In this series you will learn about some advanced concepts like classes, PHP data objects etc. Also, you will learn how to create your own custom framework. You will learn about good coding practices and in general how to organize large scale applications so it is easier to read and debug your code.
Advanced PHP – Part-1 – Introduction -
Advanced PHP - Part-2 - Folder Structure & Controller Check -
Advanced PHP - Part-3 - Base Controller & Base Model Class -
Advanced PHP - Part-4 - Views -
Advanced PHP - Part-5 - Registration -
Advanced PHP - Part-6 - Message Class & Registration Validation -
Advanced PHP - Part-7 - Login -
Advanced PHP - Part-8 - Questions Controller & Model -
Advanced PHP - Part-9 - View Questions -
Advanced PHP - Part 10 - Adding Answers & Edit Questions -
Advanced PHP - Part 11 - New Theme & Delete Questions -
Download the latest database.sql file.
Step 1: Create a database called question2answer and import everything from database.sql file. Next check your config.php file for database connection configuration. Also change ROOT_URL address if it is different.
// Define Database Params
define("DB_HOST", "localhost");
define("DB_USER", "root"); // Write your mysql username here
define("DB_PASSWORD", ""); // Your database password
define("DB_NAME", "question2answer"); // Your database name
// Define Url
define("ROOT_PATH", "/");
define("ROOT_URL", "http://localhost/advanced-php/");
Step2: Now you login into 3 accounts with following details
Email: [email protected]
Password: 123456
Email: [email protected]
Password: 123456
Email: [email protected]
Password: 123456
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