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File metadata and controls

112 lines (89 loc) · 7.14 KB


  1. Linux system requires system packages like git curl wget zsh. Perform following command.
sudo apt-get install -y make build-essential libssl-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev wget curl llvm libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev xz-utils tk-dev

or CentOS

yum install gcc zlib-devel bzip2 bzip2-devel readline-devel sqlite sqlite-devel openssl-devel tk-devel libffi-devel xz-devel
  1. Install fzf and autojump
git clone --depth 1 ~/.fzf
yum install autojump-zsh
  1. Install asdf to manage multiple languages. Here, python 3.7.4 as a asdf-plugin is required for installing powerline which displays status in many applications like vim.


Using Dotbot to manage dotfiles.Here is a quick tutorial about how to use Dotbot to download your dotfiles on a new machine.

  1. Basically, make a directory named Dotfiles on a new machine, init a git repo, clone dotbot repo as submodule, copy the install script in "dotbot/tools/git-submodule/install", and then touch a config file named "install.config.yaml".
  2. Then config the yaml file about where you place the dotfiles and select which dotfiles you used on that new machine.The key is to config install.conf.yaml.
  3. Set the dotfiles like zshrc, vimrc, tmux.conf, gitconfig or aliases and so on.Then, run the install script.
mkdir Dotfiles && cd Dotfiles
git init
git submodule add
cp dotbot/tools/git-submodule/install .
touch install.conf.yaml

Install a dotbot plugin named dotbot-asdf to use asdf to install python and then modify the install script as required.This plugin help to manage multiple programming lanaguage's dependecies and versions as a whole.

mkdir dotbot-plugins && cd dotbot-plugins
git submodule add
echo '"${BASEDIR}/${DOTBOT_DIR}/${DOTBOT_BIN}" -d "${BASEDIR}" --plugin-dir dotbot-plugins/dotbot-asfd -c "${CONFIG}" "${@}"' >> ../install


Go through the install.conf.yaml file.

  1. Then configure vim editor and its plugins.
  2. Next configure zsh shell by using oh-my-zsh setup and zshrc file, then turn to zgenom to manage its plugins.
  3. Configure tmux through tmux.conf file.


I copy the gstate function in scripts from here for the beginning to organize my dotfiles.So I can add some extra scripts in the future.


  1. Use vimrc file to customize vim editor where I copy the configuration file from here to start with.
  2. vim plugins is managed by built-in mananger, so just add the plugin submodule you need in vim/pack/vendor/start.To start with, I add ctrlp vim plugin through git submodule add under the folder of /vim/pack/vendor/start/.
  3. Setup vim solarized theme through git submodule add under the folder of vim/pack/vendor/start/.
  4. Setup powerline status for vim using pip install. This is written by vim/ that is configured in install.conf.yaml
#Comannd Line
pip3 install powerline-status
vimpwl=$(pip3 show powerline-status | grep 'Location' | sed 's/Location: //)'

#set powerline dir in .vimrc
set rtp+=${vimpwl}${vimloc}

If there is a problem about system powerline fonts, run following command to install:

sudo apt-get install fonts-powerline
mv PowerlineSymbols.otf /usr/share/fonts/
mv 10-powerline-symbols.conf /etc/fonts/conf.d/
fc-cache -vf /usr/share/fonts/

# If something still goes wrong, it's probaly related to locales
locale -a # check
sudo apt install locales
sudo vim /etc/locale.gen
sudo locale-gen
export LANG='en_US.uft-8'


  1. zgenom is a zsh plugin manager, help us to easily set up zsh-configuration. For instance, load oh-my-zsh configuration framework, add other plugins.In order to use it, apply source "${HOME}/.zgenom/zgenom.zsh" on the top of zshrc file to enable zgenom.
  2. We can look up useful built-in plugins, themes, cheetsheet and FAQ for resolving oh-my-zsh issues when encountered. If you want speed increase, Prezto is another alternative framework for zsh.
  3. zshrc: source zgenom, use zgenom to install zsh plugins and themes, configure the setting and options.More Details see denolfe/dotfiles/zsh.
  4. powerlevel10k is a fantastic theme for zsh, and it's installed by zgenom as a zsh-plugin. If you have any display problem, just run p10k configure to generate a .p10k.zsh configuration file for your system.


Copy the configuration file tmux.conf and tmux.conf.local from Oh-my-tmux to start my modification. Read the files and instructions about how to use them.It required tmux version > 2.4, check that.


  • Use Dotbot to manage Dotfiles, asdf as Dotbot-plugin to manage multiple programming languages, install.conf.yaml to organize syslinks between configuration files and Dotfiles repo.
  • Scripts are some useful function written by bash built-in commands without the support of advanced commands or any other functions.
  • Vim includes configuration about vimrc file, vim-plugin, vim built-in plugin manager and vim-theme.
  • Zsh is more complicated.First, zsh-plugins and theme are managed by zgenom, it basically set up tool sensitive aliases, code complition, prompts and highlighting.Second, configure shell habit and behaviors about zsh.Third, setup some environment variables that is required by other applications like MuJoCo, which we can organize them under ~/.secrets folder.Fourth, Some advanced functions or aliases that based on scripts and zsh-commands.


All is due to VPN.

  1. Set proxy to run the first time ./install for downloading dotbot submodule.
  2. Run the second time ./install without proxy for installing python using asdf because of error occured when using curl with tunnel.
  3. Run the third time with proxy exported in .zshrc file using exec zsh command for downling zsh-plugins.

Manage configurations of zsh/vim/tmux/git/aliases