The inference application is tested on NVIDIA DRIVE Orin platform with TensorRT
The inference application will use cuOSD and STB as submodules. Notice that since cuOSD do not have separate repo, we need to manually download it from here and put it under dependencies folder, i.e.,
|── stb/
|── cuOSD/
To deploy UniAD-tiny with TensorRT, we first need to compile TensorRT plugins for MultiScaleDeformableAttnTRT
, InverseTRT
and RotateTRT
operators which are not supported by Native TensorRT, and then we need to build the C++ inference application.
Please run the following commands to compile:
mkdir ./build && cd ./build/
cmake .. -DTENSORRT_PATH=<path_to_TensorRT> && make -j$(nproc)
Then the uniad
should be generated under the ./build
To build TensorRT engine, run the following commands
<path_to_TensorRT>/bin/trtexec \
--onnx=<path_to_ONNX> \
--saveEngine=<path_to_engine> \
--plugins=<> \
--verbose \
--dumpLayerInfo \
--dumpProfile \
--separateProfileRun \
--profilingVerbosity=detailed \
--useCudaGraph \
--minShapes=${SHAPES//${MIN}/${MIN}} \
--optShapes=${SHAPES//${MIN}/${OPT}} \
--maxShapes=${SHAPES//${MIN}/${MAX}} \
The overview of the inference pipeline is shown in the following figure. Apart from inputs explicitly listed, there are other state variables which are updated after inference is done on the current frame and are used as inputs for the next frame.
The inference application will read images directly from jpg files, while it does need metadata generated in the Generate Preprocessed Data step.
The Generate Preprocessed Data step will generate the following metadata:
timestamp | l2g_r_mat | l2g_t | command | img_metas_can_bus | img_metas_lidar2img | img_metas_scene_token | info.txt |
the timestamp of the current frame | lidar2global rotation matrix | lidar2global translation | navigation command | image can bus | lidar2image matrixs | scene ids | image file paths |
Organize the data files to follow the file pattern:
|── timestamp/
|── l2g_r_mat/
|── l2g_t/
|── command/
|── img_metas_can_bus/
|── img_metas_lidar2img/
|── img_metas_scene_token/
|── info.txt
The uniad_trt_input
folder is used as <input_path>
Run the following command to run inference on the input data and generate output results. Notice that for the application to correctly locate and use the data, you need to call the application at the root dir of this repo.
cd ..
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<path_to_TensorRT>/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ./inference_app/build/uniad <engine_path> ./inference_app/build/ <input_path> <output_path> <number_frame>
This command will read the raw images and the dumped metadata as input, run infernece using the engine and generate visualization results under the <output_path>
<- Last Page: UniAD-tiny Traning and Exportation