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adfarth edited this page Aug 30, 2023 · 24 revisions

Welcome to the REopt-API-Analysis wiki!

NOTE: The documentation in this wiki is for using the API. For documentation on developing the REopt® API please go here.

The REopt API recommends an optimal mix of renewable energy, conventional generation, and energy storage technologies to meet cost savings and energy performance goals, including the hourly optimal operation of the system. In addition to this API, the REopt Web Tool provides an interface for interactively setting up input parameters. Click here for more information about the REopt model.

Please use the Discussions for general usage questions.

Accessing the API

The API is hosted at In order to access the API you need to get an API key. Once you have a key you can access the API with something like:

You will have to replace DEMO_KEY with your own key (the DEMO_KEY only allows a few hits per day).

Running a REopt "job" in the API

The REopt API includes many endpoints. However, the main use case is running an optimization job and getting the results of the job, which is a two-step process.

Step 1: POST a job

First, you POST your REopt Scenario to the job endpoint, i.e. POST'ing can be done with many tools. This repository includes python functions to make it easy to POST your jobs to the API.

The job endpoint will return a run_uuid in JSON format, like

{"run_uuid": "288523d9-b3ca-491b-a490-27b10c384ce1"}

Go here for information on all the inputs for a job.

Step 2: GET results

The second step is to GET your results at the results endpoint using your run_uuid. The URL will look like:

Note that it can take some time to optimize your Scenario. While the job is running the Scenario.status will be "Optimizing...". Once the job is complete the status will be "optimal" (assuming no problems were encountered).

The API response will contain three top level keys:

  • "inputs": all of the inputs that you provided in addition to all the other default values that were used;
  • "outputs": the optimization results; and
  • "messages": information on input validation as well as errors if they occured.

Go here for information on all the outputs for a job.

NOTE: The REopt® web tool has dropped “Lite” from its name to better reflect its status as a comprehensive techno-economic optimization tool that evaluates the economics of distributed solar, wind, battery storage, combined heat and power, geothermal heat pumps, modeled greenhouse gas reductions, and more. Read about REopt's evolution.