Releases: MrPlusGH/NPlusMiner
NPlusMiner 4.4.2
This is a very minimal release which will update the AutoUpdate code to prepare for next updates.
- Check for min required NVIDIA driver version in AutoUpdate
- Remove ZergPool pool files and BrainPlus files
- Replace Zergpool by Zpool if still found in config
Following updates will be postponed for a little so client get time to get the AutoUpdate.
Following version will require NVIDIA drivers update. So AutoUpdate will only install if the proper version is installed.
NPlusMiner 4.4.1
Candidate for AutoUpdate = Yes
NPlusMiner checks for updates every 24 hours.
If you do not want to wait, simply restart NPlusMiner and it will pick it up on startup
Change log
- AutoUpdate will now update OptionalMiners files in Miners if in use
- AutoUpdate will now delete obsolete miner files on update
- Not present in Miners and OptionalMiners in new version
- If any files needs to be recovered please get it from the AutoUpdate backup)
- Various Miners updates
- Added equihash96, sonoa, polytmos support
- Fixed Lyra2v2 on ZergPool
! The update file above is only here to serve AutoUpdates. **_Do not download_** !
NPlusMiner 4.4
Candidate for AutoUpdate = Yes
NPlusMiner checks for updates every 24 hours.
If you do not want to wait, simply restart NPlusMiner and it will pick it up on startup
Change log
- Blank algo list in config will now activate any available algo (default config)
- Implements auto pers for Equihash144
- Fixed miners not updated when running
- Will now re-benchmark on miners updates
- Updated Miners
! The update file above is only here to serve AutoUpdates. **_Do not download_** !
NPlusMiner 4.3.2
Candidate for AutoUpdate = Yes
NPlusMiner checks for updates every 24 hours.
If you do not want to wait, simply restart NPlusMiner and it will pick it up on startup
Change log
- Added Equihash-BTG support on MiningPoolHub
! The update file above is only here to serve AutoUpdates. **_Do not download_** !
NPlusMiner 4.3.1
Candidate for AutoUpdate = Yes
NPlusMiner checks for updates every 24 hours.
If you do not want to wait, simply restart NPlusMiner and it will pick it up on startup
Change log
- Added new equihash144 coins (zergpool) - Thanks @pinpins
- If equihash144 is part of the selected algo list, new coins will automatically added
- Current coins (zergpool)
- Zelcash
- BitcoinZ
- Snowgem
- Added Miner TRex in OptionalMiners (testing)
! The update file above is only here to serve AutoUpdates. **_Do not download_** !
NPlusMiner 4.3
Candidate for AutoUpdate = Yes
NPlusMiner checks for updates every 24 hours.
If you do not want to wait, simply restart NPlusMiner and it will pick it up on startup
Change log
- More responsive UI
- Fixed wrong GPU selection while using ManualConfig #102
- Fixed Pause/Mine function #105
- Added CPU affinity for CPU miner #100
- Changed Stratum to Host in Switching.log
- Upgraded EWBFv2 to version 0.4
- Changed AutoUpdate function so we keep only the two last backups to avoid filling disk
! The update file above is only here to serve AutoUpdates. **_Do not download_** !
NPlusMiner 4.2.3
Candidate for AutoUpdate = Yes
NPlusMiner checks for updates every 24 hours.
If you do not want to wait, simply restart NPlusMiner and it will pick it up on startup
Change log
- Added equihash144
- equihash144 needs to be manually added to the config algo list
! The update file above is only here to serve AutoUpdates. **_Do not download_** !
NPlusMiner 4.2.2
Candidate for AutoUpdate = Yes
NPlusMiner checks for updates every 24 hours.
If you do not want to wait, simply restart NPlusMiner and it will pick it up on startup
Change log
- Added ccminerBalloon
- Balloon needs to be manually added to the config algo list
- Fixed stratum in swtiching log not working for some pools
- Fixed BlockMasters pool typo in pool files
! The update file above is only here to serve AutoUpdates. **_Do not download_** !
NPlusMiner 4.2.1
Candidate for AutoUpdate = Yes
- NPlusMiner checks for updates every 24 hours.
- If you do not want to wait, simply restart NPlusMiner and it will pick it up on startup
- Fix multiplier problem in BrainPlus
NPlusMiner 4.2
Candidate for AutoUpdate = Yes
- NPlusMiner checks for updates every 24 hours.
- If you do not want to wait, simply restart NPlusMiner and it will pick it up on startup
- Added EthashPhoenix miner
- Better hashrate
- Lower fees
- Improved Pools polling performances
- Thanks @thebeerbaron2018 for pointing this out!
- Realigned all pool files so they share more similar code
- Fixed an issue on miner file update where kept trying to download
- Thanks @thebeerbaron2018 !
- Fixed EWBFv2 GPU selection