The long term goal is to have a complete set of unit, integration and UI tests for the entire codebase. We also run pep8 tests over the codebase to pick up python style, etc issues.
We are not there yet.
There is a tests/
directory for each of the Django apps;
, researcher_desktop/tests
and guacamole/tests
We use Python's unittest
and unittest.mock
, together with factoryboy
The directory structure pattern in each tests
directory is something
like this:
tests: # factoryboy factory classes # (optional) more complex fake classes, based on mocks # tests using the Django test client
unit: # classic mock-based unit tests # unit tests for view methods # unit tests for model / model manager classes
If the test_*.py
files get unmanagebly large, they can be split; e.g.
into modules in the unit
tree. Other "kinds" of test can be added to
the pattern as required.
We intend to use selenium to implement UI tests and tests of the various Desktop launch, boost, shelve, etc life-cyles.
No selenium tests are implemented yet.
The tox configs are in the top directory. There is a separate file that provides the Django configs for the various test cases run via tox.
Currently ...
tox -e py38 # run standard tests
tox -e pep8 # run style checks