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File metadata and controls

169 lines (147 loc) · 7.71 KB


The results parser included with Bobber is able to compare results against a pre-defined baseline or a custom baseline passed in as a YAML file. By comparing results against a baseline, it is possible to easily check if a round of tests meets the expected performance level or if any tests are underperforming. This is useful to verify new systems are performing as expected or to view if any changes to the hardware or software affect stability.

Running the baseline comparison

There are two main paths to compare baselines in Bobber, either by using a built-in baseline config or using a custom file.

Using built-in baselines

To compare against a built-in baseline, use the --compare-baseline flag with the parse-results command. To list the possible choices, pass the --help flag as below. The choices are listed in the curly brackets ({}):

bobber parse-results --help
  --compare-baseline {single-dgx-station-baseline}
                        Compare the values produced by a test run against a pre-defined baseline to verify performance meets an acceptable threshold.

To run the comparison against existing results, run the following while updating the baseline and log directory, if applicable.

bobber parse-results --compare-baseline single-dgx-station-baseline results_logs/

Using custom baselines

To use a custom baseline, a YAML file needs to be created which specifies the expected performance for every test. This can be done by running the parse-results command against a directory which will automatically generate a YAML baseline in the directory named baseline.yaml. A sample file has also been created as a reference if a custom baseline is desired. Every custom baseline file must have the following structure:

systems:  # This should always be the first line
    1:  # This designates all results in the sub-block are specific to a single compute node
        bandwidth:  # This section is for the FIO bandwidth results in bytes/second
            read: 1200000000  # The FIO bandwidth read results in bytes/second
            write: 1000000000  # The FIO bandwidth write results in bytes/second
        iops:  # This section is for the FIO IOPS results in ops/second
            read: 100000  # The FIO IOPS read speed in ops/second
            write: 100000  # The FIO IOPS write speed in ops/second
        nccl:  # The maximum bus bandwidth in GB/s for NCCL
            max_bus_bw: 230  # The maximum bus bandwidth in GB/s for NCCL
        dali:  # The average speed in images/second from DALI tests
            800x600 standard jpg: 2000  # The speed in images/second for 800x600 standard JPG images in DALI
            3840x2160 standard jpg: 300  # The speed in images/second for 4K standard JPG images in DALI
            800x600 tfrecord: 2000  # The speed in images/second for 800x600 TFRecords in DALI
            3840x2160 tfrecord: 300  # The speed in images/second for 4K TFRecords in DALI
    2: # Continue the same pattern as above for results specific to two compute nodes, if applicable

The custom results parser will only compare against the system counts that are provided in the YAML file, meaning if only results for 8 compute nodes are included in the YAML file, only those results will be compared. As many or as few system counts as desired can be added to the YAML file to more extensively compare results at all levels.

After saving the YAML file locally, run the comparison as follows while updating the YAML file location and log directory, if applicable:

bobber parse-results --custom-baseline baseline.yaml results_log/

Adding a tolerance

Both of the baseline methods above allow a custom tolerance to be specified to give some wiggle-room in the results. Pass a percentage amount to allow below the baseline.

Take for example a baseline that expects 10 GB/s from reads using FIO. If the test results yield 9.8 GB/s, this will be marked as a FAIL. However, if the tolerance is 5%, this will instead be marked as a PASS as 9.8 GB/s is within 5% of the expected value of 10 GB/s.

To add a tolerance, add the --baseline-tolerance flag to either of the commands above. The default tolerance is 0% if not specified, meaning the test will fail if it is exactly at or below the baseline value.

Baseline results output

Regardless of which baseline method from above is chosen, the results will compare the performance from the requested results file with the baseline of choice. The comparison does a simple PASS/FAIL for every result depending on whether it surpasses performance or not. If at least one result does not meet performance expectations, the comparison will be marked as failed.

Example of results that pass every threshold:

bobber parse-results --compare-baseline single-dgx-station-baseline log_files/


Baseline assessment
Comparing against "single-dgx-station-baseline"
 1 System(s)
  FIO Bandwidth Read (GB/s)
    Expected: 1.2, Got: 1.595, Result: PASS
  FIO Bandwidth Write (GB/s)
    Expected: 1.0, Got: 1.232, Result: PASS
  FIO IOPS Read (k IOPS)
    Expected: 100.0, Got: 136.5, Result: PASS
  FIO IOPS Write (k IOPS)
    Expected: 100.0, Got: 135.0, Result: PASS
  NCCL Max Bus Bandwidth (GB/s)
    Expected: 70, Got: 79.86500000000001, Result: PASS
  DALI 800x600 standard jpg (images/second)
    Expected: 2000, Got: 2694.595, Result: PASS
  DALI 3840x2160 standard jpg (images/second)
    Expected: 300, Got: 430.854, Result: PASS
  DALI 800x600 tfrecord (images/second)
    Expected: 2000, Got: 2665.653, Result: PASS
  DALI 3840x2160 tfrecord (images/second)
    Expected: 300, Got: 376.862, Result: PASS

Example of results that fail one or more thresholds:

bobber parse-results --custom-baseline sample_baseline.yaml log_files/


Baseline assessment
Comparing against a custom config
 1 System(s)
  FIO Bandwidth Read (GB/s)
    Expected: 7.0, Got: 1.595, Result: FAIL
  FIO Bandwidth Write (GB/s)
    Expected: 3.0, Got: 1.232, Result: FAIL
  FIO IOPS Read (k IOPS)
    Expected: 300.0, Got: 136.5, Result: FAIL
  FIO IOPS Write (k IOPS)
    Expected: 200.0, Got: 135.0, Result: FAIL
  NCCL Max Bus Bandwidth (GB/s)
    Expected: 230, Got: 79.86500000000001, Result: FAIL
  DALI 800x600 standard jpg (images/second)
    Expected: 2000, Got: 2694.595, Result: PASS
  DALI 3840x2160 standard jpg (images/second)
    Expected: 300, Got: 430.854, Result: PASS
  DALI 800x600 tfrecord (images/second)
    Expected: 2000, Got: 2665.653, Result: PASS
  DALI 3840x2160 tfrecord (images/second)
    Expected: 300, Got: 376.862, Result: PASS
5 tests did not meet the suggested criteria!
See results above for failed tests and verify setup.