Releases: NeVeSpl/RevitDBExplorer
Releases · NeVeSpl/RevitDBExplorer
What's new
- No icon on Quick Access Toolbar #3
- RDQ : selecting all elements from a given level or room
- RDQ : selecting all elements that pass user-defined rule-based filter
- Tree context menu : you can Isolate in Revit selected element
What's new
- tooltips with Revit help for static methods and types
- showing not exposed members of a given type at the end of the list
- possibility to select a whole group of elements in Revit (through group context menu)
- RDQ : possibility to use ElementStructuralTypeFilter
- RDQ : possibility to use string phrase with parameters which storage type is ElementId
- RDQ : possibility to copy generated FilteredElementCollector (through query text box context menu)
- icons for parameters defined by the user: shared/project/family
- a few more members are exposed from Revit database e.g. :
- StructuralSectionUtils.GetStructuralSection()
- Document.EditFamily()
- HostObjectUtils.GetTopFaces()
- HostObjectUtils.GetBottomFaces()
- HostObjectUtils.GetSideFaces()
- WorksharingUtils.GetCheckoutStatus()
- WorksharingUtils.GetModelUpdatesStatus()
- WorksharingUtils.GetWorksharingTooltipInfo()
What's new
this time only two members were added to RDBE from Revit API:
- Parameter.Set
- Parameter.SetValueString
but that means you can edit parameter values directly in RDBE.
What's new
- snooping Revit events
- snooping loaded external applications (aka add-ons)
- snooping updaters
- information in the left-down corner if Revit is busy and cannot process asynchronous request at the moment
- option for extensible storage Schema to erase all of its entities from a document
- a few dozen more members are exposed from Revit database e.g. :
- View.GetElementOverrides
- Element.GetMaterialVolume
- Document.GetDocumentVersion
- BasicFileInfo.Extract
What's new
- support for Revit 2021
- themes, with a new dark theme "Dark - be ready" for Revit 2024 Dark Theme
- snooping Revit selection is now the default behaviour after running the command from Revit
- fixed: #1
- a few dozen more members are exposed from Revit database e.g. :
- Curve.GetEndParameter
- Element.GetMaterialIds
- Rebar.GetOverridableHookParameters
- RebarShapeDrivenAccessor.GetBarPositionTransform
bump version to 1.0.4
bump version to 1.0.3
bump version to 1.0.2
remove unnecessary reference
Update Ci.yml - disable signing with cert