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103 lines (79 loc) · 4.83 KB

IDO Cleanup Tool

In larger installations of Icinga 2, IDO DB cleanup can become a challenge. Those cleanup queries are scheduled in between any other INSERT or UPDATE query.

This can cause two problems:

  • Regular updates are deferred when cleanup is running
  • Not all tables are indexed correctly, so cleanup can take longer

This tool is build to realize IDO cleanup outside of Icinga 2, so you should disable any cleanup inside /etc/icinga2/features-available/ido*.conf and setup this tool as service.

Currently, only MySQL is supported.


You can download the built binary from releases.

To run the daemon with systemd see systemd directory, and install the files like follows, making sure to adjust the files to your needs.

cp netways-ido-cleanup.service /etc/systemd/system/
cp netways-ido-cleanup.env /etc/icinga2/netways-ido-cleanup
chown icinga.icinga /etc/icinga2/netways-ido-cleanup
chmod 640 /etc/icinga2/netways-ido-cleanup

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable netways-ido-cleanup.service
systemctl start netways-ido-cleanup.service

systemctl status netways-ido-cleanup.service


$ export DB_DSN='icinga:icinga@tcp(database:3306)/icinga'
$ ./ido-cleanup
Usage of ido-cleanup:
      --db string                         DB Connecting string (env:DB_DSN) (default "icinga:icinga@/icinga2")
      --instance string                   IDO instance name (default "default")
      --limit int                         Limit deleting rows in one query (default 10000)
      --interval duration                 Cleanup every X seconds (default 1m0s)
      --fast-interval duration            Cleanup every X seconds - when more then 2x limit rows to delete (default 10s)
      --once                              Just run once
      --noop                              Just check - don't purge
      --debug                             Enable debug logging
      --acknowledgements uint             How long to keep entries of acknowledgements in days
      --commenthistory uint               How long to keep entries of commenthistory in days (default 365)
      --contactnotifications uint         How long to keep entries of contactnotifications in days (default 365)
      --contactnotificationmethods uint   How long to keep entries of contactnotificationmethods in days
      --downtimehistory uint              How long to keep entries of downtimehistory in days (default 365)
      --eventhandlers uint                How long to keep entries of eventhandlers in days (default 365)
      --externalcommands uint             How long to keep entries of externalcommands in days
      --flappinghistory uint              How long to keep entries of flappinghistory in days
      --hostchecks uint                   How long to keep entries of hostchecks in days
      --logentries uint                   How long to keep entries of logentries in days (default 365)
      --notifications uint                How long to keep entries of notifications in days (default 365)
      --processevents uint                How long to keep entries of processevents in days
      --statehistory uint                 How long to keep entries of statehistory in days (default 365)
      --servicechecks uint                How long to keep entries of servicechecks in days
      --systemcommands uint               How long to keep entries of systemcommands in days


$ ido-cleanup --once
INFO[0000] starting ido-cleanup
INFO[0000] deleted rows  oldest="2019-03-01 11:26:44 +0000 UTC" rows=10000 table=commenthistory took=72.647379ms
INFO[0000] deleted rows  oldest="2019-01-21 19:35:14 +0000 UTC" rows=6129 table=contactnotifications took=76.247963ms
INFO[0000] deleted rows  oldest="2019-02-06 09:42:08 +0000 UTC" rows=209 table=downtimehistory took=3.992535ms
INFO[0000] deleted rows  oldest="2019-04-23 07:29:36 +0000 UTC" rows=60 table=eventhandlers took=6.685573ms
INFO[0000] deleted rows  oldest="2019-01-21 19:35:14 +0000 UTC" rows=6212 table=notifications took=84.653149ms
INFO[0000] deleted rows  oldest="2019-01-20 10:16:30 +0000 UTC" rows=10000 table=statehistory took=135.619702ms
INFO[0000] stopping after one cleanup

Missing indices

Not all tables are indexed in a way to support fast deletions.

Please add those indexes to ensure speedy queries.

CREATE INDEX idx_notifications_cleanup ON icinga_notifications (`instance_id`,`start_time`);
CREATE INDEX idx_contactnotifications_cleanup on icinga_contactnotifications (instance_id, start_time);

See Icinga/icinga2#7753.


Copyright (C) 2021 NETWAYS GmbH

This library is distributed under the GPL-3.0 license found in the LICENSE file.