Neltulz - Edge Curve Plus requires the EdgeFlow addon for blender to be installed prior to using.
Neltulz - Edge Curve requires the EdgeFlow addon for blender to be installed prior to using.
Download the latest version here: EdgeFlow
Addon for Blender
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
- - Download the Neltulz - Edge Curve Plus zip file anywhere on your
- Download the Neltulz - Edge Curve zip file anywhere on your
- Run Blender.
@@ -208,10 +208,10 @@ Installation
- At the top right, click Install.
- - Browse for the Neltulz - Edge Curve Plus zip file and click Install Add-on
- Browse for the Neltulz - Edge Curve zip file and click Install Add-on
from File
Alternatively, you may double click the zip file to install it.
- - Next to Neltulz - Edge Curve Plus, enable the checkbox.
+ - Next to Neltulz - Edge Curve, enable the checkbox.
- (OPTIONAL) If you are manually saving preferences (instead of automatically), at the lower left of the preferences window, click Save Preferences and
close the preferences window.
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ Hotkeys
Insert Edge Loop(s) with Flow |
- ntz_edg_curv.insertedges |
+ ntzedgcrv.insertedges |
numSegments = 1 useEdgeFlow = True tension = 180 numIterations = 4 minAngle = 0 |
@@ -352,6 +352,13 @@ From the GNU GPL v3.0:
+ - 2020-01-14
+ - New Compact Popup & Pie Panel
+ - Ability to add edges with flow to multiple selected objects
+ - Bug Fix: Unable to perform edge flow if there was no active object when objects were selected
- 2019-12-23
- Set default sidebar tab name to "Neltulz" so that all Neltulz related sidebars from various Neltulz add-ons will be organized here.
diff --git a/__init__.py b/__init__.py
index 3629720..00f5534 100644
--- a/__init__.py
+++ b/__init__.py
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
bl_info = {
- "name" : "Neltulz - Edge Curve Plus",
+ "name" : "Neltulz - Edge Curve",
"author" : "Neil V. Moore",
"description" : "Allows you to quickly insert edge loops with flow (Requires edge flow addon)",
"blender" : (2, 80, 0),
- "version" : (1, 0, 5),
+ "version" : (1, 0, 6),
"location" : "View3D",
"warning" : "",
"category" : "3D View",
@@ -17,27 +17,34 @@
import bpy
-from . properties import NeltulzEdgeCurvePlus_IgnitProperties
-from . main_ot import OBJECT_OT_NeltulzEdgeCurvePlus
-from . misc_ot import OBJECT_OT_NeltulzEdgeCurvePlus_ResetAllSettings
-from . addon_preferences import OBJECT_OT_NeltulzEdgeCurvePlus_Preferences
-from . panels import OBJECT_PT_NeltulzEdgeCurvePlus
+from . properties import NTZEDGCRV_ignitproperties
+from . main_ot import NTZEDGCRV_OT_insertedges
+from . misc_ot import NTZEDGCRV_OT_resetsettings
+from . addon_preferences import NTZEDGCRV_OT_addonprefs
+from . panels import NTZEDGCRV_PT_options
+from . panels import NTZEDGCRV_PT_sidebarpanel
from . import keymaps
+bDebugModeActive = False
+if bDebugModeActive:
+ print("##################################################################################################################################################################")
+ print("##################################################################################################################################################################")
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Store classes in List so that they can be easily registered/unregistered
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
classes = (
- NeltulzEdgeCurvePlus_IgnitProperties,
- OBJECT_OT_NeltulzEdgeCurvePlus,
- OBJECT_OT_NeltulzEdgeCurvePlus_ResetAllSettings,
- OBJECT_OT_NeltulzEdgeCurvePlus_Preferences,
- OBJECT_PT_NeltulzEdgeCurvePlus,
+ NTZEDGCRV_ignitproperties,
+ NTZEDGCRV_OT_insertedges,
+ NTZEDGCRV_OT_resetsettings,
+ NTZEDGCRV_OT_addonprefs,
+ NTZEDGCRV_PT_options,
+ NTZEDGCRV_PT_sidebarpanel,
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -46,19 +53,28 @@
addon_keymaps = []
+#vscode pme workaround from iceythe (part 2 of 2)
+def _reg():
+ pme = bpy.utils._preferences.addons['pie_menu_editor'].preferences
+ for pm in pme.pie_menus:
+ if pm.key != 'NONE':
+ pm.register_hotkey()
+#END vscode pme workaround (part 2 of 2)
def register():
from bpy.utils import register_class
for cls in classes:
# update panel name
- addon_preferences.update_panel(None, bpy.context)
+ prefs = bpy.context.preferences.addons[__name__].preferences
+ addon_preferences.update_panel(prefs, bpy.context)
#add keymaps from keymaps.py
#add property group to the scene
- bpy.types.Scene.neltulzEdgeCurvePlus = bpy.props.PointerProperty(type=NeltulzEdgeCurvePlus_IgnitProperties)
+ bpy.types.Scene.ntzedgcrv = bpy.props.PointerProperty(type=NTZEDGCRV_ignitproperties)
@@ -77,4 +93,4 @@ def unregister():
# test call
- bpy.ops.ntz_edg_curv.insertedges()
\ No newline at end of file
+ bpy.ops.ntzedgcrv.insertedges()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/addon_preferences.py b/addon_preferences.py
index 0d54aaf..a33f921 100644
--- a/addon_preferences.py
+++ b/addon_preferences.py
@@ -2,20 +2,25 @@
# recommended by "cytoo"
import bpy
-from . panels import OBJECT_PT_NeltulzEdgeCurvePlus
+from . panels import NTZEDGCRV_PT_sidebarpanel
from bpy.props import (StringProperty, BoolProperty, IntProperty, FloatProperty, FloatVectorProperty, EnumProperty, PointerProperty)
from bpy.types import (Panel, Operator, AddonPreferences, PropertyGroup)
# Define Panel classes for updating
panels = (
- OBJECT_PT_NeltulzEdgeCurvePlus,
+ NTZEDGCRV_PT_sidebarpanel,
def update_panel(self, context):
- message = "Neltulz - Edge Curve Plus: Updating Panel locations has failed"
+ sidebarPanelSize_PropVal = context.preferences.addons[__package__].preferences.sidebarPanelSize
+ category_PropVal = context.preferences.addons[__package__].preferences.category
+ popupAndPiePanelSize_PropVal = context.preferences.addons[__package__].preferences.popupAndPiePanelSize
+ message = "Neltulz - Edge Curve: Updating Panel locations has failed"
for panel in panels:
if "bl_rna" in panel.__dict__:
@@ -23,7 +28,25 @@ def update_panel(self, context):
#Whatever the user typed into the text box in the add-ons settings, set that as the addon's tab category name
for panel in panels:
- panel.bl_category = context.preferences.addons[__package__].preferences.category
+ if sidebarPanelSize_PropVal == "HIDE":
+ panel.bl_category = ""
+ panel.bl_region_type = "WINDOW"
+ else:
+ if self.sidebarPanelSize == "DEFAULT":
+ panel.bUseCompactSidebarPanel = False
+ else:
+ panel.bUseCompactSidebarPanel = True
+ panel.bl_category = category_PropVal
+ panel.bl_region_type = "UI"
+ if self.popupAndPiePanelSize == "DEFAULT":
+ panel.bUseCompactPopupAndPiePanel = False
+ else:
+ panel.bUseCompactPopupAndPiePanel = True
except Exception as e:
@@ -31,22 +54,61 @@ def update_panel(self, context):
-class OBJECT_OT_NeltulzEdgeCurvePlus_Preferences(AddonPreferences):
+class NTZEDGCRV_OT_addonprefs(AddonPreferences):
# this must match the addon name, use '__package__'
# when defining this in a submodule of a python package.
bl_idname = __package__
category: StringProperty(
- name="Tab Category",
- description="Choose a name for the category of the panel",
- default="Neltulz",
- update=update_panel
- )
+ name="Tab Category",
+ description="Choose a name for the category of the panel",
+ default="Neltulz",
+ update=update_panel,
+ )
+ sidebarpanelSize_List = [
+ ("DEFAULT", "Default", "", "", 0),
+ ("COMPACT", "Compact", "", "", 1),
+ ("HIDE", "Hide", "", "", 2),
+ ]
+ popupAndPiePanelSize_List = [
+ ("DEFAULT", "Default", "", "", 0),
+ ("COMPACT", "Compact", "", "", 1),
+ ]
+ sidebarPanelSize : EnumProperty (
+ items = sidebarpanelSize_List,
+ name = "Sidebar Panel Size",
+ description = "Sidebar Panel Size",
+ default = "DEFAULT",
+ update=update_panel,
+ )
+ popupAndPiePanelSize : EnumProperty (
+ items = popupAndPiePanelSize_List,
+ name = "Popup & Pie Panel Size",
+ description = "Popup & Pie Panel Size",
+ default = "COMPACT",
+ update=update_panel,
+ )
def draw(self, context):
+ from . misc_layout import createProp
layout = self.layout
- row = layout.row()
- col = row.column()
- col.label(text="Tab Category:")
- col.prop(self, "category", text="")
\ No newline at end of file
+ labelWidth = 7
+ labelJustify = "RIGHT"
+ propJustify = "LEFT"
+ propWidth = 15
+ propHeight = 1.25
+ if self.sidebarPanelSize == "HIDE":
+ bTabCatEnabled = False
+ else:
+ bTabCatEnabled = True
+ createProp(self, context, None, True, "Sidebar Panel", self, "sidebarPanelSize", propHeight, labelWidth, propWidth, labelJustify, propJustify, None, True, False, layout)
+ createProp(self, context, None, bTabCatEnabled, "Tab Category", self, "category", propHeight, labelWidth, propWidth, labelJustify, propJustify, "", True, False, layout)
+ createProp(self, context, None, True, "Popup & Pie Panel", self, "popupAndPiePanelSize", propHeight, labelWidth, propWidth, labelJustify, propJustify, None, True, False, layout)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/keymaps.py b/keymaps.py
index 64eda73..4f124c5 100644
--- a/keymaps.py
+++ b/keymaps.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import bpy
-from . properties import NeltulzEdgeCurvePlus_IgnitProperties
+from . properties import NTZEDGCRV_ignitproperties
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Keymaps (For Register)
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ def neltulz_edge_curve_plus_register_keymaps(addon_keymaps):
def createEdgeCurvePlusKeymap():
#create shortcuts for keymap
- kmi = km.keymap_items.new("ntz_edg_curv.insertedges", type = "E", ctrl=False, shift=True, alt=True, value = "PRESS")
+ kmi = km.keymap_items.new("ntzedgcrv.insertedges", type = "E", ctrl=False, shift=True, alt=True, value = "PRESS")
kmi.properties.numSegments = 1
kmi.properties.useEdgeFlow = True
kmi.properties.tension = 180
diff --git a/main_ot.py b/main_ot.py
index b67f8a8..2279b1d 100644
--- a/main_ot.py
+++ b/main_ot.py
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import bpy
-from . properties import NeltulzEdgeCurvePlus_IgnitProperties
+from . properties import NTZEDGCRV_ignitproperties
from . import misc_functions
+from . import misc_layout
from bpy.props import (StringProperty, BoolProperty, IntProperty, FloatProperty, FloatVectorProperty, EnumProperty, PointerProperty)
from bpy.types import (Panel, Operator, AddonPreferences, PropertyGroup)
@@ -9,13 +10,19 @@
# Main Addon Operator
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-class OBJECT_OT_NeltulzEdgeCurvePlus(bpy.types.Operator):
+class NTZEDGCRV_OT_insertedges(bpy.types.Operator):
- bl_idname = "ntz_edg_curv.insertedges"
- bl_label = "Neltulz - Edge Curve Plus"
+ bl_idname = "ntzedgcrv.insertedges"
+ bl_label = "Neltulz - Edge Curve"
bl_description = "Allows you to quick insert edges with flow"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO', 'PRESET'}
+ bForcePanelOptions : BoolProperty(
+ name="Force Panel Options",
+ description='Gets all of the operator properties from the sidebar panel options. This will override any settings in the user customized keymap.',
+ default = False
+ )
numSegments : IntProperty(
name="Segment Number",
description="Number of segments to add. (Default: 1)",
@@ -30,6 +37,11 @@ class OBJECT_OT_NeltulzEdgeCurvePlus(bpy.types.Operator):
default = True
+ showEdgeFlowOptions : BoolProperty(
+ name="Show Edge Flow Options",
+ default = True
+ )
tension : IntProperty(
description="Tension (Default: 180)",
@@ -59,64 +71,151 @@ class OBJECT_OT_NeltulzEdgeCurvePlus(bpy.types.Operator):
def poll(cls, context):
return (context.object.type == 'MESH' and bpy.context.object.mode == "EDIT")
+ def draw(self, context):
+ scn = context.scene
+ layout = self.layout.column(align=True)
+ layout.separator()
+ layout.prop(self, "numSegments", slider=True)
+ layout.separator()
+ edgeFlowOptionsEnabled = False #declare
+ if self.useEdgeFlow:
+ edgeFlowOptionsEnabled = True
+ misc_layout.createShowHide(self, context, None, None, "showEdgeFlowOptions", "useEdgeFlow", "Use Edge Flow", layout)
+ if self.showEdgeFlowOptions:
+ edgeFlowSection = layout.column(align=True)
+ edgeFlowSection.separator()
+ edgeFlowOptionsCol = edgeFlowSection.column(align=True)
+ edgeFlowOptionsCol.enabled = edgeFlowOptionsEnabled
+ edgeFlowOptionsCol.prop(self, "tension", slider=edgeFlowOptionsEnabled)
+ edgeFlowOptionsCol.prop(self, "numIterations", slider=edgeFlowOptionsEnabled)
+ edgeFlowOptionsCol.prop(self, "minAngle", slider=edgeFlowOptionsEnabled)
+ #END draw()
def execute(self, context):
+ scn = context.scene
+ selObjs = bpy.context.selected_objects
+ activeObjAtBegin = bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active
+ try:
+ #try to determine objectMode
+ modeAtBegin = bpy.context.object.mode
+ except:
+ modeAtBegin = "OBJECT"
- obj = context.object
- scene = context.scene
+ if activeObjAtBegin is not None:
+ if not activeObjAtBegin in selObjs:
+ if modeAtBegin == "EDIT":
+ activeObjAtBegin.select_set(True)
+ selObjs.append(activeObjAtBegin)
- selectedVerts = misc_functions.getSelectedVerts(self, context, obj)
- if len(selectedVerts) > 0:
+ for obj in selObjs:
- selectedEdges = misc_functions.getSelectedEdges(self, context, obj)
- selectedEdgeIndices = list()
+ #if more than 1 object is selected, then we need to iterate them one at a time.
+ if len(selObjs) > 1:
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') #switch back to object mode
+ bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') #deselect all objects
+ bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = obj
+ obj.select_set(True)
- for edge in selectedEdges:
- selectedEdgeIndices.append(edge.index)
+ selectedVerts = misc_functions.getSelectedVerts(self, context, obj)
+ if len(selectedVerts) > 0:
+ selectedEdges = misc_functions.getSelectedEdges(self, context, obj)
+ selectedEdgeIndices = list()
+ for edge in selectedEdges:
+ selectedEdgeIndices.append(edge.index)
- totalNewEdgeLoopIndices = list()
+ totalNewEdgeLoopIndices = list()
- for edgeIndex in set(selectedEdgeIndices):
- bpy.ops.mesh.loopcut(number_cuts=self.numSegments, object_index=0, edge_index=edgeIndex, mesh_select_mode_init=(False, True, False))
+ for edgeIndex in set(selectedEdgeIndices):
- newEdges = misc_functions.getSelectedEdges(self, context, obj)
- newEdgeIndices = list()
- for edge in newEdges:
- newEdgeIndices.append(edge.index)
+ bpy.ops.mesh.loopcut(number_cuts=self.numSegments, object_index=0, edge_index=edgeIndex, mesh_select_mode_init=(False, True, False))
- totalNewEdgeLoopIndices = list( set(totalNewEdgeLoopIndices).union(newEdgeIndices) )
+ newEdges = misc_functions.getSelectedEdges(self, context, obj)
+ newEdgeIndices = list()
+ for edge in newEdges:
+ newEdgeIndices.append(edge.index)
- bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='DESELECT')
- totalEdges = misc_functions.getAllEdges(self, context, obj)
- #switch to object mode
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
+ totalNewEdgeLoopIndices = list( set(totalNewEdgeLoopIndices).union(newEdgeIndices) )
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='DESELECT')
+ totalEdges = misc_functions.getAllEdges(self, context, obj)
+ #switch to object mode
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
+ for i in range( len(totalNewEdgeLoopIndices) ):
+ obj.data.edges[ totalNewEdgeLoopIndices[i] ].select = True
+ #switch to edit mode
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT')
+ #detect if EdgeFlow addon is installed and enabled
+ if self.useEdgeFlow:
+ try:
+ bpy.ops.mesh.set_edge_flow(tension=self.tension, iterations=self.numIterations, min_angle=self.minAngle)
+ except:
+ self.report({'ERROR'}, 'The "EdgeFlow" add-on could not be found. Please check to see if the Edge Flow addon is installed and enabled.' )
+ #reselect all originally selected objects, and then set the active object as the original active object
+ if len(selObjs) > 1:
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') #switch back to object mode
+ bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') #deselect all objects
+ for obj in selObjs:
+ obj.select_set(True)
- for i in range( len(totalNewEdgeLoopIndices) ):
- obj.data.edges[ totalNewEdgeLoopIndices[i] ].select = True
+ bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = activeObjAtBegin
#switch to edit mode
- #detect if EdgeFlow addon is installed and enabled
- if self.useEdgeFlow:
- try:
- bpy.ops.mesh.set_edge_flow(tension=self.tension, iterations=self.numIterations, min_angle=self.minAngle)
- except:
- self.report({'ERROR'}, 'The "EdgeFlow" add-on could not be found. Please check to see if the Edge Flow addon is installed and enabled.' )
- else:
- self.report({'ERROR'}, 'Please select something before running the script.' )
+ #final step - Reset bForcePanelOptions so that it doesn't interfere when it is not explicitly set via keymap
+ self.bForcePanelOptions = False
return {'FINISHED'}
# END execute()
+ def invoke(self, context, event):
+ scn = context.scene
+ if self.bForcePanelOptions:
+ if scn.ntzedgcrv.customEdgeCurveSettings == "USE":
+ self.numSegments = scn.ntzedgcrv.numSegmentsSlider
+ self.useEdgeFlow = scn.ntzedgcrv.useEdgeFlowCheckbox
+ self.tension = scn.ntzedgcrv.tensionSlider
+ self.numIterations = scn.ntzedgcrv.numIterationsSlider
+ self.minAngle = scn.ntzedgcrv.minAngleSlider
+ return self.execute(context)
+ #END invoke()
# END Operator()
diff --git a/misc_layout.py b/misc_layout.py
index 7a0769d..e627296 100644
--- a/misc_layout.py
+++ b/misc_layout.py
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
import bpy
#Show hide section with arrow, optional checkbox, and text
-def createShowHide(self, context, scene, properties, showHideBool, optionalCheckboxBool, text, layout):
+def createShowHide(self, context, scn, properties, showHideBool, optionalCheckboxBool, text, layout):
- if scene is not None:
- data = eval( f"scene.{properties}" )
- boolThing = eval( f"scene.{properties}.{showHideBool}" )
+ if scn is not None:
+ data = eval( f"scn.{properties}" )
+ boolThing = eval( f"scn.{properties}.{showHideBool}" )
data = self
boolThing = eval( f"self.{showHideBool}")
@@ -34,35 +35,127 @@ def createShowHide(self, context, scene, properties, showHideBool, optionalCheck
emptySpace.alignment = "EXPAND"
emptySpace.prop(data, showHideBool, text=" ", emboss=False)
-def createPropWithHideButton(self, context, scene, properties, propName, propNameVisibilityBool, customPropText, layout):
+def createProp(self, context, scn, bEnabled, labelText, data, propItem, scale_y, labelScale, propScale, labelAlign, propAlign, propText, bExpandProp, bUseSlider, layout):
propRow = layout.row(align=True)
- propVisible = eval(f"scene.{properties}.{propNameVisibilityBool}")
- if propVisible:
- propXButtonIcon = "X"
- propEditButtonIcon = "BLANK1"
- propEnabled = True
+ if not bEnabled:
+ propRow.enabled = False
+ propRow.scale_y = scale_y
+ propRowLabel = propRow.row(align=True)
+ propRowLabel.alignment="EXPAND"
+ propRowLabel.ui_units_x = labelScale
+ propRowLabel1 = propRowLabel.row(align=True)
+ propRowLabel1.alignment=labelAlign
+ propRowLabel1.scale_x = 1
+ propRowLabel1.label(text=labelText)
+ propRowItem = propRow.row(align=True)
+ propRowItem.alignment=propAlign
+ propRowItem1 = propRowItem.row(align=True)
+ propRowItem1.alignment=propAlign
+ propRowItem1.ui_units_x = propScale
+ propRowItem1.scale_x = 100
+ propRowItem1.prop(data, propItem, text=propText, expand=bExpandProp, slider=bUseSlider)
+def createPropWithHideButtonAlt(self, context, scn, properties, propName, customPropText, bUseSlider, embossResetBtn, layout):
+ propRow = layout.row(align=True)
+ data = eval( f"scn.{properties}" )
+ propCol = propRow.column(align=True)
+ propCol.prop ( data, propName, text=customPropText, slider=bUseSlider)
+ resetPropCol = propRow.column(align=True)
+ resetPropCol.active = embossResetBtn
+ resetPropOp = resetPropCol.operator("ntzedgcrv.resetsettings", text="", icon="LOOP_BACK", emboss=embossResetBtn)
+ resetPropOp.settingToReset = propName
+def mainEdgCrvPanel(self, context, bUseCompactSidebarPanel, bUseCompactPopupAndPiePanel):
+ layout = self.layout
+ scn = context.scene
+ #determine if panel is inside of a popop/pie menu
+ panelInsidePopupOrPie = context.region.type == 'WINDOW'
+ if panelInsidePopupOrPie:
+ if bUseCompactPopupAndPiePanel:
+ layout.ui_units_x = 8
+ layout.label(text="Edge Curve+")
+ else:
+ layout.ui_units_x = 13
+ layout.label(text="Neltulz - Edge Curve+")
+ obj = context.object
+ compactPanelConditions = (panelInsidePopupOrPie and bUseCompactPopupAndPiePanel) or (not panelInsidePopupOrPie and bUseCompactSidebarPanel)
+ if compactPanelConditions:
+ insertBtnScaleY = 1
- propXButtonIcon = "BLANK1"
- propEditButtonIcon = "GREASEPENCIL"
- propEnabled = False
+ insertBtnScaleY = 1.5
+ insertEdgesRow = layout.row(align=True)
+ insertEdgesRow.scale_y = insertBtnScaleY
+ op = insertEdgesRow.operator('ntzedgcrv.insertedges', text="Insert Edge(s)", icon="OUTLINER_OB_CURVE")
+ if scn.ntzedgcrv.customEdgeCurveSettings == "USE":
+ op.numSegments = scn.ntzedgcrv.numSegmentsSlider
+ op.useEdgeFlow = scn.ntzedgcrv.useEdgeFlowCheckbox
+ op.tension = scn.ntzedgcrv.tensionSlider
+ op.numIterations = scn.ntzedgcrv.numIterationsSlider
+ op.minAngle = scn.ntzedgcrv.minAngleSlider
+ popover = insertEdgesRow.popover(text="", panel="NTZEDGCRV_PT_options", icon="DOWNARROW_HLT")
+ optionsSectionWrapper = layout.column(align=True)
+def options_inner(self, context, scn, bUseCompactSidebarPanel, bUseCompactPopupAndPiePanel, layout):
+ layout.label(text="Edge Curve Settings:")
+ layout.prop(scn.ntzedgcrv, "customEdgeCurveSettings", text="")
+ if scn.ntzedgcrv.customEdgeCurveSettings == "USE":
+ edgeCurveSettings = layout.box().column(align=True)
+ createPropWithHideButtonAlt(self, context, scn, "ntzedgcrv", "numSegmentsSlider", None, True, True, edgeCurveSettings)
+ edgeCurveSettings.separator()
+ createPropWithHideButtonAlt(self, context, scn, "ntzedgcrv", "useEdgeFlowCheckbox", None, False, False, edgeCurveSettings)
+ edgeCurveSettings.separator()
- data = eval( f"scene.{properties}" )
+ bEdgeFlowPropertiesEnabled = False #declare
+ bUseSlider = False
+ if scn.ntzedgcrv.useEdgeFlowCheckbox:
+ bEdgeFlowPropertiesEnabled = True
+ bUseSlider = True
- propEditButton = propRow.column(align=True)
- propEditButton.prop ( data, propNameVisibilityBool, text="", icon=propEditButtonIcon, emboss=False )
- propEditButton.enabled = not(propEnabled)
- propEditButton.active = False
+ if bEdgeFlowPropertiesEnabled:
+ edgeFlowProperties = edgeCurveSettings.column(align=True)
- propRow.separator()
+ createPropWithHideButtonAlt(self, context, scn, "ntzedgcrv", "tensionSlider", None, True, True, edgeFlowProperties)
+ createPropWithHideButtonAlt(self, context, scn, "ntzedgcrv", "numIterationsSlider", None, True, True, edgeFlowProperties)
+ createPropWithHideButtonAlt(self, context, scn, "ntzedgcrv", "minAngleSlider", None, True, True, edgeFlowProperties)
- propCol = propRow.column(align=True)
- propCol.prop ( data, propName, text=customPropText)
- propCol.enabled = propEnabled
- propRow.separator()
+ edgeCurveSettings.separator()
- propXButton = propRow.column(align=True)
- propXButton.prop ( data, propNameVisibilityBool, text="", icon=propXButtonIcon, emboss=False )
- propXButton.enabled = propEnabled
\ No newline at end of file
+ resetButton = edgeCurveSettings.row(align=True)
+ resetButton.alignment="RIGHT"
+ op = resetButton.operator('ntzedgcrv.resetsettings', text="Reset All Settings", icon="LOOP_BACK")
+ op.settingToReset = "ALL"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/misc_ot.py b/misc_ot.py
index f3ebc8b..ea17871 100644
--- a/misc_ot.py
+++ b/misc_ot.py
@@ -1,19 +1,25 @@
import bpy
-from . properties import NeltulzEdgeCurvePlus_IgnitProperties
+from . properties import NTZEDGCRV_ignitproperties
from . import misc_functions
from bpy.props import (StringProperty, BoolProperty, IntProperty, FloatProperty, FloatVectorProperty, EnumProperty, PointerProperty)
from bpy.types import (Panel, Operator, AddonPreferences, PropertyGroup)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Reset All Settings
+# Reset Settings
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-class OBJECT_OT_NeltulzEdgeCurvePlus_ResetAllSettings(bpy.types.Operator):
+class NTZEDGCRV_OT_resetsettings(bpy.types.Operator):
- bl_idname = "ntz_edg_curv.resetallsettings"
- bl_label = "Neltulz - Edge Curve Plus : Reset All Settings"
- bl_description = "Resets all settings"
+ bl_idname = "ntzedgcrv.resetsettings"
+ bl_label = "Neltulz - Edge Curve : Reset Setting(s)"
+ bl_description = "Resets setting(s)"
+ settingToReset : StringProperty(
+ name="Setting to Reset",
+ description='Name of the setting to be reset',
+ default = "NONE"
+ )
def poll(cls, context):
@@ -21,23 +27,25 @@ def poll(cls, context):
def execute(self, context):
- scene = context.scene
+ scn = context.scene
+ defaultSettingsDict = {
+ "numSegmentsSlider" : 1,
+ "useEdgeFlowCheckbox" : True,
+ "tensionSlider" : 180,
+ "numIterationsSlider" : 4,
+ "minAngleSlider" : 0,
+ }
+ if self.settingToReset == "ALL":
- scene.neltulzEdgeCurvePlus.numSegmentsSlider_Enable = True
- scene.neltulzEdgeCurvePlus.numSegmentsSlider = 1
+ for key in defaultSettingsDict:
+ setattr(scn.ntzedgcrv, key, defaultSettingsDict[key])
- scene.neltulzEdgeCurvePlus.useEdgeFlowCheckbox_Enable = True
- scene.neltulzEdgeCurvePlus.useEdgeFlowCheckbox = True
- scene.neltulzEdgeCurvePlus.tensionSlider_Enable = True
- scene.neltulzEdgeCurvePlus.tensionSlider = 180
- scene.neltulzEdgeCurvePlus.numIterationsSlider_Enable = True
- scene.neltulzEdgeCurvePlus.numIterationsSlider = 4
- scene.neltulzEdgeCurvePlus.minAngleSlider_Enable = True
- scene.neltulzEdgeCurvePlus.minAngleSlider = 0
+ elif self.settingToReset != "NONE":
+ key = self.settingToReset
+ setattr(scn.ntzedgcrv, key, defaultSettingsDict[key])
return {'FINISHED'}
# END execute()
-# END Operator()
\ No newline at end of file
+# END Operator()
diff --git a/panels.py b/panels.py
index b0f7f31..314e862 100644
--- a/panels.py
+++ b/panels.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import bpy
-from . properties import NeltulzEdgeCurvePlus_IgnitProperties
+from . properties import NTZEDGCRV_ignitproperties
from . import misc_functions
from . import misc_layout
@@ -10,62 +10,41 @@
# Panel
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-class OBJECT_PT_NeltulzEdgeCurvePlus(Panel):
- bl_idname = "ntz_edg_curv.panel"
- bl_label = "Edge Curve Plus v1.0.5"
- bl_category = "Neltulz"
+class NTZEDGCRV_PT_options(Panel):
+ bl_label = "Neltulz - Edge Curve - Options"
+ bl_idname = "NTZEDGCRV_PT_options"
+ bl_category = ""
bl_space_type = "VIEW_3D"
- bl_region_type = "UI"
+ bl_region_type = "WINDOW"
def draw(self, context):
+ scn = context.scene
layout = self.layout
- scene = context.scene
- obj = context.object
- insertEdgesRow = layout.row(align=True)
- insertEdgesRow.scale_y = 1.5
- op = insertEdgesRow.operator('ntz_edg_curv.insertedges', text="Insert Edge(s)", icon="OUTLINER_OB_CURVE")
- if scene.neltulzEdgeCurvePlus.numSegmentsSlider_Enable: op.numSegments = scene.neltulzEdgeCurvePlus.numSegmentsSlider
- if scene.neltulzEdgeCurvePlus.useEdgeFlowCheckbox_Enable: op.useEdgeFlow = scene.neltulzEdgeCurvePlus.useEdgeFlowCheckbox
- if scene.neltulzEdgeCurvePlus.tensionSlider_Enable: op.tension = scene.neltulzEdgeCurvePlus.tensionSlider
- if scene.neltulzEdgeCurvePlus.numIterationsSlider_Enable: op.numIterations = scene.neltulzEdgeCurvePlus.numIterationsSlider
- if scene.neltulzEdgeCurvePlus.minAngleSlider_Enable: op.minAngle = scene.neltulzEdgeCurvePlus.minAngleSlider
- optionsSectionWrapper = layout.column(align=True)
- #create show/hide toggle for options section
- misc_layout.createShowHide(self, context, scene, "neltulzEdgeCurvePlus", "bShowOptions", None, "Options", optionsSectionWrapper)
- if scene.neltulzEdgeCurvePlus.bShowOptions:
+ layout.ui_units_x = 15
- optionsSectionRow = optionsSectionWrapper.row(align=True)
+ optionsSection = layout.column(align=True)
- spacer = optionsSectionRow.column(align=True)
- spacer.label(text="", icon="BLANK1")
+ misc_layout.options_inner(self, context, scn, True, True, optionsSection)
- optionsSection = optionsSectionRow.column(align=True)
+ #END draw()
- optionsSection.separator()
- misc_layout.createPropWithHideButton(self, context, scene, "neltulzEdgeCurvePlus", "numSegmentsSlider", "numSegmentsSlider_Enable", None, optionsSection)
- optionsSection.separator()
- misc_layout.createPropWithHideButton(self, context, scene, "neltulzEdgeCurvePlus", "useEdgeFlowCheckbox", "useEdgeFlowCheckbox_Enable", None, optionsSection)
- optionsSection.separator()
- if scene.neltulzEdgeCurvePlus.useEdgeFlowCheckbox:
+class NTZEDGCRV_PT_sidebarpanel(Panel):
+ bl_label = "Edge Curve Plus v1.0.6"
+ bl_category = "Neltulz"
+ bl_space_type = "VIEW_3D"
+ bl_region_type = "UI"
- edgeFlowProperties = optionsSection.column(align=True)
+ bUseCompactSidebarPanel = BoolProperty(
+ name="Use Compact Panel",
+ description="Use Compact Panel",
+ default = False
+ )
- misc_layout.createPropWithHideButton(self, context, scene, "neltulzEdgeCurvePlus", "tensionSlider", "tensionSlider_Enable", None, edgeFlowProperties)
- misc_layout.createPropWithHideButton(self, context, scene, "neltulzEdgeCurvePlus", "numIterationsSlider", "numIterationsSlider_Enable", None, edgeFlowProperties)
- misc_layout.createPropWithHideButton(self, context, scene, "neltulzEdgeCurvePlus", "minAngleSlider", "minAngleSlider_Enable", None, edgeFlowProperties)
+ bUseCompactPopupAndPiePanel = BoolProperty(
+ name="Use Compact Popup & Pie Panel",
+ description="Use Compact Popup & Pie Panel",
+ default = True
+ )
- optionsSection.separator()
- resetButton = optionsSection.column(align=True)
- op = resetButton.operator('ntz_edg_curv.resetallsettings', text="Reset All Settings")
+ def draw(self, context):
+ misc_layout.mainEdgCrvPanel(self, context, self.bUseCompactSidebarPanel, self.bUseCompactPopupAndPiePanel)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/properties.py b/properties.py
index 5b41c8d..0e2fbc3 100644
--- a/properties.py
+++ b/properties.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
from bpy.props import (StringProperty, BoolProperty, IntProperty, FloatProperty, FloatVectorProperty, EnumProperty, PointerProperty)
from bpy.types import (Panel, Operator, AddonPreferences, PropertyGroup)
-class NeltulzEdgeCurvePlus_IgnitProperties(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
+class NTZEDGCRV_ignitproperties(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
bShowOptions : BoolProperty (
name="Show Options",
@@ -12,10 +12,15 @@ class NeltulzEdgeCurvePlus_IgnitProperties(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
default = False,
- useEdgeFlowCheckbox_Enable : BoolProperty(
- name="Enable Use Edge Flow",
- description='Enables the "Use Edge Flow Checkbox" (Default: True)',
- default = True
+ customEdgeCurveSettings_List = [
+ ("UNSET", "Unset (Use Last Known)", "", "", 0),
+ ("USE", "Custom", "", "", 1),
+ ]
+ customEdgeCurveSettings : EnumProperty (
+ items = customEdgeCurveSettings_List,
+ name = "Use Custom Edge Curve Settings",
+ default = "USE"
useEdgeFlowCheckbox : BoolProperty(
@@ -24,12 +29,6 @@ class NeltulzEdgeCurvePlus_IgnitProperties(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
default = True
- numSegmentsSlider_Enable : BoolProperty (
- name="Enable Num Segments Slider",
- description="Enables the Num Segments Slider (Default: True)",
- default = True
- )
numSegmentsSlider : IntProperty(
name="Segment Num",
description="Number of segments to add. (Default: 1)",
@@ -38,12 +37,6 @@ class NeltulzEdgeCurvePlus_IgnitProperties(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
soft_max = 16
- numIterationsSlider_Enable : BoolProperty (
- name="Enable numIterationsSlider",
- description="Enables the numIterationsSlider (Default: True)",
- default = True
- )
numIterationsSlider : IntProperty(
name="Num Iterations",
description="Number of iterations. (Default: 1)",
@@ -52,12 +45,6 @@ class NeltulzEdgeCurvePlus_IgnitProperties(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
soft_max = 128
- tensionSlider_Enable : BoolProperty (
- name="Enable Tension",
- description="Enables the Tension slider",
- default = True
- )
tensionSlider : IntProperty(
description="Tension (Default: 180)",
@@ -66,12 +53,6 @@ class NeltulzEdgeCurvePlus_IgnitProperties(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
min = -500
- minAngleSlider_Enable : BoolProperty (
- name="Enable minAngleSlider",
- description="Enables the minAngleSlider",
- default = True
- )
minAngleSlider : IntProperty(
name="Minimum Angle",
description="Minimum Angle (Default: 0)",