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Markdown Formatted Licenses

Formatting rules for converting a license into the markdown format:

General Formatting

  • Hard wrap all lines at 80 characters. It's a good line length.

  • Files should be named using the license's acronym followed by

  • Leave ALL CAPS sections alone (i.e. don't convert to bold), they need to be conspicuous in all formats.


  • Level 1 and level 2 headers should use the two line header style:

    Some Level 1 Header
    Some Level 2 Header
  • Headers should always have a blank line following them, and two blank lines preceding them (unless it's the document header).

  • There should be only one level 1 header: the document header. It should include the name of the license, any versioning information, and the acronym of the license. For example:

    The GNU General Public License, Version 2, June 1991 (GPLv2)


  • List items should have a blank line between each.

  • List items should be indented 4 spaces each. Ditto nested lists.

    1.  List item.
        a.  Sub item.
    2.  Another thingo.
  • Use * to indicate bulleted lists.

  • Be careful to not relabel ordered lists! Markdown always starts ordered lists at 1. You may want to use sub-headings to preserve ordering.