- Download sources
- Install dependencies.
npm install
- Build the project using our npm script.
npm run build
- Run the server and the live reload using our npm script.
npm run dev
. Examples will be available onhttp://localhost:8080/examples/index.html
Start coding
- Debug using your favorite browser dev tools. The sources will be available under the webpack source folder (for chrome dev tools). Every change in sources will trigger a rebuild with linter and basic tests.
At MyScript, we use WebStorm to develop our library. You can find below some help to configure WebStorm like we do. Obviously, feel free to use any code editor as the configuration can be adapted for any editor.
Configure all the librairies to have a good code completion https://blog.jetbrains.com/webstorm/2014/07/how-webstorm-works-completion-for-javascript-libraries/
Configure the code format by going in Files -> Settings the Editor -> Code Style -> Javascript and press the button manage. Load the configuration file locate in ./dev/AIRBNB. This will allow you to reformat the javascript code with IDEA formatter as expected by most of configured ES6 rules.
Debug mocha test
- Add a mocha test configuration with test directory
- Configure the launcher with the extra mocha option
--compilers js:babel-core/register
Activate ESLint checks https://www.jetbrains.com/help/webstorm/2016.2/eslint.html and use the automatic search option.