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Installation guide

Mstiekema edited this page Jan 2, 2017 · 28 revisions

How to install Yucibot

Step 1: Make a folder for the bot

You can make it wherever you want it to be, just don't lose track of it.

Step 2: Fetch the repository

You can download it from the main repo page, or you can use the command line if you are on a VPS

git clone .

Step 3: Install node.js

Go to and follow the installing process. After you finish installing, open up your cmd, go to your project folder and type the following code to initialize node.js and it's packages

npm install

Step 4: Install mysql


`sudo apt-get install mysql-server'



Step 4: Change to config file

Fill in your data and change the file name to config.js

Step 5: Run the bot

Start the bot by typing

node app.js

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