diff --git a/Production/app.R b/Production/app.R
index 0a2468c..2c51acb 100644
--- a/Production/app.R
+++ b/Production/app.R
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ ui <- dashboardPage(
menuItem("Map of Haulout Sites", tabName = "hauloutmap")
-# menuItem("Gray Seal Pupping Data", tabName = "rectsel")
-# ,
+ menuItem("Gray Seal Pupping Data", tabName = "rectsel")
+ ,
menuItem("Harbor Seal Pupping Data", tabName = "Pvrectsel")
menuItem("2014/2015 Cape Cod Counts", tabName = "counts1415")
@@ -25,10 +25,10 @@ ui <- dashboardPage(
# # # # Second tab content
-# tabItem(tabName = "rectsel",
-# source('./scripts/rectangleSelectExample3.R', local = TRUE)$value
-# )
-# ,
+ tabItem(tabName = "rectsel",
+ source('./scripts/rectangleSelectHg.R', local = TRUE)$value
+ )
+ ,
# # # # Second tab content
tabItem(tabName = "Pvrectsel",
source('./scripts/rectangleSelectPv2.R', local = TRUE)$value
diff --git a/Production/scripts/rectangleSelectExample3.R b/Production/scripts/rectangleSelectExample3.R
deleted file mode 100644
index ada8d5a..0000000
--- a/Production/scripts/rectangleSelectExample3.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-dashboardSidebar(disable = TRUE)
-## read in data
-data_2 <- read.csv("./data/GraySealHaulouts.csv")
-data_2 <- data_2 %>% dplyr::rename("Site" = "HAULOUTSITE")
-data3 <- read.csv("./data/HgPupsYearandSite.csv")
-data3$Site[data3$Site=="Monomoy"]<-"Monomoy Island"
-data3$Site[data3$Site=="Muskeget"]<-"Muskeget Island"
-data3$Site[data3$Site=="Nomans"]<-"Nomans Island"
-data3$Site <- as.factor(data3$Site)
-pupsites <- data_2 %>% filter(Site %in% c("Muskeget Island", "Monomoy Island", "Seal Island", "Wooden Ball", "Green Island", "Nomans Island"))
-# set up a group of SharedData objects
-shared_sites <- SharedData$new(pupsites, key = ~Site, group = "shared_obj")
-shared_cts <- SharedData$new(data3, key = ~Site, group = "shared_obj")
- # shared_cts, filter = 'top',
- shared_cts,filter = list(
- position = 'top', clear = FALSE
- ),
- extensions = c('Select', 'Buttons'), options = list(select = list(style = 'os', items = 'row'),dom = 'Bfrtip',columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 1:3)), autoWidth = TRUE, include.rownames= FALSE, buttons = list(list(extend = 'collection', buttons = c('csv', 'excel', 'pdf', 'print'), text = 'Download')
- )),
-ltlf5<- leaflet(shared_sites) %>%
- #addTiles(tilesURL) %>%
- addProviderTiles(providers$Esri.WorldImagery) %>%
- addCircleMarkers(
- lng = ~LON,
- lat = ~LAT,
- # group = ~HAULOUTSITECODE,popup = ~paste(Site, '
' ),
- group = ~HAULOUTSITECODE,popup = ~paste(Site),
- radius = 3,
- color = 'yellow'
- )
-#mainPanel(width = 10,
-body <- dashboardBody( tags$head(tags$style(HTML('
-.box {margin-top: 2px;margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom:2px;padding:0px}'
- fluidRow(
- # App title ----
- titlePanel(tagList(img(src = 'noaanefsclogo.PNG'),br(),title='Gray Seal Pupping Data'),
- tags$head(tags$link(rel = "icon", type = "image/png", href = "favicon.png")
- )
- ),
- ),
- fluidRow(
- column(6,ltlf5, h4(style="text-align: justify;","The NEFSC has been conducting aerial surveys of gray seal pupping colonies since 2005 to monitor the number of pups born in U.S. waters.
- Surveys were flown from either a Cessna 252, Cessna Skymaster, or NOAA Twin Otter at altitudes ranging from 180-230 m,
- using hand-held or belly-mounted Canon camera systems. Ideally, surveys are flown after all pups are born and before they start leaving the colony,
- but in some years surveys may have been flown before or after this optimal window. Furthermore, not all colonies may have been surveyed each year
- due to logistics or if the site was not yet an established pupping colony. This map represents the minimum count of pups born on each colony from 2005-2021,
- and if multiple flights were flown in a season, the maximum count of replicate surveys. For more information, see Wood et al.", tags$a(href="https://academic.oup.com/jmammal/article/101/1/121/56750962020", "2020,"), tags$a(href="https://repository.library.noaa.gov/view/noaa/46455", "2022.")),
- h4("Use the bracket tool in the corner of this map and drag the corners to select rookeries (blue dots) of interest.
- Or just use the filters in the datatable at left to select data.")),
- column(6,DT1), p(style="text-align: justify;","* indicates site not surveyed; ** indicates the counts were removed due to poor image quality/coverage, *** indicates the counts were removed due to survey date.")
- )