ModuleAwareAssetTypeManager assetTypeManager = new ModuleAwareAssetTypeManager();
assetTypeManager.registerCoreAssetType(Book.class, Book::new, "books");

You can also have asset types automatically register using the @RegisterAssetType annotation:

import org.terasology.assets.module.annotations.RegisterAssetType;

@RegisterAssetType(folderName = "books", factoryClass = BookFactory.class)
public class Book extends Asset<BookData> { 
   \\ ...

Obtaining Assets

AssetManager assetManager = new AssetManager(assetTypeManager);
Optional<Book> myBook = assetManager.getAsset("engine:mybook", Book.class);
Optional<Book> myBook = assetManager.getAsset("engine:mybook", Book.class);
Set<ResourceUrn> bookUrns = assetManager.getAvailableAssets(Book.class);

Programatically creating/reloading Assets

BookData data = new BookData();
Book myBook = assetManager.loadAsset(new ResourceUrn("engine:mybook"), data, Book.class);
BookData data = new BookData();


Reload assets changed on disk