You can implement a Source
to turn anything into RSS-like. The life circle and error handling of a Source
is predefined and shared, you only have to implement a few interface to get a quite stable and user responsive Source
Stable means a reasonable crawling interval, and some elegant error handling/retries.
User responsive means that the user can be fully aware of the crawler state, and can sometimes manually interfere the Source
's life circel. Say, I may want to force a Source
to update herself, because I'm convinced that there must be some updates.
All the example code can be found at example/
folder of the project. And feel free to try anything in the playground/
Source related code are writen in a statemachine way, you can read the detail at
As I mentioned above, Source
has its life circle and error handlings. I will cover them latter, but for now we should have it in mind that we are only implementing a small part of the circle. Keep with this idea will make the example code make much more sense.
OK let's make a Source
First make a directory at playground/pixiv/
. Create a file
with following content. Again, all code can be found at example/
# `sybilRequire` require modules related to the root of the sybil proejct
Source = sybilRequire "collector/source/"
class Pixiv extends Source
@type = "pixiv"
class PixivInitializer extends Source::Initializer
class PixivAuthorizer extends Source:Authorizer
class PixivUpdater extends Source::Updater
Pixiv::Initializer = PixivIntializer
Pixiv::Authorizer = PixivAuthorizer
Pixiv::Updater = PixivUpdater
module.exports = Pixiv
Note we use sybilRequire
to import a sybil module relate to the sybil project root. sybilRequire
is a global variable provide by the "core/"
. We will import that file in our test file latter.
We are going to make a Source
that index the famous doujin-art site pixiv.
are divided into three part, Initializer
, Authorizer
, Updater
When we first subscribe a Source
, we have to interact with initializer. Initializer is responsible for validate the source and invoke Authorizer
if needed.
I want to make Pixiv
collecting user's favorite doujin-authors art with a given pixiv account. So it should'nt work without authorizing. So our initializer may be like this.
class PixivInitializer extends Source::Initializer
if not @data.authorizeInfo or not @data.authorizeInfo.cookie
@error Source.Errors.AuthorizationFailed("Pixiv require authorize")
Note that we try to accessing @data.authorizeInfo
to access authorize info, and errors. There are many things to explain here.
We store all data used in the life circle to
object. So we can easily reset it and restart the life circle without mix up the data of previous life circle.node.js
is proven to be very weak against duplicated or unwanted async callback, which will cause unpredictable errors and be very very hard to hunt down.@data
is one of my effort to avoid such problem. You can checkout the ideas at -
will be set byclass Pixiv
automatically, and is provided byPixivAuthorizer
.If no authorizer provided or authorization not invoked, @data.authorizeInfo is promised to be a empty object{}
. -
will bring thePixivInitializer
to a"panic"
state, and lifecircle will halt forever util the panic is recovered. The panic recovering is done by the parent module, in this case thePixiv
. Sybil treat errors very strict. When writingSource
, you should always set errors defined inSource.Errors
. During initializing, aAuthorizationFailed
will makePixiv
go throughPixivAuthorizer
then restartInitializer
. Any other error will cause initialization failed, and will have user notified. Retry or not is left for user decision.
Now, we know the PixivInitializer
can't get things done without authorizeInfo
, so we come to complete the authorizer first.
tough = require "tough-cookie"
urlModule = require "url"
httpUtil = global.env.httpUtil
class PixivAuthorizer extends Source::Authorizer
@jar = new tough.CookieJar()
@timeout = 1000 * 10
# Very lucky pixiv don't check csrf token or captcha at login
# so we do not need a prelogin here you can skip it.
# If your source need a captcha or a CSRF token, you can checkout
# /collector/source/
# Authorizer::atPrelogin/Authorizer::atPrelogined
if not @data.username or not @data.secret
@error new Source.Errors.AuthorizationFailed("Pixiv authentication requires a valid username and password")
loginUrl = ""
params = {
# Set cookie jar
# We use tough-cookie, hope you like it
# By pass the jar as option, httpUtil
# will automatically update cookies in the jar
option = {
# You can use nodejs builtin http module as well.
# Here we using the sybil builin httpUtil.
httpUtil.httpPost option,(err,res,content)=>
if not @checkSole sole
if err
@error new Source.Errors.NetworkError("net work error at login",{via:err})
if not res.headers["set-cookie"]
@error new Source.Errors.AuthorizationFailed("No cookie set, likely invalid username or password")
cookie = @jar.getCookieStringSync loginUrl
# set authorize info here so `Pixiv` may pass it
# to other modules that need it.
@data.authorizeInfo = {cookie:cookie}
@setState "authorized"
Sybil will handle user input of username and secret for you , you use them to do the authentication, that's it. Any error during authorizing will retry the entire authorizing process, which means user will be prompt for username/secret again.
Besides the comments, here are some breif explain about the above code.
Not every
can work with only username and secret, some of them may require CSRF token, some even need to complete a captcha. All this actions should be happend beforeatLogining
. They actually should be doneatPrelogin
, you can check the details at /collector/source/ -
After each async call, we invoked a
@checkSole sole
. This is another effort to eliminate the duplicate/invalid callback problems in nodejs we have mentions before.sole
is the params you can recieve from anatXXX
method.@checkSole sole
will try to check the sole against the currentsole
of the state machine. If it does't match, just return immediately. In case the life circle changed or state machine are reset/stoped, sole will be changed, then sole's don't match, at last no duplicate callbacks will run then. -
At last we call
@setState "authorized"
, to go to the next state"authorized"
.This is howSource
shares most of its codes, we set the @data and notify the state change. Data transfer between state machine are done by parent.
Authorizer is done, now time to complete our initializer.
class PixivInitializer extends Source::Initializer
if not @data.authorizeInfo or not @data.authorizeInfo.cookie
@error new Source.Errors.AuthorizationFailed("Pixiv require authorize")
# get authorize info try authorize
# we do the validation by check the username exists
option = {
# more information for httpUtil please checkout /common/
httpUtil.httpGet option,(err,res,content)=>
if not @checkSole sole
if err
@error new Source.Errors.NetworkError("Fail to initialize due to network",{via:err})
# I use cheerio to do the DOM parsing.
$ = cheerio.load content.toString()
name = $("#page-mypage > div.ui-layout-west > > a > h1").text() or ""
name = name.trim()
if not name
@error new Source.Errors.AuthorizationFailed("No username found likely due to network error")
# If you don't set guid, the default guid
# for the source will be "#{@source.type}_#{@source.uri}"
@data.guid = "pixiv_fav_#{name}"
# Name that will be seen by user in GUI. = "#{name}'s favorate pixiv"
# finally..
@setState "initialized"
The code and comments above are quite self explained. Just make sure you have read them through.
Now we are going to implement an Updater
An Updater
is reponsible for updating the source periodically. When it fails due to various reasons, we should either retry after certain amount of time or inform the user about the situation.
should implement 2 interfaces, @atFetching
and @parseRawArchive
. you should generally fetch the archives during @atFetching
and save them to @data.rawFetchedArchives
as a array. @parseRawArchive
should parse them one by one into a sybil archive. you can also read the source code in [collector/sources/] to see the live example.
class PixivUpdater extends Source::Updater
if not @data.authorizeInfo or not @data.authorizeInfo.cookie
@error new Source.Errors.AuthorizationFailed("pixiv updater require authorize")
index = 1
favUrl = "{index}"
option = {
httpUtil.httpGet option,(err,res,content)=>
@_fetchHasCheckSole = true
if not @checkSole sole
if err
@error new Source.Errors.NetworkError("fail to get fav image due to network error",{via:err})
$ = cheerio.load content.toString()
$images = $("#wrapper > div.layout-body > div > ul > li")
results = []
$images.each ()->
node$ = $ this
title = node$.find(" > h1").text()
src = node$.find(" > div > img").attr("src")
user$ = node$.find "a.user.ui-profile-popup"
username = user$.attr("data-user_name")
userId = user$.attr("data-user_id")
userLink = user$.attr("href")
link = node$.find("").attr("href")
urlData = urlModule.parse(link,true)
results.push {
catch e
@error new Source.Errors.ParseError "parse error after update",{via:e}
results = results.filter (item)->
return item.illustId
@data.rawFetchedArchives = results
@setState "fetched"
# I will sanitize every thing at frontend by my best.
# So you may not worry about XSS or something like that.
siteUrl = ""
# resolve relative links
if = urlModule.resolve siteUrl,
if archive.userLink
archive.userLink = urlModule.resolve siteUrl,archive.userLink
content = "<a href='#{}'><img src='#{archive.preview}'/></a>"
return {
createDate:new Date()
fetchDate:new Date()
There are only one small step to make this Source
work. We need to know when user want to subscribe a Pixiv
source. Here is how we do it.
class Pixiv extends Source
@detectStream = (uri = "")->
stream = new EventEmitter()
process.nextTick ()->
if uri.toLowerCase() is "pixiv" or new RegExp("","i").test(uri)
stream.emit "data",new Pixiv()
stream.emit "end"
return stream
Every Source
can be decide by a peace of string. May be an http link or some private scheme. Like ""
The @detectStream
is a static method of a Source class that detect the source from that string.
- How does it works?
Given a string type user input, if it's "pixiv"
or something like ""
, then we consider the user want to subscribe the Pixiv source.
- Why not just test and return a Pixiv instance.
Not every Source
can decide if a string is a valid source identifider, and not every user input create only one Source
Consider the RSS case, given a url "", this url may be an atom-xml, or a html contains some RSS metas or without, or not even a available link. @detectStream
must be make request to decide.
Also the RSS case, one link may create several Source. A standard wordpress blog entry will contain the blog rss and a comment rss as well. Is this case, multiple Sources can be returned.
- Why return a EventEmitter , why not provide a callback, like other async actions?
It's for user experience. We may detect several Source
from a single input after some decision. If one decision takes 1sec, another takes 10sec, then I have to wait for 10sec to get 2 results. But if you return a EventEmitter
, I can notify user at 1sec and 10sec about the result when you emit a "data"
event on it. This is every important for people in some place and I live in one of those places.
We can always install a plugin and test it using the human interface, but it's kind of annoying if we are at the beginning of the development. You can using a test helper to do the basic checks.
# Import the environment modules.
require "../../core/"
# After import the we can use sybilRequire
# to do the 'absolute' require with `sybilRequire`.
# We also using sybilRequire in `pixiv/`. this allow
# our custom source to work no matter where the code source file is.
SourceBasicTester = sybilRequire("test/lib/sourceTester").SourceBasicTester
Pixiv = require("./")
tester = new SourceBasicTester({Source:Pixiv})
# In normal test process we should only recieve on `"requireLocalAuth"` event
# unless we give an invalid username or password.
hasRequire = false
tester.on "requireLocalAuth",(handler)->
if hasRequire
console.log "local auth failed"
hasRequire = true
# we use username/password in the environment.
# you can set it shell using `export username=<username>`.
Make a symlink or copy from /example/pixiv to /customSources/pixiv , and restart the sybil.