diff --git a/.github/workflows/make.yml b/.github/workflows/make.yml
index bd19e1c..58aa0a1 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/make.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/make.yml
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ jobs:
- ubuntu-latest
+ - windows-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
@@ -31,3 +32,8 @@ jobs:
if: runner.os == 'Linux'
shell: bash
run: bash -x make.sh build
+ - name: Build on Windows
+ if: runner.os == 'Windows'
+ shell: powershell
+ run: pwsh -File make.ps1 build
diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f3398e..0000000
--- a/.gitmodules
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-[submodule "components/dexif"]
- path = components/dexif
- url = https://github.com/cutec-chris/dexif.git
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/MPL-1_1.txt b/components/Abbrevia/MPL-1_1.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a45bfe..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/MPL-1_1.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,470 +0,0 @@
- Version 1.1
- ---------------
-1. Definitions.
- 1.0.1. "Commercial Use" means distribution or otherwise making the
- Covered Code available to a third party.
- 1.1. "Contributor" means each entity that creates or contributes to
- the creation of Modifications.
- 1.2. "Contributor Version" means the combination of the Original
- Code, prior Modifications used by a Contributor, and the Modifications
- made by that particular Contributor.
- 1.3. "Covered Code" means the Original Code or Modifications or the
- combination of the Original Code and Modifications, in each case
- including portions thereof.
- 1.4. "Electronic Distribution Mechanism" means a mechanism generally
- accepted in the software development community for the electronic
- transfer of data.
- 1.5. "Executable" means Covered Code in any form other than Source
- Code.
- 1.6. "Initial Developer" means the individual or entity identified
- as the Initial Developer in the Source Code notice required by Exhibit
- A.
- 1.7. "Larger Work" means a work which combines Covered Code or
- portions thereof with code not governed by the terms of this License.
- 1.8. "License" means this document.
- 1.8.1. "Licensable" means having the right to grant, to the maximum
- extent possible, whether at the time of the initial grant or
- subsequently acquired, any and all of the rights conveyed herein.
- 1.9. "Modifications" means any addition to or deletion from the
- substance or structure of either the Original Code or any previous
- Modifications. When Covered Code is released as a series of files, a
- Modification is:
- A. Any addition to or deletion from the contents of a file
- containing Original Code or previous Modifications.
- B. Any new file that contains any part of the Original Code or
- previous Modifications.
- 1.10. "Original Code" means Source Code of computer software code
- which is described in the Source Code notice required by Exhibit A as
- Original Code, and which, at the time of its release under this
- License is not already Covered Code governed by this License.
- 1.10.1. "Patent Claims" means any patent claim(s), now owned or
- hereafter acquired, including without limitation, method, process,
- and apparatus claims, in any patent Licensable by grantor.
- 1.11. "Source Code" means the preferred form of the Covered Code for
- making modifications to it, including all modules it contains, plus
- any associated interface definition files, scripts used to control
- compilation and installation of an Executable, or source code
- differential comparisons against either the Original Code or another
- well known, available Covered Code of the Contributor's choice. The
- Source Code can be in a compressed or archival form, provided the
- appropriate decompression or de-archiving software is widely available
- for no charge.
- 1.12. "You" (or "Your") means an individual or a legal entity
- exercising rights under, and complying with all of the terms of, this
- License or a future version of this License issued under Section 6.1.
- For legal entities, "You" includes any entity which controls, is
- controlled by, or is under common control with You. For purposes of
- this definition, "control" means (a) the power, direct or indirect,
- to cause the direction or management of such entity, whether by
- contract or otherwise, or (b) ownership of more than fifty percent
- (50%) of the outstanding shares or beneficial ownership of such
- entity.
-2. Source Code License.
- 2.1. The Initial Developer Grant.
- The Initial Developer hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free,
- non-exclusive license, subject to third party intellectual property
- claims:
- (a) under intellectual property rights (other than patent or
- trademark) Licensable by Initial Developer to use, reproduce,
- modify, display, perform, sublicense and distribute the Original
- Code (or portions thereof) with or without Modifications, and/or
- as part of a Larger Work; and
- (b) under Patents Claims infringed by the making, using or
- selling of Original Code, to make, have made, use, practice,
- sell, and offer for sale, and/or otherwise dispose of the
- Original Code (or portions thereof).
- (c) the licenses granted in this Section 2.1(a) and (b) are
- effective on the date Initial Developer first distributes
- Original Code under the terms of this License.
- (d) Notwithstanding Section 2.1(b) above, no patent license is
- granted: 1) for code that You delete from the Original Code; 2)
- separate from the Original Code; or 3) for infringements caused
- by: i) the modification of the Original Code or ii) the
- combination of the Original Code with other software or devices.
- 2.2. Contributor Grant.
- Subject to third party intellectual property claims, each Contributor
- hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license
- (a) under intellectual property rights (other than patent or
- trademark) Licensable by Contributor, to use, reproduce, modify,
- display, perform, sublicense and distribute the Modifications
- created by such Contributor (or portions thereof) either on an
- unmodified basis, with other Modifications, as Covered Code
- and/or as part of a Larger Work; and
- (b) under Patent Claims infringed by the making, using, or
- selling of Modifications made by that Contributor either alone
- and/or in combination with its Contributor Version (or portions
- of such combination), to make, use, sell, offer for sale, have
- made, and/or otherwise dispose of: 1) Modifications made by that
- Contributor (or portions thereof); and 2) the combination of
- Modifications made by that Contributor with its Contributor
- Version (or portions of such combination).
- (c) the licenses granted in Sections 2.2(a) and 2.2(b) are
- effective on the date Contributor first makes Commercial Use of
- the Covered Code.
- (d) Notwithstanding Section 2.2(b) above, no patent license is
- granted: 1) for any code that Contributor has deleted from the
- Contributor Version; 2) separate from the Contributor Version;
- 3) for infringements caused by: i) third party modifications of
- Contributor Version or ii) the combination of Modifications made
- by that Contributor with other software (except as part of the
- Contributor Version) or other devices; or 4) under Patent Claims
- infringed by Covered Code in the absence of Modifications made by
- that Contributor.
-3. Distribution Obligations.
- 3.1. Application of License.
- The Modifications which You create or to which You contribute are
- governed by the terms of this License, including without limitation
- Section 2.2. The Source Code version of Covered Code may be
- distributed only under the terms of this License or a future version
- of this License released under Section 6.1, and You must include a
- copy of this License with every copy of the Source Code You
- distribute. You may not offer or impose any terms on any Source Code
- version that alters or restricts the applicable version of this
- License or the recipients' rights hereunder. However, You may include
- an additional document offering the additional rights described in
- Section 3.5.
- 3.2. Availability of Source Code.
- Any Modification which You create or to which You contribute must be
- made available in Source Code form under the terms of this License
- either on the same media as an Executable version or via an accepted
- Electronic Distribution Mechanism to anyone to whom you made an
- Executable version available; and if made available via Electronic
- Distribution Mechanism, must remain available for at least twelve (12)
- months after the date it initially became available, or at least six
- (6) months after a subsequent version of that particular Modification
- has been made available to such recipients. You are responsible for
- ensuring that the Source Code version remains available even if the
- Electronic Distribution Mechanism is maintained by a third party.
- 3.3. Description of Modifications.
- You must cause all Covered Code to which You contribute to contain a
- file documenting the changes You made to create that Covered Code and
- the date of any change. You must include a prominent statement that
- the Modification is derived, directly or indirectly, from Original
- Code provided by the Initial Developer and including the name of the
- Initial Developer in (a) the Source Code, and (b) in any notice in an
- Executable version or related documentation in which You describe the
- origin or ownership of the Covered Code.
- 3.4. Intellectual Property Matters
- (a) Third Party Claims.
- If Contributor has knowledge that a license under a third party's
- intellectual property rights is required to exercise the rights
- granted by such Contributor under Sections 2.1 or 2.2,
- Contributor must include a text file with the Source Code
- distribution titled "LEGAL" which describes the claim and the
- party making the claim in sufficient detail that a recipient will
- know whom to contact. If Contributor obtains such knowledge after
- the Modification is made available as described in Section 3.2,
- Contributor shall promptly modify the LEGAL file in all copies
- Contributor makes available thereafter and shall take other steps
- (such as notifying appropriate mailing lists or newsgroups)
- reasonably calculated to inform those who received the Covered
- Code that new knowledge has been obtained.
- (b) Contributor APIs.
- If Contributor's Modifications include an application programming
- interface and Contributor has knowledge of patent licenses which
- are reasonably necessary to implement that API, Contributor must
- also include this information in the LEGAL file.
- (c) Representations.
- Contributor represents that, except as disclosed pursuant to
- Section 3.4(a) above, Contributor believes that Contributor's
- Modifications are Contributor's original creation(s) and/or
- Contributor has sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by
- this License.
- 3.5. Required Notices.
- You must duplicate the notice in Exhibit A in each file of the Source
- Code. If it is not possible to put such notice in a particular Source
- Code file due to its structure, then You must include such notice in a
- location (such as a relevant directory) where a user would be likely
- to look for such a notice. If You created one or more Modification(s)
- You may add your name as a Contributor to the notice described in
- Exhibit A. You must also duplicate this License in any documentation
- for the Source Code where You describe recipients' rights or ownership
- rights relating to Covered Code. You may choose to offer, and to
- charge a fee for, warranty, support, indemnity or liability
- obligations to one or more recipients of Covered Code. However, You
- may do so only on Your own behalf, and not on behalf of the Initial
- Developer or any Contributor. You must make it absolutely clear than
- any such warranty, support, indemnity or liability obligation is
- offered by You alone, and You hereby agree to indemnify the Initial
- Developer and every Contributor for any liability incurred by the
- Initial Developer or such Contributor as a result of warranty,
- support, indemnity or liability terms You offer.
- 3.6. Distribution of Executable Versions.
- You may distribute Covered Code in Executable form only if the
- requirements of Section 3.1-3.5 have been met for that Covered Code,
- and if You include a notice stating that the Source Code version of
- the Covered Code is available under the terms of this License,
- including a description of how and where You have fulfilled the
- obligations of Section 3.2. The notice must be conspicuously included
- in any notice in an Executable version, related documentation or
- collateral in which You describe recipients' rights relating to the
- Covered Code. You may distribute the Executable version of Covered
- Code or ownership rights under a license of Your choice, which may
- contain terms different from this License, provided that You are in
- compliance with the terms of this License and that the license for the
- Executable version does not attempt to limit or alter the recipient's
- rights in the Source Code version from the rights set forth in this
- License. If You distribute the Executable version under a different
- license You must make it absolutely clear that any terms which differ
- from this License are offered by You alone, not by the Initial
- Developer or any Contributor. You hereby agree to indemnify the
- Initial Developer and every Contributor for any liability incurred by
- the Initial Developer or such Contributor as a result of any such
- terms You offer.
- 3.7. Larger Works.
- You may create a Larger Work by combining Covered Code with other code
- not governed by the terms of this License and distribute the Larger
- Work as a single product. In such a case, You must make sure the
- requirements of this License are fulfilled for the Covered Code.
-4. Inability to Comply Due to Statute or Regulation.
- If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this
- License with respect to some or all of the Covered Code due to
- statute, judicial order, or regulation then You must: (a) comply with
- the terms of this License to the maximum extent possible; and (b)
- describe the limitations and the code they affect. Such description
- must be included in the LEGAL file described in Section 3.4 and must
- be included with all distributions of the Source Code. Except to the
- extent prohibited by statute or regulation, such description must be
- sufficiently detailed for a recipient of ordinary skill to be able to
- understand it.
-5. Application of this License.
- This License applies to code to which the Initial Developer has
- attached the notice in Exhibit A and to related Covered Code.
-6. Versions of the License.
- 6.1. New Versions.
- Netscape Communications Corporation ("Netscape") may publish revised
- and/or new versions of the License from time to time. Each version
- will be given a distinguishing version number.
- 6.2. Effect of New Versions.
- Once Covered Code has been published under a particular version of the
- License, You may always continue to use it under the terms of that
- version. You may also choose to use such Covered Code under the terms
- of any subsequent version of the License published by Netscape. No one
- other than Netscape has the right to modify the terms applicable to
- Covered Code created under this License.
- 6.3. Derivative Works.
- If You create or use a modified version of this License (which you may
- only do in order to apply it to code which is not already Covered Code
- governed by this License), You must (a) rename Your license so that
- the phrases "Mozilla", "MOZILLAPL", "MOZPL", "Netscape",
- "MPL", "NPL" or any confusingly similar phrase do not appear in your
- license (except to note that your license differs from this License)
- and (b) otherwise make it clear that Your version of the license
- contains terms which differ from the Mozilla Public License and
- Netscape Public License. (Filling in the name of the Initial
- Developer, Original Code or Contributor in the notice described in
- Exhibit A shall not of themselves be deemed to be modifications of
- this License.)
- 8.1. This License and the rights granted hereunder will terminate
- automatically if You fail to comply with terms herein and fail to cure
- such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All
- sublicenses to the Covered Code which are properly granted shall
- survive any termination of this License. Provisions which, by their
- nature, must remain in effect beyond the termination of this License
- shall survive.
- 8.2. If You initiate litigation by asserting a patent infringement
- claim (excluding declatory judgment actions) against Initial Developer
- or a Contributor (the Initial Developer or Contributor against whom
- You file such action is referred to as "Participant") alleging that:
- (a) such Participant's Contributor Version directly or indirectly
- infringes any patent, then any and all rights granted by such
- Participant to You under Sections 2.1 and/or 2.2 of this License
- shall, upon 60 days notice from Participant terminate prospectively,
- unless if within 60 days after receipt of notice You either: (i)
- agree in writing to pay Participant a mutually agreeable reasonable
- royalty for Your past and future use of Modifications made by such
- Participant, or (ii) withdraw Your litigation claim with respect to
- the Contributor Version against such Participant. If within 60 days
- of notice, a reasonable royalty and payment arrangement are not
- mutually agreed upon in writing by the parties or the litigation claim
- is not withdrawn, the rights granted by Participant to You under
- Sections 2.1 and/or 2.2 automatically terminate at the expiration of
- the 60 day notice period specified above.
- (b) any software, hardware, or device, other than such Participant's
- Contributor Version, directly or indirectly infringes any patent, then
- any rights granted to You by such Participant under Sections 2.1(b)
- and 2.2(b) are revoked effective as of the date You first made, used,
- sold, distributed, or had made, Modifications made by that
- Participant.
- 8.3. If You assert a patent infringement claim against Participant
- alleging that such Participant's Contributor Version directly or
- indirectly infringes any patent where such claim is resolved (such as
- by license or settlement) prior to the initiation of patent
- infringement litigation, then the reasonable value of the licenses
- granted by such Participant under Sections 2.1 or 2.2 shall be taken
- into account in determining the amount or value of any payment or
- license.
- 8.4. In the event of termination under Sections 8.1 or 8.2 above,
- all end user license agreements (excluding distributors and resellers)
- which have been validly granted by You or any distributor hereunder
- prior to termination shall survive termination.
- The Covered Code is a "commercial item," as that term is defined in
- 48 C.F.R. 2.101 (Oct. 1995), consisting of "commercial computer
- software" and "commercial computer software documentation," as such
- terms are used in 48 C.F.R. 12.212 (Sept. 1995). Consistent with 48
- C.F.R. 12.212 and 48 C.F.R. 227.7202-1 through 227.7202-4 (June 1995),
- all U.S. Government End Users acquire Covered Code with only those
- rights set forth herein.
- This License represents the complete agreement concerning subject
- matter hereof. If any provision of this License is held to be
- unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent
- necessary to make it enforceable. This License shall be governed by
- California law provisions (except to the extent applicable law, if
- any, provides otherwise), excluding its conflict-of-law provisions.
- With respect to disputes in which at least one party is a citizen of,
- or an entity chartered or registered to do business in the United
- States of America, any litigation relating to this License shall be
- subject to the jurisdiction of the Federal Courts of the Northern
- District of California, with venue lying in Santa Clara County,
- California, with the losing party responsible for costs, including
- without limitation, court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees and
- expenses. The application of the United Nations Convention on
- Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is expressly excluded.
- Any law or regulation which provides that the language of a contract
- shall be construed against the drafter shall not apply to this
- License.
- As between Initial Developer and the Contributors, each party is
- responsible for claims and damages arising, directly or indirectly,
- out of its utilization of rights under this License and You agree to
- work with Initial Developer and Contributors to distribute such
- responsibility on an equitable basis. Nothing herein is intended or
- shall be deemed to constitute any admission of liability.
- Initial Developer may designate portions of the Covered Code as
- "Multiple-Licensed". "Multiple-Licensed" means that the Initial
- Developer permits you to utilize portions of the Covered Code under
- Your choice of the NPL or the alternative licenses, if any, specified
- by the Initial Developer in the file described in Exhibit A.
-EXHIBIT A -Mozilla Public License.
- ``The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
- License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- under the License.
- The Original Code is ______________________________________.
- The Initial Developer of the Original Code is ________________________.
- Portions created by ______________________ are Copyright (C) ______
- _______________________. All Rights Reserved.
- Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
- Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms
- of the _____ license (the "[___] License"), in which case the
- provisions of [______] License are applicable instead of those
- above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
- under the terms of the [____] License and not to allow others to use
- your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision by
- deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice and
- other provisions required by the [___] License. If you do not delete
- the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file
- under either the MPL or the [___] License."
- [NOTE: The text of this Exhibit A may differ slightly from the text of
- the notices in the Source Code files of the Original Code. You should
- use the text of this Exhibit A rather than the text found in the
- Original Code Source Code for Your Modifications.]
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/Readme.html b/components/Abbrevia/Readme.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 2122dcc..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/Readme.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
- Abbrevia v5.0
-Version 5.0
-December 6, 2011
-Home Page
-Table of contents
-Abbrevia is a compression toolkit for Embarcadero Delphi, C++ Builder, and Kylix, and FreePascal. It supports PKZip, Microsoft CAB, tar, gzip, bzip2 and zlib compression formats, and the creation of self-extracting executables. It includes several visual components that simplify displaying zip files.
-Abbrevia 5.0 adds a number of new features and support for more platforms:
- RAD Studio XE2 support, including both 64-bit Windows and OS X
- FreePascal support on Windows, OS X, and Linux
- TAbTreeView and TAbListView VCL controls that provide an Explorer/WinZip-like interface
- ZIP64 support, for archives larger than 2GB
- Improved split/spanned zip support
- Expanded LZMA support
- Unicode filenames in tar and gzip archives
-This is a source-only release. It includes design-time and run-time packages for Delphi 6 through Delphi XE2, C++Builder 2009 through XE2, and Kylix 3. FreePascal is supported, but runtime/design time packages are not included. The LZMA, PPMd, and WavPack algorithms are only supported on Delphi/C++Builder for Windows (32 and 64-bit).
-Abbrevia includes the following packages:
- Abbrevia.bpl : Runtime non-visual components. TAbZipBrowse
, TAbZipKit
, TAbMakeCab
, etc.
- AbbreviaVCL.bpl : Runtime visual components. TAbTreeView
, TAbListView
, TAbProgressBar
- AbbreviaVCLDesign.bpl : Designtime support.
- AbbreviaCLX.bpl , AbbreviaCLXDesign.bpl (Delphi 6/7): CLX visual components.
is used, so each .bpl/.bpi will have a version number after it corresponding to the compiler version (e.g. 160 for Delphi XE2).
-The Kylix 3 AbbreviaCLX
package includes all of the non-visual runtime units, and the Abbrevia
package is not included separately.
-To install TurboPower Abbrevia into your IDE:
- Unzip the release files into a directory (e.g., d:\abbrevia).
- Start Delphi or C++Builder.
- Add the source subdirectory (e.g. d:\abbrevia\source) to the Delphi Library path. When using XE2 or later, add it to all platforms.
- If using C++Builder, add the source subdirectory to C++Builder's Include and Library paths.
- Open the project group in the packages directory that corresponds to the IDE being used (e.g. "Delphi XE2.groupproj").
- Start at the top of the project group and compile each package in turn. If using C++Builder, install each one after compiling.
- Select the "AbbreviaVCLDesign" package and install it. The IDE should notify you that the components have been installed. If you are using Delphi 7 you can install "AbbreviaCLXDesign" as well to get CLX designtime support.
- Make sure the PATH environmental variable contains the directory in which the compiled packages (i.e. BPL or DPL files) were placed.
-Support forums are available on the SourceForge project site.
-Bug reports can be entered in the bug tracker . If possible please include a small test case that reproduces the issue. Sample files can be attached to the bug report, and confidential data can be emailed to the project administrator.
-If you have something you would like to see in the product feel free to add a feature request .
-The current source code is available in the Subversion repository . The code here may not be as stable or tested as the official releases, but may include bug fixes or new features not yet included in the downloadable releases.
-The repository also includes DUnit tests, the source code to the third-party libraries, and the Help source code.
-If you want to help make Abbrevia better, there are several ways to get involved. We welcome help with features and bug fixes. Just look in the issue tracker to see what's needed. We're also looking for help for:
- C++Builder maintainer
- FreePascal maintainer
- Webmaster
- Documentation
- Examples
-Abbrevia is licensed under the Mozilla Public License , version 1.1. It can be used in commercial and closed-source applications provided any changes to Abbrevia units are made available electronically.
-The WavPack library used for zipx decompression has its own license, included as "WavPack License.txt". Redistribution requires a copyright notice in your documentation or elsewhere in your distribution. WavPack support can be removed by disabling the UnzipZipxSupport or UnzipWavPackSupport conditional define in AbDefine.inc .
-These are the most significant features, fixes and changes made since v4.0. Information on earlier versions is available in the full changelog .
- Added support for Delphi/C++Builder XE2, including the 64-bit Windows and OS X platforms.
- Added support for FreePascal 2.4/2.6 on Windows, OS X, and Linux.
- Added TAbTreeView and TAbListView VCL controls that provide an Explorer/WinZip-like interface, and ComCtrlsDemo Delphi example to demonstrate their usage.
- Added ZIP64 support (reading/writing zip archives larger than 2GB, containing files larger than 2GB, or containing more than 65K files).
- Significantly improved split/spanned zip support.
- Added LZMA buffer-to-buffer compression/decompression (LzmaEncodeBuffer and LzmaDecodeBuffer ) and compression/decompression stream descendants (TAbLZMACompressionStream and TAbLZMADecompressionStream ). Thanks to Pierre le Riche.
- Added support for tar and gzip archives containing filenames encoded in the system ANSI and OEM codepage and UTF-8. New archives are written using UTF-8.
- Added icon/text to RAD Studio's splash screen and about box. Thanks to Lance Rasmussen.
- Added VCL TAbProgressBar control that can replace TAbMeter.
- Added 64-bit COM dll and support for per-user registration.
-API Changes
- Renamed LzEncode/LzDecode
to LzmaEncodeStream/LzmaDecodeStream
- Renamed LzmaDecode
to LzmaDecodeStream
- Various changes due to split/spanned zip changes (see below).
-Bug Fixes
- Fixed support for opening paths with a "\\?\" prefix.
- Fixed buffer overflow in AbUtils.pas.
- Fixed freshening/replacing items using absolute paths.
- Fixed CAB files created with Delphi 2009 and later incorrectly including the "has next volume" flag.
- Fixed Delphi 6 support. Thanks to Peter Luijer.
- Fixed AbFindFiles
so it finds system and hidden folders if the SearchAttr parameter includes them [3372355].
- Fixed hang when trying to extract files that cross CAB boundaries when the next cab is not available [3370538].
- Fixed extracting CAB archives so OnProcessItemFailure isn't called after a successful extraction.
- Fixed LZMA support for streams larger than 2GB.
- Fixed AbGetDriveFreeSpace
buffer overflow and fixed support for free space larger than 2GB.
- Fixed support for modifying SFX zips with non-native stubs (Linux on Windows and vice versa).
- Fixed TAbBitBucketStream
so it doesn't fault on writes larger than the buffer size, and supports sizes over 2GB.
- Zip local file headers are now preserved when copying unmodified files to a new archive.
- Local file headers are no longer copies of the central directory headers, since many of the defined extra data fields have different values in the two locations.
- Fixed IZipKit (COM) support for enumerations (for each).
-Split/Spanned Zip Changes
- Bug Fixes
- Added support for reading/writing unequally sized spans.
- Split/spanned zips are now written to the final location as they're compressed, rather than writing everything to a virtual memory stream first.
- Fixed writing headers that can't be spanned so they trigger a new span if necessary.
- API Changes
- Converting from an unspanned archive to a spanned one is no longer supported.
- OnRequestImage
's span numbers are now 1-based instead of 0-based to match OnRequestNthDisk
- OnArchiveSaveProgress
is now called at the same time as OnArchiveProgress
, since there isn't a lengthy copy after a spanned archive is written.
- TAbSpanStream
has been replaced by TAbSpanReadStream
and TAbSpanWriteStream
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/WavPack License.txt b/components/Abbrevia/WavPack License.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c33a69e..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/WavPack License.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (c) 1998 - 2009 Conifer Software
- All rights reserved.
-Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
- this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
- this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * Neither the name of Conifer Software nor the names of its contributors
- may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
- without specific prior written permission.
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/localization/AbResString.pas.afr b/components/Abbrevia/localization/AbResString.pas.afr
deleted file mode 100644
index 103c236..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/localization/AbResString.pas.afr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- * Henri Hakl, Roman Kassebaum
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* Abbrevia: AbResString.pas *}
-{* Abbrevia: Resource strings, Africaans localization *}
-unit AbResString;
- AbErrZipInvalidS = 'Ongeldig - geen PKZIP bestaan nie';
- AbZipVersionNeededS = 'Lêer kannie ontpak word nie - kry nuwer weergawe van PKZIP';
- AbUnknownCompressionMethodS = 'Lêer kannie ontpak word nie - onbekende kompressiemetode';
- AbNoExtractionMethodS = 'Lêer kannie ontpak word nie - geen ondersteunende metode';
- AbInvalidPasswordS = 'Lêer kannie ontpak word nie - ongeldige paswoord';
- AbNoInsertionMethodS = 'Lêer kannie bygevoeg word nie - byvoeging is nie ondersteun nie';
- AbInvalidFactorS = 'Ongeldige reduksiefaktoor';
- AbDuplicateNameS = 'Lêer kannie bygevoeg word nie - tweevoud by name gevind';
- AbUnsupportedCompressionMethodS = 'Lêer kannie bygevoeg word nie - nie ondersteunde kompressiemetode';
- AbUserAbortS = 'Proses is deur gebruiker onderbreek';
- AbArchiveBusyS = 'Argief is besig - kan nuwe aanvrag nie bewerk nie';
- AbLastDiskRequestS = 'Benodig laaste skyf van gedeelde argief';
- AbDiskRequestS = 'Benodig skyf';
- AbImageRequestS = 'Benodig naam';
- AbBadSpanStreamS = 'Gedeelde argief moet als bestandsstroom geopen word';
- AbDiskNumRequestS = 'Benodig skyf %d van gedeelde argief';
- AbImageNumRequestS = 'Benodig segment %d van gedeelde argief';
- AbNoOverwriteSpanStreamS = 'Kannie bestaande gedeelde argief verander nie';
- AbNoSpannedSelfExtractS = 'Kannie selfontpakkende gedeelde argief maak nie';
- AbBlankDiskS = 'Benodig leë skyf';
- AbStreamFullS = 'Stroom skryffout';
- AbNoSuchDirectoryS = 'Gids bestaan nie';
- AbInflateBlockErrorS = 'Kannie blok ontpak nie';
- AbBadStreamTypeS = 'Ongeldige stroom';
- AbTruncateErrorS = 'Daar bestaan in afknottings fout in zip-lêer';
- AbZipBadCRCS = 'CRC kontroole his misluk';
- AbZipBadStubS = 'Stomp moet uitvoerbaar wees';
- AbFileNotFoundS = 'Lêer nie gevind nie';
- AbInvalidLFHS = 'Ongeldige lokaale lêer obskrif element';
- AbNoArchiveS = 'Argief bestaan nie';
- AbReadErrorS = 'Leesfout in argief';
- AbInvalidIndexS = 'Ongeldige indeks van argiefelement';
- AbInvalidThresholdS = 'Ongeldige drempel van argiefgroote';
- AbUnhandledFileTypeS = 'Onbekende argieftype';
- AbSpanningNotSupportedS = 'Argief deeling is nie ondersteun nie';
- AbLogCreateErrorS = 'Fout gedurende protokol skepping';
- AbMoveFileErrorS = 'Fout gedurende verplasing van lêer van %s na %s';
- AbFileSizeTooBigS = 'Lêer is te groot vir argieftype';
- AbNoCabinetDllErrorS = 'Kannie lêer cabinet.dll laai nie';
- AbFCIFileOpenErrorS = 'FCI kannie lêer oopmaak nie';
- AbFCIFileReadErrorS = 'FCI kannie lêer lees nie';
- AbFCIFileWriteErrorS = 'FCI kannie lêer skryf nie';
- AbFCIFileCloseErrorS = 'FCI kannie lêer toemaak nie';
- AbFCIFileSeekErrorS = 'FCI kannie posisie verander nie';
- AbFCIFileDeleteErrorS = 'FCI kannie lêer verwyder nie';
- AbFCIAddFileErrorS = 'FCI kannie lêer byvoeg nie';
- AbFCICreateErrorS = 'FCI kannie conteks skep nie';
- AbFCIFlushCabinetErrorS = 'FCI kannie kabinet spoel nie';
- AbFCIFlushFolderErrorS = 'FCI kannie gids spoel nie';
- AbFDICopyErrorS = 'FDI kannie lêer opsom nie';
- AbFDICreateErrorS = 'FDI kannie konteks skep nie';
- AbInvalidCabTemplateS = 'Ongeldige kabinet sjabloon';
- AbInvalidCabFileS = 'Ongeldiger lêer - geen kabinet bestaan nie';
- AbZipStored = 'Opgeslagen';
- AbZipShrunk = 'Gekrimp';
- AbZipReduced = 'Verminder';
- AbZipImploded = 'Geïmplodeerd';
- AbZipTokenized = 'In simboole gepak';
- AbZipDeflated = 'Gedeflationeerd';
- AbZipDeflate64 = 'Uitgebreid gedeflationeerd';
- AbZipDCLImploded = 'DCL geïmplodeerd';
- AbZipBzip2 = 'Bzip2';
- AbZipLZMA = 'LZMA';
- AbZipIBMTerse = 'IBM Terse';
- AbZipLZ77 = 'IBM LZ77';
- AbZipJPEG = 'JPEG';
- AbZipWavPack = 'WavPack';
- AbZipPPMd = 'PPMd';
- AbZipUnknown = 'Onbekend (%d)';
- AbZipBestMethod = 'Beste metode';
- AbVersionFormatS = 'Weergawe';
- AbCompressedSizeFormatS = 'Gekomprimeerde groote: %d';
- AbUncompressedSizeFormatS = 'Ongekomprimeerde groote: %d';
- AbCompressionMethodFormatS = 'Kompressie metode: %s';
- AbCompressionRatioFormatS = 'Kompressieverhouding: %2.0f%%';
- AbCRCFormatS = 'CRC: %x';
- AbReadOnlyS = 'r';
- AbHiddenS = 'h';
- AbSystemS = 's';
- AbArchivedS = 'a';
- AbEFAFormatS = 'Eksterne lêerattribute: %s';
- AbIFAFormatS = 'Lêertype';
- AbTextS = 'Teks';
- AbBinaryS = 'Binêre';
- AbEncryptionFormatS = 'Versleuteling: %s';
- AbEncryptedS = 'Versleuteld';
- AbNotEncryptedS = 'Nie versleuteld nie';
- AbUnknownS = 'Onbekend';
- AbTimeStampFormatS = 'Tydstempel: %s';
- AbMadeByFormatS = 'Gemaak met weergawe: %f';
- AbNeededFormatS = 'Weergawe benodig vir ontpakking: %f';
- AbCommentFormatS = 'Opmerking: %s';
- AbDefaultExtS = '*.zip';
- AbFilterS = 'PKZIP argief (*.zip)|*.zip|Selfontpakkende Argief (*.exe)|*.exe|Alle Lêers (*.*)|*.*';
- AbFileNameTitleS = 'Kies lêernaam';
- AbOKS = 'OK';
- AbCancelS = 'Verlaat';
- AbSelectDirectoryS = 'Kies lêer';
- AbEnterPasswordS = 'Voeg paswoord in';
- AbPasswordS = '&Paswoord';
- AbVerifyS = '&Verifiseer';
- AbCabExtS = '*.cab';
- AbCabFilterS = 'Kabinetsargiewe (*.cab)|*.CAB|Alle Lêers (*.*)|*.*';
- AbLogExtS = '*.txt';
- AbLogFilterS = 'Tekslêers (*.cab)|*.CAB|Alle Lêers (*.*)|*.*';
- AbExeExtS = '*.exe';
- AbExeFilterS = 'Selfontpakkende Zip Lêers (*.cab)|*.CAB|Alle Lêers (*.*)|*.*';
- AbVMSReadTooManyBytesS = 'VMS: Te veel byte gelees';
- AbVMSInvalidOriginS = 'VMS: Ongeldige oorsprong %d, moet 0, 1 or 2 wees';
- AbVMSErrorOpenSwapS = 'VMS: Kannie wissellêer oopmaak nie';
- AbVMSSeekFailS = 'VMS: Kannie wissellêer posisie verander nie';
- AbVMSReadFailS = 'VMS: Kan %d byte in wissellêer nie lees nie';
- AbVMSWriteFailS = 'VMS: Kan %d byte in wissellêer nie skryf nie';
- AbVMSWriteTooManyBytesS = 'VMS: Aanvraag om te veel byte [%d] te skryf';
- AbBBSReadTooManyBytesS = 'BBS: Aanvraag om te veel byte [%d] te lees';
- AbBBSSeekOutsideBufferS = 'BBS: Nuwe posisie is buite die buffer';
- AbBBSInvalidOriginS = 'BBS: Ongeldige oorsprongswaarde';
- AbBBSWriteTooManyBytesS = 'BBS: Aanvrag om te veel byte [%d] te skryf';
- AbSWSNotEndofStreamS = 'TabSlidingWindowStream.Write: Nie by stroom einde nie';
- AbSWSSeekFailedS = 'TabSlidingWindowStream.bsWriteChunk: Posisioneering misluk';
- AbSWSWriteFailedS = 'TabSlidingWindowStream.bsWriteCunk: Skryf misluk';
- AbSWSInvalidOriginS = 'TabSlidingWindowStream.Seek: Ongeldige oorsprong';
- AbSWSInvalidNewOriginS = 'TabSlidingWindowStream.Seek: Ongeldige nuwe posisie';
- AbItemNameHeadingS = 'Naam';
- AbPackedHeadingS = 'Gepak';
- AbMethodHeadingS = 'Metode';
- AbRatioHeadingS ='Besparing (%)';
- AbCRCHeadingS = 'CRC32';
- AbFileAttrHeadingS = 'Attribuut';
- AbFileFormatHeadingS = 'Formaat';
- AbEncryptionHeadingS = 'Versleuteld';
- AbTimeStampHeadingS = 'Tydstempel';
- AbFileSizeHeadingS = 'Groote';
- AbVersionMadeHeadingS = 'Gebruikte weergawe';
- AbVersionNeededHeadingS = 'Benodigde weergawe';
- AbPathHeadingS = 'Pad';
- AbPartialHeadingS = 'Partieel';
- AbExecutableHeadingS = 'Uitvoerbaar';
- AbCabMethod0S = 'Geen';
- AbCabMethod1S = 'MSZip';
- AbLtAddS = ' toegevoegd ';
- AbLtDeleteS = ' gewist ';
- AbLtExtractS = ' ontpakt ';
- AbLtFreshenS = ' geaktualiseerd ';
- AbLtMoveS = ' verplaas ';
- AbLtReplaceS = ' vervang ';
- AbLtStartS = ' geprotocoleerd ';
- AbGzipInvalidS = 'Ongeldige Gzip';
- AbGzipBadCRCS = 'Ongeldige CRC';
- AbGzipBadFileSizeS = 'Ongeldige bestaandsgroote';
- AbTarInvalidS = 'Tar ongeldig';
- AbTarBadFileNameS = 'Lêer naam te lang';
- AbTarBadLinkNameS = 'Skakel naam te lang';
- AbTarBadOpS = 'Operasie nie ondersteun nie';
- AbUnhandledEntityS = 'Nie behandelde entiteit';
- { pre-defined "operating system" (really more FILE system) identifiers for the
- Gzip header }
- AbGzOsFat = 'FAT Lêersisteem (MS-DOS, OS/2, NT/Win32)';
- AbGzOsAmiga = 'Amiga';
- AbGzOsVMS = 'VMS (of OpenVMS)';
- AbGzOsUnix = 'Unix';
- AbGzOsVM_CMS = 'VM/CMS';
- AbGzOsAtari = 'Atari TOS';
- AbGzOsHPFS = 'HPFS Lêersisteem (OS/2, NT)';
- AbGzOsMacintosh = 'Macintosh';
- AbGzOsZ_System = 'Z-System';
- AbGzOsCP_M = 'CP/M';
- AbGzOsTOPS_20 = 'TOPS-20';
- AbGzOsNTFS = 'NTFS Lêersisteem (NT)';
- AbGzOsQDOS = 'QDOS';
- AbGzOsAcornRISCOS = 'Acorn RISCOS';
- AbGzOsVFAT = 'VFAT Lêersisteem (Win95, NT)';
- AbGzOsMVS = 'MVS';
- AbGzOsBeOS = 'BeOS (BeBox of PowerMac)';
- AbGzOsTandem = 'Tandem/NSK';
- AbGzOsunknown = 'onbekend';
- AbGzOsUndefined = 'ID is Gzip nie bekend nie';
-{!!.03 - Moved from AbCompnd.inc }
-{ Compound File specific error messages }
- AbCmpndIndexOutOfBounds = 'Indeks buite toegelate bereik';
- AbCmpndBusyUpdating = 'Saamgestelde lêer word geaktualiseer';
- AbCmpndInvalidFile = 'Ongeldige saamgestelde lêer';
- AbCmpndFileNotFound = 'Lêer/gids nie gevind nie';
- AbCmpndFolderNotEmpty = 'Gids nie leeg nie';
- AbCmpndExceedsMaxFileSize = 'Lêergroote oorskryf toegelate maksimum';
-{!!.03 - End Moved }
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/localization/AbResString.pas.de b/components/Abbrevia/localization/AbResString.pas.de
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b008de..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/localization/AbResString.pas.de
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- * Roman Kassebaum
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* Abbrevia: AbResString.pas *}
-{* Abbrevia: Resource strings, German localization *}
-unit AbResString;
- AbErrZipInvalidS = 'Ungültige Datei - keine PKZip Datei';
- AbZipVersionNeededS = 'Kann die Datei nicht entpacken - neuere Version benötigt';
- AbUnknownCompressionMethodS = 'Kann die Datei nicht entpacken - nicht unterstützte Kommpressionsmethode';
- AbNoExtractionMethodS = 'Kann die Datei nicht entpacken - keine Entpackunterstützung angeboten';
- AbInvalidPasswordS = 'Kann die Datei nicht entpacken - ungültiges Passwort';
- AbNoInsertionMethodS = 'Kann die Datei nicht entpacken - keine Einfügeunterstützung angeboten';
- AbInvalidFactorS = 'Ungültiger Reduzierungsfaktor';
- AbDuplicateNameS = 'Kann die Datei nicht einfügen - doppelter gespeicherter Name';
- AbUnsupportedCompressionMethodS = 'Kann die Datei nicht einfügen - nicht unterstützt Kompressionsmethode';
- AbUserAbortS = 'Prozess wurde durch den Benutzer abgebrochen';
- AbArchiveBusyS = 'Das Archiv ist beschäftigt - kann nicht die neue Anforderung bearbeiten';
- AbLastDiskRequestS = 'Legen Sie die letzte Diskette ein';
- AbDiskRequestS = 'Diskette einlegen ';
- AbImageRequestS = 'Name des Abbildes';
- AbBadSpanStreamS = 'Segmentierte Archive müssen als Datei-Strom geöffnet werden';
- AbDiskNumRequestS = 'Legen Sie die Diskette %d des segmentierten Archivs ein';
- AbImageNumRequestS = 'Legen Sie das Segment %d des segmentierten Archivs ein';
- AbNoOverwriteSpanStreamS = 'Kann kein existierendes segmentiertes Archiv verändern';
- AbNoSpannedSelfExtractS = 'Kann kein selbstentpackendes segmentiertes Archiv erstellen';
- AbBlankDiskS = 'Legen Sie eine leere Diskette ein';
- AbStreamFullS = 'Strom Schreibfehler';
- AbNoSuchDirectoryS = 'Verzeichnis existiert nicht';
- AbInflateBlockErrorS = 'Kann den Bereich nicht entpacken';
- AbBadStreamTypeS = 'Ungültiger Strom';
- AbTruncateErrorS = 'Fehler beim Abschneiden der zip Datei';
- AbZipBadCRCS = 'Fehlgeschalgene CRC Überprüfung';
- AbZipBadStubS = 'Der Stamm muss ausführbar sein';
- AbFileNotFoundS = 'Datei nicht gefunden';
- AbInvalidLFHS = 'Ungültiger lokaler Dateianfang';
- AbNoArchiveS = 'Das Archiv existiert nicht- leerer Dateinahme';
- AbReadErrorS = 'Fehler beim Lesen des Archivse';
- AbInvalidIndexS = 'Ungültiger Archiv Element Eintrag';
- AbInvalidThresholdS = 'Ungültige Archivgrößen Schwelle';
- AbUnhandledFileTypeS = 'Unbekannter Archiv';
- AbSpanningNotSupportedS = 'Aufteilen wird bei diesem Archivtyp nicht unterstützt';
- AbLogCreateErrorS = 'Fehler beim Erzeugen der Protokolldatei';
- AbMoveFileErrorS = 'Fehler beim Verschieben der Datei %s nach %s';
- AbFileSizeTooBigS = 'Datei ist zu groß für diesen Archivtypen';
- AbNoCabinetDllErrorS = 'Kann die Datei cabinet.dll nicht laden';
- AbFCIFileOpenErrorS = 'FCI kann die Datei nicht öffnen';
- AbFCIFileReadErrorS = 'FCI kann die Datei nicht lesen';
- AbFCIFileWriteErrorS = 'FCI kann die Datei nicht schreiben';
- AbFCIFileCloseErrorS = 'FCI Fehler beim Schließen der Datei';
- AbFCIFileSeekErrorS = 'FCI Fehler beim Durchsuchen der Datei';
- AbFCIFileDeleteErrorS = 'FCI Fehler beim Löschen der Datei';
- AbFCIAddFileErrorS = 'FCI kann die Datei nicht hinzufügen';
- AbFCICreateErrorS = 'FCI kann den Zusammenhang nicht erstellen';
- AbFCIFlushCabinetErrorS = 'FCI kann das Cabinet-Archiv nicht leeren';
- AbFCIFlushFolderErrorS = 'FCI kann das Verzeichnis nicht leeren';
- AbFDICopyErrorS = 'FDI kann die Dateien nicht aufzählen';
- AbFDICreateErrorS = 'FDI kann den Zusammenhang nicht herstellen';
- AbInvalidCabTemplateS = 'Ungültige Vorlage für eine Cabinet-Datei';
- AbInvalidCabFileS = 'Ungültige Datei - keine Kabinett Datei';
- AbZipStored = 'Gespeichert';
- AbZipShrunk = 'Geschrumpft';
- AbZipReduced = 'Reduziert';
- AbZipImploded = 'Implodiert';
- AbZipTokenized = 'In Merkmale aufgeteilt';
- AbZipDeflated = 'Gepackt';
- AbZipDeflate64 = 'Stärker gepackt';
- AbZipDCLImploded = 'DCL Implodiert';
- AbZipBzip2 = 'Bzip2';
- AbZipLZMA = 'LZMA';
- AbZipIBMTerse = 'IBM Terse';
- AbZipLZ77 = 'IBM LZ77';
- AbZipJPEG = 'JPEG';
- AbZipWavPack = 'WavPack';
- AbZipPPMd = 'PPMd';
- AbZipUnknown = 'Unbekannt (%d)';
- AbZipBestMethod = 'Beste Methode';
- AbVersionFormatS = 'Version %s';
- AbCompressedSizeFormatS = 'Komprimierte Größe: %d';
- AbUncompressedSizeFormatS = 'Komprimierte Größe: %d';
- AbCompressionMethodFormatS = 'Kompressions-Methode: %s';
- AbCompressionRatioFormatS = 'Kompressions-Verhältnis: %2.0f%%';
- AbCRCFormatS = 'CRC: %x';
- AbReadOnlyS = 'r';
- AbHiddenS = 'h';
- AbSystemS = 's';
- AbArchivedS = 'a';
- AbEFAFormatS = 'Externe Datei Attribute: %s';
- AbIFAFormatS = 'Dateityp: %s';
- AbTextS = 'Text';
- AbBinaryS = 'Binär';
- AbEncryptionFormatS = 'Verschlüsselung: %s';
- AbEncryptedS = 'Verschlüsselt';
- AbNotEncryptedS = 'Nicht verschlüsselt';
- AbUnknownS = 'Unbekannt';
- AbTimeStampFormatS = 'Zeitstemple: %s';
- AbMadeByFormatS = 'Erzeugt mit der Version: %f';
- AbNeededFormatS = 'Version benötigt zum Extrahieren: %f';
- AbCommentFormatS = 'Kommentar: %s';
- AbDefaultExtS = '*.zip';
- AbFilterS = 'PKZip Archive (*.zip)|*.zip|Selbstentpackende Archive (*.exe)|*.exe|Alle Dateien (*.*)|*.*';
- AbFileNameTitleS = 'Dateinamen auswählen';
- AbOKS = 'OK';
- AbCancelS = 'Abbrechen';
- AbSelectDirectoryS = 'Verzeichnis auswählen';
- AbEnterPasswordS = 'Passwort eingeben';
- AbPasswordS = '&Passwort';
- AbVerifyS = '&Überprüfen';
- AbCabExtS = '*.cab';
- AbCabFilterS = 'Cabinet Archive (*.cab)|*.CAB|Alle Dateien (*.*)|*.*';
- AbLogExtS = '*.txt';
- AbLogFilterS = 'Text Dateien (*.txt)|*.TXT|Alle Dateien (*.*)|*.*';
- AbExeExtS = '*.exe';
- AbExeFilterS = 'Selbstentpackende Zip Dateien (*.exe)|*.EXE|Alle Dateien (*.*)|*.*';
- AbVMSReadTooManyBytesS = 'VMS: Anforderung, zu viele Bytes [%d] zu lesen';
- AbVMSInvalidOriginS = 'VMS: Ungültiger Ursprung %d, sollte 0, 1, 2 sein';
- AbVMSErrorOpenSwapS = 'VMS: Kann die Auslagerungsdatei %s nicht öffnen';
- AbVMSSeekFailS = 'VMS: Konnte nicht in der Auslagerungsdatei %s suchen';
- AbVMSReadFailS = 'VMS: Konnte nicht %d Bytes in der Auslagerungsdatei %s lesen';
- AbVMSWriteFailS = 'VMS: Konnte nicht %d Bytes in die Auslagerungsdatei %s schreiben';
- AbVMSWriteTooManyBytesS = 'VMS: Anforderung, zu viele Bytes [%d] zu schreiben';
- AbBBSReadTooManyBytesS = 'BBS: Anforderung, zu viele Bytes [%d] zu lesen';
- AbBBSSeekOutsideBufferS = 'BBS: Die neue Position ist außerhalb des Puffers';
- AbBBSInvalidOriginS = 'BBS: Ungültiger Ursprungswert';
- AbBBSWriteTooManyBytesS = 'BBS: Anforderung, zu viele Bytes [%d] zu schreiben';
- AbSWSNotEndofStreamS = 'TabSlidingWindowStream.Write: Nicht am Ende des Datenstroms';
- AbSWSSeekFailedS = 'TabSlidingWindowStream.bsWriteChunk: Suche fehlgeschlagen';
- AbSWSWriteFailedS = 'TabSlidingWindowStream.bsWriteChunk: Schreiben fehlgeschlagen';
- AbSWSInvalidOriginS = 'TabSlidingWindowStream.Seek: Ungültiger Ursprung';
- AbSWSInvalidNewOriginS = 'TabSlidingWindowStream.Seek: Ungültige neue Position';
- AbItemNameHeadingS = 'Name';
- AbPackedHeadingS = 'Gepacked';
- AbMethodHeadingS = 'Methode';
- AbRatioHeadingS = 'Einsparung (%)';
- AbCRCHeadingS = 'CRC32';
- AbFileAttrHeadingS = 'Attribute';
- AbFileFormatHeadingS = 'Format';
- AbEncryptionHeadingS = 'Verschlüsselt';
- AbTimeStampHeadingS = 'Zeitstempel';
- AbFileSizeHeadingS = 'Größe';
- AbVersionMadeHeadingS = 'Version genutzt';
- AbVersionNeededHeadingS = 'Version benötigt';
- AbPathHeadingS = 'Pfad';
- AbPartialHeadingS = 'Teilweise';
- AbExecutableHeadingS = 'Ausführbar';
- AbFileTypeHeadingS = 'Typ';
- AbLastModifiedHeadingS = 'Modifiziert';
- AbCabMethod0S = 'Keine';
- AbCabMethod1S = 'MSZip';
- AbLtAddS = ' hinzugefügt ';
- AbLtDeleteS = ' gelöscht ';
- AbLtExtractS = ' extrahiert ';
- AbLtFreshenS = ' aktualisiert ';
- AbLtMoveS = ' verschoben ';
- AbLtReplaceS = ' ersetzt ';
- AbLtStartS = ' protokolliert ';
- AbGzipInvalidS = 'Ungültiges Gzip';
- AbGzipBadCRCS = 'Ungültiger CRC';
- AbGzipBadFileSizeS = 'Ungültige Datei Größe';
- AbTarInvalidS = 'Ungültiges Tar';
- AbTarBadFileNameS = 'Dateiname zu lang';
- AbTarBadLinkNameS = 'Linkname zu lang';
- AbTarBadOpS = 'Nicht unterstützte Operation';
- AbUnhandledEntityS = 'Nicht behandelte Entität';
- { pre-defined "operating system" (really more FILE system) identifiers for the
- Gzip header }
- AbGzOsFat = 'FAT Datei-System (MS-DOS, OS/2, NT/Win32)';
- AbGzOsAmiga = 'Amiga';
- AbGzOsVMS = 'VMS (oder OpenVMS)';
- AbGzOsUnix = 'Unix';
- AbGzOsVM_CMS = 'VM/CMS';
- AbGzOsAtari = 'Atari TOS';
- AbGzOsHPFS = 'HPFS Datei-System (OS/2, NT)';
- AbGzOsMacintosh = 'Macintosh';
- AbGzOsZ_System = 'Z-System';
- AbGzOsCP_M = 'CP/M';
- AbGzOsTOPS_20 = 'TOPS-20';
- AbGzOsNTFS = 'NTFS Datei-System (NT)';
- AbGzOsQDOS = 'QDOS';
- AbGzOsAcornRISCOS = 'Acorn RISCOS';
- AbGzOsVFAT = 'VFAT Datei-System (Win95, NT)';
- AbGzOsMVS = 'MVS';
- AbGzOsBeOS = 'BeOS (BeBox oder PowerMac)';
- AbGzOsTandem = 'Tandem/NSK';
- AbGzOsunknown = 'unkekannt';
- AbGzOsUndefined = 'ID ist Gzip nicht bekannt';
-{!!.03 - Moved from AbCompnd.inc }
-{ Compound File specific error messages }
- AbCmpndIndexOutOfBounds = 'Index außerhalb des zulässigen Bereichs';
- AbCmpndBusyUpdating = 'Verbindungsdatei wird aktualisiert';
- AbCmpndInvalidFile = 'Ungültige Verbindungsdatei';
- AbCmpndFileNotFound = 'Datei/Verzeichnis nicht gefunden';
- AbCmpndFolderNotEmpty = 'Verzeichnis ist nicht leer';
- AbCmpndExceedsMaxFileSize = 'Dateigröße überschreitet das erlaubte Maximum';
-{!!.03 - End Moved }
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/localization/AbResString.pas.fr b/components/Abbrevia/localization/AbResString.pas.fr
deleted file mode 100644
index ca1eaea..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/localization/AbResString.pas.fr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- * Hichem BOUKSANI, John Riche, Roman Kassebaum
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* Abbrevia: AbResString.pas *}
-{* Abbrevia: Resource strings *}
-unit AbResString;
- AbErrZipInvalidS = 'Fichier non valide - N''est pas un fichier PKZip';
- AbZipVersionNeededS = 'Impossible d''extraire le fichier - nouvelle version requise';
- AbUnknownCompressionMethodS = 'Impossible d''extraire le fichier - méthode de compression non supportée';
- AbNoExtractionMethodS = 'Impossible d''extraire le fichier - aucun support d''extraction fourni';
- AbInvalidPasswordS = 'Impossible d''extraire le fichier - Mot de passe incorrect';
- AbNoInsertionMethodS = 'Imossible d''insérer le fichier - aucun support d''insertion fourni';
- AbInvalidFactorS = 'Facteur de réduction Invalide';
- AbDuplicateNameS = 'Impossible d''insérer le fichier - Nom du fichier existe en double';
- AbUnsupportedCompressionMethodS = 'Impossible d''insérer le fichier - méthode de compression non suppotée';
- AbUserAbortS = 'Processus abandonné par l''utilisateur';
- AbArchiveBusyS = 'Archivage en cours - ne peut traiter de nouvelles demandes';
- AbLastDiskRequestS = 'Insérer la dernière disquette du jeu multi-disquettes';
- AbDiskRequestS = 'Insérer une disquette';
- AbImageRequestS = 'Nom du fichier image';
- AbBadSpanStreamS = 'Archives multi-disquettes doivent être ouvertes comme fichiers de flux';
- AbDiskNumRequestS = 'Insérer la disquette %d du jeu multi-disquettes';
- AbImageNumRequestS = 'Insérer la disquette %d du jeu multi-disquettes';
- AbNoOverwriteSpanStreamS = 'Impossible de mettre à jour un jeu multi-disquettes existant';
- AbNoSpannedSelfExtractS = 'Impossible de créer un fichier auto-extractible à partir d''une archive multi-disquettes';
- AbBlankDiskS = 'Insérer une disquette vierge';
- AbStreamFullS = 'Erreur d''écriture du flux';
- AbNoSuchDirectoryS = 'Dossier inexistant';
- AbInflateBlockErrorS = 'Décompression du bloc impossible';
- AbBadStreamTypeS = 'Flux Invalide';
- AbTruncateErrorS = 'Erreur de troncage du fichier ZIP';
- AbZipBadCRCS = 'Echec du contrôle CRC';
- AbZipBadStubS = 'La souche doit être un executable';
- AbFileNotFoundS = 'Fichier inexistant';
- AbInvalidLFHS = 'Entrée de l''entête du fichier local invalide';
- AbNoArchiveS = 'L''archive n''existe pas - Nom de fichier non spécifié';
- AbReadErrorS = 'Erreur de l''ecture de l''archive';
- AbInvalidIndexS = 'L''indice de l''élément de l''archive est invalide';
- AbInvalidThresholdS = 'Le seuil de la taille de l''archive est invalide';
- AbUnhandledFileTypeS = 'Type d''archive non supporté';
- AbSpanningNotSupportedS = 'Multi-disquette non supporté par ce type d''archive';
- AbLogCreateErrorS = 'Erreur de création du fichier log';
- AbMoveFileErrorS = 'Erreur de déplacement du fichier %s vers %s';
- AbFileSizeTooBigS = 'Taille du fichier trop grande pour le type d''archive';
- AbNoCabinetDllErrorS = 'Impossible de charger cabinet.dll';
- AbFCIFileOpenErrorS = 'FCI impossible d''ouvrir le fichier';
- AbFCIFileReadErrorS = 'FCI impossible de lire le fichier';
- AbFCIFileWriteErrorS = 'FCI Ecriture impossible sur le fichier';
- AbFCIFileCloseErrorS = 'FCI erreur de fermeture du fichier';
- AbFCIFileSeekErrorS = 'FCI Erreur de recherche de fichier';
- AbFCIFileDeleteErrorS = 'FCI erreur de suppression du fichier';
- AbFCIAddFileErrorS = 'FCI impossible d''ajouter le fichier';
- AbFCICreateErrorS = 'FCI impossible de créer le contexte';
- AbFCIFlushCabinetErrorS = 'FCI impossible de vider le cabinet';
- AbFCIFlushFolderErrorS = 'FCI Impossible de vider le dossier';
- AbFDICopyErrorS = 'FDI impossible d''enumérer les fichiers';
- AbFDICreateErrorS = 'FDI impossible de créer le contexte';
- AbInvalidCabTemplateS = 'Modèle du fichier CAB invalide';
- AbInvalidCabFileS = 'Fichier invalide - n''est pas un fichier cabinet';
- AbZipStored = 'Stocké';
- AbZipShrunk = 'Compacté';
- AbZipReduced = 'Réduit';
- AbZipImploded = 'Implosé';
- AbZipTokenized = 'Divisé en plusieurs parties';
- AbZipDeflated = 'Déflation';
- AbZipDeflate64 = 'Déflation améliorée';
- AbZipDCLImploded = 'DCL Implosé';
- AbZipBzip2 = 'Bzip2';
- AbZipLZMA = 'LZMA';
- AbZipIBMTerse = 'IBM Terse';
- AbZipLZ77 = 'IBM LZ77';
- AbZipJPEG = 'JPEG';
- AbZipWavPack = 'WavPack';
- AbZipPPMd = 'PPMd';
- AbZipUnknown = 'Inconnu (%d)';
- AbZipBestMethod = 'Meilleure Méthode';
- AbVersionFormatS = 'Version %s';
- AbCompressedSizeFormatS = 'Taille compressée: %d';
- AbUncompressedSizeFormatS = 'Taille non compressée: %d';
- AbCompressionMethodFormatS = 'Méthode de compression: %s';
- AbCompressionRatioFormatS = 'Ratio de compression: %2.0f%%';
- AbCRCFormatS = 'CRC: %x';
- AbReadOnlyS = 'r';
- AbHiddenS = 'h';
- AbSystemS = 's';
- AbArchivedS = 'a';
- AbEFAFormatS = 'Attribut du fichier externe: %s';
- AbIFAFormatS = 'Type du fichier: %s';
- AbTextS = 'Text';
- AbBinaryS = 'Binaire';
- AbEncryptionFormatS = 'Crypté: %s';
- AbEncryptedS = 'Crypté';
- AbNotEncryptedS = 'Non crypté';
- AbUnknownS = 'Inconnu';
- AbTimeStampFormatS = 'Heure: %s';
- AbMadeByFormatS = 'Version utilisée: %f';
- AbNeededFormatS = 'Version d''extraction: %f';
- AbCommentFormatS = 'Commentaire: %s';
- AbDefaultExtS = '*.zip';
- AbFilterS = 'Archives PKZip (*.zip)|*.zip|Archives Auto extractibles (*.exe)|*.exe|Tous les fichiers (*.*)|*.*';
- AbFileNameTitleS = 'Sélectionner un fichier';
- AbOKS = 'OK';
- AbCancelS = 'Annuler';
- AbSelectDirectoryS = 'Sélectionner un Dossier';
- AbEnterPasswordS = 'Saisir Mot de passe';
- AbPasswordS = '&Mot de passe';
- AbVerifyS = '&Vérifier';
- AbCabExtS = '*.cab';
- AbCabFilterS = 'Archives Cabinet (*.cab)|*.CAB|Tous les fichiers (*.*)|*.*';
- AbLogExtS = '*.txt';
- AbLogFilterS = 'Fichiers Text (*.txt)|*.TXT|Tous les fichiers (*.*)|*.*';
- AbExeExtS = '*.exe';
- AbExeFilterS = 'Fichiers Zip auto-extractibles (*.exe)|*.EXE|Tous les fichiers (*.*)|*.*';
- AbVMSReadTooManyBytesS = VMS: Tentative de l''ecture de trop d''octets [%d]';
- AbVMSInvalidOriginS = 'VMS: Origine invalide %d, doit être 0, 1, 2';
- AbVMSErrorOpenSwapS = 'VMS: Impossible d''ouvrir le fichier d''échange %s';
- AbVMSSeekFailS = 'VMS: Impossible de se déplacer dans le fichier d''échange %s';
- AbVMSReadFailS = 'VMS: impossible de lire %d octets du fichier d''échange %s';
- AbVMSWriteFailS = 'VMS: impossible d''écrire %d octets dans le fichier d''échange %s';
- AbVMSWriteTooManyBytesS = 'VMS: tentative d''écrire trop d''octets [%d]';
- AbBBSReadTooManyBytesS = 'BBS: tentative de lecture de trop d''octets [%d]';
- AbBBSSeekOutsideBufferS = 'BBS: la nouvelle position est en dehors du buffer';
- AbBBSInvalidOriginS = 'BBS: Valeur d''origine invalide';
- AbBBSWriteTooManyBytesS = 'BBS: tentative d''écrire de trop d''octets [%d]';
- AbSWSNotEndofStreamS = 'TabSlidingWindowStream.Write: Pas à la fin du flux';
- AbSWSSeekFailedS = 'TabSlidingWindowStream.bsWriteChunk: échec de recherche';
- AbSWSWriteFailedS = 'TabSlidingWindowStream.bsWriteChunk: échec d''écriture';
- AbSWSInvalidOriginS = 'TabSlidingWindowStream.Seek: Origine incorrecte';
- AbSWSInvalidNewOriginS = 'TabSlidingWindowStream.Seek: Nouvelle position incorrecte';
- AbItemNameHeadingS = 'Nom';
- AbPackedHeadingS = 'Compressé';
- AbMethodHeadingS = 'Méthode';
- AbRatioHeadingS = 'Ratio (%)';
- AbCRCHeadingS = 'CRC32';
- AbFileAttrHeadingS = 'Attribut';
- AbFileFormatHeadingS = 'Format';
- AbEncryptionHeadingS = 'Crypté';
- AbTimeStampHeadingS = 'Heure';
- AbFileSizeHeadingS = 'Taille';
- AbVersionMadeHeadingS = 'Version Utilisée';
- AbVersionNeededHeadingS = 'Version nécessaire';
- AbPathHeadingS = 'Chemin';
- AbPartialHeadingS = 'Partiel';
- AbExecutableHeadingS = 'Exécutable';
- AbCabMethod0S = 'Aucune';
- AbCabMethod1S = 'MSZip';
- AbLtAddS = ' Ajouté ';
- AbLtDeleteS = ' Supprimé ';
- AbLtExtractS = ' Extrait ';
- AbLtFreshenS = ' Rafraichir ';
- AbLtMoveS = ' Déplacé ';
- AbLtReplaceS = ' Remplacé ';
- AbLtStartS = ' Connexion ';
- AbGzipInvalidS = 'Gzip Invalide';
- AbGzipBadCRCS = 'Mauvais CRC';
- AbGzipBadFileSizeS = 'Taille du fichier erronée';
- AbTarInvalidS = 'Tar invalide';
- AbTarBadFileNameS = 'Nom de fichier trop long';
- AbTarBadLinkNameS = 'Chemin du lien symbolique trop long';
- AbTarBadOpS = 'Opération non supportée';
- AbUnhandledEntityS = 'Entité non prise en charge';
- { pre-defined "operating system" (really more FILE system) identifiers for the
- Gzip header }
- AbGzOsFat = 'Système de fichier FAT (MS-DOS, OS/2, NT/Win32)';
- AbGzOsAmiga = 'Amiga';
- AbGzOsVMS = 'VMS (ou OpenVMS)';
- AbGzOsUnix = 'Unix';
- AbGzOsVM_CMS = 'VM/CMS';
- AbGzOsAtari = 'Atari TOS';
- AbGzOsHPFS = 'Système de fichier HPFS (OS/2, NT)';
- AbGzOsMacintosh = 'Macintosh';
- AbGzOsZ_System = 'Z-System';
- AbGzOsCP_M = 'CP/M';
- AbGzOsTOPS_20 = 'TOPS-20';
- AbGzOsNTFS = 'Système de fichier NTFS (NT)';
- AbGzOsQDOS = 'QDOS';
- AbGzOsAcornRISCOS = 'Acorn RISCOS';
- AbGzOsVFAT = 'Système de fichier VFAT (Win95, NT)';
- AbGzOsMVS = 'MVS';
- AbGzOsBeOS = 'BeOS (BeBox ou PowerMac)';
- AbGzOsTandem = 'Tandem/NSK';
- AbGzOsunknown = 'Inconnu';
- AbGzOsUndefined = 'ID non défini par gzip';
-{!!.03 - Moved from AbCompnd.inc }
-{ Compound File specific error messages }
- AbCmpndIndexOutOfBounds = 'Indice hors limite';
- AbCmpndBusyUpdating = 'Fichier composé est occupé par la mise à jour';
- AbCmpndInvalidFile = 'Fichier composé invalide';
- AbCmpndFileNotFound = 'Fichier/Dossier introuvable';
- AbCmpndFolderNotEmpty = 'Dossier n''est pas vide';
- AbCmpndExceedsMaxFileSize = 'Taille du fichier dépasse la limite maximale';
-{!!.03 - End Moved }
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/localization/AbResString.pas.nl b/components/Abbrevia/localization/AbResString.pas.nl
deleted file mode 100644
index d29b010..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/localization/AbResString.pas.nl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- * Rudy Velthuis
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* Abbrevia: AbResString.pas 3.05 *}
-{* Abbrevia: Resource strings, Dutch localization *}
-unit AbResString;
- AbErrZipInvalidS = 'Ongeldig bestand - geen PKZip bestand';
- AbZipVersionNeededS = 'Kan bestand niet ontpakken - nieuwere versie nodig';
- AbUnknownCompressionMethodS = 'Kan bestand niet ontpakken - niet ondersteunde compressiemethode';
- AbNoExtractionMethodS = 'Kan bestand niet ontpakken - ontpakken wordt niet ondersteund';
- AbInvalidPasswordS = 'Kan bestand niet ontpakken - ongeldig paswoord';
- AbNoInsertionMethodS = 'Kan bestand niet invoegen - invoegen wordt niet ondersteund';
- AbInvalidFactorS = 'Ongeldige reductiefactor';
- AbDuplicateNameS = 'Kan het bestand niet invoegen - dupliceert opgeslagen naam';
- AbUnsupportedCompressionMethodS = 'Kan het bestand niet invoegen - niet ondersteunde compressiemethode';
- AbUserAbortS = 'Proces werd door gebruiker afgebroken';
- AbArchiveBusyS = 'Archief is bezig - kan nieuwe aanvraag niet bewerken';
- AbLastDiskRequestS = 'Plaats laatste diskette van opgesplitst archief';
- AbDiskRequestS = 'Plaats diskette';
- AbImageRequestS = 'Bestandsnaam afbeelding';
- AbBadSpanStreamS = 'Opgesplitste archieven moeten als bestandsstroom geopend worden';
- AbDiskNumRequestS = 'Plaats diskette %d van opgesplitst archief';
- AbImageNumRequestS = 'Plaats segment %d van opgesplitst archief';
- AbNoOverwriteSpanStreamS = 'Kan bestaand opgesplitst archief niet veranderen';
- AbNoSpannedSelfExtractS = 'Kan geen zelfontpakkend opgesplitst archief aanmaken';
- AbBlankDiskS = 'Plaats een lege diskette';
- AbStreamFullS = 'Schrijffout stroom';
- AbNoSuchDirectoryS = 'Directory bestaat niet';
- AbInflateBlockErrorS = 'Kan blok niet ontpakken';
- AbBadStreamTypeS = 'Ongeldige stroom';
- AbTruncateErrorS = 'Fout bij het afknotten van het zip bestand';
- AbZipBadCRCS = 'Mislukte CRC controle';
- AbZipBadStubS = 'Stomp moet uitvoerbaar bestand zijn';
- AbFileNotFoundS = 'Bestand niet gevonden';
- AbInvalidLFHS = 'Ongeldig Local File Header element';
- AbNoArchiveS = 'Archief bestaat niet - lege bestandsnaam';
- AbReadErrorS = 'Fout tijdens lezen van archief';
- AbInvalidIndexS = 'Ongeldige index van archiefelement';
- AbInvalidThresholdS = 'Ongeldige drempel van archiefgrootte';
- AbUnhandledFileTypeS = 'Onbekend archieftype';
- AbSpanningNotSupportedS = 'Opsplitsen wordt voor dit archieftype niet ondersteund';
- AbLogCreateErrorS = 'Fout tijdens aanmaken van protocolbestand';
- AbMoveFileErrorS = 'Fout tijdens het verplaatsen van bestand %s naar %s';
- AbFileSizeTooBigS = 'Bestand is te groot voor dit archieftype';
- AbNoCabinetDllErrorS = 'Kan bestand cabinet.dll niet laden';
- AbFCIFileOpenErrorS = 'FCI kan bestand niet openen';
- AbFCIFileReadErrorS = 'FCI kan bestand niet lezen';
- AbFCIFileWriteErrorS = 'FCI kan bestand niet schrijven';
- AbFCIFileCloseErrorS = 'FCI fout tijdens sluiten van bestand';
- AbFCIFileSeekErrorS = 'FCI fout tijdens positioneren in bestand';
- AbFCIFileDeleteErrorS = 'FCI fout tijdens wissen van bestand';
- AbFCIAddFileErrorS = 'FCI kan bestand niet toevoegen';
- AbFCICreateErrorS = 'FCI kan context niet aanmaken';
- AbFCIFlushCabinetErrorS = 'FCI kan cabinet niet legen';
- AbFCIFlushFolderErrorS = 'FCI kan folder niet legen';
- AbFDICopyErrorS = 'FDI kann bestanden niet opsommen';
- AbFDICreateErrorS = 'FDI kan context niet aanmaken';
- AbInvalidCabTemplateS = 'Ongeldige sjabloon voor cabinetsbestand';
- AbInvalidCabFileS = 'Ongeldig bestand - geen cabinetsbestand';
- AbZipStored = 'Opgeslagen';
- AbZipShrunk = 'Gekrompen';
- AbZipReduced = 'Gereduceerd';
- AbZipImploded = 'Geïmplodeerd';
- AbZipTokenized = 'In symbolen gepakt';
- AbZipDeflated = 'Gedeflationeerd';
- AbZipDeflate64 = 'Uitgebreid gedeflationeerd';
- AbZipDCLImploded = 'DCL geïmplodeerd';
- AbZipBzip2 = 'Bzip2';
- AbZipLZMA = 'LZMA';
- AbZipIBMTerse = 'IBM Terse';
- AbZipLZ77 = 'IBM LZ77';
- AbZipJPEG = 'JPEG';
- AbZipWavPack = 'WavPack';
- AbZipPPMd = 'PPMd';
- AbZipUnknown = 'Onbekend (%d)';
- AbZipBestMethod = 'Beste methode';
- AbVersionFormatS = 'Versie %s';
- AbCompressedSizeFormatS = 'Gecomprimeerde grootte: %d';
- AbUncompressedSizeFormatS = 'Ongecomprimeerde grootte: %d';
- AbCompressionMethodFormatS = 'Compressiemethode: %s';
- AbCompressionRatioFormatS = 'Compressieverhouding: %2.0f%%';
- AbCRCFormatS = 'CRC: %x';
- AbReadOnlyS = 'r';
- AbHiddenS = 'h';
- AbSystemS = 's';
- AbArchivedS = 'a';
- AbEFAFormatS = 'Externe bestandsattributen: %s';
- AbIFAFormatS = 'Bestandstype: %s';
- AbTextS = 'Tekst';
- AbBinaryS = 'Binair';
- AbEncryptionFormatS = 'Versleuteling: %s';
- AbEncryptedS = 'Versleuteld';
- AbNotEncryptedS = 'Niet versleuteld';
- AbUnknownS = 'Onbekend';
- AbTimeStampFormatS = 'Tijdstempel: %s';
- AbMadeByFormatS = 'Gemaakt met versie: %f';
- AbNeededFormatS = 'Versie benodigd voor ontpakken: %f';
- AbCommentFormatS = 'Opmerking: %s';
- AbDefaultExtS = '*.zip';
- AbFilterS = 'PKZip Archieven (*.zip)|*.zip|Zelfontpakkende Archieven (*.exe)|*.exe|Alle Bestanden (*.*)|*.*';
- AbFileNameTitleS = 'Bestandsnaam Kiezen';
- AbOKS = 'OK';
- AbCancelS = 'Verlaten';
- AbSelectDirectoryS = 'Bestand kiezen';
- AbEnterPasswordS = 'Paswoord ingeven';
- AbPasswordS = '&Paswoord';
- AbVerifyS = '&Verificeren';
- AbCabExtS = '*.cab';
- AbCabFilterS = 'Cabinetsarchieven (*.cab)|*.CAB|Alle Bestanden (*.*)|*.*';
- AbLogExtS = '*.txt';
- AbLogFilterS = 'Tekstbestanden (*.txt)|*.TXT|Alle Bestanden (*.*)|*.*';
- AbExeExtS = '*.exe';
- AbExeFilterS = 'Zelfontpakkende Zip Bestanden (*.exe)|*.EXE|Alle Bestanden (*.*)|*.*';
- AbVMSReadTooManyBytesS = 'VMS: Anvraag om te veel byte [%d] te lezen';
- AbVMSInvalidOriginS = 'VMS: Ongeldige oorsprong %d, moet 0, 1 of 2 zijn';
- AbVMSErrorOpenSwapS = 'VMS: Kan wisselbestand %s niet openen';
- AbVMSSeekFailS = 'VMS: Kon niet in wisselbestand %s positioneren';
- AbVMSReadFailS = 'VMS: Kon %d byte in wisselbestand %s niet lezen';
- AbVMSWriteFailS = 'VMS: Kon %d byte niet in wisselbestand %s schrijven';
- AbVMSWriteTooManyBytesS = 'VMS: Anvraag om te veel byte [%d] te schrijven';
- AbBBSReadTooManyBytesS = 'BBS: Anvraag om te veel byte [%d] te lezen';
- AbBBSSeekOutsideBufferS = 'BBS: Nieuwe positie is buiten de buffer';
- AbBBSInvalidOriginS = 'BBS: Ongeldige oorsprongswaarde';
- AbBBSWriteTooManyBytesS = 'BBS: Anvraag om te veel byte [%d] te schrijven';
- AbSWSNotEndofStreamS = 'TabSlidingWindowStream.Write: Niet aan eind van stroom';
- AbSWSSeekFailedS = 'TabSlidingWindowStream.bsWriteChunk: Positioneren mislukt';
- AbSWSWriteFailedS = 'TabSlidingWindowStream.bsWriteChunk: Schrijven mislukt';
- AbSWSInvalidOriginS = 'TabSlidingWindowStream.Seek: Ongeldige oorsprong';
- AbSWSInvalidNewOriginS = 'TabSlidingWindowStream.Seek: Ongeldige nieuwe positie';
- AbItemNameHeadingS = 'Naam';
- AbPackedHeadingS = 'Gepakt';
- AbMethodHeadingS = 'Methode';
- AbRatioHeadingS = 'Besparing (%)';
- AbCRCHeadingS = 'CRC32';
- AbFileAttrHeadingS = 'Attribuut';
- AbFileFormatHeadingS = 'Formaat';
- AbEncryptionHeadingS = 'Versleuteld';
- AbTimeStampHeadingS = 'Tijdstempel';
- AbFileSizeHeadingS = 'Grootte';
- AbVersionMadeHeadingS = 'Gebruikte versie';
- AbVersionNeededHeadingS = 'Benodigde versie';
- AbPathHeadingS = 'Pad';
- AbPartialHeadingS = 'Partieel';
- AbExecutableHeadingS = 'Uitvoerbaar';
- AbCabMethod0S = 'Geen';
- AbCabMethod1S = 'MSZip';
- AbLtAddS = ' toegevoegd ';
- AbLtDeleteS = ' gewist ';
- AbLtExtractS = ' ontpakt ';
- AbLtFreshenS = ' geactualiseerd ';
- AbLtMoveS = ' verplaatst ';
- AbLtReplaceS = ' vervangen ';
- AbLtStartS = ' geprotocolleerd ';
- AbGzipInvalidS = 'Ongeldige Gzip';
- AbGzipBadCRCS = 'Ongeldige CRC';
- AbGzipBadFileSizeS = 'Ongeldige bestandsgrootte';
- AbTarInvalidS = 'Ongeldige Tar';
- AbTarBadFileNameS = 'Bestandsnaam te lang';
- AbTarBadLinkNameS = 'Link naam te lang';
- AbTarBadOpS = 'Niet ondersteunde functie';
- AbUnhandledEntityS = 'Niet behandelde entiteit';
- { pre-defined "operating system" (really more FILE system) identifiers for the
- Gzip header }
- AbGzOsFat = 'FAT Bestandssysteem (MS-DOS, OS/2, NT/Win32)';
- AbGzOsAmiga = 'Amiga';
- AbGzOsVMS = 'VMS (oder OpenVMS)';
- AbGzOsUnix = 'Unix';
- AbGzOsVM_CMS = 'VM/CMS';
- AbGzOsAtari = 'Atari TOS';
- AbGzOsHPFS = 'HPFS Bestandssysteem (OS/2, NT)';
- AbGzOsMacintosh = 'Macintosh';
- AbGzOsZ_System = 'Z-System';
- AbGzOsCP_M = 'CP/M';
- AbGzOsTOPS_20 = 'TOPS-20';
- AbGzOsNTFS = 'NTFS Bestandssysteem (NT)';
- AbGzOsQDOS = 'QDOS';
- AbGzOsAcornRISCOS = 'Acorn RISC OS';
- AbGzOsVFAT = 'VFAT Bestandssysteem (Win95, NT)';
- AbGzOsMVS = 'MVS';
- AbGzOsBeOS = 'BeOS (BeBox of PowerMac)';
- AbGzOsTandem = 'Tandem/NSK';
- AbGzOsunknown = 'onbekend';
- AbGzOsUndefined = 'ID is Gzip niet bekend';
-{!!.03 - Moved from AbCompnd.inc }
-{ Compound File specific error messages }
- AbCmpndIndexOutOfBounds = 'Index niet in toegelaten bereik';
- AbCmpndBusyUpdating = 'Samengesteld bestand wordt geactualiseerd';
- AbCmpndInvalidFile = 'Ongeldig samengesteld bestand ';
- AbCmpndFileNotFound = 'Bestand/directory niet gevonden';
- AbCmpndFolderNotEmpty = 'Directory is niet leeg';
- AbCmpndExceedsMaxFileSize = 'Bestandsgrootte overschrijdt toegelaten maximum';
-{!!.03 - End Moved }
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/localization/AbResString.pas.ru b/components/Abbrevia/localization/AbResString.pas.ru
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f46a17..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/localization/AbResString.pas.ru
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- * Pavel Koptev, Roman Kassebaum
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* Abbrevia: AbResString.pas *}
-{* Abbrevia: Resource strings, Russian localization *}
-{* Warning: This file is UTF-8 encoded *}
-{* You need D2009 or higher to compile this unit *}
-unit AbResString;
- AbErrZipInvalidS = 'Формат архива не ÑоответÑтвует PKZip-формату';
- AbZipVersionNeededS = 'ДейÑтвие невозможно. Файл запакован более новой верÑией программы';
- AbUnknownCompressionMethodS = 'ДейÑтвие невозможно. ÐераÑпознанный метод ÑжатиÑ';
- AbNoExtractionMethodS = 'ДейÑтвие невозможно. Ðе доÑтупен метод раÑпаковки архива';
- AbInvalidPasswordS = 'ДейÑтвие невозможно. Ðеверный пароль';
- AbNoInsertionMethodS = 'ДейÑтвие невозможно. Ðрхивом не поддерживаетÑÑ Ð´Ð¾Ð±Ð°Ð²Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ðµ новых файлов';
- AbInvalidFactorS = 'ÐедейÑтвительный фактор ÑжатиÑ';
- AbDuplicateNameS = 'ДейÑтвие невозможно. Файл Ñ Ñ‚Ð°ÐºÐ¸Ð¼ именем в архиве уже приÑутÑтвует';
- AbUnsupportedCompressionMethodS = 'ДейÑтвие невозможно. Ðеподдерживаемый метод ÑжатиÑ';
- AbUserAbortS = 'ДейÑтвие отменено пользователем';
- AbArchiveBusyS = 'ДейÑтвие невозможно. Ðрхив поврежден';
- AbLastDiskRequestS = 'Ð’Ñтавьте поÑледнюю диÑкету в диÑковод';
- AbDiskRequestS = 'Ð’Ñтавьте диÑкету в диÑковод';
- AbImageRequestS = 'Ð˜Ð¼Ñ Ð¾Ð±Ñ€Ð°Ð·Ð°';
- AbBadSpanStreamS = 'Многотомные архивы открываютÑÑ ÐºÐ°Ðº файловый поток';
- AbDiskNumRequestS = 'Ð’Ñтавьте %d диÑкету в диÑковод';
- AbImageNumRequestS = 'Укажите раÑположение %d тома архива';
- AbNoOverwriteSpanStreamS = 'Ðевозможно изменить ÑущеÑтвующий многотомный архив';
- AbNoSpannedSelfExtractS = 'Ðевозможно Ñоздать многотомный SFX-Ðрхив';
- AbBlankDiskS = 'Ð’Ñтавьте чиÑтую диÑкету в диÑковод';
- AbStreamFullS = 'Ошибка запиÑи в памÑÑ‚ÑŒ';
- AbNoSuchDirectoryS = 'Папка не ÑущеÑтвует';
- AbInflateBlockErrorS = 'Блок данных не может быть раÑпакован';
- AbBadStreamTypeS = 'ÐедейÑтвительный поток';
- AbTruncateErrorS = 'Ошибка при разделении Zip-Файла';
- AbZipBadCRCS = 'Ðе Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð½Ð°Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð½Ñ‚Ñ€Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ð°Ñ Ñумма';
- AbZipBadStubS = 'Корневой Ñлемент архива должен быть иÑполнÑемым файлом';
- AbFileNotFoundS = 'Файл не найден';
- AbInvalidLFHS = 'Ðеверное начало файла';
- AbNoArchiveS = 'Ðрхив не ÑущеÑтвует';
- AbReadErrorS = 'Ошибка Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð°Ñ€Ñ…Ð¸Ð²Ð°';
- AbInvalidIndexS = 'Ðеверный Ð¸Ð½Ð´ÐµÐºÑ ÐµÐ»ÐµÐ¼ÐµÐ½Ñ‚Ð° архива';
- AbInvalidThresholdS = 'Ðеверный размер чаÑтей архива';
- AbUnhandledFileTypeS = 'ÐеизвеÑтный архив';
- AbSpanningNotSupportedS = 'МноготомноÑÑ‚ÑŒ не поддерживаетÑÑ Ñтим типом архивов';
- AbLogCreateErrorS = 'Ошибка при Ñоздании файла протокола';
- AbMoveFileErrorS = 'Ошибка при перемещении файла %s в %s';
- AbFileSizeTooBigS = 'Файл Ñлишком велик Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð±Ñ€Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ типа архива';
- AbNoCabinetDllErrorS = 'Библиотека cabinet.dll не может быть загружена';
- AbFCIFileOpenErrorS = 'FCI невозможно открыть файл';
- AbFCIFileReadErrorS = 'FCI невозможно прочитать файл';
- AbFCIFileWriteErrorS = 'FCI невозможно запиÑать файл';
- AbFCIFileCloseErrorS = 'FCI ошибка при закрытии файла';
- AbFCIFileSeekErrorS = 'FCI ошибка при поиÑке в файле';
- AbFCIFileDeleteErrorS = 'FCI ошибка при удалении файла';
- AbFCIAddFileErrorS = 'FCI невозможно добавить файл';
- AbFCICreateErrorS = 'FCI ошибка ÑозданиÑ';
- AbFCIFlushCabinetErrorS = 'FCI Cabinet-архив не может быть Ñоздан';
- AbFCIFlushFolderErrorS = 'FCI невозможно удалить вÑе файлы из папки';
- AbFDICopyErrorS = 'FDI невозможно переÑчитать файлы';
- AbFDICreateErrorS = 'FDI ошибка ÑозданиÑ';
- AbInvalidCabTemplateS = 'Ðеверный шаблон Cabinet-файла';
- AbInvalidCabFileS = ' Ðеверный Cabinet-файл';
- AbZipStored = 'Сохранено';
- AbZipShrunk = 'Сжато';
- AbZipReduced = 'Сжато';
- AbZipImploded = 'Сжато';
- AbZipTokenized = 'Разделен на чаÑти';
- AbZipDeflated = 'Сжато';
- AbZipDeflate64 = 'Лучшее Ñжатие';
- AbZipDCLImploded = 'DCL Сжато';
- AbZipBzip2 = 'Bzip2';
- AbZipLZMA = 'LZMA';
- AbZipIBMTerse = 'IBM Terse';
- AbZipLZ77 = 'IBM LZ77';
- AbZipJPEG = 'JPEG';
- AbZipWavPack = 'WavPack';
- AbZipPPMd = 'PPMd';
- AbZipUnknown = 'ÐеизвеÑтно (%d)';
- AbZipBestMethod = 'Лучший метод';
- AbVersionFormatS = 'ВерÑÐ¸Ñ %s';
- AbCompressedSizeFormatS = 'Размер в архиве: %d';
- AbUncompressedSizeFormatS = 'Размер: %d';
- AbCompressionMethodFormatS = 'Метод ÑжатиÑ: %s';
- AbCompressionRatioFormatS = 'Степень ÑжатиÑ: %2.0f%%';
- AbCRCFormatS = 'CRC: %x';
- AbReadOnlyS = 'r';
- AbHiddenS = 'h';
- AbSystemS = 's';
- AbArchivedS = 'a';
- AbEFAFormatS = 'Внешние атрибуты файла: %s';
- AbIFAFormatS = 'Тип файла: %s';
- AbTextS = 'ТекÑÑ‚';
- AbBinaryS = 'Двоичный';
- AbEncryptionFormatS = 'Шифрование: %s';
- AbEncryptedS = 'Зашифрован';
- AbNotEncryptedS = 'Ðе зашифрован';
- AbUnknownS = 'ÐеизвеÑтно';
- AbTimeStampFormatS = 'Формат времени: %s';
- AbMadeByFormatS = 'ВерÑÐ¸Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ð³Ñ€Ð°Ð¼Ð¼Ñ‹ ÑозданиÑ: %f';
- AbNeededFormatS = 'Ð”Ð»Ñ Ñ€Ð°Ñпаковки требуетÑÑ Ð²ÐµÑ€ÑиÑ: %f';
- AbCommentFormatS = 'Комментарии: %s';
- AbDefaultExtS = '*.zip';
- AbFilterS = 'PKZip-архив (*.zip)|*.zip|SFX-Ðрхив (*.exe)|*.exe|Ð’Ñе файлы (*.*)|*.*';
- AbFileNameTitleS = 'Выберите Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ñ„Ð°Ð¹Ð»Ð°';
- AbOKS = 'OK';
- AbCancelS = 'Отмена';
- AbSelectDirectoryS = 'Выберете папку';
- AbEnterPasswordS = 'Введите пароль';
- AbPasswordS = '&Пароль';
- AbVerifyS = '&Проверка';
- AbCabExtS = '*.cab';
- AbCabFilterS = 'Cabinet-архив (*.cab)|*.CAB|Ð’Ñе файлы (*.*)|*.*';
- AbLogExtS = '*.txt';
- AbLogFilterS = 'ТекÑтовые файлы (*.txt)|*.TXT|Ð’Ñе файлы (*.*)|*.*';
- AbExeExtS = '*.exe';
- AbExeFilterS = 'SFX-архивы (*.exe)|*.EXE|Ð’Ñе файлы (*.*)|*.*';
- AbVMSReadTooManyBytesS = 'VMS: попытка Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ñлишком большого чиÑла байт [%d]';
- AbVMSInvalidOriginS = 'VMS: недейÑтвительный иÑточник %d, разрешены 0, 1, 2';
- AbVMSErrorOpenSwapS = 'VMS: Ðевозможно открыть файл %s';
- AbVMSSeekFailS = 'VMS: Ðевозможно оÑущеÑтвить поиÑк в файле %s';
- AbVMSReadFailS = 'VMS: Ðевозможно прочитать файл %s';
- AbVMSWriteFailS = 'VMS: Ðевозможно %d байт запиÑать в файл %s';
- AbVMSWriteTooManyBytesS = 'VMS: попытка запиÑи Ñлишком большого чиÑла байт [%d]';
- AbBBSReadTooManyBytesS = 'BBS: попытка Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ñлишком большого чиÑла байт [%d]';
- AbBBSSeekOutsideBufferS = 'BBS: Ð¿Ð¾Ð·Ð¸Ñ†Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ð°Ñ…Ð¾Ð´Ð¸Ñ‚ÑÑ Ð²Ð½Ðµ буфера';
- AbBBSInvalidOriginS = 'BBS: недейÑтвительно предыдущее значение';
- AbBBSWriteTooManyBytesS = 'BBS: попытка запиÑи Ñлишком большого чиÑла байт [%d]';
- AbSWSNotEndofStreamS = 'TabSlidingWindowStream.Write: попытка запиÑи данных не в конец потока';
- AbSWSSeekFailedS = 'TabSlidingWindowStream.bsWriteChunk: поиÑк не удалÑÑ';
- AbSWSWriteFailedS = 'TabSlidingWindowStream.bsWriteChunk: запиÑÑŒ не удалаÑÑŒ';
- AbSWSInvalidOriginS = 'TabSlidingWindowStream.Seek: ÐедейÑтвительный иÑточник';
- AbSWSInvalidNewOriginS = 'TabSlidingWindowStream.Seek: недейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ‚ÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ½Ð°Ñ Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð·Ð¸Ñ†Ð¸Ñ';
- AbItemNameHeadingS = 'ИмÑ';
- AbPackedHeadingS = 'Сжато';
- AbMethodHeadingS = 'Метод';
- AbRatioHeadingS = 'КоÑффициент ÑÐ¶Ð°Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ (%)';
- AbCRCHeadingS = 'CRC32';
- AbFileAttrHeadingS = 'Ðтрибуты';
- AbFileFormatHeadingS = 'Формат';
- AbEncryptionHeadingS = 'Шифрование';
- AbTimeStampHeadingS = 'ВремÑ';
- AbFileSizeHeadingS = 'Размер';
- AbVersionMadeHeadingS = 'ИÑпользована верÑиÑ';
- AbVersionNeededHeadingS = 'Ðеобходима верÑиÑ';
- AbPathHeadingS = 'Путь';
- AbPartialHeadingS = 'ЧаÑтично';
- AbExecutableHeadingS = 'Выполнимо';
- AbCabMethod0S = 'нет';
- AbCabMethod1S = 'MSZip';
- AbLtAddS = ' вÑтавлен ';
- AbLtDeleteS = ' удален ';
- AbLtExtractS = ' раÑпакован ';
- AbLtFreshenS = ' обновлен ';
- AbLtMoveS = ' перемещен ';
- AbLtReplaceS = ' заменено ';
- AbLtStartS = ' запротоколировано ';
- AbGzipInvalidS = 'ÐедейÑтвительный Gzip';
- AbGzipBadCRCS = 'ÐедейÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ‚ÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ½Ð°Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð½Ñ‚Ñ€Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ð°Ñ Ñумма';
- AbGzipBadFileSizeS = 'ÐедейÑтвительный размер файла';
- AbTarInvalidS = 'ÐедеÑтвительный Tar-архив';
- AbTarBadFileNameS = 'Слишком длинное Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ñ„Ð°Ð¹Ð»Ð°';
- AbTarBadLinkNameS = 'Слишком Ð´Ð»Ð¸Ð½Ð½Ð°Ñ ÑÑылка';
- AbTarBadOpS = 'ÐÐµÐ¿Ð¾Ð´Ð´ÐµÑ€Ð¶Ð¸Ð²Ð°ÐµÐ¼Ð°Ñ Ð¾Ð¿ÐµÑ€Ð°Ñ†Ð¸Ñ';
- AbUnhandledEntityS = 'Ðеобрабатываемый объект';
- { pre-defined "operating system" (really more FILE system) identifiers for the
- Gzip header }
- AbGzOsFat = 'FAT Ñ„Ð°Ð¹Ð»Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ ÑиÑтема (MS-DOS, OS/2, NT/Win32)';
- AbGzOsAmiga = 'Amiga';
- AbGzOsVMS = 'VMS (или OpenVMS)';
- AbGzOsUnix = 'Unix';
- AbGzOsVM_CMS = 'VM/CMS';
- AbGzOsAtari = 'Atari TOS';
- AbGzOsHPFS = 'HPFS Ñ„Ð°Ð¹Ð»Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ ÑиÑтема (OS/2, NT)';
- AbGzOsMacintosh = 'Macintosh';
- AbGzOsZ_System = 'Z-System';
- AbGzOsCP_M = 'CP/M';
- AbGzOsTOPS_20 = 'TOPS-20';
- AbGzOsNTFS = 'NTFS Ñ„Ð°Ð¹Ð»Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ ÑиÑтема (NT)';
- AbGzOsQDOS = 'QDOS';
- AbGzOsAcornRISCOS = 'Acorn RISCOS';
- AbGzOsVFAT = 'VFAT Ñ„Ð°Ð¹Ð»Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ ÑиÑтема (Win95, NT)';
- AbGzOsMVS = 'MVS';
- AbGzOsBeOS = 'BeOS (BeBox или PowerMac)';
- AbGzOsTandem = 'Tandem/NSK';
- AbGzOsunknown = 'неизвеÑтно';
- AbGzOsUndefined = 'Идентификационный номер Ð´Ð»Ñ Gzip не извеÑтен';
-{!!.03 - Moved from AbCompnd.inc }
-{ Compound File specific error messages }
- AbCmpndIndexOutOfBounds = 'Ð˜Ð½Ð´ÐµÐºÑ Ð²Ñ‹Ñ…Ð¾Ð´Ð¸Ñ‚ за пределы допуÑтимого диапазона';
- AbCmpndBusyUpdating = 'ОбновлÑетÑÑ Ñ„Ð°Ð¹Ð» ÑвÑзок';
- AbCmpndInvalidFile = 'ÐедейÑтвительный файл ÑвÑзок';
- AbCmpndFileNotFound = 'Файл или папка не найдены';
- AbCmpndFolderNotEmpty = 'Папка не пуÑта';
- AbCmpndExceedsMaxFileSize = 'ДопуÑтимый размер файла был превышен';
-{!!.03 - End Moved }
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/packages/Lazarus/abbrevia.lpk b/components/Abbrevia/packages/Lazarus/abbrevia.lpk
deleted file mode 100644
index 27895bd..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/packages/Lazarus/abbrevia.lpk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/packages/Lazarus/abbrevia.lrs b/components/Abbrevia/packages/Lazarus/abbrevia.lrs
deleted file mode 100644
index e0afd04..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/packages/Lazarus/abbrevia.lrs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
- #137'PNG'#13#10#26#10#0#0#0#13'IHDR'#0#0#0#24#0#0#0#24#8#6#0#0#0#224'w='#248#0
- +#0#0#1'sRGB'#0#174#206#28#233#0#0#0#4'gAMA'#0#0#177#143#11#252'a'#5#0#0#0#9
- +'pHYs'#0#0#14#195#0#0#14#195#1#199'o'#168'd'#0#0#0#26'tEXtSoftware'#0'Paint.'
- +'NET v3.5.100'#244'r'#161#0#0#0#191'IDATHKc'#248#255#255'?'#3'-1M'#13#7'9'#28
- +#195#2#3#3#131#255#228'b'#6#176'q'#168'!'#130#213#130'={'#246#252''''#5'o'
- +#221#186#245#255#130#5#11#128#206#165#129#5'0'#195'I'#182#128#148'`'#2#185
- +#156','#11#254#255#159#9#12'R'#252#248#229#203'^p'#208#12'n'#11#26#26#26#254
- +#159'9S'#3#247#13#136#237#224#224#0#230'S'#197#7'0'#3'A'#134#194#240#138#21
- +'i'#148'['#0'r'#29'1'#152#172'8'#0'i"'#5#147#28#201#200#25#13#148#214#145#211
- +';'#200'0lx4'#163'a'#205'tTI'#166#248'r3U,'#24#205'h('#149#14#168#152#6#165
- +'yR2'#25#201'9'#25#150#177#136#201'\'#200#25#142#168#140'F'#170#203#209#213
- +#19#172#147#169#221#132#1#0#234#199#239's)'#217'6'#230#0#0#0#0'IEND'#174'B`'
- +#130
- #137'PNG'#13#10#26#10#0#0#0#13'IHDR'#0#0#0#24#0#0#0#24#8#6#0#0#0#224'w='#248#0
- +#0#0#1'sRGB'#0#174#206#28#233#0#0#0#4'gAMA'#0#0#177#143#11#252'a'#5#0#0#0#9
- +'pHYs'#0#0#14#195#0#0#14#195#1#199'o'#168'd'#0#0#0#26'tEXtSoftware'#0'Paint.'
- +'NET v3.5.100'#244'r'#161#0#0#0#244'IDATHK'#205'V'#193#13#195' '#12'd$F`'#154
- +'NQ'#169','#208#1#250#227#201#2#252#24'!'#139'd'#10'7'#135#228#200'%'#165#193
- +'4'#145#242'8%('#228#206'6>'''#134#136#204#153'8'#149#28#129'o'#4#172#181'4'
- +#10'S'#232'>+'#242'U '#231'L'#26#164#148'('#132#176#132'{'#130#0#147#171#5'4'
- +'eB'#228'C'#2'D'#175#165#164#191'1'#207#207'R'#154'k'#11'x'#239'i'#154#238'k'
- +'6'#184'w'#206#149#245'!'#25'0!H'#25'1'#222'6'#2#15'M'#23#225#144#17']'#15
- +#248#12#138#173'*'#145#166#15#240'R'#15'VR&'#151#215#150#147'k'#147#161#215
- +'e'#191#163'c'#24#16#136#13#224#217#223'N'#6#9'j'#15#176#16#175#155#179#8#25
- +#140#24#141#5#228''#249'M>'#251'/'#204#27#232'z'#195#213'h"'#21#11#0#0#0#0
- +'IEND'#174'B`'#130
- #137'PNG'#13#10#26#10#0#0#0#13'IHDR'#0#0#0#24#0#0#0#24#8#6#0#0#0#224'w='#248#0
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- +'(J'#128#0#0#0#26'tEXtSoftware'#0'Paint.NET v3.5.100'#244'r'#161#0#0#0#253'I'
- +'DATHK'#205'V'#193#13#131'0'#12#204'H'#25#129#21'X'#162'ST*'#11't'#128#254
- +#242#169#196#2#249'1'#2#139'0'#133#225#140#220'RJ'#192#142#136#218#199'IA'
- +#138#238#156#179'/'#193#17#145'+'#137#162#228'('#252'K'#192'{O'#185'pL'#247
- +#233#200#166'@'#215'udA'#140#145'B'#8'S'#185#5#4#132#220',`'#177#9#149'g'#9
- +#16'=&K'#247'1'#12'w'#182#230#191#5#154#166#161#190#191#190'N'#131'uUU'#252
- +'m:'#1#134#192#185#27'O'#16'z '#246#8'!H'#5'm{'#201#21' '#170#235''''#11#160
- +':'#13'v{0W'#157#130#227#6'j'#144'l'#242'L'#222'&@l'#23'f}9'#239' '#219#194
- +'f'#208#196'wx'#255#22#194'z'#238#197#17'LA'#19#1#233#129'6l'#234#28#160'j'
- +#144#174#167'h/l'#166'1'#197'M'#248#19#129#211#130#150':'#193'iA['#11'hB'#150
- +#213#3#140#158'&\'#203'='#166#219'T'#130#165#9#215'2p'#170#23#205'Z'#249'z'
- +#255#225#155'|'#246'/'#204#8#140'9'#211#158'H'#173't'#157#0#0#0#0'IEND'#174
- +'B`'#130
- #137'PNG'#13#10#26#10#0#0#0#13'IHDR'#0#0#0#24#0#0#0#24#8#6#0#0#0#224'w='#248#0
- +#0#0#1'sRGB'#0#174#206#28#233#0#0#0#4'gAMA'#0#0#177#143#11#252'a'#5#0#0#0#9
- +'pHYs'#0#0#14#195#0#0#14#195#1#199'o'#168'd'#0#0#0#26'tEXtSoftware'#0'Paint.'
- +'NET v3.5.100'#244'r'#161#0#0#1#2'IDATHK'#213#149#225#17#131' '#12#133#153
- +#160'cv'#130#254'/'#11't'#0#187#140#11#184#136'S'#164#198#220#211''''#2#130
- +#150#222#245'G'#206'V'#200#251#146#16#162#19#17#215#210#154#138'k'#224#255#1
- +'p'#207#155#132#134#178#127'%'#131'"'#128#155#170#149#178'+M0g'#160#194'"o'
- +#25#199#215#238#169#239'l'#253'\'#183'-'#128'\'#6'g'#214'6g`'#17'v;'#243#222
- +#137#154#174#247#253'#'#186''''#230#199#25'S'#137'V'#128#247'~'#18'V'#155#150
- +#7#3#232#255'T '#12'AIu'#255'r'#15'B'#199#225'n'#194#12#24':'#3#197'"'#198';'
- +#21'o'#6#128'x'#19#128'u_7G_'#5#224#238#225#18'A'#16#162',^'#5#208'sPaXx'#6
- +'a'#228#213#25'('#128'!'#10'`Q'#142#188'I'#137#170'3'#128#3#218#212#250#223
- +#12'g'#144#202#224#176#139#216#17#128'X'#137'R'#7'{'#8'`'#199#220#236'a'#161
- +#212'o'#220#252#205'M.q,'#221#19#5#156#153#152'9'#159#205','#194'h]'#135#28
- +#134#221#181#231'O>'#250#31'Ag'#1'z_'#17'J'#234#0#0#0#0'IEND'#174'B`'#130
- #137'PNG'#13#10#26#10#0#0#0#13'IHDR'#0#0#0#24#0#0#0#24#8#6#0#0#0#224'w='#248#0
- +#0#0#1'sRGB'#0#174#206#28#233#0#0#0#4'gAMA'#0#0#177#143#11#252'a'#5#0#0#0#9
- +'pHYs'#0#0#14#195#0#0#14#195#1#199'o'#168'd'#0#0#0#26'tEXtSoftware'#0'Paint.'
- +'NET v3.5.100'#244'r'#161#0#0#0#249'IDATHK'#237#149#221#21#131' '#12#133#153
- +#182#19't'#0#22#232#0'v'#25#23'p'#17#167'H'#137'9'#151'^'#249'S'#244#208#167
- +'>'#228'X'#133#220'/'#9'!u"'#226'F'#218'Pq'#13#252#15'8'#172'@'#220#224'B'
- +#181'jv'#167#9'6'#128#10#139#188'e]_'#217'S'#191#217#250#181'n'#139#128'V'#6
- +'W'#214#16#16'e0'#133'o{'#243#222#137#154#2#230#249#153#173#167#251#241#206
- +#25#23#1#222#251' '#172#22#150#23#3#232#187'9'#230#129#240'7'#148'T'#247#199
- +'{'#144':.'#15#19'f'#192'2'#25#168#5'P'#241'a'#0#136#15#1'X'#247'M['#244']'#0
- +#238#30'.'#17#4'!'#202#226']'#0'='#7#21#134#165'g'#144'F'#222#157#129#2#24
- +#162#0#22#229#200#135#148#168';'#3'8'#160'M'#173#255#205'p'#6#181#12#14#187
- +#136#29#1'('#149#168'v'#176#135#0'vl'#205#30#22#170#253#198#205#223#221#228
- +'3'#142'g'#247#20#1'W&f'#203'g7'#139'0Z'#191'C'#14#195#238#222#243''''#127
- +#250#31#238'5'#15#228#129#133#21#144#0#0#0#0'IEND'#174'B`'#130
- #137'PNG'#13#10#26#10#0#0#0#13'IHDR'#0#0#0#24#0#0#0#24#8#6#0#0#0#224'w='#248#0
- +#0#0#1'sRGB'#0#174#206#28#233#0#0#0#4'gAMA'#0#0#177#143#11#252'a'#5#0#0#0#9
- +'pHYs'#0#0#14#195#0#0#14#195#1#199'o'#168'd'#0#0#0#26'tEXtSoftware'#0'Paint.'
- +'NET v3.5.100'#244'r'#161#0#0#1#12'IDATHK'#205'V'#193#13#195' '#12'd'#130#142
- +#217#9#250'/'#11't'#128't'#153','#144'E2'#133#203#197#186#214#16'H'#128#8#169
- +#15#139#4#240#157#207'v'#172'8'#17'q#'#173#25#220#5#15'XmP'#255'C'#192#200
- +#211#21'J'#220#243'&'#169'Qa'#181#130#203#4'. '#148#204#230#187#171#6#0#22'y'
- +#203#186#190'v+'#246#244'\'#187#173#155#224'HA'#207'YT'#3#141'p'#218#153#247
- +'N`8'#159#231'G'#246'N'#206'/R'#172#178'c'#2#239'}'#0#134#133#253'E'#9#240'^'
- +#10#196#146'0'#165#184#191'a'#231#8#150#187#2'['#130'eR'#162'\'#196#220#3#248
- +'0'#2#130#15'!'#208#238#155#182#232#155#8'l'#247#216#20#17#144#160#22#188#137
- +#0'u'#0'0-'#173'A'#26'y'#179#2#16'X'#18#16'XP'#27#249#144#20'5+'#160#3#219'T'
- +#251'_'#141'5()8'#237'"'#235'H'#130'\'#138'J'#133'=%'#176#142'G'#179#199#2
- +#149#158#249#229'G_r'#141'c'#237#157',A'#207#196'<'#242#137'f'#17'G'#235'o'
- +#200'q'#216']['#191')'#170#253'C'#232#185#247#1'J'#20#237#127#136#241#166#182
- +#0#0#0#0'IEND'#174'B`'#130
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- +#0#0#1'sRGB'#0#174#206#28#233#0#0#0#4'gAMA'#0#0#177#143#11#252'a'#5#0#0#0#9
- +'pHYs'#0#0#14#195#0#0#14#195#1#199'o'#168'd'#0#0#0#26'tEXtSoftware'#0'Paint.'
- +'NET v3.5.100'#244'r'#161#0#0#1#5'IDATHK'#205#149#235#13#131'0'#12#132'3m'''
- +#232#0'Y'#160#3#208'eX'#128'E'#152#194#205'a]kB'#158'@'#164#254#176#210#146
- +#248'>;6'#198#137#136#27'i'#183#137#187#160#4#139#131#253#127#0'#'#143'Wfr9'
- +#131'f'#128#11'''s'#214#210#4#197#26'@X'#228'-'#235#250':'#172'x'#166#251#229
- +'n'#171#2'J'#25#156#217#219#213'@#'#156#14#230#189#19#24#246#231#249#153'<'
- +#147#242#179#25'oE'#142#1#222#251' '#12#11#219#139#2#240'?'#23#136#133#240'J'
- +'q~'#211'N'#1#150#135#10'['#192'2)('#21'1'#159'A|'#24#128#226'C'#0#218'}'#211
- +#22'}'#23#192'v'#143#189'"'#10'R'#212#138'w'#1'P'#7#8#211#226#26#196#145'wg'
- +#0#128#133#0'`Em'#228'C'#174#168';'#3':'#176'M'#181#255#213'X'#131'\'#6#213
- +'.'#178#142#4#164#174'(W'#216'*'#192':'#150'f'#143#21#202#253#230#155#191'{'
- +#147'['#28'['#207'$'#1'g&f'#201'g7'#139'8Z'#127'C'#142#195#238#218#250#189
- +#162#218#199#228#202#254#7#213' '#251#233'X:'#182#131#0#0#0#0'IEND'#174'B`'
- +#130
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/packages/Lazarus/abbrevia.pas b/components/Abbrevia/packages/Lazarus/abbrevia.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c0f9f5..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/packages/Lazarus/abbrevia.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-{ This file was automatically created by Lazarus. Do not edit!
- This source is only used to compile and install the package.
- }
-unit Abbrevia;
- AbArcTyp, AbBase, AbBitBkt, AbBrowse, AbBzip2, AbBzip2Typ, AbCharset,
- AbConst, AbDfBase, AbDfCryS, AbDfDec, AbDfEnc, AbDfHufD, AbDfInW, AbDfOutW,
- AbDfPkMg, AbDfStrm, AbDfXlat, AbExcept, AbGzTyp, AbReg, AbResString,
- AbSelfEx, AbSpanSt, AbSWStm, AbTarTyp, AbUnzOutStm, AbUnzper, AbUnzPrc,
- AbUtils, AbVMStrm, AbZBrows, AbZipKit, AbZipper, AbZipPrc, AbZipTyp,
- AbZLTyp, LazarusPackageIntf;
-procedure Register;
- RegisterUnit('AbReg', @AbReg.Register);
- RegisterPackage('Abbrevia', @Register);
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbArcTyp.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbArcTyp.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 522b6b1..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbArcTyp.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2125 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbArcTyp.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: TABArchive, TABArchiveItem classes *}
-unit AbArcTyp;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- Windows,
- Classes,
- Types,
- AbUtils;
-{ ===== TAbArchiveItem ====================================================== }
- TAbArchiveItem = class(TObject)
- protected {private}
- NextItem : TAbArchiveItem;
- FAction : TAbArchiveAction;
- FCompressedSize : Int64;
- FCRC32 : Longint;
- FDiskFileName : string;
- FExternalFileAttributes : LongWord;
- FFileName : string;
- FIsEncrypted : Boolean;
- FLastModFileTime : Word;
- FLastModFileDate : Word;
- FTagged : Boolean;
- FUncompressedSize : Int64;
- protected {property methods}
- function GetCompressedSize : Int64; virtual;
- function GetCRC32 : Longint; virtual;
- function GetDiskPath : string;
- function GetExternalFileAttributes : LongWord; virtual;
- function GetFileName : string; virtual;
- function GetIsDirectory: Boolean; virtual;
- function GetIsEncrypted : Boolean; virtual;
- function GetLastModFileDate : Word; virtual;
- function GetLastModFileTime : Word; virtual;
- function GetNativeFileAttributes : LongInt; virtual;
- function GetStoredPath : string;
- function GetUncompressedSize : Int64; virtual;
- procedure SetCompressedSize(const Value : Int64); virtual;
- procedure SetCRC32(const Value : Longint); virtual;
- procedure SetExternalFileAttributes( Value : LongWord ); virtual;
- procedure SetFileName(const Value : string); virtual;
- procedure SetIsEncrypted(Value : Boolean); virtual;
- procedure SetLastModFileDate(const Value : Word); virtual;
- procedure SetLastModFileTime(const Value : Word); virtual;
- procedure SetUncompressedSize(const Value : Int64); virtual;
- function GetLastModTimeAsDateTime: TDateTime; virtual;
- procedure SetLastModTimeAsDateTime(const Value: TDateTime); virtual;
- public {methods}
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function MatchesDiskName(const FileMask : string) : Boolean;
- function MatchesStoredName(const FileMask : string) : Boolean;
- function MatchesStoredNameEx(const FileMask : string) : Boolean;
- public {properties}
- property Action : TAbArchiveAction
- read FAction
- write FAction;
- property CompressedSize : Int64
- read GetCompressedSize
- write SetCompressedSize;
- property CRC32 : Longint
- read GetCRC32
- write SetCRC32;
- property DiskFileName : string
- read FDiskFileName
- write FDiskFileName;
- property DiskPath : string
- read GetDiskPath;
- property ExternalFileAttributes : LongWord
- read GetExternalFileAttributes
- write SetExternalFileAttributes;
- property FileName : string
- read GetFileName
- write SetFileName;
- property IsDirectory: Boolean
- read GetIsDirectory;
- property IsEncrypted : Boolean
- read GetIsEncrypted
- write SetIsEncrypted;
- property LastModFileDate : Word
- read GetLastModFileDate
- write SetLastModFileDate;
- property LastModFileTime : Word
- read GetLastModFileTime
- write SetLastModFileTime;
- property NativeFileAttributes : LongInt
- read GetNativeFileAttributes;
- property StoredPath : string
- read GetStoredPath;
- property Tagged : Boolean
- read FTagged
- write FTagged;
- property UncompressedSize : Int64
- read GetUncompressedSize
- write SetUncompressedSize;
- property LastModTimeAsDateTime : TDateTime
- read GetLastModTimeAsDateTime
- write SetLastModTimeAsDateTime;
- end;
-{ ===== TAbArchiveListEnumerator ============================================ }
- TAbArchiveList = class;
- TAbArchiveListEnumerator = class
- private
- FIndex: Integer;
- FList: TAbArchiveList;
- public
- constructor Create(aList: TAbArchiveList);
- function GetCurrent: TAbArchiveItem;
- function MoveNext: Boolean;
- property Current: TAbArchiveItem read GetCurrent;
- end;
-{ ===== TAbArchiveList ====================================================== }
- TAbArchiveList = class
- protected {private}
- FList : TList;
- FOwnsItems: Boolean;
- HashTable : array[0..1020] of TAbArchiveItem;
- protected {methods}
- function GenerateHash(const S : string) : LongInt;
- function GetCount : Integer;
- function Get(Index : Integer) : TAbArchiveItem;
- procedure Put(Index : Integer; Item : TAbArchiveItem);
- public {methods}
- constructor Create(AOwnsItems: Boolean);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function Add(Item : Pointer): Integer;
- procedure Clear;
- procedure Delete(Index : Integer);
- function Find(const FN : string) : Integer;
- function GetEnumerator: TAbArchiveListEnumerator;
- function IsActiveDupe(const FN : string) : Boolean;
- public {properties}
- property Count : Integer
- read GetCount;
- property Items[Index : Integer] : TAbArchiveItem
- read Get
- write Put; default;
- end;
-{ ===== TAbArchive specific types =========================================== }
- TAbStoreOption =
- (soStripDrive, soStripPath, soRemoveDots, soRecurse, soFreshen, soReplace);
- TAbStoreOptions =
- set of TAbStoreOption;
- TAbExtractOption =
- (eoCreateDirs, eoRestorePath);
- TAbExtractOptions =
- set of TAbExtractOption;
- TAbArchiveStatus =
- (asInvalid, asIdle, asBusy);
- TAbArchiveEvent =
- procedure(Sender : TObject) of object;
- TAbArchiveConfirmEvent =
- procedure (Sender : TObject; var Confirm : Boolean) of object;
- TAbArchiveProgressEvent =
- procedure(Sender : TObject; Progress : Byte; var Abort : Boolean) of object;
- TAbArchiveItemEvent =
- procedure(Sender : TObject; Item : TAbArchiveItem) of object;
- TAbArchiveItemConfirmEvent =
- procedure(Sender : TObject; Item : TAbArchiveItem;
- ProcessType : TAbProcessType; var Confirm : Boolean) of object;
- TAbConfirmOverwriteEvent =
- procedure(var Name : string; var Confirm : Boolean) of object;
- TAbArchiveItemFailureEvent =
- procedure(Sender : TObject; Item : TAbArchiveItem;
- ProcessType : TAbProcessType; ErrorClass : TAbErrorClass;
- ErrorCode : Integer) of object;
- TAbArchiveItemExtractEvent =
- procedure(Sender : TObject; Item : TAbArchiveItem;
- const NewName : string) of object;
- TAbArchiveItemExtractToStreamEvent =
- procedure(Sender : TObject; Item : TAbArchiveItem;
- OutStream : TStream) of object;
- TAbArchiveItemTestEvent =
- procedure(Sender : TObject; Item : TAbArchiveItem) of object;
- TAbArchiveItemInsertEvent =
- procedure(Sender : TObject; Item : TAbArchiveItem;
- OutStream : TStream) of object;
- TAbArchiveItemInsertFromStreamEvent =
- procedure(Sender : TObject; Item : TAbArchiveItem;
- OutStream, InStream : TStream) of object;
- TAbArchiveItemProgressEvent =
- procedure(Sender : TObject; Item : TAbArchiveItem; Progress : Byte;
- var Abort : Boolean) of object;
- TAbProgressEvent =
- procedure(Progress : Byte; var Abort : Boolean) of object;
- TAbRequestDiskEvent =
- procedure(Sender : TObject; var Abort : Boolean) of object;
- TAbRequestImageEvent =
- procedure(Sender : TObject; ImageNumber : Integer;
- var ImageName : string; var Abort : Boolean) of object;
- TAbRequestNthDiskEvent =
- procedure(Sender : TObject; DiskNumber : Byte; var Abort : Boolean) of object;
- TAbArchiveStreamHelper = class
- protected
- FStream : TStream;
- public
- constructor Create(AStream : TStream);
- procedure ExtractItemData(AStream : TStream); virtual; abstract;
- function FindFirstItem : Boolean; virtual; abstract;
- function FindNextItem : Boolean; virtual; abstract;
- procedure ReadHeader; virtual; abstract;
- procedure ReadTail; virtual; abstract;
- function SeekItem(Index : Integer): Boolean; virtual; abstract;
- procedure WriteArchiveHeader; virtual; abstract;
- procedure WriteArchiveItem(AStream : TStream); virtual; abstract;
- procedure WriteArchiveTail; virtual; abstract;
- function GetItemCount : Integer; virtual; abstract;
- end;
-{ ===== TAbArchive ========================================================== }
- TAbArchive = class(TObject)
- public
- FStream : TStream;
- FStatus : TAbArchiveStatus;
- protected {property variables} //These break Encapsulation
- FArchiveName : string;
- FAutoSave : Boolean;
- FBaseDirectory : string;
- FCurrentItem : TAbArchiveItem;
- FDOSMode : Boolean;
- FExtractOptions : TAbExtractOptions;
- FImageNumber : Word;
- FInStream : TStream;
- FIsDirty : Boolean;
- FSpanningThreshold : Int64;
- FItemList : TAbArchiveList;
- FLogFile : string;
- FLogging : Boolean;
- FLogStream : TFileStream;
- FMode : Word;
- FOwnsStream : Boolean;
- FSpanned : Boolean;
- FStoreOptions : TAbStoreOptions;
- FTempDir : string;
- protected {event variables}
- FOnProcessItemFailure : TAbArchiveItemFailureEvent;
- FOnArchiveProgress : TAbArchiveProgressEvent;
- FOnArchiveSaveProgress : TAbArchiveProgressEvent;
- FOnArchiveItemProgress : TAbArchiveItemProgressEvent;
- FOnConfirmProcessItem : TAbArchiveItemConfirmEvent;
- FOnConfirmOverwrite : TAbConfirmOverwriteEvent;
- FOnConfirmSave : TAbArchiveConfirmEvent;
- FOnLoad : TAbArchiveEvent;
- FOnProgress : TAbProgressEvent;
- FOnRequestImage : TAbRequestImageEvent;
- FOnSave : TAbArchiveEvent;
- protected {methods}
- constructor CreateInit;
- procedure CheckValid;
- function ConfirmPath(Item : TAbArchiveItem; const NewName : string;
- out UseName : string) : Boolean;
- procedure FreshenAt(Index : Integer);
- function FreshenRequired(Item : TAbArchiveItem) : Boolean;
- procedure GetFreshenTarget(Item : TAbArchiveItem);
- function GetItemCount : Integer;
- procedure MakeLogEntry(const FN: string; LT : TAbLogType);
- procedure ReplaceAt(Index : Integer);
- procedure SaveIfNeeded(aItem : TAbArchiveItem);
- procedure SetBaseDirectory(Value : string);
- procedure SetLogFile(const Value : string);
- procedure SetLogging(Value : Boolean);
- protected {abstract methods}
- function CreateItem(const FileSpec : string): TAbArchiveItem;
- virtual; abstract;
- procedure ExtractItemAt(Index : Integer; const UseName : string);
- virtual; abstract;
- procedure ExtractItemToStreamAt(Index : Integer; aStream : TStream);
- virtual; abstract;
- procedure LoadArchive;
- virtual; abstract;
- procedure SaveArchive;
- virtual; abstract;
- procedure TestItemAt(Index : Integer);
- virtual; abstract;
- protected {virtual methods}
- procedure DoProcessItemFailure(Item : TAbArchiveItem;
- ProcessType : TAbProcessType; ErrorClass : TAbErrorClass;
- ErrorCode : Integer);
- virtual;
- procedure DoArchiveSaveProgress(Progress : Byte; var Abort : Boolean);
- virtual;
- procedure DoArchiveProgress(Progress : Byte; var Abort : Boolean);
- virtual;
- procedure DoArchiveItemProgress(Item : TAbArchiveItem; Progress : Byte;
- var Abort : Boolean);
- virtual;
- procedure DoConfirmOverwrite(var FileName : string; var Confirm : Boolean);
- virtual;
- procedure DoConfirmProcessItem(Item : TAbArchiveItem;
- const ProcessType : TAbProcessType; var Confirm : Boolean);
- virtual;
- procedure DoConfirmSave(var Confirm : Boolean);
- virtual;
- procedure DoLoad;
- virtual;
- procedure DoProgress(Progress : Byte; var Abort : Boolean);
- virtual;
- procedure DoSave;
- virtual;
- function FixName(const Value : string) : string;
- virtual;
- function GetSpanningThreshold : Int64;
- virtual;
- function GetSupportsEmptyFolders : Boolean;
- virtual;
- procedure SetSpanningThreshold( Value : Int64 );
- virtual;
- protected {properties and events}
- property InStream : TStream
- read FInStream;
- public {methods}
- constructor Create(const FileName : string; Mode : Word);
- virtual;
- constructor CreateFromStream(aStream : TStream; const aArchiveName : string);
- virtual;
- destructor Destroy;
- override;
- procedure Add(aItem : TAbArchiveItem);
- virtual;
- procedure AddFiles(const FileMask : string; SearchAttr : Integer);
- procedure AddFilesEx(const FileMask, ExclusionMask : string;
- SearchAttr : Integer);
- procedure AddFromStream(const NewName : string; aStream : TStream);
- procedure ClearTags;
- procedure Delete(aItem : TAbArchiveItem);
- procedure DeleteAt(Index : Integer);
- procedure DeleteFiles(const FileMask : string);
- procedure DeleteFilesEx(const FileMask, ExclusionMask : string);
- procedure DeleteTaggedItems;
- procedure Extract(aItem : TAbArchiveItem; const NewName : string);
- procedure ExtractAt(Index : Integer; const NewName : string);
- procedure ExtractFiles(const FileMask : string);
- procedure ExtractFilesEx(const FileMask, ExclusionMask : string);
- procedure ExtractTaggedItems;
- procedure ExtractToStream(const aFileName : string; aStream : TStream);
- function FindFile(const aFileName : string): Integer;
- function FindItem(aItem : TAbArchiveItem): Integer;
- procedure Freshen(aItem : TAbArchiveItem);
- procedure FreshenFiles(const FileMask : string);
- procedure FreshenFilesEx(const FileMask, ExclusionMask : string);
- procedure FreshenTaggedItems;
- procedure Load; virtual;
- procedure Move(aItem : TAbArchiveItem; const NewStoredPath : string);
- virtual;
- procedure Replace(aItem : TAbArchiveItem);
- procedure Save;
- virtual;
- procedure TagItems(const FileMask : string);
- procedure TestTaggedItems;
- procedure UnTagItems(const FileMask : string);
- procedure DoDeflateProgress(aPercentDone : integer);
- virtual;
- procedure DoInflateProgress(aPercentDone : integer);
- virtual;
- procedure DoSpanningMediaRequest(Sender : TObject; ImageNumber : Integer;
- var ImageName : string; var Abort : Boolean); virtual;
- public {properties}
- property OnProgress : TAbProgressEvent
- read FOnProgress write FOnProgress;
- property ArchiveName : string
- read FArchiveName;
- property AutoSave : Boolean
- read FAutoSave
- write FAutoSave;
- property BaseDirectory : string
- read FBaseDirectory
- write SetBaseDirectory;
- property Count : Integer
- read GetItemCount;
- property DOSMode : Boolean
- read FDOSMode
- write FDOSMode;
- property ExtractOptions : TAbExtractOptions
- read FExtractOptions
- write FExtractOptions;
- property IsDirty : Boolean
- read FIsDirty
- write FIsDirty;
- property ItemList : TAbArchiveList
- read FItemList;
- property LogFile : string
- read FLogFile
- write SetLogFile;
- property Logging : Boolean
- read FLogging
- write SetLogging;
- property Mode : Word
- read FMode;
- property Spanned : Boolean
- read FSpanned;
- property SpanningThreshold : Int64
- read GetSpanningThreshold
- write SetSpanningThreshold;
- property Status : TAbArchiveStatus
- read FStatus;
- property StoreOptions : TAbStoreOptions
- read FStoreOptions
- write FStoreOptions;
- property SupportsEmptyFolders : Boolean
- read GetSupportsEmptyFolders;
- property TempDirectory : string
- read FTempDir
- write FTempDir;
- public {events}
- property OnProcessItemFailure : TAbArchiveItemFailureEvent
- read FOnProcessItemFailure
- write FOnProcessItemFailure;
- property OnArchiveProgress : TAbArchiveProgressEvent
- read FOnArchiveProgress
- write FOnArchiveProgress;
- property OnArchiveSaveProgress : TAbArchiveProgressEvent
- read FOnArchiveSaveProgress
- write FOnArchiveSaveProgress;
- property OnArchiveItemProgress : TAbArchiveItemProgressEvent
- read FOnArchiveItemProgress
- write FOnArchiveItemProgress;
- property OnConfirmProcessItem : TAbArchiveItemConfirmEvent
- read FOnConfirmProcessItem
- write FOnConfirmProcessItem;
- property OnConfirmOverwrite : TAbConfirmOverwriteEvent
- read FOnConfirmOverwrite
- write FOnConfirmOverwrite;
- property OnConfirmSave : TAbArchiveConfirmEvent
- read FOnConfirmSave
- write FOnConfirmSave;
- property OnLoad : TAbArchiveEvent
- read FOnLoad
- write FOnLoad;
- property OnRequestImage : TAbRequestImageEvent
- read FOnRequestImage
- write FOnRequestImage;
- property OnSave : TAbArchiveEvent
- read FOnSave
- write FOnSave;
- end;
-{ ===== TAbExtraField ======================================================= }
- PAbExtraSubField = ^TAbExtraSubField;
- TAbExtraSubField = packed record
- ID : Word;
- Len : Word;
- Data : record end;
- end;
- TAbExtraField = class
- private {fields}
- FBuffer : TByteDynArray;
- private {methods}
- procedure DeleteField(aSubField : PAbExtraSubField);
- function FindField(aID : Word; out aSubField : PAbExtraSubField) : Boolean;
- function FindNext(var aCurField : PAbExtraSubField) : Boolean;
- function GetCount : Integer;
- function GetID(aIndex : Integer): Word;
- procedure SetBuffer(const aValue : TByteDynArray);
- protected {methods}
- procedure Changed; virtual;
- public {methods}
- procedure Assign(aSource : TAbExtraField);
- procedure Clear;
- procedure CloneFrom(aSource : TAbExtraField; aID : Word);
- procedure Delete(aID : Word);
- function Get(aID : Word; out aData : Pointer; out aDataSize : Word) : Boolean;
- function GetStream(aID : Word; out aStream : TStream): Boolean;
- function Has(aID : Word): Boolean;
- procedure LoadFromStream(aStream : TStream; aSize : Word);
- procedure Put(aID : Word; const aData; aDataSize : Word);
- public {properties}
- property Count : Integer
- read GetCount;
- property Buffer : TByteDynArray
- read FBuffer
- write SetBuffer;
- property IDs[aIndex : Integer]: Word
- read GetID;
- end;
- AbDefAutoSave = False;
- AbDefExtractOptions = [eoCreateDirs];
- AbDefStoreOptions = [soStripDrive, soRemoveDots];
- AbBufferSize = 32768;
- AbLastDisk = -1;
- AbLastImage = -1;
-{.$R ABRES.R32}
- RTLConsts,
- SysUtils,
- AbExcept,
- AbDfBase,
- AbConst,
- AbResString;
-{ TAbArchiveItem implementation ============================================ }
-{ TAbArchiveItem }
-constructor TAbArchiveItem.Create;
- inherited Create;
- FCompressedSize := 0;
- FUncompressedSize := 0;
- FFileName := '';
- FAction := aaNone;
- FLastModFileTime := 0;
- FLastModFileDate := 0;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-destructor TAbArchiveItem.Destroy;
- inherited Destroy;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbArchiveItem.GetCompressedSize : Int64;
- Result := FCompressedSize;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbArchiveItem.GetCRC32 : LongInt;
- Result := FCRC32;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbArchiveItem.GetDiskPath : string;
- Result := ExtractFilePath(DiskFileName);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbArchiveItem.GetExternalFileAttributes : LongWord;
- Result := FExternalFileAttributes;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbArchiveItem.GetFileName : string;
- Result := FFileName;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbArchiveItem.GetIsDirectory: Boolean;
- Result := False;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbArchiveItem.GetIsEncrypted : Boolean;
- Result := FIsEncrypted;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbArchiveItem.GetLastModFileTime : Word;
- Result := FLastModFileTime;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbArchiveItem.GetLastModFileDate : Word;
- Result := FLastModFileDate;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbArchiveItem.GetNativeFileAttributes : LongInt;
- if IsDirectory then
- Result := faDirectory
- else
- Result := 0;
- {$ENDIF}
- if IsDirectory then
- else
- {$ENDIF}
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbArchiveItem.GetStoredPath : string;
- Result := ExtractFilePath(DiskFileName);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbArchiveItem.GetUnCompressedSize : Int64;
- Result := FUnCompressedSize;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbArchiveItem.MatchesDiskName(const FileMask : string) : Boolean;
- DiskName, Mask : string;
- DiskName := DiskFileName;
- AbUnfixName(DiskName);
- Mask := FileMask;
- AbUnfixName(Mask);
- Result := AbFileMatch(DiskName, Mask);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbArchiveItem.MatchesStoredName(const FileMask : string) : Boolean;
- Value : string;
- Drive, Dir, Name : string;
- Value := FileMask;
- AbUnfixName(Value);
- AbParseFileName(Value, Drive, Dir, Name);
- Value := Dir + Name;
- Name := FileName;
- AbUnfixName(Name);
- if IsDirectory then
- Name := ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter(Name);
- Result := AbFileMatch(Name, Value);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbArchiveItem.MatchesStoredNameEx(const FileMask : string) : Boolean;
- I, J: Integer;
- MaskPart: string;
- Result := True;
- I := 1;
- while I <= Length(FileMask) do begin
- J := I;
- while (I <= Length(FileMask)) and (FileMask[I] <> PathSep {';'}) do Inc(I);
- MaskPart := Trim(Copy(FileMask, J, I - J));
- if (I <= Length(FileMask)) and (FileMask[I] = PathSep {';'}) then Inc(I);
- if MatchesStoredName(MaskPart) then Exit;
- end;
- Result := False;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchiveItem.SetCompressedSize(const Value : Int64);
- FCompressedSize := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchiveItem.SetCRC32(const Value : LongInt);
- FCRC32 := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchiveItem.SetExternalFileAttributes( Value : LongWord );
- FExternalFileAttributes := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchiveItem.SetFileName(const Value : string);
- FFileName := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchiveItem.SetIsEncrypted(Value : Boolean);
- FIsEncrypted := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchiveItem.SetLastModFileDate(const Value : Word);
- FLastModFileDate := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchiveItem.SetLastModFileTime(const Value : Word);
- FLastModFileTime := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchiveItem.SetUnCompressedSize(const Value : Int64);
- FUnCompressedSize := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbArchiveItem.GetLastModTimeAsDateTime: TDateTime;
- Result := AbDosFileDateToDateTime(LastModFileDate, LastModFileTime);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchiveItem.SetLastModTimeAsDateTime(const Value: TDateTime);
- FileDate : Integer;
- FileDate := AbDateTimeToDosFileDate(Value);
- LastModFileTime := LongRec(FileDate).Lo;
- LastModFileDate := LongRec(FileDate).Hi;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-{ TAbArchiveEnumeratorList implementation ================================== }
-{ TAbArchiveEnumeratorList }
-constructor TAbArchiveListEnumerator.Create(aList: TAbArchiveList);
- inherited Create;
- FIndex := -1;
- FList := aList;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbArchiveListEnumerator.GetCurrent: TAbArchiveItem;
- Result := FList[FIndex];
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbArchiveListEnumerator.MoveNext: Boolean;
- Result := FIndex < FList.Count - 1;
- if Result then
- Inc(FIndex);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-{ TAbArchiveList implementation ============================================ }
-{ TAbArchiveList }
-constructor TAbArchiveList.Create(AOwnsItems: Boolean);
- inherited Create;
- FList := TList.Create;
- FOwnsItems := AOwnsItems;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-destructor TAbArchiveList.Destroy;
- Clear;
- FList.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbArchiveList.Add(Item : Pointer) : Integer;
- H : LongInt;
- if FOwnsItems then begin
- H := GenerateHash(TAbArchiveItem(Item).FileName);
- TAbArchiveItem(Item).NextItem := HashTable[H];
- HashTable[H] := TAbArchiveItem(Item);
- end;
- Result := FList.Add(Item);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchiveList.Clear;
- i : Integer;
- if FOwnsItems then
- for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
- TObject(FList[i]).Free;
- FList.Clear;
- FillChar(HashTable, SizeOf(HashTable), #0);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchiveList.Delete(Index: Integer);
- Look : TAbArchiveItem;
- Last : Pointer;
- FN : string;
- if FOwnsItems then begin
- FN := TAbArchiveItem(FList[Index]).FileName;
- Last := @HashTable[GenerateHash(FN)];
- Look := TAbArchiveItem(Last^);
- while Look <> nil do begin
- if CompareText(Look.FileName, FN) = 0 then begin
- Move(Look.NextItem, Last^, 4);
- Break;
- end;
- Last := @Look.NextItem;
- Look := TAbArchiveItem(Last^);
- end;
- TObject(FList[Index]).Free;
- end;
- FList.Delete(Index);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbArchiveList.Find(const FN : string) : Integer;
- Look : TAbArchiveItem;
- I : Integer;
- if FOwnsItems then begin
- Look := HashTable[GenerateHash(FN)];
- while Look <> nil do begin
- if CompareText(Look.FileName, FN) = 0 then begin
- Result := FList.IndexOf(Look);
- Exit;
- end;
- Look := Look.NextItem;
- end;
- end
- else begin
- for I := 0 to FList.Count - 1 do
- if CompareText(Items[I].FileName, FN) = 0 then begin
- Result := I;
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- Result := -1;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbArchiveList.GenerateHash(const S : string) : LongInt;
- G : LongInt;
- I : Integer;
- U : string;
- Result := 0;
- U := AnsiUpperCase(S);
- for I := 1 to Length(U) do begin
- Result := (Result shl 4) + Ord(U[I]);
- G := LongInt(Result and $F0000000);
- if (G <> 0) then
- Result := Result xor (G shr 24);
- Result := Result and (not G);
- end;
- Result := Result mod 1021;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbArchiveList.Get(Index : Integer): TAbArchiveItem;
- Result := TAbArchiveItem(FList[Index]);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbArchiveList.GetCount : Integer;
- Result := FList.Count;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbArchiveList.GetEnumerator: TAbArchiveListEnumerator;
- Result := TAbArchiveListEnumerator.Create(Self);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbArchiveList.IsActiveDupe(const FN : string) : Boolean;
- Look : TAbArchiveItem;
- I : Integer;
- if FOwnsItems then begin
- Look := HashTable[GenerateHash(FN)];
- while Look <> nil do begin
- if (CompareText(Look.FileName, FN) = 0) and
- (Look.Action <> aaDelete) then begin
- Result := True;
- Exit;
- end;
- Look := Look.NextItem;
- end;
- end
- else begin
- for I := 0 to Count - 1 do
- if (CompareText(Items[I].FileName, FN) = 0) and
- (Items[I].Action <> aaDelete) then begin
- Result := True;
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- Result := False;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchiveList.Put(Index : Integer; Item : TAbArchiveItem);
- H : LongInt;
- Look : TAbArchiveItem;
- Last : Pointer;
- FN : string;
- if FOwnsItems then begin
- FN := TAbArchiveItem(FList[Index]).FileName;
- Last := @HashTable[GenerateHash(FN)];
- Look := TAbArchiveItem(Last^);
- { Delete old index }
- while Look <> nil do begin
- if CompareText(Look.FileName, FN) = 0 then begin
- Move(Look.NextItem, Last^, 4);
- Break;
- end;
- Last := @Look.NextItem;
- Look := TAbArchiveItem(Last^);
- end;
- { Free old instance }
- TObject(FList[Index]).Free;
- { Add new index }
- H := GenerateHash(TAbArchiveItem(Item).FileName);
- TAbArchiveItem(Item).NextItem := HashTable[H];
- HashTable[H] := TAbArchiveItem(Item);
- end;
- { Replace pointer }
- FList[Index] := Item;
-{ TAbArchive implementation ================================================ }
-{ TAbArchive }
-constructor TAbArchive.CreateInit;
- inherited Create;
- FIsDirty := False;
- FAutoSave := False;
- FItemList := TAbArchiveList.Create(True);
- StoreOptions := [];
- ExtractOptions := [];
- FStatus := asIdle;
- FOnProgress := DoProgress;
- BaseDirectory := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0));
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-constructor TAbArchive.Create(const FileName : string; Mode : Word);
- {create an archive by opening a filestream on filename with the given mode}
- FOwnsStream := True;
- CreateFromStream(TFileStream.Create(FileName, Mode), FileName);
- FMode := Mode;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-constructor TAbArchive.CreateFromStream(aStream : TStream; const aArchiveName : string);
- {create an archive based on an existing stream}
- CreateInit;
- FArchiveName := aArchiveName;
- FStream := aStream;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-destructor TAbArchive.Destroy;
- FItemList.Free;
- if FOwnsStream then
- FStream.Free;
- FLogStream.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchive.Add(aItem : TAbArchiveItem);
- Confirm, ItemAdded : Boolean;
- ItemAdded := False;
- try
- CheckValid;
- if FItemList.IsActiveDupe(aItem.FileName) then begin
- if (soFreshen in StoreOptions) then
- Freshen(aItem)
- else if (soReplace in StoreOptions) then
- Replace(aItem)
- else
- DoProcessItemFailure(aItem, ptAdd, ecAbbrevia, AbDuplicateName);
- Exit;
- end;
- DoConfirmProcessItem(aItem, ptAdd, Confirm);
- if not Confirm then
- Exit;
- aItem.Action := aaAdd;
- FItemList.Add(aItem);
- ItemAdded := True;
- FIsDirty := True;
- if AutoSave then
- Save;
- finally
- if not ItemAdded then
- aItem.Free;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchive.AddFiles(const FileMask : string; SearchAttr : Integer);
- {Add files to the archive where the disk filespec matches}
- AddFilesEx(FileMask, '', SearchAttr);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchive.AddFilesEx(const FileMask, ExclusionMask : string;
- SearchAttr : Integer);
- {Add files matching Filemask except those matching ExclusionMask}
- PathType : TAbPathType;
- IsWild : Boolean;
- SaveDir : string;
- Mask : string;
- MaskF : string;
- procedure CreateItems(Wild, Recursing : Boolean);
- var
- i : Integer;
- Files : TStrings;
- FilterList : TStringList;
- Item : TAbArchiveItem;
- begin
- FilterList := TStringList.Create;
- try
- if (MaskF <> '') then
- AbFindFilesEx(MaskF, SearchAttr, FilterList, Recursing);
- Files := TStringList.Create;
- try
- AbFindFilesEx(Mask, SearchAttr, Files, Recursing);
- if (Files.Count > 0) then
- for i := 0 to pred(Files.Count) do
- if FilterList.IndexOf(Files[i]) < 0 then
- if not Wild then begin
- if (Files[i] <> FArchiveName) then begin
- Item := CreateItem(Files[i]);
- Add(Item);
- end;
- end else begin
- if (AbAddBackSlash(FBaseDirectory) + Files[i]) <> FArchiveName
- then begin
- Item := CreateItem(Files[i]);
- Add(Item);
- end;
- end;
- finally
- Files.Free;
- end;
- finally
- FilterList.Free;
- end;
- end;
- if not SupportsEmptyFolders then
- SearchAttr := SearchAttr and not faDirectory;
- CheckValid;
- IsWild := (Pos('*', FileMask) > 0) or (Pos('?', FileMask) > 0);
- PathType := AbGetPathType(FileMask);
- Mask := FileMask;
- AbUnfixName(Mask);
- MaskF := ExclusionMask;
- AbUnfixName(MaskF);
- case PathType of
- ptNone, ptRelative :
- begin
- GetDir(0, SaveDir);
- if BaseDirectory <> '' then
- ChDir(BaseDirectory);
- try
- CreateItems(IsWild, soRecurse in StoreOptions);
- finally
- if BaseDirectory <> '' then
- ChDir(SaveDir);
- end;
- end;
- ptAbsolute :
- begin
- CreateItems(IsWild, soRecurse in StoreOptions);
- end;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchive.AddFromStream(const NewName : string; aStream : TStream);
- {Add an item to the archive directly from a TStream descendant}
- Confirm : Boolean;
- Item : TAbArchiveItem;
- PT : TAbProcessType;
- Item := CreateItem(NewName);
- CheckValid;
- PT := ptAdd;
- if FItemList.IsActiveDupe(NewName) then begin
- if ((soFreshen in StoreOptions) or (soReplace in StoreOptions)) then begin
- Item.Free;
- Item := FItemList[FItemList.Find(NewName)];
- PT := ptReplace;
- end else begin
- DoProcessItemFailure(Item, ptAdd, ecAbbrevia, AbDuplicateName);
- Item.Free;
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- DoConfirmProcessItem(Item, PT, Confirm);
- if not Confirm then
- Exit;
- FInStream := aStream;
- Item.Action := aaStreamAdd;
- if (PT = ptAdd) then
- FItemList.Add(Item);
- FIsDirty := True;
- Save;
- FInStream := nil;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchive.CheckValid;
- if Status = asInvalid then
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchive.ClearTags;
- {Clear all tags from the archive}
- i : Integer;
- if Count > 0 then
- for i := 0 to pred(Count) do
- TAbArchiveItem(FItemList[i]).Tagged := False;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbArchive.ConfirmPath(Item : TAbArchiveItem; const NewName : string;
- out UseName : string) : Boolean;
- Path : string;
- if Item.IsDirectory and not (ExtractOptions >= [eoRestorePath, eoCreateDirs]) then begin
- Result := False;
- Exit;
- end;
- if (NewName = '') then begin
- UseName := Item.FileName;
- AbUnfixName(UseName);
- if Item.IsDirectory then
- UseName := ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter(UseName);
- if (not (eoRestorePath in ExtractOptions)) then
- UseName := ExtractFileName(UseName);
- end
- else
- UseName := NewName;
- if (AbGetPathType(UseName) <> ptAbsolute) then
- UseName := AbAddBackSlash(BaseDirectory) + UseName;
- Path := ExtractFileDir(UseName);
- if (Path <> '') and not DirectoryExists(Path) then
- if (eoCreateDirs in ExtractOptions) then
- AbCreateDirectory(Path)
- else
- raise EAbNoSuchDirectory.Create;
- Result := True;
- if not Item.IsDirectory and FileExists(UseName) then
- DoConfirmOverwrite(UseName, Result);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchive.Delete(aItem : TAbArchiveItem);
- {delete an item from the archive}
- Index : Integer;
- CheckValid;
- Index := FindItem(aItem);
- if Index <> -1 then
- DeleteAt(Index);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchive.DeleteAt(Index : Integer);
- {delete the item at the index from the archive}
- Confirm : Boolean;
- CheckValid;
- SaveIfNeeded(FItemList[Index]);
- DoConfirmProcessItem(FItemList[Index], ptDelete, Confirm);
- if not Confirm then
- Exit;
- TAbArchiveItem(FItemList[Index]).Action := aaDelete;
- FIsDirty := True;
- if AutoSave then
- Save;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchive.DeleteFiles(const FileMask : string);
- {delete all files from the archive that match the file mask}
- DeleteFilesEx(FileMask, '');
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchive.DeleteFilesEx(const FileMask, ExclusionMask : string);
- {Delete files matching Filemask except those matching ExclusionMask}
- i : Integer;
- CheckValid;
- if Count > 0 then begin
- for i := pred(Count) downto 0 do begin
- with TAbArchiveItem(FItemList[i]) do
- if MatchesStoredNameEx(FileMask) then
- if not MatchesStoredNameEx(ExclusionMask) then
- DeleteAt(i);
- end;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchive.DeleteTaggedItems;
- {delete all tagged items from the archive}
- i : Integer;
- CheckValid;
- if Count > 0 then begin
- for i := pred(Count) downto 0 do begin
- with TAbArchiveItem(FItemList[i]) do
- if Tagged then
- DeleteAt(i);
- end;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchive.DoProcessItemFailure(Item : TAbArchiveItem;
- ProcessType : TAbProcessType; ErrorClass : TAbErrorClass;
- ErrorCode : Integer);
- if Assigned(FOnProcessItemFailure) then
- FOnProcessItemFailure(Self, Item, ProcessType, ErrorClass, ErrorCode);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchive.DoArchiveSaveProgress(Progress : Byte; var Abort : Boolean);
- Abort := False;
- if Assigned(FOnArchiveSaveProgress) then
- FOnArchiveSaveProgress(Self, Progress, Abort);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchive.DoArchiveProgress(Progress : Byte; var Abort : Boolean);
- Abort := False;
- if Assigned(FOnArchiveProgress) then
- FOnArchiveProgress(Self, Progress, Abort);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchive.DoArchiveItemProgress(Item : TAbArchiveItem;
- Progress : Byte; var Abort : Boolean);
- Abort := False;
- if Assigned(FOnArchiveItemProgress) then
- FOnArchiveItemProgress(Self, Item, Progress, Abort);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchive.DoConfirmOverwrite(var FileName : string; var Confirm : Boolean);
- Confirm := True;
- if Assigned(FOnConfirmOverwrite) then
- FOnConfirmOverwrite(FileName, Confirm);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchive.DoConfirmProcessItem(Item : TAbArchiveItem;
- const ProcessType : TAbProcessType; var Confirm : Boolean);
- ProcessTypeToLogType : array[TAbProcessType] of TAbLogType =
- (ltAdd, ltDelete, ltExtract, ltFreshen, ltMove, ltReplace, ltFoundUnhandled);
- Confirm := True;
- if Assigned(FOnConfirmProcessItem) then
- FOnConfirmProcessItem(Self, Item, ProcessType, Confirm);
- if (Confirm and FLogging) then
- MakeLogEntry(Item.Filename, ProcessTypeToLogType[ProcessType]);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchive.DoConfirmSave(var Confirm : Boolean);
- Confirm := True;
- if Assigned(FOnConfirmSave) then
- FOnConfirmSave(Self, Confirm);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchive.DoDeflateProgress(aPercentDone: integer);
- Abort : Boolean;
- DoProgress(aPercentDone, Abort);
- if Abort then
- raise EAbAbortProgress.Create(AbUserAbortS);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchive.DoInflateProgress(aPercentDone: integer);
- Abort : Boolean;
- DoProgress(aPercentDone, Abort);
- if Abort then
- raise EAbAbortProgress.Create(AbUserAbortS);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchive.DoLoad;
- if Assigned(FOnLoad) then
- FOnLoad(Self);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchive.DoProgress(Progress : Byte; var Abort : Boolean);
- Abort := False;
- DoArchiveItemProgress(FCurrentItem, Progress, Abort);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchive.DoSave;
- if Assigned(FOnSave) then
- FOnSave(Self);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchive.Extract(aItem : TAbArchiveItem; const NewName : string);
- {extract an item from the archive}
- Index : Integer;
- CheckValid;
- Index := FindItem(aItem);
- if Index <> -1 then
- ExtractAt(Index, NewName);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchive.ExtractAt(Index : Integer; const NewName : string);
- {extract an item from the archive at Index}
- Confirm : Boolean;
- ErrorClass : TAbErrorClass;
- ErrorCode : Integer;
- UseName : string;
- CheckValid;
- SaveIfNeeded(FItemList[Index]);
- DoConfirmProcessItem(FItemList[Index], ptExtract, Confirm);
- if not Confirm then
- Exit;
- if not ConfirmPath(FItemList[Index], NewName, UseName) then
- Exit;
- try
- FCurrentItem := FItemList[Index];
- ExtractItemAt(Index, UseName);
- except
- on E : Exception do begin
- AbConvertException(E, ErrorClass, ErrorCode);
- DoProcessItemFailure(FItemList[Index], ptExtract, ErrorClass, ErrorCode);
- end;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchive.ExtractToStream(const aFileName : string;
- aStream : TStream);
- {extract an item from the archive at Index directly to a stream}
- Confirm : Boolean;
- ErrorClass : TAbErrorClass;
- ErrorCode : Integer;
- Index : Integer;
- CheckValid;
- Index := FindFile(aFileName);
- if (Index = -1) then
- Exit;
- SaveIfNeeded(FItemList[Index]);
- DoConfirmProcessItem(FItemList[Index], ptExtract, Confirm);
- if not Confirm then
- Exit;
- FCurrentItem := FItemList[Index];
- try
- ExtractItemToStreamAt(Index, aStream);
- except
- on E : Exception do begin
- AbConvertException(E, ErrorClass, ErrorCode);
- DoProcessItemFailure(FItemList[Index], ptExtract, ErrorClass, ErrorCode);
- end;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchive.ExtractFiles(const FileMask : string);
- {extract all files from the archive that match the mask}
- ExtractFilesEx(FileMask, '');
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchive.ExtractFilesEx(const FileMask, ExclusionMask : string);
- {Extract files matching Filemask except those matching ExclusionMask}
- i : Integer;
- Abort : Boolean;
- CheckValid;
- if Count > 0 then begin
- for i := 0 to pred(Count) do begin
- with TAbArchiveItem(FItemList[i]) do
- if MatchesStoredNameEx(FileMask) and
- not MatchesStoredNameEx(ExclusionMask) and
- ((eoCreateDirs in ExtractOptions) or not IsDirectory) then
- ExtractAt(i, '');
- DoArchiveProgress(AbPercentage(succ(i), Count), Abort);
- if Abort then
- raise EAbUserAbort.Create;
- end;
- DoArchiveProgress(100, Abort);
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchive.ExtractTaggedItems;
- {extract all tagged items from the archive}
- i : Integer;
- Abort : Boolean;
- CheckValid;
- if Count > 0 then begin
- for i := 0 to pred(Count) do begin
- with TAbArchiveItem(FItemList[i]) do
- if Tagged then
- ExtractAt(i, '');
- DoArchiveProgress(AbPercentage(succ(i), Count), Abort);
- if Abort then
- raise EAbUserAbort.Create;
- end;
- DoArchiveProgress(100, Abort);
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchive.TestTaggedItems;
- {test all tagged items in the archive}
- i : Integer;
- Abort : Boolean;
- CheckValid;
- if Count > 0 then begin
- for i := 0 to pred(Count) do begin
- with TAbArchiveItem(FItemList[i]) do
- if Tagged then begin
- FCurrentItem := FItemList[i];
- TestItemAt(i);
- end;
- DoArchiveProgress(AbPercentage(succ(i), Count), Abort);
- if Abort then
- raise EAbUserAbort.Create;
- end;
- DoArchiveProgress(100, Abort);
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbArchive.FindFile(const aFileName : string): Integer;
- {find the index of the specified file}
- Result := FItemList.Find(aFileName);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbArchive.FindItem(aItem : TAbArchiveItem): Integer;
- {find the index of the specified item}
- Result := FItemList.Find(aItem.FileName);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbArchive.FixName(const Value : string) : string;
- lValue: string;
- lValue := Value;
- if DOSMode then begin
- {Add the base directory to the filename before converting }
- {the file spec to the short filespec format. }
- if BaseDirectory <> '' then begin
- {Does the filename contain a drive or a leading backslash? }
- if not ((Pos(':', lValue) = 2) or (Pos(AbPathDelim, lValue) = 1)) then
- {If not, add the BaseDirectory to the filename.}
- lValue := AbAddBackSlash(BaseDirectory) + lValue;
- end;
- lValue := AbGetShortFileSpec(lValue);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {strip drive stuff}
- if soStripDrive in StoreOptions then
- AbStripDrive(lValue);
- {check for a leading backslash}
- if lValue[1] = AbPathDelim then
- System.Delete(lValue, 1, 1);
- if soStripPath in StoreOptions then begin
- lValue := ExtractFileName(lValue);
- end;
- if soRemoveDots in StoreOptions then
- AbStripDots(lValue);
- Result := lValue;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchive.Freshen(aItem : TAbArchiveItem);
- {freshen the item}
- Index : Integer;
- CheckValid;
- Index := FindItem(aItem);
- if Index <> -1 then begin
- {point existing item at the new file}
- if AbGetPathType(aItem.DiskFileName) = ptAbsolute then
- FItemList[Index].DiskFileName := aItem.DiskFileName;
- FreshenAt(Index);
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchive.FreshenAt(Index : Integer);
- {freshen item at index}
- Confirm : Boolean;
- FR : Boolean;
- ErrorClass : TAbErrorClass;
- ErrorCode : Integer;
- CheckValid;
- SaveIfNeeded(FItemList[Index]);
- GetFreshenTarget(FItemList[Index]);
- FR := False;
- try
- FR := FreshenRequired(FItemList[Index]);
- except
- on E : Exception do begin
- AbConvertException(E, ErrorClass, ErrorCode);
- DoProcessItemFailure(FItemList[Index], ptFreshen, ErrorClass, ErrorCode);
- end;
- end;
- if not FR then
- Exit;
- DoConfirmProcessItem(FItemList[Index], ptFreshen, Confirm);
- if not Confirm then
- Exit;
- TAbArchiveItem(FItemList[Index]).Action := aaFreshen;
- FIsDirty := True;
- if AutoSave then
- Save;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchive.FreshenFiles(const FileMask : string);
- {freshen all items that match the file mask}
- FreshenFilesEx(FileMask, '');
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchive.FreshenFilesEx(const FileMask, ExclusionMask : string);
- {freshen all items that match the file mask}
- i : Integer;
- CheckValid;
- if Count > 0 then begin
- for i := pred(Count) downto 0 do begin
- with TAbArchiveItem(FItemList[i]) do
- if MatchesStoredNameEx(FileMask) then
- if not MatchesStoredNameEx(ExclusionMask) then
- FreshenAt(i);
- end;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbArchive.FreshenRequired(Item : TAbArchiveItem) : Boolean;
- FS : TFileStream;
- DateTime : LongInt;
- FileTime : Word;
- FileDate : Word;
- Matched : Boolean;
- SaveDir : string;
- GetDir(0, SaveDir);
- if BaseDirectory <> '' then
- ChDir(BaseDirectory);
- try
- FS := TFileStream.Create(Item.DiskFileName,
- fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);
- try
- DateTime := FileGetDate(FS.Handle);
- FileTime := LongRec(DateTime).Lo;
- FileDate := LongRec(DateTime).Hi;
- Matched := (Item.LastModFileDate = FileDate) and
- (Item.LastModFileTime = FileTime) and
- (Item.UncompressedSize = FS.Size);
- Result := not Matched;
- finally
- FS.Free;
- end;
- finally
- if BaseDirectory <> '' then
- ChDir(SaveDir);
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchive.FreshenTaggedItems;
- {freshen all tagged items}
- i : Integer;
- CheckValid;
- if Count > 0 then begin
- for i := pred(Count) downto 0 do begin
- with TAbArchiveItem(FItemList[i]) do
- if Tagged then
- FreshenAt(i);
- end;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchive.GetFreshenTarget(Item : TAbArchiveItem);
- PathType : TAbPathType;
- Files : TStrings;
- SaveDir : string;
- DName : string;
- PathType := AbGetPathType(Item.DiskFileName);
- if (soRecurse in StoreOptions) and (PathType = ptNone) then begin
- GetDir(0, SaveDir);
- if BaseDirectory <> '' then
- ChDir(BaseDirectory);
- try
- Files := TStringList.Create;
- try
- // even if archive supports empty folder we don't have to
- // freshen it because there is no data, although, the timestamp
- // can be update since the folder was added
- AbFindFiles(Item.FileName, faAnyFile and not faDirectory, Files,
- True);
- if Files.Count > 0 then begin
- DName := AbAddBackSlash(BaseDirectory) + Files[0];
- AbUnfixName(DName);
- Item.DiskFileName := DName;
- end
- else
- Item.DiskFileName := '';
- finally
- Files.Free;
- end;
- finally
- if BaseDirectory <> '' then
- ChDir(SaveDir);
- end;
- end
- else begin
- if (BaseDirectory <> '') then
- DName := AbAddBackSlash(BaseDirectory) + Item.FileName
- else
- if AbGetPathType(Item.DiskFileName) = ptAbsolute then
- DName := Item.DiskFileName
- else
- DName := Item.FileName;
- AbUnfixName(DName);
- Item.DiskFileName := DName;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbArchive.GetSpanningThreshold : Int64;
- Result := FSpanningThreshold;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbArchive.GetSupportsEmptyFolders : Boolean;
- Result := False;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbArchive.GetItemCount : Integer;
- if Assigned(FItemList) then
- Result := FItemList.Count
- else
- Result := 0;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchive.Load;
- {load the archive}
- try
- LoadArchive;
- FStatus := asIdle;
- finally
- DoLoad;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchive.MakeLogEntry(const FN: string; LT : TAbLogType);
- LogTypeRes : array[TAbLogType] of string =
- (AbLtAddS, AbLtDeleteS, AbLtExtractS, AbLtFreshenS, AbLtMoveS, AbLtReplaceS,
- AbLtStartS, AbUnhandledEntityS);
- Buf : string;
- if Assigned(FLogStream) then begin
- Buf := FN + LogTypeRes[LT] + DateTimeToStr(Now) + sLineBreak;
- FLogStream.Write(Buf[1], Length(Buf) * SizeOf(Char));
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchive.Move(aItem : TAbArchiveItem; const NewStoredPath : string);
- Confirm : Boolean;
- Found : Boolean;
- i : Integer;
- FixedPath: string;
- CheckValid;
- FixedPath := FixName(NewStoredPath);
- Found := False;
- if Count > 0 then
- for i := 0 to pred(Count) do
- if (ItemList[i] <> aItem) and SameText(FixedPath, ItemList[i].FileName) and
- (ItemList[i].Action <> aaDelete) then begin
- Found := True;
- Break;
- end;
- if Found then begin
- DoProcessItemFailure(aItem, ptMove, ecAbbrevia, AbDuplicateName);
- {even if something gets done in the AddItemFailure, we don't
- want to continue...}
- Exit;
- end;
- SaveIfNeeded(aItem);
- DoConfirmProcessItem(aItem, ptMove, Confirm);
- if not Confirm then
- Exit;
- with aItem do begin
- FileName := FixedPath;
- Action := aaMove;
- end;
- FIsDirty := True;
- if AutoSave then
- Save;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchive.Replace(aItem : TAbArchiveItem);
- {replace the item}
- Index : Integer;
- CheckValid;
- Index := FindItem(aItem);
- if Index <> -1 then begin
- {point existing item at the new file}
- if AbGetPathType(aItem.DiskFileName) = ptAbsolute then
- FItemList[Index].DiskFileName := aItem.DiskFileName;
- ReplaceAt(Index);
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchive.ReplaceAt(Index : Integer);
- {replace item at Index}
- Confirm : Boolean;
- CheckValid;
- SaveIfNeeded(FItemList[Index]);
- GetFreshenTarget(FItemList[Index]);
- DoConfirmProcessItem(FItemList[Index], ptReplace, Confirm);
- if not Confirm then
- Exit;
- TAbArchiveItem(FItemList[Index]).Action := aaReplace;
- FIsDirty := True;
- if AutoSave then
- Save;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchive.Save;
- {save the archive}
- Confirm : Boolean;
- if Status = asInvalid then
- Exit;
- if (not FIsDirty) and (Count > 0) then
- Exit;
- DoConfirmSave(Confirm);
- if not Confirm then
- Exit;
- SaveArchive;
- FIsDirty := False;
- DoSave;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchive.SaveIfNeeded(aItem : TAbArchiveItem);
- if (aItem.Action <> aaNone) then
- Save;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchive.SetBaseDirectory(Value : string);
- if (Value <> '') then
- if Value[Length(Value)] = AbPathDelim then
- if (Length(Value) > 1) and (Value[Length(Value) - 1] <> ':') then
- System.Delete(Value, Length(Value), 1);
- if (Length(Value) = 0) or DirectoryExists(Value) then
- FBaseDirectory := Value
- else
- raise EAbNoSuchDirectory.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchive.SetSpanningThreshold( Value : Int64 );
- FSpanningThreshold := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchive.SetLogFile(const Value : string);
- FLogFile := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchive.SetLogging(Value : Boolean);
- FLogging := Value;
- if Assigned(FLogStream) then begin
- FLogStream.Free;
- FLogStream := nil;
- end;
- if FLogging and (FLogFile <> '') then begin
- try
- FLogStream := TFileStream.Create(FLogFile, fmCreate or fmOpenWrite);
- MakeLogEntry(FArchiveName, ltStart);
- except
- raise EAbException.Create(AbLogCreateErrorS);
- end;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchive.TagItems(const FileMask : string);
- {tag all items that match the mask}
- i : Integer;
- if Count > 0 then
- for i := 0 to pred(Count) do
- with TAbArchiveItem(FItemList[i]) do begin
- if MatchesStoredNameEx(FileMask) then
- Tagged := True;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchive.UnTagItems(const FileMask : string);
- {clear tags for all items that match the mask}
- i : Integer;
- if Count > 0 then
- for i := 0 to pred(Count) do
- with TAbArchiveItem(FItemList[i]) do begin
- if MatchesStoredNameEx(FileMask) then
- Tagged := False;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbArchive.DoSpanningMediaRequest(Sender: TObject;
- ImageNumber: Integer; var ImageName: string; var Abort: Boolean);
- raise EAbSpanningNotSupported.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-{ TAbExtraField implementation ============================================= }
-procedure TAbExtraField.Assign(aSource : TAbExtraField);
- SetBuffer(aSource.Buffer);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbExtraField.Changed;
- // No-op
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbExtraField.Clear;
- FBuffer := nil;
- Changed;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbExtraField.CloneFrom(aSource : TAbExtraField; aID : Word);
- Data : Pointer;
- DataSize : Word;
- if aSource.Get(aID, Data, DataSize) then
- Put(aID, Data, DataSize)
- else Delete(aID);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbExtraField.Delete(aID : Word);
- SubField : PAbExtraSubField;
- if FindField(aID, SubField) then begin
- DeleteField(SubField);
- Changed;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbExtraField.DeleteField(aSubField : PAbExtraSubField);
- Len, Offset : Integer;
- Len := SizeOf(TAbExtraSubField) + aSubField.Len;
- Offset := PtrInt(aSubField) - PtrInt(Pointer(FBuffer));
- if Offset + Len < Length(FBuffer) then
- Move(FBuffer[Offset + Len], aSubField^, Length(FBuffer) - Offset - Len);
- SetLength(FBuffer, Length(FBuffer) - Len);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbExtraField.FindField(aID : Word;
- out aSubField : PAbExtraSubField) : Boolean;
- Result := False;
- aSubField := nil;
- while FindNext(aSubField) do
- if aSubField.ID = aID then begin
- Result := True;
- Break;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbExtraField.FindNext(var aCurField : PAbExtraSubField) : Boolean;
- BytesLeft : Integer;
- if aCurField = nil then begin
- aCurField := PAbExtraSubField(FBuffer);
- BytesLeft := Length(FBuffer);
- end
- else begin
- BytesLeft := Length(FBuffer) -
- Integer(PtrInt(aCurField) - PtrInt(Pointer(FBuffer))) -
- SizeOf(TAbExtraSubField) - aCurField.Len;
- aCurField := Pointer(PtrInt(aCurField) + aCurField.Len + SizeOf(TAbExtraSubField));
- end;
- Result := (BytesLeft >= SizeOf(TAbExtraSubField));
- if Result and (BytesLeft < SizeOf(TAbExtraSubField) + aCurField.Len) then
- aCurField.Len := BytesLeft - SizeOf(TAbExtraSubField);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbExtraField.Get(aID : Word; out aData : Pointer;
- out aDataSize : Word) : Boolean;
- SubField : PAbExtraSubField;
- Result := FindField(aID, SubField);
- if Result then begin
- aData := @SubField.Data;
- aDataSize := SubField.Len;
- end
- else begin
- aData := nil;
- aDataSize := 0;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbExtraField.GetCount : Integer;
- SubField : PAbExtraSubField;
- Result := 0;
- SubField := nil;
- while FindNext(SubField) do
- Inc(Result);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbExtraField.GetID(aIndex : Integer): Word;
- i: Integer;
- SubField : PAbExtraSubField;
- i := 0;
- SubField := nil;
- while FindNext(SubField) do
- if i = aIndex then begin
- Result := SubField.ID;
- Exit;
- end
- else
- Inc(i);
- raise EListError.CreateFmt(SListIndexError, [aIndex]);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbExtraField.GetStream(aID : Word; out aStream : TStream): Boolean;
- Data: Pointer;
- DataSize: Word;
- Result := Get(aID, Data, DataSize);
- if Result then begin
- aStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- aStream.WriteBuffer(Data^, DataSize);
- aStream.Position := 0;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbExtraField.Has(aID : Word): Boolean;
- SubField : PAbExtraSubField;
- Result := FindField(aID, SubField);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbExtraField.LoadFromStream(aStream : TStream; aSize : Word);
- SetLength(FBuffer, aSize);
- if aSize > 0 then
- aStream.ReadBuffer( FBuffer[0], aSize);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbExtraField.Put(aID : Word; const aData; aDataSize : Word);
- Offset : Cardinal;
- SubField : PAbExtraSubField;
- if FindField(aID, SubField) then begin
- if SubField.Len = aDataSize then begin
- Move(aData, SubField.Data, aDataSize);
- Changed;
- Exit;
- end
- else DeleteField(SubField);
- end;
- Offset := Length(FBuffer);
- SetLength(FBuffer, Length(FBuffer) + SizeOf(TAbExtraSubField) + aDataSize);
- SubField := PAbExtraSubField(@FBuffer[Offset]);
- SubField.ID := aID;
- SubField.Len := aDataSize;
- Move(aData, SubField.Data, aDataSize);
- Changed;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbExtraField.SetBuffer(const aValue : TByteDynArray);
- SetLength(FBuffer, Length(aValue));
- if Length(FBuffer) > 0 then
- Move(aValue[0], FBuffer[0], Length(FBuffer));
- Changed;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-{ ========================================================================== }
-{ TAbArchiveStreamHelper }
-constructor TAbArchiveStreamHelper.Create(AStream: TStream);
- if Assigned(AStream) then
- FStream := AStream
- else
- raise Exception.Create('nil stream');
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbBase.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbBase.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 2805fa4..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbBase.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbBase.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Base component class *}
-unit AbBase;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- Classes;
- TAbBaseComponent = class(TComponent)
- protected {methods}
- function GetVersion : string;
- procedure SetVersion(const Value : string);
- protected {properties}
- property Version : string
- read GetVersion
- write SetVersion
- stored False;
- end;
- AbConst;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbBaseComponent.GetVersion : string;
- Result := AbVersionS;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseComponent.SetVersion(const Value : string);
- {NOP}
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbBitBkt.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbBitBkt.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 73917fd..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbBitBkt.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbBitBkt.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Bit bucket memory stream class *}
-unit AbBitBkt;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- Classes,
- AbUtils;
- TAbBitBucketStream = class(TStream)
- private
- FBuffer : {$IFDEF UNICODE}PByte{$ELSE}PAnsiChar{$ENDIF};
- FBufSize : longint;
- FBufPosn : longint;
- FPosn : Int64;
- FSize : Int64;
- FTail : longint;
- protected
- public
- constructor Create(aBufSize : cardinal);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function Read(var Buffer; Count : Longint) : Longint; override;
- function Write(const Buffer; Count : Longint) : Longint; override;
- function Seek(const Offset : Int64; Origin : TSeekOrigin) : Int64; override;
- procedure ForceSize(aSize : Int64);
- end;
- Math, SysUtils, AbExcept;
-{Notes: The buffer is a circular queue without a head pointer; FTail
- is where data is next going to be written and it wraps
- indescriminately. The buffer can never be empty--it is always
- full (initially it is full of binary zeros.
- The class is designed to act as a bit bucket for the test
- feature of Abbrevia's zip code; it is not intended as a
- complete class with many possible applications. It is designed
- to be written to in a steady progression with some reading
- back in the recently written stream (the buffer size details
- how far back the Seek method will work). Seeking outside this
- buffer will result in exceptions being generated.
- For testing deflated files, the buffer size should be 32KB,
- for imploded files, either 8KB or 4KB. The Create constructor
- limits the buffer size to these values.}
-constructor TAbBitBucketStream.Create(aBufSize : cardinal);
- inherited Create;
- if (aBufSize <> 4096) and
- (aBufSize <> 8192) and
- (aBufSize <> 32768) then
- FBufSize := 32768
- else
- FBufSize := aBufSize;
- {add a 1KB leeway}
- inc(FBufSize, 1024);
- GetMem(FBuffer, FBufSize);
-destructor TAbBitBucketStream.Destroy;
- if (FBuffer <> nil) then
- FreeMem(FBuffer, FBufSize);
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TAbBitBucketStream.ForceSize(aSize : Int64);
- FSize := aSize;
-function TAbBitBucketStream.Read(var Buffer; Count : Longint) : Longint;
- Chunk2Size : longint;
- Chunk1Size : longint;
- OutBuffer : PByte;
- OutBuffer := @Buffer;
- {we cannot read more bytes than there is buffer}
- if (Count > FBufSize) then
- raise EAbBBSReadTooManyBytes.Create(Count);
- {calculate the size of the chunks}
- if (FBufPosn <= FTail) then begin
- Chunk1Size := FTail - FBufPosn;
- if (Chunk1Size > Count) then
- Chunk1Size := Count;
- Chunk2Size := 0;
- end
- else begin
- Chunk1Size := FBufSize - FBufPosn;
- if (Chunk1Size > Count) then begin
- Chunk1Size := Count;
- Chunk2Size := 0;
- end
- else begin
- Chunk2Size := FTail;
- if (Chunk2Size > (Count - Chunk1Size)) then
- Chunk2Size := Count - Chunk1Size;
- end
- end;
- {we cannot read more bytes than there are available}
- if (Count > (Chunk1Size + Chunk2Size)) then
- raise EAbBBSReadTooManyBytes.Create(Count);
- {perform the read}
- if (Chunk1Size > 0) then begin
- Move(FBuffer[FBufPosn], OutBuffer^, Chunk1Size);
- inc(FBufPosn, Chunk1Size);
- inc(FPosn, Chunk1Size);
- end;
- if (Chunk2Size > 0) then begin
- {we've wrapped}
- Move(FBuffer[0], PByte(PtrInt(OutBuffer) + PtrInt(Chunk1Size))^, Chunk2Size);
- FBufPosn := Chunk2Size;
- inc(FPosn, Chunk2Size);
- end;
- Result := Count;
-function TAbBitBucketStream.Write(const Buffer; Count : Longint) : Longint;
- Chunk2Size : longint;
- Chunk1Size : longint;
- InBuffer : PByte;
- Overage : longint;
- Result := Count;
- InBuffer := @Buffer;
- {we cannot write more bytes than there is buffer}
- while Count > FBufSize do begin
- Overage := Min(FBufSize, Count - FBufSize);
- Write(InBuffer^, Overage);
- Inc(PtrInt(InBuffer), Overage);
- Dec(Count, Overage);
- end;
- {calculate the size of the chunks}
- Chunk1Size := FBufSize - FTail;
- if (Chunk1Size > Count) then begin
- Chunk1Size := Count;
- Chunk2Size := 0;
- end
- else begin
- Chunk2Size := Count - Chunk1Size;
- end;
- {write the first chunk}
- if (Chunk1Size > 0) then begin
- Move(InBuffer^, FBuffer[FTail], Chunk1Size);
- inc(FTail, Chunk1Size);
- end;
- {if the second chunk size is not zero, write the second chunk; note
- that we have wrapped}
- if (Chunk2Size > 0) then begin
- Move(PByte(PtrInt(InBuffer) + PtrInt(Chunk1Size))^, FBuffer[0], Chunk2Size);
- FTail := Chunk2Size;
- end;
- {the stream size and position have changed}
- inc(FSize, Count);
- FPosn := FSize;
- FBufPosn := FTail;
-function TAbBitBucketStream.Seek(const Offset : Int64; Origin : TSeekOrigin): Int64;
- Posn : Int64;
- BytesBack : longint;
- {calculate the new position}
- case Origin of
- soBeginning :
- Posn := Offset;
- soCurrent :
- Posn := FPosn + Offset;
- soEnd :
- if (Offset = 0) then begin
- {special case: position at end of stream}
- FBufPosn := FTail;
- FPosn := FSize;
- Result := FSize;
- Exit;
- end
- else begin
- Posn := FSize + Offset;
- end;
- else
- raise EAbBBSInvalidOrigin.Create;
- end;
- {calculate whether the new position is within the buffer; if not,
- raise exception}
- if (Posn > FSize) or
- (Posn <= (FSize - FBufSize)) then
- raise EAbBBSSeekOutsideBuffer.Create;
- {set the internal fields for the new position}
- FPosn := Posn;
- BytesBack := FSize - Posn;
- if (BytesBack <= FTail) then
- FBufPosn := FTail - BytesBack
- else
- FBufPosn := longint(FTail) + FBufSize - BytesBack;
- {return the new position}
- Result := Posn;
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbBrowse.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbBrowse.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 21e2347..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbBrowse.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,602 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbBrowse.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Base Browser Component *}
-unit AbBrowse;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- Classes,
- AbBase,
- AbUtils,
- AbArcTyp;
- IAbProgressMeter = interface
- ['{4B766704-FD20-40BF-BA40-2EC2DD77B178}']
- procedure DoProgress(Progress : Byte);
- procedure Reset;
- end;
- TAbBaseBrowser = class(TAbBaseComponent)
- public
- FArchive : TAbArchive;
- protected {private}
- FSpanningThreshold : Longint;
- FItemProgressMeter : IAbProgressMeter;
- FArchiveProgressMeter : IAbProgressMeter;
- FBaseDirectory : string;
- FFileName : string;
- FLogFile : string;
- FLogging : Boolean;
- FOnArchiveProgress : TAbArchiveProgressEvent;
- FOnArchiveItemProgress : TAbArchiveItemProgressEvent;
- FOnChange : TNotifyEvent;
- FOnConfirmProcessItem : TAbArchiveItemConfirmEvent;
- FOnLoad : TAbArchiveEvent;
- FOnProcessItemFailure : TAbArchiveItemFailureEvent;
- FOnRequestImage : TAbRequestImageEvent;
- FTempDirectory : string;
- { detected compression type }
- FArchiveType : TAbArchiveType;
- FForceType : Boolean;
- protected {private methods}
- function GetCount : Integer;
- function GetItem(Value : Longint) : TAbArchiveItem;
- function GetSpanned : Boolean;
- function GetStatus : TAbArchiveStatus;
- procedure ResetMeters; virtual;
- procedure SetArchiveProgressMeter(const Value: IAbProgressMeter);
- procedure SetCompressionType(const Value: TAbArchiveType);
- procedure SetBaseDirectory(const Value : string);
- procedure SetItemProgressMeter(const Value: IAbProgressMeter);
- procedure SetSpanningThreshold(Value : Longint);
- procedure SetLogFile(const Value : string);
- procedure SetLogging(Value : Boolean);
- procedure SetTempDirectory(const Value : string);
- procedure Loaded; override;
- procedure Notification(Component: TComponent;
- Operation: TOperation); override;
- protected {virtual methods}
- procedure DoArchiveItemProgress(Sender : TObject;
- Item : TAbArchiveItem;
- Progress : Byte;
- var Abort : Boolean); virtual;
- procedure DoArchiveProgress(Sender : TObject;
- Progress : Byte;
- var Abort : Boolean); virtual;
- procedure DoChange; virtual;
- procedure DoConfirmProcessItem(Sender : TObject;
- Item : TAbArchiveItem;
- ProcessType : TAbProcessType;
- var Confirm : Boolean); virtual;
- procedure DoLoad(Sender : TObject); virtual;
- procedure DoProcessItemFailure(Sender : TObject;
- Item : TAbArchiveItem;
- ProcessType : TAbProcessType;
- ErrorClass : TAbErrorClass;
- ErrorCode : Integer); virtual;
- procedure SetOnRequestImage(Value : TAbRequestImageEvent); virtual;
- procedure InitArchive; virtual;
- {This method must be defined in descendent classes}
- procedure SetFileName(const aFileName : string); virtual; abstract;
- protected {properties}
- property Archive : TAbArchive
- read FArchive;
- property ArchiveProgressMeter : IAbProgressMeter
- read FArchiveProgressMeter
- write SetArchiveProgressMeter;
- property BaseDirectory : string
- read FBaseDirectory
- write SetBaseDirectory;
- property FileName : string
- read FFileName
- write SetFileName;
- property SpanningThreshold : Longint
- read FSpanningThreshold
- write SetSpanningThreshold
- default 0;
- property ItemProgressMeter : IAbProgressMeter
- read FItemProgressMeter
- write SetItemProgressMeter;
- property LogFile : string
- read FLogFile
- write SetLogFile;
- property Logging : Boolean
- read FLogging
- write SetLogging
- default False;
- property Spanned : Boolean
- read GetSpanned;
- property TempDirectory : string
- read FTempDirectory
- write SetTempDirectory;
- protected {events}
- property OnArchiveProgress : TAbArchiveProgressEvent
- read FOnArchiveProgress
- write FOnArchiveProgress;
- property OnArchiveItemProgress : TAbArchiveItemProgressEvent
- read FOnArchiveItemProgress
- write FOnArchiveItemProgress;
- property OnConfirmProcessItem : TAbArchiveItemConfirmEvent
- read FOnConfirmProcessItem
- write FOnConfirmProcessItem;
- property OnProcessItemFailure : TAbArchiveItemFailureEvent
- read FOnProcessItemFailure
- write FOnProcessItemFailure;
- property OnRequestImage : TAbRequestImageEvent
- read FOnRequestImage
- write SetOnRequestImage;
- public {methods}
- constructor Create(AOwner : TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure ClearTags;
- {Clear all tags from the archive}
- function FindItem(aItem : TAbArchiveItem) : Integer;
- function FindFile(const aFileName : string) : Integer;
- procedure TagItems(const FileMask : string);
- {tag all items that match the mask}
- procedure UnTagItems(const FileMask : string);
- {clear tags for all items that match the mask}
- procedure CloseArchive;
- {closes the archive by setting FileName to ''}
- procedure OpenArchive(const aFileName : string);
- {opens the archive}
- public {properties}
- property Count : Integer
- read GetCount;
- property Items[Index : Integer] : TAbArchiveItem
- read GetItem; default;
- property Status : TAbArchiveStatus
- read GetStatus;
- property ArchiveType : TAbArchiveType
- read FArchiveType
- write SetCompressionType
- default atUnknown;
- property ForceType : Boolean
- read FForceType
- write FForceType
- default False;
- public {events}
- property OnChange : TNotifyEvent
- read FOnChange
- write FOnChange;
- property OnLoad : TAbArchiveEvent
- read FOnLoad
- write FOnLoad;
- end;
-function AbDetermineArcType(const FN : string; AssertType : TAbArchiveType) : TAbArchiveType; overload;
-function AbDetermineArcType(aStream: TStream) : TAbArchiveType; overload;
- SysUtils,
- AbExcept,
- AbCabTyp,
- AbZipTyp,
- AbTarTyp,
- AbGzTyp,
- AbBzip2Typ;
-{ TAbBaseBrowser implementation ======================================= }
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-constructor TAbBaseBrowser.Create(AOwner : TComponent);
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- FLogFile := '';
- FLogging := False;
- FSpanningThreshold := 0;
- FArchiveType := atUnknown;
- FForceType := False;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-destructor TAbBaseBrowser.Destroy;
- FArchive.Free;
- FArchive := nil;
- inherited Destroy;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseBrowser.ClearTags;
- {Clear all tags from the archive}
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- FArchive.ClearTags
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseBrowser.CloseArchive;
- {closes the archive by setting FileName to ''}
- if FFileName <> '' then
- FileName := '';
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseBrowser.DoArchiveItemProgress(Sender : TObject;
- Item : TAbArchiveItem;
- Progress : Byte;
- var Abort : Boolean);
- Abort := False;
- if Assigned(FItemProgressMeter) then
- FItemProgressMeter.DoProgress(Progress);
- if Assigned(FOnArchiveItemProgress) then
- FOnArchiveItemProgress(Self, Item, Progress, Abort);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseBrowser.DoArchiveProgress(Sender : TObject;
- Progress : Byte;
- var Abort : Boolean);
- Abort := False;
- if Assigned(FArchiveProgressMeter) then
- FArchiveProgressMeter.DoProgress(Progress);
- if Assigned(FOnArchiveProgress) then
- FOnArchiveProgress(Self, Progress, Abort);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseBrowser.DoChange;
- if Assigned(FOnChange) then begin
- FOnChange(Self);
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseBrowser.DoConfirmProcessItem(Sender : TObject;
- Item : TAbArchiveItem;
- ProcessType : TAbProcessType;
- var Confirm : Boolean);
- Confirm := True;
- if Assigned(FItemProgressMeter) then
- FItemProgressMeter.Reset;
- if Assigned(FOnConfirmProcessItem) then
- FOnConfirmProcessItem(Self, Item, ProcessType, Confirm);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseBrowser.DoLoad(Sender : TObject);
- if Assigned(FOnLoad) then
- FOnLoad(Self);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseBrowser.DoProcessItemFailure(Sender : TObject;
- Item : TAbArchiveItem;
- ProcessType : TAbProcessType;
- ErrorClass : TAbErrorClass;
- ErrorCode : Integer);
- if Assigned(FOnProcessItemFailure) then
- FOnProcessItemFailure(Self, Item, ProcessType, ErrorClass, ErrorCode);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbBaseBrowser.FindItem(aItem : TAbArchiveItem) : Integer;
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- Result := FArchive.FindItem(aItem)
- else
- Result := -1;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbBaseBrowser.FindFile(const aFileName : string) : Integer;
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- Result := FArchive.FindFile(aFileName)
- else
- Result := -1;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbBaseBrowser.GetSpanned : Boolean;
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- Result := FArchive.Spanned
- else
- Result := False;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbBaseBrowser.GetStatus : TAbArchiveStatus;
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- Result := FArchive.Status
- else
- Result := asInvalid;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbBaseBrowser.GetCount : Integer;
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- Result := FArchive.Count
- else
- Result := 0;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbBaseBrowser.GetItem(Value : Longint) : TAbArchiveItem;
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- Result := FArchive.ItemList[Value]
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseBrowser.InitArchive;
- ResetMeters;
- if Assigned(FArchive) then begin
- {properties}
- FArchive.SpanningThreshold := FSpanningThreshold;
- FArchive.LogFile := FLogFile;
- FArchive.Logging := FLogging;
- FArchive.TempDirectory := FTempDirectory;
- SetBaseDirectory(FBaseDirectory);
- {events}
- FArchive.OnArchiveProgress := DoArchiveProgress;
- FArchive.OnArchiveItemProgress := DoArchiveItemProgress;
- FArchive.OnConfirmProcessItem := DoConfirmProcessItem;
- FArchive.OnLoad := DoLoad;
- FArchive.OnProcessItemFailure := DoProcessItemFailure;
- FArchive.OnRequestImage := FOnRequestImage;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseBrowser.Loaded;
- inherited Loaded;
- DoChange;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseBrowser.Notification(Component: TComponent;
- Operation: TOperation);
- inherited Notification(Component, Operation);
- if (Operation = opRemove) then begin
- if Assigned(ItemProgressMeter) and Component.IsImplementorOf(ItemProgressMeter) then
- ItemProgressMeter := nil;
- if Assigned(ArchiveProgressMeter) and Component.IsImplementorOf(ArchiveProgressMeter) then
- ArchiveProgressMeter := nil;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseBrowser.OpenArchive(const aFileName : string);
- {opens the archive}
- FileName := AFileName;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseBrowser.ResetMeters;
- if Assigned(FArchiveProgressMeter) then
- FArchiveProgressMeter.Reset;
- if Assigned(FItemProgressMeter) then
- FItemProgressMeter.Reset;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseBrowser.SetBaseDirectory(const Value : string);
- if Assigned(FArchive) then begin
- FArchive.BaseDirectory := Value;
- FBaseDirectory := FArchive.BaseDirectory;
- end else
- FBaseDirectory := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseBrowser.SetSpanningThreshold(Value : Longint);
- FSpanningThreshold := Value;
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- FArchive.SpanningThreshold := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseBrowser.SetLogFile(const Value : string);
- FLogFile := Value;
- if (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
- Exit;
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- FArchive.LogFile := Value;
- SetLogging(Value <> '');
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseBrowser.SetLogging(Value : Boolean);
- FLogging := Value;
- if (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
- Exit;
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- FArchive.Logging:= Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseBrowser.SetOnRequestImage(Value : TAbRequestImageEvent);
- FOnRequestImage := Value;
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- FArchive.OnRequestImage := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseBrowser.SetTempDirectory(const Value : string);
- FTempDirectory := Value;
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- FArchive.TempDirectory := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseBrowser.TagItems(const FileMask : string);
- {tag all items that match the mask}
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- FArchive.TagItems(FileMask)
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseBrowser.UnTagItems(const FileMask : string);
- {clear tags for all items that match the mask}
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- FArchive.UnTagItems(FileMask)
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseBrowser.SetCompressionType(const Value: TAbArchiveType);
- if not Assigned(FArchive) or (Status <> asInvalid) then
- FArchiveType := Value
- else
- raise EAbArchiveBusy.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseBrowser.SetArchiveProgressMeter(const Value: IAbProgressMeter);
- ReferenceInterface(FArchiveProgressMeter, opRemove);
- FArchiveProgressMeter := Value;
- ReferenceInterface(FArchiveProgressMeter, opInsert);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseBrowser.SetItemProgressMeter(const Value: IAbProgressMeter);
- ReferenceInterface(FItemProgressMeter, opRemove);
- FItemProgressMeter := Value;
- ReferenceInterface(FItemProgressMeter, opInsert);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function AbDetermineArcType(const FN : string; AssertType : TAbArchiveType) : TAbArchiveType;
- Ext : string;
- FS : TFileStream;
- Result := AssertType;
- if Result = atUnknown then begin
- { Guess archive type based on it's extension }
- Ext := UpperCase(ExtractFileExt(FN));
- if (Ext = '.ZIP') or (Ext = '.JAR') then
- Result := atZip;
- if (Ext = '.EXE') then
- Result := atSelfExtZip;
- if (Ext = '.TAR') then
- Result := atTar;
- if (Ext = '.GZ') then
- Result := atGzip;
- if (Ext = '.TGZ') then
- Result := atGzippedTar;
- if (Ext = '.CAB') then
- Result := atCab;
- if (Ext = '.BZ2') then
- Result := atBzip2;
- if (Ext = '.TBZ') then
- Result := atBzippedTar;
- end;
- if Result = atCab then
- Result := atUnknown;
- {$ENDIF}
- if FileExists(FN) and (AbFileGetSize(FN) > 0) then begin
- { If the file doesn't exist (or is empty) presume to make one, otherwise
- guess or verify the contents }
- FS := TFileStream.Create(FN, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone);
- try
- if Result = atUnknown then
- Result := AbDetermineArcType(FS)
- else begin
- case Result of
- atZip : begin
- Result := VerifyZip(FS);
- end;
- atSelfExtZip : begin
- Result := VerifySelfExtracting(FS);
- end;
- atTar : begin
- Result := VerifyTar(FS);
- end;
- atGzip, atGzippedTar: begin
- Result := VerifyGzip(FS);
- end;
- atCab : begin
- Result := VerifyCab(FS);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- atBzip2, atBzippedTar: begin
- Result := VerifyBzip2(FS);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- finally
- FS.Free;
- end;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function AbDetermineArcType(aStream: TStream): TAbArchiveType;
- { VerifyZip returns true for self-extracting zips too, so test those first }
- Result := VerifySelfExtracting(aStream);
- if Result = atUnknown then
- Result := VerifyZip(aStream);
- if Result = atUnknown then
- Result := VerifyTar(aStream);
- if Result = atUnknown then
- Result := VerifyGzip(aStream);
- if Result = atUnknown then
- Result := VerifyBzip2(aStream);
- if Result = atUnknown then
- Result := VerifyCab(aStream);
- {$ENDIF}
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbBseCLX.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbBseCLX.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 29f1696..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbBseCLX.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbBaseCLX.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Base component class (CLX) *}
-unit AbBseCLX;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- Classes,
- {$IFNDEF BuildingStub}
- QControls,
- {$ENDIF BuildingStub}
- AbConst,
- AbBase;
-{$IFNDEF BuildingStub}
- TAbBaseWinControl = class(TWidgetControl);
-{$ENDIF BuildingStub}
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbBseVCL.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbBseVCL.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index b169ac8..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbBseVCL.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbBaseVCL.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Base component class (VCL) *}
-unit AbBseVCL;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- Classes
- {$IFNDEF BuildingStub}
- , Controls
- {$ENDIF BuildingStub}
- ;
-{$IFNDEF BuildingStub}
- TAbBaseWinControl = class(TWinControl);
-{$ENDIF BuildingStub}
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbBzip2.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbBzip2.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 89cf209..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbBzip2.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,778 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * This program, "bzip2", the associated library "libbzip2", and all
- * documentation, are copyright (C) 1996-2007 Julian R Seward. All
- * rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- *
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- *
- * 2. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must
- * not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this
- * software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
- * documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
- *
- * 3. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must
- * not be misrepresented as being the original software.
- *
- * 4. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote
- * products derived from this software without specific prior written
- * permission.
- *
- *
- * Julian Seward, jseward@bzip.org
- * bzip2/libbzip2 version 1.0.5 of 10 December 2007
- *
- * Pascal wrapper created by Edison Mera, version 1.04
- * http://edisonlife.homelinux.com/
- *
- * Dynamic and runtime linking and Win64/OS X/Linux support by Craig Peterson
- * http://tpabbrevia.sourceforge.net/
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-unit AbBzip2;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- SysUtils, Classes;
- TAlloc = function(opaque: Pointer; Items, Size: Integer): Pointer; cdecl;
- TFree = procedure(opaque, Block: Pointer); cdecl;
- // Internal structure. Ignore.
- TBZStreamRec = record
- next_in: PByte; // next input byte
- avail_in: Integer; // number of bytes available at next_in
- total_in_lo32: Integer; // total nb of input bytes read so far
- total_in_hi32: Integer;
- next_out: PByte; // next output byte should be put here
- avail_out: Integer; // remaining free space at next_out
- total_out_lo32: Integer; // total nb of bytes output so far
- total_out_hi32: Integer;
- state: Pointer;
- bzalloc: TAlloc; // used to allocate the internal state
- bzfree: TFree; // used to free the internal state
- opaque: Pointer;
- end;
- // Abstract ancestor class
- TCustomBZip2Stream = class(TStream)
- private
- FStrm: TStream;
- FStrmPos: Int64;
- FOnProgress: TNotifyEvent;
- FBZRec: TBZStreamRec;
- FBuffer: array[Word] of Byte;
- protected
- procedure Progress(Sender: TObject); dynamic;
- property OnProgress: TNotifyEvent read FOnProgress write FOnProgress;
- constructor Create(Strm: TStream);
- end;
-{ TBZCompressionStream compresses data on the fly as data is written to it, and
- stores the compressed data to another stream.
- TBZCompressionStream is write-only and strictly sequential. Reading from the
- stream will raise an exception. Using Seek to move the stream pointer
- will raise an exception.
- Output data is cached internally, written to the output stream only when
- the internal output buffer is full. All pending output data is flushed
- when the stream is destroyed.
- The Position property returns the number of uncompressed bytes of
- data that have been written to the stream so far.
- CompressionRate returns the on-the-fly percentage by which the original
- data has been compressed: (1 - (CompressedBytes / UncompressedBytes)) * 100
- If raw data size = 100 and compressed data size = 25, the CompressionRate
- is 75%
- The OnProgress event is called each time the output buffer is filled and
- written to the output stream. This is useful for updating a progress
- indicator when you are writing a large chunk of data to the compression
- stream in a single call.}
- TBlockSize100k = (bs1, bs2, bs3, bs4, bs5, bs6, bs7, bs8, bs9);
- TBZCompressionStream = class(TCustomBZip2Stream)
- private
- function GetCompressionRate: Single;
- public
- constructor Create(BlockSize100k: TBlockSize100k; Dest: TStream);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function Read(var Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; override;
- function Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; override;
- function Seek(const Offset: Int64; Origin: TSeekOrigin): Int64; override;
- property CompressionRate: Single read GetCompressionRate;
- property OnProgress;
- end;
-{ TDecompressionStream decompresses data on the fly as data is read from it.
- Compressed data comes from a separate source stream. TDecompressionStream
- is read-only and unidirectional; you can seek forward in the stream, but not
- backwards. The special case of setting the stream position to zero is
- allowed. Seeking forward decompresses data until the requested position in
- the uncompressed data has been reached. Seeking backwards, seeking relative
- to the end of the stream, requesting the size of the stream, and writing to
- the stream will raise an exception.
- The Position property returns the number of bytes of uncompressed data that
- have been read from the stream so far.
- The OnProgress event is called each time the internal input buffer of
- compressed data is exhausted and the next block is read from the input stream.
- This is useful for updating a progress indicator when you are reading a
- large chunk of data from the decompression stream in a single call.}
- TBZDecompressionStream = class(TCustomBZip2Stream)
- public
- constructor Create(Source: TStream);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function Read(var Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; override;
- function Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; override;
- function Seek(const Offset: Int64; Origin: TSeekOrigin): Int64; override;
- property OnProgress;
- end;
-{ CompressBuf compresses data, buffer to buffer, in one call.
- In: InBuf = ptr to compressed data
- InBytes = number of bytes in InBuf
- Out: OutBuf = ptr to newly allocated buffer containing decompressed data
- OutBytes = number of bytes in OutBuf }
-procedure BZCompressBuf(const InBuf: Pointer; InBytes: Integer;
- out OutBuf: Pointer; out OutBytes: Integer);
-{ DecompressBuf decompresses data, buffer to buffer, in one call.
- In: InBuf = ptr to compressed data
- InBytes = number of bytes in InBuf
- OutEstimate = zero, or est. size of the decompressed data
- Out: OutBuf = ptr to newly allocated buffer containing decompressed data
- OutBytes = number of bytes in OutBuf }
-procedure BZDecompressBuf(const InBuf: Pointer; InBytes: Integer;
- OutEstimate: Integer; out OutBuf: Pointer; out OutBytes: Integer);
- EBZip2Error = class(Exception);
- EBZCompressionError = class(EBZip2Error);
- EBZDecompressionError = class(EBZip2Error);
-// Compile for Win64 using MSVC
-// \bin\x86_amd64\cl.exe -c -nologo -GS- -Z7 -wd4086 -Gs32768
-// -DBZ_NO_STDIO blocksort.c huffman.c compress.c decompress.c bzlib.c
-{$IFDEF Bzip2Runtime}
- dynlibs,
- Windows,
- AbUtils;
-{$IFDEF Bzip2Static}
- {$L Win32\blocksort.obj}
- {$L Win32\huffman.obj}
- {$L Win32\compress.obj}
- {$L Win32\decompress.obj}
- {$L Win32\bzlib.obj}
- {$L Win64\blocksort.obj}
- {$L Win64\huffman.obj}
- {$L Win64\compress.obj}
- {$L Win64\decompress.obj}
- {$L Win64\bzlib.obj}
-procedure BZ2_hbMakeCodeLengths; external;
-procedure BZ2_blockSort; external;
-procedure BZ2_hbCreateDecodeTables; external;
-procedure BZ2_hbAssignCodes; external;
-procedure BZ2_compressBlock; external;
-procedure BZ2_decompress; external;
- TLargeInteger = record
- case Integer of
- 0: (
- LowPart: LongWord;
- HighPart: LongWord);
- 1: (
- QuadPart: Int64);
- end;
- BZ_RUN = 0;
- BZ_FLUSH = 1;
- BZ_FINISH = 2;
- BZ_OK = 0;
- BZ_RUN_OK = 1;
- BZ_FLUSH_OK = 2;
- BZ_PARAM_ERROR = (-2);
- BZ_MEM_ERROR = (-3);
- BZ_DATA_ERROR = (-4);
- BZ_IO_ERROR = (-6);
- BZ_BLOCK_SIZE_100K = 9;
-{$IFDEF Bzip2Static}
- BZ2_rNums: array[0..511] of Longint = (
- 619, 720, 127, 481, 931, 816, 813, 233, 566, 247,
- 985, 724, 205, 454, 863, 491, 741, 242, 949, 214,
- 733, 859, 335, 708, 621, 574, 73, 654, 730, 472,
- 419, 436, 278, 496, 867, 210, 399, 680, 480, 51,
- 878, 465, 811, 169, 869, 675, 611, 697, 867, 561,
- 862, 687, 507, 283, 482, 129, 807, 591, 733, 623,
- 150, 238, 59, 379, 684, 877, 625, 169, 643, 105,
- 170, 607, 520, 932, 727, 476, 693, 425, 174, 647,
- 73, 122, 335, 530, 442, 853, 695, 249, 445, 515,
- 909, 545, 703, 919, 874, 474, 882, 500, 594, 612,
- 641, 801, 220, 162, 819, 984, 589, 513, 495, 799,
- 161, 604, 958, 533, 221, 400, 386, 867, 600, 782,
- 382, 596, 414, 171, 516, 375, 682, 485, 911, 276,
- 98, 553, 163, 354, 666, 933, 424, 341, 533, 870,
- 227, 730, 475, 186, 263, 647, 537, 686, 600, 224,
- 469, 68, 770, 919, 190, 373, 294, 822, 808, 206,
- 184, 943, 795, 384, 383, 461, 404, 758, 839, 887,
- 715, 67, 618, 276, 204, 918, 873, 777, 604, 560,
- 951, 160, 578, 722, 79, 804, 96, 409, 713, 940,
- 652, 934, 970, 447, 318, 353, 859, 672, 112, 785,
- 645, 863, 803, 350, 139, 93, 354, 99, 820, 908,
- 609, 772, 154, 274, 580, 184, 79, 626, 630, 742,
- 653, 282, 762, 623, 680, 81, 927, 626, 789, 125,
- 411, 521, 938, 300, 821, 78, 343, 175, 128, 250,
- 170, 774, 972, 275, 999, 639, 495, 78, 352, 126,
- 857, 956, 358, 619, 580, 124, 737, 594, 701, 612,
- 669, 112, 134, 694, 363, 992, 809, 743, 168, 974,
- 944, 375, 748, 52, 600, 747, 642, 182, 862, 81,
- 344, 805, 988, 739, 511, 655, 814, 334, 249, 515,
- 897, 955, 664, 981, 649, 113, 974, 459, 893, 228,
- 433, 837, 553, 268, 926, 240, 102, 654, 459, 51,
- 686, 754, 806, 760, 493, 403, 415, 394, 687, 700,
- 946, 670, 656, 610, 738, 392, 760, 799, 887, 653,
- 978, 321, 576, 617, 626, 502, 894, 679, 243, 440,
- 680, 879, 194, 572, 640, 724, 926, 56, 204, 700,
- 707, 151, 457, 449, 797, 195, 791, 558, 945, 679,
- 297, 59, 87, 824, 713, 663, 412, 693, 342, 606,
- 134, 108, 571, 364, 631, 212, 174, 643, 304, 329,
- 343, 97, 430, 751, 497, 314, 983, 374, 822, 928,
- 140, 206, 73, 263, 980, 736, 876, 478, 430, 305,
- 170, 514, 364, 692, 829, 82, 855, 953, 676, 246,
- 369, 970, 294, 750, 807, 827, 150, 790, 288, 923,
- 804, 378, 215, 828, 592, 281, 565, 555, 710, 82,
- 896, 831, 547, 261, 524, 462, 293, 465, 502, 56,
- 661, 821, 976, 991, 658, 869, 905, 758, 745, 193,
- 768, 550, 608, 933, 378, 286, 215, 979, 792, 961,
- 61, 688, 793, 644, 986, 403, 106, 366, 905, 644,
- 372, 567, 466, 434, 645, 210, 389, 550, 919, 135,
- 780, 773, 635, 389, 707, 100, 626, 958, 165, 504,
- 920, 176, 193, 713, 857, 265, 203, 50, 668, 108,
- 645, 990, 626, 197, 510, 357, 358, 850, 858, 364,
- 936, 638
- );
- BZ2_crc32Table: array[0..255] of Longint = (
- $00000000, $04C11DB7, $09823B6E, $0D4326D9,
- $130476DC, $17C56B6B, $1A864DB2, $1E475005,
- $2608EDB8, $22C9F00F, $2F8AD6D6, $2B4BCB61,
- $350C9B64, $31CD86D3, $3C8EA00A, $384FBDBD,
- $4C11DB70, $48D0C6C7, $4593E01E, $4152FDA9,
- $5F15ADAC, $5BD4B01B, $569796C2, $52568B75,
- $6A1936C8, $6ED82B7F, $639B0DA6, $675A1011,
- $791D4014, $7DDC5DA3, $709F7B7A, $745E66CD,
- -$67DC4920, -$631D54A9, -$6E5E7272, -$6A9F6FC7,
- -$74D83FC4, -$70192275, -$7D5A04AE, -$799B191B,
- -$41D4A4A8, -$4515B911, -$48569FCA, -$4C97827F,
- -$52D0D27C, -$5611CFCD, -$5B52E916, -$5F93F4A3,
- -$2BCD9270, -$2F0C8FD9, -$224FA902, -$268EB4B7,
- -$38C9E4B4, -$3C08F905, -$314BDFDE, -$358AC26B,
- -$0DC57FD8, -$09046261, -$044744BA, -$0086590F,
- -$1EC1090C, -$1A0014BD, -$17433266, -$13822FD3,
- $34867077, $30476DC0, $3D044B19, $39C556AE,
- $278206AB, $23431B1C, $2E003DC5, $2AC12072,
- $128E9DCF, $164F8078, $1B0CA6A1, $1FCDBB16,
- $018AEB13, $054BF6A4, $0808D07D, $0CC9CDCA,
- $7897AB07, $7C56B6B0, $71159069, $75D48DDE,
- $6B93DDDB, $6F52C06C, $6211E6B5, $66D0FB02,
- $5E9F46BF, $5A5E5B08, $571D7DD1, $53DC6066,
- $4D9B3063, $495A2DD4, $44190B0D, $40D816BA,
- -$535A3969, -$579B24E0, -$5AD80207, -$5E191FB2,
- -$405E4FB5, -$449F5204, -$49DC74DB, -$4D1D696E,
- -$7552D4D1, -$7193C968, -$7CD0EFBF, -$7811F20A,
- -$6656A20D, -$6297BFBC, -$6FD49963, -$6B1584D6,
- -$1F4BE219, -$1B8AFFB0, -$16C9D977, -$1208C4C2,
- -$0C4F94C5, -$088E8974, -$05CDAFAB, -$010CB21E,
- -$39430FA1, -$3D821218, -$30C134CF, -$3400297A,
- -$2A47797D, -$2E8664CC, -$23C54213, -$27045FA6,
- $690CE0EE, $6DCDFD59, $608EDB80, $644FC637,
- $7A089632, $7EC98B85, $738AAD5C, $774BB0EB,
- $4F040D56, $4BC510E1, $46863638, $42472B8F,
- $5C007B8A, $58C1663D, $558240E4, $51435D53,
- $251D3B9E, $21DC2629, $2C9F00F0, $285E1D47,
- $36194D42, $32D850F5, $3F9B762C, $3B5A6B9B,
- $0315D626, $07D4CB91, $0A97ED48, $0E56F0FF,
- $1011A0FA, $14D0BD4D, $19939B94, $1D528623,
- -$0ED0A9F2, -$0A11B447, -$075292A0, -$03938F29,
- -$1DD4DF2E, -$1915C29B, -$1456E444, -$1097F9F5,
- -$28D8444A, -$2C1959FF, -$215A7F28, -$259B6291,
- -$3BDC3296, -$3F1D2F23, -$325E09FC, -$369F144D,
- -$42C17282, -$46006F37, -$4B4349F0, -$4F825459,
- -$51C5045E, -$550419EB, -$58473F34, -$5C862285,
- -$64C99F3A, -$6008828F, -$6D4BA458, -$698AB9E1,
- -$77CDE9E6, -$730CF453, -$7E4FD28C, -$7A8ECF3D,
- $5D8A9099, $594B8D2E, $5408ABF7, $50C9B640,
- $4E8EE645, $4A4FFBF2, $470CDD2B, $43CDC09C,
- $7B827D21, $7F436096, $7200464F, $76C15BF8,
- $68860BFD, $6C47164A, $61043093, $65C52D24,
- $119B4BE9, $155A565E, $18197087, $1CD86D30,
- $029F3D35, $065E2082, $0B1D065B, $0FDC1BEC,
- $3793A651, $3352BBE6, $3E119D3F, $3AD08088,
- $2497D08D, $2056CD3A, $2D15EBE3, $29D4F654,
- -$3A56D987, -$3E97C432, -$33D4E2E9, -$3715FF60,
- -$2952AF5B, -$2D93B2EE, -$20D09435, -$24118984,
- -$1C5E343F, -$189F298A, -$15DC0F51, -$111D12E8,
- -$0F5A42E3, -$0B9B5F56, -$06D8798D, -$0219643C,
- -$764702F7, -$72861F42, -$7FC53999, -$7B042430,
- -$6543742B, -$6182699E, -$6CC14F45, -$680052F4,
- -$504FEF4F, -$548EF2FA, -$59CDD421, -$5D0CC998,
- -$434B9993, -$478A8426, -$4AC9A2FD, -$4E08BF4C
- );
-procedure bz_internal_error(errcode: Integer); cdecl;
- raise EBZip2Error.CreateFmt('Compression Error %d', [errcode]);
-end; { _bz_internal_error }
-function malloc(size: Integer): Pointer; cdecl;
- GetMem(Result, Size);
-end; { _malloc }
-procedure free(block: Pointer); cdecl;
- FreeMem(block);
-end; { _free }
- libbz2 = {$IF DEFINED(MSWINDOWS)}'libbz2.dll'
- {$ELSEIF DEFINED(DARWIN)}'libbz2.dylib'
- {$ELSE}'libbz2.so.1'{$IFEND};
-{$IFDEF Bzip2Runtime}
- hBzip2: HMODULE;
- // deflate compresses data
- BZ2_bzCompressInit: function(var strm: TBZStreamRec; blockSize100k: Integer;
- verbosity: Integer; workFactor: Integer): Integer;
- {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}stdcall;{$ELSE}cdecl;{$ENDIF}
- BZ2_bzCompress: function(var strm: TBZStreamRec; action: Integer): Integer;
- {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}stdcall;{$ELSE}cdecl;{$ENDIF}
- BZ2_bzCompressEnd: function (var strm: TBZStreamRec): Integer;
- {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}stdcall;{$ELSE}cdecl;{$ENDIF}
- BZ2_bzBuffToBuffCompress: function(dest: Pointer; var destLen: Integer;
- source: Pointer; sourceLen, blockSize100k, verbosity, workFactor: Integer): Integer;
- {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}stdcall;{$ELSE}cdecl;{$ENDIF}
- // inflate decompresses data
- BZ2_bzDecompressInit: function(var strm: TBZStreamRec; verbosity: Integer;
- small: Integer): Integer;
- {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}stdcall;{$ELSE}cdecl;{$ENDIF}
- BZ2_bzDecompress: function(var strm: TBZStreamRec): Integer;
- {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}stdcall;{$ELSE}cdecl;{$ENDIF}
- BZ2_bzDecompressEnd: function(var strm: TBZStreamRec): Integer;
- {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}stdcall;{$ELSE}cdecl;{$ENDIF}
- BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress: function(dest: Pointer; var destLen: Integer;
- source: Pointer; sourceLen, small, verbosity: Integer): Integer;
- {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}stdcall;{$ELSE}cdecl;{$ENDIF}
-// deflate compresses data
-function BZ2_bzCompressInit(var strm: TBZStreamRec; blockSize100k: Integer;
- verbosity: Integer; workFactor: Integer): Integer;
- {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}stdcall;{$ELSE}cdecl;{$ENDIF} external {$IFDEF Bzip2Dynamic}libbz2{$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF DARWIN}name '_BZ2_bzCompressInit'{$ENDIF};
-function BZ2_bzCompress(var strm: TBZStreamRec; action: Integer): Integer;
- {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}stdcall;{$ELSE}cdecl;{$ENDIF} external {$IFDEF Bzip2Dynamic}libbz2{$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF DARWIN}name '_BZ2_bzCompress'{$ENDIF};
-function BZ2_bzCompressEnd(var strm: TBZStreamRec): Integer;
- {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}stdcall;{$ELSE}cdecl;{$ENDIF} external {$IFDEF Bzip2Dynamic}libbz2{$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF DARWIN}name '_BZ2_bzCompressEnd'{$ENDIF};
-function BZ2_bzBuffToBuffCompress(dest: Pointer; var destLen: Integer; source: Pointer;
- sourceLen, blockSize100k, verbosity, workFactor: Integer): Integer;
- {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}stdcall;{$ELSE}cdecl;{$ENDIF} external {$IFDEF Bzip2Dynamic}libbz2{$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF DARWIN}name '_BZ2_bzBuffToBuffCompress'{$ENDIF};
-// inflate decompresses data
-function BZ2_bzDecompressInit(var strm: TBZStreamRec; verbosity: Integer;
- small: Integer): Integer;
- {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}stdcall;{$ELSE}cdecl;{$ENDIF} external {$IFDEF Bzip2Dynamic}libbz2{$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF DARWIN}name '_BZ2_bzDecompressInit'{$ENDIF};
-function BZ2_bzDecompress(var strm: TBZStreamRec): Integer;
- {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}stdcall;{$ELSE}cdecl;{$ENDIF} external {$IFDEF Bzip2Dynamic}libbz2{$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF DARWIN}name '_BZ2_bzDecompress'{$ENDIF};
-function BZ2_bzDecompressEnd(var strm: TBZStreamRec): Integer;
- {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}stdcall;{$ELSE}cdecl;{$ENDIF} external {$IFDEF Bzip2Dynamic}libbz2{$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF DARWIN}name '_BZ2_bzDecompressEnd'{$ENDIF};
-function BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress(dest: Pointer; var destLen: Integer; source: Pointer;
- sourceLen, small, verbosity: Integer): Integer;
- {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}stdcall;{$ELSE}cdecl;{$ENDIF} external {$IFDEF Bzip2Dynamic}libbz2{$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF DARWIN}name '_BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress'{$ENDIF};
-procedure LoadBzip2DLL;
- {$IFDEF Bzip2Runtime}
- if hBzip2 <> 0 then
- Exit;
- hBzip2 := LoadLibrary(libbz2);
- if hBzip2 = 0 then
- raise EBZip2Error.Create('Bzip2 shared library not found');
- @BZ2_bzCompressInit := GetProcAddress(hBzip2, 'BZ2_bzCompressInit');
- @BZ2_bzCompress := GetProcAddress(hBzip2, 'BZ2_bzCompress');
- @BZ2_bzCompressEnd := GetProcAddress(hBzip2, 'BZ2_bzCompressEnd');
- @BZ2_bzBuffToBuffCompress := GetProcAddress(hBzip2, 'BZ2_bzBuffToBuffCompress');
- @BZ2_bzDecompressInit := GetProcAddress(hBzip2, 'BZ2_bzDecompressInit');
- @BZ2_bzDecompress := GetProcAddress(hBzip2, 'BZ2_bzDecompress');
- @BZ2_bzDecompressEnd := GetProcAddress(hBzip2, 'BZ2_bzDecompressEnd');
- @BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress := GetProcAddress(hBzip2, 'BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress');
- {$ENDIF}
-function bzip2AllocMem(AppData: Pointer; Items, Size: Integer): Pointer; cdecl;
- GetMem(Result, Items * Size);
-end; { bzip2AllocMem }
-procedure bzip2FreeMem(AppData, Block: Pointer); cdecl;
- FreeMem(Block);
-end; { bzip2FreeMem }
-function CCheck(code: Integer): Integer;
- Result := code;
- if code < 0 then
- raise EBZCompressionError.CreateFmt('error %d', [code]); //!!
-end; { CCheck }
-function DCheck(code: Integer): Integer;
- Result := code;
- if code < 0 then
- raise EBZDecompressionError.CreateFmt('error %d', [code]); //!!
-end; { DCheck }
-procedure BZCompressBuf(const InBuf: Pointer; InBytes: Integer;
- out OutBuf: Pointer; out OutBytes: Integer);
- strm: TBZStreamRec;
- P: Pointer;
- LoadBzip2DLL;
- FillChar(strm, sizeof(strm), 0);
- strm.bzalloc := bzip2AllocMem;
- strm.bzfree := bzip2FreeMem;
- OutBytes := ((InBytes + (InBytes div 10) + 12) + 255) and not 255;
- GetMem(OutBuf, OutBytes);
- try
- strm.next_in := InBuf;
- strm.avail_in := InBytes;
- strm.next_out := OutBuf;
- strm.avail_out := OutBytes;
- CCheck(BZ2_bzCompressInit(strm, 9, 0, 0));
- try
- while CCheck(BZ2_bzCompress(strm, BZ_FINISH)) <> BZ_STREAM_END do
- begin
- P := OutBuf;
- Inc(OutBytes, 256);
- ReallocMem(OutBuf, OutBytes);
- strm.next_out := PByte(PtrInt(OutBuf)
- + (PtrInt(strm.next_out) - PtrInt(P)));
- strm.avail_out := 256;
- end;
- finally
- CCheck(BZ2_bzCompressEnd(strm));
- end;
- ReallocMem(OutBuf, strm.total_out_lo32);
- OutBytes := strm.total_out_lo32;
- except
- FreeMem(OutBuf);
- raise
- end;
-procedure BZDecompressBuf(const InBuf: Pointer; InBytes: Integer;
- OutEstimate: Integer; out OutBuf: Pointer; out OutBytes: Integer);
- strm: TBZStreamRec;
- P: Pointer;
- BufInc: Integer;
- LoadBzip2DLL;
- FillChar(strm, sizeof(strm), 0);
- strm.bzalloc := bzip2AllocMem;
- strm.bzfree := bzip2FreeMem;
- BufInc := (InBytes + 255) and not 255;
- if OutEstimate = 0 then
- OutBytes := BufInc
- else
- OutBytes := OutEstimate;
- GetMem(OutBuf, OutBytes);
- try
- strm.next_in := InBuf;
- strm.avail_in := InBytes;
- strm.next_out := OutBuf;
- strm.avail_out := OutBytes;
- DCheck(BZ2_bzDecompressInit(strm, 0, 0));
- try
- while DCheck(BZ2_bzDecompress(strm)) <> BZ_STREAM_END do
- begin
- P := OutBuf;
- Inc(OutBytes, BufInc);
- ReallocMem(OutBuf, OutBytes);
- strm.next_out := PByte(PtrInt(OutBuf) + (PtrInt(strm.next_out) - PtrInt(P)));
- strm.avail_out := BufInc;
- end;
- finally
- DCheck(BZ2_bzDecompressEnd(strm));
- end;
- ReallocMem(OutBuf, strm.total_out_lo32);
- OutBytes := strm.total_out_lo32;
- except
- FreeMem(OutBuf);
- raise
- end;
-// TCustomBZip2Stream
-constructor TCustomBZip2Stream.Create(Strm: TStream);
- inherited Create;
- FStrm := Strm;
- FStrmPos := Strm.Position;
- FBZRec.bzalloc := bzip2AllocMem;
- FBZRec.bzfree := bzip2FreeMem;
-procedure TCustomBZip2Stream.Progress(Sender: TObject);
- if Assigned(FOnProgress) then FOnProgress(Sender);
-end; { TCustomBZip2Stream }
-// TBZCompressionStream
-constructor TBZCompressionStream.Create(BlockSize100k: TBlockSize100k; Dest: TStream);
- BlockSizes: array[TBlockSize100k] of ShortInt = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9);
- inherited Create(Dest);
- LoadBzip2DLL;
- FBZRec.next_out := @FBuffer[0];
- FBZRec.avail_out := sizeof(FBuffer);
- CCheck(BZ2_bzCompressInit(FBZRec, BlockSizes[BlockSize100k], 0, 0));
-destructor TBZCompressionStream.Destroy;
- if FBZRec.state <> nil then begin
- FBZRec.next_in := nil;
- FBZRec.avail_in := 0;
- try
- if FStrm.Position <> FStrmPos then FStrm.Position := FStrmPos;
- while (CCheck(BZ2_bzCompress(FBZRec, BZ_FINISH)) <> BZ_STREAM_END)
- and (FBZRec.avail_out = 0) do
- begin
- FStrm.WriteBuffer(FBuffer, sizeof(FBuffer));
- FBZRec.next_out := @FBuffer[0];
- FBZRec.avail_out := sizeof(FBuffer);
- end;
- if FBZRec.avail_out < sizeof(FBuffer) then
- FStrm.WriteBuffer(FBuffer, sizeof(FBuffer) - FBZRec.avail_out);
- finally
- BZ2_bzCompressEnd(FBZRec);
- end;
- end;
- inherited Destroy;
-function TBZCompressionStream.Read(var Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint;
- raise EBZCompressionError.Create('Invalid stream operation');
-end; { TBZCompressionStream }
-function TBZCompressionStream.Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint;
- FBZRec.next_in := @Buffer;
- FBZRec.avail_in := Count;
- if FStrm.Position <> FStrmPos then FStrm.Position := FStrmPos;
- while (FBZRec.avail_in > 0) do
- begin
- CCheck(BZ2_bzCompress(FBZRec, BZ_RUN));
- if FBZRec.avail_out = 0 then
- begin
- FStrm.WriteBuffer(FBuffer, sizeof(FBuffer));
- FBZRec.next_out := @FBuffer[0];
- FBZRec.avail_out := sizeof(FBuffer);
- FStrmPos := FStrm.Position;
- end;
- Progress(Self);
- end;
- Result := Count;
-end; { TBZCompressionStream }
-function TBZCompressionStream.Seek(const Offset: Int64; Origin: TSeekOrigin): Int64;
- conv64 : TLargeInteger;
- if (Offset = 0) and (Origin = soCurrent) then begin
- conv64.LowPart := FBZRec.total_in_lo32;
- conv64.HighPart := FBZRec.total_in_hi32;
- Result := conv64.QuadPart
- end
- else
- raise EBZCompressionError.Create('Invalid stream operation');
-end; { TBZCompressionStream }
-function TBZCompressionStream.GetCompressionRate: Single;
- conv64In : TLargeInteger;
- conv64Out: TLargeInteger;
- conv64In.LowPart := FBZRec.total_in_lo32;
- conv64In.HighPart := FBZRec.total_in_hi32;
- conv64Out.LowPart := FBZRec.total_out_lo32;
- conv64Out.HighPart := FBZRec.total_out_hi32;
- if conv64In.QuadPart = 0 then
- Result := 0
- else
- Result := (1.0 - (conv64Out.QuadPart / conv64In.QuadPart)) * 100.0;
-end; { TBZCompressionStream }
-// TDecompressionStream
-constructor TBZDecompressionStream.Create(Source: TStream);
- inherited Create(Source);
- LoadBzip2DLL;
- FBZRec.next_in := @FBuffer[0];
- FBZRec.avail_in := 0;
- DCheck(BZ2_bzDecompressInit(FBZRec, 0, 0));
-destructor TBZDecompressionStream.Destroy;
- if FBZRec.state <> nil then
- BZ2_bzDecompressEnd(FBZRec);
- inherited Destroy;
-function TBZDecompressionStream.Read(var Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint;
- FBZRec.next_out := @Buffer;
- FBZRec.avail_out := Count;
- if FStrm.Position <> FStrmPos then FStrm.Position := FStrmPos;
- while (FBZRec.avail_out > 0) do
- begin
- if FBZRec.avail_in = 0 then
- begin
- FBZRec.avail_in := FStrm.Read(FBuffer, sizeof(FBuffer));
- if FBZRec.avail_in = 0 then
- begin
- Result := Count - FBZRec.avail_out;
- Exit;
- end;
- FBZRec.next_in := @FBuffer[0];
- FStrmPos := FStrm.Position;
- end;
- CCheck(BZ2_bzDecompress(FBZRec));
- Progress(Self);
- end;
- Result := Count;
-end; { TBZDecompressionStream }
-function TBZDecompressionStream.Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint;
- raise EBZDecompressionError.Create('Invalid stream operation');
-end; { TBZDecompressionStream }
-function TBZDecompressionStream.Seek(const Offset: Int64; Origin: TSeekOrigin): Int64;
- I : Integer;
- Buf : array[0..4095] of Char;
- conv64: TLargeInteger;
- NewOff: Int64;
- conv64.LowPart := FBZRec.total_out_lo32;
- conv64.HighPart := FBZRec.total_out_hi32;
- if (Offset = 0) and (Origin = soBeginning) then
- begin
- DCheck(BZ2_bzDecompressEnd(FBZRec));
- DCheck(BZ2_bzDecompressInit(FBZRec, 0, 0));
- FBZRec.next_in := @FBuffer[0];
- FBZRec.avail_in := 0;
- FStrm.Position := 0;
- FStrmPos := 0;
- end
- else if ((Offset >= 0) and (Origin = soCurrent)) or
- (((Offset - conv64.QuadPart) > 0) and (Origin = soBeginning)) then
- begin
- NewOff := Offset;
- if Origin = soBeginning then Dec(NewOff, conv64.QuadPart);
- if NewOff > 0 then
- begin
- for I := 1 to NewOff div sizeof(Buf) do
- ReadBuffer(Buf, sizeof(Buf));
- ReadBuffer(Buf, NewOff mod sizeof(Buf));
- end;
- end
- else
- raise EBZDecompressionError.Create('Invalid stream operation');
- Result := conv64.QuadPart;
-end; { TBZDecompressionStream }
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbBzip2Typ.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbBzip2Typ.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 965dfd0..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbBzip2Typ.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,430 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * Joel Haynie
- * Craig Peterson
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbBzip2Typ.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: TAbBzip2Archive, TAbBzip2Item classes *}
-{* Misc. constants, types, and routines for working *}
-{* with Bzip2 files *}
-unit AbBzip2Typ;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- Classes,
- AbArcTyp, AbTarTyp, AbUtils;
- { Default Stream Header for Bzip2s is 'BZhX', where X is the block size setting 1-9 in ASCII }
- { Each block has the following header: '1AY&SY', and are in units of 100kilobytes NOT 100kibiBytes }
- AB_BZIP2_BLOCK_SIZE = ['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'];
- AB_BZIP2_BLOCK_HEADER = '1AY&SY'; { Note: $314159265359, BCD for Pi :) }
- { Note that Blocks are bit aligned, as such the only time you will "for sure" see
- the block header is on the start of stream/File }
- AB_BZIP2_FILE_TAIL =#23#114#36#83#133#9#0; { $1772245385090, BCD for sqrt(Pi) :) }
- { This is odd as the blocks are bit allgned so this is a string that is 13*4 bits = 52 bits }
- PAbBzip2Header = ^TAbBzip2Header; { File Header }
- TAbBzip2Header = packed record { SizeOf(TAbBzip2Header) = 10 }
- FileHeader : array[0..2] of AnsiChar;{ 'BZh'; $42,5A,68 }
- BlockSize : AnsiChar; { '1'..'9'; $31-$39 }
- BlockHeader : array[0..5] of AnsiChar;{ '1AY&SY'; $31,41,59,26,53,59 }
- end;
-{ The Purpose for this Item is the placeholder for aaAdd and aaDelete Support. }
-{ For all intents and purposes we could just use a TAbArchiveItem }
- TAbBzip2Item = class(TabArchiveItem);
- TAbBzip2ArchiveState = (gsBzip2, gsTar);
- TAbBzip2Archive = class(TAbTarArchive)
- private
- FBzip2Stream : TStream; { stream for Bzip2 file}
- FBzip2Item : TAbArchiveList; { item in bzip2 (only one, but need polymorphism of class)}
- FTarStream : TStream; { stream for possible contained Tar }
- FTarList : TAbArchiveList; { items in possible contained Tar }
- FTarAutoHandle: Boolean;
- FState : TAbBzip2ArchiveState;
- FIsBzippedTar : Boolean;
- procedure DecompressToStream(aStream: TStream);
- procedure SetTarAutoHandle(const Value: Boolean);
- procedure SwapToBzip2;
- procedure SwapToTar;
- protected
- { Inherited Abstract functions }
- function CreateItem(const FileSpec : string): TAbArchiveItem; override;
- procedure ExtractItemAt(Index : Integer; const NewName : string); override;
- procedure ExtractItemToStreamAt(Index : Integer; aStream : TStream); override;
- procedure LoadArchive; override;
- procedure SaveArchive; override;
- procedure TestItemAt(Index : Integer); override;
- function GetSupportsEmptyFolders : Boolean; override;
- public {methods}
- constructor CreateFromStream(aStream : TStream; const aArchiveName : string); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure DoSpanningMediaRequest(Sender : TObject; ImageNumber : Integer;
- var ImageName : string; var Abort : Boolean); override;
- { Properties }
- property TarAutoHandle : Boolean
- read FTarAutoHandle write SetTarAutoHandle;
- property IsBzippedTar : Boolean
- read FIsBzippedTar write FIsBzippedTar;
- end;
-function VerifyBzip2(Strm : TStream) : TAbArchiveType;
- Windows, // Fix inline warnings
- StrUtils, SysUtils,
- AbBzip2, AbExcept, AbVMStrm, AbBitBkt;
-{ ****************** Helper functions Not from Classes Above ***************** }
-function VerifyHeader(const Header : TAbBzip2Header) : Boolean;
- Result := (Header.FileHeader = AB_BZIP2_FILE_HEADER) and
- (Header.BlockSize in AB_BZIP2_BLOCK_SIZE) and
- (Header.BlockHeader = AB_BZIP2_BLOCK_HEADER);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function VerifyBzip2(Strm : TStream) : TAbArchiveType;
- Hdr : TAbBzip2Header;
- CurPos : int64;
- DecompStream, TarStream: TStream;
- Result := atUnknown;
- CurPos := Strm.Position;
- Strm.Seek(0, soBeginning);
- try
- if (Strm.Read(Hdr, SizeOf(Hdr)) = SizeOf(Hdr)) and VerifyHeader(Hdr) then begin
- Result := atBzip2;
- { Check for embedded TAR }
- Strm.Seek(0, soBeginning);
- DecompStream := TBZDecompressionStream.Create(Strm);
- try
- TarStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- TarStream.CopyFrom(DecompStream, 512 * 2);
- TarStream.Seek(0, soBeginning);
- if VerifyTar(TarStream) = atTar then
- Result := atBzippedTar;
- finally
- TarStream.Free;
- end;
- finally
- DecompStream.Free;
- end;
- end;
- except
- on EReadError do
- Result := atUnknown;
- end;
- Strm.Position := CurPos; { Return to original position. }
-{ ****************************** TAbBzip2Archive ***************************** }
-constructor TAbBzip2Archive.CreateFromStream(aStream: TStream;
- const aArchiveName: string);
- inherited CreateFromStream(aStream, aArchiveName);
- FState := gsBzip2;
- FBzip2Stream := FStream;
- FBzip2Item := FItemList;
- FTarStream := TAbVirtualMemoryStream.Create;
- FTarList := TAbArchiveList.Create(True);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBzip2Archive.SwapToTar;
- FStream := FTarStream;
- FItemList := FTarList;
- FState := gsTar;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBzip2Archive.SwapToBzip2;
- FStream := FBzip2Stream;
- FItemList := FBzip2Item;
- FState := gsBzip2;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbBzip2Archive.CreateItem(const FileSpec: string): TAbArchiveItem;
- if IsBzippedTar and TarAutoHandle then begin
- SwapToTar;
- Result := inherited CreateItem(FileSpec);
- end
- else begin
- SwapToBzip2;
- Result := TAbBzip2Item.Create;
- try
- Result.DiskFileName := ExpandFileName(FileSpec);
- Result.FileName := FixName(FileSpec);
- except
- Result.Free;
- raise;
- end;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-destructor TAbBzip2Archive.Destroy;
- SwapToBzip2;
- FTarList.Free;
- FTarStream.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBzip2Archive.ExtractItemAt(Index: Integer;
- const NewName: string);
- OutStream : TFileStream;
- if IsBzippedTar and TarAutoHandle then begin
- SwapToTar;
- inherited ExtractItemAt(Index, NewName);
- end
- else begin
- SwapToBzip2;
- OutStream := TFileStream.Create(NewName, fmCreate or fmShareDenyNone);
- try
- try
- ExtractItemToStreamAt(Index, OutStream);
- finally
- OutStream.Free;
- end;
- { Bz2 doesn't store the last modified time or attributes, so don't set them }
- except
- on E : EAbUserAbort do begin
- FStatus := asInvalid;
- if FileExists(NewName) then
- DeleteFile(NewName);
- raise;
- end else begin
- if FileExists(NewName) then
- DeleteFile(NewName);
- raise;
- end;
- end;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBzip2Archive.ExtractItemToStreamAt(Index: Integer;
- aStream: TStream);
- if IsBzippedTar and TarAutoHandle then begin
- SwapToTar;
- inherited ExtractItemToStreamAt(Index, aStream);
- end
- else begin
- SwapToBzip2;
- { Index ignored as there's only one item in a Bz2 }
- DecompressToStream(aStream);
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbBzip2Archive.GetSupportsEmptyFolders : Boolean;
- Result := IsBzippedTar and TarAutoHandle;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBzip2Archive.LoadArchive;
- Item: TAbBzip2Item;
- Abort: Boolean;
- ItemName: string;
- if FBzip2Stream.Size = 0 then
- Exit;
- if IsBzippedTar and TarAutoHandle then begin
- { Decompress and send to tar LoadArchive }
- DecompressToStream(FTarStream);
- SwapToTar;
- inherited LoadArchive;
- end
- else begin
- SwapToBzip2;
- Item := TAbBzip2Item.Create;
- Item.Action := aaNone;
- { Filename isn't stored, so constuct one based on the archive name }
- ItemName := ExtractFileName(ArchiveName);
- if ItemName = '' then
- Item.FileName := 'unknown'
- else if AnsiEndsText('.tbz', ItemName) or AnsiEndsText('.tbz2', ItemName) then
- Item.FileName := ChangeFileExt(ItemName, '.tar')
- else
- Item.FileName := ChangeFileExt(ItemName, '');
- Item.DiskFileName := Item.FileName;
- FItemList.Add(Item);
- end;
- DoArchiveProgress(100, Abort);
- FIsDirty := False;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBzip2Archive.SaveArchive;
- CompStream: TStream;
- i: Integer;
- CurItem: TAbBzip2Item;
- InputFileStream: TStream;
- if IsBzippedTar and TarAutoHandle then
- begin
- SwapToTar;
- inherited SaveArchive;
- FTarStream.Position := 0;
- FBzip2Stream.Size := 0;
- CompStream := TBZCompressionStream.Create(bs9, FBzip2Stream);
- try
- CompStream.CopyFrom(FTarStream, 0);
- finally
- CompStream.Free;
- end;
- end
- else begin
- { Things we know: There is only one file per archive.}
- { Actions we have to address in SaveArchive: }
- { aaNone & aaMove do nothing, as the file does not change, only the meta data }
- { aaDelete could make a zero size file unless there are two files in the list.}
- { aaAdd, aaStreamAdd, aaFreshen, & aaReplace will be the only ones to take action. }
- SwapToBzip2;
- for i := 0 to pred(Count) do begin
- FCurrentItem := ItemList[i];
- CurItem := TAbBzip2Item(ItemList[i]);
- case CurItem.Action of
- aaNone, aaMove: Break;{ Do nothing; bz2 doesn't store metadata }
- aaDelete: ; {doing nothing omits file from new stream}
- aaAdd, aaFreshen, aaReplace, aaStreamAdd: begin
- FBzip2Stream.Size := 0;
- CompStream := TBZCompressionStream.Create(bs9, FBzip2Stream);
- try
- if CurItem.Action = aaStreamAdd then
- CompStream.CopyFrom(InStream, 0){ Copy/compress entire Instream to FBzip2Stream }
- else begin
- InputFileStream := TFileStream.Create(CurItem.DiskFileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite );
- try
- CompStream.CopyFrom(InputFileStream, 0);{ Copy/compress entire Instream to FBzip2Stream }
- finally
- InputFileStream.Free;
- end;
- end;
- finally
- CompStream.Free;
- end;
- Break;
- end; { End aaAdd, aaFreshen, aaReplace, & aaStreamAdd }
- end; { End of CurItem.Action Case }
- end; { End Item for loop }
- end; { End Tar Else }
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBzip2Archive.SetTarAutoHandle(const Value: Boolean);
- if Value then
- SwapToTar
- else
- SwapToBzip2;
- FTarAutoHandle := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBzip2Archive.DecompressToStream(aStream: TStream);
- BufSize = $F000;
- DecompStream: TBZDecompressionStream;
- Buffer: PByte;
- N: Integer;
- DecompStream := TBZDecompressionStream.Create(FBzip2Stream);
- try
- GetMem(Buffer, BufSize);
- try
- N := DecompStream.Read(Buffer^, BufSize);
- while N > 0 do begin
- aStream.WriteBuffer(Buffer^, N);
- N := DecompStream.Read(Buffer^, BufSize);
- end;
- finally
- FreeMem(Buffer, BufSize);
- end;
- finally
- DecompStream.Free;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBzip2Archive.TestItemAt(Index: Integer);
- Bzip2Type: TAbArchiveType;
- BitBucket: TAbBitBucketStream;
- if IsBzippedTar and TarAutoHandle then begin
- SwapToTar;
- inherited TestItemAt(Index);
- end
- else begin
- { note Index ignored as there's only one item in a GZip }
- Bzip2Type := VerifyBzip2(FBzip2Stream);
- if not (Bzip2Type in [atBzip2, atBzippedTar]) then
- raise EAbGzipInvalid.Create;// TODO: Add bzip2-specific exceptions }
- BitBucket := TAbBitBucketStream.Create(1024);
- try
- DecompressToStream(BitBucket);
- finally
- BitBucket.Free;
- end;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBzip2Archive.DoSpanningMediaRequest(Sender: TObject;
- ImageNumber: Integer; var ImageName: string; var Abort: Boolean);
- Abort := False;
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbCBrows.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbCBrows.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index a3aab98..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbCBrows.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbCBrows.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Cabinet file browser component *}
-unit AbCBrows;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- Classes,
- AbBrowse,
- AbCabTyp;
- TAbCustomCabBrowser = class(TAbBaseBrowser)
- protected {private}
- FSetID : Word;
- function GetCabArchive : TAbCabArchive;
- function GetCabSize : Longint;
- function GetCurrentCab : Word;
- function GetFolderCount : Word;
- function GetItem(Index : Integer) : TAbCabItem; virtual;
- function GetHasNext : Boolean;
- function GetHasPrev : Boolean;
- function GetSetID : Word;
- procedure InitArchive;
- override;
- procedure SetFileName(const aFileName : string); override;
- procedure SetSetID(Value : Word);
- protected {properties}
- property CabSize : Longint
- read GetCabSize;
- property CurrentCab : Word
- read GetCurrentCab;
- property FolderCount : Word
- read GetFolderCount;
- property HasNext : Boolean
- read GetHasNext;
- property HasPrev : Boolean
- read GetHasPrev;
- property SetID : Word
- read GetSetID
- write SetSetID;
- public {methods}
- constructor Create(AOwner : TComponent);
- override;
- destructor Destroy;
- override;
- public {properties}
- property CabArchive : TAbCabArchive
- read GetCabArchive;
- property Items[Index : Integer] : TAbCabItem
- read GetItem; default;
- end;
- {$IFDEF HasPlatformsAttribute}
- [ComponentPlatformsAttribute(pidWin32 or pidWin64)]
- {$ENDIF}
- TAbCabBrowser = class(TAbCustomCabBrowser)
- published
- property ArchiveProgressMeter;
- property BaseDirectory;
- property CabSize;
- property CurrentCab;
- property FolderCount;
- property HasNext;
- property HasPrev;
- property ItemProgressMeter;
- property LogFile;
- property Logging;
- property OnArchiveProgress;
- property OnArchiveItemProgress;
- property OnChange;
- property OnLoad;
- property SetID;
- property TempDirectory;
- property Version;
- property FileName; {must be after OnLoad}
- end;
- {.Z+}
- SysUtils,
- AbArcTyp,
- AbUtils;
-{ TAbCustomCabBrowser ====================================================== }
-constructor TAbCustomCabBrowser.Create(AOwner : TComponent);
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- FArchiveType := atCab;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-destructor TAbCustomCabBrowser.Destroy;
- inherited Destroy;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbCustomCabBrowser.GetCabArchive : TAbCabArchive;
- if Assigned(Archive) then
- Result := TAbCabArchive(Archive)
- else
- Result := nil;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbCustomCabBrowser.GetCabSize : Longint;
- if Assigned(Archive) then
- Result := TAbCabArchive(Archive).CabSize
- else
- Result := 0;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbCustomCabBrowser.GetCurrentCab : Word;
- if Assigned(Archive) then
- Result := TAbCabArchive(Archive).CurrentCab
- else
- Result := 0;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbCustomCabBrowser.GetFolderCount : Word;
- if Assigned(Archive) then
- Result := TAbCabArchive(Archive).FolderCount
- else
- Result := 0;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbCustomCabBrowser.GetHasNext : Boolean;
- if Assigned(Archive) then
- Result := TAbCabArchive(Archive).HasNext
- else
- Result := False;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbCustomCabBrowser.GetHasPrev : Boolean;
- if Assigned(Archive) then
- Result := TAbCabArchive(Archive).HasPrev
- else
- Result := False;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbCustomCabBrowser.GetItem(Index : Integer) : TAbCabItem;
- {return cabinet item}
- if Assigned(CabArchive) then
- Result := CabArchive.Items[Index]
- else
- Result := nil;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbCustomCabBrowser.GetSetID : Word;
- if Assigned(Archive) then
- Result := TAbCabArchive(Archive).SetID
- else
- Result := 0;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomCabBrowser.InitArchive;
- inherited InitArchive;
- if Assigned(Archive) then
- TAbCabArchive(Archive).SetID := FSetID;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomCabBrowser.SetFileName(const aFileName : string);
- {open/create cabinet archive}
- FFileName := aFileName;
- if (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
- Exit;
- if Assigned(FArchive) then begin
- FArchive.Free;
- FArchive := nil;
- end;
- if (aFileName <> '') and
- FileExists(aFilename) and
- (AbDetermineArcType(aFileName, atCab) = atCab) then
- begin
- FArchive := TAbCabArchive.Create(aFileName, fmOpenRead);
- InitArchive;
- FArchive.Load;
- end;
- DoChange;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomCabBrowser.SetSetID(Value : Word);
- FSetID := Value;
- if Assigned(Archive) then
- TAbCabArchive(Archive).SetID := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbCView.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbCView.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index da8b2ad..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbCView.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbCView.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Cabinet archive viewer component *}
-{* Use AbQCView.pas for CLX *}
-Unit AbCView;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- Windows, Classes,
- {$IFDEF UsingClx}
- AbQView,
- {$ELSE}
- AbView,
- {$ENDIF}
- AbCBrows,
- AbCabTyp, AbArcTyp;
- TAbCabView = class(TAbBaseViewer)
- protected
- FCabComponent : TAbCustomCabBrowser;
- FEmptyItemList: TAbArchiveList;
- function GetItem(RowNum : Longint) : TAbCabItem;
- procedure SetCabComponent(Value : TAbCustomCabBrowser);
- procedure Notification(AComponent : TComponent; Operation : TOperation);
- override;
- procedure DoChange(Sender : TObject);
- override;
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner : TComponent);
- override;
- destructor Destroy;
- override;
- property Items[RowNum : Longint] : TAbCabItem
- read GetItem;
- published {properties}
- property Align;
- property Attributes;
- property BorderStyle;
- property Color;
- property Colors;
-{$IFNDEF UsingClx}
- property Ctl3D;
- property Cursor;
- property Headings;
- property DefaultColWidth;
- property DefaultRowHeight;
- property DisplayOptions;
- property HeaderRowHeight;
- property SortAttributes;
-{$IFNDEF UsingClx}
- property DragCursor;
- property DragMode;
- property Enabled;
- property Font;
- property ParentColor;
-{$IFNDEF UsingClx}
- property ParentCtl3D;
- property ParentFont;
- property ParentShowHint;
- property PopupMenu;
- property ShowHint;
- property TabOrder;
- property TabStop;
- property Version;
- property CabComponent : TAbCustomCabBrowser
- read FCabComponent write SetCabComponent;
- published {Events}
- property OnChange;
- property OnClick;
- property OnDblClick;
- property OnEnter;
- property OnExit;
- property OnKeyDown;
- property OnKeyPress;
- property OnKeyUp;
- property OnMouseDown;
- property OnMouseMove;
- property OnMouseUp;
- property OnSorted;
- property OnDrawSortArrow;
- TAbCabBrowserFriend = class(TAbCustomCabBrowser);
-{ ===== TAbCabView ========================================================= }
-constructor TAbCabView.Create(AOwner : TComponent);
- inherited;
- FEmptyItemList := FItemList;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-destructor TAbCabView.Destroy;
- FItemList := FEmptyItemList;
- inherited;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbCabView.GetItem(RowNum : Longint) : TAbCabItem;
- if Assigned(FItemList) then
- Result := TAbCabItem(FItemList.Items[FRowMap[RowNum]])
- else
- Result := nil;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCabView.Notification(AComponent : TComponent; Operation : TOperation);
- inherited Notification(AComponent, Operation);
- if Operation = opRemove then
- if Assigned(FCabComponent) and (AComponent = FCabComponent) then begin
- FCabComponent := nil;
- Refresh;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCabView.SetCabComponent(Value : TAbCustomCabBrowser);
- FCabComponent := Value;
- FCabComponent.OnChange := DoChange;
- FCabComponent.OnLoad := DoLoad;
- DoChange(Self);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCabView.DoChange(Sender : TObject);
- if Assigned(FCabComponent) and Assigned(TAbCabBrowserFriend(FCabComponent).Archive) then
- FItemList := TAbCabBrowserFriend(FCabComponent).Archive.ItemList
- else if FEmptyItemList <> nil then
- FItemList := FEmptyItemList;
- inherited DoChange(Sender);
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbCabExt.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbCabExt.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a2319d..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbCabExt.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbCabExt.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Cabinet file extractor component *}
-unit AbCabExt;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- Classes,
- AbCBrows,
- AbArcTyp;
- TAbCustomCabExtractor = class(TAbCustomCabBrowser)
- protected {private}
- FExtractOptions : TAbExtractOptions;
- FOnConfirmOverwrite : TAbConfirmOverwriteEvent;
- procedure DoConfirmOverwrite(var Name : string;
- var Confirm : Boolean);
- procedure InitArchive;
- override;
- procedure SetExtractOptions( Value : TAbExtractOptions );
- protected {properties}
- property ExtractOptions : TAbExtractOptions
- read FExtractOptions
- write SetExtractOptions
- default AbDefExtractOptions;
- property OnConfirmOverwrite : TAbConfirmOverwriteEvent
- read FOnConfirmOverwrite
- write FOnConfirmOverwrite;
- public
- constructor Create( AOwner : TComponent ); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure ExtractAt(Index : Integer; const NewName : string);
- procedure ExtractFiles(const FileMask : string);
- procedure ExtractFilesEx(const FileMask, ExclusionMask : string);
- procedure ExtractTaggedItems;
- end;
- {$IFDEF HasPlatformsAttribute}
- [ComponentPlatformsAttribute(pidWin32 or pidWin64)]
- {$ENDIF}
- TAbCabExtractor = class(TAbCustomCabExtractor)
- published
- property ArchiveProgressMeter;
- property BaseDirectory;
- property CabSize;
- property CurrentCab;
- property ExtractOptions;
- property FolderCount;
- property HasNext;
- property HasPrev;
- property ItemProgressMeter;
- property OnArchiveProgress;
- property OnArchiveItemProgress;
- property OnChange;
- property OnConfirmOverwrite;
- property OnConfirmProcessItem;
- property OnLoad;
- property OnProcessItemFailure;
- property OnRequestImage;
- property SetID;
- property TempDirectory;
- property Version;
- property FileName; {must be after OnLoad}
- end;
- {.Z+}
- AbExcept;
-{ TAbCustomCabExtractor ==================================================== }
-constructor TAbCustomCabExtractor.Create(AOwner : TComponent);
- inherited Create( AOwner );
- ExtractOptions := AbDefExtractOptions;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-destructor TAbCustomCabExtractor.Destroy;
- inherited Destroy;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomCabExtractor.DoConfirmOverwrite
- (var Name : string;
- var Confirm : Boolean);
- if Assigned(FOnConfirmOverwrite) then
- FOnConfirmOverwrite(Name, Confirm);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomCabExtractor.ExtractAt(Index : Integer;
- const NewName : string);
- {extract a file from the archive that match the index}
- if Assigned( CabArchive ) then
- CabArchive.ExtractAt( Index, NewName )
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomCabExtractor.ExtractFiles(const FileMask : string);
- {Extract files from the cabinet matching the filemask}
- if Assigned( CabArchive ) then
- CabArchive.ExtractFiles( FileMask )
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomCabExtractor.ExtractFilesEx(const FileMask, ExclusionMask : string);
- {Extract files from the cabinet matching the FileMask, exluding those
- matching ExclusionMask}
- if Assigned( CabArchive ) then
- CabArchive.ExtractFilesEx( FileMask, ExclusionMask )
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomCabExtractor.ExtractTaggedItems;
- {Extract items in the archive that have been tagged}
- if Assigned( CabArchive ) then
- CabArchive.ExtractTaggedItems
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomCabExtractor.InitArchive;
- {Archive now points to the Cab file, update all Archive's properties...}
- inherited InitArchive;
- if Assigned( CabArchive ) then begin
- {poperties}
- CabArchive.ExtractOptions := FExtractOptions;
- {events}
- CabArchive.OnConfirmOverwrite := DoConfirmOverwrite;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomCabExtractor.SetExtractOptions( Value : TAbExtractOptions );
- FExtractOptions := Value;
- if Assigned( FArchive ) then
- FArchive.ExtractOptions := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbCabKit.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbCabKit.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index d6cdd97..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbCabKit.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbCabKit.PAS *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Cabinet file builder/extractor component *}
-unit AbCabKit;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- Classes, AbArcTyp,
- AbCabMak;
- TAbCustomCabKit = class(TAbCustomMakeCab)
- protected {private}
- FExtractOptions : TAbExtractOptions;
- FOnConfirmOverwrite : TAbConfirmOverwriteEvent;
- procedure DoConfirmOverwrite(var Name : string;
- var Confirm : Boolean);
- procedure InitArchive; override;
- procedure SetExtractOptions( Value : TAbExtractOptions );
- procedure SetFileName(const aFileName : string); override;
- protected {properties}
- property ExtractOptions : TAbExtractOptions
- read FExtractOptions
- write SetExtractOptions
- default AbDefExtractOptions;
- protected {events}
- property OnConfirmOverwrite : TAbConfirmOverwriteEvent
- read FOnConfirmOverwrite
- write FOnConfirmOverwrite;
- public {methods}
- constructor Create( AOwner : TComponent ); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure ExtractAt(Index : Integer; const NewName : string);
- procedure ExtractFiles(const FileMask : string);
- procedure ExtractFilesEx(const FileMask, ExclusionMask : string);
- procedure ExtractTaggedItems;
- end;
- {$IFDEF HasPlatformsAttribute}
- [ComponentPlatformsAttribute(pidWin32 or pidWin64)]
- {$ENDIF}
- TAbCabKit = class(TAbCustomCabKit)
- published
- property ArchiveProgressMeter;
- property BaseDirectory;
- property CabSize;
- property CompressionType;
- property CurrentCab;
- property ExtractOptions;
- property FolderCount;
- property FolderThreshold;
- property HasNext;
- property HasPrev;
- property ItemProgressMeter;
- property OnArchiveProgress;
- property OnArchiveItemProgress;
- property OnChange;
- property OnConfirmOverwrite;
- property OnConfirmProcessItem;
- property OnLoad;
- property OnProcessItemFailure;
- property OnRequestImage;
- property OnSave;
- property SetID;
- property SpanningThreshold;
- property TempDirectory;
- property Version;
- property FileName; {must be after OnLoad}
- end;
- SysUtils,
- AbExcept,
- AbCabTyp,
- AbCBrows;
-{ TAbCustomCabKit ==================================================== }
-constructor TAbCustomCabKit.Create(AOwner : TComponent);
- inherited Create( AOwner );
- ExtractOptions := AbDefExtractOptions;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-destructor TAbCustomCabKit.Destroy;
- inherited Destroy;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomCabKit.DoConfirmOverwrite(var Name : string;
- var Confirm : Boolean);
- if Assigned(FOnConfirmOverwrite) then
- FOnConfirmOverwrite(Name, Confirm);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomCabKit.ExtractAt(Index : Integer; const NewName : string);
- {extract a file from the archive that match the index}
- if Assigned( CabArchive ) then
- CabArchive.ExtractAt( Index, NewName )
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomCabKit.ExtractFiles(const FileMask : string);
- {Extract files from the cabinet matching the filemask}
- if Assigned(CabArchive) then
- CabArchive.ExtractFiles(FileMask)
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomCabKit.ExtractFilesEx(const FileMask, ExclusionMask : string);
- {Extract files from the cabinet matching the FileMask, exluding those
- matching ExclusionMask}
- if Assigned(CabArchive) then
- CabArchive.ExtractFilesEx(FileMask, ExclusionMask)
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomCabKit.ExtractTaggedItems;
- {Extract items in the archive that have been tagged}
- if Assigned(CabArchive) then
- CabArchive.ExtractTaggedItems
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomCabKit.InitArchive;
- inherited InitArchive;
- if Assigned( CabArchive ) then begin
- {poperties}
- CabArchive.ExtractOptions := FExtractOptions;
- {events}
- CabArchive.OnConfirmOverwrite := DoConfirmOverwrite;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomCabKit.SetExtractOptions( Value : TAbExtractOptions );
- FExtractOptions := Value;
- if Assigned( FArchive ) then
- FArchive.ExtractOptions := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomCabKit.SetFileName(const aFileName : string);
- {Create or open the specified cabinet file}
- FFilename := aFileName;
- if csDesigning in ComponentState then
- Exit;
- if Assigned(FArchive) then begin
- FArchive.Free;
- FArchive := nil;
- end;
- if (aFileName <> '') then begin
- if (aFileName <> '') and FileExists(aFilename) then
- FArchive := TAbCabArchive.Create(aFileName, fmOpenRead)
- else
- FArchive := TAbCabArchive.Create(aFileName, fmOpenWrite);
- InitArchive;
- FArchive.Load;
- end;
- DoChange;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbCabMak.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbCabMak.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 18bc599..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbCabMak.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbCabMak.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Cabinet builder component (VCL) *}
-{* See AbQCabMk.pas for the CLX header *}
-unit AbCabMak;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- Classes,
- AbCBrows,
- AbArcTyp, AbCabTyp;
- TAbCustomMakeCab = class(TAbCustomCabBrowser)
- protected {private}
- FFolderThreshold : Longint;
- FCompressionType : TAbCabCompressionType;
- FStoreOptions : TAbStoreOptions;
- FOnSave : TAbArchiveEvent;
- protected {methods}
- procedure DoSave(Sender : TObject); virtual;
- procedure InitArchive; override;
- procedure SetFolderThreshold(Value : Longint);
- procedure SetCompressionType(Value : TAbCabCompressionType);
- procedure SetFileName(const aFileName : string); override;
- procedure SetStoreOptions( Value : TAbStoreOptions );
- protected {properties}
- property CompressionType : TAbCabCompressionType
- read FCompressionType
- write SetCompressionType;
- property FolderThreshold : Longint
- read FFolderThreshold
- write SetFolderThreshold;
- property StoreOptions : TAbStoreOptions
- read FStoreOptions
- write SetStoreOptions
- default AbDefStoreOptions;
- protected {events}
- property OnSave : TAbArchiveEvent
- read FOnSave
- write FOnSave;
- public {methods}
- constructor Create( AOwner : TComponent ); override;
- procedure AddFiles(const FileMask : string; SearchAttr : Integer );
- procedure AddFilesEx(const FileMask : string;
- const ExclusionMask : string; SearchAttr : Integer );
- procedure StartNewFolder;
- procedure StartNewCabinet;
- end;
- {$IFDEF HasPlatformsAttribute}
- [ComponentPlatformsAttribute(pidWin32 or pidWin64)]
- {$ENDIF}
- TAbMakeCab = class(TAbCustomMakeCab)
- published
- property ArchiveProgressMeter;
- property BaseDirectory;
- property CabSize;
- property CompressionType;
- property FolderThreshold;
- property ItemProgressMeter;
- property StoreOptions;
- property OnArchiveProgress;
- property OnArchiveItemProgress;
- property OnChange;
- property OnConfirmProcessItem;
- property OnLoad;
- property OnProcessItemFailure;
- property OnRequestImage;
- property OnSave;
- property SetID;
- property SpanningThreshold;
- property TempDirectory;
- property Version;
- property FileName; {must be after OnLoad}
- end;
- {.Z+}
- SysUtils,
- AbExcept,
- AbUtils;
-{ TAbCustomMakeCab ========================================================= }
-constructor TAbCustomMakeCab.Create( AOwner : TComponent );
- inherited Create( AOwner );
- FCompressionType := AbDefCompressionType;
- FSpanningThreshold := AbDefCabSpanningThreshold;
- FFolderThreshold := AbDefFolderThreshold;
- FSetID := 0;
- FStoreOptions := AbDefStoreOptions;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomMakeCab.AddFiles(const FileMask : string; SearchAttr : Integer );
- {Add files to the cabinet where the disk filespec matches}
- if Assigned(CabArchive) then
- CabArchive.AddFiles(FileMask, SearchAttr)
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
- DoChange;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomMakeCab.AddFilesEx(const FileMask : string;
- const ExclusionMask : string;
- SearchAttr : Integer);
- {Add files that match Filemask except those matching ExclusionMask}
- if Assigned(CabArchive) then
- CabArchive.AddFilesEx(FileMask, ExclusionMask, SearchAttr)
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
- DoChange;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomMakeCab.DoSave(Sender : TObject);
- if Assigned(FOnSave) then
- FOnSave(Self);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomMakeCab.InitArchive;
- inherited InitArchive;
- if Assigned(CabArchive) then begin
- {properties}
- CabArchive.FolderThreshold := FFolderThreshold;
- CabArchive.CompressionType := FCompressionType;
- CabArchive.SetID := FSetID;
- CabArchive.StoreOptions := FStoreOptions;
- {events}
- CabArchive.OnSave := DoSave;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomMakeCab.SetCompressionType(Value : TAbCabCompressionType);
- {Set the type of compression to use}
- FCompressionType := Value;
- if Assigned(CabArchive) then
- CabArchive.CompressionType := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomMakeCab.SetFileName(const aFileName : string);
- {Create the specified cabinet file}
- FFilename := aFileName;
- if csDesigning in ComponentState then
- Exit;
- if Assigned(FArchive) then begin
- FArchive.Free;
- FArchive := nil;
- end;
- if (aFileName <> '') then begin
- FArchive := TAbCabArchive.Create(aFileName, fmOpenWrite);
- InitArchive;
- FArchive.Load;
- FArchiveType := atCab;
- end;
- DoChange;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomMakeCab.SetFolderThreshold(Value : Longint);
- {Set folder compression boundary}
- FFolderThreshold := Value;
- if Assigned(CabArchive) then
- CabArchive.FolderThreshold := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomMakeCab.SetStoreOptions(Value : TAbStoreOptions);
- FStoreOptions := Value;
- if Assigned(CabArchive) then
- CabArchive.StoreOptions := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomMakeCab.StartNewCabinet;
- {Flush current cabinet and start a new one}
- if Assigned(CabArchive) then
- CabArchive.NewCabinet
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomMakeCab.StartNewFolder;
- {Flush current folder and start a new one}
- if Assigned(CabArchive) then
- CabArchive.NewFolder
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbCabTyp.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbCabTyp.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fbc186..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbCabTyp.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,815 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- * Craig Peterson
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbCabTyp.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Cabinet Archive *}
-{* Based on info from the FCI/FDI Library Description, *}
-{* included in the Microsoft Cabinet SDK *}
-unit AbCabTyp;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- Windows, Classes, AbFciFdi, AbArcTyp, AbUtils;
- TAbCabItem = class(TAbArchiveItem)
- protected {private}
- FPartialFile : Boolean;
- FRawFileName : AnsiString;
- public
- property PartialFile : Boolean
- read FPartialFile
- write FPartialFile;
- property RawFileName : AnsiString
- read FRawFileName
- write FRawFileName;
- end;
- TAbCabCompressionType = (ctNone, ctMSZIP, ctLZX);
- TAbCabinetMode = (cmRead, cmWrite);
- TAbCabStatus = (csFile, csFolder, csCabinet);
- faExtractAndExecute = $040;
- faUTF8Name = $080;
- AbDefCabSpanningThreshold = 0;
- AbDefFolderThreshold = 0;
- AbDefCompressionType = ctMSZIP;
- AbDefReserveHeaderSize = 0;
- AbDefReserveFolderSize = 0;
- AbDefReserveDataSize = 0;
- AbDefLZXWindowSize = 18;
- CompressionTypeMap : array[TAbCabCompressionType] of Word = (0, 1, 4611);
- TAbCabArchive = class(TAbArchive)
- protected {private}
- {internal variables}
- FCabName : AnsiString;
- FCabPath : AnsiString;
- FFCICabInfo : FCICabInfo;
- FFCIContext : HFCI;
- FFDIContext : HFDI;
- FFDICabInfo : FDICabInfo;
- FErrors : CabErrorRecord;
- FItemInProgress : TAbCabItem;
- FItemStream : TStream;
- FIIPName : string;
- FItemProgress : DWord;
- FNextCabinet : string;
- FNextDisk : string;
- FTempFileID : Integer;
- {property variables}
- FCurrentCab : Word;
- FCabSize : Longint;
- FCompressionType : TAbCabCompressionType;
- FFileCount : Word;
- FFolderThreshold : LongWord;
- FFolderCount : Word;
- FHasPrev : Boolean;
- FHasNext : Boolean;
- FSetID : Word;
- {internal methods}
- procedure CloseCabFile;
- procedure CreateCabFile;
- function CreateItem( const FileSpec : string ): TAbArchiveItem;
- override;
- procedure DoCabItemProgress(BytesCompressed : DWord;
- var Abort : Boolean);
- procedure DoGetNextCabinet(CabIndex : Integer; var CabName : string;
- var Abort : Boolean);
- procedure ExtractItemAt(Index : Integer; const NewName : string);
- override;
- procedure ExtractItemToStreamAt(Index : Integer; OutStream : TStream);
- override;
- function GetItem(ItemIndex : Integer) : TAbCabItem;
- procedure LoadArchive;
- override;
- procedure OpenCabFile;
- procedure PutItem( Index : Integer; Value : TAbCabItem );
- procedure SaveArchive;
- override;
- procedure SetFolderThreshold(Value : LongWord);
- procedure SetSetID(Value : Word);
- procedure SetSpanningThreshold(Value : Int64);
- override;
- procedure TestItemAt(Index : Integer);
- override;
- public {methods}
- constructor Create(const FileName : string; Mode : Word);
- override;
- constructor CreateFromStream(aStream : TStream; const aArchiveName : string);
- override;
- destructor Destroy;
- override;
- procedure Add(aItem : TAbArchiveItem);
- override;
- procedure NewCabinet;
- procedure NewFolder;
- public {properties}
- property CurrentCab : Word
- read FCurrentCab;
- property CabSize : Longint
- read FCabSize;
- property CompressionType : TAbCabCompressionType
- read FCompressionType
- write FCompressionType;
- property FolderThreshold : LongWord
- read FFolderThreshold
- write SetFolderThreshold;
- property FolderCount : Word
- read FFolderCount;
- property HasPrev : Boolean
- read FHasPrev;
- property HasNext : Boolean
- read FHasNext;
- property Items[Index : Integer] : TAbCabItem
- read GetItem
- write PutItem; default;
- property ItemProgress : DWord
- read FItemProgress
- write FItemProgress;
- property SetID : Word
- read FSetID
- write SetSetID;
- end;
-function VerifyCab(const Fn : string) : TAbArchiveType; overload;
-function VerifyCab(Strm : TStream) : TAbArchiveType; overload;
- SysUtils{$IFDEF HasAnsiStrings}, AnsiStrings{$ENDIF}, AbCharset, AbConst, AbExcept;
- PWord = ^Word;
- PInteger = ^Integer;
-{ == FDI/FCI Callback Functions - cdecl calling convention ================= }
-function FXI_GetMem(uBytes : Integer) : Pointer;
- cdecl;
- {allocate memory}
- Result := nil;
- if (uBytes > 0) then
- GetMem(Result, uBytes);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure FXI_FreeMem(lpBuffer : Pointer);
- cdecl;
- {free memory}
- FreeMem(lpBuffer);
-{ == FCI Callback Functions - cdecl calling convention ===================== }
-function FCI_FileOpen(lpPathName: PAnsiChar; Flag, Mode: Integer;
- PError: PInteger; Archive: TAbCabArchive) : PtrInt;
- cdecl;
- {open a file}
- Result := _lcreat(lpPathName, 0);
- if (Result = -1) then
- raise EAbFCIFileOpenError.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function FCI_FileRead(hFile: PtrInt; lpBuffer: Pointer;
- uBytes: UINT; PError: PInteger; Archive: TAbCabArchive) : UINT;
- cdecl;
- {read from a file}
- Result := _lread(hFile, lpBuffer, uBytes);
- if (Result = UINT(-1)) then
- raise EAbFCIFileReadError.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function FCI_FileWrite(hFile: PtrInt; lpBuffer: Pointer;
- uBytes: UINT; PError: PInteger; Archive: TAbCabArchive) : UINT;
- cdecl;
- {write to a file}
- Result := _lwrite(hFile, lpBuffer, uBytes);
- if (Result = UINT(-1)) then
- raise EAbFCIFileWriteError.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function FCI_FileClose(hFile: PtrInt; PError: PInteger;
- Archive: TAbCabArchive) : Integer;
- cdecl;
- {close a file}
- Result := _lclose(hFile);
- if (Result = -1) then
- raise EAbFCIFileCloseError.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function FCI_FileSeek(hFile: PtrInt; Offset: Longint;
- Origin: Integer; PError: PInteger; Archive: TAbCabArchive) : Longint;
- cdecl;
- {reposition file pointer}
- Result := _llseek(hFile, Offset, Origin);
- if (Result = -1) then
- raise EAbFCIFileSeekError.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function FCI_FileDelete(lpFilename: PAnsiChar; PError: PInteger;
- Archive: TAbCabArchive) : Boolean;
- cdecl;
- {delete a file}
- Result := SysUtils.DeleteFile(string(lpFilename));
- if not Result then
- raise EAbFCIFileDeleteError.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function FCI_GetNextCab(lpCCab: PFCICabInfo; PrevCab: Longint;
- Archive: TAbCabArchive) : Boolean;
- cdecl;
- {get next cabinet filename}
- CabName : string;
- Abort : Boolean;
- Abort := False;
- with lpCCab^ do begin
- CabName := string(szCab);
- {obtain next cabinet. Make index zero-based}
- Archive.DoGetNextCabinet(Pred(iCab), CabName, Abort);
- if not Abort then
- {$IFDEF HasAnsiStrings}AnsiStrings.{$ENDIF}StrPLCopy(szCab, AnsiString(CabName), Length(szCab));
- end;
- Result := not Abort;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function FCI_FileDest(PCCab: PFCICabInfo; PFilename: PAnsiChar; cbFile: Longint;
- Continuation: Boolean; Archive: TAbCabArchive) : Integer;
- cdecl;
- {currently not used}
- Result := 0;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function FCI_GetOpenInfo(lpPathname: Pointer; PDate, PTime, PAttribs : PWord;
- PError: PInteger; Archive: TAbCabArchive) : PtrInt;
- cdecl;
- {open a file and return date/attributes}
- AttrEx: TAbAttrExRec;
- I, DT: Integer;
- RawName: RawByteString;
- Result := FileOpen(string(lpPathname), fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone);
- if (Result = -1) then
- raise EAbFCIFileOpenError.Create;
- if not AbFileGetAttrEx(string(lpPathname), AttrEx) then
- raise EAbFileNotFound.Create;
- PAttribs^ := AttrEx.Attr;
- DT := DateTimeToFileDate(AttrEx.Time);
- PDate^ := DT shr 16;
- PTime^ := DT and $0FFFF;
- Archive.ItemProgress := 0;
- Archive.FItemInProgress.UncompressedSize := AttrEx.Size;
- RawName := Archive.FItemInProgress.RawFileName;
- for I := 1 to Length(RawName) do
- if Ord(RawName[I]) > 127 then
- PAttribs^ := PAttribs^ or faUTF8Name;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function FCI_Status(Status: Word; cb1, cb2: DWord;
- Archive: TAbCabArchive) : Longint; cdecl;
- {keep archive informed}
- Abort : Boolean;
- Result := 0;
- if (Status = Word(csCabinet)) then begin
- Archive.DoSave;
- Archive.FCabSize := cb2;
- Result := cb2;
- end else if (Status = Word(csFolder)) then
- Archive.FCabSize := Archive.FCabSize + Longint(cb2)
- else if (Status = Word(csFile)) then begin
- Archive.DoCabItemProgress(cb2, Abort);
- Result := Longint(Abort);
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function FCI_GetTempFile(lpTempName: PAnsiChar; TempNameSize: Integer;
- Archive: TAbCabArchive) : PtrInt; cdecl;
- {obtain temporary filename}
- TempPath : array[0..255] of AnsiChar;
- Archive.FTempFileID := Archive.FTempFileID + 1;
- if (Archive.TempDirectory <> '') then
- {$IFDEF HasAnsiStrings}AnsiStrings.{$ENDIF}StrPLCopy(TempPath, AnsiString(Archive.TempDirectory), Length(TempPath))
- else
- GetTempPathA(255, TempPath);
- GetTempFileNameA(TempPath, 'VMS', Archive.FTempFileID, lpTempName);
- Result := 1;
-{ == FDI Callback Functions - cdecl calling convention ===================== }
-function FDI_FileOpen(lpPathName: PAnsiChar; Flag, Mode: Integer) : PtrInt;
- cdecl;
- {open a file}
- try
- Result := PtrInt(TFileStream.Create(string(lpPathName), fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite));
- except on EFOpenError do
- Result := -1;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function FDI_FileRead(hFile: PtrInt; lpBuffer: Pointer; uBytes: UINT) : UINT;
- cdecl;
- {read from a file}
- Result := TStream(hFile).Read(lpBuffer^, uBytes);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function FDI_FileWrite(hFile: PtrInt; lpBuffer: Pointer; uBytes: UINT) : UINT;
- cdecl;
- {write to a file}
- Result := TStream(hFile).Write(lpBuffer^, uBytes);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function FDI_FileClose(hFile : PtrInt) : Longint;
- cdecl;
- {close a file}
- try
- TStream(hFile).Free;
- Result := 0;
- except
- Result := -1;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function FDI_FileSeek(hFile : PtrInt; Offset : Longint; Origin : Integer) : Longint;
- cdecl;
- {reposition file pointer}
- Result := TStream(hFile).Seek(Offset, Origin);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function FDI_EnumerateFiles(fdint : FDINOTIFICATIONTYPE;
- pfdin : PFDINotification) : PtrInt;
- cdecl;
- {Enumerate the files and build the archive file list}
- Item : TAbCabItem;
- Archive : TAbCabArchive;
- Result := 0;
- Archive := pfdin^.pv;
- with Archive do case fdint of
- FDINT_Cabinet_Info :
- begin
- FSetID := pfdin^.setID;
- FCurrentCab := pfdin^.iCabinet;
- FNextCabinet := string(pfdin^.psz1);
- FNextDisk := string(pfdin^.psz2);
- Result := 0;
- end;
- FDINT_Copy_File, FDINT_Partial_File :
- begin
- Item := TAbCabItem.Create;
- with Item do begin
- RawFileName := AnsiString(pfdin^.psz1);
- if (pfdin^.attribs and faUTF8Name) = faUTF8Name then
- Filename := UTF8ToString(RawFileName)
- else
- Filename := string(RawFileName);
- UnCompressedSize := pfdin^.cb;
- LastModFileDate := pfdin^.date;
- LastModFileTime := pfdin^.time;
- ExternalFileAttributes := pfdin^.attribs;
- IsEncrypted := False; {encryption not implemented at this time}
- PartialFile := (fdint = FDINT_Partial_File);
- end;
- FItemList.Add(Item);
- Result := 0;
- end;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function FDI_ExtractFiles(fdint : FDINOTIFICATIONTYPE;
- pfdin : PFDINotification) : PtrInt;
- cdecl;
- {extract file from cabinet}
- Archive : TAbCabArchive;
- Result := 0;
- Archive := pfdin^.pv;
- case fdint of
- FDINT_Copy_File :
- begin
- if (AnsiString(pfdin^.psz1) = Archive.FItemInProgress.RawFileName) then
- if Archive.FIIPName <> '' then
- Result := Integer(TFileStream.Create(Archive.FIIPName, fmCreate))
- else
- Result := Integer(Archive.FItemStream)
- else
- Result := 0;
- end;
- FDINT_Next_Cabinet :
- begin
- if pfdin^.fdie = FDIError_None then
- Result := 0
- else
- Result := -1;
- end;
- FDINT_Close_File_Info :
- begin
- if Archive.FIIPName <> '' then begin
- FileSetDate(TFileStream(pfdin^.hf).Handle,
- Longint(pfdin^.date) shl 16 + pfdin^.time);
- TFileStream(pfdin^.hf).Free;
- FileSetAttr(Archive.FIIPName, pfdin^.attribs);
- end;
- Result := 1;
- end;
- end;
-{ == TAbCabArchive ========================================================= }
-function VerifyCab(const Fn : string) : TAbArchiveType;
- Stream : TFileStream;
- Stream := TFileStream.Create(FN, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone);
- try
- Result := VerifyCab(Stream);
- finally
- Stream.Free;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function VerifyCab(Strm : TStream) : TAbArchiveType; overload;
- Context : HFDI;
- Info : FDICabInfo;
- Errors : CabErrorRecord;
- StartPos : int64;
- Result := atUnknown;
- Context := FDICreate(@FXI_GetMem, @FXI_FreeMem, @FDI_FileOpen,
- @FDI_FileRead, @FDI_FileWrite, @FDI_FileClose, @FDI_FileSeek, cpuDefault,
- @Errors);
- if Context = nil then
- Exit;
- try
- StartPos := Strm.Position;
- if FDIIsCabinet(Context, Integer(Strm), @Info) then
- Result := atCab;
- Strm.Position := StartPos;
- finally
- FDIDestroy(Context);
- end;
-{ == TAbCabArchive ========================================================= }
-constructor TAbCabArchive.Create(const FileName : string; Mode : Word );
- {Mode is used to identify which interface to use: }
- { fmOpenWrite - FCI, fmOpenRead - FDI}
- inherited CreateInit;
- if (Mode and fmCreate) = fmCreate then FMode := fmOpenWrite
- else FMode := Mode and fmOpenWrite;
- FArchiveName := FileName;
- FCabName := AnsiString(ExtractFileName(FileName));
- FCabPath := AnsiString(ExtractFilePath(FileName));
- SpanningThreshold := AbDefCabSpanningThreshold;
- FFolderThreshold := AbDefFolderThreshold;
- FItemInProgress := nil;
- FItemProgress := 0;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-constructor TAbCabArchive.CreateFromStream(aStream : TStream;
- const aArchiveName : string);
- raise EAbCabException.Create('TAbCabArchive does not support CreateFromStream');
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-destructor TAbCabArchive.Destroy;
- CloseCabFile;
- inherited Destroy;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCabArchive.Add(aItem : TAbArchiveItem);
- {add a file to the cabinet}
- Confirm, ItemAdded : Boolean;
- Item : TAbCabItem;
- ItemAdded := False;
- try
- CheckValid;
- if (FMode <> fmOpenWrite) then begin
- DoProcessItemFailure(aItem, ptAdd, ecCabError, 0);
- Exit;
- end;
- if FItemList.IsActiveDupe(aItem.FileName) then begin
- DoProcessItemFailure(aItem, ptAdd, ecAbbrevia, AbDuplicateName);
- Exit;
- end;
- DoConfirmProcessItem(aItem, ptAdd, Confirm);
- if not Confirm then
- Exit;
- Item := TAbCabItem(aItem);
- FItemInProgress := Item;
- Item.Action := aaAdd;
- Item.RawFileName := UTF8Encode(Item.FileName);
- if not FCIAddFile(FFCIContext, Pointer(Item.DiskFileName),
- PAnsiChar(Item.RawFileName), False, @FCI_GetNextCab, @FCI_Status,
- @FCI_GetOpenInfo, CompressionTypeMap[FCompressionType]) then
- raise EAbFCIAddFileError.Create;
- FItemList.Add(Item);
- ItemAdded := True;
- FIsDirty := True;
- finally
- if not ItemAdded then
- aItem.Free;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCabArchive.CloseCabFile;
- {Make sure the Cabinet DLL is shut down}
- Abort : Boolean;
- if (FFDIContext <> nil) then begin
- FDIDestroy(FFDIContext);
- FFDIContext := nil;
- end;
- if (FFCIContext <> nil) then begin
- FCIFlushCabinet(FFCIContext, False, @FCI_GetNextCab, @FCI_Status);
- FCIDestroy(FFCIContext);
- FFCIContext := nil;
- end;
- DoArchiveProgress(0, Abort);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCabArchive.CreateCabFile;
- {create a new cabinet}
- {set cabinet parameters}
- with FFCICabInfo do begin
- if (SpanningThreshold > 0) then
- cb := SpanningThreshold
- else
- cb := AbDefCabSpanningThreshold;
- if (FolderThreshold > 0) then
- cbFolderThresh := FolderThreshold
- else
- cbFolderThresh := AbDefFolderThreshold;
- cbReserveCFHeader := AbDefReserveHeaderSize;
- cbReserveCFFolder := AbDefReserveFolderSize;
- cbReserveCFData := AbDefReserveDataSize;
- iCab := 1;
- iDisk := 0;
- fFailOnIncompressible := 0;
- setID := SetID;
- {$IFDEF HasAnsiStrings}AnsiStrings.{$ENDIF}StrPCopy(szDisk, '');
- {$IFDEF HasAnsiStrings}AnsiStrings.{$ENDIF}StrPLCopy(szCab, FCabName, Length(szCab));
- {$IFDEF HasAnsiStrings}AnsiStrings.{$ENDIF}StrPLCopy(szCabPath, FCabPath, Length(szCabPath));
- end;
- {obtain an FCI context}
- FFCIContext := FCICreate(@FErrors, @FCI_FileDest, @FXI_GetMem, @FXI_FreeMem,
- @FCI_FileOpen, @FCI_FileRead, @FCI_FileWrite, @FCI_FileClose, @FCI_FileSeek,
- @FCI_FileDelete, @FCI_GetTempFile, @FFCICabInfo, Self);
- if (FFCIContext = nil) then
- if FErrors.ErrorPresent then begin
- CloseCabFile;
- raise EAbFCICreateError.Create;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbCabArchive.CreateItem( const FileSpec : string ): TAbArchiveItem;
- {create a new item for the file list}
- Result := TAbCabItem.Create;
- with TAbCabItem(Result) do begin
- CompressedSize := 0;
- DiskFileName := ExpandFileName(FileSpec);
- FileName := FixName(FileSpec);
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCabArchive.DoCabItemProgress(BytesCompressed : DWord;
- var Abort : Boolean);
- {fire OnCabItemProgress event}
- Progress : Byte;
- Abort := False;
- if Assigned(FOnArchiveItemProgress) then begin
- Inc(FItemProgress, BytesCompressed);
- Progress := AbPercentage(FItemProgress,
- FItemInProgress.UnCompressedSize);
- FOnArchiveItemProgress(Self, FItemInProgress, Progress, Abort);
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCabArchive.DoGetNextCabinet(CabIndex : Integer;
- var CabName : string; var Abort : Boolean);
- {fire OnRequestImage event}
- Abort := False;
- if Assigned(FOnRequestImage) then
- FOnRequestImage(Self, CabIndex, CabName, Abort)
- else
- AbIncFilename(CabName, CabIndex);
-procedure TAbCabArchive.ExtractItemAt(Index : Integer; const NewName : string);
- {extract a file from the cabinet}
- FItemInProgress := GetItem(Index);
- FIIPName := NewName;
- try
- if not FDICopy(FFDIContext, PAnsiChar(FCabName), PAnsiChar(FCabPath), 0,
- @FDI_ExtractFiles, nil, Self) then
- DoProcessItemFailure(FItemInProgress, ptExtract, ecCabError, FErrors.ErrorCode);
- finally
- FIIPName := '';
- end;
-procedure TAbCabArchive.ExtractItemToStreamAt(Index : Integer; OutStream : TStream);
- FItemInProgress := GetItem(Index);
- FItemStream := OutStream;
- try
- if not FDICopy(FFDIContext, PAnsiChar(FCabName), PAnsiChar(FCabPath), 0,
- @FDI_ExtractFiles, nil, Self) then
- DoProcessItemFailure(FItemInProgress, ptExtract, ecCabError, FErrors.ErrorCode);
- finally
- FItemStream := nil;
- end;
-function TAbCabArchive.GetItem(ItemIndex : Integer) : TAbCabItem;
- {fetch an item from the file list}
- Result := TAbCabItem(FItemList.Items[ItemIndex]);
-procedure TAbCabArchive.LoadArchive;
- {Open existing cabinet or create a new one}
- if (FMode = fmOpenRead) then begin
- FFDIContext := FDICreate(@FXI_GetMem, @FXI_FreeMem, @FDI_FileOpen,
- @FDI_FileRead, @FDI_FileWrite, @FDI_FileClose, @FDI_FileSeek,
- cpuDefault, @FErrors);
- if (FFDIContext = nil) then
- raise EAbFDICreateError.Create;
- OpenCabFile;
- end else
- CreateCabFile;
-procedure TAbCabArchive.NewCabinet;
- {flush current cabinet and start a new one}
- if not FCIFlushCabinet(FFCIContext, True, @FCI_GetNextCab, @FCI_Status) then
- raise EAbFCIFlushCabinetError.Create;
-procedure TAbCabArchive.NewFolder;
- {flush current folder and start a new one}
- if not FCIFlushFolder(FFCIContext, @FCI_GetNextCab, @FCI_Status) then
- raise EAbFCIFlushFolderError.Create;
-procedure TAbCabArchive.OpenCabFile;
- {Open an existing cabinet}
- Abort : Boolean;
- Stream : TFileStream;
- {verify that the archive can be opened and is a cabinet}
- Stream := TFileStream.Create(FArchiveName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone);
- try
- if not FDIIsCabinet(FFDIContext, PtrInt(Stream), @FFDICabInfo) then begin
- CloseCabFile;
- raise EAbInvalidCabFile.Create;
- end;
- finally
- Stream.Free;
- end;
- {store information about the cabinet}
- FCabSize := FFDICabInfo.cbCabinet;
- FFolderCount := FFDICabInfo.cFolders;
- FFileCount := FFDICabInfo.cFiles;
- FCurrentCab := FFDICabInfo.iCabinet;
- FHasPrev := FFDICabInfo.hasPrev;
- FHasNext := FFDICabInfo.hasNext;
- {Enumerate the files and build the file list}
- if not FDICopy(FFDIContext, PAnsiChar(FCabName), PAnsiChar(FCabPath), 0,
- @FDI_EnumerateFiles, nil, Self) then begin
- CloseCabFile;
- raise EAbFDICopyError.Create;
- end;
- DoArchiveProgress(100, Abort);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCabArchive.PutItem( Index : Integer; Value : TAbCabItem );
- {replace an existing item in the file list}
- FItemList.Items[Index] := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCabArchive.SaveArchive;
- { No-op; file is flushed in destructor }
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCabArchive.SetFolderThreshold(Value : LongWord);
- {set maximum compression boundary}
- if (Value > 0) then
- FFolderThreshold := Value
- else
- FFolderThreshold := AbDefFolderThreshold;
- FFCICabInfo.cbFolderThresh := FFolderThreshold;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCabArchive.SetSetID(Value : Word);
- {set cabinet SetID}
- FSetID := Value;
- FFCICabInfo.SetID := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCabArchive.SetSpanningThreshold(Value : Int64);
- {set maximum cabinet size}
- if (Value > 0) then
- FSpanningThreshold := Value
- else
- FSpanningThreshold := AbDefCabSpanningThreshold;
- FFCICabInfo.cb := FSpanningThreshold;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCabArchive.TestItemAt(Index : Integer);
- {not implemented for cabinet archives}
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbCharset.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbCharset.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 2857fa4..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbCharset.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,344 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * Craig Peterson
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2011
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbCharset.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Types and routines for working with various *}
-{* character encodings. *}
-unit AbCharset;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- Windows;
-{ Unicode backwards compatibility types }
-{$IF NOT DECLARED(RawByteString)}
- RawByteString = AnsiString;
-{$IF NOT DECLARED(UnicodeString)}
- UnicodeString = WideString;
- TAbCharSet = (csASCII, csANSI, csUTF8);
-function AbDetectCharSet(const aValue: RawByteString): TAbCharSet;
-function AbIsOEM(const aValue: RawByteString): Boolean;
-function AbRawBytesToString(const aValue: RawByteString): string;
-function AbStringToUnixBytes(const aValue: string): RawByteString;
-function AbSysCharSetIsUTF8: Boolean;
-function AbTryEncode(const aValue: UnicodeString; aCodePage: UINT;
- aAllowBestFit: Boolean; out aResult: AnsiString): Boolean;
-{ Unicode backwards compatibility functions }
-function UTF8ToString(const S: RawByteString): string;
- Libc,
- SysUtils;
-function AbDetectCharSet(const aValue: RawByteString): TAbCharSet;
- i, TrailCnt: Integer;
- Result := csASCII;
- TrailCnt := 0;
- for i := 1 to Length(aValue) do begin
- if Byte(aValue[i]) >= $80 then
- Result := csANSI;
- if TrailCnt > 0 then
- if Byte(aValue[i]) in [$80..$BF] then
- Dec(TrailCnt)
- else Exit
- else if Byte(aValue[i]) in [$80..$BF] then
- Exit
- else
- case Byte(aValue[i]) of
- $C0..$C1, $F5..$FF: Exit;
- $C2..$DF: TrailCnt := 1;
- $E0..$EF: TrailCnt := 2;
- $F0..$F4: TrailCnt := 3;
- end;
- end;
- if (TrailCnt = 0) and (Result = csANSI) then
- Result := csUTF8;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function AbIsOEM(const aValue: RawByteString): Boolean;
-// Detect whether a string of bytes is likely to be the system's ANSI or OEM codepage
- // Byte values of alpha-numeric characters in OEM and ANSI codepages.
- // Excludes NBSP, ordinal indicators, exponents, the florin symbol, and, for
- // ANSI codepages matched to certain OEM ones, the micro character.
- //
- // US (OEM 437, ANSI 1252)
- Oem437AnsiChars =
- [138, 140, 142, 154, 156, 158, 159, 181, 192..214, 216..246, 248..255];
- Oem437OemChars =
- [128..154, 160..165, 224..235, 237, 238];
- // Arabic (OEM 720, ANSI 1256)
- Oem720AnsiChars =
- [129, 138, 140..144, 152, 154, 156, 159, 170, 181, 192..214, 216..239, 244,
- 249, 251, 252, 255];
- Oem720OemChars =
- [130, 131, 133, 135..140, 147, 149..155, 157..173, 224..239];
- // Greek (OEM 737, ANSI 1253)
- Oem737AnsiChars =
- [162, 181, 184..186, 188, 190..209, 211..254];
- Oem737OemChars =
- [128..175, 224..240, 244, 245];
- // Baltic Rim (OEM 775, ANSI 1257)
- Oem775AnsiChars =
- [168, 170, 175, 184, 186, 191..214, 216..246, 248..254];
- Oem775OemChars =
- [128..149, 151..155, 157, 160..165, 173, 181..184, 189, 190, 198, 199,
- 207..216, 224..238];
- // Western European (OEM 850, ANSI 1252)
- Oem850AnsiChars =
- [138, 140, 142, 154, 156, 158, 159, 192..214, 216..246, 248..255];
- Oem850OemChars =
- [128..155, 157, 160..165, 181..183, 198, 199, 208..216, 222, 224..237];
- // Central & Eastern European (OEM 852, ANSI 1250)
- Oem852AnsiChars =
- [138, 140..143, 154, 156..159, 163, 165, 170, 175, 179, 185, 186, 188,
- 190..214, 216..246, 248..254];
- Oem852OemChars =
- [128..157, 159..169, 171..173, 181..184, 189, 190, 198, 199, 208..216, 221,
- 222, 224..238, 251..253];
- // Cyrillic (OEM 855, ANSI 1251)
- Oem855AnsiChars =
- [128, 129, 131, 138, 140..144, 154, 156..159, 161..163, 165, 168, 170, 175,
- 178..180, 184, 186, 188..255];
- Oem855OemChars =
- [128..173, 181..184, 189, 190, 198, 199, 208..216, 221, 222, 224..238,
- 241..252];
- // Turkish (OEM 857, ANSI 1254)
- Oem857AnsiChars =
- [138, 140, 154, 156, 159, 192..214, 216..246, 248..255];
- Oem857OemChars =
- [128..155, 157..167, 181..183, 198, 199, 210..212, 214..216, 222, 224..230,
- 233..237];
- // Hebrew (OEM 862, ANSI 1255)
- Oem862AnsiChars =
- [181, 212..214, 224..250];
- Oem862OemChars =
- [128..154, 160..165, 224..235, 237, 238];
- // Cyrillic CIS (OEM 866, ANSI 1251)
- Oem866AnsiChars =
- [128, 129, 131, 138, 140..144, 154, 156..159, 161..163, 165, 168, 170, 175,
- 178..181, 184, 186, 188..255];
- Oem866OemChars =
- [128..175, 224..247];
- AnsiChars, OemChars: set of Byte;
- IsANSI: Boolean;
- i: Integer;
- case GetOEMCP of
- 437:
- begin
- AnsiChars := Oem437AnsiChars;
- OemChars := Oem437OemChars;
- end;
- 720:
- begin
- AnsiChars := Oem720AnsiChars;
- OemChars := Oem720OemChars;
- end;
- 737:
- begin
- AnsiChars := Oem737AnsiChars;
- OemChars := Oem737OemChars;
- end;
- 775:
- begin
- AnsiChars := Oem775AnsiChars;
- OemChars := Oem775OemChars;
- end;
- 850:
- begin
- AnsiChars := Oem850AnsiChars;
- OemChars := Oem850OemChars;
- end;
- 852:
- begin
- AnsiChars := Oem852AnsiChars;
- OemChars := Oem852OemChars;
- end;
- 855:
- begin
- AnsiChars := Oem855AnsiChars;
- OemChars := Oem855OemChars;
- end;
- 857:
- begin
- AnsiChars := Oem857AnsiChars;
- OemChars := Oem857OemChars;
- end;
- 862:
- begin
- AnsiChars := Oem862AnsiChars;
- OemChars := Oem862OemChars;
- end;
- 866:
- begin
- AnsiChars := Oem866AnsiChars;
- OemChars := Oem866OemChars;
- end;
- else
- begin
- Result := False;
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- IsANSI := True;
- Result := True;
- for i := 0 to Length(aValue) do
- if Ord(aValue[i]) >= $80 then
- begin
- if IsANSI then
- IsANSI := Ord(aValue[i]) in AnsiChars;
- if Result then
- Result := Ord(aValue[i]) in OemChars;
- if not IsANSI and not Result then
- Break
- end;
- if IsANSI then
- Result := False;
- Result := False;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function AbSysCharSetIsUTF8: Boolean;
- Result := True;
- {$ENDIF}
- Result := False;
- {$ENDIF}
- if DefaultSystemCodePage = CP_UTF8 then
- Result := True;
- {$ENDIF}
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function AbRawBytesToString(const aValue: RawByteString): string;
-// Detect encoding of raw bytes and convert to a string
- case AbDetectCharSet(aValue) of
- csASCII:
- Result := string(aValue);
- csANSI: begin
- if AbIsOEM(aValue) then begin
- SetLength(Result, Length(aValue));
- OemToCharBuff(PAnsiChar(aValue), PChar(Result), Length(Result));
- end
- else
- {$ENDIF}
- Result := string(aValue);
- end;
- csUTF8:
- Result := UTF8ToString(aValue);
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function AbStringToUnixBytes(const aValue: string): RawByteString;
-// Convert from a string to an appropriate encoding for Unix archive types (tar/gz)
-// Based on testing the system encoding should be used on Linux, and UTF-8
-// everywhere else. Windows apps don't agree on whether to use ANSI, OEM, or UTF-8.
- // Delphi XE2+ Posix platforms only support the UTF-8 locale
- Result := AnsiString(aValue);
- {$ELSE}
- Result := UTF8Encode(aValue);
- {$IFEND}
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function AbTryEncode(const aValue: UnicodeString; aCodePage: UINT;
- aAllowBestFit: Boolean; out aResult: AnsiString): Boolean;
-// Try to encode the given Unicode string as the requested codepage
- WC_NO_BEST_FIT_CHARS = $00000400;
- Flags: array[Boolean] of DWORD = (WC_NO_BEST_FIT_CHARS, 0);
- UsedDefault: BOOL;
- if not aAllowBestFit and not CheckWin32Version(4, 1) then
- Result := False
- else begin
- SetLength(aResult, WideCharToMultiByte(aCodePage, Flags[aAllowBestFit],
- PWideChar(aValue), Length(aValue), nil, 0, nil, @UsedDefault));
- SetLength(aResult, WideCharToMultiByte(aCodePage, Flags[aAllowBestFit],
- PWideChar(aValue), Length(aValue), PAnsiChar(aResult),
- Length(aResult), nil, @UsedDefault));
- Result := not UsedDefault;
- end;
-{ == Unicode backwards compatibility functions ============================= }
-function UTF8ToString(const S: RawByteString): string;
- Result := UTf8ToAnsi(S);
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbComCtrls.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbComCtrls.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fa5b87..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbComCtrls.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1371 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Craig Peterson
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2011
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- * Craig Peterson
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbComCtrls.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Listview and treeview components that work *}
-{* with an archive component. The treeview can have a *}
-{* listview associated, in which case the listview will*}
-{* only show items in the selected folder. *}
-unit AbComCtrls;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Controls, ComCtrls, Graphics, AbBrowse,
- AbArcTyp;
- AbTreeArchiveImage = 0;
- AbTreeFolderImage = 1;
- AbTreeFolderExpandedImage = 2;
-{ ===== TAbListItem ========================================================= }
- TAbListItem = class(TListItem)
- protected {private}
- FArchiveItem : TAbArchiveItem;
- protected {methods}
- function GetIsDirectory : Boolean;
- function GetIsEncrypted : Boolean;
- public {properties}
- property ArchiveItem : TAbArchiveItem
- read FArchiveItem
- write FArchiveItem;
- property IsDirectory : Boolean
- read GetIsDirectory;
- property IsEncrypted : Boolean
- read GetIsEncrypted;
- end;
-{ ===== TAbListItems ======================================================== }
- TAbListItems = class(TListItems)
- protected {methods}
- function GetItem(aIndex: Integer): TAbListItem;
- procedure SetItem(aIndex: Integer; aValue: TAbListItem);
- public {properties}
- property Item[Index: Integer]: TAbListItem
- read GetItem
- write SetItem; default;
- end;
-{ ===== TAbCustomListView =================================================== }
- TAbViewColumn =
- (vcName, vcFileType, vcLastModified, vcSize, vcRatio,
- vcPacked, vcCRC, vcAttributes, vcEncrypted, vcMethod, vcPath);
- TAbViewColumns = set of TAbViewColumn;
- AbDefVisibleColumns = [Low(TAbViewColumn)..High(TAbViewColumn)];
- TAbCustomTreeView = class;
- {$IF NOT DECLARED(TWindowProcPtr)}
- TWindowProcPtr = Pointer;
- {$IFEND}
- TAbCustomListView = class(TCustomListView)
- protected {private}
- FArchive : TAbBaseBrowser;
- FDefHeaderProc : TWindowProcPtr;
- FFlatList: Boolean;
- FHeaderHandle : HWND;
- FHeaderImages : TImageList;
- FHeaderInstance : Pointer;
- FInUpdateSortArrows: Boolean;
- FPath : string;
- FSortAscending : Boolean;
- FSortColIndex : Integer;
- FSortColumn : TAbViewColumn;
- FSortUpBmp : HBITMAP;
- FSortDownBmp : HBITMAP;
- FTreeView : TAbCustomTreeView;
- FVisibleColumns : TAbViewColumns;
- protected {methods}
- procedure ColClick(aColumn: TListColumn);
- override;
- function CreateListItem: TListItem;
- override;
- function CreateListItems: TListItems;
- override;
- procedure CreateWnd;
- override;
- function CustomDrawSubItem(Item: TListItem; SubItem: Integer;
- State: TCustomDrawState; Stage: TCustomDrawStage): Boolean;
- override;
- procedure DblClick;
- override;
- procedure DoChange(Sender : TObject);
- virtual;
- function GetListItems: TAbListItems;
- function GetVersion: string;
- procedure HeaderWndProc(var Msg: TMessage);
- virtual;
- function IsCustomDrawn(Target: TCustomDrawTarget; Stage: TCustomDrawStage): Boolean;
- override;
- procedure Notification(aComponent : TComponent; aOperation : TOperation);
- override;
- procedure SetArchive(aValue : TAbBaseBrowser);
- procedure SetFlatList(aValue : Boolean);
- procedure SetPath(aValue : string);
- procedure SetTreeView(aValue : TAbCustomTreeView);
- procedure SetVisibleColumns(aValue : TAbViewColumns);
- procedure UpdateColumns;
- procedure UpdateSortArrow;
- procedure UpdateView;
- protected {properties}
- property HeaderImages : TImageList
- read FHeaderImages;
- public {methods}
- constructor Create(aOwner: TComponent);
- override;
- destructor Destroy;
- override;
- procedure Sort(aColumn: TAbViewColumn; aAscending: Boolean);
- public {properties}
- property Archive : TAbBaseBrowser
- read FArchive
- write SetArchive;
- property Columns;
- // Show only items in the current path
- property FlatList : Boolean
- read FFlatList
- write SetFlatList;
- property Items: TAbListItems
- read GetListItems
- stored False;
- property TreeView : TAbCustomTreeView
- read FTreeView
- write SetTreeView;
- property Path : string
- read FPath
- write SetPath;
- property Version : string
- read GetVersion
- stored False;
- property VisibleColumns : TAbViewColumns
- read FVisibleColumns
- write SetVisibleColumns
- default AbDefVisibleColumns;
- end;
-{ ===== TAbListView ========================================================= }
- TAbListView = class(TAbCustomListView)
- published
- property Action;
- property Align;
- property AllocBy;
- property Anchors;
- property Archive;
- property BevelEdges;
- property BevelInner;
- property BevelOuter;
- property BevelKind default bkNone;
- property BevelWidth;
- property BiDiMode;
- property BorderStyle;
- property BorderWidth;
- property Checkboxes;
- property Color;
- property ColumnClick;
- property Constraints;
- property Ctl3D;
- property DoubleBuffered;
- property DragCursor;
- property DragKind;
- property DragMode;
- property Enabled;
- property Font;
- property FlatScrollBars;
- property FullDrag;
- property GridLines;
-{$IFDEF HasListViewGroups}
- property Groups;
- property HideSelection;
- property HotTrack;
- property HotTrackStyles;
- property HoverTime;
- property IconOptions;
- property Items;
- property LargeImages;
- property MultiSelect;
-{$IFDEF HasListViewGroups}
- property GroupHeaderImages;
- property GroupView default False;
- property ReadOnly default False;
- property RowSelect;
- property ParentBiDiMode;
- property ParentColor default False;
-{$IFDEF HasParentDoubleBuffered}
- property ParentDoubleBuffered;
- property ParentFont;
- property ParentShowHint;
- property Path;
- property PopupMenu;
- property ShowColumnHeaders;
- property ShowWorkAreas;
- property ShowHint;
- property TabOrder;
- property TabStop default True;
- property TreeView;
- property Version;
- property ViewStyle;
- property Visible;
- property VisibleColumns;
- property OnClick;
- property OnColumnClick;
- property OnColumnDragged;
- property OnColumnRightClick;
- property OnContextPopup;
- property OnDblClick;
- property OnEdited;
- property OnEditing;
- property OnEndDock;
- property OnEndDrag;
- property OnEnter;
- property OnExit;
- property OnDragDrop;
- property OnDragOver;
- property OnInfoTip;
- property OnKeyDown;
- property OnKeyPress;
- property OnKeyUp;
-{$IFDEF HasOnMouseActivate}
- property OnMouseActivate;
- property OnMouseDown;
-{$IFDEF HasOnMouseEnter}
- property OnMouseEnter;
- property OnMouseLeave;
- property OnMouseMove;
- property OnMouseUp;
- property OnResize;
- property OnSelectItem;
-{$IFDEF HasListViewOnItemChecked}
- property OnItemChecked;
- property OnStartDock;
- property OnStartDrag;
- end;
-{ ===== TAbCustomTreeView =================================================== }
- TAbCustomTreeView = class(TTreeView)
- protected {private}
- FArchive: TAbBaseBrowser;
- FListView: TAbCustomListView;
- FPath: string;
- protected {methods}
- procedure Change(aNode: TTreeNode);
- override;
- procedure DoChange(Sender : TObject);
- virtual;
- procedure GetSelectedIndex(aNode: TTreeNode);
- override;
- function GetVersion: string;
- procedure Notification(aComponent : TComponent; aOperation : TOperation);
- override;
- procedure SelectPathNode;
- procedure SetArchive(aValue: TAbBaseBrowser);
- procedure SetListView(aValue: TAbCustomListView);
- procedure SetPath(const aValue: string);
- public {methods}
- constructor Create(aOwner: TComponent);
- override;
- public {properties}
- property Archive: TAbBaseBrowser
- read FArchive
- write SetArchive;
- property HideSelection
- default False;
- property ListView: TAbCustomListView
- read FListView
- write SetListView;
- property Path: string
- read FPath
- write SetPath;
- property Version: string
- read GetVersion
- stored False;
- end;
-{ ===== TAbTreeView ========================================================= }
- TAbTreeView = class(TAbCustomTreeView)
- published
- property Align;
- property Anchors;
- property Archive;
- property AutoExpand;
- property BevelEdges;
- property BevelInner;
- property BevelOuter;
- property BevelKind default bkNone;
- property BevelWidth;
- property BiDiMode;
- property BorderStyle;
- property BorderWidth;
- property ChangeDelay;
- property Color;
- property Ctl3D;
- property Constraints;
- property DoubleBuffered;
- property DragKind;
- property DragCursor;
- property DragMode;
- property Enabled;
- property Font;
- property HideSelection;
- property HotTrack;
- property Indent;
- property Items;
- property ListView;
- property ParentBiDiMode;
- property ParentColor default False;
- property ParentCtl3D;
-{$IFDEF HasParentDoubleBuffered}
- property ParentDoubleBuffered;
- property ParentFont;
- property ParentShowHint;
- property Path;
- property PopupMenu;
- property ReadOnly;
- property RightClickSelect;
- property RowSelect;
- property ShowButtons;
- property ShowHint;
- property ShowLines;
- property ShowRoot;
- property TabOrder;
- property TabStop default True;
- property ToolTips;
- property Version;
- property Visible;
- property OnChanging;
- property OnClick;
- property OnCollapsed;
- property OnCollapsing;
- property OnContextPopup;
- property OnDblClick;
- property OnDeletion;
- property OnDragDrop;
- property OnDragOver;
- property OnEdited;
- property OnEditing;
- property OnEndDock;
- property OnEndDrag;
- property OnEnter;
- property OnExit;
- property OnExpanding;
- property OnExpanded;
- property OnKeyDown;
- property OnKeyPress;
- property OnKeyUp;
-{$IFDEF HasOnMouseActivate}
- property OnMouseActivate;
- property OnMouseDown;
-{$IFDEF HasOnMouseEnter}
- property OnMouseEnter;
- property OnMouseLeave;
- property OnMouseMove;
- property OnMouseUp;
- property OnStartDock;
- property OnStartDrag;
- end;
-{ ===== TAbProgressBar ====================================================== }
- TAbProgressBar = class(TProgressBar, IAbProgressMeter)
- protected {private}
- function GetVersion : string;
- public {methods}
- procedure DoProgress(Progress : Byte);
- procedure Reset;
- published {properties}
- property Version: string
- read GetVersion
- stored False;
- end;
-{$R AbComCtrls.res}
- CommCtrl, Contnrs, Forms, ShellAPI, StrUtils, AbConst, AbResString, AbUtils,
- AbZipTyp;
- HDF_SORTDOWN = $0200;
- HDF_SORTUP = $0400;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-{$IF NOT DECLARED(StartsText)}
-function StartsText(const aSubText, aText: string): Boolean;
- Result := (Length(aText) > Length(aSubText)) and
- SameText(aSubText, Copy(aText, 1, Length(aSubText)));
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function AbNormalizeFilename(const aFilename: string): string;
- i: Integer;
- Result := aFilename;
- for i := 1 to Length(Result) do
- if IsDelimiter('\/', Result, i) then
- Result[i] := PathDelim;
- if IsDelimiter(PathDelim, Result, Length(Result)) then
- SetLength(Result, Length(Result) - 1);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
- ComCtl32MajorVer: Integer = -1;
-function IsComCtl32Version6: Boolean;
- PDllVersionInfo = ^TDllVersionInfo;
- TDllVersionInfo = packed record
- cbSize: DWORD;
- dwMajorVersion: DWORD;
- dwMinorVersion: DWORD;
- dwBuildNumber: DWORD;
- dwPlatformId: DWORD;
- end;
- DllGetVersion: function(pdvi: PDllVersionInfo): HRESULT; stdcall;
- dvi: TDllVersionInfo;
- hComCtl32: HMODULE;
- if ComCtl32MajorVer = -1 then begin
- ComCtl32MajorVer := 0;
- hComCtl32 := LoadLibrary(comctl32);
- if hComCtl32 <> 0 then begin
- DllGetVersion := GetProcAddress(hComCtl32, 'DllGetVersion');
- if Assigned(DllGetVersion) then begin
- dvi.cbSize := SizeOf(dvi);
- if Succeeded(DllGetVersion(@dvi)) then
- ComCtl32MajorVer := dvi.dwMajorVersion;
- end;
- FreeLibrary(hComCtl32);
- end;
- end;
- Result := ComCtl32MajorVer >= 6;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function SameEvent(const aEvent1, aEvent2: TNotifyEvent): Boolean;
- Result := (TMethod(aEvent1).Code = TMethod(aEvent2).Code) and
- (TMethod(aEvent1).Data = TMethod(aEvent2).Data);
-{ ===== TAbListItem ========================================================= }
-function TAbListItem.GetIsDirectory: Boolean;
- Result := (ArchiveItem = nil) or ArchiveItem.IsDirectory;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbListItem.GetIsEncrypted: Boolean;
- Result := (ArchiveItem <> nil) and ArchiveItem.IsEncrypted;
-{ ===== TAbListItems ======================================================== }
-function TAbListItems.GetItem(aIndex: Integer): TAbListItem;
- Result := inherited Item[aIndex] as TAbListItem;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbListItems.SetItem(aIndex: Integer; aValue: TAbListItem);
- inherited Item[aIndex] := aValue;
-{ ===== TAbCustomListView =================================================== }
-constructor TAbCustomListView.Create(aOwner: TComponent);
- Bmp : TBitmap;
- inherited;
- FHeaderInstance := MakeObjectInstance(HeaderWndProc);
- // Load header image into an image list; the header's hbm property
- // doesn't support transparency
- FHeaderImages := TImageList.Create(Self);
- Bmp := TBitmap.Create;
- try
- Bmp.LoadFromResourceName(HInstance, 'AbComCtrls_Lock');
- FHeaderImages.AddMasked(Bmp, clFuchsia);
- finally
- Bmp.Free;
- end;
- // Load system image lists
- LargeImages := TImageList.Create(Self);
- LargeImages.ShareImages := True;
- LargeImages.Handle := SHGetFileInfo('', 0, sfi, SizeOf(sfi),
- SmallImages := TImageList.Create(Self);
- SmallImages.ShareImages := True;
- SmallImages.Handle := SHGetFileInfo('', 0, sfi, SizeOf(sfi),
- // Load sort arrow bitmaps for older comctrl32.dll versions
- FSortAscending := True;
- FSortColumn := vcName;
- if not IsComCtl32Version6 then begin
- FSortUpBmp := LoadImage(HInstance, 'AbComCtrls_SortUp', IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADMAP3DCOLORS);
- FSortDownBmp := LoadImage(HInstance, 'AbComCtrls_SortDown', IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADMAP3DColors);
- end;
- // Set default column visibility
- VisibleColumns := AbDefVisibleColumns;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-destructor TAbCustomListView.Destroy;
- if FHeaderHandle <> 0 then
- SetWindowLong(FHeaderHandle, GWL_WNDPROC, LongInt(FDefHeaderProc));
- FreeObjectInstance(FHeaderInstance);
- if FSortUpBmp <> 0 then
- DeleteObject(FSortUpBmp);
- if FSortDownBmp <> 0 then
- DeleteObject(FSortDownBmp);
- inherited;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomListView.ColClick(aColumn: TListColumn);
- Col: TAbViewColumn;
- inherited;
- Col := TAbViewColumn(aColumn.Tag);
- Sort(Col, (Col <> FSortColumn) or not FSortAscending);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbCustomListView.CreateListItem: TListItem;
- Result := TAbListItem.Create(Items);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbCustomListView.CreateListItems: TListItems;
- Result := TAbListItems.Create(Self);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomListView.CreateWnd;
- inherited;
- FHeaderHandle := ListView_GetHeader(Handle);
- if FHeaderHandle <> 0 then begin
- FDefHeaderProc := TWindowProcPtr(GetWindowLong(FHeaderHandle, GWL_WNDPROC));
- SetWindowLong(FHeaderHandle, GWL_WNDPROC, LongInt(FHeaderInstance));
- end;
- Header_SetImageList(ListView_GetHeader(Handle), FHeaderImages.Handle);
- UpdateColumns;
- UpdateView;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbCustomListView.CustomDrawSubItem(Item: TListItem; SubItem: Integer;
- State: TCustomDrawState; Stage: TCustomDrawStage): Boolean;
- i: Integer;
- R: TRect;
- Result := True;
- if (Stage = cdPrePaint) and TAbListItem(Item).IsEncrypted then
- if TAbViewColumn(Columns[SubItem].Tag) = vcEncrypted then begin
- Result := False;
- R := Item.DisplayRect(drBounds);
- Inc(R.Left, 6);
- for i := 0 to SubItem - 1 do
- Inc(R.Left, Columns[i].Width);
- HeaderImages.Draw(Canvas, R.Left, R.Top, 0);
- end
- else begin
- Result := True;
- // Fixed other columns drawing with wrong font after using TImageList.Draw
- Canvas.Brush.Color := ColorToRGB(Color);
- SetBkMode(Canvas.Handle, TRANSPARENT);
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomListView.DblClick;
- inherited;
- if TAbListItem(Selected).IsDirectory then
- if Path = '' then
- Path := Selected.Caption
- else
- Path := Path + PathDelim + Selected.Caption;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomListView.DoChange(Sender: TObject);
- UpdateView;
- if (Sender = FArchive) and Assigned(FTreeView) then
- FTreeView.DoChange(Self);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbCustomListView.GetListItems: TAbListItems;
- Result := inherited Items as TAbListItems;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbCustomListView.GetVersion: string;
- Result := AbVersionS;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomListView.HeaderWndProc(var Msg: TMessage);
- Item: THDItem;
- if (Msg.Msg = HDM_SETITEM) and not FInUpdateSortArrows then begin
- Item.Mask := HDI_FORMAT;
- if Header_GetItem(FHeaderHandle, Msg.WParam, Item) then begin
- PHDItem(Msg.LParam).Mask := PHDItem(Msg.LParam).Mask and not HDI_BITMAP;
- PHDItem(Msg.LParam).fmt := PHDItem(Msg.LParam).fmt and not FMT_MASK
- or (Item.fmt and FMT_MASK);
- end;
- end;
- Msg.Result := CallWindowProc(FDefHeaderProc, FHeaderHandle, Msg.Msg,
- Msg.WParam, Msg.LParam);
- if Msg.Msg = WM_DESTROY then
- FHeaderHandle := 0;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbCustomListView.IsCustomDrawn(Target: TCustomDrawTarget;
- Stage: TCustomDrawStage): Boolean;
- Result := (vcEncrypted in VisibleColumns) and (Stage = cdPrePaint) and
- (Target = dtSubItem);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomListView.Notification(aComponent: TComponent;
- aOperation: TOperation);
- inherited;
- if aOperation = opRemove then begin
- if aComponent = FArchive then begin
- FArchive := nil;
- Clear;
- end;
- if aComponent = FTreeView then begin
- if Assigned(FArchive) and SameEvent(FArchive.OnChange, FTreeView.DoChange) then
- FArchive.OnChange := DoChange;
- FTreeView := nil;
- end;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomListView.SetArchive(aValue: TAbBaseBrowser);
- if aValue <> FArchive then begin
- if Assigned(FArchive) then begin
- FArchive.RemoveFreeNotification(Self);
- if SameEvent(FArchive.OnChange, DoChange) then
- if Assigned(TreeView) and (TreeView.Archive = FArchive) then
- FArchive.OnChange := TreeView.DoChange
- else
- FArchive.OnChange := nil;
- end;
- FArchive := aValue;
- if Assigned(FArchive) then begin
- FArchive.FreeNotification(Self);
- FArchive.OnChange := DoChange;
- DoChange(Self);
- end
- else
- Items.Clear;
- if Assigned(TreeView) then
- TreeView.Archive := aValue;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomListView.SetFlatList(aValue : Boolean);
- if aValue <> FFlatList then begin
- FFlatList := aValue;
- UpdateView;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomListView.SetPath(aValue: string);
- if aValue <> FPath then begin
- FPath := ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter(aValue);
- if Assigned(TreeView) then
- TreeView.Path := aValue;
- if not FlatList then
- UpdateView;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomListView.SetTreeView(aValue: TAbCustomTreeView);
- if aValue <> FTreeView then begin
- if Assigned(FTreeView) then begin
- FTreeView.RemoveFreeNotification(Self);
- FTreeView.ListView := nil;
- end;
- FTreeView := aValue;
- if Assigned(FTreeView) then begin
- FTreeView.FreeNotification(Self);
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- FTreeView.Archive := FArchive
- else if Assigned(FTreeView.Archive) then
- Archive := FTreeView.Archive;
- FTreeView.ListView := Self;
- end;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomListView.SetVisibleColumns(aValue : TAbViewColumns);
- if aValue <> FVisibleColumns then begin
- FVisibleColumns := aValue;
- UpdateColumns;
- UpdateView;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbCustomListView_SortProc(aItem1, aItem2: TAbListItem;
- aListView: TAbCustomListView): Integer; stdcall;
- Item1, Item2: TAbArchiveItem;
- Ratio1, Ratio2: Single;
- if aItem1.IsDirectory <> aItem2.IsDirectory then
- if aItem1.IsDirectory then
- Result := -1
- else
- Result := 1
- else begin
- Result := 0;
- if aListView.FSortColumn in [vcFileType, vcPath] then begin
- Result := CompareText(aItem1.SubItems[aListView.FSortColIndex],
- aItem2.SubItems[aListView.FSortColIndex]);
- end
- else if not aItem1.IsDirectory then begin
- // Don't do more advanced sorts for directories, since they may be
- // implicitly stored and won't have corresponding archive items
- Item1 := aItem1.ArchiveItem;
- Item2 := aItem2.ArchiveItem;
- case aListView.FSortColumn of
- vcLastModified:
- begin
- if Item1.LastModTimeAsDateTime < Item2.LastModTimeAsDateTime then
- Result := -1
- else if Item1.LastModTimeAsDateTime > Item2.LastModTimeAsDateTime then
- Result := 1;
- end;
- vcSize:
- begin
- if Item1.UncompressedSize < Item2.UncompressedSize then
- Result := -1
- else if Item1.UncompressedSize > Item2.UncompressedSize then
- Result := 1;
- end;
- vcRatio:
- begin
- if Item1.UncompressedSize > 0 then
- Ratio1 := Item1.CompressedSize / Item1.UncompressedSize
- else
- Ratio1 := 1;
- if Item2.UncompressedSize > 0 then
- Ratio2 := Item2.CompressedSize / Item2.UncompressedSize
- else
- Ratio2 := 1;
- if Ratio1 > Ratio2 then
- Result := -1
- else if Ratio1 < Ratio2 then
- Result := 1
- end;
- vcPacked:
- begin
- if Item1.CompressedSize < Item2.CompressedSize then
- Result := -1
- else if Item1.CompressedSize > Item2.CompressedSize then
- Result := 1;
- end;
- vcCRC:
- begin
- if Longword(Item1.CRC32) < Longword(Item2.CRC32) then
- Result := -1
- else if Longword(Item1.CRC32) > Longword(Item2.CRC32) then
- Result := 1;
- end;
- vcAttributes,
- vcMethod:
- begin
- Result := CompareText(aItem1.SubItems[aListView.FSortColIndex],
- aItem2.SubItems[aListView.FSortColIndex]);
- end;
- vcEncrypted:
- begin
- if not Item1.IsEncrypted and Item2.IsEncrypted then
- Result := -1
- else if Item1.IsEncrypted and not Item2.IsEncrypted then
- Result := 1
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if Result = 0 then
- Result := AnsiCompareText(aItem1.Caption, aItem2.Caption);
- end;
- if not aListView.FSortAscending then
- Result := -Result;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomListView.Sort(aColumn: TAbViewColumn; aAscending: Boolean);
- if (aColumn <> FSortColumn) or (aAscending <> FSortAscending) then begin
- FSortColumn := aColumn;
- FSortAscending := aAscending;
- UpdateSortArrow;
- CustomSort(TLVCompare(@TAbCustomListView_SortProc), LPARAM(Self));
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomListView.UpdateColumns;
- ColWidths: array[TAbViewColumn] of Integer = (
- 180{vcName}, 110{vcFileType}, 130{vcLastModified}, 80{vcSize}, 50{vcRatio},
- 80{vcPacked}, 70{vcCRC}, 30{vcAttributes}, 28{vcEncrypted}, 60{vcMethod},
- 300{vcPath});
- Col: TAbViewColumn;
- Column: TListColumn;
- if HandleAllocated then
- Items.BeginUpdate;
- Columns.BeginUpdate;
- try
- Columns.Clear;
- for Col := Low(Col) to High(Col) do begin
- if not (Col in FVisibleColumns) then
- Continue;
- Column := Columns.Add;
- case Col of
- vcName: Column.Caption := AbItemNameHeadingS;
- vcFileType: Column.Caption := AbFileTypeHeadingS;
- vcLastModified: Column.Caption := AbLastModifiedHeadingS;
- vcSize: Column.Caption := AbFileSizeHeadingS;
- vcRatio: Column.Caption := AbRatioHeadingS;
- vcPacked: Column.Caption := AbPackedHeadingS;
- vcCRC: Column.Caption := AbCRCHeadingS;
- vcAttributes: Column.Caption := AbFileAttrHeadingS;
- vcEncrypted: Column.ImageIndex := 0;
- vcMethod: Column.Caption := AbMethodHeadingS;
- vcPath: Column.Caption := AbPathHeadingS;
- end;
- Column.Width := ColWidths[Col];
- Column.Tag := Ord(Col);
- if Col in [vcSize, vcRatio, vcPacked] then
- Column.Alignment := taRightJustify;
- end;
- finally
- Columns.EndUpdate;
- if HandleAllocated then
- Items.EndUpdate;
- end;
- UpdateSortArrow;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomListView.UpdateSortArrow;
- i: Integer;
- Item: THDITEM;
- if not HandleAllocated then
- Exit;
- FInUpdateSortArrows := True;
- try
- for i := 0 to Columns.Count - 1 do begin
- FillChar(Item, SizeOf(Item), 0);
- Item.Mask := HDI_FORMAT;
- if not IsComCtl32Version6 then
- Item.Mask := Item.Mask or HDI_BITMAP;
- Header_GetItem(FHeaderHandle, Columns[i].Index, Item);
- // Add sort arrow to requested column
- if TAbViewColumn(Columns[i].Tag) = FSortColumn then begin
- FSortColIndex := i - 1;
- if IsComCtl32Version6 then begin
- Item.fmt := Item.fmt and not (HDF_SORTDOWN or HDF_SORTUP);
- if FSortAscending then
- Item.fmt := Item.fmt or HDF_SORTUP
- else
- Item.fmt := Item.fmt or HDF_SORTDOWN;
- end
- else begin
- Item.fmt := Item.fmt or HDF_BITMAP or HDF_BITMAP_ON_RIGHT;
- if FSortAscending then
- Item.hbm := FSortUpBmp
- else
- Item.hbm := FSortDownBmp;
- end;
- end
- // Remove sort arrow from other columns
- else begin
- if IsComCtl32Version6 then
- Item.fmt := Item.fmt and not (HDF_SORTDOWN or HDF_SORTUP)
- else begin
- Item.Mask := Item.Mask and not HDI_BITMAP;
- Item.fmt := Item.fmt and not (HDF_BITMAP OR HDF_BITMAP_ON_RIGHT);
- end;
- end;
- Header_SetItem(FHeaderHandle, Columns[i].Index, Item);
- end;
- finally
- FInUpdateSortArrows := False;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomListView.UpdateView;
- ArcItem: TAbArchiveItem;
- Col: TAbViewColumn;
- ColImage: Integer;
- ColText, Filename, FolderName: string;
- DOSAttr: Integer;
- Folders: TStringList;
- i, j: Integer;
- ListItem: TAbListItem;
- ParentDir: string;
- ListItem := nil; // Suppress compiler warning
- if (Items.Count = 0) and (FArchive = nil) then
- Exit;
- Items.BeginUpdate;
- try
- Items.Clear;
- if Assigned(FArchive) then begin
- Folders := TStringList.Create;
- try
- for i := 0 to FArchive.Count - 1 do
- if FArchive[i].Action <> aaDelete then begin
- ArcItem := FArchive[i];
- Filename := AbNormalizeFilename(ArcItem.FileName);
- // Exclude unwanted items
- if FlatList and ArcItem.IsDirectory then
- Continue;
- // Create new ListItem
- ParentDir := ExtractFileDir(FileName);
- if FlatList or (ParentDir = Path) then begin
- // If an ListItem has already been created for a folder, use it
- if ArcItem.IsDirectory then begin
- FolderName := ExtractFileName(FileName);
- if Folders.Find(FolderName, j) then
- ListItem := Folders.Objects[j] as TAbListItem
- else begin
- ListItem := Items.Add as TAbListItem;
- Folders.AddObject(FolderName, ListItem);
- end
- end
- else
- ListItem := Items.Add as TAbListItem;
- ListItem.ArchiveItem := FArchive[i];
- end
- else if (Path = '') or StartsText(Path + PathDelim, ParentDir) then begin
- // Create folder for implicitly stored directories,
- // if one hasn't been created already
- while ParentDir <> Path do begin
- FileName := ParentDir;
- ParentDir := ExtractFileDir(FileName);
- end;
- FolderName := ExtractFileName(FileName);
- if Folders.IndexOf(FolderName) <> -1 then
- Continue;
- ListItem := Items.Add as TAbListItem;
- Folders.AddObject(FolderName, ListItem);
- ArcItem := nil;
- end
- else
- // ListItem isn't below Path
- Continue;
- // Get file type information from the shell
- if ListItem.IsDirectory then
- else
- SHGetFileInfo(PChar(ExtractFileName(Filename)), DOSAttr, sfi, sizeof(sfi),
- // Fill in columns
- ListItem.Caption := ExtractFileName(Filename);
- ListItem.ImageIndex := sfi.iIcon;
- ListItem.SubItems.Clear;
- for Col := Succ(Low(Col)) to High(Col) do
- if Col in FVisibleColumns then begin
- ColText := '';
- ColImage := -1;
- case Col of
- vcFileType:
- ColText := sfi.szTypeName;
- vcLastModified:
- if ArcItem <> nil then
- ColText := DateToStr(ArcItem.LastModTimeAsDateTime) + ' ' +
- TimeToStr(ArcItem.LastModTimeAsDateTime);
- vcSize:
- if not ListItem.IsDirectory then
- ColText := FormatFloat('#,##0', ArcItem.UncompressedSize);
- vcRatio:
- if not ListItem.IsDirectory then
- if ArcItem.UncompressedSize > 0 then
- ColText := Format('%d%%',
- [100 - Round(ArcItem.CompressedSize * 100 / ArcItem.UncompressedSize)])
- else
- ColText := '0%';
- vcPacked:
- if not ListItem.IsDirectory then
- ColText := FormatFloat('#,##0', ArcItem.CompressedSize);
- vcCRC:
- if not ListItem.IsDirectory then
- ColText := IntToHex(ArcItem.CRC32, 8);
- vcAttributes:
- if ArcItem <> nil then begin
- if (faReadOnly and ArcItem.ExternalFileAttributes) = faReadOnly then
- ColText := ColText + AbReadOnlyS;
- if (faHidden and ArcItem.ExternalFileAttributes) = faHidden then
- ColText := ColText + AbHiddenS;
- if (faSysFile and ArcItem.ExternalFileAttributes) = faSysFile then
- ColText := ColText + AbSystemS;
- if (faArchive and ArcItem.ExternalFileAttributes) = faArchive then
- ColText := ColText + AbArchivedS;
- end;
- vcMethod:
- if ArcItem is TAbZipItem then
- ColText := ZipCompressionMethodToString(
- TAbZipItem(ArcItem).CompressionMethod);
- vcPath:
- ColText := ExtractFileDir(FileName);
- end;
- ListItem.SubItems.Add(ColText);
- ListItem.SubItemImages[ListItem.SubItems.Count - 1] := ColImage;
- end;
- end;
- finally
- Folders.Free;
- end;
- CustomSort(TLVCompare(@TAbCustomListView_SortProc), LPARAM(Self));
- end;
- finally
- Items.EndUpdate;
- end;
-{ ===== TAbCustomTreeView =================================================== }
-constructor TAbCustomTreeView.Create(aOwner: TComponent);
- Bmp : TBitmap;
- Icon : TIcon;
- inherited;
- HideSelection := False;
- Images := TImageList.Create(Self);
- Bmp := TBitmap.Create;
- try
- Bmp.LoadFromResourceName(HInstance, 'AbComCtrls_Zip');
- Images.AddMasked(Bmp, clFuchsia);
- Icon := TIcon.Create;
- try
- // On Windows 7 an empty filename returns the drive icon instead of a folder
- SHGetFileInfo('Folder', FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY, sfi, sizeof(sfi),
- Icon.Handle := sfi.hIcon;
- Bmp.PixelFormat := pf24bit;
- Bmp.Canvas.Brush.Color := clWindow;
- Bmp.Canvas.FillRect(Rect(0, 0, 16, 16));
- Bmp.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, Icon);
- Images.AddMasked(Bmp, clWindow);
- SHGetFileInfo('Folder', FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY, sfi, sizeof(sfi),
- Icon.Handle := sfi.hIcon;
- Bmp.Canvas.FillRect(Rect(0, 0, 16, 16));
- Bmp.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, Icon);
- Images.AddMasked(Bmp, clWindow);
- finally
- Icon.Free;
- end;
- finally
- Bmp.Free;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomTreeView.Change(aNode: TTreeNode);
- Filename: string;
- inherited;
- if aNode.Selected then begin
- Filename := '';
- if aNode <> Items.GetFirstNode then begin
- Filename := aNode.Text;
- aNode := aNode.Parent;
- while aNode <> Items.GetFirstNode do begin
- Filename := aNode.Text + PathDelim + Filename;
- aNode := aNode.Parent;
- end;
- end;
- Path := Filename;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomTreeView.DoChange(Sender: TObject);
- Nodes: TStringList;
- ZipNode: TTreeNode;
- function GetNode(const aFilename: string): TTreeNode;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- if aFilename = '' then
- Result := ZipNode
- else if Nodes.Find(aFilename, i) then
- Result := TTreeNode(Nodes.Objects[i])
- else begin
- Result := Items.AddChild(GetNode(ExtractFileDir(aFilename)),
- ExtractFileName(aFilename));
- {$IFDEF HasTreeViewExpandedImageIndex}
- Result.ExpandedImageIndex := AbTreeFolderExpandedImage;
- {$ENDIF}
- Result.ImageIndex := AbTreeFolderImage;
- Nodes.AddObject(aFilename, Result);
- end;
- end;
- i: Integer;
- Filename: string;
- Items.BeginUpdate;
- try
- Items.Clear;
- if Assigned(FArchive) then begin
- Nodes := TStringList.Create;
- try
- Nodes.Sorted := True;
- if Archive.FArchive <> nil then
- Filename := ExtractFileName(Archive.FArchive.ArchiveName)
- else
- Filename := PathDelim;
- ZipNode := Items.AddChild(nil, Filename);
- {$IFDEF HasTreeViewExpandedImageIndex}
- ZipNode.ExpandedImageIndex := AbTreeArchiveImage;
- {$ENDIF}
- ZipNode.ImageIndex := AbTreeArchiveImage;
- for i := 0 to FArchive.Count - 1 do
- if FArchive[i].Action <> aaDelete then begin
- Filename := AbNormalizeFilename(FArchive[i].FileName);
- if not FArchive[i].IsDirectory then
- Filename := ExtractFileDir(Filename);
- GetNode(Filename);
- end;
- finally
- Nodes.Free;
- end;
- Items.AlphaSort(True);
- ZipNode.Expand(False);
- SelectPathNode;
- end;
- finally
- Items.EndUpdate;
- end;
- if (Sender = FArchive) and Assigned(FListView) then
- FListView.DoChange(Self);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomTreeView.GetSelectedIndex(aNode: TTreeNode);
- {$IFDEF HasTreeViewExpandedImageIndex}
- if aNode.Expanded then
- aNode.SelectedIndex := aNode.ExpandedImageIndex
- else
- {$ENDIF}
- aNode.SelectedIndex := aNode.ImageIndex;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbCustomTreeView.GetVersion: string;
- Result := AbVersionS;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomTreeView.Notification(aComponent: TComponent;
- aOperation: TOperation);
- inherited;
- if aOperation = opRemove then begin
- if aComponent = FArchive then begin
- FArchive := nil;
- Items.Clear;
- end;
- if aComponent = FListView then begin
- if Assigned(FArchive) and SameEvent(FArchive.OnChange, FListView.DoChange) then
- FArchive.OnChange := DoChange;
- FListView := nil;
- end;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomTreeView.SelectPathNode;
- Filename, Remaining: string;
- i: Integer;
- Node: TTreeNode;
- // Find selected node, expanding parents along the way
- Node := Items.GetFirstNode;
- Remaining := FPath;
- if StartsText(PathDelim, Remaining) then
- System.Delete(Remaining, 1, 1);
- while Remaining <> '' do begin
- Node.Expand(False);
- i := Pos(PathDelim, Remaining);
- if i = 0 then
- i := Length(Remaining) + 1;
- Filename := Copy(Remaining, 1, i - 1);
- Remaining := Copy(Remaining, i + 1, MaxInt);
- if Filename = '' then
- Continue;
- Node := Node.getFirstChild;
- while (Node <> nil) and not SameText(Filename, Node.Text) do
- Node := Node.getNextSibling;
- if Node = nil then begin
- Node := Items.GetFirstNode;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- Selected := Node;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomTreeView.SetArchive(aValue: TAbBaseBrowser);
- if aValue <> FArchive then begin
- if Assigned(FArchive) then begin
- FArchive.RemoveFreeNotification(Self);
- if SameEvent(FArchive.OnChange, DoChange) then
- if Assigned(ListView) and (ListView.Archive = FArchive) then
- FArchive.OnChange := ListView.DoChange
- else
- FArchive.OnChange := nil;
- end;
- FArchive := aValue;
- if Assigned(FArchive) then begin
- FArchive.FreeNotification(Self);
- FArchive.OnChange := DoChange;
- DoChange(Self);
- end
- else
- Items.Clear;
- if Assigned(ListView) then
- ListView.Archive := aValue;
- SelectPathNode;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomTreeView.SetListView(aValue: TAbCustomListView);
- if aValue <> FListView then begin
- if Assigned(FListView) then begin
- FListView.RemoveFreeNotification(Self);
- FListView.TreeView := nil;
- end;
- FListView := aValue;
- if Assigned(FListView) then begin
- FListView.FreeNotification(Self);
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- FListView.Archive := FArchive
- else if Assigned(FListView.Archive) then
- Archive := FListView.Archive;
- FListView.TreeView := Self;
- end;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomTreeView.SetPath(const aValue: string);
- if FPath <> aValue then begin
- FPath := ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter(aValue);
- SelectPathNode;
- if Assigned(FListView) then
- FListView.Path := aValue;
- end;
-{ ===== TAbProgressBar ====================================================== }
-procedure TAbProgressBar.DoProgress(Progress : Byte);
- Position := Progress;
- Application.ProcessMessages;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbProgressBar.GetVersion : string;
- Result := AbVersionS;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbProgressBar.Reset;
- DoProgress(0);
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbComCtrls.res b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbComCtrls.res
deleted file mode 100644
index 7698351..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbComCtrls.res and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbCompnd.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbCompnd.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index d646fd9..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbCompnd.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2238 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbCompnd.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Compound File classes and component *}
-{* Use AbQCmpnd.pas for CLX *}
-unit AbCompnd;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- Classes, SysUtils,
-{$IFDEF UsingClx}
- QComCtrls,
- ComCtrls,
- AbBase, AbResString, AbDfDec, AbDfEnc, AbDfBase;
- AbCompoundFileVersion = '3.1';
- {SystemBlock constants}
- sbSignatureSize = 40; {byte size of Signature field}
- sbVolumeLabelSize = 40; {byte size of Volume Label field}
- sbAllocationSizeSize = 4; {byte size of Allocation Size field}
- sbVersionSize = 4; {byte size of Version field}
- sbUpdateSize = 1; {byte size of Updating Flag field}
- {Total size of System Block}
- SizeOfSystemBlock = sbSignatureSize + sbVolumeLabelSize +
- sbAllocationSizeSize + sbVersionSize + sbUpdateSize;
- {RootDir constants}
- rdEntryNameSize = 28; {byte size of Name field}
- rdEntryIDSize = 4; {byte size of EntryID field}
- rdParentFolderSize = 4; {byte size of ParentFolder field}
- rdEntryTypeSize = 4; {byte size of EntryType field}
- rdAttributesSize = 4; {byte size of Attributes field}
- rdStartBlockSize = 4; {byte size of StartBlock field}
- rdLastModifiedSize = 8; {byte size of LastModified field}
- rdSizeSize = 4; {byte size of UncompressedSize field}
- rdCompressedSizeSize = 4; {byte size of CompressedSize field}
- {Total size of a single Root Directory Entry}
- rdSizeOfDirEntry = rdEntryNameSize + rdEntryIDSize + rdParentFolderSize +
- rdEntryTypeSize + rdAttributesSize + rdStartBlockSize +
- rdLastModifiedSize + rdSizeSize + rdCompressedSizeSize;
- rdUnUsed = -2; {Constant used to flag an RD entry as unused}
- {Total size of a Root Directory entry}
- SizeOfRootDirBlock = rdEntryNameSize + rdEntryIDSize + rdParentFolderSize +
- rdEntryTypeSize + rdAttributesSize + rdStartBlockSize +
- rdLastModifiedSize + rdSizeSize + rdCompressedSizeSize;
- {FAT table constants}
- ftEndOfBlock = -1; {End of Block}
- ftUnusedBlock = -2; {Unused Block}
- {General constants}
- cfAllocationSize = 512; {Default AllocationSize (bytes)}
- ECompoundFileError = class(Exception);
- TrdEntryType = (etFolder, etFile);
- {dynamic array parameter for returning FAT chain sequences}
- type TFATChainArray = array of Integer;
- {forwards}
- TAbCompoundFile = class;
- TBeforeDirDeleteEvent = procedure(Sender : TAbCompoundFile; Dir : AnsiString;
- var AllowDelete : Boolean) of object;
- TBeforeDirModifiedEvent = procedure(Sender : TAbCompoundFile; Dir : AnsiString;
- var AllowModify : Boolean) of object;
- TBeforeFileDeleteEvent = procedure(Sender : TAbCompoundFile;FileName : AnsiString;
- var AllowDelete : Boolean) of object;
- TBeforeFileModifiedEvent = procedure(Sender : TAbCompoundFile;
- FileName : AnsiString; var AllowModify :
- Boolean) of object;
- TMultiNode = class(TObject)
- protected {private}
- FParent : Pointer; {pointer to the parent node}
- FKey : AnsiString; {node identifier}
- FChildren : TStringList; {list for child keys & nodes}
- FData : TObject; {contained object}
- function GetChildCount : Integer;
- public
- constructor Create(const Key : AnsiString);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function AddChild(const Key : AnsiString) : TMultiNode;
- procedure DeleteChild(Index : Integer);
- function DeleteChildByName(const ChildKey : AnsiString) : Boolean;
- function DeleteChildren : Boolean;
- function GetChild(Index : integer) : TMultiNode;
- function GetChildByName(const Key : AnsiString) : TMultiNode;
- function HasParent : Boolean;
- function HasChildren : Boolean;
- function Contains(const Key : AnsiString) : Boolean;
- property Parent : Pointer read FParent write FParent;
- property ChildCount : Integer read GetChildCount;
- property Children[Index : Integer] : TMultiNode read GetChild;
- property Data : TObject read FData write FData;
- property Key : AnsiString read FKey write FKey;
- end;
- TMultiTree = class(TObject)
- protected {private}
- FRoot : TMultiNode; {reference to root node}
- FCount : Integer; {count of nodes in the tree}
- FCurrentNode : TMultiNode; {analogous to current directory}
- FSepChar : AnsiChar; {directory separator character}
- FIDCount : Integer; {counter incremented during preorder trav.}
- {(used to assign unique ID to each node)}
- procedure VisitSubNodesPost(Node : TMultiNode; ID : Integer);
- procedure VisitSubNodesPre(Node : TMultiNode; Strm : TStream);
- procedure VisitNode(Node : TMultiNode; Strm : TStream);
- procedure ParseDirStr(const Key : AnsiString; Lst : TStringList);
- procedure PopulateSubNodes(ParentNode : TMultiNode;
- TreeView : TTreeView; TreeNode : TTreeNode);
- procedure TraversePost(ID : Integer);
- procedure TraversePre(Strm : TStream);
- public
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function Insert(ParentNode : TMultiNode; const Key : AnsiString) : TMultiNode;
- function GetNode(const Key : AnsiString) : TMultiNode;
- function DeleteNode(const Key : AnsiString) : Boolean;
- procedure ChangeDir(const Key : AnsiString);
- function PopulateTreeView(TreeView : TTreeView) : Integer;
- property Root : TMultiNode read FRoot;
- property Count : Integer read FCount;
- property CurrentNode : TMultiNode read FCurrentNode;
- property SepChar : AnsiChar read FSepChar write FSepChar;
- end;
- TAbSystemBlock = class(TObject)
- protected {private}
- FSignature : AnsiString; {identifies the compound file structure}
- FVolumeLabel : AnsiString; {file identification in addition to filename}
- FAllocationSize : Integer; {size of allocation block}
- FVersion : AnsiString; {version string identifier}
- FUpdating : Boolean; {internal processing indicator}
- {protected methods}
- procedure BeginUpdate;
- procedure EndUpdate;
- procedure WriteToStream(Strm : TMemoryStream);
- {properties}
- property Signature : AnsiString read FSignature write FSignature;
- property VolumeLabel : AnsiString read FVolumeLabel write FVolumeLabel;
- property Updating : Boolean read FUpdating;
- property AllocationSize : Integer
- read FAllocationSize write FAllocationSize;
- property Version : AnsiString read FVersion;
- public
- constructor Create(const VolLabel : AnsiString; AllocationSz : Integer);
- end;
- TAbDirectoryEntry = class(TObject)
- protected {private}
- FName : AnsiString; {name of file or folder}
- FEntryID : Integer; {unique ID for this dir. entry}
- FParentFolder : LongInt; {unique ID of parent folder}
- FEntryType : TrdEntryType; {folder or file}
- FAttributes : LongInt; {file system attributes}
- FStartBlock : LongInt; {starting allocation block}
- FLastModified : TDateTime; {last modification date/time}
- FSize : LongInt; {uncompressed file size}
- FCompressedSize : LongInt; {compressed file size}
- procedure WriteToStream(Strm : TMemoryStream);
- function IsReadOnly : Boolean;
- function IsHidden : Boolean;
- function IsSysFile : Boolean;
- function IsVolumeID : Boolean;
- function IsDirectory : Boolean;
- function IsArchive : Boolean;
- function GetIsFree : Boolean;
- public
- constructor Create(AsFile : Boolean);
- property EntryName : AnsiString read FName write FName;
- property ParentFolder : LongInt read FParentFolder write FParentFolder;
- property Attributes : LongInt read FAttributes write FAttributes;
- property StartBlock : LongInt read FStartBlock write FStartBlock;
- property LastModified : TDateTime read FLastModified write FLastModified;
- property Size : LongInt read FSize write FSize;
- property CompressedSize : LongInt
- read FCompressedSize write FCompressedSize;
- property IsFree : Boolean read GetIsFree;
- property EntryType : TrdEntryType read FEntryType write FEntryType;
- end;
- TAbRootDir = class(TMultiTree)
- fAllocSize : Integer;
- protected {private}
- function AddFolder(FolderName : AnsiString) : TAbDirectoryEntry;
- function AddFile(FileName : AnsiString) : TAbDirectoryEntry;
- procedure DeleteFolder(FolderName : AnsiString);
- procedure DeleteFile(FileName : AnsiString);
- procedure WriteToStream(Strm : TMemoryStream);
- procedure GoToEntryID(ID : Integer);
- public
- constructor Create(VolLabel : AnsiString; AllocSize : Integer);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- end;
- TAbFATTable = class(TObject)
- protected {private}
- fFATArray : Array of Integer; {dynamic array for the FAT}
- fAllocSize : Integer;
- procedure WriteToStream(Strm : TMemoryStream);
- public
- constructor Create(AllocSize : Integer);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function IsEndOfFile(Ndx : Integer) : Boolean;
- function IsUnUsed(Ndx : Integer) : Boolean;
- function GetNextUnusedBlock : Integer;
- procedure GetNewChain(NumBytes : Integer;
- var ChainArray : TFATChainArray);
- procedure GetExistingChain(StartNdx : Integer;
- var ChainArray : TFATChainArray);
- procedure ClearExistingChain(StartNdx : Integer);
- procedure GetRootDirChain(var ChainArray : TFATChainArray);
- procedure GetFATChain(var ChainArray : TFATChainArray);
- procedure GetNewRootDirChain(NumBytes : Integer;
- var ChainArray : TFATChainArray);
- procedure GetNewFATChain(NumBytes : Integer;
- var ChainArray : TFATChainArray);
- procedure ClearRootDirChain;
- procedure ClearFATChain;
- end;
- TAbCompoundFile = class(TObject)
- protected {private}
- FSystemBlock : TAbSystemBlock; {system block}
- FFATTable : TAbFATTable; {FAT table}
- FRootDir : TAbRootDir; {root directory}
- FDiskFile : string; {compound file name}
- FSizeOnDisk : Integer; {sum total of compressed sizes +
- uncompressed Sys, RootDir, & FAT blks}
- FStream : TFileStream; {Compound file stream (*.cf)}
- FOnAfterOpen : TNotifyEvent;
- FOnBeforeClose : TNotifyEvent;
- FOnBeforeDirDelete : TBeforeDirDeleteEvent;
- FOnBeforeDirModified : TBeforeDirModifiedEvent;
- FOnBeforeFileDelete : TBeforeFileDeleteEvent;
- FOnBeforeFileModified : TBeforeFileModifiedEvent;
- function GetVolumeLabel : AnsiString;
- procedure SetVolumeLabel(Val : AnsiString);
- function GetDirectoryEntries : Integer;
- function GetSizeOnDisk : Integer;
- procedure PersistFileData(FileData : TStream;
- var ChainArray : TFATChainArray);
- procedure PersistSystemBlock;
- procedure PersistRootDirBlock;
- procedure PersistFATBlock;
- procedure BuildSysBlock;
- procedure BuildFat;
- procedure BuildRootDir;
- procedure AddDirEntriesFromList(Lst : TStringList);
- procedure Defrag; {not implemented}
- public
- constructor Create(const FileName : string; const VolLabel : AnsiString;
- AllocSize : Integer); overload;
- constructor Create(const FileName : string; const VolLabel : AnsiString;
- AllocSize : Integer; const Signature: AnsiString); overload;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure EnumerateFiles(Lst : TStringList);
- procedure EnumerateFolders(Lst : TStringList);
- procedure AddFile(FName : AnsiString; FileData : TStream; FileSize : Integer);
- function AddFolder(FName : AnsiString) : Boolean;
- procedure UpdateFile(FName : AnsiString; FData : TStream);
- procedure DeleteFile(FName : AnsiString);
- procedure DeleteFolder(FName : AnsiString);
- procedure Open(const FName : string); overload;
- procedure Open(const FName : string; const Signature: AnsiString); overload;
- function OpenFile(FileName : AnsiString; var Strm : TStream) : Integer;
- function PopulateTreeView(TreeView : TTreeView) : Integer;
- procedure PopulateSubNodes(ParentNode : TMultiNode;
- TreeView : TTreeView; TreeNode : TTreeNode);
- procedure RenameFile(OrigName, NewName : AnsiString);
- procedure RenameFolder(OrigName, NewName : AnsiString);
- procedure SetCurrentDirectory(val : AnsiString);
- function GetCurrentDirectory : AnsiString;
- function GetAllocationSize : Integer;
- property CurrentDirectory : AnsiString
- read GetCurrentDirectory write SetCurrentDirectory;
- property DirectoryEntries : Integer read GetDirectoryEntries;
- property SizeOnDisk : Integer read GetSizeOnDisk;
- property Stream : TFileStream read FStream write FStream;
- published
- property VolumeLabel : AnsiString read GetVolumeLabel write SetVolumeLabel;
- property FileName : string read FDiskFile;
- property AllocationSize : Integer read GetAllocationSize;
- property OnAfterOpen : TNotifyEvent
- read FOnAfterOpen write FOnAfterOpen;
- property OnBeforeClose : TNotifyEvent
- read FOnBeforeClose write FOnBeforeClose;
- property OnBeforeDirDelete : TBeforeDirDeleteEvent
- read FOnBeforeDirDelete write FOnBeforeDirDelete;
- property OnBeforeDirModified : TBeforeDirModifiedEvent
- read FOnBeforeDirModified write FOnBeforeDirModified;
- property OnBeforeFileDelete : TBeforeFileDeleteEvent
- read FOnBeforeFileDelete write FOnBeforeFileDelete;
- property OnBeforeFileModified : TBeforeFileModifiedEvent
- read FOnBeforeFileModified write FOnBeforeFileModified;
- end;
- StrUtils{$IFDEF HasAnsiStrings}, AnsiStrings{$ENDIF};
- {TMultiNode}
-constructor TMultiNode.Create(const Key : AnsiString);
- {- Creates and initializes a new node}
- inherited Create;
- FKey := Key;
- FChildren := TStringList.Create;
- FChildren.Sorted := True;
- FChildren.Duplicates := dupError;
-destructor TMultiNode.Destroy;
- {- Destroys the node and all of the children}
- i : integer;
- {free children}
- for i := FChildren.Count - 1 downto 0 do
- FChildren.Objects[i].Free;
- FChildren.Free;
- if Assigned(FData) then
- TAbDirectoryEntry(FData).Free;
- inherited Destroy;
-function TMultiNode.AddChild(const Key : AnsiString) : TMultiNode;
- {- Creates and adds a new node - returns the newly added node}
- if Contains(Key) then
- Result := nil
- else begin
- Result := TMultiNode.Create(Key);
- Result.Parent := self;
- FChildren.AddObject(string(Key), Result);
- end;
-function TMultiNode.Contains(const Key : AnsiString) : Boolean;
- {- Returns true if the node contains a child of the name specified by 'Key'}
- Result := (FChildren.IndexOf(string(Key)) >= 0);
-procedure TMultiNode.DeleteChild(Index : Integer);
- {- Deletes the child node specified by 'Index'}
- if ((Index < 0) or (Index > FChildren.Count - 1)) then
- raise ECompoundFileError.Create(AbCmpndIndexOutOfBounds);
- FChildren.Objects[Index].Free;
- FChildren.Delete(Index);
-function TMultiNode.DeleteChildByName(const ChildKey : AnsiString) : Boolean;
- {- If node found, node is deleted and true is returned, else returns false}
- Result := Contains(ChildKey);
- if Result then begin
- FChildren.Objects[FChildren.IndexOf(string(ChildKey))].Free;
- FChildren.Delete(FChildren.IndexOf(string(ChildKey)));
- end;
-function TMultiNode.DeleteChildren : Boolean;
- {- Deletes all child nodes}
- i : Integer;
- Result := FChildren.Count > 0;
- for i := FChildren.Count - 1 downto 0 do begin
- FChildren.Objects[i].Free;
- FChildren.Delete(i);
- end;
-function TMultiNode.GetChild(Index : integer) : TMultiNode;
- {- Returns the node specified by Index}
- if ((Index < 0) or (Index > FChildren.Count - 1)) then
- raise ECompoundFileError.Create(AbCmpndIndexOutOfBounds);
- Result := (FChildren.Objects[Index] as TMultiNode);
-function TMultiNode.GetChildByName(const Key : AnsiString) : TMultiNode;
- {- Returns the child node specified by 'Key'. If not found, result = nil}
- Result := nil;
- if Contains(Key) then
- Result := (FChildren.Objects[FChildren.IndexOf(string(Key))] as TMultiNode);
-function TMultiNode.GetChildCount : Integer;
- {- Returns the node's children count}
- Result := FChildren.Count;
-function TMultiNode.HasParent : Boolean;
- {- Returns true if parent is assigned, else returns false}
- Result := (FParent <> nil);
-function TMultiNode.HasChildren : Boolean;
- {- Returns true if the node contains 1 or more child nodes.}
- Result := (FChildren.Count > 0);
- {TMultiTree}
-constructor TMultiTree.Create;
- {- creates an empty tree}
- inherited Create;
- FSepChar := '\';
-destructor TMultiTree.Destroy;
- {- destroys all nodes (post-order)}
- Curr : TMultiNode;
- Curr := Root;
- while Curr <> nil do begin
- if Curr.HasChildren then
- Curr := Curr.Children[0]
- else
- begin
- if Curr = Root then begin
- Curr.Free;
- exit;
- end else begin
- Curr := Curr.Parent;
- Curr.DeleteChild(0);
- end;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TMultiTree.ChangeDir(const Key : AnsiString);
- {- Sets current directory of tree if path('Key') is valid}
- Node : TMultiNode;
- Lst : TStringList;
- i, Ndx : integer;
- NotFound : Boolean;
- if Root = nil then exit;
- NotFound := False;
- Lst := TStringList.Create;
- try
- ParseDirStr(Key, Lst);
- Node := CurrentNode;
- for i := 0 to Lst.Count - 1 do begin
- if Lst.Strings[i] = '\' then begin
- Node := Root;
- Continue;
- end
- else if Lst.Strings[i] = '.' then
- Continue
- else if Lst.Strings[i] = '..' then begin
- if Node <> Root then
- Node := TMultiNode(Node.Parent);
- end else begin
- Ndx := Node.FChildren.IndexOf(Lst.Strings[i]);
- if Ndx >= 0 then
- Node := Node.GetChild(Ndx)
- else begin
- NotFound := True;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- finally
- Lst.Free;
- end;
- if NotFound = false then
- FCurrentNode := Node;
-function TMultiTree.DeleteNode(const Key : AnsiString) : Boolean;
- {- If node found, deletes the node & returns true, else returns false}
- Result := False;
- if CurrentNode <> nil then
- if CurrentNode.Contains(Key) then begin
- Result := CurrentNode.DeleteChildByName(Key);
- Dec(FCount);
- end;
-function TMultiTree.GetNode(const Key : AnsiString) : TMultiNode;
- {- Returns the node if found, else returns nil}
- Result := nil;
- if CurrentNode <> nil then
- if CurrentNode.Contains(Key) then
- Result := CurrentNode.GetChildByName(Key);
-function TMultiTree.Insert(ParentNode : TMultiNode;
- const Key : AnsiString) : TMultiNode;
- {- Adds child node to specified ParentNode}
- NewNode : TMultiNode;
- Result := nil;
- if CurrentNode = nil then begin
- {adding root node}
- NewNode := TMultiNode.Create(Key);
- FRoot := NewNode;
- FCurrentNode := NewNode;
- Result := NewNode;
- end else begin
- if not CurrentNode.Contains(Key) then begin
- Result := CurrentNode.AddChild(Key);
- Result.Parent := CurrentNode;
- end;
- end;
- Inc(FCount);
-procedure TMultiTree.ParseDirStr(const Key : AnsiString; Lst : TStringList);
- {- parses Key into individual dir commands adding each to Lst}
- LocKey : AnsiString;
- Counter : integer;
- LocKey := Key;
- Lst.Clear;
- if LocKey = '' then
- LocKey := '\';
- {- are we to start from the root folder}
- Counter := 0;
- while LocKey[Counter+1] = '\' do
- inc(Counter);
- if Counter = 1 then
- Lst.Add('\');
- {- begin parsing}
- while Length(LocKey) > 0 do begin
- while LocKey[1] = '\' do
- begin
- Delete(LocKey, 1, 1);
- if Length(LocKey) = 0 then
- exit;
- end;
- if pos(SepChar,LocKey) > 0 then begin
- Lst.Add(string(copy(LocKey, 1, Pos(SepChar, LocKey) - 1)));
- Delete(LocKey, 1, Pos(SepChar, LocKey));
- end else
- if Length(LocKey) > 0 then begin
- Lst.Add(string(LocKey));
- LocKey := '';
- end;
- end;
-procedure TMultiTree.PopulateSubNodes(ParentNode : TMultiNode;
- TreeView : TTreeView; TreeNode : TTreeNode);
- {- Visits sub-nodes recursively - pre order}
- Curr : TMultiNode;
- i : Integer;
- Node : TTreeNode;
- Node := TreeView.Items.AddChild(TreeNode, string(ParentNode.Key));
- Curr := ParentNode;
- if Curr <> nil then begin
- if Curr.HasChildren then begin
- for i := 0 to Curr.ChildCount -1 do
- PopulateSubNodes(Curr.Children[i], TreeView, Node);
- end;
- end;
-function TMultiTree.PopulateTreeView(TreeView : TTreeView) : Integer;
-{- Populates a user-supplied TTreeView with multiway tree nodes}
- i : Integer;
- TreeNode : TTreeNode;
- TreeView.Items.Clear;
- if Root <> nil then begin
- TreeNode := TreeView.Items.Add(nil, string(Root.Key));
- if Root.HasChildren then begin
- for i := 0 to Root.ChildCount - 1 do
- PopulateSubNodes(Root.Children[i], TreeView, TreeNode);
- end;
- end;
- Result := TreeView.Items.Count
-procedure TMultiTree.TraversePost(ID : Integer);
- {- Traverses tree post-order - CurrentNode after traversal will be the node
- whose EntryID = ID}
- i : Integer;
- if Root <> nil then begin
- if Root.HasChildren then begin
- for i := 0 to Root.ChildCount - 1 do
- VisitSubNodesPost(Root.Children[i], ID);
- end;
- if (TAbDirectoryEntry(Root.FData).FEntryID = ID) then
- FCurrentNode := Root;
- end;
-procedure TMultiTree.TraversePre(Strm : TStream);
- {- Traverses tree pre-order}
- i : Integer;
- if Root <> nil then begin
- FIDCount := 1;
- TAbDirectoryEntry(Root.Data).FEntryID := FIDCount;
- VisitNode(Root, Strm);
- if Root.HasChildren then begin
- for i := 0 to Root.ChildCount - 1 do
- VisitSubNodesPre(Root.Children[i], Strm);
- end;
- end;
-procedure TMultiTree.VisitNode(Node : TMultiNode; Strm : TStream);
- {- Called recursively from VisitSubNodesPre. Assigns unique entry ID's for
- each directory entry to maintain hierarchy}
- if Node.Parent = nil then
- TAbDirectoryEntry(Node.Data).ParentFolder := -1
- else
- TAbDirectoryEntry(Node.Data).ParentFolder :=
- TAbDirectoryEntry(TMultiNode(Node.Parent).Data).FEntryID;
- TAbDirectoryEntry(Node.Data).WriteToStream(TMemoryStream(Strm));
-procedure TMultiTree.VisitSubNodesPost(Node : TMultiNode; ID : Integer);
- {- Visits sub-nodes recursively - post order}
- Curr : TMultiNode;
- i : Integer;
- Curr := Node;
- if Curr <> nil then begin
- if Curr.HasChildren then begin
- for i := 0 to Curr.ChildCount -1 do
- VisitSubNodesPost(Curr.Children[i], ID);
- end;
- if (TAbDirectoryEntry(Curr.FData).FEntryID = ID) then
- FCurrentNode := Curr;
- end;
-procedure TMultiTree.VisitSubNodesPre(Node : TMultiNode; Strm : TStream);
- {- Visits sub-nodes recursively - pre order}
- Curr : TMultiNode;
- i : Integer;
- Curr := Node;
- if Curr <> nil then begin
- Inc(FIDCount);
- TAbDirectoryEntry(Curr.Data).FEntryID := FIDCount;
- VisitNode(Curr, Strm);
- if Curr.HasChildren then begin
- for i := 0 to Curr.ChildCount -1 do
- VisitSubNodesPre(Curr.Children[i], Strm);
- end;
- end;
- {TAbSystemBlock}
-constructor TAbSystemBlock.Create(const VolLabel : AnsiString; AllocationSz : Integer);
-{- Creates the System block structure of the compound file}
- inherited Create;
- FSignature := 'AbCompoundFile';
- FVolumeLabel := VolLabel;
- FAllocationSize := AllocationSz;
- FVersion := AbCompoundFileVersion;
- FUpdating := False;
-procedure TAbSystemBlock.BeginUpdate;
- {- Sets updating to true - temporarily blocking other actions}
- FUpdating := True;
-procedure TAbSystemBlock.EndUpdate;
- {- Clears updating flag & allows for other actions}
- FUpdating := False;
-procedure TAbSystemBlock.WriteToStream(Strm : TMemoryStream);
- {- writes the contents to the stream parameter}
- Sig : Array[0..sbSignatureSize - 1] of AnsiChar;
- VolLabel : Array[0..sbVolumeLabelSize - 1] of AnsiChar;
- AllocSize : Integer;
- Version : Array[0..sbVersionSize - 1] of AnsiChar;
- Updt : Byte;
- FillChar(Sig, sbSignatureSize, #0);
- {$IFDEF HasAnsiStrings}AnsiStrings.{$ENDIF}StrPCopy(Sig, FSignature);
- FillChar(VolLabel[0], sbVolumeLabelSize, #0);
- {$IFDEF HasAnsiStrings}AnsiStrings.{$ENDIF}StrPCopy(VolLabel, FVolumeLabel);
- AllocSize := FAllocationSize;
- FillChar(Version[0], sbVersionSize, #0);
- {$IFDEF HasAnsiStrings}AnsiStrings.{$ENDIF}StrPCopy(Version, FVersion);
- if FUpdating then
- Updt := $01
- else
- Updt := $00;
- Strm.Write(Sig[0], sbSignatureSize);
- Strm.Write(VolLabel[0], sbVolumeLabelSize);
- Strm.Write(AllocSize, SizeOf(Integer));
- Strm.Write(Version[0], sbVersionSize);
- Strm.Write(Updt, sbUpdateSize);
- {TAbDirectoryEntry}
-constructor TAbDirectoryEntry.Create(AsFile : Boolean);
- {- Creates & initializes a new TAbDirectoryEntry}
- inherited Create;
- FName := '';
- FParentFolder := rdUnused;
- if AsFile then begin
- FEntryType := etFile;
- FAttributes := faArchive;
- end else begin
- FEntryType := etFolder;
- FAttributes := faDirectory;
- end;
- FStartBlock := rdUnused;
- FLastModified := 0;
- FSize := rdUnused;
- FCompressedSize := rdUnused;
-function TAbDirectoryEntry.GetIsFree : Boolean;
- {- returns true if the entry has been marked for deletion}
- Result := (FName = '');
-function TAbDirectoryEntry.IsArchive : Boolean;
- {- returns true if the entry is an archive}
- Result := ((FAttributes and faArchive) > 0);
-function TAbDirectoryEntry.IsDirectory : Boolean;
- {- returns true if the entry is a directory}
- Result := ((FAttributes and faDirectory) > 0);
-function TAbDirectoryEntry.IsHidden : Boolean;
- {- returns true if the entry is hidden}
- Result := ((FAttributes and faHidden) > 0);
-function TAbDirectoryEntry.IsReadOnly : Boolean;
- {- returns true if the entry is read-only}
- Result := ((FAttributes and faReadOnly) > 0);
-function TAbDirectoryEntry.IsSysFile : Boolean;
- {- returns true if the entry is a system file}
- Result := ((FAttributes and faSysFile) > 0);
-function TAbDirectoryEntry.IsVolumeID : Boolean;
- {- returns true if the entry is a volume ID}
- Result := ((FAttributes and faVolumeID) > 0);
-procedure TAbDirectoryEntry.WriteToStream(Strm : TMemoryStream);
- {- writes properties to stream}
- EntryName : Array[0..rdEntryNameSize] of AnsiChar;
- FType : Integer;
- FillChar(EntryName, rdEntryNameSize - 1, #0);
- {$IFDEF HasAnsiStrings}AnsiStrings.{$ENDIF}StrPCopy(EntryName, FName);
- Strm.Write(EntryName[0], rdEntryNameSize);
- Strm.Write(FEntryID, rdEntryIDSize);
- Strm.Write(FParentFolder, rdParentFolderSize);
- if EntryType = etFolder then
- FType := $00000000
- else
- FType := $00000001;
- Strm.Write(FType, rdEntryTypeSize);
- Strm.Write(FAttributes, rdAttributesSize);
- Strm.Write(FStartBlock, rdStartBlockSize);
- Strm.Write(FLastModified, rdLastModifiedSize);
- Strm.Write(FSize, rdSizeSize);
- Strm.Write(FCompressedSize, rdCompressedSizeSize);
- {TAbRootDir}
-constructor TAbRootDir.Create(VolLabel : AnsiString; AllocSize : Integer);
- {- Creates a single-entry (vol-label) root directory structure}
- inherited Create;
- fAllocSize := AllocSize;
- if VolLabel <> '' then
- AddFolder(VolLabel);
-destructor TAbRootDir.Destroy;
- {- Destroys the root dir.}
- inherited Destroy;
-function TAbRootDir.AddFile(FileName : AnsiString) : TAbDirectoryEntry;
- {- Adds a file to the current directory of the compound file}
- NewNode : TMultiNode;
- NewData : TAbDirectoryEntry;
- NewData := nil;
- NewNode := Insert(CurrentNode, FileName);
- if NewNode <> nil then begin
- NewData := TAbDirectoryEntry.Create(True);
- NewData.FName := FileName;
- NewData.ParentFolder := 1;
- NewData.Attributes := faArchive;
- NewData.StartBlock := 3;
- NewData.LastModified := Now;
- NewData.Size := 4;
- NewData.CompressedSize := 5;
- NewData.EntryType := etFile;
- NewNode.Data := NewData;
- end;
- Result := NewData;
-function TAbRootDir.AddFolder(FolderName : AnsiString) : TAbDirectoryEntry;
- {- Adds a folder to the current directory of the compound file}
- NewNode : TMultiNode;
- NewData : TAbDirectoryEntry;
- Result := nil;
- NewNode := Insert(CurrentNode, FolderName);
- if NewNode <> nil then begin
- NewData := TAbDirectoryEntry.Create(False);
- NewData.FName := FolderName;
- NewData.ParentFolder := 1;
- NewData.Attributes := faDirectory;
- NewData.StartBlock := rdUnUsed;
- NewData.LastModified := Now;
- NewData.Size := 0;
- NewData.CompressedSize := 0;
- NewData.EntryType := etFolder;
- NewNode.Data := NewData;
- Result :=NewData;
- end;
-procedure TAbRootDir.DeleteFile(FileName : AnsiString);
- {- Deletes the specified file if found}
- DeleteNode(FileName);
-procedure TAbRootDir.DeleteFolder(FolderName : AnsiString);
- {- Deletes the specifed folder if found & empty}
- if not CurrentNode.Contains(FolderName) then
- raise ECompoundFileError.Create(AbCmpndFileNotFound);
- if CurrentNode.ChildCount > 0 then
- raise ECompoundFileError.Create(AbCmpndFolderNotEmpty);
- DeleteFolder(FolderName);
-procedure TAbRootDir.WriteToStream(Strm : TMemoryStream);
- {- Streams and writes the root directory entries to the stream parameter}
- TraversePre(Strm);
- {TAbFATTable}
-constructor TAbFATTable.Create(AllocSize : Integer);
- {- Creates the FAT table structure}
- i : Integer;
- {Sets FAT length equal to one allocation block}
- fAllocSize := AllocSize;
- SetLength(fFATArray, AllocSize div SizeOf(Integer));
- for i := 0 to High(fFATArray) do
- fFATArray[i] := ftUnusedBlock;
- for i := 0 to 2 do
- fFATArray[i] := ftEndOfBlock;
-destructor TAbFATTable.Destroy;
- {- Destroys the FAT table}
- Finalize(fFATArray);
-procedure TAbFATTable.ClearExistingChain(StartNdx : Integer);
- {- Sets all of the FAT entries pertaining to the sequence starting at StartNds
- to ftUnUsedBlock}
- ChainArray : TFATChainArray;
- i : Integer;
- SetLength(ChainArray, 0);
- GetExistingChain(StartNdx, ChainArray);
- for i := 0 to High(ChainArray) do
- fFATArray[ChainArray[i]] := ftUnUsedBlock;
-procedure TAbFATTable.ClearFATChain;
- {- Sets the FAT entries pertaining to the FAT table to unused}
- ClearExistingChain(2);
-procedure TAbFATTable.ClearRootDirChain;
- {- Sets the FAT entries pertaining the the RootDir to unused}
- ClearExistingChain(1);
-procedure TAbFATTable.GetExistingChain(StartNdx : Integer;
- var ChainArray : TFATChainArray);
- {- Walks the FAT table starting at the index specified, and populates the
- chain array parameter with the results}
- BlkCount, i, ChainNdx : Integer;
- if fFATArray[StartNdx] = ftUnUsedBlock then begin
- SetLength(ChainArray, 0);
- exit;
- end;
- {determine count}
- if StartNdx < 1 then
- SetLength(ChainArray, 0)
- else begin
- BlkCount := 1;
- i := StartNdx;
- while fFATArray[i] <> ftEndOfBlock do begin
- i := fFATArray[i];
- Inc(BlkCount);
- end;
- {set up array}
- SetLength(ChainArray, BlkCount);
- for i := 0 to High(ChainArray) do
- ChainArray[i] := ftUnusedBlock;
- {walk FAT & populate array}
- ChainNdx := 0;
- ChainArray[ChainNdx] := StartNdx;
- i := StartNdx;
- while fFATArray[i] <> ftEndOfBlock do begin
- Inc(ChainNdx);
- ChainArray[ChainNdx] := fFATArray[i];
- i := fFATArray[i];
- end;
- end;
-procedure TAbFATTable.GetFATChain(var ChainArray : TFATChainArray);
- {- Returns the sequence of FAT blocks used by the FAT table in the
- ChainArray parameter}
- GetExistingChain(2, ChainArray);
-procedure TAbFATTable.GetNewChain(NumBytes : Integer;
- var ChainArray : TFATChainArray);
- {- Finds sequence of free blocks required of a file of size NumBytes
- The new FAT chain is commited and passed back in the ChainArray parameter}
- FirstBlock : Integer;
- TotalBlocksRequired : Integer;
- i, j, BlocksFound : Integer;
- if ((NumBytes mod fAllocSize) <> 0) then
- TotalBlocksRequired := (NumBytes div fAllocSize) + 1
- else
- TotalBlocksRequired := (NumBytes div fAllocSize);
- if TotalBlocksRequired = 0 then
- exit;
- FirstBlock := GetNextUnusedBlock;
- {set up array}
- SetLength(ChainArray, TotalBlocksRequired);
- for i := 0 to High(ChainArray) do
- ChainArray[i] := ftUnusedBlock;
- ChainArray[0] := FirstBlock;
- BlocksFound := 1;
- i := FirstBlock + 1;
- while BlocksFound < TotalBlocksRequired do begin
- if ((fFATArray[i] = ftUnusedBlock) and (i > 2)) then begin
- ChainArray[BlocksFound] := i;
- inc(BlocksFound);
- end;
- Inc(i);
- if i > High(fFATArray) then begin
- {grow FAT (allocate another block)}
- SetLength(fFATArray, Length(fFATArray) + (fAllocSize div SizeOf(Integer)));
- for j := High(fFATArray) downto (Length(fFATArray) -
- (fAllocSize div SizeOf(Integer))) do
- fFATArray[j] := ftUnUsedBlock;
- end;
- end;
- {Update FAT}
- for i := 0 to High(ChainArray) do begin
- if i = High(ChainArray) then
- fFATArray[ChainArray[i]] := -1
- else
- fFATArray[ChainArray[i]] := ChainArray[i+1];
- end;
-procedure TAbFATTable.GetNewFATChain(NumBytes : Integer;
- var ChainArray : TFATChainArray);
- {- Finds and commits a new chain starting at the 3rd block. The new chain is
- returned in the ChainArray parameter}
- FirstBlock : Integer;
- TotalBlocksRequired : Integer;
- i, j, BlocksFound : Integer;
- if ((NumBytes mod fAllocSize) <> 0) then
- TotalBlocksRequired := (NumBytes div fAllocSize) + 1
- else
- TotalBlocksRequired := (NumBytes div fAllocSize);
- if TotalBlocksRequired = 0 then
- exit;
- FirstBlock := 2;
- {set up array}
- SetLength(ChainArray, TotalBlocksRequired);
- for i := 0 to High(ChainArray) do
- ChainArray[i] := ftUnusedBlock;
- ChainArray[0] := FirstBlock;
- BlocksFound := 1;
- i := FirstBlock + 1;
- while BlocksFound < TotalBlocksRequired do begin
- if ((fFATArray[i] = ftUnusedBlock) and (i > 2)) then begin
- ChainArray[BlocksFound] := i;
- inc(BlocksFound);
- end;
- Inc(i);
- if i > High(fFATArray) then begin
- {grow FAT (allocate another block)}
- SetLength(fFATArray, Length(fFATArray) + (fAllocSize div SizeOf(Integer)));
- for j := High(fFATArray) downto (Length(fFATArray) -
- (fAllocSize div SizeOf(Integer))) do
- fFATArray[j] := ftUnUsedBlock;
- end;
- end;
- {Update FAT}
- for i := 0 to High(ChainArray) do begin
- if i = High(ChainArray) then
- fFATArray[ChainArray[i]] := -1
- else
- fFATArray[ChainArray[i]] := ChainArray[i+1];
- end;
-procedure TAbFATTable.GetNewRootDirChain(NumBytes : Integer;
- var ChainArray : TFATChainArray);
- {- Finds and commits a new chain starting at the 2nd block. The new chain is
- returned in the ChainArray parameter}
- FirstBlock : Integer;
- TotalBlocksRequired : Integer;
- i, j, BlocksFound : Integer;
- if ((NumBytes mod fAllocSize) <> 0) then
- TotalBlocksRequired := (NumBytes div fAllocSize) + 1
- else
- TotalBlocksRequired := (NumBytes div fAllocSize);
- if TotalBlocksRequired = 0 then
- exit;
- FirstBlock := 1;
- {set up array}
- SetLength(ChainArray, TotalBlocksRequired);
- for i := 0 to High(ChainArray) do
- ChainArray[i] := ftUnusedBlock;
- ChainArray[0] := FirstBlock;
- BlocksFound := 1;
- i := FirstBlock + 1;
- while BlocksFound < TotalBlocksRequired do begin
- if ((fFATArray[i] = ftUnusedBlock) and (i > 2)) then begin
- ChainArray[BlocksFound] := i;
- inc(BlocksFound);
- end;
- Inc(i);
- if i > High(fFATArray) then begin
- {grow FAT (allocate another block)}
- SetLength(fFATArray, Length(fFATArray) + (fAllocSize div SizeOf(Integer)));
- for j := High(fFATArray) downto (Length(fFATArray) -
- (fAllocSize div SizeOf(Integer))) do
- fFATArray[j] := ftUnUsedBlock;
- end;
- end;
- {Update FAT}
- for i := 0 to High(ChainArray) do begin
- if i = High(ChainArray) then
- fFATArray[ChainArray[i]] := -1
- else
- fFATArray[ChainArray[i]] := ChainArray[i+1];
- end;
-function TAbFATTable.GetNextUnusedBlock : Integer;
- {- Returns the index into the FAT table of the next block marked as unused}
- i, j : Integer;
- if Length(fFATArray) = 0 then
- Result := -1
- else begin
- Result := -1;
- i := 3;
- while i <= High(fFATArray) do begin
- if fFATArray[i] = ftUnusedBlock then begin
- Result := i;
- exit;
- end;
- inc(i);
- if i > High(fFATArray) then begin
- {grow FAT (allocate another block)}
- SetLength(fFATArray, Length(fFATArray) +
- (fAllocSize div SizeOf(Integer)));
- for j := High(fFATArray) downto (Length(fFATArray) -
- (fAllocSize div SizeOf(Integer))) do
- fFATArray[j] := ftUnUsedBlock;
- end;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TAbFATTable.GetRootDirChain(var ChainArray : TFATChainArray);
- {- Returns the sequence of FAT blocks used by the RootDir in the
- ChainArray parameter}
- GetExistingChain(1, ChainArray);
-function TAbFATTable.IsEndOfFile(Ndx : Integer) : Boolean;
- {- Returns true if Ndx into FAT signifies end of file}
- if ((Ndx < 0) or (Ndx > High(fFATArray)) or
- (Length(fFATArray) = 0)) then
- raise ECompoundFileError.Create(AbCmpndIndexOutOfBounds)
- else
- Result := (fFATArray[Ndx] = ftEndOfBlock);
-function TAbFATTable.IsUnUsed(Ndx : Integer) : Boolean;
- {- Returns true if Ndx into FAT signifies an unused block}
- if ((Ndx < 0) or (Ndx > High(fFATArray)) or
- (Length(fFATArray) = 0)) then
- raise ECompoundFileError.Create(AbCmpndIndexOutOfBounds)
- else
- Result := (fFATArray[Ndx] = ftUnUsedBlock);
-procedure TAbFATTable.WriteToStream(Strm : TMemoryStream);
- {- Streams and writes the FAT entries to the stream parameter}
- Strm.Write(fFATArray[0], Length(fFATArray) * SizeOf(Integer));
- {TAbCompoundFile}
-constructor TAbCompoundFile.Create(const FileName : string; const VolLabel : AnsiString;
- AllocSize : Integer);
- {- Creates a new instance}
- Buff : Array of Byte;
- inherited Create;
- FSystemBlock := TAbSystemBlock.Create(VolLabel, AllocSize);
- FFATTable := TAbFATTable.Create(AllocSize);
- FRootDir := TAbRootDir.Create(VolLabel, AllocSize);
- {create file}
- if FileName <> '' then begin
- FDiskFile := FileName;
- FStream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenReadWrite or
- fmCreate or fmShareDenyNone);
- {fill first 3 blocks of file}
- SetLength(Buff, 3 * AllocSize);
- FStream.Write(Buff, 3 * AllocSize);
- {write System, RootDir, and FAT blocks}
- PersistSystemBlock;
- PersistRootDirBlock;
- PersistFATBlock;
- if Assigned(FOnAfterOpen) then
- FOnAfterOpen(self);
- end;
-constructor TAbCompoundFile.Create(const FileName : string; const VolLabel : AnsiString;
- AllocSize : Integer; const Signature: AnsiString);
- {- Creates a new instance}
- Buff : Array of Byte;
- inherited Create;
- FSystemBlock := TAbSystemBlock.Create(VolLabel, AllocSize);
- FSystemBlock.Signature := {$IFDEF HasAnsiStrings}AnsiStrings.{$ENDIF}LeftStr(Signature, sbSignatureSize);
- FFATTable := TAbFATTable.Create(AllocSize);
- FRootDir := TAbRootDir.Create(VolLabel, AllocSize);
- {create file}
- if FileName <> '' then begin
- FDiskFile := FileName;
- FStream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenReadWrite or
- fmCreate or fmShareDenyNone);
- {fill first 3 blocks of file}
- SetLength(Buff, 3 * AllocSize);
- FStream.Write(Buff, 3 * AllocSize);
- {write System, RootDir, and FAT blocks}
- PersistSystemBlock;
- PersistRootDirBlock;
- PersistFATBlock;
- if Assigned(FOnAfterOpen) then
- FOnAfterOpen(self);
- end;
-destructor TAbCompoundFile.Destroy;
- {- Persists and then destroys the instance of the compound file}
- PersistSystemBlock;
- PersistRootDirBlock;
- PersistFATBlock;
- if Assigned(FOnBeforeClose) then
- FOnBeforeClose(self);
- FSystemBlock.Free;
- FFATTable.Free;
- FRootDir.Free;
- FStream.Free;
- inherited;
-procedure TAbCompoundFile.AddFile(FName : AnsiString; FileData : TStream;
- FileSize : Integer);
- function JustFilename(const PathName : AnsiString) : AnsiString;
- {-Return just the filename and extension of a pathname.}
- var
- I : Cardinal;
- begin
- Result := '';
- if PathName = '' then Exit;
- I := Succ(Word(Length(PathName)));
- repeat
- Dec(I);
- until (PathName[I] in ['\',':']) or (I = 0);
- Result := System.Copy(PathName, Succ(I), rdEntryNameSize);
- end;
- {- Compresses, adds & persists the data (FileData)}
- DirEntry : TAbDirectoryEntry;
- CompStream : TStream;
- CompHelper : TAbDeflateHelper;
- ChainArray : TFATChainArray;
- FName := JustFileName(FName);
- if ((FStream.Size + FileData.Size +
- (4 * FSystemBlock.AllocationSize)) >= MaxLongInt) then
- raise ECompoundFileError.Create(AbCmpndExceedsMaxFileSize);
- if FSystemBlock.Updating then
- raise ECompoundFileError.Create(AbCmpndBusyUpdating);
- FSystemBlock.BeginUpdate;
- CompStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- CompHelper := TAbDeflateHelper.Create;
- try
- DirEntry := FRootDir.AddFile(FName);
- if DirEntry <> nil then begin
- DirEntry.FSize := FileSize;
- {compress & update dir entry's compressed size}
- FileData.Seek(0, soBeginning);
- Deflate(FileData, CompStream, CompHelper);
- DirEntry.FCompressedSize := CompStream.Size;
- {Get new FAT chain & persist the data}
- SetLength(ChainArray, 0);
- FFATTable.GetNewChain(CompStream.Size, ChainArray);
- DirEntry.FStartBlock := ChainArray[0];
- PersistFileData(CompStream, ChainArray);
- PersistRootDirBlock;
- PersistFATBlock;
- end;
- finally
- CompStream.Free;
- CompHelper.Free;
- FSystemBlock.EndUpdate;
- end;
-procedure TAbCompoundFile.AddDirEntriesFromList(Lst : TStringList);
- {- Add individual root directory entries to RootDir structure maintaining seq.}
- i : Integer;
- LstEntry : TAbDirectoryEntry;
- Entry : TAbDirectoryEntry;
- for i := 0 to Lst.Count - 1 do begin
- LstEntry := (Lst.Objects[i] as TAbDirectoryEntry);
- {locate parent folder}
- FRootDir.GoToEntryID(LstEntry.FParentFolder);
- {Add file or folder}
- if LstEntry.EntryType = etFolder then
- Entry := FRootDir.AddFolder(LstEntry.FName)
- else
- Entry := FRootDir.AddFile(LstEntry.FName);
- {assign values}
- Entry.FName := LstEntry.FName;
- Entry.FEntryID := LstEntry.FEntryID;
- Entry.FParentFolder := LstEntry.FParentFolder;
- Entry.FEntryType := LstEntry.FEntryType;
- Entry.FAttributes := LstEntry.FAttributes;
- Entry.FStartBlock := LstEntry.FStartBlock;
- Entry.FLastModified := LstEntry.FLastModified;
- Entry.FSize := LstEntry.FSize;
- Entry.FCompressedSize := LstEntry.FCompressedSize;
- end;
-function TAbCompoundFile.AddFolder(FName : AnsiString) : Boolean;
- {- Adds a new folder (directory) to the compound file}
- EntryCount : Integer;
- if ((FStream.Size + FSystemBlock.AllocationSize) >= MaxLongInt) then
- raise ECompoundFileError.Create(AbCmpndExceedsMaxFileSize);
- EntryCount := FRootDir.Count;
- FSystemBlock.BeginUpdate;
- try
- FRootDir.AddFolder(FName);
- PersistRootDirBlock;
- PersistFATBlock;
- finally
- FSystemBlock.EndUpdate;
- end;
- Result := ((FRootDir.Count - EntryCount) = 1);
-procedure TAbCompoundFile.BuildFat;
- {- Extracts FAT from this string, writes it to DestStrm(TMemoryStream) and
- ultimately updates/persists the FAT table}
- Buff : Array of Integer;
- IntBuff : Array[0..0] of Integer;
- DestStrm : TMemoryStream;
- i, CurrPos : Integer;
- NextBlock : Integer;
- DestStrm := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- {Dim Buff to allocation block size}
- SetLength(Buff, FSystemBlock.AllocationSize div SizeOf(Integer));
- {Clear Buff}
- for i := Low(Buff) to High(Buff) do
- Buff[i] := ftUnusedBlock;
- {read 1st FAT block into Buff -> Write Buff to DestStrm}
- FStream.Seek(2 * FSystemBlock.AllocationSize, soBeginning);
- FStream.Read(Buff[0], FSystemBlock.AllocationSize);
- DestStrm.Write(Buff[0], FSystemBlock.AllocationSize);
- {Determine next block of FAT chain}
- NextBlock := Buff[2];
- {read remaining FAT blocks if they exist}
- While NextBlock <> ftEndOfBlock do begin
- FStream.Seek((NextBlock) * FSystemBlock.AllocationSize, soBeginning);
- {Clear buff}
- for i := Low(Buff) to High(Buff) do
- Buff[i] := ftUnusedBlock;
- FStream.Read(Buff[0], FSystemBlock.AllocationSize);
- DestStrm.Write(Buff[0], FSystemBlock.AllocationSize);
- {Determine the next FAT block - we'll return to this position in stream}
- CurrPos := DestStrm.Position;
- DestStrm.Seek((NextBlock - 1) * SizeOf(Integer), soBeginning);
- DestStrm.Read(IntBuff[0], SizeOf(Integer));
- NextBlock := IntBuff[0];
- DestStrm.Seek(CurrPos, soBeginning);
- end;
- {Set length of and populate the FFATTable.fFATArray in mem structure}
- DestStrm.Seek(0, soBeginning);
- SetLength(FFATTable.fFATArray, DestStrm.Size div SizeOf(Integer));
- for i := 1 to DestStrm.Size div SizeOf(Integer) do begin
- DestStrm.Read(IntBuff[0], SizeOf(Integer));
- FFATTable.fFATArray[i-1] := IntBuff[0];
- end;
- finally
- DestStrm.Free;
- end;
- PersistFATBlock;
-procedure TAbCompoundFile.BuildRootDir;
- {- Builds list of root directory entries & passes list to AddDirEntriesFromList}
- ChainArray : TFATChainArray;
- DestStrm : TMemoryStream;
- Buff : Array of Byte;
- i : Integer;
- Entry : TAbDirectoryEntry;
- Lst : TStringList;
- {RootDirEntry buffers}
- EName : Array[0..rdEntryNameSize - 1] of AnsiChar;
- EID : Array[0..0] of Integer;
- EPF : Array[0..0] of Integer;
- EType : Array[0..0] of Integer;
- EAttrib : Array[0..0] of Integer;
- EStartBlk : Array[0..0] of Integer;
- EMod : Array[0..0] of TDateTime;
- ESz : Array[0..0] of Integer;
- ECompSz : Array[0..0] of Integer;
- {Get RootDir FAT chain}
- FFATTable.GetRootDirChain(ChainArray);
- SetLength(Buff, FSystemBlock.AllocationSize);
- DestStrm := TMemoryStream.Create;
- Lst := TStringList.Create;
- Lst.Duplicates := dupAccept;
- Lst.Sorted := False;
- try
- {Read entire RotDir block to DestStrm}
- for i := 0 to High(ChainArray) do begin
- FStream.Seek(FSystemBlock.AllocationSize * ChainArray[i], soBeginning);
- FStream.Read(Buff[0], FSystemBlock.AllocationSize);
- DestStrm.Write(Buff[0], FSystemBlock.AllocationSize);
- end;
- {Reset DestStrm}
- DestStrm.Seek(0, soBeginning);
- {For all directory entries, read entry, create object, & add to Lst}
- for i := 0 to (DestStrm.Size div rdSizeOfDirEntry) - 1 do begin
- {read a single directory entry}
- DestStrm.Read(EName[0], rdEntryNameSize);
- if EName = '' then
- continue;
- DestStrm.Read(EID[0], SizeOf(Integer));
- DestStrm.Read(EPF[0], SizeOf(Integer));
- DestStrm.Read(EType[0], SizeOf(Integer));
- DestStrm.Read(EAttrib[0], SizeOf(Integer));
- DestStrm.Read(EStartBlk[0], SizeOf(Integer));
- DestStrm.Read(EMod[0], SizeOf(TDateTime));
- DestStrm.Read(ESz[0], SizeOf(Integer));
- DestStrm.Read(ECompSz[0], SizeOf(Integer));
- if EType[0] = 0 then
- Entry := TAbDirectoryEntry.Create(False)
- else
- Entry := TAbDirectoryEntry.Create(True);
- Entry.FName := EName;
- Entry.FEntryID := EID[0];
- Entry.FParentFolder := EPF[0];
- if EType[0] = 0 then
- Entry.FEntryType := etFolder
- else
- Entry.FEntryType := etFile;
- Entry.FAttributes := EAttrib[0];
- Entry.FStartBlock := EStartBlk[0];
- Entry.FLastModified := EMod[0];
- Entry.FSize := ESz[0];
- Entry.FCompressedSize := ECompSz[0];
- {Don't add an empty dir entry}
- if Entry.FName <> '' then
- Lst.AddObject(IntToStr(i), TObject(Entry));
- end;
- {Add individual root directory entries to RootDir structure maintaining seq.}
- AddDirEntriesFromList(Lst);
- finally
- DestStrm.Free;
- for i := 0 to Lst.Count - 1 do
- if Lst.Objects[i] <> nil then
- TAbDirectoryEntry(Lst.Objects[i]).Free;
- Lst.Free;
- end;
- {Save updates}
- PersistRootDirBlock;
- PersistFATBlock;
-procedure TAbCompoundFile.BuildSysBlock;
- {- Constructs System block from the contents of FStream
- (used when opening an existing compound file)}
- Sig : Array[0..sbSignatureSize - 1] of AnsiChar;
- VolLabel : Array[0..sbVolumeLabelSize - 1] of AnsiChar;
- Version : Array[0..sbVersionSize - 1] of AnsiChar;
- AllocationSz : Array[0..0] of Integer;
- FStream.Seek(0, soBeginning);
- FStream.Read(Sig[0], sbSignatureSize);
- FStream.Read(VolLabel[0], sbVolumeLabelSize);
- FStream.Read(AllocationSz[0], sbAllocationSizeSize);
- FStream.Read(Version[0], sbVersionSize);
- FSystemBlock.Signature := Sig;
- FSystemBlock.VolumeLabel := VolLabel;
- FSystemBlock.AllocationSize := AllocationSz[0];
- FSystemBlock.FVersion := Version;
- PersistSystemBlock;
-procedure TAbCompoundFile.Defrag;
- {- Optimizes disk storage}
-{ not implemeneted }
-procedure TAbCompoundFile.DeleteFile(FName : AnsiString);
- {- Deletes the file from the RootDirectory and FAT blocks (data remains)}
- StartBlock : Integer;
- Allow : Boolean;
- AllowDirMod : Boolean;
- Allow := True;
- AllowDirMod := True;
- if not FRootDir.CurrentNode.Contains(FName) then
- raise ECompoundFileError.Create(AbCmpndFileNotFound);
- if Assigned(FOnBeforeFileDelete) then
- FOnBeforeFileDelete(self, FName, Allow);
- if Assigned(FOnBeforeDirModified) then
- FOnBeforeDirModified(self, TMultiNode(FRootDir.CurrentNode.Parent).Key,
- AllowDirMod);
- if (Allow and AllowDirMod) then begin
- StartBlock := TAbDirectoryEntry(FRootDir.GetNode(FName).FData).StartBlock;
- FFATTable.ClearExistingChain(StartBlock);
- FRootDir.DeleteFile(FName);
- PersistRootDirBlock;
- PersistFATBlock;
- end;
-procedure TAbCompoundFile.DeleteFolder(FName : AnsiString);
- {- Deletes the folder from the RootDirectory block}
- Allow : Boolean;
- AllowDirMod : Boolean;
- Allow := True;
- AllowDirMod := True;
- if not FRootDir.CurrentNode.Contains(FName) then
- raise ECompoundFileError.Create(AbCmpndFileNotFound);
- if Assigned(FOnBeforeDirDelete) then
- FOnBeforeDirDelete(self, FName, Allow);
- if Assigned(FOnBeforeDirModified) then
- FOnBeforeDirModified(self, TMultiNode(FRootDir.CurrentNode.Parent).Key,
- AllowDirMod);
- if (Allow and AllowDirMod) then begin
- FRootDir.DeleteFolder(FName);
- PersistRootDirBlock;
- PersistFATBlock;
- end;
-procedure TAbCompoundFile.EnumerateFiles(Lst : TStringList);
- i : Integer;
- Lst.Clear;
- for i := 0 to FRootDir.CurrentNode.ChildCount - 1 do begin
- if (FRootDir.CurrentNode.Children[i].Data as TAbDirectoryEntry).EntryType = etFile then
- Lst.Add(string((FRootDir.CurrentNode.Children[i].Data as TAbDirectoryEntry).EntryName));
- end;
-procedure TAbCompoundFile.EnumerateFolders(Lst : TStringList);
- i : Integer;
- Lst.Clear;
- for i := 0 to FRootDir.CurrentNode.ChildCount - 1 do begin
- if (FRootDir.CurrentNode.Children[i].Data as TAbDirectoryEntry).EntryType = etFolder then
- Lst.Add(string((FRootDir.CurrentNode.Children[i].Data as TAbDirectoryEntry).EntryName));
- end;
-function TAbCompoundFile.GetAllocationSize : Integer;
- {- Returns the block allocation size used by the compound file}
- result := FSystemBlock.AllocationSize;
-function TAbCompoundFile.GetCurrentDirectory : AnsiString;
- {- Returns the current directory}
- Result := FRootDir.CurrentNode.Key;
-function TAbCompoundFile.GetDirectoryEntries : Integer;
- {- Returns the total number of directory entries (files and folders)}
- Result := FRootDir.Count;
-function TAbCompoundFile.GetSizeOnDisk : Integer;
- {- Returns the compound file size (FStream.Size)}
- Result := FStream.Size;
-function TAbCompoundFile.GetVolumeLabel : AnsiString;
- {- Returns the volume label of the compound file}
- Result := FSystemBlock.VolumeLabel;
-procedure TAbRootDir.GoToEntryID(ID : Integer);
- {- Traverses tree and sets the current node to the node whose EntryID = ID}
- TraversePost(ID);
-procedure TAbCompoundFile.Open(const FName : string);
-{- Opens an existing compound file and builds Sys, Root Dir, and FAT blocks}
- Sig : Array[0..sbSignatureSize - 1] of AnsiChar;
- if FStream <> nil then
- FStream.Free;
- FStream := TFileStream.Create(FName, fmOpenReadWrite or fmShareDenyNone);
- {Ensure valid signature}
- FStream.Read(Sig[0], sbSignatureSize);
- if Sig <> {$IFDEF HasAnsiStrings}AnsiStrings.{$ENDIF}LeftStr(FSystemBlock.Signature, sbSignatureSize) then begin
- raise ECompoundFileError.Create(AbCmpndInvalidFile);
- exit;
- end;
- FDiskFile := FName;
- {populate Compound File structure}
- BuildSysBlock;
- BuildFat;
- BuildRootDir;
- if Assigned(FOnAfterOpen) then
- FOnAfterOpen(self);
-procedure TAbCompoundFile.Open(const FName : string; const Signature: AnsiString);
-{- Opens an existing compound file and builds Sys, Root Dir, and FAT blocks}
- Sig : Array[0..sbSignatureSize - 1] of AnsiChar;
- if FStream <> nil then
- FStream.Free;
- FStream := TFileStream.Create(FName, fmOpenReadWrite or fmShareDenyNone);
- {Ensure valid signature}
- FStream.Read(Sig[0], sbSignatureSize);
- if Sig <> {$IFDEF HasAnsiStrings}AnsiStrings.{$ENDIF}LeftStr(Signature, sbSignatureSize) then begin
- raise ECompoundFileError.Create(AbCmpndInvalidFile);
- exit;
- end;
- FDiskFile := FName;
- {populate Compound File structure}
- BuildSysBlock;
- BuildFat;
- BuildRootDir;
- if Assigned(FOnAfterOpen) then
- FOnAfterOpen(self);
-function TAbCompoundFile.OpenFile(FileName : AnsiString; var Strm : TStream)
- : Integer;
- {- Opens the file and writes the file contents to Strm}
- ChainArray : TFatChainArray;
- i, j : Integer;
- Buff : Array of Byte;
- RemainingBytes : Integer;
- CompStream : TStream;
- CompHelper : TAbDeflateHelper;
- if not FRootDir.CurrentNode.Contains(FileName) then
- raise ECompoundFileError.Create(AbCmpndFileNotFound);
- CompStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- CompHelper := TAbDeflateHelper.Create;
- try
- {Read the existing (compressed) file into CompStream}
- FFATTable.GetExistingChain((FRootDir.GetNode(FileName).FData
- as TAbDirectoryEntry).StartBlock, ChainArray);
- SetLength(Buff, FSystemBlock.AllocationSize);
- for i := 0 to high(ChainArray) do begin
- for j := 0 to Pred(FSystemBlock.AllocationSize) do
- Buff[j] := Byte(chr(0));
- FStream.Seek((ChainArray[i]) * FSystemBlock.AllocationSize, soBeginning);
- if i <> High(ChainArray) then begin
- FStream.Read(buff[0], FSystemBlock.AllocationSize);
- CompStream.Write(Buff[0], FSystemBlock.AllocationSize);
- end else begin
- {read less than entire block}
- RemainingBytes := (FRootDir.GetNode(FileName).FData as TAbDirectoryEntry).
- CompressedSize mod FSystemBlock.AllocationSize;
- FStream.Read(Buff[0], RemainingBytes);
- CompStream.Write(Buff[0], RemainingBytes);
- end;
- end;
- {CompStream now contains the entire compressed file stream}
- CompStream.Seek(0, soBeginning);
- Inflate(CompStream, Strm, CompHelper);
- finally
- CompStream.Free;
- CompHelper.Free;
- end;
- Result := Strm.Size;
-procedure TAbCompoundFile.PersistFATBlock;
- {- Saves the FAT table to disk}
- FATStrm : TMemoryStream;
- Buff : Array of Byte;
- i : Integer;
- ChainArray : TFATChainArray;
- {Init Buffer}
- SetLength(Buff, FSystemBlock.AllocationSize);
- {Init & fill RootDir stream}
- FATStrm := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- FFATTable.WriteToStream(FATStrm);
- {prep FAT Table}
- fFATTable.ClearFATChain;
- fFATTable.GetNewFATChain(FATStrm.Size, ChainArray);
- FATStrm.Seek(0, soBeginning);
- for i := 0 to High(ChainArray) do begin
- {Clear block contents}
- FillChar(Buff[0], FSystemBlock.AllocationSize, #0);
- FStream.Seek(FSystemBlock.FAllocationSize * ChainArray[i], soBeginning);
- FStream.Write(Buff[0], FSystemBlock.AllocationSize);
- {write new contents}
- FATStrm.Read(Buff[0], FSystemBlock.AllocationSize);
- FStream.Seek(FSystemBlock.FAllocationSize * ChainArray[i], soBeginning);
- FStream.Write(Buff[0], FSystemBlock.AllocationSize);
- end;
- finally
- FATStrm.Free;
- end;
-procedure TAbCompoundFile.PersistFileData(FileData : TStream;
- var ChainArray : TFATChainArray);
- {- Walks FAT chain and persists data (FileData) to the corresponding blocks}
- Buff : Array of Byte;
- i : Integer;
- j : Integer;
- if FileData <> nil then begin
- FileData.Seek(0, soBeginning);
- SetLength(Buff, FSystemBlock.AllocationSize);
- for i := 0 to High(ChainArray) do begin
- for j := 0 to FSystemBlock.AllocationSize - 1 do
- Buff[j] := Byte(chr(0));
- FileData.Read(Buff[0], FSystemBlock.AllocationSize);
- FStream.Seek(FSystemBlock.AllocationSize * ChainArray[i], soBeginning);
- FStream.Write(Buff[0],FSystemBlock.AllocationSize);
- end;
- end;
-procedure TAbCompoundFile.PersistRootDirBlock;
- {- Saves the RootDirectory block to disk}
- RdStrm : TMemoryStream;
- Buff : Array of Byte;
- i : Integer;
- ChainArray : TFATChainArray;
- {Init Buffer}
- SetLength(Buff, FSystemBlock.AllocationSize);
- {Init & fill RootDir stream}
- RdStrm := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- FRootDir.WriteToStream(RdStrm);
- {prep FAT Table}
- fFATTable.ClearRootDirChain;
- fFATTable.GetNewRootDirChain(RdStrm.Size, ChainArray);
- RdStrm.Seek(0, soBeginning);
- for i := 0 to High(ChainArray) do begin
- {Clear block contents}
- FillChar(Buff[0], FSystemBlock.AllocationSize, #0);
- FStream.Seek(FSystemBlock.FAllocationSize * ChainArray[i], soBeginning);
- FStream.Write(Buff[0], FSystemBlock.AllocationSize);
- {write new contents}
- RdStrm.Read(Buff[0], FSystemBlock.AllocationSize);
- FStream.Seek(FSystemBlock.FAllocationSize * ChainArray[i], soBeginning);
- FStream.Write(Buff[0], FSystemBlock.AllocationSize);
- end;
- finally
- RdStrm.Free;
- end;
-procedure TAbCompoundFile.PersistSystemBlock;
- {- Saves the System block to disk}
- Strm : TMemoryStream;
- Buff : Array of Byte;
- SetLength(Buff, FSystemBlock.AllocationSize);
- Strm := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- FSystemBlock.WriteToStream(Strm);
- Strm.Seek(0, soBeginning);
- Strm.Read(Buff[0], Strm.Size);
- FStream.Seek(0, soBeginning);
- FStream.Write(Buff[0], FSystemBlock.AllocationSize);
- finally
- Strm.Free;
- end;
-procedure TAbCompoundFile.SetCurrentDirectory(val : AnsiString);
- {- Changes the current directory to the val parameter}
- FRootDir.ChangeDir(Val);
-procedure TAbCompoundFile.SetVolumeLabel(Val : AnsiString);
- {- Sets the volume label of the compound file}
- FSystemBlock.VolumeLabel := Val;
- PersistSystemBlock;
-procedure TAbCompoundFile.UpdateFile(FName : AnsiString; FData : TStream);
- StartBlk : Integer;
- ChainArray : TFATChainArray;
- DirEntry : TAbDirectoryEntry;
- CompStream : TStream;
- CompHelper : TAbDeflateHelper;
- Allow : Boolean;
- AllowDirMod : Boolean;
- Allow := True;
- AllowDirMod := True;
- if not FRootDir.CurrentNode.Contains(FName) then
- raise ECompoundFileError.Create(AbCmpndFileNotFound);
- if ((FStream.Size + FData.Size +
- (4 * FSystemBlock.AllocationSize)) >= MaxLongInt) then
- raise ECompoundFileError.Create(AbCmpndExceedsMaxFileSize);
- if Assigned(FOnBeforeFileModified) then
- FOnBeforeFileModified(self, FName, Allow);
- if Assigned(FOnBeforeDirModified) then
- FOnBeforeDirModified(self, TMultiNode(FRootDir.CurrentNode.Parent).Key,
- AllowDirMod);
- if (Allow and AllowDirMod) then begin
- {get dir entry & start block}
- DirEntry := TAbDirectoryEntry(FRootDir.CurrentNode.GetChildByName(FName).Data);
- StartBlk := DirEntry.StartBlock;
- CompStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- CompHelper := TAbDeflateHelper.Create;
- try
- {clear existing FAT chain}
- FFATTable.ClearExistingChain(StartBlk);
- SetLength(ChainArray, 0);
- {Deflate data}
- FData.Seek(0, soBeginning);
- Deflate(FData, CompStream, CompHelper);
- {Commit new FAT chain}
- FFATTable.GetNewChain(CompStream.Size, ChainArray);
- {update start block, size, compressed size}
- DirEntry.FStartBlock := ChainArray[0];
- DirEntry.Size := FData.Size;
- DirEntry.CompressedSize := CompStream.Size;
- {persist changes}
- PersistFileData(CompStream, ChainArray);
- PersistRootDirBlock;
- PersistFATBlock;
- finally
- CompStream.Free;
- CompHelper.Free;
- end;
- end;
-function TAbCompoundFile.PopulateTreeView(TreeView : TTreeView) : Integer;
- {- Populates the tree view parameter with all root directory entries}
- i : Integer;
- TreeNode : TTreeNode;
- TreeView.Items.Clear;
- if FRootDir.Root <> nil then begin
- TreeNode := TreeView.Items.Add(nil, string(FRootDir.Root.Key));
- TreeNode.ImageIndex := 0;
- TreeNode.SelectedIndex := 0;
- if FRootDir.Root.HasChildren then begin
- for i := 0 to FRootDir.Root.ChildCount - 1 do
- PopulateSubNodes(FRootDir.Root.Children[i], TreeView, TreeNode);
- end;
- end;
- Result := TreeView.Items.Count;
-procedure TAbCompoundFile.PopulateSubNodes(ParentNode : TMultiNode;
- TreeView : TTreeView; TreeNode : TTreeNode);
- {- Visits sub-nodes recursively - pre order}
- Curr : TMultiNode;
- i : Integer;
- Node : TTreeNode;
- Node := TreeView.Items.AddChild(TreeNode, string(ParentNode.Key));
- if TAbDirectoryEntry(ParentNode.Data).EntryType = etFolder then begin
- Node.ImageIndex := 0;
- Node.SelectedIndex := 0;
- end else begin
- Node.ImageIndex := 1;
- Node.SelectedIndex := 1;
- end;
- Curr := ParentNode;
- if Curr <> nil then begin
- if Curr.HasChildren then begin
- for i := 0 to Curr.ChildCount -1 do
- PopulateSubNodes(Curr.Children[i], TreeView, Node);
- end;
- end;
-procedure TAbCompoundFile.RenameFile(OrigName, NewName : AnsiString);
- {- Renames the file if file is found}
- MultNode : TMultiNode;
- Allow : Boolean;
- AllowDirMod : Boolean;
- Allow := True;
- AllowDirMod := True;
- {confirm valid names}
- if ((OrigName = '') or (NewName = '')) then exit;
- {prevent duplicate names}
- if ((FRootDir.FCurrentNode.Contains(NewName)) or
- (FRootDir.FCurrentNode.Key = NewName)) then exit;
- if Assigned(FOnBeforeFileModified) then
- FOnBeforeFileModified(self, OrigName, Allow);
- if Assigned(FOnBeforeDirModified) then
- FOnBeforeDirModified(self, TMultiNode(FRootDir.CurrentNode.Parent).Key,
- AllowDirMod);
- if (Allow and AllowDirMod) then begin
- if FRootDir.FCurrentNode.Contains(OrigName) then begin
- MultNode := FRootDir.FCurrentNode.GetChildByName(OrigName);
- MultNode.Key := NewName;
- TAbDirectoryEntry(MultNode.Data).FName := NewName;
- PersistRootDirBlock;
- end else if FRootDir.FCurrentNode.Key = OrigName then begin
- MultNode := FRootDir.FCurrentNode;
- MultNode.Key := NewName;
- TAbDirectoryEntry(MultNode.Data).FName := NewName;
- PersistRootDirBlock;
- end else
- raise ECompoundFileError.Create(AbCmpndFileNotFound);
- end;
-procedure TAbCompoundFile.RenameFolder(OrigName, NewName : AnsiString);
- {- Renames the folder if the folder is found}
- MultNode : TMultiNode;
- Allow : Boolean;
- AllowDirMod : Boolean;
- Allow := True;
- AllowDirMod := True;
- {confirm valid names}
- if ((OrigName = '') or (NewName = '')) then exit;
- {prevent duplicate names}
- if ((FRootDir.FCurrentNode.Contains(NewName)) or
- (FRootDir.FCurrentNode.Key = NewName)) then exit;
- if Assigned(FOnBeforeFileModified) then
- FOnBeforeFileModified(self, OrigName, Allow);
- if Assigned(FOnBeforeDirModified) then
- FOnBeforeDirModified(self, TMultiNode(FRootDir.CurrentNode.Parent).Key,
- AllowDirMod);
- if (Allow and AllowDirMod) then begin
- if FRootDir.FCurrentNode.Contains(OrigName) then begin
- MultNode := FRootDir.FCurrentNode.GetChildByName(OrigName);
- if (TAbDirectoryEntry(MultNode.Data).EntryType <> etFolder) then
- exit;
- MultNode.Key := NewName;
- TAbDirectoryEntry(MultNode.Data).FName := NewName;
- PersistRootDirBlock;
- end else if FRootDir.FCurrentNode.Key = OrigName then begin
- MultNode := FRootDir.FCurrentNode;
- if (TAbDirectoryEntry(MultNode.Data).EntryType <> etFolder) then
- exit;
- MultNode.Key := NewName;
- TAbDirectoryEntry(MultNode.Data).FName := NewName;
- PersistRootDirBlock;
- end else
- raise ECompoundFileError.Create(AbCmpndFileNotFound);
- end;
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index bf638cb..0000000
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@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* Abbrevia: AbConst.pas *}
-{* Abbrevia: Constants *}
-unit AbConst;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- AbVersion = 5.0;
- AbVersionS = '5.0';
- Ab_MessageLen = 255;
- Ab_CaptionLen = 80;
- AbZipVersionNeeded = 1;
- AbUnknownCompressionMethod = 2;
- AbNoExtractionMethod = 3;
- AbInvalidPassword = 4;
- AbNoInsertionMethod = 5;
- AbInvalidFactor = 6;
- AbDuplicateName = 7;
- AbUnsupportedCompressionMethod = 8;
- AbUserAbort = 9;
- AbArchiveBusy = 10;
- AbBadSpanStream = 11;
- AbNoOverwriteSpanStream = 12;
- AbNoSpannedSelfExtract = 13;
- AbStreamFull = 14;
- AbNoSuchDirectory = 15;
- AbInflateBlockError = 16;
- AbBadStreamType = 17;
- AbTruncateError = 18;
- AbZipBadCRC = 19;
- AbZipBadStub = 20;
- AbFileNotFound = 21;
- AbInvalidLFH = 22;
- AbNoArchive = 23;
- AbErrZipInvalid = 24;
- AbReadError = 25;
- AbInvalidIndex = 26;
- AbInvalidThreshold = 27;
- AbUnhandledFileType = 28;
- AbSpanningNotSupported = 29;
- AbBBSReadTooManyBytes = 40;
- AbBBSSeekOutsideBuffer = 41;
- AbBBSInvalidOrigin = 42;
- AbBBSWriteTooManyBytes = 43;
- AbNoCabinetDllError = 50;
- AbFCIFileOpenError = 51;
- AbFCIFileReadError = 52;
- AbFCIFileWriteError = 53;
- AbFCIFileCloseError = 54;
- AbFCIFileSeekError = 55;
- AbFCIFileDeleteError = 56;
- AbFCIAddFileError = 57;
- AbFCICreateError = 58;
- AbFCIFlushCabinetError = 59;
- AbFCIFlushFolderError = 60;
- AbFDICopyError = 61;
- AbFDICreateError = 62;
- AbInvalidCabTemplate = 63;
- AbInvalidCabFile = 64;
- AbSWSNotEndofStream = 80;
- AbSWSSeekFailed = 81;
- AbSWSWriteFailed = 82;
- AbSWSInvalidOrigin = 83;
- AbSWSInvalidNewOrigin = 84;
- AbVMSReadTooManyBytes = 100;
- AbVMSInvalidOrigin = 101;
- AbVMSErrorOpenSwap = 102;
- AbVMSSeekFail = 103;
- AbVMSReadFail = 104;
- AbVMSWriteFail = 105;
- AbVMSWriteTooManyBytes = 106;
- AbGZipInvalid = 200;
- AbGzipBadCRC = 201;
- AbGzipBadFileSize = 202;
- AbTarInvalid = 220;
- AbTarBadFileName = 221;
- AbTarBadLinkName = 222;
- AbTarBadOp = 223;
-function AbStrRes(Index : Integer) : string;
- AbResString;
- AbStrRec = record
- ID: Integer;
- Str: string;
- end;
- AbStrArray : array [0..66] of AbStrRec = (
- (ID: AbZipVersionNeeded; Str: AbZipVersionNeededS),
- (ID: AbUnknownCompressionMethod; Str: AbUnknownCompressionMethodS),
- (ID: AbNoExtractionMethod; Str: AbNoExtractionMethodS),
- (ID: AbInvalidPassword; Str: AbInvalidPasswordS),
- (ID: AbNoInsertionMethod; Str: AbNoInsertionMethodS),
- (ID: AbInvalidFactor; Str: AbInvalidFactorS),
- (ID: AbDuplicateName; Str: AbDuplicateNameS),
- (ID: AbUnsupportedCompressionMethod; Str: AbUnsupportedCompressionMethodS),
- (ID: AbUserAbort; Str: AbUserAbortS),
- (ID: AbArchiveBusy; Str: AbArchiveBusyS),
- (ID: AbBadSpanStream; Str: AbBadSpanStreamS),
- (ID: AbNoOverwriteSpanStream; Str: AbNoOverwriteSpanStreamS),
- (ID: AbNoSpannedSelfExtract; Str: AbNoSpannedSelfExtractS),
- (ID: AbStreamFull; Str: AbStreamFullS),
- (ID: AbNoSuchDirectory; Str: AbNoSuchDirectoryS),
- (ID: AbInflateBlockError; Str: AbInflateBlockErrorS),
- (ID: AbBadStreamType; Str: AbBadStreamTypeS),
- (ID: AbTruncateError; Str: AbTruncateErrorS),
- (ID: AbZipBadCRC; Str: AbZipBadCRCS),
- (ID: AbZipBadStub; Str: AbZipBadStubS),
- (ID: AbFileNotFound; Str: AbFileNotFoundS),
- (ID: AbInvalidLFH; Str: AbInvalidLFHS),
- (ID: AbNoArchive; Str: AbNoArchiveS),
- (ID: AbErrZipInvalid; Str: AbErrZipInvalidS),
- (ID: AbReadError; Str: AbReadErrorS),
- (ID: AbInvalidIndex; Str: AbInvalidIndexS),
- (ID: AbInvalidThreshold; Str: AbInvalidThresholdS),
- (ID: AbUnhandledFileType; Str: AbUnhandledFileTypeS),
- (ID: AbSpanningNotSupported; Str: AbSpanningNotSupportedS),
- (ID: AbBBSReadTooManyBytes; Str: AbBBSReadTooManyBytesS),
- (ID: AbBBSSeekOutsideBuffer; Str: AbBBSSeekOutsideBufferS),
- (ID: AbBBSInvalidOrigin; Str: AbBBSInvalidOriginS),
- (ID: AbBBSWriteTooManyBytes; Str: AbBBSWriteTooManyBytesS),
- (ID: AbNoCabinetDllError; Str: AbNoCabinetDllErrorS),
- (ID: AbFCIFileOpenError; Str: AbFCIFileOpenErrorS),
- (ID: AbFCIFileReadError; Str: AbFCIFileReadErrorS),
- (ID: AbFCIFileWriteError; Str: AbFCIFileWriteErrorS),
- (ID: AbFCIFileCloseError; Str: AbFCIFileCloseErrorS),
- (ID: AbFCIFileSeekError; Str: AbFCIFileSeekErrorS),
- (ID: AbFCIFileDeleteError; Str: AbFCIFileDeleteErrorS),
- (ID: AbFCIAddFileError; Str: AbFCIAddFileErrorS),
- (ID: AbFCICreateError; Str: AbFCICreateErrorS),
- (ID: AbFCIFlushCabinetError; Str: AbFCIFlushCabinetErrorS),
- (ID: AbFCIFlushFolderError; Str: AbFCIFlushFolderErrorS),
- (ID: AbFDICopyError; Str: AbFDICopyErrorS),
- (ID: AbFDICreateError; Str: AbFDICreateErrorS),
- (ID: AbInvalidCabTemplate; Str: AbInvalidCabTemplateS),
- (ID: AbInvalidCabFile; Str: AbInvalidCabFileS),
- (ID: AbSWSNotEndofStream; Str: AbSWSNotEndofStreamS),
- (ID: AbSWSSeekFailed; Str: AbSWSSeekFailedS),
- (ID: AbSWSWriteFailed; Str: AbSWSWriteFailedS),
- (ID: AbSWSInvalidOrigin; Str: AbSWSInvalidOriginS),
- (ID: AbSWSInvalidNewOrigin; Str: AbSWSInvalidNewOriginS),
- (ID: AbVMSReadTooManyBytes; Str: AbVMSReadTooManyBytesS),
- (ID: AbVMSInvalidOrigin; Str: AbVMSInvalidOriginS),
- (ID: AbVMSErrorOpenSwap; Str: AbVMSErrorOpenSwapS),
- (ID: AbVMSSeekFail; Str: AbVMSSeekFailS),
- (ID: AbVMSReadFail; Str: AbVMSReadFailS),
- (ID: AbVMSWriteFail; Str: AbVMSWriteFailS),
- (ID: AbVMSWriteTooManyBytes; Str: AbVMSWriteTooManyBytesS),
- (ID: AbGzipInvalid; Str: AbGzipInvalidS),
- (ID: AbGzipBadCRC; Str: AbGzipBadCRCS),
- (ID: AbGzipBadFileSize; Str: AbGzipBadFileSizeS),
- (ID: AbTarInvalid; Str: AbTarInvalidS),
- (ID: AbTarBadFileName; Str: AbTarBadFileNameS),
- (ID: AbTarBadLinkName; Str: AbTarBadLinkNameS),
- (ID: AbTarBadOp; Str: AbTarBadOpS)
- );
-function AbStrRes(Index : Integer) : string;
- i : Integer;
- for i := Low(AbStrArray) to High(AbStrArray) do
- if AbStrArray[i].ID = Index then
- Result := AbStrArray[i].Str;
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-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- * Craig Peterson
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbCrtl.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: C++Builder C runtime functions *}
-unit AbCrtl;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- Windows;
- UInt32 = LongWord;
- size_t = {$IF defined(CPUX64)}Int64{$ELSE}Integer{$IFEND}; // NativeInt is 8 bytes in Delphi 2007
- __turboFloat: LongInt = 0;
- _fltused: LongInt = 0;
-procedure abs; cdecl;
- external 'msvcrt.dll';
-procedure _llshl; cdecl;
- external 'msvcrt.dll';
-procedure _llushr; cdecl;
- external 'msvcrt.dll';
-procedure _ftol; cdecl;
- external 'msvcrt.dll' {$IFDEF BCB}name '__ftol'{$ENDIF};
-{ ctype.h declarations ===================================================== }
-function isdigit(ch: Integer): Integer; cdecl;
-{ string.h declarations ==================================================== }
-function memcpy(Dest, Src: Pointer; Count: size_t): Pointer; cdecl;
-function memmove(Dest, Src: Pointer; Count: size_t): Pointer; cdecl;
-function memset(Dest: Pointer; Value: Byte; Count: size_t): Pointer; cdecl;
-function strlen(P: PAnsiChar): Integer; cdecl;
-function strcpy(Des, Src: PAnsiChar): PAnsiChar; cdecl;
-function strncpy(Des, Src: PAnsiChar; MaxLen: Integer): PAnsiChar; cdecl;
-function memcmp(s1,s2: Pointer; numBytes: LongWord): integer; cdecl;
- external 'msvcrt.dll';
-function wcscpy(strDestination, strSource: PWideChar): PWideChar; cdecl;
- external 'msvcrt.dll';
-{ stdlib.h declarations ==================================================== }
-function malloc(Size: Integer): Pointer; cdecl;
-procedure free(Ptr: Pointer); cdecl;
-function realloc(Ptr: Pointer; Size: Integer): Pointer; cdecl;
-{ intrin.h declarations ==================================================== }
-procedure ___cpuid(CPUInfo: PInteger; InfoType: Integer); cdecl;
- external 'msvcrt.dll';
-{ stdio.h declarations ===================================================== }
-function sprintf(S: PChar; const Format: PChar): Integer;
- cdecl; varargs; external 'msvcrt.dll' {$IFDEF BCB}name '_sprintf'{$ENDIF};
-{ process.h declarations =================================================== }
-function _beginthreadex(security: Pointer; stack_size: Cardinal;
- start_address: Pointer; arglist: Pointer; initflag: Cardinal;
- var thrdaddr: Cardinal): THandle; cdecl;
-{ MSVC/Win64 declarations ================================================== }
-procedure __C_specific_handler; cdecl; external 'msvcrt.dll';
-{ ctype.h declarations ===================================================== }
-function isdigit(ch: Integer): Integer; cdecl;
- if AnsiChar(ch) in ['0'..'9'] then
- Result := 1
- else
- Result := 0;
-{ string.h declarations ==================================================== }
-function memcpy(Dest, Src: Pointer; Count: size_t): Pointer; cdecl;
- System.Move(Src^, Dest^, Count);
- Result := Dest;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function memmove(Dest, Src: Pointer; Count: size_t): Pointer; cdecl;
- System.Move(Src^, Dest^, Count);
- Result := Dest;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function memset(Dest: Pointer; Value: Byte; Count: size_t): Pointer; cdecl;
- FillChar(Dest^, Count, Value);
- Result := Dest;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function strlen(P: PAnsiChar): Integer; cdecl;
-{$IF RTLVersion >= 20}
- jmp System.@PCharLen
- Result := 0;
- while P^ <> #0 do
- Inc(P);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function strcpy(Des, Src: PAnsiChar): PAnsiChar; cdecl;
- Result := Des;
- Move(Src^, Des^, strlen(Src) + 1);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function strncpy(Des, Src: PAnsiChar; MaxLen: Integer): PAnsiChar; cdecl;
- Len: Integer;
- Len := strlen(Src);
- if Len > MaxLen then
- Len := MaxLen;
- Move(Src^, Des^, Len);
- if Len < MaxLen then
- FillChar(Des[Len], MaxLen - Len, 0);
- Result := Des;
-{ stdlib.h declarations ==================================================== }
-function malloc(Size: Integer): Pointer; cdecl;
- GetMem(Result, Size);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure free(Ptr: Pointer); cdecl;
- FreeMem(Ptr)
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function realloc(Ptr: Pointer; Size: Integer): Pointer; cdecl;
- Result := ReallocMemory(Ptr, Size);
-{ process.h declarations =================================================== }
-function _beginthreadex(security: Pointer; stack_size: Cardinal;
- start_address: Pointer; arglist: Pointer; initflag: Cardinal;
- var thrdaddr: Cardinal): THandle; cdecl;
- Result := CreateThread(security, stack_size, start_address, arglist,
- initflag, thrdaddr);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbDefine.inc b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbDefine.inc
deleted file mode 100644
index 2eac8f5..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbDefine.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbDefine.inc *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Compiler options/directives include file *}
-{NOTE: ABDEFINE.INC is included in all ABBREVIA units; hence you can
- specify global compiler options here. ABDEFINE.INC is included
- *before* each unit's own required compiler options, so options
- specified here could be overridden by hardcoded options in the
- unit source file.}
-{====Compiler options that can be changed====}
-{$A+ Force alignment on word/dword boundaries}
-{$S- No stack checking}
-{---Global compiler defines for 32-bit OS's---}
-{====Global fixed compiler options (do NOT change)====}
-{$B- Incomplete boolean evaluation}
-{$H+ Long string support}
-{$P- No open string parameters}
-{$Q- Arithmetic overflow checking} {!! - Needs to be turned on!}
-{$R- Range checking} {!! - Needs to be turned on!}
-{$T+ No type-checked pointers}
-{$V- No var string checking}
-{$X+ Extended syntax}
-{$Z1 Enumerations are byte sized}
-{====Platform defines================================================}
-{ map Delphi platform defines to FreePascal's (MSWINDOWS/UNIX/LINUX/DARWIN) }
- {$IF DEFINED(LINUX) AND (CompilerVersion < 15)}
- {$IFEND}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
-{ Unix API (Kylix/Delphi/FreePascal) }
- {$ELSE}
- {$DEFINE PosixAPI}
- {$IFEND}
-{Activate this define to show CLX/LCL dialogs for spanning media requests. The
- default behavior will abort the operation instead. This define is only safe
- when using Abbrevia from the foreground thread. If using it from a background
- thread override OnRequestLastDisk, OnRequestNthDisk, and OnRequestBlankDisk and
- synchronize to the foreground yourself. The Windows version always MessageBox
- so it's thread-safe.}
-{.$DEFINE UnixDialogs}
-{====RTL defines=====================================================}
- {$IF RTLVersion >= 18} // Delphi 2006
- {$DEFINE HasAdvancedRecords}
- {$IFEND}
- {$IF RTLVersion >= 20} // Delphi 2009
- {$DEFINE HasThreadFinished}
- {$IFEND}
- {$IF RTLVersion >= 21} // Delphi 2010
- {$DEFINE HasThreadStart}
- {$IFEND}
- {$IF RTLVersion >= 23} // Delphi XE2
- {$DEFINE HasPlatformsAttribute}
- {$IFEND}
-{====Widgetset defines===============================================}
-{ VCL version specific defines }
- {$IF RTLVersion >= 17} // Delphi 2005
- {$DEFINE HasOnMouseActivate}
- {$IFEND}
- {$IF RTLVersion >= 18} // Delphi 2006
- {$DEFINE HasOnMouseEnter}
- {$IFEND}
- {$IF RTLVersion >= 20} // Delphi 2009
- {$DEFINE HasListViewGroups}
- {$DEFINE HasListViewOnItemChecked}
- {$DEFINE HasParentDoubleBuffered}
- {$DEFINE HasTreeViewExpandedImageIndex}
- {$IFEND}
- {$IF RTLVersion >= 21} // Delphi 2010
- {$DEFINE HasGridDrawingStyle}
- {$DEFINE HasTouch}
- {$IFEND}
- {$IF RTLVersion >= 24} // Delphi XE3
- {$DEFINE HasUITypes}
- {$IFEND}
- {$IF RTLVersion >= 25} // Delphi XE4
- {$DEFINE HasAnsiStrings}
- {$IFEND}
-{====General defines=================================================}
-{Activate the following define to include extra code to get rid of all
- hints and warnings. Parts of ABBREVIA are written in such a way
- that the hint/warning algorithms of the Delphi compilers are
- fooled and report things like variables being used before
- initialisation and so on when in reality the problem does not exist.}
-{$DEFINE DefeatWarnings}
-{ Disable warnings for explicit string casts }
-{ Disable hints on Delphi XE2/Mac to prevent unexpanded inline messages }
-{====Bzip2 defines===================================================}
-{Activate this define to statically link bzip2 .obj files into the application.
- Curerntly only supported by Delphi/Win32.}
-{.$DEFINE Bzip2Static}
-{Activate this define to dynamically link to a libbz2.dll/libbbz2.so.1}
-{.$DEFINE Bzip2Dynamic}
-{Activate this define to load libbz2.dll/libbz2.so.1 at runtime using LoadLibrary}
-{.$DEFINE Bzip2Runtime}
-{Pick an appropriate linking method if none of the above are activate}
-{$IF NOT DEFINED(Bzip2Static) AND NOT DEFINED(Bzip2Dynamic) AND NOT DEFINED(Bzip2Runtime)}
- {$DEFINE Bzip2Runtime}
- {$ELSE}
- {$DEFINE Bzip2Static}
- {$ELSE}
- {$DEFINE Bzip2Dynamic}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
-{====Zip defines=====================================================}
-{Activate the following define when you don't want Visual parts of
-the VCL library included for a program using a TAbArchive or
-{.$DEFINE BuildingStub}
-{Activate the following define to include support for extracting files
-using PKzip compatible unShrink.}
-{.$DEFINE UnzipShrinkSupport}
-{Activate the following define to include support for extracting files
-using PKZip compatible unReduce.}
-{.$DEFINE UnzipReduceSupport}
-{Activate the following define to include support for extracting files
-using PKZip compatible unImplode.}
-{.$DEFINE UnzipImplodeSupport}
-{Activate the following to include support for extracting files using
-all older PKZip compatible methods (Shrink, Reduce, Implode}
-{$DEFINE UnzipBackwardSupport}
-{Activate the following to include support for extracting files using
-BZIP2 compression. Added in AppNote.txt v4.6. }
-{.$DEFINE UnzipBzip2Support}
-{Activate the following to include support for extracting files using
-7-zip compatible Lzma compression. Added in AppNote.txt v6.3.}
-{.$DEFINE UnzipLzmaSupport}
-{Activate the following to include support for extracting files using
-zipx PPMd I compression. Added in AppNote.txt v6.3.}
-{.$DEFINE UnzipPPMdSupport}
-{Activate the following to include support for extracting .wav files
-using zipx WavPack compression. Requires copyright notice in your
-documentation. Check "WavPack License.txt" for details.
-Added in AppNote.txt v6.3. }
-{.$DEFINE UnzipWavPackSupport}
-{Activate the following to include support for extracting files using
-all newer (zipx) compatible methods (Bzip2, Lzma, PPMd, WavPack)}
-{$DEFINE UnzipZipxSupport}
-{Activate the following to include logging support in the deflate/
- inflate code. Since this logging support is a by-product of assertion
- checking, you should only activate it if that is also on: $C+}
-{$IFOPT C+} //if Assertions are on
-{.$DEFINE UseLogging}
- According to
- http://www.gzip.org/zlib/rfc1952.txt
- A compliant gzip compressor should calculate and set the CRC32 and ISIZE.
- However, a compliant decompressor should not check these values.
- If you want to check the the values of the CRC32 and ISIZE in a GZIP file
- when decompressing enable the STRICTGZIP define below. }
-{ The following define is ONLY used for Abbrevia Unit Tests.
- It has no effect on the Abbrevia Library.
- If defined it uses Winzip to create and test archives for compatability.
- The winzip tests require Systools stSpawn.pas
- It can be downloaded at http://sf.net/projects/tpsystools }
-{-------- !! DO NOT CHANGE DEFINES BELOW THIS LINE !! --------}
-{$IFDEF UnzipBackwardSupport}
- {$DEFINE UnzipShrinkSupport}
- {$DEFINE UnzipReduceSupport}
- {$DEFINE UnzipImplodeSupport}
-{$IFDEF UnzipZipxSupport}
- {$DEFINE UnzipBzip2Support}
- {$DEFINE UnzipLzmaSupport}
- {$DEFINE UnzipPPMdSupport}
- {$DEFINE UnzipWavPackSupport}
-{ Linking .obj files isn't currently supported in Kylix or FPC }
- {$UNDEF UnzipLzmaSupport}
- {$UNDEF UnzipPPMdSupport}
- {$UNDEF UnzipWavPackSupport}
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbDfBase.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbDfBase.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a2d73b..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbDfBase.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,819 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbDfBase.pas *}
-{* Deflate base unit *}
-unit AbDfBase;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- SysUtils,
- Classes;
- PAbDfLongintList = ^TAbDfLongintList;
- TAbDfLongintList =
- array [0..pred(MaxInt div sizeof(longint))] of longint;
- dfc_CodeLenCodeLength = 7;
- dfc_LitDistCodeLength = 15;
- dfc_MaxCodeLength = 15;
- dfc_MaxMatchLen = 258; {lengths are 3..258 for deflate}
- dfc_MaxMatchLen64 = 64 * 1024; {lengths are 3..65536 for deflate64}
- dfc_LitExtraOffset = 257;
- dfc_LitExtraBits : array [0..30] of byte =
- (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3,
- 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 16, 99, 99);
- { note: the last two are required to avoid going beyond the end}
- { of the array when generating static trees}
- dfc_DistExtraOffset = 0;
- dfc_DistExtraBits : array [0..31] of byte =
- (0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9,
- 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 14, 14);
- { note: the last two are only use for deflate64}
- dfc_LengthBase : array [0..28] of word =
- (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 43,
- 51, 59, 67, 83, 99, 115, 131, 163, 195, 227, 3);
- { note: the final 3 is correct for deflate64; for symbol 285,}
- { lengths are stored as (length - 3)}
- { for deflate it's very wrong, but there's special code in}
- { the (de)compression code to cater for this}
- dfc_DistanceBase : array [0..31] of word =
- (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 25, 33, 49, 65, 97, 129, 193, 257,
- 385, 513, 769, 1025, 1537, 2049, 3073, 4097, 6145, 8193, 12289,
- 16385, 24577, 32769, 49153);
- dfc_CodeLengthIndex : array [0..18] of byte =
- (16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15);
- dfc_CanUseStored = $01;
- dfc_CanUseStatic = $02;
- dfc_CanUseDynamic = $04;
- dfc_UseLazyMatch = $08;
- dfc_UseDeflate64 = $10;
- dfc_UseAdler32 = $20;
- dfc_CanUseHuffman = dfc_CanUseStatic or dfc_CanUseDynamic;
- dfc_TestOnly = $40000000;
- TAbProgressStep = procedure (aPercentDone : integer) of object;
- {-progress metering of deflate/inflate; abort with AbortProgress}
- TAbDeflateHelper = class
- private
- FAmpleLength : longint;
- FChainLength : longint;
- FLogFile : string;
- FMaxLazy : longint;
- FOnProgressStep : TAbProgressStep;
- FOptions : longint;
- FPartSize : Int64;
- FSizeCompressed : Int64;
- FSizeNormal : Int64;
- FStreamSize : Int64;
- FWindowSize : longint;
- FZipOption : AnsiChar;
- protected
- procedure dhSetAmpleLength(aValue : longint);
- procedure dhSetChainLength(aValue : longint);
- procedure dhSetLogFile(const aValue : string);
- procedure dhSetMaxLazy(aValue : longint);
- procedure dhSetOnProgressStep(aValue : TAbProgressStep);
- procedure dhSetOptions(aValue : longint);
- procedure dhSetWindowSize(aValue : longint);
- procedure dhSetZipOption(aValue : AnsiChar);
- public
- constructor Create;
- procedure Assign(aHelper : TAbDeflateHelper);
- property AmpleLength : longint
- read FAmpleLength write dhSetAmpleLength;
- property ChainLength : longint
- read FChainLength write dhSetChainLength;
- property LogFile : string
- read FLogFile write dhSetLogFile;
- property MaxLazyLength : longint
- read FMaxLazy write dhSetMaxLazy;
- property Options : longint
- read FOptions write dhSetOptions;
- property PartialSize : Int64
- read FPartSize write FPartSize;
- property PKZipOption : AnsiChar
- read FZipOption write dhSetZipOption;
- property StreamSize : Int64
- read FStreamSize write FStreamSize;
- property WindowSize : longint
- read FWindowSize write dhSetWindowSize;
- property CompressedSize : Int64
- read FSizeCompressed write FSizeCompressed;
- property NormalSize : Int64
- read FSizeNormal write FSizeNormal;
- property OnProgressStep : TAbProgressStep
- read FOnProgressStep write dhSetOnProgressStep;
- end;
- TAbLineDelimiter = (ldCRLF, ldLF);
- TAbLogger = class(TStream)
- private
- FBuffer : PAnsiChar;
- FCurPos : PAnsiChar;
- FLineDelim : TAbLineDelimiter;
- FStream : TFileStream;
- protected
- function logWriteBuffer : boolean;
- public
- constructor Create(const aLogName : string);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function Read(var Buffer; Count : longint) : longint; override;
- function Seek(const Offset : Int64; Origin : TSeekOrigin) : Int64; override;
- function Write(const Buffer; Count : longint) : longint; override;
- procedure WriteLine(const S : string);
- procedure WriteStr(const S : string);
- property LineDelimiter : TAbLineDelimiter
- read FLineDelim write FLineDelim;
- end;
- TAbNodeManager = class
- private
- FFreeList : pointer;
- FNodeSize : cardinal;
- FNodesPerPage : cardinal;
- FPageHead : pointer;
- FPageSize : cardinal;
- protected
- function nmAllocNewPage : pointer;
- public
- constructor Create(aNodeSize : cardinal);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function AllocNode : pointer;
- function AllocNodeClear : pointer;
- procedure FreeNode(aNode : pointer);
- end;
-{---exception classes---}
- EAbAbortProgress = class(Exception);
- EAbPartSizedInflate = class(Exception);
- EAbInflatePasswordError = class(Exception);
- EAbInternalInflateError = class(Exception);
- EAbInflateError = class(Exception)
- public
- constructor Create(const aMsg : string);
- constructor CreateUnknown(const aMsg : string;
- const aErrorMsg : string);
- end;
- EAbInternalDeflateError = class(Exception);
- EAbDeflateError = class(Exception)
- public
- constructor Create(const aMsg : string);
- constructor CreateUnknown(const aMsg : string;
- const aErrorMsg : string);
- end;
-{---aborting a process---}
-procedure AbortProgress;
-{---calculation of checksums---}
-procedure AbUpdateAdlerBuffer(var aAdler : longint;
- var aBuffer; aCount : integer);
-procedure AbUpdateCRCBuffer(var aCRC : longint;
- var aBuffer; aCount : integer);
- AbUtils;
-constructor TAbDeflateHelper.Create;
- inherited Create;
- FAmpleLength := 8;
- FChainLength := 32;
- {FLogFile := '';}
- FMaxLazy := 16;
- {FOnProgressStep := nil;}
- FOptions := $F;
- {FStreamSize := 0;}
- FWindowSize := 32 * 1024;
- FZipOption := 'n';
-procedure TAbDeflateHelper.Assign(aHelper : TAbDeflateHelper);
- FAmpleLength := aHelper.FAmpleLength;
- FChainLength := aHelper.FChainLength;
- FLogFile := aHelper.FLogFile;
- FMaxLazy := aHelper.FMaxLazy;
- FOnProgressStep := aHelper.FOnProgressStep;
- FOptions := aHelper.FOptions;
- FPartSize := aHelper.FPartSize;
- FStreamSize := aHelper.FStreamSize;
- FWindowSize := aHelper.FWindowSize;
- FZipOption := aHelper.FZipOption;
-procedure TAbDeflateHelper.dhSetAmpleLength(aValue : longint);
- if (aValue <> AmpleLength) then begin
- if (aValue <> -1) and (aValue < 4) then
- aValue := 4;
- FAmpleLength := aValue;
- FZipOption := '?';
- end;
-procedure TAbDeflateHelper.dhSetChainLength(aValue : longint);
- if (aValue <> ChainLength) then begin
- if (aValue <> -1) and (aValue < 4) then
- aValue := 4;
- FChainLength := aValue;
- FZipOption := '?';
- end;
-procedure TAbDeflateHelper.dhSetLogFile(const aValue : string);
- FLogFile := aValue;
-procedure TAbDeflateHelper.dhSetMaxLazy(aValue : longint);
- if (aValue <> MaxLazyLength) then begin
- if (aValue <> -1) and (aValue < 4) then
- aValue := 4;
- FMaxLazy := aValue;
- FZipOption := '?';
- end;
-procedure TAbDeflateHelper.dhSetOnProgressStep(aValue : TAbProgressStep);
- FOnProgressStep := aValue;
-procedure TAbDeflateHelper.dhSetOptions(aValue : longint);
- if (aValue <> Options) then begin
- FOptions := aValue;
- FZipOption := '?';
- end;
-procedure TAbDeflateHelper.dhSetWindowSize(aValue : longint);
- NewValue : longint;
- if (aValue <> WindowSize) then begin
- {calculate the window size rounded to nearest 1024 bytes}
- NewValue := ((aValue + 1023) div 1024) * 1024;
- {if the new window size is greater than 32KB...}
- if (NewValue > 32 * 1024) then
- {if the Deflate64 option is set, force to 64KB}
- if ((Options and dfc_UseDeflate64) <> 0) then
- NewValue := 64 * 1024
- {otherwise, force to 32KB}
- else
- NewValue := 32 * 1024;
- {set the new window size}
- FWindowSize := NewValue;
- end;
-procedure TAbDeflateHelper.dhSetZipOption(aValue : AnsiChar);
- {notes:
- The original Abbrevia code used the following table for
- setting the equivalent values:
- Good Lazy Chain UseLazy Option
- 4 4 4 N s ^
- 4 5 8 N |
- 4 6 32 N f faster
- 4 4 16 Y slower
- 8 16 32 Y n |
- 8 16 128 Y |
- 8 32 256 Y |
- 32 128 1024 Y |
- 32 258 4096 Y x V
- The new Abbrevia 3 code follows these values to a certain extent.
- }
- {force to lower case}
- if ('A' <= aValue) and (aValue <= 'Z') then
- aValue := AnsiChar(ord(aValue) + ord('a') - ord('A'));
- {if the value has changed...}
- if (aValue <> PKZipOption) then begin
- {switch on the new value...}
- case aValue of
- '0' : {no compression}
- begin
- FZipOption := aValue;
- FOptions := (FOptions and (not $0F)) or dfc_CanUseStored;
- FAmpleLength := 8; { not actually needed}
- FChainLength := 32; { not actually needed}
- FMaxLazy := 16; { not actually needed}
- end;
- '2' : {hidden option: Abbrevia 2 compatibility}
- begin
- FZipOption := aValue;
- FOptions := FOptions or $0F;
- FAmpleLength := 8;
- FChainLength := 32;
- FMaxLazy := 16;
- end;
- 'f' : {fast compression}
- begin
- FZipOption := aValue;
- FOptions := FOptions or $07; { no lazy matching}
- FAmpleLength := 4;
- FChainLength := 32;
- FMaxLazy := 6;
- end;
- 'n' : {normal compression}
- begin
- FZipOption := aValue;
- FOptions := FOptions or $0F;
- FAmpleLength := 16;
- FChainLength := 32;
- FMaxLazy := 24;
- end;
- 's' : {super fast compression}
- begin
- FZipOption := aValue;
- FOptions := FOptions or $07; { no lazy matching}
- FAmpleLength := 4;
- FChainLength := 4;
- FMaxLazy := 4;
- end;
- 'x' : {maximum compression}
- begin
- FZipOption := aValue;
- FOptions := FOptions or $0F;
- FAmpleLength := 64;{32;}
- FChainLength := 4096;
- FMaxLazy := 258;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- LogBufferSize = 4096;
-constructor TAbLogger.Create(const aLogName : string);
- Assert(aLogName <> '',
- 'TAbLogger.Create: a filename must be provided for the logger');
- {create the ancestor}
- inherited Create;
- {set the default line terminator}
- FLineDelim := ldCRLF;
- {$ENDIF}
- FLineDelim := ldLF;
- {$ENDIF}
- {create and initialize the buffer}
- GetMem(FBuffer, LogBufferSize);
- FCurPos := FBuffer;
- {create the log file}
- FStream := TFileStream.Create(aLogName, fmCreate);
-destructor TAbLogger.Destroy;
- {if there is a buffer ensure that it is flushed before freeing it}
- if (FBuffer <> nil) then begin
- if (FCurPos <> FBuffer) then
- logWriteBuffer;
- FreeMem(FBuffer, LogBufferSize);
- end;
- {free the stream}
- FStream.Free;
- {destroy the ancestor}
- inherited Destroy;
-function TAbLogger.logWriteBuffer : boolean;
- BytesToWrite : longint;
- BytesWritten : longint;
- BytesToWrite := FCurPos - FBuffer;
- BytesWritten := FStream.Write(FBuffer^, BytesToWrite);
- if (BytesWritten = BytesToWrite) then begin
- Result := true;
- FCurPos := FBuffer;
- end
- else begin
- Result := false;
- if (BytesWritten <> 0) then begin
- Move(FBuffer[BytesWritten], FBuffer^, BytesToWrite - BytesWritten);
- FCurPos := FBuffer + (BytesToWrite - BytesWritten);
- end;
- end;
-function TAbLogger.Read(var Buffer; Count : longint) : longint;
- Assert(false, 'TAbLogger.Read: loggers are write-only, no reading allowed');
- Result := 0;
-function TAbLogger.Seek(const Offset : Int64; Origin : TSeekOrigin) : Int64;
- case Origin of
- soBeginning :
- begin
- end;
- soCurrent :
- if (Offset = 0) then begin
- Result := FStream.Position + (FCurPos - FBuffer);
- Exit;
- end;
- soEnd :
- if (Offset = 0) then begin
- Result := FStream.Position + (FCurPos - FBuffer);
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- Assert(false, 'TAbLogger.Seek: loggers are write-only, no seeking allowed');
- Result := 0;
-function TAbLogger.Write(const Buffer; Count : longint) : longint;
- UserBuf : PAnsiChar;
- BytesToGo : longint;
- BytesToWrite : longint;
- {reference the user's buffer as a PChar}
- UserBuf := @Buffer;
- {start the counter for the number of bytes written}
- Result := 0;
- {if needed, empty the internal buffer into the underlying stream}
- if (LogBufferSize = FCurPos - FBuffer) then
- if not logWriteBuffer then
- Exit;
- {calculate the number of bytes to copy this time from the user's
- buffer to the internal buffer}
- BytesToGo := Count;
- BytesToWrite := LogBufferSize - (FCurPos - FBuffer);
- if (BytesToWrite > BytesToGo) then
- BytesToWrite := BytesToGo;
- {copy the bytes}
- Move(UserBuf^, FCurPos^, BytesToWrite);
- {adjust the counters}
- inc(FCurPos, BytesToWrite);
- dec(BytesToGo, BytesToWrite);
- inc(Result, BytesToWrite);
- {while there are still more bytes to copy, do so}
- while (BytesToGo <> 0) do begin
- {advance the user's buffer}
- inc(UserBuf, BytesToWrite);
- {empty the internal buffer into the underlying stream}
- if not logWriteBuffer then
- Exit;
- {calculate the number of bytes to copy this time from the user's
- buffer to the internal buffer}
- BytesToWrite := LogBufferSize;
- if (BytesToWrite > BytesToGo) then
- BytesToWrite := BytesToGo;
- {copy the bytes}
- Move(UserBuf^, FCurPos^, BytesToWrite);
- {adjust the counters}
- inc(FCurPos, BytesToWrite);
- dec(BytesToGo, BytesToWrite);
- inc(Result, BytesToWrite);
- end;
-procedure TAbLogger.WriteLine(const S : string);
- cLF : AnsiChar = ^J;
- cCRLF : array [0..1] of AnsiChar = ^M^J;
- if (length(S) > 0) then
- Write(S[1], length(S));
- case FLineDelim of
- ldLF : Write(cLF, sizeof(cLF));
- ldCRLF : Write(cCRLF, sizeof(cCRLF));
- end;
-procedure TAbLogger.WriteStr(const S : string);
- if (length(S) > 0) then
- Write(S[1], length(S));
-{===Calculate checksums==============================================}
-procedure AbUpdateAdlerBuffer(var aAdler : longint;
- var aBuffer; aCount : integer);
- S1 : LongWord;
- S2 : LongWord;
- i : integer;
- Buffer : PAnsiChar;
- BytesToUse : integer;
- {Note: this algorithm will *only* work if the buffer is 4KB or less,
- which is why we go to such lengths to chop up the user buffer
- into usable chunks of 4KB.
- However, for Delphi 3 there is no proper 32-bit longword.
- Although the additions pose no problems in this situation,
- the mod operations below (especially for S2) will be signed
- integer divisions, producing an (invalid) signed result. In
- this case, the buffer is chopped up into 2KB chunks to avoid
- any signed problems.}
- {split the current Adler checksum into its halves}
- S1 := LongWord(aAdler) and $FFFF;
- S2 := LongWord(aAdler) shr 16;
- {reference the user buffer as a PChar: it makes it easier}
- Buffer := @aBuffer;
- {while there's still data to checksum...}
- while (aCount <> 0) do begin
- {calculate the number of bytes to checksum this time}
- {$IFDEF HasLongWord}
- BytesToUse := 4096;
- {$ELSE}
- BytesToUse := 2048;
- {$ENDIF}
- if (BytesToUse > aCount) then
- BytesToUse := aCount;
- {checksum the bytes}
- for i := 0 to pred(BytesToUse) do begin
- inc(S1, ord(Buffer^));
- inc(S2, S1);
- inc(Buffer);
- end;
- {recalibrate the Adler checksum halves}
- S1 := S1 mod 65521;
- S2 := S2 mod 65521;
- {calculate the number of bytes still to go}
- dec(aCount, BytesToUse);
- end;
- {join the halves to produce the complete Adler checksum}
- aAdler := longint((S2 shl 16) or S1);
-procedure AbUpdateCRCBuffer(var aCRC : longint;
- var aBuffer; aCount : integer);
- i : integer;
- CRC : LongWord;
- Buffer : PAnsiChar;
- {reference the user buffer as a PChar: it makes it easier}
- Buffer := @aBuffer;
- {get the current CRC as a local variable, it's faster}
- CRC := aCRC;
- {checksum the bytes in the buffer}
- for i := 0 to pred(aCount) do begin
- CRC := AbCrc32Table[byte(CRC) xor byte(Buffer^)] xor (CRC shr 8);
- inc(Buffer);
- end;
- {return the new CRC}
- aCRC := CRC;
-constructor EAbInflateError.Create(const aMsg : string);
- inherited Create(
- 'Abbrevia inflate error, possibly a corrupted compressed stream. ' +
- '(Internal cause: ' + aMsg + ')');
-constructor EAbInflateError.CreateUnknown(const aMsg : string;
- const aErrorMsg : string);
- inherited Create(aMsg + ': ' + aErrorMsg);
-constructor EAbDeflateError.Create(const aMsg : string);
- inherited Create(
- 'Abbrevia deflate error. ' +
- '(Internal cause: ' + aMsg + ')');
-constructor EAbDeflateError.CreateUnknown(const aMsg : string;
- const aErrorMsg : string);
- inherited Create(aMsg + ': ' + aErrorMsg);
-{===Node manager=====================================================}
- PageSize = 8 * 1024;
- PGenericNode = ^TGenericNode;
- TGenericNode = packed record
- gnNext : PGenericNode;
- gnData : record end;
- end;
-constructor TAbNodeManager.Create(aNodeSize : cardinal);
- Gran = sizeof(pointer);
- Mask = not (Gran - 1);
- {create the ancestor}
- inherited Create;
- {save the node size rounded to nearest 4 bytes}
- if (aNodeSize <= sizeof(pointer)) then
- aNodeSize := sizeof(pointer)
- else
- aNodeSize := (aNodeSize + Gran - 1) and Mask;
- FNodeSize := aNodeSize;
- {calculate the page size (default 1024 bytes) and the number of
- nodes per page; if the default page size is not large enough for
- two or more nodes, force a single node per page}
- FNodesPerPage := (PageSize - sizeof(pointer)) div aNodeSize;
- if (FNodesPerPage > 1) then
- FPageSize := PageSize
- else begin
- FNodesPerPage := 1;
- FPagesize := aNodeSize + sizeof(pointer);
- end;
-destructor TAbNodeManager.Destroy;
- Temp : pointer;
- {dispose of all the pages, if there are any}
- while (FPageHead <> nil) do begin
- Temp := PGenericNode(FPageHead)^.gnNext;
- FreeMem(FPageHead, FPageSize);
- FPageHead := Temp;
- end;
- {destroy the ancestor}
- inherited Destroy;
-function TAbNodeManager.AllocNode : pointer;
- Result := FFreeList;
- if (Result = nil) then
- Result := nmAllocNewPage
- else
- FFreeList := PGenericNode(Result)^.gnNext;
-function TAbNodeManager.AllocNodeClear : pointer;
- Result := FFreeList;
- if (Result = nil) then
- Result := nmAllocNewPage
- else
- FFreeList := PGenericNode(Result)^.gnNext;
- FillChar(Result^, FNodeSize, 0);
-procedure TAbNodeManager.FreeNode(aNode : pointer);
- {add the node (if non-nil) to the top of the free list}
- if (aNode <> nil) then begin
- PGenericNode(aNode)^.gnNext := FFreeList;
- FFreeList := aNode;
- end;
-function TAbNodeManager.nmAllocNewPage : pointer;
- NewPage : PAnsiChar;
- i : integer;
- FreeList : pointer;
- NodeSize : integer;
- {allocate a new page and add it to the front of the page list}
- GetMem(NewPage, FPageSize);
- PGenericNode(NewPage)^.gnNext := FPageHead;
- FPageHead := NewPage;
- {now split up the new page into nodes and push them all onto the
- free list; note that the first 4 bytes of the page is a pointer to
- the next page, so remember to skip over it}
- inc(NewPage, sizeof(pointer));
- FreeList := FFreeList;
- NodeSize := FNodeSize;
- for i := 0 to pred(FNodesPerPage) do begin
- PGenericNode(NewPage)^.gnNext := FreeList;
- FreeList := NewPage;
- inc(NewPage, NodeSize);
- end;
- {return the top of the list}
- Result := FreeList;
- FFreeList := PGenericNode(Result)^.gnNext;
-procedure AbortProgress;
- raise EAbAbortProgress.Create('Abort');
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbDfCryS.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbDfCryS.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index e0ddf2d..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbDfCryS.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,634 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbDfCryS.pas *}
-{* Deflate encryption streams *}
-unit AbDfCryS;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- Classes;
- TAbZipEncryptHeader = array [0..11] of byte;
- TAbZipDecryptEngine = class
- private
- FReady : boolean;
- FState : array [0..2] of longint;
- protected
- procedure zdeInitState(const aPassphrase : AnsiString);
- public
- constructor Create;
- function Decode(aCh : byte) : byte;
- {-decodes a byte}
- procedure DecodeBuffer(var aBuffer; aCount : integer);
- {-decodes a buffer}
- function VerifyHeader(const aHeader : TAbZipEncryptHeader;
- const aPassphrase : AnsiString;
- aCheckValue : longint) : boolean;
- {-validate an encryption header}
- end;
- TAbDfDecryptStream = class(TStream)
- private
- FCheckValue : longint;
- FEngine : TAbZipDecryptEngine;
- FOwnsStream : Boolean;
- FPassphrase : AnsiString;
- FReady : boolean;
- FStream : TStream;
- protected
- public
- constructor Create(aStream : TStream;
- aCheckValue : longint;
- const aPassphrase : AnsiString);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function IsValid : boolean;
- function Read(var aBuffer; aCount : longint) : longint; override;
- function Seek(aOffset : longint; aOrigin : word) : longint; override;
- function Write(const aBuffer; aCount : longint) : longint; override;
- property OwnsStream : Boolean
- read FOwnsStream
- write FOwnsStream;
- end;
- TAbZipEncryptEngine = class
- private
- FReady : boolean;
- FState : array [0..2] of longint;
- protected
- procedure zeeInitState(const aPassphrase : AnsiString);
- public
- constructor Create;
- function Encode(aCh : byte) : byte;
- {-encodes a byte}
- procedure EncodeBuffer(var aBuffer; aCount : integer);
- {-encodes a buffer}
- procedure CreateHeader(var aHeader : TAbZipEncryptHeader;
- const aPassphrase : AnsiString;
- aCheckValue : longint);
- {-generate an encryption header}
- end;
- TAbDfEncryptStream = class(TStream)
- private
- FBuffer : PAnsiChar;
- FBufSize : integer;
- FEngine : TAbZipEncryptEngine;
- FStream : TStream;
- protected
- public
- constructor Create(aStream : TStream;
- aCheckValue : longint;
- const aPassphrase : AnsiString);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function Read(var aBuffer; aCount : longint) : longint; override;
- function Seek(aOffset : longint; aOrigin : word) : longint; override;
- function Write(const aBuffer; aCount : longint) : longint; override;
- end;
-{Notes: the ZIP spec defines a couple of primitive routines for
- performing encryption. For speed Abbrevia inlines them into
- the respective methods of the encryption/decryption engines
- char crc32(long,char)
- return updated CRC from current CRC and next char
- update_keys(char):
- Key(0) <- crc32(key(0),char)
- Key(1) <- Key(1) + (Key(0) & 000000ffH)
- Key(1) <- Key(1) * 134775813 + 1
- Key(2) <- crc32(key(2),key(1) >> 24)
- end update_keys
- char decrypt_byte()
- local unsigned short temp
- temp <- Key(2) | 2
- decrypt_byte <- (temp * (temp ^ 1)) >> 8
- end decrypt_byte
- AbUtils;
-{---magic numbers from ZIP spec---}
- StateInit1 = 305419896;
- StateInit2 = 591751049;
- StateInit3 = 878082192;
- MagicNumber = 134775813;
-{===internal encryption class========================================}
-constructor TAbZipDecryptEngine.Create;
- {create the ancestor}
- inherited Create;
- {we're not ready for decryption yet since a header hasn't been
- properly verified with VerifyHeader}
- FReady := false;
-function TAbZipDecryptEngine.Decode(aCh : byte) : byte;
- Temp : longint;
- {check for programming error}
- Assert(FReady,
- 'TAbZipDecryptEngine.Decode: must successfully call VerifyHeader first');
- {calculate the decoded byte (uses inlined decrypt_byte)}
- Temp := (FState[2] and $FFFF) or 2;
- Result := aCh xor ((Temp * (Temp xor 1)) shr 8);
- {mix the decoded byte into the state (uses inlined update_keys)}
- FState[0] := AbUpdateCrc32(Result, FState[0]);
- FState[1] := FState[1] + (FState[0] and $FF);
- FState[1] := (FState[1] * MagicNumber) + 1;
- FState[2] := AbUpdateCrc32(FState[1] shr 24, FState[2]);
-procedure TAbZipDecryptEngine.DecodeBuffer(var aBuffer; aCount : integer);
- i : integer;
- Temp : longint;
- Buffer : PAnsiChar;
- WorkState : array [0..2] of longint;
- {check for programming error}
- Assert(FReady,
- 'TAbZipDecryptEngine.Decode: must successfully call VerifyHeader first');
- {move the state to a local variable--for better speed}
- WorkState[0] := FState[0];
- WorkState[1] := FState[1];
- WorkState[2] := FState[2];
- {reference the buffer as a PChar--easier arithmetic}
- Buffer := @aBuffer;
- {for each byte in the buffer...}
- for i := 0 to pred(aCount) do begin
- {calculate the next decoded byte (uses inlined decrypt_byte)}
- Temp := (WorkState[2] and $FFFF) or 2;
- Buffer^ := AnsiChar(
- byte(Buffer^) xor ((Temp * (Temp xor 1)) shr 8));
- {mix the decoded byte into the state (uses inlined update_keys)}
- WorkState[0] := AbUpdateCrc32(byte(Buffer^), WorkState[0]);
- WorkState[1] := WorkState[1] + (WorkState[0] and $FF);
- WorkState[1] := (WorkState[1] * MagicNumber) + 1;
- WorkState[2] := AbUpdateCrc32(WorkState[1] shr 24, WorkState[2]);
- {move onto the next byte}
- inc(Buffer);
- end;
- {save the state}
- FState[0] := WorkState[0];
- FState[1] := WorkState[1];
- FState[2] := WorkState[2];
-function TAbZipDecryptEngine.VerifyHeader(const aHeader : TAbZipEncryptHeader;
- const aPassphrase : AnsiString;
- aCheckValue : longint) : boolean;
- TLongAsBytes = packed record
- L1, L2, L3, L4 : byte
- end;
- i : integer;
- Temp : longint;
- WorkHeader : TAbZipEncryptHeader;
- {check for programming errors}
- Assert(aPassphrase <> '',
- 'TAbZipDecryptEngine.VerifyHeader: need a passphrase');
- {initialize the decryption state}
- zdeInitState(aPassphrase);
- {decrypt the bytes in the header}
- for i := 0 to 11 do begin
- {calculate the next decoded byte (uses inlined decrypt_byte)}
- Temp := (FState[2] and $FFFF) or 2;
- WorkHeader[i] := aHeader[i] xor ((Temp * (Temp xor 1)) shr 8);
- {mix the decoded byte into the state (uses inlined update_keys)}
- FState[0] := AbUpdateCrc32(WorkHeader[i], FState[0]);
- FState[1] := FState[1] + (FState[0] and $FF);
- FState[1] := (FState[1] * MagicNumber) + 1;
- FState[2] := AbUpdateCrc32(FState[1] shr 24, FState[2]);
- end;
- {the header is valid if the twelfth byte of the decrypted header
- equals the fourth byte of the check value}
- Result := WorkHeader[11] = TLongAsBytes(aCheckValue).L4;
- {note: zips created with PKZIP prior to version 2.0 also checked
- that the tenth byte of the decrypted header equals the third
- byte of the check value}
- FReady := Result;
-procedure TAbZipDecryptEngine.zdeInitState(const aPassphrase : AnsiString);
- i : integer;
- {initialize the decryption state}
- FState[0] := StateInit1;
- FState[1] := StateInit2;
- FState[2] := StateInit3;
- {mix in the passphrase to the state (uses inlined update_keys)}
- for i := 1 to length(aPassphrase) do begin
- FState[0] := AbUpdateCrc32(byte(aPassphrase[i]), FState[0]);
- FState[1] := FState[1] + (FState[0] and $FF);
- FState[1] := (FState[1] * MagicNumber) + 1;
- FState[2] := AbUpdateCrc32(FState[1] shr 24, FState[2]);
- end;
-constructor TAbDfDecryptStream.Create(aStream : TStream;
- aCheckValue : longint;
- const aPassphrase : AnsiString);
- {create the ancestor}
- inherited Create;
- {save the parameters}
- FStream := aStream;
- FCheckValue := aCheckValue;
- FPassphrase := aPassphrase;
- {create the decryption engine}
- FEngine := TAbZipDecryptEngine.Create;
-destructor TAbDfDecryptStream.Destroy; {new !!.02}
- FEngine.Free;
- if FOwnsStream then
- FStream.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
-function TAbDfDecryptStream.IsValid : boolean;
- Header : TAbZipEncryptHeader;
- {read the header from the stream}
- FStream.ReadBuffer(Header, sizeof(Header));
- {check to see if the decryption engine agrees it's valid}
- Result := FEngine.VerifyHeader(Header, FPassphrase, FCheckValue);
- {if it isn't valid, reposition the stream, ready for the next try}
- if not Result then begin
- FStream.Seek(-sizeof(Header), soCurrent);
- FReady := false;
- end
- {otherwise, the stream is ready for decrypting data}
- else
- FReady := true;
-function TAbDfDecryptStream.Read(var aBuffer; aCount : longint) : longint;
- {check for programming error}
- Assert(FReady,
- 'TAbDfDecryptStream.Read: the stream header has not been verified');
- {read the data from the underlying stream}
- Result := FStream.Read(aBuffer, aCount);
- {decrypt the data}
- FEngine.DecodeBuffer(aBuffer, Result);
-function TAbDfDecryptStream.Seek(aOffset : longint; aOrigin : word) : longint;
- Result := FStream.Seek(aOffset, aOrigin);
-function TAbDfDecryptStream.Write(const aBuffer; aCount : longint) : longint;
- {check for programming error}
- Assert(false,
- 'TAbDfDecryptStream.Write: the stream is read-only');
- Result := 0;
-constructor TAbZipEncryptEngine.Create;
- {create the ancestor}
- inherited Create;
- {we're not ready for encryption yet since a header hasn't been
- properly generated with CreateHeader}
- FReady := false;
-procedure TAbZipEncryptEngine.CreateHeader(
- var aHeader : TAbZipEncryptHeader;
- const aPassphrase : AnsiString;
- aCheckValue : longint);
- TLongAsBytes = packed record
- L1, L2, L3, L4 : byte
- end;
- Ch : byte;
- i : integer;
- Temp : longint;
- WorkHeader : TAbZipEncryptHeader;
- {check for programming errors}
- Assert(aPassphrase <> '',
- 'TAbZipEncryptEngine.CreateHeader: need a passphrase');
- {set the first ten bytes of the header with random values (in fact,
- we use a random value for each byte and mix it in with the state)}
- {initialize the decryption state}
- zeeInitState(aPassphrase);
- {for the first ten bytes...}
- for i := 0 to 9 do begin
- {get a random value}
- Ch := Random( 256 );
- {calculate the XOR encoding byte (uses inlined decrypt_byte)}
- Temp := (FState[2] and $FFFF) or 2;
- Temp := (Temp * (Temp xor 1)) shr 8;
- {mix the unencoded byte into the state (uses inlined update_keys)}
- FState[0] := AbUpdateCrc32(Ch, FState[0]);
- FState[1] := FState[1] + (FState[0] and $FF);
- FState[1] := (FState[1] * MagicNumber) + 1;
- FState[2] := AbUpdateCrc32(FState[1] shr 24, FState[2]);
- {set the current byte of the header}
- WorkHeader[i] := Ch xor Temp;
- end;
- {now encrypt the first ten bytes of the header (this merely sets up
- the state so that we can encrypt the last two bytes)}
- {reinitialize the decryption state}
- zeeInitState(aPassphrase);
- {for the first ten bytes...}
- for i := 0 to 9 do begin
- {calculate the XOR encoding byte (uses inlined decrypt_byte)}
- Temp := (FState[2] and $FFFF) or 2;
- Temp := (Temp * (Temp xor 1)) shr 8;
- {mix the unencoded byte into the state (uses inlined update_keys)}
- FState[0] := AbUpdateCrc32(WorkHeader[i], FState[0]);
- FState[1] := FState[1] + (FState[0] and $FF);
- FState[1] := (FState[1] * MagicNumber) + 1;
- FState[2] := AbUpdateCrc32(FState[1] shr 24, FState[2]);
- {set the current byte of the header}
- WorkHeader[i] := WorkHeader[i] xor Temp;
- end;
- {now initialize byte 10 of the header, and encrypt it}
- Ch := TLongAsBytes(aCheckValue).L3;
- Temp := (FState[2] and $FFFF) or 2;
- Temp := (Temp * (Temp xor 1)) shr 8;
- FState[0] := AbUpdateCrc32(Ch, FState[0]);
- FState[1] := FState[1] + (FState[0] and $FF);
- FState[1] := (FState[1] * MagicNumber) + 1;
- FState[2] := AbUpdateCrc32(FState[1] shr 24, FState[2]);
- WorkHeader[10] := Ch xor Temp;
- {now initialize byte 11 of the header, and encrypt it}
- Ch := TLongAsBytes(aCheckValue).L4;
- Temp := (FState[2] and $FFFF) or 2;
- Temp := (Temp * (Temp xor 1)) shr 8;
- FState[0] := AbUpdateCrc32(Ch, FState[0]);
- FState[1] := FState[1] + (FState[0] and $FF);
- FState[1] := (FState[1] * MagicNumber) + 1;
- FState[2] := AbUpdateCrc32(FState[1] shr 24, FState[2]);
- WorkHeader[11] := Ch xor Temp;
- {we're now ready to encrypt}
- FReady := true;
- {return the header}
- aHeader := WorkHeader;
-function TAbZipEncryptEngine.Encode(aCh : byte) : byte;
- Temp : longint;
- {check for programming error}
- Assert(FReady,
- 'TAbZipEncryptEngine.Encode: must call CreateHeader first');
- {calculate the encoded byte (uses inlined decrypt_byte)}
- Temp := (FState[2] and $FFFF) or 2;
- Result := aCh xor (Temp * (Temp xor 1)) shr 8;
- {mix the unencoded byte into the state (uses inlined update_keys)}
- FState[0] := AbUpdateCrc32(aCh, FState[0]);
- FState[1] := FState[1] + (FState[0] and $FF);
- FState[1] := (FState[1] * MagicNumber) + 1;
- FState[2] := AbUpdateCrc32(FState[1] shr 24, FState[2]);
-procedure TAbZipEncryptEngine.EncodeBuffer(var aBuffer; aCount : integer);
- Ch : byte;
- i : integer;
- Temp : longint;
- Buffer : PAnsiChar;
- WorkState : array [0..2] of longint;
- {check for programming error}
- Assert(FReady,
- 'TAbZipEncryptEngine.EncodeBuffer: must call CreateHeader first');
- {move the state to a local variable--for better speed}
- WorkState[0] := FState[0];
- WorkState[1] := FState[1];
- WorkState[2] := FState[2];
- {reference the buffer as a PChar--easier arithmetic}
- Buffer := @aBuffer;
- {for each byte in the buffer...}
- for i := 0 to pred(aCount) do begin
- {calculate the next encoded byte (uses inlined decrypt_byte)}
- Temp := (WorkState[2] and $FFFF) or 2;
- Ch := byte(Buffer^);
- Buffer^ := AnsiChar(Ch xor ((Temp * (Temp xor 1)) shr 8));
- {mix the decoded byte into the state (uses inlined update_keys)}
- WorkState[0] := AbUpdateCrc32(Ch, WorkState[0]);
- WorkState[1] := WorkState[1] + (WorkState[0] and $FF);
- WorkState[1] := (WorkState[1] * MagicNumber) + 1;
- WorkState[2] := AbUpdateCrc32(WorkState[1] shr 24, WorkState[2]);
- {move onto the next byte}
- inc(Buffer);
- end;
- {save the state}
- FState[0] := WorkState[0];
- FState[1] := WorkState[1];
- FState[2] := WorkState[2];
-procedure TAbZipEncryptEngine.zeeInitState(const aPassphrase : AnsiString);
- i : integer;
- {initialize the decryption state}
- FState[0] := StateInit1;
- FState[1] := StateInit2;
- FState[2] := StateInit3;
- {mix in the passphrase to the state (uses inlined update_keys)}
- for i := 1 to length(aPassphrase) do begin
- FState[0] := AbUpdateCrc32(byte(aPassphrase[i]), FState[0]);
- FState[1] := FState[1] + (FState[0] and $FF);
- FState[1] := (FState[1] * MagicNumber) + 1;
- FState[2] := AbUpdateCrc32(FState[1] shr 24, FState[2]);
- end;
-constructor TAbDfEncryptStream.Create(aStream : TStream;
- aCheckValue : longint;
- const aPassphrase : AnsiString);
- Header : TAbZipEncryptHeader;
- {create the ancestor}
- inherited Create;
- {save the stream parameter}
- FStream := aStream;
- {create the encryption engine}
- FEngine := TAbZipEncryptEngine.Create;
- {generate the encryption header, write it to the stream}
- FEngine.CreateHeader(Header, aPassphrase, aCheckValue);
- aStream.WriteBuffer(Header, sizeof(Header));
-destructor TAbDfEncryptStream.Destroy;
- {free the internal buffer if used}
- if (FBuffer <> nil) then
- FreeMem(FBuffer);
- {free the engine}
- FEngine.Free;
- {destroy the ancestor}
- inherited Destroy;
-function TAbDfEncryptStream.Read(var aBuffer; aCount : longint) : longint;
- {check for programming error}
- Assert(false,
- 'TAbDfEncryptStream.Read: the stream is write-only');
- Result := 0;
-function TAbDfEncryptStream.Seek(aOffset : longint; aOrigin : word) : longint;
- Result := FStream.Seek(aOffset, aOrigin);
-function TAbDfEncryptStream.Write(const aBuffer; aCount : longint) : longint;
- {note: since we cannot alter a const parameter, we should copy the
- data to our own buffer, encrypt it and then write it}
- {check that our buffer is large enough}
- if (FBufSize < aCount) then begin
- if (FBuffer <> nil) then
- FreeMem(FBuffer);
- GetMem(FBuffer, aCount);
- FBufSize := aCount;
- end;
- {copy the data to our buffer}
- Move(aBuffer, FBuffer^, aCount);
- {encrypt the data in our buffer}
- FEngine.EncodeBuffer(FBuffer^, aCount);
- {write the data in our buffer to the underlying stream}
- Result := FStream.Write(FBuffer^, aCount);
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbDfDec.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbDfDec.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e9dcbf..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbDfDec.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,822 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbDfDec.pas *}
-{* Deflate decoding unit *}
-unit AbDfDec;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- Classes,
- AbDfBase;
-function Inflate(aSource : TStream; aDest : TStream;
- aHelper : TAbDeflateHelper) : longint;
- SysUtils,
- AbDfStrm,
- AbDfHufD,
- AbDfOutW,
- AbDfCryS;
-{===Helper routines==================================================}
-procedure ReadLitDistCodeLengths(aInStrm : TAbDfInBitStream;
- aCodeLenTree : TAbDfDecodeHuffmanTree;
- var aCodeLens : array of integer;
- aCount : integer;
- var aTotalBits : integer);
- i : integer;
- SymbolCount : integer;
- LookupValue : integer;
- EncodedSymbol : longint;
- Symbol : integer;
- SymbolCodeLen : integer;
- RepeatCount : integer;
- BitBuffer : TAb32bit;
- BitCount : integer;
- {$IFDEF UseLogging}
- {we need to calculate the total number of bits in the code lengths
- for reporting purposes, so zero the count}
- aTotalBits := 0;
- {$ENDIF}
- {clear the code lengths array}
- FillChar(aCodeLens, sizeof(aCodeLens), 0);
- {read all the Symbols required in the bit stream}
- SymbolCount := 0;
- while (SymbolCount < aCount) do begin
- {grab the lookup set of bits}
- BitCount := aCodeLenTree.LookupBitLength + 7;
- {$IFOPT C+}
- BitBuffer := aInStrm.PeekBits(BitCount);
- {$ELSE}
- if (aInStrm.BitsLeft < BitCount) then
- BitBuffer := aInStrm.PeekMoreBits(BitCount)
- else
- BitBuffer := aInStrm.BitBuffer and AbExtractMask[BitCount];
- {$ENDIF}
- LookupValue :=
- BitBuffer and AbExtractMask[aCodeLenTree.LookupBitLength];
- {get the encoded Symbol}
- {$IFOPT C+} {if Assertions are on}
- EncodedSymbol := aCodeLenTree.Decode(LookupValue);
- {$ELSE}
- EncodedSymbol := aCodeLenTree.Decodes^[LookupValue];
- {$ENDIF}
- {extract the data}
- Symbol := EncodedSymbol and $FFFF;
- SymbolCodeLen := (EncodedSymbol shr 16) and $FF;
- {$IFDEF UseLogging}
- {keep count of the total number of bits read}
- inc(aTotalBits, SymbolCodeLen);
- {$ENDIF}
- {check that the symbol is between 0 and 18}
- if not ((0 <= Symbol) and (Symbol <= 18)) then
- raise EAbInternalInflateError.Create(
- 'decoded a symbol not between 0 and 18 {ReadLitDistCodeLengths}');
- {check that the codelength is in range}
- if not ((0 < SymbolCodeLen) and
- (SymbolCodeLen <= aCodeLenTree.LookupBitLength)) then
- raise EAbInternalInflateError.Create(
- 'decoded a code length out of range {ReadLitDistCodeLengths}');
- {for a Symbol of 0..15, just save the value}
- if (Symbol <= 15) then begin
- aCodeLens[SymbolCount] := Symbol;
- inc(SymbolCount);
- {$IFOPT C+}
- aInStrm.DiscardBits(SymbolCodeLen);
- {$ELSE}
- if (aInStrm.BitsLeft < SymbolCodeLen) then
- aInStrm.DiscardMoreBits(SymbolCodeLen)
- else begin
- aInStrm.BitBuffer := aInStrm.BitBuffer shr SymbolCodeLen;
- aInStrm.BitsLeft := aInStrm.BitsLeft - SymbolCodeLen;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- end
- {for a Symbol of 16, get two more bits and copy the previous
- code length that many times + 3}
- else if (Symbol = 16) then begin
- RepeatCount := 3 + ((BitBuffer shr SymbolCodeLen) and $3);
- Symbol := aCodeLens[SymbolCount-1];
- for i := 0 to pred(RepeatCount) do
- aCodeLens[SymbolCount+i] := Symbol;
- inc(SymbolCount, RepeatCount);
- BitCount := SymbolCodeLen + 2;
- {$IFOPT C+}
- aInStrm.DiscardBits(BitCount);
- {$ELSE}
- if (aInStrm.BitsLeft < BitCount) then
- aInStrm.DiscardMoreBits(BitCount)
- else begin
- aInStrm.BitBuffer := aInStrm.BitBuffer shr BitCount;
- aInStrm.BitsLeft := aInStrm.BitsLeft - BitCount;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF UseLogging}
- inc(aTotalBits, 2);
- {$ENDIF}
- end
- {for a Symbol of 17, get three more bits and copy a zero code
- length that many times + 3}
- else if (Symbol = 17) then begin
- RepeatCount := 3 + ((BitBuffer shr SymbolCodeLen) and $7);
- {note: the codelengths array was aet to zeros at the start so
- the following two lines are not needed
- for i := 0 to pred(RepeatCount) do
- aCodeLens[SymbolCount+i] := 0;}
- inc(SymbolCount, RepeatCount);
- BitCount := SymbolCodeLen + 3;
- {$IFOPT C+}
- aInStrm.DiscardBits(BitCount);
- {$ELSE}
- if (aInStrm.BitsLeft < BitCount) then
- aInStrm.DiscardMoreBits(BitCount)
- else begin
- aInStrm.BitBuffer := aInStrm.BitBuffer shr BitCount;
- aInStrm.BitsLeft := aInStrm.BitsLeft - BitCount;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF UseLogging}
- inc(aTotalBits, 3);
- {$ENDIF}
- end
- {for a Symbol of 18, get seven more bits and copy a zero code
- length that many times + 11}
- else if (Symbol = 18) then begin
- RepeatCount := 11 + ((BitBuffer shr SymbolCodeLen) and $7F);
- {note: the codelengths array was aet to zeros at the start so
- the following two lines are not needed
- for i := 0 to pred(RepeatCount) do
- aCodeLens[SymbolCount+i] := 0;}
- inc(SymbolCount, RepeatCount);
- BitCount := SymbolCodeLen + 7;
- {$IFOPT C+}
- aInStrm.DiscardBits(BitCount);
- {$ELSE}
- if (aInStrm.BitsLeft < BitCount) then
- aInStrm.DiscardMoreBits(BitCount)
- else begin
- aInStrm.BitBuffer := aInStrm.BitBuffer shr BitCount;
- aInStrm.BitsLeft := aInStrm.BitsLeft - BitCount;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF UseLogging}
- inc(aTotalBits, 7);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- end;
-procedure DecodeData(aInStrm : TAbDfInBitStream;
- aOutWindow : TAbDfOutputWindow;
- aLiteralTree : TAbDfDecodeHuffmanTree;
- aDistanceTree : TAbDfDecodeHuffmanTree;
- aDeflate64 : boolean);
- LookupValue : integer;
- EncodedSymbol : longint;
- Symbol : integer;
- SymbolCodeLen : integer;
- ExtraBitCount : integer;
- Length : integer;
- Distance : integer;
- BitBuffer : TAb32bit;
- BitCount : integer;
- {extract the first symbol (it's got to be a literal/length symbol)}
- {..grab the lookup set of bits}
- if aDeflate64 then
- BitCount := aLiteralTree.LookupBitLength + 16
- else
- BitCount := aLiteralTree.LookupBitLength + 5;
- {$IFOPT C+}
- BitBuffer := aInStrm.PeekBits(BitCount);
- {$ELSE}
- if (aInStrm.BitsLeft < BitCount) then
- BitBuffer := aInStrm.PeekMoreBits(BitCount)
- else
- BitBuffer := aInStrm.BitBuffer and AbExtractMask[BitCount];
- {$ENDIF}
- LookupValue :=
- BitBuffer and AbExtractMask[aLiteralTree.LookupBitLength];
- {..get the encoded symbol}
- {$IFOPT C+} {if Assertions are on}
- EncodedSymbol := aLiteralTree.Decode(LookupValue);
- {$ELSE}
- EncodedSymbol := aLiteralTree.Decodes^[LookupValue];
- {$ENDIF}
- {..extract the data}
- Symbol := EncodedSymbol and $FFFF;
- SymbolCodeLen := (EncodedSymbol shr 16) and $FF;
-// ExtraBitCount := EncodedSymbol shr 24;
- {repeat until we get the end-of-block symbol}
- while ((Symbol <> 256) {and (ExtraBitCount <> 15)}) do begin
- {for a literal, just output it to the sliding window}
- if (Symbol < 256) then begin
- aOutWindow.AddLiteral(AnsiChar(Symbol));
- {$IFOPT C+}
- aInStrm.DiscardBits(SymbolCodeLen);
- {$ELSE}
- if (aInStrm.BitsLeft < SymbolCodeLen) then
- aInStrm.DiscardMoreBits(SymbolCodeLen)
- else begin
- aInStrm.BitBuffer := aInStrm.BitBuffer shr SymbolCodeLen;
- aInStrm.BitsLeft := aInStrm.BitsLeft - SymbolCodeLen;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- end
- {for a length value, we need to get any extra bits, and then the
- distance (plus any extra bits for that), and then add the
- duplicated characters to the sliding window}
- else begin
- {check that the length symbol is less than or equal to 285}
- if (Symbol > 285) then
- raise EAbInternalInflateError.Create(
- 'decoded an invalid length symbol: greater than 285 [DecodeData]');
- {calculate the length (if need be, by calculating the number of
- extra bits that encode the length)}
- if (not aDeflate64) and (Symbol = 285) then begin
- Length := 258;
- {$IFOPT C+}
- aInStrm.DiscardBits(SymbolCodeLen);
- {$ELSE}
- if (aInStrm.BitsLeft < SymbolCodeLen) then
- aInStrm.DiscardMoreBits(SymbolCodeLen)
- else begin
- aInStrm.BitBuffer := aInStrm.BitBuffer shr SymbolCodeLen;
- aInStrm.BitsLeft := aInStrm.BitsLeft - SymbolCodeLen;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- end
- else begin
- ExtraBitCount := EncodedSymbol shr 24;
- if (ExtraBitCount = 0) then begin
- Length := dfc_LengthBase[Symbol - 257];
- {$IFOPT C+}
- aInStrm.DiscardBits(SymbolCodeLen);
- {$ELSE}
- if (aInStrm.BitsLeft < SymbolCodeLen) then
- aInStrm.DiscardMoreBits(SymbolCodeLen)
- else begin
- aInStrm.BitBuffer := aInStrm.BitBuffer shr SymbolCodeLen;
- aInStrm.BitsLeft := aInStrm.BitsLeft - SymbolCodeLen;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- end
- else begin
- Length := dfc_LengthBase[Symbol - 257] +
- ((BitBuffer shr SymbolCodeLen) and
- AbExtractMask[ExtraBitCount]);
- BitCount := SymbolCodeLen + ExtraBitCount;
- {$IFOPT C+}
- aInStrm.DiscardBits(BitCount);
- {$ELSE}
- if (aInStrm.BitsLeft < BitCount) then
- aInStrm.DiscardMoreBits(BitCount)
- else begin
- aInStrm.BitBuffer := aInStrm.BitBuffer shr BitCount;
- aInStrm.BitsLeft := aInStrm.BitsLeft - BitCount;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- end;
- {extract the distance}
- {..grab the lookup set of bits}
- BitCount := aDistanceTree.LookupBitLength + 14;
- {$IFOPT C+}
- BitBuffer := aInStrm.PeekBits(BitCount);
- {$ELSE}
- if (aInStrm.BitsLeft < BitCount) then
- BitBuffer := aInStrm.PeekMoreBits(BitCount)
- else
- BitBuffer := aInStrm.BitBuffer and AbExtractMask[BitCount];
- {$ENDIF}
- LookupValue :=
- BitBuffer and AbExtractMask[aDistanceTree.LookupBitLength];
- {..get the encoded symbol}
- {$IFOPT C+} {if Assertions are on}
- EncodedSymbol := aDistanceTree.Decode(LookupValue);
- {$ELSE}
- EncodedSymbol := aDistanceTree.Decodes^[LookupValue];
- {$ENDIF}
- {..extract the data}
- Symbol := EncodedSymbol and $FFFF;
- SymbolCodeLen := (EncodedSymbol shr 16) and $FF;
- {check that the distance symbol is less than or equal to 29}
- if (not aDeflate64) and (Symbol > 29) then
- raise EAbInternalInflateError.Create(
- 'decoded an invalid distance symbol: greater than 29 [DecodeData]');
- {..calculate the extra bits for the distance}
- ExtraBitCount := EncodedSymbol shr 24;
- {..calculate the distance}
- if (ExtraBitCount = 0) then begin
- Distance := dfc_DistanceBase[Symbol];
- {$IFOPT C+}
- aInStrm.DiscardBits(SymbolCodeLen);
- {$ELSE}
- if (aInStrm.BitsLeft < SymbolCodeLen) then
- aInStrm.DiscardMoreBits(SymbolCodeLen)
- else begin
- aInStrm.BitBuffer := aInStrm.BitBuffer shr SymbolCodeLen;
- aInStrm.BitsLeft := aInStrm.BitsLeft - SymbolCodeLen;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- end
- else begin
- Distance := dfc_DistanceBase[Symbol] +
- ((BitBuffer shr SymbolCodeLen) and
- AbExtractMask[ExtraBitCount]);
- BitCount := SymbolCodeLen + ExtraBitCount;
- {$IFOPT C+}
- aInStrm.DiscardBits(BitCount);
- {$ELSE}
- if (aInStrm.BitsLeft < BitCount) then
- aInStrm.DiscardMoreBits(BitCount)
- else begin
- aInStrm.BitBuffer := aInStrm.BitBuffer shr BitCount;
- aInStrm.BitsLeft := aInStrm.BitsLeft - BitCount;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {duplicate the characters in the sliding window}
- aOutWindow.AddLenDist(Length, Distance);
- end;
- {extract the next symbol}
- {..grab the lookup set of bits}
- if aDeflate64 then
- BitCount := aLiteralTree.LookupBitLength + 16
- else
- BitCount := aLiteralTree.LookupBitLength + 5;
- {$IFOPT C+}
- BitBuffer := aInStrm.PeekBits(BitCount);
- {$ELSE}
- if (aInStrm.BitsLeft < BitCount) then
- BitBuffer := aInStrm.PeekMoreBits(BitCount)
- else
- BitBuffer := aInStrm.BitBuffer and AbExtractMask[BitCount];
- {$ENDIF}
- LookupValue :=
- BitBuffer and AbExtractMask[aLiteralTree.LookupBitLength];
- {..get the encoded symbol}
- {$IFOPT C+} {if Assertions are on}
- EncodedSymbol := aLiteralTree.Decode(LookupValue);
- {$ELSE}
- EncodedSymbol := aLiteralTree.Decodes^[LookupValue];
- {$ENDIF}
- {..extract the data}
- Symbol := EncodedSymbol and $FFFF;
- SymbolCodeLen := (EncodedSymbol shr 16) and $FF;
- end;
- {discard the bits for the end-of-block marker}
- {$IFOPT C+}
- aInStrm.DiscardBits(SymbolCodeLen);
- {$ELSE}
- if (aInStrm.BitsLeft < SymbolCodeLen) then
- aInStrm.DiscardMoreBits(SymbolCodeLen)
- else begin
- aInStrm.BitBuffer := aInStrm.BitBuffer shr SymbolCodeLen;
- aInStrm.BitsLeft := aInStrm.BitsLeft - SymbolCodeLen;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
-procedure InflateStoredBlock(aInStrm : TAbDfInBitStream;
- aOutWindow : TAbDfOutputWindow;
- aLog : TAbLogger);
- BufferSize = 16 * 1024;
- LenNotLen : packed record
- Len : word;
- NotLen : word;
- end;
- BytesToGo : integer;
- BytesToWrite : integer;
- Buffer : pointer;
- {$IFDEF UseLogging}
- {log it}
- if (aLog <> nil) then
- aLog.WriteLine('....a stored block');
- {$ENDIF}
- {align the input bit stream to the nearest byte boundary}
- aInStrm.AlignToByte;
- {read the length of the stored data and the notted length}
- aInStrm.ReadBuffer(LenNotLen, sizeof(LenNotLen));
- {$IFDEF UseLogging}
- {log it}
- if (aLog <> nil) then
- aLog.WriteLine(Format('..block length: %d (%-4x, NOT %-4x)',
- [LenNotLen.Len, LenNotLen.Len, LenNotLen.NotLen]));
- {$ENDIF}
- {check that NOT of the length equals the notted length}
- if ((not LenNotLen.Len) <> LenNotLen.NotLen) then
- raise EAbInternalInflateError.Create(
- 'invalid stored block (length and NOT length do not match) [InflateStoredBlock]');
- {calculate the number of bytes to copy from the stored block}
- BytesToGo := LenNotLen.Len;
- {allocate a large buffer}
- GetMem(Buffer, BufferSize);
- {copy all the data in the stored block to the output window}
- try
- {while there are still some bytes to copy...}
- while (BytesToGo <> 0) do begin
- {calculate the number of bytes this time}
- if (BytesToGo > BufferSize) then
- BytesToWrite := BufferSize
- else
- BytesToWrite := BytesToGo;
- {read that many bytes and write them to the output window}
- aInStrm.ReadBuffer(Buffer^, BytesToWrite);
- aOutWindow.AddBuffer(Buffer^, BytesToWrite);
- {calculate the number of bytes still to copy}
- dec(BytesToGo, BytesToWrite);
- end;
- finally
- FreeMem(Buffer);
- end;
-procedure InflateStaticBlock(aInStrm : TAbDfInBitStream;
- aOutWindow : TAbDfOutputWindow;
- aLog : TAbLogger;
- aDeflate64 : boolean);
- {$IFDEF UseLogging}
- {log it}
- if (aLog <> nil) then
- aLog.WriteLine('....a static huffman tree block');
- {$ENDIF}
- {decode the data with the static trees}
- DecodeData(aInStrm, aOutWindow,
- AbStaticLiteralTree, AbStaticDistanceTree, aDeflate64);
-procedure InflateDynamicBlock(aInStrm : TAbDfInBitStream;
- aOutWindow : TAbDfOutputWindow;
- aLog : TAbLogger;
- aDeflate64 : boolean);
- i : integer;
- LitCount : integer;
- DistCount : integer;
- CodeLenCount : integer;
- CodeLens : array [0..285+32] of integer;
- CodeLenTree : TAbDfDecodeHuffmanTree;
- LiteralTree : TAbDfDecodeHuffmanTree;
- DistanceTree : TAbDfDecodeHuffmanTree;
- TotalBits : integer;
- {$IFDEF UseLogging}
- {log it}
- if (aLog <> nil) then
- aLog.WriteLine('....a dynamic huffman tree block');
- {$ENDIF}
- {prepare for the try..finally}
- CodeLenTree := nil;
- LiteralTree := nil;
- DistanceTree := nil;
- try
- {decode the number of literal, distance and codelength codes}
- LitCount := aInStrm.ReadBits(5) + 257;
- DistCount := aInStrm.ReadBits(5) + 1;
- CodeLenCount := aInStrm.ReadBits(4) + 4;
- {$IFDEF UseLogging}
- {log it}
- if (aLog <> nil) then begin
- aLog.WriteLine(Format('Count of literals: %d', [LitCount]));
- aLog.WriteLine(Format('Count of distances: %d', [DistCount]));
- aLog.WriteLine(Format('Count of code lengths: %d', [CodeLenCount]));
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {verify that the counts are valid}
- if (LitCount > 286) then
- raise EAbInternalInflateError.Create(
- 'count of literal codes in dynamic block is greater than 286 [InflateDynamicBlock]');
- if (not aDeflate64) and (DistCount > 30) then
- raise EAbInternalInflateError.Create(
- 'count of distance codes in dynamic block is greater than 30 [InflateDynamicBlock]');
- {read the codelengths}
- FillChar(CodeLens, 19 * sizeof(integer), 0);
- for i := 0 to pred(CodeLenCount) do
- CodeLens[dfc_CodeLengthIndex[i]] := aInStrm.ReadBits(3);
- {$IFDEF UseLogging}
- {log them}
- if (aLog <> nil) then begin
- aLog.WriteLine('CodeLength Huffman tree: code lengths');
- for i := 0 to 18 do
- aLog.WriteStr(Format('%-3d', [CodeLens[i]]));
- aLog.WriteLine('');
- aLog.WriteLine(Format('..total bits: %d', [CodeLenCount * 3]));
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {create the codelength huffman tree}
- CodeLenTree := TAbDfDecodeHuffmanTree.Create(19, 7, huDecoding);
- CodeLenTree.Build(CodeLens, 0, 19, [0], $FFFF);
- {$IFDEF UseLogging}
- {log the tree}
- if (aLog <> nil) then begin
- aLog.WriteLine('Code lengths tree');
- CodeLenTree.DebugPrint(aLog);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {read the codelengths for both the literal/length and distance
- huffman trees}
- ReadLitDistCodeLengths(aInStrm, CodeLenTree, CodeLens,
- LitCount + DistCount, TotalBits);
- {$IFDEF UseLoggingx}
- {log them}
- if (aLog <> nil) then begin
- aLog.WriteLine('Literal/length & Dist Huffman trees: code lengths');
- for i := 0 to pred(LitCount + DistCount) do
- aLog.WriteLine(Format('%3d: %3d', [i, CodeLens[i]]));
- aLog.WriteLine('');
- aLog.WriteLine(Format('..total bits: %d', [TotalBits]));
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {create the literal huffman tree}
- LiteralTree := TAbDfDecodeHuffmanTree.Create(286, 15, huDecoding);
- LiteralTree.Build(CodeLens, 0, LitCount,
- dfc_LitExtraBits, dfc_LitExtraOffset);
- {$IFDEF UseLogging}
- {log the tree}
- if (aLog <> nil) then begin
- aLog.WriteLine('Literal/length tree');
- LiteralTree.DebugPrint(aLog);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {create the distance huffman tree}
- if aDeflate64 then
- DistanceTree := TAbDfDecodeHuffmanTree.Create(32, 15, huDecoding)
- else
- DistanceTree := TAbDfDecodeHuffmanTree.Create(30, 15, huDecoding);
- DistanceTree.Build(CodeLens, LitCount, DistCount,
- dfc_DistExtraBits, dfc_DistExtraOffset);
- {$IFDEF UseLogging}
- {log the tree}
- if (aLog <> nil) then begin
- aLog.WriteLine('Distance tree');
- DistanceTree.DebugPrint(aLog);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {using the literal and distance trees, decode the bit stream}
- DecodeData(aInStrm, aOutWindow,
- LiteralTree, DistanceTree, aDeflate64);
- finally
- CodeLenTree.Free;
- LiteralTree.Free;
- DistanceTree.Free;
- end;
-{===Interfaced routine===============================================}
-function Inflate(aSource : TStream; aDest : TStream;
- aHelper : TAbDeflateHelper) : longint;
- Helper : TAbDeflateHelper;
- InBitStrm : TAbDfInBitStream;
- OutWindow : TAbDfOutputWindow;
- Log : TAbLogger;
- UseDeflate64 : boolean;
- UseCRC32 : boolean;
- IsFinalBlock : boolean;
- BlockType : integer;
- TestOnly : boolean;
- SourceStartPos : longint;
- DestStartPos : longint;
- {$IFDEF UseLogging}
- StartPosn : longint;
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF DefeatWarnings}
- Result := 0;
- SourceStartPos := 0;
- DestStartPos := 0;
- TestOnly := False;
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF UseLogging}
- StartPosn := 0;
- {$ENDIF}
- {pre-conditions: streams must be allocated of course}
- Assert(aSource <> nil, 'Deflate: aSource stream cannot be nil');
- Assert(aDest <> nil, 'Deflate: aDest stream cannot be nil');
- {prepare for the try..finally}
- Helper := nil;
- InBitStrm := nil;
- OutWindow := nil;
- Log := nil;
- try {finally}
- try {except}
- {create our helper; assign the passed one to it}
- Helper := TAbDeflateHelper.Create;
- if (aHelper <> nil) then
- Helper.Assign(aHelper);
- {get the initial start positions of both streams}
- SourceStartPos := aSource.Position;
- DestStartPos := aDest.Position;
- {if the helper's stream size is -1, and it has a progress event
- handler, calculate the stream size from the stream itself}
- if Assigned(Helper.OnProgressStep) then begin
- if (Helper.StreamSize = -1) then
- Helper.StreamSize := aSource.Size;
- end
- {otherwise we certainly can't do any progress reporting}
- else begin
- Helper.OnProgressStep := nil;
- Helper.StreamSize := 0;
- end;
- {create the logger, if requested}
- if (Helper.LogFile <> '') then begin
- Log := TAbLogger.Create(Helper.LogFile);
- Log.WriteLine('INFLATING STREAM...');
- {$IFNDEF UseLogging}
- Log.WriteLine('Need to recompile the app with UseLogging turned on');
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- InBitStrm := TAbDfInBitStream.Create(aSource,
- Helper.OnProgressStep,
- Helper.StreamSize);
- {create the output sliding window}
- UseDeflate64 := (Helper.Options and dfc_UseDeflate64) <> 0;
- UseCRC32 := (Helper.Options and dfc_UseAdler32) = 0;
- TestOnly := (Helper.Options and dfc_TestOnly) <> 0;
- OutWindow := TAbDfOutputWindow.Create(
- aDest, UseDeflate64, UseCRC32, Helper.PartialSize,
- TestOnly, Log);
- {start decoding the deflated stream}
- repeat
- {read the final block flag and the block type}
- IsFinalBlock := InBitStrm.ReadBit;
- BlockType := InBitStrm.ReadBits(2);
- {$IFDEF UseLogging}
- {log it}
- if (Log <> nil) then begin
- Log.WriteLine('');
- Log.WriteLine('Starting new block');
- Log.WriteLine(Format('..final block? %d', [ord(IsFinalBlock)]));
- Log.WriteLine(Format('..block type? %d', [BlockType]));
- StartPosn := OutWindow.Position;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- case BlockType of
- 0 : InflateStoredBlock(InBitStrm, OutWindow, Log);
- 1 : InflateStaticBlock(InBitStrm, OutWindow, Log, UseDeflate64);
- 2 : InflateDynamicBlock(InBitStrm, OutWindow, Log, UseDeflate64);
- else
- raise EAbInternalInflateError.Create(
- 'starting new block, but invalid block type [Inflate]');
- end;
- {$IFDEF UseLogging}
- {log it}
- if (Log <> nil) then
- Log.WriteLine(Format('---block end--- (decoded size %d bytes)',
- [OutWindow.Position - StartPosn]));
- {$ENDIF}
- until IsFinalBlock;
- {get the uncompressed stream's checksum}
- Result := OutWindow.Checksum;
- if TestOnly and (aHelper <> nil) then
- aHelper.NormalSize := OutWindow.Position;
- {$IFDEF UseLogging}
- {log it}
- if (Log <> nil) then
- Log.WriteLine(Format('End of compressed stream, checksum %-8x',
- [Result]));
- {$ENDIF}
- except
- on E : EAbPartSizedInflate do begin
- {nothing, just swallow the exception}
- Result := 0;
- end;
- on E : EAbAbortProgress do begin
- {nothing, just swallow the exception}
- Result := 0;
- end;
- on E : EAbInternalInflateError do begin
- if (Log <> nil) then
- Log.WriteLine(Format('Internal exception raised: %s',
- [E.Message]));
- raise EAbInflateError.Create(E.Message);
- end;
- end;
- finally
- Helper.Free;
- OutWindow.Free;
- InBitStrm.Free;
- Log.Free;
- end;
- {if there's a helper return the compressed and uncompressed sizes}
- if (aHelper <> nil) then begin
- if not TestOnly then
- aHelper.NormalSize := aDest.Position - DestStartPos;
- aHelper.CompressedSize := aSource.Position - SourceStartPos;
- end;
- {WARNING NOTE: the compiler will warn that the return value of this
- function might be undefined. However, it is wrong: it
- has been fooled by the code. If you don't want to see
- this warning again, enable the DefeatWarnings
- compiler define in AbDefine.inc.}
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbDfEnc.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbDfEnc.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 600fc13..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbDfEnc.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,906 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbDfEnc.pas *}
-{* Deflate encoding unit *}
-unit AbDfEnc;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- Classes,
- AbDfBase;
-function Deflate(aSource : TStream; aDest : TStream;
- aHelper : TAbDeflateHelper) : longint;
- AbDfInW,
- AbDfHufD,
- AbDfStrm,
- AbDfCryS,
- AbDfPkMg;
-function CalcDynamicBitCount(aUseDeflate64: boolean;
- aLitBuckets : PAbDfLitBuckets;
- aDistBuckets : PAbDfDistBuckets;
- aCodeBuckets : PAbDfCodeLenBuckets;
- const aCodeLens : array of integer;
- const aCLCodeLens : array of integer;
- aLitCount : integer;
- aDistCount : integer;
- aCodeCount : integer) : longint;
- Symbol : integer;
- LastSymbol : integer;
- Inx : integer;
- {note: this routine calculates the number of bits required to
- compress a given block}
- {a dynamic block starts off with 5 bits of literal symbol count, 5
- bits of distance symbol count, 4 bits of codelength symbol count,
- and then 3 bits for every codelength symbol used}
- Result := 5 + 5 + 4 +
- (aCodeCount * 3);
- {add in the bits needed to compress the literal and distance trees}
- inc(Result, aCodeBuckets^[16] * (aCLCodeLens[16] + 2));
- inc(Result, aCodeBuckets^[17] * (aCLCodeLens[16] + 3));
- inc(Result, aCodeBuckets^[18] * (aCLCodeLens[16] + 7));
- for Symbol := 3 to pred(aCodeCount) do begin
- Inx := dfc_CodeLengthIndex[Symbol];
- Assert(Inx <=15,
- 'CalcDynamicBitCount: the index array of codelengths is corrupted');
- inc(Result, aCodeBuckets^[Inx] * aCLCodeLens[Inx])
- end;
- {make the literal symbol 285 a special case}
- LastSymbol := pred(aLitCount);
- if (LastSymbol = 285) then
- LastSymbol := 284;
- {add in all the bits needed to compress the literals (except 285)}
- for Symbol := 0 to LastSymbol do
- if (Symbol < dfc_LitExtraOffset) then
- inc(Result, aLitBuckets^[Symbol] * aCodeLens[Symbol])
- else
- inc(Result, aLitBuckets^[Symbol] *
- (aCodeLens[Symbol] +
- dfc_LitExtraBits[Symbol - dfc_LitExtraOffset]));
- {add in all the bits needed to compress the literal symbol 285}
- if (pred(aLitCount) = 285) then
- if (not aUseDeflate64) then
- inc(Result, aLitBuckets^[285] * aCodeLens[285])
- else
- inc(Result, aLitBuckets^[285] * (aCodeLens[285] + 16));
- {add in all the bits needed to compress the distances}
- for Symbol := 0 to pred(aDistCount) do
- inc(Result, aDistBuckets^[Symbol] *
- (aCodeLens[aLitCount + Symbol] +
- dfc_DistExtraBits[Symbol]));
-procedure OutputEndOfBlock(aBitStrm : TAbDfOutBitStream;
- aLitTree : TAbDfDecodeHuffmanTree);
- Code : longint;
- {note: this routine encodes the end-of-block character (symbol 256)
- and then writes out the code to the bit stream}
- {encode the end-of-block character as a symbol}
- {$IFOPT C+} {if Assertions are on }
- Code := aLitTree.Encode(256);
- {$ELSE}
- Code := aLitTree.Encodes^[256];
- {$ENDIF}
- {write the code out to the bit stream}
- aBitStrm.WriteBits(Code and $FFFF, (Code shr 16) and $FF);
-procedure EncodeLZStreamStored(aFinalBlock : boolean;
- aStream : TAbDfLZStream;
- aBitStrm : TAbDfOutBitStream;
- aDataSize : integer;
- aLog : TAbLogger);
- BlockHeader : packed record
- bhSize : word;
- bhNotSize : word;
- end;
- Buffer : pointer;
- Code : integer;
- BlockSize : integer;
- {note: this routine writes out an incompressible block to the bit
- stream (the store algorithm)}
- {allocate the maximum buffer we can write at once}
- GetMem(Buffer, 64 * 1024);
- try
- {while there's more incompressible data to store...}
- while (aDataSize <> 0) do begin
- {calculate the block size to write this time}
- if (aDataSize > $FFFF) then begin
- BlockSize := $FFFF;
- dec(aDataSize, $FFFF);
- end
- else begin
- BlockSize := aDataSize;
- aDataSize := 0;
- end;
- {$IFDEF UseLogging}
- {log it}
- if (aLog <> nil) then begin
- aLog.WriteLine('..Writing new block...');
- aLog.WriteLine(Format('..final block? %d', [ord(aFinalBlock)]));
- aLog.WriteLine('..block type? 0');
- aLog.WriteLine(Format('..block size: %d', [BlockSize]));
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {output the block information to the bit stream}
- if aFinalBlock then
- Code := 1 + (0 shl 1)
- else
- Code := 0 + (0 shl 1);
- aBitStrm.WriteBits(Code, 3);
- {align the bit stream to the nearest byte}
- aBitStrm.AlignToByte;
- {write the stored block header}
- BlockHeader.bhSize := BlockSize;
- BlockHeader.bhNotSize := not BlockHeader.bhSize;
- aBitStrm.WriteBuffer(BlockHeader, sizeof(BlockHeader));
- {get and write this block}
- aStream.ReadStoredBuffer(Buffer^, BlockSize);
- aBitStrm.WriteBuffer(Buffer^, BlockSize);
- end;
- finally
- FreeMem(Buffer);
- end;
- {clear the stream, ready for the next block}
- aStream.Clear;
-procedure EncodeLZStreamStatic(aFinalBlock : boolean;
- aUseDeflate64 : boolean;
- aStream : TAbDfLZStream;
- aBitStrm : TAbDfOutBitStream;
- aLog : TAbLogger);
- Code : integer;
- {note: this routine writes out the stream of LZ77 tokens for the
- current block to the bit stream, using the static huffman
- trees to encode the token symbols}
- {$IFDEF UseLogging}
- {log it}
- if (aLog <> nil) then begin
- aLog.WriteLine('..Writing new block...');
- aLog.WriteLine(Format('..final block? %d', [ord(aFinalBlock)]));
- aLog.WriteLine('..block type? 1');
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {output the block information to the bit stream}
- if aFinalBlock then
- Code := 1 + (1 shl 1)
- else
- Code := 0 + (1 shl 1);
- aBitStrm.WriteBits(Code, 3);
- {encode the LZ77 stream}
- aStream.Encode(aBitStrm,
- AbStaticLiteralTree, AbStaticDistanceTree,
- aUseDeflate64);
- {output the end-of-block marker to the bit stream}
- OutputEndOfBlock(aBitStrm, AbStaticLiteralTree);
- {$IFDEF UseLogging}
- if (aLog <> nil) then
- aLog.WriteLine('Char: end-of-block marker (#256)');
- {$ENDIF}
-procedure EncodeLZStreamDynamic(aFinalBlock : boolean;
- aUseDeflate64 : boolean;
- aUseBest : boolean;
- aStream : TAbDfLZStream;
- aBitStrm : TAbDfOutBitStream;
- aLog : TAbLogger);
- i : integer;
- LitTree : TAbDfDecodeHuffmanTree;
- DistTree : TAbDfDecodeHuffmanTree;
- CodeLenTree : TAbDfDecodeHuffmanTree;
- CodeLenStream : TAbDfCodeLenStream;
- CodeLens : array [0..285+32] of integer;
- CLCodeLens : array [0..18] of integer;
- LitCodeCount : integer;
- DistCodeCount : integer;
- LenCodeCount : integer;
- BitCount : integer;
- Code : integer;
- StaticSize : integer;
- StoredSize : integer;
- {note: this routine writes out the stream of LZ77 tokens for the
- current block to the bit stream, using the dynamic huffman
- trees to encode the token symbols; if the routine determines
- that the data can better be compressed using the static
- huffman trees or should be stored as is, it'll switch
- algorithms}
- {prepare for the try..finally}
- LitTree := nil;
- DistTree := nil;
- CodeLenTree := nil;
- CodeLenStream := nil;
- try
- {calculate the code lengths for the literal symbols}
- GenerateCodeLengths(15, aStream.LitBuckets^, CodeLens, 0, aLog);
- {calculate the number of the used codelengths for the literals}
- LitCodeCount := 286;
- repeat
- dec(LitCodeCount);
- until (CodeLens[LitCodeCount] <> 0);
- inc(LitCodeCount);
- {calculate the code lengths for the distance symbols}
- GenerateCodeLengths(15, aStream.DistBuckets^, CodeLens,
- LitCodeCount, aLog);
- {calculate the number of the used codelengths for the distances}
- DistCodeCount := 32;
- repeat
- dec(DistCodeCount);
- until (CodeLens[DistCodeCount + LitCodeCount] <> 0);
- inc(DistCodeCount);
- {calculate the code lengths array as a stream of items}
- CodeLenStream := TAbDfCodeLenStream.Create(aLog);
- CodeLenStream.Build(CodeLens, LitCodeCount + DistCodeCount);
- {calculate the codelengths for the code lengths}
- GenerateCodeLengths(7, CodeLenStream.Buckets^, CLCodeLens, 0, nil);
- {calculate the number of the used codelengths for the code lengths}
- LenCodeCount := 19;
- repeat
- dec(LenCodeCount);
- until (CLCodeLens[dfc_CodeLengthIndex[LenCodeCount]] <> 0);
- inc(LenCodeCount);
- {..there's a minimum of four, though}
- if (LenCodeCount < 4) then
- LenCodeCount := 4;
- {if we have to work out and use the best method...}
- if aUseBest then begin
- {calculate the number of bits required for the compressed data
- using dynamic huffman trees}
- BitCount := CalcDynamicBitCount(aUseDeflate64,
- aStream.LitBuckets,
- aStream.DistBuckets,
- CodeLenStream.Buckets,
- CodeLens,
- CLCodeLens,
- LitCodeCount,
- DistCodeCount,
- LenCodeCount);
- {choose the algorithm with the smallest size}
- StaticSize := aStream.StaticSize;
- StoredSize := (aStream.StoredSize + 4) * 8;
- if (StaticSize < BitCount) then begin
- if (StoredSize < StaticSize) then
- EncodeLZStreamStored(aFinalBlock, aStream, aBitStrm,
- (StoredSize div 8) - 4, aLog)
- else
- EncodeLZStreamStatic(aFinalBlock, aUseDeflate64,
- aStream, aBitStrm, aLog);
- Exit;
- end
- else if (StoredSize < BitCount) then begin
- EncodeLZStreamStored(aFinalBlock, aStream, aBitStrm,
- (StoredSize div 8) - 4, aLog);
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- {create the code lengths tree}
- CodeLenTree := TAbDfDecodeHuffmanTree.Create(19, 7, huEncoding);
- CodeLenTree.Build(CLCodeLens, 0, 19, [0], $FFFF);
- {$IFDEF UseLogging}
- {log the tree}
- if (aLog <> nil) then begin
- aLog.WriteLine('Code lengths tree');
- CodeLenTree.DebugPrint(aLog);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {calculate the literal encoding tree}
- LitTree := TAbDfDecodeHuffmanTree.Create(286, 15, huEncoding);
- LitTree.Build(CodeLens, 0, LitCodeCount,
- dfc_LitExtraBits, dfc_LitExtraOffset);
- {$IFDEF UseLogging}
- {log the tree}
- if (aLog <> nil) then begin
- aLog.WriteLine('Literal/length tree');
- LitTree.DebugPrint(aLog);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {calculate the distance tree}
- if aUseDeflate64 then
- DistTree := TAbDfDecodeHuffmanTree.Create(32, 15, huEncoding)
- else
- DistTree := TAbDfDecodeHuffmanTree.Create(30, 15, huEncoding);
- DistTree.Build(CodeLens, LitCodeCount, DistCodeCount,
- dfc_DistExtraBits, dfc_DistExtraOffset);
- {$IFDEF UseLogging}
- if (aLog <> nil) then begin
- {log the tree}
- aLog.WriteLine('Distance tree');
- DistTree.DebugPrint(aLog);
- {log the new block}
- aLog.WriteLine('..Writing new block...');
- aLog.WriteLine(Format('..final block? %d', [ord(aFinalBlock)]));
- aLog.WriteLine('..block type? 2');
- aLog.WriteLine(Format('Count of literals: %d', [LitCodeCount]));
- aLog.WriteLine(Format('Count of distances: %d', [DistCodeCount]));
- aLog.WriteLine(Format('Count of code lengths: %d', [LenCodeCount]));
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {output the block information to the bit stream}
- if aFinalBlock then
- Code := 1 + (2 shl 1)
- else
- Code := 0 + (2 shl 1);
- aBitStrm.WriteBits(Code, 3);
- {output the various counts to the bit stream}
- Code := (LitCodeCount - 257) +
- ((DistCodeCount - 1) shl 5) +
- ((LenCodeCount - 4) shl 10);
- aBitStrm.WriteBits(Code, 14);
- {output the code length codelengths to the bit stream}
- for i := 0 to pred(LenCodeCount) do
- aBitStrm.WriteBits(CLCodeLens[dfc_CodeLengthIndex[i]], 3);
- {encode and write the codelength stream to the bit stream}
- CodeLenStream.Encode(aBitStrm, CodeLenTree);
- {encode and write the LZ77 stream to the bit stream}
- aStream.Encode(aBitStrm, LitTree, DistTree, aUseDeflate64);
- {output the end-of-block marker to the bit stream}
- OutputEndOfBlock(aBitStrm, LitTree);
- {$IFDEF UseLogging}
- if (aLog <> nil) then
- aLog.WriteLine('Char: end-of-block marker (#256)');
- {$ENDIF}
- finally
- LitTree.Free;
- DistTree.Free;
- CodeLenTree.Free;
- CodeLenStream.Free;
- end;
-{===Single algorithm Static/Dynamic Huffman tree deflate=============}
-function DeflateStaticDynamic(aStatic : boolean;
- aUseBest: boolean;
- aSource : TStream; aDest : TStream;
- aHelper : TAbDeflateHelper;
- aLog : TAbLogger) : longint;
- i : integer;
- SlideWin : TAbDfInputWindow;
- BitStrm : TAbDfOutBitStream;
- LZ77Stream : TAbDfLZStream;
- KeyLen : integer;
- Match : TAbDfMatch;
- PrevMatch : TAbDfMatch;
- UseDeflate64 : boolean;
- UseCRC32 : boolean;
- GotMatch : boolean;
- LZStrmIsFull : boolean;
- TestForBinary: boolean;
- {note: turn on the following define to see when and how the lazy
- matching algorithm works}
- {$IFDEF UseLogging}
- {$DEFINE UseLazyMatchLogging}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF UseLogging}
- if (aLog <> nil) then
- if aStatic then
- aLog.WriteLine('..compressing source data with static huffman trees')
- else
- aLog.WriteLine('..compressing source data with dynamic huffman trees');
- {$ENDIF}
- {prepare for the try..finally}
- SlideWin := nil;
- BitStrm := nil;
- LZ77Stream := nil;
- try
- {create the sliding window}
- UseDeflate64 := (aHelper.Options and dfc_UseDeflate64) <> 0;
- UseCRC32 := (aHelper.Options and dfc_UseAdler32) = 0;
- SlideWin := TAbDfInputWindow.Create(aSource,
- aHelper.StreamSize,
- aHelper.WindowSize,
- aHelper.ChainLength,
- UseDeflate64, UseCRC32);
- SlideWin.OnProgress := aHelper.OnProgressStep;
- {create the bit stream}
- BitStrm := TAbDfOutBitStream.Create(aDest);
- {create the LZ77 stream}
- LZ77Stream := TAbDfLZStream.Create(SlideWin, UseDeflate64, aLog);
- LZStrmIsFull := false;
- TestForBinary := true;
- {set the previous match to be a literal character: this will
- ensure that no lazy matching goes on with the first key read}
- PrevMatch.maLen := 0;
- {get the first key length}
- KeyLen := SlideWin.GetNextKeyLength;
- {while the current key is three characters long...}
- while (KeyLen = 3) do begin
- {tweak for binary/text}
- {note: the test for whether a stream is binary or not is to
- check whether there are any #0 characters in the first
- 1024 bytes: if there are the stream is binary.
- this test and tweaking is based on experimentation
- compression ratios for binary and text files based on the
- PKZIP 'n' option.}
- if TestForBinary and (LZ77Stream.StoredSize = 1024) then begin
- if (aHelper.PKZipOption = 'n') then
- if (LZ77Stream.LitBuckets^[0] = 0) then begin
- aHelper.AmpleLength := aHelper.AmpleLength * 2;
- aHelper.MaxLazyLength := aHelper.MaxLazyLength * 2;
- aHelper.ChainLength := aHelper.ChainLength * 2;
- SlideWin.ChainLen := aHelper.ChainLength;
- end;
- TestForBinary := false;
- end;
- {if the LZ77 stream is full, empty it}
- if LZStrmIsFull then begin
- if aStatic then
- EncodeLZStreamStatic(false, UseDeflate64,
- LZ77Stream, BitStrm, aLog)
- else
- EncodeLZStreamDynamic(false, UseDeflate64, aUseBest,
- LZ77Stream, BitStrm, aLog);
- LZ77Stream.Clear;
- LZStrmIsFull := false;
- end;
- {try and find a match of three or more characters (note: this
- has the side effect of adding the current key to the internal
- hash table); this routine will only return true if it finds a
- match greater than the previous match}
- GotMatch := SlideWin.FindLongestMatch(aHelper.AmpleLength,
- Match, PrevMatch);
- {if the maximum match length were three and the distance exceeds
- 4096 bytes, it's most likely that we'll get better compression
- by outputting the three literal bytes rather than by outputting
- a length symbol, a distance symbol, and at least ten extra
- bits for the extra distance value}
- if (Match.maLen = 3) and (Match.maDist > 4096) then
- GotMatch := false;
- {if we found a match...}
- if GotMatch then begin
- {if there were no previous match, we can't do any lazy match
- processing now, so save the current match details ready for
- lazy matching the next time through, and advance the sliding
- window}
- if (PrevMatch.maLen = 0) then begin
- PrevMatch.maLen := Match.maLen;
- PrevMatch.maDist := Match.maDist;
- PrevMatch.maLit := Match.maLit;
- SlideWin.AdvanceByOne;
- end
- {otherwise the previous match is smaller than this one, so
- we're going to accept this match in preference; throw away
- the previous match, output the previous literal character
- instead and save these match details}
- else begin
- {$IFDEF UseLazyMatchLogging}
- if (aLog <> nil) then
- aLog.WriteLine(
- Format(
- '..this match longer, rejecting previous one (%d,%d)',
- [PrevMatch.maLen, PrevMatch.maDist]));
- {$ENDIF}
- LZStrmIsFull := LZ77Stream.AddLiteral(PrevMatch.maLit);
- PrevMatch.maLen := Match.maLen;
- PrevMatch.maDist := Match.maDist;
- PrevMatch.maLit := Match.maLit;
- SlideWin.AdvanceByOne;
- end;
- {if, by this point, we're storing up a match, check to see
- if it equals or exceeds the maximum lazy match length; if
- it does then output the match right now and avoid checking
- for a lazy match}
- if (PrevMatch.maLen >= aHelper.MaxLazyLength) then begin
- {$IFDEF UseLazyMatchLogging}
- if (aLog <> nil) then
- if ((aHelper.Options and dfc_UseLazyMatch) <> 0) then
- aLog.WriteLine('..match longer than max lazy match, using it');
- {$ENDIF}
- LZStrmIsFull :=
- LZ77Stream.AddLenDist(PrevMatch.maLen, PrevMatch.maDist);
- SlideWin.Advance(PrevMatch.maLen - 1, PrevMatch.maLen - 1);
- PrevMatch.maLen := 0;
- end;
- end
- {otherwise, we don't have a match at all: so we possibly just
- need to output a literal character}
- else begin
- {if there was a previous match, output it and discard the
- results of this match}
- if (PrevMatch.maLen <> 0) then begin
- LZStrmIsFull :=
- LZ77Stream.AddLenDist(PrevMatch.maLen, PrevMatch.maDist);
- SlideWin.Advance(PrevMatch.maLen - 1, PrevMatch.maLen - 2);
- PrevMatch.maLen := 0;
- end
- {otherwise there was no previous match or it's already been
- output, so output this literal}
- else begin
- LZStrmIsFull := LZ77Stream.AddLiteral(Match.maLit);
- SlideWin.AdvanceByOne;
- PrevMatch.maLen := 0;
- end;
- end;
- {get the next key}
- KeyLen := SlideWin.GetNextKeyLength;
- end;
- {if the last key read were one or two characters in length, save
- them as literal character encodings}
- if (KeyLen > 0) then begin
- {if there's a match pending, it'll be of length 3: output it}
- if (PrevMatch.maLen <> 0) then begin
- Assert(PrevMatch.maLen = 3,
- 'DeflateStaticDynamic: previous match should be length 3');
- LZ77Stream.AddLenDist(PrevMatch.maLen, PrevMatch.maDist);
- end
- {otherwise, output the one or two final literals}
- else
- for i := 1 to KeyLen do
- LZ77Stream.AddLiteral(SlideWin.GetNextChar);
- end;
- {empty the LZ77 stream}
- if aStatic then
- EncodeLZStreamStatic(true, UseDeflate64,
- LZ77Stream, BitStrm, aLog)
- else
- EncodeLZStreamDynamic(true, UseDeflate64, aUseBest,
- LZ77Stream, BitStrm, aLog);
- {calculate the checksum of the input stream}
- Result := SlideWin.Checksum;
- finally
- {free the objects}
- SlideWin.Free;
- BitStrm.Free;
- LZ77Stream.Free;
- end;{try..finally}
- {$IFDEF UseLogging}
- {log it}
- if (aLog <> nil) then
- aLog.WriteLine(Format('..checksum: %8x', [Result]))
- {$ENDIF}
-{===Simple storing===================================================}
-function DeflateStored(aSource : TStream; aDest : TStream;
- aHelper : TAbDeflateHelper;
- aLog : TAbLogger) : longint;
- StoredBlockSize = $FFFF;
- Buffer : PAnsiChar;
- BytesRead : LongWord;
- ByteCount : Int64;
- BytesToGo : Int64;
- CurPos : Int64;
- Size : Int64;
- Percent : longint;
- CheckSum : longint;
- UseCRC32 : boolean;
- BlockHeader : packed record
- bhInfo : byte;
- bhSize : word;
- bhNotSize : word;
- end;
- {note: this routine merely stores the aSource stream data, no
- compression is attempted or done}
- {$IFDEF UseLogging}
- if (aLog <> nil) then
- aLog.WriteLine('..storing source data to destination, no compression');
- {$ENDIF}
- {initialize}
- ByteCount := 0;
- UseCRC32 := (aHelper.Options and dfc_UseAdler32) = 0;
- if UseCRC32 then
- Checksum := -1 { CRC32 starts off with all bits set}
- else
- CheckSum := 1; { Adler32 starts off with a value of 1}
- if (aHelper.StreamSize > 0) then
- BytesToGo := aHelper.StreamSize
- else begin
- CurPos := aSource.Seek(0, soCurrent);
- Size := aSource.Seek(0, soEnd);
- aSource.Seek(CurPos, soBeginning);
- BytesToGo := Size - CurPos;
- end;
- {get a buffer}
- GetMem(Buffer, StoredBlockSize);
- try
- {while there is still data to be stored...}
- while (BytesToGo <> 0) do begin
- {read the next block}
- BytesRead := aSource.Read(Buffer^, StoredBlockSize);
- {fire the progress event}
- if Assigned(aHelper.OnProgressStep) then begin
- inc(ByteCount, BytesRead);
- Percent := Round((100.0 * ByteCount) / aHelper.StreamSize);
- aHelper.OnProgressStep(Percent);
- end;
- {update the checksum}
- if UseCRC32 then
- AbUpdateCRCBuffer(Checksum, Buffer^, BytesRead)
- else
- AbUpdateAdlerBuffer(Checksum, Buffer^, BytesRead);
- {write the block header}
- if (BytesRead = BytesToGo) then
- BlockHeader.bhInfo := 1 {ie, final block, stored}
- else
- BlockHeader.bhInfo := 0; {ie, not final block, stored}
- BlockHeader.bhSize := BytesRead;
- BlockHeader.bhNotSize := not BlockHeader.bhSize;
- aDest.WriteBuffer(BlockHeader, sizeof(BlockHeader));
- {write the block of data}
- aDest.WriteBuffer(Buffer^, BytesRead);
- {$IFDEF UseLogging}
- {log it}
- if (aLog <> nil) then begin
- if (BlockHeader.bhInfo = 0) then
- aLog.WriteLine(Format('..block size: %d', [BytesRead]))
- else
- aLog.WriteLine(Format('..block size: %d (final block)',
- [BytesRead]));
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {decrement the number of bytes to go}
- dec(BytesToGo, BytesRead);
- end;
- finally
- FreeMem(Buffer);
- end;
- {return the checksum}
- {note: the CRC32 checksum algorithm requires a post-conditioning
- step after being calculated (the result is NOTted), whereas
- Adler32 does not}
- if UseCRC32 then
- Result := not Checksum
- else
- Result := Checksum;
- {$IFDEF UseLogging}
- {log it}
- if (aLog <> nil) then
- aLog.WriteLine(Format('..checksum: %8x', [Result]))
- {$ENDIF}
-{===Interfaced routine===============================================}
-function Deflate(aSource : TStream; aDest : TStream;
- aHelper : TAbDeflateHelper) : longint;
- Helper : TAbDeflateHelper;
- Log : TAbLogger;
- SourceStartPos : longint;
- DestStartPos : longint;
- {pre-conditions: streams are allocated,
- options enable some kind of archiving}
- Assert(aSource <> nil, 'Deflate: aSource stream cannot be nil');
- Assert(aDest <> nil, 'Deflate: aDest stream cannot be nil');
- Assert((aHelper = nil) or ((aHelper.Options and $07) <> 0),
- 'Deflate: aHelper.Options must enable some kind of archiving');
- {$IFDEF DefeatWarnings}
- Result := 0;
- {$ENDIF}
- {prepare for the try..finally}
- Helper := nil;
- Log := nil;
- try {finally}
- try {except}
- {create our helper; assign the passed one to it}
- Helper := TAbDeflateHelper.Create;
- if (aHelper <> nil) then
- Helper.Assign(aHelper);
- {save the current positions of both streams}
- SourceStartPos := aSource.Position;
- DestStartPos := aDest.Position;
- {if the helper's stream size is -1, and it has a progress event
- handler, calculate the stream size from the stream itself}
- if Assigned(Helper.OnProgressStep) then begin
- if (Helper.StreamSize = -1) then
- Helper.StreamSize := aSource.Size;
- end
- {otherwise we certainly can't do any progress reporting}
- else begin
- Helper.OnProgressStep := nil;
- Helper.StreamSize := 0;
- end;
- {if lazy matching is not requested, ensure the maximum lazy
- match length is zero: this make the LZ77 code a little easier
- to understand}
- if ((Helper.Options and dfc_UseLazyMatch) = 0) then
- Helper.MaxLazyLength := 0;
- {patch up the various lengths in the helper if they specify the
- maximum (that is, are equal to -1)}
- if (Helper.AmpleLength = -1) then
- Helper.AmpleLength := MaxLongInt;
- if (Helper.MaxLazyLength = -1) then
- Helper.MaxLazyLength := MaxLongInt;
- if (Helper.ChainLength = -1) then
- Helper.ChainLength := MaxLongInt;
- {create the logger, if requested}
- if (Helper.LogFile <> '') then begin
- Log := TAbLogger.Create(Helper.LogFile);
- Log.WriteLine('DEFLATING STREAM...');
- {$IFNDEF UseLogging}
- Log.WriteLine('Need to recompile the app with UseLogging turned on');
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {use the helper's options property to decide what to do}
- case (Helper.Options and $07) of
- dfc_CanUseStored :
- Result := DeflateStored(aSource, aDest, Helper, Log);
- dfc_CanUseStatic :
- Result := DeflateStaticDynamic(true, false, aSource, aDest, Helper, Log);
- dfc_CanUseDynamic :
- Result := DeflateStaticDynamic(false, false, aSource, aDest, Helper, Log);
- else
- Result := DeflateStaticDynamic(false, true, aSource, aDest, Helper, Log);
- end;
- {save the uncompressed and compressed sizes}
- if (aHelper <> nil) then begin
- aHelper.NormalSize := aSource.Position - SourceStartPos;
- aHelper.CompressedSize := aDest.Position - DestStartPos;
- end;
- except
- on E : EAbInternalDeflateError do begin
- {$IFDEF UseLogging}
- if (Log <> nil) then
- Log.WriteLine(Format('Internal exception raised: %s',
- [E.Message]));
- {$ENDIF}
- raise EAbDeflateError.Create(E.Message);
- end;
- end;
- finally
- Helper.Free;
- Log.Free;
- end;
- {WARNING NOTE: the compiler will warn that the return value of this
- function might be undefined. However, it is wrong: it
- has been fooled by the code. If you don't want to see
- this warning again, enable the DefeatWarnings
- compiler define in AbDefine.inc.}
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbDfHufD.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbDfHufD.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index f4642d8..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbDfHufD.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,530 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbDfHufD.pas *}
-{* Deflate Huffman tree for decoder *}
-unit AbDfHufD;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
-{Activate this compiler define and rebuild if you want the complete
- huffman tree output to print to the current log. The output is
- voluminous to say the least...}
-{$IFDEF UseLogging}
-{.$DEFINE EnableMegaLog}
-The object of this class is to build a decoder array, not to build a
-Huffman tree particularly. We don't want to decode huffman strings bit
-by bit. moving down the Huffman tree sometimes left, sometimes right.
-Instead we want to grab a set of bits and look them up in an array.
-Sometimes we'll grab too many bits, sure, but we can deal with that
-later. So, the object of the exercise is to calculate the code for a
-symbol, reverse it ('cos that's how the input bit stream will present
-it to us) and set that element of the array to the decoded symbol
-value (plus some extra information: bit lengths).
-If the alphabet size were 19 (the codelengths huffman tree) and the
-maximum code length 5, for example, the decoder array would be 2^5
-elements long, much larger than the alphabet size. The user of this
-class will be presenting sets of 5 bits for us to decode. We would
-like to look up these 5 bits in the array (as an index) and have the
-symbol returned. Now, since the alphabet size is much less than the
-number of elements in the decoder array, we must set the other
-elements in the array as well. Consider a symbol that has a code of
-110 in this scenario. The reversed code is 011, or 3, so we'd be
-setting element 3. However we should also be setting elements 01011,
-10011, and 11011 to this symbol information as well, since the lookup
-will be 5 bits long.
-Because the code is a huffman code from a prefix tree, we won't get
-any index clashes between actual codes by this "filling in" process.
-For the codelength Huffman tree, the maximum code length is at most 7.
-This equates to a 128 element array. For the literal and distance
-trees, the max code length is at most 15. This equates to a 32768
-element array.
-For a given lookup value the decoder will return a 32-bit value. The
-lower 16 bits is the decoded symbol, the next 8 bits is the code
-length for that symbol, the last 8 bits (the most significant) are the
-number of extra bits that must be extracted from the input bit stream.
- AbDfBase;
- TAbDfHuffmanUsage = ( {usage of a huffman decoder..}
- huEncoding, {..encoding}
- huDecoding, {..decoding}
- huBoth); {..both (used for static trees)}
- TAbDfDecodeHuffmanTree = class
- private
- FAlphaSize : integer;
- FDecodes : PAbDfLongintList;
- FDefMaxCodeLen : integer;
- FEncodes : PAbDfLongintList;
- {$IFOPT C+}
- FMask : integer;
- {$ENDIF}
- FMaxCodeLen : integer;
- FUsage : TAbDfHuffmanUsage;
- protected
- public
- constructor Create(aAlphabetSize : integer;
- aDefMaxCodeLen: integer;
- aUsage : TAbDfHuffmanUsage);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Build(const aCodeLengths : array of integer;
- aStartInx : integer;
- aCount : integer;
- const aExtraBits : array of byte;
- aExtraOffset : integer);
- function Decode(aLookupBits : integer) : longint;
- function Encode(aSymbol : integer) : longint;
- {$IFDEF UseLogging}
- procedure DebugPrint(aLog : TAbLogger);
- {$ENDIF}
- property LookupBitLength : integer read FMaxCodeLen;
- property Decodes : PAbDfLongintList read FDecodes;
- property Encodes : PAbDfLongintList read FEncodes;
- end;
- AbStaticLiteralTree : TAbDfDecodeHuffmanTree;
- AbStaticDistanceTree : TAbDfDecodeHuffmanTree;
- SysUtils;
- PowerOfTwo : array [0..dfc_MaxCodeLength] of integer =
- (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048,
- 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768);
-{===Debug helper routine=============================================}
-{$IFDEF EnableMegaLog}
-function CodeToStr(aCode : longint; aLen : integer) : string;
- i : integer;
- if (aLen = 0) then
- Result := 'no code'
- else begin
- SetLength(Result, 32);
- FillChar(Result[1], 32, ' ');
- for i := 32 downto (33-aLen) do begin
- if Odd(aCode) then
- Result[i] := '1'
- else
- Result[i] := '0';
- aCode := aCode shr 1;
- end;
- end;
-constructor TAbDfDecodeHuffmanTree.Create(
- aAlphabetSize : integer;
- aDefMaxCodeLen: integer;
- aUsage : TAbDfHuffmanUsage);
- {protect against dumb programming mistakes}
- Assert(aAlphabetSize >= 2,
- 'TAbDfDecodeHuffmanTree.Create: a huffman tree must be for at least two symbols');
- {let the ancestor initialize}
- inherited Create;
- {save the alphabet size, etc}
- FAlphaSize := aAlphabetSize;
- FDefMaxCodeLen := aDefMaxCodeLen;
- FUsage := aUsage;
- {allocate the encoder array (needs to be initialized to zeros)}
- if (aUsage <> huDecoding) then
- FEncodes := AllocMem(FAlphaSize * sizeof(longint));
-destructor TAbDfDecodeHuffmanTree.Destroy;
- {destroy the codes arrays}
- if (FDecodes <> nil) then
- FreeMem(FDecodes);
- if (FEncodes <> nil) then
- FreeMem(FEncodes);
- {let the ancestor die}
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TAbDfDecodeHuffmanTree.Build(
- const aCodeLengths : array of integer;
- aStartInx : integer;
- aCount : integer;
- const aExtraBits : array of byte;
- aExtraOffset : integer);
- ByteRevTable : array [0..255] of byte = (
- $00, $80, $40, $C0, $20, $A0, $60, $E0, $10, $90, $50, $D0,
- $30, $B0, $70, $F0, $08, $88, $48, $C8, $28, $A8, $68, $E8,
- $18, $98, $58, $D8, $38, $B8, $78, $F8, $04, $84, $44, $C4,
- $24, $A4, $64, $E4, $14, $94, $54, $D4, $34, $B4, $74, $F4,
- $0C, $8C, $4C, $CC, $2C, $AC, $6C, $EC, $1C, $9C, $5C, $DC,
- $3C, $BC, $7C, $FC, $02, $82, $42, $C2, $22, $A2, $62, $E2,
- $12, $92, $52, $D2, $32, $B2, $72, $F2, $0A, $8A, $4A, $CA,
- $2A, $AA, $6A, $EA, $1A, $9A, $5A, $DA, $3A, $BA, $7A, $FA,
- $06, $86, $46, $C6, $26, $A6, $66, $E6, $16, $96, $56, $D6,
- $36, $B6, $76, $F6, $0E, $8E, $4E, $CE, $2E, $AE, $6E, $EE,
- $1E, $9E, $5E, $DE, $3E, $BE, $7E, $FE, $01, $81, $41, $C1,
- $21, $A1, $61, $E1, $11, $91, $51, $D1, $31, $B1, $71, $F1,
- $09, $89, $49, $C9, $29, $A9, $69, $E9, $19, $99, $59, $D9,
- $39, $B9, $79, $F9, $05, $85, $45, $C5, $25, $A5, $65, $E5,
- $15, $95, $55, $D5, $35, $B5, $75, $F5, $0D, $8D, $4D, $CD,
- $2D, $AD, $6D, $ED, $1D, $9D, $5D, $DD, $3D, $BD, $7D, $FD,
- $03, $83, $43, $C3, $23, $A3, $63, $E3, $13, $93, $53, $D3,
- $33, $B3, $73, $F3, $0B, $8B, $4B, $CB, $2B, $AB, $6B, $EB,
- $1B, $9B, $5B, $DB, $3B, $BB, $7B, $FB, $07, $87, $47, $C7,
- $27, $A7, $67, $E7, $17, $97, $57, $D7, $37, $B7, $77, $F7,
- $0F, $8F, $4F, $CF, $2F, $AF, $6F, $EF, $1F, $9F, $5F, $DF,
- $3F, $BF, $7F, $FF);
- i : integer;
- Symbol : integer;
- LengthCount : array [0..dfc_MaxCodeLength] of integer;
- NextCode : array [0..dfc_MaxCodeLength] of integer;
- Code : longint;
- CodeLen : integer;
- CodeData : longint;
- DecoderLen : integer;
- CodeIncr : integer;
- Decodes : PAbDfLongintList;
- Encodes : PAbDfLongintList;
- {$IFDEF CPU386}
- DecodesEnd : pointer;
- {$ENDIF}
- TablePtr : pointer;
- {count the number of instances of each code length and calculate the
- maximum code length at the same time}
- FillChar(LengthCount, sizeof(LengthCount), 0);
- FMaxCodeLen := 0;
- for i := 0 to pred(aCount) do begin
- CodeLen := aCodeLengths[i + aStartInx];
- Assert((CodeLen <= FDefMaxCodeLen),
- Format('TAbDfDecodeHuffmanTree.Build: a code length is greater than %d',
- [FDefMaxCodeLen]));
- if (CodeLen > FMaxCodeLen) then
- FMaxCodeLen := CodeLen;
- inc(LengthCount[CodeLen]);
- end;
- {now we know the maximum code length we can allocate our decoder
- array}
- {$IFNDEF CPU386}
- DecoderLen := 0;
- {$ENDIF}
- if (FUsage <> huEncoding) then begin
- DecoderLen := PowerOfTwo[FMaxCodeLen];
- GetMem(FDecodes, DecoderLen * sizeof(longint));
- {$IFDEF CPU386}
- DecodesEnd := PAnsiChar(FDecodes) + (DecoderLen * sizeof(longint));
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFOPT C+}
- FillChar(FDecodes^, DecoderLen * sizeof(longint), $FF);
- FMask := not (DecoderLen - 1);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {calculate the start codes for each code length}
- Code := 0;
- LengthCount[0] := 0;
- for i := 1 to FDefMaxCodeLen do begin
- Code := (Code + LengthCount[i-1]) shl 1;
- NextCode[i] := Code;
- end;
- {for speed and convenience}
- Decodes := FDecodes;
- Encodes := FEncodes;
- TablePtr := @ByteRevTable;
- {for each symbol...}
- for Symbol := 0 to pred(aCount) do begin
- {calculate the code length}
- CodeLen := aCodeLengths[Symbol + aStartInx];
- {if the code length were zero, just set the relevant entry in the
- encoder array; the decoder array doesn't need anything}
- if (CodeLen = 0) then begin
- if (FUsage <> huDecoding) then
- Encodes^[Symbol] := -1
- end
- {otherwise we need to fill elements in both the encoder and
- decoder arrays}
- else begin
- {calculate *reversed* code}
- Code := NextCode[CodeLen];
- {$IFDEF CPU386}
- asm
- push esi
- mov eax, Code
- mov esi, TablePtr
- xor ecx, ecx
- xor edx, edx
- mov cl, ah
- mov dl, al
- mov al, [esi+ecx]
- mov ah, [esi+edx]
- mov ecx, 16
- pop esi
- sub ecx, CodeLen
- shr eax, cl
- mov Code, eax
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- CodeData:= Code;
- LongRec(Code).Bytes[1]:= ByteRevTable[LongRec(CodeData).Bytes[0]];
- LongRec(Code).Bytes[0]:= ByteRevTable[LongRec(CodeData).Bytes[1]];
- Code:= Code shr (16-CodeLen);
- {$ENDIF}
- {set the code data (bit count, extra bits required, symbol),
- everywhere the reversed code would appear in the decoder array;
- set the code data in the encoder array as well}
- if (Symbol >= aExtraOffset) then begin
- if (FUsage <> huEncoding) then
- CodeData := Symbol + { symbol}
- (CodeLen shl 16) + { code length}
- (aExtraBits[Symbol-aExtraOffset] shl 24);
- { extra bits required}
- if (FUsage <> huDecoding) then
- Encodes^[Symbol] := Code + { code}
- (CodeLen shl 16) + { code length}
- (aExtraBits[Symbol-aExtraOffset] shl 24)
- { extra bits required}
- end
- else begin
- if (FUsage <> huEncoding) then
- CodeData := Symbol + { symbol}
- (CodeLen shl 16); { code length}
- if (FUsage <> huDecoding) then
- Encodes^[Symbol] := Code + { code}
- (CodeLen shl 16); { code length}
- end;
- {OPTIMIZATION NOTE: the following code
- CodeIncr := PowerOfTwo[CodeLen];
- while Code < DecoderLen do begin
- Decodes^[Code] := CodeData;
- inc(Code, CodeIncr);
- end;
- was replaced by the asm code below to improve the speed. The
- code in the loop is the big time sink in this routine so it was
- best to replace it.}
- if (FUsage <> huEncoding) then begin
- {$IFDEF CPU386}
- CodeIncr := PowerOfTwo[CodeLen] * sizeof(longint);
- asm
- push edi { save edi}
- mov eax, Decodes { get the Decodes array}
- mov edi, DecodesEnd { get the end of the Decodes array}
- mov edx, Code { get Code and..}
- shl edx, 1 { ..multiply by 4}
- shl edx, 1
- add eax, edx { eax => first element to be set}
- mov edx, CodeData { get the CodeData}
- mov ecx, CodeIncr { get the increment per loop}
- @@1:
- mov [eax], edx { set the element}
- add eax, ecx { move to the next element}
- cmp eax, edi { if we haven't gone past the end..}
- jl @@1 { ..go back for the next one}
- pop edi { retrieve edi}
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- CodeIncr := PowerOfTwo[CodeLen];
- while Code < DecoderLen do begin
- Decodes^[Code] := CodeData;
- inc(Code, CodeIncr);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {we've used this code up for this symbol, so increment for the
- next symbol at this code length}
- inc(NextCode[CodeLen]);
- end;
- end;
-{$IFDEF UseLogging}
-procedure TAbDfDecodeHuffmanTree.DebugPrint(aLog : TAbLogger);
-{$IFDEF EnableMegaLog}
- i : integer;
- Code : longint;
- {to print the huffman tree, we must have a logger...}
- Assert(aLog <> nil,
- 'TAbDfDecodeHuffmanTree.DebugPrint needs a logger object to which to print');
- if (FUsage <> huEncoding) then begin
- aLog.WriteLine('Huffman decoder array');
- aLog.WriteLine(Format('Alphabet size: %d', [FAlphaSize]));
- aLog.WriteLine(Format('Max codelength: %d', [FMaxCodeLen]));
- {$IFDEF EnableMegaLog}
- aLog.WriteLine('Index Len Xtra Symbol Reversed Code');
- for i := 0 to pred(PowerOfTwo[FMaxCodeLen]) do begin
- Code := FDecodes^[i];
- if (Code = -1) then
- aLog.WriteLine(Format('%5d%49s', [i, 'no code']))
- else
- aLog.WriteLine(Format('%5d%4d%5d%7d%33s',
- [i,
- ((Code shr 16) and $FF),
- ((Code shr 24) and $FF),
- (Code and $FFFF),
- CodeToStr(i, ((Code shr 16) and $FF))]));
- end;
- aLog.WriteLine('---end decoder array---');
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- if (FUsage <> huDecoding) then begin
- aLog.WriteLine('Huffman encoder array');
- aLog.WriteLine(Format('Alphabet size: %d', [FAlphaSize]));
- {$IFDEF EnableMegaLog}
- aLog.WriteLine('Symbol Len Xtra Reversed Code');
- for i := 0 to pred(FAlphaSize) do begin
- Code := FEncodes^[i];
- if (Code = -1) then
- aLog.WriteLine(Format('%6d%42s', [i, 'no code']))
- else
- aLog.WriteLine(Format('%6d%4d%5d%33s',
- [i,
- ((Code shr 16) and $FF),
- ((Code shr 24) and $FF),
- CodeToStr((Code and $FFFF), ((Code shr 16) and $FF))]));
- end;
- aLog.WriteLine('---end encoder array---');
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
-function TAbDfDecodeHuffmanTree.Decode(aLookupBits : integer) : longint;
- {protect against dumb programming mistakes (note: FMask only exists
- if assertions are on)}
- {$IFOPT C+}
- Assert((aLookupBits and FMask) = 0,
- 'TAbDfDecodeHuffmanTree.Decode: trying to decode too many bits, use LookupBitLength property');
- {$ENDIF}
- {return the code data}
- Result := FDecodes^[aLookupBits];
-function TAbDfDecodeHuffmanTree.Encode(aSymbol : integer) : longint;
- {protect against dumb programming mistakes}
- Assert((0 <= aSymbol) and (aSymbol < FAlphaSize),
- 'TAbDfDecodeHuffmanTree.Encode: trying to encode a symbol that is not in the alphabet');
- {return the code data}
- Result := FEncodes^[aSymbol];
- {if the result is -1, it's another programming mistake: the user is
- attempting to get a code for a symbol that wasn't being used}
- Assert(Result <> -1,
- 'TAbDfDecodeHuffmanTree.Encode: trying to encode a symbol that was not used');
-procedure BuildStaticTrees;
- i : integer;
- CodeLens : array [0..287] of integer;
- {this routine builds the static huffman trees, those whose code
- lengths are determined by the deflate spec}
- {the static literal tree first}
- for i := 0 to 143 do
- CodeLens[i] := 8;
- for i := 144 to 255 do
- CodeLens[i] := 9;
- for i := 256 to 279 do
- CodeLens[i] := 7;
- for i := 280 to 287 do
- CodeLens[i] := 8;
- AbStaticLiteralTree := TAbDfDecodeHuffmanTree.Create(288, 15, huBoth);
- AbStaticLiteralTree.Build(CodeLens, 0, 288,
- dfc_LitExtraBits, dfc_LitExtraOffset);
- {the static distance tree afterwards}
- for i := 0 to 31 do
- CodeLens[i] := 5;
- AbStaticDistanceTree := TAbDfDecodeHuffmanTree.Create(32, 15, huBoth);
- AbStaticDistanceTree.Build(CodeLens, 0, 32,
- dfc_DistExtraBits, dfc_DistExtraOffset);
- BuildStaticTrees;
- AbStaticLiteralTree.Free;
- AbStaticDistanceTree.Free;
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbDfInW.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbDfInW.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 51e5168..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbDfInW.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,764 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbDfInW.pas *}
-{* Deflate input sliding window unit *}
-unit AbDfInW;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- Classes,
- AbDfBase;
-{Notes: TdfInputWindow implements a sliding window on data for the
- LZ77 dictionary encoding.
- The stream passed to the class is automatically read when
- required to keep the internal buffer fully loaded.
- }
- TAbDfMatch = record
- maLen : integer;
- maDist : integer;
- maLit : AnsiChar;
- end;
- PAbPointerList = ^TAbPointerList;
- TAbPointerList = array[0..MaxInt div SizeOf(Pointer) - 1] of Pointer;
- TAbDfInputWindow = class
- private
- FAdvanceStart : boolean;
- FBuffer : PAnsiChar;
- FBufferEnd : PAnsiChar;
- FBytesUsed : longint;
- FChainLen : integer;
- FHashChains : PAbPointerList;
- FHashHeads : PAbPointerList;
- FHashIndex : integer;
- FChecksum : longint;
- FCurrent : PAnsiChar;
- FLookAheadEnd : PAnsiChar;
- FMaxMatchLen : integer;
- FMustSlide : boolean;
- FOnProgress : TAbProgressStep;
- FSlidePoint : PAnsiChar;
- FStart : PAnsiChar;
- FStartOffset : longint;
- FStream : TStream;
- FStreamSize : Int64;
- FUseCRC32 : boolean;
- FUseDeflate64 : boolean;
- FWinMask : integer;
- FWinSize : integer;
- protected
- function iwGetChecksum : longint;
- procedure iwReadFromStream;
- procedure iwSetCapacity(aValue : longint);
- procedure iwSlide;
- public
- constructor Create(aStream : TStream;
- aStreamSize : Int64;
- aWinSize : integer;
- aChainLength : integer;
- aUseDeflate64 : boolean;
- aUseCRC32 : boolean);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Advance(aCount : integer;
- aHashCount : integer);
- procedure AdvanceByOne;
- function FindLongestMatch(aAmpleLength : integer;
- var aMatch : TAbDfMatch;
- const aPrevMatch : TAbDfMatch) : boolean;
- function GetNextChar : AnsiChar;
- function GetNextKeyLength : integer;
- function Position : longint;
- procedure ReadBuffer(var aBuffer; aCount : longint;
- aOffset : Int64);
- property ChainLen : integer read FChainLen write FChainLen;
- property Checksum : longint read iwGetChecksum;
- property OnProgress : TAbProgressStep
- read FOnProgress write FOnProgress;
- end;
- SysUtils;
- Meaning of the internal pointers:
- |----------+===================+==+--------------------------|
- | | | | |
- FBuffer FStart FCurrent FLookAheadEnd FBufferEnd
- FCurrent is the current match position. The valid data that
- can be matched is between FStart and FLookAheadEnd, The data
- between FStart and FCurrent has already been seen; the data
- between FCurrent and FLookAheadEnd can be used for matching.
- The buffer size depends on the requested window size (a
- multiple of 1KB, up to 32KB for deflate, up to 64KB for
- deflate64) and the lookahead size (up to 258 bytes for deflate
- and 64KB for deflate64.)
- The window of data continuously slides to the right, and is
- slid back to FBuffer whenever FStart reaches a point 16KB
- away, this point being given by FSlidePoint.
- The hash table:
- This is a chained hash table with some peculiarities. First
- the table itself, FHashHeads. It contains pointers to strings
- in the window buffer, not to chains. The chains are held is a
- separate structure, FHashChains. The hash function on the
- three-character keys is a Rabin-Karp function:
- ((((Ch1 shl 5) xor Ch2) shl 5) xor Ch3) and $3FFF
- designed so that a running hash value can be kept and
- calculated per character. The hash table is $4000 elements
- long (obviously, given the hash function).
- On insertion, the previous pointer in the hash table at the
- calculated index is saved and replaced by the new pointer. The
- old pointer is saved in the chains array. This has the same
- number of elements as the sliding window has characters. The
- pointer is placed at (Ptr and (WindowsSize-1)) overwriting the
- value that's already there. In this fashion the individual
- chains in the standard hash table are interwoven with each
- other in this hash table, like a skein of threads.
- }
- c_HashCount = $4000; {the number of hash entries}
- c_HashMask = c_HashCount - 1; {a mask for the hash function}
- c_HashShift = 5; {shift value for the hash function}
-constructor TAbDfInputWindow.Create(aStream : TStream;
- aStreamSize : Int64;
- aWinSize : integer;
- aChainLength : integer;
- aUseDeflate64 : boolean;
- aUseCRC32 : boolean);
- {create the ancestor}
- inherited Create;
- {save parameters}
- FStreamSize := aStreamSize;
- FWinSize := aWinSize;
- FWinMask := aWinSize - 1;
- FStream := aStream;
- FChainLen := aChainLength;
- FUseDeflate64 := aUseDeflate64;
- FUseCRC32 := aUseCRC32;
- if aUseCRC32 then
- FChecksum := -1 { CRC32 starts off with all bits set }
- else
- FCheckSum := 1; { Adler32 starts off with a value of 1 }
- {set capacity of sliding window}
- iwSetCapacity(aWinSize);
- {create the hash table, first the hash table itself (and set all
- entries to nil)}
- FHashHeads := AllocMem(c_HashCount * sizeof(pointer));
- {..now the chains (there's no need to set the entries to nil, since
- the chain entries get fed from the head entries before searching)}
- GetMem(FHashChains, aWinSize * sizeof(pointer));
- {read the first chunk of data from the stream}
- FMustSlide := true;
- iwReadFromStream;
- {if there are at least two bytes, prime the hash index}
- if ((FLookAheadEnd - FBuffer) >= 2) then
- FHashIndex := ((longint(FBuffer[0]) shl c_HashShift) xor
- longint(FBuffer[1])) and
- c_HashMask;
-destructor TAbDfInputWindow.Destroy;
- {free the hash table}
- FreeMem(FHashHeads);
- FreeMem(FHashChains);
- {free the buffer}
- FreeMem(FBuffer);
- {destroy the ancestor}
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TAbDfInputWindow.Advance(aCount : integer;
- aHashCount : integer);
- i : integer;
- ByteCount : integer;
- Percent : integer;
- HashChains: PAbPointerList;
- HashHeads : PAbPointerList;
- HashInx : integer;
- CurPos : PAnsiChar;
- Assert((FLookAheadEnd - FCurrent) >= aCount,
- 'TAbDfInputWindow.Advance: seem to be advancing into the unknown');
- Assert((aHashCount = aCount) or (aHashCount = pred(aCount)),
- 'TAbDfInputWindow.Advance: the parameters are plain wrong');
- {use local var for speed}
- CurPos := FCurrent;
- {advance the current pointer if needed}
- if (aCount > aHashCount) then
- inc(CurPos);
- {make sure we update the hash table; remember that the string[3] at
- the current position has already been added to the hash table (for
- notes on updating the hash table, see FindLongestMatch}
- {use local vars for speed}
- HashChains := FHashChains;
- HashHeads := FHashHeads;
- HashInx := FHashIndex;
- {update the hash table}
- for i := 0 to pred(aHashCount) do begin
- HashInx :=
- ((HashInx shl c_HashShift) xor longint(CurPos[2])) and
- c_HashMask;
- HashChains^[longint(CurPos) and FWinMask] :=
- HashHeads^[HashInx];
- HashHeads^[HashInx] := CurPos;
- inc(CurPos);
- end;
- {replace old values}
- FHashChains := HashChains;
- FHashHeads := HashHeads;
- FHashIndex := HashInx;
- FCurrent := CurPos;
- {if we've seen at least FWinSize bytes...}
- if FAdvanceStart then begin
- {advance the start of the sliding window}
- inc(FStart, aCount);
- inc(FStartOffset, aCount);
- {check to see if we have advanced into the slide zone}
- if FMustSlide and (FStart >= FSlidePoint) then
- iwSlide;
- end
- {otherwise check to see if we've seen at least FWinSize bytes}
- else if ((CurPos - FStart) >= FWinSize) then begin
- FAdvanceStart := true;
- {note: we can't advance automatically aCount bytes here, we need
- to calculate the actual count}
- ByteCount := (CurPos - FWinSize) - FStart;
- inc(FStart, ByteCount);
- inc(FStartOffset, ByteCount);
- end;
- {show progress}
- if Assigned(FOnProgress) then begin
- inc(FBytesUsed, aCount);
- if ((FBytesUsed and $FFF) = 0) then begin
- Percent := Round((100.0 * FBytesUsed) / FStreamSize);
- FOnProgress(Percent);
- end;
- end;
- {check to see if we have advanced into the slide zone}
- if (FStart >= FSlidePoint) then
- iwSlide;
-procedure TAbDfInputWindow.AdvanceByOne;
- Percent : integer;
- {advance the current pointer}
- inc(FCurrent);
- {if we've seen at least FWinSize bytes...}
- if FAdvanceStart then begin
- {advance the start of the sliding window}
- inc(FStart, 1);
- inc(FStartOffset, 1);
- {check to see if we have advanced into the slide zone}
- if FMustSlide and (FStart >= FSlidePoint) then
- iwSlide;
- end
- {otherwise check to see if we've seen FWinSize bytes}
- else if ((FCurrent - FStart) = FWinSize) then
- FAdvanceStart := true;
- {show progress}
- if Assigned(FOnProgress) then begin
- inc(FBytesUsed, 1);
- if ((FBytesUsed and $FFF) = 0) then begin
- Percent := Round((100.0 * FBytesUsed) / FStreamSize);
- FOnProgress(Percent);
- end;
- end;
-function TAbDfInputWindow.FindLongestMatch(aAmpleLength : integer;
- var aMatch : TAbDfMatch;
- const aPrevMatch : TAbDfMatch)
- : boolean;
-{Note: this routine implements a greedy algorithm and is by far the
- time sink for compression. There are two versions, one written
- in Pascal for understanding, one in assembler for speed.
- Activate one and only one of the following compiler defines.}
-{$IFDEF CPU386}
- {$DEFINE UseGreedyAsm}
- {$DEFINE UseGreedyPascal}
-{Check to see that all is correct}
-{$IFDEF UseGreedyAsm}
- {$IFDEF UseGreedyPascal}
- !! Compile Error: only one of the greedy compiler defines can be used
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFNDEF UseGreedyPascal}
- !! Compile Error: one of the greedy compiler defines must be used
- {$ENDIF}
- PLongint = ^longint;
- PWord = ^word;
- MaxLen : longint;
- MaxDist : longint;
- MaxMatch : integer;
- ChainLen : integer;
- PrevStrPos : PAnsiChar;
- CurPos : PAnsiChar;
- {$IFDEF UseGreedyAsm}
- CurWord : word;
- MaxWord : word;
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF UseGreedyPascal}
- Len : longint;
- MatchStr : PAnsiChar;
- CurrentCh : PAnsiChar;
- CurCh : AnsiChar;
- MaxCh : AnsiChar;
- {$ENDIF}
- {calculate the hash index for the current position; using the
- Rabin-Karp algorithm this is equal to the previous index less the
- effect of the character just lost plus the effect of the character
- just gained}
- CurPos := FCurrent;
- FHashIndex :=
- ((FHashIndex shl c_HashShift) xor longint(CurPos[2])) and
- c_HashMask;
- {get the head of the hash chain: this is the position in the sliding
- window of the previous 3-character string with this hash value}
- PrevStrPos := FHashHeads^[FHashIndex];
- {set the head of the hash chain equal to our current position}
- FHashHeads^[FHashIndex] := CurPos;
- {update the chain itself: set the entry for this position equal to
- the previous string position}
- FHashChains^[longint(CurPos) and FWinMask] := PrevStrPos;
- {calculate the maximum match we could do at this position}
- MaxMatch := (FLookAheadEnd - CurPos);
- if (MaxMatch > FMaxMatchLen) then
- MaxMatch := FMaxMatchLen;
- if (aAmpleLength > MaxMatch) then
- aAmpleLength := MaxMatch;
- {calculate the current match length}
- if (aPrevMatch.maLen = 0) then
- MaxLen := 2
- else begin
- if (MaxMatch < aPrevMatch.maLen) then begin
- Result := false;
- aMatch.maLen := 0;
- aMatch.maLit := CurPos^;
- Exit;
- end;
- MaxLen := aPrevMatch.maLen;
- end;
- {get the bytes at the current position and at the end of the maximum
- match we have to better}
- {$IFDEF UseGreedyAsm}
- CurWord := PWord(CurPos)^;
- MaxWord := PWord(CurPos + pred(MaxLen))^;
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF UseGreedyPascal}
- CurCh := CurPos^;
- MaxCh := (CurPos + pred(MaxLen))^;
- {$ENDIF}
- {set the chain length to search based on the current maximum match
- (basically: if we've already satisfied the ample length
- requirement, don't search as far)}
- if (MaxLen >= aAmpleLength) then
- ChainLen := FChainLen div 4
- else
- ChainLen := FChainLen;
- {get ready for the loop}
- {$IFDEF DefeatWarnings}
- MaxDist := 0;
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF UseGreedyAsm} { slip into assembler for speed...}
- asm
- push ebx { save those registers we should}
- push esi
- push edi
- mov ebx, Self { ebx will store the Self pointer}
- mov edi, PrevStrPos { edi => previous string}
- mov esi, CurPos { esi => current string}
- @@TestThisPosition:
- { check previous string is in range}
- or edi, edi
- je @@Exit
- cmp edi, [ebx].TAbDfInputWindow.FStart
- jb @@Exit
- cmp edi, CurPos
- jae @@Exit
- mov ax, [edi] { check previous string starts with same}
- cmp CurWord, ax { two bytes as current}
- jne @@GetNextPosition { ..nope, they don't match}
- mov edx, edi { check previous string ends with same}
- add edi, MaxLen { two bytes as current (by "ends" we}
- dec edi { mean the last two bytes at the}
- mov ax, [edi] { current match length)}
- cmp MaxWord, ax
- mov edi, edx
- jne @@GetNextPosition { ..nope, they don't match}
- push edi { compare the previous string with the}
- push esi { current string}
- mov eax, MaxMatch
- add edi, 2 { (we've already checked that the first}
- sub eax, 2 { two characters are the same)}
- add esi, 2
- mov ecx, eax
- @@CmpQuads:
- cmp ecx, 4
- jb @@CmpSingles
- mov edx, [esi]
- cmp edx, [edi]
- jne @@CmpSingles
- add esi, 4
- add edi, 4
- sub ecx, 4
- jnz @@CmpQuads
- jmp @@MatchCheck
- @@CmpSingles:
- or ecx, ecx
- jb @@MatchCheck
- mov dl, [esi]
- cmp dl, [edi]
- jne @@MatchCheck
- inc esi
- inc edi
- dec ecx
- jnz @@CmpSingles
- @@MatchCheck:
- sub eax, ecx
- add eax, 2
- pop esi
- pop edi
- cmp eax, MaxLen { have we found a longer match?}
- jbe @@GetNextPosition { ..no}
- mov MaxLen, eax { ..yes, so save it}
- mov eax, esi { calculate the dist for this new match}
- sub eax, edi
- mov MaxDist, eax
- cmp eax, aAmpleLength { if this match is ample enough, exit}
- jae @@Exit
- mov eax, esi { calculate the two bytes at the end of}
- add eax, MaxLen { this new match}
- dec eax
- mov ax, [eax]
- mov MaxWord, ax
- @@GetNextPosition:
- mov eax, ChainLen { we've visited one more link on the}
- dec eax { chain, if that's the last one we}
- je @@Exit { should visit, exit}
- mov ChainLen, eax
- { advance along the chain}
- mov edx, [ebx].TAbDfInputWindow.FHashChains
- mov eax, [ebx].TAbDfInputWindow.FWinMask
- and edi, eax
- shl edi, 2
- mov edi, [edx+edi]
- jmp @@TestThisPosition
- @@Exit:
- pop edi
- pop esi
- pop ebx
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF UseGreedyPascal}
- {for all possible hash nodes in the chain...}
- while (FStart <= PrevStrPos) and (PrevStrPos < CurPos) do begin
- {if the initial and maximal characters match...}
- if (PrevStrPos[0] = CurCh) and
- (PrevStrPos[pred(MaxLen)] = MaxCh) then begin
- {compare more characters}
- Len := 1;
- CurrentCh := CurPos + 1;
- MatchStr := PrevStrPos + 1;
- {compare away, but don't go above the maximum length}
- while (Len < MaxMatch) and (MatchStr^ = CurrentCh^) do begin
- inc(CurrentCh);
- inc(MatchStr);
- inc(Len);
- end;
- {have we reached another maximum for the length?}
- if (Len > MaxLen) then begin
- MaxLen := Len;
- {calculate the distance}
- MaxDist := CurPos - PrevStrPos;
- MaxCh := CurPos[pred(MaxLen)];
- {is the new best length ample enough?}
- if MaxLen >= aAmpleLength then
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- {have we reached the end of this chain?}
- dec(ChainLen);
- if (ChainLen = 0) then
- Break;
- {otherwise move onto the next position}
- PrevStrPos := FHashChains^[longint(PrevStrPos) and FWinMask];
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {based on the results of our investigation, return the match values}
- if (MaxLen < 3) or (MaxLen <= aPrevMatch.maLen) then begin
- Result := false;
- aMatch.maLen := 0;
- aMatch.maLit := CurPos^;
- end
- else begin
- Result := true;
- aMatch.maLen := MaxLen;
- aMatch.maDist := MaxDist;
- aMatch.maLit := CurPos^; { just in case...}
- end;
-function TAbDfInputWindow.GetNextChar : AnsiChar;
- Result := FCurrent^;
- inc(FCurrent);
-function TAbDfInputWindow.GetNextKeyLength : integer;
- Result := FLookAheadEnd - FCurrent;
- if (Result > 3) then
- Result := 3;
-function TAbDfInputWindow.iwGetChecksum : longint;
- {the CRC32 checksum algorithm requires a post-conditioning step
- after being calculated (the result is NOTted), whereas Adler32 does
- not}
- if FUseCRC32 then
- Result := not FChecksum
- else
- Result := FChecksum;
-procedure TAbDfInputWindow.iwReadFromStream;
- BytesRead : longint;
- BytesToRead : longint;
- {read some more data into the look ahead zone}
- BytesToRead := FBufferEnd - FLookAheadEnd;
- BytesRead := FStream.Read(FLookAheadEnd^, BytesToRead);
- {if nothing was read, we reached the end of the stream; hence
- there's no more need to slide the window since we have all the
- data}
- if (BytesRead = 0) then
- FMustSlide := false
- {otherwise something was actually read...}
- else begin
- {update the checksum}
- if FUseCRC32 then
- AbUpdateCRCBuffer(FChecksum, FLookAheadEnd^, BytesRead)
- else
- AbUpdateAdlerBuffer(FChecksum, FLookAheadEnd^, BytesRead);
- {reposition the pointer for the end of the lookahead area}
- inc(FLookAheadEnd, BytesRead);
- end;
-procedure TAbDfInputWindow.iwSetCapacity(aValue : longint);
- ActualSize : integer;
- {calculate the actual size; this will be the value passed in, plus
- the correct look ahead size, plus 16KB}
- ActualSize := aValue + (16 * 1024);
- if FUseDeflate64 then begin
- inc(ActualSize, dfc_MaxMatchLen64);
- FMaxMatchLen := dfc_MaxMatchLen64;
- end
- else begin
- inc(ActualSize, dfc_MaxMatchLen);
- FMaxMatchLen := dfc_MaxMatchLen;
- end;
- {get the new buffer}
- GetMem(FBuffer, ActualSize);
- {set the other buffer pointers}
- FStart := FBuffer;
- FCurrent := FBuffer;
- FLookAheadEnd := FBuffer;
- FBufferEnd := FBuffer + ActualSize;
- FSlidePoint := FBuffer + (16 * 1024);
-procedure TAbDfInputWindow.iwSlide;
- PLongint = ^longint;
- i : integer;
- ByteCount : integer;
- Buffer : longint;
- ListItem : PLongint;
- {move current valid data back to the start of the buffer}
- ByteCount := FLookAheadEnd - FStart;
- Move(FStart^, FBuffer^, ByteCount);
- {reset the various pointers}
- ByteCount := FStart - FBuffer;
- FStart := FBuffer;
- dec(FCurrent, ByteCount);
- dec(FLookAheadEnd, ByteCount);
- {patch up the hash table: the head pointers}
- Buffer := longint(FBuffer);
- ListItem := PLongint(@FHashHeads^[0]);
- for i := 0 to pred(c_HashCount) do begin
- dec(ListItem^, ByteCount);
- if (ListItem^ < Buffer) then
- ListItem^ := 0;
- inc(PAnsiChar(ListItem), sizeof(pointer));
- end;
- {..the chain pointers}
- ListItem := PLongint(@FHashChains^[0]);
- for i := 0 to pred(FWinSize) do begin
- dec(ListItem^, ByteCount);
- if (ListItem^ < Buffer) then
- ListItem^ := 0;
- inc(PAnsiChar(ListItem), sizeof(pointer));
- end;
- {now read some more data from the stream}
- iwReadFromStream;
-function TAbDfInputWindow.Position : longint;
- Result := (FCurrent - FStart) + FStartOffset;
-procedure TAbDfInputWindow.ReadBuffer(var aBuffer; aCount : longint;
- aOffset : Int64);
- CurPos : Int64;
- CurPos := FStream.Seek(0, soCurrent);
- FStream.Seek(aOffSet, soBeginning);
- FStream.ReadBuffer(aBuffer, aCount);
- FStream.Seek(CurPos, soBeginning);
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbDfOutW.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbDfOutW.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index a78b166..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbDfOutW.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbDfOutW.pas *}
-{* Deflate output sliding window *}
-unit AbDfOutW;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- Classes,
- AbDfBase;
-{Notes: TAbDfOutputWindow implements a sliding window on previously
- written data for the LZ77 dictionary decoding.
- AddLiteral will add a literal character at the current
- position and advance by one. AddLenDist will copy the required
- number of characters from the given position to the current
- position, and advance the stream on by the length. The class
- will periodically update the stream from the internal buffer.
- For normal Deflate, the internal buffer is 48K + 512 bytes in
- size. Once there is 48Kb worth of data, 16KB is written to
- file, and the buffer is shifted left by 16KB. We need to keep
- the last decoded 32KB in memory at all times.
- For Deflate64, the internal buffer is 96K + 512 bytes in
- size. Once there is 96Kb worth of data, 32KB is written to
- file, and the buffer is shifted left by 32KB. We need to keep
- the last decoded 64KB in memory at all times.
- }
- TAbDfOutputWindow = class
- private
- FBuffer : PAnsiChar;
- FChecksum : longint;
- FCurrent : PAnsiChar;
- FLog : TAbLogger;
- FPartSize : longint;
- FSlideCount : integer;
- FStream : TStream;
- FStreamPos : longint;
- FTestOnly : boolean;
- FUseCRC32 : boolean;
- FWritePoint : PAnsiChar;
- protected
- function swGetChecksum : longint;
- procedure swWriteToStream(aFlush : boolean);
- public
- constructor Create(aStream : TStream;
- aUseDeflate64 : boolean;
- aUseCRC32 : boolean;
- aPartSize : longint;
- aTestOnly : boolean;
- aLog : TAbLogger);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure AddBuffer(var aBuffer; aCount : integer);
- procedure AddLiteral(aCh : AnsiChar);
- procedure AddLenDist(aLen : integer; aDist : integer);
- function Position : longint;
- property Checksum : longint read swGetChecksum;
- property Log : TAbLogger read FLog;
- end;
- SysUtils;
- Meaning of the internal pointers:
- |==============================+------------------------+----|
- | | |
- FBuffer FCurrent FWritePoint
- Once FCurrent reaches or exceeds FWritePoint, FSlideCount
- bytes of data from FBuffer are written to the stream and the
- remaining data is moved back FSlideCount bytes, moving
- FCurrent along with it as well.
- }
-constructor TAbDfOutputWindow.Create(aStream : TStream;
- aUseDeflate64 : boolean;
- aUseCRC32 : boolean;
- aPartSize : longint;
- aTestOnly : boolean;
- aLog : TAbLogger);
- Size : integer;
- LookAheadSize : integer;
- {allow the ancestor to initialize}
- inherited Create;
- {save parameters}
- FLog := aLog;
- FStream := aStream;
- FTestOnly := aTestOnly;
- if (aPartSize <= 0) then
- FPartSize := 0
- else
- FPartSize := aPartSize;
- FUseCRC32 := aUseCRC32;
- if aUseCRC32 then
- FChecksum := -1 { CRC32 starts off with all bits set}
- else
- FCheckSum := 1; { Adler32 starts off with a value of 1}
- {set capacity of sliding window}
- if aUseDeflate64 then begin
- Size := 96 * 1024;
- FSlideCount := 32 * 1024;
- LookAheadSize := 64 * 1024;
- end
- else begin
- Size := 64 * 1024;
- FSlideCount := 32 * 1024;
- LookAheadSize := 258;
- end;
- GetMem(FBuffer, Size + LookAheadSize);
- {set the other internal pointers}
- FCurrent := FBuffer;
- FWritePoint := FBuffer + Size;
- if (FPartSize > Size) then
- FPartSize := Size;
-destructor TAbDfOutputWindow.Destroy;
- {write remaining data and free the buffer}
- if (FBuffer <> nil) then begin
- if (FCurrent <> FBuffer) then
- swWriteToStream(true);
- FreeMem(FBuffer);
- end;
- {destroy the ancestor}
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TAbDfOutputWindow.AddBuffer(var aBuffer; aCount : integer);
- Buffer : PAnsiChar;
- BytesToWrite : integer;
- {if we've advanced to the point when we need to write, do so}
- if (FCurrent >= FWritePoint) then
- swWriteToStream(false);
- {cast the user buffer to a PChar, it's easier to use}
- Buffer := @aBuffer;
- {calculate the number of bytes to copy}
- BytesToWrite := FWritePoint - FCurrent;
- if (BytesToWrite > aCount) then
- BytesToWrite := aCount;
- {move this block of bytes}
- Move(Buffer^, FCurrent^, BytesToWrite);
- {advance pointers and counters}
- inc(FCurrent, BytesToWrite);
- dec(aCount, BytesToWrite);
- {while there is still data to copy...}
- while (aCount > 0) do begin
- {advance the user buffer pointer}
- inc(Buffer, BytesToWrite);
- {write the sliding window chunk to the stream}
- swWriteToStream(false);
- {calculate the number of bytes to copy}
- BytesToWrite := FWritePoint - FCurrent;
- if (BytesToWrite > aCount) then
- BytesToWrite := aCount;
- {move this block of bytes}
- Move(Buffer^, FCurrent^, BytesToWrite);
- {advance pointers and counters}
- inc(FCurrent, BytesToWrite);
- dec(aCount, BytesToWrite);
- end;
-procedure AddLenDistToLog(aLog : TAbLogger;
- aPosn : longint;
- aLen : integer;
- aDist : integer;
- aOverLap : boolean);
- {NOTE the reason for this separate routine is to avoid string
- allocations and try..finally blocks in the main method: an
- optimization issue}
- if aOverLap then
- aLog.WriteLine(Format('%8x Len: %-3d, Dist: %-5d **overlap**',
- [aPosn, aLen, aDist]))
- else
- aLog.WriteLine(Format('%8x Len: %-3d, Dist: %-5d',
- [aPosn, aLen, aDist]));
-procedure TAbDfOutputWindow.AddLenDist(aLen : integer; aDist : integer);
- i : integer;
- ToChar : PAnsiChar;
- FromChar : PAnsiChar;
- {log it}
- {$IFDEF UseLogging}
- if (FLog <> nil) then
- AddLenDistToLog(FLog, Position, aLen, aDist, (aLen > aDist));
- {$ENDIF}
- {if the length to copy is less than the distance, just do a move}
- if (aLen <= aDist) then begin
- Move((FCurrent - aDist)^ , FCurrent^, aLen);
- end
- {otherwise we have to use a byte-by-byte copy}
- else begin
- FromChar := FCurrent - aDist;
- ToChar := FCurrent;
- for i := 1 to aLen do begin
- ToChar^ := FromChar^;
- inc(FromChar);
- inc(ToChar);
- end;
- end;
- {increment the current pointer}
- inc(FCurrent, aLen);
- {if we've reached the point requested, abort}
- if (FPartSize > 0) and ((FCurrent - FBuffer) >= FPartSize) then
- raise EAbPartSizedInflate.Create(''); {NOTE: This exception is expected during detection of .GZ and .TGZ files. (VerifyGZip)}
- {if we've advanced to the point when we need to write, do so}
- if (FCurrent >= FWritePoint) then
- swWriteToStream(false);
-procedure AddLiteralToLog(aLog : TAbLogger;
- aPosn : longint;
- aCh : AnsiChar);
- {NOTE the reason for this separate routine is to avoid string
- allocations and try..finally blocks in the main method: an
- optimization issue}
- if (' ' < aCh) and (aCh <= '~') then
- aLog.WriteLine(Format('%8x Char: %3d $%2x [%s]', [aPosn, ord(aCh), ord(aCh), aCh]))
- else
- aLog.WriteLine(Format('%8x Char: %3d $%2x', [aPosn, ord(aCh), ord(aCh)]));
-procedure TAbDfOutputWindow.AddLiteral(aCh : AnsiChar);
- {log it}
- {$IFDEF UseLogging}
- if (FLog <> nil) then
- AddLiteralToLog(FLog, Position, aCh);
- {$ENDIF}
- {add the literal to the buffer}
- FCurrent^ := aCh;
- {increment the current pointer}
- inc(FCurrent);
- {if we've reached the point requested, abort}
- if (FPartSize > 0) and ((FCurrent - FBuffer) >= FPartSize) then
- raise EAbPartSizedInflate.Create('');
- {if we've advanced to the point when we need to write, do so}
- if (FCurrent >= FWritePoint) then
- swWriteToStream(false);
-function TAbDfOutputWindow.Position : longint;
- if FTestOnly then
- Result := FStreamPos + (FCurrent - FBuffer)
- else
- Result := FStream.Position + (FCurrent - FBuffer);
-function TAbDfOutputWindow.swGetChecksum : longint;
- {since the checksum is calculated by the method that flushes to the
- stream, make sure any buffered data is written out first}
- if (FCurrent <> FBuffer) then
- swWriteToStream(true);
- {the CRC32 checksum algorithm requires a post-conditioning step
- after being calculated (the result is NOTted), whereas Adler32 does
- not}
- if FUseCRC32 then
- Result := not FChecksum
- else
- Result := FChecksum;
-procedure TAbDfOutputWindow.swWriteToStream(aFlush : boolean);
- FromPtr : PAnsiChar;
- {if the request was to flush, write all remaining data after
- updating the checksum}
- if aFlush then begin
- if FUseCRC32 then
- AbUpdateCRCBuffer(FChecksum, FBuffer^, FCurrent - FBuffer)
- else
- AbUpdateAdlerBuffer(FChecksum, FBuffer^, FCurrent - FBuffer);
- if FTestOnly then
- inc(FStreamPos, FCurrent - FBuffer)
- else
- FStream.WriteBuffer(FBuffer^, FCurrent - FBuffer);
- FCurrent := FBuffer;
- end
- {otherwise, update the checksum with the data in the sliding window
- chunk, write it out to the stream, and move the rest of the buffer
- back}
- else begin
- if FUseCRC32 then
- AbUpdateCRCBuffer(FChecksum, FBuffer^, FSlideCount)
- else
- AbUpdateAdlerBuffer(FChecksum, FBuffer^, FSlideCount);
- if FTestOnly then
- inc(FStreamPos, FSlideCount)
- else
- FStream.WriteBuffer(FBuffer^, FSlideCount);
- FromPtr := FBuffer + FSlideCount;
- Move(FromPtr^, FBuffer^, FCurrent - FromPtr);
- FCurrent := FCurrent - FSlideCount;
- end;
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbDfPkMg.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbDfPkMg.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 8bb68d4..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbDfPkMg.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,282 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbDfPkMg.pas *}
-{* Deflate package-merge algorithm *}
-unit AbDfPkMg;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- AbDfBase;
-procedure GenerateCodeLengths(aMaxCodeLen : integer;
- const aWeights : array of integer;
- var aCodeLengths : array of integer;
- aStartInx : integer;
- aLog : TAbLogger);
- PPkgNode = ^TPkgNode;
- TPkgNode = packed record
- pnWeight : integer;
- pnCount : integer;
- pnLeft : PPkgNode;
- pnRight : PPkgNode;
- end;
- PPkgNodeList = ^TPkgNodeList;
- TPkgNodeList = array [0..pred(286 * 2)] of PPkgNode;
- {Note: the "286" is the number of literal/length symbols, the
- maximum number of weights we'll be calculating the optimal
- code lengths for}
-{===helper routines==================================================}
-function IsCalcFeasible(aCount : integer;
- aMaxCodeLen : integer) : boolean;
- {works out if length-limited codes can be calculated for a given
- number of symbols and the maximum code length}
- {return whether 2^aMaxCodeLen > aCount}
- Result := (1 shl aMaxCodeLen) > aCount;
-procedure QSS(aList : PPkgNodeList;
- aFirst : integer;
- aLast : integer);
- L, R : integer;
- Pivot : integer;
- Temp : pointer;
- {while there are at least two items to sort}
- while (aFirst < aLast) do begin
- {the pivot is the middle item}
- Pivot := aList^[(aFirst+aLast) div 2]^.pnWeight;
- {set indexes and partition}
- L := pred(aFirst);
- R := succ(aLast);
- while true do begin
- repeat dec(R); until (aList^[R]^.pnWeight <= Pivot);
- repeat inc(L); until (aList^[L]^.pnWeight >= Pivot);
- if (L >= R) then Break;
- Temp := aList^[L];
- aList^[L] := aList^[R];
- aList^[R] := Temp;
- end;
- {quicksort the first subfile}
- if (aFirst < R) then
- QSS(aList, aFirst, R);
- {quicksort the second subfile - recursion removal}
- aFirst := succ(R);
- end;
-procedure SortList(aList : PPkgNodeList; aCount : integer);
- QSS(aList, 0, pred(aCount));
-procedure Accumulate(aNode : PPkgNode);
- while (aNode^.pnLeft <> nil) do begin
- Accumulate(aNode^.pnLeft);
- aNode := aNode^.pnRight;
- end;
- inc(aNode^.pnCount);
-{===Interfaced routine===============================================}
-procedure GenerateCodeLengths(aMaxCodeLen : integer;
- const aWeights : array of integer;
- var aCodeLengths : array of integer;
- aStartInx : integer;
- aLog : TAbLogger);
- i : integer;
- Bit : integer;
- WeightCount : integer;
- OrigList : PPkgNodeList;
- OrigListCount : integer;
- MergeList : PPkgNodeList;
- MergeListCount : integer;
- PkgList : PPkgNodeList;
- PkgListCount : integer;
- OrigInx : integer;
- PkgInx : integer;
- Node : PPkgNode;
- NodeMgr : TAbNodeManager;
- {calculate the number of weights}
- WeightCount := succ(high(aWeights));
- {check for dumb programming errors}
- Assert((0 < aMaxCodeLen) and (aMaxCodeLen <= 15),
- 'GenerateCodeLengths: the maximum code length should be in the range 1..15');
- Assert((1 <= WeightCount) and (WeightCount <= 286),
- 'GenerateCodeLengths: the weight array must have 1..286 elements');
- Assert(IsCalcFeasible(WeightCount, aMaxCodeLen),
- 'GenerateCodeLengths: the package-merge algorithm should always be feasible');
- {clear the code lengths array}
- FillChar(aCodeLengths[aStartInx], WeightCount * sizeof(integer), 0);
- {prepare for the try..finally}
- OrigList := nil;
- MergeList := nil;
- PkgList := nil;
- NodeMgr := nil;
- try
- {create the node manager}
- NodeMgr := TAbNodeManager.Create(sizeof(TPkgNode));
- {create the original list of nodes}
- GetMem(OrigList, WeightCount * sizeof(PPkgNode));
- OrigListCount := 0;
- for i := 0 to pred(WeightCount) do
- if (aWeights[i] <> 0) then begin
- Node := NodeMgr.AllocNode;
- Node^.pnLeft := nil; { this will indicate a leaf}
- Node^.pnRight := pointer(i); { the index of the weight}
- Node^.pnWeight := aWeights[i]; { the weight itself}
- Node^.pnCount := 1; { how many times used}
- OrigList^[OrigListCount] := Node;
- inc(OrigListCount);
- end;
- {we need at least 2 items, so make anything less a special case}
- if (OrigListCount <= 1) then begin
- {if there are no items at all in the original list, we need to
- pretend that there is one, since we shall eventually need to
- calculate a Count-1 value that cannot be negative}
- if (OrigListCount = 0) then begin
- aCodeLengths[aStartInx] := 1;
- Exit;
- end;
- {otherwise there is only one item: set its code length directly}
- for i := 0 to pred(WeightCount) do
- if (aWeights[i] <> 0) then begin
- aCodeLengths[aStartInx + i] := 1;
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- {there are at least 2 items in the list; so sort the list}
- SortList(OrigList, OrigListCount);
- {create the merge and package lists}
- GetMem(MergeList, OrigListCount * 2 * sizeof(PPkgNode));
- GetMem(PkgList, OrigListCount * 2 * sizeof(PPkgNode));
- {initialize the merge list to have the same items as the
- original list}
- Move(OrigList^, MergeList^, OrigListCount * sizeof(PPkgNode));
- MergeListCount := OrigListCount;
- {do aMaxCodeLen - 2 times...}
- for Bit := 1 to pred(aMaxCodeLen) do begin
- {generate the package list from the merge list by grouping pairs
- from the merge list and adding them to the package list}
- PkgListCount := 0;
- for i := 0 to pred(MergeListCount div 2) do begin
- Node := NodeMgr.AllocNode;
- Node^.pnLeft := MergeList^[i * 2];
- Node^.pnRight := MergeList^[i * 2 + 1];
- Node^.pnWeight := Node^.pnLeft^.pnWeight +
- Node^.pnRight^.pnWeight;
- {$IFOPT C+}
- Node^.pnCount := 0;
- {$ENDIF}
- PkgList^[PkgListCount] := Node;
- inc(PkgListCount);
- end;
- {merge the original list and the package list}
- MergeListCount := 0;
- OrigInx := 0;
- PkgInx := 0;
- {note the optimization here: the package list will *always* be
- last to empty in the merge process since it will have at least
- one item whose accumulated weight is greater than all of the
- items in the original list}
- while (OrigInx < OrigListCount) and (PkgInx < PkgListCount) do begin
- if (OrigList^[OrigInx]^.pnWeight <= PkgList^[PkgInx]^.pnWeight) then begin
- MergeList^[MergeListCount] := OrigList^[OrigInx];
- inc(OrigInx);
- end
- else begin
- MergeList^[MergeListCount] := PkgList^[PkgInx];
- inc(PkgInx);
- end;
- inc(MergeListCount);
- end;
- if (OrigInx < OrigListCount) then begin
- Move(OrigList^[OrigInx], MergeList^[MergeListCount],
- (OrigListCount - OrigInx) * sizeof(PPkgNode));
- inc(MergeListCount, (OrigListCount - OrigInx));
- end
- else begin
- Move(PkgList^[PkgInx], MergeList^[MergeListCount],
- (PkgListCount - PkgInx) * sizeof(PPkgNode));
- inc(MergeListCount, (PkgListCount - PkgInx));
- end;
- end;
- {calculate the code lengths}
- for i := 0 to (OrigListCount * 2) - 3 do begin
- Node := MergeList^[i];
- if (Node^.pnLeft <> nil) then
- Accumulate(Node);
- end;
- for i := 0 to pred(OrigListCount) do
- aCodeLengths[aStartInx + integer(OrigList^[i].pnRight)] :=
- OrigList^[i].pnCount;
- finally
- FreeMem(OrigList);
- FreeMem(MergeList);
- FreeMem(PkgList);
- NodeMgr.Free;
- end;
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbDfStrm.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbDfStrm.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index ad68b07..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbDfStrm.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1519 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbDfStrm.pas *}
-{* Deflate streams unit for various streams *}
-unit AbDfStrm;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- Classes,
- AbDfBase,
- AbDfInW,
- AbDfHufD;
- TAb32bit = longint; { a 32-bit type}
- PAbDfLitBuckets = ^TAbDfLitBuckets;
- TAbDfLitBuckets = array [0..285] of integer;
- PAbDfDistBuckets = ^TAbDfDistBuckets;
- TAbDfDistBuckets = array [0..31] of integer;
- PAbDfCodeLenBuckets = ^TAbDfCodeLenBuckets;
- TAbDfCodeLenBuckets = array [0..18] of integer;
- AbExtractMask : array [1..31] of TAb32bit =
- ($00000001, $00000003, $00000007, $0000000F,
- $0000001F, $0000003F, $0000007F, $000000FF,
- $000001FF, $000003FF, $000007FF, $00000FFF,
- $00001FFF, $00003FFF, $00007FFF, $0000FFFF,
- $0001FFFF, $0003FFFF, $0007FFFF, $000FFFFF,
- $001FFFFF, $003FFFFF, $007FFFFF, $00FFFFFF,
- TAbDfInBitStream = class { input bit stream}
- private
- FBitBuffer : TAb32bit;
- FBitsLeft : integer;
- FBufEnd : PAnsiChar;
- FBuffer : PAnsiChar;
- FBufPos : PAnsiChar;
- FByteCount : longint;
- FFakeCount : integer;
- FOnProgress: TAbProgressStep;
- {$IFOPT C+}
- FPeekCount : integer;
- {$ENDIF}
- FStream : TStream;
- FStreamSize: longint;
- protected
- function ibsFillBuffer : boolean;
- public
- constructor Create(aStream : TStream;
- aOnProgress : TAbProgressStep;
- aStreamSize : longint);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure AlignToByte;
- procedure DiscardBits(aCount : integer);
- procedure DiscardMoreBits(aCount : integer);
- function PeekBits(aCount : integer) : integer;
- function PeekMoreBits(aCount : integer) : integer;
- function ReadBit : boolean;
- function ReadBits(aCount : integer) : integer;
- procedure ReadBuffer(var aBuffer; aCount : integer);
- property BitBuffer : TAb32bit read FBitBuffer write FBitBuffer;
- property BitsLeft : integer read FBitsLeft write FBitsLeft;
- end;
- TAbDfOutBitStream = class { output bit stream}
- private
- FBitBuffer : TAb32bit;
- FBitsUsed : integer;
- FBufEnd : PAnsiChar;
- FBuffer : PAnsiChar;
- FBufPos : PAnsiChar;
- FStream : TStream;
- protected
- procedure obsEmptyBuffer;
- public
- constructor Create(aStream : TStream);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure AlignToByte;
- function Position : longint;
- procedure WriteBit(aBit : boolean);
- procedure WriteBits(aBits : integer; aCount : integer);
- procedure WriteBuffer(var aBuffer; aCount : integer);
- procedure WriteMoreBits(aBits : integer; aCount : integer);
- property BitBuffer : TAb32bit read FBitBuffer write FBitBuffer;
- property BitsUsed : integer read FBitsUsed write FBitsUsed;
- end;
- TAbDfLZStream = class { LZ77 token stream}
- private
- FCurPos : PAnsiChar;
- FDistBuckets : PAbDfDistBuckets;
- FDistCount : integer;
- FLitBuckets : PAbDfLitBuckets;
- FLitCount : integer;
- FLog : TAbLogger;
- FSlideWin : TAbDfInputWindow;
- FStartOfs : Int64;
- FStoredSize : LongWord;
- FStream : PAnsiChar;
- FStrmEnd : PAnsiChar;
- {$IFDEF UseLogging}
- FSWPos : longint;
- {$ENDIF}
- FUseDeflate64: boolean;
- protected
- function lzsGetApproxSize : LongWord;
- function lzsGetStaticSize : integer;
- function lzsGetStoredSize : integer;
- function lzsIsFull : boolean;
- public
- constructor Create(aSlideWin : TAbDfInputWindow;
- aUseDeflate64 : boolean;
- aLog : TAbLogger);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function AddLenDist(aLen : integer; aDist : integer) : boolean;
- { returns true if the stream is "full"}
- function AddLiteral(aCh : AnsiChar) : boolean;
- { returns true if the stream is "full"}
- procedure Clear;
- procedure Encode(aBitStrm : TAbDfOutBitStream;
- aLitTree : TAbDfDecodeHuffmanTree;
- aDistTree : TAbDfDecodeHuffmanTree;
- aUseDeflate64 : boolean);
- procedure Rewind;
- procedure ReadStoredBuffer(var aBuffer; aCount : integer);
- property LenDistCount : integer read FDistCount;
- property LiteralCount : integer read FLitCount;
- property DistBuckets : PAbDfDistBuckets read FDistBuckets;
- property LitBuckets : PAbDfLitBuckets read FLitBuckets;
- property StaticSize : integer read lzsGetStaticSize;{ in bits}
- property StoredSize : integer read lzsGetStoredSize;{ in bytes}
- end;
- TAbDfCodeLenStream = class { codelength token stream}
- private
- FBuckets : PAbDfCodeLenBuckets;
- FPosition : PAnsiChar;
- FStream : PAnsiChar; {array [0..285+32*2] of byte;}
- FStrmEnd : PAnsiChar;
- protected
- public
- constructor Create(aLog : TAbLogger);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Build(const aCodeLens : array of integer;
- aCount : integer);
- procedure Encode(aBitStrm : TAbDfOutBitStream;
- aTree : TAbDfDecodeHuffmanTree);
- property Buckets : PAbDfCodeLenBuckets read FBuckets;
- end;
- SysUtils,
- AbDfXlat;
- PAb32bit = ^TAb32bit;
- BitStreamBufferSize = 16*1024;
-constructor TAbDfInBitStream.Create(aStream : TStream;
- aOnProgress : TAbProgressStep;
- aStreamSize : longint);
- {protect against dumb programming mistakes}
- Assert(aStream <> nil,
- 'TAbDfInBitStream.Create: Cannot create a bit stream wrapping a nil stream');
- {create the ancestor}
- inherited Create;
- {save the stream instance, allocate the buffer}
- FStream := aStream;
- GetMem(FBuffer, BitStreamBufferSize);
- {save the on progress handler}
- if Assigned(aOnProgress) and (aStreamSize > 0) then begin
- FOnProgress := aOnProgress;
- FStreamSize := aStreamSize;
- end;
-destructor TAbDfInBitStream.Destroy;
- {if we did some work...}
- if (FBuffer <> nil) then begin
- {reposition the underlying stream to the point where we stopped;
- this position is equal to...
- the position of the underlying stream, PLUS
- the number of fake bytes we added, LESS
- the number of bytes in the buffer, PLUS
- the position in the buffer, PLUS
- the number of complete bytes in the bit buffer}
- FStream.Seek(FStream.Position +
- FFakeCount -
- (FBufEnd - FBuffer) +
- (FBufPos - FBuffer) -
- (FBitsLeft div 8), soBeginning);
- {free the buffer}
- FreeMem(FBuffer);
- end;
- {destroy the ancestor}
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TAbDfInBitStream.AlignToByte;
- {get rid of the odd bits by shifting them out of the bit cache}
- FBitBuffer := FBitBuffer shr (FBitsLeft mod 8);
- dec(FBitsLeft, FBitsLeft mod 8);
-procedure TAbDfInBitStream.DiscardBits(aCount : integer);
- BitsToGo : integer;
- {aCount comes from a (possibly corrupt) stream, so check that it is
- the correct range, 1..32}
- if (aCount <= 0) or (aCount > 32) then
- raise EAbInternalInflateError.Create(
- 'count of bits must be between 1 and 32 inclusive [TAbDfInBitStream.DiscardBits]');
- {$IFOPT C+}
- {verify that the count of bits to discard is less than or equal to
- the recent count from PeekBits--a programming error}
- Assert((aCount <= FPeekCount),
- 'TAbDfInBitStream.DiscardBits: discarding more bits than peeked');
- {since we're discarding bits already peeked, reset the peek count}
- FPeekCount := 0;
- {$ENDIF}
- {if we have more than enough bits in our bit buffer, update the
- bitbuffer and the number of bits left}
- if (aCount <= FBitsLeft) then begin
- FBitBuffer := FBitBuffer shr aCount;
- dec(FBitsLeft, aCount);
- end
- {otherwise we shall have to read another integer out of the buffer
- to satisfy the request}
- else begin
- {check that there is data in the buffer, if not it's indicates a
- corrupted stream: PeekBits should have filled it}
- if (FBufPos = FBufEnd) then
- raise EAbInternalInflateError.Create(
- 'no more compressed data in stream [TAbDfInBitStream.DiscardBits]');
- {refill the bit buffer}
- BitsToGo := aCount - FBitsLeft;
- FBitBuffer := PAb32bit(FBufPos)^;
- inc(FBufPos, sizeof(TAb32bit));
- FBitBuffer := FBitBuffer shr BitsToGo;
- FBitsLeft := 32 - BitsToGo;
- end;
-procedure TAbDfInBitStream.DiscardMoreBits(aCount : integer);
- BitsToGo : integer;
- {aCount comes from a (possibly corrupt) stream, so check that it is
- the correct range, 1..32}
- if (aCount <= 0) or (aCount > 32) then
- raise EAbInternalInflateError.Create(
- 'count of bits must be between 1 and 32 inclusive [TAbDfInBitStream.DiscardMoreBits]');
- {$IFOPT C+}
- {verify that the count of bits to discard is less than or equal to
- the recent count from PeekBits--a programming error}
- Assert((aCount <= FPeekCount),
- 'TAbDfInBitStream.DiscardBits: discarding more bits than peeked');
- {since we're discarding bits already peeked, reset the peek count}
- FPeekCount := 0;
- {$ENDIF}
- {check that there is data in the buffer, if not it's indicates a
- corrupted stream: PeekBits/PeekMoreBits should have filled it}
- if (FBufPos = FBufEnd) then
- raise EAbInternalInflateError.Create(
- 'no more compressed data in stream [TAbDfInBitStream.DiscardBits]');
- {refill the bit buffer}
- BitsToGo := aCount - FBitsLeft;
- FBitBuffer := PAb32bit(FBufPos)^;
- inc(FBufPos, sizeof(TAb32bit));
- FBitBuffer := FBitBuffer shr BitsToGo;
- FBitsLeft := 32 - BitsToGo;
-function TAbDfInBitStream.ibsFillBuffer : boolean;
- BytesRead : longint;
- BytesToRead : longint;
- i : integer;
- Percent : integer;
- Buffer : PAnsiChar;
- BufferCount : integer;
- {check for dumb programming mistakes: this routine should only be
- called if there are less than 4 bytes unused in the buffer}
- Assert((FBufEnd - FBufPos) < sizeof(longint),
- 'TAbDfInBitStream.ibsFillBuffer: the buffer should be almost empty');
- {if there are still 1, 2, or three bytes unused, move them to the
- front of the buffer}
- Buffer := FBuffer;
- while (FBufPos <> FBufEnd) do begin
- Buffer^ := FBufPos^;
- inc(FBufPos);
- inc(Buffer);
- end;
- {fill the buffer}
- BytesToRead := BitStreamBufferSize - (Buffer - FBuffer);
- BytesRead := FStream.Read(Buffer^, BytesToRead);
- {reset the internal pointers}
- FBufPos := FBuffer;
- FBufEnd := Buffer + BytesRead;
- BufferCount := FBufEnd - FBuffer;
- {if, as a result of the read, no data is in the buffer, return
- false; the caller will decide what to do about the problem}
- if (BufferCount = 0) then
- Result := false
- {otherwise there is data to be processed}
- else begin
- Result := true;
- {if we didn't read anything from the stream, we need to make sure
- that enough buffer is zeroed out so that reading longint values
- don't produce (dreadfully) bogus values}
- if (BytesRead = 0) and ((BufferCount mod 4) <> 0) then begin
- FFakeCount := 4 - (BufferCount mod 4);
- for i := 0 to pred(FFakeCount) do begin
- FBufEnd^ := #0;
- inc(FBufEnd);
- end;
- end;
- {fire the progress event}
- if Assigned(FOnProgress) then begin
- inc(FByteCount, BytesRead);
- Percent := Round((100.0 * FByteCount) / FStreamSize);
- FOnProgress(Percent);
- end;
- end;
-function TAbDfInBitStream.PeekBits(aCount : integer) : integer;
- BitsToGo : integer;
- TempBuffer : integer;
- {check that aCount is in the correct range 1..32}
- Assert((0 <= aCount) and (aCount <= 32),
- 'TAbDfInBitStream.PeekBits: count of bits must be between 1 and 32 inclusive');
- {if we have more than enough bits in our bit buffer, return as many
- as needed}
- if (aCount <= FBitsLeft) then
- Result := FBitBuffer and AbExtractMask[aCount]
- {otherwise we shall have to read another integer out of the buffer
- to satisfy the request; note that this will fill the stream buffer
- if required}
- else begin
- BitsToGo := aCount - FBitsLeft;
- Result := FBitBuffer;
- if ((FBufEnd - FBufPos) < sizeof(TAb32bit)) then
- if not ibsFillBuffer then
- TempBuffer := 0
- else
- TempBuffer := PAb32bit(FBufPos)^
- else
- TempBuffer := PAb32bit(FBufPos)^;
- Result := Result +
- ((TempBuffer and AbExtractMask[BitsToGo]) shl FBitsLeft);
- end;
- {$IFOPT C+}
- {save the number of bits peeked for an assertion check later}
- FPeekCount := aCount;
- {$ENDIF}
-function TAbDfInBitStream.PeekMoreBits(aCount : integer) : integer;
- BitsToGo : integer;
- TempBuffer : integer;
- BitsToGo := aCount - FBitsLeft;
- Result := FBitBuffer;
- if ((FBufEnd - FBufPos) < sizeof(TAb32bit)) then
- if not ibsFillBuffer then
- TempBuffer := 0
- else
- TempBuffer := PAb32bit(FBufPos)^
- else
- TempBuffer := PAb32bit(FBufPos)^;
- Result := Result +
- ((TempBuffer and AbExtractMask[BitsToGo]) shl FBitsLeft);
-function TAbDfInBitStream.ReadBit : boolean;
- if (FBitsLeft = 0) then begin
- if ((FBufEnd - FBufPos) < sizeof(TAb32bit)) then
- if not ibsFillBuffer then
- raise EAbInternalInflateError.Create(
- 'no more compressed data in stream [TAbDfInBitStream.ReadBit]');
- FBitBuffer := PAb32bit(FBufPos)^;
- inc(FBufPos, sizeof(TAb32bit));
- FBitsLeft := 32;
- end;
- Result := Odd(FBitBuffer);
- FBitBuffer := FBitBuffer shr 1;
- dec(FBitsLeft);
-function TAbDfInBitStream.ReadBits(aCount : integer) : integer;
- BitsToGo : integer;
- {aCount comes from a (possibly corrupt) stream, so check that it is
- the correct range, 1..16}
- if (aCount <= 0) or (aCount > 16) then
- raise EAbInternalInflateError.Create(
- 'count of bits must be between 1 and 16 inclusive [TAbDfInBitStream.ReadBits]');
- {if we have more than enough bits in our bit buffer, return as many
- as needed, and update the bitbuffer and the number of bits left}
- if (aCount <= FBitsLeft) then begin
- Result := FBitBuffer and AbExtractMask[aCount];
- FBitBuffer := FBitBuffer shr aCount;
- dec(FBitsLeft, aCount);
- end
- {if we have exactly enough bits in our bit buffer, return them all,
- and update the bitbuffer and the number of bits left}
- else if (aCount = FBitsLeft) then begin
- Result := FBitBuffer;
- FBitBuffer := 0;
- FBitsLeft := 0;
- end
- {otherwise we shall have to read another integer out of the buffer
- to satisfy the request}
- else begin
- BitsToGo := aCount - FBitsLeft;
- Result := FBitBuffer;
- if ((FBufEnd - FBufPos) < sizeof(TAb32bit)) then
- if not ibsFillBuffer then
- raise EAbInternalInflateError.Create(
- 'no more compressed data in stream [TAbDfInBitStream.ReadBits]');
- FBitBuffer := PAb32bit(FBufPos)^;
- inc(FBufPos, sizeof(TAb32bit));
- Result := Result +
- ((FBitBuffer and AbExtractMask[BitsToGo]) shl FBitsLeft);
- FBitBuffer := FBitBuffer shr BitsToGo;
- FBitsLeft := 32 - BitsToGo;
- end;
-procedure TAbDfInBitStream.ReadBuffer(var aBuffer; aCount : integer);
- i : integer;
- Buffer : PAnsiChar;
- BytesToRead : integer;
- BytesInBuffer : integer;
- {this method is designed to read a set of bytes and this can only be
- done if the stream has been byte aligned--if it isn't, it's a
- programming error}
- Assert((FBitsLeft mod 8) = 0,
- 'TAbDfInBitStream.ReadBuffer. cannot read a buffer unless the stream is byte-aligned');
- {get the address of the user buffer as a PChar: easier arithmetic}
- Buffer := @aBuffer;
- {if we have some bits left in the bit buffer, we need to copy those
- first}
- if (FBitsLeft > 0) then begin
- BytesToRead := FBitsLeft div 8;
- for i := 0 to pred(BytesToRead) do begin
- Buffer^ := AnsiChar(FBitBuffer and $FF);
- inc(Buffer);
- FBitBuffer := FBitBuffer shr 8;
- end;
- {calculate the count of bytes still to read}
- dec(aCount, BytesToRead);
- end;
- {calculate the number of bytes to copy}
- BytesInBuffer := FBufEnd - FBufPos;
- if (aCount <= BytesInBuffer) then
- BytesToRead := aCount
- else
- BytesToRead := BytesInBuffer;
- {copy the data from our buffer to the user buffer}
- Move(FBufPos^, Buffer^, BytesToRead);
- {update variables}
- dec(aCount, BytesToRead);
- inc(FBufPos, BytesToRead);
- {while there is still data to copy, keep on filling our internal
- buffer and copy it to the user buffer}
- while (aCount <> 0) do begin
- {increment the user buffer pointer past the data just copied}
- inc(Buffer, BytesToRead);
- {fill our buffer}
- if not ibsFillBuffer then
- raise EAbInternalInflateError.Create(
- 'no more compressed data in stream [TAbDfInBitStream.ReadBuffer]');
- {calculate the number of bytes to copy}
- BytesInBuffer := FBufEnd - FBufPos;
- if (aCount <= BytesInBuffer) then
- BytesToRead := aCount
- else
- BytesToRead := BytesInBuffer;
- {copy the data from our buffer to the user buffer}
- Move(FBufPos^, Buffer^, BytesToRead);
- {update variables}
- dec(aCount, BytesToRead);
- inc(FBufPos, BytesToRead);
- end;
- {now we've copied everything over, reset the bit variables: they're
- empty and need refilling}
- FBitBuffer := 0;
- FBitsLeft := 0;
-constructor TAbDfOutBitStream.Create(aStream : TStream);
- {protect against dumb programming mistakes}
- Assert(aStream <> nil,
- 'TAbDfOutBitStream.Create: Cannot create a bit stream wrapping a nil stream');
- {create the ancestor}
- inherited Create;
- {save the stream instance, allocate the buffer}
- FStream := aStream;
- GetMem(FBuffer, BitStreamBufferSize);
- FBufEnd := FBuffer + BitStreamBufferSize;
- FBufPos := FBuffer;
-destructor TAbDfOutBitStream.Destroy;
- i : integer;
- {if the buffer was allocated...}
- if (FBuffer <> nil) then begin
- {if there are still some bits in the bit buffer...}
- if (FBitsUsed <> 0) then begin
- {pad the bit buffer to a byte boundary}
- AlignToByte;
- {empty the main buffer if there isn't enough room to copy over
- the 1 to 4 bytes in the bit buffer}
- if ((FBufEnd - FBufPos) < FBitsUsed div 8) then
- obsEmptyBuffer;
- {flush the bit buffer}
- for i := 1 to (FBitsUsed div 8) do begin
- FBufPos^ := AnsiChar(FBitBuffer);
- FBitBuffer := FBitBuffer shr 8;
- inc(FBufPos);
- end;
- end;
- {if there is some data in the main buffer, empty it}
- if (FBufPos <> FBuffer) then
- obsEmptyBuffer;
- {free the buffer}
- FreeMem(FBuffer);
- end;
- {destroy the ancestor}
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TAbDfOutBitStream.AlignToByte;
- {round up the number of bits used to the nearest 8}
- FBitsUsed := (FBitsUsed + 7) and $F8;
- {if the bit buffer is now full, flush it to the main buffer}
- if (FBitsUsed = 32) then begin
- if ((FBufEnd - FBufPos) < sizeof(TAb32bit)) then
- obsEmptyBuffer;
- PAb32bit(FBufPos)^ := FBitBuffer;
- inc(FBufPos, sizeof(TAb32bit));
- FBitBuffer := 0;
- FBitsUsed := 0;
- end;
-procedure TAbDfOutBitStream.obsEmptyBuffer;
- ByteCount : integer;
- BytesWritten : longint;
- {empty the buffer}
- ByteCount := FBufPos - FBuffer;
- BytesWritten := FStream.Write(FBuffer^, ByteCount);
- {if we couldn't write the correct number of bytes, it's an error}
- if (BytesWritten <> ByteCount) then
- raise EAbInternalDeflateError.Create(
- 'could not write to the output stream [TAbDfInBitStream.obsEmptyBuffer]');
- {reset the pointers}
- FBufPos := FBuffer;
-function TAbDfOutBitStream.Position : longint;
- Assert(false,
- 'TAbDfOutBitStream.Position: not implemented yet!');
- Result := -1;
-procedure TAbDfOutBitStream.WriteBit(aBit : boolean);
- {only set the corresponding bit in the bit buffer if the passed bit
- is set (the bit buffer is set to zero when emptied, so we don't
- actually have to record clear bits)}
- if aBit then
- FBitBuffer := FBitBuffer or (1 shl FBitsUsed);
- {we've now got one more bit}
- inc(FBitsUsed);
- {if the bit buffer is now full, flush it to the main buffer}
- if (FBitsUsed = 32) then begin
- if ((FBufEnd - FBufPos) < sizeof(TAb32bit)) then
- obsEmptyBuffer;
- PAb32bit(FBufPos)^ := FBitBuffer;
- inc(FBufPos, sizeof(TAb32bit));
- FBitBuffer := 0;
- FBitsUsed := 0;
- end;
-procedure TAbDfOutBitStream.WriteBits(aBits : integer; aCount : integer);
- {protect against programming mistakes...}
- {..the count should be in the range 1 to 16 (BTW, the latter is only
- used once: Deflate64 with length symbol 258)}
- Assert((0 < aCount) and (aCount <= 16),
- 'TAbDfOutBitStream.WriteBits: aCount should be from 1 to 16');
- {..there shouldn't be more than aCount bits}
- Assert((aBits shr aCount) = 0,
- 'TAbDfOutBitStream.WriteBits: aBits has more than aCount bits');
- {copy as many bits as we can to the bit buffer}
- FBitBuffer := FBitBuffer or (aBits shl FBitsUsed);
- {increment the number of bits used}
- inc(FBitsUsed, aCount);
- {if we've overshot...}
- if (FBitsUsed >= 32) then begin
- {the bit buffer is now full, so flush it}
- if ((FBufEnd - FBufPos) < sizeof(TAb32bit)) then
- obsEmptyBuffer;
- PAb32bit(FBufPos)^ := FBitBuffer;
- inc(FBufPos, sizeof(TAb32bit));
- {patch up the bit buffer and the number of bits used}
- dec(FBitsUsed, 32);
- FBitBuffer := aBits shr (aCount - FBitsUsed);
- end;
-procedure TAbDfOutBitStream.WriteBuffer(var aBuffer; aCount : integer);
- Buffer : PAnsiChar;
- BytesToCopy : integer;
- {guard against dumb programming errors: we must be byte aligned}
- Assert((FBitsUsed and $7) = 0,
- 'TAbDfOutBitStream.WriteBuffer: must be byte aligned');
- {use the user buffer as a PChar}
- Buffer := @aBuffer;
- {flush the bit buffer to the underlying stream}
- while (FBitsUsed <> 0) do begin
- if (FBufEnd = FBufPos) then
- obsEmptyBuffer;
- FBufPos^ := AnsiChar(FBitBuffer and $FF);
- inc(FBufPos);
- FBitBuffer := FBitBuffer shr 8;
- dec(FBitsUsed, 8);
- end;
- {copy over the data to the underlying stream}
- BytesToCopy := FBufEnd - FBufPos;
- if (BytesToCopy > aCount) then
- BytesToCopy := aCount;
- Move(Buffer^, FBufPos^, BytesToCopy);
- inc(FBufPos, BytesToCopy);
- dec(aCount, BytesToCopy);
- while (aCount <> 0) do begin
- inc(Buffer, BytesToCopy);
- obsEmptyBuffer;
- BytesToCopy := FBufEnd - FBufPos;
- if (BytesToCopy > aCount) then
- BytesToCopy := aCount;
- Move(Buffer^, FBufPos^, BytesToCopy);
- inc(FBufPos, BytesToCopy);
- dec(aCount, BytesToCopy);
- end;
- {finish with a flushed buffer}
- obsEmptyBuffer;
-procedure TAbDfOutBitStream.WriteMoreBits(aBits : integer; aCount : integer);
- {the bit buffer is now full, so flush it}
- if ((FBufEnd - FBufPos) < sizeof(TAb32bit)) then
- obsEmptyBuffer;
- PAb32bit(FBufPos)^ := FBitBuffer;
- inc(FBufPos, sizeof(TAb32bit));
- {patch up the bit buffer and the number of bits used}
- dec(FBitsUsed, 32);
- FBitBuffer := aBits shr (aCount - FBitsUsed);
- {Implementation note: this stream size has been chosen so that if
- the data must be stored, a block size of about 64K will result}
- StreamSize = 160 * 1024;
- PWord = ^word;
-constructor TAbDfLZStream.Create(aSlideWin : TAbDfInputWindow;
- aUseDeflate64 : boolean;
- aLog : TAbLogger);
- {create the ancestor}
- inherited Create;
- {save the sliding window and the logger}
- FSlideWin := aSlideWin;
- FUseDeflate64 := aUseDeflate64;
- FLog := aLog;
- {create the buckets}
- New(FDistBuckets);
- New(FLitBuckets);
- {create the memory stream, allocate its buffer, position at start}
- GetMem(FStream, StreamSize);
- Clear;
-destructor TAbDfLZStream.Destroy;
- {free the buckets}
- if (FDistBuckets <> nil) then
- Dispose(FDistBuckets);
- if (FLitBuckets <> nil) then
- Dispose(FLitBuckets);
- {free the memory stream}
- if (FStream <> nil) then
- FreeMem(FStream);
- {destroy the ancestor}
- inherited Destroy;
-{$IFDEF UseLogging}
-procedure AddLenDistToLog(aLog : TAbLogger;
- aPosn : longint;
- aLen : integer;
- aDist : integer;
- aOverLap : boolean);
- {NOTE the reason for this separate routine is to avoid string
- allocations and try..finally blocks in the main method: an
- optimization issue}
- if aOverLap then
- aLog.WriteLine(Format('%8x Len: %-3d, Dist: %-5d **overlap**',
- [aPosn, aLen, aDist]))
- else
- aLog.WriteLine(Format('%8x Len: %-3d, Dist: %-5d',
- [aPosn, aLen, aDist]));
-function TAbDfLZStream.AddLenDist(aLen : integer; aDist : integer)
- : boolean;
- LenSymbol : integer;
- DistSymbol : integer;
- CurPos : PAnsiChar;
- {$IFDEF UseLogging}
- {log it}
- if (FLog <> nil) then begin
- if (aLen > aDist) then
- AddLenDistToLog(FLog, FSWPos, aLen, aDist, true)
- else
- AddLenDistToLog(FLog, FSWPos, aLen, aDist, false);
- inc(FSWPos, aLen);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {write a length/distance record to the stream}
- CurPos := FCurPos;
- CurPos^ := AnsiChar(false);
- inc(CurPos);
- PWord(CurPos)^ := word(aLen - 1);
- inc(CurPos, sizeof(word));
- PWord(CurPos)^ := word(aDist - 1);
- inc(CurPos, sizeof(word));
- FCurPos := CurPos;
- {increment the various counters}
- inc(FDistCount);
- inc(FStoredSize, aLen);
- {convert the length and distance to their symbols}
- {$IFOPT C+} {if Assertions are on}
- LenSymbol := AbSymbolTranslator.TranslateLength(aLen);
- DistSymbol := AbSymbolTranslator.TranslateDistance(aDist);
- {$ELSE}
- if (3 <= aLen) and (aLen <= 258) then
- LenSymbol := AbSymbolTranslator.LenSymbols[aLen-3] + 257
- else
- LenSymbol := 285;
- if (aDist <= 256) then
- DistSymbol := AbSymbolTranslator.ShortDistSymbols[aDist - 1]
- else if (aDist <= 32768) then
- DistSymbol := AbSymbolTranslator.MediumDistSymbols[((aDist - 1) div 128) - 2]
- else
- DistSymbol := AbSymbolTranslator.LongDistSymbols[((aDist - 1) div 16384) - 2];
- {$ENDIF}
- {increment the buckets}
- inc(FLitBuckets^[LenSymbol]);
- inc(FDistBuckets^[DistSymbol]);
- {return whether the stream is full and needs encoding}
- Result := lzsIsFull;
-{$IFDEF UseLogging}
-procedure AddLiteralToLog(aLog : TAbLogger;
- aPosn : longint;
- aCh : AnsiChar);
- {NOTE the reason for this separate routine is to avoid string
- allocations and try..finally blocks in the main method: an
- optimization issue}
- if (' ' < aCh) and (aCh <= '~') then
- aLog.WriteLine(Format('%8x Char: %3d $%2x [%s]', [aPosn, ord(aCh), ord(aCh), aCh]))
- else
- aLog.WriteLine(Format('%8x Char: %3d $%2x', [aPosn, ord(aCh), ord(aCh)]));
-function TAbDfLZStream.AddLiteral(aCh : AnsiChar) : boolean;
- CurPos : PAnsiChar;
- {$IFDEF UseLogging}
- {log it}
- if (FLog <> nil) then begin
- AddLiteralToLog(FLog, FSWPos, aCh);
- inc(FSWPos);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {write a literal to the internal stream}
- CurPos := FCurPos;
- CurPos^ := AnsiChar(true);
- inc(CurPos);
- CurPos^ := aCh;
- inc(CurPos);
- FCurPos := CurPos;
- {increment the various counters}
- inc(FLitCount);
- inc(FLitBuckets^[byte(aCh)]);
- inc(FStoredSize);
- {return whether the stream is full and needs encoding}
- Result := lzsIsFull;
-procedure TAbDfLZStream.Clear;
- {position the stream at the start}
- Rewind;
- {reset all variables}
- FStrmEnd := nil;
- FLitCount := 0;
- FDistCount := 0;
- FStartOfs := FSlideWin.Position;
- FStoredSize := 0;
- {$IFDEF UseLogging}
- FSWPos := FStartOfs;
- {$ENDIF}
- {reset the buckets}
- FillChar(FLitBuckets^, sizeof(FLitBuckets^), 0);
- FLitBuckets^[256] := 1; { end-of-block marker: it's always there...}
- FillChar(FDistBuckets^, sizeof(FDistBuckets^), 0);
-procedure TAbDfLZStream.Encode(aBitStrm : TAbDfOutBitStream;
- aLitTree : TAbDfDecodeHuffmanTree;
- aDistTree : TAbDfDecodeHuffmanTree;
- aUseDeflate64 : boolean);
- Len : integer;
- Dist : integer;
- Symbol : integer;
- CurPos : PAnsiChar;
- StrmEnd : PAnsiChar;
- Code : longint;
- ExtraBits : longint;
- {rewind the LZ77 stream}
- Rewind;
- {for speed use local variables}
- CurPos := FCurPos;
- StrmEnd := FStrmEnd;
- {while there are still items in the stream...}
- while (CurPos < StrmEnd) do begin
- {if the next item is a literal...}
- if boolean(CurPos^) then begin
- {encode the literal character as a symbol}
- inc(CurPos);
- {$IFOPT C+} {if Assertions are on}
- Code := aLitTree.Encode(byte(CurPos^));
- {$ELSE}
- Code := aLitTree.Encodes^[byte(CurPos^)];
- {$ENDIF}
- inc(CurPos);
- {write the code out to the bit stream}
- {$IFOPT C+}
- aBitStrm.WriteBits(Code and $FFFF, (Code shr 16) and $FF);
- {$ELSE}
- with aBitStrm do begin
- BitBuffer := BitBuffer or ((Code and $FFFF) shl BitsUsed);
- BitsUsed := BitsUsed + ((Code shr 16) and $FF);
- if (BitsUsed >= 32) then
- WriteMoreBits(Code and $FFFF, (Code shr 16) and $FF);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- end
- {otherwise it's a length/distance pair}
- else begin
- {DO THE LENGTH FIRST-------------------------------------------}
- {get the length from the stream}
- inc(CurPos);
- Len := integer(PWord(CurPos)^) + 1;
- inc(CurPos, sizeof(word));
- {translate it to a symbol and convert that to a code using the
- literal/length huffman tree}
- {$IFOPT C+} {if Assertions are on}
- Symbol := AbSymbolTranslator.TranslateLength(Len);
- Code := aLitTree.Encode(Symbol);
- {$ELSE}
- if (3 <= Len) and (Len <= 258) then
- Symbol := AbSymbolTranslator.LenSymbols[Len-3] + 257
- else
- Symbol := 285;
- Code := aLitTree.Encodes^[Symbol];
- {$ENDIF}
- {output the length code}
- {$IFOPT C+}
- aBitStrm.WriteBits(Code and $FFFF, (Code shr 16) and $FF);
- {$ELSE}
- with aBitStrm do begin
- BitBuffer := BitBuffer or ((Code and $FFFF) shl BitsUsed);
- BitsUsed := BitsUsed + ((Code shr 16) and $FF);
- if (BitsUsed >= 32) then
- WriteMoreBits(Code and $FFFF, (Code shr 16) and $FF);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {if the length symbol were 285, its definition changes from Deflate
- to Deflate64, so make it a special case: for Deflate there are no
- extra bits, for Deflate64 output the (length - 3) as 16 bits}
- if (Symbol = 285) then begin
- if aUseDeflate64 then begin
- {$IFOPT C+}
- aBitStrm.WriteBits(Len - 3, 16);
- {$ELSE}
- with aBitStrm do begin
- BitBuffer := BitBuffer or ((Len - 3) shl BitsUsed);
- BitsUsed := BitsUsed + 16;
- if (BitsUsed >= 32) then
- WriteMoreBits(Len - 3, 16);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- end
- {otherwise if there are extra bits to be output for this length,
- calculate them and output them}
- else begin
- ExtraBits := Code shr 24;
- if (ExtraBits <> 0) then begin
- {$IFOPT C+}
- aBitStrm.WriteBits((Len - dfc_LengthBase[Symbol - 257]),
- ExtraBits);
- {$ELSE}
- with aBitStrm do begin
- BitBuffer := BitBuffer or
- ((Len - dfc_LengthBase[Symbol - 257]) shl BitsUsed);
- BitsUsed := BitsUsed + ExtraBits;
- if (BitsUsed >= 32) then
- WriteMoreBits((Len - dfc_LengthBase[Symbol - 257]),
- ExtraBits);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- end;
- {DO THE DISTANCE NEXT------------------------------------------}
- {get the distance from the stream}
- Dist := integer(PWord(CurPos)^) + 1;
- inc(CurPos, sizeof(word));
- {translate it to a symbol and convert that to a code using the
- distance huffman tree}
- {$IFOPT C+} {if Assertions are on}
- Symbol := AbSymbolTranslator.TranslateDistance(Dist);
- Assert(aUseDeflate64 or (Symbol < 30),
- 'TAbDfLZStream.Encode: a Deflate64 distance symbol has been generated for Deflate');
- Code := aDistTree.Encode(Symbol);
- {$ELSE}
- if (Dist <= 256) then
- Symbol := AbSymbolTranslator.ShortDistSymbols[Dist - 1]
- else if (Dist <= 32768) then
- Symbol := AbSymbolTranslator.MediumDistSymbols[((Dist - 1) div 128) - 2]
- else
- Symbol := AbSymbolTranslator.LongDistSymbols[((Dist - 1) div 16384) - 2];
- Code := aDistTree.Encodes^[Symbol];
- {$ENDIF}
- {output the distance code}
- {$IFOPT C+}
- aBitStrm.WriteBits(Code and $FFFF, (Code shr 16) and $FF);
- {$ELSE}
- with aBitStrm do begin
- BitBuffer := BitBuffer or ((Code and $FFFF) shl BitsUsed);
- BitsUsed := BitsUsed + ((Code shr 16) and $FF);
- if (BitsUsed >= 32) then
- WriteMoreBits(Code and $FFFF, (Code shr 16) and $FF);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {if there are extra bits to be output for this distance, calculate
- them and output them}
- ExtraBits := Code shr 24;
- if (ExtraBits <> 0) then begin
- {$IFOPT C+}
- aBitStrm.WriteBits((Dist - dfc_DistanceBase[Symbol]),
- ExtraBits);
- {$ELSE}
- with aBitStrm do begin
- BitBuffer := BitBuffer or
- ((Dist - dfc_DistanceBase[Symbol]) shl BitsUsed);
- BitsUsed := BitsUsed + ExtraBits;
- if (BitsUsed >= 32) then
- WriteMoreBits((Dist - dfc_DistanceBase[Symbol]),
- ExtraBits);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- end;
- end;
-{clear the stream; ready for some more items}
-{ Clear;}
-function TAbDfLZStream.lzsGetApproxSize : LongWord;
- i : integer;
- {note: calculates an approximate compressed size without taking too
- long about it. The average encoded bit length for literals
- and lengths is assumed to be 8. Distances are assumed to
- follow the static tree definition (ie, 5 bits per distance,
- plus any extra bits).
- There are FLitCount literals, FDistCount lengths, and
- FDistCount distances}
- Result := (13 * FDistCount) + (8 * FLitCount);
- for i := 4 to 31 do
- inc(Result, FDistBuckets^[i] * dfc_DistExtraBits[i]);
- Result := Result div 8;
-function TAbDfLZStream.lzsGetStaticSize : integer;
- i : integer;
- Result := 0;
- for i := 0 to 143 do
- inc(Result, FLitBuckets^[i] * 8);
- for i := 144 to 255 do
- inc(Result, FLitBuckets^[i] * 9);
- inc(Result, FLitBuckets^[256] * 7);
- for i := 257 to 279 do
- inc(Result, FLitBuckets^[i] *
- (7 + dfc_LitExtraBits[i - dfc_LitExtraOffset]));
- for i := 280 to 284 do
- inc(Result, FLitBuckets^[i] *
- (8 + dfc_LitExtraBits[i - dfc_LitExtraOffset]));
- if FUseDeflate64 then
- inc(Result, FLitBuckets^[285] * (8 + 16))
- else
- inc(Result, FLitBuckets^[285] * 8);
- for i := 0 to 31 do
- inc(Result, FDistBuckets^[i] * (5 + dfc_DistExtraBits[i]));
-function TAbDfLZStream.lzsGetStoredSize : integer;
- Result := FStoredSize;
-{Result := FSlideWin.Position - FStartOfs;}
-function TAbDfLZStream.lzsIsFull : boolean;
- {if the number of hits on the (eventual) literal tree is a multiple
- of 8192, the stream is full if the majority were straight literals
- and we're getting approx 50% compression}
- if (((FLitCount + FDistCount) and $1FFF) = 0) then begin
- Result := (FDistCount < FLitCount) and
- (lzsGetApproxSize < (FStoredSize div 2));
- if Result then
- Exit;
- end;
- {otherwise the stream is full if the number of hits on the literal
- tree or on the distance tree is 32768}
-{ Result := (FCurPos - FStream) > (StreamSIze - 100);}
- Result := (FDistCount >= 32768) or
- ((FLitCount + FDistCount) >= 32768);
-procedure TAbDfLZStream.ReadStoredBuffer(var aBuffer; aCount : integer);
- FSlideWin.ReadBuffer(aBuffer, aCount, FStartOfs);
- inc(FStartOfs, aCount);
-procedure TAbDfLZStream.Rewind;
- {position the stream at the beginning}
- FStrmEnd := FCurPos;
- FCurPos := FStream;
-constructor TAbDfCodeLenStream.Create(aLog : TAbLogger);
- {create the ancestor}
- inherited Create;
- {allocate the stream (to contain all literals and distances and
- possible extra data}
- GetMem(FStream, (285 + 32) * 2);
- FPosition := FStream;
- {allocate the buckets}
- FBuckets := AllocMem(sizeof(TAbDfCodeLenBuckets));
-destructor TAbDfCodeLenStream.Destroy;
- {free the stream}
- if (FStream <> nil) then
- FreeMem(FStream);
- {free the buckets}
- if (FBuckets <> nil) then
- Dispose(FBuckets);
- {destroy the ancestor}
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TAbDfCodeLenStream.Build(const aCodeLens : array of integer;
- aCount : integer);
- i : integer;
- State : (ScanStart, ScanNormal, Got2nd, Got3rd);
- Count : integer;
- ThisCount : integer;
- CodeLen : integer;
- PrevCodeLen : integer;
- CurPos : PAnsiChar;
- Buckets : PAbDfCodeLenBuckets;
- {start the automaton}
- State := ScanStart;
- CurPos := FStream;
- Buckets := FBuckets;
- Count := 0;
- PrevCodeLen := 0;
- {for all the codelengths in the array (plus a fake one at the end to
- ensure all codeslengths are counted)...}
- for i := 0 to aCount do begin
- {get the current codelength}
- if (i = aCount) then
- CodeLen := -1
- else
- CodeLen := aCodeLens[i];
- {switch based on the state...}
- case State of
- ScanStart :
- begin
- PrevCodeLen := CodeLen;
- State := ScanNormal;
- end;
- ScanNormal :
- begin
- {if the current code is the same as the previous, move to
- the next state}
- if (CodeLen = PrevCodeLen) then
- State := Got2nd
- {otherwise output the previous code}
- else begin
- CurPos^ := AnsiChar(PrevCodeLen);
- inc(CurPos);
- inc(Buckets^[PrevCodeLen]);
- PrevCodeLen := CodeLen;
- end;
- end;
- Got2nd :
- begin
- {if the current code is the same as the previous, move to
- the next state; we now have three similar codes in a row}
- if (CodeLen = PrevCodeLen) then begin
- State := Got3rd;
- Count := 3;
- end
- {otherwise output the previous two similar codes, move back
- to the initial state}
- else begin
- CurPos^ := AnsiChar(PrevCodeLen);
- inc(CurPos);
- CurPos^ := AnsiChar(PrevCodeLen);
- inc(CurPos);
- inc(Buckets^[PrevCodeLen], 2);
- PrevCodeLen := CodeLen;
- State := ScanNormal;
- end;
- end;
- Got3rd:
- begin
- {if the current code is the same as the previous, increment
- the count of similar codes}
- if (CodeLen = PrevCodeLen) then
- inc(Count)
- {otherwise we need to output the repeat values...}
- else begin
- {if the previous code were a zero code...}
- if (PrevCodeLen = 0) then begin
- {while there are zero codes to be output...}
- while (Count <> 0) do begin
- {if there are less than three zero codes, output them
- individually}
- if (Count < 3) then begin
- while (Count <> 0) do begin
- CurPos^ := #0;
- inc(CurPos);
- inc(Buckets^[0]);
- dec(Count);
- end;
- end
- {if there are less than 11 successive zero codes,
- output a 17 code and the count of zeros}
- else if (Count < 11) then begin
- CurPos^ := #17;
- inc(CurPos);
- inc(Buckets^[17]);
- CurPos^ := AnsiChar(Count - 3);
- inc(CurPos);
- Count := 0;
- end
- {otherwise output an 18 code and the count of zeros}
- else begin
- ThisCount := Count;
- if (ThisCount > 138) then
- ThisCount := 138;
- CurPos^ := #18;
- inc(CurPos);
- inc(Buckets^[18]);
- CurPos^ := AnsiChar(ThisCount - 11);
- inc(CurPos);
- dec(Count, ThisCount);
- end;
- end;
- end
- {otherwise the previous code was a non-zero code...}
- else begin
- {output the first code}
- CurPos^ := AnsiChar(PrevCodeLen);
- inc(CurPos);
- inc(Buckets^[PrevCodeLen]);
- dec(Count);
- {while there are more codes to be output...}
- while (Count <> 0) do begin
- {if there are less than three codes, output them
- individually}
- if (Count < 3) then begin
- while (Count <> 0) do begin
- CurPos^ := AnsiChar(PrevCodeLen);
- inc(CurPos);
- inc(Buckets^[PrevCodeLen]);
- dec(Count);
- end;
- end
- {otherwise output an 16 code and the count}
- else begin
- ThisCount := Count;
- if (ThisCount > 6) then
- ThisCount := 6;
- CurPos^ := #16;
- inc(CurPos);
- inc(Buckets^[16]);
- CurPos^ := AnsiChar(ThisCount - 3);
- inc(CurPos);
- dec(Count, ThisCount);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {move back to the initial state}
- PrevCodeLen := CodeLen;
- State := ScanNormal;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {set the read position}
- FStrmEnd := CurPos;
- FPosition := FStream;
-procedure TAbDfCodeLenStream.Encode(aBitStrm : TAbDfOutBitStream;
- aTree : TAbDfDecodeHuffmanTree);
- Symbol : integer;
- ExtraData : integer;
- Code : longint;
- CurPos : PAnsiChar;
- StrmEnd : PAnsiChar;
- {prepare for the loop}
- CurPos := FPosition;
- StrmEnd := FStrmEnd;
- {while there are tokens in the stream...}
- while (CurPos <> StrmEnd) do begin
- {get the next symbol}
- Symbol := ord(CurPos^);
- inc(CurPos);
- {if the symbol is 0..15, get the code and output it}
- if (Symbol <= 15) then begin
- {$IFOPT C+} {if Assertions are on}
- Code := aTree.Encode(Symbol);
- {$ELSE}
- Code:= aTree.Encodes^[Symbol];
- {$ENDIF}
- aBitStrm.WriteBits(Code and $FFFF, (Code shr 16) and $FF);
- end
- {otherwise the symbol is 16, 17, or 18}
- else begin
- {get the extra data}
- ExtraData := ord(CurPos^);
- inc(CurPos);
- {get the code and output it}
- {$IFOPT C+} {if Assertions are on}
- Code := aTree.Encode(Symbol);
- {$ELSE}
- Code:= aTree.Encodes^[Symbol];
- {$ENDIF}
- aBitStrm.WriteBits(Code and $FFFF, (Code shr 16) and $FF);
- if (Symbol = 16) then
- aBitStrm.WriteBits(ExtraData, 2)
- else if (Symbol = 17) then
- aBitStrm.WriteBits(ExtraData, 3)
- else {Symbol = 18}
- aBitStrm.WriteBits(ExtraData, 7);
- end;
- end;
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbDfXlat.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbDfXlat.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index ae67b07..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbDfXlat.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbDfXlat.pas *}
-{* Deflate length/dist to symbol translator *}
-unit AbDfXlat;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- SysUtils;
- TAbDfTranslator = class
- private
- FBuffer : PAnsiChar;
- FLenSymbols : PByteArray;
- {for lengths 3..258}
- FLongDistSymbols : PByteArray;
- {for distances 32769..65536 (deflate64)}
- FMediumDistSymbols : PByteArray;
- {for distances 257..32768}
- FShortDistSymbols : PByteArray;
- {for distances 1..256}
- protected
- procedure trBuild;
- public
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function TranslateLength(aLen : integer): integer;
- function TranslateDistance(aDist : integer) : integer;
- property LenSymbols : PByteArray read FLenSymbols;
- property LongDistSymbols : PByteArray read FLongDistSymbols;
- property MediumDistSymbols : PByteArray read FMediumDistSymbols;
- property ShortDistSymbols : PByteArray read FShortDistSymbols;
- end;
- AbSymbolTranslator : TAbDfTranslator;
- AbDfBase;
-constructor TAbDfTranslator.Create;
- {create the ancestor}
- inherited Create;
- {allocate the translation arrays (the buffer *must* be zeroed)}
- FBuffer := AllocMem(256 + 2 + 256 + 256);
- FLenSymbols := PByteArray(FBuffer);
- FLongDistSymbols := PByteArray(FBuffer + 256);
- FMediumDistSymbols := PByteArray(FBuffer + 256 + 2);
- FShortDistSymbols := PByteArray(FBuffer + 256 + 2 + 256);
- {build the translation arrays}
- trBuild;
-destructor TAbDfTranslator.Destroy;
- if (FBuffer <> nil) then
- FreeMem(FBuffer);
- inherited Destroy;
-function TAbDfTranslator.TranslateDistance(aDist : integer) : integer;
- {save against dumb programming mistakes}
- Assert((1 <= aDist) and (aDist <= 65536),
- 'TAbDfTranslator.Translate: distance should be 1..65536');
- {translate the distance}
- if (aDist <= 256) then
- Result := FShortDistSymbols[aDist - 1]
- else if (aDist <= 32768) then
- Result := FMediumDistSymbols[((aDist - 1) div 128) - 2]
- else
- Result := FLongDistSymbols[((aDist - 1) div 16384) - 2];
-function TAbDfTranslator.TranslateLength(aLen : integer): integer;
- {save against dumb programming mistakes}
- Assert((3 <= aLen) and (aLen <= 65536),
- 'TAbDfTranslator.Translate: length should be 3..65536');
- {translate the length}
- dec(aLen, 3);
- if (0 <= aLen) and (aLen <= 255) then
- Result := FLenSymbols[aLen] + 257
- else
- Result := 285;
-procedure TAbDfTranslator.trBuild;
- i : integer;
- Len : integer;
- Dist : integer;
- Value : integer;
- {initialize the length translation array; elements will contain
- (Symbol - 257) for a given (length - 3)}
- for i := low(dfc_LengthBase) to pred(high(dfc_LengthBase)) do begin
- Len := dfc_LengthBase[i] - 3;
- FLenSymbols[Len] := i;
- end;
- FLenSymbols[255] := 285 - 257;
- Value := -1;
- for i := 0 to 255 do begin
- if (Value < FLenSymbols[i]) then
- Value := FLenSymbols[i]
- else
- FLenSymbols[i] := Value;
- end;
- {initialize the short distance translation array: it will contain
- the Symbol for a given (distance - 1) where distance <= 256}
- for i := 0 to 15 do begin
- Dist := dfc_DistanceBase[i] - 1;
- FShortDistSymbols[Dist] := i;
- end;
- Value := -1;
- for i := 0 to 255 do begin
- if (Value < FShortDistSymbols[i]) then
- Value := FShortDistSymbols[i]
- else
- FShortDistSymbols[i] := Value;
- end;
- {initialize the medium distance translation array: it will contain
- the Symbol for a given (((distance - 1) div 128) - 2) where
- distance is in the range 256..32768}
- for i := 16 to 29 do begin
- Dist := ((dfc_DistanceBase[i] - 1) div 128) - 2;
- FMediumDistSymbols[Dist] := i;
- end;
- Value := -1;
- for i := 0 to 255 do begin
- if (Value < FMediumDistSymbols[i]) then
- Value := FMediumDistSymbols[i]
- else
- FMediumDistSymbols[i] := Value;
- end;
- {initialize the long distance translation array: it will contain the
- Symbol for a given ((distance - 1) div 16384) - 2) for distances
- over 32768 in deflate64}
- FLongDistSymbols[0] := 30;
- FLongDistSymbols[1] := 31;
- AbSymbolTranslator := TAbDfTranslator.Create;
- AbSymbolTranslator.Free;
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbDlgDir.dfm b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbDlgDir.dfm
deleted file mode 100644
index a2e7057..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbDlgDir.dfm and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbDlgDir.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbDlgDir.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 72ebaac..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbDlgDir.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbDlgDir.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Dialog - Directory *}
-{* Use AbQDgDir.pas for CLX *}
-unit AbDlgDir;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- Windows, Messages, ShlObj, ActiveX,
- SysUtils, Classes,
-{$IFDEF UsingClx}
- QButtons, QExtCtrls, QGraphics, QForms, QControls, QStdCtrls,
- Buttons, ExtCtrls, Graphics, Forms, Controls, StdCtrls,
- FileCtrl,
- AbResString;
-{$IFNDEF UsingClx}
- TDirDlg = class(TForm)
- OKBtn: TButton;
- CancelBtn: TButton;
- Bevel1: TBevel;
- DriveComboBox1: TDriveComboBox;
- DirectoryListBox1: TDirectoryListBox;
- Panel1: TPanel;
- procedure DirectoryListBox1Change(Sender: TObject);
- procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- public
- SelectedFolder: string;
- end;
- TDirDlg = class(TForm)
- OKBtn: TButton;
- CancelBtn: TButton;
- Bevel1: TBevel;
- Panel1: TPanel;
- procedure DirectoryListBox1Change(Sender: TObject);
- procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- public
- SelectedFolder: string;
- end;
- TAbDirDlg = class(TComponent)
- protected {private}
- FAdditionalText : string;
- FCaption : string;
- FHandle : Integer;
- FIDList : PItemIDList;
- FSelectedFolder : string;
- procedure SetSelectedFolder(const Value : string);
- procedure FreeIDList;
- public {properties}
- property AdditionalText : string
- read FAdditionalText
- write FAdditionalText;
- property Caption : string
- read FCaption
- write FCaption;
- property Handle : Integer
- read FHandle;
- property IDList : PItemIDList
- read FIDList;
- property SelectedFolder : string
- read FSelectedFolder
- write SetSelectedFolder;
- public {methods}
- constructor Create(AOwner : TComponent);
- override;
- destructor Destroy;
- override;
- function Execute : Boolean;
- end;
- DirDlg: TDirDlg;
-{$R *.dfm}
-{== TAbDirDlg ========================================================}
-function AbDirDlgCallbackProc(hWnd : HWND; Msg : UINT; lParam : LPARAM;
- Data : LPARAM): Integer; stdcall;
- X, Y : Integer;
- R : TRect;
- Buf : array[0..MAX_PATH-1] of Char;
- Result := 0;
- with TAbDirDlg(Data) do begin
- case Msg of
- begin
- FHandle := hWnd;
- if (FCaption <> '') then
- SendMessage(hWnd, WM_SETTEXT, 0, Integer(PChar(FCaption)));
- SendMessage(hWnd, BFFM_SETSELECTION, 1, Integer(PChar(SelectedFolder)));
- GetWindowRect(hWnd, R);
- X := (Screen.Width div 2) - ((R.Right - R.Left) div 2);
- Y := (Screen.Height div 2) - ((R.Bottom - R.Top) div 2);
- SetWindowPos(hWnd, 0, X, Y, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE or SWP_NOZORDER);
- end;
- if (FHandle <> 0) then begin
- FIDList := PItemIDList(lParam);
- SHGetPathFromIDList(IDList, Buf);
- SelectedFolder := Buf;
- end;
- end;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-constructor TAbDirDlg.Create(AOwner : TComponent);
- inherited Create(AOwner);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-destructor TAbDirDlg.Destroy;
- if FIDList <> nil then
- FreeIDList;
- inherited Destroy;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbDirDlg.Execute : Boolean;
- Info : TBrowseInfo;
- Buf : array[0..MAX_PATH-1] of Char;
- if (FIDList <> nil) then
- FreeIDList;
-{$IFNDEF UsingClx}
- if (Owner is TWinControl) then
- Info.hwndOwner := (Owner as TWinControl).Handle
- else if Owner is TApplication then
- Info.hwndOwner := (Owner as TApplication).Handle
- else
- Info.hwndOwner := 0;
- Info.pidlRoot := nil;
- Info.pszDisplayName := Buf;
- Info.lpszTitle := PChar(FAdditionalText);
- Info.lpfn := AbDirDlgCallbackProc;
- Info.lParam := Integer(Self);
- Info.iImage := 0;
- FIDList := SHBrowseForFolder(Info);
- FHandle := 0;
- Result := (FIDList <> nil);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbDirDlg.FreeIDList;
- Malloc : IMalloc;
- if coGetMalloc(MEMCTX_TASK, Malloc) = NOERROR then begin
- Malloc.Free(FIDList);
- FIDList := nil;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbDirDlg.SetSelectedFolder(const Value : string);
- FSelectedFolder := Value;
- if FSelectedFolder <> '' then
- if FSelectedFolder[Length(FSelectedFolder)] = '\' then
- Delete(FSelectedFolder, Length(FSelectedFolder), 1);
- if (Length(FSelectedFolder) = 2) then
- FSelectedFolder := FSelectedFolder + '\';
-{== TDirDlg ========================================================}
-{ TDirDlg }
-procedure TDirDlg.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- DirectoryListBox1Change(nil);
- OKBtn.Caption := AbOKS;
- CancelBtn.Caption := AbCancelS;
- Caption := AbSelectDirectoryS;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TDirDlg.DirectoryListBox1Change(Sender: TObject);
-{$IFNDEF UsingClx}
- SelectedFolder := DirectoryListBox1.Directory;
- Panel1.Caption := SelectedFolder;
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbDlgPwd.dfm b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbDlgPwd.dfm
deleted file mode 100644
index 2feaf52..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbDlgPwd.dfm and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbDlgPwd.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbDlgPwd.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 7107076..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbDlgPwd.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbDlgPwd.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Dialog - Password *}
-{* Use AbQDgPwd.pas for CLX *}
-unit AbDlgPwd;
-{$R *.dfm}
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- SysUtils,
- Windows,
- Libc,
-{$IFDEF UsingClx}
- QGraphics, QForms, QControls, QStdCtrls,
- QButtons, QExtCtrls,
- Graphics, Forms, Controls, StdCtrls,
- Buttons, ExtCtrls,
- Classes;
- TPassWordDlg = class(TForm)
- OKBtn: TButton;
- CancelBtn: TButton;
- Bevel1: TBevel;
- Edit1: TEdit;
- Edit2: TEdit;
- Label1: TLabel;
- Label2: TLabel;
- procedure Edit1Change(Sender: TObject);
- procedure Edit2Change(Sender: TObject);
- procedure FormActivate(Sender: TObject);
- procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- private
- { Private declarations }
- public
- { Public declarations }
- end;
- PassWordDlg: TPassWordDlg;
- AbResString;
-procedure TPassWordDlg.Edit1Change(Sender: TObject);
- Edit2.Text := '';
- OKBtn.Enabled := ( CompareStr( Edit1.Text, Edit2.Text ) = 0);
- OKBtn.Enabled := true;
-procedure TPassWordDlg.Edit2Change(Sender: TObject);
- OKBtn.Enabled := ( CompareStr( Edit1.Text, Edit2.Text ) = 0);
- OKBtn.Enabled := true;
-procedure TPassWordDlg.FormActivate(Sender: TObject);
- OKBtn.Enabled := ( CompareStr( Edit1.Text, Edit2.Text ) = 0);
- OKBtn.Enabled := true;
-procedure TPassWordDlg.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- Caption := AbEnterPasswordS;
- OKBtn.Caption := AbOKS;
- CancelBtn.Caption := AbCancelS;
- Label1.Caption := AbPasswordS;
- Label2.Caption := AbVerifyS;
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbExcept.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbExcept.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index aa377e4..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbExcept.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,847 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbExcept.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Exception classes *}
-unit AbExcept;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- SysUtils,
- AbUtils;
- EAbException = class( Exception )
- public
- ErrorCode : Integer;
- end;
- EAbArchiveBusy = class( EAbException )
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbBadStream = class( EAbException )
- protected
- FInnerException : Exception;
- public
- constructor Create;
- constructor CreateInner(aInnerException : Exception);
- property InnerException : Exception read FInnerException;
- end;
- EAbDuplicateName = class( EAbException )
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbFileNotFound = class( EAbException )
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbNoArchive = class( EAbException )
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbUserAbort = class( EAbException )
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbNoSuchDirectory = class( EAbException )
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbUnhandledType = class( EAbException )
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbSpanningNotSupported = class (EAbException)
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbInvalidSpanningThreshold = class ( EAbException )
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbZipException = class( EAbException ); {Zip exception}
- EAbCabException = class( EAbException ); {Cab exception}
- EAbTarException = class( EAbException ); {Tar Exception}
- EAbGzipException = class( EAbException); {GZip exception}
- EAbZipBadSpanStream = class( EAbZipException )
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbZipBadCRC = class( EAbZipException )
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbZipInflateBlock = class( EAbZipException )
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbZipInvalid = class( EAbZipException )
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbInvalidIndex = class( EAbZipException )
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbZipInvalidFactor = class( EAbZipException )
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbZipInvalidLFH = class( EAbZipException )
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbZipInvalidMethod = class( EAbZipException )
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbZipInvalidPassword = class( EAbZipException )
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbZipInvalidStub= class( EAbZipException )
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbZipNoExtraction = class( EAbZipException )
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbZipNoInsertion = class( EAbZipException )
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbZipSpanOverwrite= class( EAbZipException )
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbZipStreamFull = class( EAbZipException )
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbZipTruncate = class( EAbZipException )
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbZipUnsupported = class( EAbZipException )
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbZipVersion = class( EAbZipException )
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbReadError = class( EAbZipException )
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbGzipBadCRC = class( EAbGZipException )
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbGzipBadFileSize = class( EAbGZipException )
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbGzipInvalid = class( EAbGZipException )
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbTarInvalid = class( EAbTarException)
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbTarBadFileName = class( EAbTarException)
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbTarBadLinkName = class( EAbTarException)
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbTarBadOp = class( EAbTarException)
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbVMSInvalidOrigin = class( EAbZipException )
- public
- constructor Create( Value : Integer );
- end;
- EAbVMSErrorOpenSwap = class( EAbZipException )
- public
- constructor Create( const Value : string );
- end;
- EAbVMSSeekFail = class( EAbZipException )
- public
- constructor Create( const Value : string );
- end;
- EAbVMSReadFail = class( EAbZipException )
- public
- constructor Create( Count : Integer; const Value : string );
- end;
- EAbVMSWriteFail = class( EAbZipException )
- public
- constructor Create( Count : Integer; const Value : string );
- end;
- EAbVMSWriteTooManyBytes = class( EAbZipException )
- public
- constructor Create( Count : Integer );
- end;
- EAbBBSReadTooManyBytes = class( EAbZipException )
- public
- constructor Create(Count : Integer );
- end;
- EAbBBSSeekOutsideBuffer = class( EAbZipException )
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbBBSInvalidOrigin = class( EAbZipException )
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbBBSWriteTooManyBytes = class( EAbZipException )
- public
- constructor Create(Count : Integer );
- end;
- EAbSWSNotEndofStream = class( EAbZipException )
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbSWSSeekFailed = class( EAbZipException )
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbSWSWriteFailed = class( EAbZipException )
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbSWSInvalidOrigin = class( EAbZipException )
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbSWSInvalidNewOrigin = class( EAbZipException )
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbNoCabinetDll = class( EAbCabException )
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbFCIFileOpenError = class( EAbCabException )
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbFCIFileReadError = class( EAbCabException )
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbFCIFileWriteError = class( EAbCabException )
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbFCIFileCloseError = class( EAbCabException )
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbFCIFileSeekError = class( EAbCabException )
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbFCIFileDeleteError = class( EAbCabException )
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbFCIAddFileError = class( EAbCabException )
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbFCICreateError = class( EAbCabException )
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbFCIFlushCabinetError = class( EAbCabException )
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbFCIFlushFolderError = class( EAbCabException )
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbFDICopyError = class( EAbCabException )
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbFDICreateError = class( EAbCabException )
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbInvalidCabTemplate = class( EAbCabException )
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbInvalidCabFile = class( EAbCabException )
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- EAbFileTooLarge = class(EAbException)
- public
- constructor Create;
- end;
- procedure AbConvertException( const E : Exception;
- var eClass : TAbErrorClass;
- var eErrorCode : Integer );
- Classes,
- AbConst,
- AbResString;
-constructor EAbArchiveBusy.Create;
- inherited Create(AbArchiveBusyS);
- ErrorCode := AbArchiveBusy;
-constructor EAbBadStream.Create;
- inherited Create(AbBadStreamTypeS);
- FInnerException := nil;
- ErrorCode := AbBadStreamType;
-constructor EAbBadStream.CreateInner(aInnerException: Exception);
- inherited Create(AbBadStreamTypeS + #13#10 + aInnerException.Message);
- FInnerException := aInnerException;
- ErrorCode := AbBadStreamType;
-constructor EAbDuplicateName.Create;
- inherited Create(AbDuplicateNameS);
- ErrorCode := AbDuplicateName;
-constructor EAbNoSuchDirectory.Create;
- inherited Create(AbNoSuchDirectoryS);
- ErrorCode := AbNoSuchDirectory;
-constructor EAbInvalidSpanningThreshold.Create;
- inherited Create(AbInvalidThresholdS);
- ErrorCode := AbInvalidThreshold;
-constructor EAbFileNotFound.Create;
- inherited Create(AbFileNotFoundS);
- ErrorCode := AbFileNotFound;
-constructor EAbNoArchive.Create;
- inherited Create(AbNoArchiveS);
- ErrorCode := AbNoArchive;
-constructor EAbUserAbort.Create;
- inherited Create(AbUserAbortS);
- ErrorCode := AbUserAbort;
-constructor EAbZipBadSpanStream.Create;
- inherited Create(AbBadSpanStreamS);
- ErrorCode := AbBadSpanStream;
-constructor EAbZipBadCRC.Create;
- inherited Create(AbZipBadCRCS);
- ErrorCode := AbZipBadCRC;
-constructor EAbZipInflateBlock.Create;
- inherited Create(AbInflateBlockErrorS);
- ErrorCode := AbInflateBlockError;
-constructor EAbZipInvalid.Create;
- inherited Create(AbErrZipInvalidS);
- ErrorCode := AbErrZipInvalid;
-constructor EAbInvalidIndex.Create;
- inherited Create(AbInvalidIndexS);
- ErrorCode := AbInvalidIndex;
-constructor EAbZipInvalidFactor.Create;
- inherited Create(AbInvalidFactorS);
- ErrorCode := AbInvalidFactor;
-constructor EAbZipInvalidLFH.Create;
- inherited Create(AbInvalidLFHS);
- ErrorCode := AbInvalidLFH;
-constructor EAbZipInvalidMethod.Create;
- inherited Create(AbUnknownCompressionMethodS);
- ErrorCode := AbUnknownCompressionMethod;
-constructor EAbZipInvalidPassword.Create;
- inherited Create(AbInvalidPasswordS);
- ErrorCode := AbInvalidPassword;
-constructor EAbZipInvalidStub.Create;
- inherited Create(AbZipBadStubS);
- ErrorCode := AbZipBadStub;
-constructor EAbZipNoExtraction.Create;
- inherited Create(AbNoExtractionMethodS);
- ErrorCode := AbNoExtractionMethod;
-constructor EAbZipNoInsertion.Create;
- inherited Create(AbNoInsertionMethodS);
- ErrorCode := AbNoInsertionMethod;
-constructor EAbZipSpanOverwrite.Create;
- inherited Create(AbNoOverwriteSpanStreamS);
- ErrorCode := AbNoOverwriteSpanStream;
-constructor EAbZipStreamFull.Create;
- inherited Create(AbStreamFullS);
- ErrorCode := AbStreamFull;
-constructor EAbZipTruncate.Create;
- inherited Create(AbTruncateErrorS);
- ErrorCode := AbTruncateError;
-constructor EAbZipUnsupported.Create;
- inherited Create(AbUnsupportedCompressionMethodS);
- ErrorCode := AbUnsupportedCompressionMethod;
-constructor EAbZipVersion.Create;
- inherited Create(AbZipVersionNeededS);
- ErrorCode := AbZipVersionNeeded;
-constructor EAbReadError.Create;
- inherited Create(AbReadErrorS);
- ErrorCode := AbReadError;
-constructor EAbVMSInvalidOrigin.Create( Value : Integer );
- inherited Create(Format(AbVMSInvalidOriginS, [Value]));
- ErrorCode := AbVMSInvalidOrigin;
-constructor EAbBBSReadTooManyBytes.Create(Count : Integer );
- inherited Create(Format(AbBBSReadTooManyBytesS, [Count]));
- ErrorCode := AbBBSReadTooManyBytes;
-constructor EAbBBSSeekOutsideBuffer.Create;
- inherited Create(AbBBSSeekOutsideBufferS);
- ErrorCode := AbBBSSeekOutsideBuffer;
-constructor EAbBBSInvalidOrigin.Create;
- inherited Create(AbBBSInvalidOriginS);
- ErrorCode := AbBBSInvalidOrigin;
-constructor EAbBBSWriteTooManyBytes.Create(Count : Integer);
- inherited Create(Format(AbBBSWriteTooManyBytesS, [Count]));
- ErrorCode := AbBBSWriteTooManyBytes;
-constructor EAbVMSErrorOpenSwap.Create( const Value : string );
- inherited Create(Format(AbVMSErrorOpenSwapS, [Value]));
- ErrorCode := AbVMSErrorOpenSwap;
-constructor EAbVMSSeekFail.Create( const Value : string );
- inherited Create(Format(AbVMSSeekFailS, [Value]));
- ErrorCode := AbVMSSeekFail;
-constructor EAbVMSReadFail.Create( Count : Integer; const Value : string );
- inherited Create(Format(AbVMSReadFailS, [Count, Value]));
- ErrorCode := AbVMSReadFail;
-constructor EAbVMSWriteFail.Create( Count : Integer; const Value : string );
- inherited Create(Format(AbVMSWriteFailS, [Count, Value]));
- ErrorCode := AbVMSWriteFail;
-constructor EAbVMSWriteTooManyBytes.Create( Count : Integer );
- inherited Create(Format(AbVMSWriteTooManyBytesS, [Count]));
- ErrorCode := AbVMSWriteTooManyBytes;
-constructor EAbSWSNotEndofStream.Create;
- inherited Create(AbSWSNotEndofStreamS);
- ErrorCode := AbSWSNotEndofStream;
-constructor EAbSWSSeekFailed.Create;
- inherited Create(AbSWSSeekFailedS);
- ErrorCode := AbSWSSeekFailed;
-constructor EAbSWSWriteFailed.Create;
- inherited Create(AbSWSWriteFailedS);
- ErrorCode := AbSWSWriteFailed;
-constructor EAbSWSInvalidOrigin.Create;
- inherited Create(AbSWSInvalidOriginS);
- ErrorCode := AbSWSInvalidOrigin;
-constructor EAbSWSInvalidNewOrigin.Create;
- inherited Create(AbSWSInvalidNewOriginS);
- ErrorCode := AbSWSInvalidNewOrigin;
-constructor EAbFCIFileOpenError.Create;
- inherited Create(AbFCIFileOpenErrorS);
- ErrorCode := AbFCIFileOpenError;
-constructor EAbNoCabinetDll.Create;
- inherited Create(AbNoCabinetDllErrorS);
- ErrorCode := AbNoCabinetDllError;
-constructor EAbFCIFileReadError.Create;
- inherited Create(AbFCIFileReadErrorS);
- ErrorCode := AbFCIFileReadError;
-constructor EAbFCIFileWriteError.Create;
- inherited Create(AbFCIFileWriteErrorS);
- ErrorCode := AbFCIFileWriteError;
-constructor EAbFCIFileCloseError.Create;
- inherited Create(AbFCIFileCloseErrorS);
- ErrorCode := AbFCIFileCloseError;
-constructor EAbFCIFileSeekError.Create;
- inherited Create(AbFCIFileSeekErrorS);
- ErrorCode := AbFCIFileSeekError;
-constructor EAbFCIFileDeleteError.Create;
- inherited Create(AbFCIFileDeleteErrorS);
- ErrorCode := AbFCIFileDeleteError;
-constructor EAbFCIAddFileError.Create;
- inherited Create(AbFCIAddFileErrorS);
- ErrorCode := AbFCIAddFileError;
-constructor EAbFCICreateError.Create;
- inherited Create(AbFCICreateErrorS);
- ErrorCode := AbFCICreateError;
-constructor EAbFCIFlushCabinetError.Create;
- inherited Create(AbFCIFlushCabinetErrorS);
- ErrorCode := AbFCIFlushCabinetError;
-constructor EAbFCIFlushFolderError.Create;
- inherited Create(AbFCIFlushFolderErrorS);
- ErrorCode := AbFCIFlushFolderError;
-constructor EAbFDICopyError.Create;
- inherited Create(AbFDICopyErrorS);
- ErrorCode := AbFDICopyError;
-constructor EAbFDICreateError.Create;
- inherited Create(AbFDICreateErrorS);
- ErrorCode := AbFDICreateError;
-constructor EAbInvalidCabTemplate.Create;
- inherited Create(AbInvalidCabTemplateS);
- ErrorCode := AbInvalidCabTemplate;
-constructor EAbInvalidCabFile.Create;
- inherited Create(AbInvalidCabFileS);
- ErrorCode := AbInvalidCabFile;
-procedure AbConvertException( const E : Exception;
- var eClass : TAbErrorClass;
- var eErrorCode : Integer );
- eClass := ecOther;
- eErrorCode := 0;
- if E is EAbException then begin
- eClass := ecAbbrevia;
- eErrorCode := (E as EAbException).ErrorCode;
- end
- else if E is EInOutError then begin
- eClass := ecInOutError;
- eErrorCode := (E as EInOutError).ErrorCode;
- end
- else if E is EFilerError then
- eClass := ecFilerError
- else if E is EFOpenError then
- eClass := ecFileOpenError
- else if E is EFCreateError then
- eClass := ecFileCreateError;
-{ EAbUnhandledType }
-constructor EAbUnhandledType.Create;
- inherited Create(AbUnhandledFileTypeS);
- ErrorCode := AbUnhandledFileType;
-{ EAbGzipBadCRC }
-constructor EAbGzipBadCRC.Create;
- inherited Create(AbGzipBadCRCS);
- ErrorCode := AbGzipBadCRC;
-{ EAbGzipBadFileSize }
-constructor EAbGzipBadFileSize.Create;
- inherited Create(AbGzipBadFileSizeS);
- ErrorCode := AbGzipBadFileSize;
-{ EAbGzipInvalid }
-constructor EAbGzipInvalid.Create;
- inherited Create(AbSpanningNotSupportedS);
- ErrorCode := AbSpanningNotSupported;
-{ EAbTarInvalid }
-constructor EAbTarInvalid.Create;
- inherited Create(AbTarInvalidS);
- ErrorCode := AbTarInvalid;
-{ EAbTarBadFileName }
-constructor EAbTarBadFileName.Create;
- inherited Create(AbTarBadFileNameS);
- ErrorCode := AbTarBadFileName;
-{ EAbTarBadLinkName }
-constructor EAbTarBadLinkName.Create;
- inherited Create(AbTarBadLinkNameS);
- ErrorCode := AbTarBadLinkName;
-{ EAbTarBadOp }
-constructor EAbTarBadOp.Create;
- inherited Create(AbTarBadOpS);
- ErrorCode := AbTarBadOp;
-{ EAbSpanningNotSupported }
-constructor EAbSpanningNotSupported.Create;
- inherited Create(AbSpanningNotSupportedS);
- ErrorCode := AbSpanningNotSupported;
-{ EAbFileTooLarge }
-constructor EAbFileTooLarge.Create;
- {TODO Create const and fix wording}
- inherited Create(AbFileSizeTooBigS);
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbFciFdi.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbFciFdi.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a2e946..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbFciFdi.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,414 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbFciFdi.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Cabinet DLL wrapper *}
-{* Based on info from the FCI/FDI Library Description, *}
-{* included in the Microsoft Cabinet SDK *}
-unit AbFciFdi;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- Windows, AbUtils;
- CabinetDLL = 'cabinet.dll';
- cpuUnknown = -1;
- cpu80286 = 0;
- cpu80386 = 1;
- cpuDefault = cpuUnknown;
- {FDI errors}
- FDIError =
- (FDIError_None, FDIError_Cabinet_Not_Found,
- FDIError_Not_A_Cabinet, FDIError_Unknown_Cabinet_Version,
- FDIError_Corrupt_Cabinet, FDIError_Alloc_Fail,
- FDIError_Bad_Compr_Type, FDIError_MDI_Fail,
- FDIError_Target_File, FDIError_Reserve_Mismatch,
- FDIError_Wrong_Cabinet, FDIError_User_Abort);
- {FCI errors}
- FCIError =
- (FCIError_NONE, FCIError_Open_SRC,
- FCIError_Read_SRC, FCIError_Alloc_Fail,
- FCIError_Temp_File, FCIError_Bad_Compr_Type,
- FCIError_Cab_File, FCIError_User_Abort,
- FCIERRor_MCI_Fail);
- {FDI notifications}
- FDINotificationType =
- (FDINT_Cabinet_Info, FDINT_Partial_File,
- FDINT_Copy_File, FDINT_Close_File_Info,
- FDINT_Next_Cabinet, FDINT_Enumerate);
- {FDI/FCI error structure}
- PCabErrorRecord = ^CabErrorRecord;
- CabErrorRecord = record
- ErrorCode : Integer;
- ErrorType : Integer;
- ErrorPresent : BOOL;
- end;
- {FDI cabinet information structure}
- PFDICabInfo = ^FDICabInfo;
- FDICabInfo = record
- cbCabinet : Longint;
- cFolders : Word;
- cFiles : Word;
- setID : Word;
- iCabinet : Word;
- fReserve : BOOL;
- hasprev : BOOL;
- hasnext : BOOL;
- end;
- {FCI cabinet information structure}
- PFCICabInfo = ^FCICabInfo;
- FCICabInfo = record
- cb : Longint;
- cbFolderThresh : Longint;
- cbReserveCFHeader : Integer;
- cbReserveCFFolder : Integer;
- cbReserveCFData : Integer;
- iCab : Integer;
- iDisk : Integer;
- fFailOnIncompressible : Integer;
- setID : Word;
- szDisk : array[0..255] of AnsiChar;
- szCab : array[0..255] of AnsiChar;
- szCabPath : array[0..255] of AnsiChar;
- end;
- {FDI notification structure}
- PFDINotification = ^FDINotification;
- FDINotification = record
- cb : Longint;
- psz1 : PAnsiChar;
- psz2 : PAnsiChar;
- psz3 : PAnsiChar;
- pv : Pointer;
- hf : PtrInt;
- date : Word;
- time : Word;
- attribs : Word;
- setID : Word;
- iCabinet : Word;
- iFolder : Word;
- fdie : FDIERROR;
- end;
- {misc defines}
- HFDI = Pointer;
- HFCI = Pointer;
- FARPROC = Pointer;
-{== Cabinet DLL routine prototypes ==========================================}
- TFDICreate =
- function (pfnalloc, pfnfree, pfnopen, pfnread, pfnwrite, pfnclose,
- pfnseek : FARPROC; cpuType : Integer; pError : PCabErrorRecord) : HFDI;
- cdecl;
- TFDIIsCabinet =
- function(hfdi : HFDI; hf : PtrInt; pfdici : PFDICabInfo) : BOOL;
- cdecl;
- TFDICopy =
- function(hfdi : HFDI; pszCabinet, pszCabPath : PAnsiChar;
- flags : Integer; pfnfdin, pfnfdid : FARPROC; Archive : Pointer) : BOOL;
- cdecl;
- TFDIDestroy =
- function(hfdi : HFDI) : BOOL;
- cdecl;
- TFCICreate =
- function(pError : PCabErrorRecord; pfnfcifp, pfnalloc, pfnfree,
- pfnopen, pfnread, pfnwrite, pfnclose, pfnseek, pfndelete,
- pfnfcigtf : FARPROC; pccab : PFCICabInfo; Archive : Pointer) : HFCI;
- cdecl;
- TFCIAddFile =
- function(hfci : HFCI; pszFilePath, pszFileName : PAnsiChar;
- fExecute : BOOL; pfnfcignc, pfnfcis, pfnfcigoi : FARPROC;
- typeCompress : Word) : BOOL;
- cdecl;
- TFCIFlushCabinet =
- function(hfci : HFCI; fGetNextCab : BOOL;
- pfnfcignc, pfnfcis : FARPROC) : BOOL;
- cdecl;
- TFCIFlushFolder =
- function(hfci : HFCI; pfnfcignc, pfnfcis : FARPROC) : BOOL;
- cdecl;
- TFCIDestroy =
- function(hfci : HFCI) : BOOL;
- cdecl;
-{== DLL routine wrappers ====================================================}
-function FDICreate(pfnalloc, pfnfree, pfnopen, pfnread,
- pfnwrite, pfnclose, pfnseek : FARPROC;
- cpuType : Integer; pError : PCabErrorRecord) : HFDI;
- {returns an FDI context for opening an existing cabinet}
- { pfnalloc - heap allocation callback function }
- { pfnfree - heap deallocation callback function }
- { pfnopen - open file callback function }
- { pfnwrite - write file callback function }
- { pfnclose - close file callback function }
- { pfnseek - reposition file pointer callback function }
- { cpuType - -1: unknown, 0: 80286, 1: 80386 }
- { pError - pointer to error record }
-function FDIIsCabinet(hfdi : HFDI; hf : PtrInt;
- pfdici : PFDICabInfo) : BOOL;
- {checks cabinet file for validity}
- { hfdi - FDI context }
- { hf - cabinet file handle }
- { pfdici - pointer to FDI cabinet info structure }
-function FDICopy(hfdi : HFDI; pszCabinet, pszCabPath : PAnsiChar;
- flags : Integer; pfnfdin, pfnfdid : FARPROC;
- Archive : Pointer) : BOOL;
- {enumerates every file in the cabinet. The callback function }
- {should indicate whether or not to extract a given file}
- { hfdi - FDI context }
- { pszCabinet - cabinet file name }
- { pszCabPath - cabinet file path }
- { flags - currently not used }
- { pfnfdin - FDI notifaction callback function }
- { pfnfdid - decryption callback (currently not used)}
- { Archive - the calling TAbCabArchive instance }
-function FDIDestroy(hfdi : HFDI) : BOOL;
- {releases FDI context and frees resources}
- { hfdi - FDI context }
-function FCICreate(pError : PCabErrorRecord;
- pfnfcifp, pfnalloc, pfnfree, pfnopen, pfnread, pfnwrite, pfnclose,
- pfnseek, pfndelete, pfnfcigtf : FARPROC;
- pccab : PFCICabInfo; Archive : Pointer) : HFCI;
- {creates a new cabinet file and returns the FCI context}
- { pError - pointer to error record }
- { pfnfcifp - callback notification when file has been placed in cabinet }
- { pfnalloc - callback function to allocate memory }
- { pfnfree - callback function to free memory }
- { pfnopen - callback function to open a file }
- { pfnwrite - callback function to write to a file }
- { pfnclose - callback function to close a file }
- { pfnseek - callback function to reposition file pointer }
- { pfndelete - callback function to delete a file }
- { pfnfcigtf - callback function to obtain temp filename }
- { pccab - pointer to FCI cabinet infor structure }
- { Archive - the calling TAbCabArchive instance }
-function FCIAddFile(hfci : HFCI; pszFilePath, pszFileName : PAnsiChar;
- fExecute : BOOL; pfnfcignc, pfnfcis, pfnfcigoi : FARPROC;
- typeCompress : Word) : BOOL;
- {adds a file to the cabinet}
- { hfci - FCI context }
- { pszFilePath - full pathname of file being added }
- { pszFileName - just the file name }
- { fExecute - flag to indicate if file is executable }
- { pfnfcignc - callback function to obtain next cabinet info }
- { pfnfcis - callback function to relay progress }
- { pfnfcigoi - callback function to open file and get attributes }
- { typeCompress - compression type to use }
-function FCIFlushCabinet(hfci : HFCI; fGetNextCab : BOOL;
- pfnfcignc, pfnfcis : FARPROC) : BOOL;
- {writes current cabinet file out to disk and optionally starts a new one}
- { hfci - FCI context }
- { fGetNextCab - flag indicating whether to start a new cabinet }
- { pfnfcignc - callback function to obtain next cabinet info }
- { pfnfcis - callback function to relay progress }
-function FCIFlushFolder(hfci : HFCI;
- pfnfcignc, pfnfcis : FARPROC) : BOOL;
- {close current compression block and start a new one}
- { hfci - FCI context }
- { pfnfcignc - callback function to obtain next cabinet info }
- { pfnfcis - callback function to relay progress }
-function FCIDestroy(hfci : HFCI) : BOOL;
- {releases FCI context and frees resources}
- { hfdi - FDI context }
- AbExcept;
- CabDLLLoaded : Boolean;
- CabDLLHandle : THandle;
- FDICreateProc : TFDICreate;
- FDIIsCabinetProc : TFDIIsCabinet;
- FDICopyProc : TFDICopy;
- FDIDestroyProc : TFDIDestroy;
- FCICreateProc : TFCICreate;
- FCIAddFileProc : TFCIAddFile;
- FCIFlushCabinetProc : TFCIFlushCabinet;
- FCIFlushFolderProc : TFCIFlushFolder;
- FCIDestroyProc : TFCIDestroy;
-procedure LoadCabinetDLL;
- if CabDllLoaded then
- Exit;
- CabDllHandle := LoadLibrary(CabinetDLL);
- if (CabDllHandle = 0) then
- raise EAbNoCabinetDLL.Create;
- @FDICreateProc := GetProcAddress(CabDllHandle, 'FDICreate');
- @FDIIsCabinetProc := GetProcAddress(CabDllHandle, 'FDIIsCabinet');
- @FDICopyProc := GetProcAddress(CabDllHandle, 'FDICopy');
- @FDIDestroyProc := GetProcAddress(CabDllHandle, 'FDIDestroy');
- @FCICreateProc := GetProcAddress(CabDllHandle, 'FCICreate');
- @FCIAddFileProc := GetProcAddress(CabDllHandle, 'FCIAddFile');
- @FCIFlushCabinetProc := GetProcAddress(CabDllHandle, 'FCIFlushCabinet');
- @FCIFlushFolderProc := GetProcAddress(CabDllHandle, 'FCIFlushFolder');
- @FCIDestroyProc := GetProcAddress(CabDllHandle, 'FCIDestroy');
- CabDllLoaded := True;
-function FDICreate(pfnalloc, pfnfree, pfnopen, pfnread,
- pfnwrite, pfnclose, pfnseek : FARPROC;
- cpuType : Integer; pError : PCabErrorRecord) : HFDI;
- LoadCabinetDLL;
- if Assigned(FDICreateProc) then
- Result := FDICreateProc(pfnalloc, pfnfree, pfnopen, pfnread,
- pfnwrite, pfnclose, pfnseek, cpuType, pError)
- else
- Result := nil;
-function FDIIsCabinet(hfdi : HFDI; hf : PtrInt;
- pfdici : PFDICabInfo) : BOOL;
- LoadCabinetDLL;
- if Assigned(FDIIsCabinetProc) then
- Result := FDIIsCabinetProc(hfdi, hf, pfdici)
- else
- Result := False;
-function FDICopy(hfdi : HFDI; pszCabinet, pszCabPath : PAnsiChar;
- flags : Integer; pfnfdin, pfnfdid : FARPROC;
- Archive : Pointer) : BOOL;
- LoadCabinetDLL;
- if Assigned(FDICopyProc) then
- Result := FDICopyProc(hfdi, pszCabinet, pszCabPath, flags,
- pfnfdin, pfnfdid, Archive)
- else
- Result := False;
-function FDIDestroy(hfdi : HFDI) : BOOL;
- LoadCabinetDLL;
- if Assigned(FDIDestroyProc) then
- Result := FDIDestroyProc(hfdi)
- else
- Result := False;
-function FCICreate(pError : PCabErrorRecord;
- pfnfcifp, pfnalloc, pfnfree, pfnopen, pfnread, pfnwrite, pfnclose,
- pfnseek, pfndelete, pfnfcigtf : FARPROC;
- pccab : PFCICabInfo; Archive : Pointer) : HFCI;
- LoadCabinetDLL;
- if Assigned(FCICreateProc) then
- Result := FCICreateProc(pError, pfnfcifp, pfnalloc, pfnfree, pfnopen,
- pfnread, pfnwrite, pfnclose, pfnseek, pfndelete, pfnfcigtf,
- pccab, Archive)
- else
- Result := nil;
-function FCIAddFile(hfci : HFCI; pszFilePath, pszFileName : PAnsiChar;
- fExecute : BOOL; pfnfcignc, pfnfcis, pfnfcigoi : FARPROC;
- typeCompress : Word) : BOOL;
- LoadCabinetDLL;
- if Assigned(FCIAddFileProc) then
- Result := FCIAddFileProc(hfci, pszFilePath, pszFileName,
- fExecute, pfnfcignc, pfnfcis, pfnfcigoi, typeCompress)
- else
- Result := False;
-function FCIFlushCabinet(hfci : HFCI; fGetNextCab : BOOL;
- pfnfcignc, pfnfcis : FARPROC) : BOOL;
- LoadCabinetDLL;
- if Assigned(FCIFlushCabinetProc) then
- Result := FCIFlushCabinetProc(hfci, fGetNextCab, pfnfcignc, pfnfcis)
- else
- Result := False;
-function FCIFlushFolder(hfci : HFCI;
- pfnfcignc, pfnfcis : FARPROC) : BOOL;
- LoadCabinetDLL;
- if Assigned(FCIFlushFolderProc) then
- Result := FCIFlushFolderProc(hfci, pfnfcignc, pfnfcis)
- else
- Result := False;
-function FCIDestroy(hfci : HFCI) : BOOL;
- LoadCabinetDLL;
- if Assigned(FCIDestroyProc) then
- Result := FCIDestroyProc(hfci)
- else
- Result := False;
- CabDllLoaded := False;
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbGzTyp.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbGzTyp.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 97a71b9..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbGzTyp.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1288 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- * Craig Peterson
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbGzTyp.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: TAbGzipArchive, TAbGzipItem classes *}
-{* Misc. constants, types, and routines for working *}
-{* with GZip files *}
-{* See: RFC 1952 *}
-{* "GZIP file format specification version 4.3" *}
-{* for more information on GZip *}
-{* See "algorithm.doc" in Gzip source and "format.txt" *}
-{* on gzip.org for differences from RFC *}
-unit AbGzTyp;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- Classes, AbUtils, AbArcTyp, AbTarTyp, AbVMStrm;
- { pre-defined "operating system" (really more FILE system)
- types for the Gzip header }
- TAbGzFileSystem =
- (osFat, osAmiga, osVMS, osUnix, osVM_CMS, osAtariTOS,
- osHPFS, osMacintosh, osZSystem, osCP_M, osTOPS20,
- osNTFS, osQDOS, osAcornRISCOS, osVFAT, osMVS, osBeOS,
- osTandem, osTHEOS, osUnknown, osUndefined);
- PAbGzHeader = ^TAbGzHeader;
- TAbGzHeader = packed record { SizeOf(TGzHeader) = 10}
- ID1 : Byte; { ID Byte, should always be $1F}
- ID2 : Byte; { ID Byte, should always be $8B}
- CompMethod : Byte; { compression method used}
- { 0..7 reserved, 8 = deflate, others undefined as of this writing (4/27/2001)}
- Flags : Byte; { misc flags}
- { Bit 0: FTEXT compressed file contains text, can be used for}
- { cross platform line termination translation}
- { Bit 1: FCONTINUATION file is a continuation of a multi-part gzip file}
- { RFC 1952 says this is the header CRC16 flag, but gzip}
- { reserves it and won't extract the file if this is set}
- { header data includes part number after header record}
- { Bit 2: FEXTRA header data contains Extra Data, starts after part}
- { number (if any)}
- { Bit 3: FNAME header data contains FileName, null terminated}
- { string starting immediately after Extra Data (if any)}
- { RFC 1952 says this is ISO 8859-1 encoded, but gzip}
- { always uses the system encoding}
- { Bit 4: FCOMMENT header data contains Comment, null terminated string}
- { starting immediately after FileName (if any)}
- { Bit 5: FENCRYPTED file is encrypted using zip-1.9 encryption }
- { header data contains a 12-byte encryption header }
- { starting immediately after Comment. Documented in}
- { "algorithm.doc", but unsupported in gzip}
- { Bits 6..7 are undefined and reserved as of this writing (8/25/2009)}
- ModTime : LongInt; { File Modification (Creation) time,}
- { UNIX cdate format}
- XtraFlags : Byte; { additional flags}
- { XtraFlags = 2 -- Deflate compressor used maximum compression algorithm}
- { XtraFlags = 4 -- Deflate compressor used fastest algorithm}
- OS : Byte; { Operating system that created file,}
- { see GZOsToStr routine for values}
- end;
- TAbGzTailRec = packed record
- CRC32 : LongInt; { crc for uncompressed data }
- ISize : LongWord; { size of uncompressed data }
- end;
- TAbGzExtraFieldSubID = array[0..1] of AnsiChar;
- TAbGzipExtraField = class(TAbExtraField)
- private
- FGZHeader : PAbGzHeader;
- function GetID(aIndex : Integer): TAbGzExtraFieldSubID;
- protected
- procedure Changed; override;
- public
- constructor Create(aGZHeader : PAbGzHeader);
- procedure Delete(aID : TAbGzExtraFieldSubID);
- function Get(aID : TAbGzExtraFieldSubID;
- out aData : Pointer; out aDataSize : Word) : Boolean;
- procedure Put(aID : TAbGzExtraFieldSubID; const aData; aDataSize : Word);
- public
- property IDs[aIndex : Integer]: TAbGzExtraFieldSubID
- read GetID;
- end;
- TAbGzipItem = class(TAbArchiveItem)
- protected {private}
- FGZHeader : TAbGzHeader;
- FExtraField : TAbGzipExtraField;
- FFileComment : AnsiString;
- FRawFileName : AnsiString;
- protected
- function GetFileSystem: TAbGzFileSystem;
- function GetHasExtraField: Boolean;
- function GetHasFileComment: Boolean;
- function GetHasFileName: Boolean;
- function GetIsText: Boolean;
- procedure SetFileComment(const Value : AnsiString);
- procedure SetFileSystem(const Value: TAbGzFileSystem);
- procedure SetIsText(const Value: Boolean);
- function GetExternalFileAttributes : LongWord; override;
- function GetIsEncrypted : Boolean; override;
- function GetLastModFileDate : Word; override;
- function GetLastModFileTime : Word; override;
- function GetLastModTimeAsDateTime: TDateTime; override;
- procedure SetExternalFileAttributes( Value : LongWord ); override;
- procedure SetFileName(const Value : string); override;
- procedure SetIsEncrypted(Value : Boolean); override;
- procedure SetLastModFileDate(const Value : Word); override;
- procedure SetLastModFileTime(const Value : Word); override;
- procedure SetLastModTimeAsDateTime(const Value: TDateTime); override;
- procedure SaveGzHeaderToStream(AStream : TStream);
- procedure LoadGzHeaderFromStream(AStream : TStream);
- public
- property CompressionMethod : Byte
- read FGZHeader.CompMethod;
- property ExtraFlags : Byte {Default: 2}
- read FGZHeader.XtraFlags write FGZHeader.XtraFlags;
- property Flags : Byte
- read FGZHeader.Flags;
- property FileComment : AnsiString
- read FFileComment write SetFileComment;
- property FileSystem : TAbGzFileSystem {Default: osFat (Windows); osUnix (Linux)}
- read GetFileSystem write SetFileSystem;
- property ExtraField : TAbGzipExtraField
- read FExtraField;
- property IsEncrypted : Boolean
- read GetIsEncrypted;
- property HasExtraField : Boolean
- read GetHasExtraField;
- property HasFileName : Boolean
- read GetHasFileName;
- property HasFileComment : Boolean
- read GetHasFileComment;
- property IsText : Boolean
- read GetIsText write SetIsText;
- property GZHeader : TAbGzHeader
- read FGZHeader;
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- end;
- TAbGzipStreamHelper = class(TAbArchiveStreamHelper)
- private
- function GetGzCRC: LongInt;
- function GetFileSize: LongInt;
- protected {private}
- FItem : TAbGzipItem;
- FTail : TAbGzTailRec;
- public
- constructor Create(AStream : TStream);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure ExtractItemData(AStream : TStream); override;
- function FindFirstItem : Boolean; override;
- function FindNextItem : Boolean; override;
- function SeekItem(Index : Integer): Boolean; override;
- procedure SeekToItemData;
- procedure WriteArchiveHeader; override;
- procedure WriteArchiveItem(AStream : TStream); override;
- procedure WriteArchiveTail; override;
- function GetItemCount : Integer; override;
- procedure ReadHeader; override;
- procedure ReadTail; override;
- property CRC : LongInt
- read GetGzCRC;
- property FileSize : LongInt
- read GetFileSize;
- property TailCRC : LongInt
- read FTail.CRC32;
- property TailSize : LongWord
- read FTail.ISize;
- end;
- TAbGzipArchiveState = (gsGzip, gsTar);
- TAbGzipArchive = class(TAbTarArchive)
- private
- FGZStream : TStream; { stream for GZip file}
- FGZItem : TAbArchiveList; { item in Gzip (only one, but need polymorphism of class)}
- FTarStream : TAbVirtualMemoryStream; { stream for possible contained Tar }
- FTarList : TAbArchiveList; { items in possible contained Tar }
- FTarAutoHandle: Boolean;
- FState : TAbGzipArchiveState;
- FIsGzippedTar : Boolean;
- procedure SetTarAutoHandle(const Value: Boolean);
- function GetIsGzippedTar: Boolean;
- procedure SwapToGzip;
- procedure SwapToTar;
- protected
- function CreateItem(const FileSpec : string): TAbArchiveItem;
- override;
- procedure ExtractItemAt(Index : Integer; const UseName : string);
- override;
- procedure ExtractItemToStreamAt(Index : Integer; aStream : TStream);
- override;
- procedure LoadArchive;
- override;
- procedure SaveArchive;
- override;
- procedure TestItemAt(Index : Integer);
- override;
- function FixName(const Value : string) : string;
- override;
- function GetSupportsEmptyFolders : Boolean;
- override;
- function GetItem(Index: Integer): TAbGzipItem;
- procedure PutItem(Index: Integer; const Value: TAbGzipItem);
- public {methods}
- constructor CreateFromStream(aStream : TStream; const aArchiveName : string);
- override;
- destructor Destroy;
- override;
- procedure DoSpanningMediaRequest(Sender : TObject; ImageNumber : Integer;
- var ImageName : string; var Abort : Boolean); override;
- property TarAutoHandle : Boolean
- read FTarAutoHandle write SetTarAutoHandle;
- property IsGzippedTar : Boolean
- read GetIsGzippedTar write FIsGzippedTar;
- property Items[Index : Integer] : TAbGzipItem
- read GetItem
- write PutItem; default;
- end;
-function VerifyGZip(Strm : TStream) : TAbArchiveType;
-function GZOsToStr(OS: Byte) : string;
- Windows,
- {$ENDIF}
- SysUtils,
- AbBitBkt, AbCharset, AbDfBase, AbDfDec, AbDfEnc, AbExcept, AbResString;
- { Header Signature Values}
- AB_GZ_HDR_ID1 = $1F;
- AB_GZ_HDR_ID2 = $8B;
- { Test bits for TGzHeader.Flags field }
- { GZip OS source flags }
- AB_GZ_OS_ID_FAT = 0;
- AB_GZ_OS_ID_Amiga = 1;
- AB_GZ_OS_ID_VMS = 2;
- AB_GZ_OS_ID_Unix = 3;
- AB_GZ_OS_ID_AtariTOS = 5;
- AB_GZ_OS_ID_Macintosh = 7;
- AB_GZ_OS_ID_Z_System = 8;
- AB_GZ_OS_ID_CP_M = 9;
- AB_GZ_OS_ID_TOPS20 = 10;
- AB_GZ_OS_ID_NTFS = 11;
- AB_GZ_OS_ID_QDOS = 12;
- AB_GZ_OS_ID_AcornRISCOS = 13;
- AB_GZ_OS_ID_VFAT = 14;
- AB_GZ_OS_ID_MVS = 15;
- AB_GZ_OS_ID_BEOS = 16;
- AB_GZ_OS_ID_unknown = 255;
-function GZOsToStr(OS: Byte) : string;
-Return a descriptive string for TGzHeader.OS field
- case OS of
- AB_GZ_OS_ID_FAT : Result := AbGzOsFat;
- AB_GZ_OS_ID_Amiga : Result := AbGzOsAmiga;
- AB_GZ_OS_ID_VMS : Result := AbGzOsVMS;
- AB_GZ_OS_ID_Unix : Result := AbGzOsUnix;
- AB_GZ_OS_ID_VM_CMS : Result := AbGzOsVM_CMS;
- AB_GZ_OS_ID_AtariTOS : Result := AbGzOsAtari;
- AB_GZ_OS_ID_HPFS : Result := AbGzOsHPFS;
- AB_GZ_OS_ID_Macintosh : Result := AbGzOsMacintosh;
- AB_GZ_OS_ID_Z_System : Result := AbGzOsZ_System;
- AB_GZ_OS_ID_CP_M : Result := AbGzOsCP_M;
- AB_GZ_OS_ID_TOPS20 : Result := AbGzOsTOPS_20;
- AB_GZ_OS_ID_NTFS : Result := AbGzOsNTFS;
- AB_GZ_OS_ID_QDOS : Result := AbGzOsQDOS;
- AB_GZ_OS_ID_AcornRISCOS : Result := AbGzOsAcornRISCOS;
- AB_GZ_OS_ID_VFAT : Result := AbGzOsVFAT;
- AB_GZ_OS_ID_MVS : Result := AbGzOsMVS;
- AB_GZ_OS_ID_BEOS : Result := AbGzOsBeOS;
- AB_GZ_OS_ID_TANDEM : Result := AbGzOsTandem;
- AB_GZ_OS_ID_THEOS : Result := AbGzOsTHEOS;
- AB_GZ_OS_ID_unknown : Result := AbGzOsunknown;
- else
- Result := AbGzOsUndefined;
- end;
-function VerifyHeader(const Header : TAbGzHeader) : Boolean;
- { check id fields and if deflated (only handle deflate anyway)}
- Result := (Header.ID1 = AB_GZ_HDR_ID1) and
- (Header.ID2 = AB_GZ_HDR_ID2) and
- (Header.CompMethod = 8 {deflate});
-function VerifyGZip(Strm : TStream) : TAbArchiveType;
- GHlp : TAbGzipStreamHelper;
- Hlpr : TAbDeflateHelper;
- PartialTarData : TMemoryStream;
- CurPos : Int64;
- Result := atUnknown;
- CurPos := Strm.Position;
- try
- Strm.Seek(0, soBeginning);
- {prepare for the try..finally}
- Hlpr := nil;
- PartialTarData := nil;
- GHlp := TAbGzipStreamHelper.Create(Strm);
- try
- {create the stream helper and read the item header}
- GHlp.ReadHeader;
- { check id fields and if deflated (only handle deflate anyway)}
- if VerifyHeader(GHlp.FItem.FGZHeader) then begin
- Result := atGZip; { provisional }
- { check if is actually a Gzipped Tar }
- { partial extract contents, verify vs. Tar }
- PartialTarData := TMemoryStream.Create;
- GHlp.SeekToItemData;
- Hlpr := TAbDeflateHelper.Create;
- Hlpr.PartialSize := 512;
- PartialTarData.SetSize(512 * 2);
- Inflate(Strm, PartialTarData, Hlpr);
- {set to beginning of extracted data}
- PartialTarData.Position := 0;
- if (VerifyTar(PartialTarData) = atTar) then
- Result := atGZippedTar;
- end;
- finally
- GHlp.Free;
- Hlpr.Free;
- PartialTarData.Free;
- end;
- except
- on EReadError do
- Result := atUnknown;
- end;
- Strm.Position := CurPos;
-{ TAbGzipExtraField }
-constructor TAbGzipExtraField.Create(aGZHeader : PAbGzHeader);
- inherited Create;
- FGZHeader := aGZHeader;
-procedure TAbGzipExtraField.Changed;
- if Buffer = nil then
- FGzHeader.Flags := FGzHeader.Flags and not AB_GZ_FLAG_FEXTRA
- else
- FGzHeader.Flags := FGzHeader.Flags or AB_GZ_FLAG_FEXTRA;
-procedure TAbGzipExtraField.Delete(aID : TAbGzExtraFieldSubID);
- inherited Delete(Word(aID));
-function TAbGzipExtraField.GetID(aIndex : Integer): TAbGzExtraFieldSubID;
- Result := TAbGzExtraFieldSubID(inherited IDs[aIndex]);
-function TAbGzipExtraField.Get(aID : TAbGzExtraFieldSubID; out aData : Pointer;
- out aDataSize : Word) : Boolean;
- Result := inherited Get(Word(aID), aData, aDataSize);
-procedure TAbGzipExtraField.Put(aID : TAbGzExtraFieldSubID; const aData; aDataSize : Word);
- inherited Put(Word(aID), aData, aDataSize);
-{ TAbGzipStreamHelper }
-constructor TAbGzipStreamHelper.Create(AStream : TStream);
- inherited Create(AStream);
- FItem := TAbGzipItem.Create;
-destructor TAbGzipStreamHelper.Destroy;
- FItem.Free;
- inherited;
-function ReadCStringInStream(AStream: TStream): AnsiString;
-locate next instance of a null character in a stream
-leaves stream positioned just past that,
-or at end of stream if not found or null is last byte in stream.
-Result is the entire read string.
- BuffSiz = 1024;
- Buff : array [0..BuffSiz-1] of AnsiChar;
- Len, DataRead : LongInt;
-{ basically what this is supposed to do is...}
- repeat
- AStream.Read(C, 1);
- Result := Result + C;
- until (AStream.Position = AStream.Size) or (C = #0);
- Result := '';
- repeat
- DataRead := AStream.Read(Buff, BuffSiz - 1);
- Buff[DataRead] := #0;
- Len := StrLen(Buff);
- if Len > 0 then begin
- SetLength(Result, Length(Result) + Len);
- Move(Buff, Result[Length(Result) - Len + 1], Len);
- end;
- if Len < DataRead then begin
- AStream.Seek(Len - DataRead + 1, soCurrent);
- Break;
- end;
- until DataRead = 0;
-procedure TAbGzipStreamHelper.SeekToItemData;
-{find end of header data, including FileName etc.}
- {** Seek to Compressed Data **}
- FStream.Seek(0, soBeginning);
- FItem.LoadGzHeaderFromStream(FStream);
-procedure TAbGzipStreamHelper.ExtractItemData(AStream: TStream);
- Helper : TAbDeflateHelper;
- Helper := TAbDeflateHelper.Create;
- try
- SeekToItemData;
- if (AStream is TAbBitBucketStream) then
- Helper.Options := Helper.Options or dfc_TestOnly;
- FItem.CRC32 := Inflate(FStream, AStream, Helper);
- FItem.UncompressedSize := AStream.Size{Helper.NormalSize};
- finally
- Helper.Free;
- end;
-function TAbGzipStreamHelper.FindFirstItem: Boolean;
- GZH : TAbGzHeader;
- DataRead : Integer;
- Result := False;
- FStream.Seek(0, soBeginning);
- DataRead := FStream.Read(GZH, SizeOf(TAbGzHeader));
- if (DataRead = SizeOf(TAbGzHeader)) and VerifyHeader(GZH) then begin
- FItem.FGZHeader := GZH;
- Result := True;
- end;
- FStream.Seek(0, soBeginning);
-function TAbGzipStreamHelper.FindNextItem: Boolean;
- { only one item in a GZip }
- Result := False;
-function TAbGzipStreamHelper.SeekItem(Index: Integer): Boolean;
- if Index > 0 then
- Result := False
- else
- Result := FindFirstItem;
-procedure TAbGzipStreamHelper.WriteArchiveHeader;
- FItem.SaveGzHeaderToStream(FStream);
-procedure TAbGzipStreamHelper.WriteArchiveItem(AStream: TStream);
- Helper : TAbDeflateHelper;
- Helper := TAbDeflateHelper.Create;
- try
- FItem.CRC32 := Deflate(AStream, FStream, Helper);
- FItem.UncompressedSize := AStream.Size;
- finally
- Helper.Free;
- end;
-procedure TAbGzipStreamHelper.WriteArchiveTail;
- Tail : TAbGzTailRec;
- Tail.CRC32 := FItem.CRC32;
- Tail.ISize := FItem.UncompressedSize;
- FStream.Write(Tail, SizeOf(TAbGzTailRec));
-function TAbGzipStreamHelper.GetItemCount: Integer;
- { only one item in a gzip }
- Result := 1;
-procedure TAbGzipStreamHelper.ReadHeader;
- FItem.LoadGzHeaderFromStream(FStream);
-procedure TAbGzipStreamHelper.ReadTail;
- FStream.Read(FTail, SizeOf(TAbGzTailRec));
-function TAbGzipStreamHelper.GetGzCRC: LongInt;
- Result := FItem.CRC32;
-function TAbGzipStreamHelper.GetFileSize: LongInt;
- Result := FItem.UncompressedSize;
-{ TAbGzipItem }
-constructor TAbGzipItem.Create;
- inherited Create;
- { default ID fields }
- FGzHeader.ID1 := AB_GZ_HDR_ID1;
- FGzHeader.ID2 := AB_GZ_HDR_ID2;
- { compression method }
- FGzHeader.CompMethod := 8; { deflate }
- { Maxium Compression }
- FGzHeader.XtraFlags := 2;
- FFileName := '';
- FFileComment := '';
- FExtraField := TAbGzipExtraField.Create(@FGzHeader);
- { source OS ID }
-{$IFDEF LINUX } {assume EXT2 system }
- FGzHeader.OS := AB_GZ_OS_ID_Unix;
-{$IFDEF MSWINDOWS } {assume FAT system }
- FGzHeader.OS := AB_GZ_OS_ID_FAT;
-destructor TAbGzipItem.Destroy;
- FExtraField.Free;
- inherited;
-function TAbGzipItem.GetExternalFileAttributes: LongWord;
- { GZip has no provision for storing attributes }
- Result := 0;
-function TAbGzipItem.GetFileSystem: TAbGzFileSystem;
- case FGzHeader.OS of
- 0..18: Result := TAbGzFileSystem(FGzHeader.OS);
- 255: Result := osUnknown;
- else
- Result := osUndefined;
- end; { case }
-function TAbGzipItem.GetIsEncrypted: Boolean;
-function TAbGzipItem.GetHasExtraField: Boolean;
- Result := (FGZHeader.Flags and AB_GZ_FLAG_FEXTRA) = AB_GZ_FLAG_FEXTRA;
-function TAbGzipItem.GetHasFileComment: Boolean;
- Result := (FGZHeader.Flags and AB_GZ_FLAG_FCOMMENT) = AB_GZ_FLAG_FCOMMENT;
-function TAbGzipItem.GetHasFileName: Boolean;
- Result := (FGZHeader.Flags and AB_GZ_FLAG_FNAME) = AB_GZ_FLAG_FNAME;
-function TAbGzipItem.GetIsText: Boolean;
- Result := (FGZHeader.Flags and AB_GZ_FLAG_FTEXT) = AB_GZ_FLAG_FTEXT;
-function TAbGzipItem.GetLastModFileDate: Word;
- { convert to local DOS file Date }
- Result := LongRec(AbDateTimeToDosFileDate(LastModTimeAsDateTime)).Hi;
-function TAbGzipItem.GetLastModFileTime: Word;
- { convert to local DOS file Time }
- Result := LongRec(AbDateTimeToDosFileDate(LastModTimeAsDateTime)).Lo;
-function TAbGzipItem.GetLastModTimeAsDateTime: TDateTime;
- Result := AbUnixTimeToLocalDateTime(FGZHeader.ModTime);
-procedure TAbGzipItem.LoadGzHeaderFromStream(AStream: TStream);
- LenW : Word;
- AStream.Read(FGzHeader, SizeOf(TAbGzHeader));
- if not VerifyHeader(FGzHeader) then
- Exit;
- { Skip part number, if any }
- AStream.Seek(SizeOf(Word), soCurrent);
- if HasExtraField then begin
- { get length of extra data }
- AStream.Read(LenW, SizeOf(Word));
- FExtraField.LoadFromStream(AStream, LenW);
- end
- else
- FExtraField.Clear;
- { Get Filename, if any }
- if HasFileName then begin
- FRawFileName := ReadCStringInStream(AStream);
- FFileName := AbRawBytesToString(FRawFileName)
- end
- else
- FFileName := 'unknown';
- { any comment present? }
- if HasFileComment then
- FFileComment := ReadCStringInStream(AStream)
- else
- FFileComment := '';
- {Assert: stream should now be located at start of compressed data }
- {If file was compressed with 3.3 spec this will be invalid so use with care}
- CompressedSize := AStream.Size - AStream.Position - SizeOf(TAbGzTailRec);
- FDiskFileName := FileName;
- AbUnfixName(FDiskFileName);
- Action := aaNone;
- Tagged := False;
-procedure TAbGzipItem.SaveGzHeaderToStream(AStream: TStream);
- LenW : Word;
- { default ID fields }
- FGzHeader.ID1 := AB_GZ_HDR_ID1;
- FGzHeader.ID2 := AB_GZ_HDR_ID2;
- { compression method }
- FGzHeader.CompMethod := 8; { deflate }
- { reset unsupported flags }
- FGzHeader.Flags := FGzHeader.Flags and not AB_GZ_UNSUPPORTED_FLAGS;
- { main header data }
- AStream.Write(FGzHeader, SizeOf(TAbGzHeader));
- { add extra field if any }
- if HasExtraField then begin
- LenW := Length(FExtraField.Buffer);
- AStream.Write(LenW, SizeOf(LenW));
- if LenW > 0 then
- AStream.Write(FExtraField.Buffer[0], LenW);
- end;
- { add filename if any (and include final #0 from string) }
- if HasFileName then
- AStream.Write(FRawFileName[1], Length(FRawFileName) + 1);
- { add file comment if any (and include final #0 from string) }
- if HasFileComment then
- AStream.Write(FFileComment[1], Length(FFileComment) + 1);
-procedure TAbGzipItem.SetExternalFileAttributes(Value: LongWord);
- { do nothing }
-procedure TAbGzipItem.SetFileComment(const Value: AnsiString);
- FFileComment := Value;
- if FFileComment <> '' then
- FGzHeader.Flags := FGzHeader.Flags or AB_GZ_FLAG_FCOMMENT
- else
- FGzHeader.Flags := FGzHeader.Flags and not AB_GZ_FLAG_FCOMMENT;
-procedure TAbGzipItem.SetFileName(const Value: string);
- FFileName := Value;
- FRawFileName := AbStringToUnixBytes(Value);
- if Value <> '' then
- FGzHeader.Flags := FGzHeader.Flags or AB_GZ_FLAG_FNAME
- else
- FGzHeader.Flags := FGzHeader.Flags and not AB_GZ_FLAG_FNAME;
-procedure TAbGzipItem.SetFileSystem(const Value: TAbGzFileSystem);
- if Value = osUnknown then
- FGzHeader.OS := 255
- else
- FGzHeader.OS := Ord(Value);
-procedure TAbGzipItem.SetIsEncrypted(Value: Boolean);
- { do nothing }
-procedure TAbGzipItem.SetIsText(const Value: Boolean);
- if Value then
- FGzHeader.Flags := FGzHeader.Flags or AB_GZ_FLAG_FTEXT
- else
- FGzHeader.Flags := FGzHeader.Flags and not AB_GZ_FLAG_FTEXT;
-procedure TAbGzipItem.SetLastModFileDate(const Value: Word);
- { replace date, keep existing time }
- LastModTimeAsDateTime :=
- EncodeDate(
- Value shr 9 + 1980,
- Value shr 5 and 15,
- Value and 31) +
- Frac(LastModTimeAsDateTime);
-procedure TAbGzipItem.SetLastModFileTime(const Value: Word);
- { keep current date, replace time }
- LastModTimeAsDateTime :=
- Trunc(LastModTimeAsDateTime) +
- EncodeTime(
- Value shr 11,
- Value shr 5 and 63,
- Value and 31 shl 1, 0);
-procedure TAbGzipItem.SetLastModTimeAsDateTime(const Value: TDateTime);
- FGZHeader.ModTime := AbLocalDateTimeToUnixTime(Value);
-{ TAbGzipArchive }
-constructor TAbGzipArchive.CreateFromStream(aStream : TStream;
- const aArchiveName : string);
- inherited CreateFromStream(aStream, aArchiveName);
- FState := gsGzip;
- FGZStream := FStream;
- FGZItem := FItemList;
- FTarStream := TAbVirtualMemoryStream.Create;
- FTarList := TAbArchiveList.Create(True);
-procedure TAbGzipArchive.SwapToTar;
- FStream := FTarStream;
- FItemList := FTarList;
- FState := gsTar;
-procedure TAbGzipArchive.SwapToGzip;
- FStream := FGzStream;
- FItemList := FGzItem;
- FState := gsGzip;
-function TAbGzipArchive.CreateItem(const FileSpec: string): TAbArchiveItem;
- GzItem : TAbGzipItem;
- if IsGZippedTar and TarAutoHandle then begin
- SwapToTar;
- Result := inherited CreateItem(FileSpec);
- end
- else begin
- SwapToGzip;
- GzItem := TAbGzipItem.Create;
- try
- GzItem.CompressedSize := 0;
- GzItem.CRC32 := 0;
- GzItem.DiskFileName := ExpandFileName(FileSpec);
- GzItem.FileName := FixName(FileSpec);
- Result := GzItem;
- except
- Result := nil;
- end;
- end;
-destructor TAbGzipArchive.Destroy;
- SwapToGzip;
- FTarList.Free;
- FTarStream.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TAbGzipArchive.ExtractItemAt(Index: Integer;
- const UseName: string);
- OutStream : TFileStream;
- CurItem : TAbGzipItem;
- if IsGZippedTar and TarAutoHandle then begin
- SwapToTar;
- inherited ExtractItemAt(Index, UseName);
- end
- else begin
- SwapToGzip;
- if Index > 0 then Index := 0; { only one item in a GZip}
- CurItem := TAbGzipItem(ItemList[Index]);
- OutStream := TFileStream.Create(UseName, fmCreate or fmShareDenyNone);
- try
- try {OutStream}
- ExtractItemToStreamAt(Index, OutStream);
- finally {OutStream}
- OutStream.Free;
- end; {OutStream}
- AbSetFileTime(UseName, CurItem.LastModTimeAsDateTime);
- AbSetFileAttr(UseName, CurItem.NativeFileAttributes);
- except
- on E : EAbUserAbort do begin
- FStatus := asInvalid;
- if FileExists(UseName) then
- DeleteFile(UseName);
- raise;
- end else begin
- if FileExists(UseName) then
- DeleteFile(UseName);
- raise;
- end;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TAbGzipArchive.ExtractItemToStreamAt(Index: Integer;
- aStream: TStream);
- GzHelp : TAbGzipStreamHelper;
- if IsGzippedTar and TarAutoHandle then begin
- SwapToTar;
- inherited ExtractItemToStreamAt(Index, aStream);
- end
- else begin
- SwapToGzip;
- { note Index ignored as there's only one item in a GZip }
- GZHelp := TAbGzipStreamHelper.Create(FGzStream);
- try
- { read GZip Header }
- GzHelp.ReadHeader;
- { extract copy data from GZip}
- GzHelp.ExtractItemData(aStream);
- { Get validation data }
- GzHelp.ReadTail;
- { According to
- http://www.gzip.org/zlib/rfc1952.txt
- A compliant gzip compressor should calculate and set the CRC32 and ISIZE.
- However, a compliant decompressor should not check these values.
- If you want to check the the values of the CRC32 and ISIZE in a GZIP file
- when decompressing enable the STRICTGZIP define contained in AbDefine.inc }
- { validate against CRC }
- if GzHelp.FItem.Crc32 <> GzHelp.TailCRC then
- raise EAbGzipBadCRC.Create;
- { validate against file size }
- if GzHelp.FItem.UncompressedSize <> GZHelp.TailSize then
- raise EAbGzipBadFileSize.Create;
- {$ENDIF}
- finally
- GzHelp.Free;
- end;
- end;
-function TAbGzipArchive.FixName(const Value: string): string;
-{ fix up fileaname for storage }
- if FState = gsTar then
- Result := inherited FixName( Value )
- else begin
- {GZip files Always strip the file path}
- StoreOptions := StoreOptions + [soStripDrive, soStripPath];
- Result := '';
- if Value <> '' then
- Result := ExtractFileName(Value);
- end;
-function TAbGzipArchive.GetIsGzippedTar: Boolean;
- Result := FIsGzippedTar;
-function TAbGzipArchive.GetItem(Index: Integer): TAbGzipItem;
- Result := nil;
- if Index = 0 then
- Result := TAbGzipItem(FItemList.Items[Index]);
-function TAbGzipArchive.GetSupportsEmptyFolders : Boolean;
- Result := IsGzippedTar and TarAutoHandle;
-procedure TAbGzipArchive.LoadArchive;
- GzHelp : TAbGzipStreamHelper;
- Item : TAbGzipItem;
- Abort : Boolean;
- SwapToGzip;
- if FGzStream.Size > 0 then begin
- GzHelp := TAbGzipStreamHelper.Create(FGzStream);
- try
- if GzHelp.FindFirstItem then begin
- Item := TAbGzipItem.Create;
- Item.LoadGzHeaderFromStream(FGzStream);
- FGzStream.Seek(-SizeOf(TAbGzTailRec), soEnd);
- GZHelp.ReadTail;
- Item.CRC32 := GZHelp.TailCRC;
- Item.UncompressedSize := GZHelp.TailSize;
- Item.Action := aaNone;
- FGZItem.Add(Item);
- if IsGzippedTar and TarAutoHandle then begin
- { extract Tar and set stream up }
- FTarStream.SwapFileDirectory := FTempDir;
- GzHelp.SeekToItemData;
- GzHelp.ExtractItemData(FTarStream);
- SwapToTar;
- inherited LoadArchive;
- end;
- end;
- DoArchiveProgress(100, Abort);
- FIsDirty := False;
- finally
- { Clean Up }
- GzHelp.Free;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TAbGzipArchive.PutItem(Index: Integer; const Value: TAbGzipItem);
- if Index = 0 then
- FItemList.Items[Index] := Value;
-procedure TAbGzipArchive.SaveArchive;
- InGzHelp, OutGzHelp : TAbGzipStreamHelper;
- Abort : Boolean;
- i : Integer;
- NewStream : TAbVirtualMemoryStream;
- UncompressedStream : TStream;
- SaveDir : string;
- CurItem : TAbGzipItem;
- {prepare for the try..finally}
- OutGzHelp := nil;
- NewStream := nil;
- try
- InGzHelp := TAbGzipStreamHelper.Create(FGzStream);
- try
- {init new archive stream}
- NewStream := TAbVirtualMemoryStream.Create;
- OutGzHelp := TAbGzipStreamHelper.Create(NewStream);
- { create helper }
- NewStream.SwapFileDirectory := FTempDir;
- { save the Tar data }
- if IsGzippedTar and TarAutoHandle then begin
- SwapToTar;
- inherited SaveArchive;
- if FGZItem.Count = 0 then begin
- CurItem := TAbGzipItem.Create;
- FGZItem.Add(CurItem);
- end;
- CurItem := FGZItem[0] as TAbGzipItem;
- CurItem.Action := aaNone;
- CurItem.LastModTimeAsDateTime := Now;
- CurItem.SaveGzHeaderToStream(NewStream);
- FTarStream.Position := 0;
- OutGzHelp.WriteArchiveItem(FTarStream);
- CurItem.CRC32 := OutGzHelp.CRC;
- CurItem.UncompressedSize := OutGzHelp.FileSize;
- OutGzHelp.WriteArchiveTail;
- end
- else begin
- SwapToGzip;
- {build new archive from existing archive}
- for i := 0 to pred(Count) do begin
- FCurrentItem := ItemList[i];
- CurItem := TAbGzipItem(ItemList[i]);
- InGzHelp.SeekToItemData;
- case CurItem.Action of
- aaNone, aaMove : begin
- {just copy the file to new stream}
- CurItem.SaveGzHeaderToStream(NewStream);
- InGzHelp.SeekToItemData;
- NewStream.CopyFrom(FGZStream, FGZStream.Size - FGZStream.Position);
- end;
- aaDelete: {doing nothing omits file from new stream} ;
- aaAdd, aaFreshen, aaReplace, aaStreamAdd: begin
- try
- if (CurItem.Action = aaStreamAdd) then begin
- { adding from a stream }
- CurItem.SaveGzHeaderToStream(NewStream);
- CurItem.UncompressedSize := InStream.Size;
- OutGzHelp.WriteArchiveItem(InStream);
- OutGzHelp.WriteArchiveTail;
- end
- else begin
- { it's coming from a file }
- GetDir(0, SaveDir);
- try {SaveDir}
- if (BaseDirectory <> '') then
- ChDir(BaseDirectory);
- CurItem.LastModTimeAsDateTime := AbGetFileTime(CurItem.DiskFileName);
- UncompressedStream := TFileStream.Create(CurItem.DiskFileName,
- fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite );
- finally {SaveDir}
- ChDir( SaveDir );
- end; {SaveDir}
- try
- CurItem.UncompressedSize := UncompressedStream.Size;
- CurItem.SaveGzHeaderToStream(NewStream);
- OutGzHelp.WriteArchiveItem(UncompressedStream);
- OutGzHelp.WriteArchiveTail;
- finally {UncompressedStream}
- UncompressedStream.Free;
- end; {UncompressedStream}
- end;
- except
- ItemList[i].Action := aaDelete;
- DoProcessItemFailure(ItemList[i], ptAdd, ecFileOpenError, 0);
- end;
- end;
- end; {case}
- end; { for }
- end;
- finally
- InGzHelp.Free;
- end;
- {copy new stream to FStream}
- SwapToGzip;
- NewStream.Position := 0;
- if (FStream is TMemoryStream) then
- TMemoryStream(FStream).LoadFromStream(NewStream)
- else if FOwnsStream then begin
- { need new stream to write }
- FreeAndNil(FStream);
- FGZStream := nil;
- FStream := TFileStream.Create(FArchiveName, fmCreate or fmShareDenyWrite);
- FGZStream := FStream;
- FStream.CopyFrom(NewStream, NewStream.Size);
- end
- else begin
- FStream.Size := 0;
- FStream.Position := 0;
- FStream.CopyFrom(NewStream, NewStream.Size);
- end;
- {update Items list}
- for i := pred( Count ) downto 0 do begin
- if ItemList[i].Action = aaDelete then
- FItemList.Delete( i )
- else if ItemList[i].Action <> aaFailed then
- ItemList[i].Action := aaNone;
- end;
- if IsGzippedTar and TarAutoHandle then
- SwapToTar;
- DoArchiveSaveProgress( 100, Abort );
- DoArchiveProgress( 100, Abort );
- finally {NewStream}
- OutGzHelp.Free;
- NewStream.Free;
- end;
-procedure TAbGzipArchive.SetTarAutoHandle(const Value: Boolean);
- if Value then
- SwapToTar
- else
- SwapToGzip;
- FTarAutoHandle := Value;
-procedure TAbGzipArchive.TestItemAt(Index: Integer);
- SavePos : LongInt;
- GZType : TAbArchiveType;
- BitBucket : TAbBitBucketStream;
- GZHelp : TAbGzipStreamHelper;
- if IsGzippedTar and TarAutoHandle then begin
- inherited TestItemAt(Index);
- end
- else begin
- { note Index ignored as there's only one item in a GZip }
- SavePos := FGzStream.Position;
- GZType := VerifyGZip(FGZStream);
- if not (GZType in [atGZip, atGZippedTar]) then
- raise EAbGzipInvalid.Create;
- BitBucket := nil;
- GZHelp := nil;
- try
- BitBucket := TAbBitBucketStream.Create(1024);
- GZHelp := TAbGzipStreamHelper.Create(FGZStream);
- GZHelp.ExtractItemData(BitBucket);
- GZHelp.ReadTail;
- { validate against CRC }
- if GzHelp.FItem.Crc32 <> GZHelp.TailCRC then
- raise EAbGzipBadCRC.Create;
- { validate against file size }
- if GzHelp.FItem.UncompressedSize <> GZHelp.TailSize then
- raise EAbGzipBadFileSize.Create;
- finally
- GZHelp.Free;
- BitBucket.Free;
- end;
- FGzStream.Position := SavePos;
- end;
-procedure TAbGzipArchive.DoSpanningMediaRequest(Sender: TObject;
- ImageNumber: Integer; var ImageName: string; var Abort: Boolean);
- Abort := False;
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbHexVw.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbHexVw.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index bee0569..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbHexVw.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* Abbrevia: AbHexVw.pas *}
-{* Abbrevia: Hex View utility *}
-unit AbHexVw;
- Classes,
-{$IFDEF UsingCLX}
- QStdCtrls, QGraphics,
- StdCtrls, Graphics,
- SysUtils;
- THexView = class(TMemo)
- protected
- FBlockSize : Integer;
- public
- procedure SetStream(Strm : TStream);
- constructor Create(AOwner : TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- property Stream : TStream write SetStream;
- property BlockSize : Integer read FBlockSize write FBlockSize;
- end;
-constructor THexView.Create(AOwner : TComponent);
- Inherited Create(AOwner);
- Font.Style := Font.Style + [fsBold];
- ReadOnly := True;
- ScrollBars := ssVertical;
- WordWrap := False;
- WantTabs := True;
- FBlockSize := 512;
-destructor THexView.Destroy;
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure THexView.SetStream(Strm : TStream);
- Buff : Array[0..15] of Byte;
- i, j : Integer;
- Str : String;
- StrList : TStringList;
- Strm.Seek(0, soBeginning);
- StrList := TStringList.Create;
- Clear;
- while Strm.Position < Strm.Size do begin
- if ((Strm.Position mod FBlockSize) = 0) then
- StrList.Add('===========================================================');
- Str := '';
- for j := 0 to 15 do
- Buff[j] := Byte(chr(0));
- Strm.Read(Buff, 16);
- Str := Str + Format('%4.4X', [strm.Position - $10]) + ':' + #9;
- for i := 0 to 15 do begin
- Str := Str + Format('%2.2X', [Buff[i]]) + ' ';
- if i = 7 then Str := Str + #9;
- end;
- Str := Str + #9;
- for i := 0 to 15 do begin
- if (Buff[i] < $30) then
- Buff[i] := byte('.');
- Str := Str + Char(Buff[i]);
- end;
- StrList.Add(Str);
- end;
- SetLines(StrList);
- StrList.Free;
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbLZMA.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbLZMA.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 5477afd..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbLZMA.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,630 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Craig Peterson
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2011
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- * Craig Peterson
- * Pierre le Riche
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbLZMA.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Lzma compression/decompression procedures. *}
-unit AbLZMA;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- Classes, {Windows,} SysUtils{, AbCrtl, AbUtils};
-{ Raw LZMA decompression =================================================== }
-{ Decompresses the LZMA compressed data in ASrc to ADes. ASrc should not have
- the header used by the other compression/decompression routines, and
- AProperties should contain any necessary data. }
-procedure LzmaDecodeStream(AProperties: PByte; APropSize: Integer; ASrc, ADes: TStream;
- AUncompressedSize: Int64 = -1); overload;
-{ Stream compression and decompression (taken from LzmaUtil.c) ============= }
-procedure LzmaDecodeStream(ASourceStream, ATargetStream: TStream); overload;
-procedure LzmaEncodeStream(ASourceStream, ATargetStream: TStream; ASourceSize: Int64);
-{ In-memory compression and decompression ================================== }
-{ Given a pointer to the compressed data, this will return the size of the
- decompressed data. }
-function LzmaGetUncompressedSize(APCompressedData: Pointer; ACompressedSize: Integer): Integer;
-{ Decompresses the LZMA compressed data at APCompressedData to the buffer
- pointed to by APUncompressedData. The buffer at APUncompressedData should be
- large enough to hold the number of bytes as returned by LzmaGetDecompressedSize. }
-procedure LzmaDecodeBuffer(APCompressedData: Pointer; ACompressedSize: Integer;
- APUncompressedData: Pointer);
-{ Compresses the data at APUncompressedData to the buffer at APCompressedData,
- and returns the number of bytes written. If ACompressedDataBufferCapacity is
- less than the number of bytes required to store the entire compressed stream,
- or any other error occurs, then an exception is raised. (A safe number for
- ACompressedDataBufferCapacity is slightly more than AUncompressedDataBufferSize.)
- Leave ACompressionLevel and ADictionarySize at -1 in order to use the default
- values (5 and 16MB respectively). }
-function LzmaEncodeBuffer(APUncompressedData: Pointer; AUncompressedSize: Integer;
- APCompressedData: Pointer; ACompressedDataBufferCapacity: Integer;
- ACompressionLevel: Integer = -1; ADictionarySize: Integer = -1): Integer;
-{ Types.h declarations ===================================================== }
- SZ_OK = 0;
- SRes = Integer;
- ISeqInStream = packed record
- Read: function(p: Pointer; var buf; var size: size_t): SRes; cdecl;
- end;
- PISeqInStream = ^ISeqInStream;
- ISeqOutStream = packed record
- Write: function(p: Pointer; const buf; size: size_t): size_t; cdecl;
- end;
- PISeqOutStream = ^ISeqOutStream;
- ICompressProgress = packed record
- Progress: function(p: Pointer; inSize, outSize: Int64): SRes; cdecl;
- end;
- PICompressProgress = ^ICompressProgress;
- ISzAlloc = packed record
- Alloc: function(p: Pointer; size: size_t): Pointer; cdecl;
- Free: procedure(p: Pointer; address: Pointer); cdecl;
- end;
- PISzAlloc = ^ISzAlloc;
-{ LzmaDec.h declarations =================================================== }
- CLzmaProb = Word;
-// LZMA Properties
- CLzmaProps = packed record
- lc, lp, pb: Cardinal;
- dicSize: UInt32;
- end;
-// LZMA Decoder state
- CLzmaDec = packed record
- prop: CLzmaProps;
- probs: ^CLzmaProb;
- dic: PByte;
- buf: PByte;
- range, code: UInt32;
- dicPos: size_t;
- dicBufSize: size_t;
- processedPos: UInt32;
- checkDicSize: UInt32;
- state: Cardinal;
- reps: array[0..3] of UInt32;
- remainLen: Cardinal;
- needFlush: Integer;
- needInitState: Integer;
- numProbs: UInt32;
- tempBufSize: Cardinal;
- tempBuf: array[0..LZMA_REQUIRED_INPUT_MAX - 1] of Byte;
- end;
- ELzmaFinishMode = LongInt;
- LZMA_FINISH_ANY = 0; // finish at any point
- LZMA_FINISH_END = 1; // block must be finished at the end
- ELzmaStatus = LongInt;
- LZMA_STATUS_NOT_SPECIFIED = 0; // use main error code instead
- LZMA_STATUS_FINISHED_WITH_MARK = 1; // stream was finished with end mark.
- LZMA_STATUS_NOT_FINISHED = 3; // stream was not finished
- LZMA_STATUS_NEEDS_MORE_INPUT = 4; // you must provide more input bytes
- LZMA_STATUS_MAYBE_FINISHED_WITHOUT_MARK = 5; // there is probability that stream was finished without end mark
-procedure LzmaDec_Construct(var p: CLzmaDec); cdecl;
-procedure LzmaDec_Init(var p: CLzmaDec); cdecl; external;
-function LzmaDec_DecodeToBuf(var p: CLzmaDec; dest: PByte; var destLen: size_t;
- src: PByte; var srcLen: size_t; finishMode: ELzmaFinishMode;
- var status: ELzmaStatus): SRes; cdecl; external;
-function LzmaDec_Allocate(var state: CLzmaDec; prop: PByte; propsSize: Integer;
- alloc: PISzAlloc): SRes; cdecl; external;
-procedure LzmaDec_Free(var state: CLzmaDec; alloc: PISzAlloc); cdecl; external;
-// One call decoding interface
-function LzmaDecode(dest: PByte; var destLen: size_t; src: PByte;
- var srcLen: size_t; propData: PByte; propSize: Integer;
- finishMode: ELzmaFinishMode; var status: ELzmaStatus;
- alloc: PISzAlloc): SRes; cdecl; external;
-{ LzmaEnc.h declarations =================================================== }
- CLzmaEncHandle = Pointer;
- CLzmaEncProps = packed record
- level: Integer; // 0 <= level <= 9
- dictSize: UInt32; // (1 << 12) <= dictSize <= (1 << 27) for 32-bit version
- // (1 << 12) <= dictSize <= (1 << 30) for 64-bit version
- // default = (1 << 24)
- lc: Integer; // 0 <= lc <= 8, default = 3
- lp: Integer; // 0 <= lp <= 4, default = 0
- pb: Integer; // 0 <= pb <= 4, default = 2
- algo: Integer; // 0 - fast, 1 - normal, default = 1
- fb: Integer; // 5 <= fb <= 273, default = 32
- btMode: Integer; // 0 - hashChain Mode, 1 - binTree mode - normal, default = 1
- numHashBytes: Integer; // 2, 3 or 4, default = 4
- mc: UInt32; // 1 <= mc <= (1 << 30), default = 32
- writeEndMark: Cardinal; // 0 - do not write EOPM, 1 - write EOPM, default = 0
- numThreads: Integer; // 1 or 2, default = 2
- end;
-procedure LzmaEncProps_Init(var p: CLzmaEncProps); cdecl; external;
-function LzmaEnc_Create(Alloc: PISzAlloc): CLzmaEncHandle; cdecl; external;
-procedure LzmaEnc_Destroy(p: CLzmaEncHandle; Alloc, allocBig: PISzAlloc); cdecl; external;
-function LzmaEnc_SetProps(p: CLzmaEncHandle; var props: CLzmaEncProps): SRes; cdecl; external;
-function LzmaEnc_WriteProperties(p: CLzmaEncHandle; properties: PByte;
- var size: size_t): SRes; cdecl; external;
-function LzmaEnc_Encode(p: CLzmaEncHandle; outStream: PISeqOutStream;
- inStream: PISeqInStream; Progress: PICompressProgress;
- Alloc, allocBig: PISzAlloc): SRes; cdecl; external;
-function LzmaEnc_MemEncode(p: CLzmaEncHandle; dest: PByte; var destLen: size_t;
- src: PByte; srcLen: size_t; writeEndMark: Integer; Progress: PICompressProgress;
- Alloc, allocBig: PISzAlloc): SRes; cdecl; external;
-// One call encoding interface
-function LzmaEncode(dest: PByte; var destLen: size_t; src: PByte;
- srcLen: size_t; var props: CLzmaEncProps; propsEncoded: PByte;
- var propsSize: size_t; writeEndMark: Integer; progress: PICompressProgress;
- alloc: pISzAlloc; allocBig: PISzAlloc): SRes; cdecl; external;
-{ LzFind.h declarations ==================================================== }
-procedure MatchFinder_NeedMove; external;
-procedure MatchFinder_GetPointerToCurrentPos; external;
-procedure MatchFinder_MoveBlock; external;
-procedure MatchFinder_ReadIfRequired; external;
-procedure MatchFinder_Construct; external;
-procedure MatchFinder_Create; external;
-procedure MatchFinder_Free; external;
-procedure MatchFinder_Normalize3; external;
-procedure MatchFinder_ReduceOffsets; external;
-procedure GetMatchesSpec1; external;
-procedure MatchFinder_Init; external;
-procedure MatchFinder_CreateVTable; external;
-{ LzFindMt.h declarations ================================================== }
-procedure MatchFinderMt_Construct; external;
-procedure MatchFinderMt_Destruct; external;
-procedure MatchFinderMt_Create; external;
-procedure MatchFinderMt_CreateVTable; external;
-procedure MatchFinderMt_ReleaseStream; external;
-{ Lzma header fields ======================================================= }
- // The condensed compression properties
- TLZMAPropertyData = array[0..LZMA_PROPS_SIZE - 1] of Byte;
- // The header usually stored in front of LZMA compressed data
- TLZMAHeader = packed record
- PropertyData: TLZMAPropertyData;
- UncompressedSize: Int64;
- end;
- PLZMAHeader = ^TLZMAHeader;
-{ Error handling =========================================================== }
- EAbLZMAException = class(Exception);
-procedure LzmaCheck(AResultCode: SRes);
-procedure RaiseLzmaException(AResultCode: SRes);
-{ Linker directives ======================================================== }
- {$L Win32\LzFind.obj}
- {$L Win32\LzFindMt.obj}
- {$L Win32\LzmaDec.obj}
- {$L Win32\LzmaEnc.obj}
- {$L Win32\Threads.obj}
- {$L Win64\LzFind.obj}
- {$L Win64\LzFindMt.obj}
- {$L Win64\LzmaDec.obj}
- {$L Win64\LzmaEnc.obj}
- {$L Win64\Threads.obj}
-{ Error handling =========================================================== }
-procedure LzmaCheck(AResultCode: SRes);
- if AResultCode <> SZ_OK then
- RaiseLzmaException(AResultCode);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure RaiseLzmaException(AResultCode: SRes);
- case AResultCode of
- SZ_ERROR_DATA: raise EAbLZMAException.Create('LZMA Data Error.');
- SZ_ERROR_MEM: raise EAbLZMAException.Create('LZMA Memory Error.');
- SZ_ERROR_CRC: raise EAbLZMAException.Create('LZMA CRC Error.');
- SZ_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED: raise EAbLZMAException.Create('LZMA "Unsupported" Error.');
- SZ_ERROR_PARAM: raise EAbLZMAException.Create('LZMA Parameter Error.');
- SZ_ERROR_INPUT_EOF: raise EAbLZMAException.Create('LZMA Input EOF Error.');
- SZ_ERROR_OUTPUT_EOF: raise EAbLZMAException.Create('LZMA Output EOF Error.');
- SZ_ERROR_READ: raise EAbLZMAException.Create('LZMA Read Error.');
- SZ_ERROR_WRITE: raise EAbLZMAException.Create('LZMA Write Error.');
- SZ_ERROR_PROGRESS: raise EAbLZMAException.Create('LZMA Progress Error.');
- SZ_ERROR_FAIL: raise EAbLZMAException.Create('LZMA "Fail" Error.');
- SZ_ERROR_THREAD: raise EAbLZMAException.Create('LZMA Thread Error.');
- SZ_ERROR_ARCHIVE: raise EAbLZMAException.Create('LZMA Archive Error.');
- SZ_ERROR_NO_ARCHIVE: raise EAbLZMAException.Create('LZMA "No Archive" Error.');
- else
- raise EAbLZMAException.CreateFmt('Unknown LZMA error (%d)', [AResultCode]);
- end;
-{ Helper Routines ========================================================== }
-procedure LzmaDec_Construct(var p: CLzmaDec); cdecl;
- p.dic := nil;
- p.probs := nil;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function SzAlloc(p: Pointer; size: size_t): Pointer; cdecl;
- Result := GetMemory(size);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure SzFree(p, address: Pointer); cdecl;
- FreeMemory(address);
- DelphiMMInterface: ISzAlloc = (Alloc: SzAlloc; Free: SzFree);
-{ CSeq*Stream implementation =============================================== }
- CSeqInStream = packed record
- Intf: ISeqInStream;
- Stream: TStream;
- end;
- CSeqOutStream = packed record
- Intf: ISeqOutStream;
- Stream: TStream;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function ISeqInStream_Read(p: Pointer; var buf; var size: size_t): SRes; cdecl;
- try
- size := CSeqInStream(p^).Stream.Read(buf, size);
- Result := SZ_OK;
- except
- Result := SZ_ERROR_DATA;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function ISeqOutStream_Write(p: Pointer; const buf; size: size_t): size_t; cdecl;
- try
- Result := CSeqOutStream(p^).Stream.Write(buf, size);
- except
- Result := 0;
- end;
-{ Raw LZMA decompression =================================================== }
-{ Decompress an Lzma compressed stream. Based on LzmaUtil.c::Decode2 }
-function LzmaDecode2(var aState: CLzmaDec; aOutStream, aInStream: TStream;
- aUncompressedSize: Int64 = -1): SRes;
- IN_BUF_SIZE = 1 shl 16;
- OUT_BUF_SIZE = 1 shl 16;
- LHasSize: Boolean;
- LInBuf: array [0..IN_BUF_SIZE - 1] of Byte;
- LOutBuf: array [0..OUT_BUF_SIZE - 1] of Byte;
- LInPos, LInSize, LOutPos: size_t;
- LInProcessed, LOutProcessed: size_t;
- LFinishMode: ELzmaFinishMode;
- LStatus: ELzmaStatus;
- Result := 0;
- LHasSize := aUncompressedSize <> -1;
- LInPos := 0;
- LInSize := 0;
- LOutPos := 0;
- LzmaDec_Init(aState);
- while True do
- begin
- if LInPos = LInSize then
- begin
- LInSize := aInStream.Read(LInBuf, IN_BUF_SIZE);
- LInPos := 0;
- if LInSize = 0 then
- Break;
- end
- else
- begin
- LInProcessed := LInSize - LInPos;
- LOutProcessed := OUT_BUF_SIZE - LOutPos;
- LFinishMode := LZMA_FINISH_ANY;
- if LHasSize and (LOutProcessed > aUncompressedSize) then
- begin
- LOutProcessed := size_t(aUncompressedSize);
- LFinishMode := LZMA_FINISH_END;
- end;
- Result := LzmaDec_DecodeToBuf(aState, @LOutBuf[LOutPos], LOutProcessed,
- @LInBuf[LInPos], LInProcessed, LFinishMode, LStatus);
- Inc(LInPos, LInProcessed);
- Inc(LOutPos, LOutProcessed);
- Dec(aUncompressedSize, LOutProcessed);
- if (aOutStream <> nil) and (aOutStream.Write(LOutBuf, LOutPos) <> LOutPos) then
- begin
- Result := SZ_ERROR_WRITE;
- Exit;
- end;
- LOutPos := 0;
- if (Result <> SZ_OK) or (LHasSize and (aUncompressedSize = 0)) then
- Exit;
- if (LInProcessed = 0) and (LOutProcessed = 0) then
- begin
- if LHasSize or (LStatus <> LZMA_STATUS_FINISHED_WITH_MARK) then
- Result := SZ_ERROR_DATA;
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-{ Decompress an LZMA compressed stream. Pass AUncompressedSize = -1 if the
- uncompressed size is not known. }
-procedure LzmaDecodeStream(AProperties: PByte; APropSize: Integer;
- ASrc, ADes: TStream; AUncompressedSize: Int64);
- LLZMADecState: CLzmaDec;
- LzmaDec_Construct(LLZMADecState);
- try
- LzmaCheck(LzmaDec_Allocate(LLZMADecState, AProperties, APropSize, @DelphiMMInterface));
- LzmaCheck(LzmaDecode2(LLZMADecState, ADes, ASrc, AUncompressedSize));
- finally
- LzmaDec_Free(LLZMADecState, @DelphiMMInterface);
- end;
-{ Stream to stream compression and decompression =========================== }
-{ Decompresses streams compressed with the LZMA SDK's LzmaUtil.exe.
- Based on LzmaUtil.c::Decode }
-procedure LzmaDecodeStream(ASourceStream, ATargetStream: TStream);
- LUncompressedSize: Int64;
- // Header: 5 bytes of LZMA properties and 8 bytes of uncompressed size
- LHeader: TLZMAHeader;
- // Read and parse header
- ASourceStream.ReadBuffer(LHeader, SizeOf(LHeader));
- LUncompressedSize := LHeader.UncompressedSize;
- LzmaDecodeStream(PByte(@LHeader.PropertyData), LZMA_PROPS_SIZE, ASourceStream,
- ATargetStream, LUncompressedSize);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-{ Compresses a stream so it's compatible with the LZMA SDK's LzmaUtil.exe.
- Based on LzmaUtil.c::Encode }
-procedure LzmaEncodeStream(ASourceStream, ATargetStream: TStream; ASourceSize: Int64);
- LEncHandle: CLzmaEncHandle;
- LEncProps: CLzmaEncProps;
- LHeader: TLZMAHeader;
- LPropDataSize: size_t;
- LInStreamRec: CSeqInStream;
- LOutStreamRec: CSeqOutStream;
- LInStreamRec.Intf.Read := ISeqInStream_Read;
- LInStreamRec.Stream := ASourceStream;
- LOutStreamRec.Intf.Write := ISeqOutStream_Write;
- LOutStreamRec.Stream := ATargetStream;
- LEncHandle := LzmaEnc_Create(@DelphiMMInterface);
- if LEncHandle = nil then
- LzmaCheck(SZ_ERROR_MEM);
- try
- LzmaEncProps_Init(LEncProps);
- LzmaCheck(LzmaEnc_SetProps(LEncHandle, LEncProps));
- LPropDataSize := LZMA_PROPS_SIZE;
- LzmaCheck(LzmaEnc_WriteProperties(LEncHandle, PByte(@LHeader.PropertyData),
- LPropDataSize));
- LHeader.UncompressedSize := ASourceSize;
- ATargetStream.WriteBuffer(LHeader, SizeOf(LHeader));
- LzmaCheck(LzmaEnc_Encode(LEncHandle, @LOutStreamRec.Intf,
- @LInStreamRec.Intf, nil, @DelphiMMInterface, @DelphiMMInterface));
- finally
- LzmaEnc_Destroy(LEncHandle, @DelphiMMInterface, @DelphiMMInterface);
- end;
-{ In-memory compression and decompression ================================== }
-{ Given a pointer to the compressed data, this will return the size of the
- decompressed data. }
-function LzmaGetUncompressedSize(APCompressedData: Pointer; ACompressedSize: Integer): Integer;
- if ACompressedSize <= SizeOf(TLZMAHeader) then
- raise EAbLZMAException.Create('The LZMA compressed data is invalid (not enough bytes)');
- Result := PLZMAHeader(APCompressedData).UncompressedSize;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-{ Decompresses the LZMA compressed data at APCompressedData to the buffer
- pointed to by APUncompressedData. The buffer at APUncompressedData should be
- large enough to hold the number of bytes as returned by LzGetDecompressedSize. }
-procedure LzmaDecodeBuffer(APCompressedData: Pointer; ACompressedSize: Integer;
- APUncompressedData: Pointer);
- LPropertyData: TLZMAPropertyData;
- LUncompressedSize: Int64;
- LInputByteCount, LOutputByteCount: size_t;
- LStatus: ELzmaStatus;
- if ACompressedSize <= SizeOf(TLZMAHeader) then
- raise EAbLZMAException.Create('The LZMA compressed data is invalid (not enough bytes)');
- // Read the header from the compressed data.
- LPropertyData := PLZMAHeader(APCompressedData).PropertyData;
- LUncompressedSize := PLZMAHeader(APCompressedData).UncompressedSize;
- Inc(PAnsiChar(APCompressedData), SizeOf(TLZMAHeader));
- Dec(ACompressedSize, SizeOf(TLZMAHeader));
- // Decompress from the input to the output buffer. This will change the byte
- // count variables to the actual number of bytes consumed/written.
- LInputByteCount := ACompressedSize;
- LOutputByteCount := LUncompressedSize;
- LzmaCheck(LzmaDecode(APUncompressedData, LOutputByteCount,
- APCompressedData, LInputByteCount, PByte(@LPropertyData), LZMA_PROPS_SIZE,
- LZMA_FINISH_END, LStatus, @DelphiMMInterface));
- // Check that the input buffer was fully consumed and the output buffer was filled up.
- if (LOutputByteCount <> LUncompressedSize) or (LInputByteCount <> ACompressedSize) then
- raise EAbLZMAException.Create('LZMA decompression data error');
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-{ Compresses the data at APUncompressedData to the buffer at APCompressedData,
- and returns the number of bytes written. If ACompressedDataBufferCapacity is
- less than the number of bytes required to store the entire compressed stream,
- or any other error occurs, then an exception is raised. (A safe number for
- ACompressedDataBufferCapacity is slightly more than AUncompressedDataBufferSize.)
- Leave ACompressionLevel and ADictionarySize at -1 in order to use the default
- values (5 and 16MB respectively). }
-function LzmaEncodeBuffer(APUncompressedData: Pointer; AUncompressedSize: Integer;
- APCompressedData: Pointer;
- ACompressedDataBufferCapacity, ACompressionLevel, ADictionarySize: Integer): Integer;
- LEncProps: CLzmaEncProps;
- LPropsSize: size_t;
- LPOutBuf: PByte;
- LOutputBytes: size_t;
- if ACompressedDataBufferCapacity <= SizeOf(TLZMAHeader) then
- raise EAbLZMAException.Create('LZMA output buffer too small');
- // Set the uncompressed size in the header
- PLZMAHeader(APCompressedData).UncompressedSize := AUncompressedSize;
- // Set the properties
- LzmaEncProps_Init(LEncProps);
- if ACompressionLevel >= 0 then
- LEncProps.level := ACompressionLevel;
- if ADictionarySize >= 0 then
- LEncProps.dictSize := ADictionarySize;
- LPOutBuf := PByte(PtrUInt(APCompressedData) + SizeOf(TLZMAHeader));
- LOutputBytes := ACompressedDataBufferCapacity - SizeOf(TLZMAHeader);
- LPropsSize := LZMA_PROPS_SIZE;
- LzmaCheck(LzmaEncode(LPOutBuf, LOutputBytes, APUncompressedData,
- AUncompressedSize, LEncProps, APCompressedData, LPropsSize, 0, nil,
- @DelphiMMInterface, @DelphiMMInterface));
- Result := LOutputBytes + SizeOf(TLZMAHeader);
- // The LZMA routines are multithreaded and use the Delphi memory manager.
- IsMultiThread := True;
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbLZMAStream.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbLZMAStream.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index e1cfea0..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbLZMAStream.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,836 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Pierre le Riche
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2011
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- * Pierre le Riche
- * Craig Peterson
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
- LZMA Compression:
- 1) Create a TAbLZMACompressionStream, passing as parameter to the constructor
- the output stream where you want the compressed data stored.
- 2) Write the data that you want to compress to the TAbLZMACompressionStream.
- Compression occurs in a background thread.
- 3) (Optional) Notify the background compression thread that no more data will
- be written by calling NoMoreDataToCompress. Poll the IsBusy method to
- determine whether the background thread is still busy.
- 4) Free the TAbLZMACompressionStream to finish up and release resources. The
- compressed data will now be available in the output stream.
- LZMA Decompression:
- 1) Create a TAbLZMADecompressionStream, passing as parameter to the constructor
- the stream that contains the compressed data.
- 2) Read the decompressed data from TAbLZMADecompressionStream.
- 3) Free the TAbLZMADecompressionStream to finish up and release resources.
-unit AbLZMAStream;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- Windows, Classes, SysUtils, AbLZMA, AbUtils;
- {The size of the intermediate buffers for compressed and decompressed data.}
- CompressedDataBufferSize = 16 * 1024;
- UncompressedDataBufferSize = 32 * 1024;
- {When reading/writing very small blocks from/to a (de)compression stream an
- intermediate buffer is used to buffer the small IO operations in order to
- improve performance. Reads and writes larger than this size are unbuffered
- and handled by the (de)compression algorithm directly. This value must be
- smaller than the compressed and uncompressed data buffers.}
- MaximumBlockSizeForBufferedIO = 1024;
- {------------LZMA compression stream------------}
- TAbLZMACompressionStream = class;
- {The background compression thread.}
- TAbLZMACompressionThread = class(TThread)
- protected
- FCompressionStream: TAbLZMACompressionStream;
- {$IFNDEF HasThreadFinished}
- FFinished: Boolean;
- procedure DoTerminate; override;
- property Finished: Boolean read FFinished;
- {$ENDIF}
- public
- procedure Execute; override;
- end;
- {Buffers queued for compression by the background compression thread.}
- PAbQueuedBuffer = ^TAbQueuedBuffer;
- TAbQueuedBuffer = packed record
- PreviousBuffer, NextBuffer: PAbQueuedBuffer;
- DataSize: Integer;
- {Adds this buffer to the compression queue for the given compression stream.
- It is assumed that the compression stream has acquired the buffer critical
- section.}
- procedure QueueBuffer(ACompressionStream: TAbLZMACompressionStream);
- {Removes this buffer from the compression queue}
- procedure UnQueueBuffer;
- {Returns a pointer to the data the given offset into the buffer}
- function GetDataPointer(AOffset: Integer): Pointer;
- end;
- TAbLZMACompressionStream = class(TStream)
- protected
- FOutputStream: TStream;
- {The critical section used to control access to the buffers that are queued
- for compression. The main thread and the compression thread may not access
- the buffer queue at the same time.}
- FBufferCriticalSection: TRTLCriticalSection;
- {This semaphore is signalled by the main thread when it added a workload
- for the compression thread (usually when a buffer has been added to
- compress).}
- FPendingWorkSemaphore: THandle;
- {The LZMA compression handle}
- FLZMAEncHandle: CLzmaEncHandle;
- {The background thread used to perform the compression}
- FCompressionThread: TAbLZMACompressionThread;
- {The error code returned by the compression method. 0 = Success.}
- FCompressionErrorCode: Integer;
- {The intermediate compression buffer used to aggregate small writes. When
- NoMoreDataToCompress is called this buffer is freed, so no more data may
- be written.}
- FPIntermediateCompressionBuffer: PAbQueuedBuffer;
- FIntermediateCompressionBufferAvailableBytes: Integer;
- {The circular linked list of buffers that are queued for compression.}
- FQueuedData: TAbQueuedBuffer;
- {The number of bytes of buffer FQueuedData.NextBuffer that has already been
- submitted to the compressor.}
- FCurrentBufferBytesSubmitted: Integer;
- {The position in the output stream where the uncompressed size must be
- stored.}
- FOutputStreamHeaderSizeFieldPosition: Int64;
- {The total number of bytes written to the compression stream}
- FTotalBytesWritten: Int64;
- {Wakes up the compression thread by signalling the "pending work semaphore"}
- procedure WakeCompressionThread; inline;
- public
- constructor Create(AOutputStream: TStream; ACompressionLevel: Integer = 5;
- ADictionarySize: Integer = 65536);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- {Reading is not supported and will raise an exception.}
- function Read(var ABuffer; ACount: Longint): Longint; override;
- {Submits data to the compression queue.}
- function Write(const ABuffer; ACount: Longint): Longint; override;
- {Will raise an exception if an attempt is made to seek off the current
- position.}
- function Seek(AOffset: Integer; AOrigin: Word): Integer; override;
- function Seek(const AOffset: Int64; AOrigin: TSeekOrigin): Int64; override;
- {Signals the compression thread that no more data will be submitted.
- Calling write after NoMoreDataToCompress has been called will raise an
- exception.}
- procedure NoMoreDataToCompress;
- {Calls NoMoreDataToCompress and then waits for the background compression
- process to complete, returning the value of ErrorCode (0 = success).}
- function WaitForCompressionToFinish: Integer;
- {Returns True if the background thread is still busy compressing data. Will
- always return True until NoMoreDataToCompress is called.}
- function IsBusy: Boolean;
- {-------------Public properties---------------}
- {The error code returned by the compression method. 0 = Success.}
- property ErrorCode: Integer read FCompressionErrorCode;
- end;
- {------------LZMA decompression stream------------}
- TAbLZMADecompressionStream = class(TStream)
- protected
- FSourceStream: TStream;
- {The intermediate buffers for compressed and uncompressed data
- respectively.}
- FCompressedDataBuffer: array[0..CompressedDataBufferSize - 1] of Byte;
- FUncompressedDataBuffer: array[0..UncompressedDataBufferSize - 1] of Byte;
- {Read buffer control: Used to speed up frequent small reads via
- FUncompressedDataBuffer.}
- FReadBufferSize: Integer;
- FReadBufferAvailableBytes: Integer;
- {The current size and position into FCompressedDataBuffer}
- FCompressedDataBufferSize: Integer;
- FCompressedDataBufferPosition: Integer;
- {The uncompressed size according to the header.}
- FUncompressedSize: Int64;
- {The total number of bytes that have been decompressed.}
- FBytesDecompressed: Int64;
- {The LZMA decompression state}
- FLzmaState: CLzmaDec;
- {Decompresses data from the compressed source to the buffer pointed to by
- APBuffer. Returns the number of actual bytes stored (which may be less
- than the requested size if the end of the compressed stream was reached).}
- function InternalDecompressToBuffer(APBuffer: Pointer; ABufferSize: Integer): Integer;
- {---Property getters/setters---}
- function GetBytesRead: Int64;
- function GetSize: Int64; override;
- public
- constructor Create(ASourceStream: TStream);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function Read(var ABuffer; ACount: Integer): Integer; override;
- {Writing to a decompression stream is not allowed}
- function Write(const ABuffer; ACount: Integer): Integer; override;
- {Will raise an exception if an attempt is made to seek off the current
- position.}
- function Seek(AOffset: Integer; AOrigin: Word): Integer; override;
- function Seek(const AOffset: Int64; AOrigin: TSeekOrigin): Int64; override;
- {---Public properties---}
- {The number of decompressed bytes read from the decompression stream.}
- property BytesRead: Int64 read GetBytesRead;
- end;
- AbCrtl;
-{------------Memory management-------------}
-function SzAlloc(p: Pointer; size: size_t): Pointer; cdecl;
- Result := GetMemory(size);
-procedure SzFree(p, address: Pointer); cdecl;
- FreeMemory(address);
- DelphiMMInterface: ISzAlloc = (Alloc: SzAlloc; Free: SzFree);
-{------------Compression "interface"-------------}
- {The "interfaces" for the input and output streams}
- CSeqInStream_Compress = packed record
- Intf: ISeqInStream;
- CompressionStream: TAbLZMACompressionStream;
- end;
- CSeqOutStream_Compress = packed record
- Intf: ISeqOutStream;
- OutputStream: TStream;
- end;
-function ISeqInStream_Compress_Read(p: Pointer; var buf; var size: size_t): SRes; cdecl;
- LDoNotWaitForMoreData: Boolean;
- LStream: TAbLZMACompressionStream;
- LPSourceBuf, LPTargetBuf: PAnsiChar;
- LTargetSpace, LSourceBytesAvail: Integer;
- LPCurBuf: PAbQueuedBuffer;
- try
- LTargetSpace := size;
- LPTargetBuf := @buf;
- LStream := CSeqInStream_Compress(p^).CompressionStream;
- while True do
- begin
- {Copy any buffered data to the LZMA buffer, returning the number of bytes
- written}
- EnterCriticalSection(LStream.FBufferCriticalSection);
- try
- {If the write buffer has been freed that the main thread will not add
- any more buffers for compression.}
- LDoNotWaitForMoreData := LStream.FPIntermediateCompressionBuffer = nil;
- {Copy as much queued data to the LZMA compression buffer as we have (or
- will fit).}
- while True do
- begin
- LPCurBuf := LStream.FQueuedData.NextBuffer;
- {No buffers left? -> Break the loop}
- if LPCurBuf = @LStream.FQueuedData then
- Break;
- {Can this buffer be submitted in its entirety, or only a part?}
- LPSourceBuf := LPCurBuf.GetDataPointer(LStream.FCurrentBufferBytesSubmitted);
- LSourceBytesAvail := LPCurBuf.DataSize - LStream.FCurrentBufferBytesSubmitted;
- if LSourceBytesAvail > LTargetSpace then
- begin
- {Submit only part of the buffer}
- System.Move(LPSourceBuf^, LPTargetBuf^, LTargetSpace);
- Inc(LStream.FCurrentBufferBytesSubmitted, LTargetSpace);
- LTargetSpace := 0;
- Break;
- end
- else
- begin
- {Submit all the remaining bytes in the buffer and free it.}
- System.Move(LPSourceBuf^, LPTargetBuf^, LSourceBytesAvail);
- Inc(LPTargetBuf, LSourceBytesAvail);
- Dec(LTargetSpace, LSourceBytesAvail);
- LStream.FCurrentBufferBytesSubmitted := 0;
- LPCurBuf.UnQueueBuffer;
- FreeMem(LPCurBuf);
- end;
- end;
- finally
- LeaveCriticalSection(LStream.FBufferCriticalSection);
- end;
- {If data was submitted to the compressor, or the main thread indicated
- that compression is complete then the loop is broken.}
- if (LTargetSpace <> size) or LDoNotWaitForMoreData then
- Break;
- {No data currently queued, but there may still be more coming: Wait for
- the main thread to notify this thread that more work is pending.}
- WaitForSingleObject(LStream.FPendingWorkSemaphore, INFINITE);
- end;
- {Update the number of bytes written}
- Dec(size, LTargetSpace);
- Result := SZ_OK;
- except
- Result := SZ_ERROR_DATA;
- end;
-function ISeqOutStream_Compress_Write(p: Pointer; const buf; size: size_t): size_t; cdecl;
- try
- Result := CSeqOutStream_Compress(p^).OutputStream.Write(buf, size);
- except
- Result := 0;
- end;
-{ TAbQueuedBuffer }
-function TAbQueuedBuffer.GetDataPointer(AOffset: Integer): Pointer;
- Result := Pointer(PtrUInt(@Self) + SizeOf(TAbQueuedBuffer) + PtrUInt(AOffset));
-procedure TAbQueuedBuffer.QueueBuffer(ACompressionStream: TAbLZMACompressionStream);
- PreviousBuffer:= ACompressionStream.FQueuedData.PreviousBuffer;
- NextBuffer:= @ACompressionStream.FQueuedData;
- ACompressionStream.FQueuedData.PreviousBuffer.NextBuffer := @Self;
- ACompressionStream.FQueuedData.PreviousBuffer := @Self;
-procedure TAbQueuedBuffer.UnQueueBuffer;
- PreviousBuffer.NextBuffer := NextBuffer;
- NextBuffer.PreviousBuffer := PreviousBuffer;
- PreviousBuffer := nil;
- NextBuffer := nil;
-{ TAbLZMACompressionStream }
-constructor TAbLZMACompressionStream.Create(AOutputStream: TStream; ACompressionLevel,
- ADictionarySize: Integer);
- LLZMAProps: CLzmaEncProps;
- LLZMAPropData: TLZMAPropertyData;
- LHeaderSize: size_t;
- inherited Create;
- FOutputStream := AOutputStream;
- {Initialize the linked list of buffers.}
- FQueuedData.PreviousBuffer := @FQueuedData;
- FQueuedData.NextBuffer := @FQueuedData;
- {Allocate the intermediate compression buffer}
- GetMem(FPIntermediateCompressionBuffer, UncompressedDataBufferSize + SizeOf(TAbQueuedBuffer));
- FIntermediateCompressionBufferAvailableBytes := UncompressedDataBufferSize;
- {Initialize the critical section used to control access to the queued data
- buffer.}
- InitializeCriticalSection(FBufferCriticalSection);
- {Create the semaphore used to put the worker thread to sleep when the input
- buffer is empty.}
- FPendingWorkSemaphore := CreateSemaphore(nil, 0, 1, nil);
- {Create the LZMA encoder}
- FLZMAEncHandle := LzmaEnc_Create(@DelphiMMInterface);
- if FLZMAEncHandle = nil then
- raise Exception.Create('Unable to allocate memory for the LZMA compressor.');
- {Set the compression properties}
- LzmaEncProps_Init(LLZMAProps);
- LLZMAProps.level := ACompressionLevel;
- LLZMAProps.dictSize := ADictionarySize;
- LzmaCheck(LzmaEnc_SetProps(FLZMAEncHandle, LLZMAProps));
- {Store the header in the output stream, making note of the position in the
- stream where the uncompressed size will be stored when compression is
- completed.}
- LHeaderSize := LZMA_PROPS_SIZE;
- LzmaCheck(LzmaEnc_WriteProperties(FLZMAEncHandle, PByte(@LLZMAPropData), LHeaderSize));
- FOutputStream.WriteBuffer(LLZMAPropData, LHeaderSize);
- FOutputStreamHeaderSizeFieldPosition := FOutputStream.Position;
- FOutputStream.WriteBuffer(FTotalBytesWritten, SizeOf(FTotalBytesWritten));
- {Create and start the compression thread.}
- FCompressionThread := TAbLZMACompressionThread.Create(True);
- FCompressionThread.FCompressionStream := Self;
- {$IFDEF HasThreadStart}
- FCompressionThread.Start;
- {$ELSE}
- FCompressionThread.Resume;
- {$ENDIF}
-destructor TAbLZMACompressionStream.Destroy;
- LPBuf: PAbQueuedBuffer;
- LOldPos: Int64;
- WaitForCompressionToFinish;
- {If something went wrong during creation of this object before the thread was
- created, then the encoder handle may be non-nil.}
- if FLZMAEncHandle <> nil then
- begin
- LzmaEnc_Destroy(FLZMAEncHandle, @DelphiMMInterface, @DelphiMMInterface);
- FLZMAEncHandle := nil;
- end;
- {Free the critical section and semaphore}
- DeleteCriticalSection(FBufferCriticalSection);
- CloseHandle(FPendingWorkSemaphore);
- {Free the intermediate compression buffer if something went wrong before the
- thread could be created.}
- FreeMem(FPIntermediateCompressionBuffer);
- {If compression failed there may be uncompressed data in the queue: free
- those buffers.}
- while True do
- begin
- LPBuf := FQueuedData.NextBuffer;
- if LPBuf = @FQueuedData then
- Break;
- LPBuf.UnQueueBuffer;
- FreeMem(LPBuf);
- end;
- {Unpdate the uncompressed size in the header}
- if FTotalBytesWritten > 0 then
- begin
- LOldPos := FOutputStream.Position;
- FOutputStream.Position := FOutputStreamHeaderSizeFieldPosition;
- FOutputStream.WriteBuffer(FTotalBytesWritten, SizeOf(FTotalBytesWritten));
- FOutputStream.Position := LOldPos;
- end;
- inherited Destroy;
-function TAbLZMACompressionStream.IsBusy: Boolean;
- Result := (FCompressionThread <> nil) and (not FCompressionThread.Finished);
-procedure TAbLZMACompressionStream.NoMoreDataToCompress;
- LUnqueuedBytes: Integer;
- if FPIntermediateCompressionBuffer <> nil then
- begin
- EnterCriticalSection(FBufferCriticalSection);
- try
- {No more data may be submitted at this point. Set the flag to indicate
- this, and wake the compression thread so that it can finish up.}
- LUnqueuedBytes := UncompressedDataBufferSize - FIntermediateCompressionBufferAvailableBytes;
- if LUnqueuedBytes > 0 then
- begin
- FPIntermediateCompressionBuffer.DataSize := LUnqueuedBytes;
- FPIntermediateCompressionBuffer.QueueBuffer(Self);
- end
- else
- FreeMem(FPIntermediateCompressionBuffer);
- {The temporary buffer is always released, so no further writes may be
- performed.}
- FPIntermediateCompressionBuffer := nil;
- finally
- LeaveCriticalSection(FBufferCriticalSection);
- end;
- {Wake up the compression thread so it can finish the compression process.}
- WakeCompressionThread;
- end;
-function TAbLZMACompressionStream.Read(var ABuffer; ACount: Integer): Longint;
- raise Exception.Create('The compression stream does not support reading.');
-function TAbLZMACompressionStream.Seek(const AOffset: Int64;
- AOrigin: TSeekOrigin): Int64;
- Result := FTotalBytesWritten;
- if ((AOrigin <> soBeginning) or (AOffset <> Result))
- and ((AOrigin = soBeginning) or (AOffset <> 0)) then
- begin
- raise Exception.Create('The compression stream does not support seeking away from the current position.');
- end;
-function TAbLZMACompressionStream.Seek(AOffset: Integer; AOrigin: Word): Integer;
- Result := Seek(Int64(AOffset), TSeekOrigin(AOrigin));
-function TAbLZMACompressionStream.WaitForCompressionToFinish: Integer;
- if FCompressionThread <> nil then
- begin
- {Notify the thread that no further data will be submitted.}
- NoMoreDataToCompress;
- {Wait for the compression thread to complete normally and then free it.}
- FCompressionThread.WaitFor;
- FreeAndNil(FCompressionThread);
- end;
- Result := FCompressionErrorCode;
-procedure TAbLZMACompressionStream.WakeCompressionThread;
- ReleaseSemaphore(FPendingWorkSemaphore, 1, nil);
-function TAbLZMACompressionStream.Write(const ABuffer; ACount: Integer): Longint;
- LPSource: PAnsiChar;
- LPBufData: Pointer;
- LPLargeBuf: PAbQueuedBuffer;
- if FPIntermediateCompressionBuffer = nil then
- raise Exception.Create('Write may not be called after NoMoreDataToCompress.');
- if ACount <= 0 then
- begin
- Result := 0;
- Exit;
- end;
- LPSource := @ABuffer;
- {Get a pointer to the position in the intermediate buffer to be written.}
- LPBufData := FPIntermediateCompressionBuffer.GetDataPointer(
- UncompressedDataBufferSize - FIntermediateCompressionBufferAvailableBytes);
- if FIntermediateCompressionBufferAvailableBytes > ACount then
- begin
- {Copy the data into the intermediate buffer and exit.}
- System.Move(LPSource^, LPBufData^, ACount);
- Dec(FIntermediateCompressionBufferAvailableBytes, ACount);
- Result := ACount;
- end
- else
- begin
- {Fill up the intermediate buffer}
- System.Move(LPSource^, LPBufData^, FIntermediateCompressionBufferAvailableBytes);
- Dec(ACount, FIntermediateCompressionBufferAvailableBytes);
- Inc(LPSource, FIntermediateCompressionBufferAvailableBytes);
- Result := FIntermediateCompressionBufferAvailableBytes;
- {If we get here the current intermediate buffer is now full, and must be
- queued.}
- EnterCriticalSection(FBufferCriticalSection);
- try
- {Insert this buffer into the compression queue.}
- FPIntermediateCompressionBuffer.DataSize := UncompressedDataBufferSize;
- FPIntermediateCompressionBuffer.QueueBuffer(Self);
- {Allocate a new intermediate compression buffer}
- GetMem(FPIntermediateCompressionBuffer, UncompressedDataBufferSize + SizeOf(TAbQueuedBuffer));
- FIntermediateCompressionBufferAvailableBytes := UncompressedDataBufferSize;
- {Should the remaining data be copied into the intermediate compression
- buffer, or is it too large and must it be queued separately?}
- if ACount < UncompressedDataBufferSize then
- begin
- LPBufData := FPIntermediateCompressionBuffer.GetDataPointer(0);
- System.Move(LPSource^, LPBufData^, ACount);
- Dec(FIntermediateCompressionBufferAvailableBytes, ACount);
- end
- else
- begin
- {The remaining data is larger than the intermediate buffer: queue it
- separately}
- GetMem(LPLargeBuf, ACount + SizeOf(TAbQueuedBuffer));
- LPLargeBuf.DataSize := ACount;
- LPLargeBuf.QueueBuffer(Self);
- {Copy the data across}
- LPBufData := LPLargeBuf.GetDataPointer(0);
- System.Move(LPSource^, LPBufData^, ACount);
- end;
- {Update the number of bytes written}
- Inc(Result, ACount);
- finally
- LeaveCriticalSection(FBufferCriticalSection);
- end;
- {Wake up the compression thread to compress the newly queued data}
- WakeCompressionThread;
- end;
- Inc(FTotalBytesWritten, Result);
-{ TAbLZMACompressionThread }
-{$IFNDEF HasThreadFinished}
-procedure TAbLZMACompressionThread.DoTerminate;
- inherited DoTerminate;
- FFinished := True;
-procedure TAbLZMACompressionThread.Execute;
- LInStreamRec: CSeqInStream_Compress;
- LOutStreamRec: CSeqOutStream_Compress;
- {Call the compression function and save the error code}
- LInStreamRec.Intf.Read := ISeqInStream_Compress_Read;
- LInStreamRec.CompressionStream := FCompressionStream;
- LOutStreamRec.Intf.Write := ISeqOutStream_Compress_Write;
- LOutStreamRec.OutputStream := FCompressionStream.FOutputStream;
- FCompressionStream.FCompressionErrorCode := LzmaEnc_Encode(FCompressionStream.FLZMAEncHandle,
- @LOutStreamRec.Intf, @LInStreamRec.Intf, nil, @DelphiMMInterface, @DelphiMMInterface);
- {Free the compression handle}
- LzmaEnc_Destroy(FCompressionStream.FLZMAEncHandle, @DelphiMMInterface, @DelphiMMInterface);
- FCompressionStream.FLZMAEncHandle := nil;
-{ TAbLZMADecompressionStream }
-constructor TAbLZMADecompressionStream.Create(ASourceStream: TStream);
- LLZMAPropData: TLZMAPropertyData;
- inherited Create;
- FSourceStream := ASourceStream;
- {Read the header and uncompressed size from the compressed data stream.}
- FSourceStream.ReadBuffer(LLZMAPropData, LZMA_PROPS_SIZE);
- FSourceStream.ReadBuffer(FUncompressedSize, SizeOf(FUncompressedSize));
- {Initialize the decompressor using the information from the header}
- LzmaDec_Construct(FLzmaState);
- LzmaCheck(LzmaDec_Allocate(FLzmaState, PByte(@LLZMAPropData), LZMA_PROPS_SIZE,
- @DelphiMMInterface));
- LzmaDec_Init(FLzmaState);
-destructor TAbLZMADecompressionStream.Destroy;
- LUnusedBytes: Integer;
- {Release all decompression resources.}
- LzmaDec_Free(FLzmaState, @DelphiMMInterface);
- {Any unconsumed bytes in the compressed input buffer should be returned to
- the source stream.}
- LUnusedBytes := FCompressedDataBufferSize - FCompressedDataBufferPosition;
- if LUnusedBytes > 0 then
- FSourceStream.Position := FSourceStream.Position - LUnusedBytes;
- inherited Destroy;
-function TAbLZMADecompressionStream.GetBytesRead: Int64;
- Result := FBytesDecompressed - FReadBufferAvailableBytes;
-function TAbLZMADecompressionStream.GetSize: Int64;
- Result := FUncompressedSize;
-function TAbLZMADecompressionStream.InternalDecompressToBuffer(APBuffer: Pointer;
- ABufferSize: Integer): Integer;
- LInputBytesProcessed, LOutputBytesProcessed: size_t;
- LFinishMode: Integer;
- LStatus: ELzmaStatus;
- Result := 0;
- {Any more data to decompress to the output buffer?}
- while ABufferSize > 0 do
- begin
- {Read more compressed data into the compressed data buffer, if required.}
- if FCompressedDataBufferPosition >= FCompressedDataBufferSize then
- begin
- FCompressedDataBufferSize := FSourceStream.Read(FCompressedDataBuffer,
- CompressedDataBufferSize);
- FCompressedDataBufferPosition := 0;
- end;
- {Initialize the "processed byte count" variables to the sizes of the input
- and output buffers.}
- LInputBytesProcessed := FCompressedDataBufferSize - FCompressedDataBufferPosition;
- LOutputBytesProcessed := ABufferSize;
- {We may not read more bytes than the number of uncompressed bytes according
- to the header.}
- if (FUncompressedSize - FBytesDecompressed) <= LOutputBytesProcessed then
- begin
- LOutputBytesProcessed := FUncompressedSize - FBytesDecompressed;
- LFinishMode := LZMA_FINISH_END;
- end
- else
- LFinishMode := LZMA_FINISH_ANY;
- {Decompress from the input to the output buffer}
- LzmaCheck(LzmaDec_DecodeToBuf(FLzmaState, APBuffer,
- LOutputBytesProcessed, @FCompressedDataBuffer[FCompressedDataBufferPosition],
- LInputBytesProcessed, LFinishMode, LStatus));
- {Update the input and output buffer stats}
- Inc(FCompressedDataBufferPosition, LInputBytesProcessed);
- Inc(PAnsiChar(APBuffer), LOutputBytesProcessed);
- Dec(ABufferSize, LOutputBytesProcessed);
- {Update the number of bytes decompressed}
- Inc(Result, LOutputBytesProcessed);
- Inc(FBytesDecompressed, LOutputBytesProcessed);
- {Was all the data decompressed? If so, break the loop.}
- if FUncompressedSize = FBytesDecompressed then
- Break;
- {Was nothing from the input or output streams processed? If so, then
- something has gone wrong.}
- if (LInputBytesProcessed = 0) and (LOutputBytesProcessed = 0) then
- raise Exception.Create('LZMA decompression data error');
- end;
-function TAbLZMADecompressionStream.Read(var ABuffer; ACount: Integer): Integer;
- LBytesAlreadyRead: Integer;
- {Anything to read?}
- if ACount > 0 then
- begin
- {Do we have enough data in the read buffer to satisfy the request?}
- if FReadBufferAvailableBytes >= ACount then
- begin
- {Enough data in the buffer: Fill the output buffer.}
- System.Move(PAnsiChar(@FUncompressedDataBuffer)[FReadBufferSize - FReadBufferAvailableBytes],
- ABuffer, ACount);
- {Subtract from the available bytes in the read buffer.}
- Dec(FReadBufferAvailableBytes, ACount);
- {Successfully read the number of bytes requested}
- Result := ACount;
- end
- else
- begin
- {Not enough bytes available in the read buffer: Is there anything
- available in the uncompressed data buffer? If so, then transfer what we
- have.}
- if FReadBufferAvailableBytes > 0 then
- begin
- {There is some data in the buffer: Read everything}
- System.Move(PAnsiChar(@FUncompressedDataBuffer)[FReadBufferSize - FReadBufferAvailableBytes],
- ABuffer, FReadBufferAvailableBytes);
- LBytesAlreadyRead := FReadBufferAvailableBytes;
- FReadBufferAvailableBytes := 0;
- end
- else
- LBytesAlreadyRead := 0;
- {If we get here it means the read buffer has been emptied and some data
- still has to be read: Do we need to fill up the read buffer again, or do
- we read directly into the target buffer? Large reads bypass the read
- buffering mechanism.}
- if ACount <= MaximumBlockSizeForBufferedIO then
- begin
- {Try to fill the read buffer again}
- FReadBufferSize := InternalDecompressToBuffer(@FUncompressedDataBuffer, UncompressedDataBufferSize);
- FReadBufferAvailableBytes := FReadBufferSize;
- {No more data available? If so we're done.}
- if FReadBufferAvailableBytes = 0 then begin
- Result := LBytesAlreadyRead;
- Exit;
- end;
- {Is enough data now available?}
- if FReadBufferAvailableBytes >= (ACount - LBytesAlreadyRead) then
- begin
- {Enough data in the buffer: Fill the output buffer.}
- System.Move(FUncompressedDataBuffer,
- PAnsiChar(@ABuffer)[LBytesAlreadyRead],
- ACount - LBytesAlreadyRead);
- {Subtract from the available bytes in the read buffer and return the
- number of bytes read.}
- Dec(FReadBufferAvailableBytes, ACount - LBytesAlreadyRead);
- {Successfully read the number of bytes requested}
- Result := ACount;
- end
- else
- begin
- {Enough data is still not available (the end of the compressed stream
- has been reached): Read what we can.}
- System.Move(FUncompressedDataBuffer,
- PAnsiChar(@ABuffer)[LBytesAlreadyRead],
- FReadBufferAvailableBytes);
- Inc(LBytesAlreadyRead, FReadBufferAvailableBytes);
- FReadBufferAvailableBytes := 0;
- Result := LBytesAlreadyRead;
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- {Decompress directly into the output buffer.}
- Result := InternalDecompressToBuffer(
- @PAnsiChar(@ABuffer)[LBytesAlreadyRead],
- ACount - LBytesAlreadyRead) + LBytesAlreadyRead;
- end;
- end;
- end
- else
- Result := 0;
-function TAbLZMADecompressionStream.Seek(const AOffset: Int64; AOrigin: TSeekOrigin): Int64;
- Result := GetBytesRead;
- if ((AOrigin <> soBeginning) or (AOffset <> Result))
- and ((AOrigin <> soCurrent) or (AOffset <> 0)) then
- begin
- raise Exception.Create('Decompression streams do not support seeking away '
- + 'from the current position.');
- end;
-function TAbLZMADecompressionStream.Seek(AOffset: Integer; AOrigin: Word): Integer;
- Result := Seek(Int64(AOffset), TSeekOrigin(AOrigin));
-function TAbLZMADecompressionStream.Write(const ABuffer; ACount: Integer): Integer;
- raise Exception.Create('Writing to a LZMA decompression stream is not supported.');
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbMeter.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbMeter.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 46d8420..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbMeter.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,307 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbMeter.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Progress meter *}
-{* Use AbQMeter.pas for CLX *}
-unit AbMeter;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- Classes,
- Windows,
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF LibcAPI}
- Libc,
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF UsingCLX }
- QControls, QGraphics, QForms, QExtCtrls,
- {$ELSE}
- Controls, Graphics, Forms, ExtCtrls,
- {$ENDIF}
- AbBrowse;
- TAbMeterOrientation = (moHorizontal, moVertical);
- TAbCustomMeter = class(TGraphicControl, IAbProgressMeter)
- {.Z+}
- protected {private}
- {property variables}
- FBorderStyle : TBorderStyle;
- FCtl3D : Boolean;
- FOrientation : TAbMeterOrientation;
- FPercent : Integer;
- FTickMarks : Byte;
- FUsedColor : TColor;
- FUnusedColor : TColor;
- {internal methods}
- function GetVersion : string;
- procedure Paint;
- override;
- procedure SetBorderStyle(const Value : TBorderStyle);
- procedure SetCtl3D(const Value : Boolean);
- procedure SetOrientation(const O : TAbMeterOrientation);
- procedure SetTickMarks(const Value: Byte);
- procedure SetUnusedColor(const C : TColor);
- procedure SetUsedColor(const C : TColor);
- procedure SetVersion(Value : string);
- property Version : string
- read GetVersion write SetVersion stored False;
- {.Z-}
- public {methods}
- constructor Create(AOwner : TComponent);
- override;
- procedure DoProgress(Progress : Byte);
- procedure Reset;
- public {properties}
- property BorderStyle : TBorderStyle
- read FBorderStyle write SetBorderStyle default bsSingle;
- property Ctl3D : Boolean
- read FCtl3D write SetCtl3D default True;
- property Orientation : TAbMeterOrientation
- read FOrientation write SetOrientation;
- property TickMarks: Byte
- read FTickMarks write SetTickMarks default 10;
- property UnusedColor : TColor
- read FUnusedColor write SetUnusedColor;
- property UsedColor : TColor
- read FUsedColor write SetUsedColor;
- end;
- TAbMeter = class(TAbCustomMeter)
- published
- property Anchors;
- property Constraints;
- property Align;
- property BorderStyle;
- property Ctl3D;
- property Font;
- property OnClick;
- property OnDblClick;
- property OnMouseDown;
- property OnMouseMove;
- property OnMouseUp;
- property Orientation;
- property ParentFont;
- property ParentShowHint;
- property ShowHint;
- property TickMarks;
- property UnusedColor;
- property UsedColor;
- property Version;
- property Visible;
- end;
- {.Z+}
- Types, AbConst;
-{ == TAbCustomMeter ======================================================== }
-constructor TAbCustomMeter.Create(AOwner : TComponent);
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- {$IFNDEF UsingCLX}
- if NewStyleControls then
- ControlStyle := ControlStyle + [csOpaque]
- else
- ControlStyle := ControlStyle + [csOpaque, csFramed];
- {$ELSE}
- ControlStyle := ControlStyle + [csOpaque, csFramed];
- {$ENDIF}
- FBorderStyle := bsSingle;
- FCtl3D := True;
- FOrientation := moHorizontal;
- FTickMarks := 10;
- FUnusedColor := clBtnFace;
- FUsedColor := clNavy;
- Width := 150;
- Height := 16;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbCustomMeter.GetVersion : string;
- Result := AbVersionS;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomMeter.DoProgress(Progress : Byte);
- if (Progress <> FPercent) then begin
- FPercent := Progress;
- if (FPercent >= 100) then
- FPercent := 0;
- Refresh;
- Application.ProcessMessages;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomMeter.Paint;
- VSpace = 2;
- HSpace = 1;
- LSpace = 1;
- RSpace = 1;
- ClRect, R : TRect;
- ClWidth : Integer;
- ClHeight : Integer;
- BlockWidth : Integer;
- BlockCount : Integer;
- i : Integer;
- ClRect := ClientRect;
- ClWidth := ClRect.Right - CLRect.Left + 1;
- ClHeight := ClRect.Bottom - ClRect.Top + 1;
- if (Orientation = moHorizontal) then
- BlockWidth := ((ClWidth - LSpace - RSpace - (9 * VSpace)) div FTickMarks) + 1
- else
- BlockWidth := ((ClHeight - LSpace - RSpace - (9 * HSpace)) div FTickMarks) + 1;
- BlockCount := FPercent div FTickMarks;
- if not Assigned((Canvas as TControlCanvas).Control) then begin
- TControlCanvas(Canvas).Control := self;
- end;
- with Canvas do begin
- Brush.Color := FUnusedColor;
- FillRect(Rect(ClRect.Left, ClRect.Top, ClRect.Left + ClWidth - 1,
- ClRect.Top + ClHeight - 1));
- Brush.Color := FUsedColor;
- if (BlockCount > 0) then begin
- if (Orientation = moHorizontal) then begin
- R.Top := ClRect.Top + HSpace;
- R.Bottom := ClRect.Bottom - HSpace;
- for i := 0 to Pred(BlockCount) do begin
- R.Left := ClRect.Left + LSpace + (i * VSpace) +
- (i * BlockWidth);
- R.Right := R.Left + BlockWidth;
- FillRect(R);
- end;
- end else begin {moVertical}
- R.Left := ClRect.Left + VSpace;
- R.Right := ClRect.Right - VSpace;
- for i := 0 to Pred(BlockCount) do begin
- R.Bottom := ClRect.Bottom - LSpace - (i * HSpace) -
- (i * BlockWidth);
- R.Top := R.Bottom - BlockWidth;
- FillRect(R);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if (BorderStyle <> bsNone) then begin
- if Ctl3D then
- Frame3D(Canvas, ClRect, clBtnShadow, clBtnHighlight, 1)
- else
- Frame3D(Canvas, ClRect, clBlack, clBlack, 1);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomMeter.Reset;
- DoProgress(0);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomMeter.SetBorderStyle(const Value : TBorderStyle);
- if (Value <> FBorderStyle) then begin
- FBorderStyle := Value;
- Invalidate;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomMeter.SetCtl3D(const Value : Boolean);
- if (Value <> FCtl3D) then begin
- FCtl3D := Value;
- Invalidate;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomMeter.SetOrientation(const O : TAbMeterOrientation);
- Temp : Integer;
- if (O <> FOrientation) then begin
- FOrientation := O;
- if not (csLoading in ComponentState) then begin
- Temp := Width;
- Width := Height;
- Height := Temp;
- end;
- Invalidate;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomMeter.SetTickMarks(const Value: Byte);
- if Value <= 0 then
- FTickMarks := 10
- else
- FTickMarks := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomMeter.SetUnusedColor(const C : TColor);
- if (C <> FUnusedColor) then begin
- FUnusedColor := C;
- Invalidate;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomMeter.SetUsedColor(const C : TColor);
- if (C <> FUsedColor) then begin
- FUsedColor := C;
- Invalidate;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomMeter.SetVersion(Value : string);
- {NOP}
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbPPMd.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbPPMd.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index eb9764d..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbPPMd.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Craig Peterson
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2011
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- * Craig Peterson
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbPPMd.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: PPMd decompression *}
-unit AbPPMd;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- Classes;
-procedure DecompressPPMd(aSrc, aDes: TStream);
- AbCrtl,
- SysUtils,
- AbExcept;
-// Compiled with:
-// Release: bcc32 -q -c *.c
-// Debug: bcc32 -q -c -v -y *.c
-{ Linker derectives ======================================================== }
-// Don't re-order these; it will cause linker errors
- {$L Win32\PPMdVariantI.obj}
- {$L Win32\PPMdContext.obj}
- {$L Win32\PPMdSubAllocatorVariantI.obj}
- {$L Win32\CarrylessRangeCoder.obj}
- {$L Win64\PPMdVariantI.obj}
- {$L Win64\PPMdContext.obj}
- {$L Win64\PPMdSubAllocatorVariantI.obj}
- {$L Win64\CarrylessRangeCoder.obj}
-{ CarrylessRangeCoder.h ==================================================== }
- PInStream = ^TInStream;
- TInStream = record
- nextByte: function(Self: PInStream): Byte; cdecl;
- // Private data
- stream: TStream;
- InPos: Integer;
- InCount: Integer;
- InBuf: array[0..4097] of Byte;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TInStream_NextByte(Self: PInStream): Byte; cdecl;
- if Self.InPos = Self.InCount then begin
- Self.InCount := Self.stream.Read(Self.InBuf, SizeOf(Self.InBuf));
- if Self.InCount = 0 then
- raise EAbReadError.Create;
- Self.InPos := 0;
- end;
- Result := Self.InBuf[Self.InPos];
- Inc(Self.InPos);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TInStream_Create(aStream: TStream): PInStream;
- GetMem(Result, SizeOf(TInStream));
- Result.nextByte := TInStream_NextByte;
- Result.stream := aStream;
- Result.InPos := 0;
- Result.InCount := 0;
-{ PPMdVariantI.h =========================================================== }
- PPMdModelVariantI = Pointer;
-function CreatePPMdModelVariantI(const input: TInStream;
- suballocsize, maxorder, restoration: Integer): PPMdModelVariantI; cdecl; external;
-procedure FreePPMdModelVariantI(Self: PPMdModelVariantI); cdecl; external;
-function NextPPMdVariantIByte(Self: PPMdModelVariantI): Integer; cdecl; external;
-{ Decompression routines =================================================== }
-procedure DecompressPPMd(aSrc, aDes: TStream);
- OutBufSize = 4096;
- nextByte: Integer;
- params: word;
- ppmd: PPMdModelVariantI;
- Src: PInStream;
- OutBuf: PByteArray;
- OutPos: Integer;
- Src := TInStream_Create(aSrc);
- try
- GetMem(OutBuf, OutBufSize);
- try
- OutPos := 0;
- ASrc.ReadBuffer(Params, SizeOf(Params));// Pkzip stream header
- ppmd := CreatePPMdModelVariantI(Src^,
- (((Params shr 4) and $FF) + 1) shl 20,// sub-allocator size
- (Params and $0F) + 1, // model order
- Params shr 12); // model restoration method
- try
- while True do begin
- nextByte := NextPPMdVariantIByte(ppmd);
- if nextByte < 0 then Break;
- OutBuf[OutPos] := Byte(nextByte);
- Inc(OutPos);
- if OutPos = OutBufSize then begin
- aDes.WriteBuffer(OutBuf^, OutBufSize);
- OutPos := 0;
- end;
- end;
- if OutPos > 0 then
- aDes.WriteBuffer(OutBuf^, OutPos);
- finally
- FreePPMdModelVariantI(ppmd);
- end;
- finally
- FreeMem(OutBuf);
- end;
- finally
- FreeMem(Src);
- end;
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbPeCol.dfm b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbPeCol.dfm
deleted file mode 100644
index e7c54cd..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbPeCol.dfm and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbPeCol.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbPeCol.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 7aad5fb..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbPeCol.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbPeCol.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Property Editor - ZipView column headings *}
-{* Use AbQPeCol.pas for CLX *}
-unit AbPeCol;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- Windows,
-{$IFDEF UsingClx}
- QGraphics,
- QForms,
- QControls,
- QStdCtrls,
- QButtons,
- QExtCtrls,
- AbQView,
- AbBseCLX,
- Graphics,
- Forms,
- Controls,
- StdCtrls,
- Buttons,
- ExtCtrls,
- AbView,
- AbBseVcl,
- DesignIntf,
- DesignEditors,
- AbConst,
- SysUtils,
- Classes;
- TAbColHeadingsEditor = class(TForm)
- Panel1: TPanel;
- Label1: TLabel;
- Attribute1: TComboBox;
- Done1: TBitBtn;
- Apply1: TBitBtn;
- Label2: TLabel;
- Heading1: TEdit;
- Button1: TButton;
- procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
- procedure Attribute1Click(Sender: TObject);
- procedure Apply1Click(Sender: TObject);
- procedure Heading1Exit(Sender: TObject);
- private
- { Private declarations }
- public
- Viewer : TAbBaseViewer;
- end;
- TAbColHeadingsProperty = class(TClassProperty)
- public
- procedure Edit; override;
- function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
- end;
- AbColHeadingsEditor: TAbColHeadingsEditor;
- AbResString;
-{$R *.dfm}
- TAbViewerFriend = class(TAbBaseViewer);
-procedure TAbColHeadingsProperty.Edit;
- hEditor : TAbColHeadingsEditor;
- hEditor := TAbColHeadingsEditor.Create(Application);
- try
- hEditor.Viewer := TAbViewerFriend(GetComponent(0));
- hEditor.ShowModal;
- Designer.Modified;
- finally
- hEditor.Free;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbColHeadingsProperty.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
- begin
- Result := inherited GetAttributes + [paDialog, paAutoUpdate];
- end;
-procedure TAbColHeadingsEditor.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
- cResString: array[TAbViewAttribute] of string = (AbItemNameHeadingS,
- AbPackedHeadingS, AbMethodHeadingS, AbRatioHeadingS, AbCRCHeadingS,
- AbFileAttrHeadingS, AbFileFormatHeadingS, AbEncryptionHeadingS,
- AbTimeStampHeadingS, AbFileSizeHeadingS, AbVersionMadeHeadingS,
- AbVersionNeededHeadingS, AbPathHeadingS);
- i : TAbViewAttribute;
- with Attribute1 do begin
- Clear;
- for i := Low(TAbViewAttribute) to High(TAbViewAttribute) do
- Items.Add(cResString[i]);
- ItemIndex := 0;
- end;
- Attribute1Click(nil);
-procedure TAbColHeadingsEditor.Attribute1Click(Sender: TObject);
- if (Attribute1.ItemIndex > -1) then
- Heading1.Text := TAbViewerFriend(Viewer).Headings[Attribute1.ItemIndex];
-procedure TAbColHeadingsEditor.Apply1Click(Sender: TObject);
- if (Attribute1.ItemIndex > -1) then begin
- TAbViewerFriend(Viewer).Headings[Attribute1.ItemIndex] := Heading1.Text;
- TAbViewerFriend(Viewer).InvalidateRow(0);
- end;
-procedure TAbColHeadingsEditor.Heading1Exit(Sender: TObject);
- Apply1Click(nil);
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbPeDir.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbPeDir.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index a6c8964..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbPeDir.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbPeDir.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Property Editor - Directory *}
-{* Use AbQPeDir.pas for CLX *}
-unit AbPeDir;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- Windows,
-{$IFDEF UsingClx}
- QGraphics,
- QForms,
- QControls,
- QStdCtrls,
- QButtons,
- QExtCtrls,
- Graphics,
- Forms,
- Controls,
- StdCtrls,
- Buttons,
- ExtCtrls,
- DesignIntf,
- DesignEditors,
- SysUtils,
- Classes;
- TAbDirectoryProperty = class( TStringProperty )
- public
- function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
- override;
- procedure Edit;
- override;
- end;
-{$IFDEF UsingClx}
- AbQDgDir;
- AbDlgDir;
-function TAbDirectoryProperty.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
- Result := [paDialog];
-procedure TAbDirectoryProperty.Edit;
- D : TAbDirDlg;
- D := TAbDirDlg.Create(Application);
- try
- D.Caption := 'Directory';
- D.AdditionalText := 'Select Directory';
- if D.Execute then
- Value := D.SelectedFolder;
- finally
- D.Free;
- end;
-procedure TAbDirectoryProperty.Edit;
- D : TDirDlg;
- D := TDirDlg.Create(Application);
- try
- D.DirectoryListBox1.Directory := Value;
- D.ShowModal;
- if D.ModalResult = mrOK then
- Value := D.SelectedFolder;
- finally
- D.Free;
- end;
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbPeFn.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbPeFn.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index eeb016f..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbPeFn.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbPeFn.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Property Editor - FileName *}
-{* Use AbQPeFn.pas for CLX *}
-unit AbPeFn;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
-{$IFDEF UsingClx }
- QDialogs, QForms,
- Dialogs, Forms,
- DesignIntf,
- DesignEditors,
- SysUtils;
- TAbFileNameProperty = class(TStringProperty)
- public
- function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
- override;
- procedure Edit;
- override;
- end;
- TAbExeNameProperty = class(TStringProperty)
- public
- function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
- override;
- procedure Edit;
- override;
- end;
- TAbCabNameProperty = class( TStringProperty )
- public
- function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
- override;
- procedure Edit;
- override;
- end;
- TAbLogNameProperty = class( TStringProperty )
- public
- function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
- override;
- procedure Edit;
- override;
- end;
- AbResString,
- AbArcTyp;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure AbGetFilename(const Ext : string;
- const Filter : string;
- const Title : string;
- var aFilename : string);
- D : TOpenDialog;
- D := TOpenDialog.Create( Application );
- try
- D.DefaultExt := Ext;
- D.Filter := Filter;
- D.FilterIndex := 0;
- D.Options := [];
- D.Title := Title;
- D.FileName := aFilename;
- if D.Execute then
- aFilename := D.FileName;
- finally
- D.Free;
- end;
-{ == for zip files ========================================================= }
-function TAbFileNameProperty.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
- Result := [paDialog];
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbFileNameProperty.Edit;
- FN : string;
- FN := Value;
- AbGetFilename(AbDefaultExtS, AbFilterS, AbFileNameTitleS, FN);
- Value := FN;
-{ == for exe files ========================================================= }
-function TAbExeNameProperty.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
- Result := [paDialog];
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbExeNameProperty.Edit;
- FN : string;
- FN := Value;
- AbGetFilename(AbExeExtS, AbExeFilterS, AbFileNameTitleS, FN);
- Value := FN;
-{ == for cab files ========================================================= }
-function TAbCabNameProperty.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
- Result := [paDialog];
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCabNameProperty.Edit;
- FN : string;
- FN := Value;
- AbGetFilename(AbCabExtS, AbCabFilterS, AbFileNameTitleS, FN);
- Value := FN;
-{ == for log files ========================================================= }
-function TAbLogNameProperty.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
- Result := [paDialog];
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbLogNameProperty.Edit;
- FN : string;
- FN := Value;
- AbGetFilename(AbLogExtS, AbLogFilterS, AbFileNameTitleS, FN);
- Value := FN;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbPePass.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbPePass.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 7dcfd84..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbPePass.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbPePass.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Password property editor *}
-{* Use AbQPePas.pas for CLX *}
-unit AbPePass;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- Windows,
-{$IFDEF UsingClx}
- QGraphics,
- QForms,
- QControls,
- QStdCtrls,
- QButtons,
- QExtCtrls,
- Graphics,
- Forms,
- Controls,
- StdCtrls,
- Buttons,
- ExtCtrls,
- DesignIntf,
- DesignEditors,
- SysUtils,
- Classes;
- TAbPasswordProperty = class( TStringProperty )
- public
- function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
- override;
- procedure Edit;
- override;
- end;
-{$IFDEF UsingClx}
- AbQDgPwd;
- AbDlgPwd;
-function TAbPasswordProperty.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
- Result := [paDialog];
-procedure TAbPasswordProperty.Edit;
- D : TPasswordDlg;
- D := TPasswordDlg.Create( Application );
- try
- D.Edit1.Text := Value;
- D.ShowModal;
- if D.ModalResult = mrOK then
- Value := D.Edit1.Text;
- finally
- D.Free;
- end;
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbPeVer.dfm b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbPeVer.dfm
deleted file mode 100644
index 9735099..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbPeVer.dfm and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbPeVer.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbPeVer.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 45ea6e9..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbPeVer.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,347 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbPeVer.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Property Editor - Version *}
-{* Use AbQPeVer.pas for CLX *}
-unit AbPeVer;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- Windows,
- ShellAPI,
- Libc,
-{$IFDEF UsingClx}
- QGraphics,
- QForms,
- QControls,
- QStdCtrls,
- QButtons,
- QExtCtrls,
- QDialogs,
- Graphics,
- Forms,
- Controls,
- StdCtrls,
- Buttons,
- ExtCtrls,
- Dialogs,
- DesignIntf,
- DesignEditors,
- SysUtils,
- Classes;
- TAbAboutBox = class(TForm)
- lblVersion: TLabel;
- Panel1: TPanel;
- Image1: TImage;
- btnOK: TButton;
- Panel2: TPanel;
- WebLbl: TLabel;
- NewsLbl: TLabel;
- Bevel1: TBevel;
- Label1: TLabel;
- Label2: TLabel;
- Label3: TLabel;
- Label5: TLabel;
- Label6: TLabel;
- Label7: TLabel;
- Label10: TLabel;
- Label11: TLabel;
- procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- procedure btnOKClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure WebLblClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure WebLblMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X,
- Y: Integer);
- procedure NewsLblClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure NewsLblMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X,
- Y: Integer);
- procedure Panel2MouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X,
- Y: Integer);
- procedure FormMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X,
- Y: Integer);
- private
- { Private declarations }
- public
- { Public declarations }
- end;
- TAbVersionProperty = class( TStringProperty )
- public
- function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
- override;
- procedure Edit;
- override;
- end;
- AbAboutBox : TAbAboutBox;
-{$R *.dfm}
- AbArcTyp,
- AbConst,
- AbResString;
- { String Constants }
- sCannotStartBrowser = 'Unable to start web browser. Make sure you have it properly set-up on your system.';
- MaxBrowsers = 1;
- ECannotStartBrowser = class(Exception);
- TBrowserStartCmd = record
- Command : string [64];
- Parameters : string [255];
- XTerm : Boolean; { Start browser in an XTerm }
- end;
- { The list of browsers we can launch. }
- BrowserList : array [1..MaxBrowsers] of TBrowserStartCmd =
- ((Command : 'netscape'; Parameters : ''; Xterm : False));
-procedure GetCurrentPath (PathList : TStringList);
- WorkPath : PChar;
- StartPos : PChar;
- CurrentPath : PChar;
- State : (Scanning, GotColon);
- WorkPath := getenv ('PATH');
- PathList.Clear;
- StartPos := WorkPath;
- State := Scanning;
- while (WorkPath^ <> #0) do begin
- case State of
- Scanning :
- begin
- if (WorkPath^ = ':') then begin
- State := GotColon;
- if (WorkPath <> StartPos) then begin
- CurrentPath := StrAlloc(WorkPath - StartPos + 1);
- StrLCopy(CurrentPath, StartPos, WorkPath-StartPos);
- PathList.Add (CurrentPath);
- StrDispose(CurrentPath);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- GotColon :
- begin
- if (WorkPath^ <> ':') then begin
- StartPos := WorkPath;
- State := Scanning;
- end;
- end;
- end;{case}
- inc(WorkPath);
- end;
- if (State = Scanning) and (WorkPath <> StartPos) then begin
- CurrentPath := StrAlloc(WorkPath - StartPos + 1);
- StrLCopy(CurrentPath, StartPos, WorkPath-StartPos);
- PathList.Add (CurrentPath);
- StrDispose(CurrentPath);
- end;
-function IsBrowserPresent (PathList : TStringList;
- Browser : string) : Boolean;
- i : integer;
- Result := False;
- for i := 0 to PathList.Count - 1 do begin
- if FileExists (PathList[i] + '/' + Browser) then begin
- Result := True;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
-procedure CallBrowser (Browser : string;
- Parameters : string;
- Website : string;
- XTerm : Boolean);
- if Pos ('', Parameters) > 0 then begin
- Parameters := Copy (Parameters, 1, Pos ('', Parameters) - 1) +
- Website +
- Copy (Parameters, Pos ('', Parameters) + 6, 255);
- end else
- Parameters := Parameters + ' ' + Website;
- if XTerm then begin
- Parameters := '-e ' + Browser + ' ' + Parameters;
- Browser := 'xterm';
- end;
- Libc.system (PChar (Browser + ' ' + Parameters + ' &'));
-procedure StartBrowser (Website : string);
- PathList : TStringList;
- i : integer;
- PathList := TStringList.Create;
- try
- GetCurrentPath (PathList);
- for i := 1 to MaxBrowsers do begin
- if IsBrowserPresent (PathList, BrowserList[i].Command) then begin
- CallBrowser (BrowserList[i].Command, BrowserList[i].Parameters,
- Website, BrowserList[i].XTerm);
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- raise ECannotStartBrowser.Create(sCannotStartBrowser);
- finally
- PathList.Free;
- end;
-procedure TAbAboutBox.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- Top := (Screen.Height - Height ) div 3;
- Left := (Screen.Width - Width ) div 2;
- lblVersion.Caption := Format(AbVersionFormatS, [AbVersionS] );
-function TAbVersionProperty.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
- Result := [paDialog, paReadOnly];
-procedure TAbVersionProperty.Edit;
- with TAbAboutBox.Create( Application ) do
- try
- ShowModal;
- finally
- Free;
- end;
-procedure TAbAboutBox.btnOKClick(Sender: TObject);
- Close;
-procedure TAbAboutBox.WebLblClick(Sender: TObject);
- if ShellExecute(0, 'open', 'http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/tpabbrevia', '', '',
- SW_SHOWNORMAL) <= 32 then
- ShowMessage('Unable to start web browser');
- try
- StartBrowser('http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/tpabbrevia');
- except
- on ECannotStartBrowser do
- ShowMessage('Unable to start web browser');
- end;
- WebLbl.Font.Color := clNavy;
-procedure TAbAboutBox.WebLblMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState;
- X, Y: Integer);
- WebLbl.Font.Color := clRed;
-procedure TAbAboutBox.NewsLblClick(Sender: TObject);
- if ShellExecute(0, 'open', 'http://www.sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=241865', '', '',
- SW_SHOWNORMAL) <= 32 then
- ShowMessage('Unable to start web browser');
- try
- StartBrowser('http://www.sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=241865');
- except
- on ECannotStartBrowser do
- ShowMessage('Unable to start web browser');
- end;
- NewsLbl.Font.Color := clNavy;
-procedure TAbAboutBox.NewsLblMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState;
- X, Y: Integer);
- NewsLbl.Font.Color := clRed;
-procedure TAbAboutBox.Panel2MouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState;
- X, Y: Integer);
- NewsLbl.Font.Color := clNavy;
-procedure TAbAboutBox.FormMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X,
- Y: Integer);
- WebLbl.Font.Color := clNavy;
- NewsLbl.Font.Color := clNavy;
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQCView.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQCView.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index b541bf2..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQCView.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbQCView.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Cabinet archive viewer component (CLX) *}
-{* Use AbCView.pas for VCL *}
-Unit AbQCView;
-{$I AbCView.pas}
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQCmpnd.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQCmpnd.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 046d66e..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQCmpnd.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbQCmpnd.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Compound File classes and component (CLX) *}
-{* Use AbCompnd.pas for VCL *}
-unit AbQCmpnd;
-{$I AbCompnd.pas}
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQDgDir.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQDgDir.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 89a5013..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQDgDir.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbQDgDir.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Dialog - Directory (CLX) *}
-{* Use AbDlgDir.pas for VCL *}
-{$DEFINE UsingClx }
-unit AbQDgDir;
-{$R *.xfm}
-{$I AbDlgDir.pas}
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQDgDir.xfm b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQDgDir.xfm
deleted file mode 100644
index 7acaa04..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQDgDir.xfm and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQDgPwd.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQDgPwd.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index b1f8481..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQDgPwd.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbQDgPwd.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Dialog - Password (CLX) *}
-{* Use AbDlgPwd.pas for VCL *}
-{$DEFINE UsingClx}
-unit AbQDgPwd;
-{$R *.xfm}
-{$I AbDlgPwd.pas}
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQDgPwd.xfm b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQDgPwd.xfm
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e99d52..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQDgPwd.xfm and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQHexVw.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQHexVw.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 53eb1cf..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQHexVw.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbQCmpnd.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Compound File classes and component (CLX) *}
-{* Use AbCompnd.pas for VCL *}
-unit AbQHexVw;
-{$I AbHexVw.pas}
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQMeter.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQMeter.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index fe889b1..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQMeter.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbQMeter.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Progress meter (CLX) *}
-{* Use AbMeter.pas for VCL *}
-unit AbQMeter;
-{$I AbMeter.pas}
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQPeCol.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQPeCol.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index c940e68..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQPeCol.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbQPeCol.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Property Editor - ZipView column headings *}
-{* (CLX) *}
-{* Use AbPeCol.pas for VCL *}
-{$DEFINE UsingClx}
-unit AbQPeCol;
-{$R *.xfm}
-{$I AbPeCol.pas}
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQPeCol.xfm b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQPeCol.xfm
deleted file mode 100644
index 99d3fe7..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQPeCol.xfm and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQPeDir.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQPeDir.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index f227960..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQPeDir.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbPeDir.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Property Editor - Directory (CLX) *}
-{* Use AbPeDir.pas for VCL *}
-unit AbQPeDir;
-{$I AbPeDir.pas}
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQPeFn.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQPeFn.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 4129c17..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQPeFn.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: Property Editor - FileName (CLX) *}
-{* Use AbPeFn.pas for VCL *}
-{$DEFINE UsingClx}
-unit AbQPeFn;
-{$I AbPeFn.pas}
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQPePas.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQPePas.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index b5934ad..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQPePas.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbQPePas.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Password property editor (CLX) *}
-{* Use AbPePass.pas for VCL *}
-{$DEFINE UsingClx}
-unit AbQPePas;
-{$I AbPePass.pas}
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQPeVer.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQPeVer.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 250973a..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQPeVer.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbQPeVer.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Property Editor - Version (CLX) *}
-{* See AbPeVer.pas for the VCL header *}
-{$DEFINE UsingClx}
-unit AbQPeVer;
-{$R *.xfm}
-{$I AbPeVer.pas}
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQPeVer.xfm b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQPeVer.xfm
deleted file mode 100644
index 99db5e6..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQPeVer.xfm and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQView.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQView.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 904a62e..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQView.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbQView.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Base archive viewer component (CLX) *}
-{* Use AbView.pas for VCL *}
-unit AbQView;
-{$I AbView.pas}
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQZView.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQZView.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index e4afa7c..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQZView.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbQZView.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Zip archive viewer component (CLX) *}
-{* Use AbZView.pas for VCL *}
-unit AbQZView;
-{$I AbZView.pas}
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQZpOut.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQZpOut.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ce1cb5..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbQZpOut.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbQZpOut.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Visual Component with Zip and unzip support *}
-{* (CLX) *}
-{* Use AbZipOut.pas for VCL *}
-unit AbQZpOut;
-{$I AbZipOut.pas}
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbReg.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbReg.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c9bc59..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbReg.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbReg.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Registrations (VCL) *}
-unit AbReg;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
-{$UNDEF UsingClx }
-{$R AbReg.res}
- Classes,
- LResources,
- {$ENDIF}
- AbCBrows, AbCabExt, AbCabMak, AbCabKit,
- {$ENDIF}
- AbZBrows, AbUnzper, AbZipper, AbZipKit, AbSelfEx;
-procedure Register;
- AbUtils,
- AbPeDir,
- AbPeFn,
- AbPePass,
- AbPeVer,
- AbPeCol,
- DesignIntf,
- DesignEditors,
- SysUtils;
-procedure Register;
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipBrowser, 'FileName',
- TAbFileNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipper, 'FileName',
- TAbFileNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbUnZipper, 'FileName',
- TAbFileNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipKit, 'FileName',
- TAbFileNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipBrowser, 'LogFile',
- TAbLogNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipper, 'LogFile',
- TAbLogNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbUnZipper, 'LogFile',
- TAbLogNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipKit, 'LogFile',
- TAbLogNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbMakeSelfExe, 'SelfExe',
- TAbExeNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbMakeSelfExe, 'StubExe',
- TAbExeNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbMakeSelfExe, 'ZipFile',
- TAbFileNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipBrowser, 'BaseDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipper, 'BaseDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbUnZipper, 'BaseDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipKit, 'BaseDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipBrowser, 'TempDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipper, 'TempDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbUnZipper, 'TempDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipKit, 'TempDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipBrowser, 'Version',
- TAbVersionProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipper, 'Version',
- TAbVersionProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbUnZipper, 'Version',
- TAbVersionProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipKit, 'Version',
- TAbVersionProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbMakeSelfExe, 'Version',
- TAbVersionProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipBrowser, 'Password',
- TAbPasswordProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipper, 'Password',
- TAbPasswordProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbUnZipper, 'Password',
- TAbPasswordProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipKit, 'Password',
- TAbPasswordProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbCabBrowser, 'FileName',
- TAbCabNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbMakeCab, 'FileName',
- TAbCabNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbCabExtractor, 'FileName',
- TAbCabNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbCabKit, 'FileName',
- TAbCabNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbCabBrowser, 'BaseDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbMakeCab, 'BaseDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbCabExtractor, 'BaseDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbCabKit, 'BaseDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbCabBrowser, 'LogFile',
- TAbLogNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbMakeCab, 'LogFile',
- TAbLogNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbCabExtractor, 'LogFile',
- TAbLogNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbCabKit, 'LogFile',
- TAbLogNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbCabBrowser, 'TempDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbMakeCab, 'TempDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbCabExtractor, 'TempDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbCabKit, 'TempDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbCabBrowser, 'Version',
- TAbVersionProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbMakeCab, 'Version',
- TAbVersionProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbCabExtractor, 'Version',
- TAbVersionProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbCabKit, 'Version',
- TAbVersionProperty );
- RegisterComponents( 'Abbrevia',
- [ TAbZipBrowser,
- TAbUnzipper,
- TAbZipper,
- TAbZipKit,
- TAbCabBrowser,
- TAbCabExtractor,
- TAbMakeCab,
- TAbCabKit,
- {$ENDIF}
- TAbMakeSelfExe ]);
- {$I abbrevia.lrs}
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbReg.res b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbReg.res
deleted file mode 100644
index d63d006..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbReg.res and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbRegClx.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbRegClx.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index faa925c..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbRegClx.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbRegClx.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Registrations (CLX) *}
-unit AbRegClx;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
-{$R AbReg.res}
- !! Error, this unit is for CLX on Windows, use AbRegLinux.pas for Linux
- Classes,
- AbCBrows, AbCabExt, AbCabMak, AbCabKit,
- AbZBrows, AbUnzper, AbZipper, AbZipKit, AbSelfEx,
- AbQCView, AbQZpOut, AbQView, AbQZView, AbQMeter;
-procedure Register;
- AbUtils,
- AbQPeDir,
- AbQPeFn,
- AbQPePas,
- AbQPeVer,
- AbQPeCol,
- AbQDgDir,
- AbQDgPwd,
- DesignIntf,
- DesignEditors,
- SysUtils;
-procedure Register;
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipBrowser, 'FileName',
- TAbFileNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipper, 'FileName',
- TAbFileNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbUnZipper, 'FileName',
- TAbFileNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipKit, 'FileName',
- TAbFileNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipOutline, 'FileName',
- TAbFileNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipBrowser, 'LogFile',
- TAbLogNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipper, 'LogFile',
- TAbLogNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbUnZipper, 'LogFile',
- TAbLogNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipKit, 'LogFile',
- TAbLogNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipOutline, 'LogFile',
- TAbLogNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbMakeSelfExe, 'SelfExe',
- TAbExeNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbMakeSelfExe, 'StubExe',
- TAbExeNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbMakeSelfExe, 'ZipFile',
- TAbFileNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipBrowser, 'BaseDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipper, 'BaseDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbUnZipper, 'BaseDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipKit, 'BaseDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipOutline, 'BaseDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipBrowser, 'TempDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipper, 'TempDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbUnZipper, 'TempDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipKit, 'TempDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipOutline, 'TempDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipBrowser, 'Version',
- TAbVersionProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipper, 'Version',
- TAbVersionProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbUnZipper, 'Version',
- TAbVersionProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipKit, 'Version',
- TAbVersionProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipOutline, 'Version',
- TAbVersionProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipView, 'Version',
- TAbVersionProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbMeter, 'Version',
- TAbVersionProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbMakeSelfExe, 'Version',
- TAbVersionProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipBrowser, 'Password',
- TAbPasswordProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipper, 'Password',
- TAbPasswordProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbUnZipper, 'Password',
- TAbPasswordProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipKit, 'Password',
- TAbPasswordProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipOutline, 'Password',
- TAbPasswordProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TAbColHeadings ), TAbZipView, 'Headings',
- TAbColHeadingsProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbCabBrowser, 'FileName',
- TAbCabNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbMakeCab, 'FileName',
- TAbCabNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbCabExtractor, 'FileName',
- TAbCabNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbCabKit, 'FileName',
- TAbCabNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbCabBrowser, 'BaseDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbMakeCab, 'BaseDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbCabExtractor, 'BaseDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbCabKit, 'BaseDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbCabBrowser, 'LogFile',
- TAbLogNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbMakeCab, 'LogFile',
- TAbLogNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbCabExtractor, 'LogFile',
- TAbLogNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbCabKit, 'LogFile',
- TAbLogNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbCabBrowser, 'TempDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbMakeCab, 'TempDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbCabExtractor, 'TempDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbCabKit, 'TempDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbCabBrowser, 'Version',
- TAbVersionProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbMakeCab, 'Version',
- TAbVersionProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbCabExtractor, 'Version',
- TAbVersionProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbCabKit, 'Version',
- TAbVersionProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbCabView, 'Version',
- TAbVersionProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TAbColHeadings ), TAbCabView, 'Headings',
- TAbColHeadingsProperty );
- RegisterComponents( 'Abbrevia',
- [ TAbZipBrowser,
- TAbUnzipper,
- TAbZipper,
- TAbZipKit,
- TAbZipView,
- TAbZipOutline,
- TAbCabBrowser,
- TAbCabExtractor,
- TAbMakeCab,
- TAbCabKit,
- TAbCabView,
- TAbMeter,
- TAbMakeSelfExe ]);
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipOutline, 'FileName',
- TAbFileNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipOutline, 'LogFile',
- TAbLogNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipOutline, 'BaseDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipOutline, 'TempDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipOutline, 'Version',
- TAbVersionProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipView, 'Version',
- TAbVersionProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TAbColHeadings ), TAbZipView, 'Headings',
- TAbColHeadingsProperty );
- RegisterComponents( 'Abbrevia',
- [
- TAbMeter,
- TAbCabView,
- TAbZipView,
- TAbZipOutline
- ]);
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbRegLinux.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbRegLinux.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index fccd84e..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbRegLinux.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbRegLinux.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Registrations *}
-unit AbRegLinux;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
-{$R AbReg.res}
- !! Error, this unit is for CLX on Linux, use AbRegClx.pas for Windows
- Classes,
- AbQZpOut, AbQView, AbQZView, AbQMeter;
-procedure Register;
- AbUtils,
- AbQPeDir,
- AbQPeFn,
- AbQPePas,
- AbQPeVer,
- AbQPeCol,
- AbZBrows,
- AbZipper,
- AbUnzper,
- AbZipKit,
- AbSelfEx,
- DesignIntf,
- DesignEditors;
-procedure Register;
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipBrowser, 'FileName',
- TAbFileNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipper, 'FileName',
- TAbFileNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbUnZipper, 'FileName',
- TAbFileNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipKit, 'FileName',
- TAbFileNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipOutline, 'FileName',
- TAbFileNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipBrowser, 'LogFile',
- TAbLogNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipper, 'LogFile',
- TAbLogNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbUnZipper, 'LogFile',
- TAbLogNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipKit, 'LogFile',
- TAbLogNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipOutline, 'LogFile',
- TAbLogNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbMakeSelfExe, 'SelfExe',
- TAbExeNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbMakeSelfExe, 'StubExe',
- TAbExeNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbMakeSelfExe, 'ZipFile',
- TAbFileNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipBrowser, 'BaseDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipper, 'BaseDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbUnZipper, 'BaseDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipKit, 'BaseDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipOutline, 'BaseDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipBrowser, 'TempDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipper, 'TempDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbUnZipper, 'TempDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipKit, 'TempDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipOutline, 'TempDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipBrowser, 'Version',
- TAbVersionProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipper, 'Version',
- TAbVersionProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbUnZipper, 'Version',
- TAbVersionProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipKit, 'Version',
- TAbVersionProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipOutline, 'Version',
- TAbVersionProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipView, 'Version',
- TAbVersionProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbMeter, 'Version',
- TAbVersionProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbMakeSelfExe, 'Version',
- TAbVersionProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipBrowser, 'Password',
- TAbPasswordProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipper, 'Password',
- TAbPasswordProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbUnZipper, 'Password',
- TAbPasswordProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipKit, 'Password',
- TAbPasswordProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipOutline, 'Password',
- TAbPasswordProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TAbColHeadings ), TAbZipView, 'Headings',
- TAbColHeadingsProperty );
- RegisterComponents( 'Abbrevia',
- [TAbZipBrowser,
- TAbUnzipper,
- TAbZipper,
- TAbZipKit,
- TAbZipOutline,
- TAbZipView,
- TAbMeter,
- TAbMakeSelfExe]);
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbRegVcl.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbRegVcl.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 72921ff..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbRegVcl.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbRegVcl.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Registrations (VCL) *}
-unit AbRegVcl;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
-{$UNDEF UsingClx }
-{$R AbReg.res}
- Classes,
- AbCBrows, AbCabExt, AbCabMak, AbCabKit, AbCView,
- AbCompnd, AbHexVw, AbZBrows, AbUnzper, AbZipper, AbZipKit, AbZipOut,
- AbView, AbComCtrls, AbZView, AbMeter, AbSelfEx, AbZipExt;
-procedure Register;
- AbConst,
- AbUtils,
- AbPeDir,
- AbPeFn,
- AbPePass,
- AbPeVer,
- AbPeCol,
- DesignIntf,
- DesignEditors,
- Graphics,
- ToolsAPI,
- SysUtils,
- Windows;
-procedure Register;
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipBrowser, 'FileName',
- TAbFileNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipper, 'FileName',
- TAbFileNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbUnZipper, 'FileName',
- TAbFileNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipKit, 'FileName',
- TAbFileNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipOutline, 'FileName',
- TAbFileNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipBrowser, 'LogFile',
- TAbLogNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipper, 'LogFile',
- TAbLogNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbUnZipper, 'LogFile',
- TAbLogNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipKit, 'LogFile',
- TAbLogNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipOutline, 'LogFile',
- TAbLogNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbMakeSelfExe, 'SelfExe',
- TAbExeNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbMakeSelfExe, 'StubExe',
- TAbExeNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbMakeSelfExe, 'ZipFile',
- TAbFileNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipBrowser, 'BaseDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipper, 'BaseDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbUnZipper, 'BaseDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipKit, 'BaseDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipOutline, 'BaseDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipBrowser, 'TempDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipper, 'TempDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbUnZipper, 'TempDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipKit, 'TempDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipOutline, 'TempDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipBrowser, 'Version',
- TAbVersionProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipper, 'Version',
- TAbVersionProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbUnZipper, 'Version',
- TAbVersionProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipKit, 'Version',
- TAbVersionProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipOutline, 'Version',
- TAbVersionProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbListView, 'Version',
- TAbVersionProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbTreeView, 'Version',
- TAbVersionProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipView, 'Version',
- TAbVersionProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbMeter, 'Version',
- TAbVersionProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbProgressBar, 'Version',
- TAbVersionProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbMakeSelfExe, 'Version',
- TAbVersionProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipBrowser, 'Password',
- TAbPasswordProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipper, 'Password',
- TAbPasswordProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbUnZipper, 'Password',
- TAbPasswordProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipKit, 'Password',
- TAbPasswordProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbZipOutline, 'Password',
- TAbPasswordProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TAbColHeadings ), TAbZipView, 'Headings',
- TAbColHeadingsProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbCabBrowser, 'FileName',
- TAbCabNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbMakeCab, 'FileName',
- TAbCabNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbCabExtractor, 'FileName',
- TAbCabNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbCabKit, 'FileName',
- TAbCabNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbCabBrowser, 'BaseDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbMakeCab, 'BaseDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbCabExtractor, 'BaseDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbCabKit, 'BaseDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbCabBrowser, 'LogFile',
- TAbLogNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbMakeCab, 'LogFile',
- TAbLogNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbCabExtractor, 'LogFile',
- TAbLogNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbCabKit, 'LogFile',
- TAbLogNameProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbCabBrowser, 'TempDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbMakeCab, 'TempDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbCabExtractor, 'TempDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbCabKit, 'TempDirectory',
- TAbDirectoryProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbCabBrowser, 'Version',
- TAbVersionProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbMakeCab, 'Version',
- TAbVersionProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbCabExtractor, 'Version',
- TAbVersionProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbCabKit, 'Version',
- TAbVersionProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( string ), TAbCabView, 'Version',
- TAbVersionProperty );
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TAbColHeadings ), TAbCabView, 'Headings',
- TAbColHeadingsProperty );
- RegisterComponents( 'Abbrevia',
- [ TAbZipBrowser,
- TAbUnzipper,
- TAbZipper,
- TAbZipKit,
- TAbZipView,
- TAbZipOutline,
- TAbTreeView,
- TAbListView,
- TAbCabBrowser,
- TAbCabExtractor,
- TAbMakeCab,
- TAbCabKit,
- TAbCabView,
- TAbProgressBar,
- TAbMeter,
- TAbMakeSelfExe ]);
-{$IF DECLARED(IOTAAboutBoxServices)}
- AboutBoxIndex: Integer = -1;
-procedure RegisterAboutBox;
- SplashScreenServices.AddPluginBitmap(
- 'Abbrevia: Advanced data compression toolkit, v' + AbVersionS,
- LoadBitmap(HInstance, 'SPLASH'));
- AboutBoxIndex := (BorlandIDEServices as IOTAAboutBoxServices).AddPluginInfo(
- 'Abbrevia ' + AbVersionS,
- 'Abbrevia: Advanced data compression toolkit, v' + AbVersionS + sLineBreak +
- 'http://tpabbrevia.sourceforge.net/' + sLineBreak +
- sLineBreak +
- 'Copyright (c) 1997-2011 Abbrevia development team' + sLineBreak +
- 'Covered under the Mozilla Public License (MPL) v1.1' + sLineBreak +
- 'Abbrevia includes source code from bzip2, the LZMA SDK,' + sLineBreak +
- 'Dag Ågren''s version of PPMd, and the WavPack SDK.',
- LoadBitmap(HInstance, 'SPLASH'));
-procedure UnregisterAboutBox;
- if AboutBoxIndex <> -1 then
- (BorlandIDEServices as IOTAAboutBoxServices).RemovePluginInfo(AboutBoxIndex);
- RegisterAboutBox;
- UnRegisterAboutBox;
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbResString.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbResString.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index b48e17d..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbResString.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- * Roman Kassebaum
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* Abbrevia: AbResString.pas *}
-{* Abbrevia: Resource strings *}
-unit AbResString;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- AbErrZipInvalidS = 'Invalid file - not a PKZip file';
- AbZipVersionNeededS = 'Cannot extract file - newer version required';
- AbUnknownCompressionMethodS = 'Cannot extract file - unsupported compression method';
- AbNoExtractionMethodS = 'Cannot extract file - no extraction support provided';
- AbInvalidPasswordS = 'Cannot extract file - invalid password';
- AbNoInsertionMethodS = 'Cannot insert file - no insertion support provided';
- AbInvalidFactorS = 'Invalid Reduce Factor';
- AbDuplicateNameS = 'Cannot insert file - duplicates stored name';
- AbUnsupportedCompressionMethodS = 'Cannot insert file - unsupported compression method';
- AbUserAbortS = 'Process aborted by user';
- AbArchiveBusyS = 'Archive is busy - cannot process new requests';
- AbLastDiskRequestS = 'Insert the last disk in the spanned disk set';
- AbDiskRequestS = 'Insert floppy';
- AbImageRequestS = 'Image file name';
- AbBadSpanStreamS = 'Spanned archives must be opened as file streams';
- AbDiskNumRequestS = 'Insert disk number %d of the spanned disk set';
- AbImageNumRequestS = 'Insert span number %d of the spanned file set';
- AbNoOverwriteSpanStreamS = 'Cannot update an existing spanned disk set';
- AbNoSpannedSelfExtractS = 'Cannot make a self-extracting spanned disk set';
- AbBlankDiskS = 'Insert a blank floppy disk';
- AbStreamFullS = 'Stream write error';
- AbNoSuchDirectoryS = 'Directory does not exist';
- AbInflateBlockErrorS = 'Cannot inflate block';
- AbBadStreamTypeS = 'Invalid Stream';
- AbTruncateErrorS = 'Error truncating Zip File';
- AbZipBadCRCS = 'Failed CRC Check';
- AbZipBadStubS = 'Stub must be an executable';
- AbFileNotFoundS = 'File not found';
- AbInvalidLFHS = 'Invalid Local File Header entry';
- AbNoArchiveS = 'Archive does not exist - Filename is blank';
- AbReadErrorS = 'Error reading archive';
- AbInvalidIndexS = 'Invalid archive item index';
- AbInvalidThresholdS = 'Invalid archive size threshold';
- AbUnhandledFileTypeS = 'Unhandled Archive Type';
- AbSpanningNotSupportedS = 'Spanning not supported by this Archive type';
- AbLogCreateErrorS = 'Error creating Log File';
- AbMoveFileErrorS = 'Error Moving File %s to %s';
- AbFileSizeTooBigS = 'File size is too big for archive type';
- AbNoCabinetDllErrorS = 'Cannot load cabinet.dll';
- AbFCIFileOpenErrorS = 'FCI cannot open file';
- AbFCIFileReadErrorS = 'FCI cannot read file';
- AbFCIFileWriteErrorS = 'FCI cannot write file';
- AbFCIFileCloseErrorS = 'FCI close file error';
- AbFCIFileSeekErrorS = 'FCI file seek error';
- AbFCIFileDeleteErrorS = 'FCI file delete error';
- AbFCIAddFileErrorS = 'FCI cannot add file';
- AbFCICreateErrorS = 'FCI cannot create context';
- AbFCIFlushCabinetErrorS = 'FCI cannot flush cabinet';
- AbFCIFlushFolderErrorS = 'FCI cannot flush folder';
- AbFDICopyErrorS = 'FDI cannot enumerate files';
- AbFDICreateErrorS = 'FDI cannot create context';
- AbInvalidCabTemplateS = 'Invalid cab file template';
- AbInvalidCabFileS = 'Invalid file - not a cabinet file';
- AbZipStored = 'Stored';
- AbZipShrunk = 'Shrunk';
- AbZipReduced = 'Reduced';
- AbZipImploded = 'Imploded';
- AbZipTokenized = 'Tokenized';
- AbZipDeflated = 'Deflated';
- AbZipDeflate64 = 'Enhanced Deflation';
- AbZipDCLImploded = 'DCL Imploded';
- AbZipBzip2 = 'Bzip2';
- AbZipLZMA = 'LZMA';
- AbZipIBMTerse = 'IBM Terse';
- AbZipLZ77 = 'IBM LZ77';
- AbZipJPEG = 'JPEG';
- AbZipWavPack = 'WavPack';
- AbZipPPMd = 'PPMd';
- AbZipUnknown = 'Unknown (%d)';
- AbZipBestMethod = 'Best Method';
- AbVersionFormatS = 'Version %s';
- AbCompressedSizeFormatS = 'Compressed Size: %d';
- AbUncompressedSizeFormatS = 'Uncompressed Size: %d';
- AbCompressionMethodFormatS = 'Compression Method: %s';
- AbCompressionRatioFormatS = 'Compression Ratio: %2.0f%%';
- AbCRCFormatS = 'CRC: %x';
- AbReadOnlyS = 'r';
- AbHiddenS = 'h';
- AbSystemS = 's';
- AbArchivedS = 'a';
- AbEFAFormatS = 'External File Attributes: %s';
- AbIFAFormatS = 'File Type: %s';
- AbTextS = 'Text';
- AbBinaryS = 'Binary';
- AbEncryptionFormatS = 'Encryption: %s';
- AbEncryptedS = 'Encrypted';
- AbNotEncryptedS = 'Not Encrypted';
- AbUnknownS = 'Unknown';
- AbTimeStampFormatS = 'Time Stamp: %s';
- AbMadeByFormatS = 'Made by Version: %f';
- AbNeededFormatS = 'Version Needed to Extract: %f';
- AbCommentFormatS = 'Comment: %s';
- AbDefaultExtS = '*.zip';
- AbFilterS = 'PKZip Archives (*.zip)|*.zip|Self Extracting Archives (*.exe)|*.exe|All Files (*.*)|*.*';
- AbFileNameTitleS = 'Select File Name';
- AbOKS = 'OK';
- AbCancelS = 'Cancel';
- AbSelectDirectoryS = 'Select Directory';
- AbEnterPasswordS = 'Enter Password';
- AbPasswordS = '&Password';
- AbVerifyS = '&Verify';
- AbCabExtS = '*.cab';
- AbCabFilterS = 'Cabinet Archives (*.cab)|*.CAB|All Files (*.*)|*.*';
- AbLogExtS = '*.txt';
- AbLogFilterS = 'Text Files (*.txt)|*.TXT|All Files (*.*)|*.*';
- AbExeExtS = '*.exe';
- AbExeFilterS = 'Self-Extracting Zip Files (*.exe)|*.EXE|All Files (*.*)|*.*';
- AbVMSReadTooManyBytesS = 'VMS: request to read too many bytes [%d]';
- AbVMSInvalidOriginS = 'VMS: invalid origin %d, should be 0, 1, 2';
- AbVMSErrorOpenSwapS = 'VMS: Cannot open swap file %s';
- AbVMSSeekFailS = 'VMS: Failed to seek in swap file %s';
- AbVMSReadFailS = 'VMS: Failed to read %d bytes from swap file %s';
- AbVMSWriteFailS = 'VMS: Failed to write %d bytes to swap file %s';
- AbVMSWriteTooManyBytesS = 'VMS: request to write too many bytes [%d]';
- AbBBSReadTooManyBytesS = 'BBS: request to read too many bytes [%d]';
- AbBBSSeekOutsideBufferS = 'BBS: New position is outside the buffer';
- AbBBSInvalidOriginS = 'BBS: Invalid Origin value';
- AbBBSWriteTooManyBytesS = 'BBS: request to write too many bytes [%d]';
- AbSWSNotEndofStreamS = 'TabSlidingWindowStream.Write: Not at end of stream';
- AbSWSSeekFailedS = 'TabSlidingWindowStream.bsWriteChunk: seek failed';
- AbSWSWriteFailedS = 'TabSlidingWindowStream.bsWriteChunk: write failed';
- AbSWSInvalidOriginS = 'TabSlidingWindowStream.Seek: invalid origin';
- AbSWSInvalidNewOriginS = 'TabSlidingWindowStream.Seek: invalid new position';
- AbItemNameHeadingS = 'Name';
- AbPackedHeadingS = 'Packed';
- AbMethodHeadingS = 'Method';
- AbRatioHeadingS = 'Ratio (%)';
- AbCRCHeadingS = 'CRC32';
- AbFileAttrHeadingS = 'Attributes';
- AbFileFormatHeadingS = 'Format';
- AbEncryptionHeadingS = 'Encrypted';
- AbTimeStampHeadingS = 'Time Stamp';
- AbFileSizeHeadingS = 'Size';
- AbVersionMadeHeadingS = 'Version Made';
- AbVersionNeededHeadingS = 'Version Needed';
- AbPathHeadingS = 'Path';
- AbPartialHeadingS = 'Partial';
- AbExecutableHeadingS = 'Executable';
- AbFileTypeHeadingS = 'Type';
- AbLastModifiedHeadingS = 'Modified';
- AbCabMethod0S = 'None';
- AbCabMethod1S = 'MSZip';
- AbLtAddS = ' added ';
- AbLtDeleteS = ' deleted ';
- AbLtExtractS = ' extracted ';
- AbLtFreshenS = ' freshened ';
- AbLtMoveS = ' moved ';
- AbLtReplaceS = ' replaced ';
- AbLtStartS = ' logging ';
- AbGzipInvalidS = 'Invalid Gzip';
- AbGzipBadCRCS = 'Bad CRC';
- AbGzipBadFileSizeS = 'Bad File Size';
- AbTarInvalidS = 'Invalid Tar';
- AbTarBadFileNameS = 'File name too long';
- AbTarBadLinkNameS = 'Symbolic link path too long';
- AbTarBadOpS = 'Unsupported Operation';
- AbUnhandledEntityS = 'Unhandled Entity';
- { pre-defined "operating system" (really more FILE system) identifiers for the
- Gzip header }
- AbGzOsFat = 'FAT File System (MS-DOS, OS/2, NT/Win32)';
- AbGzOsAmiga = 'Amiga';
- AbGzOsVMS = 'VMS (or OpenVMS)';
- AbGzOsUnix = 'Unix';
- AbGzOsVM_CMS = 'VM/CMS';
- AbGzOsAtari = 'Atari TOS';
- AbGzOsHPFS = 'HPFS File System (OS/2, NT)';
- AbGzOsMacintosh = 'Macintosh';
- AbGzOsZ_System = 'Z-System';
- AbGzOsCP_M = 'CP/M';
- AbGzOsTOPS_20 = 'TOPS-20';
- AbGzOsNTFS = 'NTFS File System (NT)';
- AbGzOsQDOS = 'QDOS';
- AbGzOsAcornRISCOS = 'Acorn RISCOS';
- AbGzOsVFAT = 'VFAT File System (Win95, NT)';
- AbGzOsMVS = 'MVS';
- AbGzOsBeOS = 'BeOS (BeBox or PowerMac)';
- AbGzOsTandem = 'Tandem/NSK';
- AbGzOsunknown = 'unknown';
- AbGzOsUndefined = 'ID undefined by gzip';
-{ Compound File specific error messages }
- AbCmpndIndexOutOfBounds = 'Index out of bounds';
- AbCmpndBusyUpdating = 'Compound file is busy updating';
- AbCmpndInvalidFile = 'Invalid compound file';
- AbCmpndFileNotFound = 'File/Directory not found';
- AbCmpndFolderNotEmpty = 'Folder not empty';
- AbCmpndExceedsMaxFileSize = 'File size exceeds maximum allowable';
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbSWStm.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbSWStm.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index f8c177c..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbSWStm.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,397 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbSWStm.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: TabSlidingWindowStream class *}
-unit AbSWStm;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
-{Notes: The TabSlidingWindowStream class provides a simple buffered
- stream for sliding window compression/decompression routines.
- The sliding window stream is limited when compared with a true
- buffered stream:
- - it is assumed that the underlying stream is just going to
- be written to and is initially empty
- - the buffer is fixed in size to 40KB
- - write operations can only occur at the end of the stream
- - the stream can only be positioned with a certain limited
- range
- - we can only read up to 32KB
- - we can only write up to 32KB
- The stream is written as a wrapper around another stream
- (presumably a file stream) which is used for actual reads to
- the buffer and writes from the buffer.
- The stream buffer is organized as five 8KB chunks in an
- array. The last chunk is the only one used for writing, the
- other four are a 32KB buffer for reading. As the final chunk
- gets filled, the class will drop off the first chunk (writing
- it to the underlying stream, and shift the other chunks in the
- array.}
-{Define this if you wish to see a trace of the stream usage in a file
- called C:\SlideWin.LOG}
-{.$DEFINE DebugTrace}
- SysUtils,
- Classes;
- abSWChunkCount = 5;
- TabSlidingWindowStream = class(TStream)
- protected {private}
- bsChunks : array [0..pred(abSWChunkCount)] of PByteArray;
- bsBufferStart : longint;
- bsLastPos : integer;
- bsCurChunk : integer;
- bsPosInChunk : integer;
- bsPosInBuffer : longint;
- bsSize : Longint; {count of bytes in stream}
- bsDirty : boolean; {whether the buffer is dirty or not}
- bsStream : TStream; {actual stream containing data}
- {$IFDEF DebugTrace}
- bsF : System.Text;
- {$ENDIF}
- protected
- procedure bsWriteChunk(aIndex : integer);
- procedure bsSlide;
- public
- constructor Create(aStream : TStream);
- {-create the buffered stream}
- destructor Destroy; override;
- {-destroy the buffered stream}
- procedure Flush;
- {-ensures that all dirty buffered data is flushed}
- function Read(var Buffer; Count : Longint) : Longint; override;
- {-read from the stream into a buffer}
- function Seek(Offset : Longint; Origin : Word) : Longint; override;
- {-seek to a particular point in the stream}
- function Write(const Buffer; Count : Longint) : Longint; override;
- {-write to the stream from a buffer}
- end;
- ChunkSize = 8192; {cannot be greater than MaxInt}
-{===Helper routines==================================================}
-procedure RaiseException(const S : string);
- raise Exception.Create(S);
-constructor TabSlidingWindowStream.Create(aStream : TStream);
- i : integer;
- inherited Create;
- {save the actual stream}
- bsStream := aStream;
- {allocate the chunks-they must be set to binary zeros}
- for i := 0 to pred(abSWChunkCount) do
- bsChunks[i] := AllocMem(ChunkSize);
- {set the page/buffer variables to the start of the stream; remember
- we only write to the last chunk--the previous chunks are set to
- binary zeros}
- aStream.Position := 0;
- bsSize := 0;
- bsBufferStart := -ChunkSize * pred(abSWChunkCount);
- bsPosInBuffer := ChunkSize * pred(abSWChunkCount);
- bsCurChunk := pred(abSWChunkCount);
- bsPosInChunk := 0;
- bsDirty := false;
- {$IFDEF DebugTrace}
- System.Assign(bsF, 'c:\SlideWin.LOG');
- if FileExists('c:\SlideWin.LOG') then
- System.Append(bsF)
- else
- System.Rewrite(bsF);
- writeln(bsF, '---NEW LOG---');
- {$ENDIF}
-destructor TabSlidingWindowStream.Destroy;
- i : integer;
- {destroy the buffer, after writing it to the actual stream}
- if bsDirty then
- Flush;
- for i := 0 to pred(abSWChunkCount) do
- if (bsChunks[i] <> nil) then
- FreeMem(bsChunks[i], ChunkSize);
- {$IFDEF DebugTrace}
- System.Close(bsF);
- {$ENDIF}
- {let our ancestor clean up}
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TabSlidingWindowStream.bsSlide;
- SavePtr : PByteArray;
- i : integer;
- {write out the first chunk}
- bsWriteChunk(0);
- {slide the chunks around}
- SavePtr := bsChunks[0];
- for i := 0 to abSWChunkCount-2 do
- bsChunks[i] := bsChunks[i+1];
- bsChunks[pred(abSWChunkCount)] := SavePtr;
- {advance the buffer start position}
- inc(bsBufferStart, ChunkSize);
- {reset the write position}
- bsPosInChunk := 0;
- bsPosInBuffer := ChunkSize * pred(abSWChunkCount);
- bsLastPos := 0;
-procedure TabSlidingWindowStream.bsWriteChunk(aIndex : integer);
- SeekResult : longint;
- BytesWrit : longint;
- Offset : longint;
- BytesToWrite : integer;
- Offset := bsBufferStart + (longint(aIndex) * ChunkSize);
- if (Offset >= 0) then begin
- SeekResult := bsStream.Seek(Offset, 0);
- if (SeekResult = -1) then
- RaiseException('TabSlidingWindowStream.bsWriteChunk: seek failed');
- if (aIndex <> pred(abSWChunkCount)) then
- BytesToWrite := ChunkSize
- else
- BytesToWrite := bsLastPos;
- BytesWrit := bsStream.Write(bsChunks[aIndex]^, BytesToWrite);
- if (BytesWrit <> BytesToWrite) then
- RaiseException('TabSlidingWindowStream.bsWriteChunk: write failed');
- end;
-procedure TabSlidingWindowStream.Flush;
- i : integer;
- if bsDirty then begin
- for i := 0 to pred(abSWChunkCount) do
- bsWriteChunk(i);
- bsDirty := false;
- end;
-function TabSlidingWindowStream.Read(var Buffer; Count : Longint) : Longint;
- BufPtr : PByte;
- BytesToGo : Longint;
- BytesToRead : integer;
- BufPtr := @Buffer;
- {$IFDEF DebugTrace}
- System.Writeln(bsF, 'Read: ', Count, ' bytes');
- {$ENDIF}
- {we do not support reads greater than 32KB bytes}
- if (Count > 32*1024) then
- Count := 32*1024;
- {reading is complicated by the fact we can only read in chunks of
- ChunkSize: we need to partition out the overall read into a
- read from part of the chunk, zero or more reads from complete
- chunks and then a possible read from part of a chunk}
- {calculate the actual number of bytes we can read - this depends on
- the current position and size of the stream as well as the number
- of bytes requested}
- BytesToGo := Count;
- if (bsSize < (bsBufferStart + bsPosInBuffer + Count)) then
- BytesToGo := bsSize - (bsBufferStart + bsPosInBuffer);
- if (BytesToGo <= 0) then begin
- Result := 0;
- Exit;
- end;
- {remember to return the result of our calculation}
- Result := BytesToGo;
- {calculate the number of bytes we can read prior to the loop}
- BytesToRead := ChunkSize - bsPosInChunk;
- if (BytesToRead > BytesToGo) then
- BytesToRead := BytesToGo;
- {copy from the stream buffer to the caller's buffer}
- if (BytesToRead = 1) then
- BufPtr^ := bsChunks[bsCurChunk]^[bsPosInChunk]
- else
- Move(bsChunks[bsCurChunk]^[bsPosInChunk], BufPtr^, BytesToRead);
- {calculate the number of bytes still to read}
- dec(BytesToGo, BytesToRead);
- {while we have bytes to read, read them}
- while (BytesToGo > 0) do begin
- {advance the pointer for the caller's buffer}
- inc(BufPtr, BytesToRead);
- {as we've exhausted this chunk, advance to the next}
- inc(bsCurChunk);
- bsPosInChunk := 0;
- {calculate the number of bytes we can read in this cycle}
- BytesToRead := ChunkSize;
- if (BytesToRead > BytesToGo) then
- BytesToRead := BytesToGo;
- {copy from the stream buffer to the caller's buffer}
- Move(bsChunks[bsCurChunk]^, BufPtr^, BytesToRead);
- {calculate the number of bytes still to read}
- dec(BytesToGo, BytesToRead);
- end;
- {remember our new position}
- inc(bsPosInChunk, BytesToRead);
-function TabSlidingWindowStream.Seek(Offset : Longint;
- Origin : Word) : Longint;
-{$IFDEF DebugTrace}
- OriginStr : array [0..2] of string[7] = ('start', 'current', 'end');
- NewPos : Longint;
- {$IFDEF DebugTrace}
- System.Writeln(bsF, 'Seek: ', Offset, ' bytes from ', OriginStr[Origin]);
- {$ENDIF}
- {calculate the new position}
- case Origin of
- soFromBeginning : NewPos := Offset;
- soFromCurrent : NewPos := bsBufferStart + bsPosInBuffer + Offset;
- soFromEnd : NewPos := bsSize + Offset;
- else
- NewPos := 0;
- RaiseException('TabSlidingWindowStream.Seek: invalid origin');
- end;
- {if the new position is invalid, say so}
- if (NewPos < bsBufferStart) or (NewPos > bsSize) then
- RaiseException('TabSlidingWindowStream.Seek: invalid new position');
- {calculate the chunk number and the position in buffer & chunk}
- bsPosInBuffer := NewPos - bsBufferStart;
- bsCurChunk := bsPosInBuffer div ChunkSize;
- bsPosInChunk := bsPosInBuffer mod ChunkSize;
- {return the new position}
- Result := NewPos;
-function TabSlidingWindowStream.Write(const Buffer; Count : Longint) : Longint;
- BufPtr : PByte;
- BytesToGo : Longint;
- BytesToWrite: integer;
- BufPtr := @Buffer;
- {$IFDEF DebugTrace}
- System.Writeln(bsF, 'Write: ', Count, ' bytes');
- {$ENDIF}
- {we ONLY write at the end of the stream}
- if ((bsBufferStart + bsPosInBuffer) <> bsSize) then
- RaiseException('TabSlidingWindowStream.Write: Not at end of stream');
- {we do not support writes greater than 32KB bytes}
- if (Count > 32*1024) then
- Count := 32*1024;
- {writing is complicated by the fact we write in chunks of Chunksize
- bytes: we need to partition out the overall write into a write
- to part of the chunk, zero or more writes to complete chunks and
- then a possible write to part of a chunk; every time we fill a
- chunk we have toi slide the buffer}
- {when we write to this stream we always assume that we can write the
- requested number of bytes: if we can't (eg, the disk is full) we'll
- get an exception somewhere eventually}
- BytesToGo := Count;
- {remember to return the result of our calculation}
- Result := BytesToGo;
- {calculate the number of bytes we can write prior to the loop}
- BytesToWrite := ChunkSize - bsPosInChunk;
- if (BytesToWrite > BytesToGo) then
- BytesToWrite := BytesToGo;
- {copy from the caller's buffer to the stream buffer}
- if (BytesToWrite = 1) then
- bsChunks[pred(abSWChunkCount)]^[bsPosInChunk] := BufPtr^
- else
- Move(BufPtr^,
- bsChunks[pred(abSWChunkCount)]^[bsPosInChunk],
- BytesToWrite);
- {mark our buffer as requiring a save to the actual stream}
- bsDirty := true;
- {calculate the number of bytes still to write}
- dec(BytesToGo, BytesToWrite);
- {while we have bytes to write, write them}
- while (BytesToGo > 0) do begin
- {slide the buffer}
- bsSlide;
- {advance the pointer for the caller's buffer}
- inc(BufPtr, BytesToWrite);
- {calculate the number of bytes we can write in this cycle}
- BytesToWrite := ChunkSize;
- if (BytesToWrite > BytesToGo) then
- BytesToWrite := BytesToGo;
- {copy from the caller's buffer to our buffer}
- Move(BufPtr^,
- bsChunks[pred(abSWChunkCount)]^,
- BytesToWrite);
- {calculate the number of bytes still to write}
- dec(BytesToGo, BytesToWrite);
- end;
- {remember our new position}
- inc(bsPosInChunk, BytesToWrite);
- bsPosInBuffer := (longint(ChunkSize) * pred(abSWChunkCount)) + bsPosInChunk;
- bsLastPos := bsPosInChunk;
- {make sure the stream size is correct}
- inc(bsSize, Result);
- {if we're at the end of the chunk, slide the buffer ready for next
- time we write}
- if (bsPosInChunk = ChunkSize) then
- bsSlide;
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbSelfEx.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbSelfEx.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index cbfa23d..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbSelfEx.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbSelfEx.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Component for building self-extracting zips *}
-unit AbSelfEx;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- Classes,
- AbBase;
- TAbGetFileEvent = procedure(Sender : TObject; var aFilename : string;
- var Abort : Boolean) of object;
- TAbMakeSelfExe = class(TAbBaseComponent)
- protected {private}
- FStubExe : string;
- FZipFile : string;
- FSelfExe : string;
- FStubStream : TFileStream;
- FZipStream : TFileStream;
- FSelfStream : TFileStream;
- FOnGetStubExe : TAbGetFileEvent;
- FOnGetZipFile : TAbGetFileEvent;
- procedure DoGetStubExe(var Abort : Boolean);
- procedure DoGetZipFile(var Abort : Boolean);
- public
- function Execute : Boolean;
- published
- property SelfExe : string
- read FSelfExe
- write FSelfExe;
- property StubExe : string
- read FStubExe
- write FStubExe;
- property ZipFile : string
- read FZipFile
- write FZipFile;
- property OnGetStubExe : TAbGetFileEvent
- read FOnGetStubExe
- write FOnGetStubExe;
- property OnGetZipFile : TAbGetFileEvent
- read FOnGetZipFile
- write FOnGetZipFile;
- property Version;
- end;
- SysUtils,
- Libc,
- AbExcept, AbZipTyp;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbMakeSelfExe.Execute : Boolean;
- Abort : Boolean;
- Abort := False;
- if (FStubExe = '') then
- DoGetStubExe(Abort);
- if Abort then
- raise EAbUserAbort.Create;
- if not FileExists(FStubExe) then
- raise EAbFileNotFound.Create;
- if (FZipFile = '') then
- DoGetZipFile(Abort);
- if Abort then
- raise EAbUserAbort.Create;
- if not FileExists(FZipFile) then
- raise EAbFileNotFound.Create;
- FStubStream := TFileStream.Create(FStubExe, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);
- FZipStream := TFileStream.Create(FZipFile, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);
- if (FSelfExe = '') then
- FSelfExe := ChangeFileExt(FZipFile, '.exe');
- FSelfStream := TFileStream.Create(FSelfExe, fmCreate or fmShareExclusive);
- try
- MakeSelfExtracting(FStubStream, FZipStream, FSelfStream);
- Result := True;
- finally
- FStubStream.Free;
- FZipStream.Free;
- FSelfStream.Free;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbMakeSelfExe.DoGetStubExe(var Abort: Boolean);
- if Assigned(FOnGetStubExe) then
- FOnGetStubExe(Self, FStubExe, Abort);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbMakeSelfExe.DoGetZipFile(var Abort : Boolean);
- if Assigned(FOnGetZipFile) then
- FOnGetZipFile(Self, FZipFile, Abort);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbSpanSt.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbSpanSt.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c3557a..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbSpanSt.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,398 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- * Craig Peterson
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbSpanSt.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: TAbSpan*Stream Classes *}
-{* Streams to handle splitting ZIP files or spanning *}
-{* them to diskettes *}
-unit AbSpanSt;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- Classes,
- AbArcTyp;
-{ TAbSpanBaseStream interface ============================================== }
- TAbSpanBaseStream = class(TStream)
- protected {private}
- FArchiveName: string;
- FOnRequestImage: TAbRequestImageEvent;
- protected {methods}
- function GetImageName( ImageNumber: Integer ): string;
- public {methods}
- constructor Create( const ArchiveName: string );
- public {events}
- property OnRequestImage : TAbRequestImageEvent
- read FOnRequestImage
- write FOnRequestImage;
- end;
-{ TAbSpanReadStream interface ============================================== }
- TAbSpanReadStream = class(TAbSpanBaseStream)
- protected {private}
- FCurrentImage: LongWord;
- FIsSplit: Boolean;
- FLastImage: LongWord;
- FStream: TStream;
- FOnRequestNthDisk : TAbRequestNthDiskEvent;
- protected {methods}
- procedure GotoImage( ImageNumber: Integer );
- procedure SetOnRequestImage(Value: TAbRequestImageEvent);
- public {methods}
- constructor Create( const ArchiveName: string; CurrentImage: LongWord;
- Stream: TStream );
- destructor Destroy;
- override;
- function Read(var Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint;
- override;
- function Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint;
- override;
- function Seek(const Offset: Int64; Origin: TSeekOrigin): Int64;
- override;
- procedure SeekImage( Image: LongWord; const Offset: Int64);
- public {events}
- property OnRequestImage
- write SetOnRequestImage;
- property OnRequestNthDisk : TAbRequestNthDiskEvent
- read FOnRequestNthDisk
- write FOnRequestNthDisk;
- end;
-{ TAbSpanWriteStream interface ============================================= }
- TAbSpanWriteStream = class(TAbSpanBaseStream)
- protected {private}
- FCurrentImage: LongWord;
- FImageSize: Int64;
- FStream: TStream;
- FThreshold: Int64;
- FOnRequestBlankDisk : TAbRequestDiskEvent;
- protected {methods}
- procedure NewImage;
- public {methods}
- constructor Create( const ArchiveName: string; Stream: TStream;
- Threshold: Int64 );
- destructor Destroy;
- override;
- function Read(var Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint;
- override;
- function Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint;
- override;
- function WriteUnspanned(const Buffer; Count: Longint;
- FailOnSpan: Boolean = False): Boolean;
- function Seek(const Offset: Int64; Origin: TSeekOrigin): Int64;
- override;
- function ReleaseStream: TStream;
- public {properties}
- property CurrentImage : LongWord
- read FCurrentImage;
- public {events}
- property OnRequestBlankDisk : TAbRequestDiskEvent
- read FOnRequestBlankDisk
- write FOnRequestBlankDisk;
- end;
- Windows,
- Math, RTLConsts, SysUtils, AbUtils, AbExcept;
-{ TAbSpanBaseStream implementation ========================================= }
-constructor TAbSpanBaseStream.Create( const ArchiveName: string );
- inherited Create;
- FArchiveName := ArchiveName;
-function TAbSpanBaseStream.GetImageName( ImageNumber: Integer ): string;
- Abort : Boolean;
- Ext : string;
- {generate default name}
- Ext := ExtractFileExt(FArchiveName);
- if (Length(Ext) < 2) then
- Ext := '.' + Format('%.2d', [ImageNumber])
- else
- Ext := Ext[1] + Ext[2] + Format('%.2d', [ImageNumber]);
- Result := ChangeFileExt(FArchiveName, Ext);
- {call event}
- if Assigned(FOnRequestImage) then begin
- Abort := False;
- FOnRequestImage(Self, ImageNumber, Result, Abort);
- if Abort then
- raise EAbUserAbort.Create;
- end;
-{ TAbSpanReadStream implementation ========================================= }
-constructor TAbSpanReadStream.Create( const ArchiveName: string;
- CurrentImage: LongWord; Stream: TStream );
- inherited Create(ArchiveName);
- FCurrentImage := CurrentImage;
- FIsSplit := FileExists(GetImageName(1)) or not AbDriveIsRemovable(ArchiveName);
- FLastImage := CurrentImage;
- FStream := Stream;
-destructor TAbSpanReadStream.Destroy;
- FreeAndNil(FStream);
- inherited;
-procedure TAbSpanReadStream.GotoImage( ImageNumber: Integer );
- Abort: Boolean;
- ImageName: string;
- { switch to the requested image. ImageNumber is passed in as 0-based to
- match the zip spec, but all of the callbacks receive 1-based values. }
- FreeAndNil(FStream);
- FCurrentImage := ImageNumber;
- Inc(ImageNumber);
- ImageName := FArchiveName;
- if FIsSplit then begin
- { the last image uses the original filename }
- if FCurrentImage <> FLastImage then
- ImageName := GetImageName(ImageNumber)
- end
- else if Assigned(FOnRequestNthDisk) then begin
- Abort := False;
- repeat
- FOnRequestNthDisk(Self, ImageNumber, Abort);
- if Abort then
- raise EAbUserAbort.Create;
- until AbGetDriveFreeSpace(ImageName) <> -1;
- end
- else
- raise EAbUserAbort.Create;
- FStream := TFileStream.Create(ImageName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);
-function TAbSpanReadStream.Read(var Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint;
- BytesRead, BytesLeft: LongInt;
- PBuf: PByte;
- { read until the buffer's full, switching images if necessary }
- Result := 0;
- if FStream = nil then
- Exit;
- PBuf := @Buffer;
- BytesLeft := Count;
- while Result < Count do begin
- BytesRead := FStream.Read(PBuf^, BytesLeft);
- Inc(Result, BytesRead);
- Inc(PBuf, BytesRead);
- Dec(BytesLeft, BytesRead);
- if BytesRead < BytesLeft then begin
- if FCurrentImage <> FLastImage then
- GotoImage(FCurrentImage + 1)
- else
- Break;
- end;
- end;
-function TAbSpanReadStream.Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint;
- raise EAbException.Create('TAbSpanReadStream.Write unsupported');
-function TAbSpanReadStream.Seek(const Offset: Int64; Origin: TSeekOrigin): Int64;
- if FStream = nil then
- Result := 0
- else if (Offset = 0) and (Origin = soCurrent) then
- Result := FStream.Position
- else
- raise EAbException.Create('TAbSpanReadStream.Seek unsupported');
-procedure TAbSpanReadStream.SeekImage( Image: LongWord; const Offset: Int64);
- if FStream = nil then
- Exit;
- if FCurrentImage <> Image then
- GotoImage(Image);
- FStream.Position := Offset;
-procedure TAbSpanReadStream.SetOnRequestImage(Value: TAbRequestImageEvent);
- FOnRequestImage := Value;
- FIsSplit := FileExists(GetImageName(1)) or not AbDriveIsRemovable(FArchiveName);
-{ TAbSpanWriteStream implementation ======================================== }
-constructor TAbSpanWriteStream.Create( const ArchiveName: string;
- Stream: TStream; Threshold: Int64 );
- inherited Create(ArchiveName);
- FCurrentImage := 0;
- FStream := Stream;
- FThreshold := Threshold;
-destructor TAbSpanWriteStream.Destroy;
- FStream.Free;
- inherited;
-procedure TAbSpanWriteStream.NewImage;
- Abort: Boolean;
- { start a new span or blank disk. FCurrentImage is 0-based to match the zip
- spec, but all of the callbacks receive 1-based values. }
- FreeAndNil(FStream);
- Inc(FCurrentImage);
- if FThreshold > 0 then
- RenameFile(FArchiveName, GetImageName(FCurrentImage))
- else begin
- if Assigned(FOnRequestBlankDisk) then begin
- Abort := False;
- repeat
- FOnRequestBlankDisk(Self, Abort);
- if Abort then
- raise EAbUserAbort.Create;
- until AbGetDriveFreeSpace(FArchiveName) <> -1;
- end
- else
- raise EAbUserAbort.Create;
- AbSetSpanVolumeLabel(AbDrive(FArchiveName), FCurrentImage);
- end;
- FStream := TFileStream.Create(FArchiveName, fmCreate or fmShareDenyWrite);
- FImageSize := 0;
-function TAbSpanWriteStream.Read(var Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint;
- raise EAbException.Create('TAbSpanWriteStream.Read unsupported');
-function TAbSpanWriteStream.Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint;
- BytesWritten, BytesLeft: LongInt;
- PBuf: PByte;
- { write until the buffer is done, starting new spans if necessary }
- Result := 0;
- if FStream = nil then
- Exit;
- PBuf := @Buffer;
- BytesLeft := Count;
- while Result < Count do begin
- if FThreshold > 0 then
- BytesWritten := FStream.Write(PBuf^, Min(BytesLeft, FThreshold - FImageSize))
- else
- BytesWritten := FStream.Write(PBuf^, BytesLeft);
- Inc(FImageSize, BytesWritten);
- Inc(Result, BytesWritten);
- Inc(PBuf, BytesWritten);
- Dec(BytesLeft, BytesWritten);
- if BytesWritten < BytesLeft then
- NewImage;
- end;
-function TAbSpanWriteStream.WriteUnspanned(const Buffer; Count: Longint;
- FailOnSpan: Boolean = False): Boolean;
- BytesWritten: LongInt;
- { write as a contiguous block, starting a new span if there isn't room.
- FailOnSpan (and result = false) can be used to update data before it's
- written again }
- if FStream = nil then
- raise EWriteError.Create(SWriteError);
- if (FThreshold > 0) and (FThreshold - FImageSize < Count) then
- BytesWritten := 0
- else
- BytesWritten := FStream.Write(Buffer, Count);
- if BytesWritten < Count then begin
- if BytesWritten > 0 then
- FStream.Size := FStream.Size - BytesWritten;
- NewImage;
- if FailOnSpan then
- BytesWritten := 0
- else begin
- BytesWritten := Count;
- FStream.WriteBuffer(Buffer, Count);
- end;
- end;
- Inc(FImageSize, BytesWritten);
- Result := (BytesWritten = Count);
-function TAbSpanWriteStream.Seek(const Offset: Int64; Origin: TSeekOrigin): Int64;
- if FStream = nil then
- Result := 0
- else if (Offset = 0) and (Origin = soCurrent) then
- Result := FStream.Position
- else
- raise EAbException.Create('TAbSpanWriteStream.Seek unsupported');
-function TAbSpanWriteStream.ReleaseStream: TStream;
- Result := FStream;
- FStream := nil;
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbTarTyp.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbTarTyp.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index b9b27be..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbTarTyp.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2232 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- * Joel Haynie
- * Craig Peterson
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbTarTyp.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: TAbTarArchive, TAbTarItem classes *}
-{* Misc. constants, types, and routines for working *}
-{* with Tar files *}
-unit AbTarTyp;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- Classes,
- AbUtils, AbArcTyp;
- AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE = 512; {Note: SizeOf(TAbTarHeaderRec) = AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE}
-{ The checksum field is filled with this while the checksum is computed. }
- AB_TAR_CHKBLANKS = ' '; { 8 blank spaces(#20), no null }
- AB_TAR_L_HDR_NAME = '././@LongLink'; { As seen in the GNU File Examples}
- AB_TAR_L_HDR_USR_NAME='root'; { On Cygwin this is #0, Redhat it is 'root' }
- AB_TAR_L_HDR_GRP_NAME='root'; { Same on all OS's }
- AB_TAR_L_HDR_ARR8_0 ='0000000'#0; { 7 zeros and one null }
- AB_TAR_L_HDR_ARR12_0 ='00000000000'#0;{ 11 zeros and one null }
- AB_TAR_MAGIC_VAL = 'ustar'#0; { 5 chars & a nul }
- AB_TAR_MAGIC_VER = '00'; { 2 chars }
- AB_TAR_MAGIC_GNUOLD = 'ustar '#0; { 7 chars & a null }
- AB_TAR_MAGIC_V7_NONE = #0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0;{ 8, #0 }
-{ The linkflag defines the type of file(FH), and Meta Data about File(MDH) }
- AB_TAR_LF_OLDNORMAL = #0; { FH, Normal disk file, Unix compatible } { Historically used for V7 }
- AB_TAR_LF_NORMAL = '0'; { FH, Normal disk file }
- AB_TAR_LF_LINK = '1'; { FH, Link to previously archived file }
- AB_TAR_LF_SYMLINK = '2'; { FH, Symbolic(soft) link }
- AB_TAR_LF_CHR = '3'; { FH, Character special file }{ Used for device nodes, Conditionally compiled into GNUTAR }
- AB_TAR_LF_BLK = '4'; { FH, Block special file }{ Used for device nodes, Conditionally compiled into GNUTAR }
- AB_TAR_LF_DIR = '5'; { FH, Directory, Zero size File }
- AB_TAR_LF_FIFO = '6'; { FH, FIFO special file }{ Used for fifo files(pipe like), Conditionally complied into GNUTAR }
- AB_TAR_LF_CONTIG = '7'; { FH, Contiguous file } { Normal File, but All blocks should be contiguos on the disk }
- AB_TAR_LF_XHDR = 'x'; { MDH, POSIX, Next File has Extended Header }
- AB_TAR_LF_XGL = 'g'; { MDH, POSIX, Global Extended Header }
- AB_TAR_LF_DUMPDIR = 'D'; { FH, Extra GNU, Dump Directory} { Generated Dump of Files in a directory, has a size }
- AB_TAR_LF_LONGLINK = 'K'; { MDH, Extra GNU, Next File has Long LinkName}
- AB_TAR_LF_LONGNAME = 'L'; { MDH, Extra GNU, Next File has Long Name}
- AB_TAR_LF_MULTIVOL = 'M'; { FH, Extra GNU, MultiVolume File Cont.}{ End of a file that spans multiple TARs }
- AB_TAR_LF_SPARSE = 'S'; { FH, Extra GNU, Sparse File Cont.}
- AB_TAR_LF_VOLHDR = 'V'; { FH, Extra GNU, File is Volume Header }
- AB_TAR_LF_EXHDR = 'X'; { MDH, Extra GNU, Solaris Extended Header }
- { The only questionable MetaData type is 'V', file or meta-data? will treat as file header }
-{ The rest of the Chars are unsupported and unknown types Treat those headers as File types }
-{ Further link types may be defined later. }
-{ Bits used in the mode field - values in octal }
- AB_TAR_TSUID = $0800; { Set UID on execution }
- AB_TAR_TSGID = $0400; { Set GID on execution }
- AB_TAR_TSVTX = $0200; { Save text (sticky bit) }
- Arr8 = array [0..7] of AnsiChar;
- Arr12 = array [0..11] of AnsiChar;
- Arr12B = array[0..11] of Byte;
- ArrName = array [0..AB_TAR_NAMESIZE-1] of AnsiChar;
- TAbTarMagicType = (GNU_OLD, NORMAL);
- TAbTarMagicRec = packed record
- case TAbTarMagicType of
- GNU_OLD: (gnuOld : array[0..7] of AnsiChar); { Old GNU magic: (Magic.gnuOld) }
- NORMAL : (value : array[0..5] of AnsiChar; { Magic value: (Magic.value)}
- version: array[0..1] of AnsiChar); { Version: (Magic.version) }
- end;
-{ Notes from GNU Tar & POSIX Spec.: }
-{All the first 345 bytes are the same. }
-{ "USTAR_header": Prefix(155): 345-499,
- empty(12): 500-511 }
-{ "old_gnu_header": atime(12): 345-356,
- ctime(12): 357-368,
- offset(12): 369-380,
- longnames(4): 381-384,
- empty(1): 385,
- sparse structs(4x(12+12)=96): 386-481,
- isextended(1): 482,
- realsize(12): 483-494,
- empty(16): 495-511 }
-{ "star_header": Prefix(131): 345-475,
- atime(12): 476-487,
- ctime(12): 488-499,
- empty(12): 500-511 }
-{ "star_in_header": prefix(1): 345,
- empty(9): 346-354,
- isextended(1): 355,
- sparse structs(4x(12+12)=96): 356-451,
- realsize(12): 452-463,
- offset(12): 464-475,
- atime(12): 476-487,
- ctime(12): 488-499,
- empty(8): 500-507,
- xmagic(4): 508-511 }
-{ "sparse_header": These two structs are the same, and they are Meta data about file. }
-{"star_ext_header": sparse structs(21x(12+12)=504): 0-503,
- isextended(1): 504 }
-{POSIX(PAX) extended header: is a buffer packed with content of this form:
- This if from the POSIX spec. References the C printf command string.
- "%d %s=%s\n". Then they are simply concatenated. }
- { PAX Extended Header Keywords: }
- { 'atime', 'charset', 'comment', 'ctime', 'gid', 'gname', 'linkpath', 'mtime', 'path',
- 'realtime.', 'security.', 'size', 'uid', 'uname' }
- { GNU Added PAX Extended Header Keywords: }
- { 'GNU.sparse.name', 'GNU.sparse.major', 'GNU.sparse.minor',
- 'GNU.sparse.realsize', 'GNU.sparse.numblocks', 'GNU.sparse.size',
- 'GNU.sparse.offset', 'GNU.sparse.numbytes', 'GNU.sparse.map', 'GNU.dumpdir',
- 'GNU.volume.label', 'GNU.volume.filename', 'GNU.volume.size',
- 'GNU.volume.offset' }
- { V7 uses AB_TAR_LF_OLDNORMAL linkflag, has no magic field & no Usr/Grp Names }
- { V7 Format ends Empty(padded with zeros), as does the POSIX record. }
- TAbTarEnd_Empty_Rec = packed record
- Empty: array[0..AB_TAR_V7_EMPTY_SIZE-1] of Byte; { 345-511, $159-1FF, Empty Space }
- end;
- { UStar End Format }
- TAbTarEnd_UStar_Rec = packed record
- Prefix: array[0..AB_TAR_USTAR_PREFIX_SIZE-1] of AnsiChar;
- { 345-499, $159-1F3, Prefix of file & path name, null terminated ASCII string }
- Empty : Arr12B;{ 500-512, $1F4-1FF, Empty Space }
- end;
- { Old GNU End Format }
- TAbTarEnd_GNU_old_Rec = packed record
- Atime : Arr12; { 345-356, $159-164, time of last access (UNIX Date in ASCII coded Octal)}
- Ctime : Arr12; { 357-368, $165-170, time of last status change (UNIX Date in ASCII coded Octal)}
- Offset: Arr12; { 369-380, $171-17C, Multirecord specific value }
- Empty1: array[0..AB_TAR_OLD_GNU_EMPTY1_SIZE-1] of Byte;
- { 381-385, $17D-181, Empty Space, Once contained longname ref. }
- Sparse: array[0..AB_TAR_OLD_GNU_SPARSE_SIZE-1] of Byte;
- { 386-481, $182-1E1, Sparse File specific values }
- IsExtended: byte;{ 482, $ 1E2, Flag to signify Sparse file headers follow }
- RealSize: Arr12;{ 483-494, $1E3-1EE, Real size of a Sparse File. }
- Empty2: array[0..AB_TAR_OLD_GNU_EMPTY2_SIZE-1] of Byte;
- { 495-511, $1EF-1FF, Empty Space }
- end;
- { Star End Format }
- TAbTarEnd_Star_Rec = packed record
- Prefix: array[0..AB_TAR_STAR_PREFIX_SIZE-1] of AnsiChar;
- { 345-499, $159-1F3, prefix of file & path name, null terminated ASCII string }
- Atime : Arr12; { 476-487, $1DC-1E7, time of last access (UNIX Date in ASCII coded Octal)}
- Ctime : Arr12; { 488-499, $1E8-1F3, time of last status change (UNIX Date in ASCII coded Octal)}
- Empty : Arr12B;{ 500-512, $1F4-1FF, Empty Space }
- end;
- { When support for sparse files is added, Add another record for sparse in header }
-{ Note: SizeOf(TAbTarHeaderRec) = AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE by design }
- PAbTarHeaderRec = ^TAbTarHeaderRec; { Declare pointer type for use in the list }
- TAbTarHeaderRec = packed record
- Name : ArrName; { 0- 99, $ 0- 63, filename, null terminated ASCII string, unless length is 100 }
- Mode : Arr8; { 100-107, $ 64- 6B, file mode (UNIX style, ASCII coded Octal) }
- uid : Arr8; { 108-115, $ 6C- 73, usrid # (UNIX style, ASCII coded Octal) }
- gid : Arr8; { 116-123, $ 74- 7B, grpid # (UNIX style, ASCII coded Octal) }
- Size : Arr12; { 124-135, $ 7C- 87, size of TARred file (ASCII coded Octal) }
- ModTime : Arr12; { 136-147, $ 88- 93, time of last modification.(UNIX Date in ASCII coded Octal)
- UTC time }
- ChkSum : Arr8; { 148-155, $ 94- 9B, checksum of header (6 bytes ASCII coded Octal, #00, #20) }
- LinkFlag: AnsiChar; { 156, $ 9C, type of item, one of the Link Flag constants from above }
- LinkName: ArrName; { 157-256, $ 9D-100, name of link, null terminated ASCII string }
- Magic : TAbTarMagicRec;
- { 257-264, $101-108, identifier, usually 'ustar'#00'00' }
- UsrName : array [0..AB_TAR_TUSRNAMELEN-1] of AnsiChar;
- { 265-296, $109-128, username, null terminated ASCII string }
- GrpName : array [0..AB_TAR_TGRPNAMELEN-1] of AnsiChar;
- { 297-328, $129-148, groupname, null terminated ASCII string }
- DevMajor: Arr8; { 329-336, $149-150, major device ID (UNIX style, ASCII coded Octal) }
- DevMinor: Arr8; { 337-344, $151-158, minor device ID (UNIX style, ASCII coded Octal) }
- case TAbTarHeaderFormat of{ 345-511, $159-1FF See byte Definitions above.}
- V7_FORMAT : ( v7 : TAbTarEnd_Empty_Rec );
- OLDGNU_FORMAT: ( gnuOld: TAbTarEnd_GNU_old_Rec );
- GNU_FORMAT : ( gnu : TAbTarEnd_GNU_old_Rec );
- USTAR_FORMAT : ( ustar : TAbTarEnd_UStar_Rec );
- STAR_FORMAT : ( star : TAbTarEnd_Star_Rec );
- POSIX_FORMAT : ( pax : TAbTarEnd_Empty_Rec );
- end;{ end TAbTarHeaderRec }
- { There are three main types of headers we will see in a Tar file }
- { The 1st is defined above, The later two are simply organized data types. }
- TAbTarItemRec = record
- { Note: that the actual The name needs to be coherient with the name Inherited
- from parent type TAbArchiveItem }
- Name : string; { Path & File name. }
- Mode : LongWord; { File Permissions }
- uid : Integer; { User ID }
- gid : Integer; { Group ID }
- Size : Int64; { Tared File size }
- ModTime : Int64; { Last time of Modification, in UnixTime }
- ChkSumPass : Boolean; { Header Check sum found to be good }
- LinkFlag : AnsiChar; { Link Flag, Echos the actual File Type of this Item. }
- ItemType : TAbTarItemType; { Item Type Assigned from LinkFlag Header Types. }
- LinkName : string; { Link Name }
- Magic : AnsiString; { Magic value }
- Version : Integer; { Version Number }
- UsrName : string; { User Name, for User ID }
- GrpName : string; { Group Name, for Group ID }
- DevMajor : Integer; { Major Device ID }
- DevMinor : Integer; { Minor Device ID }
- { Additional Types used for holding info. }
- AccessTime : Int64; { Time of Last Access, in UnixTime }
- ChangeTime : Int64; { Time of Last Status Change, in UnixTime }
- ArchiveFormat: TAbTarHeaderFormat; { Type of Archive of this record }
- StreamPosition: Int64; { Pointer to the top of the item in the file. }
- Dirty : Boolean; { Indication if this record needs to have its headers CheckSum recalculated }
- ItemReadOnly: Boolean; { Indication if this record is READ ONLY }
- FileHeaderCount:Integer;{ Number of Headers in the Orginal TarHeaders in the File Stream }
- end;
- PTAbTarItem = ^TAbTarItem;
- TAbTarItem = class(TAbArchiveItem)
- private
- { The following private members are used for Stuffing FTarItem struct }
- procedure ParseTarHeaders; { Error in header if }
- procedure DetectHeaderFormat; { Helper to stuff HeaderFormat }
- procedure GetFileNameFromHeaders; { Helper to pull name from Headers }
- procedure GetLinkNameFromHeaders; { Helper to pull name from Headers }
- function TestCheckSum: Boolean; { Helper to Calculate Checksum of a header. }
- procedure DoGNUExistingLongNameLink(LinkFlag: AnsiChar; I: Integer; const Value: AnsiString);
- procedure DoGNUNewLongNameLink(LinkFlag: AnsiChar; I: Integer; const Value: AnsiString);
- protected {private}
- PTarHeader: PAbTarHeaderRec;{ Points to FTarHeaderList.Items[FTarHeaderList.Count-1] }
- FTarHeaderList: TList; { List of The Headers }
- FTarHeaderTypeList: TList; { List of the Header Types }
- FTarItem: TAbTarItemRec; { Data about current TAR Item }
- protected
- function GetDevMajor: Integer;
- function GetDevMinor: Integer;
- function GetGroupID: Integer;
- function GetGroupName: string;
- function GetLinkName: string;
- function GetUserID: Integer;
- function GetUserName: string;
- function GetModTime: Int64;
- function GetNumHeaders: Integer;
- function GetMagic: string;
- { All Sets shall update the headers Or add headers as needed. }
- procedure SetDevMajor(const Value: Integer);
- procedure SetDevMinor(const Value: Integer);
- procedure SetGroupID(const Value: Integer); { Extended Headers }
- procedure SetGroupName(const Value: string); { Extended Headers }
- procedure SetLinkFlag(Value: AnsiChar);
- procedure SetLinkName(const Value: string); { Extended Headers }
- procedure SetUserID(const Value: Integer); { Extended Headers }
- procedure SetUserName(const Value: string); { Extended Headers }
- procedure SetModTime(const Value: Int64);
- Procedure SetMagic(const Value: string);
- { TODO: add support for Atime and Ctime here }
- { Overrides for Inherited Properties from type TAbArchiveItem }
- function GetCompressedSize : Int64; override;
- function GetExternalFileAttributes : LongWord; override;
- function GetFileName : string; override;
- function GetIsDirectory: Boolean; override;
- function GetIsEncrypted : Boolean; override;
- function GetLastModFileDate : Word; override;
- function GetLastModFileTime : Word; override;
- function GetLastModTimeAsDateTime: TDateTime; override;
- function GetNativeFileAttributes : LongInt; override;
- function GetUncompressedSize : Int64; override;
- procedure SetCompressedSize(const Value : Int64); override; { Extended Headers }
- procedure SetExternalFileAttributes( Value : LongWord ); override;
- procedure SetFileName(const Value : string); override; { Extended Headers }
- procedure SetIsEncrypted(Value : Boolean); override;
- procedure SetLastModFileDate(const Value : Word); override; { Extended Headers }
- procedure SetLastModFileTime(const Value : Word); override; { Extended Headers }
- procedure SetLastModTimeAsDateTime(const Value: TDateTime); override;
- procedure SetUncompressedSize(const Value : Int64); override; { Extended Headers }
- procedure SaveTarHeaderToStream(AStream : TStream);
- procedure LoadTarHeaderFromStream(AStream : TStream);
- property Magic : string { Magic value }
- read GetMagic write SetMagic;
- public
- { property Name : STRING; Path & File name. Inherited from parent type TAbArchiveItem }
- { read GetFileName write SetFileName; overridden above}
- property Mode : LongWord { File Permissions }
- read GetExternalFileAttributes write SetExternalFileAttributes;
- property UserID : Integer { User ID }
- read GetUserID write SetUserID;
- property GroupID : Integer { Group ID }
- read GetGroupID write SetGroupID;
- property ModTime : Int64
- read GetModTime write SetModTime;
- { property UncompressedSize/CompressedSize(Size): Int64; File size (comp/uncomp) Inherited from parent type TAbArchiveItem }
- { read GetUncompressedSize, GetCompressedSize; overridden above }
- { write SetUncompressedSize, SetCompressedSize; overridden above }
- { property LastModFileTime/LastModFileDate(ModeTime): TDateTime; Last time of Modification Inherited from parent type TAbArchiveItem }
- { read GetLastModFileTime, GetLastModFileDate; overridden above }
- { write SetLastModFileTime, SetLastModFileDate; overridden above }
- property CheckSumGood: Boolean
- read FTarItem.ChkSumPass; { Header Check sum found to be good }
- property LinkFlag : AnsiChar { Link Flag of File Header }
- read FTarItem.LinkFlag write SetLinkFlag;
- property LinkName : string { Link Name }
- read GetLinkName write SetLinkName;
- property UserName : string { User Name, for User ID }
- read GetUserName write SetUserName;
- property GroupName : string { Group Name, for Group ID }
- read GetGroupName write SetGroupName;
- property DevMajor : Integer { Major Device ID }
- read GetDevMajor write SetDevMajor;
- property DevMinor : Integer { Minor Device ID }
- read GetDevMinor write SetDevMinor;
- { TODO: Add support ATime and CTime }
- {AccessTime : TDateTime;} { Time of Last Access }
- {ChangeTime : TDateTime;} { Time of Last Status Change }
- { Additional Types used for holding info. }
- property ExternalFileAttributes;
- property ArchiveFormat: TAbTarHeaderFormat
- read FTarItem.ArchiveFormat write FTarItem.ArchiveFormat;
- property ItemType: TAbTarItemType
- read FTarItem.ItemType write FTarItem.ItemType;
- property ItemReadOnly: Boolean
- read FTarItem.ItemReadOnly write FTarItem.ItemReadOnly;
- property FileHeaderCount: Integer
- read FTarItem.FileHeaderCount;
- property HeaderCount: Integer
- read GetNumHeaders;
- property StreamPosition: Int64
- read FTarItem.StreamPosition write FTarItem.StreamPosition;
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- end; { end TAbArchiveItem }
- TAbTarStreamHelper = class(TAbArchiveStreamHelper)
- private
- function FindItem: Boolean; { Tool for FindFirst/NextItem functions }
- protected
- FTarHeader : TAbTarHeaderRec; { Speed-up Buffer only }
- FCurrItemSize : Int64; { Current Item size }
- FCurrItemPreHdrs: Integer; { Number of Meta-data Headers before the Item }
- public
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure ExtractItemData(AStream : TStream); override;
- function FindFirstItem : Boolean; override;
- function FindNextItem : Boolean; override;
- procedure ReadHeader; override;
- procedure ReadTail; override;
- function SeekItem(Index : Integer): Boolean; override;
- procedure WriteArchiveHeader; override;
- procedure WriteArchiveItem(AStream : TStream); override;
- procedure WriteArchiveItemSize(AStream : TStream; Size: Int64);
- procedure WriteArchiveTail; override;
- function GetItemCount : Integer; override;
- end;
- TAbTarArchive = class(TAbArchive)
- private
- FArchReadOnly : Boolean;
- FArchFormat: TAbTarHeaderFormat;
- protected
- function CreateItem(const FileSpec : string): TAbArchiveItem;
- override;
- procedure ExtractItemAt(Index : Integer; const UseName : string);
- override;
- procedure ExtractItemToStreamAt(Index : Integer; aStream : TStream);
- override;
- procedure LoadArchive;
- override;
- procedure SaveArchive;
- override;
- procedure TestItemAt(Index : Integer);
- override;
- function FixName(const Value: string): string;
- override;
- function GetSupportsEmptyFolders: Boolean;
- override;
- function GetItem(Index: Integer): TAbTarItem;
- procedure PutItem(Index: Integer; const Value: TAbTarItem);
- public {methods}
- constructor CreateFromStream(aStream : TStream; const aArchiveName : string);
- override;
- property UnsupportedTypesDetected : Boolean
- read FArchReadOnly;
- property Items[Index : Integer] : TAbTarItem
- read GetItem
- write PutItem; default;
- end;
-function VerifyTar(Strm : TStream) : TAbArchiveType;
- Windows, // Fix inline warnings
- Math, RTLConsts, SysUtils, {$IFDEF HasAnsiStrings}AnsiStrings, {$ENDIF}AbCharset, AbVMStrm, AbExcept;
-{ ****************** Helper functions Not from Classes Above ***************** }
-function OctalToInt(const Oct : PAnsiChar; aLen : integer): Int64;
- i : integer;
- Result := 0;
- i := 0;
- while (i < aLen) and (Oct[i] = ' ') do
- inc(i);
- if (i = aLen) then
- Exit;
- while (i < aLen) and (Oct[i] in ['0'..'7']) do begin
- Result := (Result * 8) + (Ord(Oct[i]) - Ord('0'));
- inc(i);
- end;
-function IntToOctal(Value : Int64): AnsiString;
- OctDigits : array[0..7] of AnsiChar = '01234567';
- if Value = 0 then
- Result := '0'
- else begin
- Result := '';
- while Value > 0 do begin
- Result := OctDigits[Value and 7] + Result;
- Value := Value shr 3;
- end;
- end;
-function CalcTarHeaderChkSum(const TarH : TAbTarHeaderRec): LongInt;
- HdrBuffer : PAnsiChar;
- HdrChkSum : LongInt;
- j : Integer;
- { prepare for the checksum calculation }
- HdrBuffer := PAnsiChar(@TarH);
- HdrChkSum := 0;
- {calculate the checksum, a simple sum of the bytes in the header}
- for j := 0 to Pred(SizeOf(TAbTarHeaderRec)) do
- HdrChkSum := HdrChkSum + Ord(HdrBuffer[j]);
- Result := HdrChkSum;
-function VerifyTar(Strm : TStream) : TAbArchiveType;
-{ assumes Tar positioned correctly for test of item }
- TarItem : TAbTarItem;
- StartPos : Int64;
- StartPos := Strm.Position;
- try
- { Verifies that the header checksum is valid, and Item type is understood.
- This does not mean that extraction is supported. }
- TarItem := TAbTarItem.Create;
- try
- { get current Tar Header }
- TarItem.LoadTarHeaderFromStream(Strm);
- if TarItem.CheckSumGood then
- Result := atTar
- else
- Result := atUnknown;
- finally
- TarItem.Free;
- end;
- except
- on EReadError do
- Result := atUnknown;
- end;
- Strm.Position := StartPos;
-function PadString(const S : AnsiString; Places : Integer) : AnsiString;
-Pads a string (S) with one right space and as many left spaces as
-needed to fill Places
-If length S greater than Places, just returns S
-Some TAR utilities evidently expect Octal numeric fields to be in
-this format
- if Length(S) >= LongInt(Places) then
- Result := S
- else begin
- Result := S + ' ';
- Result := StringOfChar(AnsiChar(' '), Places - Length(Result)) + Result;
- end;
-{ Round UP to the nearest Tar Block Boundary. }
-function RoundToTarBlock(Size: Int64) : Int64;
- Result := (Size + (AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE - 1)) and
- not (AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE - 1);
-{ ****************************** TAbTarItem ********************************** }
-constructor TAbTarItem.Create;
- inherited Create;
- FTarHeaderList := TList.Create;
- FTarHeaderTypeList := TList.Create;
- GetMem(PTarHeader, AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE); { PTarHeader is our new Header }
- FillChar(PTarHeader^, AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE, #0);
- FTarHeaderList.Add(PTarHeader);
- FTarHeaderTypeList.Add(Pointer(FILE_HEADER));
- FTarItem.FileHeaderCount := 1;
- { set defaults }
- FTarItem.ArchiveFormat := UNKNOWN_FORMAT;
- FileName := '';
- UserID := 0;
- GroupID := 0;
- UncompressedSize := 0;
- { ModTime }
- { Link Name }
- PTarHeader.Magic.gnuOld := AB_TAR_MAGIC_V7_NONE; { Default to GNU type }
- UserName := '';
- GroupName := '';
- DevMajor := 0;
- DevMinor := 0;
- { TODO: atime, ctime }
- FTarItem.ItemType := SUPPORTED_ITEM;
- FTarItem.Dirty := True; { Checksum needs to be generated }
- FTarItem.ItemReadOnly := False;
-destructor TAbTarItem.Destroy;
- i : Integer;
- if Assigned(FTarHeaderList) then
- begin
- for i := 0 to FTarHeaderList.Count - 1 do
- FreeMem(FTarHeaderList.Items[i]); { This list holds PAbTarHeaderRec's }
- FTarHeaderList.Free;
- end;
- FTarHeaderTypeList.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
-function TAbTarItem.GetCompressedSize: Int64;
-{ TAR includes no internal compression, returns same value as GetUncompressedSize }
- Result := FTarItem.Size;
-function TAbTarItem.GetDevMajor: Integer;
- Result := FTarItem.DevMajor;
-function TAbTarItem.GetDevMinor: Integer;
- Result := FTarItem.DevMinor;
-function TAbTarItem.GetExternalFileAttributes: LongWord;
- Result := FTarItem.Mode;
-function TAbTarItem.GetFileName: string;
- Result := FTarItem.Name; { Inherited String from Parent Class }
-function TAbTarItem.GetGroupID: Integer;
- Result := FTarItem.gid;
-function TAbTarItem.GetGroupName: string;
- Result := FTarItem.GrpName;
-function TAbTarItem.GetIsDirectory: Boolean;
- Result := (LinkFlag = AB_TAR_LF_DIR);
-function TAbTarItem.GetIsEncrypted: Boolean;
- { TAR has no native encryption }
- Result := False;
-function TAbTarItem.GetLastModFileDate: Word;
- { convert to local DOS file Date }
- Result := LongRec(AbDateTimeToDosFileDate(LastModTimeAsDateTime)).Hi;
-function TAbTarItem.GetLastModFileTime: Word;
- { convert to local DOS file Time }
- Result := LongRec(AbDateTimeToDosFileDate(LastModTimeAsDateTime)).Lo;
-function TAbTarItem.GetLastModTimeAsDateTime: TDateTime;
- Result := AbUnixTimeToLocalDateTime(FTarItem.ModTime);
-function TAbTarItem.GetLinkName: string;
- Result := FTarItem.LinkName;
-function TAbTarItem.GetMagic: string;
- Result := string(FTarItem.Magic);
-function TAbTarItem.GetNativeFileAttributes : LongInt;
- Result := GetExternalFileAttributes;
- Result := AbUnix2DosFileAttributes(Result);
-function TAbTarItem.GetUncompressedSize: Int64;
-{ TAR includes no internal compression, returns same value as GetCompressedSize }
- Result := FTarItem.Size;
-function TAbTarItem.GetUserID: Integer;
- Result := FTarItem.uid;
-function TAbTarItem.GetUserName: string;
- Result := FTarItem.UsrName;
-function TAbTarItem.GetModTime: Int64;
- Result := FTarItem.ModTime;
-{ Get Number of tar headers currently for this item }
-function TAbTarItem.GetNumHeaders: Integer;
- Result := FTarHeaderList.Count;
-{ Takes data from Supported Header types stored in TAbTarItem.FTarHeaderList }
-{ and updates values in the TAbTarItem.FTarItem.X }
-procedure TAbTarItem.DetectHeaderFormat;
- if FTarItem.ArchiveFormat <> UNKNOWN_FORMAT then
- Exit;{ We have already set the format. }
- { In the previous header parsing if pax headers are detected the format is changed }
- { GNU_FORMAT is detected by the presence of GNU extended headers. }
- { These detections are similar to GNU tar's. }
- if (PTarHeader.Magic.value = AB_TAR_MAGIC_VAL) then
- begin { We have one of three types, STAR_FORMAT, USTAR_FORMAT, POSIX_FORMAT }
- { Detect STAR format. Leave disabled until explicit STAR support is added. }
- {if (PTarHeader.star.Prefix[130] = #00) and
- (PTarHeader.star.Atime[0] in ['0'..'7']) and
- (PTarHeader.star.Atime[11] = #20) and
- (PTarHeader.star.Ctime[0]in ['0'..'7']) and
- (PTarHeader.star.Ctime[11] = #20) then
- begin
- FTarItme.ArchiveType := STAR_FORMAT;
- end }
- { else if } { POSIX uses the existance of x headers }
- { This can define false positives, Pax headers/ STAR format could be detected as this }
- FTarItem.ArchiveFormat := USTAR_FORMAT;
- end
- else if (PTarHeader.Magic.gnuOld = AB_TAR_MAGIC_GNUOLD) then
- begin
- FTarItem.ArchiveFormat := OLDGNU_FORMAT;
- end
- else { V7 uses AB_TAR_LF_OLDNORMAL linkflag, has no magic field & no Usr/Grp Names }
- begin
- FTarItem.ArchiveFormat := V7_FORMAT; { Lowest Common Denominator }
- end;
-{ Extract the file name from the headers }
-procedure TAbTarItem.GetFileNameFromHeaders;
- I, J : Integer;
- PHeader: PAbTarHeaderRec;
- FoundName: Boolean;
- NameLength : Int64;
- NumMHeaders: integer;
- ExtraName: integer;
- RawFileName, TempStr: AnsiString;
- FoundName := False;
- I := 0;
- while (not FoundName) and (I <= (FTarHeaderList.Count - 1)) do
- begin
- PHeader := FTarHeaderList.Items[I];
- if PHeader.LinkFlag = AB_TAR_LF_LONGNAME then
- begin
- FoundName := True;
- RawFileName := '';
- NameLength := OctalToInt(PHeader.Size, SizeOf(PHeader.Size));
- NumMHeaders := NameLength div AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE;
- ExtraName := NameLength mod AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE; { Chars in the last Header }
- { NumMHeaders should never be zero }
- { It appears that it is not null terminated in the blocks }
- for J := 1 to NumMHeaders do
- begin
- { Copy entire content of Header to String }
- PHeader := FTarHeaderList.Items[I+J];
- SetString(TempStr, PAnsiChar(PHeader), AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE);
- RawFileName := RawFileName + TempStr;
- end;
- if ExtraName <> 0 then
- begin
- PHeader := FTarHeaderList.Items[I+NumMHeaders+1];
- SetString(TempStr, PAnsiChar(PHeader), ExtraName-1);
- RawFileName := RawFileName + TempStr;
- end
- else { We already copied the entire name, but the string is still null terminated. }
- begin
- { Removed the last zero }
- SetLength(RawFileName, (Length(RawFileName)-1));
- end;
- end { end long filename link flag }
- else
- I := I + 1;
- end; { End While }
- if not FoundName then
- begin
- if (FTarItem.ArchiveFormat = USTAR_FORMAT) and
- (PTarHeader.ustar.Prefix[0] <> #0) then
- RawFileName := PTarHeader.ustar.Prefix+'/'+PTarHeader.Name
- else
- RawFileName := PTarHeader.Name;
- end; { End not FoundName }
- FTarItem.Name := AbRawBytesToString(RawFileName);
-{ Extract the file name from the headers }
-procedure TAbTarItem.GetLinkNameFromHeaders;
- I, J : Integer;
- PHeader: PAbTarHeaderRec;
- FoundName: Boolean;
- NameLength : Int64;
- NumMHeaders: integer;
- ExtraName: integer;
- RawLinkName, TempStr: AnsiString;
- PHeader := nil;
- FoundName := False;
- I := 0;
- { Note that: FTarHeaderList.Count <= 1, always }
- while (not FoundName) and (I <= (FTarHeaderList.Count - 1)) do
- begin
- PHeader := FTarHeaderList.Items[I];
- if PHeader.LinkFlag = AB_TAR_LF_LONGLINK then
- begin
- FoundName := True;
- RawLinkName := '';
- NameLength := OctalToInt(PHeader.Size, SizeOf(PHeader.Size));
- NumMHeaders := NameLength div AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE;
- ExtraName := NameLength mod AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE; { Chars in the last Header }
- { NumMHeaders should never be zero }
- { It appears that it is not null terminated in the blocks }
- for J := 1 to NumMHeaders do
- begin
- { Copy entire content of Header to String }
- PHeader := FTarHeaderList.Items[I+J];
- SetString(TempStr, PAnsiChar(PHeader), AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE);
- RawLinkName := RawLinkName + TempStr;
- end;
- if ExtraName <> 0 then
- begin
- PHeader := FTarHeaderList.Items[I+NumMHeaders+1];
- SetString(TempStr, PAnsiChar(PHeader), ExtraName-1);
- RawLinkName := RawLinkName + TempStr;
- end
- else { We already copied the entire name, but the string is still null terminated. }
- begin
- { Removed the last zero }
- SetLength(RawLinkName, (Length(RawLinkName)-1));
- end;
- end { end long filename link flag }
- else
- I := I + 1;
- end; { End While }
- if not FoundName then
- RawLinkName := PHeader.LinkName;
- FTarItem.LinkName := AbRawBytesToString(RawLinkName);
-{ Return True if CheckSum passes out. }
-function TAbTarItem.TestCheckSum : Boolean;
- TarChkSum : LongInt;
- TarChkSumArr : Arr8; { ChkSum field is Arr8 }
- PHeader: PAbTarHeaderRec;
- I: Integer;
- Result := True;
- { Check sums are in valid headers but NOT in the data headers. }
- for I := 0 to FTarHeaderList.Count - 1 do
- begin
- if TAbTarHeaderType(FTarHeaderTypeList.Items[I]) in [FILE_HEADER, META_DATA_HEADER] then
- begin
- PHeader := FTarHeaderList.Items[i];
- { Save off old Check sum }
- Move(PHeader.ChkSum, TarChkSumArr, SizeOf(PHeader.ChkSum));
- TarChkSum := OctalToInt(TarChkSumArr, SizeOf(TarChkSumArr));
- { Set to Generator Value }
- PHeader.ChkSum := AB_TAR_CHKBLANKS;
- if CalcTarHeaderChkSum(PHeader^) <> TarChkSum then
- Result := False; { Pass unless one miss-compares }
- { Save back old checksum }
- Move(TarChkSumArr, PHeader.ChkSum, SizeOf(TarChkSumArr));
- end;
- end;
-procedure TAbTarItem.ParseTarHeaders;
- { The final index is the Item index }
- DetectHeaderFormat;
- { Long term this parsing is not correct, as the values in extended headers
- override the later values in this header }
- FTarItem.Mode := OctalToInt(PTarHeader.Mode, SizeOf(PTarHeader.Mode));
- FTarItem.uid := OctalToInt(PTarHeader.uid, SizeOf(PTarHeader.uid)); { Extended in PAX Headers }
- FTarItem.gid := OctalToInt(PTarHeader.gid, SizeOf(PTarHeader.gid)); { Extended in PAX Headers }
- FTarItem.Size := OctalToInt(PTarHeader.Size, SizeOf(PTarHeader.Size)); { Extended in PAX Headers }
- { ModTime should be an Int64 but no tool support, No issues until Feb 6th, 2106 :) }
- { ModTime is Extended in PAX Headers }
- FTarItem.ModTime := OctalToInt(PTarHeader.ModTime, SizeOf(PTarHeader.ModTime));
- FTarItem.ChkSumPass := TestCheckSum();
- FTarItem.LinkFlag := PTarHeader.LinkFlag;
- GetLinkNameFromHeaders; { Extended in PAX Headers }
- FTarItem.Magic := PTarHeader.Magic.value;
- FTarItem.Version := OctalToInt(PTarHeader.Magic.version, SizeOf(PTarHeader.Magic.version));
- FTarItem.UsrName := string(PTarHeader.UsrName); { Extended in PAX Headers }
- FTarItem.GrpName := string(PTarHeader.GrpName); { Extended in PAX Headers }
- FTarItem.DevMajor := OctalToInt(PTarHeader.DevMajor, SizeOf(PTarHeader.DevMajor));
- FTarItem.DevMinor := OctalToInt(PTarHeader.DevMinor, SizeOf(PTarHeader.DevMinor));
- GetFileNameFromHeaders;
- { FTarItem.ArchiveFormat; Already stuffed }
- { FTarItem.StreamPosition: Already Stuffed }
- { FTarItem.Dirty; Stuffed upon creaction }
-procedure TAbTarItem.LoadTarHeaderFromStream(AStream: TStream);
- NumMHeaders : Integer;
- I : Integer;
- FoundItem : Boolean;
- { Note: The SizeOf(TAbTarHeaderRec) = AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE }
- { We should expect FindNext/FirstItem, and next check for bounds. }
- if FTarHeaderList.Count > 0 then
- begin { We're Going to stomp over the headers that are already present }
- { We need to destory the memory we've used }
- PTarHeader := nil;
- for i := 0 to FTarHeaderList.Count - 1 do
- FreeMem(FTarHeaderList.Items[i]); { This list holds PAbTarHeaderRec's }
- FTarHeaderList.Clear;
- FTarHeaderTypeList.Clear;
- FTarItem.FileHeaderCount := 0;
- { All pointers should now be removed from those headers }
- end;
- { Now lets start filling up that list. }
- FTarItem.ItemType := UNKNOWN_ITEM; { We don't know what we have yet }
- FoundItem := False;
- while not FoundItem do
- begin
- { Create a Header to be Stored in the Items List }
- GetMem(PTarHeader, AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE);
- AStream.ReadBuffer(PTarHeader^, AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE);
- FTarHeaderList.Add(PTarHeader); { Store the Header to the list }
- { Parse header based on LinkFlag }
- begin { This Header type is in the Set of un/supported Meta data type headers }
- if PTarHeader.LinkFlag in AB_UNSUPPORTED_MD_HEADERS then
- FTarItem.ItemReadOnly := True; { We don't fully support this meta-data type }
- if (PTarHeader.LinkFlag in AB_PAX_MD_HEADERS) and (PTarHeader.Magic.value = AB_TAR_MAGIC_VAL) then
- FTarItem.ArchiveFormat := POSIX_FORMAT; { We have a POSIX_FORMAT, has x headers, and Magic matches }
- if PTarHeader.LinkFlag in AB_GNU_MD_HEADERS then
- FTarItem.ArchiveFormat := OLDGNU_FORMAT; { We have a OLDGNU_FORMAT, has L/K headers }
- { There can be a unknown number of Headers of data }
- { We are for sure going to read at least one more header, but are we going to read more than that? }
- FTarHeaderTypeList.Add(Pointer(META_DATA_HEADER));
- NumMHeaders := Ceil(OctalToInt(PTarHeader.Size, SizeOf(PTarHeader.Size)) / AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE);
- { NumMHeasder should never be zero }
- for I := 1 to NumMHeaders do
- begin
- GetMem(PTarHeader, AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE); { Create a new Header }
- AStream.ReadBuffer(PTarHeader^, AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE); { Get the Meta Data }
- FTarHeaderList.Add(PTarHeader); { Store the Header to the list }
- FTarHeaderTypeList.Add(Pointer(MD_DATA_HEADER));
- end;
- { Loop and reparse }
- end
- else if PTarHeader.LinkFlag in AB_SUPPORTED_F_HEADERS then
- begin { This Header type is in the Set of supported File type Headers }
- FoundItem := True; { Exit Criterion }
- FTarItem.ItemType := SUPPORTED_ITEM;
- if FTarItem.ItemReadOnly then { Since some of the Headers are read only. }
- FTarItem.ItemType := UNSUPPORTED_ITEM; { This Item is unsupported }
- FTarHeaderTypeList.Add(Pointer(FILE_HEADER));
- end
- else if PTarHeader.LinkFlag in AB_UNSUPPORTED_F_HEADERS then
- begin { This Header type is in the Set of unsupported File type Headers }
- FoundItem := True; { Exit Criterion }
- FTarItem.ItemType := UNSUPPORTED_ITEM;
- FTarHeaderTypeList.Add(Pointer(FILE_HEADER));
- end
- else { These are unknown header types }
- begin { Note: Some of these unknown types could have known Meta-data headers }
- FoundItem := True;
- FTarItem.ItemType := UNKNOWN_ITEM;
- FTarHeaderTypeList.Add(Pointer(UNKNOWN_HEADER));
- end;{ end LinkFlag parsing }
- end; { end Found Item While }
- { PTarHeader points to FTarHeaderList.Items[FTarHeaderList.Count-1]; }
- { Re-wind the Stream back to the begining of this Item inc. all headers }
- AStream.Seek(-(FTarHeaderList.Count*AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE), soCurrent);
- { AStream.Position := FTarItem.StreamPosition; } { This should be equivalent as above }
- FTarItem.FileHeaderCount := FTarHeaderList.Count;
- if FTarItem.ItemType <> UNKNOWN_ITEM then
- begin
- ParseTarHeaders; { Update FTarItem values }
- FFileName := FTarItem.Name; {FTarHeader.Name;}
- FDiskFileName := FileName;
- AbUnfixName(FDiskFileName);
- end;
- Action := aaNone;
- Tagged := False;
-{ ****************** BEGIN SET ********************** }
-procedure TAbTarItem.SaveTarHeaderToStream(AStream: TStream);
- i : Integer;
- j : Integer;
- PHeader : PAbTarHeaderRec;
- HdrChkSum : Integer;
- HdrChkStr : AnsiString;
- HdrBuffer : PAnsiChar;
- SkipNextChkSum: Integer;
- SkipChkSum: Boolean;
- if FTarItem.ItemReadOnly then { Read Only - Do Not Save }
- Exit;
- { Note: The SizeOf(TAbTarHeaderRec) = AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE }
- if FTarItem.Dirty then
- SkipNextChkSum := 0
- else
- SkipNextChkSum := FTarHeaderList.Count; { Don't recalc any chkSums }
- { The first header in the Item list must have a checksum calculation }
- for i := 0 to (FTarHeaderList.Count-1) do
- begin
- SkipChkSum := False;
- PHeader := FTarHeaderList.Items[i];
- if (SkipNextChkSum = 0) then
- begin { We need to parse this header }
- begin { We have a Meta-Data Header, Calculate how many headers to skip. }
- { These meta-data headers have non-Header buffers after this Header }
- SkipNextChkSum := Ceil(OctalToInt(PHeader.Size, SizeOf(PHeader.Size)) / AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE);
- { Ceil will mandate one run through, and will handle 512 correctly }
- end
- else if PHeader.LinkFlag in AB_SUPPORTED_F_HEADERS then
- begin
- SkipNextChkSum := 0;
- end
- else
- begin { Un-Supported Header type, Copy but do nothing to the data }
- SkipNextChkSum := 0;
- SkipChkSum := True;
- end;{ end LinkFlag parsing }
- end
- else
- begin { Do not calcuate the check sum on this meta Data header buffer }
- SkipNextChkSum := SkipNextChkSum - 1;
- SkipChkSum := True;
- end;{ end SkipNextChkSum }
- if not SkipChkSum then
- begin { We are Calculating the Checksum for this Header }
- {Tar ChkSum is "odd" The check sum field is filled with #20 chars as empty }
- { ChkSum field itself is #20'd and has an effect on the sum }
- PHeader.ChkSum := AB_TAR_CHKBLANKS;
- { Set up the buffers }
- HdrBuffer := PAnsiChar(PHeader);
- HdrChkSum := 0;
- { Calculate the checksum, a simple sum of the bytes in the header }
- for j := 0 to (AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE-1) do
- HdrChkSum := HdrChkSum + Ord(HdrBuffer[j]);
- { set the checksum in the header }
- HdrChkStr := PadString(IntToOctal(HdrChkSum), SizeOf(PHeader.ChkSum));
- Move(HdrChkStr[1], PHeader.ChkSum, Length(HdrChkStr));
- end; { end Skip Check Sum }
- { write header to the file }
- AStream.Write(PHeader^, AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE);
- end; { End for the number of headers in the list }
- { Updated here as the stream is now updated to the latest number of headers }
- FTarItem.FileHeaderCount := FTarHeaderList.Count;
-procedure TAbTarItem.SetCompressedSize(const Value: Int64);
- S : AnsiString;
- if FTarItem.ItemReadOnly then { Read Only - Do Not Save }
- Exit;
- { Size is extendable in PAX Headers, Remember PAX extended Header Over Rule File Headers }
- FTarItem.Size := Value; { Store our Vitrual Copy }
- S := PadString(IntToOctal(Value), SizeOf(Arr12));{ Stuff to header }
- Move(S[1], PTarHeader.Size, Length(S));
- FTarItem.Dirty := True;
-procedure TAbTarItem.SetDevMajor(const Value: Integer);
- S : AnsiString;
- if FTarItem.ItemReadOnly then { Read Only - Do Not Save }
- Exit;
- { Dev Major and Minor are Only used for AB_TAR_LF_CHR, AB_TAR_LF_BLK }
- { Otherwise they are stuffed with #00 }
- FTarItem.DevMajor := Value; { Store to the struct }
- S := PadString(IntToOctal(Value), SizeOf(Arr8));
- Move(S[1], PTarHeader.DevMajor, Length(S));
- FTarItem.Dirty := True;
-procedure TAbTarItem.SetDevMinor(const Value: Integer);
- S : AnsiString;
- if FTarItem.ItemReadOnly then { Read Only - Do Not Save }
- Exit;
- { Dev Major and Minor are Only used for AB_TAR_LF_CHR, AB_TAR_LF_BLK }
- { Otherwise they are stuffed with #00 }
- FTarItem.DevMinor := Value;
- S := PadString(IntToOctal(Value), SizeOf(Arr8));
- Move(S[1], PTarHeader.DevMinor, Length(S));
- FTarItem.Dirty := True;
-procedure TAbTarItem.SetExternalFileAttributes(Value: LongWord);
- S : AnsiString;
- I: Integer;
- if FTarItem.ItemReadOnly then { Read Only - Do Not Save }
- Exit;
- FTarItem.Mode := Value;
- S := PadString(IntToOctal(Value), SizeOf(Arr8));
- for I := 0 to FTarHeaderList.Count - 1 do
- if TAbTarHeaderType(FTarHeaderTypeList.Items[I]) in [FILE_HEADER, META_DATA_HEADER] then
- Move(S[1], PAbTarHeaderRec(FTarHeaderList.Items[I]).Mode, Length(S));
- FTarItem.Dirty := True;
-{ Add/Remove Headers as needed To/From Existing GNU Long (Link/Name) TarItems }
-procedure TAbTarItem.DoGNUExistingLongNameLink(LinkFlag: AnsiChar; I: Integer; const Value: AnsiString);
- PHeader: PAbTarHeaderRec;
- J: Integer;
- OldNameLength: Integer;
- TotalOldNumHeaders: Integer;
- TotalNewNumHeaders: Integer;
- NumHeaders: Integer;
- ExtraName: Integer;
- tempStr: AnsiString;
- PHeader := FTarHeaderList.Items[I];
- { Need this data from the old header }
- OldNameLength := OctalToInt(PHeader.Size, SizeOf(PHeader.Size));{ inlcudes Null termination }
- { Length(FTarItem.Name)+1 = OldNameLength; }{ This should be true, always }
- { Save off the new Length, so we don't have to change the pointers later. }
- tempStr := PadString(IntToOctal(Length(Value)+1), SizeOf(PHeader.Size));
- Move(tempStr[1], PHeader.Size, Length(tempStr));
- TotalOldNumHeaders := Ceil(OldNameLength / AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE);
- TotalNewNumHeaders := Ceil((Length(Value)+1) / AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE);{ Null terminated }
- {Length(Value)+1: 1-512 = 1, 513-1024 = 2 ... }
- J := TotalOldNumHeaders - TotalNewNumHeaders;
- while J <> 0 do
- begin
- if J > 0 then
- begin { Old > New, Have to many Headers, Remove }
- FreeMem(FTarHeaderList.Items[I+J]); { Free the Memory for the extra Header }
- FTarHeaderList.Delete(I+J); { Delete the List index }
- FTarHeaderTypeList.Delete(I+J);
- J := J - 1;
- end
- else { if J < 0 then }
- begin { Old < New, Need more Headers, Insert }
- FTarHeaderList.Insert(I+1,PHeader);{ Insert: Inserts at index }
- FTarHeaderTypeList.Insert(I+1,Pointer(MD_DATA_HEADER));{ We are only adding MD Data headers here }
- J := J + 1;
- end;
- end;{ end numHeaders while }
- { Yes, GNU Tar adds a Nil filled MD data header if Length(Value) mod AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE = 0 }
- NumHeaders := (Length(Value)+1) div AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE; { Include Null terminator }
- ExtraName := (Length(Value)+1) mod AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE; { Chars in the last Header }
- { Now we have the number of headers set up, stuff the name in the Headers }
- TempStr := AnsiString(Value);
- for J := 1 to NumHeaders do
- begin
- { Copy entire next AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE bytes of tempString to content of Header }
- { There may only be AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE-1 bytes if this is the last rounded header }
- PHeader := FTarHeaderList.Items[I+J];
- Move(TempStr[1], PHeader^, AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE);
- if Length(TempStr) >= AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE then
- Delete(TempStr, 1, AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE);{ Crop string }
- end;
- if ExtraName <> 0 then
- begin
- { Copy whatever is left in tempStr into the rest of the buffer }
- PHeader := FTarHeaderList.Items[I+NumHeaders+1];
- FillChar(PHeader^, AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE, #0); { Zero the whole block }
- Move(TempStr[1], PHeader^, ExtraName-1); { The string is null terminated }
- end
- else { We already copied the entire name, but it must be null terminated }
- begin
- FillChar(Pointer(PtrInt(PHeader)+AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE-1)^, 1, #0); { Zero rest of the block }
- end;
- { Finally we need to stuff the file type Header. }
- { Note: Value.length > AB_TAR_NAMESIZE(100) }
- if LinkFlag = AB_TAR_LF_LONGNAME then
- Move(Value[1], PTarHeader.Name, AB_TAR_NAMESIZE)
- else
- Move(Value[1], PTarHeader.LinkName, AB_TAR_NAMESIZE);
-{ Always inserts the L/K Headers at index 0+ }
-procedure TAbTarItem.DoGNUNewLongNameLink(LinkFlag: AnsiChar; I: Integer; const Value: AnsiString);
- PHeader: PAbTarHeaderRec;
- J: Integer;
- NumHeaders: Integer;
- ExtraName: Integer;
- tempStr: AnsiString;
- { We have a GNU_FORMAT, and no L/K Headers.}
- { Add a new MD Header and MD Data Headers }
- { Make an L/K header }
- FTarHeaderList.Insert(I, PHeader);{ Insert: Inserts at base index }
- FTarHeaderTypeList.Insert(I, Pointer( META_DATA_HEADER));{ This is the L/K Header }
- FillChar(PHeader^, AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE, #0); { Zero the whole block }
- {$IFDEF HasAnsiStrings}AnsiStrings.{$ENDIF}StrPCopy(PHeader.Name, AB_TAR_L_HDR_NAME); { Stuff L/K String Name }
- {$IFDEF HasAnsiStrings}AnsiStrings.{$ENDIF}StrPCopy(PHeader.Mode, AB_TAR_L_HDR_ARR8_0); { Stuff zeros }
- {$IFDEF HasAnsiStrings}AnsiStrings.{$ENDIF}StrPCopy(PHeader.uid, AB_TAR_L_HDR_ARR8_0); { Stuff zeros }
- {$IFDEF HasAnsiStrings}AnsiStrings.{$ENDIF}StrPCopy(PHeader.gid, AB_TAR_L_HDR_ARR8_0); { Stuff zeros }
- tempStr := PadString(IntToOctal(Length(Value)+1), SizeOf(PHeader.Size)); { Stuff Size }
- Move(tempStr[1], PHeader.Size, Length(tempStr));
- {$IFDEF HasAnsiStrings}AnsiStrings.{$ENDIF}StrPCopy(PHeader.ModTime, AB_TAR_L_HDR_ARR12_0); { Stuff zeros }
- { Check sum will be calculated as the Dirty flag is in caller. }
- PHeader.LinkFlag := LinkFlag; { Stuff Link FlagSize }
- {$IFDEF HasAnsiStrings}AnsiStrings.{$ENDIF}StrPCopy(PHeader.Magic.gnuOld, AB_TAR_MAGIC_GNUOLD); { Stuff the magic }
- {$IFDEF HasAnsiStrings}AnsiStrings.{$ENDIF}StrPCopy(PHeader.UsrName, AB_TAR_L_HDR_USR_NAME);
- {$IFDEF HasAnsiStrings}AnsiStrings.{$ENDIF}StrPCopy(PHeader.GrpName, AB_TAR_L_HDR_GRP_NAME);
- { All else stays as Zeros. }
- { Completed with L/K Header }
- { OK, now we need to add the proper number of MD Data Headers, and intialize to new name }
- { Yes, GNU Tar adds an extra Nil filled MD data header if Length(Value) mod AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE = 0 }
- NumHeaders := Ceil((Length(Value)+1) / AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE); { Include Null terminator }
- ExtraName := (Length(Value)+1) mod AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE; { Chars in the last Header }
- { Now we have the number of headers set up, stuff the name in the Headers }
- TempStr := AnsiString(Value);
- for J := 1 to NumHeaders-1 do
- begin
- { Make a buffer, and copy entire next AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE bytes of tempStr to content of Header }
- { There may only be AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE-1 bytes if this is the last rounded header }
- FTarHeaderList.Insert(J+I, PHeader);
- FTarHeaderTypeList.Insert(J+I, Pointer(MD_DATA_HEADER));{ We are adding MD Data headers here }
- Move(TempStr[1], PHeader^, AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE);
- if Length(TempStr) >= AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE then
- Delete(TempStr, 1, AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE);{ Crop string }
- end;
- if ExtraName <> 0 then
- begin
- { Copy what ever is left in tempStr into the rest of the buffer }
- { Create the last MD Data Header }
- FTarHeaderList.Insert(I+NumHeaders, PHeader);{ Insert: Inserts at base index }
- FTarHeaderTypeList.Insert(I+NumHeaders, Pointer(MD_DATA_HEADER));{ We are only adding MD Data headers here }
- FillChar(PHeader^, AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE, #0); { Zero the whole block }
- Move(TempStr[1], PHeader^, ExtraName-1); { The string is null terminated in the header }
- end
- else { We already copied the entire name, but it must be null terminated }
- begin
- FillChar(Pointer(PtrInt(PHeader)+AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE-1)^, 1, #0); { Zero rest of the block }
- end;
- { Finally we need to stuff the file type Header. }
- { Note: Value.length > AB_TAR_NAMESIZE(100) }
- if LinkFlag = AB_TAR_LF_LONGNAME then
- Move(Value[1], PHeader.Name, AB_TAR_NAMESIZE)
- else
- Move(Value[1], PHeader.LinkName, AB_TAR_NAMESIZE);
-procedure TAbTarItem.SetFileName(const Value: string);
- FoundMetaDataHeader: Boolean;
- PHeader: PAbTarHeaderRec;
- I, J: Integer;
- TotalOldNumHeaders: Integer;
- RawFileName: AnsiString;
- if FTarItem.ItemReadOnly then { Read Only - Do Not Save }
- Exit;
- { Assume ItemReadOnly is set for all Unsupported Type. }
- { Cases:
- New File Name is short, Length <= 100,
- All formats: Zero Name field and move new name to field.
- V7: Work complete, 1 header
- USTAR: zero prefix field, 1 Header
- OLD_GNU & GNU: Remove old name headers, 1 header.
- STAR & PAX: And should not yet get here.
- New File Name is Long, Length >=101
- Note: The Header Parsing sets any V7 to GNU if 'L'/'K" Headers are present
- V7: Raise an exception, as this can NOT be done, no change to header.
- USTAR: if new length <= 254 zero fill header, update name fields, 1 updated Header
- if new Length >= 255 raise an exception, as this can NOT be done, no change to header
- if old was Short, Add files to match format,
- OLD_GNU & GNU: Create new Name header, Add N Headers for name, Update name in file header, update name fields, min 3 headers
- STAR & PAX: And should not yet get here.
- if old was Long,
- OLD_GNU & GNU: Add N Headers for name, Update name in MD header, update name field in File Headers, min 3 headers
- Add headers to length of new Name Length, update name in file header, update name fields }
- RawFileName := AbStringToUnixBytes(Value);
- { In all cases zero out the name fields in the File Header. }
- if Length(RawFileName) > AB_TAR_NAMESIZE then begin { Must be null terminated except at 100 char length }
- { Look for long name meta-data headers already in the archive. }
- FoundMetaDataHeader := False;
- I := 0;
- { FTarHeaderList.Count <= 1 always }
- while (not FoundMetaDataHeader) and (I <= (FTarHeaderList.Count - 1)) do begin
- PHeader := FTarHeaderList.Items[I];
- if PHeader.LinkFlag = AB_TAR_LF_LONGNAME then begin
- { We are growing or Shriking the Name MD Data fields. }
- FoundMetaDataHeader := True;
- DoGNUExistingLongNameLink(AB_TAR_LF_LONGNAME, I, RawFileName);
- { Need to copy the Name to the header. }
- FTarItem.Name := Value;
- end
- else
- I := I + 1;
- end; { End While }
- { MD Headers & MD Data Headers have been stuffed if FoundMetaDataHeader }
- { Still need to stuff the File type header contents. }
- if not FoundMetaDataHeader then
- begin
- case FTarItem.ArchiveFormat of
- V7_FORMAT: raise EAbTarBadFileName.Create; { File Name to Long }
- begin
- { Longest file name is AB_TAR_NAMESIZE(100) chars }
- { Longest Prefix is AB_TAR_USTAR_PREFIX_SIZE(155) chars }
- { These two fields are delimted by a '/' char }
- {0123456789012345, Length = 15, NameLength = 5, PrefixLength = 9}
- { AAAA/BBBB/C.txt, Stored as Name := 'C.txt', Prefix := 'AAAA/BBBB' }
- { That means Theoretical maximum is 256 for Length(RawFileName) }
- if Length(RawFileName) > (AB_TAR_NAMESIZE+AB_TAR_USTAR_PREFIX_SIZE+1) then { Check the obvious one. }
- raise EAbTarBadFileName.Create; { File Name to Long }
- for I := Length(RawFileName) downto Length(RawFileName)-AB_TAR_NAMESIZE-1 do begin
- if RawFileName[I] = '/' then begin
- if (I <= AB_TAR_USTAR_PREFIX_SIZE+1) and (Length(RawFileName)-I <= AB_TAR_NAMESIZE) then begin
- { We have a successfull parse. }
- FillChar(PTarHeader.Name, SizeOf(PTarHeader.Name), #0);
- FillChar(PTarHeader.ustar.Prefix, SizeOf(PTarHeader.ustar.Prefix), #0);
- Move(RawFileName[I+1], PTarHeader.Name, Length(RawFileName)-I);
- Move(RawFileName[1], PTarHeader.ustar.Prefix, I);
- break;
- end
- else if (Length(RawFileName)-I > AB_TAR_NAMESIZE) then
- raise EAbTarBadFileName.Create { File Name not splittable }
- { else continue; }
- end;
- end;{ End for I... }
- end; { End USTAR Format }
- else begin
- raise EAbTarBadOp.Create; { Unknown Archive Format }
- end;{ End of Else for case statement }
- end;{ End of case statement }
- FTarItem.Name := Value;
- end; { if no Meta data header found }
- end { End "name length larger than 100" }
- else
- begin { Short new name, Simple Case Just put it in the Name Field & remove any headers }
- { PTarHeader Points to the File type Header }
- { Zero the Name field }
- FillChar(PTarHeader.Name, SizeOf(PTarHeader.Name), #0);
- if FTarItem.ArchiveFormat in [USTAR_FORMAT] then { Zero the prefix field }
- FillChar(PTarHeader.ustar.Prefix, SizeOf(PTarHeader.ustar.Prefix), #0);
- if FTarItem.ArchiveFormat in [GNU_FORMAT, OLDGNU_FORMAT] then
- begin { We may have AB_TAR_LF_LONGNAME Headers to be removed }
- { Remove long file names Headers if they exist}
- FoundMetaDataHeader := False;
- I := 0;
- while not FoundMetaDataHeader and (I <= (FTarHeaderList.Count - 1)) do
- begin
- PHeader := FTarHeaderList.Items[I];
- if PHeader.LinkFlag in [AB_TAR_LF_LONGNAME] then
- begin { Delete this Header, and the data Headers. }
- FoundMetaDataHeader := True;
- TotalOldNumHeaders := Ceil( OctalToInt(PHeader.Size, SizeOf(PHeader.Size)) / AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE);
- for J := TotalOldNumHeaders downto 0 do
- begin { Note 0 will delete the Long Link MD Header }
- FreeMem(FTarHeaderList.Items[I+J]); { This list holds PAbTarHeaderRec's }
- FTarHeaderList.Delete(I+J);
- FTarHeaderTypeList.Delete(I+J);
- end;
- end
- else
- I := I + 1; { Got to next header }
- end;{ End While not found... }
- end; { End if GNU... }
- { Save off the new name and store to the Header }
- FTarItem.Name := Value;
- { Must add Null Termination before we store to Header }
- {$IFDEF HasAnsiStrings}AnsiStrings.{$ENDIF}StrPLCopy(PTarHeader.Name, RawFileName, AB_TAR_NAMESIZE);
- end;{ End else Short new name,... }
- { Update the inherited file names. }
- FFileName := FTarItem.Name;
- DiskFileName := FFileName;
- AbUnfixName(FDiskFileName);
- FTarItem.Dirty := True;
-procedure TAbTarItem.SetGroupID(const Value: Integer);
- S : AnsiString;
- if FTarItem.ItemReadOnly then { Read Only - Do Not Save }
- Exit;
- { gid is extendable in PAX Headers, Rember PAX extended Header Over Rule File Headers }
- FTarItem.gid := Value;
- S := PadString(IntToOctal(Value), SizeOf(Arr8));
- Move(S[1], PTarHeader.gid, Length(S));
- FTarItem.Dirty := True;
-procedure TAbTarItem.SetGroupName(const Value: string);
- if FTarItem.ItemReadOnly then { Read Only - Do Not Save }
- Exit;
- { GrpName is extendable in PAX Headers, Rember PAX extended Header Over Rule File Headers }
- FTarItem.GrpName := Value;
- {$IFDEF HasAnsiStrings}AnsiStrings.{$ENDIF}StrPLCopy(PTarHeader.GrpName, AnsiString(Value), SizeOf(PTarHeader.GrpName));
- FTarItem.Dirty := True;
-procedure TAbTarItem.SetIsEncrypted(Value: Boolean);
- { do nothing, TAR has no native encryption }
-procedure TAbTarItem.SetLastModFileDate(const Value: Word);
- { replace date, keep existing time }
- LastModTimeAsDateTime :=
- EncodeDate(
- Value shr 9 + 1980,
- Value shr 5 and 15,
- Value and 31) +
- Frac(LastModTimeAsDateTime);
-procedure TAbTarItem.SetLastModFileTime(const Value: Word);
- { keep current date, replace time }
- LastModTimeAsDateTime :=
- Trunc(LastModTimeAsDateTime) +
- EncodeTime(
- Value shr 11,
- Value shr 5 and 63,
- Value and 31 shl 1, 0);
-procedure TAbTarItem.SetLastModTimeAsDateTime(const Value: TDateTime);
- // TAR stores always Unix time.
- SetModTime(AbLocalDateTimeToUnixTime(Value)); // also updates headers
-procedure TAbTarItem.SetLinkFlag(Value: AnsiChar);
- if FTarItem.ItemReadOnly then
- Exit;
- FTarItem.LinkFlag := Value;
- PTarHeader.LinkFlag := Value;
- FTarItem.Dirty := True;
-procedure TAbTarItem.SetLinkName(const Value: string);
- FoundMetaDataHeader: Boolean;
- PHeader: PAbTarHeaderRec;
- I, J: Integer;
- TotalOldNumHeaders: Integer;
- RawLinkName: AnsiString;
- if FTarItem.ItemReadOnly then { Read Only - Do Not Save }
- Exit;
- { Cases:
- New Link Name is short, Length <= 100,
- All formats: Zero Name field and move new name to field.
- V7: Work complete, 1 header
- USTAR: Work complete, 1 Header
- OLD_GNU & GNU: Remove old link headers, 1 header.
- STAR & PAX: And should not yet get here.
- New File Name is Long, Length >=101
- Note: The Header Parsing sets any V7 to GNU if 'L'/'K' Headers are present
- V7: Raise an exception, as this can NOT be done, no change to header.
- USTAR: Raise an exception, as this can NOT be done, no change to header.
- if old was Short, Add files to match format,
- OLD_GNU & GNU: Create new Link header, Add N Headers for name, Update name in file header, update name fields, min 3 headers
- if old was Long,
- OLD_GNU & GNU: Add N Headers for name, Update name in MD header, update name field in File Headers, min 3 headers
- STAR & PAX: And should not yet get here.}
- RawLinkName := AbStringToUnixBytes(Value);
- if Length(RawLinkName) > AB_TAR_NAMESIZE then { Must be null terminated except at 100 char length }
- begin
- { Look for long name meta-data headers already in the archive. }
- FoundMetaDataHeader := False;
- I := 0;
- { FTarHeaderList.Count <= 1 always }
- while (not FoundMetaDataHeader) and (I <= (FTarHeaderList.Count - 1)) do begin
- PHeader := FTarHeaderList.Items[I];
- if PHeader.LinkFlag = AB_TAR_LF_LONGLINK then
- begin { We are growing or Shriking the Name MD Data fields. }
- FoundMetaDataHeader := True;
- DoGNUExistingLongNameLink(AB_TAR_LF_LONGLINK, I, RawLinkName);
- { Need to copy the Name to the header. }
- FTarItem.LinkName := Value;
- end
- else
- I := I + 1;
- end; { End While }
- { MD Headers & MD Data Headers have been stuffed if FoundMetaDataHeader }
- { Still need to stuff the File type header contents. }
- if not FoundMetaDataHeader then
- begin
- case FTarItem.ArchiveFormat of
- V7_FORMAT: raise EAbTarBadLinkName.Create; { Link Name to Long }
- USTAR_FORMAT: raise EAbTarBadLinkName.Create; { Link Name to Long }
- else
- begin
- raise EAbTarBadOp.Create; { Unknown Archive Format }
- end;{ End of Else for case statement }
- end;{ End of case statement }
- FTarItem.LinkName := Value;
- end; { if no Meta data header found }
- end { End "name length larger than 100" }
- else
- begin { Short new name, Simple Case Just put it in the Link Field & remove any headers }
- { PTarHeader Points to the File type Header }
- { Zero the Link field }
- FillChar(PTarHeader.LinkName, SizeOf(PTarHeader.LinkName), #0);
- if FTarItem.ArchiveFormat in [GNU_FORMAT, OLDGNU_FORMAT] then
- begin { We may have AB_TAR_LF_LONGNAME Headers to be removed }
- { Remove long file names Headers if they exist}
- FoundMetaDataHeader := False;
- I := 0;
- while not FoundMetaDataHeader and (I <= (FTarHeaderList.Count - 1)) do
- begin
- PHeader := FTarHeaderList.Items[I];
- if PHeader.LinkFlag in [AB_TAR_LF_LONGLINK] then
- begin { Delete this Header, and the data Headers. }
- FoundMetaDataHeader := True;
- TotalOldNumHeaders := Ceil( OctalToInt(PHeader.Size, SizeOf(PHeader.Size)) / AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE);
- for J := TotalOldNumHeaders downto 0 do
- begin { Note 0 will delete the Long Link MD Header }
- FreeMem(FTarHeaderList.Items[I+J]); { This list holds PAbTarHeaderRec's }
- FTarHeaderList.Delete(I+J);
- FTarHeaderTypeList.Delete(I+J);
- end;
- end
- else
- I := I + 1; { Got to next header }
- end;{ End While not found... }
- end; { End if GNU... }
- { Save off the new name and store to the Header }
- FTarItem.LinkName := Value;
- {$IFDEF HasAnsiStrings}AnsiStrings.{$ENDIF}StrPLCopy(PTarHeader.LinkName, RawLinkName, AB_TAR_NAMESIZE);
- end;{ End else Short new name,... }
- FTarItem.Dirty := True;
-procedure TAbTarItem.SetMagic(const Value: String);
- if FTarItem.ItemReadOnly then { Read Only - Do Not Save }
- Exit;
- FTarItem.Magic := AnsiString(Value);
- Move(Value[1], PTarHeader.Magic, SizeOf(TAbTarMagicRec));
- FTarItem.Dirty := True;
-procedure TAbTarItem.SetUncompressedSize(const Value: Int64);
- S : AnsiString;
- if FTarItem.ItemReadOnly then { Read Only - Do Not Save }
- Exit;
- { Size is extendable in PAX Headers, Remember PAX extended Header Over Rule File Headers }
- FTarItem.Size := Value; { Store our Vitrual Copy }
- S := PadString(IntToOctal(Value), SizeOf(Arr12));{ Stuff to header }
- Move(S[1], PTarHeader.Size, Length(S));
- FTarItem.Dirty := True;
-procedure TAbTarItem.SetUserID(const Value: Integer);
- S : AnsiString;
- if FTarItem.ItemReadOnly then { Read Only - Do Not Save }
- Exit;
- { uid is extendable in PAX Headers, Remember PAX extended Header Over Rule File Headers }
- FTarItem.uid := Value;
- S := PadString(IntToOctal(Value), SizeOf(Arr8));
- Move(S[1], PTarHeader.uid, Length(S));
- FTarItem.Dirty := True;
-procedure TAbTarItem.SetUserName(const Value: string);
- if FTarItem.ItemReadOnly then { Read Only - Do Not Save }
- Exit;
- { UsrName is extendable in PAX Headers, Remember PAX extended Header Over Rule File Headers }
- FTarItem.UsrName := Value;
- {$IFDEF HasAnsiStrings}AnsiStrings.{$ENDIF}StrPLCopy(PTarHeader.UsrName, AnsiString(Value), SizeOf(PTarHeader.UsrName));
- FTarItem.Dirty := True;
-procedure TAbTarItem.SetModTime(const Value: Int64);
- S: AnsiString;
- if FTarItem.ItemReadOnly then { Read Only - Do Not Save }
- Exit;
- { ModTime is extendable in PAX Headers, Remember PAX extended Header Over Rule File Headers }
- FTarItem.ModTime := Value; { Store our Virtual Copy }
- S := PadString(IntToOctal(Value), SizeOf(Arr12));{ Stuff to header }
- Move(S[1], PTarHeader.ModTime, Length(S));
- FTarItem.Dirty := True;
-{ ************************** TAbTarStreamHelper ****************************** }
-destructor TAbTarStreamHelper.Destroy;
- inherited Destroy;
-{ This is slow, use the archive class instead }
-procedure TAbTarStreamHelper.ExtractItemData(AStream: TStream);
- { Note: The SizeOf(TAbTarHeaderRec) = AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE }
- if FCurrItemSize <> 0 then
- begin
- { copy stored data to output }
- AStream.CopyFrom(FStream, FCurrItemSize);
- {reset the stream to the start of the item}
- FStream.Seek(-(FCurrItemPreHdrs*AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE+FCurrItemSize), soCurrent);
- end;
- { else do nothing }
-{ This function Should only be used from LoadArchive, as it is slow. }
-function TAbTarStreamHelper.FindItem: Boolean;
- DataRead : LongInt;
- FoundItem: Boolean;
- SkipHdrs : Integer;
- { Note: The SizeOf(TAbTarHeaderRec) = AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE }
- { Note: Standard LBA size of hard disks is 512 bytes = AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE }
- FoundItem := False;
- { Getting an new Item reset these numbers }
- FCurrItemSize := 0;
- FCurrItemPreHdrs := 0;
- DataRead := FStream.Read(FTarHeader, AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE); { Read in a header }
- { DataRead <> AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE means end of stream, and the End Of Archive
- record is all #0's, which the StrLen(FTarHeader.Name) check will catch }
- while (DataRead = AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE) and ({$IFDEF HasAnsiStrings}AnsiStrings.{$ENDIF}StrLen(FTarHeader.Name) > 0) and not FoundItem do
- begin { Either exit when we find a supported file or end of file or an invalid header name. }
- begin { We have a un/supported Meta-Data Header }
- { FoundItem := False } { Value remains False. }
- SkipHdrs := Ceil(OctalToInt(FTarHeader.Size, SizeOf(FTarHeader.Size))/AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE);
- FStream.Seek(SkipHdrs*AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE, soCurrent);
- { Tally new Headers: Consumed + Current }
- FCurrItemPreHdrs := FCurrItemPreHdrs + SkipHdrs + 1;
- { Read our next header, Loop, and re-parse }
- DataRead := FStream.Read(FTarHeader, AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE);
- end
- begin { We have a un/supported File Header. }
- FoundItem := True;
- if not (FTarHeader.LinkFlag in AB_IGNORE_SIZE_HEADERS) then
- FCurrItemSize := OctalToInt(FTarHeader.Size, SizeOf(FTarHeader.Size))
- else FCurrItemSize := 0; { Per The spec these Headers do not have file content }
- FCurrItemPreHdrs := FCurrItemPreHdrs + 1; { Tally current header }
- end
- else
- begin{ We Have an Unknown header }
- FoundItem := True;
- FCurrItemSize := 0;
- { We could have many un/supported headers before this unknown type }
- FCurrItemPreHdrs := FCurrItemPreHdrs + 1; { Tally current header }
- { These Headers should throw exceptions when TAbTarItem.LoadTarHeaderFromStream is called }
- end; { End of Link Flag parsing }
- end;
- { Rewind to the "The Beginning" of this Item }
- { Really that means to the first supported Header Type before a supported Item Type }
- if FoundItem then
- FStream.Seek(-(FCurrItemPreHdrs*AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE), soCurrent);
- Result := FoundItem;
-{ Should only be used from LoadArchive, as it is slow. }
-function TAbTarStreamHelper.FindFirstItem: Boolean;
- FStream.Seek(0, soBeginning);
- Result := FindItem;
-{ Should only be used from LoadArchive, as it is slow. }
-function TAbTarStreamHelper.FindNextItem: Boolean;
- { Fast Forward Past the current Item }
- FStream.Seek((FCurrItemPreHdrs*AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE + RoundToTarBlock(FCurrItemSize)), soCurrent);
- Result := FindItem;
-{ This is slow, use the archive class instead }
-function TAbTarStreamHelper.GetItemCount : Integer;
- Found : Boolean;
- Result := 0;
- Found := FindFirstItem;
- while Found do begin
- Inc(Result);
- Found := FindNextItem;
- end;
-procedure TAbTarStreamHelper.ReadHeader;
- { do nothing }
- { Tar archives have no overall header data }
-procedure TAbTarStreamHelper.ReadTail;
- { do nothing }
- { Tar archives have no overall tail data }
-{ This is slow, use the archive class instead }
-function TAbTarStreamHelper.SeekItem(Index: Integer): Boolean;
- i : Integer;
- Result := FindFirstItem; { see if can get to first item }
- i := 1;
- while Result and (i < Index) do begin
- Result := FindNextItem;
- Inc(i);
- end;
-procedure TAbTarStreamHelper.WriteArchiveHeader;
- { do nothing }
- { Tar archives have no overall header data }
-procedure TAbTarStreamHelper.WriteArchiveItem(AStream: TStream);
- WriteArchiveItemSize(AStream, AStream.Size);
-procedure TAbTarStreamHelper.WriteArchiveItemSize(AStream: TStream; Size: Int64);
- PadBuff : PAnsiChar;
- PadSize : Integer;
- if Size = 0 then
- Exit;
- { transfer actual item data }
- FStream.CopyFrom(AStream, Size);
- { Pad to Next block }
- PadSize := RoundToTarBlock(Size) - Size;
- GetMem(PadBuff, PadSize);
- FillChar(PadBuff^, PadSize, #0);
- FStream.Write(PadBuff^, PadSize);
- FreeMem(PadBuff, PadSize);
-procedure TAbTarStreamHelper.WriteArchiveTail;
- PadBuff : PAnsiChar;
- PadSize : Integer;
- { append 2 terminating null blocks }
- GetMem(PadBuff, PadSize);
- try
- FillChar(PadBuff^, PadSize, #0);
- FStream.Write(PadBuff^, PadSize);
- FStream.Write(PadBuff^, PadSize);
- finally
- FreeMem(PadBuff, PadSize);
- end;
-{ ***************************** TAbTarArchive ******************************** }
-constructor TAbTarArchive.CreateFromStream(aStream : TStream; const aArchiveName : string);
- inherited;
- FArchFormat := V7_FORMAT; // Default for new archives
-function TAbTarArchive.CreateItem(const FileSpec: string): TAbArchiveItem;
- Item : TAbTarItem;
- S : String;
- I: Integer;
- if FArchReadOnly then
- raise EAbTarBadOp.Create; { Create Item Unsupported in this Archive }
- S := FixName(FileSpec);
- Item := TAbTarItem.Create;
- try
- if FArchFormat in [OLDGNU_FORMAT, GNU_FORMAT] then
- begin
- Item.ArchiveFormat := FArchFormat;
- Item.LinkFlag := AB_TAR_LF_NORMAL;
- Item.Magic := AB_TAR_MAGIC_GNUOLD;
- end
- else if FArchFormat in [USTAR_FORMAT] then
- begin
- Item.ArchiveFormat := USTAR_FORMAT;
- Item.LinkFlag := AB_TAR_LF_NORMAL;
- end
- else if (FArchFormat = V7_FORMAT) and (Length(S) > 100) then
- begin { Switch the rep over to GNU so it can have long file names. }
- FArchFormat := OLDGNU_FORMAT;
- Item.ArchiveFormat := OLDGNU_FORMAT;
- { Leave the Defaults for LinkFlag, and Magic }
- { Update all the rest so that it can transistion to GNU_FORMAT }
- for I := 0 to FItemList.Count - 1 do
- TAbTarItem(FItemList.Items[i]).ArchiveFormat := OLDGNU_FORMAT;
- end;{ This should not execute... }{
- else if FArchFormat in [STAR_FORMAT, POSIX_FORMAT] then
- begin
- Item.ArchiveFormat := FArchFormat;
- Item.LinkFlag := AB_TAR_LF_NORMAL;
- end;
- }{ else FArchFormat in [ UNKNOWN_FORMAT, V7_FORMAT and Length(S) <= 100 ] } { This is the default. }
- { Most others are initialized in the .Create }
- Item.CRC32 := 0;
- { Note this can raise exceptions for file name lengths. }
- Item.FileName := FixName(FileSpec);
- Item.DiskFileName := ExpandFileName(FileSpec);
- Item.Action := aaNone;
- finally
- Result := Item;
- end;
-procedure TAbTarArchive.ExtractItemAt(Index: Integer; const UseName: string);
- OutStream : TFileStream;
- CurItem : TAbTarItem;
- { Check the index is not out of range. }
- if(Index >= ItemList.Count) then
- raise EListError.CreateFmt(SListIndexError, [Index]);
- CurItem := TAbTarItem(ItemList[Index]);
- if CurItem.ItemType in [UNKNOWN_ITEM] then
- raise EAbTarBadOp.Create; { Unsupported Type, Cannot Extract }
- if (CurItem.ItemType = UNSUPPORTED_ITEM) and
- ((Length(CurItem.FileName) >= AB_TAR_NAMESIZE) or
- (Length(CurItem.LinkName) >= AB_TAR_NAMESIZE)) then
- raise EAbTarBadOp.Create; { Unsupported Type, Cannot Extract }
- { We will allow extractions if the file name/Link name are strickly less than 100 chars }
- if CurItem.IsDirectory then
- AbCreateDirectory(UseName)
- else begin
- OutStream := TFileStream.Create(UseName, fmCreate or fmShareDenyNone);
- try
- try {OutStream}
- ExtractItemToStreamAt(Index, OutStream);
- finally {OutStream}
- OutStream.Free;
- end; {OutStream}
- except
- if ExceptObject is EAbUserAbort then
- FStatus := asInvalid;
- DeleteFile(UseName);
- raise;
- end;
- end;
- AbSetFileTime(UseName, CurItem.LastModTimeAsDateTime);
- AbSetFileAttr(UseName, CurItem.NativeFileAttributes);
-procedure TAbTarArchive.ExtractItemToStreamAt(Index: Integer;
- aStream: TStream);
- CurItem : TAbTarItem;
- if(Index >= ItemList.Count) then
- raise EListError.CreateFmt(SListIndexError, [Index]);
- CurItem := TAbTarItem(ItemList[Index]);
- if CurItem.ItemType in [UNKNOWN_ITEM] then
- raise EAbTarBadOp.Create; { Unsupported Type, Cannot Extract }
- if (CurItem.ItemType = UNSUPPORTED_ITEM) and
- ((Length(CurItem.FileName) >= AB_TAR_NAMESIZE) or
- (Length(CurItem.LinkName) >= AB_TAR_NAMESIZE)) then
- raise EAbTarBadOp.Create; { Unsupported Type, Cannot Extract }
- { We will allow extractions if the file name is strictly less than 100 chars }
- FStream.Position := CurItem.StreamPosition+CurItem.FileHeaderCount*AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE;
- if CurItem.UncompressedSize <> 0 then
- aStream.CopyFrom(FStream, CurItem.UncompressedSize);
- { Else there is nothing to copy. }
-procedure TAbTarArchive.LoadArchive;
- TarHelp : TAbTarStreamHelper;
- Item : TAbTarItem;
- ItemFound : Boolean;
- Abort : Boolean;
- Confirm : Boolean;
- i : Integer;
- Progress : Byte;
- { create helper }
- TarHelp := TAbTarStreamHelper.Create(FStream);
- try {TarHelp}
- {build Items list from tar header records}
- { reset Tar }
- ItemFound := (FStream.Size > 0) and TarHelp.FindFirstItem;
- if ItemFound then FArchFormat := UNKNOWN_FORMAT
- else FArchFormat := V7_FORMAT;
- { while more data in Tar }
- while (FStream.Position < FStream.Size) and ItemFound do begin
- {create new Item}
- Item := TAbTarItem.Create;
- Item.FTarItem.StreamPosition := FStream.Position;
- try {Item}
- Item.LoadTarHeaderFromStream(FStream);
- if Item.ItemReadOnly then
- FArchReadOnly := True; { Set Archive as Read Only }
- if Item.ItemType in [SUPPORTED_ITEM, UNSUPPORTED_ITEM] then begin
- { List of supported Item/File Types. }
- { Add the New Supported Item to the List }
- if FArchFormat < Item.ArchiveFormat then
- FArchFormat := Item.ArchiveFormat; { Take the max format }
- Item.Action := aaNone;
- FItemList.Add(Item);
- end { end if }
- else begin
- { unhandled Tar file system entity, notify user, but otherwise ignore }
- if Assigned(FOnConfirmProcessItem) then
- FOnConfirmProcessItem(self, Item, ptFoundUnhandled, Confirm);
- end;
- { show progress and allow for aborting }
- Progress := (FStream.Position*100) div FStream.Size;
- DoArchiveProgress(Progress, Abort);
- if Abort then begin
- FStatus := asInvalid;
- raise EAbUserAbort.Create;
- end;
- { get the next item }
- ItemFound := TarHelp.FindNextItem;
- except {Item}
- raise EAbTarBadOp.Create; { Invalid Item }
- end; {Item}
- end; {end while }
- { All the items need to reflect this information. }
- for i := 0 to FItemList.Count - 1 do
- begin
- TAbTarItem(FItemList.Items[i]).ArchiveFormat := FArchFormat;
- TAbTarItem(FItemList.Items[i]).ItemReadOnly := FArchReadOnly;
- end;
- DoArchiveProgress(100, Abort);
- FIsDirty := False;
- finally {TarHelp}
- { Clean Up }
- TarHelp.Free;
- end; {TarHelp}
-function TAbTarArchive.FixName(const Value: string): string;
-{ fixup filename for storage }
- lValue : string;
- lValue := Value;
- if DOSMode then begin
- {Add the base directory to the filename before converting }
- {the file spec to the short filespec format. }
- if BaseDirectory <> '' then begin
- {Does the filename contain a drive or a leading backslash? }
- if not ((Pos(':', lValue) = 2) or (Pos(AbPathDelim, lValue) = 1)) then
- {If not, add the BaseDirectory to the filename.}
- lValue := BaseDirectory + AbPathDelim + lValue;
- end;
- lValue := AbGetShortFileSpec( lValue );
- end;
- { Should always trip drive info if on a Win/Dos system }
- StoreOptions := StoreOptions + [soStripDrive];
- { strip drive stuff }
- if soStripDrive in StoreOptions then
- AbStripDrive( lValue );
- { check for a leading slash }
- if lValue[1] = AbPathDelim then
- System.Delete( lValue, 1, 1 );
- if soStripPath in StoreOptions then
- lValue := ExtractFileName(lValue);
- if soRemoveDots in StoreOptions then
- AbStripDots(lValue);
- AbFixName(lValue);
- Result := lValue;
-function TAbTarArchive.GetItem(Index: Integer): TAbTarItem;
- Result := TAbTarItem(FItemList.Items[Index]);
-function TAbTarArchive.GetSupportsEmptyFolders: Boolean;
- Result := True;
-procedure TAbTarArchive.PutItem(Index: Integer; const Value: TAbTarItem);
- //TODO: Remove this from all archives
- FItemList.Items[Index] := Value;
-procedure TAbTarArchive.SaveArchive;
- OutTarHelp : TAbTarStreamHelper;
- Abort : Boolean;
- i : Integer;
- NewStream : TAbVirtualMemoryStream;
- TempStream : TStream;
- SaveDir : string;
- CurItem : TAbTarItem;
- AttrEx : TAbAttrExRec;
- if FArchReadOnly then
- raise EAbTarBadOp.Create; { Archive is read only }
- {init new archive stream}
- NewStream := TAbVirtualMemoryStream.Create;
- OutTarHelp := TAbTarStreamHelper.Create(NewStream);
- try {NewStream/OutTarHelp}
- { create helper }
- NewStream.SwapFileDirectory := FTempDir;
- {build new archive from existing archive}
- for i := 0 to pred(Count) do begin
- FCurrentItem := ItemList[i];
- CurItem := TAbTarItem(ItemList[i]);
- case CurItem.Action of
- aaNone, aaMove : begin {just copy the file to new stream}
- { "Seek" to the Item Data } { SaveTarHeaders, Updates FileHeaderCount }
- FStream.Position := CurItem.StreamPosition+CurItem.FileHeaderCount*AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE;
- CurItem.StreamPosition := NewStream.Position;{ Reset the Stream Pointer. }
- { Flush The Headers to the new stream }
- CurItem.SaveTarHeaderToStream(NewStream);
- { Copy to new Stream, Round to the AB_TAR_RECORDSIZE boundry, and Pad zeros}
- outTarhelp.WriteArchiveItemSize(FStream, CurItem.UncompressedSize);
- end;
- aaDelete: {doing nothing omits file from new stream} ;
- aaStreamAdd : begin
- try
- { adding from a stream }
- CurItem.StreamPosition := NewStream.Position;{ Reset the Stream Pointer. }
- CurItem.UncompressedSize := InStream.Size;
- CurItem.SaveTarHeaderToStream(NewStream);
- OutTarHelp.WriteArchiveItemSize(InStream, InStream.Size);
- except
- ItemList[i].Action := aaDelete;
- DoProcessItemFailure(ItemList[i], ptAdd, ecFileOpenError, 0);
- end;
- end;
- aaAdd, aaFreshen, aaReplace: begin
- try
- { it's coming from a file }
- GetDir(0, SaveDir);
- try {SaveDir}
- if (BaseDirectory <> '') then
- ChDir(BaseDirectory);
- { update metadata }
- if not AbFileGetAttrEx(CurItem.DiskFileName, AttrEx) then
- raise EAbFileNotFound.Create;
- CurItem.ExternalFileAttributes := AttrEx.Mode;
- CurItem.LastModTimeAsDateTime := AttrEx.Time;
- { TODO: uid, gid, uname, gname should be added here }
- { TODO: Add support for different types of files here }
- if (AttrEx.Mode and AB_FMODE_DIR) <> 0 then begin
- CurItem.LinkFlag := AB_TAR_LF_DIR;
- CurItem.UncompressedSize := 0;
- CurItem.SaveTarHeaderToStream(NewStream);
- end
- else begin
- TempStream := TFileStream.Create(CurItem.DiskFileName,
- fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite );
- try { TempStream }
- CurItem.UncompressedSize := TempStream.Size;
- CurItem.StreamPosition := NewStream.Position;{ Reset the Stream Pointer. }
- CurItem.SaveTarHeaderToStream(NewStream);
- OutTarHelp.WriteArchiveItemSize(TempStream, TempStream.Size);
- finally { TempStream }
- TempStream.Free;
- end; { TempStream }
- end;
- finally {SaveDir}
- ChDir( SaveDir );
- end; {SaveDir}
- except
- ItemList[i].Action := aaDelete;
- DoProcessItemFailure(ItemList[i], ptAdd, ecFileOpenError, 0);
- end;
- end; { aaAdd ... }
- end; { case }
- end; { for i ... }
- if NewStream.Size <> 0 then
- OutTarHelp.WriteArchiveTail; { Terminate the TAR }
- { Size of NewStream is still 0, and max of the stream will also be 0 }
- {copy new stream to FStream}
- NewStream.Position := 0;
- if (FStream is TMemoryStream) then
- TMemoryStream(FStream).LoadFromStream(NewStream)
- else if (FStream is TAbVirtualMemoryStream) or not FOwnsStream then begin
- FStream.Size := 0;
- FStream.Position := 0;
- FStream.CopyFrom(NewStream, NewStream.Size);
- end
- else begin
- { write to a new stream }
- FreeAndNil(FStream);
- FStream := TFileStream.Create(FArchiveName, fmCreate or fmShareDenyWrite);
- FStream.CopyFrom(NewStream, NewStream.Size);
- end;
- {update Items list}
- for i := pred( Count ) downto 0 do begin
- if ItemList[i].Action = aaDelete then
- FItemList.Delete( i )
- else if ItemList[i].Action <> aaFailed then
- ItemList[i].Action := aaNone;
- end;
- DoArchiveSaveProgress( 100, Abort );
- DoArchiveProgress( 100, Abort );
- finally {NewStream/OutTarHelp}
- OutTarHelp.Free;
- NewStream.Free;
- end;
-{ This assumes that LoadArchive has been called. }
-procedure TAbTarArchive.TestItemAt(Index: Integer);
- FStream.Position := TAbTarItem(FItemList[Index]).StreamPosition;
- if VerifyTar(FStream) <> atTar then
- raise EAbTarInvalid.Create; { Invalid Tar }
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbUnzOutStm.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbUnzOutStm.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c74a00..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbUnzOutStm.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Craig Peterson
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2011
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- * Craig Peterson
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbUnzOutStm.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: UnZip output stream; progress and CRC32 *}
-unit AbUnzOutStm;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- SysUtils, Classes, AbArcTyp;
- // Fixed-length read-only stream, limits reads to the range between
- // the input stream's starting position and a specified size. Seek/Position
- // are adjusted to be 0 based.
- TAbUnzipSubsetStream = class( TStream )
- private
- FStream : TStream;
- FStartPos: Int64;
- FCurPos: Int64;
- FEndPos: Int64;
- public
- constructor Create(aStream: TStream; aStreamSize: Int64);
- function Read(var Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; override;
- function Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; override;
- function Seek(const Offset: Int64; Origin: TSeekOrigin): Int64; override;
- end;
- // Write-only output stream, computes CRC32 and calls progress event
- TAbUnzipOutputStream = class( TStream )
- private
- FBytesWritten : Int64;
- FCRC32 : LongInt;
- FCurrentProgress : Byte;
- FStream : TStream;
- FUncompressedSize : Int64;
- FOnProgress : TAbProgressEvent;
- function GetCRC32 : LongInt;
- public
- constructor Create(aStream : TStream);
- function Read(var Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; override;
- function Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; override;
- function Seek(const Offset: Int64; Origin: TSeekOrigin): Int64; override;
- property CRC32 : LongInt
- read GetCRC32;
- property Stream : TStream
- read FStream
- write FStream;
- property UncompressedSize : Int64
- read FUncompressedSize
- write FUncompressedSize;
- property OnProgress : TAbProgressEvent
- read FOnProgress
- write FOnProgress;
- end;
- Math, AbExcept, AbUtils;
-{ TAbUnzipSubsetStream implementation ====================================== }
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-constructor TAbUnzipSubsetStream.Create(aStream: TStream; aStreamSize: Int64);
- inherited Create;
- FStream := aStream;
- FStartPos := FStream.Position;
- FCurPos := FStartPos;
- FEndPos := FStartPos + aStreamSize;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbUnzipSubsetStream.Read(var Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint;
- if Count > FEndPos - FCurPos then
- Count := FEndPos - FCurPos;
- if Count > 0 then begin
- Result := FStream.Read(Buffer, Count);
- Inc(FCurPos, Result);
- end
- else
- Result := 0;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbUnzipSubsetStream.Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint;
- raise EAbException.Create('TAbUnzipSubsetStream.Write not supported');
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbUnzipSubsetStream.Seek(const Offset: Int64; Origin: TSeekOrigin): Int64;
- OldPos: Int64;
- OldPos := FCurPos;
- case Origin of
- soBeginning: FCurPos := FStartPos + Offset;
- soCurrent: FCurPos := FCurPos + Offset;
- soEnd: FCurPos := FEndPos + Offset;
- end;
- if FCurPos < FStartPos then
- FCurPos := FStartPos;
- if FCurPos > FEndPos then
- FCurPos := FEndPos;
- if OldPos <> FCurPos then
- FStream.Position := FCurPos;
- Result := FCurPos - FStartPos;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-{ TAbUnzipOutputStream implementation ====================================== }
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-constructor TAbUnzipOutputStream.Create(aStream: TStream);
- inherited Create;
- FStream := aStream;
- FCRC32 := -1;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbUnzipOutputStream.Read(var Buffer; Count: Integer): Longint;
- raise EAbException.Create('TAbUnzipOutputStream.Read not supported');
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbUnzipOutputStream.Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint;
- Abort : Boolean;
- NewProgress : Byte;
- Result := FStream.Write(Buffer, Count);
- AbUpdateCRC( FCRC32, Buffer, Count );
- Inc( FBytesWritten, Result );
- if Assigned( FOnProgress ) then begin
- Abort := False;
- NewProgress := AbPercentage(FBytesWritten, FUncompressedSize);
- if (NewProgress <> FCurrentProgress) then begin
- FOnProgress( NewProgress, Abort );
- FCurrentProgress := NewProgress;
- end;
- if Abort then
- raise EAbUserAbort.Create;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbUnzipOutputStream.Seek(const Offset: Int64; Origin: TSeekOrigin): Int64;
- Result := FStream.Seek(Offset, Origin);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbUnzipOutputStream.GetCRC32: LongInt;
- Result := not FCRC32;
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbUnzPrc.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbUnzPrc.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index f3db5e3..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbUnzPrc.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1211 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- * Craig Peterson
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbUnzPrc.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: UnZip procedures *}
-unit AbUnzPrc;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- Classes,
- AbArcTyp,
- AbZipTyp;
- TAbUnzipHelper = class( TObject )
- protected {private}
- {internal variables}
- FOutWriter : TStream;
- FOutStream : TStream;
- FUnCompressedSize : LongInt;
- FCompressionMethod : TAbZipCompressionMethod;
- FDictionarySize : TAbZipDictionarySize;
- FShannonFanoTreeCount : Byte;
- FOutBuf : PAbByteArray; {output buffer}
- FOutSent : LongInt; {number of bytes sent to output buffer}
- FOutPos : Cardinal; {current position in output buffer}
- FBitSValid : Byte; {Number of valid bits}
- FInBuf : TAbByteArray4K;
- FInPos : Integer; {current position in input buffer}
- FInCnt : Integer; {number of bytes in input buffer}
- FInEof : Boolean; {set when stream read returns 0}
- FCurByte : Byte; {current input byte}
- FBitsLeft : Byte; {bits left to process in FCurByte}
- FZStream : TStream;
- protected
- procedure uzFlushOutBuf;
- {-Flushes the output buffer}
- function uzReadBits(Bits : Byte) : Integer;
- {-Read the specified number of bits}
- procedure uzReadNextPrim;
- {-does less likely part of uzReadNext}
- {$IFDEF UnzipImplodeSupport}
- procedure uzUnImplode;
- {-Extract an imploded file}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF UnzipReduceSupport}
- procedure uzUnReduce;
- {-Extract a reduced file}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF UnzipShrinkSupport}
- procedure uzUnShrink;
- {-Extract a shrunk file}
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure uzWriteByte(B : Byte);
- {write to output}
- public
- constructor Create( InputStream, OutputStream : TStream );
- destructor Destroy;
- override;
- procedure Execute;
- property UnCompressedSize : LongInt
- read FUncompressedSize
- write FUncompressedSize;
- property CompressionMethod : TAbZipCompressionMethod
- read FCompressionMethod
- write FCompressionMethod;
- property DictionarySize : TAbZipDictionarySize
- read FDictionarySize
- write FDictionarySize;
- property ShannonFanoTreeCount : Byte
- read FShannonFanoTreeCount
- write FShannonFanoTreeCount;
- end;
- procedure AbUnzipToStream( Sender : TObject; Item : TAbZipItem;
- OutStream : TStream);
- procedure AbUnzip(Sender : TObject; Item : TAbZipItem; const UseName : string);
- procedure AbTestZipItem(Sender : TObject; Item : TAbZipItem);
- procedure InflateStream(CompressedStream, UnCompressedStream : TStream);
- {-Inflates everything in CompressedStream to UncompressedStream
- no encryption is tried, no check on CRC is done, uses the whole
- compressedstream - no Progress events - no Frills!}
- Windows,
- {$ENDIF}
- SysUtils,
- {$IFDEF UnzipBzip2Support}
- AbBzip2,
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF UnzipLzmaSupport}
- AbLzma,
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF UnzipPPMdSupport}
- AbPPMd,
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF UnzipWavPackSupport}
- AbWavPack,
- {$ENDIF}
- AbBitBkt,
- AbConst,
- AbDfBase,
- AbDfCryS,
- AbDfDec,
- AbExcept,
- AbSpanSt,
- AbSWStm,
- AbUnzOutStm,
- AbUtils;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure AbReverseBits(var W : Word);
- {-Reverse the order of the bits in W}
- RevTable : array[0..255] of Byte = ($00, $80, $40, $C0, $20, $A0, $60,
- $E0, $10, $90, $50, $D0, $30, $B0, $70, $F0, $08, $88, $48, $C8, $28,
- $A8, $68, $E8, $18, $98, $58, $D8, $38, $B8, $78, $F8, $04, $84, $44,
- $C4, $24, $A4, $64, $E4, $14, $94, $54, $D4, $34, $B4, $74, $F4, $0C,
- $8C, $4C, $CC, $2C, $AC, $6C, $EC, $1C, $9C, $5C, $DC, $3C, $BC, $7C,
- $FC, $02, $82, $42, $C2, $22, $A2, $62, $E2, $12, $92, $52, $D2, $32,
- $B2, $72, $F2, $0A, $8A, $4A, $CA, $2A, $AA, $6A, $EA, $1A, $9A, $5A,
- $DA, $3A, $BA, $7A, $FA, $06, $86, $46, $C6, $26, $A6, $66, $E6, $16,
- $96, $56, $D6, $36, $B6, $76, $F6, $0E, $8E, $4E, $CE, $2E, $AE, $6E,
- $EE, $1E, $9E, $5E, $DE, $3E, $BE, $7E, $FE, $01, $81, $41, $C1, $21,
- $A1, $61, $E1, $11, $91, $51, $D1, $31, $B1, $71, $F1, $09, $89, $49,
- $C9, $29, $A9, $69, $E9, $19, $99, $59, $D9, $39, $B9, $79, $F9, $05,
- $85, $45, $C5, $25, $A5, $65, $E5, $15, $95, $55, $D5, $35, $B5, $75,
- $F5, $0D, $8D, $4D, $CD, $2D, $AD, $6D, $ED, $1D, $9D, $5D, $DD, $3D,
- $BD, $7D, $FD, $03, $83, $43, $C3, $23, $A3, $63, $E3, $13, $93, $53,
- $D3, $33, $B3, $73, $F3, $0B, $8B, $4B, $CB, $2B, $AB, $6B, $EB, $1B,
- $9B, $5B, $DB, $3B, $BB, $7B, $FB, $07, $87, $47, $C7, $27, $A7, $67,
- $E7, $17, $97, $57, $D7, $37, $B7, $77, $F7, $0F, $8F, $4F, $CF, $2F,
- $AF, $6F, $EF, $1F, $9F, $5F, $DF, $3F, $BF, $7F, $FF);
- W := RevTable[Byte(W shr 8)] or Word(RevTable[Byte(W)] shl 8);
-{ TAbUnzipHelper implementation ============================================ }
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-constructor TAbUnzipHelper.Create( InputStream, OutputStream : TStream );
- inherited Create;
- FOutBuf := AllocMem( AbBufferSize );
- FOutPos := 0;
- FZStream := InputStream;
- FOutStream := OutputStream;
- FUncompressedSize := 0;
- FDictionarySize := dsInvalid;
- FShannonFanoTreeCount := 0;
- FCompressionMethod := cmDeflated;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-destructor TAbUnzipHelper.Destroy;
- FreeMem( FOutBuf, AbBufferSize );
- inherited Destroy;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbUnzipHelper.Execute;
- {parent class handles exceptions via OnExtractFailure}
- FBitsLeft := 0;
- FCurByte := 0;
- FInCnt := 0;
- FOutSent := 0;
- FOutPos := 0;
- FInEof := False;
- {set the output stream; for Imploded/Reduced files this has to be
- buffered, for all other types of compression, the code buffers the
- output data nicely and so the given output stream can be used.}
- {$IFDEF UnzipImplodeSupport}
- if (FCompressionMethod = cmImploded) then
- FOutWriter := TabSlidingWindowStream.Create(FOutStream)
- else
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF UnzipReduceSupport}
- if (FCompressionMethod >= cmReduced1) and
- (FCompressionMethod <= cmReduced4) then
- FOutWriter := TabSlidingWindowStream.Create(FOutStream)
- else
- {$ENDIF}
- FOutWriter := FOutStream;
- FInPos := 1+SizeOf(FInBuf);
-{ GetMem( FInBuf, SizeOf(FInBuf^) );}
- try
- {uncompress it with the appropriate method}
- case FCompressionMethod of
- {$IFDEF UnzipShrinkSupport}
- cmShrunk : uzUnshrink;
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF UnzipReduceSupport}
- cmReduced1..cmReduced4 : uzUnReduce;
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF UnzipImplodeSupport}
- cmImploded : uzUnImplode;
- {$ENDIF}
- {cmTokenized}
- {cmEnhancedDeflated}
- {cmDCLImploded}
- else
- raise EAbZipInvalidMethod.Create;
- end;
- finally
- uzFlushOutBuf;
- {free any memory}
- if (FOutWriter <> FOutStream) then
- FOutWriter.Free;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbUnzipHelper.uzReadNextPrim;
- FInCnt := FZStream.Read( FInBuf, sizeof( FInBuf ) );
- FInEof := FInCnt = 0;
- {load first byte in buffer and set position counter}
- FCurByte := FInBuf[1];
- FInPos := 2;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbUnzipHelper.uzFlushOutBuf;
- {-flushes the output buffer}
- if (FOutPos <> 0) then begin
- FOutWriter.Write( FOutBuf^, FOutPos );
- Inc( FOutSent, FOutPos );
- FOutPos := 0;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbUnzipHelper.uzWriteByte(B : Byte);
- {-Write one byte to the output buffer}
- FOutBuf^[FOutPos] := B;
- inc(FOutPos);
- if (FOutPos = AbBufferSize) or
- (LongInt(FOutPos) + FOutSent = FUncompressedSize) then
- uzFlushOutBuf;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbUnzipHelper.uzReadBits(Bits : Byte) : Integer;
- {-Read the specified number of bits}
- SaveCurByte, Delta, SaveBitsLeft : Byte;
- {read next byte if we're out of bits}
- if FBitsLeft = 0 then begin
- {do we still have a byte buffered?}
- if FInPos <= FInCnt then begin
- {get next byte out of buffer and advance position counter}
- FCurByte := FInBuf[FInPos];
- Inc(FInPos);
- end
- {are there any left to read?}
- else
- uzReadNextPrim;
- FBitsLeft := 8;
- end;
- if ( Bits < FBitsLeft ) then begin
- Dec( FBitsLeft, Bits );
- Result := ((1 shl Bits) - 1) and FCurByte;
- FCurByte := FCurByte shr Bits;
- end
- else if ( Bits = FBitsLeft ) then begin
- Result := FCurByte;
- FCurByte := 0;
- FBitsLeft := 0;
- end
- else begin
- SaveCurByte := FCurByte;
- SaveBitsLeft := FBitsLeft;
- {number of additional bits that we need}
- Delta := Bits - FBitsLeft;
- {do we still have a byte buffered?}
- if FInPos <= FInCnt then begin
- {get next byte out of buffer and advance position counter}
- FCurByte := FInBuf[FInPos];
- Inc(FInPos);
- end
- {are there any left to read?}
- else
- uzReadNextPrim;
- FBitsLeft := 8;
- Result := ( uzReadBits( Delta ) shl SaveBitsLeft ) or SaveCurByte;
- end;
-{$IFDEF UnzipImplodeSupport}
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbUnzipHelper.uzUnImplode;
- {-Extract an imploded file}
- szLengthTree = SizeOf(TAbSfTree)-(192*SizeOf(TAbSfEntry));
- szDistanceTree = SizeOf(TAbSfTree)-(192*SizeOf(TAbSfEntry));
- szLitTree = SizeOf(TAbSfTree);
- Length : Integer;
- DIndex : LongInt;
- Distance : Integer;
- SPos : LongInt;
- MyByte : Byte;
- DictBits : Integer; {number of bits used in sliding dictionary}
- MinMatchLength : Integer; {minimum match length}
- LitTree : PAbSfTree; {Literal tree}
- LengthTree : PAbSfTree; {Length tree}
- DistanceTree : PAbSfTree; {Distance tree}
- procedure uzLoadTree(var T; TreeSize : Integer);
- {-Load one Shannon-Fano tree}
- var
- I : Word;
- Tree : TAbSfTree absolute T;
- procedure GenerateTree;
- {-Generate a Shannon-Fano tree}
- var
- C : Word;
- CodeIncrement : Integer;
- LastBitLength : Integer;
- I : Integer;
- begin
- C := 0;
- CodeIncrement := 0;
- LastBitLength := 0;
- for I := Tree.Entries-1 downto 0 do
- with Tree.Entry[I] do begin
- Inc(C, CodeIncrement);
- if BitLength <> LastBitLength then begin
- LastBitLength := BitLength;
- CodeIncrement := 1 shl (16-LastBitLength);
- end;
- Code := C;
- end;
- end;
- procedure SortLengths;
- {-Sort the bit lengths in ascending order, while retaining the order
- of the original lengths stored in the file}
- var
- XL : Integer;
- XGL : Integer;
- TXP : PAbSfEntry;
- TXGP : PAbSfEntry;
- X, Gap : Integer;
- Done : Boolean;
- LT : LongInt;
- begin
- Gap := Tree.Entries shr 1;
- repeat
- repeat
- Done := True;
- for X := 0 to (Tree.Entries-1)-Gap do begin
- TXP := @Tree.Entry[X];
- TXGP := @Tree.Entry[X+Gap];
- XL := TXP^.BitLength;
- XGL := TXGP^.BitLength;
- if (XL > XGL) or
- ((XL = XGL) and (TXP^.Value > TXGP^.Value)) then begin
- LT := TXP^.L;
- TXP^.L := TXGP^.L;
- TXGP^.L := LT;
- Done := False;
- end;
- end;
- until Done;
- Gap := Gap shr 1;
- until (Gap = 0);
- end;
- procedure uzReadLengths;
- {-Read bit lengths for a tree}
- var
- TreeBytes : Integer;
- I, J, K : Integer;
- Num, Len : Integer;
- B : Byte;
- begin
- {get number of bytes in compressed tree}
- TreeBytes := uzReadBits(8)+1;
- I := 0;
- Tree.MaxLength := 0;
- {High nibble: Number of values at this bit length + 1.
- Low nibble: Bits needed to represent value + 1}
- for J := 1 to TreeBytes do begin
- B := uzReadBits(8);
- Len := (B and $0F)+1;
- Num := (B shr 4)+1;
- for K := I to I+Num-1 do
- with Tree, Entry[K] do begin
- if Len > MaxLength then
- MaxLength := Len;
- BitLength := Len;
- Value := K;
- end;
- Inc(I, Num);
- end;
- end;
- begin
- Tree.Entries := TreeSize;
- uzReadLengths;
- SortLengths;
- GenerateTree;
- for I := 0 to TreeSize-1 do
- AbReverseBits(Tree.Entry[I].Code);
- end;
- function uzReadTree(var T) : Byte;
- {-Read next byte using a Shannon-Fano tree}
- var
- Bits : Integer;
- CV : Word;
- E : Integer;
- Cur : Integer;
- var
- Tree : TAbSfTree absolute T;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- Bits := 0;
- CV := 0;
- Cur := 0;
- E := Tree.Entries;
- repeat
- CV := CV or (uzReadBits(1) shl Bits);
- Inc(Bits);
- while Tree.Entry[Cur].BitLength < Bits do begin
- Inc(Cur);
- if Cur >= E then
- Exit;
- end;
- while Tree.Entry[Cur].BitLength = Bits do begin
- if Tree.Entry[Cur].Code = CV then begin
- Result := Tree.Entry[Cur].Value;
- Exit;
- end;
- Inc(Cur);
- if Cur >= E then
- Exit;
- end;
- until False;
- end;
- {do we have an 8K dictionary?}
- if FDictionarySize = ds8K then
- DictBits := 7
- else
- DictBits := 6;
- {allocate trees}
- LengthTree := AllocMem(szLengthTree);
- DistanceTree := AllocMem(szDistanceTree);
- LitTree := nil;
- try
- {do we have a Literal tree?}
- MinMatchLength := FShannonFanoTreeCount;
- if MinMatchLength = 3 then begin
- LitTree := AllocMem(szLitTree);
- uzLoadTree(LitTree^, 256);
- end;
- {load the other two trees}
- uzLoadTree(LengthTree^, 64);
- uzLoadTree(DistanceTree^, 64);
- while (not FInEof) and (FOutSent + LongInt(FOutPos) < FUncompressedSize) do
- {is data literal?}
- if Boolean(uzReadBits(1)) then begin
- {if MinMatchLength = 3 then we have a Literal tree}
- if (MinMatchLength = 3) then
- uzWriteByte( uzReadTree(LitTree^) )
- else
- uzWriteByte( uzReadBits(8) );
- end
- else begin
- {data is a sliding dictionary}
- Distance := uzReadBits(DictBits);
- {using the Distance Shannon-Fano tree, read and decode the
- upper 6 bits of the Distance value}
- Distance := Distance or (uzReadTree(DistanceTree^) shl DictBits);
- {using the Length Shannon-Fano tree, read and decode the Length value}
- Length := uzReadTree(LengthTree^);
- if Length = 63 then
- Inc(Length, uzReadBits(8));
- Inc(Length, MinMatchLength);
- {move backwards Distance+1 bytes in the output stream, and copy
- Length characters from this position to the output stream.
- (if this position is before the start of the output stream,
- then assume that all the data before the start of the output
- stream is filled with zeros)}
- DIndex := (FOutSent + LongInt(FOutPos))-(Distance+1);
- while Length > 0 do begin
- if DIndex < 0 then
- uzWriteByte(0)
- else begin
- uzFlushOutBuf;
- SPos := FOutWriter.Position;
- FOutWriter.Position := DIndex;
- FOutWriter.Read( MyByte, 1 );
- FOutWriter.Position := SPos;
- uzWriteByte(MyByte);
- end;
- Inc(DIndex);
- Dec(Length);
- end;
- end;
- finally
- if (LitTree <> nil) then
- FreeMem(LitTree, szLitTree);
- FreeMem(LengthTree, szLengthTree);
- FreeMem(DistanceTree, szDistanceTree);
- end;
-{$ENDIF UnzipImplodeSupport}
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-{$IFDEF UnzipReduceSupport}
-procedure TAbUnzipHelper.uzUnReduce;
- FactorMasks : array[1..4] of Byte = ($7F, $3F, $1F, $0F);
- DLE = 144;
- C, Last : Byte;
- OpI : LongInt;
- I, J, Sz : Integer;
- D : Word;
- SPos : LongInt;
- MyByte : Byte;
- Factor : Byte; {reduction Factor}
- FactorMask : Byte; {bit mask to use based on Factor}
- Followers : PAbFollowerSets; {array of follower sets}
- State : Integer; {used while processing reduced files}
- V : Integer; {"}
- Len : Integer; {"}
- function BitsNeeded( i : Byte ) : Word;
- begin
- dec( i );
- Result := 0;
- repeat
- inc( Result );
- i := i shr 1;
- until i = 0;
- end;
- GetMem(Followers, SizeOf(TAbFollowerSets));
- try
- Factor := Ord( FCompressionMethod ) - 1;
- FactorMask := FactorMasks[Factor];
- State := 0;
- C := 0;
- V := 0;
- Len := 0;
- D := 0;
- {load follower sets}
- for I := 255 downto 0 do begin
- Sz := uzReadBits(6);
- Followers^[I].Size := Sz;
- Dec(Sz);
- for J := 0 to Sz do
- Followers^[I].FSet[J] := uzReadBits(8);
- end;
- while (not FInEof) and ((FOutSent + LongInt(FOutPos)) < FUncompressedSize) do begin
- Last := C;
- with Followers^[Last] do
- if Size = 0 then
- C := uzReadBits(8)
- else begin
- C := uzReadBits(1);
- if C <> 0 then
- C := uzReadBits(8)
- else
- C := FSet[uzReadBits(BitsNeeded(Size))];
- end;
- if FInEof then
- Exit;
- case State of
- 0 :
- if C <> DLE then
- uzWriteByte(C)
- else
- State := 1;
- 1 :
- if C <> 0 then begin
- V := C;
- Len := V and FactorMask;
- if Len = FactorMask then
- State := 2
- else
- State := 3;
- end
- else begin
- uzWriteByte(DLE);
- State := 0;
- end;
- 2 :
- begin
- Inc(Len, C);
- State := 3;
- end;
- 3 :
- begin
- case Factor of
- 1 : D := (V shr 7) and $01;
- 2 : D := (V shr 6) and $03;
- 3 : D := (V shr 5) and $07;
- 4 : D := (V shr 4) and $0f;
- else
- raise EAbZipInvalidFactor.Create;
- end;
- {Delphi raises compiler Hints here, saying D might
- be undefined... If Factor is not in [1..4], the
- exception gets raised, and we never execute the following
- line}
- OpI := (FOutSent + LongInt(FOutPos))-(Swap(D)+C+1);
- for I := 0 to Len+2 do begin
- if OpI < 0 then
- uzWriteByte(0)
- else if OpI >= FOutSent then
- uzWriteByte(FOutBuf[OpI - FOutSent])
- else begin
- SPos := FOutWriter.Position;
- FOutWriter.Position := OpI;
- FOutWriter.Read( MyByte, 1 );
- FOutWriter.Position := SPos;
- uzWriteByte(MyByte);
- end;
- Inc(OpI);
- end;
- State := 0;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- finally
- FreeMem(Followers, SizeOf(Followers^));
- end;
-{$ENDIF UnzipReduceSupport}
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-{$IFDEF UnzipShrinkSupport}
-procedure TAbUnzipHelper.uzUnShrink;
- {-Extract a file that was shrunk}
- MaxBits = 13;
- InitBits = 9;
- FirstFree = 257;
- Clear = 256;
- MaxCodeMax = 8192; {= 1 shl MaxBits}
- Unused = -1;
- CodeSize : SmallInt;
- NextFree : SmallInt;
- BaseChar : SmallInt;
- NewCode : SmallInt;
- OldCode : SmallInt;
- SaveCode : SmallInt;
- N, R : SmallInt;
- I : Integer;
- PrefixTable : PAbIntArray8K; {used while processing shrunk files}
- SuffixTable : PAbByteArray8K; {"}
- Stack : PAbByteArray8K; {"}
- StackIndex : Integer; {"}
- CodeSize := InitBits;
-{ MaxCode := (1 shl InitBits)-1;}
- NextFree := FirstFree;
- PrefixTable := nil;
- SuffixTable := nil;
- Stack := nil;
- try
- GetMem(PrefixTable, SizeOf(PrefixTable^));
- SuffixTable := AllocMem(SizeOf(SuffixTable^));
- GetMem(Stack, SizeOf(Stack^));
- FillChar(PrefixTable^, SizeOf(PrefixTable^), $FF);
- for NewCode := 255 downto 0 do begin
- PrefixTable^[NewCode] := 0;
- SuffixTable^[NewCode] := NewCode;
- end;
- OldCode := uzReadBits(CodeSize);
- if FInEof then
- Exit;
- BaseChar := OldCode;
- uzWriteByte(BaseChar);
- StackIndex := 0;
- while (not FInEof) do begin
- NewCode := uzReadBits(CodeSize);
- while (NewCode = Clear) and (not FInEof) do begin
- case uzReadBits(CodeSize) of
- 1 : begin
- Inc(CodeSize);
- end;
- 2 : begin
- {mark all nodes as potentially unused}
- for I := FirstFree to pred( NextFree ) do
- PrefixTable^[I] := PrefixTable^[I] or LongInt($8000);
- {unmark those used by other nodes}
- for N := FirstFree to NextFree-1 do begin
- {reference to another node?}
- R := PrefixTable^[N] and $7FFF;
- {flag node as referenced}
- if R >= FirstFree then
- PrefixTable^[R] := PrefixTable^[R] and $7FFF;
- end;
- {clear the ones that are still marked}
- for I := FirstFree to pred( NextFree ) do
- if PrefixTable^[I] < 0 then
- PrefixTable^[I] := -1;
- {recalculate NextFree}
- NextFree := FirstFree;
- while (NextFree < MaxCodeMax) and
- (PrefixTable^[NextFree] <> -1) do
- Inc(NextFree);
- end;
- end;
- NewCode := uzReadBits(CodeSize);
- end;
- if FInEof then
- Exit;
- {save current code}
- SaveCode := NewCode;
- {special case}
- if PrefixTable^[NewCode] = Unused then begin
- Stack^[StackIndex] := BaseChar;
- Inc(StackIndex);
- NewCode := OldCode;
- end;
- {generate output characters in reverse order}
- while (NewCode >= FirstFree) do begin
- if PrefixTable^[NewCode] = Unused then begin
- Stack^[StackIndex] := BaseChar;
- Inc(StackIndex);
- NewCode := OldCode;
- end else begin
- Stack^[StackIndex] := SuffixTable^[NewCode];
- Inc(StackIndex);
- NewCode := PrefixTable^[NewCode];
- end;
- end;
- BaseChar := SuffixTable^[NewCode];
- uzWriteByte(BaseChar);
- {put them out in forward order}
- while (StackIndex > 0) do begin
- Dec(StackIndex);
- uzWriteByte(Stack^[StackIndex]);
- end;
- {add new entry to tables}
- NewCode := NextFree;
- if NewCode < MaxCodeMax then begin
- PrefixTable^[NewCode] := OldCode;
- SuffixTable^[NewCode] := BaseChar;
- while (NextFree < MaxCodeMax) and
- (PrefixTable^[NextFree] <> Unused) do
- Inc(NextFree);
- end;
- {remember previous code}
- OldCode := SaveCode;
- end;
- finally
- FreeMem(PrefixTable, SizeOf(PrefixTable^));
- FreeMem(SuffixTable, SizeOf(SuffixTable^));
- FreeMem(Stack, SizeOf(Stack^));
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure RequestPassword(Archive : TAbZipArchive; var Abort : Boolean);
- APassPhrase : AnsiString;
- APassPhrase := Archive.Password;
- Abort := False;
- if Assigned(Archive.OnNeedPassword) then begin
- Archive.OnNeedPassword(Archive, APassPhrase);
- if APassPhrase = '' then
- Abort := True
- else
- Archive.Password := APassPhrase;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure CheckPassword(Archive : TAbZipArchive; var Tries : Integer; var Abort : Boolean);
- { if current password empty }
- if Archive.Password = '' then begin
- { request password }
- RequestPassword(Archive, Abort);
- { increment tries }
- Inc(Tries);
- end;
- { if current password still empty }
- if Archive.Password = '' then begin
- { abort }
- raise EAbZipInvalidPassword.Create;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure DoInflate(Archive : TAbZipArchive; Item : TAbZipItem; InStream, OutStream : TStream);
- Hlpr : TAbDeflateHelper;
- Hlpr := TAbDeflateHelper.Create;
- try
- if Item.CompressionMethod = cmEnhancedDeflated then
- Hlpr.Options := Hlpr.Options or dfc_UseDeflate64;
- Hlpr.StreamSize := Item.CompressedSize;
- Inflate(InStream, OutStream, Hlpr);
- finally
- Hlpr.Free;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure DoLegacyUnzip(Archive : TAbZipArchive; Item : TAbZipItem; InStream, OutStream : TStream);
- Helper : TAbUnzipHelper;
- Helper := TAbUnzipHelper.Create(InStream, OutStream);
- try {Helper}
- Helper.DictionarySize := Item.DictionarySize;
- Helper.UnCompressedSize := Item.UncompressedSize;
- Helper.CompressionMethod := Item.CompressionMethod;
- Helper.ShannonFanoTreeCount := Item.ShannonFanoTreeCount;
- Helper.Execute;
- finally
- Helper.Free;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-{$IFDEF UnzipBzip2Support}
-procedure DoExtractBzip2(Archive : TAbZipArchive; Item : TAbZipItem; InStream, OutStream : TStream);
- Bzip2Stream: TStream;
- Bzip2Stream := TBZDecompressionStream.Create(InStream);
- try
- OutStream.CopyFrom(Bzip2Stream, Item.UncompressedSize);
- finally
- Bzip2Stream.Free;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-{$IFDEF UnzipLzmaSupport}
-procedure DoExtractLzma(Archive : TAbZipArchive; Item : TAbZipItem;
- InStream, OutStream : TStream);
- Header: packed record
- MajorVer, MinorVer: Byte;
- PropSize: Word;
- end;
- Properties: array of Byte;
- InStream.ReadBuffer(Header, SizeOf(Header));
- SetLength(Properties, Header.PropSize);
- InStream.ReadBuffer(Properties[0], Header.PropSize);
- LzmaDecodeStream(PByte(Properties), Header.PropSize, InStream, OutStream,
- Item.UncompressedSize);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function ExtractPrep(ZipArchive: TAbZipArchive; Item: TAbZipItem): TStream;
- LFH : TAbZipLocalFileHeader;
- Abort : Boolean;
- Tries : Integer;
- CheckValue : LongInt;
- DecryptStream: TAbDfDecryptStream;
- { validate }
- if (Lo(Item.VersionNeededToExtract) > Ab_ZipVersion) then
- raise EAbZipVersion.Create;
- { seek to compressed file }
- if ZipArchive.FStream is TAbSpanReadStream then
- TAbSpanReadStream(ZipArchive.FStream).SeekImage(Item.DiskNumberStart,
- Item.RelativeOffset)
- else
- ZipArchive.FStream.Position := Item.RelativeOffset;
- { get local header info for Item}
- LFH := TAbZipLocalFileHeader.Create;
- try
- { select appropriate CRC value based on General Purpose Bit Flag }
- { also get whether the file is stored, while we've got the local file header }
- LFH.LoadFromStream(ZipArchive.FStream);
- if (LFH.GeneralPurposeBitFlag and AbHasDataDescriptorFlag = AbHasDataDescriptorFlag) then
- { if bit 3 is set, then the data descriptor record is appended
- to the compressed data }
- CheckValue := LFH.LastModFileTime shl $10
- else
- CheckValue := Item.CRC32;
- finally
- LFH.Free;
- end;
- Result := TAbUnzipSubsetStream.Create(ZipArchive.FStream,
- Item.CompressedSize);
- { get decrypting stream }
- if Item.IsEncrypted then begin
- try
- { need to decrypt }
- Tries := 0;
- Abort := False;
- CheckPassword(ZipArchive, Tries, Abort);
- while True do begin
- if Abort then
- raise EAbUserAbort.Create;
- { check for valid password }
- DecryptStream := TAbDfDecryptStream.Create(Result,
- CheckValue, ZipArchive.Password);
- if DecryptStream.IsValid then begin
- DecryptStream.OwnsStream := True;
- Result := DecryptStream;
- Break;
- end;
- FreeAndNil(DecryptStream);
- { prompt again }
- Inc(Tries);
- if (Tries > ZipArchive.PasswordRetries) then
- raise EAbZipInvalidPassword.Create;
- RequestPassword(ZipArchive, Abort);
- end;
- except
- Result.Free;
- raise;
- end;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure DoExtract(aZipArchive: TAbZipArchive; aItem: TAbZipItem;
- aInStream, aOutStream: TStream);
- OutStream : TAbUnzipOutputStream;
- if aItem.UncompressedSize = 0 then
- Exit;
- OutStream := TAbUnzipOutputStream.Create(aOutStream);
- try
- OutStream.UncompressedSize := aItem.UncompressedSize;
- OutStream.OnProgress := aZipArchive.OnProgress;
- { determine storage type }
- case aItem.CompressionMethod of
- cmStored: begin
- { unstore aItem }
- OutStream.CopyFrom(aInStream, aItem.UncompressedSize);
- end;
- cmDeflated, cmEnhancedDeflated: begin
- { inflate aItem }
- DoInflate(aZipArchive, aItem, aInStream, OutStream);
- end;
- {$IFDEF UnzipBzip2Support}
- cmBzip2: begin
- DoExtractBzip2(aZipArchive, aItem, aInStream, OutStream);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF UnzipLzmaSupport}
- cmLZMA: begin
- DoExtractLzma(aZipArchive, aItem, aInStream, OutStream);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF UnzipPPMdSupport}
- cmPPMd: begin
- DecompressPPMd(aInStream, OutStream);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF UnzipWavPackSupport}
- cmWavPack: begin
- DecompressWavPack(aInStream, OutStream);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- cmShrunk..cmImploded: begin
- DoLegacyUnzip(aZipArchive, aItem, aInStream, OutStream);
- end;
- else
- raise EAbZipInvalidMethod.Create;
- end;
- { check CRC }
- if OutStream.CRC32 <> aItem.CRC32 then
- if Assigned(aZipArchive.OnProcessItemFailure) then
- aZipArchive.OnProcessItemFailure(aZipArchive, aItem, ptExtract,
- ecAbbrevia, AbZipBadCRC)
- else
- raise EAbZipBadCRC.Create;
- finally
- OutStream.Free;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure AbUnzipToStream( Sender : TObject; Item : TAbZipItem; OutStream : TStream);
- ZipArchive : TAbZipArchive;
- InStream : TStream;
- ZipArchive := Sender as TAbZipArchive;
- if not Assigned(OutStream) then
- raise EAbBadStream.Create;
- InStream := ExtractPrep(ZipArchive, Item);
- try
- DoExtract(ZipArchive, Item, InStream, OutStream);
- finally
- InStream.Free
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure AbUnzip(Sender : TObject; Item : TAbZipItem; const UseName : string);
- {create the output filestream and pass it to DoExtract}
- InStream, OutStream : TStream;
- ZipArchive : TAbZipArchive;
- ZipArchive := TAbZipArchive(Sender);
- if Item.IsDirectory then
- AbCreateDirectory(UseName)
- else begin
- InStream := ExtractPrep(ZipArchive, Item);
- try
- OutStream := TFileStream.Create(UseName, fmCreate or fmShareDenyWrite);
- try
- try {OutStream}
- DoExtract(ZipArchive, Item, InStream, OutStream);
- finally {OutStream}
- OutStream.Free;
- end; {OutStream}
- except
- if ExceptObject is EAbUserAbort then
- ZipArchive.FStatus := asInvalid;
- DeleteFile(UseName);
- raise;
- end;
- finally
- InStream.Free
- end;
- end;
- AbSetFileTime(UseName, Item.LastModTimeAsDateTime);
- AbSetFileAttr(UseName, Item.NativeFileAttributes);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure AbTestZipItem(Sender : TObject; Item : TAbZipItem);
- {extract item to bit bucket and verify its local file header}
- BitBucket : TAbBitBucketStream;
- FieldSize : Word;
- LFH : TAbZipLocalFileHeader;
- Zip64Field : PZip64LocalHeaderRec;
- ZipArchive : TAbZipArchive;
- ZipArchive := TAbZipArchive(Sender);
- if (Lo(Item.VersionNeededToExtract) > Ab_ZipVersion) then
- raise EAbZipVersion.Create;
- { seek to compressed file }
- if ZipArchive.FStream is TAbSpanReadStream then
- TAbSpanReadStream(ZipArchive.FStream).SeekImage(Item.DiskNumberStart,
- Item.RelativeOffset)
- else
- ZipArchive.FStream.Position := Item.RelativeOffset;
- BitBucket := nil;
- LFH := nil;
- try
- BitBucket := TAbBitBucketStream.Create(0);
- LFH := TAbZipLocalFileHeader.Create;
- {get the item's local file header}
- ZipArchive.FStream.Seek(Item.RelativeOffset, soBeginning);
- LFH.LoadFromStream(ZipArchive.FStream);
- ZipArchive.FStream.Seek(Item.RelativeOffset, soBeginning);
- {currently a single exception is raised for any LFH error}
- if (LFH.VersionNeededToExtract <> Item.VersionNeededToExtract) then
- raise EAbZipInvalidLFH.Create;
- if (LFH.GeneralPurposeBitFlag <> Item.GeneralPurposeBitFlag) then
- raise EAbZipInvalidLFH.Create;
- if (LFH.LastModFileTime <> Item.LastModFileTime) then
- raise EAbZipInvalidLFH.Create;
- if (LFH.LastModFileDate <> Item.LastModFileDate) then
- raise EAbZipInvalidLFH.Create;
- if (LFH.CRC32 <> Item.CRC32) then
- raise EAbZipInvalidLFH.Create;
- if LFH.ExtraField.Get(Ab_Zip64SubfieldID, Pointer(Zip64Field), FieldSize) then begin
- if (Zip64Field.CompressedSize <> Item.CompressedSize) then
- raise EAbZipInvalidLFH.Create;
- if (Zip64Field.UncompressedSize <> Item.UncompressedSize) then
- raise EAbZipInvalidLFH.Create;
- end
- else begin
- if (LFH.CompressedSize <> Item.CompressedSize) then
- raise EAbZipInvalidLFH.Create;
- if (LFH.UncompressedSize <> Item.UncompressedSize) then
- raise EAbZipInvalidLFH.Create;
- end;
- if (LFH.FileName <> Item.RawFileName) then
- raise EAbZipInvalidLFH.Create;
- {any CRC errors will raise exception during extraction}
- AbUnZipToStream(Sender, Item, BitBucket);
- finally
- BitBucket.Free;
- LFH.Free;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure InflateStream( CompressedStream, UnCompressedStream : TStream );
- {-Inflates everything in CompressedStream to UncompressedStream
- no encryption is tried, no check on CRC is done, uses the whole
- compressedstream - no Progress events - no Frills!}
- Inflate(CompressedStream, UncompressedStream, nil);
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbUnzper.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbUnzper.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 8655f0a..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbUnzper.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,282 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: ABUnzper.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Non-visual Component with UnZip support *}
-unit AbUnzper;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- Classes,
- AbZBrows, AbArcTyp, AbZipTyp;
- TAbCustomUnZipper = class(TAbCustomZipBrowser)
- protected {private}
- FExtractOptions : TAbExtractOptions;
- FOnConfirmOverwrite : TAbConfirmOverwriteEvent;
- FOnNeedPassword : TAbNeedPasswordEvent;
- FPasswordRetries : Byte;
- protected {methods}
- procedure DoConfirmOverwrite(var Name : string;
- var Confirm : Boolean);
- virtual;
- procedure DoNeedPassword(Sender : TObject;
- var NewPassword : AnsiString);
- virtual;
- procedure InitArchive; override;
- procedure SetExtractOptions(Value : TAbExtractOptions);
- procedure SetPasswordRetries(Value : Byte);
- procedure UnzipProc(Sender : TObject; Item : TAbArchiveItem;
- const NewName : string );
- procedure UnzipToStreamProc(Sender : TObject; Item : TAbArchiveItem;
- OutStream : TStream);
- procedure TestItemProc(Sender : TObject; Item : TAbArchiveItem);
- procedure SetFileName(const aFileName : string);
- override;
- protected {properties}
- property ExtractOptions : TAbExtractOptions
- read FExtractOptions
- write SetExtractOptions
- default AbDefExtractOptions;
- property OnConfirmOverwrite : TAbConfirmOverwriteEvent
- read FOnConfirmOverwrite
- write FOnConfirmOverwrite;
- property OnNeedPassword : TAbNeedPasswordEvent
- read FOnNeedPassword
- write FOnNeedPassword;
- property PasswordRetries : Byte
- read FPasswordRetries
- write SetPasswordRetries
- default AbDefPasswordRetries;
- public {methods}
- constructor Create( AOwner : TComponent );
- override;
- destructor Destroy;
- override;
- procedure ExtractAt(Index : Integer; const NewName : string);
- procedure ExtractFiles(const FileMask : string);
- procedure ExtractFilesEx(const FileMask, ExclusionMask : string);
- procedure ExtractToStream(const aFileName : string; ToStream : TStream);
- procedure ExtractTaggedItems;
- procedure TestTaggedItems;
- end;
- TAbUnZipper = class(TAbCustomUnZipper)
- published
- property ArchiveProgressMeter;
- property ItemProgressMeter;
- property BaseDirectory;
- property ExtractOptions;
- property LogFile;
- property Logging;
- property OnArchiveProgress;
- property OnArchiveItemProgress;
- property OnChange;
- property OnConfirmOverwrite;
- property OnConfirmProcessItem;
- property OnLoad;
- property OnNeedPassword;
- property OnRequestImage;
- property OnProcessItemFailure;
- property OnRequestLastDisk;
- property OnRequestNthDisk;
- property Password;
- property PasswordRetries;
- property TempDirectory;
- property Version;
- property FileName; {must be after OnLoad}
- end;
- SysUtils,
- AbUtils,
- AbExcept,
- AbUnzPrc;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-constructor TAbCustomUnZipper.Create( AOwner : TComponent );
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- ExtractOptions := AbDefExtractOptions;
- PasswordRetries := AbDefPasswordRetries;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-destructor TAbCustomUnZipper.Destroy;
- inherited Destroy;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomUnZipper.DoConfirmOverwrite(var Name : string;
- var Confirm : Boolean);
- Confirm := True;
- if Assigned(FOnConfirmOverwrite) then
- FOnConfirmOverwrite( Name, Confirm );
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomUnZipper.DoNeedPassword(Sender : TObject;
- var NewPassword : AnsiString);
- if Assigned(FOnNeedPassword) then begin
- FOnNeedPassword(Self, NewPassword);
- Password := NewPassword;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomUnZipper.ExtractAt(Index : Integer; const NewName : string);
- {extract a file from the archive that match the index}
- if (FArchive <> nil) then
- FArchive.ExtractAt(Index, NewName)
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomUnZipper.ExtractFiles(const FileMask : string);
- {extract all files from the archive that match the mask}
- if (FArchive <> nil) then
- FArchive.ExtractFiles( FileMask )
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomUnZipper.ExtractFilesEx(const FileMask, ExclusionMask : string);
- {extract files matching FileMask except those matching ExclusionMask}
- if (FArchive <> nil) then
- FArchive.ExtractFilesEx(FileMask, ExclusionMask)
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomUnZipper.ExtractToStream(const aFileName : string;
- ToStream : TStream);
- if (FArchive <> nil) then
- FArchive.ExtractToStream(aFileName, ToStream)
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomUnZipper.ExtractTaggedItems;
- {extract all tagged items from the archive}
- if (FArchive <> nil) then
- FArchive.ExtractTaggedItems
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomUnZipper.InitArchive;
- inherited InitArchive;
- if FArchive <> nil then begin
- FArchive.ExtractOptions := FExtractOptions;
- FArchive.OnConfirmOverwrite := DoConfirmOverwrite;
- end;
- if FArchive is TAbZipArchive then begin
- TAbZipArchive(FArchive).PasswordRetries := FPasswordRetries;
- TAbZipArchive(FArchive).OnNeedPassword := DoNeedPassword;
- TAbZipArchive(FArchive).TestHelper := TestItemProc;
- TAbZipArchive(FArchive).ExtractHelper := UnzipProc;
- TAbZipArchive(FArchive).ExtractToStreamHelper := UnzipToStreamProc;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomUnZipper.SetExtractOptions(Value : TAbExtractOptions);
- FExtractOptions := Value;
- if (FArchive <> nil) then
- FArchive.ExtractOptions := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomUnZipper.SetPasswordRetries(Value : Byte);
- FPasswordRetries := Value;
- if FArchive is TAbZipArchive then
- TAbZipArchive(FArchive).PasswordRetries := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomUnZipper.TestTaggedItems;
- {Test specified items}
- if (FArchive <> nil) then
- FArchive.TestTaggedItems
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomUnZipper.UnzipProc(Sender : TObject;
- Item : TAbArchiveItem;
- const NewName : string);
- AbUnzip( TAbZipArchive(Sender), TAbZipItem(Item), NewName);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomUnZipper.UnzipToStreamProc(Sender : TObject;
- Item : TAbArchiveItem;
- OutStream : TStream);
- AbUnzipToStream(TAbZipArchive(Sender), TAbZipItem(Item), OutStream);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomUnZipper.TestItemProc(Sender : TObject;
- Item : TAbArchiveItem);
- AbTestZipItem(TAbZipArchive(Sender), TAbZipItem(Item));
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomUnZipper.SetFileName(const aFileName: string);
- if aFileName <> '' then
- begin
- if not FileExists(aFileName) then
- raise EAbFileNotFound.Create;
- if AbFileGetSize(aFileName) <= 0 then
- raise EAbBadStream.Create;
- end;
- inherited SetFileName(aFileName);
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbUtils.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbUtils.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index bc9d5d2..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1357 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbUtils.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Utility classes and routines *}
-unit AbUtils;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- Windows,
- Libc,
- baseunix,
- {$IFDEF Linux}
- initc,
- {$ENDIF}
- unix,
-{$IFDEF PosixAPI}
- Posix.SysStatvfs,
- Posix.SysStat,
- Posix.Utime,
- Posix.Base,
- Posix.Unistd,
- Posix.Fcntl,
- Posix.SysTypes,
- DateUtils,
- SysUtils,
- Classes,
- AbCharset;
- {describe the pending action for an archive item}
- TAbArchiveAction =
- (aaFailed, aaNone, aaAdd, aaDelete, aaFreshen, aaMove, aaReplace,
- aaStreamAdd);
- TAbProcessType =
- (ptAdd, ptDelete, ptExtract, ptFreshen, ptMove, ptReplace, ptFoundUnhandled);
- TAbLogType =
- (ltAdd, ltDelete, ltExtract, ltFreshen, ltMove, ltReplace, ltStart, ltFoundUnhandled);
- TAbErrorClass =
- (ecAbbrevia, ecInOutError, ecFilerError, ecFileCreateError,
- ecFileOpenError, ecCabError, ecOther);
- AbPathDelim = PathDelim; { Delphi/Linux constant }
- AbPathSep = PathSep; { Delphi/Linux constant }
- AbDosPathDelim = '\';
- AbUnixPathDelim = '/';
- AbDosPathSep = ';';
- AbUnixPathSep = ':';
- AbDosAnyFile = '*.*';
- AbUnixAnyFile = '*';
- AbAnyFile = {$IFDEF UNIX} AbUnixAnyFile; {$ELSE} AbDosAnyFile; {$ENDIF}
- AbThisDir = '.';
- AbParentDir = '..';
- TAbArchiveType = (atUnknown, atZip, atSpannedZip, atSelfExtZip,
- atTar, atGzip, atGzippedTar, atCab, atBzip2, atBzippedTar);
- DWORD = LongWord;
- // Delphi 7-2007 declared NativeInt incorrectly
- {$IFDEF CPU386}
- PtrInt = LongInt;
- PtrUInt = LongWord;
- {$ELSE}
- PtrInt = NativeInt;
- PtrUInt = NativeUInt;
- {$ENDIF}
-{ System-encoded SBCS string (formerly AnsiString) }
- AbSysString = {$IFDEF Posix}UTF8String{$ELSE}AnsiString{$ENDIF};
- AbCrc32Table : array[0..255] of DWord = (
- $00000000, $77073096, $ee0e612c, $990951ba,
- $076dc419, $706af48f, $e963a535, $9e6495a3,
- $0edb8832, $79dcb8a4, $e0d5e91e, $97d2d988,
- $09b64c2b, $7eb17cbd, $e7b82d07, $90bf1d91,
- $1db71064, $6ab020f2, $f3b97148, $84be41de,
- $1adad47d, $6ddde4eb, $f4d4b551, $83d385c7,
- $136c9856, $646ba8c0, $fd62f97a, $8a65c9ec,
- $14015c4f, $63066cd9, $fa0f3d63, $8d080df5,
- $3b6e20c8, $4c69105e, $d56041e4, $a2677172,
- $3c03e4d1, $4b04d447, $d20d85fd, $a50ab56b,
- $35b5a8fa, $42b2986c, $dbbbc9d6, $acbcf940,
- $32d86ce3, $45df5c75, $dcd60dcf, $abd13d59,
- $26d930ac, $51de003a, $c8d75180, $bfd06116,
- $21b4f4b5, $56b3c423, $cfba9599, $b8bda50f,
- $2802b89e, $5f058808, $c60cd9b2, $b10be924,
- $2f6f7c87, $58684c11, $c1611dab, $b6662d3d,
- $76dc4190, $01db7106, $98d220bc, $efd5102a,
- $71b18589, $06b6b51f, $9fbfe4a5, $e8b8d433,
- $7807c9a2, $0f00f934, $9609a88e, $e10e9818,
- $7f6a0dbb, $086d3d2d, $91646c97, $e6635c01,
- $6b6b51f4, $1c6c6162, $856530d8, $f262004e,
- $6c0695ed, $1b01a57b, $8208f4c1, $f50fc457,
- $65b0d9c6, $12b7e950, $8bbeb8ea, $fcb9887c,
- $62dd1ddf, $15da2d49, $8cd37cf3, $fbd44c65,
- $4db26158, $3ab551ce, $a3bc0074, $d4bb30e2,
- $4adfa541, $3dd895d7, $a4d1c46d, $d3d6f4fb,
- $4369e96a, $346ed9fc, $ad678846, $da60b8d0,
- $44042d73, $33031de5, $aa0a4c5f, $dd0d7cc9,
- $5005713c, $270241aa, $be0b1010, $c90c2086,
- $5768b525, $206f85b3, $b966d409, $ce61e49f,
- $5edef90e, $29d9c998, $b0d09822, $c7d7a8b4,
- $59b33d17, $2eb40d81, $b7bd5c3b, $c0ba6cad,
- $edb88320, $9abfb3b6, $03b6e20c, $74b1d29a,
- $ead54739, $9dd277af, $04db2615, $73dc1683,
- $e3630b12, $94643b84, $0d6d6a3e, $7a6a5aa8,
- $e40ecf0b, $9309ff9d, $0a00ae27, $7d079eb1,
- $f00f9344, $8708a3d2, $1e01f268, $6906c2fe,
- $f762575d, $806567cb, $196c3671, $6e6b06e7,
- $fed41b76, $89d32be0, $10da7a5a, $67dd4acc,
- $f9b9df6f, $8ebeeff9, $17b7be43, $60b08ed5,
- $d6d6a3e8, $a1d1937e, $38d8c2c4, $4fdff252,
- $d1bb67f1, $a6bc5767, $3fb506dd, $48b2364b,
- $d80d2bda, $af0a1b4c, $36034af6, $41047a60,
- $df60efc3, $a867df55, $316e8eef, $4669be79,
- $cb61b38c, $bc66831a, $256fd2a0, $5268e236,
- $cc0c7795, $bb0b4703, $220216b9, $5505262f,
- $c5ba3bbe, $b2bd0b28, $2bb45a92, $5cb36a04,
- $c2d7ffa7, $b5d0cf31, $2cd99e8b, $5bdeae1d,
- $9b64c2b0, $ec63f226, $756aa39c, $026d930a,
- $9c0906a9, $eb0e363f, $72076785, $05005713,
- $95bf4a82, $e2b87a14, $7bb12bae, $0cb61b38,
- $92d28e9b, $e5d5be0d, $7cdcefb7, $0bdbdf21,
- $86d3d2d4, $f1d4e242, $68ddb3f8, $1fda836e,
- $81be16cd, $f6b9265b, $6fb077e1, $18b74777,
- $88085ae6, $ff0f6a70, $66063bca, $11010b5c,
- $8f659eff, $f862ae69, $616bffd3, $166ccf45,
- $a00ae278, $d70dd2ee, $4e048354, $3903b3c2,
- $a7672661, $d06016f7, $4969474d, $3e6e77db,
- $aed16a4a, $d9d65adc, $40df0b66, $37d83bf0,
- $a9bcae53, $debb9ec5, $47b2cf7f, $30b5ffe9,
- $bdbdf21c, $cabac28a, $53b39330, $24b4a3a6,
- $bad03605, $cdd70693, $54de5729, $23d967bf,
- $b3667a2e, $c4614ab8, $5d681b02, $2a6f2b94,
- $b40bbe37, $c30c8ea1, $5a05df1b, $2d02ef8d
- );
- TAbPathType = ( ptNone, ptRelative, ptAbsolute );
- {===Helper functions===}
- function AbCopyFile(const Source, Destination: string; FailIfExists: Boolean): Boolean;
- procedure AbCreateDirectory( const Path : string );
- {creates the requested directory tree. CreateDir is insufficient,
- because if you have a path x:\dir, and request x:\dir\sub1\sub2,
- (/dir and /dir/sub1/sub2 on Unix) it fails.}
- function AbCreateTempFile(const Dir : string) : string;
- function AbGetTempDirectory : string;
- {-Return the system temp directory}
- function AbGetTempFile(const Dir : string; CreateIt : Boolean) : string;
- function AbDrive(const ArchiveName : string) : Char;
- function AbDriveIsRemovable(const ArchiveName : string) : Boolean;
- function AbFileMatch(FileName : string; FileMask : string ) : Boolean;
- {see if FileName matches FileMask}
- procedure AbFindFiles(const FileMask : string; SearchAttr : Integer;
- FileList : TStrings; Recurse : Boolean );
- procedure AbFindFilesEx( const FileMask : string; SearchAttr : Integer;
- FileList : TStrings; Recurse : Boolean );
- function AbAddBackSlash(const DirName : string) : string;
- function AbFindNthSlash( const Path : string; n : Integer ) : Integer;
- {return the position of the character just before the nth backslash}
- function AbGetDriveFreeSpace(const ArchiveName : string) : Int64;
- {return the available space on the specified drive }
- function AbGetPathType( const Value : string ) : TAbPathType;
- {returns path type - none, relative or absolute}
- function AbGetShortFileSpec(const LongFileSpec : string ) : string;
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure AbIncFilename( var Filename : string; Value : Word );
- procedure AbParseFileName( FileSpec : string;
- out Drive : string;
- out Path : string;
- out FileName : string );
- procedure AbParsePath( Path : string; SubPaths : TStrings );
- {- break abart path into subpaths --- Path : abbrevia/examples ->
- SubPaths[0] = abbrevia
- SubPaths[1] = examples}
- function AbPatternMatch(const Source : string; iSrc : Integer;
- const Pattern : string; iPat : Integer ) : Boolean;
- { recursive routine to see if the source string matches
- the pattern. Both ? and * wildcard characters are allowed.}
- function AbPercentage(V1, V2 : Int64) : Byte;
- {-Returns the ratio of V1 to V2 * 100}
- procedure AbStripDots( var FName : string );
- {-strips relative path information}
- procedure AbStripDrive( var FName : string );
- {-strips the drive off a filename}
- procedure AbFixName( var FName : string );
- {-changes backslashes to forward slashes}
- procedure AbUnfixName( var FName : string );
- {-changes forward slashes to backslashes}
- procedure AbUpdateCRC( var CRC : LongInt; const Buffer; Len : Integer );
- function AbUpdateCRC32(CurByte : Byte; CurCrc : LongInt) : LongInt;
- {-Returns an updated crc32}
- function AbCRC32Of( const aValue : RawByteString ) : LongInt;
- function AbWriteVolumeLabel(const VolName : string;
- Drive : Char) : Cardinal;
- function AbGetVolumeLabel(Drive : Char) : string;
- procedure AbSetSpanVolumeLabel(Drive: Char; VolNo : Integer);
- function AbTestSpanVolumeLabel(Drive: Char; VolNo : Integer): Boolean;
- procedure AbSetFileAttr(const aFileName : string; aAttr: Integer);
- {-Sets platform-native file attributes (DOS attr or Unix mode)}
- function AbFileGetSize(const aFileName : string) : Int64;
- TAbAttrExRec = record
- Time: TDateTime;
- Size: Int64;
- Attr: Integer;
- Mode: {$IFDEF UNIX}mode_t{$ELSE}Cardinal{$ENDIF};
- end;
- function AbFileGetAttrEx(const aFileName: string; out aAttr: TAbAttrExRec) : Boolean;
- function AbSwapLongEndianness(Value : LongInt): LongInt;
-{ date and time stuff }
- Date1900 {: LongInt} = $0001AC05; {Julian day count for 01/01/1900 -- TDateTime Start Date}
- Date1970 {: LongInt} = $00020FE4; {Julian day count for 01/01/1970 -- Unix Start Date}
- Unix0Date: TDateTime = 25569; {Date1970 - Date1900}
- SecondsInDay = 86400; {Number of seconds in a day}
- SecondsInHour = 3600; {Number of seconds in an hour}
- SecondsInMinute = 60; {Number of seconds in a minute}
- HoursInDay = 24; {Number of hours in a day}
- MinutesInHour = 60; {Number of minutes in an hour}
- MinutesInDay = 1440; {Number of minutes in a day}
- function AbUnixTimeToLocalDateTime(UnixTime : LongInt) : TDateTime;
- function AbLocalDateTimeToUnixTime(DateTime : TDateTime) : LongInt;
- function AbDosFileDateToDateTime(FileDate, FileTime : Word) : TDateTime;
- function AbDateTimeToDosFileDate(Value : TDateTime) : LongInt;
- function AbGetFileTime(const aFileName: string): TDateTime;
- function AbSetFileTime(const aFileName: string; aValue: TDateTime): Boolean;
-{ file attributes }
- function AbDOS2UnixFileAttributes(Attr: LongInt): LongInt;
- function AbUnix2DosFileAttributes(Attr: LongInt): LongInt;
-{ UNIX File Types and Permissions }
- AB_FMODE_FILE = $0000;
- AB_FMODE_FIFO = $1000;
- AB_FMODE_DIR = $4000;
- AB_FMODE_FILE2 = $8000;
- AB_FPERMISSION_OWNERREAD = $0100; { read by owner }
- AB_FPERMISSION_OWNERWRITE = $0080; { write by owner }
- AB_FPERMISSION_OWNEREXECUTE = $0040; { execute/search by owner }
- AB_FPERMISSION_GROUPREAD = $0020; { read by group }
- AB_FPERMISSION_GROUPWRITE = $0010; { write by group }
- AB_FPERMISSION_GROUPEXECUTE = $0008; { execute/search by group }
- AB_FPERMISSION_OTHERREAD = $0004; { read by other }
- AB_FPERMISSION_OTHERWRITE = $0002; { write by other }
- AB_FPERMISSION_OTHEREXECUTE = $0001; { execute/search by other }
-{ Unicode backwards compatibility functions }
-function CharInSet(C: AnsiChar; CharSet: TSysCharSet): Boolean;
- StrUtils,
- AbConst,
- AbExcept;
-function mktemp(template: PAnsiChar): PAnsiChar; cdecl;
- external clib name 'mktemp';
-function mktemp(template: PAnsiChar): PAnsiChar; cdecl;
- external libc name _PU + 'mktemp';
-// FreePascal libc definitions
- nl_item = cint;
- __LC_CTYPE = 0;
- _NL_CTYPE_CLASS = (__LC_CTYPE shl 16);
-function nl_langinfo(__item: nl_item): PAnsiChar; cdecl;
- external clib name 'nl_langinfo';
-{===platform independent routines for platform dependent stuff=======}
-function ExtractShortName(const SR : TSearchRec) : string;
- if SR.FindData.cAlternateFileName[0] <> #0 then
- Result := SR.FindData.cAlternateFileName
- else
- Result := SR.FindData.cFileName;
- {$ENDIF}
- Result := SR.Name;
- {$ENDIF}
-{ ========================================================================== }
-function AbCopyFile(const Source, Destination: string; FailIfExists: Boolean): Boolean;
- DesStream, SrcStream: TFileStream;
- Result := False;
- if not FailIfExists or not FileExists(Destination) then
- try
- SrcStream := TFileStream.Create(Source, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);
- try
- DesStream := TFileStream.Create(Destination, fmCreate);
- try
- DesStream.CopyFrom(SrcStream, 0);
- Result := True;
- finally
- DesStream.Free;
- end;
- finally
- SrcStream.Free;
- end;
- except
- // Ignore errors and just return false
- end;
- Result := CopyFile(PChar(Source), PChar(Destination), FailIfExists);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure AbCreateDirectory( const Path : string );
- {creates the requested directory tree. CreateDir is insufficient,
- because if you have a path x:\dir, and request x:\dir\sub1\sub2,
- (/dir and /dir/sub1/sub2 on Unix) it fails.}
- iStartSlash : Integer;
- i : Integer;
- TempPath : string;
- if DirectoryExists( Path ) then
- Exit;
- {see how much of the path currently exists}
- if Pos( '\\', Path ) > 0 then
- {UNC Path \\computername\sharename\path1..\pathn}
- iStartSlash := 5
- else
- {standard Path drive:\path1..\pathn}
- iStartSlash := 2;
- repeat
- {find the Slash at iStartSlash}
- i := AbFindNthSlash( Path, iStartSlash );
- {get a temp path to try: drive:\path1}
- TempPath := Copy( Path, 1, i );
- {if it doesn't exist, create it}
- if not DirectoryExists( TempPath ) then
- MkDir( TempPath );
- inc( iStartSlash );
- until ( Length( TempPath ) = Length( Path ) );
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function AbCreateTempFile(const Dir : string) : string;
- Result := AbGetTempFile(Dir, True);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function AbGetTempDirectory : string;
- SetLength(Result, MAX_PATH);
- SetLength(Result, GetTempPath(Length(Result), PChar(Result)));
- Result := '/tmp/';
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function AbGetTempFile(const Dir : string; CreateIt : Boolean) : string;
- TempPath : string;
- FileNameZ : array [0..259] of char;
- hFile: Integer;
- FileName: AbSysString;
- if DirectoryExists(Dir) then
- TempPath := Dir
- else
- TempPath := AbGetTempDirectory;
- GetTempFileName(PChar(TempPath), 'VMS', Word(not CreateIt), FileNameZ);
- Result := string(FileNameZ);
- FileName := AbSysString(TempPath) + 'VMSXXXXXX';
- mktemp(PAnsiChar(AbSysString(FileName)));
- Result := string(FileName);
- if CreateIt then begin
- hFile := FileCreate(Result);
- if hFile <> -1 then
- FileClose(hFile);
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function AbDrive(const ArchiveName : string) : Char;
- iPos: Integer;
- Path : string;
- Path := ExpandFileName(ArchiveName);
- iPos := Pos(':', Path);
- if (iPos <= 0) then
- Result := 'A'
- else
- Result := Path[1];
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function AbDriveIsRemovable(const ArchiveName : string) : Boolean;
- Path: string;
- Path := ExpandFileName(ArchiveName);
- if AnsiStartsText('\\?\UNC\', Path) then
- Delete(Path, 1, 8)
- else if AnsiStartsText('\\?\', Path) then
- Delete(Path, 1, 4);
- Path := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(ExtractFileDrive(Path));
- Result := GetDriveType(PChar(Path)) = DRIVE_REMOVABLE;
- {LINUX -- Following may not cover all the bases}
- Result := AnsiStartsText('/mnt/floppy', ExtractFilePath(ExpandFileName(ArchiveName)));
- Result := False;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function AbGetDriveFreeSpace(const ArchiveName : string) : Int64;
-{ attempt to find free space (in bytes) on drive/volume,
- returns -1 if fails for some reason }
- FreeAvailable, TotalSpace: Int64;
- if GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(PChar(ExtractFilePath(ExpandFileName(ArchiveName))),
- FreeAvailable, TotalSpace, nil) then
- Result := FreeAvailable
- else
- Result := -1;
- FStats : {$IFDEF PosixAPI}_statvfs{$ELSE}TStatFs{$ENDIF};
- if statfs(PAnsiChar(ExtractFilePath(ArchiveName)), FStats) = 0 then
- Result := Int64(FStats.f_bAvail) * Int64(FStats.f_bsize)
- if fpStatFS(PAnsiChar(ExtractFilePath(ArchiveName)), @FStats) = 0 then
- Result := Int64(FStats.bAvail) * Int64(FStats.bsize)
- if statvfs(PAnsiChar(AbSysString(ExtractFilePath(ArchiveName))), FStats) = 0 then
- Result := Int64(FStats.f_bavail) * Int64(FStats.f_bsize)
- {$IFEND}
- else
- Result := -1;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function AbFileMatch(FileName: string; FileMask: string ): Boolean;
- {see if FileName matches FileMask}
- DirMatch : Boolean;
- MaskDir : string;
- FileName := UpperCase( FileName );
- FileMask := UpperCase( FileMask );
- MaskDir := ExtractFilePath( FileMask );
- if MaskDir = '' then
- DirMatch := True
- else
- DirMatch := AbPatternMatch( ExtractFilePath( FileName ), 1, MaskDir, 1 );
- Result := DirMatch and AbPatternMatch( ExtractFileName( FileName ), 1,
- ExtractFileName( FileMask ), 1 );
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure AbFindFiles( const FileMask : string; SearchAttr : Integer;
- FileList : TStrings; Recurse : Boolean );
- NewFile : string;
- SR : TSearchRec;
- Found : Integer;
- NameMask: string;
- Found := FindFirst( FileMask, SearchAttr, SR );
- if Found = 0 then begin
- try
- NameMask := UpperCase(ExtractFileName(FileMask));
- while Found = 0 do begin
- NewFile := ExtractFilePath( FileMask ) + SR.Name;
- if (SR.Name <> AbThisDir) and
- (SR.Name <> AbParentDir) and
- AbPatternMatch(UpperCase(SR.Name), 1, NameMask, 1) then
- if (SR.Attr and faDirectory) <> 0 then
- FileList.Add( NewFile + PathDelim )
- else
- FileList.Add( NewFile );
- Found := FindNext( SR );
- end;
- finally
- FindClose( SR );
- end;
- end;
- if not Recurse then
- Exit;
- NewFile := ExtractFilePath( FileMask );
- if ( NewFile <> '' ) and ( NewFile[Length(NewFile)] <> AbPathDelim) then
- NewFile := NewFile + AbPathDelim;
- NewFile := NewFile + AbAnyFile;
- Found := FindFirst( NewFile, faDirectory or SearchAttr, SR );
- if Found = 0 then begin
- try
- while ( Found = 0 ) do begin
- if ( SR.Name <> AbThisDir ) and
- ( SR.Name <> AbParentDir ) and
- ((SR.Attr and faDirectory) > 0 ) then
- AbFindFiles( ExtractFilePath( NewFile ) + SR.Name + AbPathDelim +
- ExtractFileName( FileMask ), SearchAttr,
- FileList, True );
- Found := FindNext( SR );
- end;
- finally
- FindClose( SR );
- end;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure AbFindFilesEx( const FileMask : string; SearchAttr : Integer;
- FileList : TStrings; Recurse : Boolean );
- I, J: Integer;
- MaskPart: string;
- I := 1;
- while I <= Length(FileMask) do begin
- J := I;
- while (I <= Length(FileMask)) and (FileMask[I] <> AbPathSep) do Inc(I);
- MaskPart := Trim(Copy(FileMask, J, I - J));
- if (I <= Length(FileMask)) and (FileMask[I] = AbPathSep) then Inc(I);
- AbFindFiles(MaskPart, SearchAttr, FileList, Recurse);
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function AbAddBackSlash(const DirName : string) : string;
-{ Add a default slash to a directory name }
- AbDelimSet : set of AnsiChar = [AbPathDelim, ':', #0];
- Result := DirName;
- if Length(DirName) = 0 then
- Exit;
- if not CharInSet(DirName[Length(DirName)], AbDelimSet) then
- Result := DirName + AbPathDelim;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function AbFindNthSlash( const Path : string; n : Integer ) : Integer;
-{ return the position of the character just before the nth slash }
- i : Integer;
- Len : Integer;
- iSlash : Integer;
- Len := Length( Path );
- Result := Len;
- iSlash := 0;
- i := 0;
- while i <= Len do begin
- if Path[i] = AbPathDelim then begin
- inc( iSlash );
- if iSlash = n then begin
- Result := pred( i );
- break;
- end;
- end;
- inc( i );
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function AbGetPathType( const Value : string ) : TAbPathType;
-{ returns path type - none, relative or absolute }
- Result := ptNone;
-{check for drive/unc info}
- if ( Pos( '\\', Value ) > 0 ) or ( Pos( ':', Value ) > 0 ) then
-{ UNIX absolute paths start with a slash }
- if (Value[1] = AbPathDelim) then
- Result := ptAbsolute
- else if ( Pos( AbPathDelim, Value ) > 0 ) or ( Pos( AB_ZIPPATHDELIM, Value ) > 0 ) then
- Result := ptRelative;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function AbGetShortFileSpec(const LongFileSpec : string ) : string;
- SR : TSearchRec;
- Search : string;
- Drive : string;
- Path : string;
- FileName : string;
- Found : Integer;
- SubPaths : TStrings;
- i : Integer;
- AbParseFileName( LongFileSpec, Drive, Path, FileName );
- SubPaths := TStringList.Create;
- try
- AbParsePath( Path, SubPaths );
- Search := Drive;
- Result := Search + AbPathDelim;
- if SubPaths.Count > 0 then
- for i := 0 to pred( SubPaths.Count ) do begin
- Search := Search + AbPathDelim + SubPaths[i];
- Found := FindFirst( Search, faHidden + faSysFile + faDirectory, SR );
- if Found <> 0 then
- raise EAbException.Create( 'Path not found' );
- try
- Result := Result + ExtractShortName(SR) + AbPathDelim;
- finally
- FindClose( SR );
- end;
- end;
- Search := Search + AbPathDelim + FileName;
- Found := FindFirst( Search,
- faReadOnly + faHidden + faSysFile + faArchive, SR );
- if Found <> 0 then
- raise EAbFileNotFound.Create;
- try
- Result := Result + ExtractShortName(SR);
- finally
- FindClose( SR );
- end;
- finally
- SubPaths.Free;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure AbIncFilename( var Filename : string; Value : Word );
-{ place value at the end of filename, e.g. Files.C04 }
- Ext : string;
- I : Word;
- I := (Value + 1) mod 100;
- Ext := ExtractFileExt(Filename);
- if (Length(Ext) < 2) then
- Ext := '.' + Format('%.2d', [I])
- else
- Ext := Ext[1] + Ext[2] + Format('%.2d', [I]);
- Filename := ChangeFileExt(Filename, Ext);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure AbParseFileName( FileSpec : string;
- out Drive : string;
- out Path : string;
- out FileName : string );
- i : Integer;
- iColon : Integer;
- iStartSlash : Integer;
- if Pos( AB_ZIPPATHDELIM, FileSpec ) > 0 then
- AbUnfixName( FileSpec );
- FileName := ExtractFileName( FileSpec );
- Path := ExtractFilePath( FileSpec );
- {see how much of the path currently exists}
- iColon := Pos( ':', Path );
- if Pos( '\\', Path ) > 0 then begin
- {UNC Path \\computername\sharename\path1..\pathn}
- {everything up to the 4th slash is the drive}
- iStartSlash := 4;
- i := AbFindNthSlash( Path, iStartSlash );
- Drive := Copy( Path, 1, i );
- Delete( Path, 1, i + 1 );
- end
- else if iColon > 0 then begin
- Drive := Copy( Path, 1, iColon );
- Delete( Path, 1, iColon );
- if Path[1] = AbPathDelim then
- Delete( Path, 1, 1 );
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure AbParsePath( Path : string; SubPaths : TStrings );
-{ break abart path into subpaths --- Path : abbrevia/examples >
- SubPaths[0] = abbrevia
- SubPaths[1] = examples}
- i : Integer;
- iStart : Integer;
- iStartSlash : Integer;
- SubPath : string;
- if Path = '' then Exit;
- if Path[ Length( Path ) ] = AbPathDelim then
- Delete( Path, Length( Path ), 1 );
- iStart := 1;
- iStartSlash := 1;
- repeat
- {find the Slash at iStartSlash}
- i := AbFindNthSlash( Path, iStartSlash );
- {get the subpath}
- SubPath := Copy( Path, iStart, i - iStart + 1 );
- iStart := i + 2;
- inc( iStartSlash );
- SubPaths.Add( SubPath );
- until ( i = Length( Path ) );
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function AbPatternMatch(const Source : string; iSrc : Integer;
- const Pattern : string; iPat : Integer ) : Boolean;
-{ recursive routine to see if the source string matches
- the pattern. Both ? and * wildcard characters are allowed.
- Compares Source from iSrc to Length(Source) to
- Pattern from iPat to Length(Pattern)}
- Matched : Boolean;
- k : Integer;
- if Length( Source ) = 0 then begin
- Result := Length( Pattern ) = 0;
- Exit;
- end;
- if iPat = 1 then begin
- if ( CompareStr( Pattern, AbDosAnyFile) = 0 ) or
- ( CompareStr( Pattern, AbUnixAnyFile ) = 0 ) then begin
- Result := True;
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- if Length( Pattern ) = 0 then begin
- Result := (Length( Source ) - iSrc + 1 = 0);
- Exit;
- end;
- while True do begin
- if ( Length( Source ) < iSrc ) and
- ( Length( Pattern ) < iPat ) then begin
- Result := True;
- Exit;
- end;
- if Length( Pattern ) < iPat then begin
- Result := False;
- Exit;
- end;
- if Pattern[iPat] = '*' then begin
- k := iPat;
- if ( Length( Pattern ) < iPat + 1 ) then begin
- Result := True;
- Exit;
- end;
- while True do begin
- Matched := AbPatternMatch( Source, k, Pattern, iPat + 1 );
- if Matched or ( Length( Source ) < k ) then begin
- Result := Matched;
- Exit;
- end;
- inc( k );
- end;
- end
- else begin
- if ( (Pattern[iPat] = '?') and
- ( Length( Source ) <> iSrc - 1 ) ) or
- ( Pattern[iPat] = Source[iSrc] ) then begin
- inc( iPat );
- inc( iSrc );
- end
- else begin
- Result := False;
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function AbPercentage(V1, V2 : Int64) : Byte;
-{ Returns the ratio of V1 to V2 * 100 }
- if V2 <= 0 then
- Result := 0
- else if V1 >= V2 then
- Result := 100
- else
- Result := (V1 * 100) div V2;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure AbStripDots( var FName : string );
-{ strips relative path information, e.g. ".."}
- while Pos( AbParentDir + AbPathDelim, FName ) = 1 do
- System.Delete( FName, 1, 3 );
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure AbStripDrive( var FName : string );
-{ strips the drive off a filename }
- Drive, Path, Name : string;
- AbParseFileName( FName, Drive, Path, Name );
- FName := Path + Name;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure AbFixName( var FName : string );
-{ changes backslashes to forward slashes }
- i : Integer;
- for i := 1 to Length( FName ) do
- if FName[i] = AbPathDelim then
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure AbUnfixName( var FName : string );
-{ changes forward slashes to backslashes }
- i : Integer;
- for i := 1 to Length( FName ) do
- if FName[i] = AB_ZIPPATHDELIM then
- FName[i] := AbPathDelim;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure AbUpdateCRC( var CRC : LongInt; const Buffer; Len : Integer );
- BufPtr : PByte;
- i : Integer;
- CRCTemp : DWORD;
- BufPtr := @Buffer;
- CRCTemp := CRC;
- for i := 0 to pred( Len ) do
- begin
- CRCTemp := AbCrc32Table[ Byte(CrcTemp) xor (BufPtr^) ] xor
- ((CrcTemp shr 8) and $00FFFFFF);
- Inc(BufPtr);
- end;
- CRC := CRCTemp;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function AbUpdateCRC32(CurByte : Byte; CurCrc : LongInt) : LongInt;
-{ Return the updated 32bit CRC }
-{ Normally a good candidate for basm, but Delphi32's code
- generation couldn't be beat on this one!}
- Result := DWORD(AbCrc32Table[ Byte(CurCrc xor LongInt( CurByte ) ) ] xor
- ((CurCrc shr 8) and DWORD($00FFFFFF)));
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function AbCRC32Of( const aValue : RawByteString ) : LongInt;
- Result := -1;
- AbUpdateCRC(Result, aValue[1], Length(aValue));
- Result := not Result;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function AbWriteVolumeLabel(const VolName : string;
- Drive : Char) : Cardinal;
- Temp : string;
- Vol : array[0..11] of Char;
- Root : array[0..3] of Char;
- Temp := VolName;
- StrCopy(Root, '%:' + AbPathDelim);
- Root[0] := Drive;
- if Length(Temp) > 11 then
- SetLength(Temp, 11);
- StrPCopy(Vol, Temp);
- if Windows.SetVolumeLabel(Root, Vol) then
- Result := 0
- else Result := GetLastError;
-{ Volume labels not supported on Unix }
- Result := 0;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function AbOffsetFromUTC: LongInt;
-{ local timezone's offset from UTC in seconds (UTC = local + bias) }
- TZI: TTimeZoneInformation;
-case GetTimeZoneInformation(TZI) of
- Result := TZI.Bias;
- Result := TZI.Bias + TZI.DaylightBias;
- Result := TZI.Bias + TZI.StandardBias
- else
- Result := 0
- end;
-Result := Result * SecondsInMinute;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function AbUnixTimeToLocalDateTime(UnixTime : LongInt) : TDateTime;
-{ convert UTC unix date to Delphi TDateTime in local timezone }
- Hrs, Mins, Secs : Word;
- TodaysSecs : LongInt;
- Time: TDateTime;
- UnixTime := UnixTime - AbOffsetFromUTC;
- TodaysSecs := UnixTime mod SecondsInDay;
- Hrs := TodaysSecs div SecondsInHour;
- TodaysSecs := TodaysSecs - (Hrs * SecondsInHour);
- Mins := TodaysSecs div SecondsInMinute;
- Secs := TodaysSecs - (Mins * SecondsInMinute);
- if TryEncodeTime(Hrs, Mins, Secs, 0, Time) then
- Result := Unix0Date + (UnixTime div SecondsInDay) + Time
- else
- Result := 0;
- Result := FileDateToDateTime(UnixTime);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function AbLocalDateTimeToUnixTime(DateTime : TDateTime) : LongInt;
-{ convert local Delphi TDateTime to UTC unix date }
- Hrs, Mins, Secs, MSecs : Word;
- Dt, Tm : TDateTime;
- Dt := Trunc(DateTime);
- Tm := DateTime - Dt;
- if Dt < Unix0Date then
- Result := 0
- else
- Result := Trunc(Dt - Unix0Date) * SecondsInDay;
- DecodeTime(Tm, Hrs, Mins, Secs, MSecs);
- Result := Result + (Hrs * SecondsInHour) + (Mins * SecondsInMinute) + Secs;
- Result := Result + AbOffsetFromUTC;
- Result := DateTimeToFileDate(DateTime);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function AbDosFileDateToDateTime(FileDate, FileTime : Word) : TDateTime;
- Temp : LongInt;
- LongRec(Temp).Lo := FileTime;
- LongRec(Temp).Hi := FileDate;
- Result := FileDateToDateTime(Temp);
- Yr, Mo, Dy : Word;
- Hr, Mn, S : Word;
- Yr := FileDate shr 9 + 1980;
- Mo := FileDate shr 5 and 15;
- if Mo < 1 then Mo := 1;
- if Mo > 12 then Mo := 12;
- Dy := FileDate and 31;
- if Dy < 1 then Dy := 1;
- if Dy > DaysInAMonth(Yr, Mo) then
- Dy := DaysInAMonth(Yr, Mo);
- Hr := FileTime shr 11;
- if Hr > 23 then Hr := 23;
- Mn := FileTime shr 5 and 63;
- if Mn > 59 then Mn := 59;
- S := FileTime and 31 shl 1;
- if S > 59 then S := 59;
- Result :=
- EncodeDate(Yr, Mo, Dy) +
- EncodeTime(Hr, Mn, S, 0);
-function AbDateTimeToDosFileDate(Value : TDateTime) : LongInt;
- Result := DateTimeToFileDate(Value);
- Yr, Mo, Dy : Word;
- Hr, Mn, S, MS: Word;
- DecodeDate(Value, Yr, Mo, Dy);
- if (Yr < 1980) or (Yr > 2107) then { outside DOS file date year range }
- Yr := 1980;
- DecodeTime(Value, Hr, Mn, S, MS);
- LongRec(Result).Lo := (S shr 1) or (Mn shl 5) or (Hr shl 11);
- LongRec(Result).Hi := Dy or (Mo shl 5) or (Word(Yr - 1980) shl 9);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function AbGetFileTime(const aFileName: string): TDateTime;
- Attr: TAbAttrExRec;
- AbFileGetAttrEx(aFileName, Attr);
- Result := Attr.Time;
-function AbSetFileTime(const aFileName: string; aValue: TDateTime): Boolean;
- Result := FileSetDate(aFileName, AbDateTimeToDosFileDate(aValue)) = 0;
- {$ENDIF}
- Result := FileSetDate(aFileName, AbLocalDateTimeToUnixTime(aValue)) = 0;
- {$ENDIF}
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function AbSwapLongEndianness(Value : LongInt): LongInt;
-{ convert BigEndian <-> LittleEndian 32-bit value }
- TCastArray = array [0..3] of Byte;
- i : Integer;
- for i := 3 downto 0 do
- TCastArray(Result)[3-i] := TCastArray(Value)[i];
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function AbDOS2UnixFileAttributes(Attr: LongInt): LongInt;
- Result := { default permissions }
- if (Attr and faReadOnly) = 0 then
- if (Attr and faDirectory) <> 0 then
- else
- Result := Result or AB_FMODE_FILE;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function AbUnix2DosFileAttributes(Attr: LongInt): LongInt;
- Result := 0;
- case (Attr and $F000) of
- AB_FMODE_FILE, AB_FMODE_FILE2: { standard file }
- Result := 0;
- AB_FMODE_DIR: { directory }
- Result := Result or faDirectory;
- Result := Result or faSysFile;
- end;
- Result := Result or faReadOnly;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure AbSetFileAttr(const aFileName : string; aAttr: Integer);
- FileSetAttr(aFileName, aAttr);
- {$ENDIF}
- chmod(PAnsiChar(AbSysString(aFileName)), aAttr);
- fpchmod(aFileName, aAttr);
- {$IFEND}
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function AbFileGetSize(const aFileName : string) : Int64;
- SR: TAbAttrExRec;
- if AbFileGetAttrEx(aFileName, SR) then
- Result := SR.Size
- else
- Result := -1;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function AbFileGetAttrEx(const aFileName: string; out aAttr: TAbAttrExRec) : Boolean;
- FileDate: LongRec;
- FindData: TWin32FindData;
- LocalFileTime: TFileTime;
- StatBuf: stat;
- StatBuf: TStatBuf64;
-{$IFDEF PosixAPI}
- StatBuf: _stat;
- aAttr.Time := 0;
- aAttr.Size := -1;
- aAttr.Attr := -1;
- aAttr.Mode := 0;
- Result := GetFileAttributesEx(PChar(aFileName), GetFileExInfoStandard, @FindData);
- if Result then begin
- if FileTimeToLocalFileTime(FindData.ftLastWriteTime, LocalFileTime) and
- FileTimeToDosDateTime(LocalFileTime, FileDate.Hi, FileDate.Lo) then
- aAttr.Time := FileDateToDateTime(Integer(FileDate));
- LARGE_INTEGER(aAttr.Size).LowPart := FindData.nFileSizeLow;
- LARGE_INTEGER(aAttr.Size).HighPart := FindData.nFileSizeHigh;
- aAttr.Attr := FindData.dwFileAttributes;
- aAttr.Mode := AbDOS2UnixFileAttributes(FindData.dwFileAttributes);
- end;
- Result := (FpStat(aFileName, StatBuf) = 0);
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF LibcAPI}
- // Work around Kylix QC#2761: Stat64, et al., are defined incorrectly
- Result := (__lxstat64(_STAT_VER, PAnsiChar(aFileName), StatBuf) = 0);
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF PosixAPI}
- Result := (stat(PAnsiChar(AbSysString(aFileName)), StatBuf) = 0);
- {$ENDIF}
- if Result then begin
- aAttr.Time := FileDateToDateTime(StatBuf.st_mtime);
- aAttr.Size := StatBuf.st_size;
- aAttr.Attr := AbUnix2DosFileAttributes(StatBuf.st_mode);
- aAttr.Mode := StatBuf.st_mode;
- end;
-function AbGetVolumeLabel(Drive : Char) : string;
-{-Get the volume label for the specified drive.}
- Root : string;
- Flags, MaxLength : DWORD;
- NameSize : Integer;
- VolName : string;
- NameSize := 0;
- Root := Drive + ':\';
- SetLength(VolName, MAX_VOL_LABEL);
- Result := '';
- if GetVolumeInformation(PChar(Root), PChar(VolName), Length(VolName),
- nil, MaxLength, Flags, nil, NameSize)
- then
- Result := VolName;
- Result := ''; //Stop Gap, spanning support needs to be rethought for Unix
-procedure AbSetSpanVolumeLabel(Drive: Char; VolNo : Integer);
- AbWriteVolumeLabel(Format(AB_SPAN_VOL_LABEL,
- [VolNo]), Drive);
-function AbTestSpanVolumeLabel(Drive: Char; VolNo : Integer): Boolean;
- VolLabel, TestLabel : string;
- TestLabel := Format(AB_SPAN_VOL_LABEL, [VolNo]);
- VolLabel := UpperCase(AbGetVolumeLabel(Drive));
- Result := VolLabel = TestLabel;
-{ Unicode backwards compatibility functions }
-function CharInSet(C: AnsiChar; CharSet: TSysCharSet): Boolean;
-Result := C in CharSet;
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbVMStrm.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbVMStrm.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f7049d..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbVMStrm.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,540 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbVMStrm.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Virtual Memory Stream *}
-unit AbVMStrm;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- Classes;
- AB_VMSPageSize = 4096; {must be a power of two}
- AB_VMSMaxPages = 2048; {makes 8MB with the above value}
- PvmsPage = ^TvmsPage;
- TvmsPage = packed record
- vpStmOfs : Int64; {value will be multiple of AB_VMSPageSize}
- vpLRU : integer; {'time' page was last accessed}
- vpDirty : Boolean; {has the page been changed?}
- vpData : array [0..pred(AB_VMSPageSize)] of byte; {stream data}
- end;
- TAbVirtualMemoryStream = class(TStream)
- protected {private}
- vmsCachePage : PvmsPage; {the latest page used}
- vmsLRU : Longint; {'tick' value}
- vmsMaxMemToUse : Longword; {maximum memory to use for data}
- vmsMaxPages : Integer; {maximum data pages}
- vmsPageList : TList; {page array, sorted by offset}
- vmsPosition : Int64; {position of stream}
- vmsSize : Int64; {size of stream}
- vmsSwapFileDir : string; {swap file directory}
- vmsSwapFileName : string; {swap file name}
- vmsSwapFileSize : Int64; {size of swap file}
- vmsSwapStream : TFileStream;{swap file stream}
- protected
- procedure vmsSetMaxMemToUse(aNewMem : Longword);
- function vmsAlterPageList(aNewMem : Longword) : Longword;
- procedure vmsFindOldestPage(out OldestInx : Longint;
- out OldestPage: PvmsPage);
- function vmsGetNextLRU : Longint;
- function vmsGetPageForOffset(aOffset : Int64) : PvmsPage;
- procedure vmsSwapFileCreate;
- procedure vmsSwapFileDestroy;
- procedure vmsSwapFileRead(aPage : PvmsPage);
- procedure vmsSwapFileWrite(aPage : PvmsPage);
- public
- constructor Create;
- {-create the virtual memory stream}
- destructor Destroy; override;
- {-destroy the virtual memory stream}
- function Read(var Buffer; Count : Longint) : Longint; override;
- {-read from the stream into a buffer}
- function Write(const Buffer; Count : Longint) : Longint; override;
- {-write to the stream from a buffer}
- function Seek(const Offset : Int64; Origin : TSeekOrigin) : Int64; override;
- {-seek to a particular point in the stream}
- procedure SetSize(const NewSize : Int64); override;
- {-set the stream size}
- property MaxMemToUse : Longword
- read vmsMaxMemToUse write vmsSetMaxMemToUse;
- {-maximum memory to use for data before swapping to disk}
- property SwapFileDirectory : string
- read vmsSwapFileDir write vmsSwapFileDir;
- end;
- Windows, // Fix warning about unexpanded inline functions
- {$ENDIF}
- SysUtils,
- AbExcept,
- AbUtils;
- LastLRUValue = $7FFFFFFF;
-constructor TAbVirtualMemoryStream.Create;
- Page : PvmsPage;
- inherited Create;
- {create the page array}
- vmsPageList := TList.Create;
- {create the first page}
- New(Page);
- with Page^ do begin
- vpStmOfs := 0;
- vpLRU := vmsGetNextLRU;
- vpDirty := False;
- FillChar(vpData, AB_VMSPageSize, 0);
- end;
- vmsPageList.Insert(0, pointer(Page));
- {prime the cache, from now on the cache will never be nil}
- vmsCachePage := Page;
- {default to using all allowed pages}
- MaxMemToUse := AB_VMSMaxPages * AB_VMSPageSize;
-destructor TAbVirtualMemoryStream.Destroy;
- Inx : integer;
- {destroy the swap file}
- vmsSwapFileDestroy;
- {throw away all pages in the list}
- if (vmsPageList <> nil) then begin
- for Inx := 0 to pred(vmsPageList.Count) do
- Dispose(PvmsPage(vmsPageList[Inx]));
- vmsPageList.Destroy;
- end;
- {let our ancestor clean up}
- inherited Destroy;
-function TAbVirtualMemoryStream.Read(var Buffer; Count : Longint) : Longint;
- BufPtr : PByte;
- Page : PvmsPage;
- PageDataInx : integer;
- Posn : int64;
- BytesToGo : int64;
- BytesToRead : int64;
- StartOfs : int64;
- {reading is complicated by the fact we can only read in chunks of
- AB_VMSPageSize: we need to partition out the overall read into a read
- from a partial page, zero or more reads from complete pages and
- then a possible read from a partial page}
- {initialise some variables, note that the complex calc in the
- expression for PageDataInx is the offset of the start of the page
- where Posn is found.}
- BufPtr := @Buffer;
- Posn := vmsPosition;
- PageDataInx := Posn - (Posn and (not pred(AB_VMSPageSize)));
- BytesToRead := AB_VMSPageSize - PageDataInx;
- {calculate the actual number of bytes to read - this depends on the
- current position and size of the stream}
- BytesToGo := Count;
- if (vmsSize < (vmsPosition + Count)) then
- BytesToGo := vmsSize - vmsPosition;
- if (BytesToGo < 0) then
- BytesToGo := 0;
- Result := BytesToGo;
- {while we have bytes to read, read them}
- while (BytesToGo <> 0) do begin
- if (BytesToRead > BytesToGo) then
- BytesToRead := BytesToGo;
- StartOfs := Posn and (not pred(AB_VMSPageSize));
- if (vmsCachePage^.vpStmOfs = StartOfs) then
- Page := vmsCachePage
- else
- Page := vmsGetPageForOffset(StartOfs);
- Move(Page^.vpData[PageDataInx], BufPtr^, BytesToRead);
- dec(BytesToGo, BytesToRead);
- inc(Posn, BytesToRead);
- inc(BufPtr, BytesToRead);
- PageDataInx := 0;
- BytesToRead := AB_VMSPageSize;
- end;
- {remember our new position}
- vmsPosition := Posn;
-function TAbVirtualMemoryStream.Seek(const Offset : Int64;
- Origin : TSeekOrigin) : Int64;
- case Origin of
- soBeginning : vmsPosition := Offset;
- soCurrent : inc(vmsPosition, Offset);
- soEnd : vmsPosition := vmsSize + Offset;
- else
- raise EAbVMSInvalidOrigin.Create( Integer(Origin));
- end;
- Result := vmsPosition;
-procedure TAbVirtualMemoryStream.SetSize(const NewSize : Int64);
- Page : PvmsPage;
- Inx : integer;
- NewFileSize : Int64;
- if (NewSize < vmsSize) then begin
- {go through the page list discarding pages whose offset is greater
- than our new size; don't bother saving any data from them since
- it be beyond the end of the stream anyway}
- {never delete the last page here}
- for Inx := pred(vmsPageList.Count) downto 1 do begin
- Page := PvmsPage(vmsPageList[Inx]);
- if (Page^.vpStmOfs >= NewSize) then begin
- Dispose(Page);
- vmsPageList.Delete(Inx);
- end else begin
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- { Reset cache to the first page in case the cached page was deleted. }
- vmsCachePage := vmsPageList[0];
- {force the swap file file size in range, it'll be a multiple of
- AB_VMSPageSize}
- NewFileSize := pred(NewSize + AB_VMSPageSize) and
- (not pred(AB_VMSPageSize));
- if (NewFileSize < vmsSwapFileSize) then
- vmsSwapFileSize := NewFileSize;
- {ignore the swap file itself}
- end;
- vmsSize := NewSize;
- if (vmsPosition > NewSize) then
- vmsPosition := NewSize;
-function TAbVirtualMemoryStream.vmsAlterPageList(aNewMem : Longword) : Longword;
- NumPages : Longint;
- Page : PvmsPage;
- i : integer;
- OldestPageNum : Longint;
- {calculate the max number of pages required}
- if aNewMem = 0 then
- NumPages := 1 // always have at least one page
- else
- NumPages := pred(aNewMem + AB_VMSPageSize) div AB_VMSPageSize;
- if (NumPages > AB_VMSMaxPages) then
- NumPages := AB_VMSMaxPages;
- {if the maximum number of pages means we have to shrink the current
- list, do so, tossing out the oldest pages first}
- if (NumPages < vmsPageList.Count) then
- begin
- for i := 1 to (vmsPageList.Count - NumPages) do begin
- {find the oldest page}
- vmsFindOldestPage(OldestPageNum, Page);
- {if it is dirty, write it out to the swap file}
- if Page^.vpDirty then begin
- vmsSwapFileWrite(Page);
- end;
- {remove it from the page list}
- vmsPageList.Delete(OldestPageNum);
- {free the page memory}
- Dispose(Page);
- end;
- { Reset cache to the first page in case the cached page was deleted. }
- vmsCachePage := vmsPageList[0];
- end;
- {remember our new max number of pages}
- vmsMaxPages := NumPages;
- Result := NumPages * AB_VMSPageSize;
-procedure TAbVirtualMemoryStream.vmsFindOldestPage(out OldestInx : Longint;
- out OldestPage: PvmsPage);
- OldestLRU : Longint;
- Inx : integer;
- Page : PvmsPage;
- OldestInx := -1;
- OldestLRU := LastLRUValue;
- for Inx := 0 to pred(vmsPageList.Count) do begin
- Page := PvmsPage(vmsPageList[Inx]);
- if (Page^.vpLRU < OldestLRU) then begin
- OldestInx := Inx;
- OldestLRU := Page^.vpLRU;
- OldestPage := Page;
- end;
- end;
-function TAbVirtualMemoryStream.vmsGetNextLRU : Longint;
- Inx : integer;
- if (vmsLRU = LastLRUValue) then begin
- {reset all LRUs in list}
- for Inx := 0 to pred(vmsPageList.Count) do
- PvmsPage(vmsPageList[Inx])^.vpLRU := 0;
- vmsLRU := 0;
- end;
- inc(vmsLRU);
- Result := vmsLRU;
-function TAbVirtualMemoryStream.vmsGetPageForOffset(aOffset : Int64) : PvmsPage;
- Page : PvmsPage;
- PageOfs : Int64;
- L, M, R : integer;
- OldestPageNum : integer;
- CreatedNewPage: boolean;
- {using a sequential or a binary search (depending on the number of
- pages), try to find the page in the cache; we'll do a sequential
- search if the number of pages is very small, eg less than 4}
- if (vmsPageList.Count < 4) then begin
- L := vmsPageList.Count;
- for M := 0 to pred(vmsPageList.Count) do begin
- Page := PvmsPage(vmsPageList[M]);
- PageOfs := Page^.vpStmOfs;
- if (aOffset < PageOfs) then begin
- L := M;
- Break;
- end;
- if (aOffset = PageOfs) then begin
- Page^.vpLRU := vmsGetNextLRU;
- vmsCachePage := Page;
- Result := Page;
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- end
- else {we need to do a binary search} begin
- L := 0;
- R := pred(vmsPageList.Count);
- repeat
- M := (L + R) div 2;
- Page := PvmsPage(vmsPageList[M]);
- PageOfs := Page^.vpStmOfs;
- if (aOffset < PageOfs) then
- R := pred(M)
- else if (aOffset > PageOfs) then
- L := succ(M)
- else {aOffset = PageOfs} begin
- Page^.vpLRU := vmsGetNextLRU;
- vmsCachePage := Page;
- Result := Page;
- Exit;
- end;
- until (L > R);
- end;
- {if we get here the page for the offset is not present in the page
- list, and once created/loaded, the page should be inserted at L}
- {enter a try..except block so that if a new page is created and an
- exception occurs, the page is freed}
- CreatedNewPage := false;
- Result := nil;
- try
- {if there is room to insert a new page, create one ready}
- if (vmsPageList.Count < vmsMaxPages) then begin
- New(Page);
- CreatedNewPage := true;
- end
- {otherwise there is no room for the insertion, so find the oldest
- page in the list and discard it}
- else {vmsMaxPages <= vmsPageList.Count} begin
- {find the oldest page}
- vmsFindOldestPage(OldestPageNum, Page);
- {if it is dirty, write it out to the swap file}
- if Page^.vpDirty then begin
- vmsSwapFileWrite(Page);
- end;
- {remove it from the page list}
- vmsPageList.Delete(OldestPageNum);
- {patch up the insertion point, in case the page just deleted was
- before it}
- if (OldestPageNum < L) then
- dec(L);
- end;
- {set all the page fields}
- with Page^ do begin
- vpStmOfs := aOffset;
- vpLRU := vmsGetNextLRU;
- vpDirty := False;
- vmsSwapFileRead(Page);
- end;
- {insert the page into the correct spot}
- vmsPageList.Insert(L, pointer(Page));
- {return the page, remembering to save it in the cache}
- vmsCachePage := Page;
- Result := Page;
- except
- if CreatedNewPage then
- Dispose(Page);
- end;{try..except}
-procedure TAbVirtualMemoryStream.vmsSetMaxMemToUse(aNewMem : Longword);
- vmsMaxMemToUse := vmsAlterPageList(aNewMem);
-procedure TAbVirtualMemoryStream.vmsSwapFileCreate;
- if (vmsSwapStream = nil) then begin
- vmsSwapFileName := AbCreateTempFile(vmsSwapFileDir);
- try
- vmsSwapStream := TFileStream.Create(vmsSwapFileName, fmCreate);
- except
- DeleteFile(vmsSwapFileName);
- raise EAbVMSErrorOpenSwap.Create( vmsSwapFileName );
- end;
- vmsSwapFileSize := 0;
- end;
-procedure TAbVirtualMemoryStream.vmsSwapFileDestroy;
- if (vmsSwapStream <> nil) then begin
- FreeAndNil(vmsSwapStream);
- DeleteFile(vmsSwapFileName);
- end;
-procedure TAbVirtualMemoryStream.vmsSwapFileRead(aPage : PvmsPage);
- BytesRead : Longint;
- SeekResult: Int64;
- if (vmsSwapStream = nil) or (aPage^.vpStmOfs >= vmsSwapFileSize) then begin
- {there is nothing to be read from the disk (either the swap file
- doesn't exist or it's too small) so zero out the page data}
- FillChar(aPage^.vpData, AB_VMSPageSize, 0)
- end
- else {there is something to be read from the swap file} begin
- SeekResult := vmsSwapStream.Seek(aPage^.vpStmOfs, soBeginning);
- if (SeekResult = -1) then
- raise EAbVMSSeekFail.Create( vmsSwapFileName );
- BytesRead := vmsSwapStream.Read(aPage^.vpData, AB_VMSPageSize);
- if (BytesRead <> AB_VMSPageSize) then
- raise EAbVMSReadFail.Create( AB_VMSPageSize, vmsSwapFileName );
- end;
-procedure TAbVirtualMemoryStream.vmsSwapFileWrite(aPage : PvmsPage);
- NewPos : Int64;
- SeekResult: Int64;
- BytesWritten : Longint;
- if (vmsSwapStream = nil) then
- vmsSwapFileCreate;
- SeekResult := vmsSwapStream.Seek(aPage^.vpStmOfs, soBeginning);
- if (SeekResult = -1) then
- raise EAbVMSSeekFail.Create( vmsSwapFileName );
- BytesWritten := vmsSwapStream.Write(aPage^.vpData, AB_VMSPageSize);
- if BytesWritten <> AB_VMSPageSize then
- raise EAbVMSWriteFail.Create( AB_VMSPageSize, vmsSwapFileName );
- NewPos := aPage^.vpStmOfs + AB_VMSPageSize;
- if (NewPos > vmsSwapFileSize) then
- vmsSwapFileSize := NewPos;
-function TAbVirtualMemoryStream.Write(const Buffer; Count : Longint) : Longint;
- BufPtr : PByte;
- Page : PvmsPage;
- PageDataInx : integer;
- Posn : Int64;
- BytesToGo : Int64;
- BytesToWrite: Int64;
- StartOfs : Int64;
- {writing is complicated by the fact we can only write in chunks of
- AB_VMSPageSize: we need to partition out the overall write into a
- write to a partial page, zero or more writes to complete pages and
- then a possible write to a partial page}
- {initialise some variables, note that the complex calc in the
- expression for PageDataInx is the offset of the start of the page
- where Posn is found.}
- BufPtr := @Buffer;
- Posn := vmsPosition;
- PageDataInx := Posn - (Posn and (not pred(AB_VMSPageSize)));
- BytesToWrite := AB_VMSPageSize - PageDataInx;
- {calculate the actual number of bytes to write}
- BytesToGo := Count;
- Result := BytesToGo;
- {while we have bytes to write, write them}
- while (BytesToGo <> 0) do begin
- if (BytesToWrite > BytesToGo) then
- BytesToWrite := BytesToGo;
- StartOfs := Posn and (not pred(AB_VMSPageSize));
- if (vmsCachePage^.vpStmOfs = StartOfs) then
- Page := vmsCachePage
- else
- Page := vmsGetPageForOffset(StartOfs);
- Move(BufPtr^, Page^.vpData[PageDataInx], BytesToWrite);
- Page^.vpDirty := True;
- dec(BytesToGo, BytesToWrite);
- inc(Posn, BytesToWrite);
- inc(BufPtr, BytesToWrite);
- PageDataInx := 0;
- BytesToWrite := AB_VMSPageSize;
- end;
- {remember our new position}
- vmsPosition := Posn;
- {if we've grown the stream, make a note of it}
- if (vmsPosition > vmsSize) then
- vmsSize := vmsPosition;
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbView.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbView.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 44d7a6f..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbView.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1657 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbView.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Base archive viewer component *}
-{* Use AbQView.pas for CLX *}
-unit AbView;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- Classes,
- Types,
- Windows,
- Messages,
- Libc,
-{$IFDEF UsingCLX }
- Qt,
- QControls,
- QGraphics,
- QGrids,
- Controls,
- Graphics,
- Grids,
- AbArcTyp;
- TAbViewAttribute =
- (vaItemName, vaPacked, vaMethod, vaRatio, vaCRC,
- vaFileAttributes, vaFileType, vaEncryption, vaTimeStamp,
- vaFileSize, vaVersionMade, vaVersionNeeded, vaPath);
- TAbViewAttributes = set of TAbViewAttribute;
- TAbDisplayOption =
- (doAlternateColors, doColLines, doColMove, doColSizing, doMultiSelect,
- doRowLines, doShowIcons, doThumbTrack, doTrackActiveRow);
- TAbDisplayOptions = set of TAbDisplayOption;
- TAbSortAttribute =
- (saItemName, saPacked, saPath, saRatio, saTimeStamp, saFileSize);
- TAbSortAttributes = set of TAbSortAttribute;
- AbDefColWidth = 150;
- AbDefRowHeight = 24;
- AbHeaderRow = 0;
- AbDefSelColor = clHighlight;
- AbDefSelTextColor = clHighlightText;
- AbDefHighColor = clAqua;
- AbDefHighTextColor = clRed;
- AbDefDelColor = clYellow;
- AbDefDelTextColor = clNavy;
-{ ===== TAbColors ========================================================== }
- TAbColors = class(TPersistent)
- protected {private}
- FSelected : TColor;
- FSelectedText : TColor;
- FAlternate : TColor;
- FAlternateText : TColor;
- FDeleted : TColor;
- FDeletedText : TColor;
- FUpdating : Boolean;
- FOnChange : TNotifyEvent;
- procedure DoOnChange;
- procedure SetSelected(Value : TColor);
- procedure SetSelectedText(Value : TColor);
- procedure SetAlternate(Value : TColor);
- procedure SetAlternateText(Value : TColor);
- procedure SetDeleted(Value : TColor);
- procedure SetDeletedText(Value : TColor);
- public
- procedure BeginUpdate;
- procedure EndUpdate;
- property OnChange : TNotifyEvent
- read FOnChange
- write FOnChange;
- published
- property Selected : TColor
- read FSelected
- write SetSelected;
- property SelectedText : TColor
- read FSelectedText
- write SetSelectedText;
- property Alternate : TColor
- read FAlternate
- write SetAlternate;
- property AlternateText : TColor
- read FAlternateText
- write SetAlternateText;
- property Deleted : TColor
- read FDeleted
- write SetDeleted;
- property DeletedText : TColor
- read FDeletedText
- write SetDeletedText;
- end;
-{ ===== TAbSelList ========================================================= }
- TAbSelList = class
- protected {private}
- FList : TList;
- FCurrent : Longint;
- public {methods}
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy;
- override;
- procedure Clear;
- procedure Deselect(Index : Longint);
- function IsSelected(Index : Longint) : Boolean;
- procedure Select(Index : Longint);
- procedure SelectAll(Count : Longint);
- function SelCount : Longint;
- procedure Toggle(Index : Longint);
- function FindFirst : Longint;
- function FindNext : Longint;
- end;
-{ ===== TAbRowMap ========================================================== }
- TAbRowMap = class
- protected {private}
- FRows : TList;
- FInvRows : TList;
- FSortAscending : Boolean;
- function GetRow(RowNum : Longint) : Longint;
- function GetInvRow(RowNum : Longint) : Longint;
- procedure SortOnItemName(ItemList : TAbArchiveList);
- procedure SortOnItemDir(ItemList : TAbArchiveList);
- public {methods}
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy;
- override;
- procedure Clear;
- procedure Init(RowCount : Longint);
- procedure SortBy(Attr : TAbSortAttribute; ItemList : TAbArchiveList);
- public {properties}
- property Rows[RowNum : Longint] : Longint
- read GetRow; default;
- property InvRows[RowNum : Longint] : Longint
- read GetInvRow;
- property SortAscending : Boolean
- read FSortAscending;
- end;
-{ ===== TAbBaseViewer ==================================================== }
- TAbColHeadings = class(TStringList)
- end;
- TAbSortedEvent =
- procedure (Sender : TObject; Attr : TAbViewAttribute) of object;
- TAbDrawSortArrowEvent =
- procedure (Sender : TObject; Column : Integer; Ascending: Boolean;
- Cnv: TCanvas; Rect : TRect) of object;
- TAbBaseViewer = class(TCustomGrid)
- protected {private}
- FAllowInvalidate : Boolean;
- FAttributes : TAbViewAttributes;
- FDisplayOptions : TAbDisplayOptions;
- FSortAttributes : TAbSortAttributes;
- FColMap : array[TAbViewAttribute] of Integer;
- FColSizing : Boolean;
- FColMoving : Boolean;
- FHeadings : TAbColHeadings;
- FItemList : TAbArchiveList;
- FRowMap : TAbRowMap;
- FFileName : string;
- FFontSize : Integer;
- FItemIndex : Longint;
- FColors : TAbColors;
- FButtonDown : Boolean;
- FIcons : TStringList;
- FSelList : TAbSelList;
- FMultiSelecting : Boolean;
- FShiftState : TShiftState;
- FSortCol : Integer;
- RowAnchor : Longint;
- ViewMouseCoord : TGridCoord;
- FOnChange : TNotifyEvent;
- FOnClick : TNotifyEvent;
- FOnDblClick : TNotifyEvent;
- FOnSorted : TAbSortedEvent;
- FOnDrawSortArrow : TAbDrawSortArrowEvent;
- function AttrToSortAttribute(Attr : TAbViewAttribute;
- var SortAttr : TAbSortAttribute) : Boolean;
- function AttrToStr(Attr : TAbViewAttribute; aItem : TAbArchiveItem) : string;
- function ColMap(ColNum : Integer) : Integer;
- procedure ColorsChange(Sender : TObject);
- procedure DrawHeaderButton(ACol : Integer; const AText : string);
- procedure DrawSortArrow;
- function DrawTextFormat(Attr : TAbViewAttribute; var Rect : TRect) : Word;
- function GetCount : Longint;
- function GetActiveRow : Longint;
- function GetHeaderRowHeight : Integer;
- function GetIcon(const ItemName : string) : HIcon;
-{$IFDEF UsingClx}
- { no file type icons in Clx }
- function GetSelCount : Longint;
- function GetSelected(RowNum : Longint) : Boolean;
- function GetVersion : string;
- procedure InitColMap;
- procedure InvalidateRow(ARow: Longint);
- procedure MoveColumn(FromCol, ToCol : Integer);
- procedure RefreshCell(ARow, ACol: Longint);
- procedure RefreshRow(ARow: Longint);
- procedure SetActiveRow(RowNum : Longint);
- procedure SetAttributes(Value : TAbViewAttributes);
- procedure SetDisplayOptions(Value : TAbDisplayOptions);
- procedure SetSortAttributes(Value : TAbSortAttributes);
- procedure SetHeaderRowHeight(Value : Integer);
- procedure SetHeadings(Value: TAbColHeadings);
- procedure SetSelected(RowNum : Longint; Value : Boolean);
- procedure SetVersion(const Value : string);
- function UpdateColCount(Attributes : TAbViewAttributes) : Integer;
-{$IFDEF UsingCLX}
- procedure FontChanged; override;
- procedure SizeChanged(OldColCount, OldRowCount: Longint); override;
- procedure WMSize(var Msg: TWMSize);
- message WM_SIZE;
- procedure WMEraseBkgnd(var Msg: TWMEraseBkgnd);
- message WM_ERASEBKGND;
- procedure CMFontChanged(var Message: TMessage);
-{$ENDIF UsingCLX}
- protected {overridden methods}
- procedure Click;
- override;
- procedure DblClick;
- override;
- procedure KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
- override;
- procedure KeyUp(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
- override;
- procedure Loaded;
- override;
- procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y : Integer);
- override;
- procedure MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
- override;
- procedure MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
- override;
- procedure ColumnMoved(FromIndex, ToIndex: Longint);
- override;
-{$IFDEF HasGridDrawingStyle}
- procedure Paint;
- override;
- procedure DrawCell(ACol, ARow: Longint; ARect: TRect; AState: TGridDrawState);
- override;
- procedure TopLeftChanged;
- override;
- protected {virtual methods}
- procedure DoChange(Sender : TObject);
- virtual;
- procedure DoLoad(Sender : TObject);
- virtual;
- procedure DoSorted(Attr : TAbViewAttribute);
- virtual;
- protected {properties}
- property Attributes : TAbViewAttributes
- read FAttributes
- write SetAttributes;
- property DisplayOptions : TAbDisplayOptions
- read FDisplayOptions
- write SetDisplayOptions;
- property HeaderRowHeight : Integer
- read GetHeaderRowHeight
- write SetHeaderRowHeight;
- property Headings : TAbColHeadings
- read FHeadings
- write SetHeadings;
- property ItemList : TAbArchiveList
- read FItemList
- write FItemList;
- property SortAttributes : TAbSortAttributes
- read FSortAttributes
- write SetSortAttributes;
- property Version : string
- read GetVersion
- write SetVersion
- stored False;
- protected {events}
- property OnChange : TNotifyEvent
- read FOnChange
- write FOnChange;
- property OnClick : TNotifyEvent
- read FOnClick
- write FOnClick;
- property OnDblClick : TNotifyEvent
- read FOnDblClick
- write FOnDblClick;
- property OnSorted : TAbSortedEvent
- read FOnSorted
- write FOnSorted;
- property OnDrawSortArrow : TAbDrawSortArrowEvent
- read FOnDrawSortArrow
- write FOnDrawSortArrow;
- public {methods}
- constructor Create(AOwner : TComponent);
- override;
- destructor Destroy;
- override;
- procedure BeginUpdate;
- procedure EndUpdate;
- procedure ClearSelections;
- procedure SelectAll;
- public {run-time properties}
- property ActiveRow : Longint
- read GetActiveRow write SetActiveRow;
- property Colors : TAbColors
- read FColors write FColors;
- property Count : Longint
- read GetCount;
- property SelCount : Longint
- read GetSelCount;
- property Selected[RowNum : Longint] : Boolean
- read GetSelected write SetSelected;
- property ColWidths;
- property RowHeights;
- published
- property OnDragDrop;
- property OnDragOver;
- end;
- ShellApi,
-{$IFDEF HasUITypes}
- UITypes,
- SysUtils,
- AbUtils,
- AbConst,
- AbResString,
- AbZipTyp;
-{ ===== TAbColors ========================================================== }
-procedure TAbColors.BeginUpdate;
- FUpdating := True;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbColors.EndUpdate;
- FUpdating := False;
- DoOnChange;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbColors.DoOnChange;
- if not FUpdating and Assigned(FOnChange) then
- FOnChange(Self);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbColors.SetSelected(Value : TColor);
- if (Value <> FSelected) then begin
- FSelected := Value;
- DoOnChange;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbColors.SetSelectedText(Value : TColor);
- if (Value <> FSelectedText) then begin
- FSelectedText := Value;
- DoOnChange;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbColors.SetAlternate(Value : TColor);
- if (Value <> FAlternate) then begin
- FAlternate := Value;
- DoOnChange;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbColors.SetAlternateText(Value : TColor);
- if (Value <> FAlternateText) then begin
- FAlternateText := Value;
- DoOnChange;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbColors.SetDeleted(Value : TColor);
- if (Value <> FDeleted) then begin
- FDeleted := Value;
- DoOnChange;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbColors.SetDeletedText(Value : TColor);
- if (Value <> FDeletedText) then begin
- FDeletedText := Value;
- DoOnChange;
- end;
-{ ===== TAbSelList ========================================================= }
-constructor TAbSelList.Create;
- FList := TList.Create;
- FCurrent := -1;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-destructor TAbSelList.Destroy;
- FList.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbSelList.Clear;
- FList.Clear;
- FCurrent := -1;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbSelList.Select(Index: Longint);
- if FList.IndexOf(Pointer(Index)) < 0 then
- FList.Add(Pointer(Index));
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbSelList.Deselect(Index: Longint);
- i : Longint;
- i := FList.IndexOf(Pointer(Index));
- if (i >= 0) then
- FList.Delete(i);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbSelList.IsSelected(Index : Longint) : Boolean;
- Result := FList.IndexOf(Pointer(Index)) >= 0;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbSelList.Toggle(Index: Longint);
- if IsSelected(Index) then
- Deselect(Index)
- else
- Select(Index);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbSelList.SelCount : Longint;
- Result := FList.Count;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbSelList.SelectAll(Count : Longint);
- i : Longint;
- for i := 0 to Pred(Count) do
- Select(i);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbSelList.FindFirst : Longint;
- FCurrent := -1;
- if (FList.Count > 0) then
- Result := FindNext
- else
- Result := -1;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbSelList.FindNext : Longint;
- if (FList.Count > 0) and (FCurrent < Pred(FList.Count)) then begin
- Inc(FCurrent);
- Result := Longint(FList[FCurrent]);
- end else
- Result := -1;
-{ ===== TAbRowMap ========================================================== }
-procedure TAbRowMap.Clear;
- FRows.Clear;
- FInvRows.Clear;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbRowMap.GetRow(RowNum : Longint) : Longint;
- if (RowNum >= 0) and (RowNum < FRows.Count) then
- Result := Longint(FRows[RowNum])
- else
- Result := 0;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbRowMap.GetInvRow(RowNum : Longint) : Longint;
- if (RowNum >= 0) and (RowNum < FInvRows.Count) then
- Result := Longint(FInvRows[RowNum])
- else
- Result := 0;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-constructor TAbRowMap.Create;
- inherited Create;
- FRows := TList.Create;
- FInvRows := TList.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbRowMap.Init(RowCount : Longint);
- i : Longint;
- Clear;
- if (RowCount > 0) then
- for i := 0 to Pred(RowCount) do begin
- FRows.Add(Pointer(i));
- FInvRows.Add(Pointer(i));
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-destructor TAbRowMap.Destroy;
- FRows.Free;
- FInvRows.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbRowMap.SortBy(Attr : TAbSortAttribute; ItemList : TAbArchiveList);
- PSortRec = ^TSortRec;
- TSortRec = record
- Val : Double;
- Index : Longint;
- end;
- i, LI : Longint;
- SL : TList;
- RowCount : Longint;
- P : PSortRec;
- DT : TDateTime;
- aItem : TAbArchiveItem;
- procedure QuickSort(SL : TList; L, R: Integer);
- var
- i, j: Integer;
- P: PSortRec;
- begin
- i := L;
- j := R;
- P := SL[(L + R) shr 1];
- repeat
- while PSortRec(SL[i])^.Val < P^.Val do Inc(i);
- while PSortRec(SL[j])^.Val > P^.Val do Dec(j);
- if (i <= j) then
- begin
- SL.Exchange(i, j);
- Inc(i);
- Dec(j);
- end;
- until i > j;
- if L < j then QuickSort(SL, L, j);
- if i < R then QuickSort(SL, i, R);
- end;
- if (ItemList.Count <= 0) then
- Exit;
- case Attr of
- saItemName : SortOnItemName(ItemList);
- saPath : SortOnItemDir(ItemList);
- else begin
- RowCount := ItemList.Count;
- SL := TList.Create;
- try {SL}
- SL.Capacity := RowCount;
- for i := 0 to Pred(RowCount) do begin
- GetMem(P, SizeOf(TSortRec));
- aItem := TAbArchiveItem(ItemList.Items[i]);
- case Attr of
- saPacked : P^.Val := aItem.CompressedSize;
- saRatio :
- begin
- if (aItem is TAbZipItem) then
- P^.Val := TAbZipItem(aItem).CompressionRatio
- else
- P^.Val := 0;
- end;
- saFileSize : P^.Val := aItem.UnCompressedSize;
- saTimeStamp : begin
- LI := LongInt(aItem.LastModFileDate) shl 16 +
- aItem.LastModFileTime;
- DT := FileDateToDateTime(LI);
- P^.Val := Double(DT);
- end;
- end;
- P^.Index := i;
- SL.Add(P);
- end;
- QuickSort(SL, 0, Pred(SL.Count));
- for i := 0 to Pred(SL.Count) do begin
- if FSortAscending then
- P := SL[i]
- else
- P := SL[Pred(SL.Count) - i];
- FRows[i] := Pointer(P^.Index)
- end;
- finally {SL}
- while (SL.Count > 0) do begin
- FreeMem(SL[0], Sizeof(TSortRec));
- SL.Delete(0);
- end;
- SL.Free;
- end; {SL}
- end;
- end;
- FSortAscending := not FSortAscending;
- for i := 0 to Pred(ItemList.Count) do
- FInvRows[Rows[i]] := Pointer(i);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbRowMap.SortOnItemName(ItemList : TAbArchiveList);
- i, RowCount : Longint;
- SL : TStringList;
- FN : string;
- RowCount := ItemList.Count;
- SL := TStringList.Create;
- try {SL}
- for i := 0 to Pred(RowCount) do begin
- FN := TAbArchiveItem(ItemList.Items[i]).Filename;
- AbUnFixName(FN);
- SL.AddObject(ExtractFilename(FN), Pointer(i));
- end;
- SL.Sort;
- for i := 0 to Pred(RowCount) do begin
- if FSortAscending then
- FRows[i] := SL.Objects[i]
- else
- FRows[i] := SL.Objects[Pred(RowCount) - i];
- end;
- finally {SL}
- SL.Free;
- end; {SL}
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbRowMap.SortOnItemDir(ItemList : TAbArchiveList);
- i, RowCount : Longint;
- SL : TStringList;
- FN : string;
- RowCount := ItemList.Count;
- SL := TStringList.Create;
- try {SL}
- for i := 0 to Pred(RowCount) do begin
- FN := TAbArchiveItem(ItemList.Items[i]).DiskPath;
- AbUnFixName(FN);
- SL.AddObject(ExtractFilePath(FN), Pointer(i));
- end;
- SL.Sort;
- for i := 0 to Pred(RowCount) do begin
- if FSortAscending then
- FRows[i] := SL.Objects[i]
- else
- FRows[i] := SL.Objects[Pred(RowCount) - i];
- end;
- finally {SL}
- SL.Free;
- end; {SL}
-{===== TAbBaseViewer ===============================================}
-constructor TAbBaseViewer.Create(AOwner : TComponent);
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- FItemList := TAbArchiveList.Create(False);
- RowCount := 2;
- FixedCols := 0;
- FixedRows := 1; {Header Row}
- FSortCol := -1;
- Color := clWindow;
- FColors := TAbColors.Create;
- FColors.OnChange := ColorsChange;
- FColors.Selected := AbDefSelColor;
- FColors.SelectedText := AbDefSelTextColor;
- FColors.Alternate := AbDefHighColor;
- FColors.AlternateText := AbDefHighTextColor;
- FColors.Deleted := AbDefDelColor;
- FColors.DeletedText := AbDefDelTextColor;
- DefaultColWidth := AbDefColWidth;
- DefaultRowHeight := AbDefRowHeight;
- DefaultDrawing := False;
- ParentColor := False;
- ParentCtl3D := True;
- ParentFont := True;
- ParentShowHint := True;
- FHeadings := TAbColHeadings.Create;
- InitColMap;
- FColSizing := False;
- FColMoving := False;
- FAllowInvalidate := True;
- FRowMap := TAbRowMap.Create;
- FIcons := TStringList.Create;
- FSelList := TAbSelList.Create;
- Attributes := [vaItemname, vaPacked, vaTimeStamp, vaFileSize, vaPath];
- SetDisplayOptions([doColSizing]);
- Visible := True;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-destructor TAbBaseViewer.Destroy;
- FRowMap.Free;
- FHeadings.Free;
- FColors.Free;
- FIcons.Free;
- FSelList.Free;
- FItemList.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbBaseViewer.AttrToSortAttribute(Attr : TAbViewAttribute;
- var SortAttr : TAbSortAttribute) : Boolean;
- Result := True;
- case Attr of
- vaItemName : SortAttr := saItemName;
- vaPacked : SortAttr := saPacked;
- vaFileSize : SortAttr := saFileSize;
- vaRatio : SortAttr := saRatio;
- vaTimeStamp : SortAttr := saTimeStamp;
- vaPath : SortAttr := saPath;
- else
- Result := False;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbBaseViewer.AttrToStr(Attr : TAbViewAttribute;
- aItem : TAbArchiveItem) : string;
- FN : string;
- LI : Longint;
- Result := '';
- if Attr in [vaItemName, vaPath] then begin
- FN := aItem.Filename;
- AbUnFixName(FN);
- end;
- {first take care of common attributes}
- with aItem do case Attr of
- vaCRC :
- Result := IntToHex(CRC32, 8);
- vaItemname :
- Result := ExtractFilename(FN);
- vaPacked :
- Result := IntToStr(CompressedSize);
- vaFileSize :
- Result := IntToStr(UncompressedSize);
- vaFileAttributes :
- begin
- if (faReadOnly and ExternalFileAttributes) = faReadOnly then
- Result := Result + AbReadOnlyS;
- if (faHidden and ExternalFileAttributes) = faHidden then
- Result := Result + AbHiddenS;
- if (faSysFile and ExternalFileAttributes) = faSysFile then
- Result := Result + AbSystemS;
- if (faArchive and ExternalFileAttributes) = faArchive then
- Result := Result + AbArchivedS;
- end;
- vaEncryption :
- if IsEncrypted then
- Result := AbEncryptedS;
- vaTimeStamp :
- if (LastModFileDate + LastModFileTime = 0) then
- Result := AbUnknownS
- else begin
- LI := LongInt(LastModFileDate) shl 16 + LastModFileTime;
- Result := DateTimeToStr(FileDateToDateTime(LI));
- end;
- vaPath :
- Result := DiskPath;
- end;
- {now handle the zip specific attributes}
- if (aItem is TAbZipItem) then with TAbZipItem(aItem) do case Attr of
- vaFileType :
- if (InternalFileAttributes = 1) then
- Result := AbTextS
- else
- Result := AbBinaryS;
- vaMethod :
- Result := ZipCompressionMethodToString(CompressionMethod);
- vaRatio :
- Result := IntToStr(Round(CompressionRatio));
- vaVersionMade :
- Result := IntToStr(Round(Lo(VersionMadeBy)/ 10.0));
- vaVersionNeeded :
- Result := IntToStr(Round(Lo(VersionNeededToExtract)/ 10.0));
- end;
- Result := ' ' + Result;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseViewer.BeginUpdate;
- FAllowInvalidate := False;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseViewer.EndUpdate;
- FAllowInvalidate := True;
- Refresh;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseViewer.ClearSelections;
- i : Longint;
- if (FSelList.SelCount > 0) then begin
- i := FSelList.FindFirst;
- repeat
- InvalidateRow(FRowMap.InvRows[i]+1);
- i := FSelList.FindNext;
- until (i < 0);
- FSelList.Clear;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseViewer.Click;
- {Here is the logic for MultiSelect}
- i : Longint;
- inherited Click;
- if Assigned(FItemList) and (FItemList.Count > 0) then begin
- if (ssCtrl in FShiftState) and (doMultiSelect in FDisplayOptions) then
- Selected[ActiveRow] := not Selected[ActiveRow]
- else begin
- if not ((ssShift in FShiftState) and
- (doMultiSelect in FDisplayOptions)) then begin
- ClearSelections;
- Selected[ActiveRow] := True;
- end else begin
- ClearSelections;
- if (RowAnchor < ActiveRow) then
- for i := RowAnchor to ActiveRow do
- Selected[i] := True
- else
- for i := ActiveRow to RowAnchor do
- Selected[i] := True;
- end;
- end;
- Update;
- if Assigned(FOnClick) then
- FOnClick(Self);
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-{$IFDEF UsingCLX}
-procedure TAbBaseViewer.FontChanged;
-procedure TAbBaseViewer.CMFontChanged(var Message: TMessage);
- inherited;
- if not (csLoading in ComponentState) then begin
- Canvas.Font := Font;
- DefaultRowHeight := Canvas.TextHeight('W') + 2;
- HeaderRowHeight := Canvas.TextHeight('W') + 4;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbBaseViewer.ColMap(ColNum : Integer) : Integer;
- Result := FColMap[TAbViewAttribute(ColNum)];
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseViewer.ColorsChange(Sender : TObject);
- Invalidate;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseViewer.ColumnMoved(FromIndex, ToIndex : Longint);
- MoveColumn(FromIndex, ToIndex);
- Invalidate;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseViewer.DblClick;
- {Dont pass along the event if double click in header}
- inherited DblClick;
- if (ViewMouseCoord.Y <> abHeaderRow) then
- if Assigned(FItemList) and (FItemList.Count > 0) then
- if Assigned(FOnDblClick) then
- FOnDblClick(Self);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseViewer.DoChange;
- RowCount := 2; {HeaderRow + 1}
- FSelList.Clear;
- if Assigned(FItemList) then begin
- FRowMap.Init(FItemList.Count);
- if (FItemList.Count > 0) then
- RowCount := FItemList.Count + 1
- else begin
-{ RefreshRow(1);}
- FSortCol := -1;
- end;
- end;
- if FAllowInvalidate then
- Refresh;
- if Assigned(FOnChange) then
- FOnChange(Self);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseViewer.DoLoad;
- FIcons.Clear;
- FSelList.Clear;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseViewer.DoSorted(Attr : TAbViewAttribute);
- DrawSortArrow;
- if Assigned(FOnSorted) then
- FOnSorted(Self, Attr);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-{$IFDEF HasGridDrawingStyle}
-procedure TAbBaseViewer.Paint;
- DefaultDrawing := FInternalDrawingStyle <> gdsClassic;
- inherited;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseViewer.DrawCell(ACol, ARow: Longint; ARect: TRect;
- AState: TGridDrawState);
- s : string;
- aItem : TAbArchiveItem;
- TxtRect : TRect;
- Attr : TAbViewAttribute;
- DTFormat : Word;
-{$IFNDEF UsingClx}
- H : Integer;
- Icon : HIcon;
- if not DefaultDrawing then
- DefaultDrawing := true;
- Canvas.Font := Font;
- if (ARow = AbHeaderRow) then begin
- DrawHeaderButton(ACol, FHeadings[ColMap(ACol)])
- end else if not FAllowInvalidate then {waiting for EndUpdate}
- Exit
- else with Canvas do begin
- if not (doColLines in DisplayOptions) then
- ARect.Right := ARect.Right + 1;
- Brush.Color := clWindow;
- if (not Assigned(FItemList)) or (FItemList.Count = 0) then begin
- if not DefaultDrawing then Canvas.FillRect(ARect);
- Exit;
- end;
- aItem := FItemList.Items[FRowMap[ARow-1]];
- Attr := TAbViewAttribute(ColMap(ACol));
- S := AttrToStr(Attr, aItem);
- if (gdSelected in AState) or FSelList.IsSelected(FRowMap[ARow-1]) then begin
- if not DefaultDrawing then begin
- Brush.Color := FColors.Selected;
- Font.Color := FColors.SelectedText;
- end
-{$IFDEF HasGridDrawingStyle}
- else begin
- if DrawingStyle = gdsGradient then
- Canvas.Font.Color := clHighlightText;
- if not (gdSelected in AState) then begin
- if (goRowSelect in Options) then
- Include(AState, gdRowSelected);
- DrawCellHighlight(ARect, AState, ACol, ARow);
- end;
- end;
- end else if aItem.Action = aaDelete then begin
- Brush.Color := FColors.Deleted;
- Font.Color := FColors.DeletedText;
- end else if ((doAlternateColors in FDisplayOptions) and
- not Odd(ARow)) then begin
- Brush.Color := FColors.Alternate;
- Font.Color := FColors.AlternateText;
- end;
- if not DefaultDrawing then
- Canvas.FillRect(ARect);
- Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear;
- TxtRect := ARect;
- Icon := 0;
- if (Attr = vaItemName) then
- Icon := GetIcon(aItem.Filename);
- if (Icon <> 0) then begin
- H := ARect.Bottom - ARect.Top;
- DrawIconEx(Canvas.Handle, ARect.Left+1, ARect.Top+1, Icon,
- H - 2, H - 2, 0, 0, DI_NORMAL);
- TxtRect.Left := TxtRect.Left + H;
- end;
- DTFormat := DrawTextFormat(Attr, TxtRect);
- DrawText(Canvas.Handle, PChar(s), -1, TxtRect, DTFormat);
- Canvas.TextRect(TxtRect, TxtRect.Left, TxtRect.Top, s, DTFormat);
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseViewer.DrawHeaderButton(ACol : Integer; const AText : string);
- ARect : TRect;
- DTFormat : Word;
- ARect := CellRect(ACol, 0);
- if not DefaultDrawing then with Canvas do begin
- Brush.Style := bsSolid;
- Brush.Color := clBtnface;
- FillRect(ARect);
- if FButtonDown then
- Pen.Color := clBtnHighlight
- else
- Pen.Color := clBtnShadow;
- MoveTo(ARect.Left, ARect.Bottom - 1);
- LineTo(ARect.Right - 1, ARect.Bottom - 1);
- LineTo(ARect.Right - 1, ARect.Top -1);
- if FButtonDown then
- Pen.Color := clBtnShadow
- else
- Pen.Color := clBtnHighlight;
- MoveTo(ARect.Left, ARect.Bottom - 2);
- LineTo(ARect.Left, ARect.Top);
- LineTo(ARect.Right - 1, ARect.Top);
- Brush.Style := bsClear;
- end;
- ARect.Right := ARect.Left + ColWidths[ACol];
- if FSortCol = ACol then
- ARect.Right := ARect.Right - 5 - (2 * (ARect.Bottom - ARect.Top) div 10);
-{$IFDEF UsingCLX}
- { prefix is off by default in Qt}
- DTFormat := Integer(AlignmentFlags_AlignVCenter) or
- Integer(AlignmentFlags_SingleLine) or
- Integer(AlignmentFlags_AlignHCenter);
- if FButtonDown then
- ARect := Rect(ARect.Left+1, ARect.Top+1, ARect.Right, ARect.Bottom);
-{$IFDEF UsingCLX}
- Canvas.TextRect(ARect, ARect.Left, ARect.Top, AText, DTFormat);
- DrawText(Canvas.Handle, PChar(AText), -1, ARect, DTFormat);
- if FSortCol = ACol then
- DrawSortArrow;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseViewer.DrawSortArrow;
- ARect : TRect;
- SavedColor : TColor;
- if (FSortCol > -1) then begin
- { set up Rect for the OnDrawSortArrow event }
- ARect := CellRect(FSortCol, 0);
- ARect.Top := (ARect.Bottom - ARect.Top) div 10;
- ARect.Bottom := ARect.Bottom - ARect.Top;
- ARect.Right := ARect.Left + ColWidths[FSortCol] - 5;
- ARect.Left := ARect.Right - ((ARect.Bottom - ARect.Top));
- if Assigned(FOnDrawSortArrow) then begin
- FOnDrawSortArrow(Self, FSortCol, FRowMap.SortAscending, Canvas, ARect);
- Exit;
- end;
- { make ARect smaller for our own drawing }
- inc(ARect.Left, 10);
- inc(ARect.Top, 5);
- dec(ARect.Bottom, 5);
- with Canvas do begin
- Pen.Color := clBtnShadow;
- SavedColor := Brush.Color;
- Brush.Color := clBtnFace;
- with ARect do
- if FRowMap.SortAscending then begin
- Polygon([Point(((Right-Left)div 2)+Left, Bottom), Point(Right, Top),
- Point(Left, Top)]);
- if Ctl3D then begin
- Pen.Color := clBtnHighlight;
- MoveTo(((Right-Left)div 2)+Left, Bottom);
- LineTo(Right, Top);
- end;
- end else begin
- Polygon([Point(((Right-Left)div 2)+Left, Top), Point(Right, Bottom),
- Point(Left, Bottom)]);
- if Ctl3D then begin
- Pen.Color := clBtnHighlight;
- MoveTo(((Right-Left)div 2)+Left, Top);
- LineTo(Right, Bottom);
- LineTo(Left, Bottom);
- Pen.Color := clBtnShadow;
- LineTo(((Right-Left)div 2)+Left, Top);
- end;
- end;
- Brush.Color := SavedColor;
- end;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbBaseViewer.DrawTextFormat(Attr : TAbViewAttribute;
- var Rect : TRect) : Word;
- case Attr of
- vaItemname : Result := Result or DT_LEFT;
- vaPacked : Result := Result or DT_RIGHT;
- vaFileSize : Result := Result or DT_RIGHT;
- vaMethod : Result := Result or DT_CENTER;
- vaRatio : Result := Result or DT_CENTER;
- vaCRC : Result := Result or DT_CENTER;
- vaFileAttributes : Result := Result or DT_CENTER;
- vaFileType : Result := Result or DT_CENTER;
- vaEncryption : Result := Result or DT_CENTER;
- vaTimeStamp : Result := Result or DT_LEFT;
- vaVersionMade : Result := Result or DT_CENTER;
- vaVersionNeeded : Result := Result or DT_CENTER;
- vaPath : Result := Result or DT_LEFT;
- end;
- if (Result and 3) = DT_LEFT then
- OffsetRect(Rect, 5, 0)
- else if (Result and 3) = DT_RIGHT then
- OffsetRect(Rect, -5, 0);
- Result := Integer(AlignmentFlags_AlignVCenter) or
- Integer(AlignmentFlags_SingleLine);
- case Attr of
- vaItemname : Result := Result or Integer(AlignmentFlags_AlignLeft);
- vaPacked : Result := Result or Integer(AlignmentFlags_AlignRight);
- vaFileSize : Result := Result or Integer(AlignmentFlags_AlignRight);
- vaMethod : Result := Result or Integer(AlignmentFlags_AlignCenter);
- vaRatio : Result := Result or Integer(AlignmentFlags_AlignCenter);
- vaCRC : Result := Result or Integer(AlignmentFlags_AlignCenter);
- vaFileAttributes : Result := Result or Integer(AlignmentFlags_AlignCenter);
- vaFileType : Result := Result or Integer(AlignmentFlags_AlignCenter);
- vaEncryption : Result := Result or Integer(AlignmentFlags_AlignCenter);
- vaTimeStamp : Result := Result or Integer(AlignmentFlags_AlignLeft);
- vaVersionMade : Result := Result or Integer(AlignmentFlags_AlignCenter);
- vaVersionNeeded : Result := Result or Integer(AlignmentFlags_AlignCenter);
- vaPath : Result := Result or Integer(AlignmentFlags_AlignLeft);
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbBaseViewer.GetActiveRow : Longint;
- Result := Row - 1;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbBaseViewer.GetCount : Longint;
- if Assigned(FItemList) then
- Result := FItemList.Count
- else
- Result := 0;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbBaseViewer.GetHeaderRowHeight : Integer;
- Result := RowHeights[AbHeaderRow];
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbBaseViewer.GetIcon(const ItemName : string) : HIcon;
- i : Longint;
- t : string;
- Result := 0;
- if not (doShowIcons in FDisplayOptions) then
- Exit;
- t := ExtractFileExt(ItemName);
- i := FIcons.IndexOf(t);
- if (i > -1) then
- Result := HIcon(FIcons.Objects[i])
- else begin
- SHGetFileInfo(PChar(t), FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, sfi, sizeof(sfi),
- Result := sfi.hIcon;
- FIcons.AddObject(t, Pointer(Result));
- end;
-{$IFDEF UsingCLX }
- { no file type icons in CLX }
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbBaseViewer.GetSelCount : Longint;
- Result := FSelList.SelCount;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbBaseViewer.GetSelected(RowNum : Longint) : Boolean;
- if Assigned(FItemList) then
- Result := FSelList.IsSelected(FRowMap[RowNum])
- else
- Result := False;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbBaseViewer.GetVersion : string;
- Result := AbVersionS;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseViewer.InitColMap;
- cResString: array[TAbViewAttribute] of string = (AbItemNameHeadingS,
- AbPackedHeadingS, AbMethodHeadingS, AbRatioHeadingS, AbCRCHeadingS,
- AbFileAttrHeadingS, AbFileFormatHeadingS, AbEncryptionHeadingS,
- AbTimeStampHeadingS, AbFileSizeHeadingS, AbVersionMadeHeadingS,
- AbVersionNeededHeadingS, AbPathHeadingS);
- i : TAbViewAttribute;
- FHeadings.Clear;
- for i := Low(TAbViewAttribute) to High(TAbViewAttribute) do begin
- FHeadings.Add(cResString[i]);
- FColMap[i] := Ord(i);
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseViewer.InvalidateRow(ARow: Longint);
- Rect: TRect;
- if not HandleAllocated then
- Exit;
- if ((ARow < TopRow) or (ARow > TopRow + VisibleRowCount)) and (ARow <> 0) then
- Exit;
- Rect := CellRect(0, ARow);
- Rect.Right := ClientWidth;
-{$IFDEF UsingCLX}
- InvalidateRect(Rect, False);
- InvalidateRect(Handle, @Rect, True);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseViewer.KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
- FShiftState := Shift;
- inherited KeyDown(Key, Shift);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseViewer.KeyUp(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
- FShiftState := Shift;
- inherited KeyUp(Key, Shift);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseViewer.Loaded;
- inherited Loaded;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseViewer.MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton;
- Shift: TShiftState; X, Y : Integer);
- function GetMinLen(Col: Integer): Word;
- var
- I, L : Integer;
- s : String;
- aItem : TAbArchiveItem;
- Attr : TAbViewAttribute;
- Sorted : Boolean;
- begin
- Attr := TAbViewAttribute(ColMap(Col));
- Result := Canvas.TextWidth(FHeadings[ColMap(Col)]);
- case Attr of
- vaItemName : Sorted := saItemName in FSortAttributes;
- vaPacked : Sorted := saPacked in FSortAttributes;
- vaRatio : Sorted := saRatio in FSortAttributes;
- vaTimeStamp: Sorted := saTimeStamp in FSortAttributes;
- vaFileSize : Sorted := saFileSize in FSortAttributes;
- vaPath : Sorted := saPath in FSortAttributes;
- else Sorted := False;
- end;
- if Sorted then
- Result := Result + RowHeights[0] + 16
- else
- Result := Result + 8;
- if Assigned(FItemList) then
- for I := 0 to (FItemList.Count-1) do begin
- aItem := FItemList.Items[I];
- S := AttrToStr(Attr, aItem);
- L := Canvas.TextWidth(S) + 8;
- if (doShowIcons in FDisplayOptions) and (Attr = vaItemName) then
- inc(L, RowHeights[I]);
- if L > Result then
- Result := L;
- end;
- end;
- ACol : Longint;
- ARow : Longint;
- Rect : TRect;
- ViewMouseCoord := MouseCoord(X, Y);
- inherited MouseDown(Button, Shift, X, Y);
- FShiftState := Shift;
- { handle double clicks on header row dividers }
- if (ssDouble in FShiftState) and (ViewMouseCoord.Y = AbHeaderRow) then begin
- FColSizing := True;
- Rect := CellRect(ViewMouseCoord.X, ViewMouseCoord.Y);
- Rect.Left := Rect.Right - 3;
- if PtInRect(Rect, Point(X, Y)) then begin
- ColWidths[MouseCoord(Rect.Left, Y).X] :=
- GetMinLen(MouseCoord(Rect.Left, Y).X)
- end
- else begin
- Rect := CellRect(ViewMouseCoord.X, ViewMouseCoord.Y);
- Rect.Right := Rect.Left + 4;
- if PtInRect(Rect, Point(X, Y)) then
- ColWidths[MouseCoord(Rect.Left, Y).X-1] :=
- GetMinLen(MouseCoord(Rect.Left, Y).X-1);
- end;
- end;
- { if grid is being resized }
- if (FGridState = gsColSizing) then begin
- FColSizing := True;
- Exit; {dont press button when resizing column}
- end;
- { refresh the headers}
- if Assigned(FItemList) then
- if (FItemList.Count > 0) then begin
- ARow := ViewMouseCoord.Y;
- ACol := ViewMouseCoord.X;
- if (ARow = abHeaderRow) then begin
- {if not (doColMove in FDisplayOptions) then}
- if not (doColMove in FDisplayOptions) and not FColSizing then
- FButtonDown := True;
- RefreshCell(0, ACol);
- end else if not (ssShift in Shift) then
- RowAnchor := ActiveRow;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseViewer.MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton;
- Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
- ACol : Longint;
- ARow : Longint;
- Attr : TAbViewAttribute;
- SortAttribute : TAbSortAttribute;
- inherited MouseUp(Button, Shift, X, Y);
- if csDesigning in ComponentState then Exit;
- FShiftState := Shift;
- FButtonDown := False;
- if FColSizing then begin
- Refresh;
- FColSizing := False;
- end else
- if Assigned(FItemList) then
- if (FItemList.Count > 0) then begin
- ARow := ViewMouseCoord.Y;
- ACol := ViewMouseCoord.X;
- if (ARow = abHeaderRow) then begin
- Attr := TAbViewAttribute(ColMap(ACol));
- if not FColMoving and
- AttrToSortAttribute(Attr, SortAttribute) and
- (SortAttribute in FSortAttributes) then begin
- FSortCol := ACol;
- FItemIndex := FRowMap[Row-1];
- FRowMap.SortBy(SortAttribute, FItemList);
- FButtonDown := False;
- RefreshCell(0, ACol);
- if (doTrackActiveRow in FDisplayOptions) then
- Row := FRowMap.InvRows[FItemIndex] + 1;
- Refresh;
- DoSorted(Attr);
- end else begin
- FButtonDown := False;
- RefreshCell(0, ACol);
- end;
- end else
- Paint;
- end;
- FColMoving := False;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseViewer.MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
- inherited MouseMove(Shift, X, Y);
- if (FGridState = gsColMoving) then
- FColMoving := True;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseViewer.MoveColumn(FromCol, ToCol : Integer);
- temp, i : Integer;
- Temp := ColMap(FromCol);
- if (FromCol < ToCol) then begin
- for i := (FromCol + 1) to ToCol do
- FColMap[TAbViewAttribute(i-1)] := FColMap[TAbViewAttribute(i)]; {Shift left}
- end else begin
- for i := (FromCol - 1) downto ToCol do
- FColMap[TAbViewAttribute(i+1)] := FColMap[TAbViewAttribute(i)]; {Shift right}
- end;
- FColMap[TAbViewAttribute(ToCol)] := Temp;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseViewer.RefreshCell(ARow, ACol: Longint);
- Rect: TRect;
- if not HandleAllocated then
- Exit;
- Rect := CellRect(ACol, ARow);
-{$IFDEF UsingCLX}
- InvalidateRect(Rect, False);
- InvalidateRect(Handle, @Rect, False);
- Update;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseViewer.RefreshRow(ARow: Longint);
- InvalidateRow(ARow);
- Update;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseViewer.SelectAll;
- if Assigned(FItemList) then
- if (FItemList.Count > 0) then begin
- FSelList.SelectAll(FItemList.Count);
- Invalidate;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseViewer.SetActiveRow(RowNum : Longint);
- if Assigned(FItemList) then
- if (RowNum >= 0) and (RowNum < FItemList.Count) then
- Row := RowNum + 1;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseViewer.SetAttributes(Value : TAbViewAttributes);
- FAttributes := Value;
- ColCount := UpdateColCount(FAttributes);
- DoChange(Self);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseViewer.SetDisplayOptions(Value : TAbDisplayOptions);
- {maps DisplayOptions to TGridOptions}
- FDisplayOptions := Value;
- Options := [goFixedVertLine, goFixedHorzLine, goRowSelect];
-{$IFDEF HasGridDrawingStyle}
- Options := Options + [goFixedRowClick]; // Highlight pressed header when themed
- if (doColLines in Value) then
- Options := Options + [goVertLine];
- if (doColMove in Value) then
- Options := Options + [goColMoving];
- if (doColSizing in Value) then
- Options := Options + [goColSizing];
- if (doRowLines in Value) then
- Options := Options + [goHorzLine];
- if (doThumbTrack in Value) then
- Options := Options + [goThumbTracking];
- DoChange(nil);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseViewer.SetHeaderRowHeight(Value : Integer);
- RowHeights[abHeaderRow] := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseViewer.SetHeadings(Value: TAbColHeadings);
- Headings.Assign(Value);
- Refresh;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseViewer.SetSortAttributes(Value : TAbSortAttributes);
- FSortAttributes := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseViewer.SetSelected(RowNum : Longint; Value: Boolean);
- if Assigned(FItemList) then
- case Value of
- True : FSelList.Select(FRowMap[RowNum]);
- False : FSelList.Deselect(FRowMap[RowNum]);
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseViewer.SetVersion(const Value : string);
- {NOP}
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseViewer.TopLeftChanged;
- if FAllowInvalidate then
- Invalidate;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbBaseViewer.UpdateColCount(Attributes : TAbViewAttributes) : Integer;
- i : TAbViewAttribute;
- Result := 0;
- for i := Low(TAbViewAttribute) to High(TAbViewAttribute) do begin
- if (i in Attributes) then begin
- FColMap[TAbViewAttribute(Result)] := Ord(i);
- Inc(Result);
- end;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-{$IFDEF UsingCLX}
-procedure TAbBaseViewer.SizeChanged(OldColCount, OldRowCount: Longint);
- inherited SizeChanged(OldColCount, OldRowCount);
- Refresh;
-procedure TAbBaseViewer.WMSize(var Msg: TWMSize);
- inherited;
- Refresh;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbBaseViewer.WMEraseBkgnd(var Msg: TWMEraseBkgnd);
- Msg.Result := -1;
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbWavPack.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbWavPack.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 6bab507..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbWavPack.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Craig Peterson
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2011
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- * Craig Peterson
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbWavPack.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: WavPack decompression procedures *}
-unit AbWavPack;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- Classes;
-// Decompress a WavPack compressed stream from aSrc and write to aDes.
-// aSrc must not allow reads past the compressed data.
-procedure DecompressWavPack(aSrc, aDes: TStream);
- AbCrtl,
- Math,
- SysUtils;
-// Compile using
-// bcc32 -DWIN32 -DNO_USE_FSTREAMS -c -w-8004 -w-8012 -w-8017 -w-8057 -w-8065 *.c
-// In wavpack_local.h remove the line "#define FASTCALL __fastcall"
-{ C runtime library ======================================================== }
-function fabs(x: Double): Double; cdecl;
- if x < 0 then Result := -1
- else Result := x
-function floor(x: Double): Integer; cdecl;
- Result := Floor(x);
-function labs(n: Integer): Integer; cdecl;
- if n < 0 then Result := -n
- else Result := n;
-function _stricmp(str1, str2: PAnsiChar): Integer; cdecl;
- external 'msvcrt.dll' name '_stricmp';
-function strncmp(str1, str2: PAnsiChar; num: Integer): Integer; cdecl;
- external 'msvcrt.dll' {$IFDEF BCB}name '_strncmp'{$ENDIF};
-{ Forward declarations ===================================================== }
-// bits.c
-procedure bs_open_read; external;
-procedure bs_close_read; external;
-procedure bs_open_write; external;
-procedure bs_close_write; external;
-procedure little_endian_to_native; external;
-procedure native_to_little_endian; external;
-// extra1.c
-procedure execute_mono; external;
-// extra2.c
-procedure execute_stereo; external;
-// float.c
-procedure float_values; external;
-procedure read_float_info; external;
-procedure scan_float_data; external;
-procedure send_float_data; external;
-procedure WavpackFloatNormalize; external;
-procedure write_float_info; external;
-// metadata.c
-procedure add_to_metadata; external;
-procedure copy_metadata; external;
-procedure free_metadata; external;
-procedure process_metadata; external;
-procedure read_metadata_buff; external;
-procedure write_metadata_block; external;
-// pack.c
-procedure pack_block; external;
-procedure pack_init; external;
-// tags.c
-procedure load_tag; external;
-procedure valid_tag; external;
-// unpack.c
-procedure check_crc_error; external;
-procedure free_tag; external;
-procedure unpack_init; external;
-procedure unpack_samples; external;
-// unpack3.c
-procedure free_stream3; external;
-procedure get_version3; external;
-procedure get_sample_index3; external;
-procedure open_file3; external;
-procedure seek_sample3; external;
-procedure unpack_samples3; external;
-// words.c
-procedure exp2s; external;
-procedure flush_word; external;
-procedure get_word; external;
-procedure get_words_lossless; external;
-procedure init_words; external;
-procedure log2s; external;
-procedure log2buffer; external;
-procedure nosend_word; external;
-procedure read_hybrid_profile; external;
-procedure read_entropy_vars; external;
-procedure restore_weight; external;
-procedure scan_word; external;
-procedure send_word; external;
-procedure send_words_lossless; external;
-procedure store_weight; external;
-procedure write_entropy_vars; external;
-procedure write_hybrid_profile; external;
-{ Linker derectives ======================================================== }
- {$L Win32\wv_bits.obj}
- {$L Win32\wv_extra1.obj}
- {$L Win32\wv_extra2.obj}
- {$L Win32\wv_float.obj}
- {$L Win32\wv_metadata.obj}
- {$L Win32\wv_pack.obj}
- {$L Win32\wv_tags.obj}
- {$L Win32\wv_unpack.obj}
- {$L Win32\wv_unpack3.obj}
- {$L Win32\wv_words.obj}
- {$L Win32\wv_wputils.obj}
- {$L Win64\wv_bits.obj}
- {$L Win64\wv_extra1.obj}
- {$L Win64\wv_extra2.obj}
- {$L Win64\wv_float.obj}
- {$L Win64\wv_metadata.obj}
- {$L Win64\wv_pack.obj}
- {$L Win64\wv_tags.obj}
- {$L Win64\wv_unpack.obj}
- {$L Win64\wv_unpack3.obj}
- {$L Win64\wv_words.obj}
- {$L Win64\wv_wputils.obj}
-{ wavpack_local.h ========================================================== }
- OPEN_WVC = $1; // open/read "correction" file
- OPEN_TAGS = $2; // read ID3v1 / APEv2 tags (seekable file)
- OPEN_WRAPPER = $4; // make audio wrapper available (i.e. RIFF)
- OPEN_2CH_MAX = $8; // open multichannel as stereo (no downmix)
- OPEN_NORMALIZE = $10; // normalize floating point data to +/- 1.0
- OPEN_STREAMING = $20; // "streaming" mode blindly unpacks blocks
- // w/o regard to header file position info
- OPEN_EDIT_TAGS = $40; // allow editing of tags
- int32_t = LongInt;
- uint32_t = LongWord;
- WavpackStreamReader = record
- read_bytes: function(id, data: Pointer; bcount: int32_t): int32_t; cdecl;
- get_pos: function(id: Pointer): uint32_t; cdecl;
- set_pos_abs: function(id: Pointer; pos: uint32_t): Integer; cdecl;
- set_pos_rel: function(id: Pointer; delta: int32_t; mode: Integer): Integer; cdecl;
- push_back_byte: function(id: Pointer; c: Integer): Integer; cdecl;
- get_length: function(id: Pointer): uint32_t; cdecl;
- can_seek: function(id: Pointer): Integer; cdecl;
- write_bytes: function(id, data: Pointer; bcount: int32_t): int32_t; cdecl;
- end;
- WavpackContext = Pointer;
-{ wputils.c ================================================================ }
-function WavpackOpenFileInputEx(const reader: WavpackStreamReader;
- wv_id, wvc_id: Pointer; error: PAnsiChar; flags, norm_offset: Integer): WavpackContext;
- cdecl; external;
-function WavpackGetWrapperBytes(wpc: WavpackContext): uint32_t; cdecl; external;
-function WavpackGetWrapperData(wpc: WavpackContext): PByte; cdecl; external;
-procedure WavpackFreeWrapper (wpc: WavpackContext); cdecl; external;
-procedure WavpackSeekTrailingWrapper(wpc: WavpackContext); cdecl; external;
-function WavpackGetNumSamples(wpc: WavpackContext): uint32_t; cdecl; external;
-function WavpackGetNumChannels(wpc: WavpackContext): Integer; cdecl; external;
-function WavpackGetBytesPerSample (wpc: WavpackContext): Integer; cdecl; external;
-function WavpackUnpackSamples(wpc: WavpackContext; buffer: Pointer;
- samples: uint32_t): uint32_t; cdecl; external;
-function WavpackCloseFile(wpc: WavpackContext): WavpackContext; cdecl; external;
-{ TWavPackStream implementation ============================================ }
- PWavPackStream = ^TWavPackStream;
- TWavPackStream = record
- HasPushedByte: Boolean;
- PushedByte: Byte;
- Stream: TStream;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TWavPackStream_read_bytes(id, data: Pointer; bcount: int32_t): int32_t; cdecl;
- if PWavPackStream(id).HasPushedByte then begin
- PByte(data)^ := PWavPackStream(id).PushedByte;
- PWavPackStream(id).HasPushedByte := False;
- Inc(PByte(data));
- Dec(bcount);
- if bcount = 0 then
- Result := 1
- else
- Result := PWavPackStream(id).Stream.Read(data^, bcount) + 1;
- end
- else
- Result := PWavPackStream(id).Stream.Read(data^, bcount);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TWavPackStream_get_pos(id: Pointer): uint32_t; cdecl;
- Result := PWavPackStream(id).Stream.Position;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TWavPackStream_set_pos_abs(id: Pointer; pos: uint32_t): Integer; cdecl;
- PWavPackStream(id).Stream.Position := pos;
- Result := 0;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TWavPackStream_set_pos_rel(id: Pointer; delta: int32_t;
- mode: Integer): Integer; cdecl;
- PWavPackStream(id).Stream.Seek(delta, mode);
- Result := 1;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TWavPackStream_push_back_byte(id: Pointer; c: Integer): Integer; cdecl;
- Assert(not PWavPackStream(id).HasPushedByte);
- PWavPackStream(id).HasPushedByte := True;
- PWavPackStream(id).PushedByte := Byte(c);
- Result := 1;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TWavPackStream_get_length(id: Pointer): uint32_t; cdecl;
- Result := PWavPackStream(id).Stream.Size;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TWavPackStream_can_seek(id: Pointer): Integer; cdecl;
- Result := 1;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TWavPackStream_write_bytes(id, data: Pointer;
- bcount: int32_t): int32_t; cdecl;
- Result := PWavPackStream(id).Stream.Write(data^, bcount);
-{ Decompression routines =================================================== }
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-// Reformat samples from longs in processor's native endian mode to
-// little-endian data with (possibly) less than 4 bytes / sample.
-// Based on wvunpack.c::format_samples.
-// Conversions simplified since we only support little-endian processors
-function FormatSamples(bps: Integer; dst, src: PByte; samcnt: uint32_t): PByte;
- sample: LongWord;
- while samcnt > 0 do begin
- Dec(samcnt);
- // Get next sample
- sample := PLongWord(src)^;
- // Convert and write to output
- case bps of
- 1: begin
- dst^ := sample + 128;
- end;
- 2: begin
- PWord(dst)^ := sample;
- end;
- 3: begin
- PByteArray(dst)[0] := sample;
- PByteArray(dst)[1] := sample shr 8;
- PByteArray(dst)[2] := sample shr 16;
- end;
- 4: begin
- PLongWord(dst)^ := sample;
- end;
- end;
- Inc(src, SizeOf(LongWord));
- Inc(dst, bps);
- end;
- Result := dst;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-// Decompress a WavPack compressed stream from aSrc and write to aDes.
-// aSrc must not allow reads past the compressed data.
-// Based on wvunpack.c::unpack_file()
-procedure DecompressWavPack(aSrc, aDes: TStream);
- PtrInt = {$IF DEFINED(CPUX64)}Int64{$ELSE}LongInt{$IFEND};
- OutputBufSize = 256 * 1024;
- StreamReader: WavpackStreamReader;
- Context: WavpackContext;
- Src: TWavpackStream;
- Error: array[0..79] of AnsiChar;
- SamplesToUnpack, SamplesUnpacked: uint32_t;
- NumChannels, bps, BytesPerSample: Integer;
- OutputBuf, OutputPtr: PByte;
- DecodeBuf: Pointer;
- OutputBuf := nil;
- DecodeBuf := nil;
- StreamReader.read_bytes := TWavPackStream_read_bytes;
- StreamReader.get_pos := TWavPackStream_get_pos;
- StreamReader.set_pos_abs := TWavPackStream_set_pos_abs;
- StreamReader.set_pos_rel := TWavPackStream_set_pos_rel;
- StreamReader.push_back_byte := TWavPackStream_push_back_byte;
- StreamReader.get_length := TWavPackStream_get_length;
- StreamReader.can_seek := TWavPackStream_can_seek;
- StreamReader.write_bytes := TWavPackStream_write_bytes;
- FillChar(Src, SizeOf(Src), 0);
- Src.Stream := aSrc;
- Context := WavpackOpenFileInputEx(StreamReader, @Src, nil, Error, OPEN_WRAPPER, 0);
- if Context = nil then
- raise Exception.Create('WavPack decompression failed: ' + Error);
- try
- // Write .wav header
- if WavpackGetWrapperBytes(Context) > 0 then begin
- aDes.WriteBuffer(WavpackGetWrapperData(Context)^, WavpackGetWrapperBytes(Context));
- WavpackFreeWrapper(Context);
- end;
- NumChannels := WavpackGetNumChannels(Context);
- bps := WavpackGetBytesPerSample(Context);
- BytesPerSample := NumChannels * bps;
- GetMem(OutputBuf, OutputBufSize);
- OutputPtr := OutputBuf;
- GetMem(DecodeBuf, 4096 * NumChannels * SizeOf(Integer));
- repeat
- // Unpack samples
- SamplesToUnpack := (OutputBufSize - (PtrInt(OutputPtr) - PtrInt(OutputBuf))) div BytesPerSample;
- if (SamplesToUnpack > 4096) then
- SamplesToUnpack := 4096;
- SamplesUnpacked := WavpackUnpackSamples(Context, DecodeBuf, SamplesToUnpack);
- // Convert from 32-bit integers down to appriopriate bit depth
- // and copy to output buffer.
- if (SamplesUnpacked > 0) then
- OutputPtr := FormatSamples(bps, OutputPtr, DecodeBuf,
- SamplesUnpacked * uint32_t(NumChannels));
- // Write output when it's full or when we're done
- if (SamplesUnpacked = 0) or
- ((OutputBufSize - (PtrInt(OutputPtr) - PtrInt(OutputBuf))) < BytesPerSample) then begin
- aDes.WriteBuffer(OutputBuf^, PtrInt(OutputPtr) - PtrInt(OutputBuf));
- OutputPtr := OutputBuf;
- end;
- until (SamplesUnpacked = 0);
- // Write .wav footer
- while WavpackGetWrapperBytes(Context) > 0 do begin
- try
- aDes.WriteBuffer(WavpackGetWrapperData(Context)^,
- WavpackGetWrapperBytes(Context));
- finally
- WavpackFreeWrapper(Context);
- end;
- // Check for more RIFF data
- WavpackUnpackSamples (Context, DecodeBuf, 1);
- end;
- finally
- if DecodeBuf <> nil then
- FreeMemory(DecodeBuf);
- if OutputBuf <> nil then
- FreeMemory(OutputBuf);
- WavpackCloseFile(Context);
- end;
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbZBrows.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbZBrows.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 150913a..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbZBrows.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,366 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- * Craig Peterson
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbZBrows.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Zip file Browser Component *}
-unit AbZBrows;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- Classes,
- AbArcTyp, AbBrowse, AbSpanSt, AbZipTyp;
- TAbCustomZipBrowser = class(TAbBaseBrowser)
- private
- function GetTarAutoHandle: Boolean;
- procedure SetTarAutoHandle(const Value: Boolean);
- protected {private}
- FPassword : AnsiString;
- FOnRequestLastDisk : TAbRequestDiskEvent;
- FOnRequestNthDisk : TAbRequestNthDiskEvent;
- FOnRequestBlankDisk : TAbRequestDiskEvent;
- FTarAutoHandle : Boolean;
- protected {methods}
- function GetItem(Index : Integer) : TAbZipItem; virtual;
- function GetStream: TStream;
- function GetZipfileComment : AnsiString;
- procedure InitArchive;
- override;
- procedure SetFileName(const aFileName : string);
- override;
- procedure SetStream(aValue: TStream);
- procedure SetOnRequestLastDisk(Value : TAbRequestDiskEvent);
- procedure SetOnRequestNthDisk(Value : TAbRequestNthDiskEvent);
- procedure SetOnRequestBlankDisk(Value : TAbRequestDiskEvent);
- procedure SetPassword(const Value : AnsiString);
- procedure SetZipfileComment(const Value : AnsiString);
- virtual;
- protected {properties}
- property Password : AnsiString
- read FPassword
- write SetPassword;
- protected {events}
- property OnRequestLastDisk : TAbRequestDiskEvent
- read FOnRequestLastDisk
- write SetOnRequestLastDisk;
- property OnRequestNthDisk : TAbRequestNthDiskEvent
- read FOnRequestNthDisk
- write SetOnRequestNthDisk;
- property OnRequestBlankDisk : TAbRequestDiskEvent
- read FOnRequestBlankDisk
- write SetOnRequestBlankDisk;
- public {methods}
- constructor Create(AOwner : TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- public {properties}
- property Items[Index : Integer] : TAbZipItem
- read GetItem; default;
- property Stream : TStream // This can be used instead of Filename
- read GetStream write SetStream;
- property ZipArchive : {TAbZipArchive} TAbArchive
- read FArchive;
- property ZipfileComment : AnsiString
- read GetZipfileComment
- write SetZipfileComment;
- property TarAutoHandle : Boolean
- read GetTarAutoHandle
- write SetTarAutoHandle;
- end;
- TAbZipBrowser = class(TAbCustomZipBrowser)
- published
- property ArchiveProgressMeter;
- property ItemProgressMeter;
- property BaseDirectory;
- property LogFile;
- property Logging;
- property OnArchiveProgress;
- property OnArchiveItemProgress;
- property OnChange;
- property OnConfirmProcessItem;
- property OnLoad;
- property OnProcessItemFailure;
- property OnRequestLastDisk;
- property OnRequestNthDisk;
- property Version;
- property TarAutoHandle;
- property FileName; {must be after OnLoad}
- end;
- SysUtils, AbBzip2Typ, AbExcept, AbGzTyp, AbTarTyp, AbUtils;
-{ TAbCustomZipBrowser implementation ======================================= }
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-constructor TAbCustomZipBrowser.Create(AOwner : TComponent);
- inherited Create(AOwner);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-destructor TAbCustomZipBrowser.Destroy;
- inherited Destroy;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbCustomZipBrowser.GetItem(Index : Integer) : TAbZipItem;
- Result := TAbZipItem(ZipArchive.ItemList[Index]);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbCustomZipBrowser.GetStream: TStream;
- if FArchive <> nil then
- Result := FArchive.FStream
- else
- Result := nil
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbCustomZipBrowser.GetTarAutoHandle: Boolean;
- Result := False;
- if FArchive is TAbGzipArchive then
- Result := TAbGzipArchive(FArchive).TarAutoHandle
- else if FArchive is TAbBzip2Archive then
- Result := TAbBzip2Archive(FArchive).TarAutoHandle;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbCustomZipBrowser.GetZipfileComment : AnsiString;
- if FArchive is TAbZipArchive then
- Result := TAbZipArchive(FArchive).ZipfileComment
- else
- Result := '';
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipBrowser.InitArchive;
- inherited InitArchive;
- if FArchive is TAbZipArchive then begin
- {properties}
- TAbZipArchive(FArchive).Password := FPassword;
- {events}
- TAbZipArchive(FArchive).OnRequestLastDisk := FOnRequestLastDisk;
- TAbZipArchive(FArchive).OnRequestNthDisk := FOnRequestNthDisk;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipBrowser.SetFileName(const aFileName : string);
- ArcType : TAbArchiveType;
- FFileName := aFileName;
- if csDesigning in ComponentState then
- Exit;
- try
- if Assigned(FArchive) then begin
- FArchive.Save;
- end;
- except
- end;
- FArchive.Free;
- FArchive := nil;
- if FileName <> '' then begin
- if FileExists(FileName) then begin { open it }
- ArcType := ArchiveType;
- if not ForceType then
- ArcType := AbDetermineArcType(FileName, atUnknown);
- case ArcType of
- atZip, atSpannedZip, atSelfExtZip : begin
- FArchive := TAbZipArchive.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone);
- InitArchive;
- end;
- atTar : begin
- FArchive := TAbTarArchive.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone);
- inherited InitArchive;
- end;
- atGZip : begin
- FArchive := TAbGzipArchive.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone);
- TAbGzipArchive(FArchive).TarAutoHandle := FTarAutoHandle;
- TAbGzipArchive(FArchive).IsGzippedTar := False;
- inherited InitArchive;
- end;
- atGZippedTar : begin
- FArchive := TAbGzipArchive.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone);
- TAbGzipArchive(FArchive).TarAutoHandle := FTarAutoHandle;
- TAbGzipArchive(FArchive).IsGzippedTar := True;
- inherited InitArchive;
- end;
- atBzip2 : begin
- FArchive := TAbBzip2Archive.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone);
- TAbBzip2Archive(FArchive).TarAutoHandle := FTarAutoHandle;
- TAbBzip2Archive(FArchive).IsBzippedTar := False;
- inherited InitArchive;
- end;
- atBzippedTar : begin
- FArchive := TAbBzip2Archive.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone);
- TAbBzip2Archive(FArchive).TarAutoHandle := FTarAutoHandle;
- TAbBzip2Archive(FArchive).IsBzippedTar := True;
- inherited InitArchive;
- end;
- else
- raise EAbUnhandledType.Create;
- end {case};
- FArchive.Load;
- FArchiveType := ArcType;
- end;
- end;
- DoChange;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipBrowser.SetStream(aValue: TStream);
- ArcType : TAbArchiveType;
- FFileName := '';
- try
- if FArchive <> nil then
- FArchive.Save;
- except
- end;
- FreeAndNil(FArchive);
- if aValue <> nil then begin
- ArcType := ArchiveType;
- if not ForceType then
- ArcType := AbDetermineArcType(aValue);
- case ArcType of
- atZip, atSpannedZip, atSelfExtZip : begin
- FArchive := TAbZipArchive.CreateFromStream(aValue, '');
- end;
- atTar : begin
- FArchive := TAbTarArchive.CreateFromStream(aValue, '');
- end;
- atGZip, atGZippedTar : begin
- FArchive := TAbGzipArchive.CreateFromStream(aValue, '');
- TAbGzipArchive(FArchive).TarAutoHandle := FTarAutoHandle;
- TAbGzipArchive(FArchive).IsGzippedTar := (ArcType = atGZippedTar);
- end;
- atBzip2, atBzippedTar : begin
- FArchive := TAbBzip2Archive.CreateFromStream(aValue, '');
- TAbBzip2Archive(FArchive).TarAutoHandle := FTarAutoHandle;
- TAbBzip2Archive(FArchive).IsBzippedTar := (ArcType = atBzippedTar);
- end;
- else
- raise EAbUnhandledType.Create;
- end {case};
- InitArchive;
- FArchive.Load;
- FArchiveType := ArcType;
- end;
- DoChange;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipBrowser.SetOnRequestBlankDisk(Value : TAbRequestDiskEvent);
- FOnRequestBlankDisk := Value;
- if FArchive is TAbZipArchive then
- TAbZipArchive(FArchive).OnRequestBlankDisk := FOnRequestBlankDisk;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipBrowser.SetOnRequestLastDisk(Value : TAbRequestDiskEvent);
- FOnRequestLastDisk := Value;
- if FArchive is TAbZipArchive then
- TAbZipArchive(FArchive).OnRequestLastDisk := FOnRequestLastDisk;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipBrowser.SetOnRequestNthDisk(Value : TAbRequestNthDiskEvent);
- FOnRequestNthDisk := Value;
- if FArchive is TAbZipArchive then
- TAbZipArchive(FArchive).OnRequestNthDisk := FOnRequestNthDisk;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipBrowser.SetPassword(const Value : AnsiString);
- FPassword := Value;
- if FArchive is TAbZipArchive then
- TAbZipArchive(FArchive).Password := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipBrowser.SetTarAutoHandle(const Value: Boolean);
- FTarAutoHandle := Value;
- if FArchive is TAbGzipArchive then begin
- if TAbGzipArchive(FArchive).TarAutoHandle <> Value then begin
- TAbGzipArchive(FArchive).TarAutoHandle := Value;
- InitArchive;
- FArchive.Load;
- DoChange;
- end;
- end;
- if FArchive is TAbBzip2Archive then begin
- if TAbBzip2Archive(FArchive).TarAutoHandle <> Value then begin
- TAbBzip2Archive(FArchive).TarAutoHandle := Value;
- InitArchive;
- FArchive.Load;
- DoChange;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TAbCustomZipBrowser.SetZipfileComment(const Value : AnsiString);
- {NOP - descendents wishing to set this property should override}
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbZLTyp.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbZLTyp.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 845d069..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbZLTyp.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,315 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbZLTyp.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: TAbZlItem class *}
-{* Misc. constants, types, and routines for working *}
-{* with ZLib compressed data *}
-{* See: RFC 1950 *}
-{* "ZLIB Compressed Data Format Specification *}
-{* version 3.3" for more information on ZLib *}
-unit AbZLTyp;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- SysUtils, Classes, AbUtils, AbArcTyp, AbZipPrc, AbDfBase, AbDfDec, AbDfEnc;
- AB_ZL_DEF_COMPRESSIONINFO = $7; { 32k window for Deflate }
- AB_ZL_CINFO_MASK = $F0; { mask out leftmost 4 bits }
- AB_ZL_FLEVEL_MASK = $C0; { mask out leftmost 2 bits }
- AB_ZL_CM_MASK = $0F; { mask out rightmost 4 bits }
- TAbZLHeader = packed record
- CMF : Byte;
- FLG : Byte;
- end;
- TAbZLItem = class(TAbArchiveItem)
- private
- function GetCompressionInfo: Byte;
- function GetCompressionLevel: Byte;
- function GetIsPresetDictionaryPresent: Boolean;
- procedure SetCompressionInfo(Value: Byte);
- procedure SetCompressionLevel(Value: Byte);
- function GetCompressionMethod: Byte;
- procedure SetCompressionMethod(Value: Byte);
- function GetFCheck: Byte;
- procedure MakeFCheck;
- protected { private }
- FZLHeader : TAbZlHeader;
- FAdler32 : LongInt;
- public
- constructor Create;
- property IsPresetDictionaryPresent : Boolean
- read GetIsPresetDictionaryPresent;
- property CompressionLevel : Byte
- read GetCompressionLevel write SetCompressionLevel;
- property CompressionInfo : Byte
- read GetCompressionInfo write SetCompressionInfo;
- property CompressionMethod : Byte
- read GetCompressionMethod write SetCompressionMethod;
- property Adler32 : LongInt
- read FAdler32 write FAdler32;
- property FCheck : Byte
- read GetFCheck;
- procedure SaveZLHeaderToStream(AStream : TStream);
- procedure ReadZLHeaderFromStream(AStream : TStream);
- end;
- TAbZLStreamHelper = class(TAbArchiveStreamHelper)
- protected { private }
- FItem : TAbZLItem;
- public
- constructor Create(AStream : TStream);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- property Item : TAbZLItem
- read FItem;
- procedure ExtractItemData(AStream : TStream); override;
- function FindFirstItem : Boolean; override;
- function FindNextItem : Boolean; override;
- procedure ReadHeader; override;
- procedure ReadTail; override;
- function SeekItem(Index : Integer): Boolean; override;
- procedure WriteArchiveHeader; override;
- procedure WriteArchiveItem(AStream : TStream); override;
- procedure WriteArchiveTail; override;
- function GetItemCount : Integer; override;
- end;
-{ TAbZLStreamHelper }
-constructor TAbZLStreamHelper.Create(AStream: TStream);
- inherited Create(AStream);
- FItem := TAbZLItem.Create;
-destructor TAbZLStreamHelper.Destroy;
- FItem.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TAbZLStreamHelper.ExtractItemData(AStream: TStream);
-{ assumes already positioned appropriately }
- Hlpr : TAbDeflateHelper;
- Hlpr := TAbDeflateHelper.Create;
- Hlpr.Options := Hlpr.Options or dfc_UseAdler32;
- if not FItem.IsPresetDictionaryPresent then
- Inflate(FStream, AStream, Hlpr)
- else
- raise Exception.Create('preset dictionaries unsupported');
- Hlpr.Free;
-function TAbZLStreamHelper.FindFirstItem: Boolean;
- ZLH : TAbZLHeader;
- FStream.Seek(0, soBeginning);
- Result := FStream.Read(ZLH, SizeOf(TAbZLHeader)) = SizeOf(TAbZLHeader);
- FItem.FZLHeader := ZLH;
- FStream.Seek(0, soBeginning);
-function TAbZLStreamHelper.FindNextItem: Boolean;
- { only one item in a ZLib Stream }
- Result := FindFirstItem;
-function TAbZLStreamHelper.GetItemCount: Integer;
- { only one item in a ZLib Stream }
- Result := 1;
-procedure TAbZLStreamHelper.ReadHeader;
-{ assumes already positioned appropriately }
- ZLH : TAbZLHeader;
- FStream.Read(ZLH, SizeOf(TAbZlHeader));
- FItem.FZLHeader := ZLH;
-procedure TAbZLStreamHelper.ReadTail;
-{ assumes already positioned appropriately }
- Adler: LongInt;
- FStream.Read(Adler, SizeOf(LongInt));
- FItem.Adler32 := Adler;
-function TAbZLStreamHelper.SeekItem(Index: Integer): Boolean;
- { only one item in a ZLib Stream }
- if Index <> 1 then
- Result := False
- else
- Result := FindFirstItem;
-procedure TAbZLStreamHelper.WriteArchiveHeader;
- Item.SaveZLHeaderToStream(FStream);
-procedure TAbZLStreamHelper.WriteArchiveItem(AStream: TStream);
- Hlpr : TAbDeflateHelper;
- { Compress file }
- Hlpr := TAbDeflateHelper.Create;
- Hlpr.Options := Hlpr.Options or dfc_UseAdler32;
- Item.Adler32 := AbDfEnc.Deflate(AStream, FStream, Hlpr);
- Hlpr.Free;
-procedure TAbZLStreamHelper.WriteArchiveTail;
- Ad32 : LongInt;
- Ad32 := AbSwapLongEndianness(Item.Adler32);
- FStream.Write(Ad32, SizeOf(LongInt));
-{ TAbZLItem }
-constructor TAbZLItem.Create;
- { Set default Values for fields }
- FillChar(FZLHeader, SizeOf(TAbZlHeader), #0);
- FZLHeader.CMF := (AB_ZL_DEF_COMPRESSIONINFO shl 4); { 32k Window size }
- FZLHeader.FLG := FZLHeader.FLG and not AB_ZL_PRESET_DICT; { no preset dictionary}
- FZLHeader.FLG := FZLHeader.FLG or (AB_ZL_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION shl 6); { assume default compression }
- MakeFCheck;
-function TAbZLItem.GetCompressionInfo: Byte;
- Result := FZLHeader.CMF shr 4;
-function TAbZLItem.GetCompressionLevel: Byte;
- Result := FZLHeader.FLG shr 6;
-function TAbZLItem.GetCompressionMethod: Byte;
- Result := FZLHeader.CMF and AB_ZL_CM_MASK;
-function TAbZLItem.GetFCheck: Byte;
- Result := FZLHeader.FLG and AB_ZL_FCHECK_MASK;
-function TAbZLItem.GetIsPresetDictionaryPresent: Boolean;
-procedure TAbZLItem.MakeFCheck;
-{ create the FCheck value for the current Header }
- zlh : Word;
- FZLHeader.FLG := FZLHeader.FLG and not AB_ZL_FCHECK_MASK;
- zlh := (FZLHeader.CMF * 256) + FZLHeader.FLG;
- Inc(FZLHeader.FLG, 31 - (zlh mod 31));
-procedure TAbZLItem.ReadZLHeaderFromStream(AStream: TStream);
- AStream.Read(FZLHeader, SizeOf(TAbZLHeader));
-procedure TAbZLItem.SaveZLHeaderToStream(AStream: TStream);
- MakeFCheck;
- AStream.Write(FZLHeader, SizeOf(TAbZlHeader));
-procedure TAbZLItem.SetCompressionInfo(Value: Byte);
- FZLHeader.CMF := FZLHeader.CMF and not AB_ZL_CINFO_MASK;
- FZLHeader.CMF := FZLHeader.CMF or (Value shl 4); { shift value and add to bit field }
-procedure TAbZLItem.SetCompressionLevel(Value: Byte);
- Temp : Byte;
- Temp := Value;
- FZLHeader.FLG := FZLHeader.FLG and not AB_ZL_FLEVEL_MASK;
- FZLHeader.FLG := FZLHeader.FLG or (Temp shl 6); { shift value and add to bit field }
-procedure TAbZLItem.SetCompressionMethod(Value: Byte);
- if Value > AB_ZL_CM_MASK then Value := (Value shl 4) shr 4;
- FZLHeader.CMF := FZLHeader.CMF and not AB_ZL_CM_MASK;
- FZLHeader.CMF := FZLHeader.CMF or Value;
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbZView.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbZView.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index a9f4038..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbZView.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbZView.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Zip archive viewer component *}
-{* Use AbQZView.pas for CLX *}
-unit AbZView;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- Classes,
- Windows,
-{$IFDEF UsingCLX }
- QControls,
- AbQView,
- Controls,
- AbView,
- AbZBrows,
- AbZipTyp;
- TAbIncludeItemEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject;
- Item: TAbZipItem;
- var Include: Boolean) of object;
- TAbZipView = class(TAbBaseViewer)
- protected
- FZipComponent : TAbCustomZipBrowser;
- FOnIncludeItem: TAbIncludeItemEvent;
- function GetItem(RowNum : Longint) : TAbZipItem;
- procedure SetZipComponent(Value : TAbCustomZipBrowser);
- procedure Notification(AComponent : TComponent; Operation : TOperation);
- override;
- procedure DoChange(Sender : TObject);
- override;
- public
- property Items[RowNum : Longint] : TAbZipItem
- read GetItem;
- published {properties}
- property Align;
- property Anchors;
- property Attributes;
- property BevelEdges;
- property BevelInner;
- property BevelKind;
- property BevelOuter;
- property BevelWidth;
- property BorderStyle;
- property Color;
- property Colors;
- property Ctl3D;
- property ParentCtl3D;
- property DragCursor;
- property Cursor;
- property Headings;
- property DefaultColWidth;
- property DefaultRowHeight;
- property DisplayOptions;
- property HeaderRowHeight;
- property SortAttributes;
- property DragMode;
-{$IFDEF HasGridDrawingStyle}
- property DrawingStyle;
- property Enabled;
- property Font;
-{$IFDEF HasGridDrawingStyle}
- property GradientEndColor;
- property GradientStartColor;
- property ParentColor;
- property ParentFont;
- property ParentShowHint;
- property PopupMenu;
- property ShowHint;
- property TabOrder;
- property TabStop;
-{$IFDEF HasTouch}
- property Touch;
- property Version;
- property ZipComponent : TAbCustomZipBrowser
- read FZipComponent write SetZipComponent;
- published {Events}
- property OnChange;
- property OnClick;
- property OnDblClick;
- property OnEnter;
- property OnExit;
-{$IFDEF HasTouch}
- property OnGesture;
- property OnKeyDown;
- property OnKeyPress;
- property OnKeyUp;
-{$IFDEF HasOnMouseActivate}
- property OnMouseActivate;
- property OnMouseDown;
-{$IFDEF HasOnMouseEnter}
- property OnMouseEnter;
- property OnMouseLeave;
- property OnMouseMove;
- property OnMouseUp;
- property OnSorted;
- property OnDrawSortArrow;
- property OnIncludeItem: TAbIncludeItemEvent
- read FOnIncludeItem
- write FOnIncludeItem;
- AbArcTyp;
-{ ===== TAbZipView ========================================================= }
-function TAbZipView.GetItem(RowNum : Longint) : TAbZipItem;
- if Assigned(FItemList) then
- Result := TAbZipItem(FItemList.Items[FRowMap[RowNum]])
- else
- Result := nil;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipView.Notification(AComponent : TComponent; Operation : TOperation);
- inherited Notification(AComponent, Operation);
- if Operation = opRemove then
- if Assigned(FZipComponent) and (AComponent = FZipComponent) then begin
- FZipComponent := nil;
- Refresh;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipView.SetZipComponent(Value : TAbCustomZipBrowser);
- if Value <> nil then begin
- FZipComponent := Value;
- if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then begin
- FZipComponent.OnChange := DoChange;
- FZipComponent.OnLoad := DoLoad;
- DoChange(Self);
- end;
- end
- else
- FZipComponent := nil;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipView.DoChange(Sender : TObject);
- i : Integer;
- TheArchive : TAbArchive;
- Include : Boolean;
- FItemList.Clear;
- if Assigned(FZipComponent) then begin
- { let's make this a bit easier to read }
- TheArchive := FZipComponent.FArchive;
- if Assigned(TheArchive) then begin
- for i := 0 to Pred(TheArchive.ItemList.Count) do begin
- if Assigned(FOnIncludeItem) then begin
- FOnIncludeItem(self, TAbZipItem(TheArchive.ItemList[i]), Include);
- if Include then
- FItemList.Add(TheArchive.ItemList[i]);
- end
- else begin
- { if it doesn't look like a folder place holder... }
- if TAbZipItem(TheArchive.ItemList[i]).DiskFileName <>
- TAbZipItem(TheArchive.ItemList[i]).DiskPath then
- { ...add it to the display list }
- FItemList.Add(TheArchive.ItemList[i]);
- end;
- end;
- end
- else
- FItemList.Clear;
- end
- else
- FItemList.Clear;
- inherited DoChange(Sender);
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbZipExt.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbZipExt.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index ed77c11..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbZipExt.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbZipExt.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Zip file registration *}
-unit AbZipExt;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- SysUtils, Classes;
-function AbExistingZipAssociation : Boolean;
-function AbGetZipAssociation(var App, ID, FileType : string) : Boolean;
-function AbRegisterZipExtension(const App : string;
- ID, FileType : string;
- Replace : Boolean) : Boolean;
- Windows,
- Messages,
- Registry,
- ShellAPI,
- Libc,
- AbConst;
- ZipExt = '.zip';
- DefZipID = 'Zip';
- DefZipType = 'Zip File';
- OpenCommand = 'Shell\Open\Command';
- DefaultIcon = 'DefaultIcon';
- Reg : TRegistry;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function AbExistingZipAssociation : Boolean;
- App, ID, FileType : string;
- Result := False;
- Reg := TRegistry.Create;
- Reg.OpenKey('',False);
- if Reg.OpenKey(ZipExt, False) then begin
- ID := Reg.ReadString('');
- if Reg.OpenKey('\' + ID, False) then begin
- FileType := Reg.ReadString('');
- if Reg.OpenKey(OpenCommand, False) then begin
- App := Reg.ReadString('');
- if (App <> '') then
- Result := True;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- Reg.Free;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function AbGetZipAssociation(var App, ID, FileType : string) : Boolean;
- Result := False;
- Reg := TRegistry.Create;
- Reg.OpenKey('',False);
- if Reg.OpenKey(ZipExt, False) then begin
- ID := Reg.ReadString('');
- if Reg.OpenKey('\' + ID, False) then begin
- FileType := Reg.ReadString('');
- if Reg.OpenKey(OpenCommand, False) then begin
- App := Reg.ReadString('');
- Result := True;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- Reg.Free;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function AbRegisterZipExtension(const App : string;
- ID, FileType : string;
- Replace : Boolean) : Boolean;
- Result := False;
- if AbExistingZipAssociation and not Replace then
- Exit;
- try
- if (ID = '') then
- ID := DefZipID;
- if (FileType = '') then
- FileType := DefZipType;
- Reg := TRegistry.Create;
- Reg.OpenKey('',False);
- Reg.OpenKey(ZipExt, True);
- Reg.WriteString('', ID);
- Reg.OpenKey('\' + ID, True);
- Reg.WriteString('', FileType);
- Reg.OpenKey(OpenCommand, True);
- Reg.WriteString('', App);
- Reg.OpenKey('\' + DefaultIcon, True);
- Reg.WriteString('', App + ',0');
- Result := True;
- finally
- Reg.Free;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbZipKit.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbZipKit.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index e5ba144..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbZipKit.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,284 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbZipKit.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: TABZipKit component *}
-unit AbZipKit;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- Classes, AbZipper, AbArcTyp, AbZipTyp;
- TAbCustomZipKit = class(TAbCustomZipper)
- protected {private}
- FExtractOptions : TAbExtractOptions;
- FOnConfirmOverwrite : TAbConfirmOverwriteEvent;
- FOnNeedPassword : TAbNeedPasswordEvent;
- FPasswordRetries : Byte;
- protected {methods}
- procedure DoConfirmOverwrite(var Name : string; var Confirm : Boolean);
- virtual;
- procedure DoNeedPassword(Sender : TObject; var NewPassword : AnsiString);
- virtual;
- procedure InitArchive;
- override;
- procedure SetExtractOptions(Value : TAbExtractOptions);
- procedure SetPasswordRetries(Value : Byte);
- procedure UnzipProc(Sender : TObject; Item : TAbArchiveItem;
- const NewName : string );
- procedure UnzipToStreamProc(Sender : TObject; Item : TAbArchiveItem;
- OutStream : TStream);
- procedure TestItemProc(Sender : TObject; Item : TAbArchiveItem);
- protected {properties}
- property ExtractOptions : TAbExtractOptions
- read FExtractOptions
- write SetExtractOptions
- default AbDefExtractOptions;
- property PasswordRetries : Byte
- read FPasswordRetries
- write SetPasswordRetries
- default AbDefPasswordRetries;
- protected {events}
- property OnConfirmOverwrite : TAbConfirmOverwriteEvent
- read FOnConfirmOverwrite
- write FOnConfirmOverwrite;
- property OnNeedPassword : TAbNeedPasswordEvent
- read FOnNeedPassword
- write FOnNeedPassword;
- public {methods}
- constructor Create(AOwner : TComponent);
- override;
- destructor Destroy;
- override;
- procedure ExtractAt(Index : Integer; const NewName : string);
- procedure ExtractFiles(const FileMask : string);
- {extract all files from the archive that match the mask}
- procedure ExtractFilesEx(const FileMask, ExclusionMask : string);
- {extract files matching FileMask except those matching ExclusionMask}
- procedure ExtractTaggedItems;
- {extract all tagged items from the archive}
- procedure ExtractToStream(const aFileName : string; ToStream : TStream);
- {extract the specified item to TStream descendant}
- procedure TestTaggedItems;
- {test all tagged items in the archive}
- public {property}
- property Spanned;
- end;
- TAbZipKit = class(TAbCustomZipKit)
- published
- property ArchiveProgressMeter;
- property ArchiveSaveProgressMeter;
- property AutoSave;
- property BaseDirectory;
- property CompressionMethodToUse;
- property DeflationOption;
- property DOSMode;
- {$ENDIF}
- property ExtractOptions;
- property SpanningThreshold;
- property ItemProgressMeter;
- property LogFile;
- property Logging;
- property OnArchiveProgress;
- property OnArchiveSaveProgress;
- property OnArchiveItemProgress;
- property OnChange;
- property OnConfirmOverwrite;
- property OnConfirmProcessItem;
- property OnConfirmSave;
- property OnLoad;
- property OnNeedPassword;
- property OnProcessItemFailure;
- property OnRequestBlankDisk;
- property OnRequestImage;
- property OnRequestLastDisk;
- property OnRequestNthDisk;
- property OnSave;
- property Password;
- property PasswordRetries;
- property StoreOptions;
- property TempDirectory;
- property Version;
- property FileName; {must be after OnLoad}
- end;
- AbExcept,
- AbUnzPrc,
- AbZBrows;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-constructor TAbCustomZipKit.Create( AOwner : TComponent );
- inherited Create( AOwner );
- PasswordRetries := AbDefPasswordRetries;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-destructor TAbCustomZipKit.Destroy;
- inherited Destroy;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipKit.DoConfirmOverwrite( var Name : string;
- var Confirm : Boolean );
- Confirm := True;
- if Assigned( FOnConfirmOverwrite ) then
- FOnConfirmOverwrite( Name, Confirm );
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipKit.DoNeedPassword( Sender : TObject;
- var NewPassword : AnsiString );
- if Assigned( FOnNeedPassword ) then begin
- FOnNeedPassword( Self, NewPassword );
- FPassword := NewPassword;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipKit.ExtractAt(Index : Integer; const NewName : string);
- {extract a file from the archive that match the index}
- if (FArchive <> nil) then
- FArchive.ExtractAt( Index, NewName )
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipKit.ExtractFiles(const FileMask : string);
- {extract all files from the archive that match the mask}
- if (FArchive <> nil) then
- FArchive.ExtractFiles( FileMask )
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipKit.ExtractFilesEx(const FileMask, ExclusionMask : string);
- {extract files matching FileMask except those matching ExclusionMask}
- if (FArchive <> nil) then
- FArchive.ExtractFilesEx( FileMask, ExclusionMask )
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipKit.ExtractTaggedItems;
- {extract all tagged items from the archive}
- if (FArchive <> nil) then
- FArchive.ExtractTaggedItems
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipKit.ExtractToStream(const aFileName : string;
- ToStream : TStream);
- if (FArchive <> nil) then
- FArchive.ExtractToStream(aFileName, ToStream)
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipKit.InitArchive;
- inherited InitArchive;
- if (FArchive <> nil) then begin
- FArchive.ExtractOptions := FExtractOptions;
- FArchive.OnConfirmOverwrite := DoConfirmOverwrite;
- end;
- if FArchive is TAbZipArchive then begin
- {properties}
- TAbZipArchive(FArchive).PasswordRetries := FPasswordRetries;
- {events}
- TAbZipArchive(FArchive).OnNeedPassword := DoNeedPassword;
- TAbZipArchive(FArchive).ExtractHelper := UnzipProc;
- TAbZipArchive(FArchive).ExtractToStreamHelper := UnzipToStreamProc;
- TAbZipArchive(FArchive).TestHelper := TestItemProc;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipKit.SetExtractOptions( Value : TAbExtractOptions );
- FExtractOptions := Value;
- if (FArchive <> nil) then
- FArchive.ExtractOptions := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipKit.SetPasswordRetries( Value : Byte );
- FPasswordRetries := Value;
- if (FArchive <> nil) then
- (FArchive as TAbZipArchive).PasswordRetries := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipKit.TestTaggedItems;
- {test all tagged items in the archive}
- if (FArchive <> nil) then
- FArchive.TestTaggedItems
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipKit.UnzipProc( Sender : TObject; Item : TAbArchiveItem;
- const NewName : string );
- AbUnzip( TAbZipArchive(Sender), TAbZipItem(Item), NewName);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipKit.UnzipToStreamProc(Sender : TObject; Item : TAbArchiveItem;
- OutStream : TStream);
- AbUnzipToStream(TAbZipArchive(Sender), TAbZipItem(Item), OutStream);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipKit.TestItemProc(Sender : TObject; Item : TAbArchiveItem);
- AbTestZipItem(TAbZipArchive(Sender), TAbZipItem(Item));
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbZipOut.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbZipOut.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 405d5f4..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbZipOut.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2375 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbZipOut.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Visual Component with Zip and unzip support *}
-{* Use AbQZpOut.pas for CLX *}
-unit AbZipOut;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- Classes,
- Windows,
- Messages,
- Types,
-{$IFDEF UsingCLX}
- QGraphics,
- QComCtrls,
- QImglist,
- QControls,
- QForms,
- Graphics,
- Controls,
- Forms,
- ComCtrls,
- Imglist,
- AbArcTyp,
- AbBrowse,
- AbUtils,
- AbZipTyp;
- cBitmapHeight = 16;
- cBitmapWidth = 16;
- TAbZipAttribute =
- (zaCompressedSize, zaCompressionMethod, zaCompressionRatio, zaCRC,
- zaExternalFileAttributes, zaInternalFileAttributes, zaEncryption,
- zaTimeStamp, zaUncompressedSize, zaVersionMade, zaVersionNeeded,
- zaComment);
- TAbZipAttributes = set of TAbZipAttribute;
- AbDefZipAttributes =
- [zaCompressedSize, zaCompressionMethod, zaCompressionRatio, zaCRC,
- zaExternalFileAttributes, zaEncryption, zaTimeStamp, zaUncompressedSize];
- AbDefColor = clWindow;
- AbDefHierarchy = True;
- AbDefParentColor = False;
- TTreeNodeFriend = class(TTreeNode)
- end;
- TWindowsDropEvent =
- procedure(Sender : TObject; FileName : string) of object;
-{TAbZipDisplayOutline does not support Owner-Draw}
- TAbZipDisplayOutline = class(TTreeView)
- private
- FDirBitMap : TBitMap;
- FFileBitMap : TBitMap;
- FAttrBitMap : TBitMap;
- FDirBitMapSelected : TBitMap;
- FFileBitMapSelected : TBitMap;
- FAttrBitMapSelected : TBitMap;
- FImageList : TImageList;
- FFileIndex : integer;
- FFileSelectedIndex : integer;
- FDirectoryIndex : integer;
- FDirSelectedIndex : integer;
- FAttrIndex : integer;
- FBitMapHeight : integer;
- FBitMapWidth : integer;
- FAttrSelectedIndex : integer;
- FOnWindowsDrop : TWindowsDropEvent;
- procedure WMDropFiles(var Msg : TWMDropFiles);
- message WM_DROPFILES;
- procedure IndexBitmaps;
- procedure SetDirectoryBitMap(Value : TBitmap);
- procedure SetFileBitMap(Value : TBitmap);
- procedure SetAttributeBitMap(Value : TBitmap);
- procedure SetDirectoryBitMapSelected(Value : TBitmap);
- procedure SetFileBitMapSelected(Value : TBitmap);
- procedure SetAttributeBitMapSelected(Value : TBitmap);
- procedure SetBitMapHeight(Value : Integer);
- procedure SetBitMapWidth(Value : Integer);
- protected
- procedure DoOnWindowsDrop(FileName : string); virtual;
-{$IFDEF UsingCLX}
- function DoMouseWheel(Shift: TShiftState; WheelDelta: Integer;
- const MousePos: TPoint): Boolean;
- override;
- function DoMouseWheel(Shift: TShiftState; WheelDelta: Integer;
- MousePos: TPoint): Boolean;
- override;
- procedure Loaded; override;
- procedure SetOnWindowsDrop(Value : TWindowsDropEvent);
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner : TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- public
- property zdPictureDirectory : TBitmap
- read FDirBitMap
- write SetDirectoryBitMap;
- property zdPictureFile : TBitmap
- read FFileBitMap
- write SetFileBitMap;
- property zdPictureZipAttribute : TBitmap
- read FAttrBitMap
- write SetAttributeBitMap;
- property zdPictureDirectorySelected : TBitmap
- read FDirBitMapSelected
- write SetDirectoryBitMapSelected;
- property zdPictureFileSelected : TBitmap
- read FFileBitMapSelected
- write SetFileBitMapSelected;
- property zdPictureZipAttributeSelected : TBitmap
- read FAttrBitMapSelected
- write SetAttributeBitMapSelected;
- property BitMapHeight : Integer
- read FBitMapHeight
- write SetBitMapHeight;
- property BitMapWidth : Integer
- read FBitMapWidth
- write SetBitMapWidth;
- property OnWindowsDrop : TWindowsDropEvent
- read FOnWindowsDrop
- write SetOnWindowsDrop;
- end;
-{$IFDEF UsingClx}
- TAbCustomZipOutline = class(TWidgetControl)
- TAbCustomZipOutline = class(TWinControl)
- protected {private}
- FArchive : TAbZipArchive;
- FItemProgressMeter : IAbProgressMeter;
- FArchiveProgressMeter : IAbProgressMeter;
- FAttributes : TAbZipAttributes;
- FAutoSave : Boolean;
- FBaseDirectory : string;
- FCompressionMethodToUse : TAbZipSupportedMethod;
- FDeflationOption : TAbZipDeflationOption;
- FDOSMode : Boolean;
- FFileName : string;
- FExtractOptions : TAbExtractOptions;
- FHierarchy : Boolean;
- FLogFile : string;
- FLogging : Boolean;
- FSpanningThreshold : Longint;
- FOutline : TAbZipDisplayOutline;
- FPassword : AnsiString;
- FPasswordRetries : Byte;
- FStoreOptions : TAbStoreOptions;
- FTempDirectory : string;
- FOnProcessItemFailure : TAbArchiveItemFailureEvent;
- FOnArchiveItemProgress : TAbArchiveItemProgressEvent;
- FOnArchiveProgress : TAbArchiveProgressEvent;
- FOnChange : TNotifyEvent;
- FOnClick : TNotifyEvent;
- FOnCollapse : TTVExpandedEvent;
- FOnConfirmOverwrite : TAbConfirmOverwriteEvent;
- FOnConfirmProcessItem : TAbArchiveItemConfirmEvent;
- FOnConfirmSave : TAbArchiveConfirmEvent;
- FOnDblClick : TNotifyEvent;
- FOnDragDrop : TDragDropEvent;
- FOnDragOver : TDragOverEvent;
- FOnEndDrag : TEndDragEvent;
- FOnEnter : TNotifyEvent;
- FOnExit : TNotifyEvent;
- FOnExpand : TTVExpandedEvent;
- FOnKeyDown : TKeyEvent;
- FOnKeyPress : TKeyPressEvent;
- FOnKeyUp : TKeyEvent;
- FOnLoad : TAbArchiveEvent;
- FOnMouseDown : TMouseEvent;
- FOnMouseMove : TMouseMoveEvent;
- FOnMouseUp : TMouseEvent;
- FOnNeedPassword : TAbNeedPasswordEvent;
- FOnRequestImage : TAbRequestImageEvent;
- FOnRequestLastDisk : TAbRequestDiskEvent;
- FOnRequestNthDisk : TAbRequestNthDiskEvent;
- FOnRequestBlankDisk : TAbRequestDiskEvent;
- FOnSave : TAbArchiveEvent;
- FOnStartDrag : TStartDragEvent;
- FOnWindowsDrop : TWindowsDropEvent;
- protected {methods}
- procedure AddAttributeNodes(Item : TAbZipItem; oNode : TTreeNode);
- procedure DoProcessItemFailure(Sender : TObject; Item : TAbArchiveItem;
- ProcessType : TAbProcessType;
- ErrorClass : TAbErrorClass;
- ErrorCode : Integer); virtual;
- procedure DoArchiveItemProgress(Sender : TObject; Item : TAbArchiveItem;
- Progress : Byte; var Abort : Boolean); virtual;
- procedure DoArchiveProgress(Sender : TObject; Progress : Byte;
- var Abort : Boolean); virtual;
- procedure DoChange; virtual;
- procedure DoClick(Sender : TObject); virtual;
- procedure DoCollapse(Sender : TObject; Node: TTreeNode); virtual;
- procedure DoConfirmProcessItem(Sender : TObject; Item : TAbArchiveItem;
- ProcessType : TAbProcessType;
- var Confirm : Boolean); virtual;
- procedure DoConfirmOverwrite(var Name : string; var Confirm : Boolean); virtual;
- procedure DoConfirmSave(Sender : TObject; var Confirm : Boolean); virtual;
- procedure DoDblClick(Sender : TObject); virtual;
- procedure DoDragDrop(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer); virtual;
- procedure DoDragOver(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer;
- State: TDragState; var Accept: Boolean); virtual;
- procedure DoOnEndDrag(Sender, Target: TObject; X, Y: Integer); virtual;
- procedure DoOnEnter(Sender : TObject); virtual;
- procedure DoOnExit(Sender : TObject); virtual;
- procedure DoExpand(Sender: TObject; Node : TTreeNode); virtual;
- procedure DoKeyDown(Sender : TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
- virtual;
- procedure DoKeyPress(Sender : TObject; var Key: Char); virtual;
- procedure DoKeyUp(Sender : TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
- virtual;
- procedure DoLoad(Sender : TObject); virtual;
- procedure DoMouseDown(Sender : TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
- Shift: TShiftState; X, Y : Integer); virtual;
- procedure DoMouseMove(Sender : TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
- virtual;
- procedure DoMouseUp(Sender : TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
- Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); virtual;
- procedure DoNeedPassword(Sender : TObject; var NewPassword : AnsiString);
- virtual;
- procedure DoSave(Sender : TObject); virtual;
- procedure DoOnStartDrag(Sender: TObject; var DragObject: TDragObject);
- virtual;
- procedure DoWindowsDrop(Sender : TObject; FileName : string); virtual;
- function GetBorderStyle : TBorderStyle;
- function GetCount : Integer;
- function GetCursor : TCursor;
- function GetDragCursor : TCursor;
- function GetDragMode : TDragMode;
- function GetItem(Index : Integer) : TAbZipItem;
- function GetPictureDirectory : TBitmap;
- function GetPictureFile : TBitmap;
- function GetPictureZipAttribute: TBitmap;
- function GetPictureDirectorySelected : TBitmap;
- function GetPictureFileSelected : TBitmap;
- function GetPictureZipAttributeSelected : TBitmap;
- function GetPictureHeight : Integer;
- function GetPictureWidth : Integer;
- function GetSelectedItem : LongInt;
- function GetSelectedZipItem : TAbZipItem;
- function GetStatus : TAbArchiveStatus;
- function GetVersion : string;
- function GetZipfileComment : AnsiString;
- procedure InitArchive;
- procedure Loaded; override;
- procedure Notification(Component: TComponent; Operation: TOperation);
- override;
- procedure PutItem(Index : Integer; Value : TAbZipItem);
- procedure SetArchiveProgressMeter(const Value: IAbProgressMeter);
- procedure SetAttributes(Value : TAbZipAttributes);
- procedure SetAutoSave(Value : Boolean);
- procedure SetBaseDirectory(Value : string);
- procedure SetBorderStyle(Value : TBorderStyle);
- procedure SetCompressionMethodToUse(Value : TAbZipSupportedMethod);
- procedure SetDeflationOption(Value : TAbZipDeflationOption);
- procedure SetDOSMode(Value : Boolean);
- procedure SetCursor(Value : TCursor);
- procedure SetDragCursor(Value : TCursor);
- procedure SetDragMode(Value : TDragMode); override;
- procedure SetExtractOptions(Value : TAbExtractOptions);
- procedure SetFileName(const aFileName : string); virtual;
- procedure SetHierarchy(Value : Boolean);
- procedure SetItemProgressMeter(const Value: IAbProgressMeter);
- procedure SetLogFile(Value : string);
- procedure SetLogging(Value : Boolean);
- procedure SetOnRequestImage(Value : TAbRequestImageEvent);
- procedure SetOnRequestLastDisk(Value : TAbRequestDiskEvent);
- procedure SetOnRequestNthDisk(Value : TAbRequestNthDiskEvent);
- procedure SetOnRequestBlankDisk(Value : TAbRequestDiskEvent);
- procedure SetOnWindowsDrop(Value : TWindowsDropEvent);
- procedure SetPassword(Value : AnsiString);
- procedure SetPasswordRetries(Value : Byte);
- procedure SetPictureDirectory(Value : TBitmap);
- procedure SetPictureFile(Value : TBitmap);
- procedure SetPictureZipAttribute(Value : TBitmap);
- procedure SetPictureDirectorySelected(Value : TBitmap);
- procedure SetPictureFileSelected(Value : TBitmap);
- procedure SetPictureZipAttributeSelected(Value : TBitmap);
- procedure SetPictureHeight(Value : Integer);
- procedure SetPictureWidth(Value : Integer);
- procedure SetSelectedItem(Value : LongInt);
- procedure SetStoreOptions(Value : TAbStoreOptions);
- procedure SetTempDirectory(Value : string);
- procedure SetSpanningThreshold(Value : Longint);
- procedure SetVersion(Value : string);
- procedure SetZipfileComment(Value : AnsiString);
- procedure TestItemProc(Sender : TObject; Item : TAbArchiveItem);
- procedure UnzipProc(Sender : TObject; Item : TAbArchiveItem;
- const NewName : string);
- procedure UnzipToStreamProc(Sender : TObject; Item : TAbArchiveItem;
- OutStream : TStream);
- procedure UpdateOutline;
- procedure ZipProc(Sender : TObject; Item : TAbArchiveItem;
- OutStream : TStream);
- procedure ZipFromStreamProc(Sender : TObject; Item : TAbArchiveItem;
- OutStream, InStream : TStream);
- protected {properties}
- property ArchiveProgressMeter : IAbProgressMeter
- read FArchiveProgressMeter
- write SetArchiveProgressMeter;
- property Attributes : TAbZipAttributes
- read FAttributes
- write SetAttributes
- default AbDefZipAttributes;
- property AutoSave : Boolean
- read FAutoSave
- write SetAutoSave
- default AbDefAutoSave;
- property BaseDirectory : string
- read FBaseDirectory
- write SetBaseDirectory;
- property BorderStyle : TBorderStyle
- read GetBorderStyle
- write SetBorderStyle;
- property CompressionMethodToUse : TAbZipSupportedMethod
- read FCompressionMethodToUse
- write SetCompressionMethodToUse
- default AbDefCompressionMethodToUse;
- property Cursor : TCursor
- read GetCursor
- write SetCursor;
- property DeflationOption : TAbZipDeflationOption
- read FDeflationOption
- write SetDeflationOption
- default AbDefDeflationOption;
- property DOSMode : Boolean
- read FDOSMode
- write SetDOSMode;
- property DragCursor : TCursor
- read GetDragCursor
- write SetDragCursor;
- property DragMode : TDragMode
- read GetDragMode
- write SetDragMode;
- property ExtractOptions : TAbExtractOptions
- read FExtractOptions
- write SetExtractOptions
- default AbDefExtractOptions;
- property FileName : string
- read FFileName
- write SetFileName;
- property Hierarchy : Boolean
- read FHierarchy
- write SetHierarchy
- default AbDefHierarchy;
- property SpanningThreshold : Longint
- read FSpanningThreshold
- write SetSpanningThreshold
- default 0;
- property ItemProgressMeter : IAbProgressMeter
- read FItemProgressMeter
- write SetItemProgressMeter;
- property LogFile : string
- read FLogFile
- write SetLogFile;
- property Logging : Boolean
- read FLogging
- write SetLogging;
- property OnWindowsDrop : TWindowsDropEvent
- read FOnWindowsDrop
- write SetOnWindowsDrop;
- property Password : AnsiString
- read FPassword
- write SetPassword;
- property PasswordRetries : Byte
- read FPasswordRetries
- write SetPasswordRetries
- default AbDefPasswordRetries;
- property PictureDirectory : TBitmap
- read GetPictureDirectory
- write SetPictureDirectory;
- property PictureFile : TBitmap
- read GetPictureFile
- write SetPictureFile;
- property PictureZipAttribute : TBitmap
- read GetPictureZipAttribute
- write SetPictureZipAttribute;
- property PictureDirectorySelected : TBitmap
- read GetPictureDirectorySelected
- write SetPictureDirectorySelected;
- property PictureFileSelected : TBitmap
- read GetPictureFileSelected
- write SetPictureFileSelected;
- property PictureZipAttributeSelected : TBitmap
- read GetPictureZipAttributeSelected
- write SetPictureZipAttributeSelected;
- property PictureHeight : Integer
- read GetPictureHeight
- write SetPictureHeight;
- property PictureWidth : Integer
- read GetPictureWidth
- write SetPictureWidth;
- property StoreOptions : TAbStoreOptions
- read FStoreOptions
- write SetStoreOptions
- default AbDefStoreOptions;
- property Version : string
- read GetVersion
- write SetVersion
- stored False;
- protected {events}
- property OnProcessItemFailure : TAbArchiveItemFailureEvent
- read FOnProcessItemFailure
- write FOnProcessItemFailure;
- property OnArchiveItemProgress : TAbArchiveItemProgressEvent
- read FOnArchiveItemProgress
- write FOnArchiveItemProgress;
- property OnArchiveProgress : TAbArchiveProgressEvent
- read FOnArchiveProgress
- write FOnArchiveProgress;
- property OnChange : TNotifyEvent
- read FOnChange
- write FOnChange;
- property OnClick : TNotifyEvent
- read FOnClick
- write FOnClick;
- property OnConfirmProcessItem : TAbArchiveItemConfirmEvent
- read FOnConfirmProcessItem
- write FOnConfirmProcessItem;
- property OnConfirmOverwrite : TAbConfirmOverwriteEvent
- read FOnConfirmOverwrite
- write FOnConfirmOverwrite;
- property OnConfirmSave : TAbArchiveConfirmEvent
- read FOnConfirmSave
- write FOnConfirmSave;
- property OnCollapse : TTVExpandedEvent
- read FOnCollapse
- write FOnCollapse;
- property OnDblClick : TNotifyEvent
- read FOnDblClick
- write FOnDblClick;
- property OnDragDrop : TDragDropEvent
- read FOnDragDrop
- write FOnDragDrop;
- property OnDragOver : TDragOverEvent
- read FOnDragOver
- write FOnDragOver;
- property OnEndDrag : TEndDragEvent
- read FOnEndDrag
- write FOnEndDrag;
- property OnEnter : TNotifyEvent
- read FOnEnter
- write FOnEnter;
- property OnExit : TNotifyEvent
- read FOnExit
- write FOnExit;
- property OnExpand : TTVExpandedEvent
- read FOnExpand
- write FOnExpand;
- property OnKeyDown : TKeyEvent
- read FOnKeyDown
- write FOnKeyDown;
- property OnKeyPress : TKeyPressEvent
- read FOnKeyPress
- write FOnKeyPress;
- property OnKeyUp : TKeyEvent
- read FOnKeyUp
- write FOnKeyUp;
- property OnLoad : TAbArchiveEvent
- read FOnLoad
- write FOnLoad;
- property OnMouseDown : TMouseEvent
- read FOnMouseDown
- write FOnMouseDown;
- property OnMouseMove : TMouseMoveEvent
- read FOnMouseMove
- write FOnMouseMove;
- property OnMouseUp : TMouseEvent
- read FOnMouseUp
- write FOnMouseUp;
- property OnNeedPassword : TAbNeedPasswordEvent
- read FOnNeedPassword
- write FOnNeedPassword;
- property OnRequestImage : TAbRequestImageEvent
- read FOnRequestImage
- write SetOnRequestImage;
- property OnRequestLastDisk : TAbRequestDiskEvent
- read FOnRequestLastDisk
- write SetOnRequestLastDisk;
- property OnRequestNthDisk : TAbRequestNthDiskEvent
- read FOnRequestNthDisk
- write SetOnRequestNthDisk;
- property OnRequestBlankDisk : TAbRequestDiskEvent
- read FOnRequestBlankDisk
- write SetOnRequestBlankDisk;
- property OnSave : TAbArchiveEvent
- read FOnSave
- write FOnSave;
- property OnStartDrag : TStartDragEvent
- read FOnStartDrag
- write FOnStartDrag;
- public {methods}
- constructor Create(AOwner : TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure AddFiles(const FileMask : string; SearchAttr : Integer);
- {Add files to the archive where the disk filespec matches}
- procedure AddFilesEx(const FileMask, ExclusionMask : string;
- SearchAttr : Integer);
- {Add files that match Filemask except those matching ExclusionMask}
- procedure AddFromStream(const NewName : string; FromStream : TStream);
- {Create and add a zip item directly from a stream}
- procedure ClearTags;
- {Clear all tags from the archive}
- procedure CloseArchive;
- {closes the archive by setting FileName to ''}
- procedure DeleteAt(Index : Integer);
- {delete item specified by index}
- procedure DeleteFiles(const FileMask : string);
- {Delete all files from the archive that match the file mask}
- procedure DeleteFilesEx(const FileMask, ExclusionMask : string);
- {Delete files that match Filemask except those matching ExclusionMask}
- procedure DeleteTaggedItems;
- {delete all tagged items from the archive}
- procedure ExtractAt(Index : Integer; const NewName : string);
- {extract item specified by index}
- procedure ExtractFiles(const FileMask : string);
- {extract all files from the archive that match the mask}
- procedure ExtractFilesEx(const FileMask, ExclusionMask : string);
- {Extract files that match Filemask except those matching ExclusionMask}
- procedure ExtractTaggedItems;
- {extract all tagged items from the archive}
- procedure ExtractToStream(const aFileName : string; ToStream : TStream);
- {extract an item directly to a stream}
- function FindItem(aItem : TAbArchiveItem) : Integer;
- {extract specified item}
- function FindFile(const aFileName : string) : Integer;
- {find the item with the given file name}
- procedure FreshenFiles(const FileMask : string);
- {freshen all items that match the file mask}
- procedure FreshenFilesEx(const FileMask, ExclusionMask : string);
- {freshen items matching FileMask but not ExclusionMask}
- procedure FreshenTaggedItems;
- {freshen all tagged items}
- procedure FullCollapse;
- procedure FullExpand;
- function GetTextItem(const Value: string): LongInt;
- function GetOutLineItem(X, Y : Integer): LongInt;
- procedure Move(aItem : TAbArchiveItem; NewStoredPath : string);
- procedure OpenArchive(const aFileName : String);
- {opens the archive}
- procedure Replace(aItem : TAbArchiveItem);
- procedure Save;
- {saves the archive}
- procedure TagItems(const FileMask : string);
- procedure TestTaggedItems;
- procedure UnTagItems(const FileMask : string);
- public {properties}
- property Count : Integer
- read GetCount;
- property Items[Index : Integer] : TAbZipItem
- read GetItem
- write PutItem; default;
- property SelectedItem: LongInt
- read GetSelectedItem
- write SetSelectedItem;
- property SelectedZipItem : TAbZipItem
- read GetSelectedZipItem;
- property Status : TAbArchiveStatus
- read GetStatus;
- property TempDirectory : string
- read FTempDirectory
- write SetTempDirectory;
- property ZipfileComment : AnsiString
- read GetZipfileComment
- write SetZipfileComment;
- end;
- TAbZipOutline = class(TAbCustomZipOutline)
- published
- property Align;
- property ArchiveProgressMeter;
- property ItemProgressMeter;
- property Attributes;
- property AutoSave;
- property BaseDirectory;
- property BorderStyle;
- property Color
- default AbDefColor;
- property CompressionMethodToUse;
- property Count;
- property Ctl3D;
- property Cursor;
- property DeflationOption;
- property DOSMode;
- property DragCursor;
- property DragMode;
- property Enabled;
- property ExtractOptions;
- property Font;
- property Hierarchy;
- property LogFile;
- property Logging;
- property OnProcessItemFailure;
- property OnArchiveItemProgress;
- property OnArchiveProgress;
- property OnChange;
- property OnClick;
- property OnConfirmProcessItem;
- property OnConfirmOverwrite;
- property OnConfirmSave;
- property OnCollapse;
- property OnDblClick;
- property OnDragDrop;
- property OnDragOver;
- property OnEndDrag;
- property OnEnter;
- property OnExit;
- property OnExpand;
- property OnKeyDown;
- property OnKeyPress;
- property OnKeyUp;
- property OnLoad;
- property OnMouseDown;
- property OnMouseMove;
- property OnMouseUp;
- property OnMouseWheel;
- property OnMouseWheelDown;
- property OnMouseWheelUp;
- property OnNeedPassword;
- property OnRequestImage;
- property OnRequestLastDisk;
- property OnRequestNthDisk;
- property OnRequestBlankDisk;
- property OnSave;
- property OnStartDrag;
- property OnWindowsDrop;
- property ParentColor
- default AbDefParentColor;
- property ParentCtl3D;
- property ParentFont;
- property ParentShowHint;
- property Password;
- property PasswordRetries;
- property PictureDirectory;
- property PictureDirectorySelected;
- property PictureFile;
- property PictureFileSelected;
- property PictureZipAttribute;
- property PictureZipAttributeSelected;
- property PopupMenu;
- property ShowHint;
- property StoreOptions;
- property TabOrder;
- property TabStop;
- property SpanningThreshold;
- property Version;
- property TempDirectory;
- property Visible;
- property FileName; {must be after OnLoad}
- end;
- ShellApi,
- SysUtils,
- AbConst,
- AbExcept,
- AbResString,
- AbUnzPrc,
- AbZipPrc;
-{$R AbZipOut.res}
- TAbZipArchiveFriend = class(TAbZipArchive)
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-{ ========================================================================== }
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipDisplayOutline.IndexBitmaps;
- FImageList.Clear;
- FImageList.Height := FBitMapHeight;
- FImageList.Width := FBitMapWidth;
- if not FAttrBitMap.Empty then
- FAttrIndex := FImageList.Add( FAttrBitMap, nil );
- if not FAttrBitMap.Empty then
- FAttrSelectedIndex := FImageList.Add( FAttrBitMapSelected, nil );
- if not FAttrBitMap.Empty then
- FDirectoryIndex := FImageList.Add( FDirBitMap, nil );
- if not FAttrBitMap.Empty then
- FDirSelectedIndex := FImageList.Add( FDirBitMapSelected , nil );
- if not FAttrBitMap.Empty then
- FFileIndex := FImageList.Add( FFileBitMap, nil );
- if not FAttrBitMap.Empty then
- FFileSelectedIndex := FImageList.Add( FFileBitMapSelected, nil );
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-constructor TAbZipDisplayOutline.Create(AOwner : TComponent);
- FBitMapHeight := cBitmapHeight;
- FBitMapWidth := cBitmapWidth;
- FDirBitMap := TBitMap.Create;
- FFileBitMap := TBitMap.Create;
- FAttrBitMap := TBitMap.Create;
- FDirBitMapSelected := TBitMap.Create;
- FFileBitMapSelected := TBitMap.Create;
- FAttrBitMapSelected := TBitMap.Create;
- FDirBitMap.LoadFromResourceName( HInstance, 'DIR' );
- FFileBitMap.LoadFromResourceName( HInstance, 'FILEFIX' );
- FAttrBitMap.LoadFromResourceName( HInstance, 'ATTR' );
- FDirBitMapSelected.LoadFromResourceName ( HInstance, 'DIRS' );
- FFileBitMapSelected.LoadFromResourceName( HInstance, 'FILES' );
- FAttrBitMapSelected.LoadFromResourceName( HInstance, 'ATTRS' );
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- FImageList := TImageList.Create(Self);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipDisplayOutline.Loaded;
- inherited Loaded;
- if Assigned(FOnWindowsDrop) then
- DragAcceptFiles(Handle, True);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-destructor TAbZipDisplayOutline.Destroy;
- FImageList.Free;
- FDirBitMap.Free;
- FFileBitMap.Free;
- FAttrBitMap.Free;
- FDirBitMapSelected.Free;
- FFileBitMapSelected.Free;
- FAttrBitMapSelected.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipDisplayOutline.SetAttributeBitMap(Value : TBitmap);
- if Value <> nil then begin
- FAttrBitMap.assign( Value )
- end else begin
- FAttrBitMap.LoadFromResourceName( HInstance, 'ATTR' );
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipDisplayOutline.SetDirectoryBitMap(Value : TBitmap);
- if Value <> nil then begin
- FDirBitMap.assign( Value )
- end else begin
- FDirBitMap.LoadFromResourceName( HInstance, 'DIR' );
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipDisplayOutline.SetFileBitMap(Value : TBitmap);
- if Value <> nil then begin
- FFileBitMap.assign( Value )
- end else begin
- FFileBitMap.LoadFromResourceName( HInstance, 'FILEFIX' );
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipDisplayOutline.SetAttributeBitMapSelected(Value : TBitmap);
- if Value <> nil then
- FAttrBitMapSelected.assign( Value )
- else begin
- FAttrBitMapSelected.LoadFromResourceName( HInstance, 'ATTRS' );
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipDisplayOutline.SetDirectoryBitMapSelected(Value : TBitmap);
- if Value <> nil then
- FDirBitMapSelected.assign( Value )
- else begin
- FDirBitMapSelected.LoadFromResourceName ( HInstance, 'DIRS' );
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipDisplayOutline.SetFileBitMapSelected(Value : TBitmap);
- if Value <> nil then
- FFileBitMapSelected.assign( Value )
- else begin
- FFileBitMapSelected.LoadFromResourceName( HInstance, 'FILES' );
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipDisplayOutline.SetBitMapHeight(Value : Integer);
- if FBitMapHeight <> Value then
- FBitMapHeight := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipDisplayOutline.SetBitMapWidth(Value : Integer);
- if FBitMapWidth <> Value then
- FBitMapWidth := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipDisplayOutline.WMDropFiles(var Msg : TWMDropFiles);
- FileName : string;
- I : Integer;
- NumFiles : Integer;
- Msg.Result := 1;
- NumFiles := DragQueryFile(Msg.Drop, Cardinal(-1), nil, 0);
- try
- for I := 0 to pred(NumFiles) do begin
- SetLength(FileName, DragQueryFile(Msg.Drop, I, nil, 0));
- DragQueryFile(Msg.Drop, I, PChar(FileName), Length(FileName) + 1);
- DoOnWindowsDrop(FileName);
- end;
- finally
- DragFinish(Msg.Drop);
- end;
- if IsIconic(Application.Handle) then
- ShowWindow(Application.Handle, SW_SHOWNORMAL)
- else
- BringWindowToTop(Handle);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipDisplayOutline.DoOnWindowsDrop(FileName : string);
- if csDesigning in ComponentState then
- Exit;
- if csLoading in ComponentState then
- Exit;
- if Assigned(FOnWindowsDrop) then
- FOnWindowsDrop(Self, FileName);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-{$IFDEF UsingCLX}
-function TAbZipDisplayOutline.DoMouseWheel(Shift: TShiftState;
- WheelDelta: Integer; const MousePos: TPoint): Boolean;
-function TAbZipDisplayOutline.DoMouseWheel(Shift: TShiftState;
- WheelDelta: Integer; MousePos: TPoint): Boolean;
- const
- WHEEL_DELTA = 120;
- var
- oHold : TTreeNode;
- oNode : TTreeNode;
- { We always return true - if there's an event handler that returns }
- { false, we'll do the work; if it returns true, the work has been }
- { done, ergo this routine should return true. }
- Result := True;
- if not inherited DoMouseWheel(Shift, WheelDelta, MousePos) then begin
- if Items.Count = 0 then
- Exit;
- if Selected = nil then
- exit;
- if Selected.HasChildren then
- Selected.Expand( false );
- oNode := nil;
- oHold := Selected;
- if WheelDelta < 0 then begin
- if oHold.HasChildren then
- oNode := oHold.getFirstChild;
- if oNode = nil then
- oNode := oHold.GetNextChild( oHold );
- if oNode = nil then
- oNode := oHold.GetNext;
- end else begin
- oNode := oHold.GetPrevChild( oHold );
- if oNode <> nil then begin
- if oNode.HasChildren then
- oNode := oNode.GetLastChild;
- end else
- oNode := oHold.GetPrev;
- end;
- if oNode <> nil then
- Selected := oNode;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipDisplayOutline.SetOnWindowsDrop(Value : TWindowsDropEvent);
- WasAccepting : Boolean;
- WasAccepting := Assigned(FOnWindowsDrop);
- FOnWindowsDrop := Value;
- if csLoading in ComponentState then
- Exit;
- if csDestroying in ComponentState then
- Exit;
- if Assigned(Value) then
- DragAcceptFiles(Handle, True)
- else if WasAccepting then
- DragAcceptFiles(Handle, False);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-{ ========================================================================== }
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-constructor TAbCustomZipOutline.Create(AOwner : TComponent);
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- Width := 300;
- Height := 143;
- Color := AbDefColor;
- ParentColor := AbDefParentColor;
- FOutline := TAbZipDisplayOutline.Create(Self);
- FOutline.Parent := Self;
- FOutline.Visible := True;
- FOutline.Align := alClient;
- FOutline.ParentColor := True;
- FOutline.ParentCtl3D := True;
- FOutline.ParentFont := True;
- FOutline.ParentShowHint := True;
- FOutline.Images := FOutline.FImageList;
- AutoSave := AbDefAutoSave;
- Attributes := AbDefZipAttributes;
- CompressionMethodToUse := AbDefCompressionMethodToUse;
- DeflationOption := AbDefDeflationOption;
- ExtractOptions := AbDefExtractOptions;
- Hierarchy := AbDefHierarchy;
- PasswordRetries := AbDefPasswordRetries;
- StoreOptions := AbDefStoreOptions;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-destructor TAbCustomZipOutline.Destroy;
- FArchive.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.AddAttributeNodes( Item : TAbZipItem;
- oNode : TTreeNode );
- ExtAttrString : string;
- dt : TDateTime;
- li : LongInt;
- s : string;
- tmpNode : TTreeNode;
- with Item do begin
- if zaCompressedSize in Attributes then begin
- tmpNode := FOutline.Items.AddChild(oNode,
- Format(AbCompressedSizeFormatS,
- [CompressedSize]));
- tmpNode.ImageIndex := FOutline.FAttrIndex;
- tmpNode.SelectedIndex := FOutline.FAttrSelectedIndex;
- end;
- if zaUnCompressedSize in Attributes then begin
- tmpNode := FOutline.Items.AddChild(oNode,
- Format(AbUncompressedSizeFormatS,
- [UncompressedSize]));
- tmpNode.ImageIndex := FOutline.FAttrIndex;
- tmpNode.SelectedIndex := FOutline.FAttrSelectedIndex;
- end;
- if zaCompressionMethod in Attributes then begin
- tmpNode := FOutline.Items.AddChild(oNode,
- Format(AbCompressionMethodFormatS,
- [ZipCompressionMethodToString(CompressionMethod)]));
- tmpNode.ImageIndex := FOutline.FAttrIndex;
- tmpNode.SelectedIndex := FOutline.FAttrSelectedIndex;
- end;
- if zaCompressionRatio in Attributes then begin
- tmpNode := FOutline.Items.AddChild(oNode,
- Format(AbCompressionRatioFormatS,
- [CompressionRatio]));
- tmpNode.ImageIndex := FOutline.FAttrIndex;
- tmpNode.SelectedIndex := FOutline.FAttrSelectedIndex;
- end;
- if zaCRC in Attributes then begin
- tmpNode := FOutline.Items.AddChild(oNode,
- Format(AbCRCFormatS,
- [CRC32]));
- tmpNode.ImageIndex := FOutline.FAttrIndex;
- tmpNode.SelectedIndex := FOutline.FAttrSelectedIndex;
- end;
- if zaExternalFileAttributes in Attributes then begin
- ExtAttrString := '';
- if (faReadOnly and ExternalFileAttributes) = faReadOnly then
- ExtAttrString := ExtAttrString + AbReadOnlyS;
- if (faHidden and ExternalFileAttributes) = faHidden then
- ExtAttrString := ExtAttrString + AbHiddenS;
- if (faSysFile and ExternalFileAttributes) = faSysFile then
- ExtAttrString := ExtAttrString + AbSystemS;
- if (faArchive and ExternalFileAttributes) = faArchive then
- ExtAttrString := ExtAttrString + AbArchivedS;
- tmpNode := FOutline.Items.AddChild(oNode,
- Format(AbEFAFormatS,
- [ExtAttrString]));
- tmpNode.ImageIndex := FOutline.FAttrIndex;
- tmpNode.SelectedIndex := FOutline.FAttrSelectedIndex;
- end;
- if zaInternalFileAttributes in Attributes then
- if InternalFileAttributes = 1 then begin
- tmpNode := FOutline.Items.AddChild(oNode,
- Format(AbIFAFormatS,
- [AbTextS]));
- tmpNode.ImageIndex := FOutline.FAttrIndex;
- tmpNode.SelectedIndex := FOutline.FAttrSelectedIndex;
- end else begin
- tmpNode := FOutline.Items.AddChild(oNode,
- Format(AbIFAFormatS,
- [AbBinaryS]));
- tmpNode.ImageIndex := FOutline.FAttrIndex;
- tmpNode.SelectedIndex := FOutline.FAttrSelectedIndex;
- end;
- if zaEncryption in Attributes then
- if IsEncrypted then begin
- tmpNode := FOutline.Items.AddChild(oNode,
- Format(AbEncryptionFormatS,
- [AbEncryptedS]));
- tmpNode.ImageIndex := FOutline.FAttrIndex;
- tmpNode.SelectedIndex := FOutline.FAttrSelectedIndex;
- end else begin
- tmpNode := FOutline.Items.AddChild(oNode,
- Format(AbEncryptionFormatS,
- [AbNotEncryptedS]));
- tmpNode.ImageIndex := FOutline.FAttrIndex;
- tmpNode.SelectedIndex := FOutline.FAttrSelectedIndex;
- end;
- if zaTimeStamp in Attributes then begin
- if (LastModFileDate + LastModFileTime = 0) then
- s := AbUnknownS
- else begin
- li := LongInt(LastModFileDate) shl 16 + LastModFileTime;
- dt := FileDateToDateTime(li);
- s := DateTimeToStr(dt);
- end;
- tmpNode := FOutline.Items.AddChild(oNode,
- Format(AbTimeStampFormatS, [s]));
- tmpNode.ImageIndex := FOutline.FAttrIndex;
- tmpNode.SelectedIndex := FOutline.FAttrSelectedIndex;
- end;
- if zaVersionMade in Attributes then begin
- tmpNode := FOutline.Items.AddChild(oNode,
- Format(AbMadeByFormatS,
- [Lo(VersionMadeBy)/ 10.0]));
- tmpNode.ImageIndex := FOutline.FAttrIndex;
- tmpNode.SelectedIndex := FOutline.FAttrSelectedIndex;
- end;
- if zaVersionNeeded in Attributes then begin
- tmpNode := FOutline.Items.AddChild(oNode,
- Format(AbNeededFormatS,
- [Lo(VersionNeededToExtract)/ 10.0]));
- tmpNode.ImageIndex := FOutline.FAttrIndex;
- tmpNode.SelectedIndex := FOutline.FAttrSelectedIndex;
- end;
- if zaComment in Attributes then begin
- tmpNode := FOutline.Items.AddChild(oNode,
- Format(AbCommentFormatS,
- [FileComment]));
- tmpNode.ImageIndex := FOutline.FAttrIndex;
- tmpNode.SelectedIndex := FOutline.FAttrSelectedIndex;
- end;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.AddFiles(const FileMask : string;
- SearchAttr : Integer);
- {Add files to the archive where the disk filespec matches}
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- FArchive.AddFiles(FileMask, SearchAttr)
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
- DoChange;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.AddFilesEx(const FileMask, ExclusionMask : string;
- SearchAttr : Integer);
- {Add files that match Filemask except those matching ExclusionMask}
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- FArchive.AddFilesEx(FileMask, ExclusionMask, SearchAttr)
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
- DoChange;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.AddFromStream(const NewName : string;
- FromStream : TStream);
- {Add zip item directly from TStream descendant}
- if Assigned(FArchive) then begin
- FromStream.Position := 0;
- FArchive.AddFromStream(NewName, FromStream);
- end else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
- DoChange;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.ClearTags;
- {Clear all tags from the archive}
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- FArchive.ClearTags
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.DeleteAt(Index : Integer);
- {delete item at Index}
- if Assigned( FArchive ) then
- FArchive.DeleteAt( Index )
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
- DoChange;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.DeleteFiles(const FileMask : string);
- {delete all files from the archive that match the file mask}
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- FArchive.DeleteFiles(FileMask)
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
- DoChange;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.DeleteFilesEx(const FileMask, ExclusionMask : string);
- {Delete files that match Filemask except those matching ExclusionMask}
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- FArchive.DeleteFilesEx(FileMask, ExclusionMask)
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
- DoChange;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.DeleteTaggedItems;
- {delete all tagged items from the archive}
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- FArchive.DeleteTaggedItems
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
- DoChange;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.DoProcessItemFailure(Sender : TObject;
- Item : TAbArchiveItem;
- ProcessType : TAbProcessType;
- ErrorClass : TAbErrorClass;
- ErrorCode : Integer);
- if Assigned(FOnProcessItemFailure) then
- FOnProcessItemFailure(Self, Item, ProcessType, ErrorClass, ErrorCode);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.DoArchiveItemProgress(Sender : TObject;
- Item : TAbArchiveItem;
- Progress : Byte;
- var Abort : Boolean);
- Abort := False;
- if Assigned(FItemProgressMeter) then
- FItemProgressMeter.DoProgress(Progress);
- if Assigned(FOnArchiveItemProgress) then
- FOnArchiveItemProgress(Self, Item, Progress, Abort);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.DoArchiveProgress(Sender : TObject;
- Progress : Byte;
- var Abort : Boolean);
- Abort := False;
- if Assigned(FArchiveProgressMeter) then
- FArchiveProgressMeter.DoProgress(Progress);
- if Assigned(FOnArchiveProgress) then
- FOnArchiveProgress(Self, Progress, Abort);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.DoChange;
- {Archive now points to the new zip file}
- UpdateOutline;
- {then, call the FOnChange event...}
- if Assigned(FOnChange) then
- FOnChange(Self);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.DoClick(Sender : TObject);
- if Assigned(FOnClick) then
- FOnClick(Self);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.DoCollapse(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode);
- if Assigned(FOnCollapse) then
- FOnCollapse(Self, Node);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.DoConfirmProcessItem(Sender : TObject;
- Item : TAbArchiveItem;
- ProcessType : TAbProcessType;
- var Confirm : Boolean);
- Confirm := True;
- if Assigned(FItemProgressMeter) then
- FItemProgressMeter.Reset;
- if Assigned(FOnConfirmProcessItem) then
- FOnConfirmProcessItem(Self, Item, ProcessType, Confirm);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.DoConfirmOverwrite(var Name : string;
- var Confirm : Boolean);
- Confirm := True;
- if Assigned(FOnConfirmOverwrite) then
- FOnConfirmOverwrite(Name, Confirm);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.DoConfirmSave(Sender : TObject;
- var Confirm : Boolean);
- Confirm := True;
- if Assigned(FOnConfirmSave) then
- FOnConfirmSave(Self, Confirm);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.DoDblClick(Sender : TObject);
- if Assigned(FOnDblClick) then
- FOnDblClick(Self);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.DoDragDrop(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer);
- if Assigned(FOnDragDrop) then
- FOnDragDrop(Self, Source, X, Y);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.DoDragOver(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer;
- State: TDragState; var Accept: Boolean);
- Accept := False;
- if Assigned(FOnDragOver) then
- FOnDragOver(Self, Source, X, Y, State, Accept);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.DoOnEndDrag(Sender, Target: TObject; X, Y: Integer);
- if Assigned(FOnEndDrag) then
- FOnEndDrag(Self, Target, X, Y);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.DoOnEnter(Sender : TObject);
- if Assigned(FOnEnter) then
- FOnEnter(Self);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.DoOnExit(Sender : TObject);
- if Assigned(FOnExit) then
- FOnExit(Self);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.DoExpand(Sender: TObject; Node : TTreeNode);
- if Assigned(FOnExpand) then
- FOnExpand(Self, Node);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.DoKeyDown(Sender : TObject; var Key: Word;
- Shift: TShiftState);
- if Assigned(FOnKeyDown) then
- FOnKeyDown(Self, Key, Shift);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.DoKeyPress(Sender : TObject; var Key: Char);
- if Assigned(FOnKeyPress) then
- FOnKeyPress(Self, Key);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.DoKeyUp(Sender : TObject; var Key: Word;
- Shift: TShiftState);
- if Assigned(FOnKeyUp) then
- FOnKeyUp(Self, Key, Shift);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.DoLoad(Sender : TObject);
- if Assigned(FOnLoad) then
- FOnLoad(Self);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.DoMouseDown(Sender : TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
- Shift: TShiftState;
- X, Y : Integer);
- if Assigned(FOnMouseDown) then
- FOnMouseDown(Self, Button, Shift, X, Y);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.DoMouseMove(Sender : TObject;
- Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
- if Assigned(FOnMouseMove) then
- FOnMouseMove(Self, Shift, X, Y);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.DoMouseUp(Sender : TObject;
- Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState;
- X, Y: Integer);
- if Assigned(FOnMouseUp) then
- FOnMouseUp(Self, Button, Shift, X, Y);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.DoNeedPassword(Sender : TObject;
- var NewPassword : AnsiString);
- if Assigned(FOnNeedPassword) then begin
- FOnNeedPassword(Sender, NewPassword);
- Password := NewPassword;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.DoSave(Sender : TObject);
- if Assigned(FOnSave) then
- FOnSave(Self);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.DoOnStartDrag(Sender: TObject;
- var DragObject: TDragObject);
- if Assigned(FOnStartDrag) then
- FOnStartDrag(Self, DragObject);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.DoWindowsDrop(Sender : TObject;
- FileName : string);
- if csDesigning in ComponentState then
- Exit;
- if csLoading in ComponentState then
- Exit;
- if Assigned(FOnWindowsDrop) then
- FOnWindowsDrop(Self, FileName);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.ExtractAt(Index : Integer; const NewName : string);
- {extract a file from the archive that match the index}
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- FArchive.ExtractAt(Index, NewName)
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.ExtractFiles(const FileMask : string);
- {extract all files from the archive that match the mask}
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- FArchive.ExtractFiles(FileMask)
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.ExtractFilesEx(const FileMask, ExclusionMask : string);
- {extract files that match FileMask except those matching ExclusionMask}
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- FArchive.ExtractFilesEx(FileMask, ExclusionMask)
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.ExtractTaggedItems;
- {extract all tagged items from the archive}
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- FArchive.ExtractTaggedItems
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.ExtractToStream(const aFileName : string;
- ToStream : TStream);
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- FArchive.ExtractToStream(aFileName, ToStream)
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbCustomZipOutline.FindFile(const aFileName : string) : Integer;
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- Result := FArchive.FindFile(aFileName)
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbCustomZipOutline.FindItem(aItem : TAbArchiveItem) : Integer;
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- Result := FArchive.FindItem(aItem)
- else
- Result := -1;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.FreshenFiles(const FileMask : string);
- {freshen all items that match the file mask}
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- FArchive.FreshenFiles(FileMask)
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
- DoChange;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.FreshenFilesEx(const FileMask, ExclusionMask : string);
- {freshen all items matching FileMask except those matching ExclusionMask}
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- FArchive.FreshenFilesEx(FileMask, ExclusionMask)
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
- DoChange;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.FreshenTaggedItems;
- {freshen all tagged items}
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- FArchive.FreshenTaggedItems
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
- DoChange;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.FullCollapse;
- FOutline.FullCollapse;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.FullExpand;
- FOutline.FullExpand;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbCustomZipOutline.GetBorderStyle : TBorderStyle;
- Result := FOutline.BorderStyle;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbCustomZipOutline.GetCount : Integer;
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- Result := FArchive.Count
- else
- Result := 0;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbCustomZipOutline.GetCursor : TCursor;
- Result := FOutline.Cursor;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbCustomZipOutline.GetDragCursor : TCursor;
- Result := FOutline.DragCursor;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbCustomZipOutline.GetDragMode : TDragMode;
- Result := FOutline.DragMode;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbCustomZipOutline.GetItem(Index : Integer) : TAbZipItem;
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- Result := TAbZipItem(FArchive.ItemList[Index])
- else
- Result := nil;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbCustomZipOutline.GetPictureDirectory : TBitmap;
- Result := FOutline.zdPictureDirectory;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbCustomZipOutline.GetPictureFile : TBitmap;
- Result := FOutline.zdPictureFile;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbCustomZipOutline.GetPictureZipAttribute: TBitmap;
- Result := FOutline.zdPictureZipAttribute;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbCustomZipOutline.GetPictureDirectorySelected : TBitmap;
- Result := FOutline.zdPictureDirectorySelected;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbCustomZipOutline.GetPictureFileSelected : TBitmap;
- Result := FOutline.zdPictureFileSelected;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbCustomZipOutline.GetPictureZipAttributeSelected: TBitmap;
- Result := FOutline.zdPictureZipAttributeSelected;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbCustomZipOutline.GetPictureHeight: Integer;
- Result := FOutline.FBitMapHeight;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbCustomZipOutline.GetPictureWidth: Integer;
- Result := FOutline.FBitMapWidth;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbCustomZipOutline.GetSelectedItem : LongInt;
- Result := FOutline.Selected.AbsoluteIndex;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbCustomZipOutline.GetSelectedZipItem : TAbZipItem;
- {returns nil if the currently selected item of the outline is a folder or
- a zip attribute}
- if FOutline.Items.Count > 0 then
- Result := FOutline.Selected.Data
- else
- Result := nil;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbCustomZipOutline.GetStatus : TAbArchiveStatus;
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- Result := FArchive.Status
- else
- Result := asInvalid;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbCustomZipOutline.GetTextItem(const Value: string): LongInt;
- oNode : TTreeNode;
- oHold : TTreeNode;
- Result := -1;
- if FOutline.Items.Count <= 0 then
- exit;
- oNode := FOutline.Items[0];
- while oNode <> nil do begin
- if oNode.Text = Value then
- break;
- oHold := oNode;
- oNode := nil;
- if oHold.HasChildren then
- oNode := oHold.getFirstChild;
- if oNode = nil then
- oNode := oHold.GetNextChild( oHold );
- if oNode = nil then
- oNode := oHold.GetNext;
- end;
- if oNode <> nil then
- Result := oNode.AbsoluteIndex
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbCustomZipOutline.GetOutLineItem(X, Y : Integer): LongInt;
- oNode : TTreeNode;
- oNode := FOutLine.GetNodeAt(X, X);
- if oNode <> nil then
- Result := oNode.AbsoluteIndex
- else
- Result := -1;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbCustomZipOutline.GetVersion : string;
- Result := AbVersionS;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbCustomZipOutline.GetZipfileComment : AnsiString;
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- Result := TAbZipArchive(FArchive).ZipfileComment
- else
- Result := '';
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.InitArchive;
- if Assigned(FArchive) then begin
- {properties}
- FArchive.AutoSave := FAutoSave;
- FArchive.CompressionMethodToUse := FCompressionMethodToUse;
- SetBaseDirectory(FBaseDirectory);
- FArchive.DeflationOption := FDeflationOption;
- FArchive.DOSMode := FDOSMode;
- FArchive.ExtractOptions := FExtractOptions;
- FArchive.LogFile := FLogFile;
- FArchive.Logging := FLogging;
- FArchive.Password := FPassword;
- FArchive.PasswordRetries := FPasswordRetries;
- FArchive.StoreOptions := FStoreOptions;
- FArchive.TempDirectory := FTempDirectory;
- FArchive.SpanningThreshold := FSpanningThreshold;
- {events}
- TAbZipArchiveFriend(FArchive).ExtractHelper := UnzipProc;
- TAbZipArchiveFriend(FArchive).ExtractToStreamHelper := UnzipToStreamProc;
- TAbZipArchiveFriend(FArchive).InsertHelper := ZipProc;
- TAbZipArchiveFriend(FArchive).InsertFromStreamHelper := ZipFromStreamProc;
- FArchive.OnProcessItemFailure := DoProcessItemFailure;
- FArchive.OnArchiveItemProgress := DoArchiveItemProgress;
- FArchive.OnArchiveProgress := DoArchiveProgress;
- FArchive.OnConfirmProcessItem := DoConfirmProcessItem;
- FArchive.OnConfirmOverwrite := DoConfirmOverwrite;
- FArchive.OnConfirmSave := DoConfirmSave;
- FArchive.OnLoad := DoLoad;
- FArchive.OnSave := DoSave;
- FArchive.OnRequestImage := FOnRequestImage;
- FArchive.OnNeedPassword := DoNeedPassword;
- FArchive.OnRequestBlankDisk := FOnRequestBlankDisk;
- FArchive.OnRequestLastDisk := FOnRequestLastDisk;
- FArchive.OnRequestNthDisk := FOnRequestNthDisk;
- TAbZipArchiveFriend(FArchive).TestHelper := TestItemProc;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.Loaded;
- inherited Loaded;
- FOutline.OnClick := DoClick;
- FOutline.OnCollapsed := DoCollapse;
- FOutline.OnDblClick := DoDblClick;
- FOutline.OnDragDrop := DoDragDrop;
- FOutline.OnDragOver := DoDragOver;
- FOutline.OnEndDrag := DoOnEndDrag;
- FOutline.OnEnter := DoOnEnter;
- FOutline.OnExit := DoOnExit;
- FOutline.OnExpanded := DoExpand;
- FOutline.OnKeyDown := DoKeyDown;
- FOutline.OnKeyPress := DoKeyPress;
- FOutline.OnKeyUp := DoKeyUp;
- FOutline.OnMouseDown := DoMouseDown;
- FOutline.OnMouseMove := DoMouseMove;
- FOutline.OnMouseUp := DoMouseUp;
- FOutline.OnStartDrag := DoOnStartDrag;
- if Assigned(FOnWindowsDrop) then
- FOutline.OnWindowsDrop := DoWindowsDrop
- else
- FOutline.OnWindowsDrop := nil;
- DoChange;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.Move(aItem : TAbArchiveItem; NewStoredPath : string);
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- FArchive.Move(aItem, NewStoredPath)
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
- DoChange;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.Notification(Component: TComponent;
- Operation: TOperation);
- inherited Notification(Component, Operation);
- if (Operation = opRemove) then begin
- if Assigned(ItemProgressMeter) and Component.IsImplementorOf(ItemProgressMeter) then
- ItemProgressMeter := nil;
- if Assigned(ArchiveProgressMeter) and Component.IsImplementorOf(ArchiveProgressMeter) then
- ArchiveProgressMeter := nil;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.PutItem(Index : Integer; Value : TAbZipItem);
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- FArchive.ItemList[Index] := Value
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.Replace(aItem : TAbArchiveItem);
- {replace the item}
- if Assigned( FArchive ) then
- FArchive.Replace( aItem )
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
- DoChange;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.Save;
- if Assigned(FArchive) then begin
- FArchive.Save;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.SetArchiveProgressMeter(const Value: IAbProgressMeter);
- ReferenceInterface(FArchiveProgressMeter, opRemove);
- FArchiveProgressMeter := Value;
- ReferenceInterface(FArchiveProgressMeter, opInsert);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.SetAttributes(Value : TAbZipAttributes);
- FAttributes := Value;
- UpdateOutline;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.SetAutoSave(Value : Boolean);
- FAutoSave := Value;
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- FArchive.AutoSave := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.SetBaseDirectory(Value : string);
- if Assigned(FArchive) then begin
- FArchive.BaseDirectory := Value;
- FBaseDirectory := FArchive.BaseDirectory;
- end
- else
- FBaseDirectory := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.SetBorderStyle(Value : TBorderStyle);
- FOutline.BorderStyle := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.SetCompressionMethodToUse(
- Value : TAbZipSupportedMethod);
- FCompressionMethodToUse := Value;
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- FArchive.CompressionMethodToUse := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.SetCursor(Value : TCursor);
- FOutline.Cursor := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.SetDeflationOption(Value : TAbZipDeflationOption);
- FDeflationOption := Value;
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- FArchive.DeflationOption := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.SetDOSMode(Value : Boolean);
- FDOSMode := Value;
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- FArchive.DOSMode := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.SetDragCursor(Value : TCursor);
- FOutline.DragCursor := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.SetDragMode(Value : TDragMode);
- inherited SetDragMode(Value);
- {$ENDIF}
- FOutline.DragMode := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.SetExtractOptions(Value : TAbExtractOptions);
- FExtractOptions := Value;
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- FArchive.ExtractOptions := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.SetFileName(const aFileName : string);
- if Assigned(FArchive) and (Status = asBusy) then
- raise EAbArchiveBusy.Create;
- FFileName := aFileName;
- try
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- FArchive.Save;
- except
- end;
- FArchive.Free;
- FArchive := nil;
- if FileName <> '' then
- if FileExists(FileName) then begin
- if csDesigning in ComponentState then
- FArchive := TAbZipArchive.Create(FileName,
- fmOpenRead or
- fmShareDenyNone)
- else begin
- try
- FArchive := TAbZipArchive.Create(FileName,
- fmOpenReadWrite or
- fmShareDenyWrite);
- except
- {deals with read-only files}
- FArchive := TAbZipArchive.Create(FileName,
- fmOpenRead or
- fmShareDenyWrite);
- end;
- InitArchive;
- end;
- FArchive.Load;
- end
- else begin
- FArchive := TAbZipArchive.Create(FileName,
- fmCreate or fmShareDenyNone);
- InitArchive;
- try
- FArchive.Load;
- except
- end;
- end;
- DoChange;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.SetHierarchy(Value : Boolean);
- FHierarchy := Value;
- UpdateOutline;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.SetItemProgressMeter(const Value: IAbProgressMeter);
- ReferenceInterface(FItemProgressMeter, opRemove);
- FItemProgressMeter := Value;
- ReferenceInterface(FItemProgressMeter, opInsert);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.SetLogFile(Value : string);
- FLogFile := Value;
- if (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
- Exit;
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- FArchive.LogFile := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.SetLogging(Value : Boolean);
- FLogging := Value;
- if (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
- Exit;
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- FArchive.Logging:= Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.SetOnRequestImage(Value : TAbRequestImageEvent);
- FOnRequestImage := Value;
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- FArchive.OnRequestImage := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.SetOnRequestLastDisk(Value : TAbRequestDiskEvent);
- FOnRequestLastDisk := Value;
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- FArchive.OnRequestLastDisk := FOnRequestLastDisk;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.SetOnRequestNthDisk(Value : TAbRequestNthDiskEvent);
- FOnRequestNthDisk := Value;
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- FArchive.OnRequestNthDisk := FOnRequestNthDisk;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.SetOnRequestBlankDisk(Value : TAbRequestDiskEvent);
- FOnRequestBlankDisk := Value;
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- FArchive.OnRequestBlankDisk := FOnRequestBlankDisk;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.SetOnWindowsDrop(Value : TWindowsDropEvent);
- FOnWindowsDrop := Value;
- if csLoading in ComponentState then
- Exit;
- if csDestroying in ComponentState then
- Exit;
- if Assigned(Value) then
- FOutline.OnWindowsDrop := DoWindowsDrop
- else
- FOutline.OnWindowsDrop := nil;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.SetPassword(Value : AnsiString);
- FPassword := Value;
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- FArchive.Password := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.SetPasswordRetries(Value : Byte);
- FPasswordRetries := Value;
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- FArchive.PasswordRetries := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.SetPictureDirectory(Value : TBitmap);
- if Value <> nil then begin
- if (Value.Height = FOutline.FBitMapHeight) and
- (Value.Width = FOutline.FBitMapWidth) then
- FOutline.zdPictureDirectory := Value;
- end else
- FOutline.zdPictureDirectory := nil;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.SetPictureFile(Value : TBitmap);
- if Value <> nil then begin
- if (Value.Height = FOutline.FBitMapHeight) and
- (Value.Width = FOutline.FBitMapWidth) then
- FOutline.zdPictureFile := Value;
- end else
- FOutline.zdPictureFile := nil;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.SetPictureZipAttribute(Value : TBitmap);
- if Value <> nil then begin
- if (Value.Height = FOutline.FBitMapHeight) and
- (Value.Width = FOutline.FBitMapWidth) then
- FOutline.zdPictureZipAttribute := Value;
- end else
- FOutline.zdPictureZipAttribute := nil;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.SetPictureDirectorySelected(Value : TBitmap);
- if Value <> nil then begin
- if (Value.Height = FOutline.FBitMapHeight) and
- (Value.Width = FOutline.FBitMapWidth) then
- FOutline.zdPictureDirectorySelected := Value;
- end else
- FOutline.zdPictureDirectorySelected := nil;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.SetPictureFileSelected(Value : TBitmap);
- if Value <> nil then begin
- if (Value.Height = FOutline.FBitMapHeight) and
- (Value.Width = FOutline.FBitMapWidth) then
- FOutline.zdPictureFileSelected := Value;
- end else
- FOutline.zdPictureFileSelected := nil;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.SetPictureZipAttributeSelected(Value : TBitmap);
- if Value <> nil then begin
- if (Value.Height = FOutline.FBitMapHeight) and
- (Value.Width = FOutline.FBitMapWidth) then
- FOutline.zdPictureZipAttributeSelected := Value;
- end else
- FOutline.zdPictureZipAttributeSelected := nil;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.SetPictureHeight(Value : Integer);
- FOutline.FBitMapHeight := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.SetPictureWidth(Value : Integer);
- FOutline.FBitMapWidth := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.SetSelectedItem(Value : LongInt);
- if ( Value >= 0 ) and ( Value <= pred( FOutline.Items.Count )) then
- FOutline.Selected := FOutline.Items[ Value ];
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.SetStoreOptions(Value : TAbStoreOptions);
- FStoreOptions := Value;
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- FArchive.StoreOptions := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.SetTempDirectory(Value : string);
- FTempDirectory := Value;
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- FArchive.TempDirectory := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.SetSpanningThreshold(Value : Longint);
- FSpanningThreshold := Value;
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- FArchive.SpanningThreshold := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.SetVersion(Value : string);
- {NOP}
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.SetZipfileComment(Value : AnsiString);
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- TAbZipArchive(FArchive).ZipfileComment := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.TagItems(const FileMask : string);
- {tag all items that match the mask}
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- FArchive.TagItems(FileMask)
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.UnTagItems(const FileMask : string);
- {clear tags for all items that match the mask}
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- FArchive.UnTagItems(FileMask)
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.UnzipProc(Sender : TObject;
- Item : TAbArchiveItem;
- const NewName : string);
- AbUnzip( TAbZipArchive(Sender), TAbZipItem(Item), NewName);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.UnzipToStreamProc(Sender : TObject;
- Item : TAbArchiveItem;
- OutStream : TStream);
- if Assigned(OutStream) then
- AbUnzipToStream(TAbZipArchive(Sender), TAbZipItem(Item), OutStream);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.UpdateOutline;
- Found : Boolean;
- i : Integer;
- CurRoot : TTreeNode;
- CurParent : TTreeNode;
- CurChild : TTreeNode;
- RootNode : TTreeNode;
- oNode : TTreeNode;
- SubDir : string;
- ItemString : string;
- function GetSubDir(var ItemString : string) : string;
- var
- i : Integer;
- begin
- i := Pos(AbPathDelim, ItemString);
- Result := '';
- if i > 0 then begin
- Result := Copy(ItemString, 1, pred(i));
- System.Delete(ItemString, 1, i);
- end;
- end;
- RootNode := nil;
- CurRoot := nil;
- FOutline.Items.Clear;
- if not Assigned(FArchive) then
- Exit;
- if FArchive.Count = 0 then
- Exit;
- FOutline.IndexBitmaps;
- if Hierarchy then begin
- for i := 0 to pred(FArchive.Count) do begin
- {do not display deleted items...}
- if FArchive.ItemList[i].Action = aaDelete then
- continue;
- ItemString := FArchive.ItemList[i].FileName;
- AbUnfixName(ItemString);
- if ItemString[ Length( ItemString )] = AbPathDelim then
- Continue;
- if ( FOutline.Items.Count <> 0 ) and ( CurRoot <> nil ) then begin
- SubDir := GetSubDir(ItemString);
- if RootNode = nil then
- RootNode := FOutline.TopItem;
- CurParent := RootNode;
- while CurParent <> nil do begin
- if CurParent.Text = SubDir then begin
- CurRoot := CurParent;
- break;
- end else begin
- CurParent := CurParent.getNextSibling;
- end;
- end;
- if CurParent = nil then begin
- ItemString := FArchive.ItemList[i].FileName;
- AbUnfixName(ItemString);
- end;
- end else
- CurParent := nil;
- SubDir := GetSubDir(ItemString);
- while SubDir <> '' do begin
- if CurParent <> nil then begin
- Found := False;
- CurChild := CurParent.GetFirstChild;
- while CurChild <> nil do begin
- if CurChild.Text <> SubDir then
- CurChild := CurParent.GetNextChild( CurChild )
- else begin
- Found := True;
- break;
- end;
- end;
- if Found then
- CurParent := CurChild
- else begin
- if ItemString <> '' then begin
- CurParent := FOutline.Items.AddChild( CurParent, SubDir );
- CurParent.ImageIndex := FOutline.FDirectoryIndex;
- CurParent.SelectedIndex := FOutline.FDirSelectedIndex;
- end;
- end;
- end else begin
- if ItemString <> '' then begin
- CurRoot := FOutline.Items.Add( nil, SubDir );
- if FOutline.Items.Count = 1 then
- RootNode := CurRoot;
- CurRoot.ImageIndex := FOutline.FDirectoryIndex;
- CurRoot.SelectedIndex := FOutline.FDirSelectedIndex;
- CurParent := CurRoot
- end;
- end;
- SubDir := GetSubDir(ItemString);
- end;
- if ItemString <> '' then begin
- oNode := FOutline.Items.AddChildObject(CurParent, ItemString,
- FArchive.ItemList[i]);
- if FOutline.Items.Count = 1 then
- RootNode := oNode;
- oNode.ImageIndex := FOutline.FFileIndex;
- oNode.SelectedIndex := FOutline.FFileSelectedIndex;
- AddAttributeNodes(TAbZipItem(FArchive.ItemList[i]), oNode);
- end;
- end;
- end
- else begin
- for i := 0 to pred(FArchive.Count) do begin
- ItemString := FArchive.ItemList[i].FileName;
- AbUnfixName(ItemString);
- oNode := FOutline.Items.AddObject(FOutline.Selected, ItemString,
- FArchive.ItemList[i]);
- oNode.ImageIndex := FOutline.FFileIndex;
- oNode.SelectedIndex := FOutline.FFileSelectedIndex;
- AddAttributeNodes(TAbZipItem(FArchive.ItemList[i]), oNode);
- end;
- end;
- FullExpand;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.TestItemProc(Sender : TObject; Item : TAbArchiveItem);
- AbTestZipItem(TAbZipArchive(Sender), TAbZipItem(Item));
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.TestTaggedItems;
- {Test specified items}
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- FArchive.TestTaggedItems
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.ZipProc(Sender : TObject;
- Item : TAbArchiveItem;
- OutStream : TStream);
- AbZip(TAbZipArchive(Sender), TAbZipItem(Item), OutStream);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.ZipFromStreamProc(Sender : TObject;
- Item : TAbArchiveItem;
- OutStream, InStream : TStream);
- if Assigned(InStream) then
- AbZipFromStream(TAbZipArchive(Sender), TAbZipItem(Item),
- OutStream, InStream)
- else
- raise EAbZipNoInsertion.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.CloseArchive;
- {closes the archive by setting FileName to ''}
- if FFileName <> '' then
- FileName := '';
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipOutline.OpenArchive(const aFileName : String);
- {opens the archive}
- FileName := AFileName;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbZipOut.res b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbZipOut.res
deleted file mode 100644
index a150263..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbZipOut.res and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbZipPrc.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbZipPrc.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b59d27..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbZipPrc.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbZipPrc.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: TABZipHelper class *}
-unit AbZipPrc;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- Classes,
- AbZipTyp;
- procedure AbZip( Sender : TAbZipArchive; Item : TAbZipItem;
- OutStream : TStream );
- procedure AbZipFromStream(Sender : TAbZipArchive; Item : TAbZipItem;
- OutStream, InStream : TStream);
- procedure DeflateStream( UncompressedStream, CompressedStream : TStream );
- {-Deflates everything in UncompressedStream to CompressedStream
- no encryption is tried, no check on CRC is done, uses the whole
- compressedstream - no Progress events - no Frills! }
- Windows,
- Libc,
- SysUtils,
- AbArcTyp,
- AbExcept,
- AbUtils,
- AbDfCryS,
- AbVMStrm,
- AbDfBase,
- AbDfEnc,
- AbSpanSt;
-{ ========================================================================== }
-procedure DoDeflate(Archive : TAbZipArchive; Item : TAbZipItem; OutStream, InStream : TStream);
- Hlpr : TAbDeflateHelper;
- Item.CompressionMethod := cmDeflated;
- Hlpr := TAbDeflateHelper.Create;
- {anything dealing with store options, etc. should already be done.}
- try {Hlpr}
- Hlpr.StreamSize := InStream.Size;
- { set deflation level desired }
- Hlpr.PKZipOption := '0';
- case Archive.DeflationOption of
- doNormal : begin
- Hlpr.PKZipOption := 'n';
- Item.GeneralPurposeBitFlag :=
- Item.GeneralPurposeBitFlag or DEFLATE_NORMAL_MASK;
- end;
- doMaximum : begin
- Hlpr.PKZipOption := 'x';
- Item.GeneralPurposeBitFlag :=
- Item.GeneralPurposeBitFlag or DEFLATE_MAXIMUM_MASK;
- end;
- doFast : begin
- Hlpr.PKZipOption := 'f';
- Item.GeneralPurposeBitFlag :=
- Item.GeneralPurposeBitFlag or DEFLATE_FAST_MASK;
- end;
- doSuperFast : begin
- Hlpr.PKZipOption := 's';
- Item.GeneralPurposeBitFlag :=
- Item.GeneralPurposeBitFlag or DEFLATE_SUPERFAST_MASK;
- end;
- end;
- { attach progress notification method }
- Hlpr.OnProgressStep := Archive.DoInflateProgress;
- { provide encryption check value }
- Item.CRC32 := Deflate(InStream, OutStream, Hlpr);
- finally {Hlpr}
- Hlpr.Free;
- end; {Hlpr}
-{ ========================================================================== }
-procedure DoStore(Archive : TAbZipArchive; Item : TAbZipItem; OutStream, InStream : TStream);
- CRC32 : LongInt;
- Percent : LongInt;
- LastPercent : LongInt;
- InSize : Int64;
- DataRead : Int64;
- Total : Int64;
- Abort : Boolean;
- Buffer : array [0..8191] of byte;
- { setup }
- Item.CompressionMethod := cmStored;
- Abort := False;
- CRC32 := -1;
- Total := 0;
- Percent := 0;
- LastPercent := 0;
- InSize := InStream.Size;
- { get first bufferful }
- DataRead := InStream.Read(Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer));
- { while more data has been read and we're not told to bail }
- while (DataRead <> 0) and not Abort do begin
- {report the progress}
- if Assigned(Archive.OnProgress) then begin
- Total := Total + DataRead;
- Percent := Round((100.0 * Total) / InSize);
- if (LastPercent <> Percent) then
- Archive.OnProgress(Percent, Abort);
- LastPercent := Percent;
- end;
- { update CRC}
- AbUpdateCRCBuffer(CRC32, Buffer, DataRead);
- { write data (encrypting if needed) }
- OutStream.WriteBuffer(Buffer, DataRead);
- { get next bufferful }
- DataRead := InStream.Read(Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer));
- end;
- { finish CRC calculation }
- Item.CRC32 := not CRC32;
- { show final progress increment }
- if (Percent < 100) and Assigned(Archive.OnProgress) then
- Archive.OnProgress(100, Abort);
- { User wants to bail }
- if Abort then begin
- raise EAbUserAbort.Create;
- end;
-{ ========================================================================== }
-procedure DoZipFromStream(Sender : TAbZipArchive; Item : TAbZipItem;
- OutStream, InStream : TStream);
- ZipArchive : TAbZipArchive;
- InStartPos : LongInt;
- TempOut : TAbVirtualMemoryStream;
- DestStrm : TStream;
- ZipArchive := TAbZipArchive(Sender);
- { configure Item }
- Item.UncompressedSize := InStream.Size;
- Item.GeneralPurposeBitFlag := Item.GeneralPurposeBitFlag and AbLanguageEncodingFlag;
- if ZipArchive.Password <> '' then { encrypt the stream }
- DestStrm := TAbDfEncryptStream.Create(OutStream,
- LongInt(Item.LastModFileTime shl $10),
- ZipArchive.Password)
- else
- DestStrm := OutStream;
- try
- if InStream.Size > 0 then begin
- { determine how to store Item based on specified CompressionMethodToUse }
- case ZipArchive.CompressionMethodToUse of
- smDeflated : begin
- { Item is to be deflated regarless }
- { deflate item }
- DoDeflate(ZipArchive, Item, DestStrm, InStream);
- end;
- smStored : begin
- { Item is to be stored regardless }
- { store item }
- DoStore(ZipArchive, Item, DestStrm, InStream);
- end;
- smBestMethod : begin
- { Item is to be archived using method producing best compression }
- TempOut := TAbVirtualMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- TempOut.SwapFileDirectory := Sender.TempDirectory;
- { save starting points }
- InStartPos := InStream.Position;
- { try deflating item }
- DoDeflate(ZipArchive, Item, TempOut, InStream);
- { if deflated size > input size then got negative compression }
- { so storing the item is more efficient }
- if TempOut.Size > InStream.Size then begin { store item instead }
- { reset streams to original positions }
- InStream.Position := InStartPos;
- TempOut.Free;
- TempOut := TAbVirtualMemoryStream.Create;
- TempOut.SwapFileDirectory := Sender.TempDirectory;
- { store item }
- DoStore(ZipArchive, Item, TempOut, InStream);
- end {if};
- TempOut.Seek(0, soBeginning);
- DestStrm.CopyFrom(TempOut, TempOut.Size);
- finally
- TempOut.Free;
- end;
- end;
- end; { case }
- end
- else begin
- { InStream is zero length}
- Item.CRC32 := 0;
- { ignore any storage indicator and treat as stored }
- DoStore(ZipArchive, Item, DestStrm, InStream);
- end;
- finally
- if DestStrm <> OutStream then
- DestStrm.Free;
- end;
- { update item }
- Item.CompressedSize := OutStream.Size;
- Item.InternalFileAttributes := 0; { don't care }
- if (ZipArchive.Password <> '') then
- Item.GeneralPurposeBitFlag := Item.GeneralPurposeBitFlag
- or AbFileIsEncryptedFlag or AbHasDataDescriptorFlag;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure AbZipFromStream(Sender : TAbZipArchive; Item : TAbZipItem;
- OutStream, InStream : TStream);
- FileTimeStamp : LongInt;
- // Set item properties for non-file streams
- Item.ExternalFileAttributes := 0;
- FileTimeStamp := DateTimeToFileDate(SysUtils.Now);
- Item.LastModFileTime := LongRec(FileTimeStamp).Lo;
- Item.LastModFileDate := LongRec(FileTimeStamp).Hi;
- DoZipFromStream(Sender, Item, OutStream, InStream);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure AbZip( Sender : TAbZipArchive; Item : TAbZipItem;
- OutStream : TStream );
- UncompressedStream : TStream;
- SaveDir : string;
- AttrEx : TAbAttrExRec;
- UncompressedStream := nil;
- GetDir(0, SaveDir);
- try {SaveDir}
- if (Sender.BaseDirectory <> '') then
- ChDir(Sender.BaseDirectory);
- if not AbFileGetAttrEx(Item.DiskFileName, AttrEx) then
- raise EAbFileNotFound.Create;
- if ((AttrEx.Attr and faDirectory) <> 0) then
- UncompressedStream := TMemoryStream.Create
- else
- UncompressedStream :=
- TFileStream.Create(Item.DiskFileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);
- finally {SaveDir}
- ChDir( SaveDir );
- end; {SaveDir}
- try {UncompressedStream}
- Item.ExternalFileAttributes := LongWord(AttrEx.Mode) shl 16 + LongWord(AttrEx.Attr);
- {$ELSE}
- Item.ExternalFileAttributes := AttrEx.Attr;
- {$ENDIF}
- Item.LastModTimeAsDateTime := AttrEx.Time;
- DoZipFromStream(Sender, Item, OutStream, UncompressedStream);
- finally {UncompressedStream}
- UncompressedStream.Free;
- end; {UncompressedStream}
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure DeflateStream( UncompressedStream, CompressedStream : TStream );
- {-Deflates everything in CompressedStream to UncompressedStream
- no encryption is tried, no check on CRC is done, uses the whole
- Uncompressedstream - no Progress events - no Frills!
- }
- Deflate(UncompressedStream, CompressedStream, nil);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbZipTyp.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbZipTyp.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 448c6ae..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbZipTyp.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2344 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- * Craig Peterson
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbZipTyp.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: PKZip types *}
-{* Based on information from Appnote.txt, shipped with *}
-{* PKWare's PKZip for Windows 2.5 *}
-unit AbZipTyp;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- Classes, AbArcTyp, AbUtils, AbSpanSt;
- { note #$50 = 'P', #$4B = 'K'}
- Ab_ZipVersion = 63;
- Ab_ZipLocalFileHeaderSignature : Longint = $04034B50;
- Ab_ZipDataDescriptorSignature : Longint = $08074B50;
- Ab_ZipCentralDirectoryFileHeaderSignature : Longint = $02014B50;
- Ab_Zip64EndCentralDirectorySignature : Longint = $06064B50;
- Ab_Zip64EndCentralDirectoryLocatorSignature:Longint = $07064B50;
- Ab_ZipEndCentralDirectorySignature : Longint = $06054B50;
- Ab_ZipSpannedSetSignature : Longint = $08074B50;
- Ab_ZipPossiblySpannedSignature : Longint = $30304B50;
- Ab_GeneralZipSignature : Word = $4B50;
- Ab_ArchiveExtraDataRecord : Longint = $08064B50;
- Ab_DigitalSignature : Longint = $05054B50;
- Ab_WindowsExeSignature : Word = $5A4D;
- Ab_LinuxExeSignature : Longint = $464C457F;
- AbDefZipSpanningThreshold = 0;
- AbDefPasswordRetries = 3;
- AbFileIsEncryptedFlag = $0001;
- AbHasDataDescriptorFlag = $0008;
- AbLanguageEncodingFlag = $0800;
- Ab_Zip64SubfieldID : Word = $0001;
- Ab_InfoZipUnicodePathSubfieldID : Word = $7075;
- Ab_XceedUnicodePathSubfieldID : Word = $554E;
- Ab_XceedUnicodePathSignature : LongWord= $5843554E;
- PAbByteArray4K = ^TAbByteArray4K;
- TAbByteArray4K = array[1..4096] of Byte;
- PAbByteArray8K = ^TAbByteArray8K;
- TAbByteArray8K = array[0..8192] of Byte;
- PAbIntArray8K = ^TAbIntArray8K;
- TAbIntArray8K = array[0..8192] of SmallInt;
- PAbWordArray = ^TAbWordArray;
- TAbWordArray = array[0..65535 div SizeOf(Word)-1] of Word;
- PAbByteArray = ^TAbByteArray;
- TAbByteArray = array[0..65535-1] of Byte;
- PAbSmallIntArray = ^TAbSmallIntArray;
- TAbSmallIntArray = array[0..65535 div SizeOf(SmallInt)-1] of SmallInt;
- PAbIntegerArray = ^TAbIntegerArray;
- TAbIntegerArray = array[0..65535 div sizeof(integer)-1] of integer;
- TAbZip64EndOfCentralDirectoryRecord = packed record
- Signature : Longint;
- RecordSize : Int64;
- VersionMadeBy : Word;
- VersionNeededToExtract : Word;
- DiskNumber : LongWord;
- StartDiskNumber : LongWord;
- EntriesOnDisk : Int64;
- TotalEntries : Int64;
- DirectorySize : Int64;
- DirectoryOffset : Int64;
- end;
- TAbZip64EndOfCentralDirectoryLocator = packed record
- Signature : Longint;
- StartDiskNumber : Longint;
- RelativeOffset : Int64;
- TotalDisks : Longint;
- end;
- TAbZipEndOfCentralDirectoryRecord = packed record
- Signature : Longint;
- DiskNumber : Word;
- StartDiskNumber : Word;
- EntriesOnDisk : Word;
- TotalEntries : Word;
- DirectorySize : LongWord;
- DirectoryOffset : LongWord;
- CommentLength : Word;
- end;
- TAbFollower = {used to expand reduced files}
- packed record
- Size : Byte; {size of follower set}
- FSet : array[0..31] of Byte; {follower set}
- end;
- PAbFollowerSets = ^TAbFollowerSets;
- TAbFollowerSets = array[0..255] of TAbFollower;
- PAbSfEntry = ^TAbSfEntry;
- TAbSfEntry = {entry in a Shannon-Fano tree}
- packed record
- case Byte of
- 0 : (Code : Word; Value, BitLength : Byte);
- 1 : (L : Longint);
- end;
- PAbSfTree = ^TAbSfTree;
- TAbSfTree =
- packed record {a Shannon-Fano tree}
- Entries : SmallInt;
- MaxLength : SmallInt;
- Entry : array[0..256] of TAbSfEntry;
- end;
- PInfoZipUnicodePathRec = ^TInfoZipUnicodePathRec;
- TInfoZipUnicodePathRec = packed record
- Version: Byte;
- NameCRC32: LongInt;
- UnicodeName: array[0..0] of AnsiChar;
- end;
- PXceedUnicodePathRec = ^TXceedUnicodePathRec;
- TXceedUnicodePathRec = packed record
- Signature: LongWord;
- Length: Integer;
- UnicodeName: array[0..0] of WideChar;
- end;
- PZip64LocalHeaderRec = ^TZip64LocalHeaderRec;
- TZip64LocalHeaderRec = packed record
- UncompressedSize: Int64;
- CompressedSize: Int64;
- end;
- TAbZipCompressionMethod =
- (cmStored, cmShrunk, cmReduced1, cmReduced2, cmReduced3,
- cmReduced4, cmImploded, cmTokenized, cmDeflated,
- cmEnhancedDeflated, cmDCLImploded, cmBzip2 = 12, cmLZMA = 14,
- cmIBMTerse = 18, cmLZ77, cmJPEG = 96, cmWavPack = 97, cmPPMd);
- TAbZipSupportedMethod =
- (smStored, smDeflated, smBestMethod);
- {ExternalFileAttributes compatibility; aliases are Info-ZIP/PKZIP overlaps}
- TAbZipHostOS =
- (hosDOS, hosAmiga, hosVAX, hosUnix, hosVMCMS, hosAtari,
- hosOS2, hosMacintosh, hosZSystem, hosCPM, hosNTFS, hosTOPS20 = hosNTFS,
- hosMVS, hosWinNT = hosMVS, hosVSE, hosQDOS = hosVSE, hosRISC,
- hosVFAT, hosAltMVS, hosBeOS, hosTandem, hosOS400, hosTHEOS = hosOS400,
- hosDarwin, hosAtheOS = 30);
- {for method 6 - imploding}
- TAbZipDictionarySize =
- (dsInvalid, ds4K, ds8K);
- {for method 8 - deflating}
- TAbZipDeflationOption =
- (doInvalid, doNormal, doMaximum, doFast, doSuperFast );
- TAbNeedPasswordEvent = procedure(Sender : TObject;
- var NewPassword : AnsiString) of object;
- AbDefCompressionMethodToUse = smBestMethod;
- AbDefDeflationOption = doNormal;
- TAbZipDataDescriptor = class( TObject )
- protected {private}
- FCRC32 : Longint;
- FCompressedSize : Int64;
- FUncompressedSize : Int64;
- public {methods}
- procedure SaveToStream( Stream : TStream );
- public {properties}
- property CRC32 : Longint
- read FCRC32 write FCRC32;
- property CompressedSize : Int64
- read FCompressedSize write FCompressedSize;
- property UncompressedSize : Int64
- read FUncompressedSize write FUncompressedSize;
- end;
-{ TAbZipFileHeader interface =============================================== }
- {ancestor class for ZipLocalFileHeader and DirectoryFileHeader}
- TAbZipFileHeader = class( TObject )
- protected {private}
- FValidSignature : Longint;
- FSignature : Longint;
- FVersionNeededToExtract : Word;
- FGeneralPurposeBitFlag : Word;
- FCompressionMethod : Word;
- FLastModFileTime : Word;
- FLastModFileDate : Word;
- FCRC32 : Longint;
- FCompressedSize : LongWord;
- FUncompressedSize : LongWord;
- FFileName : AnsiString;
- FExtraField : TAbExtraField;
- protected {methods}
- function GetCompressionMethod : TAbZipCompressionMethod;
- function GetCompressionRatio : Double;
- function GetDataDescriptor : Boolean;
- function GetDeflationOption : TAbZipDeflationOption;
- function GetDictionarySize : TAbZipDictionarySize;
- function GetEncrypted : Boolean;
- function GetIsUTF8 : Boolean;
- function GetShannonFanoTreeCount : Byte;
- function GetValid : Boolean;
- procedure SetCompressionMethod( Value : TAbZipCompressionMethod );
- procedure SetIsUTF8( Value : Boolean );
- public {methods}
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- public {properties}
- property Signature : Longint
- read FSignature write FSignature;
- property VersionNeededToExtract : Word
- read FVersionNeededToExtract write FVersionNeededToExtract;
- property GeneralPurposeBitFlag : Word
- read FGeneralPurposeBitFlag write FGeneralPurposeBitFlag;
- property CompressionMethod : TAbZipCompressionMethod
- read GetCompressionMethod write SetCompressionMethod;
- property LastModFileTime : Word
- read FLastModFileTime write FLastModFileTime;
- property LastModFileDate : Word
- read FLastModFileDate write FLastModFileDate;
- property CRC32 : Longint
- read FCRC32 write FCRC32;
- property CompressedSize : LongWord
- read FCompressedSize write FCompressedSize;
- property UncompressedSize : LongWord
- read FUncompressedSize write FUncompressedSize;
- property FileName : AnsiString
- read FFileName write FFileName;
- property ExtraField : TAbExtraField
- read FExtraField;
- property CompressionRatio : Double
- read GetCompressionRatio;
- property DeflationOption : TAbZipDeflationOption
- read GetDeflationOption;
- property DictionarySize : TAbZipDictionarySize
- read GetDictionarySize;
- property HasDataDescriptor : Boolean
- read GetDataDescriptor;
- property IsValid : Boolean
- read GetValid;
- property IsEncrypted : Boolean
- read GetEncrypted;
- property IsUTF8 : Boolean
- read GetIsUTF8 write SetIsUTF8;
- property ShannonFanoTreeCount : Byte
- read GetShannonFanoTreeCount;
- end;
-{ TAbZipLocalFileHeader interface ========================================== }
- TAbZipLocalFileHeader = class( TAbZipFileHeader )
- public {methods}
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure LoadFromStream( Stream : TStream );
- procedure SaveToStream( Stream : TStream );
- end;
-{ TAbZipDirectoryFileHeader interface ====================================== }
- TAbZipDirectoryFileHeader = class( TAbZipFileHeader )
- protected {private}
- FVersionMadeBy : Word;
- FDiskNumberStart : Word;
- FInternalFileAttributes : Word;
- FExternalFileAttributes : LongWord;
- FRelativeOffset : LongWord;
- FFileComment : AnsiString;
- public {methods}
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure LoadFromStream( Stream : TStream );
- procedure SaveToStream( Stream : TStream );
- public {properties}
- property VersionMadeBy : Word
- read FVersionMadeBy write FVersionMadeBy;
- property DiskNumberStart : Word
- read FDiskNumberStart write FDiskNumberStart;
- property InternalFileAttributes : Word
- read FInternalFileAttributes write FInternalFileAttributes;
- property ExternalFileAttributes : LongWord
- read FExternalFileAttributes write FExternalFileAttributes;
- property RelativeOffset : LongWord
- read FRelativeOffset write FRelativeOffset;
- property FileComment : AnsiString
- read FFileComment write FFileComment;
- end;
-{ TAbZipDirectoryFileFooter interface ====================================== }
- TAbZipDirectoryFileFooter = class( TObject )
- protected {private}
- FDiskNumber : LongWord;
- FStartDiskNumber : LongWord;
- FEntriesOnDisk : Int64;
- FTotalEntries : Int64;
- FDirectorySize : Int64;
- FDirectoryOffset : Int64;
- FZipfileComment : AnsiString;
- function GetIsZip64: Boolean;
- public {methods}
- procedure LoadFromStream( Stream : TStream );
- procedure LoadZip64FromStream( Stream : TStream );
- procedure SaveToStream( Stream : TStream; aZip64TailOffset : Int64 = -1 );
- public {properties}
- property DiskNumber : LongWord
- read FDiskNumber write FDiskNumber;
- property EntriesOnDisk : Int64
- read FEntriesOnDisk write FEntriesOnDisk;
- property TotalEntries : Int64
- read FTotalEntries write FTotalEntries;
- property DirectorySize : Int64
- read FDirectorySize write FDirectorySize;
- property DirectoryOffset : Int64
- read FDirectoryOffset write FDirectoryOffset;
- property StartDiskNumber : LongWord
- read FStartDiskNumber write FStartDiskNumber;
- property ZipfileComment : AnsiString
- read FZipfileComment write FZipfileComment;
- property IsZip64: Boolean
- read GetIsZip64;
- end;
-{ TAbZipItem interface ===================================================== }
- TAbZipItem = class( TAbArchiveItem )
- protected {private}
- FItemInfo : TAbZipDirectoryFileHeader;
- FDiskNumberStart : LongWord;
- FLFHExtraField : TAbExtraField;
- FRelativeOffset : Int64;
- protected {methods}
- function GetCompressionMethod : TAbZipCompressionMethod;
- function GetCompressionRatio : Double;
- function GetDeflationOption : TAbZipDeflationOption;
- function GetDictionarySize : TAbZipDictionarySize;
- function GetExtraField : TAbExtraField;
- function GetFileComment : AnsiString;
- function GetGeneralPurposeBitFlag : Word;
- function GetHostOS: TAbZipHostOS;
- function GetInternalFileAttributes : Word;
- function GetRawFileName : AnsiString;
- function GetShannonFanoTreeCount : Byte;
- function GetVersionMadeBy : Word;
- function GetVersionNeededToExtract : Word;
- procedure SaveCDHToStream( Stream : TStream );
- procedure SaveDDToStream( Stream : TStream );
- procedure SaveLFHToStream( Stream : TStream );
- procedure SetCompressionMethod( Value : TAbZipCompressionMethod );
- procedure SetDiskNumberStart( Value : LongWord );
- procedure SetFileComment(const Value : AnsiString );
- procedure SetGeneralPurposeBitFlag( Value : Word );
- procedure SetHostOS( Value : TAbZipHostOS );
- procedure SetInternalFileAttributes( Value : Word );
- procedure SetRelativeOffset( Value : Int64 );
- procedure SetVersionMadeBy( Value : Word );
- procedure SetVersionNeededToExtract( Value : Word );
- procedure UpdateVersionNeededToExtract;
- procedure UpdateZip64ExtraHeader;
- protected {redefined property methods}
- function GetCRC32 : Longint; override;
- function GetExternalFileAttributes : LongWord; override;
- function GetIsDirectory: Boolean; override;
- function GetIsEncrypted : Boolean; override;
- function GetLastModFileDate : Word; override;
- function GetLastModFileTime : Word; override;
- function GetNativeFileAttributes : LongInt; override;
- procedure SetCompressedSize( const Value : Int64 ); override;
- procedure SetCRC32( const Value : Longint ); override;
- procedure SetExternalFileAttributes( Value : LongWord ); override;
- procedure SetFileName(const Value : string ); override;
- procedure SetLastModFileDate(const Value : Word ); override;
- procedure SetLastModFileTime(const Value : Word ); override;
- procedure SetUncompressedSize( const Value : Int64 ); override;
- public {methods}
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure LoadFromStream( Stream : TStream );
- public {properties}
- property CompressionMethod : TAbZipCompressionMethod
- read GetCompressionMethod
- write SetCompressionMethod;
- property CompressionRatio : Double
- read GetCompressionRatio;
- property DeflationOption : TAbZipDeflationOption
- read GetDeflationOption;
- property DictionarySize : TAbZipDictionarySize
- read GetDictionarySize;
- property DiskNumberStart : LongWord
- read FDiskNumberStart
- write SetDiskNumberStart;
- property ExtraField : TAbExtraField
- read GetExtraField;
- property FileComment : AnsiString
- read GetFileComment
- write SetFileComment;
- property HostOS: TAbZipHostOS
- read GetHostOS
- write SetHostOS;
- property InternalFileAttributes : Word
- read GetInternalFileAttributes
- write SetInternalFileAttributes;
- property GeneralPurposeBitFlag : Word
- read GetGeneralPurposeBitFlag
- write SetGeneralPurposeBitFlag;
- property LFHExtraField : TAbExtraField
- read FLFHExtraField;
- property RawFileName : AnsiString
- read GetRawFileName;
- property RelativeOffset : Int64
- read FRelativeOffset
- write SetRelativeOffset;
- property ShannonFanoTreeCount : Byte
- read GetShannonFanoTreeCount;
- property VersionMadeBy : Word
- read GetVersionMadeBy
- write SetVersionMadeBy;
- property VersionNeededToExtract : Word
- read GetVersionNeededToExtract
- write SetVersionNeededToExtract;
- end;
-{ TAbZipArchive interface ================================================== }
- TAbZipArchive = class( TAbArchive )
- protected {private}
- FCompressionMethodToUse : TAbZipSupportedMethod;
- FDeflationOption : TAbZipDeflationOption;
- FInfo : TAbZipDirectoryFileFooter;
- FIsExecutable : Boolean;
- FPassword : AnsiString;
- FPasswordRetries : Byte;
- FStubSize : LongWord;
- FExtractHelper : TAbArchiveItemExtractEvent;
- FExtractToStreamHelper : TAbArchiveItemExtractToStreamEvent;
- FTestHelper : TAbArchiveItemTestEvent;
- FInsertHelper : TAbArchiveItemInsertEvent;
- FInsertFromStreamHelper : TAbArchiveItemInsertFromStreamEvent;
- FOnNeedPassword : TAbNeedPasswordEvent;
- FOnRequestLastDisk : TAbRequestDiskEvent;
- FOnRequestNthDisk : TAbRequestNthDiskEvent;
- FOnRequestBlankDisk : TAbRequestDiskEvent;
- protected {methods}
- procedure DoExtractHelper(Index : Integer; const NewName : string);
- procedure DoExtractToStreamHelper(Index : Integer; aStream : TStream);
- procedure DoTestHelper(Index : Integer);
- procedure DoInsertHelper(Index : Integer; OutStream : TStream);
- procedure DoInsertFromStreamHelper(Index : Integer; OutStream : TStream);
- function GetItem( Index : Integer ) : TAbZipItem;
- function GetZipfileComment : AnsiString;
- procedure PutItem( Index : Integer; Value : TAbZipItem );
- procedure DoRequestDisk(const AMessage: string; var Abort : Boolean);
- procedure DoRequestLastDisk( var Abort : Boolean );
- virtual;
- procedure DoRequestNthDisk(Sender: TObject; DiskNumber : Byte; var Abort : Boolean );
- virtual;
- procedure DoRequestBlankDisk(Sender: TObject; var Abort : Boolean );
- virtual;
- procedure ExtractItemAt(Index : Integer; const UseName : string);
- override;
- procedure ExtractItemToStreamAt(Index : Integer; aStream : TStream);
- override;
- procedure TestItemAt(Index : Integer);
- override;
- function FixName(const Value : string ) : string;
- override;
- function GetSupportsEmptyFolders: Boolean;
- override;
- procedure LoadArchive;
- override;
- procedure SaveArchive;
- override;
- procedure SetZipfileComment(const Value : AnsiString );
- protected {properties}
- property IsExecutable : Boolean
- read FIsExecutable write FIsExecutable;
- public {protected}
- procedure DoRequestImage(Sender: TObject; ImageNumber: Integer;
- var ImageName: string; var Abort: Boolean);
- public {methods}
- constructor CreateFromStream( aStream : TStream; const ArchiveName : string );
- override;
- destructor Destroy;
- override;
- function CreateItem(const FileName : string): TAbArchiveItem;
- override;
- public {properties}
- property CompressionMethodToUse : TAbZipSupportedMethod
- read FCompressionMethodToUse
- write FCompressionMethodToUse;
- property DeflationOption : TAbZipDeflationOption
- read FDeflationOption
- write FDeflationOption;
- property ExtractHelper : TAbArchiveItemExtractEvent
- read FExtractHelper
- write FExtractHelper;
- property ExtractToStreamHelper : TAbArchiveItemExtractToStreamEvent
- read FExtractToStreamHelper
- write FExtractToStreamHelper;
- property TestHelper : TAbArchiveItemTestEvent
- read FTestHelper
- write FTestHelper;
- property InsertHelper : TAbArchiveItemInsertEvent
- read FInsertHelper
- write FInsertHelper;
- property InsertFromStreamHelper : TAbArchiveItemInsertFromStreamEvent
- read FInsertFromStreamHelper
- write FInsertFromStreamHelper;
- property Password : AnsiString
- read FPassword
- write FPassword;
- property PasswordRetries : Byte
- read FPasswordRetries
- write FPasswordRetries
- default AbDefPasswordRetries;
- property StubSize : LongWord
- read FStubSize;
- property ZipfileComment : AnsiString
- read GetZipfileComment
- write SetZipfileComment;
- property Items[Index : Integer] : TAbZipItem
- read GetItem
- write PutItem; default;
- public {events}
- property OnNeedPassword : TAbNeedPasswordEvent
- read FOnNeedPassword write FOnNeedPassword;
- property OnRequestLastDisk : TAbRequestDiskEvent
- read FOnRequestLastDisk write FOnRequestLastDisk;
- property OnRequestNthDisk : TAbRequestNthDiskEvent
- read FOnRequestNthDisk write FOnRequestNthDisk;
- property OnRequestBlankDisk : TAbRequestDiskEvent
- read FOnRequestBlankDisk write FOnRequestBlankDisk;
- end;
-procedure MakeSelfExtracting( StubStream, ZipStream,
- SelfExtractingStream : TStream );
- {-takes an executable stub, and a .zip format stream, and creates
- a SelfExtracting stream. The stub should create a TAbZipArchive
- passing itself as the file, using a read-only open mode. It should
- then perform operations as needed - like ExtractFiles( '*.*' ).
- This routine updates the RelativeOffset of each item in the archive}
-function FindCentralDirectoryTail(aStream : TStream) : Int64;
-function VerifyZip(Strm : TStream) : TAbArchiveType;
-function VerifySelfExtracting(Strm : TStream) : TAbArchiveType;
-function ZipCompressionMethodToString(aMethod: TAbZipCompressionMethod): string;
- Windows,
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF LibcAPI}
- Libc,
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF UnixDialogs}
- QControls,
- QDialogs,
- {$ENDIF}
- Controls,
- Dialogs,
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- Math,
- AbCharset,
- AbResString,
- AbExcept,
- AbVMStrm,
- SysUtils;
-function VerifyZip(Strm : TStream) : TAbArchiveType;
-{ determine if stream appears to be in PkZip format }
- Footer : TAbZipEndOfCentralDirectoryRecord;
- Sig : LongInt;
- TailPosition : int64;
- StartPos : int64;
- StartPos := Strm.Position;
- Result := atUnknown;
- try
- Strm.Position := 0;
- Strm.Read(Sig, SizeOf(Sig));
- if (Sig = Ab_ZipSpannedSetSignature) then
- Result := atSpannedZip
- else begin
- { attempt to find Central Directory Tail }
- TailPosition := FindCentralDirectoryTail( Strm );
- if TailPosition <> -1 then begin
- { check Central Directory Signature }
- Strm.ReadBuffer(Footer, SizeOf(Footer));
- if Footer.Signature = Ab_ZipEndCentralDirectorySignature then
- if Footer.DiskNumber = 0 then
- Result := atZip
- else
- Result := atSpannedZip;
- end;
- end;
- except
- on EReadError do
- Result := atUnknown;
- end;
- Strm.Position := StartPos;
-function VerifySelfExtracting(Strm : TStream) : TAbArchiveType;
-{ determine if stream appears to be an executable with appended PkZip data }
- FileSignature : Longint;
- StartPos : Int64;
- IsWinExe, IsLinuxExe : Boolean;
- StartPos := Strm.Position;
- { verify presence of executable stub }
- {check file type of stub stream}
- Strm.Position := 0;
- Strm.Read( FileSignature, sizeof( FileSignature ) );
- Result := atSelfExtZip;
- { detect executable type }
- IsLinuxExe := FileSignature = Ab_LinuxExeSignature;
- IsWinExe := LongRec(FileSignature).Lo = Ab_WindowsExeSignature;
- if not (IsWinExe or IsLinuxExe) then
- Result := atUnknown;
- { Check for central directory tail }
- if VerifyZip(Strm) <> atZip then
- Result := atUnknown;
- Strm.Position := StartPos;
-function ZipCompressionMethodToString(aMethod: TAbZipCompressionMethod): string;
- case aMethod of
- cmStored:
- Result := AbZipStored;
- cmShrunk:
- Result := AbZipShrunk;
- cmReduced1..cmReduced4:
- Result := AbZipReduced;
- cmImploded:
- Result := AbZipImploded;
- cmTokenized:
- Result := AbZipTokenized;
- cmDeflated:
- Result := AbZipDeflated;
- cmEnhancedDeflated:
- Result := AbZipDeflate64;
- cmDCLImploded:
- Result := AbZipDCLImploded;
- cmBzip2:
- Result := AbZipBzip2;
- cmLZMA:
- Result := AbZipLZMA;
- cmIBMTerse:
- Result := AbZipIBMTerse;
- cmLZ77:
- Result := AbZipLZ77;
- cmJPEG:
- Result := AbZipJPEG;
- cmWavPack:
- Result := AbZipWavPack;
- cmPPMd:
- Result := AbZipPPMd;
- else
- Result := Format(AbZipUnknown, [Ord(aMethod)]);
- end;
-function FindCentralDirectoryTail(aStream : TStream) : Int64;
-{ search end of aStream looking for ZIP Central Directory structure
- returns position in stream if found (otherwise returns -1),
- leaves stream positioned at start of structure or at original
- position if not found }
- StartBufSize = 512;
- MaxBufSize = 64 * 1024;
- StartPos : Int64;
- TailRec : TAbZipEndOfCentralDirectoryRecord;
- Buffer : PAnsiChar;
- Offset : Int64;
- TestPos : PAnsiChar;
- Done : boolean;
- BytesRead : Int64;
- BufSize : Int64;
- CommentLen: integer;
- {save the starting position}
- StartPos := aStream.Seek(0, soCurrent);
- {start off with the majority case: no zip file comment, so the
- central directory tail is the last thing in the stream and it's a
- fixed size and doesn't indicate a zip file comment}
- Result := aStream.Seek(-sizeof(TailRec), soEnd);
- if (Result >= 0) then begin
- aStream.ReadBuffer(TailRec, sizeof(TailRec));
- if (TailRec.Signature = Ab_ZipEndCentralDirectorySignature) and
- (TailRec.CommentLength = 0) then begin
- aStream.Seek(Result, soBeginning);
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- {the zip stream seems to have a comment, or it has null padding
- bytes from some flaky program, or it's not even a zip formatted
- stream; we need to search for the tail signature}
- {get a buffer}
- BufSize := StartBufSize;
- GetMem(Buffer, BufSize);
- try
- {start out searching backwards}
- Offset := -BufSize;
- {while there is still data to search ...}
- Done := false;
- while not Done do begin
- {seek to the search position}
- Result := aStream.Seek(Offset, soEnd);
- if (Result <= 0) then begin
- Result := aStream.Seek(0, soBeginning);
- Done := true;
- end;
- {read a buffer full}
- BytesRead := aStream.Read(Buffer^, BufSize);
- if BytesRead < sizeOf(TailRec) then begin
- Result := -1;
- Exit;
- end;
- {search backwards through the buffer looking for the signature}
- TestPos := Buffer + BytesRead - sizeof(TailRec);
- while (TestPos <> Buffer) and
- (PLongint(TestPos)^ <> Ab_ZipEndCentralDirectorySignature) do
- dec(TestPos);
- {if we found the signature...}
- if (PLongint(TestPos)^ = Ab_ZipEndCentralDirectorySignature) then begin
- {get the tail record at this position}
- Move(TestPos^, TailRec, sizeof(TailRec));
- {if it's as valid a tail as we can check here...}
- CommentLen := -Offset - (TestPos - Buffer + sizeof(TailRec));
- if (TailRec.CommentLength <= CommentLen) then begin
- {calculate its position and exit}
- Result := Result + (TestPos - Buffer);
- aStream.Seek(Result, soBeginning);
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- {otherwise move back one step, doubling the buffer}
- if (BufSize < MaxBufSize) then begin
- FreeMem(Buffer);
- BufSize := BufSize * 2;
- if BufSize > MaxBufSize then
- BufSize := MaxBufSize;
- GetMem(Buffer, BufSize);
- end;
- dec(Offset, BufSize - SizeOf(TailRec));
- end;
- {if we reach this point, the CD tail is not present}
- Result := -1;
- aStream.Seek(StartPos, soBeginning);
- finally
- FreeMem(Buffer);
- end;
-procedure MakeSelfExtracting( StubStream, ZipStream,
- SelfExtractingStream : TStream );
- {-takes an executable stub, and a .zip format stream, and creates
- a SelfExtracting stream. The stub should create a TAbZipArchive
- passing itself as the file, using a read-only open mode. It should
- then perform operations as needed - like ExtractFiles( '*.*' ).
- This routine updates the RelativeOffset of each item in the archive}
- DirectoryStart : Int64;
- FileSignature : Longint;
- StubSize : LongWord;
- TailPosition : Int64;
- ZDFF : TAbZipDirectoryFileFooter;
- ZipItem : TAbZipItem;
- IsWinExe, IsLinuxExe : Boolean;
- {check file type of stub stream}
- StubStream.Position := 0;
- StubStream.Read(FileSignature, SizeOf(FileSignature));
- {detect executable type }
- IsLinuxExe := FileSignature = Ab_LinuxExeSignature;
- IsWinExe := LongRec(FileSignature).Lo = Ab_WindowsExeSignature;
- if not (IsWinExe or IsLinuxExe) then
- raise EAbZipInvalidStub.Create;
- StubStream.Position := 0;
- StubSize := StubStream.Size;
- ZipStream.Position := 0;
- ZipStream.Read( FileSignature, sizeof( FileSignature ) );
- if LongRec(FileSignature).Lo <> Ab_GeneralZipSignature then
- raise EAbZipInvalid.Create;
- ZipStream.Position := 0;
- {copy the stub into the selfex stream}
- SelfExtractingStream.Position := 0;
- SelfExtractingStream.CopyFrom( StubStream, 0 );
- TailPosition := FindCentralDirectoryTail( ZipStream );
- if TailPosition = -1 then
- raise EAbZipInvalid.Create;
- {load the ZipDirectoryFileFooter}
- ZDFF := TAbZipDirectoryFileFooter.Create;
- try
- ZDFF.LoadFromStream( ZipStream );
- DirectoryStart := ZDFF.DirectoryOffset;
- finally
- ZDFF.Free;
- end;
- {copy everything up to the CDH into the SelfExtractingStream}
- ZipStream.Position := 0;
- SelfExtractingStream.CopyFrom( ZipStream, DirectoryStart );
- ZipStream.Position := DirectoryStart;
- repeat
- ZipItem := TAbZipItem.Create;
- try
- ZipItem.LoadFromStream( ZipStream );
- ZipItem.RelativeOffset := ZipItem.RelativeOffset + StubSize;
- {save the modified entry into the Self Extracting Stream}
- ZipItem.SaveCDHToStream( SelfExtractingStream );
- finally
- ZipItem.Free;
- end;
- until ZipStream.Position = TailPosition;
- {save the CDH Footer.}
- ZDFF := TAbZipDirectoryFileFooter.Create;
- try
- ZDFF.LoadFromStream( ZipStream );
- ZDFF.DirectoryOffset := ZDFF.DirectoryOffset + StubSize;
- ZDFF.SaveToStream( SelfExtractingStream );
- finally
- ZDFF.Free;
- end;
-{ TAbZipDataDescriptor implementation ====================================== }
-procedure TAbZipDataDescriptor.SaveToStream( Stream : TStream );
- Stream.Write( Ab_ZipDataDescriptorSignature, sizeof( Ab_ZipDataDescriptorSignature ) );
- Stream.Write( FCRC32, sizeof( FCRC32 ) );
- if (FCompressedSize >= $FFFFFFFF) or (FUncompressedSize >= $FFFFFFFF) then begin
- Stream.Write( FCompressedSize, sizeof( FCompressedSize ) );
- Stream.Write( FUncompressedSize, sizeof( FUncompressedSize ) );
- end
- else begin
- Stream.Write( FCompressedSize, sizeof( LongWord ) );
- Stream.Write( FUncompressedSize, sizeof( LongWord ) );
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-{ TAbZipFileHeader implementation ========================================== }
-constructor TAbZipFileHeader.Create;
- inherited Create;
- FExtraField := TAbExtraField.Create;
- FValidSignature := $0;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-destructor TAbZipFileHeader.Destroy;
- FreeAndNil(FExtraField);
- inherited Destroy;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbZipFileHeader.GetCompressionMethod : TAbZipCompressionMethod;
- Result := TAbZipCompressionMethod( FCompressionMethod );
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbZipFileHeader.GetDataDescriptor : Boolean;
- Result := ( CompressionMethod = cmDeflated ) and
- ( ( FGeneralPurposeBitFlag and AbHasDataDescriptorFlag ) <> 0 );
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbZipFileHeader.GetCompressionRatio : Double;
- CompSize : Int64;
- {adjust for encrypted headers - ensures we never get negative compression
- ratios for stored, encrypted files - no guarantees about negative
- compression ratios in other cases}
- if isEncrypted then
- CompSize := CompressedSize - 12
- else
- CompSize := CompressedSize;
- if UncompressedSize > 0 then
- Result := 100.0 * ( 1 - ( ( 1.0 * CompSize ) / UncompressedSize ) )
- else
- Result := 0.0;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbZipFileHeader.GetDeflationOption : TAbZipDeflationOption;
- if CompressionMethod = cmDeflated then
- if ( ( FGeneralPurposeBitFlag and $02 ) <> 0 ) then
- if ( ( FGeneralPurposeBitFlag and $04 ) <> 0 ) then
- Result := doSuperFast
- else
- Result := doMaximum
- else
- if ( ( FGeneralPurposeBitFlag and $04 ) <> 0 ) then
- Result := doFast
- else
- Result := doNormal
- else
- Result := doInvalid;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbZipFileHeader.GetDictionarySize : TAbZipDictionarySize;
- if CompressionMethod = cmImploded then
- if ( ( FGeneralPurposeBitFlag and $02 ) <> 0 ) then
- Result := ds8K
- else
- Result := ds4K
- else
- Result := dsInvalid;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbZipFileHeader.GetEncrypted : Boolean;
- {bit 0 of the GeneralPurposeBitFlag}
- Result := ( ( FGeneralPurposeBitFlag and AbFileIsEncryptedFlag ) <> 0 );
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbZipFileHeader.GetIsUTF8 : Boolean;
- Result := ( ( GeneralPurposeBitFlag and AbLanguageEncodingFlag ) <> 0 );
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbZipFileHeader.GetShannonFanoTreeCount : Byte;
- if CompressionMethod = cmImploded then
- if ( ( FGeneralPurposeBitFlag and $04 ) <> 0 ) then
- Result := 3
- else
- Result := 2
- else
- Result := 0;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbZipFileHeader.GetValid : Boolean;
- Result := ( FValidSignature = FSignature );
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipFileHeader.SetCompressionMethod( Value :
- TAbZipCompressionMethod );
- FCompressionMethod := Ord( Value );
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipFileHeader.SetIsUTF8( Value : Boolean );
- if Value then
- GeneralPurposeBitFlag := GeneralPurposeBitFlag or AbLanguageEncodingFlag
- else
- GeneralPurposeBitFlag := GeneralPurposeBitFlag and not AbLanguageEncodingFlag;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-{ TAbZipLocalFileHeader implementation ===================================== }
-constructor TAbZipLocalFileHeader.Create;
- inherited Create;
- FValidSignature := Ab_ZipLocalFileHeaderSignature;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-destructor TAbZipLocalFileHeader.Destroy;
- inherited Destroy;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipLocalFileHeader.LoadFromStream( Stream : TStream );
- ExtraFieldLength, FileNameLength : Word;
- with Stream do begin
- Read( FSignature, sizeof( FSignature ) );
- Read( FVersionNeededToExtract, sizeof( FVersionNeededToExtract ) );
- Read( FGeneralPurposeBitFlag, sizeof( FGeneralPurposeBitFlag ) );
- Read( FCompressionMethod, sizeof( FCompressionMethod ) );
- Read( FLastModFileTime, sizeof( FLastModFileTime ) );
- Read( FLastModFileDate, sizeof( FLastModFileDate ) );
- Read( FCRC32, sizeof( FCRC32 ) );
- Read( FCompressedSize, sizeof( FCompressedSize ) );
- Read( FUncompressedSize, sizeof( FUncompressedSize ) );
- Read( FileNameLength, sizeof( FileNameLength ) );
- Read( ExtraFieldLength, sizeof( ExtraFieldLength ) );
- SetLength( FFileName, FileNameLength );
- if FileNameLength > 0 then
- Read( FFileName[1], FileNameLength );
- FExtraField.LoadFromStream( Stream, ExtraFieldLength );
- end;
- if not IsValid then
- raise EAbZipInvalid.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipLocalFileHeader.SaveToStream( Stream : TStream );
- ExtraFieldLength, FileNameLength: Word;
- with Stream do begin
- {write the valid signature from the constant}
- Write( FValidSignature, sizeof( FValidSignature ) );
- Write( FVersionNeededToExtract, sizeof( FVersionNeededToExtract ) );
- Write( FGeneralPurposeBitFlag, sizeof( FGeneralPurposeBitFlag ) );
- Write( FCompressionMethod, sizeof( FCompressionMethod ) );
- Write( FLastModFileTime, sizeof( FLastModFileTime ) );
- Write( FLastModFileDate, sizeof( FLastModFileDate ) );
- Write( FCRC32, sizeof( FCRC32 ) );
- Write( FCompressedSize, sizeof( FCompressedSize ) );
- Write( FUncompressedSize, sizeof( FUncompressedSize ) );
- FileNameLength := Word( Length( FFileName ) );
- Write( FileNameLength, sizeof( FileNameLength ) );
- ExtraFieldLength := Length(FExtraField.Buffer);
- Write( ExtraFieldLength, sizeof( ExtraFieldLength ) );
- if FileNameLength > 0 then
- Write( FFileName[1], FileNameLength );
- if ExtraFieldLength > 0 then
- Write(FExtraField.Buffer[0], ExtraFieldLength);
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-{ TAbZipDirectoryFileHeader implementation ================================= }
-constructor TAbZipDirectoryFileHeader.Create;
- inherited Create;
- FValidSignature := Ab_ZipCentralDirectoryFileHeaderSignature;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-destructor TAbZipDirectoryFileHeader.Destroy;
- inherited Destroy;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipDirectoryFileHeader.LoadFromStream( Stream : TStream );
- ExtraFieldLength, FileCommentLength, FileNameLength : Word;
- with Stream do begin
- Read( FSignature, sizeof( FSignature ) );
- Read( FVersionMadeBy, sizeof( FVersionMadeBy ) );
- Read( FVersionNeededToExtract, sizeof( FVersionNeededToExtract ) );
- Read( FGeneralPurposeBitFlag, sizeof( FGeneralPurposeBitFlag ) );
- Read( FCompressionMethod, sizeof( FCompressionMethod ) );
- Read( FLastModFileTime, sizeof( FLastModFileTime ) );
- Read( FLastModFileDate, sizeof( FLastModFileDate ) );
- Read( FCRC32, sizeof( FCRC32 ) );
- Read( FCompressedSize, sizeof( FCompressedSize ) );
- Read( FUncompressedSize, sizeof( FUncompressedSize ) );
- Read( FileNameLength, sizeof( FileNameLength ) );
- Read( ExtraFieldLength, sizeof( ExtraFieldLength ) );
- Read( FileCommentLength, sizeof( FileCommentLength ) );
- Read( FDiskNumberStart, sizeof( FDiskNumberStart ) );
- Read( FInternalFileAttributes, sizeof( FInternalFileAttributes ) );
- Read( FExternalFileAttributes, sizeof( FExternalFileAttributes ) );
- Read( FRelativeOffset, sizeof( FRelativeOffset ) );
- SetLength( FFileName, FileNameLength );
- if FileNameLength > 0 then
- Read( FFileName[1], FileNameLength );
- FExtraField.LoadFromStream( Stream, ExtraFieldLength );
- SetLength( FFileComment, FileCommentLength );
- if FileCommentLength > 0 then
- Read( FFileComment[1], FileCommentLength );
- end;
- if not IsValid then
- raise EAbZipInvalid.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipDirectoryFileHeader.SaveToStream( Stream : TStream );
- ExtraFieldLength, FileCommentLength, FileNameLength : Word;
- with Stream do begin
- {write the valid signature from the constant}
- Write( FValidSignature, sizeof( FValidSignature ) );
- Write( FVersionMadeBy, sizeof( FVersionMadeBy ) );
- Write( FVersionNeededToExtract, sizeof( FVersionNeededToExtract ) );
- Write( FGeneralPurposeBitFlag, sizeof( FGeneralPurposeBitFlag ) );
- Write( FCompressionMethod, sizeof( FCompressionMethod ) );
- Write( FLastModFileTime, sizeof( FLastModFileTime ) );
- Write( FLastModFileDate, sizeof( FLastModFileDate ) );
- Write( FCRC32, sizeof( FCRC32 ) );
- Write( FCompressedSize, sizeof( FCompressedSize ) );
- Write( FUncompressedSize, sizeof( FUncompressedSize ) );
- FileNameLength := Word( Length( FFileName ) );
- Write( FileNameLength, sizeof( FileNameLength ) );
- ExtraFieldLength := Length(FExtraField.Buffer);
- Write( ExtraFieldLength, sizeof( ExtraFieldLength ) );
- FileCommentLength := Word( Length( FFileComment ) );
- Write( FileCommentLength, sizeof( FileCommentLength ) );
- Write( FDiskNumberStart, sizeof( FDiskNumberStart ) );
- Write( FInternalFileAttributes, sizeof( FInternalFileAttributes ) );
- Write( FExternalFileAttributes, sizeof( FExternalFileAttributes ) );
- Write( FRelativeOffset, sizeof( FRelativeOffset ) );
- if FileNameLength > 0 then
- Write( FFileName[1], FileNameLength );
- if ExtraFieldLength > 0 then
- Write( FExtraField.Buffer[0], ExtraFieldLength );
- if FileCommentLength > 0 then
- Write( FFileComment[1], FileCommentLength );
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-{ TAbZipDirectoryFileFooter implementation ================================= }
-function TAbZipDirectoryFileFooter.GetIsZip64: Boolean;
- Result := (DiskNumber >= $FFFF) or
- (StartDiskNumber >= $FFFF) or
- (EntriesOnDisk >= $FFFF) or
- (TotalEntries >= $FFFF) or
- (DirectorySize >= $FFFFFFFF) or
- (DirectoryOffset >= $FFFFFFFF);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipDirectoryFileFooter.LoadFromStream( Stream : TStream );
- Footer: TAbZipEndOfCentralDirectoryRecord;
- Stream.ReadBuffer( Footer, SizeOf(Footer) );
- if Footer.Signature <> Ab_ZipEndCentralDirectorySignature then
- raise EAbZipInvalid.Create;
- FDiskNumber := Footer.DiskNumber;
- FStartDiskNumber := Footer.StartDiskNumber;
- FEntriesOnDisk := Footer.EntriesOnDisk;
- FTotalEntries := Footer.TotalEntries;
- FDirectorySize := Footer.DirectorySize;
- FDirectoryOffset := Footer.DirectoryOffset;
- SetLength( FZipfileComment, Footer.CommentLength );
- if Footer.CommentLength > 0 then
- Stream.ReadBuffer( FZipfileComment[1], Footer.CommentLength );
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipDirectoryFileFooter.LoadZip64FromStream( Stream : TStream );
- {load the ZIP64 end of central directory record.
- LoadFromStream() must be called first to load the standard record}
- Footer: TAbZip64EndOfCentralDirectoryRecord;
- Stream.ReadBuffer( Footer, SizeOf(Footer) );
- if Footer.Signature <> Ab_Zip64EndCentralDirectorySignature then
- raise EAbZipInvalid.Create;
- if FDiskNumber = $FFFF then
- FDiskNumber := Footer.DiskNumber;
- if FStartDiskNumber = $FFFF then
- FStartDiskNumber := Footer.StartDiskNumber;
- if FEntriesOnDisk = $FFFF then
- FEntriesOnDisk := Footer.EntriesOnDisk;
- if FTotalEntries = $FFFF then
- FTotalEntries := Footer.TotalEntries;
- if FDirectorySize = $FFFFFFFF then
- FDirectorySize := Footer.DirectorySize;
- if FDirectoryOffset = $FFFFFFFF then
- FDirectoryOffset := Footer.DirectoryOffset;
- {RecordSize, VersionMadeBy, and VersionNeededToExtract are currently ignored}
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipDirectoryFileFooter.SaveToStream( Stream : TStream;
- aZip64TailOffset: Int64 = -1);
- {write end of central directory record, along with Zip64 records if necessary.
- aZip64TailOffset is the value to use for the Zip64 locator's directory
- offset, and is only necessary when writing to an intermediate stream}
- Footer: TAbZipEndOfCentralDirectoryRecord;
- Zip64Footer: TAbZip64EndOfCentralDirectoryRecord;
- Zip64Locator: TAbZip64EndOfCentralDirectoryLocator;
- if IsZip64 then begin
- {setup Zip64 end of central directory record}
- Zip64Footer.Signature := Ab_Zip64EndCentralDirectorySignature;
- Zip64Footer.RecordSize := SizeOf(Zip64Footer) -
- SizeOf(Zip64Footer.Signature) - SizeOf(Zip64Footer.RecordSize);
- Zip64Footer.VersionMadeBy := 45;
- Zip64Footer.VersionNeededToExtract := 45;
- Zip64Footer.DiskNumber := DiskNumber;
- Zip64Footer.StartDiskNumber := StartDiskNumber;
- Zip64Footer.EntriesOnDisk := EntriesOnDisk;
- Zip64Footer.TotalEntries := TotalEntries;
- Zip64Footer.DirectorySize := DirectorySize;
- Zip64Footer.DirectoryOffset := DirectoryOffset;
- {setup Zip64 end of central directory locator}
- Zip64Locator.Signature := Ab_Zip64EndCentralDirectoryLocatorSignature;
- Zip64Locator.StartDiskNumber := DiskNumber;
- if aZip64TailOffset = -1 then
- Zip64Locator.RelativeOffset := Stream.Position
- else
- Zip64Locator.RelativeOffset := aZip64TailOffset;
- Zip64Locator.TotalDisks := DiskNumber + 1;
- {write Zip64 records}
- Stream.WriteBuffer(Zip64Footer, SizeOf(Zip64Footer));
- Stream.WriteBuffer(Zip64Locator, SizeOf(Zip64Locator));
- end;
- Footer.Signature := Ab_ZipEndCentralDirectorySignature;
- Footer.DiskNumber := Min(FDiskNumber, $FFFF);
- Footer.StartDiskNumber := Min(FStartDiskNumber, $FFFF);
- Footer.EntriesOnDisk := Min(FEntriesOnDisk, $FFFF);
- Footer.TotalEntries := Min(FTotalEntries, $FFFF);
- Footer.DirectorySize := Min(FDirectorySize, $FFFFFFFF);
- Footer.DirectoryOffset := Min(FDirectoryOffset, $FFFFFFFF);
- Footer.CommentLength := Length( FZipfileComment );
- Stream.WriteBuffer( Footer, SizeOf(Footer) );
- if FZipfileComment <> '' then
- Stream.Write( FZipfileComment[1], Length(FZipfileComment) );
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-{ TAbZipItem implementation ================================================ }
-constructor TAbZipItem.Create;
- inherited Create;
- FItemInfo := TAbZipDirectoryFileHeader.Create;
- FLFHExtraField := TAbExtraField.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-destructor TAbZipItem.Destroy;
- FLFHExtraField.Free;
- FItemInfo.Free;
- FItemInfo := nil;
- inherited Destroy;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbZipItem.GetCompressionMethod : TAbZipCompressionMethod;
- Result := FItemInfo.CompressionMethod;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbZipItem.GetCompressionRatio : Double;
- Result := FItemInfo.CompressionRatio;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbZipItem.GetCRC32 : Longint;
- Result := FItemInfo.CRC32;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbZipItem.GetDeflationOption : TAbZipDeflationOption;
- Result := FItemInfo.DeflationOption;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbZipItem.GetDictionarySize : TAbZipDictionarySize;
- Result := FItemInfo.DictionarySize;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbZipItem.GetGeneralPurposeBitFlag : Word;
- Result := FItemInfo.GeneralPurposeBitFlag;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbZipItem.GetHostOS: TAbZipHostOS;
- Result := TAbZipHostOS(Hi(VersionMadeBy));
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbZipItem.GetExternalFileAttributes : LongWord;
- Result := FItemInfo.ExternalFileAttributes;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbZipItem.GetExtraField : TAbExtraField;
- Result := FItemInfo.ExtraField;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbZipItem.GetFileComment : AnsiString;
- Result := FItemInfo.FileComment;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbZipItem.GetInternalFileAttributes : Word;
- Result := FItemInfo.InternalFileAttributes;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbZipItem.GetIsDirectory: Boolean;
- Result := ((ExternalFileAttributes and faDirectory) <> 0) or
- ((FileName <> '') and CharInSet(Filename[Length(FFilename)], ['\','/']));
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbZipItem.GetIsEncrypted : Boolean;
- Result := FItemInfo.IsEncrypted;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbZipItem.GetLastModFileDate : Word;
- Result := FItemInfo.LastModFileDate;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbZipItem.GetLastModFileTime : Word;
- Result := FItemInfo.LastModFileTime;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbZipItem.GetNativeFileAttributes : LongInt;
- if (HostOS = hosUnix) or (ExternalFileAttributes > $1FFFF) then
- Result := AbUnix2DosFileAttributes(ExternalFileAttributes shr 16)
- else
- Result := Byte(ExternalFileAttributes);
- if HostOS in [hosDOS, hosNTFS, hosWinNT] then
- Result := AbDOS2UnixFileAttributes(ExternalFileAttributes)
- else
- Result := ExternalFileAttributes shr 16;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbZipItem.GetRawFileName : AnsiString;
- Result := FItemInfo.FileName;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbZipItem.GetShannonFanoTreeCount : Byte;
- Result := FItemInfo.ShannonFanoTreeCount;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbZipItem.GetVersionMadeBy : Word;
- Result := FItemInfo.VersionMadeBy;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbZipItem.GetVersionNeededToExtract : Word;
- Result := FItemInfo.VersionNeededToExtract;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipItem.LoadFromStream( Stream : TStream );
- FieldSize: Word;
- FieldStream: TStream;
- InfoZipField: PInfoZipUnicodePathRec;
- UnicodeName: UnicodeString;
- UTF8Name: AnsiString;
- XceedField: PXceedUnicodePathRec;
- FItemInfo.LoadFromStream( Stream );
- { decode filename (ANSI/OEM/UTF-8) }
- if FItemInfo.IsUTF8 or (AbDetectCharSet(FItemInfo.FileName) = csUTF8) then
- FFileName := UTF8ToString(FItemInfo.FileName)
- else if FItemInfo.ExtraField.Get(Ab_InfoZipUnicodePathSubfieldID, Pointer(InfoZipField), FieldSize) and
- (FieldSize > SizeOf(TInfoZipUnicodePathRec)) and
- (InfoZipField.Version = 1) and
- (InfoZipField.NameCRC32 = AbCRC32Of(FItemInfo.FileName)) then begin
- SetString(UTF8Name, InfoZipField.UnicodeName,
- FieldSize - SizeOf(TInfoZipUnicodePathRec) + 1);
- FFileName := UTF8ToString(UTF8Name);
- end
- else if FItemInfo.ExtraField.Get(Ab_XceedUnicodePathSubfieldID, Pointer(XceedField), FieldSize) and
- (FieldSize > SizeOf(TXceedUnicodePathRec)) and
- (XceedField.Signature = Ab_XceedUnicodePathSignature) and
- (XceedField.Length * SizeOf(WideChar) = FieldSize - SizeOf(TXceedUnicodePathRec) + SizeOf(WideChar)) then begin
- SetString(UnicodeName, XceedField.UnicodeName, XceedField.Length);
- FFileName := string(UnicodeName);
- end
- else if (GetACP <> GetOEMCP) and ((HostOS = hosDOS) or AbIsOEM(FItemInfo.FileName)) then begin
- SetLength(FFileName, Length(FItemInfo.FileName));
- OemToCharBuff(PAnsiChar(FItemInfo.FileName), PChar(FFileName), Length(FFileName));
- end
- {$ENDIF}
- else
- FFileName := string(FItemInfo.FileName);
- { read ZIP64 extended header }
- FUncompressedSize := FItemInfo.UncompressedSize;
- FCompressedSize := FItemInfo.CompressedSize;
- FRelativeOffset := FItemInfo.RelativeOffset;
- FDiskNumberStart := FItemInfo.DiskNumberStart;
- if FItemInfo.ExtraField.GetStream(Ab_Zip64SubfieldID, FieldStream) then
- try
- if FItemInfo.UncompressedSize = $FFFFFFFF then
- FieldStream.ReadBuffer(FUncompressedSize, SizeOf(Int64));
- if FItemInfo.CompressedSize = $FFFFFFFF then
- FieldStream.ReadBuffer(FCompressedSize, SizeOf(Int64));
- if FItemInfo.RelativeOffset = $FFFFFFFF then
- FieldStream.ReadBuffer(FRelativeOffset, SizeOf(Int64));
- if FItemInfo.DiskNumberStart = $FFFF then
- FieldStream.ReadBuffer(FDiskNumberStart, SizeOf(LongWord));
- finally
- FieldStream.Free;
- end;
- LastModFileTime := FItemInfo.LastModFileTime;
- LastModFileDate := FItemInfo.LastModFileDate;
- FDiskFileName := FileName;
- AbUnfixName( FDiskFileName );
- Action := aaNone;
- Tagged := False;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipItem.SaveLFHToStream( Stream : TStream );
- LFH : TAbZipLocalFileHeader;
- Zip64Field: TZip64LocalHeaderRec;
- LFH := TAbZipLocalFileHeader.Create;
- try
- LFH.VersionNeededToExtract := VersionNeededToExtract;
- LFH.GeneralPurposeBitFlag := GeneralPurposeBitFlag;
- LFH.CompressionMethod := CompressionMethod;
- LFH.LastModFileTime := LastModFileTime;
- LFH.LastModFileDate := LastModFileDate;
- LFH.CRC32 := CRC32;
- LFH.FileName := RawFileName;
- LFH.ExtraField.Assign(LFHExtraField);
- LFH.ExtraField.CloneFrom(ExtraField, Ab_InfoZipUnicodePathSubfieldID);
- LFH.ExtraField.CloneFrom(ExtraField, Ab_XceedUnicodePathSubfieldID);
- { setup sizes; unlike the central directory header, the ZIP64 local header
- needs to store both compressed and uncompressed sizes if either needs it }
- if (CompressedSize >= $FFFFFFFF) or (UncompressedSize >= $FFFFFFFF) then begin
- LFH.UncompressedSize := $FFFFFFFF;
- LFH.CompressedSize := $FFFFFFFF;
- Zip64Field.UncompressedSize := UncompressedSize;
- Zip64Field.CompressedSize := CompressedSize;
- LFH.ExtraField.Put(Ab_Zip64SubfieldID, Zip64Field, SizeOf(Zip64Field));
- end
- else begin
- LFH.UncompressedSize := UncompressedSize;
- LFH.CompressedSize := CompressedSize;
- LFH.ExtraField.Delete(Ab_Zip64SubfieldID);
- end;
- LFH.SaveToStream( Stream );
- finally
- LFH.Free;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipItem.SaveCDHToStream( Stream : TStream );
- {-Save a ZipCentralDirectorHeader entry to Stream}
- FItemInfo.SaveToStream( Stream );
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipItem.SaveDDToStream( Stream : TStream );
- DD : TAbZipDataDescriptor;
- DD := TAbZipDataDescriptor.Create;
- try
- DD.CRC32 := CRC32;
- DD.CompressedSize := CompressedSize;
- DD.UncompressedSize := UncompressedSize;
- DD.SaveToStream( Stream );
- finally
- DD.Free;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipItem.SetCompressedSize( const Value : Int64 );
- FCompressedSize := Value;
- FItemInfo.CompressedSize := Min(Value, $FFFFFFFF);
- UpdateZip64ExtraHeader;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipItem.SetCompressionMethod( Value : TAbZipCompressionMethod );
- FItemInfo.CompressionMethod := Value;
- UpdateVersionNeededToExtract;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipItem.SetCRC32( const Value : Longint );
- FItemInfo.CRC32 := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipItem.SetDiskNumberStart( Value : LongWord );
- FDiskNumberStart := Value;
- FItemInfo.DiskNumberStart := Min(Value, $FFFF);
- UpdateZip64ExtraHeader;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipItem.SetExternalFileAttributes( Value : LongWord );
- FItemInfo.ExternalFileAttributes := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipItem.SetFileComment(const Value : AnsiString );
- FItemInfo.FileComment := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipItem.SetFileName(const Value : string );
- AnsiName : AnsiString;
- {$ENDIF}
- UTF8Name : AnsiString;
- FieldSize : Word;
- I : Integer;
- InfoZipField : PInfoZipUnicodePathRec;
- UseExtraField: Boolean;
- inherited SetFileName(Value);
- FItemInfo.IsUTF8 := False;
- HostOS := hosDOS;
- if AbTryEncode(Value, CP_OEMCP, False, AnsiName) then
- {no-op}
- else if (GetACP <> GetOEMCP) and AbTryEncode(Value, CP_ACP, False, AnsiName) then
- HostOS := hosWinNT
- else if AbTryEncode(Value, CP_OEMCP, True, AnsiName) then
- {no-op}
- else if (GetACP <> GetOEMCP) and AbTryEncode(Value, CP_ACP, True, AnsiName) then
- HostOS := hosWinNT
- else
- FItemInfo.IsUTF8 := True;
- if FItemInfo.IsUTF8 then
- FItemInfo.FileName := Utf8Encode(Value)
- else
- FItemInfo.FileName := AnsiName;
- {$ENDIF}
- FItemInfo.FileName := AnsiString(Value);
- FItemInfo.IsUTF8 := AbSysCharSetIsUTF8;
- {$ENDIF}
- UseExtraField := False;
- if not FItemInfo.IsUTF8 then
- for i := 1 to Length(Value) do begin
- if Ord(Value[i]) > 127 then begin
- UseExtraField := True;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- if UseExtraField then begin
- UTF8Name := AnsiToUTF8(Value);
- FieldSize := SizeOf(TInfoZipUnicodePathRec) + Length(UTF8Name) - 1;
- GetMem(InfoZipField, FieldSize);
- try
- InfoZipField.Version := 1;
- InfoZipField.NameCRC32 := AbCRC32Of(FItemInfo.FileName);
- Move(UTF8Name[1], InfoZipField.UnicodeName, Length(UTF8Name));
- FItemInfo.ExtraField.Put(Ab_InfoZipUnicodePathSubfieldID, InfoZipField^, FieldSize);
- finally
- FreeMem(InfoZipField);
- end;
- end
- else
- FItemInfo.ExtraField.Delete(Ab_InfoZipUnicodePathSubfieldID);
- FItemInfo.ExtraField.Delete(Ab_XceedUnicodePathSubfieldID);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipItem.SetGeneralPurposeBitFlag( Value : Word );
- FItemInfo.GeneralPurposeBitFlag := Value;
- UpdateVersionNeededToExtract;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipItem.SetHostOS( Value : TAbZipHostOS );
- FItemInfo.VersionMadeBy := Low(FItemInfo.VersionMadeBy) or
- Word(Ord(Value)) shl 8;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipItem.SetInternalFileAttributes( Value : Word );
- FItemInfo.InternalFileAttributes := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipItem.SetLastModFileDate( const Value : Word );
- FItemInfo.LastModFileDate := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipItem.SetLastModFileTime( const Value : Word );
- FItemInfo.LastModFileTime := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipItem.SetRelativeOffset( Value : Int64 );
- FRelativeOffset := Value;
- FItemInfo.RelativeOffset := Min(Value, $FFFFFFFF);
- UpdateZip64ExtraHeader;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipItem.SetUncompressedSize( const Value : Int64 );
- FUncompressedSize := Value;
- FItemInfo.UncompressedSize:= Min(Value, $FFFFFFFF);
- UpdateZip64ExtraHeader;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipItem.SetVersionMadeBy( Value : Word );
- FItemInfo.VersionMadeBy := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipItem.SetVersionNeededToExtract( Value : Word );
- FItemInfo.VersionNeededToExtract := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipItem.UpdateVersionNeededToExtract;
- {calculates VersionNeededToExtract and VersionMadeBy based on used features}
- {According to AppNote.txt zipx compression methods should set the Version
- Needed To Extract to the AppNote version the method was introduced in (e.g.,
- 6.3 for PPMd). Most utilities just set it to 2.0 and rely on the extractor
- detecting unsupported compression methods, since it's easier to add support
- for decompression methods without implementing the entire newer spec. }
- if ExtraField.Has(Ab_Zip64SubfieldID) then
- VersionNeededToExtract := 45
- else if IsDirectory or IsEncrypted or not (CompressionMethod in [cmStored..cmImploded]) then
- VersionNeededToExtract := 20
- else
- VersionNeededToExtract := 10;
- VersionMadeBy := (VersionMadeBy and $FF00) + Max(20, VersionNeededToExtract);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipItem.UpdateZip64ExtraHeader;
- Changed: Boolean;
- FieldStream: TMemoryStream;
- FieldStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- if UncompressedSize >= $FFFFFFFF then
- FieldStream.WriteBuffer(FUncompressedSize, SizeOf(Int64));
- if CompressedSize >= $FFFFFFFF then
- FieldStream.WriteBuffer(FCompressedSize, SizeOf(Int64));
- if RelativeOffset >= $FFFFFFFF then
- FieldStream.WriteBuffer(FRelativeOffset, SizeOf(Int64));
- if DiskNumberStart >= $FFFF then
- FieldStream.WriteBuffer(FDiskNumberStart, SizeOf(LongWord));
- Changed := (FieldStream.Size > 0) <> ExtraField.Has(Ab_Zip64SubfieldID);
- if FieldStream.Size > 0 then
- ExtraField.Put(Ab_Zip64SubfieldID, FieldStream.Memory^, FieldStream.Size)
- else
- ExtraField.Delete(Ab_Zip64SubfieldID);
- if Changed then
- UpdateVersionNeededToExtract;
- finally
- FieldStream.Free;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-{ TAbZipArchive implementation ============================================= }
-constructor TAbZipArchive.CreateFromStream( aStream : TStream;
- const ArchiveName : string );
- inherited CreateFromStream( aStream, ArchiveName );
- FCompressionMethodToUse := smBestMethod;
- FInfo := TAbZipDirectoryFileFooter.Create;
- StoreOptions := StoreOptions + [soStripDrive];
- FDeflationOption := doNormal;
- FPasswordRetries := AbDefPasswordRetries;
- FTempDir := '';
- SpanningThreshold := AbDefZipSpanningThreshold;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-destructor TAbZipArchive.Destroy;
- FInfo.Free;
- FInfo := nil;
- inherited Destroy;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbZipArchive.CreateItem( const FileName : string ): TAbArchiveItem;
- FileSpec : string;
- FileSpec := FileName;
- Result := TAbZipItem.Create;
- with TAbZipItem( Result ) do begin
- CompressionMethod := cmDeflated;
- GeneralPurposeBitFlag := 0;
- CompressedSize := 0;
- CRC32 := 0;
- DiskFileName := ExpandFileName(FileSpec);
- FileName := FixName(FileSpec);
- RelativeOffset := 0;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipArchive.DoExtractHelper(Index : Integer; const NewName : string);
- if Assigned(FExtractHelper) then
- FExtractHelper(Self, ItemList[Index], NewName)
- else
- raise EAbZipNoExtraction.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipArchive.DoExtractToStreamHelper(Index : Integer;
- aStream : TStream);
- if Assigned(FExtractToStreamHelper) then
- FExtractToStreamHelper(Self, ItemList[Index], aStream)
- else
- raise EAbZipNoExtraction.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipArchive.DoTestHelper(Index : Integer);
- if Assigned(FTestHelper) then
- FTestHelper(Self, ItemList[Index])
- else
- raise EAbZipNoExtraction.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipArchive.DoInsertHelper(Index : Integer; OutStream : TStream);
- if Assigned(FInsertHelper) then
- FInsertHelper(Self, ItemList[Index], OutStream)
- else
- raise EAbZipNoInsertion.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipArchive.DoInsertFromStreamHelper(Index : Integer;
- OutStream : TStream);
- if Assigned(FInsertFromStreamHelper) then
- FInsertFromStreamHelper(Self, ItemList[Index], OutStream, InStream)
- else
- raise EAbZipNoInsertion.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipArchive.DoRequestDisk(const AMessage: string; var Abort : Boolean);
- Abort := Windows.MessageBox( 0, PChar(AMessage), PChar(AbDiskRequestS),
-{$IFDEF UnixDialogs}
- Abort := QDialogs.MessageDlg(AbDiskRequestS, AMessage, mtWarning,
- mbOKCancel, 0) = mrCancel;
- {$ENDIF}
- Abort := Dialogs.MessageDlg(AbDiskRequestS, AMessage, mtWarning, mbOKCancel,
- 0) = mrCancel;
- {$ENDIF}
- Abort := True;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipArchive.DoRequestLastDisk( var Abort : Boolean );
- Abort := False;
- if Assigned( FOnRequestLastDisk ) then
- FOnRequestLastDisk( Self, Abort )
- else
- DoRequestDisk( AbLastDiskRequestS, Abort );
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipArchive.DoRequestNthDisk( Sender: TObject;
- DiskNumber : Byte;
- var Abort : Boolean );
- Abort := False;
- if Assigned( FOnRequestNthDisk ) then
- FOnRequestNthDisk( Self, DiskNumber, Abort )
- else
- DoRequestDisk( Format(AbDiskNumRequestS, [DiskNumber]), Abort );
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipArchive.DoRequestBlankDisk(Sender: TObject; var Abort : Boolean );
- Abort := False;
- FSpanned := True;
- if Assigned( FOnRequestBlankDisk ) then
- FOnRequestBlankDisk( Self, Abort )
- else
- DoRequestDisk( AbBlankDiskS, Abort );
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipArchive.DoRequestImage(Sender: TObject; ImageNumber : Integer;
- var ImageName : string ; var Abort : Boolean);
- if Assigned(FOnRequestImage) then
- FOnRequestImage(Self, ImageNumber, ImageName, Abort);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipArchive.ExtractItemAt(Index : Integer; const UseName : string);
- DoExtractHelper(Index, UseName);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipArchive.ExtractItemToStreamAt(Index : Integer;
- aStream : TStream);
- DoExtractToStreamHelper(Index, aStream);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbZipArchive.FixName(const Value : string ) : string;
- {-changes backslashes to forward slashes}
- i : SmallInt;
- lValue : string;
- lValue := Value;
- if DOSMode then begin
- {Add the base directory to the filename before converting }
- {the file spec to the short filespec format. }
- if BaseDirectory <> '' then begin
- {Does the filename contain a drive or a leading backslash? }
- if not ((Pos(':', lValue) = 2) or (Pos(AbPathDelim, lValue) = 1)) then
- {If not, add the BaseDirectory to the filename.}
- lValue := AbAddBackSlash(BaseDirectory) + lValue;
- end;
- lValue := AbGetShortFileSpec( lValue );
- end;
- {Zip files Always strip the drive path}
- StoreOptions := StoreOptions + [soStripDrive];
- {strip drive stuff}
- if soStripDrive in StoreOptions then
- AbStripDrive( lValue );
- {check for a leading backslash}
- if (Length(lValue) > 1) and (lValue[1] = AbPathDelim) then
- System.Delete( lValue, 1, 1 );
- if soStripPath in StoreOptions then begin
- lValue := ExtractFileName( lValue );
- end;
- if soRemoveDots in StoreOptions then
- AbStripDots( lValue );
- for i := 1 to Length( lValue ) do
- if lValue[i] = '\' then
- lValue[i] := '/';
- Result := lValue;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbZipArchive.GetItem( Index : Integer ) : TAbZipItem;
- Result := TAbZipItem(FItemList.Items[Index]);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbZipArchive.GetSupportsEmptyFolders: Boolean;
- Result := True;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-function TAbZipArchive.GetZipfileComment : AnsiString;
- Result := FInfo.ZipfileComment;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipArchive.LoadArchive;
- Abort : Boolean;
- TailPosition : int64;
- Item : TAbZipItem;
- Progress : Byte;
- FileSignature : Longint;
- Zip64Locator : TAbZip64EndOfCentralDirectoryLocator;
- Abort := False;
- if FStream.Size = 0 then
- Exit;
- {Get signature info}
- FStream.Position := 0;
- FStream.Read( FileSignature, sizeof( FileSignature ) );
- {Get Executable Type; allow non-native stubs}
- IsExecutable :=
- (LongRec(FileSignature).Lo = Ab_WindowsExeSignature) or
- (FileSignature = Ab_LinuxExeSignature);
- { try to locate central directory tail }
- TailPosition := FindCentralDirectoryTail( FStream );
- if (TailPosition = -1) and (FileSignature = Ab_ZipSpannedSetSignature) and
- FOwnsStream and AbDriveIsRemovable(ArchiveName) then begin
- while TailPosition = -1 do begin
- FreeAndNil(FStream);
- DoRequestLastDisk(Abort);
- if Abort then begin
- FStatus := asInvalid; //TODO: Status updates are extremely inconsistent
- raise EAbUserAbort.Create;
- end;
- FStream := TFileStream.Create( ArchiveName, Mode );
- TailPosition := FindCentralDirectoryTail( FStream );
- end;
- end;
- if TailPosition = -1 then begin
- FStatus := asInvalid;
- raise EAbZipInvalid.Create;
- end;
- { load the ZipDirectoryFileFooter }
- FInfo.LoadFromStream(FStream);
- { find Zip64 end of central directory locator; it will usually occur
- immediately before the standard end of central directory record.
- the actual Zip64 end of central directory may be on another disk }
- if FInfo.IsZip64 then begin
- Dec(TailPosition, SizeOf(Zip64Locator));
- repeat
- if TailPosition < 0 then
- raise EAbZipInvalid.Create;
- FStream.Position := TailPosition;
- FStream.ReadBuffer(Zip64Locator, SizeOf(Zip64Locator));
- Dec(TailPosition);
- until Zip64Locator.Signature = Ab_Zip64EndCentralDirectoryLocatorSignature;
- { update current image number }
- FInfo.DiskNumber := Zip64Locator.TotalDisks - 1;
- end;
- { setup spanning support and move to the start of the central directory }
- FSpanned := FInfo.DiskNumber > 0;
- if FSpanned then begin
- if FOwnsStream then begin
- FStream := TAbSpanReadStream.Create( ArchiveName, FInfo.DiskNumber, FStream );
- TAbSpanReadStream(FStream).OnRequestImage := DoRequestImage;
- TAbSpanReadStream(FStream).OnRequestNthDisk := DoRequestNthDisk;
- if FInfo.IsZip64 then begin
- TAbSpanReadStream(FStream).SeekImage(Zip64Locator.StartDiskNumber,
- Zip64Locator.RelativeOffset);
- FInfo.LoadZip64FromStream(FStream);
- end;
- TAbSpanReadStream(FStream).SeekImage(FInfo.StartDiskNumber, FInfo.DirectoryOffset);
- end
- else
- raise EAbZipBadSpanStream.Create;
- end
- else begin
- if FInfo.IsZip64 then begin
- FStream.Position := Zip64Locator.RelativeOffset;
- FInfo.LoadZip64FromStream(FStream);
- end;
- FStream.Position := FInfo.DirectoryOffset;
- end;
- { build Items list from central directory records }
- FStubSize := High(LongWord);
- while Count < FInfo.TotalEntries do begin
- { create new Item }
- Item := TAbZipItem.Create;
- try
- Item.LoadFromStream(FStream);
- Item.Action := aaNone;
- FItemList.Add(Item);
- except
- Item.Free;
- raise;
- end;
- if IsExecutable and (Item.DiskNumberStart = 0) and
- (Item.RelativeOffset < FStubSize) then
- FStubSize := Item.RelativeOffset;
- Progress := (Count * 100) div FInfo.TotalEntries;
- DoArchiveProgress( Progress, Abort );
- if Abort then begin
- FStatus := asInvalid;
- raise EAbUserAbort.Create;
- end;
- end;
- DoArchiveProgress(100, Abort);
- FIsDirty := False;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipArchive.PutItem( Index : Integer; Value : TAbZipItem );
- FItemList.Items[Index] := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipArchive.SaveArchive;
- {builds a new archive and copies it to FStream}
- Abort : Boolean;
- MemStream : TMemoryStream;
- HasDataDescriptor : Boolean;
- i : LongWord;
- LFH : TAbZipLocalFileHeader;
- NewStream : TStream;
- WorkingStream : TAbVirtualMemoryStream;
- CurrItem : TAbZipItem;
- Progress : Byte;
- if Count = 0 then
- Exit;
- {shouldn't be trying to overwrite an existing spanned archive}
- if Spanned then begin
- for i := 0 to Pred(Count) do
- if ItemList[i].Action <> aaFailed then
- ItemList[i].Action := aaNone;
- FIsDirty := False;
- raise EAbZipSpanOverwrite.Create;
- end;
- {init new zip archive stream
- can span only new archives, if SpanningThreshold > 0 or removable drive
- spanning writes to original location, rather than writing to a temp stream first}
- if FOwnsStream and (FStream.Size = 0) and not IsExecutable and
- ((SpanningThreshold > 0) or AbDriveIsRemovable(ArchiveName)) then begin
- NewStream := TAbSpanWriteStream.Create(ArchiveName, FStream, SpanningThreshold);
- FStream := nil;
- TAbSpanWriteStream(NewStream).OnRequestBlankDisk := DoRequestBlankDisk;
- TAbSpanWriteStream(NewStream).OnRequestImage := DoRequestImage;
- end
- else begin
- NewStream := TAbVirtualMemoryStream.Create;
- TAbVirtualMemoryStream(NewStream).SwapFileDirectory := FTempDir;
- end;
- try {NewStream}
- {copy the executable stub over to the output}
- if IsExecutable then
- NewStream.CopyFrom( FStream, StubSize )
- {assume spanned for spanning stream}
- else if NewStream is TAbSpanWriteStream then
- NewStream.Write(Ab_ZipSpannedSetSignature,
- SizeOf(Ab_ZipSpannedSetSignature));
- {build new zip archive from existing archive}
- for i := 0 to pred( Count ) do begin
- CurrItem := (ItemList[i] as TAbZipItem);
- FCurrentItem := ItemList[i];
- case CurrItem.Action of
- aaNone, aaMove: begin
- {just copy the file to new stream}
- Assert(not (NewStream is TAbSpanWriteStream));
- FStream.Position := CurrItem.RelativeOffset;
- CurrItem.DiskNumberStart := 0;
- CurrItem.RelativeOffset := NewStream.Position;
- {toss old local file header}
- LFH := TAbZipLocalFileHeader.Create;
- try {LFH}
- LFH.LoadFromStream( FStream );
- if CurrItem.LFHExtraField.Count = 0 then
- CurrItem.LFHExtraField.Assign(LFH.ExtraField);
- finally {LFH}
- LFH.Free;
- end; {LFH}
- {write out new local file header and append compressed data}
- CurrItem.SaveLFHToStream( NewStream );
- if (CurrItem.CompressedSize > 0) then
- NewStream.CopyFrom(FStream, CurrItem.CompressedSize);
- end;
- aaDelete: begin
- {doing nothing omits file from new stream}
- end;
- aaAdd, aaFreshen, aaReplace, aaStreamAdd: begin
- {compress the file and add it to new stream}
- try
- WorkingStream := TAbVirtualMemoryStream.Create;
- try {WorkingStream}
- WorkingStream.SwapFileDirectory := FTempDir;
- {compress the file}
- if (CurrItem.Action = aaStreamAdd) then
- DoInsertFromStreamHelper(i, WorkingStream)
- else
- DoInsertHelper(i, WorkingStream);
- {write local header}
- if NewStream is TAbSpanWriteStream then begin
- MemStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- CurrItem.SaveLFHToStream(MemStream);
- TAbSpanWriteStream(NewStream).WriteUnspanned(
- MemStream.Memory^, MemStream.Size);
- {calculate positions after the write in case it triggered a new span}
- CurrItem.DiskNumberStart := TAbSpanWriteStream(NewStream).CurrentImage;
- CurrItem.RelativeOffset := NewStream.Position - MemStream.Size;
- finally
- MemStream.Free;
- end;
- end
- else begin
- CurrItem.DiskNumberStart := 0;
- CurrItem.RelativeOffset := NewStream.Position;
- CurrItem.SaveLFHToStream(NewStream);
- end;
- {copy compressed data}
- NewStream.CopyFrom(WorkingStream, 0);
- if CurrItem.IsEncrypted then
- CurrItem.SaveDDToStream(NewStream);
- finally
- WorkingStream.Free;
- end;
- except
- on E : Exception do
- begin
- { Exception was caused by a User Abort and Item Failure should not be called
- Question: Do we want an New Event when this occurs or should the
- exception just be re-raised [783614] }
- if (E is EAbUserAbort) then
- raise;
- CurrItem.Action := aaDelete;
- DoProcessItemFailure(CurrItem, ptAdd, ecFileOpenError, 0);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end; { case }
- { TODO: Check HasDataDescriptior behavior; seems like it's getting
- written twice for encrypted files }
- {Now add the data descriptor record to new stream}
- HasDataDescriptor := (CurrItem.CompressionMethod = cmDeflated) and
- ((CurrItem.GeneralPurposeBitFlag and AbHasDataDescriptorFlag) <> 0);
- if (CurrItem.Action <> aaDelete) and HasDataDescriptor then
- CurrItem.SaveDDToStream(NewStream);
- Progress := AbPercentage(9 * succ( i ), 10 * Count);
- DoArchiveSaveProgress(Progress, Abort);
- DoArchiveProgress(Progress, Abort);
- if Abort then
- raise EAbUserAbort.Create;
- end;
- {write the central directory}
- if NewStream is TAbSpanWriteStream then
- FInfo.DiskNumber := TAbSpanWriteStream(NewStream).CurrentImage
- else
- FInfo.DiskNumber := 0;
- FInfo.StartDiskNumber := FInfo.DiskNumber;
- FInfo.DirectoryOffset := NewStream.Position;
- FInfo.DirectorySize := 0;
- FInfo.EntriesOnDisk := 0;
- FInfo.TotalEntries := 0;
- MemStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- {write central directory entries}
- for i := 0 to Count - 1 do begin
- if not (FItemList[i].Action in [aaDelete, aaFailed]) then begin
- (FItemList[i] as TAbZipItem).SaveCDHToStream(MemStream);
- if NewStream is TAbSpanWriteStream then begin
- TAbSpanWriteStream(NewStream).WriteUnspanned(MemStream.Memory^, MemStream.Size);
- {update tail info on span change}
- if FInfo.DiskNumber <> TAbSpanWriteStream(NewStream).CurrentImage then begin
- FInfo.DiskNumber := TAbSpanWriteStream(NewStream).CurrentImage;
- FInfo.EntriesOnDisk := 0;
- if FInfo.TotalEntries = 0 then begin
- FInfo.StartDiskNumber := FInfo.DiskNumber;
- FInfo.DirectoryOffset := NewStream.Position - MemStream.Size;
- end;
- end;
- end
- else
- NewStream.WriteBuffer(MemStream.Memory^, MemStream.Size);
- FInfo.DirectorySize := FInfo.DirectorySize + MemStream.Size;
- FInfo.EntriesOnDisk := FInfo.EntriesOnDisk + 1;
- FInfo.TotalEntries := FInfo.TotalEntries + 1;
- MemStream.Clear;
- end;
- end;
- {append the central directory footer}
- FInfo.SaveToStream(MemStream, NewStream.Position);
- if NewStream is TAbSpanWriteStream then begin
- {update the footer if writing it would trigger a new span}
- if not TAbSpanWriteStream(NewStream).WriteUnspanned(MemStream.Memory^,
- MemStream.Size) then begin
- FInfo.DiskNumber := TAbSpanWriteStream(NewStream).CurrentImage;
- FInfo.EntriesOnDisk := 0;
- FInfo.SaveToStream(NewStream);
- end;
- end
- else
- NewStream.WriteBuffer(MemStream.Memory^, MemStream.Size);
- finally {MemStream}
- MemStream.Free;
- end; {MemStream}
- FSpanned := (FInfo.DiskNumber > 0);
- {update output stream}
- if NewStream is TAbSpanWriteStream then begin
- {zip has already been written to target location}
- FStream := TAbSpanWriteStream(NewStream).ReleaseStream;
- if Spanned then begin
- {switch to read stream}
- FStream := TAbSpanReadStream.Create(ArchiveName, FInfo.DiskNumber, FStream);
- TAbSpanReadStream(FStream).OnRequestImage := DoRequestImage;
- TAbSpanReadStream(FStream).OnRequestNthDisk := DoRequestNthDisk;
- end
- else begin
- {replace spanned signature}
- FStream.Position := 0;
- FStream.Write(Ab_ZipPossiblySpannedSignature,
- SizeOf(Ab_ZipPossiblySpannedSignature));
- end;
- end
- else begin
- {copy new stream to FStream (non-spanned only)}
- NewStream.Position := 0;
- if (FStream is TMemoryStream) then
- TMemoryStream(FStream).LoadFromStream(NewStream)
- else begin
- if FOwnsStream then begin
- {need new stream to write}
- FreeAndNil(FStream);
- FStream := TFileStream.Create(FArchiveName,
- fmOpenReadWrite or fmShareDenyWrite);
- end;
- FStream.Size := 0;
- FStream.Position := 0;
- FStream.CopyFrom(NewStream, 0)
- end;
- end;
- {update Items list}
- for i := pred( Count ) downto 0 do begin
- if FItemList[i].Action = aaDelete then
- FItemList.Delete( i )
- else if FItemList[i].Action <> aaFailed then
- FItemList[i].Action := aaNone;
- end;
- DoArchiveSaveProgress( 100, Abort );
- DoArchiveProgress( 100, Abort );
- finally {NewStream}
- NewStream.Free;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipArchive.SetZipfileComment(const Value : AnsiString );
- FInfo.FZipfileComment := Value;
- FIsDirty := True;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbZipArchive.TestItemAt(Index : Integer);
- DoTestHelper(Index);
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbZipper.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/AbZipper.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 4bb0b62..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/AbZipper.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,575 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-{* ABBREVIA: AbZipper.pas *}
-{* ABBREVIA: Non-visual Component with Zip support *}
-unit AbZipper;
-{$I AbDefine.inc}
- Classes,
- AbBrowse, AbZBrows, AbArcTyp, AbZipTyp;
- TAbCustomZipper = class(TAbCustomZipBrowser)
- protected {private}
- FAutoSave : Boolean;
- FCompressionMethodToUse : TAbZipSupportedMethod;
- FDeflationOption : TAbZipDeflationOption;
- FDOSMode : Boolean;
- FOnConfirmSave : TAbArchiveConfirmEvent;
- FOnSave : TAbArchiveEvent;
- FOnArchiveSaveProgress : TAbArchiveProgressEvent;
- FArchiveSaveProgressMeter : IAbProgressMeter;
- FStoreOptions : TAbStoreOptions;
- protected {methods}
- procedure DoConfirmSave(Sender : TObject; var Confirm : Boolean);
- virtual;
- procedure DoSave(Sender : TObject);
- virtual;
- procedure DoArchiveSaveProgress(Sender : TObject; Progress : Byte;
- var Abort : Boolean);
- procedure InitArchive;
- override;
- procedure SetAutoSave(Value : Boolean);
- procedure SetCompressionMethodToUse(Value : TAbZipSupportedMethod);
- procedure SetDeflationOption(Value : TAbZipDeflationOption);
- procedure SetDOSMode( Value : Boolean );
- procedure SetFileName(const aFileName : string);
- override;
- procedure SetStoreOptions( Value : TAbStoreOptions );
- procedure SetArchiveSaveProgressMeter(const Value: IAbProgressMeter);
- procedure SetZipfileComment(const Value : AnsiString);
- override;
- procedure ZipProc(Sender : TObject; Item : TAbArchiveItem;
- OutStream : TStream);
- procedure ZipFromStreamProc(Sender : TObject; Item : TAbArchiveItem;
- OutStream, InStream : TStream );
- procedure Notification(Component: TComponent;
- Operation: TOperation); override;
- procedure ResetMeters; override;
- protected {properties}
- property AutoSave : Boolean
- read FAutoSave
- write SetAutoSave;
- property CompressionMethodToUse : TAbZipSupportedMethod
- read FCompressionMethodToUse
- write SetCompressionMethodToUse
- default AbDefCompressionMethodToUse;
- property DeflationOption : TAbZipDeflationOption
- read FDeflationOption
- write SetDeflationOption
- default AbDefDeflationOption;
- property DOSMode : Boolean
- read FDOSMode
- write SetDOSMode;
- property StoreOptions : TAbStoreOptions
- read FStoreOptions
- write SetStoreOptions
- default AbDefStoreOptions;
- property ArchiveSaveProgressMeter : IAbProgressMeter
- read FArchiveSaveProgressMeter
- write SetArchiveSaveProgressMeter;
- protected {events}
- property OnConfirmSave : TAbArchiveConfirmEvent
- read FOnConfirmSave
- write FOnConfirmSave;
- property OnSave : TAbArchiveEvent
- read FOnSave
- write FOnSave;
- property OnArchiveSaveProgress : TAbArchiveProgressEvent
- read FOnArchiveSaveProgress
- write FOnArchiveSaveProgress;
- public {methods}
- constructor Create(AOwner : TComponent);
- override;
- destructor Destroy;
- override;
- procedure AddFiles(const FileMask : string; SearchAttr : Integer);
- procedure AddFilesEx(const FileMask, ExclusionMask : string; SearchAttr : Integer);
- procedure AddFromStream(const NewName : string; FromStream : TStream);
- procedure DeleteAt(Index : Integer);
- procedure DeleteFiles(const FileMask : string);
- procedure DeleteFilesEx(const FileMask, ExclusionMask : string);
- procedure DeleteTaggedItems;
- procedure FreshenFiles(const FileMask : string);
- procedure FreshenFilesEx(const FileMask, ExclusionMask : string);
- procedure FreshenTaggedItems;
- procedure Move(aItem : TAbArchiveItem; const NewStoredPath : string);
- procedure Save;
- procedure Replace(aItem : TAbArchiveItem);
- end;
- TAbZipper = class(TAbCustomZipper)
- published
- property ArchiveProgressMeter;
- property ArchiveSaveProgressMeter;
- property ItemProgressMeter;
- property AutoSave;
- property BaseDirectory;
- property CompressionMethodToUse;
- property DeflationOption;
- property DOSMode;
- property SpanningThreshold;
- property LogFile;
- property Logging;
- property OnArchiveProgress;
- property OnArchiveSaveProgress;
- property OnArchiveItemProgress;
- property OnChange;
- property OnConfirmProcessItem;
- property OnConfirmSave;
- property OnLoad;
- property OnProcessItemFailure;
- property OnRequestBlankDisk;
- property OnRequestImage;
- property OnRequestLastDisk;
- property OnRequestNthDisk;
- property OnSave;
- property Password;
- property StoreOptions;
- property TempDirectory;
- property Version;
- property FileName; {must be after OnLoad}
- end;
- SysUtils, AbUtils, AbTarTyp, AbGzTyp, AbBzip2Typ, AbExcept, AbZipPrc;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-constructor TAbCustomZipper.Create( AOwner : TComponent );
- inherited Create( AOwner );
- CompressionMethodToUse := AbDefCompressionMethodToUse;
- DeflationOption := AbDefDeflationOption;
- StoreOptions := AbDefStoreOptions;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-destructor TAbCustomZipper.Destroy;
- inherited Destroy;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipper.AddFiles(const FileMask : string; SearchAttr : Integer);
- {Add files to the archive where the disk filespec matches}
- if (FArchive <> nil) then
- FArchive.AddFiles(FileMask, SearchAttr)
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
- DoChange;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipper.AddFilesEx(const FileMask, ExclusionMask : string;
- SearchAttr : Integer);
- {Add files that match Filemask except those matching ExclusionMask}
- if (FArchive <> nil) then
- FArchive.AddFilesEx(FileMask, ExclusionMask, SearchAttr)
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
- DoChange;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipper.AddFromStream(const NewName : string;
- FromStream : TStream);
- {Add stream directly to archive}
- if (FArchive <> nil) then begin
- FromStream.Position := 0;
- FArchive.AddFromStream(NewName, FromStream);
- end else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
- DoChange;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipper.DeleteFiles(const FileMask : string);
- {delete all files from the archive that match the file mask}
- if (FArchive <> nil) then
- FArchive.DeleteFiles( FileMask )
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
- DoChange;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipper.DeleteAt(Index : Integer);
- {delete item at Index}
- if (FArchive <> nil) then
- FArchive.DeleteAt( Index )
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
- DoChange;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipper.DeleteFilesEx(const FileMask, ExclusionMask : string);
- {Delete files that match Filemask except those matching ExclusionMask}
- if (FArchive <> nil) then
- FArchive.DeleteFilesEx(FileMask, ExclusionMask)
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
- DoChange;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipper.DeleteTaggedItems;
- {delete all tagged items from the archive}
- if (FArchive <> nil) then
- FArchive.DeleteTaggedItems
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
- DoChange;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipper.DoConfirmSave(Sender : TObject; var Confirm : Boolean);
- Confirm := True;
- if Assigned(FOnConfirmSave) then
- FOnConfirmSave(Self, Confirm);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipper.DoSave(Sender : TObject);
- if Assigned(FOnSave) then
- FOnSave(Self);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipper.FreshenFiles(const FileMask : string);
- {freshen all items that match the file mask}
- if (FArchive <> nil) then
- FArchive.FreshenFiles( FileMask )
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
- DoChange;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipper.FreshenFilesEx(const FileMask, ExclusionMask : string);
- {freshen all items matching FileMask except those matching ExclusionMask}
- if (FArchive <> nil) then
- FArchive.FreshenFilesEx( FileMask, ExclusionMask )
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
- DoChange;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipper.FreshenTaggedItems;
- {freshen all tagged items}
- if (FArchive <> nil) then
- FArchive.FreshenTaggedItems
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
- DoChange;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipper.InitArchive;
- inherited InitArchive;
- if FArchive <> nil then begin
- {properties}
- FArchive.AutoSave := FAutoSave;
- FArchive.DOSMode := FDOSMode;
- FArchive.StoreOptions := FStoreOptions;
- {events}
- FArchive.OnArchiveSaveProgress := DoArchiveSaveProgress;
- FArchive.OnConfirmSave := DoConfirmSave;
- FArchive.OnSave := DoSave;
- end;
- if (FArchive is TAbZipArchive) then begin
- {properties}
- TAbZipArchive(FArchive).CompressionMethodToUse := FCompressionMethodToUse;
- TAbZipArchive(FArchive).DeflationOption := FDeflationOption;
- {events}
- TAbZipArchive(FArchive).OnRequestBlankDisk := OnRequestBlankDisk;
- TAbZipArchive(FArchive).InsertHelper := ZipProc;
- TAbZipArchive(FArchive).InsertFromStreamHelper := ZipFromStreamProc;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipper.Move(aItem : TAbArchiveItem; const NewStoredPath : string);
- {renames the item}
- if (FArchive <> nil) then
- FArchive.Move(aItem, NewStoredPath)
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
- DoChange;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipper.Replace(aItem : TAbArchiveItem);
- {replace the item}
- if (FArchive <> nil) then
- FArchive.Replace( aItem )
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
- DoChange;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipper.Save;
- if (FArchive <> nil) then begin
- FArchive.Save;
- DoChange;
- end;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipper.SetAutoSave(Value : Boolean);
- FAutoSave := Value;
- if (FArchive <> nil) then
- FArchive.AutoSave := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipper.SetCompressionMethodToUse(
- Value : TAbZipSupportedMethod);
- FCompressionMethodToUse := Value;
- if (FArchive is TAbZipArchive) then
- TAbZipArchive(FArchive).CompressionMethodToUse := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipper.SetDeflationOption(Value : TAbZipDeflationOption);
- FDeflationOption := Value;
- if (FArchive is TAbZipArchive) then
- TAbZipArchive(FArchive).DeflationOption := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipper.SetDOSMode(Value : Boolean);
- FDOSMode := Value;
- if (FArchive <> nil) then
- FArchive.DOSMode := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipper.SetFileName(const aFileName : string);
- ArcType : TAbArchiveType;
- FFileName := aFileName;
- if (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
- Exit;
- if Assigned(FArchive) then
- begin
- FArchive.Save;
- FreeAndNil(FArchive);
- end;
- ArcType := ArchiveType;
- if (FileName <> '') then
- if FileExists(FileName) then begin { open it }
- if not ForceType then
- ArcType := AbDetermineArcType(FileName, atUnknown);
- case ArcType of
- atZip, atSpannedZip, atSelfExtZip : begin
- FArchive := TAbZipArchive.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone);
- InitArchive;
- end;
- atTar : begin
- FArchive := TAbTarArchive.Create(FileName, fmOpenReadWrite or fmShareDenyNone);
- inherited InitArchive;
- end;
- atGZip : begin
- FArchive := TAbGzipArchive.Create(FileName, fmOpenReadWrite or fmShareDenyNone);
- TAbGzipArchive(FArchive).TarAutoHandle := FTarAutoHandle;
- TAbGzipArchive(FArchive).IsGzippedTar := False;
- inherited InitArchive;
- end;
- atGZippedTar : begin
- FArchive := TAbGzipArchive.Create(FileName, fmOpenReadWrite or fmShareDenyNone);
- TAbGzipArchive(FArchive).TarAutoHandle := FTarAutoHandle;
- TAbGzipArchive(FArchive).IsGzippedTar := True;
- inherited InitArchive;
- end;
- atBzip2 : begin
- FArchive := TAbBzip2Archive.Create(FileName, fmOpenReadWrite or fmShareDenyNone);
- TAbBzip2Archive(FArchive).TarAutoHandle := FTarAutoHandle;
- TAbBzip2Archive(FArchive).IsBzippedTar := False;
- inherited InitArchive;
- end;
- atBzippedTar : begin
- FArchive := TAbBzip2Archive.Create(FileName, fmOpenReadWrite or fmShareDenyNone);
- TAbBzip2Archive(FArchive).TarAutoHandle := FTarAutoHandle;
- TAbBzip2Archive(FArchive).IsBzippedTar := True;
- inherited InitArchive;
- end;
- else
- raise EAbUnhandledType.Create;
- end {case};
- FArchive.Load;
- FArchiveType := ArcType;
- end else begin { file doesn't exist, so create a new one }
- if not ForceType then
- ArcType := AbDetermineArcType(FileName, atUnknown);
- case ArcType of
- atZip : begin
- FArchive := TAbZipArchive.Create(FileName, fmCreate);
- InitArchive;
- end;
- atTar : begin
- FArchive := TAbTarArchive.Create(FileName, fmCreate or fmShareDenyNone);
- inherited InitArchive;
- end;
- atGZip : begin
- FArchive := TAbGzipArchive.Create(FileName, fmCreate or fmShareDenyNone);
- TAbGzipArchive(FArchive).TarAutoHandle := FTarAutoHandle;
- TAbGzipArchive(FArchive).IsGzippedTar := False;
- inherited InitArchive;
- end;
- atGZippedTar : begin
- FArchive := TAbGzipArchive.Create(FileName, fmCreate or fmShareDenyNone);
- TAbGzipArchive(FArchive).TarAutoHandle := FTarAutoHandle;
- TAbGzipArchive(FArchive).IsGzippedTar := True;
- inherited InitArchive;
- end;
- atBzip2 : begin
- FArchive := TAbBzip2Archive.Create(FileName, fmCreate or fmShareDenyNone);
- TAbBzip2Archive(FArchive).TarAutoHandle := FTarAutoHandle;
- TAbBzip2Archive(FArchive).IsBzippedTar := False;
- inherited InitArchive;
- end;
- atBzippedTar : begin
- FArchive := TAbBzip2Archive.Create(FileName, fmCreate or fmShareDenyNone);
- TAbBzip2Archive(FArchive).TarAutoHandle := FTarAutoHandle;
- TAbBzip2Archive(FArchive).IsBzippedTar := True;
- inherited InitArchive;
- end;
- else
- raise EAbUnhandledType.Create;
- end {case};
- FArchiveType := ArcType;
- end;
- DoChange;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipper.SetStoreOptions(Value : TAbStoreOptions);
- FStoreOptions := Value;
- if (FArchive <> nil) then
- FArchive.StoreOptions := Value;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipper.SetArchiveSaveProgressMeter(const Value: IAbProgressMeter);
- ReferenceInterface(FArchiveSaveProgressMeter, opRemove);
- FArchiveSaveProgressMeter := Value;
- ReferenceInterface(FArchiveSaveProgressMeter, opInsert);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipper.SetZipfileComment(const Value : AnsiString);
- if (FArchive is TAbZipArchive) then
- TAbZipArchive(FArchive).ZipfileComment := Value
- else
- raise EAbNoArchive.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipper.ZipProc(Sender : TObject; Item : TAbArchiveItem;
- OutStream : TStream);
- AbZip(TAbZipArchive(Sender), TAbZipItem(Item), OutStream);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipper.ZipFromStreamProc(Sender : TObject; Item : TAbArchiveItem;
- OutStream, InStream : TStream);
- if Assigned(InStream) then
- AbZipFromStream(TAbZipArchive(Sender), TAbZipItem(Item),
- OutStream, InStream)
- else
- raise EAbZipNoInsertion.Create;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipper.DoArchiveSaveProgress(Sender : TObject;
- Progress : Byte;
- var Abort : Boolean);
- Abort := False;
- if Assigned(FArchiveSaveProgressMeter) then
- FArchiveSaveProgressMeter.DoProgress(Progress);
- if Assigned(FOnArchiveSaveProgress) then
- FOnArchiveSaveProgress(Self, Progress, Abort);
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipper.Notification(Component: TComponent;
- Operation: TOperation);
- inherited Notification(Component, Operation);
- if (Operation = opRemove) then
- if Assigned(ArchiveSaveProgressMeter) and Component.IsImplementorOf(ArchiveSaveProgressMeter) then
- ArchiveSaveProgressMeter := nil
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TAbCustomZipper.ResetMeters;
- inherited ResetMeters;
- if Assigned(FArchiveSaveProgressMeter) then
- FArchiveSaveProgressMeter.Reset;
-{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/COM/Abbrevia.dpr b/components/Abbrevia/source/COM/Abbrevia.dpr
deleted file mode 100644
index 266b64c..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/COM/Abbrevia.dpr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-library Abbrevia;
- ComServ,
- _ZipKit in '_ZipKit.pas',
- _ZipItem in '_ZipItem.pas',
- _GZipItem in '_GZipItem.pas',
- _TarItem in '_TarItem.pas',
- Abbrevia_TLB in 'Abbrevia_TLB.pas';
- DllGetClassObject,
- DllCanUnloadNow,
- DllRegisterServer,
- DllUnregisterServer,
- DllInstall;
-{$R *.TLB}
-{$R *.RES}
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/COM/Abbrevia.dproj b/components/Abbrevia/source/COM/Abbrevia.dproj
deleted file mode 100644
index 3322ecf..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/COM/Abbrevia.dproj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
- {EDA07E3C-7B07-4B14-9B53-64A70EF3F00A}
- Abbrevia.dpr
- True
- Release
- 3
- Library
- None
- 13.4
- Win32
- true
- true
- Base
- true
- true
- Base
- true
- true
- Base
- true
- true
- Cfg_1
- true
- true
- true
- Cfg_1
- true
- true
- true
- Base
- true
- true
- Cfg_2
- true
- true
- true
- Cfg_2
- true
- true
- .\$(Platform)
- ..\;$(DCC_UnitSearchPath)
- None
- true
- 5
- 1033
- false
- CompanyName=;FileDescription=Abbrevia COM components;FileVersion=;InternalName=;LegalCopyright=Copyright (c) Abbrevia Group 2011;LegalTrademarks=;OriginalFilename=;ProductName=Abbrevia;ProductVersion=5.0;Comments=
- System;Xml;Data;Datasnap;Web;Soap;System.Win;Winapi;Vcl;$(DCC_Namespace)
- 00400000
- false
- true
- false
- false
- false
- Data.Win;Datasnap.Win;Web.Win;Soap.Win;Xml.Win;$(DCC_Namespace)
- CompanyName=;FileDescription=;FileVersion=;InternalName=;LegalCopyright=;LegalTrademarks=;OriginalFilename=;ProductName=;ProductVersion=;Comments=
- Abbrevia_Icon.ico
- /i:user /n Abbrevia.dll
- C:\Windows\System32\regsvr32.exe
- Data.Win;Datasnap.Win;Web.Win;Soap.Win;Xml.Win;Bde;$(DCC_Namespace)
- CompanyName=;FileDescription=;FileVersion=;InternalName=;LegalCopyright=;LegalTrademarks=;OriginalFilename=;ProductName=;ProductVersion=;Comments=
- false
- false
- 0
- RELEASE;$(DCC_Define)
- CompanyName=;FileDescription=Abbrevia COM components;FileVersion=5.0;InternalName=;LegalCopyright=Copyright (c) 2011 Abbrevia Group;LegalTrademarks=;OriginalFilename=Abbrevia.dll;ProductName=Abbrevia;ProductVersion=5.0;Comments=http://tpabbrevia.sourceforge.net/
- CompanyName=;FileDescription=Abbrevia COM components;FileVersion=5.0;InternalName=;LegalCopyright=Copyright (c) 2011 Abbrevia Group;LegalTrademarks=;OriginalFilename=Abbrevia.dll;ProductName=Abbrevia;ProductVersion=5.0;Comments=http://tpabbrevia.sourceforge.net/
- DEBUG;$(DCC_Define)
- false
- true
- true
- true
- CompanyName=;FileDescription=;FileVersion=;InternalName=;LegalCopyright=;LegalTrademarks=;OriginalFilename=;ProductName=;ProductVersion=;Comments=
- MainSource
- Cfg_2
- Base
- Base
- Cfg_1
- Base
- Delphi.Personality.12
- Abbrevia.dpr
- False
- False
- 1
- 0
- 0
- 0
- False
- False
- False
- False
- False
- 1033
- 1252
- True
- False
- True
- 1
- 12
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/COM/Abbrevia.res b/components/Abbrevia/source/COM/Abbrevia.res
deleted file mode 100644
index 6850cf0..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/COM/Abbrevia.res and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/COM/Abbrevia.ridl b/components/Abbrevia/source/COM/Abbrevia.ridl
deleted file mode 100644
index 73d332c..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/COM/Abbrevia.ridl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,671 +0,0 @@
-// ************************************************************************ //
-// -------
-// This file is generated by the Type Library importer or Type Libary Editor.
-// Barring syntax errors, the Editor will parse modifications made to the file.
-// However, when applying changes via the Editor this file will be regenerated
-// and comments or formatting changes will be lost.
-// ************************************************************************ //
-// File generated on 12/6/2011 11:22:23 AM (- $Rev: 12980 $, 51698824).
- uuid(AF804E20-4043-499E-BB14-237B9F26F89F),
- version(3.0),
- helpstring("TurboPower Abbrevia Compression Library v3.03"),
- helpfile("C:\\Abbrevia\\COM\\abrv-com.hlp"),
- helpcontext(0x00000001)
-library Abbrevia
- importlib("stdole2.tlb");
- interface IZipItem;
- interface IGZipItem;
- interface ITarItem;
- interface IZipKit;
- dispinterface IZipKitEvents;
- coclass ZipItem;
- coclass GZipItem;
- coclass TarItem;
- coclass ZipKit;
- [
- uuid(6CABD61B-653C-4CEB-807C-C80E8DE8163D),
- version(3.0)
- ]
- enum TArchiveAction
- {
- aaFailed = 0,
- aaNone = 1,
- aaAdd = 2,
- aaDelete = 3,
- aaFreshen = 4,
- aaMove = 5,
- aaStreamAdd = 6
- };
- [
- uuid(148F84A1-2B70-4A63-B561-FF0EE49E74B3),
- version(3.0)
- ]
- enum TArchiveStatus
- {
- asInvalid = 0,
- asIdle = 1,
- asBusy = 2
- };
- [
- uuid(5D495174-DB09-4C59-A26D-FEBDE3EAE100),
- version(3.0)
- ]
- enum TErrorClass
- {
- eclAbbrevia = 0,
- eclInOutError = 1,
- eclFileError = 2,
- eclFileCreateError = 3,
- eclFileOpenError = 4,
- eclOther = 5
- };
- [
- uuid(6A4738B9-69F1-4717-8393-681FF21E8DB7),
- version(3.0)
- ]
- enum TFileAttributes
- {
- faReadOnly = 1,
- faHidden = 2,
- faSysFile = 4,
- faVolumeID = 8,
- faDirectory = 16,
- faArchive = 32
- };
- [
- uuid(F77BBE04-0859-4F18-9DEA-B2887C1F6AF7),
- version(3.0)
- ]
- enum TProcessType
- {
- ptAdd = 0,
- ptDelete = 1,
- ptExtract = 2,
- ptFreshen = 3,
- ptMove = 4,
- ptReplace = 5
- };
- [
- uuid(D78287A7-65FA-4391-8F5A-C7D3A11E9970),
- version(3.0)
- ]
- enum TStoreOptions
- {
- soStripDrive = 1,
- soStripPath = 2,
- soRemoveDots = 4,
- soRecurse = 8,
- soFreshen = 16,
- soReplace = 32
- };
- [
- uuid(192C6697-A38D-4F48-B32B-F33500460E62),
- version(3.0)
- ]
- enum TZipCompressionMethod
- {
- cmStored = 0,
- cmShrunk = 1,
- cmReduced1 = 2,
- cmReduced2 = 3,
- cmReduced3 = 4,
- cmReduced4 = 5,
- cmImploded = 6,
- cmTokenized = 7,
- cmDeflated = 8,
- cmEnhancedDeflated = 9,
- cmDCLImploded = 10,
- cmBestMethod = 11
- };
- [
- uuid(800F8CDC-2F0F-4020-BCBB-FEDA82D0EFEF),
- version(3.0)
- ]
- enum TZipDeflateOption
- {
- doInvalid = 0,
- doNormal = 1,
- doMaximum = 2,
- doFast = 3,
- doSuperFast = 4
- };
- [
- uuid(D697ED2A-F088-409F-962A-57D8324EEDD6),
- version(3.0)
- ]
- enum TZipDictionarySize
- {
- dsInvalid = 0,
- ds4K = 1,
- ds8K = 2
- };
- [
- uuid(B9889806-26F9-47E7-AC1F-906AA161B078),
- version(3.0)
- ]
- enum TZipExtractOptions
- {
- eoCreateDirs = 0,
- eoRestorePath = 1
- };
- [
- uuid(D40E0708-AE71-4A44-A6C8-430EDF760DE2),
- version(3.0)
- ]
- enum TZipSupportMethod
- {
- smStored = 0,
- smDeflated = 1,
- smBestMethod = 2
- };
- [
- uuid(EFD2C909-BF04-4C54-9ACB-38D872B95C9F),
- version(3.0)
- ]
- enum TErrorCode
- {
- ecDuplicateName = 0,
- ecInvalidPassword = 1,
- ecNoSuchDirectory = 2,
- ecUnknownCompressionMethod = 3,
- ecUserAbort = 4,
- ecZipBadCRC = 5,
- ecZipVersionNumber = 6,
- ecSpannedItemNotFound = 7
- };
- [
- uuid(44EB05F9-CED9-46D0-84E2-BD3362977437),
- version(3.0)
- ]
- enum TArchiveType
- {
- atUnknown = 0,
- atZip = 1,
- atSelfExtZip = 2,
- atTar = 3,
- atGZip = 4,
- atGZippedTar = 5,
- atCab = 6
- };
- [
- uuid(36568A72-3B4B-41C4-8E34-19931A8EAF63),
- version(3.0)
- ]
- enum TFileSystem
- {
- fsFAT = 0,
- fsAmiga = 1,
- fsVMS = 2,
- fsUnix = 3,
- fsVM_CMS = 4,
- fsAtariTOS = 5,
- fsHPFS = 6,
- fsMacintosh = 7,
- fsZSystem = 8,
- fsCP_M = 9,
- fsTOPS20 = 10,
- fsNTFS = 11,
- fsQDOS = 12,
- fsAcornRISCOS = 13,
- fsUnknown = 14,
- fsUndefined = 15
- };
- [
- uuid(851699A1-422A-4C65-8E08-D0499ACDD834),
- version(3.0),
- helpstring("Dispatch interface for ZipItem Object"),
- helpcontext(0x00000005),
- dual,
- oleautomation
- ]
- interface IZipItem: IDispatch
- {
- [propget, id(0x00000001)]
- HRESULT _stdcall Action([out, retval] enum TArchiveAction* Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000002)]
- HRESULT _stdcall CompressedSize([out, retval] long* Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000003)]
- HRESULT _stdcall CRC32([out, retval] long* Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000004)]
- HRESULT _stdcall DiskFileName([out, retval] BSTR* Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000005)]
- HRESULT _stdcall DiskPath([out, retval] BSTR* Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000006)]
- HRESULT _stdcall ExternalFileAttributes([out, retval] enum TFileAttributes* Value);
- [propput, id(0x00000006)]
- HRESULT _stdcall ExternalFileAttributes([in] enum TFileAttributes Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000007)]
- HRESULT _stdcall FileName([out, retval] BSTR* Value);
- [propput, id(0x00000007)]
- HRESULT _stdcall FileName([in] BSTR Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000008)]
- HRESULT _stdcall IsEncrypted([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000009)]
- HRESULT _stdcall LastModFileDateTime([out, retval] DATE* Value);
- [propget, id(0x0000000A)]
- HRESULT _stdcall StoredPath([out, retval] BSTR* Value);
- [propget, id(0x0000000B)]
- HRESULT _stdcall Tagged([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value);
- [propput, id(0x0000000B)]
- HRESULT _stdcall Tagged([in] VARIANT_BOOL Value);
- [propget, id(0x0000000C)]
- HRESULT _stdcall UnCompressedSize([out, retval] long* Value);
- [propget, id(0x0000000D)]
- HRESULT _stdcall CRC32St([out, retval] BSTR* Value);
- [propget, id(0x0000000E)]
- HRESULT _stdcall Password([out, retval] BSTR* Value);
- [propput, id(0x0000000E)]
- HRESULT _stdcall Password([in] BSTR Value);
- [propget, id(0x0000000F)]
- HRESULT _stdcall CompressionMethod([out, retval] enum TZipCompressionMethod* Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000010)]
- HRESULT _stdcall CompressionRatio([out, retval] double* Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000011)]
- HRESULT _stdcall DeflateOption([out, retval] enum TZipDeflateOption* Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000012)]
- HRESULT _stdcall DictionarySize([out, retval] enum TZipDictionarySize* Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000013)]
- HRESULT _stdcall DiskNumberStart([out, retval] long* Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000014)]
- HRESULT _stdcall ExtraField([out, retval] BSTR* Value);
- [propput, id(0x00000014)]
- HRESULT _stdcall ExtraField([in] BSTR Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000015)]
- HRESULT _stdcall FileComment([out, retval] BSTR* Value);
- [propput, id(0x00000015)]
- HRESULT _stdcall FileComment([in] BSTR Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000016)]
- HRESULT _stdcall InternalFileAttributes([out, retval] long* Value);
- [propput, id(0x00000016)]
- HRESULT _stdcall InternalFileAttributes([in] long Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000017)]
- HRESULT _stdcall VersionMadeBy([out, retval] long* Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000018)]
- HRESULT _stdcall VersionNeededToExtract([out, retval] long* Value);
- };
- [
- uuid(8FA78CE0-FD29-441E-9777-93B63EF1A9EE),
- version(3.0),
- dual,
- oleautomation
- ]
- interface IGZipItem: IDispatch
- {
- [propget, id(0x00000001)]
- HRESULT _stdcall Action([out, retval] enum TArchiveAction* Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000002)]
- HRESULT _stdcall CompressedSize([out, retval] long* Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000003)]
- HRESULT _stdcall CRC32([out, retval] long* Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000004)]
- HRESULT _stdcall DiskFileName([out, retval] BSTR* Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000005)]
- HRESULT _stdcall DiskPath([out, retval] BSTR* Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000006)]
- HRESULT _stdcall ExternalFileAttributes([out, retval] enum TFileAttributes* Value);
- [propput, id(0x00000006)]
- HRESULT _stdcall ExternalFileAttributes([in] enum TFileAttributes Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000007)]
- HRESULT _stdcall FileName([out, retval] BSTR* Value);
- [propput, id(0x00000007)]
- HRESULT _stdcall FileName([in] BSTR Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000008)]
- HRESULT _stdcall IsEncrypted([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000009)]
- HRESULT _stdcall LastModFileDateTime([out, retval] DATE* Value);
- [propget, id(0x0000000A)]
- HRESULT _stdcall StoredPath([out, retval] BSTR* Value);
- [propget, id(0x0000000B)]
- HRESULT _stdcall Tagged([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value);
- [propput, id(0x0000000B)]
- HRESULT _stdcall Tagged([in] VARIANT_BOOL Value);
- [propget, id(0x0000000C)]
- HRESULT _stdcall UnCompressedSize([out, retval] long* Value);
- [propget, id(0x0000000D)]
- HRESULT _stdcall CRC32St([out, retval] BSTR* Value);
- [propget, id(0x0000000E)]
- HRESULT _stdcall Password([out, retval] BSTR* Value);
- [propput, id(0x0000000E)]
- HRESULT _stdcall Password([in] BSTR Value);
- [propget, id(0x0000000F)]
- HRESULT _stdcall CompressionMethod([out, retval] unsigned char* Value);
- [propput, id(0x0000000F)]
- HRESULT _stdcall CompressionMethod([in] unsigned char Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000010)]
- HRESULT _stdcall ExtraField([out, retval] BSTR* Value);
- [propput, id(0x00000010)]
- HRESULT _stdcall ExtraField([in] BSTR Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000011)]
- HRESULT _stdcall ExtraFlags([out, retval] unsigned char* Value);
- [propput, id(0x00000011)]
- HRESULT _stdcall ExtraFlags([in] unsigned char Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000012)]
- HRESULT _stdcall FileComment([out, retval] BSTR* Value);
- [propput, id(0x00000012)]
- HRESULT _stdcall FileComment([in] BSTR Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000013)]
- HRESULT _stdcall FileSystem([out, retval] enum TFileSystem* Value);
- [propput, id(0x00000013)]
- HRESULT _stdcall FileSystem([in] enum TFileSystem Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000014)]
- HRESULT _stdcall Flags([out, retval] unsigned char* Value);
- [propput, id(0x00000014)]
- HRESULT _stdcall Flags([in] unsigned char Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000015)]
- HRESULT _stdcall HeaderCRC([out, retval] long* Value);
- };
- [
- uuid(729E9F52-C489-4A41-A770-4E2C5282AE39),
- version(3.0),
- dual,
- oleautomation
- ]
- interface ITarItem: IDispatch
- {
- [propget, id(0x00000001)]
- HRESULT _stdcall Action([out, retval] enum TArchiveAction* Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000002)]
- HRESULT _stdcall CompressedSize([out, retval] long* Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000003)]
- HRESULT _stdcall CRC32([out, retval] long* Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000004)]
- HRESULT _stdcall DiskFileName([out, retval] BSTR* Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000005)]
- HRESULT _stdcall DiskPath([out, retval] BSTR* Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000006)]
- HRESULT _stdcall ExternalFileAttributes([out, retval] enum TFileAttributes* Value);
- [propput, id(0x00000006)]
- HRESULT _stdcall ExternalFileAttributes([in] enum TFileAttributes Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000007)]
- HRESULT _stdcall FileName([out, retval] BSTR* Value);
- [propput, id(0x00000007)]
- HRESULT _stdcall FileName([in] BSTR Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000008)]
- HRESULT _stdcall IsEncrypted([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000009)]
- HRESULT _stdcall LastModFileDateTime([out, retval] DATE* Value);
- [propget, id(0x0000000A)]
- HRESULT _stdcall StoredPath([out, retval] BSTR* Value);
- [propget, id(0x0000000B)]
- HRESULT _stdcall Tagged([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value);
- [propput, id(0x0000000B)]
- HRESULT _stdcall Tagged([in] VARIANT_BOOL Value);
- [propget, id(0x0000000C)]
- HRESULT _stdcall UnCompressedSize([out, retval] long* Value);
- [propget, id(0x0000000D)]
- HRESULT _stdcall CRC32St([out, retval] BSTR* Value);
- [propget, id(0x0000000E)]
- HRESULT _stdcall Password([out, retval] BSTR* Value);
- [propput, id(0x0000000E)]
- HRESULT _stdcall Password([in] BSTR Value);
- [propget, id(0x0000000F)]
- HRESULT _stdcall DevMajor([out, retval] long* Value);
- [propput, id(0x0000000F)]
- HRESULT _stdcall DevMajor([in] long Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000010)]
- HRESULT _stdcall DevMinor([out, retval] long* Value);
- [propput, id(0x00000010)]
- HRESULT _stdcall DevMinor([in] long Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000011)]
- HRESULT _stdcall GroupID([out, retval] long* Value);
- [propput, id(0x00000011)]
- HRESULT _stdcall GroupID([in] long Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000012)]
- HRESULT _stdcall GroupName([out, retval] BSTR* Value);
- [propput, id(0x00000012)]
- HRESULT _stdcall GroupName([in] BSTR Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000013)]
- HRESULT _stdcall LinkFlag([out, retval] unsigned char* Value);
- [propput, id(0x00000013)]
- HRESULT _stdcall LinkFlag([in] unsigned char Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000014)]
- HRESULT _stdcall LinkName([out, retval] BSTR* Value);
- [propput, id(0x00000014)]
- HRESULT _stdcall LinkName([in] BSTR Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000015)]
- HRESULT _stdcall Mode([out, retval] long* Value);
- [propput, id(0x00000015)]
- HRESULT _stdcall Mode([in] long Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000016)]
- HRESULT _stdcall UserID([out, retval] long* Value);
- [propput, id(0x00000016)]
- HRESULT _stdcall UserID([in] long Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000017)]
- HRESULT _stdcall UserName([out, retval] BSTR* Value);
- [propput, id(0x00000017)]
- HRESULT _stdcall UserName([in] BSTR Value);
- };
- [
- uuid(B7480A7F-4E27-4B45-9FE6-224B60295A0C),
- version(3.0),
- helpstring("Dispatch interface for ZipKit Object"),
- helpcontext(0x00000006),
- dual,
- oleautomation
- ]
- interface IZipKit: IDispatch
- {
- [id(0x00000001)]
- HRESULT _stdcall Add([in] BSTR FileMask, [in] BSTR ExclusionMask, [in] long SearchAttr);
- [id(0x00000007)]
- HRESULT _stdcall AddFromStream([in] BSTR FileName, [in] VARIANT Stream);
- [propget, id(0x00000003)]
- HRESULT _stdcall AutoSave([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value);
- [propput, id(0x00000003)]
- HRESULT _stdcall AutoSave([in] VARIANT_BOOL Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000004)]
- HRESULT _stdcall BaseDirectory([out, retval] BSTR* Value);
- [propput, id(0x00000004)]
- HRESULT _stdcall BaseDirectory([in] BSTR Value);
- [id(0x00000005)]
- HRESULT _stdcall ClearTags(void);
- [propget, id(0x00000006)]
- HRESULT _stdcall CompressionMethodToUse([out, retval] enum TZipSupportMethod* Value);
- [propput, id(0x00000006)]
- HRESULT _stdcall CompressionMethodToUse([in] enum TZipSupportMethod Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000002)]
- HRESULT _stdcall Count([out, retval] long* Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000008)]
- HRESULT _stdcall DeflateOption([out, retval] enum TZipDeflateOption* Value);
- [propput, id(0x00000008)]
- HRESULT _stdcall DeflateOption([in] enum TZipDeflateOption Value);
- [id(0x00000009)]
- HRESULT _stdcall Delete([in] BSTR FileMask, [in] BSTR ExclusionMask);
- [id(0x0000000A)]
- HRESULT _stdcall DeleteAt([in] long Index);
- [id(0x0000000B)]
- HRESULT _stdcall DeleteTaggedItems(void);
- [propget, id(0x0000000C)]
- HRESULT _stdcall DOSMode([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value);
- [propput, id(0x0000000C)]
- HRESULT _stdcall DOSMode([in] VARIANT_BOOL Value);
- [id(0x0000000D)]
- HRESULT _stdcall Extract([in] BSTR FileMask, [in] BSTR ExclusionMask);
- [id(0x0000000E)]
- HRESULT _stdcall ExtractAt([in] long Index, [in] BSTR NewName);
- [propget, id(0x0000000F)]
- HRESULT _stdcall ExtractOptions([out, retval] enum TZipExtractOptions* Value);
- [propput, id(0x0000000F)]
- HRESULT _stdcall ExtractOptions([in] enum TZipExtractOptions Value);
- [id(0x00000010)]
- HRESULT _stdcall ExtractTaggedItems(void);
- [propget, id(0x00000011)]
- HRESULT _stdcall FileName([out, retval] BSTR* Value);
- [propput, id(0x00000011)]
- HRESULT _stdcall FileName([in] BSTR Value);
- [id(0x00000012)]
- HRESULT _stdcall Find([in] BSTR FileName, [out, retval] long* Value);
- [id(0x00000013)]
- HRESULT _stdcall Freshen([in] BSTR FileMask, [in] BSTR ExclusionMask);
- [id(0x00000014)]
- HRESULT _stdcall FreshenTaggedItems(void);
- [propget, id(0x00000000)]
- HRESULT _stdcall Item([in] long Index, [out, retval] IDispatch** Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000017)]
- HRESULT _stdcall LogFile([out, retval] BSTR* Value);
- [propput, id(0x00000017)]
- HRESULT _stdcall LogFile([in] BSTR Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000018)]
- HRESULT _stdcall Logging([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value);
- [propput, id(0x00000018)]
- HRESULT _stdcall Logging([in] VARIANT_BOOL Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000019)]
- HRESULT _stdcall Password([out, retval] BSTR* Value);
- [propput, id(0x00000019)]
- HRESULT _stdcall Password([in] BSTR Value);
- [propget, id(0x0000001A)]
- HRESULT _stdcall PasswordRetries([out, retval] unsigned char* Value);
- [propput, id(0x0000001A)]
- HRESULT _stdcall PasswordRetries([in] unsigned char Value);
- [id(0x0000001B)]
- HRESULT _stdcall Replace([in] BSTR FileMask);
- [id(0x0000001C)]
- HRESULT _stdcall Save(void);
- [propget, id(0x0000001D)]
- HRESULT _stdcall Spanned([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value);
- [propget, id(0x0000001E)]
- HRESULT _stdcall SpanningThreshold([out, retval] long* Value);
- [propput, id(0x0000001E)]
- HRESULT _stdcall SpanningThreshold([in] long Value);
- [propget, id(0x0000001F)]
- HRESULT _stdcall Status([out, retval] enum TArchiveStatus* Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000020)]
- HRESULT _stdcall StoreOptions([out, retval] enum TStoreOptions* Value);
- [propput, id(0x00000020)]
- HRESULT _stdcall StoreOptions([in] enum TStoreOptions Value);
- [id(0x00000021)]
- HRESULT _stdcall TagItems([in] BSTR FileMask);
- [propget, id(0x00000022)]
- HRESULT _stdcall TempDirectory([out, retval] BSTR* Value);
- [propput, id(0x00000022)]
- HRESULT _stdcall TempDirectory([in] BSTR Value);
- [id(0x00000023)]
- HRESULT _stdcall TestTaggedItems(void);
- [id(0x00000024)]
- HRESULT _stdcall UntagItems([in] BSTR FileMask);
- [propget, id(0x00000025)]
- HRESULT _stdcall ZipFileComment([out, retval] BSTR* Value);
- [propput, id(0x00000025)]
- HRESULT _stdcall ZipFileComment([in] BSTR Value);
- [id(0x00000026)]
- HRESULT _stdcall License([in] BSTR Key, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value);
- [propget, id(0xFFFFFFFC), restricted, hidden]
- HRESULT _stdcall _NewEnum([out, retval] IUnknown** Value);
- [id(0x00000015)]
- HRESULT _stdcall ExtractToStream([in] BSTR FileName, [out, retval] VARIANT* Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000028)]
- HRESULT _stdcall CompressionType([out, retval] enum TArchiveType* Value);
- [propput, id(0x00000028)]
- HRESULT _stdcall CompressionType([in] enum TArchiveType Value);
- [propget, id(0x00000029)]
- HRESULT _stdcall TarAutoHandle([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value);
- [propput, id(0x00000029)]
- HRESULT _stdcall TarAutoHandle([in] VARIANT_BOOL Value);
- };
- [
- uuid(F094D5F4-3A52-45AE-9D86-4409611DD29E),
- version(3.0),
- helpstring("Events interface for ZipKit Object")
- ]
- dispinterface IZipKitEvents
- {
- properties:
- methods:
- [id(0x00000001)]
- void OnArchiveItemProgress([in] IDispatch* Item, [in] unsigned char Progress, [in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* Abort);
- [id(0x00000002)]
- void OnArchiveProgress([in] unsigned char Progress, [in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* Abort);
- [id(0x00000003)]
- void OnChange(void);
- [id(0x00000004)]
- void OnConfirmOverwrite([in, out] BSTR* Name, [in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* Confirm);
- [id(0x00000005)]
- void OnConfirmProcessItem([in] IDispatch* Item, [in] enum TProcessType ProcessType, [in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* Confirm);
- [id(0x00000006)]
- void OnConfirmSave([in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* Confirm);
- [id(0x00000007)]
- void OnLoad(void);
- [id(0x00000008)]
- void OnNeedPassword([in, out] BSTR* NewPassword);
- [id(0x00000009)]
- void OnProcessItemFailure([in] IDispatch* Item, [in] enum TProcessType ProcessType, [in] enum TErrorClass ErrorClass, [in] enum TErrorCode ErrorCode, [in] BSTR ErrorString);
- [id(0x0000000A)]
- void OnRequestBlankDisk([in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* Abort);
- [id(0x0000000B)]
- void OnRequestImage([in] long ImageNumber, [in, out] BSTR* ImageName, [in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* Abort);
- [id(0x0000000C)]
- void OnRequestLastDisk([in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* Abort);
- [id(0x0000000D)]
- void OnRequestNthDisk([in] long DiskNumber, [in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* Abort);
- [id(0x0000000E)]
- void OnSave(void);
- };
- [
- uuid(650989D8-F0FF-4C71-83C3-92556F4329F5),
- version(3.0)
- ]
- coclass ZipItem
- {
- [default] interface IZipItem;
- };
- [
- uuid(2B35BB50-D9C7-4669-B18E-943B5199FD8E),
- version(3.0)
- ]
- coclass GZipItem
- {
- [default] interface IGZipItem;
- };
- [
- uuid(2DF3E624-0E6C-42CF-8041-676B9A06375E),
- version(3.0)
- ]
- coclass TarItem
- {
- [default] interface ITarItem;
- };
- [
- uuid(730B4B32-9127-492A-BF02-196A7E6B4E1B),
- version(3.0),
- helpstring("ZipKit Object"),
- helpcontext(0x00000006)
- ]
- coclass ZipKit
- {
- [default] interface IZipKit;
- [default, source] dispinterface IZipKitEvents;
- };
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/COM/Abbrevia.tlb b/components/Abbrevia/source/COM/Abbrevia.tlb
deleted file mode 100644
index 323cae4..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/COM/Abbrevia.tlb and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/COM/Abbrevia_TLB.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/COM/Abbrevia_TLB.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 87606de..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/COM/Abbrevia_TLB.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,817 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-unit Abbrevia_TLB;
-// ************************************************************************ //
-// -------
-// The types declared in this file were generated from data read from a
-// Type Library. If this type library is explicitly or indirectly (via
-// another type library referring to this type library) re-imported, or the
-// 'Refresh' command of the Type Library Editor activated while editing the
-// Type Library, the contents of this file will be regenerated and all
-// manual modifications will be lost.
-// ************************************************************************ //
-// $Rev: 491 $
-// File generated on 7/23/2009 9:45:45 PM from Type Library described below.
-// ************************************************************************ //
-// Type Lib: C:\Abbrevia\COM\abbrevia.dll
-// LIBID: {AF804E20-4043-499E-BB14-237B9F26F89F}
-// LCID: 0
-// Helpfile: C:\Abbrevia\COM\abrv-com.hlp
-// HelpString: TurboPower Abbrevia Compression Library v3.03
-// DepndLst:
-// (1) v2.0 stdole, (C:\WINDOWS\System32\stdole2.tlb)
-// ************************************************************************ //
-{$TYPEDADDRESS OFF} // Unit must be compiled without type-checked pointers.
-uses Windows, ActiveX, Classes, Graphics, StdVCL, Variants;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// GUIDS declared in the TypeLibrary. Following prefixes are used:
-// Type Libraries : LIBID_xxxx
-// CoClasses : CLASS_xxxx
-// DISPInterfaces : DIID_xxxx
-// Non-DISP interfaces: IID_xxxx
-// *********************************************************************//
- // TypeLibrary Major and minor versions
- AbbreviaMajorVersion = 5;
- AbbreviaMinorVersion = 0;
- LIBID_Abbrevia: TGUID = '{AF804E20-4043-499E-BB14-237B9F26F89F}';
- IID_IZipItem: TGUID = '{851699A1-422A-4C65-8E08-D0499ACDD834}';
- IID_IGZipItem: TGUID = '{8FA78CE0-FD29-441E-9777-93B63EF1A9EE}';
- IID_ITarItem: TGUID = '{729E9F52-C489-4A41-A770-4E2C5282AE39}';
- IID_IZipKit: TGUID = '{B7480A7F-4E27-4B45-9FE6-224B60295A0C}';
- DIID_IZipKitEvents: TGUID = '{F094D5F4-3A52-45AE-9D86-4409611DD29E}';
- CLASS_ZipItem: TGUID = '{650989D8-F0FF-4C71-83C3-92556F4329F5}';
- CLASS_GZipItem: TGUID = '{2B35BB50-D9C7-4669-B18E-943B5199FD8E}';
- CLASS_TarItem: TGUID = '{2DF3E624-0E6C-42CF-8041-676B9A06375E}';
- CLASS_ZipKit: TGUID = '{730B4B32-9127-492A-BF02-196A7E6B4E1B}';
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Declaration of Enumerations defined in Type Library
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Constants for enum TArchiveAction
- TArchiveAction = TOleEnum;
- aaFailed = $00000000;
- aaNone = $00000001;
- aaAdd = $00000002;
- aaDelete = $00000003;
- aaFreshen = $00000004;
- aaMove = $00000005;
- aaStreamAdd = $00000006;
-// Constants for enum TArchiveStatus
- TArchiveStatus = TOleEnum;
- asInvalid = $00000000;
- asIdle = $00000001;
- asBusy = $00000002;
-// Constants for enum TErrorClass
- TErrorClass = TOleEnum;
- eclAbbrevia = $00000000;
- eclInOutError = $00000001;
- eclFileError = $00000002;
- eclFileCreateError = $00000003;
- eclFileOpenError = $00000004;
- eclOther = $00000005;
-// Constants for enum TFileAttributes
- TFileAttributes = TOleEnum;
- faReadOnly = $00000001;
- faHidden = $00000002;
- faSysFile = $00000004;
- faVolumeID = $00000008;
- faDirectory = $00000010;
- faArchive = $00000020;
-// Constants for enum TProcessType
- TProcessType = TOleEnum;
- ptAdd = $00000000;
- ptDelete = $00000001;
- ptExtract = $00000002;
- ptFreshen = $00000003;
- ptMove = $00000004;
- ptReplace = $00000005;
-// Constants for enum TStoreOptions
- TStoreOptions = TOleEnum;
- soStripDrive = $00000001;
- soStripPath = $00000002;
- soRemoveDots = $00000004;
- soRecurse = $00000008;
- soFreshen = $00000010;
- soReplace = $00000020;
-// Constants for enum TZipCompressionMethod
- TZipCompressionMethod = TOleEnum;
- cmStored = $00000000;
- cmShrunk = $00000001;
- cmReduced1 = $00000002;
- cmReduced2 = $00000003;
- cmReduced3 = $00000004;
- cmReduced4 = $00000005;
- cmImploded = $00000006;
- cmTokenized = $00000007;
- cmDeflated = $00000008;
- cmEnhancedDeflated = $00000009;
- cmDCLImploded = $0000000A;
- cmBestMethod = $0000000B;
-// Constants for enum TZipDeflateOption
- TZipDeflateOption = TOleEnum;
- doInvalid = $00000000;
- doNormal = $00000001;
- doMaximum = $00000002;
- doFast = $00000003;
- doSuperFast = $00000004;
-// Constants for enum TZipDictionarySize
- TZipDictionarySize = TOleEnum;
- dsInvalid = $00000000;
- ds4K = $00000001;
- ds8K = $00000002;
-// Constants for enum TZipExtractOptions
- TZipExtractOptions = TOleEnum;
- eoCreateDirs = $00000000;
- eoRestorePath = $00000001;
-// Constants for enum TZipSupportMethod
- TZipSupportMethod = TOleEnum;
- smStored = $00000000;
- smDeflated = $00000001;
- smBestMethod = $00000002;
-// Constants for enum TErrorCode
- TErrorCode = TOleEnum;
- ecDuplicateName = $00000000;
- ecInvalidPassword = $00000001;
- ecNoSuchDirectory = $00000002;
- ecUnknownCompressionMethod = $00000003;
- ecUserAbort = $00000004;
- ecZipBadCRC = $00000005;
- ecZipVersionNumber = $00000006;
- ecSpannedItemNotFound = $00000007;
-// Constants for enum TArchiveType
- TArchiveType = TOleEnum;
- atUnknown = $00000000;
- atZip = $00000001;
- atSelfExtZip = $00000002;
- atTar = $00000003;
- atGZip = $00000004;
- atGZippedTar = $00000005;
- atCab = $00000006;
-// Constants for enum TFileSystem
- TFileSystem = TOleEnum;
- fsFAT = $00000000;
- fsAmiga = $00000001;
- fsVMS = $00000002;
- fsUnix = $00000003;
- fsVM_CMS = $00000004;
- fsAtariTOS = $00000005;
- fsHPFS = $00000006;
- fsMacintosh = $00000007;
- fsZSystem = $00000008;
- fsCP_M = $00000009;
- fsTOPS20 = $0000000A;
- fsNTFS = $0000000B;
- fsQDOS = $0000000C;
- fsAcornRISCOS = $0000000D;
- fsUnknown = $0000000E;
- fsUndefined = $0000000F;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Forward declaration of types defined in TypeLibrary
-// *********************************************************************//
- IZipItem = interface;
- IZipItemDisp = dispinterface;
- IGZipItem = interface;
- IGZipItemDisp = dispinterface;
- ITarItem = interface;
- ITarItemDisp = dispinterface;
- IZipKit = interface;
- IZipKitDisp = dispinterface;
- IZipKitEvents = dispinterface;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Declaration of CoClasses defined in Type Library
-// (NOTE: Here we map each CoClass to its Default Interface)
-// *********************************************************************//
- ZipItem = IZipItem;
- GZipItem = IGZipItem;
- TarItem = ITarItem;
- ZipKit = IZipKit;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Interface: IZipItem
-// Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {851699A1-422A-4C65-8E08-D0499ACDD834}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IZipItem = interface(IDispatch)
- ['{851699A1-422A-4C65-8E08-D0499ACDD834}']
- function Get_Action: TArchiveAction; safecall;
- function Get_CompressedSize: Integer; safecall;
- function Get_CRC32: Integer; safecall;
- function Get_DiskFileName: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_DiskPath: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_ExternalFileAttributes: TFileAttributes; safecall;
- procedure Set_ExternalFileAttributes(Value: TFileAttributes); safecall;
- function Get_FileName: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_FileName(const Value: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_IsEncrypted: WordBool; safecall;
- function Get_LastModFileDateTime: TDateTime; safecall;
- function Get_StoredPath: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_Tagged: WordBool; safecall;
- procedure Set_Tagged(Value: WordBool); safecall;
- function Get_UnCompressedSize: Integer; safecall;
- function Get_CRC32St: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_Password: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_Password(const Value: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_CompressionMethod: TZipCompressionMethod; safecall;
- function Get_CompressionRatio: Double; safecall;
- function Get_DeflateOption: TZipDeflateOption; safecall;
- function Get_DictionarySize: TZipDictionarySize; safecall;
- function Get_DiskNumberStart: Integer; safecall;
- function Get_ExtraField: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_ExtraField(const Value: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_FileComment: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_FileComment(const Value: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_InternalFileAttributes: Integer; safecall;
- procedure Set_InternalFileAttributes(Value: Integer); safecall;
- function Get_VersionMadeBy: Integer; safecall;
- function Get_VersionNeededToExtract: Integer; safecall;
- property Action: TArchiveAction read Get_Action;
- property CompressedSize: Integer read Get_CompressedSize;
- property CRC32: Integer read Get_CRC32;
- property DiskFileName: WideString read Get_DiskFileName;
- property DiskPath: WideString read Get_DiskPath;
- property ExternalFileAttributes: TFileAttributes read Get_ExternalFileAttributes write Set_ExternalFileAttributes;
- property FileName: WideString read Get_FileName write Set_FileName;
- property IsEncrypted: WordBool read Get_IsEncrypted;
- property LastModFileDateTime: TDateTime read Get_LastModFileDateTime;
- property StoredPath: WideString read Get_StoredPath;
- property Tagged: WordBool read Get_Tagged write Set_Tagged;
- property UnCompressedSize: Integer read Get_UnCompressedSize;
- property CRC32St: WideString read Get_CRC32St;
- property Password: WideString read Get_Password write Set_Password;
- property CompressionMethod: TZipCompressionMethod read Get_CompressionMethod;
- property CompressionRatio: Double read Get_CompressionRatio;
- property DeflateOption: TZipDeflateOption read Get_DeflateOption;
- property DictionarySize: TZipDictionarySize read Get_DictionarySize;
- property DiskNumberStart: Integer read Get_DiskNumberStart;
- property ExtraField: WideString read Get_ExtraField write Set_ExtraField;
- property FileComment: WideString read Get_FileComment write Set_FileComment;
- property InternalFileAttributes: Integer read Get_InternalFileAttributes write Set_InternalFileAttributes;
- property VersionMadeBy: Integer read Get_VersionMadeBy;
- property VersionNeededToExtract: Integer read Get_VersionNeededToExtract;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// DispIntf: IZipItemDisp
-// Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {851699A1-422A-4C65-8E08-D0499ACDD834}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IZipItemDisp = dispinterface
- ['{851699A1-422A-4C65-8E08-D0499ACDD834}']
- property Action: TArchiveAction readonly dispid 1;
- property CompressedSize: Integer readonly dispid 2;
- property CRC32: Integer readonly dispid 3;
- property DiskFileName: WideString readonly dispid 4;
- property DiskPath: WideString readonly dispid 5;
- property ExternalFileAttributes: TFileAttributes dispid 6;
- property FileName: WideString dispid 7;
- property IsEncrypted: WordBool readonly dispid 8;
- property LastModFileDateTime: TDateTime readonly dispid 9;
- property StoredPath: WideString readonly dispid 10;
- property Tagged: WordBool dispid 11;
- property UnCompressedSize: Integer readonly dispid 12;
- property CRC32St: WideString readonly dispid 13;
- property Password: WideString dispid 14;
- property CompressionMethod: TZipCompressionMethod readonly dispid 15;
- property CompressionRatio: Double readonly dispid 16;
- property DeflateOption: TZipDeflateOption readonly dispid 17;
- property DictionarySize: TZipDictionarySize readonly dispid 18;
- property DiskNumberStart: Integer readonly dispid 19;
- property ExtraField: WideString dispid 20;
- property FileComment: WideString dispid 21;
- property InternalFileAttributes: Integer dispid 22;
- property VersionMadeBy: Integer readonly dispid 23;
- property VersionNeededToExtract: Integer readonly dispid 24;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Interface: IGZipItem
-// Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {8FA78CE0-FD29-441E-9777-93B63EF1A9EE}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IGZipItem = interface(IDispatch)
- ['{8FA78CE0-FD29-441E-9777-93B63EF1A9EE}']
- function Get_Action: TArchiveAction; safecall;
- function Get_CompressedSize: Integer; safecall;
- function Get_CRC32: Integer; safecall;
- function Get_DiskFileName: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_DiskPath: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_ExternalFileAttributes: TFileAttributes; safecall;
- procedure Set_ExternalFileAttributes(Value: TFileAttributes); safecall;
- function Get_FileName: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_FileName(const Value: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_IsEncrypted: WordBool; safecall;
- function Get_LastModFileDateTime: TDateTime; safecall;
- function Get_StoredPath: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_Tagged: WordBool; safecall;
- procedure Set_Tagged(Value: WordBool); safecall;
- function Get_UnCompressedSize: Integer; safecall;
- function Get_CRC32St: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_Password: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_Password(const Value: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_CompressionMethod: Byte; safecall;
- procedure Set_CompressionMethod(Value: Byte); safecall;
- function Get_ExtraField: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_ExtraField(const Value: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_ExtraFlags: Byte; safecall;
- procedure Set_ExtraFlags(Value: Byte); safecall;
- function Get_FileComment: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_FileComment(const Value: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_FileSystem: TFileSystem; safecall;
- procedure Set_FileSystem(Value: TFileSystem); safecall;
- function Get_Flags: Byte; safecall;
- procedure Set_Flags(Value: Byte); safecall;
- function Get_HeaderCRC: Integer; safecall;
- property Action: TArchiveAction read Get_Action;
- property CompressedSize: Integer read Get_CompressedSize;
- property CRC32: Integer read Get_CRC32;
- property DiskFileName: WideString read Get_DiskFileName;
- property DiskPath: WideString read Get_DiskPath;
- property ExternalFileAttributes: TFileAttributes read Get_ExternalFileAttributes write Set_ExternalFileAttributes;
- property FileName: WideString read Get_FileName write Set_FileName;
- property IsEncrypted: WordBool read Get_IsEncrypted;
- property LastModFileDateTime: TDateTime read Get_LastModFileDateTime;
- property StoredPath: WideString read Get_StoredPath;
- property Tagged: WordBool read Get_Tagged write Set_Tagged;
- property UnCompressedSize: Integer read Get_UnCompressedSize;
- property CRC32St: WideString read Get_CRC32St;
- property Password: WideString read Get_Password write Set_Password;
- property CompressionMethod: Byte read Get_CompressionMethod write Set_CompressionMethod;
- property ExtraField: WideString read Get_ExtraField write Set_ExtraField;
- property ExtraFlags: Byte read Get_ExtraFlags write Set_ExtraFlags;
- property FileComment: WideString read Get_FileComment write Set_FileComment;
- property FileSystem: TFileSystem read Get_FileSystem write Set_FileSystem;
- property Flags: Byte read Get_Flags write Set_Flags;
- property HeaderCRC: Integer read Get_HeaderCRC;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// DispIntf: IGZipItemDisp
-// Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {8FA78CE0-FD29-441E-9777-93B63EF1A9EE}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IGZipItemDisp = dispinterface
- ['{8FA78CE0-FD29-441E-9777-93B63EF1A9EE}']
- property Action: TArchiveAction readonly dispid 1;
- property CompressedSize: Integer readonly dispid 2;
- property CRC32: Integer readonly dispid 3;
- property DiskFileName: WideString readonly dispid 4;
- property DiskPath: WideString readonly dispid 5;
- property ExternalFileAttributes: TFileAttributes dispid 6;
- property FileName: WideString dispid 7;
- property IsEncrypted: WordBool readonly dispid 8;
- property LastModFileDateTime: TDateTime readonly dispid 9;
- property StoredPath: WideString readonly dispid 10;
- property Tagged: WordBool dispid 11;
- property UnCompressedSize: Integer readonly dispid 12;
- property CRC32St: WideString readonly dispid 13;
- property Password: WideString dispid 14;
- property CompressionMethod: Byte dispid 15;
- property ExtraField: WideString dispid 16;
- property ExtraFlags: Byte dispid 17;
- property FileComment: WideString dispid 18;
- property FileSystem: TFileSystem dispid 19;
- property Flags: Byte dispid 20;
- property HeaderCRC: Integer readonly dispid 21;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Interface: ITarItem
-// Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {729E9F52-C489-4A41-A770-4E2C5282AE39}
-// *********************************************************************//
- ITarItem = interface(IDispatch)
- ['{729E9F52-C489-4A41-A770-4E2C5282AE39}']
- function Get_Action: TArchiveAction; safecall;
- function Get_CompressedSize: Integer; safecall;
- function Get_CRC32: Integer; safecall;
- function Get_DiskFileName: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_DiskPath: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_ExternalFileAttributes: TFileAttributes; safecall;
- procedure Set_ExternalFileAttributes(Value: TFileAttributes); safecall;
- function Get_FileName: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_FileName(const Value: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_IsEncrypted: WordBool; safecall;
- function Get_LastModFileDateTime: TDateTime; safecall;
- function Get_StoredPath: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_Tagged: WordBool; safecall;
- procedure Set_Tagged(Value: WordBool); safecall;
- function Get_UnCompressedSize: Integer; safecall;
- function Get_CRC32St: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_Password: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_Password(const Value: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_DevMajor: Integer; safecall;
- procedure Set_DevMajor(Value: Integer); safecall;
- function Get_DevMinor: Integer; safecall;
- procedure Set_DevMinor(Value: Integer); safecall;
- function Get_GroupID: Integer; safecall;
- procedure Set_GroupID(Value: Integer); safecall;
- function Get_GroupName: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_GroupName(const Value: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_LinkFlag: Byte; safecall;
- procedure Set_LinkFlag(Value: Byte); safecall;
- function Get_LinkName: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_LinkName(const Value: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_Mode: Integer; safecall;
- procedure Set_Mode(Value: Integer); safecall;
- function Get_UserID: Integer; safecall;
- procedure Set_UserID(Value: Integer); safecall;
- function Get_UserName: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_UserName(const Value: WideString); safecall;
- property Action: TArchiveAction read Get_Action;
- property CompressedSize: Integer read Get_CompressedSize;
- property CRC32: Integer read Get_CRC32;
- property DiskFileName: WideString read Get_DiskFileName;
- property DiskPath: WideString read Get_DiskPath;
- property ExternalFileAttributes: TFileAttributes read Get_ExternalFileAttributes write Set_ExternalFileAttributes;
- property FileName: WideString read Get_FileName write Set_FileName;
- property IsEncrypted: WordBool read Get_IsEncrypted;
- property LastModFileDateTime: TDateTime read Get_LastModFileDateTime;
- property StoredPath: WideString read Get_StoredPath;
- property Tagged: WordBool read Get_Tagged write Set_Tagged;
- property UnCompressedSize: Integer read Get_UnCompressedSize;
- property CRC32St: WideString read Get_CRC32St;
- property Password: WideString read Get_Password write Set_Password;
- property DevMajor: Integer read Get_DevMajor write Set_DevMajor;
- property DevMinor: Integer read Get_DevMinor write Set_DevMinor;
- property GroupID: Integer read Get_GroupID write Set_GroupID;
- property GroupName: WideString read Get_GroupName write Set_GroupName;
- property LinkFlag: Byte read Get_LinkFlag write Set_LinkFlag;
- property LinkName: WideString read Get_LinkName write Set_LinkName;
- property Mode: Integer read Get_Mode write Set_Mode;
- property UserID: Integer read Get_UserID write Set_UserID;
- property UserName: WideString read Get_UserName write Set_UserName;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// DispIntf: ITarItemDisp
-// Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {729E9F52-C489-4A41-A770-4E2C5282AE39}
-// *********************************************************************//
- ITarItemDisp = dispinterface
- ['{729E9F52-C489-4A41-A770-4E2C5282AE39}']
- property Action: TArchiveAction readonly dispid 1;
- property CompressedSize: Integer readonly dispid 2;
- property CRC32: Integer readonly dispid 3;
- property DiskFileName: WideString readonly dispid 4;
- property DiskPath: WideString readonly dispid 5;
- property ExternalFileAttributes: TFileAttributes dispid 6;
- property FileName: WideString dispid 7;
- property IsEncrypted: WordBool readonly dispid 8;
- property LastModFileDateTime: TDateTime readonly dispid 9;
- property StoredPath: WideString readonly dispid 10;
- property Tagged: WordBool dispid 11;
- property UnCompressedSize: Integer readonly dispid 12;
- property CRC32St: WideString readonly dispid 13;
- property Password: WideString dispid 14;
- property DevMajor: Integer dispid 15;
- property DevMinor: Integer dispid 16;
- property GroupID: Integer dispid 17;
- property GroupName: WideString dispid 18;
- property LinkFlag: Byte dispid 19;
- property LinkName: WideString dispid 20;
- property Mode: Integer dispid 21;
- property UserID: Integer dispid 22;
- property UserName: WideString dispid 23;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Interface: IZipKit
-// Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {B7480A7F-4E27-4B45-9FE6-224B60295A0C}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IZipKit = interface(IDispatch)
- ['{B7480A7F-4E27-4B45-9FE6-224B60295A0C}']
- procedure Add(const FileMask: WideString; const ExclusionMask: WideString; SearchAttr: Integer); safecall;
- procedure AddFromStream(const FileName: WideString; Stream: OleVariant); safecall;
- function Get_AutoSave: WordBool; safecall;
- procedure Set_AutoSave(Value: WordBool); safecall;
- function Get_BaseDirectory: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_BaseDirectory(const Value: WideString); safecall;
- procedure ClearTags; safecall;
- function Get_CompressionMethodToUse: TZipSupportMethod; safecall;
- procedure Set_CompressionMethodToUse(Value: TZipSupportMethod); safecall;
- function Get_Count: Integer; safecall;
- function Get_DeflateOption: TZipDeflateOption; safecall;
- procedure Set_DeflateOption(Value: TZipDeflateOption); safecall;
- procedure Delete(const FileMask: WideString; const ExclusionMask: WideString); safecall;
- procedure DeleteAt(Index: Integer); safecall;
- procedure DeleteTaggedItems; safecall;
- function Get_DOSMode: WordBool; safecall;
- procedure Set_DOSMode(Value: WordBool); safecall;
- procedure Extract(const FileMask: WideString; const ExclusionMask: WideString); safecall;
- procedure ExtractAt(Index: Integer; const NewName: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_ExtractOptions: TZipExtractOptions; safecall;
- procedure Set_ExtractOptions(Value: TZipExtractOptions); safecall;
- procedure ExtractTaggedItems; safecall;
- function Get_FileName: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_FileName(const Value: WideString); safecall;
- function Find(const FileName: WideString): Integer; safecall;
- procedure Freshen(const FileMask: WideString; const ExclusionMask: WideString); safecall;
- procedure FreshenTaggedItems; safecall;
- function Get_Item(Index: Integer): IDispatch; safecall;
- function Get_LogFile: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_LogFile(const Value: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_Logging: WordBool; safecall;
- procedure Set_Logging(Value: WordBool); safecall;
- function Get_Password: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_Password(const Value: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_PasswordRetries: Byte; safecall;
- procedure Set_PasswordRetries(Value: Byte); safecall;
- procedure Replace(const FileMask: WideString); safecall;
- procedure Save; safecall;
- function Get_Spanned: WordBool; safecall;
- function Get_SpanningThreshold: Integer; safecall;
- procedure Set_SpanningThreshold(Value: Integer); safecall;
- function Get_Status: TArchiveStatus; safecall;
- function Get_StoreOptions: TStoreOptions; safecall;
- procedure Set_StoreOptions(Value: TStoreOptions); safecall;
- procedure TagItems(const FileMask: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_TempDirectory: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_TempDirectory(const Value: WideString); safecall;
- procedure TestTaggedItems; safecall;
- procedure UntagItems(const FileMask: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_ZipFileComment: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_ZipFileComment(const Value: WideString); safecall;
- function License(const Key: WideString): WordBool; safecall;
- function Get__NewEnum: IUnknown; safecall;
- function ExtractToStream(const FileName: WideString): OleVariant; safecall;
- function Get_CompressionType: TArchiveType; safecall;
- procedure Set_CompressionType(Value: TArchiveType); safecall;
- function Get_TarAutoHandle: WordBool; safecall;
- procedure Set_TarAutoHandle(Value: WordBool); safecall;
- property AutoSave: WordBool read Get_AutoSave write Set_AutoSave;
- property BaseDirectory: WideString read Get_BaseDirectory write Set_BaseDirectory;
- property CompressionMethodToUse: TZipSupportMethod read Get_CompressionMethodToUse write Set_CompressionMethodToUse;
- property Count: Integer read Get_Count;
- property DeflateOption: TZipDeflateOption read Get_DeflateOption write Set_DeflateOption;
- property DOSMode: WordBool read Get_DOSMode write Set_DOSMode;
- property ExtractOptions: TZipExtractOptions read Get_ExtractOptions write Set_ExtractOptions;
- property FileName: WideString read Get_FileName write Set_FileName;
- property Item[Index: Integer]: IDispatch read Get_Item;
- property LogFile: WideString read Get_LogFile write Set_LogFile;
- property Logging: WordBool read Get_Logging write Set_Logging;
- property Password: WideString read Get_Password write Set_Password;
- property PasswordRetries: Byte read Get_PasswordRetries write Set_PasswordRetries;
- property Spanned: WordBool read Get_Spanned;
- property SpanningThreshold: Integer read Get_SpanningThreshold write Set_SpanningThreshold;
- property Status: TArchiveStatus read Get_Status;
- property StoreOptions: TStoreOptions read Get_StoreOptions write Set_StoreOptions;
- property TempDirectory: WideString read Get_TempDirectory write Set_TempDirectory;
- property ZipFileComment: WideString read Get_ZipFileComment write Set_ZipFileComment;
- property _NewEnum: IUnknown read Get__NewEnum;
- property CompressionType: TArchiveType read Get_CompressionType write Set_CompressionType;
- property TarAutoHandle: WordBool read Get_TarAutoHandle write Set_TarAutoHandle;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// DispIntf: IZipKitDisp
-// Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {B7480A7F-4E27-4B45-9FE6-224B60295A0C}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IZipKitDisp = dispinterface
- ['{B7480A7F-4E27-4B45-9FE6-224B60295A0C}']
- procedure Add(const FileMask: WideString; const ExclusionMask: WideString; SearchAttr: Integer); dispid 1;
- procedure AddFromStream(const FileName: WideString; Stream: OleVariant); dispid 7;
- property AutoSave: WordBool dispid 3;
- property BaseDirectory: WideString dispid 4;
- procedure ClearTags; dispid 5;
- property CompressionMethodToUse: TZipSupportMethod dispid 6;
- property Count: Integer readonly dispid 2;
- property DeflateOption: TZipDeflateOption dispid 8;
- procedure Delete(const FileMask: WideString; const ExclusionMask: WideString); dispid 9;
- procedure DeleteAt(Index: Integer); dispid 10;
- procedure DeleteTaggedItems; dispid 11;
- property DOSMode: WordBool dispid 12;
- procedure Extract(const FileMask: WideString; const ExclusionMask: WideString); dispid 13;
- procedure ExtractAt(Index: Integer; const NewName: WideString); dispid 14;
- property ExtractOptions: TZipExtractOptions dispid 15;
- procedure ExtractTaggedItems; dispid 16;
- property FileName: WideString dispid 17;
- function Find(const FileName: WideString): Integer; dispid 18;
- procedure Freshen(const FileMask: WideString; const ExclusionMask: WideString); dispid 19;
- procedure FreshenTaggedItems; dispid 20;
- property Item[Index: Integer]: IDispatch readonly dispid 0;
- property LogFile: WideString dispid 23;
- property Logging: WordBool dispid 24;
- property Password: WideString dispid 25;
- property PasswordRetries: Byte dispid 26;
- procedure Replace(const FileMask: WideString); dispid 27;
- procedure Save; dispid 28;
- property Spanned: WordBool readonly dispid 29;
- property SpanningThreshold: Integer dispid 30;
- property Status: TArchiveStatus readonly dispid 31;
- property StoreOptions: TStoreOptions dispid 32;
- procedure TagItems(const FileMask: WideString); dispid 33;
- property TempDirectory: WideString dispid 34;
- procedure TestTaggedItems; dispid 35;
- procedure UntagItems(const FileMask: WideString); dispid 36;
- property ZipFileComment: WideString dispid 37;
- function License(const Key: WideString): WordBool; dispid 38;
- property _NewEnum: IUnknown readonly dispid $FFFFFFFC;
- function ExtractToStream(const FileName: WideString): OleVariant; dispid 21;
- property CompressionType: TArchiveType dispid 40;
- property TarAutoHandle: WordBool dispid 41;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// DispIntf: IZipKitEvents
-// Flags: (4096) Dispatchable
-// GUID: {F094D5F4-3A52-45AE-9D86-4409611DD29E}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IZipKitEvents = dispinterface
- ['{F094D5F4-3A52-45AE-9D86-4409611DD29E}']
- procedure OnArchiveItemProgress(const Item: IDispatch; Progress: Byte; var Abort: WordBool); dispid 1;
- procedure OnArchiveProgress(Progress: Byte; var Abort: WordBool); dispid 2;
- procedure OnChange; dispid 3;
- procedure OnConfirmOverwrite(var Name: WideString; var Confirm: WordBool); dispid 4;
- procedure OnConfirmProcessItem(const Item: IDispatch; ProcessType: TProcessType;
- var Confirm: WordBool); dispid 5;
- procedure OnConfirmSave(var Confirm: WordBool); dispid 6;
- procedure OnLoad; dispid 7;
- procedure OnNeedPassword(var NewPassword: WideString); dispid 8;
- procedure OnProcessItemFailure(const Item: IDispatch; ProcessType: TProcessType;
- ErrorClass: TErrorClass; ErrorCode: TErrorCode;
- const ErrorString: WideString); dispid 9;
- procedure OnRequestBlankDisk(var Abort: WordBool); dispid 10;
- procedure OnRequestImage(ImageNumber: Integer; var ImageName: WideString; var Abort: WordBool); dispid 11;
- procedure OnRequestLastDisk(var Abort: WordBool); dispid 12;
- procedure OnRequestNthDisk(DiskNumber: Integer; var Abort: WordBool); dispid 13;
- procedure OnSave; dispid 14;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// The Class CoZipItem provides a Create and CreateRemote method to
-// create instances of the default interface IZipItem exposed by
-// the CoClass ZipItem. The functions are intended to be used by
-// clients wishing to automate the CoClass objects exposed by the
-// server of this typelibrary.
-// *********************************************************************//
- CoZipItem = class
- class function Create: IZipItem;
- class function CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): IZipItem;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// The Class CoGZipItem provides a Create and CreateRemote method to
-// create instances of the default interface IGZipItem exposed by
-// the CoClass GZipItem. The functions are intended to be used by
-// clients wishing to automate the CoClass objects exposed by the
-// server of this typelibrary.
-// *********************************************************************//
- CoGZipItem = class
- class function Create: IGZipItem;
- class function CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): IGZipItem;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// The Class CoTarItem provides a Create and CreateRemote method to
-// create instances of the default interface ITarItem exposed by
-// the CoClass TarItem. The functions are intended to be used by
-// clients wishing to automate the CoClass objects exposed by the
-// server of this typelibrary.
-// *********************************************************************//
- CoTarItem = class
- class function Create: ITarItem;
- class function CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): ITarItem;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// The Class CoZipKit provides a Create and CreateRemote method to
-// create instances of the default interface IZipKit exposed by
-// the CoClass ZipKit. The functions are intended to be used by
-// clients wishing to automate the CoClass objects exposed by the
-// server of this typelibrary.
-// *********************************************************************//
- CoZipKit = class
- class function Create: IZipKit;
- class function CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): IZipKit;
- end;
-uses ComObj;
-class function CoZipItem.Create: IZipItem;
- Result := CreateComObject(CLASS_ZipItem) as IZipItem;
-class function CoZipItem.CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): IZipItem;
- Result := CreateRemoteComObject(MachineName, CLASS_ZipItem) as IZipItem;
-class function CoGZipItem.Create: IGZipItem;
- Result := CreateComObject(CLASS_GZipItem) as IGZipItem;
-class function CoGZipItem.CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): IGZipItem;
- Result := CreateRemoteComObject(MachineName, CLASS_GZipItem) as IGZipItem;
-class function CoTarItem.Create: ITarItem;
- Result := CreateComObject(CLASS_TarItem) as ITarItem;
-class function CoTarItem.CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): ITarItem;
- Result := CreateRemoteComObject(MachineName, CLASS_TarItem) as ITarItem;
-class function CoZipKit.Create: IZipKit;
- Result := CreateComObject(CLASS_ZipKit) as IZipKit;
-class function CoZipKit.CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): IZipKit;
- Result := CreateRemoteComObject(MachineName, CLASS_ZipKit) as IZipKit;
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/COM/Readme.txt b/components/Abbrevia/source/COM/Readme.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 52496ff..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/COM/Readme.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-The COM DLLs for v5.0 are compiled using Delphi XE2 (including extended RTTI) and include zipx support. Recompiling with Delphi 2009 and without zipx support should roughly halve the size of the 32-bit DLL.
-They can be registered for all users (requires admin rights) using:
- regsvr32 Abbrevia.dll
-And for the current user using:
- regsvr32 /i:user /n Abbrevia.dll
-To uninstall use:
- regsvr32 /u Abbrevia.dll
- regsvr32 /i:user /n /u Abbrevia.dll
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/COM/_GZipItem.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/COM/_GZipItem.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index f3da1c8..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/COM/_GZipItem.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,262 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-unit _GZipItem;
- ComObj, Abbrevia_TLB, AbGzTyp, AbZipKit;
- TGZipItem = class(TAutoIntfObject, IGZipItem)
- private
- FOwner : TAbGzipItem;
- FParent : TAbZipKit;
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner : TAbGzipItem; AParent : TAbZipKit);
- protected
- {IArchiveItem}
- function Get_Action: TArchiveAction; safecall;
- function Get_CompressedSize: Integer; safecall;
- function Get_CRC32: Integer; safecall;
- function Get_CRC32St: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_DiskFileName: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_DiskPath: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_ExternalFileAttributes: TFileAttributes; safecall;
- procedure Set_ExternalFileAttributes(Value: TFileAttributes); safecall;
- function Get_FileName: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_FileName(const Value: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_IsEncrypted: WordBool; safecall;
- function Get_LastModFileDateTime: TDateTime; safecall;
- function Get_StoredPath: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_Tagged: WordBool; safecall;
- procedure Set_Tagged(Value: WordBool); safecall;
- function Get_UnCompressedSize: Integer; safecall;
- function Get_Password: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_Password(const Value: WideString); safecall;
- {IGZipItem}
- function Get_CompressionMethod: Byte; safecall;
- procedure Set_CompressionMethod(Value: Byte); safecall;
- function Get_ExtraField: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_ExtraField(const Value: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_ExtraFlags: Byte; safecall;
- procedure Set_ExtraFlags(Value: Byte); safecall;
- function Get_FileComment: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_FileComment(const Value: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_FileSystem: TFileSystem; safecall;
- procedure Set_FileSystem(Value: TFileSystem); safecall;
- function Get_Flags: Byte; safecall;
- procedure Set_Flags(Value: Byte); safecall;
- function Get_HeaderCRC: Integer; safecall;
- end;
- ComServ, {StStrL,} SysUtils;
-constructor TGzipItem.Create(AOwner : TAbGzipItem; AParent : TAbZipKit);
- inherited Create(ComServer.TypeLib, IGZipItem);
- FOwner := AOwner;
- FParent := AParent;
-function TGzipItem.Get_Action: TArchiveAction;
- Result := TArchiveAction(FOwner.Action);
-function TGzipItem.Get_CompressedSize: Integer;
- result := FOwner.CompressedSize;
-function TGzipItem.Get_CRC32: Integer;
- result := FOwner.CRC32;
-function TGzipItem.Get_CRC32St: WideString;
- result := IntToHex(FOwner.CRC32, 8);
-function TGzipItem.Get_DiskFileName: WideString;
- result := FOwner.DiskFileName;
-function TGzipItem.Get_DiskPath: WideString;
- result := FOwner.DiskPath;
-function TGzipItem.Get_ExternalFileAttributes: TFileAttributes;
- result := TFileAttributes(FOwner.ExternalFileAttributes);
-procedure TGzipItem.Set_ExternalFileAttributes(Value: TFileAttributes);
- FOwner.ExternalFileAttributes := LongInt(Value);
- FParent.ZipArchive.IsDirty := True;
-function TGzipItem.Get_FileName: WideString;
- result := FOwner.FileName;
-procedure TGzipItem.Set_FileName(const Value: WideString);
- FOwner.FileName := Value;
-function TGzipItem.Get_IsEncrypted: WordBool;
- result := FOwner.IsEncrypted;
-function TGzipItem.Get_LastModFileDateTime: TDateTime;
- result := FileDateToDateTime((FOwner.LastModFileDate shl 16) + FOwner.LastModFileTime);
-function TGzipItem.Get_StoredPath: WideString;
- result := FOwner.StoredPath;
-function TGzipItem.Get_Tagged: WordBool;
- result := FOwner.Tagged;
-procedure TGzipItem.Set_Tagged(Value: WordBool);
- FOwner.Tagged := Value;
-function TGzipItem.Get_UnCompressedSize: Integer;
- result := FOwner.UncompressedSize;
-function TGzipItem.Get_Password: WideString;
- {!!!}
- //result := FOwner.Password;
-procedure TGzipItem.Set_Password(const Value: WideString);
- {!!!}
- //FOwner.Password := Value;
- //FParent.ZipArchive.IsDirty := True;
-function TGzipItem.Get_CompressionMethod: Byte;
- result := FOwner.CompressionMethod;
-procedure TGzipItem.Set_CompressionMethod(Value: Byte);
-function TGzipItem.Get_ExtraField: WideString;
- result := '';
-procedure TGzipItem.Set_ExtraField(const Value: WideString);
-function TGzipItem.Get_ExtraFlags: Byte;
- result := FOwner.ExtraFlags;
-procedure TGzipItem.Set_ExtraFlags(Value: Byte);
- FOwner.ExtraFlags := Value;
- FParent.ZipArchive.IsDirty := True;
-function TGzipItem.Get_FileComment: WideString;
- result := WideString(FOwner.FileComment);
-procedure TGzipItem.Set_FileComment(const Value: WideString);
- FOwner.FileComment := AnsiString(Value);
- FParent.ZipArchive.IsDirty := True;
-function TGzipItem.Get_FileSystem: TFileSystem;
- result := TFileSystem(FOwner.FileSystem);
-procedure TGzipItem.Set_FileSystem(Value: TFileSystem);
- FOwner.FileSystem := TAbGzFileSystem(Value);
- FParent.ZipArchive.IsDirty := True;
-function TGzipItem.Get_Flags: Byte;
- result := FOwner.Flags;
-procedure TGzipItem.Set_Flags(Value: Byte);
-function TGzipItem.Get_HeaderCRC: Integer;
- result := 0;
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/COM/_TarItem.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/COM/_TarItem.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ba1dee..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/COM/_TarItem.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,297 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-unit _TarItem;
- ComObj, Abbrevia_TLB, AbTarTyp, AbZipKit;
- TTarItem = class(TAutoIntfObject, ITarItem)
- private
- FOwner : TAbTarItem;
- FParent : TAbZipKit;
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner : TAbTarItem; AParent : TAbZipKit);
- protected
- {IArchiveItem}
- function Get_Action: TArchiveAction; safecall;
- function Get_CompressedSize: Integer; safecall;
- function Get_CRC32: Integer; safecall;
- function Get_CRC32St: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_DiskFileName: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_DiskPath: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_ExternalFileAttributes: TFileAttributes; safecall;
- procedure Set_ExternalFileAttributes(Value: TFileAttributes); safecall;
- function Get_FileName: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_FileName(const Value: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_IsEncrypted: WordBool; safecall;
- function Get_LastModFileDateTime: TDateTime; safecall;
- function Get_StoredPath: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_Tagged: WordBool; safecall;
- procedure Set_Tagged(Value: WordBool); safecall;
- function Get_UnCompressedSize: Integer; safecall;
- function Get_Password: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_Password(const Value: WideString); safecall;
- {ITarItem}
- function Get_DevMajor: Integer; safecall;
- procedure Set_DevMajor(Value: Integer); safecall;
- function Get_DevMinor: Integer; safecall;
- procedure Set_DevMinor(Value: Integer); safecall;
- function Get_GroupID: Integer; safecall;
- procedure Set_GroupID(Value: Integer); safecall;
- function Get_GroupName: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_GroupName(const Value: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_LinkFlag: Byte; safecall;
- procedure Set_LinkFlag(Value: Byte); safecall;
- function Get_LinkName: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_LinkName(const Value: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_Mode: Integer; safecall;
- procedure Set_Mode(Value: Integer); safecall;
- function Get_UserID: Integer; safecall;
- procedure Set_UserID(Value: Integer); safecall;
- function Get_UserName: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_UserName(const Value: WideString); safecall;
- end;
- ComServ, {StStrL,} SysUtils;
-constructor TTarItem.Create(AOwner : TAbTarItem; AParent : TAbZipKit);
- inherited Create(ComServer.TypeLib, ITarItem);
- FOwner := AOwner;
- FParent := AParent;
-function TTarItem.Get_Action: TArchiveAction;
- Result := TArchiveAction(FOwner.Action);
-function TTarItem.Get_CompressedSize: Integer;
- result := FOwner.CompressedSize;
-function TTarItem.Get_CRC32: Integer;
- result := FOwner.CRC32;
-function TTarItem.Get_CRC32St: WideString;
- result := IntToHex(FOwner.CRC32, 8);
-function TTarItem.Get_DiskFileName: WideString;
- result := FOwner.DiskFileName;
-function TTarItem.Get_DiskPath: WideString;
- result := FOwner.DiskPath;
-function TTarItem.Get_ExternalFileAttributes: TFileAttributes;
- result := TFileAttributes(FOwner.ExternalFileAttributes);
-procedure TTarItem.Set_ExternalFileAttributes(Value: TFileAttributes);
- FOwner.ExternalFileAttributes := LongInt(Value);
- FParent.ZipArchive.IsDirty := True;
-function TTarItem.Get_FileName: WideString;
- result := FOwner.FileName;
-procedure TTarItem.Set_FileName(const Value: WideString);
- FOwner.FileName := Value;
-function TTarItem.Get_IsEncrypted: WordBool;
- result := FOwner.IsEncrypted;
-function TTarItem.Get_LastModFileDateTime: TDateTime;
- result := FileDateToDateTime((FOwner.LastModFileDate shl 16) + FOwner.LastModFileTime);
-function TTarItem.Get_StoredPath: WideString;
- result := FOwner.StoredPath;
-function TTarItem.Get_Tagged: WordBool;
- result := FOwner.Tagged;
-procedure TTarItem.Set_Tagged(Value: WordBool);
- FOwner.Tagged := Value;
-function TTarItem.Get_UnCompressedSize: Integer;
- result := FOwner.UncompressedSize;
-function TTarItem.Get_Password: WideString;
- {!!!}
- //result := FOwner.Password;
-procedure TTarItem.Set_Password(const Value: WideString);
- {!!!}
- //FOwner.Password := Value;
- //FParent.ZipArchive.IsDirty := True;
-function TTarItem.Get_DevMajor: Integer;
- result := FOwner.DevMajor;
-procedure TTarItem.Set_DevMajor(Value: Integer);
- FOwner.DevMajor := Value;
- FParent.ZipArchive.IsDirty := True;
-function TTarItem.Get_DevMinor: Integer;
- result := FOwner.DevMinor;
-procedure TTarItem.Set_DevMinor(Value: Integer);
- FOwner.DevMinor := Value;
- FParent.ZipArchive.IsDirty := True;
-function TTarItem.Get_GroupID: Integer;
- result := FOwner.GroupID;
-procedure TTarItem.Set_GroupID(Value: Integer);
- FOwner.GroupID := Value;
- FParent.ZipArchive.IsDirty := True;
-function TTarItem.Get_GroupName: WideString;
- result := FOwner.GroupName;
-procedure TTarItem.Set_GroupName(const Value: WideString);
- FOwner.GroupName := Value;
- FParent.ZipArchive.IsDirty := True;
-function TTarItem.Get_LinkFlag: Byte;
- result := Byte(FOwner.LinkFlag);
-procedure TTarItem.Set_LinkFlag(Value: Byte);
- FOwner.LinkFlag := AnsiChar(Value);
- FParent.ZipArchive.IsDirty := True;
-function TTarItem.Get_LinkName: WideString;
- result := FOwner.LinkName;
-procedure TTarItem.Set_LinkName(const Value: WideString);
- FOwner.LinkName := Value;
- FParent.ZipArchive.IsDirty := True;
-function TTarItem.Get_Mode: Integer;
- result := FOwner.Mode;
-procedure TTarItem.Set_Mode(Value: Integer);
- FOwner.Mode := Value;
- FParent.ZipArchive.IsDirty := True;
-function TTarItem.Get_UserID: Integer;
- result := FOwner.UserID;
-procedure TTarItem.Set_UserID(Value: Integer);
- FOwner.UserID := Value;
- FParent.ZipArchive.IsDirty := True;
-function TTarItem.Get_UserName: WideString;
- result := FOwner.UserName;
-procedure TTarItem.Set_UserName(const Value: WideString);
- FOwner.UserName := Value;
- FParent.ZipArchive.IsDirty := True;
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/COM/_ZipItem.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/COM/_ZipItem.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b8867c..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/COM/_ZipItem.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,255 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-unit _ZipItem;
- ComObj, Abbrevia_TLB, AbZipTyp, AbZipKit;
- TZipItem = class(TAutoIntfObject, IZipItem)
- private
- FOwner : TAbZipItem;
- FParent : TAbZipKit;
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner : TAbZipItem; AParent : TAbZipKit);
- protected
- {IArchiveItem}
- function Get_Action: TArchiveAction; safecall;
- function Get_CompressedSize: Integer; safecall;
- function Get_CRC32: Integer; safecall;
- function Get_CRC32St: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_DiskFileName: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_DiskPath: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_ExternalFileAttributes: TFileAttributes; safecall;
- procedure Set_ExternalFileAttributes(Value: TFileAttributes); safecall;
- function Get_FileName: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_FileName(const Value: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_IsEncrypted: WordBool; safecall;
- function Get_LastModFileDateTime: TDateTime; safecall;
- function Get_StoredPath: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_Tagged: WordBool; safecall;
- procedure Set_Tagged(Value: WordBool); safecall;
- function Get_UnCompressedSize: Integer; safecall;
- function Get_Password: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_Password(const Value: WideString); safecall;
- {IZipItem}
- function Get_CompressionMethod: TZipCompressionMethod; safecall;
- function Get_CompressionRatio: Double; safecall;
- function Get_DeflateOption: TZipDeflateOption; safecall;
- function Get_DictionarySize: TZipDictionarySize; safecall;
- function Get_DiskNumberStart: Integer; safecall;
- function Get_ExtraField: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_ExtraField(const Value: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_FileComment: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_FileComment(const Value: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_InternalFileAttributes: Integer; safecall;
- procedure Set_InternalFileAttributes(Value: Integer); safecall;
- function Get_VersionMadeBy: Integer; safecall;
- function Get_VersionNeededToExtract: Integer; safecall;
- end;
- ComServ, SysUtils;
-constructor TZipItem.Create(AOwner : TAbZipItem; AParent : TAbZipKit);
- inherited Create(ComServer.TypeLib, IZipItem);
- FOwner := AOwner;
- FParent := AParent;
-function TZipItem.Get_Action: TArchiveAction;
- Result := TArchiveAction(FOwner.Action);
-function TZipItem.Get_CompressedSize: Integer;
- result := FOwner.CompressedSize;
-function TZipItem.Get_CRC32: Integer;
- result := FOwner.CRC32;
-function TZipItem.Get_CRC32St: WideString;
- result := IntToHex(FOwner.CRC32, 8);
-function TZipItem.Get_DiskFileName: WideString;
- result := FOwner.DiskFileName;
-function TZipItem.Get_DiskPath: WideString;
- result := FOwner.DiskPath;
-function TZipItem.Get_ExternalFileAttributes: TFileAttributes;
- result := TFileAttributes(FOwner.ExternalFileAttributes);
-procedure TZipItem.Set_ExternalFileAttributes(Value: TFileAttributes);
- FOwner.ExternalFileAttributes := LongInt(Value);
- FParent.ZipArchive.IsDirty := True;
-function TZipItem.Get_FileName: WideString;
- result := FOwner.FileName;
-procedure TZipItem.Set_FileName(const Value: WideString);
- FOwner.FileName := Value;
-function TZipItem.Get_IsEncrypted: WordBool;
- result := FOwner.IsEncrypted;
-function TZipItem.Get_LastModFileDateTime: TDateTime;
- result := FileDateToDateTime((FOwner.LastModFileDate shl 16) + FOwner.LastModFileTime);
-function TZipItem.Get_StoredPath: WideString;
- result := FOwner.StoredPath;
-function TZipItem.Get_Tagged: WordBool;
- result := FOwner.Tagged;
-procedure TZipItem.Set_Tagged(Value: WordBool);
- FOwner.Tagged := Value;
-function TZipItem.Get_UnCompressedSize: Integer;
- result := FOwner.UncompressedSize;
-function TZipItem.Get_Password: WideString;
- Result := WideString(FParent.Password);
-procedure TZipItem.Set_Password(const Value: WideString);
- FParent.Password := AnsiString(Value);
- FParent.ZipArchive.IsDirty := True;
-function TZipItem.Get_CompressionMethod: TZipCompressionMethod;
- Result := TZipCompressionMethod(FOwner.CompressionMethod);
-function TZipItem.Get_CompressionRatio: Double;
- result := FOwner.CompressionRatio;
-function TZipItem.Get_DeflateOption: TZipDeflateOption;
- result := TZipDeflateOption(FOwner.DeflationOption);
-function TZipItem.Get_DictionarySize: TZipDictionarySize;
- result := TZipDictionarySize(FOwner.DictionarySize);
-function TZipItem.Get_DiskNumberStart: Integer;
- result := FOwner.DiskNumberStart;
-function TZipItem.Get_ExtraField: WideString;
- result := '';
-procedure TZipItem.Set_ExtraField(const Value: WideString);
-function TZipItem.Get_FileComment: WideString;
- result := WideString(FOwner.FileComment);
-procedure TZipItem.Set_FileComment(const Value: WideString);
- FOwner.FileComment := AnsiString(Value);
- FParent.ZipArchive.IsDirty := True;
-function TZipItem.Get_InternalFileAttributes: Integer;
- result := FOwner.InternalFileAttributes;
-procedure TZipItem.Set_InternalFileAttributes(Value: Integer);
- FOwner.InternalFileAttributes := Value;
- FParent.ZipArchive.IsDirty := True;
-function TZipItem.Get_VersionMadeBy: Integer;
- result := FOwner.VersionMadeBy;
-function TZipItem.Get_VersionNeededToExtract: Integer;
- result := FOwner.VersionNeededToExtract;
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/COM/_ZipKit.pas b/components/Abbrevia/source/COM/_ZipKit.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 2588140..0000000
--- a/components/Abbrevia/source/COM/_ZipKit.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,771 +0,0 @@
-(* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is TurboPower Abbrevia
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * TurboPower Software
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
-unit _ZipKit;
- ComObj, Classes, Windows, Abbrevia_TLB, ActiveX, axctrls, AbZipKit, AbArcTyp,
- AbUtils, _ZipItem, _GZipItem, _TarItem, AbZipTyp, AbTarTyp, AbGzTyp,
- AbConst, AbBrowse;
- TZipKit = class(TAutoObject, IConnectionPointContainer, IEnumVariant, IZipKit)
- private
- {private declarations}
- FConnectionPoints : TConnectionPoints;
- FEvents : IZipKitEvents;
- FOwner : TAbZipKit;
- FEnumPos : Integer;
- {Events for FOwner}
- procedure _OnArchiveItemProgress(Sender : TObject; Item : TAbArchiveItem; Progress : Byte; var Abort : Boolean);
- procedure _OnArchiveProgress(Sender : TObject; Progress : Byte; var Abort : Boolean);
- procedure _OnChange(Sender : TObject);
- procedure _OnConfirmOverwrite(var Name : string; var confirm : Boolean);
- procedure _OnConfirmProcessItem(Sender : TObject; Item : TAbArchiveItem; ProcessType : TAbProcessType; var Confirm : Boolean);
- procedure _OnConfirmSave(Sender : TObject; var Confirm : Boolean);
- procedure _OnLoad(Sender : TObject);
- procedure _OnNeedPassword(Sender : TObject; var NewPassword : AnsiString);
- procedure _OnProcessItemFailure(Sender : TObject; Item : TAbArchiveItem; ProcessType : TAbProcessType; ErrorClass : TAbErrorClass; ErrorCode : Integer);
- procedure _OnRequestBlankDisk(Sender : TObject; var Abort : Boolean);
- procedure _OnRequestImage(Sender : TObject; ImageNumber : Integer; var ImageName : string; var Abort : Boolean);
- procedure _OnRequestLastDisk(Sender : TObject; var Abort : Boolean);
- procedure _OnRequestNthDisk(Sender : TObject; DiskNumber : Byte; var Abort : Boolean);
- procedure _OnSave(Sender : TObject);
- public
- procedure Initialize; override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- protected
- {IConnectionPointContainer}
- property ConnectionPoints: TConnectionPoints read FConnectionPoints
- implements IConnectionPointContainer;
- procedure EventSinkChanged(const EventSink: IUnknown); override;
- {IEnumVariant}
- function Next(celt: LongWord; var rgvar : OleVariant; out pceltFetched: LongWord): HResult; stdcall;
- function Skip(celt: LongWord): HResult; stdcall;
- function Reset: HResult; stdcall;
- function Clone(out Enum: IEnumVariant): HResult; stdcall;
- {IZipKit}
- procedure Add(const FileMask: WideString; const ExclusionMask: WideString; SearchAttr: Integer); safecall;
- procedure AddFromStream(const FileName: WideString; Stream: OleVariant); safecall;
- function Get_AutoSave: WordBool; safecall;
- procedure Set_AutoSave(Value: WordBool); safecall;
- function Get_BaseDirectory: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_BaseDirectory(const Value: WideString); safecall;
- procedure ClearTags; safecall;
- function Get_CompressionMethodToUse: TZipSupportMethod; safecall;
- procedure Set_CompressionMethodToUse(Value: TZipSupportMethod); safecall;
- function Get_Count: Integer; safecall;
- function Get_DeflateOption: TZipDeflateOption; safecall;
- procedure Set_DeflateOption(Value: TZipDeflateOption); safecall;
- procedure Delete(const FileMask: WideString; const ExclusionMask: WideString); safecall;
- procedure DeleteAt(Index: Integer); safecall;
- procedure DeleteTaggedItems; safecall;
- function Get_DOSMode: WordBool; safecall;
- procedure Set_DOSMode(Value: WordBool); safecall;
- procedure Extract(const FileMask: WideString; const ExclusionMask: WideString); safecall;
- procedure ExtractAt(Index: Integer; const NewName: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_ExtractOptions: TZipExtractOptions; safecall;
- procedure Set_ExtractOptions(Value: TZipExtractOptions); safecall;
- procedure ExtractTaggedItems; safecall;
- function Get_FileName: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_FileName(const Value: WideString); safecall;
- function Find(const FileName: WideString): Integer; safecall;
- procedure Freshen(const FileMask: WideString; const ExclusionMask: WideString); safecall;
- procedure FreshenTaggedItems; safecall;
- function Get_Item(Index: Integer): IDispatch; safecall;
- function Get_LogFile: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_LogFile(const Value: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_Logging: WordBool; safecall;
- procedure Set_Logging(Value: WordBool); safecall;
- function Get_Password: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_Password(const Value: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_PasswordRetries: Byte; safecall;
- procedure Set_PasswordRetries(Value: Byte); safecall;
- procedure Replace(const FileMask: WideString); safecall;
- procedure Save; safecall;
- function Get_Spanned: WordBool; safecall;
- function Get_SpanningThreshold: Integer; safecall;
- procedure Set_SpanningThreshold(Value: Integer); safecall;
- function Get_Status: TArchiveStatus; safecall;
- function Get_StoreOptions: TStoreOptions; safecall;
- procedure Set_StoreOptions(Value: TStoreOptions); safecall;
- procedure TagItems(const FileMask: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_TempDirectory: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_TempDirectory(const Value: WideString); safecall;
- procedure TestTaggedItems; safecall;
- procedure UntagItems(const FileMask: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_ZipFileComment: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_ZipFileComment(const Value: WideString); safecall;
- function License(const Key: WideString): WordBool; safecall;
- function Get__NewEnum: IUnknown; safecall;
- function ExtractToStream(const FileName: WideString): OleVariant; safecall;
- function Get_CompressionType: TArchiveType; safecall;
- procedure Set_CompressionType(Value: TArchiveType); safecall;
- function Get_TarAutoHandle: WordBool; safecall;
- procedure Set_TarAutoHandle(Value: WordBool); safecall;
- end;
- ComServ;
-procedure TZipKit.EventSinkChanged(const EventSink: IUnknown);
- FEvents := EventSink as IZipKitEvents;
-function TZipKit.Next(celt: LongWord; var rgvar : OleVariant; out pceltFetched: LongWord): HResult; stdcall;
- V : OleVariant;
- I : Integer;
- Result := S_FALSE;
- try
- if @pceltFetched <> nil then
- pceltFetched := 0;
- for I := 0 to celt - 1 do begin
- if FEnumPos >= FOwner.Count then begin
- FEnumPos := 0;
- Exit;
- end;
- V := Get_Item(FEnumPos);
- PVariantArgList(@rgvar)[I] := TVariantArg(V);
- { Prevent COM garbage collection }
- TVarData(V).VType := varEmpty;
- TVarData(V).VInteger := 0;
- Inc(FEnumPos);
- if @pceltFetched <> nil then
- Inc(pceltFetched);
- end;
- except
- end;
- if (@pceltFetched = nil) or (pceltFetched = celt) then
- Result := S_OK;
-function TZipKit.Skip(celt: LongWord): HResult;
- Inc(FEnumPos, celt);
- Result := S_OK;
-function TZipKit.Reset: HResult;
- FEnumPos := 0;
- Result := S_OK;
-function TZipKit.Clone(out Enum: IEnumVariant): HResult;
- Enum := nil;
- Result := S_OK;
- try
- Enum := Self.Create;
- TZipKit(Enum).FOwner := FOwner;
- except
- Result := E_OUTOFMEMORY;
- end;
-procedure TZipKit.Add(const FileMask: WideString; const ExclusionMask: WideString; SearchAttr: Integer);
- FOwner.AddFilesEx(FileMask, ExclusionMask, SearchAttr);
-procedure TZipKit.AddFromStream(const FileName: WideString; Stream: OleVariant);
- InStream : TMemoryStream;
- Info : array of Byte;
- Info := nil;
- InStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- Info := Stream;
- InStream.Write(Info[0], Length(Info));
- InStream.Position := 0;
- FOwner.AddFromStream(FileName, InStream);
- finally
- InStream.Free;
- end;
-function TZipKit.Get_AutoSave: WordBool;
- Result := FOwner.AutoSave;
-procedure TZipKit.Set_AutoSave(Value: WordBool);
- FOwner.AutoSave := Value;
-function TZipKit.Get_BaseDirectory: WideString;
- Result := FOwner.BaseDirectory;
-procedure TZipKit.Set_BaseDirectory(const Value: WideString);
- FOwner.BaseDirectory := Value;
-procedure TZipKit.ClearTags;
- FOwner.ClearTags;
-function TZipKit.Get_CompressionMethodToUse: TZipSupportMethod;
- Result := TZipCompressionMethod(FOwner.CompressionMethodToUse);
-procedure TZipKit.Set_CompressionMethodToUse(Value: TZipSupportMethod);
- FOwner.CompressionMethodToUse := TAbZipSupportedMethod(Value);
-function TZipKit.Get_Count: Integer;
- Result := FOwner.Count;
-function TZipKit.Get_DeflateOption: TZipDeflateOption;
- Result := TZipDeflateOption(FOwner.DeflationOption);
-procedure TZipKit.Set_DeflateOption(Value: TZipDeflateOption);
- FOwner.DeflationOption := TAbZipDeflationOption(Value);
-procedure TZipKit.Delete(const FileMask: WideString; const ExclusionMask: WideString);
- FOwner.DeleteFilesEx(FileMask, ExclusionMask);
-procedure TZipKit.DeleteAt(Index: Integer);
- FOwner.DeleteAt(Index);
-procedure TZipKit.DeleteTaggedItems;
- FOwner.DeleteTaggedItems;
-function TZipKit.Get_DOSMode: WordBool;
- Result := FOwner.DOSMode;
-procedure TZipKit.Set_DOSMode(Value: WordBool);
- FOwner.DOSMode := Value;
-procedure TZipKit.Extract(const FileMask: WideString; const ExclusionMask: WideString);
- FOwner.ExtractFilesEx(FileMask, ExclusionMask);
-procedure TZipKit.ExtractAt(Index: Integer; const NewName: WideString);
- FOwner.ExtractAt(Index, NewName);
-function TZipKit.Get_ExtractOptions: TZipExtractOptions;
- Result := 0;
- if TAbExtractOption(eoCreateDirs) in FOwner.ExtractOptions then
- Result := Result + TZipExtractOptions(eoCreateDirs);
- if TAbExtractOption(eoRestorePath) in FOwner.ExtractOptions then
- Result := Result + TZipExtractOptions(eoRestorePath);
-procedure TZipKit.Set_ExtractOptions(Value: TZipExtractOptions);
- TempOptions : TAbExtractOptions;
- TempOptions := [];
- if (Value or Abbrevia_TLB.eoCreateDirs) = Value then
- Include(TempOptions, AbArcTyp.eoCreateDirs);
- if (Value or Abbrevia_TLB.eoRestorePath) = Value then
- Include(TempOptions, AbArcTyp.eoRestorePath);
- FOwner.ExtractOptions := TempOptions
-procedure TZipKit.ExtractTaggedItems;
- FOwner.ExtractTaggedItems;
-function TZipKit.Get_FileName: WideString;
- Result := FOwner.FileName;
-procedure TZipKit.Set_FileName(const Value: WideString);
- FOwner.FileName := Value;
-function TZipKit.Find(const FileName: WideString): Integer;
- Result := FOwner.FindFile(FileName);
-procedure TZipKit.Freshen(const FileMask: WideString; const ExclusionMask: WideString);
- FOwner.FreshenFilesEx(FileMask, ExclusionMask);
-procedure TZipKit.FreshenTaggedItems;
- FOwner.FreshenTaggedItems;
-function TZipKit.Get_Item(Index: Integer): IDispatch;
- Result := TZipItem.Create(FOwner.Items[Index], FOwner);
-function TZipKit.Get_LogFile: WideString;
- Result := FOwner.LogFile;
-procedure TZipKit.Set_LogFile(const Value: WideString);
- FOwner.LogFile := Value;
-function TZipKit.Get_Logging: WordBool;
- Result := FOwner.Logging;
-procedure TZipKit.Set_Logging(Value: WordBool);
- FOwner.Logging := Value;
-function TZipKit.Get_Password: WideString;
- Result := WideString(FOwner.Password);
-procedure TZipKit.Set_Password(const Value: WideString);
- FOwner.Password := AnsiString(Value);
-function TZipKit.Get_PasswordRetries: Byte;
- Result := FOwner.PasswordRetries;
-procedure TZipKit.Set_PasswordRetries(Value: Byte);
- FOwner.PasswordRetries := Value;
-procedure TZipKit.Replace(const FileMask: WideString);
- FOwner.Replace(FOwner.Items[FOwner.FindFile(FileMask)]);
-procedure TZipKit.Save;
- FOwner.Save;
-function TZipKit.Get_Spanned: WordBool;
- Result := FOwner.Spanned;
-function TZipKit.Get_SpanningThreshold: Integer;
- Result := FOwner.SpanningThreshold;
-procedure TZipKit.Set_SpanningThreshold(Value: Integer);
- FOwner.SpanningThreshold := Value;
-function TZipKit.Get_Status: TArchiveStatus;
- Result := TArchiveStatus(FOwner.Status);
-function TZipKit.Get_StoreOptions: TStoreOptions;
- Result := 0;
- if TAbStoreOption(soStripDrive) in FOwner.StoreOptions then
- Result := Result + TStoreOptions(soStripDrive);
- if TAbStoreOption(soStripPath) in FOwner.StoreOptions then
- Result := Result + TStoreOptions(soStripPath);
- if TAbStoreOption(soRemoveDots) in FOwner.StoreOptions then
- Result := Result + TStoreOptions(soRemoveDots);
- if TAbStoreOption(soRecurse) in FOwner.StoreOptions then
- Result := Result + TStoreOptions(soRecurse);
- if TAbStoreOption(soFreshen) in FOwner.StoreOptions then
- Result := Result + TStoreOptions(soFreshen);
- if TAbStoreOption(soReplace) in FOwner.StoreOptions then
- Result := Result + TStoreOptions(soReplace);
-procedure TZipKit.Set_StoreOptions(Value: TStoreOptions);
- TempOptions : TAbStoreOptions;
- TempOptions := [];
- if (Value or Abbrevia_TLB.soStripDrive) = Value then
- Include(TempOptions, AbArcTyp.soStripDrive);
- if (Value or Abbrevia_TLB.soStripPath) = Value then
- Include(TempOptions, AbArcTyp.soStripPath);
- if (Value or Abbrevia_TLB.soRemoveDots) = Value then
- Include(TempOptions, AbArcTyp.soRemoveDots);
- if (Value or Abbrevia_TLB.soRecurse) = Value then
- Include(TempOptions, AbArcTyp.soRecurse);
- if (Value or Abbrevia_TLB.soFreshen) = Value then
- Include(TempOptions, AbArcTyp.soFreshen);
- if (Value or Abbrevia_TLB.soReplace) = Value then
- Include(TempOptions, AbArcTyp.soReplace);
- FOwner.StoreOptions := TempOptions
-procedure TZipKit.TagItems(const FileMask: WideString);
- FOwner.TagItems(FileMask);
-function TZipKit.Get_TempDirectory: WideString;
- Result := FOwner.TempDirectory;
-procedure TZipKit.Set_TempDirectory(const Value: WideString);
- FOwner.TempDirectory := Value;
-procedure TZipKit.TestTaggedItems;
- FOwner.TestTaggedItems;
-procedure TZipKit.UntagItems(const FileMask: WideString);
- FOwner.UnTagItems(FileMask);
-function TZipKit.Get_ZipFileComment: WideString;
- Result := WideString(FOwner.ZipFileComment);
-procedure TZipKit.Set_ZipFileComment(const Value: WideString);
- FOwner.ZipfileComment := AnsiString(Value);
-function TZipKit.License(const Key: WideString): WordBool;
- Result := True;
-function TZipKit.Get__NewEnum: IUnknown;
- Result := Self;
-function TZipKit.ExtractToStream(const FileName: WideString): OleVariant;
- Stream : TMemoryStream;
- Info : array of Byte;
- Stream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- FOwner.ExtractToStream(FileName, Stream);
- Stream.Position := 0;
- SetLength(Info, Stream.Size);
- Stream.Read(Info[0], Stream.Size);
- Result := Info;
- finally
- Stream.Free;
- end;
-function TZipKit.Get_CompressionType: TArchiveType;
- Result := TArchiveType((FOwner as TAbBaseBrowser).ArchiveType);
-procedure TZipKit.Set_CompressionType(Value: TArchiveType);
- (FOwner as TAbBaseBrowser).ArchiveType := TAbArchiveType(ord(Value));
-function TZipKit.Get_TarAutoHandle: WordBool;
- Result := FOwner.TarAutoHandle;
-procedure TZipKit.Set_TarAutoHandle(Value: WordBool);
- FOwner.TarAutoHandle := Value;
-{TZipKit Events}
-procedure TZipKit._OnArchiveItemProgress(Sender : TObject; Item : TAbArchiveItem;
- Progress : Byte; var Abort : Boolean);
- FAbort : WordBool;
- FAbort := Abort;
- if Assigned(FEvents) then begin
- if ((FOwner as TAbBaseBrowser).ArchiveType = atZip) then
- FEvents.OnArchiveItemProgress(TZipItem.Create(TAbZipItem(Item), FOwner),
- Progress, FAbort)
- else if ((FOwner as TAbBaseBrowser).ArchiveType = atTar) then
- FEvents.OnArchiveItemProgress(TTarItem.Create(TAbTarItem(Item), FOwner),
- Progress, FAbort)
- else if ((FOwner as TAbBaseBrowser).ArchiveType = atGZip) then
- FEvents.OnArchiveItemProgress(TGZipItem.Create(TAbGZipItem(Item), FOwner),
- Progress, FAbort);
- end;
- Abort := FAbort;
-procedure TZipKit._OnArchiveProgress(Sender : TObject; Progress : Byte;
- var Abort : Boolean);
- FAbort : WordBool;
- FAbort := Abort;
- if Assigned(FEvents) then
- FEvents.OnArchiveProgress(Progress, FAbort);
- Abort := FAbort;
-procedure TZipKit._OnChange(Sender : TObject);
- if Assigned(FEvents) then
- FEvents.OnChange;
-procedure TZipKit._OnConfirmOverwrite(var Name : string; var confirm : Boolean);
- FConfirm : WordBool;
- FName : WideString;
- FConfirm := Confirm;
- FName := Name;
- if Assigned(FEvents) then
- FEvents.OnConfirmOverwrite(FName, FConfirm);
- Name := FName;
- Confirm := FConfirm;
-procedure TZipKit._OnConfirmProcessItem(Sender : TObject; Item : TAbArchiveItem;
- ProcessType : TAbProcessType; var Confirm : Boolean);
- FConfirm : WordBool;
- FConfirm := Confirm;
- if Assigned(FEvents) then begin
- if ((FOwner as TAbBaseBrowser).ArchiveType = atZip) then
- FEvents.OnConfirmProcessItem(TZipItem.Create(TAbZipItem(Item), FOwner),
- TProcessType(ProcessType), FConfirm)
- else if ((FOwner as TAbBaseBrowser).ArchiveType = atTar) then
- FEvents.OnConfirmProcessItem(TTarItem.Create(TAbTarItem(Item), FOwner),
- TProcessType(ProcessType), FConfirm)
- else if ((FOwner as TAbBaseBrowser).ArchiveType = atGZip) then
- FEvents.OnConfirmProcessItem(TGZipItem.Create(TAbGZipItem(Item), FOwner),
- TProcessType(ProcessType), FConfirm);
- end;
- Confirm := FConfirm
-procedure TZipKit._OnConfirmSave(Sender : TObject; var Confirm : Boolean);
- FConfirm : WordBool;
- FConfirm := Confirm;
- if Assigned(FEvents) then
- FEvents.OnConfirmSave(FConfirm);
- Confirm := FConfirm;
-procedure TZipKit._OnLoad(Sender : TObject);
- if Assigned(FEvents) then
- FEvents.OnLoad;
-procedure TZipKit._OnNeedPassword(Sender : TObject; var NewPassword : AnsiString);
- FNewPassword : WideString;
- FNewPassword := WideString(NewPassword);
- if Assigned(FEvents) then
- FEvents.OnNeedPassword(FNewPassword);
- NewPassword := AnsiString(FNewPassword);
-procedure TZipKit._OnProcessItemFailure(Sender : TObject; Item : TAbArchiveItem;
- ProcessType : TAbProcessType; ErrorClass : TAbErrorClass;
- ErrorCode : Integer);
- if Assigned(FEvents) then begin
- if ((FOwner as TAbBaseBrowser).ArchiveType = atZip) then
- FEvents.OnProcessItemFailure(TZipItem.Create(TAbZipItem(Item), FOwner),
- TProcessType(ProcessType), TErrorClass(ErrorClass),
- TErrorCode(ErrorCode), AbStrRes(ErrorCode))
- else if ((FOwner as TAbBaseBrowser).ArchiveType = atTar) then
- FEvents.OnProcessItemFailure(TTarItem.Create(TAbTarItem(Item), FOwner),
- TProcessType(ProcessType), TErrorClass(ErrorClass),
- TErrorCode(ErrorCode),AbStrRes(ErrorCode))
- else if ((FOwner as TAbBaseBrowser).ArchiveType = atGZip) then
- FEvents.OnProcessItemFailure(TGZipItem.Create(TAbGZipItem(Item), FOwner),
- TProcessType(ProcessType), TErrorClass(ErrorClass),
- TErrorCode(ErrorCode),AbStrRes(ErrorCode));
- end;
-procedure TZipKit._OnRequestBlankDisk(Sender : TObject; var Abort : Boolean);
- FAbort : WordBool;
- FAbort := Abort;
- if Assigned(FEvents) then
- FEvents.OnRequestBlankDisk(FAbort);
- Abort := FAbort;
-procedure TZipKit._OnRequestImage(Sender : TObject; ImageNumber : Integer; var ImageName : string; var Abort : Boolean);
- FImageName : WideString;
- FAbort : WordBool;
- FImageName := ImageName;
- FAbort := Abort;
- if Assigned(FEvents) then
- FEvents.OnRequestImage(ImageNumber, FImageName, FAbort);
- Abort := FAbort;
- ImageName := FImageName;
-procedure TZipKit._OnRequestLastDisk(Sender : TObject; var Abort : Boolean);
- FAbort : WordBool;
- FAbort := Abort;
- if Assigned(FEvents) then
- FEvents.OnRequestLastDisk(FAbort);
- Abort := FAbort;
-procedure TZipKit._OnRequestNthDisk(Sender : TObject; DiskNumber : Byte; var Abort : Boolean);
- FAbort : WordBool;
- FAbort := Abort;
- if Assigned(FEvents) then
- FEvents.OnRequestNthDisk(DiskNumber, FAbort);
- Abort := FAbort;
-procedure TZipKit._OnSave(Sender : TObject);
- if Assigned(FEvents) then
- FEvents.OnSave;
-procedure TZipKit.Initialize;
- inherited Initialize;
- FConnectionPoints := TConnectionPoints.Create(Self);
- if AutoFactory.EventTypeInfo <> nil then
- FConnectionPoints.CreateConnectionPoint(AutoFactory.EventIID,
- ckSingle, EventConnect);
- FOwner := AbZipKit.TAbZipKit.Create(nil);
- FOwner.OnArchiveItemProgress := _OnArchiveItemProgress;
- FOwner.OnArchiveProgress := _OnArchiveProgress;
- FOwner.OnChange := _OnChange;
- FOwner.OnConfirmOverwrite := _OnConfirmOverwrite;
- FOwner.OnConfirmProcessItem := _OnConfirmProcessItem;
- FOwner.OnConfirmSave := _OnConfirmSave;
- FOwner.OnLoad := _OnLoad;
- FOwner.OnNeedPassword := _OnNeedPassword;
- FOwner.OnProcessItemFailure := _OnProcessItemFailure;
- FOwner.OnRequestBlankDisk := _OnRequestBlankDisk;
- FOwner.OnRequestImage := _OnRequestImage;
- FOwner.OnRequestLastDisk := _OnRequestLastDisk;
- FOwner.OnRequestNthDisk := _OnRequestNthDisk;
- FOwner.OnSave := _OnSave;
- FEnumPos := 0;
-destructor TZipKit.Destroy;
- FOwner.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- TAutoObjectFactory.Create(ComServer, TZipKit, Class_ZipKit, ciMultiInstance, tmBoth);
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deleted file mode 100644
index af43aa2..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win32/CarrylessRangeCoder.obj and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 3247156..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win32/LzFind.obj and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win32/LzFindMt.obj b/components/Abbrevia/source/Win32/LzFindMt.obj
deleted file mode 100644
index 53fab51..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win32/LzFindMt.obj and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index be5495d..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win32/LzmaDec.obj and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 2a59d7e..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win32/LzmaEnc.obj and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index cc7e7fb..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win32/PPMdContext.obj and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 8eaec33..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win32/PPMdSubAllocatorVariantI.obj and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 1a700b7..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win32/PPMdVariantI.obj and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index ef9dc77..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win32/Threads.obj and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 830650e..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win32/blocksort.obj and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 4013c1d..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win32/bzlib.obj and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 66247ae..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win32/compress.obj and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 99acce1..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win32/decompress.obj and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 9987cfa..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win32/huffman.obj and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index f2224e9..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win32/wv_bits.obj and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index c0ae7ea..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win32/wv_extra1.obj and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index b2acba2..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win32/wv_extra2.obj and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index db5dabe..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win32/wv_float.obj and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win32/wv_metadata.obj b/components/Abbrevia/source/Win32/wv_metadata.obj
deleted file mode 100644
index 569fb71..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win32/wv_metadata.obj and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win32/wv_pack.obj b/components/Abbrevia/source/Win32/wv_pack.obj
deleted file mode 100644
index d89acc9..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win32/wv_pack.obj and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win32/wv_tags.obj b/components/Abbrevia/source/Win32/wv_tags.obj
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f19daa..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win32/wv_tags.obj and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win32/wv_unpack.obj b/components/Abbrevia/source/Win32/wv_unpack.obj
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f3533f..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win32/wv_unpack.obj and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win32/wv_unpack3.obj b/components/Abbrevia/source/Win32/wv_unpack3.obj
deleted file mode 100644
index 66e33c6..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win32/wv_unpack3.obj and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win32/wv_words.obj b/components/Abbrevia/source/Win32/wv_words.obj
deleted file mode 100644
index 3bd3485..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win32/wv_words.obj and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win32/wv_wputils.obj b/components/Abbrevia/source/Win32/wv_wputils.obj
deleted file mode 100644
index b9e606d..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win32/wv_wputils.obj and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/CarrylessRangeCoder.obj b/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/CarrylessRangeCoder.obj
deleted file mode 100644
index 108be30..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/CarrylessRangeCoder.obj and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/LzFind.obj b/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/LzFind.obj
deleted file mode 100644
index 5cffd4a..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/LzFind.obj and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/LzFindMt.obj b/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/LzFindMt.obj
deleted file mode 100644
index 5af6a24..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/LzFindMt.obj and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/LzmaDec.obj b/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/LzmaDec.obj
deleted file mode 100644
index 2eaf3ec..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/LzmaDec.obj and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/LzmaEnc.obj b/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/LzmaEnc.obj
deleted file mode 100644
index 9507567..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/LzmaEnc.obj and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/PPMdContext.obj b/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/PPMdContext.obj
deleted file mode 100644
index d0f8244..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/PPMdContext.obj and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/PPMdSubAllocatorVariantI.obj b/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/PPMdSubAllocatorVariantI.obj
deleted file mode 100644
index f3b358e..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/PPMdSubAllocatorVariantI.obj and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/PPMdVariantI.obj b/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/PPMdVariantI.obj
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b26c2d..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/PPMdVariantI.obj and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/Threads.obj b/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/Threads.obj
deleted file mode 100644
index dc70040..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/Threads.obj and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/blocksort.obj b/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/blocksort.obj
deleted file mode 100644
index f374153..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/blocksort.obj and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/bzlib.obj b/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/bzlib.obj
deleted file mode 100644
index bdcbe2c..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/bzlib.obj and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/compress.obj b/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/compress.obj
deleted file mode 100644
index eea55ff..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/compress.obj and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/decompress.obj b/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/decompress.obj
deleted file mode 100644
index 9327881..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/decompress.obj and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/huffman.obj b/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/huffman.obj
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b83cd9..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/huffman.obj and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/wv_bits.obj b/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/wv_bits.obj
deleted file mode 100644
index 695de6f..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/wv_bits.obj and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/wv_extra1.obj b/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/wv_extra1.obj
deleted file mode 100644
index f8f6f92..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/wv_extra1.obj and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/wv_extra2.obj b/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/wv_extra2.obj
deleted file mode 100644
index bba85d4..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/wv_extra2.obj and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/wv_float.obj b/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/wv_float.obj
deleted file mode 100644
index fb15e05..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/wv_float.obj and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/wv_metadata.obj b/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/wv_metadata.obj
deleted file mode 100644
index 379b078..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/wv_metadata.obj and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/wv_pack.obj b/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/wv_pack.obj
deleted file mode 100644
index ac2d3c6..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/wv_pack.obj and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/wv_tags.obj b/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/wv_tags.obj
deleted file mode 100644
index 2bcfd9b..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/wv_tags.obj and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/wv_unpack.obj b/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/wv_unpack.obj
deleted file mode 100644
index d022362..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/wv_unpack.obj and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/wv_unpack3.obj b/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/wv_unpack3.obj
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b563a1..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/wv_unpack3.obj and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/wv_words.obj b/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/wv_words.obj
deleted file mode 100644
index 1deac0b..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/wv_words.obj and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/wv_wputils.obj b/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/wv_wputils.obj
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e62718..0000000
Binary files a/components/Abbrevia/source/Win64/wv_wputils.obj and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/COPYING.LGPL.txt b/components/bgrabitmap/COPYING.LGPL.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 92b8903..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/COPYING.LGPL.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,481 +0,0 @@
- Version 2, June 1991
- Copyright (C) 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
- of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
-[This is the first released version of the library GPL. It is
- numbered 2 because it goes with version 2 of the ordinary GPL.]
- Preamble
- The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
-freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
-Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change
-free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.
- This license, the Library General Public License, applies to some
-specially designated Free Software Foundation software, and to any
-other libraries whose authors decide to use it. You can use it for
-your libraries, too.
- When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
-price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
-have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
-this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
-if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
-in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
- To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
-anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
-These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if
-you distribute copies of the library, or if you modify it.
- For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis
-or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave
-you. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source
-code. If you link a program with the library, you must provide
-complete object files to the recipients so that they can relink them
-with the library, after making changes to the library and recompiling
-it. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights.
- Our method of protecting your rights has two steps: (1) copyright
-the library, and (2) offer you this license which gives you legal
-permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library.
- Also, for each distributor's protection, we want to make certain
-that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
-library. If the library is modified by someone else and passed on, we
-want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original
-version, so that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on
-the original authors' reputations.
- Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
-patents. We wish to avoid the danger that companies distributing free
-software will individually obtain patent licenses, thus in effect
-transforming the program into proprietary software. To prevent this,
-we have made it clear that any patent must be licensed for everyone's
-free use or not licensed at all.
- Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the ordinary
-GNU General Public License, which was designed for utility programs. This
-license, the GNU Library General Public License, applies to certain
-designated libraries. This license is quite different from the ordinary
-one; be sure to read it in full, and don't assume that anything in it is
-the same as in the ordinary license.
- The reason we have a separate public license for some libraries is that
-they blur the distinction we usually make between modifying or adding to a
-program and simply using it. Linking a program with a library, without
-changing the library, is in some sense simply using the library, and is
-analogous to running a utility program or application program. However, in
-a textual and legal sense, the linked executable is a combined work, a
-derivative of the original library, and the ordinary General Public License
-treats it as such.
- Because of this blurred distinction, using the ordinary General
-Public License for libraries did not effectively promote software
-sharing, because most developers did not use the libraries. We
-concluded that weaker conditions might promote sharing better.
- However, unrestricted linking of non-free programs would deprive the
-users of those programs of all benefit from the free status of the
-libraries themselves. This Library General Public License is intended to
-permit developers of non-free programs to use free libraries, while
-preserving your freedom as a user of such programs to change the free
-libraries that are incorporated in them. (We have not seen how to achieve
-this as regards changes in header files, but we have achieved it as regards
-changes in the actual functions of the Library.) The hope is that this
-will lead to faster development of free libraries.
- The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
-modification follow. Pay close attention to the difference between a
-"work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library". The
-former contains code derived from the library, while the latter only
-works together with the library.
- Note that it is possible for a library to be covered by the ordinary
-General Public License rather than by this special one.
- 0. This License Agreement applies to any software library which
-contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or other authorized
-party saying it may be distributed under the terms of this Library
-General Public License (also called "this License"). Each licensee is
-addressed as "you".
- A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data
-prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs
-(which use some of those functions and data) to form executables.
- The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work
-which has been distributed under these terms. A "work based on the
-Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under
-copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a
-portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated
-straightforwardly into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is
-included without limitation in the term "modification".)
- "Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for
-making modifications to it. For a library, complete source code means
-all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated
-interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation
-and installation of the library.
- Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
-covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
-running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from
-such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based
-on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for
-writing it). Whether that is true depends on what the Library does
-and what the program that uses the Library does.
- 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's
-complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that
-you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an
-appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact
-all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any
-warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the
- You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy,
-and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a
- 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion
-of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and
-distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
-above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
- a) The modified work must itself be a software library.
- b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices
- stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
- c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no
- charge to all third parties under the terms of this License.
- d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a
- table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses
- the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility
- is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that,
- in the event an application does not supply such function or
- table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of
- its purpose remains meaningful.
- (For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has
- a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the
- application. Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any
- application-supplied function or table used by this function must
- be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square
- root function must still compute square roots.)
-These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
-identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library,
-and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
-themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
-sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
-distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
-on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
-this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
-entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote
-Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
-your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
-exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
-collective works based on the Library.
-In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library
-with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of
-a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
-the scope of this License.
- 3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public
-License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library. To do
-this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so
-that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2,
-instead of to this License. (If a newer version than version 2 of the
-ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify
-that version instead if you wish.) Do not make any other change in
-these notices.
- Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for
-that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all
-subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy.
- This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of
-the Library into a program that is not a library.
- 4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or
-derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form
-under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany
-it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which
-must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a
-medium customarily used for software interchange.
- If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy
-from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the
-source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to
-distribute the source code, even though third parties are not
-compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
- 5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the
-Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or
-linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library". Such a
-work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and
-therefore falls outside the scope of this License.
- However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library
-creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it
-contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the
-library". The executable is therefore covered by this License.
-Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables.
- When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file
-that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a
-derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not.
-Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be
-linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library. The
-threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law.
- If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data
-structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline
-functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object
-file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative
-work. (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the
-Library will still fall under Section 6.)
- Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may
-distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6.
-Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6,
-whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself.
- 6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also compile or
-link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a
-work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work
-under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit
-modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse
-engineering for debugging such modifications.
- You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the
-Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by
-this License. You must supply a copy of this License. If the work
-during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the
-copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference
-directing the user to the copy of this License. Also, you must do one
-of these things:
- a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding
- machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever
- changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under
- Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked
- with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that
- uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the
- user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified
- executable containing the modified Library. (It is understood
- that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the
- Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application
- to use the modified definitions.)
- b) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at
- least three years, to give the same user the materials
- specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more
- than the cost of performing this distribution.
- c) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy
- from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above
- specified materials from the same place.
- d) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these
- materials or that you have already sent this user a copy.
- For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the
-Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for
-reproducing the executable from it. However, as a special exception,
-the source code distributed need not include anything that is normally
-distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major
-components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on
-which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies
-the executable.
- It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license
-restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally
-accompany the operating system. Such a contradiction means you cannot
-use both them and the Library together in an executable that you
- 7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the
-Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library
-facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined
-library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on
-the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise
-permitted, and provided that you do these two things:
- a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work
- based on the Library, uncombined with any other library
- facilities. This must be distributed under the terms of the
- Sections above.
- b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact
- that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining
- where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work.
- 8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute
-the Library except as expressly provided under this License. Any
-attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or
-distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your
-rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies,
-or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses
-terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.
- 9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
-signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
-distribute the Library or its derivative works. These actions are
-prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
-modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the
-Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
-all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
-the Library or works based on it.
- 10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the
-Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
-original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library
-subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
-restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
-You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
-this License.
- 11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
-infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
-conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
-otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
-excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
-distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
-License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
-may not distribute the Library at all. For example, if a patent
-license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by
-all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
-the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
-refrain entirely from distribution of the Library.
-If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any
-particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply,
-and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances.
-It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
-patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
-such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
-integrity of the free software distribution system which is
-implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
-generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
-through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
-system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
-to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
-impose that choice.
-This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
-be a consequence of the rest of this License.
- 12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in
-certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
-original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add
-an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries,
-so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus
-excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if
-written in the body of this License.
- 13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new
-versions of the Library General Public License from time to time.
-Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version,
-but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.
-Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Library
-specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and
-"any later version", you have the option of following the terms and
-conditions either of that version or of any later version published by
-the Free Software Foundation. If the Library does not specify a
-license version number, you may choose any version ever published by
-the Free Software Foundation.
- 14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free
-programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these,
-write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is
-copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free
-Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our
-decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status
-of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing
-and reuse of software generally.
- How to Apply These Terms to Your New Libraries
- If you develop a new library, and you want it to be of the greatest
-possible use to the public, we recommend making it free software that
-everyone can redistribute and change. You can do so by permitting
-redistribution under these terms (or, alternatively, under the terms of the
-ordinary General Public License).
- To apply these terms, attach the following notices to the library. It is
-safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
-convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the
-"copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
- Copyright (C)
- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- Library General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
-You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
-school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the library, if
-necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
- Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the
- library `Frob' (a library for tweaking knobs) written by James Random Hacker.
- , 1 April 1990
- Ty Coon, President of Vice
-That's all there is to it!
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/COPYING.modifiedLGPL.txt b/components/bgrabitmap/COPYING.modifiedLGPL.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 8fa8217..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/COPYING.modifiedLGPL.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-This is the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, it applies to all units of the
-BGRABitmap library.
-These files are distributed under the Library GNU General Public License
-(see the file COPYING.LGPL) with the following modification:
-As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you
-permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an
-executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent modules,
-and to copy and distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice,
-provided that you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms
-and conditions of the license of that module. An independent module is a
-module which is not derived from or based on this library. If you modify this
-library, you may extend this exception to your version of the library, but
-you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this
-exception statement from your version.
-If you didn't receive a copy of the file COPYING.LGPL, contact:
- Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- 675 Mass Ave
- Cambridge, MA 02139
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/basiccolorspace.inc b/components/bgrabitmap/basiccolorspace.inc
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e9ce01..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/basiccolorspace.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1635 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
- {* Possible channels in a bitmap using any RGBA colorspace }
- TChannel = (cRed, cGreen, cBlue, cAlpha);
- {** Combination of channels }
- TChannels = set of TChannel;
- TBGRAPixel_ChannelByteOffset : array[TChannel] of integer =
- (TBGRAPixel_RedByteOffset, TBGRAPixel_GreenByteOffset, TBGRAPixel_BlueByteOffset, TBGRAPixel_AlphaByteOffset);
-{ Gamma conversion arrays. Should be used as readonly }
- // TBGRAPixel -> TExpandedPixel
- GammaExpansionTab: packed array[0..255] of word;
- GammaExpansionTabHalf: packed array[0..254] of word;
- // TExpandedPixel -> TBGRAPixel
- GammaCompressionTab : packed array[0..65535] of byte; //rounded value
-procedure BGRASetGamma(AGamma: single = 1.7);
-function BGRAGetGamma: single;
- PExpandedPixel = ^TExpandedPixel;
- { TExpandedPixel }
- {* Stores a gamma expanded RGB color. Values range from 0 to 65535 }
- TExpandedPixel = packed record
- red, green, blue, alpha: word;
- end;
- TExpandedPixelBuffer = packed array of TExpandedPixel;
- procedure AllocateExpandedPixelBuffer(var ABuffer: TExpandedPixelBuffer; ASize: integer);
- {** Converts a pixel from sRGB to gamma expanded RGB }
- function GammaExpansion(c: TBGRAPixel): TExpandedPixel; inline;
- {** Converts a pixel from gamma expanded RGB to sRGB }
- function GammaCompression(const ec: TExpandedPixel): TBGRAPixel; inline; overload;
- {** Converts a pixel from gamma expanded RGB to sRGB }
- function GammaCompression(red,green,blue,alpha: word): TBGRAPixel; inline; overload;
- {** Apply gamma compression with word values }
- function GammaCompressionW(AExpanded: word): word;
- {** Apply gamma expansion with word values }
- function GammaExpansionW(ACompressed: word): word;
- {** Returns the intensity of an gamma-expanded pixel. The intensity is the
- maximum value reached by any component }
- function GetIntensity(const c: TExpandedPixel): word; inline;
- {** Sets the intensity of a gamma-expanded pixel }
- function SetIntensity(const c: TExpandedPixel; intensity: word): TExpandedPixel;
- {** Returns the lightness of an gamma-expanded pixel. The lightness is the
- perceived brightness, 0 being black and 65535 being white }
- function GetLightness(const c: TExpandedPixel): word; inline; overload;
- {** Sets the lightness of a gamma-expanded pixel }
- function SetLightness(const c: TExpandedPixel; lightness: word): TExpandedPixel; overload;
- {** Sets the lightness of a gamma expanded pixel, provided you already know the current
- value of lightness ''curLightness''. It is a bit faster than the previous function }
- function SetLightness(const c: TExpandedPixel; lightness: word; curLightness: word): TExpandedPixel; overload;
- {** Returns the importance of the color. It is similar to saturation
- in HSL colorspace, except it is gamma corrected. A value of zero indicates
- a black/gray/white, and a value of 65535 indicates a bright color }
- function ColorImportance(ec: TExpandedPixel): word;
- {** Merge two gamma expanded pixels (so taking into account gamma correction) }
- function MergeBGRA(ec1, ec2: TExpandedPixel): TExpandedPixel; overload;
- function MergeBGRA(ec1: TExpandedPixel; weight1: integer; ec2: TExpandedPixel; weight2: integer): TExpandedPixel; overload;
- {** Computes the difference (with gamma correction) between two pixels,
- taking into account all dimensions, including transparency. The
- result ranges from 0 to 65535 }
- function ExpandedDiff(ec1, ec2: TExpandedPixel): word;
- function FPColorToExpanded(AColor: TFPColor; AGammaExpansion: boolean=true): TExpandedPixel;
- function ExpandedToFPColor(AExpanded: TExpandedPixel; AGammaCompression: boolean=true): TFPColor;
- {* General purpose color variable with single-precision floating point values }
- TColorF = packed array[1..4] of single;
- ArrayOfTColorF = array of TColorF;
- {** Creates a TColorF structure }
- function ColorF(red,green,blue,alpha: single): TColorF;
- function BGRAToColorF(c: TBGRAPixel; AGammaExpansion: boolean): TColorF; overload;
- function BGRAToColorF(const a: array of TBGRAPixel; AGammaExpansion: boolean): ArrayOfTColorF; overload;
- function ColorFToBGRA(c: TColorF; AGammaCompression: boolean): TBGRAPixel;
- function GammaCompressionF(c: TColorF): TColorF;
- function GammaExpansionF(c: TColorF): TColorF;
- {** Subtract each component separately }
- operator - (const c1, c2: TColorF): TColorF; inline;
- {** Add each component separately }
- operator + (const c1, c2: TColorF): TColorF; inline;
- {** Multiply each component separately }
- operator * (const c1, c2: TColorF): TColorF; inline;
- {** Multiply each component by ''factor'' }
- operator * (const c1: TColorF; factor: single): TColorF; inline;
- {* Pixel color defined in HSL colorspace. Values range from 0 to 65535 }
- { THSLAPixel }
- THSLAPixel = packed record
- {** Hue of the pixel. Extremum values 0 and 65535 are red }
- hue: word;
- {** Saturation of the color. 0 is gray and 65535 is the brightest color (including white) }
- saturation: word;
- {** Lightness of the color. 0 is black, 32768 is normal, and 65535 is white }
- lightness: word;
- {** Opacity of the pixel. 0 is transparent and 65535 is opaque }
- alpha: word;
- end;
- {** Creates a pixel with given HSLA values, where A stands for alpha }
- function HSLA(hue, saturation, lightness, alpha: word): THSLAPixel; overload; inline;
- {** Creates an opaque pixel with given HSL values }
- function HSLA(hue, saturation, lightness: word): THSLAPixel; overload; inline;
- {** Converts a pixel from sRGB to HSL color space }
- function BGRAToHSLA(c: TBGRAPixel): THSLAPixel;
- {** Converts a pixel from gamma expanded RGB to HSL color space }
- function ExpandedToHSLA(const ec: TExpandedPixel): THSLAPixel;
- {** Converts a pixel from HSL colorspace to sRGB }
- function HSLAToBGRA(const c: THSLAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
- {** Converts a pixel from HSL colorspace to gamma expanded RGB }
- function HSLAToExpanded(const c: THSLAPixel): TExpandedPixel;
- {** Computes the hue difference }
- function HueDiff(h1, h2: word): word;
- {** Returns the hue of a gamma expanded pixel }
- function GetHue(ec: TExpandedPixel): word;
- {* Pixel color defined in corrected HSL colorspace. G stands for corrected hue
- and B stands for actual brightness. Values range from 0 to 65535 }
- TGSBAPixel = packed record
- {** Hue of the pixel. Extremum values 0 and 65535 are red }
- hue: word;
- {** Saturation of the color. 0 is gray and 65535 is the brightest color (excluding white) }
- saturation: word;
- {** Actual perceived brightness. 0 is black, 32768 is normal, and 65535 is white }
- lightness: word;
- {** Opacity of the pixel. 0 is transparent and 65535 is opaque }
- alpha: word;
- end;
- {** Converts a pixel from sRGB to correct HSL color space }
- function BGRAToGSBA(c: TBGRAPixel): TGSBAPixel;
- {** Converts a pixel from gamma expanded RGB to correct HSL color space }
- function ExpandedToGSBA(const ec: TExpandedPixel): TGSBAPixel;
- {** Converts a G hue (GSBA) to a H hue (HSLA) }
- function GtoH(ghue: word): word;
- {** Converts a H hue (HSLA) to a G hue (GSBA) }
- function HtoG(hue: word): word;
- {** Converts a pixel from corrected HSL to sRGB }
- function GSBAToBGRA(c: TGSBAPixel): TBGRAPixel; overload;
- function GSBAToBGRA(const c: THSLAPixel): TBGRAPixel; overload;
- {** Converts a pixel from correct HSL to gamma expanded RGB }
- function GSBAToExpanded(c: TGSBAPixel): TExpandedPixel; overload;
- function GSBAToExpanded(const c: THSLAPixel): TExpandedPixel; overload;
- {** Converts a pixel from correct HSL to usual HSL }
- function GSBAToHSLA(const c: TGSBAPixel): THSLAPixel; overload;
- function GSBAToHSLA(const c: THSLAPixel): THSLAPixel; overload;
- function HSLAToGSBA(const c: THSLAPixel): TGSBAPixel;
- { TBGRAPixelBasicHelper }
- TBGRAPixelBasicHelper = record helper for TBGRAPixel
- function ToExpanded: TExpandedPixel;
- procedure FromExpanded(const AValue: TExpandedPixel);
- function ToHSLAPixel: THSLAPixel;
- procedure FromHSLAPixel(const AValue: THSLAPixel);
- function ToGSBAPixel: TGSBAPixel;
- procedure FromGSBAPixel(const AValue: TGSBAPixel); overload;
- procedure FromGSBAPixel(const AValue: THSLAPixel); overload;
- function ToColorF(AGammaExpansion: boolean): TColorF;
- procedure FromColorF(const AValue: TColorF; AGammaCompression: boolean);
- end;
- { TExpandedPixelBasicHelper }
- TExpandedPixelBasicHelper = record helper for TExpandedPixel
- function ToFPColor(AGammaCompression: boolean = true): TFPColor;
- procedure FromFPColor(const AValue: TFPColor; AGammaExpansion: boolean = true);
- function ToColor: TColor;
- procedure FromColor(const AValue: TColor);
- function ToBGRAPixel: TBGRAPixel;
- procedure FromBGRAPixel(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- function ToHSLAPixel: THSLAPixel;
- procedure FromHSLAPixel(const AValue: THSLAPixel);
- function ToGSBAPixel: TGSBAPixel;
- procedure FromGSBAPixel(const AValue: TGSBAPixel); overload;
- procedure FromGSBAPixel(const AValue: THSLAPixel); overload;
- end;
-operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TColor;
-operator := (const AValue: TColor): TExpandedPixel;
-Operator := (const Source: TExpandedPixel): TBGRAPixel;
-Operator := (const Source: TBGRAPixel): TExpandedPixel;
- { TFPColorBasicHelper }
- TFPColorBasicHelper = record helper for TFPColor
- function ToColor: TColor;
- procedure FromColor(const AValue: TColor);
- function ToBGRAPixel: TBGRAPixel;
- procedure FromBGRAPixel(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- function ToExpanded(AGammaExpansion: boolean = true): TExpandedPixel;
- procedure FromExpanded(const AValue: TExpandedPixel; AGammaCompression: boolean = true);
- function ToHSLAPixel(AGammaExpansion: boolean = true): THSLAPixel;
- procedure FromHSLAPixel(const AValue: THSLAPixel; AGammaCompression: boolean = true);
- function ToGSBAPixel(AGammaExpansion: boolean = true): TGSBAPixel;
- procedure FromGSBAPixel(const AValue: TGSBAPixel; AGammaCompression: boolean = true); overload;
- procedure FromGSBAPixel(const AValue: THSLAPixel; AGammaCompression: boolean = true); overload;
- end;
- { THSLAPixelBasicHelper }
- THSLAPixelBasicHelper = record helper for THSLAPixel
- function ToColor: TColor;
- procedure FromColor(const AValue: TColor);
- function ToBGRAPixel: TBGRAPixel;
- procedure FromBGRAPixel(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- function ToGSBAPixel: TGSBAPixel;
- procedure FromGSBAPixel(AValue: TGSBAPixel);
- function ToExpanded: TExpandedPixel;
- procedure FromExpanded(AValue: TExpandedPixel);
- function ToFPColor(AGammaCompression: boolean=true): TFPColor;
- procedure FromFPColor(AValue: TFPColor; AGammaExpansion: boolean=true);
- end;
-Operator := (const Source: THSLAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
-Operator := (const Source: TBGRAPixel): THSLAPixel;
-Operator := (const Source: THSLAPixel): TExpandedPixel;
-Operator := (const Source: TExpandedPixel): THSLAPixel;
-operator := (const AValue: TColor): THSLAPixel;
-operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TColor;
- { TGSBAPixelBasicHelper }
- TGSBAPixelBasicHelper = record helper for TGSBAPixel
- function ToColor: TColor;
- procedure FromColor(const AValue: TColor);
- function ToBGRAPixel: TBGRAPixel;
- procedure FromBGRAPixel(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- function ToHSLAPixel: THSLAPixel;
- procedure FromHSLAPixel(AValue: THSLAPixel);
- function ToExpanded: TExpandedPixel;
- procedure FromExpanded(AValue: TExpandedPixel);
- function ToFPColor(AGammaCompression: boolean=true): TFPColor;
- procedure FromFPColor(AValue: TFPColor; AGammaExpansion: boolean=true);
- end;
-Operator := (const Source: TGSBAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
-Operator := (const Source: TBGRAPixel): TGSBAPixel;
-Operator := (const Source: TGSBAPixel): TExpandedPixel;
-Operator := (const Source: TExpandedPixel): TGSBAPixel;
-operator := (const AValue: TColor): TGSBAPixel;
-operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TColor;
-Operator := (const Source: TGSBAPixel): THSLAPixel; //no conversion, just copying for backward compatibility (use ToHSLAPixel instead for conversion)
-Operator := (const Source: THSLAPixel): TGSBAPixel; //no conversion, just copying for backward compatibility (use ToGSBAPixel instead for conversion)
-{ TBGRAPixel }
-function TBGRAPixel.GetClassIntensity: word;
- result := GetIntensity(self);
-function TBGRAPixel.GetClassLightness: word;
- result := GetLightness(self);
-procedure TBGRAPixel.SetClassIntensity(AValue: word);
- self := SetIntensity(self, AValue);
-procedure TBGRAPixel.SetClassLightness(AValue: word);
- self := SetLightness(self, AValue);
-procedure TBGRAPixel.FromRGB(ARed, AGreen, ABlue: Byte; AAlpha: Byte);
- red := ARed;
- green := AGreen;
- blue := ABlue;
- alpha := AAlpha;
-procedure TBGRAPixel.FromColor(AColor: TColor; AAlpha: Byte);
- if AColor = clNone then
- Self := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- begin
- RedGreenBlue(ColorToRGB(AColor), red,green,blue);
- alpha := AAlpha;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAPixel.FromString(AStr: string);
- Self := StrToBGRA(AStr);
-procedure TBGRAPixel.FromFPColor(AColor: TFPColor);
- self := FPColorToBGRA(AColor);
-procedure TBGRAPixel.ToRGB(out ARed, AGreen, ABlue, AAlpha: Byte);
- ARed := red;
- AGreen := green;
- ABlue := blue;
- AAlpha := alpha;
-procedure TBGRAPixel.ToRGB(out ARed, AGreen, ABlue: Byte);
- ARed := red;
- AGreen := green;
- ABlue := blue
-function TBGRAPixel.ToColor: TColor;
- if alpha = 0 then
- result := clNone
- else
- result := RGBToColor(red,green,blue);
-function TBGRAPixel.ToString: string;
- result := BGRAToStr(Self, CSSColors);
-function TBGRAPixel.ToGrayscale(AGammaCorrection: boolean): TBGRAPixel;
- if AGammaCorrection then
- result := BGRAToGrayscale(self)
- else
- result := BGRAToGrayscaleLinear(self);
-function TBGRAPixel.ToFPColor: TFPColor;
- result := BGRAToFPColor(Self);
-function TBGRAPixel.EqualsExactly(constref AColor: TBGRAPixel): boolean;
- result := PLongWord(@AColor)^ = PLongWord(@self)^;
-class operator TBGRAPixel.:=(Source: TBGRAPixel): TColor;
- result := Source.ToColor;
-class operator TBGRAPixel.:=(Source: TColor): TBGRAPixel;
- result.FromColor(Source);
-{ The gamma correction is approximated here by a power function }
- GammaExpFactor : single; //exponent
- redWeightShl10 = 306; // = 0.299
- greenWeightShl10 = 601; // = 0.587
- blueWeightShl10 = 117; // = 0.114
-procedure BGRANoGamma;
-var i,j: integer;
- prevExp, nextExp: Word;
- GammaExpFactor := 1;
- prevExp := 0;
- for i := 0 to 255 do
- begin
- GammaExpansionTab[i] := (i shl 8) + i;
- if i = 255 then nextExp := 65535
- else
- begin
- nextExp := GammaExpansionTab[i]+128;
- GammaExpansionTabHalf[i] := nextExp+1;
- end;
- for j := prevExp to nextExp do
- GammaCompressionTab[j] := i;
- if i < 255 then
- prevExp := nextExp+1;
- end;
-procedure BGRASetGamma(AGamma: single);
- GammaLinearFactor: single;
- i,j,prevpos,nextpos,midpos: Int32or64;
- if AGamma = 1 then
- begin
- BGRANoGamma;
- exit;
- end;
- GammaExpFactor := AGamma;
- //the linear factor is used to normalize expanded values in the range 0..65535
- GammaLinearFactor := 65535 / power(255, GammaExpFactor);
- GammaExpansionTab[0] := 0;
- nextpos := 0;
- for i := 0 to 255 do
- begin
- prevpos := nextpos;
- midpos := round(power(i, GammaExpFactor) * GammaLinearFactor);
- if i = 255 then
- nextpos := 65536
- else
- nextpos := round(power(i+0.5, GammaExpFactor) * GammaLinearFactor);
- GammaExpansionTab[i] := midpos;
- if i < 255 then
- GammaExpansionTabHalf[i] := nextpos;
- for j := prevpos to midpos-1 do
- GammaCompressionTab[j] := i;
- for j := midpos to nextpos-1 do
- GammaCompressionTab[j] := i;
- end;
- GammaCompressionTab[0] := 0;
-function BGRAGetGamma: single;
- result := GammaExpFactor;
-procedure AllocateExpandedPixelBuffer(var ABuffer: TExpandedPixelBuffer;
- ASize: integer);
- if ASize > length(ABuffer) then
- setlength(ABuffer, max(length(ABuffer)*2,ASize));
-{ Apply gamma correction using conversion tables }
-function GammaExpansion(c: TBGRAPixel): TExpandedPixel;
- Result.red := GammaExpansionTab[c.red];
- Result.green := GammaExpansionTab[c.green];
- Result.blue := GammaExpansionTab[c.blue];
- Result.alpha := c.alpha shl 8 + c.alpha;
-function GammaCompression(const ec: TExpandedPixel): TBGRAPixel;
- Result.red := GammaCompressionTab[ec.red];
- Result.green := GammaCompressionTab[ec.green];
- Result.blue := GammaCompressionTab[ec.blue];
- Result.alpha := ec.alpha shr 8;
-function GammaCompression(red, green, blue, alpha: word): TBGRAPixel;
- Result.red := GammaCompressionTab[red];
- Result.green := GammaCompressionTab[green];
- Result.blue := GammaCompressionTab[blue];
- Result.alpha := alpha shr 8;
-function GammaExpansionW(ACompressed: word): word;
- fracShift = 8;
- fracHalf = 1 shl (fracShift-1);
- fracQuarter = 1 shl (fracShift-2);
- intPart, fracPart, half: word;
- byteVal: byte;
- if ACompressed = 0 then
- result := 0
- else if ACompressed = $ffff then
- result := $ffff
- else
- begin
- //div 257
- byteVal := ACompressed shr fracShift;
- intPart := (byteVal shl fracShift) + byteVal;
- if ACompressed < intPart then
- begin
- dec(byteVal);
- dec(intPart, 257);
- end;
- fracPart := ACompressed - intPart;
- if fracPart >= fracHalf then dec(fracPart); //[0..256] -> [0..255]
- if fracPart >= fracHalf then
- begin
- result := GammaExpansionTab[byteVal+1];
- half := GammaExpansionTabHalf[byteVal];
- dec(result, ((result-half)*((1 shl fracShift)-fracPart)+fracQuarter) shr (fracShift-1));
- end
- else
- begin
- result := GammaExpansionTab[byteVal];
- if fracPart > 0 then
- begin
- half := GammaExpansionTabHalf[byteVal];
- inc(result, ((half-result)*fracPart+fracQuarter) shr (fracShift-1));
- end;
- end;
- end;
-function GammaCompressionW(AExpanded: word): word;
- compByte: Byte;
- reExp, reExpDelta: Word;
- if AExpanded=0 then exit(0) else
- if AExpanded=65535 then exit(65535) else
- begin
- compByte := GammaCompressionTab[AExpanded];
- reExp := GammaExpansionTab[compByte];
- result := compByte + (compByte shl 8);
- if reExp < AExpanded then
- begin
- reExpDelta := GammaExpansionTabHalf[compByte]-reExp;
- if reExpDelta<>0 then
- inc(result, ((AExpanded-reExp)*128+(reExpDelta shr 1)) div reExpDelta);
- end else
- begin
- reExpDelta := reExp-GammaExpansionTabHalf[compByte-1];
- if reExpDelta<>0 then
- dec(result, ((reExp-AExpanded)*128+(reExpDelta shr 1)) div reExpDelta);
- end;
- end;
-{ The intensity is defined here as the maximum value of any color component }
-function GetIntensity(const c: TExpandedPixel): word; inline;
- Result := c.red;
- if c.green > Result then
- Result := c.green;
- if c.blue > Result then
- Result := c.blue;
-function SetIntensity(const c: TExpandedPixel; intensity: word): TExpandedPixel;
- curIntensity: word;
- curIntensity := GetIntensity(c);
- if curIntensity = 0 then //suppose it's gray if there is no color information
- begin
- Result.red := intensity;
- Result.green := intensity;
- Result.blue := intensity;
- result.alpha := c.alpha;
- end
- else
- begin
- //linear interpolation to reached wanted intensity
- Result.red := (c.red * intensity + (curIntensity shr 1)) div curIntensity;
- Result.green := (c.green * intensity + (curIntensity shr 1)) div curIntensity;
- Result.blue := (c.blue * intensity + (curIntensity shr 1)) div curIntensity;
- Result.alpha := c.alpha;
- end;
-{ The lightness here is defined as the subjective sensation of luminosity, where
- blue is the darkest component and green the lightest }
-function GetLightness(const c: TExpandedPixel): word; inline;
- Result := (c.red * redWeightShl10 + c.green * greenWeightShl10 +
- c.blue * blueWeightShl10 + 512) shr 10;
-function SetLightness(const c: TExpandedPixel; lightness: word): TExpandedPixel;
- curLightness: word;
- curLightness := GetLightness(c);
- if lightness = curLightness then
- begin //no change
- Result := c;
- exit;
- end;
- result := SetLightness(c, lightness, curLightness);
-function SetLightness(const c: TExpandedPixel; lightness: word; curLightness: word): TExpandedPixel;
- AddedWhiteness, maxBeforeWhite: word;
- clip: boolean;
- if lightness = curLightness then
- begin //no change
- Result := c;
- exit;
- end;
- if lightness = 65535 then //set to white
- begin
- Result.red := 65535;
- Result.green := 65535;
- Result.blue := 65535;
- Result.alpha := c.alpha;
- exit;
- end;
- if lightness = 0 then //set to black
- begin
- Result.red := 0;
- Result.green := 0;
- Result.blue := 0;
- Result.alpha := c.alpha;
- exit;
- end;
- if curLightness = 0 then //set from black
- begin
- Result.red := lightness;
- Result.green := lightness;
- Result.blue := lightness;
- Result.alpha := c.alpha;
- exit;
- end;
- if lightness < curLightness then //darker is easy
- begin
- result.alpha:= c.alpha;
- result.red := (c.red * lightness + (curLightness shr 1)) div curLightness;
- result.green := (c.green * lightness + (curLightness shr 1)) div curLightness;
- result.blue := (c.blue * lightness + (curLightness shr 1)) div curLightness;
- exit;
- end;
- //lighter and grayer
- Result := c;
- AddedWhiteness := lightness - curLightness;
- maxBeforeWhite := 65535 - AddedWhiteness;
- clip := False;
- if Result.red <= maxBeforeWhite then
- Inc(Result.red, AddedWhiteness)
- else
- begin
- Result.red := 65535;
- clip := True;
- end;
- if Result.green <= maxBeforeWhite then
- Inc(Result.green, AddedWhiteness)
- else
- begin
- Result.green := 65535;
- clip := True;
- end;
- if Result.blue <= maxBeforeWhite then
- Inc(Result.blue, AddedWhiteness)
- else
- begin
- Result.blue := 65535;
- clip := True;
- end;
- if clip then //light and whiter
- begin
- curLightness := GetLightness(Result);
- addedWhiteness := lightness - curLightness;
- maxBeforeWhite := 65535 - curlightness;
- Result.red := Result.red + addedWhiteness * (65535 - Result.red) div
- maxBeforeWhite;
- Result.green := Result.green + addedWhiteness * (65535 - Result.green) div
- maxBeforeWhite;
- Result.blue := Result.blue + addedWhiteness * (65535 - Result.blue) div
- maxBeforeWhite;
- end;
-function ColorImportance(ec: TExpandedPixel): word;
-var min,max: word;
- min := ec.red;
- max := ec.red;
- if ec.green > max then
- max := ec.green
- else
- if ec.green < min then
- min := ec.green;
- if ec.blue > max then
- max := ec.blue
- else
- if ec.blue < min then
- min := ec.blue;
- result := max - min;
-{ Merge two colors of same importance }
-function MergeBGRA(ec1, ec2: TExpandedPixel): TExpandedPixel;
-var c12: LongWord;
- if (ec1.alpha = 0) then
- Result := ec2
- else
- if (ec2.alpha = 0) then
- Result := ec1
- else
- begin
- c12 := ec1.alpha + ec2.alpha;
- Result.red := (int64(ec1.red) * ec1.alpha + int64(ec2.red) * ec2.alpha + c12 shr 1) div c12;
- Result.green := (int64(ec1.green) * ec1.alpha + int64(ec2.green) * ec2.alpha + c12 shr 1) div c12;
- Result.blue := (int64(ec1.blue) * ec1.alpha + int64(ec2.blue) * ec2.alpha + c12 shr 1) div c12;
- Result.alpha := (c12 + 1) shr 1;
- end;
-function MergeBGRA(ec1: TExpandedPixel; weight1: integer; ec2: TExpandedPixel;
- weight2: integer): TExpandedPixel;
- f1,f2,f12: int64;
- if (weight1 = 0) then
- begin
- if (weight2 = 0) then
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- Result := ec2
- end
- else
- if (weight2 = 0) then
- Result := ec1
- else
- if (weight1+weight2 = 0) then
- Result := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- begin
- f1 := int64(ec1.alpha)*weight1;
- f2 := int64(ec2.alpha)*weight2;
- f12 := f1+f2;
- if f12 = 0 then
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- begin
- Result.red := (ec1.red * f1 + ec2.red * f2 + f12 shr 1) div f12;
- Result.green := (ec1.green * f1 + ec2.green * f2 + f12 shr 1) div f12;
- Result.blue := (ec1.blue * f1 + ec2.blue * f2 + f12 shr 1) div f12;
- {$hints off}
- Result.alpha := (f12 + ((weight1+weight2) shr 1)) div (weight1+weight2);
- {$hints on}
- end;
- end;
-function LessStartSlope65535(value: word): word;
-var factor: word;
- factor := 4096 - (not value)*3 shr 7;
- result := value*factor shr 12;
-function ExpandedDiff(ec1, ec2: TExpandedPixel): word;
- CompRedAlpha1, CompGreenAlpha1, CompBlueAlpha1, CompRedAlpha2,
- CompGreenAlpha2, CompBlueAlpha2: integer;
- DiffAlpha: word;
- ColorDiff: word;
- TempHueDiff: word;
- if (ec1.alpha = 0) and (ec2.alpha = 0) then exit(0) else
- if (ec1.alpha = ec2.alpha) and (ec1.red = ec2.red) and
- (ec1.green = ec2.green) and (ec1.blue = ec2.blue) then exit(0);
- CompRedAlpha1 := ec1.red * ec1.alpha shr 16; //gives 0..65535
- CompGreenAlpha1 := ec1.green * ec1.alpha shr 16;
- CompBlueAlpha1 := ec1.blue * ec1.alpha shr 16;
- CompRedAlpha2 := ec2.red * ec2.alpha shr 16;
- CompGreenAlpha2 := ec2.green * ec2.alpha shr 16;
- CompBlueAlpha2 := ec2.blue * ec2.alpha shr 16;
- Result := (Abs(CompRedAlpha2 - CompRedAlpha1)*redWeightShl10 +
- Abs(CompBlueAlpha2 - CompBlueAlpha1)*blueWeightShl10 +
- Abs(CompGreenAlpha2 - CompGreenAlpha1)*greenWeightShl10) shr 10;
- ColorDiff := min(ColorImportance(ec1),ColorImportance(ec2));
- if ColorDiff > 0 then
- begin
- TempHueDiff := HueDiff(HtoG(GetHue(ec1)),HtoG(GetHue(ec2)));
- if TempHueDiff < 32768 then
- TempHueDiff := LessStartSlope65535(TempHueDiff shl 1) shr 4
- else
- TempHueDiff := TempHueDiff shr 3;
- Result := ((Result shr 4)* (not ColorDiff) + TempHueDiff*ColorDiff) shr 12;
- end;
- DiffAlpha := Abs(integer(ec2.Alpha) - integer(ec1.Alpha));
- if DiffAlpha > Result then
- Result := DiffAlpha;
-function FPColorToExpanded(AColor: TFPColor; AGammaExpansion: boolean): TExpandedPixel;
- result.FromFPColor(AColor, AGammaExpansion);
-function ExpandedToFPColor(AExpanded: TExpandedPixel; AGammaCompression: boolean): TFPColor;
- result.FromExpanded(AExpanded, AGammaCompression);
-function ColorF(red, green, blue, alpha: single): TColorF;
- result[1] := red;
- result[2] := green;
- result[3] := blue;
- result[4] := alpha;
-function BGRAToColorF(c: TBGRAPixel; AGammaExpansion: boolean): TColorF;
-const OneOver255 = 1/255;
- OneOver65535 = 1/65535;
- if not AGammaExpansion then
- begin
- result[1] := c.red*OneOver255;
- result[2] := c.green*OneOver255;
- result[3] := c.blue*OneOver255;
- result[4] := c.alpha*OneOver255;
- end else
- with GammaExpansion(c) do
- begin
- result[1] := red*OneOver65535;
- result[2] := green*OneOver65535;
- result[3] := blue*OneOver65535;
- result[4] := alpha*OneOver65535;
- end;
-function BGRAToColorF(const a: array of TBGRAPixel; AGammaExpansion: boolean
- ): ArrayOfTColorF;
- i: Int32or64;
- setlength(result, length(a));
- for i := 0 to high(a) do
- result[i] := BGRAToColorF(a[i],AGammaExpansion);
-function ColorFToBGRA(c: TColorF; AGammaCompression: boolean): TBGRAPixel;
- if not AGammaCompression then
- begin
- result.red := Min(255,Max(0,round(c[1]*255)));
- result.green := Min(255,Max(0,round(c[2]*255)));
- result.blue := Min(255,Max(0,round(c[3]*255)));
- end else
- begin
- result.red := GammaCompressionTab[Min(65535,Max(0,round(c[1]*65535)))];
- result.green := GammaCompressionTab[Min(65535,Max(0,round(c[2]*65535)))];
- result.blue := GammaCompressionTab[Min(65535,Max(0,round(c[3]*65535)))];
- end;
- result.alpha := Min(255,Max(0,round(c[4]*255)));
-function GammaCompressionF(c: TColorF): TColorF;
-var inv: single;
- inv := 1/GammaExpFactor;
- result := ColorF(power(c[1],inv),power(c[2],inv),power(c[3],inv),c[4]);
-function GammaExpansionF(c: TColorF): TColorF;
- result := ColorF(power(c[1],GammaExpFactor),power(c[2],GammaExpFactor),power(c[3],GammaExpFactor),c[4]);
-operator-(const c1, c2: TColorF): TColorF;
- result[1] := c1[1]-c2[1];
- result[2] := c1[2]-c2[2];
- result[3] := c1[3]-c2[3];
- result[4] := c1[4]-c2[4];
-operator+(const c1, c2: TColorF): TColorF;
- result[1] := c1[1]+c2[1];
- result[2] := c1[2]+c2[2];
- result[3] := c1[3]+c2[3];
- result[4] := c1[4]+c2[4];
-operator*(const c1, c2: TColorF): TColorF;
- result[1] := c1[1]*c2[1];
- result[2] := c1[2]*c2[2];
- result[3] := c1[3]*c2[3];
- result[4] := c1[4]*c2[4];
-operator*(const c1: TColorF; factor: single): TColorF;
- result[1] := c1[1]*factor;
- result[2] := c1[2]*factor;
- result[3] := c1[3]*factor;
- result[4] := c1[4]*factor;
-{ THSLAPixel }
-function HSLA(hue, saturation, lightness, alpha: word): THSLAPixel;
- Result.hue := hue;
- Result.saturation := saturation;
- Result.lightness := lightness;
- Result.alpha := alpha;
-function HSLA(hue, saturation, lightness: word): THSLAPixel;
- Result.hue := hue;
- Result.saturation := saturation;
- Result.lightness := lightness;
- Result.alpha := $ffff;
-{ Conversion from RGB value to HSL colorspace. See : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_color_space }
-function BGRAToHSLA(c: TBGRAPixel): THSLAPixel;
- result := ExpandedToHSLA(GammaExpansion(c));
-procedure ExpandedToHSLAInline(r,g,b: Int32Or64; var dest: THSLAPixel); inline;
- deg60 = 10922;
- deg120 = 21845;
- deg240 = 43690;
- min, max, minMax: Int32or64;
- UMinMax,UTwiceLightness: UInt32or64;
- if g > r then
- begin
- max := g;
- min := r;
- end else
- begin
- max := r;
- min := g;
- end;
- if b > max then
- max := b else
- if b < min then
- min := b;
- minMax := max - min;
- if minMax = 0 then
- dest.hue := 0
- else
- if max = r then
- dest.hue := ((g - b) * deg60) div minMax
- {$POP}
- else
- if max = g then
- dest.hue := ((b - r) * deg60) div minMax + deg120
- else
- {max = b} dest.hue := ((r - g) * deg60) div minMax + deg240;
- UTwiceLightness := max + min;
- if min = max then
- dest.saturation := 0 else
- begin
- UMinMax:= minMax;
- if UTwiceLightness < 65536 then
- dest.saturation := (UMinMax shl 16) div (UTwiceLightness + 1)
- else
- dest.saturation := (UMinMax shl 16) div (131072 - UTwiceLightness);
- end;
- dest.lightness := UTwiceLightness shr 1;
-function ExpandedToHSLA(const ec: TExpandedPixel): THSLAPixel;
- result.alpha := ec.alpha;
- ExpandedToHSLAInline(ec.red,ec.green,ec.blue,result);
-{ Conversion from HSL colorspace to RGB. See : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_color_space }
-function HSLAToBGRA(const c: THSLAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
-var ec: TExpandedPixel;
- ec := HSLAToExpanded(c);
- Result := GammaCompression(ec);
-function HSLAToExpanded(const c: THSLAPixel): TExpandedPixel;
- deg30 = 4096;
- deg60 = 8192;
- deg120 = deg60 * 2;
- deg180 = deg60 * 3;
- deg240 = deg60 * 4;
- deg360 = deg60 * 6;
- function ComputeColor(p, q: Int32or64; h: Int32or64): Int32or64; inline;
- begin
- if h < deg180 then
- begin
- if h < deg60 then
- Result := p + ((q - p) * h + deg30) div deg60
- else
- Result := q
- end else
- begin
- if h < deg240 then
- Result := p + ((q - p) * (deg240 - h) + deg30) div deg60
- else
- Result := p;
- end;
- end;
- q, p, L, S, H: Int32or64;
- L := c.lightness;
- S := c.saturation;
- if S = 0 then //gray
- begin
- result.red := L;
- result.green := L;
- result.blue := L;
- result.alpha := c.alpha;
- exit;
- end;
- {$hints off}
- if L < 32768 then
- q := (L shr 1) * ((65535 + S) shr 1) shr 14
- else
- q := L + S - ((L shr 1) *
- (S shr 1) shr 14);
- {$hints on}
- if q > 65535 then q := 65535;
- p := (L shl 1) - q;
- if p > 65535 then p := 65535;
- H := c.hue * deg360 shr 16;
- result.green := ComputeColor(p, q, H);
- inc(H, deg120);
- if H > deg360 then Dec(H, deg360);
- result.red := ComputeColor(p, q, H);
- inc(H, deg120);
- if H > deg360 then Dec(H, deg360);
- result.blue := ComputeColor(p, q, H);
- result.alpha := c.alpha;
-function HueDiff(h1, h2: word): word;
- result := abs(integer(h1)-integer(h2));
- if result > 32768 then result := 65536-result;
-function GetHue(ec: TExpandedPixel): word;
- deg60 = 8192;
- deg120 = deg60 * 2;
- deg240 = deg60 * 4;
- deg360 = deg60 * 6;
- min, max, minMax: integer;
- r,g,b: integer;
- r := ec.red;
- g := ec.green;
- b := ec.blue;
- min := r;
- max := r;
- if g > max then
- max := g
- else
- if g < min then
- min := g;
- if b > max then
- max := b
- else
- if b < min then
- min := b;
- minMax := max - min;
- if minMax = 0 then
- Result := 0
- else
- if max = r then
- Result := (((g - b) * deg60) div
- minMax + deg360) mod deg360
- else
- if max = g then
- Result := ((b - r) * deg60) div minMax + deg120
- else
- {max = b} Result :=
- ((r - g) * deg60) div minMax + deg240;
- Result := (Result shl 16) div deg360; //normalize
-{ TGSBAPixel }
-function BGRAToGSBA(c: TBGRAPixel): TGSBAPixel;
- ec: TExpandedPixel;
- ec := GammaExpansion(c);
- result := ExpandedToGSBA(ec);
-function ExpandedToGSBA(const ec: TExpandedPixel): TGSBAPixel;
-var lightness: UInt32Or64;
- red,green,blue: Int32or64;
- hsla: THSLAPixel;
- red := ec.red;
- green := ec.green;
- blue := ec.blue;
- hsla.alpha := ec.alpha;
- lightness := (red * redWeightShl10 + green * greenWeightShl10 +
- blue * blueWeightShl10 + 512) shr 10;
- ExpandedToHSLAInline(red,green,blue,hsla);
- result := TGSBAPixel(hsla);
- if result.lightness > 32768 then
- result.saturation := result.saturation* UInt32or64(not result.lightness) div 32767;
- result.lightness := lightness;
- result.hue := HtoG(result.hue);
-function GtoH(ghue: word): word;
- segment: array[0..5] of UInt32or64 =
- (13653, 10923, 8192, 13653, 10923, 8192);
-var g: UInt32or64;
- g := ghue;
- if g < segment[0] then
- result := g * 10923 div segment[0]
- else
- begin
- dec(g, segment[0]);
- if g < segment[1] then
- result := g * (21845-10923) div segment[1] + 10923
- else
- begin
- dec(g, segment[1]);
- if g < segment[2] then
- result := g * (32768-21845) div segment[2] + 21845
- else
- begin
- dec(g, segment[2]);
- if g < segment[3] then
- result := g * (43691-32768) div segment[3] + 32768
- else
- begin
- dec(g, segment[3]);
- if g < segment[4] then
- result := g * (54613-43691) div segment[4] + 43691
- else
- begin
- dec(g, segment[4]);
- result := g * (65536-54613) div segment[5] + 54613;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
-function HtoG(hue: word): word;
- segmentDest: array[0..5] of UInt32or64 =
- (13653, 10923, 8192, 13653, 10923, 8192);
- segmentSrc: array[0..5] of UInt32or64 =
- (10923, 10922, 10923, 10923, 10922, 10923);
- h,g: UInt32or64;
- h := hue;
- if h < segmentSrc[0] then
- g := h * segmentDest[0] div segmentSrc[0]
- else
- begin
- g := segmentDest[0];
- dec(h, segmentSrc[0]);
- if h < segmentSrc[1] then
- inc(g, h * segmentDest[1] div segmentSrc[1])
- else
- begin
- inc(g, segmentDest[1]);
- dec(h, segmentSrc[1]);
- if h < segmentSrc[2] then
- inc(g, h * segmentDest[2] div segmentSrc[2])
- else
- begin
- inc(g, segmentDest[2]);
- dec(h, segmentSrc[2]);
- if h < segmentSrc[3] then
- inc(g, h * segmentDest[3] div segmentSrc[3])
- else
- begin
- inc(g, segmentDest[3]);
- dec(h, segmentSrc[3]);
- if h < segmentSrc[4] then
- inc(g, h * segmentDest[4] div segmentSrc[4])
- else
- begin
- inc(g, segmentDest[4]);
- dec(h, segmentSrc[4]);
- inc(g, h * segmentDest[5] div segmentSrc[5]);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- result := g;
-function GSBAToBGRA(c: TGSBAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
-var ec: TExpandedPixel;
- ec := GSBAToExpanded(c);
- result := GammaCompression(ec);
-function GSBAToBGRA(const c: THSLAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
- result := GSBAToBGRA(TGSBAPixel(c));
-function GSBAToExpanded(c: TGSBAPixel): TExpandedPixel;
-var lightness: word;
- c.hue := GtoH(c.hue);
- lightness := c.lightness;
- c.lightness := 32768;
- result := SetLightness(HSLAToExpanded(THSLAPixel(c)),lightness);
-function GSBAToExpanded(const c: THSLAPixel): TExpandedPixel;
- result := GSBAToExpanded(TGSBAPixel(c));
-function GSBAToHSLA(const c: TGSBAPixel): THSLAPixel;
- result := ExpandedToHSLA(GSBAToExpanded(c));
-function GSBAToHSLA(const c: THSLAPixel): THSLAPixel;
- result := ExpandedToHSLA(GSBAToExpanded(TGSBAPixel(c)));
-function HSLAToGSBA(const c: THSLAPixel): TGSBAPixel;
- result := ExpandedToGSBA(HSLAToExpanded(c));
-{ TBGRAPixelBasicHelper }
-function TBGRAPixelBasicHelper.ToExpanded: TExpandedPixel;
- result := GammaExpansion(self);
-procedure TBGRAPixelBasicHelper.FromExpanded(const AValue: TExpandedPixel);
- Self := GammaCompression(AValue);
-function TBGRAPixelBasicHelper.ToHSLAPixel: THSLAPixel;
- result := BGRAToHSLA(Self);
-procedure TBGRAPixelBasicHelper.FromHSLAPixel(const AValue: THSLAPixel);
- Self := HSLAToBGRA(AValue);
-function TBGRAPixelBasicHelper.ToGSBAPixel: TGSBAPixel;
- result := BGRAToGSBA(Self);
-procedure TBGRAPixelBasicHelper.FromGSBAPixel(const AValue: TGSBAPixel);
- Self := GSBAToBGRA(AValue);
-procedure TBGRAPixelBasicHelper.FromGSBAPixel(const AValue: THSLAPixel);
- Self := GSBAToBGRA(AValue);
-function TBGRAPixelBasicHelper.ToColorF(AGammaExpansion: boolean): TColorF;
- result := BGRAToColorF(Self,AGammaExpansion);
-procedure TBGRAPixelBasicHelper.FromColorF(const AValue: TColorF;
- AGammaCompression: boolean);
- Self := ColorFToBGRA(AValue,AGammaCompression);
-{ TExpandedPixelBasicHelper }
-function TExpandedPixelBasicHelper.ToFPColor(AGammaCompression: boolean): TFPColor;
- if AGammaCompression then
- begin
- result.red := GammaCompressionW(self.red);
- result.green := GammaCompressionW(self.green);
- result.blue := GammaCompressionW(self.blue);
- end else
- begin
- result.red := self.red;
- result.green := self.green;
- result.blue := self.blue;
- end;
- result.alpha := self.alpha;
-procedure TExpandedPixelBasicHelper.FromFPColor(const AValue: TFPColor;
- AGammaExpansion: boolean);
- if AGammaExpansion then
- begin
- self.red := GammaExpansionW(AValue.red);
- self.green := GammaExpansionW(AValue.green);
- self.blue := GammaExpansionW(AValue.blue);
- end else
- begin
- self.red := AValue.red;
- self.green := AValue.green;
- self.blue := AValue.blue;
- end;
- self.alpha := AValue.alpha;
-function TExpandedPixelBasicHelper.ToColor: TColor;
- result := BGRAToColor(GammaCompression(self));
-procedure TExpandedPixelBasicHelper.FromColor(const AValue: TColor);
- self := GammaExpansion(ColorToBGRA(AValue));
-function TExpandedPixelBasicHelper.ToBGRAPixel: TBGRAPixel;
- result := GammaCompression(Self);
-procedure TExpandedPixelBasicHelper.FromBGRAPixel(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- Self := GammaExpansion(AValue);
-function TExpandedPixelBasicHelper.ToHSLAPixel: THSLAPixel;
- result := ExpandedToHSLA(Self);
-procedure TExpandedPixelBasicHelper.FromHSLAPixel(const AValue: THSLAPixel);
- Self := HSLAToExpanded(AValue);
-function TExpandedPixelBasicHelper.ToGSBAPixel: TGSBAPixel;
- result := ExpandedToGSBA(Self);
-procedure TExpandedPixelBasicHelper.FromGSBAPixel(const AValue: TGSBAPixel);
- Self := GSBAToExpanded(AValue);
-procedure TExpandedPixelBasicHelper.FromGSBAPixel(const AValue: THSLAPixel);
- Self := GSBAToExpanded(AValue);
-operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TColor;
-begin Result := BGRAToColor(GammaCompression(AValue)); end;
-operator := (const AValue: TColor): TExpandedPixel;
-begin Result := GammaExpansion(ColorToBGRA(AValue)) end;
-operator :=(const Source: TExpandedPixel): TBGRAPixel;
- result := GammaCompression(Source);
-operator :=(const Source: TBGRAPixel): TExpandedPixel;
- result := GammaExpansion(Source);
-{ TFPColorBasicHelper }
-function TFPColorBasicHelper.ToColor: TColor;
- result := FPColorToTColor(self);
-procedure TFPColorBasicHelper.FromColor(const AValue: TColor);
- self := TColorToFPColor(AValue);
-function TFPColorBasicHelper.ToBGRAPixel: TBGRAPixel;
- result := FPColorToBGRA(self);
-procedure TFPColorBasicHelper.FromBGRAPixel(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- self := BGRAToFPColor(AValue);
-function TFPColorBasicHelper.ToExpanded(AGammaExpansion: boolean): TExpandedPixel;
- result.FromFPColor(self, AGammaExpansion);
-procedure TFPColorBasicHelper.FromExpanded(const AValue: TExpandedPixel;
- AGammaCompression: boolean);
- self := AValue.ToFPColor(AGammaCompression);
-function TFPColorBasicHelper.ToHSLAPixel(AGammaExpansion: boolean): THSLAPixel;
- result.FromFPColor(self, AGammaExpansion);
-procedure TFPColorBasicHelper.FromHSLAPixel(const AValue: THSLAPixel;
- AGammaCompression: boolean);
- FromExpanded(AValue.ToExpanded, AGammaCompression);
-function TFPColorBasicHelper.ToGSBAPixel(AGammaExpansion: boolean): TGSBAPixel;
- result.FromFPColor(self, AGammaExpansion);
-procedure TFPColorBasicHelper.FromGSBAPixel(const AValue: TGSBAPixel;
- AGammaCompression: boolean);
- FromExpanded(AValue.ToExpanded, AGammaCompression);
-procedure TFPColorBasicHelper.FromGSBAPixel(const AValue: THSLAPixel;
- AGammaCompression: boolean);
- FromExpanded(AValue.ToExpanded, AGammaCompression);
-{ THSLAPixelBasicHelper }
-function THSLAPixelBasicHelper.ToColor: TColor;
- result := BGRAToColor(HSLAToBGRA(self));
-procedure THSLAPixelBasicHelper.FromColor(const AValue: TColor);
- self := BGRAToHSLA(ColorToBGRA(AValue));
-function THSLAPixelBasicHelper.ToBGRAPixel: TBGRAPixel;
- result := HSLAToBGRA(self);
-procedure THSLAPixelBasicHelper.FromBGRAPixel(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- self := BGRAToHSLA(AValue);
-function THSLAPixelBasicHelper.ToGSBAPixel: TGSBAPixel;
- result := HSLAToGSBA(self);
-procedure THSLAPixelBasicHelper.FromGSBAPixel(AValue: TGSBAPixel);
- self := GSBAToHSLA(AValue);
-function THSLAPixelBasicHelper.ToExpanded: TExpandedPixel;
- result := HSLAToExpanded(Self);
-procedure THSLAPixelBasicHelper.FromExpanded(AValue: TExpandedPixel);
- Self := ExpandedToHSLA(AValue);
-function THSLAPixelBasicHelper.ToFPColor(AGammaCompression: boolean): TFPColor;
- result.FromExpanded(self.ToExpanded, AGammaCompression);
-procedure THSLAPixelBasicHelper.FromFPColor(AValue: TFPColor;
- AGammaExpansion: boolean);
- FromExpanded(AValue.ToExpanded(AGammaExpansion));
-operator :=(const Source: THSLAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
- result := HSLAToBGRA(Source);
-operator :=(const Source: TBGRAPixel): THSLAPixel;
- result := BGRAToHSLA(Source);
-operator :=(const Source: THSLAPixel): TExpandedPixel;
- result := HSLAToExpanded(Source);
-operator:=(const Source: TExpandedPixel): THSLAPixel;
- result := ExpandedToHSLA(Source);
-operator := (const AValue: TColor): THSLAPixel;
-begin Result := BGRAToHSLA(ColorToBGRA(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TColor;
-begin Result := BGRAToColor(HSLAToBGRA(AValue)) end;
-{ TGSBAPixelBasicHelper }
-function TGSBAPixelBasicHelper.ToColor: TColor;
- result := BGRAToColor(GSBAToBGRA(self));
-procedure TGSBAPixelBasicHelper.FromColor(const AValue: TColor);
- self := BGRAToGSBA(ColorToBGRA(AValue));
-function TGSBAPixelBasicHelper.ToBGRAPixel: TBGRAPixel;
- result := GSBAToBGRA(self);
-procedure TGSBAPixelBasicHelper.FromBGRAPixel(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- self := BGRAToGSBA(AValue);
-function TGSBAPixelBasicHelper.ToHSLAPixel: THSLAPixel;
- result := GSBAToHSLA(self);
-procedure TGSBAPixelBasicHelper.FromHSLAPixel(AValue: THSLAPixel);
- self := HSLAToGSBA(AValue);
-function TGSBAPixelBasicHelper.ToExpanded: TExpandedPixel;
- result := GSBAToExpanded(self);
-procedure TGSBAPixelBasicHelper.FromExpanded(AValue: TExpandedPixel);
- self := ExpandedToGSBA(AValue);
-function TGSBAPixelBasicHelper.ToFPColor(AGammaCompression: boolean): TFPColor;
- result.FromGSBAPixel(self, AGammaCompression);
-procedure TGSBAPixelBasicHelper.FromFPColor(AValue: TFPColor;
- AGammaExpansion: boolean);
- FromExpanded(AValue.ToExpanded(AGammaExpansion));
-operator :=(const Source: TGSBAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
- result := GSBAToBGRA(Source);
-operator :=(const Source: TBGRAPixel): TGSBAPixel;
- result := BGRAToGSBA(Source);
-operator :=(const Source: TGSBAPixel): TExpandedPixel;
- result := GSBAToExpanded(Source);
-operator:=(const Source: TExpandedPixel): TGSBAPixel;
- result := ExpandedToGSBA(Source);
-operator := (const AValue: TColor): TGSBAPixel;
-begin Result := BGRAToGSBA(ColorToBGRA(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TColor;
-begin Result := BGRAToColor(GSBAToBGRA(AValue)) end;
-operator :=(const Source: TGSBAPixel): THSLAPixel;
- result := THSLAPixel(Pointer(@Source)^);
-operator:=(const Source: THSLAPixel): TGSBAPixel;
- result := TGSBAPixel(Pointer(@Source)^);
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bezier.inc b/components/bgrabitmap/bezier.inc
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index c4a0e1c..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bezier.inc
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-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
- { TCubicBezierCurve }
- {* Definition of a Bézier curve of order 3. It has two control points ''c1'' and ''c2''. Those are not reached by the curve }
- TCubicBezierCurve = object
- private
- function SimpleComputePoints(AAcceptedDeviation: single = 0.1; AIncludeFirstPoint: boolean = true): ArrayOfTPointF;
- public
- {** Starting point (reached) }
- p1: TPointF;
- {** First control point (not reached by the curve) }
- c1: TPointF;
- {** Second control point (not reached by the curve) }
- c2: TPointF;
- {** Ending point (reached) }
- p2: TPointF;
- {** Computes the point at time ''t'', varying from 0 to 1 }
- function ComputePointAt(t: single): TPointF;
- {** Split the curve in two such that ''ALeft.p2'' = ''ARight.p1'' }
- procedure Split(out ALeft, ARight: TCubicBezierCurve);
- {** Compute an approximation of the length of the curve. ''AAcceptedDeviation'' indicates the
- maximum orthogonal distance that is ignored and approximated by a straight line. }
- function ComputeLength(AAcceptedDeviation: single = 0.1): single;
- {** Computes a polygonal approximation of the curve. ''AAcceptedDeviation'' indicates the
- maximum orthogonal distance that is ignored and approximated by a straight line.
- ''AIncludeFirstPoint'' indicates if the first point must be included in the array }
- function ToPoints(AAcceptedDeviation: single = 0.1; AIncludeFirstPoint: boolean = true): ArrayOfTPointF;
- procedure CopyToPath(ADest: IBGRAPath);
- function GetBounds: TRectF;
- end;
- {** Creates a structure for a cubic Bézier curve }
- function BezierCurve(origin, control1, control2, destination: TPointF) : TCubicBezierCurve; overload;
- { TQuadraticBezierCurve }
- {* Definition of a Bézier curve of order 2. It has one control point }
- TQuadraticBezierCurve = object
- private
- function SimpleComputePoints(AAcceptedDeviation: single = 0.1; AIncludeFirstPoint: boolean = true): ArrayOfTPointF;
- function ComputeExtremumPositionOutsideSegment: single;
- public
- {** Starting point (reached) }
- p1: TPointF;
- {** Control point (not reached by the curve) }
- c: TPointF;
- {** Ending point (reached) }
- p2: TPointF;
- {** Computes the point at time ''t'', varying from 0 to 1 }
- function ComputePointAt(t: single): TPointF;
- {** Split the curve in two such that ''ALeft.p2'' = ''ARight.p1'' }
- procedure Split(out ALeft, ARight: TQuadraticBezierCurve);
- {** Compute the '''exact''' length of the curve }
- function ComputeLength: single;
- {** Computes a polygonal approximation of the curve. ''AAcceptedDeviation'' indicates the
- maximum orthogonal distance that is ignored and approximated by a straight line.
- ''AIncludeFirstPoint'' indicates if the first point must be included in the array }
- function ToPoints(AAcceptedDeviation: single = 0.1; AIncludeFirstPoint: boolean = true): ArrayOfTPointF;
- procedure CopyToPath(ADest: IBGRAPath);
- function GetBounds: TRectF;
- end;
- {** Creates a structure for a quadratic Bézier curve }
- function BezierCurve(origin, control, destination: TPointF) : TQuadraticBezierCurve; overload;
- {** Creates a structure for a quadratic Bézier curve without curvature }
- function BezierCurve(origin, destination: TPointF) : TQuadraticBezierCurve; overload;
- { A quasi-standard rational quadratic Bezier curve is defined by three points and a number:
- p1 = starting point
- c = control point
- p2 = ending point
- weight = weight for the control point
- The curve is defined with the function (t in [0;1]):
- f: t -> ((1-t)^2*p1 + 2*t*(1-t)*weight*c + t^2*p2) / (1-t)^2 + 2*t*(1-t)*weight + t^2)
- The curve is an arc of:
- - ellipse when weight in ]-1;1[
- - parabola when weight = 1 (classical quadratic Bezier curve)
- - hyperbola when weight > 1
- A negative weight give the complementary curve for its positive counterpart.
- So when weight <= -1 the curve is discontinuous:
- - infinite branches of parabola when weight = -1
- - infinite branches of hyperbola and symetric hyperbola when weight < -1
- To transform a rational quadratic Bezier curve with an affin transformation, you
- only have to transform the three points and leave the weight as it is. }
- ArrayOfSingle = array of single;
- { TRationalQuadraticBezierCurve }
- {* Definition of a quasi-standard rational Bézier curve of order 2. It has one weighted control point }
- TRationalQuadraticBezierCurve = object
- //** Starting, control and ending points
- p1, c, p2 : TPointF;
- //** Weight of control point
- weight : single;
- private
- function GetIsInfinite: boolean;
- function InternalComputePoints(AInfiniteBounds: TRectF; AAcceptedDeviation: single = 0.1; AIncludeFirstPoint: boolean = true): ArrayOfTPointF;
- function GetBoundingPositions(AIncludeFirstAndLast: boolean; ASorted: boolean): ArrayOfSingle;
- public
- function ComputePointAt(t: single): TPointF;
- function ComputeLength(AAcceptedDeviation: single = 0.1): single;
- function ToPoints(AAcceptedDeviation: single = 0.1; AIncludeFirstPoint: boolean = true): ArrayOfTPointF; overload;
- function ToPoints(AInfiniteBounds: TRectF; AAcceptedDeviation: single = 0.1; AIncludeFirstPoint: boolean = true): ArrayOfTPointF; overload;
- function GetBounds: TRectF;
- procedure Split(out ALeft, ARight: TRationalQuadraticBezierCurve);
- property IsInfinite: boolean read GetIsInfinite;
- end;
- function BezierCurve(origin, control, destination: TPointF; Aweight:single) : TRationalQuadraticBezierCurve; overload;
- TEasyBezierCurveMode= (cmAuto, cmCurve, cmAngle);
- TEasyBezierPointTransformFunc = function(APoint: PPointF; AData: Pointer): TPointF of object;
- { TEasyBezierCurve }
- TEasyBezierCurve = object
- private
- function GetCurveMode(AIndex: integer): TEasyBezierCurveMode;
- function GetCurveStartPoint: TPointF;
- function GetPoint(AIndex: integer): TPointF;
- function GetPointCount: integer;
- procedure SetClosed(AValue: boolean);
- procedure SetCurveMode(AIndex: integer; AValue: TEasyBezierCurveMode);
- procedure SetMinimumDotProduct(AValue: single);
- procedure SetPoint(AIndex: integer; AValue: TPointF);
- protected
- FCurves: array of record
- isCurvedToNext,isCurvedToPrevious: boolean;
- Center,ControlPoint,NextCenter: TPointF;
- end;
- FInvalidated: boolean;
- FPoints: array of record
- Coord: TPointF;
- CurveMode: TEasyBezierCurveMode;
- end;
- FMinimumDotProduct: single;
- FClosed: boolean;
- function MaybeCurve(start1, end1, start2, end2: integer): boolean;
- procedure ComputeQuadraticCurves;
- function PointTransformNone(APoint: PPointF; {%H-}AData: Pointer): TPointF;
- function PointTransformOffset(APoint: PPointF; AData: Pointer): TPointF;
- public
- procedure Init;
- procedure Clear;
- procedure SetPoints(APoints: array of TPointF; ACurveMode: TEasyBezierCurveMode); overload;
- procedure SetPoints(APoints: array of TPointF; ACurveMode: array of TEasyBezierCurveMode); overload;
- procedure SetPoints(APoints: array of TPointF; ACurveMode: TEasyBezierCurveMode; AStart, ACount: integer); overload;
- procedure SetPoints(APoints: array of TPointF; ACurveMode: array of TEasyBezierCurveMode; AStart, ACount: integer); overload;
- procedure CopyToPath(ADest: IBGRAPath); overload;
- procedure CopyToPath(ADest: IBGRAPath; AOffset: TPointF; AReverse: boolean = false); overload;
- procedure CopyToPath(ADest: IBGRAPath; ATransformFunc: TEasyBezierPointTransformFunc; ATransformData: Pointer; AReverse: boolean = false); overload;
- property Point[AIndex: integer]: TPointF read GetPoint write SetPoint;
- property CurveMode[AIndex: integer]: TEasyBezierCurveMode read GetCurveMode write SetCurveMode;
- property PointCount: integer read GetPointCount;
- property MinimumDotProduct: single read FMinimumDotProduct write SetMinimumDotProduct;
- property Closed: boolean read FClosed write SetClosed;
- property CurveStartPoint: TPointF read GetCurveStartPoint;
- function ToPoints: ArrayOfTPointF;
- function ComputeLength: single;
- end;
- EasyBezierDefaultMinimumDotProduct = 0.707;
- function EasyBezierCurve(APoints: array of TPointF; AClosed: boolean; ACurveMode: TEasyBezierCurveMode;
- AMinimumDotProduct: single = EasyBezierDefaultMinimumDotProduct): TEasyBezierCurve; overload;
- function EasyBezierCurve(APoints: array of TPointF; AClosed: boolean; ACurveMode: array of TEasyBezierCurveMode;
- AMinimumDotProduct: single = EasyBezierDefaultMinimumDotProduct): TEasyBezierCurve; overload;
- function EasyBezierCurve(APoints: array of TPointF; AStart, ACount: integer; AClosed: boolean; ACurveMode: TEasyBezierCurveMode;
- AMinimumDotProduct: single = EasyBezierDefaultMinimumDotProduct): TEasyBezierCurve; overload;
- function EasyBezierCurve(APoints: array of TPointF; AStart, ACount: integer; AClosed: boolean; ACurveMode: array of TEasyBezierCurveMode;
- AMinimumDotProduct: single = EasyBezierDefaultMinimumDotProduct): TEasyBezierCurve; overload;
-//-------------- Bézier curves definitions ----------------
-// See : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C3%A9zier_curve
-// Define a Bézier curve with two control points.
-function BezierCurve(origin, control1, control2, destination: TPointF): TCubicBezierCurve;
- result.p1 := origin;
- result.c1 := control1;
- result.c2 := control2;
- result.p2 := destination;
-// Define a Bézier curve with one control point.
-function BezierCurve(origin, control, destination: TPointF
- ): TQuadraticBezierCurve;
- result.p1 := origin;
- result.c := control;
- result.p2 := destination;
-//straight line
-function BezierCurve(origin, destination: TPointF): TQuadraticBezierCurve;
- result.p1 := origin;
- result.c := (origin+destination)*0.5;
- result.p2 := destination;
-// rational Bezier curve
-function BezierCurve(origin, control, destination: TPointF; Aweight:single) : TRationalQuadraticBezierCurve;
- result.p1 := origin;
- result.c := control;
- result.p2 := destination;
- result.weight := Aweight;
-function ComputeBezierCurvePrecision(pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4: TPointF; AAcceptedDeviation: single = 0.1): integer;
- len: single;
- len := sqr(pt1.x - pt2.x) + sqr(pt1.y - pt2.y);
- len := max(len, sqr(pt3.x - pt2.x) + sqr(pt3.y - pt2.y));
- len := max(len, sqr(pt3.x - pt4.x) + sqr(pt3.y - pt4.y));
- Result := round(sqrt(sqrt(len)/ AAcceptedDeviation) * 1);
- if Result<=0 then Result:=1;
-{ TCubicBezierCurve }
-function TCubicBezierCurve.SimpleComputePoints(AAcceptedDeviation: single;
- AIncludeFirstPoint: boolean = true): ArrayOfTPointF;
- t,step: single;
- i,nb: Integer;
- a,b,c: TpointF;
- nb := ComputeBezierCurvePrecision(p1,c1,c2,p2, AAcceptedDeviation/2);
- if nb <= 1 then nb := 2;
- a:=p2-p1+3*(c1-c2);
- b:=3*(p1+c2)-6*c1;
- c:=3*(c1-p1);
- if AIncludeFirstPoint then
- begin
- setlength(result,nb);
- result[0] := p1;
- result[nb-1] := p2;
- step := 1/(nb-1);
- t := 0;
- for i := 1 to nb-2 do
- begin
- IncF(t, step);
- result[i] := p1+t*(c+t*(b+t*a))
- end;
- end else
- begin
- setlength(result,nb-1);
- result[nb-2] := p2;
- step := 1/(nb-1);
- t := 0;
- for i := 0 to nb-3 do
- begin
- IncF(t, step);
- result[i] := p1+t*(c+t*(b+t*a))
- end;
- end;
-function TCubicBezierCurve.ComputePointAt(t: single): TPointF;
- f1,f2,f3,f4: single;
- f1 := (1-t);
- f2 := f1*f1;
- f1 := f1 * f2;
- f2 := f2 * t*3;
- f4 := t*t;
- f3 := f4*(1-t)*3;
- f4 := f4 * t;
- result.x := f1*p1.x + f2*c1.x +
- f3*c2.x + f4*p2.x;
- result.y := f1*p1.y + f2*c1.y +
- f3*c2.y + f4*p2.y;
-procedure TCubicBezierCurve.Split(out ALeft, ARight: TCubicBezierCurve);
-var midc: TPointF;
- ALeft.p1 := p1;
- ALeft.c1 := 0.5*(p1+c1);
- ARight.p2 := p2;
- ARight.c2 := 0.5*(p2+c2);
- midc := 0.5*(c1+c2);
- ALeft.c2 := 0.5*(ALeft.c1+midc);
- ARight.c1 := 0.5*(ARight.c2+midc);
- ALeft.p2 := 0.5*(ALeft.c2+ARight.c1);
- ARight.p1 := ALeft.p2;
-function TCubicBezierCurve.ComputeLength(AAcceptedDeviation: single): single;
- t,step: single;
- i,nb: Integer;
- curCoord,nextCoord: TPointF;
- nb := ComputeBezierCurvePrecision(p1,c1,c2,p2, AAcceptedDeviation);
- if nb <= 1 then nb := 2;
- result := 0;
- curCoord := p1;
- step := 1/(nb-1);
- t := 0;
- for i := 1 to nb-2 do
- begin
- IncF(t, step);
- nextCoord := ComputePointAt(t);
- IncF(result, VectLen(nextCoord-curCoord));
- curCoord := nextCoord;
- end;
- IncF(result, VectLen(p2-curCoord));
-function TCubicBezierCurve.ToPoints(AAcceptedDeviation: single;
- AIncludeFirstPoint: boolean = true): ArrayOfTPointF;
- result := SimpleComputePoints(AAcceptedDeviation, AIncludeFirstPoint);
-procedure TCubicBezierCurve.CopyToPath(ADest: IBGRAPath);
- ADest.lineTo(p1);
- ADest.bezierCurveTo(c1,c2,p2);
-{//The following function computes by splitting the curve. It is slower than the simple function.
-function TCubicBezierCurve.ToPoints(AAcceptedDeviation: single;
- ARelativeDeviation: boolean): ArrayOfTPointF;
- function ToPointsRec(const ACurve: TCubicBezierCurve): ArrayOfTPointF;
- var simpleLen2: single;
- v: TPointF;
- left,right: TCubicBezierCurve;
- subLeft,subRight: ArrayOfTPointF;
- maxDev,dev1,dev2: single;
- subLeftLen: integer;
- procedure ComputeExtremum;
- begin
- raise Exception.Create('Not implemented');
- result := nil;
- end;
- begin
- v := ACurve.p2-ACurve.p1;
- simpleLen2 := v*v;
- if simpleLen2 = 0 then
- begin
- if (ACurve.c1.x = ACurve.p1.x) and (ACurve.c1.y = ACurve.p1.y) and
- (ACurve.c2.x = ACurve.p2.x) and (ACurve.c2.y = ACurve.p2.y) then
- begin
- result := nil;
- exit;
- end;
- ACurve.Split(left,right);
- end else
- begin
- ACurve.Split(left,right);
- if not ARelativeDeviation then simpleLen2:= sqrt(simpleLen2);
- maxDev := AAcceptedDeviation*simpleLen2;
- if abs(PointF(v.y,-v.x) * (left.p2-ACurve.p1)) <= maxDev then
- begin
- dev1 := PointF(v.y,-v.x) * (ACurve.c1-ACurve.p1);
- dev2 := PointF(v.y,-v.x) * (ACurve.c2-ACurve.p2);
- if not ((Sign(dev1)<>Sign(dev2)) and ((abs(dev1) > maxDev) or (abs(dev2) > maxDev))) then
- begin
- result := nil;
- if ((ACurve.c1-ACurve.p1)*v < -maxDev) or
- ((ACurve.c1-ACurve.p2)*v > maxDev) or
- ((ACurve.c2-ACurve.p1)*v < -maxDev) or
- ((ACurve.c2-ACurve.p2)*v > maxDev) then
- ComputeExtremum;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- subRight := ToPointsRec(right);
- subLeft := ToPointsRec(left);
- subLeftLen := length(subLeft);
- //avoid leaving a gap in memory
- result := subLeft;
- subLeft := nil;
- setlength(result, subLeftLen+1+length(subRight));
- result[subLeftLen] := left.p2;
- move(subRight[0], result[subLeftLen+1], length(subRight)*sizeof(TPointF));
- end;
- subLen: integer;
- if (c1.x = p1.x) and (c1.y = p1.y) and
- (c1.x = c2.x) and (c1.y = c2.y) and
- (c1.x = p2.x) and (c1.y = p2.y) then
- begin
- setlength(result,1);
- result[0] := c1;
- exit;
- end else
- begin
- result := ToPointsRec(self);
- subLen := length(result);
- setlength(result, length(result)+2);
- move(result[0], result[1], subLen*sizeof(TPointF));
- result[0] := p1;
- result[high(result)] := p2;
- end;
-function TCubicBezierCurve.GetBounds: TRectF;
-const precision = 1e-5;
- procedure Include(pt: TPointF);
- begin
- if pt.x < result.Left then result.Left := pt.x
- else if pt.x > result.Right then result.Right := pt.x;
- if pt.y < result.Top then result.Top := pt.y
- else if pt.y > result.Bottom then result.Bottom := pt.y;
- end;
- procedure IncludeT(t: single);
- begin
- if (t > 0) and (t < 1) then
- Include(ComputePointAt(t));
- end;
- procedure IncludeABC(a,b,c: single);
- var b2ac, sqrtb2ac: single;
- begin
- if abs(a) < precision then
- begin
- if abs(b) < precision then exit;
- IncludeT(-c/b);
- end else
- begin
- b2ac := sqr(b) - 4 * a * c;
- if b2ac >= 0 then
- begin
- sqrtb2ac := sqrt(b2ac);
- IncludeT((-b + sqrtb2ac) / (2 * a));
- IncludeT((-b - sqrtb2ac) / (2 * a));
- end;
- end;
- end;
- va, vb, vc: TPointF;
- result.TopLeft := p1;
- result.BottomRight := p1;
- Include(p2);
- vb := 6 * p1 - 12 * c1 + 6 * c2;
- va := -3 * p1 + 9 * c1 - 9 * c2 + 3 * p2;
- vc := 3 * c1 - 3 * p1;
- IncludeABC(va.x,vb.x,vc.x);
- IncludeABC(va.y,vb.y,vc.y);
-{ TQuadraticBezierCurve }
-function TQuadraticBezierCurve.SimpleComputePoints(AAcceptedDeviation: single;
- AIncludeFirstPoint: boolean = true): ArrayOfTPointF;
- t,step: single;
- i,nb: Integer;
- pA,pB : TpointF;
- nb := ComputeBezierCurvePrecision(p1,c,c,p2, AAcceptedDeviation);
- if nb <= 1 then nb := 2;
- pA := p2+p1-2*c; pB := 2*(c-p1);
- if AIncludeFirstPoint then
- begin
- setlength(result,nb);
- result[0] := p1;
- result[nb-1] := p2;
- step := 1/(nb-1);
- t := 0;
- for i := 1 to nb-2 do
- begin
- IncF(t, step);
- result[i] := p1+t*(pB+t*pA);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- setlength(result,nb-1);
- result[nb-2] := p2;
- step := 1/(nb-1);
- t := 0;
- for i := 0 to nb-3 do
- begin
- IncF(t, step);
- result[i] := p1+t*(pB+t*pA);
- end;
- end;
-function TQuadraticBezierCurve.ComputeExtremumPositionOutsideSegment: single;
-var a,b: single;
- v: TPointF;
- v := self.p2-self.p1;
- a := (self.p1-2*self.c+self.p2)*v;
- if a = 0 then //no solution
- begin
- result := -1;
- exit;
- end;
- b := (self.c-self.p1)*v;
- result := -b/a;
-function TQuadraticBezierCurve.ComputePointAt(t: single): TPointF;
- rev_t,f2,t2: single;
- rev_t := (1-t);
- f2 := rev_t*t*2;
- rev_t := rev_t * rev_t;
- t2 := t*t;
- result.x := rev_t*p1.x + f2*c.x + t2*p2.x;
- result.y := rev_t*p1.y + f2*c.y + t2*p2.y;
-procedure TQuadraticBezierCurve.Split(out ALeft, ARight: TQuadraticBezierCurve);
- ALeft.p1 := p1;
- ALeft.c := 0.5*(p1+c);
- ARight.p2 := p2;
- ARight.c := 0.5*(p2+c);
- ALeft.p2 := 0.5*(ALeft.c+ARight.c);
- ARight.p1 := ALeft.p2;
-function TQuadraticBezierCurve.ComputeLength: single;
-var a,b: TPointF;
- A_,AB_,B_,Sabc,A_2,A_32,B_2,BA,
- divisor: single;
- extremumPos: single;
- extremum: TPointF;
- a := p1 - 2*c + p2;
- b := 2*(c - p1);
- A_ := 4*(a*a);
- B_ := b*b;
- if (A_ = 0) or (B_ = 0) then
- begin
- result := VectLen(p2-p1);
- exit;
- end;
- AB_ := 4*(a*b);
- A_2 := sqrt(A_);
- B_2 := 2*sqrt(B_);
- BA := AB_/A_2;
- divisor := BA+B_2;
- if divisor <= 0 then
- begin
- extremumPos:= ComputeExtremumPositionOutsideSegment;
- if (extremumPos <= 0) or (extremumPos >= 1) then
- result := VectLen(p2-p1)
- else
- begin
- extremum := ComputePointAt(extremumPos);
- result := VectLen(extremum-p1)+VectLen(p2-extremum);
- end;
- exit;
- end;
- Sabc := 2*sqrt(A_+AB_+B_);
- A_32 := 2*A_*A_2;
- result := ( A_32*Sabc +
- A_2*AB_*(Sabc-B_2) +
- (4*B_*A_-AB_*AB_)*ln( (2*A_2+BA+Sabc)/divisor )
- )/(4*A_32);
-function TQuadraticBezierCurve.ToPoints(AAcceptedDeviation: single;
- AIncludeFirstPoint: boolean = true): ArrayOfTPointF;
- result := SimpleComputePoints(AAcceptedDeviation, AIncludeFirstPoint);
-procedure TQuadraticBezierCurve.CopyToPath(ADest: IBGRAPath);
- ADest.lineTo(p1);
- ADest.quadraticCurveTo(c,p2);
-function TQuadraticBezierCurve.GetBounds: TRectF;
-const precision = 1e-5;
- procedure Include(pt: TPointF);
- begin
- if pt.x < result.Left then result.Left := pt.x
- else if pt.x > result.Right then result.Right := pt.x;
- if pt.y < result.Top then result.Top := pt.y
- else if pt.y > result.Bottom then result.Bottom := pt.y;
- end;
- procedure IncludeT(t: single);
- begin
- if (t > 0) and (t < 1) then
- Include(ComputePointAt(t));
- end;
- procedure IncludeABC(a,b,c: single);
- var denom: single;
- begin
- denom := a-2*b+c;
- if abs(denom) < precision then exit;
- IncludeT((a-b)/denom);
- end;
- result.TopLeft := p1;
- result.BottomRight := p1;
- Include(p2);
- IncludeABC(p1.x,c.x,p2.x);
- IncludeABC(p1.y,c.y,p2.y);
-{//The following function computes by splitting the curve. It is slower than the simple function
-function TQuadraticBezierCurve.ToPoints(AAcceptedDeviation: single; ARelativeDeviation: boolean): ArrayOfTPointF;
- function ToPointsRec(const ACurve: TQuadraticBezierCurve): ArrayOfTPointF;
- var simpleLen2: single;
- v: TPointF;
- left,right: TQuadraticBezierCurve;
- subLeft,subRight: ArrayOfTPointF;
- subLeftLen: Integer;
- procedure ComputeExtremum;
- var
- t: single;
- begin
- t := ACurve.ComputeExtremumPositionOutsideSegment;
- if (t <= 0) or (t >= 1) then
- result := nil
- else
- begin
- setlength(result,1);
- result[0] := ACurve.ComputePointAt(t);
- end;
- end;
- begin
- v := ACurve.p2-ACurve.p1;
- simpleLen2 := v*v;
- if simpleLen2 = 0 then
- begin
- if (ACurve.c.x = ACurve.p1.x) and (ACurve.c.y = ACurve.p1.y) then
- begin
- result := nil;
- exit;
- end;
- ACurve.Split(left,right);
- end else
- begin
- ACurve.Split(left,right);
- if not ARelativeDeviation then simpleLen2:= sqrt(simpleLen2);
- if abs(PointF(v.y,-v.x) * (left.p2-ACurve.p1))
- <= AAcceptedDeviation*simpleLen2 then
- begin
- result := nil;
- if ((ACurve.c-ACurve.p1)*v < -AAcceptedDeviation*simpleLen2) or
- ((ACurve.c-ACurve.p2)*v > AAcceptedDeviation*simpleLen2) then
- ComputeExtremum;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- subRight := ToPointsRec(right);
- subLeft := ToPointsRec(left);
- subLeftLen := length(subLeft);
- //avoid leaving a gap in memory
- result := subLeft;
- subLeft := nil;
- setlength(result, subLeftLen+1+length(subRight));
- result[subLeftLen] := left.p2;
- move(subRight[0], result[subLeftLen+1], length(subRight)*sizeof(TPointF));
- end;
- subLen: integer;
- if (c.x = p1.x) and (c.y = p1.y) and
- (c.x = p2.x) and (c.y = p2.y) then
- begin
- setlength(result,1);
- result[0] := c;
- exit;
- end else
- begin
- result := ToPointsRec(self);
- subLen := length(result);
- setlength(result, length(result)+2);
- move(result[0], result[1], subLen*sizeof(TPointF));
- result[0] := p1;
- result[high(result)] := p2;
- end;
-{ TRationalQuadraticBezierCurve }
-function TRationalQuadraticBezierCurve.GetIsInfinite: boolean;
- result:= (weight <= -1);
-function TRationalQuadraticBezierCurve.InternalComputePoints(AInfiniteBounds: TRectF; AAcceptedDeviation: single;
- AIncludeFirstPoint: boolean = true): ArrayOfTPointF;
- pA,pB : TpointF;
- a1,b1: single;
- function InternalComputeAt(t: single): TPointF;
- var
- den: single;
- begin
- den := (1+t*(b1+t*a1));
- if den <> 0 then
- result := (p1+t*(pB+t*pA))*(1/den)
- else
- result := EmptyPointF
- end;
- procedure ComputeFactors;
- var
- c2 : TpointF;
- c1: single;
- begin
- c1 := 2*weight; c2 := c1*c;
- pA := p2+p1-c2; pB := -2*p1+c2;
- a1 := 2-c1; b1 := -a1;
- end;
- function ComputeContinuous(t1,t2: single; AIncludeFirstPoint: boolean): ArrayOfTPointF;
- var
- pointCount: integer;
- procedure AddPoint(APoint: TPointF);
- begin
- if isEmptyPointF(APoint) then exit;
- if pointCount >= length(result) then
- setlength(result, pointCount*2+4);
- result[pointCount] := APoint;
- inc(pointCount);
- end;
- procedure ComputeRec(left: single; constref leftPoint: TPointF; right: single; constref rightPoint: TPointF);
- var
- middlePoint, u: TPointF;
- middle, lenU, deviation: Single;
- begin
- if rightPoint<>leftPoint then
- begin
- middle := (left+right)*0.5;
- middlePoint := InternalComputeAt(middle);
- u := rightPoint-leftPoint;
- lenU := VectLen(u);
- if lenU>0 then u.Scale(1/lenU);
- deviation := abs((middlePoint-leftPoint)*PointF(u.y,-u.x));
- if deviation > AAcceptedDeviation then
- begin
- ComputeRec(left, leftPoint, middle, middlePoint);
- AddPoint(middlePoint);
- ComputeRec(middle, middlePoint, right, rightPoint);
- end else
- if deviation > AAcceptedDeviation*0.6 then
- AddPoint(middlePoint);
- end;
- end;
- var
- startPoint, endPoint: TPointF;
- begin
- pointCount := 0;
- result:= nil;
- startPoint := InternalComputeAt(t1);
- endPoint := InternalComputeAt(t2);
- if AIncludeFirstPoint then AddPoint(startPoint);
- if endPoint <> startPoint then
- begin
- ComputeRec(t1,startPoint,t2,endPoint);
- AddPoint(endPoint);
- end;
- setlength(result,PointCount);
- end;
- tSplitA, tSplitB, tSplit1, tSplit2, delta: single;
- leftPart,middlePart,rightPart: array of TPointF;
- tList: ArrayOfSingle;
- parts: array of ArrayOfTPointF;
- i: Integer;
- function PointWithinInifiniteBounds(APoint: TPointF): boolean;
- begin
- result := not isEmptyPointF(APoint) and
- (APoint.x > AInfiniteBounds.Left) and (APoint.x < AInfiniteBounds.Right) and
- (APoint.y > AInfiniteBounds.Top) and (APoint.y < AInfiniteBounds.Bottom);
- end;
- if weight = 0 then exit(PointsF([p1,p2]));
- ComputeFactors;
- if weight > -1 then
- begin
- tList := GetBoundingPositions(true,true);
- setlength(parts, length(tList)-1);
- for i := 0 to high(parts) do
- parts[i] := ComputeContinuous(tList[i],tList[i+1], AIncludeFirstPoint and (i=0));
- result := ConcatPointsF(parts);
- end
- else
- if weight = -1 then
- begin
- tSplit1 := 0.5;
- tSplitA := 0;
- while PointWithinInifiniteBounds(InternalComputeAt(tSplitA)) do tSplitA := (tSplitA+tSplit1)*0.5;
- tSplitB := 1;
- while PointWithinInifiniteBounds(InternalComputeAt(tSplitB)) do tSplitB := (tSplitB+tSplit1)*0.5;
- tList := GetBoundingPositions(true,true);
- setlength(parts, length(tList)-1);
- for i := 0 to high(parts) do
- begin
- if (tList[i] > tSplitA) and (tList[i+1] <= tSplitB) then parts[i] := nil
- else
- if (tList[i] <= tSplitA) and (tList[i+1] >= tSplitA) then
- begin
- parts[i] := ComputeContinuous(tList[i],tSplitA, AIncludeFirstPoint or (i>0));
- setlength(parts[i], length(parts[i])+1);
- parts[i][high(parts[i])] := EmptyPointF;
- if tList[i+1] > tSplitB then
- parts[i] := ConcatPointsF([parts[i], ComputeContinuous(tSplitB,tList[i+1], true)])
- else
- tList[i+1] := tSplitB;
- end
- else
- if (tList[i] < tSplitB) and (tList[i+1] >= tSplitB) then
- parts[i] := ComputeContinuous(tSplitB,tList[i+1], AIncludeFirstPoint or (i>0))
- else
- parts[i] := ComputeContinuous(tList[i],tList[i+1], AIncludeFirstPoint or (i>0));
- end;
- result := ConcatPointsF(parts);
- end else
- begin
- delta:= 1 - 2/(1-weight);
- tSplit1 := (1 - sqrt(delta))/2;
- tSplit2 := 1-tSplit1;
- tSplitA := 0;
- while PointWithinInifiniteBounds(InternalComputeAt(tSplitA)) do tSplitA := (tSplitA+tSplit1)*0.5;
- leftPart := ComputeContinuous(0, tSplitA, AIncludeFirstPoint);
- tSplitA := (tSplit1+tSplit2)*0.5;
- tSplitB := tSplitA;
- while PointWithinInifiniteBounds(InternalComputeAt(tSplitA)) do tSplitA := (tSplitA+tSplit1)*0.5;
- while PointWithinInifiniteBounds(InternalComputeAt(tSplitB)) do tSplitB := (tSplitB+tSplit2)*0.5;
- middlePart := ComputeContinuous(tSplitA, tSplitB, true);
- tSplitB := 1;
- while PointWithinInifiniteBounds(InternalComputeAt(tSplitB)) do tSplitB := (tSplitB+tSplit2)*0.5;
- rightPart:= ComputeContinuous(tSplitB, 1, true);
- result := ConcatPointsF([leftPart, PointsF([EmptyPointF]), middlePart, PointsF([EmptyPointF]), rightPart]);
- end;
-function TRationalQuadraticBezierCurve.GetBoundingPositions(
- AIncludeFirstAndLast: boolean; ASorted: boolean): ArrayOfSingle;
-const precision = 1e-6;
-var a,delta,sqrtDelta,den,invDen: single;
- A_,B_,p2_,c_: TPointF;
- posCount : integer;
- procedure Include(t: single);
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- if (t < 0) or (t > 1) then exit;
- for i := 0 to PosCount-1 do
- if result[i] = t then exit;
- result[posCount] := t;
- inc(posCount);
- end;
- procedure SortList;
- var i,j,k: integer;
- temp: single;
- begin
- for i := 1 to high(result) do
- begin
- j := i;
- while (j > 0) and (result[j-1] > result[i]) do dec(j);
- if j <> i then
- begin
- temp := result[i];
- for k := i downto j+1 do
- result[k] := result[k-1];
- result[j] := temp;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- setlength(result, 6);
- posCount := 0;
- if AIncludeFirstAndLast then
- begin
- Include(0);
- Include(1);
- end;
- p2_ := p2-p1; c_ := c-p1; //translation with -p1
- B_ := 2*weight*c_; A_ := p2_-B_;
- a := 2*(1-weight);
- //on Ox
- den := a*p2_.x;
- if abs(den) >= precision then
- begin
- delta := sqr(A_.x)+den*B_.x;
- if delta >= 0 then
- begin
- invDen := 1/den;
- sqrtDelta := sqrt(delta);
- Include( (A_.x-sqrtDelta)*invDen );
- Include( (A_.x+sqrtDelta)*invDen );
- end;
- end else //den=0
- if abs(A_.x) >= precision then
- Include( -B_.x/A_.x*0.5 );
- //on Oy
- den := a*p2_.y;
- if abs(den) >= precision then
- begin
- delta := sqr(A_.y)+den*B_.y;
- if delta >= 0 then
- begin
- invDen := 1/den;
- sqrtDelta := sqrt(delta);
- Include( (A_.y-sqrtDelta)*invDen );
- Include( (A_.y+sqrtDelta)*invDen );
- end;
- end else //den=0
- if abs(A_.y) >= precision then
- Include( -B_.y/A_.y*0.5 );
- setlength(result, posCount);
- if ASorted then SortList;
-function TRationalQuadraticBezierCurve.ComputePointAt(t: single): TPointF;
- rev_t,f2,t2,den: single;
- rev_t := (1-t);
- t2 := t*t;
- f2 := weight*rev_t*t*2;
- rev_t := rev_t * rev_t;
- den := rev_t+f2+t2;
- if den <> 0 then
- begin
- result.x := (rev_t*p1.x + f2*c.x + t2*p2.x)/den;
- result.y := (rev_t*p1.y + f2*c.y + t2*p2.y)/den;
- end
- else
- result := EmptyPointF
-function TRationalQuadraticBezierCurve.ToPoints(AInfiniteBounds: TRectF; AAcceptedDeviation: single;
- AIncludeFirstPoint: boolean = true): ArrayOfTPointF;
- if weight=1 then
- result := BezierCurve(p1,c,p2).ToPoints(AAcceptedDeviation, AIncludeFirstPoint)
- else
- result := InternalComputePoints(AInfiniteBounds, AAcceptedDeviation, AIncludeFirstPoint)
-function TRationalQuadraticBezierCurve.GetBounds: TRectF;
-var a: single;
- A_,B_,p2_,c_: TPointF;
- t: single;
- tList: array of Single;
- i: Integer;
- procedure Include(pt: TPointF);
- begin
- if pt.x < result.Left then result.Left := pt.x
- else if pt.x > result.Right then result.Right := pt.x;
- if pt.y < result.Top then result.Top := pt.y
- else if pt.y > result.Bottom then result.Bottom := pt.y;
- end;
- if weight=1 then exit(BezierCurve(p1,c,p2).GetBounds);
- if IsInfinite then exit(EmptyRectF);
- tList:= GetBoundingPositions(false,false);
- result.TopLeft := p1;
- result.BottomRight := p1;
- Include(p2);
- p2_ := p2-p1; c_ := c-p1; //translation with -p1
- B_ := 2*weight*c_; A_ := p2_-B_;
- a := 2*(1-weight);
- for i := 0 to high(tList) do
- begin
- t := tList[i];
- Include( p1+t*(B_+t*A_)*(1/(1+t*(-a+t*a))) );
- end;
-function TRationalQuadraticBezierCurve.ComputeLength(AAcceptedDeviation: single): single;
-var i: Integer;
- curCoord,nextCoord: TPointF;
- pts: ArrayOfTPointF;
- if weight = 1 then exit(BezierCurve(p1,c,p2).ComputeLength);
- if weight <= -1 then exit(EmptySingle); // no bounds in this case
- pts := InternalComputePoints(EmptyRectF, AAcceptedDeviation, true);
- curCoord := p1; result:=0;
- for i := 1 to high(pts) do
- begin
- nextCoord := pts[i];
- if (nextCoord <> EmptyPointF) and (curCoord <> EmptyPointF) then
- IncF(result, VectLen(nextCoord-curCoord));
- curCoord := nextCoord;
- end;
- finalize(pts)
-function TRationalQuadraticBezierCurve.ToPoints(AAcceptedDeviation: single;
- AIncludeFirstPoint: boolean): ArrayOfTPointF;
- result := ToPoints(RectF(-64,-64, 16384, 16384), AAcceptedDeviation, AIncludeFirstPoint);
-procedure TRationalQuadraticBezierCurve.Split(out ALeft, ARight: TRationalQuadraticBezierCurve);
-const precision=1E-6;
-var M, D, E, H, c1, c2: TPointF;
- alpha, sg, w: single;
- function Intersec(): TPointF; //dichotomie
- var t, t1, t2: single;
- U, V: TPointF;
- begin
- t1 := 0; t2 := 0.5; U := E-c1;
- if VectDet(U,p1-c1)>0 then sg := 1 else sg := -1;
- while (t2-t1) > precision do //19 iterations
- begin
- t := (t1+t2)/2;
- V := ComputePointAt(t)-c1;
- if VectDet(U,V)*sg>0 then t1 := t else t2 := t;
- end;
- result := ComputePointAt((t1+t2)/2)
- end;
- if IsInfinite then raise exception.Create('Cannot split an infinite curve');
- M := ComputePointAt(0.5);
- ALeft.p1 := p1;
- ALeft.p2 := M;
- ARight.p1 := M;
- ARight.p2 := p2;
- ALeft.weight := 1;
- ARight.weight := 1;
- D := 0.5*(p1+p2);
- if (weight = 1) or (D = c) then
- begin
- ALeft.c := 0.5*(p1+c);
- ARight.c := 0.5*(p2+c);
- exit;
- end;
- if weight > 0 then
- alpha := VectLen(D-M)/VectLen(D-c)
- else
- alpha := -VectLen(D-M)/VectLen(D-c);
- c1 := p1 + alpha*(c-p1);
- c2 := p2 + alpha*(c-p2);
- ALeft.c := c1;
- ARight.c := c2;
- E := 0.5*(p1+M);
- H := Intersec(); //between [c1;E] and the curve
- w := VectLen(E-c1)/VectLen(H-c1)-1; // new weight
- ALeft.weight := w;
- ARight.weight := w;
-{ TEasyBezierCurve }
-function EasyBezierCurve(APoints: array of TPointF; AClosed: boolean;
- ACurveMode: TEasyBezierCurveMode; AMinimumDotProduct: single): TEasyBezierCurve;
- result := EasyBezierCurve(APoints, 0, length(APoints), AClosed, ACurveMode, AMinimumDotProduct);
-function EasyBezierCurve(APoints: array of TPointF; AClosed: boolean;
- ACurveMode: array of TEasyBezierCurveMode; AMinimumDotProduct: single): TEasyBezierCurve;
- result := EasyBezierCurve(APoints, 0, length(APoints), AClosed, ACurveMode, AMinimumDotProduct);
-function EasyBezierCurve(APoints: array of TPointF; AStart, ACount: integer; AClosed: boolean;
- ACurveMode: TEasyBezierCurveMode; AMinimumDotProduct: single): TEasyBezierCurve;
- result.Init;
- result.SetPoints(APoints, ACurveMode, AStart, ACount);
- result.Closed:= AClosed;
- result.MinimumDotProduct:= AMinimumDotProduct;
-function EasyBezierCurve(APoints: array of TPointF; AStart, ACount: integer; AClosed: boolean;
- ACurveMode: array of TEasyBezierCurveMode;
- AMinimumDotProduct: single = EasyBezierDefaultMinimumDotProduct): TEasyBezierCurve;
- result.Init;
- result.SetPoints(APoints, ACurveMode, AStart, ACount);
- result.Closed:= AClosed;
- result.MinimumDotProduct:= AMinimumDotProduct;
-procedure TEasyBezierCurve.CopyToPath(ADest: IBGRAPath; ATransformFunc: TEasyBezierPointTransformFunc;
- ATransformData: Pointer; AReverse: boolean);
-var i: integer;
- nextMove: boolean;
- pt,startCoord: TPointF;
- if PointCount = 0 then exit;
- if (FCurves = nil) or FInvalidated then ComputeQuadraticCurves;
- nextMove := true;
- if AReverse then
- begin
- for i := PointCount-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- pt := Point[i];
- if isEmptyPointF(pt) then
- begin
- if not nextMove and FClosed then ADest.closePath;
- nextMove := true;
- end else
- begin
- pt := Point[i];
- with FCurves[i] do
- begin
- if isCurvedToNext then
- begin
- if nextMove then
- begin
- ADest.moveTo(ATransformFunc(@NextCenter,ATransformData));
- nextMove := false;
- end;
- ADest.quadraticCurveTo(ATransformFunc(@ControlPoint,ATransformData),ATransformFunc(@Center,ATransformData));
- end;
- if not isCurvedToPrevious then
- begin
- if nextMove then
- begin
- ADest.moveTo(ATransformFunc(@pt,ATransformData));
- nextMove := false;
- end else
- ADest.lineTo(ATransformFunc(@pt,ATransformData));
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- for i := 0 to PointCount-1 do
- begin
- pt := Point[i];
- if isEmptyPointF(pt) then
- begin
- if not nextMove and FClosed then ADest.closePath;
- nextMove := true;
- end else
- begin
- with FCurves[i] do
- begin
- if nextMove then
- begin
- if not isCurvedToPrevious then
- startCoord := pt
- else
- startCoord := Center;
- ADest.moveTo(ATransformFunc(@startCoord,ATransformData));
- nextMove := false;
- end else
- if not isCurvedToPrevious then
- ADest.lineTo(ATransformFunc(@pt,ATransformData));
- if isCurvedToNext then
- begin
- if not isCurvedToPrevious then ADest.lineTo(ATransformFunc(@Center,ATransformData));
- ADest.quadraticCurveTo(ATransformFunc(@ControlPoint,ATransformData),ATransformFunc(@NextCenter,ATransformData));
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if not nextMove and FClosed then ADest.closePath;
-function TEasyBezierCurve.ToPoints: ArrayOfTPointF;
-var p: TBGRACustomPath;
- if not Assigned(BGRAPathFactory) then raise exception.Create('BGRAPath unit needed');
- p := BGRAPathFactory.Create;
- CopyToPath(p);
- result := p.getPoints;
- p.Free;
-function TEasyBezierCurve.ComputeLength: single;
-var p: TBGRACustomPath;
- if not Assigned(BGRAPathFactory) then raise exception.Create('BGRAPath unit needed');
- p := BGRAPathFactory.Create;
- CopyToPath(p);
- result := p.getLength;
- p.Free;
-procedure TEasyBezierCurve.CopyToPath(ADest: IBGRAPath);
- CopyToPath(ADest, @PointTransformNone, nil);
-procedure TEasyBezierCurve.CopyToPath(ADest: IBGRAPath; AOffset: TPointF; AReverse: boolean);
- CopyToPath(ADest, @PointTransformOffset, @AOffset, AReverse);
-procedure TEasyBezierCurve.ComputeQuadraticCurves;
- i,FirstPointIndex,NextPt,NextPt2: integer;
- setlength(FCurves, PointCount);
- FirstPointIndex := 0;
- for i := 0 to PointCount-1 do
- FCurves[i].isCurvedToPrevious := false;
- for i := 0 to PointCount-1 do
- begin
- FCurves[i].isCurvedToNext := false;
- FCurves[i].Center := EmptyPointF;
- FCurves[i].ControlPoint := EmptyPointF;
- FCurves[i].NextCenter := EmptyPointF;
- if IsEmptyPointF(Point[i]) then
- begin
- FirstPointIndex := i+1;
- end else
- begin
- NextPt := i+1;
- if (NextPt = PointCount) or isEmptyPointF(Point[NextPt]) then NextPt := FirstPointIndex;
- NextPt2 := NextPt+1;
- if (NextPt2 = PointCount) or isEmptyPointF(Point[NextPt2]) then NextPt2 := FirstPointIndex;
- FCurves[i].Center := (Point[i]+Point[NextPt])*0.5;
- FCurves[i].NextCenter := (Point[NextPt]+Point[NextPt2])*0.5;
- FCurves[i].ControlPoint := Point[NextPt];
- if (i < PointCount-2) or FClosed then
- begin
- case CurveMode[nextPt] of
- cmAuto: FCurves[i].isCurvedToNext:= MaybeCurve(i,NextPt,NextPt,NextPt2);
- cmCurve: FCurves[i].isCurvedToNext:= true;
- else FCurves[i].isCurvedToNext:= false;
- end;
- FCurves[NextPt].isCurvedToPrevious := FCurves[i].isCurvedToNext;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- FInvalidated:= false;
-function TEasyBezierCurve.PointTransformNone(APoint: PPointF; AData: Pointer): TPointF;
- result := APoint^;
-function TEasyBezierCurve.PointTransformOffset(APoint: PPointF; AData: Pointer): TPointF;
- result := APoint^ + PPointF(AData)^;
-procedure TEasyBezierCurve.Init;
- FClosed := false;
- FMinimumDotProduct:= EasyBezierDefaultMinimumDotProduct;
- FPoints := nil;
- FInvalidated := true;
-procedure TEasyBezierCurve.Clear;
- FPoints := nil;
-procedure TEasyBezierCurve.SetPoints(APoints: array of TPointF;
- ACurveMode: TEasyBezierCurveMode);
- SetPoints(APoints, ACurveMode, 0, length(APoints));
-procedure TEasyBezierCurve.SetPoints(APoints: array of TPointF;
- ACurveMode: array of TEasyBezierCurveMode);
- SetPoints(APoints, ACurveMode, 0, length(APoints));
-procedure TEasyBezierCurve.SetPoints(APoints: array of TPointF;
- ACurveMode: TEasyBezierCurveMode; AStart, ACount: integer);
- i: Integer;
- if (AStart < 0) or (AStart+ACount > length(APoints)) then
- raise exception.Create('Index out of bounds');
- setlength(FPoints, ACount);
- for i := 0 to ACount-1 do
- begin
- FPoints[i].Coord := APoints[AStart + i];
- FPoints[i].CurveMode:= ACurveMode;
- end;
- FInvalidated:= true;
-procedure TEasyBezierCurve.SetPoints(APoints: array of TPointF;
- ACurveMode: array of TEasyBezierCurveMode; AStart, ACount: integer);
- i,j: Integer;
- if (AStart < 0) or (AStart+ACount > length(APoints)) then
- raise exception.Create('Index out of bounds');
- setlength(FPoints, ACount);
- if length(ACurveMode) > 0 then
- j := AStart mod length(ACurveMode);
- for i := 0 to ACount-1 do
- begin
- FPoints[i].Coord := APoints[i + AStart];
- if length(ACurveMode) = 0 then
- FPoints[i].CurveMode:= cmAuto
- else
- begin
- FPoints[i].CurveMode:= ACurveMode[j];
- inc(j);
- if j = length(ACurveMode) then j := 0;
- end;
- end;
- FInvalidated:= true;
-function TEasyBezierCurve.GetCurveMode(AIndex: integer): TEasyBezierCurveMode;
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= PointCount) then raise exception.Create('Index out of bounds');
- result:= FPoints[AIndex].CurveMode;
-function TEasyBezierCurve.GetCurveStartPoint: TPointF;
- if (PointCount=0) or isEmptyPointF(Point[0]) then exit(EmptyPointF);
- if FInvalidated or (FCurves = nil) then ComputeQuadraticCurves;
- if not FCurves[0].isCurvedToPrevious then
- result := Point[0]
- else
- result := FCurves[0].Center;
-function TEasyBezierCurve.GetPoint(AIndex: integer): TPointF;
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= PointCount) then raise exception.Create('Index out of bounds');
- result:= FPoints[AIndex].Coord;
-function TEasyBezierCurve.GetPointCount: integer;
- result:= length(FPoints);
-procedure TEasyBezierCurve.SetClosed(AValue: boolean);
- if FClosed=AValue then Exit;
- FClosed:=AValue;
- FInvalidated:= true;
-procedure TEasyBezierCurve.SetCurveMode(AIndex: integer;
- AValue: TEasyBezierCurveMode);
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= PointCount) then raise exception.Create('Index out of bounds');
- if FPoints[AIndex].CurveMode = AValue then exit;
- FPoints[AIndex].CurveMode := AValue;
- FInvalidated:= true;
-procedure TEasyBezierCurve.SetMinimumDotProduct(AValue: single);
- if FMinimumDotProduct=AValue then Exit;
- FMinimumDotProduct:=AValue;
- FInvalidated:= true;
-procedure TEasyBezierCurve.SetPoint(AIndex: integer; AValue: TPointF);
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= PointCount) then raise exception.Create('Index out of bounds');
- if FPoints[AIndex].Coord = AValue then exit;
- FPoints[AIndex].Coord := AValue;
- FInvalidated:= true;
-function TEasyBezierCurve.MaybeCurve(start1,end1,start2,end2: integer): boolean;
- u,v: TPointF;
- lu,lv: single;
- if (start1=-1) or (end1=-1) or (start2=-1) or (end2=-1) then
- begin
- result := false;
- exit;
- end;
- u := pointF(Point[end1].x - Point[start1].x, Point[end1].y - Point[start1].y);
- lu := sqrt(u*u);
- if lu <> 0 then u.Scale(1/lu);
- v := pointF(Point[end2].x - Point[start2].x, Point[end2].y - Point[start2].y);
- lv := sqrt(v*v);
- if lv <> 0 then v.Scale(1/lv);
- result := u*v > FMinimumDotProduct;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bglcontrols.lpk b/components/bgrabitmap/bglcontrols.lpk
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index 503cec7..0000000
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@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
- <_ExternHelp Items="Count"/>
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index 4df85dd..0000000
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-{ This file was automatically created by Lazarus. Do not edit!
- This source is only used to compile and install the package.
- }
-unit BGLControls;
- BGLVirtualScreen, LazarusPackageIntf;
-procedure Register;
- RegisterUnit('BGLVirtualScreen', @BGLVirtualScreen.Register);
- RegisterPackage('BGLControls', @Register);
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bglvirtualscreen.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bglvirtualscreen.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 5dae0b8..0000000
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-unit BGLVirtualScreen;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- Classes, BGRAClasses, SysUtils, LResources, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs,
- ExtCtrls, BGRABitmapTypes, BGRAOpenGL, OpenGLContext, BGRACanvasGL,
- BGRASpriteGL;
- TCustomBGLVirtualScreen = class;
- TBGLRedrawEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; BGLContext: TBGLContext) of object;
- TBGLLoadTexturesEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; BGLContext: TBGLContext) of object;
- TBGLElapseEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; BGLContext: TBGLContext; ElapsedMs: integer) of object;
- TBGLFramesPerSecondEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; BGLContext: TBGLContext; FramesPerSecond: integer) of object;
- TBGLUseContextCallback = procedure (Sender: TObject; BGLContext: TBGLContext; Data: Pointer) of object;
- { TCustomBGLVirtualScreen }
- TCustomBGLVirtualScreen = class(TCustomOpenGLControl)
- private
- { Private declarations }
- FOnRedraw: TBGLRedrawEvent;
- FOnLoadTextures: TBGLLoadTexturesEvent;
- FOnUnloadTextures: TBGLLoadTexturesEvent;
- FOnElapse: TBGLElapseEvent;
- FOnFramesPerSecond: TBGLFramesPerSecondEvent;
- FSmoothedElapse: boolean;
- FTexturesLoaded: boolean;
- FBevelInner, FBevelOuter: TPanelBevel;
- FBevelWidth: TBevelWidth;
- FBorderWidth: TBorderWidth;
- FRedrawOnIdle: boolean;
- FSprites: TBGLCustomSpriteEngine;
- FElapseAccumulator, FElapseCount, FStoredFPS: integer;
- FSmoothedElapseAccumulator: single;
- FContextPrepared: boolean;
- FOldSprites: TBGLCustomSpriteEngine;
- FShaderList,FOldShaderList: TStringList;
- function GetCanvas: TBGLCustomCanvas;
- procedure SetBevelInner(const AValue: TPanelBevel);
- procedure SetBevelOuter(const AValue: TPanelBevel);
- procedure SetBevelWidth(const AValue: TBevelWidth);
- procedure SetBorderWidth(const AValue: TBorderWidth);
- procedure SetRedrawOnIdle(AValue: Boolean);
- procedure SetSmoothedElapse(AValue: boolean);
- protected
- class var FToRedrawOnIdle: array of TCustomBGLVirtualScreen;
- { Protected declarations }
- procedure RedrawContent(ctx: TBGLContext); virtual;
- procedure SetEnabled(Value: boolean); override;
- procedure OnAppIdle(Sender: TObject; var Done: Boolean);
- procedure LoadTextures; virtual;
- function PrepareBGLContext: TBGLContext;
- procedure ReleaseBGLContext(ctx: TBGLContext);
- public
- { Public declarations }
- procedure DoOnPaint; override;
- procedure QueryLoadTextures; virtual;
- procedure UnloadTextures; virtual;
- procedure UseContext(ACallback: TBGLUseContextCallback; AData: Pointer = nil);
- constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- public
- property Canvas: TBGLCustomCanvas read GetCanvas;
- property Sprites: TBGLCustomSpriteEngine read FSprites;
- property OnLoadTextures: TBGLLoadTexturesEvent Read FOnLoadTextures Write FOnLoadTextures;
- property OnUnloadTextures: TBGLLoadTexturesEvent Read FOnUnloadTextures Write FOnUnloadTextures;
- property OnRedraw: TBGLRedrawEvent Read FOnRedraw Write FOnRedraw;
- property OnElapse: TBGLElapseEvent Read FOnElapse Write FOnElapse;
- property OnFramesPerSecond: TBGLFramesPerSecondEvent Read FOnFramesPerSecond Write FOnFramesPerSecond;
- property RedrawOnIdle: Boolean read FRedrawOnIdle write SetRedrawOnIdle default False;
- property BorderWidth: TBorderWidth Read FBorderWidth Write SetBorderWidth default 0;
- property BevelInner: TPanelBevel Read FBevelInner Write SetBevelInner default bvNone;
- property BevelOuter: TPanelBevel Read FBevelOuter Write SetBevelOuter default bvNone;
- property BevelWidth: TBevelWidth Read FBevelWidth Write SetBevelWidth default 1;
- property SmoothedElapse: boolean read FSmoothedElapse write SetSmoothedElapse default False;
- end;
- TBGLVirtualScreen = class(TCustomBGLVirtualScreen)
- published
- property OnRedraw;
- property Align;
- property Anchors;
- property AutoSize;
- property BorderSpacing;
- property BevelInner;
- property BevelOuter;
- property BevelWidth;
- property BidiMode;
- property BorderWidth;
- property BorderStyle;
- property Caption;
- property ChildSizing;
- property ClientHeight;
- property ClientWidth;
- property Color;
- property Constraints;
- property DockSite;
- property DragCursor;
- property DragKind;
- property DragMode;
- property Enabled;
- property Font;
- property ParentBidiMode;
- property ParentColor;
- property ParentFont;
- property ParentShowHint;
- property PopupMenu;
- property RedrawOnIdle;
- property ShowHint;
- property TabOrder;
- property TabStop;
- property UseDockManager default True;
- property Visible;
- property OnClick;
- property OnContextPopup;
- property OnDockDrop;
- property OnDockOver;
- property OnDblClick;
- property OnDragDrop;
- property OnDragOver;
- property OnElapse;
- property OnEndDock;
- property OnEndDrag;
- property OnEnter;
- property OnExit;
- property OnFramesPerSecond;
- property OnGetSiteInfo;
- property OnGetDockCaption;
- property OnLoadTextures;
- property OnUnloadTextures;
- property OnMouseDown;
- property OnMouseEnter;
- property OnMouseLeave;
- property OnMouseMove;
- property OnMouseUp;
- property OnMouseWheel;
- property OnMouseWheelDown;
- property OnMouseWheelUp;
- property OnResize;
- property OnStartDock;
- property OnStartDrag;
- property OnUnDock;
- property SmoothedElapse;
- end;
-procedure Register;
-procedure Register;
- {$I bglvirtualscreen_icon.lrs}
- RegisterComponents('OpenGL', [TBGLVirtualScreen]);
-{ TCustomBGLVirtualScreen }
-procedure TCustomBGLVirtualScreen.SetBevelInner(const AValue: TPanelBevel);
- if FBevelInner = AValue then
- exit;
- FBevelInner := AValue;
- Invalidate;
-function TCustomBGLVirtualScreen.GetCanvas: TBGLCustomCanvas;
- result := BGLCanvas;
-procedure TCustomBGLVirtualScreen.SetBevelOuter(const AValue: TPanelBevel);
- if FBevelOuter = AValue then
- exit;
- FBevelOuter := AValue;
- Invalidate;
-procedure TCustomBGLVirtualScreen.SetBevelWidth(const AValue: TBevelWidth);
- if FBevelWidth = AValue then
- exit;
- FBevelWidth := AValue;
- Invalidate;
-procedure TCustomBGLVirtualScreen.SetBorderWidth(const AValue: TBorderWidth);
- if FBorderWidth = AValue then
- exit;
- FBorderWidth := AValue;
- Invalidate;
-procedure TCustomBGLVirtualScreen.SetRedrawOnIdle(AValue: Boolean);
- i: Integer;
- j: Integer;
- if FRedrawOnIdle=AValue then Exit;
- FRedrawOnIdle:=AValue;
- if FRedrawOnIdle then
- begin
- if length(FToRedrawOnIdle)= 0 then
- Application.AddOnIdleHandler(@OnAppIdle);
- setlength(FToRedrawOnIdle, length(FToRedrawOnIdle)+1);
- FToRedrawOnIdle[high(FToRedrawOnIdle)] := self;
- end
- else
- if length(FToRedrawOnIdle)> 0 then
- begin
- for i := 0 to high(FToRedrawOnIdle) do
- begin
- if FToRedrawOnIdle[i]=self then
- begin
- for j := i to high(FToRedrawOnIdle)-1 do
- FToRedrawOnIdle[j] := FToRedrawOnIdle[j+1];
- setlength(FToRedrawOnIdle, length(FToRedrawOnIdle)-1);
- break;
- end;
- end;
- if length(FToRedrawOnIdle) = 0 then
- Application.RemoveOnIdleHandler(@OnAppIdle);
- end;
-procedure TCustomBGLVirtualScreen.SetSmoothedElapse(AValue: boolean);
- if FSmoothedElapse=AValue then Exit;
- FSmoothedElapse:=AValue;
-procedure TCustomBGLVirtualScreen.DoOnPaint;
- ctx: TBGLContext;
- knownFPS: Integer;
- if not FTexturesLoaded then LoadTextures;
- ctx := PrepareBGLContext;
- if Color = clNone then
- BGLViewPort(ClientWidth,ClientHeight)
- else
- if Color = clDefault then
- BGLViewPort(ClientWidth,ClientHeight,ColorToBGRA(clWindow))
- else
- BGLViewPort(ClientWidth,ClientHeight,ColorToBGRA(Color));
- RedrawContent(ctx);
- inherited DoOnPaint;
- SwapBuffers;
- inc(FElapseAccumulator, FrameDiffTimeInMSecs);
- Inc(FElapseCount);
- if FElapseAccumulator >= 2000 then
- begin
- FStoredFPS := 1000*FElapseCount div FElapseAccumulator;
- if Assigned(FOnFramesPerSecond) then
- FOnFramesPerSecond(self, ctx, FStoredFPS);
- FElapseAccumulator := 0;
- FElapseCount := 0;
- end;
- If Assigned(FOnElapse) then
- begin
- if SmoothedElapse then
- begin
- If FStoredFPS <> 0 then
- knownFPS:= FStoredFPS
- else
- if FElapseAccumulator >= 500 then
- knownFPS := 1000*FElapseCount div FElapseAccumulator
- else
- knownFPS := 0;
- if knownFPS > 0 then
- begin
- IncF(FSmoothedElapseAccumulator, 1000/knownFPS);
- end else
- IncF(FSmoothedElapseAccumulator, FrameDiffTimeInMSecs);
- FOnElapse(self, ctx, Trunc(FSmoothedElapseAccumulator));
- DecF(FSmoothedElapseAccumulator, Trunc(FSmoothedElapseAccumulator));
- end else
- FOnElapse(self, ctx, FrameDiffTimeInMSecs);
- end;
- ReleaseBGLContext(ctx);
-procedure TCustomBGLVirtualScreen.QueryLoadTextures;
- FTexturesLoaded := false;
-procedure TCustomBGLVirtualScreen.LoadTextures;
-var ctx: TBGLContext;
- if MakeCurrent then
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnLoadTextures) then
- begin
- ctx := PrepareBGLContext;
- FOnLoadTextures(self, ctx);
- ReleaseBGLContext(ctx);
- end;
- FTexturesLoaded:= true;
- end;
-function TCustomBGLVirtualScreen.PrepareBGLContext: TBGLContext;
- if FContextPrepared then
- raise exception.Create('Context already prepared');
- FOldSprites := BGRASpriteGL.BGLSpriteEngine;
- BGRASpriteGL.BGLSpriteEngine := FSprites;
- FOldShaderList := BGLCanvas.Lighting.ShaderList;
- BGLCanvas.Lighting.ShaderList := FShaderList;
- result.Canvas := BGLCanvas;
- result.Sprites := FSprites;
- FContextPrepared := true;
-procedure TCustomBGLVirtualScreen.ReleaseBGLContext(ctx: TBGLContext);
- if not FContextPrepared then
- raise exception.Create('Context not prepared');
- ctx.Canvas.Lighting.ShaderList := FOldShaderList;
- BGRASpriteGL.BGLSpriteEngine := FOldSprites;
- FContextPrepared := false;
-procedure TCustomBGLVirtualScreen.UnloadTextures;
-var ctx: TBGLContext;
- if MakeCurrent then
- begin
- ctx := PrepareBGLContext;
- if Assigned(FOnUnloadTextures) then FOnUnloadTextures(self, ctx);
- FSprites.Clear;
- ctx.Canvas.Lighting.FreeShaders;
- ReleaseBGLContext(ctx);
- FTexturesLoaded := false;
- end;
-procedure TCustomBGLVirtualScreen.UseContext(ACallback: TBGLUseContextCallback; AData: Pointer);
- ctx: TBGLContext;
- if not MakeCurrent then
- raise exception.Create('Unable to switch to the OpenGL context');
- ctx := PrepareBGLContext;
- try
- ACallback(self, ctx, AData);
- finally
- ReleaseBGLContext(ctx);
- end;
-procedure TCustomBGLVirtualScreen.RedrawContent(ctx: TBGLContext);
- ARect: TRect;
- w: integer;
- ARect := rect(0,0,ctx.Canvas.Width,ctx.Canvas.Height);
- w := BevelWidth;
- if w = 0 then w := 1;
- // if BevelOuter is set then draw a frame with BevelWidth
- if (BevelOuter <> bvNone) and (w > 0) then
- ctx.Canvas.Frame3d(ARect, w, BevelOuter); // Note: Frame3D inflates ARect
- ARect.Inflate(-BorderWidth, -BorderWidth);
- // if BevelInner is set then skip the BorderWidth and draw a frame with BevelWidth
- if (BevelInner <> bvNone) and (w > 0) then
- ctx.Canvas.Frame3d(ARect, w, BevelInner); // Note: Frame3D inflates ARect
- if Assigned(FOnRedraw) then
- FOnRedraw(self, ctx);
-procedure TCustomBGLVirtualScreen.SetEnabled(Value: boolean);
- if Value <> Enabled then Invalidate;
- inherited SetEnabled(Value);
-procedure TCustomBGLVirtualScreen.OnAppIdle(Sender: TObject; var Done: Boolean);
- i: Integer;
- if length(FToRedrawOnIdle) > 0 then
- begin
- for i := 0 to high(FToRedrawOnIdle) do
- if not (csDesigning in FToRedrawOnIdle[i].ComponentState) then
- FToRedrawOnIdle[i].Invalidate;
- Done:=false;
- end;
-constructor TCustomBGLVirtualScreen.Create(TheOwner: TComponent);
- inherited Create(TheOwner);
- FTexturesLoaded:= False;
- AutoResizeViewport := true;
- FSprites := TBGLDefaultSpriteEngine.Create;
- FShaderList:= TStringList.Create;
- FStoredFPS := 0;
- FElapseAccumulator := 0;
- FElapseCount := 0;
- FSmoothedElapseAccumulator := 0;
-destructor TCustomBGLVirtualScreen.Destroy;
- i: Integer;
- for i := 0 to FShaderList.Count-1 do
- FShaderList.Objects[i].Free;
- FShaderList.Free;
- RedrawOnIdle := false;
- FSprites.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bglvirtualscreen_icon.lrs b/components/bgrabitmap/bglvirtualscreen_icon.lrs
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index 1e122eb..0000000
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@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
- #137'PNG'#13#10#26#10#0#0#0#13'IHDR'#0#0#0#24#0#0#0#24#8#3#0#0#0#215#169#205
- +#202#0#0#0#1'sRGB'#0#174#206#28#233#0#0#0#4'gAMA'#0#0#177#143#11#252'a'#5#0#0
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diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgraanimatedgif.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgraanimatedgif.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 16c17a4..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgraanimatedgif.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1225 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAAnimatedGif;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
-{$i bgrabitmap.inc}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BGRAGraphics, FPImage, BGRABitmap, BGRABitmapTypes,
- BGRAPalette, BGRAGifFormat;
- TDisposeMode = BGRAGifFormat.TDisposeMode;
- TGifSubImage = BGRAGifFormat.TGifSubImage;
- TGifSubImageArray = BGRAGifFormat.TGifSubImageArray;
- //how to deal with the background under the GIF animation
- TGifBackgroundMode = (gbmSimplePaint, gbmEraseBackground,
- gbmSaveBackgroundOnce, gbmUpdateBackgroundContinuously);
- { TBGRAAnimatedGif }
- TBGRAAnimatedGif = class(TGraphic)
- private
- FAspectRatio: single;
- FWidth, FHeight: integer;
- FBackgroundColor: TColor;
- FPrevDate: TDateTime;
- FPaused: boolean;
- FTimeAccumulator: double;
- FCurrentImage, FWantedImage: integer;
- FTotalAnimationTime: int64;
- FPreviousDisposeMode: TDisposeMode;
- FBackgroundImage, FPreviousVirtualScreen, FStretchedVirtualScreen,
- FInternalVirtualScreen, FRestoreImage: TBGRABitmap;
- FImageChanged: boolean;
- procedure CheckFrameIndex(AIndex: integer);
- function GetAverageDelayMs: integer;
- function GetCount: integer;
- function GetFrameDelayMs(AIndex: integer): integer;
- function GetFrameDisposeMode(AIndex: integer): TDisposeMode;
- function GetFrameHasLocalPalette(AIndex: integer): boolean;
- function GetFrameImage(AIndex: integer): TBGRABitmap;
- function GetFrameImagePos(AIndex: integer): TPoint;
- function GetTimeUntilNextImage: integer;
- procedure Render(StretchWidth, StretchHeight: integer);
- procedure SetAspectRatio(AValue: single);
- procedure SetBackgroundColor(AValue: TColor);
- procedure SetFrameDelayMs(AIndex: integer; AValue: integer);
- procedure SetFrameDisposeMode(AIndex: integer; AValue: TDisposeMode);
- procedure SetFrameHasLocalPalette(AIndex: integer; AValue: boolean);
- procedure SetFrameImage(AIndex: integer; AValue: TBGRABitmap);
- procedure SetFrameImagePos(AIndex: integer; AValue: TPoint);
- procedure UpdateSimple(Canvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect;
- DrawOnlyIfChanged: boolean = True);
- procedure UpdateEraseBackground(Canvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect;
- DrawOnlyIfChanged: boolean = True);
- procedure Init;
- function GetBitmap: TBitmap;
- function GetMemBitmap: TBGRABitmap;
- procedure SaveBackgroundOnce(Canvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect);
- procedure SetCurrentImage(Index: integer);
- protected
- FImages: TGifSubImageArray;
- {TGraphic}
- procedure Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; const Rect: TRect); override;
- function GetEmpty: boolean; override;
- function GetHeight: integer; override;
- function GetTransparent: boolean; override;
- function GetWidth: integer; override;
- procedure SetHeight({%H-}Value: integer); override;
- procedure SetTransparent({%H-}Value: boolean); override;
- procedure SetWidth({%H-}Value: integer); override;
- procedure ClearViewer; virtual;
- public
- EraseColor: TColor;
- BackgroundMode: TGifBackgroundMode;
- LoopCount: Word;
- LoopDone: Integer;
- constructor Create(filenameUTF8: string); overload;
- constructor Create(stream: TStream); overload;
- constructor Create(stream: TStream; AMaxImageCount: integer); overload;
- constructor Create; overload; override;
- function Duplicate: TBGRAAnimatedGif;
- function AddFrame(AImage: TFPCustomImage; X,Y: integer; ADelayMs: integer;
- ADisposeMode: TDisposeMode = dmErase; AHasLocalPalette: boolean = false) : integer;
- procedure InsertFrame(AIndex: integer; AImage: TFPCustomImage; X,Y: integer; ADelayMs: integer;
- ADisposeMode: TDisposeMode = dmErase; AHasLocalPalette: boolean = false);
- procedure DeleteFrame(AIndex: integer; AEnsureNextFrameDoesNotChange: boolean);
- //add a frame that replaces completely the previous one
- function AddFullFrame(AImage: TFPCustomImage; ADelayMs: integer;
- AHasLocalPalette: boolean = true): integer;
- procedure InsertFullFrame(AIndex: integer;
- AImage: TFPCustomImage; ADelayMs: integer;
- AHasLocalPalette: boolean = true);
- procedure ReplaceFullFrame(AIndex: integer;
- AImage: TFPCustomImage; ADelayMs: integer;
- AHasLocalPalette: boolean = true);
- {TGraphic}
- procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream); overload; override;
- procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream; AMaxImageCount: integer); overload;
- procedure LoadFromResource(AFilename: string);
- procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); overload; override;
- procedure LoadFromFile(const AFilenameUTF8: string); override;
- procedure SaveToFile(const AFilenameUTF8: string); override;
- class function GetFileExtensions: string; override;
- procedure SetSize(AWidth,AHeight: integer); virtual;
- procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream; AQuantizer: TBGRAColorQuantizerAny;
- ADitheringAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm); overload; virtual;
- procedure Clear; override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Pause;
- procedure Resume;
- procedure Show(Canvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect); overload;
- procedure Update(Canvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect); overload;
- procedure Hide(Canvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect); overload;
- property BackgroundColor: TColor Read FBackgroundColor write SetBackgroundColor;
- property Count: integer Read GetCount;
- property Width: integer Read FWidth;
- property Height: integer Read FHeight;
- property Paused: boolean Read FPaused;
- property Bitmap: TBitmap Read GetBitmap;
- property MemBitmap: TBGRABitmap Read GetMemBitmap;
- property CurrentImage: integer Read FCurrentImage Write SetCurrentImage;
- property TimeUntilNextImageMs: integer read GetTimeUntilNextImage;
- property FrameImage[AIndex: integer]: TBGRABitmap read GetFrameImage write SetFrameImage;
- property FrameHasLocalPalette[AIndex: integer]: boolean read GetFrameHasLocalPalette write SetFrameHasLocalPalette;
- property FrameImagePos[AIndex: integer]: TPoint read GetFrameImagePos write SetFrameImagePos;
- property FrameDelayMs[AIndex: integer]: integer read GetFrameDelayMs write SetFrameDelayMs;
- property FrameDisposeMode[AIndex: integer]: TDisposeMode read GetFrameDisposeMode write SetFrameDisposeMode;
- property AspectRatio: single read FAspectRatio write SetAspectRatio;
- property TotalAnimationTimeMs: Int64 read FTotalAnimationTime;
- property AverageDelayMs: integer read GetAverageDelayMs;
- end;
- { TBGRAReaderGIF }
- TBGRAReaderGIF = class(TFPCustomImageReader)
- protected
- procedure InternalRead(Str: TStream; Img: TFPCustomImage); override;
- function InternalCheck(Str: TStream): boolean; override;
- end;
- { TBGRAWriterGIF }
- TBGRAWriterGIF = class(TFPCustomImageWriter)
- protected
- procedure InternalWrite(Str: TStream; Img: TFPCustomImage); override;
- end;
- GifBackgroundModeStr: array[TGifBackgroundMode] of string =
- ('gbmSimplePaint', 'gbmEraseBackground', 'gbmSaveBackgroundOnce',
- 'gbmUpdateBackgroundContinuously');
- AlphaMask = $FF000000;
- {$ELSE}
- AlphaMask = $000000FF;
- {$ENDIF}
-{ TBGRAAnimatedGif }
-class function TBGRAAnimatedGif.GetFileExtensions: string;
- Result := 'gif';
-procedure TBGRAAnimatedGif.SetSize(AWidth, AHeight: integer);
- ClearViewer;
- FWidth := AWidth;
- FHeight := AHeight;
-procedure TBGRAAnimatedGif.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream;
- AQuantizer: TBGRAColorQuantizerAny;
- ADitheringAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm);
-var data: TGIFData;
- data.Height:= Height;
- data.Width := Width;
- data.AspectRatio := 1;
- data.BackgroundColor := BackgroundColor;
- data.Images := FImages;
- data.LoopCount := LoopCount;
- GIFSaveToStream(data, Stream, AQuantizer, ADitheringAlgorithm);
-procedure TBGRAAnimatedGif.Render(StretchWidth, StretchHeight: integer);
- curDate: TDateTime;
- previousImage, nextImage: integer;
- if FInternalVirtualScreen = nil then
- begin
- FInternalVirtualScreen := TBGRABitmap.Create(FWidth, FHeight);
- if (Count = 0) and (BackgroundColor <> clNone) then
- FInternalVirtualScreen.Fill(BackgroundColor)
- else
- FInternalVirtualScreen.Fill(BGRAPixelTransparent);
- FImageChanged := True;
- end;
- if Count = 0 then
- exit;
- previousImage := FCurrentImage;
- curDate := Now;
- if FWantedImage <> -1 then
- begin
- nextImage := FWantedImage;
- FTimeAccumulator := 0;
- FWantedImage := -1;
- end
- else
- if FCurrentImage = -1 then
- begin
- nextImage := 0;
- FTimeAccumulator := 0;
- FPreviousDisposeMode := dmNone;
- end
- else
- begin
- if not FPaused then
- IncF(FTimeAccumulator, (curDate - FPrevDate) * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
- if FTotalAnimationTime > 0 then FTimeAccumulator:= frac(FTimeAccumulator/FTotalAnimationTime)*FTotalAnimationTime;
- nextImage := FCurrentImage;
- while FTimeAccumulator > FImages[nextImage].DelayMs do
- begin
- DecF(FTimeAccumulator, FImages[nextImage].DelayMs);
- Inc(nextImage);
- if nextImage >= Count then
- begin
- if (LoopCount > 0) and (LoopDone >= LoopCount-1) then
- begin
- LoopDone := LoopCount;
- dec(nextImage);
- break;
- end else
- begin
- nextImage := 0;
- inc(LoopDone);
- end;
- end;
- if nextImage = previousImage then
- begin
- if not ((LoopCount > 0) and (LoopDone >= LoopCount-1)) then
- begin
- Inc(nextImage);
- if nextImage >= Count then
- nextImage := 0;
- end;
- break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- FPrevDate := curDate;
- while FCurrentImage <> nextImage do
- begin
- Inc(FCurrentImage);
- if FCurrentImage >= Count then
- begin
- FCurrentImage := 0;
- FPreviousDisposeMode := dmErase;
- end;
- case FPreviousDisposeMode of
- dmErase: FInternalVirtualScreen.Fill(BGRAPixelTransparent);
- dmRestore: if FRestoreImage <> nil then
- FInternalVirtualScreen.PutImage(0, 0, FRestoreImage, dmSet);
- end;
- with FImages[FCurrentImage] do
- begin
- if disposeMode = dmRestore then
- begin
- if FRestoreImage = nil then
- FRestoreImage := TBGRABitmap.Create(FWidth, FHeight);
- FRestoreImage.PutImage(0, 0, FInternalVirtualScreen, dmSet);
- end;
- if Image <> nil then
- FInternalVirtualScreen.PutImage(Position.X, Position.Y, Image,
- dmSetExceptTransparent);
- FPreviousDisposeMode := DisposeMode;
- end;
- FImageChanged := True;
- previousImage := FCurrentImage;
- FInternalVirtualScreen.InvalidateBitmap;
- end;
- if FStretchedVirtualScreen <> nil then
- FStretchedVirtualScreen.FreeReference;
- if (FInternalVirtualScreen.Width = StretchWidth) and
- (FInternalVirtualScreen.Height = StretchHeight) then
- FStretchedVirtualScreen := TBGRABitmap(FInternalVirtualScreen.NewReference)
- else
- FStretchedVirtualScreen :=
- TBGRABitmap(FInternalVirtualScreen.Resample(StretchWidth, StretchHeight));
-procedure TBGRAAnimatedGif.SetAspectRatio(AValue: single);
- if AValue < 0.25 then AValue := 0.25;
- if AValue > 4 then AValue := 4;
- if FAspectRatio=AValue then Exit;
- FAspectRatio:=AValue;
-procedure TBGRAAnimatedGif.SetBackgroundColor(AValue: TColor);
- if FBackgroundColor=AValue then Exit;
- FBackgroundColor:=AValue;
-procedure TBGRAAnimatedGif.SetFrameDelayMs(AIndex: integer; AValue: integer);
- CheckFrameIndex(AIndex);
- if AValue < 0 then AValue := 0;
- FTotalAnimationTime := FTotalAnimationTime + AValue - FImages[AIndex].DelayMs;
- FImages[AIndex].DelayMs := AValue;
-procedure TBGRAAnimatedGif.SetFrameDisposeMode(AIndex: integer;
- AValue: TDisposeMode);
- CheckFrameIndex(AIndex);
- FImages[AIndex].DisposeMode := AValue;
-procedure TBGRAAnimatedGif.SetFrameHasLocalPalette(AIndex: integer;
- AValue: boolean);
- CheckFrameIndex(AIndex);
- FImages[AIndex].HasLocalPalette := AValue;
-procedure TBGRAAnimatedGif.SetFrameImage(AIndex: integer; AValue: TBGRABitmap);
-var ACopy: TBGRABitmap;
- CheckFrameIndex(AIndex);
- ACopy := AValue.Duplicate;
- FImages[AIndex].Image.FreeReference;
- FImages[AIndex].Image := ACopy;
-procedure TBGRAAnimatedGif.SetFrameImagePos(AIndex: integer; AValue: TPoint);
- CheckFrameIndex(AIndex);
- FImages[AIndex].Position := AValue;
-procedure TBGRAAnimatedGif.UpdateSimple(Canvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect;
- DrawOnlyIfChanged: boolean = True);
- if FPreviousVirtualScreen <> nil then
- begin
- FPreviousVirtualScreen.FreeReference;
- FPreviousVirtualScreen := nil;
- end;
- Render(ARect.Right - ARect.Left, ARect.Bottom - ARect.Top);
- if FImageChanged then
- begin
- FStretchedVirtualScreen.Draw(Canvas, ARect.Left, ARect.Top, False);
- FImageChanged := False;
- end
- else
- if not DrawOnlyIfChanged then
- FStretchedVirtualScreen.Draw(Canvas, ARect.Left, ARect.Top, False);
- FPreviousVirtualScreen := TBGRABitmap(FStretchedVirtualScreen.NewReference);
-procedure TBGRAAnimatedGif.CheckFrameIndex(AIndex: integer);
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= Count) then Raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
-function TBGRAAnimatedGif.GetAverageDelayMs: integer;
-var sum: int64;
- i: Integer;
- if Count > 0 then
- begin
- sum := 0;
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- inc(sum, FrameDelayMs[i]);
- result := sum div Count;
- end else
- result := 100; //default
-function TBGRAAnimatedGif.GetCount: integer;
- Result := length(FImages);
-function TBGRAAnimatedGif.GetFrameDelayMs(AIndex: integer): integer;
- CheckFrameIndex(AIndex);
- result := FImages[AIndex].DelayMs;
-function TBGRAAnimatedGif.GetFrameDisposeMode(AIndex: integer): TDisposeMode;
- CheckFrameIndex(AIndex);
- result := FImages[AIndex].DisposeMode;
-function TBGRAAnimatedGif.GetFrameHasLocalPalette(AIndex: integer): boolean;
- CheckFrameIndex(AIndex);
- result := FImages[AIndex].HasLocalPalette;
-function TBGRAAnimatedGif.GetFrameImage(AIndex: integer): TBGRABitmap;
- CheckFrameIndex(AIndex);
- result := FImages[AIndex].Image;
-function TBGRAAnimatedGif.GetFrameImagePos(AIndex: integer): TPoint;
- CheckFrameIndex(AIndex);
- result := FImages[AIndex].Position;
-function TBGRAAnimatedGif.GetTimeUntilNextImage: integer;
- acc: double;
- if Count <= 1 then result := 60*1000 else
- if (FWantedImage <> -1) or (FCurrentImage = -1) then
- result := 0
- else
- begin
- acc := FTimeAccumulator;
- if not FPaused then IncF(acc, (Now- FPrevDate) * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
- if acc >= FImages[FCurrentImage].DelayMs then
- result := 0
- else
- result := round(FImages[FCurrentImage].DelayMs-FTimeAccumulator);
- end;
-constructor TBGRAAnimatedGif.Create(filenameUTF8: string);
- inherited Create;
- Init;
- LoadFromFile(filenameUTF8);
-constructor TBGRAAnimatedGif.Create(stream: TStream);
- inherited Create;
- Init;
- LoadFromStream(stream);
-constructor TBGRAAnimatedGif.Create(stream: TStream; AMaxImageCount: integer);
- inherited Create;
- Init;
- LoadFromStream(stream, AMaxImageCount);
-constructor TBGRAAnimatedGif.Create;
- inherited Create;
- Init;
- LoadFromStream(nil);
-function TBGRAAnimatedGif.Duplicate: TBGRAAnimatedGif;
- i: integer;
- Result := TBGRAAnimatedGif.Create;
- setlength(Result.FImages, length(FImages));
- for i := 0 to high(FImages) do
- begin
- Result.FImages[i] := FImages[i];
- FImages[i].Image.NewReference;
- end;
- Result.FWidth := FWidth;
- Result.FHeight := FHeight;
- Result.FBackgroundColor := FBackgroundColor;
-function TBGRAAnimatedGif.AddFrame(AImage: TFPCustomImage; X, Y: integer;
- ADelayMs: integer; ADisposeMode: TDisposeMode; AHasLocalPalette: boolean
- ): integer;
- result := length(FImages);
- setlength(FImages, length(FImages)+1);
- if ADelayMs < 0 then ADelayMs:= 0;
- with FImages[result] do
- begin
- Image := TBGRABitmap.Create(AImage);
- Position := Point(x,y);
- DelayMs := ADelayMs;
- HasLocalPalette := AHasLocalPalette;
- DisposeMode := ADisposeMode;
- end;
- inc(FTotalAnimationTime, ADelayMs);
-procedure TBGRAAnimatedGif.InsertFrame(AIndex: integer; AImage: TFPCustomImage; X,
- Y: integer; ADelayMs: integer; ADisposeMode: TDisposeMode;
- AHasLocalPalette: boolean);
-var i: integer;
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex > Count) then
- raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- setlength(FImages, length(FImages)+1);
- if ADelayMs < 0 then ADelayMs:= 0;
- for i := high(FImages) downto AIndex+1 do
- FImages[i] := FImages[i-1];
- with FImages[AIndex] do
- begin
- Image := TBGRABitmap.Create(AImage);
- Position := Point(x,y);
- DelayMs := ADelayMs;
- HasLocalPalette := AHasLocalPalette;
- DisposeMode := ADisposeMode;
- end;
- inc(FTotalAnimationTime, ADelayMs);
-function TBGRAAnimatedGif.AddFullFrame(AImage: TFPCustomImage;
- ADelayMs: integer; AHasLocalPalette: boolean): integer;
- if (AImage.Width <> Width) or (AImage.Height <> Height) then
- raise exception.Create('Size mismatch');
- if Count > 0 then
- FrameDisposeMode[Count-1] := dmErase;
- result := AddFrame(AImage, 0,0, ADelayMs, dmErase, AHasLocalPalette);
-procedure TBGRAAnimatedGif.InsertFullFrame(AIndex: integer;
- AImage: TFPCustomImage; ADelayMs: integer; AHasLocalPalette: boolean);
-var nextImage: TBGRABitmap;
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex > Count) then
- raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- if AIndex = Count then
- AddFullFrame(AImage, ADelayMs, AHasLocalPalette)
- else
- begin
- //if previous image did not clear up, ensure that
- //next image will stay the same
- if (AIndex > 0) and (FrameDisposeMode[AIndex-1] <> dmErase) then
- begin
- CurrentImage := AIndex;
- nextImage := MemBitmap.Duplicate;
- FrameImagePos[AIndex] := Point(0,0);
- FrameImage[AIndex] := nextImage;
- FrameHasLocalPalette[AIndex] := true;
- FreeAndNil(nextImage);
- FrameDisposeMode[AIndex-1] := dmErase;
- end;
- InsertFrame(AIndex, AImage, 0,0, ADelayMs, dmErase, AHasLocalPalette);
- end;
-procedure TBGRAAnimatedGif.ReplaceFullFrame(AIndex: integer;
- AImage: TFPCustomImage; ADelayMs: integer; AHasLocalPalette: boolean);
- DeleteFrame(AIndex, True);
- if AIndex > 0 then FrameDisposeMode[AIndex-1] := dmErase;
- InsertFrame(AIndex, AImage, 0,0, ADelayMs, dmErase, AHasLocalPalette);
-procedure TBGRAAnimatedGif.DeleteFrame(AIndex: integer;
- AEnsureNextFrameDoesNotChange: boolean);
- nextImage: TBGRABitmap;
- i: Integer;
- CheckFrameIndex(AIndex);
- //if this frame did not clear up, ensure that
- //next image will stay the same
- if AEnsureNextFrameDoesNotChange and
- ((AIndex < Count-1) and (FrameDisposeMode[AIndex] <> dmErase)) then
- begin
- CurrentImage := AIndex+1;
- nextImage := MemBitmap.Duplicate;
- FrameImagePos[AIndex+1] := Point(0,0);
- FrameImage[AIndex+1] := nextImage;
- FrameHasLocalPalette[AIndex+1] := true;
- FreeAndNil(nextImage);
- end;
- dec(FTotalAnimationTime, FImages[AIndex].DelayMs);
- FImages[AIndex].Image.FreeReference;
- for i := AIndex to Count-2 do
- FImages[i] := FImages[i+1];
- SetLength(FImages, Count-1);
- if (CurrentImage >= Count) then
- CurrentImage := 0;
-procedure TBGRAAnimatedGif.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream);
- LoadFromStream(Stream, maxLongint);
-procedure TBGRAAnimatedGif.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream;
- AMaxImageCount: integer);
-var data: TGIFData;
- i: integer;
- data := GIFLoadFromStream(Stream, AMaxImageCount);
- ClearViewer;
- Clear;
- FWidth := data.Width;
- FHeight := data.Height;
- FBackgroundColor := data.BackgroundColor;
- FAspectRatio:= data.AspectRatio;
- LoopDone := 0;
- LoopCount := data.LoopCount;
- SetLength(FImages, length(data.Images));
- FTotalAnimationTime:= 0;
- for i := 0 to high(FImages) do
- begin
- FImages[i] := data.Images[i];
- inc(FTotalAnimationTime, FImages[i].DelayMs);
- end;
-procedure TBGRAAnimatedGif.LoadFromResource(AFilename: string);
- stream: TStream;
- stream := BGRAResource.GetResourceStream(AFilename);
- try
- LoadFromStream(stream);
- finally
- stream.Free;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAAnimatedGif.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
- SaveToStream(Stream, BGRAColorQuantizerFactory, daFloydSteinberg);
-procedure TBGRAAnimatedGif.LoadFromFile(const AFilenameUTF8: string);
-var stream: TFileStreamUTF8;
- stream := TFileStreamUTF8.Create(AFilenameUTF8,fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);
- try
- LoadFromStream(stream);
- finally
- Stream.Free;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAAnimatedGif.SaveToFile(const AFilenameUTF8: string);
- Stream: TFileStreamUTF8;
- Stream := TFileStreamUTF8.Create(AFilenameUTF8, fmCreate);
- try
- SaveToStream(Stream);
- finally
- Stream.Free;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAAnimatedGif.Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; const Rect: TRect);
- if FBackgroundImage <> nil then
- FreeAndNil(FBackgroundImage);
- SaveBackgroundOnce(ACanvas, Rect);
- if FPreviousVirtualScreen <> nil then
- begin
- FPreviousVirtualScreen.FreeReference;
- FPreviousVirtualScreen := nil;
- end;
- Render(Rect.Right - Rect.Left, Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top);
- FStretchedVirtualScreen.Draw(ACanvas, Rect.Left, Rect.Top, false);
- FImageChanged := False;
- FPreviousVirtualScreen := TBGRABitmap(FStretchedVirtualScreen.Duplicate);
-function TBGRAAnimatedGif.GetEmpty: boolean;
- Result := (length(FImages) = 0);
-function TBGRAAnimatedGif.GetHeight: integer;
- Result := FHeight;
-function TBGRAAnimatedGif.GetTransparent: boolean;
- Result := True;
-function TBGRAAnimatedGif.GetWidth: integer;
- Result := FWidth;
-procedure TBGRAAnimatedGif.SetHeight(Value: integer);
- //not implemented
-procedure TBGRAAnimatedGif.SetTransparent(Value: boolean);
- //not implemented
-procedure TBGRAAnimatedGif.SetWidth(Value: integer);
- //not implemented
-procedure TBGRAAnimatedGif.ClearViewer;
- FCurrentImage := -1;
- FWantedImage := -1;
- FTimeAccumulator := 0;
- if FStretchedVirtualScreen <> nil then
- FStretchedVirtualScreen.FreeReference;
- if FPreviousVirtualScreen <> nil then
- FPreviousVirtualScreen.FreeReference;
- FInternalVirtualScreen.Free;
- FRestoreImage.Free;
- FBackgroundImage.Free;
- FInternalVirtualScreen := nil;
- FStretchedVirtualScreen := nil;
- FRestoreImage := nil;
- FBackgroundImage := nil;
- FPreviousVirtualScreen := nil;
- FPreviousDisposeMode := dmNone;
-procedure TBGRAAnimatedGif.SaveBackgroundOnce(Canvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect);
- if (FBackgroundImage <> nil) and
- ((FBackgroundImage.Width <> ARect.Right - ARect.Left) or
- (FBackgroundImage.Height <> ARect.Bottom - ARect.Top)) then
- FreeAndNil(FBackgroundImage);
- if (BackgroundMode in [gbmSaveBackgroundOnce, gbmUpdateBackgroundContinuously]) and
- (FBackgroundImage = nil) then
- begin
- FBackgroundImage := TBGRABitmap.Create(ARect.Right - ARect.Left,
- ARect.Bottom - ARect.Top);
- FBackgroundImage.GetImageFromCanvas(Canvas, ARect.Left, ARect.Top);
- end;
-procedure TBGRAAnimatedGif.SetCurrentImage(Index: integer);
- if (Index >= 0) and (Index < Length(FImages)) then
- FWantedImage := Index;
-procedure TBGRAAnimatedGif.Clear;
- i: integer;
- inherited Clear;
- for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
- FImages[i].Image.FreeReference;
- FImages := nil;
- LoopDone := 0;
- LoopCount := 0;
-destructor TBGRAAnimatedGif.Destroy;
- Clear;
- if FStretchedVirtualScreen <> nil then
- FStretchedVirtualScreen.FreeReference;
- if FPreviousVirtualScreen <> nil then
- FPreviousVirtualScreen.FreeReference;
- FInternalVirtualScreen.Free;
- FRestoreImage.Free;
- FBackgroundImage.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TBGRAAnimatedGif.Pause;
- FPaused := True;
-procedure TBGRAAnimatedGif.Resume;
- FPaused := False;
-procedure TBGRAAnimatedGif.Show(Canvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect);
- Canvas.StretchDraw(ARect, self);
-procedure TBGRAAnimatedGif.Update(Canvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect);
- n: integer;
- PChangePix, PNewPix, PBackground, PNewBackground: PLongWord;
- oldpix, newpix, newbackpix: LongWord;
- NewBackgroundImage: TBGRABitmap;
- if (BackgroundMode = gbmUpdateBackgroundContinuously) and
- (FBackgroundImage = nil) then
- BackgroundMode := gbmSaveBackgroundOnce;
- SaveBackgroundOnce(Canvas, ARect);
- case BackgroundMode of
- gbmSimplePaint:
- begin
- UpdateSimple(Canvas, ARect);
- exit;
- end;
- gbmEraseBackground:
- begin
- UpdateEraseBackground(Canvas, ARect);
- exit;
- end;
- gbmSaveBackgroundOnce, gbmUpdateBackgroundContinuously:
- begin
- if FPreviousVirtualScreen <> nil then
- begin
- if (FPreviousVirtualScreen.Width <> ARect.Right - ARect.Left) or
- (FPreviousVirtualScreen.Height <> ARect.Bottom - ARect.Top) then
- begin
- FPreviousVirtualScreen.FreeReference;
- FPreviousVirtualScreen := nil;
- end
- else
- FPreviousVirtualScreen := TBGRABitmap(FPreviousVirtualScreen.GetUnique);
- end;
- Render(ARect.Right - ARect.Left, ARect.Bottom - ARect.Top);
- if FImageChanged then
- begin
- if BackgroundMode = gbmUpdateBackgroundContinuously then
- begin
- NewBackgroundImage :=
- TBGRABitmap.Create(FStretchedVirtualScreen.Width,
- FStretchedVirtualScreen.Height);
- NewBackgroundImage.GetImageFromCanvas(Canvas, ARect.Left, ARect.Top);
- if FPreviousVirtualScreen = nil then
- begin
- FPreviousVirtualScreen := TBGRABitmap.Create(FWidth, FHeight);
- FPreviousVirtualScreen.Fill(BGRAPixelTransparent);
- end;
- PChangePix := PLongWord(FPreviousVirtualScreen.Data);
- PNewPix := PLongWord(FStretchedVirtualScreen.Data);
- PBackground := PLongWord(FBackgroundImage.Data);
- PNewBackground := PLongWord(NewBackgroundImage.Data);
- for n := FStretchedVirtualScreen.NbPixels - 1 downto 0 do
- begin
- oldpix := PChangePix^;
- if (oldpix and AlphaMask = AlphaMask) then //pixel opaque précédent
- begin
- newbackpix := PNewBackground^;
- if (newbackpix <> oldpix) then //stocke nouveau fond
- PBackground^ := newbackpix;
- end;
- newpix := PNewPix^;
- if newpix and AlphaMask = AlphaMask then
- PChangePix^ := newpix //pixel opaque
- else if newpix and AlphaMask > 0 then
- begin
- PChangePix^ := PBackground^;
- DrawPixelInlineNoAlphaCheck(PBGRAPixel(PChangePix), PBGRAPixel(@newpix)^);
- end
- else if PChangePix^ and AlphaMask <> 0 then
- PChangePix^ := PBackground^; //efface précédent
-{ if newpix and AlphaMask > AlphaLimit then PChangePix^ := newpix or AlphaMask //pixel opaque
- else if PChangePix^ and AlphaMask <> 0 then PChangePix^ := PBackground^; //efface précédent}
- Inc(PNewPix);
- Inc(PChangePix);
- Inc(PBackground);
- Inc(PNewBackground);
- end;
- NewBackgroundImage.Free;
- FPreviousVirtualScreen.InvalidateBitmap;
- FPreviousVirtualScreen.Draw(Canvas, ARect.Left, ARect.Top, false);
- FPreviousVirtualScreen.PutImage(0, 0, FStretchedVirtualScreen, dmSet);
- end
- else
- begin
- if FPreviousVirtualScreen = nil then
- begin
- FStretchedVirtualScreen.Draw(Canvas, ARect.Left, ARect.Top, false);
- FPreviousVirtualScreen :=
- TBGRABitmap(FStretchedVirtualScreen.NewReference);
- end
- else
- begin
- PChangePix := PLongWord(FPreviousVirtualScreen.Data);
- PNewPix := PLongWord(FStretchedVirtualScreen.Data);
- PBackground := PLongWord(FBackgroundImage.Data);
- for n := FStretchedVirtualScreen.NbPixels - 1 downto 0 do
- begin
- newpix := PNewPix^;
- if newpix and AlphaMask = AlphaMask then
- PChangePix^ := newpix //pixel opaque
- else if newpix and AlphaMask > 0 then
- begin
- PChangePix^ := PBackground^;
- DrawPixelInlineNoAlphaCheck(PBGRAPixel(PChangePix), PBGRAPixel(@newpix)^);
- end
- else if PChangePix^ and AlphaMask <> 0 then
- PChangePix^ := PBackground^; //efface précédent
-{ if newpix and AlphaMask > AlphaLimit then PChangePix^ := newpix or AlphaMask //pixel opaque
- else if PChangePix^ and AlphaMask <> 0 then PChangePix^ := PBackground^; //efface précédent}
- Inc(PNewPix);
- Inc(PChangePix);
- Inc(PBackground);
- end;
- FPreviousVirtualScreen.InvalidateBitmap;
- FPreviousVirtualScreen.Draw(Canvas, ARect.Left, ARect.Top, false);
- FPreviousVirtualScreen.PutImage(0, 0, FStretchedVirtualScreen, dmSet);
- end;
- end;
- FImageChanged := False;
- end;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAAnimatedGif.Hide(Canvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect);
- shape: TBGRABitmap;
- p, pback: PBGRAPixel;
- MemEraseColor: TBGRAPixel;
- n: integer;
- MemEraseColor := ColorToBGRA(EraseColor);
- if FPreviousVirtualScreen <> nil then
- begin
- if (FPreviousVirtualScreen.Width <> ARect.Right - ARect.Left) or
- (FPreviousVirtualScreen.Height <> ARect.Bottom - ARect.Top) then
- begin
- FPreviousVirtualScreen.FreeReference;
- FPreviousVirtualScreen := nil;
- end;
- end;
- case BackgroundMode of
- gbmEraseBackground, gbmSimplePaint:
- begin
- if FPreviousVirtualScreen <> nil then
- begin
- shape := TBGRABitmap(FPreviousVirtualScreen.Duplicate);
- p := shape.Data;
- for n := shape.NbPixels - 1 downto 0 do
- begin
- if p^.alpha <> 0 then
- p^ := MemEraseColor
- else
- p^ := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- Inc(p);
- end;
- shape.Draw(Canvas, ARect.Left, ARect.Top, false);
- shape.FreeReference;
- end;
- end;
- gbmSaveBackgroundOnce, gbmUpdateBackgroundContinuously:
- begin
- if (FPreviousVirtualScreen <> nil) and (FBackgroundImage <> nil) then
- begin
- shape := TBGRABitmap(FPreviousVirtualScreen.Duplicate);
- p := shape.Data;
- pback := FBackgroundImage.Data;
- for n := shape.NbPixels - 1 downto 0 do
- begin
- if p^.alpha <> 0 then
- p^ := pback^
- else
- p^ := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- Inc(p);
- Inc(pback);
- end;
- shape.Draw(Canvas, ARect.Left, ARect.Top, false);
- shape.FreeReference;
- end;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAAnimatedGif.UpdateEraseBackground(Canvas: TCanvas;
- ARect: TRect; DrawOnlyIfChanged: boolean);
- n: integer;
- PChangePix, PNewPix: PLongWord;
- newpix: LongWord;
- MemPixEraseColor: LongWord;
- if EraseColor = clNone then
- begin
- UpdateSimple(Canvas, ARect, DrawOnlyIfChanged);
- exit;
- end;
- if FPreviousVirtualScreen <> nil then
- begin
- if (FPreviousVirtualScreen.Width <> ARect.Right - ARect.Left) or
- (FPreviousVirtualScreen.Height <> ARect.Bottom - ARect.Top) then
- begin
- FPreviousVirtualScreen.FreeReference;
- FPreviousVirtualScreen := nil;
- end
- else
- FPreviousVirtualScreen := TBGRABitmap(FPreviousVirtualScreen.GetUnique);
- end;
- Render(ARect.Right - ARect.Left, ARect.Bottom - ARect.Top);
- if FImageChanged then
- begin
- PBGRAPixel(@MemPixEraseColor)^ := ColorToBGRA(EraseColor);
- if FPreviousVirtualScreen = nil then
- begin
- FStretchedVirtualScreen.Draw(Canvas, ARect.Left, ARect.Top, false);
- FPreviousVirtualScreen := TBGRABitmap(FStretchedVirtualScreen.NewReference);
- end
- else
- begin
- PChangePix := PLongWord(FPreviousVirtualScreen.Data);
- PNewPix := PLongWord(FStretchedVirtualScreen.Data);
- for n := FStretchedVirtualScreen.NbPixels - 1 downto 0 do
- begin
- newpix := PNewPix^;
- if newpix and AlphaMask = AlphaMask then
- PChangePix^ := newpix //pixel opaque
- else if newpix and AlphaMask > 0 then
- begin
- PChangePix^ := MemPixEraseColor;
- DrawPixelInlineNoAlphaCheck(PBGRAPixel(PChangePix), PBGRAPixel(@newpix)^);
- end
- else if PChangePix^ and AlphaMask <> 0 then
- PChangePix^ := MemPixEraseColor; //efface précédent
-{ if newpix and AlphaMask > AlphaLimit then PChangePix^ := newpix or AlphaMask //pixel opaque
- else if PChangePix^ and AlphaMask <> 0 then PChangePix^ := MemPixEraseColor; //efface précédent}
- Inc(PNewPix);
- Inc(PChangePix);
- end;
- FPreviousVirtualScreen.InvalidateBitmap;
- FPreviousVirtualScreen.Draw(Canvas, ARect.Left, ARect.Top, false);
- FPreviousVirtualScreen.PutImage(0, 0, FStretchedVirtualScreen, dmSet);
- end;
- FImageChanged := False;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAAnimatedGif.Init;
- BackgroundMode := gbmSaveBackgroundOnce;
- LoopCount := 0;
- LoopDone := 0;
-function TBGRAAnimatedGif.GetBitmap: TBitmap;
- Render(FWidth, FHeight);
- Result := FStretchedVirtualScreen.Bitmap;
-function TBGRAAnimatedGif.GetMemBitmap: TBGRABitmap;
- Render(FWidth, FHeight);
- Result := FStretchedVirtualScreen;
-{ TBGRAReaderGIF }
-procedure TBGRAReaderGIF.InternalRead(Str: TStream; Img: TFPCustomImage);
- gif: TBGRAAnimatedGif;
- x, y: integer;
- Mem: TBGRABitmap;
- gif := TBGRAAnimatedGif.Create(Str, 1);
- Mem := gif.MemBitmap;
- if Img is TBGRABitmap then
- begin
- TBGRABitmap(Img).Assign(Mem);
- end
- else
- begin
- Img.SetSize(gif.Width, gif.Height);
- for y := 0 to gif.Height - 1 do
- for x := 0 to gif.Width - 1 do
- with Mem.GetPixel(x, y) do
- Img.Colors[x, y] := FPColor(red * $101, green * $101, blue *
- $101, alpha * $101);
- end;
- gif.Free;
-function TBGRAReaderGIF.InternalCheck(Str: TStream): boolean;
- GIFSignature: TGIFSignature;
- savepos: int64;
- savepos := str.Position;
- try
- fillchar({%H-}GIFSignature, sizeof(GIFSignature), 0);
- str.Read(GIFSignature, sizeof(GIFSignature));
- if (GIFSignature[1] = 'G') and (GIFSignature[2] = 'I') and
- (GIFSignature[3] = 'F') then
- begin
- Result := True;
- end
- else
- Result := False;
- except
- on ex: Exception do
- Result := False;
- end;
- str.Position := savepos;
-{ TBGRAWriterGIF }
-procedure TBGRAWriterGIF.InternalWrite(Str: TStream; Img: TFPCustomImage);
- gif: TBGRAAnimatedGif;
- gif := TBGRAAnimatedGif.Create;
- try
- gif.SetSize(Img.Width,Img.Height);
- gif.AddFrame(Img, 0,0,0);
- gif.SaveToStream(Str, BGRAColorQuantizerFactory, daFloydSteinberg);
- except
- on ex: EColorQuantizerMissing do
- begin
- FreeAndNil(gif);
- raise EColorQuantizerMissing.Create('Please define the color quantizer factory. You can do that with the following statements: Uses BGRAPalette, BGRAColorQuantization; BGRAColorQuantizerFactory:= TBGRAColorQuantizer;');
- end;
- on ex: Exception do
- begin
- FreeAndNil(gif);
- raise ex;
- end;
- end;
- FreeAndNil(gif);
- DefaultBGRAImageReader[ifGif] := TBGRAReaderGIF;
- DefaultBGRAImageWriter[ifGif] := TBGRAWriterGIF;
- //Free Pascal Image
- ImageHandlers.RegisterImageReader('Animated GIF', TBGRAAnimatedGif.GetFileExtensions,
- TBGRAReaderGIF);
- ImageHandlers.RegisterImageWriter('Animated GIF', TBGRAAnimatedGif.GetFileExtensions,
- TBGRAWriterGIF);
- //Lazarus Picture
- TPicture.RegisterFileFormat(TBGRAAnimatedGif.GetFileExtensions, 'Animated GIF',
- TBGRAAnimatedGif);
- {$ENDIF}
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgraarrow.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgraarrow.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 4173e37..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgraarrow.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,527 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAArrow;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- SysUtils, BGRABitmapTypes, BGRAGraphics;
- { TBGRAArrow }
- TBGRAArrow = class(TBGRACustomArrow)
- private
- FLineCap: TPenEndCap;
- FWidth : single;
- FStart : ArrayOfTPointF;
- FStartComputed: boolean;
- FStartStyle: TBGRAArrowStyle;
- FStartSizeFactor: TPointF;
- FStartTipStyle: TPenJoinStyle;
- FStartOffsetX: single;
- FStartRepeatCount: integer;
- FStartRelativePenWidth: single;
- FStartTriangleBackOffset: single;
- FEnd : ArrayOfTPointF;
- FEndComputed: boolean;
- FEndStyle: TBGRAArrowStyle;
- FEndSizeFactor: TPointF;
- FEndTipStyle: TPenJoinStyle;
- FEndOffsetX: single;
- FEndRepeatCount: integer;
- FEndRelativePenWidth: single;
- FEndTriangleBackOffset: single;
- function ComputeAnyAt(const AData: ArrayOfTPointF; const APosition, ADirection: TPointF): ArrayOfTPointF;
- function ComputeData(AStyle: TBGRAArrowStyle; const ASizeFactor: TPointF;
- ATipStyle: TPenJoinStyle; ALineCap: TPenEndCap; const AWidth: single; AOffsetX: single;
- ARepeatCount: integer; ARelativePenWidth: single; ATriangleBackOffset: single): ArrayOfTPointF;
- procedure SetWidth(AValue: single);
- protected
- function GetEndRepeatCount: integer; override;
- function GetEndSizeFactor: TPointF; override;
- function GetIsEndDefined: boolean; override;
- function GetIsStartDefined: boolean; override;
- function GetEndOffsetX: single; override;
- function GetStartOffsetX: single; override;
- function GetStartRepeatCount: integer; override;
- function GetStartSizeFactor: TPointF; override;
- procedure SetEndOffsetX(AValue: single); override;
- procedure SetEndRepeatCount(AValue: integer); override;
- procedure SetEndSizeFactor(AValue: TPointF); override;
- procedure SetStartOffsetX(AValue: single); override;
- procedure SetStartRepeatCount(AValue: integer); override;
- procedure SetStartSizeFactor(AValue: TPointF); override;
- function GetLineCap: TPenEndCap; override;
- procedure SetLineCap(AValue: TPenEndCap); override;
- procedure SetStart(AStyle: TBGRAArrowStyle; ATipStyle: TPenJoinStyle = pjsMiter; ARelativePenWidth: single = 1; ATriangleBackOffset: single = 0);
- procedure SetEnd(AStyle: TBGRAArrowStyle; ATipStyle: TPenJoinStyle = pjsMiter; ARelativePenWidth: single = 1; ATriangleBackOffset: single = 0);
- public
- constructor Create;
- procedure StartAsNone; override;
- procedure StartAsClassic(AFlipped: boolean = false; ACut: boolean = false; ARelativePenWidth: single = 1); override;
- procedure StartAsTriangle(ABackOffset: single = 0; ARounded: boolean = false; AHollow: boolean = false; AHollowPenWidth: single = 0.5); override;
- procedure StartAsTail; override;
- procedure EndAsNone; override;
- procedure EndAsClassic(AFlipped: boolean = false; ACut: boolean = false; ARelativePenWidth: single = 1); override;
- procedure EndAsTriangle(ABackOffset: single = 0; ARounded: boolean = false; AHollow: boolean = false; AHollowPenWidth: single = 0.5); override;
- procedure EndAsTail; override;
- function ComputeStartAt(const APosition: TPointF; const ADirection: TPointF; const AWidth: single; const ACurrentPos: single): ArrayOfTPointF; override;
- function ComputeEndAt(const APosition: TPointF; const ADirection: TPointF; const AWidth: single; const ACurrentPos: single): ArrayOfTPointF; override;
- end;
-uses BGRAClasses, BGRATransform, BGRAPen, BGRAPath;
-{ TBGRAArrow }
-function TBGRAArrow.ComputeAnyAt(const AData: ArrayOfTPointF; const APosition,
- ADirection: TPointF): ArrayOfTPointF;
-var m: TAffineMatrix;
- i: integer;
- if (AData = nil) or isEmptyPointF(APosition) or isEmptyPointF(ADirection) or ((ADirection.x = 0) and (ADirection.y = 0)) then
- begin
- result := nil;
- exit;
- end;
- m := AffineMatrixTranslation(APosition.x,APosition.y)*AffineMatrixLinear(ADirection, PointF(-ADirection.y, ADirection.x));
- setlength(result, length(AData));
- for i := 0 to high(result) do
- if not isEmptyPointF(AData[i]) then
- result[i] := m*AData[i]
- else
- result[i] := EmptyPointF;
-function TBGRAArrow.ComputeData(AStyle: TBGRAArrowStyle;
- const ASizeFactor: TPointF; ATipStyle: TPenJoinStyle; ALineCap: TPenEndCap;
- const AWidth: single; AOffsetX: single; ARepeatCount: integer;
- ARelativePenWidth: single; ATriangleBackOffset: single): ArrayOfTPointF;
-var sizeFactorX,sizeFactorY,ofsX: single;
- prefix,suffix,middle: ArrayOfTPointF;
- arc: TArcDef;
- i,j,n : integer;
- withCut: ArrayOfTPointF;
- subResult: ArrayOfTPointF;
- w: single;
- backOfs: single;
- tailSizeX, tailAdditionalWidth: single;
- sizeFactorX := abs(ASizeFactor.X)*AWidth;
- sizeFactorY := abs(ASizeFactor.Y)*AWidth;
- if (sizeFactorX = 0) or (sizeFactorY = 0) then
- begin
- result := nil;
- exit;
- end;
- w := AWidth*ARelativePenWidth;
- if AStyle in [asTail,asTailRepeat] then
- begin
- tailSizeX := sizeFactorX/SizeFactorY*AWidth*0.5;
- if AStyle = asTailRepeat then
- begin
- tailAdditionalWidth:= AWidth-tailSizeX;
- if tailAdditionalWidth < 0 then tailAdditionalWidth := 0;
- end else
- tailAdditionalWidth:=0;
- end
- else
- begin
- tailSizeX := 0;
- tailAdditionalWidth:=0;
- end;
- case AStyle of
- asTriangle,asHollowTriangle: begin
- backOfs := ATriangleBackOffset*sizeFactorX;
- if AStyle = asHollowTriangle then
- begin
- result := ComputeWidePolylinePoints(PointsF([PointF(0.5*w,-AWidth*0.5),
- PointF(0.5*w-backOfs,-sizeFactorY+w*0.5),
- PointF(sizeFactorX-w*0.5,0),
- PointF(w*0.5-backOfs,sizeFactorY-w*0.5),
- PointF(0.5*w,AWidth*0.5)]),
- w,BGRABlack,ALineCap,ATipStyle,nil,[plCycle]);
- end else
- begin
- prefix := PointsF([PointF(0,-AWidth*0.5),PointF(-backOfs,-sizeFactorY)]);
- suffix := PointsF([PointF(-backOfs,sizeFactorY),PointF(0,AWidth*0.5)]);
- if (ATipStyle in[pjsRound,pjsBevel]) then
- begin
- arc := Html5ArcTo(prefix[1],PointF(sizeFactorX,0),suffix[0],AWidth*0.5);
- if ATipStyle = pjsRound then
- middle := ComputeArc(arc)
- else
- middle := PointsF([ArcStartPoint(arc),ArcEndPoint(arc)]);
- end
- else middle := PointsF([PointF(sizeFactorX,0)]);
- result := ConcatPointsF([prefix,middle,suffix]);
- end;
- end;
- asNormal,asCut:
- begin
- if AStyle = asCut then ALineCap:= pecSquare;
- result := ComputeWidePolylinePoints([PointF(-sizeFactorX,-sizeFactorY),
- PointF(0,0),PointF(-sizeFactorX,+sizeFactorY)],w,BGRABlack,ALineCap,ATipStyle,nil,[]);
- end;
- asFlipped,asFlippedCut:
- begin
- if AStyle = asFlippedCut then ALineCap:= pecSquare;
- result := ComputeWidePolylinePoints([PointF(+sizeFactorX,-sizeFactorY),
- PointF(0,0),PointF(+sizeFactorX,+sizeFactorY)],w,BGRABlack,ALineCap,ATipStyle,nil,[]);
- end;
- asTail: result := PointsF([PointF(0,-0.5*AWidth),PointF(tailSizeX,-0.5*AWidth),PointF(0,0),PointF(tailSizeX,0.5*AWidth),PointF(0,0.5*AWidth)]);
- asTailRepeat: result := PointsF([PointF(0,-0.5*AWidth),PointF(tailSizeX+tailAdditionalWidth,-0.5*AWidth),PointF(tailAdditionalWidth,0),PointF(tailSizeX+tailAdditionalWidth,0.5*AWidth),PointF(0,0.5*AWidth),PointF(-tailSizeX,0)]);
- else
- result := nil;
- end;
- if (AStyle in [asCut,asFlippedCut,asHollowTriangle]) then
- begin
- n := 0;
- setlength(withCut,length(result)*2);
- for i := 0 to high(result) do
- if isEmptyPointF(result[i]) then
- begin
- if (n > 0) and not isEmptyPointF(withCut[n-1]) then
- begin
- withCut[n] := EmptyPointF;
- inc(n);
- end;
- end else
- if abs(result[i].y)<=sizeFactorY then
- begin
- withCut[n] := result[i];
- inc(n);
- end else
- if result[i].y>sizeFactorY then
- begin
- j := (i+length(result)-1) mod length(result);
- if result[j].y<=sizeFactorY then
- begin
- withCut[n].x := result[j].x + (result[i].x-result[j].x)/(result[i].y-result[j].y)*(sizeFactorY-result[j].y);
- withCut[n].y := sizeFactorY;
- inc(n);
- end;
- j := (i+1) mod length(result);
- if result[j].y<=sizeFactorY then
- begin
- withCut[n].x := result[j].x + (result[i].x-result[j].x)/(result[i].y-result[j].y)*(sizeFactorY-result[j].y);
- withCut[n].y := sizeFactorY;
- inc(n);
- end;
- end else
- if result[i].y<-sizeFactorY then
- begin
- j := (i+length(result)-1) mod length(result);
- if result[j].y>=-sizeFactorY then
- begin
- withCut[n].x := result[j].x + (result[i].x-result[j].x)/(result[i].y-result[j].y)*(-sizeFactorY-result[j].y);
- withCut[n].y := -sizeFactorY;
- inc(n);
- end;
- j := (i+1) mod length(result);
- if result[j].y>=-sizeFactorY then
- begin
- withCut[n].x := result[j].x + (result[i].x-result[j].x)/(result[i].y-result[j].y)*(-sizeFactorY-result[j].y);
- withCut[n].y := -sizeFactorY;
- inc(n);
- end;
- end;
- if (n > 0) and isEmptyPointF(withCut[n-1]) then dec(n);
- setlength(withCut,n);
- result := withCut;
- end;
- if AOffsetX <> 0 then
- begin
- ofsX := AOffsetX*AWidth;
- for i := 0 to high(result) do
- if not isEmptyPointF(result[i]) then
- IncF(result[i].x, ofsX);
- end;
- if ARepeatCount > 1 then
- begin
- if ARepeatCount > 10 then ARepeatCount:= 10;
- if AStyle in[asTriangle,asHollowTriangle] then IncF(AOffsetX, sizeFactorX/AWidth)
- else if AStyle in[asTail,asTailRepeat] then IncF(AOffsetX, (tailSizeX+tailAdditionalWidth)/AWidth+1)
- else IncF(AOffsetX, 2*ARelativePenWidth);
- if AStyle = asTail then AStyle := asTailRepeat;
- subResult := ComputeData(AStyle,ASizeFactor,ATipStyle,ALineCap,AWidth,AOffsetX,ARepeatCount-1,ARelativePenWidth,ATriangleBackOffset);
- result := ConcatPointsF([result,PointsF([EmptyPointF]),subResult]);
- end;
-function TBGRAArrow.GetIsEndDefined: boolean;
- result := FEndStyle <> asNone;
-function TBGRAArrow.GetIsStartDefined: boolean;
- result := FStartStyle <> asNone;
-function TBGRAArrow.GetEndOffsetX: single;
- result := FEndOffsetX;
-function TBGRAArrow.GetStartOffsetX: single;
- result := FStartOffsetX;
-function TBGRAArrow.GetStartRepeatCount: integer;
- result := FStartRepeatCount;
-function TBGRAArrow.GetStartSizeFactor: TPointF;
- result := FStartSizeFactor;
-procedure TBGRAArrow.SetEndOffsetX(AValue: single);
- if FEndOffsetX=AValue then Exit;
- FEndOffsetX:=AValue;
- FEndComputed:= false;
- FEnd := nil;
-function TBGRAArrow.GetLineCap: TPenEndCap;
- result := FLineCap;
-procedure TBGRAArrow.SetEndRepeatCount(AValue: integer);
- if FEndRepeatCount=AValue then Exit;
- FEndRepeatCount:=AValue;
- FEndComputed:= false;
- FEnd := nil;
-procedure TBGRAArrow.SetEndSizeFactor(AValue: TPointF);
- if FEndSizeFactor=AValue then Exit;
- FEndSizeFactor:=AValue;
- FEndComputed:= false;
- FEnd := nil;
-procedure TBGRAArrow.SetLineCap(AValue: TPenEndCap);
- if FLineCap=AValue then Exit;
- FLineCap:=AValue;
- FStartComputed:= false;
- FEndComputed:= false;
- FStart:= nil;
- FEnd := nil;
-procedure TBGRAArrow.SetStartOffsetX(AValue: single);
- if FStartOffsetX=AValue then Exit;
- FStartOffsetX:=AValue;
- FStartComputed:= false;
- FStart := nil;
-procedure TBGRAArrow.SetStartRepeatCount(AValue: integer);
- if FStartRepeatCount=AValue then Exit;
- FStartRepeatCount:=AValue;
- FStartComputed:= false;
- FStart := nil;
-procedure TBGRAArrow.SetStartSizeFactor(AValue: TPointF);
- if FStartSizeFactor=AValue then Exit;
- FStartSizeFactor:=AValue;
- FStartComputed:= false;
- FStart := nil;
-procedure TBGRAArrow.SetWidth(AValue: single);
- if FWidth=AValue then Exit;
- FWidth:=AValue;
- FStartComputed := false;
- FEndComputed:= false;
-function TBGRAArrow.GetEndRepeatCount: integer;
- Result:= FEndRepeatCount;
-function TBGRAArrow.GetEndSizeFactor: TPointF;
- Result:= FEndSizeFactor;
-constructor TBGRAArrow.Create;
- FWidth := 1;
- FStartSizeFactor := PointF(2,2);
- FEndSizeFactor := PointF(2,2);
-procedure TBGRAArrow.StartAsNone;
- SetStart(asNone);
-procedure TBGRAArrow.StartAsClassic(AFlipped: boolean; ACut: boolean;
- ARelativePenWidth: single);
-var join: TPenJoinStyle;
- if (LineCap = pecRound) and not ACut then join := pjsRound else join := pjsMiter;
- if ACut then
- begin
- if AFlipped then
- SetStart(asFlippedCut,join,ARelativePenWidth)
- else
- SetStart(asCut,join,ARelativePenWidth)
- end
- else
- begin
- if AFlipped then
- SetStart(asFlipped,join,ARelativePenWidth)
- else
- SetStart(asNormal,join,ARelativePenWidth)
- end;
-procedure TBGRAArrow.StartAsTriangle(ABackOffset: single; ARounded: boolean;
- AHollow: boolean; AHollowPenWidth: single);
-var join: TPenJoinStyle;
- if ARounded then join := pjsRound else join := pjsMiter;
- if AHollow then
- SetStart(asHollowTriangle, join,AHollowPenWidth, ABackOffset)
- else
- SetStart(asTriangle, join,1,ABackOffset);
-procedure TBGRAArrow.StartAsTail;
- SetStart(asTail);
-procedure TBGRAArrow.EndAsNone;
- SetEnd(asNone);
-procedure TBGRAArrow.EndAsClassic(AFlipped: boolean; ACut: boolean;
- ARelativePenWidth: single);
-var join: TPenJoinStyle;
- if (LineCap = pecRound) and not ACut then join := pjsRound else join := pjsMiter;
- if ACut then
- begin
- if AFlipped then
- SetEnd(asFlippedCut,join,ARelativePenWidth)
- else
- SetEnd(asCut,join,ARelativePenWidth)
- end
- else
- begin
- if AFlipped then
- SetEnd(asFlipped,join,ARelativePenWidth)
- else
- SetEnd(asNormal,join,ARelativePenWidth)
- end;
-procedure TBGRAArrow.EndAsTriangle(ABackOffset: single; ARounded: boolean;
- AHollow: boolean; AHollowPenWidth: single);
-var join: TPenJoinStyle;
- if ARounded then join := pjsRound else join := pjsMiter;
- if AHollow then
- SetEnd(asHollowTriangle, join,AHollowPenWidth, ABackOffset)
- else
- SetEnd(asTriangle, join,1, ABackOffset);
-procedure TBGRAArrow.EndAsTail;
- SetEnd(asTail);
-procedure TBGRAArrow.SetStart(AStyle: TBGRAArrowStyle;
- ATipStyle: TPenJoinStyle; ARelativePenWidth: single; ATriangleBackOffset: single);
- FStartStyle := AStyle;
- FStartTipStyle := ATipStyle;
- FStartComputed := false;
- FStartRelativePenWidth:= ARelativePenWidth;
- FStartTriangleBackOffset := ATriangleBackOffset;
- FStart := nil;
-procedure TBGRAArrow.SetEnd(AStyle: TBGRAArrowStyle; ATipStyle: TPenJoinStyle;
- ARelativePenWidth: single; ATriangleBackOffset: single);
- FEndStyle := AStyle;
- FEndTipStyle := ATipStyle;
- FEndComputed := false;
- FEndRelativePenWidth:= ARelativePenWidth;
- FEndTriangleBackOffset := ATriangleBackOffset;
- FEnd := nil;
-function TBGRAArrow.ComputeStartAt(const APosition: TPointF;
- const ADirection: TPointF; const AWidth: single; const ACurrentPos: single
- ): ArrayOfTPointF;
- if not IsStartDefined then
- begin
- result := nil;
- exit;
- end;
- if AWidth <> FWidth then
- begin
- FWidth := AWidth;
- FStartComputed:= false;
- end;
- if not FStartComputed then
- begin
- FStart := ComputeData(FStartStyle,FStartSizeFactor,FStartTipStyle,FLineCap,FWidth,
- FStartOffsetX-ACurrentPos,FStartRepeatCount,FStartRelativePenWidth,FStartTriangleBackOffset);
- FStartComputed:= true;
- end;
- result := ComputeAnyAt(FStart,APosition,ADirection);
-function TBGRAArrow.ComputeEndAt(const APosition: TPointF;
- const ADirection: TPointF; const AWidth: single; const ACurrentPos: single
- ): ArrayOfTPointF;
- if not IsEndDefined then
- begin
- result := nil;
- exit;
- end;
- if AWidth <> FWidth then
- begin
- FWidth := AWidth;
- FEndComputed:= false;
- end;
- if not FEndComputed then
- begin
- FEnd := ComputeData(FEndStyle,FEndSizeFactor,FEndTipStyle,FLineCap,FWidth,
- FEndOffsetX-ACurrentPos,FEndRepeatCount,FEndRelativePenWidth,FEndTriangleBackOffset);
- FEndComputed:= true;
- end;
- result := ComputeAnyAt(FEnd,APosition,ADirection);
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrabitmap.inc b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrabitmap.inc
deleted file mode 100644
index 955d85a..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrabitmap.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-{ You can define the following compiler directives in the package options,
- in tab Compiler options, in section Other. Directives must be prefixed with
- "-d". So for example:
- - to always have RGBA pixel format, write "-dBGRABITMAP_RGBAPIXEL"
- - to always have BGRA pixel format, write "-dBGRABITMAP_BGRAPIXEL"
- - to use fpGUI toolkit, write "-dBGRABITMAP_USE_FPGUI" }
- {$ENDIF}
-{ Extensions of LCL to be used. Add // at the beginning of the line
- to comment them if the functions are not available }
-{$DEFINE BGRABITMAP_USE_LCL12} { Use functions of Lazarus 1.2 }
-{$DEFINE BGRABITMAP_USE_LCL15} { Use functions of Lazarus 1.5 }
-{$MODESWITCH TypeHelpers}
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrabitmap.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrabitmap.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 3929360..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrabitmap.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,508 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
- /**************************************************************************\
- bgrabitmap.pas
- --------------
- Free easy-to-use memory bitmap 32-bit,
- 8-bit for each channel, transparency.
- Channels can be in the following orders:
- - B G R A (recommended for Windows, required for fpGUI)
- - R G B A (recommended for Gtk and MacOS)
- - Drawing primitives
- - Resample
- - Reference counter
- - Drawing on LCL canvas
- - Loading and saving images
- Note : line order can change, so if you access
- directly to bitmap data, check LineOrder value
- or use Scanline to compute position.
- --> Include BGRABitmap and BGRABitmapTypes in the 'uses' clause.
-unit BGRABitmap;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
-{$i bgrabitmap.inc}
-{ Compiler directives are used to include the best version according
- to the platform }
- BGRAClasses, BGRABitmapTypes, FPImage, SysUtils,
- BGRAfpGUIBitmap,
- {$IFDEF LCLwin32}
- BGRAWinBitmap,
- {$ELSE}
- {$IFDEF LCLgtk}
- BGRAGtkBitmap,
- {$ELSE}
- {$IFDEF LCLgtk2}
- BGRAGtkBitmap,
- {$ELSE}
- {$IF defined(LCLqt) or defined(LCLqt5)}
- BGRAQtBitmap,
- {$ELSE}
- BGRAMacBitmap,
- {$ELSE}
- BGRALCLBitmap,
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ELSE}
- BGRAMSEguiBitmap,
- {$ELSE}
- BGRANoGuiBitmap,
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- BGRAGraphics;
- TBGRABitmap = class(TBGRAfpGUIBitmap)
- {$IFDEF LCLwin32}
- TBGRABitmap = class(TBGRAWinBitmap)
- {$ELSE}
- {$IFDEF LCLgtk}
- TBGRABitmap = class(TBGRAGtkBitmap)
- {$ELSE}
- {$IFDEF LCLgtk2}
- { TBGRABitmap }
- TBGRABitmap = class(TBGRAGtkBitmap)
- {$ELSE}
- {$IF defined(LCLqt) or defined(LCLqt5)}
- TBGRABitmap = class(TBGRAQtBitmap)
- {$ELSE}
- TBGRABitmap = class(TBGRAMacBitmap)
- {$ELSE}
- TBGRABitmap = class(TBGRALCLBitmap)
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ELSE}
- TBGRABitmap = class(TBGRAMSEguiBitmap)
- {$ELSE}
- TBGRABitmap = class(TBGRANoGUIBitmap)
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- public
- function NewBitmap: TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
- function NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
- function NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer; const Color: TBGRAPixel): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
- function NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer; AColor: Pointer): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
- function NewBitmap(Filename: string): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
- function NewBitmap(Filename: string; AIsUtf8: boolean): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
- function NewBitmap(Filename: string; AIsUtf8: boolean; AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
- function NewBitmap(AFPImage: TFPCustomImage): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
- function NewReference: TBGRABitmap; override;
- function GetUnique: TBGRABitmap; override;
- function Duplicate(DuplicateProperties: Boolean = False): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
- function Duplicate(DuplicateProperties, DuplicateXorMask: Boolean) : TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
- function GetPart(const ARect: TRect): TBGRABitmap; override;
- function CreateBrushTexture(ABrushStyle: TBrushStyle; APatternColor, ABackgroundColor: TBGRAPixel;
- AWidth: integer = 8; AHeight: integer = 8; APenWidth: single = 1): TBGRABitmap; override;
- function Resample(newWidth, newHeight: integer;
- mode: TResampleMode = rmFineResample): TBGRABitmap; override;
- function RotateCW: TBGRABitmap; override;
- function RotateCCW: TBGRABitmap; override;
- function RotateUD: TBGRABitmap; override;
- function FilterSmartZoom3(Option: TMedianOption): TBGRABitmap; override;
- function FilterMedian(Option: TMedianOption): TBGRABitmap; override;
- function FilterSmooth: TBGRABitmap; override;
- function FilterSharpen(Amount: single = 1): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterSharpen(ABounds: TRect; Amount: single = 1): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterContour(AGammaCorrection: boolean = false): TBGRABitmap; override;
- function FilterPixelate(pixelSize: integer; useResample: boolean; filter: TResampleFilter = rfLinear): TBGRABitmap; override;
- function FilterBlurRadial(radius: single; blurType: TRadialBlurType): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterBlurRadial(const ABounds: TRect; radius: single; blurType: TRadialBlurType): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterBlurRadial(radiusX, radiusY: single; blurType: TRadialBlurType): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterBlurRadial(const ABounds: TRect; radiusX, radiusY: single; blurType: TRadialBlurType): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterBlurMotion(distance: single; angle: single; oriented: boolean): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterBlurMotion(const ABounds: TRect; distance: single; angle: single; oriented: boolean): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterCustomBlur(mask: TCustomUniversalBitmap): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterCustomBlur(const ABounds: TRect; mask: TCustomUniversalBitmap): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterEmboss(angle: single; AStrength: integer= 64; AOptions: TEmbossOptions = []): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterEmboss(angle: single; ABounds: TRect; AStrength: integer= 64; AOptions: TEmbossOptions = []): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterEmbossHighlight(FillSelection: boolean): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterEmbossHighlight(FillSelection: boolean; BorderColor: TBGRAPixel): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterEmbossHighlight(FillSelection: boolean; BorderColor: TBGRAPixel; var Offset: TPoint): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterGrayscale: TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterGrayscale(ABounds: TRect): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterNormalize(eachChannel: boolean = True): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterNormalize(ABounds: TRect; eachChannel: boolean = True): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterRotate(origin: TPointF; angle: single; correctBlur: boolean = false): TBGRABitmap; override;
- function FilterAffine(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; correctBlur: boolean = false): TBGRABitmap; override;
- function FilterSphere: TBGRABitmap; override;
- function FilterTwirl(ACenter: TPoint; ARadius: Single; ATurn: Single=1; AExponent: Single=3): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterTwirl(ABounds: TRect; ACenter: TPoint; ARadius: Single; ATurn: Single=1; AExponent: Single=3): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterCylinder: TBGRABitmap; override;
- function FilterPlane: TBGRABitmap; override;
- end;
-// draw a bitmap from pure data
-procedure BGRABitmapDraw(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect; AData: Pointer;
- VerticalFlip: boolean; AWidth, AHeight: integer; Opaque: boolean);
-{ Replace the content of the variable Destination with the variable
- Temp and frees previous object contained in Destination.
- This function is useful as a shortcut for :
- var
- temp: TBGRABitmap;
- begin
- ...
- temp := someBmp.Filter... as TBGRABitmap;
- someBmp.Free;
- someBmp := temp;
- end;
- which becomes :
- begin
- ...
- BGRAReplace(someBmp, someBmp.Filter... );
- end;
-procedure BGRAReplace(var Destination: TBGRABitmap; Temp: TObject);
-uses BGRAReadBMP, BGRAReadBmpMioMap, BGRAReadGif,
- BGRAReadIco, BGRAReadJpeg, BGRAReadLzp, BGRAReadPCX,
- BGRAWriteLzp, BGRAReadWebP, BGRAWriteWebP;
- tempBmp: TBGRABitmap;
-procedure BGRABitmapDraw(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect; AData: Pointer;
- VerticalFlip: boolean; AWidth, AHeight: integer; Opaque: boolean);
- LineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder;
- if tempBmp = nil then
- tempBmp := TBGRABitmap.Create;
- if VerticalFlip then
- LineOrder := riloBottomToTop
- else
- LineOrder := riloTopToBottom;
- if Opaque then
- tempBmp.DataDrawOpaque(ACanvas, Rect, AData, LineOrder, AWidth, AHeight)
- else
- tempBmp.DataDrawTransparent(ACanvas, Rect, AData, LineOrder, AWidth, AHeight);
-procedure BGRAReplace(var Destination: TBGRABitmap; Temp: TObject);
- Destination.Free;
- Destination := Temp as TBGRABitmap;
-{ TBGRABitmap }
-function TBGRABitmap.NewBitmap: TBGRABitmap;
- Result:=inherited NewBitmap as TBGRABitmap;
-function TBGRABitmap.NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer): TBGRABitmap;
- Result:=inherited NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight) as TBGRABitmap;
-function TBGRABitmap.NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer; const Color: TBGRAPixel
- ): TBGRABitmap;
- Result:=inherited NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight, Color) as TBGRABitmap;
-function TBGRABitmap.NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer; AColor: Pointer
- ): TBGRABitmap;
- Result:=inherited NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight, AColor) as TBGRABitmap;
-function TBGRABitmap.NewBitmap(Filename: string): TBGRABitmap;
- Result:=inherited NewBitmap(Filename) as TBGRABitmap;
-function TBGRABitmap.NewBitmap(Filename: string; AIsUtf8: boolean): TBGRABitmap;
- Result:=inherited NewBitmap(Filename, AIsUtf8) as TBGRABitmap;
-function TBGRABitmap.NewBitmap(Filename: string; AIsUtf8: boolean;
- AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions): TBGRABitmap;
- Result:=inherited NewBitmap(Filename, AIsUtf8, AOptions) as TBGRABitmap;
-function TBGRABitmap.NewBitmap(AFPImage: TFPCustomImage): TBGRABitmap;
- Result:=inherited NewBitmap(AFPImage) as TBGRABitmap;
-function TBGRABitmap.NewReference: TBGRABitmap;
- Result:=inherited NewReference as TBGRABitmap;
-function TBGRABitmap.GetUnique: TBGRABitmap;
- Result:=inherited GetUnique as TBGRABitmap;
-function TBGRABitmap.Duplicate(DuplicateProperties: Boolean): TBGRABitmap;
- Result:=inherited Duplicate(DuplicateProperties) as TBGRABitmap;
-function TBGRABitmap.Duplicate(DuplicateProperties, DuplicateXorMask: Boolean
- ): TBGRABitmap;
- Result:=inherited Duplicate(DuplicateProperties, DuplicateXorMask) as TBGRABitmap;
-function TBGRABitmap.GetPart(const ARect: TRect): TBGRABitmap;
- Result:=inherited GetPart(ARect) as TBGRABitmap;
-function TBGRABitmap.CreateBrushTexture(ABrushStyle: TBrushStyle;
- APatternColor, ABackgroundColor: TBGRAPixel; AWidth: integer;
- AHeight: integer; APenWidth: single): TBGRABitmap;
- Result:=inherited CreateBrushTexture(ABrushStyle, APatternColor,
- ABackgroundColor, AWidth, AHeight, APenWidth) as TBGRABitmap;
-function TBGRABitmap.Resample(newWidth, newHeight: integer; mode: TResampleMode
- ): TBGRABitmap;
- Result:=inherited Resample(newWidth, newHeight, mode) as TBGRABitmap;
-function TBGRABitmap.RotateCW: TBGRABitmap;
- Result:=inherited RotateCW as TBGRABitmap;
-function TBGRABitmap.RotateCCW: TBGRABitmap;
- Result:=inherited RotateCCW as TBGRABitmap;
-function TBGRABitmap.RotateUD: TBGRABitmap;
- Result:=inherited RotateUD as TBGRABitmap;
-function TBGRABitmap.FilterSmartZoom3(Option: TMedianOption): TBGRABitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterSmartZoom3(Option) as TBGRABitmap;
-function TBGRABitmap.FilterMedian(Option: TMedianOption): TBGRABitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterMedian(Option) as TBGRABitmap;
-function TBGRABitmap.FilterSmooth: TBGRABitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterSmooth as TBGRABitmap;
-function TBGRABitmap.FilterSharpen(Amount: single): TBGRABitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterSharpen(Amount) as TBGRABitmap;
-function TBGRABitmap.FilterSharpen(ABounds: TRect; Amount: single): TBGRABitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterSharpen(ABounds, Amount) as TBGRABitmap;
-function TBGRABitmap.FilterContour(AGammaCorrection: boolean = false): TBGRABitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterContour(AGammaCorrection) as TBGRABitmap;
-function TBGRABitmap.FilterPixelate(pixelSize: integer; useResample: boolean;
- filter: TResampleFilter): TBGRABitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterPixelate(pixelSize, useResample, filter) as TBGRABitmap;
-function TBGRABitmap.FilterBlurRadial(radius: single; blurType: TRadialBlurType
- ): TBGRABitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterBlurRadial(radius, blurType) as TBGRABitmap;
-function TBGRABitmap.FilterBlurRadial(const ABounds: TRect; radius: single;
- blurType: TRadialBlurType): TBGRABitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterBlurRadial(ABounds, radius, blurType) as TBGRABitmap;
-function TBGRABitmap.FilterBlurRadial(radiusX, radiusY: single;
- blurType: TRadialBlurType): TBGRABitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterBlurRadial(radiusX, radiusY, blurType) as TBGRABitmap;
-function TBGRABitmap.FilterBlurRadial(const ABounds: TRect; radiusX, radiusY: single;
- blurType: TRadialBlurType): TBGRABitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterBlurRadial(ABounds, radiusX, radiusY, blurType) as TBGRABitmap;
-function TBGRABitmap.FilterBlurMotion(distance: single; angle: single;
- oriented: boolean): TBGRABitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterBlurMotion(distance, angle, oriented) as TBGRABitmap;
-function TBGRABitmap.FilterBlurMotion(const ABounds: TRect; distance: single;
- angle: single; oriented: boolean): TBGRABitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterBlurMotion(ABounds, distance, angle, oriented) as TBGRABitmap;
-function TBGRABitmap.FilterCustomBlur(mask: TCustomUniversalBitmap
- ): TBGRABitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterCustomBlur(mask) as TBGRABitmap;
-function TBGRABitmap.FilterCustomBlur(const ABounds: TRect;
- mask: TCustomUniversalBitmap): TBGRABitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterCustomBlur(ABounds, mask) as TBGRABitmap;
-function TBGRABitmap.FilterEmboss(angle: single; AStrength: integer;
- AOptions: TEmbossOptions): TBGRABitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterEmboss(angle, AStrength, AOptions) as TBGRABitmap;
-function TBGRABitmap.FilterEmboss(angle: single; ABounds: TRect;
- AStrength: integer; AOptions: TEmbossOptions): TBGRABitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterEmboss(angle, ABounds, AStrength, AOptions) as TBGRABitmap;
-function TBGRABitmap.FilterEmbossHighlight(FillSelection: boolean): TBGRABitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterEmbossHighlight(FillSelection) as TBGRABitmap;
-function TBGRABitmap.FilterEmbossHighlight(FillSelection: boolean;
- BorderColor: TBGRAPixel): TBGRABitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterEmbossHighlight(FillSelection, BorderColor) as TBGRABitmap;
-function TBGRABitmap.FilterEmbossHighlight(FillSelection: boolean;
- BorderColor: TBGRAPixel; var Offset: TPoint): TBGRABitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterEmbossHighlight(FillSelection, BorderColor, Offset) as TBGRABitmap;
-function TBGRABitmap.FilterGrayscale: TBGRABitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterGrayscale as TBGRABitmap;
-function TBGRABitmap.FilterGrayscale(ABounds: TRect): TBGRABitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterGrayscale(ABounds) as TBGRABitmap;
-function TBGRABitmap.FilterNormalize(eachChannel: boolean): TBGRABitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterNormalize(eachChannel) as TBGRABitmap;
-function TBGRABitmap.FilterNormalize(ABounds: TRect; eachChannel: boolean
- ): TBGRABitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterNormalize(ABounds, eachChannel) as TBGRABitmap;
-function TBGRABitmap.FilterRotate(origin: TPointF; angle: single;
- correctBlur: boolean): TBGRABitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterRotate(origin, angle, correctBlur) as TBGRABitmap;
-function TBGRABitmap.FilterAffine(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; correctBlur: boolean
- ): TBGRABitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterAffine(AMatrix, correctBlur) as TBGRABitmap;
-function TBGRABitmap.FilterSphere: TBGRABitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterSphere as TBGRABitmap;
-function TBGRABitmap.FilterTwirl(ACenter: TPoint; ARadius: Single;
- ATurn: Single; AExponent: Single): TBGRABitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterTwirl(ACenter, ARadius, ATurn, AExponent) as TBGRABitmap;
-function TBGRABitmap.FilterTwirl(ABounds: TRect; ACenter: TPoint;
- ARadius: Single; ATurn: Single; AExponent: Single): TBGRABitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterTwirl(ABounds, ACenter, ARadius, ATurn, AExponent) as TBGRABitmap;
-function TBGRABitmap.FilterCylinder: TBGRABitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterCylinder as TBGRABitmap;
-function TBGRABitmap.FilterPlane: TBGRABitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterPlane as TBGRABitmap;
- //this variable is assigned to access appropriate functions
- //depending on the platform
- BGRABitmapFactory := TBGRABitmap;
- tempBmp.Free;
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- <_ExternHelp Items="Count"/>
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@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-{ This file was automatically created by Lazarus. Do not edit!
- This source is only used to compile and install the package.
- }
-unit BGRABitmapPack;
-{$warn 5023 off : no warning about unused units}
- BGRAAnimatedGif, BGRABitmap, BGRABitmapTypes, BGRABlend, BGRACanvas,
- BGRACanvas2D, BGRAColorInt, BGRACompressableBitmap, BGRACoordPool3D,
- BGRADefaultBitmap, BGRADNetDeserial, BGRAFillInfo, BGRAFilters,
- BGRAFreeType, BGRAGradients, BGRAGradientScanner, BGRALayers, BGRAMatrix3D,
- BGRAOpenRaster, BGRAPaintNet, BGRAPath, BGRAPen, BGRAPhongTypes,
- BGRAPolygon, BGRAPolygonAliased, BGRAResample, BGRAScene3D,
- BGRASliceScaling, BGRASSE, BGRAStreamLayers, BGRAText, BGRATextFX,
- BGRATransform, BGRATypewriter, BGRAVectorize, BGRAGrayscaleMask,
- BGRAThumbnail, BGRAReadTGA, BGRAReadIco, BGRAReadJpeg, BGRAReadLzp,
- UnzipperExt, BGRALzpCommon, BGRAWriteLzp, BGRAReadXPM, BGRASVG, BGRAUnits,
- BGRASVGShapes, BGRASVGType, BGRAReadBmpMioMap, BGRAArrow, BGRAPalette,
- BGRAColorQuantization, BGRADithering, BGRAUTF8, BGRALCLBitmap, BGRAWritePNG,
- BGRAGifFormat, BGRAGraphics, BGRASceneTypes, BGRARenderer3D,
- BGRAWriteBmpMioMap, BGRAOpenGLType, BGRASpriteGL, BGRAOpenGL, BGRACanvasGL,
- BGRAFontGL, BGRAOpenGL3D, BGRAPhoxo, BGRAFilterScanner, BGRAFilterType,
- BGRAFilterBlur, BGRAMultiFileType, BGRAWinResource, BGRALazResource,
- BGRAIconCursor, BGRABlurGL, BGRAReadTiff, BGRALazPaint, BGRAMemDirectory,
- BGRAUnicode, BGRATextBidi, BGRALayerOriginal, BGRASVGOriginal,
- BGRAGradientOriginal, BGRAUnicodeText, UniversalDrawer, LinearRGBABitmap,
- XYZABitmap, BGRAWriteTiff, WordXYZABitmap, ExpandedBitmap, libwebp,
- linuxlib, BGRAReadWebP, BGRAWriteWebP, BGRAClasses;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrabitmappack4fpgui.lpk b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrabitmappack4fpgui.lpk
deleted file mode 100644
index 9df1aec..0000000
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@@ -1,481 +0,0 @@
- <_ExternHelp Items="Count"/>
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deleted file mode 100644
index 596f378..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrabitmappack4fpgui.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-{ This file was automatically created by Lazarus. Do not edit!
- This source is only used to compile and install the package.
- }
-unit BGRABitmapPack4fpGUI;
-{$warn 5023 off : no warning about unused units}
- BGRAAnimatedGif, BGRABitmap, BGRABitmapTypes, BGRABlend, BGRACanvas,
- BGRACanvas2D, BGRAColorInt, BGRACompressableBitmap, BGRACoordPool3D,
- BGRADefaultBitmap, BGRADNetDeserial, BGRAFillInfo, BGRAFilters,
- BGRAGradients, BGRAGradientScanner, BGRALayers, BGRAMatrix3D,
- BGRAOpenRaster, BGRAPaintNet, BGRAPath, BGRAPen, BGRAPhongTypes,
- BGRAPolygon, BGRAPolygonAliased, BGRAResample, BGRAScene3D,
- BGRASliceScaling, BGRASSE, BGRAStreamLayers, BGRATransform,
- BGRAGrayscaleMask, BGRAReadBMP, BGRAReadGif, BGRAReadPCX, BGRAReadPng,
- BGRAReadPSD, BGRAThumbnail, BGRAReadTGA, BGRAReadJpeg, BGRAReadLzp,
- UnzipperExt, BGRALzpCommon, BGRAWriteLzp, BGRAReadXPM, BGRAUnits,
- BGRAReadBmpMioMap, BGRAArrow, BGRAGraphics, BGRAUTF8, BGRAfpGUIBitmap,
- BGRATypewriter, BGRASVG, BGRASVGShapes, BGRASVGType, BGRAPalette,
- BGRAColorQuantization, BGRADithering, BGRAFreeType, BGRACustomTextFX,
- BGRAWritePNG, BGRAGifFormat, BGRASceneTypes, BGRARenderer3D,
- BGRAWriteBmpMioMap, BGRAPhoxo, BGRAFilterScanner, BGRAFilterType,
- BGRAFilterBlur, BGRAMultiFileType, BGRAWinResource, BGRAUnicode, BGRAClasses;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrabitmappack4nogui.lpk b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrabitmappack4nogui.lpk
deleted file mode 100644
index aa56667..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrabitmappack4nogui.lpk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,492 +0,0 @@
- <_ExternHelp Items="Count"/>
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deleted file mode 100644
index 2f2d0cc..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrabitmappack4nogui.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-{ This file was automatically created by Lazarus. Do not edit!
- This source is only used to compile and install the package.
- }
-unit BGRABitmapPack4NoGUI;
-{$warn 5023 off : no warning about unused units}
- BGRAAnimatedGif, BGRABitmap, BGRABitmapTypes, BGRABlend, BGRACanvas,
- BGRACanvas2D, BGRAColorInt, BGRACompressableBitmap, BGRACoordPool3D,
- BGRADefaultBitmap, BGRADNetDeserial, BGRAFillInfo, BGRAFilters,
- BGRAGradients, BGRAGradientScanner, BGRALayers, BGRAMatrix3D,
- BGRAOpenRaster, BGRAPaintNet, BGRAPath, BGRAPen, BGRAPhongTypes,
- BGRAPolygon, BGRAPolygonAliased, BGRAResample, BGRAScene3D,
- BGRASliceScaling, BGRASSE, BGRAStreamLayers, BGRATransform,
- BGRAGrayscaleMask, BGRAReadBMP, BGRAReadGif, BGRAReadPCX, BGRAReadPng,
- BGRAReadPSD, BGRAThumbnail, BGRAReadTGA, BGRAReadJpeg, BGRAReadLzp,
- UnzipperExt, BGRALzpCommon, BGRAWriteLzp, BGRAReadXPM, BGRAUnits,
- BGRAReadBmpMioMap, BGRAArrow, BGRAGraphics, BGRAUTF8, BGRATypewriter,
- BGRASVG, BGRASVGShapes, BGRASVGType, BGRAPalette, BGRAColorQuantization,
- BGRADithering, BGRAFreeType, BGRACustomTextFX, BGRAWritePNG, BGRAGifFormat,
- BGRANoGUIBitmap, BGRASceneTypes, BGRARenderer3D, BGRAWriteBmpMioMap,
- BGRASpriteGL, BGRAOpenGLType, BGRAOpenGL, BGRACanvasGL, BGRAPhoxo,
- BGRAFilterScanner, BGRAFilterType, BGRAFilterBlur, BGRAMultiFileType,
- BGRAWinResource, BGRAUnicode, BGRAClasses;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrabitmaptypes.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrabitmaptypes.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a416bc..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrabitmaptypes.pas
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-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
- /**************************************************************************\
- bgrabitmaptypes.pas
- -------------------
- This unit defines basic types and it must be
- included in the 'uses' clause.
- --> Include BGRABitmap and BGRABitmapTypes in the 'uses' clause.
- If you are using LCL types, add also BGRAGraphics unit.
-unit BGRABitmapTypes;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
-{$i bgrabitmap.inc}
- BGRAClasses, BGRAGraphics, BGRAUnicode,
- {$IFDEF BGRABITMAP_USE_LCL}, LCLType, GraphType, LResources{$ENDIF},
- BGRAMultiFileType;
- BGRABitmapVersion = 11030100;
- function BGRABitmapVersionStr: string;
- TMultiFileContainer = BGRAMultiFileType.TMultiFileContainer;
- Int32or64 = BGRAClasses.Int32or64;
- UInt32or64 = BGRAClasses.UInt32or64;
-{=== Miscellaneous types ===}
- {* Options when doing a floodfill (also called bucket fill) }
- TFloodfillMode = (
- {** Pixels that are filled are replaced }
- fmSet,
- {** Pixels that are filled are drawn upon with the fill color }
- fmDrawWithTransparency,
- {** Pixels that are filled are drawn without gamma correction upon with the fill color }
- fmLinearBlend,
- {** Pixels that are XORed with the fill color}
- fmXor,
- {** Pixels that are filled are drawn upon to the extent that the color underneath is similar to
- the start color. The more different the different is, the less it is drawn upon }
- fmProgressive);
- {* Specifies how much smoothing is applied to the computation of the median }
- TMedianOption = (moNone, moLowSmooth, moMediumSmooth, moHighSmooth);
- {* Specifies the shape of a predefined blur }
- TRadialBlurType = (
- {** Gaussian-like, pixel importance decreases progressively }
- rbNormal,
- {** Disk blur, pixel importance does not decrease progressively }
- rbDisk,
- {** Pixel are considered when they are at a certain distance }
- rbCorona,
- {** Gaussian-like, but 10 times smaller than ''rbNormal'' }
- rbPrecise,
- {** Gaussian-like but simplified to be computed faster }
- rbFast,
- {** Box blur, pixel importance does not decrease progressively
- and the pixels are included when they are in a square.
- This is much faster than ''rbFast'' however you may get
- square shapes in the resulting image }
- rbBox);
- TEmbossOption = (eoTransparent, eoPreserveHue);
- TEmbossOptions = set of TEmbossOption;
- {* List of image formats }
- TBGRAImageFormat = (
- {** Unknown format }
- ifUnknown,
- {** JPEG format, opaque, lossy compression }
- ifJpeg,
- {** PNG format, transparency, lossless compression }
- ifPng,
- {** GIF format, single transparent color, lossless in theory but only low number of colors allowed }
- ifGif,
- {** BMP format, transparency, no compression. Note that transparency is
- not supported by all BMP readers so it is recommended to avoid
- storing images with transparency in this format }
- ifBmp,
- {** iGO BMP (16-bit, rudimentary lossless compression) }
- ifBmpMioMap,
- {** ICO format, contains different sizes of the same image }
- ifIco,
- {** CUR format, has hotspot, contains different sizes of the same image }
- ifCur,
- {** PCX format, opaque, rudimentary lossless compression }
- ifPcx,
- {** Paint.NET format, layers, lossless compression }
- ifPaintDotNet,
- {** LazPaint format, layers, lossless compression }
- ifLazPaint,
- {** OpenRaster format, layers, lossless compression }
- ifOpenRaster,
- {** Phoxo format, layers }
- ifPhoxo,
- {** Photoshop format, layers, rudimentary lossless compression }
- ifPsd,
- {** Targa format (TGA), transparency, rudimentary lossless compression }
- ifTarga,
- {** TIFF format, limited support }
- ifTiff,
- {** X-Window capture, limited support }
- ifXwd,
- {** X-Pixmap, text encoded image, limited support }
- ifXPixMap,
- {** text or binary encoded image, no compression, extension PBM, PGM, PPM }
- ifPortableAnyMap,
- {** Scalable Vector Graphic, vectorial, read-only as raster }
- ifSvg,
- {** Lossless or lossy compression using V8 algorithm (need libwebp library) }
- ifWebP);
- {* Options when loading an image }
- TBGRALoadingOption = (
- {** Do not clear RGB channels when alpha is zero (not recommended) }
- loKeepTransparentRGB,
- {** Consider BMP to be opaque if no alpha value is provided (for compatibility) }
- loBmpAutoOpaque,
- {** Load JPEG quickly however with a lower quality }
- loJpegQuick);
- TBGRALoadingOptions = set of TBGRALoadingOption;
- TTextLayout = BGRAGraphics.TTextLayout;
- TFontBidiMode = BGRAUnicode.TFontBidiMode;
- TBidiTextAlignment = (btaNatural, btaOpposite, btaLeftJustify, btaRightJustify, btaCenter);
- fbmAuto = BGRAUnicode.fbmAuto;
- fbmLeftToRight = BGRAUnicode.fbmLeftToRight;
- fbmRightToLeft = BGRAUnicode.fbmRightToLeft;
- function AlignmentToBidiTextAlignment(AAlign: TAlignment; ARightToLeft: boolean): TBidiTextAlignment; overload;
- function AlignmentToBidiTextAlignment(AAlign: TAlignment): TBidiTextAlignment; overload;
- function BidiTextAlignmentToAlignment(ABidiAlign: TBidiTextAlignment; ARightToLeft: boolean): TAlignment;
- RadialBlurTypeToStr: array[TRadialBlurType] of string =
- ('Normal','Disk','Corona','Precise','Fast','Box');
- tlTop = BGRAGraphics.tlTop;
- tlCenter = BGRAGraphics.tlCenter;
- tlBottom = BGRAGraphics.tlBottom;
- // checks the bounds of an image in the given clipping rectangle
- function CheckPutImageBounds(x, y, tx, ty: integer; out minxb, minyb, maxxb, maxyb, ignoreleft: integer; const cliprect: TRect): boolean;
-{==== Imported from GraphType ====}
-//if this unit is defined, otherwise
-//define here the types used by the library.
- type
- { Order of the lines in an image }
- TRawImageLineOrder = GraphType.TRawImageLineOrder;
- { Order of the bits in a byte containing pixel values }
- TRawImageBitOrder = GraphType.TRawImageBitOrder;
- { Order of the bytes in a group of byte containing pixel values }
- TRawImageByteOrder = GraphType.TRawImageByteOrder;
- { Definition of a single line 3D bevel }
- TGraphicsBevelCut = GraphType.TGraphicsBevelCut;
- const
- riloTopToBottom = GraphType.riloTopToBottom; // The first line (line 0) is the top line
- riloBottomToTop = GraphType.riloBottomToTop; // The first line (line 0) is the bottom line
- riboBitsInOrder = GraphType.riboBitsInOrder; // Bit 0 is pixel 0
- riboReversedBits = GraphType.riboReversedBits; // Bit 0 is pixel 7 (Bit 1 is pixel 6, ...)
- riboLSBFirst = GraphType.riboLSBFirst; // least significant byte first (little endian)
- riboMSBFirst = GraphType.riboMSBFirst; // most significant byte first (big endian)
- fsSurface = GraphType.fsSurface; //type is defined as Graphics.TFillStyle
- fsBorder = GraphType.fsBorder;
- bvNone = GraphType.bvNone;
- bvLowered = GraphType.bvLowered;
- bvRaised = GraphType.bvRaised;
- bvSpace = GraphType.bvSpace;
- type
- {* Order of the lines in an image }
- TRawImageLineOrder = (
- {** The first line in memory (line 0) is the top line }
- riloTopToBottom,
- {** The first line in memory (line 0) is the bottom line }
- riloBottomToTop);
- {* Order of the bits in a byte containing pixel values }
- TRawImageBitOrder = (
- {** The lowest bit is on the left. So with a monochrome picture, bit 0 would be pixel 0 }
- riboBitsInOrder,
- {** The lowest bit is on the right. So with a momochrome picture, bit 0 would be pixel 7 (bit 1 would be pixel 6, ...) }
- riboReversedBits);
- {* Order of the bytes in a group of byte containing pixel values }
- TRawImageByteOrder = (
- {** Least significant byte first (little endian) }
- riboLSBFirst,
- {** most significant byte first (big endian) }
- riboMSBFirst);
- {* Definition of a single line 3D bevel }
- TGraphicsBevelCut =
- (
- {** No bevel }
- bvNone,
- {** Shape is lowered, light is on the bottom-right corner }
- bvLowered,
- {** Shape is raised, light is on the top-left corner }
- bvRaised,
- {** Shape is at the same level, there is no particular lighting }
- bvSpace);
-{$I bgrapixel.inc}
-{$I geometrytypes.inc}
-{$i csscolorconst.inc}
-{$I bgrascanner.inc}
-{$I unibitmap.inc}
-{$I unibitmapgeneric.inc}
-{==== Integer math ====}
- {* Computes the value modulo cycle, and if the ''value'' is negative, the result
- is still positive }
- function PositiveMod(value, cycle: Int32or64): Int32or64; inline; overload;
- { Sin65536 and Cos65536 are fast routines to compute sine and cosine as integer values.
- They use a table to store already computed values. The return value is an integer
- ranging from 0 to 65536, so the mean value is 32768 and the half amplitude is
- 32768 instead of 1. The input has a period of 65536, so you can supply any integer
- without applying a modulo. }
- { Compute all values now }
- procedure PrecalcSin65536;
- {* Returns an integer approximation of the sine. Value ranges from 0 to 65535,
- where 65536 corresponds to the next cycle }
- function Sin65536(value: word): Int32or64; inline;
- {* Returns an integer approximation of the cosine. Value ranges from 0 to 65535,
- where 65536 corresponds to the next cycle }
- function Cos65536(value: word): Int32or64; inline;
- {* Returns the square root of the given byte, considering that
- 255 is equal to unity }
- function ByteSqrt(value: byte): byte; inline;
-{==== Types provided for fonts ====}
- {* Quality to be used to render text }
- TBGRAFontQuality = (
- {** Use the system capabilities. It is rather fast however it may be
- not be smoothed. }
- fqSystem,
- {** Use the system capabilities to render with ClearType. This quality is
- of course better than fqSystem however it may not be perfect.}
- fqSystemClearType,
- {** Garanties a high quality antialiasing. }
- fqFineAntialiasing,
- {** Fine antialiasing with ClearType assuming an LCD display in red/green/blue order }
- fqFineClearTypeRGB,
- {** Fine antialiasing with ClearType assuming an LCD display in blue/green/red order }
- fqFineClearTypeBGR);
- TGetFineClearTypeAutoFunc = function(): TBGRAFontQuality;
- fqFineClearType : TGetFineClearTypeAutoFunc;
- {* Measurements of a font }
- TFontPixelMetric = record
- {** The values have been computed }
- Defined: boolean;
- {** Position of the baseline, where most letters lie }
- Baseline,
- {** Position of the top of the small letters (x being one of them) }
- xLine,
- {** Position of the top of the UPPERCASE letters }
- CapLine,
- {** Position of the bottom of letters like g and p }
- DescentLine,
- {** Total line height including line spacing defined by the font }
- Lineheight: integer;
- end;
- {* Measurements of a font in floating point values }
- TFontPixelMetricF = record
- {** The values have been computed }
- Defined: boolean;
- {** Position of the baseline, where most letters lie }
- Baseline,
- {** Position of the top of the small letters (x being one of them) }
- xLine,
- {** Position of the top of the UPPERCASE letters }
- CapLine,
- {** Position of the bottom of letters like g and p }
- DescentLine,
- {** Total line height including line spacing defined by the font }
- Lineheight: single;
- end;
- {* Vertical anchoring of the font. When text is drawn, a start coordinate
- is necessary. Text can be positioned in different ways. This enum
- defines what position it is regarding the font }
- TFontVerticalAnchor = (
- {** The top of the font. Everything will be drawn below the start coordinate. }
- fvaTop,
- {** The center of the font }
- fvaCenter,
- {** The top of capital letters }
- fvaCapLine,
- {** The center of capital letters }
- fvaCapCenter,
- {** The top of small letters }
- fvaXLine,
- {** The center of small letters }
- fvaXCenter,
- {** The baseline, the bottom of most letters }
- fvaBaseline,
- {** The bottom of letters that go below the baseline }
- fvaDescentLine,
- {** The bottom of the font. Everything will be drawn above the start coordinate }
- fvaBottom);
- {* Definition of a function that handles work-break }
- TWordBreakHandler = procedure(var ABeforeUTF8, AAfterUTF8: string) of object;
- {* Alignment for a typewriter, that does not have any more information
- than a square shape containing glyphs }
- TBGRATypeWriterAlignment = (twaTopLeft, twaTop, twaTopRight, twaLeft, twaMiddle, twaRight, twaBottomLeft, twaBottom, twaBottomRight);
- {* How a typewriter must render its content on a Canvas2d }
- TBGRATypeWriterOutlineMode = (twoPath, twoFill, twoStroke, twoFillOverStroke, twoStrokeOverFill, twoFillThenStroke, twoStrokeThenFill);
- { TBGRACustomFontRenderer }
- {* Abstract class for all font renderers }
- TBGRACustomFontRenderer = class
- protected
- {** Specifies the height of the font without taking into account additional line spacing.
- A negative value means that it is the full height instead }
- FFontEmHeightF: single;
- function GetFontEmHeight: integer;
- procedure SetFontEmHeight(AValue: integer);
- public
- {** Specifies the font to use. Unless the font renderer accept otherwise,
- the name is in human readable form, like 'Arial', 'Times New Roman', ... }
- FontName: string;
- {** Specifies the set of styles to be applied to the font.
- These can be fsBold, fsItalic, fsStrikeOut, fsUnderline.
- So the value [fsBold,fsItalic] means that the font must be bold and italic }
- FontStyle: TFontStyles;
- {** Specifies the quality of rendering. Default value is fqSystem }
- FontQuality : TBGRAFontQuality;
- {** Specifies the rotation of the text, for functions that support text rotation.
- It is expressed in tenth of degrees, positive values going counter-clockwise }
- FontOrientation: integer;
- {** Returns measurement for the current font in pixels }
- function GetFontPixelMetric: TFontPixelMetric; virtual; abstract;
- function GetFontPixelMetricF: TFontPixelMetricF; virtual;
- function FontExists(AName: string): boolean; virtual; abstract;
- {** Returns the total size of the string provided using the current font.
- Orientation is not taken into account, so that the width is along the text }
- function TextSize(sUTF8: string): TSize; overload; virtual; abstract;
- function TextSizeF(sUTF8: string): TPointF; overload; virtual;
- function TextSize(sUTF8: string; AMaxWidth: integer; ARightToLeft: boolean): TSize; overload; virtual; abstract;
- function TextSizeF(sUTF8: string; AMaxWidthF: single; ARightToLeft: boolean): TPointF; overload; virtual;
- function TextSizeAngle(sUTF8: string; {%H-}orientationTenthDegCCW: integer): TSize; virtual;
- function TextSizeAngleF(sUTF8: string; {%H-}orientationTenthDegCCW: integer): TPointF; virtual;
- {** Returns the number of Unicode characters that fit into the specified size }
- function TextFitInfo(sUTF8: string; AMaxWidth: integer): integer; virtual; abstract;
- function TextFitInfoF(sUTF8: string; AMaxWidthF: single): integer; virtual;
- {** Draws the UTF8 encoded string, with color ''c''.
- If align is taLeftJustify, (''x'',''y'') is the top-left corner.
- If align is taCenter, (''x'',''y'') is at the top and middle of the text.
- If align is taRightJustify, (''x'',''y'') is the top-right corner.
- The value of ''FontOrientation'' is taken into account, so that the text may be rotated }
- procedure TextOut(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: single; sUTF8: string; c: TBGRAPixel; align: TAlignment); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure TextOut(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: single; sUTF8: string; c: TBGRAPixel; align: TAlignment; {%H-}ARightToLeft: boolean); overload; virtual;
- {** Same as above functions, except that the text is filled using texture.
- The value of ''FontOrientation'' is taken into account, so that the text may be rotated }
- procedure TextOut(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: single; sUTF8: string; texture: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure TextOut(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: single; sUTF8: string; texture: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment; {%H-}ARightToLeft: boolean); overload; virtual;
- {** Same as above, except that the orientation is specified, overriding the value of the property ''FontOrientation'' }
- procedure TextOutAngle(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: single; orientationTenthDegCCW: integer; sUTF8: string; c: TBGRAPixel; align: TAlignment); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure TextOutAngle(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: single; orientationTenthDegCCW: integer; sUTF8: string; c: TBGRAPixel; align: TAlignment; {%H-}ARightToLeft: boolean); overload; virtual;
- {** Same as above, except that the orientation is specified, overriding the value of the property ''FontOrientation'' }
- procedure TextOutAngle(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: single; orientationTenthDegCCW: integer; sUTF8: string; texture: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure TextOutAngle(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: single; orientationTenthDegCCW: integer; sUTF8: string; texture: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment; {%H-}ARightToLeft: boolean); overload; virtual;
- {** Draw the UTF8 encoded string at the coordinate (''x'',''y''), clipped inside the rectangle ''ARect''.
- Additional style information is provided by the style parameter.
- The color ''c'' is used to fill the text. No rotation is applied. }
- procedure TextRect(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; ARect: TRect; x, y: integer; sUTF8: string; style: TTextStyle; c: TBGRAPixel); overload; virtual; abstract;
- {** Same as above except a ''texture'' is used to fill the text }
- procedure TextRect(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; ARect: TRect; x, y: integer; sUTF8: string; style: TTextStyle; texture: IBGRAScanner); overload; virtual; abstract;
- {** Copy the path for the UTF8 encoded string into ''ADest''.
- If ''align'' is ''taLeftJustify'', (''x'',''y'') is the top-left corner.
- If ''align'' is ''taCenter'', (''x'',''y'') is at the top and middle of the text.
- If ''align'' is ''taRightJustify'', (''x'',''y'') is the top-right corner. }
- procedure CopyTextPathTo({%H-}ADest: IBGRAPath; {%H-}x, {%H-}y: single; {%H-}s: string; {%H-}align: TAlignment); virtual; //optional
- procedure CopyTextPathTo({%H-}ADest: IBGRAPath; {%H-}x, {%H-}y: single; {%H-}s: string; {%H-}align: TAlignment; {%H-}ARightToLeft: boolean); virtual; //optional
- function HandlesTextPath: boolean; virtual;
- property FontEmHeight: integer read GetFontEmHeight write SetFontEmHeight;
- property FontEmHeightF: single read FFontEmHeightF write FFontEmHeightF;
- end;
- {* Output mode for the improved renderer for readability. This is used by the font renderer based on LCL in ''BGRAText'' }
- TBGRATextOutImproveReadabilityMode = (irMask, irNormal, irClearTypeRGB, irClearTypeBGR);
-{** Removes line ending and tab characters from a string (for a function
- like ''TextOut'' that does not handle this). this works with UTF8 strings
- as well }
-function CleanTextOutString(const s: string): string;
-{** Remove the line ending at the specified position or return False.
- This works with UTF8 strings however the index is the byte index }
-function RemoveLineEnding(var s: string; indexByte: integer): boolean;
-{** Remove the line ending at the specified position or return False.
- The index is the character index, that may be different from the
- byte index }
-function RemoveLineEndingUTF8(var sUTF8: string; indexUTF8: integer): boolean;
-{** Default word break handler }
-procedure BGRADefaultWordBreakHandler(var ABefore, AAfter: string);
-{==== Images and resampling ====}
- {* How the resample is to be computed }
- TResampleMode = (
- {** Low quality resample by repeating pixels, stretching them }
- rmSimpleStretch,
- {** Use resample filters. This gives high
- quality resampling however this the proportion changes slightly because
- the first and last pixel are considered to occupy only half a unit as
- they are considered as the border of the picture
- (pixel-centered coordinates) }
- rmFineResample);
- {* List of resample filter to be used with ''rmFineResample'' }
- TResampleFilter = (
- {** Equivalent of simple stretch with high quality and pixel-centered coordinates }
- rfBox,
- {** Linear interpolation giving slow transition between pixels }
- rfLinear,
- {** Mix of ''rfLinear'' and ''rfCosine'' giving medium speed stransition between pixels }
- rfHalfCosine,
- {** Cosine-like interpolation giving fast transition between pixels }
- rfCosine,
- {** Simple bi-cubic filter (blurry) }
- rfBicubic,
- {** Mitchell filter, good for downsizing interpolation }
- rfMitchell,
- {** Spline filter, good for upsizing interpolation, however slightly blurry }
- rfSpline,
- {** Lanczos with radius 2, blur is corrected }
- rfLanczos2,
- {** Lanczos with radius 3, high contrast }
- rfLanczos3,
- {** Lanczos with radius 4, high contrast }
- rfLanczos4,
- {** Best quality using rfMitchell or rfSpline }
- rfBestQuality);
- {** List of strings to represent resample filters }
- ResampleFilterStr : array[TResampleFilter] of string =
- ('Box','Linear','HalfCosine','Cosine','Bicubic','Mitchell','Spline',
- 'Lanczos2','Lanczos3','Lanczos4','BestQuality');
- {** Gives the sample filter represented by a string }
- function StrToResampleFilter(str: string): TResampleFilter;
- {* Image information from superficial analysis }
- TQuickImageInfo = record
- {** Width in pixels }
- Width,
- {** Height in pixels }
- Height,
- {** Bitdepth for colors (1, 2, 4, 8 for images with palette/grayscale, 16, 24 or 48 if each channel is present) }
- ColorDepth,
- {** Bitdepth for alpha (0 if no alpha channel, 1 if bit mask, 8 or 16 if alpha channel) }
- AlphaDepth: integer;
- end;
- {* Bitmap reader with additional features }
- TBGRAImageReader = class(TFPCustomImageReader)
- {** Return bitmap information (size, bit depth) }
- function GetQuickInfo(AStream: TStream): TQuickImageInfo; virtual; abstract;
- {** Return a draft of the bitmap, the ratio may change compared to the original width and height (useful to make thumbnails) }
- function GetBitmapDraft(AStream: TStream; AMaxWidth, AMaxHeight: integer; out AOriginalWidth,AOriginalHeight: integer): TBGRACustomBitmap; virtual; abstract;
- end;
- { TBGRACustomWriterPNG }
- TBGRACustomWriterPNG = class(TFPCustomImageWriter)
- protected
- function GetUseAlpha: boolean; virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetUseAlpha(AValue: boolean); virtual; abstract;
- public
- property UseAlpha : boolean read GetUseAlpha write SetUseAlpha;
- end;
- {** List of stream readers for images }
- DefaultBGRAImageReader: array[TBGRAImageFormat] of TFPCustomImageReaderClass;
- {** List of stream writers for images }
- DefaultBGRAImageWriter: array[TBGRAImageFormat] of TFPCustomImageWriterClass;
- {** Detect the file format of a given file }
- function DetectFileFormat(AFilenameUTF8: string): TBGRAImageFormat;
- {** Detect the file format of a given stream. ''ASuggestedExtensionUTF8'' can
- be provided to guess the format }
- function DetectFileFormat(AStream: TStream; ASuggestedExtensionUTF8: string = ''): TBGRAImageFormat;
- {** Returns the file format that is most likely to be stored in the
- given filename (according to its extension) }
- function SuggestImageFormat(AFilenameOrExtensionUTF8: string): TBGRAImageFormat;
- {** Returns a likely image extension for the format }
- function SuggestImageExtension(AFormat: TBGRAImageFormat): string;
- {** Create an image reader for the given format }
- function CreateBGRAImageReader(AFormat: TBGRAImageFormat): TFPCustomImageReader;
- {** Create an image writer for the given format. ''AHasTransparentPixels''
- specifies if alpha channel must be supported }
- function CreateBGRAImageWriter(AFormat: TBGRAImageFormat; AHasTransparentPixels: boolean): TFPCustomImageWriter;
-{$I bgracustombitmap.inc}
-operator =(const AGuid1, AGuid2: TGuid): boolean;
- { TBGRAResourceManager }
- TBGRAResourceManager = class
- protected
- function GetWinResourceType(AExtension: string): pchar;
- public
- function GetResourceStream(AFilename: string): TStream; virtual;
- function IsWinResource(AFilename: string): boolean; virtual;
- end;
- BGRAResource : TBGRAResourceManager;
-uses Math, SysUtils, BGRAUTF8,
- FPReadXwd, FPReadXPM,
- FPWriteJPEG, FPWriteBMP, FPWritePCX,
- FPWriteTGA, FPWriteXPM, FPReadPNM, FPWritePNM;
-function BGRABitmapVersionStr: string;
-var numbers: TStringList;
- i,remaining: LongWord;
- numbers := TStringList.Create;
- remaining := BGRABitmapVersion;
- for i := 1 to 4 do
- begin
- numbers.Insert(0, IntToStr(remaining mod 100));
- remaining := remaining div 100;
- end;
- while (numbers.Count > 1) and (numbers[numbers.Count-1]='0') do
- numbers.Delete(numbers.Count-1);
- numbers.Delimiter:= '.';
- result := numbers.DelimitedText;
- numbers.Free;
-{$I geometrytypes.inc}
-{$I unibitmap.inc}
-{$I unibitmapgeneric.inc}
-{$I csscolorconst.inc}
-{$I bgracustombitmap.inc}
-{$I bgrascanner.inc}
-{$I bgrapixel.inc}
-function AlignmentToBidiTextAlignment(AAlign: TAlignment; ARightToLeft: boolean): TBidiTextAlignment;
- case AAlign of
- taCenter: result := btaCenter;
- taRightJustify: if ARightToLeft then result := btaNatural else result := btaOpposite;
- else {taLeftJustify}
- if ARightToLeft then result := btaOpposite else result := btaNatural;
- end;
-function AlignmentToBidiTextAlignment(AAlign: TAlignment): TBidiTextAlignment;
- case AAlign of
- taCenter: result := btaCenter;
- taRightJustify: result := btaRightJustify;
- else {taLeftJustify}
- result := btaLeftJustify;
- end;
-function BidiTextAlignmentToAlignment(ABidiAlign: TBidiTextAlignment;
- ARightToLeft: boolean): TAlignment;
- case ABidiAlign of
- btaCenter: result := taCenter;
- btaLeftJustify: result := taLeftJustify;
- btaRightJustify: result := taRightJustify;
- btaOpposite: if ARightToLeft then result := taLeftJustify else result := taRightJustify;
- else {btaNatural}
- if ARightToLeft then result := taRightJustify else result := taLeftJustify;
- end;
-function CleanTextOutString(const s: string): string;
-var idxIn, idxOut: integer;
- setlength(result, length(s));
- idxIn := 1;
- idxOut := 1;
- while IdxIn <= length(s) do
- begin
- if not (s[idxIn] in[#13,#10,#9]) then //those characters are always 1 byte long so it is the same with UTF8
- begin
- result[idxOut] := s[idxIn];
- inc(idxOut);
- end;
- inc(idxIn);
- end;
- setlength(result, idxOut-1);
-function RemoveLineEnding(var s: string; indexByte: integer): boolean;
-begin //we can ignore UTF8 character length because #13 and #10 are always 1 byte long
- //so this function can be applied to UTF8 strings as well
- result := false;
- if length(s) >= indexByte then
- begin
- if s[indexByte] in[#13,#10] then
- begin
- result := true;
- if length(s) >= indexByte+1 then
- begin
- if (s[indexByte+1] <> s[indexByte]) and (s[indexByte+1] in[#13,#10]) then
- delete(s,indexByte,2)
- else
- delete(s,indexByte,1);
- end
- else
- delete(s,indexByte,1);
- end else
- if (s[indexByte] = #$C2) and (length(s) >= indexByte+1) and (s[indexByte+1] = #$85) then
- begin
- result := true;
- delete(s,indexByte,2);
- end else
- if (s[indexByte] = #$E2) and (length(s) >= indexByte+2) and (s[indexByte+1] = #$80) and
- (s[indexByte+2] in[#$A8,#$A9]) then
- begin
- result := true;
- delete(s,indexByte,3);
- end
- end;
-function RemoveLineEndingUTF8(var sUTF8: string; indexUTF8: integer): boolean;
-var indexByte: integer;
- pIndex: PChar;
- pIndex := UTF8CharStart(@sUTF8[1],length(sUTF8),indexUTF8);
- if pIndex = nil then
- begin
- result := false;
- exit;
- end;
- indexByte := pIndex - @sUTF8[1];
- result := RemoveLineEnding(sUTF8, indexByte);
-procedure BGRADefaultWordBreakHandler(var ABefore, AAfter: string);
-const spacingChars = [' '];
- wordBreakChars = [' ',#9,'-','?','!'];
-var p, charLen: integer;
- u: LongWord;
- if (AAfter <> '') and (ABefore <> '') and not (AAfter[1] in spacingChars) and not (ABefore[length(ABefore)] in wordBreakChars) then
- begin
- p := length(ABefore);
- while (p > 1) and not (ABefore[p-1] in wordBreakChars) do dec(p);
- while (p < length(ABefore)+1) and (ABefore[p] in [#$80..#$BF]) do inc(p); //do not split UTF8 char
- //keep non-spacing mark together
- while p <= length(ABefore) do
- begin
- charLen := UTF8CharacterLength(@ABefore[p]);
- if p+charLen > length(ABefore)+1 then charLen := length(ABefore)+1-p;
- u := UTF8CodepointToUnicode(@ABefore[p],charLen);
- if (GetUnicodeBidiClassEx(u) in[ubcNonSpacingMark, ubcCombiningLeftToRight]) then
- inc(p,charLen)
- else
- break;
- end;
- if p = 1 then
- begin
- //keep ideographic punctuation together
- charLen := UTF8CharacterLength(@AAfter[p]);
- if charLen > length(AAfter) then charLen := length(AAfter);
- u := UTF8CodepointToUnicode(@AAfter[p],charLen);
- case u of
- begin
- p := length(ABefore)+1;
- while p > 1 do
- begin
- charLen := 1;
- dec(p);
- while (p > 0) and (ABefore[p] in [#$80..#$BF]) do
- begin
- dec(p); //do not split UTF8 char
- inc(charLen);
- end;
- if charLen <= 4 then
- u := UTF8CodepointToUnicode(@ABefore[p],charLen)
- else
- u := ord('A');
- case GetUnicodeBidiClass(u) of
- ubcNonSpacingMark: ; // include NSM
- ubcOtherNeutrals, ubcWhiteSpace, ubcCommonSeparator, ubcEuropeanNumberSeparator:
- begin
- p := 1;
- break;
- end
- else
- break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if p > 1 then //can put the word after
- begin
- AAfter := copy(ABefore,p,length(ABefore)-p+1)+AAfter;
- ABefore := copy(ABefore,1,p-1);
- end else
- begin //cannot put the word after, so before
- end;
- end;
- while (ABefore <> '') and (ABefore[length(ABefore)] in spacingChars) do delete(ABefore,length(ABefore),1);
- while (AAfter <> '') and (AAfter[1] in spacingChars) do delete(AAfter,1,1);
-function StrToResampleFilter(str: string): TResampleFilter;
-var f: TResampleFilter;
- result := rfLinear;
- str := LowerCase(str);
- for f := low(TResampleFilter) to high(TResampleFilter) do
- if CompareText(str,ResampleFilterStr[f])=0 then
- begin
- result := f;
- exit;
- end;
-function GetFineClearTypeAuto: TBGRAFontQuality;
- result := fqFineClearTypeRGB;
-{ TBGRACustomFontRenderer }
-function TBGRACustomFontRenderer.GetFontEmHeight: integer;
- result := round(FFontEmHeightF);
-procedure TBGRACustomFontRenderer.SetFontEmHeight(AValue: integer);
- FFontEmHeightF:= AValue;
-function TBGRACustomFontRenderer.GetFontPixelMetricF: TFontPixelMetricF;
- with GetFontPixelMetric do
- begin
- result.Defined := Defined;
- result.Baseline := Baseline;
- result.xLine := xLine;
- result.CapLine := CapLine;
- result.DescentLine := DescentLine;
- result.Lineheight := LineHeight;
- end;
-function TBGRACustomFontRenderer.TextSizeF(sUTF8: string): TPointF;
- with TextSize(sUTF8) do
- result := PointF(cx,cy);
-function TBGRACustomFontRenderer.TextSizeF(sUTF8: string; AMaxWidthF: single;
- ARightToLeft: boolean): TPointF;
- with TextSize(sUTF8, round(AMaxWidthF), ARightToLeft) do
- result := PointF(cx,cy);
-function TBGRACustomFontRenderer.TextFitInfoF(sUTF8: string; AMaxWidthF: single): integer;
- result := TextFitInfo(sUTF8, round(AMaxWidthF));
-function TBGRACustomFontRenderer.TextSizeAngle(sUTF8: string;
- orientationTenthDegCCW: integer): TSize;
- result := TextSize(sUTF8); //ignore orientation by default
-function TBGRACustomFontRenderer.TextSizeAngleF(sUTF8: string;
- orientationTenthDegCCW: integer): TPointF;
- result := TextSizeF(sUTF8); //ignore orientation by default
-procedure TBGRACustomFontRenderer.TextOut(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x,
- y: single; sUTF8: string; c: TBGRAPixel; align: TAlignment;
- ARightToLeft: boolean);
- //if RightToLeft is not handled
- TextOut(ADest,x,y,sUTF8,c,align);
-procedure TBGRACustomFontRenderer.TextOut(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x,
- y: single; sUTF8: string; texture: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment;
- ARightToLeft: boolean);
- //if RightToLeft is not handled
- TextOut(ADest,x,y,sUTF8,texture,align);
-procedure TBGRACustomFontRenderer.TextOutAngle(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x,
- y: single; orientationTenthDegCCW: integer; sUTF8: string; c: TBGRAPixel;
- align: TAlignment; ARightToLeft: boolean);
- //if RightToLeft is not handled
- TextOutAngle(ADest,x,y,orientationTenthDegCCW,sUTF8,c,align);
-procedure TBGRACustomFontRenderer.TextOutAngle(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x,
- y: single; orientationTenthDegCCW: integer; sUTF8: string;
- texture: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment; ARightToLeft: boolean);
- //if RightToLeft is not handled
- TextOutAngle(ADest,x,y,orientationTenthDegCCW,sUTF8,texture,align);
-procedure TBGRACustomFontRenderer.CopyTextPathTo(ADest: IBGRAPath; x, y: single; s: string; align: TAlignment);
-begin {optional implementation} end;
-procedure TBGRACustomFontRenderer.CopyTextPathTo(ADest: IBGRAPath; x,
- y: single; s: string; align: TAlignment; ARightToLeft: boolean);
- //if RightToLeft is not handled
- CopyTextPathTo(ADest, x,y, s, align);
-function TBGRACustomFontRenderer.HandlesTextPath: boolean;
- result := false;
-function CheckPutImageBounds(x, y, tx, ty: integer; out minxb, minyb, maxxb,
- maxyb, ignoreleft: integer; const cliprect: TRect): boolean;
-var x2,y2: integer;
- if (x >= cliprect.Right) or (y >= cliprect.Bottom) or (x <= cliprect.Left-tx) or
- (y <= cliprect.Top-ty) or (ty <= 0) or (tx <= 0) then
- begin
- result := false;
- exit;
- end;
- x2 := x + tx - 1;
- y2 := y + ty - 1;
- if y < cliprect.Top then
- minyb := cliprect.Top
- else
- minyb := y;
- if y2 >= cliprect.Bottom then
- maxyb := cliprect.Bottom - 1
- else
- maxyb := y2;
- if x < cliprect.Left then
- begin
- ignoreleft := cliprect.Left-x;
- minxb := cliprect.Left;
- end
- else
- begin
- ignoreleft := 0;
- minxb := x;
- end;
- if x2 >= cliprect.Right then
- maxxb := cliprect.Right - 1
- else
- maxxb := x2;
- result := true;
-{************************** Cyclic functions *******************}
-// Get the cyclic value in the range [0..cycle-1]
-function PositiveMod(value, cycle: Int32or64): Int32or64; inline;
- result := value mod cycle;
- if result < 0 then //modulo can be negative
- Inc(result, cycle);
-{ Table of precalc values. Note : the value is stored for
- the first half of the cycle, and values are stored 'minus 1'
- in order to stay in the range 0..65535 }
- sinTab65536: packed array of word;
- byteSqrtTab: packed array of word;
-function Sin65536(value: word): Int32or64;
-var b: integer;
- //allocate array
- if sinTab65536 = nil then
- setlength(sinTab65536,32768);
- if value >= 32768 then //function is upside down after half-period
- begin
- b := value xor 32768;
- if sinTab65536[b] = 0 then //precalc
- sinTab65536[b] := round((sin(b*2*Pi/65536)+1)*65536/2)-1;
- result := not sinTab65536[b];
- end else
- begin
- b := value;
- if sinTab65536[b] = 0 then //precalc
- sinTab65536[b] := round((sin(b*2*Pi/65536)+1)*65536/2)-1;
- {$hints off}
- result := sinTab65536[b]+1;
- {$hints on}
- end;
-function Cos65536(value: word): Int32or64;
- {$PUSH}{$R-}
- result := Sin65536(value+16384); //cosine is translated
- {$POP}
-procedure PrecalcSin65536;
- i: Integer;
- for i := 0 to 32767 do Sin65536(i);
-procedure PrecalcByteSqrt;
-var i: integer;
- if byteSqrtTab = nil then
- begin
- setlength(byteSqrtTab,256);
- for i := 0 to 255 do
- byteSqrtTab[i] := round(sqrt(i/255)*255);
- end;
-function ByteSqrt(value: byte): byte; inline;
- if byteSqrtTab = nil then PrecalcByteSqrt;
- result := ByteSqrtTab[value];
-function DetectFileFormat(AFilenameUTF8: string): TBGRAImageFormat;
-var stream: TFileStreamUTF8;
- try
- stream := TFileStreamUTF8.Create(AFilenameUTF8,fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);
- except
- result := ifUnknown;
- exit;
- end;
- try
- result := DetectFileFormat(stream, ExtractFileExt(AFilenameUTF8));
- finally
- stream.Free;
- end;
-function DetectFileFormat(AStream: TStream; ASuggestedExtensionUTF8: string
- ): TBGRAImageFormat;
- scores: array[TBGRAImageFormat] of integer;
- imageFormat,bestImageFormat: TBGRAImageFormat;
- bestScore: integer;
- procedure DetectFromStream;
- var
- {%H-}magic: packed array[0..7] of byte;
- {%H-}dwords: packed array[0..9] of LongWord;
- magicAsText, moreMagic: string;
- streamStartPos, maxFileSize: Int64;
- expectedFileSize: LongWord;
- procedure DetectTarga;
- var
- paletteCount: integer;
- {%H-}targaPixelFormat: packed record pixelDepth: byte; imgDescriptor: byte; end;
- begin
- if (magic[1] in[$00,$01]) and (magic[2] in[0,1,2,3,9,10,11]) and (maxFileSize >= 18) then
- begin
- paletteCount:= magic[5] + magic[6] shl 8;
- if ((paletteCount = 0) and (magic[7] = 0)) or
- (magic[7] in [16,24,32]) then //check palette bit count
- begin
- AStream.Position:= streamStartPos+16;
- if AStream.Read({%H-}targaPixelFormat,2) = 2 then
- begin
- if (targaPixelFormat.pixelDepth in [8,16,24,32]) and
- (targaPixelFormat.imgDescriptor and 15 < targaPixelFormat.pixelDepth) then
- inc(scores[ifTarga],2);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure DetectLazPaint;
- var
- w,h: LongWord;
- i: integer;
- begin
- if (copy(magicAsText,1,8) = 'LazPaint') then //with header
- begin
- AStream.Position:= streamStartPos+8;
- if AStream.Read(dwords,10*4) = 10*4 then
- begin
- for i := 0 to 6 do dwords[i] := LEtoN(dwords[i]);
- if (dwords[0] = 0) and (dwords[1] <= maxFileSize) and (dwords[5] <= maxFileSize) and
- (dwords[9] <= maxFileSize) and
- (dwords[6] = 0) then inc(scores[ifLazPaint],2);
- end;
- end else //without header
- if ((magic[0] <> 0) or (magic[1] <> 0)) and (magic[2] = 0) and (magic[3] = 0) and
- ((magic[4] <> 0) or (magic[5] <> 0)) and (magic[6] = 0) and (magic[7] = 0) then
- begin
- w := magic[0] + (magic[1] shl 8);
- h := magic[4] + (magic[5] shl 8);
- AStream.Position:= streamStartPos+8;
- if AStream.Read(dwords,4) = 4 then
- begin
- dwords[0] := LEtoN(dwords[0]);
- if (dwords[0] > 0) and (dwords[0] < 65536) then
- begin
- if 12+dwords[0] < expectedFileSize then
- begin
- AStream.Position:= streamStartPos+12+dwords[0];
- if AStream.Read(dwords,6*4) = 6*4 then
- begin
- for i := 0 to 5 do dwords[i] := LEtoN(dwords[i]);
- if (dwords[0] <= w) and (dwords[1] <= h) and
- (dwords[2] <= w) and (dwords[3] <= h) and
- (dwords[2] >= dwords[0]) and (dwords[3] >= dwords[1]) and
- ((dwords[4] = 0) or (dwords[4] = 1)) and
- (dwords[5] > 0) then inc(scores[ifLazPaint],1);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- begin
- fillchar({%H-}magic, sizeof(magic), 0);
- fillchar({%H-}dwords, sizeof(dwords), 0);
- streamStartPos:= AStream.Position;
- maxFileSize:= AStream.Size - streamStartPos;
- if maxFileSize < 8 then exit;
- if AStream.Read(magic,sizeof(magic)) <> sizeof(magic) then
- begin
- fillchar(scores,sizeof(scores),0);
- exit;
- end;
- setlength(magicAsText,sizeof(magic));
- move(magic[0],magicAsText[1],sizeof(magic));
- if (magic[0] = $ff) and (magic[1] = $d8) then
- begin
- inc(scores[ifJpeg]);
- if (magic[2] = $ff) and (magic[3] >= $c0) then inc(scores[ifJpeg]);
- end;
- if (magic[0] = $89) and (magic[1] = $50) and (magic[2] = $4e) and
- (magic[3] = $47) and (magic[4] = $0d) and (magic[5] = $0a) and
- (magic[6] = $1a) and (magic[7] = $0a) then inc(scores[ifPng],2);
- if (copy(magicAsText,1,6)='GIF87a') or (copy(magicAsText,1,6)='GIF89a') then inc(scores[ifGif],2);
- if (magic[0] = $0a) and (magic[1] in [0,2,3,4,5]) and (magic[2] in[0,1]) and (magic[3] in[1,2,4,8]) then
- inc(scores[ifPcx],2);
- if (copy(magicAsText,1,2)='BM') then
- begin
- inc(scores[ifBmp]);
- expectedFileSize:= magic[2] + (magic[3] shl 8) + (magic[4] shl 16) + (magic[5] shl 24);
- if expectedFileSize = maxFileSize then inc(scores[ifBmp]);
- end else
- if (copy(magicAsText,1,2)='RL') then
- begin
- inc(scores[ifBmpMioMap]);
- if (magic[2] in[0,1]) and (magic[3] = 0) then inc(scores[ifBmpMioMap]);
- end;
- if (magic[0] = $00) and (magic[1] = $00) and (magic[3] = $00) and
- (magic[4] + (magic[5] shl 8) > 0) then
- begin
- if magic[2] = $01 then
- inc(scores[ifIco])
- else if magic[2] = $02 then
- inc(scores[ifCur]);
- end;
- if (copy(magicAsText,1,4) = 'PDN3') then
- begin
- expectedFileSize:= 6 + (magic[4] + (magic[5] shl 8) + (magic[6] shl 16)) + 2;
- if expectedFileSize <= maxFileSize then
- begin
- inc(scores[ifPaintDotNet]);
- if magic[7] = $3c then inc(scores[ifPaintDotNet]);
- end;
- end;
- if (copy(magicAsText,1,4) = 'oXo ') then
- begin
- inc(scores[ifPhoxo],1);
- if (magic[4] = 1) and (magic[5] = 0) and (magic[6] = 0) and (magic[7] = 0) then
- inc(scores[ifPhoxo],1);
- end;
- DetectLazPaint;
- if (magic[0] = $50) and (magic[1] = $4b) and (magic[2] = $03) and (magic[3] = $04) then
- begin
- if DefaultBGRAImageReader[ifOpenRaster] = nil then inc(scores[ifOpenRaster]) else
- with CreateBGRAImageReader(ifOpenRaster) do
- try
- AStream.Position := streamStartPos;
- if CheckContents(AStream) then inc(scores[ifOpenRaster],2);
- finally
- Free;
- end;
- end;
- if (copy(magicAsText,1,4) = '8BPS') and (magic[4] = $00) and (magic[5] = $01) then inc(scores[ifPsd],2);
- DetectTarga;
- if (copy(magicAsText,1,2)='II') and (magic[2] = 42) and (magic[3]=0) then inc(scores[ifTiff]) else
- if (copy(magicAsText,1,2)='MM') and (magic[2] = 0) and (magic[3]=42) then inc(scores[ifTiff]);
- if (copy(magicAsText,1,8) = '/* XPM *') or (copy(magicAsText,1,6) = '! XPM2') then inc(scores[ifXPixMap]);
- if (copy(magicAsText,1,6) = '3) and (magicAsText[1]='P') and
- (magicAsText[2] in['1'..'6']) and (magicAsText[3] = #10) then inc(scores[ifPortableAnyMap]);
- if (copy(magicAsText,1,4) = 'RIFF') then
- begin
- AStream.Position:= streamStartPos+8;
- setlength(moreMagic, 4);
- if (AStream.Read(moreMagic[1],4) = 4)
- and (moreMagic = 'WEBP') then
- inc(scores[ifWebP], 2);
- end;
- AStream.Position := streamStartPos;
- end;
- extFormat: TBGRAImageFormat;
- result := ifUnknown;
- for imageFormat:= low(TBGRAImageFormat) to high(TBGRAImageFormat) do
- scores[imageFormat] := 0;
- ASuggestedExtensionUTF8:= UTF8LowerCase(ASuggestedExtensionUTF8);
- if (ASuggestedExtensionUTF8 <> '') and (ASuggestedExtensionUTF8[1] <> '.') then //first UTF8 char is in first pos
- ASuggestedExtensionUTF8 := '.'+ASuggestedExtensionUTF8;
- extFormat:= SuggestImageFormat(ASuggestedExtensionUTF8);
- if extFormat <> ifUnknown then inc(scores[extFormat]);
- If AStream <> nil then DetectFromStream;
- bestScore := 0;
- bestImageFormat:= ifUnknown;
- for imageFormat:=low(TBGRAImageFormat) to high(TBGRAImageFormat) do
- if scores[imageFormat] > bestScore then
- begin
- bestScore:= scores[imageFormat];
- bestImageFormat:= imageFormat;
- end;
- result := bestImageFormat;
-function SuggestImageFormat(AFilenameOrExtensionUTF8: string): TBGRAImageFormat;
-var ext: string;
- posDot: integer;
- result := ifUnknown;
- ext := ExtractFileName(AFilenameOrExtensionUTF8);
- posDot := LastDelimiter('.', ext);
- if posDot <> 0 then ext := copy(ext,posDot,length(ext)-posDot+1)
- else ext := '.'+ext;
- ext := UTF8LowerCase(ext);
- if (ext = '.jpg') or (ext = '.jpeg') then result := ifJpeg else
- if (ext = '.png') then result := ifPng else
- if (ext = '.gif') then result := ifGif else
- if (ext = '.pcx') then result := ifPcx else
- if (ext = '.bmp') then result := ifBmp else
- if (ext = '.ico') then result := ifIco else
- if (ext = '.cur') then result := ifCur else
- if (ext = '.pdn') then result := ifPaintDotNet else
- if (ext = '.lzp') then result := ifLazPaint else
- if (ext = '.ora') then result := ifOpenRaster else
- if (ext = '.psd') then result := ifPsd else
- if (ext = '.tga') then result := ifTarga else
- if (ext = '.tif') or (ext = '.tiff') then result := ifTiff else
- if (ext = '.xwd') then result := ifXwd else
- if (ext = '.xpm') then result := ifXPixMap else
- if (ext = '.oxo') then result := ifPhoxo else
- if (ext = '.svg') then result := ifSvg else
- if (ext = '.pbm') or (ext = '.pgm') or (ext = '.ppm') then result := ifPortableAnyMap else
- if (ext = '.webp') then result := ifWebP;
-function SuggestImageExtension(AFormat: TBGRAImageFormat): string;
- case AFormat of
- ifJpeg: result := 'jpg';
- ifPng: result := 'png';
- ifGif: result := 'gif';
- ifBmp: result := 'bmp';
- ifBmpMioMap: result := 'bmp';
- ifIco: result := 'ico';
- ifCur: result := 'ico';
- ifPcx: result := 'pcx';
- ifPaintDotNet: result := 'pdn';
- ifLazPaint: result := 'lzp';
- ifOpenRaster: result := 'ora';
- ifPhoxo: result := 'oXo';
- ifPsd: result := 'psd';
- ifTarga: result := 'tga';
- ifTiff: result := 'tif';
- ifXwd: result := 'xwd';
- ifXPixMap: result := 'xpm';
- ifSvg: result := 'svg';
- ifPortableAnyMap: result := 'ppm';
- ifWebP: result := 'webp';
- else result := '?';
- end;
-function CreateBGRAImageReader(AFormat: TBGRAImageFormat): TFPCustomImageReader;
- if DefaultBGRAImageReader[AFormat] = nil then
- begin
- case AFormat of
- ifUnknown: raise exception.Create('The image format is unknown.');
- ifOpenRaster: raise exception.Create('You need to call BGRAOpenRaster.RegisterOpenRasterFormat to read this image.');
- ifPaintDotNet: raise exception.Create('You need to call BGRAPaintNet.RegisterPaintNetFormat to read this image.');
- ifSvg: raise exception.Create('You need to call BGRA.RegisterSvgFormat to read this image.');
- else
- raise exception.Create('The image reader is not registered for this image format.');
- end;
- end;
- result := DefaultBGRAImageReader[AFormat].Create;
-function CreateBGRAImageWriter(AFormat: TBGRAImageFormat; AHasTransparentPixels: boolean): TFPCustomImageWriter;
- if DefaultBGRAImageWriter[AFormat] = nil then
- begin
- case AFormat of
- ifUnknown: raise exception.Create('The image format is unknown');
- ifOpenRaster: raise exception.Create('You need to call BGRAOpenRaster.RegisterOpenRasterFormat to write with this image format.');
- ifPhoxo: raise exception.Create('You need to call BGRAPhoxo.RegisterPhoxoFormat to write with this image format.');
- else
- raise exception.Create('The image writer is not registered for this image format.');
- end;
- end;
- if AFormat = ifPng then
- begin
- result := DefaultBGRAImageWriter[AFormat].Create;
- if result is TBGRACustomWriterPNG then
- TBGRACustomWriterPNG(result).UseAlpha := AHasTransparentPixels;
- end else
- if AFormat = ifBmp then
- begin
- result := TFPWriterBMP.Create;
- if AHasTransparentPixels then
- TFPWriterBMP(result).BitsPerPixel := 32 else
- TFPWriterBMP(result).BitsPerPixel := 24;
- end else
- if AFormat = ifXPixMap then
- begin
- result := TFPWriterXPM.Create;
- TFPWriterXPM(result).ColorCharSize := 2;
- end else
- result := DefaultBGRAImageWriter[AFormat].Create;
-operator =(const AGuid1, AGuid2: TGuid): boolean;
- result := CompareMem(@AGuid1, @AGuid2, sizeof(TGuid));
- TResourceType = record
- ext: string;
- code: pchar;
- end;
- ResourceTypes: array[1..7] of TResourceType =
- ((ext: 'CUR'; code: RT_GROUP_CURSOR),
- (ext: 'BMP'; code: RT_BITMAP),
- (ext: 'ICO'; code: RT_GROUP_ICON),
- (ext: 'DAT'; code: RT_RCDATA),
- (ext: 'DATA'; code: RT_RCDATA),
- (ext: 'HTM'; code: RT_HTML),
- (ext: 'HTML'; code: RT_HTML));
-{ TBGRAResourceManager }
-function TBGRAResourceManager.GetWinResourceType(AExtension: string): pchar;
- i: Integer;
- if (AExtension <> '') and (AExtension[1]='.') then delete(AExtension,1,1);
- for i := low(ResourceTypes) to high(ResourceTypes) do
- if AExtension = ResourceTypes[i].ext then
- exit(ResourceTypes[i].code);
- exit(RT_RCDATA);
-function TBGRAResourceManager.GetResourceStream(AFilename: string): TStream;
- name,ext: RawByteString;
- rt: PChar;
- ext := UpperCase(ExtractFileExt(AFilename));
- name := ChangeFileExt(AFilename,'');
- rt := GetWinResourceType(ext);
- if (rt = RT_GROUP_CURSOR) or (rt = RT_GROUP_ICON) then
- raise exception.Create('Not implemented');
- result := TResourceStream.Create(HINSTANCE, name, rt);
-function TBGRAResourceManager.IsWinResource(AFilename: string): boolean;
- name,ext: RawByteString;
- rt: PChar;
- ext := UpperCase(ExtractFileExt(AFilename));
- name := ChangeFileExt(AFilename,'');
- rt := GetWinResourceType(ext);
- result := FindResource(HINSTANCE, pchar(name), rt)<>0;
- { TLCLResourceManager }
- TLCLResourceManager = class(TBGRAResourceManager)
- protected
- function FindLazarusResource(AFilename: string): TLResource;
- public
- function GetResourceStream(AFilename: string): TStream; override;
- function IsWinResource(AFilename: string): boolean; override;
- end;
-function TLCLResourceManager.FindLazarusResource(AFilename: string): TLResource;
- name,ext: RawByteString;
- ext := UpperCase(ExtractFileExt(AFilename));
- if (ext<>'') and (ext[1]='.') then Delete(ext,1,1);
- name := ChangeFileExt(AFilename,'');
- if ext<>'' then
- result := LazarusResources.Find(name,ext)
- else
- result := LazarusResources.Find(name);
-function TLCLResourceManager.GetResourceStream(AFilename: string): TStream;
- res: TLResource;
- res := FindLazarusResource(AFilename);
- if Assigned(res) then
- result := TLazarusResourceStream.CreateFromHandle(res)
- else
- result := inherited GetResourceStream(AFilename);
-function TLCLResourceManager.IsWinResource(AFilename: string): boolean;
- if FindLazarusResource(AFilename)<>nil then
- result := false
- else
- Result:=inherited IsWinResource(AFilename);
- {$I bgrapixel.inc}
- {$I csscolorconst.inc}
- fqFineClearType := @GetFineClearTypeAuto;
- DefaultBGRAImageWriter[ifJpeg] := TFPWriterJPEG;
- DefaultBGRAImageWriter[ifBmp] := TFPWriterBMP;
- DefaultBGRAImageWriter[ifPcx] := TFPWriterPCX;
- DefaultBGRAImageWriter[ifTarga] := TFPWriterTarga;
- DefaultBGRAImageWriter[ifXPixMap] := TFPWriterXPM;
- DefaultBGRAImageWriter[ifPortableAnyMap] := TFPWriterPNM;
- //writing XWD not implemented
- DefaultBGRAImageReader[ifXwd] := TFPReaderXWD;
- DefaultBGRAImageReader[ifPortableAnyMap] := TFPReaderPNM;
- //the other readers are registered by their unit
- BGRAResource := TLCLResourceManager.Create;
- {$ELSE}
- BGRAResource := TBGRAResourceManager.Create;
- {$ENDIF}
- {$I csscolorconst.inc}
- {$I bgrapixel.inc}
- BGRAResource.Free;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrablend.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrablend.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cb0e29..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrablend.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1974 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRABlend;
-{ This unit contains pixel blending functions. They take a destination adress as parameter,
- and draw pixels at this address with different blending modes. These functions are used
- by many functions in BGRABitmap library to do the low level drawing. }
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRABitmapTypes;
-{ Brush providers }
-procedure BGRASolidBrushIndirect(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AColor: Pointer; ADrawMode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency);
-procedure BGRAScannerBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AScanner: IBGRAScanner; ADrawMode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency;
- AOffsetX: integer = 0; AOffsetY: integer = 0);
-procedure BGRAMaskBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AScanner: IBGRAScanner; AOffsetX: integer = 0; AOffsetY: integer = 0);
-procedure BGRAEraseBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word);
-procedure BGRAAlphaBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word);
-{ Draw one pixel with alpha blending }
-procedure DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(dest: PBGRAPixel; const c: TBGRAPixel); inline; overload;
-procedure DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel; appliedOpacity: byte); inline; overload;
-procedure DrawExpandedPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(dest: PBGRAPixel; const ec: TExpandedPixel); inline; overload;
-procedure DrawPixelInlineExpandedOrNotWithAlphaCheck(dest: PBGRAPixel; const ec: TExpandedPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline; overload; //alpha in 'c' parameter
-procedure DrawPixelInlineNoAlphaCheck(dest: PBGRAPixel; const c: TBGRAPixel); inline; overload;
-procedure DrawExpandedPixelInlineNoAlphaCheck(dest: PBGRAPixel; const ec: TExpandedPixel; calpha: byte); inline; overload;
-procedure ClearTypeDrawPixel(pdest: PBGRAPixel; Cr, Cg, Cb: byte; Color: TBGRAPixel); inline;
-procedure InterpolateBilinear(pUpLeft,pUpRight,pDownLeft,pDownRight: PBGRAPixel;
- iFactX,iFactY: Integer; ADest: PBGRAPixel);
-procedure InterpolateBilinearMask(pUpLeft,pUpRight,pDownLeft,pDownRight: PByteMask;
- iFactX,iFactY: Integer; ADest: PByteMask);
-procedure CopyPixelsWithOpacity(dest,src: PBGRAPixel; opacity: byte; Count: integer); inline;
-function ApplyOpacity(opacity1,opacity2: byte): byte; inline;
-function FastRoundDiv255(value: LongWord): LongWord; inline;
-{ Draw a series of pixels with alpha blending }
-procedure PutPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psource: PBGRAPixel; copycount: integer; mode: TDrawMode; AOpacity:byte);
-procedure DrawPixelsInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel; Count: integer); inline; overload;
-procedure DrawExpandedPixelsInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; ec: TExpandedPixel; Count: integer); inline; overload;
-procedure DrawPixelsInlineExpandedOrNot(dest: PBGRAPixel; ec: TExpandedPixel; c: TBGRAPixel; Count: integer); inline; overload; //alpha in 'c' parameter
-{ Draw one pixel with linear alpha blending }
-procedure FastBlendPixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; const c: TBGRAPixel); inline; overload;
-procedure FastBlendPixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel; appliedOpacity: byte); inline; overload;
-{ Draw a series of pixels with linear alpha blending }
-procedure FastBlendPixelsInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel; Count: integer); inline;
-{ Replace a series of pixels }
-procedure FillInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel; Count: integer); inline;
-{ Xor a series of pixels }
-procedure XorInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel; Count: integer); inline;
-procedure XorPixels(pdest, psrc: PBGRAPixel; count: integer);
-{ Set alpha value for a series of pixels }
-procedure AlphaFillInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; alpha: byte; Count: integer); inline;
-{ Erase a series of pixels, i.e. decrease alpha value }
-procedure ErasePixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; alpha: byte); inline;
-{ Draw a pixel to the extent the current pixel is close enough to compare value.
- It should not be called on pixels that have not been checked to be close enough }
-procedure DrawPixelInlineDiff(dest: PBGRAPixel; c, compare: TBGRAPixel;
- maxDiff: byte); inline;
-{ Draw a series of pixel to the extent the current pixel is close enough to compare value }
-procedure DrawPixelsInlineDiff(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel;
- Count: integer; compare: TBGRAPixel; maxDiff: byte); inline;
-{ Blend pixels with scanner content }
-procedure ScannerPutPixels(scan: IBGRAScanner; pdest: PBGRAPixel; count: integer; mode: TDrawMode);
-{ Perform advanced blending operation }
-procedure BlendPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel;
- blendOp: TBlendOperation; Count: integer; excludeChannels: TChannels = []);
-{ Perform blending operation and merge over destination }
-procedure BlendPixelsOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel;
- blendOp: TBlendOperation; Count: integer; opacity: byte; linearBlend: boolean = false;
- excludeChannels: TChannels = []);
-//layer blend modes
-//- http://www.pegtop.net/delphi/articles/blendmodes/
-//- http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/WD-SVGCompositing-20090430/#comp-op
-//- http://docs.gimp.org/en/gimp-concepts-layer-modes.html
-procedure LinearMultiplyPixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
-procedure AddPixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
-procedure LinearAddPixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
-procedure ColorBurnPixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
-procedure ColorDodgePixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
-procedure DividePixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
-procedure ReflectPixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
-procedure NonLinearReflectPixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
-procedure GlowPixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
-procedure NiceGlowPixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
-procedure OverlayPixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
-procedure LinearOverlayPixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
-procedure DifferencePixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
-procedure LinearDifferencePixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
-procedure ExclusionPixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
-procedure LinearExclusionPixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
-procedure LinearSubtractPixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
-procedure LinearSubtractInversePixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
-procedure SubtractPixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
-procedure SubtractInversePixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
-procedure NegationPixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
-procedure LinearNegationPixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
-procedure LightenPixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
-procedure DarkenPixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
-procedure ScreenPixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
-procedure SoftLightPixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
-procedure SvgSoftLightPixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
-procedure HardLightPixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
-procedure BlendXorPixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
-procedure BlendMaskPixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
-procedure LinearMultiplySaturationInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
-procedure LinearHueInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
-procedure LinearColorInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
-procedure LinearLightnessInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
-procedure LinearSaturationInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
-procedure CorrectedHueInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
-procedure CorrectedColorInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
-procedure CorrectedLightnessInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
-procedure CorrectedSaturationInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
-procedure BGRAFillClearTypeMask(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x,y: integer; xThird: integer; mask: TBGRACustomBitmap; color: TBGRAPixel; texture: IBGRAScanner; RGBOrder: boolean);
-procedure BGRAFillClearTypeRGBMask(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: integer;
- mask: TBGRACustomBitmap; color: TBGRAPixel; texture: IBGRAScanner;
- KeepRGBOrder: boolean);
-procedure BGRAFillClearTypeMaskPtr(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x,y: integer; xThird: integer; maskData: PByte; maskPixelSize: Int32or64; maskRowSize: Int32or64; maskWidth,maskHeight: integer; color: TBGRAPixel; texture: IBGRAScanner; RGBOrder: boolean);
- PBGRASolidBrushFixedData = ^TBGRASolidBrushFixedData;
- TBGRASolidBrushFixedData = record
- Expanded: TExpandedPixel;
- end;
-procedure BGRASolidBrushSetPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- pDest: PBGRAPixel;
- bAlpha: Byte;
- if AAlpha <= $80 then
- begin
- inc(PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest);
- if AAlpha >= $ff7f then
- begin
- FillDWord(pDest^, ACount, PLongWord(@PBGRASolidBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^.BGRA)^);
- inc(pDest, ACount);
- end else
- begin
- with PBGRASolidBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- if BGRA.alpha = 255 then
- begin
- bAlpha := FastRoundDiv257(AAlpha);
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- DrawExpandedPixelInlineNoAlphaCheck(pDest, Expanded, bAlpha);
- inc(pDest);
- dec(ACount);
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- pDest^ := GammaCompression(MergeBGRA(GammaExpansion(pDest^), not AAlpha, Expanded, AAlpha));
- inc(pDest);
- dec(ACount);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest) := pDest;
-procedure BGRASolidBrushSkipPixels({%H-}AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; {%H-}AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- inc(PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
-procedure BGRASolidBrushDrawPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- bAlpha: byte;
- pDest: PBGRAPixel;
- if AAlpha <= $80 then
- begin
- inc(PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- with PBGRASolidBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- pDest := PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest);
- bAlpha := FastRoundDiv257(Expanded.alpha*AAlpha shr 16);
- if bAlpha = 255 then
- begin
- FillDWord(pDest^, ACount, PLongWord(@BGRA)^);
- inc(pDest, ACount);
- end else
- begin
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- DrawExpandedPixelInlineNoAlphaCheck(pDest, Expanded, bAlpha);
- inc(pDest);
- dec(ACount);
- end;
- end;
- PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest) := pDest;
- end;
-procedure BGRASolidBrushLinearDrawPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- c: TBGRAPixel;
- pDest: PBGRAPixel;
- if AAlpha <= $80 then
- begin
- inc(PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- with PBGRASolidBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- pDest := PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest);
- if AAlpha >= $ff7f then
- begin
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- FastBlendPixelInline(pDest, BGRA);
- inc(pDest);
- dec(ACount);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- c := BGRA;
- c.alpha := FastRoundDiv257(c.alpha*AAlpha shr 8);
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- FastBlendPixelInline(pDest, c);
- inc(pDest);
- dec(ACount);
- end;
- end;
- PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest) := pDest;
- end;
-procedure BGRASolidBrushXorPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- c: TBGRAPixel;
- pDest: PBGRAPixel;
- if AAlpha <= $80 then
- begin
- inc(PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- with PBGRASolidBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- pDest := PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest);
- if AAlpha >= $ff7f then
- begin
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- PLongWord(pdest)^ := PLongWord(pdest)^ xor PLongWord(@BGRA)^;
- inc(pDest);
- dec(ACount);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- PLongWord(@c)^ := PLongWord(pdest)^ xor PLongWord(@BGRA)^;
- pDest^ := MergeBGRA(pDest^, not AAlpha, c, AAlpha);
- inc(pDest);
- dec(ACount);
- end;
- end;
- PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest) := pDest;
- end;
-procedure BGRASolidBrushIndirect(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AColor: Pointer;
- ADrawMode: TDrawMode);
- ABrush.Colorspace:= TBGRAPixelColorspace;
- with PBGRASolidBrushFixedData(@ABrush.FixedData)^ do
- begin
- BGRA := PBGRAPixel(AColor)^;
- if not (ADrawMode in[dmLinearBlend,dmXor]) then
- Expanded := GammaExpansion(BGRA);
- end;
- ABrush.InternalInitContext:= nil;
- case ADrawMode of
- dmSet: ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @BGRASolidBrushSetPixels;
- dmSetExceptTransparent: if PBGRAPixel(AColor)^.alpha <> 255 then
- begin
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @BGRASolidBrushSkipPixels;
- ABrush.DoesNothing := true;
- end else ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @BGRASolidBrushSetPixels;
- dmDrawWithTransparency: if PBGRAPixel(AColor)^.alpha = 0 then
- begin
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @BGRASolidBrushSkipPixels;
- ABrush.DoesNothing := true;
- end else ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @BGRASolidBrushDrawPixels;
- dmLinearBlend: if PBGRAPixel(AColor)^.alpha = 0 then
- begin
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @BGRASolidBrushSkipPixels;
- ABrush.DoesNothing := true;
- end
- else ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @BGRASolidBrushLinearDrawPixels;
- dmXor: if PLongWord(AColor)^ = 0 then
- begin
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @BGRASolidBrushSkipPixels;
- ABrush.DoesNothing := true;
- end else ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @BGRASolidBrushXorPixels;
- end;
- PBGRAScannerBrushFixedData = ^TBGRAScannerBrushFixedData;
- TBGRAScannerBrushFixedData = record
- Scanner: Pointer; //avoid ref count by using pointer type
- OffsetX, OffsetY: integer;
- case boolean of
- true: (HasPutPixels: boolean); //BGRA
- false: (Conversion: TBridgedConversion); //other
- end;
-procedure BRGBAScannerBrushInitContext(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext);
- with PBGRAScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanMoveTo(AContextData^.Ofs.X + OffsetX,
- AContextData^.Ofs.Y + OffsetY);
-procedure BGRAScannerBrushSetPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- bAlpha: Byte;
- pDest: PBGRAPixel;
- buf: packed array[0..3] of TBGRAPixel;
- with PBGRAScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- if AAlpha <= $80 then
- begin
- inc(PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest);
- if AAlpha >= $ff7f then
- begin
- if HasPutPixels then
- begin
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanPutPixels(pDest, ACount, dmSet);
- inc(pDest, ACount);
- end else
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- pDest^ := IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextPixel;
- inc(pDest);
- dec(ACount);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- bAlpha := FastRoundDiv257(AAlpha);
- if HasPutPixels then
- begin
- while ACount > 3 do
- begin
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanPutPixels(buf, 4, dmSet);
- pDest^ := MergeBGRAWithGammaCorrection(pDest^, not bAlpha, buf[0], bAlpha);
- (pDest+1)^ := MergeBGRAWithGammaCorrection((pDest+1)^, not bAlpha, buf[1], bAlpha);
- (pDest+2)^ := MergeBGRAWithGammaCorrection((pDest+2)^, not bAlpha, buf[2], bAlpha);
- (pDest+3)^ := MergeBGRAWithGammaCorrection((pDest+3)^, not bAlpha, buf[3], bAlpha);
- inc(pDest, 4);
- dec(ACount, 4);
- end;
- end;
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- pDest^ := MergeBGRAWithGammaCorrection(pDest^, not bAlpha, IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextPixel, bAlpha);
- inc(pDest);
- dec(ACount);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest) := pDest;
-procedure BGRAScannerConvertBrushSetPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- psrc: Pointer;
- pBuf,pDest: PBGRAPixel;
- qty, pixSize: Integer;
- buf: packed array[0..7] of TBGRAPixel;
- bAlpha: Byte;
- with PBGRAScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- if AAlpha = 0 then
- begin
- inc(PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
- end else
- begin
- pDest := PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest);
- pixSize := IBGRAScanner(Scanner).GetScanCustomColorspace.GetSize;
- if AAlpha >= $ff7f then
- begin
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- qty := ACount;
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextCustomChunk(qty, psrc);
- Conversion.Convert(psrc, pDest, qty, pixSize, sizeof(TBGRAPixel), nil);
- inc(pDest, qty);
- dec(ACount, qty);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- bAlpha := FastRoundDiv257(AAlpha);
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- if ACount > length(buf) then qty := length(buf) else qty := ACount;
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextCustomChunk(qty, psrc);
- Conversion.Convert(psrc, @buf, qty, pixSize, sizeof(TBGRAPixel), nil);
- pBuf := @buf;
- dec(ACount, qty);
- while qty > 0 do
- begin
- pDest^ := MergeBGRAWithGammaCorrection(pDest^, not bAlpha, pBuf^, bAlpha);
- inc(pDest);
- inc(pBuf);
- dec(qty);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- AContextData^.Dest := pDest;
- end;
- end;
-procedure BGRAScannerBrushSetPixelsExceptTransparent(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- bAlpha: Byte;
- pDest: PBGRAPixel;
- buf: packed array[0..3] of TBGRAPixel;
- with PBGRAScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- if AAlpha <= $80 then
- begin
- inc(PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest);
- if AAlpha >= $ff7f then
- begin
- if HasPutPixels then
- begin
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanPutPixels(pDest, ACount, dmSetExceptTransparent);
- inc(pDest, ACount);
- end else
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- buf[0] := IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextPixel;
- if buf[0].alpha = 255 then pDest^ := buf[0];
- inc(pDest);
- dec(ACount);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- bAlpha := FastRoundDiv257(AAlpha);
- if HasPutPixels then
- begin
- while ACount > 3 do
- begin
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanPutPixels(buf, 4, dmSet);
- if buf[0].alpha = 255 then pDest^ := MergeBGRAWithGammaCorrection(pDest^, not bAlpha, buf[0], bAlpha);
- if buf[1].alpha = 255 then (pDest+1)^ := MergeBGRAWithGammaCorrection((pDest+1)^, not bAlpha, buf[1], bAlpha);
- if buf[2].alpha = 255 then (pDest+2)^ := MergeBGRAWithGammaCorrection((pDest+2)^, not bAlpha, buf[2], bAlpha);
- if buf[3].alpha = 255 then (pDest+3)^ := MergeBGRAWithGammaCorrection((pDest+3)^, not bAlpha, buf[3], bAlpha);
- inc(pDest, 4);
- dec(ACount, 4);
- end;
- end;
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- buf[0] := IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextPixel;
- if buf[0].alpha = 255 then
- pDest^ := MergeBGRAWithGammaCorrection(pDest^, not bAlpha, buf[0], bAlpha);
- inc(pDest);
- dec(ACount);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest) := pDest;
-procedure BGRAScannerConvertBrushSetPixelsExceptTransparent(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- psrc: Pointer;
- pBuf,pDest: PBGRAPixel;
- qty, pixSize: Integer;
- buf: packed array[0..7] of TBGRAPixel;
- bAlpha: Byte;
- with PBGRAScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- if AAlpha = 0 then
- begin
- inc(PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
- end else
- begin
- pDest := PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest);
- pixSize := IBGRAScanner(Scanner).GetScanCustomColorspace.GetSize;
- if AAlpha >= $ff7f then
- begin
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- if ACount > length(buf) then qty := length(buf) else qty := ACount;
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextCustomChunk(qty, psrc);
- Conversion.Convert(psrc, @buf, qty, pixSize, sizeof(TBGRAPixel), nil);
- pBuf := @buf;
- dec(ACount, qty);
- while qty > 0 do
- begin
- if pBuf^.alpha = 255 then pDest^ := pBuf^;
- inc(pDest);
- inc(pBuf);
- dec(qty);
- end;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- bAlpha := FastRoundDiv257(AAlpha);
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- if ACount > length(buf) then qty := length(buf) else qty := ACount;
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextCustomChunk(qty, psrc);
- Conversion.Convert(psrc, @buf, qty, pixSize, sizeof(TBGRAPixel), nil);
- pBuf := @buf;
- dec(ACount, qty);
- while qty > 0 do
- begin
- if pBuf^.alpha = 255 then
- pDest^ := MergeBGRAWithGammaCorrection(pDest^, not bAlpha, pBuf^, bAlpha);
- inc(pDest);
- inc(pBuf);
- dec(qty);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- AContextData^.Dest := pDest;
- end;
- end;
-procedure BGRAScannerBrushDrawPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- bAlpha: Byte;
- pDest: PBGRAPixel;
- buf: packed array[0..3] of TBGRAPixel;
- with PBGRAScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- if AAlpha <= $80 then
- begin
- inc(PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest);
- if AAlpha >= $ff7f then
- begin
- if HasPutPixels then
- begin
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanPutPixels(pDest, ACount, dmDrawWithTransparency);
- inc(pDest, ACount);
- end else
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- buf[0] := IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextPixel;
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pDest, buf[0]);
- inc(pDest);
- dec(ACount);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- bAlpha := FastRoundDiv257(AAlpha);
- if HasPutPixels then
- begin
- while ACount > 3 do
- begin
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanPutPixels(buf, 4, dmSet);
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pDest, buf[0], bAlpha);
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pDest+1, buf[1], bAlpha);
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pDest+2, buf[2], bAlpha);
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pDest+3, buf[3], bAlpha);
- inc(pDest, 4);
- dec(ACount, 4);
- end;
- end;
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- buf[0] := IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextPixel;
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pDest, buf[0], bAlpha);
- inc(pDest);
- dec(ACount);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest) := pDest;
-procedure BGRAScannerConvertBrushDrawPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- psrc: Pointer;
- pBuf,pDest: PBGRAPixel;
- qty, pixSize: Integer;
- buf: packed array[0..7] of TBGRAPixel;
- bAlpha: Byte;
- with PBGRAScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- if AAlpha = 0 then
- begin
- inc(PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
- end else
- begin
- pDest := PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest);
- pixSize := IBGRAScanner(Scanner).GetScanCustomColorspace.GetSize;
- if AAlpha >= $ff7f then
- begin
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- if ACount > length(buf) then qty := length(buf) else qty := ACount;
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextCustomChunk(qty, psrc);
- Conversion.Convert(psrc, @buf, qty, pixSize, sizeof(TBGRAPixel), nil);
- pBuf := @buf;
- dec(ACount, qty);
- while qty > 0 do
- begin
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pDest, pBuf^);
- inc(pDest);
- inc(pBuf);
- dec(qty);
- end;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- bAlpha := FastRoundDiv257(AAlpha);
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- if ACount > length(buf) then qty := length(buf) else qty := ACount;
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextCustomChunk(qty, psrc);
- Conversion.Convert(psrc, @buf, qty, pixSize, sizeof(TBGRAPixel), nil);
- pBuf := @buf;
- dec(ACount, qty);
- while qty > 0 do
- begin
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pDest, pBuf^, bAlpha);
- inc(pDest);
- inc(pBuf);
- dec(qty);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- AContextData^.Dest := pDest;
- end;
- end;
-procedure BGRAScannerBrushLinearDrawPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- bAlpha: Byte;
- pDest: PBGRAPixel;
- buf: packed array[0..3] of TBGRAPixel;
- with PBGRAScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- if AAlpha <= $80 then
- begin
- inc(PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest);
- if AAlpha >= $ff7f then
- begin
- if HasPutPixels then
- begin
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanPutPixels(pDest, ACount, dmLinearBlend);
- inc(pDest, ACount);
- end else
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- buf[0] := IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextPixel;
- FastBlendPixelInline(pDest, buf[0]);
- inc(pDest);
- dec(ACount);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- bAlpha := FastRoundDiv257(AAlpha);
- if HasPutPixels then
- begin
- while ACount > 3 do
- begin
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanPutPixels(buf, 4, dmSet);
- FastBlendPixelInline(pDest, buf[0], bAlpha);
- FastBlendPixelInline(pDest+1, buf[1], bAlpha);
- FastBlendPixelInline(pDest+2, buf[2], bAlpha);
- FastBlendPixelInline(pDest+3, buf[3], bAlpha);
- inc(pDest, 4);
- dec(ACount, 4);
- end;
- end;
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- buf[0] := IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextPixel;
- FastBlendPixelInline(pDest, buf[0], bAlpha);
- inc(pDest);
- dec(ACount);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest) := pDest;
-procedure BGRAScannerConvertBrushLinearDrawPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- psrc: Pointer;
- pBuf,pDest: PBGRAPixel;
- qty, pixSize: Integer;
- buf: packed array[0..7] of TBGRAPixel;
- bAlpha: Byte;
- with PBGRAScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- if AAlpha = 0 then
- begin
- inc(PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
- end else
- begin
- pDest := PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest);
- pixSize := IBGRAScanner(Scanner).GetScanCustomColorspace.GetSize;
- if AAlpha >= $ff7f then
- begin
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- if ACount > length(buf) then qty := length(buf) else qty := ACount;
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextCustomChunk(qty, psrc);
- Conversion.Convert(psrc, @buf, qty, pixSize, sizeof(TBGRAPixel), nil);
- pBuf := @buf;
- dec(ACount, qty);
- while qty > 0 do
- begin
- FastBlendPixelInline(pDest, pBuf^);
- inc(pDest);
- inc(pBuf);
- dec(qty);
- end;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- bAlpha := FastRoundDiv257(AAlpha);
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- if ACount > length(buf) then qty := length(buf) else qty := ACount;
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextCustomChunk(qty, psrc);
- Conversion.Convert(psrc, @buf, qty, pixSize, sizeof(TBGRAPixel), nil);
- pBuf := @buf;
- dec(ACount, qty);
- while qty > 0 do
- begin
- FastBlendPixelInline(pDest, pBuf^, bAlpha);
- inc(pDest);
- inc(pBuf);
- dec(qty);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- AContextData^.Dest := pDest;
- end;
- end;
-procedure BGRAScannerBrushXorPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- bAlpha: byte;
- pDest: PBGRAPixel;
- buf: packed array[0..3] of TBGRAPixel;
- with PBGRAScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- if AAlpha <= $80 then
- begin
- inc(PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest);
- if AAlpha >= $ff7f then
- begin
- if HasPutPixels then
- begin
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanPutPixels(pDest, ACount, dmXor);
- inc(pDest, ACount);
- end else
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- buf[0] := IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextPixel;
- PLongWord(pdest)^ := PLongWord(pdest)^ xor PLongWord(@buf[0])^;
- inc(pDest);
- dec(ACount);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- bAlpha := FastRoundDiv257(AAlpha);
- if HasPutPixels then
- begin
- while ACount > 3 do
- begin
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanPutPixels(buf, 4, dmSet);
- PLongWord(@buf[0])^ := PLongWord(pdest)^ xor PLongWord(@buf[0])^;
- PLongWord(@buf[1])^ := PLongWord(pdest+1)^ xor PLongWord(@buf[1])^;
- PLongWord(@buf[2])^ := PLongWord(pdest+2)^ xor PLongWord(@buf[2])^;
- PLongWord(@buf[3])^ := PLongWord(pdest+3)^ xor PLongWord(@buf[3])^;
- pDest^ := MergeBGRA(pDest^, not bAlpha, buf[0], bAlpha);
- (pDest+1)^ := MergeBGRA((pDest+1)^, not bAlpha, buf[1], bAlpha);
- (pDest+2)^ := MergeBGRA((pDest+2)^, not bAlpha, buf[2], bAlpha);
- (pDest+3)^ := MergeBGRA((pDest+3)^, not bAlpha, buf[3], bAlpha);
- inc(pDest, 4);
- dec(ACount, 4);
- end;
- end;
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- buf[0] := IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextPixel;
- PLongWord(@buf[0])^ := PLongWord(pdest)^ xor PLongWord(@buf[0])^;
- pDest^ := MergeBGRA(pDest^, not bAlpha, buf[0], bAlpha);
- inc(pDest);
- dec(ACount);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest) := pDest;
-procedure BGRAScannerConvertBrushXorPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- psrc: Pointer;
- pBuf,pDest: PBGRAPixel;
- qty, pixSize: Integer;
- buf: packed array[0..7] of TBGRAPixel;
- bAlpha: Byte;
- with PBGRAScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- if AAlpha = 0 then
- begin
- inc(PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
- end else
- begin
- pDest := PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest);
- pixSize := IBGRAScanner(Scanner).GetScanCustomColorspace.GetSize;
- if AAlpha >= $ff7f then
- begin
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- if ACount > length(buf) then qty := length(buf) else qty := ACount;
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextCustomChunk(qty, psrc);
- Conversion.Convert(psrc, @buf, qty, pixSize, sizeof(TBGRAPixel), nil);
- pBuf := @buf;
- dec(ACount, qty);
- while qty > 0 do
- begin
- PLongWord(pDest)^ := PLongWord(pDest)^ xor PLongWord(pBuf)^;
- inc(pDest);
- inc(pBuf);
- dec(qty);
- end;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- bAlpha := FastRoundDiv257(AAlpha);
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- if ACount > length(buf) then qty := length(buf) else qty := ACount;
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextCustomChunk(qty, psrc);
- Conversion.Convert(psrc, @buf, qty, pixSize, sizeof(TBGRAPixel), nil);
- pBuf := @buf;
- dec(ACount, qty);
- while qty > 0 do
- begin
- PLongWord(pBuf)^ := PLongWord(pDest)^ xor PLongWord(pBuf)^;
- pDest^ := MergeBGRA(pDest^, not bAlpha, pBuf^, bAlpha);
- inc(pDest);
- inc(pBuf);
- dec(qty);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- AContextData^.Dest := pDest;
- end;
- end;
-procedure BGRAScannerBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AScanner: IBGRAScanner;
- ADrawMode: TDrawMode; AOffsetX: integer = 0; AOffsetY: integer = 0);
- sourceSpace: TColorspaceAny;
- ABrush.Colorspace:= TBGRAPixelColorspace;
- with PBGRAScannerBrushFixedData(@ABrush.FixedData)^ do
- begin
- Scanner := Pointer(AScanner);
- HasPutPixels:= AScanner.IsScanPutPixelsDefined;
- OffsetX := AOffsetX;
- OffsetY := AOffsetY;
- end;
- ABrush.InternalInitContext:= @BRGBAScannerBrushInitContext;
- sourceSpace := AScanner.GetScanCustomColorspace;
- if (AScanner.IsScanPutPixelsDefined) or (sourceSpace = TBGRAPixelColorspace)
- or (sourceSpace = TExpandedPixelColorspace) then
- begin
- case ADrawMode of
- dmSet: ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @BGRAScannerBrushSetPixels;
- dmSetExceptTransparent: ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @BGRAScannerBrushSetPixelsExceptTransparent;
- dmDrawWithTransparency: ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @BGRAScannerBrushDrawPixels;
- dmLinearBlend: ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @BGRAScannerBrushLinearDrawPixels;
- dmXor: ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @BGRAScannerBrushXorPixels;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- with PBGRAScannerBrushFixedData(@ABrush.FixedData)^ do
- Conversion := sourceSpace.GetBridgedConversion(TBGRAPixelColorspace);
- case ADrawMode of
- dmSet: ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @BGRAScannerConvertBrushSetPixels;
- dmSetExceptTransparent: ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @BGRAScannerConvertBrushSetPixelsExceptTransparent;
- dmLinearBlend: ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @BGRAScannerConvertBrushLinearDrawPixels;
- dmDrawWithTransparency: ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @BGRAScannerConvertBrushDrawPixels;
- dmXor: ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @BGRAScannerConvertBrushXorPixels;
- end;
- end;
-procedure BGRASolidBrushErasePixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- bAlpha: byte;
- pDest: PBGRAPixel;
- if AAlpha <= $80 then
- begin
- inc(PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest);
- bAlpha := PByte(AFixedData)^ * AAlpha shr 16;
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- ErasePixelInline(pDest, bAlpha);
- inc(pDest);
- dec(ACount);
- end;
- PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest) := pDest;
-procedure BGRAMaskBrushApply(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- bAlpha: Byte;
- pDest: PBGRAPixel;
- qty, maskStride: Integer;
- pMask: PByteMask;
- with PBGRAScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- if AAlpha <= $80 then
- begin
- inc(PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest);
- if AAlpha >= $ff7f then
- begin
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- qty := ACount;
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextMaskChunk(qty, pMask, maskStride);
- dec(ACount,qty);
- while qty > 0 do
- begin
- pDest^.alpha := ApplyOpacity(pDest^.alpha, pMask^.gray);
- if pDest^.alpha = 0 then pDest^ := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- inc(pDest);
- inc(pMask, maskStride);
- dec(qty);
- end;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- bAlpha := FastRoundDiv257(AAlpha);
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- qty := ACount;
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextMaskChunk(qty, pMask, maskStride);
- dec(ACount,qty);
- while qty > 0 do
- begin
- pDest^.alpha := ApplyOpacity(pDest^.alpha, ApplyOpacity(pMask^.gray, bAlpha));
- if pDest^.alpha = 0 then pDest^ := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- inc(pDest);
- inc(pMask, maskStride);
- dec(qty);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest) := pDest;
-procedure BGRAMaskBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AScanner: IBGRAScanner;
- AOffsetX: integer; AOffsetY: integer);
- ABrush.Colorspace:= TBGRAPixelColorspace;
- with PBGRAScannerBrushFixedData(@ABrush.FixedData)^ do
- begin
- Scanner := Pointer(AScanner);
- OffsetX := AOffsetX;
- OffsetY := AOffsetY;
- end;
- ABrush.InternalInitContext:= @BRGBAScannerBrushInitContext;
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @BGRAMaskBrushApply;
-procedure BGRAEraseBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word);
- bAlpha: Byte;
- if AAlpha >= $ff7f then
- BGRASolidBrushIndirect(ABrush, @BGRAPixelTransparent, dmSet)
- else
- begin
- ABrush.Colorspace:= TBGRAPixelColorspace;
- bAlpha := FastRoundDiv257(AAlpha);
- PByte(@ABrush.FixedData)^ := bAlpha;
- ABrush.InternalInitContext:= nil;
- if bAlpha = 0 then
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @BGRASolidBrushSkipPixels
- else
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @BGRASolidBrushErasePixels;
- end;
-procedure BGRASolidBrushAlphaPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- alphaAdd: Word;
- pDest: PBGRAPixel;
- if AAlpha <= $80 then
- begin
- inc(PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- exit;
- end else
- if AAlpha >= $ff7f then
- begin
- AlphaFillInline(PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest), PByte(AFixedData)^, ACount);
- inc(PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- end else
- begin
- pDest := PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest);
- alphaAdd := PByte(AFixedData)^*AAlpha;
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- pDest^.alpha := (pDest^.alpha*(not AAlpha) + alphaAdd) shr 16;
- inc(pDest);
- dec(ACount);
- end;
- PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest) := pDest;
- end;
-procedure BGRAAlphaBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word);
- bAlpha: Byte;
- if AAlpha <= $80 then
- BGRASolidBrushIndirect(ABrush, @BGRAPixelTransparent, dmSet)
- else
- begin
- ABrush.Colorspace:= TBGRAPixelColorspace;
- bAlpha := FastRoundDiv257(AAlpha);
- PByte(@ABrush.FixedData)^ := bAlpha;
- ABrush.InternalInitContext:= nil;
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @BGRASolidBrushAlphaPixels;
- end;
-procedure BGRAFillClearTypeMaskPtr(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x,y: integer; xThird: integer; maskData: PByte; maskPixelSize: Int32or64; maskRowSize: Int32or64; maskWidth,maskHeight: integer; color: TBGRAPixel; texture: IBGRAScanner; RGBOrder: boolean);
- pdest: PBGRAPixel;
- ClearTypePixel: array[0..2] of byte;
- curThird: integer;
- procedure OutputPixel; inline;
- begin
- if texture <> nil then
- color := texture.ScanNextPixel;
- if RGBOrder then
- ClearTypeDrawPixel(pdest, ClearTypePixel[0],ClearTypePixel[1],ClearTypePixel[2], color)
- else
- ClearTypeDrawPixel(pdest, ClearTypePixel[2],ClearTypePixel[1],ClearTypePixel[0], color);
- end;
- procedure NextAlpha(alphaValue: byte); inline;
- begin
- ClearTypePixel[curThird] := alphaValue;
- inc(curThird);
- if curThird = 3 then
- begin
- OutputPixel;
- curThird := 0;
- Fillchar(ClearTypePixel, sizeof(ClearTypePixel),0);
- inc(pdest);
- end;
- end;
- procedure EndRow; inline;
- begin
- if curThird > 0 then OutputPixel;
- end;
- yMask,n: integer;
- a: byte;
- pmask: PByte;
- dx:integer;
- miny,maxy,minx,minxThird,maxx,alphaMinX,alphaMaxX,alphaLineLen: integer;
- leftOnSide, rightOnSide: boolean;
- countBetween: integer;
- v1,v2,v3: byte;
- procedure StartRow; inline;
- begin
- pdest := dest.Scanline[yMask+y]+minx;
- if texture <> nil then
- texture.ScanMoveTo(minx,yMask+y);
- curThird := minxThird;
- ClearTypePixel[0] := 0;
- ClearTypePixel[1] := 0;
- ClearTypePixel[2] := 0;
- end;
- alphaLineLen := maskWidth+2;
- dec(xThird); //for first subpixel
- if xThird >= 0 then dx := xThird div 3
- else dx := -((-xThird+2) div 3);
- inc(x, dx);
- dec(xThird, dx*3);
- if y >= dest.ClipRect.Top then miny := 0
- else miny := dest.ClipRect.Top-y;
- if y+maskHeight-1 < dest.ClipRect.Bottom then
- maxy := maskHeight-1 else
- maxy := dest.ClipRect.Bottom-1-y;
- if x >= dest.ClipRect.Left then
- begin
- minx := x;
- minxThird := xThird;
- alphaMinX := 0;
- leftOnSide := false;
- end else
- begin
- minx := dest.ClipRect.Left;
- minxThird := 0;
- alphaMinX := (dest.ClipRect.Left-x)*3 - xThird;
- leftOnSide := true;
- end;
- if x*3+xThird+maskWidth-1 < dest.ClipRect.Right*3 then
- begin
- maxx := (x*3+xThird+maskWidth-1) div 3;
- alphaMaxX := alphaLineLen-1;
- rightOnSide := false;
- end else
- begin
- maxx := dest.ClipRect.Right-1;
- alphaMaxX := maxx*3+2 - (x*3+xThird);
- rightOnSide := true;
- end;
- countBetween := alphaMaxX-alphaMinX-1;
- if (alphaMinX <= alphaMaxX) then
- begin
- for yMask := miny to maxy do
- begin
- StartRow;
- if leftOnSide then
- begin
- pmask := maskData + (yMask*maskRowSize)+ (alphaMinX-1)*maskPixelSize;
- a := pmask^ div 3;
- v1 := a+a;
- v2 := a;
- v3 := 0;
- inc(pmask, maskPixelSize);
- end else
- begin
- pmask := maskData + (yMask*maskRowSize);
- v1 := 0;
- v2 := 0;
- v3 := 0;
- end;
- for n := countBetween-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- a := pmask^ div 3;
- inc(v1, a);
- inc(v2, a);
- inc(v3, a);
- inc(pmask, maskPixelSize);
- NextAlpha(v1);
- v1 := v2;
- v2 := v3;
- v3 := 0;
- end;
- if rightOnSide then
- begin
- a := pmask^ div 3;
- inc(v1, a);
- inc(v2, a+a);
- end;
- NextAlpha(v1);
- NextAlpha(v2);
- EndRow;
- end;
- end;
-procedure BGRAFillClearTypeMask(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x,y: integer; xThird: integer; mask: TBGRACustomBitmap; color: TBGRAPixel; texture: IBGRAScanner; RGBOrder: boolean);
-var delta: Int32or64;
- delta := mask.Width*sizeof(TBGRAPixel);
- if mask.LineOrder = riloBottomToTop then
- delta := -delta;
- BGRAFillClearTypeMaskPtr(dest,x,y,xThird,pbyte(mask.ScanLine[0])+1,sizeof(TBGRAPixel),delta,mask.Width,mask.Height,color,texture,RGBOrder);
-procedure BGRAFillClearTypeRGBMask(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: integer;
- mask: TBGRACustomBitmap; color: TBGRAPixel; texture: IBGRAScanner;
- KeepRGBOrder: boolean);
- minx,miny,maxx,maxy,countx,n,yb: integer;
- pdest,psrc: PBGRAPixel;
- if y >= dest.ClipRect.Top then miny := 0
- else miny := dest.ClipRect.Top-y;
- if y+mask.Height-1 < dest.ClipRect.Bottom then
- maxy := mask.Height-1 else
- maxy := dest.ClipRect.Bottom-1-y;
- if x >= dest.ClipRect.Left then minx := 0
- else minx := dest.ClipRect.Left-x;
- if x+mask.Width-1 < dest.ClipRect.Right then
- maxx := mask.Width-1 else
- maxx := dest.ClipRect.Right-1-x;
- countx := maxx-minx+1;
- if countx <= 0 then exit;
- for yb := miny to maxy do
- begin
- pdest := dest.ScanLine[y+yb]+(x+minx);
- psrc := mask.ScanLine[yb]+minx;
- if texture <> nil then
- texture.ScanMoveTo(x+minx, y+yb);
- if KeepRGBOrder then
- begin
- for n := countx-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- if texture <> nil then color := texture.ScanNextPixel;
- ClearTypeDrawPixel(pdest, psrc^.red, psrc^.green, psrc^.blue, color);
- inc(pdest);
- inc(psrc);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- for n := countx-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- if texture <> nil then color := texture.ScanNextPixel;
- ClearTypeDrawPixel(pdest, psrc^.blue, psrc^.green, psrc^.red, color);
- inc(pdest);
- inc(psrc);
- end;
- end;
- end;
-procedure ClearTypeDrawPixel(pdest: PBGRAPixel; Cr, Cg, Cb: byte; Color: TBGRAPixel);
-var merge,mergeClearType: TBGRAPixel;
- acc: word;
- keep,dont_keep: byte;
- Cr := ApplyOpacity(Cr,color.alpha);
- Cg := ApplyOpacity(Cg,color.alpha);
- Cb := ApplyOpacity(Cb,color.alpha);
- acc := Cr+Cg+Cb;
- if acc = 0 then exit;
- merge := pdest^;
- mergeClearType.red := GammaCompressionTab[(GammaExpansionTab[merge.red] * (not byte(Cr)) +
- GammaExpansionTab[color.red] * Cr + 128) div 255];
- mergeClearType.green := GammaCompressionTab[(GammaExpansionTab[merge.green] * (not byte(Cg)) +
- GammaExpansionTab[color.green] * Cg + 128) div 255];
- mergeClearType.blue := GammaCompressionTab[(GammaExpansionTab[merge.blue] * (not byte(Cb)) +
- GammaExpansionTab[color.blue] * Cb + 128) div 255];
- mergeClearType.alpha := merge.alpha;
- if (mergeClearType.alpha = 255) then
- pdest^:= mergeClearType
- else
- begin
- if Cg <> 0 then
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(@merge, color, Cg);
- dont_keep := mergeClearType.alpha;
- if dont_keep > 0 then
- begin
- keep := not dont_keep;
- merge.red := GammaCompressionTab[(GammaExpansionTab[merge.red] * keep + GammaExpansionTab[mergeClearType.red] * dont_keep) div 255];
- merge.green := GammaCompressionTab[(GammaExpansionTab[merge.green] * keep + GammaExpansionTab[mergeClearType.green] * dont_keep) div 255];
- merge.blue := GammaCompressionTab[(GammaExpansionTab[merge.blue] * keep + GammaExpansionTab[mergeClearType.blue] * dont_keep) div 255];
- merge.alpha := mergeClearType.alpha + ApplyOpacity(merge.alpha, not mergeClearType.alpha);
- end;
- pdest^ := merge;
- end;
-procedure InterpolateBilinear(pUpLeft, pUpRight, pDownLeft,
- pDownRight: PBGRAPixel; iFactX,iFactY: Integer; ADest: PBGRAPixel);
- w1,w2,w3,w4,alphaW: LongWord;
- rSum, gSum, bSum: LongWord; //rgbDiv = aSum
- aSum, aDiv: LongWord;
- rSum := 0;
- gSum := 0;
- bSum := 0;
- aSum := 0;
- aDiv := 0;
- w4 := (iFactX*iFactY+127) shr 8;
- w3 := iFactY-w4;
- w1 := (256-iFactX)-w3;
- {$POP}
- w2 := iFactX-w4;
- if (pUpLeft <> nil) and (pUpRight <> nil) and (pDownLeft <> nil) and (pDownRight <> nil) and
- (pUpLeft^.alpha = pUpRight^.alpha) and (pUpLeft^.alpha = pDownLeft^.alpha) and
- (pUpRight^.alpha = pDownRight^.alpha) then
- begin
- if pUpLeft^.alpha = 0 then
- ADest^ := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- begin
- ADest^.red := (pUpLeft^.red*w1 + pUpRight^.red*w2 + pDownLeft^.red*w3 + pDownRight^.red*w4 + 128) shr 8;
- ADest^.green := (pUpLeft^.green*w1 + pUpRight^.green*w2 + pDownLeft^.green*w3 + pDownRight^.green*w4 + 128) shr 8;
- ADest^.blue := (pUpLeft^.blue*w1 + pUpRight^.blue*w2 + pDownLeft^.blue*w3 + pDownRight^.blue*w4 + 128) shr 8;
- ADest^.alpha := pUpLeft^.alpha;
- end;
- exit;
- end;
- { For each pixel around the coordinate, compute
- the weight for it and multiply values by it before
- adding to the sum }
- if pUpLeft <> nil then
- with pUpLeft^ do
- begin
- alphaW := alpha * w1;
- inc(aDiv, w1);
- inc(aSum, alphaW);
- inc(rSum, red * alphaW);
- inc(gSum, green * alphaW);
- inc(bSum, blue * alphaW);
- end;
- if pUpRight <> nil then
- with pUpRight^ do
- begin
- alphaW := alpha * w2;
- inc(aDiv, w2);
- inc(aSum, alphaW);
- inc(rSum, red * alphaW);
- inc(gSum, green * alphaW);
- inc(bSum, blue * alphaW);
- end;
- if pDownLeft <> nil then
- with pDownLeft^ do
- begin
- alphaW := alpha * w3;
- inc(aDiv, w3);
- inc(aSum, alphaW);
- inc(rSum, red * alphaW);
- inc(gSum, green * alphaW);
- inc(bSum, blue * alphaW);
- end;
- if pDownRight <> nil then
- with pDownRight^ do
- begin
- alphaW := alpha * w4;
- inc(aDiv, w4);
- inc(aSum, alphaW);
- inc(rSum, red * alphaW);
- inc(gSum, green * alphaW);
- inc(bSum, blue * alphaW);
- end;
- if aSum < 128 then //if there is no alpha
- ADest^ := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- with ADest^ do
- begin
- red := (rSum + aSum shr 1) div aSum;
- green := (gSum + aSum shr 1) div aSum;
- blue := (bSum + aSum shr 1) div aSum;
- if aDiv = 256 then
- alpha := (aSum + 128) shr 8
- else
- alpha := (aSum + aDiv shr 1) div aDiv;
- end;
-procedure InterpolateBilinearMask(pUpLeft, pUpRight, pDownLeft,
- pDownRight: PByteMask; iFactX, iFactY: Integer; ADest: PByteMask);
- w1,w2,w3,w4,sum: LongWord;
- w4 := (iFactX*iFactY+127) shr 8;
- w3 := iFactY-w4;
- w1 := (256-iFactX)-w3;
- {$POP}
- w2 := iFactX-w4;
- if (pUpLeft <> nil) and (pUpRight <> nil) and (pDownLeft <> nil) and (pDownRight <> nil) then
- ADest^.gray := (pUpLeft^.gray*w1 + pUpRight^.gray*w2 + pDownLeft^.gray*w3 + pDownRight^.gray*w4 + 128) shr 8
- else
- begin
- sum := 0;
- if pUpLeft <> nil then inc(sum, pUpLeft^.gray*w1);
- if pUpRight <> nil then inc(sum, pUpRight^.gray*w2);
- if pDownLeft <> nil then inc(sum, pDownLeft^.gray*w3);
- if pDownRight <> nil then inc(sum, pDownRight^.gray*w4);
- ADest^.gray := (sum + 128) shr 8;
- end;
-procedure ScannerPutPixels(scan: IBGRAScanner; pdest: PBGRAPixel; count: integer; mode: TDrawMode);
-var c : TBGRAPixel;
- i: Integer;
- scanNextFunc: function(): TBGRAPixel of object;
- if scan.IsScanPutPixelsDefined then
- scan.ScanPutPixels(pdest,count,mode) else
- begin
- scanNextFunc := @scan.ScanNextPixel;
- case mode of
- dmLinearBlend:
- for i := 0 to count-1 do
- begin
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest, scanNextFunc());
- inc(pdest);
- end;
- dmDrawWithTransparency:
- for i := 0 to count-1 do
- begin
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, scanNextFunc());
- inc(pdest);
- end;
- dmSet:
- for i := 0 to count-1 do
- begin
- pdest^ := scanNextFunc();
- inc(pdest);
- end;
- dmXor:
- for i := 0 to count-1 do
- begin
- PLongWord(pdest)^ := PLongWord(pdest)^ xor LongWord(scanNextFunc());
- inc(pdest);
- end;
- dmSetExceptTransparent:
- for i := 0 to count-1 do
- begin
- c := scanNextFunc();
- if c.alpha = 255 then pdest^ := c;
- inc(pdest);
- end;
- end;
- end;
-procedure XorInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel; Count: integer);
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- PLongWord(dest)^ := PLongWord(dest)^ xor LongWord(c);
- Inc(dest);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure XorPixels(pdest, psrc: PBGRAPixel; count: integer);
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- PLongWord(pdest)^ := PLongWord(psrc)^ xor PLongWord(pdest)^;
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-{$i blendpixels.inc}
-procedure AlphaFillInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; alpha: byte; Count: integer); inline;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- dest^.alpha := alpha;
- Inc(dest);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure FillInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel; Count: integer); inline;
- FillDWord(dest^, Count, LongWord(c));
-procedure FastBlendPixelsInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel; Count: integer);
- n: integer;
- if c.alpha = 0 then exit;
- for n := Count - 1 downto 0 do
- begin
- FastBlendPixelInline(dest, c);
- Inc(dest);
- end;
-procedure PutPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psource: PBGRAPixel; copycount: integer;
- mode: TDrawMode; AOpacity: byte);
-var i: integer; tempPixel: TBGRAPixel;
- case mode of
- dmSet:
- begin
- if AOpacity <> 255 then
- CopyPixelsWithOpacity(pdest, psource, AOpacity, copycount)
- else
- move(psource^, pdest^, copycount * sizeof(TBGRAPixel));
- end;
- dmSetExceptTransparent:
- begin
- if AOpacity <> 255 then
- begin
- for i := copycount - 1 downto 0 do
- begin
- if psource^.alpha = 255 then
- begin
- tempPixel := psource^;
- tempPixel.alpha := ApplyOpacity(tempPixel.alpha,AOpacity);
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest,tempPixel);
- end;
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psource);
- end;
- end else
- for i := copycount - 1 downto 0 do
- begin
- if psource^.alpha = 255 then
- pdest^ := psource^;
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psource);
- end;
- end;
- dmDrawWithTransparency:
- begin
- if AOpacity <> 255 then
- begin
- for i := copycount - 1 downto 0 do
- begin
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, psource^, AOpacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psource);
- end;
- end
- else
- for i := copycount - 1 downto 0 do
- begin
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, psource^);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psource);
- end;
- end;
- dmFastBlend:
- begin
- if AOpacity <> 255 then
- begin
- for i := copycount - 1 downto 0 do
- begin
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest, psource^, AOpacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psource);
- end;
- end else
- for i := copycount - 1 downto 0 do
- begin
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest, psource^);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psource);
- end;
- end;
- dmXor:
- begin
- if AOpacity <> 255 then
- begin
- for i := copycount - 1 downto 0 do
- begin
- PLongWord(@tempPixel)^ := PLongWord(pdest)^ xor PLongWord(psource)^;
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest, tempPixel, AOpacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psource);
- end;
- end else
- XorPixels(pdest, psource, copycount);
- end;
- end;
-procedure DrawPixelsInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel; Count: integer);
- n: integer;
- ec: TExpandedPixel;
- if c.alpha = 0 then exit;
- if c.alpha = 255 then
- begin
- filldword(dest^,count,LongWord(c));
- exit;
- end;
- ec := GammaExpansion(c);
- for n := Count - 1 downto 0 do
- begin
- DrawExpandedPixelInlineNoAlphaCheck(dest, ec,c.alpha);
- Inc(dest);
- end;
-procedure DrawExpandedPixelsInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; ec: TExpandedPixel;
- Count: integer);
- n: integer;
- c: TBGRAPixel;
- if ec.alpha < $0100 then exit;
- if ec.alpha >= $FF00 then
- begin
- c := GammaCompression(ec);
- filldword(dest^,count,LongWord(c));
- exit;
- end;
- for n := Count - 1 downto 0 do
- begin
- DrawExpandedPixelInlineNoAlphaCheck(dest, ec, ec.alpha shr 8);
- Inc(dest);
- end;
-procedure DrawPixelsInlineExpandedOrNot(dest: PBGRAPixel; ec: TExpandedPixel; c: TBGRAPixel; Count: integer);
- n: integer;
- if c.alpha = 0 then exit;
- if c.alpha = 255 then
- begin
- filldword(dest^,count,LongWord(c));
- exit;
- end;
- for n := Count - 1 downto 0 do
- begin
- DrawExpandedPixelInlineNoAlphaCheck(dest, ec, c.alpha);
- Inc(dest);
- end;
-procedure DrawPixelsInlineDiff(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel;
- Count: integer; compare: TBGRAPixel; maxDiff: byte); inline;
- n: integer;
- for n := Count - 1 downto 0 do
- begin
- DrawPixelInlineDiff(dest, c, compare, maxDiff);
- Inc(dest);
- end;
-procedure DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(dest: PBGRAPixel; const c: TBGRAPixel);
- case c.alpha of
- 0: ;
- 255: dest^ := c;
- else
- DrawPixelInlineNoAlphaCheck(dest,c);
- end;
-procedure DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel; appliedOpacity: byte);
- c.alpha := ApplyOpacity(c.alpha,appliedOpacity);
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(dest, c);
-procedure CopyPixelsWithOpacity(dest, src: PBGRAPixel; opacity: byte;
- Count: integer);
- while count > 0 do
- begin
- dest^ := MergeBGRAWithGammaCorrection(src^,opacity,dest^,not opacity);
- inc(src);
- inc(dest);
- dec(count);
- end;
-function ApplyOpacity(opacity1, opacity2: byte): byte;
- result := opacity1*(opacity2+1) shr 8;
-function FastRoundDiv255(value: LongWord): LongWord; inline;
- result := (value + (value shr 7)) shr 8;
-procedure DrawExpandedPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(dest: PBGRAPixel; const ec: TExpandedPixel);
- calpha: byte;
- calpha := ec.alpha shr 8;
- case calpha of
- 0: ;
- 255: dest^ := GammaCompression(ec);
- else
- DrawExpandedPixelInlineNoAlphaCheck(dest,ec,calpha);
- end;
-procedure DrawPixelInlineExpandedOrNotWithAlphaCheck(dest: PBGRAPixel; const ec: TExpandedPixel; c: TBGRAPixel);
- case c.alpha of
- 0: ;
- 255: dest^ := c;
- else
- DrawExpandedPixelInlineNoAlphaCheck(dest,ec,c.alpha);
- end;
-procedure DrawPixelInlineNoAlphaCheck(dest: PBGRAPixel; const c: TBGRAPixel);
- a1f, a2f, a12, a12m, alphaCorr: UInt32or64;
- case dest^.alpha of
- 0: dest^ := c;
- 255:
- begin
- alphaCorr := c.alpha;
- if alphaCorr >= 128 then inc(alphaCorr);
- dest^.red := GammaCompressionTab[(GammaExpansionTab[dest^.red] * UInt32or64(256-alphaCorr) + GammaExpansionTab[c.red]*alphaCorr) shr 8];
- dest^.green := GammaCompressionTab[(GammaExpansionTab[dest^.green] * UInt32or64(256-alphaCorr) + GammaExpansionTab[c.green]*alphaCorr) shr 8];
- dest^.blue := GammaCompressionTab[(GammaExpansionTab[dest^.blue] * UInt32or64(256-alphaCorr) + GammaExpansionTab[c.blue]*alphaCorr) shr 8];
- end;
- else
- begin
- a12 := 65025 - (not dest^.alpha) * (not c.alpha);
- a12m := a12 shr 1;
- a1f := dest^.alpha * (not c.alpha);
- a2f := (c.alpha shl 8) - c.alpha;
- PLongWord(dest)^ := ((GammaCompressionTab[(GammaExpansionTab[dest^.red] * a1f +
- GammaExpansionTab[c.red] * a2f + a12m) div a12]) shl TBGRAPixel_RedShift) or
- ((GammaCompressionTab[(GammaExpansionTab[dest^.green] * a1f +
- GammaExpansionTab[c.green] * a2f + a12m) div a12]) shl TBGRAPixel_GreenShift) or
- ((GammaCompressionTab[(GammaExpansionTab[dest^.blue] * a1f +
- GammaExpansionTab[c.blue] * a2f + a12m) div a12]) shl TBGRAPixel_BlueShift) or
- (((a12 + a12 shr 7) shr 8) shl TBGRAPixel_AlphaShift);
- end;
- end;
-procedure DrawExpandedPixelInlineNoAlphaCheck(dest: PBGRAPixel;
- const ec: TExpandedPixel; calpha: byte);
- a1f, a2f, a12, a12m, alphaCorr: UInt32or64;
- case dest^.alpha of
- 0: begin
- dest^.red := GammaCompressionTab[ec.red];
- dest^.green := GammaCompressionTab[ec.green];
- dest^.blue := GammaCompressionTab[ec.blue];
- dest^.alpha := calpha;
- end;
- 255:
- begin
- alphaCorr := calpha;
- if alphaCorr >= 128 then inc(alphaCorr);
- dest^.red := GammaCompressionTab[(GammaExpansionTab[dest^.red] * UInt32or64(256-alphaCorr) + ec.red*alphaCorr) shr 8];
- dest^.green := GammaCompressionTab[(GammaExpansionTab[dest^.green] * UInt32or64(256-alphaCorr) + ec.green*alphaCorr) shr 8];
- dest^.blue := GammaCompressionTab[(GammaExpansionTab[dest^.blue] * UInt32or64(256-alphaCorr) + ec.blue*alphaCorr) shr 8];
- end;
- else
- begin
- a12 := 65025 - (not dest^.alpha) * (not calpha);
- a12m := a12 shr 1;
- a1f := dest^.alpha * (not calpha);
- a2f := (calpha shl 8) - calpha;
- PLongWord(dest)^ := ((GammaCompressionTab[(GammaExpansionTab[dest^.red] * a1f +
- ec.red * a2f + a12m) div a12]) shl TBGRAPixel_RedShift) or
- ((GammaCompressionTab[(GammaExpansionTab[dest^.green] * a1f +
- ec.green * a2f + a12m) div a12]) shl TBGRAPixel_GreenShift) or
- ((GammaCompressionTab[(GammaExpansionTab[dest^.blue] * a1f +
- ec.blue * a2f + a12m) div a12]) shl TBGRAPixel_BlueShift) or
- (((a12 + a12 shr 7) shr 8) shl TBGRAPixel_AlphaShift);
- end;
- end;
-procedure FastBlendPixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; const c: TBGRAPixel);
- a1f, a2f, a12, a12m, alphaCorr: UInt32or64;
- case c.alpha of
- 0: ;
- 255: dest^ := c;
- else
- begin
- case dest^.alpha of
- 0: dest^ := c;
- 255:
- begin
- alphaCorr := c.alpha;
- if alphaCorr >= 128 then inc(alphaCorr);
- dest^.red := (dest^.red * UInt32or64(256-alphaCorr) + c.red*(alphaCorr+1)) shr 8;
- dest^.green := (dest^.green * UInt32or64(256-alphaCorr) + c.green*(alphaCorr+1)) shr 8;
- dest^.blue := (dest^.blue * UInt32or64(256-alphaCorr) + c.blue*(alphaCorr+1)) shr 8;
- end;
- else
- begin
- a12 := 65025 - (not dest^.alpha) * (not c.alpha);
- a12m := a12 shr 1;
- a1f := dest^.alpha * (not c.alpha);
- a2f := (c.alpha shl 8) - c.alpha;
- PLongWord(dest)^ := (((dest^.red * a1f + c.red * a2f + a12m) div a12) shl TBGRAPixel_RedShift) or
- (((dest^.green * a1f + c.green * a2f + a12m) div a12) shl TBGRAPixel_GreenShift) or
- (((dest^.blue * a1f + c.blue * a2f + a12m) div a12) shl TBGRAPixel_BlueShift) or
- (((a12 + a12 shr 7) shr 8) shl TBGRAPixel_AlphaShift);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
-procedure FastBlendPixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel;
- appliedOpacity: byte);
- c.alpha := ApplyOpacity(c.alpha,appliedOpacity);
- FastBlendPixelInline(dest,c);
-procedure DrawPixelInlineDiff(dest: PBGRAPixel; c, compare: TBGRAPixel;
- maxDiff: byte); inline;
-var alpha: Int32or64;
- alpha := (c.alpha * (maxDiff + 1 - BGRADiff(dest^, compare)) + (maxDiff + 1) shr 1) div
- (maxDiff + 1);
- if alpha > 0 then
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(dest, BGRA(c.red, c.green, c.blue, alpha));
-procedure ErasePixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; alpha: byte); inline;
- newAlpha: byte;
- newAlpha := ApplyOpacity(dest^.alpha, not alpha);
- if newAlpha = 0 then
- dest^ := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- dest^.alpha := newAlpha;
-{$i blendpixelsover.inc}
-{$i blendpixelinline.inc}
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrablurgl.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrablurgl.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index aa3357b..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrablurgl.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRABlurGL;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, BGRAOpenGL3D, BGRABitmapTypes, BGRACanvasGL, BGRAOpenGLType;
- { TBGLBlurShader }
- TBGLBlurShader = class(TBGLShader3D)
- private
- function GetDirection: TPointF;
- function GetImageIndex: integer;
- function GetRadius: Single;
- function GetTextureSize: TPoint;
- procedure SetDirection(AValue: TPointF);
- procedure SetImageIndex(AValue: integer);
- procedure SetRadius(AValue: Single);
- procedure SetTextureSize(AValue: TPoint);
- protected
- FTextureSize: TUniformVariablePoint;
- FImageIndex: TUniformVariableInteger;
- FDirection: TUniformVariablePointF;
- FRadius: TUniformVariableSingle;
- FBlurType: TRadialBlurType;
- procedure StartUse; override;
- public
- constructor Create(ACanvas: TBGLCustomCanvas; ABlurType: TRadialBlurType);
- function FilterBlurMotion(ATexture: IBGLTexture): IBGLTexture; overload;
- function FilterBlurMotion(ATexture: IBGLTexture; ADirection: TPointF): IBGLTexture; overload;
- function FilterBlurRadial(ATexture: IBGLTexture): IBGLTexture;
- property ImageIndex: integer read GetImageIndex write SetImageIndex;
- property TextureSize: TPoint read GetTextureSize write SetTextureSize;
- property Direction: TPointF read GetDirection write SetDirection;
- property Radius: Single read GetRadius write SetRadius;
- property BlurType: TRadialBlurType read FBlurType;
- end;
-{ TBGLBlurShader }
-function TBGLBlurShader.GetDirection: TPointF;
- result := FDirection.Value;
-function TBGLBlurShader.GetImageIndex: integer;
- result := FImageIndex.Value;
-function TBGLBlurShader.GetRadius: Single;
- result := FRadius.Value;
- if FBlurType = rbPrecise then result := result * 10;
-function TBGLBlurShader.GetTextureSize: TPoint;
- result := FTextureSize.Value;
-procedure TBGLBlurShader.SetDirection(AValue: TPointF);
- FDirection.Value := AValue;
-procedure TBGLBlurShader.SetImageIndex(AValue: integer);
- FImageIndex.Value := AValue;
-procedure TBGLBlurShader.SetRadius(AValue: Single);
- if FBlurType = rbPrecise then AValue := AValue/10;
- FRadius.Value := AValue;
-procedure TBGLBlurShader.SetTextureSize(AValue: TPoint);
- FTextureSize.Value:= AValue;
-constructor TBGLBlurShader.Create(ACanvas: TBGLCustomCanvas; ABlurType: TRadialBlurType);
-var weightFunc: string;
- FBlurType:= ABlurType;
- case ABlurType of
- rbNormal,rbPrecise: weightFunc:=
-' float sigma = max(0.1,radius/1.8);'#10+
-' float normalized = x/sigma;'#10 +
-' return 1/(2.506628274631*sigma)*exp(-0.5*normalized*normalized);';
- rbCorona: weightFunc := 'return max(0, 1-abs(x-radius));';
- rbFast: weightFunc := 'return max(0,radius+1-x);';
- else {rbBox,rbDisk}
- weightFunc := 'if (x <= radius) return 1; else return max(0,radius+1-x);';
- end;
- inherited Create(ACanvas,
-'void main(void) {'#10 +
-' gl_Position = gl_ProjectionMatrix * gl_Vertex;'#10 +
-' texCoord = vec2(gl_MultiTexCoord0);'#10 +
-'uniform sampler2D image;'#10 +
-'uniform ivec2 textureSize;'#10 +
-'uniform vec2 direction;'#10 +
-'uniform float radius;'#10 +
-'out vec4 FragmentColor;'#10 +
-'float computeWeight(float x)'#10 +
-'{'#10 +
-weightFunc + #10 +
-'}'#10 +
-'void main(void)'#10 +
-'{'#10 +
-' int range = int(radius+1.5);'#10 +
-' float weight = computeWeight(0);'#10 +
-' float totalWeight = weight;'#10 +
-' FragmentColor = texture2D( image, texCoord ) * weight;'#10 +
-' for (int i=1; i<=range; i++) {'#10 +
-' weight = computeWeight(i);'#10 +
-' FragmentColor += texture2D( image, texCoord + i*direction/textureSize ) * weight;'#10 +
-' FragmentColor += texture2D( image, texCoord - i*direction/textureSize ) * weight;'#10 +
-' totalWeight += 2*weight;'#10 +
-' }'#10 +
-' FragmentColor /= totalWeight;'#10 +
-'varying vec2 texCoord;', '130');
- FImageIndex := UniformInteger['image'];
- FTextureSize := UniformPoint['textureSize'];
- FDirection := UniformPointF['direction'];
- FRadius := UniformSingle['radius'];
- ImageIndex:= 0;
- Direction := PointF(1,0);
- TextureSize := Point(1,1);
- Radius := 0;
-function TBGLBlurShader.FilterBlurRadial(ATexture: IBGLTexture): IBGLTexture;
-var horiz: IBGLTexture;
- horiz := FilterBlurMotion(ATexture, PointF(1,0));
- result := FilterBlurMotion(horiz, PointF(0,1));
-function TBGLBlurShader.FilterBlurMotion(ATexture: IBGLTexture): IBGLTexture;
-var previousBuf,buf: TBGLCustomFrameBuffer;
- previousShader: TBGLCustomShader;
- previousBuf := Canvas.ActiveFrameBuffer;
- buf := Canvas.CreateFrameBuffer(ATexture.Width, ATexture.Height);
- Canvas.ActiveFrameBuffer := buf;
- TextureSize := Point(ATexture.Width,ATexture.Height);
- previousShader := Canvas.Lighting.ActiveShader;
- Canvas.Lighting.ActiveShader := self;
- ATexture.Draw(0, 0); //perform horiz blur
- Canvas.Lighting.ActiveShader := previousShader;
- Canvas.ActiveFrameBuffer := previousBuf;
- result := buf.MakeTextureAndFree;
-function TBGLBlurShader.FilterBlurMotion(ATexture: IBGLTexture;
- ADirection: TPointF): IBGLTexture;
-var prevDir: TPointF;
- prevDir := Direction;
- Direction := ADirection;
- result := FilterBlurMotion(ATexture);
- Direction := prevDir;
-procedure TBGLBlurShader.StartUse;
- inherited StartUse;
- FImageIndex.Update;
- FTextureSize.Update;
- FDirection.Update;
- FRadius.Update;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgracanvas.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgracanvas.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 44dbc28..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgracanvas.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1909 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRACanvas;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
-{$i bgrabitmap.inc}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BGRAGraphics, FPImage, BGRABitmapTypes
- { TBGRAColoredObject }
- TBGRAColoredObject = class
- private
- function GetColor: TColor;
- function GetOpacity: Byte;
- procedure SetColor(const AValue: TColor);
- procedure SetOpacity(const AValue: Byte);
- public
- BGRAColor: TBGRAPixel;
- procedure Assign(Source: TObject); virtual;
- property Color: TColor read GetColor write SetColor;
- property Opacity: Byte read GetOpacity write SetOpacity;
- end;
- { TBGRAPen }
- TBGRAPen = class(TBGRAColoredObject)
- private
- FPenMode: TPenMode;
- function GetActualColor: TBGRAPixel;
- function GetActualDrawMode: TDrawMode;
- function GetActualWidth: integer;
- function GetCustomPenStyle: TBGRAPenStyle;
- function GetInvisible: boolean;
- function GetPenStyle: TPenStyle;
- procedure SetCustomPenStyle(const AValue: TBGRAPenStyle);
- procedure SetPenMode(AValue: TPenMode);
- procedure SetPenStyle(const AValue: TPenStyle);
- protected
- FCustomPenStyle: TBGRAPenStyle;
- FPenStyle: TPenStyle;
- public
- Width: Integer;
- EndCap: TPenEndCap;
- JoinStyle: TPenJoinStyle;
- constructor Create;
- procedure Assign(Source: TObject); override;
- procedure GetUniversalBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush);
- property Style: TPenStyle read GetPenStyle Write SetPenStyle;
- property Mode: TPenMode read FPenMode write SetPenMode;
- property CustomStyle: TBGRAPenStyle read GetCustomPenStyle write SetCustomPenStyle;
- property ActualWidth: integer read GetActualWidth;
- property ActualColor: TBGRAPixel read GetActualColor;
- property ActualDrawMode: TDrawMode read GetActualDrawMode;
- property Invisible: boolean read GetInvisible;
- end;
- { TBGRABrush }
- TBGRABrush = class(TBGRAColoredObject)
- private
- function GetActualColor: TBGRAPixel;
- function GetActualDrawMode: TDrawMode;
- function GetInvisible: boolean;
- procedure SetBackColor(const AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure SetBrushStyle(const AValue: TBrushStyle);
- procedure SetTexture(AValue: IBGRAScanner);
- protected
- FStyle, FStyleBeforeTexture: TBrushStyle;
- FBackColor: TBGRAPixel;
- FTexture: IBGRAScanner;
- FInternalBitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- FInternalBitmapColor: TBGRAPixel;
- public
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Assign(Source: TObject); override;
- procedure GetUniversalBrush(ABitmapPrototype: TBGRACustomBitmap; out ABrush: TUniversalBrush);
- function BuildTexture(Prototype: TBGRACustomBitmap): IBGRAScanner;
- property Style: TBrushStyle read FStyle write SetBrushStyle;
- property BackColor: TBGRAPixel read FBackColor write SetBackColor;
- property ActualColor: TBGRAPixel read GetActualColor;
- property ActualDrawMode: TDrawMode read GetActualDrawMode;
- property Invisible: boolean read GetInvisible;
- property Texture: IBGRAScanner read FTexture write SetTexture;
- end;
- { TBGRAFont }
- TBGRAFont = class(TBGRAColoredObject)
- private
- function GetAntialiasing: Boolean;
- procedure SetAntialiasing(const AValue: Boolean);
- public
- Name: string;
- Height: Integer;
- Style: TFontStyles;
- Quality : TBGRAFontQuality;
- Orientation: integer;
- Texture: IBGRAScanner;
- constructor Create;
- procedure Assign(Source: TObject); override;
- property Antialiasing: Boolean read GetAntialiasing write SetAntialiasing;
- end;
- { TBGRACanvas }
- TBGRACanvas = class
- procedure SetBrush(const AValue: TBGRABrush);
- procedure SetPen(const AValue: TBGRAPen);
- function GetPixelColor(X, Y: Integer): TColor;
- procedure SetPixelColor(X, Y: Integer; const AValue: TColor);
- private
- function GetClipping: Boolean;
- function GetClipRect: TRect;
- function GetExpandedPixel(X, Y: Integer): TExpandedPixel;
- function GetFPPixelColor(X, Y: Integer): TFPColor;
- function GetHeight: integer;
- function GetWidth: integer;
- procedure SetClipping(const AValue: Boolean);
- procedure SetClipRect(const AValue: TRect);
- procedure SetExpandedPixel(X, Y: Integer; const AValue: TExpandedPixel);
- procedure SetFont(const AValue: TBGRAFont);
- procedure SetFPPixelColor(X, Y: Integer; const AValue: TFPColor);
- function ComputeEllipseC(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer; out cx,cy,rx,ry: single): boolean;
- function CheckRectangle(var x1, y1, x2, y2: integer; out tx,ty: integer): boolean;
- protected
- FBitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- FBrush: TBGRABrush;
- FPen: TBGRAPen;
- FPenPos: TPoint;
- FFont : TBGRAFont;
- FInactiveClipRect: TRect;
- FClippingOn: Boolean;
- procedure ApplyPenStyle;
- procedure ApplyFont;
- function NoPen: boolean;
- function NoBrush: boolean;
- public
- AntialiasingMode: TAntialiasingMode;
- FillMode : TFillMode;
- TextStyle : TTextStyle;
- DrawFontBackground : boolean;
- constructor Create(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure MoveTo(x,y: integer); overload;
- procedure MoveTo(p: TPoint); overload;
- procedure LineTo(x,y: integer); overload;
- procedure LineTo(p: TPoint); overload;
- procedure Line(x1,y1,x2,y2: integer); overload;
- procedure Line(p1,p2: TPoint); overload;
- procedure Arc(x1,y1,x2,y2,sx,sy,ex,ey: integer);
- procedure Arc(x1,y1,x2,y2,StartDeg16,LengthDeg16: integer);
- procedure Arc65536(x1,y1,x2,y2: integer; start65536,end65536: word; Options: TArcOptions);
- procedure Chord(x1,y1,x2,y2,sx,sy,ex,ey: integer);
- procedure Chord(x1,y1,x2,y2,StartDeg16,LengthDeg16: integer);
- procedure Pie(x1,y1,x2,y2,sx,sy,ex,ey: integer);
- procedure Pie(x1,y1,x2,y2,StartDeg16,LengthDeg16: integer);
- procedure RadialPie(x1,y1,x2,y2,StartDeg16,LengthDeg16: integer);
- procedure Ellipse(x1,y1,x2,y2: integer);
- procedure Ellipse(const bounds: TRect);
- procedure Rectangle(x1,y1,x2,y2: integer; Filled: Boolean = True);
- procedure Rectangle(const bounds: TRect; Filled: Boolean = True);
- procedure Frame(x1,y1,x2,y2: integer);
- procedure Frame(const bounds: TRect);
- procedure RoundRect(x1,y1,x2,y2: integer; dx,dy: integer);
- procedure RoundRect(const bounds: TRect; dx,dy: integer);
- procedure EllipseC(x,y,rx,ry: integer);
- procedure FillRect(x1,y1,x2,y2: integer);
- procedure FillRect(const bounds: TRect);
- procedure FrameRect(x1,y1,x2,y2: integer; width: integer = 1);
- procedure FrameRect(const bounds: TRect; width: integer = 1);
- procedure Frame3D(var bounds: TRect; width: integer; Style: TGraphicsBevelCut); overload;
- procedure Frame3D(var bounds: TRect; width: integer; Style: TGraphicsBevelCut; LightColor: TBGRAPixel; ShadowColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure GradientFill(ARect: TRect; AStart, AStop: TColor;
- ADirection: TGradientDirection; GammaCorrection: Boolean = false);
- procedure FloodFill(X, Y: Integer; FillColor: TColor; FillStyle: TFillStyle);
- procedure FloodFill(X, Y: Integer; FillColor: TBGRAPixel; FillStyle: TFillStyle);
- procedure FloodFill(X, Y: Integer);
- procedure Polygon(const APoints: array of TPoint);
- procedure Polygon(const Points: array of TPoint;
- Winding: Boolean;
- StartIndex: Integer = 0;
- NumPts: Integer = -1);
- procedure Polygon(Points: PPoint; NumPts: Integer;
- Winding: boolean = False);
- procedure PolygonF(const APoints: array of TPointF);
- procedure PolygonF(const APoints: array of TPointF; Winding: Boolean; FillOnly: Boolean = False);
- procedure Polyline(const APoints: array of TPoint);
- procedure Polyline(const Points: array of TPoint;
- StartIndex: Integer;
- NumPts: Integer = -1);
- procedure Polyline(Points: PPoint; NumPts: Integer);
- procedure PolylineF(const APoints: array of TPointF);
- procedure PolyBezier(Points: PPoint; NumPts: Integer;
- Filled: boolean = False;
- Continuous: boolean = False);
- procedure PolyBezier(const Points: array of TPoint;
- Filled: boolean = False;
- Continuous: boolean = False);
- procedure Draw(X,Y: Integer; SrcBitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap); overload;
- procedure Draw(X,Y: Integer; SrcBitmap: TBitmap); overload;
- procedure CopyRect(X,Y: Integer; SrcBitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; SrcRect: TRect);
- procedure StretchDraw(DestRect: TRect; SrcBitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; HorizFlip: Boolean = false; VertFlip: Boolean = false);
- procedure DrawFocusRect(bounds: TRect);
- procedure CopyRect(Dest: TRect; SrcBmp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- Source: TRect); virtual;
- procedure TextOut(X,Y: Integer; const Text: String);
- procedure TextRect(const ARect: TRect; X, Y: integer; const Text: string);
- procedure TextRect(ARect: TRect; X, Y: integer; const Text: string;
- const Style: TTextStyle);
- function TextExtent(const Text: string): TSize;
- function TextHeight(const Text: string): Integer;
- function TextWidth(const Text: string): Integer;
- property Pen: TBGRAPen read FPen write SetPen;
- property PenPos : TPoint read FPenPos write FPenPos;
- property Brush: TBGRABrush read FBrush write SetBrush;
- property Font: TBGRAFont read FFont write SetFont;
- property Pixels[X,Y: Integer]: TColor read GetPixelColor write SetPixelColor;
- property GammaExpandedPixels[X,Y: Integer]: TExpandedPixel read GetExpandedPixel write SetExpandedPixel;
- property Colors[X,Y: Integer]: TFPColor read GetFPPixelColor write SetFPPixelColor;
- property Height: integer read GetHeight;
- property Width : integer read GetWidth;
- property ClipRect: TRect read GetClipRect write SetClipRect;
- property Clipping: Boolean read GetClipping write SetClipping;
- end;
-uses BGRAPen, BGRAPath, BGRAPolygon, BGRAPolygonAliased, Math, BGRABlend;
-{ TBGRAFont }
-function TBGRAFont.GetAntialiasing: Boolean;
- result := Quality <> fqSystem;
-procedure TBGRAFont.SetAntialiasing(const AValue: Boolean);
- if AValue = Antialiasing then exit;
- if AValue then
- Quality := fqFineAntialiasing
- else
- Quality := fqSystem;
-constructor TBGRAFont.Create;
- Name := 'default';
- Height := 12;
- Style := [];
- Antialiasing := False;
- Orientation := 0;
- Texture := nil;
- BGRAColor := BGRABlack;
-procedure TBGRAFont.Assign(Source: TObject);
-var sf: TBGRAFont;
- f: TFont;
- if Source is TFont then
- begin
- f := TFont(Source);
- Color := f.Color;
- Opacity := 255;
- Style := f.Style;
- Name := f.Name;
- Orientation := f.Orientation;
- if f.Height= 0 then
- Height := 16 else
- Height := f.Height;
- end else
- if Source is TBGRAFont then
- begin
- sf := Source as TBGRAFont;
- Name := sf.Name;
- Height := sf.Height;
- Style := sf.Style;
- Quality := sf.Quality;
- Orientation := sf.Orientation;
- Texture := sf.Texture;
- end
- if Source is TFPCustomFont then
- begin
- cf := Source as TFPCustomFont;
- Color := FPColorToTColor(cf.FPColor);
- Style := [];
- if cf.Bold then include(Style, fsBold);
- if cf.Italic then include(Style, fsItalic);
- if cf.Underline then include(Style, fsUnderline);
-{$IF FPC_FULLVERSION>=20602} //changed in 2.6.2 and 2.7
- if cf.StrikeThrough then include(Style, fsStrikeOut);
- if cf.StrikeTrough then include(Style, fsStrikeOut);
- Name := cf.Name;
- //Orientation := cf.Orientation;
- if cf.Size = 0 then
- Height := 16 else
- Height := round(cf.Size*1.8);
- end{$ENDIF};
- inherited Assign(Source);
-{ TBGRABrush }
-function TBGRABrush.GetActualColor: TBGRAPixel;
- if (Style = bsClear) or (Opacity = 0) then
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- result := BGRAColor;
-function TBGRABrush.GetActualDrawMode: TDrawMode;
- result := dmDrawWithTransparency;
-function TBGRABrush.GetInvisible: boolean;
- result := (texture = nil) and ((style = bsClear) or ((style= bsSolid) and (bgracolor.alpha = 0))
- or ((bgracolor.alpha = 0) and (BackColor.alpha = 0)));
-procedure TBGRABrush.SetBackColor(const AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- if FBackColor=AValue then exit;
- FBackColor:=AValue;
- FreeAndNil(FInternalBitmap);
-procedure TBGRABrush.SetBrushStyle(const AValue: TBrushStyle);
- if FStyle=AValue then exit;
- FStyle:=AValue;
- if FStyle <> bsImage then FTexture := nil;
- FreeAndNil(FInternalBitmap);
-procedure TBGRABrush.SetTexture(AValue: IBGRAScanner);
- if FTexture=AValue then Exit;
- FTexture:=AValue;
- if Assigned(AValue) then
- begin
- if FStyle <> bsImage then
- begin
- FStyleBeforeTexture:= FStyle;
- FStyle:= bsImage;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- if FStyle = bsImage then
- FStyle := FStyleBeforeTexture;
- end;
-constructor TBGRABrush.Create;
- BGRAColor := BGRAWhite;
- FInternalBitmap := nil;
- FInternalBitmapColor := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- FStyle := bsSolid;
- FStyleBeforeTexture:= Style;
- FTexture := nil;
- FBackColor := BGRAPixelTransparent;
-destructor TBGRABrush.Destroy;
- Texture := nil;
- FInternalBitmap.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TBGRABrush.Assign(Source: TObject);
-var sb: TBGRABrush;
- b: TBrush;
- if Source is TBGRABrush then
- begin
- sb := Source as TBGRABrush;
- Texture := sb.Texture;
- BackColor := sb.BackColor;
- Style := sb.Style;
- end else
- if Source is TBrush then
- begin
- b := Source as TBrush;
- Color := b.Color;
- Opacity := 255;
- Style := b.Style;
- end;
- inherited Assign(Source);
-procedure TBGRABrush.GetUniversalBrush(ABitmapPrototype: TBGRACustomBitmap; out ABrush: TUniversalBrush);
- tex: IBGRAScanner;
- c: TBGRAPixel;
- tex := BuildTexture(ABitmapPrototype);
- if tex <> nil then
- BGRAScannerBrush(ABrush, tex, ActualDrawMode)
- else
- begin
- c := ActualColor;
- BGRASolidBrushIndirect(ABrush, @c, ActualDrawMode);
- end;
-function TBGRABrush.BuildTexture(Prototype: TBGRACustomBitmap): IBGRAScanner;
- //user-defined texture
- if Texture <> nil then
- result := texture
- else
- begin
- //free pattern if color has changed
- if (FInternalBitmap <> nil) and (FInternalBitmapColor <> BGRAColor) then
- FreeAndNil(FInternalBitmap);
- //styles that do not have pattern
- if Style in[bsSolid,bsClear] then
- result := nil
- else
- begin
- //create pattern if needed
- if FInternalBitmap = nil then
- begin
- FInternalBitmap := CreateBrushTexture(Prototype, Style, BGRAColor,BackColor);
- FInternalBitmapColor := BGRAColor;
- end;
- result := FInternalBitmap;
- end;
- end;
-{ TBGRAPen }
-function TBGRAPen.GetActualColor: TBGRAPixel;
- if (Style = psClear) or (Opacity = 0) then
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- begin
- case Mode of
- pmBlack: result := BGRABlack;
- pmWhite: result := BGRAWhite;
- pmNop: result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- pmNot: result := BGRA(255,255,255,0);
- pmCopy: result := BGRAColor;
- pmNotCopy: result := BGRA(not BGRAColor.red, not BGRAColor.green, not BGRAColor.blue, BGRAColor.alpha);
- pmMerge, pmNotMerge, pmMask, pmNotMask, pmXor: result := BGRA(BGRAColor.red, BGRAColor.green, BGRAColor.blue, 0);
- pmMergePenNot, pmMaskPenNot, pmMergeNotPen, pmMaskNotPen, pmNotXor: result := BGRA(not BGRAColor.red, not BGRAColor.green, not BGRAColor.blue, 0);
- else
- raise exception.Create('Unhandled pen mode');
- end;
- end;
-function TBGRAPen.GetActualDrawMode: TDrawMode;
- case Mode of
- pmBlack, pmWhite, pmNop, pmCopy, pmNotCopy:
- result := dmDrawWithTransparency;
- else
- {pmNot, pmXor, pmNotXor and others}
- result := dmXor;
- end;
-function TBGRAPen.GetActualWidth: integer;
- if width < 1 then result := 1 else
- result := Width;
-function TBGRAPen.GetCustomPenStyle: TBGRAPenStyle;
- result := DuplicatePenStyle(FCustomPenStyle);
-function TBGRAPen.GetInvisible: boolean;
-var b: TUniversalBrush;
- GetUniversalBrush(b);
- result := b.DoesNothing;
-function TBGRAPen.GetPenStyle: TPenStyle;
- Result:= FPenStyle;
-procedure TBGRAPen.SetCustomPenStyle(const AValue: TBGRAPenStyle);
- FCustomPenStyle := DuplicatePenStyle(AValue);
- FPenStyle:= BGRAToPenStyle(AValue);
-procedure TBGRAPen.SetPenMode(AValue: TPenMode);
- if FPenMode=AValue then Exit;
- FPenMode:=AValue;
-procedure TBGRAPen.SetPenStyle(const AValue: TPenStyle);
- if AValue = psPattern then exit;
- FCustomPenStyle := PenStyleToBGRA(AValue);
- FPenStyle := AValue;
-constructor TBGRAPen.Create;
- Width := 1;
- EndCap := pecRound;
- JoinStyle := pjsRound;
- Style := psSolid;
- BGRAColor := BGRABlack;
- Mode := pmCopy;
-procedure TBGRAPen.Assign(Source: TObject);
-var sp: TBGRAPen;
- p: TPen;
- if Source is TBGRAPen then
- begin
- sp := Source as TBGRAPen;
- Mode := sp.Mode;
- Width := sp.Width;
- EndCap := sp.EndCap;
- JoinStyle := sp.JoinStyle;
- Style := sp.Style;
- CustomStyle := sp.CustomStyle;
- end else
- if Source is TPen then
- begin
- p := Source as TPen;
- Mode := p.Mode;
- Width := p.Width;
- EndCap := p.EndCap;
- JoinStyle := p.JoinStyle;
- Style := p.Style;
- Color := p.Color;
- Opacity := 255;
- end;
- inherited Assign(Source);
- PBGRAPenBrushFixedData = ^TBGRAPenBrushFixedData;
- TBGRAPenBrushFixedData = record
- NotResult: boolean;
- end;
-procedure BGRAPenSkipPixels({%H-}AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; {%H-}AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- inc(PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
-procedure BGRAPenMergePixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- pDest: PBGRAPixel;
- merged: TBGRAPixel;
- if AAlpha <= $80 then
- begin
- inc(PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest);
- with PBGRAPenBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- merged.red := pDest^.red or PBGRAPenBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^.BGRA.red;
- merged.green := pDest^.green or PBGRAPenBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^.BGRA.green;
- merged.blue := pDest^.blue or PBGRAPenBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^.BGRA.blue;
- if NotResult then
- begin
- merged.red := not merged.red;
- merged.green := not merged.green;
- merged.blue := not merged.blue;
- end;
- if AAlpha >= $ff7f then
- pDest^ := merged else
- pDest^ := GammaCompression(MergeBGRA(GammaExpansion(pDest^), not AAlpha,
- GammaExpansion(merged), AAlpha));
- inc(pDest);
- dec(ACount);
- end;
- end;
- PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest) := pDest;
-procedure BGRAPenMaskPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- pDest: PBGRAPixel;
- merged: TBGRAPixel;
- if AAlpha <= $80 then
- begin
- inc(PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest);
- with PBGRAPenBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- merged.red := pDest^.red and PBGRAPenBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^.BGRA.red;
- merged.green := pDest^.green and PBGRAPenBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^.BGRA.green;
- merged.blue := pDest^.blue and PBGRAPenBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^.BGRA.blue;
- if NotResult then
- begin
- merged.red := not merged.red;
- merged.green := not merged.green;
- merged.blue := not merged.blue;
- end;
- if AAlpha >= $ff7f then
- pDest^ := merged else
- pDest^ := GammaCompression(MergeBGRA(GammaExpansion(pDest^), not AAlpha,
- GammaExpansion(merged), AAlpha));
- inc(pDest);
- dec(ACount);
- end;
- end;
- PBGRAPixel(AContextData^.Dest) := pDest;
-procedure TBGRAPen.GetUniversalBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush);
-var c: TBGRAPixel;
- if Opacity = 0 then
- begin
- TBGRACustomBitmap.IdleBrush(ABrush);
- exit;
- end;
- c := ActualColor;
- case Mode of
- pmMerge, pmNotMerge, pmMergeNotPen, pmMaskPenNot: //or-based
- begin
- ABrush.Colorspace:= TBGRAPixelColorspace;
- ABrush.InternalInitContext:= nil;
- PBGRAPenBrushFixedData(@ABrush.FixedData)^.BGRA := c;
- if Mode in [pmNotMerge, pmMaskPenNot] then
- begin
- ABrush.DoesNothing := false;
- PBGRAPenBrushFixedData(@ABrush.FixedData)^.NotResult:= true;
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @BGRAPenMergePixels;
- end else
- begin
- ABrush.DoesNothing:= (c.red = 0) and (c.green = 0) and (c.blue = 0);
- PBGRAPenBrushFixedData(@ABrush.FixedData)^.NotResult:= false;
- if ABrush.DoesNothing then
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @BGRAPenSkipPixels
- else
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @BGRAPenMergePixels;
- end;
- end;
- pmMask, pmNotMask, pmMaskNotPen, pmMergePenNot: //and-based
- begin
- ABrush.Colorspace:= TBGRAPixelColorspace;
- ABrush.InternalInitContext:= nil;
- PBGRAPenBrushFixedData(@ABrush.FixedData)^.BGRA := c;
- if Mode in [pmNotMask, pmMergePenNot] then
- begin
- ABrush.DoesNothing := false;
- PBGRAPenBrushFixedData(@ABrush.FixedData)^.NotResult:= true;
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @BGRAPenMaskPixels;
- end else
- begin
- ABrush.DoesNothing:= (c.red = 255) and (c.green = 255) and (c.blue = 255);
- PBGRAPenBrushFixedData(@ABrush.FixedData)^.NotResult:= false;
- if ABrush.DoesNothing then
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @BGRAPenSkipPixels
- else
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @BGRAPenMaskPixels;
- end;
- end;
- else //draw-based and xor-based
- BGRASolidBrushIndirect(ABrush, @c, ActualDrawMode);
- end;
-{ TBGRAColoredObject }
-function TBGRAColoredObject.GetColor: TColor;
- result := BGRAToColor(BGRAColor);
-function TBGRAColoredObject.GetOpacity: Byte;
- result := BGRAColor.alpha;
-procedure TBGRAColoredObject.SetColor(const AValue: TColor);
- BGRAColor := ColorToBGRA(AValue,BGRAColor.alpha);
-procedure TBGRAColoredObject.SetOpacity(const AValue: Byte);
- BGRAColor.alpha := AValue;
-procedure TBGRAColoredObject.Assign(Source: TObject);
-var so: TBGRAColoredObject;
- if Source is TBGRAColoredObject then
- begin
- so := Source as TBGRAColoredObject;
- BGRAColor := so.BGRAColor;
- end;
-{ TBGRACanvas }
-procedure TBGRACanvas.SetBrush(const AValue: TBGRABrush);
- if FBrush=AValue then exit;
- FBrush.Assign(AValue);
-procedure TBGRACanvas.SetPen(const AValue: TBGRAPen);
- if FPen=AValue then exit;
- FPen.Assign(AValue);
-function TBGRACanvas.GetPixelColor(X, Y: Integer): TColor;
- result := BGRAToColor(FBitmap.GetPixel(x,y));
-procedure TBGRACanvas.SetPixelColor(X, Y: Integer; const AValue: TColor);
- FBitmap.SetPixel(x,y,ColorToBGRA(AValue));
-function TBGRACanvas.GetClipping: Boolean;
- result := FClippingOn;
-function TBGRACanvas.GetClipRect: TRect;
- if not Clipping then
- result := FInactiveClipRect else
- result := FBitmap.ClipRect;
-function TBGRACanvas.GetExpandedPixel(X, Y: Integer): TExpandedPixel;
- result := GammaExpansion(FBitmap.GetPixel(X,Y));
-function TBGRACanvas.GetFPPixelColor(X, Y: Integer): TFPColor;
- result := BGRAToFPColor(FBitmap.GetPixel(x,y));
-function TBGRACanvas.GetHeight: integer;
- result := FBitmap.Height;
-function TBGRACanvas.GetWidth: integer;
- result := FBitmap.Width;
-procedure TBGRACanvas.SetClipping(const AValue: Boolean);
- FClippingOn := AValue;
- if not AValue then FBitmap.NoClip else
- FBitmap.ClipRect := FInactiveClipRect;
-procedure TBGRACanvas.SetClipRect(const AValue: TRect);
- FInactiveClipRect := AValue;
- if FClippingOn then
- begin
- FBitmap.ClipRect := AValue;
- FInactiveClipRect := FBitmap.ClipRect;
- end;
-procedure TBGRACanvas.SetExpandedPixel(X, Y: Integer;
- const AValue: TExpandedPixel);
- FBitmap.SetPixel(x,y,GammaCompression(AValue));
-procedure TBGRACanvas.SetFont(const AValue: TBGRAFont);
- if FFont=AValue then exit;
- FFont.Assign(AValue);
-procedure TBGRACanvas.SetFPPixelColor(X, Y: Integer; const AValue: TFPColor);
- FBitmap.SetPixel(x,y,FPColorToBGRA(AValue));
-function TBGRACanvas.ComputeEllipseC(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer; out cx, cy, rx,
- ry: single): boolean;
- cx := (x1+x2-1)/2;
- cy := (y1+y2-1)/2;
- rx := abs((x2-x1)/2);
- ry := abs((y2-y1)/2);
- result := (rx<>0) and (ry<>0);
-function TBGRACanvas.CheckRectangle(var x1, y1, x2, y2: integer; out tx, ty: integer
- ): boolean;
- temp: integer;
- if x1 > x2 then
- begin
- temp := x1;
- x1 := x2;
- x2 := temp;
- end;
- if y1 > y2 then
- begin
- temp := y1;
- y1 := y2;
- y2 := temp;
- end;
- tx := x2-x1;
- ty := y2-y1;
- result := (tx<>0) and (ty <>0);
-procedure TBGRACanvas.ApplyPenStyle;
- TempPenStyle: TBGRAPenStyle;
- i: Integer;
- FBitmap.JoinStyle := FPen.JoinStyle;
- FBitmap.LineCap := FPen.EndCap;
- if FPen.Width = 1 then
- begin
- SetLength(TempPenStyle, length(FPen.CustomStyle));
- for i := 0 to high(TempPenStyle) do
- TempPenStyle[i] := FPen.CustomStyle[i]*4;
- FBitmap.CustomPenStyle := TempPenStyle;
- end else
- FBitmap.CustomPenStyle := FPen.CustomStyle;
-procedure TBGRACanvas.ApplyFont;
- FBitmap.FontName := Font.Name;
- FBitmap.FontHeight := -Font.Height;
- FBitmap.FontStyle := Font.Style;
- FBitmap.FontQuality := Font.Quality;
- FBitmap.FontOrientation := Font.Orientation;
-function TBGRACanvas.NoPen: boolean;
- result := Pen.Invisible;
-function TBGRACanvas.NoBrush: boolean;
- result := Brush.Invisible;
-constructor TBGRACanvas.Create(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap);
- FBitmap := ABitmap;
- AntialiasingMode := amOn;
- FPen := TBGRAPen.Create;
- FPenPos := Point(0,0);
- FFont := TBGRAFont.Create;
- FBrush := TBGRABrush.Create;
- FClippingOn := False;
- FInactiveClipRect := FBitmap.ClipRect;
- FillMode := fmWinding;
- DrawFontBackground := True;
-destructor TBGRACanvas.Destroy;
- FPen.Free;
- FBrush.Free;
- FFont.Free;
-procedure TBGRACanvas.MoveTo(x, y: integer);
- MoveTo(Point(x,y));
-procedure TBGRACanvas.MoveTo(p: TPoint);
- FPenPos := p;
-procedure TBGRACanvas.LineTo(x, y: integer);
-var pts: array of TPointF;
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- Pen.GetUniversalBrush(b);
- if not b.DoesNothing then
- begin
- //1 pixel-wide solid pen is rendered with pixel line
- if (Pen.Style = psSolid) and (Pen.ActualWidth = 1) then
- begin
- if AntialiasingMode = amOff then
- FBitmap.DrawLine(FPenPos.x,FPenPos.y,x,y, b, False)
- else
- FBitmap.DrawLineAntialias(FPenPos.x,FPenPos.y,x,y, b, False);
- end else
- begin
- ApplyPenStyle;
- if AntialiasingMode = amOff then
- begin
- pts := FBitmap.ComputeWidePolyline([PointF(FPenPos.x,FPenPos.y),PointF(x,y)],Pen.ActualWidth);
- FBitmap.FillPoly(pts, b);
- end else
- FBitmap.DrawLineAntialias(FPenPos.x,FPenPos.y,x,y, b, Pen.ActualWidth);
- end;
- end;
- MoveTo(x,y);
-procedure TBGRACanvas.LineTo(p: TPoint);
- LineTo(p.x,p.y);
-procedure TBGRACanvas.Line(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer);
- MoveTo(x1,y1);
- LineTo(x2,y2);
-procedure TBGRACanvas.Line(p1, p2: TPoint);
- MoveTo(p1);
- LineTo(p2);
-procedure TBGRACanvas.Arc(x1, y1, x2, y2, sx, sy, ex, ey: integer);
- angle1,angle2: word;
- cx,cy,rx,ry: single;
- if not ComputeEllipseC(x1,y1,x2,y2,cx,cy,rx,ry) then exit;
- angle1 := round(arctan2(-(sy-cy)/ry,(sx-cx)/rx)*65536/(2*Pi));
- angle2 := round(arctan2(-(ey-cy)/ry,(ex-cx)/rx)*65536/(2*Pi));
- Arc65536(x1,y1,x2,y2,angle1, angle2, []);
-procedure TBGRACanvas.Arc(x1, y1, x2, y2, StartDeg16, LengthDeg16: integer);
- if LengthDeg16 > 360*16 then LengthDeg16 := 360*16;
- Arc65536(x1,y1,x2,y2,StartDeg16*512 div 45, (StartDeg16+LengthDeg16)*512 div 45, []);
-procedure TBGRACanvas.Arc65536(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer; start65536, end65536: word; Options: TArcOptions);
-var cx,cy,rx,ry,w: single;
- arcPts,penPts: array of TPointF;
- multi: TBGRAMultishapeFiller;
- tex: IBGRAScanner;
- hasFill, hasPen: Boolean;
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- if NoPen and NoBrush then exit;
- if not ComputeEllipseC(x1,y1,x2,y2,cx,cy,rx,ry) then exit;
- DecF(rx, 0.50);
- DecF(ry, 0.50);
- w := Pen.ActualWidth;
- if AntialiasingMode = amOff then
- begin
- if not NoPen and not Odd(Pen.ActualWidth) then
- begin
- DecF(rx, 0.01);
- DecF(ry, 0.01);
- end;
- end;
- if NoPen then
- begin
- DecF(cx, 0.5);
- DecF(cy, 0.5);
- DecF(rx, 0.2);
- DecF(ry, 0.2);
- if (rx<0) or (ry<0) then exit;
- end;
- arcPts := ComputeArc65536(cx,cy,rx,ry,start65536,end65536);
- if (aoPie in Options) and (start65536 <> end65536) then
- begin
- setlength(arcPts,length(arcPts)+1);
- arcPts[high(arcPts)] := PointF(cx,cy);
- end;
- hasFill := (aoFillPath in Options) and not NoBrush;
- hasPen := not NoPen;
- if hasPen then
- begin
- ApplyPenStyle;
- if (aoClosePath in Options) or (aoPie in Options) then
- penPts := FBitmap.ComputeWidePolygon(arcPts,w)
- else penPts := FBitmap.ComputeWidePolyline(arcPts,w);
- end;
- if hasPen and (Pen.ActualDrawMode <> dmDrawWithTransparency) then
- begin
- if hasFill then
- begin
- Brush.GetUniversalBrush(FBitmap, b);
- if AntialiasingMode <> amOff then
- FBitmap.FillPolyAntialias(arcPts, b)
- else FBitmap.FillPoly(arcPts, b);
- end;
- if hasPen then
- begin
- Pen.GetUniversalBrush(b);
- if AntialiasingMode <> amOff then
- FBitmap.FillPolyAntialias(penPts, b)
- else FBitmap.FillPoly(penPts, b);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- multi := TBGRAMultishapeFiller.Create;
- multi.Antialiasing := AntialiasingMode <> amOff;
- multi.FillMode := FillMode;
- multi.PolygonOrder := poLastOnTop;
- multi.AliasingIncludeBottomRight := True;
- if hasFill then
- begin
- tex := Brush.BuildTexture(FBitmap);
- if tex <> nil then
- multi.AddPolygon(arcPts, tex) else
- multi.AddPolygon(arcPts, Brush.ActualColor);
- end;
- if hasPen then
- multi.AddPolygon(penPts, Pen.ActualColor);
- multi.Draw(FBitmap, Brush.ActualDrawMode);
- multi.Free;
- end;
-procedure TBGRACanvas.Chord(x1, y1, x2, y2, sx, sy, ex, ey: integer);
- angle1,angle2: word;
- cx,cy,rx,ry: single;
- if not ComputeEllipseC(x1,y1,x2,y2,cx,cy,rx,ry) then exit;
- angle1 := round(arctan2(-(sy-cy)/ry,(sx-cx)/rx)*65536/(2*Pi)) and 65535;
- angle2 := round(arctan2(-(ey-cy)/ry,(ex-cx)/rx)*65536/(2*Pi)) and 65535;
- Arc65536(x1,y1,x2,y2,angle1, angle2, [aoClosePath,aoFillPath]);
-procedure TBGRACanvas.Chord(x1, y1, x2, y2, StartDeg16, LengthDeg16: integer);
- if LengthDeg16 > 360*16 then LengthDeg16 := 360*16;
- Arc65536(x1,y1,x2,y2,StartDeg16*512 div 45, (StartDeg16+LengthDeg16)*512 div 45,[aoClosePath,aoFillPath]);
-procedure TBGRACanvas.Pie(x1, y1, x2, y2, sx, sy, ex, ey: integer);
- angle1,angle2: word;
- cx,cy,rx,ry: single;
- if not ComputeEllipseC(x1,y1,x2,y2,cx,cy,rx,ry) then exit;
- angle1 := round(arctan2(-(sy-cy)/ry,(sx-cx)/rx)*65536/(2*Pi)) and 65535;
- angle2 := round(arctan2(-(ey-cy)/ry,(ex-cx)/rx)*65536/(2*Pi)) and 65535;
- Arc65536(x1,y1,x2,y2,angle1, angle2, [aoPie,aoFillPath]);
-procedure TBGRACanvas.Pie(x1, y1, x2, y2, StartDeg16, LengthDeg16: integer);
- if LengthDeg16 > 360*16 then LengthDeg16 := 360*16;
- Arc65536(x1,y1,x2,y2,StartDeg16*512 div 45, (StartDeg16+LengthDeg16)*512 div 45,[aoPie,aoFillPath]);
-procedure TBGRACanvas.RadialPie(x1, y1, x2, y2, StartDeg16, LengthDeg16: integer
- );
- Pie(x1,y1,x2,y2,StartDeg16,LengthDeg16);
-procedure TBGRACanvas.Ellipse(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer);
-var cx,cy,rx,ry,w: single;
- tex: IBGRAScanner;
- multi: TBGRAMultishapeFiller;
- pb, bb: TUniversalBrush;
- if NoPen and NoBrush then exit;
- if (AntialiasingMode = amOff) and not NoPen and (Pen.Style = psSolid) and (Pen.ActualWidth = 1) then
- begin
- Pen.GetUniversalBrush(pb);
- Brush.GetUniversalBrush(FBitmap, bb);
- BGRARoundRectAliased(FBitmap, x1,y1,x2,y2, abs(x2-x1),abs(y2-y1), pb,bb, 65535);
- exit;
- end;
- if not ComputeEllipseC(x1,y1,x2,y2,cx,cy,rx,ry) then exit;
- w := Pen.ActualWidth;
- DecF(rx, 0.50);
- DecF(ry, 0.50);
- if AntialiasingMode = amOff then
- begin
- if not NoPen and not Odd(Pen.ActualWidth) then
- begin
- DecF(rx, 0.01);
- DecF(ry, 0.01);
- end;
- end;
- if NoPen then
- begin
- DecF(cx, 0.5);
- DecF(cy, 0.5);
- DecF(rx, 0.2);
- DecF(ry, 0.2);
- if (rx<0) or (ry<0) then exit;
- end;
- if not NoPen and (Pen.ActualDrawMode <> dmDrawWithTransparency) then
- begin
- if not NoBrush then
- begin
- Brush.GetUniversalBrush(FBitmap, bb);
- if AntialiasingMode <> amOff then
- FBitmap.FillEllipseAntialias(cx,cy,rx,ry, bb)
- else FBitmap.FillEllipseInRect(
- rect(round(cx-rx+0.5), round(cy-ry+0.5), round(cx+rx+0.5), round(cy+ry+0.5)), bb);
- end;
- if not NoPen then
- begin
- Pen.GetUniversalBrush(pb);
- ApplyPenStyle;
- if AntialiasingMode <> amOff then
- FBitmap.EllipseAntialias(cx,cy,rx,ry, pb, w)
- else FBitmap.Ellipse(cx,cy,rx,ry, pb, w);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- multi := TBGRAMultishapeFiller.Create;
- multi.Antialiasing := AntialiasingMode <> amOff;
- multi.PolygonOrder := poLastOnTop;
- multi.AliasingIncludeBottomRight := True;
- if not NoBrush then
- begin
- tex := Brush.BuildTexture(FBitmap);
- if tex <> nil then
- multi.AddEllipse(cx,cy,rx,ry,tex)
- else
- multi.AddEllipse(cx,cy,rx,ry,Brush.ActualColor);
- end;
- if not NoPen then
- begin
- if (Pen.Style = psSolid) and multi.Antialiasing then
- multi.AddEllipseBorder(cx,cy,rx,ry,w,Pen.ActualColor)
- else
- begin
- ApplyPenStyle;
- multi.AddPolygon(FBitmap.ComputeWidePolygon(ComputeEllipse(cx,cy,rx,ry),w),Pen.ActualColor);
- end;
- end;
- multi.Draw(FBitmap);
- multi.Free;
- end;
-procedure TBGRACanvas.Ellipse(const bounds: TRect);
- Ellipse(bounds.left,bounds.top,bounds.right,bounds.Bottom);
-procedure TBGRACanvas.Rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer; Filled: Boolean = True);
-var tx,ty: integer;
- tex: IBGRAScanner;
- multi: TBGRAMultishapeFiller;
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- if NoBrush then Filled := false;
- if NoPen and not Filled then exit;
- if not CheckRectangle(x1,y1,x2,y2,tx,ty) then exit;
- if NoPen then
- FillRect(x1,y1,x2-1,y2-1) //one pixel
- else
- begin
- dec(x2);
- dec(y2);
- if not NoPen and (Pen.ActualDrawMode <> dmDrawWithTransparency) then
- begin
- if AntialiasingMode <> amOff then
- begin
- if Filled then FillRect(x1,y1,x2,y2);
- ApplyPenStyle;
- Pen.GetUniversalBrush(b);
- FBitmap.RectangleAntialias(x1,y1,x2,y2, b, Pen.ActualWidth);
- end else
- PolygonF([PointF(x1,y1), PointF(x2,y1), PointF(x2,y2), PointF(x1,y2)]);
- end else
- begin
- multi := TBGRAMultishapeFiller.Create;
- multi.Antialiasing := AntialiasingMode <> amOff;
- multi.PolygonOrder := poLastOnTop;
- if Filled then
- begin
- tex := Brush.BuildTexture(FBitmap);
- if tex <> nil then
- multi.AddRectangle(x1,y1,x2,y2,tex)
- else multi.AddRectangle(x1,y1,x2,y2,Brush.ActualColor);
- end;
- if not NoPen then
- begin
- ApplyPenStyle;
- if (Pen.Style = psSolid) and (Pen.JoinStyle = pjsMiter) and (FBitmap.JoinMiterLimit > 1.4142) then
- multi.AddRectangleBorder(x1,y1,x2,y2, Pen.ActualWidth, Pen.ActualColor)
- else
- multi.AddPolygon(FBitmap.ComputeWidePolygon(
- [PointF(x1,y1),PointF(x2,y1),PointF(x2,y2),PointF(x1,y2)], Pen.ActualWidth),
- Pen.ActualColor);
- end;
- multi.Draw(FBitmap);
- multi.Free;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRACanvas.Rectangle(const bounds: TRect; Filled: Boolean = True);
- Rectangle(bounds.left,bounds.top,bounds.right,bounds.Bottom, Filled);
-procedure TBGRACanvas.Frame(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer);
- Rectangle(x1,y1,x2,y2,False);
-procedure TBGRACanvas.Frame(const bounds: TRect);
- Rectangle(bounds,False);
-procedure TBGRACanvas.RoundRect(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer; dx,dy: integer);
-var tx,ty: integer;
- tex: IBGRAScanner;
- multi: TBGRAMultishapeFiller;
- x1f,y1f,x2f,y2f: single;
- pb, fb: TUniversalBrush;
- if not CheckRectangle(x1,y1,x2,y2,tx,ty) then exit;
- if not NoPen and (AntialiasingMode = amOff) and (Pen.Style = psSolid) and (Pen.ActualWidth = 1) then
- begin
- ApplyPenStyle;
- Pen.GetUniversalBrush(pb);
- Brush.GetUniversalBrush(FBitmap, fb);
- FBitmap.RoundRect(x1,y1,x2,y2, dx,dy, pb, fb);
- end else
- begin
- dec(x2);
- dec(y2);
- if not NoPen and (Pen.ActualDrawMode <> dmDrawWithTransparency) then
- PolygonF(FBitmap.ComputeRoundRect(x1,y1,x2,y2, dx/2,dy/2, [])) else
- begin
- multi := TBGRAMultishapeFiller.Create;
- multi.Antialiasing := AntialiasingMode <> amOff;
- multi.PolygonOrder := poLastOnTop;
- if not NoBrush then
- begin
- if NoPen then
- begin
- x1f := x1-0.5;
- y1f := y1-0.5;
- x2f := x2+0.5;
- y2f := y2+0.5;
- end else
- begin
- x1f := x1;
- y1f := y1;
- x2f := x2;
- y2f := y2;
- end;
- tex := Brush.BuildTexture(FBitmap);
- if tex <> nil then
- multi.AddRoundRectangle(x1f,y1f,x2f,y2f,dx/2,dy/2,tex)
- else
- multi.AddRoundRectangle(x1f,y1f,x2f,y2f,dx/2,dy/2,Brush.ActualColor);
- end;
- if not NoPen then
- begin
- ApplyPenStyle;
- if Pen.Style = psSolid then
- multi.AddRoundRectangleBorder(x1,y1,x2,y2,dx/2,dy/2, Pen.ActualWidth ,Pen.ActualColor)
- else
- multi.AddPolygon(FBitmap.ComputeWidePolygon(ComputeRoundRect(x1,y1,x2,y2,dx/2,dy/2), Pen.ActualWidth),
- Pen.ActualColor);
- end;
- multi.Draw(FBitmap);
- multi.Free;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRACanvas.RoundRect(const bounds: TRect; dx,dy: integer);
- RoundRect(bounds.left,bounds.top,bounds.right,bounds.Bottom,dx,dy);
-procedure TBGRACanvas.EllipseC(x, y, rx, ry: integer);
- Ellipse (Rect(x-rx,y-ry,x+rx,y+ry));
-procedure TBGRACanvas.FillRect(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- if NoBrush then exit;
- Brush.GetUniversalBrush(FBitmap, b);
- FBitmap.FillRect(x1,y1,x2,y2, b);
-procedure TBGRACanvas.FillRect(const bounds: TRect);
- FillRect(bounds.left,bounds.top,bounds.right,bounds.Bottom);
-procedure TBGRACanvas.FrameRect(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer; width: integer = 1);
- Temp: integer;
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- ofs: single;
- if (x1= x2) or (y1 =y2) or NoBrush then exit;
- if x1 > x2 then
- begin
- Temp := x1;
- x1 := x2;
- x2 := Temp;
- end;
- if y1 > y2 then
- begin
- Temp := y1;
- y1 := y2;
- y2 := Temp;
- end;
- dec(x2);
- dec(y2);
- Brush.GetUniversalBrush(FBitmap, b);
- FBitmap.PenStyle := psSolid;
- FBitmap.JoinStyle := pjsMiter;
- if not odd(width) and (AntialiasingMode = amOff) then
- ofs := 0.5 else ofs := 0;
- FBitmap.RectangleAntialias(x1+ofs, y1+ofs, x2+ofs, y2+ofs, b, width);
-procedure TBGRACanvas.FrameRect(const bounds: TRect; width: integer = 1);
- FrameRect(bounds.left,bounds.top,bounds.right,bounds.Bottom,width);
-procedure TBGRACanvas.Frame3D(var bounds: TRect; width: integer;
- Style: TGraphicsBevelCut);
- Frame3D(bounds,width,style,ColorToBGRA(clRgbBtnHighlight),ColorToBGRA(clRgbBtnShadow));
-procedure TBGRACanvas.Frame3D(var bounds: TRect; width: integer;
- Style: TGraphicsBevelCut; LightColor: TBGRAPixel; ShadowColor: TBGRAPixel);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- multi: TBGRAMultishapeFiller;
- color1,color2: TBGRAPixel;
- if width <= 0 then exit;
- color1 := LightColor;
- color2 := ShadowColor;
- if Style = bvLowered then
- begin
- temp := color1;
- color1 := color2;
- color2 := temp;
- end;
- if Style in [bvLowered,bvRaised] then
- begin
- multi := TBGRAMultishapeFiller.Create;
- multi.Antialiasing := AntialiasingMode <> amOff;
- multi.AddPolygon([PointF(bounds.Left-0.5,bounds.Top-0.5),PointF(bounds.Right-0.5,bounds.Top-0.5),
- PointF(bounds.Right-0.5-width,bounds.Top-0.5+width),PointF(bounds.Left-0.5+width,bounds.Top-0.5+width),
- PointF(bounds.Left-0.5+width,bounds.Bottom-0.5-width),PointF(bounds.Left-0.5,bounds.Bottom-0.5)],color1);
- multi.AddPolygon([PointF(bounds.Right-0.5,bounds.Bottom-0.5),PointF(bounds.Left-0.5,bounds.Bottom-0.5),
- PointF(bounds.Left-0.5+width,bounds.Bottom-0.5-width),PointF(bounds.Right-0.5-width,bounds.Bottom-0.5-width),
- PointF(bounds.Right-0.5-width,bounds.Top-0.5+width),PointF(bounds.Right-0.5,bounds.Top-0.5)],color2);
- multi.Draw(FBitmap);
- multi.Free;
- end;
- bounds.Inflate(-width,-width);
-procedure TBGRACanvas.GradientFill(ARect: TRect; AStart, AStop: TColor;
- ADirection: TGradientDirection; GammaCorrection: Boolean = false);
- Count: Integer;
- procedure NotGammaCorrected;
- var
- c: TBGRAPixel;
- I: Integer;
- BDiff,GDiff,RDiff: Integer;
- BStop,BStart: Byte;
- GStop,GStart: Byte;
- RStop,RStart: Byte;
- begin
- RedGreenBlue(ColorToRGB(AStart), RStart, GStart, BStart);
- RedGreenBlue(ColorToRGB(AStop), RStop, GStop, BStop);
- RDiff := RStop - RStart;
- GDiff := GStop - GStart;
- BDiff := BStop - BStart;
- for I := 0 to Count-1 do
- begin
- c := BGRA(RStart + (i * RDiff) div Count,
- GStart + (i * GDiff) div Count,
- BStart + (i * BDiff) div Count);
- if ADirection = gdHorizontal then
- FBitmap.SetVertLine(ARect.Left+I,ARect.Top,ARect.Bottom-1,c)
- else
- FBitmap.SetHorizLine(ARect.Left,ARect.Top+I,ARect.Right-1,c);
- end;
- end;
- procedure GammaCorrected;
- var
- ec: TExpandedPixel;
- c: TBGRAPixel;
- I: Integer;
- BDiff,GDiff,RDiff: Integer;
- CStart,CStop: TExpandedPixel;
- begin
- CStart := GammaExpansion(ColorToBGRA(AStart));
- CStop := GammaExpansion(ColorToBGRA(AStop));
- RDiff := CStop.red - CStart.red;
- GDiff := CStop.green - CStart.green;
- BDiff := CStop.blue - CStart.blue;
- for I := 0 to Count-1 do
- begin
- ec.red := CStart.red + (i * RDiff) div Count;
- ec.green := CStart.green + (i * GDiff) div Count;
- ec.blue := CStart.blue + (i * BDiff) div Count;
- ec.alpha := $ffff;
- c := GammaCompression(ec);
- if ADirection = gdHorizontal then
- FBitmap.SetVertLine(ARect.Left+I,ARect.Top,ARect.Bottom-1,c)
- else
- FBitmap.SetHorizLine(ARect.Left,ARect.Top+I,ARect.Right-1,c);
- end;
- end;
- with ARect do
- if (Right <= Left) or (Bottom <= Top) then
- Exit;
- if ADirection = gdVertical then
- Count := ARect.Bottom - ARect.Top
- else
- Count := ARect.Right - ARect.Left;
- if GammaCorrection then
- GammaCorrected else
- NotGammaCorrected;
-procedure TBGRACanvas.FloodFill(X, Y: Integer; FillColor: TColor;
- FillStyle: TFillStyle);
- FloodFill(X,Y,ColorToBGRA(FillColor,255),FillStyle);
-procedure TBGRACanvas.FloodFill(X, Y: Integer; FillColor: TBGRAPixel;
- FillStyle: TFillStyle);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- if FillStyle = fsSurface then
- begin
- if FBitmap.GetPixel(X,Y) <> FillColor then exit;
- Brush.GetUniversalBrush(FBitmap, b);
- FBitmap.FloodFill(X,Y, b, false);
- end;
- //fsBorder not handled
-procedure TBGRACanvas.FloodFill(X, Y: Integer);
- FloodFill(X,Y,FBitmap.GetPixel(X,Y),fsSurface);
-procedure TBGRACanvas.Polygon(const APoints: array of TPoint);
- Polygon(@APoints[0],length(APoints), FillMode = fmWinding);
-procedure TBGRACanvas.Polygon(const Points: array of TPoint; Winding: Boolean;
- StartIndex: Integer; NumPts: Integer);
- if (StartIndex < 0) or (StartIndex >= length(Points)) then exit;
- if NumPts < 0 then NumPts := length(Points)-StartIndex;
- Polygon(@Points[StartIndex], NumPts, Winding);
-procedure TBGRACanvas.Polygon(Points: PPoint; NumPts: Integer; Winding: boolean);
- ptsF: array of TPointF;
- i: Integer;
- Ofs: TPointF;
- if NoPen and NoBrush then exit;
- if NoPen then Ofs := PointF(-0.5,-0.5) else Ofs := PointF(0,0);
- setlength(ptsF, NumPts);
- for i := 0 to NumPts-1 do
- begin
- ptsF[i] := PointF(Points^.x,Points^.y)+Ofs;
- inc(Points);
- end;
- PolygonF(ptsF, Winding);
-procedure TBGRACanvas.PolygonF(const APoints: array of TPointF);
- PolygonF(APoints, FillMode = fmWinding);
-procedure TBGRACanvas.PolygonF(const APoints: array of TPointF; Winding: Boolean; FillOnly: Boolean = False);
- hasPen, hasBrush: Boolean;
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- penPts: ArrayOfTPointF;
- multi: TBGRAMultishapeFiller;
- tex: IBGRAScanner;
- hasPen := not NoPen and not FillOnly;
- hasBrush := not NoBrush;
- if not HasPen and not HasBrush then exit;
- if hasPen and (Pen.ActualDrawMode <> dmDrawWithTransparency) then
- begin
- ApplyPenStyle;
- Pen.GetUniversalBrush(b);
- penPts := FBitmap.ComputeWidePolygon(APoints, Pen.ActualWidth);
- if AntialiasingMode = amOff then
- FBitmap.FillPoly(penPts, b)
- else FBitmap.FillPolyAntialias(penPts, b);
- if hasBrush then
- PolygonF(APoints, Winding, true);
- end else
- begin
- multi := TBGRAMultishapeFiller.Create;
- multi.Antialiasing := AntialiasingMode <> amOff;
- if Winding then multi.FillMode := fmWinding else
- multi.FillMode := fmAlternate;
- multi.PolygonOrder := poLastOnTop;
- if hasBrush then
- begin
- tex := Brush.BuildTexture(FBitmap);
- if tex <> nil then
- multi.AddPolygon(APoints, tex)
- else multi.AddPolygon(APoints, Brush.ActualColor);
- end;
- if hasPen then
- begin
- ApplyPenStyle;
- multi.AddPolygon(FBitmap.ComputeWidePolygon(APoints,Pen.ActualWidth), Pen.ActualColor);
- end;
- multi.Draw(FBitmap);
- multi.Free
- end;
-procedure TBGRACanvas.Polyline(const APoints: array of TPoint);
- Polyline(@APoints[0],length(APoints));
-procedure TBGRACanvas.Polyline(const Points: array of TPoint; StartIndex: Integer; NumPts: Integer);
- if (StartIndex < 0) or (StartIndex >= length(Points)) then exit;
- if NumPts < 0 then NumPts := length(Points)-StartIndex;
- Polyline(@Points[StartIndex],NumPts);
-procedure TBGRACanvas.Polyline(Points: PPoint; NumPts: Integer);
- i: Integer;
- ptsF: array of TPointF;
- oldPos: TPoint;
- if NoPen or (NumPts <= 0) then exit;
- if (Pen.Style = psSolid) and (Pen.ActualWidth = 1) then
- begin
- oldPos := FPenPos;
- MoveTo(Points^.x,Points^.y);
- for i := 1 to NumPts-1 do
- begin
- inc(Points);
- LineTo(Points^.x,Points^.y);
- end;
- FPenPos := oldPos;
- exit;
- end;
- setlength(ptsF, NumPts);
- for i := 0 to NumPts-1 do
- begin
- ptsF[i] := PointF(Points^.x,Points^.y);
- inc(Points);
- end;
- PolylineF(ptsF);
-procedure TBGRACanvas.PolylineF(const APoints: array of TPointF);
-var ptsF: Array of TPointF;
- if NoPen then exit;
- ApplyPenStyle;
- FBitmap.FillMode := fmWinding;
- ptsF := FBitmap.ComputeWidePolyline(APoints,Pen.ActualWidth);
- if AntialiasingMode = amOff then
- FBitmap.FillPoly(ptsF,Pen.ActualColor,dmDrawWithTransparency) else
- FBitmap.FillPolyAntialias(ptsF,Pen.ActualColor);
-procedure TBGRACanvas.PolyBezier(Points: PPoint; NumPts: Integer;
- Filled: boolean; Continuous: boolean);
- beziers: array of TCubicBezierCurve;
- nbBeziers,i: integer;
- PrevPt: TPointF;
- spline: array of TPointF;
- if NumPts < 4 then exit;
- if Continuous then
- begin
- nbBeziers := 1+(NumPts-4) div 3;
- setlength(beziers, nbBeziers);
- PrevPt := PointF(Points^.x,Points^.y);
- inc(Points);
- for i := 0 to nbBeziers-1 do
- begin
- beziers[i].p1 := prevPt;
- beziers[i].c1 := PointF(Points^.x,Points^.y);
- inc(Points);
- beziers[i].c2 := PointF(Points^.x,Points^.y);
- inc(Points);
- beziers[i].p2 := PointF(Points^.x,Points^.y);
- inc(Points);
- prevPt := beziers[i].p2;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- nbBeziers := NumPts div 4;
- setlength(beziers, nbBeziers);
- for i := 0 to nbBeziers-1 do
- begin
- beziers[i].p1 := PointF(Points^.x,Points^.y);
- inc(Points);
- beziers[i].c1 := PointF(Points^.x,Points^.y);
- inc(Points);
- beziers[i].c2 := PointF(Points^.x,Points^.y);
- inc(Points);
- beziers[i].p2 := PointF(Points^.x,Points^.y);
- inc(Points);
- end;
- end;
- spline := ComputeBezierSpline(beziers);
- if Filled then
- PolygonF(spline) else
- PolylineF(spline);
-procedure TBGRACanvas.PolyBezier(const Points: array of TPoint;
- Filled: boolean; Continuous: boolean);
- PolyBezier(@Points[0],length(Points),Filled,Continuous);
-procedure TBGRACanvas.Draw(X, Y: Integer; SrcBitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap);
- FBitmap.PutImage(X,Y,SrcBitmap,dmDrawWithTransparency);
-procedure TBGRACanvas.Draw(X, Y: Integer; SrcBitmap: TBitmap);
- FBitmap.PutImage(X,Y,SrcBitmap,dmDrawWithTransparency);
-procedure TBGRACanvas.CopyRect(X, Y: Integer; SrcBitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- SrcRect: TRect);
- FBitmap.PutImagePart(X,Y,SrcBitmap,SrcRect,dmDrawWithTransparency);
-procedure TBGRACanvas.StretchDraw(DestRect: TRect; SrcBitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; HorizFlip: Boolean = false; VertFlip: Boolean = false);
-var Stretched: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- temp: Integer;
- with DestRect do
- begin
- if (Left= Right) or (Top =Bottom) then exit;
- if Left > Right then
- begin
- Temp := Left;
- Left := Right+1;
- Right := Temp+1;
- HorizFlip := not HorizFlip;
- end;
- if Top > Bottom then
- begin
- Temp := Top;
- Top := Bottom+1;
- Bottom := Temp+1;
- VertFlip := not VertFlip;
- end;
- end;
- if (DestRect.Right-DestRect.Left <> SrcBitmap.Width) or
- (DestRect.Bottom-DestRect.Top <> SrcBitmap.Height) or
- HorizFlip or VertFlip then
- begin
- if AntialiasingMode = amOff then
- Stretched := SrcBitmap.Resample(DestRect.Right-DestRect.Left,DestRect.Bottom-DestRect.Top,rmSimpleStretch) else
- Stretched := SrcBitmap.Resample(DestRect.Right-DestRect.Left,DestRect.Bottom-DestRect.Top,rmFineResample);
- if HorizFlip then Stretched.HorizontalFlip;
- if VertFlip then Stretched.VerticalFlip;
- FBitmap.PutImage(DestRect.Left,DestRect.Top,Stretched,dmDrawWithTransparency);
- Stretched.Free;
- end else
- FBitmap.PutImage(DestRect.Left,DestRect.Top,SrcBitmap,dmDrawWithTransparency);
-procedure TBGRACanvas.DrawFocusRect(bounds: TRect);
- temp: Integer;
- xb,yb: integer;
- c: TBGRAPixel;
- c := Brush.ActualColor;
- if (c.red = 0) and (c.Green =0) and (c.Blue =0) then exit;
- c.alpha := 0;
- with bounds do
- begin
- if (Left= Right) or (Top =Bottom) then exit;
- if Left > Right then
- begin
- Temp := Left;
- Left := Right;
- Right := Temp;
- end;
- if Top > Bottom then
- begin
- Temp := Top;
- Top := Bottom;
- Bottom := Temp;
- end;
- dec(Right);
- dec(Bottom);
- for xb := max(FBitmap.ClipRect.Left, bounds.Left+1) to min(FBitmap.ClipRect.Right-1,bounds.Right-1) do
- begin
- if odd(xb) xor odd(Top) then FBitmap.XorPixel(xb,Top,c);
- if odd(xb) xor odd(Bottom) then FBitmap.XorPixel(xb,Bottom,c);
- end;
- for yb := max(FBitmap.ClipRect.Top, bounds.Top) to min(FBitmap.ClipRect.Bottom-1,bounds.Bottom) do
- begin
- if odd(yb) xor odd(Left) then FBitmap.XorPixel(Left,yb,c);
- if odd(yb) xor odd(Right) then FBitmap.XorPixel(Right,yb,c);
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRACanvas.CopyRect(Dest: TRect; SrcBmp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- Source: TRect);
-var TempBmp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- Temp: Integer;
- FlipHoriz,FlipVert: Boolean;
- if (Dest.Right-Dest.Left = Source.Right-Source.Left) and (Dest.Bottom-Dest.Top = Source.Bottom-Source.Top) and
- (Dest.Right > Dest.Left) and (Dest.Bottom > Dest.Top) then
- begin
- CopyRect(Dest.Left,Dest.Top, SrcBmp, Source);
- exit;
- end;
- if (Source.Left = Source.Right) or (Source.Bottom = Source.Top) or
- (Dest.Left = Dest.Right) or (Dest.Bottom = Dest.Top) then exit;
- if Source.Left > Source.Right then
- begin
- Temp := Source.Left;
- Source.Left := Source.Right+1;
- Source.Right := Temp+1;
- FlipHoriz := True;
- end else
- FlipHoriz := false;
- if Source.Top > Source.Bottom then
- begin
- Temp := Source.Top;
- Source.Top := Source.Bottom+1;
- Source.Bottom := Temp+1;
- FlipVert := True;
- end else
- FlipVert := false;
- TempBmp := SrcBmp.GetPart(Source);
- StretchDraw(Dest,TempBmp,FlipHoriz,FlipVert);
- TempBmp.Free;
-procedure TBGRACanvas.TextOut(X, Y: Integer; const Text: String);
-var size: TSize;
- c,s: single;
- ApplyFont;
- if DrawFontBackground then
- begin
- size := TextExtent(Text);
- c := cos(Font.Orientation*Pi/1800);
- s := -sin(Font.Orientation*Pi/1800);
- PolygonF([PointF(X,Y),PointF(X+c*size.cx,Y+s*size.cx),
- PointF(X+c*size.cx-s*size.cy,Y+s*size.cx+c*size.cy),
- PointF(X-s*size.cy,Y+c*size.cy)],False,True);
- end;
- if Font.Texture <> nil then
- FBitmap.TextOut(x,y,Text,Font.Texture) else
- FBitmap.TextOut(x,y,Text,Font.BGRAColor);
-procedure TBGRACanvas.TextRect(const ARect: TRect; X, Y: integer;
- const Text: string);
- ApplyFont;
- if Font.Texture <> nil then
- FBitmap.TextRect(ARect,x,y,Text,self.TextStyle,Font.Texture) else
- FBitmap.TextRect(ARect,x,y,Text,self.TextStyle,Font.BGRAColor);
-procedure TBGRACanvas.TextRect(ARect: TRect; X, Y: integer; const Text: string;
- const Style: TTextStyle);
- ApplyFont;
- if Font.Texture <> nil then
- FBitmap.TextRect(ARect,x,y,Text,Style,Font.Texture) else
- FBitmap.TextRect(ARect,x,y,Text,Style,Font.BGRAColor);
-function TBGRACanvas.TextExtent(const Text: string): TSize;
- ApplyFont;
- result := FBitmap.TextSize(Text);
-{$hints off}
-function TBGRACanvas.TextHeight(const Text: string): Integer;
- ApplyFont;
- result := FBitmap.TextSize(Text).cy;
-{$hints on}
-function TBGRACanvas.TextWidth(const Text: string): Integer;
- ApplyFont;
- result := FBitmap.TextSize(Text).cx;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgracanvas2d.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgracanvas2d.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e0bad6..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgracanvas2d.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2851 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRACanvas2D;
-{ To do :
- draw text with a different precision if the matrix is scaled
- drawImage(in image, in double sx, in double sy, in double sw, in double sh, in double dx, in double dy, in double dw, in double dh)
- -> using FillPoly with texture coordinates
- linear gradient any transformation
- clearPath clipping
- createRadialGradient
- globalCompositeOperation
- image data functions
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BGRAGraphics, BGRABitmapTypes, BGRATransform,
- BGRAGradientScanner, BGRAPath, BGRAPen, BGRAGrayscaleMask;
- ArrayOfString = array of string;
- IBGRACanvasTextureProvider2D = interface
- function getTexture: IBGRAScanner;
- property texture: IBGRAScanner read GetTexture;
- end;
- IBGRACanvasGradient2D = interface(IBGRACanvasTextureProvider2D)
- procedure addColorStop(APosition: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure addColorStop(APosition: single; AColor: TColor);
- procedure addColorStop(APosition: single; AColor: string);
- procedure setColors(ACustomGradient: TBGRACustomGradient);
- function GetGammaCorrection: boolean;
- procedure SetGammaCorrection(AValue: boolean);
- function GetRepetition: TBGRAGradientRepetition;
- procedure SetRepetition(AValue: TBGRAGradientRepetition);
- property gammaCorrection: boolean read GetGammaCorrection write SetGammaCorrection;
- property repetition: TBGRAGradientRepetition read GetRepetition write SetRepetition;
- end;
- { TBGRACanvasTextureProvider2D }
- TBGRACanvasTextureProvider2D = class(TInterfacedObject,IBGRACanvasTextureProvider2D)
- function getTexture: IBGRAScanner; virtual; abstract;
- end;
- { TBGRACanvasState2D }
- TBGRACanvasState2D = class
- private
- FClipMask: TGrayscaleMask;
- FClipMaskOwned: boolean;
- function GetClipMaskReadWrite: TGrayscaleMask;
- public
- strokeColor: TBGRAPixel;
- strokeTextureProvider: IBGRACanvasTextureProvider2D;
- fillColor: TBGRAPixel;
- fillMode: TFillMode;
- fillTextureProvider: IBGRACanvasTextureProvider2D;
- globalAlpha: byte;
- fontName: string;
- fontStyle: TFontStyles;
- fontEmHeight: single;
- textAlign: TAlignment;
- textBaseline: string;
- textDirection: TFontBidiMode;
- lineWidth: single;
- penStroker: TBGRAPenStroker;
- shadowOffsetX,shadowOffsetY,shadowBlur: single;
- shadowColor: TBGRAPixel;
- shadowFastest: boolean;
- matrix: TAffineMatrix;
- constructor Create(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AClipMask: TGrayscaleMask; AClipMaskOwned: boolean);
- function Duplicate: TBGRACanvasState2D;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure transform(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix);
- procedure SetClipMask(AClipMask: TGrayscaleMask; AOwned: boolean);
- property clipMaskReadOnly: TGrayscaleMask read FClipMask;
- property clipMaskReadWrite: TGrayscaleMask read GetClipMaskReadWrite;
- end;
- TCanvas2dTextSize = record
- width,height: single;
- end;
- { TBGRACanvas2D }
- TBGRACanvas2D = class(IBGRAPath)
- private
- FSurface: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- StateStack: TList;
- currentState: TBGRACanvasState2D;
- FCanvasOffset: TPointF;
- FPixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean;
- FPathPoints: array of TPointF;
- FPathPointCount: integer;
- FTextPaths: array of record
- Text: string;
- FontName: string;
- FontMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- FontAlign: TAlignment;
- FontAnchor: TFontVerticalAnchor;
- FontStyle: TFontStyles;
- TextDirection: TFontBidiMode;
- end;
- FFontRenderer: TBGRACustomFontRenderer;
- FLastCoord, FStartCoord: TPointF;
- function GetCurrentPathAsPoints: ArrayOfTPointF;
- function GetTextDirection: TFontBidiMode;
- function GetFontName: string;
- function GetFontRenderer: TBGRACustomFontRenderer;
- function GetFontEmHeight: single;
- function GetFontString: string;
- function GetFontStyle: TFontStyles;
- function GetGlobalAlpha: single;
- function GetHasShadow: boolean;
- function GetHeight: Integer;
- function GetLineCap: string;
- function GetLineCapLCL: TPenEndCap;
- function GetlineJoin: string;
- function GetlineJoinLCL: TPenJoinStyle;
- function GetLineWidth: single;
- function GetMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- function GetMiterLimit: single;
- function GetPixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean;
- function GetShadowBlur: single;
- function GetShadowFastest: boolean;
- function GetShadowOffset: TPointF;
- function GetShadowOffsetX: single;
- function GetShadowOffsetY: single;
- function GetStrokeMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- function GetTextAlign: string;
- function GetTextAlignLCL: TAlignment;
- function GetTextBaseline: string;
- function GetFillMode: TFillMode;
- function GetWidth: Integer;
- procedure SetTextDirection(AValue: TFontBidiMode);
- procedure SetFontName(AValue: string);
- procedure SetFontRenderer(AValue: TBGRACustomFontRenderer);
- procedure SetFontEmHeight(AValue: single);
- procedure SetFontString(AValue: string);
- procedure SetFontStyle(AValue: TFontStyles);
- procedure SetGlobalAlpha(const AValue: single);
- procedure SetLineCap(const AValue: string);
- procedure SetLineCapLCL(AValue: TPenEndCap);
- procedure SetLineJoin(const AValue: string);
- procedure FillPoly(const points: array of TPointF);
- procedure FillStrokePoly(const points: array of TPointF; fillOver: boolean);
- procedure FillTexts(AErase: boolean);
- procedure SetLineJoinLCL(AValue: TPenJoinStyle);
- procedure SetLineWidth(const AValue: single);
- procedure SetMatrix(AValue: TAffineMatrix);
- procedure SetMiterLimit(const AValue: single);
- procedure SetPixelCenteredCoordinates(const AValue: boolean);
- procedure SetShadowBlur(const AValue: single);
- procedure SetShadowFastest(AValue: boolean);
- procedure SetShadowOffset(const AValue: TPointF);
- procedure SetShadowOffsetX(const AValue: single);
- procedure SetShadowOffsetY(const AValue: single);
- procedure SetStrokeMatrix(AValue: TAffineMatrix);
- procedure SetTextAlign(AValue: string);
- procedure SetTextAlignLCL(AValue: TAlignment);
- procedure SetTextBaseline(AValue: string);
- procedure SetFillMode(mode: TFillMode);
- procedure StrokePoly(const points: array of TPointF);
- procedure DrawShadow(const points, points2: array of TPointF; AFillMode: TFillMode = fmWinding);
- procedure DrawShadowMask(X,Y: integer; AMask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; AMaskOwned: boolean);
- procedure ClearPoly(const points: array of TPointF);
- function ApplyTransform(const points: array of TPointF; matrix: TAffineMatrix): ArrayOfTPointF; overload;
- function ApplyTransform(const points: array of TPointF): ArrayOfTPointF; overload;
- function ApplyTransform(point: TPointF): TPointF; overload;
- function GetPenPos(defaultX, defaultY: single): TPointF;
- function GetPenPos(defaultPt: TPointF): TPointF;
- procedure AddPoint(point: TPointF);
- procedure AddPoints(const points: array of TPointF);
- procedure AddPointsRev(const points: array of TPointF);
- function ApplyGlobalAlpha(color: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
- function GetDrawMode: TDrawMode;
- procedure copyTo({%H-}dest: IBGRAPath); //IBGRAPath
- function getPoints: ArrayOfTPointF; //IBGRAPath
- function getPoints(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix): ArrayOfTPointF; //IBGRAPath
- function getCursor: TBGRACustomPathCursor; //IBGRAPath
- public
- antialiasing, linearBlend, gradientGammaCorrection: boolean;
- constructor Create(ASurface: TBGRACustomBitmap);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function toDataURL(mimeType: string = 'image/png'): string;
- procedure save;
- procedure restore;
- procedure scale(x,y: single); overload;
- procedure scale(factor: single); overload;
- procedure rotate(angleRadCW: single);
- procedure translate(x,y: single);
- procedure skewx(angleRadCW: single);
- procedure skewy(angleRadCW: single);
- procedure transform(m11,m21, m12,m22, m13,m23: single); overload;
- procedure transform(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix); overload;
- procedure setTransform(m11,m21, m12,m22, m13,m23: single);
- procedure resetTransform;
- procedure strokeScale(x,y: single);
- procedure strokeSkewx(angleRadCW: single);
- procedure strokeSkewy(angleRadCW: single);
- procedure strokeResetTransform;
- procedure strokeStyle(color: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure strokeStyle(color: TColor); overload;
- procedure strokeStyle(color: string); overload;
- procedure strokeStyle(texture: IBGRAScanner); overload;
- procedure strokeStyle(provider: IBGRACanvasTextureProvider2D); overload;
- procedure fillStyle(color: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure fillStyle(color: TColor); overload;
- procedure fillStyle(color: string); overload;
- procedure fillStyle(texture: IBGRAScanner); overload;
- procedure fillStyle(provider: IBGRACanvasTextureProvider2D); overload;
- procedure shadowColor(color: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure shadowColor(color: TColor); overload;
- procedure shadowColor(color: string); overload;
- procedure shadowNone;
- function getShadowColor: TBGRAPixel;
- function createLinearGradient(x0,y0,x1,y1: single): IBGRACanvasGradient2D; overload;
- function createLinearGradient(p0,p1: TPointF): IBGRACanvasGradient2D; overload;
- function createLinearGradient(x0,y0,x1,y1: single; Colors: TBGRACustomGradient): IBGRACanvasGradient2D; overload;
- function createLinearGradient(p0,p1: TPointF; Colors: TBGRACustomGradient): IBGRACanvasGradient2D; overload;
- function createRadialGradient(x0,y0,r0,x1,y1,r1: single; flipGradient: boolean=false): IBGRACanvasGradient2D; overload;
- function createRadialGradient(p0: TPointF; r0: single; p1: TPointF; r1: single; flipGradient: boolean=false): IBGRACanvasGradient2D; overload;
- function createRadialGradient(x0,y0,r0,x1,y1,r1: single; Colors: TBGRACustomGradient; flipGradient: boolean=false): IBGRACanvasGradient2D; overload;
- function createRadialGradient(p0: TPointF; r0: single; p1: TPointF; r1: single; Colors: TBGRACustomGradient; flipGradient: boolean=false): IBGRACanvasGradient2D; overload;
- function createPattern(image: TBGRACustomBitmap; repetition: string): IBGRACanvasTextureProvider2D; overload;
- function createPattern(texture: IBGRAScanner): IBGRACanvasTextureProvider2D; overload;
- procedure fillRect(x,y,w,h: single);
- procedure strokeRect(x,y,w,h: single);
- procedure clearRect(x,y,w,h: single);
- procedure addPath(APath: IBGRAPath); overload;
- procedure addPath(ASvgPath: string); overload;
- procedure path(APath: IBGRAPath); overload;
- procedure path(ASvgPath: string); overload;
- procedure beginPath;
- procedure closePath;
- procedure toSpline(closed: boolean; style: TSplineStyle= ssOutside);
- procedure moveTo(x,y: single); overload;
- procedure lineTo(x,y: single); overload;
- procedure moveTo(constref pt: TPointF); overload;
- procedure lineTo(constref pt: TPointF); overload;
- procedure polylineTo(const pts: array of TPointF);
- procedure quadraticCurveTo(cpx,cpy,x,y: single); overload;
- procedure quadraticCurveTo(constref cp,pt: TPointF); overload;
- procedure bezierCurveTo(cp1x,cp1y,cp2x,cp2y,x,y: single); overload;
- procedure bezierCurveTo(constref cp1,cp2,pt: TPointF); overload;
- procedure rect(x,y,w,h: single);
- procedure roundRect(x,y,w,h,radius: single); overload;
- procedure roundRect(x,y,w,h,rx,ry: single); overload;
- procedure openedSpline(const pts: array of TPointF; style: TSplineStyle);
- procedure closedSpline(const pts: array of TPointF; style: TSplineStyle);
- procedure spline(const pts: array of TPointF; style: TSplineStyle= ssOutside);
- procedure splineTo(const pts: array of TPointF; style: TSplineStyle= ssOutside);
- procedure arc(x, y, radius, startAngleRadCW, endAngleRadCW: single; anticlockwise: boolean); overload;
- procedure arc(x, y, radius, startAngleRadCW, endAngleRadCW: single); overload;
- procedure arc(cx, cy, rx,ry, xAngleRadCW, startAngleRadCW, endAngleRadCW: single; anticlockwise: boolean); overload;
- procedure arc(cx, cy, rx,ry, xAngleRadCW, startAngleRadCW, endAngleRadCW: single); overload;
- procedure arc(constref arcDef: TArcDef); overload;
- procedure arcTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, radius: single); overload;
- procedure arcTo(p1,p2: TPointF; radius: single); overload;
- procedure arcTo(rx, ry, xAngleRadCW: single; largeArc,anticlockwise: boolean; x, y: single);
- procedure circle(x,y,r: single);
- procedure ellipse(x,y,rx,ry: single);
- procedure text(AText: string; x,y: single);
- procedure fillText(AText: string; x,y: single);
- procedure strokeText(AText: string; x,y: single);
- function measureText(AText: string): TCanvas2dTextSize;
- procedure fill; overload;
- procedure fill(AFillProc: TBGRAPathFillProc; AData: pointer); overload;
- procedure fill(AFillProc: TBGRAPathFillProc; const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AData: pointer); overload; //may not render curve nicely
- procedure stroke; overload;
- procedure stroke(ADrawProc: TBGRAPathDrawProc; AData: pointer); overload;
- procedure stroke(ADrawProc: TBGRAPathDrawProc; const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AData: pointer); overload; //may not render curve nicely
- procedure fillOverStroke;
- procedure strokeOverFill;
- procedure clearPath;
- procedure clip;
- procedure unclip;
- function isPointInPath(x,y: single): boolean; overload;
- function isPointInPath(pt: TPointF): boolean; overload;
- procedure drawImage(image: TBGRACustomBitmap; dx,dy: single; AFilter: TResampleFilter = rfLinear); overload;
- procedure drawImage(image: TBGRACustomBitmap; dx,dy,dw,dh: single; AFilter: TResampleFilter = rfLinear); overload;
- function getLineStyle: TBGRAPenStyle;
- procedure lineStyle(const AValue: array of single); overload;
- procedure lineStyle(AStyle: TPenStyle); overload;
- class function StrToFontNameList(AText: string): ArrayOfString;
- class function FontNameListToStr(AList: ArrayOfString): string;
- class function CSSFontNameToLCL(AName: string): string;
- property surface: TBGRACustomBitmap read FSurface;
- property width: Integer read GetWidth;
- property height: Integer read GetHeight;
- property pixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean read GetPixelCenteredCoordinates write SetPixelCenteredCoordinates;
- property globalAlpha: single read GetGlobalAlpha write SetGlobalAlpha;
- property matrix: TAffineMatrix read GetMatrix write SetMatrix;
- property strokeMatrix: TAffineMatrix read GetStrokeMatrix write SetStrokeMatrix;
- property lineWidth: single read GetLineWidth write SetLineWidth;
- property lineCap: string read GetLineCap write SetLineCap;
- property lineCapLCL: TPenEndCap read GetLineCapLCL write SetLineCapLCL;
- property lineJoin: string read GetlineJoin write SetLineJoin;
- property lineJoinLCL: TPenJoinStyle read GetlineJoinLCL write SetLineJoinLCL;
- property miterLimit: single read GetMiterLimit write SetMiterLimit;
- property shadowOffsetX: single read GetShadowOffsetX write SetShadowOffsetX;
- property shadowOffsetY: single read GetShadowOffsetY write SetShadowOffsetY;
- property shadowOffset: TPointF read GetShadowOffset write SetShadowOffset;
- property shadowBlur: single read GetShadowBlur write SetShadowBlur;
- property shadowFastest: boolean read GetShadowFastest write SetShadowFastest;
- property hasShadow: boolean read GetHasShadow;
- property fontName: string read GetFontName write SetFontName;
- property fontEmHeight: single read GetFontEmHeight write SetFontEmHeight;
- property fontStyle: TFontStyles read GetFontStyle write SetFontStyle;
- property font: string read GetFontString write SetFontString;
- property textAlignLCL: TAlignment read GetTextAlignLCL write SetTextAlignLCL;
- property textAlign: string read GetTextAlign write SetTextAlign;
- property textBaseline: string read GetTextBaseline write SetTextBaseline;
- property direction: TFontBidiMode read GetTextDirection write SetTextDirection;
- property fillMode: TFillMode read GetFillMode write SetFillMode;
- property currentPath: ArrayOfTPointF read GetCurrentPathAsPoints;
- property fontRenderer: TBGRACustomFontRenderer read GetFontRenderer write SetFontRenderer;
- protected
- function QueryInterface({$IFDEF FPC_HAS_CONSTREF}constref{$ELSE}const{$ENDIF} IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult; {$IF (not defined(WINDOWS)) AND (FPC_FULLVERSION>=20501)}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$IFEND};
- function _AddRef: Integer; {$IF (not defined(WINDOWS)) AND (FPC_FULLVERSION>=20501)}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$IFEND};
- function _Release: Integer; {$IF (not defined(WINDOWS)) AND (FPC_FULLVERSION>=20501)}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$IFEND};
- end;
-uses Math, BGRAFillInfo, BGRAPolygon, BGRABlend, FPWriteJPEG, FPWriteBMP, base64;
- TColorStop = record
- position: single;
- color: TBGRAPixel;
- end;
- TGradientArrayOfColors = array of TBGRAPixel;
- TGradientArrayOfPositions = array of single;
- { TBGRACanvasGradient2D }
- TBGRACanvasGradient2D = class(TBGRACanvasTextureProvider2D, IBGRACanvasGradient2D)
- private
- colorStops: array of TColorStop;
- nbColorStops: integer;
- FCustomGradient: TBGRACustomGradient;
- FGammaCorrection: boolean;
- FRepetition: TBGRAGradientRepetition;
- protected
- scanner: TBGRAGradientScanner;
- procedure CreateScanner; virtual; abstract;
- function getColorArray: TGradientArrayOfColors;
- function getPositionArray: TGradientArrayOfPositions;
- procedure GetBGRAGradient(out ABGRAGradient: TBGRACustomGradient; out AOwned: boolean);
- function GetGammaCorrection: boolean;
- procedure SetGammaCorrection(AValue: boolean);
- function GetRepetition: TBGRAGradientRepetition;
- procedure SetRepetition(AValue: TBGRAGradientRepetition);
- public
- constructor Create;
- function getTexture: IBGRAScanner; override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure addColorStop(APosition: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure addColorStop(APosition: single; AColor: TColor);
- procedure addColorStop(APosition: single; AColor: string);
- procedure setColors(ACustomGradient: TBGRACustomGradient);
- property texture: IBGRAScanner read GetTexture;
- property colorStopCount: integer read nbColorStops;
- property gammaCorrection: boolean read GetGammaCorrection write SetGammaCorrection;
- property repetition: TBGRAGradientRepetition read GetRepetition write SetRepetition;
- end;
- { TBGRACanvasLinearGradient2D }
- TBGRACanvasLinearGradient2D = class(TBGRACanvasGradient2D)
- protected
- o1,o2: TPointF;
- FTransform: TAffineMatrix;
- procedure CreateScanner; override;
- public
- constructor Create(x0,y0,x1,y1: single; transform: TAffineMatrix);
- constructor Create(p0,p1: TPointF; transform: TAffineMatrix);
- end;
- { TBGRACanvasRadialGradient2D }
- TBGRACanvasRadialGradient2D = class(TBGRACanvasGradient2D)
- protected
- c0,c1: TPointF;
- cr0,cr1: single;
- FFlipGradient: boolean;
- FTransform: TAffineMatrix;
- procedure CreateScanner; override;
- public
- constructor Create(x0,y0,r0,x1,y1,r1: single; transform: TAffineMatrix; flipGradient: boolean=false);
- constructor Create(p0: TPointF; r0: single; p1: TPointF; r1: single; transform: TAffineMatrix; flipGradient: boolean=false);
- end;
- { TBGRACanvasPattern2D }
- TBGRACanvasPattern2D = class(TBGRACanvasTextureProvider2D)
- protected
- scanner: TBGRACustomScanner;
- foreignInterface: IBGRAScanner;
- ownScanner: boolean;
- public
- function getTexture: IBGRAScanner; override;
- constructor Create(source: TBGRACustomBitmap; repeatX,repeatY: boolean; Origin, HAxis, VAxis: TPointF);
- constructor Create(source: IBGRAScanner; transformation: TAffineMatrix);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- end;
-{ TBGRACanvasPattern2D }
-function TBGRACanvasPattern2D.GetTexture: IBGRAScanner;
- if ownScanner then
- result := scanner
- else
- result := foreignInterface;
-constructor TBGRACanvasPattern2D.Create(source: TBGRACustomBitmap; repeatX,
- repeatY: boolean; Origin, HAxis, VAxis: TPointF);
- affine: TBGRAAffineBitmapTransform;
- if (abs(Origin.X-round(Origin.X)) < 1e-6) and
- (abs(Origin.Y-round(Origin.Y)) < 1e-6) and
- (HAxis = Origin+PointF(1,0)) and
- (VAxis = Origin+PointF(0,1)) then
- begin
- if (round(Origin.X)=0) and (round(Origin.Y)=0) and repeatX and repeatY then
- begin
- foreignInterface := source;
- ownScanner:= false;
- end else
- begin
- scanner := TBGRABitmapScanner.Create(source,repeatX,repeatY,Point(round(Origin.X),round(Origin.Y)));
- ownScanner := true;
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- affine := TBGRAAffineBitmapTransform.Create(source,repeatX,repeatY);
- affine.Fit(Origin,HAxis,VAxis);
- scanner := affine;
- ownScanner:= true;
- end;
-constructor TBGRACanvasPattern2D.Create(source: IBGRAScanner;
- transformation: TAffineMatrix);
- affine : TBGRAAffineScannerTransform;
- if (abs(transformation[1,1]-1) < 1e-6) and
- (abs(transformation[2,2]-1) < 1e-6) and
- (abs(transformation[1,2]) < 1e-6) and
- (abs(transformation[2,1]) < 1e-6) and
- (abs(transformation[1,3]-round(transformation[1,3])) < 1e-6) and
- (abs(transformation[2,3]-round(transformation[2,3])) < 1e-6) then
- begin
- if (abs(transformation[1,3]) < 1e-6) and
- (abs(transformation[2,3]) < 1e-6) then
- begin
- foreignInterface := source;
- ownScanner := false;
- end else
- begin
- scanner := TBGRAScannerOffset.Create(source,Point(round(transformation[1,3]),round(transformation[2,3])));
- ownScanner := true;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- affine := TBGRAAffineScannerTransform.Create(source);
- affine.Matrix := transformation;
- affine.Invert;
- scanner := affine;
- ownScanner:= true;
- end;
-destructor TBGRACanvasPattern2D.Destroy;
- fillchar(foreignInterface,sizeof(foreignInterface),0);
- if ownScanner then FreeAndNil(scanner);
- inherited Destroy;
-{ TBGRACanvasLinearGradient2D }
-procedure TBGRACanvasLinearGradient2D.CreateScanner;
-var GradientOwner: boolean;
- GradientColors: TBGRACustomGradient;
- GetBGRAGradient(GradientColors,GradientOwner);
- scanner := TBGRAGradientScanner.Create(GradientColors,gtLinear,o1,o2,False,GradientOwner);
- scanner.Transform := FTransform;
-constructor TBGRACanvasLinearGradient2D.Create(x0, y0, x1, y1: single; transform: TAffineMatrix);
- o1 := PointF(x0,y0);
- o2 := PointF(x1,y1);
- FTransform := transform;
-constructor TBGRACanvasLinearGradient2D.Create(p0, p1: TPointF; transform: TAffineMatrix);
- o1 := p0;
- o2 := p1;
- FTransform := transform;
-{ TBGRACanvasRadialGradient2D }
-procedure TBGRACanvasRadialGradient2D.CreateScanner;
-var GradientOwner: boolean;
- GradientColors: TBGRACustomGradient;
- GetBGRAGradient(GradientColors,GradientOwner);
- scanner := TBGRAGradientScanner.Create(GradientColors,c0,cr0,c1,cr1,GradientOwner);
- scanner.FlipGradient := not FFlipGradient;
- scanner.Transform := FTransform;
-constructor TBGRACanvasRadialGradient2D.Create(x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1: single;
- transform: TAffineMatrix; flipGradient: boolean);
- self.c0 := PointF(x0,y0);
- self.cr0 := r0;
- self.c1 := PointF(x1,y1);
- self.cr1 := r1;
- FTransform := transform;
- FFlipGradient := flipGradient;
-constructor TBGRACanvasRadialGradient2D.Create(p0: TPointF; r0: single;
- p1: TPointF; r1: single; transform: TAffineMatrix; flipGradient: boolean);
- self.c0 := p0;
- self.cr0 := r0;
- self.c1 := p1;
- self.cr1 := r1;
- FTransform := transform;
- FFlipGradient := flipGradient;
-{ TBGRACanvasGradient2D }
-function TBGRACanvasGradient2D.getTexture: IBGRAScanner;
- if scanner = nil then CreateScanner;
- result := scanner;
-function TBGRACanvasGradient2D.GetGammaCorrection: boolean;
- result := FGammaCorrection;
-procedure TBGRACanvasGradient2D.SetGammaCorrection(AValue: boolean);
- FGammaCorrection:= AValue;
- FreeAndNil(scanner);
-constructor TBGRACanvasGradient2D.Create;
- inherited Create;
- scanner := nil;
- FGammaCorrection:= false;
-function TBGRACanvasGradient2D.GetRepetition: TBGRAGradientRepetition;
- result := FRepetition;
-procedure TBGRACanvasGradient2D.SetRepetition(
- AValue: TBGRAGradientRepetition);
- FRepetition := AValue;
- FreeAndNil(scanner);
-function TBGRACanvasGradient2D.getColorArray: TGradientArrayOfColors;
- i: Integer;
- setlength(result, nbColorStops);
- for i := 0 to nbColorStops-1 do
- result[i] := colorStops[i].color;
-function TBGRACanvasGradient2D.getPositionArray: TGradientArrayOfPositions;
- i: Integer;
- setlength(result, nbColorStops);
- for i := 0 to nbColorStops-1 do
- result[i] := colorStops[i].position;
-procedure TBGRACanvasGradient2D.GetBGRAGradient(out
- ABGRAGradient: TBGRACustomGradient; out AOwned: boolean);
- if FCustomGradient = nil then
- begin
- if (colorStopCount = 2) and (colorStops[0].position = 0) and (colorStops[1].position = 1) then
- begin
- if FGammaCorrection then
- ABGRAGradient := TBGRASimpleGradientWithGammaCorrection.Create(colorStops[0].color, colorStops[1].color, FRepetition)
- else
- ABGRAGradient := TBGRASimpleGradientWithoutGammaCorrection.Create(colorStops[0].color, colorStops[1].color, FRepetition);
- end
- else
- ABGRAGradient := TBGRAMultiGradient.Create(getColorArray,getPositionArray,FGammaCorrection, FRepetition = grRepeat);
- AOwned := true;
- end else
- begin
- ABGRAGradient := FCustomGradient;
- AOwned := false;
- end;
-destructor TBGRACanvasGradient2D.Destroy;
- FreeAndNil(scanner);
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TBGRACanvasGradient2D.addColorStop(APosition: single;
- AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- FreeAndNil(scanner);
- if nbColorStops = length(colorStops) then
- setlength(colorStops, (length(colorStops)+1)*2);
- with colorStops[nbColorStops] do
- begin
- position := APosition;
- color := AColor;
- end;
- inc(nbColorStops);
-procedure TBGRACanvasGradient2D.addColorStop(APosition: single; AColor: TColor
- );
- addColorStop(APosition, ColorToBGRA(AColor));
-procedure TBGRACanvasGradient2D.addColorStop(APosition: single; AColor: string
- );
- addColorStop(APosition, StrToBGRA(AColor));
-procedure TBGRACanvasGradient2D.setColors(ACustomGradient: TBGRACustomGradient
- );
- FCustomGradient := ACustomGradient;
-{ TBGRACanvasState2D }
-function TBGRACanvasState2D.GetClipMaskReadWrite: TGrayscaleMask;
- if not FClipMaskOwned then
- begin
- if FClipMask <> nil then
- FClipMask := FClipMask.Duplicate as TGrayscaleMask;
- FClipMaskOwned := true;
- end;
- result := FClipMask;
-constructor TBGRACanvasState2D.Create(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- AClipMask: TGrayscaleMask; AClipMaskOwned: boolean);
- strokeColor := BGRABlack;
- fillColor := BGRABlack;
- globalAlpha := 255;
- fontName := 'sans-serif';
- fontEmHeight := 10;
- fontStyle := [];
- textDirection := fbmAuto;
- textAlign:= taLeftJustify;
- textBaseline := 'alphabetic';
- lineWidth := 1;
- penStroker := TBGRAPenStroker.Create;
- penStroker.LineCap := pecFlat;
- penStroker.JoinStyle := pjsMiter;
- penStroker.CustomPenStyle := DuplicatePenStyle(SolidPenStyle);
- penStroker.MiterLimit := 10;
- penStroker.StrokeMatrix := AffineMatrixIdentity;
- shadowOffsetX := 0;
- shadowOffsetY := 0;
- shadowBlur := 0;
- shadowColor := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- shadowFastest:= false;
- matrix := AMatrix;
- FClipMask := nil;
- FClipMaskOwned := true;
- SetClipMask(AClipMask,AClipMaskOwned);
-function TBGRACanvasState2D.Duplicate: TBGRACanvasState2D;
- result := TBGRACanvasState2D.Create(matrix,clipMaskReadOnly,false);
- result.strokeColor := strokeColor;
- result.strokeTextureProvider := strokeTextureProvider;
- result.fillColor := fillColor;
- result.fillMode := fillMode;
- result.fillTextureProvider := fillTextureProvider;
- result.globalAlpha := globalAlpha;
- result.fontName:= fontName;
- result.fontEmHeight := fontEmHeight;
- result.fontStyle := fontStyle;
- result.textDirection:= textDirection;
- result.textBaseline:= textBaseline;
- result.lineWidth := lineWidth;
- result.penStroker.LineCap := penStroker.LineCap;
- result.penStroker.JoinStyle := penStroker.JoinStyle;
- result.penStroker.CustomPenStyle := DuplicatePenStyle(penStroker.CustomPenStyle);
- result.penStroker.MiterLimit := penStroker.MiterLimit;
- result.penStroker.StrokeMatrix := penStroker.StrokeMatrix;
- result.shadowOffsetX := shadowOffsetX;
- result.shadowOffsetY := shadowOffsetY;
- result.shadowBlur := shadowBlur;
- result.shadowColor := shadowColor;
- result.shadowFastest := shadowFastest;
-destructor TBGRACanvasState2D.Destroy;
- if FClipMaskOwned and Assigned(FClipMask) then
- FClipMask.Free;
- penStroker.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TBGRACanvasState2D.transform(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix);
- matrix := matrix*AMatrix;
-procedure TBGRACanvasState2D.SetClipMask(AClipMask: TGrayscaleMask;
- AOwned: boolean);
- if FClipMaskOwned and Assigned(FClipMask) then FreeAndNil(FClipMask);
- FClipMask := AClipMask;
- FClipMaskOwned := AOwned;
-{ TBGRACanvas2D }
-function TBGRACanvas2D.GetHeight: Integer;
- if Assigned(surface) then
- result := Surface.Height
- else
- result := 0;
-function TBGRACanvas2D.GetLineCap: string;
- case currentState.penStroker.LineCap of
- pecRound: result := 'round';
- pecSquare: result := 'square';
- else result := 'butt';
- end;
-function TBGRACanvas2D.GetLineCapLCL: TPenEndCap;
- result := currentState.penStroker.LineCap;
-function TBGRACanvas2D.GetlineJoin: string;
- case currentState.penStroker.JoinStyle of
- pjsBevel: result := 'bevel';
- pjsRound: result := 'round';
- else result := 'miter';
- end;
-function TBGRACanvas2D.GetlineJoinLCL: TPenJoinStyle;
- result := currentState.penStroker.JoinStyle;
-function TBGRACanvas2D.getLineStyle: TBGRAPenStyle;
- result := DuplicatePenStyle(currentState.penStroker.CustomPenStyle);
-function TBGRACanvas2D.GetLineWidth: single;
- result := currentState.lineWidth;
-function TBGRACanvas2D.GetMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- result := currentState.matrix;
-function TBGRACanvas2D.GetMiterLimit: single;
- result := currentState.penStroker.MiterLimit;
-function TBGRACanvas2D.GetPixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean;
- result := FPixelCenteredCoordinates;
-function TBGRACanvas2D.GetShadowBlur: single;
- result := currentState.shadowBlur;
-function TBGRACanvas2D.GetShadowFastest: boolean;
- result := currentState.shadowFastest;
-function TBGRACanvas2D.GetShadowOffset: TPointF;
- result := PointF(shadowOffsetX,shadowOffsetY);
-function TBGRACanvas2D.GetShadowOffsetX: single;
- result := currentState.shadowOffsetX;
-function TBGRACanvas2D.GetShadowOffsetY: single;
- result := currentState.shadowOffsetY;
-function TBGRACanvas2D.GetStrokeMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- result := currentState.penStroker.StrokeMatrix;
-function TBGRACanvas2D.GetTextAlign: string;
- case currentState.textAlign of
- taRightJustify: result := 'right';
- taCenter: result := 'center';
- else
- result := 'left';
- end;
-function TBGRACanvas2D.GetTextAlignLCL: TAlignment;
- result := currentState.textAlign;
-function TBGRACanvas2D.GetTextBaseline: string;
- result := currentState.textBaseline;
-function TBGRACanvas2D.GetGlobalAlpha: single;
- result := currentState.globalAlpha/255;
-function TBGRACanvas2D.GetCurrentPathAsPoints: ArrayOfTPointF;
-var i: integer;
- setlength(result, FPathPointCount);
- for i := 0 to high(result) do
- result[i] := FPathPoints[i];
-function TBGRACanvas2D.GetTextDirection: TFontBidiMode;
- result := currentState.textDirection;
-function TBGRACanvas2D.GetFontName: string;
- result := currentState.fontName;
-function TBGRACanvas2D.GetFontRenderer: TBGRACustomFontRenderer;
-var zoom1,zoom2,zoom: single;
- if FFontRenderer = nil then
- begin
- if FSurface <> nil then
- result := FSurface.FontRenderer
- else
- result := nil;
- end else
- result := FFontRenderer;
- if Assigned(result) then
- begin
- result.FontName := CSSFontNameToLCL(currentState.fontName);
- result.FontStyle := currentState.fontStyle;
- if antialiasing then
- result.FontQuality:= fqFineAntialiasing
- else
- result.FontQuality := fqSystem;
- result.FontOrientation := 0;
- zoom1 := VectLen(currentState.matrix[1,1],currentState.matrix[2,1]);
- zoom2 := VectLen(currentState.matrix[1,2],currentState.matrix[2,2]);
- if zoom1>zoom2 then zoom := zoom1 else zoom := zoom2;
- result.FontEmHeight := round(currentState.fontEmHeight*zoom);
- end;
-function TBGRACanvas2D.GetFontEmHeight: single;
- result := currentState.fontEmHeight;
-function TBGRACanvas2D.GetFontString: string;
-var formats: TFormatSettings;
- formats := DefaultFormatSettings;
- formats.DecimalSeparator := '.';
- result := '';
- if fsItalic in currentState.fontStyle then
- AppendStr(result, 'italic ');
- if fsBold in currentState.fontStyle then
- AppendStr(result, 'bold ');
- AppendStr(result, FloatToStrF(currentState.fontEmHeight,ffGeneral,6,0,formats)+'px ');
- AppendStr(result, currentState.fontName);
- result := trim(result);
-function TBGRACanvas2D.GetFontStyle: TFontStyles;
- result := currentState.fontStyle;
-function TBGRACanvas2D.GetHasShadow: boolean;
- result := (ApplyGlobalAlpha(currentState.shadowColor).alpha <> 0) and
- ( (currentState.shadowBlur <> 0) or (currentState.shadowOffsetX <> 0)
- or (currentState.shadowOffsetY <> 0) );
-function TBGRACanvas2D.GetWidth: Integer;
- if Assigned(Surface) then
- result := Surface.Width
- else
- result := 0;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.SetTextDirection(AValue: TFontBidiMode);
- currentState.textDirection := AValue;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.SetFontName(AValue: string);
- list: ArrayOfString;
- i: Integer;
- list := StrToFontNameList(AValue);
- for i := 0 to high(list) do
- begin
- if (list[i] = 'serif') or (list[i] = 'sans-serif') or (list[i] = 'monospace')
- or (list[i] = 'cursive') or (list[i] = 'fantasy') then
- begin
- currentState.fontName:= list[i];
- exit;
- end else
- if Assigned(fontRenderer) and fontRenderer.FontExists(list[i]) then
- begin
- currentState.fontName := list[i];
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- currentState.fontName := 'sans-serif';
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.SetFontRenderer(AValue: TBGRACustomFontRenderer);
- if AValue = FFontRenderer then exit;
- FreeAndNil(FFontRenderer);
- FFontRenderer := AValue;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.SetFontEmHeight(AValue: single);
- currentState.fontEmHeight := AValue;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.SetFontString(AValue: string);
-var idxSpace,errPos: integer;
- attrib,u: string;
- value: single;
- currentState.fontStyle := [];
- currentState.fontEmHeight := 10;
- currentState.fontName := 'sans-serif';
- AValue := trim(AValue);
- while AValue <> '' do
- begin
- while (AValue <> '') and (AValue[1]in [#0..#32]) do delete(AValue,1,1);
- idxSpace := pos(' ',AValue);
- if idxSpace = 0 then
- attrib := AValue
- else
- attrib := copy(AValue,1,idxSpace-1);
- attrib := lowerCase(attrib);
- if attrib = '' then break;
- if (attrib = 'normal') or (attrib = 'small-caps') or (attrib = 'lighter') then
- begin
- //nothing
- end else
- if (attrib = 'italic') or (attrib = 'oblique') then
- begin
- include(currentState.fontStyle, fsItalic);
- end else
- if (attrib = 'bold') or (attrib = 'bolder') then
- begin
- include(currentState.fontStyle, fsBold);
- end else
- if (attrib[1] in ['.','0'..'9']) then
- begin
- u := '';
- while (length(attrib)>0) and (attrib[length(attrib)] in['a'..'z']) do
- begin
- u := attrib[length(attrib)]+u;
- delete(attrib,length(attrib),1);
- end;
- val(attrib,value,errPos);
- if errPos = 0 then
- begin
- if u = '' then //weight
- begin
- if value >= 600 then include(currentState.fontStyle, fsBold);
- end else
- if u = 'px' then currentState.fontEmHeight := value else
- if u = 'pt' then currentState.fontEmHeight:= value/72*96 else
- if u = 'in' then currentState.fontEmHeight:= value*96 else
- if u = 'mm' then currentState.fontEmHeight:= value/25.4*96 else
- if u = 'cm' then currentState.fontEmHeight:= value/2.54*96;
- end;
- end else
- break;
- delete(AValue,1,length(attrib)+1);
- end;
- AValue := trim(AValue);
- if AValue <> '' then currentState.fontName := AValue;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.SetFontStyle(AValue: TFontStyles);
- currentState.fontStyle:= AValue;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.SetGlobalAlpha(const AValue: single);
- if AValue < 0 then currentState.globalAlpha:= 0 else
- if AValue > 1 then currentState.globalAlpha:= 255 else
- currentState.globalAlpha:= round(AValue*255);
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.SetLineCap(const AValue: string);
- if CompareText(AValue,'round')=0 then
- currentState.penStroker.LineCap := pecRound else
- if CompareText(AValue,'square')=0 then
- currentState.penStroker.LineCap := pecSquare
- else
- currentState.penStroker.LineCap := pecFlat;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.SetLineCapLCL(AValue: TPenEndCap);
- currentState.penStroker.LineCap := AValue;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.SetLineJoin(const AValue: string);
- if CompareText(AValue,'round')=0 then
- currentState.penStroker.JoinStyle := pjsRound else
- if CompareText(AValue,'bevel')=0 then
- currentState.penStroker.JoinStyle := pjsBevel
- else
- currentState.penStroker.JoinStyle := pjsMiter;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.FillPoly(const points: array of TPointF);
- bfill: boolean;
- tempScan: TBGRACustomScanner;
- if (length(points) = 0) or (surface = nil) then exit;
- If hasShadow then DrawShadow(points,[],fillMode);
- bfill:= currentState.fillMode = fmWinding;
- if currentState.clipMaskReadOnly <> nil then
- begin
- if currentState.fillTextureProvider <> nil then
- tempScan := TBGRATextureMaskScanner.Create(currentState.clipMaskReadOnly,Point(0,0),currentState.fillTextureProvider.texture,currentState.globalAlpha)
- else
- tempScan := TBGRASolidColorMaskScanner.Create(currentState.clipMaskReadOnly,Point(0,0),ApplyGlobalAlpha(currentState.fillColor));
- if self.antialiasing then
- BGRAPolygon.FillPolyAntialiasWithTexture(surface, points, tempScan, bfill, linearBlend)
- else
- BGRAPolygon.FillPolyAliasedWithTexture(surface, points, tempScan, bfill, GetDrawMode);
- tempScan.free;
- end else
- begin
- if currentState.fillTextureProvider <> nil then
- begin
- if currentState.globalAlpha <> 255 then
- begin
- tempScan := TBGRAOpacityScanner.Create(currentState.fillTextureProvider.texture, currentState.globalAlpha);
- if self.antialiasing then
- BGRAPolygon.FillPolyAntialiasWithTexture(surface, points, tempScan, bfill, linearBlend)
- else
- BGRAPolygon.FillPolyAliasedWithTexture(surface, points, tempScan, bfill, GetDrawMode);
- tempScan.Free;
- end else
- begin
- if self.antialiasing then
- BGRAPolygon.FillPolyAntialiasWithTexture(surface, points, currentState.fillTextureProvider.texture, bfill, linearBlend)
- else
- BGRAPolygon.FillPolyAliasedWithTexture(surface, points, currentState.fillTextureProvider.texture, bfill, GetDrawMode);
- end
- end
- else
- begin
- if self.antialiasing then
- BGRAPolygon.FillPolyAntialias(surface, points, ApplyGlobalAlpha(currentState.fillColor), false, bfill, linearBlend)
- else
- BGRAPolygon.FillPolyAliased(surface, points, ApplyGlobalAlpha(currentState.fillColor), false, bfill, GetDrawMode)
- end
- end;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.FillStrokePoly(const points: array of TPointF;
- fillOver: boolean);
- tempScan,tempScan2: TBGRACustomScanner;
- multi: TBGRAMultishapeFiller;
- contour : array of TPointF;
- texture: IBGRAScanner;
- idxContour: Integer;
- if (length(points) = 0) or (surface = nil) then exit;
- tempScan := nil;
- tempScan2 := nil;
- multi := TBGRAMultishapeFiller.Create;
- multi.FillMode := self.fillMode;
- if currentState.clipMaskReadOnly <> nil then
- begin
- if currentState.fillTextureProvider <> nil then
- tempScan := TBGRATextureMaskScanner.Create(currentState.clipMaskReadOnly,Point(0,0),currentState.fillTextureProvider.texture,currentState.globalAlpha)
- else
- tempScan := TBGRASolidColorMaskScanner.Create(currentState.clipMaskReadOnly,Point(0,0),ApplyGlobalAlpha(currentState.fillColor));
- multi.AddPolygon(points, tempScan);
- end else
- begin
- if currentState.fillTextureProvider <> nil then
- begin
- if currentState.globalAlpha <> 255 then
- begin
- tempScan := TBGRAOpacityScanner.Create(currentState.fillTextureProvider.texture, currentState.globalAlpha);
- multi.AddPolygon(points, tempScan);
- end else
- multi.AddPolygon(points, currentState.fillTextureProvider.texture)
- end
- else
- multi.AddPolygon(points, ApplyGlobalAlpha(currentState.fillColor));
- end;
- if currentState.lineWidth > 0 then
- begin
- contour := currentState.penStroker.ComputePolylineAutocycle(points,currentState.lineWidth);
- if currentState.clipMaskReadOnly <> nil then
- begin
- if currentState.strokeTextureProvider <> nil then
- tempScan2 := TBGRATextureMaskScanner.Create(currentState.clipMaskReadOnly,Point(0,0),currentState.strokeTextureProvider.texture,currentState.globalAlpha)
- else
- tempScan2 := TBGRASolidColorMaskScanner.Create(currentState.clipMaskReadOnly,Point(0,0),ApplyGlobalAlpha(currentState.strokeColor));
- idxContour := multi.AddPolygon(contour,tempScan);
- end else
- begin
- if currentState.strokeTextureProvider <> nil then
- texture := currentState.strokeTextureProvider.texture else
- texture := nil;
- if texture = nil then
- idxContour := multi.AddPolygon(contour,ApplyGlobalAlpha(currentState.strokeColor))
- else
- idxContour := multi.AddPolygon(contour,texture);
- end;
- multi.OverrideFillMode(idxContour, fmWinding);
- If hasShadow then DrawShadow(points,contour);
- end else
- If hasShadow then DrawShadow(points,[]);
- if fillOver then multi.PolygonOrder := poFirstOnTop else multi.PolygonOrder:= poLastOnTop;
- multi.Antialiasing := self.antialiasing;
- multi.Draw(surface);
- tempScan.free;
- tempScan2.free;
- multi.Free;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.FillTexts(AErase: boolean);
- i,j: Integer;
- hy,hx,h: single;
- bmp,bmpTransf: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- tempScan: TBGRACustomScanner;
- m: TAffineMatrix;
- s: TSize;
- sourceBounds, usedSourceBounds, surfaceBounds, shadowBounds: TRect;
- rf: TResampleFilter;
- pad: TSize;
- p: PBGRAPixel;
- for i := 0 to High(FTextPaths) do
- with FTextPaths[i] do
- begin
- hx := VectLen(FontMatrix[1,1],FontMatrix[2,1]);
- hy := VectLen(FontMatrix[1,2],FontMatrix[2,2]);
- h := max(hx,hy);
- if self.antialiasing then h := round(h);
- if h<=0 then continue;
- m := FontMatrix*AffineMatrixScale(1/h, 1/h);
- if pixelCenteredCoordinates then m := AffineMatrixTranslation(0.5,0.5)*m;
- bmp := BGRABitmapFactory.Create;
- try
- bmp.FontName := CSSFontNameToLCL(FontName);
- bmp.FontStyle:= FontStyle;
- bmp.FontHeight:= round(h);
- bmp.FontBidiMode:= TextDirection;
- if self.antialiasing then
- bmp.FontQuality := fqFineAntialiasing
- else
- bmp.FontQuality:= fqSystem;
- bmp.FontVerticalAnchor:= FontAnchor;
- m := m*AffineMatrixTranslation(0,-bmp.FontVerticalAnchorOffset);
- bmp.FontVerticalAnchor:= fvaTop;
- s := bmp.TextSize(Text);
- case FontAlign of
- taCenter: m := m*AffineMatrixTranslation(-s.cx/2,0);
- taRightJustify: m := m*AffineMatrixTranslation(-s.cx,0);
- end;
- pad := Size(round(h/3), round(h/3));
- m := m*AffineMatrixTranslation(-pad.cx,-pad.cy);
- sourceBounds := BGRAClasses.Rect(0,0,s.cx+pad.cx*2,s.cy+pad.cy*2);
- surfaceBounds := surface.GetImageAffineBounds(m, sourceBounds);
- if hasShadow then
- begin
- shadowBounds := surfaceBounds;
- shadowBounds.Inflate(ceil(shadowBlur),ceil(shadowBlur));
- shadowBounds.Offset(round(shadowOffsetX),round(shadowOffsetY));
- shadowBounds.Intersect(surface.ClipRect);
- if not shadowBounds.IsEmpty then
- begin
- shadowBounds.Offset(-round(shadowOffsetX),-round(shadowOffsetY));
- surfaceBounds.Union(shadowBounds);
- end;
- end;
- if not surfaceBounds.IsEmpty and IsAffineMatrixInversible(m) then
- begin
- usedSourceBounds := (AffineMatrixInverse(m) *
- TAffineBox.AffineBox(RectF(surfaceBounds))).RectBounds;
- usedSourceBounds.Inflate(1,1);
- sourceBounds.Intersect(usedSourceBounds);
- m := m * AffineMatrixTranslation(sourceBounds.Left, sourceBounds.Top);
- bmp.SetSize(sourceBounds.Width, sourceBounds.Height);
- bmp.Fill(BGRABlack);
- bmp.TextOut(pad.cx - sourceBounds.Left,pad.cy - sourceBounds.Top, Text, BGRAWhite);
- if self.antialiasing then bmp.ConvertToLinearRGB else
- begin
- p := bmp.Data;
- for j := bmp.NbPixels-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- if p^.green<128 then p^ := BGRABlack else p^ := BGRAWhite;
- inc(p);
- end;
- end;
- bmpTransf := BGRABitmapFactory.Create(surfaceBounds.Width,surfaceBounds.Height,BGRABlack);
- try
- m := AffineMatrixTranslation(-surfaceBounds.Left-0.5,-surfaceBounds.Top-0.5)*m;
- if self.antialiasing then rf:= rfCosine else rf := rfBox;
- bmpTransf.PutImageAffine(m, bmp, rf, GetDrawMode);
- FreeAndNil(bmp);
- if AErase then
- surface.EraseMask(surfaceBounds.Left,surfaceBounds.Top, bmpTransf) else
- begin
- if hasShadow then
- DrawShadowMask(surfaceBounds.Left+round(shadowOffsetX),surfaceBounds.Top+round(shadowOffsetY), bmpTransf, false);
- if currentState.clipMaskReadOnly <> nil then
- begin
- if currentState.fillTextureProvider <> nil then
- tempScan := TBGRATextureMaskScanner.Create(currentState.clipMaskReadOnly,Point(0,0),currentState.fillTextureProvider.texture,currentState.globalAlpha)
- else
- tempScan := TBGRASolidColorMaskScanner.Create(currentState.clipMaskReadOnly,Point(0,0),ApplyGlobalAlpha(currentState.fillColor));
- surface.FillMask(surfaceBounds.Left,surfaceBounds.Top, bmpTransf, tempScan, GetDrawMode);
- tempScan.free;
- end else
- begin
- if currentState.fillTextureProvider <> nil then
- begin
- if currentState.globalAlpha <> 255 then
- begin
- tempScan := TBGRAOpacityScanner.Create(currentState.fillTextureProvider.texture, currentState.globalAlpha);
- surface.FillMask(surfaceBounds.Left,surfaceBounds.Top, bmpTransf, tempScan, GetDrawMode);
- tempScan.Free;
- end else
- surface.FillMask(surfaceBounds.Left,surfaceBounds.Top, bmpTransf, currentState.fillTextureProvider.texture, GetDrawMode);
- end
- else
- surface.FillMask(surfaceBounds.Left,surfaceBounds.Top, bmpTransf, ApplyGlobalAlpha(currentState.fillColor), GetDrawMode);
- end;
- end;
- finally
- bmpTransf.Free;
- end;
- end;
- finally
- bmp.Free;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.SetLineJoinLCL(AValue: TPenJoinStyle);
- currentState.penStroker.JoinStyle := AValue;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.lineStyle(const AValue: array of single);
-var a: array of single;
- i: Integer;
- if odd(length(AValue)) then
- begin
- setlength(a, length(AValue)*2);
- for i := 0 to high(AValue) do
- begin
- a[i] := AValue[i];
- a[i + length(AValue)] := AValue[i];
- end;
- end else
- a := DuplicatePenStyle(AValue);
- currentState.penStroker.CustomPenStyle := a;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.lineStyle(AStyle: TPenStyle);
- if AStyle = psPattern then exit;
- lineStyle(PenStyleToBGRA(AStyle));
-class function TBGRACanvas2D.StrToFontNameList(AText: string): ArrayOfString;
- list: TStringList;
- inQuote: Char;
- nameStart, i: Integer;
- procedure SkipSpace;
- begin
- while (i < length(AText)) and (AText[i] in [#0..#32]) do inc(i);
- end;
- procedure SkipComma;
- begin
- SkipSpace;
- if (i < length(AText)) and (AText[i] = ',') then inc(i);
- SkipSpace;
- end;
- list := TStringList.Create;
- inQuote := ' ';
- i := 1;
- SkipSpace;
- nameStart := -1;
- while i <= length(AText) do
- begin
- if inQuote <> ' ' then
- begin
- if AText[i] = inQuote then
- begin
- list.Add(copy(AText, nameStart, i-nameStart));
- inQuote := ' ';
- inc(i);
- SkipComma;
- nameStart := -1;
- end else
- inc(i);
- end else
- if nameStart = -1 then
- begin
- if AText[i] in ['''', '"'] then
- begin
- nameStart := i+1;
- inQuote := AText[i];
- inc(i);
- end else
- begin
- nameStart := i;
- inc(i);
- end;
- end else
- if AText[i] = ',' then
- begin
- list.Add(Trim(copy(AText, nameStart, i-nameStart)));
- inc(i);
- SkipComma;
- nameStart := -1;
- end else
- inc(i);
- end;
- if nameStart <> -1 then list.Add(copy(AText, nameStart, length(AText)-nameStart+1));
- setlength(result, list.Count);
- for i := 0 to list.Count-1 do
- result[i] := list[i];
- list.Free;
-class function TBGRACanvas2D.FontNameListToStr(AList: ArrayOfString): string;
- i: Integer;
- result := '';
- for i := 0 to high(AList) do
- begin
- if i > 0 then AppendStr(result, ', ');
- if pos(' ',AList[i]) <> -1 then
- AppendStr(result, '''' + StringReplace(AList[i], '''', ''', [rfReplaceAll]) + '''')
- else AppendStr(result, AList[i]);
- end;
-class function TBGRACanvas2D.CSSFontNameToLCL(AName: string): string;
- if AName = 'sans-serif' then result := 'sans'
- else if AName = 'cursive' then result := {$IFDEF WINDOWS}'Segoe Script'{$ELSE}
- {$IFDEF DARWIN}'Brush Script MT'{$ELSE}
- 'sans'
- else if AName = 'fantasy' then result := {$IFDEF WINDOWS}'Comic Sans MS'{$ELSE}
- {$IFDEF DARWIN}'Papyrus'{$ELSE}
- 'sans'
- else result := StringReplace(StringReplace(AName, ''', '''', [rfReplaceAll]),
- ''', '''', [rfReplaceAll]);
-function TBGRACanvas2D.QueryInterface({$IFDEF FPC_HAS_CONSTREF}constref{$ELSE}const{$ENDIF} IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult; {$IF (not defined(WINDOWS)) AND (FPC_FULLVERSION>=20501)}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$IFEND};
- if GetInterface(iid, obj) then
- Result := S_OK
- else
- Result := longint(E_NOINTERFACE);
-{ There is no automatic reference counting, but it is compulsory to define these functions }
-function TBGRACanvas2D._AddRef: Integer; {$IF (not defined(WINDOWS)) AND (FPC_FULLVERSION>=20501)}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$IFEND};
- result := 0;
-function TBGRACanvas2D._Release: Integer; {$IF (not defined(WINDOWS)) AND (FPC_FULLVERSION>=20501)}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$IFEND};
- result := 0;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.SetLineWidth(const AValue: single);
- currentState.lineWidth := AValue;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.SetMatrix(AValue: TAffineMatrix);
- currentState.matrix := AValue;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.SetMiterLimit(const AValue: single);
- currentState.penStroker.MiterLimit := AValue;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.SetPixelCenteredCoordinates(const AValue: boolean);
- FPixelCenteredCoordinates:= AValue;
- if AValue then
- FCanvasOffset := PointF(0,0)
- else
- FCanvasOffset := PointF(-0.5,-0.5);
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.SetShadowBlur(const AValue: single);
- currentState.shadowBlur := AValue;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.SetShadowFastest(AValue: boolean);
- currentState.shadowFastest := AValue;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.SetShadowOffset(const AValue: TPointF);
- shadowOffsetX := AValue.X;
- shadowOffsetY := AValue.Y;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.SetShadowOffsetX(const AValue: single);
- currentState.shadowOffsetX := AValue;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.SetShadowOffsetY(const AValue: single);
- currentState.shadowOffsetY := AValue;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.SetStrokeMatrix(AValue: TAffineMatrix);
- currentState.penStroker.strokeMatrix := AValue;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.SetTextAlign(AValue: string);
- AValue := trim(LowerCase(AValue));
- if (AValue = 'left') or (AValue = 'start') then
- textAlignLCL := taLeftJustify else
- if (AValue = 'right') or (AValue = 'end') then
- textAlignLCL := taRightJustify else
- if AValue = 'center' then
- textAlignLCL := taCenter;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.SetTextAlignLCL(AValue: TAlignment);
- currentState.textAlign := AValue;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.SetTextBaseline(AValue: string);
- currentState.textBaseline := trim(lowercase(AValue));
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.StrokePoly(const points: array of TPointF);
- texture: IBGRAScanner;
- tempScan: TBGRACustomScanner;
- contour: array of TPointF;
- if (length(points)= 0) or (currentState.lineWidth = 0) or (surface = nil) then exit;
- contour := currentState.penStroker.ComputePolylineAutocycle(points,currentState.lineWidth);
- If hasShadow then DrawShadow(contour,[]);
- if currentState.clipMaskReadOnly <> nil then
- begin
- if currentState.strokeTextureProvider <> nil then
- tempScan := TBGRATextureMaskScanner.Create(currentState.clipMaskReadOnly,Point(0,0),currentState.strokeTextureProvider.texture,currentState.globalAlpha)
- else
- tempScan := TBGRASolidColorMaskScanner.Create(currentState.clipMaskReadOnly,Point(0,0),ApplyGlobalAlpha(currentState.strokeColor));
- if self.antialiasing then
- BGRAPolygon.FillPolyAntialiasWithTexture(Surface,contour,tempScan,True, linearBlend)
- else
- BGRAPolygon.FillPolyAliasedWithTexture(Surface,contour,tempScan,True,GetDrawMode);
- tempScan.free;
- end else
- begin
- if currentState.strokeTextureProvider <> nil then
- texture := currentState.strokeTextureProvider.texture else
- texture := nil;
- if texture = nil then
- begin
- if self.antialiasing then
- BGRAPolygon.FillPolyAntialias(Surface,contour,ApplyGlobalAlpha(currentState.strokeColor),false,True, linearBlend)
- else
- BGRAPolygon.FillPolyAliased(Surface,contour,ApplyGlobalAlpha(currentState.strokeColor),false,True,GetDrawMode)
- end
- else
- begin
- if self.antialiasing then
- BGRAPolygon.FillPolyAntialiasWithTexture(Surface,contour,texture,True, linearBlend)
- else
- BGRAPolygon.FillPolyAliasedWithTexture(Surface,contour,texture,True,GetDrawMode)
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.DrawShadow(const points, points2: array of TPointF;
- AFillMode: TFillMode = fmWinding);
-var ofsPts,ofsPts2: array of TPointF;
- offset: TPointF;
- i: Integer;
- tempBmp: TGrayscaleMask;
- maxRect: TRect;
- foundRect: TRect;
- firstFound: boolean;
- procedure AddPt(const coord: TPointF);
- var pixRect: TRect;
- begin
- if isEmptyPointF(coord) then exit;
- pixRect := BGRAClasses.Rect(round(floor(coord.x)),round(floor(coord.y)),round(ceil(coord.x+0.999))+1,round(ceil(coord.y+0.999))+1);
- if firstFound then
- begin
- foundRect := pixRect;
- firstFound := false
- end
- else
- begin
- if pixRect.left < foundRect.left then foundRect.left := pixRect.Left;
- if pixRect.top < foundRect.top then foundRect.top := pixRect.top;
- if pixRect.right > foundRect.right then foundRect.right := pixRect.right;
- if pixRect.bottom > foundRect.bottom then foundRect.bottom := pixRect.bottom;
- end;
- end;
- if not hasShadow or (surface = nil) then exit;
- offset := PointF(shadowOffsetX,shadowOffsetY);
- setlength(ofsPts, length(points));
- for i := 0 to high(ofsPts) do
- ofsPts[i] := points[i]+offset;
- setlength(ofsPts2, length(points2));
- for i := 0 to high(ofsPts2) do
- ofsPts2[i] := points2[i]+offset;
- maxRect := BGRAClasses.Rect(0,0,width,height);
- if currentState.clipMaskReadOnly <> nil then
- foundRect := maxRect
- else
- begin
- firstFound := true;
- foundRect := EmptyRect;
- for i := 0 to high(ofsPts) do
- AddPt(ofsPts[i]);
- for i := 0 to high(ofsPts2) do
- AddPt(ofsPts2[i]);
- if firstFound then exit;
- foundRect.Inflate(ceil(shadowBlur), ceil(shadowBlur));
- foundRect.Intersect(maxRect);
- if foundRect.IsEmpty then exit;
- offset := PointF(-foundRect.Left,-foundRect.Top);
- for i := 0 to high(ofsPts) do
- ofsPts[i].Offset(offset);
- for i := 0 to high(ofsPts2) do
- ofsPts2[i].Offset(offset);
- end;
- tempBmp := TGrayscaleMask.Create(foundRect.Right-foundRect.Left,foundRect.Bottom-foundRect.Top,BGRABlack);
- tempBmp.FillMode := AFillMode;
- tempBmp.FillPolyAntialias(ofsPts, BGRAWhite);
- tempBmp.FillPolyAntialias(ofsPts2, BGRAWhite);
- DrawShadowMask(foundRect.Left,foundRect.Top, tempBmp, true);
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.DrawShadowMask(X, Y: integer; AMask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; AMaskOwned: boolean);
-const invSqrt2 = 1/sqrt(2);
- bmp: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- gs: TGrayscaleMask;
- if AMask.Colorspace <> TByteMaskColorspace then
- begin
- gs := TGrayscaleMask.Create(AMask as TBGRACustomBitmap, cGreen);
- if AMaskOwned then AMask.Free;
- AMask := gs;
- AMaskOwned:= true;
- end;
- bmp := AMask;
- if shadowBlur > 0 then
- begin
- if shadowFastest then
- begin
- if shadowBlur*invSqrt2 >= 0.5 then
- bmp := AMask.FilterBlurRadial(round(shadowBlur*invSqrt2),rbBox);
- end
- else
- begin
- if (shadowBlur < 5) and (abs(shadowBlur-round(shadowBlur)) > 1e-6) then
- bmp := AMask.FilterBlurRadial(round(shadowBlur*10),rbPrecise)
- else
- bmp := AMask.FilterBlurRadial(round(shadowBlur),rbFast);
- end;
- end;
- if currentState.clipMaskReadOnly <> nil then
- begin
- if (bmp = AMask) and not AMaskOwned then bmp := AMask.Duplicate;
- bmp.ApplyMask(currentState.clipMaskReadOnly);
- end;
- surface.FillMask(X,Y,bmp,ApplyGlobalAlpha(getShadowColor),GetDrawMode);
- if bmp <> AMask then bmp.Free;
- if AMaskOwned then AMask.Free;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.ClearPoly(const points: array of TPointF);
- if surface = nil then exit;
- if self.antialiasing then
- BGRAPolygon.FillPolyAntialias(surface, points, BGRA(0,0,0,255), true, true, linearBlend)
- else
- BGRAPolygon.FillPolyAliased(surface, points, BGRA(0,0,0,255), true, true, dmSet);
-function TBGRACanvas2D.ApplyTransform(const points: array of TPointF;
- matrix: TAffineMatrix): ArrayOfTPointF;
- i: Integer;
- setlength(result,length(points));
- for i := 0 to high(result) do
- if isEmptyPointF(points[i]) then
- result[i] := EmptyPointF
- else
- result[i] := matrix*points[i]+FCanvasOffset;
-function TBGRACanvas2D.ApplyTransform(const points: array of TPointF
- ): ArrayOfTPointF;
- i: Integer;
- setlength(result,length(points));
- for i := 0 to high(result) do
- if isEmptyPointF(points[i]) then
- result[i] := EmptyPointF
- else
- result[i] := currentState.matrix*points[i]+FCanvasOffset;
-function TBGRACanvas2D.ApplyTransform(point: TPointF): TPointF;
- result := currentState.matrix*point+FCanvasOffset;
-function TBGRACanvas2D.GetPenPos(defaultX,defaultY: single): TPointF;
- if isEmptyPointF(FLastCoord) then
- result := PointF(defaultX,defaultY)
- else
- result := FLastCoord;
-function TBGRACanvas2D.GetPenPos(defaultPt: TPointF): TPointF;
- result := GetPenPos(defaultPt.x,defaultPt.y);
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.AddPoint(point: TPointF);
- if FPathPointCount = length(FPathPoints) then
- setlength(FPathPoints, (length(FPathPoints)+1)*2);
- FPathPoints[FPathPointCount] := point;
- inc(FPathPointCount);
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.AddPoints(const points: array of TPointF);
-var i: integer;
- if FPathPointCount+length(points) > length(FPathPoints) then
- setlength(FPathPoints, max( (length(FPathPoints)+1)*2, FPathPointCount+length(points) ) );
- for i := 0 to high(points) do
- begin
- FPathPoints[FPathPointCount] := points[i];
- inc(FPathPointCount);
- end;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.AddPointsRev(const points: array of TPointF);
-var i: integer;
- if FPathPointCount+length(points) > length(FPathPoints) then
- setlength(FPathPoints, max( (length(FPathPoints)+1)*2, FPathPointCount+length(points) ) );
- for i := high(points) downto 0 do
- begin
- FPathPoints[FPathPointCount] := points[i];
- inc(FPathPointCount);
- end;
-function TBGRACanvas2D.ApplyGlobalAlpha(color: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
- result := BGRA(color.red,color.green,color.blue,ApplyOpacity(color.alpha, currentState.globalAlpha));
-function TBGRACanvas2D.GetDrawMode: TDrawMode;
- if linearBlend then result := dmLinearBlend else result := dmDrawWithTransparency;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.copyTo(dest: IBGRAPath);
- //nothing
-function TBGRACanvas2D.getPoints: ArrayOfTPointF;
- result := GetCurrentPathAsPoints;
-function TBGRACanvas2D.getPoints(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix): ArrayOfTPointF;
- result := GetCurrentPathAsPoints;
- if not IsAffineMatrixIdentity(AMatrix) then
- result := AMatrix*result;
-function TBGRACanvas2D.getCursor: TBGRACustomPathCursor;
- result := nil;
-constructor TBGRACanvas2D.Create(ASurface: TBGRACustomBitmap);
- FSurface := ASurface;
- StateStack := TList.Create;
- FPathPointCount := 0;
- FLastCoord := EmptyPointF;
- FStartCoord := EmptyPointF;
- currentState := TBGRACanvasState2D.Create(AffineMatrixIdentity,nil,true);
- pixelCenteredCoordinates := false;
- antialiasing := true;
- gradientGammaCorrection := false;
-destructor TBGRACanvas2D.Destroy;
- i: Integer;
- for i := 0 to StateStack.Count-1 do
- TObject(StateStack[i]).Free;
- StateStack.Free;
- currentState.Free;
- FreeAndNil(FFontRenderer);
- inherited Destroy;
-function TBGRACanvas2D.toDataURL(mimeType: string): string;
- stream: TMemoryStream;
- jpegWriter: TFPWriterJPEG;
- bmpWriter: TFPWriterBMP;
- output: TStringStream;
- encode64: TBase64EncodingStream;
- if surface = nil then exit('');
- stream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- if mimeType='image/jpeg' then
- begin
- jpegWriter := TFPWriterJPEG.Create;
- Surface.SaveToStream(stream,jpegWriter);
- jpegWriter.Free;
- end else
- if mimeType='image/bmp' then
- begin
- bmpWriter := TFPWriterBMP.Create;
- Surface.SaveToStream(stream,bmpWriter);
- bmpWriter.Free;
- end else
- begin
- mimeType := 'image/png';
- Surface.SaveToStreamAsPng(stream);
- end;
- output := TStringStream.Create('data:'+mimeType+';base64,');
- output.Position := output.size;
- stream.Position := 0;
- encode64 := TBase64EncodingStream.Create(output);
- encode64.CopyFrom(stream,stream.size);
- encode64.free;
- stream.free;
- result := output.DataString;
- output.free;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.save;
-var cur: TBGRACanvasState2D;
- cur := currentState.Duplicate;
- StateStack.Add(cur);
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.restore;
- if StateStack.Count > 0 then
- begin
- FreeAndNil(currentState);
- currentState := TBGRACanvasState2D(StateStack[StateStack.Count-1]);
- StateStack.Delete(StateStack.Count-1);
- end;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.scale(x, y: single);
- currentState.transform(AffineMatrixScale(x,y));
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.scale(factor: single);
- currentState.transform( AffineMatrixScale(factor,factor) );
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.rotate(angleRadCW: single);
- currentState.transform( AffineMatrixRotationRad(-angleRadCW) );
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.translate(x, y: single);
- if (x = 0) and (y = 0) then exit;
- currentState.transform( AffineMatrixTranslation(x,y) );
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.skewx(angleRadCW: single);
- currentState.transform( AffineMatrixSkewXRad(-angleRadCW) );
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.skewy(angleRadCW: single);
- currentState.transform( AffineMatrixSkewYRad(-angleRadCW) );
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.transform(m11,m21, m12,m22, m13,m23: single);
- currentState.transform( AffineMatrix(m11,m12,m13,
- m21,m22,m23) );
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.transform(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix);
- currentState.transform( AMatrix );
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.setTransform(m11,m21, m12,m22, m13,m23: single);
- currentState.matrix := AffineMatrix(m11,m12,m13,
- m21,m22,m23);
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.resetTransform;
- currentState.matrix := AffineMatrixIdentity;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.strokeScale(x, y: single);
- currentState.penStroker.strokeMatrix := currentState.penStroker.strokeMatrix * AffineMatrixScale(x,y);
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.strokeSkewx(angleRadCW: single);
- currentState.penStroker.strokeMatrix := currentState.penStroker.strokeMatrix * AffineMatrixSkewXRad(-angleRadCW);
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.strokeSkewy(angleRadCW: single);
- currentState.penStroker.strokeMatrix := currentState.penStroker.strokeMatrix * AffineMatrixSkewYRad(-angleRadCW);
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.strokeResetTransform;
- currentState.penStroker.strokeMatrix := AffineMatrixIdentity;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.strokeStyle(color: TBGRAPixel);
- currentState.strokeColor := color;
- currentState.strokeTextureProvider := nil;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.strokeStyle(color: TColor);
- currentState.strokeColor := ColorToBGRA(color);
- currentState.strokeTextureProvider := nil;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.strokeStyle(color: string);
- currentState.strokeColor := StrToBGRA(color);
- currentState.strokeTextureProvider := nil;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.strokeStyle(texture: IBGRAScanner);
- strokeStyle(createPattern(texture));
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.strokeStyle(provider: IBGRACanvasTextureProvider2D);
- currentState.strokeColor := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- currentState.strokeTextureProvider := provider;
-function TBGRACanvas2D.GetFillMode: TFillMode;
- result := currentState.fillMode;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.SetFillMode(mode: TFillMode);
- currentState.fillMode := mode;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.fillStyle(color: TBGRAPixel);
- currentState.fillColor := color;
- currentState.fillTextureProvider := nil;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.fillStyle(color: TColor);
- currentState.fillColor := ColorToBGRA(color);
- currentState.fillTextureProvider := nil;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.fillStyle(color: string);
- currentState.fillColor := StrToBGRA(color);
- currentState.fillTextureProvider := nil;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.fillStyle(texture: IBGRAScanner);
- fillStyle(createPattern(texture));
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.fillStyle(provider: IBGRACanvasTextureProvider2D);
- currentState.fillColor := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- currentState.fillTextureProvider := provider;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.shadowColor(color: TBGRAPixel);
- currentState.shadowColor := color;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.shadowColor(color: TColor);
- shadowColor(ColorToBGRA(color));
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.shadowColor(color: string);
- shadowColor(StrToBGRA(color));
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.shadowNone;
- shadowColor(BGRAPixelTransparent);
-function TBGRACanvas2D.getShadowColor: TBGRAPixel;
- result := currentState.shadowColor;
-function TBGRACanvas2D.createLinearGradient(x0, y0, x1, y1: single): IBGRACanvasGradient2D;
- result := createLinearGradient(PointF(x0,y0), PointF(x1,y1));
-function TBGRACanvas2D.createLinearGradient(p0, p1: TPointF): IBGRACanvasGradient2D;
- result := TBGRACanvasLinearGradient2D.Create(p0,p1,
- AffineMatrixTranslation(FCanvasOffset.x,FCanvasOffset.y)*currentState.matrix);
- result.gammaCorrection := gradientGammaCorrection;
-function TBGRACanvas2D.createLinearGradient(x0, y0, x1, y1: single;
- Colors: TBGRACustomGradient): IBGRACanvasGradient2D;
- result := createLinearGradient(x0,y0,x1,y1);
- result.setColors(Colors);
-function TBGRACanvas2D.createLinearGradient(p0, p1: TPointF;
- Colors: TBGRACustomGradient): IBGRACanvasGradient2D;
- result := createLinearGradient(p0,p1);
- result.setColors(Colors);
-function TBGRACanvas2D.createRadialGradient(x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1: single;
- flipGradient: boolean): IBGRACanvasGradient2D;
- result := createRadialGradient(PointF(x0,y0), r0, PointF(x1,y1), r1, flipGradient);
-function TBGRACanvas2D.createRadialGradient(p0: TPointF; r0: single;
- p1: TPointF; r1: single; flipGradient: boolean): IBGRACanvasGradient2D;
- result := TBGRACanvasRadialGradient2D.Create(p0,r0,p1,r1,
- AffineMatrixTranslation(FCanvasOffset.x,FCanvasOffset.y)*currentState.matrix,
- flipGradient);
- result.gammaCorrection := gradientGammaCorrection;
-function TBGRACanvas2D.createRadialGradient(x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1: single;
- Colors: TBGRACustomGradient; flipGradient: boolean): IBGRACanvasGradient2D;
- result := createRadialGradient(x0,y0,r0,x1,y1,r1,flipGradient);
- result.setColors(Colors);
-function TBGRACanvas2D.createRadialGradient(p0: TPointF; r0: single;
- p1: TPointF; r1: single; Colors: TBGRACustomGradient; flipGradient: boolean): IBGRACanvasGradient2D;
- result := createRadialGradient(p0,r0,p1,r1,flipGradient);
- result.setColors(Colors);
-function TBGRACanvas2D.createPattern(image: TBGRACustomBitmap; repetition: string
- ): IBGRACanvasTextureProvider2D;
- repeatX,repeatY: boolean;
- origin: TPointF;
- repetition := lowercase(trim(repetition));
- repeatX := true;
- repeatY := true;
- if repetition = 'repeat-x' then repeatY := false else
- if repetition = 'repeat-y' then repeatX := false else
- if repetition = 'no-repeat' then
- begin
- repeatX := false;
- repeatY := false;
- end;
- origin := ApplyTransform(PointF(0,0));
- result := TBGRACanvasPattern2D.Create(image,repeatX,repeatY,
- origin, origin+PointF(currentState.matrix[1,1],currentState.matrix[2,1])*image.Width,
- origin+PointF(currentState.matrix[1,2],currentState.matrix[2,2])*image.Height);
-function TBGRACanvas2D.createPattern(texture: IBGRAScanner
- ): IBGRACanvasTextureProvider2D;
- tempTransform: TAffineMatrix;
- tempTransform := AffineMatrixTranslation(FCanvasOffset.X+0.5,FCanvasOffset.Y+0.5)*currentState.matrix;
- result := TBGRACanvasPattern2D.Create(texture,tempTransform);
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.fillRect(x, y, w, h: single);
- if (w=0) or (h=0) then exit;
- FillPoly(ApplyTransform([PointF(x,y),PointF(x+w,y),PointF(x+w,y+h),PointF(x,y+h)]));
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.strokeRect(x, y, w, h: single);
- if (w=0) or (h=0) then exit;
- StrokePoly(ApplyTransform([PointF(x,y),PointF(x+w,y),PointF(x+w,y+h),PointF(x,y+h),PointF(x,y)]));
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.clearRect(x, y, w, h: single);
- if (w=0) or (h=0) then exit;
- ClearPoly(ApplyTransform([PointF(x,y),PointF(x+w,y),PointF(x+w,y+h),PointF(x,y+h)]));
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.addPath(APath: IBGRAPath);
- if (FPathPointCount <> 0) and not isEmptyPointF(FPathPoints[FPathPointCount-1]) then
- begin
- AddPoint(EmptyPointF);
- FLastCoord := EmptyPointF;
- FStartCoord := EmptyPointF;
- end;
- APath.copyTo(self);
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.addPath(ASvgPath: string);
-var p: TBGRAPath;
- p := TBGRAPath.Create(ASvgPath);
- addPath(p);
- p.Free;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.path(APath: IBGRAPath);
- beginPath;
- addPath(APath);
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.path(ASvgPath: string);
- beginPath;
- addPath(ASvgPath);
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.beginPath;
- FPathPointCount := 0;
- FLastCoord := EmptyPointF;
- FStartCoord := EmptyPointF;
- FTextPaths := nil;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.closePath;
-var i: integer;
- if FPathPointCount > 0 then
- begin
- i := FPathPointCount-1;
- while (i > 0) and not isEmptyPointF(FPathPoints[i-1]) do dec(i);
- AddPoint(FPathPoints[i]);
- FLastCoord := FStartCoord;
- end;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.toSpline(closed: boolean; style: TSplineStyle);
-var i,j: integer;
- pts, splinePts: array of TPointF;
- nb: integer;
- if FPathPointCount > 0 then
- begin
- i := FPathPointCount-1;
- while (i > 0) and not isEmptyPointF(FPathPoints[i-1]) do dec(i);
- nb := FPathPointCount - i;
- setlength(pts,nb);
- for j := 0 to nb-1 do
- pts[j] := FPathPoints[i+j];
- if closed then
- splinePts := BGRAPath.ComputeClosedSpline(pts,style)
- else
- splinePts := BGRAPath.ComputeOpenedSpline(pts,style);
- dec(FPathPointCount,nb);
- AddPoints(splinePts);
- end;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.moveTo(x, y: single);
- moveTo(PointF(x,y));
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.lineTo(x, y: single);
- lineTo(PointF(x,y));
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.moveTo(constref pt: TPointF);
- if (FPathPointCount <> 0) and not isEmptyPointF(FPathPoints[FPathPointCount-1]) then
- AddPoint(EmptyPointF);
- AddPoint(ApplyTransform(pt));
- FStartCoord := pt;
- FLastCoord := pt;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.lineTo(constref pt: TPointF);
- AddPoint(ApplyTransform(pt));
- FLastCoord := pt;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.polylineTo(const pts: array of TPointF);
- if length(pts)> 0 then
- begin
- AddPoints(ApplyTransform(pts));
- FLastCoord := pts[high(pts)];
- end;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.quadraticCurveTo(cpx, cpy, x, y: single);
- curve : TQuadraticBezierCurve;
- pts : array of TPointF;
- curve := BezierCurve(ApplyTransform(GetPenPos(cpx,cpy)),ApplyTransform(PointF(cpx,cpy)),ApplyTransform(PointF(x,y)));
- pts := BGRAPath.ComputeBezierCurve(curve);
- AddPoints(pts);
- FLastCoord := PointF(x,y);
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.quadraticCurveTo(constref cp, pt: TPointF);
- quadraticCurveTo(cp.x,cp.y,pt.x,pt.y);
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.bezierCurveTo(cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, x, y: single);
- curve : TCubicBezierCurve;
- pts : array of TPointF;
- curve := BezierCurve(ApplyTransform(GetPenPos(cp1x,cp1y)),ApplyTransform(PointF(cp1x,cp1y)),
- ApplyTransform(PointF(cp2x,cp2y)),ApplyTransform(PointF(x,y)));
- pts := BGRAPath.ComputeBezierCurve(curve);
- AddPoints(pts);
- FLastCoord := PointF(x,y);
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.bezierCurveTo(constref cp1, cp2, pt: TPointF);
- bezierCurveTo(cp1.x,cp1.y,cp2.x,cp2.y,pt.x,pt.y);
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.rect(x, y, w, h: single);
- MoveTo(x,y);
- LineTo(x+w,y);
- LineTo(x+w,y+h);
- LineTo(x,y+h);
- closePath;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.roundRect(x, y, w, h, radius: single);
- if radius <= 0 then
- begin
- rect(x,y,w,h);
- exit;
- end;
- if (w <= 0) or (h <= 0) then exit;
- if radius*2 > w then radius := w/2;
- if radius*2 > h then radius := h/2;
- moveTo(x+radius,y);
- arcTo(PointF(x+w,y),PointF(x+w,y+h), radius);
- arcTo(PointF(x+w,y+h),PointF(x,y+h), radius);
- arcTo(PointF(x,y+h),PointF(x,y), radius);
- arcTo(PointF(x,y),PointF(x+w,y), radius);
- closePath;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.roundRect(x, y, w, h, rx, ry: single);
- if (w <= 0) or (h <= 0) then exit;
- if rx < 0 then rx := 0;
- if ry < 0 then ry := 0;
- if (rx = 0) and (ry = 0) then
- begin
- rect(x,y,w,h);
- exit;
- end;
- if rx*2 > w then rx := w/2;
- if ry*2 > h then ry := h/2;
- moveTo(x+rx,y);
- lineTo(x+w-rx,y);
- arcTo(rx,ry,0,false,false,x+w,y+ry);
- lineTo(x+w,y+h-ry);
- arcTo(rx,ry,0,false,false,x+w-rx,y+h);
- lineTo(x+rx,y+h);
- arcTo(rx,ry,0,false,false,x,y+h-ry);
- lineTo(x,y+ry);
- arcTo(rx,ry,0,false,false,x+rx,y);
- closePath;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.openedSpline(const pts: array of TPointF;
- style: TSplineStyle);
-var transf: array of TPointF;
- if length(pts)=0 then exit;
- transf := ApplyTransform(pts);
- transf := BGRAPath.ComputeOpenedSpline(transf,style);
- AddPoints(transf);
- FLastCoord := pts[high(pts)];
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.closedSpline(const pts: array of TPointF;
- style: TSplineStyle);
-var transf: array of TPointF;
- if length(pts)=0 then exit;
- transf := ApplyTransform(pts);
- transf := BGRAPath.ComputeClosedSpline(slice(transf, length(transf)-1),style);
- AddPoints(transf);
- FLastCoord := pts[high(pts)];
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.spline(const pts: array of TPointF; style: TSplineStyle);
-var transf: array of TPointF;
- if length(pts)=0 then exit;
- transf := ApplyTransform(pts);
- if (pts[0] = pts[high(pts)]) and (length(pts) > 1) then
- transf := BGRAPath.ComputeClosedSpline(slice(transf, length(transf)-1),style)
- else
- transf := BGRAPath.ComputeOpenedSpline(transf,style);
- AddPoints(transf);
- FLastCoord := pts[high(pts)];
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.splineTo(const pts: array of TPointF;
- style: TSplineStyle);
-var transf: array of TPointF;
- i: Integer;
- if length(pts) = 0 then exit;
- transf := ApplyTransform(pts);
- if FPathPointCount <> 0 then
- begin
- setlength(transf,length(transf)+1);
- for i := high(transf) downto 1 do
- transf[i]:= transf[i-1];
- transf[0] := ApplyTransform(GetPenPos(pts[0].x,pts[0].y));
- end;
- transf := BGRAPath.ComputeOpenedSpline(transf,style);
- AddPoints(transf);
- FLastCoord := pts[high(pts)];
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.arc(x, y, radius, startAngleRadCW, endAngleRadCW: single;
- anticlockwise: boolean);
-var pts: array of TPointF;
- temp: single;
- pt: TPointF;
- rx,ry: single;
- len1,len2: single;
- unitAffine: TAffineMatrix;
- v1orig,v2orig,v1ortho,v2ortho: TPointF;
- startRadCCW,endRadCCW: single;
- v1orig := PointF(currentState.matrix[1,1],currentState.matrix[2,1]);
- v2orig := PointF(currentState.matrix[1,2],currentState.matrix[2,2]);
- len1 := VectLen(v1orig);
- len2 := VectLen(v2orig);
- rx := len1*radius;
- ry := len2*radius;
- if len1 <> 0 then v1ortho := v1orig * (1/len1) else v1ortho := v1orig;
- if len2 <> 0 then v2ortho := v2orig * (1/len2) else v2ortho := v2orig;
- pt := currentState.matrix* PointF(x,y);
- unitAffine := AffineMatrix(v1ortho.x, v2ortho.x, pt.x,
- v1ortho.y, v2ortho.y, pt.y);
- startRadCCW := -startAngleRadCW;
- endRadCCW := -endAngleRadCW;
- if not anticlockwise then
- begin
- temp := startRadCCW;
- startRadCCW := endRadCCW;
- endRadCCW:= temp;
- pts := BGRAPath.ComputeArcRad(0,0,rx,ry,startRadCCW,endRadCCW);
- pts := ApplyTransform(pts,unitAffine);
- AddPointsRev(pts);
- end else
- begin
- pts := BGRAPath.ComputeArcRad(0,0,rx,ry,startRadCCW,endRadCCW);
- pts := ApplyTransform(pts,unitAffine);
- AddPoints(pts);
- end;
- FLastCoord := ArcEndPoint(ArcDef(x,y,radius,radius,0,startAngleRadCW,endAngleRadCW,anticlockwise));
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.arc(x, y, radius, startAngleRadCW, endAngleRadCW: single);
- arc(x,y,radius,startAngleRadCW,endAngleRadCW,false);
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.arc(cx, cy, rx, ry, xAngleRadCW, startAngleRadCW, endAngleRadCW: single;
- anticlockwise: boolean);
- arc(ArcDef(cx,cy,rx,ry,xAngleRadCW,startAngleRadCW,endAngleRadCW,anticlockwise))
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.arc(cx, cy, rx, ry, xAngleRadCW, startAngleRadCW, endAngleRadCW: single);
- arc(ArcDef(cx,cy,rx,ry,xAngleRadCW,startAngleRadCW,endAngleRadCW,false))
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.arc(constref arcDef: TArcDef);
-var previousMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- if (arcDef.radius.x = 0) and (arcDef.radius.y = 0) then
- lineTo(arcDef.center) else
- begin
- previousMatrix := currentState.matrix;
- translate(arcDef.center.x,arcDef.center.y);
- rotate(arcDef.xAngleRadCW);
- scale(arcDef.radius.x,arcDef.radius.y);
- arc(0,0,1,arcDef.startAngleRadCW,arcDef.endAngleRadCW,arcDef.anticlockwise);
- currentState.matrix := previousMatrix;
- FLastCoord := ArcEndPoint(arcDef);
- end;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.arcTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, radius: single);
-var p0: TPointF;
- p0 := GetPenPos(x1,y1);
- arc(Html5ArcTo(p0,PointF(x1,y1),PointF(x2,y2),radius));
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.arcTo(p1, p2: TPointF; radius: single);
- arcTo(p1.x,p1.y,p2.x,p2.y,radius);
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.arcTo(rx, ry, xAngleRadCW: single; largeArc,
- anticlockwise: boolean; x, y: single);
- arc(SvgArcTo(GetPenPos(x,y), rx,ry, xAngleRadCW, largeArc, anticlockwise, PointF(x,y)));
- FLastCoord := PointF(x,y);
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.circle(x, y, r: single);
- arc(x,y,r,0,0);
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.ellipse(x, y, rx, ry: single);
- arc(x,y,rx,ry,0,0,0);
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.text(AText: string; x, y: single);
-var renderer : TBGRACustomFontRenderer;
- previousMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- fva: TFontVerticalAnchor;
- renderer := fontRenderer;
- if renderer = nil then exit;
- if renderer.FontEmHeight <= 0 then exit;
- case currentState.textBaseline of
- 'bottom': fva := fvaBottom;
- 'middle': fva := fvaCenter;
- 'alphabetic': fva := fvaBaseline;
- else {'top','hanging'}
- fva := fvaTop;
- end;
- if renderer.HandlesTextPath then
- begin
- previousMatrix := currentState.matrix;
- translate(x,y);
- scale(currentState.fontEmHeight/renderer.FontEmHeight);
- if fva <> fvaTop then
- with renderer.GetFontPixelMetric do
- case fva of
- fvaBottom: translate(0,-Lineheight);
- fvaCenter: translate(0,-Lineheight/2);
- fvaBaseline: translate(0,-baseline);
- end;
- if direction=fbmAuto then
- renderer.CopyTextPathTo(self, 0,0, AText, textAlignLCL)
- else
- renderer.CopyTextPathTo(self, 0,0, AText, textAlignLCL, direction=fbmRightToLeft);
- currentState.matrix := previousMatrix;
- end else
- begin
- setlength(FTextPaths, length(FTextPaths)+1);
- FTextPaths[high(FTextPaths)].Text := AText;
- FTextPaths[high(FTextPaths)].FontName := fontName;
- FTextPaths[high(FTextPaths)].FontMatrix := currentState.matrix*AffineMatrixTranslation(x,y)*AffineMatrixScale(fontEmHeight,fontEmHeight);
- FTextPaths[high(FTextPaths)].FontStyle := fontStyle;
- FTextPaths[high(FTextPaths)].FontAlign := textAlignLCL;
- FTextPaths[high(FTextPaths)].FontAnchor := fva;
- FTextPaths[high(FTextPaths)].TextDirection := direction;
- end;
- FLastCoord := EmptyPointF;
- FStartCoord := EmptyPointF;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.fillText(AText: string; x, y: single);
- beginPath;
- text(AText,x,y);
- fill;
- beginPath;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.strokeText(AText: string; x, y: single);
- beginPath;
- text(AText,x,y);
- stroke;
- beginPath;
-function TBGRACanvas2D.measureText(AText: string): TCanvas2dTextSize;
-var renderer: TBGRACustomFontRenderer;
- ratio: Single;
- renderer := fontRenderer;
- if renderer <> nil then
- begin
- if renderer.FontEmHeight = 0 then
- begin
- result.width := 0;
- result.height:= 0;
- end else
- with renderer.TextSize(AText) do
- begin
- ratio := currentState.fontEmHeight/renderer.FontEmHeight;
- result.width := cx*ratio;
- result.height:= cy*ratio;
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- result.width := 0;
- result.height := 0;
- end;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.fill;
- if FPathPointCount > 0 then
- FillPoly(slice(FPathPoints,FPathPointCount));
- FillTexts(false);
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.stroke(ADrawProc: TBGRAPathDrawProc; AData: pointer);
- stroke(ADrawProc, AffineMatrixIdentity, AData);
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.stroke(ADrawProc: TBGRAPathDrawProc;
- const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AData: pointer);
- startIndex: integer;
- procedure CallStrokeProc(AEndIndex: integer);
- var
- j: Integer;
- subPts: array of TPointF;
- closed: boolean;
- begin
- closed := false;
- while (AEndIndex>startIndex)
- and (FPathPoints[AEndIndex-1]=FPathPoints[startIndex]) do
- begin
- dec(AEndIndex);
- closed := true;
- end;
- if AEndIndex > startIndex then
- begin
- setlength(subPts, AEndIndex-startIndex);
- if IsAffineMatrixIdentity(AMatrix) then
- begin
- for j := 0 to high(subPts) do
- subPts[j] := FPathPoints[startIndex+j];
- end else
- for j := 0 to high(subPts) do
- subPts[j] := AMatrix*FPathPoints[startIndex+j];
- ADrawProc(subPts, closed, AData);
- end;
- end;
-var i: integer;
- startIndex := 0;
- for i := 0 to FPathPointCount-1 do
- if isEmptyPointF(FPathPoints[i]) then
- begin
- CallStrokeProc(i);
- startIndex := i+1;
- end;
- CallStrokeProc(FPathPointCount);
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.stroke;
- if FPathPointCount > 0 then
- StrokePoly(slice(FPathPoints,FPathPointCount));
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.fill(AFillProc: TBGRAPathFillProc; AData: pointer);
- fill(AFillProc, AffineMatrixIdentity, AData);
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.fill(AFillProc: TBGRAPathFillProc;
- const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AData: pointer);
- startIndex: integer;
- procedure CallFillProc(AEndIndex: integer);
- var
- j: Integer;
- subPts: array of TPointF;
- begin
- if AEndIndex > startIndex then
- begin
- setlength(subPts, AEndIndex-startIndex);
- if IsAffineMatrixIdentity(AMatrix) then
- begin
- for j := 0 to high(subPts) do
- subPts[j] := FPathPoints[startIndex+j];
- end else
- for j := 0 to high(subPts) do
- subPts[j] := AMatrix*FPathPoints[startIndex+j];
- AFillProc(subPts, AData);
- end;
- end;
-var i: integer;
- startIndex := 0;
- for i := 0 to FPathPointCount-1 do
- if isEmptyPointF(FPathPoints[i]) then
- begin
- CallFillProc(i);
- startIndex := i+1;
- end;
- CallFillProc(FPathPointCount);
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.fillOverStroke;
- if FPathPointCount > 0 then
- FillStrokePoly(slice(FPathPoints,FPathPointCount),true);
- FillTexts(false);
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.strokeOverFill;
- FillTexts(false);
- if FPathPointCount > 0 then
- FillStrokePoly(slice(FPathPoints,FPathPointCount),false);
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.clearPath;
- if FPathPointCount > 0 then
- ClearPoly(slice(FPathPoints,FPathPointCount));
- FillTexts(true);
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.clip;
- tempBmp: TGrayscaleMask;
- if FPathPointCount = 0 then
- begin
- if currentState.clipMaskReadOnly <> nil then
- currentState.clipMaskReadWrite.Fill(BGRABlack);
- exit;
- end;
- if currentState.clipMaskReadOnly = nil then
- currentState.SetClipMask(TGrayscaleMask.Create(width,height,BGRAWhite),True);
- tempBmp := TGrayscaleMask.Create(width,height,BGRABlack);
- if antialiasing then
- tempBmp.FillPolyAntialias(slice(FPathPoints,FPathPointCount),BGRAWhite)
- else
- tempBmp.FillPoly(slice(FPathPoints,FPathPointCount),BGRAWhite);
- currentState.clipMaskReadWrite.ApplyMask(tempBmp);
- tempBmp.Free;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.unclip;
- if FPathPointCount = 0 then exit;
- if currentState.clipMaskReadOnly = nil then exit;
- if antialiasing then
- currentState.clipMaskReadWrite.FillPolyAntialias(slice(FPathPoints,FPathPointCount),BGRAWhite)
- else
- currentState.clipMaskReadWrite.FillPoly(slice(FPathPoints,FPathPointCount),BGRAWhite,dmSet);
- if currentState.clipMaskReadOnly.Equals(BGRAWhite) then
- currentState.SetClipMask(nil,true);
-function TBGRACanvas2D.isPointInPath(x, y: single): boolean;
- result := isPointInPath(PointF(x,y));
-function TBGRACanvas2D.isPointInPath(pt: TPointF): boolean;
- if FPathPointCount <= 2 then
- result := false
- else
- begin
- setlength(FPathPoints,FPathPointCount);
- result := IsPointInPolygon(FPathPoints,pt+FCanvasOffset, fillMode = fmWinding);
- end;
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.drawImage(image: TBGRACustomBitmap; dx, dy: single; AFilter: TResampleFilter);
- m: TAffineMatrix;
- if (image.Width = 0) or (image.Height = 0) then exit;
- m := matrix*AffineMatrixTranslation(dx, dy);
- if pixelCenteredCoordinates then
- m := AffineMatrixTranslation(0.5, 0.5)*m;
- Surface.PutImageAffine(m, image, AFilter, GetDrawMode, currentState.globalAlpha, false);
-procedure TBGRACanvas2D.drawImage(image: TBGRACustomBitmap; dx, dy, dw, dh: single; AFilter: TResampleFilter);
- m: TAffineMatrix;
- if (image.Width = 0) or (image.Height = 0) then exit;
- m := matrix*AffineMatrixTranslation(dx, dy)*AffineMatrixScale(dw/image.Width,dh/image.Height);
- if pixelCenteredCoordinates then
- m := AffineMatrixTranslation(0.5, 0.5)*m;
- Surface.PutImageAffine(m, image, AFilter, GetDrawMode, currentState.globalAlpha, false);
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgracanvasgl.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgracanvasgl.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index b6ecd28..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgracanvasgl.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1840 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRACanvasGL;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BGRAGraphics, BGRABitmapTypes,
- BGRAOpenGLType, BGRATransform, BGRAPath,
- TBGLPath = class;
- TBGLCustomCanvas = class;
- TBGLCustomShader = class
- protected
- procedure StartUse; virtual; abstract;
- procedure EndUse; virtual; abstract;
- end;
- TBGLCustomArray = class
- protected
- FBuffer: LongWord;
- function GetCount: integer; virtual; abstract;
- function GetRecordSize: integer; virtual; abstract;
- public
- constructor Create(ABufferAddress: pointer; ACount: integer; ARecordSize: integer); virtual; abstract;
- property Count: integer read GetCount;
- property RecordSize: integer read GetRecordSize;
- property Handle: LongWord read FBuffer;
- end;
- { TAttributeVariable }
- TAttributeVariable = object
- protected
- FOwner: TObject;
- FAttribute: LongWord;
- FVectorSize: integer;
- FArray: TBGLCustomArray;
- FRecordOffset: integer;
- FFloat: boolean;
- procedure Init(AOwner: TObject; AAttribute: LongWord; AVectorSize: integer;
- AFloat: boolean);
- public
- property Source: TBGLCustomArray read FArray write FArray;
- property RecordOffset: integer read FRecordOffset write FRecordOffset;
- property Handle: LongWord read FAttribute;
- property VectorSize: integer read FVectorSize;
- property IsFloat: boolean read FFloat;
- property Owner: TObject read FOwner;
- end;
- TBGLCustomElementArray = class
- protected
- function GetCount: integer; virtual; abstract;
- public
- constructor Create(const AElements: array of integer); virtual; abstract;
- procedure Draw(ACanvas: TBGLCustomCanvas; APrimitive: TOpenGLPrimitive; AAttributes: array of TAttributeVariable); virtual; abstract;
- property Count: integer read GetCount;
- end;
- { TBGLCustomLighting }
- TBGLCustomLighting = class
- private
- FCurrentShader: TBGLCustomShader;
- function GetActiveShader: TBGLCustomShader;
- procedure SetActiveShader(AValue: TBGLCustomShader);
- protected
- function GetSupportShaders: boolean; virtual;
- function GetShader(AName: string): TBGLCustomShader;
- procedure SetShader(AName: string; AValue: TBGLCustomShader);
- procedure SetAmbiantLightF(AAmbiantLight: TColorF); virtual; abstract;
- function GetAmbiantLightF: TColorF; virtual; abstract;
- function GetBuiltInLightingEnabled: boolean; virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetBuiltInLightingEnabled(AValue: boolean); virtual; abstract;
- public
- ShaderList: TStringList;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function AddDirectionalLight(AColor: TColorF; ADirection: TPoint3D): integer; virtual; abstract;
- function AddPointLight(AColor: TColorF; APosition: TPoint3D; ALinearAttenuation, AQuadraticAttenuation: single): integer; virtual; abstract;
- procedure ClearLights; virtual; abstract;
- function RemoveLight(AIndex: integer): boolean; virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetSpecularIndex(AIndex: integer); virtual; abstract;
- function MakeVertexShader(ASource: string): LongWord; virtual; abstract;
- function MakeFragmentShader(ASource: string): LongWord; virtual; abstract;
- function MakeShaderProgram(AVertexShader, AFragmentShader: LongWord): LongWord; virtual; abstract;
- procedure DeleteShaderObject(AShader: LongWord); virtual; abstract;
- procedure DeleteShaderProgram(AProgram: LongWord); virtual; abstract;
- procedure UseProgram(AProgram: LongWord); virtual; abstract;
- function GetUniformVariable(AProgram: LongWord; AName: string): LongWord; virtual; abstract;
- function GetAttribVariable(AProgram: LongWord; AName: string): LongWord; virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetUniformSingle(AVariable: LongWord; const AValue; AElementCount, AComponentCount: integer); virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetUniformInteger(AVariable: LongWord; const AValue; AElementCount, AComponentCount: integer); virtual; abstract;
- procedure BindAttribute(AAttribute: TAttributeVariable); virtual; abstract;
- procedure UnbindAttribute(AAttribute: TAttributeVariable); virtual; abstract;
- procedure FreeShaders;
- property ActiveShader: TBGLCustomShader read GetActiveShader write SetActiveShader;
- property Shader[AName: string]: TBGLCustomShader read GetShader write SetShader;
- property SupportShaders: boolean read GetSupportShaders;
- property AmbiantLightF: TColorF read GetAmbiantLightF write SetAmbiantLightF;
- property BuiltInLightingEnabled: boolean read GetBuiltInLightingEnabled write SetBuiltInLightingEnabled;
- end;
- { TBGLCustomCanvas }
- TBGLCustomCanvas = class
- private
- FActiveFrameBuffer: TBGLCustomFrameBuffer;
- FHeight: integer;
- FWidth: integer;
- FNoClip: boolean;
- FClipRect: TRect;
- protected
- procedure SwapRect(var r: TRect); overload;
- procedure SwapRect(var x1,y1,x2,y2: single); overload;
- procedure InternalArc(cx,cy,rx,ry: single; const StartPoint,EndPoint: TPointF; ABorderColor,AOuterFillColor,ACenterFillColor: TBGRAPixel; AOptions: TArcOptions; ADrawChord: boolean = false); overload;
- procedure InternalArc(cx,cy,rx,ry: single; StartAngleRad,EndAngleRad: Single; ABorderColor,AOuterFillColor,ACenterFillColor: TBGRAPixel; AOptions: TArcOptions; ADrawChord: boolean = false); overload;
- procedure InternalArcInRect(r: TRect; StartAngleRad,EndAngleRad: Single; ABorderColor,AOuterFillColor,ACenterFillColor: TBGRAPixel; AOptions: TArcOptions; ADrawChord: boolean = false); overload;
- function ComputeEllipseC(r: TRect; AHasBorder: boolean; out cx,cy,rx,ry: single): boolean;
- function GetHeight: integer; virtual;
- function GetWidth: integer; virtual;
- procedure SetWidth(AValue: integer); virtual;
- procedure SetHeight(AValue: integer); virtual;
- function GetClipRect: TRect;
- procedure SetClipRect(AValue: TRect);
- procedure EnableScissor(AValue: TRect); virtual; abstract;
- procedure DisableScissor; virtual; abstract;
- function GetMatrix: TAffineMatrix; virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetMatrix(const AValue: TAffineMatrix); virtual; abstract;
- function GetProjectionMatrix: TMatrix4D; virtual;
- procedure SetProjectionMatrix(const {%H-}AValue: TMatrix4D); virtual;
- procedure SetBlendMode(AValue: TOpenGLBlendMode); virtual; abstract;
- function GetBlendMode: TOpenGLBlendMode; virtual; abstract;
- function GetFaceCulling: TFaceCulling; virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetFaceCulling(AValue: TFaceCulling); virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetActiveFrameBuffer(AValue: TBGLCustomFrameBuffer); virtual;
- function GetLighting: TBGLCustomLighting; virtual;
- procedure InternalStartPutPixel(const pt: TPointF); virtual; abstract;
- procedure InternalStartPolyline(const pt: TPointF); virtual; abstract;
- procedure InternalStartPolygon(const pt: TPointF); virtual; abstract;
- procedure InternalStartTriangleFan(const pt: TPointF); virtual; abstract;
- procedure InternalContinueShape(const pt: TPointF); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure InternalContinueShape(const {%H-}pt: TPoint3D); overload; virtual;
- procedure InternalContinueShape(const {%H-}pt: TPoint3D_128); overload; virtual;
- procedure InternalContinueShape(const {%H-}pt, {%H-}normal: TPoint3D_128); overload; virtual;
- procedure InternalEndShape; virtual; abstract;
- procedure InternalSetColor(const AColor: TBGRAPixel); virtual; abstract;
- procedure InternalSetColorF(const AColor: TColorF); virtual; abstract;
- procedure InternalStartBlend; virtual; abstract;
- procedure InternalEndBlend; virtual; abstract;
- procedure InternalStartBlendTriangles; virtual; abstract;
- procedure InternalStartBlendQuads; virtual; abstract;
- procedure InternalEndBlendTriangles; virtual; abstract;
- procedure InternalEndBlendQuads; virtual; abstract;
- public
- constructor Create;
- procedure Fill(AColor: TBGRAPixel); virtual; abstract;
- procedure PutPixels(const APoints: array of TPointF; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload; virtual;
- procedure PutPixels(const APoints: array of TPointF; const AColors: array of TBGRAPixel); overload; virtual;
- procedure Line(x1,y1,x2,y2: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel; ADrawLastPoint: boolean = true); overload;
- procedure Line(p1,p2: TPointF; AColor: TBGRAPixel; ADrawLastPoint: boolean = true); overload;
- procedure Polylines(const APoints: array of TPointF; AColor: TBGRAPixel; ADrawLastPoints: boolean = true); virtual;
- procedure Polygons(const APoints: array of TPointF; AColor: TBGRAPixel); virtual;
- procedure FillPolyConvex(const APoints: array of TPointF; AColor: TBGRAPixel; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true);
- procedure FillTriangleLinearColor(pt1,pt2,pt3: TPointF; c1,c2,c3: TBGRAPixel; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload;
- procedure FillTriangles(const APoints: array of TPointF; AColor: TBGRAPixel; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillTrianglesLinearColor(const APoints: array of TPointF; const AColors: array of TBGRAPixel; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillTrianglesLinearColor(const APoints: array of TPoint3D; const AColors: array of TBGRAPixel); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillTrianglesLinearColor(const APoints: array of TPoint3D_128; const AColors: array of TBGRAPixel); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillTrianglesLinearColor(const APoints, ANormals: array of TPoint3D_128; const AColors: array of TBGRAPixel); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillTrianglesFan(const APoints: array of TPointF; ACenterColor, ABorderColor: TBGRAPixel; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillTriangleLinearColor(pt1,pt2,pt3: TPointF; c1,c2,c3: TColorF; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload;
- procedure FillTriangles(const APoints: array of TPointF; AColor: TColorF; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillTrianglesLinearColor(const APoints: array of TPointF; const AColors: array of TColorF; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillTrianglesLinearColor(const APoints: array of TPoint3D; const AColors: array of TColorF); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillTrianglesLinearColor(const APoints: array of TPoint3D_128; const AColors: array of TColorF); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillTrianglesLinearColor(const APoints, ANormals: array of TPoint3D_128; const AColors: array of TColorF); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillTrianglesFan(const APoints: array of TPointF; ACenterColor, ABorderColor: TColorF; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillQuadLinearColor(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF; c1,c2,c3,c4: TBGRAPixel; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload;
- procedure FillQuads(const APoints: array of TPointF; AColor: TBGRAPixel; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillQuadsLinearColor(const APoints: array of TPointF; const AColors: array of TBGRAPixel; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillQuadsLinearColor(const APoints: array of TPoint3D; const AColors: array of TBGRAPixel); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillQuadsLinearColor(const APoints: array of TPoint3D_128; const AColors: array of TBGRAPixel); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillQuadsLinearColor(const APoints, ANormals: array of TPoint3D_128; const AColors: array of TBGRAPixel); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillQuadLinearColor(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF; c1,c2,c3,c4: TColorF; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload;
- procedure FillQuads(const APoints: array of TPointF; AColor: TColorF; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillQuadsLinearColor(const APoints: array of TPointF; const AColors: array of TColorF; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillQuadsLinearColor(const APoints: array of TPoint3D; const AColors: array of TColorF); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillQuadsLinearColor(const APoints: array of TPoint3D_128; const AColors: array of TColorF); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillQuadsLinearColor(const APoints, ANormals: array of TPoint3D_128; const AColors: array of TColorF); overload; virtual;
- procedure DrawPath(APath: TBGLPath; c: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure FillPathConvex(APath: TBGLPath; c: TBGRAPixel; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true);
- procedure FillRectLinearColor(r: TRect; ATopLeftColor, ATopRightColor, ABottomRightColor, ABottomLeftColor: TBGRAPixel); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillRectLinearColor(x1,y1,x2,y2: single;
- ATopLeftColor, ATopRightColor, ABottomRightColor, ABottomLeftColor: TBGRAPixel;
- APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload; virtual;
- procedure Ellipse(cx,cy,rx,ry: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure EllipseInRect(r: TRect; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure Ellipse(cx,cy,rx,ry: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure EllipseInRect(r: TRect; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure EllipseLinearColor(cx,cy,rx,ry: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AOuterFillColor, AInnerFillColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure EllipseLinearColorInRect(r: TRect; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AOuterFillColor, AInnerFillColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure FillEllipse(cx,cy,rx,ry: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true);
- procedure FillEllipseInRect(r: TRect; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure FillEllipseLinearColor(cx, cy, rx, ry: single; AOuterColor, AInnerColor: TBGRAPixel; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true);
- procedure FillEllipseLinearColorInRect(r: TRect; AOuterColor, AInnerColor: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure Arc(cx,cy,rx,ry: single; const StartPoint,EndPoint: TPointF; AColor: TBGRAPixel; ADrawChord: boolean; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure Arc(cx,cy,rx,ry: single; StartAngleRad,EndAngleRad: Single; AColor: TBGRAPixel; ADrawChord: boolean; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure ArcInRect(r: TRect; StartAngleRad,EndAngleRad: Single; AColor: TBGRAPixel; ADrawChord: boolean; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure ArcLinearColor(cx,cy,rx,ry: single; const StartPoint,EndPoint: TPointF; AColor: TBGRAPixel; ADrawChord: boolean; AOuterFillColor, AInnerFillColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure ArcLinearColor(cx,cy,rx,ry: single; StartAngleRad,EndAngleRad: Single; AColor: TBGRAPixel; ADrawChord: boolean; AOuterFillColor, AInnerFillColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure ArcLinearColorInRect(r: TRect; StartAngleRad,EndAngleRad: Single; AColor: TBGRAPixel; ADrawChord: boolean; AOuterFillColor, AInnerFillColor: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure Pie(cx,cy,rx,ry: single; const StartPoint,EndPoint: TPointF; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure Pie(cx,cy,rx,ry: single; StartAngleRad,EndAngleRad: Single; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure PieInRect(r: TRect; StartAngleRad,EndAngleRad: Single; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure PieLinearColor(cx,cy,rx,ry: single; const StartPoint,EndPoint: TPointF; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AOuterFillColor, AInnerFillColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure PieLinearColor(cx,cy,rx,ry: single; StartAngleRad,EndAngleRad: Single; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AOuterFillColor, AInnerFillColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure PieLinearColorInRect(r: TRect; StartAngleRad,EndAngleRad: Single; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AOuterFillColor, AInnerFillColor: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure Rectangle(r: TRect; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure Rectangle(r: TRect; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure Rectangle(x1,y1,x2,y2: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure Rectangle(x1,y1,x2,y2: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure Rectangle(x1,y1,x2,y2: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel; w: single; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload;
- procedure Rectangle(x1,y1,x2,y2: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel; w: single; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload;
- procedure RectangleWithin(x1,y1,x2,y2: single; ABorderColor: TBGRAPixel; w: single; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload;
- procedure RectangleWithin(r: TRect; ABorderColor: TBGRAPixel; w: single; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure FillRect(x1,y1,x2,y2: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload;
- procedure FillRect(r: TRect; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure FillRect(r: TRectF; AColor: TBGRAPixel; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = false); overload;
- procedure FillRect(r: TRect; AScanner: IBGRAScanner); overload; virtual;
- procedure RoundRect(x1,y1,x2,y2,rx,ry: single; ABorderColor: TBGRAPixel; options: TRoundRectangleOptions = []); overload;
- procedure RoundRect(x1,y1,x2,y2,rx,ry: single; ABorderColor,AFillColor: TBGRAPixel; options: TRoundRectangleOptions = []); overload;
- procedure FillRoundRect(x,y,x2,y2,rx,ry: single; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel; options: TRoundRectangleOptions = []; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true);
- procedure Frame3D(var bounds: TRect; width: integer; Style: TGraphicsBevelCut); overload;
- procedure Frame3D(var bounds: TRect; width: integer;
- Style: TGraphicsBevelCut; LightColor: TBGRAPixel; ShadowColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure PutImage(x,y: single; ATexture: IBGLTexture; AAlpha: byte = 255); overload;
- procedure PutImage(x,y: single; ATexture: IBGLTexture; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure StretchPutImage(x,y,w,h: single; ATexture: IBGLTexture; AAlpha: byte = 255); overload;
- procedure StretchPutImage(x,y,w,h: single; ATexture: IBGLTexture; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure StretchPutImage(r: TRect; ATexture: IBGLTexture; AAlpha: byte = 255); overload;
- procedure StretchPutImage(r: TRect; ATexture: IBGLTexture; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure PutImageAngle(x,y: single; ATexture: IBGLTexture; angleDeg: single; AAlpha: byte = 255); overload;
- procedure PutImageAngle(x,y: single; ATexture: IBGLTexture; angleDeg: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure PutImageAffine(const Origin, HAxis, VAxis: TPointF; ATexture: IBGLTexture; AAlpha: byte = 255); overload;
- procedure PutImageAffine(const Origin, HAxis, VAxis: TPointF; ATexture: IBGLTexture; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure PutImageAffine(x,y: single; ATexture: IBGLTexture; const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AAlpha: byte = 255); overload;
- procedure PutImageAffine(x,y: single; ATexture: IBGLTexture; const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure Translate(x,y: single); virtual;
- procedure Scale(sx,sy: single); virtual;
- procedure RotateDeg(angleCW: single); virtual;
- procedure RotateRad(angleCCW: single); virtual;
- procedure ResetTransform; virtual;
- procedure UseOrthoProjection; overload; virtual;
- procedure UseOrthoProjection(AMinX,AMinY,AMaxX,AMaxY: single); overload; virtual;
- procedure StartZBuffer; virtual;
- procedure EndZBuffer; virtual;
- procedure WaitForGPU({%H-}AOption: TWaitForGPUOption); virtual;
- function GetImage({%H-}x,{%H-}y,{%H-}w,{%H-}h: integer): TBGRACustomBitmap; virtual;
- function CreateFrameBuffer({%H-}AWidth,{%H-}AHeight: integer): TBGLCustomFrameBuffer; virtual;
- procedure NoClip;
- property ActiveFrameBuffer: TBGLCustomFrameBuffer read FActiveFrameBuffer write SetActiveFrameBuffer;
- property Width: integer read GetWidth write SetWidth;
- property Height: integer read GetHeight write SetHeight;
- property ClipRect: TRect read GetClipRect write SetClipRect;
- property Matrix: TAffineMatrix read GetMatrix write SetMatrix;
- property ProjectionMatrix: TMatrix4D read GetProjectionMatrix write SetProjectionMatrix;
- property BlendMode: TOpenGLBlendMode read GetBlendMode write SetBlendMode;
- property FaceCulling: TFaceCulling read GetFaceCulling write SetFaceCulling;
- property Lighting: TBGLCustomLighting read GetLighting;
- end;
- { TBGLPath }
- TBGLPath = class(TBGRAPath)
- private
- procedure GLDrawProc(const APoints: array of TPointF; AClosed: boolean; AData: pointer);
- procedure GLFillProc(const APoints: array of TPointF; AData: pointer);
- public
- procedure stroke(ACanvas: TBGLCustomCanvas; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AAcceptedDeviation: single = 0.1); overload;
- procedure fillConvex(ACanvas: TBGLCustomCanvas; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AAcceptedDeviation: single = 0.1; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true);
- end;
-uses Math, BGRAGradientScanner;
- TGLStrokeData = record
- Color: TBGRAPixel;
- Canvas: TBGLCustomCanvas;
- end;
- TGLFillData = record
- Color: TBGRAPixel;
- Canvas: TBGLCustomCanvas;
- PixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean;
- end;
-{ TAttributeVariable }
-procedure TAttributeVariable.Init(AOwner: TObject; AAttribute: LongWord;
- AVectorSize: integer; AFloat: boolean);
- FOwner := AOwner;
- FAttribute:= AAttribute;
- FVectorSize:= AVectorSize;
- FFloat := AFloat;
- FArray := nil;
- FRecordOffset := 0;
-{ TBGLCustomLighting }
-function TBGLCustomLighting.GetActiveShader: TBGLCustomShader;
- result := FCurrentShader;
-function TBGLCustomLighting.GetSupportShaders: boolean;
- result := false;
-function TBGLCustomLighting.GetShader(AName: string): TBGLCustomShader;
-var index: integer;
- if ShaderList = nil then ShaderList := TStringList.Create;
- index := ShaderList.IndexOf(AName);
- if index = -1 then
- result := nil
- else
- result := TBGLCustomShader(ShaderList.Objects[index]);
-procedure TBGLCustomLighting.SetShader(AName: string; AValue: TBGLCustomShader);
-var index: integer;
- if ShaderList = nil then ShaderList := TStringList.Create;
- index := ShaderList.IndexOf(AName);
- if AValue = nil then
- begin
- if index <> -1 then
- ShaderList.Delete(index);
- end else
- begin
- if index = -1 then
- ShaderList.AddObject(AName,AValue)
- else
- ShaderList.Objects[index] := AValue;
- end;
-destructor TBGLCustomLighting.Destroy;
- FreeShaders;
- FreeAndNil(ShaderList);
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TBGLCustomLighting.FreeShaders;
-var i: integer;
- if Assigned(ShaderList) then
- begin
- for i := 0 to ShaderList.Count-1 do
- ShaderList.Objects[i].Free;
- ShaderList.Clear;
- end;
-procedure TBGLCustomLighting.SetActiveShader(AValue: TBGLCustomShader);
- if AValue <> FCurrentShader then
- begin
- if Assigned(FCurrentShader) then FCurrentShader.EndUse;
- FCurrentShader := AValue;
- if Assigned(FCurrentShader) then FCurrentShader.StartUse;
- end;
-{ TBGLPath }
-procedure TBGLPath.GLDrawProc(const APoints: array of TPointF;
- AClosed: boolean; AData: pointer);
- with TGLStrokeData(AData^) do
- if AClosed then
- Canvas.Polygons(APoints, Color)
- else
- Canvas.Polylines(APoints, Color);
-procedure TBGLPath.GLFillProc(const APoints: array of TPointF; AData: pointer);
- with TGLFillData(AData^) do
- Canvas.FillPolyConvex(APoints,Color,PixelCenteredCoordinates);
-procedure TBGLPath.stroke(ACanvas: TBGLCustomCanvas; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AAcceptedDeviation: single);
-var data: TGLStrokeData;
- data.Color := AColor;
- data.Canvas := ACanvas;
- stroke(@GLDrawProc, AffineMatrixIdentity, AAcceptedDeviation, @data);
-procedure TBGLPath.fillConvex(ACanvas: TBGLCustomCanvas; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AAcceptedDeviation: single; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
-var data: TGLFillData;
- data.Color := AColor;
- data.Canvas := ACanvas;
- data.PixelCenteredCoordinates := APixelCenteredCoordinates;
- fill(@GLFillProc, AffineMatrixIdentity, AAcceptedDeviation, @data);
-{ TBGLCustomCanvas }
-function TBGLCustomCanvas.ComputeEllipseC(r: TRect; AHasBorder: boolean; out
- cx, cy, rx, ry: single): boolean;
- if (r.right = r.left) or (r.bottom = r.top) then
- begin
- cx := r.left;
- cy := r.top;
- rx := 0;
- ry := 0;
- exit;
- end;
- SwapRect(r);
- cx := (r.left+r.right-1)*0.5;
- cy := (r.top+r.bottom-1)*0.5;
- rx := (r.right-r.left)*0.5;
- ry := (r.bottom-r.top)*0.5;
- if AHasBorder then
- begin
- DecF(rx, 0.5);
- if rx < 0 then rx := 0;
- DecF(ry, 0.5);
- if ry < 0 then ry := 0;
- end;
- result := true;
-function TBGLCustomCanvas.GetHeight: integer;
- if FActiveFrameBuffer = nil then
- result := FHeight
- else
- result := FActiveFrameBuffer.Height;
-function TBGLCustomCanvas.GetWidth: integer;
- if FActiveFrameBuffer = nil then
- result := FWidth
- else
- result := FActiveFrameBuffer.Width;
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.SetWidth(AValue: integer);
- if FWidth=AValue then Exit;
- FWidth:=AValue;
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.SetHeight(AValue: integer);
- if FHeight=AValue then Exit;
- FHeight:=AValue;
-function TBGLCustomCanvas.GetClipRect: TRect;
- if FNoClip then
- result := rect(0,0,Width,Height)
- else
- result := FClipRect;
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.SetClipRect(AValue: TRect);
- SwapRect(AValue);
- with ClipRect do
- if (AValue.left = left) and (AValue.top = top) and (AValue.bottom = bottom)
- and (AValue.right = right) then exit;
- if (AValue.Left = 0) and (AValue.Top = 0) and
- (AValue.Right = Width) and (AValue.Bottom = Height) then
- NoClip
- else
- begin
- FClipRect := AValue;
- EnableScissor(FClipRect);
- end;
-function TBGLCustomCanvas.GetProjectionMatrix: TMatrix4D;
- result := MatrixIdentity4D;
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.SetProjectionMatrix(const AValue: TMatrix4D);
- raise exception.Create('Not implemented');
-function TBGLCustomCanvas.GetLighting: TBGLCustomLighting;
- result := nil;
- raise exception.Create('Not implemented');
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.InternalContinueShape(const pt: TPoint3D);
- raise exception.Create('Not available');
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.InternalContinueShape(const pt: TPoint3D_128);
- raise exception.Create('Not available');
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.InternalContinueShape(const pt, normal: TPoint3D_128);
- raise exception.Create('Not available');
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.NoClip;
- FClipRect := rect(0,0,Width,Height);
- FNoClip := true;
- DisableScissor;
-constructor TBGLCustomCanvas.Create;
- FNoClip:= true;
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.FillTriangles(const APoints: array of TPointF;
- AColor: TBGRAPixel; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- i: Int32or64;
- ofs: TPointF;
- if (length(APoints) < 3) or (AColor.alpha = 0) then exit;
- InternalStartBlendTriangles;
- InternalSetColor(AColor);
- if APixelCenteredCoordinates then ofs := PointF(0.5,0.5) else ofs := PointF(0,0);
- for i := 0 to length(APoints) - (length(APoints) mod 3) - 1 do
- InternalContinueShape(APoints[i]+ofs);
- InternalEndBlendTriangles;
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.FillTrianglesLinearColor(const APoints: array of TPointF;
- const AColors: array of TBGRAPixel; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- i: Int32or64;
- ofs: TPointF;
- if length(APoints) < 3 then exit;
- if length(AColors)<>length(APoints) then
- raise exception.Create('Length of APoints and AColors do not match');
- InternalStartBlendTriangles;
- if APixelCenteredCoordinates then ofs := PointF(0.5,0.5) else ofs := PointF(0,0);
- for i := 0 to length(APoints) - (length(APoints) mod 3) - 1 do
- begin
- InternalSetColor(AColors[i]);
- InternalContinueShape(APoints[i]+ofs);
- end;
- InternalEndBlendTriangles;
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.FillTrianglesLinearColor(
- const APoints: array of TPoint3D; const AColors: array of TBGRAPixel);
- i: Int32or64;
- if length(APoints) < 3 then exit;
- if length(AColors)<>length(APoints) then
- raise exception.Create('Length of APoints and AColors do not match');
- InternalStartBlendTriangles;
- for i := 0 to length(APoints) - (length(APoints) mod 3) - 1 do
- begin
- InternalSetColor(AColors[i]);
- InternalContinueShape(APoints[i]);
- end;
- InternalEndBlendTriangles;
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.FillTrianglesLinearColor(
- const APoints: array of TPoint3D_128; const AColors: array of TBGRAPixel);
- i: Int32or64;
- if length(APoints) < 3 then exit;
- if length(AColors)<>length(APoints) then
- raise exception.Create('Length of APoints and AColors do not match');
- InternalStartBlendTriangles;
- for i := 0 to length(APoints) - (length(APoints) mod 3) - 1 do
- begin
- InternalSetColor(AColors[i]);
- InternalContinueShape(APoints[i]);
- end;
- InternalEndBlendTriangles;
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.FillTrianglesLinearColor(const APoints,
- ANormals: array of TPoint3D_128; const AColors: array of TBGRAPixel);
- i: Int32or64;
- if length(APoints) < 3 then exit;
- if length(AColors)<>length(APoints) then raise exception.Create('Length of APoints and AColors do not match');
- if length(AColors)<>length(ANormals) then raise exception.Create('Length of APoints and ANormals do not match');
- InternalStartBlendTriangles;
- for i := 0 to length(APoints) - (length(APoints) mod 3) - 1 do
- begin
- InternalSetColor(AColors[i]);
- InternalContinueShape(APoints[i], ANormals[i]);
- end;
- InternalEndBlendTriangles;
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.FillQuads(const APoints: array of TPointF;
- AColor: TBGRAPixel; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- i: Int32or64;
- ofs: TPointF;
- if (length(APoints) < 4) or (AColor.alpha = 0) then exit;
- InternalStartBlendQuads;
- InternalSetColor(AColor);
- if APixelCenteredCoordinates then ofs := PointF(0.5,0.5) else ofs := PointF(0,0);
- for i := 0 to length(APoints) - (length(APoints) and 3) - 1 do
- InternalContinueShape(APoints[i]+ofs);
- InternalEndBlendQuads;
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.FillQuadsLinearColor(const APoints: array of TPointF;
- const AColors: array of TBGRAPixel; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- i: Int32or64;
- ofs: TPointF;
- if length(APoints) < 4 then exit;
- if length(AColors)<>length(APoints) then
- raise exception.Create('Length of APoints and AColors do not match');
- InternalStartBlendQuads;
- if APixelCenteredCoordinates then ofs := PointF(0.5,0.5) else ofs := PointF(0,0);
- for i := 0 to length(APoints) - (length(APoints) and 3) - 1 do
- begin
- InternalSetColor(AColors[i]);
- InternalContinueShape(APoints[i]+ofs);
- end;
- InternalEndBlendQuads;
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.FillQuadsLinearColor(
- const APoints: array of TPoint3D; const AColors: array of TBGRAPixel);
- i: Int32or64;
- if length(APoints) < 4 then exit;
- if length(AColors)<>length(APoints) then
- raise exception.Create('Length of APoints and AColors do not match');
- InternalStartBlendQuads;
- for i := 0 to length(APoints) - (length(APoints) and 3) - 1 do
- begin
- InternalSetColor(AColors[i]);
- InternalContinueShape(APoints[i]);
- end;
- InternalEndBlendQuads;
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.FillQuadsLinearColor(
- const APoints: array of TPoint3D_128; const AColors: array of TBGRAPixel);
- i: Int32or64;
- if length(APoints) < 4 then exit;
- if length(AColors)<>length(APoints) then
- raise exception.Create('Length of APoints and AColors do not match');
- InternalStartBlendQuads;
- for i := 0 to length(APoints) - (length(APoints) and 3) - 1 do
- begin
- InternalSetColor(AColors[i]);
- InternalContinueShape(APoints[i]);
- end;
- InternalEndBlendQuads;
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.FillQuadsLinearColor(const APoints,
- ANormals: array of TPoint3D_128; const AColors: array of TBGRAPixel);
- i: Int32or64;
- if length(APoints) < 4 then exit;
- if length(AColors)<>length(APoints) then raise exception.Create('Length of APoints and AColors do not match');
- if length(AColors)<>length(ANormals) then raise exception.Create('Length of APoints and ANormals do not match');
- InternalStartBlendQuads;
- for i := 0 to length(APoints) - (length(APoints) and 3) - 1 do
- begin
- InternalSetColor(AColors[i]);
- InternalContinueShape(APoints[i], ANormals[i]);
- end;
- InternalEndBlendQuads;
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.FillQuadLinearColor(pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4: TPointF; c1,
- c2, c3, c4: TColorF; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- FillQuadsLinearColor([pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4],[c1,c2,c3,c4],APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.FillQuads(const APoints: array of TPointF;
- AColor: TColorF; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- i: Int32or64;
- ofs: TPointF;
- if (length(APoints) < 4) or (AColor[4] = 0) then exit;
- InternalStartBlendQuads;
- InternalSetColorF(AColor);
- if APixelCenteredCoordinates then ofs := PointF(0.5,0.5) else ofs := PointF(0,0);
- for i := 0 to length(APoints) - (length(APoints) and 3) - 1 do
- InternalContinueShape(APoints[i]+ofs);
- InternalEndBlendQuads;
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.FillQuadsLinearColor(
- const APoints: array of TPointF; const AColors: array of TColorF;
- APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- i: Int32or64;
- ofs: TPointF;
- if length(APoints) < 4 then exit;
- if length(AColors)<>length(APoints) then
- raise exception.Create('Length of APoints and AColors do not match');
- InternalStartBlendQuads;
- if APixelCenteredCoordinates then ofs := PointF(0.5,0.5) else ofs := PointF(0,0);
- for i := 0 to length(APoints) - (length(APoints) and 3) - 1 do
- begin
- InternalSetColorF(AColors[i]);
- InternalContinueShape(APoints[i]+ofs);
- end;
- InternalEndBlendQuads;
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.FillQuadsLinearColor(
- const APoints: array of TPoint3D; const AColors: array of TColorF);
- i: Int32or64;
- if length(APoints) < 4 then exit;
- if length(AColors)<>length(APoints) then
- raise exception.Create('Length of APoints and AColors do not match');
- InternalStartBlendQuads;
- for i := 0 to length(APoints) - (length(APoints) and 3) - 1 do
- begin
- InternalSetColorF(AColors[i]);
- InternalContinueShape(APoints[i]);
- end;
- InternalEndBlendQuads;
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.FillQuadsLinearColor(
- const APoints: array of TPoint3D_128; const AColors: array of TColorF);
- i: Int32or64;
- if length(APoints) < 4 then exit;
- if length(AColors)<>length(APoints) then
- raise exception.Create('Length of APoints and AColors do not match');
- InternalStartBlendQuads;
- for i := 0 to length(APoints) - (length(APoints) and 3) - 1 do
- begin
- InternalSetColorF(AColors[i]);
- InternalContinueShape(APoints[i]);
- end;
- InternalEndBlendQuads;
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.FillQuadsLinearColor(const APoints,
- ANormals: array of TPoint3D_128; const AColors: array of TColorF);
- i: Int32or64;
- if length(APoints) < 4 then exit;
- if length(AColors)<>length(APoints) then raise exception.Create('Length of APoints and AColors do not match');
- if length(AColors)<>length(ANormals) then raise exception.Create('Length of APoints and ANormals do not match');
- InternalStartBlendQuads;
- for i := 0 to length(APoints) - (length(APoints) and 3) - 1 do
- begin
- InternalSetColorF(AColors[i]);
- InternalContinueShape(APoints[i], ANormals[i]);
- end;
- InternalEndBlendQuads;
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.PutPixels(const APoints: array of TPointF;
- AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- i: Int32or64;
- if length(APoints) = 0 then exit;
- InternalStartBlend;
- InternalSetColor(AColor);
- InternalStartPutPixel(APoints[0]);
- for i := 1 to high(APoints) do
- InternalContinueShape(APoints[i]);
- InternalEndBlend;
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.PutPixels(const APoints: array of TPointF;
- const AColors: array of TBGRAPixel);
- i: Int32or64;
- if length(APoints) = 0 then exit;
- InternalStartBlend;
- InternalSetColor(AColors[0]);
- InternalStartPutPixel(APoints[0]);
- for i := 1 to high(APoints) do
- begin
- InternalSetColor(AColors[i]);
- InternalContinueShape(APoints[i]);
- end;
- InternalEndBlend;
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.FillTrianglesFan(const APoints: array of TPointF;
- ACenterColor, ABorderColor: TBGRAPixel; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- i: Int32or64;
- firstPoint: boolean;
- ofs: TPointF;
- if (length(APoints) < 3) or ((ACenterColor.alpha = 0) and (ABorderColor.alpha = 0)) then exit;
- InternalStartBlend;
- firstPoint := true;
- if APixelCenteredCoordinates then ofs := PointF(0.5,0.5) else ofs := PointF(0,0);
- for i := 0 to high(APoints) do
- begin
- if isEmptyPointF(APoints[i]) then
- begin
- if not firstPoint then
- begin
- InternalEndShape;
- firstPoint := true;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- if firstPoint then
- begin
- InternalSetColor(ACenterColor);
- InternalStartTriangleFan(APoints[i]+ofs);
- InternalSetColor(ABorderColor);
- firstPoint := false;
- end else
- InternalContinueShape(APoints[i]+ofs);
- end;
- end;
- if not firstPoint then InternalEndShape;
- InternalEndBlend;
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.FillTriangleLinearColor(pt1, pt2, pt3: TPointF; c1,
- c2, c3: TColorF; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- FillTrianglesLinearColor([pt1,pt2,pt3],[c1,c2,c3],APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.FillTriangles(const APoints: array of TPointF;
- AColor: TColorF; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- i: Int32or64;
- ofs: TPointF;
- if (length(APoints) < 3) or (AColor[4] = 0) then exit;
- InternalStartBlendTriangles;
- InternalSetColorF(AColor);
- if APixelCenteredCoordinates then ofs := PointF(0.5,0.5) else ofs := PointF(0,0);
- for i := 0 to length(APoints) - (length(APoints) mod 3) - 1 do
- InternalContinueShape(APoints[i]+ofs);
- InternalEndBlendTriangles;
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.FillTrianglesLinearColor(
- const APoints: array of TPointF; const AColors: array of TColorF;
- APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- i: Int32or64;
- ofs: TPointF;
- if length(APoints) < 3 then exit;
- if length(AColors)<>length(APoints) then
- raise exception.Create('Length of APoints and AColors do not match');
- InternalStartBlendTriangles;
- if APixelCenteredCoordinates then ofs := PointF(0.5,0.5) else ofs := PointF(0,0);
- for i := 0 to length(APoints) - (length(APoints) mod 3) - 1 do
- begin
- InternalSetColorF(AColors[i]);
- InternalContinueShape(APoints[i]+ofs);
- end;
- InternalEndBlendTriangles;
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.FillTrianglesLinearColor(
- const APoints: array of TPoint3D; const AColors: array of TColorF);
- i: Int32or64;
- if length(APoints) < 3 then exit;
- if length(AColors)<>length(APoints) then
- raise exception.Create('Length of APoints and AColors do not match');
- InternalStartBlendTriangles;
- for i := 0 to length(APoints) - (length(APoints) mod 3) - 1 do
- begin
- InternalSetColorF(AColors[i]);
- InternalContinueShape(APoints[i]);
- end;
- InternalEndBlendTriangles;
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.FillTrianglesLinearColor(
- const APoints: array of TPoint3D_128; const AColors: array of TColorF);
- i: Int32or64;
- if length(APoints) < 3 then exit;
- if length(AColors)<>length(APoints) then
- raise exception.Create('Length of APoints and AColors do not match');
- InternalStartBlendTriangles;
- for i := 0 to length(APoints) - (length(APoints) mod 3) - 1 do
- begin
- InternalSetColorF(AColors[i]);
- InternalContinueShape(APoints[i]);
- end;
- InternalEndBlendTriangles;
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.FillTrianglesLinearColor(const APoints,
- ANormals: array of TPoint3D_128; const AColors: array of TColorF);
- i: Int32or64;
- if length(APoints) < 3 then exit;
- if length(AColors)<>length(APoints) then raise exception.Create('Length of APoints and AColors do not match');
- if length(AColors)<>length(ANormals) then raise exception.Create('Length of APoints and ANormals do not match');
- InternalStartBlendTriangles;
- for i := 0 to length(APoints) - (length(APoints) mod 3) - 1 do
- begin
- InternalSetColorF(AColors[i]);
- InternalContinueShape(APoints[i], ANormals[i]);
- end;
- InternalEndBlendTriangles;
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.FillTrianglesFan(const APoints: array of TPointF;
- ACenterColor, ABorderColor: TColorF; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- i: Int32or64;
- firstPoint: boolean;
- ofs: TPointF;
- if (length(APoints) < 3) or ((ACenterColor[4] = 0) and (ABorderColor[4] = 0)) then exit;
- InternalStartBlend;
- firstPoint := true;
- if APixelCenteredCoordinates then ofs := PointF(0.5,0.5) else ofs := PointF(0,0);
- for i := 0 to high(APoints) do
- begin
- if isEmptyPointF(APoints[i]) then
- begin
- if not firstPoint then
- begin
- InternalEndShape;
- firstPoint := true;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- if firstPoint then
- begin
- InternalSetColorF(ACenterColor);
- InternalStartTriangleFan(APoints[i]+ofs);
- InternalSetColorF(ABorderColor);
- firstPoint := false;
- end else
- InternalContinueShape(APoints[i]+ofs);
- end;
- end;
- if not firstPoint then InternalEndShape;
- InternalEndBlend;
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.Polylines(const APoints: array of TPointF;
- AColor: TBGRAPixel; ADrawLastPoints: boolean);
- STATE_START = 0; //nothing defined
- STATE_SECOND = 1; //prevPoint defined and is the first point
- STATE_AFTER = 2; //newPoint defined and is the lastest point, prevPoint is the point before that
- i: Int32or64;
- state: Int32or64;
- prevPoint,newPoint,v,ofs: TPointF;
- len: single;
- procedure Flush;
- begin
- case state of
- InternalStartPutPixel(prevPoint);
- InternalEndShape;
- end;
- begin
- v := newPoint-prevPoint;
- len := VectLen(v);
- if len > 0 then
- begin
- v := v*(1/len);
- if ADrawLastPoints then
- InternalContinueShape(newPoint + v*0.5 + ofs)
- else
- InternalContinueShape(newPoint - v*0.5 + ofs);
- end;
- InternalEndShape;
- end;
- end;
- state := STATE_START;
- end;
- if (length(APoints) = 0) or (AColor.alpha = 0) then exit;
- InternalStartBlend;
- InternalSetColor(AColor);
- prevPoint := PointF(0,0);
- newPoint := PointF(0,0);
- state := STATE_START;
- ofs := PointF(0.5,0.5);
- for i := 0 to high(APoints) do
- begin
- if isEmptyPointF(APoints[i]) then
- begin
- Flush;
- end else
- begin
- if state = STATE_START then
- begin
- state := STATE_SECOND;
- prevPoint := APoints[i];
- end else
- if APoints[i] <> prevPoint then
- begin
- if state = STATE_SECOND then
- begin
- newPoint := APoints[i];
- v := newPoint-prevPoint;
- len := VectLen(v);
- if len > 0 then
- begin
- v := v*(1/len);
- InternalStartPolyline(prevPoint - v*0.5 + ofs);
- state := STATE_AFTER;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- InternalContinueShape(newPoint + ofs);
- prevPoint := newPoint;
- newPoint := APoints[i];
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- Flush;
- InternalEndBlend;
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.Polygons(const APoints: array of TPointF;
- AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- STATE_START = 0; //nothing defined
- STATE_SECOND = 1; //prevPoint defined and is the first point
- STATE_AFTER = 2; //newPoint defined and is the lastest point, prevPoint is the point before that
- i: Int32or64;
- state: Int32or64;
- prevPoint,newPoint: TPointF;
- ofs: TPointF;
- procedure Flush;
- begin
- case state of
- InternalStartPutPixel(prevPoint);
- InternalEndShape;
- end;
- begin
- InternalContinueShape(newPoint + ofs);
- InternalEndShape;
- end;
- end;
- state := STATE_START;
- end;
- if (length(APoints) = 0) or (AColor.alpha = 0) then exit;
- InternalStartBlend;
- InternalSetColor(AColor);
- prevPoint := PointF(0,0);
- newPoint := PointF(0,0);
- state := STATE_START;
- ofs := PointF(0.5,0.5);
- for i := 0 to high(APoints) do
- begin
- if isEmptyPointF(APoints[i]) then
- begin
- Flush;
- end else
- begin
- if state = STATE_START then
- begin
- state := STATE_SECOND;
- prevPoint := APoints[i];
- end else
- if APoints[i] <> prevPoint then
- begin
- if state = STATE_SECOND then
- begin
- InternalStartPolygon(prevPoint+ofs);
- newPoint := APoints[i];
- state := STATE_AFTER;
- end else
- begin
- InternalContinueShape(newPoint+ofs);
- prevPoint := newPoint;
- newPoint := APoints[i];
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- Flush;
- InternalEndBlend;
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.FillRect(r: TRect; AScanner: IBGRAScanner);
- bmp: TBGLCustomBitmap;
- yb,bandHeight,bandY: Int32or64;
- tx: integer;
- SwapRect(r);
- if (r.right = r.left) or (r.bottom = r.top) then exit;
- tx := r.right-r.left;
- bandHeight := 65536 div tx;
- if bandHeight <= 2 then bandHeight := 2;
- bandHeight := GetPowerOfTwo(bandHeight);
- bmp := BGLBitmapFactory.Create(tx,bandHeight);
- bmp.Texture.ResampleFilter := orfBox;
- bandY := (r.Bottom-1-r.top) mod bandHeight;
- for yb := r.bottom-1 downto r.top do
- begin
- AScanner.ScanMoveTo(r.left,yb);
- AScanner.ScanPutPixels(bmp.ScanLine[bandY],tx,dmSet);
- bmp.InvalidateBitmap;
- if bandY = 0 then
- begin
- bmp.Texture.Draw(r.left,yb);
- bandY := bandHeight-1;
- end else
- dec(bandY);
- end;
- bmp.Free;
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.DrawPath(APath: TBGLPath; c: TBGRAPixel);
- APath.stroke(self, c);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.FillPathConvex(APath: TBGLPath; c: TBGRAPixel; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- APath.fillConvex(self, c, 0.1, APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.SetActiveFrameBuffer(AValue: TBGLCustomFrameBuffer);
- if FActiveFrameBuffer=AValue then Exit;
- if FActiveFrameBuffer <> nil then
- FActiveFrameBuffer.SetCanvas(nil);
- FActiveFrameBuffer:=AValue;
- if FActiveFrameBuffer <> nil then
- FActiveFrameBuffer.SetCanvas(self);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.SwapRect(var r: TRect);
- temp: LongInt;
- if (r.Right < r.left) then
- begin
- temp := r.Left;
- r.left := r.right;
- r.right := temp;
- end;
- if (r.bottom < r.top) then
- begin
- temp := r.top;
- r.top:= r.bottom;
- r.bottom:= temp;
- end;
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.SwapRect(var x1, y1, x2, y2: single);
- temp: single;
- if (x2 < x1) then
- begin
- temp := x1;
- x1 := x2;
- x2 := temp;
- end;
- if (y2 < y1) then
- begin
- temp := y1;
- y1 := y2;
- y2 := temp;
- end;
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.InternalArc(cx, cy, rx, ry: single; const StartPoint,
- EndPoint: TPointF; ABorderColor, AOuterFillColor,ACenterFillColor: TBGRAPixel;
- AOptions: TArcOptions; ADrawChord: boolean = false);
-var angle1,angle2: single;
- if (rx = 0) or (ry = 0) then exit;
- angle1 := arctan2(-(StartPoint.y-cy)/ry,(StartPoint.x-cx)/rx);
- angle2 := arctan2(-(EndPoint.y-cy)/ry,(EndPoint.x-cx)/rx);
- if angle1 = angle2 then angle2 := angle1+2*Pi;
- InternalArc(cx,cy,rx,ry, angle1,angle2,
- ABorderColor,AOuterFillColor,ACenterFillColor, AOptions, ADrawChord);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.InternalArc(cx, cy, rx, ry: single;
- StartAngleRad, EndAngleRad: Single; ABorderColor,
- AOuterFillColor,ACenterFillColor: TBGRAPixel; AOptions: TArcOptions;
- ADrawChord: boolean = false);
- pts,ptsFill: array of TPointF;
- temp: single;
- if (rx = 0) or (ry = 0) then exit;
- if ADrawChord then AOptions := AOptions+[aoClosePath];
- if not (aoFillPath in AOptions) then
- begin
- AOuterFillColor := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- ACenterFillColor := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- end;
- if (ABorderColor.alpha = 0) and (AOuterFillColor.alpha = 0) and (ACenterFillColor.alpha = 0) then exit;
- if abs(StartAngleRad-EndAngleRad) >= 2*PI - 1e-6 then
- begin
- Ellipse(cx,cy,rx,ry,ABorderColor);
- FillEllipseLinearColor(cx,cy,rx,ry,AOuterFillColor,ACenterFillColor);
- if aoPie in AOptions then
- Line(cx,cy,cx+cos(StartAngleRad)*rx,cy-sin(StartAngleRad)*ry,ABorderColor,False);
- exit;
- end;
- if EndAngleRad < StartAngleRad then
- begin
- temp := StartAngleRad;
- StartAngleRad:= EndAngleRad;
- EndAngleRad:= temp;
- end;
- pts := ComputeArcRad(cx,cy,rx,ry,StartAngleRad,EndAngleRad);
- if aoPie in AOptions then
- pts := ConcatPointsF([PointsF([PointF(cx,cy)]),pts]);
- if (ACenterFillColor.alpha <> 0) or (AOuterFillColor.alpha <> 0) then
- begin
- if not (aoPie in AOptions) and (length(pts)>=2) then ptsFill := ConcatPointsF([PointsF([(pts[0]+pts[high(pts)])*0.5]),pts])
- else ptsFill := pts;
- FillTrianglesFan(ptsFill, ACenterFillColor,AOuterFillColor);
- end;
- if ABorderColor.alpha <> 0 then
- begin
- if [aoPie,aoClosePath]*AOptions <> [] then
- Polygons(pts, ABorderColor)
- else
- Polylines(pts, ABorderColor, true);
- end;
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.InternalArcInRect(r: TRect; StartAngleRad,
- EndAngleRad: Single; ABorderColor, AOuterFillColor,ACenterFillColor: TBGRAPixel;
- AOptions: TArcOptions; ADrawChord: boolean = false);
- if r.right = r.left then exit;
- if r.bottom = r.top then exit;
- SwapRect(r);
- InternalArc((r.left+r.right-1)/2,(r.top+r.bottom-1)/2,
- (r.right-r.left-1)/2,(r.bottom-r.top-1)/2,
- StartAngleRad,EndAngleRad,
- ABorderColor,AOuterFillColor,ACenterFillColor,
- AOptions, ADrawChord);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.FillTriangleLinearColor(pt1, pt2, pt3: TPointF; c1,
- c2, c3: TBGRAPixel; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- FillTrianglesLinearColor([pt1,pt2,pt3],[c1,c2,c3],APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.FillQuadLinearColor(pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4: TPointF; c1,
- c2, c3, c4: TBGRAPixel; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- FillQuadsLinearColor([pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4],[c1,c2,c3,c4],APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.FillPolyConvex(const APoints: array of TPointF;
- AColor: TBGRAPixel; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- FillTrianglesFan(APoints,AColor,AColor,APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.Line(x1, y1, x2, y2: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel; ADrawLastPoint: boolean);
-var pts: array of TPointF;
- setlength(pts,2);
- pts[0] := PointF(x1,y1);
- pts[1] := PointF(x2,y2);
- Polylines(pts,AColor,ADrawLastPoint);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.Line(p1, p2: TPointF; AColor: TBGRAPixel; ADrawLastPoint: boolean);
-var pts: array of TPointF;
- setlength(pts,2);
- pts[0] := p1;
- pts[1] := p2;
- Polylines(pts,AColor,ADrawLastPoint);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.FillRectLinearColor(r: TRect;
- ATopLeftColor, ATopRightColor, ABottomRightColor, ABottomLeftColor: TBGRAPixel);
- FillRectLinearColor(r.left,r.top,r.right,r.bottom,
- ATopLeftColor, ATopRightColor, ABottomRightColor, ABottomLeftColor,
- False);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.FillRectLinearColor(x1, y1, x2, y2: single;
- ATopLeftColor, ATopRightColor, ABottomRightColor,
- ABottomLeftColor: TBGRAPixel; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- FillQuadLinearColor(PointF(x1,y1),PointF(x2,y1),
- PointF(x2,y2),PointF(x1,y2),
- ATopLeftColor, ATopRightColor, ABottomRightColor, ABottomLeftColor,
- APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.Ellipse(cx, cy, rx, ry: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- if AColor.alpha = 0 then exit;
- Polygons(ComputeEllipse(cx,cy,rx,ry),AColor);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.EllipseInRect(r: TRect; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
-var cx,cy,rx,ry: single;
- if not ComputeEllipseC(r,True,cx,cy,rx,ry) then exit;
- Ellipse(cx,cy,rx,ry, AColor);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.FillEllipse(cx, cy, rx, ry: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- if AColor.alpha = 0 then exit;
- FillTrianglesFan(ComputeEllipse(cx,cy,rx,ry),AColor,AColor,APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.FillEllipseInRect(r: TRect; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
-var cx,cy,rx,ry: single;
- if not ComputeEllipseC(r,False,cx,cy,rx,ry) then exit;
- FillEllipse(cx,cy,rx,ry, AColor);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.FillEllipseLinearColor(cx, cy, rx, ry: single;
- AOuterColor, AInnerColor: TBGRAPixel; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- if (AOutercolor.alpha = 0) and (AInnercolor.alpha = 0) then exit;
- FillTrianglesFan(ConcatPointsF([PointsF([PointF(cx,cy)]),ComputeEllipse(cx,cy,rx,ry)]),AInnercolor,AOutercolor,APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.FillEllipseLinearColorInRect(r: TRect; AOuterColor,
- AInnerColor: TBGRAPixel);
-var cx,cy,rx,ry: single;
- if not ComputeEllipseC(r,False,cx,cy,rx,ry) then exit;
- FillEllipseLinearColor(cx,cy,rx,ry, AOutercolor,AInnercolor);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.Arc(cx, cy, rx, ry: single; const StartPoint,
- EndPoint: TPointF; AColor: TBGRAPixel; ADrawChord: boolean; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel);
- InternalArc(cx,cy,rx,ry,StartPoint,EndPoint,AColor,AFillColor,AFillColor,[aoFillPath],ADrawChord);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.Arc(cx, cy, rx, ry: single; StartAngleRad,
- EndAngleRad: Single; AColor: TBGRAPixel; ADrawChord: boolean; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel);
- InternalArc(cx,cy,rx,ry,StartAngleRad,EndAngleRad,AColor,AFillColor,AFillColor,[aoFillPath],ADrawChord);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.ArcInRect(r: TRect; StartAngleRad,
- EndAngleRad: Single; AColor: TBGRAPixel; ADrawChord: boolean; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel);
-var cx,cy,rx,ry: single;
- if not ComputeEllipseC(r,True,cx,cy,rx,ry) then exit;
- Arc(cx,cy,rx,ry,StartAngleRad,EndAngleRad, AColor,ADrawChord, AFillColor);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.ArcLinearColor(cx, cy, rx, ry: single;
- const StartPoint, EndPoint: TPointF; AColor: TBGRAPixel; ADrawChord: boolean; AOuterFillColor,
- AInnerFillColor: TBGRAPixel);
- InternalArc(cx,cy,rx,ry,StartPoint,EndPoint,AColor,AOuterFillColor,AInnerFillColor,[aoFillPath],ADrawChord);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.ArcLinearColor(cx, cy, rx, ry: single;
- StartAngleRad, EndAngleRad: Single; AColor: TBGRAPixel; ADrawChord: boolean; AOuterFillColor,
- AInnerFillColor: TBGRAPixel);
- InternalArc(cx,cy,rx,ry,StartAngleRad,EndAngleRad,AColor,AOuterFillColor,AInnerFillColor,[aoFillPath],ADrawChord);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.ArcLinearColorInRect(r: TRect; StartAngleRad,
- EndAngleRad: Single; AColor: TBGRAPixel; ADrawChord: boolean; AOuterFillColor,
- AInnerFillColor: TBGRAPixel);
-var cx,cy,rx,ry: single;
- if not ComputeEllipseC(r,True,cx,cy,rx,ry) then exit;
- ArcLinearColor(cx,cy,rx,ry,StartAngleRad,EndAngleRad, AColor,ADrawChord, AOuterFillColor,AInnerFillColor);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.Pie(cx, cy, rx, ry: single; const StartPoint,
- EndPoint: TPointF; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel);
- InternalArc(cx,cy,rx,ry,StartPoint,EndPoint,AColor,AFillColor,AFillColor,[aoFillPath,aoPie]);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.Pie(cx, cy, rx, ry: single; StartAngleRad,
- EndAngleRad: Single; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel);
- InternalArc(cx,cy,rx,ry,StartAngleRad,EndAngleRad,AColor,AFillColor,AFillColor,[aoFillPath,aoPie]);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.PieInRect(r: TRect; StartAngleRad,
- EndAngleRad: Single; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel);
-var cx,cy,rx,ry: single;
- if not ComputeEllipseC(r,True,cx,cy,rx,ry) then exit;
- Pie(cx,cy,rx,ry,StartAngleRad,EndAngleRad, AColor,AFillColor);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.PieLinearColor(cx, cy, rx, ry: single;
- const StartPoint, EndPoint: TPointF; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AOuterFillColor,
- AInnerFillColor: TBGRAPixel);
- InternalArc(cx,cy,rx,ry,StartPoint,EndPoint,AColor,AOuterFillColor,AInnerFillColor,[aoFillPath,aoPie]);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.PieLinearColor(cx, cy, rx, ry: single;
- StartAngleRad, EndAngleRad: Single; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AOuterFillColor,
- AInnerFillColor: TBGRAPixel);
- InternalArc(cx,cy,rx,ry,StartAngleRad,EndAngleRad,AColor,AOuterFillColor,AInnerFillColor,[aoFillPath,aoPie]);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.PieLinearColorInRect(r: TRect; StartAngleRad,
- EndAngleRad: Single; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AOuterFillColor,
- AInnerFillColor: TBGRAPixel);
-var cx,cy,rx,ry: single;
- if not ComputeEllipseC(r,True,cx,cy,rx,ry) then exit;
- PieLinearColor(cx,cy,rx,ry,StartAngleRad,EndAngleRad, AColor,AOuterFillColor,AInnerFillColor);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.EllipseLinearColor(cx, cy, rx, ry: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel;
- AOuterFillColor, AInnerFillColor: TBGRAPixel);
- if (rx>1) and (ry>1) then
- FillEllipseLinearColor(cx,cy,rx-0.5,ry-0.5,AOuterFillColor,AInnerFillColor);
- Ellipse(cx,cy,rx,ry,AColor);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.EllipseLinearColorInRect(r: TRect; AColor: TBGRAPixel;
- AOuterFillColor, AInnerFillColor: TBGRAPixel);
-var cx,cy,rx,ry: single;
- if not ComputeEllipseC(r,True,cx,cy,rx,ry) then exit;
- FillEllipseLinearColor(cx,cy,rx,ry, AOuterFillColor,AInnerFillColor);
- EllipseInRect(r,AColor);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.Ellipse(cx, cy, rx, ry: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel;
- AFillColor: TBGRAPixel);
- EllipseLinearColor(cx,cy,rx,ry,AColor,AFillColor,AFillColor);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.EllipseInRect(r: TRect; AColor: TBGRAPixel;
- AFillColor: TBGRAPixel);
- EllipseLinearColorInRect(r, AColor, AFillColor, AFillColor);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.Rectangle(r: TRect; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- Rectangle(r,AColor,BGRAPixelTransparent);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.Rectangle(r: TRect; AColor: TBGRAPixel;
- AFillColor: TBGRAPixel);
- SwapRect(r);
- if r.left=r.right then exit;
- if r.top=r.bottom then exit;
- Rectangle(r.left,r.top,r.right-1,r.bottom-1,AColor,AFillColor);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.Rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- Rectangle(x1,y1,x2,y2,AColor,1);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.Rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2: single;
- AColor: TBGRAPixel; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel);
- Rectangle(x1,y1,x2,y2,AColor,1,AFillColor);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.Rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2: single;
- AColor: TBGRAPixel; w: single; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
-var hw: single;
- SwapRect(x1,y1,x2,y2);
- hw := w*0.5;
- if (x2-x1 > w) and (y2-y1 > w) then
- FillQuads(PointsF([PointF(x1-hw,y1-hw),PointF(x2+hw,y1-hw),PointF(x2+hw,y1+hw),PointF(x1-hw,y1+hw),
- PointF(x1-hw,y2-hw),PointF(x2+hw,y2-hw),PointF(x2+hw,y2+hw),PointF(x1-hw,y2+hw),
- PointF(x1-hw,y1+hw),PointF(x1+hw,y1+hw),PointF(x1+hw,y2-hw),PointF(x1-hw,y2-hw),
- PointF(x2-hw,y1+hw),PointF(x2+hw,y1+hw),PointF(x2+hw,y2-hw),PointF(x2-hw,y2-hw)]), AColor,
- APixelCenteredCoordinates)
- else
- FillQuads(PointsF([PointF(x1-hw,y1-hw),PointF(x2+hw,y1-hw),PointF(x2+hw,y2+hw),PointF(x1-hw,y2+hw)]),AColor,
- APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.Rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2: single;
- AColor: TBGRAPixel; w: single; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- SwapRect(x1,y1,x2,y2);
- if (x2-x1 > w) and (y2-y1 > w) then
- FillRect(x1+0.5*w,y1+0.5*w,x2-0.5*w,y2-0.5*w,AFillColor,APixelCenteredCoordinates);
- Rectangle(x1,y1,x2,y2,AColor,w,APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.RectangleWithin(x1, y1, x2, y2: single;
- ABorderColor: TBGRAPixel; w: single; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel;
- APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- Rectangle(x1+w*0.5,y1+w*0.5,x2-w*0.5,y2-w*0.5, ABorderColor, w, AFillColor,
- APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.RectangleWithin(r: TRect; ABorderColor: TBGRAPixel;
- w: single; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel);
- RectangleWithin(r.left,r.top,r.right,r.bottom,ABorderColor,w,AFillColor,false);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.RoundRect(x1, y1, x2, y2, rx, ry: single;
- ABorderColor: TBGRAPixel; options: TRoundRectangleOptions);
- RoundRect(x1,y1,x2,y2,rx,ry,ABorderColor,options);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.RoundRect(x1, y1, x2, y2, rx, ry: single;
- ABorderColor, AFillColor: TBGRAPixel; options: TRoundRectangleOptions);
-const radiusReduction = 1;
- SwapRect(x1,y1,x2,y2);
- rx := abs(rx);
- ry := abs(ry);
- if (AFillColor.alpha <> 0) and (y2-y1 > 1) and (x2-x1 > 1) then
- begin
- if (rx <= radiusReduction) or (ry <= radiusReduction) then
- FillRect(x1+0.5,y1+0.5,x2-0.5,y2-0.5, AFillColor)
- else
- FillPolyConvex(ComputeRoundRect(x1+0.5,y1+0.5,x2-0.5,y2-0.5,rx-radiusReduction,ry-radiusReduction,options),AFillColor);
- end;
- Polygons(ComputeRoundRect(x1,y1,x2,y2,rx,ry,options),ABorderColor);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.FillRoundRect(x, y, x2, y2, rx, ry: single;
- AFillColor: TBGRAPixel; options: TRoundRectangleOptions; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- if AFillColor.alpha <> 0 then
- FillPolyConvex(ComputeRoundRect(x,y,x2,y2,rx,ry,options),AFillColor,APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.FillRect(x1, y1, x2, y2: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- FillQuads(PointsF([PointF(x1,y1),PointF(x2,y1),PointF(x2,y2),PointF(x1,y2)]), AColor, APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.FillRect(r: TRect; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- SwapRect(r);
- if r.left=r.right then exit;
- if r.top=r.bottom then exit;
- FillRect(r.left,r.top,r.Right,r.bottom,AColor,False);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.FillRect(r: TRectF; AColor: TBGRAPixel;
- APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- if r.left=r.right then exit;
- if r.top=r.bottom then exit;
- FillRect(r.left,r.top,r.Right,r.bottom,AColor,APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.Frame3D(var bounds: TRect; width: integer;
- Style: TGraphicsBevelCut);
- Frame3D(bounds,width,style,ColorToBGRA(clRgbBtnHighlight),ColorToBGRA(clRgbBtnShadow));
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.Frame3D(var bounds: TRect; width: integer;
- Style: TGraphicsBevelCut; LightColor: TBGRAPixel; ShadowColor: TBGRAPixel);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- color1,color2: TBGRAPixel;
- if width <= 0 then exit;
- color1 := LightColor;
- color2 := ShadowColor;
- if Style = bvLowered then
- begin
- temp := color1;
- color1 := color2;
- color2 := temp;
- end;
- if Style in [bvLowered,bvRaised] then
- with bounds do
- begin
- FillTrianglesFan([PointF(Left,Top),PointF(Right,Top),
- PointF(Right-width,Top+width),PointF(Left+width,Top+width),
- PointF(Left+width,Bottom-width),PointF(Left,Bottom)],color1,color1, False);
- FillTrianglesFan([PointF(Right,Bottom),PointF(Left,Bottom),
- PointF(Left+width,Bottom-width),PointF(Right-width,Bottom-width),
- PointF(Right-width,Top+width),PointF(Right,Top)],color2,color2, false);
- end;
- bounds.Inflate(-width, -width);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.PutImage(x, y: single; ATexture: IBGLTexture;
- AAlpha: byte);
- ATexture.Draw(x,y,AAlpha);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.PutImage(x, y: single; ATexture: IBGLTexture;
- AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- ATexture.Draw(x,y,AColor);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.StretchPutImage(x, y, w, h: single;
- ATexture: IBGLTexture; AAlpha: byte);
- ATexture.StretchDraw(x,y,w,h, AAlpha);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.StretchPutImage(x, y, w, h: single;
- ATexture: IBGLTexture; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- ATexture.StretchDraw(x,y,w,h, AColor);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.StretchPutImage(r: TRect; ATexture: IBGLTexture;
- AAlpha: byte);
- ATexture.StretchDraw(r.left,r.top,r.right-r.left,r.bottom-r.top, AAlpha);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.StretchPutImage(r: TRect; ATexture: IBGLTexture;
- AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- ATexture.StretchDraw(r.left,r.top,r.right-r.left,r.bottom-r.top, AColor);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.PutImageAngle(x, y: single; ATexture: IBGLTexture;
- angleDeg: single; AAlpha: byte);
- ATexture.DrawAngle(x,y,angleDeg,AAlpha);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.PutImageAngle(x, y: single; ATexture: IBGLTexture;
- angleDeg: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- ATexture.DrawAngle(x,y,angleDeg,AColor);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.PutImageAffine(const Origin, HAxis, VAxis: TPointF;
- ATexture: IBGLTexture; AAlpha: byte);
- ATexture.DrawAffine(Origin, HAxis, VAxis, AAlpha);
- {$POP}
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.PutImageAffine(const Origin, HAxis, VAxis: TPointF;
- ATexture: IBGLTexture; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- ATexture.DrawAffine(Origin, HAxis, VAxis, AColor);
- {$POP}
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.PutImageAffine(x, y: single; ATexture: IBGLTexture;
- const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AAlpha: byte);
- ATexture.DrawAffine(x,y,AMatrix,AAlpha);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.PutImageAffine(x, y: single; ATexture: IBGLTexture;
- const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- ATexture.DrawAffine(x,y,AMatrix,AColor);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.Translate(x, y: single);
- Matrix := Matrix*AffineMatrixTranslation(x,y);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.Scale(sx, sy: single);
- Matrix := Matrix*AffineMatrixScale(sx,sy);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.RotateDeg(angleCW: single);
- Matrix := Matrix*AffineMatrixRotationDeg(angleCW);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.RotateRad(angleCCW: single);
- Matrix := Matrix*AffineMatrixRotationRad(angleCCW);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.ResetTransform;
- Matrix := AffineMatrixIdentity;
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.UseOrthoProjection;
- ProjectionMatrix := OrthoProjectionToOpenGL(0,0,Width,Height);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.UseOrthoProjection(AMinX, AMinY, AMaxX, AMaxY: single);
- ProjectionMatrix := OrthoProjectionToOpenGL(AMinX,AMinY,AMaxX,AMaxY);
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.StartZBuffer;
- raise exception.Create('Not implemented');
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.EndZBuffer;
- raise exception.Create('Not implemented');
-procedure TBGLCustomCanvas.WaitForGPU(AOption: TWaitForGPUOption);
- raise exception.Create('Not implemented');
-function TBGLCustomCanvas.GetImage(x, y, w, h: integer): TBGRACustomBitmap;
- result := nil;
-function TBGLCustomCanvas.CreateFrameBuffer(AWidth, AHeight: integer): TBGLCustomFrameBuffer;
- result := nil;
- raise exception.Create('Not implemented');
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgraclasses.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgraclasses.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ba3343..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgraclasses.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAClasses;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
-{$modeswitch advancedrecords}
- {$IFDEF BGRABITMAP_USE_MSEGUI}Types, Classes, mclasses, msegraphutils, mseguiglob{$ELSE}Types, Classes{$ENDIF};
- Int32or64 = {$IFDEF CPU64}Int64{$ELSE}LongInt{$ENDIF};
- UInt32or64 = {$IFDEF CPU64}UInt64{$ELSE}LongWord{$ENDIF};
- //types always imported from Classes
- TFPList = Classes.TFPList;
- TList = Classes.TList;
- TNotifyEvent = Classes.TNotifyEvent;
- EInvalidOperation = Classes.EInvalidOperation;
- EFCreateError = Classes.EFCreateError;
- EFOpenError = Classes.EFOpenError;
- TAlignment = Classes.TAlignment;
- TSeekOrigin = Classes.TSeekOrigin;
- TStream = Classes.TStream;
- TPersistent = Classes.TPersistent;
- TStrings = Classes.TStrings;
- TStringList = Classes.TStringList;
- TComponent = {$IFDEF BGRABITMAP_USE_MSEGUI}mclasses{$ELSE}Classes{$ENDIF}.TComponent;
- TResourceStream = {$IFDEF BGRABITMAP_USE_MSEGUI}mclasses{$ELSE}Classes{$ENDIF}.TResourceStream;
- TMemoryStream = {$IFDEF BGRABITMAP_USE_MSEGUI}mclasses{$ELSE}Classes{$ENDIF}.TMemoryStream;
- THandleStream = {$IFDEF BGRABITMAP_USE_MSEGUI}mclasses{$ELSE}Classes{$ENDIF}.THandleStream;
- TStringStream = {$IFDEF BGRABITMAP_USE_MSEGUI}mclasses{$ELSE}Classes{$ENDIF}.TStringStream;
- TPoint = msegraphutils.pointty;
- TSize = msegraphutils.sizety;
- TRect = Classes.TRect;
- TClassesPoint = Classes.TPoint;
- TMSERect = msegraphutils.rectty;
- {$ELSE}
- TPoint = Types.TPoint;
- TSize = Types.TSize;
- TRect = Types.TRect;
- {$ENDIF}
- PPoint = ^TPoint;
- PSize = ^TSize;
- PRect = ^TRect;
- TPointF = Types.TPointF;
- TRectF = Types.TRectF;
- {$ELSE}
- TPointF = record x : single; y : single; end;
- TRectF =
- packed
- record
- private
- function GetHeight: single;
- function GetWidth: Single;
- public
- property Width: Single read GetWidth;
- property Height: single read GetHeight;
- procedure Offset (const dx,dy : Single);
- case Integer of
- 0: (Left, Top, Right, Bottom: Single);
- 1: (TopLeft, BottomRight: TPointF);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- //types always imported from Classes
- taLeftJustify = Classes.taLeftJustify;
- taRightJustify = Classes.taRightJustify;
- taCenter = Classes.taCenter;
- TShiftState = mseguiglob.shiftstatesty;
- {$ELSE}
- TShiftState = Classes.TShiftState;
- {$ENDIF}
- ssShift = mseguiglob.ss_shift;
- ssAlt = mseguiglob.ss_alt;
- ssCtrl = mseguiglob.ss_ctrl;
- ssLeft = mseguiglob.ss_left;
- ssRight = mseguiglob.ss_right;
- ssMiddle = mseguiglob.ss_middle;
- ssDouble = mseguiglob.ss_double;
- ssTriple = mseguiglob.ss_triple;
- {$ELSE}
- ssShift = Classes.ssShift;
- ssAlt = Classes.ssAlt;
- ssCtrl = Classes.ssCtrl;
- ssLeft = Classes.ssLeft;
- ssRight = Classes.ssRight;
- ssMiddle = Classes.ssMiddle;
- ssDouble = Classes.ssDouble;
- ssTriple = Classes.ssTriple;
- {$ENDIF}
- soBeginning = Classes.soBeginning;
- soCurrent = Classes.soCurrent;
- soEnd = Classes.soEnd;
- fmCreate = $FF00;
- fmOpenRead = 0;
- fmOpenWrite = 1;
- fmOpenReadWrite = 2;
- soFromBeginning = 0;
- soFromCurrent = 1;
- soFromEnd = 2;
- {$ELSE}
- fmCreate = Classes.fmCreate;
- fmOpenRead = Classes.fmOpenRead;
- fmOpenWrite = Classes.fmOpenWrite;
- fmOpenReadWrite = Classes.fmOpenReadWrite;
- soFromBeginning = Classes.soFromBeginning;
- soFromCurrent = Classes.soFromCurrent;
- soFromEnd = Classes.soFromEnd;
- {$ENDIF}
-function Rect(ALeft, ATop, ARight, ABottom: Integer): TRect;
-function Point(AX, AY: Integer): TPoint;
-function Size(AWidth, AHeight: Integer): TSize;
-procedure IncF(var ADest: single; ADelta: single); overload; inline;
-procedure IncF(var ADest: double; ADelta: double); overload; inline;
-procedure DecF(var ADest: single; ADelta: single); overload; inline;
-procedure DecF(var ADest: double; ADelta: double); overload; inline;
-procedure Inc64(var AValue: int64; const ADelta: int64); overload; inline;
-procedure Dec64(var AValue: int64; const ADelta: int64); overload; inline;
-procedure Inc64(var AValue: uint64; const ADelta: uint64); overload; inline;
-procedure Dec64(var AValue: uint64; const ADelta: uint64); overload; inline;
-function Rect(ALeft, ATop, ARight, ABottom: Integer): TRect;
- with Result do
- begin
- Left := ALeft;
- Top := ATop;
- Right := ARight;
- Bottom := ABottom;
- end;
-{ TRectF }
-function TRectF.GetHeight: single;
- result := Bottom-Top;
-function TRectF.GetWidth: Single;
- result := Right-Left;
-procedure TRectF.Offset(const dx, dy: Single);
- left:=left+dx; right:=right+dx;
- bottom:=bottom+dy; top:=top+dy;
-function Point(AX, AY: Integer): TPoint;
- with Result do
- begin
- X := AX;
- Y := AY;
- end;
-function Size(AWidth, AHeight: Integer): TSize;
- Result.cx := AWidth;
- Result.cy := AHeight;
-procedure IncF(var ADest: single; ADelta: single);
- ADest := ADest + ADelta;
-procedure IncF(var ADest: double; ADelta: double);
- ADest := ADest + ADelta;
-procedure DecF(var ADest: single; ADelta: single);
- ADest := ADest - ADelta;
-procedure DecF(var ADest: double; ADelta: double);
- ADest := ADest - ADelta;
-procedure Inc64(var AValue: int64; const ADelta: int64);
- {$IFDEF CPU64}
- Inc(AValue, ADelta);
- {$ELSE}
- AValue := AValue + ADelta;
- {$ENDIF}
-procedure Dec64(var AValue: int64; const ADelta: int64);
- {$IFDEF CPU64}
- Dec(AValue, ADelta);
- {$ELSE}
- AValue := AValue - ADelta;
- {$ENDIF}
-procedure Inc64(var AValue: uint64; const ADelta: uint64);
- {$IFDEF CPU64}
- Inc(AValue, ADelta);
- {$ELSE}
- AValue := AValue + ADelta;
- {$ENDIF}
-procedure Dec64(var AValue: uint64; const ADelta: uint64);
- {$IFDEF CPU64}
- Dec(AValue, ADelta);
- {$ELSE}
- AValue := AValue - ADelta;
- {$ENDIF}
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgracolorint.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgracolorint.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 6551c68..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgracolorint.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,363 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAColorInt;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
-{$ifdef CPUI386}
-{$ifdef DARWIN}
- BGRABitmapTypes;
- TColorInt65536 = packed record
- r,g,b,a: integer;
- end;
-function ColorInt65536(r,g,b,a: integer): TColorInt65536; inline; overload;
-function ColorInt65536(r,g,b: integer): TColorInt65536; inline; overload;
-function ColorFToColorInt65536(colorF: TColorF): TColorInt65536; inline;
-function ColorInt65536ToColorF(color: TColorInt65536): TColorF;
-operator +(const color1,color2: TColorInt65536): TColorInt65536; inline;
-operator *(const color1,color2: TColorInt65536): TColorInt65536;
-operator *(const color1: TColorInt65536; factor65536: integer): TColorInt65536;
-function ColorIntToBGRA(const AColor: TColorInt65536; AGammaCompression: boolean = false): TBGRAPixel;
-function BGRAToColorInt(const AColor: TBGRAPixel; AGammaExpansion: boolean = false): TColorInt65536;
-function BGRAToColorIntMultiply(const color1: TBGRAPixel; const color2: TColorInt65536): TColorInt65536;
-function ColorInt65536(r, g, b, a: integer): TColorInt65536;
- result.r := r;
- result.g := g;
- result.b := b;
- result.a := a;
-function ColorInt65536(r, g, b: integer): TColorInt65536;
- result.r := r;
- result.g := g;
- result.b := b;
- result.a := 65536;
-function ColorFToColorInt65536(colorF: TColorF): TColorInt65536;
- result.r := round(colorF[1]*65536);
- result.g := round(colorF[2]*65536);
- result.b := round(colorF[3]*65536);
- result.a := round(colorF[4]*65536);
-function ColorInt65536ToColorF(color: TColorInt65536): TColorF;
-const oneOver65536 = 1/65536;
- result[1] := color.r*oneOver65536;
- result[2] := color.g*oneOver65536;
- result[3] := color.b*oneOver65536;
- result[4] := color.a*oneOver65536;
-operator+(const color1, color2: TColorInt65536): TColorInt65536;
- result.r := color1.r+color2.r;
- result.g := color1.g+color2.g;
- result.b := color1.b+color2.b;
- result.a := color1.a+color2.a;
-operator*(const color1, color2: TColorInt65536): TColorInt65536;
-{$ifdef BGRACOLORINT_USEASM} {$asmmode intel} assembler;
- asm
- push edx
- push ebx
- push esi
- mov ebx, Color1
- mov esi, Color2
- //ecx = @result
- mov eax, [ebx] //r
- imul [esi]
- shl edx, 16
- shr eax, 16
- or edx, eax
- mov [ecx], edx
- mov eax, [ebx+4] //g
- imul [esi+4]
- shl edx, 16
- shr eax, 16
- or edx, eax
- mov [ecx+4], edx
- mov eax, [ebx+8] //b
- imul [esi+8]
- shl edx, 16
- shr eax, 16
- or edx, eax
- mov [ecx+8], edx
- mov eax, [ebx+12] //a
- imul [esi+12]
- shl edx, 16
- shr eax, 16
- or edx, eax
- mov [ecx+12], edx
- pop esi
- pop ebx
- pop edx
- end;
- result.r := int64(color1.r)*color2.r shr 16;
- result.g := int64(color1.g)*color2.g shr 16;
- result.b := int64(color1.b)*color2.b shr 16;
- result.a := int64(color1.a)*color2.a shr 16;
-operator*(const color1: TColorInt65536; factor65536: integer): TColorInt65536;
-{$ifdef BGRACOLORINT_USEASM} {$asmmode intel} assembler;
- asm
- push edx
- push ebx
- push esi
- mov ebx, Color1
- mov esi, factor65536
- //ecx = @result
- mov eax, [ebx] //r
- imul esi
- shl edx, 16
- shr eax, 16
- or edx, eax
- mov [ecx], edx
- mov eax, [ebx+4] //g
- imul esi
- shl edx, 16
- shr eax, 16
- or edx, eax
- mov [ecx+4], edx
- mov eax, [ebx+8] //b
- imul esi
- shl edx, 16
- shr eax, 16
- or edx, eax
- mov [ecx+8], edx
- mov eax, [ebx+12] //a
- imul esi
- shl edx, 16
- shr eax, 16
- or edx, eax
- mov [ecx+12], edx
- pop esi
- pop ebx
- pop edx
- end;
-var prod: int64;
- prod := int64(color1.r)*factor65536;
- if prod >= 0 then result.r := prod shr 16
- else result.r := -((-prod) shr 16);
- prod := int64(color1.g)*factor65536;
- if prod >= 0 then result.g := prod shr 16
- else result.g := -((-prod) shr 16);
- prod := int64(color1.b)*factor65536;
- if prod >= 0 then result.b := prod shr 16
- else result.b := -((-prod) shr 16);
- prod := int64(color1.a)*factor65536;
- if prod >= 0 then result.a := prod shr 16
- else result.a := -((-prod) shr 16);
-function BGRAToColorInt(const AColor: TBGRAPixel; AGammaExpansion: boolean): TColorInt65536;
- if AGammaExpansion then
- begin
- result.r := GammaExpansionTab[AColor.red] + (AColor.red shr 7);
- result.g := GammaExpansionTab[AColor.green] + (AColor.green shr 7);
- result.b := GammaExpansionTab[AColor.blue] + (AColor.blue shr 7);
- end else
- begin
- result.r := AColor.red shl 8 + AColor.red + (AColor.red shr 7);
- result.g := AColor.green shl 8 + AColor.green + (AColor.green shr 7);
- result.b := AColor.blue shl 8 + AColor.blue + (AColor.blue shr 7);
- end;
- result.a := AColor.alpha shl 8 + AColor.alpha+ (AColor.alpha shr 7);
-function BGRAToColorIntMultiply(const color1: TBGRAPixel;
- const color2: TColorInt65536): TColorInt65536;
-{$ifdef BGRACOLORINT_USEASM} {$asmmode intel} assembler;
- asm
- push ebx
- push esi
- mov esi, Color2
- mov ebx, result
- mov ecx, [Color1]
- mov eax, ecx
- shr eax, TBGRAPixel_RedShift
- and eax, 255
- mov edx, eax
- shr edx, 7
- add eax, edx
- imul [esi]
- shl edx, 24
- shr eax, 8
- or edx, eax
- mov [ebx], edx
- mov eax, ecx
- shr eax, TBGRAPixel_GreenShift
- and eax, 255
- mov edx, eax
- shr edx, 7
- add eax, edx
- imul [esi+4]
- shl edx, 24
- shr eax, 8
- or edx, eax
- mov [ebx+4], edx
- mov eax, ecx
- shr eax, TBGRAPixel_BlueShift
- and eax, 255
- mov edx, eax
- shr edx, 7
- add eax, edx
- imul [esi+8]
- shl edx, 24
- shr eax, 8
- or edx, eax
- mov [ebx+8], edx
- mov eax, ecx
- shr eax, TBGRAPixel_AlphaShift
- and eax, 255
- mov edx, eax
- shr edx, 7
- add eax, edx
- imul [esi+12]
- shl edx, 24
- shr eax, 8
- or edx, eax
- mov [ebx+12], edx
- pop esi
- pop ebx
- end;
- result.r := int64(color2.r)*(color1.red shr 7+color1.red) shr 8;
- result.g := int64(color2.g)*(color1.green shr 7+color1.green) shr 8;
- result.b := int64(color2.b)*(color1.blue shr 7+color1.blue) shr 8;
- result.a := int64(color2.a)*(color1.alpha shr 7+color1.alpha) shr 8;
-function ColorIntToBGRA(const AColor: TColorInt65536; AGammaCompression: boolean): TBGRAPixel;
-var maxValue,invMaxValue,r,g,b: integer;
- if AColor.a <= 0 then
- result.alpha := 0;
- if AColor.a >= 65536 then
- result.alpha := 255
- else
- result.alpha := AColor.a shr 8 - (AColor.a shr 15);
- maxValue := AColor.r;
- if AColor.g > maxValue then maxValue := AColor.g;
- if AColor.b > maxValue then maxValue := AColor.b;
- if maxValue <= 0 then
- begin
- result.red := 0;
- result.green := 0;
- result.blue := 0;
- exit;
- end;
- if AGammaCompression then
- begin
- if maxValue <= 65535 then
- begin
- if AColor.r <= 0 then result.red := 0 else
- result.red := GammaCompressionTab[AColor.r - (AColor.r shr 15)];
- if AColor.g <= 0 then result.green := 0 else
- result.green :=GammaCompressionTab[AColor.g - (AColor.g shr 15)];
- if AColor.b <= 0 then result.blue := 0 else
- result.blue := GammaCompressionTab[AColor.b - (AColor.b shr 15)];
- exit;
- end;
- invMaxValue := (1073741824+maxValue-1) div maxValue;
- maxValue := (maxValue-65535) shr 1;
- if AColor.r < 0 then r := maxValue else
- r := AColor.r*invMaxValue shr 14 + maxValue;
- if AColor.g < 0 then g := maxValue else
- g := AColor.g*invMaxValue shr 14 + maxValue;
- if AColor.b < 0 then b := maxValue else
- b := AColor.b*invMaxValue shr 14 + maxValue;
- if r >= 65535 then result.red := 255 else
- result.red := GammaCompressionTab[r];
- if g >= 65535 then result.green := 255 else
- result.green := GammaCompressionTab[g];
- if b >= 65535 then result.blue := 255 else
- result.blue := GammaCompressionTab[b];
- end else
- begin
- if maxValue <= 65535 then
- begin
- if AColor.r <= 0 then result.red := 0 else
- result.red := AColor.r shr 8 - (AColor.r shr 15);
- if AColor.g <= 0 then result.green := 0 else
- result.green := AColor.g shr 8 - (AColor.g shr 15);
- if AColor.b <= 0 then result.blue := 0 else
- result.blue := AColor.b shr 8 - (AColor.b shr 15);
- exit;
- end;
- invMaxValue := (1073741824+maxValue-1) div maxValue;
- maxValue := (maxValue-65535) shr 9;
- if AColor.r < 0 then r := maxValue else
- r := AColor.r*invMaxValue shr 22 + maxValue;
- if AColor.g < 0 then g := maxValue else
- g := AColor.g*invMaxValue shr 22 + maxValue;
- if AColor.b < 0 then b := maxValue else
- b := AColor.b*invMaxValue shr 22 + maxValue;
- if r >= 255 then result.red := 255 else
- result.red := r;
- if g >= 255 then result.green := 255 else
- result.green := g;
- if b >= 255 then result.blue := 255 else
- result.blue := b;
- end;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgracolorquantization.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgracolorquantization.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e130e0..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgracolorquantization.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2037 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAColorQuantization;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BGRAPalette, BGRABitmapTypes;
- TBGRAColorBox = class;
- TBGRAColorTree = class;
- TBGRAApproxPalette = class;
- TBiggestLeafMethod = (blMix, blApparentInterval, blWeight);
- { TDimensionMinMax }
- TDimensionMinMax = object
- Minimum: UInt32;
- Maximum: UInt32;
- function Size: UInt32;
- function Contains(AValue: UInt32): boolean;
- function PointLike: boolean;
- procedure SetAsPoint(AValue: UInt32);
- function GetCenter: UInt32;
- procedure GrowToInclude(AValue: UInt32);
- end;
- TColorDimension = (cdFast,cdRed,cdGreen,cdBlue,cdAlpha,cdRGB,cdRG,cdGB,cdRB,cdRInvG,cdGInvB,cdRInvB,cdRInvGB,cdGInvRB,cdBInvRG,
- cdSaturation);
- TColorDimensions = set of TColorDimension;
- { TBGRAColorQuantizer }
- TBGRAColorQuantizer = class(TBGRACustomColorQuantizer)
- private
- FColors: ArrayOfWeightedColor;
- FPalette: TBGRAApproxPalette;
- FReductionColorCount: Integer;
- FReductionKeepContrast: boolean;
- FSeparateAlphaChannel: boolean;
- procedure Init(ABox: TBGRAColorBox);
- procedure NormalizeArrayOfColors(AColors: ArrayOfTBGRAPixel; ARedBounds, AGreenBounds, ABlueBounds, AAlphaBounds: TDimensionMinMax; AUniform: boolean); overload;
- procedure NormalizeArrayOfColors(AColors: ArrayOfTBGRAPixel; AColorBounds, AAlphaBounds: TDimensionMinMax); overload;
- protected
- function GetPalette: TBGRACustomApproxPalette; override;
- function GetSourceColor(AIndex: integer): TBGRAPixel; override;
- function GetSourceColorCount: Integer; override;
- function GetReductionColorCount: integer; override;
- procedure SetReductionColorCount(AValue: Integer); override;
- public
- constructor Create(APalette: TBGRACustomPalette; ASeparateAlphaChannel: boolean); override;
- constructor Create(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; AAlpha: TAlphaChannelPaletteOption); override;
- constructor Create(APalette: TBGRACustomPalette; ASeparateAlphaChannel: boolean; AReductionColorCount: integer); override;
- constructor Create(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; AAlpha: TAlphaChannelPaletteOption; AReductionColorCount: integer); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure ApplyDitheringInplace(AAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm; ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABounds: TRect); override;
- function GetDitheredBitmap(AAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm; ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABounds: TRect): TBGRACustomBitmap; overload; override;
- function GetDitheredBitmapIndexedData(ABitDepth: integer; AByteOrder: TRawImageByteOrder; AAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm;
- ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; out AScanlineSize: PtrInt): Pointer; overload; override;
- procedure SaveBitmapToStream(AAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm;
- ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; AStream: TStream; AFormat: TBGRAImageFormat); override;
- end;
- { TBGRAApproxPalette }
- TBGRAApproxPalette = class(TBGRACustomApproxPalette)
- private
- FTree: TBGRAColorTree;
- FColors: ArrayOfWeightedColor;
- protected
- function GetCount: integer; override;
- function GetColorByIndex(AIndex: integer): TBGRAPixel; override;
- function GetWeightByIndex(AIndex: Integer): UInt32; override;
- procedure Init(const AColors: ArrayOfTBGRAPixel);
- public
- constructor Create(const AColors: ArrayOfTBGRAPixel); overload;
- constructor Create(const AColors: ArrayOfWeightedColor); overload;
- constructor Create(AOwnedSplitTree: TBGRAColorTree); overload;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function ContainsColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel): boolean; override;
- function IndexOfColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel): integer; override;
- function FindNearestColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel; override;
- function FindNearestColorIndex(AValue: TBGRAPixel): integer; override;
- function GetAsArrayOfColor: ArrayOfTBGRAPixel; override;
- function GetAsArrayOfWeightedColor: ArrayOfWeightedColor; override;
- end;
- { TBGRAApproxPaletteViaLargerPalette }
- TBGRAApproxPaletteViaLargerPalette = class(TBGRAApproxPalette)
- private
- FLarger: TBGRACustomApproxPalette;
- FLargerColors: array of record
- approxColor: TBGRAPixel;
- approxColorIndex: integer;
- end;
- FLargerOwned: boolean;
- FTransparentColorIndex: integer;
- protected
- function FindNearestLargerColorIndex(AValue: TBGRAPixel): integer; virtual;
- function SlowFindNearestColorIndex(AValue: TBGRAPixel): integer;
- public
- constructor Create(const AColors: ArrayOfTBGRAPixel; ALarger: TBGRACustomApproxPalette; ALargerOwned: boolean);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function FindNearestColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel; override;
- function FindNearestColorIndex(AValue: TBGRAPixel): integer; override;
- function GetAsArrayOfWeightedColor: ArrayOfWeightedColor; override;
- end;
- TIsChannelStrictlyGreaterFunc = TBGRAPixelComparer;
- TIsChannelGreaterThanOrEqualToValueFunc = function (p : PBGRAPixel; v: UInt32): boolean;
- TColorBoxBounds = array[TColorDimension] of TDimensionMinMax;
- { TBGRAColorBox }
- TBGRAColorBox = class
- private
- FBounds: TColorBoxBounds;
- FTotalWeight: UInt32;
- FColors: ArrayOfWeightedColor;
- FDimensions: TColorDimensions;
- FPureTransparentColorCount: integer;
- function GetApparentInterval(ADimension: TColorDimension): UInt32;
- function GetAverageColor: TBGRAPixel;
- function GetAverageColorOrMainColor: TBGRAPixel;
- function GetBounds(ADimension: TColorDimension): TDimensionMinMax;
- function GetColorCount(ACountPureTransparent: boolean): integer;
- function GetHasPureTransparentColor: boolean;
- function GetInferiorColor: TBGRAPixel;
- function GetLargestApparentDimension: TColorDimension;
- function GetLargestApparentInterval: UInt32;
- function GetPointLike: boolean;
- function GetSuperiorColor: TBGRAPixel;
- procedure Init(AColors: ArrayOfWeightedColor; AOwner: boolean);
- procedure SortBy(ADimension: TColorDimension);
- function GetMedianIndex(ADimension : TColorDimension; AMinValue, AMaxValue: UInt32): integer;
- public
- constructor Create(ADimensions: TColorDimensions; AColors: ArrayOfWeightedColor; AOwner: boolean); overload;
- constructor Create(ADimensions: TColorDimensions; const AColors: ArrayOfTBGRAPixel; AAlpha: TAlphaChannelPaletteOption = acFullChannelInPalette); overload;
- constructor Create(ADimensions: TColorDimensions; ABounds: TColorBoxBounds); overload;
- constructor Create(ADimensions: TColorDimensions; APalette: TBGRACustomPalette); overload;
- constructor Create(ADimensions: TColorDimensions; ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; AAlpha: TAlphaChannelPaletteOption); overload;
- constructor Create(ADimensions: TColorDimensions; AColors: PBGRAPixel; ANbPixels: integer; AAlpha: TAlphaChannelPaletteOption); overload;
- function BoundsContain(AColor: TBGRAPixel): boolean;
- function MedianCut(ADimension: TColorDimension; out SuperiorMiddle: UInt32): TBGRAColorBox;
- function Duplicate : TBGRAColorBox;
- property Bounds[ADimension: TColorDimension]: TDimensionMinMax read GetBounds;
- property ApparentInterval[AChannel: TColorDimension]: UInt32 read GetApparentInterval;
- property LargestApparentDimension: TColorDimension read GetLargestApparentDimension;
- property LargestApparentInterval: UInt32 read GetLargestApparentInterval;
- property PointLike: boolean read GetPointLike;
- property AverageColor: TBGRAPixel read GetAverageColor;
- property SuperiorColor: TBGRAPixel read GetSuperiorColor;
- property InferiorColor: TBGRAPixel read GetInferiorColor;
- property AverageColorOrMainColor: TBGRAPixel read GetAverageColorOrMainColor;
- function GetAsArrayOfColors(AIncludePureTransparent: boolean): ArrayOfTBGRAPixel;
- property TotalWeight: UInt32 read FTotalWeight;
- property ColorCount[ACountPureTransparent: boolean]: integer read GetColorCount;
- property HasPureTransparentColor: boolean read GetHasPureTransparentColor;
- property PureTransparentColorCount: integer read FPureTransparentColorCount;
- end;
- TBGRALeafColorMode = (lcAverage, lcCenter, lcExtremum, lcMix);
- { TBGRAColorTree }
- TBGRAColorTree = class
- private
- FLeaf: TBGRAColorBox;
- FIsLeaf: boolean;
- FLargestApparentInterval: integer;
- FWeight: UInt32;
- FLeafColor: TBGRAPixel;
- FLeafColorIndex: integer;
- FLeafColorComputed: boolean;
- FMinBorder, FMaxBorder: array[TColorDimension] of boolean;
- FCenterColor: TBGRAPixel;
- FAverageColor: TBGRAPixel;
- FPureTransparentColorCount: integer;
- FPureTransparentColorIndex: integer;
- FDimension: TColorDimension;
- FPixelValueComparer: TIsChannelGreaterThanOrEqualToValueFunc;
- FSuperiorMiddle: UInt32;
- FInferiorBranch, FSuperiorBranch: TBGRAColorTree;
- function GetApproximatedColorCount: integer;
- function GetHasPureTransparentColor: boolean;
- function GetLeafCount: integer;
- procedure Init(ALeaf: TBGRAColorBox; AOwned: boolean);
- procedure InternalComputeLeavesColor(ALeafColor: TBGRALeafColorMode; var AStartIndex: integer);
- procedure CheckColorComputed;
- public
- constructor Create(ABox: TBGRAColorBox; AOwned: boolean); overload;
- constructor Create(ADimensions: TColorDimensions; APalette: TBGRACustomPalette); overload;
- constructor Create(ADimensions: TColorDimensions; ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; AAlpha: TAlphaChannelPaletteOption); overload;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure FreeLeaves;
- function FindBiggestLeaf(AMethod: TBiggestLeafMethod): TBGRAColorTree;
- property LargestApparentInterval: integer read FLargestApparentInterval;
- property Weight: UInt32 read FWeight;
- property IsLeaf: boolean read FIsLeaf;
- function TrySplitLeaf: boolean;
- procedure ComputeLeavesColor(ALeafColor: TBGRALeafColorMode);
- function ApproximateColor(AColor: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
- function ApproximateColorIndex(AColor: TBGRAPixel): integer;
- function GetAsArrayOfApproximatedColors: ArrayOfTBGRAPixel;
- function GetAsArrayOfWeightedColors: ArrayOfWeightedColor;
- procedure SplitIntoPalette(ACount: integer; AMethod: TBiggestLeafMethod;
- ALeafColor: TBGRALeafColorMode);
- function SplitIntoPaletteWithSubPalette(ACount: integer; AMethod: TBiggestLeafMethod;
- ALeafColor: TBGRALeafColorMode; ASubPaletteCount: integer): ArrayOfTBGRAPixel;
- property LeafCount: integer read GetLeafCount;
- property ApproximatedColorCount: integer read GetApproximatedColorCount;
- property HasPureTransparentColor: boolean read GetHasPureTransparentColor;
- property PureTransparentColorCount: integer read FPureTransparentColorCount;
- end;
-function GetPixelStrictComparer(ADimension: TColorDimension): TIsChannelStrictlyGreaterFunc;
-function GetPixelValueComparer(ADimension: TColorDimension): TIsChannelGreaterThanOrEqualToValueFunc;
-function BGRAColorCount(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; AAlpha: TAlphaChannelPaletteOption): integer;
-const AllColorDimensions = [cdRed,cdGreen,cdBlue,cdAlpha,cdRGB,cdRG,cdGB,cdRB,cdRInvG,cdGInvB,cdRInvB,cdRInvGB,cdGInvRB,cdBInvRG,
- cdSaturation];
-uses BGRADithering, FPimage, FPWriteBMP, BGRAWritePNG, math;
-const MedianMinPercentage = 0.2;
-const RedShift = 1;
- GreenShift = 2;
- AlphaShift = 1;
- SaturationShift = 2;
-function GetDimensionValue(APixel: TBGRAPixel; ADimension: TColorDimension): UInt32;
-var v: UInt32;
- case ADimension of
- cdFast: result := LongWord(APixel);
- cdRed: result := GammaExpansionTab[APixel.red] shl RedShift;
- cdGreen: result := GammaExpansionTab[APixel.green] shl GreenShift;
- cdBlue: result := GammaExpansionTab[APixel.blue];
- cdAlpha: result := (APixel.alpha + (APixel.alpha shl 8)) shl AlphaShift;
- cdRGB: result := GammaExpansionTab[APixel.blue] + (GammaExpansionTab[APixel.red] shl RedShift) + (GammaExpansionTab[APixel.green] shl GreenShift);
- cdRG: result := (GammaExpansionTab[APixel.red] shl RedShift) + (GammaExpansionTab[APixel.green] shl GreenShift);
- cdGB: result := GammaExpansionTab[APixel.blue] + (GammaExpansionTab[APixel.green] shl GreenShift);
- cdRB: result := (GammaExpansionTab[APixel.red] shl RedShift) + GammaExpansionTab[APixel.blue];
- cdRInvG: result := (GammaExpansionTab[APixel.red] shl RedShift) + ((not GammaExpansionTab[APixel.green]) shl GreenShift);
- cdGInvB: result := (GammaExpansionTab[APixel.green] shl GreenShift) + (not GammaExpansionTab[APixel.blue]);
- cdRInvB: result := (GammaExpansionTab[APixel.red] shl RedShift) + (not GammaExpansionTab[APixel.blue]);
- cdRInvGB: result := (GammaExpansionTab[APixel.red] shl RedShift) + ((not GammaExpansionTab[APixel.green]) shl GreenShift) + (not GammaExpansionTab[APixel.blue]);
- cdGInvRB: result := (GammaExpansionTab[APixel.green] shl GreenShift) + ((not GammaExpansionTab[APixel.red]) shl RedShift) + (not GammaExpansionTab[APixel.blue]);
- cdBInvRG: result := (GammaExpansionTab[APixel.blue]) + ((not GammaExpansionTab[APixel.red]) shl RedShift) + ((not GammaExpansionTab[APixel.green]) shl GreenShift);
- cdSaturation: with GammaExpansion(APixel) do
- begin
- v := red;
- if green>v then v := green;
- if blue>v then v := blue;
- result := v;
- v := red;
- if green
- ((GammaExpansionTab[p2^.red] shl RedShift)+(GammaExpansionTab[p2^.green] shl GreenShift)+GammaExpansionTab[p2^.blue]);
-function IsRGBGreaterThanValue(p: PBGRAPixel;
- v: UInt32): boolean;
- with p^ do
- result := ((GammaExpansionTab[red] shl RedShift)+(GammaExpansionTab[green] shl GreenShift)+GammaExpansionTab[blue]) >= v;
-function IsRGGreater(p1, p2: PBGRAPixel): boolean;
- result := ((GammaExpansionTab[p1^.red] shl RedShift)+(GammaExpansionTab[p1^.green] shl GreenShift)) >
- ((GammaExpansionTab[p2^.red] shl RedShift)+(GammaExpansionTab[p2^.green] shl GreenShift));
-function IsRGGreaterThanValue(p: PBGRAPixel;
- v: UInt32): boolean;
- with p^ do
- result := ((GammaExpansionTab[red] shl RedShift)+(GammaExpansionTab[green] shl GreenShift)) >= v;
-function IsGBGreater(p1, p2: PBGRAPixel): boolean;
- result := ((GammaExpansionTab[p1^.green] shl GreenShift)+GammaExpansionTab[p1^.blue]) >
- ((GammaExpansionTab[p2^.green] shl GreenShift)+GammaExpansionTab[p2^.blue]);
-function IsGBGreaterThanValue(p: PBGRAPixel;
- v: UInt32): boolean;
- with p^ do
- result := ((GammaExpansionTab[green] shl GreenShift)+GammaExpansionTab[blue]) >= v;
-function IsRBGreater(p1, p2: PBGRAPixel): boolean;
- result := ((GammaExpansionTab[p1^.red] shl RedShift)+GammaExpansionTab[p1^.blue]) >
- ((GammaExpansionTab[p2^.red] shl RedShift)+GammaExpansionTab[p2^.blue]);
-function IsRBGreaterThanValue(p: PBGRAPixel;
- v: UInt32): boolean;
- with p^ do
- result := ((GammaExpansionTab[red] shl RedShift)+GammaExpansionTab[blue]) >= v;
-function IsRInvGGreater(p1, p2: PBGRAPixel
- ): boolean;
- result := (GammaExpansionTab[p1^.red]+ ((not GammaExpansionTab[p1^.green]) shl GreenShift)) >
- (GammaExpansionTab[p2^.red]+((not GammaExpansionTab[p2^.green]) shl GreenShift));
-function IsRInvGGreaterThanValue(p: PBGRAPixel;
- v: UInt32): boolean;
- with p^ do
- result := (GammaExpansionTab[red]+((not GammaExpansionTab[green]) shl GreenShift)) >= v;
-function IsGInvBGreater(p1, p2: PBGRAPixel
- ): boolean;
- result := (GammaExpansionTab[p1^.green] shl GreenShift + not GammaExpansionTab[p1^.blue]) >
- (GammaExpansionTab[p2^.green] shl GreenShift + not GammaExpansionTab[p2^.blue]);
-function IsGInvBGreaterThanValue(p: PBGRAPixel;
- v: UInt32): boolean;
- with p^ do
- result := (GammaExpansionTab[green] shl GreenShift + not GammaExpansionTab[blue]) >= v;
-function IsRInvBGreater(p1, p2: PBGRAPixel
- ): boolean;
- result := (GammaExpansionTab[p1^.red] shl RedShift + not GammaExpansionTab[p1^.blue]) >
- (GammaExpansionTab[p2^.red] shl RedShift + not GammaExpansionTab[p2^.blue]);
-function IsRInvBGreaterThanValue(p: PBGRAPixel;
- v: UInt32): boolean;
- with p^ do
- result := (GammaExpansionTab[red] shl RedShift + not GammaExpansionTab[blue]) >= v;
-function IsRInvGBGreater(p1, p2: PBGRAPixel
- ): boolean;
- result := (GammaExpansionTab[p1^.red] shl RedShift + ((not GammaExpansionTab[p1^.green]) shl GreenShift) + not GammaExpansionTab[p1^.blue]) >
- (GammaExpansionTab[p2^.red] shl RedShift + ((not GammaExpansionTab[p2^.green]) shl GreenShift) + not GammaExpansionTab[p2^.blue]);
-function IsRInvGBGreaterThanValue(p: PBGRAPixel;
- v: UInt32): boolean;
- with p^ do
- result := (GammaExpansionTab[red] shl RedShift + ((not GammaExpansionTab[green]) shl GreenShift) + not GammaExpansionTab[blue]) >= v;
-function IsGInvRBGreater(p1, p2: PBGRAPixel
- ): boolean;
- result := (GammaExpansionTab[p1^.green] shl GreenShift + ((not GammaExpansionTab[p1^.red]) shl RedShift) + not GammaExpansionTab[p1^.blue]) >
- (GammaExpansionTab[p2^.green] shl GreenShift + ((not GammaExpansionTab[p2^.red]) shl RedShift) + not GammaExpansionTab[p2^.blue]);
-function IsGInvRBGreaterThanValue(p: PBGRAPixel;
- v: UInt32): boolean;
- with p^ do
- result := (GammaExpansionTab[green] shl GreenShift + ((not GammaExpansionTab[red]) shl RedShift) + not GammaExpansionTab[blue]) >= v;
-function IsBInvRGGreater(p1, p2: PBGRAPixel
- ): boolean;
- result := (GammaExpansionTab[p1^.blue] + ((not GammaExpansionTab[p1^.red]) shl RedShift) + ((not GammaExpansionTab[p1^.green]) shl GreenShift)) >
- (GammaExpansionTab[p2^.blue] + ((not GammaExpansionTab[p2^.red]) shl RedShift) + ((not GammaExpansionTab[p2^.green]) shl GreenShift));
-function IsBInvRGGreaterThanValue(p: PBGRAPixel;
- v: UInt32): boolean;
- with p^ do
- result := (GammaExpansionTab[blue] + ((not GammaExpansionTab[red]) shl RedShift) + ((not GammaExpansionTab[green]) shl GreenShift)) >= v;
-function IsSaturationGreater(p1, p2: PBGRAPixel): boolean;
- result := GetDimensionValue(p1^,cdSaturation) > GetDimensionValue(p2^,cdSaturation);
-function IsSaturationGreaterThanValue(p: PBGRAPixel;
- v: UInt32): boolean;
- result := GetDimensionValue(p^,cdSaturation) >= v;
-function IsRedGreater(p1, p2: PBGRAPixel): boolean;
- result := p1^.red > p2^.red;
-function IsRedGreaterThanValue(p: PBGRAPixel;
- v: UInt32): boolean;
- result := GammaExpansionTab[p^.red] shl RedShift >= v;
-function IsGreenGreater(p1, p2: PBGRAPixel
- ): boolean;
- result := p1^.green > p2^.green;
-function IsGreenGreaterThanValue(p: PBGRAPixel;
- v: UInt32): boolean;
- result := GammaExpansionTab[p^.green] shl GreenShift >= v;
-function IsBlueGreater(p1, p2: PBGRAPixel
- ): boolean;
- result := p1^.blue > p2^.blue;
-function IsBlueGreaterThanValue(p: PBGRAPixel;
- v: UInt32): boolean;
- result := GammaExpansionTab[p^.blue] >= v;
-function IsAlphaGreater(p1, p2: PBGRAPixel
- ): boolean;
- result := p1^.alpha > p2^.alpha;
-function IsAlphaGreaterThanValue(p: PBGRAPixel;
- v: UInt32): boolean;
- result := (p^.alpha + p^.alpha shl 8) shl AlphaShift >= v;
-function IsDWordGreater(p1, p2: PBGRAPixel
- ): boolean;
- result := LongWord(p1^) > LongWord(p2^);
-function IsDWordGreaterThanValue(p: PBGRAPixel;
- v: UInt32): boolean;
- result := LongWord(p^) >= v;
-function GetPixelStrictComparer(ADimension: TColorDimension
- ): TIsChannelStrictlyGreaterFunc;
- case ADimension of
- cdFast: result := @IsDWordGreater;
- cdRed: result := @IsRedGreater;
- cdGreen: result := @IsGreenGreater;
- cdBlue: result := @IsBlueGreater;
- cdAlpha: result := @IsAlphaGreater;
- cdRGB: result := @IsRGBGreater;
- cdRG: result := @IsRGGreater;
- cdGB: result := @IsGBGreater;
- cdRB: result := @IsRBGreater;
- cdRInvG: result := @IsRInvGGreater;
- cdGInvB: result := @IsGInvBGreater;
- cdRInvB: result := @IsRInvBGreater;
- cdRInvGB: result := @IsRInvGBGreater;
- cdGInvRB: result := @IsGInvRBGreater;
- cdBInvRG: result := @IsBInvRGGreater;
- cdSaturation: result := @IsSaturationGreater;
- else raise Exception.Create('Unknown dimension');
- end;
-function GetPixelValueComparer(ADimension: TColorDimension
- ): TIsChannelGreaterThanOrEqualToValueFunc;
- case ADimension of
- cdFast: result := @IsDWordGreaterThanValue;
- cdRed: result := @IsRedGreaterThanValue;
- cdGreen: result := @IsGreenGreaterThanValue;
- cdBlue: result := @IsBlueGreaterThanValue;
- cdAlpha: result := @IsAlphaGreaterThanValue;
- cdRGB: result := @IsRGBGreaterThanValue;
- cdRG: result := @IsRGGreaterThanValue;
- cdGB: result := @IsGBGreaterThanValue;
- cdRB: result := @IsRBGreaterThanValue;
- cdRInvG: result := @IsRInvGGreaterThanValue;
- cdGInvB: result := @IsGInvBGreaterThanValue;
- cdRInvB: result := @IsRInvBGreaterThanValue;
- cdRInvGB: result := @IsRInvGBGreaterThanValue;
- cdGInvRB: result := @IsGInvRBGreaterThanValue;
- cdBInvRG: result := @IsBInvRGGreaterThanValue;
- cdSaturation: result := @IsSaturationGreaterThanValue;
- else raise Exception.Create('Unknown dimension');
- end;
-function BGRAColorCount(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- AAlpha: TAlphaChannelPaletteOption): integer;
- box: TBGRAColorBox;
- box := TBGRAColorBox.Create(AllColorDimensions,ABitmap,AAlpha);
- result := box.ColorCount[True];
- box.Free;
- ApproxPaletteDimensions = [cdAlpha,cdRInvG,cdGInvB,cdRInvB,cdRInvGB,cdGInvRB,cdBInvRG,cdRGB];
-{ TBGRAApproxPaletteViaLargerPalette }
-function TBGRAApproxPaletteViaLargerPalette.FindNearestLargerColorIndex(
- AValue: TBGRAPixel): integer;
- result := FLarger.FindNearestColorIndex(AValue);
-function TBGRAApproxPaletteViaLargerPalette.SlowFindNearestColorIndex(
- AValue: TBGRAPixel): integer;
-var diff,curDiff: Int32or64;
- i: Int32or64;
- if AValue.alpha = 0 then
- begin
- result := FTransparentColorIndex;
- exit;
- end;
- diff := BGRAWordDiff(AValue, FColors[0].Color);
- result := 0;
- for i := 0 to high(FColors) do
- begin
- curDiff := BGRAWordDiff(AValue, FColors[i].Color);
- if curDiff < diff then
- begin
- result := i;
- diff := curDiff;
- end;
- end;
-constructor TBGRAApproxPaletteViaLargerPalette.Create(
- const AColors: ArrayOfTBGRAPixel; ALarger: TBGRACustomApproxPalette; ALargerOwned: boolean);
-var i: integer;
- largeWeighted: ArrayOfWeightedColor;
- inherited Create(AColors);
- FTransparentColorIndex:= -1;
- for i := 0 to high(FColors) do
- begin
- FColors[i].Weight := 0;
- if FColors[i].Color.alpha = 0 then FTransparentColorIndex:= i;
- end;
- FLarger := ALarger;
- FLargerOwned := ALargerOwned;
- largeWeighted := FLarger.GetAsArrayOfWeightedColor;
- setlength(FLargerColors, length(largeWeighted));
- for i := 0 to high(FLargerColors) do
- with FLargerColors[i] do
- begin
- approxColorIndex := SlowFindNearestColorIndex(largeWeighted[i].Color);
- if approxColorIndex = -1 then
- approxColor := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- begin
- approxColor := FColors[approxColorIndex].Color;
- inc(FColors[approxColorIndex].Weight, largeWeighted[i].Weight);
- end;
- end;
-destructor TBGRAApproxPaletteViaLargerPalette.Destroy;
- if FLargerOwned then FreeAndNil(FLarger);
- inherited Destroy;
-function TBGRAApproxPaletteViaLargerPalette.FindNearestColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel
- ): TBGRAPixel;
-var index: integer;
- index := FindNearestLargerColorIndex(AValue);
- if index = -1 then
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- Result:= FLargerColors[index].approxColor;
-function TBGRAApproxPaletteViaLargerPalette.FindNearestColorIndex(
- AValue: TBGRAPixel): integer;
-var index: integer;
- index := FindNearestLargerColorIndex(AValue);
- if index = -1 then
- result := -1
- else
- Result:= FLargerColors[index].approxColorIndex;
-function TBGRAApproxPaletteViaLargerPalette.GetAsArrayOfWeightedColor: ArrayOfWeightedColor;
- i: Integer;
- setlength(result, length(FColors));
- for i := 0 to high(FColors) do
- result[i] := FColors[i];
-{ TBGRAApproxPalette }
-function TBGRAApproxPalette.GetCount: integer;
- result := length(FColors);
-function TBGRAApproxPalette.GetColorByIndex(AIndex: integer): TBGRAPixel;
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= length(FColors)) then
- raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- result := FColors[AIndex].Color;
-function TBGRAApproxPalette.GetWeightByIndex(AIndex: Integer): UInt32;
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= length(FColors)) then
- raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- result := FColors[AIndex].Weight;
-procedure TBGRAApproxPalette.Init(const AColors: ArrayOfTBGRAPixel);
- weightedColors: ArrayOfWeightedColor;
- i: Int32or64;
- setlength(weightedColors, length(AColors));
- for i := 0 to high(weightedColors) do
- with weightedColors[i] do
- begin
- Color := AColors[i];
- Weight := 1;
- end;
- FTree := TBGRAColorTree.Create(TBGRAColorBox.Create(ApproxPaletteDimensions,weightedColors,True),True);
- FTree.SplitIntoPalette(length(AColors),blApparentInterval,lcAverage);
- FColors := FTree.GetAsArrayOfWeightedColors;
-constructor TBGRAApproxPalette.Create(const AColors: ArrayOfTBGRAPixel);
- Init(AColors);
-constructor TBGRAApproxPalette.Create(const AColors: ArrayOfWeightedColor);
- FTree := TBGRAColorTree.Create(TBGRAColorBox.Create(ApproxPaletteDimensions,AColors,True),True);
- FTree.SplitIntoPalette(length(AColors),blApparentInterval,lcAverage);
- FColors := FTree.GetAsArrayOfWeightedColors;
-constructor TBGRAApproxPalette.Create(AOwnedSplitTree: TBGRAColorTree);
- FTree := AOwnedSplitTree;
- FColors := FTree.GetAsArrayOfWeightedColors;
-destructor TBGRAApproxPalette.Destroy;
- FreeAndNil(FTree);
- inherited Destroy;
-function TBGRAApproxPalette.ContainsColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel): boolean;
- result := (IndexOfColor(AValue)<>-1);
-function TBGRAApproxPalette.IndexOfColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel): integer;
- result := FTree.ApproximateColorIndex(AValue);
- if (result <> -1) and not (LongWord(FColors[result].Color) = LongWord(AValue)) then result := -1;
-function TBGRAApproxPalette.FindNearestColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
- result := FTree.ApproximateColor(AValue);
-function TBGRAApproxPalette.FindNearestColorIndex(AValue: TBGRAPixel): integer;
- result := FTree.ApproximateColorIndex(AValue);
-function TBGRAApproxPalette.GetAsArrayOfColor: ArrayOfTBGRAPixel;
- i: Int32or64;
- setlength(result, length(FColors));
- for i := 0 to high(result) do
- result[i] := FColors[i].Color;
-function TBGRAApproxPalette.GetAsArrayOfWeightedColor: ArrayOfWeightedColor;
- i: Int32or64;
- if Assigned(FTree) then
- result := FTree.GetAsArrayOfWeightedColors
- else
- begin
- setlength(result, length(FColors));
- for i := 0 to high(result) do
- result[i] := FColors[i];
- end;
-{ TBGRAColorQuantizer }
-procedure TBGRAColorQuantizer.Init(ABox: TBGRAColorBox);
- FColors := ABox.FColors;
- if ABox.HasPureTransparentColor then
- begin
- setlength(FColors,length(FColors)+1);
- with FColors[high(FColors)] do
- begin
- Color := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- Weight:= ABox.PureTransparentColorCount;
- end;
- end;
- ABox.FColors := nil;
- ABox.Free;
- FReductionColorCount := 256;
- FReductionKeepContrast := true;
-procedure TBGRAColorQuantizer.SetReductionColorCount(AValue: Integer);
- if AValue < 1 then AValue := 1;
- if FReductionColorCount=AValue then Exit;
- FReductionColorCount:=AValue;
- FreeAndNil(FPalette);
-procedure TBGRAColorQuantizer.NormalizeArrayOfColors(
- AColors: ArrayOfTBGRAPixel; ARedBounds, AGreenBounds, ABlueBounds,
- AAlphaBounds: TDimensionMinMax; AUniform: boolean);
- curRedBounds, curGreenBounds, curBlueBounds, curAlphaBounds: TDimensionMinMax;
- RedSub,RedMul,RedDiv,RedAdd: UInt32or64;
- GreenSub,GreenMul,GreenDiv,GreenAdd: UInt32or64;
- BlueSub,BlueMul,BlueDiv,BlueAdd: UInt32or64;
- AlphaSub,AlphaMul,AlphaDiv,AlphaAdd: UInt32or64;
- i: Int32or64;
- colorBounds: TDimensionMinMax;
- if length(AColors)=0 then exit;
- if AUniform then
- begin
- colorBounds := ABlueBounds;
- colorBounds.GrowToInclude(AGreenBounds.Minimum shr GreenShift);
- colorBounds.GrowToInclude(AGreenBounds.Maximum shr GreenShift);
- colorBounds.GrowToInclude(ARedBounds.Minimum shr RedShift);
- colorBounds.GrowToInclude(ARedBounds.Maximum shr RedShift);
- NormalizeArrayOfColors(AColors, colorBounds, AAlphaBounds);
- exit;
- end;
- curRedBounds.SetAsPoint(GetDimensionValue(AColors[0],cdRed));
- curGreenBounds.SetAsPoint(GetDimensionValue(AColors[0],cdGreen));
- curBlueBounds.SetAsPoint(GetDimensionValue(AColors[0],cdBlue));
- curAlphaBounds.SetAsPoint(GetDimensionValue(AColors[0],cdAlpha));
- for i := 1 to high(AColors) do
- with AColors[i] do
- begin
- curRedBounds.GrowToInclude(GetDimensionValue(AColors[i],cdRed));
- curGreenBounds.GrowToInclude(GetDimensionValue(AColors[i],cdGreen));
- curBlueBounds.GrowToInclude(GetDimensionValue(AColors[i],cdBlue));
- curAlphaBounds.GrowToInclude(GetDimensionValue(AColors[i],cdAlpha));
- end;
- RedSub := curRedBounds.Minimum shr RedShift;
- RedMul := ARedBounds.Size shr RedShift;
- RedDiv := curRedBounds.Size shr RedShift;
- RedAdd := ARedBounds.Minimum shr RedShift;
- if RedDiv = 0 then RedDiv := 1;
- GreenSub := curGreenBounds.Minimum shr GreenShift;
- GreenMul := AGreenBounds.Size shr GreenShift;
- GreenDiv := curGreenBounds.Size shr GreenShift;
- GreenAdd := AGreenBounds.Minimum shr GreenShift;
- if GreenDiv = 0 then GreenDiv := 1;
- BlueSub := curBlueBounds.Minimum;
- BlueMul := ABlueBounds.Size;
- BlueDiv := curBlueBounds.Size;
- BlueAdd := ABlueBounds.Minimum;
- if BlueDiv = 0 then BlueDiv := 1;
- AlphaSub := curAlphaBounds.Minimum shr (AlphaShift+8);
- AlphaMul := AAlphaBounds.Size shr (AlphaShift+8);
- AlphaDiv := curAlphaBounds.Size shr (AlphaShift+8);
- AlphaAdd := AAlphaBounds.Minimum shr (AlphaShift+8);
- if AlphaDiv = 0 then AlphaDiv := 1;
- for i := 0 to high(AColors) do
- with AColors[i] do
- begin
- red := GammaCompressionTab[((GammaExpansionTab[red]-RedSub)*RedMul+(RedDiv shr 1)) div RedDiv + RedAdd];
- green := GammaCompressionTab[((GammaExpansionTab[green]-GreenSub)*GreenMul+(GreenDiv shr 1)) div GreenDiv + GreenAdd];
- blue := GammaCompressionTab[((GammaExpansionTab[blue]-BlueSub)*BlueMul+(BlueDiv shr 1)) div BlueDiv + BlueAdd];
- alpha := ((alpha-AlphaSub)*AlphaMul+(AlphaDiv shr 1)) div AlphaDiv + AlphaAdd;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAColorQuantizer.NormalizeArrayOfColors(
- AColors: ArrayOfTBGRAPixel; AColorBounds, AAlphaBounds: TDimensionMinMax);
- curColorBounds, curAlphaBounds: TDimensionMinMax;
- ColorSub,ColorMul,ColorDiv,ColorAdd: UInt32or64;
- AlphaSub,AlphaMul,AlphaDiv,AlphaAdd: UInt32or64;
- i: Int32or64;
- if length(AColors)=0 then exit;
- curColorBounds.SetAsPoint(GammaExpansionTab[AColors[0].red]);
- curColorBounds.GrowToInclude(GammaExpansionTab[AColors[0].green]);
- curColorBounds.GrowToInclude(GammaExpansionTab[AColors[0].blue]);
- curAlphaBounds.SetAsPoint(AColors[0].alpha);
- for i := 1 to high(AColors) do
- with AColors[i] do
- begin
- curColorBounds.GrowToInclude(GammaExpansionTab[red]);
- curColorBounds.GrowToInclude(GammaExpansionTab[green]);
- curColorBounds.GrowToInclude(GammaExpansionTab[blue]);
- curAlphaBounds.GrowToInclude(alpha);
- end;
- ColorSub := curColorBounds.Minimum;
- ColorMul := AColorBounds.Size;
- ColorDiv := curColorBounds.Size;
- ColorAdd := AColorBounds.Minimum;
- if ColorDiv = 0 then ColorDiv := 1;
- AlphaSub := curAlphaBounds.Minimum;
- AlphaMul := AAlphaBounds.Size shr 8;
- AlphaDiv := curAlphaBounds.Size;
- AlphaAdd := AAlphaBounds.Minimum shr 8;
- if AlphaDiv = 0 then AlphaDiv := 1;
- for i := 0 to high(AColors) do
- with AColors[i] do
- begin
- red := GammaCompressionTab[((GammaExpansionTab[red]-ColorSub)*ColorMul+(ColorDiv shr 1)) div ColorDiv + ColorAdd];
- green := GammaCompressionTab[((GammaExpansionTab[green]-ColorSub)*ColorMul+(ColorDiv shr 1)) div ColorDiv + ColorAdd];
- blue := GammaCompressionTab[((GammaExpansionTab[blue]-ColorSub)*ColorMul+(ColorDiv shr 1)) div ColorDiv + ColorAdd];
- alpha := ((alpha-AlphaSub)*AlphaMul+(AlphaDiv shr 1)) div AlphaDiv + AlphaAdd;
- end;
-function TBGRAColorQuantizer.GetSourceColorCount: Integer;
- result := length(FColors);
-function TBGRAColorQuantizer.GetReductionColorCount: integer;
- result := FReductionColorCount;
-function TBGRAColorQuantizer.GetPalette: TBGRACustomApproxPalette;
- tree: TBGRAColorTree;
- procedure MakeTreeErrorDiffusionFriendly;
- var moreColors: ArrayOfWeightedColor;
- box: TBGRAColorBox;
- begin
- moreColors := tree.GetAsArrayOfWeightedColors;
- tree.free;
- box := TBGRAColorBox.Create([cdRed,cdGreen,cdBlue,cdAlpha],moreColors,True);
- tree := TBGRAColorTree.Create(box,True);
- tree.SplitIntoPalette(box.ColorCount[true], blApparentInterval, lcAverage);
- end;
- originalBox: TBGRAColorBox;
- colors: ArrayOfTBGRAPixel;
- bounds: array[TColorDimension] of TDimensionMinMax;
- nbLarge,nbOriginal: integer;
- if not Assigned(FPalette) then
- if FReductionColorCount >= length(FColors) then
- begin
- originalBox := TBGRAColorBox.Create([cdRed,cdGreen,cdBlue,cdAlpha],FColors, False);
- tree := TBGRAColorTree.Create(originalBox,True);
- tree.SplitIntoPalette(originalBox.ColorCount[true], blApparentInterval, lcAverage);
- FPalette := TBGRAApproxPalette.Create(tree);
- end else
- begin
- originalBox := TBGRAColorBox.Create(AllColorDimensions, FColors, False);
- bounds[cdRed] := originalBox.Bounds[cdRed];
- bounds[cdGreen] := originalBox.Bounds[cdGreen];
- bounds[cdBlue] := originalBox.Bounds[cdBlue];
- bounds[cdAlpha] := originalBox.Bounds[cdAlpha];
- if originalBox.HasPureTransparentColor then bounds[cdAlpha].Minimum := 0;
- if FReductionColorCount = 1 then
- begin
- setlength(colors,1);
- colors[0] := originalBox.AverageColor;
- originalBox.Free;
- FPalette := TBGRAApproxPalette.Create(colors);
- end else
- begin
- tree := TBGRAColorTree.Create(originalBox,True);
- if FReductionColorCount <= 64 then
- begin
- nbLarge := 128;
- nbOriginal := originalBox.ColorCount[True];
- if nbOriginal < 128 then nbLarge:= nbOriginal;
- colors := tree.SplitIntoPaletteWithSubPalette(nbLarge, blMix,lcMix, FReductionColorCount);
- MakeTreeErrorDiffusionFriendly;
- if FReductionColorCount <= 4 then
- NormalizeArrayOfColors(colors, bounds[cdRed],bounds[cdGreen],bounds[cdBlue],bounds[cdAlpha],true);
- FPalette := TBGRAApproxPaletteViaLargerPalette.Create(colors, TBGRAApproxPalette.Create(tree), True);
- end else
- begin
- tree.SplitIntoPalette(FReductionColorCount, blMix,lcMix);
- MakeTreeErrorDiffusionFriendly;
- FPalette := TBGRAApproxPalette.Create(tree);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- result := FPalette;
-function TBGRAColorQuantizer.GetSourceColor(AIndex: integer): TBGRAPixel;
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= length(FColors)) then
- raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- result := FColors[AIndex].Color;
-constructor TBGRAColorQuantizer.Create(APalette: TBGRACustomPalette; ASeparateAlphaChannel: boolean);
- FSeparateAlphaChannel:= ASeparateAlphaChannel;
- Init(TBGRAColorBox.Create(AllColorDimensions, APalette));
-constructor TBGRAColorQuantizer.Create(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; AAlpha: TAlphaChannelPaletteOption);
- FSeparateAlphaChannel:= (AAlpha = acIgnore);
- Init(TBGRAColorBox.Create(AllColorDimensions, ABitmap, AAlpha));
-constructor TBGRAColorQuantizer.Create(APalette: TBGRACustomPalette;
- ASeparateAlphaChannel: boolean; AReductionColorCount: integer);
- FSeparateAlphaChannel:= ASeparateAlphaChannel;
- Init(TBGRAColorBox.Create(AllColorDimensions, APalette));
- ReductionColorCount := AReductionColorCount;
-constructor TBGRAColorQuantizer.Create(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- AAlpha: TAlphaChannelPaletteOption; AReductionColorCount: integer);
- FSeparateAlphaChannel:= (AAlpha = acIgnore);
- Init(TBGRAColorBox.Create(AllColorDimensions, ABitmap, AAlpha));
- ReductionColorCount := AReductionColorCount;
-destructor TBGRAColorQuantizer.Destroy;
- FreeAndNil(FPalette);
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TBGRAColorQuantizer.ApplyDitheringInplace(AAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm; ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- ABounds: TRect);
-var task: TDitheringTask;
- task := CreateDitheringTask(AAlgorithm, ABitmap, ReducedPalette, FSeparateAlphaChannel, ABounds);
- task.Destination := ABitmap;
- task.Execute;
- task.Free;
-function TBGRAColorQuantizer.GetDitheredBitmap(AAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm;
- ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABounds: TRect): TBGRACustomBitmap;
-var task: TDitheringTask;
- task := CreateDitheringTask(AAlgorithm, ABitmap, ReducedPalette, FSeparateAlphaChannel, ABounds);
- result := task.Execute;
- task.Free;
-function TBGRAColorQuantizer.GetDitheredBitmapIndexedData(
- ABitDepth: integer; AByteOrder: TRawImageByteOrder; AAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm; ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- out AScanlineSize: PtrInt): Pointer;
- indexer: TDitheringToIndexedImage;
- indexer := TDitheringToIndexedImage.Create(ReducedPalette, FSeparateAlphaChannel, ABitDepth, AByteOrder);
- indexer.DefaultTransparentColorIndex := ReducedPalette.IndexOfColor(BGRAPixelTransparent);
- AScanlineSize:= indexer.ComputeMinimumScanlineSize(ABitmap.Width);
- result := indexer.DitherImage(AAlgorithm, ABitmap, AScanlineSize);
- indexer.Free;
-procedure TBGRAColorQuantizer.SaveBitmapToStream(AAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm; ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- AStream: TStream; AFormat: TBGRAImageFormat);
- dithered: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- hasTransp: boolean;
- writer: TFPCustomImageWriter;
- depth: integer;
- dithered := GetDitheredBitmap(AAlgorithm, ABitmap);
- try
- ReducedPalette.AssignTo(dithered);
- hasTransp := dithered.HasTransparentPixels;
- writer := CreateBGRAImageWriter(AFormat, hasTransp);
- try
- if writer is TBGRAWriterPNG then TBGRAWriterPNG(writer).Indexed := true else
- if writer is TFPWriterBMP then
- begin
- if not hasTransp then
- begin
- depth := BGRARequiredBitDepth(ReducedPalette);
- if depth < 8 then
- begin
- if depth > 4 then
- depth := 8
- else if depth > 1 then
- depth := 4;
- end;
- TFPWriterBMP(writer).BitsPerPixel := depth;
- end;
- end;
- dithered.SaveToStream(AStream, writer);
- finally
- writer.Free;
- end;
- finally
- dithered.Free;
- end;
-{ TBGRAColorTree }
-function TBGRAColorTree.TrySplitLeaf: boolean;
- dim: TColorDimension;
- box2: TBGRAColorBox;
- mid: UInt32;
- result := false;
- if IsLeaf and Assigned(FLeaf) and not FLeaf.PointLike then
- begin
- dim := FLeaf.LargestApparentDimension;
- box2 := FLeaf.MedianCut(dim,mid);
- if box2 <> nil then
- begin
- FInferiorBranch := TBGRAColorTree.Create(FLeaf,True);
- FSuperiorBranch := TBGRAColorTree.Create(box2,True);
- FInferiorBranch.FMinBorder := FMinBorder;
- FInferiorBranch.FMaxBorder := FMaxBorder;
- FSuperiorBranch.FMinBorder := FMinBorder;
- FSuperiorBranch.FMaxBorder := FMaxBorder;
- FInferiorBranch.FMaxBorder[dim] := false;
- FSuperiorBranch.FMinBorder[dim] := false;
- FLeaf := nil;
- FIsLeaf:= false;
- FDimension := dim;
- FPixelValueComparer := GetPixelValueComparer(FDimension);
- FSuperiorMiddle := mid;
- result := true;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAColorTree.ComputeLeavesColor(ALeafColor: TBGRALeafColorMode);
-var index: integer;
- index := 0;
- if HasPureTransparentColor then
- begin
- FPureTransparentColorIndex:= index;
- inc(index);
- end;
- InternalComputeLeavesColor(ALeafColor,{%H-}index);
-procedure TBGRAColorTree.InternalComputeLeavesColor(
- ALeafColor: TBGRALeafColorMode; var AStartIndex: integer);
-var nbMin,nbMax: Int32or64;
- c: TColorDimension;
- extremumColor: TBGRAPixel;
- extremumColorRelevant: Boolean;
- if IsLeaf then
- begin
- FLeafColorIndex := AStartIndex;
- inc(AStartIndex);
- if Assigned(FLeaf) then
- begin
- if not FLeafColorComputed then
- begin
- FLeafColorComputed := true;
- FCenterColor.alpha:= min(FLeaf.FBounds[cdAlpha].GetCenter shr AlphaShift, 255);
- FCenterColor.red:= GammaCompressionTab[min(FLeaf.FBounds[cdRed].GetCenter shr RedShift, 65535)];
- FCenterColor.green:= GammaCompressionTab[min(FLeaf.FBounds[cdGreen].GetCenter shr GreenShift, 65535)];
- FCenterColor.blue:= GammaCompressionTab[min(FLeaf.FBounds[cdBlue].GetCenter, 65535)];
- FAverageColor := FLeaf.AverageColorOrMainColor;
- extremumColor := FAverageColor;
- if ALeafColor in [lcMix,lcExtremum] then
- begin
- nbMax := 0;
- nbMin := 0;
- for c := succ(low(TColorDimension)) to high(TColorDimension) do
- begin
- if FMinBorder[c] then inc(nbMin);
- if FMaxBorder[c] then inc(nbMax);
- end;
- if nbMin > nbMax then
- extremumColor := FLeaf.InferiorColor
- else if nbMax > nbMin then
- extremumColor := FLeaf.SuperiorColor;
- end;
- case ALeafColor of
- lcAverage,lcMix: FLeafColor := FAverageColor;
- lcExtremum: FLeafColor := extremumColor;
- else FLeafColor := FCenterColor;
- end;
- if ALeafColor = lcMix then
- begin
- extremumColorRelevant := false;
- for c := succ(low(TColorDimension)) to high(TColorDimension) do
- if UInt32(abs(GetDimensionValue(extremumColor,c) - GetDimensionValue(FLeafColor,c))) >
- FLeaf.FBounds[c].Size div 7 then
- begin
- extremumColorRelevant := true;
- break;
- end;
- if extremumColorRelevant then FLeafColor := extremumColor;
- end;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- FLeafColor := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- FCenterColor := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- if Assigned(FInferiorBranch) then FInferiorBranch.InternalComputeLeavesColor(ALeafColor, AStartIndex);
- if Assigned(FSuperiorBranch) then FSuperiorBranch.InternalComputeLeavesColor(ALeafColor, AStartIndex);
- end;
-procedure TBGRAColorTree.CheckColorComputed;
- if not FLeafColorComputed then
- raise exception.Create('Color not computed. Call ComputeLeavesColor first.');
-function TBGRAColorTree.ApproximateColor(AColor: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
-var branch: TBGRAColorTree;
- if AColor.alpha = 0 then
- begin
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- exit;
- end;
- if IsLeaf then
- begin
- CheckColorComputed;
- result := FLeafColor;
- end else
- begin
- if FPixelValueComparer(@AColor,FSuperiorMiddle) then
- branch := FSuperiorBranch else branch := FInferiorBranch;
- if Assigned(branch) then
- result := branch.ApproximateColor(AColor)
- else
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- end;
-function TBGRAColorTree.ApproximateColorIndex(AColor: TBGRAPixel): integer;
-var branch: TBGRAColorTree;
- if AColor.alpha = 0 then
- begin
- result := FPureTransparentColorIndex;
- exit;
- end;
- if IsLeaf then
- begin
- CheckColorComputed;
- result := FLeafColorIndex;
- end else
- begin
- if FPixelValueComparer(@AColor,FSuperiorMiddle) then
- branch := FSuperiorBranch else branch := FInferiorBranch;
- if Assigned(branch) then
- result := branch.ApproximateColorIndex(AColor)
- else
- result := FPureTransparentColorIndex;
- end;
-function TBGRAColorTree.GetAsArrayOfApproximatedColors: ArrayOfTBGRAPixel;
-var a,b: ArrayOfTBGRAPixel;
- idx,i: integer;
- if IsLeaf then
- begin
- CheckColorComputed;
- setlength(result,1+byte(HasPureTransparentColor));
- idx := 0;
- if HasPureTransparentColor then
- begin
- result[idx] := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- inc(idx);
- end;
- result[idx] := FLeafColor;
- end else
- begin
- a := FInferiorBranch.GetAsArrayOfApproximatedColors;
- b := FSuperiorBranch.GetAsArrayOfApproximatedColors;
- setlength(result, length(a)+length(b)+byte(HasPureTransparentColor));
- idx := 0;
- if HasPureTransparentColor then
- begin
- result[idx] := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- inc(idx);
- end;
- for i := 0 to high(a) do
- begin
- result[idx] := a[i];
- inc(idx);
- end;
- for i := 0 to high(b) do
- begin
- result[idx] := b[i];
- inc(idx);
- end;
- end;
-function TBGRAColorTree.GetAsArrayOfWeightedColors: ArrayOfWeightedColor;
-var a,b: ArrayOfWeightedColor;
- idx,i: integer;
- if IsLeaf then
- begin
- CheckColorComputed;
- setlength(result,1+byte(HasPureTransparentColor));
- idx := 0;
- if HasPureTransparentColor then
- begin
- result[idx].Color := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- result[idx].Weight := PureTransparentColorCount;
- inc(idx);
- end;
- result[idx].Color := FLeafColor;
- result[idx].Weight := Weight;
- end else
- begin
- a := FInferiorBranch.GetAsArrayOfWeightedColors;
- b := FSuperiorBranch.GetAsArrayOfWeightedColors;
- setlength(result, length(a)+length(b)+byte(HasPureTransparentColor));
- idx := 0;
- if HasPureTransparentColor then
- begin
- result[idx].Color := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- result[idx].Weight := PureTransparentColorCount;
- inc(idx);
- end;
- for i := 0 to high(a) do
- begin
- result[idx] := a[i];
- inc(idx);
- end;
- for i := 0 to high(b) do
- begin
- result[idx] := b[i];
- inc(idx);
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAColorTree.SplitIntoPalette(ACount: integer;
- AMethod: TBiggestLeafMethod; ALeafColor: TBGRALeafColorMode);
-var nbColors: integer;
- leaf: TBGRAColorTree;
- nbColors := ApproximatedColorCount;
- while nbColors < ACount do
- begin
- leaf := FindBiggestLeaf(AMethod);
- if not leaf.TrySplitLeaf then break;
- inc(nbColors);
- end;
- ComputeLeavesColor(ALeafColor);
- FreeLeaves;
-function TBGRAColorTree.SplitIntoPaletteWithSubPalette(ACount: integer;
- AMethod: TBiggestLeafMethod; ALeafColor: TBGRALeafColorMode;
- ASubPaletteCount: integer): ArrayOfTBGRAPixel;
-var nbColors: integer;
- leaf: TBGRAColorTree;
- result := nil;
- nbColors := ApproximatedColorCount;
- if ASubPaletteCount > ACount then ASubPaletteCount:= ACount;
- if nbColors = ASubPaletteCount then
- begin
- ComputeLeavesColor(ALeafColor);
- result := GetAsArrayOfApproximatedColors;
- end;
- while nbColors < ACount do
- begin
- leaf := FindBiggestLeaf(AMethod);
- if not leaf.TrySplitLeaf then break;
- inc(nbColors);
- if nbColors = ASubPaletteCount then
- begin
- ComputeLeavesColor(ALeafColor);
- result := GetAsArrayOfApproximatedColors;
- end;
- end;
- ComputeLeavesColor(ALeafColor);
- FreeLeaves;
-function TBGRAColorTree.GetLeafCount: integer;
- if IsLeaf then
- result := 1
- else
- begin
- result := 0;
- if Assigned(FInferiorBranch) then inc(result, FInferiorBranch.LeafCount);
- if Assigned(FSuperiorBranch) then inc(result, FSuperiorBranch.LeafCount);
- end;
-function TBGRAColorTree.GetApproximatedColorCount: integer;
- if IsLeaf then
- result := 1
- else
- begin
- result := 0;
- if Assigned(FInferiorBranch) then inc(result, FInferiorBranch.ApproximatedColorCount);
- if Assigned(FSuperiorBranch) then inc(result, FSuperiorBranch.ApproximatedColorCount);
- end;
- if HasPureTransparentColor then inc(result);
-function TBGRAColorTree.GetHasPureTransparentColor: boolean;
- result := FPureTransparentColorCount > 0;
-procedure TBGRAColorTree.Init(ALeaf: TBGRAColorBox; AOwned: boolean);
- c: TColorDimension;
- if not AOwned then
- FLeaf := ALeaf.Duplicate
- else
- FLeaf := ALeaf;
- FLargestApparentInterval:= FLeaf.LargestApparentInterval;
- FWeight := FLeaf.TotalWeight;
- FIsLeaf:= true;
- for c := low(TColorDimension) to high(TColorDimension) do
- begin
- FMinBorder[c] := true;
- FMaxBorder[c] := true;
- end;
- FPureTransparentColorCount:= FLeaf.PureTransparentColorCount;
- FPureTransparentColorIndex:= -1;
-constructor TBGRAColorTree.Create(ABox: TBGRAColorBox; AOwned: boolean);
- Init(ABox,AOwned);
-constructor TBGRAColorTree.Create(ADimensions: TColorDimensions; APalette: TBGRACustomPalette);
- Init(TBGRAColorBox.Create(ADimensions, APalette),True);
-constructor TBGRAColorTree.Create(ADimensions: TColorDimensions; ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; AAlpha: TAlphaChannelPaletteOption);
- Init(TBGRAColorBox.Create(ADimensions, ABitmap, AAlpha),True);
-destructor TBGRAColorTree.Destroy;
- FreeAndNil(FInferiorBranch);
- FreeAndNil(FSuperiorBranch);
- FreeAndNil(FLeaf);
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TBGRAColorTree.FreeLeaves;
- if IsLeaf then
- FreeAndNil(FLeaf)
- else
- begin
- if Assigned(FInferiorBranch) then FInferiorBranch.FreeLeaves;
- if Assigned(FSuperiorBranch) then FSuperiorBranch.FreeLeaves;
- end;
-function TBGRAColorTree.FindBiggestLeaf(AMethod: TBiggestLeafMethod
- ): TBGRAColorTree;
-var infLeaf,supLeaf: TBGRAColorTree;
- if IsLeaf then
- result := self
- else
- begin
- infLeaf := FInferiorBranch.FindBiggestLeaf(AMethod);
- supLeaf := FSuperiorBranch.FindBiggestLeaf(AMethod);
- case AMethod of
- blApparentInterval:
- if infLeaf.LargestApparentInterval >= supLeaf.LargestApparentInterval then
- result := infLeaf
- else
- result := supLeaf;
- blWeight:
- if (infLeaf.LargestApparentInterval > 0) and (infLeaf.Weight >= supLeaf.Weight) then
- result := infLeaf
- else
- result := supLeaf;
- else{blMix:}
- if (sqrt(infLeaf.Weight/FWeight)*(infLeaf.LargestApparentInterval/LargestApparentInterval) >=
- sqrt(supLeaf.Weight/FWeight)*(supLeaf.LargestApparentInterval/LargestApparentInterval) ) then
- result := infLeaf
- else
- result := supLeaf;
- end;
- end;
-{ TDimensionMinMax }
-function TDimensionMinMax.Size: UInt32;
- if Maximum>Minimum then
- result := Maximum-Minimum
- else
- result := 0;
-function TDimensionMinMax.Contains(AValue: UInt32): boolean;
- result := (AValue >= Minimum) and (AValue <= Maximum);
-function TDimensionMinMax.PointLike: boolean;
- result := (Minimum = Maximum);
-procedure TDimensionMinMax.SetAsPoint(AValue: UInt32);
- Minimum := AValue;
- Maximum := AValue;
-function TDimensionMinMax.GetCenter: UInt32;
- result := (Minimum+Maximum) shr 1;
-procedure TDimensionMinMax.GrowToInclude(AValue: UInt32);
- if AValue < Minimum then Minimum := AValue
- else if AValue > Maximum then Maximum := AValue;
-{ TBGRAColorBox }
-function TBGRAColorBox.GetApparentInterval(ADimension: TColorDimension): UInt32;
-var factor: single;
- if not (ADimension in FDimensions) then result := 0
- else
- begin
- factor := 1;
- case ADimension of
- cdRGB: factor := 0.7;
- end;
- result := round(FBounds[ADimension].Size*factor);
- end;
-function TBGRAColorBox.GetAverageColor: TBGRAPixel;
- n: integer;
- r, g, b, a: double;
- cura: double;
- w: UInt32;
- a := 0;
- r := 0;
- g := 0;
- b := 0;
- w := 0;
- for n := 0 to high(FColors) do
- with FColors[n].Color do
- begin
- cura := (alpha / 255)*FColors[n].Weight;
- IncF(a, cura);
- IncF(r, GammaExpansionTab[red] * cura);
- IncF(g, GammaExpansionTab[green] * cura);
- IncF(b, GammaExpansionTab[blue] * cura);
- Inc(w, FColors[n].Weight);
- end;
- if w = 0 then
- Result := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- begin
- result.alpha := round(a*255/w);
- if result.alpha = 0 then result := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- begin
- result.red := GammaCompressionTab[round(r / a)];
- result.green := GammaCompressionTab[round(g / a)];
- result.blue := GammaCompressionTab[round(b / a)];
- end;
- end;
-function TBGRAColorBox.GetAverageColorOrMainColor: TBGRAPixel;
-var i: integer;
- maxWeight: UInt32;
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- maxWeight:= 0;
- for i := 0 to high(FColors) do
- with FColors[i] do
- begin
- if Weight > maxWeight then
- begin
- maxWeight:= Weight;
- result := Color;
- end;
- end;
- if maxWeight <= 3*FTotalWeight shr 2 then
- result := GetAverageColor;
-function TBGRAColorBox.GetBounds(ADimension: TColorDimension): TDimensionMinMax;
- result := FBounds[ADimension];
-function TBGRAColorBox.GetColorCount(ACountPureTransparent: boolean): integer;
- result := length(FColors);
- if ACountPureTransparent and HasPureTransparentColor then inc(result);
-function TBGRAColorBox.GetHasPureTransparentColor: boolean;
- result := FPureTransparentColorCount > 0;
-function TBGRAColorBox.GetInferiorColor: TBGRAPixel;
- n: integer;
- r, g, b, a: double;
- w: UInt32;
- cura: double;
- wantedWeight: UInt32;
- a := 0;
- r := 0;
- g := 0;
- b := 0;
- w := 0;
- wantedWeight:= FTotalWeight div 10;
- for n := 0 to high(FColors) do
- with FColors[n].Color do
- begin
- cura := (alpha / 255)*FColors[n].Weight;
- IncF(a, cura);
- IncF(r, red * cura);
- IncF(g, green * cura);
- IncF(b, blue * cura);
- Inc(w, FColors[n].Weight);
- if w >= wantedWeight then break;
- end;
- if w = 0 then
- Result := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- begin
- result.alpha := round(a*255/w);
- if result.alpha = 0 then result := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- begin
- result.red := round(r / a);
- result.green := round(g / a);
- result.blue := round(b / a);
- end;
- end;
-function TBGRAColorBox.GetLargestApparentDimension: TColorDimension;
-var c: TColorDimension;
- curApparentInterval, maxApparentInterval: UInt32;
- c := succ(low(TColorDimension));
- result := c;
- maxApparentInterval:= ApparentInterval[c];
- while c < high(TColorDimension) do
- begin
- inc(c);
- curApparentInterval:= ApparentInterval[c];
- if curApparentInterval > maxApparentInterval then
- begin
- maxApparentInterval:= curApparentInterval;
- result := c;
- end;
- end;
-function TBGRAColorBox.GetLargestApparentInterval: UInt32;
- curApparentInterval: UInt32;
- c: TColorDimension;
- result:= ApparentInterval[succ(low(TColorDimension))];
- for c := succ(succ(low(TColorDimension))) to high(TColorDimension) do
- begin
- curApparentInterval:= ApparentInterval[c];
- if curApparentInterval > result then
- result := curApparentInterval;
- end;
-function TBGRAColorBox.GetPointLike: boolean;
-var c: TColorDimension;
- for c := succ(low(TColorDimension)) to high(TColorDimension) do
- if not FBounds[c].PointLike then
- begin
- result := false;
- exit;
- end;
- result := true;
-function TBGRAColorBox.GetSuperiorColor: TBGRAPixel;
- n: integer;
- r, g, b, a: double;
- w: UInt32;
- cura: double;
- wantedWeight: UInt32;
- a := 0;
- r := 0;
- g := 0;
- b := 0;
- w := 0;
- wantedWeight:= FTotalWeight div 10;
- for n := high(FColors) downto 0 do
- with FColors[n].Color do
- begin
- cura := (alpha / 255)*FColors[n].Weight;
- IncF(a, cura);
- IncF(r, red * cura);
- IncF(g, green * cura);
- IncF(b, blue * cura);
- Inc(w, FColors[n].Weight);
- if w >= wantedWeight then break;
- end;
- if w = 0 then
- Result := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- begin
- result.alpha := round(a*255/w);
- if result.alpha = 0 then result := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- begin
- result.red := round(r / a);
- result.green := round(g / a);
- result.blue := round(b / a);
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAColorBox.Init(AColors: ArrayOfWeightedColor; AOwner: boolean);
- i,idx: Int32or64;
- FirstColor: boolean;
- c: TColorDimension;
- FPureTransparentColorCount:= 0;
- FTotalWeight:= 0;
- for c := low(TColorDimension) to high(TColorDimension) do
- FBounds[c].SetAsPoint(0);
- FirstColor := True;
- if AOwner then
- FColors := AColors
- else
- SetLength(FColors, length(AColors));
- idx := 0;
- for i := 0 to high(AColors) do
- with AColors[i] do
- begin
- if Color.alpha > 0 then
- begin
- if FirstColor then
- begin
- for c := low(TColorDimension) to high(TColorDimension) do
- FBounds[c].SetAsPoint(GetDimensionValue(Color,c));
- FirstColor := false;
- end else
- begin
- for c := low(TColorDimension) to high(TColorDimension) do
- FBounds[c].GrowToInclude(GetDimensionValue(Color,c));
- end;
- inc(FTotalWeight, Weight);
- if not AOwner or (idx <> i) then
- FColors[idx] := AColors[i];
- inc(idx);
- end else
- inc(FPureTransparentColorCount, Weight);
- end;
- setlength(FColors,idx);
-procedure TBGRAColorBox.SortBy(ADimension: TColorDimension);
-var comparer: TIsChannelStrictlyGreaterFunc;
- comparer := GetPixelStrictComparer(ADimension);
- if comparer = nil then exit;
- ArrayOfWeightedColor_QuickSort(FColors,0,high(FColors),comparer)
-function TBGRAColorBox.GetMedianIndex(ADimension: TColorDimension;
- AMinValue, AMaxValue: UInt32
- ): integer;
-var i: integer;
- sum,goal: UInt32;
- valueComparer: TIsChannelGreaterThanOrEqualToValueFunc;
- strictComparer: TIsChannelStrictlyGreaterFunc;
- ofs: integer;
- if length(FColors) = 1 then
- begin
- result := 0;
- exit;
- end else
- if length(FColors) = 0 then
- begin
- result := -1;
- exit;
- end;
- valueComparer:= GetPixelValueComparer(ADimension);
- sum := 0;
- goal := (FTotalWeight+1) shr 1;
- result := high(FColors) shr 1;
- for i := 0 to high(FColors) do
- begin
- inc(sum, FColors[i].Weight);
- if (sum>=goal) and (valueComparer(@FColors[i].Color, AMinValue)) then
- begin
- result := i;
- while (result > 0) and (valueComparer(@FColors[result].Color, AMaxValue+1)) do dec(result);
- break;
- end;
- end;
- if result = 0 then inc(result);
- //check that there it is not splitting consecutive colors with the same value
- strictComparer := GetPixelStrictComparer(ADimension);
- ofs := 0;
- while true do
- begin
- if (result-ofs < 1) and (result+ofs > high(FColors)) then break;
- if (result-ofs >= 1) and strictComparer(@FColors[result-ofs].Color,@FColors[result-ofs-1].Color) then
- begin
- result := result-ofs;
- exit;
- end;
- if (result+ofs <= high(FColors)) and strictComparer(@FColors[result+ofs].Color,@FColors[result+ofs-1].Color) then
- begin
- result := result+ofs;
- exit;
- end;
- inc(ofs);
- end;
-constructor TBGRAColorBox.Create(ADimensions: TColorDimensions; AColors: ArrayOfWeightedColor; AOwner: boolean);
- FDimensions:= ADimensions;
- Init(AColors,AOwner);
-constructor TBGRAColorBox.Create(ADimensions: TColorDimensions;
- const AColors: ArrayOfTBGRAPixel; AAlpha: TAlphaChannelPaletteOption = acFullChannelInPalette);
-var weightedColors: ArrayOfWeightedColor;
- i: Integer;
- if AAlpha = acFullChannelInPalette then
- begin
- FDimensions:= ADimensions;
- setlength(weightedColors, length(AColors));
- for i := 0 to high(weightedColors) do
- with weightedColors[i] do
- begin
- color := AColors[i];
- Weight:= 1;
- end;
- Init(weightedColors,True);
- end else
- Create(ADimensions, @AColors[0], length(AColors), AAlpha);
-constructor TBGRAColorBox.Create(ADimensions: TColorDimensions; ABounds: TColorBoxBounds);
- FDimensions:= ADimensions;
- FBounds := ABounds;
- FTotalWeight:= 0;
- FPureTransparentColorCount:= 0;
-constructor TBGRAColorBox.Create(ADimensions: TColorDimensions; APalette: TBGRACustomPalette);
- FDimensions:= ADimensions;
- Init(APalette.GetAsArrayOfWeightedColor,False);
-constructor TBGRAColorBox.Create(ADimensions: TColorDimensions;
- ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; AAlpha: TAlphaChannelPaletteOption);
- Create(ADimensions, ABitmap.Data, ABitmap.NbPixels, AAlpha);
-constructor TBGRAColorBox.Create(ADimensions: TColorDimensions; AColors: PBGRAPixel; ANbPixels: integer; AAlpha: TAlphaChannelPaletteOption);
-var i,j,prev,idx: integer;
- p: PBGRAPixel;
- skip: boolean;
- alphaMask: LongWord;
- transpIndex: integer;
- if AAlpha <> acFullChannelInPalette then
- alphaMask := LEtoN($FF000000)
- else
- alphaMask := 0;
- FDimensions:= ADimensions;
- transpIndex := -1;
- SetLength(FColors,ANbPixels);
- if length(FColors)>0 then
- begin
- p := AColors;
- idx := 0;
- for i := 0 to ANbPixels-1 do
- begin
- if (p^.alpha = 0) or ((AAlpha = acTransparentEntry) and (p^.alpha < 128)) then
- begin
- skip := true;
- if not (AAlpha = acIgnore) then
- begin
- if (transpIndex=-1) then
- begin
- transpIndex := idx;
- with FColors[idx] do
- begin
- Color := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- Weight:= 1;
- end;
- inc(idx);
- end else
- inc(FColors[transpIndex].Weight);
- end;
- if (p^.alpha = 0) then
- begin
- inc(p);
- continue;
- end;
- end;
- skip := false;
- for j := idx-1 downto idx-10 do
- if j < 0 then
- break
- else
- with FColors[j] do
- if LongWord(Color)=LongWord(p^) or alphaMask then
- begin
- skip := true;
- inc(Weight);
- break;
- end;
- if skip then
- begin
- inc(p);
- continue;
- end;
- with FColors[idx] do
- begin
- Color := p^;
- if AAlpha <> acFullChannelInPalette then Color.alpha := 255;
- Weight := 1;
- inc(p);
- inc(idx);
- end;
- end;
- setLength(FColors, idx);
- ArrayOfWeightedColor_QuickSort(FColors,0,high(FColors),@IsDWordGreater);
- prev := 0;
- for i := 1 to high(FColors) do
- begin
- if LongWord(FColors[i].Color)=LongWord(FColors[prev].Color) then
- inc(FColors[prev].Weight, FColors[i].Weight)
- else
- begin
- inc(prev);
- if i <> prev then
- FColors[prev] := FColors[i];
- end;
- end;
- setlength(FColors, prev+1);
- end;
- Init(FColors,True);
-function TBGRAColorBox.BoundsContain(AColor: TBGRAPixel): boolean;
-var c: TColorDimension;
- for c := succ(low(TColorDimension)) to high(TColorDimension) do
- if not FBounds[c].Contains(GetDimensionValue(AColor,c)) then
- begin
- result := false;
- exit;
- end;
- result := true;
-function TBGRAColorBox.MedianCut(ADimension: TColorDimension; out SuperiorMiddle: UInt32
- ): TBGRAColorBox;
-var idxSplit: Int32or64;
- secondArray: ArrayOfWeightedColor;
- i: Int32or64;
- result := nil;
- SuperiorMiddle := 0;
- if FBounds[ADimension].PointLike then exit;
- if length(FColors) <= 1 then exit;
- SortBy(ADimension);
- idxSplit := GetMedianIndex(ADimension,
- round(FBounds[ADimension].Minimum*(1-MedianMinPercentage)+FBounds[ADimension].Maximum*MedianMinPercentage),
- round(FBounds[ADimension].Minimum*MedianMinPercentage+FBounds[ADimension].Maximum*(1-MedianMinPercentage)));
- if idxSplit = -1 then exit;
- setlength(secondArray, length(FColors)-idxSplit);
- for i := idxSplit to high(FColors) do
- secondArray[i-idxSplit] := FColors[i];
- result := TBGRAColorBox.Create(FDimensions, secondArray,True);
- setlength(FColors, idxSplit);
- Init(FColors,True);
- SuperiorMiddle := (FBounds[ADimension].Maximum + result.FBounds[ADimension].Minimum + 1) shr 1;
-function TBGRAColorBox.Duplicate: TBGRAColorBox;
- i: Int32or64;
- result := TBGRAColorBox.Create(FDimensions, FBounds);
- result.FTotalWeight := FTotalWeight;
- setlength(result.FColors, length(FColors));
- for i := 0 to high(FColors) do
- result.FColors[i] := FColors[i];
-function TBGRAColorBox.GetAsArrayOfColors(AIncludePureTransparent: boolean): ArrayOfTBGRAPixel;
-var i,idx: integer;
- if AIncludePureTransparent and HasPureTransparentColor then
- begin
- setlength(result, length(FColors)+1);
- result[0] := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- idx := 1;
- end else
- begin
- setlength(result, length(FColors));
- idx := 0;
- end;
- for i:= 0 to high(FColors) do
- begin
- result[idx] := FColors[i].Color;
- inc(idx);
- end;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgracolorspace.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgracolorspace.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 55fdcce..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgracolorspace.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
-unit BGRAColorspace;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- Classes, SysUtils, BGRABitmapTypes;
- TCIERGB = packed record
- //components are between 0 and 1
- R,G,B,A: single;
- function ToBGRA: TBGRAPixel;
- procedure FromBGRA(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- function ToExpanded: TExpandedPixel;
- procedure FromExpanded(AValue: TExpandedPixel);
- end;
- TCIEXYZ = packed record
- //components are between 0 and 1
- X, Y, Z,
- A: single;
- function ToRGB: TCIERGB;
- procedure FromRGB(AValue: TCIERGB);
- end;
- { TBGRAPixelColorspaceHelper }
- TBGRAPixelColorspaceHelper = record helper(TBGRAPixelHelper) for TBGRAPixel
- function ToXYZ: TCIEXYZ;
- procedure FromXYZ(const AValue: TCIEXYZ);
- end;
- { TExpandedPixelColorspaceHelper }
- TExpandedPixelColorspaceHelper = record helper(TExpandedPixelHelper) for TExpandedPixel
- function ToXYZ: TCIEXYZ;
- procedure FromXYZ(const AValue: TCIEXYZ);
- end;
-procedure RGBToXYZ(R, G, B: single; out X, Y, Z: single);
-procedure XYZToRGB(X, Y, Z: single; out R, G, B: single);
-function ClampF(AValue,AMin,AMax: single): single;
- if AValue <= AMin then result := AMin
- else if AValue >= AMax then result := AMax
- else result := AValue;
-procedure RGBToXYZ(R, G, B: single; out X, Y, Z: single);
- // Observer= 2°, Illuminant= D65
- X := R * 0.4124 + G * 0.3576 + B * 0.1805;
- Y := R * 0.2126 + G * 0.7152 + B * 0.0722;
- Z := R * 0.0193 + G * 0.1192 + B * 0.9505;
-procedure XYZToRGB(X, Y, Z: single; out R, G, B: single);
- R := ClampF(X * 3.2406 + Y * (-1.5372) + Z * (-0.49), 0, 1);
- G := ClampF(X * (-0.969) + Y * 1.8758 + Z * 0.0415, 0, 1);
- B := ClampF(X * 0.0557 + Y * (-0.2040) + Z * 1.0570, 0, 1);
-function TCIERGB.ToBGRA: TBGRAPixel;
- redF,greenF,blueF: single;
- if r > 0.00313 then
- redF := 1.055 * Power(r, 1 / 2.4) - 0.055
- else
- redF := 12.92 * r;
- if g > 0.00313 then
- greenF := 1.055 * Power(g, 1 / 2.4) - 0.055
- else
- greenF := 12.92 * g;
- if b > 0.00313 then
- blueF := 1.055 * Power(b, 1 / 2.4) - 0.055
- else
- blueF := 12.92 * b;
- result.red := round(clampF(redF,0,1)*255);
- result.green := round(clampF(greenF,0,1)*255);
- result.blue := round(clampF(blueF,0,1)*255);
- result.alpha := round(clampF(A,0,1)*255);
-procedure TCIERGB.FromBGRA(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- R := AValue.red/255;
- G := AValue.green/255;
- B := AValue.blue/255;
- A := AValue.alpha/255;
- if R > 0.04045 then
- R := Power((R + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4)
- else
- R := R / 12.92;
- if G > 0.04045 then
- G := Power((G + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4)
- else
- G := G / 12.92;
- if B > 0.04045 then
- B := Power((B + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4)
- else
- B := B / 12.92;
-function TCIERGB.ToExpanded: TExpandedPixel;
- result.red := round(ClampF(R,0,1)*65535);
- result.green := round(ClampF(G,0,1)*65535);
- result.blue := round(ClampF(B,0,1)*65535);
- result.alpha := round(ClampF(A,0,1)*65535);
-procedure TCIERGB.FromExpanded(AValue: TExpandedPixel);
- R := AValue.red/65535;
- G := AValue.green/65535;
- B := AValue.blue/65535;
- A := AValue.alpha/65535;
-function TCIEXYZ.ToBGRA: TBGRAPixel;
- result.FromXYZ(self);
-procedure TCIEXYZ.FromBGRA(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- self := AValue.ToXYZ;
-function TCIEXYZ.ToExpanded: TExpandedPixel;
- result.FromXYZ(self);
-procedure TCIEXYZ.FromExpanded(AValue: TExpandedPixel);
- self := AValue.ToXYZ;
- XYZToRGB(X,Y,Z, result.R,result.G,result.B);
- result.A := A;
-procedure TCIEXYZ.FromRGB(AValue: TCIERGB);
- RGBToXYZ(AValue.R,AValue.G,AValue.B, X,Y,Z);
- A := AValue.A;
-{ TExpandedPixelColorspaceHelper }
-function TExpandedPixelColorspaceHelper.ToXYZ: TCIEXYZ;
- RGB.FromExpanded(Self);
- result.FromRGB(RGB);
-procedure TExpandedPixelColorspaceHelper.FromXYZ(const AValue: TCIEXYZ);
-var redF,greenF,blueF: single;
- self := AValue.ToRGB.ToExpanded;
-{ TBGRAPixelColorspaceHelper }
-function TBGRAPixelColorspaceHelper.ToXYZ: TCIEXYZ;
- RGB.FromBGRA(Self);
- result.FromRGB(RGB);
-procedure TBGRAPixelColorspaceHelper.FromXYZ(const AValue: TCIEXYZ);
- self := AValue.ToRGB.ToBGRA;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgracompressablebitmap.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgracompressablebitmap.pas
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index 65a5413..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgracompressablebitmap.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,317 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRACompressableBitmap;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
-{ This unit contains the TBGRACompressableBitmap class, which
- can be used to temporarily compress bitmaps in memory.
- To use it, create an instance with the bitmap you want
- to compress. You can then free the original bitmap because
- TBGRACompressableBitmap contains all information necessary
- to build it again. To construct again your bitmap, call
- the GetBitmap function.
- When you have your bitmap in TBGRACompressableBitmap,
- you can call Compress function as many times as necessary
- until all data is compressed. It does only a part of the
- work at each call, so you can put it in a loop or in
- a timer. When it's done, Compress returns false to
- notify that it did nothing, which means you can
- stop calling Compress.
- In this implementation, the memory usage grows during
- the compression process and is lower only after it is
- finished. So it is recommended to compress one bitmap
- at a time. }
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BGRABitmapTypes, BGRABitmap, zstream;
- { TBGRACompressableBitmap }
- TBGRACompressableBitmap = class
- private
- FWidth,FHeight: integer;
- FCaption: String;
- FBounds: TRect;
- FCompressedDataArray: array of TMemoryStream;
- FUncompressedData: TMemoryStream;
- FLineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder;
- FCompressionProgress: Int64;
- procedure Decompress;
- procedure FreeData;
- procedure Init;
- public
- CompressionLevel: Tcompressionlevel;
- constructor Create; overload;
- constructor Create(Source: TBGRABitmap); overload;
- function GetBitmap: TBGRABitmap;
- //call Compress as many times as necessary
- //when it returns false, it means that
- //the image compression is finished
- function Compress: boolean;
- procedure WriteToStream(AStream: TStream);
- procedure ReadFromStream(AStream: TStream);
- function UsedMemory: Int64;
- procedure Assign(Source: TBGRABitmap);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- property Width : Integer read FWidth;
- property Height: Integer read FHeight;
- property Caption : string read FCaption write FCaption;
- end;
-uses BGRAUTF8;
-// size of each chunk treated by Compress function
-const maxPartSize = 524288;
-{ TBGRACompressedBitmap }
-constructor TBGRACompressableBitmap.Create;
- Init;
-constructor TBGRACompressableBitmap.Create(Source: TBGRABitmap);
- Init;
- Assign(Source);
-{ Constructs the bitmap again, decompressing if necessary.
- After this, the image is not compressed anymore so the
- memoy usage grows again and the access becomes fast
- because there is no need to decompress anymore. }
-function TBGRACompressableBitmap.GetBitmap: TBGRABitmap;
-var UsedPart: TBGRABitmap;
- UsedNbPixels: Integer;
- Decompress;
- if FUncompressedData = nil then
- begin
- result := nil;
- exit;
- end;
- result := TBGRABitmap.Create(FWidth,FHeight);
- result.Caption := FCaption;
- FUncompressedData.Position := 0;
- if (FBounds.Left <> 0) or (FBounds.Top <> 0)
- or (FBounds.Right <> FWidth) or (FBounds.Bottom <> FHeight) then
- begin
- UsedNbPixels := (FBounds.Right-FBounds.Left)*(FBounds.Bottom-FBounds.Top);
- if UsedNbPixels > 0 then
- begin
- UsedPart := TBGRABitmap.Create(FBounds.Right-FBounds.Left,FBounds.Bottom-FBounds.Top);
- FUncompressedData.Read(UsedPart.Data^,UsedPart.NbPixels*Sizeof(TBGRAPixel));
- if UsedPart.LineOrder <> FLineOrder then UsedPart.VerticalFlip;
- If TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder then UsedPart.SwapRedBlue;
- result.PutImage(FBounds.Left,FBounds.Top,UsedPart,dmSet);
- UsedPart.Free;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- FUncompressedData.Read(result.Data^,result.NbPixels*Sizeof(TBGRAPixel));
- if result.LineOrder <> FLineOrder then result.VerticalFlip;
- If TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder then result.SwapRedBlue;
- end;
-{ Returns the total memory used by this object for storing bitmap data }
-function TBGRACompressableBitmap.UsedMemory: Int64;
-var i: integer;
- result := 0;
- for i := 0 to high(FCompressedDataArray) do
- inc(result, FCompressedDataArray[i].Size);
- if FUncompressedData <> nil then inc(result, FUncompressedData.Size);
-{ Do one compress step or return false }
-function TBGRACompressableBitmap.Compress: boolean;
-var comp: Tcompressionstream;
- partSize: integer;
- if FCompressedDataArray = nil then FCompressionProgress := 0;
- if (FUncompressedData = nil) or (FUncompressedData.Size = 0) then
- begin
- result := false;
- exit;
- end;
- if FCompressionProgress < FUncompressedData.Size then
- begin
- setlength(FCompressedDataArray, length(FCompressedDataArray)+1);
- FCompressedDataArray[high(FCompressedDataArray)] := TMemoryStream.Create;
- FUncompressedData.Position := FCompressionProgress;
- if FUncompressedData.Size - FCompressionProgress > maxPartSize then
- partSize := maxPartSize else
- partSize := integer(FUncompressedData.Size - FCompressionProgress);
- comp := Tcompressionstream.Create(CompressionLevel,FCompressedDataArray[high(FCompressedDataArray)],true);
- LEWriteLongint(comp, partSize);
- comp.CopyFrom(FUncompressedData,partSize);
- comp.Free;
- inc(FCompressionProgress, partSize);
- end;
- if FCompressionProgress >= FUncompressedData.Size then
- FreeAndNil(FUncompressedData);
- result := true;
-procedure TBGRACompressableBitmap.WriteToStream(AStream: TStream);
-var i:integer;
- repeat
- until not Compress;
- LEWriteLongint(AStream,FWidth);
- LEWriteLongint(AStream,FHeight);
- LEWriteLongint(AStream,length(FCaption));
- AStream.Write(FCaption[1],length(FCaption));
- if (FWidth=0) or (FHeight = 0) then exit;
- LEWriteLongint(AStream,FBounds.Left);
- LEWriteLongint(AStream,FBounds.Top);
- LEWriteLongint(AStream,FBounds.Right);
- LEWriteLongint(AStream,FBounds.Bottom);
- LEWriteLongint(AStream,ord(FLineOrder));
- LEWriteLongint(AStream,length(FCompressedDataArray));
- for i := 0 to high(FCompressedDataArray) do
- begin
- LEWriteLongint(AStream,FCompressedDataArray[i].Size);
- FCompressedDataArray[i].Position := 0;
- AStream.CopyFrom(FCompressedDataArray[i],FCompressedDataArray[i].Size);
- end;
-procedure TBGRACompressableBitmap.ReadFromStream(AStream: TStream);
-var size,i: integer;
- FreeData;
- FWidth := LEReadLongint(AStream);
- FHeight := LEReadLongint(AStream);
- setlength(FCaption,LEReadLongint(AStream));
- AStream.Read(FCaption[1],length(FCaption));
- if (FWidth=0) or (FHeight = 0) then
- begin
- FUncompressedData := TMemoryStream.Create;
- exit;
- end;
- FBounds.Left := LEReadLongint(AStream);
- FBounds.Top := LEReadLongint(AStream);
- FBounds.Right := LEReadLongint(AStream);
- FBounds.Bottom := LEReadLongint(AStream);
- FLineOrder := TRawImageLineOrder(LEReadLongint(AStream));
- setlength(FCompressedDataArray,LEReadLongint(AStream));
- for i := 0 to high(FCompressedDataArray) do
- begin
- size := LEReadLongint(AStream);
- FCompressedDataArray[i] := TMemoryStream.Create;
- FCompressedDataArray[i].CopyFrom(AStream,size);
- end;
- if FCompressedDataArray = nil then
- FUncompressedData := TMemoryStream.Create;
-procedure TBGRACompressableBitmap.Decompress;
-var decomp: Tdecompressionstream;
- i: integer;
- partSize: integer;
- if (FUncompressedData <> nil) or (FCompressedDataArray = nil) then exit;
- FUncompressedData := TMemoryStream.Create;
- for i := 0 to high(FCompressedDataArray) do
- begin
- FCompressedDataArray[i].Position := 0;
- decomp := Tdecompressionstream.Create(FCompressedDataArray[i],true);
- partSize := LEReadLongint(decomp);
- FUncompressedData.CopyFrom(decomp,partSize);
- decomp.Free;
- FreeAndNil(FCompressedDataArray[i]);
- end;
- FCompressedDataArray := nil;
-{ Free all data }
-procedure TBGRACompressableBitmap.FreeData;
-var i: integer;
- if FCompressedDataArray <> nil then
- begin
- for i := 0 to high(FCompressedDataArray) do
- FCompressedDataArray[I].Free;
- FCompressedDataArray := nil;
- end;
- if FUncompressedData <> nil then FreeAndNil(FUncompressedData);
-procedure TBGRACompressableBitmap.Init;
- FUncompressedData := nil;
- FCompressedDataArray := nil;
- FWidth := 0;
- FHeight := 0;
- FCaption := '';
- FCompressionProgress := 0;
- CompressionLevel := clfastest;
-{ Copy a bitmap into this object. As it is copied, you need not
- keep a copy of the source }
-procedure TBGRACompressableBitmap.Assign(Source: TBGRABitmap);
- UsedPart: TBGRABitmap;
- NbUsedPixels: integer;
- FreeData;
- if Source = nil then
- begin
- FWidth := 0;
- FHeight := 0;
- FCaption := '';
- exit;
- end;
- FWidth := Source.Width;
- FHeight := Source.Height;
- FCaption := Source.Caption;
- FBounds := Source.GetImageBounds([cRed,cGreen,cBlue,cAlpha]);
- NbUsedPixels := (FBounds.Right-FBounds.Left)*(FBounds.Bottom-FBounds.Top);
- FUncompressedData := TMemoryStream.Create;
- if NbUsedPixels = 0 then exit;
- if (FBounds.Left <> 0) or (FBounds.Top <> 0)
- or (FBounds.Right <> Source.Width) or (FBounds.Bottom <> Source.Height) then
- begin
- UsedPart := Source.GetPart(FBounds);
- If TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder then UsedPart.SwapRedBlue;
- FUncompressedData.Write(UsedPart.Data^,NbUsedPixels*Sizeof(TBGRAPixel));
- FLineOrder := UsedPart.LineOrder;
- UsedPart.Free;
- end else
- begin
- If TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder then Source.SwapRedBlue;
- FUncompressedData.Write(Source.Data^,Source.NbPixels*Sizeof(TBGRAPixel));
- If TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder then Source.SwapRedBlue;
- FLineOrder := Source.LineOrder;
- end;
-destructor TBGRACompressableBitmap.Destroy;
- FreeData;
- inherited Destroy;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgracoordpool3d.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgracoordpool3d.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index ef79c7d..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgracoordpool3d.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,435 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRACoordPool3D;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- SysUtils, BGRABitmapTypes, BGRASSE, BGRAMatrix3D;
- PBGRACoordData3D = ^TBGRACoordData3D;
- TBGRACoordData3D = packed record
- {0} sceneCoord: TPoint3D_128;
- {16} viewCoord: TPoint3D_128;
- {32} projectedCoord: TPointF;
- {40} InvZ: single;
- {44} used: wordbool; customNormalUsed: wordbool;
- {48} viewNormal: TPoint3D_128;
- {64} customNormal: TPoint3D_128;
- end; {80}
- PBGRANormalData3D = ^TBGRANormalData3D;
- TBGRANormalData3D = packed record
- {0} customNormal: TPoint3D_128;
- {16} viewNormal: TPoint3D_128;
- {32} used: longbool;
- {36} filler1,filler2,filler3: LongWord;
- end; {48}
- { TBGRAGenericPool }
- TBGRAGenericPool = class
- private
- FFirstFree: integer;
- FNbElements,FCapacity: integer;
- FElementSize: PtrInt;
- FUsedCapacity : integer;
- function GetElement(AIndex: integer): Pointer;
- procedure SetCapacity(ACapacity: integer);
- protected
- FPoolData: TMemoryBlockAlign128;
- function GetUsed({%H-}AElement: integer): boolean; virtual;
- procedure SetUsed({%H-}AElement: integer; {%H-}AUsed: boolean); virtual;
- procedure Remove(AIndex: integer); //does not work if GetUsed/SetUsed are not implemented
- public
- constructor Create(ACapacity: integer; AElementSize: integer);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function Add: integer;
- property Element[AIndex: integer]: Pointer read GetElement;
- property Capacity: integer read FCapacity;
- property UsedCapacity: integer read FUsedCapacity;
- end;
- { TBGRACoordPool3D }
- TBGRACoordPool3D = class(TBGRAGenericPool)
- private
- function GetCoordData(AIndex: integer): PBGRACoordData3D;
- protected
- function GetUsed(AElement: integer): boolean; override;
- procedure SetUsed(AElement: integer; AUsed: boolean); override;
- public
- procedure Remove(AIndex: integer);
- constructor Create(ACapacity: integer);
- procedure ComputeWithMatrix(const AMatrix: TMatrix3D; const AProjection: TProjection3D);
- property CoordData[AIndex: integer]: PBGRACoordData3D read GetCoordData;
- end;
- { TBGRANormalPool3D }
- TBGRANormalPool3D = class(TBGRAGenericPool)
- private
- function GetNormalData(AIndex: integer): PBGRANormalData3D;
- protected
- function GetUsed(AElement: integer): boolean; override;
- procedure SetUsed(AElement: integer; AUsed: boolean); override;
- public
- procedure Remove(AIndex: integer);
- constructor Create(ACapacity: integer);
- procedure ComputeWithMatrix(const AMatrix: TMatrix3D);
- property NormalData[AIndex: integer]: PBGRANormalData3D read GetNormalData;
- end;
-{ TBGRAGenericPool }
-function TBGRAGenericPool.GetElement(AIndex: integer): Pointer;
- result := Pointer(PByte(FPoolData.Data)+AIndex*FElementSize);
-procedure TBGRAGenericPool.SetCapacity(ACapacity: integer);
-var NewPoolData: TMemoryBlockAlign128;
- if FCapacity <> ACapacity then
- begin
- if ACapacity = 0 then
- FreeAndNil(FPoolData)
- else
- begin
- NewPoolData := TMemoryBlockAlign128.Create(ACapacity*FElementSize);
- if FCapacity <> 0 then
- begin
- //previous block is smaller
- if FCapacity < ACapacity then
- begin
- move(FPoolData.Data^, NewPoolData.Data^, FCapacity*FElementSize);
- //pad with zeros
- fillchar((pbyte(NewPoolData.Data)+FCapacity*FElementSize)^,(ACapacity-FCapacity)*FElementSize,0);
- end
- else //previous block is greater or equal
- move(FPoolData.Data^, NewPoolData.Data^, ACapacity*FElementSize);
- FreeAndNil(FPoolData);
- end else
- //clear new block
- fillchar(pbyte(NewPoolData.Data)^,ACapacity*FElementSize,0);
- FPoolData := NewPoolData;
- end;
- FCapacity:= ACapacity;
- end;
-function TBGRAGenericPool.GetUsed(AElement: integer): boolean;
- result := false;
-procedure TBGRAGenericPool.SetUsed(AElement: integer; AUsed: boolean);
- //nothing
-constructor TBGRAGenericPool.Create(ACapacity: integer; AElementSize: integer);
- FCapacity := 0;
- FPoolData := nil;
- FNbElements:= 0;
- FFirstFree := 0;
- FUsedCapacity := 0;
- FElementSize:= AElementSize;
- SetCapacity(ACapacity);
-destructor TBGRAGenericPool.Destroy;
- FreeAndNil(FPoolData);
- FCapacity := 0;
- FNbElements:= 0;
- FFirstFree := 0;
- FUsedCapacity := 0;
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TBGRAGenericPool.Remove(AIndex: integer);
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= FUsedCapacity) then
- raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- if GetUsed(AIndex) then
- begin
- SetUsed(AIndex, false);
- if AIndex < FFirstFree then FFirstFree := AIndex;
- if AIndex = FUsedCapacity-1 then
- begin
- while (FUsedCapacity > 0) and not GetUsed(FUsedCapacity-1) do
- dec(FUsedCapacity);
- end;
- end;
-function TBGRAGenericPool.Add: integer;
- //check for free space
- while FFirstFree < FCapacity do
- begin
- if not GetUsed(FFirstFree) then
- begin
- SetUsed(FFirstFree,True);
- result := FFirstFree;
- inc(FFirstFree);
- if FFirstFree > FUsedCapacity then
- FUsedCapacity := FFirstFree;
- exit;
- end;
- inc(FFirstFree);
- end;
- //no free space
- SetCapacity(FCapacity*2+8);
- SetUsed(FFirstFree, true);
- result := FFirstFree;
- inc(FFirstFree);
- if FFirstFree > FUsedCapacity then
- FUsedCapacity := FFirstFree;
-{ TBGRACoordPool3D }
-constructor TBGRACoordPool3D.Create(ACapacity: integer);
- inherited Create(ACapacity,SizeOf(TBGRACoordData3D));
-procedure TBGRACoordPool3D.ComputeWithMatrix(const AMatrix: TMatrix3D;
- const AProjection: TProjection3D);
- P: PBGRACoordData3D;
- I: Int32or64;
- if UsedCapacity = 0 then exit;
- P := PBGRACoordData3D(FPoolData.Data);
- {$IFDEF CPUI386}
- {$asmmode intel}
- if UseSSE then
- begin
- Matrix3D_SSE_Load(AMatrix);
- asm
- mov eax,[AProjection]
- movups xmm4,[eax]
- xorps xmm1,xmm1
- end;
- i := UsedCapacity;
- if UseSSE3 then
- begin
- while i > 0 do
- with P^ do
- begin
- if used then
- begin
- MatrixMultiplyVect3D_SSE3_Aligned(sceneCoord,viewCoord);
- if viewCoord.z > 0 then
- begin
- asm
- mov eax, P
- movaps xmm3, [eax+16] //viewCoord
- movaps xmm2,xmm3
- shufps xmm2,xmm3,2+8+32+128
- rcpps xmm2,xmm2 //xmm2 = InvZ
- movss [eax+40],xmm2 //-> InvZ
- mulps xmm3,xmm4 //xmm3 *= Projection.Zoom
- mulps xmm3,xmm2 //xmm3 *= InvZ
- movhlps xmm0,xmm4 //xmm0 = Projection.Center
- addps xmm3,xmm0 //xmm3 += Projection.Center
- movlps [eax+32],xmm3 //->projectedCoord
- movaps [eax+48],xmm1 //->normal
- end;
- end else
- asm
- mov eax, P
- movlps [eax+32],xmm1 //0->projectedCoord
- movaps [eax+48],xmm1 //->normal
- end;
- if customNormalUsed then
- MatrixMultiplyVect3DWithoutTranslation_SSE3_Aligned(customNormal,viewNormal);
- end;
- dec(i);
- inc(p);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- while i > 0 do
- with P^ do
- begin
- if used then
- begin
- MatrixMultiplyVect3D_SSE_Aligned(sceneCoord,viewCoord);
- if viewCoord.z > 0 then
- begin
- asm
- mov eax, P
- movaps xmm3, [eax+16] //viewCoord
- movaps xmm2,xmm3
- shufps xmm2,xmm3,2+8+32+128
- rcpps xmm2,xmm2 //xmm2 = InvZ
- movss [eax+40],xmm2 //-> InvZ
- mulps xmm3,xmm4 //xmm3 *= Projection.Zoom
- mulps xmm3,xmm2 //xmm3 *= InvZ
- movhlps xmm0,xmm4 //xmm0 = Projection.Center
- addps xmm3,xmm0 //xmm3 += Projection.Center
- movlps [eax+32],xmm3 //->projectedCoord
- movaps [eax+48],xmm1 //->normal
- end;
- end else
- asm
- mov eax, P
- movlps [eax+32],xmm1 //0 ->projectedCoord
- movaps [eax+48],xmm1 //->normal
- end;
- if customNormalUsed then
- MatrixMultiplyVect3DWithoutTranslation_SSE_Aligned(customNormal,viewNormal);
- end;
- dec(i);
- inc(p);
- end;
- end;
- end
- else
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- i := UsedCapacity;
- while i > 0 do
- with P^ do
- begin
- if used then
- begin
- viewCoord := AMatrix*sceneCoord;
- if customNormalUsed then
- viewNormal := MultiplyVect3DWithoutTranslation(AMatrix,customNormal)
- else
- ClearPoint3D_128(viewNormal);
- if viewCoord.z > 0 then
- begin
- InvZ := 1/viewCoord.z;
- projectedCoord := PointF(viewCoord.x*InvZ*AProjection.Zoom.x + AProjection.Center.x,
- viewCoord.y*InvZ*AProjection.Zoom.Y + AProjection.Center.y);
- end else
- projectedCoord := PointF(0,0);
- end;
- dec(i);
- inc(p);
- end;
- end;
-function TBGRACoordPool3D.GetCoordData(AIndex: integer): PBGRACoordData3D;
- result := PBGRACoordData3D(FPoolData.Data)+AIndex;
-function TBGRACoordPool3D.GetUsed(AElement: integer): boolean;
- Result:= CoordData[AElement]^.used;
-procedure TBGRACoordPool3D.SetUsed(AElement: integer; AUsed: boolean);
- CoordData[AElement]^.used := AUsed;
-procedure TBGRACoordPool3D.Remove(AIndex: integer);
- inherited Remove(AIndex);
-{ TBGRANormalPool3D }
-function TBGRANormalPool3D.GetNormalData(AIndex: integer): PBGRANormalData3D;
- result := PBGRANormalData3D(FPoolData.Data)+AIndex;
-function TBGRANormalPool3D.GetUsed(AElement: integer): boolean;
- Result:= NormalData[AElement]^.used;
-procedure TBGRANormalPool3D.SetUsed(AElement: integer; AUsed: boolean);
- NormalData[AElement]^.used := AUsed;
-procedure TBGRANormalPool3D.Remove(AIndex: integer);
- inherited Remove(AIndex);
-constructor TBGRANormalPool3D.Create(ACapacity: integer);
- inherited Create(ACapacity,SizeOf(TBGRANormalData3D));
-procedure TBGRANormalPool3D.ComputeWithMatrix(const AMatrix: TMatrix3D);
- P: PBGRANormalData3D;
- I: Int32or64;
- if UsedCapacity = 0 then exit;
- P := PBGRANormalData3D(FPoolData.Data);
- {$IFDEF CPUI386}
- {$asmmode intel}
- if UseSSE then
- begin
- Matrix3D_SSE_Load(AMatrix);
- i := UsedCapacity;
- if UseSSE3 then
- begin
- while i > 0 do
- with P^ do
- begin
- if used then
- MatrixMultiplyVect3DWithoutTranslation_SSE3_Aligned(customNormal,viewNormal);
- dec(i);
- inc(p);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- while i > 0 do
- with P^ do
- begin
- if used then
- MatrixMultiplyVect3DWithoutTranslation_SSE_Aligned(customNormal,viewNormal);
- dec(i);
- inc(p);
- end;
- end;
- end
- else
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- i := UsedCapacity;
- while i > 0 do
- with P^ do
- begin
- if used then
- viewNormal := MultiplyVect3DWithoutTranslation(AMatrix,customNormal);
- dec(i);
- inc(p);
- end;
- end;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgracustombitmap.inc b/components/bgrabitmap/bgracustombitmap.inc
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ee8550..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgracustombitmap.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1859 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-{=== TBGRACustomBitmap ===}
- { TBGRACustomBitmap }
- {* This is the base class for ''TBGRABitmap''. It is the direct parent of
- ''TBGRADefaultBitmap'' class, which is the parent of the diverse
- implementations. A bitmap can be used as a scanner using the interface
- ''IBGRAScanner'' }
- TBGRACustomBitmap = class(specialize TGenericUniversalBitmap,IBGRAScanner)
- protected
- FXorMask: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- { accessors to properies }
- procedure SetXorMask(AValue: TBGRACustomBitmap);
- function GetAverageColor: TColor; virtual; abstract;
- function GetAveragePixel: TBGRAPixel; virtual; abstract;
- //FreePascal drawing routines
- {$IFDEF BGRABITMAP_USE_FPCANVAS}function GetCanvasFP: TFPImageCanvas; virtual; abstract;{$ENDIF}
- function GetCanvasDrawModeFP: TDrawMode; virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetCanvasDrawModeFP(const AValue: TDrawMode); virtual; abstract;
- //GUI bitmap object
- function GetBitmap: TBitmap; virtual; abstract;
- function GetCanvas: TCanvas; virtual; abstract;
- function GetCanvasOpacity: byte; virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetCanvasOpacity(AValue: byte); virtual; abstract;
- function GetCanvasAlphaCorrection: boolean; virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetCanvasAlphaCorrection(const AValue: boolean); virtual; abstract;
- procedure Init; override;
- function InternalNew: TBGRACustomBitmap; override;
- procedure InternalArc(cx,cy,rx,ry: single; const StartPoint,EndPoint: TPointF; ABorderColor: TBGRAPixel; w: single; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel; AOptions: TArcOptions; ADrawChord: boolean = false; ATexture: IBGRAScanner = nil); overload;
- procedure InternalArc(cx,cy,rx,ry: single; StartAngleRad,EndAngleRad: Single; ABorderColor: TBGRAPixel; w: single; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel; AOptions: TArcOptions; ADrawChord: boolean = false; ATexture: IBGRAScanner = nil); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure InternalArcInRect(r: TRect; StartAngleRad,EndAngleRad: Single; ABorderColor : TBGRAPixel; w: single; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel; AOptions: TArcOptions; ADrawChord: boolean = false; ATexture: IBGRAScanner = nil);
- procedure InternalFillArcInRect(r: TRect; StartAngleRad,EndAngleRad: Single; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel; AOptions: TArcOptions; ATexture: IBGRAScanner = nil);
- public
- {** Resample filter is used when resizing the bitmap. See [[BGRABitmap Miscellaneous types#Images and resampling|resampling types]] }
- ResampleFilter : TResampleFilter;
- {** Scan interpolation filter is used when the bitmap is used
- as a scanner (interface ''IBGRAScanner'') }
- ScanInterpolationFilter: TResampleFilter;
- ScanMaskChannel: TChannel;
- {** Cursor position for mouse pointer }
- HotSpot: TPoint;
- { ** Free reference to xor mask }
- procedure DiscardXorMask; virtual;
- { ** Allocate xor mask }
- procedure NeedXorMask; virtual;
- {** Xor mask to be applied when image is drawn }
- property XorMask: TBGRACustomBitmap read FXorMask write SetXorMask;
- {** Average color of the image }
- property AverageColor: TColor Read GetAverageColor;
- {** Average color (including alpha) of the image }
- property AveragePixel: TBGRAPixel Read GetAveragePixel;
- {** Canvas compatible with FreePascal }
- {$IFDEF BGRABITMAP_USE_FPCANVAS}property CanvasFP: TFPImageCanvas read GetCanvasFP;{$ENDIF}
- {** Draw mode to used when image is access using FreePascal functions
- and ''Colors'' property }
- property CanvasDrawModeFP: TDrawMode read GetCanvasDrawModeFP write SetCanvasDrawModeFP;
- {** Bitmap in a format compatible with the current GUI.
- Don't forget to call ''InvalidateBitmap'' before using it
- if you changed something with direct pixel access (''Scanline''
- and ''Data'') }
- property Bitmap: TBitmap Read GetBitmap;
- {** Canvas provided by the GUI }
- property Canvas: TCanvas Read GetCanvas;
- {** Opacity to apply to changes made using GUI functions, provided
- ''CanvasAlphaCorrection'' is set to ''True'' }
- property CanvasOpacity: byte Read GetCanvasOpacity Write SetCanvasOpacity;
- {** Specifies if the alpha values must be corrected after GUI access
- to the bitmap }
- property CanvasAlphaCorrection: boolean Read GetCanvasAlphaCorrection Write SetCanvasAlphaCorrection;
- protected {----------- pen style accessors ----------------}
- function GetPenJoinStyle: TPenJoinStyle; virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetPenJoinStyle(const AValue: TPenJoinStyle); virtual; abstract;
- function GetPenMiterLimit: single; virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetPenMiterLimit(const AValue: single); virtual; abstract;
- function GetPenStyle: TPenStyle; virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetPenStyle(const AValue: TPenStyle); virtual; abstract;
- function GetCustomPenStyle: TBGRAPenStyle; virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetCustomPenStyle(const AValue: TBGRAPenStyle); virtual; abstract;
- function GetArrowEndRepeat: integer; virtual; abstract;
- function GetArrowStartRepeat: integer; virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetArrowEndRepeat(AValue: integer); virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetArrowStartRepeat(AValue: integer); virtual; abstract;
- function GetArrowEndOffset: single; virtual; abstract;
- function GetArrowStartOffset: single; virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetArrowEndOffset(AValue: single); virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetArrowStartOffset(AValue: single); virtual; abstract;
- function GetArrowEndSize: TPointF; virtual; abstract;
- function GetArrowStartSize: TPointF; virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetArrowEndSize(AValue: TPointF); virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetArrowStartSize(AValue: TPointF); virtual; abstract;
- public {----------- pen style ----------------}
- {** How to join segments. See [[BGRABitmap Types imported from Graphics|BGRAGraphics]] }
- property JoinStyle: TPenJoinStyle read GetPenJoinStyle Write SetPenJoinStyle;
- {** Limit for the extension of the segments when joining them
- with ''pjsMiter'' join style, expressed in multiples of the width
- of the pen }
- property JoinMiterLimit: single read GetPenMiterLimit Write SetPenMiterLimit;
- {** Pen style. See [[BGRABitmap Types imported from Graphics|BGRAGraphics]] }
- property PenStyle: TPenStyle read GetPenStyle Write SetPenStyle;
- {** Custom pen style. See [[BGRABitmap Geometry types|geometric types]] }
- property CustomPenStyle: TBGRAPenStyle read GetCustomPenStyle write SetCustomPenStyle;
- {** Size of arrows at the start of the line }
- property ArrowStartSize: TPointF read GetArrowStartSize write SetArrowStartSize;
- {** Size of arrows at the end of the line }
- property ArrowEndSize: TPointF read GetArrowEndSize write SetArrowEndSize;
- {** Offset of the arrow from the start of the line }
- property ArrowStartOffset: single read GetArrowStartOffset write SetArrowStartOffset;
- {** Offset of the arrow from the end of the line }
- property ArrowEndOffset: single read GetArrowEndOffset write SetArrowEndOffset;
- {** Number of times to repeat the starting arrow }
- property ArrowStartRepeat: integer read GetArrowStartRepeat write SetArrowStartRepeat;
- {** Number of times to repeat the ending arrow }
- property ArrowEndRepeat: integer read GetArrowEndRepeat write SetArrowEndRepeat;
- procedure ArrowStartAsNone; virtual; abstract;
- procedure ArrowStartAsClassic(AFlipped: boolean = false; ACut: boolean = false; ARelativePenWidth: single = 1); virtual; abstract;
- procedure ArrowStartAsTriangle(ABackOffset: single = 0; ARounded: boolean = false; AHollow: boolean = false; AHollowPenWidth: single = 0.5); virtual; abstract;
- procedure ArrowStartAsTail; virtual; abstract;
- procedure ArrowEndAsNone; virtual; abstract;
- procedure ArrowEndAsClassic(AFlipped: boolean = false; ACut: boolean = false; ARelativePenWidth: single = 1); virtual; abstract;
- procedure ArrowEndAsTriangle(ABackOffset: single = 0; ARounded: boolean = false; AHollow: boolean = false; AHollowPenWidth: single = 0.5); virtual; abstract;
- procedure ArrowEndAsTail; virtual; abstract;
- protected {-------------------font style accessors------------------------}
- function GetFontAntialias: Boolean;
- procedure SetFontAntialias(const AValue: Boolean);
- function GetFontRenderer: TBGRACustomFontRenderer; virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetFontRenderer(AValue: TBGRACustomFontRenderer); virtual; abstract;
- function GetFontHeight: integer; virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetFontHeight(AHeight: integer); virtual; abstract;
- function GetFontFullHeight: integer; virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetFontFullHeight(AHeight: integer); virtual; abstract;
- function GetFontVerticalAnchorOffset: single; virtual; abstract;
- function GetFontPixelMetric: TFontPixelMetric; virtual; abstract;
- function GetFontRightToLeftFor(AText: string): boolean;
- public {-------------------font style------------------------}
- {** Specifies the font to use. Unless the font renderer accept otherwise,
- the name is in human readable form, like 'Arial', 'Times New Roman', ... }
- FontName: string;
- {** Specifies the set of styles to be applied to the font.
- These can be ''fsBold'', ''fsItalic'', ''fsStrikeOut'', ''fsUnderline''.
- So the value [''fsBold'',''fsItalic''] means that the font must be bold and italic.
- See [[BGRABitmap Miscellaneous types|miscellaneous types]] }
- FontStyle: TFontStyles;
- {** Specifies the quality of rendering. Default value is ''fqSystem''.
- See [[BGRABitmap Miscellaneous types|miscellaneous types]] }
- FontQuality : TBGRAFontQuality;
- {** Specifies the rotation of the text, for functions that support text rotation.
- It is expressed in tenth of degrees, positive values going counter-clockwise. }
- FontOrientation: integer;
- {** Specifies how the font is vertically aligned relative to the start coordinate.
- See [[BGRABitmap Miscellaneous types|miscellaneous types]]}
- FontVerticalAnchor: TFontVerticalAnchor;
- {** Specifies the base direction of the text (cf Unicode). By default, it is
- automatically determined by the first strongly oriented character.
- You can specify another base direction here however it is not taken
- into account by the LCL on Linux. }
- FontBidiMode: TFontBidiMode;
- {** Specifies the height of the font in pixels without taking into account
- additional line spacing. A negative value means that it is the
- full height instead (see below) }
- property FontHeight: integer Read GetFontHeight Write SetFontHeight;
- {** Specifies the height of the font in pixels, taking into account the
- additional line spacing defined for the font }
- property FontFullHeight: integer read GetFontFullHeight write SetFontFullHeight;
- {** Simplified property to specify the quality (see ''FontQuality'') }
- property FontAntialias: Boolean read GetFontAntialias write SetFontAntialias;
- property FontVerticalAnchorOffset: single read GetFontVerticalAnchorOffset;
- {** Returns measurement for the current font in pixels }
- property FontPixelMetric: TFontPixelMetric read GetFontPixelMetric;
- {** Specifies the font renderer. When working with the LCL,
- by default it is an instance of ''TLCLFontRenderer'' of
- unit ''BGRAText''. Other renderers are provided in ''BGRATextFX''
- unit and ''BGRAVectorize'' unit. Additionally, ''BGRAFreeType''
- provides a renderer independent from the LCL.
- *
- * Once you assign a renderer, it will automatically be freed when
- the bitmap is freed. The renderers may provide additional styling
- for the font, not accessible with the properties in this class
- *
- * See [[BGRABitmap tutorial Font rendering|font rendering]]}
- property FontRenderer: TBGRACustomFontRenderer read GetFontRenderer write SetFontRenderer;
- public
- constructor Create(AFPImage: TFPCustomImage); overload; virtual; abstract;
- constructor Create(ABitmap: TBitmap; AUseTransparent: boolean = true); overload; virtual; abstract;
- constructor Create(AFilename: string); overload; virtual; abstract;
- constructor Create(AFilename: string; AIsUtf8Filename: boolean); overload; virtual; abstract;
- constructor Create(AFilename: string; AIsUtf8Filename: boolean; AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions); overload; virtual; abstract;
- constructor Create(AStream: TStream); overload; virtual; abstract;
- function NewBitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; overload; override;
- function NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer): TBGRACustomBitmap; overload; override;
- function NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer; const Color: TBGRAPixel): TBGRACustomBitmap; overload; override;
- function NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer; AColor: Pointer): TBGRACustomBitmap; overload; override;
- function NewBitmap(Filename: string): TBGRACustomBitmap; overload; virtual; abstract;
- function NewBitmap(Filename: string; AIsUtf8: boolean): TBGRACustomBitmap; overload; virtual; abstract;
- function NewBitmap(Filename: string; AIsUtf8: boolean; AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions): TBGRACustomBitmap; overload; virtual; abstract;
- function NewBitmap(AFPImage: TFPCustomImage): TBGRACustomBitmap; overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream; AHandler: TFPCustomImageReader; AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions); override;
- {==== Reference counting ====}
- {** Adds a reference (this reference count is not the same as
- the reference count of an interface, it changes only by
- explicit calls) }
- function NewReference: TBGRACustomBitmap; override;
- {** Returns an object with a reference count equal to 1. Duplicate
- this bitmap if necessary }
- function GetUnique: TBGRACustomBitmap; override;
- function Duplicate(DuplicateProperties: Boolean = False): TBGRACustomBitmap; overload; override;
- function Duplicate(DuplicateProperties, DuplicateXorMask: Boolean): TBGRACustomBitmap; overload; virtual;
- procedure CopyPropertiesTo(ABitmap: TCustomUniversalBitmap); override;
- function GetPart(const ARect: TRect): TBGRACustomBitmap; override;
- function CreateBrushTexture(ABrushStyle: TBrushStyle; APatternColor, ABackgroundColor: TBGRAPixel;
- AWidth: integer = 8; AHeight: integer = 8; APenWidth: single = 1): TBGRACustomBitmap; override;
- {** Can only be called with an existing instance of ''TBGRACustomBitmap''.
- Sets the dimensions of an existing ''TBGRACustomBitmap'' instance. }
- procedure SetSize(AWidth, AHeight: integer); override;
- {==== Retrieve image from system ====}
- {** Gets the content of the specified device context }
- procedure LoadFromDevice(DC: HDC); overload; virtual; abstract;
- {** Gets the content from the specified rectangular area of a device context }
- procedure LoadFromDevice(DC: HDC; ARect: TRect); overload; virtual; abstract;
- {** Fills the content with a screenshot of the primary monitor }
- procedure TakeScreenshotOfPrimaryMonitor; virtual; abstract;
- {** Fills the content with a screenshot of the specified rectangular area of the desktop
- (it can be from any screen) }
- procedure TakeScreenshot(ARect: TRect); virtual; abstract;
- {** For more methods, see derived class [[TBGRABitmap class|TBGRABitmap]] }
- {==== Drawing functions ====}
- {Pixel functions}
- procedure SetPixel(x, y: int32or64; c: TColor); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure XorPixel(x, y: int32or64; const c: TBGRAPixel); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure DrawPixel(x, y: int32or64; const c: TBGRAPixel; ADrawMode: TDrawMode); overload; override;
- procedure FastBlendPixel(x, y: int32or64; const c: TBGRAPixel); virtual; abstract;
- function GetPixel256(x, y, fracX256,fracY256: int32or64; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter = rfLinear; smoothBorder: boolean = true): TBGRAPixel; virtual; abstract;
- function GetPixel(x, y: single; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter = rfLinear; smoothBorder: boolean = true): TBGRAPixel; overload; virtual; abstract;
- function GetPixelCycle(x, y: single; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter = rfLinear): TBGRAPixel; overload; virtual; abstract;
- function GetPixelCycle(x, y: single; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter; repeatX: boolean; repeatY: boolean): TBGRAPixel; overload; virtual; abstract;
- function GetPixelCycle256(x, y, fracX256,fracY256: int32or64; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter = rfLinear): TBGRAPixel; overload; virtual; abstract;
- function GetPixelCycle256(x, y, fracX256,fracY256: int32or64; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter; repeatX: boolean; repeatY: boolean): TBGRAPixel; overload; virtual; abstract;
- {Line primitives}
- procedure XorHorizLine(x, y, x2: int32or64; c: TBGRAPixel); virtual; abstract;
- procedure DrawHorizLine(x, y, x2: int32or64; ec: TExpandedPixel); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure DrawHorizLine(x, y, x2: int32or64; texture: IBGRAScanner); overload;
- procedure FastBlendHorizLine(x, y, x2: int32or64; c: TBGRAPixel); virtual; abstract;
- procedure DrawHorizLineDiff(x, y, x2: int32or64; c, compare: TBGRAPixel; maxDiff: byte); virtual; abstract;
- procedure HorizLineDiff(x, y, x2: int32or64; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; ACompare: TBGRAPixel; AMaxDiffW: word); virtual; abstract;
- procedure XorVertLine(x, y, y2: int32or64; c: TBGRAPixel); virtual; abstract;
- procedure DrawVertLine(x, y, y2: int32or64; c: TBGRAPixel); virtual; abstract;
- procedure FastBlendVertLine(x, y, y2: int32or64; c: TBGRAPixel); virtual; abstract;
- {==== Rectangles, ellipses and path (floating point coordinates) ====}
- {* These functions use the current pen style/cap/join. The parameter ''w''
- specifies the width of the line and the base unit for dashes
- * The coordinates are pixel-centered, so that when filling a rectangle,
- if the supplied values are integers, the border will be half transparent.
- If you want the border to be completely filled, you can subtract/add
- 0.5 to the coordinates to include the remaining thin border.
- See [[BGRABitmap tutorial 13|coordinate system]]. }
- {==== Multi-shape fill ====}
- {** Draws and fill a polyline using current pen style/cap/join in one go.
- The stroke is stricly over the fill even if partially transparent.
- ''fillcolor'' specifies a color to fill the polygon formed by the points }
- procedure DrawPolyLineAntialias(const points: array of TPointF; c: TBGRAPixel; w: single; fillcolor: TBGRAPixel); overload; virtual; abstract;
- {** Draws a filled polygon using current pen style/cap/join in one go.
- The stroke is stricly over the fill even if partially transparent.
- The polygon is always closed. You don't need to set the last point
- to be the same as the first point. }
- procedure DrawPolygonAntialias(const points: array of TPointF; c: TBGRAPixel; w: single; fillcolor: TBGRAPixel); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure EllipseAntialias(x, y, rx, ry: single; c: TBGRAPixel; w: single; back: TBGRAPixel); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure EllipseAntialias(AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis: TPointF; c: TBGRAPixel; w: single; back: TBGRAPixel); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure DrawPath(APath: IBGRAPath; AStrokeColor: TBGRAPixel; AWidth: single; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure DrawPath(APath: IBGRAPath; AStrokeTexture: IBGRAScanner; AWidth: single; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure DrawPath(APath: IBGRAPath; AStrokeColor: TBGRAPixel; AWidth: single; AFillTexture: IBGRAScanner); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure DrawPath(APath: IBGRAPath; AStrokeTexture: IBGRAScanner; AWidth: single; AFillTexture: IBGRAScanner); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure DrawPath(APath: IBGRAPath; AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AStrokeColor: TBGRAPixel; AWidth: single; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure DrawPath(APath: IBGRAPath; AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AStrokeTexture: IBGRAScanner; AWidth: single; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure DrawPath(APath: IBGRAPath; AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AStrokeColor: TBGRAPixel; AWidth: single; AFillTexture: IBGRAScanner); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure DrawPath(APath: IBGRAPath; AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AStrokeTexture: IBGRAScanner; AWidth: single; AFillTexture: IBGRAScanner); overload; virtual; abstract;
- {==== Gradient/textured polygons ====}
- procedure FillTriangleLinearColor(pt1,pt2,pt3: TPointF; c1,c2,c3: TBGRAPixel); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure FillTriangleLinearColorAntialias(pt1,pt2,pt3: TPointF; c1,c2,c3: TBGRAPixel); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure FillTriangleLinearMapping(pt1,pt2,pt3: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3: TPointF; TextureInterpolation: Boolean= True); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure FillTriangleLinearMappingLightness(pt1,pt2,pt3: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3: TPointF; light1,light2,light3: word; TextureInterpolation: Boolean= True); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure FillTriangleLinearMappingAntialias(pt1,pt2,pt3: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3: TPointF); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure FillQuadLinearColor(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF; c1,c2,c3,c4: TBGRAPixel); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure FillQuadLinearColorAntialias(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF; c1,c2,c3,c4: TBGRAPixel); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure FillQuadLinearMapping(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3, tex4: TPointF; TextureInterpolation: Boolean= True; ACulling: TFaceCulling = fcNone; ACropToPolygon: boolean = true); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure FillQuadLinearMappingLightness(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3, tex4: TPointF; light1,light2,light3,light4: word; TextureInterpolation: Boolean= True); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure FillQuadLinearMappingAntialias(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3, tex4: TPointF; ACulling: TFaceCulling = fcNone); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure FillQuadPerspectiveMapping(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3, tex4: TPointF; ADrawMode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure FillQuadPerspectiveMapping(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3, tex4: TPointF; ACleanBorders: TRect; ADrawMode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure FillQuadPerspectiveMappingAntialias(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3, tex4: TPointF); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure FillQuadPerspectiveMappingAntialias(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3, tex4: TPointF; ACleanBorders: TRect); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure FillQuadAffineMapping(Orig,HAxis,VAxis: TPointF; AImage: TBGRACustomBitmap; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true; ADrawMode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency; AOpacity: byte = 255); virtual; abstract;
- procedure FillQuadAffineMappingAntialias(Orig,HAxis,VAxis: TPointF; AImage: TBGRACustomBitmap; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true; AOpacity: byte = 255); virtual; abstract;
- procedure FillEllipseLinearColorAntialias(x, y, rx, ry: single; outercolor, innercolor: TBGRAPixel); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure FillEllipseLinearColorAntialias(AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis: TPointF; outercolor, innercolor: TBGRAPixel); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure FillPolyLinearColor(const points: array of TPointF; AColors: array of TBGRAPixel); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure FillPolyLinearMapping(const points: array of TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; texCoords: array of TPointF; TextureInterpolation: Boolean); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure FillPolyLinearMappingLightness(const points: array of TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; texCoords: array of TPointF; lightnesses: array of word; TextureInterpolation: Boolean); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure FillPolyPerspectiveMapping(const points: array of TPointF; const pointsZ: array of single; texture: IBGRAScanner; texCoords: array of TPointF; TextureInterpolation: Boolean; zbuffer: psingle = nil); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure FillPolyPerspectiveMappingLightness(const points: array of TPointF; const pointsZ: array of single; texture: IBGRAScanner; texCoords: array of TPointF; lightnesses: array of word; TextureInterpolation: Boolean; zbuffer: psingle = nil); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure Arc(cx,cy,rx,ry: single; const StartPoint,EndPoint: TPointF; AColor: TBGRAPixel; w: single; ADrawChord: boolean; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure Arc(cx,cy,rx,ry: single; StartAngleRad,EndAngleRad: Single; AColor: TBGRAPixel; w: single; ADrawChord: boolean; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure FillChord(cx,cy,rx,ry: single; const StartPoint,EndPoint: TPointF; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure FillChord(cx,cy,rx,ry: single; StartAngleRad,EndAngleRad: Single; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure FillChord(cx,cy,rx,ry: single; const StartPoint,EndPoint: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner); overload;
- procedure FillChord(cx,cy,rx,ry: single; StartAngleRad,EndAngleRad: Single; texture: IBGRAScanner); overload;
- procedure FillChordInRect(const ARect: TRect; StartAngleRad,EndAngleRad: Single; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure FillChordInRect(const ARect: TRect; StartAngleRad,EndAngleRad: Single; texture: IBGRAScanner); overload;
- procedure Pie(cx,cy,rx,ry: single; const StartPoint,EndPoint: TPointF; AColor: TBGRAPixel; w: single; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure Pie(cx,cy,rx,ry: single; StartAngleRad,EndAngleRad: Single; AColor: TBGRAPixel; w: single; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure FillPie(cx,cy,rx,ry: single; const StartPoint,EndPoint: TPointF; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure FillPie(cx,cy,rx,ry: single; StartAngleRad,EndAngleRad: Single; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure FillPie(cx,cy,rx,ry: single; const StartPoint,EndPoint: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner); overload;
- procedure FillPie(cx,cy,rx,ry: single; StartAngleRad,EndAngleRad: Single; texture: IBGRAScanner); overload;
- procedure FillPieInRect(const ARect: TRect; StartAngleRad,EndAngleRad: Single; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure FillPieInRect(const ARect: TRect; StartAngleRad,EndAngleRad: Single; texture: IBGRAScanner); overload;
- procedure RectangleAntialias(x, y, x2, y2: single; c: TBGRAPixel; w: single; back: TBGRAPixel); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure RectangleWithin(x1,y1,x2,y2: single; ABorderColor: TBGRAPixel; w: single; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload;
- procedure RectangleWithin(r: TRect; ABorderColor: TBGRAPixel; w: single; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure RoundRectAntialias(x,y,x2,y2,rx,ry: single; c: TBGRAPixel; w: single; options: TRoundRectangleOptions = []); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure RoundRectAntialias(x,y,x2,y2,rx,ry: single; pencolor: TBGRAPixel; w: single; fillcolor: TBGRAPixel; options: TRoundRectangleOptions = []); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure RoundRectAntialias(x,y,x2,y2,rx,ry: single; penTexture: IBGRAScanner; w: single; fillTexture: IBGRAScanner; options: TRoundRectangleOptions = []); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure RoundRectAntialias(x,y,x2,y2,rx,ry: single; texture: IBGRAScanner; w: single; options: TRoundRectangleOptions = []); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure FillRect(r: TRect; texture: IBGRAScanner; mode: TDrawMode; ditheringAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillRect(r: TRect; texture: IBGRAScanner; mode: TDrawMode; AScanOffset: TPoint; ditheringAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillRect(x, y, x2, y2: integer; texture: IBGRAScanner; mode: TDrawMode; ditheringAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillRect(x, y, x2, y2: integer; texture: IBGRAScanner; mode: TDrawMode; AScanOffset: TPoint; ditheringAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure TextOutCurved(ACursor: TBGRACustomPathCursor; const sUTF8: string; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AAlign: TAlignment; ALetterSpacing: single); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure TextOutCurved(ACursor: TBGRACustomPathCursor; const sUTF8: string; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AAlign: TAlignment; ALetterSpacing: single); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure TextOutCurved(APath: IBGRAPath; const sUTF8: string; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AAlign: TAlignment; ALetterSpacing: single); overload; virtual;
- procedure TextOutCurved(APath: IBGRAPath; const sUTF8: string; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AAlign: TAlignment; ALetterSpacing: single); overload; virtual;
- procedure TextRect(ARect: TRect; x, y: integer; const sUTF8: string; style: TTextStyle; c: TBGRAPixel); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure TextRect(ARect: TRect; x, y: integer; const sUTF8: string; style: TTextStyle; texture: IBGRAScanner); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure TextMultiline(x,y: single; const sUTF8: string; c: TBGRAPixel; AAlign: TBidiTextAlignment = btaLeftJustify; AVertAlign: TTextLayout = tlTop; AParagraphSpacing: single = 0); overload;
- procedure TextMultiline(x,y: single; const sUTF8: string; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AAlign: TBidiTextAlignment = btaLeftJustify; AVertAlign: TTextLayout = tlTop; AParagraphSpacing: single = 0); overload;
- procedure TextMultiline(ALeft,ATop,AWidth: single; const sUTF8: string; c: TBGRAPixel; AAlign: TBidiTextAlignment = btaNatural; AVertAlign: TTextLayout = tlTop; AParagraphSpacing: single = 0); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure TextMultiline(ALeft,ATop,AWidth: single; const sUTF8: string; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AAlign: TBidiTextAlignment = btaNatural; AVertAlign: TTextLayout = tlTop; AParagraphSpacing: single = 0); overload; virtual; abstract;
- function TextSize(const sUTF8: string): TSize; overload; virtual; abstract;
- function TextAffineBox(const sUTF8: string): TAffineBox; virtual; abstract;
- function TextSize(const sUTF8: string; AMaxWidth: integer): TSize; overload; virtual; abstract;
- function TextSize(const sUTF8: string; AMaxWidth: integer; ARightToLeft: boolean): TSize; overload; virtual; abstract;
- function TextFitInfo(const sUTF8: string; AMaxWidth: integer): integer; virtual; abstract;
- function TextSizeMultiline(const sUTF8: string; AMaxWidth: single = EmptySingle; AParagraphSpacing: single = 0): TSize; virtual; abstract;
- { Draw the UTF8 encoded string, (x,y) being the top-left corner by default. The color c or texture is used to fill the text.
- The value of FontOrientation is taken into account, so that the text may be rotated. }
- procedure TextOut(x, y: single; const sUTF8: string; c: TBGRAPixel; align: TAlignment); overload; virtual;
- procedure TextOut(x, y: single; const sUTF8: string; texture: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment); overload; virtual;
- procedure TextOut(x, y: single; const sUTF8: string; c: TBGRAPixel); overload; virtual;
- procedure TextOut(x, y: single; const sUTF8: string; c: TBGRAPixel; ARightToLeft: boolean); overload; virtual;
- procedure TextOut(x, y: single; const sUTF8: string; c: TColor); overload; virtual;
- procedure TextOut(x, y: single; const sUTF8: string; c: TColor; ARightToLeft: boolean); overload; virtual;
- procedure TextOut(x, y: single; const sUTF8: string; texture: IBGRAScanner); overload; virtual;
- procedure TextOut(x, y: single; const sUTF8: string; texture: IBGRAScanner; ARightToLeft: boolean); overload; virtual;
- procedure TextOut(x, y: single; const sUTF8: string; c: TBGRAPixel; align: TAlignment; ARightToLeft: boolean); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure TextOut(x, y: single; const sUTF8: string; texture: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment; ARightToLeft: boolean); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure TextOut(x, y: single; const sUTF8: string; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AAlign: TAlignment; ALetterSpacing: single); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure TextOut(x, y: single; const sUTF8: string; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AAlign: TAlignment; ALetterSpacing: single); overload; virtual; abstract;
- { Overrides the font orientation with the parameter orientationTenthDegCCW }
- procedure TextOutAngle(x, y: single; orientationTenthDegCCW: integer; const sUTF8: string; c: TBGRAPixel); overload; virtual;
- procedure TextOutAngle(x, y: single; orientationTenthDegCCW: integer; const sUTF8: string; c: TBGRAPixel; align: TAlignment); overload; virtual;
- procedure TextOutAngle(x, y: single; orientationTenthDegCCW: integer; const sUTF8: string; c: TBGRAPixel; align: TAlignment; ARightToLeft: boolean); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure TextOutAngle(x, y: single; orientationTenthDegCCW: integer; const sUTF8: string; texture: IBGRAScanner); overload; virtual;
- procedure TextOutAngle(x, y: single; orientationTenthDegCCW: integer; const sUTF8: string; texture: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment); overload; virtual;
- procedure TextOutAngle(x, y: single; orientationTenthDegCCW: integer; const sUTF8: string; texture: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment; ARightToLeft: boolean); overload; virtual; abstract;
- { Draw the UTF8 encoded string in the rectangle ARect. Text is wrapped if necessary.
- The position depends on the specified horizontal alignment halign and vertical alignement valign.
- The color c or texture is used to fill the text. No rotation is applied. }
- procedure TextRect(ARect: TRect; const sUTF8: string; halign: TAlignment; valign: TTextLayout; c: TBGRAPixel); overload; virtual;
- procedure TextRect(ARect: TRect; const sUTF8: string; halign: TAlignment; valign: TTextLayout; texture: IBGRAScanner); overload; virtual;
- //-------------------------- computing path ------------------------------------
- {Spline}
- function ComputeClosedSpline(const APoints: array of TPointF; AStyle: TSplineStyle): ArrayOfTPointF; virtual; abstract;
- function ComputeOpenedSpline(const APoints: array of TPointF; AStyle: TSplineStyle): ArrayOfTPointF; virtual; abstract;
- function ComputeBezierCurve(const curve: TCubicBezierCurve): ArrayOfTPointF; overload; virtual; abstract;
- function ComputeBezierCurve(const curve: TQuadraticBezierCurve): ArrayOfTPointF; overload; virtual; abstract;
- function ComputeBezierSpline(const spline: array of TCubicBezierCurve): ArrayOfTPointF; overload; virtual; abstract;
- function ComputeBezierSpline(const spline: array of TQuadraticBezierCurve): ArrayOfTPointF; overload; virtual; abstract;
- {can be accessed via Pen property}
- function ComputeWidePolyline(const points: array of TPointF; w: single): ArrayOfTPointF; overload; virtual; abstract;
- function ComputeWidePolyline(const points: array of TPointF; w: single; ClosedCap: boolean): ArrayOfTPointF; overload; virtual; abstract;
- function ComputeWidePolygon(const points: array of TPointF; w: single): ArrayOfTPointF; virtual; abstract;
- function ComputeEllipse(x,y,rx,ry: single): ArrayOfTPointF; overload; deprecated;
- function ComputeEllipse(x,y,rx,ry,w: single): ArrayOfTPointF; overload; deprecated;
- function ComputeEllipseContour(x,y,rx,ry: single; quality: single = 1): ArrayOfTPointF; overload; virtual; abstract;
- function ComputeEllipseContour(AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis: TPointF; quality: single = 1): ArrayOfTPointF; overload; virtual; abstract;
- function ComputeEllipseBorder(x,y,rx,ry,w: single; quality: single = 1): ArrayOfTPointF; overload; virtual; abstract;
- function ComputeEllipseBorder(AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis: TPointF; w: single; quality: single = 1): ArrayOfTPointF; overload; virtual; abstract;
- function ComputeArc65536(x,y,rx,ry: single; start65536,end65536: word; quality: single = 1): ArrayOfTPointF; virtual; abstract;
- function ComputeArcRad(x,y,rx,ry: single; startRad,endRad: single; quality: single = 1): ArrayOfTPointF; virtual; abstract;
- function ComputeRoundRect(x1,y1,x2,y2,rx,ry: single; quality: single = 1): ArrayOfTPointF; overload; virtual; abstract;
- function ComputeRoundRect(x1,y1,x2,y2,rx,ry: single; options: TRoundRectangleOptions; quality: single = 1): ArrayOfTPointF; overload; virtual; abstract;
- function ComputePie65536(x,y,rx,ry: single; start65536,end65536: word; quality: single = 1): ArrayOfTPointF; virtual; abstract;
- function ComputePieRad(x,y,rx,ry: single; startRad,endRad: single; quality: single = 1): ArrayOfTPointF; virtual; abstract;
- {Filling}
- // compatibility: take into account ClipRect
- procedure Fill(texture: IBGRAScanner); overload; virtual;
- procedure Fill(texture: IBGRAScanner; mode: TDrawMode); overload; override;
- procedure Fill(c: TBGRAPixel; start, Count: integer); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure DrawPixels(c: TBGRAPixel; start, Count: integer); virtual; abstract;
- procedure AlphaFill(alpha: byte; start, Count: integer); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure ReplaceColor(before, after: TColor); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure ReplaceColor(ARect: TRect; before, after: TColor); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure FloodFill(X, Y: integer; Color: TBGRAPixel;
- mode: TFloodfillMode; Tolerance: byte = 0); overload; virtual;
- procedure FloodFill(X, Y: integer; const Brush: TUniversalBrush;
- Progressive: boolean; ToleranceW: Word = $00ff); overload; virtual;
- procedure ParallelFloodFill(X, Y: integer; Dest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; Color: TBGRAPixel;
- mode: TFloodfillMode; Tolerance: byte = 0; DestOfsX: integer = 0; DestOfsY: integer = 0); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure ParallelFloodFill(X, Y: integer; Dest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const Brush: TUniversalBrush;
- Progressive: boolean; ToleranceW: Word = $00ff; DestOfsX: integer = 0; DestOfsY: integer = 0); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure GradientFill(x, y, x2, y2: integer; c1, c2: TBGRAPixel;
- gtype: TGradientType; o1, o2: TPointF; mode: TDrawMode;
- gammaColorCorrection: boolean = True; Sinus: Boolean=False;
- ditherAlgo: TDitheringAlgorithm = daNearestNeighbor); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure GradientFill(x, y, x2, y2: integer; gradient: TBGRACustomGradient;
- gtype: TGradientType; o1, o2: TPointF; mode: TDrawMode;
- Sinus: Boolean=False;
- ditherAlgo: TDitheringAlgorithm = daNearestNeighbor); overload; virtual; abstract;
- {Canvas drawing functions}
- procedure DataDrawTransparent(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect;
- AData: Pointer; ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; AWidth, AHeight: integer); virtual; abstract;
- procedure DataDrawOpaque(ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; AData: Pointer;
- ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; AWidth, AHeight: integer); virtual; abstract;
- procedure GetImageFromCanvas(CanvasSource: TCanvas; x, y: integer); virtual; abstract;
- procedure Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; x, y: integer; Opaque: boolean = True); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect; Opaque: boolean = True); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure DrawPart(ARect: TRect; ACanvas: TCanvas; x, y: integer; Opaque: boolean); overload; virtual;
- procedure DrawPart(ARect: TRect; ACanvas: TCanvas; ATargetRect: TRect; Opaque: boolean); overload; virtual;
- function GetPtrBitmap(Top,Bottom: Integer): TBGRACustomBitmap; virtual; abstract;
- function MakeBitmapCopy(BackgroundColor: TColor): TBitmap; virtual; abstract;
- {BGRA bitmap functions}
- procedure CrossFade(ARect: TRect; Source1, Source2: IBGRAScanner; AFadePosition: byte; mode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure CrossFade(ARect: TRect; Source1, Source2: IBGRAScanner; AFadeMask: IBGRAScanner; mode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure PutImage(x, y: integer; Source: TBitmap; mode: TDrawMode; AOpacity: byte = 255); overload;
- procedure StretchPutImage(ARect: TRect; Source: TBitmap; mode: TDrawMode; AOpacity: byte = 255); overload;
- procedure StretchPutImage(ARect: TRect; Source: TBGRACustomBitmap; mode: TDrawMode; AOpacity: byte = 255); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure StretchPutImageProportionally(ARect: TRect; AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout; Source: TBGRACustomBitmap; mode: TDrawMode; AOpacity: byte = 255);
- procedure PutImageSubpixel(x, y: single; Source: TBGRACustomBitmap; AOpacity: byte = 255);
- procedure PutImagePart(x,y: integer; Source: TBGRACustomBitmap; SourceRect: TRect; mode: TDrawMode; AOpacity: byte = 255);
- procedure PutImageAffine(Origin,HAxis,VAxis: TPointF; Source: TBGRACustomBitmap; AOpacity: Byte=255; ACorrectBlur: Boolean = false); overload;
- procedure PutImageAffine(Origin,HAxis,VAxis: TPointF; Source: TBGRACustomBitmap; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter; AOpacity: Byte=255); overload;
- procedure PutImageAffine(Origin,HAxis,VAxis: TPointF; Source: TBGRACustomBitmap; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter; AMode: TDrawMode; AOpacity: Byte=255); overload;
- procedure PutImageAffine(Origin,HAxis,VAxis: TPointF; Source: TBGRACustomBitmap; AOutputBounds: TRect; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter; AMode: TDrawMode; AOpacity: Byte=255); overload;
- procedure PutImageAffine(Origin,HAxis,VAxis: TPointF; Source: TBGRACustomBitmap; AOutputBounds: TRect; AOpacity: Byte=255; ACorrectBlur: Boolean = false); overload;
- procedure PutImageAffine(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; Source: TBGRACustomBitmap; AOpacity: Byte=255; ACorrectBlur: Boolean = false; APixelCenteredCoords: boolean = true); overload;
- procedure PutImageAffine(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; Source: TBGRACustomBitmap; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter; AOpacity: Byte=255; APixelCenteredCoords: boolean = true); overload;
- procedure PutImageAffine(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; Source: TBGRACustomBitmap; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter; AMode: TDrawMode; AOpacity: Byte=255; APixelCenteredCoords: boolean = true); overload;
- procedure PutImageAffine(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; Source: TBGRACustomBitmap; AOutputBounds: TRect; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter; AMode: TDrawMode; AOpacity: Byte=255; APixelCenteredCoords: boolean = true); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure PutImageAffine(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; Source: TBGRACustomBitmap; AOutputBounds: TRect; AOpacity: Byte=255; ACorrectBlur: Boolean = false; APixelCenteredCoords: boolean = true); overload;
- function GetImageAffineBounds(Origin,HAxis,VAxis: TPointF; Source: TBGRACustomBitmap): TRect; overload;
- function GetImageAffineBounds(Origin,HAxis,VAxis: TPointF; ASourceWidth, ASourceHeight: integer; const ASourceBounds: TRect; AClipOutput: boolean = true): TRect; overload;
- function GetImageAffineBounds(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; Source: TBGRACustomBitmap; APixelCenteredCoords: boolean = true): TRect; overload;
- function GetImageAffineBounds(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; ASourceBounds: TRect; AClipOutput: boolean = true; APixelCenteredCoords: boolean = true): TRect; overload; virtual; abstract;
- class function IsAffineRoughlyTranslation(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; ASourceBounds: TRect): boolean; virtual; abstract;
- procedure PutImageAngle(x,y: single; Source: TBGRACustomBitmap; angle: single; AOutputBounds: TRect; imageCenterX: single = 0; imageCenterY: single = 0; AOpacity: Byte=255; ARestoreOffsetAfterRotation: boolean = false; ACorrectBlur: Boolean = false); overload;
- procedure PutImageAngle(x,y: single; Source: TBGRACustomBitmap; angle: single; imageCenterX: single = 0; imageCenterY: single = 0; AOpacity: Byte=255; ARestoreOffsetAfterRotation: boolean = false; ACorrectBlur: Boolean = false); overload;
- procedure PutImageAngle(x,y: single; Source: TBGRACustomBitmap; angle: single; AOutputBounds: TRect; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter; imageCenterX: single = 0; imageCenterY: single = 0; AOpacity: Byte=255; ARestoreOffsetAfterRotation: boolean = false); overload;
- procedure PutImageAngle(x,y: single; Source: TBGRACustomBitmap; angle: single; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter; imageCenterX: single = 0; imageCenterY: single = 0; AOpacity: Byte=255; ARestoreOffsetAfterRotation: boolean = false); overload;
- procedure ComputeImageAngleAxes(x,y,w,h,angle: single; imageCenterX,imageCenterY: single; ARestoreOffsetAfterRotation: boolean;
- out Origin,HAxis,VAxis: TPointF);
- function GetImageAngleBounds(x,y: single; Source: TBGRACustomBitmap; angle: single; imageCenterX: single = 0; imageCenterY: single = 0; ARestoreOffsetAfterRotation: boolean = false): TRect;
- procedure Blend(AColor: TBGRAPixel; AOperation: TBlendOperation; AIgnoreDestAlpha: boolean = false); virtual;
- procedure BlendOver(AColor: TBGRAPixel; AOperation: TBlendOperation; AOpacity: byte = 255; ALinearBlend: boolean = false; AIgnoreDestAlpha: boolean = false); virtual;
- procedure BlendRect(ADest: TRect; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AOperation: TBlendOperation; AIgnoreDestAlpha: boolean = false); overload;
- procedure BlendRect(ADest: TRect; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AOperation: TBlendOperation; AExcludeChannels: TChannels); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure BlendRectOver(ADest: TRect; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AOperation: TBlendOperation; AOpacity: byte = 255; ALinearBlend: boolean = false; AIgnoreDestAlpha: boolean = false); overload;
- procedure BlendRectOver(ADest: TRect; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AOperation: TBlendOperation; AOpacity: byte; ALinearBlend: boolean; AExcludeChannels: TChannels); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure BlendImage(x, y: integer; ASource: TBGRACustomBitmap; AOperation: TBlendOperation); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure BlendImage(ADest: TRect; ASource: IBGRAScanner; AOffsetX, AOffsetY: integer; AOperation: TBlendOperation); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure BlendImageOver(x, y: integer; ASource: TBGRACustomBitmap; AOperation: TBlendOperation; AOpacity: byte = 255; ALinearBlend: boolean = false); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure BlendImageOver(ADest: TRect; ASource: IBGRAScanner; AOffsetX, AOffsetY: integer; AOperation: TBlendOperation; AOpacity: byte = 255; ALinearBlend: boolean = false); overload; virtual; abstract;
- function Resample(newWidth, newHeight: integer;
- mode: TResampleMode = rmFineResample): TBGRACustomBitmap; virtual; abstract;
- //masks
- procedure FillMask(x,y: integer; AMask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; ADrawMode: TDrawMode); overload; override;
- procedure FillMask(x,y: integer; AMask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; ADrawMode: TDrawMode; AOpacity: byte); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure EraseMask(x,y: integer; AMask: TBGRACustomBitmap; alpha: byte=255); virtual; abstract;
- procedure FillClearTypeMask(x,y: integer; xThird: integer; AMask: TBGRACustomBitmap; color: TBGRAPixel; ARGBOrder: boolean = true); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure FillClearTypeMask(x,y: integer; xThird: integer; AMask: TBGRACustomBitmap; texture: IBGRAScanner; ARGBOrder: boolean = true); overload; virtual; abstract;
- function GetMaskFromAlpha: TBGRACustomBitmap; virtual; abstract;
- function GetImageBoundsWithin(const ARect: TRect; Channel: TChannel = cAlpha; ANothingValue: Byte = 0): TRect; overload; override;
- function GetImageBoundsWithin(const ARect: TRect; Channels: TChannels; ANothingValue: Byte = 0): TRect; overload; override;
- {inplace filters}
- procedure Negative; virtual; abstract;
- procedure NegativeRect(ABounds: TRect); virtual; abstract;
- procedure LinearNegative; virtual; abstract;
- procedure LinearNegativeRect(ABounds: TRect); virtual; abstract;
- procedure InplaceGrayscale(AGammaCorrection: boolean = true); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure InplaceGrayscale(ABounds: TRect; AGammaCorrection: boolean = true); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure InplaceNormalize(AEachChannel: boolean = True); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure InplaceNormalize(ABounds: TRect; AEachChannel: boolean = True); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure ConvertToLinearRGB; virtual; abstract;
- procedure ConvertFromLinearRGB; virtual; abstract;
- procedure SwapRedBlue; overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure SwapRedBlue(ARect: TRect); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure GrayscaleToAlpha; virtual; abstract;
- procedure AlphaToGrayscale; virtual; abstract;
- procedure VerticalFlip(ARect: TRect); overload; override;
- procedure HorizontalFlip(ARect: TRect); overload; override;
- procedure RotateUDInplace(ARect: TRect); overload; override;
- {Filters}
- function RotateCW: TBGRACustomBitmap; override;
- function RotateCCW: TBGRACustomBitmap; override;
- function RotateUD: TBGRACustomBitmap; override;
- function FilterSmartZoom3(Option: TMedianOption): TBGRACustomBitmap; virtual; abstract;
- function FilterMedian(Option: TMedianOption): TBGRACustomBitmap; virtual; abstract;
- function FilterSmooth: TBGRACustomBitmap; virtual; abstract;
- function FilterSharpen(Amount: single = 1): TBGRACustomBitmap; overload; virtual; abstract;
- function FilterSharpen(ABounds: TRect; Amount: single = 1): TBGRACustomBitmap; overload; virtual; abstract;
- function FilterContour(AGammaCorrection: boolean = false): TBGRACustomBitmap; virtual; abstract;
- function FilterPixelate(pixelSize: integer; useResample: boolean; filter: TResampleFilter = rfLinear): TBGRACustomBitmap; virtual; abstract;
- function FilterBlurRadial(radius: single; blurType: TRadialBlurType): TBGRACustomBitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterBlurRadial(const ABounds: TRect; radius: single; blurType: TRadialBlurType): TBGRACustomBitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterBlurRadial(radiusX, radiusY: single; blurType: TRadialBlurType): TBGRACustomBitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterBlurRadial(const ABounds: TRect; radiusX, radiusY: single; blurType: TRadialBlurType): TBGRACustomBitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterBlurMotion(distance: single; angle: single; oriented: boolean): TBGRACustomBitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterBlurMotion(const ABounds: TRect; distance: single; angle: single; oriented: boolean): TBGRACustomBitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterCustomBlur(mask: TCustomUniversalBitmap): TBGRACustomBitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterCustomBlur(const ABounds: TRect; mask: TCustomUniversalBitmap): TBGRACustomBitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterEmboss(angle: single; AStrength: integer= 64; AOptions: TEmbossOptions = []): TBGRACustomBitmap; overload; virtual; abstract;
- function FilterEmboss(angle: single; ABounds: TRect; AStrength: integer= 64; AOptions: TEmbossOptions = []): TBGRACustomBitmap; overload; virtual; abstract;
- function FilterEmbossHighlight(FillSelection: boolean): TBGRACustomBitmap; overload; virtual; abstract;
- function FilterEmbossHighlight(FillSelection: boolean; BorderColor: TBGRAPixel): TBGRACustomBitmap; overload; virtual; abstract;
- function FilterEmbossHighlight(FillSelection: boolean; BorderColor: TBGRAPixel; var Offset: TPoint): TBGRACustomBitmap; overload; virtual; abstract;
- function FilterGrayscale: TBGRACustomBitmap; overload; virtual; abstract;
- function FilterGrayscale(ABounds: TRect): TBGRACustomBitmap; overload; virtual; abstract;
- function FilterNormalize(eachChannel: boolean = True): TBGRACustomBitmap; overload; virtual; abstract;
- function FilterNormalize(ABounds: TRect; eachChannel: boolean = True): TBGRACustomBitmap; overload; virtual; abstract;
- function FilterRotate(origin: TPointF; angle: single; correctBlur: boolean = false): TBGRACustomBitmap; virtual; abstract;
- function FilterAffine(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; correctBlur: boolean = false): TBGRACustomBitmap; virtual; abstract;
- function FilterSphere: TBGRACustomBitmap; virtual; abstract;
- function FilterTwirl(ACenter: TPoint; ARadius: Single; ATurn: Single=1; AExponent: Single=3): TBGRACustomBitmap; overload; virtual; abstract;
- function FilterTwirl(ABounds: TRect; ACenter: TPoint; ARadius: Single; ATurn: Single=1; AExponent: Single=3): TBGRACustomBitmap; overload; virtual; abstract;
- function FilterCylinder: TBGRACustomBitmap; virtual; abstract;
- function FilterPlane: TBGRACustomBitmap; virtual; abstract;
- //IBGRAScanner
- function ScanAtIntegerExpanded(X,Y: integer): TExpandedPixel; override;
- function ScanNextExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel; override;
- function ScanAtExpanded(X,Y: Single): TExpandedPixel; override;
- function ProvidesScanline(ARect: TRect): boolean; override;
- function GetScanlineAt(X, Y: integer): PBGRAPixel; override;
- procedure ScanNextMaskChunk(var ACount: integer; out AMask: PByteMask; out AStride: integer); override;
- function ScanAtIntegerMask(X,Y: integer): TByteMask; override;
- function ScanAtMask(X,Y: Single): TByteMask; override;
- end;
- TBGRABitmapAny = class of TBGRACustomBitmap; //used to create instances of the same type (see NewBitmap)
- BGRABitmapFactory : TBGRABitmapAny;
-function InternalGetImageBoundsWithin(ASourceBitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; ASourceTexture: IBGRAScanner;
- const ARect: TRect; Channels: TChannels; ANothingValue: Byte): TRect;
- minx, miny, maxx, maxy: integer;
- xb, xb2, yb: integer;
- p: PLongWord;
- colorMask, colorZeros: LongWord;
- actualRect: TRect;
- pixelBuffer: TBGRAPixelBuffer;
- pixelBuffer := nil;
- if ASourceBitmap <> nil then
- begin
- actualRect := TRect.Intersect(ARect, rect(0,0,ASourceBitmap.Width,ASourceBitmap.Height));
- end
- else if ASourceTexture <> nil then
- begin
- actualRect := ARect;
- AllocateBGRAPixelBuffer(pixelBuffer, ARect.Right-ARect.Left)
- end
- else
- begin
- result := EmptyRect;
- exit;
- end;
- maxx := actualRect.Left-1;
- maxy := actualRect.Top-1;
- minx := actualRect.Right;
- miny := actualRect.Bottom;
- colorMask := 0;
- colorZeros := 0;
- if cBlue in Channels then
- begin
- colorMask := colorMask or LongWord(BGRA(0,0,255,0));
- colorZeros:= colorZeros or LongWord(BGRA(0,0,ANothingValue,0));
- end;
- if cGreen in Channels then
- begin
- colorMask := colorMask or LongWord(BGRA(0,255,0,0));
- colorZeros:= colorZeros or LongWord(BGRA(0,ANothingValue,0,0));
- end;
- if cRed in Channels then
- begin
- colorMask := colorMask or LongWord(BGRA(255,0,0,0));
- colorZeros:= colorZeros or LongWord(BGRA(ANothingValue,0,0,0));
- end;
- if cAlpha in Channels then
- begin
- colorMask := colorMask or LongWord(BGRA(0,0,0,255));
- colorZeros:= colorZeros or LongWord(BGRA(0,0,0,ANothingValue));
- end;
- colorMask := NtoLE(colorMask);
- colorZeros := NtoLE(colorZeros);
- for yb := actualRect.Top to actualRect.Bottom-1 do
- begin
- if ASourceBitmap <> nil then
- p := PLongWord(ASourceBitmap.ScanLine[yb])+actualRect.Left
- else
- begin
- p := @pixelBuffer[0];
- ASourceTexture.ScanMoveTo(actualRect.Left,actualRect.Top);
- ASourceTexture.ScanPutPixels(PBGRAPixel(p),ARect.Right-ARect.Left, dmSet);
- end;
- for xb := actualRect.Left to actualRect.Right - 1 do
- begin
- if (p^ and colorMask) <> colorZeros then
- begin
- if xb < minx then
- minx := xb;
- if yb < miny then
- miny := yb;
- if xb > maxx then
- maxx := xb;
- if yb > maxy then
- maxy := yb;
- inc(p, actualRect.Right-1-xb);
- for xb2 := actualRect.Right-1 downto xb+1 do
- begin
- if (p^ and colorMask) <> colorZeros then
- begin
- if xb2 > maxx then
- maxx := xb2;
- break;
- end;
- dec(p);
- end;
- break;
- end;
- Inc(p);
- end;
- end;
- if minx > maxx then
- begin
- Result.left := 0;
- Result.top := 0;
- Result.right := 0;
- Result.bottom := 0;
- end
- else
- begin
- Result.left := minx;
- Result.top := miny;
- Result.right := maxx + 1;
- Result.bottom := maxy + 1;
- end;
-{ TBGRACustomBitmap }
-function TBGRACustomBitmap.GetFontAntialias: Boolean;
- result := FontQuality <> fqSystem;
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.SetFontAntialias(const AValue: Boolean);
- if AValue and not FontAntialias then
- FontQuality := fqFineAntialiasing
- else if not AValue and (FontQuality <> fqSystem) then
- FontQuality := fqSystem;
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.SetXorMask(AValue: TBGRACustomBitmap);
- if FXorMask=AValue then Exit;
- if (AValue.Width <> Width) or (AValue.Height <> Height) then
- raise exception.Create('Dimension mismatch');
- DiscardXorMask;
- FXorMask:=AValue;
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.Init;
- inherited Init;
- ScanMaskChannel:= cGreen;
-function TBGRACustomBitmap.GetFontRightToLeftFor(AText: string): boolean;
- case FontBidiMode of
- fbmAuto: result := IsRightToLeftUTF8(AText);
- fbmRightToLeft: result := true;
- else
- {fbmLeftToRight}
- result := false;
- end;
-function TBGRACustomBitmap.NewBitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- Result:=inherited NewBitmap as TBGRACustomBitmap;
-function TBGRACustomBitmap.NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer): TBGRACustomBitmap;
- Result:=inherited NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight) as TBGRACustomBitmap;
-function TBGRACustomBitmap.NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer;
- const Color: TBGRAPixel): TBGRACustomBitmap;
- Result:=inherited NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight, Color) as TBGRACustomBitmap;
-function TBGRACustomBitmap.NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer; AColor: Pointer
- ): TBGRACustomBitmap;
- Result:=inherited NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight, AColor) as TBGRACustomBitmap;
-function TBGRACustomBitmap.InternalNew: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- Result:= BGRABitmapFactory.Create;
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.DiscardXorMask;
- if Assigned(FXorMask) then
- begin
- if FXorMask is TBGRACustomBitmap then
- begin
- TBGRACustomBitmap(FXorMask).FreeReference;
- FXorMask := nil;
- end else
- FreeAndNil(FXorMask);
- end;
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.NeedXorMask;
- if FXorMask = nil then
- FXorMask := BGRABitmapFactory.Create(Width,Height);
-function TBGRACustomBitmap.NewReference: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- result := TBGRACustomBitmap(inherited NewReference);
-function TBGRACustomBitmap.GetUnique: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- result := TBGRACustomBitmap(inherited GetUnique);
-function TBGRACustomBitmap.Duplicate(DuplicateProperties: Boolean): TBGRACustomBitmap;
- result := TBGRACustomBitmap(inherited Duplicate(DuplicateProperties));
-function TBGRACustomBitmap.Duplicate(DuplicateProperties,
- DuplicateXorMask: Boolean): TBGRACustomBitmap;
- result := Duplicate(DuplicateProperties);
- if DuplicateXorMask and Assigned(XorMask) then
- result.XorMask := FXorMask.Duplicate(True);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.CopyPropertiesTo(ABitmap: TCustomUniversalBitmap);
- other: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- inherited CopyPropertiesTo(ABitmap);
- if ABitmap is TBGRACustomBitmap then
- begin
- other := TBGRACustomBitmap(ABitmap);
- other.CanvasOpacity := CanvasOpacity;
- other.CanvasDrawModeFP := CanvasDrawModeFP;
- other.PenStyle := PenStyle;
- other.CustomPenStyle := CustomPenStyle;
- other.FontName := FontName;
- other.FontHeight := FontHeight;
- other.FontStyle := FontStyle;
- other.FontQuality := FontQuality;
- other.FontOrientation := FontOrientation;
- other.FontVerticalAnchor:= FontVerticalAnchor;
- other.FontBidiMode:= FontBidiMode;
- other.LineCap := LineCap;
- other.JoinStyle := JoinStyle;
- other.ResampleFilter := ResampleFilter;
- other.ScanInterpolationFilter:= ScanInterpolationFilter;
- other.HotSpot := HotSpot;
- end;
-function TBGRACustomBitmap.GetPart(const ARect: TRect): TBGRACustomBitmap;
- result := TBGRACustomBitmap(inherited GetPart(ARect));
-function TBGRACustomBitmap.CreateBrushTexture(ABrushStyle: TBrushStyle;
- APatternColor, ABackgroundColor: TBGRAPixel; AWidth: integer;
- AHeight: integer; APenWidth: single): TBGRACustomBitmap;
- result := TBGRACustomBitmap(inherited CreateBrushTexture(ABrushStyle, APatternColor, ABackgroundColor, AWidth,AHeight,APenWidth));
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.SetSize(AWidth, AHeight: integer);
- if (AWidth <> Width) or (AHeight <> Height) then
- begin
- inherited SetSize(AWidth, AHeight);
- DiscardXorMask;
- end;
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.InternalArc(cx, cy, rx, ry: single;
- const StartPoint, EndPoint: TPointF; ABorderColor: TBGRAPixel; w: single; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel; AOptions: TArcOptions;
- ADrawChord: boolean; ATexture: IBGRAScanner);
-var angle1,angle2: single;
- if (rx = 0) or (ry = 0) then exit;
- angle1 := arctan2(-(StartPoint.y-cy)/ry,(StartPoint.x-cx)/rx);
- angle2 := arctan2(-(EndPoint.y-cy)/ry,(EndPoint.x-cx)/rx);
- if angle1 = angle2 then angle2 := angle1+2*Pi;
- InternalArc(cx,cy,rx,ry, angle1,angle2,
- ABorderColor,w,AFillColor, AOptions, ADrawChord, ATexture);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.InternalArcInRect(r: TRect; StartAngleRad,
- EndAngleRad: Single; ABorderColor: TBGRAPixel; w: single; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel; AOptions: TArcOptions;
- ADrawChord: boolean; ATexture: IBGRAScanner);
- temp: LongInt;
- if r.right = r.left then exit;
- if r.bottom = r.top then exit;
- if r.right < r.left then
- begin
- temp := r.left;
- r.left := r.right;
- r.right := temp;
- end;
- if r.Bottom < r.Top then
- begin
- temp := r.Top;
- r.Top := r.Bottom;
- r.Bottom := temp;
- end;
- InternalArc((r.left+r.right-1)/2,(r.top+r.bottom-1)/2,
- (r.right-r.left-1)/2,(r.bottom-r.top-1)/2,
- StartAngleRad,EndAngleRad,
- ABorderColor,w,AFillColor,
- AOptions, ADrawChord, ATexture);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.InternalFillArcInRect(r: TRect; StartAngleRad,
- EndAngleRad: Single; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel; AOptions: TArcOptions;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner);
- temp: LongInt;
- if r.right = r.left then exit;
- if r.bottom = r.top then exit;
- if r.right < r.left then
- begin
- temp := r.left;
- r.left := r.right;
- r.right := temp;
- end;
- if r.Bottom < r.Top then
- begin
- temp := r.Top;
- r.Top := r.Bottom;
- r.Bottom := temp;
- end;
- InternalArc((r.left+r.right-1)/2,(r.top+r.bottom-1)/2,
- (r.right-r.left)/2,(r.bottom-r.top)/2,
- StartAngleRad,EndAngleRad,
- BGRAPixelTransparent,0,AFillColor,
- AOptions, False, ATexture);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.DrawPixel(x, y: int32or64; const c: TBGRAPixel;
- ADrawMode: TDrawMode);
- case ADrawMode of
- dmSet: SetPixel(x,y,c);
- dmSetExceptTransparent: if c.alpha = 255 then SetPixel(x,y,c);
- dmLinearBlend: FastBlendPixel(x,y,c);
- dmDrawWithTransparency: DrawPixel(x,y,c);
- dmXor: XorPixel(x,y,c);
- end;
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream;
- AHandler: TFPCustomImageReader; AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions);
- OldDrawMode: TDrawMode;
- { LoadFromStream uses TFPCustomImage routine, which uses
- Colors property to access pixels. That's why the
- FP drawing mode is temporarily changed to load
- bitmaps properly }
- OldDrawMode := CanvasDrawModeFP;
- CanvasDrawModeFP := dmSet;
- DiscardXorMask;
- try
- inherited LoadFromStream(AStream, AHandler, AOptions);
- finally
- CanvasDrawModeFP := OldDrawMode;
- end;
-{ Look for a pixel considering the bitmap is repeated in both directions }
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.DrawHorizLine(x, y, x2: int32or64;
- texture: IBGRAScanner);
- HorizLine(x,y,x2,texture,dmDrawWithTransparency);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.Arc(cx, cy, rx, ry: single; const StartPoint,
- EndPoint: TPointF; AColor: TBGRAPixel; w: single; ADrawChord: boolean;
- AFillColor: TBGRAPixel);
- InternalArc(cx,cy,rx,ry,StartPoint,EndPoint,AColor,w,AFillColor,[aoFillPath],ADrawChord);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.Arc(cx, cy, rx, ry: single; StartAngleRad,
- EndAngleRad: Single; AColor: TBGRAPixel; w: single; ADrawChord: boolean;
- AFillColor: TBGRAPixel);
- InternalArc(cx,cy,rx,ry,StartAngleRad,EndAngleRad,AColor,w,AFillColor,[aoFillPath],ADrawChord);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.FillChord(cx, cy, rx, ry: single; const StartPoint,
- EndPoint: TPointF; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel);
- InternalArc(cx,cy,rx,ry,StartPoint,EndPoint,BGRAPixelTransparent,0,AFillColor,[aoFillPath]);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.FillChord(cx, cy, rx, ry: single; StartAngleRad,
- EndAngleRad: Single; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel);
- InternalArc(cx,cy,rx,ry,StartAngleRad,EndAngleRad,BGRAPixelTransparent,0,AFillColor,[aoFillPath]);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.FillChord(cx, cy, rx, ry: single; const StartPoint,
- EndPoint: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner);
- InternalArc(cx,cy,rx,ry,StartPoint,EndPoint,BGRAPixelTransparent,0,BGRAWhite,[aoFillPath],False,texture);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.FillChord(cx, cy, rx, ry: single; StartAngleRad,
- EndAngleRad: Single; texture: IBGRAScanner);
- InternalArc(cx,cy,rx,ry,StartAngleRad,EndAngleRad,BGRAPixelTransparent,0,BGRAWhite,[aoFillPath],False,texture);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.FillChordInRect(const ARect: TRect; StartAngleRad,
- EndAngleRad: Single; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel);
- InternalFillArcInRect(ARect,StartAngleRad,EndAngleRad,AFillColor,[aoFillPath]);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.FillChordInRect(const ARect: TRect; StartAngleRad,
- EndAngleRad: Single; texture: IBGRAScanner);
- InternalFillArcInRect(ARect,StartAngleRad,EndAngleRad,BGRAWhite,[aoFillPath],texture);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.Pie(cx, cy, rx, ry: single; const StartPoint,
- EndPoint: TPointF; AColor: TBGRAPixel; w: single; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel);
- InternalArc(cx,cy,rx,ry,StartPoint,EndPoint,AColor,w,AFillColor,[aoFillPath,aoPie]);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.Pie(cx, cy, rx, ry: single; StartAngleRad,
- EndAngleRad: Single; AColor: TBGRAPixel; w: single; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel);
- InternalArc(cx,cy,rx,ry,StartAngleRad,EndAngleRad,AColor,w,AFillColor,[aoFillPath,aoPie]);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.FillPie(cx, cy, rx, ry: single; const StartPoint,
- EndPoint: TPointF; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel);
- InternalArc(cx,cy,rx,ry,StartPoint,EndPoint,BGRAPixelTransparent,0,AFillColor,[aoFillPath,aoPie]);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.FillPie(cx, cy, rx, ry: single; StartAngleRad,
- EndAngleRad: Single; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel);
- InternalArc(cx,cy,rx,ry,StartAngleRad,EndAngleRad,BGRAPixelTransparent,0,AFillColor,[aoFillPath,aoPie]);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.FillPie(cx, cy, rx, ry: single; const StartPoint,
- EndPoint: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner);
- InternalArc(cx,cy,rx,ry,StartPoint,EndPoint,BGRAPixelTransparent,0,BGRAWhite,[aoFillPath,aoPie],False,texture);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.FillPie(cx, cy, rx, ry: single; StartAngleRad,
- EndAngleRad: Single; texture: IBGRAScanner);
- InternalArc(cx,cy,rx,ry,StartAngleRad,EndAngleRad,BGRAPixelTransparent,0,BGRAWhite,[aoFillPath,aoPie],False,texture);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.FillPieInRect(const ARect: TRect; StartAngleRad,
- EndAngleRad: Single; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel);
- InternalFillArcInRect(ARect,StartAngleRad,EndAngleRad,AFillColor,[aoFillPath,aoPie]);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.FillPieInRect(const ARect: TRect; StartAngleRad,
- EndAngleRad: Single; texture: IBGRAScanner);
- InternalFillArcInRect(ARect,StartAngleRad,EndAngleRad,BGRAWhite,[aoFillPath,aoPie],texture);
-{ Following functions are defined for convenience }
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.RectangleWithin(x1, y1, x2, y2: single;
- ABorderColor: TBGRAPixel; w: single; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel;
- APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- if not APixelCenteredCoordinates then
- begin
- DecF(x1, 0.5);
- DecF(y1, 0.5);
- DecF(x2, 0.5);
- DecF(y2, 0.5);
- end;
- RectangleAntialias(x1+w*0.5,y1+w*0.5,x2-w*0.5,y2-w*0.5, ABorderColor, w, AFillColor);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.RectangleWithin(r: TRect; ABorderColor: TBGRAPixel;
- w: single; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel);
- RectangleWithin(r.left,r.top,r.right,r.bottom,ABorderColor,w,AFillColor,false);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.FillRect(r: TRect; texture: IBGRAScanner;
- mode: TDrawMode; ditheringAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm);
- FillRect(r.Left,r.Top,r.Right,r.Bottom, texture, mode, ditheringAlgorithm);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.FillRect(r: TRect; texture: IBGRAScanner;
- mode: TDrawMode; AScanOffset: TPoint; ditheringAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm);
- FillRect(r.Left,r.Top,r.Right,r.Bottom, texture, mode, AScanOffset, ditheringAlgorithm);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.FillRect(x, y, x2, y2: integer;
- texture: IBGRAScanner; mode: TDrawMode;
- ditheringAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm);
- FillRect(x,y,x2,y2,texture,mode,Point(0,0),ditheringAlgorithm);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.TextOutCurved(APath: IBGRAPath; const sUTF8: string;
- AColor: TBGRAPixel; AAlign: TAlignment; ALetterSpacing: single);
-var cursor: TBGRACustomPathCursor;
- cursor := APath.getCursor;
- if cursor = nil then exit;
- case AAlign of
- taCenter: cursor.Position := cursor.PathLength*0.5;
- taRightJustify: cursor.Position:= cursor.PathLength;
- end;
- TextOutCurved(cursor, sUTF8, AColor, AAlign, ALetterSpacing);
- cursor.free;
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.TextOutCurved(APath: IBGRAPath; const sUTF8: string;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AAlign: TAlignment; ALetterSpacing: single);
-var cursor: TBGRACustomPathCursor;
- cursor := APath.getCursor;
- if cursor = nil then exit;
- case AAlign of
- taCenter: cursor.Position := cursor.PathLength*0.5;
- taRightJustify: cursor.Position:= cursor.PathLength;
- end;
- TextOutCurved(cursor, sUTF8, ATexture, AAlign, ALetterSpacing);
- cursor.free;
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.TextMultiline(x, y: single; const sUTF8: string;
- c: TBGRAPixel; AAlign: TBidiTextAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout; AParagraphSpacing: single);
- TextMultiline(x, y, EmptySingle, sUTF8, c, AAlign, AVertAlign, AParagraphSpacing);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.TextMultiline(x, y: single; const sUTF8: string;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AAlign: TBidiTextAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout; AParagraphSpacing: single);
- TextMultiline(x, y, EmptySingle, sUTF8, ATexture, AAlign, AVertAlign, AParagraphSpacing);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.TextOut(x, y: single; const sUTF8: string; c: TBGRAPixel;
- align: TAlignment);
- TextOut(x,y,sUTF8,c,align, GetFontRightToLeftFor(sUTF8));
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.TextOut(x, y: single; const sUTF8: string;
- texture: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment);
- TextOut(x,y,sUTF8,texture,align, GetFontRightToLeftFor(sUTF8));
-{ Draw the UTF8 encoded string, (x,y) being the top-left corner. The color c is used to fill the text.
- The value of FontOrientation is taken into account, so that the text may be rotated. }
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.TextOut(x, y: single; const sUTF8: string; c: TBGRAPixel);
- TextOut(x, y, sUTF8, c, taLeftJustify);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.TextOut(x, y: single; const sUTF8: string; c: TBGRAPixel;
- ARightToLeft: boolean);
- TextOut(x, y, sUTF8, c, taLeftJustify, ARightToLeft);
-{ Draw the UTF8 encoded string, (x,y) being the top-left corner. The color c is used to fill the text.
- The value of FontOrientation is taken into account, so that the text may be rotated. }
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.TextOut(x, y: single; const sUTF8: string; c: TColor);
- TextOut(x, y, sUTF8, ColorToBGRA(c));
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.TextOut(x, y: single; const sUTF8: string; c: TColor;
- ARightToLeft: boolean);
- TextOut(x, y, sUTF8, ColorToBGRA(c), ARightToLeft);
-{ Draw the UTF8 encoded string, (x,y) being the top-left corner. The texture is used to fill the text.
- The value of FontOrientation is taken into account, so that the text may be rotated. }
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.TextOut(x, y: single; const sUTF8: string;
- texture: IBGRAScanner);
- TextOut(x, y, sUTF8, texture, taLeftJustify);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.TextOut(x, y: single; const sUTF8: string;
- texture: IBGRAScanner; ARightToLeft: boolean);
- TextOut(x, y, sUTF8, texture, taLeftJustify, ARightToLeft);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.TextOutAngle(x, y: single;
- orientationTenthDegCCW: integer; const sUTF8: string; c: TBGRAPixel);
- TextOutAngle(x,y, orientationTenthDegCCW, sUTF8,c,taLeftJustify);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.TextOutAngle(x, y: single;
- orientationTenthDegCCW: integer; const sUTF8: string; c: TBGRAPixel;
- align: TAlignment);
- TextOutAngle(x,y, orientationTenthDegCCW, sUTF8,c,align, GetFontRightToLeftFor(sUTF8));
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.TextOutAngle(x, y: single;
- orientationTenthDegCCW: integer; const sUTF8: string; texture: IBGRAScanner);
- TextOutAngle(x,y, orientationTenthDegCCW, sUTF8,texture,taLeftJustify);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.TextOutAngle(x, y: single;
- orientationTenthDegCCW: integer; const sUTF8: string; texture: IBGRAScanner;
- align: TAlignment);
- TextOutAngle(x,y, orientationTenthDegCCW, sUTF8,texture,align, GetFontRightToLeftFor(sUTF8));
-{ Draw the UTF8 encoded string in the rectangle ARect. Text is wrapped if necessary.
- The position depends on the specified horizontal alignment halign and vertical alignement valign.
- The color c is used to fill the text. No rotation is applied. }
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.TextRect(ARect: TRect; const sUTF8: string;
- halign: TAlignment; valign: TTextLayout; c: TBGRAPixel);
- style: TTextStyle;
- sUTF8bidi: String;
- {$hints off}
- FillChar(style,sizeof(style),0);
- {$hints on}
- style.Alignment := halign;
- style.Layout := valign;
- style.Wordbreak := true;
- style.ShowPrefix := false;
- style.Clipping := false;
- style.RightToLeft := GetFontRightToLeftFor(sUTF8);
- if FontBidiMode = fbmAuto then
- sUTF8bidi := AddParagraphBidiUTF8(sUTF8, style.RightToLeft)
- else sUTF8bidi := sUTF8;
- TextRect(ARect, ARect.Left, ARect.Top, sUTF8bidi, style, c);
-{ Draw the UTF8 encoded string in the rectangle ARect. Text is wrapped if necessary.
- The position depends on the specified horizontal alignment halign and vertical alignement valign.
- The texture is used to fill the text. No rotation is applied. }
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.TextRect(ARect: TRect; const sUTF8: string;
- halign: TAlignment; valign: TTextLayout; texture: IBGRAScanner);
- style: TTextStyle;
- sUTF8bidi: String;
- {$hints off}
- FillChar(style,sizeof(style),0);
- {$hints on}
- style.Alignment := halign;
- style.Layout := valign;
- style.Wordbreak := true;
- style.ShowPrefix := false;
- style.Clipping := false;
- style.RightToLeft := GetFontRightToLeftFor(sUTF8);
- if FontBidiMode = fbmAuto then
- sUTF8bidi := AddParagraphBidiUTF8(sUTF8, style.RightToLeft)
- else sUTF8bidi := sUTF8;
- TextRect(ARect,ARect.Left,ARect.Top,sUTF8bidi,style,texture);
-function TBGRACustomBitmap.ComputeEllipse(x, y, rx, ry: single): ArrayOfTPointF;
- result := ComputeEllipseContour(x,y,rx,ry);
-function TBGRACustomBitmap.ComputeEllipse(x, y, rx, ry, w: single
- ): ArrayOfTPointF;
- result := ComputeEllipseBorder(x,y,rx,ry,w);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.Fill(texture: IBGRAScanner);
- FillRect(ClipRect, texture, dmSet);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.Fill(texture: IBGRAScanner; mode: TDrawMode);
- FillRect(ClipRect, texture, mode);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.FloodFill(X, Y: integer; Color: TBGRAPixel;
- mode: TFloodfillMode; Tolerance: byte);
- ParallelFloodFill(X,Y, Self, Color, mode, Tolerance);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.FloodFill(X, Y: integer;
- const Brush: TUniversalBrush; Progressive: boolean; ToleranceW: Word);
- ParallelFloodFill(X,Y, Self, Brush, Progressive, ToleranceW);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.DrawPart(ARect: TRect; ACanvas: TCanvas; x,
- y: integer; Opaque: boolean);
- partial: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- if (ARect.Left = 0) and (ARect.Top = 0) and (ARect.Right = Width) and (ARect.Bottom = Height) then
- Draw(ACanvas, x,y, Opaque)
- else
- begin
- partial := GetPart(ARect);
- if partial <> nil then
- begin
- partial.Draw(ACanvas, x, y, Opaque);
- partial.Free;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.DrawPart(ARect: TRect; ACanvas: TCanvas;
- ATargetRect: TRect; Opaque: boolean);
- partial: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- if (ARect.Left = 0) and (ARect.Top = 0) and (ARect.Right = Width) and (ARect.Bottom = Height) then
- Draw(ACanvas, ATargetRect, Opaque)
- else
- begin
- partial := GetPart(ARect);
- if partial <> nil then
- begin
- partial.Draw(ACanvas, ATargetRect, Opaque);
- partial.Free;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.PutImage(x, y: integer; Source: TBitmap;
- mode: TDrawMode; AOpacity: byte);
-var bgra: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- bgra := BGRABitmapFactory.create(Source);
- PutImage(x,y, bgra, mode, AOpacity);
- bgra.free;
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.StretchPutImage(ARect: TRect; Source: TBitmap;
- mode: TDrawMode; AOpacity: byte);
-var bgra: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- bgra := BGRABitmapFactory.create(Source);
- StretchPutImage(ARect, bgra, mode, AOpacity);
- bgra.free;
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.StretchPutImageProportionally(ARect: TRect;
- AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout; Source: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- mode: TDrawMode; AOpacity: byte);
- ratio: single;
- imgRect: TRect;
- if (Source.Width = 0) or (Source.Height = 0) then exit;
- if (ARect.Width <= 0) or (ARect.Height <= 0) then exit;
- ratio := min(ARect.Width/Source.Width, ARect.Height/Source.Height);
- imgRect := RectWithSize(ARect.Left,ARect.Top, round(Source.Width*ratio), round(Source.Height*ratio));
- case AHorizAlign of
- taCenter: imgRect.Offset((ARect.Width-imgRect.Width) div 2, 0);
- taRightJustify: imgRect.Offset(ARect.Width-imgRect.Width, 0);
- end;
- case AVertAlign of
- tlCenter: imgRect.Offset(0,(ARect.Height-imgRect.Height) div 2);
- tlBottom: imgRect.Offset(0,ARect.Height-imgRect.Height);
- end;
- StretchPutImage(imgRect, Source, mode, AOpacity);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.PutImageSubpixel(x, y: single; Source: TBGRACustomBitmap; AOpacity: byte);
- PutImageAngle(x,y,source,0,0,0,AOpacity);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.PutImagePart(x, y: integer;
- Source: TBGRACustomBitmap; SourceRect: TRect; mode: TDrawMode; AOpacity: byte);
-var w,h,sourcex,sourcey,nx,ny,xb,yb,destx,desty: integer;
- oldClip,newClip: TRect;
- if (Source = nil) or (AOpacity = 0) then exit;
- w := SourceRect.Right-SourceRect.Left;
- h := SourceRect.Bottom-SourceRect.Top;
- if (w <= 0) or (h <= 0) or (Source.Width = 0) or (Source.Height = 0) then exit;
- sourcex := PositiveMod(SourceRect.Left, Source.Width);
- sourcey := PositiveMod(SourceRect.Top, Source.Height);
- nx := (sourceX+w + Source.Width-1) div Source.Width;
- ny := (sourceY+h + Source.Height-1) div Source.Height;
- oldClip := ClipRect;
- newClip := rect(x,y,x+w,y+h);
- newClip.Intersect(oldClip);
- if newClip.IsEmpty then exit;
- ClipRect := newClip;
- desty := y-sourcey;
- for yb := 0 to ny-1 do
- begin
- destx := x-sourcex;
- for xb := 0 to nx-1 do
- begin
- self.PutImage(destx,desty,Source,mode,AOpacity);
- inc(destx,Source.Width);
- end;
- inc(desty,Source.Height);
- end;
- ClipRect := oldClip;
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.PutImageAffine(Origin, HAxis, VAxis: TPointF;
- Source: TBGRACustomBitmap; AOpacity: Byte; ACorrectBlur: Boolean);
- if ACorrectBlur then
- PutImageAffine(Origin,HAxis,VAxis,Source,rfCosine,AOpacity)
- else
- PutImageAffine(Origin,HAxis,VAxis,Source,rfLinear,AOpacity);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.PutImageAffine(Origin, HAxis, VAxis: TPointF;
- Source: TBGRACustomBitmap; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter; AOpacity: Byte);
- if (Source = nil) or (Source.Width = 0) or (Source.Height = 0) or (AOpacity = 0) then exit;
- PutImageAffine(Origin,HAxis,VAxis,Source,GetImageAffineBounds(Origin,HAxis,VAxis,Source),AResampleFilter,dmDrawWithTransparency,AOpacity);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.PutImageAffine(Origin, HAxis, VAxis: TPointF;
- Source: TBGRACustomBitmap; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter;
- AMode: TDrawMode; AOpacity: Byte);
- if (Source = nil) or (Source.Width = 0) or (Source.Height = 0) or (AOpacity = 0) then exit;
- PutImageAffine(Origin,HAxis,VAxis,Source,GetImageAffineBounds(Origin,HAxis,VAxis,Source),AResampleFilter,AMode,AOpacity);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.PutImageAffine(Origin, HAxis, VAxis: TPointF;
- Source: TBGRACustomBitmap; AOutputBounds: TRect;
- AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter; AMode: TDrawMode; AOpacity: Byte);
-var m: TAffineMatrix; w,h: integer;
- if (Source = nil) or (Source.Width = 0) or (Source.Height = 0) or (AOpacity = 0) then exit;
- if Source.Width < 2 then w := 2 else w := Source.Width; //avoid actual size of zero
- if Source.Height < 2 then h := 2 else h := Source.Height;
- m[1,1] := (HAxis.x-Origin.x)/(w-1); m[1,2] := (VAxis.x-Origin.x)/(h-1); m[1,3] := Origin.x;
- m[2,1] := (HAxis.y-Origin.y)/(w-1); m[2,2] := (VAxis.y-Origin.y)/(h-1); m[2,3] := Origin.y;
- PutImageAffine(m,Source,AOutputBounds,AResampleFilter,AMode,AOpacity);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.PutImageAffine(Origin, HAxis, VAxis: TPointF;
- Source: TBGRACustomBitmap; AOutputBounds: TRect; AOpacity: Byte;
- ACorrectBlur: Boolean);
- if ACorrectBlur then
- PutImageAffine(Origin,HAxis,VAxis,Source,AOutputBounds,rfCosine,dmDrawWithTransparency,AOpacity)
- else
- PutImageAffine(Origin,HAxis,VAxis,Source,AOutputBounds,rfLinear,dmDrawWithTransparency,AOpacity);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.PutImageAffine(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- Source: TBGRACustomBitmap; AOpacity: Byte; ACorrectBlur: Boolean; APixelCenteredCoords: boolean);
- if ACorrectBlur then
- PutImageAffine(AMatrix,Source,rfCosine,AOpacity,APixelCenteredCoords)
- else
- PutImageAffine(AMatrix,Source,rfLinear,AOpacity,APixelCenteredCoords);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.PutImageAffine(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- Source: TBGRACustomBitmap; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter; AOpacity: Byte; APixelCenteredCoords: boolean);
- PutImageAffine(AMatrix, Source, AResampleFilter, dmDrawWithTransparency, AOpacity, APixelCenteredCoords);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.PutImageAffine(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- Source: TBGRACustomBitmap; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter;
- AMode: TDrawMode; AOpacity: Byte; APixelCenteredCoords: boolean);
- if (Source = nil) or (Source.Width = 0) or (Source.Height = 0) or (AOpacity = 0) then exit;
- PutImageAffine(AMatrix, Source, GetImageAffineBounds(AMatrix,Source),
- AResampleFilter,AMode,AOpacity,APixelCenteredCoords);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.PutImageAffine(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- Source: TBGRACustomBitmap; AOutputBounds: TRect; AOpacity: Byte;
- ACorrectBlur: Boolean; APixelCenteredCoords: boolean);
- if ACorrectBlur then
- PutImageAffine(AMatrix,Source,AOutputBounds,rfCosine,dmDrawWithTransparency,AOpacity,APixelCenteredCoords)
- else
- PutImageAffine(AMatrix,Source,AOutputBounds,rfLinear,dmDrawWithTransparency,AOpacity,APixelCenteredCoords);
-{ Returns the area that contains the affine transformed image }
-function TBGRACustomBitmap.GetImageAffineBounds(Origin, HAxis, VAxis: TPointF;
- Source: TBGRACustomBitmap): TRect;
- if Source = nil then
- result := EmptyRect
- else
- result := GetImageAffineBounds(Origin,HAxis,VAxis,Source.Width,Source.Height,Source.GetImageBounds);
-function TBGRACustomBitmap.GetImageAffineBounds(Origin, HAxis, VAxis: TPointF;
- ASourceWidth, ASourceHeight: integer; const ASourceBounds: TRect; AClipOutput: boolean): TRect;
-var m: TAffineMatrix;
- if (ASourceWidth = 0) or (ASourceHeight = 0) then
- result := EmptyRect
- else
- begin
- if ASourceWidth < 2 then ASourceWidth := 2; //avoid division by zero by supposing a pixel size of 2
- if ASourceHeight < 2 then ASourceHeight := 2; //i.e. an actual size of 1 (cf pixel centered coordinates)
- m[1,1] := (HAxis.x-Origin.x)/(ASourceWidth-1); m[1,2] := (VAxis.x-Origin.x)/(ASourceHeight-1); m[1,3] := Origin.x;
- m[2,1] := (HAxis.y-Origin.y)/(ASourceWidth-1); m[2,2] := (VAxis.y-Origin.y)/(ASourceHeight-1); m[2,3] := Origin.y;
- result := GetImageAffineBounds(m, ASourceBounds, AClipOutput);
- end;
-function TBGRACustomBitmap.GetImageAffineBounds(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- Source: TBGRACustomBitmap; APixelCenteredCoords: boolean): TRect;
- result := GetImageAffineBounds(AMatrix, Source.GetImageBounds, true, APixelCenteredCoords);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.PutImageAngle(x, y: single;
- Source: TBGRACustomBitmap; angle: single; AOutputBounds: TRect;
- imageCenterX: single; imageCenterY: single; AOpacity: Byte;
- ARestoreOffsetAfterRotation: boolean; ACorrectBlur: Boolean);
- if ACorrectBlur then
- PutImageAngle(x,y,Source,angle,AOutputBounds,rfCosine,imageCenterX,imageCenterY,AOpacity,ARestoreOffsetAfterRotation)
- else
- PutImageAngle(x,y,Source,angle,AOutputBounds,rfLinear,imageCenterX,imageCenterY,AOpacity,ARestoreOffsetAfterRotation);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.PutImageAngle(x, y: single;
- Source: TBGRACustomBitmap; angle: single; imageCenterX: single;
- imageCenterY: single; AOpacity: Byte; ARestoreOffsetAfterRotation: boolean; ACorrectBlur: Boolean);
- if ACorrectBlur then
- PutImageAngle(x,y,Source,angle,rfCosine,imageCenterX,imageCenterY,AOpacity,ARestoreOffsetAfterRotation)
- else
- PutImageAngle(x,y,Source,angle,rfLinear,imageCenterX,imageCenterY,AOpacity,ARestoreOffsetAfterRotation);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.PutImageAngle(x, y: single;
- Source: TBGRACustomBitmap; angle: single; AOutputBounds: TRect;
- AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter; imageCenterX: single; imageCenterY: single; AOpacity: Byte;
- ARestoreOffsetAfterRotation: boolean);
- Origin,HAxis,VAxis: TPointF;
- if (source = nil) or (AOpacity=0) then exit;
- ComputeImageAngleAxes(x,y,source.Width,source.Height,angle,imageCenterX,imageCenterY,ARestoreOffsetAfterRotation,
- Origin,HAxis,VAxis);
- PutImageAffine(Origin,HAxis,VAxis,source,AOutputBounds,AResampleFilter,dmDrawWithTransparency,AOpacity);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.PutImageAngle(x, y: single;
- Source: TBGRACustomBitmap; angle: single; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter;
- imageCenterX: single; imageCenterY: single; AOpacity: Byte;
- ARestoreOffsetAfterRotation: boolean);
- Origin,HAxis,VAxis: TPointF;
- if (source = nil) or (AOpacity=0) then exit;
- ComputeImageAngleAxes(x,y,source.Width,source.Height,angle,imageCenterX,imageCenterY,ARestoreOffsetAfterRotation,
- Origin,HAxis,VAxis);
- PutImageAffine(Origin,HAxis,VAxis,source,AResampleFilter,AOpacity);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.ComputeImageAngleAxes(x, y, w, h,
- angle: single; imageCenterX, imageCenterY: single;
- ARestoreOffsetAfterRotation: boolean; out Origin, HAxis, VAxis: TPointF);
- cosa,sina: single;
- { Compute rotated coordinates }
- function Coord(relX,relY: single): TPointF;
- begin
- DecF(relX, imageCenterX);
- DecF(relY, imageCenterY);
- result.x := relX*cosa - relY*sina+ x;
- result.y := relY*cosa + relX*sina+ y;
- if ARestoreOffsetAfterRotation then
- result.Offset(imageCenterX,imageCenterY);
- end;
- cosa := cos(-angle*Pi/180);
- sina := -sin(-angle*Pi/180);
- Origin := Coord(0,0);
- if w < 2 then w := 2; //when pixel size is 1, actual size is zero, so avoid that
- if h < 2 then h := 2;
- HAxis := Coord(w-1,0);
- VAxis := Coord(0,h-1);
-function TBGRACustomBitmap.GetImageAngleBounds(x, y: single;
- Source: TBGRACustomBitmap; angle: single; imageCenterX: single;
- imageCenterY: single; ARestoreOffsetAfterRotation: boolean): TRect;
- cosa,sina: single;
- { Compute rotated coordinates }
- function Coord(relX,relY: single): TPointF;
- begin
- DecF(relX, imageCenterX);
- DecF(relY, imageCenterY);
- result.x := relX*cosa - relY*sina + x;
- result.y := relY*cosa + relX*sina + y;
- if ARestoreOffsetAfterRotation then
- result.Offset(imageCenterX,imageCenterY);
- end;
- if (source = nil) then
- begin
- result := EmptyRect;
- exit;
- end;
- cosa := cos(-angle*Pi/180);
- sina := -sin(-angle*Pi/180);
- result := GetImageAffineBounds(Coord(0,0),Coord(source.Width,0),Coord(0,source.Height),source);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.Blend(AColor: TBGRAPixel;
- AOperation: TBlendOperation; AIgnoreDestAlpha: boolean);
- BlendRect(ClipRect, AColor, AOperation, AIgnoreDestAlpha);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.BlendOver(AColor: TBGRAPixel;
- AOperation: TBlendOperation; AOpacity: byte; ALinearBlend: boolean; AIgnoreDestAlpha: boolean);
- BlendRectOver(ClipRect, AColor, AOperation, AOpacity, ALinearBlend, AIgnoreDestAlpha);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.BlendRect(ADest: TRect; AColor: TBGRAPixel;
- AOperation: TBlendOperation; AIgnoreDestAlpha: boolean);
- if AIgnoreDestAlpha then
- BlendRect(ADest, AColor, AOperation, [cAlpha])
- else BlendRect(ADest, AColor, AOperation, []);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.BlendRectOver(ADest: TRect; AColor: TBGRAPixel;
- AOperation: TBlendOperation; AOpacity: byte; ALinearBlend: boolean;
- AIgnoreDestAlpha: boolean);
- if AIgnoreDestAlpha then
- BlendRectOver(ADest, AColor, AOperation, AOpacity, ALinearBlend,[cAlpha])
- else BlendRectOver(ADest, AColor, AOperation, AOpacity, ALinearBlend, []);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.FillMask(x, y: integer;
- AMask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; ADrawMode: TDrawMode);
- FillMask(x, y, AMask, ATexture, ADrawMode, 255);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.VerticalFlip(ARect: TRect);
- inherited VerticalFlip(ARect);
- if Assigned(XorMask) then XorMask.VerticalFlip(ARect);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.HorizontalFlip(ARect: TRect);
- inherited HorizontalFlip(ARect);
- if Assigned(XorMask) then XorMask.HorizontalFlip(ARect);
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.RotateUDInplace(ARect: TRect);
- inherited RotateUDInplace(ARect);
- if Assigned(XorMask) then XorMask.RotateUDInplace(ARect);
-function TBGRACustomBitmap.RotateCW: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- result := TBGRACustomBitmap(Inherited RotateCW);
- if Assigned(XorMask) then result.FXorMask := self.XorMask.RotateCW;
-function TBGRACustomBitmap.RotateCCW: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- result := TBGRACustomBitmap(Inherited RotateCCW);
- if Assigned(XorMask) then result.FXorMask := self.XorMask.RotateCCW;
-function TBGRACustomBitmap.RotateUD: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- result := TBGRACustomBitmap(Inherited RotateUD);
- if Assigned(XorMask) then result.FXorMask := self.XorMask.RotateUD;
-function TBGRACustomBitmap.FilterBlurRadial(radius: single;
- blurType: TRadialBlurType): TBGRACustomBitmap;
- result := TBGRACustomBitmap(inherited FilterBlurRadial(radius, blurType));
-function TBGRACustomBitmap.FilterBlurRadial(const ABounds: TRect; radius: single;
- blurType: TRadialBlurType): TBGRACustomBitmap;
- result := TBGRACustomBitmap(inherited FilterBlurRadial(ABounds, radius, blurType));
-function TBGRACustomBitmap.FilterBlurRadial(radiusX, radiusY: single;
- blurType: TRadialBlurType): TBGRACustomBitmap;
- result := TBGRACustomBitmap(inherited FilterBlurRadial(radiusX,radiusY, blurType));
-function TBGRACustomBitmap.FilterBlurRadial(const ABounds: TRect; radiusX,
- radiusY: single; blurType: TRadialBlurType): TBGRACustomBitmap;
- result := TBGRACustomBitmap(inherited FilterBlurRadial(ABounds, radiusX,radiusY, blurType));
-function TBGRACustomBitmap.FilterBlurMotion(distance: single; angle: single;
- oriented: boolean): TBGRACustomBitmap;
- result := TBGRACustomBitmap(inherited FilterBlurMotion(distance, angle, oriented));
-function TBGRACustomBitmap.FilterBlurMotion(const ABounds: TRect; distance: single;
- angle: single; oriented: boolean): TBGRACustomBitmap;
- result := TBGRACustomBitmap(inherited FilterBlurMotion(ABounds, distance, angle, oriented));
-function TBGRACustomBitmap.FilterCustomBlur(mask: TCustomUniversalBitmap
- ): TBGRACustomBitmap;
- result := TBGRACustomBitmap(inherited FilterCustomBlur(mask));
-function TBGRACustomBitmap.FilterCustomBlur(const ABounds: TRect;
- mask: TCustomUniversalBitmap): TBGRACustomBitmap;
- result := TBGRACustomBitmap(inherited FilterCustomBlur(ABounds,mask));
-function TBGRACustomBitmap.GetImageBoundsWithin(const ARect: TRect;
- Channel: TChannel; ANothingValue: Byte): TRect;
- result := InternalGetImageBoundsWithin(self,nil,ARect,[Channel],ANothingValue);
-function TBGRACustomBitmap.GetImageBoundsWithin(const ARect: TRect;
- Channels: TChannels; ANothingValue: Byte): TRect;
- result := InternalGetImageBoundsWithin(self,nil,ARect,Channels,ANothingValue);
-function TBGRACustomBitmap.ScanAtIntegerExpanded(X, Y: integer): TExpandedPixel;
- result := GammaExpansion(ScanAtInteger(X,Y));
-function TBGRACustomBitmap.ScanNextExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel;
- result := GammaExpansion(ScanNextPixel);
-function TBGRACustomBitmap.ScanAtExpanded(X, Y: Single): TExpandedPixel;
- result := GammaExpansion(ScanAt(X,Y));
-function TBGRACustomBitmap.ProvidesScanline(ARect: TRect): boolean;
- result := (ARect.Left+ScanOffset.x >= 0) and (ARect.Top+ScanOffset.y >= 0) and
- (ARect.Right+ScanOffset.x <= Width) and (ARect.Bottom+ScanOffset.y <= Height);
-function TBGRACustomBitmap.GetScanlineAt(X, Y: integer): PBGRAPixel;
- result := ScanLine[y+ScanOffset.y]+x+ScanOffset.x;
-procedure TBGRACustomBitmap.ScanNextMaskChunk(var ACount: integer; out AMask: PByteMask; out AStride: integer);
- PPixels: Pointer;
- ScanNextCustomChunk(ACount, PPixels);
- AMask := (PByteMask(PPixels)+TBGRAPixel_ChannelByteOffset[ScanMaskChannel]);
- AStride := sizeof(TBGRAPixel);
-function TBGRACustomBitmap.ScanAtIntegerMask(X,Y: integer): TByteMask;
- c: TBGRAPixel;
- c := ScanAtInteger(X,Y);
- result := (PByte(@c)+TBGRAPixel_ChannelByteOffset[ScanMaskChannel])^;
-function TBGRACustomBitmap.ScanAtMask(X,Y: Single): TByteMask;
- c: TBGRAPixel;
- c := ScanAt(X,Y);
- result := (PByte(@c)+TBGRAPixel_ChannelByteOffset[ScanMaskChannel])^;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgracustomtextfx.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgracustomtextfx.pas
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index f6c4c08..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgracustomtextfx.pas
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@@ -1,600 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRACustomTextFX;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BGRABitmapTypes, BGRAPhongTypes, BGRAGrayscaleMask;
-const DefaultOutlineWidth = 3;
- { TBGRACustomTextEffect }
- TBGRACustomTextEffect = class
- private
- function GetBounds: TRect;
- function GetMaskHeight: integer;
- class function GetOutlineWidth: integer; static;
- function GetShadowBounds(ARadius: integer): TRect;
- function GetMaskWidth: integer;
- function GetTextHeight: integer;
- function GetTextWidth: integer;
- procedure SetShadowQuality(AValue: TRadialBlurType);
- protected
- FShadowQuality: TRadialBlurType;
- FTextMask: TGrayscaleMask;
- FShadowRadius: integer;
- FOutlineMask, FShadowMask : TGrayscaleMask;
- FShadingMask: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- FShadingAltitude: integer;
- FShadingRounded: boolean;
- FTextSize: TSize;
- FOffset: TPoint;
- function DrawMaskMulticolored(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; AMask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; X,Y: Integer; const AColors: array of TBGRAPixel): TRect;
- function DrawMask(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; AMask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; X,Y: Integer; AColor: TBGRAPixel): TRect; overload;
- function DrawMask(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; AMask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; X,Y: Integer; ATexture: IBGRAScanner): TRect; overload;
- function InternalDrawShaded(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; X,Y: integer; Shader: TCustomPhongShading; Altitude: integer; AColor: TBGRAPixel; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; ARounded: Boolean): TRect;
- procedure Init(AMask: TGrayscaleMask; AMaskOwner: boolean; AWidth,AHeight: integer; AOffset: TPoint);
- public
- constructor Create(AMask: TBGRACustomBitmap; AMaskOwner: boolean; AWidth,AHeight: integer; AOffset: TPoint);
- constructor Create(AMask: TGrayscaleMask; AMaskOwner: boolean; AWidth,AHeight: integer; AOffset: TPoint);
- procedure ApplySphere;
- procedure ApplyVerticalCylinder;
- procedure ApplyHorizontalCylinder;
- function Draw(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; X,Y: integer; AColor: TBGRAPixel): TRect; overload;
- function Draw(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; X,Y: integer; ATexture: IBGRAScanner): TRect; overload;
- function Draw(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; X, Y: integer; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AAlign: TAlignment): TRect; overload;
- function Draw(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; X, Y: integer; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AAlign: TAlignment): TRect; overload;
- function DrawShaded(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; X,Y: integer; Shader: TCustomPhongShading; Altitude: integer; AColor: TBGRAPixel; ARounded: Boolean = true): TRect; overload;
- function DrawShaded(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; X,Y: integer; Shader: TCustomPhongShading; Altitude: integer; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; ARounded: Boolean = true): TRect; overload;
- function DrawShaded(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; X, Y: integer; Shader: TCustomPhongShading; Altitude: integer; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AAlign: TAlignment; ARounded: Boolean = true): TRect; overload;
- function DrawShaded(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; X, Y: integer; Shader: TCustomPhongShading; Altitude: integer; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AAlign: TAlignment; ARounded: Boolean = true): TRect; overload;
- function DrawMulticolored(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; X,Y: integer; const AColors: array of TBGRAPixel): TRect; overload;
- function DrawMulticolored(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; X,Y: integer; const AColors: array of TBGRAPixel; AAlign: TAlignment): TRect; overload;
- function DrawOutline(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; X,Y: integer; AColor: TBGRAPixel): TRect; overload;
- function DrawOutline(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; X,Y: integer; ATexture: IBGRAScanner): TRect; overload;
- function DrawOutline(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; X,Y: integer; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AAlign: TAlignment): TRect; overload;
- function DrawOutline(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; X,Y: integer; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AAlign: TAlignment): TRect; overload;
- function DrawShadow(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; X,Y,Radius: integer; AColor: TBGRAPixel): TRect; overload;
- function DrawShadow(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; X,Y,Radius: integer; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AAlign: TAlignment): TRect; overload;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- property TextMask: TGrayscaleMask read FTextMask;
- property TextMaskOffset: TPoint read FOffset;
- property Width: integer read GetTextWidth; deprecated;
- property Height: integer read GetTextHeight; deprecated;
- property MaskWidth: integer read GetMaskWidth;
- property MaskHeight: integer read GetMaskHeight;
- property TextSize: TSize read FTextSize;
- property TextWidth: integer read GetTextWidth;
- property TextHeight: integer read GetTextHeight;
- property Bounds: TRect read GetBounds;
- property ShadowBounds[ARadius: integer]: TRect read GetShadowBounds;
- property ShadowQuality: TRadialBlurType read FShadowQuality write SetShadowQuality;
- class property OutlineWidth: integer read GetOutlineWidth;
- end;
-uses Math, BGRAGradientScanner;
-procedure BGRACustomReplace(var Destination: TBGRACustomBitmap; Temp: TObject); overload;
- Destination.Free;
- Destination := Temp as TBGRACustomBitmap;
-procedure BGRACustomReplace(var Destination: TGrayscaleMask; Temp: TObject); overload;
- Destination.Free;
- Destination := Temp as TGrayscaleMask;
-{ TBGRACustomTextEffect }
-function TBGRACustomTextEffect.GetBounds: TRect;
- if FTextMask = nil then
- result := EmptyRect else
- with TextMaskOffset do
- result := rect(X,Y,X+FTextMask.Width,Y+FTextMask.Height);
-function TBGRACustomTextEffect.GetMaskHeight: integer;
- if FTextMask = nil then
- result := 0
- else
- result := FTextMask.Height;
-class function TBGRACustomTextEffect.GetOutlineWidth: integer; static;
- result := DefaultOutlineWidth;
-function TBGRACustomTextEffect.GetShadowBounds(ARadius: integer): TRect;
- result := Bounds;
- if (ARadius > 0) and not result.IsEmpty then
- result.Inflate(ARadius, ARadius);
-function TBGRACustomTextEffect.GetMaskWidth: integer;
- if FTextMask = nil then
- result := 0
- else
- result := FTextMask.Width;
-function TBGRACustomTextEffect.GetTextHeight: integer;
- result := FTextSize.cy;
-function TBGRACustomTextEffect.GetTextWidth: integer;
- result := FTextSize.cx;
-procedure TBGRACustomTextEffect.SetShadowQuality(AValue: TRadialBlurType);
- if FShadowQuality=AValue then Exit;
- FShadowQuality:=AValue;
- FreeAndNil(FShadowMask);
-function TBGRACustomTextEffect.DrawMaskMulticolored(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- AMask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; X, Y: Integer; const AColors: array of TBGRAPixel
- ): TRect;
- scan: TBGRASolidColorMaskScanner;
- xb,yb,startX,numColor: integer;
- p0,p: PByte;
- emptyCol, nextCol: boolean;
- if (AMask = nil) or (length(AColors)=0) then
- begin
- result := EmptyRect;
- exit;
- end;
- if (length(AColors)=0) then
- begin
- result := DrawMask(ADest,AMask,X,Y,AColors[0]);
- exit;
- end;
- scan := TBGRASolidColorMaskScanner.Create(AMask,Point(-X,-Y),AColors[0]);
- numColor := 0;
- startX := -1;
- p0 := AMask.DataByte;
- for xb := 0 to AMask.Width-1 do
- begin
- p := p0;
- if startX=-1 then
- begin
- emptyCol := true;
- for yb := AMask.Height-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- if (p^ <> 0) then
- begin
- emptyCol := false;
- break;
- end;
- inc(p, AMask.Width);
- end;
- if not emptyCol then
- begin
- if startX=-1 then
- startX := xb;
- end else
- begin
- if startX<>-1 then
- begin
- ADest.FillRect(X+startX,Y,X+xb,Y+AMask.Height,scan,dmDrawWithTransparency);
- inc(numColor);
- if numColor = length(AColors) then
- numColor := 0;
- scan.Color := AColors[numColor];
- startX := -1;
- end;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- emptyCol := true;
- nextCol := true;
- for yb := AMask.Height-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- if (p^ <> 0) then
- begin
- emptyCol := false;
- if ((p-1)^ <> 0) then
- begin
- nextCol := false;
- break;
- end;
- end;
- inc(p, AMask.Width);
- end;
- if nextCol or emptyCol then
- begin
- ADest.FillRect(X+startX,Y,X+xb,Y+AMask.Height,scan,dmDrawWithTransparency);
- inc(numColor);
- if numColor = length(AColors) then
- numColor := 0;
- scan.Color := AColors[numColor];
- if emptyCol then startX := -1
- else startX := xb;
- end;
- end;
- inc(p0);
- end;
- if startX<>-1 then
- ADest.FillRect(X+startX,Y,X+AMask.Width,Y+AMask.Height,scan,dmDrawWithTransparency);
- scan.Free;
- result := rect(X,Y,X+AMask.Width,Y+AMask.Height);
-function TBGRACustomTextEffect.DrawMask(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- AMask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; X, Y: Integer; AColor: TBGRAPixel): TRect;
- scan: TBGRACustomScanner;
- if AMask = nil then
- begin
- result := EmptyRect;
- exit;
- end;
- scan := TBGRASolidColorMaskScanner.Create(AMask,Point(-X,-Y),AColor);
- ADest.FillRect(X,Y,X+AMask.Width,Y+AMask.Height,scan,dmDrawWithTransparency);
- scan.Free;
- result := rect(X,Y,X+AMask.Width,Y+AMask.Height);
-function TBGRACustomTextEffect.DrawMask(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- AMask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; X, Y: Integer; ATexture: IBGRAScanner): TRect;
- scan: TBGRACustomScanner;
- if AMask = nil then
- begin
- result := EmptyRect;
- exit;
- end;
- scan := TBGRATextureMaskScanner.Create(AMask,Point(-X,-Y),ATexture);
- ADest.FillRect(X,Y,X+AMask.Width,Y+AMask.Height,scan,dmDrawWithTransparency);
- scan.Free;
- result := rect(X,Y,X+AMask.Width,Y+AMask.Height);
-function TBGRACustomTextEffect.InternalDrawShaded(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; X,
- Y: integer; Shader: TCustomPhongShading; Altitude: integer;
- AColor: TBGRAPixel; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; ARounded: Boolean): TRect;
- WithMargin,GrayMap: TGrayscaleMask;
- HeightMap: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- p: PBGRAPixel;
- n,maxv: integer;
- v,blurRadius: single;
- iBlurRadius: integer;
- if (FTextMask = nil) or (FTextMask.Width = 0) or (FTextMask.Height = 0) then
- begin
- result := EmptyRect;
- exit;
- end;
- if (FShadingMask <> nil) and ((FShadingAltitude <> Altitude) or (FShadingRounded <> ARounded)) then
- FreeAndNil(FShadingMask);
- if FShadingMask = nil then
- begin
- FShadingRounded := ARounded;
- FShadingAltitude := Altitude;
- if ARounded then blurRadius := Altitude
- else blurRadius := Altitude*0.5;
- iBlurRadius := ceil(blurRadius);
- WithMargin := TGrayscaleMask.Create(FTextMask.Width+iBlurRadius*2, FTextMask.Height+iBlurRadius*2,BGRABlack);
- WithMargin.PutImage(iBlurRadius, iBlurRadius, FTextMask, dmSet);
- if (iBlurRadius <> blurRadius) and (blurRadius < 3) then
- GrayMap := WithMargin.FilterBlurRadial(round(blurRadius*10), rbPrecise)
- else
- GrayMap := WithMargin.FilterBlurRadial(iBlurRadius, rbFast);
- HeightMap := BGRABitmapFactory.Create;
- HeightMap.SetSize(GrayMap.Width, GrayMap.Height);
- GrayMap.Draw(HeightMap, 0, 0);
- GrayMap.Free;
- p := HeightMap.Data;
- maxv := 0;
- for n := HeightMap.NbPixels-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- if p^.green > maxv then
- maxv := p^.green;
- inc(p);
- end;
- if maxv > 0 then
- begin
- p := HeightMap.Data;
- for n := HeightMap.NbPixels-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- v := p^.green/maxv;
- if ARounded then
- begin
- if v <= 0.5 then
- v := v*v*2 else
- v := 1-(1-v)*(1-v)*2;
- end;
- p^ := MapHeightToBGRA( v, p^.alpha);
- inc(p);
- end;
- end;
- HeightMap.ApplyMask(WithMargin);
- WithMargin.Free;
- BGRACustomReplace(HeightMap, HeightMap.GetPart( rect(iBlurRadius, iBlurRadius,
- HeightMap.Width-iBlurRadius, HeightMap.Height-iBlurRadius) ) );
- FShadingMask := HeightMap;
- end;
- inc(X, FOffset.X);
- Inc(Y, FOffset.Y);
- if ATexture <> nil then
- Shader.DrawScan(ADest,FShadingMask,Altitude,X,Y, ATexture)
- else
- Shader.Draw(ADest,FShadingMask,Altitude,X,Y, AColor);
- result := rect(X,Y, X+FShadingMask.Width,Y+FShadingMask.Height);
-procedure TBGRACustomTextEffect.Init(AMask: TGrayscaleMask;
- AMaskOwner: boolean; AWidth, AHeight: integer; AOffset: TPoint);
- FTextSize := Size(AWidth,AHeight);
- FOffset := AOffset;
- if not AMaskOwner then
- FTextMask := AMask.Duplicate
- else
- FTextMask := AMask;
- FShadowQuality:= rbFast;
-function TBGRACustomTextEffect.Draw(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; X, Y: integer;
- AColor: TBGRAPixel; AAlign: TAlignment): TRect;
- Case AAlign of
- taRightJustify: result := Draw(ADest,X-TextSize.cx,Y,AColor);
- taCenter: result := Draw(ADest,X-TextSize.cx div 2,Y,AColor);
- else result := Draw(ADest,X,Y,AColor);
- end;
-function TBGRACustomTextEffect.Draw(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; X, Y: integer;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AAlign: TAlignment): TRect;
- Case AAlign of
- taRightJustify: result := Draw(ADest,X-TextSize.cx,Y,ATexture);
- taCenter: result := Draw(ADest,X-TextSize.cx div 2,Y,ATexture);
- else result := Draw(ADest,X,Y,ATexture);
- end;
-function TBGRACustomTextEffect.DrawShaded(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; X, Y: integer;
- Shader: TCustomPhongShading; Altitude: integer; AColor: TBGRAPixel;
- ARounded: Boolean): TRect;
- result := InternalDrawShaded(ADest,X,Y,Shader,Altitude,AColor,nil,ARounded);
-function TBGRACustomTextEffect.DrawShaded(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; X, Y: integer;
- Shader: TCustomPhongShading; Altitude: integer; ATexture: IBGRAScanner;
- ARounded: Boolean): TRect;
- result := InternalDrawShaded(ADest,X,Y,Shader,Altitude,BGRAPixelTransparent,ATexture,ARounded);
-function TBGRACustomTextEffect.DrawShaded(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; X, Y: integer;
- Shader: TCustomPhongShading; Altitude: integer; AColor: TBGRAPixel;
- AAlign: TAlignment; ARounded: Boolean): TRect;
- Case AAlign of
- taLeftJustify: result := DrawShaded(ADest,X,Y,Shader,Altitude,AColor,ARounded);
- taRightJustify: result := DrawShaded(ADest,X-TextSize.cx,Y,Shader,Altitude,AColor,ARounded);
- taCenter: result := DrawShaded(ADest,X-TextSize.cx div 2,Y,Shader,Altitude,AColor,ARounded);
- else
- result := EmptyRect;
- end;
-function TBGRACustomTextEffect.DrawShaded(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; X, Y: integer;
- Shader: TCustomPhongShading; Altitude: integer; ATexture: IBGRAScanner;
- AAlign: TAlignment; ARounded: Boolean): TRect;
- Case AAlign of
- taLeftJustify: result := DrawShaded(ADest,X,Y,Shader,Altitude,ATexture,ARounded);
- taRightJustify: result := DrawShaded(ADest,X-TextSize.cx,Y,Shader,Altitude,ATexture,ARounded);
- taCenter: result := DrawShaded(ADest,X-TextSize.cx div 2,Y,Shader,Altitude,ATexture,ARounded);
- else
- result := EmptyRect;
- end;
-constructor TBGRACustomTextEffect.Create(AMask: TBGRACustomBitmap; AMaskOwner: boolean; AWidth,
- AHeight: integer; AOffset: TPoint);
- grayMask: TGrayscaleMask;
- grayMask := TGrayscaleMask.Create(AMask, cGreen);
- if AMaskOwner then AMask.Free;
- Init(grayMask, true, AWidth, AHeight, AOffset);
-constructor TBGRACustomTextEffect.Create(AMask: TGrayscaleMask;
- AMaskOwner: boolean; AWidth, AHeight: integer; AOffset: TPoint);
- Init(AMask, AMaskOwner, AWidth, AHeight, AOffset);
-procedure TBGRACustomTextEffect.ApplySphere;
- if FTextMask = nil then exit;
- FreeAndNil(FOutlineMask);
- FreeAndNil(FShadowMask);
- FShadowRadius := 0;
- BGRACustomReplace(FTextMask, FTextMask.FilterSphere);
-procedure TBGRACustomTextEffect.ApplyVerticalCylinder;
- if FTextMask = nil then exit;
- FreeAndNil(FOutlineMask);
- FreeAndNil(FShadowMask);
- FShadowRadius := 0;
- BGRACustomReplace(FTextMask, FTextMask.FilterCylinder);
-procedure TBGRACustomTextEffect.ApplyHorizontalCylinder;
- if FTextMask = nil then exit;
- FreeAndNil(FOutlineMask);
- FreeAndNil(FShadowMask);
- FShadowRadius := 0;
- BGRACustomReplace(FTextMask,FTextMask.RotateCW);
- BGRACustomReplace(FTextMask,FTextMask.FilterCylinder);
- BGRACustomReplace(FTextMask,FTextMask.RotateCCW);
-function TBGRACustomTextEffect.Draw(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; X, Y: integer;
- AColor: TBGRAPixel): TRect;
- result := DrawMask(ADest,FTextMask,X+FOffset.X,Y+FOffset.Y,AColor);
-function TBGRACustomTextEffect.Draw(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; X, Y: integer;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner): TRect;
- result := DrawMask(ADest,FTextMask,X+FOffset.X,Y+FOffset.Y,ATexture);
-function TBGRACustomTextEffect.DrawMulticolored(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; X,
- Y: integer; const AColors: array of TBGRAPixel): TRect;
- result := DrawMaskMulticolored(ADest,FTextMask,X+FOffset.X,Y+FOffset.Y,AColors);
-function TBGRACustomTextEffect.DrawMulticolored(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; X,
- Y: integer; const AColors: array of TBGRAPixel; AAlign: TAlignment): TRect;
- Case AAlign of
- taRightJustify: result := DrawMulticolored(ADest,X-TextSize.cx,Y,AColors);
- taCenter: result := DrawMulticolored(ADest,X-TextSize.cx div 2,Y,AColors);
- else result := DrawMulticolored(ADest,X,Y,AColors);
- end;
-function TBGRACustomTextEffect.DrawOutline(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; X, Y: integer;
- AColor: TBGRAPixel): TRect;
- if (FTextMask = nil) or (FTextMask.Width = 0) or (FTextMask.Height = 0) then
- begin
- result := EmptyRect;
- exit;
- end;
- if FOutlineMask = nil then
- begin
- FOutlineMask := FTextMask.FilterContour;
- FOutlineMask.Negative;
- end;
- result := DrawMask(ADest,FOutlineMask,X+FOffset.X,Y+FOffset.Y,AColor);
-function TBGRACustomTextEffect.DrawOutline(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; X, Y: integer;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner): TRect;
- if (FTextMask = nil) or (FTextMask.Width = 0) or (FTextMask.Height = 0) then
- begin
- result := EmptyRect;
- exit;
- end;
- if FOutlineMask = nil then
- begin
- FOutlineMask := FTextMask.FilterContour;
- FOutlineMask.Negative;
- end;
- result := DrawMask(ADest,FOutlineMask,X+FOffset.X,Y+FOffset.Y,ATexture);
-function TBGRACustomTextEffect.DrawOutline(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; X, Y: integer;
- AColor: TBGRAPixel; AAlign: TAlignment): TRect;
- Case AAlign of
- taRightJustify: result := DrawOutline(ADest,X-TextSize.cx,Y,AColor);
- taCenter: result := DrawOutline(ADest,X-TextSize.cx div 2,Y,AColor);
- else result := DrawOutline(ADest,X,Y,AColor);
- end;
-function TBGRACustomTextEffect.DrawOutline(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; X, Y: integer;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AAlign: TAlignment): TRect;
- Case AAlign of
- taRightJustify: result := DrawOutline(ADest,X-TextSize.cx,Y,ATexture);
- taCenter: result := DrawOutline(ADest,X-TextSize.cx div 2,Y,ATexture);
- else result := DrawOutline(ADest,X,Y,ATexture);
- end;
-function TBGRACustomTextEffect.DrawShadow(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; X, Y,
- Radius: integer; AColor: TBGRAPixel): TRect;
- if (Radius <= 0) or (FTextMask = nil) or (FTextMask.Width = 0) or (FTextMask.Height = 0) then
- begin
- result := Draw(ADest,X,Y,AColor);
- exit;
- end;
- if (FShadowRadius <> Radius) or (FShadowMask = nil) then
- begin
- FShadowRadius := Radius;
- FreeAndNil(FShadowMask);
- FShadowMask := TGrayscaleMask.Create(FTextMask.Width+Radius*2,FTextMask.Height+Radius*2, 0);
- FShadowMask.PutImage(Radius,Radius,FTextMask,dmSet);
- BGRACustomReplace(FShadowMask, FShadowMask.FilterBlurRadial(Radius,ShadowQuality));
- end;
- Inc(X,FOffset.X-Radius);
- Inc(Y,FOffset.Y-Radius);
- DrawMask(ADest,FShadowMask,X,Y,AColor);
- result := rect(X,Y,X+FShadowMask.Width,Y+FShadowMask.Height);
-function TBGRACustomTextEffect.DrawShadow(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; X, Y,
- Radius: integer; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AAlign: TAlignment): TRect;
- Case AAlign of
- taRightJustify: result := DrawShadow(ADest,X-TextSize.cx,Y,Radius,AColor);
- taCenter: result := DrawShadow(ADest,X-TextSize.cx div 2,Y,Radius,AColor);
- else result := DrawShadow(ADest,X,Y,Radius,AColor);
- end;
-destructor TBGRACustomTextEffect.Destroy;
- FShadowMask.free;
- FTextMask.Free;
- FOutlineMask.Free;
- FShadingMask.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgradefaultbitmap.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgradefaultbitmap.pas
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index 3d015a4..0000000
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-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
- /**************************************************************************\
- bgradefaultbitmap.pas
- ---------------------
- This unit defines basic operations on bitmaps.
- It should NOT be added to the 'uses' clause.
- Some operations may be slow, so there are
- accelerated versions for some routines.
-unit BGRADefaultBitmap;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
-{$i bgrabitmap.inc}
-{ This unit contains TBGRADefaultBitmap class. This class contains basic drawing routines,
- and call functions from other units to perform advanced drawing functions. }
- SysUtils, BGRAClasses, FPImage, BGRAGraphics, BGRABitmapTypes,
- BGRACanvas, BGRACanvas2D, BGRATransform, BGRATextBidi,
- UniversalDrawer, BGRAGrayscaleMask;
- TBGRAPtrBitmap = class;
- {=== TBGRABitmap reference ===}
- { TBGRADefaultBitmap }
- {* This class is the base for all ''TBGRABitmap'' classes. It implements most
- function to the exception from implementations specific to the
- widgetset }{ in the doc, it is presented as
- TBGRABitmap = class(TBGRACustomBitmap)
- }
- TBGRADefaultBitmap = class(TBGRACustomBitmap)
- private
- { Bounds checking which are shared by drawing functions. These functions check
- if the coordinates are visible and return true if it is the case, swap
- coordinates if necessary and make them fit into the clipping rectangle }
- function CheckRectBounds(var x,y,x2,y2: integer; minsize: integer): boolean; inline;
- function CheckAntialiasRectBounds(var x,y,x2,y2: single; w: single): boolean;
- function GetCanvasBGRA: TBGRACanvas;
- function GetCanvas2D: TBGRACanvas2D;
- procedure GradientFillDithered(x, y, x2, y2: integer; c1, c2: TBGRAPixel;
- gtype: TGradientType; o1, o2: TPointF; mode: TDrawMode;
- gammaColorCorrection: boolean = True; Sinus: Boolean=False;
- ditherAlgo: TDitheringAlgorithm = daFloydSteinberg); overload;
- procedure GradientFillDithered(x, y, x2, y2: integer; gradient: TBGRACustomGradient;
- gtype: TGradientType; o1, o2: TPointF; mode: TDrawMode;
- Sinus: Boolean=False;
- ditherAlgo: TDitheringAlgorithm = daFloydSteinberg); overload;
- protected
- //Pixel data
- FDataModified: boolean; //if data image has changed so TBitmap should be updated
- //GUI bitmap object
- FBitmap: TBitmap;
- FBitmapModified: boolean; //if TBitmap has changed so pixel data should be updated
- FCanvasOpacity: byte; //opacity used with standard canvas functions
- FAlphaCorrectionNeeded: boolean; //the alpha channel is not correct because standard functions do not
- //take it into account
- //FreePascal drawing routines
- FCanvasDrawModeFP: TDrawMode;
- FCanvasPixelProcFP: procedure(x, y: int32or64; const col: TBGRAPixel) of object;
- //canvas-like with antialiasing and texturing
- FCanvasBGRA: TBGRACanvas;
- FCanvas2D: TBGRACanvas2D;
- //drawing options
- FFontHeight: integer;
- FFontRenderer: TBGRACustomFontRenderer;
- //Pixel data
- function LoadFromRawImage(ARawImage: TRawImage; DefaultOpacity: byte;
- AlwaysReplaceAlpha: boolean = False; RaiseErrorOnInvalidPixelFormat: boolean = True): boolean; virtual; abstract;
- //FreePascal drawing routines
- {$IFDEF BGRABITMAP_USE_FPCANVAS}function GetCanvasFP: TFPImageCanvas; override;{$ENDIF}
- procedure SetCanvasDrawModeFP(const AValue: TDrawMode); override;
- function GetCanvasDrawModeFP: TDrawMode; override;
- //GUI bitmap object
- function GetBitmap: TBitmap; override;
- function GetCanvas: TCanvas; override;
- function GetCanvasOpacity: byte; override;
- procedure SetCanvasOpacity(AValue: byte); override;
- function GetCanvasAlphaCorrection: boolean; override;
- procedure SetCanvasAlphaCorrection(const AValue: boolean); override;
- procedure DoAlphaCorrection;
- procedure DiscardBitmapChange; inline;
- procedure DoLoadFromBitmap; virtual;
- function CreatePtrBitmap(AWidth,AHeight: integer; AData: PBGRAPixel): TBGRAPtrBitmap; virtual;
- procedure RebuildBitmap; virtual; abstract;
- procedure FreeBitmap; virtual;
- procedure Init; override;
- {TFPCustomImage}
- procedure SetInternalColor(x, y: integer; const Value: TFPColor); override;
- function GetInternalColor(x, y: integer): TFPColor; override;
- procedure SetInternalPixel(x, y: integer; Value: integer); override;
- function GetInternalPixel(x, y: integer): integer; override;
- {Image functions}
- function FineResample(NewWidth, NewHeight: integer): TBGRACustomBitmap;
- function SimpleStretch(NewWidth, NewHeight: integer): TBGRACustomBitmap;
- function CheckEmpty: boolean; override;
- function GetHasTransparentPixels: boolean; override;
- function GetHasSemiTransparentPixels: boolean; override;
- function GetAverageColor: TColor; override;
- function GetAveragePixel: TBGRAPixel; override;
- protected //pen style accesors
- function GetPenJoinStyle: TPenJoinStyle; override;
- procedure SetPenJoinStyle(const AValue: TPenJoinStyle); override;
- function GetPenMiterLimit: single; override;
- procedure SetPenMiterLimit(const AValue: single); override;
- function GetCustomPenStyle: TBGRAPenStyle; override;
- procedure SetCustomPenStyle(const AValue: TBGRAPenStyle); override;
- procedure SetPenStyle(const AValue: TPenStyle); override;
- function GetPenStyle: TPenStyle; override;
- function GetArrowEndSize: TPointF; override;
- function GetArrowStartSize: TPointF; override;
- procedure SetArrowEndSize(AValue: TPointF); override;
- procedure SetArrowStartSize(AValue: TPointF); override;
- function GetArrowEndOffset: single; override;
- function GetArrowStartOffset: single; override;
- procedure SetArrowEndOffset(AValue: single); override;
- procedure SetArrowStartOffset(AValue: single); override;
- function GetArrowEndRepeat: integer; override;
- function GetArrowStartRepeat: integer; override;
- procedure SetArrowEndRepeat(AValue: integer); override;
- procedure SetArrowStartRepeat(AValue: integer); override;
- protected //font accessors
- function GetFontHeight: integer; override;
- procedure SetFontHeight(AHeight: integer); override;
- function GetFontFullHeight: integer; override;
- procedure SetFontFullHeight(AHeight: integer); override;
- function GetFontPixelMetric: TFontPixelMetric; override;
- function CreateDefaultFontRenderer: TBGRACustomFontRenderer; virtual; abstract;
- function GetFontVerticalAnchorOffset: single; override;
- function GetFontAnchorRotatedOffset: TPointF; overload;
- function GetFontAnchorRotatedOffset(ACustomOrientation: integer): TPointF; overload;
- function GetFontRenderer: TBGRACustomFontRenderer; override;
- procedure SetFontRenderer(AValue: TBGRACustomFontRenderer); override;
- function InternalGetPixelCycle256(ix,iy: int32or64; iFactX,iFactY: int32or64): TBGRAPixel;
- function InternalGetPixel256(ix,iy: int32or64; iFactX,iFactY: int32or64; smoothBorder: boolean): TBGRAPixel;
- procedure InternalTextOutCurved(ACursor: TBGRACustomPathCursor; sUTF8: string; AColor: TBGRAPixel; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AAlign: TAlignment; ALetterSpacing: single);
- procedure InternalTextOutLetterSpacing(x,y: single; sUTF8: string; AColor: TBGRAPixel; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AAlign: TAlignment; ALetterSpacing: single);
- procedure InternalCrossFade(ARect: TRect; Source1, Source2: IBGRAScanner; AFadePos: byte; AFadeMask: IBGRAScanner; mode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency);
- procedure InternalArc(cx,cy,rx,ry: single; StartAngleRad,EndAngleRad: Single; ABorderColor: TBGRAPixel; w: single;
- AFillColor: TBGRAPixel; AOptions: TArcOptions; ADrawChord: boolean = false; ATexture: IBGRAScanner = nil); override;
- function InternalNew: TBGRADefaultBitmap; override;
- public
- {** Provides a canvas with opacity and antialiasing }
- property CanvasBGRA: TBGRACanvas read GetCanvasBGRA;
- {** Provides a canvas with 2d transformation and similar to HTML5. }
- property Canvas2D: TBGRACanvas2D read GetCanvas2D;
- {** For more properties, see parent class [[TBGRACustomBitmap and IBGRAScanner#TBGRACustomBitmap|TBGRACustomBitmap]] }
- procedure SetSize(AWidth, AHeight: integer); override;
- {==== Constructors ====}
- {------------------------- Constructors from TBGRACustomBitmap-------------}
- {** Creates an image by copying the content of a ''TFPCustomImage'' }
- constructor Create(AFPImage: TFPCustomImage); overload; override;
- {** Creates an image by copying the content of a ''TBitmap'' }
- constructor Create(ABitmap: TBitmap; AUseTransparent: boolean = true); overload; override;
- {** Creates an image by loading its content from the file ''AFilename''.
- The encoding of the string is the default one for the operating system.
- It is recommended to use the next constructor and UTF8 encoding }
- constructor Create(AFilename: string); overload; override;
- {** Creates an image by loading its content from the file ''AFilename''.
- The boolean ''AIsUtf8Filename'' specifies if UTF8 encoding is assumed
- for the filename }
- constructor Create(AFilename: string; AIsUtf8: boolean); overload; override;
- constructor Create(AFilename: string; AIsUtf8: boolean; AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions); overload; override;
- {** Creates an image by loading its content from the stream ''AStream'' }
- constructor Create(AStream: TStream); overload; override;
- {** Free the object and all its resources }
- destructor Destroy; override;
- {** Clear all channels of transparent pixels }
- procedure ClearTransparentPixels; override;
- {------------------------- Quasi-constructors -----------------------------}
- {** Can only be called from an existing instance of ''TBGRABitmap''.
- Creates a new instance with dimensions 0 x 0. }
- function NewBitmap: TBGRADefaultBitmap; overload; override;
- {** Can only be called from an existing instance of ''TBGRABitmap''.
- Creates a new instance with dimensions ''AWidth'' and ''AHeight'',
- containing transparent pixels. }
- function NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer): TBGRADefaultBitmap; overload; override;
- {* Example:
- * var bmp1, bmp2: TBGRABitmap;
- * begin
- * bmp1 := TBGRABitmap.Create(100,100);
- * bmp2 := bmp1.NewBitmap(100,100);
- * ...
- * end;
- See tutorial 2 on [[BGRABitmap_tutorial_2|how to load and display an image]].
- * See reference on [[TBGRACustomBitmap_and_IBGRAScanner#Load_and_save_files|loading and saving files]] }
- {** Can only be called from an existing instance of ''TBGRABitmap''.
- Creates a new instance with dimensions ''AWidth'' and ''AHeight'',
- and fills it with Color }
- function NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer; const Color: TBGRAPixel): TBGRADefaultBitmap; overload; override;
- function NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer; AColor: Pointer): TBGRADefaultBitmap; overload; override;
- {** Can only be called from an existing instance of ''TBGRABitmap''.
- Creates a new instance with by loading its content
- from the file ''Filename''. The encoding of the string
- is the default one for the operating system }
- function NewBitmap(Filename: string): TBGRADefaultBitmap; overload; override;
- {** Can only be called from an existing instance of ''TBGRABitmap''.
- Creates a new instance with by loading its content
- from the file ''Filename'' }
- function NewBitmap(Filename: string; AIsUtf8: boolean): TBGRADefaultBitmap; overload; override;
- function NewBitmap(Filename: string; AIsUtf8: boolean; AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions): TBGRADefaultBitmap; overload; override;
- {** Can only be called from an existing instance of ''TBGRABitmap''.
- Creates an image by copying the content of a ''TFPCustomImage'' }
- function NewBitmap(AFPImage: TFPCustomImage): TBGRADefaultBitmap; overload; override;
- {** Assign the content of the specified ''Source''. It can be a ''TBGRACustomBitmap'' or
- a ''TFPCustomImage'' }
- procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); overload; override;
- procedure Assign(Source: TBitmap; AUseTransparent: boolean); overload;
- {** Stores the image in the stream without compression nor header }
- procedure Serialize(AStream: TStream); override;
- {** Reads the image in a stream that was previously serialized }
- procedure Deserialize(AStream: TStream); override;
- // universal brushes
- procedure SolidBrushIndirect(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AColor: Pointer; ADrawMode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency); override;
- class procedure SolidBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; const AColor: TBGRAPixel; ADrawMode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency); override;
- class procedure ScannerBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AScanner: IBGRAScanner; ADrawMode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency;
- AOffsetX: integer = 0; AOffsetY: integer = 0); override;
- class procedure MaskBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AScanner: IBGRAScanner;
- AOffsetX: integer = 0; AOffsetY: integer = 0); override;
- class procedure EraseBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word); override;
- class procedure AlphaBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word); override;
- {==== Pixel functions ====}
- {** Sets the pixel by replacing the content at (''x'',''y'') with the specified color.
- Alpha value is set to 255 (opaque) }
- procedure SetPixel(x, y: int32or64; c: TColor); overload; override;
- {** Applies a logical '''xor''' to the content of the pixel with the specified value.
- This includes the alpha channel, so if you want to preserve the opacity, provide
- a color ''c'' with alpha channel equal to zero }
- procedure XorPixel(x, y: int32or64; const c: TBGRAPixel); override;
- {** Draws a pixel with gamma correction at (''x'',''y''). Pixel is supplied
- in sRGB colorspace }
- procedure DrawPixel(x, y: int32or64; const c: TBGRAPixel); overload; override;
- {** Draws a pixel without gamma correction at (''x'',''y''). Pixel is supplied
- in sRGB colorspace }
- procedure FastBlendPixel(x, y: int32or64; const c: TBGRAPixel); override;
- {** Erase the content of the pixel by reducing the value of the
- alpha channel. ''alpha'' specifies how much to decrease.
- If the resulting alpha reaches zero, the content
- is replaced by ''BGRAPixelTransparent'' }
- procedure ErasePixel(x, y: int32or64; alpha: byte); override;
- {** Sets the alpha value at (''x'',''y''). If ''alpha'' = 0, the
- pixel is replaced by ''BGRAPixelTransparent'' }
- procedure AlphaPixel(x, y: int32or64; alpha: byte); override;
- {** Computes the value of the pixel at a floating point coordiante
- by interpolating the values of the pixels around it.
- * There is a one pixel wide margin around the pixel where the pixels are
- still considered inside. If ''smoothBorder'' is set to true, pixel fade
- to transparent.
- * If it is more out of the bounds, the result is ''BGRAPixelTransparent''.
- * ''AResampleFilter'' specifies how pixels must be interpolated. Accepted
- values are ''rfBox'', ''rfLinear'', ''rfHalfCosine'' and ''rfCosine'' }
- function GetPixel(x, y: single; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter = rfLinear; smoothBorder: boolean = true): TBGRAPixel; overload; override;
- {** Similar to previous ''GetPixel'' function, but the fractional part of
- the coordinate is supplied with a number from 0 to 255. The actual
- coordinate is (''x'' + ''fracX256''/256, ''y'' + ''fracY256''/256) }
- function GetPixel256(x, y, fracX256,fracY256: int32or64; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter = rfLinear; smoothBorder: boolean = true): TBGRAPixel; override;
- {** Computes the value of the pixel at a floating point coordiante
- by interpolating the values of the pixels around it. If the pixel
- is out of bounds, the image is repeated.
- * ''AResampleFilter'' specifies how pixels must be interpolated. Accepted
- values are ''rfBox'', ''rfLinear'', ''rfHalfCosine'' and ''rfCosine'' }
- function GetPixelCycle(x, y: single; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter = rfLinear): TBGRAPixel; overload; override;
- {** Similar to previous ''GetPixel'' function, but the fractional part of
- the coordinate is supplied with a number from 0 to 255. The actual
- coordinate is (''x'' + ''fracX256''/256, ''y'' + ''fracY256''/256) }
- function GetPixelCycle256(x, y, fracX256,fracY256: int32or64; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter = rfLinear): TBGRAPixel; overload; override;
- {** Computes the value of the pixel at a floating point coordiante
- by interpolating the values of the pixels around it. ''repeatX'' and
- ''repeatY'' specifies if the image is to be repeated or not.
- * ''AResampleFilter'' specifies how pixels must be interpolated. Accepted
- values are ''rfBox'', ''rfLinear'', ''rfHalfCosine'' and ''rfCosine'' }
- function GetPixelCycle(x, y: single; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter; repeatX: boolean; repeatY: boolean): TBGRAPixel; overload; override;
- {** Similar to previous ''GetPixel'' function, but the fractional part of
- the coordinate is supplied with a number from 0 to 255. The actual
- coordinate is (''x'' + ''fracX256''/256, ''y'' + ''fracY256''/256) }
- function GetPixelCycle256(x, y, fracX256,fracY256: int32or64; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter; repeatX: boolean; repeatY: boolean): TBGRAPixel; overload; override;
- {==== Drawing lines and polylines (integer coordinates) ====}
- {* These functions do not take into account current pen style/cap/join.
- See [[BGRABitmap tutorial 13|coordinate system]]. }
- {** Applies xor to the pixels at line ''y'' and
- at columns ''x'' to ''x2'' included, using specified color.
- This includes the alpha channel, so if you want to preserve the
- opacity, provide a color ''c'' with alpha channel equal to zero }
- procedure XorHorizLine(x, y, x2: int32or64; c: TBGRAPixel); override;
- {** Draws an horizontal line with gamma correction at line ''y'' and
- at columns ''x'' to ''x2'' included, using specified color }
- procedure DrawHorizLine(x, y, x2: int32or64; ec: TExpandedPixel); override; overload;
- {** Draws an horizontal line without gamma correction at line ''y'' and
- at columns ''x'' to ''x2'' included, using specified color }
- procedure FastBlendHorizLine(x, y, x2: int32or64; c: TBGRAPixel); override;
- {** Replaces the alpha value of the pixels at line ''y'' and
- at columns ''x'' to ''x2'' included }
- procedure AlphaHorizLine(x, y, x2: int32or64; alpha: byte); override;
- {** Draws an horizontal line with gamma correction at line ''y'' and
- at columns ''x'' to ''x2'' included, using specified color,
- and with a transparency that increases with the color difference
- with ''compare''. If the difference is greater than ''maxDiff'',
- pixels are not changed }
- procedure DrawHorizLineDiff(x, y, x2: int32or64; c, compare: TBGRAPixel;
- maxDiff: byte); override;
- procedure HorizLineDiff(x, y, x2: int32or64; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- ACompare: TBGRAPixel; AMaxDiffW: word); override;
- {** Xors a vertical line at column ''x'' and at row ''y'' to ''y2'' }
- procedure XorVertLine(x, y, y2: int32or64; c: TBGRAPixel); override;
- {** Draws a vertical line with gamma correction at column ''x'' and at row ''y'' to ''y2'' }
- procedure DrawVertLine(x, y, y2: int32or64; c: TBGRAPixel); override;
- {** Draws a vertical line without gamma correction at column ''x'' and at row ''y'' to ''y2'' }
- procedure FastBlendVertLine(x, y, y2: int32or64; c: TBGRAPixel); override;
- {** Replace alpha values in a vertical line at column ''x'' and at row ''y'' to ''y2'' }
- procedure AlphaVertLine(x, y, y2: int32or64; alpha: byte); override;
- {** Fills completely a rectangle, without any border, with the specified ''texture'' and
- with the specified ''mode'' }
- procedure FillRect(x, y, x2, y2: integer; texture: IBGRAScanner; mode: TDrawMode; AScanOffset: TPoint; ditheringAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm); overload; override;
- {==== Rectangles, ellipses and path (floating point coordinates) ====}
- {* These functions use the current pen style/cap/join. The parameter ''w''
- specifies the width of the line and the base unit for dashes
- * The coordinates are pixel-centered, so that when filling a rectangle,
- if the supplied values are integers, the border will be half transparent.
- If you want the border to be completely filled, you can subtract/add
- 0.5 to the coordinates to include the remaining thin border.
- See [[BGRABitmap tutorial 13|coordinate system]]. }
- {==== Multi-shape fill ====}
- {** Draws and fill a polyline using current pen style/cap/join in one go.
- The stroke is stricly over the fill even if partially transparent.
- ''fillcolor'' specifies a color to fill the polygon formed by the points }
- procedure DrawPolyLineAntialias(const points: array of TPointF; c: TBGRAPixel; w: single; fillcolor: TBGRAPixel); overload; override;
- {** Draws a filled polygon using current pen style/cap/join in one go.
- The stroke is stricly over the fill even if partially transparent.
- The polygon is always closed. You don't need to set the last point
- to be the same as the first point. }
- procedure DrawPolygonAntialias(const points: array of TPointF; c: TBGRAPixel; w: single; fillcolor: TBGRAPixel); overload; override;
- {** Draws and fills an ellipse }
- procedure EllipseAntialias(x, y, rx, ry: single; c: TBGRAPixel; w: single; back: TBGRAPixel); overload; override;
- procedure EllipseAntialias(AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis: TPointF; c: TBGRAPixel; w: single; back: TBGRAPixel); overload; override;
- {** Draws and fills a path }
- procedure DrawPath(APath: IBGRAPath; AStrokeColor: TBGRAPixel; AWidth: single; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel); overload; override;
- procedure DrawPath(APath: IBGRAPath; AStrokeTexture: IBGRAScanner; AWidth: single; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel); overload; override;
- procedure DrawPath(APath: IBGRAPath; AStrokeColor: TBGRAPixel; AWidth: single; AFillTexture: IBGRAScanner); overload; override;
- procedure DrawPath(APath: IBGRAPath; AStrokeTexture: IBGRAScanner; AWidth: single; AFillTexture: IBGRAScanner); overload; override;
- {** Draws and fills a path with a matrix transform }
- procedure DrawPath(APath: IBGRAPath; AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AStrokeColor: TBGRAPixel; AWidth: single; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel); overload; override;
- procedure DrawPath(APath: IBGRAPath; AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AStrokeTexture: IBGRAScanner; AWidth: single; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel); overload; override;
- procedure DrawPath(APath: IBGRAPath; AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AStrokeColor: TBGRAPixel; AWidth: single; AFillTexture: IBGRAScanner); overload; override;
- procedure DrawPath(APath: IBGRAPath; AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AStrokeTexture: IBGRAScanner; AWidth: single; AFillTexture: IBGRAScanner); overload; override;
- {** Draws a rectangle with antialiasing and fills it with color ''back''.
- Note that the pixel (x2,y2) is included contrary to integer coordinates }
- procedure RectangleAntialias(x, y, x2, y2: single; c: TBGRAPixel; w: single; back: TBGRAPixel); overload; override;
- {** Draws a rounded rectangle border with antialiasing. The corners have an
- elliptical radius of ''rx'' and ''ry''. ''options'' specifies how to
- draw the corners. See [[BGRABitmap Geometry types|geometry types]] }
- procedure RoundRectAntialias(x,y,x2,y2,rx,ry: single; c: TBGRAPixel; w: single; options: TRoundRectangleOptions = []); overload; override;
- {** Draws a rounded rectangle border with the specified texture.
- The corners have an elliptical radius of ''rx'' and ''ry''.
- ''options'' specifies how to draw the corners.
- See [[BGRABitmap Geometry types|geometry types]] }
- procedure RoundRectAntialias(x,y,x2,y2,rx,ry: single; texture: IBGRAScanner; w: single; options: TRoundRectangleOptions = []); overload; override;
- {** Draws and fills a round rectangle }
- procedure RoundRectAntialias(x,y,x2,y2,rx,ry: single; pencolor: TBGRAPixel; w: single; fillcolor: TBGRAPixel; options: TRoundRectangleOptions = []); overload; override;
- {** Draws and fills a round rectangle with textures }
- procedure RoundRectAntialias(x,y,x2,y2,rx,ry: single; penTexture: IBGRAScanner; w: single; fillTexture: IBGRAScanner; options: TRoundRectangleOptions = []); overload; override;
- {==== Gradient polygons ====}
- procedure FillTriangleLinearColor(pt1,pt2,pt3: TPointF; c1,c2,c3: TBGRAPixel); override;
- procedure FillTriangleLinearColorAntialias(pt1,pt2,pt3: TPointF; c1,c2,c3: TBGRAPixel); override;
- procedure FillTriangleLinearMapping(pt1,pt2,pt3: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3: TPointF; TextureInterpolation: Boolean= True); override;
- procedure FillTriangleLinearMappingLightness(pt1,pt2,pt3: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3: TPointF; light1,light2,light3: word; TextureInterpolation: Boolean= True); override;
- procedure FillTriangleLinearMappingAntialias(pt1,pt2,pt3: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3: TPointF); override;
- procedure FillQuadLinearColor(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF; c1,c2,c3,c4: TBGRAPixel); override;
- procedure FillQuadLinearColorAntialias(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF; c1,c2,c3,c4: TBGRAPixel); override;
- procedure FillQuadLinearMapping(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3, tex4: TPointF; TextureInterpolation: Boolean= True; ACulling: TFaceCulling = fcNone; ACropToPolygon: boolean = true); override;
- procedure FillQuadLinearMappingLightness(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3, tex4: TPointF; light1,light2,light3,light4: word; TextureInterpolation: Boolean= True); override;
- procedure FillQuadLinearMappingAntialias(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3, tex4: TPointF; ACulling: TFaceCulling = fcNone); override;
- procedure FillQuadPerspectiveMapping(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3, tex4: TPointF; ADrawMode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency); override;
- procedure FillQuadPerspectiveMapping(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3, tex4: TPointF; ACleanBorders: TRect; ADrawMode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency); override;
- procedure FillQuadPerspectiveMappingAntialias(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3, tex4: TPointF); override;
- procedure FillQuadPerspectiveMappingAntialias(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3, tex4: TPointF; ACleanBorders: TRect); override;
- procedure FillQuadAffineMapping(Orig,HAxis,VAxis: TPointF; AImage: TBGRACustomBitmap; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true; ADrawMode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency; AOpacity: byte = 255); override;
- procedure FillQuadAffineMappingAntialias(Orig,HAxis,VAxis: TPointF; AImage: TBGRACustomBitmap; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true; AOpacity: byte = 255); override;
- {** Fills an ellipse with a gradient of color. ''outercolor'' specifies
- the end color of the gradient on the border of the ellipse and
- ''innercolor'' the end color of the gradient at the center of the ellipse }
- procedure FillEllipseLinearColorAntialias(x, y, rx, ry: single; outercolor, innercolor: TBGRAPixel); overload; override;
- procedure FillEllipseLinearColorAntialias(AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis: TPointF; outercolor, innercolor: TBGRAPixel); overload; override;
- procedure FillPolyLinearMapping(const points: array of TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; texCoords: array of TPointF; TextureInterpolation: Boolean); override;
- procedure FillPolyLinearMappingLightness(const points: array of TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; texCoords: array of TPointF; lightnesses: array of word; TextureInterpolation: Boolean); override;
- procedure FillPolyLinearColor(const points: array of TPointF; AColors: array of TBGRAPixel); override;
- procedure FillPolyPerspectiveMapping(const points: array of TPointF; const pointsZ: array of single; texture: IBGRAScanner; texCoords: array of TPointF; TextureInterpolation: Boolean; zbuffer: psingle = nil); override;
- procedure FillPolyPerspectiveMappingLightness(const points: array of TPointF; const pointsZ: array of single; texture: IBGRAScanner; texCoords: array of TPointF; lightnesses: array of word; TextureInterpolation: Boolean; zbuffer: psingle = nil); override;
- procedure ArrowStartAsNone; override;
- procedure ArrowStartAsClassic(AFlipped: boolean = false; ACut: boolean = false; ARelativePenWidth: single = 1); override;
- procedure ArrowStartAsTriangle(ABackOffset: single = 0; ARounded: boolean = false; AHollow: boolean = false; AHollowPenWidth: single = 0.5); override;
- procedure ArrowStartAsTail; override;
- procedure ArrowEndAsNone; override;
- procedure ArrowEndAsClassic(AFlipped: boolean = false; ACut: boolean = false; ARelativePenWidth: single = 1); override;
- procedure ArrowEndAsTriangle(ABackOffset: single = 0; ARounded: boolean = false; AHollow: boolean = false; AHollowPenWidth: single = 0.5); override;
- procedure ArrowEndAsTail; override;
- { Draws the UTF8 encoded string, with color c.
- If align is taLeftJustify, (x,y) is the top-left corner.
- If align is taCenter, (x,y) is at the top and middle of the text.
- If align is taRightJustify, (x,y) is the top-right corner.
- The value of FontOrientation is taken into account, so that the text may be rotated. }
- procedure TextOut(x, y: single; const sUTF8: string; c: TBGRAPixel; align: TAlignment; ARightToLeft: boolean); overload; override;
- { Same as above functions, except that the text is filled using texture.
- The value of FontOrientation is taken into account, so that the text may be rotated. }
- procedure TextOut(x, y: single; const sUTF8: string; texture: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment; ARightToLeft: boolean); overload; override;
- procedure TextOut(x, y: single; const sUTF8: string; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AAlign: TAlignment; ALetterSpacing: single); overload; override;
- procedure TextOut(x, y: single; const sUTF8: string; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AAlign: TAlignment; ALetterSpacing: single); overload; override;
- { Same as above, except that the orientation is specified, overriding the value of the property FontOrientation. }
- procedure TextOutAngle(x, y: single; orientationTenthDegCCW: integer; const sUTF8: string; c: TBGRAPixel; align: TAlignment; ARightToLeft: boolean); overload; override;
- procedure TextOutAngle(x, y: single; orientationTenthDegCCW: integer; const sUTF8: string; texture: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment; ARightToLeft: boolean); overload; override;
- procedure TextOutCurved(ACursor: TBGRACustomPathCursor; const sUTF8: string; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AAlign: TAlignment; ALetterSpacing: single); overload; override;
- procedure TextOutCurved(ACursor: TBGRACustomPathCursor; const sUTF8: string; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AAlign: TAlignment; ALetterSpacing: single); overload; override;
- procedure TextMultiline(ALeft,ATop,AWidth: single; const sUTF8: string; c: TBGRAPixel; AAlign: TBidiTextAlignment = btaNatural; AVertAlign: TTextLayout = tlTop; AParagraphSpacing: single = 0); overload; override;
- procedure TextMultiline(ALeft,ATop,AWidth: single; const sUTF8: string; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AAlign: TBidiTextAlignment = btaNatural; AVertAlign: TTextLayout = tlTop; AParagraphSpacing: single = 0); overload; override;
- { Draw the UTF8 encoded string at the coordinate (x,y), clipped inside the rectangle ARect.
- Additional style information is provided by the style parameter.
- The color c or texture is used to fill the text. No rotation is applied. }
- procedure TextRect(ARect: TRect; x, y: integer; const sUTF8: string; style: TTextStyle; c: TBGRAPixel); overload; override;
- procedure TextRect(ARect: TRect; x, y: integer; const sUTF8: string; style: TTextStyle; texture: IBGRAScanner); overload; override;
- { Returns the total size of the string provided using the current font.
- Orientation is not taken into account, so that the width is along the text. End of lines are stripped from the string. }
- function TextSize(const sUTF8: string): TSize; override;
- function TextSizeMultiline(const sUTF8: string; AMaxWidth: single = EmptySingle; AParagraphSpacing: single = 0): TSize; override;
- { Returns the affine box of the string provided using the current font.
- Orientation is taken into account. End of lines are stripped from the string. }
- function TextAffineBox(const sUTF8: string): TAffineBox; override;
- { Returns the total size of a paragraph i.e. with word break }
- function TextSize(const sUTF8: string; AMaxWidth: integer): TSize; override;
- function TextSize(const sUTF8: string; AMaxWidth: integer; ARightToLeft: boolean): TSize; override;
- function TextFitInfo(const sUTF8: string; AMaxWidth: integer): integer; override;
- {Spline}
- function ComputeClosedSpline(const APoints: array of TPointF; AStyle: TSplineStyle): ArrayOfTPointF; override;
- function ComputeOpenedSpline(const APoints: array of TPointF; AStyle: TSplineStyle): ArrayOfTPointF; override;
- function ComputeBezierCurve(const ACurve: TCubicBezierCurve): ArrayOfTPointF; overload; override;
- function ComputeBezierCurve(const ACurve: TQuadraticBezierCurve): ArrayOfTPointF; overload; override;
- function ComputeBezierSpline(const ASpline: array of TCubicBezierCurve): ArrayOfTPointF; overload; override;
- function ComputeBezierSpline(const ASpline: array of TQuadraticBezierCurve): ArrayOfTPointF; overload; override;
- function ComputeWidePolyline(const points: array of TPointF; w: single): ArrayOfTPointF; overload; override;
- function ComputeWidePolyline(const points: array of TPointF; w: single; ClosedCap: boolean): ArrayOfTPointF; overload; override;
- function ComputeWidePolygon(const points: array of TPointF; w: single): ArrayOfTPointF; overload; override;
- function ComputeEllipseContour(x,y,rx,ry: single; quality: single = 1): ArrayOfTPointF; overload; override;
- function ComputeEllipseContour(AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis: TPointF; quality: single = 1): ArrayOfTPointF; overload; override;
- function ComputeEllipseBorder(x,y,rx,ry,w: single; quality: single = 1): ArrayOfTPointF; overload; override;
- function ComputeEllipseBorder(AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis: TPointF; w: single; quality: single = 1): ArrayOfTPointF; override; overload;
- function ComputeArc65536(x,y,rx,ry: single; start65536,end65536: word; quality: single = 1): ArrayOfTPointF; override;
- function ComputeArcRad(x,y,rx,ry: single; startRad,endRad: single; quality: single = 1): ArrayOfTPointF; override;
- function ComputeRoundRect(x1,y1,x2,y2,rx,ry: single; quality: single = 1): ArrayOfTPointF; overload; override;
- function ComputeRoundRect(x1,y1,x2,y2,rx,ry: single; options: TRoundRectangleOptions; quality: single = 1): ArrayOfTPointF; overload; override;
- function ComputePie65536(x,y,rx,ry: single; start65536,end65536: word; quality: single = 1): ArrayOfTPointF; override;
- function ComputePieRad(x,y,rx,ry: single; startRad,endRad: single; quality: single = 1): ArrayOfTPointF; override;
- {Filling}
- procedure Fill(c: TBGRAPixel; start, Count: integer); overload; override;
- procedure DrawPixels(c: TBGRAPixel; start, Count: integer); override;
- procedure AlphaFill(alpha: byte; start, Count: integer); overload; override;
- procedure FillMask(x,y: integer; AMask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const AColor: TBGRAPixel; ADrawMode: TDrawMode); overload; override;
- procedure FillMask(x,y: integer; AMask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; ADrawMode: TDrawMode; AOpacity: byte); overload; override;
- procedure EraseMask(x,y: integer; AMask: TBGRACustomBitmap; alpha: byte=255); override;
- procedure FillClearTypeMask(x,y: integer; xThird: integer; AMask: TBGRACustomBitmap; color: TBGRAPixel; ARGBOrder: boolean = true); override;
- procedure FillClearTypeMask(x,y: integer; xThird: integer; AMask: TBGRACustomBitmap; texture: IBGRAScanner; ARGBOrder: boolean = true); override;
- procedure ReplaceColor(before, after: TColor); overload; override;
- procedure ReplaceColor(ABounds: TRect; before, after: TColor); overload; override;
- procedure ParallelFloodFill(X, Y: integer; Dest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; Color: TBGRAPixel;
- mode: TFloodfillMode; Tolerance: byte = 0; DestOfsX: integer = 0; DestOfsY: integer = 0); overload; override;
- procedure ParallelFloodFill(X, Y: integer; Dest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const Brush: TUniversalBrush;
- Progressive: boolean; ToleranceW: Word = $00ff; DestOfsX: integer = 0; DestOfsY: integer = 0); overload; override;
- procedure GradientFill(x, y, x2, y2: integer; c1, c2: TBGRAPixel;
- gtype: TGradientType; o1, o2: TPointF; mode: TDrawMode;
- gammaColorCorrection: boolean = True; Sinus: Boolean=False;
- ditherAlgo: TDitheringAlgorithm = daNearestNeighbor); override;
- procedure GradientFill(x, y, x2, y2: integer; gradient: TBGRACustomGradient;
- gtype: TGradientType; o1, o2: TPointF; mode: TDrawMode;
- Sinus: Boolean=False; ditherAlgo: TDitheringAlgorithm = daNearestNeighbor); override;
- function ScanAtInteger(X,Y: integer): TBGRAPixel; override;
- function ScanNextPixel: TBGRAPixel; override;
- function ScanAt(X,Y: Single): TBGRAPixel; override;
- function IsScanPutPixelsDefined: boolean; override;
- procedure ScanPutPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; count: integer; mode: TDrawMode); override;
- {Canvas drawing functions}
- procedure Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; x, y: integer; Opaque: boolean = True); overload; override;
- procedure Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect; Opaque: boolean = True); overload; override;
- procedure InvalidateBitmap; override; //call if you modify with Scanline
- procedure LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded; override; //call to ensure that bitmap data is up to date
- procedure NotifyBitmapChange; inline;
- {BGRA bitmap functions}
- procedure CrossFade(ARect: TRect; Source1, Source2: IBGRAScanner; AFadePosition: byte; mode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency); overload; override;
- procedure CrossFade(ARect: TRect; Source1, Source2: IBGRAScanner; AFadeMask: IBGRAScanner; mode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency); overload; override;
- procedure PutImage(X, Y: integer; ASource: TCustomUniversalBitmap; AMode: TDrawMode; AOpacity: byte); overload; override;
- procedure PutImageAffine(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; Source: TBGRACustomBitmap; AOutputBounds: TRect; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter; AMode: TDrawMode; AOpacity: Byte=255; APixelCenteredCoords: boolean = true); overload; override;
- function GetImageAffineBounds(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; ASourceBounds: TRect; AClipOutput: boolean = true; APixelCenteredCoords: boolean = true): TRect; overload; override;
- class function IsAffineRoughlyTranslation(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; ASourceBounds: TRect): boolean; override;
- procedure StretchPutImage(ARect: TRect; Source: TBGRACustomBitmap; mode: TDrawMode; AOpacity: byte = 255); override;
- procedure BlendRect(ADest: TRect; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AOperation: TBlendOperation; AExcludeChannels: TChannels); overload; override;
- procedure BlendRectOver(ADest: TRect; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AOperation: TBlendOperation; AOpacity: byte; ALinearBlend: boolean; AExcludeChannels: TChannels); overload; override;
- procedure BlendImage(x, y: integer; ASource: TBGRACustomBitmap; AOperation: TBlendOperation); overload; override;
- procedure BlendImage(ADest: TRect; ASource: IBGRAScanner; AOffsetX, AOffsetY: integer; AOperation: TBlendOperation); overload; override;
- procedure BlendImageOver(x, y: integer; ASource: TBGRACustomBitmap; AOperation: TBlendOperation; AOpacity: byte = 255; ALinearBlend: boolean = false); overload; override;
- procedure BlendImageOver(ADest: TRect; ASource: IBGRAScanner; AOffsetX, AOffsetY: integer; AOperation: TBlendOperation; AOpacity: byte = 255; ALinearBlend: boolean = false); overload; override;
- function GetPtrBitmap(Top,Bottom: Integer): TBGRACustomBitmap; override;
- function MakeBitmapCopy(BackgroundColor: TColor): TBitmap; override;
- function Resample(newWidth, newHeight: integer;
- mode: TResampleMode = rmFineResample): TBGRADefaultBitmap; override;
- procedure Negative; override;
- procedure NegativeRect(ABounds: TRect); override;
- procedure LinearNegative; override;
- procedure LinearNegativeRect(ABounds: TRect); override;
- procedure InplaceGrayscale(AGammaCorrection: boolean = true); overload; override;
- procedure InplaceGrayscale(ABounds: TRect; AGammaCorrection: boolean = true); overload; override;
- procedure InplaceNormalize(AEachChannel: boolean = True); overload; override;
- procedure InplaceNormalize(ABounds: TRect; AEachChannel: boolean = True); overload; override;
- procedure SwapRedBlue; override;
- procedure SwapRedBlue(ARect: TRect); override;
- procedure GrayscaleToAlpha; override;
- procedure AlphaToGrayscale; override;
- function GetMaskFromAlpha: TBGRADefaultBitmap; override;
- function GetGrayscaleMaskFromAlpha: TGrayscaleMask;
- procedure ConvertToLinearRGB; override;
- procedure ConvertFromLinearRGB; override;
- {Filters}
- function FilterSmartZoom3(Option: TMedianOption): TBGRADefaultBitmap; override;
- function FilterMedian(Option: TMedianOption): TBGRADefaultBitmap; override;
- function FilterSmooth: TBGRADefaultBitmap; override;
- function FilterSharpen(Amount: single = 1): TBGRADefaultBitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterSharpen(ABounds: TRect; Amount: single = 1): TBGRADefaultBitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterContour(AGammaCorrection: boolean = false): TBGRADefaultBitmap; override;
- function FilterPixelate(pixelSize: integer; useResample: boolean; filter: TResampleFilter = rfLinear): TBGRADefaultBitmap; override;
- function FilterEmboss(angle: single; AStrength: integer= 64; AOptions: TEmbossOptions = []): TBGRADefaultBitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterEmboss(angle: single; ABounds: TRect; AStrength: integer= 64; AOptions: TEmbossOptions = []): TBGRADefaultBitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterEmbossHighlight(FillSelection: boolean): TBGRADefaultBitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterEmbossHighlight(FillSelection: boolean; BorderColor: TBGRAPixel): TBGRADefaultBitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterEmbossHighlight(FillSelection: boolean; BorderColor: TBGRAPixel; var Offset: TPoint): TBGRADefaultBitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterGrayscale: TBGRADefaultBitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterGrayscale(ABounds: TRect): TBGRADefaultBitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterNormalize(eachChannel: boolean = True): TBGRADefaultBitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterNormalize(ABounds: TRect; eachChannel: boolean = True): TBGRADefaultBitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterRotate(origin: TPointF; angle: single; correctBlur: boolean = false): TBGRADefaultBitmap; override;
- function FilterAffine(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; correctBlur: boolean = false): TBGRADefaultBitmap; override;
- function FilterSphere: TBGRADefaultBitmap; override;
- function FilterTwirl(ACenter: TPoint; ARadius: Single; ATurn: Single=1; AExponent: Single=3): TBGRADefaultBitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterTwirl(ABounds: TRect; ACenter: TPoint; ARadius: Single; ATurn: Single=1; AExponent: Single=3): TBGRADefaultBitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterCylinder: TBGRADefaultBitmap; override;
- function FilterPlane: TBGRADefaultBitmap; override;
- end;
- { TBGRAPtrBitmap }
- TBGRAPtrBitmap = class(TBGRADefaultBitmap)
- protected
- function GetLineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; override;
- procedure SetLineOrder(AValue: TRawImageLineOrder); override;
- procedure ReallocData; override;
- procedure FreeData; override;
- procedure CannotResize;
- procedure NotImplemented;
- procedure RebuildBitmap; override;
- function CreateDefaultFontRenderer: TBGRACustomFontRenderer; override; //to override
- function LoadFromRawImage({%H-}ARawImage: TRawImage; {%H-}DefaultOpacity: byte;
- {%H-}AlwaysReplaceAlpha: boolean=False; {%H-}RaiseErrorOnInvalidPixelFormat: boolean
- =True): boolean; override; //to override
- public
- constructor Create(AWidth, AHeight: integer; AData: Pointer); overload;
- procedure SetDataPtr(AData: Pointer);
- property LineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder Read GetLineOrder Write SetLineOrder;
- procedure DataDrawTransparent({%H-}ACanvas: TCanvas; {%H-}Rect: TRect; {%H-}AData: Pointer;
- {%H-}ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; {%H-}AWidth, {%H-}AHeight: integer); override; //to override
- procedure DataDrawOpaque({%H-}ACanvas: TCanvas; {%H-}Rect: TRect; {%H-}AData: Pointer;
- {%H-}ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; {%H-}AWidth, {%H-}AHeight: integer); override; //to override
- procedure GetImageFromCanvas({%H-}CanvasSource: TCanvas; {%H-}x, {%H-}y: integer); override; //to override
- procedure Assign({%H-}Source: TPersistent); override;
- procedure TakeScreenshot({%H-}ARect: TRect); override;
- procedure TakeScreenshotOfPrimaryMonitor; override;
- procedure LoadFromDevice({%H-}DC: HDC); override;
- procedure LoadFromDevice({%H-}DC: HDC; {%H-}ARect: TRect); override;
- end;
- { TBGRAMemoryStreamBitmap }
- TBGRAMemoryStreamBitmap = class(TBGRAPtrBitmap)
- private
- function GetOwnStream: boolean;
- procedure SetOwnStream(AValue: boolean);
- protected
- FStream: TMemoryStream;
- FStreamOffset: IntPtr;
- FOwnStream: boolean;
- public
- constructor Create(AWidth, AHeight: integer; AStream: TMemoryStream; AStreamOffset: IntPtr; AOwnStream: boolean);
- constructor Create(AWidth, AHeight: integer); override;
- constructor Create(AWidth, AHeight: integer; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- property OwnStream: boolean read GetOwnStream write SetOwnStream;
- property Stream: TMemoryStream read FStream;
- end;
- DefaultTextStyle: TTextStyle;
-procedure BGRAGradientFill(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y, x2, y2: integer;
- c1, c2: TBGRAPixel; gtype: TGradientType; o1, o2: TPointF; mode: TDrawMode;
- gammaColorCorrection: boolean = True; Sinus: Boolean=False);
-uses Math, BGRAUTF8, BGRABlend, BGRAFilters, BGRAGradientScanner,
- BGRAResample, BGRAPolygon, BGRAPolygonAliased,
- BGRAPath, FPReadPcx, FPWritePcx, FPReadXPM, FPWriteXPM,
- BGRAReadBMP, BGRAReadJpeg,
- BGRADithering, BGRAFilterScanner;
-{ TBGRAMemoryStreamBitmap }
-function TBGRAMemoryStreamBitmap.GetOwnStream: boolean;
- result := FOwnStream;
-procedure TBGRAMemoryStreamBitmap.SetOwnStream(AValue: boolean);
- FOwnStream:= AValue;
-constructor TBGRAMemoryStreamBitmap.Create(AWidth, AHeight: integer;
- AStream: TMemoryStream; AStreamOffset: IntPtr; AOwnStream: boolean);
- inherited Create(AWidth, AHeight, PByte(AStream.Memory) + AStreamOffset);
- FStream := AStream;
- FStreamOffset:= AStreamOffset;
- FOwnStream := AOwnStream;
-constructor TBGRAMemoryStreamBitmap.Create(AWidth, AHeight: integer);
- Create(AWidth, AHeight, BGRAPixelTransparent);
-constructor TBGRAMemoryStreamBitmap.Create(AWidth, AHeight: integer;
- AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- inherited Create(AWidth, AHeight);
- FStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- FStreamOffset:= 0;
- FStream.Size := RowSize * Height;
- FOwnStream := true;
- SetDataPtr(PByte(FStream.Memory) + FStreamOffset);
- Fill(AColor, dmSet);
-destructor TBGRAMemoryStreamBitmap.Destroy;
- if FOwnStream then FStream.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
-{ TBGRADefaultBitmap }
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.CheckEmpty: boolean;
- alphaMask = $ff shl TBGRAPixel_AlphaShift;
- i: integer;
- p: PBGRAPixel;
- p := Data;
- for i := (NbPixels shr 1) - 1 downto 0 do
- begin
- if PInt64(p)^ and (alphaMask or (alphaMask shl 32)) <> 0 then
- begin
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- Inc(p,2);
- end;
- if Odd(NbPixels) and (p^.alpha <> 0) then
- begin
- Result := false;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := True;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetCanvasAlphaCorrection: boolean;
- Result := (FCanvasOpacity <> 0);
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetCustomPenStyle: TBGRAPenStyle;
- result := GetInternalPen.CustomPenStyle;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.SetCanvasAlphaCorrection(const AValue: boolean);
- if AValue then
- begin
- if FCanvasOpacity = 0 then
- FCanvasOpacity := 255;
- end
- else
- FCanvasOpacity := 0;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.DoLoadFromBitmap;
- //nothing
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.SetCustomPenStyle(const AValue: TBGRAPenStyle);
- GetInternalPen.CustomPenStyle := AValue;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.SetPenStyle(const AValue: TPenStyle);
- GetInternalPen.Style := AValue;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetPenStyle: TPenStyle;
- Result:= GetInternalPen.Style;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetArrowEndSize: TPointF;
- result := GetArrow.EndSize;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetArrowStartSize: TPointF;
- result := GetArrow.StartSize;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.SetArrowEndSize(AValue: TPointF);
- GetArrow.EndSize := AValue;
- {$POP}
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.SetArrowStartSize(AValue: TPointF);
- GetArrow.StartSize := AValue;
- {$POP}
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetArrowEndOffset: single;
- result := GetArrow.EndOffsetX;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetArrowStartOffset: single;
- result := GetArrow.StartOffsetX;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.SetArrowEndOffset(AValue: single);
- GetArrow.EndOffsetX := AValue;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.SetArrowStartOffset(AValue: single);
- GetArrow.StartOffsetX := AValue;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetArrowEndRepeat: integer;
- result := GetArrow.EndRepeatCount;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetArrowStartRepeat: integer;
- result := GetArrow.StartRepeatCount;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.SetArrowEndRepeat(AValue: integer);
- GetArrow.EndRepeatCount := AValue;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.SetArrowStartRepeat(AValue: integer);
- GetArrow.StartRepeatCount := AValue;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.SetFontHeight(AHeight: integer);
- FFontHeight := AHeight;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetFontFullHeight: integer;
- if FontHeight < 0 then
- result := -FontHeight
- else
- result := TextSize('Hg').cy;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.SetFontFullHeight(AHeight: integer);
- if AHeight > 0 then
- FontHeight := -AHeight
- else
- FontHeight := 1;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetFontPixelMetric: TFontPixelMetric;
- result := FontRenderer.GetFontPixelMetric;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetFontRenderer: TBGRACustomFontRenderer;
- if FFontRenderer = nil then FFontRenderer := CreateDefaultFontRenderer;
- if FFontRenderer = nil then raise exception.Create('No font renderer');
- result := FFontRenderer;
- result.FontName := FontName;
- result.FontStyle := FontStyle;
- result.FontQuality := FontQuality;
- result.FontOrientation := FontOrientation;
- result.FontEmHeight := FFontHeight;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.SetFontRenderer(AValue: TBGRACustomFontRenderer);
- if AValue = FFontRenderer then exit;
- FFontRenderer.Free;
- FFontRenderer := AValue
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetFontVerticalAnchorOffset: single;
- case FontVerticalAnchor of
- fvaTop: result := 0;
- fvaCenter: result := FontFullHeight*0.5;
- fvaCapLine: result := FontPixelMetric.CapLine;
- fvaCapCenter: result := (FontPixelMetric.CapLine+FontPixelMetric.Baseline)*0.5;
- fvaXLine: result := FontPixelMetric.xLine;
- fvaXCenter: result := (FontPixelMetric.xLine+FontPixelMetric.Baseline)*0.5;
- fvaBaseline: result := FontPixelMetric.Baseline;
- fvaDescentLine: result := FontPixelMetric.DescentLine;
- fvaBottom: result := FontFullHeight;
- else
- result := 0;
- end;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetFontAnchorRotatedOffset: TPointF;
- result := GetFontAnchorRotatedOffset(FontOrientation);
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetFontAnchorRotatedOffset(
- ACustomOrientation: integer): TPointF;
- result := PointF(0, GetFontVerticalAnchorOffset);
- if ACustomOrientation <> 0 then
- result := AffineMatrixRotationDeg(-ACustomOrientation*0.1)*result;
-{ Creates a new bitmap with dimensions 0 x 0 }
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.NewBitmap: TBGRADefaultBitmap;
- Result := inherited NewBitmap as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
-{ Creates a new bitmap with dimensions AWidth and AHeight and filled with
- transparent pixels. Internally, it uses the same type so that if you
- use an optimized version, you get a new bitmap with the same optimizations }
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer): TBGRADefaultBitmap;
- result := inherited NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
-{ Can only be called from an existing instance of TBGRABitmap.
- Creates a new instance with dimensions AWidth and AHeight,
- and fills it with Color. }
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer;
- const Color: TBGRAPixel): TBGRADefaultBitmap;
- result := inherited NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight, Color) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer; AColor: Pointer): TBGRADefaultBitmap;
- result := inherited NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight, AColor) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
-{ Creates a new bitmap and loads it contents from a file.
- The encoding of the string is the default one for the operating system.
- It is recommended to use the next function and UTF8 encoding }
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.NewBitmap(Filename: string): TBGRADefaultBitmap;
- BGRAClass: TBGRABitmapAny;
- BGRAClass := TBGRABitmapAny(self.ClassType);
- Result := BGRAClass.Create(Filename) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
-{ Creates a new bitmap and loads it contents from a file.
- It is recommended to use UTF8 encoding }
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.NewBitmap(Filename: string; AIsUtf8: boolean): TBGRADefaultBitmap;
- BGRAClass: TBGRABitmapAny;
- BGRAClass := TBGRABitmapAny(self.ClassType);
- Result := BGRAClass.Create(Filename,AIsUtf8) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.NewBitmap(Filename: string; AIsUtf8: boolean;
- AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions): TBGRADefaultBitmap;
- BGRAClass: TBGRABitmapAny;
- BGRAClass := TBGRABitmapAny(self.ClassType);
- Result := BGRAClass.Create(Filename,AIsUtf8,AOptions) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.NewBitmap(AFPImage: TFPCustomImage): TBGRADefaultBitmap;
- BGRAClass: TBGRABitmapAny;
- BGRAClass := TBGRABitmapAny(self.ClassType);
- Result := BGRAClass.Create(AFPImage) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
-{----------------------- TFPCustomImage override ------------------------------}
-{ Set the size of the current bitmap. All data is lost during the process }
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.SetSize(AWidth, AHeight: integer);
- if (Width <> AWidth) or (Height <> AHeight) then
- begin
- inherited SetSize(AWidth, AHeight);
- FreeBitmap;
- end;
-{---------------------- Constructors ---------------------------------}
-constructor TBGRADefaultBitmap.Create(AFPImage: TFPCustomImage);
- inherited Create;
- Assign(AFPImage);
-{ Creates an image of dimensions AWidth and AHeight and filled with transparent pixels. }
-constructor TBGRADefaultBitmap.Create(ABitmap: TBitmap; AUseTransparent: boolean);
- inherited Create;
- Assign(ABitmap, AUseTransparent);
-{ Creates an image by loading its content from the file AFilename.
- The encoding of the string is the default one for the operating system.
- It is recommended to use the next constructor and UTF8 encoding. }
-constructor TBGRADefaultBitmap.Create(AFilename: string);
- inherited Create;
- LoadFromFile(Afilename);
-{ Free the object and all its resources }
-destructor TBGRADefaultBitmap.Destroy;
- DiscardXorMask;
- FFontRenderer.Free;
- FCanvasBGRA.Free;
- FCanvas2D.Free;
- FreeBitmap;
- inherited Destroy;
-{------------------------- Loading functions ----------------------------------}
-{ Creates an image by loading its content from the file AFilename.
- The boolean AIsUtf8Filename specifies if UTF8 encoding is assumed for the filename. }
-constructor TBGRADefaultBitmap.Create(AFilename: string; AIsUtf8: boolean);
- inherited Create;
- if AIsUtf8 then
- LoadFromFileUTF8(Afilename)
- else
- LoadFromFile(Afilename);
-constructor TBGRADefaultBitmap.Create(AFilename: string; AIsUtf8: boolean;
- AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions);
- inherited Create;
- if AIsUtf8 then
- LoadFromFileUTF8(Afilename, AOptions)
- else
- LoadFromFile(Afilename, AOptions);
-{ Creates an image by loading its content from the stream AStream. }
-constructor TBGRADefaultBitmap.Create(AStream: TStream);
- inherited Create;
- LoadFromStream(AStream);
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.Serialize(AStream: TStream);
- If TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder then
- begin
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- TBGRAFilterScannerSwapRedBlue.ComputeFilterAt(Data,Data,FNbPixels,False);
- end;
- inherited Serialize(AStream);
- If TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder then TBGRAFilterScannerSwapRedBlue.ComputeFilterAt(Data,Data,FNbPixels,False);
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.Deserialize(AStream: TStream);
- inherited Deserialize(AStream);
- If TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder then TBGRAFilterScannerSwapRedBlue.ComputeFilterAt(Data,Data,FNbPixels,False);
- InvalidateBitmap;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.SolidBrushIndirect(out
- ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AColor: Pointer; ADrawMode: TDrawMode);
- BGRASolidBrushIndirect(ABrush, AColor, ADrawMode);
-class procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.SolidBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- const AColor: TBGRAPixel; ADrawMode: TDrawMode);
- BGRASolidBrushIndirect(ABrush, @AColor, ADrawMode);
-class procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.ScannerBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- AScanner: IBGRAScanner; ADrawMode: TDrawMode;
- AOffsetX: integer; AOffsetY: integer);
- BGRAScannerBrush(ABrush, AScanner, ADrawMode, AOffsetX, AOffsetY);
-class procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.MaskBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- AScanner: IBGRAScanner; AOffsetX: integer; AOffsetY: integer);
- BGRAMaskBrush(ABrush, AScanner, AOffsetX, AOffsetY);
-class procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.EraseBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- AAlpha: Word);
- BGRAEraseBrush(ABrush, AAlpha);
-class procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.AlphaBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- AAlpha: Word);
- BGRAAlphaBrush(ABrush, AAlpha);
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
-var pdest: PBGRAPixel;
- x,y: Int32or64;
- if Source is TBGRACustomBitmap then
- begin
- DiscardBitmapChange;
- SetSize(TBGRACustomBitmap(Source).Width, TBGRACustomBitmap(Source).Height);
- PutImage(0, 0, TBGRACustomBitmap(Source), dmSet);
- if Source is TBGRADefaultBitmap then
- begin
- HotSpot := TBGRADefaultBitmap(Source).HotSpot;
- if XorMask <> TBGRADefaultBitmap(Source).XorMask then
- begin
- DiscardXorMask;
- if TBGRADefaultBitmap(Source).XorMask is TBGRADefaultBitmap then
- FXorMask := TBGRADefaultBitmap(TBGRADefaultBitmap(Source).XorMask).NewReference as TBGRADefaultBitmap
- else
- FXorMask := TBGRADefaultBitmap(Source).XorMask.Duplicate;
- end;
- end;
- end else
- if Source is TFPCustomImage then
- begin
- DiscardBitmapChange;
- SetSize(TFPCustomImage(Source).Width, TFPCustomImage(Source).Height);
- for y := 0 to TFPCustomImage(Source).Height-1 do
- begin
- pdest := ScanLine[y];
- for x := 0 to TFPCustomImage(Source).Width-1 do
- begin
- pdest^ := FPColorToBGRA(TFPCustomImage(Source).Colors[x,y]);
- inc(pdest);
- end;
- end;
- end else
- inherited Assign(Source);
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.Assign(Source: TBitmap; AUseTransparent: boolean);
- transpColor: TBGRAPixel;
- Assign(Source);
- if AUseTransparent and TBitmap(Source).Transparent then
- begin
- if TBitmap(Source).TransparentMode = tmFixed then
- transpColor := ColorToBGRA(TBitmap(Source).TransparentColor)
- else
- transpColor := GetPixel(0,Height-1);
- ReplaceColor(transpColor, BGRAPixelTransparent);
- end;
-{------------------------- Clipping -------------------------------}
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.InternalGetPixelCycle256(ix, iy: int32or64; iFactX,
- iFactY: int32or64): TBGRAPixel;
- ixMod2: int32or64;
- pUpLeft, pUpRight, pDownLeft, pDownRight: PBGRAPixel;
- scan: PBGRAPixel;
- scan := GetScanlineFast(iy);
- pUpLeft := (scan + ix);
- ixMod2 := ix+1;
- if ixMod2=Width then ixMod2 := 0;
- pUpRight := (scan + ixMod2);
- Inc(iy);
- if iy = Height then iy := 0;
- scan := GetScanlineFast(iy);
- pDownLeft := (scan + ix);
- pDownRight := (scan + ixMod2);
- InterpolateBilinear(pUpLeft, pUpRight, pDownLeft,
- pDownRight, iFactX, iFactY, @result);
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.InternalGetPixel256(ix, iy: int32or64; iFactX,
- iFactY: int32or64; smoothBorder: boolean): TBGRAPixel;
- pUpLeft, pUpRight, pDownLeft, pDownRight: PBGRAPixel;
- scan: PBGRAPixel;
- if (iy >= 0) and (iy < FHeight) then
- begin
- scan := GetScanlineFast(iy);
- if (ix >= 0) and (ix < FWidth) then
- pUpLeft := scan+ix
- else if smoothBorder then
- pUpLeft := @BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- pUpLeft := nil;
- if (ix+1 >= 0) and (ix+1 < FWidth) then
- pUpRight := scan+(ix+1)
- else if smoothBorder then
- pUpRight := @BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- pUpRight := nil;
- end else
- if smoothBorder then
- begin
- pUpLeft := @BGRAPixelTransparent;
- pUpRight := @BGRAPixelTransparent;
- end else
- begin
- pUpLeft := nil;
- pUpRight := nil;
- end;
- if (iy+1 >= 0) and (iy+1 < FHeight) then
- begin
- scan := GetScanlineFast(iy+1);
- if (ix >= 0) and (ix < FWidth) then
- pDownLeft := scan+ix
- else if smoothBorder then
- pDownLeft := @BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- pDownLeft := nil;
- if (ix+1 >= 0) and (ix+1 < FWidth) then
- pDownRight := scan+(ix+1)
- else if smoothBorder then
- pDownRight := @BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- pDownRight := nil;
- end else
- if smoothBorder then
- begin
- pDownLeft := @BGRAPixelTransparent;
- pDownRight := @BGRAPixelTransparent;
- end else
- begin
- pDownLeft := nil;
- pDownRight := nil;
- end;
- InterpolateBilinear(pUpLeft, pUpRight, pDownLeft,
- pDownRight, iFactX, iFactY, @result);
-{-------------------------- Pixel functions -----------------------------------}
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.XorPixel(x, y: int32or64; const c: TBGRAPixel);
- p : PLongWord;
- if not PtInClipRect(x,y) then exit;
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- p := PLongWord(GetScanlineFast(y) +x);
- p^ := p^ xor LongWord(c);
- InvalidateBitmap;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.SetPixel(x, y: int32or64; c: TColor);
- p: PBGRAPixel;
- if not PtInClipRect(x,y) then exit;
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- p := GetScanlineFast(y) + x;
- RedGreenBlue(c, p^.red,p^.green,p^.blue);
- p^.alpha := 255;
- InvalidateBitmap;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.DrawPixel(x, y: int32or64; const c: TBGRAPixel);
- if not PtInClipRect(x,y) then exit;
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(GetScanlineFast(y) + x, c);
- InvalidateBitmap;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FastBlendPixel(x, y: int32or64; const c: TBGRAPixel);
- if not PtInClipRect(x,y) then exit;
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- FastBlendPixelInline(GetScanlineFast(y) + x, c);
- InvalidateBitmap;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.ErasePixel(x, y: int32or64; alpha: byte);
- if not PtInClipRect(x,y) then exit;
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- ErasePixelInline(GetScanlineFast(y) + x, alpha);
- InvalidateBitmap;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.AlphaPixel(x, y: int32or64; alpha: byte);
- if not PtInClipRect(x,y) then exit;
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- if alpha = 0 then
- (GetScanlineFast(y) +x)^ := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- (GetScanlineFast(y) +x)^.alpha := alpha;
- InvalidateBitmap;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetPixel256(x, y, fracX256, fracY256: int32or64;
- AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter; smoothBorder: boolean = true): TBGRAPixel;
- if (fracX256 = 0) and (fracY256 = 0) then
- result := GetPixel(x,y)
- else if AResampleFilter = rfBox then
- begin
- if fracX256 >= 128 then inc(x);
- if fracY256 >= 128 then inc(y);
- result := GetPixel(x,y);
- end else
- begin
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- result := InternalGetPixel256(x,y,FineInterpolation256(fracX256,AResampleFilter),FineInterpolation256(fracY256,AResampleFilter),smoothBorder);
- end;
-{$hints off}
-{ This function compute an interpolated pixel at floating point coordinates }
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetPixel(x, y: single; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter = rfLinear; smoothBorder: boolean = true): TBGRAPixel;
- ix, iy: Int32or64;
- iFactX,iFactY: Int32or64;
- ix := round(x*256);
- if (ix<= -256) or (ix>=Width shl 8) then
- begin
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- exit;
- end;
- iy := round(y*256);
- if (iy<= -256) or (iy>=Height shl 8) then
- begin
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- exit;
- end;
- iFactX := ix and 255; //distance from integer coordinate
- iFactY := iy and 255;
- if ix<0 then ix := -1 else ix := ix shr 8;
- if iy<0 then iy := -1 else iy := iy shr 8;
- //if the coordinate is integer, then call standard GetPixel function
- if (iFactX = 0) and (iFactY = 0) then
- begin
- Result := (GetScanlineFast(iy)+ix)^;
- exit;
- end;
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- result := InternalGetPixel256(ix,iy,FineInterpolation256(iFactX,AResampleFilter),FineInterpolation256(iFactY,AResampleFilter),smoothBorder);
-{ Same as GetPixel(single,single,TResampleFilter) but with coordinate cycle, supposing the image repeats itself in both directions }
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetPixelCycle(x, y: single; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter = rfLinear): TBGRAPixel;
- ix, iy: Int32or64;
- iFactX,iFactY: Int32or64;
- if FNbPixels = 0 then
- begin
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- exit;
- end;
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- ix := round(x*256);
- iy := round(y*256);
- iFactX := ix and 255;
- iFactY := iy and 255;
- ix := PositiveMod(ix, FWidth shl 8) shr 8;
- iy := PositiveMod(iy, FHeight shl 8) shr 8;
- if (iFactX = 0) and (iFactY = 0) then
- begin
- result := (GetScanlineFast(iy)+ix)^;
- exit;
- end;
- if ScanInterpolationFilter <> rfLinear then
- begin
- iFactX := FineInterpolation256( iFactX, ScanInterpolationFilter );
- iFactY := FineInterpolation256( iFactY, ScanInterpolationFilter );
- end;
- result := InternalGetPixelCycle256(ix,iy, iFactX,iFactY);
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetPixelCycle(x, y: single;
- AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter; repeatX: boolean; repeatY: boolean
- ): TBGRAPixel;
- ix, iy: Int32or64;
- iFactX,iFactY: Int32or64;
- if FNbPixels = 0 then
- begin
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- exit;
- end;
- ix := round(x*256);
- iy := round(y*256);
- iFactX := ix and 255;
- iFactY := iy and 255;
- if ix < 0 then ix := -((iFactX-ix) shr 8)
- else ix := ix shr 8;
- if iy < 0 then iy := -((iFactY-iy) shr 8)
- else iy := iy shr 8;
- result := GetPixelCycle256(ix,iy,iFactX,iFactY,AResampleFilter,repeatX,repeatY);
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetPixelCycle256(x, y, fracX256,
- fracY256: int32or64; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter): TBGRAPixel;
- if (fracX256 = 0) and (fracY256 = 0) then
- result := GetPixelCycle(x,y)
- else if AResampleFilter = rfBox then
- begin
- if fracX256 >= 128 then inc(x);
- if fracY256 >= 128 then inc(y);
- result := GetPixelCycle(x,y);
- end else
- begin
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- result := InternalGetPixelCycle256(PositiveMod(x,FWidth),PositiveMod(y,FHeight),FineInterpolation256(fracX256,AResampleFilter),FineInterpolation256(fracY256,AResampleFilter));
- end;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetPixelCycle256(x, y, fracX256,
- fracY256: int32or64; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter; repeatX: boolean;
- repeatY: boolean): TBGRAPixel;
- if not repeatX and not repeatY then
- result := GetPixel256(x,y,fracX256,fracY256,AResampleFilter)
- else if repeatX and repeatY then
- result := GetPixelCycle256(x,y,fracX256,fracY256,AResampleFilter)
- else
- begin
- if not repeatX then
- begin
- if x < 0 then
- begin
- if x < -1 then
- begin
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- exit;
- end;
- result := GetPixelCycle256(0,y,0,fracY256,AResampleFilter);
- result.alpha:= result.alpha*fracX256 shr 8;
- if result.alpha = 0 then
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- exit;
- end;
- if x >= FWidth-1 then
- begin
- if x >= FWidth then
- begin
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- exit;
- end;
- result := GetPixelCycle256(FWidth-1,y,0,fracY256,AResampleFilter);
- result.alpha:= result.alpha*(256-fracX256) shr 8;
- if result.alpha = 0 then
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- exit;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- if y < 0 then
- begin
- if y < -1 then
- begin
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- exit;
- end;
- result := GetPixelCycle256(x,0,fracX256,0,AResampleFilter);
- result.alpha:= result.alpha*fracY256 shr 8;
- if result.alpha = 0 then
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- exit;
- end;
- if y >= FHeight-1 then
- begin
- if y >= FHeight then
- begin
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- exit;
- end;
- result := GetPixelCycle256(x,FHeight-1,fracX256,0,AResampleFilter);
- result.alpha:= result.alpha*(256-fracY256) shr 8;
- if result.alpha = 0 then
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- result := GetPixelCycle256(x,y,fracX256,fracY256,AResampleFilter);
- end;
-{$hints on}
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.InvalidateBitmap;
- FDataModified := True;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetBitmap: TBitmap;
- if FAlphaCorrectionNeeded then
- begin
- if CanvasAlphaCorrection then
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded
- else
- FAlphaCorrectionNeeded := false;
- end;
- if FDataModified or (FBitmap = nil) then
- begin
- RebuildBitmap;
- FBitmapModified := false;
- FAlphaCorrectionNeeded:= false;
- FDataModified := False;
- end;
- Result := FBitmap;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetCanvas: TCanvas;
- if FDataModified or (FBitmap = nil) then
- begin
- RebuildBitmap;
- FBitmapModified := false;
- FAlphaCorrectionNeeded:= false;
- FDataModified := False;
- end;
- Result := FBitmap.Canvas;
-{$IFDEF BGRABITMAP_USE_FPCANVAS}function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetCanvasFP: TFPImageCanvas;
- {$warnings off}
- if FCanvasFP = nil then
- FCanvasFP := TFPImageCanvas.Create(self);
- {$warnings on}
- result := FCanvasFP;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.SetCanvasDrawModeFP(const AValue: TDrawMode);
- FCanvasDrawModeFP := AValue;
- Case AValue of
- dmLinearBlend: FCanvasPixelProcFP := @FastBlendPixel;
- dmDrawWithTransparency: FCanvasPixelProcFP := @DrawPixel;
- dmXor: FCanvasPixelProcFP:= @XorPixel;
- else FCanvasPixelProcFP := @SetPixel;
- end;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetCanvasDrawModeFP: TDrawMode;
- Result:= FCanvasDrawModeFP;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- if FBitmapModified then
- begin
- DoLoadFromBitmap;
- DiscardBitmapChange;
- end;
- if FAlphaCorrectionNeeded then
- begin
- DoAlphaCorrection;
- end;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.CrossFade(ARect: TRect; Source1, Source2: IBGRAScanner; AFadePosition: byte; mode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency);
- if AFadePosition = 0 then
- FillRect(ARect, Source1, mode) else
- if AFadePosition = 255 then
- FillRect(ARect, Source2, mode) else
- InternalCrossFade(ARect, Source1,Source2, AFadePosition,nil, mode);
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.CrossFade(ARect: TRect; Source1, Source2: IBGRAScanner; AFadeMask: IBGRAScanner; mode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency);
- InternalCrossFade(ARect, Source1,Source2, 0,AFadeMask, mode);
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.DiscardBitmapChange; inline;
- FBitmapModified := False;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.NotifyBitmapChange;
- FBitmapModified := True;
- FAlphaCorrectionNeeded := true;
-{ Initialize properties }
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.Init;
- inherited Init;
- FBitmap := nil;
- FCanvasBGRA := nil;
- CanvasDrawModeFP := dmDrawWithTransparency;
- FCanvasOpacity := 255;
- FAlphaCorrectionNeeded := False;
- FontName := 'Arial';
- FontStyle := [];
- FontAntialias := False;
- FontVerticalAnchor:= fvaTop;
- FFontHeight := 20;
- ResampleFilter := rfHalfCosine;
- ScanInterpolationFilter := rfLinear;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.SetInternalColor(x, y: integer; const Value: TFPColor);
- FCanvasPixelProcFP(x,y, FPColorToBGRA(Value));
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetInternalColor(x, y: integer): TFPColor;
- if (x < 0) or (y < 0) or (x >= Width) or (y >= Height) then
- result := colTransparent
- else
- begin
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- result := BGRAToFPColor((Scanline[y] + x)^);
- end;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.SetInternalPixel(x, y: integer; Value: integer);
- c: TFPColor;
- if not PtInClipRect(x,y) then exit;
- c := Palette.Color[Value];
- (Scanline[y] + x)^ := FPColorToBGRA(c);
- InvalidateBitmap;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetInternalPixel(x, y: integer): integer;
- c: TFPColor;
- if (x < 0) or (y < 0) or (x >= Width) or (y >= Height) then
- result := 0
- else
- begin
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- c := BGRAToFPColor((Scanline[y] + x)^);
- Result := palette.IndexOf(c);
- end;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; x, y: integer; Opaque: boolean);
- if (self = nil) or (Width = 0) or (Height = 0) then exit;
- if Opaque then
- DataDrawOpaque(ACanvas, Rect(X, Y, X + Width, Y + Height), Data,
- FLineOrder, FWidth, FHeight)
- else
- begin
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- if Empty then
- exit;
- ACanvas.Draw(X, Y, Bitmap);
- end;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect; Opaque: boolean);
- if (self = nil) or (Width = 0) or (Height = 0) then exit;
- if Opaque then
- DataDrawOpaque(ACanvas, Rect, Data, FLineOrder, FWidth, FHeight)
- else
- begin
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- ACanvas.StretchDraw(Rect, Bitmap);
- end;
-{---------------------------- Line primitives ---------------------------------}
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.XorHorizLine(x, y, x2: int32or64; c: TBGRAPixel);
- if not CheckHorizLineBounds(x,y,x2) then exit;
- XorInline(scanline[y] + x, c, x2 - x + 1);
- InvalidateBitmap;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.DrawHorizLine(x, y, x2: int32or64; ec: TExpandedPixel
- );
- if not CheckHorizLineBounds(x,y,x2) then exit;
- DrawExpandedPixelsInline(scanline[y] + x, ec, x2 - x + 1);
- InvalidateBitmap;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FastBlendHorizLine(x, y, x2: int32or64; c: TBGRAPixel);
- if not CheckHorizLineBounds(x,y,x2) then exit;
- FastBlendPixelsInline(scanline[y] + x, c, x2 - x + 1);
- InvalidateBitmap;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.AlphaHorizLine(x, y, x2: int32or64; alpha: byte);
- if alpha = 0 then
- begin
- SetHorizLine(x, y, x2, BGRAPixelTransparent);
- exit;
- end;
- if not CheckHorizLineBounds(x,y,x2) then exit;
- AlphaFillInline(scanline[y] + x, alpha, x2 - x + 1);
- InvalidateBitmap;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.XorVertLine(x, y, y2: int32or64; c: TBGRAPixel);
- n, delta: int32or64;
- p: PBGRAPixel;
- if not CheckVertLineBounds(x,y,y2) then exit;
- if LineOrder = riloTopToBottom then delta := Width else delta := -Width;
- p := scanline[y] + x;
- for n := y2 - y downto 0 do
- begin
- PLongWord(p)^ := PLongWord(p)^ xor LongWord(c);
- Inc(p, delta);
- end;
- InvalidateBitmap;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.DrawVertLine(x, y, y2: int32or64; c: TBGRAPixel);
- n, delta: int32or64;
- p: PBGRAPixel;
- if c.alpha = 255 then
- begin
- SetVertLine(x,y,y2,c);
- exit;
- end;
- if not CheckVertLineBounds(x,y,y2) or (c.alpha=0) then exit;
- p := scanline[y] + x;
- if LineOrder = riloTopToBottom then delta := Width else delta := -Width;
- for n := y2 - y downto 0 do
- begin
- DrawPixelInlineNoAlphaCheck(p, c);
- Inc(p, delta);
- end;
- InvalidateBitmap;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.AlphaVertLine(x, y, y2: int32or64; alpha: byte);
- n, delta: int32or64;
- p: PBGRAPixel;
- if alpha = 0 then
- begin
- SetVertLine(x, y, y2, BGRAPixelTransparent);
- exit;
- end;
- if not CheckVertLineBounds(x,y,y2) then exit;
- p := scanline[y] + x;
- if LineOrder = riloTopToBottom then delta := Width else delta := -Width;
- for n := y2 - y downto 0 do
- begin
- p^.alpha := alpha;
- Inc(p, delta);
- end;
- InvalidateBitmap;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FastBlendVertLine(x, y, y2: int32or64; c: TBGRAPixel);
- n, delta: int32or64;
- p: PBGRAPixel;
- if not CheckVertLineBounds(x,y,y2) then exit;
- p := scanline[y] + x;
- if LineOrder = riloTopToBottom then delta := Width else delta := -Width;
- for n := y2 - y downto 0 do
- begin
- FastBlendPixelInline(p, c);
- Inc(p, delta);
- end;
- InvalidateBitmap;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.DrawHorizLineDiff(x, y, x2: int32or64;
- c, compare: TBGRAPixel; maxDiff: byte);
- if not CheckHorizLineBounds(x,y,x2) then exit;
- DrawPixelsInlineDiff(scanline[y] + x, c, x2 - x + 1, compare, maxDiff);
- InvalidateBitmap;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.HorizLineDiff(x, y, x2: int32or64;
- const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; ACompare: TBGRAPixel; AMaxDiffW: word);
- pScan: PBGRAPixel;
- ctx: TUniBrushContext;
- sameCount, remain: Int32or64;
- startAlpha, nextAlpha: Word;
- compExpand: TExpandedPixel;
- if ABrush.Colorspace <> Colorspace then RaiseInvalidBrushColorspace;
- if not CheckHorizLineBounds(x,y,x2) then exit;
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- pScan := PBGRAPixel(GetPixelAddress(x,y));
- ABrush.MoveTo(@ctx, pScan,x,y);
- remain := x2-x+1;
- compExpand := ACompare.ToExpanded;
- if pScan^ = ACompare then nextAlpha := 65535
- else nextAlpha := (65535 * (AMaxDiffW + 1 - ExpandedDiff(GammaExpansion(pScan^), compExpand)) + (AMaxDiffW + 1) shr 1) div (AMaxDiffW + 1);
- inc(pScan);
- while remain > 0 do
- begin
- startAlpha := nextAlpha;
- sameCount := 1;
- dec(remain);
- while remain > 0 do
- begin
- if pScan^ = ACompare then nextAlpha := 65535
- else nextAlpha := (65535 * (AMaxDiffW + 1 - ExpandedDiff(GammaExpansion(pScan^), compExpand)) + (AMaxDiffW + 1) shr 1) div (AMaxDiffW + 1);
- inc(pScan);
- if nextAlpha = startAlpha then
- begin
- inc(sameCount);
- dec(remain);
- end else break;
- end;
- ABrush.PutNextPixels(@ctx, startAlpha, sameCount);
- end;
- InvalidateBitmap;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.InternalTextOutCurved(
- ACursor: TBGRACustomPathCursor; sUTF8: string; AColor: TBGRAPixel;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AAlign: TAlignment; ALetterSpacing: single);
- glyphCursor: TGlyphCursorUtf8;
- currentGlyph: TGlyphUtf8;
- currentGlyphUtf8: string;
- currentGlyphWidth: single;
- angle, textLen: single;
- procedure NextGlyph;
- begin
- currentGlyph := glyphCursor.GetNextGlyph;
- if currentGlyph.MirroredGlyphUtf8 <> '' then
- currentGlyphUtf8:= currentGlyph.MirroredGlyphUtf8
- else currentGlyphUtf8 := currentGlyph.GlyphUtf8;
- currentGlyphWidth := TextSize(currentGlyphUtf8).cx;
- end;
- if (ATexture = nil) and (AColor.alpha = 0) then exit;
- sUTF8 := CleanTextOutString(sUTF8);
- if sUTF8 = '' then exit;
- glyphCursor := TGlyphCursorUtf8.New(sUTF8, FontBidiMode);
- if AAlign<> taLeftJustify then
- begin
- textLen := -ALetterSpacing;
- while not glyphCursor.EndOfString do
- begin
- NextGlyph;
- IncF(textLen, ALetterSpacing + currentGlyphWidth);
- end;
- case AAlign of
- taCenter: ACursor.MoveBackward(textLen*0.5);
- taRightJustify: ACursor.MoveBackward(textLen);
- end;
- glyphCursor.Rewind;
- end;
- while not glyphCursor.EndOfString do
- begin
- NextGlyph;
- ACursor.MoveForward(currentGlyphWidth);
- ACursor.MoveBackward(currentGlyphWidth, false);
- ACursor.MoveForward(currentGlyphWidth*0.5);
- with ACursor.CurrentTangent do angle := arctan2(y,x);
- with ACursor.CurrentCoordinate do
- begin
- if ATexture = nil then
- TextOutAngle(x,y, system.round(-angle*1800/Pi), currentGlyphUtf8, AColor, taCenter)
- else
- TextOutAngle(x,y, system.round(-angle*1800/Pi), currentGlyphUtf8, ATexture, taCenter);
- end;
- ACursor.MoveForward(currentGlyphWidth*0.5 + ALetterSpacing);
- end;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.InternalTextOutLetterSpacing(x, y: single;
- sUTF8: string; AColor: TBGRAPixel; ATexture: IBGRAScanner;
- AAlign: TAlignment; ALetterSpacing: single);
- glyphCursor: TGlyphCursorUtf8;
- currentGlyph: TGlyphUtf8;
- currentGlyphUtf8: string;
- currentGlyphWidth: single;
- angle, textLen: single;
- m: TAffineMatrix;
- ofs: TPointF;
- procedure NextGlyph;
- begin
- currentGlyph := glyphCursor.GetNextGlyph;
- if currentGlyph.MirroredGlyphUtf8 <> '' then
- currentGlyphUtf8:= currentGlyph.MirroredGlyphUtf8
- else currentGlyphUtf8 := currentGlyph.GlyphUtf8;
- currentGlyphWidth := TextSize(currentGlyphUtf8).cx;
- end;
- if (ATexture = nil) and (AColor.alpha = 0) then exit;
- sUTF8 := CleanTextOutString(sUTF8);
- if sUTF8 = '' then exit;
- glyphCursor := TGlyphCursorUtf8.New(sUTF8, FontBidiMode);
- ofs := PointF(0, 0);
- if AAlign<> taLeftJustify then
- begin
- textLen := -ALetterSpacing;
- while not glyphCursor.EndOfString do
- begin
- NextGlyph;
- IncF(textLen, ALetterSpacing + currentGlyphWidth);
- end;
- case AAlign of
- taCenter: DecF(ofs.x, 0.5*textLen);
- taRightJustify: DecF(ofs.x, textLen);
- end;
- glyphCursor.Rewind;
- end;
- m := AffineMatrixRotationDeg(-FontOrientation*0.1);
- ofs := m*ofs;
- incF(x, ofs.x);
- incF(y, ofs.y);
- while not glyphCursor.EndOfString do
- begin
- NextGlyph;
- if ATexture = nil then
- TextOut(x,y, currentGlyphUtf8, AColor, taLeftJustify, currentGlyph.RightToLeft)
- else
- TextOut(x,y, currentGlyphUtf8, ATexture, taLeftJustify, currentGlyph.RightToLeft);
- ofs := m*PointF(currentGlyphWidth + ALetterSpacing, 0);
- incF(x, ofs.x);
- incF(y, ofs.y);
- end;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.InternalCrossFade(ARect: TRect; Source1,
- Source2: IBGRAScanner; AFadePos: byte; AFadeMask: IBGRAScanner; mode: TDrawMode);
-var xb,yb: Int32or64;
- pdest: PBGRAPixel;
- c: TBGRAPixel;
- buf1,buf2: ArrayOfTBGRAPixel;
- ARect.Intersect(ClipRect);
- if ARect.IsEmpty then exit;
- setlength(buf1, ARect.Width);
- setlength(buf2, ARect.Width);
- for yb := ARect.top to ARect.Bottom-1 do
- begin
- pdest := GetScanlineFast(yb)+ARect.Left;
- Source1.ScanMoveTo(ARect.left, yb);
- Source1.ScanPutPixels(@buf1[0], length(buf1), dmSet);
- Source2.ScanMoveTo(ARect.left, yb);
- Source2.ScanPutPixels(@buf2[0], length(buf2), dmSet);
- if AFadeMask<>nil then AFadeMask.ScanMoveTo(ARect.left, yb);
- for xb := 0 to ARect.Right-ARect.left-1 do
- begin
- if AFadeMask<>nil then AFadePos := AFadeMask.ScanNextPixel.green;
- c := MergeBGRAWithGammaCorrection(buf1[xb],not AFadePos,buf2[xb],AFadePos);
- case mode of
- dmSet: pdest^ := c;
- dmDrawWithTransparency: DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, c);
- dmLinearBlend: FastBlendPixelInline(pdest,c);
- dmSetExceptTransparent: if c.alpha = 255 then pdest^ := c;
- end;
- inc(pdest);
- end;
- end;
- InvalidateBitmap;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.InternalArc(cx, cy, rx, ry: single; StartAngleRad,
- EndAngleRad: Single; ABorderColor: TBGRAPixel; w: single; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel; AOptions: TArcOptions;
- ADrawChord: boolean; ATexture: IBGRAScanner);
- pts, ptsFill: array of TPointF;
- temp: single;
- multi: TBGRAMultishapeFiller;
- if (rx = 0) or (ry = 0) then exit;
- if ADrawChord then AOptions := AOptions+[aoClosePath];
- if not (aoFillPath in AOptions) then
- AFillColor := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- if (ABorderColor.alpha = 0) and (AFillColor.alpha = 0) then exit;
- if (abs(StartAngleRad-EndAngleRad) >= 2*PI - 1e-6) or (StartAngleRad = EndAngleRad) then
- begin
- if (aoPie in AOptions) or ((PenStyle <> psSolid) and (PenStyle <> psClear)) then
- EndAngleRad:= StartAngleRad+2*PI
- else
- begin
- EllipseAntialias(cx,cy,rx,ry,ABorderColor,w,AFillColor);
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- if EndAngleRad < StartAngleRad then
- begin
- temp := StartAngleRad;
- StartAngleRad:= EndAngleRad;
- EndAngleRad:= temp;
- end;
- pts := ComputeArcRad(cx,cy,rx,ry,StartAngleRad,EndAngleRad);
- if aoPie in AOptions then pts := ConcatPointsF([PointsF([PointF(cx,cy)]),pts]);
- multi := TBGRAMultishapeFiller.Create;
- multi.FillMode := fmWinding;
- multi.PolygonOrder := poLastOnTop;
- if AFillColor.alpha <> 0 then
- begin
- if not (aoPie in AOptions) and (length(pts)>=2) then ptsFill := ConcatPointsF([PointsF([(pts[0]+pts[high(pts)])*0.5]),pts])
- else ptsFill := pts;
- if ATexture <> nil then
- multi.AddPolygon(ptsFill, ATexture)
- else
- multi.AddPolygon(ptsFill, AFillColor);
- end;
- if ABorderColor.alpha <> 0 then
- begin
- if [aoPie,aoClosePath]*AOptions <> [] then
- multi.AddPolygon(ComputeWidePolygon(pts,w), ABorderColor)
- else
- multi.AddPolygon(ComputeWidePolyline(pts,w), ABorderColor);
- end;
- multi.Antialiasing := true;
- multi.Draw(self);
- multi.Free;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.InternalNew: TBGRADefaultBitmap;
- BGRAClass: TBGRABitmapAny;
- BGRAClass := TBGRABitmapAny(self.ClassType);
- if BGRAClass = TBGRAPtrBitmap then
- BGRAClass := TBGRADefaultBitmap;
- Result := BGRAClass.Create(0, 0) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
-class function TBGRADefaultBitmap.IsAffineRoughlyTranslation(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; ASourceBounds: TRect): boolean;
-const oneOver512 = 1/512;
-var Orig,HAxis,VAxis: TPointF;
- Orig := AMatrix*PointF(ASourceBounds.Left,ASourceBounds.Top);
- if (abs(Orig.x-round(Orig.x)) > oneOver512) or
- (abs(Orig.y-round(Orig.y)) > oneOver512) then
- begin
- result := false;
- exit;
- end;
- HAxis := AMatrix*PointF(ASourceBounds.Right-1,ASourceBounds.Top);
- if (abs(HAxis.x - (round(Orig.x)+ASourceBounds.Right-1 - ASourceBounds.Left)) > oneOver512) or
- (abs(HAxis.y - round(Orig.y)) > oneOver512) then
- begin
- result := false;
- exit;
- end;
- VAxis := AMatrix*PointF(ASourceBounds.Left,ASourceBounds.Bottom-1);
- if (abs(VAxis.y - (round(Orig.y)+ASourceBounds.Bottom-1 - ASourceBounds.Top)) > oneOver512) or
- (abs(VAxis.x - round(Orig.x)) > oneOver512) then
- begin
- result := false;
- exit;
- end;
- result := true;
-{---------------------------- Lines ---------------------------------}
-{ Call appropriate functions }
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.DrawPolyLineAntialias(
- const points: array of TPointF; c: TBGRAPixel; w: single;
- fillcolor: TBGRAPixel);
-var multi: TBGRAMultishapeFiller;
- multi := TBGRAMultishapeFiller.Create;
- multi.PolygonOrder := poLastOnTop;
- multi.AddPolygon(points,fillcolor);
- multi.AddPolygon(ComputeWidePolyline(points,w),c);
- if LinearAntialiasing then
- multi.Draw(self,dmLinearBlend)
- else
- multi.Draw(self,dmDrawWithTransparency);
- multi.Free;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.DrawPolygonAntialias(
- const points: array of TPointF; c: TBGRAPixel; w: single;
- fillcolor: TBGRAPixel);
-var multi: TBGRAMultishapeFiller;
- multi := TBGRAMultishapeFiller.Create;
- multi.PolygonOrder := poLastOnTop;
- multi.AddPolygon(points,fillcolor);
- multi.AddPolygon(ComputeWidePolygon(points,w),c);
- if LinearAntialiasing then
- multi.Draw(self,dmLinearBlend)
- else
- multi.Draw(self,dmDrawWithTransparency);
- multi.Free;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.DrawPath(APath: IBGRAPath; AMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- AStrokeColor: TBGRAPixel; AWidth: single; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel);
-var tempPath: TBGRAPath;
- multi: TBGRAMultishapeFiller;
- tempPath := TBGRAPath.Create(APath);
- multi := TBGRAMultishapeFiller.Create;
- multi.FillMode := FillMode;
- multi.PolygonOrder := poLastOnTop;
- multi.AddPathFill(tempPath,AMatrix,AFillColor);
- multi.AddPathStroke(tempPath,AMatrix,AStrokeColor,AWidth,GetInternalPen);
- multi.Draw(self);
- multi.Free;
- tempPath.Free;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.DrawPath(APath: IBGRAPath; AMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- AStrokeTexture: IBGRAScanner; AWidth: single; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel);
-var tempPath: TBGRAPath;
- multi: TBGRAMultishapeFiller;
- tempPath := TBGRAPath.Create(APath);
- multi := TBGRAMultishapeFiller.Create;
- multi.FillMode := FillMode;
- multi.PolygonOrder := poLastOnTop;
- multi.AddPathFill(tempPath,AMatrix,AFillColor);
- multi.AddPathStroke(tempPath,AMatrix,AStrokeTexture,AWidth,GetInternalPen);
- multi.Draw(self);
- multi.Free;
- tempPath.Free;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.DrawPath(APath: IBGRAPath; AMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- AStrokeColor: TBGRAPixel; AWidth: single; AFillTexture: IBGRAScanner);
-var tempPath: TBGRAPath;
- multi: TBGRAMultishapeFiller;
- tempPath := TBGRAPath.Create(APath);
- multi := TBGRAMultishapeFiller.Create;
- multi.FillMode := FillMode;
- multi.PolygonOrder := poLastOnTop;
- multi.AddPathFill(tempPath,AMatrix,AFillTexture);
- multi.AddPathStroke(tempPath,AMatrix,AStrokeColor,AWidth,GetInternalPen);
- multi.Draw(self);
- multi.Free;
- tempPath.Free;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.DrawPath(APath: IBGRAPath; AMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- AStrokeTexture: IBGRAScanner; AWidth: single; AFillTexture: IBGRAScanner);
- tempPath: TBGRAPath;
- multi: TBGRAMultishapeFiller;
- tempPath := TBGRAPath.Create(APath);
- multi := TBGRAMultishapeFiller.Create;
- multi.FillMode := FillMode;
- multi.PolygonOrder := poLastOnTop;
- multi.AddPathFill(tempPath,AMatrix,AFillTexture);
- multi.AddPathStroke(tempPath,AMatrix,AStrokeTexture,AWidth,GetInternalPen);
- multi.Draw(self);
- multi.Free;
- tempPath.Free;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.ArrowStartAsNone;
- GetArrow.StartAsNone;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.ArrowStartAsClassic(AFlipped: boolean;
- ACut: boolean; ARelativePenWidth: single);
- GetArrow.StartAsClassic(AFlipped,ACut,ARelativePenWidth);
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.ArrowStartAsTriangle(ABackOffset: single;
- ARounded: boolean; AHollow: boolean; AHollowPenWidth: single);
- GetArrow.StartAsTriangle(ABackOffset,ARounded,AHollow,AHollowPenWidth);
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.ArrowStartAsTail;
- GetArrow.StartAsTail;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.ArrowEndAsNone;
- GetArrow.EndAsNone;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.ArrowEndAsClassic(AFlipped: boolean;
- ACut: boolean; ARelativePenWidth: single);
- GetArrow.EndAsClassic(AFlipped,ACut,ARelativePenWidth);
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.ArrowEndAsTriangle(ABackOffset: single;
- ARounded: boolean; AHollow: boolean; AHollowPenWidth: single);
- GetArrow.EndAsTriangle(ABackOffset,ARounded,AHollow,AHollowPenWidth);
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.ArrowEndAsTail;
- GetArrow.EndAsTail;
-{------------------------ Shapes ----------------------------------------------}
-{ Call appropriate functions }
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillTriangleLinearColor(pt1, pt2, pt3: TPointF;
- c1, c2, c3: TBGRAPixel);
- FillPolyLinearColor([pt1,pt2,pt3],[c1,c2,c3]);
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillTriangleLinearColorAntialias(pt1, pt2,
- pt3: TPointF; c1, c2, c3: TBGRAPixel);
- grad: TBGRAGradientTriangleScanner;
- grad := TBGRAGradientTriangleScanner.Create(pt1,pt2,pt3, c1,c2,c3);
- FillPolyAntialias([pt1,pt2,pt3],grad);
- grad.Free;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillTriangleLinearMapping(pt1, pt2, pt3: TPointF;
- texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3: TPointF; TextureInterpolation: Boolean= True);
- FillPolyLinearMapping([pt1,pt2,pt3],texture,[tex1,tex2,tex3],TextureInterpolation);
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillTriangleLinearMappingLightness(pt1, pt2,
- pt3: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3: TPointF; light1,
- light2, light3: word; TextureInterpolation: Boolean);
- FillPolyLinearMappingLightness([pt1,pt2,pt3],texture,[tex1,tex2,tex3],[light1,light2,light3],TextureInterpolation);
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillTriangleLinearMappingAntialias(pt1, pt2,
- pt3: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3: TPointF);
- mapping: TBGRATriangleLinearMapping;
- mapping := TBGRATriangleLinearMapping.Create(texture, pt1,pt2,pt3, tex1, tex2, tex3);
- FillPolyAntialias([pt1,pt2,pt3],mapping);
- mapping.Free;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillQuadLinearColor(pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4: TPointF;
- c1, c2, c3, c4: TBGRAPixel);
- center: TPointF;
- centerColor: TBGRAPixel;
- multi: TBGRAMultishapeFiller;
- if not IsConvex([pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4]) then //need to merge colors
- begin
- multi := TBGRAMultishapeFiller.Create;
- multi.AddQuadLinearColor(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4,c1,c2,c3,c4);
- multi.Antialiasing:= false;
- multi.Draw(self);
- multi.Free;
- exit;
- end;
- center := (pt1+pt2+pt3+pt4)*(1/4);
- centerColor := GammaCompression( MergeBGRA(MergeBGRA(GammaExpansion(c1),GammaExpansion(c2)),
- MergeBGRA(GammaExpansion(c3),GammaExpansion(c4))) );
- FillTriangleLinearColor(pt1,pt2,center, c1,c2,centerColor);
- FillTriangleLinearColor(pt2,pt3,center, c2,c3,centerColor);
- FillTriangleLinearColor(pt3,pt4,center, c3,c4,centerColor);
- FillTriangleLinearColor(pt4,pt1,center, c4,c1,centerColor);
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillQuadLinearColorAntialias(pt1, pt2, pt3,
- pt4: TPointF; c1, c2, c3, c4: TBGRAPixel);
-var multi : TBGRAMultishapeFiller;
- multi := TBGRAMultishapeFiller.Create;
- multi.AddQuadLinearColor(pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4, c1, c2, c3, c4);
- multi.Draw(self);
- multi.free;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillQuadLinearMapping(pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4: TPointF;
- texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3, tex4: TPointF;
- TextureInterpolation: Boolean; ACulling: TFaceCulling; ACropToPolygon: boolean);
- scan: TBGRAQuadLinearScanner;
- r: TRect;
- if ((abs(pt1.y-pt2.y)<1e-6) and (abs(pt3.y-pt4.y)<1e-6)) or
- ((abs(pt3.y-pt2.y)<1e-6) and (abs(pt1.y-pt4.y)<1e-6)) then
- FillPolyLinearMapping([pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4], texture,
- [tex1,tex2,tex3,tex4], TextureInterpolation)
- else
- begin
- scan := TBGRAQuadLinearScanner.Create(texture,
- [tex1,tex2,tex3,tex4],
- [pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4],TextureInterpolation);
- scan.Culling := ACulling;
- if ACropToPolygon then
- begin
- scan.Padding := true;
- FillPoly([pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4],scan,dmDrawWithTransparency);
- end
- else
- begin
- r := RectWithSize(floor(pt1.x),floor(pt1.y),1,1);
- r.Union( RectWithSize(floor(pt2.x),floor(pt2.y),1,1) );
- r.Union( RectWithSize(floor(pt3.x),floor(pt3.y),1,1) );
- r.Union( RectWithSize(floor(pt4.x),floor(pt4.y),1,1) );
- FillRect(r,scan,dmDrawWithTransparency);
- end;
- scan.Free;
- end;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillQuadLinearMappingLightness(pt1, pt2, pt3,
- pt4: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3, tex4: TPointF; light1,
- light2, light3, light4: word; TextureInterpolation: Boolean);
- center: TPointF;
- centerTex: TPointF;
- centerLight: word;
- center := (pt1+pt2+pt3+pt4)*(1/4);
- centerTex := (tex1+tex2+tex3+tex4)*(1/4);
- centerLight := (light1+light2+light3+light4) div 4;
- FillTriangleLinearMappingLightness(pt1,pt2,center, texture,tex1,tex2,centerTex, light1,light2,centerLight, TextureInterpolation);
- FillTriangleLinearMappingLightness(pt2,pt3,center, texture,tex2,tex3,centerTex, light2,light3,centerLight, TextureInterpolation);
- FillTriangleLinearMappingLightness(pt3,pt4,center, texture,tex3,tex4,centerTex, light3,light4,centerLight, TextureInterpolation);
- FillTriangleLinearMappingLightness(pt4,pt1,center, texture,tex4,tex1,centerTex, light4,light1,centerLight, TextureInterpolation);
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillQuadLinearMappingAntialias(pt1, pt2, pt3,
- pt4: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3, tex4: TPointF;
- ACulling: TFaceCulling);
-var multi : TBGRAMultishapeFiller;
- multi := TBGRAMultishapeFiller.Create;
- multi.AddQuadLinearMapping(pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4, texture, tex1,tex2,tex3,tex4, ACulling);
- multi.Draw(self);
- multi.free;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillQuadPerspectiveMapping(pt1, pt2, pt3,
- pt4: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3, tex4: TPointF;
- ADrawMode: TDrawMode);
- persp: TBGRAPerspectiveScannerTransform;
- persp := TBGRAPerspectiveScannerTransform.Create(texture,[tex1,tex2,tex3,tex4],[pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4]);
- FillPoly([pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4],persp,ADrawMode);
- persp.Free;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillQuadPerspectiveMapping(pt1, pt2, pt3,
- pt4: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3, tex4: TPointF;
- ACleanBorders: TRect; ADrawMode: TDrawMode);
- persp: TBGRAPerspectiveScannerTransform;
- clean: TBGRAExtendedBorderScanner;
- clean := TBGRAExtendedBorderScanner.Create(texture,ACleanBorders);
- persp := TBGRAPerspectiveScannerTransform.Create(clean,[tex1,tex2,tex3,tex4],[pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4]);
- FillPoly([pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4],persp,ADrawMode);
- persp.Free;
- clean.Free;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillQuadPerspectiveMappingAntialias(pt1, pt2, pt3,
- pt4: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3, tex4: TPointF);
- persp: TBGRAPerspectiveScannerTransform;
- persp := TBGRAPerspectiveScannerTransform.Create(texture,[tex1,tex2,tex3,tex4],[pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4]);
- FillPolyAntialias([pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4],persp);
- persp.Free;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillQuadPerspectiveMappingAntialias(pt1, pt2, pt3,
- pt4: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3, tex4: TPointF;
- ACleanBorders: TRect);
- persp: TBGRAPerspectiveScannerTransform;
- clean: TBGRAExtendedBorderScanner;
- clean := TBGRAExtendedBorderScanner.Create(texture,ACleanBorders);
- persp := TBGRAPerspectiveScannerTransform.Create(clean,[tex1,tex2,tex3,tex4],[pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4]);
- FillPolyAntialias([pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4],persp);
- persp.Free;
- clean.Free;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillQuadAffineMapping(Orig, HAxis, VAxis: TPointF;
- AImage: TBGRACustomBitmap; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean; ADrawMode: TDrawMode; AOpacity: byte);
-var pts3: TPointF;
- affine: TBGRAAffineBitmapTransform;
- if not APixelCenteredCoordinates then
- begin
- Orig.Offset(-0.5,-0.5);
- HAxis.Offset(-0.5,-0.5);
- VAxis.Offset(-0.5,-0.5);
- end;
- pts3 := HAxis+(VAxis-Orig);
- affine := TBGRAAffineBitmapTransform.Create(AImage,False,AImage.ScanInterpolationFilter,not APixelCenteredCoordinates);
- affine.GlobalOpacity:= AOpacity;
- affine.Fit(Orig,HAxis,VAxis);
- FillPoly([Orig,HAxis,pts3,VAxis],affine,ADrawMode);
- affine.Free;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillQuadAffineMappingAntialias(Orig, HAxis,
- VAxis: TPointF; AImage: TBGRACustomBitmap; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean; AOpacity: byte);
-var pts3: TPointF;
- affine: TBGRAAffineBitmapTransform;
- if not APixelCenteredCoordinates then
- begin
- Orig.Offset(-0.5,-0.5);
- HAxis.Offset(-0.5,-0.5);
- VAxis.Offset(-0.5,-0.5);
- end;
- pts3 := HAxis+(VAxis-Orig);
- affine := TBGRAAffineBitmapTransform.Create(AImage,False,AImage.ScanInterpolationFilter,not APixelCenteredCoordinates);
- affine.GlobalOpacity:= AOpacity;
- affine.Fit(Orig,HAxis,VAxis);
- FillPolyAntialias([Orig,HAxis,pts3,VAxis],affine);
- affine.Free;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillPolyLinearMapping(const points: array of TPointF;
- texture: IBGRAScanner; texCoords: array of TPointF;
- TextureInterpolation: Boolean);
- PolygonLinearTextureMappingAliased(self,points,texture,texCoords,TextureInterpolation, FillMode = fmWinding);
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillPolyLinearMappingLightness(
- const points: array of TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner;
- texCoords: array of TPointF; lightnesses: array of word;
- TextureInterpolation: Boolean);
- PolygonLinearTextureMappingAliasedWithLightness(self,points,texture,texCoords,TextureInterpolation,lightnesses,FillMode = fmWinding);
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillPolyLinearColor(
- const points: array of TPointF; AColors: array of TBGRAPixel);
- PolygonLinearColorGradientAliased(self,points,AColors, FillMode = fmWinding);
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillPolyPerspectiveMapping(
- const points: array of TPointF; const pointsZ: array of single;
- texture: IBGRAScanner; texCoords: array of TPointF;
- TextureInterpolation: Boolean; zbuffer: psingle);
- PolygonPerspectiveTextureMappingAliased(self,points,pointsZ,texture,texCoords,TextureInterpolation, FillMode = fmWinding, zbuffer);
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillPolyPerspectiveMappingLightness(
- const points: array of TPointF; const pointsZ: array of single;
- texture: IBGRAScanner; texCoords: array of TPointF;
- lightnesses: array of word; TextureInterpolation: Boolean; zbuffer: psingle);
- PolygonPerspectiveTextureMappingAliasedWithLightness(self,points,pointsZ,texture,texCoords,TextureInterpolation,lightnesses, FillMode = fmWinding, zbuffer);
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.DrawPath(APath: IBGRAPath;
- AStrokeColor: TBGRAPixel; AWidth: single; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel);
- DrawPath(APath,AffineMatrixIdentity,AStrokeColor,AWidth,AFillColor);
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.DrawPath(APath: IBGRAPath;
- AStrokeTexture: IBGRAScanner; AWidth: single; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel);
- DrawPath(APath,AffineMatrixIdentity,AStrokeTexture,AWidth,AFillColor);
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.DrawPath(APath: IBGRAPath;
- AStrokeColor: TBGRAPixel; AWidth: single; AFillTexture: IBGRAScanner);
- DrawPath(APath,AffineMatrixIdentity,AStrokeColor,AWidth,AFillTexture);
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.DrawPath(APath: IBGRAPath;
- AStrokeTexture: IBGRAScanner; AWidth: single; AFillTexture: IBGRAScanner);
- DrawPath(APath,AffineMatrixIdentity,AStrokeTexture,AWidth,AFillTexture);
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.EllipseAntialias(x, y, rx, ry: single;
- c: TBGRAPixel; w: single; back: TBGRAPixel);
-var multi: TBGRAMultishapeFiller;
- hw: single;
- if (w=0) or (PenStyle = psClear) or (c.alpha = 0) then
- begin
- FillEllipseAntialias(x, y, rx, ry, back);
- exit;
- end;
- rx := abs(rx);
- ry := abs(ry);
- hw := w/2;
- if (rx <= hw) or (ry <= hw) then
- begin
- FillEllipseAntialias(x,y,rx+hw,ry+hw,c);
- exit;
- end;
- { use multishape filler for fine junction between polygons }
- multi := TBGRAMultishapeFiller.Create;
- if (PenStyle = psSolid) then
- begin
- if back.alpha <> 0 then multi.AddEllipse(x,y,rx-hw,ry-hw,back);
- multi.AddEllipseBorder(x,y,rx,ry,w,c)
- end
- else
- begin
- if back.alpha <> 0 then multi.AddEllipse(x,y,rx,ry,back);
- multi.AddPolygon(ComputeWidePolygon(ComputeEllipseContour(x,y,rx,ry),w),c);
- end;
- multi.PolygonOrder := poLastOnTop;
- multi.Draw(self);
- multi.Free;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.EllipseAntialias(AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis: TPointF;
- c: TBGRAPixel; w: single; back: TBGRAPixel);
-var multi: TBGRAMultishapeFiller;
- pts: ArrayOfTPointF;
- if (w=0) or (PenStyle = psClear) or (c.alpha = 0) then
- begin
- FillEllipseAntialias(AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis, back);
- exit;
- end;
- { use multishape filler for fine junction between polygons }
- multi := TBGRAMultishapeFiller.Create;
- pts := ComputeEllipseContour(AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis);
- if back.alpha <> 0 then multi.AddPolygon(pts, back);
- pts := ComputeWidePolygon(pts,w);
- multi.AddPolygon(pts,c);
- multi.PolygonOrder := poLastOnTop;
- multi.Draw(self);
- multi.Free;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillEllipseLinearColorAntialias(x, y, rx,
- ry: single; outercolor, innercolor: TBGRAPixel);
- grad: TBGRAGradientScanner;
- affine: TBGRAAffineScannerTransform;
- if (rx=0) or (ry=0) then exit;
- if rx=ry then
- begin
- grad := TBGRAGradientScanner.Create(innercolor,outercolor,gtRadial,PointF(x,y),PointF(x+rx,y),True);
- FillEllipseAntialias(x,y,rx,ry,grad);
- grad.Free;
- end else
- begin
- grad := TBGRAGradientScanner.Create(innercolor,outercolor,gtRadial,PointF(0,0),PointF(1,0),True);
- affine := TBGRAAffineScannerTransform.Create(grad);
- affine.Scale(rx,ry);
- affine.Translate(x,y);
- FillEllipseAntialias(x,y,rx,ry,affine);
- affine.Free;
- grad.Free;
- end;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillEllipseLinearColorAntialias(AOrigin, AXAxis,
- AYAxis: TPointF; outercolor, innercolor: TBGRAPixel);
- grad: TBGRAGradientScanner;
- affine: TBGRAAffineScannerTransform;
- grad := TBGRAGradientScanner.Create(innercolor,outercolor,gtRadial,PointF(0,0),PointF(1,0),True);
- affine := TBGRAAffineScannerTransform.Create(grad);
- affine.Fit(AOrigin,AXAxis,AYAxis);
- FillEllipseAntialias(AOrigin,AXAxis,AYAxis,affine);
- affine.Free;
- grad.Free;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.RectangleAntialias(x, y, x2, y2: single;
- c: TBGRAPixel; w: single; back: TBGRAPixel);
- bevel: single;
- multi: TBGRAMultishapeFiller;
- hw: single;
- if (PenStyle = psClear) or (c.alpha=0) or (w=0) then
- begin
- if back <> BGRAPixelTransparent then
- FillRectAntialias(x,y,x2,y2,back);
- exit;
- end;
- hw := w/2;
- if not CheckAntialiasRectBounds(x,y,x2,y2,w) then
- begin
- if JoinStyle = pjsBevel then
- begin
- bevel := (2-sqrt(2))*hw;
- FillRoundRectAntialias(x - hw, y - hw, x2 + hw, y2 + hw, bevel,bevel, c, [rrTopLeftBevel, rrTopRightBevel, rrBottomLeftBevel, rrBottomRightBevel]);
- end else
- if JoinStyle = pjsRound then
- FillRoundRectAntialias(x - hw, y - hw, x2 + hw, y2 + hw, hw,hw, c)
- else
- FillRectAntialias(x - hw, y - hw, x2 + hw, y2 + hw, c);
- exit;
- end;
- { use multishape filler for fine junction between polygons }
- multi := TBGRAMultishapeFiller.Create;
- multi.FillMode := FillMode;
- if (JoinStyle = pjsMiter) and (PenStyle = psSolid) then
- multi.AddRectangleBorder(x,y,x2,y2,w,c)
- else
- multi.AddPolygon(ComputeWidePolygon([Pointf(x,y),Pointf(x2,y),Pointf(x2,y2),Pointf(x,y2)],w),c);
- if (frac(x + hw) = 0.5) and (frac(y + hw)=0.5) and (frac(x2 - hw)=0.5) and (frac(y2 - hw)=0.5) then
- FillRect(ceil(x + hw), ceil(y + hw), ceil(x2 - hw), ceil(y2 - hw), back, dmDrawWithTransparency)
- else
- multi.AddRectangle(x + hw, y + hw, x2 - hw, y2 - hw, back);
- multi.Draw(self);
- multi.Free;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.RoundRectAntialias(x, y, x2, y2, rx, ry: single;
- c: TBGRAPixel; w: single; options: TRoundRectangleOptions);
- if (PenStyle = psClear) or (c.alpha = 0) then exit;
- if (PenStyle = psSolid) then
- BGRAPolygon.BorderRoundRectangleAntialias(self,x,y,x2,y2,rx,ry,w,options,c,False, LinearAntialiasing)
- else
- DrawPolygonAntialias(BGRAPath.ComputeRoundRect(x,y,x2,y2,rx,ry,options),c,w);
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.RoundRectAntialias(x, y, x2, y2, rx, ry: single;
- pencolor: TBGRAPixel; w: single; fillcolor: TBGRAPixel;
- options: TRoundRectangleOptions);
- multi: TBGRAMultishapeFiller;
- if (PenStyle = psClear) or (pencolor.alpha = 0) then
- begin
- FillRoundRectAntialias(x,y,x2,y2,rx,ry,fillColor,options);
- exit;
- end;
- if (PenStyle = psSolid) then
- BGRAPolygon.BorderAndFillRoundRectangleAntialias(self,x,y,x2,y2,rx,ry,w,options,pencolor,fillcolor,nil,nil,False)
- else
- begin
- multi := TBGRAMultishapeFiller.Create;
- multi.PolygonOrder := poLastOnTop;
- multi.AddRoundRectangle(x,y,x2,y2,rx,ry,fillColor,options);
- multi.AddPolygon(ComputeWidePolygon(BGRAPath.ComputeRoundRect(x,y,x2,y2,rx,ry,options),w),pencolor);
- multi.Draw(self);
- multi.Free;
- end;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.RoundRectAntialias(x, y, x2, y2, rx, ry: single;
- penTexture: IBGRAScanner; w: single; fillTexture: IBGRAScanner;
- options: TRoundRectangleOptions);
- multi: TBGRAMultishapeFiller;
- if (PenStyle = psClear) then
- begin
- FillRoundRectAntialias(x,y,x2,y2,rx,ry,fillTexture,options);
- exit;
- end else
- if (PenStyle = psSolid) then
- BGRAPolygon.BorderAndFillRoundRectangleAntialias(self,x,y,x2,y2,rx,ry,w,options,BGRAPixelTransparent,BGRAPixelTransparent,pentexture,filltexture,False)
- else
- begin
- multi := TBGRAMultishapeFiller.Create;
- multi.PolygonOrder := poLastOnTop;
- multi.AddRoundRectangle(x,y,x2,y2,rx,ry,fillTexture,options);
- multi.AddPolygon(ComputeWidePolygon(ComputeRoundRect(x,y,x2,y2,rx,ry,options),w),penTexture);
- multi.Draw(self);
- multi.Free;
- end;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.RoundRectAntialias(x, y, x2, y2, rx, ry: single;
- texture: IBGRAScanner; w: single; options: TRoundRectangleOptions);
- if (PenStyle = psClear) then exit;
- if (PenStyle = psSolid) then
- BGRAPolygon.BorderRoundRectangleAntialiasWithTexture(self,x,y,x2,y2,rx,ry,w,options,texture, LinearAntialiasing)
- else
- DrawPolygonAntialias(BGRAPath.ComputeRoundRect(x,y,x2,y2,rx,ry,options),texture,w);
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.CheckRectBounds(var x, y, x2, y2: integer; minsize: integer): boolean; inline;
- temp: integer;
- //swap coordinates if needed
- if (x > x2) then
- begin
- temp := x;
- x := x2;
- x2 := temp;
- end;
- if (y > y2) then
- begin
- temp := y;
- y := y2;
- y2 := temp;
- end;
- if (x2 - x <= minsize) or (y2 - y <= minsize) then
- begin
- result := false;
- exit;
- end else
- result := true;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillRect(x, y, x2, y2: integer;
- texture: IBGRAScanner; mode: TDrawMode; AScanOffset: TPoint; ditheringAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm);
-var dither: TDitheringTask;
- if not CheckClippedRectBounds(x,y,x2,y2) then exit;
- dither := CreateDitheringTask(ditheringAlgorithm, texture, self, rect(x,y,x2,y2));
- dither.ScanOffset := AScanOffset;
- dither.DrawMode := mode;
- dither.Execute;
- dither.Free;
-{------------------------- Text functions ---------------------------------------}
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.TextOutAngle(x, y: single; orientationTenthDegCCW: integer;
- const sUTF8: string; c: TBGRAPixel; align: TAlignment; ARightToLeft: boolean);
- with (PointF(x,y)-GetFontAnchorRotatedOffset(orientationTenthDegCCW)) do
- FontRenderer.TextOutAngle(self,x,y,orientationTenthDegCCW,CleanTextOutString(sUTF8),c,align,ARightToLeft);
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.TextOutAngle(x, y: single; orientationTenthDegCCW: integer;
- const sUTF8: string; texture: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment; ARightToLeft: boolean);
- with (PointF(x,y)-GetFontAnchorRotatedOffset(orientationTenthDegCCW)) do
- FontRenderer.TextOutAngle(self,x,y,orientationTenthDegCCW,CleanTextOutString(sUTF8),texture,align,ARightToLeft);
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.TextOutCurved(ACursor: TBGRACustomPathCursor; const sUTF8: string; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AAlign: TAlignment; ALetterSpacing: single);
- InternalTextOutCurved(ACursor, sUTF8, AColor, nil, AAlign, ALetterSpacing);
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.TextOutCurved(ACursor: TBGRACustomPathCursor; const sUTF8: string; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AAlign: TAlignment; ALetterSpacing: single);
- InternalTextOutCurved(ACursor, sUTF8, BGRAPixelTransparent, ATexture, AAlign, ALetterSpacing);
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.TextMultiline(ALeft, ATop, AWidth: single; const sUTF8: string;
- c: TBGRAPixel; AAlign: TBidiTextAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout; AParagraphSpacing: single);
- layout: TBidiTextLayout;
- i: Integer;
- if FontBidiMode = fbmAuto then
- layout := TBidiTextLayout.Create(FontRenderer, sUTF8)
- else
- layout := TBidiTextLayout.Create(FontRenderer, sUTF8, GetFontRightToLeftFor(sUTF8));
- for i := 0 to layout.ParagraphCount-1 do
- layout.ParagraphAlignment[i] := AAlign;
- layout.ParagraphSpacingBelow:= AParagraphSpacing;
- layout.AvailableWidth := AWidth;
- case AVertAlign of
- tlBottom: layout.TopLeft := PointF(ALeft,ATop-layout.TotalTextHeight);
- tlCenter: layout.TopLeft := PointF(ALeft,ATop-layout.TotalTextHeight/2);
- else layout.TopLeft := PointF(ALeft,ATop);
- end;
- layout.DrawText(self, c);
- layout.Free;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.TextMultiline(ALeft, ATop, AWidth: single;
- const sUTF8: string; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AAlign: TBidiTextAlignment;
- AVertAlign: TTextLayout; AParagraphSpacing: single);
- layout: TBidiTextLayout;
- i: Integer;
- if FontBidiMode = fbmAuto then
- layout := TBidiTextLayout.Create(FontRenderer, sUTF8)
- else
- layout := TBidiTextLayout.Create(FontRenderer, sUTF8, GetFontRightToLeftFor(sUTF8));
- for i := 0 to layout.ParagraphCount-1 do
- layout.ParagraphAlignment[i] := AAlign;
- layout.ParagraphSpacingBelow:= AParagraphSpacing;
- layout.AvailableWidth := AWidth;
- case AVertAlign of
- tlBottom: layout.TopLeft := PointF(ALeft,ATop-layout.TotalTextHeight);
- tlCenter: layout.TopLeft := PointF(ALeft,ATop-layout.TotalTextHeight/2);
- else layout.TopLeft := PointF(ALeft,ATop);
- end;
- layout.DrawText(self, ATexture);
- layout.Free;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.TextOut(x, y: single; const sUTF8: string;
- texture: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment; ARightToLeft: boolean);
- FontRenderer.TextOut(self,x,y,CleanTextOutString(sUTF8),texture,align, ARightToLeft);
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.TextOut(x, y: single; const sUTF8: string;
- AColor: TBGRAPixel; AAlign: TAlignment; ALetterSpacing: single);
- InternalTextOutLetterSpacing(x, y, sUTF8, AColor, nil, AAlign, ALetterSpacing);
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.TextOut(x, y: single; const sUTF8: string;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AAlign: TAlignment; ALetterSpacing: single);
- InternalTextOutLetterSpacing(x, y, sUTF8, BGRAPixelTransparent, ATexture, AAlign, ALetterSpacing);
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.TextOut(x, y: single; const sUTF8: string;
- c: TBGRAPixel; align: TAlignment; ARightToLeft: boolean);
- with (PointF(x,y)-GetFontAnchorRotatedOffset) do
- FontRenderer.TextOut(self,x,y,CleanTextOutString(sUTF8),c,align, ARightToLeft);
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.TextRect(ARect: TRect; x, y: integer;
- const sUTF8: string; style: TTextStyle; c: TBGRAPixel);
- with (PointF(x,y)-GetFontAnchorRotatedOffset(0)) do
- FontRenderer.TextRect(self,ARect,system.round(x),system.round(y),sUTF8,style,c);
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.TextRect(ARect: TRect; x, y: integer; const sUTF8: string;
- style: TTextStyle; texture: IBGRAScanner);
- with (PointF(x,y)-GetFontAnchorRotatedOffset(0)) do
- FontRenderer.TextRect(self,ARect,system.round(x),system.round(y),sUTF8,style,texture);
-{ Returns the total size of the string provided using the current font.
- Orientation is not taken into account, so that the width is along the text. }
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.TextSize(const sUTF8: string): TSize;
- result := FontRenderer.TextSize(CleanTextOutString(sUTF8));
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.TextSizeMultiline(const sUTF8: string; AMaxWidth: single;
- AParagraphSpacing: single): TSize;
- layout: TBidiTextLayout;
- if FontBidiMode = fbmAuto then
- layout := TBidiTextLayout.Create(FontRenderer, sUTF8)
- else
- layout := TBidiTextLayout.Create(FontRenderer, sUTF8, GetFontRightToLeftFor(sUTF8));
- layout.ParagraphSpacingBelow:= AParagraphSpacing;
- layout.AvailableWidth := AMaxWidth;
- result := size(ceil(layout.UsedWidth), ceil(layout.TotalTextHeight));
- layout.Free;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.TextAffineBox(const sUTF8: string): TAffineBox;
-var size: TSize;
- m: TAffineMatrix;
- dy: single;
- dy := GetFontVerticalAnchorOffset;
- size := FontRenderer.TextSizeAngle(sUTF8, FontOrientation);
- m := AffineMatrixRotationDeg(-FontOrientation*0.1);
- result := TAffineBox.AffineBox(PointF(0,-dy), m*PointF(size.cx,-dy), m*PointF(0,size.cy-dy));
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.TextSize(const sUTF8: string; AMaxWidth: integer): TSize;
- result := FontRenderer.TextSize(sUTF8, AMaxWidth, GetFontRightToLeftFor(sUTF8));
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.TextSize(const sUTF8: string; AMaxWidth: integer;
- ARightToLeft: boolean): TSize;
- result := FontRenderer.TextSize(sUTF8, AMaxWidth, ARightToLeft);
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.TextFitInfo(const sUTF8: string; AMaxWidth: integer
- ): integer;
- result := FontRenderer.TextFitInfo(sUTF8, AMaxWidth);
-{---------------------------- Curves ----------------------------------------}
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.ComputeClosedSpline(const APoints: array of TPointF; AStyle: TSplineStyle): ArrayOfTPointF;
- result := BGRAPath.ComputeClosedSpline(APoints, AStyle);
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.ComputeOpenedSpline(const APoints: array of TPointF; AStyle: TSplineStyle): ArrayOfTPointF;
- result := BGRAPath.ComputeOpenedSpline(APoints, AStyle);
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.ComputeBezierCurve(const ACurve: TCubicBezierCurve
- ): ArrayOfTPointF;
- Result:= BGRAPath.ComputeBezierCurve(ACurve);
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.ComputeBezierCurve(
- const ACurve: TQuadraticBezierCurve): ArrayOfTPointF;
- Result:= BGRAPath.ComputeBezierCurve(ACurve);
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.ComputeBezierSpline(
- const ASpline: array of TCubicBezierCurve): ArrayOfTPointF;
- Result:= BGRAPath.ComputeBezierSpline(ASpline);
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.ComputeBezierSpline(
- const ASpline: array of TQuadraticBezierCurve): ArrayOfTPointF;
- Result:= BGRAPath.ComputeBezierSpline(ASpline);
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.ComputeWidePolyline(const points: array of TPointF;
- w: single): ArrayOfTPointF;
- result := GetInternalPen.ComputePolyline(points,w);
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.ComputeWidePolyline(const points: array of TPointF;
- w: single; ClosedCap: boolean): ArrayOfTPointF;
- result := GetInternalPen.ComputePolyline(points,w,ClosedCap);
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.ComputeWidePolygon(const points: array of TPointF;
- w: single): ArrayOfTPointF;
- result := GetInternalPen.ComputePolygon(points,w);
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.ComputeEllipseContour(x, y, rx, ry: single; quality: single): ArrayOfTPointF;
- result := BGRAPath.ComputeEllipse(x,y,rx,ry, quality);
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.ComputeEllipseContour(AOrigin, AXAxis,
- AYAxis: TPointF; quality: single): ArrayOfTPointF;
- result := BGRAPath.ComputeEllipse(AOrigin,AXAxis,AYAxis, quality);
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.ComputeEllipseBorder(x, y, rx, ry, w: single; quality: single): ArrayOfTPointF;
- result := ComputeWidePolygon(ComputeEllipseContour(x,y,rx,ry, quality),w);
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.ComputeEllipseBorder(AOrigin, AXAxis,
- AYAxis: TPointF; w: single; quality: single): ArrayOfTPointF;
- result := ComputeWidePolygon(ComputeEllipseContour(AOrigin,AXAxis,AYAxis, quality),w);
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.ComputeArc65536(x, y, rx, ry: single; start65536,
- end65536: word; quality: single): ArrayOfTPointF;
- result := BGRAPath.ComputeArc65536(x,y,rx,ry,start65536,end65536,quality);
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.ComputeArcRad(x, y, rx, ry: single; startRad,
- endRad: single; quality: single): ArrayOfTPointF;
- result := BGRAPath.ComputeArcRad(x,y,rx,ry,startRad,endRad,quality);
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.ComputeRoundRect(x1, y1, x2, y2, rx, ry: single; quality: single): ArrayOfTPointF;
- result := BGRAPath.ComputeRoundRect(x1,y1,x2,y2,rx,ry,quality);
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.ComputeRoundRect(x1, y1, x2, y2, rx, ry: single;
- options: TRoundRectangleOptions; quality: single): ArrayOfTPointF;
- Result:= BGRAPath.ComputeRoundRect(x1,y1,x2,y2,rx,ry,options,quality);
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.ComputePie65536(x, y, rx, ry: single; start65536,
- end65536: word; quality: single): ArrayOfTPointF;
- result := BGRAPath.ComputeArc65536(x,y,rx,ry,start65536,end65536,quality);
- if (start65536 <> end65536) then
- begin
- setlength(result,length(result)+1);
- result[high(result)] := PointF(x,y);
- end;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.ComputePieRad(x, y, rx, ry: single; startRad,
- endRad: single; quality: single): ArrayOfTPointF;
- result := self.ComputePie65536(x,y,rx,ry,round(startRad*32768/Pi),round(endRad*32768/Pi),quality);
-{---------------------------------- Fill ---------------------------------}
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.Fill(c: TBGRAPixel; start, Count: integer);
- if start < 0 then
- begin
- inc(Count, start);
- start := 0;
- end;
- if start >= nbPixels then
- exit;
- if start + Count > nbPixels then
- Count := nbPixels - start;
- FillInline(Data + start, c, Count);
- InvalidateBitmap;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.AlphaFill(alpha: byte; start, Count: integer);
- if alpha = 0 then
- Fill(BGRAPixelTransparent, start, Count);
- if start < 0 then
- begin
- inc(Count, start);
- start := 0;
- end;
- if start >= nbPixels then
- exit;
- if start + Count > nbPixels then
- Count := nbPixels - start;
- AlphaFillInline(Data + start, alpha, Count);
- InvalidateBitmap;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillMask(x, y: integer; AMask: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- const AColor: TBGRAPixel; ADrawMode: TDrawMode);
- scan: TBGRACustomScanner;
- if (AMask = nil) or (AColor.alpha = 0) then exit;
- scan := TBGRASolidColorMaskScanner.Create(AMask, Point(-X,-Y), AColor);
- self.FillRect(X,Y, X+AMask.Width,Y+AMask.Height, scan, ADrawMode);
- scan.Free;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillMask(x, y: integer; AMask: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner; ADrawMode: TDrawMode; AOpacity: byte);
- scan: TBGRACustomScanner;
- if AMask = nil then exit;
- scan := TBGRATextureMaskScanner.Create(AMask, Point(-X,-Y), ATexture, AOpacity);
- self.FillRect(X,Y, X+AMask.Width,Y+AMask.Height, scan, ADrawMode);
- scan.Free;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.EraseMask(x, y: integer; AMask: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- alpha: byte);
- x0,y0,x2, y2, yb,xb, tx, delta: integer;
- p, psrc: PBGRAPixel;
- if (AMask = nil) or (alpha = 0) then exit;
- x0 := x;
- y0 := y;
- x2 := x+AMask.Width;
- y2 := y+AMask.Height;
- if not CheckClippedRectBounds(x,y,x2,y2) then exit;
- tx := x2 - x;
- Dec(x2);
- Dec(y2);
- p := Scanline[y] + x;
- if FLineOrder = riloBottomToTop then
- delta := -Width
- else
- delta := Width;
- for yb := y to y2 do
- begin
- psrc := AMask.ScanLine[yb-y0]+(x-x0);
- if alpha = 255 then
- begin
- for xb := tx-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- ErasePixelInline(p, psrc^.green);
- inc(p);
- inc(psrc);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- for xb := tx-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- ErasePixelInline(p, ApplyOpacity(psrc^.green,alpha));
- inc(p);
- inc(psrc);
- end;
- end;
- dec(p, tx);
- Inc(p, delta);
- end;
- InvalidateBitmap;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillClearTypeMask(x, y: integer; xThird: integer;
- AMask: TBGRACustomBitmap; color: TBGRAPixel; ARGBOrder: boolean);
- BGRAFillClearTypeMask(self,x, y, xThird, AMask, color, nil, ARGBOrder);
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillClearTypeMask(x, y: integer; xThird: integer;
- AMask: TBGRACustomBitmap; texture: IBGRAScanner; ARGBOrder: boolean);
- BGRAFillClearTypeMask(self,x, y, xThird, AMask, BGRAPixelTransparent, texture, ARGBOrder);
-{ Replace color without taking alpha channel into account }
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.ReplaceColor(before, after: TColor);
- p: PLongWord;
- n: integer;
- colorMask,beforeBGR, afterBGR: LongWord;
- rAfter,gAfter,bAfter,rBefore,gBefore,bBefore: byte;
- colorMask := LongWord(BGRA(255,255,255,0));
- RedGreenBlue(before, rBefore,gBefore,bBefore);
- RedGreenBlue(after, rAfter,gAfter,bAfter);
- beforeBGR := LongWord(BGRA(rBefore,gBefore,bBefore,0));
- afterBGR := LongWord(BGRA(rAfter,gAfter,bAfter,0));
- p := PLongWord(Data);
- for n := NbPixels - 1 downto 0 do
- begin
- if p^ and colorMask = beforeBGR then
- p^ := (p^ and not ColorMask) or afterBGR;
- Inc(p);
- end;
- InvalidateBitmap;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.ReplaceColor(ABounds: TRect; before, after: TColor);
-var p: PLongWord;
- xb,yb,xcount: integer;
- colorMask,beforeBGR, afterBGR: LongWord;
- rAfter,gAfter,bAfter,rBefore,gBefore,bBefore: byte;
- colorMask := LongWord(BGRA(255,255,255,0));
- RedGreenBlue(before, rBefore,gBefore,bBefore);
- RedGreenBlue(after, rAfter,gAfter,bAfter);
- beforeBGR := LongWord(BGRA(rBefore,gBefore,bBefore,0));
- afterBGR := LongWord(BGRA(rAfter,gAfter,bAfter,0));
- ABounds.Intersect(ClipRect);
- if ABounds.IsEmpty then exit;
- xcount := ABounds.Right-ABounds.Left;
- for yb := ABounds.Top to ABounds.Bottom-1 do
- begin
- p := PLongWord(ScanLine[yb]+ABounds.Left);
- for xb := xcount-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- if p^ and colorMask = beforeBGR then
- p^ := (p^ and not ColorMask) or afterBGR;
- Inc(p);
- end;
- end;
- InvalidateBitmap;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.ParallelFloodFill(X, Y: integer;
- Dest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; Color: TBGRAPixel; mode: TFloodfillMode;
- Tolerance: byte; DestOfsX: integer; DestOfsY: integer);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- case mode of
- fmSet: Dest.SolidBrushBGRA(b, Color, dmSet);
- fmDrawWithTransparency: Dest.SolidBrushBGRA(b, Color, dmDrawWithTransparency);
- fmLinearBlend: Dest.SolidBrushBGRA(b, Color, dmLinearBlend);
- fmXor: Dest.SolidBrushBGRA(b, Color, dmXor);
- fmProgressive: Dest.SolidBrushBGRA(b, Color, dmDrawWithTransparency);
- end;
- ParallelFloodFill(X,Y, Dest, b, mode=fmProgressive, (Tolerance shl 8)+$ff, DestOfsX, DestOfsY);
-{ General purpose FloodFill. It can be used to fill inplace or to
- fill a destination bitmap according to the content of the current bitmap.
- The first pixel encountered is taken as a reference, further pixels
- are compared to this pixel. If the distance between next colors and
- the first color is lower than the tolerance, then the floodfill continues.
- It uses an array of bits to store visited places to avoid filling twice
- the same area. It also uses a stack of positions to remember where
- to continue after a place is completely filled.
- The first direction to be checked is horizontal, then
- it checks pixels on the line above and on the line below. }
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.ParallelFloodFill(X, Y: integer;
- Dest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const Brush: TUniversalBrush; Progressive: boolean;
- ToleranceW: Word; DestOfsX: integer; DestOfsY: integer);
- S: TBGRAPixel;
- SExpand: TExpandedPixel;
- SX, EX, I: integer;
- Added: boolean;
- Visited: array of LongWord;
- VisitedLineSize: integer;
- Stack: array of integer;
- StackCount: integer;
- pScan: PBGRAPixel;
- function CheckPixel(AX, AY: integer): boolean; inline;
- begin
- if Visited[AX shr 5 + AY * VisitedLineSize] and (1 shl (AX and 31)) <> 0 then
- Result := False
- else
- begin
- if (pScan+AX)^ = S then result := true else
- Result := ExpandedDiff(GammaExpansion((pScan+AX)^), SExpand) <= ToleranceW;
- end;
- end;
- procedure SetVisited(X1, AY, X2: integer);
- var
- StartMask, EndMask: LongWord;
- StartPos, EndPos: integer;
- begin
- if X2 < X1 then
- exit;
- StartMask := $FFFFFFFF shl (X1 and 31);
- case X2 and 31 of
- 31: EndMask := $FFFFFFFF;
- 30: EndMask := $7FFFFFFF;
- else
- EndMask := 1 shl ((X2 and 31) + 1) - 1;
- end;
- StartPos := X1 shr 5 + AY * VisitedLineSize;
- EndPos := X2 shr 5 + AY * VisitedLineSize;
- if StartPos = EndPos then
- Visited[StartPos] := Visited[StartPos] or (StartMask and EndMask)
- else
- begin
- Visited[StartPos] := Visited[StartPos] or StartMask;
- Visited[EndPos] := Visited[EndPos] or EndMask;
- if EndPos - StartPos > 1 then
- FillDWord(Visited[StartPos + 1], EndPos - StartPos - 1, $FFFFFFFF);
- end;
- end;
- procedure Push(AX, AY: integer); inline;
- begin
- if StackCount + 1 >= High(Stack) then
- SetLength(Stack, Length(Stack) shl 1);
- Stack[StackCount] := AX;
- Inc(StackCount);
- Stack[StackCount] := AY;
- Inc(StackCount);
- end;
- procedure Pop(var AX, AY: integer); inline;
- begin
- Dec(StackCount);
- AY := Stack[StackCount];
- Dec(StackCount);
- AX := Stack[StackCount];
- end;
- if Brush.DoesNothing then exit;
- if Progressive and not (dest is TBGRACustomBitmap) then
- raise exception.Create('Progressive mode only available on TBGRACustomBitmap and derived classes');
- if PtInClipRect(X,Y) then
- begin
- S := GetPixel(X, Y);
- SExpand := s.ToExpanded;
- VisitedLineSize := (Width + 31) shr 5;
- SetLength(Visited, VisitedLineSize * Height);
- FillDWord(Visited[0], Length(Visited), 0);
- SetLength(Stack, 2);
- StackCount := 0;
- Push(X, Y);
- repeat
- Pop(X, Y);
- pScan := GetScanlineFast(Y);
- if not CheckPixel(X, Y) then
- Continue;
- SX := X;
- while (SX > FClipRect.Left) and CheckPixel(Pred(SX), Y) do
- Dec(SX);
- EX := X;
- while (EX < Pred(FClipRect.Right)) and CheckPixel(Succ(EX), Y) do
- Inc(EX);
- SetVisited(SX, Y, EX);
- if Progressive then
- TBGRACustomBitmap(dest).HorizLineDiff(SX+DestOfsX, Y+DestOfsY, EX+DestOfsX, Brush, S, ToleranceW)
- else
- dest.HorizLine(SX+DestOfsX, Y+DestOfsY, EX+DestOfsX, Brush);
- Added := False;
- if Y > FClipRect.Top then
- begin
- pScan := GetScanlineFast(Pred(Y));
- for I := SX to EX do
- if CheckPixel(I, Pred(Y)) then
- begin
- if Added then //do not add twice the same segment
- Continue;
- Push(I, Pred(Y));
- Added := True;
- end
- else
- Added := False;
- end;
- Added := False;
- if Y < Pred(FClipRect.Bottom) then
- begin
- pScan := GetScanlineFast(Succ(Y));
- for I := SX to EX do
- if CheckPixel(I, Succ(Y)) then
- begin
- if Added then //do not add twice the same segment
- Continue;
- Push(I, Succ(Y));
- Added := True;
- end
- else
- Added := False;
- end;
- until StackCount <= 0;
- end;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.GradientFill(x, y, x2, y2: integer;
- c1, c2: TBGRAPixel; gtype: TGradientType; o1, o2: TPointF; mode: TDrawMode;
- gammaColorCorrection: boolean; Sinus: Boolean; ditherAlgo: TDitheringAlgorithm);
- scanner: TBGRAGradientScanner;
- if (c1.alpha = 0) and (c2.alpha = 0) then
- FillRect(x, y, x2, y2, BGRAPixelTransparent, mode)
- else
- if ditherAlgo <> daNearestNeighbor then
- GradientFillDithered(x,y,x2,y2,c1,c2,gtype,o1,o2,mode,gammaColorCorrection,sinus,ditherAlgo)
- else
- begin
- scanner := TBGRAGradientScanner.Create(c1,c2,gtype,o1,o2,gammaColorCorrection,Sinus);
- FillRect(x,y,x2,y2,scanner,mode);
- scanner.Free;
- end;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.GradientFill(x, y, x2, y2: integer;
- gradient: TBGRACustomGradient; gtype: TGradientType; o1, o2: TPointF;
- mode: TDrawMode; Sinus: Boolean; ditherAlgo: TDitheringAlgorithm);
- scanner: TBGRAGradientScanner;
- if ditherAlgo <> daNearestNeighbor then
- GradientFillDithered(x,y,x2,y2,gradient,gtype,o1,o2,mode,sinus,ditherAlgo)
- else
- begin
- scanner := TBGRAGradientScanner.Create(gradient,gtype,o1,o2,sinus);
- FillRect(x,y,x2,y2,scanner,mode);
- scanner.Free;
- end;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.GradientFillDithered(x, y, x2, y2: integer; c1,
- c2: TBGRAPixel; gtype: TGradientType; o1, o2: TPointF;
- mode: TDrawMode; gammaColorCorrection: boolean; Sinus: Boolean;
- ditherAlgo: TDitheringAlgorithm);
- scanner: TBGRAGradientScanner;
- if (c1.alpha = 0) and (c2.alpha = 0) then
- begin
- if mode = dmSet then
- FillRect(x, y, x2, y2, BGRAPixelTransparent, dmSet);
- end
- else
- begin
- scanner := TBGRAGradientScanner.Create(c1,c2,gtype,o1,o2,gammaColorCorrection,Sinus);
- FillRect(x,y,x2,y2,scanner,mode,ditherAlgo);
- scanner.Free;
- end;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.GradientFillDithered(x, y, x2, y2: integer;
- gradient: TBGRACustomGradient; gtype: TGradientType; o1, o2: TPointF;
- mode: TDrawMode; Sinus: Boolean; ditherAlgo: TDitheringAlgorithm);
- scanner: TBGRAGradientScanner;
- scanner := TBGRAGradientScanner.Create(gradient,gtype,o1,o2,sinus);
- FillRect(x,y,x2,y2,scanner,mode,ditherAlgo);
- scanner.Free;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.ScanAtInteger(X, Y: integer): TBGRAPixel;
- if (FScanWidth <> 0) and (FScanHeight <> 0) then
- result := (GetScanlineFast(PositiveMod(Y+ScanOffset.Y, FScanHeight))+PositiveMod(X+ScanOffset.X, FScanWidth))^
- else
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.ScanNextPixel: TBGRAPixel;
- if (FScanWidth <> 0) and (FScanHeight <> 0) then
- begin
- result := PBGRAPixel(FScanPtr)^;
- inc(FScanCurX);
- inc(FScanPtr, sizeof(TBGRAPixel));
- if FScanCurX = FScanWidth then //cycle
- begin
- FScanCurX := 0;
- dec(FScanPtr, FRowSize);
- end;
- end
- else
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.ScanAt(X, Y: Single): TBGRAPixel;
- ix, iy: Int32or64;
- iFactX,iFactY: Int32or64;
- if (FScanWidth = 0) or (FScanHeight = 0) then
- begin
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- exit;
- end;
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- ix := round(x*256);
- iy := round(y*256);
- if ScanInterpolationFilter = rfBox then
- begin
- ix := PositiveMod((ix+128)+(ScanOffset.X shl 8), FScanWidth shl 8) shr 8;
- iy := PositiveMod((iy+128)+(ScanOffset.Y shl 8), FScanHeight shl 8) shr 8;
- result := (GetScanlineFast(iy)+ix)^;
- exit;
- end;
- iFactX := ix and 255;
- iFactY := iy and 255;
- ix := PositiveMod(ix+(ScanOffset.X shl 8), FScanWidth shl 8) shr 8;
- iy := PositiveMod(iy+(ScanOffset.Y shl 8), FScanHeight shl 8) shr 8;
- if (iFactX = 0) and (iFactY = 0) then
- begin
- result := (GetScanlineFast(iy)+ix)^;
- exit;
- end;
- if ScanInterpolationFilter <> rfLinear then
- begin
- iFactX := FineInterpolation256( iFactX, ScanInterpolationFilter );
- iFactY := FineInterpolation256( iFactY, ScanInterpolationFilter );
- end;
- result := InternalGetPixelCycle256(ix,iy, iFactX,iFactY);
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.IsScanPutPixelsDefined: boolean;
- Result:= true;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.ScanPutPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; count: integer;
- mode: TDrawMode);
- i,nbCopy: Integer;
- c: TBGRAPixel;
- if (FScanWidth <= 0) or (FScanHeight <= 0) then
- begin
- if mode = dmSet then
- FillDWord(pdest^, count, LongWord(BGRAPixelTransparent));
- exit;
- end;
- case mode of
- dmLinearBlend:
- for i := 0 to count-1 do
- begin
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest, ScanNextPixel);
- inc(pdest);
- end;
- dmDrawWithTransparency:
- for i := 0 to count-1 do
- begin
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, ScanNextPixel);
- inc(pdest);
- end;
- dmSet:
- while count > 0 do
- begin
- nbCopy := FScanWidth-FScanCurX;
- if count < nbCopy then nbCopy := count;
- move(FScanPtr^,pdest^,nbCopy*sizeof(TBGRAPixel));
- inc(pdest,nbCopy);
- inc(FScanCurX,nbCopy);
- inc(FScanPtr,nbCopy*sizeof(TBGRAPixel));
- if FScanCurX = FScanWidth then
- begin
- FScanCurX := 0;
- dec(FScanPtr, RowSize);
- end;
- dec(count,nbCopy);
- end;
- dmSetExceptTransparent:
- for i := 0 to count-1 do
- begin
- c := ScanNextPixel;
- if c.alpha = 255 then pdest^ := c;
- inc(pdest);
- end;
- dmXor:
- for i := 0 to count-1 do
- begin
- PLongWord(pdest)^ := PLongWord(pdest)^ xor LongWord(ScanNextPixel);
- inc(pdest);
- end;
- end;
-{ General purpose pixel drawing function }
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.DrawPixels(c: TBGRAPixel; start, Count: integer);
- p: PBGRAPixel;
- if c.alpha = 0 then
- exit;
- if c.alpha = 255 then
- begin
- Fill(c,start,Count);
- exit;
- end;
- if start < 0 then
- begin
- inc(Count, start);
- start := 0;
- end;
- if start >= nbPixels then
- exit;
- if start + Count > nbPixels then
- Count := nbPixels - start;
- p := Data + start;
- DrawPixelsInline(p,c,Count);
- InvalidateBitmap;
-{------------------------- End fill ------------------------------}
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.DoAlphaCorrection;
- p: PBGRAPixel;
- n: integer;
- colormask: LongWord;
- changed: boolean;
- if CanvasAlphaCorrection then
- begin
- p := PBGRAPixel(FDataByte); // avoid Data to avoid reloading from bitmap and thus stack overflow
- colormask := $ffffffff - (255 shl TBGRAPixel_AlphaShift);
- changed := false;
- for n := NbPixels - 1 downto 0 do
- begin
- if (plongword(p)^ and colormask <> 0) and (p^.alpha = 0) then
- begin
- p^.alpha := FCanvasOpacity;
- changed := true;
- end;
- Inc(p);
- end;
- if changed then InvalidateBitmap;
- end;
- FAlphaCorrectionNeeded := False;
-{ Ensure that transparent pixels have all channels to zero }
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.ClearTransparentPixels;
- p: PBGRAPixel;
- n: integer;
- p := Data;
- for n := NbPixels - 1 downto 0 do
- begin
- if (p^.alpha = 0) then
- p^ := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- Inc(p);
- end;
- InvalidateBitmap;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.CheckAntialiasRectBounds(var x, y, x2, y2: single;
- w: single): boolean;
- temp: Single;
- if (x > x2) then
- begin
- temp := x;
- x := x2;
- x2 := temp;
- end;
- if (y > y2) then
- begin
- temp := y;
- y := y2;
- y2 := temp;
- end;
- result := (x2 - x > w) and (y2 - y > w);
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetCanvasBGRA: TBGRACanvas;
- if FCanvasBGRA = nil then
- FCanvasBGRA := TBGRACanvas.Create(self);
- result := FCanvasBGRA;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetCanvas2D: TBGRACanvas2D;
- if FCanvas2D = nil then
- FCanvas2D := TBGRACanvas2D.Create(self);
- result := FCanvas2D;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.PutImage(X, Y: integer; ASource: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- AMode: TDrawMode; AOpacity: byte);
- inherited PutImage(X,Y, ASource, AMode, AOpacity);
- if (AMode in [dmSetExceptTransparent,dmDrawWithTransparency,dmLinearBlend]) and
- (ASource is TBGRACustomBitmap) and Assigned(TBGRACustomBitmap(ASource).XorMask) then
- PutImage(X,Y,TBGRACustomBitmap(ASource).XorMask,dmXor,AOpacity);
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.BlendImage(x, y: integer; ASource: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- AOperation: TBlendOperation);
- BlendImage(RectWithSize(x,y,ASource.Width,ASource.Height), ASource, -x,-y,AOperation);
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.BlendImage(ADest: TRect; ASource: IBGRAScanner;
- AOffsetX, AOffsetY: integer; AOperation: TBlendOperation);
-const BufSize = 8;
- yb, remain, i, delta_dest: integer;
- psource, pdest: PBGRAPixel;
- sourceRect: TRect;
- sourceScanline, sourcePut: boolean;
- buf: packed array[0..BufSize-1] of TBGRAPixel;
- if not CheckClippedRectBounds(ADest.Left, ADest.Top, ADest.Right, ADest.Bottom) then exit;
- sourceRect := ADest;
- sourceRect.Offset(AOffsetX, AOffsetY);
- sourceScanline := ASource.ProvidesScanline(sourceRect);
- sourcePut := ASource.IsScanPutPixelsDefined;
- pdest := Scanline[ADest.Top] + ADest.Left;
- if LineOrder = riloBottomToTop then
- delta_dest := -Width
- else delta_dest := Width;
- for yb := sourceRect.Top to sourceRect.Bottom-1 do
- begin
- if sourceScanline then
- begin
- psource := ASource.GetScanlineAt(sourceRect.Left, yb);
- BlendPixels(pdest, psource, AOperation, ADest.Width);
- end else
- begin
- ASource.ScanMoveTo(sourceRect.Left, yb);
- remain := ADest.Width;
- if sourcePut then
- while remain >= BufSize do
- begin
- ASource.ScanPutPixels(@buf, BufSize, dmSet);
- BlendPixels(pdest, @buf, AOperation, BufSize);
- inc(pdest, bufSize);
- dec(remain, bufSize);
- end;
- if remain > 0 then
- begin
- for i := 0 to remain-1 do
- buf[i] := ASource.ScanNextPixel;
- BlendPixels(pdest, @buf, AOperation, remain);
- inc(pdest, remain);
- end;
- dec(pdest, ADest.Width);
- end;
- Inc(pdest, delta_dest);
- end;
- InvalidateBitmap;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.BlendImageOver(x, y: integer;
- ASource: TBGRACustomBitmap; AOperation: TBlendOperation; AOpacity: byte; ALinearBlend: boolean);
- BlendImageOver(RectWithSize(x,y,ASource.Width,ASource.Height), ASource, -x,-y,
- AOperation, AOpacity, ALinearBlend);
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.BlendImageOver(ADest: TRect; ASource: IBGRAScanner;
- AOffsetX, AOffsetY: integer; AOperation: TBlendOperation; AOpacity: byte; ALinearBlend: boolean);
-const BufSize = 8;
- yb, remain, i, delta_dest: integer;
- psource, pdest: PBGRAPixel;
- sourceRect: TRect;
- sourceScanline, sourcePut: boolean;
- buf: packed array[0..BufSize-1] of TBGRAPixel;
- if not CheckClippedRectBounds(ADest.Left, ADest.Top, ADest.Right, ADest.Bottom) then exit;
- sourceRect := ADest;
- sourceRect.Offset(AOffsetX, AOffsetY);
- sourceScanline := ASource.ProvidesScanline(sourceRect);
- sourcePut := ASource.IsScanPutPixelsDefined;
- pdest := Scanline[ADest.Top] + ADest.Left;
- if LineOrder = riloBottomToTop then
- delta_dest := -Width
- else delta_dest := Width;
- for yb := sourceRect.Top to sourceRect.Bottom-1 do
- begin
- if sourceScanline then
- begin
- psource := ASource.GetScanlineAt(sourceRect.Left, yb);
- BlendPixelsOver(pdest, psource, AOperation, ADest.Width, AOpacity, ALinearBlend);
- end else
- begin
- ASource.ScanMoveTo(sourceRect.Left, yb);
- remain := ADest.Width;
- if sourcePut then
- while remain >= BufSize do
- begin
- ASource.ScanPutPixels(@buf, BufSize, dmSet);
- BlendPixelsOver(pdest, @buf, AOperation, BufSize, AOpacity, ALinearBlend);
- inc(pdest, bufSize);
- dec(remain, bufSize);
- end;
- if remain > 0 then
- begin
- for i := 0 to remain-1 do
- buf[i] := ASource.ScanNextPixel;
- BlendPixelsOver(pdest, @buf, AOperation, remain, AOpacity, ALinearBlend);
- inc(pdest, remain);
- end;
- dec(pdest, ADest.Width);
- end;
- Inc(pdest, delta_dest);
- end;
- InvalidateBitmap;
-{ Draw an image with an affine transformation (rotation, scale, translate).
- Parameters are the bitmap origin, the end of the horizontal axis and the end of the vertical axis.
- The output bounds correspond to the pixels that will be affected in the destination. }
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.PutImageAffine(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- Source: TBGRACustomBitmap; AOutputBounds: TRect;
- AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter; AMode: TDrawMode; AOpacity: Byte; APixelCenteredCoords: boolean);
-var affine: TBGRAAffineBitmapTransform;
- sourceBounds: TRect;
- if (Source = nil) or (Source.Width = 0) or (Source.Height = 0) or (AOpacity = 0) then exit;
- AOutputBounds.Intersect(ClipRect);
- if AOutputBounds.IsEmpty then exit;
- if not APixelCenteredCoords then AMatrix := AffineMatrixTranslation(-0.5,-0.5)*AMatrix*AffineMatrixTranslation(0.5,0.5);
- if IsAffineRoughlyTranslation(AMatrix, rect(0,0,Source.Width,Source.Height)) then
- begin
- sourceBounds := AOutputBounds;
- sourceBounds.Offset(-round(AMatrix[1,3]), -round(AMatrix[2,3]));
- sourceBounds.Intersect( rect(0,0,Source.Width,Source.Height) );
- PutImagePart(round(AMatrix[1,3])+sourceBounds.Left,round(AMatrix[2,3])+sourceBounds.Top,Source,sourceBounds,AMode,AOpacity);
- end else
- begin
- affine := TBGRAAffineBitmapTransform.Create(Source, false, AResampleFilter);
- affine.GlobalOpacity := AOpacity;
- affine.ViewMatrix := AMatrix;
- FillRect(AOutputBounds,affine,AMode);
- affine.Free;
- end;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetImageAffineBounds(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- ASourceBounds: TRect; AClipOutput: boolean; APixelCenteredCoords: boolean): TRect;
-const pointMargin = 0.5 - 1/512;
- procedure FirstPoint(pt: TPointF);
- begin
- result.Left := round(pt.X);
- result.Top := round(pt.Y);
- result.Right := round(pt.X)+1;
- result.Bottom := round(pt.Y)+1;
- end;
- //include specified point in the bounds
- procedure IncludePoint(pt: TPointF);
- begin
- if round(pt.X) < result.Left then result.Left := round(pt.X);
- if round(pt.Y) < result.Top then result.Top := round(pt.Y);
- if round(pt.X)+1 > result.Right then result.Right := round(pt.X)+1;
- if round(pt.Y)+1 > result.Bottom then result.Bottom := round(pt.Y)+1;
- end;
- result := EmptyRect;
- if ASourceBounds.IsEmpty then exit;
- if not APixelCenteredCoords then AMatrix := AffineMatrixTranslation(-0.5,-0.5)*AMatrix*AffineMatrixTranslation(0.5,0.5);
- if IsAffineRoughlyTranslation(AMatrix,ASourceBounds) then
- begin
- result := ASourceBounds;
- result.Offset(round(AMatrix[1,3]), round(AMatrix[2,3]));
- end else
- begin
- FirstPoint(AMatrix*PointF(ASourceBounds.Left-pointMargin,ASourceBounds.Top-pointMargin));
- IncludePoint(AMatrix*PointF(ASourceBounds.Right-1+pointMargin,ASourceBounds.Top-pointMargin));
- IncludePoint(AMatrix*PointF(ASourceBounds.Left-pointMargin,ASourceBounds.Bottom-1+pointMargin));
- IncludePoint(AMatrix*PointF(ASourceBounds.Right-1+pointMargin,ASourceBounds.Bottom-1+pointMargin));
- end;
- if AClipOutput then result.Intersect(ClipRect);
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.StretchPutImage(ARect: TRect;
- Source: TBGRACustomBitmap; mode: TDrawMode; AOpacity: byte);
-var noTransition: boolean;
- If (Source = nil) or (AOpacity = 0) then exit;
- if (ARect.Right-ARect.Left = Source.Width) and (ARect.Bottom-ARect.Top = Source.Height) then
- PutImage(ARect.Left,ARect.Top,Source,mode,AOpacity)
- else
- begin
- noTransition:= (mode = dmXor) or ((mode in [dmDrawWithTransparency,dmFastBlend,dmSetExceptTransparent]) and
- (Source is TBGRADefaultBitmap) and
- Assigned(TBGRADefaultBitmap(Source).XorMask));
- BGRAResample.StretchPutImage(Source, ARect.Right-ARect.Left, ARect.Bottom-ARect.Top, self, ARect.left,ARect.Top, mode, AOpacity, noTransition);
- if (mode in [dmDrawWithTransparency,dmFastBlend,dmSetExceptTransparent]) and Assigned(TBGRADefaultBitmap(Source).XorMask) then
- BGRAResample.StretchPutImage(TBGRADefaultBitmap(Source).XorMask, ARect.Right-ARect.Left, ARect.Bottom-ARect.Top, self, ARect.left,ARect.Top, dmXor, AOpacity, noTransition);
- end;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.BlendRect(ADest: TRect; AColor: TBGRAPixel;
- AOperation: TBlendOperation; AExcludeChannels: TChannels);
-const BufSize = 8;
-var srcBuf: packed array[0..BufSize-1] of TBGRAPixel;
- i, yb, remain: Integer;
- p: PBGRAPixel;
- if not CheckClippedRectBounds(ADest.Left, ADest.Top, ADest.Right, ADest.Bottom) then exit;
- for i := 0 to BufSize-1 do
- srcBuf[i] := AColor;
- for yb := ADest.Top to ADest.Bottom-1 do
- begin
- remain := ADest.Width;
- p := PBGRAPixel(GetPixelAddress(ADest.Left, yb));
- while remain >= BufSize do
- begin
- BlendPixels(p, @srcBuf, AOperation, BufSize, AExcludeChannels);
- inc(p, BufSize);
- dec(remain, BufSize);
- end;
- if remain > 0 then
- BlendPixels(p, @srcBuf, AOperation, remain, AExcludeChannels);
- end;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.BlendRectOver(ADest: TRect; AColor: TBGRAPixel;
- AOperation: TBlendOperation; AOpacity: byte; ALinearBlend: boolean;
- AExcludeChannels: TChannels);
-const BufSize = 8;
-var srcBuf: packed array[0..BufSize-1] of TBGRAPixel;
- i, yb, remain: Integer;
- p: PBGRAPixel;
- if not CheckClippedRectBounds(ADest.Left, ADest.Top, ADest.Right, ADest.Bottom) then exit;
- for i := 0 to BufSize-1 do
- srcBuf[i] := AColor;
- for yb := ADest.Top to ADest.Bottom-1 do
- begin
- remain := ADest.Width;
- p := PBGRAPixel(GetPixelAddress(ADest.Left, yb));
- while remain >= BufSize do
- begin
- BlendPixelsOver(p, @srcBuf, AOperation, BufSize, AOpacity, ALinearBlend, AExcludeChannels);
- inc(p, BufSize);
- dec(remain, BufSize);
- end;
- if remain > 0 then
- BlendPixelsOver(p, @srcBuf, AOperation, remain, AOpacity, ALinearBlend, AExcludeChannels);
- end;
-{----------------------------- Filters -----------------------------------------}
-{ Call the appropriate function }
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterSmartZoom3(Option: TMedianOption): TBGRADefaultBitmap;
- Result := BGRAFilters.FilterSmartZoom3(self, Option) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterMedian(Option: TMedianOption): TBGRADefaultBitmap;
- Result := BGRAFilters.FilterMedian(self, option) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterSmooth: TBGRADefaultBitmap;
- Result := BGRAFilters.FilterBlurRadial(self, 3, rbPrecise) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterSphere: TBGRADefaultBitmap;
- Result := BGRAFilters.FilterSphere(self) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterTwirl(ACenter: TPoint; ARadius: Single; ATurn: Single=1; AExponent: Single=3): TBGRADefaultBitmap;
- Result := BGRAFilters.FilterTwirl(self, ACenter, ARadius, ATurn, AExponent) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterTwirl(ABounds: TRect; ACenter: TPoint;
- ARadius: Single; ATurn: Single; AExponent: Single): TBGRADefaultBitmap;
- result := BGRAFilters.FilterTwirl(self, ABounds, ACenter, ARadius, ATurn, AExponent) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterCylinder: TBGRADefaultBitmap;
- Result := BGRAFilters.FilterCylinder(self) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterPlane: TBGRADefaultBitmap;
- Result := BGRAFilters.FilterPlane(self) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterSharpen(Amount: single = 1): TBGRADefaultBitmap;
- Result := BGRAFilters.FilterSharpen(self,round(Amount*256)) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterSharpen(ABounds: TRect; Amount: single
- ): TBGRADefaultBitmap;
- Result := BGRAFilters.FilterSharpen(self,ABounds,round(Amount*256)) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterContour(AGammaCorrection: boolean = false): TBGRADefaultBitmap;
- Result := BGRAFilters.FilterContour(self, AGammaCorrection) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterPixelate(pixelSize: integer;
- useResample: boolean; filter: TResampleFilter): TBGRADefaultBitmap;
- Result:= BGRAFilters.FilterPixelate(self, pixelSize, useResample, filter) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterEmboss(angle: single;
- AStrength: integer; AOptions: TEmbossOptions): TBGRADefaultBitmap;
- Result := BGRAFilters.FilterEmboss(self, angle, AStrength, AOptions) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterEmboss(angle: single; ABounds: TRect;
- AStrength: integer; AOptions: TEmbossOptions): TBGRADefaultBitmap;
- Result := BGRAFilters.FilterEmboss(self, angle, ABounds, AStrength, AOptions) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterEmbossHighlight(FillSelection: boolean):
- Result := BGRAFilters.FilterEmbossHighlight(self, FillSelection, BGRAPixelTransparent) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterEmbossHighlight(FillSelection: boolean;
- BorderColor: TBGRAPixel): TBGRADefaultBitmap;
- Result := BGRAFilters.FilterEmbossHighlight(self, FillSelection, BorderColor) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterEmbossHighlight(FillSelection: boolean;
- BorderColor: TBGRAPixel; var Offset: TPoint): TBGRADefaultBitmap;
- Result := BGRAFilters.FilterEmbossHighlightOffset(self, FillSelection, BorderColor, Offset) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterGrayscale: TBGRADefaultBitmap;
- Result := BGRAFilters.FilterGrayscale(self) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterGrayscale(ABounds: TRect): TBGRADefaultBitmap;
- Result := BGRAFilters.FilterGrayscale(self, ABounds) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterNormalize(eachChannel: boolean = True):
- Result := BGRAFilters.FilterNormalize(self, eachChannel) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterNormalize(ABounds: TRect; eachChannel: boolean): TBGRADefaultBitmap;
- Result := BGRAFilters.FilterNormalize(self, ABounds, eachChannel) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterRotate(origin: TPointF;
- angle: single; correctBlur: boolean): TBGRADefaultBitmap;
- Result := BGRAFilters.FilterRotate(self, origin, angle, correctBlur) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterAffine(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- correctBlur: boolean): TBGRADefaultBitmap;
- Result := NewBitmap(Width,Height);
- Result.PutImageAffine(AMatrix,self,255,correctBlur);
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetHasTransparentPixels: boolean;
- p: PBGRAPixel;
- n: integer;
- p := Data;
- for n := NbPixels - 1 downto 0 do
- begin
- if p^.alpha <> 255 then
- begin
- Result := True;
- exit;
- end;
- Inc(p);
- end;
- Result := False;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetHasSemiTransparentPixels: boolean;
- n: integer;
- p: PBGRAPixel;
- p := Data;
- for n := NbPixels - 1 downto 0 do
- begin
- if (p^.alpha > 0) and (p^.alpha < 255) then
- begin
- result := true;
- exit;
- end;
- inc(p);
- end;
- result := false;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetAverageColor: TColor;
- pix: TBGRAPixel;
- pix := GetAveragePixel;
- {$hints off}
- if pix.alpha = 0 then
- result := clNone else
- result := RGBToColor(pix.red,pix.green,pix.blue);
- {$hints on}
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetAveragePixel: TBGRAPixel;
- n: integer;
- p: PBGRAPixel;
- r, g, b, sum: double;
- alpha: double;
- sum := 0;
- r := 0;
- g := 0;
- b := 0;
- p := Data;
- for n := NbPixels - 1 downto 0 do
- begin
- alpha := p^.alpha / 255;
- incF(sum, alpha);
- incF(r, p^.red * alpha);
- incF(g, p^.green * alpha);
- incF(b, p^.blue * alpha);
- Inc(p);
- end;
- if sum = 0 then
- Result := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- Result := BGRA(round(r / sum),round(g / sum),round(b / sum),round(sum*255/NbPixels));
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetPenJoinStyle: TPenJoinStyle;
- result := GetInternalPen.JoinStyle;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.SetPenJoinStyle(const AValue: TPenJoinStyle);
- GetInternalPen.JoinStyle := AValue;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetPenMiterLimit: single;
- result := GetInternalPen.MiterLimit;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.SetPenMiterLimit(const AValue: single);
- GetInternalPen.MiterLimit := AValue;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.SetCanvasOpacity(AValue: byte);
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- FCanvasOpacity := AValue;
-{----------------------------- Resample ---------------------------------------}
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.FineResample(NewWidth, NewHeight: integer):
- Result := BGRAResample.FineResample(self, NewWidth, NewHeight, ResampleFilter);
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.SimpleStretch(NewWidth, NewHeight: integer):
- Result := BGRAResample.SimpleStretch(self, NewWidth, NewHeight);
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.Resample(newWidth, newHeight: integer;
- mode: TResampleMode): TBGRADefaultBitmap;
- case mode of
- rmFineResample: Result := FineResample(newWidth, newHeight) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
- rmSimpleStretch: Result := SimpleStretch(newWidth, newHeight) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
- else
- Result := nil;
- end;
-{-------------------------------- Data functions ------------------------}
-{ Compute negative with gamma correction. A negative contains
- complentary colors (black becomes white etc.).
- It is NOT EXACTLY an involution, when applied twice, some color information is lost }
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.Negative;
- TBGRAFilterScannerNegative.ComputeFilterInplace(self, rect(0,0,FWidth,FHeight), True);
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.NegativeRect(ABounds: TRect);
- ABounds.Intersect(ClipRect);
- if ABounds.IsEmpty then exit;
- TBGRAFilterScannerNegative.ComputeFilterInplace(self, ABounds, True);
-{ Compute negative without gamma correction.
- It is an involution, i.e it does nothing when applied twice }
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.LinearNegative;
- TBGRAFilterScannerNegative.ComputeFilterInplace(self, rect(0,0,FWidth,FHeight), False);
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.LinearNegativeRect(ABounds: TRect);
- ABounds.Intersect(ClipRect);
- if ABounds.IsEmpty then exit;
- TBGRAFilterScannerNegative.ComputeFilterInplace(self, ABounds, False);
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.InplaceGrayscale(AGammaCorrection: boolean = true);
- TBGRAFilterScannerGrayscale.ComputeFilterInplace(self, rect(0,0,FWidth,FHeight), AGammaCorrection);
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.InplaceGrayscale(ABounds: TRect; AGammaCorrection: boolean = true);
- ABounds.Intersect(ClipRect);
- if ABounds.IsEmpty then exit;
- TBGRAFilterScannerGrayscale.ComputeFilterInplace(self, ABounds, AGammaCorrection);
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.InplaceNormalize(AEachChannel: boolean);
- InplaceNormalize(rect(0,0,Width,Height),AEachChannel);
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.InplaceNormalize(ABounds: TRect;
- AEachChannel: boolean);
-var scanner: TBGRAFilterScannerNormalize;
- ABounds.Intersect(ClipRect);
- if ABounds.IsEmpty then exit;
- scanner := TBGRAFilterScannerNormalize.Create(self,Point(0,0),ABounds,AEachChannel);
- FillRect(ABounds,scanner,dmSet);
- scanner.Free;
-{ Swap red and blue channels. Useful when RGB order is swapped.
- It is an involution, i.e it does nothing when applied twice }
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.SwapRedBlue;
- TBGRAFilterScannerSwapRedBlue.ComputeFilterInplace(self, rect(0,0,FWidth,FHeight), False);
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.SwapRedBlue(ARect: TRect);
- if not CheckClippedRectBounds(ARect.Left,ARect.Top,ARect.Right,ARect.Bottom) then exit;
- TBGRAFilterScannerSwapRedBlue.ComputeFilterInplace(self, ARect, False);
-{ Convert a grayscale image into a black image with alpha value }
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.GrayscaleToAlpha;
- n: integer;
- p: PLongword;
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- p := PLongword(Data);
- n := NbPixels;
- if n = 0 then
- exit;
- repeat
- p^ := (p^ shr TBGRAPixel_RedShift and $FF) shl TBGRAPixel_AlphaShift;
- Inc(p);
- Dec(n);
- until n = 0;
- InvalidateBitmap;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.AlphaToGrayscale;
- n: integer;
- temp: LongWord;
- p: PLongword;
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- p := PLongword(Data);
- n := NbPixels;
- if n = 0 then
- exit;
- repeat
- temp := (p^ shr TBGRAPixel_AlphaShift) and $ff;
- p^ := (temp shl TBGRAPixel_RedShift) or (temp shl TBGRAPixel_GreenShift)
- or (temp shl TBGRAPixel_BlueShift) or ($ff shl TBGRAPixel_AlphaShift);
- Inc(p);
- Dec(n);
- until n = 0;
- InvalidateBitmap;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetMaskFromAlpha: TBGRADefaultBitmap;
-var y,x: integer;
- psrc, pdest: PBGRAPixel;
- result := BGRABitmapFactory.Create(Width,Height) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
- for y := 0 to self.Height-1 do
- begin
- psrc := self.ScanLine[y];
- pdest := result.ScanLine[y];
- for x := 0 to self.Width-1 do
- begin
- pdest^ := BGRA(psrc^.alpha,psrc^.alpha,psrc^.alpha);
- inc(psrc);
- inc(pdest);
- end;
- end;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetGrayscaleMaskFromAlpha: TGrayscaleMask;
- psrc: PBGRAPixel;
- pdest: PByte;
- y, x: Integer;
- result := TGrayscaleMask.Create;
- result.SetSize(Width,Height);
- for y := 0 to self.Height-1 do
- begin
- psrc := self.ScanLine[y];
- pdest := result.ScanLine[y];
- for x := 0 to self.Width-1 do
- begin
- pdest^ := psrc^.alpha;
- inc(psrc);
- inc(pdest);
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.ConvertToLinearRGB;
-var p: PBGRAPixel;
- n: integer;
- p := Data;
- for n := NbPixels-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- p^.red := GammaExpansionTab[p^.red] shr 8;
- p^.green := GammaExpansionTab[p^.green] shr 8;
- p^.blue := GammaExpansionTab[p^.blue] shr 8;
- inc(p);
- end;
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.ConvertFromLinearRGB;
-var p: PBGRAPixel;
- n: integer;
- p := Data;
- for n := NbPixels-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- p^.red := GammaCompressionTab[p^.red shl 8 + p^.red];
- p^.green := GammaCompressionTab[p^.green shl 8 + p^.green];
- p^.blue := GammaCompressionTab[p^.blue shl 8 + p^.blue];
- inc(p);
- end;
-{ Make a copy of the transparent bitmap to a TBitmap with a background color
- instead of transparency }
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.MakeBitmapCopy(BackgroundColor: TColor): TBitmap;
- opaqueCopy: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- Result := TBitmap.Create;
- Result.Width := Width;
- Result.Height := Height;
- opaqueCopy := NewBitmap(Width, Height);
- opaqueCopy.Fill(BackgroundColor);
- opaqueCopy.PutImage(0, 0, self, dmDrawWithTransparency);
- opaqueCopy.Draw(Result.canvas, 0, 0, True);
- opaqueCopy.Free;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetPtrBitmap(Top, Bottom: Integer
- ): TBGRACustomBitmap;
-var temp: integer;
- ptrbmp: TBGRAPtrBitmap;
- if Top > Bottom then
- begin
- temp := Top;
- Top := Bottom;
- Bottom := Temp;
- end;
- if Top < 0 then Top := 0;
- if Bottom > Height then Bottom := Height;
- if Top >= Bottom then
- result := nil
- else
- begin
- if LineOrder = riloTopToBottom then
- ptrbmp := CreatePtrBitmap(Width,Bottom-Top,ScanLine[Top]) else
- ptrbmp := CreatePtrBitmap(Width,Bottom-Top,ScanLine[Bottom-1]);
- ptrbmp.LineOrder := LineOrder;
- result := ptrbmp;
- end;
-{-------------------------- Allocation routines -------------------------------}
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.CreatePtrBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer;
- AData: PBGRAPixel): TBGRAPtrBitmap;
- result := TBGRAPtrBitmap.Create(AWidth,AHeight,AData);
-procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FreeBitmap;
- FreeAndNil(FBitmap);
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetCanvasOpacity: byte;
- result:= FCanvasOpacity;
-function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetFontHeight: integer;
- result := FFontHeight;
-{ TBGRAPtrBitmap }
-function TBGRAPtrBitmap.GetLineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder;
- result := inherited GetLineOrder;
-procedure TBGRAPtrBitmap.SetLineOrder(AValue: TRawImageLineOrder);
- inherited SetLineOrder(AValue);
-procedure TBGRAPtrBitmap.ReallocData;
- //nothing
-procedure TBGRAPtrBitmap.FreeData;
- FDataByte := nil;
-procedure TBGRAPtrBitmap.CannotResize;
- raise exception.Create('A pointer bitmap cannot be resized');
-procedure TBGRAPtrBitmap.NotImplemented;
- raise exception.Create('Not implemented');
-procedure TBGRAPtrBitmap.RebuildBitmap;
- NotImplemented;
-function TBGRAPtrBitmap.CreateDefaultFontRenderer: TBGRACustomFontRenderer;
- result := nil;
- NotImplemented;
-function TBGRAPtrBitmap.LoadFromRawImage(ARawImage: TRawImage;
- DefaultOpacity: byte; AlwaysReplaceAlpha: boolean;
- RaiseErrorOnInvalidPixelFormat: boolean): boolean;
- result := false;
- NotImplemented;
-constructor TBGRAPtrBitmap.Create(AWidth, AHeight: integer; AData: Pointer);
- inherited Create(AWidth, AHeight);
- SetDataPtr(AData);
-procedure TBGRAPtrBitmap.SetDataPtr(AData: Pointer);
- FDataByte := AData;
-procedure TBGRAPtrBitmap.DataDrawTransparent(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect;
- AData: Pointer; ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; AWidth, AHeight: integer);
- NotImplemented;
-procedure TBGRAPtrBitmap.DataDrawOpaque(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect;
- AData: Pointer; ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; AWidth, AHeight: integer);
- NotImplemented;
-procedure TBGRAPtrBitmap.GetImageFromCanvas(CanvasSource: TCanvas; x, y: integer
- );
- NotImplemented;
-procedure TBGRAPtrBitmap.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
- CannotResize;
-procedure TBGRAPtrBitmap.TakeScreenshot(ARect: TRect);
- CannotResize;
-procedure TBGRAPtrBitmap.TakeScreenshotOfPrimaryMonitor;
- CannotResize;
-procedure TBGRAPtrBitmap.LoadFromDevice(DC: HDC);
- NotImplemented;
-procedure TBGRAPtrBitmap.LoadFromDevice(DC: HDC; ARect: TRect);
- NotImplemented;
-procedure BGRAGradientFill(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y, x2, y2: integer;
- c1, c2: TBGRAPixel; gtype: TGradientType; o1, o2: TPointF; mode: TDrawMode;
- gammaColorCorrection: boolean = True; Sinus: Boolean=False);
- bmp.GradientFill(x,y,x2,y2,c1,c2,gtype,o1,o2,mode,gammaColorCorrection,sinus);
- with DefaultTextStyle do
- begin
- Alignment := taLeftJustify;
- Layout := tlTop;
- WordBreak := True;
- SingleLine := True;
- Clipping := True;
- ShowPrefix := False;
- Opaque := False;
- end;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgradithering.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgradithering.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 91b532f..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgradithering.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,761 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRADithering;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BGRAFilterType, BGRAPalette, BGRABitmapTypes;
- TOutputPixelProc = procedure(X,Y: Int32or64; AColorIndex: Int32or64; AColor: TBGRAPixel) of object;
- { TDitheringTask }
- TDitheringTask = class(TFilterTask)
- protected
- FBounds: TRect;
- FIgnoreAlpha: boolean;
- FPalette: TBGRACustomApproxPalette;
- FCurrentOutputScanline: PBGRAPixel;
- FCurrentOutputY: Int32or64;
- FOutputPixel : TOutputPixelProc;
- FDrawMode: TDrawMode;
- procedure UpdateCurrentLine(Y: Int32or64); inline;
- procedure OutputPixel(X,Y: Int32or64; {%H-}AColorIndex: Int32or64; AColor: TBGRAPixel); virtual;
- procedure OutputPixelSet(X,Y: Int32or64; {%H-}AColorIndex: Int32or64; AColor: TBGRAPixel); virtual;
- procedure OutputPixelSetExceptTransparent(X,Y: Int32or64; {%H-}AColorIndex: Int32or64; AColor: TBGRAPixel); virtual;
- procedure OutputPixelLinearBlend(X,Y: Int32or64; {%H-}AColorIndex: Int32or64; AColor: TBGRAPixel); virtual;
- procedure OutputPixelDraw(X,Y: Int32or64; {%H-}AColorIndex: Int32or64; AColor: TBGRAPixel); virtual;
- procedure OutputPixelXor(X,Y: Int32or64; {%H-}AColorIndex: Int32or64; AColor: TBGRAPixel); virtual;
- procedure ApproximateColor(const AColor: TBGRAPixel; out AApproxColor: TBGRAPixel; out AIndex: integer);
- procedure SetDrawMode(AValue: TDrawMode);
- procedure UpdateOutputPixel;
- public
- constructor Create(ASource: IBGRAScanner; APalette: TBGRACustomApproxPalette; ADestination: TBGRACustomBitmap; AIgnoreAlpha: boolean; ABounds: TRect); overload;
- constructor Create(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; APalette: TBGRACustomApproxPalette; AInPlace: boolean; AIgnoreAlpha: boolean; ABounds: TRect); overload;
- constructor Create(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; APalette: TBGRACustomApproxPalette; AInPlace: boolean; AIgnoreAlpha: boolean); overload;
- property OnOutputPixel: TOutputPixelProc read FOutputPixel write FOutputPixel;
- property DrawMode: TDrawMode read FDrawMode write SetDrawMode;
- end;
- { TNearestColorTask }
- TNearestColorTask = class(TDitheringTask)
- protected
- procedure DoExecute; override;
- end;
- { TFloydSteinbergDitheringTask }
- TFloydSteinbergDitheringTask = class(TDitheringTask)
- protected
- procedure DoExecute; override;
- end;
- { TDitheringToIndexedImage }
- TDitheringToIndexedImage = class
- protected
- FBitOrder: TRawImageBitOrder;
- FByteOrder: TRawImageByteOrder;
- FBitsPerPixel: integer;
- FLineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder;
- FPalette: TBGRACustomApproxPalette;
- FIgnoreAlpha: boolean;
- FTransparentColorIndex: Int32or64;
- //following variables are used during dithering
- FCurrentScanlineSize: PtrInt;
- FCurrentData: PByte;
- FCurrentOutputY: Int32or64;
- FCurrentOutputScanline: PByte;
- FCurrentBitOrderMask: Int32or64;
- FCurrentMaxY: Int32or64;
- procedure SetPalette(AValue: TBGRACustomApproxPalette);
- procedure SetIgnoreAlpha(AValue: boolean);
- procedure SetLineOrder(AValue: TRawImageLineOrder);
- procedure SetBitOrder(AValue: TRawImageBitOrder); virtual;
- procedure SetBitsPerPixel(AValue: integer); virtual;
- procedure SetByteOrder(AValue: TRawImageByteOrder); virtual;
- procedure OutputPixelSubByte(X,Y: Int32or64; AColorIndex: Int32or64; {%H-}AColor: TBGRAPixel); virtual;
- procedure OutputPixelFullByte(X,Y: Int32or64; AColorIndex: Int32or64; {%H-}AColor: TBGRAPixel); virtual;
- function GetScanline(Y: Int32or64): Pointer; virtual;
- function GetTransparentColorIndex: integer;
- procedure SetTransparentColorIndex(AValue: integer);
- public
- constructor Create(APalette: TBGRACustomApproxPalette; AIgnoreAlpha: boolean; ABitsPerPixelForIndices: integer); overload; //use platform byte order
- constructor Create(APalette: TBGRACustomApproxPalette; AIgnoreAlpha: boolean; ABitsPerPixelForIndices: integer; AByteOrder: TRawImageByteOrder); overload; //maybe necessary if larger than 8 bits per pixel
- function DitherImage(AAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm; AImage: TBGRACustomBitmap): Pointer; overload; //use minimum scanline size
- function DitherImage(AAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm; AImage: TBGRACustomBitmap; AScanlineSize: PtrInt): Pointer; overload;
- procedure DitherImageTo(AAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm; AImage: TBGRACustomBitmap; AData: Pointer); overload; //use minimum scanline size
- procedure DitherImageTo(AAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm; AImage: TBGRACustomBitmap; AData: Pointer; AScanlineSize: PtrInt); overload;
- function ComputeMinimumScanlineSize(AWidthInPixels: integer): PtrInt;
- function AllocateSpaceForIndexedData(AImage: TBGRACustomBitmap; AScanlineSize: PtrInt): pointer;
- //optional customization of format
- property BitsPerPixel: integer read FBitsPerPixel write SetBitsPerPixel;
- property BitOrder: TRawImageBitOrder read FBitOrder write SetBitOrder;
- property ByteOrder: TRawImageByteOrder read FByteOrder write SetByteOrder;
- property LineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder read FLineOrder write SetLineOrder;
- property Palette: TBGRACustomApproxPalette read FPalette write SetPalette;
- property IgnoreAlpha: boolean read FIgnoreAlpha write SetIgnoreAlpha;
- //when there is no transparent color in the palette, or that IgnoreAlpha is set to True,
- //this allows to define the index for the fully transparent color
- property DefaultTransparentColorIndex: integer read GetTransparentColorIndex write SetTransparentColorIndex;
- end;
-function CreateDitheringTask(AAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm; ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; APalette: TBGRACustomApproxPalette;
- AIgnoreAlpha: boolean): TDitheringTask; overload;
-function CreateDitheringTask(AAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm; ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; APalette: TBGRACustomApproxPalette;
- AIgnoreAlpha: boolean; ABounds: TRect): TDitheringTask; overload;
-function CreateDitheringTask(AAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm; ASource: IBGRAScanner; ADestination: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABounds: TRect): TDitheringTask; overload;
-function CreateDitheringTask(AAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm; ASource: IBGRAScanner; ADestination: TBGRACustomBitmap; APalette: TBGRACustomApproxPalette;
- AIgnoreAlpha: boolean; ABounds: TRect): TDitheringTask; overload;
-function DitherImageTo16Bit(AAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm; ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap): TBGRACustomBitmap;
-uses BGRABlend;
-function AbsRGBADiff(const c1, c2: TExpandedPixel): Int32or64;
- result := abs(c1.alpha-c2.alpha);
- inc(result, abs(c1.red-c2.red) );
- inc(result, abs(c1.green-c2.green) );
- inc(result, abs(c1.blue-c2.blue) );
-function CreateDitheringTask(AAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm; ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; APalette: TBGRACustomApproxPalette;
- AIgnoreAlpha: boolean): TDitheringTask;
- result := CreateDitheringTask(AAlgorithm, ABitmap, APalette, AIgnoreAlpha, rect(0,0,ABitmap.width, ABitmap.Height));
-function CreateDitheringTask(AAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm; ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; APalette: TBGRACustomApproxPalette;
- AIgnoreAlpha: boolean; ABounds: TRect): TDitheringTask;
- result := nil;
- case AAlgorithm of
- daNearestNeighbor: result := TNearestColorTask.Create(ABitmap, APalette, False, AIgnoreAlpha, ABounds);
- daFloydSteinberg: result := TFloydSteinbergDitheringTask.Create(ABitmap, APalette, False, AIgnoreAlpha, ABounds);
- else raise exception.Create('Unknown algorithm');
- end;
-function CreateDitheringTask(AAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm;
- ASource: IBGRAScanner; ADestination: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABounds: TRect
- ): TDitheringTask;
- result := CreateDitheringTask(AAlgorithm, ASource, ADestination, nil, true, ABounds);
-function CreateDitheringTask(AAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm;
- ASource: IBGRAScanner; ADestination: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- APalette: TBGRACustomApproxPalette; AIgnoreAlpha: boolean; ABounds: TRect
- ): TDitheringTask;
- result := nil;
- case AAlgorithm of
- daNearestNeighbor: result := TNearestColorTask.Create(ASource, APalette, ADestination, AIgnoreAlpha, ABounds);
- daFloydSteinberg: result := TFloydSteinbergDitheringTask.Create(ASource, APalette, ADestination, AIgnoreAlpha, ABounds);
- else raise exception.Create('Unknown algorithm');
- end;
-function DitherImageTo16Bit(AAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm;
- ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap): TBGRACustomBitmap;
- palette16bit: TBGRA16BitPalette;
- dither: TDitheringTask;
- palette16bit := TBGRA16BitPalette.Create;
- dither := CreateDitheringTask(AAlgorithm, ABitmap, palette16bit, false);
- result := dither.Execute;
- dither.Free;
- palette16bit.Free;
-{ TDitheringToIndexedImage }
-procedure TDitheringToIndexedImage.SetBitsPerPixel(AValue: integer);
- if not (AValue in [1,2,4,8,16,32]) then
- raise exception.Create('Invalid value for bits per pixel. Allowed values: 1,2,4,8,16,32.');
- if FBitsPerPixel=AValue then Exit;
- FBitsPerPixel:=AValue;
-procedure TDitheringToIndexedImage.SetByteOrder(AValue: TRawImageByteOrder);
- if FByteOrder=AValue then Exit;
- FByteOrder:=AValue;
-procedure TDitheringToIndexedImage.OutputPixelSubByte(X, Y: Int32or64;
- AColorIndex: Int32or64; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
-var p: PByte;
- if y <> FCurrentOutputY then
- begin
- FCurrentOutputY := y;
- FCurrentOutputScanline := GetScanline(Y);
- end;
- if AColorIndex = -1 then AColorIndex := FTransparentColorIndex;
- case FBitsPerPixel of
- 1: begin
- p := FCurrentOutputScanline+(x shr 3);
- p^ := p^ or ((AColorIndex and 1) shl ((x xor FCurrentBitOrderMask) and 7));
- end;
- 2: begin
- p := FCurrentOutputScanline+(x shr 2);
- p^ := p^ or ((AColorIndex and 1) shl (((x xor FCurrentBitOrderMask) and 3) shl 1));
- end;
- 4: begin
- p := FCurrentOutputScanline+(x shr 1);
- p^ := p^ or ((AColorIndex and 1) shl (((x xor FCurrentBitOrderMask) and 1) shl 2));
- end;
- end;
-procedure TDitheringToIndexedImage.OutputPixelFullByte(X, Y: Int32or64;
- AColorIndex: Int32or64; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- if y <> FCurrentOutputY then
- begin
- FCurrentOutputY := y;
- FCurrentOutputScanline := GetScanline(Y);
- end;
- if AColorIndex = -1 then AColorIndex := FTransparentColorIndex;
- case FBitsPerPixel of
- 8: (FCurrentOutputScanline+x)^ := AColorIndex;
- 16: (PWord(FCurrentOutputScanline)+x)^ := AColorIndex;
- 32: (PLongWord(FCurrentOutputScanline)+x)^ := AColorIndex;
- end;
-function TDitheringToIndexedImage.GetScanline(Y: Int32or64): Pointer;
- if FLineOrder = riloTopToBottom then
- result := FCurrentData + Y*FCurrentScanlineSize
- else
- result := FCurrentData + (FCurrentMaxY-Y)*FCurrentScanlineSize
-procedure TDitheringToIndexedImage.SetIgnoreAlpha(AValue: boolean);
- if FIgnoreAlpha=AValue then Exit;
- FIgnoreAlpha:=AValue;
-procedure TDitheringToIndexedImage.SetTransparentColorIndex(AValue: integer);
- if FTransparentColorIndex=AValue then Exit;
- FTransparentColorIndex:=AValue;
-function TDitheringToIndexedImage.GetTransparentColorIndex: integer;
- result := FTransparentColorIndex;
-procedure TDitheringToIndexedImage.SetPalette(AValue: TBGRACustomApproxPalette);
- if FPalette=AValue then Exit;
- FPalette:=AValue;
-procedure TDitheringToIndexedImage.SetLineOrder(AValue: TRawImageLineOrder);
- if FLineOrder=AValue then Exit;
- FLineOrder:=AValue;
-procedure TDitheringToIndexedImage.SetBitOrder(AValue: TRawImageBitOrder);
- if FBitOrder=AValue then Exit;
- FBitOrder:=AValue;
-constructor TDitheringToIndexedImage.Create(APalette: TBGRACustomApproxPalette; AIgnoreAlpha: boolean; ABitsPerPixelForIndices: integer);
- BitsPerPixel:= ABitsPerPixelForIndices;
- BitOrder := riboReversedBits; //convention in BMP format
- ByteOrder:= riboLSBFirst;
- {$ELSE}
- ByteOrder:= riboMSBFirst;
- {$ENDIF}
- Palette := APalette;
- IgnoreAlpha:= AIgnoreAlpha;
-constructor TDitheringToIndexedImage.Create(APalette: TBGRACustomApproxPalette; AIgnoreAlpha: boolean; ABitsPerPixelForIndices: integer;
- AByteOrder: TRawImageByteOrder);
- BitsPerPixel:= ABitsPerPixelForIndices;
- BitOrder := riboReversedBits; //convention in BMP format
- ByteOrder:= AByteOrder;
- Palette := APalette;
- IgnoreAlpha:= AIgnoreAlpha;
-function TDitheringToIndexedImage.ComputeMinimumScanlineSize(
- AWidthInPixels: integer): PtrInt;
- result := (AWidthInPixels*FBitsPerPixel+7) shr 3;
-function TDitheringToIndexedImage.AllocateSpaceForIndexedData(AImage: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- AScanlineSize: PtrInt): pointer;
-var size: integer;
- size := AScanlineSize * AImage.Height;
- GetMem(result, size);
- Fillchar(result^, size, 0);
-function TDitheringToIndexedImage.DitherImage(AAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm;
- AImage: TBGRACustomBitmap): Pointer;
- result := DitherImage(AAlgorithm, AImage, ComputeMinimumScanlineSize(AImage.Width));
-procedure TDitheringToIndexedImage.DitherImageTo(AAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm;
- AImage: TBGRACustomBitmap; AData: Pointer);
- DitherImageTo(AAlgorithm, AImage, AData, ComputeMinimumScanlineSize(AImage.Width));
-function TDitheringToIndexedImage.DitherImage(AAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm;
- AImage: TBGRACustomBitmap; AScanlineSize: PtrInt): Pointer;
- result := AllocateSpaceForIndexedData(AImage, AScanlineSize);
- DitherImageTo(AAlgorithm, AImage, result, AScanlineSize);
-procedure TDitheringToIndexedImage.DitherImageTo(AAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm;
- AImage: TBGRACustomBitmap; AData: Pointer; AScanlineSize: PtrInt);
-var ditherTask: TDitheringTask;
- FCurrentOutputY := -1;
- FCurrentOutputScanline := nil;
- FCurrentData := AData;
- FCurrentMaxY:= AImage.Height-1;
- FCurrentScanlineSize:= AScanlineSize;
- ditherTask := CreateDitheringTask(AAlgorithm, AImage, FPalette, FIgnoreAlpha);
- try
- ditherTask.Inplace := True; //do not allocate destination
- if BitsPerPixel >= 8 then
- ditherTask.OnOutputPixel := @OutputPixelFullByte
- else
- begin
- ditherTask.OnOutputPixel:= @OutputPixelSubByte;
- if BitOrder = riboBitsInOrder then
- FCurrentBitOrderMask := 0
- else
- FCurrentBitOrderMask := $ff;
- end;
- ditherTask.Execute;
- finally
- ditherTask.Free;
- end;
-{ TDitheringTask }
-procedure TDitheringTask.SetDrawMode(AValue: TDrawMode);
- if FDrawMode=AValue then Exit;
- FDrawMode:=AValue;
- UpdateOutputPixel;
-procedure TDitheringTask.UpdateOutputPixel;
- case FDrawMode of
- dmSet: FOutputPixel := @OutputPixelSet;
- dmSetExceptTransparent: FOutputPixel := @OutputPixelSetExceptTransparent;
- dmLinearBlend: FOutputPixel := @OutputPixelLinearBlend;
- dmXor: FOutputPixel := @OutputPixelXor;
- else
- {dmDrawWithTransparency} FOutputPixel := @OutputPixelDraw;
- end;
-procedure TDitheringTask.UpdateCurrentLine(Y: Int32or64);
- if Y <> FCurrentOutputY then
- begin
- FCurrentOutputY := Y;
- FCurrentOutputScanline := Destination.ScanLine[y];
- end;
-procedure TDitheringTask.OutputPixel(X, Y: Int32or64; AColorIndex: Int32or64;
- AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- UpdateCurrentLine(y);
- PutPixels(FCurrentOutputScanline+x, @AColor, 1, FDrawMode, 255);
-procedure TDitheringTask.OutputPixelSet(X, Y: Int32or64;
- AColorIndex: Int32or64; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- UpdateCurrentLine(y);
- (FCurrentOutputScanline+x)^ := AColor;
-procedure TDitheringTask.OutputPixelSetExceptTransparent(X, Y: Int32or64;
- AColorIndex: Int32or64; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- UpdateCurrentLine(y);
- if AColor.alpha = 255 then (FCurrentOutputScanline+x)^ := AColor;
-procedure TDitheringTask.OutputPixelLinearBlend(X, Y: Int32or64;
- AColorIndex: Int32or64; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- UpdateCurrentLine(y);
- FastBlendPixelInline(FCurrentOutputScanline+x, AColor);
-procedure TDitheringTask.OutputPixelDraw(X, Y: Int32or64;
- AColorIndex: Int32or64; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- UpdateCurrentLine(y);
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(FCurrentOutputScanline+x, AColor);
-procedure TDitheringTask.OutputPixelXor(X, Y: Int32or64;
- AColorIndex: Int32or64; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- UpdateCurrentLine(y);
- PLongWord(FCurrentOutputScanline+x)^ := PLongWord(FCurrentOutputScanline+x)^ xor PLongWord(@AColor)^;
-procedure TDitheringTask.ApproximateColor(const AColor: TBGRAPixel;
- out AApproxColor: TBGRAPixel; out AIndex: integer);
- if FPalette <> nil then
- begin
- AIndex := FPalette.FindNearestColorIndex(AColor, FIgnoreAlpha);
- if AIndex = -1 then
- AApproxColor := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- AApproxColor := FPalette.Color[AIndex];
- end else
- begin
- if AColor.alpha = 0 then
- begin
- AApproxColor := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- AIndex := -1;
- end else
- begin
- AApproxColor := AColor;
- AIndex := 0;
- end;
- end;
-constructor TDitheringTask.Create(ASource: IBGRAScanner;
- APalette: TBGRACustomApproxPalette; ADestination: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- AIgnoreAlpha: boolean; ABounds: TRect);
- FPalette := APalette;
- SetSource(ASource);
- FBounds := ABounds;
- FIgnoreAlpha:= AIgnoreAlpha;
- FCurrentOutputY := -1;
- FCurrentOutputScanline:= nil;
- Destination := ADestination;
- FDrawMode:= dmSet;
- UpdateOutputPixel;
-constructor TDitheringTask.Create(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- APalette: TBGRACustomApproxPalette; AInPlace: boolean; AIgnoreAlpha: boolean;
- ABounds: TRect);
- FPalette := APalette;
- SetSource(bmp);
- FBounds := ABounds;
- FIgnoreAlpha:= AIgnoreAlpha;
- FCurrentOutputY := -1;
- FCurrentOutputScanline:= nil;
- InPlace := AInPlace;
- FDrawMode:= dmSet;
- UpdateOutputPixel;
-constructor TDitheringTask.Create(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- APalette: TBGRACustomApproxPalette; AInPlace: boolean; AIgnoreAlpha: boolean);
- FPalette := APalette;
- SetSource(bmp);
- FBounds := rect(0,0,bmp.Width,bmp.Height);
- FIgnoreAlpha:= AIgnoreAlpha;
- FCurrentOutputY := -1;
- FCurrentOutputScanline:= nil;
- InPlace := AInPlace;
- FDrawMode:= dmSet;
- UpdateOutputPixel;
-{ TFloydSteinbergDitheringTask }
-procedure TFloydSteinbergDitheringTask.DoExecute;
- ErrorPrecisionShift = 4;
- MaxColorDiffForDiffusion = 4096;
- TAccPixel = record
- red,green,blue,alpha: Int32or64;
- end;
- TLine = array of TAccPixel;
- procedure AddError(var dest: TAccPixel; const src: TAccPixel; factor: Int32or64); inline;
- const maxError = 65536 shl ErrorPrecisionShift;
- minError = -(65536 shl ErrorPrecisionShift);
- begin
- inc(dest.alpha, src.alpha * factor);
- if dest.alpha > maxError then dest.alpha := maxError;
- if dest.alpha < minError then dest.alpha := minError;
- inc(dest.red, src.red * factor);
- if dest.red > maxError then dest.red := maxError;
- if dest.red < minError then dest.red := minError;
- inc(dest.green, src.green * factor);
- if dest.green > maxError then dest.green := maxError;
- if dest.green < minError then dest.green := minError;
- inc(dest.blue, src.blue * factor);
- if dest.blue > maxError then dest.blue := maxError;
- if dest.blue < minError then dest.blue := minError;
- end;
- w,h: Int32or64;
- p,pNext: PExpandedPixel;
- destX,destY: Int32or64;
- orig,cur,approxExp: TExpandedPixel;
- approx: TBGRAPixel;
- approxIndex: integer;
- curPix,diff: TAccPixel;
- i: Int32or64;
- yWrite: Int32or64;
- tempLine, currentLine, nextLine: TLine;
- nextScan,curScan: PExpandedPixel;
- function ClampWordDiv(AValue: Int32or64): Word; inline;
- begin
- if AValue < 0 then AValue := -((-AValue) shr ErrorPrecisionShift) else AValue := AValue shr ErrorPrecisionShift;
- if AValue < 0 then
- result := 0
- else if AValue > 65535 then
- result := 65535
- else
- result := AValue;
- end;
- function Div16(AValue: Int32or64): Int32or64; inline;
- begin
- if AValue < 0 then
- result := -((-AValue) shr 4)
- else
- result := AValue shr 4;
- end;
- w := FBounds.Right-FBounds.Left;
- h := FBounds.Bottom-FBounds.Top;
- if (w <= 0) or (h <= 0) then exit;
- setlength(currentLine,w);
- setlength(nextLine,w);
- curScan := nil;
- nextScan := RequestSourceExpandedScanLine(FBounds.Left, FBounds.Top, FBounds.Right-FBounds.Left);
- for yWrite := 0 to h-1 do
- begin
- if GetShouldStop(yWrite) then break;
- ReleaseSourceExpandedScanLine(curScan);
- curScan := nextScan;
- nextScan := nil;
- p := curScan;
- destX := FBounds.Left;
- destY := yWrite+FBounds.Top;
- if yWrite < h-1 then
- nextScan := RequestSourceExpandedScanLine(FBounds.Left,yWrite+FBounds.Top+1, FBounds.Right-FBounds.Left);
- pNext := nextScan;
- if odd(yWrite) then
- begin
- inc(p, w);
- inc(destX, w);
- if pNext<>nil then inc(pNext, w);
- for i := w-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- dec(p);
- dec(destX);
- if pNext<>nil then dec(pNext);
- if p^.alpha <> 0 then
- begin
- orig := p^;
- with currentLine[i] do
- begin
- curPix.alpha := alpha+Int32or64(orig.alpha shl ErrorPrecisionShift);
- curPix.red := red+Int32or64(orig.red shl ErrorPrecisionShift);
- curPix.green := green+Int32or64(orig.green shl ErrorPrecisionShift);
- curPix.blue := blue+Int32or64(orig.blue shl ErrorPrecisionShift);
- cur.alpha := ClampWordDiv(curPix.alpha);
- cur.red := ClampWordDiv(curPix.red);
- cur.green := ClampWordDiv(curPix.green);
- cur.blue := ClampWordDiv(curPix.blue);
- end;
- ApproximateColor(GammaCompression(cur), approx, approxIndex);
- approxExp := GammaExpansion(approx);
- diff.alpha := Div16(curPix.alpha - (approxExp.alpha shl ErrorPrecisionShift));
- if (approxExp.alpha = 0) or (cur.alpha = 0) then
- begin
- diff.red := 0;
- diff.green := 0;
- diff.blue := 0;
- end else
- begin
- diff.red := Div16(curPix.red - (approxExp.red shl ErrorPrecisionShift));
- diff.green := Div16(curPix.green - (approxExp.green shl ErrorPrecisionShift));
- diff.blue := Div16(curPix.blue - (approxExp.blue shl ErrorPrecisionShift));
- end;
- if i > 0 then
- begin
- if AbsRGBADiff((p-1)^,orig) < MaxColorDiffForDiffusion then
- AddError(currentLine[i-1], diff, 7);
- end;
- if nextLine <> nil then
- begin
- if i > 0 then
- begin
- if AbsRGBADiff((pNext-1)^,orig) < MaxColorDiffForDiffusion then
- AddError(nextLine[i-1], diff, 1);
- end;
- if AbsRGBADiff(pNext^,orig) < MaxColorDiffForDiffusion then
- AddError(nextLine[i], diff, 5);
- if i < w-1 then
- begin
- if AbsRGBADiff((pNext+1)^,orig) < MaxColorDiffForDiffusion then
- AddError(nextLine[i+1], diff, 3);
- end;
- end;
- OnOutputPixel(destX,destY,approxIndex,approx);
- end else
- begin
- ApproximateColor(BGRAPixelTransparent, approx, approxIndex);
- OnOutputPixel(destX,destY,approxIndex,approx);
- end;
- end
- end
- else
- for i := 0 to w-1 do
- begin
- if p^.alpha <> 0 then
- begin
- orig := p^;
- with currentLine[i] do
- begin
- curPix.alpha := alpha+Int32or64(orig.alpha shl ErrorPrecisionShift);
- curPix.red := red+Int32or64(orig.red shl ErrorPrecisionShift);
- curPix.green := green+Int32or64(orig.green shl ErrorPrecisionShift);
- curPix.blue := blue+Int32or64(orig.blue shl ErrorPrecisionShift);
- cur.alpha := ClampWordDiv(curPix.alpha);
- cur.red := ClampWordDiv(curPix.red);
- cur.green := ClampWordDiv(curPix.green);
- cur.blue := ClampWordDiv(curPix.blue);
- end;
- ApproximateColor(GammaCompression(cur), approx, approxIndex);
- approxExp := GammaExpansion(approx);
- diff.alpha := Div16(curPix.alpha - (approxExp.alpha shl ErrorPrecisionShift));
- if (approxExp.alpha = 0) or (cur.alpha = 0) then
- begin
- diff.red := 0;
- diff.green := 0;
- diff.blue := 0;
- end else
- begin
- diff.red := Div16(curPix.red - (approxExp.red shl ErrorPrecisionShift));
- diff.green := Div16(curPix.green - (approxExp.green shl ErrorPrecisionShift));
- diff.blue := Div16(curPix.blue - (approxExp.blue shl ErrorPrecisionShift));
- end;
- if i < w-1 then
- begin
- if AbsRGBADiff((p+1)^,orig) < MaxColorDiffForDiffusion then
- AddError(currentLine[i+1], diff, 7);
- end;
- if pNext <> nil then
- begin
- if i > 0 then
- begin
- if AbsRGBADiff((pNext-1)^,orig) < MaxColorDiffForDiffusion then
- AddError(nextLine[i-1], diff, 3);
- end;
- if AbsRGBADiff(pNext^,orig) < MaxColorDiffForDiffusion then
- AddError(nextLine[i], diff, 5);
- if i < w-1 then
- begin
- if AbsRGBADiff((pNext+1)^,orig) < MaxColorDiffForDiffusion then
- AddError(nextLine[i+1], diff, 1);
- end;
- end;
- OnOutputPixel(destX,destY,approxIndex,approx);
- end else
- begin
- ApproximateColor(BGRAPixelTransparent, approx, approxIndex);
- OnOutputPixel(destX,destY,approxIndex,approx);
- end;
- inc(p);
- inc(destX);
- if pNext<>nil then inc(pNext);
- end;
- tempLine := currentLine;
- currentLine := nextLine;
- nextLine := tempLine;
- if yWrite = h-2 then
- nextLine := nil
- else fillchar(nextLine[0], sizeof(nextLine[0])*w, 0);
- end;
- ReleaseSourceExpandedScanLine(curScan);
- ReleaseSourceExpandedScanLine(nextScan);
- Destination.InvalidateBitmap;
-{ TNearestColorTask }
-procedure TNearestColorTask.DoExecute;
-var yb,xb: Int32or64;
- curScan,psrc: PBGRAPixel;
- colorIndex: LongInt;
- colorValue: TBGRAPixel;
- for yb := FBounds.Top to FBounds.Bottom - 1 do
- begin
- if GetShouldStop(yb) then break;
- curScan := RequestSourceScanLine(FBounds.Left,yb,FBounds.Right-FBounds.Left);
- psrc := curScan;
- for xb := FBounds.Left to FBounds.Right-1 do
- begin
- ApproximateColor(psrc^, colorValue, colorIndex);
- OnOutputPixel(xb,yb,colorIndex,colorValue);
- inc(psrc);
- end;
- ReleaseSourceScanLine(curScan);
- end;
- Destination.InvalidateBitmap;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgradnetdeserial.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgradnetdeserial.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index afd79c7..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgradnetdeserial.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1522 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRADNetDeserial;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
-{ This unit allow to read .Net serialized classes with BinaryFormatter of
- namespace System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.
- Serialization is a process by which objects in memory are saved according
- to their structure.
- This unit is used by BGRAPaintNet to read Paint.NET images. }
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils;
- arrayOfLongword = array of LongWord;
- TTypeCategory = (ftPrimitiveType = 0, ftString = 1, ftObjectType =
- 2, ftRuntimeType = 3,
- ftGenericType = 4, ftArrayOfObject = 5, ftArrayOfString = 6,
- ftArrayOfPrimitiveType = 7);
- TPrimitiveType = (ptNone = 0, ptBoolean = 1, ptByte = 2, ptChar = 3, ptDecimal = 5,
- ptDouble = 6, ptInt16 = 7, ptInt32 = 8, ptInt64 = 9, ptSByte = 10, ptSingle = 11,
- ptDateTime = 13, ptUInt16 = 14, ptUInt32 = 15, ptUInt64 = 16, ptString = 18);
- TGenericArrayType = (gatSingleDimension, gatJagged, gatMultidimensional);
- TDotNetDeserialization = class;
- ArrayOfNameValue = array of record
- Name: string;
- Value, valueType: string;
- end;
- TFieldType = record
- category: TTypeCategory;
- primitiveType: TPrimitiveType;
- refAssembly: LongWord;
- Name: string;
- end;
- TSerializedType = record
- ClassName: string;
- nbFields: integer;
- fieldNames: array of string;
- fieldTypes: array of TFieldType;
- refAssembly: LongWord;
- end;
- TAssemblyReference = record
- idAssembly: LongWord;
- Name: string;
- end;
- { TCustomSerializedObject }
- TCustomSerializedObject = class
- protected
- FContainer: TDotNetDeserialization;
- function GetTypeAsString: string; virtual; abstract;
- function GetFieldAsString(Index: LongWord): string; overload; virtual; abstract;
- function GetFieldAsString(Name: string): string; overload;
- function GetFieldCount: LongWord; virtual; abstract;
- function GetFieldName(Index: LongWord): string; virtual; abstract;
- function GetFieldTypeAsString(Index: LongWord): string; virtual; abstract;
- function IsReferenceType(index: LongWord): boolean; virtual; abstract;
- public
- idObject: LongWord;
- refCount: integer;
- inToString: boolean;
- constructor Create(container: TDotNetDeserialization); virtual;
- property FieldCount: LongWord read GetFieldCount;
- property FieldName[Index: LongWord]:string read GetFieldName;
- property FieldAsString[Index: LongWord]: string read GetFieldAsString;
- property FieldByNameAsString[Name: string]: string read GetFieldAsString;
- property FieldTypeAsString[Index: LongWord]: string read GetFieldTypeAsString;
- property TypeAsString: string read GetTypeAsString;
- function GetFieldIndex(Name: string): integer;
- end;
- { TSerializedClass }
- TSerializedClass = class(TCustomSerializedObject)
- protected
- function GetFieldAsString(Index: LongWord): string; override;
- function GetFieldCount: LongWord; override;
- function GetFieldName(Index: LongWord): string; override;
- function GetFieldTypeAsString(Index: LongWord): string; override;
- function IsReferenceType(index: LongWord): boolean; override;
- function GetTypeAsString: string; override;
- public
- numType: integer;
- fields: ArrayOfNameValue;
- end;
- { TSerializedArray }
- TSerializedArray = class(TCustomSerializedObject)
- private
- data: pointer;
- FItemSize: LongWord;
- function GetItemPtr(Index: LongWord): pointer;
- procedure InitData;
- protected
- FArrayType: TGenericArrayType;
- function GetFieldAsString(Index: LongWord): string; override;
- function GetFieldCount: LongWord; override;
- function GetFieldName(Index: LongWord): string; override;
- function GetFieldTypeAsString(Index: LongWord): string; override;
- function IsReferenceType(index: LongWord): boolean; override;
- function GetTypeAsString: string; override;
- public
- dimensions: array of LongWord;
- itemType: TFieldType;
- nbItems: LongWord;
- constructor Create(AContainer: TDotNetDeserialization; AItemType: TFieldType; ALength: LongWord); overload;
- constructor Create(AContainer: TDotNetDeserialization; AArrayType: TGenericArrayType; AItemType: TFieldType; ADimensions: arrayOfLongword); overload;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- property ItemPtr[Index:LongWord]: pointer read GetItemPtr;
- property ItemSize: LongWord read FItemSize;
- end;
- { TSerializedValue }
- TSerializedValue = class(TSerializedArray)
- protected
- function GetIsReferenceType: boolean;
- function GetValueAsString: string;
- function GetTypeAsString: string; override;
- public
- constructor Create(AContainer: TDotNetDeserialization; AItemType: TFieldType); overload;
- property ValueAsString: string read GetValueAsString;
- property IsReferenceType: boolean read GetIsReferenceType;
- end;
- { TDotNetDeserialization }
- TDotNetDeserialization = class
- objectTypes: array of TSerializedType;
- assemblies: array of TAssemblyReference;
- objects: array of TCustomSerializedObject;
- function FindClass(typeName: string): TSerializedClass;
- function FindObject(typeName: string): TCustomSerializedObject;
- function GetSimpleField(obj: TCustomSerializedObject; Name: string): string;
- function GetObjectField(obj: TCustomSerializedObject; Name: string): TCustomSerializedObject; overload;
- function GetObjectField(obj: TCustomSerializedObject; index: integer): TCustomSerializedObject; overload;
- function GetObject(id: string): TCustomSerializedObject; overload;
- function GetObject(id: LongWord): TCustomSerializedObject; overload;
- function IsBoxedValue(obj: TCustomSerializedObject; index: integer): boolean;
- function GetBoxedValue(obj: TCustomSerializedObject; index: integer): string;
- procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream);
- procedure LoadFromFile(filename: string);
- procedure LoadFromFileUTF8(filenameUTF8: string);
- function ToString: string; override;
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function GetTypeOfClassObject(idObject: LongWord): integer;
- private
- EndOfStream: boolean;
- ArrayFillerCount: Longword;
- currentAutoObjectValue: LongWord;
- function nextAutoObjectId: LongWord;
- function LoadNextFromStream(Stream: TStream): LongWord;
- function LoadStringFromStream(Stream: TStream): string;
- function LoadDotNetCharFromStream(Stream: TStream): string;
- function LoadTypeFromStream(Stream: TStream; IsRuntimeType: boolean): integer;
- function LoadValuesFromStream(Stream: TStream; numType: integer): ArrayOfNameValue;
- function LoadValueFromStream(Stream: TStream; const fieldType: TFieldType): string;
- function LoadFieldType(Stream: TStream; category: TTypeCategory): TFieldType;
- end;
-function WinReadByte(stream: TStream): byte;
-function WinReadWord(Stream: TStream): word;
-function WinReadSmallInt(Stream: TStream): smallint;
-function WinReadLongint(Stream: TStream): longint;
-function WinReadLongword(Stream: TStream): LongWord;
-function WinReadInt64(Stream: TStream): int64;
-function WinReadQWord(Stream: TStream): QWord;
-uses BGRAUTF8;
- //block types
- btRefTypeObject = 1;
- btRuntimeObject = 4;
- btExternalObject = 5;
- btString = 6;
- btGenericArray = 7;
- btBoxedPrimitiveTypeValue = 8;
- btObjectReference = 9;
- btNullValue = 10;
- btEndOfStream = 11;
- btAssembly = 12;
- btArrayFiller8b = 13;
- btArrayFiller32b = 14;
- btArrayOfPrimitiveType = 15;
- btArrayOfObject = 16;
- btArrayOfString = 17;
- btMethodCall = 21;
- btMethodResponse = 22;
- idArrayFiller = $80000000;
-{$hints off}
-function WinReadByte(stream: TStream): byte;
- stream.Read(Result, sizeof(Result));
-function WinReadWord(Stream: TStream): word;
- stream.Read(Result, sizeof(Result));
- Result := LEtoN(Result);
-function WinReadSmallInt(Stream: TStream): smallint;
- stream.Read(Result, sizeof(Result));
- Result := LEtoN(Result);
-function WinReadLongint(Stream: TStream): longint;
- stream.Read(Result, sizeof(Result));
- Result := LEtoN(Result);
-function WinReadLongword(Stream: TStream): LongWord;
- stream.Read(Result, sizeof(Result));
- Result := LEtoN(Result);
-function WinReadInt64(Stream: TStream): int64;
- stream.Read(Result, sizeof(Result));
- Result := LEtoN(Result);
-function WinReadQWord(Stream: TStream): QWord;
- stream.Read(Result, sizeof(Result));
- Result := LEtoN(Result);
-{$hints on}
-function GetFieldTypeSize(const fieldType: TFieldType): LongWord;
- case fieldType.category of
- ftPrimitiveType:
- case fieldType.primitiveType of
- ptBoolean, ptByte,ptSByte: result := 1;
- ptChar,ptString, ptDecimal: Result := sizeof(string);
- ptSingle: result := sizeof(single);
- ptDouble: result := sizeof(double);
- ptInt16,ptUInt16: result := 2;
- ptInt32,ptUInt32: result := 4;
- ptInt64,ptUInt64,ptDateTime: result := 8;
- else
- raise Exception.Create('Unknown primitive type (' + IntToStr(
- byte(fieldType.primitiveType)) + ')');
- end;
- ftString, ftObjectType, ftRuntimeType, ftGenericType, ftArrayOfObject,
- ftArrayOfString, ftArrayOfPrimitiveType: result := 4;
- else
- raise Exception.Create('Unknown field type (' + IntToStr(
- byte(fieldType.category)) + ')');
- end;
-function IsDotNetTypeStoredAsString(const fieldType: TFieldType): boolean;
- result := (fieldType.category = ftPrimitiveType) and
- (fieldType.primitiveType in [ptChar,ptString,ptDecimal]);
-function DotNetValueToString(var value; const fieldType: TFieldType): string;
- tempByte: byte;
- value2bytes: record
- case byte of
- 2: (tempWord: word);
- 3: (tempInt16: smallint);
- end;
- value4bytes: record
- case byte of
- 1: (tempSingle: single);
- 2: (tempLongWord: LongWord);
- 3: (tempLongInt: longint);
- end;
- value8bytes: record
- case byte of
- 1: (tempDouble: double);
- 2: (tempInt64: Int64);
- 2: (tempUInt64: QWord);
- end;
- tempIdObject: LongWord;
- if IsDotNetTypeStoredAsString(fieldType) then
- begin
- Result := pstring(@value)^;
- exit;
- end;
- case fieldType.category of
- ftPrimitiveType: case fieldType.primitiveType of
- ptBoolean:
- begin
- {$hints off}
- move(value,tempByte,sizeof(tempByte));
- {$hints on}
- if tempByte = 0 then
- Result := 'False'
- else
- if tempByte = 1 then
- Result := 'True'
- else
- raise Exception.Create('Invalid boolean value (' +
- IntToStr(tempByte) + ')');
- end;
- ptByte: Result := inttostr(pbyte(@value)^);
- ptSByte: Result := inttostr(pshortint(@value)^);
- ptInt16,ptUInt16:
- begin
- {$hints off}
- move(value, value2bytes.tempWord,sizeof(word));
- {$hints on}
- value2bytes.tempWord := LEtoN(value2bytes.tempWord);
- if fieldType.primitiveType = ptInt16 then
- Result := IntToStr(value2bytes.tempInt16)
- else
- Result := IntToStr(value2bytes.tempWord);
- end;
- ptInt32,ptUInt32,ptSingle:
- begin
- {$hints off}
- move(value, value4bytes.tempLongWord,sizeof(LongWord));
- {$hints on}
- value4bytes.tempLongWord := LEtoN(value4bytes.tempLongWord);
- if fieldType.primitiveType = ptInt32 then
- Result := IntToStr(value4bytes.tempLongInt)
- else if fieldType.primitiveType = ptUInt32 then
- Result := IntToStr(value4bytes.tempLongWord)
- else
- result := FloatToStr(value4bytes.tempSingle);
- end;
- ptInt64,ptUInt64,ptDouble,ptDateTime:
- begin
- {$hints off}
- move(value, value8bytes.tempUInt64,8);
- {$hints on}
- value8bytes.tempUInt64 := LEtoN(value8bytes.tempUInt64);
- if fieldType.primitiveType = ptInt64 then
- Result := IntToStr(value8bytes.tempInt64)
- else if fieldType.primitiveType = ptUInt64 then
- Result := IntToStr(value8bytes.tempUInt64)
- else if fieldType.primitiveType = ptDouble then
- result := FloatToStr(value8bytes.tempDouble)
- else
- Result := DateTimeToStr(
- (value8bytes.tempUInt64 and $7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF - 599264352000000000) / 864000000000);
- end;
- else
- raise Exception.Create('Unknown primitive type (' + IntToStr(
- byte(fieldType.primitiveType)) + ')');
- end;
- ftString, ftObjectType, ftRuntimeType, ftGenericType, ftArrayOfObject,
- ftArrayOfString, ftArrayOfPrimitiveType:
- begin
- {$hints off}
- move(value,tempIdObject,sizeof(tempIdObject));
- {$hints on}
- result := '#' + IntToStr(tempIdObject);
- end;
- else
- raise Exception.Create('Unknown field type (' + IntToStr(
- byte(fieldType.category)) + ')');
- end;
-function PrimitiveTypeName(pt: TPrimitiveType): string;
- case pt of
- ptBoolean: Result := 'Boolean';
- ptByte: Result := 'Byte';
- ptChar: Result := 'Char';
- ptDecimal: Result := 'Decimal';
- ptDouble: Result := 'Double';
- ptInt16: Result := 'Int16';
- ptInt32: Result := 'Int32';
- ptInt64: Result := 'Int64';
- ptSByte: Result := 'SByte';
- ptSingle: Result := 'Single';
- ptDateTime: Result := 'DateTime';
- ptUInt16: Result := 'UInt16';
- ptUInt32: Result := 'UInt32';
- ptUInt64: Result := 'UInt64';
- ptString: Result := 'String';
- else
- raise Exception.Create('Unknown primitive type (' + IntToStr(integer(pt)) + ')');
- end;
-Function DotNetTypeToString(ft: TFieldType): string;
- if ft.category = ftPrimitiveType then
- result := PrimitiveTypeName(ft.primitiveType)
- else
- case ft.category of
- ftString: result := 'String';
- ftObjectType: result := 'Object';
- ftRuntimeType: result := 'RuntimeType';
- ftGenericType: result := 'GenericType';
- ftArrayOfObject: result := 'Object[]';
- ftArrayOfString: result := 'String[]';
- ftArrayOfPrimitiveType: result := 'PrimitiveType[]';
- else
- raise Exception.Create('Unknown field type (' + IntToStr(
- byte(ft.category)) + ')');
- end;
-{ TCustomSerializedObject }
-function TCustomSerializedObject.GetFieldAsString(Name: string): string;
- result := GetFieldAsString(GetFieldIndex(Name));
-constructor TCustomSerializedObject.Create(container: TDotNetDeserialization);
- FContainer := container;
- refCount := 0;
-function TCustomSerializedObject.GetFieldIndex(Name: string): integer;
- i: integer;
- fn: string;
- if FieldCount = 0 then
- begin
- result := -1;
- exit;
- end;
- //case sensitive
- for i := 0 to FieldCount-1 do
- if FieldName[i] = Name then
- begin
- Result := i;
- exit;
- end;
- //case insensitive
- for i := 0 to FieldCount-1 do
- if compareText(FieldName[i], Name) = 0 then
- begin
- Result := i;
- exit;
- end;
- //case sensitive inner member
- for i := 0 to FieldCount-1 do
- begin
- fn := FieldName[i];
- if (length(Name) < length(fn)) and
- (copy(fn, length(fn) - length(Name),
- length(Name) + 1) = '+' + Name) then
- begin
- Result := i;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- //case insensitive inner member
- for i := 0 to FieldCount-1 do
- begin
- fn := FieldName[i];
- if (length(Name) < length(fn)) and
- (compareText(copy(fn, length(fn) -
- length(Name), length(Name) + 1), '+' + Name) = 0) then
- begin
- Result := i;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- Result := -1;
-{ TSerializedClass }
-function TSerializedClass.GetFieldAsString(Index: LongWord): string;
- result := fields[Index].Value;
-function TSerializedClass.GetFieldCount: LongWord;
- Result:= length(fields);
-function TSerializedClass.GetFieldName(Index: LongWord): string;
- result := fields[Index].Name;
-function TSerializedClass.GetFieldTypeAsString(Index: LongWord): string;
- result := fields[Index].valueType;
-function TSerializedClass.IsReferenceType(index: LongWord): boolean;
- Result:= FContainer.objectTypes[numType].fieldTypes[index].category <> ftPrimitiveType;
-function TSerializedClass.GetTypeAsString: string;
- Result:= FContainer.objectTypes[numType].ClassName;
-{ TSerializedArray }
-procedure TSerializedArray.InitData;
- FItemSize := GetFieldTypeSize(itemType);
- getmem(data, itemSize*nbItems);
- fillchar(data^, itemSize*nbItems, 0);
-function TSerializedArray.GetItemPtr(Index: LongWord): pointer;
- if index >= nbItems then
- raise exception.Create('Index out of bounds');
- result := pointer(pbyte(data)+Index*itemsize);
-function TSerializedArray.GetFieldAsString(Index: LongWord): string;
- if data = nil then
- result := ''
- else
- result := DotNetValueToString(ItemPtr[index]^, itemType);
-function TSerializedArray.GetFieldCount: LongWord;
- Result:= nbItems;
-function TSerializedArray.GetFieldName(Index: LongWord): string;
- r: LongWord;
- result := '[';
- for r := 1 to length(dimensions) do
- begin
- if r <> 1 then AppendStr(result, ',');
- AppendStr(result, inttostr(index mod dimensions[r-1]));
- index := index div dimensions[r-1];
- end;
- AppendStr(result, ']');
-{$hints off}
-function TSerializedArray.GetFieldTypeAsString(Index: LongWord): string;
- Result:= DotNetTypeToString(itemType);
-{$hints on}
-{$hints off}
-function TSerializedArray.IsReferenceType(index: LongWord): boolean;
- Result:= itemType.category <> ftPrimitiveType;
-{$hints on}
-function TSerializedArray.GetTypeAsString: string;
- i: Integer;
- Result:= DotNetTypeToString(itemType)+'[';
- for i := 2 to length(dimensions) do
- AppendStr(result, ',');
- AppendStr(result, ']');
-constructor TSerializedArray.Create(AContainer: TDotNetDeserialization; AItemType: TFieldType; ALength: LongWord);
- inherited Create(AContainer);
- setlength(dimensions,1);
- dimensions[0] := ALength;
- nbItems := ALength;
- FArrayType := gatSingleDimension;
- itemType := AItemType;
- InitData;
-constructor TSerializedArray.Create(AContainer: TDotNetDeserialization; AArrayType: TGenericArrayType; AItemType: TFieldType;
- ADimensions: arrayOfLongword);
-var n: LongWord;
- inherited Create(AContainer);
- setlength(dimensions, length(ADimensions));
- nbItems := 1;
- if length(ADimensions) <> 0 then
- for n := 0 to length(ADimensions)-1 do
- begin
- dimensions[n] := ADimensions[n];
- nbItems := nbItems * ADimensions[n];
- end;
- FArrayType := AArrayType;
- itemType := AItemType;
- InitData;
-destructor TSerializedArray.Destroy;
-var ps: PString;
- n: LongWord;
- if IsDotNetTypeStoredAsString(itemType) and (nbItems <> 0) then
- begin
- ps := PString(data);
- for n := 1 to nbItems do
- begin
- ps^ := '';
- inc(ps);
- end;
- end;
- freemem(data);
- inherited Destroy;
-{ TSerializedValue }
-function TSerializedValue.GetIsReferenceType: boolean;
- result := inherited IsReferenceType(0);
-function TSerializedValue.GetValueAsString: string;
- result := GetFieldAsString(0);
-function TSerializedValue.GetTypeAsString: string;
- Result:= GetFieldTypeAsString(0);
-constructor TSerializedValue.Create(AContainer: TDotNetDeserialization;
- AItemType: TFieldType);
- inherited Create(AContainer,AItemType,1);
-{ TDotNetDeserialization }
-function TDotNetDeserialization.FindClass(typeName: string): TSerializedClass;
-var obj: TCustomSerializedObject;
- obj := FindObject(typeName);
- if obj is TSerializedClass then
- result := obj as TSerializedClass
- else
- raise exception.Create('FindClass: found object is not a class');
-function TDotNetDeserialization.FindObject(typeName: string): TCustomSerializedObject;
- i: integer;
- comparedType: string;
- for i := 0 to high(objects) do
- begin
- comparedType := objects[i].TypeAsString;
- if (comparedType = typeName) or
- ( (length(typeName) < length(comparedType) ) and
- (copy(comparedType, length(comparedType) - length(typeName),
- length(typeName) + 1) = '.' + typeName) ) then
- begin
- Result := objects[i];
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- Result := nil;
-function TDotNetDeserialization.GetSimpleField(obj: TCustomSerializedObject;
- Name: string): string;
- i,idxSlash: integer;
- tempSub: TCustomSerializedObject;
- i := obj.GetFieldIndex(Name);
- if i = -1 then
- begin
- idxSlash := pos('\',name);
- if idxSlash <> 0 then
- begin
- tempSub := GetObjectField(obj,copy(name,1,idxSlash-1));
- if tempSub <> nil then
- begin
- result := GetSimpleField(tempSub,copy(name,idxSlash+1,length(name)-idxSlash));
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- Result := ''
- end
- else
- begin
- if IsBoxedValue(obj, i) then
- Result := GetBoxedValue(obj, i)
- else
- Result := obj.FieldAsString[i];
- end;
-function TDotNetDeserialization.GetObjectField(obj: TCustomSerializedObject;
- Name: string): TCustomSerializedObject;
- i: integer;
- idxSlash: LongInt;
- tempSub: TCustomSerializedObject;
- i := obj.GetFieldIndex(Name);
- if i = -1 then
- begin
- idxSlash := pos('\',name);
- if idxSlash <> 0 then
- begin
- tempSub := GetObjectField(obj,copy(name,1,idxSlash-1));
- if tempSub <> nil then
- begin
- result := GetObjectField(tempSub,copy(name,idxSlash+1,length(name)-idxSlash));
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- Result := nil
- end
- else
- begin
- if not obj.IsReferenceType(i) then
- raise Exception.Create('GetObjectField: Not a reference type');
- Result := GetObject(obj.FieldAsString[i]);
- end;
-function TDotNetDeserialization.GetObjectField(obj: TCustomSerializedObject;
- index: integer): TCustomSerializedObject;
- if not obj.IsReferenceType(index) then
- raise Exception.Create('GetObjectField: Not a reference type');
- Result := GetObject(obj.FieldAsString[index]);
-function TDotNetDeserialization.GetObject(id: string): TCustomSerializedObject;
- idObj: LongWord;
- if copy(id, 1, 1) = '#' then
- Delete(id, 1, 1);
- idObj := StrToInt64(id);
- Result := GetObject(idObj);
-function TDotNetDeserialization.GetObject(id: LongWord): TCustomSerializedObject;
- i: integer;
- for i := 0 to high(objects) do
- if objects[i].idObject = id then
- begin
- Result := objects[i];
- exit;
- end;
- Result := nil;
-function TDotNetDeserialization.IsBoxedValue(obj: TCustomSerializedObject;
- index: integer): boolean;
- subObj: TCustomSerializedObject;
- if not obj.IsReferenceType(index) then
- begin
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- subObj := GetObject(obj.FieldAsString[index]);
- if subObj = nil then //suppose Nothing is a boxed value
- begin
- Result := True;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := subObj is TSerializedValue;
-function TDotNetDeserialization.GetBoxedValue(obj: TCustomSerializedObject;
- index: integer): string;
- subObj: TCustomSerializedObject;
- if not obj.IsReferenceType(index) then
- raise Exception.Create('GetBoxedValue: Not a reference type');
- subObj := GetObject(obj.FieldAsString[index]);
- if subObj = nil then
- begin
- Result := ''; //empty value
- exit;
- end;
- if (subObj is TSerializedValue) and not (subObj as TSerializedValue).IsReferenceType then
- Result := (subObj as TSerializedValue).ValueAsString
- else
- raise Exception.Create('GetBoxedValue: Not a primitive type');
-procedure TDotNetDeserialization.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream);
- header: packed record
- blockId: byte;
- value1, value2, value3, value4: longint;
- end;
- curStreamPosition, prevStreamPosition: int64;
- {$hints off}
- if Stream.Read(header, sizeof(header)) <> sizeof(header) then
- raise Exception.Create('Invalid header size');
- if (header.blockId <> 0) or (header.value1 <> 1) or (header.value2 <> -1) or
- (header.value3 <> 1) or (header.value4 <> 0) then
- raise Exception.Create('Invalid header format');
- {$hints on}
- EndOfStream := False;
- curStreamPosition := Stream.Position;
- try
- while (Stream.Position < Stream.Size) and not EndOfStream do
- begin
- prevStreamPosition := curStreamPosition;
- curStreamPosition := Stream.Position;
- LoadNextFromStream(Stream);
- end;
- except
- on ex: Exception do
- raise Exception.Create('Error while loading serialized data at position ' +
- IntToStr(stream.Position) + ' (block starting at ' +
- IntToStr(curStreamPosition) + ', previous block at ' +
- IntToStr(prevStreamPosition) + '). ' + ex.message);
- end;
-procedure TDotNetDeserialization.LoadFromFile(filename: string);
- stream: TFileStreamUTF8;
- stream := TFileStreamUTF8.Create(SysToUTF8(filename), fmOpenRead);
- try
- LoadFromStream(stream);
- finally
- stream.Free;
- end;
-procedure TDotNetDeserialization.LoadFromFileUTF8(filenameUTF8: string);
- stream: TFileStreamUTF8;
- stream := TFileStreamUTF8.Create(filenameUTF8, fmOpenRead);
- try
- LoadFromStream(stream);
- finally
- stream.Free;
- end;
-function TDotNetDeserialization.ToString: string;
- function ObjectToString(num: integer; expectedType: string;
- tab: string; main: boolean): string;
- var
- j, k: integer;
- subId: LongWord;
- subNum: integer;
- objType, subExpectedType: string;
- fieldTypeStr: string;
- begin
- Result := '';
- if (num < 0) or (num > high(objects)) then
- raise Exception.Create('Index out of bounds');
- with objects[num] do //here array is not changed so it won't move
- begin
- if inToString then
- begin
- if main then
- Result := ''
- else
- Result := '#' + IntToStr(idObject) + LineEnding;
- exit;
- end;
- inToString := True;
- objType := TypeAsString;
- if main then
- begin
- AppendStr(Result, tab + 'Object');
- AppendStr(Result, ' #' + IntToStr(idObject));
- if (objType = '') or (objType = expectedType) then
- AppendStr(Result, ' = ')
- else
- AppendStr(Result, ' As ' + objType + ' = ');
- end
- else
- begin
- if (objType = '') or (objType = expectedType) then
- Result := ''
- else
- Result := '(' + objType + ') ';
- if (idObject < idArrayFiller) and (refCount > 0) then
- AppendStr(Result, '#' + IntToStr(idObject) + ' = ');
- end;
- if (length(objType) > 2) and (copy(objType, length(objType) - 1, 2) = '[]') then
- subExpectedType := copy(objType, 1, length(objType) - 2)
- else
- subExpectedType := '';
- if not main and (objects[num] is TSerializedValue) then
- begin
- AppendStr(Result, (objects[num] as TSerializedValue).ValueAsString + LineEnding);
- end
- else
- if (FieldCount = 0) then
- begin
- AppendStr(Result, '{}' + LineEnding);
- end
- else
- begin
- AppendStr(Result, '{' + LineEnding);
- for j := 0 to FieldCount-1 do
- begin
- AppendStr(Result, tab + ' ' + FieldName[j]);
- fieldTypeStr := FieldTypeAsString[j];
- if (fieldTypeStr <> '') and (fieldTypeStr <> subExpectedType) and
- not ((subExpectedType = '') and ((fieldTypeStr = 'Int32') or
- (fieldTypeStr = 'Boolean') or (fieldTypeStr = 'Double'))) then
- AppendStr(Result, ' As ' + fieldTypeStr);
- AppendStr(Result, ' = ');
- if not IsReferenceType(j) then
- AppendStr(Result, FieldAsString[j] + lineending)
- else
- begin
- try
- subId := StrToInt64(copy(fieldAsString[j], 2, length(fieldAsString[j]) - 1));
- if subId = 0 then AppendStr(Result, 'null'+LineEnding) else
- begin
- begin
- subNum := -1;
- for k := 0 to high(objects) do
- if (objects[k].idObject = subId) then
- begin
- subNum := k;
- break;
- end;
- end;
- if subNum = -1 then
- AppendStr(Result, '(Not found) #' + IntToStr(subId)+LineEnding)
- else
- AppendStr(Result, objectToString(subNum, fieldTypeStr, tab + ' ', False));
- end;
- except
- AppendStr(Result, '!' + fieldAsString[j]+'!' +LineEnding)
- end;
- end;
- end;
- AppendStr(Result, tab + '}' + LineEnding);
- if main then
- AppendStr(Result, LineEnding);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- i: integer;
- Result := '';
- for i := 0 to high(assemblies) do
- AppendStr(Result, 'Imports ' + assemblies[i].Name + LineEnding);
- AppendStr(Result, lineEnding);
- for i := 0 to high(objects) do
- objects[i].inToString := False;
- for i := 0 to high(objects) do
- AppendStr(Result, ObjectToString(i, 'Object', '', True));
-constructor TDotNetDeserialization.Create;
- currentAutoObjectValue := idArrayFiller + 1;
-destructor TDotNetDeserialization.Destroy;
- i: Integer;
- for i := 0 to high(objects) do
- objects[i].Free;
- inherited Destroy;
-function TDotNetDeserialization.GetTypeOfClassObject(idObject: LongWord
- ): integer;
- i: Integer;
- for i := 0 to high(objects) do
- if objects[i].idObject = idObject then
- begin
- if objects[i] is TSerializedClass then
- begin
- result := (objects[i] as TSerializedClass).numType;
- exit;
- end
- else
- raise exception.Create('GetTypeOfClassObject: Specified object is not of class type');
- end;
- raise exception.Create('GetTypeOfClassObject: Object not found');
-function TDotNetDeserialization.nextAutoObjectId: LongWord;
- Inc(currentAutoObjectValue);
- Result := currentAutoObjectValue;
-function TDotNetDeserialization.LoadNextFromStream(Stream: TStream): LongWord;
- blockType: byte;
- idRefObject, tempIdObject: LongWord;
- tempType: TFieldType;
- arrayCount, arrayIndex,FillZeroCount : LongWord;
- tempAnyObj: TCustomSerializedObject;
- newClassObj: TSerializedClass;
- newValueObj: TSerializedValue;
- newArrayObj: TSerializedArray;
- genericArrayType: TGenericArrayType;
- genericArrayRank: LongWord;
- genericArrayDims: array of LongWord;
- genericArrayItemType: TFieldType;
- function GetArrayCellNumber(index: LongWord): string;
- var r: LongWord;
- begin
- result := '';
- for r := 1 to genericArrayRank do
- begin
- if r <> 1 then AppendStr(result, ',');
- AppendStr(result, inttostr(index mod genericArrayDims[r-1]));
- index := index div genericArrayDims[r-1];
- end;
- end;
- Result := 0; //idObject or zero
- blockType := WinReadByte(Stream);
- case blockType of
- btAssembly:
- begin
- setlength(assemblies, length(assemblies) + 1);
- with assemblies[high(assemblies)] do
- begin
- idAssembly := WinReadLongword(Stream);
- Name := LoadStringFromStream(Stream);
- end;
- end;
- btRuntimeObject, btExternalObject:
- begin
- newClassObj := TSerializedClass.Create(self);
- setlength(objects, length(objects) + 1);
- objects[high(objects)] := newClassObj;
- with newClassObj do
- begin
- idObject := WinReadLongword(Stream);
- Result := idObject;
- numType := LoadTypeFromStream(Stream, blockType = btRuntimeObject);
- fields := LoadValuesFromStream(Stream, numType);
- end;
- end;
- btRefTypeObject:
- begin
- newClassObj := TSerializedClass.Create(self);
- setlength(objects, length(objects) + 1);
- objects[high(objects)] := newClassObj;
- with newClassObj do
- begin
- idObject := WinReadLongword(Stream);
- Result := idObject;
- idRefObject := WinReadLongword(Stream);
- numType := GetTypeOfClassObject(idRefObject);
- fields := LoadValuesFromStream(Stream, numType);
- end;
- end;
- btString:
- begin
- tempType.primitiveType := ptString;
- tempType.category := ftPrimitiveType;
- tempType.Name := PrimitiveTypeName(ptString);
- tempType.refAssembly := 0;
- newValueObj := TSerializedValue.Create(self,tempType);
- setlength(objects, length(objects) + 1);
- objects[high(objects)] := newValueObj;
- with newValueObj do
- begin
- idObject := WinReadLongword(Stream);
- Result := idObject;
- pstring(data)^ := LoadStringFromStream(Stream);
- end;
- end;
- btBoxedPrimitiveTypeValue:
- begin
- try
- tempType.category := ftPrimitiveType;
- tempType.refAssembly := 0;
- tempType.primitiveType := TPrimitiveType(WinReadByte(stream));
- tempType.Name := PrimitiveTypeName(tempType.primitiveType);
- newValueObj := TSerializedValue.Create(self,tempType);
- setlength(objects, length(objects) + 1);
- objects[high(objects)] := newValueObj;
- with newValueObj do
- begin
- idObject := nextAutoObjectId;
- Result := idObject;
- if IsDotNetTypeStoredAsString(tempType) then
- pstring(data)^ := LoadValueFromStream(Stream, tempType)
- else
- Stream.Read(data^, itemSize);
- end;
- except
- on ex: Exception do
- raise Exception.Create('Error while reading boxed primitive values. ' +
- ex.Message);
- end;
- end;
- btObjectReference:
- begin
- result := WinReadLongword(Stream);
- tempAnyObj := GetObject(Result);
- if tempAnyObj <> nil then
- Inc(tempAnyObj.refCount);
- end;
- btNullValue: Result := 0;
- btArrayOfPrimitiveType:
- begin
- try
- result := WinReadLongword(Stream);
- arrayCount := WinReadLongword(Stream);
- tempType.category := ftPrimitiveType;
- tempType.refAssembly := 0;
- tempType.primitiveType := TPrimitiveType(WinReadByte(stream));
- tempType.Name := PrimitiveTypeName(tempType.primitiveType);
- newArrayObj := TSerializedArray.Create(self,tempType,arrayCount);
- setlength(objects, length(objects) + 1);
- objects[high(objects)] := newArrayObj;
- with newArrayObj do
- begin
- idObject := result;
- if arrayCount <> 0 then
- begin
- if IsDotNetTypeStoredAsString(tempType) then
- begin
- for arrayIndex := 0 to arrayCount - 1 do
- pstring(ItemPtr[arrayIndex])^ := LoadValueFromStream(Stream, tempType);
- end else
- begin
- for arrayIndex := 0 to arrayCount - 1 do
- stream.Read(ItemPtr[arrayIndex]^, itemSize);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- except
- on ex: Exception do
- raise Exception.Create('Error while reading array of primitive values. ' +
- ex.Message);
- end;
- end;
- btArrayOfObject,btArrayOfString:
- begin
- try
- result := WinReadLongword(Stream);
- arrayCount := WinReadLongword(Stream);
- if blockType = btArrayOfObject then
- tempType.category := ftObjectType
- else
- tempType.category := ftString;
- tempType.refAssembly := 0;
- tempType.primitiveType := ptNone;
- tempType.Name := DotNetTypeToString(tempType);
- newArrayObj := TSerializedArray.Create(self,tempType,arrayCount);
- setlength(objects, length(objects) + 1);
- objects[high(objects)] := newArrayObj;
- with newArrayObj do
- begin
- idObject:= result;
- FillZeroCount := 0;
- if arrayCount <> 0 then
- for arrayIndex := 0 to arrayCount - 1 do
- begin
- if FillZeroCount > 0 then
- Dec(FillZeroCount)
- else
- begin
- tempIdObject := LoadNextFromStream(Stream);
- if tempIdObject = idArrayFiller then
- begin
- tempIdObject := 0;
- FillZeroCount := ArrayFillerCount;
- ArrayFillerCount := 0;
- end;
- if FillZeroCount > 0 then
- Dec(FillZeroCount)
- else
- plongword(ItemPtr[arrayIndex])^ := tempIdObject;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- except
- on ex: Exception do
- raise Exception.Create('Error while reading array of object. ' + ex.Message);
- end;
- end;
- btArrayFiller8b, btArrayFiller32b:
- begin
- Result := idArrayFiller;
- arrayCount := 0;
- if blockType = btArrayFiller8b then
- arrayCount := WinReadByte(Stream)
- else
- arrayCount := WinReadLongWord(Stream);
- ArrayFillerCount := arraycount;
- end;
- btGenericArray:
- begin
- try
- result := WinReadLongword(Stream);
- genericArrayType := TGenericArrayType( WinReadByte(Stream) );
- genericArrayRank := WinReadLongword(Stream);
- setlength(genericArrayDims,genericArrayRank);
- arrayCount := 0;
- if genericArrayRank <> 0 then
- for arrayIndex := 0 to genericArrayRank-1 do
- begin
- genericArrayDims[arrayIndex] := WinReadLongword(Stream);
- if arrayIndex=0 then
- arrayCount := genericArrayDims[arrayIndex]
- else
- arrayCount := arrayCount * genericArrayDims[arrayIndex];
- end;
- genericArrayItemType.category := TTypeCategory(WinReadByte(Stream));
- genericArrayItemType := LoadFieldType(stream,genericArrayItemType.category);
- newArrayObj := TSerializedArray.Create(self,genericArrayType,genericArrayItemType,genericArrayDims);
- setlength(objects, length(objects) + 1);
- objects[high(objects)] := newArrayObj;
- newArrayObj.idObject := result;
- FillZeroCount := 0;
- if arrayCount <> 0 then
- for arrayIndex := 0 to arrayCount - 1 do
- begin
- if IsDotNetTypeStoredAsString(genericArrayItemType) then
- PString(newArrayObj.ItemPtr[arrayIndex])^ := LoadValueFromStream(Stream,genericArrayItemType)
- else
- if genericArrayItemType.category = ftPrimitiveType then
- Stream.Read(newArrayObj.ItemPtr[arrayIndex]^, newArrayObj.ItemSize)
- else
- begin
- if FillZeroCount > 0 then
- Dec(FillZeroCount)
- else
- begin
- tempIdObject := LoadNextFromStream(Stream);
- if tempIdObject = idArrayFiller then
- begin
- tempIdObject := 0;
- FillZeroCount := ArrayFillerCount;
- ArrayFillerCount := 0;
- end;
- if FillZeroCount > 0 then
- Dec(FillZeroCount)
- else
- plongword(newArrayObj.ItemPtr[arrayIndex])^ := tempIdObject;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- except
- on ex: Exception do
- raise Exception.Create('Error while reading array of object. ' + ex.Message);
- end;
- end;
- btMethodCall, btMethodResponse:
- raise Exception.Create('Method or method response not supported');
- btEndOfStream: EndOfStream := True;
- else
- raise Exception.Create('Unknown block type (' + IntToStr(blockType) + ')');
- end;
-function TDotNetDeserialization.LoadStringFromStream(Stream: TStream): string;
- byteLength, shift: byte;
- fullLength: integer;
- utf8value: string;
- fullLength := 0;
- shift := 0;
- {$hints off}
- repeat
- Stream.Read(byteLength, 1);
- Inc(fullLength, (byteLength and 127) shl shift);
- shift := shift + 7;
- until (byteLength < 128) or (shift > 24);
- {$hints on}
- setlength(utf8value, fullLength);
- if Stream.Read(utf8value[1], fullLength) <> fullLength then
- raise Exception.Create('String length error');
- Result := utf8value;
-function TDotNetDeserialization.LoadDotNetCharFromStream(Stream: TStream
- ): string;
- tempByte: byte;
- dataLen: Byte;
- utf8value: string;
- tempByte:= WinReadByte(Stream);
- if tempByte and $80 = 0 then
- dataLen := 1
- else
- if tempByte and $E0 = $C0 then
- dataLen := 2
- else
- if tempByte and $F0 = $E0 then
- dataLen := 3
- else
- if tempByte and $F8 = $F0 then
- dataLen := 4
- else
- raise Exception.Create('Invalid UTF8 char');
- setlength(utf8value, dataLen);
- utf8value[1] := char(tempByte);
- Stream.Read(utf8value[2], dataLen - 1);
- Result := utf8value;
-function TDotNetDeserialization.LoadTypeFromStream(Stream: TStream;
- IsRuntimeType: boolean): integer;
- i: integer;
- try
- setlength(objectTypes, length(objectTypes) + 1);
- Result := high(objectTypes);
- with objectTypes[Result] do
- begin
- ClassName := LoadStringFromStream(Stream);
- nbFields := WinReadLongword(Stream);
- setlength(fieldNames, nbFields);
- setlength(fieldTypes, nbFields);
- for i := 0 to nbFields - 1 do
- fieldNames[i] := LoadStringFromStream(Stream);
- for i := 0 to nbFields - 1 do
- fieldTypes[i].category := TTypeCategory(WinReadByte(Stream));
- for i := 0 to nbFields - 1 do
- fieldTypes[i] := LoadFieldType(Stream,fieldTypes[i].category);
- if isRuntimeType then
- refAssembly := 0
- else
- refAssembly := WinReadLongword(Stream);
- end;
- except
- on ex: Exception do
- raise Exception.Create('Error while reading object type definition. ' +
- ex.Message);
- end;
-function TDotNetDeserialization.LoadValuesFromStream(Stream: TStream;
- numType: integer): ArrayOfNameValue;
- i: integer;
- ot: TSerializedType;
- if (numType < 0) or (numType > high(objectTypes)) then
- raise Exception.Create('Type number out of bounds (' + IntToStr(numType) + ')');
- ot := objectTypes[numType]; //use temp because array address may change
- try
- with ot do
- begin
- setlength(Result, nbFields);
- for i := 0 to nbFields - 1 do
- begin
- Result[i].Name := fieldNames[i];
- Result[i].valueType := fieldTypes[i].Name;
- Result[i].Value := LoadValueFromStream(Stream, fieldTypes[i]);
- end;
- end;
- except
- on ex: Exception do
- raise Exception.Create('Error while reading values of object of type ' +
- ot.ClassName + '. ' + ex.Message);
- end;
-function TDotNetDeserialization.LoadValueFromStream(Stream: TStream;
- const fieldType: TFieldType): string;
- data : record
- case byte of
- 1: (ptr: pointer);
- 2: (bytes: array[0..7] of byte);
- end;
- dataLen: LongWord;
- tempIdObject: LongWord;
- try
- if fieldType.Category = ftPrimitiveType then
- begin
- case fieldType.primitiveType of
- ptChar: Result := LoadDotNetCharFromStream(Stream);
- ptString, ptDecimal: Result := LoadStringFromStream(Stream);
- else
- begin
- dataLen := GetFieldTypeSize(fieldType);
- {$hints off}
- stream.read(data,dataLen);
- {$hints on}
- result := DotNetValueToString(data,fieldType);
- end;
- end;
- end else
- if fieldType.Category in [ftString, ftObjectType, ftRuntimeType, ftGenericType, ftArrayOfObject,
- ftArrayOfString, ftArrayOfPrimitiveType] then
- begin
- tempIdObject := LoadNextFromStream(stream);
- Result := '#' + IntToStr(tempIdObject);
- end else
- raise Exception.Create('Unknown field type (' + IntToStr(
- byte(fieldType.category)) + ')');
- except
- on ex: Exception do
- raise Exception.Create('Error while reading object value. ' + ex.Message);
- end;
-function TDotNetDeserialization.LoadFieldType(Stream: TStream; category: TTypeCategory
- ): TFieldType;
- result.category := category;
- result.Name := '';
- result.refAssembly := 0;
- result.primitiveType := ptNone;
- case category of
- ftPrimitiveType, ftArrayOfPrimitiveType:
- begin
- result.primitiveType := TPrimitiveType(WinReadByte(stream));
- result.Name := PrimitiveTypeName(result.primitiveType);
- if result.category = ftArrayOfPrimitiveType then
- AppendStr(result.Name, '[]');
- end;
- ftString: result.Name := 'String';
- ftObjectType: result.Name := 'Object';
- ftRuntimeType: result.Name := LoadStringFromStream(Stream);
- ftGenericType:
- begin
- result.Name := LoadStringFromStream(Stream);
- result.refAssembly := WinReadLongword(Stream);
- end;
- ftArrayOfObject: result.Name := 'Object[]';
- ftArrayOfString: result.Name := 'String[]';
- else
- raise Exception.Create('Unknown field type tag (' + IntToStr(
- byte(result.category)) + ')');
- end;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrafillinfo.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrafillinfo.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f45d32..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrafillinfo.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1758 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAFillInfo;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BGRABitmapTypes;
- AntialiasPrecision = 16;
- AntialiasPrecisionShift = 4;
- TDensity = word;
- PDensity = ^TDensity;
- { TFillShapeInfo }
- TFillShapeInfo = class(TBGRACustomFillInfo)
- protected
- FPointInsideInter : ArrayOfTIntersectionInfo;
- //compute intersections. the array must be big enough
- procedure ComputeIntersection(cury: single; var inter: ArrayOfTIntersectionInfo; var nbInter: integer); virtual;
- //sort from left to right
- procedure SortIntersection(var inter: ArrayOfTIntersectionInfo; nbInter: integer); virtual;
- procedure InternalQuickSortIntersection(inter0: pointer; idxL, idxH: Integer); virtual;
- //apply non-zero winding rule. it can change the number of intersections
- procedure ConvertFromNonZeroWinding(var inter: ArrayOfTIntersectionInfo; var nbInter: integer); virtual;
- //returns maximum of intersection per line
- function NbMaxIntersection: integer; virtual;
- public
- destructor Destroy; override;
- //returns true if the same segment number can be curved
- function SegmentsCurved: boolean; override;
- //returns integer bounds
- function GetBounds: TRect; override;
- //check if the point is inside the filling zone
- function IsPointInside(x,y: single; windingMode: boolean): boolean; override;
- //create an array that will contain computed intersections.
- //you may augment, in this case, use CreateIntersectionInfo for new items
- function CreateIntersectionArray: ArrayOfTIntersectionInfo; override;
- function CreateIntersectionInfo: TIntersectionInfo; override; //creates a single info
- procedure FreeIntersectionArray(var inter: ArrayOfTIntersectionInfo); override;
- //fill a previously created array of intersections with actual intersections at the current y coordinate.
- //nbInter gets the number of computed intersections
- procedure ComputeAndSort(cury: single; var inter: ArrayOfTIntersectionInfo; out nbInter: integer; windingMode: boolean); override;
- //can be called after ComputeAndSort or ComputeIntersection to determine the current horizontal slice
- //so that it can be checked if the intermediates scanlines can be skipped
- function GetSliceIndex: integer; override;
- end;
- { TFillEllipseInfo }
- TFillEllipseInfo = class(TFillShapeInfo)
- private
- FX, FY, FRX, FRY: single;
- FSliceIndex: integer;
- function GetCenter: TPointF;
- protected
- function NbMaxIntersection: integer; override;
- procedure ComputeIntersection(cury: single;
- var inter: ArrayOfTIntersectionInfo; var nbInter: integer); override;
- public
- WindingFactor: integer;
- constructor Create(x, y, rx, ry: single);
- function GetBounds: TRect; override;
- function SegmentsCurved: boolean; override;
- function GetSliceIndex: integer; override;
- property Center: TPointF read GetCenter;
- property RadiusX: single read FRX;
- property RadiusY: single read FRY;
- end;
- { TFillBorderEllipseInfo }
- TFillBorderEllipseInfo = class(TFillShapeInfo)
- private
- FInnerBorder, FOuterBorder: TFillEllipseInfo;
- protected
- function NbMaxIntersection: integer; override;
- procedure ComputeIntersection(cury: single;
- var inter: ArrayOfTIntersectionInfo; var nbInter: integer); override;
- public
- constructor Create(x, y, rx, ry, w: single);
- function GetBounds: TRect; override;
- function SegmentsCurved: boolean; override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function GetSliceIndex: integer; override;
- property InnerBorder: TFillEllipseInfo read FInnerBorder;
- property OuterBorder: TFillEllipseInfo read FOuterBorder;
- end;
- { TFillRoundRectangleInfo }
- TFillRoundRectangleInfo = class(TFillShapeInfo)
- private
- FX1, FY1, FX2, FY2, FRX, FRY: single;
- FOptions: TRoundRectangleOptions;
- function GetBottomRight: TPointF;
- function GetTopLeft: TPointF;
- protected
- function NbMaxIntersection: integer; override;
- procedure ComputeIntersection(cury: single;
- var inter: ArrayOfTIntersectionInfo; var nbInter: integer); override;
- public
- WindingFactor: integer;
- constructor Create(x1, y1, x2, y2, rx, ry: single; options: TRoundRectangleOptions; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true);
- function SegmentsCurved: boolean; override;
- function GetBounds: TRect; override;
- property TopLeft: TPointF read GetTopLeft;
- property BottomRight: TPointF read GetBottomRight;
- property RadiusX: single read FRX;
- property RadiusY: single read FRY;
- end;
- { TFillRectangleInfo }
- TFillRectangleInfo = class(TFillShapeInfo)
- private
- FX1, FY1, FX2, FY2: single;
- function GetBottomRight: TPointF;
- function GetTopLeft: TPointF;
- protected
- function NbMaxIntersection: integer; override;
- procedure ComputeIntersection(cury: single;
- var inter: ArrayOfTIntersectionInfo; var nbInter: integer); override;
- public
- WindingFactor: integer;
- constructor Create(x1, y1, x2, y2: single; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true);
- function GetBounds: TRect; override;
- property TopLeft: TPointF read GetTopLeft;
- property BottomRight: TPointF read GetBottomRight;
- end;
- { TFillBorderRoundRectInfo }
- TFillBorderRoundRectInfo = class(TFillShapeInfo)
- protected
- FInnerBorder, FOuterBorder: TFillRoundRectangleInfo;
- function NbMaxIntersection: integer; override;
- procedure ComputeIntersection(cury: single;
- var inter: ArrayOfTIntersectionInfo; var nbInter: integer); override;
- public
- constructor Create(x1, y1, x2, y2, rx, ry, w: single; options: TRoundRectangleOptions; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true);
- function GetBounds: TRect; override;
- function SegmentsCurved: boolean; override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- property InnerBorder: TFillRoundRectangleInfo read FInnerBorder;
- property OuterBorder: TFillRoundRectangleInfo read FOuterBorder;
- end;
- PCustomPointRecord = ^TCustomPointRecord;
- TCustomPointRecord = record
- originalIndex: integer;
- slope: single;
- empty: boolean;
- next: integer;
- winding: integer;
- includeStartingPoint,includeEndingPoint: boolean;
- data: pointer;
- case boolean of
- false: (x,y,x2,y2: single);
- true: (coord,coord2: TPointF);
- end;
- { TCustomFillPolyInfo }
- TCustomFillPolyInfo = class(TFillShapeInfo)
- private
- function GetNbPoints: integer;
- protected
- FPoints: array of TCustomPointRecord;
- FSegmentsDataCreated: boolean;
- FBoundsF: TRectF;
- function NbMaxIntersection: integer; override;
- procedure SetIntersectionValues(AInter: TIntersectionInfo; AInterX: Single; AWinding, ANumSegment: integer; {%H-}dy: single; {%H-}AData: pointer); virtual;
- procedure InitPoints(const points: array of TPointF);
- procedure CreateSegmentsData; virtual;
- public
- constructor Create(const points: array of TPointF; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function CreateIntersectionArray: ArrayOfTIntersectionInfo; override;
- function CreateSegmentData({%H-}numPt, {%H-}nextPt: integer; {%H-}ASeg: PCustomPointRecord): pointer; virtual;
- procedure FreeSegmentData(data: pointer); virtual;
- function GetBounds: TRect; override;
- function GetBoundsF: TRectF;
- property NbPoints: integer read GetNbPoints;
- end;
- TPolySlice = record
- y1,y2: single;
- segments: array of record
- id: integer;
- custom: PCustomPointRecord;
- end;
- nbSegments: integer;
- end;
- { TFillPolyInfo }
- TFillPolyInfo = class(TCustomFillPolyInfo)
- protected
- FSlices: array of TPolySlice;
- FCurSlice: integer;
- FMaxIntersection: integer;
- function NbMaxIntersection: integer; override;
- procedure ComputeIntersection(cury: single;
- var inter: ArrayOfTIntersectionInfo; var nbInter: integer); override;
- public
- constructor Create(const points: array of TPointF; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true);
- function GetSliceIndex: integer; override;
- end;
- POnePassRecord = ^TOnePassRecord;
- TOnePassRecord = record
- id: integer;
- custom: PCustomPointRecord;
- next: POnePassRecord;
- nextWaiting: POnePassRecord;
- nextDrawing: POnePassRecord;
- end;
- { TOnePassFillPolyInfo }
- TOnePassFillPolyInfo = class(TCustomFillPolyInfo)
- private
- procedure InsertionSortByY;
- function PartitionByY(left, right: integer): integer;
- procedure QuickSortByY(left, right: integer);
- procedure SortByY;
- protected
- FOnePass: array of TOnePassRecord;
- FSortedByY: array of POnePassRecord;
- FFirstWaiting, FFirstDrawing: POnePassRecord;
- FShouldInitializeDrawing: boolean;
- FSliceIndex: integer;
- procedure ComputeIntersection(cury: single;
- var inter: ArrayOfTIntersectionInfo; var nbInter: integer); override;
- public
- constructor Create(const points: array of TPointF; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true);
- function CreateIntersectionArray: ArrayOfTIntersectionInfo; override;
- function GetSliceIndex: integer; override;
- end;
- { TSimpleFillPolyInfo }
- TSimpleFillPolyInfo = class(TCustomFillPolyInfo)
- protected
- procedure ComputeIntersection(cury: single; var inter: ArrayOfTIntersectionInfo;
- var nbInter: integer); override;
- public
- constructor Create(const points: array of TPointF; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true);
- end;
-procedure AddDensity(dest: PDensity; start,count: integer; value : word); inline;
-function DivByAntialiasPrecision(value: UInt32or64): UInt32or64; inline;
-function DivByAntialiasPrecision256(value: UInt32or64): UInt32or64; inline;
-function DivByAntialiasPrecision65536(value: UInt32or64): UInt32or64; inline;
-procedure ComputeAliasedRowBounds(x1,x2: single; minx,maxx: integer; out ix1,ix2: integer);
-function IsPointInPolygon(const points: ArrayOfTPointF; point: TPointF; windingMode: boolean): boolean;
-function IsPointInEllipse(x,y,rx,ry: single; point: TPointF): boolean;
-function IsPointInRoundRectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, rx, ry: single; point: TPointF): boolean;
-function IsPointInRectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2: single; point: TPointF): boolean;
-function BGRAShapeComputeMinMax(AShape: TBGRACustomFillInfo; out minx, miny, maxx, maxy: integer;
- bmpDest: TBGRACustomBitmap): boolean; overload;
-function BGRAShapeComputeMinMax(AShape: TBGRACustomFillInfo; out minx, miny, maxx, maxy: integer;
- clip: TRect): boolean; overload;
-uses Math;
-function BGRAShapeComputeMinMax(AShape: TBGRACustomFillInfo; out minx, miny, maxx, maxy: integer;
- bmpDest: TBGRACustomBitmap): boolean;
- result := BGRAShapeComputeMinMax(AShape, minx,miny,maxx,maxy, bmpDest.ClipRect);
-function BGRAShapeComputeMinMax(AShape: TBGRACustomFillInfo; out minx, miny, maxx, maxy: integer;
- clip: TRect): boolean;
-var bounds: TRect;
- result := true;
- bounds := AShape.GetBounds;
- if (bounds.Right <= bounds.left) or (bounds.bottom <= bounds.top) then
- begin
- result := false;
- exit;
- end;
- miny := bounds.top;
- maxy := bounds.bottom - 1;
- minx := bounds.left;
- maxx := bounds.right - 1;
- if minx < clip.Left then
- minx := clip.Left;
- if maxx < clip.Left then
- result := false;
- if maxx > clip.Right - 1 then
- maxx := clip.Right- 1;
- if minx > clip.Right - 1 then
- result := false;
- if miny < clip.Top then
- miny := clip.Top;
- if maxy < clip.Top then
- result := false;
- if maxy > clip.Bottom - 1 then
- maxy := clip.Bottom - 1;
- if miny > clip.Bottom - 1 then
- result := false;
-procedure ComputeAliasedRowBounds(x1,x2: single; minx,maxx: integer; out ix1,ix2: integer);
- ix1 := trunc(x1);
- if frac(x1)>0.5 then inc(ix1)
- else if frac(x1)<=-0.5 then dec(ix1);
- ix2 := trunc(x2)-1;
- if frac(x2)>0.5 then inc(ix2)
- else if frac(x2)<=-0.5 then dec(ix2);
- if ix1 < minx then ix1 := minx;
- if ix2 >= maxx then ix2 := maxx;
-function IsPointInPolygon(const points: ArrayOfTPointF; point: TPointF
- ; windingMode: boolean): boolean;
-var info: TBGRACustomFillInfo;
- info := TSimpleFillPolyInfo.Create(points);
- result := info.IsPointInside(point.x+0.5,point.y+0.5,windingMode);
- info.free;
-function IsPointInEllipse(x, y, rx, ry: single; point: TPointF): boolean;
-var info: TBGRACustomFillInfo;
- info := TFillEllipseInfo.Create(x,y,rx,ry);
- result := info.IsPointInside(point.x+0.5,point.y+0.5,false);
- info.free;
-function IsPointInRoundRectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, rx, ry: single; point: TPointF
- ): boolean;
-var info: TBGRACustomFillInfo;
- info := TFillRoundRectangleInfo.Create(x1, y1, x2, y2, rx, ry,[]);
- result := info.IsPointInside(point.x+0.5,point.y+0.5,false);
- info.free;
-function IsPointInRectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2: single; point: TPointF): boolean;
- with point do
- result := (((x1x)) or ((x1>x) and (x2y)) or ((y1>y) and (y2 0 then
- begin
- valueValue := value+(value shl 16);
- while count > 0 do
- begin
- inc(plongword(dest)^, valueValue);
- inc(dest,2);
- dec(count);
- end;
- end;
- if lastAdd <> 0 then
- inc(dest^, value);
-function DivByAntialiasPrecision(value: UInt32or64): UInt32or64;
-begin //
- result := value shr AntialiasPrecisionShift;// div AntialiasPrecision;
-function DivByAntialiasPrecision256(value: UInt32or64): UInt32or64;
-begin //
- result := value shr (AntialiasPrecisionShift+8);// div (256*AntialiasPrecision);
-function DivByAntialiasPrecision65536(value: UInt32or64): UInt32or64;
-begin //
- result := value shr (AntialiasPrecisionShift+16);//div (65536*AntialiasPrecision);
-{ TFillRectangleInfo }
-function TFillRectangleInfo.GetBottomRight: TPointF;
- result := PointF(FX2-0.5,FY2-0.5);
-function TFillRectangleInfo.GetTopLeft: TPointF;
- result := PointF(FX1-0.5,FY1-0.5);
-function TFillRectangleInfo.NbMaxIntersection: integer;
- Result:= 2;
-procedure TFillRectangleInfo.ComputeIntersection(cury: single;
- var inter: ArrayOfTIntersectionInfo; var nbInter: integer);
- if (cury >= FY1) and (cury <= FY2) then
- begin
- inter[nbinter].interX := FX1;
- inter[nbinter].winding := -windingFactor;
- inter[nbinter].numSegment := 0;
- Inc(nbinter);
- inter[nbinter].interX := FX2;
- inter[nbinter].winding := +windingFactor;
- inter[nbinter].numSegment := 1;
- Inc(nbinter);
- end;
-constructor TFillRectangleInfo.Create(x1, y1, x2, y2: single;
- APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- temp: Single;
- if y1 > y2 then
- begin
- temp := y1;
- y1 := y2;
- y2 := temp;
- end;
- if x1 > x2 then
- begin
- temp := x1;
- x1 := x2;
- x2 := temp;
- end;
- if APixelCenteredCoordinates then
- begin
- FX1 := x1 + 0.5;
- FY1 := y1 + 0.5;
- FX2 := x2 + 0.5;
- FY2 := y2 + 0.5;
- end else
- begin
- FX1 := x1;
- FY1 := y1;
- FX2 := x2;
- FY2 := y2;
- end;
- WindingFactor := 1;
-function TFillRectangleInfo.GetBounds: TRect;
- result := rect(floor(fx1),floor(fy1),floor(fx2)+1,floor(fy2)+1);
-{ TFillShapeInfo }
-function TFillShapeInfo.GetBounds: TRect;
- Result := rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
-function TFillShapeInfo.IsPointInside(x, y: single; windingMode: boolean
- ): boolean;
- i,nbInter: integer;
- if FPointInsideInter = nil then
- FPointInsideInter := CreateIntersectionArray;
- ComputeAndSort(y,FPointInsideInter,nbInter,windingMode);
- i := 0;
- while i+1 < nbInter do
- begin
- if (FPointInsideInter[i].interX < x) and (FPointInsideInter[i+1].interX > x) then
- begin
- result := true;
- FreeIntersectionArray(FPointInsideInter);
- exit;
- end;
- inc(i,2);
- end;
- result := false;
-function TFillShapeInfo.NbMaxIntersection: integer;
- Result := 0;
-destructor TFillShapeInfo.Destroy;
- FreeIntersectionArray(FPointInsideInter);
- inherited Destroy;
-function TFillShapeInfo.SegmentsCurved: boolean;
- result := false;
-function TFillShapeInfo.CreateIntersectionInfo: TIntersectionInfo;
- result := TIntersectionInfo.Create;
-procedure TFillShapeInfo.FreeIntersectionArray(
- var inter: ArrayOfTIntersectionInfo);
- i: Integer;
- for i := 0 to high(inter) do
- inter[i].free;
- inter := nil;
-{$hints off}
-procedure TFillShapeInfo.ComputeIntersection(cury: single;
- var inter: ArrayOfTIntersectionInfo; var nbInter: integer);
-{$hints on}
-procedure TFillShapeInfo.SortIntersection(var inter: ArrayOfTIntersectionInfo; nbInter: integer);
- i,j,k: Integer;
- tempInter: TIntersectionInfo;
- if nbInter > 10 then
- InternalQuickSortIntersection(@inter[0], 0, nbInter-1);
- for i := 1 to nbinter - 1 do
- begin
- j := i;
- while (j > 0) and (inter[i].interX < inter[j-1].interX) do dec(j);
- if j <> i then
- begin
- tempInter := inter[i];
- for k := i-1 downto j do
- inter[k+1] := inter[k];
- inter[j] := tempInter;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TFillShapeInfo.InternalQuickSortIntersection(inter0: pointer;
- idxL, idxH: Integer);
-const Stride = sizeof(pointer);
- MinSub = 10;
-type PIntersectionInfo = ^TIntersectionInfo;
- ls,hs : Integer;
- li,hi : Integer;
- mi : Integer;
- ms : Integer;
- pb : PByte;
- tempInfo: TIntersectionInfo;
- m: Single;
- pb:=PByte(inter0);
- li:=idxL;
- hi:=idxH;
- mi:=(li+hi) div 2;
- ls:=li*Stride;
- hs:=hi*Stride;
- ms:=mi*Stride;
- m := PIntersectionInfo(pb+ms)^.interX;
- repeat
- while PIntersectionInfo(pb+ls)^.interX < m do begin
- inc(ls, Stride);
- inc(li);
- end;
- while m < PIntersectionInfo(pb+hs)^.interX do begin
- dec(hs, Stride);
- dec(hi);
- end;
- if ls <= hs then begin
- tempInfo := PIntersectionInfo(pb+ls)^;
- PIntersectionInfo(pb+ls)^ := PIntersectionInfo(pb+hs)^;
- PIntersectionInfo(pb+hs)^ := tempInfo;
- inc(ls, Stride); inc(li);
- dec(hs, Stride); dec(hi);
- end;
- until ls>hs;
- if hi>=idxL+MinSub-1 then InternalQuickSortIntersection(inter0, idxL, hi);
- if li+MinSub-1<=idxH then InternalQuickSortIntersection(inter0, li, idxH);
-procedure TFillShapeInfo.ConvertFromNonZeroWinding(var inter: ArrayOfTIntersectionInfo; var nbInter: integer);
-var windingSum,prevSum,i,nbAlternate: integer;
- tempInfo: TIntersectionInfo;
- windingSum := 0;
- nbAlternate := 0;
- for i := 0 to nbInter-1 do
- begin
- prevSum := windingSum;
- inc(windingSum, inter[i].winding);
- if (windingSum = 0) xor (prevSum = 0) then
- begin
- if nbAlternate<>i then
- begin
- tempInfo := inter[nbAlternate];
- inter[nbAlternate] := inter[i];
- inter[i] := tempInfo;
- end;
- inc(nbAlternate);
- end;
- end;
- nbInter := nbAlternate;
-procedure TFillShapeInfo.ComputeAndSort(cury: single;
- var inter: ArrayOfTIntersectionInfo; out nbInter: integer; windingMode: boolean);
- nbInter := 0;
- ComputeIntersection(cury,inter,nbInter);
- if nbInter < 2 then exit;
- SortIntersection(inter,nbInter);
- if windingMode then ConvertFromNonZeroWinding(inter,nbInter);
-function TFillShapeInfo.GetSliceIndex: integer;
- result := 0;
-function TFillShapeInfo.CreateIntersectionArray: ArrayOfTIntersectionInfo;
- i: Integer;
- setlength(result, NbMaxIntersection);
- for i := 0 to high(result) do
- result[i] := CreateIntersectionInfo;
-function ComputeWinding(y1,y2: single): integer;
- if y2 > y1 then result := 1 else
- if y2 < y1 then result := -1 else
- result := 0;
- arrayOfSingle = array of single;
-procedure InsertionSortSingles(var a: arrayOfSingle);
-var i,j: integer;
- temp: single;
- for i := 1 to high(a) do
- begin
- Temp := a[i];
- j := i;
- while (j>0) and (a[j-1]> Temp) do
- begin
- a[j] := a[j-1];
- dec(j);
- end;
- a[j] := Temp;
- end;
-function PartitionSingles(var a: arrayOfSingle; left,right: integer): integer;
- procedure Swap(idx1,idx2: integer); inline;
- var temp: single;
- begin
- temp := a[idx1];
- a[idx1] := a[idx2];
- a[idx2] := temp;
- end;
-var pivotIndex: integer;
- pivotValue: single;
- storeIndex: integer;
- i: integer;
- pivotIndex := left + random(right-left+1);
- pivotValue := a[pivotIndex];
- swap(pivotIndex,right);
- storeIndex := left;
- for i := left to right-1 do
- if a[i] <= pivotValue then
- begin
- swap(i,storeIndex);
- inc(storeIndex);
- end;
- swap(storeIndex,right);
- result := storeIndex;
-procedure QuickSortSingles(var a: arrayOfSingle; left,right: integer);
-var pivotNewIndex: integer;
- if right > left+9 then
- begin
- pivotNewIndex := PartitionSingles(a,left,right);
- QuickSortSingles(a,left,pivotNewIndex-1);
- QuickSortSingles(a,pivotNewIndex+1,right);
- end;
-procedure SortSingles(var a: arrayOfSingle);
- if length(a) < 10 then InsertionSortSingles(a) else
- begin
- QuickSortSingles(a,0,high(a));
- InsertionSortSingles(a);
- end;
-procedure RemoveSingleDuplicates(var a: arrayOfSingle; var nb: integer);
-var i,idx: integer;
- idx := 0;
- for i := 1 to nb-1 do
- begin
- if a[i] <> a[idx] then
- begin
- inc(idx);
- a[idx] := a[i];
- end;
- end;
- nb := idx+1;
-function BinarySearchSingle(value: single; var a: arrayOfSingle; left,right: integer): integer;
-var pivotIndex: integer;
- pivotValue: single;
- pivotIndex := (left+right) div 2;
- pivotValue := a[pivotIndex];
- if value = pivotValue then
- result := pivotIndex else
- if value < pivotValue then
- begin
- if pivotIndex = left then result := left else
- result := BinarySearchSingle(value, a, left,pivotIndex-1);
- end else
- begin
- if pivotIndex = right then result := right+1 else
- result := BinarySearchSingle(value, a, pivotIndex+1, right);
- end;
-{ TCustomFillPolyInfo }
-constructor TCustomFillPolyInfo.Create(const points: array of TPointF; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- cur, first, i, j: integer;
- p, pNext: PCustomPointRecord;
- tempCoord: TPointF;
- tempBool: Boolean;
- InitPoints(points);
- FSegmentsDataCreated:= false;
- if FPoints=nil then
- begin
- FBoundsF := EmptyRectF;
- exit;
- end;
- //look for empty points, correct coordinate and successors
- cur := -1;
- first := -1;
- p := @FPoints[0];
- for i := 0 to high(FPoints) do
- begin
- if not isEmptyPointF(p^.coord) then
- begin
- p^.empty := False;
- if APixelCenteredCoordinates then
- p^.coord.Offset(0.5,0.5);
- if cur <> -1 then
- FPoints[cur].next := i;
- if first = -1 then
- first := i;
- cur := i;
- end
- else
- begin
- if (first <> -1) and (cur <> first) then
- FPoints[cur].next := first;
- p^.empty := True;
- p^.next := -1;
- cur := -1;
- first := -1;
- end;
- inc(p);
- end;
- if (first <> -1) and (cur <> first) then
- FPoints[cur].next := first;
- FBoundsF := RectF(FPoints[0].coord,FPoints[0].coord);
- p := @FPoints[0];
- for i := 0 to high(FPoints) do
- begin
- if not p^.empty then
- begin
- if p^.x < FBoundsF.Left then FBoundsF.Left := p^.x else
- if p^.x > FBoundsF.Right then FBoundsF.Right := p^.x;
- if p^.y < FBoundsF.Top then FBoundsF.Top := p^.y else
- if p^.y > FBoundsF.Bottom then FBoundsF.Bottom := p^.y;
- end;
- if p^.next <> -1 then
- begin
- pNext := @FPoints[p^.next];
- p^.coord2 := pNext^.coord;
- end;
- inc(p);
- end;
- //compute slopes
- p := @FPoints[0];
- for i := 0 to high(FPoints) do
- begin
- if not p^.empty then
- begin
- p^.winding := ComputeWinding(p^.y, p^.y2);
- if p^.winding<>0 then
- p^.slope := (p^.x2 - p^.x) / (p^.y2 - p^.y)
- else
- p^.slope := EmptySingle;
- end
- else
- p^.slope := EmptySingle;
- inc(p);
- end;
- //check if end points are included
- p := @FPoints[0];
- for i := 0 to high(FPoints) do
- begin
- if not p^.empty then
- begin
- j := p^.next;
- pNext := @FPoints[j];
- if p^.winding > 0 then
- p^.includeEndingPoint := pNext^.winding < 0
- else if p^.winding < 0 then
- p^.includeEndingPoint := pNext^.winding >= 0
- else
- p^.includeStartingPoint := false;
- if pNext^.winding > 0 then
- pNext^.includeStartingPoint := true
- else if pNext^.winding < 0 then
- pNext^.includeStartingPoint := p^.winding <> 0;
- end;
- inc(p);
- end;
- //flip vertically to have always top to bottom
- p := @FPoints[0];
- for i := 0 to high(FPoints) do
- begin
- if p^.winding < 0 then
- begin
- tempCoord := p^.coord;
- p^.coord := p^.coord2;
- p^.coord2 := tempCoord;
- tempBool := p^.includeStartingPoint;
- p^.includeStartingPoint := p^.includeEndingPoint;
- p^.includeEndingPoint := tempBool;
- end;
- inc(p);
- end;
-destructor TCustomFillPolyInfo.Destroy;
- i: Integer;
- for i := 0 to high(FPoints) do
- freemem(FPoints[i].data);
- inherited Destroy;
-function TCustomFillPolyInfo.CreateIntersectionArray: ArrayOfTIntersectionInfo;
- i: Integer;
- CreateSegmentsData;
- setlength(result, NbMaxIntersection);
- for i := 0 to high(result) do
- result[i] := nil;
-function TCustomFillPolyInfo.CreateSegmentData(numPt, nextPt: integer;
- ASeg: PCustomPointRecord): pointer;
- result := nil;
-procedure TCustomFillPolyInfo.FreeSegmentData(data: pointer);
- freemem(data);
-function TCustomFillPolyInfo.GetBounds: TRect;
- with FBoundsF do
- result := Rect(floor(Left),floor(Top),ceil(Right),ceil(Bottom));
-function TCustomFillPolyInfo.GetBoundsF: TRectF;
- result := FBoundsF;
-function TCustomFillPolyInfo.GetNbPoints: integer;
- result := length(FPoints);
-function TCustomFillPolyInfo.NbMaxIntersection: integer;
- Result := length(FPoints);
-procedure TCustomFillPolyInfo.SetIntersectionValues(AInter: TIntersectionInfo;
- AInterX: Single; AWinding, ANumSegment: integer; dy: single; AData: pointer);
- AInter.SetValues( AInterX, AWinding, ANumSegment );
-procedure TCustomFillPolyInfo.InitPoints(const points: array of TPointF);
- minDist = 0.00390625; //1 over 256
- i, first, nbP: integer;
- function PointAlmostEqual(const p1,p2: TPointF): boolean;
- begin
- result := (abs(p1.x-p2.x) < minDist) and (abs(p1.y-p2.y) < minDist);
- end;
- procedure EndOfSubPolygon;
- begin
- //if there is a subpolygon
- if first<>-1 then
- begin
- //last point is the same as first point?
- if (nbP >= first+2) and PointAlmostEqual(FPoints[nbP-1].coord,FPoints[first].coord) then
- dec(nbP); //remove superfluous looping point
- if (nbP <= first+2) then //are there only one or two points?
- begin
- //remove subpolygon because we need at least a triangle
- nbP := first;
- first := -1;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- setlength(FPoints, length(points));
- nbP := 0;
- first := -1;
- for i := 0 to high(points) do
- if isEmptyPointF(points[i]) then
- begin
- EndOfSubPolygon;
- if first<>-1 then
- begin
- FPoints[nbP].originalIndex := i;
- FPoints[nbP].coord := EmptyPointF;
- inc(nbP);
- first := -1;
- end;
- end else
- if (first=-1) or not PointAlmostEqual(FPoints[nbP-1].coord,points[i]) then
- begin
- if first = -1 then first := nbP;
- FPoints[nbP].originalIndex := i;
- FPoints[nbP].coord := points[i];
- inc(nbP);
- end;
- EndOfSubPolygon;
- //if last point was a subpolygon delimiter (EmptyPointF) then removes it
- if (nbP > 0) and isEmptyPointF(FPoints[nbP-1].coord) then dec(nbP);
- setlength(FPoints, nbP);
-procedure TCustomFillPolyInfo.CreateSegmentsData;
- i: Integer;
- p: PCustomPointRecord;
- if FSegmentsDataCreated then exit;
- FSegmentsDataCreated := true;
- if FPoints<>nil then
- begin
- p := @FPoints[0];
- for i := 0 to high(FPoints) do
- begin
- if not p^.empty and (p^.slope <> EmptySingle) then
- begin
- if p^.winding < 0 then
- p^.data := CreateSegmentData(p^.next,i, p)
- else
- p^.data := CreateSegmentData(i,p^.next, p);
- end;
- inc(p);
- end;
- end;
-{ TFillPolyInfo }
-function TFillPolyInfo.NbMaxIntersection: integer;
- Result:= FMaxIntersection;
-procedure TFillPolyInfo.ComputeIntersection(cury: single;
- var inter: ArrayOfTIntersectionInfo; var nbInter: integer);
- j: integer;
- cust: PCustomPointRecord;
- pInter: PIntersectionInfo;
- if length(FSlices)=0 then exit;
- while (cury < FSlices[FCurSlice].y1) and (FCurSlice > 0) do dec(FCurSlice);
- while (cury > FSlices[FCurSlice].y2) and (FCurSlice < high(FSlices)) do inc(FCurSlice);
- pInter := @inter[nbInter];
- with FSlices[FCurSlice] do
- if (cury >= y1) and (cury < y2) then
- begin
- for j := 0 to nbSegments-1 do
- begin
- cust := segments[j].custom;
- if pInter^ = nil then pInter^ := CreateIntersectionInfo;
- SetIntersectionValues(pInter^, (cury - cust^.y) * cust^.slope + cust^.x,
- cust^.winding, segments[j].id, cury - cust^.y, cust^.data );
- Inc(nbinter);
- inc(pInter);
- end;
- end;
-constructor TFillPolyInfo.Create(const points: array of TPointF; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- function AddSeg(numSlice: integer): integer;
- begin
- result := FSlices[numSlice].nbSegments;
- if length(FSlices[numSlice].segments)=FSlices[numSlice].nbSegments then
- setlength(FSlices[numSlice].segments,FSlices[numSlice].nbSegments*2+2);
- inc(FSlices[numSlice].nbSegments);
- end;
- yList: array of single;
- nbYList: integer;
- ya,yb,temp: single;
- sliceStart,sliceEnd,idxSeg: integer;
- i,j,idSeg: integer;
- inherited Create(points, APixelCenteredCoordinates);
- //slice
- nbYList:= length(FPoints)*2;
- setlength(YList, nbYList);
- for i := 0 to high(FPoints) do
- begin
- YList[i*2] := FPoints[i].y;
- YList[i*2+1] := FPoints[i].y2;
- end;
- SortSingles(YList);
- RemoveSingleDuplicates(YList, nbYList);
- setlength(FSlices, nbYList-1);
- for i := 0 to high(FSlices) do
- begin
- FSlices[i].y1 := YList[i];
- FSlices[i].y2 := YList[i+1];
- FSlices[i].nbSegments := 0;
- end;
- idSeg := 0;
- for j := 0 to high(FPoints) do
- begin
- if FPoints[j].slope<>EmptySingle then
- begin
- ya := FPoints[j].y;
- yb := FPoints[j].y2;
- if yb < ya then
- begin
- temp := ya;
- ya := yb;
- yb := temp;
- end;
- sliceStart := BinarySearchSingle(ya,YList,0,nbYList-1);
- sliceEnd := BinarySearchSingle(yb,YList,0,nbYList-1);
- if sliceEnd > high(FSlices) then sliceEnd := high(FSlices);
- for i := sliceStart to sliceEnd do
- begin
- if ((FPoints[j].y < FSlices[i].y2) and
- (FPoints[j].y2 > FSlices[i].y1)) or
- ((FPoints[j].y2 < FSlices[i].y2) and
- (FPoints[j].y > FSlices[i].y1)) then
- begin
- idxSeg := AddSeg(i);
- with FSlices[i].segments[idxSeg] do
- begin
- inc(idSeg);
- id := idSeg;
- custom:= @FPoints[j];
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- FCurSlice := 0;
- FMaxIntersection:= 0;
- for i := 0 to high(FSlices) do
- if FSlices[i].nbSegments > FMaxIntersection then
- FMaxIntersection:= FSlices[i].nbSegments;
-function TFillPolyInfo.GetSliceIndex: integer;
- Result:= FCurSlice;
-{ TOnePassFillPolyInfo }
-function TOnePassFillPolyInfo.PartitionByY(left,right: integer): integer;
- procedure Swap(idx1,idx2: integer); inline;
- var temp: POnePassRecord;
- begin
- temp := FSortedByY[idx1];
- FSortedByY[idx1] := FSortedByY[idx2];
- FSortedByY[idx2] := temp;
- end;
-var pivotIndex: integer;
- pivotValue: single;
- storeIndex: integer;
- i: integer;
- pivotIndex := left + random(right-left+1);
- pivotValue := FSortedByY[pivotIndex]^.custom^.y;
- swap(pivotIndex,right);
- storeIndex := left;
- for i := left to right-1 do
- if FSortedByY[i]^.custom^.y <= pivotValue then
- begin
- swap(i,storeIndex);
- inc(storeIndex);
- end;
- swap(storeIndex,right);
- result := storeIndex;
-procedure TOnePassFillPolyInfo.QuickSortByY(left,right: integer);
-var pivotNewIndex: integer;
- if right > left+9 then
- begin
- pivotNewIndex := PartitionByY(left,right);
- QuickSortByY(left,pivotNewIndex-1);
- QuickSortByY(pivotNewIndex+1,right);
- end;
-procedure TOnePassFillPolyInfo.InsertionSortByY;
-var i,j: integer;
- tempValue: single;
- tempPtr: POnePassRecord;
- for i := 1 to high(FSortedByY) do
- begin
- tempPtr := FSortedByY[i];
- TempValue := tempPtr^.custom^.y;
- j := i;
- while (j>0) and (FSortedByY[j-1]^.custom^.y > TempValue) do
- begin
- FSortedByY[j] := FSortedByY[j-1];
- dec(j);
- end;
- FSortedByY[j] := tempPtr;
- end;
-procedure TOnePassFillPolyInfo.SortByY;
-var i,nbSorted: integer;
- setlength(FSortedByY, length(FPoints));
- nbSorted := 0;
- for i := 0 to high(FSortedByY) do
- if not FPoints[i].empty then
- begin
- FSortedByY[nbSorted] := @FOnePass[i];
- inc(nbSorted);
- end;
- setlength(FSortedByY,nbSorted);
- if length(FSortedByY) < 10 then InsertionSortByY else
- begin
- QuickSortByY(0,high(FSortedByY));
- InsertionSortByY;
- end;
-procedure TOnePassFillPolyInfo.ComputeIntersection(cury: single;
- var inter: ArrayOfTIntersectionInfo; var nbInter: integer);
- p,pprev,pnext: POnePassRecord;
-{ t: TextFile;
- i: Integer; }
- pCust: PCustomPointRecord;
- pInter: PIntersectionInfo;
- FShouldInitializeDrawing := true;
- p := FFirstWaiting;
- while p <> nil do
- begin
- if (cury >= p^.custom^.y) then
- begin
- if cury <= p^.custom^.y2+1 then
- begin
- p^.nextDrawing := FFirstDrawing;
- FFirstDrawing := p;
- inc(FSliceIndex);
- end;
- end
- else break;
- p := p^.nextWaiting;
- end;
- FFirstWaiting:= p;
- p := FFirstDrawing;
- pprev := nil;
- pInter := @inter[nbInter];
- while p <> nil do
- begin
- pnext := p^.nextDrawing;
- pCust := p^.custom;
- if (((cury > pCust^.y) and (cury < pCust^.y2)) or
- (pCust^.includeStartingPoint and (cury = pCust^.y)) or
- (pCust^.includeEndingPoint and (cury = pCust^.y2))) then
- begin
- if pInter^ = nil then pInter^ := CreateIntersectionInfo;
- SetIntersectionValues(pInter^, (cury - pCust^.y)*pCust^.slope + pCust^.x,
- pCust^.winding, p^.id, cury - pCust^.y, pCust^.data);
- inc(nbinter);
- inc(pInter);
- end else
- if (cury > pCust^.y2+1) then
- begin
- if pprev <> nil then
- pprev^.nextDrawing := pnext
- else
- FFirstDrawing:= pnext;
- p := pnext;
- Inc(FSliceIndex);
- continue;
- end;
- pprev := p;
- p := pnext;
- end;
-{ if odd(nbInter) then
- begin
- assignfile(t, 'polygon.dump');
- rewrite(t);
- writeln(t,'Polygon tested at ',cury);
- for i := 0 to NbPoints-1 do
- if isEmptyPointF(FPoints[i]) then write(t,'] [') else
- write(t,FPoints[i].x, ',', FPoints[i].y,' ');
- writeln(t);
- writeln(t,'Drawing');
- p := FFirstDrawing;
- while p <> nil do
- begin
- if ((p^.winding > 0) and
- (((cury > p^.y1) and (cury < p^.y2)) or
- (p^.includeStartingPoint and (cury = p^.y1)) or
- (p^.includeEndingPoint and (cury = p^.y2)))) or
- ((p^.winding < 0) and
- (((cury > p^.y1) and (cury < p^.y2)) or
- (p^.includeStartingPoint and (cury = p^.y2)) or
- (p^.includeEndingPoint and (cury = p^.y1)))) then
- write(t,'* ') else write(t,'- ');
- writeln(t,p^.x1,',',p^.y1,' ',p^.x2,',',p^.y2,' ',p^.winding,' ',BoolToStr(p^.includeEndingPoint,'end incl','end not incl'));
- p := p^.nextDrawing;
- end;
- closefile(t);
- raise exception.Create('Even intersections expected');
- end; }
-constructor TOnePassFillPolyInfo.Create(const points: array of TPointF; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
-var i,j: integer;
- p: POnePassRecord;
- inherited create(points, APixelCenteredCoordinates);
- FShouldInitializeDrawing := true;
- setlength(FOnePass, length(FPoints));
- for i := 0 to high(FPoints) do
- if not FPoints[i].empty then
- begin
- p := @FOnePass[i];
- p^.id := i;
- j := FPoints[i].next;
- p^.next := @FOnePass[j];
- p^.custom:= @FPoints[i];
- end;
- SortByY;
- FSliceIndex := 0;
-function TOnePassFillPolyInfo.CreateIntersectionArray: ArrayOfTIntersectionInfo;
-var i: integer;
- p,pprev: POnePassRecord;
- if FShouldInitializeDrawing then
- begin
- FShouldInitializeDrawing := false;
- FFirstWaiting:= nil;
- pprev := nil;
- for i := 0 to high(FSortedByY) do
- begin
- p := FSortedByY[i];
- if p^.custom^.slope <> EmptySingle then
- begin
- if pprev <> nil then
- pprev^.nextWaiting:= p
- else
- FFirstWaiting := p;
- pprev := p;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- result := inherited CreateIntersectionArray;
-function TOnePassFillPolyInfo.GetSliceIndex: integer;
- Result:= FSliceIndex;
-{ TSimpleFillPolyInfo }
-procedure TSimpleFillPolyInfo.ComputeIntersection(cury: single;
- var inter: ArrayOfTIntersectionInfo; var nbInter: integer);
-var i: integer;
- p: PCustomPointRecord;
- pInter: PIntersectionInfo;
- if FPoints = nil then exit;
- p := @FPoints[0];
- pInter := @inter[nbInter];
- for i := 0 to high(FPoints) do
- begin
- if (p^.winding <> 0) and
- ( ((cury > p^.y) and (cury < p^.y2)) or
- (p^.includeStartingPoint and (cury = p^.y)) or
- (p^.includeEndingPoint and (cury = p^.y2)) ) then
- begin
- if pInter^ = nil then pInter^ := CreateIntersectionInfo;
- SetIntersectionValues(pInter^, (cury - p^.y)*p^.slope + p^.x, p^.winding, i, cury - p^.y, p^.data);
- inc(nbinter);
- inc(pInter);
- end;
- inc(p);
- end;
-constructor TSimpleFillPolyInfo.Create(const points: array of TPointF; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- inherited Create(points, APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-{ TFillEllipseInfo }
-constructor TFillEllipseInfo.Create(x, y, rx, ry: single);
- FX := x + 0.5;
- FY := y + 0.5;
- FRX := abs(rx);
- FRY := abs(ry);
- WindingFactor := 1;
- FSliceIndex:= -1;
-function TFillEllipseInfo.GetBounds: TRect;
- Result := rect(floor(fx - frx), floor(fy - fry), ceil(fx + frx), ceil(fy + fry));
-function TFillEllipseInfo.SegmentsCurved: boolean;
- Result:= true;
-function TFillEllipseInfo.GetSliceIndex: integer;
- Result:= FSliceIndex;
-function TFillEllipseInfo.GetCenter: TPointF;
- result := PointF(FX-0.5,FY-0.5);
-function TFillEllipseInfo.NbMaxIntersection: integer;
- Result := 2;
-procedure TFillEllipseInfo.ComputeIntersection(cury: single;
- var inter: ArrayOfTIntersectionInfo; var nbInter: integer);
- d: single;
- if (FRY <= 0) or (FRX <= 0) then exit;
- d := sqr((cury - FY) / FRY);
- if d < 1 then
- begin
- d := sqrt(1 - d) * FRX;
- inter[nbinter].SetValues( FX - d, -windingFactor, 0);
- Inc(nbinter);
- inter[nbinter].SetValues( FX + d, windingFactor, 1);
- Inc(nbinter);
- FSliceIndex := 0;
- end else
- begin
- if cury < FY then
- FSliceIndex:= -1
- else
- FSliceIndex:= 1;
- end;
-{ TFillBorderEllipseInfo }
-constructor TFillBorderEllipseInfo.Create(x, y, rx, ry, w: single);
- if rx < 0 then
- rx := -rx;
- if ry < 0 then
- ry := -ry;
- FOuterBorder := TFillEllipseInfo.Create(x, y, rx + w / 2, ry + w / 2);
- if (rx > w / 2) and (ry > w / 2) then
- begin
- FInnerBorder := TFillEllipseInfo.Create(x, y, rx - w / 2, ry - w / 2);
- FInnerBorder.WindingFactor := -1;
- end
- else
- FInnerBorder := nil;
-function TFillBorderEllipseInfo.GetBounds: TRect;
- Result := FOuterBorder.GetBounds;
-function TFillBorderEllipseInfo.SegmentsCurved: boolean;
- Result:= FOuterBorder.SegmentsCurved;
- if FInnerBorder <> nil then result := result or FInnerBorder.SegmentsCurved;
-function TFillBorderEllipseInfo.NbMaxIntersection: integer;
- Result := 4;
-procedure TFillBorderEllipseInfo.ComputeIntersection(cury: single;
- var inter: ArrayOfTIntersectionInfo; var nbInter: integer);
- FOuterBorder.ComputeIntersection(cury, inter, nbInter);
- if FInnerBorder <> nil then
- FInnerBorder.ComputeIntersection(cury, inter, nbInter);
-destructor TFillBorderEllipseInfo.Destroy;
- FOuterBorder.Free;
- if FInnerBorder <> nil then
- FInnerBorder.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
-function TFillBorderEllipseInfo.GetSliceIndex: integer;
- Result:= FOuterBorder.GetSliceIndex;
-{ TFillRoundRectangleInfo }
-constructor TFillRoundRectangleInfo.Create(x1, y1, x2, y2, rx, ry: single; options: TRoundRectangleOptions; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- temp: Single;
- if y1 > y2 then
- begin
- temp := y1;
- y1 := y2;
- y2 := temp;
- end;
- if x1 > x2 then
- begin
- temp := x1;
- x1 := x2;
- x2 := temp;
- end;
- if APixelCenteredCoordinates then
- begin
- FX1 := x1 + 0.5;
- FY1 := y1 + 0.5;
- FX2 := x2 + 0.5;
- FY2 := y2 + 0.5;
- end else
- begin
- FX1 := x1;
- FY1 := y1;
- FX2 := x2;
- FY2 := y2;
- end;
- FRX := abs(rx);
- FRY := abs(ry);
- if 2*FRX > x2-x1 then FRX := (x2-x1)/2;
- if 2*FRY > y2-y1 then FRY := (y2-y1)/2;
- FOptions:= options;
- WindingFactor := 1;
-function TFillRoundRectangleInfo.SegmentsCurved: boolean;
- if (not (rrTopLeftSquare in FOptions) and not (rrTopLeftBevel in FOptions)) or
- (not (rrTopRightSquare in FOptions) and not (rrTopRightBevel in FOptions)) or
- (not (rrBottomRightSquare in FOptions) and not (rrBottomRightBevel in FOptions)) or
- (not (rrBottomLeftSquare in FOptions) and not (rrBottomLeftBevel in FOptions)) then
- result := true else result := false;
-function TFillRoundRectangleInfo.GetBounds: TRect;
- result := rect(floor(fx1),floor(fy1),floor(fx2)+1,floor(fy2)+1);
-function TFillRoundRectangleInfo.GetBottomRight: TPointF;
- result := PointF(FX2-0.5,FY2-0.5);
-function TFillRoundRectangleInfo.GetTopLeft: TPointF;
- result := PointF(FX1-0.5,FY1-0.5);
-function TFillRoundRectangleInfo.NbMaxIntersection: integer;
- result := 2;
-procedure TFillRoundRectangleInfo.ComputeIntersection(cury: single;
- var inter: ArrayOfTIntersectionInfo; var nbInter: integer);
- d,d2: single;
- if (cury >= FY1) and (cury <= FY2) then
- begin
- if cury < FY1+FRY then
- begin
- d := abs((cury - (FY1+FRY)) / FRY);
- if d > 1 then d2 := 0
- else d2 := sqrt(1 - sqr(d)) * FRX;
- if rrTopLeftSquare in FOptions then
- inter[nbinter].interX := FX1 else
- if rrTopLeftBevel in FOptions then
- inter[nbinter].interX := FX1 + d*FRX
- else
- inter[nbinter].interX := FX1 + FRX - d2;
- inter[nbinter].winding := -windingFactor;
- inter[nbinter].numSegment := 0;
- Inc(nbinter);
- if rrTopRightSquare in FOptions then
- inter[nbinter].interX := FX2 else
- if rrTopRightBevel in FOptions then
- inter[nbinter].interX := FX2 - d*FRX
- else
- inter[nbinter].interX := FX2 - FRX + d2;
- inter[nbinter].winding := +windingFactor;
- inter[nbinter].numSegment := 1;
- Inc(nbinter);
- end else
- if cury > FY2-FRY then
- begin
- d := abs((cury - (FY2-FRY)) / FRY);
- if d > 1 then d2 := 0
- else d2 := sqrt(1 - sqr(d)) * FRX;
- if rrBottomLeftSquare in FOptions then
- inter[nbinter].interX := FX1 else
- if rrBottomLeftBevel in FOptions then
- inter[nbinter].interX := FX1 + d*FRX
- else
- inter[nbinter].interX := FX1 + FRX - d2;
- inter[nbinter].winding := -windingFactor;
- inter[nbinter].numSegment := 0;
- Inc(nbinter);
- if rrBottomRightSquare in FOptions then
- inter[nbinter].interX := FX2 else
- if rrBottomRightBevel in FOptions then
- inter[nbinter].interX := FX2 - d*FRX
- else
- inter[nbinter].interX := FX2 - FRX + d2;
- inter[nbinter].winding := +windingFactor;
- inter[nbinter].numSegment := 1;
- Inc(nbinter);
- end else
- begin
- inter[nbinter].interX := FX1;
- inter[nbinter].winding := -windingFactor;
- inter[nbinter].numSegment := 0;
- Inc(nbinter);
- inter[nbinter].interX := FX2;
- inter[nbinter].winding := +windingFactor;
- inter[nbinter].numSegment := 1;
- Inc(nbinter);
- end;
- end;
-{ TFillBorderRoundRectInfo }
-constructor TFillBorderRoundRectInfo.Create(x1, y1, x2, y2, rx, ry, w: single; options: TRoundRectangleOptions; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
-var rdiff: single;
- temp: Single;
- if y1 > y2 then
- begin
- temp := y1;
- y1 := y2;
- y2 := temp;
- end;
- if x1 > x2 then
- begin
- temp := x1;
- x1 := x2;
- x2 := temp;
- end;
- if rx < 0 then
- rx := -rx;
- if ry < 0 then
- ry := -ry;
- if 2*rx > x2-x1 then rx := (x2-x1)/2;
- if 2*ry > y2-y1 then ry := (y2-y1)/2;
- rdiff := w*(sqrt(2)-1);
- FOuterBorder := TFillRoundRectangleInfo.Create(x1-w/2,y1-w/2,x2+w/2,y2+w/2, rx+rdiff, ry+rdiff, options, APixelCenteredCoordinates);
- if (abs(x2-x1) > w) and (abs(y2-y1) > w) then
- begin
- if (rx-rdiff <= 0) or (ry-rdiff <= 0) then
- FInnerBorder := TFillRoundRectangleInfo.Create(x1+w/2, y1+w/2, x2-w/2, y2-w/2, 0,0, options, APixelCenteredCoordinates)
- else
- FInnerBorder := TFillRoundRectangleInfo.Create(x1+w/2, y1+w/2, x2-w/2, y2-w/2, rx-rdiff, ry-rdiff, options, APixelCenteredCoordinates);
- FInnerBorder.WindingFactor := -1;
- end
- else
- FInnerBorder := nil;
-function TFillBorderRoundRectInfo.GetBounds: TRect;
- result := FOuterBorder.GetBounds;
-function TFillBorderRoundRectInfo.SegmentsCurved: boolean;
- Result:= FOuterBorder.SegmentsCurved;
- if FInnerBorder <> nil then result := result or FInnerBorder.SegmentsCurved;
-function TFillBorderRoundRectInfo.NbMaxIntersection: integer;
- Result := 4;
-procedure TFillBorderRoundRectInfo.ComputeIntersection(cury: single;
- var inter: ArrayOfTIntersectionInfo; var nbInter: integer);
- FOuterBorder.ComputeIntersection(cury, inter, nbInter);
- if FInnerBorder <> nil then
- FInnerBorder.ComputeIntersection(cury, inter, nbInter);
-destructor TFillBorderRoundRectInfo.Destroy;
- FOuterBorder.Free;
- FInnerBorder.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- Randomize;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrafilterblur.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrafilterblur.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index ecd712b..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrafilterblur.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1146 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAFilterBlur;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, BGRABitmapTypes, BGRAFilterType;
- { TCustomBlurTask }
- TCustomBlurTask = class(TFilterTask)
- private
- FBounds: TRect;
- FMask: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- FMaskOwned: boolean;
- public
- constructor Create(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABounds: TRect; AMask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; AMaskIsThreadSafe: boolean = false);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- protected
- procedure DoExecute; override;
- end;
- { TRadialBlurTask }
- TRadialBlurTask = class(TFilterTask)
- private
- FBounds: TRect;
- FRadiusX,FRadiusY: single;
- FBlurType: TRadialBlurType;
- public
- constructor Create(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABounds: TRect; radius: single;
- blurType: TRadialBlurType); overload;
- constructor Create(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABounds: TRect; radiusX,radiusY: single;
- blurType: TRadialBlurType); overload;
- protected
- procedure DoExecute; override;
- end;
- { TMotionBlurTask }
- TMotionBlurTask = class(TFilterTask)
- private
- FBounds: TRect;
- FDistance,FAngle: single;
- FOriented: boolean;
- public
- constructor Create(ABmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABounds: TRect; ADistance, AAngle: single; AOriented: boolean);
- protected
- procedure DoExecute; override;
- end;
-procedure FilterBlurCustom(bmp: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ABounds: TRect;
- blurMask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ADestination: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ACheckShouldStop: TCheckShouldStopFunc);
-procedure FilterBlurMotion(bmp: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ABounds: TRect; distance: single;
- angle: single; oriented: boolean; ADestination: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ACheckShouldStop: TCheckShouldStopFunc);
-procedure FilterBlurRadial(bmp: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ABounds: TRect; radiusX,radiusY: single;
- blurType: TRadialBlurType; ADestination: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ACheckShouldStop: TCheckShouldStopFunc);
-uses Math, SysUtils, BGRAGrayscaleMask,
- BGRAGradientScanner;
- { TBoxBlurTask }
- TBoxBlurTask = class(TFilterTask)
- private
- FBounds: TRect;
- FRadiusX,FRadiusY: single;
- public
- constructor Create(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABounds: TRect; radius: single); overload;
- constructor Create(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABounds: TRect; radiusX,radiusY: single); overload;
- protected
- procedure DoExecute; override;
- end;
-{ TCustomBlurTask }
-constructor TCustomBlurTask.Create(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABounds: TRect;
- AMask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; AMaskIsThreadSafe: boolean);
- SetSource(bmp);
- FBounds := ABounds;
- if AMaskIsThreadSafe then
- begin
- FMask := AMask;
- FMaskOwned := false;
- end else
- begin
- FMask := AMask.Duplicate;
- FMaskOwned := true;
- end;
-destructor TCustomBlurTask.Destroy;
- If FMaskOwned then FreeAndNil(FMask);
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TCustomBlurTask.DoExecute;
- FilterBlurCustom(FSource,FBounds,FMask,Destination,@GetShouldStop);
-{ TMotionBlurTask }
-constructor TMotionBlurTask.Create(ABmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABounds: TRect;
- ADistance, AAngle: single; AOriented: boolean);
- SetSource(ABmp);
- FBounds := ABounds;
- FDistance := ADistance;
- FAngle := AAngle;
- FOriented:= AOriented;
-procedure TMotionBlurTask.DoExecute;
- FilterBlurMotion(FSource,FBounds,FDistance,FAngle,FOriented,Destination,@GetShouldStop);
-{ TRadialBlurTask }
-constructor TRadialBlurTask.Create(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABounds: TRect;
- radius: single; blurType: TRadialBlurType);
- SetSource(bmp);
- FBounds := ABounds;
- FRadiusX := radius;
- FRadiusY := radius;
- FBlurType:= blurType;
-constructor TRadialBlurTask.Create(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABounds: TRect;
- radiusX, radiusY: single; blurType: TRadialBlurType);
- SetSource(bmp);
- FBounds := ABounds;
- FRadiusX := radiusX;
- FRadiusY := radiusY;
- FBlurType:= blurType;
-procedure TRadialBlurTask.DoExecute;
- FilterBlurRadial(FSource,FBounds,FRadiusX,FRadiusY,FBlurType,Destination,@GetShouldStop);
-procedure FilterBlurBoxRGBA(ASource: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ABounds: TRect; ARadiusX,ARadiusY: single;
- ADestination: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ACheckShouldStop: TCheckShouldStopFunc=nil);
-var oldClip: TRect;
- factMainX = 16;
- factMainY = 16;
- TAccumulator = LongWord;
-{$i blurbox.inc}
-procedure FilterBlurBoxRGBA64(ASource: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ABounds: TRect; ARadiusX,ARadiusY: single;
- ADestination: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ACheckShouldStop: TCheckShouldStopFunc=nil);
-var oldClip: TRect;
- factMainX = 16;
- factMainY = 16;
- TAccumulator = UInt64;
-{$i blurbox.inc}
-procedure FilterBlurBoxByte(ASource: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ABounds: TRect; ARadiusX,ARadiusY: single;
- ADestination: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ACheckShouldStop: TCheckShouldStopFunc=nil);
-var oldClip: TRect;
- factMainX = 16;
- factMainY = 16;
- TAccumulator = LongWord;
-{$i blurbox.inc}
-procedure FilterBlurBoxByte64(ASource: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ABounds: TRect; ARadiusX,ARadiusY: single;
- ADestination: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ACheckShouldStop: TCheckShouldStopFunc=nil);
-var oldClip: TRect;
- factMainX = 16;
- factMainY = 16;
- TAccumulator = UInt64;
-{$i blurbox.inc}
-procedure FilterBlurBox(ASource: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ABounds: TRect; ARadiusX,ARadiusY: single;
- ADestination: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ACheckShouldStop: TCheckShouldStopFunc=nil);
- factMainX = 16;
- factMainY = 16;
- totalSum: UInt64;
- factExtraX,factExtraY: UInt32or64;
- {$IFNDEF CPU64}need64: Boolean;{$ENDIF}
- if ADestination.Colorspace <> ASource.Colorspace then
- raise exception.Create('Colorspace mismatch');
- totalSum := (2*ceil(ARadiusX)+1)*(2*ceil(ARadiusY)+1);
- factExtraX := trunc(frac(ARadiusX+0.5/factMainX)*factMainX);
- factExtraY := trunc(frac(ARadiusY+0.5/factMainY)*factMainY);
- if factExtraX > 0 then totalSum := totalSum * factMainX;
- if factExtraY > 0 then totalSum := totalSum * factMainY;
- if ASource.Colorspace = TBGRAPixelColorspace then
- begin
- need64 := totalSum > high(LongWord) div (256*256);
- if not need64 then
- FilterBlurBoxRGBA(ASource, ABounds, ARadiusX,ARadiusY, ADestination, ACheckShouldStop) else
- {$ENDIF}
- FilterBlurBoxRGBA64(ASource, ABounds, ARadiusX,ARadiusY, ADestination, ACheckShouldStop)
- end
- else if ASource.Colorspace = TByteMaskColorspace then
- begin
- need64 := totalSum > high(LongWord) div 256;
- if not need64 then
- FilterBlurBoxByte(ASource, ABounds, ARadiusX,ARadiusY, ADestination, ACheckShouldStop) else
- {$ENDIF}
- FilterBlurBoxByte64(ASource, ABounds, ARadiusX,ARadiusY, ADestination, ACheckShouldStop);
- end
- else raise exception.Create('Unexpected colorspace: '+ASource.Colorspace.GetName);
-{ This is a clever solution for fast computing of the blur
- effect : it stores an array of vertical sums forming a square
- around the pixel which moves with it. For each new pixel,
- the vertical sums are kept except for the last column of
- the square }
-procedure FilterBlurFastRGBA(bmp: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ABounds: TRect;
- radiusX,radiusY: single; ADestination: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ACheckShouldStop: TCheckShouldStopFunc);
- const BitMargin = 16;
- type
- PRowSum = ^TRowSum;
- TRegularRowValue = UInt32or64;
- TRowSum = record
- sumR,sumG,sumB,rgbDiv,sumA,aDiv: TRegularRowValue;
- end;
- TExtendedRowValue = {$IFDEF FASTBLUR_DOUBLE}double{$ELSE}uint64{$ENDIF};
- TExtendedRowSum = record
- sumR,sumG,sumB,rgbDiv,sumA,aDiv: TExtendedRowValue;
- end;
- procedure IncExt(var ADest: TExtendedRowValue; ADelta: TExtendedRowValue);
- begin
- ADest := ADest + ADelta;
- end;
- procedure AccumulatePixel(psrc: Pointer; w: UInt32or64; var sums: TRowSum; verticalWeightShift: Int32or64); inline;
- var
- c: LongWord;
- begin
- with sums do
- begin
- c := PLongWord(psrc)^;
- Inc(aDiv, w);
- w := w * ((c shr TBGRAPixel_AlphaShift) and $ff);
- inc(sumA, w);
- w := w shr verticalWeightShift;
- inc(rgbDiv, w);
- {$hints off}
- inc(sumR, ((c shr TBGRAPixel_RedShift) and $ff)*w );
- inc(sumG, ((c shr TBGRAPixel_GreenShift) and $ff)*w );
- inc(sumB, ((c shr TBGRAPixel_BlueShift) and $ff)*w );
- {$hints on}
- end;
- end;
- procedure AccumulateExtended(var ex: TExtendedRowSum; psum: PRowSum; w: UInt32or64); inline;
- begin
- with psum^ do
- begin
- IncExt(ex.sumA, TExtendedRowValue(sumA)*w);
- IncExt(ex.aDiv, TExtendedRowValue(aDiv)*w);
- IncExt(ex.sumR, TExtendedRowValue(sumR)*w);
- IncExt(ex.sumG, TExtendedRowValue(sumG)*w);
- IncExt(ex.sumB, TExtendedRowValue(sumB)*w);
- IncExt(ex.rgbDiv, TExtendedRowValue(rgbDiv)*w);
- end;
- end;
- procedure AccumulateShr(var total: TRowSum; psum: PRowSum; w: UInt32or64; horizontalWeightShift: Int32or64); inline;
- var
- addDiv2: Int32or64;
- begin
- with psum^ do
- begin
- addDiv2 := 1 shl (horizontalWeightShift-1);
- inc(total.sumA, (sumA*w+addDiv2) shr horizontalWeightShift );
- inc(total.aDiv, (aDiv*w+addDiv2) shr horizontalWeightShift );
- inc(total.sumR, (sumR*w+addDiv2) shr horizontalWeightShift );
- inc(total.sumG, (sumG*w+addDiv2) shr horizontalWeightShift );
- inc(total.sumB, (sumB*w+addDiv2) shr horizontalWeightShift );
- inc(total.rgbDiv, (rgbDiv*w+addDiv2) shr horizontalWeightShift );
- end;
- end;
- procedure AccumulateNormal(var total: TRowSum; psum: PRowSum; w: UInt32or64); inline;
- begin
- with psum^ do
- begin
- inc(total.sumA, sumA*w );
- inc(total.aDiv, aDiv*w );
- inc(total.sumR, sumR*w );
- inc(total.sumG, sumG*w );
- inc(total.sumB, sumB*w );
- inc(total.rgbDiv, rgbDiv*w );
- end;
- end;
- procedure ComputeExtendedAverage(const sum: TExtendedRowSum; pdest: pointer); inline;
- var v: uint32or64;
- {$ELSE}
- var rgbDivShr1: TExtendedRowValue;
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- if (sum.aDiv <= 0) or (sum.rgbDiv <= 0) then
- begin
- PBGRAPixel(pdest)^ := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- exit;
- end;
- v := round(sum.sumA/sum.aDiv);
- if v > 255 then PBGRAPixel(pdest)^.alpha := 255 else PBGRAPixel(pdest)^.alpha := v;
- v := round(sum.sumR/sum.rgbDiv);
- if v > 255 then PBGRAPixel(pdest)^.red := 255 else PBGRAPixel(pdest)^.red := v;
- v := round(sum.sumG/sum.rgbDiv);
- if v > 255 then PBGRAPixel(pdest)^.green := 255 else PBGRAPixel(pdest)^.green := v;
- v := round(sum.sumB/sum.rgbDiv);
- if v > 255 then PBGRAPixel(pdest)^.blue := 255 else PBGRAPixel(pdest)^.blue := v;
- {$ELSE}
- rgbDivShr1:= sum.rgbDiv shr 1;
- PLongWord(pdest)^ := (((sum.sumA+sum.aDiv shr 1) div sum.aDiv) shl TBGRAPixel_AlphaShift)
- or (((sum.sumR+rgbDivShr1) div sum.rgbDiv) shl TBGRAPixel_RedShift)
- or (((sum.sumG+rgbDivShr1) div sum.rgbDiv) shl TBGRAPixel_GreenShift)
- or (((sum.sumB+rgbDivShr1) div sum.rgbDiv) shl TBGRAPixel_BlueShift);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- procedure ComputeClampedAverage(const sum: TRowSum; pdest: pointer); inline;
- var v: UInt32or64;
- begin
- if (sum.aDiv = 0) or (sum.rgbDiv = 0) then
- begin
- PBGRAPixel(pdest)^ := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- exit;
- end;
- v := (sum.sumA+sum.aDiv shr 1) div sum.aDiv;
- if v > 255 then PBGRAPixel(pdest)^.alpha := 255 else PBGRAPixel(pdest)^.alpha := v;
- v := (sum.sumR+sum.rgbDiv shr 1) div sum.rgbDiv;
- if v > 255 then PBGRAPixel(pdest)^.red := 255 else PBGRAPixel(pdest)^.red := v;
- v := (sum.sumG+sum.rgbDiv shr 1) div sum.rgbDiv;
- if v > 255 then PBGRAPixel(pdest)^.green := 255 else PBGRAPixel(pdest)^.green := v;
- v := (sum.sumB+sum.rgbDiv shr 1) div sum.rgbDiv;
- if v > 255 then PBGRAPixel(pdest)^.blue := 255 else PBGRAPixel(pdest)^.blue := v;
- end;
- procedure ComputeAverage(const sum: TRowSum; pdest: pointer); inline;
- var rgbDivShr1: UInt32or64;
- begin
- if (sum.aDiv = 0) or (sum.rgbDiv = 0) then
- begin
- PBGRAPixel(pdest)^ := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- exit;
- end;
- rgbDivShr1:= sum.rgbDiv shr 1;
- PLongWord(pdest)^ := (((sum.sumA+sum.aDiv shr 1) div sum.aDiv) shl TBGRAPixel_AlphaShift)
- or (((sum.sumR+rgbDivShr1) div sum.rgbDiv) shl TBGRAPixel_RedShift)
- or (((sum.sumG+rgbDivShr1) div sum.rgbDiv) shl TBGRAPixel_GreenShift)
- or (((sum.sumB+rgbDivShr1) div sum.rgbDiv) shl TBGRAPixel_BlueShift);
- end;
- {$I blurfast.inc}
-procedure FilterBlurFastByte(bmp: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ABounds: TRect;
-radiusX,radiusY: single; ADestination: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ACheckShouldStop: TCheckShouldStopFunc);
- const BitMargin = 8;
- type
- PRowSum = ^TRowSum;
- TRegularRowValue = UInt32or64;
- TRowSum = record
- sumA,aDiv: TRegularRowValue;
- end;
- TExtendedRowValue = {$IFDEF FASTBLUR_DOUBLE}double{$ELSE}uint64{$ENDIF};
- TExtendedRowSum = record
- sumA,aDiv: TExtendedRowValue;
- end;
- procedure IncExt(var ADest: TExtendedRowValue; ADelta: TExtendedRowValue);
- begin
- ADest := ADest + ADelta;
- end;
- procedure AccumulatePixel(psrc: Pointer; w: UInt32or64; var sums: TRowSum; verticalWeightShift: Int32or64); inline;
- begin
- with sums do
- begin
- Inc(aDiv, w);
- inc(sumA, w*PByte(psrc)^ shr verticalWeightShift);
- end;
- end;
- procedure AccumulateExtended(var ex: TExtendedRowSum; psum: PRowSum; w: UInt32or64); inline;
- begin
- with psum^ do
- begin
- IncExt(ex.sumA, TExtendedRowValue(sumA)*w);
- IncExt(ex.aDiv, TExtendedRowValue(aDiv)*w);
- end;
- end;
- procedure AccumulateShr(var total: TRowSum; psum: PRowSum; w: UInt32or64; horizontalWeightShift: Int32or64); inline;
- var
- addDiv2: Int32or64;
- begin
- with psum^ do
- begin
- addDiv2 := 1 shl (horizontalWeightShift-1);
- inc(total.sumA, (sumA*w+addDiv2) shr horizontalWeightShift );
- inc(total.aDiv, (aDiv*w+addDiv2) shr horizontalWeightShift );
- end;
- end;
- procedure AccumulateNormal(var total: TRowSum; psum: PRowSum; w: UInt32or64); inline;
- begin
- with psum^ do
- begin
- inc(total.sumA, sumA*w );
- inc(total.aDiv, aDiv*w );
- end;
- end;
- procedure ComputeExtendedAverage(const sum: TExtendedRowSum; pdest: pointer); inline;
- var v: uint32or64;
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- if sum.aDiv <= 0 then
- begin
- PByte(pdest)^ := 0;
- exit;
- end;
- v := round(sum.sumA/sum.aDiv);
- if v > 255 then PByte(pdest)^ := 255 else PByte(pdest)^ := v;
- {$ELSE}
- PByte(pdest)^ := (sum.sumA+sum.aDiv shr 1) div sum.aDiv;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- procedure ComputeClampedAverage(const sum: TRowSum; pdest: pointer); inline;
- var v: UInt32or64;
- begin
- if sum.aDiv = 0 then
- begin
- PByte(pdest)^ := 0;
- exit;
- end;
- v := (sum.sumA+sum.aDiv shr 1) div sum.aDiv;
- if v > 255 then PByte(pdest)^ := 255 else PByte(pdest)^ := v;
- end;
- procedure ComputeAverage(const sum: TRowSum; pdest: pointer); inline;
- begin
- if sum.aDiv = 0 then
- begin
- PByte(pdest)^ := 0;
- exit;
- end;
- PByte(pdest)^ := (sum.sumA+sum.aDiv shr 1) div sum.aDiv;
- end;
- {$I blurfast.inc}
-procedure FilterBlurFast(bmp: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ABounds: TRect;
- radiusX,radiusY: single; ADestination: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ACheckShouldStop: TCheckShouldStopFunc);
- if ADestination.Colorspace <> bmp.Colorspace then
- raise exception.Create('Colorspace mismatch');
- if bmp.Colorspace = TBGRAPixelColorspace then
- FilterBlurFastRGBA(bmp, ABounds, radiusX,radiusY, ADestination, ACheckShouldStop)
- else if bmp.Colorspace = TByteMaskColorspace then
- FilterBlurFastByte(bmp, ABounds, radiusX,radiusY, ADestination, ACheckShouldStop);
-{ Normal radial blur compute a blur mask with a GradientFill and
- then posterize to optimize general purpose blur }
-procedure FilterBlurRadialNormal(bmp: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- ABounds: TRect; radiusX,radiusY: single; ADestination: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ACheckShouldStop: TCheckShouldStopFunc);
- blurShape: TGrayscaleMask;
- n: Int32or64;
- p: PByte;
- shift, addRound: LongWord;
- grad: TBGRAGradientScanner;
- minRadius,maxRadius: single;
- oldClip: TRect;
- if (radiusX <= 0) and (radiusY <= 0) then
- begin
- oldClip := ADestination.IntersectClip(ABounds);
- ADestination.PutImage(0,0,bmp,dmSet);
- ADestination.ClipRect := oldClip;
- exit;
- end;
- blurShape := TGrayscaleMask.Create(2 * ceil(radiusX) + 1, 2 * ceil(radiusY) + 1);
- grad := TBGRAGradientScanner.Create(BGRAWhite, BGRABlack, gtRadial,
- pointF(ceil(radiusX), ceil(radiusY)),
- pointF(ceil(radiusX)-radiusX-0.5, ceil(radiusY)),
- pointF(ceil(radiusX), ceil(radiusY)-radiusY-0.5),false);
- blurShape.Fill(grad, dmSet);
- grad.Free;
- minRadius := min(radiusX,radiusY);
- maxRadius := max(radiusX,radiusY);
- shift := max(0,min(ceil((maxRadius-8)/2), floor(minRadius)));
- if shift > 0 then
- begin
- if shift > 5 then shift := 5;
- addRound := 1 shl (shift-1);
- p := blurShape.Data;
- for n := 0 to blurShape.NbPixels-1 do
- begin
- p^ := (p^+addRound) shr shift;
- inc(p);
- end;
- end;
- FilterBlurCustom(bmp, ABounds, blurShape, ADestination, ACheckShouldStop);
- blurShape.Free;
-{ Blur disk creates a disk mask with a FillEllipse }
-procedure FilterBlurDisk(bmp: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ABounds: TRect; radiusX,radiusY: single; ADestination: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ACheckShouldStop: TCheckShouldStopFunc);
- blurShape: TGrayscaleMask;
- oldClip: TRect;
- if (radiusX <= 0) and (radiusY <= 0) then
- begin
- oldClip := ADestination.IntersectClip(ABounds);
- ADestination.PutImage(0,0,bmp,dmSet);
- ADestination.ClipRect := oldClip;
- exit;
- end;
- blurShape := TGrayscaleMask.Create(2 * ceil(radiusX) + 1, 2 * ceil(radiusY) + 1, BGRABlack);
- blurShape.FillEllipseAntialias(ceil(radiusX), ceil(radiusY), radiusX + 0.5, radiusY + 0.5, BGRAWhite);
- FilterBlurCustom(bmp, ABounds, blurShape, ADestination, ACheckShouldStop);
- blurShape.Free;
-{ Corona blur use a circle as mask }
-procedure FilterBlurCorona(bmp: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ABounds: TRect; radiusX,radiusY: single; ADestination: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ACheckShouldStop: TCheckShouldStopFunc);
- blurShape: TGrayscaleMask;
- oldClip: TRect;
- if (radiusX <= 0) and (radiusY <= 0) then
- begin
- oldClip := ADestination.IntersectClip(ABounds);
- ADestination.PutImage(0,0,bmp,dmSet);
- ADestination.ClipRect := oldClip;
- exit;
- end;
- blurShape := TGrayscaleMask.Create(2 * ceil(radiusX) + 1, 2 * ceil(radiusY) + 1, BGRABlack);
- blurShape.EllipseAntialias(ceil(radiusX), ceil(radiusY), radiusX, radiusY, BGRAWhite, 1);
- FilterBlurCustom(bmp, ABounds, blurShape, ADestination, ACheckShouldStop);
- blurShape.Free;
-procedure FilterBlurRadial(bmp: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ABounds: TRect; radiusX,radiusY: single;
- blurType: TRadialBlurType; ADestination: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ACheckShouldStop: TCheckShouldStopFunc);
- oldClip: TRect;
- if (radiusX <= 0) and (radiusY <= 0) then
- begin
- oldClip := ADestination.IntersectClip(ABounds);
- ADestination.PutImage(0,0,bmp,dmSet);
- ADestination.ClipRect := oldClip;
- exit;
- end;
- if radiusX < 0 then radiusX := 0;
- if radiusY < 0 then radiusY := 0;
- case blurType of
- rbCorona: FilterBlurCorona(bmp, ABounds, radiusX,radiusY, ADestination, ACheckShouldStop);
- rbDisk: FilterBlurDisk(bmp, ABounds, radiusX,radiusY, ADestination, ACheckShouldStop);
- rbNormal: FilterBlurRadialNormal(bmp, ABounds, radiusX,radiusY, ADestination, ACheckShouldStop);
- rbFast: FilterBlurFast(bmp, ABounds, radiusX,radiusY, ADestination, ACheckShouldStop);
- rbPrecise: FilterBlurRadialNormal(bmp, ABounds, radiusX / 10 + 0.5, radiusY/10 + 0.5, ADestination, ACheckShouldStop);
- rbBox: FilterBlurBox(bmp, ABounds, radiusX,radiusY, ADestination, ACheckShouldStop);
- end;
-function CreateRadialBlurTask(ABmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABounds: TRect; ARadius: single;
- ABlurType: TRadialBlurType): TFilterTask; overload;
- if ABlurType = rbBox then
- result := TBoxBlurTask.Create(ABmp,ABounds,ARadius)
- else
- result := TRadialBlurTask.Create(ABmp,ABounds,ARadius,ABlurType);
-function CreateRadialBlurTask(ABmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABounds: TRect;
- ARadiusX, ARadiusY: single; ABlurType: TRadialBlurType): TFilterTask; overload;
- if ABlurType = rbBox then
- result := TBoxBlurTask.Create(ABmp,ABounds,ARadiusX,ARadiusY)
- else
- result := TRadialBlurTask.Create(ABmp,ABounds,ARadiusX,ARadiusY,ABlurType);
-{ This filter draws an antialiased line to make the mask, and
- if the motion blur is oriented, does a GradientFill to orient it }
-procedure FilterBlurMotion(bmp: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ABounds: TRect; distance: single;
- angle: single; oriented: boolean; ADestination: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ACheckShouldStop: TCheckShouldStopFunc);
- blurShape: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- intRadius: integer;
- dx, dy, r: single;
- oldClip: TRect;
- if distance < 1e-6 then
- begin
- oldClip := ADestination.IntersectClip(ABounds);
- ADestination.PutImage(0,0,bmp,dmSet);
- ADestination.ClipRect := oldClip;
- exit;
- end;
- dx := cos(angle * Pi / 180);
- dy := sin(angle * Pi / 180);
- if not oriented and (abs(dx)<1e-6) then
- FilterBlurBox(bmp, ABounds,0,distance/2, ADestination, ACheckShouldStop)
- else if not oriented and (abs(dy)<1e-6) then
- FilterBlurBox(bmp, ABounds,distance/2,0, ADestination, ACheckShouldStop)
- else
- begin
- r := distance / 2;
- intRadius := ceil(r);
- blurShape := BGRABitmapFactory.Create(2 * intRadius + 1, 2 * intRadius + 1, BGRABlack);
- blurShape.DrawLineAntialias(intRadius - dx * r, intRadius - dy *
- r, intRadius + dx * r, intRadius + dy * r, BGRAWhite, 1, True);
- if oriented then
- blurShape.GradientFill(0, 0, blurShape.Width, blurShape.Height,
- BGRAPixelTransparent, BGRABlack, gtRadial, pointF(intRadius -
- dx * r, intRadius - dy * r),
- pointF(intRadius + dx * (r + 0.5), intRadius + dy * (r + 0.5)),
- dmFastBlend, False);
- FilterBlurCustom(bmp, ABounds, blurShape, ADestination, ACheckShouldStop);
- blurShape.Free;
- end;
-function CreateMotionBlurTask(ABmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABounds: TRect;
- ADistance, AAngle: single; AOriented: boolean): TFilterTask;
- result := TMotionBlurTask.Create(ABmp,ABounds,ADistance,AAngle,AOriented);
-{ General purpose blur : compute pixel sum according to the mask and then
- compute only difference while scanning from the left to the right }
-procedure FilterBlurSmallMask(bmp: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- blurMask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ABounds: TRect; ADestination: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ACheckShouldStop: TCheckShouldStopFunc); forward;
-procedure FilterBlurSmallMaskWithShift(bmp: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- blurMask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; maskShift: integer; ABounds: TRect; ADestination: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ACheckShouldStop: TCheckShouldStopFunc); forward;
-procedure FilterBlurBigMask(bmp: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- blurMask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ABounds: TRect; ADestination: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ACheckShouldStop: TCheckShouldStopFunc); forward;
-procedure FilterBlurMask64(bmp: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- blurMask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ABounds: TRect; ADestination: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ACheckShouldStop: TCheckShouldStopFunc); forward;
-//make sure value is in the range 0..255
-function clampByte(value: Int32or64): UInt32or64; inline;
- if value <= 0 then result := 0 else
- if value >= 255 then result := 255 else
- result := value;
-function CreateBlurTask(ABmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABounds: TRect;
- AMask: TBGRACustomBitmap; AMaskIsThreadSafe: boolean): TFilterTask;
- result := TCustomBlurTask.Create(ABmp,ABounds,AMask,AMaskIsThreadSafe);
-procedure FilterBlurCustom(bmp: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- ABounds: TRect; blurMask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ADestination: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ACheckShouldStop: TCheckShouldStopFunc);
- maskSum: int64;
- p: PByteMask;
- y, count, qty, maskShift, pStride: integer;
- maskSum := 0;
- for y:= 0 to blurMask.Height-1 do
- begin
- blurMask.ScanMoveTo(0,Y);
- count := blurMask.Width;
- while count > 0 do
- begin
- qty := count;
- blurMask.ScanNextMaskChunk(qty, p, pStride);
- dec(count, qty);
- while qty > 0 do
- begin
- inc(maskSum,p^.gray);
- inc(p, pStride);
- dec(qty);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if bmp.Colorspace = TBGRAPixelColorspace then
- begin
- maskShift := 0;
- while maskSum > 32768 do
- begin
- inc(maskShift);
- maskSum := maskSum shr 1;
- end;
- //check if sum can be stored in a 32-bit signed integer
- if maskShift = 0 then
- FilterBlurSmallMask(bmp,blurMask,ABounds,ADestination,ACheckShouldStop) else
- {$IFDEF CPU32}
- if maskShift < 8 then
- FilterBlurSmallMaskWithShift(bmp,blurMask,maskShift,ABounds,ADestination,ACheckShouldStop) else
- FilterBlurBigMask(bmp,blurMask,ABounds,ADestination,ACheckShouldStop);
- {$ELSE}
- FilterBlurMask64(bmp,blurMask,ABounds,ADestination,ACheckShouldStop);
- {$ENDIF}
- end else
- if bmp.Colorspace = TByteMaskColorspace then
- begin
- if maskSum > 32768*255 then
- FilterBlurMask64(bmp, blurMask, ABounds, Adestination, ACheckShouldStop)
- else
- FilterBlurSmallMask(bmp, blurMask, ABounds, Adestination, ACheckShouldStop)
- end else
- raise exception.Create('Unexpected source colorspace');
- TBlurClearSumProc = procedure(AData: Pointer);
- TBlurAccumulateProc = procedure(AData: Pointer; pPix: pointer; maskAlpha: Int32or64);
- TBlurComputeAverageProc = procedure(AData: Pointer; pPix: pointer);
-procedure FilterBlurGeneric(bmp: TCustomUniversalBitmap; blurMask: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- ABounds: TRect; ADestination: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ACheckShouldStop: TCheckShouldStopFunc;
- AClearSum: TBlurClearSumProc; AAccumulate: TBlurAccumulateProc;
- AComputeAverage: TBlurComputeAverageProc; AData: Pointer);
- {$I blurnormal.inc}
-//32-bit blur with shift
- TFilterBlurSmallMaskWithShift_Sum = record
- sumR, sumG, sumB,
- sumA, Adiv, RGBdiv : Int32or64;
- maskShift: integer;
- end;
-procedure FilterBlurSmallMaskWithShift_ClearSum(AData: pointer);
- with TFilterBlurSmallMaskWithShift_Sum(AData^) do
- begin
- sumR := 0;
- sumG := 0;
- sumB := 0;
- sumA := 0;
- Adiv := 0;
- RGBdiv := 0;
- end;
-procedure FilterBlurSmallMaskWithShift_ComputeAverage(AData: pointer; pPix: pointer);
-var temp,rgbDivShr1: Int32or64;
- with TFilterBlurSmallMaskWithShift_Sum(AData^) do
- if (Adiv <= 0) or (RGBdiv <= 0) then
- PBGRAPixel(pPix)^ := BGRAPixelTransparent else
- begin
- temp := sumA + Adiv shr 1;
- if temp < Adiv then
- PBGRAPixel(pPix)^ := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- begin
- rgbDivShr1 := RGBdiv shr 1;
- PBGRAPixel(pPix)^.alpha := temp div Adiv;
- PBGRAPixel(pPix)^.red := clampByte((sumR + rgbDivShr1) div RGBdiv);
- PBGRAPixel(pPix)^.green := clampByte((sumG + rgbDivShr1) div RGBdiv);
- PBGRAPixel(pPix)^.blue := clampByte((sumB + rgbDivShr1) div RGBdiv);
- end;
- end;
-procedure FilterBlurSmallMaskWithShift_AccumulateSum(AData: pointer; pPix: pointer; maskAlpha: Int32or64);
- pixMaskAlpha: Int32or64;
- tempPixel: TBGRAPixel;
- with TFilterBlurSmallMaskWithShift_Sum(AData^) do
- begin
- tempPixel := PBGRAPixel(pPix)^;
- pixMaskAlpha := maskAlpha * tempPixel.alpha;
- inc(sumA, pixMaskAlpha);
- inc(Adiv, maskAlpha);
- pixMaskAlpha := (LongWord(pixMaskAlpha)+$80000000) shr maskShift - ($80000000 shr maskShift);
- inc(RGBdiv, pixMaskAlpha);
- inc(sumR, Int32or64(tempPixel.red) * pixMaskAlpha);
- inc(sumG, Int32or64(tempPixel.green) * pixMaskAlpha);
- inc(sumB, Int32or64(tempPixel.blue) * pixMaskAlpha);
- end;
-procedure FilterBlurSmallMaskWithShift(bmp: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- blurMask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; maskShift: integer; ABounds: TRect; ADestination: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ACheckShouldStop: TCheckShouldStopFunc);
-var Sum: TFilterBlurSmallMaskWithShift_Sum;
- if ADestination.Colorspace <> bmp.Colorspace then
- raise exception.Create('Colorspace mismatch');
- if bmp.Colorspace <> TBGRAPixelColorspace then
- raise exception.Create('Unexpected colorspace: '+bmp.Colorspace.GetName);
- Sum.maskShift:= maskShift;
- FilterBlurGeneric(bmp, blurMask, ABounds, ADestination, ACheckShouldStop,
- @FilterBlurSmallMaskWithShift_ClearSum,
- @FilterBlurSmallMaskWithShift_AccumulateSum,
- @FilterBlurSmallMaskWithShift_ComputeAverage, @Sum);
-//32-bit blur
- TFilterBlurSmallMask_Sum= record
- sumR, sumG, sumB, sumA, Adiv : integer;
- end;
-procedure FilterBlurSmallMask_ClearSum(AData: pointer);
- with TFilterBlurSmallMask_Sum(AData^) do
- begin
- sumR := 0;
- sumG := 0;
- sumB := 0;
- sumA := 0;
- Adiv := 0;
- end;
-procedure FilterBlurSmallMask_ComputeAverageRGBA(AData: pointer; pPix: pointer);
-var temp,sumAShr1: integer;
- with TFilterBlurSmallMask_Sum(AData^) do
- if Adiv <= 0 then PBGRAPixel(pPix)^ := BGRAPixelTransparent else
- begin
- temp := sumA + Adiv shr 1;
- if temp < Adiv then
- PBGRAPixel(pPix)^ := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- begin
- sumAShr1 := sumA shr 1;
- PBGRAPixel(pPix)^.alpha := temp div Adiv;
- PBGRAPixel(pPix)^.red := clampByte((sumR + sumAShr1) div sumA);
- PBGRAPixel(pPix)^.green := clampByte((sumG + sumAShr1) div sumA);
- PBGRAPixel(pPix)^.blue := clampByte((sumB + sumAShr1) div sumA);
- end;
- end;
-procedure FilterBlurSmallMask_ComputeAverageByte(AData: pointer; pPix: pointer);
- with TFilterBlurSmallMask_Sum(AData^) do
- begin
- if Adiv <= 0 then PByte(pPix)^ := 0 else
- PByte(pPix)^ := (sumA + Adiv shr 1) div Adiv;
- end;
-procedure FilterBlurSmallMask_AccumulateSumRGBA(AData: pointer; pPix: pointer; maskAlpha: Int32or64);
- pixMaskAlpha: integer;
- tempPixel: TBGRAPixel;
- with TFilterBlurSmallMask_Sum(AData^) do
- begin
- tempPixel := PBGRAPixel(pPix)^;
- pixMaskAlpha := integer(maskAlpha) * tempPixel.alpha;
- inc(sumA, pixMaskAlpha);
- inc(Adiv, maskAlpha);
- inc(sumR, integer(tempPixel.red) * pixMaskAlpha);
- inc(sumG, integer(tempPixel.green) * pixMaskAlpha);
- inc(sumB, integer(tempPixel.blue) * pixMaskAlpha);
- end;
-procedure FilterBlurSmallMask_AccumulateSumByte(AData: pointer; pPix: pointer; maskAlpha: Int32or64);
- with TFilterBlurSmallMask_Sum(AData^) do
- begin
- inc(sumA, maskAlpha * PByte(pPix)^);
- inc(Adiv, maskAlpha);
- end;
-procedure FilterBlurSmallMask(bmp: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- blurMask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ABounds: TRect; ADestination: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ACheckShouldStop: TCheckShouldStopFunc);
-var Sum: TFilterBlurSmallMask_Sum;
- accumulate: TBlurAccumulateProc;
- computeAverage: TBlurComputeAverageProc;
- if ADestination.Colorspace <> bmp.Colorspace then
- raise exception.Create('Colorspace mismatch');
- if bmp.Colorspace = TBGRAPixelColorspace then
- begin
- accumulate := @FilterBlurSmallMask_AccumulateSumRGBA;
- computeAverage := @FilterBlurSmallMask_ComputeAverageRGBA
- end
- else if bmp.Colorspace = TByteMaskColorspace then
- begin
- accumulate := @FilterBlurSmallMask_AccumulateSumByte;
- computeAverage := @FilterBlurSmallMask_ComputeAverageByte
- end else
- raise exception.Create('Unexpected colorspace: '+bmp.Colorspace.GetName);
- FilterBlurGeneric(bmp, blurMask, ABounds, ADestination, ACheckShouldStop,
- @FilterBlurSmallMask_ClearSum,accumulate,computeAverage, @Sum);
-//64-bit blur
- TFilterBlurMask64_Sum= record
- sumR, sumG, sumB, sumA, Adiv : int64;
- end;
-procedure FilterBlurMask64_ClearSum(AData: pointer);
- with TFilterBlurMask64_Sum(AData^) do
- begin
- sumR := 0;
- sumG := 0;
- sumB := 0;
- sumA := 0;
- Adiv := 0;
- end;
-procedure FilterBlurMask64_ComputeAverageRGBA(AData: pointer; pPix: pointer);
- temp, sumAShr1: Int64;
- with TFilterBlurMask64_Sum(AData^) do
- begin
- if Adiv <= 0 then PBGRAPixel(pPix)^ := BGRAPixelTransparent else
- begin
- temp := sumA + Adiv shr 1;
- if temp < Adiv then
- PBGRAPixel(pPix)^ := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- begin
- sumAShr1 := sumA shr 1;
- PBGRAPixel(pPix)^.alpha := temp div Adiv;
- PBGRAPixel(pPix)^.red := clampByte((sumR + sumAShr1) div sumA);
- PBGRAPixel(pPix)^.green := clampByte((sumG + sumAShr1) div sumA);
- PBGRAPixel(pPix)^.blue := clampByte((sumB + sumAShr1) div sumA);
- end;
- end;
- end;
-procedure FilterBlurMask64_ComputeAverageConvertRGBAToByteMask(AData: pointer; pPix: pointer);
-var c: TBGRAPixel;
- FilterBlurMask64_ComputeAverageRGBA(AData, @c);
- PByteMask(pPix)^ := BGRAToMask(c);
-procedure FilterBlurMask64_ComputeAverageByte(AData: pointer; pPix: pointer);
- with TFilterBlurMask64_Sum(AData^) do
- begin
- if Adiv <= 0 then PByte(pPix)^ := 0 else
- PByte(pPix)^ := (sumA + Adiv shr 1) div Adiv;
- end;
-procedure FilterBlurMask64_ComputeAverageConvertByteMaskToRGBA(AData: pointer; pPix: pointer);
- with TFilterBlurMask64_Sum(AData^) do
- begin
- if Adiv <= 0 then PBGRAPixel(pPix)^ := BGRAPixelTransparent else
- PBGRAPixel(pPix)^ := MaskToBGRA(TByteMask.New((sumA + Adiv shr 1) div Adiv));
- end;
-procedure FilterBlurMask64_AccumulateSumRGBA(AData: pointer; pPix: pointer; maskAlpha: Int32or64);
- pixMaskAlpha: Int32or64;
- tempPixel: TBGRAPixel;
- with TFilterBlurMask64_Sum(AData^) do
- begin
- tempPixel := PBGRAPixel(pPix)^;
- pixMaskAlpha := maskAlpha * tempPixel.alpha;
- Inc64(sumA, pixMaskAlpha);
- Inc64(Adiv, maskAlpha);
- Inc64(sumR, tempPixel.red * pixMaskAlpha);
- Inc64(sumG, tempPixel.green * pixMaskAlpha);
- Inc64(sumB, tempPixel.blue * pixMaskAlpha);
- end;
-procedure FilterBlurMask64_AccumulateSumByte(AData: pointer; pPix: pointer; maskAlpha: Int32or64);
- with TFilterBlurMask64_Sum(AData^) do
- begin
- Inc64(sumA, maskAlpha * PByte(pPix)^);
- Inc64(Adiv, maskAlpha);
- end;
-procedure FilterBlurMask64(bmp: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- blurMask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ABounds: TRect; ADestination: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ACheckShouldStop: TCheckShouldStopFunc);
-var Sum: TFilterBlurMask64_Sum;
- accumulate: TBlurAccumulateProc;
- computeAverage: TBlurComputeAverageProc;
- if ADestination.Colorspace <> bmp.Colorspace then
- raise exception.Create('Colorspace mismatch');
- if bmp.Colorspace = TBGRAPixelColorspace then
- begin
- accumulate := @FilterBlurMask64_AccumulateSumRGBA;
- computeAverage := @FilterBlurMask64_ComputeAverageRGBA
- end
- else if bmp.Colorspace = TByteMaskColorspace then
- begin
- accumulate := @FilterBlurMask64_AccumulateSumByte;
- computeAverage := @FilterBlurMask64_ComputeAverageByte
- end else
- raise exception.Create('Unexpected colorspace: '+bmp.Colorspace.GetName);
- FilterBlurGeneric(bmp, blurMask, ABounds, ADestination, ACheckShouldStop,
- @FilterBlurMask64_ClearSum,accumulate,computeAverage, @Sum);
-//floating point blur
- TFilterBlurBigMask_Sum= record
- sumR, sumG, sumB, sumA, Adiv : single;
- end;
-procedure FilterBlurBigMask_ClearSum(AData: pointer);
- with TFilterBlurBigMask_Sum(AData^) do
- begin
- sumR := 0;
- sumG := 0;
- sumB := 0;
- sumA := 0;
- Adiv := 0;
- end;
-procedure FilterBlurBigMask_ComputeAverage(AData: pointer; pPix: pointer);
- with TFilterBlurBigMask_Sum(AData^) do
- if Adiv <= 0 then PBGRAPixel(pPix)^ := BGRAPixelTransparent else
- begin
- PBGRAPixel(pPix)^.alpha := round(sumA/Adiv);
- if PBGRAPixel(pPix)^.alpha = 0 then
- PBGRAPixel(pPix)^ := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- begin
- PBGRAPixel(pPix)^.red := clampByte(round(sumR/sumA));
- PBGRAPixel(pPix)^.green := clampByte(round(sumG/sumA));
- PBGRAPixel(pPix)^.blue := clampByte(round(sumB/sumA));
- end;
- end;
-procedure FilterBlurBigMask_AccumulateSum(AData: pointer; pPix: pointer; maskAlpha: Int32or64);
- pixMaskAlpha: Int32or64;
- tempPixel: TBGRAPixel;
- with TFilterBlurBigMask_Sum(AData^) do
- begin
- tempPixel := PBGRAPixel(pPix)^;
- pixMaskAlpha := maskAlpha * tempPixel.alpha;
- IncF(sumA, pixMaskAlpha);
- IncF(Adiv, maskAlpha);
- IncF(sumR, tempPixel.red * pixMaskAlpha);
- IncF(sumG, tempPixel.green * pixMaskAlpha);
- IncF(sumB, tempPixel.blue * pixMaskAlpha);
- end;
-procedure FilterBlurBigMask(bmp: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- blurMask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ABounds: TRect; ADestination: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ACheckShouldStop: TCheckShouldStopFunc);
-var Sum: TFilterBlurBigMask_Sum;
- if ADestination.Colorspace <> bmp.Colorspace then
- raise exception.Create('Colorspace mismatch');
- if bmp.Colorspace <> TBGRAPixelColorspace then
- raise exception.Create('Unexpected colorspace: '+bmp.Colorspace.GetName);
- FilterBlurGeneric(bmp, blurMask, ABounds, ADestination, ACheckShouldStop,
- @FilterBlurBigMask_ClearSum,
- @FilterBlurBigMask_AccumulateSum,
- @FilterBlurBigMask_ComputeAverage, @Sum);
-constructor TBoxBlurTask.Create(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABounds: TRect;
- radius: single);
- SetSource(bmp);
- FBounds := ABounds;
- FRadiusX := radius;
- FRadiusY := radius;
-constructor TBoxBlurTask.Create(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABounds: TRect;
- radiusX, radiusY: single);
- SetSource(bmp);
- FBounds := ABounds;
- FRadiusX := max(radiusX,0);
- FRadiusY := max(radiusY,0);
-procedure TBoxBlurTask.DoExecute;
- FilterBlurBox(FSource,FBounds,FRadiusX,FRadiusY,Destination,@GetShouldStop);
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrafilters.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrafilters.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index e5531fe..0000000
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@@ -1,962 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAFilters;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
-{ Here are some filters that can be applied to a bitmap. The filters
- take a source image as a parameter and gives a filtered image as
- a result. }
- BGRAClasses, BGRABitmapTypes, BGRAFilterType, BGRAFilterBlur;
- TFilterTask = BGRAFilterType.TFilterTask;
-/////////////////////// PIXELWISE FILTERS ////////////////////////////////
- { TGrayscaleTask }
- { Grayscale converts colored pixel into grayscale with same luminosity }
- TGrayscaleTask = class(TFilterTask)
- private
- FBounds: TRect;
- public
- constructor Create(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABounds: TRect);
- protected
- procedure DoExecute; override;
- end;
-{ Grayscale converts colored pixel into grayscale with same luminosity }
-function FilterGrayscale(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap): TBGRACustomBitmap; overload;
-function FilterGrayscale(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABounds: TRect): TBGRACustomBitmap; overload;
-function CreateGrayscaleTask(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABounds: TRect): TFilterTask;
-{ Normalize use the whole available range of values, making dark colors darkest possible
- and light colors lightest possible }
-function FilterNormalize(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- eachChannel: boolean = True): TBGRACustomBitmap; overload;
-function FilterNormalize(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABounds: TRect;
- eachChannel: boolean = True): TBGRACustomBitmap; overload;
-////////////////////// 3X3 FILTERS ////////////////////////////////////////////
-{ Sharpen filter add more contrast between pixels }
-function FilterSharpen(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; AAmount: integer = 256): TBGRACustomBitmap; overload;
-function FilterSharpen(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABounds: TRect; AAmount: integer = 256): TBGRACustomBitmap; overload;
-{ Compute a contour, as if the image was drawn with a 2 pixels-wide black pencil }
-function FilterContour(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; AGammaCorrection: boolean = false): TBGRACustomBitmap;
-{ Emboss filter compute a color difference in the angle direction }
-function FilterEmboss(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; angle: single; AStrength: integer= 64; AOptions: TEmbossOptions = []): TBGRACustomBitmap; overload;
-function FilterEmboss(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; angle: single; ABounds: TRect; AStrength: integer= 64; AOptions: TEmbossOptions = []): TBGRACustomBitmap; overload;
-{ Emboss highlight computes a sort of emboss with 45 degrees angle and
- with standard selection color (white/black and filled with blue) }
-function FilterEmbossHighlight(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- FillSelection: boolean; DefineBorderColor: TBGRAPixel): TBGRACustomBitmap;
-function FilterEmbossHighlightOffset(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- FillSelection: boolean; DefineBorderColor: TBGRAPixel; var Offset: TPoint): TBGRACustomBitmap;
-{ The median filter consist in calculating the median value of pixels. Here
- a square of 9x9 pixel is considered. The median allow to select the most
- representative colors. The option parameter allow to choose to smooth the
- result or not. }
-function FilterMedian(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; Option: TMedianOption): TBGRACustomBitmap;
-//////////////////////// DEFORMATION FILTERS /////////////////////////////////
-{ Distort the image as if it were on a sphere }
-function FilterSphere(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap): TBGRACustomBitmap;
-{ Twirl distortion, i.e. a progressive rotation }
-function FilterTwirl(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; ACenter: TPoint; ARadius: Single; ATurn: Single=1; AExponent: Single=3): TBGRACustomBitmap; overload;
-function FilterTwirl(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABounds: TRect; ACenter: TPoint; ARadius: Single; ATurn: Single=1; AExponent: Single=3): TBGRACustomBitmap; overload;
-{ Distort the image as if it were on a vertical cylinder }
-function FilterCylinder(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap): TBGRACustomBitmap;
-{ Compute a plane projection towards infinity (SLOW) }
-function FilterPlane(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap): TBGRACustomBitmap;
-{ Rotate filter rotate the image and clip it in the bounding rectangle }
-function FilterRotate(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; origin: TPointF;
- angle: single; correctBlur: boolean = false): TBGRACustomBitmap;
-///////////////////////// BLUR FILTERS //////////////////////////////////////
-{ A radial blur applies a blur with a circular influence, i.e, each pixel
- is merged with pixels within the specified radius. There is an exception
- with rbFast blur, the optimization entails a hyperbolic shape. }
-type TRadialBlurTask = BGRAFilterBlur.TRadialBlurTask;
-function FilterBlurRadial(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; radius: single; blurType: TRadialBlurType): TBGRACustomBitmap; overload;
-function FilterBlurRadial(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; radiusX: single; radiusY: single; blurType: TRadialBlurType): TBGRACustomBitmap; overload;
-function CreateRadialBlurTask(ABmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABounds: TRect; ARadius: single; ABlurType: TRadialBlurType): TRadialBlurTask; overload;
-function CreateRadialBlurTask(ABmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABounds: TRect; ARadiusX,ARadiusY: single; ABlurType: TRadialBlurType): TRadialBlurTask; overload;
-{ The precise blur allow to specify the blur radius with subpixel accuracy }
-function FilterBlurRadialPrecise(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; radius: single): TBGRACustomBitmap; deprecated 'Use FilterBlurRadial with blurType:=rbPrecise and radius multiplied by 10';
-function CreateRadialPreciseBlurTask(ABmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABounds: TRect; ARadius: single): TRadialBlurTask; deprecated 'Use CreateRadialBlurTask with blurType:=rbPrecise and radius multiplied by 10';
-{ Motion blur merge pixels in a direction. The oriented parameter specifies
- if the weights of the pixels are the same along the line or not. }
-type TMotionBlurTask = BGRAFilterBlur.TMotionBlurTask;
-function FilterBlurMotion(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; distance: single; angle: single; oriented: boolean): TBGRACustomBitmap;
-function CreateMotionBlurTask(ABmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABounds: TRect; ADistance,AAngle: single; AOriented: boolean): TMotionBlurTask;
-{ General purpose blur filter, with a blur mask as parameter to describe
- how pixels influence each other }
-function FilterBlur(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; AMask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; AMaskIsThreadSafe: boolean = false): TBGRACustomBitmap;
-function CreateBlurTask(ABmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABounds: TRect; AMask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; AMaskIsThreadSafe: boolean = false): TFilterTask;
-////////////////////////////// OTHER FILTERS /////////////////////////////////
-{ SmartZoom x3 is a filter that upsizes 3 times the picture and add
- pixels that could be logically expected (horizontal, vertical, diagonal lines) }
-function FilterSmartZoom3(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- Option: TMedianOption): TBGRACustomBitmap;
-function FilterPixelate(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; pixelSize: integer; useResample: boolean; filter: TResampleFilter = rfLinear): TBGRACustomBitmap;
-uses Math, BGRATransform, SysUtils, BGRAFilterScanner;
-/////////////////////// PIXELWISE FILTERS ////////////////////////////////
-{ TGrayscaleTask }
-constructor TGrayscaleTask.Create(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABounds: TRect);
- SetSource(bmp);
- FBounds := ABounds;
-procedure TGrayscaleTask.DoExecute;
- yb: LongInt;
- if FBounds.IsEmpty then exit;
- for yb := FBounds.Top to FBounds.bottom - 1 do
- begin
- if GetShouldStop(yb) then break;
- TBGRAFilterScannerGrayscale.ComputeFilterAt(FSource.scanline[yb] + FBounds.left,
- Destination.scanline[yb] + FBounds.left, FBounds.right-FBounds.left, true);
- end;
- Destination.InvalidateBitmap;
-{ Filter grayscale applies BGRAToGrayscale function to all pixels }
-function FilterGrayscale(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap): TBGRACustomBitmap;
- result := FilterGrayscale(bmp,rect(0,0,bmp.width,bmp.Height));
-function FilterGrayscale(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABounds: TRect): TBGRACustomBitmap;
-var scanner: TBGRAFilterScannerGrayscale;
- result := bmp.NewBitmap(bmp.Width,bmp.Height);
- scanner := TBGRAFilterScannerGrayscale.Create(bmp,Point(0,0),True);
- result.FillRect(ABounds,scanner,dmSet);
- scanner.Free;
-function CreateGrayscaleTask(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABounds: TRect): TFilterTask;
- result := TGrayscaleTask.Create(bmp,ABounds);
-function FilterNormalize(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; eachChannel: boolean
- ): TBGRACustomBitmap;
- result := FilterNormalize(bmp, rect(0,0,bmp.Width,bmp.Height), eachChannel);
-{ Normalize compute min-max of specified channel and apply an affine transformation
- to make it use the full range of values }
-function FilterNormalize(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABounds: TRect;
- eachChannel: boolean = True): TBGRACustomBitmap;
-var scanner: TBGRAFilterScannerNormalize;
- remain: TRect;
- Result := bmp.NewBitmap(bmp.Width, bmp.Height);
- remain := TRect.Intersect(ABounds, rect(0,0,bmp.Width,bmp.Height));
- if remain.IsEmpty then exit;
- scanner := TBGRAFilterScannerNormalize.Create(bmp,Point(0,0),remain,eachChannel);
- result.FillRect(remain,scanner,dmSet);
- scanner.Free;
-////////////////////// 3X3 FILTERS ////////////////////////////////////////////
-{ This filter compute for each pixel the mean of the eight surrounding pixels,
- then the difference between this average pixel and the pixel at the center
- of the square. Finally the difference is added to the new pixel, exagerating
- its difference with its neighbours. }
-function FilterSharpen(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABounds: TRect; AAmount: integer = 256): TBGRACustomBitmap;
-var scanner: TBGRAFilterScanner;
- Result := bmp.NewBitmap(bmp.Width, bmp.Height);
- if ABounds.IsEmpty then exit;
- scanner := TBGRASharpenScanner.Create(bmp,ABounds,AAmount);
- result.FillRect(ABounds,scanner,dmSet);
- scanner.Free;
-function FilterSharpen(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; AAmount: integer
- ): TBGRACustomBitmap;
- result := FilterSharpen(bmp,rect(0,0,bmp.Width,bmp.Height),AAmount);
-{ Filter contour computes for each pixel
- the grayscale difference with surrounding pixels (in intensity and alpha)
- and draw black pixels when there is a difference }
-function FilterContour(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; AGammaCorrection: boolean = false): TBGRACustomBitmap;
-var scanner: TBGRAContourScanner;
- result := bmp.NewBitmap(bmp.Width, bmp.Height);
- scanner := TBGRAContourScanner.Create(bmp,rect(0,0,bmp.width,bmp.height),AGammaCorrection);
- result.Fill(scanner);
- scanner.Free;
-function FilterEmboss(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; angle: single; AStrength: integer; AOptions: TEmbossOptions): TBGRACustomBitmap;
- result := FilterEmboss(bmp, angle, rect(0,0,bmp.Width,bmp.Height), AStrength, AOptions);
-{ Emboss filter computes the difference between each pixel and the surrounding pixels
- in the specified direction. }
-function FilterEmboss(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; angle: single; ABounds: TRect; AStrength: integer; AOptions: TEmbossOptions): TBGRACustomBitmap;
- yb, xb: Int32or64;
- dx, dy: single;
- idx, idy: Int32or64;
- x256,y256: Int32or64;
- cMiddle: TBGRAPixel;
- hMiddle: THSLAPixel;
- tempPixel, refPixel: TBGRAPixel;
- pdest: PBGRAPixel;
- bounds: TRect;
- psrc: PBGRAPixel;
- redDiff,greenDiff,blueDiff: UInt32or64;
- diff: Int32or64;
- //compute pixel position and weight
- dx := cos(angle * Pi / 180);
- dy := sin(angle * Pi / 180);
- idx := floor(dx);
- idy := floor(dy);
- x256 := trunc((dx-idx)*256);
- y256 := trunc((dy-idy)*256);
- Result := bmp.NewBitmap(bmp.Width, bmp.Height);
- if ABounds.IsEmpty then exit;
- bounds := bmp.GetImageBounds;
- bounds.Intersect(ABounds);
- if bounds.IsEmpty then exit;
- bounds.Left := max(0, bounds.Left - 1);
- bounds.Top := max(0, bounds.Top - 1);
- bounds.Right := min(bmp.Width, bounds.Right + 1);
- bounds.Bottom := min(bmp.Height, bounds.Bottom + 1);
- if not (eoTransparent in AOptions) then
- begin
- if eoPreserveHue in AOptions then
- Result.PutImagePart(ABounds.left,ABounds.top,bmp,ABounds,dmSet)
- else
- Result.FillRect(ABounds,BGRA(128, 128, 128, 255),dmSet);
- end;
- //loop through destination
- for yb := bounds.Top to bounds.bottom - 1 do
- begin
- pdest := Result.scanline[yb] + bounds.Left;
- psrc := bmp.ScanLine[yb]+bounds.Left;
- for xb := bounds.Left+idx to bounds.Right-1+idx do
- begin
- refPixel := bmp.GetPixel256(xb,yb+idy,x256,y256);
- cMiddle := psrc^;
- inc(psrc);
- if eoPreserveHue in AOptions then
- begin
- diff := (integer(refPixel.red * refPixel.alpha) - integer(cMiddle.red * cMiddle.alpha)+
- integer(refPixel.green * refPixel.alpha) - integer(cMiddle.green * cMiddle.alpha)+
- integer(refPixel.blue * refPixel.alpha) - integer(cMiddle.blue * cMiddle.alpha))* AStrength div 128;
- if diff > 0 then
- hMiddle := BGRAToHSLA(refPixel)
- else
- hMiddle := BGRAToHSLA(cMiddle);
- hMiddle.lightness := min(65535,max(0,hMiddle.lightness+diff));
- if eoTransparent in AOptions then
- hMiddle.alpha := min(65535,abs(diff));
- pdest^ := HSLAToBGRA(hMiddle);
- end else
- begin
- {$push}{$hints off}{$r-}
- redDiff := UInt32or64(max(0, 65536 + (refPixel.red * refPixel.alpha - cMiddle.red * cMiddle.alpha) * AStrength div 64)) shr 9;
- greenDiff := UInt32or64(max(0, 65536 + (refPixel.green * refPixel.alpha - cMiddle.green * cMiddle.alpha) * AStrength div 64)) shr 9;
- blueDiff := UInt32or64(max(0, 65536 + (refPixel.blue * refPixel.alpha - cMiddle.blue * cMiddle.alpha) * AStrength div 64)) shr 9;
- {$pop}
- if (redDiff <> 128) or (greenDiff <> 128) or (blueDiff <> 128) then
- begin
- tempPixel.red := min(255, redDiff);
- tempPixel.green := min(255, greenDiff);
- tempPixel.blue := min(255, blueDiff);
- if eoTransparent in AOptions then
- begin
- tempPixel.alpha := min(255,abs(Int32or64(redDiff-128))+abs(Int32or64(greenDiff-128))+abs(Int32or64(blueDiff-128)));
- pdest^ := tempPixel;
- end else
- begin
- tempPixel.alpha := 255;
- pdest^ := tempPixel;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- Inc(pdest);
- end;
- end;
- Result.InvalidateBitmap;
-{ Like general emboss, but with fixed direction and automatic color with transparency }
-function FilterEmbossHighlight(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- FillSelection: boolean; DefineBorderColor: TBGRAPixel): TBGRACustomBitmap;
- bounds: TRect;
- borderColorOverride: boolean;
- borderColorLevel: Int32or64;
- scan: TBGRAEmbossHightlightScanner;
- borderColorOverride := DefineBorderColor.alpha <> 0;
- borderColorLevel := DefineBorderColor.red;
- Result := bmp.NewBitmap(bmp.Width, bmp.Height);
- if borderColorOverride then
- bounds := bmp.GetImageBounds(cRed, borderColorLevel)
- else
- bounds := bmp.GetImageBounds(cRed);
- if (bounds.Right <= bounds.Left) or (bounds.Bottom <= Bounds.Top) then
- exit;
- bounds.Left := max(0, bounds.Left - 1);
- bounds.Top := max(0, bounds.Top - 1);
- bounds.Right := min(bmp.Width, bounds.Right + 1);
- bounds.Bottom := min(bmp.Height, bounds.Bottom + 1);
- scan := TBGRAEmbossHightlightScanner.Create(bmp, bounds, borderColorOverride);
- scan.AllowDirectRead := true;
- scan.FillSelection := FillSelection;
- if borderColorOverride then scan.SourceBorderColor := DefineBorderColor;
- Result.FillRect(bounds, scan, dmSet);
- scan.Free;
-function FilterEmbossHighlightOffset(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- FillSelection: boolean; DefineBorderColor: TBGRAPixel; var Offset: TPoint): TBGRACustomBitmap;
- bounds: TRect;
- borderColorOverride: boolean;
- borderColorLevel: int32or64;
- scan: TBGRAEmbossHightlightScanner;
- borderColorOverride := DefineBorderColor.alpha <> 0;
- borderColorLevel := DefineBorderColor.red;
- if borderColorOverride then
- bounds := bmp.GetImageBounds(cRed, borderColorLevel)
- else
- bounds := bmp.GetImageBounds(cRed);
- if (bounds.Right <= bounds.Left) or (bounds.Bottom <= Bounds.Top) then
- begin
- Result := bmp.NewBitmap(0, 0);
- exit;
- end;
- bounds.Left := max(0, bounds.Left - 1);
- bounds.Top := max(0, bounds.Top - 1);
- bounds.Right := min(bmp.Width, bounds.Right + 1);
- bounds.Bottom := min(bmp.Height, bounds.Bottom + 1);
- Result := bmp.NewBitmap(bounds.Right-Bounds.Left+1, bounds.Bottom-Bounds.Top+1);
- inc(Offset.X, bounds.Left);
- inc(Offset.Y, bounds.Top);
- scan := TBGRAEmbossHightlightScanner.Create(bmp, bounds, borderColorOverride);
- scan.AllowDirectRead := true;
- scan.FillSelection := FillSelection;
- if borderColorOverride then scan.SourceBorderColor := DefineBorderColor;
- Result.FillRect(rect(0,0,result.Width,result.Height), scan, dmSet, Offset);
- scan.Free;
-{ For each component, sort values to get the median }
-function FilterMedian(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- Option: TMedianOption): TBGRACustomBitmap;
- function ComparePixLt(p1, p2: TBGRAPixel): boolean;
- begin
- if (p1.red + p1.green + p1.blue = p2.red + p2.green + p2.blue) then
- Result := (int32or64(p1.red) shl 8) + (int32or64(p1.green) shl 16) +
- int32or64(p1.blue) < (int32or64(p2.red) shl 8) + (int32or64(p2.green) shl 16) +
- int32or64(p2.blue)
- else
- Result := (p1.red + p1.green + p1.blue) < (p2.red + p2.green + p2.blue);
- end;
- nbpix = 9;
- yb, xb: int32or64;
- dx, dy, n, i, j, k: int32or64;
- a_pixels: array[0..nbpix - 1] of TBGRAPixel;
- tempPixel, refPixel: TBGRAPixel;
- tempValue: byte;
- sumR, sumG, sumB, sumA, BGRAdiv, nbA: uint32or64;
- tempAlpha: word;
- bounds: TRect;
- pdest: PBGRAPixel;
- Result := bmp.NewBitmap(bmp.Width, bmp.Height);
- bounds := bmp.GetImageBounds;
- if (bounds.Right <= bounds.Left) or (bounds.Bottom <= Bounds.Top) then
- exit;
- bounds.Left := max(0, bounds.Left - 1);
- bounds.Top := max(0, bounds.Top - 1);
- bounds.Right := min(bmp.Width, bounds.Right + 1);
- bounds.Bottom := min(bmp.Height, bounds.Bottom + 1);
- for yb := bounds.Top to bounds.bottom - 1 do
- begin
- pdest := Result.scanline[yb] + bounds.left;
- for xb := bounds.left to bounds.right - 1 do
- begin
- n := 0;
- for dy := -1 to 1 do
- for dx := -1 to 1 do
- begin
- a_pixels[n] := bmp.GetPixel(xb + dx, yb + dy);
- if a_pixels[n].alpha = 0 then
- a_pixels[n] := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- Inc(n);
- end;
- for i := 1 to n - 1 do
- begin
- j := i;
- while (j > 1) and (a_pixels[j].alpha < a_pixels[j - 1].alpha) do
- begin
- tempValue := a_pixels[j].alpha;
- a_pixels[j].alpha := a_pixels[j - 1].alpha;
- a_pixels[j - 1].alpha := tempValue;
- Dec(j);
- end;
- j := i;
- while (j > 1) and (a_pixels[j].red < a_pixels[j - 1].red) do
- begin
- tempValue := a_pixels[j].red;
- a_pixels[j].red := a_pixels[j - 1].red;
- a_pixels[j - 1].red := tempValue;
- Dec(j);
- end;
- j := i;
- while (j > 1) and (a_pixels[j].green < a_pixels[j - 1].green) do
- begin
- tempValue := a_pixels[j].green;
- a_pixels[j].green := a_pixels[j - 1].green;
- a_pixels[j - 1].green := tempValue;
- Dec(j);
- end;
- j := i;
- while (j > 1) and (a_pixels[j].blue < a_pixels[j - 1].blue) do
- begin
- tempValue := a_pixels[j].blue;
- a_pixels[j].blue := a_pixels[j - 1].blue;
- a_pixels[j - 1].blue := tempValue;
- Dec(j);
- end;
- end;
- refPixel := a_pixels[n div 2];
- if option in [moLowSmooth, moMediumSmooth, moHighSmooth] then
- begin
- sumR := 0;
- sumG := 0;
- sumB := 0;
- sumA := 0;
- BGRAdiv := 0;
- nbA := 0;
- case option of
- moHighSmooth, moMediumSmooth:
- begin
- j := 2;
- k := 2;
- end;
- else
- begin
- j := 1;
- k := 1;
- end;
- end;
- {$hints off}
- for i := -k to j do
- begin
- tempPixel := a_pixels[n div 2 + i];
- tempAlpha := tempPixel.alpha;
- if (option = moMediumSmooth) and ((i = -k) or (i = j)) then
- tempAlpha := tempAlpha div 2;
- inc(sumR, tempPixel.red * tempAlpha );
- inc(sumG, tempPixel.green * tempAlpha );
- inc(sumB, tempPixel.blue * tempAlpha );
- inc(BGRAdiv, tempAlpha);
- inc(sumA, tempAlpha);
- Inc(nbA);
- end;
- {$hints on}
- if option = moMediumSmooth then
- Dec(nbA);
- if (BGRAdiv = 0) then
- refPixel := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- begin
- refPixel.red := round(sumR / BGRAdiv);
- refPixel.green := round(sumG / BGRAdiv);
- refPixel.blue := round(sumB / BGRAdiv);
- refPixel.alpha := round(sumA / nbA);
- end;
- end;
- pdest^ := refPixel;
- Inc(pdest);
- end;
- end;
-//////////////////////// DEFORMATION FILTERS /////////////////////////////////
-{ Compute the distance for each pixel to the center of the bitmap,
- calculate the corresponding angle with arcsin, use this angle
- to determine a distance from the center in the source bitmap }
-function FilterSphere(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap): TBGRACustomBitmap;
- cx, cy: single;
- scanner: TBGRASphereDeformationScanner;
- Result := bmp.NewBitmap(bmp.Width, bmp.Height);
- cx := bmp.Width / 2 - 0.5;
- cy := bmp.Height / 2 - 0.5;
- scanner := TBGRASphereDeformationScanner.Create(bmp,PointF(cx,cy),bmp.Width/2,bmp.Height/2);
- result.FillEllipseAntialias(cx,cy,bmp.Width/2-0.5,bmp.Height/2-0.5,scanner);
- scanner.Free;
-{ Applies twirl scanner. See TBGRATwirlScanner }
-function FilterTwirl(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABounds: TRect; ACenter: TPoint; ARadius: Single; ATurn: Single=1; AExponent: Single=3): TBGRACustomBitmap;
-var twirl: TBGRATwirlScanner;
- twirl := TBGRATwirlScanner.Create(bmp,ACenter,ARadius,ATurn,AExponent);
- Result := bmp.NewBitmap(bmp.Width, bmp.Height);
- result.FillRect(ABounds, twirl, dmSet);
- twirl.free;
-function FilterTwirl(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; ACenter: TPoint;
- ARadius: Single; ATurn: Single; AExponent: Single): TBGRACustomBitmap;
- result := FilterTwirl(bmp,rect(0,0,bmp.Width,bmp.Height),ACenter,ARadius,ATurn,AExponent);
-{ Compute the distance for each pixel to the vertical axis of the bitmap,
- calculate the corresponding angle with arcsin, use this angle
- to determine a distance from the vertical axis in the source bitmap }
-function FilterCylinder(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap): TBGRACustomBitmap;
- cx: single;
- scanner: TBGRAVerticalCylinderDeformationScanner;
- Result := bmp.NewBitmap(bmp.Width, bmp.Height);
- cx := bmp.Width / 2 - 0.5;
- scanner := TBGRAVerticalCylinderDeformationScanner.Create(bmp,cx,bmp.Width/2);
- result.Fill(scanner);
- scanner.Free;
-function FilterPlane(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap): TBGRACustomBitmap;
-const resampleGap=0.6;
- cy, x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2, h: single;
- yb: int32or64;
- resampledBmp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- resampledBmpWidth: int32or64;
- resampledFactor,newResampleFactor: single;
- sub,resampledSub: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- partRect: TRect;
- resampleSizeY : int32or64;
- resampledBmp := bmp.Resample(bmp.Width*2,bmp.Height*2,rmSimpleStretch);
- resampledBmpWidth := resampledBmp.Width;
- resampledFactor := 2;
- Result := bmp.NewBitmap(bmp.Width, bmp.Height*2);
- cy := result.Height / 2 - 0.5;
- h := 1;
- for yb := 0 to ((Result.Height-1) div 2) do
- begin
- y1 := (cy - (yb-0.5)) / (cy+0.5);
- y2 := (cy - (yb+0.5)) / (cy+0.5);
- if y2 <= 0 then continue;
- z1 := h/y1;
- z2 := h/y2;
- newResampleFactor := 1/(z2-z1)*1.5;
- x1 := (z1+1)/2;
- x2 := (z2+1)/2;
- if newResampleFactor <= resampledFactor*resampleGap then
- begin
- resampledFactor := newResampleFactor;
- if resampledBmp <> bmp then resampledBmp.Free;
- if (x2-x1 >= 1) then resampleSizeY := 1 else
- resampleSizeY := round(1+((x2-x1)-1)/(1/bmp.Height-1)*(bmp.Height-1));
- resampledBmp := bmp.Resample(max(1,round(bmp.Width*resampledFactor)),resampleSizeY,rmSimpleStretch);
- resampledBmpWidth := resampledBmp.Width;
- end;
- partRect := Rect(round(-resampledBmpWidth/2*z1+resampledBmpWidth/2),floor(x1*resampledBmp.Height),
- round(resampledBmpWidth/2*z1+resampledBmpWidth/2),floor(x2*resampledBmp.Height)+1);
- if x2-x1 > 1 then
- begin
- partRect.Top := 0;
- partRect.Bottom := 1;
- end;
- sub := resampledBmp.GetPart(partRect);
- if sub <> nil then
- begin
- resampledSub := sub.Resample(bmp.Width,1,rmFineResample);
- result.PutImage(0,yb,resampledSub,dmSet);
- result.PutImage(0,Result.Height-1-yb,resampledSub,dmSet);
- resampledSub.free;
- sub.free;
- end;
- end;
- if resampledBmp <> bmp then resampledBmp.Free;
- if result.Height <> bmp.Height then
- begin
- resampledBmp := result.Resample(bmp.Width,bmp.Height,rmSimpleStretch);
- result.free;
- result := resampledBmp;
- end;
-{ Rotates the image. To do this, loop through the destination and
- calculates the position in the source bitmap with an affine transformation }
-function FilterRotate(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; origin: TPointF;
- angle: single; correctBlur: boolean): TBGRACustomBitmap;
- Result := bmp.NewBitmap(bmp.Width, bmp.Height);
- Result.PutImageAngle(0,0,bmp,angle,origin.x,origin.y,255,true,correctBlur);
-///////////////////////// BLUR FILTERS //////////////////////////////////////
-function FilterBlurRadial(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; radius: single; blurType: TRadialBlurType): TBGRACustomBitmap;
-var task: TFilterTask;
- task := CreateRadialBlurTask(bmp,rect(0,0,bmp.Width,bmp.Height),radius,blurType);
- result := task.Execute;
- task.Free;
-function FilterBlurRadial(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; radiusX: single; radiusY: single; blurType: TRadialBlurType): TBGRACustomBitmap;
-var task: TFilterTask;
- task := CreateRadialBlurTask(bmp,rect(0,0,bmp.Width,bmp.Height),radiusX,radiusY,blurType);
- result := task.Execute;
- task.Free;
-function CreateRadialBlurTask(ABmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABounds: TRect; ARadius: single; ABlurType: TRadialBlurType): TRadialBlurTask;
- result := TRadialBlurTask.Create(ABmp,ABounds,ARadius,ABlurType);
-function CreateRadialBlurTask(ABmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABounds: TRect;
- ARadiusX,ARadiusY: single; ABlurType: TRadialBlurType): TRadialBlurTask;
- result := TRadialBlurTask.Create(ABmp,ABounds,ARadiusX,ARadiusY,ABlurType);
-{ Precise blur }
-function FilterBlurRadialPrecise(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; radius: single): TBGRACustomBitmap;
-var task: TRadialBlurTask;
- task := CreateRadialBlurTask(bmp,rect(0,0,bmp.Width,bmp.Height),radius*10,rbPrecise);
- result := task.Execute;
- task.Free;
-function CreateRadialPreciseBlurTask(ABmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABounds: TRect; ARadius: single): TRadialBlurTask;
- result := TRadialBlurTask.Create(ABmp,ABounds,ARadius*10,rbPrecise);
-function FilterBlurMotion(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; distance: single; angle: single; oriented: boolean): TBGRACustomBitmap;
-var task: TFilterTask;
- task := CreateMotionBlurTask(bmp, rect(0,0,bmp.Width,bmp.Height), distance, angle, oriented);
- result := task.Execute;
- task.Free;
-function CreateMotionBlurTask(ABmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABounds: TRect;
- ADistance, AAngle: single; AOriented: boolean): TMotionBlurTask;
- result := TMotionBlurTask.Create(ABmp,ABounds,ADistance,AAngle,AOriented);
-function FilterBlur(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; AMask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; AMaskIsThreadSafe: boolean = false): TBGRACustomBitmap;
-var task: TFilterTask;
- task := TCustomBlurTask.Create(bmp,rect(0,0,bmp.Width,bmp.Height), AMask, AMaskIsThreadSafe);
- result := task.Execute;
- task.Free;
-function CreateBlurTask(ABmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABounds: TRect;
- AMask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; AMaskIsThreadSafe: boolean = false): TFilterTask;
- result := TCustomBlurTask.Create(ABmp, ABounds, AMask, AMaskIsThreadSafe);
-///////////////////////////////////// OTHER FILTERS ///////////////////////////
-function FilterSmartZoom3(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- Option: TMedianOption): TBGRACustomBitmap;
- TSmartDiff = record
- d, cd, sd, b, a: single;
- end;
- xb, yb: Int32or64;
- diag1, diag2, h1, h2, v1, v2: TSmartDiff;
- c,c1,c2: TBGRAPixel;
- temp, median: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- function ColorDiff(c1, c2: TBGRAPixel): single;
- var
- max1, max2: Int32or64;
- begin
- if (c1.alpha = 0) and (c2.alpha = 0) then
- begin
- Result := 0;
- exit;
- end
- else
- if (c1.alpha = 0) or (c2.alpha = 0) then
- begin
- Result := 1;
- exit;
- end;
- max1 := c1.red;
- if c1.green > max1 then
- max1 := c1.green;
- if c1.blue > max1 then
- max1 := c1.blue;
- max2 := c2.red;
- if c2.green > max2 then
- max2 := c2.green;
- if c2.blue > max2 then
- max2 := c2.blue;
- if (max1 = 0) or (max2 = 0) then
- begin
- Result := 0;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := (abs(c1.red / max1 - c2.red / max2) +
- abs(c1.green / max1 - c2.green / max2) + abs(c1.blue / max1 - c2.blue / max2)) / 3;
- end;
- function RGBDiff(c1, c2: TBGRAPixel): single;
- begin
- if (c1.alpha = 0) and (c2.alpha = 0) then
- begin
- Result := 0;
- exit;
- end
- else
- if (c1.alpha = 0) or (c2.alpha = 0) then
- begin
- Result := 1;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := (abs(c1.red - c2.red) + abs(c1.green - c2.green) +
- abs(c1.blue - c2.blue)) / 3 / 255;
- end;
- function smartDiff(x1, y1, x2, y2: Int32or64): TSmartDiff;
- var
- c1, c2, c1m, c2m: TBGRAPixel;
- begin
- c1 := bmp.GetPixel(x1, y1);
- c2 := bmp.GetPixel(x2, y2);
- c1m := median.GetPixel(x1, y1);
- c2m := median.GetPixel(x2, y2);
- Result.d := RGBDiff(c1, c2);
- Result.cd := ColorDiff(c1, c2);
- Result.a := c1.alpha / 255 * c2.alpha / 255;
- Result.d := Result.d * Result.a + (1 - Result.a) *
- (1 + abs(c1.alpha - c2.alpha) / 255) / 5;
- Result.b := RGBDiff(c1, c1m) * c1.alpha / 255 * c1m.alpha / 255 +
- RGBDiff(c2, c2m) * c2.alpha / 255 * c2m.alpha / 255 +
- (abs(c1.alpha - c1m.alpha) + abs(c2.alpha - c2m.alpha)) / 255 / 4;
- Result.sd := Result.d + Result.cd * 3;
- end;
- diff: single;
- median := FilterMedian(bmp, moNone);
- temp := bmp.Resample(bmp.Width * 3, bmp.Height * 3, rmSimpleStretch);
- Result := FilterMedian(temp, Option);
- temp.Free;
- for yb := 0 to bmp.Height - 2 do
- for xb := 0 to bmp.Width - 2 do
- begin
- diag1 := smartDiff(xb, yb, xb + 1, yb + 1);
- diag2 := smartDiff(xb, yb + 1, xb + 1, yb);
- h1 := smartDiff(xb, yb, xb + 1, yb);
- h2 := smartDiff(xb, yb + 1, xb + 1, yb + 1);
- v1 := smartDiff(xb, yb, xb, yb + 1);
- v2 := smartDiff(xb + 1, yb, xb + 1, yb + 1);
- diff := diag1.sd - diag2.sd;
- if abs(diff) < 3 then
- DecF(diff, (diag1.b - diag2.b) * (3 - abs(diff)) / 2);
- //which diagonal to highlight?
- if abs(diff) < 0.2 then
- diff := 0;
- if diff < 0 then
- begin
- //same color?
- if diag1.cd < 0.3 then
- begin
- c1 := bmp.GetPixel(xb, yb);
- c2 := bmp.GetPixel(xb + 1, yb + 1);
- c := MergeBGRA(c1, c2);
- //restore
- Result.SetPixel(xb * 3 + 2, yb * 3 + 2, bmp.GetPixel(xb, yb));
- Result.SetPixel(xb * 3 + 3, yb * 3 + 3, bmp.GetPixel(xb + 1, yb + 1));
- if (diag1.sd < h1.sd) and (diag1.sd < v2.sd) then
- Result.SetPixel(xb * 3 + 3, yb * 3 + 2, c);
- if (diag1.sd < h2.sd) and (diag1.sd < v1.sd) then
- Result.SetPixel(xb * 3 + 2, yb * 3 + 3, c);
- end;
- end
- else
- if diff > 0 then
- begin
- //same color?
- if diag2.cd < 0.3 then
- begin
- c1 := bmp.GetPixel(xb, yb + 1);
- c2 := bmp.GetPixel(xb + 1, yb);
- c := MergeBGRA(c1, c2);
- //restore
- Result.SetPixel(xb * 3 + 3, yb * 3 + 2, bmp.GetPixel(xb + 1, yb));
- Result.SetPixel(xb * 3 + 2, yb * 3 + 3, bmp.GetPixel(xb, yb + 1));
- if (diag2.sd < h1.sd) and (diag2.sd < v1.sd) then
- Result.SetPixel(xb * 3 + 2, yb * 3 + 2, c);
- if (diag2.sd < h2.sd) and (diag2.sd < v2.sd) then
- Result.SetPixel(xb * 3 + 3, yb * 3 + 3, c);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- median.Free;
-function FilterPixelate(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; pixelSize: integer;
- useResample: boolean; filter: TResampleFilter): TBGRACustomBitmap;
-var yb,xb, xs,ys, tx,ty: Int32or64;
- psrc,pdest: PBGRAPixel;
- temp,stretched: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- oldfilter: TResampleFilter;
- if pixelSize < 1 then
- begin
- result := bmp.Duplicate;
- exit;
- end;
- result := bmp.NewBitmap(bmp.Width,bmp.Height);
- tx := (bmp.Width+pixelSize-1) div pixelSize;
- ty := (bmp.Height+pixelSize-1) div pixelSize;
- if not useResample then
- begin
- temp := bmp.NewBitmap(tx,ty);
- xs := (bmp.Width mod pixelSize) div 2;
- ys := (bmp.Height mod pixelSize) div 2;
- for yb := 0 to temp.height-1 do
- begin
- pdest := temp.ScanLine[yb];
- psrc := bmp.scanline[ys]+xs;
- inc(ys,pixelSize);
- for xb := temp.width-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- pdest^ := psrc^;
- inc(pdest);
- inc(psrc,pixelSize);
- end;
- end;
- temp.InvalidateBitmap;
- end else
- begin
- oldfilter := bmp.ResampleFilter;
- bmp.ResampleFilter := filter;
- temp := bmp.Resample(tx,ty,rmFineResample);
- bmp.ResampleFilter := oldfilter;
- end;
- stretched := temp.Resample(temp.Width*pixelSize,temp.Height*pixelSize,rmSimpleStretch);
- temp.free;
- if bmp.Width mod pixelSize = 0 then
- xs := 0
- else
- xs := (-pixelSize+(bmp.Width mod pixelSize)) div 2;
- if bmp.Height mod pixelSize = 0 then
- ys := 0
- else
- ys := (-pixelSize+(bmp.Height mod pixelSize)) div 2;
- result.PutImage(xs,ys,stretched,dmSet);
- stretched.Free;
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index 62d251e..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrafilterscanner.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,788 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAFilterScanner;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, BGRABitmapTypes, BGRAFilterType;
- { TBGRAFilterScannerGrayscale }
- { Grayscale converts colored pixel into grayscale with same luminosity }
- TBGRAFilterScannerGrayscale = class(TBGRAFilterScannerPixelwise)
- class procedure ComputeFilterAt(ASource: PBGRAPixel; ADest: PBGRAPixel;
- ACount: integer; AGammaCorrection: boolean); override;
- end;
- { TBGRAFilterScannerNegative }
- TBGRAFilterScannerNegative = class(TBGRAFilterScannerPixelwise)
- class procedure ComputeFilterAt(ASource: PBGRAPixel; ADest: PBGRAPixel;
- ACount: integer; AGammaCorrection: boolean); override;
- end;
- { TBGRAFilterScannerSwapRedBlue }
- TBGRAFilterScannerSwapRedBlue = class(TBGRAFilterScannerPixelwise)
- class procedure ComputeFilterAt(ASource: PBGRAPixel; ADest: PBGRAPixel;
- ACount: integer; {%H-}AGammaCorrection: boolean); override;
- end;
- { TBGRAFilterScannerNormalize }
- { Normalize compute min-max of specified channel and apply an affine transformation
- to make it use the full range of values }
- TBGRAFilterScannerNormalize = class(TBGRAFilterScannerPixelwise)
- private
- minValRed, maxValRed, minValGreen, maxValGreen,
- minValBlue, maxValBlue, minAlpha, maxAlpha: word;
- addValRed, addValGreen, addValBlue, addAlpha: word;
- factorValRed, factorValGreen, factorValBlue, factorAlpha: int32or64;
- procedure DetermineNormalizationFactors(ABounds: TRect; AEachChannel: boolean);
- protected
- procedure DoComputeFilterAt(ASource: PBGRAPixel; ADest: PBGRAPixel;
- ACount: integer; {%H-}AGammaCorrection: boolean); override;
- public
- constructor Create(ASource: IBGRAScanner; AOffset: TPoint; ABounds: TRect;
- AEachChannel: boolean);
- class procedure ComputeFilterAt({%H-}ASource: PBGRAPixel; {%H-}ADest: PBGRAPixel;
- {%H-}ACount: integer; {%H-}AGammaCorrection: boolean); override;
- end;
- { TBGRA3X3FilterScanner }
- TBGRA3X3FilterScanner = class(TBGRAFilterScannerMultipixel)
- protected
- FSourceBorderColor,FDestinationBorderColor: TBGRAPixel;
- FAutoSourceBorderColor: boolean;
- function DoFilter3X3(PTop,PMiddle,PBottom: PBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel; virtual; abstract;
- procedure DoComputeFilter(BufferX: Integer;
- const Buffers: array of PBGRAPixel; BufferWidth: integer;
- ADest: PBGRAPixel; ACount: integer); override;
- public
- constructor Create(ASource: IBGRAScanner; ABounds: TRect); overload;
- constructor Create(ASource: TBGRACustomBitmap); overload;
- property SourceBorderColor: TBGRAPixel read FSourceBorderColor write FSourceBorderColor;
- property DestinationBorderColor: TBGRAPixel read FDestinationBorderColor write FDestinationBorderColor;
- property AutoSourceBorderColor: boolean read FAutoSourceBorderColor write FAutoSourceBorderColor;
- end;
- { TBGRAContourScanner }
- { Filter contour compute a grayscale image, then for each pixel
- calculates the difference with surrounding pixels (in intensity and alpha)
- and draw black pixels when there is a difference }
- TBGRAContourScanner = class(TBGRA3X3FilterScanner)
- protected
- FGammaCorrection: boolean;
- FOpacity: byte;
- function DoFilter3X3(PTop,PMiddle,PBottom: PBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel; override;
- public
- constructor Create(ASource: IBGRAScanner; ABounds: TRect;
- AGammaCorrection: boolean = False); overload;
- constructor Create(ASource: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- AGammaCorrection: boolean = False); overload;
- property Opacity: Byte read FOpacity write FOpacity;
- end;
- { TBGRASharpenScanner }
- TBGRASharpenScanner = class(TBGRA3X3FilterScanner)
- protected
- FAmount: integer;
- function DoFilter3X3(PTop,PMiddle,PBottom: PBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel; override;
- public
- constructor Create(ASource: IBGRAScanner; ABounds: TRect;
- AAmount: integer = 256); overload;
- constructor Create(ASource: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- AAmount: integer = 256); overload;
- end;
- { TBGRAEmbossHightlightScanner }
- TBGRAEmbossHightlightScanner = class(TBGRA3X3FilterScanner)
- protected
- FFillSelection: boolean;
- FSourceChannel: TChannel;
- FChannelOffset: Byte;
- function DoFilter3X3(PTop,PMiddle,PBottom: PBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel; override;
- procedure SetSourceChannel(AValue: TChannel);
- public
- constructor Create(ASource: IBGRAScanner; ABounds: TRect; ABoundsVisible: Boolean); overload;
- constructor Create(ASource: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABoundsVisible: Boolean); overload;
- property FillSelection: boolean read FFillSelection write FFillSelection;
- property SourceChannel: TChannel read FSourceChannel write SetSourceChannel;
- end;
-uses BGRABlend, math, SysUtils;
-{ TBGRAEmbossHightlightScanner }
-procedure TBGRAEmbossHightlightScanner.SetSourceChannel(AValue: TChannel);
- FSourceChannel:=AValue;
- FChannelOffset:= TBGRAPixel_ChannelByteOffset[FSourceChannel];
-function TBGRAEmbossHightlightScanner.DoFilter3X3(PTop, PMiddle,
- PBottom: PBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
- sum: Int32or64;
- slope,h: byte;
- highlight: TBGRAPixel;
- sum := Int32or64((PByte(PTop)+FChannelOffset)^) +
- Int32or64((PByte(PTop+1)+FChannelOffset)^) +
- Int32or64((PByte(PMiddle)+FChannelOffset)^) -
- Int32or64((PByte(PMiddle+2)+FChannelOffset)^) -
- Int32or64((PByte(PBottom+1)+FChannelOffset)^) -
- Int32or64((PByte(PBottom+2)+FChannelOffset)^);
- sum := 128 - sum div 3;
- if sum > 255 then
- slope := 255
- else
- if sum < 1 then
- slope := 1
- else
- slope := sum;
- h := (PByte(PMiddle+1)+FChannelOffset)^;
- result.red := slope;
- result.green := slope;
- result.blue := slope;
- result.alpha := abs(slope - 128) * 2;
- if FFillSelection then
- begin
- highlight := BGRA(h shr 2, h shr 1, h, h shr 1);
- if result.red < highlight.red then
- result.red := highlight.red;
- if result.green < highlight.green then
- result.green := highlight.green;
- if result.blue < highlight.blue then
- result.blue := highlight.blue;
- if result.alpha < highlight.alpha then
- result.alpha := highlight.alpha;
- end;
-constructor TBGRAEmbossHightlightScanner.Create(ASource: IBGRAScanner;
- ABounds: TRect; ABoundsVisible: Boolean);
- inherited Create(ASource,ABounds);
- SourceChannel := cGreen;
- FillSelection:= true;
- AutoSourceBorderColor := not ABoundsVisible;
-constructor TBGRAEmbossHightlightScanner.Create(ASource: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- ABoundsVisible: Boolean);
- inherited Create(ASource);
- SourceChannel := cGreen;
- FillSelection:= true;
- AutoSourceBorderColor := not ABoundsVisible;
-{ TBGRA3X3FilterScanner }
-procedure TBGRA3X3FilterScanner.DoComputeFilter(BufferX: Integer;
- const Buffers: array of PBGRAPixel; BufferWidth: integer; ADest: PBGRAPixel;
- ACount: integer);
-var MiddleX: Integer;
- TopLine,MiddleLine,BottomLine: array[0..2] of TBGRAPixel;
- PTop,PMiddle,PBottom: PBGRAPixel;
- borderColor: TBGRAPixel;
- if Buffers[1] = nil then
- begin
- FillDWord(ADest^, ACount, LongWord(FDestinationBorderColor));
- exit;
- end;
- MiddleX := BufferX+1;
- while (ACount > 0) and (MiddleX < 0) do
- begin
- ADest^ := FDestinationBorderColor;
- Dec(ACount);
- Inc(ADest);
- Inc(MiddleX);
- end;
- if (ACount > 0) and (MiddleX = 0) and (MiddleX < BufferWidth) then
- begin
- MiddleLine[1] := Buffers[1][MiddleX];
- if AutoSourceBorderColor then borderColor := MiddleLine[1]
- else borderColor := FSourceBorderColor;
- TopLine[0] := borderColor;
- MiddleLine[0] := borderColor;
- BottomLine[0] := borderColor;
- if Buffers[0] = nil then TopLine[1] := borderColor else TopLine[1] := Buffers[0][MiddleX];
- if Buffers[2] = nil then BottomLine[1] := borderColor else BottomLine[1] := Buffers[2][MiddleX];
- inc(MiddleX);
- if MiddleX >= BufferWidth then
- begin
- TopLine[2] := borderColor;
- MiddleLine[2] := borderColor;
- BottomLine[2] := borderColor;
- end else
- begin
- if Buffers[0] = nil then TopLine[2] := borderColor else TopLine[2] := Buffers[0][MiddleX];
- MiddleLine[2] := Buffers[1][MiddleX];
- if Buffers[2] = nil then BottomLine[2] := borderColor else BottomLine[2] := Buffers[2][MiddleX];
- end;
- ADest^ := DoFilter3X3(@TopLine,@MiddleLine,@BottomLine);
- Dec(ACount);
- Inc(ADest);
- end;
- if (Buffers[0]<>nil) and (Buffers[2]<>nil) then
- begin
- while (ACount > 0) and (MiddleX+1 < BufferWidth) do
- begin
- ADest^ := DoFilter3X3(@Buffers[0][MiddleX-1],@Buffers[1][MiddleX-1],@Buffers[2][MiddleX-1]);
- Inc(MiddleX);
- Dec(ACount);
- Inc(ADest);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- if not AutoSourceBorderColor then
- begin
- TopLine[0] := FSourceBorderColor;
- TopLine[1] := FSourceBorderColor;
- TopLine[2] := FSourceBorderColor;
- BottomLine[0] := FSourceBorderColor;
- BottomLine[1] := FSourceBorderColor;
- BottomLine[2] := FSourceBorderColor;
- end;
- while (ACount > 0) and (MiddleX+1 < BufferWidth) do
- begin
- PMiddle:= @Buffers[1][MiddleX-1];
- if Buffers[0] = nil then
- begin
- if AutoSourceBorderColor then
- begin
- TopLine[0] := PMiddle[1];
- TopLine[1] := PMiddle[1];
- TopLine[2] := PMiddle[1];
- end;
- PTop := @TopLine;
- end
- else PTop := @Buffers[0][MiddleX-1];
- if Buffers[2] = nil then
- begin
- if AutoSourceBorderColor then
- begin
- BottomLine[0] := PMiddle[1];
- BottomLine[1] := PMiddle[1];
- BottomLine[2] := PMiddle[1];
- end;
- PBottom := @BottomLine;
- end
- else PBottom := @Buffers[2][MiddleX-1];
- ADest^ := DoFilter3X3(PTop,PMiddle,PBottom);
- Inc(MiddleX);
- Dec(ACount);
- Inc(ADest);
- end;
- end;
- if (ACount > 0) and (MiddleX < BufferWidth) then
- begin
- MiddleLine[1] := Buffers[1][MiddleX];
- if AutoSourceBorderColor then borderColor := MiddleLine[1]
- else borderColor := FSourceBorderColor;
- if Buffers[0] = nil then TopLine[0] := borderColor else TopLine[0] := Buffers[0][MiddleX-1];
- MiddleLine[0] := Buffers[1][MiddleX-1];
- if Buffers[2] = nil then BottomLine[0] := borderColor else BottomLine[0] := Buffers[2][MiddleX-1];
- if Buffers[0] = nil then TopLine[1] := borderColor else TopLine[1] := Buffers[0][MiddleX];
- if Buffers[2] = nil then BottomLine[1] := borderColor else BottomLine[1] := Buffers[2][MiddleX];
- inc(MiddleX);
- if MiddleX >= BufferWidth then
- begin
- TopLine[2] := borderColor;
- MiddleLine[2] := borderColor;
- BottomLine[2] := borderColor;
- end else
- begin
- if Buffers[0] = nil then TopLine[2] := borderColor else TopLine[2] := Buffers[0][MiddleX];
- MiddleLine[2] := Buffers[1][MiddleX];
- if Buffers[2] = nil then BottomLine[2] := borderColor else BottomLine[2] := Buffers[2][MiddleX];
- end;
- ADest^ := DoFilter3X3(@TopLine,@MiddleLine,@BottomLine);
- Dec(ACount);
- Inc(ADest);
- end;
- while (ACount > 0) do
- begin
- ADest^ := FDestinationBorderColor;
- Dec(ACount);
- Inc(ADest);
- end;
-constructor TBGRA3X3FilterScanner.Create(ASource: IBGRAScanner;
- ABounds: TRect);
- inherited Create(ASource,ABounds,Point(-1,-1),3,3);
- FSourceBorderColor := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- FDestinationBorderColor := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- FAutoSourceBorderColor := False;
-constructor TBGRA3X3FilterScanner.Create(ASource: TBGRACustomBitmap);
- inherited Create(ASource,Rect(0,0,ASource.Width,ASource.Height),Point(-1,-1),3,3);
- FSourceBorderColor := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- FDestinationBorderColor := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- FAutoSourceBorderColor := False;
- AllowDirectRead := true;
-{ TBGRASharpenScanner }
-function TBGRASharpenScanner.DoFilter3X3(PTop, PMiddle, PBottom: PBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
- sumR, sumG, sumB, sumA, nbA: UInt32or64;
- refPixel: TBGRAPixel;
- rgbDivShr1: UInt32or64;
- if FAmount = 0 then
- begin
- result := PMiddle[1];
- exit;
- end;
- //compute sum
- sumR := 0;
- sumG := 0;
- sumB := 0;
- sumA := 0;
- //RGBdiv := 0;
- nbA := 0;
- {$hints off}
- with PTop[0] do if alpha <> 0 then begin inc(sumR, red * alpha); inc(sumG, green * alpha); inc(sumB, blue * alpha); inc(sumA, alpha); inc(nbA); end;
- with PTop[1] do if alpha <> 0 then begin inc(sumR, red * alpha); inc(sumG, green * alpha); inc(sumB, blue * alpha); inc(sumA, alpha); inc(nbA); end;
- with PTop[2] do if alpha <> 0 then begin inc(sumR, red * alpha); inc(sumG, green * alpha); inc(sumB, blue * alpha); inc(sumA, alpha); inc(nbA); end;
- with PMiddle[0] do if alpha <> 0 then begin inc(sumR, red * alpha); inc(sumG, green * alpha); inc(sumB, blue * alpha); inc(sumA, alpha); inc(nbA); end;
- with PMiddle[2] do if alpha <> 0 then begin inc(sumR, red * alpha); inc(sumG, green * alpha); inc(sumB, blue * alpha); inc(sumA, alpha); inc(nbA); end;
- with PBottom[0] do if alpha <> 0 then begin inc(sumR, red * alpha); inc(sumG, green * alpha); inc(sumB, blue * alpha); inc(sumA, alpha); inc(nbA); end;
- with PBottom[1] do if alpha <> 0 then begin inc(sumR, red * alpha); inc(sumG, green * alpha); inc(sumB, blue * alpha); inc(sumA, alpha); inc(nbA); end;
- with PBottom[2] do if alpha <> 0 then begin inc(sumR, red * alpha); inc(sumG, green * alpha); inc(sumB, blue * alpha); inc(sumA, alpha); inc(nbA); end;
- {$hints on}
- //we finally have an average pixel
- if (sumA = 0) then
- refPixel := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- begin
- rgbDivShr1:= sumA shr 1;
- refPixel.red := (sumR + rgbDivShr1) div sumA;
- refPixel.green := (sumG + rgbDivShr1) div sumA;
- refPixel.blue := (sumB + rgbDivShr1) div sumA;
- refPixel.alpha := (sumA + nbA shr 1) div nbA;
- end;
- //read the pixel at the center of the square
- if refPixel <> BGRAPixelTransparent then
- begin
- with PMiddle[1] do
- begin
- //compute sharpened pixel by adding the difference
- if FAmount<>256 then
- result := BGRA( max(0, min($FFFF, Int32or64(red shl 8) +
- FAmount*(red - refPixel.red))) shr 8,
- max(0, min($FFFF, Int32or64(green shl 8) +
- FAmount*(green - refPixel.green))) shr 8,
- max(0, min($FFFF, Int32or64(blue shl 8) +
- FAmount*(blue - refPixel.blue))) shr 8,
- max(0, min($FFFF, Int32or64(alpha shl 8) +
- FAmount*(alpha - refPixel.alpha))) shr 8 )
- else
- result := BGRA( max(0, min(255, (red shl 1) - refPixel.red)),
- max(0, min(255, (green shl 1) - refPixel.green)),
- max(0, min(255, (blue shl 1) - refPixel.blue)),
- max(0, min(255, (alpha shl 1) - refPixel.alpha)));
- end;
- end else
- result := PMiddle[1];
-constructor TBGRASharpenScanner.Create(ASource: IBGRAScanner;
- ABounds: TRect; AAmount: integer);
- inherited Create(ASource,ABounds);
- FAmount:= AAmount;
-constructor TBGRASharpenScanner.Create(ASource: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- AAmount: integer);
- inherited Create(ASource);
- FAmount:= AAmount;
-{ TBGRAContourScanner }
-function TBGRAContourScanner.DoFilter3X3(PTop, PMiddle, PBottom: PBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
- sum: Int32or64;
- slope: byte;
- if FGammaCorrection then
- begin
- sum := (FastBGRAExpandedDiff(PTop[0],PBottom[2]) + FastBGRAExpandedDiff(PTop[1],PBottom[1]) +
- FastBGRAExpandedDiff(PTop[2],PBottom[0]) + FastBGRAExpandedDiff(PMiddle[0],PMiddle[2])) div 3;
- if sum >= 65535 then
- slope := 0
- else if sum <= 0 then
- slope := 255
- else slope := GammaCompressionTab[65535-sum];
- end else
- begin
- sum := (FastBGRALinearDiff(PTop[0],PBottom[2]) + FastBGRALinearDiff(PTop[1],PBottom[1]) +
- FastBGRALinearDiff(PTop[2],PBottom[0]) + FastBGRALinearDiff(PMiddle[0],PMiddle[2])) div 3;
- if sum >= 255 then
- slope := 0
- else if sum < 0 then
- slope := 255
- else slope := 255-sum;
- end;
- result.red := slope;
- result.green := slope;
- result.blue := slope;
- result.alpha := FOpacity;
-constructor TBGRAContourScanner.Create(ASource: IBGRAScanner;
- ABounds: TRect; AGammaCorrection: boolean);
- inherited Create(ASource,ABounds);
- FGammaCorrection := AGammaCorrection;
- AutoSourceBorderColor:= True;
- FOpacity:= 255;
-constructor TBGRAContourScanner.Create(ASource: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- AGammaCorrection: boolean);
- inherited Create(ASource);
- FGammaCorrection := AGammaCorrection;
- AutoSourceBorderColor:= True;
- FOpacity:= 255;
-{ TBGRAFilterScannerNormalize }
-procedure TBGRAFilterScannerNormalize.DetermineNormalizationFactors(ABounds: TRect; AEachChannel: boolean);
- buffer: TBGRAPixelBuffer;
- p: PBGRAPixel;
- c: TExpandedPixel;
- yb, xb: LongInt;
- if (ABounds.Right <= ABounds.Left) or (ABounds.Bottom <= ABounds.Top) then
- begin
- addValRed := 0;
- addValGreen := 0;
- addValBlue := 0;
- addAlpha := 0;
- factorValRed := 4096;
- factorValGreen := 4096;
- factorValBlue := 4096;
- factorAlpha := 4096;
- exit;
- end;
- maxValRed := 0;
- minValRed := 65535;
- maxValGreen := 0;
- minValGreen := 65535;
- maxValBlue := 0;
- minValBlue := 65535;
- maxAlpha := 0;
- minAlpha := 65535;
- buffer := nil;
- for yb := ABounds.Top to ABounds.Bottom do
- begin
- if Source.ProvidesScanline(rect(ABounds.Left,yb,ABounds.Right,yb+1)) then
- p := Source.GetScanlineAt(ABounds.Left,yb)
- else
- begin
- Source.ScanMoveTo(ABounds.Left,yb);
- AllocateBGRAPixelBuffer(buffer, ABounds.Right-ABounds.Left);
- p := @buffer[0];
- ScannerPutPixels(Source,p,ABounds.Right-ABounds.Left,dmSet);
- end;
- for xb := ABounds.Right-ABounds.Left-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- c := GammaExpansion(p[xb]);
- if c.red > maxValRed then
- maxValRed := c.red;
- if c.green > maxValGreen then
- maxValGreen := c.green;
- if c.blue > maxValBlue then
- maxValBlue := c.blue;
- if c.red < minValRed then
- minValRed := c.red;
- if c.green < minValGreen then
- minValGreen := c.green;
- if c.blue < minValBlue then
- minValBlue := c.blue;
- if c.alpha > maxAlpha then
- maxAlpha := c.alpha;
- if c.alpha < minAlpha then
- minAlpha := c.alpha;
- end;
- end;
- if not AEachChannel then
- begin
- minValRed := min(min(minValRed, minValGreen), minValBlue);
- maxValRed := max(max(maxValRed, maxValGreen), maxValBlue);
- minValGreen := minValRed;
- maxValGreen := maxValRed;
- minValBlue := minValBlue;
- maxValBlue := maxValBlue;
- end;
- if maxValRed > minValRed then
- begin
- factorValRed := 268431360 div (maxValRed - minValRed);
- addValRed := 0;
- end else
- begin
- factorValRed := 0;
- if minValRed = 0 then
- addValRed := 0
- else addValRed := 65535;
- end;
- if maxValGreen > minValGreen then
- begin
- factorValGreen := 268431360 div (maxValGreen - minValGreen);
- addValGreen := 0;
- end else
- begin
- factorValGreen := 0;
- if minValGreen = 0 then
- addValGreen := 0
- else addValGreen := 65535;
- end;
- if maxValBlue > minValBlue then
- begin
- factorValBlue := 268431360 div (maxValBlue - minValBlue);
- addValBlue := 0;
- end else
- begin
- factorValBlue := 0;
- if minValBlue = 0 then
- addValBlue := 0 else
- addValBlue := 65535;
- end;
- if maxAlpha > minAlpha then
- begin
- factorAlpha := 268431360 div (maxAlpha - minAlpha);
- addAlpha := 0;
- end else
- begin
- factorAlpha := 0;
- if minAlpha = 0 then
- addAlpha := 0 else
- addAlpha := 65535;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAFilterScannerNormalize.DoComputeFilterAt(ASource: PBGRAPixel;
- ADest: PBGRAPixel; ACount: integer; AGammaCorrection: boolean);
- c: TExpandedPixel;
- While ACount > 0 do
- begin
- c := GammaExpansion(ASource^);
- Inc(ASource);
- c.red := ((c.red - minValRed) * factorValRed + 2047) shr 12 + addValRed;
- c.green := ((c.green - minValGreen) * factorValGreen + 2047) shr 12 + addValGreen;
- c.blue := ((c.blue - minValBlue) * factorValBlue + 2047) shr 12 + addValBlue;
- c.alpha := ((c.alpha - minAlpha) * factorAlpha + 2047) shr 12 + addAlpha;
- ADest^ := GammaCompression(c);
- Inc(ADest);
- dec(ACount);
- end;
-constructor TBGRAFilterScannerNormalize.Create(ASource: IBGRAScanner;
- AOffset: TPoint; ABounds: TRect; AEachChannel: boolean);
- inherited Create(ASource,AOffset,True);
- DetermineNormalizationFactors(ABounds, AEachChannel);
-class procedure TBGRAFilterScannerNormalize.ComputeFilterAt(
- ASource: PBGRAPixel; ADest: PBGRAPixel; ACount: integer;
- AGammaCorrection: boolean);
- raise exception.Create('Normalize filter scanner cannot be called as a class procedure');
-{ TBGRAFilterScannerSwapRedBlue }
-class procedure TBGRAFilterScannerSwapRedBlue.ComputeFilterAt(
- ASource: PBGRAPixel; ADest: PBGRAPixel; ACount: integer;
- AGammaCorrection: boolean);
-const RedMask = 255 shl TBGRAPixel_RedShift;
- BlueMask = 255 shl TBGRAPixel_BlueShift;
- GreenAndAlphaMask = (255 shl TBGRAPixel_GreenShift) or (255 shl TBGRAPixel_AlphaShift);
- RedMask64 = RedMask or (RedMask shl 32);
- BlueMask64 = BlueMask or (BlueMask shl 32);
- GreenAndAlphaMask64 = GreenAndAlphaMask or (GreenAndAlphaMask shl 32);
- temp: LongWord;
- temp64: QWord;
- oddN: boolean;
- if ACount <= 0 then exit;
- oddN := odd(ACount);
- ACount := ACount shr 1;
- if TBGRAPixel_RedShift > TBGRAPixel_BlueShift then
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- temp64 := PQWord(ASource)^;
- PQWord(ADest)^ := ((temp64 and BlueMask64) shl (TBGRAPixel_RedShift-TBGRAPixel_BlueShift)) or
- ((temp64 and RedMask64) shr (TBGRAPixel_RedShift-TBGRAPixel_BlueShift)) or
- (temp64 and GreenAndAlphaMask64);
- dec(ACount);
- inc(ASource,2);
- inc(ADest,2);
- end else
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- temp64 := PQWord(ASource)^;
- PQWord(ADest)^ := ((temp64 and BlueMask64) shr (TBGRAPixel_BlueShift-TBGRAPixel_RedShift)) or
- ((temp64 and RedMask64) shl (TBGRAPixel_BlueShift-TBGRAPixel_RedShift)) or
- (temp64 and GreenAndAlphaMask64);
- dec(ACount);
- inc(ASource,2);
- inc(ADest,2);
- end;
- if oddN then
- begin
- if TBGRAPixel_RedShift > TBGRAPixel_BlueShift then
- begin
- temp := PLongWord(ASource)^;
- PLongWord(ADest)^ := ((temp and BlueMask) shl (TBGRAPixel_RedShift-TBGRAPixel_BlueShift)) or
- ((temp and RedMask) shr (TBGRAPixel_RedShift-TBGRAPixel_BlueShift)) or
- (temp and GreenAndAlphaMask);
- end else
- begin
- temp := PLongWord(ASource)^;
- PLongWord(ADest)^ := ((temp and BlueMask) shr (TBGRAPixel_BlueShift-TBGRAPixel_RedShift)) or
- ((temp and RedMask) shl (TBGRAPixel_BlueShift-TBGRAPixel_RedShift)) or
- (temp and GreenAndAlphaMask);
- end;
- end;
- {$POP}
-{ TBGRAFilterScannerNegative }
-class procedure TBGRAFilterScannerNegative.ComputeFilterAt(
- ASource: PBGRAPixel; ADest: PBGRAPixel; ACount: integer;
- AGammaCorrection: boolean);
- if ADest = ASource then
- begin
- if AGammaCorrection then
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- with ADest^ do
- if alpha <> 0 then
- begin
- ADest^.red := GammaCompressionTab[not GammaExpansionTab[red]];
- ADest^.green := GammaCompressionTab[not GammaExpansionTab[green]];
- ADest^.blue := GammaCompressionTab[not GammaExpansionTab[blue]];
- end;
- Inc(ADest);
- dec(ACount);
- end else
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- if ADest^.alpha <> 0 then
- LongWord(ADest^) := LongWord(ADest^) xor ($ffffffff and not ($ff shl TBGRAPixel_AlphaShift));
- Inc(ADest);
- dec(ACount);
- end;
- end else
- if AGammaCorrection then
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- with ASource^ do
- if alpha = 0 then
- ADest^ := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- begin
- ADest^.red := GammaCompressionTab[not GammaExpansionTab[red]];
- ADest^.green := GammaCompressionTab[not GammaExpansionTab[green]];
- ADest^.blue := GammaCompressionTab[not GammaExpansionTab[blue]];
- ADest^.alpha := alpha;
- end;
- inc(ASource);
- Inc(ADest);
- dec(ACount);
- end else
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- if ASource^.alpha = 0 then
- ADest^ := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- LongWord(ADest^) := LongWord(ASource^) xor ($ffffffff and not ($ff shl TBGRAPixel_AlphaShift));
- inc(ASource);
- Inc(ADest);
- dec(ACount);
- end;
-{ TBGRAFilterScannerGrayscale }
-class procedure TBGRAFilterScannerGrayscale.ComputeFilterAt(
- ASource: PBGRAPixel; ADest: PBGRAPixel; ACount: integer;
- AGammaCorrection: boolean);
- if ASource = ADest then
- begin
- if AGammaCorrection then
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- if ADest^.alpha <> 0 then
- ADest^ := BGRAToGrayscale(ADest^);
- Inc(ADest);
- dec(ACount);
- end else
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- if ADest^.alpha <> 0 then
- ADest^ := BGRAToGrayscaleLinear(ADest^);
- Inc(ADest);
- dec(ACount);
- end;
- end else
- if AGammaCorrection then
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- ADest^ := BGRAToGrayscale(ASource^);
- inc(ASource);
- Inc(ADest);
- dec(ACount);
- end else
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- ADest^ := BGRAToGrayscaleLinear(ASource^);
- inc(ASource);
- Inc(ADest);
- dec(ACount);
- end;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrafiltertype.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrafiltertype.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 9eed018..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrafiltertype.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,464 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAFilterType;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, BGRABitmapTypes;
- FilterScannerChunkSize = 16;
- TCheckShouldStopFunc = function(ACurrentY: integer) : boolean of object;
- { TFilterTask }
- TFilterTask = class
- private
- FCheckShouldStop: TCheckShouldStopFunc;
- FScanOffset: TPoint;
- procedure SetDestination(AValue: TBGRACustomBitmap);
- function GetInplace: boolean;
- procedure SetInplace(AValue: boolean);
- protected
- FDestination: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- FSource: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- FSourceScanner: IBGRAScanner;
- FCurrentY: integer;
- function GetShouldStop(ACurrentY: integer): boolean;
- procedure DoExecute; virtual; abstract;
- function RequestSourceScanLine(X,Y,Count: Integer): PBGRAPixel;
- procedure ReleaseSourceScanLine(P: PBGRAPixel);
- function RequestSourceExpandedScanLine(X,Y,Count: Integer): PExpandedPixel;
- procedure ReleaseSourceExpandedScanLine(P: PExpandedPixel);
- procedure SetSource(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap); overload;
- procedure SetSource(AScanner: IBGRAScanner); overload;
- public
- function Execute: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- property Destination: TBGRACustomBitmap read FDestination write SetDestination;
- property CheckShouldStop: TCheckShouldStopFunc read FCheckShouldStop write FCheckShouldStop;
- property CurrentY: integer read FCurrentY;
- property ScanOffset: TPoint read FScanOffset write FScanOffset;
- property Inplace: boolean read GetInplace write SetInplace;
- end;
- { TBGRAFilterScanner }
- TBGRAFilterScanner = class(TBGRACustomScanner)
- private
- FAllowDirectRead: boolean;
- FCurX,FCurY: integer;
- FSource: IBGRAScanner;
- FOffset: TPoint;
- FVariablePixelBuffer: TBGRAPixelBuffer;
- FOutputBuffer: packed array[0..FilterScannerChunkSize-1] of TBGRAPixel;
- FOutputBufferPos: integer;
- public
- constructor Create(ASource: IBGRAScanner; AOffset: TPoint);
- procedure ComputeFilter(ASource: IBGRAScanner; X,Y: Integer; ADest: PBGRAPixel; ACount: integer); virtual; abstract;
- function ScanAtInteger(X,Y: integer): TBGRAPixel; override;
- procedure ScanMoveTo(X,Y: Integer); override;
- function ScanNextPixel: TBGRAPixel; override;
- procedure ScanPutPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; count: integer; mode: TDrawMode); override;
- procedure ScanSkipPixels(ACount: integer); override;
- function IsScanPutPixelsDefined: boolean; override;
- function ScanAt(X,Y: Single): TBGRAPixel; override;
- property Source: IBGRAScanner read FSource;
- property Offset: TPoint read FOffset;
- property AllowDirectRead: boolean read FAllowDirectRead write FAllowDirectRead;
- end;
- { TBGRAFilterScannerPixelwise }
- TBGRAFilterScannerPixelwise = class(TBGRAFilterScanner)
- private
- FBuffer: TBGRAPixelBuffer;
- FGammaCorrection: boolean;
- protected
- procedure DoComputeFilterAt(ASource: PBGRAPixel; ADest: PBGRAPixel;
- ACount: integer; AGammaCorrection: boolean); virtual;
- public
- constructor Create(ASource: IBGRAScanner; AOffset: TPoint; AGammaCorrection: boolean = true);
- procedure ComputeFilter(ASource: IBGRAScanner; X, Y: Integer; ADest: PBGRAPixel;
- ACount: integer); override;
- class procedure ComputeFilterAt(ASource: PBGRAPixel; ADest: PBGRAPixel;
- ACount: integer; AGammaCorrection: boolean); virtual; abstract;
- class procedure ComputeFilterInplace(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABounds: TRect;
- AGammaCorrection: boolean); virtual;
- property GammaCorrection: boolean read FGammaCorrection write FGammaCorrection;
- end;
- { TBGRAFilterScannerMultipixel }
- TBGRAFilterScannerMultipixel = class(TBGRAFilterScanner)
- private
- FSourceBounds: TRect;
- FKernelWidth,FKernelHeight: integer;
- FCurBufferY: integer;
- FCurBufferYDefined: boolean;
- FBuffers: array of TBGRAPixelBuffer;
- FPBuffers: array of PBGRAPixel;
- protected
- procedure DoComputeFilter(BufferX: Integer; const Buffers: array of PBGRAPixel;
- BufferWidth: integer; ADest: PBGRAPixel; ACount: integer); virtual; abstract;
- procedure LoadBuffer(ASource: IBGRAScanner; X,Y: Integer; BufferIndex: Integer; ACount: integer); virtual;
- public
- constructor Create(ASource: IBGRAScanner; ASourceBounds: TRect; AOffset: TPoint;
- AKernelWidth,AKernelHeight: Integer);
- procedure ComputeFilter(ASource: IBGRAScanner; X, Y: Integer; ADest: PBGRAPixel;
- ACount: integer); override;
- property KernelWidth: integer read FKernelWidth;
- property KernelHeight: integer read FKernelHeight;
- property SourceBounds: TRect read FSourceBounds;
- end;
-uses SysUtils, BGRABlend;
-{ TFilterTask }
-function TFilterTask.GetShouldStop(ACurrentY: integer): boolean;
- FCurrentY:= ACurrentY;
- if Assigned(FCheckShouldStop) then
- result := FCheckShouldStop(ACurrentY)
- else
- result := false;
-function TFilterTask.RequestSourceScanLine(X, Y, Count: Integer): PBGRAPixel;
- if FSource <> nil then
- result := FSource.ScanLine[y]+x
- else
- begin
- getmem(result, sizeof(TBGRAPixel)*Count);
- FSourceScanner.ScanMoveTo(X+FScanOffset.X,Y+FScanOffset.Y);
- FSourceScanner.ScanPutPixels(result,count,dmSet);
- end;
-procedure TFilterTask.ReleaseSourceScanLine(P: PBGRAPixel);
- if FSource = nil then
- if p <> nil then freemem(p);
-function TFilterTask.RequestSourceExpandedScanLine(X, Y, Count: Integer
- ): PExpandedPixel;
-var p: PBGRAPixel;
- pexp: PExpandedPixel;
- getmem(result, sizeof(TExpandedPixel)*Count);
- if FSource <> nil then
- begin
- p := FSource.ScanLine[Y]+x;
- pexp := result;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- pexp^ := GammaExpansion(p^);
- inc(pexp);
- inc(p);
- dec(Count);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- FSourceScanner.ScanMoveTo(X+FScanOffset.X,Y+FScanOffset.Y);
- pexp := result;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- pexp^ := FSourceScanner.ScanNextExpandedPixel;
- inc(pexp);
- dec(Count);
- end;
- end;
-procedure TFilterTask.ReleaseSourceExpandedScanLine(P: PExpandedPixel);
- if p <> nil then freemem(p);
-procedure TFilterTask.SetSource(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap);
- FSource := ABitmap;
- FSourceScanner := nil;
-procedure TFilterTask.SetSource(AScanner: IBGRAScanner);
- FSource := nil;
- FSourceScanner := AScanner;
-function TFilterTask.Execute: TBGRACustomBitmap;
-var DestinationOwned: boolean;
- FCurrentY := 0;
- if Destination = nil then
- begin
- if FSource = nil then //using default factory
- FDestination := BGRABitmapFactory.create(FSource.Width,FSource.Height)
- else
- FDestination := FSource.NewBitmap(FSource.Width,FSource.Height);
- DestinationOwned:= true;
- end else
- DestinationOwned:= false;
- try
- DoExecute;
- result := Destination;
- FDestination := nil;
- except
- on ex: exception do
- begin
- if DestinationOwned then FreeAndNil(FDestination);
- raise ex;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TFilterTask.SetDestination(AValue: TBGRACustomBitmap);
- if FDestination <> nil then
- raise exception.Create('Destination is already defined');
- FDestination := AValue;
-function TFilterTask.GetInplace: boolean;
- result := (Destination = FSource) and (FSource <> nil);
-procedure TFilterTask.SetInplace(AValue: boolean);
- if AValue = InPlace then exit;
- if AValue and (FSource = nil) then
- raise exception.Create('Inplace is valid only when source image is defined');
- Destination := FSource;
-{ TBGRAFilterScanner }
-constructor TBGRAFilterScanner.Create(ASource: IBGRAScanner; AOffset: TPoint);
- FSource := ASource;
- FOffset := AOffset;
- FOutputBufferPos := FilterScannerChunkSize;
-function TBGRAFilterScanner.ScanAtInteger(X, Y: integer): TBGRAPixel;
- ScanMoveTo(X,Y);
- result := ScanNextPixel;
-procedure TBGRAFilterScanner.ScanMoveTo(X, Y: Integer);
- FCurX := X;
- FCurY := Y;
- FOutputBufferPos := FilterScannerChunkSize;
-function TBGRAFilterScanner.ScanNextPixel: TBGRAPixel;
- if FOutputBufferPos >= FilterScannerChunkSize then
- begin
- ComputeFilter(FSource,FCurX+FOffset.X,FCurY+FOffset.Y,@FOutputBuffer[0],FilterScannerChunkSize);
- FOutputBufferPos := 0;
- end;
- Result:= FOutputBuffer[FOutputBufferPos];
- inc(FOutputBufferPos);
- inc(FCurX);
-procedure TBGRAFilterScanner.ScanPutPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; count: integer;
- mode: TDrawMode);
- if mode = dmSet then
- begin
- ComputeFilter(FSource,FCurX+FOffset.X,FCurY+FOffset.Y,pdest,count);
- inc(FCurX,count);
- end else
- begin
- AllocateBGRAPixelBuffer(FVariablePixelBuffer, count);
- ComputeFilter(FSource,FCurX+FOffset.X,FCurY+FOffset.Y,@FVariablePixelBuffer[0],count);
- inc(FCurX,count);
- PutPixels(pdest, @FVariablePixelBuffer[0], count, mode, 255);
- end;
-procedure TBGRAFilterScanner.ScanSkipPixels(ACount: integer);
- inc(FOutputBufferPos, ACount);
- inc(FCurX, ACount);
-function TBGRAFilterScanner.IsScanPutPixelsDefined: boolean;
- Result:= true;
-function TBGRAFilterScanner.ScanAt(X, Y: Single): TBGRAPixel;
- result := ScanAtInteger(round(X),round(Y));
-{ TBGRAFilterScannerPixelwise }
-procedure TBGRAFilterScannerPixelwise.DoComputeFilterAt(ASource: PBGRAPixel;
- ADest: PBGRAPixel; ACount: integer; AGammaCorrection: boolean);
- ComputeFilterAt(ASource,ADest,ACount,AGammaCorrection);
-constructor TBGRAFilterScannerPixelwise.Create(ASource: IBGRAScanner;
- AOffset: TPoint; AGammaCorrection: boolean);
- inherited Create(ASource,AOffset);
- GammaCorrection := AGammaCorrection;
- //it is most likely that direct read can be used, the only exception being
- //that the destination would be equal to the source and that there would
- //be an offset
- AllowDirectRead := true;
-procedure TBGRAFilterScannerPixelwise.ComputeFilter(ASource: IBGRAScanner; X,
- Y: Integer; ADest: PBGRAPixel; ACount: integer);
-var p: PBGRAPixel;
- if AllowDirectRead and ASource.ProvidesScanline(rect(x,y,x+ACount,y+1)) then
- begin
- p := ASource.GetScanlineAt(x,y);
- end else
- begin
- AllocateBGRAPixelBuffer(FBuffer, ACount);
- ASource.ScanMoveTo(X,Y);
- p := @FBuffer[0];
- ASource.ScanPutPixels(p, ACount, dmSet);
- end;
- DoComputeFilterAt(p,ADest,ACount,GammaCorrection);
-class procedure TBGRAFilterScannerPixelwise.ComputeFilterInplace(
- ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABounds: TRect; AGammaCorrection: boolean);
- yb: LongInt;
- p: Pointer;
- ABitmap.LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- if (ABounds.Left = 0) and (ABounds.Top = 0) and
- (ABounds.Right = ABitmap.Width) and (ABounds.Bottom = ABitmap.Height) then
- ComputeFilterAt(ABitmap.Data,ABitmap.Data,ABitmap.NbPixels,AGammaCorrection)
- else
- for yb := ABounds.Top to ABounds.Bottom-1 do
- begin
- p := ABitmap.ScanLine[yb]+ABounds.Left;
- ComputeFilterAt(p,p,ABounds.Right-ABounds.Left,AGammaCorrection);
- end;
- ABitmap.InvalidateBitmap;
-{ TBGRAFilterScannerMultipixel }
-procedure TBGRAFilterScannerMultipixel.LoadBuffer(ASource: IBGRAScanner; X,
- Y: Integer; BufferIndex: Integer; ACount: integer);
- if (Y < FSourceBounds.Top) or (Y >= FSourceBounds.Bottom) then
- FPBuffers[BufferIndex] := nil
- else
- if AllowDirectRead and ASource.ProvidesScanline(rect(x,y,x+ACount,y+1)) then
- begin
- FPBuffers[BufferIndex] := ASource.GetScanlineAt(X,Y);
- end else
- begin
- AllocateBGRAPixelBuffer(FBuffers[BufferIndex], ACount);
- ASource.ScanMoveTo(X,Y);
- FPBuffers[BufferIndex] := @(FBuffers[BufferIndex][0]);
- ASource.ScanPutPixels(FPBuffers[BufferIndex], ACount, dmSet);
- end;
-constructor TBGRAFilterScannerMultipixel.Create(ASource: IBGRAScanner;
- ASourceBounds: TRect; AOffset: TPoint; AKernelWidth, AKernelHeight: Integer);
- temp: Integer;
- inherited Create(ASource,AOffset);
- FSourceBounds := ASourceBounds;
- if FSourceBounds.Left > FSourceBounds.Right then
- begin
- temp := FSourceBounds.Left;
- FSourceBounds.Left := FSourceBounds.Right;
- FSourceBounds.Right := temp;
- end;
- if FSourceBounds.Top > FSourceBounds.Bottom then
- begin
- temp := FSourceBounds.Top;
- FSourceBounds.Top := FSourceBounds.Bottom;
- FSourceBounds.Bottom := temp;
- end;
- FKernelWidth := AKernelWidth;
- FKernelHeight:= AKernelHeight;
- SetLength(FBuffers, FKernelHeight);
- SetLength(FPBuffers, FKernelHeight);
- FCurBufferYDefined := false;
- //it is not sure that direct read can be used, because if the destination
- //is equal to the source, the output will change the input buffers
- AllowDirectRead := false;
-procedure TBGRAFilterScannerMultipixel.ComputeFilter(ASource: IBGRAScanner; X,
- Y: Integer; ADest: PBGRAPixel; ACount: integer);
- yb,dy: Integer;
- temp: TBGRAPixelBuffer;
- p: PBGRAPixel;
- if not FCurBufferYDefined or (Abs(Y-FCurBufferY)>=FKernelHeight) then
- begin
- FCurBufferY := y;
- FCurBufferYDefined := true;
- for yb := 0 to FKernelHeight-1 do
- LoadBuffer(ASource,FSourceBounds.Left,Y+yb,yb,SourceBounds.Right-FSourceBounds.Left);
- end else
- if Y < FCurBufferY then
- begin
- dy := FCurBufferY-y;
- for yb := FKernelHeight-1 downto dy do
- begin
- temp := FBuffers[yb];
- FBuffers[yb] := FBuffers[yb-dy];
- FBuffers[yb-dy] := temp;
- p := FPBuffers[yb];
- FPBuffers[yb] := FPBuffers[yb-dy];
- FPBuffers[yb-dy] := p;
- end;
- for yb := 0 to dy-1 do
- LoadBuffer(ASource,FSourceBounds.Left,Y+yb,yb,FSourceBounds.Right-FSourceBounds.Left);
- FCurBufferY := y;
- end else
- if Y > FCurBufferY then
- begin
- dy := y-FCurBufferY;
- for yb := 0 to FKernelHeight-1-dy do
- begin
- temp := FBuffers[yb];
- FBuffers[yb] := FBuffers[yb+dy];
- FBuffers[yb+dy] := temp;
- p := FPBuffers[yb];
- FPBuffers[yb] := FPBuffers[yb+dy];
- FPBuffers[yb+dy] := p;
- end;
- for yb := FKernelHeight-1-dy+1 to FKernelHeight-1 do
- LoadBuffer(ASource,FSourceBounds.Left,Y+yb,yb,FSourceBounds.Right-FSourceBounds.Left);
- FCurBufferY := y;
- end;
- DoComputeFilter(X-FSourceBounds.Left,FPBuffers,FSourceBounds.Right-FSourceBounds.Left,ADest,ACount);
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrafontgl.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrafontgl.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e21f0f..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrafontgl.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,694 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAFontGL;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BGRAGraphics, BGRAOpenGLType, BGRABitmapTypes,
- Avl_Tree;
- { TRenderedGlyph }
- TRenderedGlyph = class
- private
- FIdentifier: UTF8String;
- FTexture: IBGLTexture;
- FHorizontalOverflowPx, FVerticalOverflowPx, FAdvancePx: integer;
- public
- constructor Create(AIdentifier: UTF8String; ATexture: IBGLTexture;
- AHorizontalOverflowPx, AVerticalOverflowPx: integer);
- procedure Draw(x,y,Scale: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure Draw(x,y,Scale: single; AGradTopLeft, AGradTopRight, AGradBottomRight, AGradBottomLeft: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- property Identifier: UTF8String read FIdentifier;
- property AdvancePx: integer read FAdvancePx;
- end;
- { IBGLRenderedFont }
- IBGLRenderedFont = interface(IBGLFont)
- function GetBackgroundColor: TBGRAPixel;
- function GetColor: TBGRAPixel;
- function GetFontEmHeight: integer;
- function GetFontFullHeight: integer;
- function GetHorizontalOverflow: single;
- function GetName: string;
- function GetQuality: TBGRAFontQuality;
- function GetStyle: TFontStyles;
- function GetVerticalOverflow: single;
- procedure SetBackgroundColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure SetColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure SetFontEmHeight(AValue: integer);
- procedure SetFontFullHeight(AValue: integer);
- procedure SetHorizontalOverflow(AValue: single);
- procedure SetName(AValue: string);
- procedure SetQuality(AValue: TBGRAFontQuality);
- procedure SetStyle(AValue: TFontStyles);
- procedure SetVerticalOverflow(AValue: single);
- property Name: string read GetName write SetName;
- property Style: TFontStyles read GetStyle write SetStyle;
- property Quality: TBGRAFontQuality read GetQuality write SetQuality;
- property EmHeight: integer read GetFontEmHeight write SetFontEmHeight;
- property FullHeight: integer read GetFontFullHeight write SetFontFullHeight;
- property Color: TBGRAPixel read GetColor write SetColor;
- property HorizontalOverflow: single read GetHorizontalOverflow write SetHorizontalOverflow;
- property VerticalOverflow: single read GetVerticalOverflow write SetVerticalOverflow;
- property BackgroundColor: TBGRAPixel read GetBackgroundColor write SetBackgroundColor;
- end;
- { TBGLRenderedFont }
- TBGLRenderedFont = class(TBGLCustomFont,IBGLRenderedFont)
- private
- FGlyphs: TAVLTree;
- FName: string;
- FColor: TBGRAPixel;
- FBackgroundColor: TBGRAPixel;
- FEmHeight: integer;
- FHorizontalOverflow: single;
- FVerticalOverflow: single;
- FQuality: TBGRAFontQuality;
- FStyle: TFontStyles;
- FGradTopLeft, FGradTopRight, FGradBottomRight, FGradBottomLeft: TBGRAPixel;
- FUseGradientColor: boolean;
- FClipped: boolean;
- FWordBreakHandler: TWordBreakHandler;
- function FindGlyph(AIdentifier: string): TAVLTreeNode;
- function GetBackgroundColor: TBGRAPixel;
- function GetColor: TBGRAPixel;
- function GetFontEmHeight: integer;
- function GetGlyph(AIdentifier: string): TRenderedGlyph;
- function GetHorizontalOverflow: single;
- function GetName: string;
- function GetQuality: TBGRAFontQuality;
- function GetStyle: TFontStyles;
- function GetVerticalOverflow: single;
- procedure SetGlyph(AIdentifier: string; AValue: TRenderedGlyph);
- function GetFontFullHeight: integer;
- procedure SetBackgroundColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure SetColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure SetFontEmHeight(AValue: integer);
- procedure SetFontFullHeight(AValue: integer);
- procedure SetHorizontalOverflow(AValue: single);
- procedure SetName(AValue: string);
- procedure SetQuality(AValue: TBGRAFontQuality);
- procedure SetStyle(AValue: TFontStyles);
- procedure SetVerticalOverflow(AValue: single);
- protected
- FRenderer: TBGRACustomFontRenderer;
- FRendererOwned: boolean;
- function LoadFromFile({%H-}AFilename: UTF8String): boolean; override;
- procedure FreeMemoryOnDestroy; override;
- function CreateGlyph(AIdentifier: string): TRenderedGlyph; virtual;
- procedure CopyFontToRenderer; virtual;
- procedure DoTextOut(X, Y: Single; const Text : UTF8String; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AHorizontalAlign: TAlignment; AVerticalAlign: TTextLayout); overload; virtual;
- procedure DoTextOut(X, Y: Single; const Text : UTF8String; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload; override;
- procedure DoTextRect(X, Y, Width, Height: Single; const Text : UTF8String; AColor: TBGRAPixel); override;
- function GetClipped: boolean; override;
- function GetUseGradientColors: boolean; override;
- procedure SetClipped(AValue: boolean); override;
- procedure SetUseGradientColors(AValue: boolean); override;
- procedure DiscardGlyphs; virtual;
- procedure DefaultWordBreakHandler(var ABefore, AAfter: string);
- procedure SplitText(var ATextUTF8: string; AMaxWidth: single; out ARemainsUTF8: string);
- function GetWrappedLines(ATextUTF8: string; AWidth: single): TStringList;
- public
- constructor Create(ARenderer: TBGRACustomFontRenderer; ARendererOwned: boolean = true);
- procedure FreeMemory; override;
- function TextWidth(const Text: UTF8String): single; override;
- function TextHeight(const {%H-}Text: UTF8String): single; override;
- function TextHeight(const Text: UTF8String; AWidth: single): single; override;
- procedure SetGradientColors(ATopLeft, ATopRight, ABottomRight, ABottomLeft: TBGRAPixel); override;
- property Name: string read GetName write SetName;
- property Style: TFontStyles read GetStyle write SetStyle;
- property Quality: TBGRAFontQuality read GetQuality write SetQuality;
- property EmHeight: integer read GetFontEmHeight write SetFontEmHeight;
- property FullHeight: integer read GetFontFullHeight write SetFontFullHeight;
- property Color: TBGRAPixel read GetColor write SetColor;
- property HorizontalOverflow: single read GetHorizontalOverflow write SetHorizontalOverflow;
- property VerticalOverflow: single read GetVerticalOverflow write SetVerticalOverflow;
- property BackgroundColor: TBGRAPixel read GetBackgroundColor write SetBackgroundColor;
- property WordBreakHandler: TWordBreakHandler read FWordBreakHandler write FWordBreakHandler;
- property Glyph[AIdentifier: string]: TRenderedGlyph read GetGlyph;
- end;
-uses BGRAUTF8;
-{ TRenderedGlyph }
-constructor TRenderedGlyph.Create(AIdentifier: UTF8String; ATexture: IBGLTexture;
- AHorizontalOverflowPx, AVerticalOverflowPx: integer);
- FIdentifier := AIdentifier;
- FTexture := ATexture;
- FHorizontalOverflowPx:= AHorizontalOverflowPx;
- FVerticalOverflowPx:= AVerticalOverflowPx;
- FAdvancePx := ATexture.Width - 2*FHorizontalOverflowPx;
-procedure TRenderedGlyph.Draw(x, y, Scale: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- FTexture.StretchDraw(x-FHorizontalOverflowPx*Scale,y-FVerticalOverflowPx*Scale, FTexture.Width*Scale, FTexture.Height*Scale, AColor);
-procedure TRenderedGlyph.Draw(x, y, Scale: single; AGradTopLeft, AGradTopRight,
- AGradBottomRight, AGradBottomLeft: TBGRAPixel);
- FTexture.SetGradientColors(AGradTopLeft,AGradTopRight, AGradBottomRight,AGradBottomLeft);
- FTexture.StretchDraw(x-FHorizontalOverflowPx*Scale,y-FVerticalOverflowPx*Scale, FTexture.Width*Scale, FTexture.Height*Scale);
- FTexture.GradientColors := false;
-function CompareGlyphNode(Data1, Data2: Pointer): integer;
- result := CompareStr(TRenderedGlyph(Data1).Identifier,TRenderedGlyph(Data2).Identifier);
-{ TBGLRenderedFont }
-function TBGLRenderedFont.FindGlyph(AIdentifier: string): TAVLTreeNode;
-var Comp: integer;
- Node: TAVLTreeNode;
- Node:=FGlyphs.Root;
- while (Node<>nil) do begin
- Comp:=CompareStr(AIdentifier,TRenderedGlyph(Node.Data).Identifier);
- if Comp=0 then break;
- if Comp<0 then begin
- Node:=Node.Left
- end else begin
- Node:=Node.Right
- end;
- end;
- result := Node;
-function TBGLRenderedFont.GetBackgroundColor: TBGRAPixel;
- result := FBackgroundColor;
-function TBGLRenderedFont.GetColor: TBGRAPixel;
- result := FColor;
-function TBGLRenderedFont.GetFontEmHeight: integer;
- result := FEmHeight;
-function TBGLRenderedFont.CreateGlyph(AIdentifier: string): TRenderedGlyph;
-var b: TBGLCustomBitmap;
- hOverflow, vOverflow: integer;
- CopyFontToRenderer;
- with FRenderer.TextSize(AIdentifier) do
- begin
- hOverflow := round(cx*HorizontalOverflow)+1;
- vOverflow:= round(cy*VerticalOverflow)+1;
- b:= BGLBitmapFactory.Create(cx+2*hOverflow,cy+2*vOverflow,BackgroundColor);
- FRenderer.TextOut(b, hOverflow,vOverflow, AIdentifier, Color, taLeftJustify);
- result:= TRenderedGlyph.Create(AIdentifier,b.MakeTextureAndFree,hOverflow,vOverflow);
- end;
-procedure TBGLRenderedFont.CopyFontToRenderer;
- FRenderer.FontName := FName;
- FRenderer.FontEmHeight := FEmHeight;
- FRenderer.FontOrientation := 0;
- FRenderer.FontQuality := FQuality;
- FRenderer.FontStyle := FStyle;
-procedure TBGLRenderedFont.DoTextOut(X, Y: Single; const Text: UTF8String;
- AColor: TBGRAPixel; AHorizontalAlign: TAlignment; AVerticalAlign: TTextLayout);
- pstr: pchar;
- left,charlen: integer;
- nextchar: string;
- g: TRenderedGlyph;
- if Text = '' then exit;
- pstr := @Text[1];
- left := length(Text);
- case AHorizontalAlign of
- taCenter: DecF(x, round(TextWidth(Text)/2));
- taRightJustify: DecF(x, TextWidth(Text));
- end;
- case AVerticalAlign of
- tlCenter: DecF(y, round(TextHeight(Text)/2));
- tlBottom: DecF(y, TextHeight(Text)*Scale);
- end;
- while left > 0 do
- begin
- charlen := UTF8CharacterLength(pstr);
- setlength(nextchar, charlen);
- move(pstr^, nextchar[1], charlen);
- inc(pstr,charlen);
- dec(left,charlen);
- g := GetGlyph(nextchar);
- if g <> nil then
- begin
- if FUseGradientColor then
- g.Draw(x,y,Scale,FGradTopLeft,FGradTopRight,FGradBottomRight,FGradBottomLeft)
- else
- g.Draw(x,y,Scale,AColor);
- IncF(x, (g.AdvancePx + StepX) * Scale);
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGLRenderedFont.DoTextOut(X, Y: Single; const Text: UTF8String;
- AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- if Justify then
- DoTextOut(X,Y,Text,AColor,taLeftJustify,VerticalAlign)
- else
- DoTextOut(X,Y,Text,AColor,HorizontalAlign,VerticalAlign);
-procedure TBGLRenderedFont.DoTextRect(X, Y, Width, Height: Single;
- const Text: UTF8String; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure DoDrawTextLine(LineY, LineWidth: Single; ALine: string; AJustify: boolean);
- var CurX: single;
- words: TStringList;
- wordStart: integer;
- i: Integer;
- begin
- if AJustify then
- begin
- words := TStringList.Create;
- wordStart := 1;
- for i := 1 to length(ALine) do
- begin
- if ALine[i]=' ' then
- begin
- words.Add(copy(ALine,wordStart,i-wordStart));
- wordStart := i+1;
- end;
- end;
- words.add(copy(ALine,wordStart,length(ALine)+1-wordStart));
- CurX := X;
- LineWidth := 0;
- for i := 0 to words.Count-1 do
- IncF(LineWidth, TextWidth(words[i]));
- for i := 0 to words.Count-1 do
- begin
- DoTextOut(CurX+round((Width-LineWidth)/(words.Count-1)*i),LineY,words[i],AColor,taLeftJustify,tlTop);
- IncF(CurX, TextWidth(words[i]));
- end;
- words.Free;
- end else
- begin
- Case HorizontalAlign of
- taCenter: CurX := round(X+(Width-LineWidth)/2);
- taRightJustify: CurX := X+Width-LineWidth;
- else
- CurX := X;
- end;
- DoTextOut(CurX,LineY,ALine,AColor,taLeftJustify,tlTop);
- end;
- end;
-var CurY: Single;
- lineHeight: Single;
- lines: TStringList;
- i,originalNbLines: Integer;
- maxLineCount: int64;
- If Text='' then exit;
- lines := GetWrappedLines(Text,Width);
- lineHeight := FullHeight * Scale;
- originalNbLines := lines.Count;
- if Clipped then
- begin
- if lineHeight = 0 then exit;
- maxLineCount := trunc(Height/lineHeight);
- if maxLineCount <= 0 then exit;
- while lines.Count > maxLineCount do
- lines.Delete(lines.Count-1);
- end;
- case VerticalAlign of
- tlCenter: CurY := round(Y+( Height - lines.Count*lineHeight )/2);
- tlBottom: CurY := Y + Height - lines.Count*lineHeight;
- else CurY := Y;
- end;
- for i := 0 to lines.Count-1 do
- begin
- DoDrawTextLine(CurY,TextWidth(lines[i]),lines[i],Justify and (i<>originalNbLines-1));
- IncF(CurY, lineHeight);
- end;
- lines.Free;
-function TBGLRenderedFont.GetGlyph(AIdentifier: string): TRenderedGlyph;
-var Node: TAVLTreeNode;
- Node := FindGlyph(AIdentifier);
- if Node = nil then
- begin
- if UTF8Length(AIdentifier)<>1 then
- result := nil
- else
- begin
- result := CreateGlyph(AIdentifier);
- SetGlyph(AIdentifier, result);
- end;
- end
- else
- result := TRenderedGlyph(Node.Data);
-function TBGLRenderedFont.GetHorizontalOverflow: single;
- result := FHorizontalOverflow;
-function TBGLRenderedFont.GetName: string;
- result := FName;
-function TBGLRenderedFont.GetQuality: TBGRAFontQuality;
- result := FQuality;
-function TBGLRenderedFont.GetStyle: TFontStyles;
- result := FStyle;
-function TBGLRenderedFont.GetVerticalOverflow: single;
- result := FVerticalOverflow;
-procedure TBGLRenderedFont.SetGlyph(AIdentifier: string; AValue: TRenderedGlyph);
-var Node: TAVLTreeNode;
- if AValue.Identifier <> AIdentifier then
- raise exception.Create('Identifier mismatch');
- Node := FindGlyph(AIdentifier);
- if Node <> nil then
- begin
- if pointer(AValue) <> Node.Data then
- TRenderedGlyph(Node.Data).Free;
- Node.Data := AValue;
- end else
- FGlyphs.Add(pointer(AValue));
-procedure TBGLRenderedFont.SetStyle(AValue: TFontStyles);
- if FStyle=AValue then Exit;
- FStyle:=AValue;
- DiscardGlyphs;
-procedure TBGLRenderedFont.SetVerticalOverflow(AValue: single);
- if FVerticalOverflow=AValue then Exit;
- FVerticalOverflow:=AValue;
- DiscardGlyphs;
-function TBGLRenderedFont.GetClipped: boolean;
- result := FClipped;
-function TBGLRenderedFont.GetUseGradientColors: boolean;
- result := FUseGradientColor;
-procedure TBGLRenderedFont.SetClipped(AValue: boolean);
- FClipped:= AValue;
-procedure TBGLRenderedFont.SetUseGradientColors(AValue: boolean);
- FUseGradientColor:= AValue;
-procedure TBGLRenderedFont.DiscardGlyphs;
- FGlyphs.FreeAndClear;
-procedure TBGLRenderedFont.DefaultWordBreakHandler(var ABefore, AAfter: string);
- BGRADefaultWordBreakHandler(ABefore,AAfter);
-function TBGLRenderedFont.GetWrappedLines(ATextUTF8: string; AWidth: single
- ): TStringList;
- ARemains: string;
- result := TStringList.Create;
- repeat
- SplitText(ATextUTF8, AWidth, ARemains);
- result.Add(ATextUTF8);
- ATextUTF8 := ARemains;
- until ARemains = '';
-procedure TBGLRenderedFont.SplitText(var ATextUTF8: string; AMaxWidth: single;
- out ARemainsUTF8: string);
- pstr: pchar;
- p,left,charlen: integer;
- totalWidth: single;
- firstChar: boolean;
- nextchar: string;
- g: TRenderedGlyph;
- totalWidth := 0;
- if ATextUTF8 = '' then
- begin
- ARemainsUTF8 := '';
- exit;
- end else
- begin
- p := 1;
- pstr := @ATextUTF8[1];
- left := length(ATextUTF8);
- firstChar := true;
- while left > 0 do
- begin
- if RemoveLineEnding(ATextUTF8,p) then
- begin
- ARemainsUTF8 := copy(ATextUTF8,p,length(ATextUTF8)-p+1);
- ATextUTF8 := copy(ATextUTF8,1,p-1);
- exit;
- end;
- charlen := UTF8CharacterLength(pstr);
- setlength(nextchar, charlen);
- move(pstr^, nextchar[1], charlen);
- inc(pstr,charlen);
- g := GetGlyph(nextchar);
- if g <> nil then
- begin
- if not firstChar then IncF(totalWidth, StepX*Scale);
- IncF(totalWidth, g.AdvancePx*Scale);
- if not firstChar and (totalWidth > AMaxWidth) then
- begin
- ARemainsUTF8:= copy(ATextUTF8,p,length(ATextUTF8)-p+1);
- ATextUTF8 := copy(ATextUTF8,1,p-1);
- if Assigned(FWordBreakHandler) then
- FWordBreakHandler(ATextUTF8,ARemainsUTF8) else
- DefaultWordBreakHandler(ATextUTF8,ARemainsUTF8);
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- dec(left,charlen);
- inc(p,charlen);
- firstChar := false;
- end;
- end;
- ARemainsUTF8 := ''; //no split
-procedure TBGLRenderedFont.SetName(AValue: string);
- if FName=AValue then Exit;
- FName:=AValue;
- DiscardGlyphs;
-procedure TBGLRenderedFont.SetFontEmHeight(AValue: integer);
- if FEmHeight=AValue then Exit;
- FEmHeight:=AValue;
- DiscardGlyphs;
-function TBGLRenderedFont.GetFontFullHeight: integer;
- if FEmHeight < 0 then
- result := -EmHeight
- else
- result := FRenderer.TextSize('Hg').cy;
-procedure TBGLRenderedFont.SetBackgroundColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- if FBackgroundColor=AValue then Exit;
- FBackgroundColor:=AValue;
- DiscardGlyphs;
-procedure TBGLRenderedFont.SetColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- if FColor=AValue then Exit;
- FColor:=AValue;
- DiscardGlyphs;
-procedure TBGLRenderedFont.SetFontFullHeight(AValue: integer);
- EmHeight:= -AValue;
-procedure TBGLRenderedFont.SetHorizontalOverflow(AValue: single);
- if FHorizontalOverflow=AValue then Exit;
- FHorizontalOverflow:=AValue;
- DiscardGlyphs;
-procedure TBGLRenderedFont.SetQuality(AValue: TBGRAFontQuality);
- if FQuality=AValue then Exit;
- FQuality:=AValue;
- DiscardGlyphs;
-function TBGLRenderedFont.LoadFromFile(AFilename: UTF8String): boolean;
- result := false;
-procedure TBGLRenderedFont.FreeMemoryOnDestroy;
- FreeMemory;
- if FRendererOwned then FreeAndNil(FRenderer);
- FreeAndNil(FGlyphs);
-constructor TBGLRenderedFont.Create(ARenderer: TBGRACustomFontRenderer;
- ARendererOwned: boolean);
- Init;
- FRenderer := ARenderer;
- FRendererOwned := ARendererOwned;
- FName := 'Arial';
- FColor := BGRAWhite;
- FBackgroundColor := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- FEmHeight := 20;
- FStyle := [];
- FHorizontalOverflow := 0.33;
- FVerticalOverflow := 0;
- FQuality := fqFineAntialiasing;
- FGradTopLeft := BGRAWhite;
- FGradTopRight := BGRAWhite;
- FGradBottomLeft := BGRAWhite;
- FGradBottomRight := BGRAWhite;
- FUseGradientColor:= false;
- FClipped:= false;
- FGlyphs := TAVLTree.Create(@CompareGlyphNode);
- FWordBreakHandler:= nil;
-procedure TBGLRenderedFont.FreeMemory;
- DiscardGlyphs;
- inherited FreeMemory;
-function TBGLRenderedFont.TextWidth(const Text: UTF8String): single;
- pstr: pchar;
- left,charlen: integer;
- nextchar: string;
- g: TRenderedGlyph;
- firstChar: boolean;
- result := 0;
- if Text = '' then exit;
- firstChar := true;
- pstr := @Text[1];
- left := length(Text);
- while left > 0 do
- begin
- charlen := UTF8CharacterLength(pstr);
- setlength(nextchar, charlen);
- move(pstr^, nextchar[1], charlen);
- inc(pstr,charlen);
- dec(left,charlen);
- g := GetGlyph(nextchar);
- if g <> nil then
- begin
- if firstChar then
- firstchar := false
- else
- IncF(result, StepX * Scale);
- IncF(result, g.AdvancePx * Scale);
- end;
- end;
-function TBGLRenderedFont.TextHeight(const Text: UTF8String): single;
- result := FullHeight * Scale;
-function TBGLRenderedFont.TextHeight(const Text: UTF8String; AWidth: single
- ): single;
- lines: TStringList;
- lines := GetWrappedLines(Text, AWidth);
- result := lines.Count * (FullHeight * Scale);
- lines.Free;
-procedure TBGLRenderedFont.SetGradientColors(ATopLeft, ATopRight, ABottomRight,
- ABottomLeft: TBGRAPixel);
- FGradTopLeft := ATopLeft;
- FGradTopRight := ATopRight;
- FGradBottomLeft := ABottomLeft;
- FGradBottomRight := ABottomRight;
- GradientColors := true;
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-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
- {* How to draw the end of line }
- TPenEndCap = TFPPenEndCap;
- {** Draw a half-disk at the end of the line. The diameter of the disk is
- equal to the pen width. }
- pecRound = FPCanvas.pecRound;
- {** Draw a half-square. The size of the square is equal to the pen width.
- This is visually equivalent to extend the line of half the pen width }
- pecSquare = FPCanvas.pecSquare;
- {** The line ends exactly at the end point }
- pecFlat = FPCanvas.pecFlat;
- {* How to join segments. This makes sense only for geometric pens (that
- have a certain width) }
- TPenJoinStyle = TFPPenJoinStyle;
- {** Segments are joined by filling the gap with an arc }
- pjsRound = FPCanvas.pjsRound;
- {** Segments are joind by filling the gap with an intermediary segment }
- pjsBevel = FPCanvas.pjsBevel;
- {** Segments are joined by extending them up to their intersection.
- There is a miter limit so that if the intersection is too far,
- an intermediary segment is used }
- pjsMiter = FPCanvas.pjsMiter;
- {* Style to use for the pen. The unit for the pattern is the width of the
- line }
- TPenStyle = TFPPenStyle;
- TPenMode = TFPPenMode;
- {** Pen is continuous }
- psSolid = FPCanvas.psSolid;
- {** Pen is dashed. The dash have a length of 3 unit and the gaps of 1 unit }
- psDash = FPCanvas.psDash;
- {** Pen is dotted. The dots have a length of 1 unit and the gaps of 1 unit }
- psDot = FPCanvas.psDot;
- {** Pattern is a dash of length 3 followed by a dot of length 1, separated by a gap of length 1 }
- psDashDot = FPCanvas.psDashDot;
- {** Dash of length 3, and two dots of length 1 }
- psDashDotDot = FPCanvas.psDashDotDot;
- {** Pen is not drawn }
- psClear = FPCanvas.psClear;
- {** Not used. Provided for compatibility }
- psInsideframe = FPCanvas.psInsideframe;
- {** Custom pattern used }
- psPattern = FPCanvas.psPattern;
- pmBlack = FPCanvas.pmBlack;
- pmWhite = FPCanvas.pmWhite;
- pmNop = FPCanvas.pmNop;
- pmNot = FPCanvas.pmNot;
- pmCopy = FPCanvas.pmCopy;
- pmNotCopy = FPCanvas.pmNotCopy;
- pmMergePenNot = FPCanvas.pmMergePenNot;
- pmMaskPenNot = FPCanvas.pmMaskPenNot;
- pmMergeNotPen = FPCanvas.pmMergeNotPen;
- pmMaskNotPen = FPCanvas.pmMaskNotPen;
- pmMerge = FPCanvas.pmMerge;
- pmNotMerge = FPCanvas.pmNotMerge;
- pmMask = FPCanvas.pmMask;
- pmNotMask = FPCanvas.pmNotMask;
- pmXor = FPCanvas.pmXor;
- pmNotXor = FPCanvas.pmNotXor;
- { TPen }
- {* A class containing a pen }
- TPen = class(TFPCustomPen)
- private
- function GetColor: TColor;
- procedure SetColor(AValue: TColor);
- public
- constructor Create; override;
- {** Color of the pen }
- property Color: TColor read GetColor write SetColor;
- {** Operation done on pixels }
- property Mode;
- {** End cap of the pen: how to draw the ends of the lines }
- property EndCap;
- {** Join style: how to join the segments of a polyline }
- property JoinStyle;
- {** Pen style: solid, dash, dot... }
- property Style;
- {** Pen width in pixels }
- property Width;
- end;
- {* Pattern when filling with a brush. It is used in BGRACanvas but can
- also be created with TBGRABitmap.CreateBrushTexture function }
- TBrushStyle = TFPBrushStyle;
- {** Fill with the current color }
- bsSolid = FPCanvas.bsSolid;
- {** Does not fill at all }
- bsClear = FPCanvas.bsClear;
- {** Draw horizontal lines }
- bsHorizontal = FPCanvas.bsHorizontal;
- {** Draw vertical lines }
- bsVertical = FPCanvas.bsVertical;
- {** Draw diagonal lines from top-left to bottom-right }
- bsFDiagonal = FPCanvas.bsFDiagonal;
- {** Draw diagonal lines from bottom-left to top-right }
- bsBDiagonal = FPCanvas.bsBDiagonal;
- {** Draw both horizontal and vertical lines }
- bsCross = FPCanvas.bsCross;
- {** Draw both diagonal lines }
- bsDiagCross = FPCanvas.bsDiagCross;
- {** Fills with an image }
- bsImage = FPCanvas.bsImage;
- { TBrush }
- {* A class describing a brush }
- TBrush = class(TFPCustomBrush)
- private
- function GetColor: TColor;
- procedure SetColor(AValue: TColor);
- public
- constructor Create; override;
- {** Color of the brush }
- property Color: TColor read GetColor write SetColor;
- {** Style of the brush: solid, diagonal lines, horizontal lines... }
- property Style;
- end;
- { TFont }
- {* Contains the description of a font }
- TFont = class(TFPCustomFont)
- private
- FPixelsPerInch, FHeight: Integer;
- FQuality: TFontQuality;
- FStyle: TFontStyles;
- function GetColor: TColor;
- function GetHeight: Integer;
- function GetSize: Integer;
- function GetStyle: TFontStyles;
- procedure SetColor(AValue: TColor);
- procedure SetHeight(AValue: Integer);
- procedure SetQuality(AValue: TFontQuality);
- procedure SetStyle(AValue: TFontStyles);
- protected
- procedure SetSize(AValue: Integer); override;
- public
- constructor Create; override;
- {** Pixels per inches }
- property PixelsPerInch: Integer read FPixelsPerInch write FPixelsPerInch;
- {** Color of the font }
- property Color: TColor read GetColor write SetColor;
- {** Height of the font in pixels. When the number is negative, it indicates a size in pixels }
- property Height: Integer read GetHeight write SetHeight;
- {** Size of the font in inches. When the number is negative, it indicates a height in inches }
- property Size: Integer read GetSize write SetSize;
- {** Quality of the font rendering }
- property Quality: TFontQuality read FQuality write SetQuality;
- {** Style to apply to the text }
- property Style: TFontStyles read GetStyle write SetStyle;
- end;
-{ TPen }
-procedure TPen.SetColor(AValue: TColor);
- FPColor := TColorToFPColor(AValue);
-function TPen.GetColor: TColor;
- result := FPColorToTColor(FPColor);
-constructor TPen.Create;
- inherited Create;
- Mode := pmCopy;
- Style := psSolid;
- Width := 1;
- FPColor := colBlack;
- EndCap:= pecRound;
- JoinStyle:= pjsRound;
-{ TBrush }
-function TBrush.GetColor: TColor;
- result := FPColorToTColor(FPColor);
-procedure TBrush.SetColor(AValue: TColor);
- FPColor := TColorToFPColor(AValue);
-constructor TBrush.Create;
- inherited Create;
- FPColor := colWhite;
-{ TFont }
-function TFont.GetColor: TColor;
- result := FPColorToTColor(FPColor);
-function TFont.GetHeight: Integer;
- result := FHeight;
-function TFont.GetSize: Integer;
- Result := inherited Size;
-function TFont.GetStyle: TFontStyles;
- result := FStyle;
-procedure TFont.SetColor(AValue: TColor);
- FPColor := TColorToFPColor(AValue);
-procedure TFont.SetHeight(AValue: Integer);
- if Height <> AValue then
- begin
- FHeight := AValue;
- inherited SetSize(-MulDiv(AValue, 72, FPixelsPerInch));
- end;
-procedure TFont.SetQuality(AValue: TFontQuality);
- if FQuality=AValue then Exit;
- FQuality:=AValue;
-procedure TFont.SetSize(AValue: Integer);
- if Size <> AValue then
- begin
- inherited SetSize(AValue);
- FHeight := -MulDiv(AValue, FPixelsPerInch, 72);
- end;
-procedure TFont.SetStyle(AValue: TFontStyles);
- if FStyle <> AValue then
- begin
- FStyle := AValue;
- inherited SetFlags(5, fsBold in FStyle);
- inherited SetFlags(6, fsItalic in FStyle);
- inherited SetFlags(7, fsUnderline in FStyle);
- inherited SetFlags(8, fsStrikeOut in FStyle);
- end;
-constructor TFont.Create;
- FPixelsPerInch := GetScreenDPIY;
- FQuality := fqDefault;
- FPColor := colBlack;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrafpgui.inc b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrafpgui.inc
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index d6ec560..0000000
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-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
- TColor = TfpgColor;
- TRawImage = class(TfpgImage)
- procedure BGRASetSizeAndTransparency(AWidth,AHeight: Integer; ATransparent: boolean);
- end;
- TGUICanvas = TfpgCanvas;
- clNone = fpg_base.clNone;
- clBlack = fpg_base.clBlack;
- clWhite = fpg_base.clWhite;
-function clRgbBtnHighlight: TColor;
-function clRgbBtnShadow: TColor;
-function ColorToRGB(c: TColor): TColor; inline;
-function GetScreenDPIX: integer;
-function GetScreenDPIY: integer;
-procedure TRawImage.BGRASetSizeAndTransparency(AWidth,AHeight: Integer; ATransparent: boolean);
- tempData: pointer;
- if (Width <> AWidth) or (Height <> AHeight) then
- begin
- AllocateImage(32,AWidth,AHeight);
- if ATransparent then AllocateMask;
- end else
- begin
- if ATransparent and not Masked then AllocateMask else
- if not ATransparent and Masked then
- begin
- getmem(tempData, ImageDataSize);
- if tempData <> nil then
- begin
- move(ImageData^, tempData^, ImageDataSize);
- FreeImage;
- AllocateImage(32,AWidth,AHeight);
- move(tempData^, ImageData^, ImageDataSize);
- freemem(tempData);
- end;
- end;
- end;
-function clRgbBtnHighlight: TColor;
- result := fpgColorToRGB(fpg_base.clHilite2);
-function clRgbBtnShadow: TColor;
- result := fpgColorToRGB(fpg_base.clShadow2);
-function ColorToRGB(c: TColor): TColor; inline;
- result := fpgColorToRGB(c);
-function GetScreenDPIX: integer;
- result := fpgApplication.Screen_dpi_x;
-function GetScreenDPIY: integer;
- result := fpgApplication.Screen_dpi_y;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrafpgui_uses.inc b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrafpgui_uses.inc
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index 54b33a7..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrafpgui_uses.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-uses BGRAClasses, FPImage, FPCanvas, fpg_base, fpg_main;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrafpguibitmap.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrafpguibitmap.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index c6f0c90..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrafpguibitmap.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAfpGUIBitmap;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- SysUtils, BGRAClasses, BGRAGraphics, BGRABitmapTypes, BGRADefaultBitmap,
- BGRAFreeType, EasyLazFreeType, LazFreeTypeFontCollection,
- BGRACanvas;
- { TBGRAfpGUIBitmap }
- TBGRAfpGUIBitmap = class(TBGRADefaultBitmap)
- private
- FPseudoCanvas: TBGRACanvas;
- function GetPseudoCanvas: TBGRACanvas;
- function GetBitmapTransparent: boolean;
- procedure SetBitmapTransparent(AValue: boolean);
- protected
- procedure RebuildBitmap; override;
- function CreateDefaultFontRenderer: TBGRACustomFontRenderer; override;
- function LoadFromRawImage(ARawImage: TRawImage; DefaultOpacity: byte;
- AlwaysReplaceAlpha: boolean=False; {%H-}RaiseErrorOnInvalidPixelFormat: boolean
- =True): boolean; override;
- procedure Init; override;
- procedure FreeData; override;
- procedure ReallocData; override;
- procedure FreeBitmap; override;
- procedure NotAvailable;
- public
- destructor Destroy; override;
- class procedure AddFreeTypeFontFolder(ADirectory: string; AUTF8: boolean = false); static;
- class procedure AddFreeTypeFontFile(AFilename: string; AUTF8: boolean = false); static;
- procedure Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; x, y: integer; {%H-}Opaque: boolean=True); override;
- procedure Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect; {%H-}Opaque: boolean=True); override;
- procedure Draw(ACanvas: TGUICanvas; x, y: integer; {%H-}Opaque: boolean=True); overload;
- procedure Draw(ACanvas: TGUICanvas; Rect: TRect; {%H-}Opaque: boolean=True); overload;
- procedure GetImageFromCanvas({%H-}CanvasSource: TCanvas; {%H-}x, {%H-}y: integer); override; //not available
- procedure DataDrawTransparent(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect; AData: Pointer;
- ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; AWidth, AHeight: integer); override;
- procedure DataDrawOpaque(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect; AData: Pointer;
- ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; AWidth, AHeight: integer); override;
- procedure TakeScreenshot({%H-}ARect: TRect); override; //not available
- procedure TakeScreenshotOfPrimaryMonitor; override; //not available
- procedure LoadFromDevice({%H-}DC: HDC); override; //not available
- procedure LoadFromDevice({%H-}DC: HDC; {%H-}ARect: TRect); override; //not available
- property BitmapTransparent: boolean read GetBitmapTransparent write SetBitmapTransparent;
- property Canvas: TBGRACanvas read GetPseudoCanvas;
- end;
-{ TBGRAfpGUIBitmap }
-function TBGRAfpGUIBitmap.GetBitmapTransparent: boolean;
- result := FBitmap.Transparent;
-function TBGRAfpGUIBitmap.GetPseudoCanvas: TBGRACanvas;
- if FPseudoCanvas = nil then
- begin
- FPseudoCanvas := TBGRACanvas.Create(self);
- FPseudoCanvas.AntialiasingMode := amOff;
- end;
- result := FPseudoCanvas;
-procedure TBGRAfpGUIBitmap.SetBitmapTransparent(AValue: boolean);
- if FBitmap.Transparent <> AValue then
- begin
- FBitmap.Transparent:= AValue;
- InvalidateBitmap;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAfpGUIBitmap.RebuildBitmap;
-var pmask, pmaskline: PByte;
- pdata: PBGRAPixel;
- raw: TRawImage;
- x,y,bit,masklinesize,curmaskbyte: UInt32or64;
- if FBitmap.Transparent then
- begin
- raw := FBitmap.RawImage;
- masklinesize := ((Width+31) div 32)*4;
- pmaskline := FBitmap.RawImage.MaskData;
- pdata := raw.ImageData;
- for y := 0 to Height-1 do
- begin
- pmask:= pmaskline;
- bit := $80;
- curmaskbyte := 0;
- for x := Width-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- if pdata^.alpha >= $80 then
- curmaskbyte := curmaskbyte or bit;
- bit := bit shr 1;
- if bit = 0 then
- begin
- bit := $80;
- pmask^ := curmaskbyte;
- inc(pmask);
- curmaskbyte := 0;
- end;
- inc(pdata);
- end;
- if bit <> $80 then
- pmask^ := curmaskbyte;
- inc(pmaskline, masklinesize);
- end;
- end;
- FBitmap.RawImage.UpdateImage;
-function TBGRAfpGUIBitmap.CreateDefaultFontRenderer: TBGRACustomFontRenderer;
- result := TBGRAFreeTypeFontRenderer.Create;
-function TBGRAfpGUIBitmap.LoadFromRawImage(ARawImage: TRawImage;
- DefaultOpacity: byte; AlwaysReplaceAlpha: boolean;
- RaiseErrorOnInvalidPixelFormat: boolean): boolean;
- lineSize: integer;
- y: Integer;
- if (ARawImage.Width <> Width) or
- (ARawImage.Height <> Height) then
- raise Exception.Create('Bitmap size is inconsistent');
- lineSize := Width*sizeof(TBGRAPixel);
- for y := 0 to Height-1 do
- move(ARawImage.ScanLine[y]^, ScanLine[y]^, lineSize);
- if AlwaysReplaceAlpha then AlphaFill(DefaultOpacity);
- result := true;
-procedure TBGRAfpGUIBitmap.Init;
- inherited Init;
- FBitmap := TBitmap.Create;
- FontAntialias:= true;
-procedure TBGRAfpGUIBitmap.ReallocData;
- FBitmap.Width := Width;
- FBitmap.Height:= Height;
- FDataByte := PByte(FBitmap.RawImage.ImageData);
- InvalidateBitmap;
- FScanPtr := nil;
-procedure TBGRAfpGUIBitmap.FreeData;
- //nothing
-procedure TBGRAfpGUIBitmap.FreeBitmap;
- //nothing
-procedure TBGRAfpGUIBitmap.NotAvailable;
- raise exception.Create('Function not available with fpGUI');
-destructor TBGRAfpGUIBitmap.Destroy;
- FreeAndNil(FBitmap);
- FreeAndNil(FPseudoCanvas);
- inherited Destroy;
-class procedure TBGRAfpGUIBitmap.AddFreeTypeFontFolder(ADirectory: string; AUTF8: boolean);
- if AUTF8 then ADirectory:= Utf8ToAnsi(ADirectory);
- EasyLazFreeType.FontCollection.AddFolder(ADirectory);
-class procedure TBGRAfpGUIBitmap.AddFreeTypeFontFile(AFilename: string; AUTF8: boolean);
- if AUTF8 then AFilename:= Utf8ToAnsi(AFilename);
- EasyLazFreeType.FontCollection.AddFile(AFilename);
-procedure TBGRAfpGUIBitmap.Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; x, y: integer; Opaque: boolean);
- Draw(ACanvas.GUICanvas, x, y, Opaque);
-procedure TBGRAfpGUIBitmap.Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect; Opaque: boolean);
- Draw(ACanvas.GUICanvas, Rect, Opaque);
-procedure TBGRAfpGUIBitmap.Draw(ACanvas: TGUICanvas; x, y: integer;
- Opaque: boolean);
- BitmapTransparent := not Opaque;
- ACanvas.DrawImage(x,y, Bitmap.RawImage);
-procedure TBGRAfpGUIBitmap.Draw(ACanvas: TGUICanvas; Rect: TRect;
- Opaque: boolean);
- BitmapTransparent := not Opaque;
- ACanvas.StretchDraw(rect.left,rect.top,rect.right-rect.left,rect.bottom-rect.top, FBitmap.RawImage);
-procedure TBGRAfpGUIBitmap.GetImageFromCanvas(CanvasSource: TCanvas; x,
- y: integer);
- NotAvailable;
-procedure TBGRAfpGUIBitmap.DataDrawTransparent(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect;
- AData: Pointer; ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; AWidth, AHeight: integer);
-var temp: TBGRAfpGUIBitmap;
- temp := TBGRAfpGUIBitmap.Create(AWidth,AHeight);
- move(AData^, temp.Data^, temp.NbPixels*sizeof(TBGRAPixel));
- if ALineOrder <> temp.LineOrder then temp.VerticalFlip;
- temp.Draw(ACanvas, Rect, False);
- temp.Free;
-procedure TBGRAfpGUIBitmap.DataDrawOpaque(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect;
- AData: Pointer; ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; AWidth, AHeight: integer);
-var temp: TBGRAfpGUIBitmap;
- temp := TBGRAfpGUIBitmap.Create(AWidth,AHeight);
- move(AData^, temp.Data^, temp.NbPixels*sizeof(TBGRAPixel));
- if ALineOrder <> temp.LineOrder then temp.VerticalFlip;
- temp.Draw(ACanvas, Rect, True);
- temp.Free;
-procedure TBGRAfpGUIBitmap.TakeScreenshot(ARect: TRect);
- NotAvailable;
-procedure TBGRAfpGUIBitmap.TakeScreenshotOfPrimaryMonitor;
- NotAvailable;
-procedure TBGRAfpGUIBitmap.LoadFromDevice(DC: HDC);
- NotAvailable;
-procedure TBGRAfpGUIBitmap.LoadFromDevice(DC: HDC; ARect: TRect);
- NotAvailable;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrafreetype.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrafreetype.pas
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index c95ecc7..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrafreetype.pas
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@@ -1,1606 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAFreeType;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- Font rendering units : BGRAText, BGRATextFX, BGRAVectorize, BGRAFreeType
- This units provide a font renderer with FreeType fonts, using the integrated FreeType font engine in Lazarus.
- The simplest way to render effects is to use TBGRAFreeTypeFontRenderer class.
- To do this, create an instance of this class and assign it to a TBGRABitmap.FontRenderer property. Now functions
- to draw text like TBGRABitmap.TextOut will use the chosen renderer.
- >> Note that you need to define the default FreeType font collection
- >> using EasyLazFreeType unit.
- To set the effects, keep a variable containing
- the TBGRAFreeTypeFontRenderer class and modify ShadowVisible and other effects parameters. The FontHinted property
- allows you to choose if the font is snapped to pixels to make it more readable.
- TBGRAFreeTypeDrawer class is the class that provides basic FreeType drawing
- by deriving the TFreeTypeDrawer type. You can use it directly, but it is not
- recommended, because there are less text layout parameters. However, it is
- necessary if you want to create TBGRATextEffect objects using FreeType fonts.
-{$i bgrabitmap.inc}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BGRAGraphics, BGRABitmapTypes, EasyLazFreeType, FPimage,
- BGRACustomTextFX, BGRAPhongTypes, BGRATypewriter, LazVersion;
-{$IF laz_fullversion >= 2001000}
-{$IF laz_fullversion >= 2010000}
- TBGRAFreeTypeDrawer = class;
- //this is the class to assign to FontRenderer property of TBGRABitmap
- { TBGRAFreeTypeFontRenderer }
- TBGRAFreeTypeFontRenderer = class(TBGRACustomFontRenderer)
- private
- FDrawer: TBGRAFreeTypeDrawer;
- FFont: TFreeTypeFont;
- FLastFontSize: single;
- function GetCollection: TCustomFreeTypeFontCollection;
- function GetDrawer(ASurface: TBGRACustomBitmap): TBGRAFreeTypeDrawer;
- function GetShaderLightPosition: TPoint;
- function GetShaderLightPositionF: TPointF;
- procedure SetShaderLightPosition(const AValue: TPoint);
- procedure SetShaderLightPositionF(const AValue: TPointF);
- protected
- FShaderOwner: boolean;
- FShader: TCustomPhongShading;
- FTypeWriter: TBGRACustomTypeWriter;
- function GetTypeWriter: TBGRACustomTypeWriter;
- procedure UpdateFont(ADisableClearType: boolean = false);
- procedure Init;
- procedure TextOutAnglePatch(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: single; orientation: integer; s: string;
- c: TBGRAPixel; tex: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment);
- procedure InternalTextOut(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: single; s: string; c: TBGRAPixel; align: TAlignment);
- property TypeWriter: TBGRACustomTypeWriter read GetTypeWriter;
- public
- FontHinted: boolean;
- ShaderActive: boolean;
- ShadowVisible: boolean;
- ShadowColor: TBGRAPixel;
- ShadowRadius: integer;
- ShadowOffset: TPoint;
- ShadowQuality: TRadialBlurType;
- OutlineColor: TBGRAPixel;
- OutlineVisible,OuterOutlineOnly: boolean;
- OutlineTexture: IBGRAScanner;
- constructor Create; overload;
- constructor Create(AShader: TCustomPhongShading; AShaderOwner: boolean); overload;
- function FontExists(AName: string): boolean; override;
- function GetFontPixelMetric: TFontPixelMetric; override;
- function GetFontPixelMetricF: TFontPixelMetricF; override;
- procedure TextOutAngle(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: single; orientation: integer; s: string; c: TBGRAPixel; align: TAlignment); overload; override;
- procedure TextOutAngle(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: single; orientation: integer; s: string; texture: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment); overload; override;
- procedure TextOut(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: single; s: string; texture: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment); overload; override;
- procedure TextOut(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: single; s: string; c: TBGRAPixel; align: TAlignment); overload; override;
- procedure TextRect(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; ARect: TRect; x, y: integer; s: string; style: TTextStyle; c: TBGRAPixel); overload; override;
- procedure TextRect(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; ARect: TRect; x, y: integer; s: string; style: TTextStyle; texture: IBGRAScanner); overload; override;
- function TextSize(sUTF8: string): TSize; overload; override;
- function TextSizeF(sUTF8: string): TPointF; overload; override;
- function TextSize(sUTF8: string; AMaxWidth: integer; {%H-}ARightToLeft: boolean): TSize; overload; override;
- function TextSizeF(sUTF8: string; AMaxWidthF: single; {%H-}ARightToLeft: boolean): TPointF; overload; override;
- function TextFitInfo(sUTF8: string; AMaxWidth: integer): integer; override;
- function TextFitInfoF(sUTF8: string; AMaxWidthF: single): integer; override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- property Collection: TCustomFreeTypeFontCollection read GetCollection;
- property ShaderLightPosition: TPoint read GetShaderLightPosition write SetShaderLightPosition;
- property ShaderLightPositionF: TPointF read GetShaderLightPositionF write SetShaderLightPositionF;
- end;
- { TBGRAFreeTypeDrawer }
- TBGRAFreeTypeDrawer = class(TFreeTypeDrawer)
- private
- FMask: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- FColor: TBGRAPixel;
- FInCreateTextEffect: boolean;
- procedure RenderDirectly(x, y, tx: integer; data: pointer);
- procedure RenderDirectlyClearType(x, y, tx: integer; data: pointer);
- function ShadowActuallyVisible :boolean;
- function OutlineActuallyVisible: boolean;
- function ShaderActuallyActive : boolean;
- public
- Destination: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- ClearTypeRGBOrder: boolean;
- Texture: IBGRAScanner;
- Shader: TCustomPhongShading;
- ShaderActive: boolean;
- ShadowVisible: boolean;
- ShadowColor: TBGRAPixel;
- ShadowRadius: integer;
- ShadowOffset: TPoint;
- ShadowQuality: TRadialBlurType;
- OutlineColor: TBGRAPixel;
- OutlineVisible,OuterOutlineOnly: boolean;
- OutlineTexture: IBGRAScanner;
- constructor Create(ADestination: TBGRACustomBitmap);
- procedure DrawText(AText: string; AFont: TFreeTypeRenderableFont; x,y: single; AColor: TFPColor); overload; override;
- procedure DrawText(AText: string; AFont: TFreeTypeRenderableFont; x,y: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure DrawText(AText: string; AFont: TFreeTypeRenderableFont; x,y: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AAlign: TFreeTypeAlignments); overload;
- { If this code does not compile, you probably have an older version of Lazarus. To fix the problem,
- go into "bgrabitmap.inc" and comment the compiler directives }
- procedure DrawTextWordBreak(AText: string; AFont: TFreeTypeRenderableFont; x, y, AMaxWidth: Single; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AAlign: TFreeTypeAlignments); overload;
- procedure DrawTextRect(AText: string; AFont: TFreeTypeRenderableFont; X1,Y1,X2,Y2: Single; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AAlign: TFreeTypeAlignments); overload;
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure DrawGlyph(AGlyph: integer; AFont: TFreeTypeRenderableFont; x,y: single; AColor: TFPColor); overload; override;
- procedure DrawGlyph(AGlyph: integer; AFont: TFreeTypeRenderableFont; x,y: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure DrawGlyph(AGlyph: integer; AFont: TFreeTypeRenderableFont; x,y: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AAlign: TFreeTypeAlignments); overload;
- {$ENDIF}
- function CreateTextEffect(AText: string; AFont: TFreeTypeRenderableFont): TBGRACustomTextEffect;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- end;
-uses BGRABlend, Math, BGRATransform, BGRAUnicode, BGRAUTF8;
-{$i generatedutf8.inc}
-procedure RecomposeUTF8(AFont: TFreeTypeFont; ADecomposed: string; out ARecomposed: string; out AMarks, AInnerMarks: string);
- joinBefore, joinAfter: boolean;
- lookFor: string;
- function FindChars(AText: string): boolean;
- var
- p, charLen: Integer;
- u: LongWord;
- begin
- if AFont = nil then exit(true);
- p := 1;
- while p <= length(AText) do
- begin
- charLen := UTF8CharacterLength(@AText[p]);
- u := UTF8CodepointToUnicode(@AText[p], charLen);
- if AFont.CharIndex[u] = 0 then exit(false);
- inc(p, charLen);
- end;
- result := true;
- end;
- function RecomposeRec(AMin,AMax: integer): boolean;
- procedure TryExactMatch;
- var
- i, extra: Integer;
- newExtra: String;
- begin
- for i := AMin to AMax do
- if UTF8Decomposition[i].de = ARecomposed then
- begin
- if UTF8Decomposition[i].join <> arNone then
- if (joinBefore xor (UTF8Decomposition[i].join in[arMedial,arFinal])) or
- (joinAfter xor (UTF8Decomposition[i].join in[arInitial,arMedial])) then continue;
- if not FindChars(UTF8Decomposition[i].re) then continue;
- ARecomposed := UTF8Decomposition[i].re;
- result := true;
- exit;
- end;
- for i := AMin to AMax do
- if ARecomposed.StartsWith(UTF8Decomposition[i].de, true) then
- begin
- extra := length(ARecomposed) - length(UTF8Decomposition[i].de);
- if UTF8Decomposition[i].join <> arNone then
- if (joinBefore xor (UTF8Decomposition[i].join in[arMedial,arFinal])) or
- (joinAfter xor (UTF8Decomposition[i].join in[arInitial,arMedial])) then continue;
- if not FindChars(UTF8Decomposition[i].re) then continue;
- newExtra := copy(ARecomposed, length(ARecomposed)+1-extra, extra);
- if GetFirstStrongBidiClassUTF8(newExtra) <> ubcUnknown then continue;
- AMarks := newExtra + AMarks;
- ARecomposed := UTF8Decomposition[i].re;
- result := true;
- exit;
- end;
- result := false;
- end;
- var i,j: integer;
- begin
- if AMax <= AMin+9 then
- begin
- TryExactMatch;
- end else
- begin
- i := (AMin+AMax) div 2;
- if UTF8Decomposition[i].de.StartsWith(lookFor, true) then
- begin
- j := i;
- while (j > AMin) and UTF8Decomposition[j-1].de.StartsWith(lookFor, true) do dec(j);
- AMin := j;
- j := i;
- while (j < AMax) and UTF8Decomposition[j+1].de.StartsWith(lookFor, true) do inc(j);
- AMax := j;
- TryExactMatch;
- end else
- if CompareStr(lookFor, UTF8Decomposition[i].de) > 0 then
- result := RecomposeRec(i+1, AMax)
- else
- result := RecomposeRec(AMin, i-1);
- end;
- end;
- procedure ExtractInnerMarks;
- var
- p, charLen, pStart: Integer;
- u: LongWord;
- begin
- if ARecomposed.StartsWith(UTF8_ARABIC_LAM, true) then
- begin
- pStart := length(UTF8_ARABIC_LAM)+1;
- p := pStart;
- while p <= length(ARecomposed) do
- begin
- charLen := UTF8CharacterLength(@ARecomposed[p]);
- u := UTF8CodepointToUnicode(@ARecomposed[p], charLen);
- if GetUnicodeBidiClass(u) = ubcNonSpacingMark then
- inc(p, charLen)
- else break;
- end;
- if p>pStart then
- begin
- AppendStr(AInnerMarks, copy(ARecomposed, pStart, p-pStart));
- delete(ARecomposed, pStart, p-pStart);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure ExtractFinalMarks;
- var
- p,pStart,pPrev: Integer;
- begin
- pStart := length(ARecomposed)+1;
- p := pStart;
- while p > 1 do
- begin
- pPrev := p;
- dec(p);
- while (p > 1) and (ARecomposed[p] in[#$80..#$BF]) do dec(p);
- if (p = 1) or (ARecomposed[p] in [#$80..#$BF]) or
- not (GetUnicodeBidiClassEx(UTF8CodepointToUnicode(@ARecomposed[p], pPrev-p))
- in [ubcNonSpacingMark, ubcCombiningLeftToRight]) then
- begin
- p := pPrev;
- break;
- end;
- end;
- if p < pStart then
- begin
- AMarks := copy(ARecomposed, p, pStart-p) + AMarks;
- delete(ARecomposed, p, pStart-p);
- end;
- end;
- joinBefore := ADecomposed.StartsWith(UTF8_ZERO_WIDTH_JOINER, true);
- joinAfter := ADecomposed.EndsWith(UTF8_ZERO_WIDTH_JOINER, true);
- if joinBefore and joinAfter then
- ADecomposed := copy(ADecomposed, length(UTF8_ZERO_WIDTH_JOINER)+1,
- length(ADecomposed) - (length(UTF8_ZERO_WIDTH_JOINER) shl 1)) else
- if joinBefore then Delete(ADecomposed, 1, length(UTF8_ZERO_WIDTH_JOINER)) else
- if joinAfter then Delete(ADecomposed, length(ADecomposed) - length(UTF8_ZERO_WIDTH_JOINER) + 1, length(UTF8_ZERO_WIDTH_JOINER));
- ARecomposed := ADecomposed;
- AMarks := '';
- AInnerMarks := '';
- ExtractInnerMarks;
- repeat
- if length(ADecomposed)<=1 then break;
- lookFor := copy(ARecomposed, 1, UTF8CharacterLength(@ARecomposed[1]));
- until not RecomposeRec(0, high(UTF8Decomposition));
- ExtractFinalMarks;
- TMarkGlyph = record
- FreeTypeGlyph: TFreeTypeGlyph;
- Index: integer;
- Bounds: TRect;
- CombiningClass: Byte;
- end;
- { TBGRAFreeTypeGlyph }
- TBGRAFreeTypeGlyph = class(TBGRAGlyph)
- protected
- FFont: TFreeTypeFont;
- FCentralText: string;
- FCentralTextWidth: Single;
- FMarks, FInnerMarks: TUnicodeArray;
- FBounds: TRect;
- function RetrieveMarkGlyph(AMark: LongWord; out AMarkGlyph: TMarkGlyph; AAllowTranslate: boolean): boolean;
- procedure DrawNonSpacingMarks(ADrawer: TBGRAFreeTypeDrawer; ALeft, ATop: single; RTL: boolean; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure DrawCentralGlyph(ADrawer: TBGRAFreeTypeDrawer; ALeft, ATop: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure DrawCombiningMarks(ADrawer: TBGRAFreeTypeDrawer; ALeft, ATop: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel; out ACentralLeft: single);
- public
- constructor Create(AFont: TFreeTypeFont; AIdentifier: string);
- constructor Create({%H-}AIdentifier: string); override;
- procedure Draw(ADrawer: TBGRAFreeTypeDrawer; ALeft, ATop: single; RTL: boolean; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- end;
- { TFreeTypeTypeWriter }
- TFreeTypeTypeWriter = class(TBGRACustomTypeWriter)
- protected
- FFont: TFreeTypeFont;
- function GetGlyph(AIdentifier: string): TBGRAGlyph; override;
- function GetKerningOffset(AIdBefore, AIdAfter: string; ARightToLeft: boolean): single; override;
- function ComputeKerning({%H-}AIdLeft, {%H-}AIdRight: string): single; override;
- public
- constructor Create(AFont: TFreeTypeFont);
- procedure DrawText(ADrawer: TBGRAFreeTypeDrawer; ATextUTF8: string; X,Y: Single;
- AColor: TBGRAPixel; AAlign: TBGRATypeWriterAlignment = twaTopLeft); overload;
- end;
-{ TFreeTypeGlyph }
-constructor TBGRAFreeTypeGlyph.Create(AFont: TFreeTypeFont; AIdentifier: string);
- procedure SortMarks(A: TUnicodeArray);
- procedure MoveBefore(AFrom, ATo: integer);
- var k: integer;
- backU: LongWord;
- begin
- if ATo >= AFrom then exit;
- backU := A[AFrom];
- for k := AFrom downto ATo+1 do
- A[k] := A[k-1];
- A[ATo] := backU;
- end;
- procedure SortByCombiningClass;
- var
- start, i, j: Integer;
- newCC: Byte;
- begin
- start := 0;
- i := start+1;
- while i <= high(a) do
- begin
- //sequence is split
- begin
- start := i+1;
- i := start+1;
- continue;
- end else
- begin
- newCC := GetUnicodeCombiningClass(A[i]);
- j := i;
- while (j > start) and (newCC < GetUnicodeCombiningClass(A[j-1])) do dec(j);
- MoveBefore(i, j);
- inc(i);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure PutShaddaFirst;
- var
- i, j: Integer;
- begin
- j := 0;
- for i := 0 to high(A) do
- j := i+1 else
- if GetUnicodeCombiningClass(A[i]) = 33 then
- begin
- MoveBefore(i, j);
- inc(j);
- end;
- end;
- procedure PutLeadingMCMFirst(ACombiningClass: byte);
- var
- i, j: Integer;
- begin
- j := 0;
- i := 0;
- while i <= high(A) do
- begin
- begin
- j := i+1;
- inc(i);
- end else
- if GetUnicodeCombiningClass(A[i]) = ACombiningClass then
- begin
- //put leading MCM first
- while IsModifierCombiningMark(A[i]) do
- begin
- MoveBefore(i, j);
- inc(j);
- inc(i);
- if (i >= length(A)) or
- not (GetUnicodeCombiningClass(A[i]) = ACombiningClass) then
- break;
- end;
- //skip rest of combining class
- while (i <= high(A)) and (GetUnicodeCombiningClass(A[i]) = ACombiningClass) do
- inc(i);
- end else
- inc(i);
- end;
- end;
- begin
- if A = nil then exit;
- SortByCombiningClass;
- PutShaddaFirst;
- PutLeadingMCMFirst(230);
- PutLeadingMCMFirst(220);
- end;
- //some marks are combined both from left and right, so they need to be split
- procedure SplitMarks;
- procedure SplitMark(AFrom: LongWord; ATo1, ATo2: LongWord);
- var
- i, j: Integer;
- begin
- for i := high(FMarks) downto 0 do
- if FMarks[i] = AFrom then
- begin
- FMarks[i] := ATo1;
- setlength(FMarks, length(FMarks)+1);
- for j := high(FMarks) downto i+2 do
- FMarks[j] := FMarks[j-1];
- FMarks[i+1] := ATo2;
- end;
- end;
- begin
- SplitMark($09CB, $09C7, $09BE);
- SplitMark($09CC, $09C7, $09D7);
- SplitMark($0BCA, $0BC6, $0BBE);
- SplitMark($0BCB, $0BC7, $0BBE);
- SplitMark($0BCC, $0BC6, $0BD7);
- SplitMark($0D4A, $0D46, $0D3E);
- SplitMark($0D4B, $0D47, $0D3E);
- SplitMark($0D4C, $0D46, $0D57);
- SplitMark($1B3D, $1B3C, $1B35);
- SplitMark($1B40, $1B3E, $1B35);
- SplitMark($1B41, $1B3F, $1B35);
- end;
- marksStr, innerMarksStr: string;
- ofs: TIntegerArray;
- u: LongWord;
- glyphIndex: LongInt;
- ftGlyph: TFreeTypeGlyph;
- i: Integer;
- inherited Create(AIdentifier);
- FFont := AFont;
- RecomposeUTF8(FFont, AIdentifier, FCentralText, marksStr, innerMarksStr);
- UTF8ToUnicodeArray(marksStr, FMarks, ofs);
- SortMarks(FMarks);
- UTF8ToUnicodeArray(innerMarksStr, FInnerMarks, ofs);
- SortMarks(FInnerMarks);
- SplitMarks;
- FCentralTextWidth := AFont.TextWidth(FCentralText);
- Width := FCentralTextWidth;
- for i := 0 to high(FMarks) do
- if GetUnicodeBidiClassEx(FMarks[i]) = ubcCombiningLeftToRight then
- begin
- glyphIndex := AFont.CharIndex[FMarks[i]];
- if glyphIndex <> 0 then
- begin
- if AFont.ClearType then
- Width += AFont.Glyph[glyphIndex].Advance/3
- else Width += AFont.Glyph[glyphIndex].Advance;
- end;
- end;
- Height := AFont.LineFullHeight;
- FBounds := EmptyRect;
- if length(FCentralText) <> 0 then
- begin
- u := UTF8CodepointToUnicode(@FCentralText[1], UTF8CharacterLength(@FCentralText[1]));
- glyphIndex := AFont.CharIndex[u];
- if glyphIndex <> 0 then
- begin
- ftGlyph := AFont.Glyph[glyphIndex];
- FBounds := ftGlyph.Bounds;
- end;
- end;
-constructor TBGRAFreeTypeGlyph.Create(AIdentifier: string);
- raise exception.Create('Requires a font');
-function TBGRAFreeTypeGlyph.RetrieveMarkGlyph(AMark: LongWord; out AMarkGlyph: TMarkGlyph; AAllowTranslate: boolean): boolean;
- const
- ArabicMarkAbove: array[0..10] of LongWord =
- ($0618, $0619, $064B, $064C, $064E, $064F,
- $0651, $0652, $0670, $08F0, $08F1);
- ArabicMarkBelow: array[0..3] of LongWord =
- ($061A, $064D, $0650, $08F2);
- type
- TMarkFallback = record
- NonSpacing: LongWord;
- Spacing: LongWord;
- Moved: boolean;
- end;
- const
- MarkFallback: array[0..40] of TMarkFallback = (
- (NonSpacing: $300; Spacing: $2CA; Moved: false),
- (NonSpacing: $301; Spacing: $B4; Moved: false),
- (NonSpacing: $302; Spacing: $5E; Moved: false),
- (NonSpacing: $303; Spacing: $2DC; Moved: false),
- (NonSpacing: $304; Spacing: $AF; Moved: false),
- (NonSpacing: $305; Spacing: $203E; Moved: false),
- (NonSpacing: $306; Spacing: $2D8; Moved: false),
- (NonSpacing: $307; Spacing: $2D9; Moved: false),
- (NonSpacing: $308; Spacing: $A8; Moved: false),
- (NonSpacing: $30A; Spacing: $2DA; Moved: false),
- (NonSpacing: $30B; Spacing: $2DD; Moved: false),
- (NonSpacing: $30E; Spacing: $22; Moved: false),
- (NonSpacing: $313; Spacing: $1FBD; Moved: false),
- (NonSpacing: $314; Spacing: $1FFE; Moved: false),
- (NonSpacing: $316; Spacing: $2CA; Moved: true),
- (NonSpacing: $317; Spacing: $B4; Moved: true),
- (NonSpacing: $320; Spacing: $AF; Moved: true),
- (NonSpacing: $324; Spacing: $A8; Moved: true),
- (NonSpacing: $325; Spacing: $2DA; Moved: true),
- (NonSpacing: $327; Spacing: $B8; Moved: false),
- (NonSpacing: $328; Spacing: $2DB; Moved: false),
- (NonSpacing: $32D; Spacing: $5E; Moved: true),
- (NonSpacing: $32E; Spacing: $2D8; Moved: true),
- (NonSpacing: $330; Spacing: $2DC; Moved: true),
- (NonSpacing: $331; Spacing: $AF; Moved: true),
- (NonSpacing: $332; Spacing: $203E; Moved: true),
- (NonSpacing: $333; Spacing: $2017; Moved: false),
- (NonSpacing: $336; Spacing: $2013; Moved: false),
- (NonSpacing: $337; Spacing: $2F; Moved: false),
- (NonSpacing: $338; Spacing: $2F; Moved: false),
- (NonSpacing: $33F; Spacing: $2017; Moved: true),
- (NonSpacing: $340; Spacing: $2CA; Moved: false),
- (NonSpacing: $341; Spacing: $B4; Moved: false),
- (NonSpacing: $342; Spacing: $1FC0; Moved: false),
- (NonSpacing: $343; Spacing: $1FBD; Moved: false),
- (NonSpacing: $345; Spacing: $37A; Moved: false),
- (NonSpacing: $348; Spacing: $22; Moved: true),
- (NonSpacing: $35E; Spacing: $203E; Moved: false),
- (NonSpacing: $35F; Spacing: $5F; Moved: false),
- (NonSpacing: $3099; Spacing: $309B; Moved: false),
- (NonSpacing: $309A; Spacing: $309C; Moved: false));
- function IsArabicMarkAbove(u: LongWord): boolean;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to high(ArabicMarkAbove) do
- if ArabicMarkAbove[i] = u then exit(true);
- result := false;
- end;
- function IsArabicMarkBelow(u: LongWord): boolean;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to high(ArabicMarkBelow) do
- if ArabicMarkBelow[i] = u then exit(true);
- result := false;
- end;
-var k: integer;
- AMarkGlyph.Index := FFont.CharIndex[AMark];
- if AMarkGlyph.Index = 0 then
- begin
- for k := 0 to high(MarkFallback) do
- if (MarkFallback[k].NonSpacing = AMark) and
- (not MarkFallback[k].Moved or AAllowTranslate) then
- begin
- AMarkGlyph.Index := FFont.CharIndex[MarkFallback[k].Spacing];
- if AMarkGlyph.Index = 0 then
- begin
- if MarkFallback[k].Spacing = $1FBD then AMarkGlyph.Index:= FFont.CharIndex[$27] else
- if MarkFallback[k].Spacing = $1FC0 then AMarkGlyph.Index:= FFont.CharIndex[$2DC] else
- if MarkFallback[k].Spacing = $2CA then AMarkGlyph.Index:= FFont.CharIndex[$60];
- end;
- break;
- end;
- end;
- if AMarkGlyph.Index <> 0 then
- begin
- AMarkGlyph.FreeTypeGlyph := FFont.Glyph[AMarkGlyph.Index];
- AMarkGlyph.Bounds := AMarkGlyph.FreeTypeGlyph.Bounds;
- AMarkGlyph.CombiningClass := GetUnicodeCombiningClass(AMark);
- if AMarkGlyph.CombiningClass in[27..35] then
- begin
- if IsArabicMarkAbove(AMark) then AMarkGlyph.CombiningClass := 230 else
- if IsArabicMarkBelow(AMark) then AMarkGlyph.CombiningClass := 220;
- end;
- result := true;
- end
- else result := false;
-procedure TBGRAFreeTypeGlyph.DrawNonSpacingMarks(ADrawer: TBGRAFreeTypeDrawer;
- ALeft, ATop: single; RTL: boolean; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- markGlyph: TMarkGlyph;
- aboveOfs, belowOfs, xRef, xRefBelow, xAfter: Single;
- justBelow, justAbove: boolean;
- procedure DoJustAbove(const ALetterBounds: TRect);
- begin
- if justAbove then
- begin
- DecF(aboveOfs, ALetterBounds.Top - markGlyph.Bounds.Bottom);
- incF(aboveOfs, FFont.SizeInPixels/12);
- {$ELSE}
- DecF(aboveOfs, ALetterBounds.Top + FFont.Ascent/3);
- {$ENDIF}
- justAbove := false;
- end;
- end;
- procedure DoJustBelow(const ALetterBounds: TRect);
- begin
- if justBelow then
- begin
- incF(belowOfs, ALetterBounds.Bottom - markGlyph.Bounds.Top);
- incF(belowOfs, FFont.SizeInPixels/12);
- {$ELSE}
- incF(belowOfs, ALetterBounds.Bottom);
- {$ENDIF}
- justBelow := false;
- end;
- end;
- function GetMarkOffsetY(AMark: LongWord): single;
- begin
- if (AMark = $304) or (AMark= $305) or (AMark= $33F) or
- (AMark = $320) or (AMark = $331) or (AMark = $332) or (AMark = $333) then
- begin
- result := FFont.SizeInPixels/8;
- end else
- begin
- result := markGlyph.Bounds.Height + FFont.SizeInPixels/20
- {$ELSE}
- result := FFont.SizeInPixels/4;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- end;
- procedure DrawMark(AMark: LongWord; const ALetterBounds: TRect);
- var
- ofsX, ofsY: Single;
- begin
- if GetUnicodeBidiClassEx(AMark) <> ubcNonSpacingMark then exit;
- if RetrieveMarkGlyph(AMark, markGlyph, {$IFDEF LAZFREETYPE_GLYPH_BOX_FIXED}true{$ELSE}false{$ENDIF}) then
- begin
- if markGlyph.CombiningClass = 230 then
- begin
- DoJustAbove(ALetterBounds);
- ofsX := -(markGlyph.Bounds.Left + markGlyph.Bounds.Right)/2;
- ofsY := -aboveOfs;
- IncF(aboveOfs, GetMarkOffsetY(AMark));
- ADrawer.DrawGlyph(markGlyph.Index, FFont,
- xRef + ofsX, ATop + ofsY, BGRAToFPColor(AColor), [ftaTop,ftaLeft]);
- end else
- if markGlyph.CombiningClass in[220,240] then
- begin
- if justBelow then incF(ofsX, xRefBelow - xRef);
- DoJustBelow(ALetterBounds);
- ofsX := -(markGlyph.Bounds.Left + markGlyph.Bounds.Right)/2;
- ofsY := belowOfs;
- IncF(belowOfs, GetMarkOffsetY(AMark));
- ADrawer.DrawGlyph(markGlyph.Index, FFont,
- xRefBelow + ofsX, ATop + ofsY, BGRAToFPColor(AColor), [ftaTop,ftaLeft]);
- end else
- if markGlyph.CombiningClass = 1 then //overlay
- begin
- ofsX := -(markGlyph.Bounds.Left + markGlyph.Bounds.Right)/2;
- ADrawer.DrawGlyph(markGlyph.Index, FFont,
- xRef + ofsX, ATop, BGRAToFPColor(AColor), [ftaTop,ftaLeft]);
- end else
- ADrawer.DrawGlyph(markGlyph.Index, FFont,
- xAfter, ATop, BGRAToFPColor(AColor), [ftaTop,ftaLeft]);
- end;
- end;
- j: integer;
- if RTL then xAfter := ALeft else xAfter := ALeft + FCentralTextWidth;
- if FMarks <> nil then
- begin
- justAbove := false;
- if (FCentralText = 'ï»') or (FCentralText = 'ﻂ') or (FCentralText = 'ﻃ') or (FCentralText = 'ﻄ') or
- (FCentralText = 'ﻅ') or (FCentralText = 'ﻆ') or (FCentralText = 'ﻇ') or (FCentralText = 'ﻈ') then
- begin
- aboveOfs := 0;
- xRef := ALeft + Width*3/4;
- xRefBelow := xRef;
- end else
- if (FCentralText = 'ï»') or (FCentralText = 'ﻞ') or (FCentralText = 'ﻚ') or (FCentralText = 'ï»™') then
- begin
- aboveOfs := 0;
- xRef := ALeft + Width/2;
- xRefBelow := xRef;
- end else
- if (FCentralText = 'ﻵ') or (FCentralText = 'ﻶ') or (FCentralText = 'ﻷ') or (FCentralText = 'ﻸ') or
- (FCentralText = 'ﻹ') or (FCentralText = 'ﻺ') or (FCentralText = 'ﻻ') or (FCentralText = 'ﻼ') then
- begin
- justAbove := true;
- aboveOfs := - FFont.SizeInPixels/10;
- xRef := ALeft + Width/6;
- xRefBelow := ALeft + Width/4;
- end else
- begin
- justAbove := true;
- aboveOfs := 0;
- xRef := ALeft + Width/2;
- xRefBelow := xRef;
- end;
- if (FCentralText = 'ﻅ') or (FCentralText = 'ﻆ') or (FCentralText = 'ﻇ') or (FCentralText = 'ﻈ') or
- (FCentralText = 'ﻚ') or (FCentralText = 'ﻙ') then
- begin
- IncF(aboveOfs, FFont.SizeInPixels/12);
- end;
- if (FCentralText = 'ïº') or (FCentralText = 'ïº') or (FCentralText = 'ï’') or (FCentralText = 'ï“') or
- (FCentralText = 'ï–') or (FCentralText = 'ï—') or (FCentralText = 'ïš') or (FCentralText = 'ï›') or
- (FCentralText = 'Ù®') then
- begin
- DecF(aboveOfs, FFont.SizeInPixels/16);
- end;
- belowOfs := 0;
- justBelow := true;
- for j := 0 to high(FMarks) do
- DrawMark(FMarks[j], FBounds);
- end;
- if FInnerMarks <> nil then
- begin
- xRef := ALeft + Width*3/4;
- xRefBelow := xRef;
- aboveOfs := 0;
- justAbove := true;
- belowOfs := 0;
- justBelow := true;
- for j := 0 to high(FInnerMarks) do
- DrawMark(FInnerMarks[j], FBounds);
- end;
-procedure TBGRAFreeTypeGlyph.DrawCentralGlyph(ADrawer: TBGRAFreeTypeDrawer; ALeft, ATop: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- ADrawer.DrawText(FCentralText, FFont, ALeft, ATop, BGRAToFPColor(AColor), [ftaTop,ftaLeft]);
-procedure TBGRAFreeTypeGlyph.DrawCombiningMarks(ADrawer: TBGRAFreeTypeDrawer; ALeft, ATop: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel; out ACentralLeft: single);
- xRight: Single;
- widthFactor: single;
- procedure DrawCombiningMark(AMark: LongWord);
- var
- markGlyph: TMarkGlyph;
- begin
- if GetUnicodeBidiClassEx(AMark) <> ubcCombiningLeftToRight then exit;
- if RetrieveMarkGlyph(AMark, markGlyph, false) then
- begin
- if markGlyph.CombiningClass in[208,224] then
- begin
- ADrawer.DrawGlyph(markGlyph.Index, FFont, ALeft, ATop,
- BGRAToFPColor(AColor), [ftaTop,ftaLeft]);
- IncF(ALeft, markGlyph.FreeTypeGlyph.Advance*widthFactor);
- IncF(xRight, markGlyph.FreeTypeGlyph.Advance*widthFactor);
- end else
- if markGlyph.CombiningClass in[210,226,9] then
- begin
- ADrawer.DrawGlyph(markGlyph.Index, FFont, xRight, ATop,
- BGRAToFPColor(AColor), [ftaTop,ftaLeft]);
- IncF(xRight, markGlyph.FreeTypeGlyph.Advance*widthFactor);
- end else
- begin
- ADrawer.DrawGlyph(markGlyph.Index, FFont, ALeft, ATop,
- BGRAToFPColor(AColor), [ftaTop,ftaLeft]);
- IncF(ALeft, markGlyph.FreeTypeGlyph.Advance/2*widthFactor);
- IncF(xRight, markGlyph.FreeTypeGlyph.Advance*widthFactor);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- j: Integer;
- if FFont.ClearType then
- widthFactor := 1/3
- else widthFactor:= 1;
- xRight := ALeft + FCentralTextWidth;
- for j := 0 to high(FMarks) do
- DrawCombiningMark(FMarks[j]);
- ACentralLeft:= ALeft;
-procedure TBGRAFreeTypeGlyph.Draw(ADrawer: TBGRAFreeTypeDrawer; ALeft, ATop: single; RTL: boolean; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- xLeft: single;
- DrawCombiningMarks(ADrawer, ALeft, ATop, AColor, xLeft);
- DrawCentralGlyph(ADrawer, xLeft, ATop, AColor);
- DrawNonSpacingMarks(ADrawer, xLeft, ATop, RTL, AColor);
-{ TFreeTypeTypeWriter }
-function TFreeTypeTypeWriter.GetGlyph(AIdentifier: string): TBGRAGlyph;
- g: TBGRAFreeTypeGlyph;
- Result:= inherited GetGlyph(AIdentifier);
- if result = nil then
- begin
- g := TBGRAFreeTypeGlyph.Create(FFont, AIdentifier);
- SetGlyph(AIdentifier, g);
- result := g;
- end;
-function TFreeTypeTypeWriter.GetKerningOffset(AIdBefore, AIdAfter: string;
- ARightToLeft: boolean): single;
- temp: String;
- //don't store kerning as it is stored in TFreeTypeFont font object
- if ARightToLeft then
- begin
- temp := AIdBefore;
- AIdBefore := AIdAfter;
- AIdAfter := temp;
- end;
- result := ComputeKerning(AIdBefore, AIdAfter);
-function TFreeTypeTypeWriter.ComputeKerning(AIdLeft, AIdRight: string): single;
- uLeft, uRight: LongWord;
- if (AIdLeft = '') or (AIdRight = '') then exit(0);
- uLeft := UTF8CodepointToUnicode(@AIdLeft[1], UTF8CharacterLength(@AIdLeft[1]));
- uRight := UTF8CodepointToUnicode(@AIdRight[1], UTF8CharacterLength(@AIdRight[1]));
- Result:= FFont.CharKerning[uLeft, uRight].Kerning.x;
- result := 0;
-constructor TFreeTypeTypeWriter.Create(AFont: TFreeTypeFont);
- inherited Create;
- FFont := AFont;
- SubstituteBidiBracket:= true;
-procedure TFreeTypeTypeWriter.DrawText(ADrawer: TBGRAFreeTypeDrawer;
- ATextUTF8: string; X, Y: Single; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AAlign: TBGRATypeWriterAlignment);
- i : Integer;
- ptGlyph: TPointF;
- di: TBGRATextDisplayInfo;
- di := GetDisplayInfo(ATextUTF8, x, y, AAlign);
- for i := 0 to high(di) do
- begin
- if di[i].Mirrored then
- ptGlyph := di[i].Matrix * PointF(di[i].Glyph.Width, 0)
- else ptGlyph := di[i].Matrix * PointF(0, 0);
- TBGRAFreeTypeGlyph(di[i].Glyph).Draw(ADrawer, ptGlyph.x, ptGlyph.y, di[i].RTL, AColor);
- end;
-{ TBGRAFreeTypeFontRenderer }
-function TBGRAFreeTypeFontRenderer.GetCollection: TCustomFreeTypeFontCollection;
- result := EasyLazFreeType.FontCollection;
-function TBGRAFreeTypeFontRenderer.GetDrawer(ASurface: TBGRACustomBitmap): TBGRAFreeTypeDrawer;
- result := FDrawer;
- result.ShadowColor := ShadowColor;
- result.ShadowOffset := ShadowOffset;
- result.ShadowRadius := ShadowRadius;
- result.ShadowVisible := ShadowVisible;
- result.ShadowQuality := ShadowQuality;
- result.ClearTypeRGBOrder := FontQuality <> fqFineClearTypeBGR;
- result.Destination := ASurface;
- result.OutlineColor := OutlineColor;
- result.OutlineVisible := OutlineVisible;
- result.OuterOutlineOnly := OuterOutlineOnly;
- result.OutlineTexture := OutlineTexture;
- if ShaderActive then result.Shader := FShader
- else result.Shader := nil;
-function TBGRAFreeTypeFontRenderer.GetShaderLightPosition: TPoint;
- if FShader = nil then
- result := point(0,0)
- else
- result := FShader.LightPosition;
-function TBGRAFreeTypeFontRenderer.GetShaderLightPositionF: TPointF;
- if FShader = nil then
- result := pointF(0,0)
- else
- result := FShader.LightPositionF;
-procedure TBGRAFreeTypeFontRenderer.SetShaderLightPosition(const AValue: TPoint);
- if FShader <> nil then
- FShader.LightPosition := AValue;
-procedure TBGRAFreeTypeFontRenderer.SetShaderLightPositionF(
- const AValue: TPointF);
- if FShader <> nil then
- FShader.LightPositionF := AValue;
-function TBGRAFreeTypeFontRenderer.GetTypeWriter: TBGRACustomTypeWriter;
- if FTypeWriter = nil then
- FTypeWriter := TFreeTypeTypeWriter.Create(FFont);
- result := FTypeWriter;
-procedure TBGRAFreeTypeFontRenderer.UpdateFont(ADisableClearType: boolean);
-var fts: TFreeTypeStyles;
- filename: string;
- twChange, newClearType: boolean;
- newSize: Single;
- twChange := false;
- fts := [];
- if fsBold in FontStyle then include(fts, ftsBold);
- if fsItalic in FontStyle then include(fts, ftsItalic);
- try
- filename := FontName;
- if (filename <> FFont.Name) or (fts <> FFont.Style) then
- begin
- twChange := true;
- FFont.SetNameAndStyle(filename,fts);
- {$ELSE}
- FFont.Name := filename;
- FFont.Style := fts;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- except
- on ex: exception do
- begin
- end;
- end;
- newSize := FontEmHeightF;
- if newSize <> FLastFontSize then
- begin
- twChange := true;
- if FontEmHeightF >= 0 then
- FFont.SizeInPixels := FontEmHeightF
- else
- FFont.LineFullHeight := -FontEmHeightF;
- FLastFontSize := newSize;
- end;
- case FontQuality of
- fqSystem:
- begin
- FFont.Quality := grqMonochrome;
- newClearType := false;
- end;
- fqSystemClearType:
- begin
- FFont.Quality:= grqLowQuality;
- newClearType:= true;
- end;
- fqFineAntialiasing:
- begin
- FFont.Quality:= grqHighQuality;
- newClearType:= false;
- end;
- fqFineClearTypeRGB,fqFineClearTypeBGR:
- begin
- FFont.Quality:= grqHighQuality;
- newClearType:= true;
- end;
- end;
- if ADisableClearType then newClearType:= false;
- if newClearType <> FFont.ClearType then
- begin
- twChange := true;
- FFont.ClearType:= newClearType;
- end;
- if FFont.Hinted <> FontHinted then
- begin
- twChange := true;
- FFont.Hinted := FontHinted;
- end;
- FFont.StrikeOutDecoration := fsStrikeOut in FontStyle;
- FFont.UnderlineDecoration := fsUnderline in FontStyle;
- {$ENDIF}
- if twChange then FreeAndNil(FTypeWriter);
-procedure TBGRAFreeTypeFontRenderer.Init;
- ShaderActive := true;
- FDrawer := TBGRAFreeTypeDrawer.Create(nil);
- FFont := TFreeTypeFont.Create;
- FLastFontSize:= EmptySingle;
- FontHinted:= True;
- ShadowColor := BGRABlack;
- ShadowVisible := false;
- ShadowOffset := Point(5,5);
- ShadowRadius := 5;
- ShadowQuality:= rbFast;
-procedure TBGRAFreeTypeFontRenderer.TextOutAnglePatch(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- x, y: single; orientation: integer; s: string; c: TBGRAPixel;
- tex: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment);
-const orientationToDeg = -0.1;
- temp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- coord: TPointF;
- angleDeg: single;
- OldOrientation: integer;
- filter: TResampleFilter;
- OldOrientation := FontOrientation;
- FontOrientation:= 0;
- UpdateFont(true);
- temp := BGRABitmapFactory.Create;
- with TypeWriter.GetTextSizeBeforeTransform(s) do
- temp.SetSize(ceil(x),ceil(y));
- temp.FillTransparent;
- if tex<>nil then
- begin
- FDrawer.Texture := tex;
- InternalTextOut(temp,0,0, s, BGRAWhite, taLeftJustify);
- FDrawer.Texture := nil;
- end
- else
- InternalTextOut(temp,0,0, s, c, taLeftJustify);
- orientation:= orientation mod 3600;
- if orientation < 0 then inc(orientation, 3600);
- angleDeg := orientation * orientationToDeg;
- coord := PointF(x,y);
- case align of
- taRightJustify: coord.Offset( AffineMatrixRotationDeg(angleDeg)*PointF(-temp.Width,0) );
- taCenter: coord.Offset( AffineMatrixRotationDeg(angleDeg)*PointF(-0.5*temp.Width,0) );
- end;
- case orientation of
- 0,900,1800,2700: filter := rfBox;
- else filter := rfCosine;
- end;
- ADest.PutImageAngle(coord.x,coord.y, temp, angleDeg, filter);
- temp.Free;
- FontOrientation:= OldOrientation;
-procedure TBGRAFreeTypeFontRenderer.InternalTextOut(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- x, y: single; s: string; c: TBGRAPixel; align: TAlignment);
- twAlign: TBGRATypeWriterAlignment;
- case align of
- taCenter: twAlign:= twaTop;
- taRightJustify: twAlign := twaTopRight
- else
- twAlign := twaTopLeft;
- end;
- TFreeTypeTypeWriter(TypeWriter).DrawText(GetDrawer(ADest), s, x,y, c, twAlign);
-constructor TBGRAFreeTypeFontRenderer.Create;
- Init;
-constructor TBGRAFreeTypeFontRenderer.Create(AShader: TCustomPhongShading;
- AShaderOwner: boolean);
- Init;
- FShader := AShader;
- FShaderOwner := AShaderOwner;
-function TBGRAFreeTypeFontRenderer.FontExists(AName: string): boolean;
- enum: IFreeTypeFamilyEnumerator;
- if Assigned(Collection) then
- begin
- enum := Collection.FamilyEnumerator;
- while enum.MoveNext do
- if CompareText(enum.Current.FamilyName, AName) = 0 then exit(true);
- result := false;
- end else
- result := true;
-function TBGRAFreeTypeFontRenderer.GetFontPixelMetric: TFontPixelMetric;
- UpdateFont;
- result.Baseline := round(FFont.Ascent);
- result.CapLine:= round(FFont.Ascent*0.2);
- result.DescentLine:= round(FFont.Ascent+FFont.Descent);
- result.Lineheight := round(FFont.LineFullHeight);
- result.xLine := round(FFont.Ascent*0.45);
- result.Defined := True;
-function TBGRAFreeTypeFontRenderer.GetFontPixelMetricF: TFontPixelMetricF;
- UpdateFont;
- result.Baseline := FFont.Ascent;
- result.CapLine:= FFont.Ascent*0.2;
- result.DescentLine:= FFont.Ascent+FFont.Descent;
- result.Lineheight := FFont.LineFullHeight;
- result.xLine := FFont.Ascent*0.45;
- result.Defined := True;
-procedure TBGRAFreeTypeFontRenderer.TextOutAngle(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x,
- y: single; orientation: integer; s: string; c: TBGRAPixel; align: TAlignment);
- TextOutAnglePatch(ADest, x,y, orientation, s, c, nil, align);
-procedure TBGRAFreeTypeFontRenderer.TextOutAngle(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x,
- y: single; orientation: integer; s: string; texture: IBGRAScanner;
- align: TAlignment);
- TextOutAnglePatch(ADest, x,y, orientation, s, BGRAPixelTransparent, texture, align);
-procedure TBGRAFreeTypeFontRenderer.TextOut(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x,
- y: single; s: string; texture: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment);
- if FontOrientation mod 3600 <> 0 then
- TextOutAngle(ADest, x,y, FontOrientation, s, texture, align)
- else
- begin
- FDrawer.Texture := texture;
- TextOut(ADest,x,y,s,BGRAWhite,align);
- FDrawer.Texture := nil;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAFreeTypeFontRenderer.TextOut(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x,
- y: single; s: string; c: TBGRAPixel; align: TAlignment);
- if FontOrientation mod 3600 <> 0 then
- TextOutAngle(ADest, x,y, FontOrientation, s, c, align)
- else
- begin
- UpdateFont;
- InternalTextOut(ADest, x,y, s, c, align);
- end;
-procedure TBGRAFreeTypeFontRenderer.TextRect(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- ARect: TRect; x, y: integer; s: string; style: TTextStyle; c: TBGRAPixel);
-var align: TFreeTypeAlignments;
- intersectedClip,previousClip: TRect;
- previousClip := ADest.ClipRect;
- if style.Clipping then
- begin
- intersectedClip := TRect.Intersect(previousClip, ARect);
- if intersectedClip.IsEmpty then exit;
- ADest.ClipRect := intersectedClip;
- end;
- UpdateFont;
- align := [];
- case style.Alignment of
- taCenter: begin ARect.Left := x; include(align, ftaCenter); end;
- taRightJustify: begin ARect.Left := x; include(align, ftaRight); end;
- else
- include(align, ftaLeft);
- end;
- case style.Layout of
- tlCenter: begin ARect.Top := y; include(align, ftaVerticalCenter); end;
- {$ENDIF}
- tlBottom: begin ARect.top := y; include(align, ftaBottom); end;
- else include(align, ftaTop);
- end;
- try
- if style.Wordbreak then
- GetDrawer(ADest).DrawTextRect(s, FFont, ARect.Left,ARect.Top,ARect.Right,ARect.Bottom,BGRAToFPColor(c),align)
- else
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- case style.Layout of
- tlCenter: y := (ARect.Top+ARect.Bottom) div 2;
- tlBottom: y := ARect.Bottom;
- else
- y := ARect.Top;
- end;
- case style.Alignment of
- taLeftJustify: GetDrawer(ADest).DrawText(s,FFont,ARect.Left,y,BGRAToFPColor(c),align);
- taCenter: GetDrawer(ADest).DrawText(s,FFont,(ARect.Left+ARect.Right-1) div 2,y,BGRAToFPColor(c),align);
- taRightJustify: GetDrawer(ADest).DrawText(s,FFont,ARect.Right,y,BGRAToFPColor(c),align);
- end;
- end;
- finally
- if style.Clipping then
- ADest.ClipRect := previousClip;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAFreeTypeFontRenderer.TextRect(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- ARect: TRect; x, y: integer; s: string; style: TTextStyle;
- texture: IBGRAScanner);
- FDrawer.Texture := texture;
- TextRect(ADest,ARect,x,y,s,style,BGRAWhite);
- FDrawer.Texture := nil;
-function TBGRAFreeTypeFontRenderer.TextSize(sUTF8: string): TSize;
- with TextSizeF(sUTF8) do
- result := Size(System.Round(x),System.Round(y));
-function TBGRAFreeTypeFontRenderer.TextSizeF(sUTF8: string): TPointF;
- UpdateFont;
- result := TypeWriter.GetTextSizeBeforeTransform(sUTF8);
-function TBGRAFreeTypeFontRenderer.TextSize(sUTF8: string; AMaxWidth: integer;
- ARightToLeft: boolean): TSize;
- with TextSizeF(sUTF8, AMaxWidth, ARightToLeft) do
- result := Size(System.Round(x),System.Round(y));
-function TBGRAFreeTypeFontRenderer.TextSizeF(sUTF8: string; AMaxWidthF: single;
- ARightToLeft: boolean): TPointF;
- w,h: single;
- charCount, byteCount: integer;
- UpdateFont;
- result.x := 0;
- result.y := 0;
- h := FFont.LineFullHeight;
- repeat
- TypeWriter.TextFitInfoBeforeTransform(sUTF8, AMaxWidthF, charCount, byteCount, w);
- if w>result.x then result.x := w;
- IncF(result.y, h);
- sUTF8 := copy(sUTF8, byteCount+1, length(sUTF8)-byteCount);
- until sUTF8 = '';
-function TBGRAFreeTypeFontRenderer.TextFitInfo(sUTF8: string; AMaxWidth: integer): integer;
- result := TextFitInfoF(sUTF8, AMaxWidth);
-function TBGRAFreeTypeFontRenderer.TextFitInfoF(sUTF8: string;
- AMaxWidthF: single): integer;
- byteCount: integer;
- usedWidth: single;
- UpdateFont;
- TypeWriter.TextFitInfoBeforeTransform(sUTF8, AMaxWidthF, result, byteCount, usedWidth);
-destructor TBGRAFreeTypeFontRenderer.Destroy;
- FTypeWriter.Free;
- FDrawer.Free;
- FFont.Free;
- if FShaderOwner then FShader.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
-{ TBGRAFreeTypeDrawer }
-procedure TBGRAFreeTypeDrawer.RenderDirectly( x,y,tx: integer;
- data: pointer );
-var psrc: pbyte;
- pdest: PBGRAPixel;
- c: TBGRAPixel;
- if Destination <> nil then
- begin
- //ensure rendering in bounds
- if (y < 0) or (y >= Destination.height) or (x < 0) or (x > Destination.width-tx) then exit;
- psrc := pbyte(data);
- pdest := Destination.ScanLine[y]+x;
- if Texture = nil then
- begin
- c := FColor;
- while tx > 0 do
- begin
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest,c,psrc^);
- inc(psrc);
- inc(pdest);
- dec(tx);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- Texture.ScanMoveTo(x,y);
- while tx > 0 do
- begin
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest,Texture.ScanNextPixel,psrc^);
- inc(psrc);
- inc(pdest);
- dec(tx);
- end;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAFreeTypeDrawer.RenderDirectlyClearType(x, y, tx: integer; data: pointer);
-var xb: integer;
- psrc: pbyte;
- pdest: PBGRAPixel;
- if Destination <> nil then
- begin
- tx := tx div 3;
- if tx=0 then exit;
- if (FMask <> nil) and (FMask.Width <> tx) then
- FMask.SetSize(tx,1)
- else if FMask = nil then FMask := BGRABitmapFactory.create(tx,1);
- pdest := FMask.Data;
- psrc := pbyte(data);
- pdest^.red := (psrc^ + psrc^ + (psrc+1)^) div 3;
- pdest^.green := (psrc^+ (psrc+1)^ + (psrc+2)^) div 3;
- if tx > 1 then
- pdest^.blue := ((psrc+1)^ + (psrc+2)^ + (psrc+3)^) div 3
- else
- pdest^.blue := ((psrc+1)^ + (psrc+2)^ + (psrc+2)^) div 3;
- inc(pdest);
- inc(psrc,3);
- for xb := 1 to tx-2 do
- begin
- pdest^.red := ((psrc-1)^+ psrc^ + (psrc+1)^) div 3;
- pdest^.green := (psrc^+ (psrc+1)^ + (psrc+2)^) div 3;
- pdest^.blue := ((psrc+1)^ + (psrc+2)^ + (psrc+3)^) div 3;
- inc(pdest);
- inc(psrc,3);
- end;
- if tx > 1 then
- begin
- pdest^.red := ((psrc-1)^+ psrc^ + (psrc+1)^) div 3;
- pdest^.green := (psrc^+ (psrc+1)^ + (psrc+2)^) div 3;
- pdest^.blue := ((psrc+1)^ + (psrc+2)^ + (psrc+2)^) div 3;
- end;
- BGRAFillClearTypeRGBMask(Destination,x div 3,y,FMask,FColor,Texture,ClearTypeRGBOrder);
- end;
-function TBGRAFreeTypeDrawer.ShadowActuallyVisible: boolean;
- result := ShadowVisible and (ShadowColor.alpha <> 0);
-function TBGRAFreeTypeDrawer.OutlineActuallyVisible: boolean;
- result := ((OutlineTexture <> nil) or (OutlineColor.alpha <> 0)) and OutlineVisible;
-function TBGRAFreeTypeDrawer.ShaderActuallyActive: boolean;
- result := (Shader <> nil) and ShaderActive;
-constructor TBGRAFreeTypeDrawer.Create(ADestination: TBGRACustomBitmap);
- Destination := ADestination;
- ClearTypeRGBOrder:= true;
- ShaderActive := true;
- ShadowQuality:= rbFast;
-procedure TBGRAFreeTypeDrawer.DrawText(AText: string;
- AFont: TFreeTypeRenderableFont; x, y: single; AColor: TFPColor);
-var fx: TBGRACustomTextEffect;
- procedure DoOutline;
- begin
- if OutlineActuallyVisible then
- begin
- if OutlineTexture <> nil then
- fx.DrawOutline(Destination,round(x),round(y), OutlineTexture)
- else
- fx.DrawOutline(Destination,round(x),round(y), OutlineColor);
- end;
- end;
- if not FInCreateTextEffect and (ShadowActuallyVisible or OutlineActuallyVisible or ShaderActuallyActive) then
- begin
- fx := CreateTextEffect(AText, AFont);
- fx.ShadowQuality := ShadowQuality;
- DecF(y, AFont.Ascent);
- if ShadowActuallyVisible then fx.DrawShadow(Destination, round(x+ShadowOffset.X),round(y+ShadowOffset.Y), ShadowRadius, ShadowColor);
- if OuterOutlineOnly then DoOutline;
- if texture <> nil then
- begin
- if ShaderActuallyActive then
- fx.DrawShaded(Destination,floor(x),floor(y), Shader, round(fx.TextSize.cy*0.05), texture)
- else
- fx.Draw(Destination,round(x),round(y), texture);
- end else
- begin
- if ShaderActuallyActive then
- fx.DrawShaded(Destination,floor(x),floor(y), Shader, round(fx.TextSize.cy*0.05), FPColorToBGRA(AColor))
- else
- fx.Draw(Destination,round(x),round(y), FPColorToBGRA(AColor));
- end;
- if not OuterOutlineOnly then DoOutline;
- fx.Free;
- end else
- begin
- FColor := FPColorToBGRA(AColor);
- if AFont.ClearType then
- AFont.RenderText(AText, x, y, Destination.ClipRect, @RenderDirectlyClearType)
- else
- AFont.RenderText(AText, x, y, Destination.ClipRect, @RenderDirectly);
- end;
-procedure TBGRAFreeTypeDrawer.DrawText(AText: string;
- AFont: TFreeTypeRenderableFont; x, y: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- DrawText(AText, AFont, x,y, BGRAToFPColor(AColor));
-procedure TBGRAFreeTypeDrawer.DrawText(AText: string;
- AFont: TFreeTypeRenderableFont; x, y: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel;
- AAlign: TFreeTypeAlignments);
- DrawText(AText, AFont, x,y, BGRAToFPColor(AColor), AAlign);
-procedure TBGRAFreeTypeDrawer.DrawTextWordBreak(AText: string;
- AFont: TFreeTypeRenderableFont; x, y, AMaxWidth: Single; AColor: TBGRAPixel;
- AAlign: TFreeTypeAlignments);
- DrawTextWordBreak(AText,AFont,x,y,AMaxWidth,BGRAToFPColor(AColor),AAlign);
-procedure TBGRAFreeTypeDrawer.DrawTextRect(AText: string;
- AFont: TFreeTypeRenderableFont; X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Single; AColor: TBGRAPixel;
- AAlign: TFreeTypeAlignments);
- DrawTextRect(AText,AFont,X1,Y1,X2,Y2,BGRAToFPColor(AColor),AAlign);
-procedure TBGRAFreeTypeDrawer.DrawGlyph(AGlyph: integer;
- AFont: TFreeTypeRenderableFont; x, y: single; AColor: TFPColor);
-var f: TFreeTypeFont;
- if not (AFont is TFreeTypeFont) then exit;
- f := TFreeTypeFont(Afont);
- FColor := FPColorToBGRA(AColor);
- if AFont.ClearType then
- f.RenderGlyph(AGlyph, x, y, Destination.ClipRect, @RenderDirectlyClearType)
- else
- f.RenderGlyph(AGlyph, x, y, Destination.ClipRect, @RenderDirectly);
-procedure TBGRAFreeTypeDrawer.DrawGlyph(AGlyph: integer;
- AFont: TFreeTypeRenderableFont; x, y: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- DrawGlyph(AGlyph, AFont, x,y, BGRAToFPColor(AColor));
-procedure TBGRAFreeTypeDrawer.DrawGlyph(AGlyph: integer;
- AFont: TFreeTypeRenderableFont; x, y: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel;
- AAlign: TFreeTypeAlignments);
- DrawGlyph(AGlyph, AFont, x,y, BGRAToFPColor(AColor), AAlign);
-function TBGRAFreeTypeDrawer.CreateTextEffect(AText: string;
- AFont: TFreeTypeRenderableFont): TBGRACustomTextEffect;
- mask: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- tx,ty,marginHoriz,marginVert: integer;
- tempDest: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- tempTex: IBGRAScanner;
- tempClearType: boolean;
- FInCreateTextEffect:= True;
- try
- tx := ceil(AFont.TextWidth(AText));
- ty := ceil(AFont.TextHeight(AText));
- marginHoriz := ty div 2;
- marginVert := 1;
- mask := BGRABitmapFactory.Create(tx+2*marginHoriz,ty+2*marginVert,BGRABlack);
- tempDest := Destination;
- tempTex := Texture;
- tempClearType:= AFont.ClearType;
- Destination := mask;
- Texture := nil;
- AFont.ClearType := false;
- DrawText(AText,AFont,marginHoriz,marginVert,BGRAWhite,[ftaTop,ftaLeft]);
- Destination := tempDest;
- Texture := tempTex;
- AFont.ClearType := tempClearType;
- mask.ConvertToLinearRGB;
- result := TBGRACustomTextEffect.Create(mask, true,tx,ty,point(-marginHoriz,-marginVert));
- finally
- FInCreateTextEffect:= false;
- end;
-destructor TBGRAFreeTypeDrawer.Destroy;
- FMask.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgragifformat.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgragifformat.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index dd32eed..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgragifformat.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1219 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAGifFormat;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BGRAGraphics, BGRABitmap, BGRABitmapTypes,
- BGRAPalette;
- //what to do when finishing a frame and starting the next one
- TDisposeMode = (dmNone, //undefined value
- dmKeep, //keep the changes done by the frame
- dmErase, //clear everything after the frame
- dmRestore); //restore to how it was before the frame
- //one image in the array
- TGifSubImage = record
- Image: TBGRABitmap; //image to draw at the beggining of the frame
- Position: TPoint; //relative position of the image in the frame
- DelayMs: integer; //time in milliseconds to wait before going to next frame
- DisposeMode: TDisposeMode; //what do do when going to next frame
- HasLocalPalette: boolean; //the image has its own palette
- end;
- TGifSubImageArray = array of TGifSubImage;
- TGIFSignature = packed array[1..6] of char; //'GIF87a' or 'GIF89a'
- TGIFScreenDescriptor = packed record
- Width, Height: word;
- flags, //screen bit depth = ((flags shr 4) and 7) + 1
- //palette bit depth = (flags and 7) + 1
- BackgroundColorIndex, //index of background color in global palette
- AspectRatio64 : byte; //0 if not specified, otherwise aspect ratio is (AspectRatio64 + 15) / 64
- end;
- TGIFImageDescriptor = packed record
- x, y, Width, Height: word;
- flags: byte;
- end;
- TGIFImageDescriptorWithHeader = packed record
- ImageIntroducer: byte;
- Image: TGIFImageDescriptor;
- end;
- TGIFExtensionBlock = packed record
- FunctionCode: byte;
- end;
- TGIFGraphicControlExtension = packed record
- flags: byte;
- DelayHundredthSec: word;
- TransparentColorIndex: byte;
- end;
- TGIFGraphicControlExtensionWithHeader = packed record
- ExtensionIntroducer: byte;
- FunctionCode: byte;
- BlockSize: byte;
- GraphicControl: TGIFGraphicControlExtension;
- BlockTerminator: byte;
- end;
- TPackedRGBTriple = packed record
- r, g, b: byte;
- end;
- TGIFData = record
- Width, Height: integer;
- AspectRatio: single;
- BackgroundColor: TColor;
- LoopCount: Word;
- Images: array of TGifSubImage;
- end;
- { EColorQuantizerMissing }
- EColorQuantizerMissing = class(Exception)
- constructor Create;
- constructor Create(AMessage: string);
- end;
- GIFScreenDescriptor_GlobalColorTableFlag = $80; //global palette is present
- GIFScreenDescriptor_GlobalColorSortFlag = $08; //global palette colors are sorted by importance
- GIFImageIntroducer = $2c;
- GIFExtensionIntroducer = $21;
- GIFBlockTerminator = $00;
- GIFFileTerminator = $3B;
- GIFGraphicControlExtension_TransparentFlag = $01; //transparent color index is provided
- GIFGraphicControlExtension_UserInputFlag = $02; //wait for user input at this frame (ignored)
- GIFGraphicControlExtension_FunctionCode = $f9;
- GIFGraphicControlExtension_DisposeModeShift = 2;
- GIFImageDescriptor_LocalColorTableFlag = $80; //local palette is present
- GIFImageDescriptor_InterlacedFlag = $40; //image data is interlaced
- GIFImageDescriptor_LocalColorSortFlag = $20; //local palette colors are sorted by importance
- GIFInterlacedStart: array[1..4] of longint = (0, 4, 2, 1);
- GIFInterlacedStep: array[1..4] of longint = (8, 8, 4, 2);
- GIFCodeTableSize = 4096;
- NetscapeApplicationIdentifier = 'NETSCAPE2.0';
- NetscapeSubBlockIdLoopCount = 1;
- NetscapeSubBlockIdBuffering = 2;
-function CeilLn2(AValue: Integer): integer;
-function BGRAToPackedRgbTriple(color: TBGRAPixel): TPackedRGBTriple;
-function PackedRgbTribleToBGRA(rgb: TPackedRGBTriple): TBGRAPixel;
-function GIFLoadFromStream(stream: TStream; MaxImageCount: integer = maxLongint): TGIFData;
-procedure GIFSaveToStream(AData: TGifData; Stream: TStream; AQuantizerFactory: TBGRAColorQuantizerAny;
- ADitheringAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm);
-procedure GIFDecodeLZW(AStream: TStream; AImage: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- const APalette: ArrayOfTBGRAPixel; transcolorIndex: integer;
- interlaced: boolean);
-//Encode an image supplied as an sequence of bytes, from left to right and top to bottom.
-//Adapted from the work of Udo Schmal, http://www.gocher.me/FPWriteGIF
-procedure GIFEncodeLZW(AStream: TStream; AImageData: PByte;
- AImageWidth, AImageHeight: integer; ABitDepth: byte);
-function PackedRgbTribleToBGRA(rgb: TPackedRGBTriple): TBGRAPixel;
- Result.red := rgb.r;
- Result.green := rgb.g;
- Result.blue := rgb.b;
- Result.alpha := 255;
-function BGRAToPackedRgbTriple(color: TBGRAPixel): TPackedRGBTriple;
- result.r := color.red;
- result.g := color.green;
- result.b := color.blue;
-function CeilLn2(AValue: Integer): integer;
-var comp: integer;
- result := 0;
- comp := 1;
- while (comp < AValue) and (result < 30) do
- begin
- inc(result);
- comp := comp shl 1;
- end;
-procedure GIFDecodeLZW(AStream: TStream; AImage: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- const APalette: ArrayOfTBGRAPixel; transcolorIndex: integer;
- interlaced: boolean);
- xd, yd: longint;
- Pstr = ^Tstr;
- Tstr = record
- prefix: Pstr;
- suffix: longint;
- end;
- Pstrtab = ^Tstrtab;
- Tstrtab = array[0..GIFCodeTableSize-1] of Tstr;
- strtab: Pstrtab;
- oldcode, curcode, clearcode, endcode: longint;
- codesize, codelen, codemask: longint;
- stridx: longint;
- bitbuf, bitsinbuf: longint;
- bytbuf: packed array[0..255] of byte;
- bytinbuf, bytbufidx: byte;
- endofsrc: boolean;
- xcnt, ycnt, ystep, pass: longint;
- pdest: PBGRAPixel;
- procedure InitStringTable;
- var
- i: longint;
- begin
- new(strtab);
- clearcode := 1 shl codesize;
- endcode := clearcode + 1;
- stridx := endcode + 1;
- codelen := CeilLn2(stridx+1);
- codemask := (1 shl codelen) - 1;
- for i := 0 to clearcode - 1 do
- begin
- strtab^[i].prefix := nil;
- strtab^[i].suffix := i;
- end;
- for i := clearcode to GIFCodeTableSize-1 do
- begin
- strtab^[i].prefix := nil;
- strtab^[i].suffix := 0;
- end;
- end;
- procedure ClearStringTable;
- var
- i: longint;
- begin
- clearcode := 1 shl codesize;
- endcode := clearcode + 1;
- stridx := endcode + 1;
- codelen := CeilLn2(stridx+1);
- codemask := (1 shl codelen) - 1;
- for i := clearcode to GIFCodeTableSize-1 do
- begin
- strtab^[i].prefix := nil;
- strtab^[i].suffix := 0;
- end;
- end;
- procedure DoneStringTable;
- begin
- dispose(strtab);
- end;
- function GetNextCode: longint;
- begin
- while (bitsinbuf < codelen) do
- begin
- if (bytinbuf = 0) then
- begin
- if AStream.Read(bytinbuf, 1) <> 1 then
- raise exception.Create('Unexpected end of stream');
- if (bytinbuf = 0) then
- begin
- endofsrc := True;
- result := endcode;
- exit;
- end;
- AStream.Read(bytbuf, bytinbuf);
- bytbufidx := 0;
- end;
- bitbuf := bitbuf or (longint(byte(bytbuf[bytbufidx])) shl bitsinbuf);
- Inc(bytbufidx);
- Dec(bytinbuf);
- Inc(bitsinbuf, 8);
- end;
- Result := bitbuf and codemask;
- bitbuf := bitbuf shr codelen;
- Dec(bitsinbuf, codelen);
- //write(inttostr(result)+'@'+inttostr(codelen)+' ');
- end;
- procedure AddStr2Tab(prefix: Pstr; suffix: longint);
- begin
- if stridx >= GIFCodeTableSize then exit;
- strtab^[stridx].prefix := prefix;
- strtab^[stridx].suffix := suffix;
- Inc(stridx);
- if (stridx = 1 shl codelen)
- and (stridx < GIFCodeTableSize) then
- inc(codelen);
- codemask := (1 shl codelen) - 1;
- end;
- function Code2Str(code: longint): Pstr;
- begin
- Result := addr(strtab^[code]);
- end;
- procedure WriteStr(s: Pstr);
- var
- colorIndex: integer;
- begin
- if (s^.prefix <> nil) then
- begin
- if s^.prefix = s then
- raise exception.Create('Circular reference in prefix');
- WriteStr(s^.prefix);
- end;
- if (ycnt >= yd) then
- begin
- if interlaced then
- begin
- while ycnt >= yd do
- begin
- if pass >= 5 then exit;
- Inc(pass);
- ycnt := GIFInterlacedStart[pass];
- ystep := GIFInterlacedStep[pass];
- end;
- end else exit;
- end;
- colorIndex := s^.suffix;
- if xcnt = 0 then pdest := AImage.ScanLine[ycnt];
- if (colorIndex <> transcolorIndex) and (colorIndex >= 0) and
- (colorIndex < length(APalette)) then
- pdest^ := APalette[colorIndex];
- Inc(xcnt);
- inc(pdest);
- if (xcnt >= xd) then
- begin
- pdest := nil;
- xcnt := 0;
- Inc(ycnt, ystep);
- if not interlaced then
- if (ycnt >= yd) then
- begin
- Inc(pass);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function firstchar(s: Pstr): byte;
- begin
- while (s^.prefix <> nil) do
- s := s^.prefix;
- Result := s^.suffix;
- end;
- endofsrc := False;
- xd := AImage.Width;
- yd := AImage.Height;
- xcnt := 0;
- pdest := nil;
- if interlaced then
- begin
- pass := 1;
- ycnt := GIFInterlacedStart[pass];
- ystep := GIFInterlacedStep[pass];
- end
- else
- begin
- pass := 4;
- ycnt := 0;
- ystep := 1;
- end;
- oldcode := 0;
- bitbuf := 0;
- bitsinbuf := 0;
- bytinbuf := 0;
- bytbufidx := 0;
- codesize := 0;
- AStream.Read(codesize, 1);
- InitStringTable;
- try
- curcode := getnextcode;
- //Write('Reading ');
- while (curcode <> endcode) and (pass < 5) and not endofsrc do
- begin
- if (curcode = clearcode) then
- begin
- ClearStringTable;
- repeat
- curcode := getnextcode;
- until (curcode <> clearcode);
- if (curcode = endcode) then
- break;
- WriteStr(code2str(curcode));
- oldcode := curcode;
- end
- else
- begin
- if (curcode < stridx) then
- begin
- WriteStr(Code2Str(curcode));
- AddStr2Tab(Code2Str(oldcode), firstchar(Code2Str(curcode)));
- oldcode := curcode;
- end
- else
- begin
- if (curcode > stridx) then
- begin
- //write('!Invalid! ');
- break;
- end;
- AddStr2Tab(Code2Str(oldcode), firstchar(Code2Str(oldcode)));
- WriteStr(Code2Str(stridx - 1));
- oldcode := curcode;
- end;
- end;
- curcode := getnextcode;
- end;
- finally
- DoneStringTable;
- end;
- //Writeln;
- if not endofsrc then
- begin
- bytinbuf:= 0;
- AStream.ReadBuffer(bytinbuf, 1);
- if bytinbuf <> 0 then
- raise exception.Create('Invalid GIF format: expecting block terminator');
- end;
-//Encode an image supplied as an sequence of bytes, from left to right and top to bottom.
-//Adapted from the work of Udo Schmal, http://www.gocher.me/FPWriteGIF
-procedure GIFEncodeLZW(AStream: TStream; AImageData: PByte;
- AImageWidth, AImageHeight: integer; ABitDepth: byte);
-var //input position
- PInput, PInputEnd: PByte;
- // get the next pixel from the bitmap
- function ReadValue: byte;
- begin
- result := PInput^;
- Inc(PInput);
- end;
-var // GIF buffer can be up to 255 bytes long
- OutputBufferSize: Int32or64;
- OutputBuffer: packed array[0..255] of byte;
- procedure FlushByteOutput;
- begin
- if OutputBufferSize > 0 then
- begin
- OutputBuffer[0] := OutputBufferSize;
- AStream.WriteBuffer(OutputBuffer, OutputBufferSize+1);
- OutputBufferSize := 0;
- end;
- end;
- procedure OutputByte(AValue: byte);
- begin
- if OutputBufferSize = 255 then FlushByteOutput;
- inc(OutputBufferSize);
- OutputBuffer[OutputBufferSize] := AValue;
- end;
-type TCode = Word;
- BitBuffer : LongWord; // steady stream of bit output
- BitBufferLen : Byte; // number of bits in buffer
- CurCodeSize : byte; // current code size
- // save the code in the output data stream
- procedure WriteCode(Code: TCode);
- begin
- //Write(IntToStr(Code)+'@'+IntToStr(CurCodeSize)+' ');
- // append code to bit buffer
- BitBuffer := BitBuffer or (Code shl BitBufferLen);
- BitBufferLen := BitBufferLen + CurCodeSize;
- // output whole bytes
- while BitBufferLen >= 8 do
- begin
- OutputByte(BitBuffer and $ff);
- BitBuffer := BitBuffer shr 8;
- dec(BitBufferLen, 8);
- end;
- end;
- procedure CloseBitOutput;
- begin
- // write out the rest of the bit string
- // and add padding bits if necessary
- while BitBufferLen > 0 do
- begin
- OutputByte(BitBuffer and $ff);
- BitBuffer := BitBuffer shr 8;
- if BitBufferLen >= 8 then
- dec(BitBufferLen, 8)
- else
- BitBufferLen := 0;
- end;
- end;
- PCodeTableEntry = ^TCodeTableEntry;
- TCodeTableEntry = packed record
- Prefix: TCode;
- LongerFirst, LongerLast: TCode;
- Suffix, Padding: Byte;
- NextWithPrefix: TCode;
- end;
- ClearCode : TCode; // reset decode params
- EndStreamCode : TCode; // last code in input stream
- FirstCodeSlot : TCode; // first slot when table is empty
- NextCodeSlot : TCode; // next slot to be used
- PEntry: PCodeTableEntry;
- CodeTable: array of TCodeTableEntry;
- CurrentCode : TCode; // code representing current string
- procedure DoClearCode;
- var
- i: Word;
- begin
- for i := 0 to (1 shl ABitDepth)-1 do
- with CodeTable[i] do
- begin
- LongerFirst:= 0;
- LongerLast:= 0;
- end;
- WriteCode(ClearCode);
- CurCodeSize := CeilLn2(FirstCodeSlot+1);
- NextCodeSlot := FirstCodeSlot;
- end;
- CurValue: Byte;
- i: TCode;
- found: boolean; // decoded string in prefix table?
- if ABitDepth > 8 then
- raise exception.Create('Maximum bit depth is 8');
- //most readers won't handle less than 2 bits
- if ABitDepth < 2 then ABitDepth := 2;
- //output
- AStream.WriteByte(ABitDepth);
- ClearCode := 1 shl ABitDepth;
- EndStreamCode := ClearCode + 1;
- FirstCodeSlot := ClearCode + 2;
- CurCodeSize := CeilLn2(FirstCodeSlot+1);
- OutputBufferSize := 0;
- BitBuffer := 0;
- BitBufferLen := 0;
- //input
- PInput := AImageData;
- PInputEnd := AImageData + PtrInt(AImageWidth)*AImageHeight;
- setlength(CodeTable, GIFCodeTableSize);
- DoClearCode;
- //write('Writing ');
- while PInput < PInputEnd do
- begin
- CurrentCode := ReadValue;
- if CurrentCode >= ClearCode then
- raise exception.Create('Internal error');
- //try to match the longest string
- while PInput < PInputEnd do
- begin
- CurValue := ReadValue;
- found := false;
- i := CodeTable[CurrentCode].LongerFirst;
- while i <> 0 do
- begin
- PEntry := @CodeTable[i];
- if PEntry^.Suffix = CurValue then
- begin
- found := true;
- CurrentCode := i;
- break;
- end;
- i := PEntry^.NextWithPrefix;
- end;
- if not found then
- begin
- PEntry := @CodeTable[CurrentCode];
- if PEntry^.LongerFirst = 0 then
- begin
- //store the first and last code being longer
- PEntry^.LongerFirst := NextCodeSlot;
- PEntry^.LongerLast := NextCodeSlot;
- end else
- begin
- //link next entry having the same prefix
- CodeTable[PEntry^.LongerLast].NextWithPrefix:= NextCodeSlot;
- PEntry^.LongerLast := NextCodeSlot;
- end;
- // add new encode table entry
- PEntry := @CodeTable[NextCodeSlot];
- PEntry^.Prefix := CurrentCode;
- PEntry^.Suffix := CurValue;
- PEntry^.LongerFirst := 0;
- PEntry^.LongerLast := 0;
- PEntry^.NextWithPrefix := 0;
- inc(NextCodeSlot);
- Dec(PInput);
- break;
- end;
- end;
- // write the code of the longest entry found
- WriteCode(CurrentCode);
- if NextCodeSlot >= GIFCodeTableSize then
- DoClearCode
- else if NextCodeSlot > 1 shl CurCodeSize then
- inc(CurCodeSize);
- end;
- WriteCode(EndStreamCode);
- CloseBitOutput;
- FlushByteOutput;
- AStream.WriteByte(0); //GIF block terminator
- //Writeln;
-function GIFLoadFromStream(stream: TStream; MaxImageCount: integer = maxLongint): TGIFData;
- procedure DumpData;
- var
- Count: byte;
- begin
- repeat
- Count := 0;
- stream.Read(Count, 1);
- stream.position := stream.position + Count;
- until (Count = 0) or (stream.position >= stream.size);
- end;
- function ReadString: string;
- var Count: byte;
- begin
- Count := 0;
- stream.Read(Count, 1);
- setlength(result, Count);
- if Count > 0 then
- stream.ReadBuffer(result[1], length(result));
- end;
- NbImages: integer;
- GIFSignature: TGIFSignature;
- GIFScreenDescriptor: TGIFScreenDescriptor;
- GIFBlockID: char;
- GIFImageDescriptor: TGIFImageDescriptor;
- globalPalette: ArrayOfTBGRAPixel;
- localPalette: ArrayOfTBGRAPixel;
- transcolorIndex: integer;
- DelayMs: integer;
- disposeMode: TDisposeMode;
- procedure LoadGlobalPalette;
- var
- NbEntries, i: integer;
- rgb: TPackedRGBTriple;
- begin
- NbEntries := 1 shl (GIFScreenDescriptor.flags and $07 + 1);
- setlength(globalPalette, NbEntries);
- for i := 0 to NbEntries - 1 do
- begin
- stream.ReadBuffer({%H-}rgb, 3);
- globalPalette[i] := PackedRgbTribleToBGRA(rgb);
- end;
- end;
- procedure LoadLocalPalette;
- var
- NbEntries, i: integer;
- rgb: TPackedRGBTriple;
- begin
- NbEntries := 1 shl (GIFImageDescriptor.flags and $07 + 1);
- setlength(localPalette, NbEntries);
- for i := 0 to NbEntries - 1 do
- begin
- stream.ReadBuffer({%H-}rgb, 3);
- localPalette[i] := PackedRgbTribleToBGRA(rgb);
- end;
- end;
- procedure LoadImage;
- var
- imgWidth, imgHeight: integer;
- img: TBGRABitmap;
- Interlaced: boolean;
- palette: ArrayOfTBGRAPixel;
- begin
- stream.Read(GIFImageDescriptor, sizeof(GIFImageDescriptor));
- GIFImageDescriptor.Width := LEtoN(GIFImageDescriptor.Width);
- GIFImageDescriptor.Height := LEtoN(GIFImageDescriptor.Height);
- GIFImageDescriptor.x := LEtoN(GIFImageDescriptor.x);
- GIFImageDescriptor.y := LEtoN(GIFImageDescriptor.y);
- if (GIFImageDescriptor.flags and GIFImageDescriptor_LocalColorTableFlag =
- GIFImageDescriptor_LocalColorTableFlag) then
- LoadLocalPalette
- else
- localPalette := nil;
- if localPalette <> nil then
- palette := localPalette
- else
- palette := globalPalette;
- imgWidth := GIFImageDescriptor.Width;
- imgHeight := GIFImageDescriptor.Height;
- if length(result.Images) <= NbImages then
- setlength(result.Images, length(result.Images) * 2 + 1);
- img := TBGRABitmap.Create(imgWidth, imgHeight);
- img.Fill(BGRAPixelTransparent);
- result.Images[NbImages].Image := img;
- result.Images[NbImages].Position := point(GIFImageDescriptor.x, GIFImageDescriptor.y);
- result.Images[NbImages].DelayMs := DelayMs;
- result.Images[NbImages].DisposeMode := disposeMode;
- result.Images[NbImages].HasLocalPalette := localPalette <> nil;
- Inc(NbImages);
- Interlaced := GIFImageDescriptor.flags and GIFImageDescriptor_InterlacedFlag =
- GIFImageDescriptor_InterlacedFlag;
- GIFDecodeLZW(stream, img, palette, transcolorIndex, Interlaced);
- end;
- procedure ReadExtension;
- var
- GIFExtensionBlock: TGIFExtensionBlock;
- GIFGraphicControlExtension: TGIFGraphicControlExtension;
- mincount, Count, SubBlockId: byte;
- app: String;
- begin
- stream.ReadBuffer({%H-}GIFExtensionBlock, sizeof(GIFExtensionBlock));
- case GIFExtensionBlock.FunctionCode of
- $F9: //graphic control extension
- begin
- Count := 0;
- stream.Read(Count, 1);
- if Count < sizeof(GIFGraphicControlExtension) then
- mincount := 0
- else
- begin
- mincount := sizeof(GIFGraphicControlExtension);
- stream.ReadBuffer({%H-}GIFGraphicControlExtension, mincount);
- GIFGraphicControlExtension.DelayHundredthSec := LEtoN(GIFGraphicControlExtension.DelayHundredthSec);
- if GIFGraphicControlExtension.flags and
- GIFGraphicControlExtension_TransparentFlag =
- GIFGraphicControlExtension_TransparentFlag then
- transcolorIndex := GIFGraphicControlExtension.TransparentColorIndex
- else
- transcolorIndex := -1;
- if GIFGraphicControlExtension.DelayHundredthSec <> 0 then
- DelayMs := GIFGraphicControlExtension.DelayHundredthSec * 10;
- DisposeMode := TDisposeMode((GIFGraphicControlExtension.flags shr GIFGraphicControlExtension_DisposeModeShift) and 7);
- end;
- stream.Position := Stream.Position + Count - mincount;
- DumpData;
- end;
- $ff: //application extension
- begin
- app := ReadString;
- if app <> '' then
- begin
- if app = NetscapeApplicationIdentifier then
- begin
- repeat
- Count := 0;
- stream.Read(Count,1);
- if Count = 0 then break;
- stream.ReadBuffer({%H-}SubBlockId,1);
- Dec(Count);
- if (SubBlockId = NetscapeSubBlockIdLoopCount) and (Count >= 2) then
- begin
- stream.ReadBuffer(result.LoopCount, 2);
- dec(Count,2);
- result.LoopCount := LEtoN(result.LoopCount);
- if result.LoopCount > 0 then inc(result.LoopCount);
- end;
- stream.Position:= stream.Position+Count;
- until false;
- end else
- DumpData;
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- DumpData;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure DiscardImages;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to NbImages-1 do
- FreeAndNil(result.Images[i].Image);
- NbImages:= 0;
- end;
- result.Width := 0;
- result.Height := 0;
- result.BackgroundColor := clNone;
- result.Images := nil;
- result.AspectRatio := 1;
- result.LoopCount := 1;
- if stream = nil then exit;
- NbImages := 0;
- transcolorIndex := -1;
- DelayMs := 100;
- disposeMode := dmErase;
- try
- FillChar({%H-}GIFSignature,sizeof(GIFSignature),0);
- stream.Read(GIFSignature, sizeof(GIFSignature));
- if (GIFSignature[1] = 'G') and (GIFSignature[2] = 'I') and (GIFSignature[3] = 'F') then
- begin
- stream.ReadBuffer({%H-}GIFScreenDescriptor, sizeof(GIFScreenDescriptor));
- GIFScreenDescriptor.Width := LEtoN(GIFScreenDescriptor.Width);
- GIFScreenDescriptor.Height := LEtoN(GIFScreenDescriptor.Height);
- result.Width := GIFScreenDescriptor.Width;
- result.Height := GIFScreenDescriptor.Height;
- if GIFScreenDescriptor.AspectRatio64 = 0 then
- result.AspectRatio:= 1
- else
- result.AspectRatio:= (GIFScreenDescriptor.AspectRatio64+15)/64;
- if (GIFScreenDescriptor.flags and GIFScreenDescriptor_GlobalColorTableFlag =
- GIFScreenDescriptor_GlobalColorTableFlag) then
- begin
- LoadGlobalPalette;
- if GIFScreenDescriptor.BackgroundColorIndex < length(globalPalette) then
- result.BackgroundColor :=
- BGRAToColor(globalPalette[GIFScreenDescriptor.BackgroundColorIndex]);
- end;
- repeat
- stream.ReadBuffer({%H-}GIFBlockID, sizeof(GIFBlockID));
- case GIFBlockID of
- ';': ;
- ',': begin
- if NbImages >= MaxImageCount then break;
- LoadImage;
- end;
- '!': ReadExtension;
- else
- begin
- raise Exception.Create('GIF format: unexpected block type');
- break;
- end;
- end;
- until (GIFBlockID = ';') or (stream.Position >= stream.size);
- end
- else
- raise Exception.Create('GIF format: invalid header');
- except
- on ex: Exception do
- begin
- DiscardImages;
- raise Exception.Create('GIF format: '+ ex.Message);
- end;
- end;
- setlength(result.Images, NbImages);
-procedure GIFSaveToStream(AData: TGifData; Stream: TStream; AQuantizerFactory: TBGRAColorQuantizerAny;
- ADitheringAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm);
- signature: TGIFSignature;
- screenDescriptor: TGIFScreenDescriptor;
- globalPalette: TBGRAPalette;
- globalQuantizer: TBGRACustomColorQuantizer;
- globalTranspIndex: integer;
- procedure AddColorsToPalette(AImage: TBGRACustomBitmap; APalette: TBGRAPalette);
- var n: integer;
- p: PBGRAPixel;
- c: TBGRAPixel;
- begin
- p := AImage.Data;
- for n := AImage.NbPixels-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- if p^.alpha < 255 then //transparent color will be needed to dither properly
- APalette.AddColor(BGRAPixelTransparent);
- if p^.alpha > 0 then //color may be needed to dither properly
- begin
- c := p^;
- c.alpha := 255;
- APalette.AddColor(c);
- end;
- inc(p);
- end;
- end;
- function ImageCount: integer;
- begin
- result := length(AData.Images);
- end;
- function NeedGlobalPalette: boolean;
- var i: integer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to ImageCount-1 do
- if not AData.Images[i].HasLocalPalette then
- begin
- result := true;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- function IndexOfGlobalColor(AColor: TBGRAPixel): integer;
- begin
- if Assigned(globalQuantizer) then
- result := globalQuantizer.ReducedPalette.FindNearestColorIndex(AColor)
- else
- result := globalPalette.IndexOfColor(AColor);
- end;
- procedure MakeGlobalPalette;
- var i: integer;
- indexed: TBGRAIndexedPalette;
- bitDepth: integer;
- begin
- globalPalette := TBGRAPalette.Create;
- for i := 0 to ImageCount-1 do
- if not AData.Images[i].HasLocalPalette then
- AddColorsToPalette(AData.Images[i].Image, globalPalette);
- if AData.BackgroundColor <> clNone then
- globalPalette.AddColor(ColorToBGRA(AData.BackgroundColor));
- if globalPalette.Count > 256 then
- begin
- if Assigned(AQuantizerFactory) then
- begin
- globalQuantizer:= AQuantizerFactory.Create(globalPalette, False, 256);
- globalPalette.Free;
- globalPalette := TBGRAIndexedPalette.Create(globalQuantizer.ReducedPalette);
- end
- else
- begin
- globalPalette.Free;
- raise EColorQuantizerMissing.Create;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- indexed := TBGRAIndexedPalette.Create(globalPalette);
- globalPalette.Free;
- globalPalette := indexed;
- end;
- globalTranspIndex:= globalPalette.IndexOfColor(BGRAPixelTransparent);
- if AData.BackgroundColor <> clNone then
- screenDescriptor.BackgroundColorIndex:= IndexOfGlobalColor(ColorToBGRA(AData.BackgroundColor)) and 255;
- bitDepth := CeilLn2(globalPalette.Count);
- if bitDepth > 8 then bitDepth:= 8;
- if bitDepth < 1 then bitDepth:= 1;
- screenDescriptor.flags := screenDescriptor.flags or GIFScreenDescriptor_GlobalColorTableFlag;
- screenDescriptor.flags := screenDescriptor.flags or (bitDepth-1);
- end;
- procedure WritePalette(pal: TBGRAPalette; bitDepth: integer);
- var i: integer;
- numberToWrite,numberFromPal: Integer;
- rgbs: ^TPackedRGBTriple;
- black: TPackedRGBTriple;
- begin
- if not Assigned(pal) then exit;
- numberToWrite:= 1 shl bitDepth;
- numberFromPal := pal.Count;
- if numberFromPal > numberToWrite then numberFromPal:= numberToWrite;
- getmem(rgbs, numberToWrite*sizeof(TPackedRGBTriple));
- try
- for i := 0 to numberFromPal-1 do
- rgbs[i] := BGRAToPackedRgbTriple(pal.Color[i]);
- black := BGRAToPackedRgbTriple(BGRABlack);
- for i := numberFromPal to numberToWrite-1 do
- rgbs[i] := black;
- Stream.WriteBuffer(rgbs^,sizeof(TPackedRGBTriple)*numberToWrite);
- finally
- freemem(rgbs);
- end;
- end;
- procedure WriteGlobalPalette;
- begin
- WritePalette(globalPalette, (screenDescriptor.flags and 7)+1);
- end;
- procedure FreeGlobalPalette;
- begin
- FreeAndNil(globalPalette);
- FreeAndNil(globalQuantizer);
- end;
- procedure WriteImages;
- var
- localPalette: TBGRAPalette;
- localQuantizer: TBGRACustomColorQuantizer;
- localTranspIndex: integer;
- imageDescriptor: TGIFImageDescriptorWithHeader;
- procedure MakeLocalPalette(AFrameIndex: integer);
- var
- indexed: TBGRAIndexedPalette;
- bitDepth: integer;
- begin
- localPalette := TBGRAPalette.Create;
- AddColorsToPalette(AData.Images[AFrameIndex].Image, localPalette);
- if localPalette.Count > 256 then
- begin
- if Assigned(AQuantizerFactory) then
- begin
- localQuantizer:= AQuantizerFactory.Create(localPalette, False, 256);
- localPalette.Free;
- localPalette := TBGRAIndexedPalette.Create(localQuantizer.ReducedPalette);
- end
- else
- begin
- localPalette.Free;
- raise EColorQuantizerMissing.Create;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- indexed := TBGRAIndexedPalette.Create(localPalette);
- localPalette.Free;
- localPalette := indexed;
- end;
- localTranspIndex:= localPalette.IndexOfColor(BGRAPixelTransparent);
- bitDepth := CeilLn2(localPalette.Count);
- if bitDepth > 8 then bitDepth:= 8;
- if bitDepth < 1 then bitDepth:= 1;
- imageDescriptor.Image.flags := imageDescriptor.Image.flags or GIFImageDescriptor_LocalColorTableFlag;
- imageDescriptor.Image.flags := imageDescriptor.Image.flags or (bitDepth-1);
- end;
- procedure WriteLocalPalette;
- begin
- WritePalette(localPalette, (imageDescriptor.Image.flags and 7)+1);
- end;
- procedure FreeLocalPalette;
- begin
- FreeAndNil(localPalette);
- FreeAndNil(localQuantizer);
- localTranspIndex:= -1;
- end;
- procedure DitherAndCompressImage(AFrame: integer; APalette: TBGRAPalette; AQuantizer: TBGRACustomColorQuantizer);
- var ImageData: Pointer;
- Image: TBGRABitmap;
- y,x: Int32or64;
- psource: PBGRAPixel;
- pdest: PByte;
- begin
- Image := AData.Images[AFrame].Image;
- if Assigned(AQuantizer) then
- ImageData := AQuantizer.GetDitheredBitmapIndexedData(8, ADitheringAlgorithm, Image)
- else
- begin
- GetMem(ImageData, Image.Width*Image.Height);
- pdest := ImageData;
- for y := 0 to Image.Height -1 do
- begin
- psource := Image.ScanLine[y];
- for x := 0 to Image.Width -1 do
- begin
- if psource^.alpha < 128 then
- pdest^ := APalette.IndexOfColor(BGRAPixelTransparent)
- else
- pdest^ := APalette.IndexOfColor(BGRA(psource^.red,psource^.green,psource^.blue,255));
- inc(psource);
- inc(pdest);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- try
- GIFEncodeLZW(Stream, ImageData, Image.Width, Image.Height, CeilLn2(APalette.Count));
- finally
- FreeMem(ImageData);
- end;
- end;
- procedure WriteImage(AFrame: integer);
- var
- ext: TGIFGraphicControlExtensionWithHeader;
- transpIndex: integer;
- begin
- fillchar({%H-}ext, sizeof(ext), 0);
- try
- ext.ExtensionIntroducer := GIFExtensionIntroducer;
- ext.FunctionCode := GIFGraphicControlExtension_FunctionCode;
- ext.BlockSize := sizeof(ext.GraphicControl);
- ext.GraphicControl.DelayHundredthSec := (AData.Images[AFrame].DelayMs+5) div 10;
- ext.GraphicControl.TransparentColorIndex := 0;
- ext.GraphicControl.flags := integer(AData.Images[AFrame].DisposeMode) shl GIFGraphicControlExtension_DisposeModeShift;
- ext.BlockTerminator := GIFBlockTerminator;
- with AData.Images[AFrame].Position do
- begin
- imageDescriptor.Image.x := x;
- imageDescriptor.Image.y := y;
- end;
- with AData.Images[AFrame].Image do
- begin
- imageDescriptor.Image.Width := Width;
- imageDescriptor.Image.Height := Height;
- end;
- imageDescriptor.Image.flags := 0;
- if AData.Images[AFrame].HasLocalPalette then MakeLocalPalette(AFrame);
- if AData.Images[AFrame].Image.HasTransparentPixels then
- begin
- if AData.Images[AFrame].HasLocalPalette then
- transpIndex := localTranspIndex
- else
- transpIndex := globalTranspIndex;
- end else
- transpIndex := -1;
- if (transpIndex >= 0) and (transpIndex <= 255) then
- begin
- ext.GraphicControl.flags := ext.GraphicControl.flags or GIFGraphicControlExtension_TransparentFlag;
- ext.GraphicControl.TransparentColorIndex := transpIndex;
- end;
- Stream.WriteBuffer(ext, sizeof(ext));
- Stream.WriteBuffer(imageDescriptor, sizeof(imageDescriptor));
- WriteLocalPalette;
- if AData.Images[AFrame].HasLocalPalette then
- DitherAndCompressImage(AFrame, localPalette, localQuantizer)
- else
- DitherAndCompressImage(AFrame, globalPalette, globalQuantizer);
- finally
- FreeLocalPalette;
- end;
- end;
- var
- i: integer;
- begin
- localPalette := nil;
- localQuantizer := nil;
- localTranspIndex:= -1;
- fillchar({%H-}imageDescriptor, sizeof(imageDescriptor), 0);
- imageDescriptor.ImageIntroducer := GIFImageIntroducer;
- for i := 0 to ImageCount-1 do
- WriteImage(i);
- end;
- procedure WriteLoopExtension;
- var
- app: shortstring;
- w: Word;
- begin
- if AData.LoopCount = 1 then exit;
- Stream.WriteByte(GIFExtensionIntroducer);
- Stream.WriteByte($ff);
- app := NetscapeApplicationIdentifier;
- Stream.WriteBuffer(app[0], length(app)+1);
- Stream.WriteByte(3);
- Stream.WriteByte(NetscapeSubBlockIdLoopCount);
- if AData.LoopCount = 0 then
- w := 0
- else
- w := AData.LoopCount-1;
- w := NtoLE(w);
- Stream.WriteWord(w);
- Stream.WriteByte(0);
- end;
- globalPalette := nil;
- globalQuantizer := nil;
- globalTranspIndex:= -1;
- try
- signature := 'GIF89a';
- screenDescriptor.Width := NtoLE(AData.Width);
- screenDescriptor.Height := NtoLE(AData.Height);
- screenDescriptor.flags := $70; //suppose 8-bit screen
- screenDescriptor.BackgroundColorIndex := 0; //not specified for now
- screenDescriptor.AspectRatio64 := round(AData.AspectRatio*64)-15;
- if NeedGlobalPalette then MakeGlobalPalette;
- Stream.WriteBuffer(signature, sizeof(signature));
- Stream.WriteBuffer(screenDescriptor, sizeof(screenDescriptor));
- WriteGlobalPalette;
- WriteLoopExtension;
- WriteImages;
- Stream.WriteByte(GIFFileTerminator); //end of file
- finally
- FreeGlobalPalette;
- end;
-{ EColorQuantizerMissing }
-constructor EColorQuantizerMissing.Create;
- inherited Create('Please provide a color quantizer class (one is provided in BGRAColorQuantization)')
-constructor EColorQuantizerMissing.Create(AMessage: string);
- inherited Create(AMessage);
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgragradientoriginal.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgragradientoriginal.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 246b8bb..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgragradientoriginal.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,945 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAGradientOriginal;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BGRALayerOriginal, BGRABitmap, BGRABitmapTypes, BGRAGradientScanner,
- TBGRAColorInterpolation = BGRAGradientScanner.TBGRAColorInterpolation;
- TBGRAGradientRepetition = BGRAGradientScanner.TBGRAGradientRepetition;
- TBGRALayerGradientOriginal = class;
- { TBGRAGradientOriginalDiff }
- TBGRAGradientOriginalDiff = class(TBGRAOriginalDiff)
- protected
- FStorageBefore, FStorageAfter: TBGRAMemOriginalStorage;
- public
- constructor Create(AOriginal: TBGRALayerGradientOriginal);
- procedure ComputeDifference(AOriginal: TBGRALayerGradientOriginal);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Apply(AOriginal: TBGRALayerCustomOriginal); override;
- procedure Unapply(AOriginal: TBGRALayerCustomOriginal); override;
- function CanAppend(ADiff: TBGRAOriginalDiff): boolean; override;
- procedure Append(ADiff: TBGRAOriginalDiff); override;
- function IsIdentity: boolean; override;
- end;
- { TBGRALayerGradientOriginal }
- TBGRALayerGradientOriginal = class(TBGRALayerCustomOriginal)
- private
- function GetIsOpaque: boolean;
- procedure SetColorInterpolation(AValue: TBGRAColorInterpolation);
- procedure SetEndColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure SetFocalPoint(AValue: TPointF);
- procedure SetFocalRadius(AValue: Single);
- procedure SetGradientType(AValue: TGradientType);
- procedure SetOrigin(AValue: TPointF);
- procedure SetRadius(AValue: Single);
- procedure SetRepetition(AValue: TBGRAGradientRepetition);
- procedure SetStartColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure SetXAxis(AValue: TPointF);
- procedure SetYAxis(AValue: TPointF);
- protected
- FStartColor,FEndColor: TBGRAPixel;
- FGradientType: TGradientType;
- FOrigin,FXAxis,FYAxis,FFocalPoint: TPointF;
- FOriginBackup,FXAxisBackup, FYAxisBackup: TPointF;
- FRadius,FFocalRadius: single;
- FColorInterpolation: TBGRAColorInterpolation;
- FRepetition: TBGRAGradientRepetition;
- FUpdateCount: integer;
- FUpdateDiff: TBGRAGradientOriginalDiff;
- function GetAverageColor: TBGRAPixel;
- function GetComputedRadius: single;
- function GetComputedYAxis: TPointF;
- function GetComputedFocalPoint: TPointF;
- function GetComputedFocalRadius: single;
- procedure OnMoveOrigin({%H-}ASender: TObject; {%H-}APrevCoord, ANewCoord: TPointF; {%H-}AShift: TShiftState);
- procedure OnMoveXAxis({%H-}ASender: TObject; {%H-}APrevCoord, ANewCoord: TPointF; {%H-}AShift: TShiftState);
- procedure OnMoveXAxisNeg({%H-}ASender: TObject; {%H-}APrevCoord, ANewCoord: TPointF; {%H-}AShift: TShiftState);
- procedure OnMoveYAxis({%H-}ASender: TObject; {%H-}APrevCoord, ANewCoord: TPointF; {%H-}AShift: TShiftState);
- procedure OnMoveFocalPoint({%H-}ASender: TObject; {%H-}APrevCoord, ANewCoord: TPointF; {%H-}AShift: TShiftState);
- procedure OnMoveFocalRadius({%H-}ASender: TObject; {%H-}APrevCoord, ANewCoord: TPointF; {%H-}AShift: TShiftState);
- procedure OnStartMove({%H-}ASender: TObject; {%H-}AIndex: integer; {%H-}AShift: TShiftState);
- procedure BeginUpdate;
- procedure EndUpdate;
- procedure NotifyChangeWithoutDiff;
- public
- constructor Create; override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function ConvertToSVG(const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; out AOffset: TPoint): TObject; override;
- function AddToSVGDefs(const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; ADefs: TSVGDefine): TObject;
- function IsInfiniteSurface: boolean; override;
- procedure Render(ADest: TBGRABitmap; AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; ADraft: boolean); overload; override;
- procedure Render(ADest: TBGRABitmap; AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; ADraft: boolean; ADrawMode: TDrawMode); overload;
- function CreateScanner(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; ADraft: boolean = false): TBGRACustomScanner;
- procedure ConfigureEditor(AEditor: TBGRAOriginalEditor); override;
- function GetRenderBounds(ADestRect: TRect; {%H-}AMatrix: TAffineMatrix): TRect; override;
- procedure LoadFromStorage(AStorage: TBGRACustomOriginalStorage); override;
- procedure SaveToStorage(AStorage: TBGRACustomOriginalStorage); override;
- class function StorageClassName: RawByteString; override;
- class function CanConvertToSVG: boolean; override;
- property ComputedYAxis: TPointF read GetComputedYAxis;
- property ComputedRadius: single read GetComputedRadius;
- property ComputedFocalPoint: TPointF read GetComputedFocalPoint;
- property ComputedFocalRadius: single read GetComputedFocalRadius;
- procedure Transform(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix);
- procedure AssignExceptGeometry(AOther: TBGRALayerGradientOriginal);
- procedure FitGeometry(const ABox: TAffineBox);
- procedure SetColors(AStartColor, AEndColor: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure ApplyOpacity(AOpacity: byte);
- function Equals(Obj: TObject): boolean; override;
- property StartColor: TBGRAPixel read FStartColor write SetStartColor;
- property EndColor: TBGRAPixel read FEndColor write SetEndColor;
- property AverageColor: TBGRAPixel read GetAverageColor;
- property GradientType: TGradientType read FGradientType write SetGradientType; //default gtLinear
- property Origin: TPointF read FOrigin write SetOrigin;
- property XAxis: TPointF read FXAxis write SetXAxis;
- property YAxis: TPointF read FYAxis write SetYAxis;
- property FocalPoint: TPointF read FFocalPoint write SetFocalPoint; //default Origin
- property Radius: Single read FRadius write SetRadius; //default 1
- property FocalRadius: Single read FFocalRadius write SetFocalRadius; //default 0
- property ColorInterpolation: TBGRAColorInterpolation read FColorInterpolation write SetColorInterpolation;
- property Repetition: TBGRAGradientRepetition read FRepetition write SetRepetition;
- property IsOpaque: boolean read GetIsOpaque;
- end;
-uses BGRATransform, BGRABlend, math;
-{ TBGRAGradientOriginalDiff }
-constructor TBGRAGradientOriginalDiff.Create(AOriginal: TBGRALayerGradientOriginal);
- FStorageBefore := TBGRAMemOriginalStorage.Create;
- AOriginal.SaveToStorage(FStorageBefore);
-procedure TBGRAGradientOriginalDiff.ComputeDifference(
- AOriginal: TBGRALayerGradientOriginal);
- if Assigned(FStorageAfter) then FreeAndNil(FStorageAfter);
- FStorageAfter := TBGRAMemOriginalStorage.Create;
- AOriginal.SaveToStorage(FStorageAfter);
-destructor TBGRAGradientOriginalDiff.Destroy;
- FStorageBefore.Free;
- FStorageAfter.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TBGRAGradientOriginalDiff.Apply(AOriginal: TBGRALayerCustomOriginal);
- if not Assigned(FStorageAfter) then raise exception.Create('Undefined state after diff');
- AOriginal.LoadFromStorage(FStorageAfter);
- (AOriginal as TBGRALayerGradientOriginal).NotifyChangeWithoutDiff;
-procedure TBGRAGradientOriginalDiff.Unapply(AOriginal: TBGRALayerCustomOriginal);
- if not Assigned(FStorageBefore) then raise exception.Create('Undefined state before diff');
- AOriginal.LoadFromStorage(FStorageBefore);
- (AOriginal as TBGRALayerGradientOriginal).NotifyChangeWithoutDiff;
-function TBGRAGradientOriginalDiff.CanAppend(ADiff: TBGRAOriginalDiff): boolean;
- result := ADiff is TBGRAGradientOriginalDiff;
-procedure TBGRAGradientOriginalDiff.Append(ADiff: TBGRAOriginalDiff);
- next: TBGRAGradientOriginalDiff;
- next := ADiff as TBGRAGradientOriginalDiff;
- FreeAndNil(FStorageAfter);
- FStorageAfter := next.FStorageAfter.Duplicate as TBGRAMemOriginalStorage;
-function TBGRAGradientOriginalDiff.IsIdentity: boolean;
- result := FStorageBefore.Equals(FStorageAfter);
-{ TBGRALayerGradientOriginal }
-function TBGRALayerGradientOriginal.GetComputedRadius: single;
- if FRadius = EmptySingle then result := 1 else result := FRadius;
-function TBGRALayerGradientOriginal.GetAverageColor: TBGRAPixel;
- result := MergeBGRAWithGammaCorrection(StartColor, 1, EndColor, 1);
-function TBGRALayerGradientOriginal.GetIsOpaque: boolean;
- xLen, yLen, focalLen: Single;
- focalCoord, u, v: TPointF;
- result := (StartColor.alpha = 255) and (EndColor.alpha = 255);
- if result and (GradientType = gtRadial) and not FocalPoint.IsEmpty and
- not Origin.IsEmpty and not XAxis.IsEmpty then
- begin
- u := XAxis - Origin;
- v := ComputedYAxis - Origin;
- xLen := VectLen(u);
- yLen := VectLen(v);
- if (xLen = 0) or (yLen = 0) then
- result := false
- else
- begin
- focalCoord := PointF((FocalPoint - Origin)*u/sqr(xLen),
- (FocalPoint - Origin)*v/sqr(yLen));
- focalLen := VectLen(focalCoord);
- if (focalLen + ComputedFocalRadius + 0.01 >= ComputedRadius) and not
- (ComputedFocalRadius > focalLen + ComputedRadius + 0.01) then
- result := false;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRALayerGradientOriginal.SetColorInterpolation(
- AValue: TBGRAColorInterpolation);
- if FColorInterpolation=AValue then Exit;
- BeginUpdate;
- FColorInterpolation:=AValue;
- EndUpdate;
-procedure TBGRALayerGradientOriginal.SetEndColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- if FEndColor.EqualsExactly(AValue) then Exit;
- BeginUpdate;
- FEndColor:=AValue;
- EndUpdate;
-procedure TBGRALayerGradientOriginal.SetFocalPoint(AValue: TPointF);
- if FFocalPoint=AValue then Exit;
- BeginUpdate;
- FFocalPoint:=AValue;
- EndUpdate;
-procedure TBGRALayerGradientOriginal.SetFocalRadius(AValue: Single);
- if FFocalRadius=AValue then Exit;
- BeginUpdate;
- FFocalRadius:=AValue;
- EndUpdate;
-procedure TBGRALayerGradientOriginal.SetGradientType(AValue: TGradientType);
- if FGradientType=AValue then Exit;
- BeginUpdate;
- FGradientType:=AValue;
- if FGradientType in [gtLinear,gtReflected] then FYAxis := EmptyPointF;
- EndUpdate;
-procedure TBGRALayerGradientOriginal.SetOrigin(AValue: TPointF);
- if FOrigin=AValue then Exit;
- BeginUpdate;
- FOrigin:=AValue;
- EndUpdate;
-procedure TBGRALayerGradientOriginal.SetRadius(AValue: Single);
- if FRadius=AValue then Exit;
- BeginUpdate;
- FRadius:=AValue;
- EndUpdate;
-procedure TBGRALayerGradientOriginal.SetRepetition(
- AValue: TBGRAGradientRepetition);
- if FRepetition=AValue then Exit;
- BeginUpdate;
- FRepetition:=AValue;
- EndUpdate;
-procedure TBGRALayerGradientOriginal.SetStartColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- if FStartColor.EqualsExactly(AValue) then Exit;
- BeginUpdate;
- FStartColor:=AValue;
- EndUpdate;
-procedure TBGRALayerGradientOriginal.SetXAxis(AValue: TPointF);
- if FXAxis=AValue then Exit;
- BeginUpdate;
- FXAxis:=AValue;
- EndUpdate;
-procedure TBGRALayerGradientOriginal.SetYAxis(AValue: TPointF);
- if FYAxis=AValue then Exit;
- BeginUpdate;
- FYAxis:=AValue;
- EndUpdate;
-function TBGRALayerGradientOriginal.GetComputedYAxis: TPointF;
- u: TPointF;
- if isEmptyPointF(FYAxis) then
- begin
- u := FXAxis - FOrigin;
- result := FOrigin + PointF(-u.y,u.x)
- end
- else
- result := FYAxis;
-function TBGRALayerGradientOriginal.GetComputedFocalPoint: TPointF;
- if isEmptyPointF(FFocalPoint) then result := FOrigin else result := FFocalPoint;
-function TBGRALayerGradientOriginal.GetComputedFocalRadius: single;
- if FFocalRadius = EmptySingle then result := 0 else result := FFocalRadius;
-procedure TBGRALayerGradientOriginal.OnMoveOrigin(ASender: TObject; APrevCoord,
- ANewCoord: TPointF; AShift: TShiftState);
- delta: TPointF;
- BeginUpdate;
- delta := ANewCoord-APrevCoord;
- FOrigin.Offset(delta);
- FXAxis.Offset(delta);
- FYAxis.Offset(delta);
- FFocalPoint.Offset(delta);
- EndUpdate;
-procedure TBGRALayerGradientOriginal.OnMoveXAxis(ASender: TObject; APrevCoord,
- ANewCoord: TPointF; AShift: TShiftState);
- m: TAffineMatrix;
- c: TPointF;
- BeginUpdate;
- if not (ssAlt in AShift) or (GradientType in [gtLinear,gtReflected]) then
- begin
- if not isEmptyPointF(FYAxis) and not isEmptyPointF(FYAxisBackup) then
- begin
- m := AffineMatrixScaledRotation(FXAxisBackup, ANewCoord, FOrigin);
- FYAxis := m*FYAxisBackup;
- end;
- end else
- if isEmptyPointF(FYAxis) then FYAxis := ComputedYAxis;
- if (GradientType = gtLinear) and (ssShift in AShift) then
- begin
- c := (FOriginBackup+FXAxisBackup)*0.5;
- m := AffineMatrixScaledRotation(FXAxisBackup, ANewCoord, c);
- FOrigin := m*FOriginBackup;
- end
- else
- FOrigin := FOriginBackup;
- FXAxis := ANewCoord;
- EndUpdate;
-procedure TBGRALayerGradientOriginal.OnMoveXAxisNeg(ASender: TObject;
- APrevCoord, ANewCoord: TPointF; AShift: TShiftState);
- delta, c: TPointF;
- m: TAffineMatrix;
- BeginUpdate;
- delta := ANewCoord-APrevCoord;
- if (GradientType = gtLinear) and (ssShift in AShift) then
- begin
- c := (FOriginBackup+FXAxisBackup)*0.5;
- m := AffineMatrixScaledRotation(FOriginBackup, (FOrigin+delta), c);
- FXAxis := m*FXAxisBackup;
- end
- else
- FXAxis := FXAxisBackup;
- FOrigin.Offset(delta);
- EndUpdate;
-procedure TBGRALayerGradientOriginal.OnMoveYAxis(ASender: TObject; APrevCoord,
- ANewCoord: TPointF; AShift: TShiftState);
- m: TAffineMatrix;
- BeginUpdate;
- if not (ssAlt in AShift) or (GradientType in [gtLinear,gtReflected]) then
- begin
- if not isEmptyPointF(FXAxis) then
- begin
- m := AffineMatrixScaledRotation(FYAxisBackup, ANewCoord, FOrigin);
- FXAxis := m*FXAxisBackup;
- end;
- end;
- FYAxis := ANewCoord;
- EndUpdate;
-procedure TBGRALayerGradientOriginal.OnMoveFocalPoint(ASender: TObject;
- APrevCoord, ANewCoord: TPointF; AShift: TShiftState);
- FocalPoint := ANewCoord;
-procedure TBGRALayerGradientOriginal.OnMoveFocalRadius(ASender: TObject;
- APrevCoord, ANewCoord: TPointF; AShift: TShiftState);
-var refLen: single;
- u, focalOrig: TPointF;
- BeginUpdate;
- focalOrig := ComputedFocalPoint;
- if isEmptyPointF(focalOrig) or isEmptyPointF(FOrigin) or isEmptyPointF(FXAxis) then exit;
- refLen := VectLen(FOrigin-FXAxis);
- if refLen = 0 then exit;
- u := (FOrigin-FXAxis)*(1/refLen);
- FFocalRadius := u * (ANewCoord-focalOrig) / refLen - 0.1;
- if FFocalRadius < 0 then FFocalRadius:= 0;
- EndUpdate;
-procedure TBGRALayerGradientOriginal.OnStartMove(ASender: TObject;
- AIndex: integer; AShift: TShiftState);
- FOriginBackup := FOrigin;
- FXAxisBackup := FXAxis;
- FYAxisBackup := ComputedYAxis;
-procedure TBGRALayerGradientOriginal.BeginUpdate;
- if DiffExpected and (FUpdateCount = 0) then
- FUpdateDiff := TBGRAGradientOriginalDiff.Create(self);
- inc(FUpdateCount);
-procedure TBGRALayerGradientOriginal.EndUpdate;
- if FUpdateCount > 0 then
- begin
- dec(FUpdateCount);
- if FUpdateCount = 0 then
- begin
- if Assigned(FUpdateDiff) then
- FUpdateDiff.ComputeDifference(self);
- NotifyChange(FUpdateDiff);
- FUpdateDiff := nil;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRALayerGradientOriginal.NotifyChangeWithoutDiff;
- NotifyChange;
-constructor TBGRALayerGradientOriginal.Create;
- inherited Create;
- FStartColor := BGRABlack;
- FEndColor := BGRAWhite;
- FGradientType := gtLinear;
- FColorInterpolation:= ciStdRGB;
- FRepetition := grPad;
- FRadius := EmptySingle;
- FFocalRadius := EmptySingle;
- FFocalPoint := EmptyPointF;
- FOrigin := PointF(0,0);
- FXAxis := EmptyPointF;
- FYAxis := EmptyPointF;
-destructor TBGRALayerGradientOriginal.Destroy;
- FUpdateDiff.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
-function TBGRALayerGradientOriginal.ConvertToSVG(const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; out AOffset: TPoint): TObject;
- svg: TBGRASVG;
- def: TSVGDefine;
- grad: TSVGGradient;
- r: TSVGRectangle;
- AOffset:= Point(0, 0);
- svg := TBGRASVG.Create(640, 480, cuPixel); // potentially infinite
- result := svg;
- def := svg.Content.AppendDefine;
- grad := AddToSVGDefs(AMatrix, def) as TSVGGradient;
- r := svg.Content.AppendRect(0, 0, 100, 100, cuPercent);
- if Assigned(grad) then
- begin
- grad.ID := 'grad1';
- r.fill:= 'url(#grad1)';
- end else
- r.fillColor := AverageColor;
-function TBGRALayerGradientOriginal.AddToSVGDefs(const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- ADefs: TSVGDefine): TObject;
-const ApproxCount = 16;
- MaxReflectRepeatCount = 8;
- grad: TSVGGradient;
- colors: TBGRASimpleGradient;
- tOrigin, tXAxis, tYAxis, tFocalPoint, reflectedXAxis, repeatedXAxis: TPointF;
- gt: TGradientType;
- procedure AddColorStops(AOffset, AFactor: single; AIncludeStart: boolean);
- var i, i0: integer;
- begin
- if (Repetition <> grSine) and (ColorInterpolation in [ciStdRGB, ciLinearRGB]) then
- begin
- if AFactor >= 0 then
- begin
- if AIncludeStart then
- grad.Content.AppendStop(StartColor, AOffset, false);
- grad.Content.AppendStop(EndColor, AOffset + AFactor*1, false);
- end else
- begin
- grad.Content.AppendStop(EndColor, AOffset + AFactor*1, false);
- if AIncludeStart then
- grad.Content.AppendStop(StartColor, AOffset, false);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- colors := TBGRASimpleGradient.CreateAny(ColorInterpolation, StartColor,EndColor, Repetition);
- try
- if AIncludeStart then i0 := 0 else i0 := 1;
- if AFactor >= 0 then
- begin
- for i := i0 to ApproxCount do
- grad.Content.AppendStop(colors.GetColorAtF(i/ApproxCount), AOffset + AFactor*i/ApproxCount, false);
- end else
- for i := ApproxCount downto i0 do
- grad.Content.AppendStop(colors.GetColorAtF(i/ApproxCount), AOffset + AFactor*i/ApproxCount, false);
- finally
- colors.Free;
- end;
- end;
- end;
-var j: integer;
- m: TAffineMatrix;
- radialScale: Single;
- fp, u, v: TPointF;
- lenU, lenV: Single;
- m := AffineMatrixTranslation(0.5, 0.5) * AMatrix;
- tOrigin := m * Origin;
- tXAxis := m * XAxis;
- tYAxis := m * ComputedYAxis;
- tFocalPoint := m * ComputedFocalPoint;
- gt := GradientType;
- if (GradientType = gtReflected) and (Repetition = grReflect) then
- gt := gtLinear; // same as linear in this case
- case gt of
- gtLinear:
- grad := ADefs.Content.AppendLinearGradient(tOrigin.X,tOrigin.Y,tXAxis.X,tXAxis.Y,cuCustom);
- gtReflected:
- begin
- if Repetition <> grPad then j := MaxReflectRepeatCount else j := 1;
- reflectedXAxis := tOrigin - j*(tXAxis - tOrigin);
- repeatedXAxis := tOrigin + j*(tXAxis - tOrigin);
- grad := ADefs.Content.AppendLinearGradient(reflectedXAxis.X,reflectedXAxis.Y,
- repeatedXAxis.X,repeatedXAxis.Y,cuCustom);
- end;
- gtDiamond, gtRadial: // diamond approximated by radial
- begin
- u := tXAxis - tOrigin;
- v := tYAxis - tOrigin;
- lenU := u.Length;
- lenV := v.Length;
- radialScale := (lenU + lenV)/2;
- if radialScale = 0 then
- grad := ADefs.Content.AppendRadialGradient(tOrigin.X,tOrigin.Y,0,
- tOrigin.X,tOrigin.Y,0, cuCustom)
- else if (lenU = lenV) and (u*v = 0) then
- grad := ADefs.Content.AppendRadialGradient(tOrigin.X,tOrigin.Y,radialScale*ComputedRadius,
- tFocalPoint.X,tFocalPoint.Y,radialScale*ComputedFocalRadius, cuCustom)
- else
- begin
- if lenU = 0 then lenU := 1;
- if lenV = 0 then lenV := 1;
- fp := PointF((tFocalPoint - tOrigin) * u / sqr(lenU),
- (tFocalPoint - tOrigin)*v / sqr(lenV));
- tFocalPoint := tOrigin + (fp.x * radialScale / lenU) * u + (fp.y * radialScale / lenV) * v;
- grad := ADefs.Content.AppendRadialGradient(tOrigin.X,tOrigin.Y,radialScale*ComputedRadius,
- tFocalPoint.X,tFocalPoint.Y,radialScale*ComputedFocalRadius, cuCustom);
- grad.gradientMatrix[cuPixel] :=
- AffineMatrix((1 / radialScale)*u, (1 / radialScale)*v, tOrigin) *
- AffineMatrixTranslation(-tOrigin.X, -tOrigin.Y);
- end;
- end;
- gtAngular: exit(nil); // not implemented
- end;
- case Repetition of
- grPad: grad.spreadMethod := ssmPad;
- grReflect: grad.spreadMethod := ssmReflect;
- grRepeat, grSine: grad.spreadMethod := ssmRepeat;
- end;
- if gt = gtReflected then
- begin
- if Repetition <> grPad then
- begin
- for j := -MaxReflectRepeatCount+1 to 0 do
- AddColorStops(0.5 + j/MaxReflectRepeatCount*0.5, -0.5/MaxReflectRepeatCount, true);
- for j := 0 to MaxReflectRepeatCount-1 do
- AddColorStops(0.5 + j*0.5/MaxReflectRepeatCount, 0.5/MaxReflectRepeatCount, j > 0);
- end else
- begin
- AddColorStops(0.5, -0.5, true);
- AddColorStops(0.5, 0.5, false);
- end;
- end else
- AddColorStops(0, 1, true);
- if ColorInterpolation = ciStdRGB then
- grad.colorInterpolation := sciStdRGB
- else grad.colorInterpolation := sciLinearRGB;
- result := grad;
-function TBGRALayerGradientOriginal.IsInfiniteSurface: boolean;
- Result:= true;
-procedure TBGRALayerGradientOriginal.Render(ADest: TBGRABitmap;
- AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; ADraft: boolean);
- Render(ADest,AMatrix,ADraft,dmSet);
-procedure TBGRALayerGradientOriginal.Render(ADest: TBGRABitmap;
- AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; ADraft: boolean; ADrawMode: TDrawMode);
- grad: TBGRACustomScanner;
- temp: TBGRABitmap;
- if (ADrawMode in[dmDrawWithTransparency, dmLinearBlend, dmSetExceptTransparent]) and
- IsOpaque then ADrawMode := dmSet;
- if ADraft and (ADest.ClipRect.Width*ADest.ClipRect.Height > 512*512) then
- begin
- temp := TBGRABitmap.Create(0,0);
- temp.SetSize(min(400,ADest.Width),min(400,ADest.Height));
- Render(temp, AffineMatrixScale(temp.Width/ADest.Width,
- temp.Height/ADest.Height)*AMatrix, ADraft);
- ADest.StretchPutImage(rect(0,0,ADest.Width,Adest.Height),temp, ADrawMode);
- temp.Free;
- end else
- begin
- grad := CreateScanner(AMatrix, ADraft);
- if ADraft then
- ADest.FillRect(ADest.ClipRect, grad,ADrawMode)
- else ADest.FillRect(ADest.ClipRect, grad,ADrawMode, daFloydSteinberg);
- grad.Free;
- end;
-function TBGRALayerGradientOriginal.CreateScanner(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; ADraft: boolean): TBGRACustomScanner;
- colors: TBGRACustomGradient;
- grad: TBGRAGradientScanner;
- if isEmptyPointF(FOrigin) or isEmptyPointF(FXAxis) then exit(nil);
- colors := TBGRASimpleGradient.CreateAny(FColorInterpolation, FStartColor,FEndColor, FRepetition);
- if ADraft then
- colors := TBGRABufferedGradient.Create(colors, true, FRepetition = grPad, 1024);
- if FGradientType = gtRadial then
- begin
- grad := TBGRAGradientScanner.Create(FOrigin,FXAxis,ComputedYAxis,ComputedFocalPoint,ComputedRadius,ComputedFocalRadius);
- end else
- grad := TBGRAGradientScanner.Create(FGradientType, FOrigin,FXAxis,ComputedYAxis);
- grad.SetGradient(colors, true);
- grad.Transform := AMatrix;
- exit(grad);
-procedure TBGRALayerGradientOriginal.ConfigureEditor(
- AEditor: TBGRAOriginalEditor);
- originPoint: Integer;
- if not isEmptyPointF(FOrigin) then
- begin
- AEditor.AddStartMoveHandler(@OnStartMove);
- if not isEmptyPointF(FXAxis) and (FGradientType = gtLinear) then
- originPoint := AEditor.AddPoint((FOrigin + FXAxis)*0.5, @OnMoveOrigin, true)
- else originPoint := AEditor.AddPoint(FOrigin, @OnMoveOrigin, true);
- if not isEmptyPointF(FXAxis) then
- begin
- if not isEmptyPointF(FXAxis) and (FGradientType = gtLinear) then
- begin
- AEditor.AddArrow((FOrigin + FXAxis)*0.5, FXAxis, @OnMoveXAxis);
- AEditor.AddArrow((FOrigin + FXAxis)*0.5, FOrigin, @OnMoveXAxisNeg);
- end
- else AEditor.AddArrow(FOrigin, FXAxis, @OnMoveXAxis);
- if FGradientType in[gtDiamond, gtRadial, gtAngular] then
- AEditor.AddArrow(FOrigin, ComputedYAxis, @OnMoveYAxis);
- end;
- if FGradientType = gtRadial then
- begin
- AEditor.AddPoint(ComputedFocalPoint, @OnMoveFocalPoint, false, originPoint);
- AEditor.AddArrow(ComputedFocalPoint, ComputedFocalPoint - (FXAxis - FOrigin) * (ComputedFocalRadius + 0.1), @OnMoveFocalRadius, false);
- end;
- end;
-function TBGRALayerGradientOriginal.GetRenderBounds(ADestRect: TRect;
- AMatrix: TAffineMatrix): TRect;
- result := ADestRect;
-procedure TBGRALayerGradientOriginal.LoadFromStorage(
- AStorage: TBGRACustomOriginalStorage);
- colorArray: ArrayOfTBGRAPixel;
- colorArray := AStorage.ColorArray['colors'];
- FStartColor := colorArray[0];
- FEndColor := colorArray[high(colorArray)];
- case AStorage.RawString['gradient-type'] of
- 'reflected': FGradientType := gtReflected;
- 'radial': FGradientType := gtRadial;
- 'diamond': FGradientType := gtDiamond;
- 'angular': FGradientType := gtAngular;
- else {'linear'} FGradientType := gtLinear;
- end;
- FOrigin := AStorage.PointF['origin'];
- FXAxis := AStorage.PointF['x-axis'];
- FYAxis := AStorage.PointF['y-axis'];
- FFocalPoint := AStorage.PointF['focal-point'];
- FRadius := AStorage.Float['radial'];
- FFocalRadius := AStorage.Float['focal-radius'];
- case AStorage.RawString['color-interpolation'] of
- 'RGB': FColorInterpolation:= ciLinearRGB;
- 'HSL+': FColorInterpolation:= ciLinearHSLPositive;
- 'HSL-': FColorInterpolation:= ciLinearHSLNegative;
- 'GSB+': FColorInterpolation:= ciGSBPositive;
- 'GSB-': FColorInterpolation:= ciGSBNegative;
- else {'sRGB'} FColorInterpolation:= ciStdRGB;
- end;
- case AStorage.RawString['repetition'] of
- 'repeat': FRepetition:= grRepeat;
- 'reflect': FRepetition:= grReflect;
- 'sine': FRepetition := grSine;
- else {'pad'} FRepetition:= grPad;
- end;
-procedure TBGRALayerGradientOriginal.SaveToStorage(
- AStorage: TBGRACustomOriginalStorage);
- gtStr, ciStr: String;
- colorArray: ArrayOfTBGRAPixel;
- setlength(colorArray,2);
- colorArray[0] := FStartColor;
- colorArray[1] := FEndColor;
- AStorage.ColorArray['colors'] := colorArray;
- case FGradientType of
- gtReflected: gtStr := 'reflected';
- gtRadial: gtStr := 'radial';
- gtDiamond: gtStr := 'diamond';
- gtAngular: gtStr := 'angular';
- else {gtLinear} gtStr := 'linear';
- end;
- AStorage.RawString['gradient-type'] := gtStr;
- AStorage.PointF['origin'] := FOrigin;
- AStorage.PointF['x-axis'] := FXAxis;
- if FGradientType in[gtRadial,gtDiamond,gtAngular] then
- AStorage.PointF['y-axis'] := FYAxis
- else
- AStorage.RemoveAttribute('y-axis');
- if FGradientType = gtRadial then
- begin
- AStorage.Float['radius'] := FRadius;
- AStorage.Float['focal-radius'] := FFocalRadius;
- AStorage.PointF['focal-point'] := FFocalPoint;
- end else
- begin
- AStorage.RemoveAttribute('radius');
- AStorage.RemoveAttribute('focal-radius');
- end;
- case FColorInterpolation of
- ciLinearRGB: ciStr := 'RGB';
- ciLinearHSLPositive: ciStr := 'HSL+';
- ciLinearHSLNegative: ciStr := 'HSL-';
- ciGSBPositive: ciStr := 'GSB+';
- ciGSBNegative: ciStr := 'GSB-';
- else {ciStdRGB} ciStr := 'sRGB';
- end;
- AStorage.RawString['color-interpolation'] := ciStr;
- case FRepetition of
- grRepeat: AStorage.RawString['repetition'] := 'repeat';
- grReflect: AStorage.RawString['repetition'] := 'reflect';
- grSine: AStorage.RawString['repetition'] := 'sine';
- else {grPad} AStorage.RawString['repetition'] := 'pad';
- end;
-class function TBGRALayerGradientOriginal.StorageClassName: RawByteString;
- result := 'gradient';
-class function TBGRALayerGradientOriginal.CanConvertToSVG: boolean;
- Result:= true;
-procedure TBGRALayerGradientOriginal.Transform(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix);
- BeginUpdate;
- if not isEmptyPointF(FOrigin) then FOrigin := AMatrix*FOrigin;
- if not isEmptyPointF(FXAxis) then FXAxis := AMatrix*FXAxis;
- if not isEmptyPointF(FYAxis) then FYAxis := AMatrix*FYAxis;
- if not isEmptyPointF(FFocalPoint) then FFocalPoint := AMatrix*FFocalPoint;
- EndUpdate;
-procedure TBGRALayerGradientOriginal.AssignExceptGeometry(
- AOther: TBGRALayerGradientOriginal);
- if (GradientType = AOther.GradientType) and
- (StartColor.EqualsExactly(AOther.StartColor)) and
- (EndColor.EqualsExactly(AOther.EndColor)) and
- (ColorInterpolation = AOther.ColorInterpolation) and
- (Repetition = AOther.Repetition) then exit;
- BeginUpdate;
- GradientType := AOther.GradientType;
- StartColor:= AOther.StartColor;
- EndColor:= AOther.EndColor;
- ColorInterpolation:= AOther.ColorInterpolation;
- Repetition:= AOther.Repetition;
- EndUpdate;
-procedure TBGRALayerGradientOriginal.FitGeometry(const ABox: TAffineBox);
- BeginUpdate;
- if GradientType = gtLinear then
- begin
- Origin := ABox.TopLeft;
- XAxis := ABox.BottomRight;
- end else
- begin
- Origin := (ABox.TopLeft + ABox.BottomRight)*0.5;
- if GradientType = gtReflected then
- XAxis := ABox.BottomRight
- else
- begin
- XAxis := (ABox.TopRight + ABox.BottomRight)*0.5;
- YAxis := (ABox.BottomLeft + ABox.BottomRight)*0.5;
- end;
- end;
- EndUpdate;
-procedure TBGRALayerGradientOriginal.SetColors(AStartColor,
- AEndColor: TBGRAPixel);
- if (AStartColor = StartColor) and (AEndColor = EndColor) then exit;
- BeginUpdate;
- StartColor := AStartColor;
- EndColor := AEndColor;
- EndUpdate;
-procedure TBGRALayerGradientOriginal.ApplyOpacity(AOpacity: byte);
- cStart, cEnd: TBGRAPixel;
- cStart := StartColor;
- cStart.alpha := BGRABlend.ApplyOpacity(cStart.alpha, AOpacity);
- cEnd := EndColor;
- cEnd.alpha := BGRABlend.ApplyOpacity(cEnd.alpha, AOpacity);
- SetColors(cStart, cEnd);
-function TBGRALayerGradientOriginal.Equals(Obj: TObject): boolean;
- other: TBGRALayerGradientOriginal;
- if Obj is TBGRALayerGradientOriginal then
- begin
- other := TBGRALayerGradientOriginal(Obj);
- result := StartColor.EqualsExactly(other.StartColor) and
- EndColor.EqualsExactly(other.EndColor) and
- (GradientType = other.GradientType) and
- (Origin = other.Origin) and
- (XAxis = other.XAxis) and
- ((GradientType in[gtLinear, gtReflected]) or
- (YAxis = other.YAxis)) and
- ((GradientType <> gtRadial) or
- ((FocalPoint = other.FocalPoint) and
- (FocalRadius = other.FocalRadius))) and
- (ColorInterpolation = other.ColorInterpolation) and
- (Repetition = other.Repetition);
- end else
- Result:=inherited Equals(Obj);
- RegisterLayerOriginal(TBGRALayerGradientOriginal);
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgragradients.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgragradients.pas
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index 2680a25..0000000
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-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAGradients;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
-{$i bgrabitmap.inc}
-{$i bgrasse.inc}
-{ Here are various functions that draw gradients, shadow and lighting }
- BGRAClasses, BGRAGraphics, BGRABitmapTypes, BGRABitmap, BGRABlend, BGRAPhongTypes,
- BGRASSE, BGRAGrayscaleMask;
-{$IFDEF BGRABITMAP_USE_LCL}{ Creates a bitmap with the specified text horizontally centered and with a shadow }
-function TextShadow(AWidth,AHeight: Integer; AText: String; AFontHeight: Integer; ATextColor,AShadowColor: TBGRAPixel;
- AOffSetX,AOffSetY: Integer; ARadius: Integer = 0; AFontStyle: TFontStyles = []; AFontName: String = 'Default'; AShowText: Boolean = True): TBGRABitmap;
-{ Functions to draw multiple gradients.
- See : http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/Double_Gradient#nGradient }
- TnGradientInfo = record
- StartColor,StopColor: TBGRAPixel;
- Direction: TGradientDirection;
- EndPercent : single; // Position from 0 to 1
- end;
-function nGradientInfo(StartColor, StopColor: TBGRAPixel; Direction: TGradientDirection; EndPercent: Single): TnGradientInfo;
-function nGradientAlphaFill(ARect: TRect; ADir: TGradientDirection; const AGradient: array of TnGradientInfo): TBGRABitmap; overload;
-function nGradientAlphaFill(AWidth, AHeight: Integer; ADir: TGradientDirection; const AGradient: array of TnGradientInfo): TBGRABitmap; overload;
-procedure nGradientAlphaFill(ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; ADir: TGradientDirection; const AGradient: array of TnGradientInfo); overload;
-procedure nGradientAlphaFill(ABitmap: TBGRABitmap; ARect: TRect; ADir: TGradientDirection; const AGradient: array of TnGradientInfo); overload;
-function DoubleGradientAlphaFill(ARect: TRect; AStart1,AStop1,AStart2,AStop2: TBGRAPixel;
- ADirection1,ADirection2,ADir: TGradientDirection; AValue: Single): TBGRABitmap; overload;
-function DoubleGradientAlphaFill(AWidth,AHeight: Integer; AStart1,AStop1,AStart2,AStop2: TBGRAPixel;
- ADirection1,ADirection2,ADir: TGradientDirection; AValue: Single): TBGRABitmap; overload;
-procedure DoubleGradientAlphaFill(ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; AStart1,AStop1,AStart2,AStop2: TBGRAPixel;
- ADirection1,ADirection2,ADir: TGradientDirection; AValue: Single); overload;
-procedure DoubleGradientAlphaFill(ABitmap: TBGRABitmap; ARect: TRect; AStart1,AStop1,AStart2,AStop2: TBGRAPixel;
- ADirection1,ADirection2,ADir: TGradientDirection; AValue: Single); overload;
-{ Phong shading functions. Use a height map (grayscale image or a precise map filled with MapHeightToBGRA)
- to determine orientation and position of the surface.
- Phong shading consist in adding an ambiant light, a diffuse light (angle between light and object),
- and a specular light (angle between light, object and observer, i.e. reflected light) }
- TRectangleMapOption = (rmoNoLeftBorder,rmoNoTopBorder,rmoNoRightBorder,rmoNoBottomBorder,rmoLinearBorder);
- TRectangleMapOptions = set of TRectangleMapOption;
- { TPhongShading }
- TPhongShading = class(TCustomPhongShading)
- public
- LightSourceIntensity : Single; //global intensity of the light
- LightSourceDistanceTerm, //minimum distance always added (positive value)
- LightSourceDistanceFactor, //how much actual distance is taken into account (usually 0 or 1)
- LightDestFactor : Single; //how much the location of the lightened pixel is taken into account (usually 0 or 1)
- LightColor: TBGRAPixel; //color of the light reflection
- SpecularFactor, //how much light is reflected (0..1)
- SpecularIndex : Single; //how concentrated reflected light is (positive value)
- AmbientFactor, //ambiant lighting whereever the point is (0..1)
- DiffusionFactor, //diffusion, i.e. how much pixels are lightened by light source (0..1)
- NegativeDiffusionFactor : Single; //how much hidden surface are darkened (0..1)
- DiffuseSaturation: Boolean; //when diffusion saturates, use light color to show it
- constructor Create;
- { Render the specified map on the destination bitmap with one solid color. Map altitude
- indicate the global height of the map. }
- procedure Draw(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; map: TBGRACustomBitmap; mapAltitude: single; ofsX,ofsY: integer;
- Color : TBGRAPixel); override;
- { Render with a color map of the same size as the height map. Map altitude
- indicate the global height of the map. }
- procedure Draw(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; map: TBGRACustomBitmap; mapAltitude: single; ofsX,ofsY: integer;
- ColorMap : TBGRACustomBitmap); override;
- { Render with a color scanner. Map altitude
- indicate the global height of the map. }
- procedure DrawScan(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; map: TBGRACustomBitmap; mapAltitude: single; ofsX,ofsY: integer;
- ColorScan : IBGRAScanner); override;
- { Draw a cone of the specified color }
- procedure DrawCone(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; X,Y,Size: Integer; Altitude: Single; Color: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure DrawCone(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; bounds: TRect; Altitude: Single; Color: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- { Draw a vertical cone of the specified color }
- procedure DrawVerticalCone(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; bounds: TRect; Altitude: Single; Color: TBGRAPixel);
- { Draw an horizontal cylinder of the specified color }
- procedure DrawHorizontalCylinder(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; bounds: TRect; Altitude: Single; Color: TBGRAPixel);
- { Draw a vertical cylinder of the specified color }
- procedure DrawVerticalCylinder(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; bounds: TRect; Altitude: Single; Color: TBGRAPixel);
- { Draw a hemisphere of the specified color }
- procedure DrawSphere(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; bounds: TRect; Altitude: Single; Color: TBGRAPixel);
- { Draw a rectangle of the specified color }
- procedure DrawRectangle(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; bounds: TRect; Border: Integer; Altitude: Single; Color: TBGRAPixel; RoundCorners: Boolean; Options: TRectangleMapOptions);
- protected
- procedure DrawMapNormal(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; map: TBGRACustomBitmap; mapAltitude: single; ofsX,ofsY: integer;
- ColorMap : TBGRACustomBitmap);
- procedure DrawScannerNormal(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; map: TBGRACustomBitmap; mapAltitude: single; ofsX,ofsY: integer;
- ColorScan : IBGRAScanner);
- procedure DrawColorNormal(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; map: TBGRACustomBitmap; mapAltitude: single; ofsX,ofsY: integer;
- Color : TBGRAPixel);
- procedure DrawMapSSE(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; map: TBGRACustomBitmap; mapAltitude: single; ofsX,ofsY: integer;
- ColorMap : TBGRACustomBitmap);
- procedure DrawScannerSSE(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; map: TBGRACustomBitmap; mapAltitude: single; ofsX,ofsY: integer;
- ColorScan : IBGRAScanner);
- procedure DrawColorSSE(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; map: TBGRACustomBitmap; mapAltitude: single; ofsX,ofsY: integer;
- Color : TBGRAPixel);
- {$endif}
- end;
-{ Create a grayscale height map for a cone (may not be precise enough) }
-function CreateConeMap(size: integer): TBGRABitmap;
-{ Create a precise height map for a cone (not grayscale anymore but more precise) }
-function CreateConePreciseMap(width,height: integer): TBGRABitmap;
-{ Create a precise height map for a vertical cone (not grayscale anymore but more precise) }
-function CreateVerticalConePreciseMap(width,height: integer): TBGRABitmap;
-{ Create a precise height map for a vertical cylinder (not grayscale anymore but more precise) }
-function CreateVerticalCylinderPreciseMap(width,height: integer): TBGRABitmap;
-{ Create a precise height map for an horizontal cylinder (not grayscale anymore but more precise) }
-function CreateHorizontalCylinderPreciseMap(width,height: integer): TBGRABitmap;
-{ Create a grayscale height map for a sphere (may not be precise enough) }
-function CreateSphereMap(width,height: integer): TBGRABitmap;
-{ Create a precise height map for a sphere (not grayscale anymore but more precise) }
-function CreateSpherePreciseMap(width,height: integer): TBGRABitmap;
-{ Create a rectangle height map with a border }
-function CreateRectangleMap(width,height,border: integer; options: TRectangleMapOptions = []): TBGRABitmap;
-{ Create a precise height map for a rectangle height map with a border (not grayscale anymore but more precise) }
-function CreateRectanglePreciseMap(width,height,border: integer; options: TRectangleMapOptions = []): TBGRABitmap;
-function CreateRectanglePreciseMap(width, height, borderWidth, borderHeight: integer; options: TRectangleMapOptions): TBGRABitmap;
-{ Create a round rectangle height map with a border }
-function CreateRoundRectangleMap(width,height,border: integer; options: TRectangleMapOptions = []): TBGRABitmap;
-{ Create a precise height map for a round rectangle height map with a border (not grayscale anymore but more precise) }
-function CreateRoundRectanglePreciseMap(width,height,border: integer; options: TRectangleMapOptions = []): TBGRABitmap;
-function CreateRoundRectanglePreciseMap(width,height,borderWidth,borderHeight: integer; options: TRectangleMapOptions = []): TBGRABitmap;
-{---------- Perlin Noise -------------}
-{ Random image using a superposition of interpolated random values.
- See : http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/Perlin_Noise
- http://freespace.virgin.net/hugo.elias/models/m_perlin.htm }
-{ Creates a non-tilable random grayscale image }
-function CreatePerlinNoiseMap(AWidth, AHeight: integer; HorizontalPeriod: Single = 1;
- VerticalPeriod: Single = 1; Exponent: Double = 1; ResampleFilter: TResampleFilter = rfCosine): TBGRABitmap;
-{ Creates a tilable random grayscale image }
-function CreateCyclicPerlinNoiseMap(AWidth, AHeight: integer; HorizontalPeriod: Single = 1;
- VerticalPeriod: Single = 1; Exponent: Double = 1; ResampleFilter: TResampleFilter = rfCosine): TBGRABitmap;
-uses Math, SysUtils{$IFDEF BGRABITMAP_USE_LCL}, BGRATextFX{$ENDIF}; {GraphType unit used by phongdraw.inc}
-{$IFDEF BGRABITMAP_USE_LCL}function TextShadow(AWidth, AHeight: Integer; AText: String;
- AFontHeight: Integer; ATextColor, AShadowColor: TBGRAPixel; AOffSetX,
- AOffSetY: Integer; ARadius: Integer; AFontStyle: TFontStyles;
- AFontName: String; AShowText: Boolean): TBGRABitmap;
- result := BGRATextFX.TextShadow(AWidth,AHeight,AText,AFontHeight,ATextColor,AShadowColor,AOffsetX,AOffsetY,ARadius,AFontStyle,AFontName,AShowText) as TBGRABitmap;
-function nGradientInfo(StartColor, StopColor: TBGRAPixel;
- Direction: TGradientDirection; EndPercent: Single): TnGradientInfo;
- result.StartColor := StartColor;
- result.StopColor := StopColor;
- result.Direction := Direction;
- result.EndPercent := EndPercent;
-function DoubleGradientAlphaFill(ARect: TRect; AStart1,AStop1,AStart2,AStop2: TBGRAPixel;
- ADirection1,ADirection2,ADir: TGradientDirection; AValue: Single): TBGRABitmap;
- ABitmap: TBGRABitmap;
- ARect1,ARect2: TRect;
- APoint1,APoint2,APoint3,APoint4: TPointF;
- Dec(ARect.Right, ARect.Left);
- ARect.Left := 0;
- Dec(ARect.Bottom,ARect.Top);
- ARect.Top := 0;
- ABitmap := TBGRABitmap.Create(ARect.Right,ARect.Bottom);
- if AValue <> 0 then ARect1:=ARect;
- if AValue <> 1 then ARect2:=ARect;
- if ADir = gdVertical then begin
- ARect1.Bottom:=Round(ARect1.Bottom * AValue);
- ARect2.Top:=ARect1.Bottom;
- end
- else if ADir = gdHorizontal then begin
- ARect1.Right:=Round(ARect1.Right * AValue);
- ARect2.Left:=ARect1.Right;
- end;
- if ADirection1 = gdVertical then begin
- APoint1:=PointF(ARect1.Left,ARect1.Top);
- APoint2:=PointF(ARect1.Left,ARect1.Bottom);
- end
- else if ADirection1 = gdHorizontal then begin
- APoint1:=PointF(ARect1.Left,ARect1.Top);
- APoint2:=PointF(ARect1.Right,ARect1.Top);
- end;
- if ADirection2 = gdVertical then begin
- APoint3:=PointF(ARect2.Left,ARect2.Top);
- APoint4:=PointF(ARect2.Left,ARect2.Bottom);
- end
- else if ADirection2 = gdHorizontal then begin
- APoint3:=PointF(ARect2.Left,ARect2.Top);
- APoint4:=PointF(ARect2.Right,ARect2.Top);
- end;
- if AValue <> 0 then
- ABitmap.GradientFill(ARect1.Left,ARect1.Top,ARect1.Right,ARect1.Bottom,
- AStart1,AStop1,gtLinear,APoint1,APoint2,dmSet,True);
- if AValue <> 1 then
- ABitmap.GradientFill( ARect2.Left,ARect2.Top,ARect2.Right,ARect2.Bottom,
- AStart2,AStop2,gtLinear,APoint3,APoint4,dmSet,True);
- Result:=ABitmap;
-function DoubleGradientAlphaFill(AWidth, AHeight: Integer; AStart1, AStop1,
- AStart2, AStop2: TBGRAPixel; ADirection1, ADirection2,
- ADir: TGradientDirection; AValue: Single): TBGRABitmap;
- result := DoubleGradientAlphaFill(Rect(0,0,AWidth,AHeight),
- AStart1,AStop1,AStart2,AStop2,
- ADirection1,ADirection2, ADir, AValue);
-procedure DoubleGradientAlphaFill(ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; AStart1,
- AStop1, AStart2, AStop2: TBGRAPixel; ADirection1, ADirection2,
- ADir: TGradientDirection; AValue: Single);
- bmp: TBGRABitmap;
- bmp := DoubleGradientAlphaFill(ARect,AStart1,AStop1,AStart2,AStop2,ADirection1,ADirection2,ADir,AValue);
- bmp.Draw(ACanvas,ARect.Left,ARect.Top,not bmp.HasTransparentPixels);
- bmp.Free;
-procedure DoubleGradientAlphaFill(ABitmap: TBGRABitmap; ARect: TRect; AStart1,
- AStop1, AStart2, AStop2: TBGRAPixel; ADirection1, ADirection2,
- ADir: TGradientDirection; AValue: Single);
- bmp: TBGRABitmap;
- bmp := DoubleGradientAlphaFill(ARect,AStart1,AStop1,AStart2,AStop2,ADirection1,ADirection2,ADir,AValue);
- ABitmap.PutImage(ARect.Left,ARect.Top,bmp,dmDrawWithTransparency);
- bmp.Free;
-function nGradientAlphaFill(ARect: TRect; ADir: TGradientDirection;
- const AGradient: array of TnGradientInfo): TBGRABitmap;
- i:integer;
- AnRect, OldRect: TRect;
- Point1, Point2: TPointF;
- Result := TBGRABitmap.Create(ARect.Right-ARect.Left,ARect.Bottom-ARect.Top);
- Dec(ARect.Right, ARect.Left);
- ARect.Left := 0;
- Dec(ARect.Bottom,ARect.Top);
- ARect.Top := 0;
- OldRect := ARect;
- if ADir = gdVertical then
- OldRect.Bottom := ARect.Top
- else
- OldRect.Right := ARect.Left;
- for i := 0 to high(AGradient) do
- begin
- AnRect:=OldRect;
- if ADir = gdVertical then
- begin
- AnRect.Bottom:=Round((ARect.Bottom-ARect.Top) * AGradient[i].endPercent + ARect.Top);
- AnRect.Top:=OldRect.Bottom;
- Point1:=PointF(AnRect.Left,AnRect.Top);
- Point2:=PointF(AnRect.Left,AnRect.Bottom);
- end
- else
- begin
- AnRect.Right:=Round((ARect.Right-ARect.Left) * AGradient[i].endPercent + ARect.Left);
- AnRect.Left:=OldRect.Right;
- Point1:=PointF(AnRect.Left,AnRect.Top);
- Point2:=PointF(AnRect.Right,AnRect.Top);
- end;
- Result.GradientFill(AnRect.Left,AnRect.Top,AnRect.Right,AnRect.Bottom,
- AGradient[i].StartColor,AGradient[i].StopColor,gtLinear,Point1,Point2,dmSet,True);
- OldRect := AnRect;
- end;
-function nGradientAlphaFill(AWidth, AHeight: Integer; ADir: TGradientDirection;
- const AGradient: array of TnGradientInfo): TBGRABitmap;
- result := nGradientAlphaFill(Rect(0,0,AWidth,AHeight),ADir,AGradient);
-procedure nGradientAlphaFill(ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect;
- ADir: TGradientDirection; const AGradient: array of TnGradientInfo);
- bmp: TBGRABitmap;
- bmp := nGradientAlphaFill(ARect, ADir, AGradient);
- bmp.Draw(ACanvas,ARect.Left,ARect.Top,not bmp.HasTransparentPixels);
- bmp.Free;
-procedure nGradientAlphaFill(ABitmap: TBGRABitmap; ARect: TRect;
- ADir: TGradientDirection; const AGradient: array of TnGradientInfo);
- bmp: TBGRABitmap;
- bmp := nGradientAlphaFill(ARect, ADir, AGradient);
- ABitmap.PutImage(ARect.Left,ARect.Top,bmp,dmDrawWithTransparency);
- bmp.Free;
-{ TPhongShading }
-constructor TPhongShading.Create;
- //set default values
- LightSourceIntensity := 500;
- LightSourceDistanceTerm := 150;
- LightSourceDistanceFactor := 1;
- LightDestFactor := 1;
- LightColor := BGRAWhite;
- AmbientFactor := 0.3;
- DiffusionFactor := 0.9;
- DiffuseSaturation:= False;
- NegativeDiffusionFactor := 0.1;
- SpecularFactor := 0.6;
- SpecularIndex := 10;
- LightPosition3D := Point3D(-100,-100,100);
- PhongLightPrecisionSh = 12;
- PhongLightPrecision = 1 shl PhongLightPrecisionSh;
- PhongLightPrecisionDiv2 = PhongLightPrecision shr 1;
-{------------------ Phong drawing ----------------}
-{ Look for the fastest method available }
-procedure TPhongShading.Draw(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; map: TBGRACustomBitmap; mapAltitude: single; ofsX,ofsY: integer;
- Color : TBGRAPixel);
- if UseSSE then
- DrawColorSSE(dest,map,mapAltitude,ofsX,ofsY,Color)
- else
- {$endif}
- DrawColorNormal(dest,map,mapAltitude,ofsX,ofsY,Color);
-procedure TPhongShading.Draw(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; map: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- mapAltitude: single; ofsX, ofsY: integer; ColorMap: TBGRACustomBitmap);
- if UseSSE then
- DrawMapSSE(dest,map,mapAltitude,ofsX,ofsY,ColorMap)
- else
- {$endif}
- DrawMapNormal(dest,map,mapAltitude,ofsX,ofsY,ColorMap);
-procedure TPhongShading.DrawScan(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; map: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- mapAltitude: single; ofsX, ofsY: integer; ColorScan: IBGRAScanner);
- if UseSSE then
- DrawScannerSSE(dest,map,mapAltitude,ofsX,ofsY,ColorScan)
- else
- {$endif}
- DrawScannerNormal(dest,map,mapAltitude,ofsX,ofsY,ColorScan);
- {------------------ End of phong drawing ----------------}
-procedure TPhongShading.DrawCone(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; X, Y, Size: Integer;
- Altitude: Single; Color: TBGRAPixel);
-var map: TBGRABitmap;
- map := CreateConePreciseMap(Size,Size);
- Draw(dest,map,Altitude,X,Y,Color);
- map.Free;
-procedure TPhongShading.DrawCone(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; bounds: TRect;
- Altitude: Single; Color: TBGRAPixel);
-var map: TBGRABitmap;
- temp: integer;
- if Bounds.Right < Bounds.Left then
- begin
- temp := Bounds.Left;
- bounds.Left := bounds.Right;
- Bounds.Right := temp;
- end;
- if Bounds.Bottom < Bounds.Top then
- begin
- temp := Bounds.Bottom;
- bounds.Bottom := bounds.Top;
- Bounds.Top := temp;
- end;
- map := CreateConePreciseMap(Bounds.Right-Bounds.Left,Bounds.Bottom-Bounds.Top);
- Draw(dest,map,Altitude,bounds.Left,bounds.Top,Color);
- map.Free;
-procedure TPhongShading.DrawVerticalCone(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- bounds: TRect; Altitude: Single; Color: TBGRAPixel);
-var map: TBGRABitmap;
- temp: integer;
- if Bounds.Right < Bounds.Left then
- begin
- temp := Bounds.Left;
- bounds.Left := bounds.Right;
- Bounds.Right := temp;
- end;
- if Bounds.Bottom < Bounds.Top then
- begin
- temp := Bounds.Bottom;
- bounds.Bottom := bounds.Top;
- Bounds.Top := temp;
- end;
- map := CreateVerticalConePreciseMap(Bounds.Right-Bounds.Left,Bounds.Bottom-Bounds.Top);
- Draw(dest,map,Altitude,bounds.Left,bounds.Top,Color);
- map.Free;
-procedure TPhongShading.DrawHorizontalCylinder(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- bounds: TRect; Altitude: Single; Color: TBGRAPixel);
-var map: TBGRABitmap;
- temp: integer;
- if Bounds.Right < Bounds.Left then
- begin
- temp := Bounds.Left;
- bounds.Left := bounds.Right;
- Bounds.Right := temp;
- end;
- if Bounds.Bottom < Bounds.Top then
- begin
- temp := Bounds.Bottom;
- bounds.Bottom := bounds.Top;
- Bounds.Top := temp;
- end;
- map := CreateHorizontalCylinderPreciseMap(Bounds.Right-Bounds.Left,Bounds.Bottom-Bounds.Top);
- Draw(dest,map,Altitude,bounds.Left,bounds.Top,Color);
- map.Free;
-procedure TPhongShading.DrawVerticalCylinder(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- bounds: TRect; Altitude: Single; Color: TBGRAPixel);
-var map: TBGRABitmap;
- temp: integer;
- if Bounds.Right < Bounds.Left then
- begin
- temp := Bounds.Left;
- bounds.Left := bounds.Right;
- Bounds.Right := temp;
- end;
- if Bounds.Bottom < Bounds.Top then
- begin
- temp := Bounds.Bottom;
- bounds.Bottom := bounds.Top;
- Bounds.Top := temp;
- end;
- map := CreateVerticalCylinderPreciseMap(Bounds.Right-Bounds.Left,Bounds.Bottom-Bounds.Top);
- Draw(dest,map,Altitude,bounds.Left,bounds.Top,Color);
- map.Free;
-procedure TPhongShading.DrawSphere(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; bounds: TRect;
- Altitude: Single; Color: TBGRAPixel);
-var map: TBGRABitmap;
- temp: integer;
- if Bounds.Right < Bounds.Left then
- begin
- temp := Bounds.Left;
- bounds.Left := bounds.Right;
- Bounds.Right := temp;
- end;
- if Bounds.Bottom < Bounds.Top then
- begin
- temp := Bounds.Bottom;
- bounds.Bottom := bounds.Top;
- Bounds.Top := temp;
- end;
- map := CreateSpherePreciseMap(Bounds.Right-Bounds.Left,Bounds.Bottom-Bounds.Top);
- Draw(dest,map,Altitude,bounds.Left,bounds.Top,Color);
- map.Free;
-procedure TPhongShading.DrawRectangle(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; bounds: TRect;
- Border: Integer; Altitude: Single; Color: TBGRAPixel; RoundCorners: Boolean; Options: TRectangleMapOptions);
-var map: TBGRABitmap;
- temp: integer;
- if Bounds.Right < Bounds.Left then
- begin
- temp := Bounds.Left;
- bounds.Left := bounds.Right;
- Bounds.Right := temp;
- end;
- if Bounds.Bottom < Bounds.Top then
- begin
- temp := Bounds.Bottom;
- bounds.Bottom := bounds.Top;
- Bounds.Top := temp;
- end;
- if border > 10 then
- begin
- if RoundCorners then
- map := CreateRoundRectanglePreciseMap(Bounds.Right-Bounds.Left,Bounds.Bottom-Bounds.Top,Border,Options)
- else
- map := CreateRectanglePreciseMap(Bounds.Right-Bounds.Left,Bounds.Bottom-Bounds.Top,Border,Options);
- end else
- begin
- if RoundCorners then
- map := CreateRoundRectangleMap(Bounds.Right-Bounds.Left,Bounds.Bottom-Bounds.Top,Border,Options)
- else
- map := CreateRectangleMap(Bounds.Right-Bounds.Left,Bounds.Bottom-Bounds.Top,Border,Options);
- end;
- Draw(dest,map,Altitude,bounds.Left,bounds.Top,Color);
- map.Free;
-procedure TPhongShading.DrawMapNormal(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; map: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- mapAltitude: single; ofsX, ofsY: integer; ColorMap: TBGRACustomBitmap);
- {$I phongdraw.inc }
-procedure TPhongShading.DrawColorNormal(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; map: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- mapAltitude: single; ofsX, ofsY: integer; Color: TBGRAPixel);
- {$I phongdraw.inc }
-procedure TPhongShading.DrawScannerNormal(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- map: TBGRACustomBitmap; mapAltitude: single; ofsX, ofsY: integer;
- ColorScan: IBGRAScanner);
- {$define PARAM_SCANNER}
- {$I phongdraw.inc }
-procedure TPhongShading.DrawMapSSE(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; map: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- mapAltitude: single; ofsX, ofsY: integer; ColorMap: TBGRACustomBitmap);
- {$define PARAM_PHONGSSE}
- {$I phongdraw.inc }
-procedure TPhongShading.DrawColorSSE(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; map: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- mapAltitude: single; ofsX, ofsY: integer; Color: TBGRAPixel);
- {$define PARAM_PHONGSSE}
- {$I phongdraw.inc }
-procedure TPhongShading.DrawScannerSSE(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- map: TBGRACustomBitmap; mapAltitude: single; ofsX, ofsY: integer;
- ColorScan: IBGRAScanner);
- {$define PARAM_PHONGSSE}
- {$define PARAM_SCANNER}
- {$I phongdraw.inc }
-{************************ maps ***********************************}
-function CreateConeMap(size: integer): TBGRABitmap;
-var cx,cy,r: single;
- mask: TGrayscaleMask;
- cx := (size-1)/2;
- cy := (size-1)/2;
- r := (size-1)/2;
- result := TBGRABitmap.Create(size,size);
- result.GradientFill(0,0,size,size,BGRAWhite,BGRABlack,gtRadial,PointF(cx,cy),PointF(cx+r,cy),dmSet,False);
- mask := TGrayscaleMask.Create(size,size,BGRABlack);
- mask.FillEllipseAntialias(cx,cy,r,r,BGRAWhite);
- result.ApplyMask(mask);
- mask.Free;
-function CreateConePreciseMap(width,height: integer): TBGRABitmap;
-var cx,cy,rx,ry,d: single;
- xb,yb: integer;
- p: PBGRAPixel;
- mask: TGrayscaleMask;
- result := TBGRABitmap.Create(width,height);
- cx := (width-1)/2;
- cy := (height-1)/2;
- rx := (width-1)/2;
- ry := (height-1)/2;
- for yb := 0 to height-1 do
- begin
- p := result.scanline[yb];
- for xb := 0 to width-1 do
- begin
- d := sqr((xb-cx)/(rx+1))+sqr((yb-cy)/(ry+1));
- if d >= 1 then
- p^ := BGRAPixelTransparent else
- p^ := MapHeightToBGRA(1-sqrt(d),255);
- inc(p);
- end;
- end;
- //antialiased border
- mask := TGrayscaleMask.Create(width,height,BGRABlack);
- mask.FillEllipseAntialias(cx,cy,rx,ry,BGRAWhite);
- result.ApplyMask(mask);
- mask.Free;
-function CreateVerticalConePreciseMap(width, height: integer): TBGRABitmap;
-var cx,rx,d,vpos: single;
- xb,yb: integer;
- p: PBGRAPixel;
- mask: TGrayscaleMask;
- result := TBGRABitmap.Create(width,height);
- if (height=0) or (width=0) then exit;
- cx := (width-1)/2;
- for yb := 0 to height-1 do
- begin
- p := result.scanline[yb];
- vpos := (yb+1)/height;
- rx := width/2*vpos;
- for xb := 0 to width-1 do
- begin
- d := sqr((xb-cx)/(rx+1));
- if d >= 1 then
- p^ := BGRAPixelTransparent else
- p^ := MapHeightToBGRA(sqrt(1-d)*vpos,255);
- inc(p);
- end;
- end;
- //antialiased border
- mask := TGrayscaleMask.Create(width,height,BGRABlack);
- mask.FillPolyAntialias([PointF(width/2,-0.5),PointF(0,height-0.5),PointF(width-0.5,height-0.5)],BGRAWhite);
- result.ApplyMask(mask);
- mask.Free;
-function CreateVerticalCylinderPreciseMap(width, height: integer): TBGRABitmap;
-var cx,rx,d: single;
- xb: integer;
- result := TBGRABitmap.Create(width,height);
- if (height=0) or (width=0) then exit;
- rx := width/2;
- cx := (width-1)/2;
- for xb := 0 to width-1 do
- begin
- d := sqr((xb-cx)/(rx+1));
- result.SetVertLine(xb,0,height-1,MapHeightToBGRA(sqrt(1-d),255));
- end;
-function CreateHorizontalCylinderPreciseMap(width, height: integer
- ): TBGRABitmap;
-var cy,ry,d: single;
- xb,yb: integer;
- p: PBGRAPixel;
- c: TBGRAPixel;
- result := TBGRABitmap.Create(width,height);
- if (height=0) or (width=0) then exit;
- ry := height/2;
- cy := (height-1)/2;
- for yb := 0 to height-1 do
- begin
- p := result.scanline[yb];
- d := sqr((yb-cy)/(ry+1));
- c := MapHeightToBGRA(sqrt(1-d),255);
- for xb := 0 to width-1 do
- begin
- p^ := c;
- inc(p);
- end;
- end;
-function CreateSphereMap(width,height: integer): TBGRABitmap;
-var cx,cy,rx,ry,d: single;
- xb,yb: integer;
- p: PBGRAPixel;
- h: integer;
- mask: TGrayscaleMask;
- result := TBGRABitmap.Create(width,height);
- cx := (width-1)/2;
- cy := (height-1)/2;
- rx := (width-1)/2;
- ry := (height-1)/2;
- for yb := 0 to height-1 do
- begin
- p := result.scanline[yb];
- for xb := 0 to width-1 do
- begin
- d := sqr((xb-cx)/(rx+1))+sqr((yb-cy)/(ry+1));
- if d >= 1 then
- p^ := BGRAPixelTransparent else
- begin
- h := round(sqrt(1-d)*255);
- p^.red := h;
- p^.green := h;
- p^.blue := h;
- p^.alpha := 255;
- end;
- inc(p);
- end;
- end;
- //antialiased border
- mask := TGrayscaleMask.Create(width,height,BGRABlack);
- mask.FillEllipseAntialias(cx,cy,rx,ry,BGRAWhite);
- result.ApplyMask(mask);
- mask.Free;
-procedure MapBorderLimit(width,height: integer; options: TRectangleMapOptions; var border: integer);
-var maxHoriz,maxVert: integer;
- if [rmoNoLeftBorder,rmoNoRightBorder] <= options then maxHoriz := border else
- if [rmoNoLeftBorder,rmoNoRightBorder] * options = [] then maxHoriz := width div 2 else
- maxHoriz := width;
- if border > maxHoriz then border := maxHoriz;
- if [rmoNoTopBorder,rmoNoBottomBorder] <= options then maxVert := border else
- if [rmoNoTopBorder,rmoNoBottomBorder] * options = [] then maxVert := height div 2 else
- maxVert := height;
- if border > maxVert then border := maxVert;
-procedure MapBorderLimit(width,height: integer; options: TRectangleMapOptions; var borderHoriz,borderVert: integer);
-var maxHoriz,maxVert: integer;
- if [rmoNoLeftBorder,rmoNoRightBorder] <= options then maxHoriz := borderHoriz else
- if [rmoNoLeftBorder,rmoNoRightBorder] * options = [] then maxHoriz := width div 2 else
- maxHoriz := width;
- if borderHoriz > maxHoriz then borderHoriz := maxHoriz;
- if [rmoNoTopBorder,rmoNoBottomBorder] <= options then maxVert := borderVert else
- if [rmoNoTopBorder,rmoNoBottomBorder] * options = [] then maxVert := height div 2 else
- maxVert := height;
- if borderVert > maxVert then borderVert := maxVert;
-function CreateSpherePreciseMap(width, height: integer): TBGRABitmap;
-var cx,cy,rx,ry,d: single;
- xb,yb: integer;
- p: PBGRAPixel;
- mask: TGrayscaleMask;
- result := TBGRABitmap.Create(width,height);
- cx := (width-1)/2;
- cy := (height-1)/2;
- rx := (width-1)/2;
- ry := (height-1)/2;
- for yb := 0 to height-1 do
- begin
- p := result.scanline[yb];
- for xb := 0 to width-1 do
- begin
- d := sqr((xb-cx)/(rx+1))+sqr((yb-cy)/(ry+1));
- if d >= 1 then
- p^ := BGRAPixelTransparent else
- p^ := MapHeightToBGRA(sqrt(1-d),255);
- inc(p);
- end;
- end;
- //antialiased border
- mask := TGrayscaleMask.Create(width,height,BGRABlack);
- mask.FillEllipseAntialias(cx,cy,rx,ry,BGRAWhite);
- result.ApplyMask(mask);
- mask.Free;
-procedure RectangleMapRemoveCorners(dest: TBGRABitmap; options: TRectangleMapOptions);
- if [rmoNoLeftBorder,rmoNoTopBorder]*Options = [] then
- begin
- dest.SetPixel(0,0,BGRAPixelTransparent);
- dest.ErasePixel(1,0,128);
- dest.ErasePixel(0,1,128);
- end;
- if [rmoNoRightBorder,rmoNoTopBorder]*Options = [] then
- begin
- dest.SetPixel(dest.width-1,0,BGRAPixelTransparent);
- dest.ErasePixel(dest.width-2,0,128);
- dest.ErasePixel(dest.width-1,1,128);
- end;
- if [rmoNoRightBorder,rmoNoBottomBorder]*Options = [] then
- begin
- dest.SetPixel(dest.width-1,dest.height-1,BGRAPixelTransparent);
- dest.ErasePixel(dest.width-2,dest.height-1,128);
- dest.ErasePixel(dest.width-1,dest.height-2,128);
- end;
- if [rmoNoLeftBorder,rmoNoBottomBorder]*Options = [] then
- begin
- dest.SetPixel(0,dest.height-1,BGRAPixelTransparent);
- dest.ErasePixel(1,dest.height-1,128);
- dest.ErasePixel(0,dest.height-2,128);
- end;
-function CreateRectangleMap(width,height,border: integer; options: TRectangleMapOptions = []): TBGRABitmap;
-var xb,yb: integer;
- p: PBGRAPixel;
- h: integer;
- MapBorderLimit(width,height,options,border);
- result := TBGRABitmap.Create(width,height);
- for yb := 0 to height-1 do
- begin
- p := result.scanline[yb];
- for xb := 0 to width-1 do
- begin
- if not (rmoNoLeftBorder in options) and (xb < border) and (yb > xb) and (yb < height-1-xb) then h := xb else
- if not (rmoNoRightBorder in options) and (xb > width-1-border) and (yb > width-1-xb) and (yb < height-1-(width-1-xb)) then h := width-1-xb else
- if not (rmoNoTopBorder in options) and (yb < border) and (xb > yb) and (xb < width-1-yb) then h := yb else
- if not (rmoNoBottomBorder in options) and (yb > height-1-border) and (xb > height-1-yb) and (xb < width-1-(height-1-yb)) then h := height-1-yb else
- if not (rmoNoLeftBorder in options) and (xb < border) then h := xb else
- if not (rmoNoRightBorder in options) and (xb > width-1-border) then h := width-1-xb else
- if not (rmoNoTopBorder in options) and (yb < border) then h := yb else
- if not (rmoNoBottomBorder in options) and (yb > height-1-border) then h := height-1-yb else
- begin
- p^ := BGRAWhite;
- inc(p);
- Continue;
- end;
- if rmoLinearBorder in options then h := h*256 div border else
- h := round(sin((h+1/2)/border*Pi/2)*255);
- p^.red := h;
- p^.green := h;
- p^.blue := h;
- p^.alpha := 255;
- inc(p);
- end;
- end;
- RectangleMapRemoveCorners(result,options);
-function CreateRectanglePreciseMap(width, height, border: integer;
- options: TRectangleMapOptions): TBGRABitmap;
-var xb,yb: integer;
- p: PBGRAPixel;
- h: single;
- MapBorderLimit(width,height,options,border);
- result := TBGRABitmap.Create(width,height);
- for yb := 0 to height-1 do
- begin
- p := result.scanline[yb];
- for xb := 0 to width-1 do
- begin
- if not (rmoNoLeftBorder in options) and (xb < border) and (yb > xb) and (yb < height-1-xb) then h := xb else
- if not (rmoNoRightBorder in options) and (xb > width-1-border) and (yb > width-1-xb) and (yb < height-1-(width-1-xb)) then h := width-1-xb else
- if not (rmoNoTopBorder in options) and (yb < border) and (xb > yb) and (xb < width-1-yb) then h := yb else
- if not (rmoNoBottomBorder in options) and (yb > height-1-border) and (xb > height-1-yb) and (xb < width-1-(height-1-yb)) then h := height-1-yb else
- if not (rmoNoLeftBorder in options) and (xb < border) then h := xb else
- if not (rmoNoRightBorder in options) and (xb > width-1-border) then h := width-1-xb else
- if not (rmoNoTopBorder in options) and (yb < border) then h := yb else
- if not (rmoNoBottomBorder in options) and (yb > height-1-border) then h := height-1-yb else
- begin
- p^ := BGRAWhite;
- inc(p);
- Continue;
- end;
- if rmoLinearBorder in options then h := h/border else
- h := sin((h+1/2)/border*Pi/2);
- p^ := MapHeightToBGRA(h,255);
- inc(p);
- end;
- end;
- RectangleMapRemoveCorners(result,options);
-function CreateRectanglePreciseMap(width, height, borderWidth, borderHeight: integer;
- options: TRectangleMapOptions): TBGRABitmap;
-var xb,yb, minBorder: integer;
- p: PBGRAPixel;
- h: single;
- smallStep: single;
- MapBorderLimit(width,height,options,borderWidth,borderHeight);
- minBorder := min(borderWidth,borderHeight);
- if minBorder > 0 then smallStep := 1/minBorder else smallStep:= 0;
- result := TBGRABitmap.Create(width,height);
- for yb := 0 to height-1 do
- begin
- p := result.scanline[yb];
- for xb := 0 to width-1 do
- begin
- if not (rmoNoLeftBorder in options) and (xb < borderWidth) and (yb < borderHeight) then
- h := min(xb/borderWidth, yb/borderHeight) else
- if not (rmoNoRightBorder in options) and (xb > width-1-borderWidth) and (yb < borderHeight) then
- h := min((width-1-xb)/borderWidth, yb/borderHeight) else
- if not (rmoNoTopBorder in options) and (xb < borderWidth) and (yb > height-1-borderHeight) then
- h := min(xb/borderWidth, (height-1-yb)/borderHeight) else
- if not (rmoNoBottomBorder in options) and (xb > width-1-borderWidth) and (yb > height-1-borderHeight) then
- h := min((width-1-xb)/borderWidth, (height-1-yb)/borderHeight) else
- if not (rmoNoLeftBorder in options) and (xb < borderWidth) then h := xb/borderWidth else
- if not (rmoNoRightBorder in options) and (xb > width-1-borderWidth) then h := (width-1-xb)/borderWidth else
- if not (rmoNoTopBorder in options) and (yb < borderHeight) then h := yb/borderHeight else
- if not (rmoNoBottomBorder in options) and (yb > height-1-borderHeight) then h := (height-1-yb)/borderHeight else
- begin
- p^ := BGRAWhite;
- inc(p);
- Continue;
- end;
- if not (rmoLinearBorder in options) then
- h := sin((h+smallStep*0.5)*Pi*0.5);
- p^ := MapHeightToBGRA(h,255);
- inc(p);
- end;
- end;
- RectangleMapRemoveCorners(result,options);
-function CreateRoundRectangleMap(width,height,border: integer; options: TRectangleMapOptions = []): TBGRABitmap;
-var d: single;
- xb,yb: integer;
- p: PBGRAPixel;
- h: integer;
- MapBorderLimit(width,height,options,border);
- result := TBGRABitmap.Create(width,height);
- for yb := 0 to height-1 do
- begin
- p := result.scanline[yb];
- for xb := 0 to width-1 do
- begin
- if not (rmoNoLeftBorder in options) and not (rmoNoTopBorder in options) and (xb < border) and (yb < border) then d := border-sqrt(sqr(border-xb)+sqr(border-yb)) else
- if not (rmoNoLeftBorder in options) and not (rmoNoBottomBorder in options) and (xb < border) and (yb > height-1-border) then d := border-sqrt(sqr(border-xb)+sqr(border-(height-1-yb))) else
- if not (rmoNoRightBorder in options) and not (rmoNoTopBorder in options) and (xb > width-1-border) and (yb < border) then d := border-sqrt(sqr(border-(width-1-xb))+sqr(border-yb)) else
- if not (rmoNoRightBorder in options) and not (rmoNoBottomBorder in options) and (xb > width-1-border) and (yb > height-1-border) then d := border-sqrt(sqr(border-(width-1-xb))+sqr(border-(height-1-yb))) else
- if not (rmoNoLeftBorder in options) and (xb < border) then d := xb else
- if not (rmoNoRightBorder in options) and (xb > width-1-border) then d := width-1-xb else
- if not (rmoNoTopBorder in options) and (yb < border) then d := yb else
- if not (rmoNoBottomBorder in options) and (yb > height-1-border) then d := height-1-yb else
- begin
- p^ := BGRAWhite;
- inc(p);
- Continue;
- end;
- d := (d+1)*border/(border+1);
- if d < 0 then
- p^ := BGRAPixelTransparent else
- begin
- if rmoLinearBorder in options then h := trunc(d*256/border) else
- h := round(sin((d+1/2)/border*Pi/2)*255);
- p^.red := h;
- p^.green := h;
- p^.blue := h;
- if d < 1 then p^.alpha := round(d*255) else
- p^.alpha := 255;
- end;
- inc(p);
- end;
- end;
-function CreatePerlinNoiseMap(AWidth, AHeight: integer; HorizontalPeriod: Single;
- VerticalPeriod: Single; Exponent: Double = 1; ResampleFilter: TResampleFilter = rfCosine): TBGRABitmap;
- procedure AddNoise(frequencyH, frequencyV: integer; amplitude: byte; dest: TBGRABitmap);
- var small,resampled: TBGRABitmap;
- p: PBGRAPixel;
- i: Integer;
- begin
- if (frequencyH = 0) or (frequencyV = 0) then exit;
- small := TBGRABitmap.Create(frequencyH,frequencyV);
- p := small.data;
- for i := 0 to small.NbPixels-1 do
- begin
- p^.red := random(amplitude);
- p^.green := p^.red;
- p^.blue := p^.green;
- p^.alpha := 255;
- inc(p);
- end;
- small.ResampleFilter := ResampleFilter;
- resampled := small.Resample(dest.Width,dest.Height);
- dest.BlendImage(0,0,resampled,boAdditive);
- resampled.Free;
- small.Free;
- end;
- i: Integer;
- temp: TBGRABitmap;
- result := TBGRABitmap.Create(AWidth,AHeight);
- for i := 0 to 5 do
- AddNoise(round(AWidth / HorizontalPeriod / (32 shr i)),round(AHeight / VerticalPeriod / (32 shr i)), round(exp(ln((128 shr i)/128)*Exponent)*128),result);
- temp := result.FilterNormalize(False);
- result.Free;
- result := temp;
- temp := result.FilterBlurRadial(1,rbNormal);
- result.Free;
- result := temp;
-function CreateCyclicPerlinNoiseMap(AWidth, AHeight: integer; HorizontalPeriod: Single = 1;
- VerticalPeriod: Single = 1; Exponent: Double = 1; ResampleFilter: TResampleFilter = rfCosine): TBGRABitmap;
- procedure AddNoise(frequencyH, frequencyV: integer; amplitude: byte; dest: TBGRABitmap);
- var small,cycled,resampled: TBGRABitmap;
- p: PBGRAPixel;
- i: Integer;
- x, y: Int64;
- begin
- if (frequencyH = 0) or (frequencyV = 0) then exit;
- small := TBGRABitmap.Create(frequencyH,frequencyV);
- p := small.data;
- for i := 0 to small.NbPixels-1 do
- begin
- p^.red := random(amplitude);
- p^.green := p^.red;
- p^.blue := p^.green;
- p^.alpha := 255;
- inc(p);
- end;
- cycled := small.GetPart(rect(-2,-2,small.Width+2,small.Height+2));
- cycled.ResampleFilter := ResampleFilter;
- resampled := cycled.Resample(round((cycled.Width-1)*(dest.Width/frequencyH)),round((cycled.Height-1)*(dest.Height/frequencyV)));
- x := round(-2*(dest.Width/frequencyH));
- y := round(-2*(dest.Height/frequencyV));
- dest.BlendImage(x,y,resampled,boAdditive);
- resampled.Free;
- cycled.Free;
- small.Free;
- end;
- i: Integer;
- temp: TBGRABitmap;
- result := TBGRABitmap.Create(AWidth,AHeight);
- for i := 0 to 5 do
- AddNoise(round(AWidth / HorizontalPeriod / (32 shr i)),round(AHeight / VerticalPeriod / (32 shr i)), round(exp(ln((128 shr i)/128)*Exponent)*128),result);
- temp := result.FilterNormalize(False);
- result.Free;
- result := temp;
- temp := result.FilterBlurRadial(1,rbNormal);
- result.Free;
- result := temp;
-function CreateRoundRectanglePreciseMap(width, height, border: integer;
- options: TRectangleMapOptions): TBGRABitmap;
-var d: single;
- xb,yb: integer;
- p: PBGRAPixel;
- h: single;
- MapBorderLimit(width,height,options,border);
- result := TBGRABitmap.Create(width,height);
- for yb := 0 to height-1 do
- begin
- p := result.scanline[yb];
- for xb := 0 to width-1 do
- begin
- if not (rmoNoLeftBorder in options) and not (rmoNoTopBorder in options) and (xb < border) and (yb < border) then d := border-sqrt(sqr(border-xb)+sqr(border-yb)) else
- if not (rmoNoLeftBorder in options) and not (rmoNoBottomBorder in options) and (xb < border) and (yb > height-1-border) then d := border-sqrt(sqr(border-xb)+sqr(border-(height-1-yb))) else
- if not (rmoNoRightBorder in options) and not (rmoNoTopBorder in options) and (xb > width-1-border) and (yb < border) then d := border-sqrt(sqr(border-(width-1-xb))+sqr(border-yb)) else
- if not (rmoNoRightBorder in options) and not (rmoNoBottomBorder in options) and (xb > width-1-border) and (yb > height-1-border) then d := border-sqrt(sqr(border-(width-1-xb))+sqr(border-(height-1-yb))) else
- if not (rmoNoLeftBorder in options) and (xb < border) then d := xb else
- if not (rmoNoRightBorder in options) and (xb > width-1-border) then d := width-1-xb else
- if not (rmoNoTopBorder in options) and (yb < border) then d := yb else
- if not (rmoNoBottomBorder in options) and (yb > height-1-border) then d := height-1-yb else
- begin
- p^ := BGRAWhite;
- inc(p);
- Continue;
- end;
- d := (d+1)*border/(border+1);
- if d < 0 then
- p^ := BGRAPixelTransparent else
- begin
- if rmoLinearBorder in options then h := d/border else
- h := sin((d+1/2)/border*Pi/2);
- if d < 1 then p^:= MapHeightToBGRA(h,round(d*255)) else
- p^ := MapHeightToBGRA(h,255);
- end;
- inc(p);
- end;
- end;
-function CreateRoundRectanglePreciseMap(width, height, borderWidth,
- borderHeight: integer; options: TRectangleMapOptions): TBGRABitmap;
-var d: single;
- xb,yb: integer;
- p: PBGRAPixel;
- h,smallStep,factor: single;
- minBorder: integer;
- MapBorderLimit(width,height,options,borderWidth,borderHeight);
- minBorder := min(borderWidth,borderHeight);
- if minBorder > 0 then smallStep := 1/minBorder else smallStep:= 0;
- factor := minBorder/(minBorder+1);
- result := TBGRABitmap.Create(width,height);
- for yb := 0 to height-1 do
- begin
- p := result.scanline[yb];
- for xb := 0 to width-1 do
- begin
- if not (rmoNoLeftBorder in options) and not (rmoNoTopBorder in options) and (xb < borderWidth) and (yb < borderHeight) then
- d := 1-sqrt(sqr((borderWidth-xb)/borderWidth)+sqr((borderHeight-yb)/borderHeight)) else
- if not (rmoNoLeftBorder in options) and not (rmoNoBottomBorder in options) and (xb < borderWidth) and (yb > height-1-borderHeight) then
- d := 1-sqrt(sqr((borderWidth-xb)/borderWidth)+sqr((borderHeight-(height-1-yb))/borderHeight)) else
- if not (rmoNoRightBorder in options) and not (rmoNoTopBorder in options) and (xb > width-1-borderWidth) and (yb < borderHeight) then
- d := 1-sqrt(sqr((borderWidth-(width-1-xb))/borderWidth)+sqr((borderHeight-yb)/borderHeight)) else
- if not (rmoNoRightBorder in options) and not (rmoNoBottomBorder in options) and (xb > width-1-borderWidth) and (yb > height-1-borderHeight) then
- d := 1-sqrt(sqr((borderWidth-(width-1-xb))/borderWidth)+sqr((borderHeight-(height-1-yb))/borderHeight)) else
- if not (rmoNoLeftBorder in options) and (xb < borderWidth) then d := xb/borderWidth else
- if not (rmoNoRightBorder in options) and (xb > width-1-borderWidth) then d := (width-1-xb)/borderWidth else
- if not (rmoNoTopBorder in options) and (yb < borderHeight) then d := yb/borderHeight else
- if not (rmoNoBottomBorder in options) and (yb > height-1-borderHeight) then d := (height-1-yb)/borderHeight else
- begin
- p^ := BGRAWhite;
- inc(p);
- Continue;
- end;
- d := (d + smallStep)*factor;
- if d < 0 then
- p^ := BGRAPixelTransparent else
- begin
- if rmoLinearBorder in options then h := d else
- h := sin((d+smallStep*0.5)*Pi*0.5);
- if d < smallStep then p^:= MapHeightToBGRA(h,round(d/smallStep*255)) else
- p^ := MapHeightToBGRA(h,255);
- end;
- inc(p);
- end;
- end;
- Randomize;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgragradientscanner.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgragradientscanner.pas
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index 31bbdd4..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgragradientscanner.pas
+++ /dev/null
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-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAGradientScanner;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
-{ This unit contains scanners that generate gradients }
- SysUtils, BGRABitmapTypes, BGRATransform;
- TBGRAColorInterpolation = (ciStdRGB, ciLinearRGB, ciLinearHSLPositive, ciLinearHSLNegative, ciGSBPositive, ciGSBNegative);
- TBGRAGradientRepetition = (grPad, grRepeat, grReflect, grSine);
- { TBGRASimpleGradient }
- TBGRASimpleGradient = class(TBGRACustomGradient)
- protected
- FColor1,FColor2: TBGRAPixel;
- ec1,ec2: TExpandedPixel;
- FRepetition: TBGRAGradientRepetition;
- function InterpolateToBGRA(position: word): TBGRAPixel; virtual; abstract;
- function InterpolateToExpanded(position: word): TExpandedPixel; virtual; abstract;
- public
- class function CreateAny(AInterpolation: TBGRAColorInterpolation; AColor1,AColor2: TBGRAPixel; ARepetition: TBGRAGradientRepetition): TBGRASimpleGradient; overload; static;
- class function CreateAny(AInterpolation: TBGRAColorInterpolation; AColor1,AColor2: TExpandedPixel; ARepetition: TBGRAGradientRepetition): TBGRASimpleGradient; overload; static;
- constructor Create(AColor1,AColor2: TBGRAPixel; ARepetition: TBGRAGradientRepetition); overload; //do not call directly
- constructor Create(AColor1,AColor2: TExpandedPixel; ARepetition: TBGRAGradientRepetition); overload; //do not call directly
- function GetColorAt(position: integer): TBGRAPixel; override;
- function GetColorAtF(position: single): TBGRAPixel; override;
- function GetExpandedColorAt(position: integer): TExpandedPixel; override;
- function GetExpandedColorAtF(position: single): TExpandedPixel; override;
- function GetAverageColor: TBGRAPixel; override;
- function GetAverageExpandedColor: TExpandedPixel; override;
- function GetMonochrome: boolean; override;
- property Repetition: TBGRAGradientRepetition read FRepetition write FRepetition;
- end;
- { TBGRASimpleGradientWithoutGammaCorrection }
- TBGRASimpleGradientWithoutGammaCorrection = class(TBGRASimpleGradient)
- protected
- function InterpolateToBGRA(position: word): TBGRAPixel; override;
- function InterpolateToExpanded(position: word): TExpandedPixel; override;
- public
- constructor Create(Color1,Color2: TBGRAPixel; ARepetition: TBGRAGradientRepetition = grPad); overload;
- constructor Create(Color1,Color2: TExpandedPixel; ARepetition: TBGRAGradientRepetition = grPad); overload;
- end;
- { TBGRASimpleGradientWithGammaCorrection }
- TBGRASimpleGradientWithGammaCorrection = class(TBGRASimpleGradient)
- protected
- function InterpolateToBGRA(position: word): TBGRAPixel; override;
- function InterpolateToExpanded(position: word): TExpandedPixel; override;
- public
- constructor Create(Color1,Color2: TBGRAPixel; ARepetition: TBGRAGradientRepetition = grPad); overload;
- constructor Create(Color1,Color2: TExpandedPixel; ARepetition: TBGRAGradientRepetition = grPad); overload;
- end;
- THueGradientOption = (hgoRepeat, hgoReflect, //repetition
- hgoPositiveDirection, hgoNegativeDirection, //hue orientation
- hgoHueCorrection, hgoLightnessCorrection); //color interpolation
- THueGradientOptions = set of THueGradientOption;
- { TBGRAHueGradient }
- TBGRAHueGradient = class(TBGRASimpleGradient)
- private
- hsla1,hsla2: THSLAPixel;
- hue1,hue2: LongWord;
- FOptions: THueGradientOptions;
- procedure Init(c1,c2: THSLAPixel; AOptions: THueGradientOptions);
- function InterpolateToHSLA(position: word): THSLAPixel;
- protected
- function InterpolateToBGRA(position: word): TBGRAPixel; override;
- function InterpolateToExpanded(position: word): TExpandedPixel; override;
- public
- constructor Create(Color1,Color2: TBGRAPixel; options: THueGradientOptions); overload;
- constructor Create(Color1,Color2: TExpandedPixel; options: THueGradientOptions); overload;
- constructor Create(Color1,Color2: THSLAPixel; options: THueGradientOptions); overload;
- constructor Create(AHue1,AHue2: Word; Saturation,Lightness: Word; options: THueGradientOptions); overload;
- function GetMonochrome: boolean; override;
- end;
- TGradientInterpolationFunction = function(t: single): single of object;
- { TBGRAMultiGradient }
- TBGRAMultiGradient = class(TBGRACustomGradient)
- private
- FColors: array of TBGRAPixel;
- FPositions: array of integer;
- FPositionsF: array of single;
- FEColors: array of TExpandedPixel;
- FCycle: Boolean;
- FInterpolationFunction: TGradientInterpolationFunction;
- procedure Init(Colors: array of TBGRAPixel; Positions0To1: array of single; AGammaCorrection, ACycle: boolean);
- public
- GammaCorrection: boolean;
- function CosineInterpolation(t: single): single;
- function HalfCosineInterpolation(t: single): single;
- constructor Create(Colors: array of TBGRAPixel; Positions0To1: array of single; AGammaCorrection: boolean; ACycle: boolean = false);
- function GetColorAt(position: integer): TBGRAPixel; override;
- function GetExpandedColorAt(position: integer): TExpandedPixel; override;
- function GetAverageColor: TBGRAPixel; override;
- function GetMonochrome: boolean; override;
- property InterpolationFunction: TGradientInterpolationFunction read FInterpolationFunction write FInterpolationFunction;
- end;
- { TBGRABufferedGradient }
- TBGRABufferedGradient = class(TBGRACustomGradient)
- protected
- FGradient: TBGRACustomGradient;
- FGradientOwned: boolean;
- FPadded: boolean;
- FAverageColorComputed: boolean;
- FAverageColorExpanded: TExpandedPixel;
- FMonochromeComputed: boolean;
- FMonochrome: boolean;
- FBufferSize, FBufferShift: integer;
- FColorTab: array of TBGRAPixel;
- FColorComputed: bitpacked array[0..65535] of boolean;
- FRepetition: TBGRAGradientRepetition;
- public
- constructor Create(AGradient: TBGRACustomGradient; AOwner: boolean; APadded: boolean;
- ABufferSize: integer);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- {** Returns the color at a given ''position''. The reference range is
- from 0 to 65535, however values beyond are possible as well }
- function GetColorAt(position: integer): TBGRAPixel; override;
- {** Returns the average color of the gradient }
- function GetAverageColor: TBGRAPixel; override;
- function GetAverageExpandedColor: TExpandedPixel; override;
- function GetMonochrome: boolean; override;
- end;
- TBGRAGradientScannerInternalScanNextFunc = function():single of object;
- TBGRAGradientScannerInternalScanAtFunc = function(const p: TPointF):single of object;
- { TBGRAGradientScanner }
- TBGRAGradientScanner = class(TBGRACustomScanner)
- protected
- FGradientType: TGradientType;
- FOrigin,FDir1,FDir2: TPointF;
- FRelativeFocal: TPointF;
- FRadius, FFocalRadius: single;
- FTransform, FHiddenTransform: TAffineMatrix;
- FSinus: Boolean;
- FGradient: TBGRACustomGradient;
- FGradientOwner: boolean;
- FFlipGradient: boolean;
- FMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- FRepeatHoriz, FIsAverage: boolean;
- FAverageColor: TBGRAPixel;
- FAverageExpandedColor: TExpandedPixel;
- FScanNextFunc: TBGRAGradientScannerInternalScanNextFunc;
- FScanAtFunc: TBGRAGradientScannerInternalScanAtFunc;
- FGetGradientColor: TBGRAGradientGetColorAtFloatFunc;
- FGetGradientExpandedColor: TBGRAGradientGetExpandedColorAtFloatFunc;
- FFocalDistance: single;
- FFocalDirection, FFocalNormal: TPointF;
- FRadialDenominator, FRadialDeltaSign, maxW1, maxW2: single;
- FPosition: TPointF;
- FHorizColor: TBGRAPixel;
- FHorizExpandedColor: TExpandedPixel;
- procedure Init(AGradientType: TGradientType; AOrigin, d1: TPointF; ATransform: TAffineMatrix; Sinus: Boolean=False); overload;
- procedure Init(AGradientType: TGradientType; AOrigin, d1, d2: TPointF; ATransform: TAffineMatrix; Sinus: Boolean=False); overload;
- procedure Init(AOrigin: TPointF; ARadius: single; AFocal: TPointF; AFocalRadius: single; ATransform: TAffineMatrix; AHiddenTransform: TAffineMatrix); overload;
- procedure InitGradientType;
- procedure InitTransform;
- procedure InitGradient;
- function ComputeRadialFocal(const p: TPointF): single;
- function ScanNextLinear: single;
- function ScanNextReflected: single;
- function ScanNextDiamond: single;
- function ScanNextRadial: single;
- function ScanNextRadial2: single;
- function ScanNextRadialFocal: single;
- function ScanNextAngular: single;
- function ScanAtLinear(const p: TPointF): single;
- function ScanAtReflected(const p: TPointF): single;
- function ScanAtDiamond(const p: TPointF): single;
- function ScanAtRadial(const p: TPointF): single;
- function ScanAtRadial2(const p: TPointF): single;
- function ScanAtRadialFocal(const p: TPointF): single;
- function ScanAtAngular(const p: TPointF): single;
- function ScanNextInline: TBGRAPixel; inline;
- function ScanNextExpandedInline: TExpandedPixel; inline;
- procedure SetTransform(AValue: TAffineMatrix);
- procedure SetFlipGradient(AValue: boolean);
- procedure SetSinus(AValue: boolean);
- function GetGradientColor(a: single): TBGRAPixel;
- function GetGradientExpandedColor(a: single): TExpandedPixel;
- function GetGradientColorFlipped(a: single): TBGRAPixel;
- function GetGradientExpandedColorFlipped(a: single): TExpandedPixel;
- function GetGradientColorSinus(a: single): TBGRAPixel;
- function GetGradientExpandedColorSinus(a: single): TExpandedPixel;
- procedure UpdateGetGradientColorFunctions;
- public
- constructor Create(AGradientType: TGradientType; AOrigin, d1: TPointF); overload;
- constructor Create(AGradientType: TGradientType; AOrigin, d1, d2: TPointF); overload;
- constructor Create(AOrigin, d1, d2, AFocal: TPointF; ARadiusRatio: single = 1; AFocalRadiusRatio: single = 0); overload;
- constructor Create(AOrigin: TPointF; ARadius: single; AFocal: TPointF; AFocalRadius: single); overload;
- constructor Create(c1, c2: TBGRAPixel; AGradientType: TGradientType; AOrigin, d1: TPointF;
- gammaColorCorrection: boolean = True; Sinus: Boolean=False); overload;
- constructor Create(c1, c2: TBGRAPixel; AGradientType: TGradientType; AOrigin, d1, d2: TPointF;
- gammaColorCorrection: boolean = True; Sinus: Boolean=False); overload;
- constructor Create(gradient: TBGRACustomGradient; AGradientType: TGradientType; AOrigin, d1: TPointF;
- Sinus: Boolean=False; AGradientOwner: Boolean=False); overload;
- constructor Create(gradient: TBGRACustomGradient; AGradientType: TGradientType; AOrigin, d1, d2: TPointF;
- Sinus: Boolean=False; AGradientOwner: Boolean=False); overload;
- constructor Create(gradient: TBGRACustomGradient; AOrigin: TPointF; ARadius: single; AFocal: TPointF;
- AFocalRadius: single; AGradientOwner: Boolean=False); overload;
- procedure SetGradient(c1,c2: TBGRAPixel; AGammaCorrection: boolean = true); overload;
- procedure SetGradient(AGradient: TBGRACustomGradient; AOwner: boolean); overload;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure ScanMoveTo(X, Y: Integer); override;
- function ScanNextPixel: TBGRAPixel; override;
- function ScanNextExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel; override;
- function ScanAt(X, Y: Single): TBGRAPixel; override;
- function ScanAtExpanded(X, Y: Single): TExpandedPixel; override;
- procedure ScanPutPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; count: integer; mode: TDrawMode); override;
- procedure ScanSkipPixels(ACount: integer); override;
- function IsScanPutPixelsDefined: boolean; override;
- property Transform: TAffineMatrix read FTransform write SetTransform;
- property Gradient: TBGRACustomGradient read FGradient;
- property FlipGradient: boolean read FFlipGradient write SetFlipGradient;
- property Sinus: boolean Read FSinus write SetSinus;
- end;
- { TBGRAConstantScanner }
- TBGRAConstantScanner = class(TBGRAGradientScanner)
- constructor Create(c: TBGRAPixel);
- end;
- { TBGRARandomScanner }
- TBGRARandomScanner = class(TBGRACustomScanner)
- private
- FOpacity: byte;
- FGrayscale: boolean;
- FRandomBuffer, FRandomBufferCount: integer;
- public
- constructor Create(AGrayscale: Boolean; AOpacity: byte);
- function ScanAtInteger({%H-}X, {%H-}Y: integer): TBGRAPixel; override;
- function ScanNextPixel: TBGRAPixel; override;
- function ScanAt({%H-}X, {%H-}Y: Single): TBGRAPixel; override;
- end;
- { TBGRAGradientTriangleScanner }
- TBGRAGradientTriangleScanner= class(TBGRACustomScanner)
- protected
- FMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- FColor1,FDiff2,FDiff3,FStep: TColorF;
- FCurColor: TColorF;
- public
- constructor Create(pt1,pt2,pt3: TPointF; c1,c2,c3: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure ScanMoveTo(X,Y: Integer); override;
- procedure ScanMoveToF(X,Y: Single);
- function ScanAt(X,Y: Single): TBGRAPixel; override;
- function ScanNextPixel: TBGRAPixel; override;
- function ScanNextExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel; override;
- procedure ScanSkipPixels(ACount: integer); override;
- end;
- { TBGRASolidColorMaskScanner }
- TBGRASolidColorMaskScanner = class(TBGRACustomScanner)
- private
- FOffset: TPoint;
- FMask: IBGRAScanner;
- FSolidColor: TBGRAPixel;
- public
- constructor Create(AMask: IBGRAScanner; AOffset: TPoint; ASolidColor: TBGRAPixel);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function IsScanPutPixelsDefined: boolean; override;
- procedure ScanPutPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; count: integer; mode: TDrawMode); override;
- procedure ScanSkipPixels(ACount: integer); override;
- procedure ScanMoveTo(X,Y: Integer); override;
- function ScanNextPixel: TBGRAPixel; override;
- function ScanAt(X,Y: Single): TBGRAPixel; override;
- property Color: TBGRAPixel read FSolidColor write FSolidColor;
- end;
- { TBGRATextureMaskScanner }
- TBGRATextureMaskScanner = class(TBGRACustomScanner)
- private
- FOffset: TPoint;
- FMask: IBGRAScanner;
- FTexture: IBGRAScanner;
- FTextureScanNext : TScanNextPixelFunction;
- FTextureScanAt : TScanAtFunction;
- FGlobalOpacity: Byte;
- FMemTex: packed array of TBGRAPixel;
- public
- constructor Create(AMask: IBGRAScanner; AOffset: TPoint; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AGlobalOpacity: Byte = 255);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function IsScanPutPixelsDefined: boolean; override;
- procedure ScanPutPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; count: integer; mode: TDrawMode); override;
- procedure ScanSkipPixels(ACount: integer); override;
- procedure ScanMoveTo(X,Y: Integer); override;
- function ScanNextPixel: TBGRAPixel; override;
- function ScanAt(X,Y: Single): TBGRAPixel; override;
- end;
- { TBGRAOpacityScanner }
- TBGRAOpacityScanner = class(TBGRACustomScanner)
- private
- FTexture: IBGRAScanner;
- FOwnedScanner: TBGRACustomScanner;
- FGlobalOpacity: Byte;
- FScanNext : TScanNextPixelFunction;
- FScanAt : TScanAtFunction;
- FMemTex: packed array of TBGRAPixel;
- public
- constructor Create(ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AGlobalOpacity: Byte = 255);
- constructor Create(ATexture: TBGRACustomScanner; AGlobalOpacity: Byte; AOwned: boolean);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function IsScanPutPixelsDefined: boolean; override;
- procedure ScanPutPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; count: integer; mode: TDrawMode); override;
- procedure ScanSkipPixels(ACount: integer); override;
- procedure ScanMoveTo(X,Y: Integer); override;
- function ScanNextPixel: TBGRAPixel; override;
- function ScanAt(X,Y: Single): TBGRAPixel; override;
- end;
-uses BGRABlend, Math;
-{ TBGRABufferedGradient }
-constructor TBGRABufferedGradient.Create(AGradient: TBGRACustomGradient;
- AOwner: boolean; APadded: boolean; ABufferSize: integer);
- bufferPowSize: integer;
- FGradient := AGradient;
- FGradientOwned:= AOwner;
- FPadded := APadded;
- bufferPowSize := 0;
- while ABufferSize > 1 do
- begin
- ABufferSize := ABufferSize shr 1;
- inc(bufferPowSize);
- end;
- if bufferPowSize > 16 then bufferPowSize := 16;
- FBufferSize:= 1 shl bufferPowSize;
- setlength(FColorTab, FBufferSize);
- FBufferShift := 16-bufferPowSize;
-destructor TBGRABufferedGradient.Destroy;
- if FGradientOwned then FGradient.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
-function TBGRABufferedGradient.GetColorAt(position: integer): TBGRAPixel;
- posBuf: Integer;
- if FPadded then
- begin
- if position < 0 then
- position := 0 else
- if position >= 65536 then
- position := 65536;
- posBuf := position shr FBufferShift;
- if posBuf > FBufferSize shr 1 then dec(posBuf);
- end else
- begin
- position := position and 131071;
- posBuf := position shr (FBufferShift+1);
- end;
- if not FColorComputed[posBuf] then
- begin
- result := FGradient.GetColorAt(position);
- FColorTab[posBuf] := result;
- FColorComputed[posBuf] := true;
- end else
- result := FColorTab[posBuf];
-function TBGRABufferedGradient.GetAverageColor: TBGRAPixel;
- result := GammaCompression(GetAverageExpandedColor);
-function TBGRABufferedGradient.GetAverageExpandedColor: TExpandedPixel;
- if not FAverageColorComputed then
- begin
- FAverageColorExpanded := FGradient.GetAverageExpandedColor;
- FAverageColorComputed := true;
- end;
- result := FAverageColorExpanded;
-function TBGRABufferedGradient.GetMonochrome: boolean;
- if not FMonochromeComputed then
- begin
- FMonochrome:= FGradient.Monochrome;
- FMonochromeComputed:= true;
- end;
- result := FMonochrome;
-{ TBGRASimpleGradient }
-constructor TBGRASimpleGradient.Create(AColor1, AColor2: TBGRAPixel; ARepetition: TBGRAGradientRepetition);
- FColor1 := AColor1;
- FColor2 := AColor2;
- ec1 := GammaExpansion(AColor1);
- ec2 := GammaExpansion(AColor2);
- FRepetition:= ARepetition;
-constructor TBGRASimpleGradient.Create(AColor1, AColor2: TExpandedPixel;
- ARepetition: TBGRAGradientRepetition);
- FColor1 := GammaCompression(AColor1);
- FColor2 := GammaCompression(AColor2);
- ec1 := AColor1;
- ec2 := AColor2;
- FRepetition:= ARepetition;
-class function TBGRASimpleGradient.CreateAny(AInterpolation: TBGRAColorInterpolation;
- AColor1, AColor2: TBGRAPixel; ARepetition: TBGRAGradientRepetition): TBGRASimpleGradient;
- case AInterpolation of
- ciStdRGB: result := TBGRASimpleGradientWithoutGammaCorrection.Create(AColor1,AColor2);
- ciLinearRGB: result := TBGRASimpleGradientWithGammaCorrection.Create(AColor1,AColor2);
- ciLinearHSLPositive: result := TBGRAHueGradient.Create(AColor1,AColor2,[hgoPositiveDirection]);
- ciLinearHSLNegative: result := TBGRAHueGradient.Create(AColor1,AColor2,[hgoNegativeDirection]);
- ciGSBPositive: result := TBGRAHueGradient.Create(AColor1,AColor2,[hgoPositiveDirection, hgoHueCorrection, hgoLightnessCorrection]);
- ciGSBNegative: result := TBGRAHueGradient.Create(AColor1,AColor2,[hgoNegativeDirection, hgoHueCorrection, hgoLightnessCorrection]);
- end;
- result.Repetition := ARepetition;
-class function TBGRASimpleGradient.CreateAny(AInterpolation: TBGRAColorInterpolation;
- AColor1, AColor2: TExpandedPixel; ARepetition: TBGRAGradientRepetition): TBGRASimpleGradient;
- case AInterpolation of
- ciStdRGB: result := TBGRASimpleGradientWithoutGammaCorrection.Create(AColor1,AColor2);
- ciLinearRGB: result := TBGRASimpleGradientWithGammaCorrection.Create(AColor1,AColor2);
- ciLinearHSLPositive: result := TBGRAHueGradient.Create(AColor1,AColor2,[hgoPositiveDirection]);
- ciLinearHSLNegative: result := TBGRAHueGradient.Create(AColor1,AColor2,[hgoNegativeDirection]);
- ciGSBPositive: result := TBGRAHueGradient.Create(AColor1,AColor2,[hgoPositiveDirection, hgoHueCorrection, hgoLightnessCorrection]);
- ciGSBNegative: result := TBGRAHueGradient.Create(AColor1,AColor2,[hgoNegativeDirection, hgoHueCorrection, hgoLightnessCorrection]);
- end;
- result.Repetition := ARepetition;
-function TBGRASimpleGradient.GetAverageColor: TBGRAPixel;
- result := InterpolateToBGRA(32768);
-function TBGRASimpleGradient.GetAverageExpandedColor: TExpandedPixel;
- Result:= InterpolateToExpanded(32768);
-function TBGRASimpleGradient.GetColorAt(position: integer): TBGRAPixel;
- case FRepetition of
- grSine: begin
- position := Sin65536(position and $ffff);
- if position = 65536 then
- result := FColor2
- else
- result := InterpolateToBGRA(position);
- end;
- grRepeat: result := InterpolateToBGRA(position and $ffff);
- grReflect:
- begin
- position := position and $1ffff;
- if position >= $10000 then
- begin
- if position = $10000 then
- result := FColor2
- else
- result := InterpolateToBGRA($20000 - position);
- end
- else
- result := InterpolateToBGRA(position);
- end;
- else
- begin
- if position <= 0 then
- result := FColor1 else
- if position >= 65536 then
- result := FColor2 else
- result := InterpolateToBGRA(position);
- end;
- end;
-function TBGRASimpleGradient.GetColorAtF(position: single): TBGRAPixel;
- if position = EmptySingle then result := BGRAPixelTransparent else
- if FRepetition <> grPad then
- result := GetColorAt(round(frac(position*0.5)*131072)) else //divided by 2 for reflected repetition
- begin
- if position <= 0 then
- result := FColor1 else
- if position >= 1 then
- result := FColor2 else
- result := GetColorAt(round(position*65536));
- end;
-function TBGRASimpleGradient.GetExpandedColorAt(position: integer
- ): TExpandedPixel;
- case FRepetition of
- grSine: begin
- position := Sin65536(position and $ffff);
- if position = 65536 then
- result := ec2
- else
- result := InterpolateToExpanded(position);
- end;
- grRepeat: result := InterpolateToExpanded(position and $ffff);
- grReflect:
- begin
- position := position and $1ffff;
- if position >= $10000 then
- begin
- if position = $10000 then
- result := ec2
- else
- result := InterpolateToExpanded($20000 - position);
- end
- else
- result := InterpolateToExpanded(position);
- end;
- else
- begin
- if position <= 0 then
- result := ec1 else
- if position >= 65536 then
- result := ec2 else
- result := InterpolateToExpanded(position);
- end;
- end;
-function TBGRASimpleGradient.GetExpandedColorAtF(position: single
- ): TExpandedPixel;
- if position = EmptySingle then result := BGRAPixelTransparent else
- if FRepetition <> grPad then
- result := GetExpandedColorAt(round(frac(position*0.5)*131072)) else //divided by 2 for reflected repetition
- begin
- if position <= 0 then
- result := ec1 else
- if position >= 1 then
- result := ec2 else
- result := GetExpandedColorAt(round(position*65536));
- end;
-function TBGRASimpleGradient.GetMonochrome: boolean;
- Result:= (FColor1 = FColor2);
-{ TBGRAConstantScanner }
-constructor TBGRAConstantScanner.Create(c: TBGRAPixel);
- inherited Create(c,c,gtLinear,PointF(0,0),PointF(0,0),false);
-{ TBGRARandomScanner }
-constructor TBGRARandomScanner.Create(AGrayscale: Boolean; AOpacity: byte);
- FGrayscale:= AGrayscale;
- FOpacity:= AOpacity;
- FRandomBufferCount := 0;
-function TBGRARandomScanner.ScanAtInteger(X, Y: integer): TBGRAPixel;
- Result:=ScanNextPixel;
-function TBGRARandomScanner.ScanNextPixel: TBGRAPixel;
-var rgb: integer;
- if FGrayscale then
- begin
- if FRandomBufferCount = 0 then
- begin
- FRandomBuffer := random(256*256*256);
- FRandomBufferCount := 3;
- end;
- result.red := FRandomBuffer and 255;
- FRandomBuffer:= FRandomBuffer shr 8;
- dec(FRandomBufferCount);
- result.green := result.red;
- result.blue := result.red;
- result.alpha:= FOpacity;
- end else
- begin
- rgb := random(256*256*256);
- Result:= BGRA(rgb and 255,(rgb shr 8) and 255,(rgb shr 16) and 255,FOpacity);
- end;
-function TBGRARandomScanner.ScanAt(X, Y: Single): TBGRAPixel;
- Result:=ScanNextPixel;
-{ TBGRAHueGradient }
-procedure TBGRAHueGradient.Init(c1, c2: THSLAPixel; AOptions: THueGradientOptions);
- FOptions:= AOptions;
- if (hgoLightnessCorrection in AOptions) then
- begin
- hsla1 := ExpandedToGSBA(ec1);
- hsla2 := ExpandedToGSBA(ec2);
- end else
- begin
- hsla1 := c1;
- hsla2 := c2;
- end;
- if not (hgoHueCorrection in AOptions) then
- begin
- hue1 := c1.hue;
- hue2 := c2.hue;
- end else
- begin
- hue1 := HtoG(c1.hue);
- hue2 := HtoG(c2.hue);
- end;
- if (hgoPositiveDirection in AOptions) and not (hgoNegativeDirection in AOptions) then
- begin
- if c2.hue <= c1.hue then inc(hue2, 65536);
- end else
- if not (hgoPositiveDirection in AOptions) and (hgoNegativeDirection in AOptions) then
- begin
- if c2.hue >= c1.hue then inc(hue1, 65536);
- end;
-function TBGRAHueGradient.InterpolateToHSLA(position: word): THSLAPixel;
-var b,b2: LongWord;
- b := position shr 2;
- b2 := 16384-b;
- result.hue := ((hue1 * b2 + hue2 * b + 8191) shr 14) and $ffff;
- result.saturation := (hsla1.saturation * b2 + hsla2.saturation * b + 8191) shr 14;
- result.lightness := (hsla1.lightness * b2 + hsla2.lightness * b + 8191) shr 14;
- result.alpha := (hsla1.alpha * b2 + hsla2.alpha * b + 8191) shr 14;
- if hgoLightnessCorrection in FOptions then
- begin
- if not (hgoHueCorrection in FOptions) then
- result.hue := HtoG(result.hue);
- end else
- begin
- if hgoHueCorrection in FOptions then
- result.hue := GtoH(result.hue);
- end;
-function TBGRAHueGradient.InterpolateToBGRA(position: word): TBGRAPixel;
- if hgoLightnessCorrection in FOptions then
- result := GSBAToBGRA(InterpolateToHSLA(position))
- else
- result := HSLAToBGRA(InterpolateToHSLA(position));
-function TBGRAHueGradient.InterpolateToExpanded(position: word): TExpandedPixel;
- if hgoLightnessCorrection in FOptions then
- result := GSBAToExpanded(InterpolateToHSLA(position))
- else
- result := HSLAToExpanded(InterpolateToHSLA(position));
-constructor TBGRAHueGradient.Create(Color1, Color2: TBGRAPixel;options: THueGradientOptions);
- if hgoReflect in options then
- inherited Create(Color1,Color2,grReflect)
- else if hgoRepeat in options then
- inherited Create(Color1,Color2,grRepeat)
- else
- inherited Create(Color1,Color2,grPad);
- Init(BGRAToHSLA(Color1),BGRAToHSLA(Color2),options);
-constructor TBGRAHueGradient.Create(Color1, Color2: TExpandedPixel;
- options: THueGradientOptions);
- if hgoReflect in options then
- inherited Create(Color1,Color2,grReflect)
- else if hgoRepeat in options then
- inherited Create(Color1,Color2,grRepeat)
- else
- inherited Create(Color1,Color2,grPad);
- Init(ExpandedToHSLA(Color1),ExpandedToHSLA(Color2),options);
-constructor TBGRAHueGradient.Create(Color1, Color2: THSLAPixel; options: THueGradientOptions);
- if hgoReflect in options then
- inherited Create(Color1.ToExpanded,Color2.ToExpanded,grReflect)
- else if hgoRepeat in options then
- inherited Create(Color1.ToExpanded,Color2.ToExpanded,grRepeat)
- else
- inherited Create(Color1.ToExpanded,Color2.ToExpanded,grPad);
- Init(Color1,Color2, options);
-constructor TBGRAHueGradient.Create(AHue1, AHue2: Word; Saturation,
- Lightness: Word; options: THueGradientOptions);
- Create(HSLA(AHue1,saturation,lightness), HSLA(AHue2,saturation,lightness), options);
-function TBGRAHueGradient.GetMonochrome: boolean;
- Result:= false;
-{ TBGRAMultiGradient }
-procedure TBGRAMultiGradient.Init(Colors: array of TBGRAPixel;
- Positions0To1: array of single; AGammaCorrection, ACycle: boolean);
- i: Integer;
- if length(Positions0To1) <> length(colors) then
- raise Exception.Create('Dimension mismatch');
- if length(Positions0To1) = 0 then
- raise Exception.Create('Empty gradient');
- setlength(FColors,length(Colors));
- setlength(FPositions,length(Positions0To1));
- setlength(FPositionsF,length(Positions0To1));
- setlength(FEColors,length(Colors));
- for i := 0 to high(colors) do
- begin
- FColors[i]:= colors[i];
- FPositions[i]:= round(Positions0To1[i]*65536);
- FPositionsF[i]:= Positions0To1[i];
- FEColors[i]:= GammaExpansion(colors[i]);
- end;
- GammaCorrection := AGammaCorrection;
- FCycle := ACycle;
- if FPositions[high(FPositions)] = FPositions[0] then FCycle := false;
-function TBGRAMultiGradient.CosineInterpolation(t: single): single;
- result := (1-cos(t*Pi))*0.5;
-function TBGRAMultiGradient.HalfCosineInterpolation(t: single): single;
- result := (1-cos(t*Pi))*0.25 + t*0.5;
-constructor TBGRAMultiGradient.Create(Colors: array of TBGRAPixel;
- Positions0To1: array of single; AGammaCorrection: boolean; ACycle: boolean);
- Init(Colors,Positions0To1,AGammaCorrection, ACycle);
-function TBGRAMultiGradient.GetColorAt(position: integer): TBGRAPixel;
-var i: Int32or64;
- ec: TExpandedPixel;
- curPos,posDiff: Int32or64;
- if FCycle then
- position := (position-FPositions[0]) mod (FPositions[high(FPositions)] - FPositions[0]) + FPositions[0];
- if position <= FPositions[0] then
- result := FColors[0] else
- if position >= FPositions[high(FPositions)] then
- result := FColors[high(FColors)] else
- begin
- i := 0;
- while (i < high(FPositions)-1) and (position >= FPositions[i+1]) do
- inc(i);
- if Position = FPositions[i] then
- result := FColors[i]
- else
- begin
- curPos := position-FPositions[i];
- posDiff := FPositions[i+1]-FPositions[i];
- if FInterpolationFunction <> nil then
- begin
- curPos := round(FInterpolationFunction(curPos/posDiff)*65536);
- posDiff := 65536;
- end;
- if GammaCorrection then
- begin
- if FEColors[i+1].red < FEColors[i].red then
- ec.red := FEColors[i].red - UInt32or64(curPos)*UInt32or64(FEColors[i].red-FEColors[i+1].red) div UInt32or64(posDiff) else
- ec.red := FEColors[i].red + UInt32or64(curPos)*UInt32or64(FEColors[i+1].red-FEColors[i].red) div UInt32or64(posDiff);
- if FEColors[i+1].green < FEColors[i].green then
- ec.green := FEColors[i].green - UInt32or64(curPos)*UInt32or64(FEColors[i].green-FEColors[i+1].green) div UInt32or64(posDiff) else
- ec.green := FEColors[i].green + UInt32or64(curPos)*UInt32or64(FEColors[i+1].green-FEColors[i].green) div UInt32or64(posDiff);
- if FEColors[i+1].blue < FEColors[i].blue then
- ec.blue := FEColors[i].blue - UInt32or64(curPos)*UInt32or64(FEColors[i].blue-FEColors[i+1].blue) div UInt32or64(posDiff) else
- ec.blue := FEColors[i].blue + UInt32or64(curPos)*UInt32or64(FEColors[i+1].blue-FEColors[i].blue) div UInt32or64(posDiff);
- if FEColors[i+1].alpha < FEColors[i].alpha then
- ec.alpha := FEColors[i].alpha - UInt32or64(curPos)*UInt32or64(FEColors[i].alpha-FEColors[i+1].alpha) div UInt32or64(posDiff) else
- ec.alpha := FEColors[i].alpha + UInt32or64(curPos)*UInt32or64(FEColors[i+1].alpha-FEColors[i].alpha) div UInt32or64(posDiff);
- result := GammaCompression(ec);
- end else
- begin
- result.red := FColors[i].red + (curPos)*(FColors[i+1].red-FColors[i].red) div (posDiff);
- result.green := FColors[i].green + (curPos)*(FColors[i+1].green-FColors[i].green) div (posDiff);
- result.blue := FColors[i].blue + (curPos)*(FColors[i+1].blue-FColors[i].blue) div (posDiff);
- result.alpha := FColors[i].alpha + (curPos)*(FColors[i+1].alpha-FColors[i].alpha) div (posDiff);
- end;
- end;
- end;
-function TBGRAMultiGradient.GetExpandedColorAt(position: integer
- ): TExpandedPixel;
-var i: Int32or64;
- curPos,posDiff: Int32or64;
- rw,gw,bw: UInt32or64;
- if FCycle then
- position := (position-FPositions[0]) mod (FPositions[high(FPositions)] - FPositions[0]) + FPositions[0];
- if position <= FPositions[0] then
- result := FEColors[0] else
- if position >= FPositions[high(FPositions)] then
- result := FEColors[high(FColors)] else
- begin
- i := 0;
- while (i < high(FPositions)-1) and (position >= FPositions[i+1]) do
- inc(i);
- if Position = FPositions[i] then
- result := FEColors[i]
- else
- begin
- curPos := position-FPositions[i];
- posDiff := FPositions[i+1]-FPositions[i];
- if FInterpolationFunction <> nil then
- begin
- curPos := round(FInterpolationFunction(curPos/posDiff)*65536);
- posDiff := 65536;
- end;
- if GammaCorrection then
- begin
- if FEColors[i+1].red < FEColors[i].red then
- result.red := FEColors[i].red - UInt32or64(curPos)*UInt32or64(FEColors[i].red-FEColors[i+1].red) div UInt32or64(posDiff) else
- result.red := FEColors[i].red + UInt32or64(curPos)*UInt32or64(FEColors[i+1].red-FEColors[i].red) div UInt32or64(posDiff);
- if FEColors[i+1].green < FEColors[i].green then
- result.green := FEColors[i].green - UInt32or64(curPos)*UInt32or64(FEColors[i].green-FEColors[i+1].green) div UInt32or64(posDiff) else
- result.green := FEColors[i].green + UInt32or64(curPos)*UInt32or64(FEColors[i+1].green-FEColors[i].green) div UInt32or64(posDiff);
- if FEColors[i+1].blue < FEColors[i].blue then
- result.blue := FEColors[i].blue - UInt32or64(curPos)*UInt32or64(FEColors[i].blue-FEColors[i+1].blue) div UInt32or64(posDiff) else
- result.blue := FEColors[i].blue + UInt32or64(curPos)*UInt32or64(FEColors[i+1].blue-FEColors[i].blue) div UInt32or64(posDiff);
- if FEColors[i+1].alpha < FEColors[i].alpha then
- result.alpha := FEColors[i].alpha - UInt32or64(curPos)*UInt32or64(FEColors[i].alpha-FEColors[i+1].alpha) div UInt32or64(posDiff) else
- result.alpha := FEColors[i].alpha + UInt32or64(curPos)*UInt32or64(FEColors[i+1].alpha-FEColors[i].alpha) div UInt32or64(posDiff);
- end else
- begin
- rw := Int32or64(FColors[i].red shl 8) + (((curPos) shl 8)*(FColors[i+1].red-FColors[i].red)) div (posDiff);
- gw := Int32or64(FColors[i].green shl 8) + (((curPos) shl 8)*(FColors[i+1].green-FColors[i].green)) div (posDiff);
- bw := Int32or64(FColors[i].blue shl 8) + (((curPos) shl 8)*(FColors[i+1].blue-FColors[i].blue)) div (posDiff);
- if rw >= $ff00 then result.red := $ffff
- else result.red := (GammaExpansionTab[rw shr 8]*UInt32or64(255 - (rw and 255)) + GammaExpansionTab[(rw shr 8)+1]*UInt32or64(rw and 255)) shr 8;
- if gw >= $ff00 then result.green := $ffff
- else result.green := (GammaExpansionTab[gw shr 8]*UInt32or64(255 - (gw and 255)) + GammaExpansionTab[(gw shr 8)+1]*UInt32or64(gw and 255)) shr 8;
- if bw >= $ff00 then result.blue := $ffff
- else result.blue := (GammaExpansionTab[bw shr 8]*UInt32or64(255 - (bw and 255)) + GammaExpansionTab[(bw shr 8)+1]*UInt32or64(bw and 255)) shr 8;
- result.alpha := Int32or64(FColors[i].alpha shl 8) + (((curPos) shl 8)*(FColors[i+1].alpha-FColors[i].alpha)) div (posDiff);
- result.alpha := result.alpha + (result.alpha shr 8);
- end;
- end;
- end;
-function TBGRAMultiGradient.GetAverageColor: TBGRAPixel;
-var sumR,sumG,sumB,sumA: integer;
- i: Integer;
- sumR := 0;
- sumG := 0;
- sumB := 0;
- sumA := 0;
- for i := 0 to high(FColors) do
- begin
- inc(sumR, FColors[i].red);
- inc(sumG, FColors[i].green);
- inc(sumB, FColors[i].blue);
- inc(sumA, FColors[i].alpha);
- end;
- result := BGRA(sumR div length(FColors),sumG div length(FColors),
- sumB div length(FColors),sumA div length(FColors));
-function TBGRAMultiGradient.GetMonochrome: boolean;
-var i: integer;
- for i := 1 to high(FColors) do
- if FColors[i] <> FColors[0] then
- begin
- result := false;
- exit;
- end;
- Result:= true;
-{ TBGRASimpleGradientWithGammaCorrection }
-function TBGRASimpleGradientWithGammaCorrection.InterpolateToBGRA(position: word
- ): TBGRAPixel;
-var b,b2: LongWord;
- ec: TExpandedPixel;
- b := position;
- b2 := 65536-b;
- ec.red := (ec1.red * b2 + ec2.red * b + 32767) shr 16;
- ec.green := (ec1.green * b2 + ec2.green * b + 32767) shr 16;
- ec.blue := (ec1.blue * b2 + ec2.blue * b + 32767) shr 16;
- ec.alpha := (ec1.alpha * b2 + ec2.alpha * b + 32767) shr 16;
- result := GammaCompression(ec);
-function TBGRASimpleGradientWithGammaCorrection.InterpolateToExpanded(
- position: word): TExpandedPixel;
-var b,b2: LongWord;
- b := position;
- b2 := 65536-b;
- result.red := (ec1.red * b2 + ec2.red * b + 32767) shr 16;
- result.green := (ec1.green * b2 + ec2.green * b + 32767) shr 16;
- result.blue := (ec1.blue * b2 + ec2.blue * b + 32767) shr 16;
- result.alpha := (ec1.alpha * b2 + ec2.alpha * b + 32767) shr 16;
-constructor TBGRASimpleGradientWithGammaCorrection.Create(Color1,
- Color2: TBGRAPixel; ARepetition: TBGRAGradientRepetition);
- inherited Create(Color1,Color2,ARepetition);
-constructor TBGRASimpleGradientWithGammaCorrection.Create(Color1,
- Color2: TExpandedPixel; ARepetition: TBGRAGradientRepetition);
- inherited Create(Color1,Color2,ARepetition);
-{ TBGRASimpleGradientWithoutGammaCorrection }
-function TBGRASimpleGradientWithoutGammaCorrection.InterpolateToBGRA(
- position: word): TBGRAPixel;
-var b,b2: LongWord;
- b := position shr 6;
- b2 := 1024-b;
- result.red := (FColor1.red * b2 + FColor2.red * b + 511) shr 10;
- result.green := (FColor1.green * b2 + FColor2.green * b + 511) shr 10;
- result.blue := (FColor1.blue * b2 + FColor2.blue * b + 511) shr 10;
- result.alpha := (FColor1.alpha * b2 + FColor2.alpha * b + 511) shr 10;
-function TBGRASimpleGradientWithoutGammaCorrection.InterpolateToExpanded(
- position: word): TExpandedPixel;
-var b,b2: LongWord;
- rw,gw,bw: word;
- b := position shr 6;
- b2 := 1024-b;
- rw := (FColor1.red * b2 + FColor2.red * b + 511) shr 2;
- gw := (FColor1.green * b2 + FColor2.green * b + 511) shr 2;
- bw := (FColor1.blue * b2 + FColor2.blue * b + 511) shr 2;
- if rw >= $ff00 then
- result.red := 65535
- else
- result.red := (GammaExpansionTab[rw shr 8]*UInt32or64(255 - (rw and 255)) + GammaExpansionTab[(rw shr 8)+1]*UInt32or64(rw and 255)) shr 8;
- if gw >= $ff00 then
- result.green := 65535
- else
- result.green := (GammaExpansionTab[gw shr 8]*UInt32or64(255 - (gw and 255)) + GammaExpansionTab[(gw shr 8)+1]*UInt32or64(gw and 255)) shr 8;
- if bw >= $ff00 then
- result.blue := 65535
- else
- result.blue := (GammaExpansionTab[bw shr 8]*UInt32or64(255 - (bw and 255)) + GammaExpansionTab[(bw shr 8)+1]*UInt32or64(bw and 255)) shr 8;
- result.alpha := (FColor1.alpha * b2 + FColor2.alpha * b + 511) shr 2;
-constructor TBGRASimpleGradientWithoutGammaCorrection.Create(Color1,
- Color2: TBGRAPixel; ARepetition: TBGRAGradientRepetition);
- inherited Create(Color1,Color2,ARepetition);
-constructor TBGRASimpleGradientWithoutGammaCorrection.Create(Color1,
- Color2: TExpandedPixel; ARepetition: TBGRAGradientRepetition);
- inherited Create(Color1,Color2,ARepetition);
-{ TBGRAGradientTriangleScanner }
-constructor TBGRAGradientTriangleScanner.Create(pt1, pt2, pt3: TPointF; c1, c2,
- c3: TBGRAPixel);
-var ec1,ec2,ec3: TExpandedPixel;
- FMatrix := AffineMatrix(pt2.X-pt1.X, pt3.X-pt1.X, 0,
- pt2.Y-pt1.Y, pt3.Y-pt1.Y, 0);
- if not IsAffineMatrixInversible(FMatrix) then
- FMatrix := AffineMatrix(0,0,0,0,0,0)
- else
- FMatrix := AffineMatrixInverse(FMatrix) * AffineMatrixTranslation(-pt1.x,-pt1.y);
- ec1 := GammaExpansion(c1);
- ec2 := GammaExpansion(c2);
- ec3 := GammaExpansion(c3);
- FColor1[1] := ec1.red;
- FColor1[2] := ec1.green;
- FColor1[3] := ec1.blue;
- FColor1[4] := ec1.alpha;
- FDiff2[1] := ec2.red - ec1.red;
- FDiff2[2] := ec2.green - ec1.green;
- FDiff2[3] := ec2.blue - ec1.blue;
- FDiff2[4] := ec2.alpha - ec1.alpha;
- FDiff3[1] := ec3.red - ec1.red;
- FDiff3[2] := ec3.green - ec1.green;
- FDiff3[3] := ec3.blue - ec1.blue;
- FDiff3[4] := ec3.alpha - ec1.alpha;
- FStep := FDiff2*FMatrix[1,1]+FDiff3*FMatrix[2,1];
-procedure TBGRAGradientTriangleScanner.ScanMoveTo(X, Y: Integer);
- ScanMoveToF(X, Y);
-procedure TBGRAGradientTriangleScanner.ScanMoveToF(X, Y: Single);
- Cur: TPointF;
- Cur := FMatrix*PointF(X,Y);
- FCurColor := FColor1+FDiff2*Cur.X+FDiff3*Cur.Y;
-function TBGRAGradientTriangleScanner.ScanAt(X, Y: Single): TBGRAPixel;
- ScanMoveToF(X,Y);
- result := ScanNextPixel;
-function TBGRAGradientTriangleScanner.ScanNextPixel: TBGRAPixel;
-var r,g,b,a: int64;
- r := round(FCurColor[1]);
- g := round(FCurColor[2]);
- b := round(FCurColor[3]);
- a := round(FCurColor[4]);
- if r > 65535 then r := 65535 else
- if r < 0 then r := 0;
- if g > 65535 then g := 65535 else
- if g < 0 then g := 0;
- if b > 65535 then b := 65535 else
- if b < 0 then b := 0;
- if a > 65535 then a := 65535 else
- if a < 0 then a := 0;
- result.red := GammaCompressionTab[r];
- result.green := GammaCompressionTab[g];
- result.blue := GammaCompressionTab[b];
- result.alpha := a shr 8;
- FCurColor := FCurColor + FStep;
-function TBGRAGradientTriangleScanner.ScanNextExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel;
-var r,g,b,a: int64;
- r := round(FCurColor[1]);
- g := round(FCurColor[2]);
- b := round(FCurColor[3]);
- a := round(FCurColor[4]);
- if r > 65535 then r := 65535 else
- if r < 0 then r := 0;
- if g > 65535 then g := 65535 else
- if g < 0 then g := 0;
- if b > 65535 then b := 65535 else
- if b < 0 then b := 0;
- if a > 65535 then a := 65535 else
- if a < 0 then a := 0;
- result.red := r;
- result.green := g;
- result.blue := b;
- result.alpha := a;
- FCurColor := FCurColor + FStep;
-procedure TBGRAGradientTriangleScanner.ScanSkipPixels(ACount: integer);
- FCurColor := FCurColor + FStep*ACount;
-{ TBGRAGradientScanner }
-procedure TBGRAGradientScanner.SetTransform(AValue: TAffineMatrix);
- if FTransform=AValue then Exit;
- FTransform:=AValue;
- InitTransform;
-constructor TBGRAGradientScanner.Create(AGradientType: TGradientType; AOrigin, d1: TPointF);
- FGradient := nil;
- SetGradient(BGRABlack,BGRAWhite,False);
- Init(AGradientType,AOrigin,d1,AffineMatrixIdentity,False);
-constructor TBGRAGradientScanner.Create(AGradientType: TGradientType; AOrigin, d1,d2: TPointF);
- FGradient := nil;
- SetGradient(BGRABlack,BGRAWhite,False);
- Init(AGradientType,AOrigin,d1,d2,AffineMatrixIdentity,False);
-constructor TBGRAGradientScanner.Create(AOrigin,
- d1, d2, AFocal: TPointF; ARadiusRatio: single; AFocalRadiusRatio: single);
- m, mInv: TAffineMatrix;
- focalInv: TPointF;
- FGradient := nil;
- SetGradient(BGRABlack,BGRAWhite,False);
- m := AffineMatrix((d1-AOrigin).x, (d2-AOrigin).x, AOrigin.x,
- (d1-AOrigin).y, (d2-AOrigin).y, AOrigin.y);
- if IsAffineMatrixInversible(m) then
- begin
- mInv := AffineMatrixInverse(m);
- focalInv := mInv*AFocal;
- end else
- focalInv := PointF(0,0);
- Init(PointF(0,0), ARadiusRatio, focalInv, AFocalRadiusRatio, AffineMatrixIdentity, m);
-constructor TBGRAGradientScanner.Create(AOrigin: TPointF; ARadius: single;
- AFocal: TPointF; AFocalRadius: single);
- FGradient := nil;
- SetGradient(BGRABlack,BGRAWhite,False);
- Init(AOrigin, ARadius, AFocal, AFocalRadius, AffineMatrixIdentity, AffineMatrixIdentity);
-procedure TBGRAGradientScanner.SetFlipGradient(AValue: boolean);
- if FFlipGradient=AValue then Exit;
- FFlipGradient:=AValue;
- UpdateGetGradientColorFunctions;
-function TBGRAGradientScanner.GetGradientColor(a: single): TBGRAPixel;
- if a = EmptySingle then
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- begin
- if FFlipGradient then a := 1-a;
- if FSinus then
- begin
- a := a*65536;
- if (a <= low(int64)) or (a >= high(int64)) then
- result := FAverageColor
- else
- result := FGradient.GetColorAt(Sin65536(round(a) and 65535));
- end else
- result := FGradient.GetColorAtF(a);
- end;
-function TBGRAGradientScanner.GetGradientExpandedColor(a: single): TExpandedPixel;
- if a = EmptySingle then
- QWord(result) := 0
- else
- begin
- if FFlipGradient then a := 1-a;
- if FSinus then
- begin
- a := a * 65536;
- if (a <= low(int64)) or (a >= high(int64)) then
- result := FAverageExpandedColor
- else
- result := FGradient.GetExpandedColorAt(Sin65536(round(a) and 65535));
- end else
- result := FGradient.GetExpandedColorAtF(a);
- end;
-function TBGRAGradientScanner.GetGradientColorFlipped(a: single): TBGRAPixel;
- result := FGradient.GetColorAtF(1 - a);
-function TBGRAGradientScanner.GetGradientExpandedColorFlipped(a: single): TExpandedPixel;
- result := FGradient.GetExpandedColorAtF(1 - a);
-function TBGRAGradientScanner.GetGradientColorSinus(a: single): TBGRAPixel;
- if FFlipGradient then a := 1-a;
- a := a * 65536;
- if (a <= low(int64)) or (a >= high(int64)) then
- result := FAverageColor
- else result := FGradient.GetColorAt(Sin65536(round(a) and 65535));
-function TBGRAGradientScanner.GetGradientExpandedColorSinus(a: single): TExpandedPixel;
- if FFlipGradient then a := 1-a;
- a := a * 65536;
- if (a <= low(int64)) or (a >= high(int64)) then
- result := FAverageExpandedColor
- else result := FGradient.GetExpandedColorAt(Sin65536(round(a) and 65535));
-procedure TBGRAGradientScanner.UpdateGetGradientColorFunctions;
- if FSinus then
- begin
- FGetGradientColor:= @GetGradientColorSinus;
- FGetGradientExpandedColor:= @GetGradientExpandedColorSinus;
- end else
- if FFlipGradient then
- begin
- FGetGradientColor:= @GetGradientColorFlipped;
- FGetGradientExpandedColor:= @GetGradientExpandedColorFlipped;
- end else
- begin
- FGetGradientColor:= @FGradient.GetColorAtF;
- FGetGradientExpandedColor:= @FGradient.GetExpandedColorAtF;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAGradientScanner.SetSinus(AValue: boolean);
- if FSinus=AValue then Exit;
- FSinus:=AValue;
- UpdateGetGradientColorFunctions;
-procedure TBGRAGradientScanner.Init(AGradientType: TGradientType; AOrigin, d1: TPointF;
- ATransform: TAffineMatrix; Sinus: Boolean);
-var d2: TPointF;
- with (d1-AOrigin) do
- d2 := PointF(AOrigin.x+y,AOrigin.y-x);
- Init(AGradientType,AOrigin,d1,d2,ATransform,Sinus);
-procedure TBGRAGradientScanner.Init(AGradientType: TGradientType; AOrigin, d1, d2: TPointF;
- ATransform: TAffineMatrix; Sinus: Boolean);
- FGradientType:= AGradientType;
- FFlipGradient:= false;
- FOrigin := AOrigin;
- FDir1 := d1;
- FDir2 := d2;
- FSinus := Sinus;
- FTransform := ATransform;
- FHiddenTransform := AffineMatrixIdentity;
- FRadius := 1;
- FRelativeFocal := PointF(0,0);
- FFocalRadius := 0;
- InitGradientType;
- InitTransform;
- UpdateGetGradientColorFunctions;
-procedure TBGRAGradientScanner.Init(AOrigin: TPointF; ARadius: single;
- AFocal: TPointF; AFocalRadius: single; ATransform: TAffineMatrix; AHiddenTransform: TAffineMatrix);
-var maxRadius: single;
- FGradientType:= gtRadial;
- FFlipGradient:= false;
- FOrigin := AOrigin;
- ARadius := abs(ARadius);
- AFocalRadius := abs(AFocalRadius);
- maxRadius := max(ARadius,AFocalRadius);
- FDir1 := AOrigin+PointF(maxRadius,0);
- FDir2 := AOrigin+PointF(0,maxRadius);
- FSinus := False;
- FTransform := ATransform;
- FHiddenTransform := AHiddenTransform;
- FRadius := ARadius/maxRadius;
- FRelativeFocal := (AFocal - AOrigin)*(1/maxRadius);
- FFocalRadius := AFocalRadius/maxRadius;
- InitGradientType;
- InitTransform;
- UpdateGetGradientColorFunctions;
-procedure TBGRAGradientScanner.InitGradientType;
- case FGradientType of
- gtReflected: begin
- FScanNextFunc:= @ScanNextReflected;
- FScanAtFunc:= @ScanAtReflected;
- end;
- gtDiamond: begin
- FScanNextFunc:= @ScanNextDiamond;
- FScanAtFunc:= @ScanAtDiamond;
- end;
- gtRadial: if (FRelativeFocal.x = 0) and (FRelativeFocal.y = 0) then
- begin
- if (FFocalRadius = 0) and (FRadius = 1) then
- begin
- FScanNextFunc:= @ScanNextRadial;
- FScanAtFunc:= @ScanAtRadial;
- end else
- begin
- FScanNextFunc:= @ScanNextRadial2;
- FScanAtFunc:= @ScanAtRadial2;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- FScanNextFunc:= @ScanNextRadialFocal;
- FScanAtFunc:= @ScanAtRadialFocal;
- FFocalDirection := FRelativeFocal;
- FFocalDistance := VectLen(FFocalDirection);
- if FFocalDistance > 0 then FFocalDirection := FFocalDirection * (1/FFocalDistance);
- FFocalNormal := PointF(-FFocalDirection.y,FFocalDirection.x);
- FRadialDenominator := sqr(FRadius-FFocalRadius)-sqr(FFocalDistance);
- //case in which the second circle is bigger and the first circle is within the second
- if (FRadius < FFocalRadius) and (FFocalDistance <= FFocalRadius-FRadius) then
- FRadialDeltaSign := -1
- else
- FRadialDeltaSign := 1;
- //clipping afer the apex
- if (FFocalRadius < FRadius) and (FFocalDistance > FRadius-FFocalRadius) then
- begin
- maxW1 := FRadius/(FRadius-FFocalRadius)*FFocalDistance;
- maxW2 := MaxSingle;
- end else
- if (FRadius < FFocalRadius) and (FFocalDistance > FFocalRadius-FRadius) then
- begin
- maxW1 := MaxSingle;
- maxW2 := FFocalRadius/(FFocalRadius-FRadius)*FFocalDistance;
- end else
- begin
- maxW1 := MaxSingle;
- maxW2 := MaxSingle;
- end;
- end;
- gtAngular: begin
- FScanNextFunc:= @ScanNextAngular;
- FScanAtFunc:= @ScanAtAngular;
- end;
- else
- {gtLinear:} begin
- FScanNextFunc:= @ScanNextLinear;
- FScanAtFunc:= @ScanAtLinear;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAGradientScanner.SetGradient(c1, c2: TBGRAPixel;
- AGammaCorrection: boolean);
- if Assigned(FGradient) and FGradientOwner then FreeAndNil(FGradient);
- //transparent pixels have no color so
- //take it from other color
- if c1.alpha = 0 then c1 := BGRA(c2.red,c2.green,c2.blue,0);
- if c2.alpha = 0 then c2 := BGRA(c1.red,c1.green,c1.blue,0);
- if AGammaCorrection then
- FGradient := TBGRASimpleGradientWithGammaCorrection.Create(c1,c2)
- else
- FGradient := TBGRASimpleGradientWithoutGammaCorrection.Create(c1,c2);
- FGradientOwner := true;
- InitGradient;
-procedure TBGRAGradientScanner.SetGradient(AGradient: TBGRACustomGradient;
- AOwner: boolean);
- if Assigned(FGradient) and FGradientOwner then FreeAndNil(FGradient);
- FGradient := AGradient;
- FGradientOwner := AOwner;
- InitGradient;
-procedure TBGRAGradientScanner.InitTransform;
-var u,v: TPointF;
- u := FDir1-FOrigin;
- if FGradientType in[gtLinear,gtReflected] then
- v := PointF(u.y, -u.x)
- else
- v := FDir2-FOrigin;
- FMatrix := FTransform * FHiddenTransform * AffineMatrix(u.x, v.x, FOrigin.x,
- u.y, v.y, FOrigin.y);
- if IsAffineMatrixInversible(FMatrix) then
- begin
- FMatrix := AffineMatrixInverse(FMatrix);
- FIsAverage:= false;
- end else
- begin
- FMatrix := AffineMatrixIdentity;
- FIsAverage:= true;
- end;
- case FGradientType of
- gtReflected: FRepeatHoriz := (FMatrix[1,1]=0);
- gtDiamond,gtAngular: FRepeatHoriz:= false;
- gtRadial: begin
- FRepeatHoriz:= false;
- if FFocalRadius = FRadius then FIsAverage:= true;
- end
- else
- {gtLinear:} FRepeatHoriz := (FMatrix[1,1]=0);
- end;
- if FGradient.Monochrome then
- FIsAverage:= true;
- if FIsAverage then
- FRepeatHoriz:= true;
- FPosition := PointF(0,0);
-procedure TBGRAGradientScanner.InitGradient;
- FAverageColor := FGradient.GetAverageColor;
- FAverageExpandedColor := FGradient.GetAverageExpandedColor;
- UpdateGetGradientColorFunctions;
-function TBGRAGradientScanner.ComputeRadialFocal(const p: TPointF): single;
- w1,w2,num: single;
- h,d1,d2,delta: double;
- w1 := p*FFocalDirection;
- w2 := FFocalDistance-w1;
- if (w1 < maxW1) and (w2 < maxW2) then
- begin
- //vertical position and distances
- h := sqr(p*FFocalNormal);
- d1 := sqr(w1)+h;
- d2 := sqr(w2)+h;
- //finding t
- delta := sqr(FFocalRadius)*d1 + 2*FRadius*FFocalRadius*(p*(FRelativeFocal-p))+
- sqr(FRadius)*d2 - sqr(VectDet(p,FRelativeFocal));
- if delta >= 0 then
- begin
- num := -FFocalRadius*(FRadius-FFocalRadius)-(FRelativeFocal*(FRelativeFocal-p));
- result := (num+FRadialDeltaSign*sqrt(delta))/FRadialDenominator;
- end else
- result := EmptySingle;
- end else
- result := EmptySingle;
-function TBGRAGradientScanner.ScanNextLinear: single;
- result := FPosition.x;
-function TBGRAGradientScanner.ScanNextReflected: single;
- result := abs(FPosition.x);
-function TBGRAGradientScanner.ScanNextDiamond: single;
- result := max(abs(FPosition.x), abs(FPosition.y));
-function TBGRAGradientScanner.ScanNextRadial: single;
- result := sqrt(sqr(FPosition.x) + sqr(FPosition.y));
-function TBGRAGradientScanner.ScanNextRadial2: single;
- result := (sqrt(sqr(FPosition.x) + sqr(FPosition.y))-FFocalRadius)/(FRadius-FFocalRadius);
-function TBGRAGradientScanner.ScanNextRadialFocal: single;
- result := ComputeRadialFocal(FPosition);
-function TBGRAGradientScanner.ScanNextAngular: single;
- if FPosition.y >= 0 then
- result := arctan2(FPosition.y,FPosition.x)/(2*Pi)
- else
- result := 1-arctan2(-FPosition.y,FPosition.x)/(2*Pi)
-function TBGRAGradientScanner.ScanAtLinear(const p: TPointF): single;
- with (FMatrix*p) do
- result := x;
-function TBGRAGradientScanner.ScanAtReflected(const p: TPointF): single;
- with (FMatrix*p) do
- result := abs(x);
-function TBGRAGradientScanner.ScanAtDiamond(const p: TPointF): single;
- with (FMatrix*p) do
- result := max(abs(x), abs(y));
-function TBGRAGradientScanner.ScanAtRadial(const p: TPointF): single;
- with (FMatrix*p) do
- result := sqrt(sqr(x) + sqr(y));
-function TBGRAGradientScanner.ScanAtRadial2(const p: TPointF): single;
- with (FMatrix*p) do
- result := (sqrt(sqr(x) + sqr(y))-FFocalRadius)/(FRadius-FFocalRadius);
-function TBGRAGradientScanner.ScanAtRadialFocal(const p: TPointF): single;
- result := ComputeRadialFocal(FMatrix*p);
-function TBGRAGradientScanner.ScanAtAngular(const p: TPointF): single;
- with (FMatrix*p) do
- begin
- if y >= 0 then
- result := arctan2(y,x)/(2*Pi)
- else
- result := 1-arctan2(-y,x)/(2*Pi)
- end;
-function TBGRAGradientScanner.ScanNextInline: TBGRAPixel;
- result := FGetGradientColor(FScanNextFunc());
- FPosition.x := FPosition.x + FMatrix[1,1];
- FPosition.y := FPosition.y + FMatrix[2,1];
-function TBGRAGradientScanner.ScanNextExpandedInline: TExpandedPixel;
- result := FGetGradientExpandedColor(FScanNextFunc());
- FPosition.x := FPosition.x + FMatrix[1,1];
- FPosition.y := FPosition.y + FMatrix[2,1];
-constructor TBGRAGradientScanner.Create(c1, c2: TBGRAPixel;
- AGradientType: TGradientType; AOrigin, d1: TPointF; gammaColorCorrection: boolean;
- Sinus: Boolean);
- FGradient := nil;
- SetGradient(c1,c2,gammaColorCorrection);
- Init(AGradientType,AOrigin,d1,AffineMatrixIdentity,Sinus);
-constructor TBGRAGradientScanner.Create(c1, c2: TBGRAPixel;
- AGradientType: TGradientType; AOrigin, d1, d2: TPointF; gammaColorCorrection: boolean;
- Sinus: Boolean);
- FGradient := nil;
- if AGradientType in[gtLinear,gtReflected] then raise EInvalidArgument.Create('Two directions are not required for linear and reflected gradients');
- SetGradient(c1,c2,gammaColorCorrection);
- Init(AGradientType,AOrigin,d1,d2,AffineMatrixIdentity,Sinus);
-constructor TBGRAGradientScanner.Create(gradient: TBGRACustomGradient;
- AGradientType: TGradientType; AOrigin, d1: TPointF; Sinus: Boolean; AGradientOwner: Boolean=False);
- FGradient := gradient;
- FGradientOwner := AGradientOwner;
- InitGradient;
- Init(AGradientType,AOrigin,d1,AffineMatrixIdentity,Sinus);
-constructor TBGRAGradientScanner.Create(gradient: TBGRACustomGradient;
- AGradientType: TGradientType; AOrigin, d1, d2: TPointF; Sinus: Boolean;
- AGradientOwner: Boolean);
- if AGradientType in[gtLinear,gtReflected] then raise EInvalidArgument.Create('Two directions are not required for linear and reflected gradients');
- FGradient := gradient;
- FGradientOwner := AGradientOwner;
- InitGradient;
- Init(AGradientType,AOrigin,d1,d2,AffineMatrixIdentity,Sinus);
-constructor TBGRAGradientScanner.Create(gradient: TBGRACustomGradient;
- AOrigin: TPointF; ARadius: single; AFocal: TPointF; AFocalRadius: single;
- AGradientOwner: Boolean);
- FGradient := gradient;
- FGradientOwner := AGradientOwner;
- InitGradient;
- Init(AOrigin, ARadius, AFocal, AFocalRadius, AffineMatrixIdentity, AffineMatrixIdentity);
-destructor TBGRAGradientScanner.Destroy;
- if FGradientOwner then
- FGradient.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TBGRAGradientScanner.ScanMoveTo(X, Y: Integer);
- FPosition := FMatrix*PointF(x,y);
- if FRepeatHoriz then
- begin
- if FIsAverage then
- begin
- FHorizColor := FAverageColor;
- FHorizExpandedColor := FAverageExpandedColor;
- end else
- begin
- FHorizColor := ScanNextInline;
- FHorizExpandedColor := ScanNextExpandedInline;
- end;
- end;
-function TBGRAGradientScanner.ScanNextPixel: TBGRAPixel;
- if FRepeatHoriz then
- result := FHorizColor
- else
- result := ScanNextInline;
-function TBGRAGradientScanner.ScanNextExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel;
- if FRepeatHoriz then
- result := FHorizExpandedColor
- else
- result := ScanNextExpandedInline;
-function TBGRAGradientScanner.ScanAt(X, Y: Single): TBGRAPixel;
- if FIsAverage then
- result := FAverageColor
- else
- result := GetGradientColor(FScanAtFunc(PointF(X,Y)));
-function TBGRAGradientScanner.ScanAtExpanded(X, Y: Single): TExpandedPixel;
- if FIsAverage then
- result := FAverageExpandedColor
- else
- result := GetGradientExpandedColor(FScanAtFunc(PointF(X,Y)));
-procedure TBGRAGradientScanner.ScanPutPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; count: integer;
- mode: TDrawMode);
-var c: TBGRAPixel;
- if FRepeatHoriz then
- begin
- c := FHorizColor;
- case mode of
- dmDrawWithTransparency: DrawPixelsInline(pdest,c,count);
- dmLinearBlend: FastBlendPixelsInline(pdest,c,count);
- dmSet: FillDWord(pdest^,count,Longword(c));
- dmXor: XorInline(pdest,c,count);
- dmSetExceptTransparent: if c.alpha = 255 then FillDWord(pdest^,count,Longword(c));
- end;
- exit;
- end;
- case mode of
- dmDrawWithTransparency:
- while count > 0 do
- begin
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest,ScanNextInline);
- inc(pdest);
- dec(count);
- end;
- dmLinearBlend:
- while count > 0 do
- begin
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest,ScanNextInline);
- inc(pdest);
- dec(count);
- end;
- dmXor:
- while count > 0 do
- begin
- PLongWord(pdest)^ := PLongWord(pdest)^ xor LongWord(ScanNextInline);
- inc(pdest);
- dec(count);
- end;
- dmSet:
- while count > 0 do
- begin
- pdest^ := ScanNextInline;
- inc(pdest);
- dec(count);
- end;
- dmSetExceptTransparent:
- while count > 0 do
- begin
- c := ScanNextInline;
- if c.alpha = 255 then pdest^ := c;
- inc(pdest);
- dec(count);
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAGradientScanner.ScanSkipPixels(ACount: integer);
- if not FRepeatHoriz and not FIsAverage then
- FPosition.Offset(FMatrix[1,1]*ACount,FMatrix[2,1]*ACount);
-function TBGRAGradientScanner.IsScanPutPixelsDefined: boolean;
- result := true;
-{ TBGRATextureMaskScanner }
-constructor TBGRATextureMaskScanner.Create(AMask: IBGRAScanner;
- AOffset: TPoint; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AGlobalOpacity: Byte);
- FMask := AMask;
- FOffset := AOffset;
- FTexture := ATexture;
- FTextureScanNext := @FTexture.ScanNextPixel;
- FTextureScanAt := @FTexture.ScanAt;
- FGlobalOpacity:= AGlobalOpacity;
-destructor TBGRATextureMaskScanner.Destroy;
- fillchar(FMask,sizeof(FMask),0); //avoids interface deref
- fillchar(FTexture,sizeof(FTexture),0);
- inherited Destroy;
-function TBGRATextureMaskScanner.IsScanPutPixelsDefined: boolean;
- Result:= true;
-procedure TBGRATextureMaskScanner.ScanPutPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel;
- count: integer; mode: TDrawMode);
-var c: TBGRAPixel;
- ptex: pbgrapixel;
- pmask: PByteMask;
- stride, qty: integer;
- function GetNext: TBGRAPixel; inline;
- begin
- result := ptex^;
- inc(ptex);
- result.alpha := ApplyOpacity(result.alpha, pmask^.gray);
- inc(pmask, stride);
- end;
- function GetNextWithGlobal: TBGRAPixel; inline;
- begin
- result := ptex^;
- inc(ptex);
- result.alpha := ApplyOpacity( ApplyOpacity(result.alpha, pmask^.gray), FGlobalOpacity );
- inc(pmask, stride);
- end;
- if count > length(FMemTex) then setlength(FMemTex, max(length(FMemTex)*2,count));
- ScannerPutPixels(FTexture,@FMemTex[0],count,dmSet);
- ptex := @FMemTex[0];
- while count > 0 do
- begin
- qty := count;
- FMask.ScanNextMaskChunk(qty, pMask, stride);
- dec(count, qty);
- if FGlobalOpacity <> 255 then
- begin
- case mode of
- dmDrawWithTransparency:
- while qty > 0 do
- begin
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest,GetNextWithGlobal);
- inc(pdest);
- dec(qty);
- end;
- dmLinearBlend:
- while qty > 0 do
- begin
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest,GetNextWithGlobal);
- inc(pdest);
- dec(qty);
- end;
- dmXor:
- while qty > 0 do
- begin
- PLongWord(pdest)^ := PLongWord(pdest)^ xor LongWord(GetNextWithGlobal);
- inc(pdest);
- dec(qty);
- end;
- dmSet:
- while qty > 0 do
- begin
- pdest^ := GetNextWithGlobal;
- inc(pdest);
- dec(qty);
- end;
- dmSetExceptTransparent:
- while qty > 0 do
- begin
- c := GetNextWithGlobal;
- if c.alpha = 255 then pdest^ := c;
- inc(pdest);
- dec(qty);
- end;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- case mode of
- dmDrawWithTransparency:
- while qty > 0 do
- begin
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest,GetNext);
- inc(pdest);
- dec(qty);
- end;
- dmLinearBlend:
- while qty > 0 do
- begin
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest,GetNext);
- inc(pdest);
- dec(qty);
- end;
- dmXor:
- while qty > 0 do
- begin
- PLongWord(pdest)^ := PLongWord(pdest)^ xor LongWord(GetNext);
- inc(pdest);
- dec(qty);
- end;
- dmSet:
- while qty > 0 do
- begin
- pdest^ := GetNext;
- inc(pdest);
- dec(qty);
- end;
- dmSetExceptTransparent:
- while qty > 0 do
- begin
- c := GetNext;
- if c.alpha = 255 then pdest^ := c;
- inc(pdest);
- dec(qty);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRATextureMaskScanner.ScanSkipPixels(ACount: integer);
- FMask.ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
- FTexture.ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
-procedure TBGRATextureMaskScanner.ScanMoveTo(X, Y: Integer);
- FMask.ScanMoveTo(X+FOffset.X,Y+FOffset.Y);
- FTexture.ScanMoveTo(X,Y);
-function TBGRATextureMaskScanner.ScanNextPixel: TBGRAPixel;
- pMask: PByteMask;
- stride, qty: integer;
- qty := 1;
- FMask.ScanNextMaskChunk(qty,pMask,stride);
- result := FTextureScanNext();
- result.alpha := ApplyOpacity( ApplyOpacity(result.alpha,pMask^.gray), FGlobalOpacity );
-function TBGRATextureMaskScanner.ScanAt(X, Y: Single): TBGRAPixel;
-var alpha: byte;
- alpha := FMask.ScanAtMask(X+FOffset.X,Y+FOffset.Y).gray;
- result := FTextureScanAt(X,Y);
- result.alpha := ApplyOpacity( ApplyOpacity(result.alpha,alpha), FGlobalOpacity );
-{ TBGRASolidColorMaskScanner }
-constructor TBGRASolidColorMaskScanner.Create(AMask: IBGRAScanner;
- AOffset: TPoint; ASolidColor: TBGRAPixel);
- FMask := AMask;
- FOffset := AOffset;
- FSolidColor := ASolidColor;
-destructor TBGRASolidColorMaskScanner.Destroy;
- fillchar(FMask,sizeof(FMask),0); //avoids interface deref
- inherited Destroy;
-function TBGRASolidColorMaskScanner.IsScanPutPixelsDefined: boolean;
- Result:= true;
-procedure TBGRASolidColorMaskScanner.ScanPutPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel;
- count: integer; mode: TDrawMode);
-var c: TBGRAPixel;
- pmask: PByteMask;
- stride, qty: integer;
- function GetNext: TBGRAPixel; inline;
- begin
- result := FSolidColor;
- result.alpha := ApplyOpacity(result.alpha,pmask^.gray);
- inc(pmask, stride);
- end;
- while count > 0 do
- begin
- qty := count;
- FMask.ScanNextMaskChunk(qty, pMask, stride);
- dec(count, qty);
- case mode of
- dmDrawWithTransparency:
- while qty > 0 do
- begin
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest,GetNext);
- inc(pdest);
- dec(qty);
- end;
- dmLinearBlend:
- while qty > 0 do
- begin
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest,GetNext);
- inc(pdest);
- dec(qty);
- end;
- dmXor:
- while qty > 0 do
- begin
- PLongWord(pdest)^ := PLongWord(pdest)^ xor LongWord(GetNext);
- inc(pdest);
- dec(qty);
- end;
- dmSet:
- while qty > 0 do
- begin
- pdest^ := GetNext;
- inc(pdest);
- dec(qty);
- end;
- dmSetExceptTransparent:
- while qty > 0 do
- begin
- c := GetNext;
- if c.alpha = 255 then pdest^ := c;
- inc(pdest);
- dec(qty);
- end;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRASolidColorMaskScanner.ScanSkipPixels(ACount: integer);
- FMask.ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
-procedure TBGRASolidColorMaskScanner.ScanMoveTo(X, Y: Integer);
- FMask.ScanMoveTo(X+FOffset.X,Y+FOffset.Y);
-function TBGRASolidColorMaskScanner.ScanNextPixel: TBGRAPixel;
- pMask: PByteMask;
- stride, qty: integer;
- qty := 1;
- FMask.ScanNextMaskChunk(qty,pMask,stride);
- result := FSolidColor;
- result.alpha := ApplyOpacity(result.alpha,pMask^.gray);
-function TBGRASolidColorMaskScanner.ScanAt(X, Y: Single): TBGRAPixel;
-var alpha: byte;
- alpha := FMask.ScanAtMask(X,Y).gray;
- result := FSolidColor;
- result.alpha := ApplyOpacity(result.alpha,alpha);
-{ TBGRAOpacityScanner }
-constructor TBGRAOpacityScanner.Create(ATexture: IBGRAScanner;
- AGlobalOpacity: Byte);
- FTexture := ATexture;
- FScanNext := @FTexture.ScanNextPixel;
- FScanAt := @FTexture.ScanAt;
- FGlobalOpacity:= AGlobalOpacity;
- FOwnedScanner := nil;
-constructor TBGRAOpacityScanner.Create(ATexture: TBGRACustomScanner;
- AGlobalOpacity: Byte; AOwned: boolean);
- FTexture := ATexture;
- FScanNext := @FTexture.ScanNextPixel;
- FScanAt := @FTexture.ScanAt;
- FGlobalOpacity:= AGlobalOpacity;
- if AOwned then
- FOwnedScanner := ATexture
- else
- FOwnedScanner := nil;
-destructor TBGRAOpacityScanner.Destroy;
- fillchar(FTexture,sizeof(FTexture),0);
- FOwnedScanner.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
-function TBGRAOpacityScanner.IsScanPutPixelsDefined: boolean;
- Result:= true;
-procedure TBGRAOpacityScanner.ScanPutPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; count: integer;
- mode: TDrawMode);
-var c: TBGRAPixel;
- ptex: pbgrapixel;
- function GetNext: TBGRAPixel; inline;
- begin
- result := ptex^;
- inc(ptex);
- result.alpha := ApplyOpacity(result.alpha,FGlobalOpacity);
- end;
- if count > length(FMemTex) then setlength(FMemTex, max(length(FMemTex)*2,count));
- ScannerPutPixels(FTexture,@FMemTex[0],count,dmSet);
- ptex := @FMemTex[0];
- case mode of
- dmDrawWithTransparency:
- while count > 0 do
- begin
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest,GetNext);
- inc(pdest);
- dec(count);
- end;
- dmLinearBlend:
- while count > 0 do
- begin
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest,GetNext);
- inc(pdest);
- dec(count);
- end;
- dmXor:
- while count > 0 do
- begin
- PLongWord(pdest)^ := PLongWord(pdest)^ xor LongWord(GetNext);
- inc(pdest);
- dec(count);
- end;
- dmSet:
- while count > 0 do
- begin
- pdest^ := GetNext;
- inc(pdest);
- dec(count);
- end;
- dmSetExceptTransparent:
- while count > 0 do
- begin
- c := GetNext;
- if c.alpha = 255 then pdest^ := c;
- inc(pdest);
- dec(count);
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAOpacityScanner.ScanSkipPixels(ACount: integer);
- FTexture.ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
-procedure TBGRAOpacityScanner.ScanMoveTo(X, Y: Integer);
- FTexture.ScanMoveTo(X,Y);
-function TBGRAOpacityScanner.ScanNextPixel: TBGRAPixel;
- result := FScanNext();
- result.alpha := ApplyOpacity(result.alpha, FGlobalOpacity );
-function TBGRAOpacityScanner.ScanAt(X, Y: Single): TBGRAPixel;
- result := FScanAt(X,Y);
- result.alpha := ApplyOpacity(result.alpha, FGlobalOpacity );
- Randomize;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgragraphics.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgragraphics.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 8628bf0..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgragraphics.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,724 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAGraphics;
-{=== Types imported from Graphics ===}
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
-{$I bgrabitmap.inc}
-uses Graphics, GraphType, FPImage, FPCanvas;
- PColor = Graphics.PColor;
- TColor = Graphics.TColor;
- TAntialiasingMode = Graphics.TAntialiasingMode;
- TGradientDirection = Graphics.TGradientDirection;
- TPenEndCap = Graphics.TPenEndCap;
- TPenJoinStyle = Graphics.TPenJoinStyle;
- TPenStyle = Graphics.TPenStyle;
- TPenMode = Graphics.TPenMode;
- amDontCare = Graphics.amDontCare;
- amOn = Graphics.amOn;
- amOff = Graphics.amOff;
- gdVertical = Graphics.gdVertical;
- gdHorizontal = Graphics.gdHorizontal;
- pecRound = Graphics.pecRound;
- pecSquare = Graphics.pecSquare;
- pecFlat = Graphics.pecFlat;
- pjsRound = Graphics.pjsRound;
- pjsBevel = Graphics.pjsBevel;
- pjsMiter = Graphics.pjsMiter;
- psSolid = Graphics.psSolid;
- psDash = Graphics.psDash;
- psDot = Graphics.psDot;
- psDashDot = Graphics.psDashDot;
- psDashDotDot = Graphics.psDashDotDot;
- psClear = Graphics.psClear;
- psInsideframe = Graphics.psInsideframe;
- psPattern = Graphics.psPattern;
- pmBlack = Graphics.pmBlack;
- pmWhite = Graphics.pmWhite;
- pmNop = Graphics.pmNop;
- pmNot = Graphics.pmNot;
- pmCopy = Graphics.pmCopy;
- pmNotCopy = Graphics.pmNotCopy;
- pmMergePenNot = Graphics.pmMergePenNot;
- pmMaskPenNot = Graphics.pmMaskPenNot;
- pmMergeNotPen = Graphics.pmMergeNotPen;
- pmMaskNotPen = Graphics.pmMaskNotPen;
- pmMerge = Graphics.pmMerge;
- pmNotMerge = Graphics.pmNotMerge;
- pmMask = Graphics.pmMask;
- pmNotMask = Graphics.pmNotMask;
- pmXor = Graphics.pmXor;
- pmNotXor = Graphics.pmNotXor;
- tmAuto = Graphics.tmAuto;
- tmFixed = Graphics.tmFixed;
- TPen = Graphics.TPen;
- TTextLayout = Graphics.TTextLayout;
- TTextStyle = Graphics.TTextStyle;
- TFillStyle = Graphics.TFillStyle;
- TFillMode = Graphics.TFillMode;
- TBrushStyle = Graphics.TBrushStyle;
- tlTop = Graphics.tlTop;
- tlCenter = Graphics.tlCenter;
- tlBottom = Graphics.tlBottom;
- fsSurface = GraphType.fsSurface;
- fsBorder = GraphType.fsBorder;
- fmAlternate = Graphics.fmAlternate;
- fmWinding = Graphics.fmWinding;
- bsSolid = Graphics.bsSolid;
- bsClear = Graphics.bsClear;
- bsHorizontal = Graphics.bsHorizontal;
- bsVertical = Graphics.bsVertical;
- bsFDiagonal = Graphics.bsFDiagonal;
- bsBDiagonal = Graphics.bsBDiagonal;
- bsCross = Graphics.bsCross;
- bsDiagCross = Graphics.bsDiagCross;
- bsImage = FPCanvas.bsImage;
- TBrush = Graphics.TBrush;
- TCanvas = Graphics.TCanvas;
- TGraphic = Graphics.TGraphic;
- TRawImage = GraphType.TRawImage;
- TBitmap = Graphics.TBitmap;
- TRasterImage = Graphics.TRasterImage;
- TFontStyle = Graphics.TFontStyle;
- TFontStyles = Graphics.TFontStyles;
- TFontQuality = Graphics.TFontQuality;
- TFont = Graphics.TFont;
- fsBold = Graphics.fsBold;
- fsItalic = Graphics.fsItalic;
- fsStrikeOut = Graphics.fsStrikeOut;
- fsUnderline = Graphics.fsUnderline;
- fqDefault = Graphics.fqDefault;
- fqDraft = Graphics.fqDraft;
- fqProof = Graphics.fqProof;
- fqNonAntialiased = Graphics.fqNonAntialiased;
- fqAntialiased = Graphics.fqAntialiased;
- fqCleartype = Graphics.fqCleartype;
- fqCleartypeNatural = Graphics.fqCleartypeNatural;
- clNone = Graphics.clNone;
- clBlack = Graphics.clBlack;
- clMaroon = Graphics.clMaroon;
- clGreen = Graphics.clGreen;
- clOlive = Graphics.clOlive;
- clNavy = Graphics.clNavy;
- clPurple = Graphics.clPurple;
- clTeal = Graphics.clTeal;
- clGray = Graphics.clGray;
- clSilver = Graphics.clSilver;
- clRed = Graphics.clRed;
- clLime = Graphics.clLime;
- clYellow = Graphics.clYellow;
- clBlue = Graphics.clBlue;
- clFuchsia = Graphics.clFuchsia;
- clAqua = Graphics.clAqua;
- clLtGray = Graphics.clLtGray; // clSilver alias
- clDkGray = Graphics.clDkGray; // clGray alias
- clWhite = Graphics.clWhite;
-function FPColorToTColor(const FPColor: TFPColor): TColor; inline;
-function TColorToFPColor(const c: TColor): TFPColor; inline;
-function ColorToRGB(c: TColor): TColor; inline;
-function RGBToColor(R, G, B: Byte): TColor; inline;
-procedure RedGreenBlue(rgb: TColor; out Red, Green, Blue: Byte); inline;// does not work on system color
-function clRgbBtnHighlight: TColor;
-function clRgbBtnShadow: TColor;
-function FPColorToTColor(const FPColor: TFPColor): TColor;
- result := Graphics.FPColorToTColor(FPColor);
-function TColorToFPColor(const c: TColor): TFPColor;
- result := Graphics.TColorToFPColor(c);
-function ColorToRGB(c: TColor): TColor;
- result := Graphics.ColorToRGB(c);
-function RGBToColor(R, G, B: Byte): TColor;
- result := Graphics.RGBToColor(R, G, B);
-procedure RedGreenBlue(rgb: TColor; out Red, Green, Blue: Byte);
- Graphics.RedGreenBlue(rgb, Red, Green, Blue);
-function clRgbBtnHighlight: TColor;
- result := Graphics.ColorToRGB(clBtnHighlight);
-function clRgbBtnShadow: TColor;
- result := Graphics.ColorToRGB(clBtnShadow);
- {$i bgramsegui_uses.inc}
- {$i bgrafpgui_uses.inc}
- {$ELSE}
- {$i bgranogui_uses.inc}
- {$ENDIF}
- TTransparentMode = (tmAuto, tmFixed);
- TGraphic = class;
- {$i bgramsegui.inc}
- {$i bgrafpgui.inc}
- {$ELSE}
- {$i bgranogui.inc}
- {$ENDIF}
- {* Pointer to a ''TColor'' value }
- PColor = ^TColor;
- {* Contains a color stored as RGB. The red/green/blue values
- range from 0 to 255. The formula to get the color value is:
- * ''color'' = ''red'' + (''green'' '''shl''' 8) + (''blue'' '''shl''' 16)
- *except with fpGUI where it is:
- * ''color'' = (''red'' '''shl''' 16) + (''green'' '''shl''' 8) + ''blue'' }{import
- TColor = Int32;
- }
- {** Converts a ''TFPColor'' into a ''TColor'' value }
- function FPColorToTColor(const FPColor: TFPColor): TColor;
- {** Converts a ''TColor'' into a ''TFPColor'' value }
- function TColorToFPColor(const c: TColor): TFPColor;
- function RGBToColor(R, G, B: Byte): TColor; inline;
- procedure RedGreenBlue(rgb: TColor; out Red, Green, Blue: Byte); // does not work on system color
- {* Direction of change in a gradient }
- TGradientDirection = (
- {** Color changes vertically }
- gdVertical,
- {** Color changes horizontally }
- gdHorizontal);
- {* Antialiasing mode for a Canvas }
- TAntialiasingMode = (
- {** It does not matter if there is antialiasing or not }
- amDontCare,
- {** Antialiasing is required (BGRACanvas provide it) }
- amOn,
- {** Antialiasing is disabled }
- amOff);
- {* Vertical position of a text }
- TTextLayout = (tlTop, tlCenter, tlBottom);
- {* Styles to describe how a text is drawn in a rectangle }
- TTextStyle = packed record
- {** Horizontal alignment }
- Alignment : TAlignment;
- {** Vertical alignment }
- Layout : TTextLayout;
- {** If WordBreak is false then process #13, #10 as
- standard chars and perform no Line breaking }
- SingleLine: boolean;
- {** Clip Text to passed Rectangle }
- Clipping : boolean;
- {** Replace #9 by apropriate amount of spaces (default is usually 8) }
- ExpandTabs: boolean;
- {** Process first single '&' per line as an underscore and draw '&&' as '&' }
- ShowPrefix: boolean;
- {** If line of text is too long too fit between left and right boundaries
- try to break into multiple lines between words. See also ''EndEllipsis'' }
- Wordbreak : boolean;
- {** Fills background with current brush }
- Opaque : boolean;
- {** Use the system font instead of canvas font }
- SystemFont: Boolean;
- {** For RightToLeft text reading (Text Direction) }
- RightToLeft: Boolean;
- {** If line of text is too long to fit between left and right boundaries
- truncates the text and adds "...". If Wordbreak is set as well,
- Workbreak will dominate }
- EndEllipsis: Boolean;
- end;
- {* Option for floodfill (used in BGRACanvas) }
- TFillStyle =
- (
- {** Fill up to the color (it fills all except the specified color) }
- fsSurface,
- {** Fill the specified color (it fills only connected pixels of this color) }
- fsBorder
- );
- {* How to handle polygons that intersect with themselves and
- overlapping polygons }
- TFillMode = (
- {** Each time a boundary is found, it enters or exit the filling zone }
- fmAlternate,
- {** Adds or subtract 1 depending on the order of the points of the
- polygons (clockwise or counter clockwise) and fill when the
- result is non-zero. So, to draw a hole, you must specify the points
- of the hole in the opposite order }
- fmWinding);
- {$IFNDEF TFontStyle}
- {* Available font styles }
- TFontStyle = (
- {** Font is bold }
- fsBold,
- {** Font is italic }
- fsItalic,
- {** An horizontal line is drawn in the middle of the text }
- fsStrikeOut,
- {** Text is underlined }
- fsUnderline);
- {** A combination of font styles }
- TFontStyles = set of TFontStyle;
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFNDEF TFontQuality}
- {* Quality to use when font is rendered by the system }
- TFontQuality = (fqDefault, fqDraft, fqProof, fqNonAntialiased, fqAntialiased, fqCleartype, fqCleartypeNatural);
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFNDEF TCanvas}
- { TCanvas }
- {* A surface on which to draw }
- TCanvas = class
- protected
- FCanvas: TGUICanvas;
- public
- constructor Create(ACanvas: TGUICanvas);
- {** Draw an image with top-left corner at (''x'',''y'') }
- procedure Draw(x,y: integer; AImage: TGraphic);
- {** Draw and stretch an image within the rectangle ''ARect'' }
- procedure StretchDraw(ARect: TRect; AImage: TGraphic);
- property GUICanvas: TGUICanvas read FCanvas;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- { TGraphic }
- {* A class containing any element that can be drawn within rectangular bounds }
- TGraphic = class(TPersistent)
- protected
- procedure Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; const Rect: TRect); virtual; abstract;
- function GetEmpty: Boolean; virtual; abstract;
- function GetHeight: Integer; virtual; abstract;
- function GetWidth: Integer; virtual; abstract;
- function GetTransparent: Boolean; virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetTransparent(Value: Boolean); virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetHeight(Value: Integer); virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetWidth(Value: Integer); virtual; abstract;
- function GetMimeType: string; virtual;
- public
- constructor Create; virtual;
- {** Load the content from a given file }
- procedure LoadFromFile({%H-}const Filename: string); virtual;
- {** Load the content from a given stream }
- procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream); virtual; abstract;
- {** Saves the content to a file }
- procedure SaveToFile({%H-}const Filename: string); virtual;
- {** Saves the content into a given stream }
- procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); virtual; abstract;
- {** Returns the list of possible file extensions }
- class function GetFileExtensions: string; virtual;
- {** Clears the content }
- procedure Clear; virtual;
- public
- {** Returns if the content is completely empty }
- property Empty: Boolean read GetEmpty;
- {** Returns the height of the bounding rectangle }
- property Height: Integer read GetHeight write SetHeight;
- {** Returns the width of the bounding rectangle }
- property Width: Integer read GetWidth write SetWidth;
- {** Gets or sets if it is drawn with transparency }
- property Transparent: Boolean read GetTransparent write SetTransparent;
- end;
- {$IFNDEF TBitmap}
- { TBitmap }
- {* Contains a bitmap }
- TBitmap = class(TGraphic)
- private
- FHeight: integer;
- FWidth: integer;
- FInDraw: boolean;
- FTransparent: boolean;
- FTransparentColor: TColor;
- FTransparentMode: TTransparentMode;
- function GetCanvas: TCanvas;
- function GetRawImage: TRawImage;
- procedure SetTransparentColor(AValue: TColor);
- procedure SetTransparentMode(AValue: TTransparentMode);
- protected
- FRawImage: TRawImage;
- procedure Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; const Rect: TRect); override;
- procedure Changed(Sender: TObject); virtual;
- function GetHeight: Integer; override;
- function GetWidth: Integer; override;
- procedure SetHeight(Value: Integer); override;
- procedure SetWidth(Value: Integer); override;
- function GetEmpty: Boolean; override;
- function GetTransparent: Boolean; override;
- procedure SetTransparent({%H-}Value: Boolean); override;
- function GetMimeType: string; override;
- public
- constructor Create; override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure LoadFromStream({%H-}Stream: TStream); override;
- procedure SaveToStream({%H-}Stream: TStream); override;
- {** Width of the bitmap in pixels }
- property Width: integer read GetWidth write SetWidth;
- {** Height of the bitmap in pixels }
- property Height: integer read GetHeight write SetHeight;
- property RawImage: TRawImage read GetRawImage;
- property Canvas: TCanvas read GetCanvas;
- property TransparentColor: TColor read FTransparentColor
- write SetTransparentColor default clDefault;
- property TransparentMode: TTransparentMode read FTransparentMode
- write SetTransparentMode default tmAuto;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
-{* Multiply and divide the number allowing big intermediate number and rounding the result }
-function MulDiv(nNumber, nNumerator, nDenominator: Integer): Integer;
-{* Round the number using math convention }
-function MathRound(AValue: ValReal): Int64; inline;
-{$i bgrafpcanvas.inc}
-uses sysutils, BGRAUTF8;
- {$i bgramsegui.inc}
- {$i bgrafpgui.inc}
- {$ELSE}
- {$i bgranogui.inc}
- {$ENDIF}
-function MathRound(AValue: ValReal): Int64; inline;
- if AValue >= 0 then
- Result := Trunc(AValue + 0.5)
- else
- Result := Trunc(AValue - 0.5);
-function MulDiv(nNumber, nNumerator, nDenominator: Integer): Integer;
- if nDenominator = 0 then
- Result := -1
- else
- Result := MathRound(int64(nNumber) * int64(nNumerator) / nDenominator);
-function FPColorToTColor(const FPColor: TFPColor): TColor;
- Result:=((FPColor.Blue shr 8) and $ff)
- or (FPColor.Green and $ff00)
- or ((FPColor.Red shl 8) and $ff0000);
- {$ELSE}
- Result:=((FPColor.Red shr 8) and $ff)
- or (FPColor.Green and $ff00)
- or ((FPColor.Blue shl 8) and $ff0000);
- {$ENDIF}
-function TColorToFPColor(const c: TColor): TFPColor;
- Result.Blue:=(c and $ff);
- Result.Blue:=Result.Blue+(Result.Blue shl 8);
- Result.Green:=(c and $ff00);
- Result.Green:=Result.Green+(Result.Green shr 8);
- Result.Red:=(c and $ff0000) shr 8;
- Result.Red:=Result.Red+(Result.Red shr 8);
- {$ELSE}
- Result.Red:=(c and $ff);
- Result.Red:=Result.Red+(Result.Red shl 8);
- Result.Green:=(c and $ff00);
- Result.Green:=Result.Green+(Result.Green shr 8);
- Result.Blue:=(c and $ff0000) shr 8;
- Result.Blue:=Result.Blue+(Result.Blue shr 8);
- {$ENDIF}
- Result.Alpha:=FPImage.alphaOpaque;
-procedure RedGreenBlue(rgb: TColor; out Red, Green, Blue: Byte);
- Blue := rgb and $000000ff;
- Green := (rgb shr 8) and $000000ff;
- Red := (rgb shr 16) and $000000ff;
- {$ELSE}
- Red := rgb and $000000ff;
- Green := (rgb shr 8) and $000000ff;
- Blue := (rgb shr 16) and $000000ff;
- {$ENDIF}
-function RGBToColor(R, G, B: Byte): TColor;
- Result := (R shl 16) or (G shl 8) or B;
- {$ELSE}
- Result := (B shl 16) or (G shl 8) or R;
- {$ENDIF}
-{ TGraphic }
-function TGraphic.GetMimeType: string;
- result := '';
-constructor TGraphic.Create;
- //nothing
-procedure TGraphic.LoadFromFile(const Filename: string);
- Stream: TStream;
- Stream := TFileStreamUTF8.Create(Filename, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);
- try
- LoadFromStream(Stream);
- finally
- Stream.Free;
- end;
-procedure TGraphic.SaveToFile(const Filename: string);
- Stream: TStream;
- Stream := TFileStreamUTF8.Create(Filename, fmCreate);
- try
- SaveToStream(Stream);
- finally
- Stream.Free;
- end;
-class function TGraphic.GetFileExtensions: string;
- result := '';
-procedure TGraphic.Clear;
- //nothing
-{$IFNDEF TCanvas}
-{ TCanvas }
-constructor TCanvas.Create(ACanvas: TGUICanvas);
- FCanvas := ACanvas;
-procedure TCanvas.Draw(x, y: integer; AImage: TGraphic);
- if AImage is TBitmap then
- FCanvas.DrawImage(x,y, TBitmap(AImage).RawImage)
- else
- AImage.Draw(self, rect(x,y,x+AImage.Width,y+AImage.Height));
-procedure TCanvas.StretchDraw(ARect: TRect; AImage: TGraphic);
- if AImage is TBitmap then
- FCanvas.StretchDraw(ARect.Left,ARect.Top,ARect.Right-ARect.Left,ARect.Bottom-ARect.Top, TBitmap(AImage).RawImage)
- else
- AImage.Draw(self, ARect);
-{$IFNDEF TBitmap}
-{ TBitmap }
-procedure TBitmap.SetWidth(Value: Integer);
- if FWidth=Value then Exit;
- FWidth:=Value;
-function TBitmap.GetEmpty: Boolean;
- result := (Width = 0) or (Height = 0);
-function TBitmap.GetTransparent: Boolean;
- result := FTransparent;
-procedure TBitmap.SetTransparent(Value: Boolean);
- if Value = FTransparent then exit;
- FTransparent:= Value;
-procedure TBitmap.SetTransparentColor(AValue: TColor);
- if FTransparentColor = AValue then exit;
- FTransparentColor := AValue;
- if AValue = clDefault
- then FTransparentMode := tmAuto
- else FTransparentMode := tmFixed;
-procedure TBitmap.SetTransparentMode(AValue: TTransparentMode);
- if AValue = TransparentMode then exit;
- FTransparentMode := AValue;
- if AValue = tmAuto
- then TransparentColor := clDefault
-function TBitmap.GetMimeType: string;
- Result:= 'image/bmp';
-procedure TBitmap.Changed(Sender: TObject);
- //nothing
-procedure TBitmap.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream);
- raise exception.Create('Not implemented');
-procedure TBitmap.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
- raise exception.Create('Not implemented');
-procedure TBitmap.SetHeight(Value: Integer);
- if FHeight=Value then Exit;
- FHeight:=Value;
-function TBitmap.GetRawImage: TRawImage;
- FRawImage.BGRASetSizeAndTransparency(FWidth, FHeight, FTransparent);
- result := FRawImage;
-procedure TBitmap.Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; const Rect: TRect);
- if FInDraw then exit;
- FInDraw := true;
- ACanvas.StretchDraw(Rect, self);
- FInDraw := false;
-function TBitmap.GetHeight: Integer;
- result := FHeight;
-function TBitmap.GetWidth: Integer;
- result := FWidth;
-function TBitmap.GetCanvas: TCanvas;
- result := nil;
- raise exception.Create('Canvas not available');
-constructor TBitmap.Create;
- FRawImage := TRawImage.Create;
- FTransparent:= false;
-destructor TBitmap.Destroy;
- FRawImage.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
-{$i bgrafpcanvas.inc}
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgragrayscalemask.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgragrayscalemask.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 15ce756..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgragrayscalemask.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1450 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAGrayscaleMask;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, BGRAGraphics, SysUtils, BGRABitmapTypes, BGRAResample, {%H-}UniversalDrawer;
- { TGrayscaleMask }
- TGrayscaleMask = class(specialize TGenericUniversalBitmap)
- private
- function GetScanLine(Y: Integer): PByte; inline;
- protected
- function InternalNew: TCustomUniversalBitmap; override;
- procedure AssignTransparentPixel(out ADest); override;
- function InternalGetPixelCycle256(ix,iy: int32or64; iFactX,iFactY: int32or64): TByteMask;
- function InternalGetPixel256(ix,iy: int32or64; iFactX,iFactY: int32or64; smoothBorder: boolean): TByteMask;
- procedure Init; override;
- public
- ScanInterpolationFilter: TResampleFilter;
- constructor Create(AWidth,AHeight: Integer; AValue: byte); overload;
- constructor Create(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; AChannel: TChannel); overload;
- constructor CreateDownSample(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; AWidth,AHeight: integer);
- constructor CreateDownSample(ABitmap: TGrayscaleMask; AWidth,AHeight: integer);
- constructor CreateDownSample(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; AWidth,AHeight: integer; ASourceRect: TRect);
- constructor CreateDownSample(ABitmap: TGrayscaleMask; AWidth,AHeight: integer; ASourceRect: TRect);
- procedure CopyFrom(ABitmap: TGrayscaleMask); overload;
- procedure CopyFrom(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; AChannel: TChannel); overload;
- procedure CopyPropertiesTo(ABitmap: TCustomUniversalBitmap); override;
- function GetImageBounds: TRect; overload; override;
- function GetImageBoundsWithin(const ARect: TRect; Channel: TChannel = cAlpha; ANothingValue: Byte = 0): TRect; overload; override;
- function GetImageBoundsWithin(const ARect: TRect; Channels: TChannels; ANothingValue: Byte = 0): TRect; overload; override;
- class procedure SolidBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; const AColor: TByteMask; ADrawMode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency); override;
- class procedure ScannerBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AScanner: IBGRAScanner; ADrawMode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency;
- AOffsetX: integer = 0; AOffsetY: integer = 0); override;
- class procedure MaskBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AScanner: IBGRAScanner;
- AOffsetX: integer = 0; AOffsetY: integer = 0); override;
- class procedure EraseBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word); override;
- class procedure AlphaBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word); override;
- procedure Draw(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; X,Y: Integer; AGammaCorrection: boolean = false);
- procedure DrawAsAlpha(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; X,Y: Integer; const c: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure DrawAsAlpha(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; X,Y: Integer; texture: IBGRAScanner); overload;
- function GetPixel(X,Y: integer): byte; overload;
- procedure SetPixel(X,Y: integer; AValue: byte);
- property ScanLine[Y: Integer]: PByte read GetScanLine;
- property Data: PByte read FDataByte;
- function GetPixel(x, y: single; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter = rfLinear; smoothBorder: boolean = true): TByteMask; overload;
- function GetPixel256(x, y, fracX256,fracY256: int32or64; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter = rfLinear; smoothBorder: boolean = true): TByteMask;
- procedure ScanNextMaskChunk(var ACount: integer; out AMask: PByteMask; out AStride: integer); override;
- function ScanAtIntegerMask(X,Y: integer): TByteMask; override;
- function ScanAtMask(X,Y: Single): TByteMask; override;
- function ScanAtInteger(X, Y: integer): TBGRAPixel; override;
- function ScanAt(X, Y: Single): TBGRAPixel; override;
- {inplace filters}
- procedure Negative;
- procedure NegativeRect(ABounds: TRect);
- procedure InplaceNormalize; overload;
- procedure InplaceNormalize(ABounds: TRect); overload;
- //return type helpers
- function NewBitmap: TGrayscaleMask; overload; override;
- function NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer): TGrayscaleMask; overload; override;
- function NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer; const Color: TByteMask): TGrayscaleMask; overload; override;
- function NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer; AColor: Pointer): TGrayscaleMask; overload; override;
- function NewReference: TGrayscaleMask; override;
- function GetUnique: TGrayscaleMask; override;
- function Duplicate(DuplicateProperties: Boolean = False): TGrayscaleMask; overload; override;
- function GetPart(const ARect: TRect): TGrayscaleMask; override;
- function CreateBrushTexture(ABrushStyle: TBrushStyle; APatternColor, ABackgroundColor: TByteMask;
- AWidth: integer = 8; AHeight: integer = 8; APenWidth: single = 1): TGrayscaleMask; override;
- function RotateCW: TGrayscaleMask; override;
- function RotateCCW: TGrayscaleMask; override;
- function RotateUD: TGrayscaleMask; override;
- function FilterContour(ABorderValue: byte = 0): TGrayscaleMask;
- function FilterBlurRadial(radius: single; blurType: TRadialBlurType): TGrayscaleMask; overload; override;
- function FilterBlurRadial(const ABounds: TRect; radius: single; blurType: TRadialBlurType): TGrayscaleMask; overload; override;
- function FilterBlurRadial(radiusX, radiusY: single; blurType: TRadialBlurType): TGrayscaleMask; overload; override;
- function FilterBlurRadial(const ABounds: TRect; radiusX, radiusY: single; blurType: TRadialBlurType): TGrayscaleMask; overload; override;
- function FilterBlurMotion(distance: single; angle: single; oriented: boolean): TGrayscaleMask; overload; override;
- function FilterBlurMotion(const ABounds: TRect; distance: single; angle: single; oriented: boolean): TGrayscaleMask; overload; override;
- function FilterCustomBlur(mask: TCustomUniversalBitmap): TGrayscaleMask; overload; override;
- function FilterCustomBlur(const ABounds: TRect; mask: TCustomUniversalBitmap): TGrayscaleMask; overload; override;
- function FilterSphere: TGrayscaleMask;
- function FilterCylinder: TGrayscaleMask;
- end;
-procedure DownSamplePutImageGrayscale(sourceData: PByte; sourcePixelSize: Int32or64; sourceRowDelta: Int32or64; sourceWidth, sourceHeight: Int32or64; dest: TGrayscaleMask; ADestRect: TRect); overload;
-procedure DownSamplePutImageGrayscale(source: TBGRACustomBitmap; dest: TGrayscaleMask; ADestRect: TRect); overload;
-procedure DownSamplePutImageGrayscale(source: TGrayscaleMask; dest: TGrayscaleMask; ADestRect: TRect); overload;
-procedure DownSamplePutImageGrayscale(source: TBGRACustomBitmap; dest: TGrayscaleMask; ADestRect: TRect; ASourceRect: TRect); overload;
-procedure DownSamplePutImageGrayscale(source: TGrayscaleMask; dest: TGrayscaleMask; ADestRect: TRect; ASourceRect: TRect); overload;
-procedure BGRAFillClearTypeGrayscaleMask(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x,
- y: integer; xThird: integer; mask: TGrayscaleMask; color: TBGRAPixel;
- texture: IBGRAScanner; RGBOrder: boolean);
- ByteMaskBlack : TByteMask = (gray:0);
- ByteMaskWhite : TByteMask = (gray:255);
-operator = (const c1, c2: TByteMask): boolean; inline;
-uses BGRABlend, BGRATransform;
-operator = (const c1, c2: TByteMask): boolean;
- result := c1.gray = c2.gray;
-procedure BGRAFillClearTypeGrayscaleMask(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x,
- y: integer; xThird: integer; mask: TGrayscaleMask; color: TBGRAPixel;
- texture: IBGRAScanner; RGBOrder: boolean);
-var delta: Int32or64;
- delta := mask.Width;
- BGRABlend.BGRAFillClearTypeMaskPtr(dest,x,y,xThird,mask.ScanLineByte[0],1,delta,mask.Width,mask.Height,color,texture,RGBOrder);
-procedure ByteMaskSolidBrushSkipPixels({%H-}AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; {%H-}AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- inc(PByteMask(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
-procedure ByteMaskChunkSetPixels(
- ASource: PByteMask; ADest: PByteMask;
- AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer; ASourceStride: integer); inline;
- alphaOver: UInt32or64;
- if AAlpha=0 then exit;
- if AAlpha=65535 then
- begin
- if ASourceStride = 1 then
- begin
- move(ASource^, ADest^, ACount);
- inc(ASource, ACount);
- end else
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- ADest^ := ASource^;
- inc(ADest);
- dec(ACount);
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- if AAlpha > 32768 then alphaOver := AAlpha+1 else alphaOver := AAlpha;
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- ADest^.gray := (ADest^.gray*UInt32or64(65536-alphaOver) + ASource^.gray*alphaOver + 32768) shr 16;
- inc(ADest);
- dec(ACount);
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride);
- end;
- end;
-procedure ByteMaskChunkXorPixels(
- ASource: PByteMask; ADest: PByteMask;
- AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer; ASourceStride: integer); inline;
- alphaOver: UInt32or64;
- temp: Byte;
- if AAlpha=0 then exit;
- if AAlpha=65535 then
- begin
- if ASourceStride = 1 then
- begin
- move(ASource^, ADest^, ACount);
- inc(ASource, ACount);
- end else
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- ADest^.gray := ADest^.gray xor ASource^.gray;
- inc(ADest);
- dec(ACount);
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- if AAlpha > 32768 then alphaOver := AAlpha+1 else alphaOver := AAlpha;
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- temp := ADest^.gray xor ASource^.gray;
- ADest^.gray := (ADest^.gray*UInt32or64(65536-alphaOver) + temp*alphaOver + 32768) shr 16;
- inc(ADest);
- dec(ACount);
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride);
- end;
- end;
-procedure ByteMaskSolidBrushSetPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- pDest: PByteMask;
- pDest := PByteMask(AContextData^.Dest);
- ByteMaskChunkSetPixels( PByteMask(AFixedData), pDest, AAlpha, ACount, 0);
- inc(pDest, ACount);
- AContextData^.Dest := pDest;
-procedure ByteMaskSolidBrushXorPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- pDest: PByteMask;
- pDest := PByteMask(AContextData^.Dest);
- ByteMaskChunkXorPixels( PByteMask(AFixedData), pDest, AAlpha, ACount, 0);
- inc(pDest, ACount);
- AContextData^.Dest := pDest;
- PByteMaskScannerBrushFixedData = ^TByteMaskScannerBrushFixedData;
- TByteMaskScannerBrushFixedData = record
- Scanner: Pointer; //avoid ref count by using pointer type
- OffsetX, OffsetY: integer;
- Conversion: TBridgedConversion;
- end;
-procedure ByteMaskScannerBrushInitContext(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext);
- with PByteMaskScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanMoveTo(AContextData^.Ofs.X + OffsetX,
- AContextData^.Ofs.Y + OffsetY);
-procedure ByteMaskScannerConvertBrushSetPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- psrc: Pointer;
- pDest: PByteMask;
- qty, pixSize: Integer;
- buf: packed array[0..31] of TByteMask;
- with PByteMaskScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- if AAlpha = 0 then
- begin
- inc(PByteMask(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PByteMask(AContextData^.Dest);
- pixSize := IBGRAScanner(Scanner).GetScanCustomColorspace.GetSize;
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- if ACount > length(buf) then qty := length(buf) else qty := ACount;
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextCustomChunk(qty, psrc);
- Conversion.Convert(psrc, @buf, qty, pixSize, sizeof(TByteMask), nil);
- ByteMaskChunkSetPixels(@buf, pDest, AAlpha, qty, sizeof(TByteMask) );
- inc(pDest, qty);
- dec(ACount, qty);
- end;
- AContextData^.Dest := pDest;
- end;
-procedure ByteMaskScannerConvertBrushXorPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- psrc: Pointer;
- pDest: PByteMask;
- qty, pixSize: Integer;
- buf: packed array[0..31] of TByteMask;
- with PByteMaskScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- if AAlpha = 0 then
- begin
- inc(PByteMask(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PByteMask(AContextData^.Dest);
- pixSize := IBGRAScanner(Scanner).GetScanCustomColorspace.GetSize;
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- if ACount > length(buf) then qty := length(buf) else qty := ACount;
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextCustomChunk(qty, psrc);
- Conversion.Convert(psrc, @buf, qty, pixSize, sizeof(TByteMask), nil);
- ByteMaskChunkXorPixels(@buf, pDest, AAlpha, qty, sizeof(TByteMask) );
- inc(pDest, qty);
- dec(ACount, qty);
- end;
- AContextData^.Dest := pDest;
- end;
-procedure ByteMaskScannerChunkBrushSetPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- psrc: Pointer;
- pDest: PByteMask;
- qty: Integer;
- with PByteMaskScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- if AAlpha = 0 then
- begin
- inc(PByteMask(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PByteMask(AContextData^.Dest);
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- qty := ACount;
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextCustomChunk(qty, psrc);
- ByteMaskChunkSetPixels(PByteMask(psrc), pDest, AAlpha, qty, sizeof(TByteMask) );
- inc(pDest, qty);
- dec(ACount, qty);
- end;
- AContextData^.Dest := pDest;
- end;
-procedure ByteMaskScannerChunkBrushXorPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- psrc: Pointer;
- pDest: PByteMask;
- qty: Integer;
- with PByteMaskScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- if AAlpha = 0 then
- begin
- inc(PByteMask(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PByteMask(AContextData^.Dest);
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- qty := ACount;
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextCustomChunk(qty, psrc);
- ByteMaskChunkXorPixels(PByteMask(psrc), pDest, AAlpha, qty, sizeof(TByteMask) );
- inc(pDest, qty);
- dec(ACount, qty);
- end;
- AContextData^.Dest := pDest;
- end;
-procedure ByteMaskMaskBrushApply(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- pDest: PByteMask;
- qty, maskStride: Integer;
- pMask: PByteMask;
- factor: UInt32or64;
- with PByteMaskScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- if AAlpha = 0 then
- begin
- inc(PByteMask(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PByteMask(AContextData^.Dest);
- if AAlpha = 65535 then
- begin
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- qty := ACount;
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextMaskChunk(qty, pMask, maskStride);
- dec(ACount,qty);
- while qty > 0 do
- begin
- pDest^.gray := ApplyOpacity(pDest^.gray, pMask^.gray);
- inc(pDest);
- inc(pMask, maskStride);
- dec(qty);
- end;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- factor := AAlpha + (AAlpha shr 8) + (AAlpha shr 14);
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- qty := ACount;
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextMaskChunk(qty, pMask, maskStride);
- dec(ACount,qty);
- while qty > 0 do
- begin
- pDest^.gray := (pDest^.gray*((factor*pMask^.gray+128) shr 8)) shr 16;
- inc(pDest);
- inc(pMask, maskStride);
- dec(qty);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- PByteMask(AContextData^.Dest) := pDest;
- end;
-procedure ByteMaskBrushErasePixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- pDest: PByteMask;
- alphaMul,eraseMul: UInt32or64;
- pDest := PByteMask(AContextData^.Dest);
- if AAlpha>=32768 then alphaMul := AAlpha+1 else alphaMul := AAlpha;
- eraseMul := PWord(AFixedData)^;
- if eraseMul>=32768 then inc(eraseMul);
- eraseMul := 65536 - (eraseMul*alphaMul shr 16);
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- pDest^.gray:= pDest^.gray*eraseMul shr 16;
- dec(ACount);
- inc(pDest);
- end;
- AContextData^.Dest := pDest;
-{ TGrayscaleMask }
-function TGrayscaleMask.InternalNew: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- Result:= TGrayscaleMask.Create;
-procedure TGrayscaleMask.AssignTransparentPixel(out ADest);
- TByteMask(ADest).gray := 0;
-function TGrayscaleMask.InternalGetPixelCycle256(ix, iy: int32or64; iFactX,
- iFactY: int32or64): TByteMask;
- ixMod2: int32or64;
- pUpLeft, pUpRight, pDownLeft, pDownRight: PByteMask;
- scan: PByteMask;
- scan := GetScanlineFast(iy);
- pUpLeft := (scan + ix);
- ixMod2 := ix+1;
- if ixMod2=Width then ixMod2 := 0;
- pUpRight := (scan + ixMod2);
- Inc(iy);
- if iy = Height then iy := 0;
- scan := GetScanlineFast(iy);
- pDownLeft := (scan + ix);
- pDownRight := (scan + ixMod2);
- InterpolateBilinearMask(pUpLeft, pUpRight, pDownLeft,
- pDownRight, iFactX, iFactY, @result);
-function TGrayscaleMask.InternalGetPixel256(ix, iy: int32or64; iFactX,
- iFactY: int32or64; smoothBorder: boolean): TByteMask;
- pUpLeft, pUpRight, pDownLeft, pDownRight: PByteMask;
- scan: PByteMask;
- if (iy >= 0) and (iy < FHeight) then
- begin
- scan := GetScanlineFast(iy);
- if (ix >= 0) and (ix < FWidth) then
- pUpLeft := scan+ix
- else if smoothBorder then
- pUpLeft := @ByteMaskBlack
- else
- pUpLeft := nil;
- if (ix+1 >= 0) and (ix+1 < FWidth) then
- pUpRight := scan+(ix+1)
- else if smoothBorder then
- pUpRight := @ByteMaskBlack
- else
- pUpRight := nil;
- end else
- if smoothBorder then
- begin
- pUpLeft := @ByteMaskBlack;
- pUpRight := @ByteMaskBlack;
- end else
- begin
- pUpLeft := nil;
- pUpRight := nil;
- end;
- if (iy+1 >= 0) and (iy+1 < FHeight) then
- begin
- scan := GetScanlineFast(iy+1);
- if (ix >= 0) and (ix < FWidth) then
- pDownLeft := scan+ix
- else if smoothBorder then
- pDownLeft := @ByteMaskBlack
- else
- pDownLeft := nil;
- if (ix+1 >= 0) and (ix+1 < FWidth) then
- pDownRight := scan+(ix+1)
- else if smoothBorder then
- pDownRight := @ByteMaskBlack
- else
- pDownRight := nil;
- end else
- if smoothBorder then
- begin
- pDownLeft := @ByteMaskBlack;
- pDownRight := @ByteMaskBlack;
- end else
- begin
- pDownLeft := nil;
- pDownRight := nil;
- end;
- InterpolateBilinearMask(pUpLeft, pUpRight, pDownLeft,
- pDownRight, iFactX, iFactY, @result);
-procedure TGrayscaleMask.Init;
- inherited Init;
- ScanInterpolationFilter := rfLinear;
-function TGrayscaleMask.GetScanLine(Y: Integer): PByte;
- result := PByte(GetScanLineByte(y));
-procedure TGrayscaleMask.CopyFrom(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; AChannel: TChannel);
-var psrc: PByte;
- pdest: PByte;
- x,y: integer;
- ofs: Int32or64;
- SetSize(ABitmap.Width, ABitmap.Height);
- if NbPixels > 0 then
- begin
- pdest := DataByte;
- ofs := TBGRAPixel_ChannelByteOffset[AChannel];
- for y := 0 to FHeight-1 do
- begin
- psrc := PByte(ABitmap.ScanLine[y])+ofs;
- for x := FWidth-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- pdest^ := psrc^;
- inc(pdest);
- inc(psrc,sizeof(TBGRAPixel));
- end;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TGrayscaleMask.CopyPropertiesTo(ABitmap: TCustomUniversalBitmap);
- inherited CopyPropertiesTo(ABitmap);
- if ABitmap is TGrayscaleMask then
- begin
- TGrayscaleMask(ABitmap).ScanInterpolationFilter:= self.ScanInterpolationFilter;
- end;
-function TGrayscaleMask.GetImageBounds: TRect;
- Result:= GetImageBounds(cGreen);
-function TGrayscaleMask.GetImageBoundsWithin(const ARect: TRect;
- Channel: TChannel; ANothingValue: Byte): TRect;
- minx, miny, maxx, maxy: integer;
- xb, xb2, yb: integer;
- p: PByte;
- actualRect: TRect;
- if Channel = cAlpha then raise exception.Create('Channel not found');
- actualRect := TRect.Intersect(ARect,rect(0,0,self.Width,self.Height));
- maxx := actualRect.Left-1;
- maxy := actualRect.Top-1;
- minx := actualRect.Right;
- miny := actualRect.Bottom;
- for yb := actualRect.Top to actualRect.Bottom-1 do
- begin
- p := GetPixelAddress(actualRect.Left,yb);
- for xb := actualRect.Left to actualRect.Right - 1 do
- begin
- if p^<>ANothingValue then
- begin
- if xb < minx then minx := xb;
- if yb < miny then miny := yb;
- if xb > maxx then maxx := xb;
- if yb > maxy then maxy := yb;
- inc(p, actualRect.Right-1-xb);
- for xb2 := actualRect.Right-1 downto xb+1 do
- begin
- if p^ <> ANothingValue then
- begin
- if xb2 > maxx then maxx := xb2;
- break;
- end;
- dec(p);
- end;
- break;
- end;
- Inc(p);
- end;
- end;
- if minx > maxx then
- begin
- Result.left := 0;
- Result.top := 0;
- Result.right := 0;
- Result.bottom := 0;
- end
- else
- begin
- Result.left := minx;
- Result.top := miny;
- Result.right := maxx + 1;
- Result.bottom := maxy + 1;
- end;
-function TGrayscaleMask.GetImageBoundsWithin(const ARect: TRect;
- Channels: TChannels; ANothingValue: Byte): TRect;
- if cAlpha in Channels then raise exception.Create('Channel not found')
- else if Channels = [] then result := EmptyRect
- else result := GetImageBoundsWithin(ARect, cGreen, ANothingValue);
-class procedure TGrayscaleMask.SolidBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- const AColor: TByteMask; ADrawMode: TDrawMode);
- ABrush.Colorspace := TByteMaskColorspace;
- PByteMask(@ABrush.FixedData)^ := AColor;
- if ADrawMode <> dmXor then
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @ByteMaskSolidBrushSetPixels
- else
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @ByteMaskSolidBrushXorPixels;
-class procedure TGrayscaleMask.ScannerBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- AScanner: IBGRAScanner; ADrawMode: TDrawMode; AOffsetX: integer;
- AOffsetY: integer);
- sourceSpace: TColorspaceAny;
- ABrush.Colorspace:= TByteMaskColorspace;
- with PByteMaskScannerBrushFixedData(@ABrush.FixedData)^ do
- begin
- Scanner := Pointer(AScanner);
- OffsetX := AOffsetX;
- OffsetY := AOffsetY;
- end;
- ABrush.InternalInitContext:= @ByteMaskScannerBrushInitContext;
- sourceSpace := AScanner.GetScanCustomColorspace;
- if sourceSpace = TByteMaskColorspace then
- begin
- if ADrawMode <> dmXor then
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @ByteMaskScannerChunkBrushSetPixels
- else
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @ByteMaskScannerChunkBrushXorPixels;
- end else
- begin
- with PByteMaskScannerBrushFixedData(@ABrush.FixedData)^ do
- Conversion := sourceSpace.GetBridgedConversion(TByteMaskColorspace);
- if ADrawMode <> dmXor then
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @ByteMaskScannerConvertBrushSetPixels
- else
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @ByteMaskScannerConvertBrushXorPixels;
- end;
-class procedure TGrayscaleMask.MaskBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- AScanner: IBGRAScanner; AOffsetX: integer; AOffsetY: integer);
- ABrush.Colorspace:= TByteMaskColorspace;
- with PByteMaskScannerBrushFixedData(@ABrush.FixedData)^ do
- begin
- Scanner := Pointer(AScanner);
- OffsetX := AOffsetX;
- OffsetY := AOffsetY;
- end;
- ABrush.InternalInitContext:= @ByteMaskScannerBrushInitContext;
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @ByteMaskMaskBrushApply;
-class procedure TGrayscaleMask.EraseBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- AAlpha: Word);
- ABrush.Colorspace := TByteMaskColorspace;
- PWord(@ABrush.FixedData)^ := AAlpha;
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @ByteMaskBrushErasePixels;
-class procedure TGrayscaleMask.AlphaBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- AAlpha: Word);
- ABrush.Colorspace := TByteMaskColorspace;
- PWord(@ABrush.FixedData)^ := not AAlpha;
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @ByteMaskBrushErasePixels;
-constructor TGrayscaleMask.Create(AWidth, AHeight: Integer; AValue: byte);
- inherited Create(AWidth, AHeight, TByteMask.New(AValue));
-constructor TGrayscaleMask.Create(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; AChannel: TChannel);
- inherited Create(0,0);
- CopyFrom(ABitmap, AChannel);
-constructor TGrayscaleMask.CreateDownSample(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; AWidth,
- AHeight: integer);
- CreateDownSample(ABitmap, AWidth, AHeight, rect(0,0,ABitmap.Width,ABitmap.Height));
-constructor TGrayscaleMask.CreateDownSample(ABitmap: TGrayscaleMask; AWidth,
- AHeight: integer);
- CreateDownSample(ABitmap, AWidth, AHeight, rect(0,0,ABitmap.Width,ABitmap.Height));
-constructor TGrayscaleMask.CreateDownSample(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; AWidth,
- AHeight: integer; ASourceRect: TRect);
- inherited Create(0,0);
- if (AWidth = ABitmap.Width) and (AHeight = ABitmap.Height) then
- CopyFrom(ABitmap,cGreen)
- else
- begin
- if (ABitmap.Width < AWidth) or (ABitmap.Height < AHeight) then
- raise exception.Create('Original size smaller');
- SetSize(AWidth,AHeight);
- if NbPixels > 0 then
- DownSamplePutImageGrayscale(ABitmap, self, rect(0,0,FWidth,FHeight), ASourceRect);
- end;
-constructor TGrayscaleMask.CreateDownSample(ABitmap: TGrayscaleMask; AWidth,
- AHeight: integer; ASourceRect: TRect);
- inherited Create(0,0);
- if (AWidth = ABitmap.Width) and (AHeight = ABitmap.Height) then
- CopyFrom(ABitmap)
- else
- begin
- if (ABitmap.Width < AWidth) or (ABitmap.Height < AHeight) then
- raise exception.Create('Original size smaller');
- SetSize(AWidth,AHeight);
- if NbPixels > 0 then
- DownSamplePutImageGrayscale(ABitmap, self, rect(0,0,FWidth,FHeight), ASourceRect);
- end;
-procedure TGrayscaleMask.CopyFrom(ABitmap: TGrayscaleMask);
- SetSize(ABitmap.Width, ABitmap.Height);
- if NbPixels > 0 then
- move(ABitmap.Data^, Data^, NbPixels);
-procedure TGrayscaleMask.Draw(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; X, Y: Integer; AGammaCorrection: boolean = false);
- yb, minxb, minyb, maxxb, maxyb, ignoreleft, copycount,
- i, delta_source, delta_dest: integer;
- pdest: PBGRAPixel;
- psource: PByte;
- value: byte;
- if not CheckPutImageBounds(x,y,FWidth,Fheight,minxb,minyb,maxxb,maxyb,ignoreleft,ABitmap.ClipRect) then exit;
- copycount := maxxb - minxb + 1;
- psource := ScanLineByte[minyb - y] + ignoreleft;
- delta_source := FWidth;
- pdest := ABitmap.Scanline[minyb] + minxb;
- if ABitmap.LineOrder = riloBottomToTop then
- delta_dest := -ABitmap.Width
- else
- delta_dest := ABitmap.Width;
- Dec(delta_source, copycount);
- Dec(delta_dest, copycount);
- for yb := minyb to maxyb do
- begin
- if AGammaCorrection then
- begin
- for i := copycount -1 downto 0 do
- begin
- value := GammaCompressionTab[psource^ + (psource^ shl 8)];
- pdest^ := BGRA(value,value,value,255);
- inc(psource);
- inc(pdest);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- for i := copycount -1 downto 0 do
- begin
- value := psource^;
- pdest^ := BGRA(value,value,value,255);
- inc(psource);
- inc(pdest);
- end;
- end;
- Inc(psource, delta_source);
- Inc(pdest, delta_dest);
- end;
- ABitmap.InvalidateBitmap;
-procedure TGrayscaleMask.DrawAsAlpha(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; X, Y: Integer; const c: TBGRAPixel);
- ABitmap.FillMask(x,y, self, c, dmDrawWithTransparency);
-procedure TGrayscaleMask.DrawAsAlpha(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; X, Y: Integer; texture: IBGRAScanner);
- ABitmap.FillMask(x,y, self, texture, dmDrawWithTransparency);
-function TGrayscaleMask.GetPixel(X, Y: integer): byte;
- if (x < 0) or (x >= FWidth) then
- raise ERangeError.Create('GetPixel: out of bounds');
- result := (ScanLineByte[Y]+X)^;
-procedure TGrayscaleMask.SetPixel(X, Y: integer; AValue: byte);
- if (x < 0) or (x >= FWidth) then
- raise ERangeError.Create('SetPixel: out of bounds');
- (ScanLineByte[Y]+X)^ := AValue;
-function TGrayscaleMask.GetPixel(x, y: single;
- AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter; smoothBorder: boolean): TByteMask;
- ix, iy: Int32or64;
- iFactX,iFactY: Int32or64;
- ix := round(x*256);
- if (ix<= -256) or (ix>=Width shl 8) then
- begin
- result := ByteMaskBlack;
- exit;
- end;
- iy := round(y*256);
- if (iy<= -256) or (iy>=Height shl 8) then
- begin
- result := ByteMaskBlack;
- exit;
- end;
- iFactX := ix and 255; //distance from integer coordinate
- iFactY := iy and 255;
- if ix<0 then ix := -1 else ix := ix shr 8;
- if iy<0 then iy := -1 else iy := iy shr 8;
- //if the coordinate is integer, then call standard GetPixel function
- if (iFactX = 0) and (iFactY = 0) then
- begin
- Result := (GetScanlineFast(iy)+ix)^;
- exit;
- end;
- result := InternalGetPixel256(ix,iy, FineInterpolation256(iFactX, AResampleFilter),
- FineInterpolation256(iFactY, AResampleFilter), smoothBorder);
-function TGrayscaleMask.GetPixel256(x, y, fracX256, fracY256: int32or64;
- AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter; smoothBorder: boolean): TByteMask;
- if (fracX256 = 0) and (fracY256 = 0) then
- result := GetPixel(x,y)
- else if AResampleFilter = rfBox then
- begin
- if fracX256 >= 128 then inc(x);
- if fracY256 >= 128 then inc(y);
- result := GetPixel(x,y);
- end else
- result := InternalGetPixel256(x,y, FineInterpolation256(fracX256,AResampleFilter),
- FineInterpolation256(fracY256,AResampleFilter), smoothBorder);
-procedure TGrayscaleMask.ScanNextMaskChunk(var ACount: integer; out
- AMask: PByteMask; out AStride: integer);
- pPixels: Pointer;
- ScanNextCustomChunk(ACount, pPixels);
- AMask := PByteMask(pPixels);
- AStride := sizeof(TByteMask);
-function TGrayscaleMask.ScanAtIntegerMask(X, Y: integer): TByteMask;
- if (FScanWidth <> 0) and (FScanHeight <> 0) then
- result := GetPixelAddress(PositiveMod(X+ScanOffset.X, FScanWidth),
- PositiveMod(Y+ScanOffset.Y, FScanHeight))^
- else
- result := ByteMaskBlack;
-function TGrayscaleMask.ScanAtMask(X, Y: Single): TByteMask;
- ix, iy: Int32or64;
- iFactX,iFactY: Int32or64;
- if (FScanWidth = 0) or (FScanHeight = 0) then
- begin
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- exit;
- end;
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- ix := round(x*256);
- iy := round(y*256);
- if ScanInterpolationFilter = rfBox then
- begin
- ix := PositiveMod((ix+128)+(ScanOffset.X shl 8), FScanWidth shl 8) shr 8;
- iy := PositiveMod((iy+128)+(ScanOffset.Y shl 8), FScanHeight shl 8) shr 8;
- result := (GetScanlineFast(iy)+ix)^;
- exit;
- end;
- iFactX := ix and 255;
- iFactY := iy and 255;
- ix := PositiveMod(ix+(ScanOffset.X shl 8), FScanWidth shl 8) shr 8;
- iy := PositiveMod(iy+(ScanOffset.Y shl 8), FScanHeight shl 8) shr 8;
- if (iFactX = 0) and (iFactY = 0) then
- begin
- result := (GetScanlineFast(iy)+ix)^;
- exit;
- end;
- if ScanInterpolationFilter <> rfLinear then
- begin
- iFactX := FineInterpolation256( iFactX, ScanInterpolationFilter );
- iFactY := FineInterpolation256( iFactY, ScanInterpolationFilter );
- end;
- result := InternalGetPixelCycle256(ix,iy, iFactX,iFactY);
-function TGrayscaleMask.ScanAtInteger(X, Y: integer): TBGRAPixel;
- Result:= MaskToBGRA(ScanAtIntegerMask(X, Y));
-function TGrayscaleMask.ScanAt(X, Y: Single): TBGRAPixel;
- Result:= MaskToBGRA(ScanAtMask(X, Y));
-procedure TGrayscaleMask.Negative;
- NegativeRect(rect(0, 0, Width, Height));
-procedure TGrayscaleMask.NegativeRect(ABounds: TRect);
- yb, w, xb: LongInt;
- p: PByte;
- ABounds.Intersect(ClipRect);
- w := ABounds.Width;
- for yb := ABounds.Top to ABounds.Bottom-1 do
- begin
- p := GetPixelAddress(ABounds.Left, yb);
- for xb := w-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- p^ := not p^;
- inc(p);
- end;
- end;
-procedure TGrayscaleMask.InplaceNormalize;
- InplaceNormalize(rect(0, 0, Width, Height));
-procedure TGrayscaleMask.InplaceNormalize(ABounds: TRect);
- yb, w, xb: LongInt;
- p: PByte;
- minVal, maxVal, spread: byte;
- ABounds.Intersect(ClipRect);
- if ABounds.IsEmpty then exit;
- minVal := 255;
- maxVal := 0;
- w := ABounds.Width;
- for yb := ABounds.Top to ABounds.Bottom-1 do
- begin
- p := GetPixelAddress(ABounds.Left, yb);
- for xb := w-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- if p^ < minVal then minVal := p^;
- if p^ > maxVal then maxVal := p^;
- inc(p);
- end;
- end;
- if (minVal > 0) or (maxVal < 255) then
- begin
- if minVal = maxVal then
- begin
- if (minVal > 0) and (minVal < 255) then
- FillRect(ABounds, TByteMask.New(255));
- end else
- begin
- spread := maxVal - minVal;
- for yb := ABounds.Top to ABounds.Bottom-1 do
- begin
- p := GetPixelAddress(ABounds.Left, yb);
- for xb := w-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- p^ := (p^ - minVal) * 255 div spread;
- inc(p);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
-function TGrayscaleMask.NewBitmap: TGrayscaleMask;
- Result:=inherited NewBitmap as TGrayscaleMask;
-function TGrayscaleMask.NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer): TGrayscaleMask;
- Result:=inherited NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight) as TGrayscaleMask;
-function TGrayscaleMask.NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer;
- const Color: TByteMask): TGrayscaleMask;
- Result:=inherited NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight, Color) as TGrayscaleMask;
-function TGrayscaleMask.NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer; AColor: Pointer
- ): TGrayscaleMask;
- Result:=inherited NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight, AColor) as TGrayscaleMask;
-function TGrayscaleMask.NewReference: TGrayscaleMask;
- Result:=inherited NewReference as TGrayscaleMask;
-function TGrayscaleMask.GetUnique: TGrayscaleMask;
- Result:=inherited GetUnique as TGrayscaleMask;
-function TGrayscaleMask.Duplicate(DuplicateProperties: Boolean): TGrayscaleMask;
- Result:=inherited Duplicate(DuplicateProperties) as TGrayscaleMask;
-function TGrayscaleMask.GetPart(const ARect: TRect): TGrayscaleMask;
- Result:=inherited GetPart(ARect) as TGrayscaleMask;
-function TGrayscaleMask.CreateBrushTexture(ABrushStyle: TBrushStyle;
- APatternColor, ABackgroundColor: TByteMask; AWidth: integer;
- AHeight: integer; APenWidth: single): TGrayscaleMask;
- Result:=inherited CreateBrushTexture(ABrushStyle, APatternColor,
- ABackgroundColor, AWidth, AHeight, APenWidth) as TGrayscaleMask;
-function TGrayscaleMask.RotateCW: TGrayscaleMask;
- Result:=inherited RotateCW as TGrayscaleMask;
-function TGrayscaleMask.RotateCCW: TGrayscaleMask;
- Result:=inherited RotateCCW as TGrayscaleMask;
-function TGrayscaleMask.RotateUD: TGrayscaleMask;
- Result:=inherited RotateUD as TGrayscaleMask;
-function TGrayscaleMask.FilterContour(ABorderValue: byte = 0): TGrayscaleMask;
- pDest: PByte;
- procedure ComputeDiff(x: integer; pPrevRow, pCurRow, pNextRow: PByte); inline;
- var diff: Integer;
- begin
- diff := (abs((pCurRow+x+1)^ - (pCurRow+x-1)^) +
- abs((pPrevRow+x-1)^ - (pNextRow+x+1)^) +
- abs((pPrevRow+x)^ - (pNextRow+x)^) +
- abs((pPrevRow+x+1)^ - (pNextRow+x-1)^)) div 3;
- if diff > 255 then
- (pDest+x)^ := 0
- else (pDest+x)^ := not Byte(diff);
- end;
- procedure ComputeDiffLeft(x: integer; pPrevRow, pCurRow, pNextRow: PByte); inline;
- var diff: Integer;
- begin
- diff := (abs((pCurRow+x+1)^ - ABorderValue) +
- abs(ABorderValue - (pNextRow+x+1)^) +
- abs((pPrevRow+x)^ - (pNextRow+x)^) +
- abs((pPrevRow+x+1)^ - ABorderValue)) div 3;
- if diff > 255 then
- (pDest+x)^ := 0
- else (pDest+x)^ := not Byte(diff);
- end;
- procedure ComputeDiffRight(x: integer; pPrevRow, pCurRow, pNextRow: PByte); inline;
- var diff: Integer;
- begin
- diff := (abs(ABorderValue - (pCurRow+x-1)^) +
- abs((pPrevRow+x-1)^ - ABorderValue) +
- abs((pPrevRow+x)^ - (pNextRow+x)^) +
- abs(ABorderValue - (pNextRow+x-1)^)) div 3;
- if diff > 255 then
- (pDest+x)^ := 0
- else (pDest+x)^ := not Byte(diff);
- end;
- procedure ComputeDiffLeftRight(x: integer; pPrevRow, pCurRow, pNextRow: PByte); inline;
- var diff: Integer;
- begin
- diff := abs((pPrevRow+x)^ - (pNextRow+x)^) div 3;
- if diff > 255 then
- (pDest+x)^ := 0
- else (pDest+x)^ := not Byte(diff);
- end;
- pPrevRow, pCurRow, pNextRow, pBorder: PByte;
- border: packed array of byte;
- yb, xb: Integer;
- if NbPixels = 0 then exit;
- result := TGrayscaleMask.Create;
- result.SetSize(Width, Height);
- setlength(border, Width);
- for xb := 0 to Width-1 do
- border[xb] := ABorderValue;
- pBorder := @border[0];
- pPrevRow := nil;
- pCurRow := nil;
- pNextRow := ScanLine[0];
- for yb := 0 to Height-1 do
- begin
- pPrevRow := pCurRow;
- pCurRow := pNextRow;
- if yb < Height-1 then
- pNextRow := ScanLine[yb+1]
- else pNextRow := nil;
- pDest := result.ScanLine[yb];
- if pPrevRow = nil then
- begin
- if pNextRow = nil then
- begin
- if Width = 1 then
- ComputeDiffLeftRight(0, pBorder, pCurRow, pBorder) else
- begin
- ComputeDiffLeft(0, pBorder, pCurRow, pBorder);
- for xb := 1 to Width-2 do
- ComputeDiff(xb, pBorder, pCurRow, pBorder);
- ComputeDiffRight(Width-1, pBorder, pCurRow, pBorder);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- if Width = 1 then
- ComputeDiffLeftRight(0, pBorder, pCurRow, pNextRow) else
- begin
- ComputeDiffLeft(0, pBorder, pCurRow, pNextRow);
- for xb := 1 to Width-2 do
- ComputeDiff(xb, pBorder, pCurRow, pNextRow);
- ComputeDiffRight(Width-1, pBorder, pCurRow, pNextRow);
- end;
- end;
- end else
- if pNextRow = nil then
- begin
- if Width = 1 then
- ComputeDiffLeftRight(0, pPrevRow, pCurRow, pBorder) else
- begin
- ComputeDiffLeft(0, pPrevRow, pCurRow, pBorder);
- for xb := 1 to Width-2 do
- ComputeDiff(xb, pPrevRow, pCurRow, pBorder);
- ComputeDiffRight(Width-1, pPrevRow, pCurRow, pBorder);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- if Width = 1 then
- ComputeDiffLeftRight(0, pPrevRow, pCurRow, pNextRow) else
- begin
- ComputeDiffLeft(0, pPrevRow, pCurRow, pNextRow);
- for xb := 1 to Width-2 do
- ComputeDiff(xb, pPrevRow, pCurRow, pNextRow);
- ComputeDiffRight(Width-1, pPrevRow, pCurRow, pNextRow);
- end;
- end;
- end;
-function TGrayscaleMask.FilterBlurRadial(radius: single;
- blurType: TRadialBlurType): TGrayscaleMask;
- Result:=inherited FilterBlurRadial(radius, blurType) as TGrayscaleMask;
-function TGrayscaleMask.FilterBlurRadial(const ABounds: TRect; radius: single;
- blurType: TRadialBlurType): TGrayscaleMask;
- Result:=inherited FilterBlurRadial(ABounds, radius, blurType) as TGrayscaleMask;
-function TGrayscaleMask.FilterBlurRadial(radiusX, radiusY: single;
- blurType: TRadialBlurType): TGrayscaleMask;
- Result:=inherited FilterBlurRadial(radiusX, radiusY, blurType) as TGrayscaleMask;
-function TGrayscaleMask.FilterBlurRadial(const ABounds: TRect; radiusX,
- radiusY: single; blurType: TRadialBlurType): TGrayscaleMask;
- Result:=inherited FilterBlurRadial(ABounds, radiusX, radiusY, blurType) as TGrayscaleMask;
-function TGrayscaleMask.FilterBlurMotion(distance: single; angle: single;
- oriented: boolean): TGrayscaleMask;
- Result:=inherited FilterBlurMotion(distance, angle, oriented) as TGrayscaleMask;
-function TGrayscaleMask.FilterBlurMotion(const ABounds: TRect;
- distance: single; angle: single; oriented: boolean): TGrayscaleMask;
- Result:=inherited FilterBlurMotion(ABounds, distance, angle, oriented) as TGrayscaleMask;
-function TGrayscaleMask.FilterCustomBlur(mask: TCustomUniversalBitmap
- ): TGrayscaleMask;
- Result:=inherited FilterCustomBlur(mask) as TGrayscaleMask;
-function TGrayscaleMask.FilterCustomBlur(const ABounds: TRect;
- mask: TCustomUniversalBitmap): TGrayscaleMask;
- Result:=inherited FilterCustomBlur(ABounds, mask) as TGrayscaleMask;
-function TGrayscaleMask.FilterSphere: TGrayscaleMask;
- cx, cy: single;
- scanner: TBGRASphereDeformationScanner;
- Result := NewBitmap(Width, Height);
- cx := Width / 2 - 0.5;
- cy := Height / 2 - 0.5;
- scanner := TBGRASphereDeformationScanner.Create(self, PointF(cx,cy), Width/2, Height/2);
- result.FillEllipseAntialias(cx, cy, Width/2-0.5, Height/2-0.5, scanner);
- scanner.Free;
-function TGrayscaleMask.FilterCylinder: TGrayscaleMask;
- cx: single;
- scanner: TBGRAVerticalCylinderDeformationScanner;
- Result := NewBitmap(Width, Height);
- cx := Width / 2 - 0.5;
- scanner := TBGRAVerticalCylinderDeformationScanner.Create(self, cx, Width/2);
- result.Fill(scanner, dmSet);
- scanner.Free;
-procedure DownSamplePutImageGrayscale(sourceData: PByte;
- sourcePixelSize: Int32or64; sourceRowDelta: Int32or64; sourceWidth,
- sourceHeight: Int32or64; dest: TGrayscaleMask; ADestRect: TRect);
- x_dest,y_dest: integer;
- pdest: PByte;
- nbPix,sum: UInt32or64;
- prev_x_src,x_src,x_src_nb,xb: Int32or64;
- x_src_inc,x_src_acc,x_src_div,x_src_rest: Int32or64;
- prev_y_src,y_src,y_src_nb,yb: Int32or64;
- y_src_inc,y_src_acc,y_src_div,y_src_rest: Int32or64;
- psrc,psrc2,psrc3: PByte;
- y_src_div := ADestRect.Bottom-ADestRect.Top;
- y_src_inc := sourceHeight div y_src_div;
- y_src_rest := sourceHeight mod y_src_div;
- x_src_div := ADestRect.Right-ADestRect.Left;
- x_src_inc := sourceWidth div x_src_div;
- x_src_rest := sourceWidth mod x_src_div;
- if (x_src_rest = 0) and (y_src_rest = 0) then
- begin
- x_src_nb := x_src_inc;
- y_src_nb := y_src_inc;
- nbPix := x_src_nb*y_src_nb;
- y_src := 0;
- for y_dest := ADestRect.Top to ADestRect.Bottom-1 do
- begin
- pdest := dest.GetPixelAddress(ADestRect.Left, y_dest);
- psrc := sourceData + y_src*sourceRowDelta;
- inc(y_src,y_src_inc);
- for x_dest := ADestRect.Right-ADestRect.Left-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- sum := 0;
- psrc2 := psrc;
- for xb := x_src_nb-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- psrc3 := psrc2;
- for yb := y_src_nb-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- inc(sum, psrc3^);
- inc(psrc3, sourceRowDelta);
- end;
- inc(psrc2, sourcePixelSize);
- end;
- pdest^ := sum div nbPix;
- psrc := psrc2;
- inc(pdest);
- end;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- y_src := 0;
- y_src_acc := 0;
- for y_dest := ADestRect.Top to ADestRect.Bottom-1 do
- begin
- pdest := dest.GetPixelAddress(ADestRect.Left, y_dest);
- psrc := sourceData + y_src*sourceRowDelta;
- prev_y_src := y_src;
- inc(y_src,y_src_inc);
- inc(y_src_acc,y_src_rest);
- if y_src_acc >= y_src_div then
- begin
- dec(y_src_acc,y_src_div);
- inc(y_src);
- end;
- y_src_nb := y_src-prev_y_src;
- x_src := 0;
- x_src_acc := 0;
- for x_dest := ADestRect.Right-ADestRect.Left-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- prev_x_src := x_src;
- inc(x_src,x_src_inc);
- inc(x_src_acc,x_src_rest);
- if x_src_acc >= x_src_div then
- begin
- dec(x_src_acc,x_src_div);
- inc(x_src);
- end;
- x_src_nb := x_src-prev_x_src;
- sum := 0;
- nbPix := 0;
- psrc2 := psrc;
- for xb := x_src_nb-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- psrc3 := psrc2;
- for yb := y_src_nb-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- inc(nbPix);
- inc(sum, psrc3^);
- inc(psrc3, sourceRowDelta);
- end;
- inc(psrc2, sourcePixelSize);
- end;
- pdest^ := sum div nbPix;
- psrc := psrc2;
- inc(pdest);
- end;
- end;
- end;
-procedure DownSamplePutImageGrayscale(source: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- dest: TGrayscaleMask; ADestRect: TRect);
- DownSamplePutImageGrayscale(source, dest, ADestRect, rect(0,0,source.Width,source.Height));
-procedure DownSamplePutImageGrayscale(source: TGrayscaleMask; dest: TGrayscaleMask; ADestRect: TRect); overload;
- DownSamplePutImageGrayscale(source, dest, ADestRect, rect(0,0,source.Width,source.Height));
-procedure DownSamplePutImageGrayscale(source: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- dest: TGrayscaleMask; ADestRect: TRect; ASourceRect: TRect);
-var delta: Int32or64;
- delta := source.Width*sizeof(TBGRAPixel);
- if source.LineOrder = riloBottomToTop then
- delta := -delta;
- DownSamplePutImageGrayscale(
- source.GetPixelAddress(ASourceRect.Left, ASourceRect.Top) + TBGRAPixel_GreenByteOffset,
- sizeof(TBGRAPixel), delta, ASourceRect.Width, ASourceRect.Height, dest, ADestRect);
-procedure DownSamplePutImageGrayscale(source: TGrayscaleMask;
- dest: TGrayscaleMask; ADestRect: TRect; ASourceRect: TRect);
-var delta: Int32or64;
- delta := source.Width;
- if source.LineOrder = riloBottomToTop then
- delta := -delta;
- DownSamplePutImageGrayscale(source.GetPixelAddress(ASourceRect.Left, ASourceRect.Top), 1,
- delta, ASourceRect.Width, ASourceRect.Height, dest, ADestRect);
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgragtkbitmap.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgragtkbitmap.pas
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index d8f8750..0000000
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-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
- /**************************************************************************\
- bgragtkbitmap.pas
- -----------------
- This unit should NOT be added to the 'uses' clause.
- It contains patches for Gtk.
-unit BGRAGtkBitmap;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BGRALCLBitmap, Graphics,
- GraphType;
- { TBGRAGtkBitmap }
- TBGRAGtkBitmap = class(TBGRALCLBitmap)
- private
- FPixBuf: Pointer;
- procedure DrawTransparent(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect);
- procedure DrawOpaque(ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect);
- protected
- procedure ReallocData; override;
- procedure FreeData; override;
- public
- procedure DataDrawTransparent(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect;
- AData: Pointer; ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; AWidth, AHeight: integer);
- override;
- procedure DrawPart(ARect: TRect; ACanvas: TCanvas; x, y: integer; Opaque: boolean); override;
- procedure Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; x, y: integer; Opaque: boolean = True); override;
- procedure Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect; Opaque: boolean = True); override;
- procedure DataDrawOpaque(ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; AData: Pointer;
- ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; AWidth, AHeight: integer); overload; override;
- procedure DataDrawOpaque(ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; ADataFirstRow: Pointer;
- ARowStride: integer; AWidth, AHeight: integer); overload;
- procedure GetImageFromCanvas(CanvasSource: TCanvas; x, y: integer); override;
- end;
-uses BGRABitmapTypes, BGRADefaultBitmap, BGRAFilterScanner, LCLType,
- LCLIntf, IntfGraphics,
- {$IFDEF LCLgtk2}
- gdk2, gtk2def, gdk2pixbuf, glib2,
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF LCLgtk}
- gdk, gtkdef, gtkProc, gdkpixbuf, glib,
- {$ENDIF}
- FPImage, Dialogs;
-procedure TBGRAGtkBitmap.ReallocData;
- {$IFDEF LCLgtk2}
- If FPixBuf <> nil then g_object_unref(FPixBuf);
- {$ELSE}
- If FPixBuf <> nil then gdk_pixbuf_unref(FPixBuf);
- {$ENDIF}
- FPixBuf := nil;
- inherited ReallocData;
- if (FWidth <> 0) and (FHeight <> 0) then
- begin
- FPixbuf := gdk_pixbuf_new_from_data(pguchar(FDataByte),
- GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB, True, 8, Width, Height, Width*Sizeof(TBGRAPixel), nil, nil);
- if FPixbuf = nil then
- raise Exception.Create('Error initializing Pixbuf');
- end;
-procedure TBGRAGtkBitmap.FreeData;
- {$IFDEF LCLgtk2}
- If FPixBuf <> nil then g_object_unref(FPixBuf);
- {$ELSE}
- If FPixBuf <> nil then gdk_pixbuf_unref(FPixBuf);
- {$ENDIF}
- FPixBuf := nil;
- inherited FreeData;
-procedure TBGRAGtkBitmap.DrawTransparent(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect);
-var DrawWidth,DrawHeight: integer;
- stretched: TBGRAGtkBitmap;
- P: TPoint;
- DrawWidth := Rect.Right-Rect.Left;
- DrawHeight := Rect.Bottom-Rect.Top;
- if (Height = 0) or (Width = 0) or (DrawWidth <= 0) or (DrawHeight <= 0) then
- exit;
- if (DrawWidth <> Width) or (DrawHeight <> Height) then
- begin
- stretched := Resample(DrawWidth,DrawHeight,rmSimpleStretch) as TBGRAGtkBitmap;
- stretched.DrawTransparent(ACanvas,Rect);
- stretched.Free;
- exit;
- end;
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- {$PUSH}{$WARNINGS OFF}If not TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder then SwapRedBlue;{$POP}
- P := Rect.TopLeft;
- LPToDP(ACanvas.Handle, P, 1);
- gdk_pixbuf_render_to_drawable(FPixBuf,
- TGtkDeviceContext(ACanvas.Handle).Drawable,
- TGtkDeviceContext(ACanvas.Handle).GC,
- 0,0, P.X,P.Y,
- Width,Height,
- {$PUSH}{$WARNINGS OFF}If not TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder then SwapRedBlue;{$POP}
-procedure TBGRAGtkBitmap.DrawOpaque(ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect);
- DataDrawOpaque(ACanvas,ARect,Data,LineOrder,Width,Height);
-procedure TBGRAGtkBitmap.DataDrawTransparent(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect;
- AData: Pointer; ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; AWidth, AHeight: integer);
- TempGtk: TBGRAGtkBitmap;
- temp: integer;
- if (AHeight = 0) or (AWidth = 0) or (Rect.Left = Rect.Right) or
- (Rect.Top = Rect.Bottom) then
- exit;
- if Rect.Right < Rect.Left then
- begin
- temp := Rect.Left;
- Rect.Left := Rect.Right;
- Rect.Right := temp;
- end;
- if Rect.Bottom < Rect.Top then
- begin
- temp := Rect.Top;
- Rect.Top := Rect.Bottom;
- Rect.Bottom := temp;
- end;
- TempGtk := TBGRAGtkBitmap.Create(AWidth, AHeight);
- Move(AData^,TempGtk.Data^,TempGtk.NbPixels*sizeof(TBGRAPixel));
- if ALineOrder <> TempGtk.LineOrder then TempGtk.VerticalFlip;
- TempGtk.DrawTransparent(ACanvas,Rect);
- TempGtk.Free;
-procedure TBGRAGtkBitmap.DrawPart(ARect: TRect; ACanvas: TCanvas; x,
- y: integer; Opaque: boolean);
- rowStride,w,h: Integer;
- if Opaque then
- begin
- if LineOrder = riloTopToBottom then
- rowStride := Width*sizeof(TBGRAPixel)
- else
- rowStride := -Width*sizeof(TBGRAPixel);
- w:= ARect.Right-ARect.Left;
- h:= ARect.Bottom-ARect.Top;
- DataDrawOpaque(ACanvas, rect(x,y,x+w,y+h), Scanline[ARect.Top]+ARect.Left, rowStride, w,h);
- end
- else
- inherited DrawPart(ARect, ACanvas, x, y, Opaque);
-procedure TBGRAGtkBitmap.Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; x, y: integer; Opaque: boolean);
- if self = nil then
- exit;
- if Opaque then
- DrawOpaque(ACanvas, Rect(X, Y, X + Width, Y + Height))
- else
- DrawTransparent(ACanvas, Rect(X, Y, X + Width, Y + Height));
-procedure TBGRAGtkBitmap.Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect; Opaque: boolean);
- if self = nil then
- exit;
- if Opaque then
- DrawOpaque(ACanvas, Rect)
- else
- DrawTransparent(ACanvas, Rect);
-procedure TBGRAGtkBitmap.DataDrawOpaque(ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect;
- AData: Pointer; ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; AWidth, AHeight: integer);
- rowStride: Integer;
- firstRow: Pointer;
- if ALineOrder = riloTopToBottom then
- begin
- rowStride := AWidth*sizeof(TBGRAPixel);
- firstRow := AData;
- end
- else
- begin
- rowStride := -AWidth*sizeof(TBGRAPixel);
- firstRow := PBGRAPixel(AData) + (AWidth*(AHeight-1));
- end;
- DataDrawOpaque(ACanvas, ARect, firstRow, rowStride, AWidth, AHeight);
-procedure TBGRAGtkBitmap.DataDrawOpaque(ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect;
- ADataFirstRow: Pointer; ARowStride: integer; AWidth, AHeight: integer);
- procedure DataSwapRedBlue;
- var
- y: Integer;
- p: PByte;
- begin
- p := PByte(ADataFirstRow);
- for y := 0 to AHeight-1 do
- begin
- TBGRAFilterScannerSwapRedBlue.ComputeFilterAt(PBGRAPixel(p),PBGRAPixel(p),AWidth,False);
- inc(p, ARowStride);
- end;
- end;
- procedure DrawStretched;
- var
- dataStart: Pointer;
- ptr: TBGRAPtrBitmap;
- stretched: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- begin
- if ARowStride < 0 then
- dataStart := PByte(ADataFirstRow) + ARowStride*(Height-1)
- else
- dataStart := ADataFirstRow;
- if ARowStride <> abs(AWidth*sizeof(TBGRAPixel)) then
- raise exception.Create('DataDrawOpaque not supported when using custom row stride and resample');
- ptr := TBGRAPtrBitmap.Create(AWidth,AHeight,dataStart);
- if ARowStride < 0 then
- ptr.LineOrder := riloBottomToTop
- else
- ptr.LineOrder := riloTopToBottom;
- stretched := ptr.Resample(ARect.Right-ARect.Left,ARect.Bottom-ARect.Top);
- ptr.free;
- DataDrawOpaque(ACanvas,ARect,stretched.Data,stretched.LineOrder,stretched.Width,stretched.Height);
- stretched.Free;
- end;
- temp: integer;
- pos: TPoint;
- dest: HDC;
- if (AHeight = 0) or (AWidth = 0) or (ARect.Left = ARect.Right) or
- (ARect.Top = ARect.Bottom) then exit;
- if ARect.Right < ARect.Left then
- begin
- temp := ARect.Left;
- ARect.Left := ARect.Right;
- ARect.Right := temp;
- end;
- if ARect.Bottom < ARect.Top then
- begin
- temp := ARect.Top;
- ARect.Top := ARect.Bottom;
- ARect.Bottom := temp;
- end;
- if (AWidth <> ARect.Right-ARect.Left) or (AHeight <> ARect.Bottom-ARect.Top) then
- DrawStretched
- else
- begin
- dest := ACanvas.Handle;
- pos := ARect.TopLeft;
- LPtoDP(dest, pos, 1);
- {$PUSH}{$WARNINGS OFF}if not TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder then DataSwapRedBlue;{$POP}
- gdk_draw_rgb_32_image(TGtkDeviceContext(dest).Drawable,
- TGtkDeviceContext(Dest).GC, pos.x,pos.y,
- ADataFirstRow, ARowStride);
- {$PUSH}{$WARNINGS OFF}if not TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder then DataSwapRedBlue;{$POP}
- ACanvas.Changed;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAGtkBitmap.GetImageFromCanvas(CanvasSource: TCanvas; x, y: integer);
- subBmp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- subRect: TRect;
- cw,ch: integer;
- P: TPoint;
- cw := CanvasSource.Width;
- ch := CanvasSource.Height;
- if (x < 0) or (y < 0) or (x+Width > cw) or
- (y+Height > ch) then
- begin
- FillTransparent;
- if (x+Width <= 0) or (y+Height <= 0) or
- (x >= cw) or (y >= ch) then
- exit;
- if (x > 0) then subRect.Left := x else subRect.Left := 0;
- if (y > 0) then subRect.Top := y else subRect.Top := 0;
- if (x+Width > cw) then subRect.Right := cw else
- subRect.Right := x+Width;
- if (y+Height > ch) then subRect.Bottom := ch else
- subRect.Bottom := y+Height;
- subBmp := NewBitmap(subRect.Right-subRect.Left,subRect.Bottom-subRect.Top);
- subBmp.GetImageFromCanvas(CanvasSource,subRect.Left,subRect.Top);
- PutImage(subRect.Left-x,subRect.Top-y,subBmp,dmSet);
- subBmp.Free;
- exit;
- end;
- P := Point(x,y);
- LPToDP(CanvasSource.Handle, P, 1);
- gdk_pixbuf_get_from_drawable(FPixBuf,
- TGtkDeviceContext(CanvasSource.Handle).Drawable,
- nil, P.X,P.Y,0,0,Width,Height);
- {$PUSH}{$WARNINGS OFF}If not TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder then SwapRedBlue;{$POP}
- InvalidateBitmap;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgraiconcursor.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgraiconcursor.pas
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index 1976a85..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgraiconcursor.pas
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-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAIconCursor;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
-{$i bgrabitmap.inc}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BGRAMultiFileType, BGRABitmapTypes;
- { TBGRAIconCursorEntry }
- TBGRAIconCursorEntry = class(TMultiFileEntry)
- protected
- FWidth,FHeight,FBitDepth: integer;
- FExtension: string;
- FContent: TStream;
- FHotSpot: TPoint;
- function GetName: utf8string; override;
- procedure SetName({%H-}AValue: utf8string); override;
- function GetExtension: utf8string; override;
- function GetFileSize: int64; override;
- public
- constructor Create(AContainer: TMultiFileContainer; AExtension: string; AInfo: TQuickImageInfo; AContent: TStream);
- class function TryCreate(AContainer: TMultiFileContainer; AContent: TStream): TBGRAIconCursorEntry; static;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function CopyTo(ADestination: TStream): int64; override;
- function GetStream: TStream; override;
- function GetBitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- property Width: integer read FWidth;
- property Height: integer read FHeight;
- property BitDepth: integer read FBitDepth;
- property HotSpot: TPoint read FHotSpot write FHotSpot;
- end;
- { TBGRAIconCursor }
- TBGRAIconCursor = class(TMultiFileContainer)
- private
- function GetBitDepthAt(AIndex: integer): integer;
- function GetHeightAt(AIndex: integer): integer;
- function GetHotSpotAtAt(AIndex: integer): TPoint;
- function GetWidthAt(AIndex: integer): integer;
- procedure SetFileType(AValue: TBGRAImageFormat);
- procedure SetHotSpotAt(AIndex: integer; AValue: TPoint);
- protected
- FFileType : TBGRAImageFormat;
- FLoading : boolean;
- function CreateEntry(AName: utf8string; AExtension: utf8string;
- AContent: TStream): TMultiFileEntry; override;
- function ExpectedMagic: Word;
- procedure Init; override;
- procedure AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent); override;
- public
- constructor Create(AFileType: TBGRAImageFormat); overload;
- procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
- function Add(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABitDepth: integer; AOverwrite: boolean = false): integer; overload;
- function Add(AContent: TStream; AOverwrite: boolean = false; AOwnStream: boolean = true): integer; overload;
- procedure LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream); override;
- procedure SaveToStream(ADestination: TStream); override;
- function GetBitmap(AIndex: integer): TBGRACustomBitmap;
- function GetBestFitBitmap(AWidth,AHeight: integer): TBGRACustomBitmap;
- function IndexOf(AWidth,AHeight,ABitDepth: integer): integer; overload;
- property FileType: TBGRAImageFormat read FFileType write SetFileType;
- property Width[AIndex: integer]: integer read GetWidthAt;
- property Height[AIndex: integer]: integer read GetHeightAt;
- property BitDepth[AIndex: integer]: integer read GetBitDepthAt;
- property HotSpot[AIndex: integer]: TPoint read GetHotSpotAtAt write SetHotSpotAt;
- end;
-function BGRADitherIconCursor(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABitDepth: integer; ADithering: TDitheringAlgorithm): TBGRACustomBitmap;
-function BGRABitDepthIconCursor(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap): integer;
-uses BGRAWinResource, BGRAUTF8, BGRAReadPng, BGRAReadBMP, FPWriteBMP, BGRAPalette, BGRAWritePNG,
- BGRAColorQuantization{$IFDEF BGRABITMAP_USE_LCL}, Graphics{$ENDIF};
-function BGRADitherIconCursor(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABitDepth: integer;
- ADithering: TDitheringAlgorithm): TBGRACustomBitmap;
- frameMask, temp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- quantizer: TBGRAColorQuantizer;
- maskQuantizer: TBGRAColorQuantizer;
- x,y: integer;
- psrc,pdest: PBGRAPixel;
- if ABitDepth <= 0 then
- raise exception.Create('Invalid bit depth');
- if ABitDepth <= 24 then
- begin
- if ABitDepth = 1 then
- begin
- quantizer := TBGRAColorQuantizer.Create([BGRABlack,BGRAWhite,BGRAPixelTransparent],false,3);
- result := quantizer.GetDitheredBitmap(ADithering, ABitmap);
- quantizer.Free;
- end
- else
- begin
- frameMask := ABitmap.GetMaskFromAlpha;
- maskQuantizer := TBGRAColorQuantizer.Create([BGRABlack,BGRAWhite],false,2);
- temp := maskQuantizer.GetDitheredBitmap(ADithering, frameMask);
- frameMask.Free;
- frameMask := temp;
- maskQuantizer.Free;
- result := ABitmap.Duplicate;
- result.ReplaceTransparent(BGRABlack);
- result.AlphaFill(255);
- if ABitDepth <= 8 then
- begin
- quantizer := TBGRAColorQuantizer.Create(result,acFullChannelInPalette, 1 shl ABitDepth);
- temp := quantizer.GetDitheredBitmap(daFloydSteinberg, result);
- result.free;
- result := temp;
- quantizer.Free;
- end;
- result.ApplyMask(frameMask);
- frameMask.Free;
- end;
- end else
- result := ABitmap.Duplicate;
- if Assigned(ABitmap.XorMask) then
- begin
- result.NeedXorMask;
- for y := 0 to ABitmap.XorMask.Height-1 do
- begin
- psrc := ABitmap.XorMask.ScanLine[y];
- pdest := result.XorMask.ScanLine[y];
- for x := 0 to ABitmap.XorMask.Width-1 do
- begin
- if ((psrc^.red shl 1)+(psrc^.green shl 2)+psrc^.blue >= 128*(1+2+4)) then
- pdest^ := BGRA(255,255,255,0);
- inc(psrc);
- inc(pdest);
- end;
- end;
- end;
-function BGRABitDepthIconCursor(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap): integer;
-var pal: TBGRAPalette;
- p: PBGRAPixel;
- n: integer;
- function BlackAndWhite: boolean;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- if pal.Count > 2 then result := false
- else
- begin
- for i := 0 to pal.Count-1 do
- if (pal.Color[i] <> BGRAWhite) and (pal.Color[i] <> BGRABlack) then
- exit(false);
- result := true;
- end;
- end;
- pal := TBGRAPalette.Create;
- p := ABitmap.Data;
- n := ABitmap.NbPixels;
- while (n > 0) and (pal.Count < 257) do
- begin
- if p^.alpha = 0 then
- begin
- if pal.Count < 257 then pal.AddColor(BGRABlack);
- end else
- if p^.alpha = 255 then
- begin
- if pal.Count < 257 then pal.AddColor(p^);
- end else
- begin
- pal.Free;
- exit(32);
- end;
- inc(p);
- dec(n);
- end;
- if pal.Count > 256 then result := 24 else
- if pal.Count > 16 then result := 8 else
- if (pal.Count > 2) or not BlackAndWhite then result := 4 else
- result := 1;
- pal.Free;
-{ TBGRAIconCursorEntry }
-constructor TBGRAIconCursorEntry.Create(AContainer: TMultiFileContainer; AExtension: string; AInfo: TQuickImageInfo;
- AContent: TStream);
- inherited Create(AContainer);
- FExtension:= AExtension;
- FWidth := AInfo.Width;
- FHeight:= AInfo.Height;
- // 16 bit per channel is not relevant for icon depth
- if AInfo.ColorDepth >= 24 then
- begin
- if AInfo.AlphaDepth >= 8 then
- FBitDepth := 32
- else
- FBitDepth := 24;
- end else
- FBitDepth := AInfo.ColorDepth;
- FContent := AContent;
-class function TBGRAIconCursorEntry.TryCreate(
- AContainer: TMultiFileContainer; AContent: TStream): TBGRAIconCursorEntry;
- format: TBGRAImageFormat;
- imageInfo: TQuickImageInfo;
- tempStream: TMemoryStream;
- reader: TBGRAImageReader;
- bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- maskLine: packed array of byte;
- maskStride: integer;
- psrc: PBGRAPixel;
- maskBit: byte;
- maskPos,x,y: integer;
- headerSize, dataSize: integer;
- AContent.Position:= 0;
- format := DetectFileFormat(AContent);
- case format of
- ifBmp:
- begin
- reader := TBGRAReaderBMP.Create;
- bmp := BGRABitmapFactory.Create;
- try
- AContent.Position := 0;
- imageInfo := reader.GetQuickInfo(AContent);
- if (imageInfo.width <= 0) or (imageInfo.height <= 0) or
- (imageInfo.width > 256) or (imageInfo.height > 256) then
- raise exception.Create('Invalid image size');
- AContent.Position := 0;
- //load bitmap to build mask
- bmp.LoadFromStream(AContent);
- maskStride := ((bmp.Width+31) div 32)*4;
- tempStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- //BMP header is not stored in icon/cursor
- AContent.Position:= sizeof(TBitMapFileHeader);
- tempStream.CopyFrom(AContent, AContent.Size - sizeof(TBitMapFileHeader));
- AContent.Free;
- //fix height
- tempStream.Position := 0;
- headerSize := LEtoN(tempStream.ReadDWord);
- if headerSize = sizeof(TOS2BitmapHeader) then // OS/2 1.x
- begin
- tempStream.Position := 6;
- tempStream.WriteWord(NtoLE(word(bmp.Height*2))); //include mask size
- end else
- begin
- tempStream.Position := 8;
- tempStream.WriteDWord(NtoLE(LongWord(bmp.Height*2))); //include mask size
- if headerSize >= 20+4 then
- begin
- tempStream.Position:= 20;
- dataSize := LEtoN(tempStream.ReadDWord);
- if dataSize <> 0 then
- begin //if data size is supplied, include mask size
- inc(dataSize, maskStride*bmp.Height);
- tempStream.Position:= 20;
- tempStream.WriteDWord(NtoLE(dataSize));
- end;
- end;
- end;
- //build mask
- tempStream.Position := tempStream.Size;
- setlength(maskLine, maskStride);
- for y := bmp.Height-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- maskBit := $80;
- maskPos := 0;
- psrc := bmp.ScanLine[y];
- fillchar(maskLine[0], length(maskLine), 0);
- for x := 0 to bmp.Width-1 do
- begin
- if psrc^.alpha = 0 then
- maskLine[maskPos] := maskLine[maskPos] or maskBit;
- maskBit := maskBit shr 1;
- if maskBit = 0 then
- begin
- maskBit := $80;
- inc(maskPos);
- end;
- inc(psrc);
- end;
- tempStream.WriteBuffer(maskLine[0], length(maskLine));
- end;
- result := TBGRAIconCursorEntry.Create(AContainer, 'dib', imageInfo, tempStream);
- finally
- bmp.Free;
- reader.Free;
- end;
- end;
- ifPng:
- begin
- reader := TBGRAReaderPNG.Create;
- imageInfo := reader.GetQuickInfo(AContent);
- reader.Free;
- result := TBGRAIconCursorEntry.Create(AContainer, 'png', imageInfo, AContent);
- end;
- ifUnknown, ifLazPaint {a headerless bmp can be confused for a headerless lzp}:
- begin
- //assume headerless BMP
- AContent.Position := 0;
- reader := TBGRAReaderBMP.Create;
- imageInfo := reader.GetQuickInfo(AContent);
- imageInfo.Height:= imageInfo.Height div 2; //mask size is included
- reader.Free;
- if (imageInfo.width <= 0) or (imageInfo.height <= 0) or
- (imageInfo.width > 256) or (imageInfo.height > 256) then
- raise exception.Create('Invalid image size');
- result := TBGRAIconCursorEntry.Create(AContainer, 'dib', imageInfo, AContent);
- end;
- else
- raise exception.Create(SuggestImageExtension(format) + ' format is not handled');
- end;
-destructor TBGRAIconCursorEntry.Destroy;
- FContent.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
-function TBGRAIconCursorEntry.CopyTo(ADestination: TStream): int64;
- if FContent.Size = 0 then
- begin
- result := 0;
- exit;
- end;
- FContent.Position := 0;
- result := ADestination.CopyFrom(FContent, FContent.Size);
-function TBGRAIconCursorEntry.GetStream: TStream;
- Result:= FContent;
-function TBGRAIconCursorEntry.GetBitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap;
-var reader: TBGRAImageReader;
- if Extension = 'dib' then
- begin
- reader := TBGRAReaderBMP.Create;
- TBGRAReaderBMP(reader).Subformat := bsfHeaderlessWithMask;
- end else
- reader := TBGRAReaderPNG.create;
- result := BGRABitmapFactory.Create;
- FContent.Position := 0;
- try
- result.LoadFromStream(FContent, reader);
- except on ex: Exception do
- begin
- result.Free;
- reader.Free;
- raise ex;
- end;
- end;
- reader.Free;
- result.HotSpot := HotSpot;
-function TBGRAIconCursorEntry.GetName: utf8string;
- result := IntToStr(FWidth)+'x'+IntToStr(FHeight)+'x'+IntToStr(FBitDepth);
-procedure TBGRAIconCursorEntry.SetName(AValue: utf8string);
- raise exception.Create('Name cannot be changed');
-function TBGRAIconCursorEntry.GetExtension: utf8string;
- result := FExtension;
-function TBGRAIconCursorEntry.GetFileSize: int64;
- result := FContent.Size;
-{ TBGRAIconCursor }
-function TBGRAIconCursor.GetBitDepthAt(AIndex: integer): integer;
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= Count) then raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- result := TBGRAIconCursorEntry(Entry[AIndex]).BitDepth;
-function TBGRAIconCursor.GetHeightAt(AIndex: integer): integer;
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= Count) then raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- result := TBGRAIconCursorEntry(Entry[AIndex]).Height;
-function TBGRAIconCursor.GetHotSpotAtAt(AIndex: integer): TPoint;
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= Count) then raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- result := TBGRAIconCursorEntry(Entry[AIndex]).HotSpot;
-function TBGRAIconCursor.GetWidthAt(AIndex: integer): integer;
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= Count) then raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- result := TBGRAIconCursorEntry(Entry[AIndex]).Width;
-procedure TBGRAIconCursor.SetFileType(AValue: TBGRAImageFormat);
- if FFileType=AValue then Exit;
- if not (AValue in [ifIco,ifCur,ifUnknown]) then
- raise exception.Create('Allowed formats: ICO, CUR or unknown');
- FFileType:=AValue;
-procedure TBGRAIconCursor.SetHotSpotAt(AIndex: integer; AValue: TPoint);
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= Count) then raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- TBGRAIconCursorEntry(Entry[AIndex]).HotSpot := AValue;
-function TBGRAIconCursor.CreateEntry(AName: utf8string;
- AExtension: utf8string; AContent: TStream): TMultiFileEntry;
- AExtension := UTF8LowerCase(AExtension);
- if (AExtension <> 'png') and (AExtension <> 'dib') then
- raise exception.Create('The only supported extensions are PNG and DIB');
- result := TBGRAIconCursorEntry.TryCreate(self, AContent);
- if result.Extension <> AExtension then
- begin
- result.Free;
- raise exception.Create(AExtension + ' file extension expected but ' + result.Extension + ' found');
- end;
- if result.Name <> AName then
- begin
- result.Free;
- raise exception.Create('"' + AName + '" dimension expected but "' + result.Name + '" found');
- end;
-function TBGRAIconCursor.ExpectedMagic: Word;
- case FFileType of
- else
- raise exception.Create('Invalid icon/cursor type');
- end;
-procedure TBGRAIconCursor.Init;
- inherited Init;
- FFileType:= ifUnknown;
-procedure TBGRAIconCursor.AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent);
- temp: TMemoryStream;
- if Dest is TCustomIcon then
- begin
- temp := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- SaveToStream(temp);
- temp.Position:= 0;
- TCustomIcon(Dest).LoadFromStream(temp);
- finally
- temp.Free;
- end;
- end else
- {$ENDIF}
- inherited AssignTo(Dest);
-constructor TBGRAIconCursor.Create(AFileType: TBGRAImageFormat);
- if not (AFileType in [ifIco,ifCur,ifUnknown]) then
- raise exception.Create('Allowed formats: ICO, CUR or unknown');
- Init;
- FFileType := AFileType;
-function TBGRAIconCursor.Add(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABitDepth: integer;
- AOverwrite: boolean): integer;
-var stream, temp: TStream;
- writer: TFPWriterBMP;
- bmpXOR: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- y: Integer;
- psrcMask, pdest: PBGRAPixel;
- bitAndMask: array of byte;
- bitAndMaskPos: integer;
- bitAndMaskBit: byte;
- bitAndMaskRowSize, x: integer;
- palette: TBGRAPalette;
- writerPng: TBGRAWriterPNG;
- stream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- //PNG format is advised from 256 on but does not handle XOR
- if ((ABitmap.Width >= 256) or (ABitmap.Height >= 256)) and (ABitDepth >= 8) and
- ((ABitmap.XorMask = nil) or ABitmap.XorMask.IsZero) then
- begin
- writerPng := TBGRAWriterPNG.Create;
- try
- writerPng.WordSized := false;
- if ABitDepth = 8 then
- begin
- writerPng.Indexed := true;
- writerpng.UseAlpha := ABitmap.HasTransparentPixels;
- end else
- begin
- writerPng.Indexed := false;
- writerpng.UseAlpha := (ABitDepth = 32);
- end;
- ABitmap.SaveToStream(stream, writerPng);
- finally
- writerPng.Free;
- end;
- result := Add(stream, AOverwrite, true);
- stream := nil;
- end else
- if ((ABitmap.XorMask = nil) or ABitmap.XorMask.IsZero) and
- (not ABitmap.HasTransparentPixels or (ABitDepth = 32)) then
- begin
- writer := TFPWriterBMP.Create;
- writer.BitsPerPixel := ABitDepth;
- try
- if not ABitmap.UsePalette and (ABitDepth < 24) then
- begin
- palette := TBGRAPalette.Create(ABitmap);
- try
- palette.AssignTo(ABitmap);
- finally
- palette.Free;
- end;
- ABitmap.SaveToStream(stream, writer);
- ABitmap.UsePalette:= false;
- end
- else
- ABitmap.SaveToStream(stream, writer);
- finally
- writer.Free;
- end;
- result := Add(stream, AOverwrite, true);
- stream := nil;
- end else
- begin
- bmpXOR := BGRABitmapFactory.Create(ABitmap);
- try
- bitAndMaskRowSize := ((bmpXOR.Width+31) div 32)*4;
- setlength(bitAndMask, bitAndMaskRowSize*bmpXOR.Height);
- for y := bmpXOR.Height-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- if assigned(ABitmap.XorMask) then
- psrcMask := ABitmap.XorMask.ScanLine[y]
- else
- psrcMask := nil;
- pdest := bmpXOR.ScanLine[y];
- bitAndMaskPos := (bmpXOR.Height-1-y)*bitAndMaskRowSize;
- bitAndMaskBit:= $80;
- for x := bmpXOR.Width-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- //xor mask is either 100% or 0%
- if assigned(psrcMask) and ((psrcMask^.red <> 0) or (psrcMask^.green <> 0) or (psrcMask^.blue <> 0)) then
- begin
- pdest^ := psrcMask^;
- pdest^.alpha := 255;
- bitAndMask[bitAndMaskPos] := bitAndMask[bitAndMaskPos] or bitAndMaskBit;
- end else
- if pdest^.alpha = 0 then
- begin
- bitAndMask[bitAndMaskPos] := bitAndMask[bitAndMaskPos] or bitAndMaskBit;
- if ABitDepth <= 24 then //if we cannot save alpha, replace with black.
- begin //mask will task care of making it transparent
- pdest^ := BGRABlack;
- end;
- end;
- bitAndMaskBit := bitAndMaskBit shr 1;
- if bitAndMaskBit = 0 then
- begin
- bitAndMaskBit := $80;
- inc(bitAndMaskPos);
- end;
- if assigned(psrcMask) then inc(psrcMask);
- inc(pdest);
- end;
- end;
- bmpXOR.InvalidateBitmap;
- if ABitDepth < 24 then
- begin
- palette := TBGRAPalette.Create(bmpXor);
- palette.AssignTo(bmpXor);
- palette.Free;
- end;
- temp := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- writer := TFPWriterBMP.Create;
- writer.BitsPerPixel := ABitDepth;
- try
- bmpXOR.SaveToStream(temp, writer);
- //write double height to include mask
- temp.Position := 22;
- temp.WriteDWord(NtoLE(LongWord(bmpXOR.Height*2)));
- //go after the file header
- temp.Position := 14;
- //copy bitmap without header
- stream.CopyFrom(temp, temp.Size-temp.Position);
- finally
- writer.Free;
- end;
- finally
- temp.Free;
- end;
- //write mask
- stream.WriteBuffer(bitAndMask[0],length(bitAndMask));
- result := Add(stream, AOverwrite, true);
- stream := nil;
- finally
- bmpXOR.Free;
- end;
- end;
- finally
- stream.Free;
- end;
-function TBGRAIconCursor.Add(AContent: TStream; AOverwrite: boolean;
- AOwnStream: boolean): integer;
- index,i: Integer;
- newEntry: TBGRAIconCursorEntry;
- contentCopy: TMemoryStream;
- if not AOwnStream then
- begin
- AContent.Position:= 0;
- contentCopy := TMemoryStream.Create;
- contentCopy.CopyFrom(AContent, AContent.Size);
- newEntry := TBGRAIconCursorEntry.TryCreate(self, contentCopy);
- end else
- newEntry := TBGRAIconCursorEntry.TryCreate(self, AContent);
- index := IndexOf(newEntry.Name, newEntry.Extension);
- if index <> -1 then
- begin
- if AOverwrite then
- Delete(index)
- else
- begin
- newEntry.Free;
- raise Exception.Create('Duplicate entry');
- end;
- end else if not FLoading then
- begin
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- if ((Width[i] < newEntry.Width) and (Height[i] < newEntry.Height)) or
- ((Width[i] = newEntry.Width) and (Height[i] = newEntry.Height) and (BitDepth[i] < newEntry.BitDepth)) then
- begin
- index := i;
- break;
- end;
- end;
- result := AddEntry(newEntry, index);
-procedure TBGRAIconCursor.LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream);
-var header: TGroupIconHeader;
- dir: packed array of TIconFileDirEntry;
- startPos: int64;
- entryContent: TMemoryStream;
- entryIndex, i: integer;
- FLoading:= true;
- try
- startPos := AStream.Position;
- AStream.ReadBuffer({%H-}header, sizeof(header));
- header.SwapIfNecessary;
- if header.Reserved <> 0 then
- raise exception.Create('Invalid file format');
- if FileType = ifUnknown then
- begin
- case header.ResourceType of
- end;
- end;
- if header.ResourceType <> ExpectedMagic then
- raise exception.Create('Invalid resource type');
- Clear;
- setlength(dir, header.ImageCount);
- AStream.ReadBuffer(dir[0], sizeof(TIconFileDirEntry)*length(dir));
- for i := 0 to high(dir) do
- begin
- AStream.Position:= LEtoN(dir[i].ImageOffset) + startPos;
- entryContent := TMemoryStream.Create;
- entryContent.CopyFrom(AStream, LEtoN(dir[i].ImageSize));
- entryIndex := Add(entryContent, false, true);
- if ((dir[i].Width = 0) and (Width[entryIndex] < 256)) or
- ((dir[i].Width > 0) and (Width[entryIndex] <> dir[i].Width)) or
- ((dir[i].Height = 0) and (Height[entryIndex] < 256)) or
- ((dir[i].Height > 0) and (Height[entryIndex] <> dir[i].Height)) then
- raise Exception.Create('Inconsistent image size');
- if FFileType = ifCur then
- TBGRAIconCursorEntry(Entry[entryIndex]).HotSpot := Point(LEtoN(dir[i].HotSpotX),LEtoN(dir[i].HotSpotY));
- end;
- finally
- FLoading:= false;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAIconCursor.SaveToStream(ADestination: TStream);
-var header: TGroupIconHeader;
- i: integer;
- accSize: LongWord;
- dir: packed array of TIconFileDirEntry;
- contentSize: LongWord;
- if Count = 0 then
- raise exception.Create('File cannot be empty');
- if FileType = ifUnknown then
- raise exception.Create('You need to specify the file type');
- header.ImageCount:= Count;
- header.Reserved := 0;
- header.ResourceType:= ExpectedMagic;
- header.SwapIfNecessary;
- accSize := sizeof(header) + sizeof(TIconFileDirEntry)*Count;
- setlength(dir, Count);
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- begin
- if Width[i] >= 256
- then dir[i].Width := 0
- else dir[i].Width := Width[i];
- if Height[i] >= 256
- then dir[i].Height := 0
- else dir[i].Height := Height[i];
- if BitDepth[i] < 8 then
- dir[i].Colors := 1 shl BitDepth[i]
- else
- dir[i].Colors := 0;
- dir[i].Reserved := 0;
- case FFileType of
- ifCur: begin dir[i].HotSpotX:= NtoLE(Word(HotSpot[i].X)); dir[i].HotSpotY := NtoLE(Word(HotSpot[i].Y)); end;
- ifIco: begin dir[i].BitsPerPixel:= NtoLE(Word(BitDepth[i])); dir[i].Planes := NtoLE(Word(1)); end;
- else dir[i].Variable:= 0;
- end;
- dir[i].ImageOffset := LEtoN(accSize);
- contentSize:= Entry[i].FileSize;
- dir[i].ImageSize := NtoLE(contentSize);
- inc(accSize,contentSize);
- end;
- ADestination.WriteBuffer(header, sizeof(header));
- ADestination.WriteBuffer(dir[0], sizeof(TIconFileDirEntry)*length(dir));
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- if Entry[i].CopyTo(ADestination) <> Entry[i].FileSize then
- raise exception.Create('Unable to write data in stream');
-function TBGRAIconCursor.GetBitmap(AIndex: integer): TBGRACustomBitmap;
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= Count) then raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- result := TBGRAIconCursorEntry(Entry[AIndex]).GetBitmap;
-function TBGRAIconCursor.GetBestFitBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer): TBGRACustomBitmap;
-var bestIndex: integer;
- bestSizeDiff: integer;
- bestBPP: integer;
- sizeDiff, i: integer;
- bestBPP := 0;
- bestSizeDiff := high(integer);
- bestIndex := -1;
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- begin
- sizeDiff := abs(AWidth-Width[i])+abs(AHeight-Height[i]);
- if (sizeDiff < bestSizeDiff) or
- ((sizeDiff = bestSizeDiff) and (BitDepth[i] > bestBPP)) then
- begin
- bestIndex := i;
- bestSizeDiff:= sizeDiff;
- bestBPP:= BitDepth[i];
- end;
- end;
- if bestIndex = -1 then
- raise Exception.Create('No bitmap found')
- else
- result := GetBitmap(bestIndex);
-function TBGRAIconCursor.IndexOf(AWidth, AHeight, ABitDepth: integer): integer;
- i: Integer;
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- if (Width[i] = AWidth) and (Height[i] = AHeight) and (BitDepth[i] = ABitDepth) then
- begin
- result := i;
- exit;
- end;
- result := -1;
-procedure TBGRAIconCursor.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
- temp: TMemoryStream;
- if Source is TCustomIcon then
- begin
- temp := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- TCustomIcon(Source).SaveToStream(temp);
- temp.Position:= 0;
- LoadFromStream(temp);
- finally
- temp.Free;
- end;
- end else
- {$ENDIF}
- inherited Assign(Source);
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgralayeroriginal.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgralayeroriginal.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 7402128..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgralayeroriginal.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2252 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRALayerOriginal;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
-{$i bgrabitmap.inc}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BGRABitmap, BGRABitmapTypes, BGRATransform, BGRAMemDirectory, fgl
- PRectF = BGRABitmapTypes.PRectF;
- TAffineMatrix = BGRATransform.TAffineMatrix;
- TBGRALayerCustomOriginal = class;
- TBGRAOriginalDiff = class;
- TBGRALayerOriginalAny = class of TBGRALayerCustomOriginal;
- TOriginalMovePointEvent = procedure(ASender: TObject; APrevCoord, ANewCoord: TPointF; AShift: TShiftState) of object;
- TOriginalStartMovePointEvent = procedure(ASender: TObject; AIndex: integer; AShift: TShiftState) of object;
- TOriginalClickPointEvent = procedure(ASender: TObject; AIndex: integer; AShift: TShiftState) of object;
- TOriginalHoverPointEvent = procedure(ASender: TObject; AIndex: integer) of object;
- TOriginalChangeEvent = procedure(ASender: TObject; ABounds: PRectF; var ADiff: TBGRAOriginalDiff) of object;
- TOriginalEditingChangeEvent = procedure(ASender: TObject) of object;
- TOriginalEditorCursor = (oecDefault, oecMove, oecMoveW, oecMoveE, oecMoveN, oecMoveS,
- oecMoveNE, oecMoveSW, oecMoveNW, oecMoveSE, oecHandPoint, oecText);
- TSpecialKey = (skUnknown, skBackspace, skTab, skReturn, skEscape,
- skPageUp, skPageDown, skHome, skEnd,
- skLeft, skUp, skRight, skDown,
- skInsert, skDelete,
- skNum0, skNum1, skNum2, skNum3, skNum4, skNum5, skNum6, skNum7, skNum8, skNum9,
- skF1, skF2, skF3, skF4, skF5, skF6, skF7, skF8, skF9, skF10, skF11, skF12,
- skA, skB, skC, skD, skE, skF, skG, skH, skI, skJ, skK, skL, skM, skN, skO, skP, skQ, skR, skS, skT, skU, skV, skW, skX, skY, skZ,
- sk0, sk1, sk2, sk3, sk4, sk5, sk6, sk7, sk8, sk9,
- skShift, skCtrl, skAlt);
- SpecialKeyStr: array[TSpecialKey] of string =
- ('Unknown', 'Backspace', 'Tab', 'Return', 'Escape',
- 'PageUp', 'PageDown', 'Home', 'End',
- 'Left', 'Up', 'Right', 'Down',
- 'Insert', 'Delete',
- 'Num0', 'Num1', 'Num2', 'Num3', 'Num4', 'Num5', 'Num6', 'Num7', 'Num8', 'Num9',
- 'F1', 'F2', 'F3', 'F4', 'F5', 'F6', 'F7', 'F8', 'F9', 'F10', 'F11', 'F12',
- 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z',
- '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9',
- 'Shift', 'Ctrl', 'Alt');
- SpecialKeyToLCL: array[TSpecialKey] of Word =
- VK_F1,VK_F2,VK_F3,VK_F4,VK_F5,VK_F6,VK_F7,VK_F8,VK_F9,VK_F10,VK_F11,VK_F12,
- VK_A, VK_B, VK_C, VK_D, VK_E, VK_F, VK_G, VK_H, VK_I, VK_J, VK_K, VK_L, VK_M, VK_N, VK_O, VK_P, VK_Q, VK_R, VK_S, VK_T, VK_U, VK_V, VK_W, VK_X, VK_Y, VK_Z,
- VK_0, VK_1, VK_2, VK_3, VK_4, VK_5, VK_6, VK_7, VK_8, VK_9,
- function LCLKeyToSpecialKey(AKey: Word; AShift: TShiftState): TSpecialKey;
- TStartMoveHandlers = specialize TFPGList;
- TClickPointHandlers = specialize TFPGList;
- THoverPointHandlers = specialize TFPGList;
- TBGRAOriginalPolylineStyle = (opsNone, opsSolid, opsDash, opsDashWithShadow);
- { TBGRAOriginalEditor }
- TBGRAOriginalEditor = class
- private
- FFocused: boolean;
- FOnFocusChanged: TNotifyEvent;
- function GetIsMovingPoint: boolean;
- function GetPointCoord(AIndex: integer): TPointF;
- function GetPointCount: integer;
- function GetPointHighlighted(AIndex: integer): boolean;
- procedure SetFocused(AValue: boolean);
- procedure SetPointHighlighted(AIndex: integer; AValue: boolean);
- protected
- FMatrix,FMatrixInverse: TAffineMatrix; //view matrix from original coord
- FGridMatrix,FGridMatrixInverse: TAffineMatrix; //grid matrix in original coord
- FGridActive: boolean;
- FPoints: array of record
- Origin, Coord: TPointF;
- OnMove, OnAlternateMove: TOriginalMovePointEvent;
- RightButton, Highlighted: boolean;
- SnapToPoint: integer;
- HitBox: TAffineBox;
- end;
- FPolylines: array of record
- Coords: array of TPointF;
- Closed: boolean;
- Style: TBGRAOriginalPolylineStyle;
- BackColor: TBGRAPixel;
- end;
- FPointSize: single;
- FPointMoving: integer;
- FPointWasMoved: boolean;
- FPointCoordDelta: TPointF;
- FMovingRightButton: boolean;
- FPrevMousePos: TPointF;
- FStartMoveHandlers: TStartMoveHandlers;
- FCurHoverPoint: integer;
- FHoverPointHandlers: THoverPointHandlers;
- FClickPointHandlers: TClickPointHandlers;
- function RenderPoint(ADest: TBGRABitmap; ACoord: TPointF; AAlternateColor: boolean; AHighlighted: boolean): TRect; virtual;
- function GetRenderPointBounds(ACoord: TPointF; AHighlighted: boolean): TRect; virtual;
- function RenderArrow(ADest: TBGRABitmap; AOrigin, AEndCoord: TPointF): TRect; virtual;
- function GetRenderArrowBounds(AOrigin, AEndCoord: TPointF): TRect; virtual;
- function RenderPolygon(ADest: TBGRABitmap; ACoords: array of TPointF; AClosed: boolean; AStyle: TBGRAOriginalPolylineStyle; ABackColor: TBGRAPixel): TRect; virtual;
- function GetRenderPolygonBounds(ACoords: array of TPointF): TRect;
- procedure SetMatrix(AValue: TAffineMatrix);
- procedure SetGridMatrix(AValue: TAffineMatrix);
- procedure SetGridActive(AValue: boolean);
- function GetMoveCursor(APointIndex: integer): TOriginalEditorCursor; virtual;
- function GetFixedShiftForButton(AShift: TShiftState; ARightDown: boolean): TShiftState;
- public
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Clear; virtual;
- procedure AddStartMoveHandler(AOnStartMove: TOriginalStartMovePointEvent);
- procedure AddClickPointHandler(AOnClickPoint: TOriginalClickPointEvent);
- procedure AddHoverPointHandler(AOnHoverPoint: TOriginalHoverPointEvent);
- function AddPoint(const ACoord: TPointF; AOnMove: TOriginalMovePointEvent; ARightButton: boolean = false; ASnapToPoint: integer = -1): integer;
- procedure AddPointAlternateMove(AIndex: integer; AOnAlternateMove: TOriginalMovePointEvent);
- function AddFixedPoint(const ACoord: TPointF; ARightButton: boolean = false): integer;
- function AddArrow(const AOrigin, AEndCoord: TPointF; AOnMoveEnd: TOriginalMovePointEvent; ARightButton: boolean = false): integer;
- function AddPolyline(const ACoords: array of TPointF; AClosed: boolean; AStyle: TBGRAOriginalPolylineStyle): integer; overload;
- function AddPolyline(const ACoords: array of TPointF; AClosed: boolean; AStyle: TBGRAOriginalPolylineStyle; ABackColor: TBGRAPixel): integer; overload;
- procedure SetHitBox(AIndex: integer; AHitBox: TAffineBox);
- procedure MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; ViewX, ViewY: single; out ACursor: TOriginalEditorCursor; out AHandled: boolean); virtual;
- procedure MouseDown(RightButton: boolean; Shift: TShiftState; ViewX, ViewY: single; out ACursor: TOriginalEditorCursor; out AHandled: boolean); virtual;
- procedure MouseUp(RightButton: boolean; {%H-}Shift: TShiftState; {%H-}ViewX, {%H-}ViewY: single; out ACursor: TOriginalEditorCursor; out AHandled: boolean); virtual;
- procedure KeyDown({%H-}Shift: TShiftState; {%H-}Key: TSpecialKey; out AHandled: boolean); virtual;
- procedure KeyUp({%H-}Shift: TShiftState; {%H-}Key: TSpecialKey; out AHandled: boolean); virtual;
- procedure KeyPress({%H-}UTF8Key: string; out AHandled: boolean); virtual;
- function GetPointAt(const ACoord: TPointF; ARightButton: boolean): integer;
- function Render(ADest: TBGRABitmap; const {%H-}ALayoutRect: TRect): TRect; virtual;
- function GetRenderBounds(const {%H-}ALayoutRect: TRect): TRect; virtual;
- function SnapToGrid(const ACoord: TPointF; AIsViewCoord: boolean): TPointF;
- function OriginalCoordToView(const AImageCoord: TPointF): TPointF;
- function ViewCoordToOriginal(const AViewCoord: TPointF): TPointF;
- property Matrix: TAffineMatrix read FMatrix write SetMatrix;
- property GridMatrix: TAffineMatrix read FGridMatrix write SetGridMatrix;
- property GridActive: boolean read FGridActive write SetGridActive;
- property Focused: boolean read FFocused write SetFocused;
- property PointSize: single read FPointSize write FPointSize;
- property PointCount: integer read GetPointCount;
- property PointCoord[AIndex: integer]: TPointF read GetPointCoord;
- property PointHighlighted[AIndex: integer]: boolean read GetPointHighlighted write SetPointHighlighted;
- property OnFocusChanged: TNotifyEvent read FOnFocusChanged write FOnFocusChanged;
- property IsMovingPoint: boolean read GetIsMovingPoint;
- end;
- TBGRACustomOriginalStorage = class;
- ArrayOfSingle = array of single;
- TBGRAOriginalDiff = class
- procedure Apply(AOriginal: TBGRALayerCustomOriginal); virtual; abstract;
- procedure Unapply(AOriginal: TBGRALayerCustomOriginal); virtual; abstract;
- function CanAppend(ADiff: TBGRAOriginalDiff): boolean; virtual; abstract;
- procedure Append(ADiff: TBGRAOriginalDiff); virtual; abstract;
- function IsIdentity: boolean; virtual; abstract;
- end;
- { TBGRALayerCustomOriginal }
- TBGRALayerCustomOriginal = class
- private
- FOnChange: TOriginalChangeEvent;
- FOnEditingChange: TOriginalEditingChangeEvent;
- FRenderStorage: TBGRACustomOriginalStorage;
- function GetDiffExpected: boolean;
- procedure SetOnChange(AValue: TOriginalChangeEvent);
- procedure SetRenderStorage(AValue: TBGRACustomOriginalStorage);
- protected
- FGuid: TGuid;
- function GetGuid: TGuid;
- procedure SetGuid(AValue: TGuid);
- procedure NotifyChange(ADiff: TBGRAOriginalDiff = nil); overload;
- procedure NotifyChange(ABounds: TRectF; ADiff: TBGRAOriginalDiff = nil); overload;
- procedure NotifyEditorChange;
- property DiffExpected: boolean read GetDiffExpected;
- public
- constructor Create; virtual;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- //one of the two Render functions must be overriden
- procedure Render(ADest: TBGRABitmap; AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; ADraft: boolean); virtual;
- procedure Render(ADest: TBGRABitmap; ARenderOffset: TPoint; AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; ADraft: boolean); virtual;
- function GetRenderBounds(ADestRect: TRect; AMatrix: TAffineMatrix): TRect; virtual; abstract;
- procedure ConfigureEditor({%H-}AEditor: TBGRAOriginalEditor); virtual;
- procedure LoadFromStorage(AStorage: TBGRACustomOriginalStorage); virtual; abstract;
- procedure SaveToStorage(AStorage: TBGRACustomOriginalStorage); virtual; abstract;
- procedure LoadFromFile(AFilenameUTF8: string); virtual;
- procedure LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream); virtual;
- procedure LoadFromResource(AFilename: string);
- procedure SaveToFile(AFilenameUTF8: string); virtual;
- procedure SaveToStream(AStream: TStream); virtual;
- function CreateEditor: TBGRAOriginalEditor; virtual;
- class function StorageClassName: RawByteString; virtual; abstract;
- class function CanConvertToSVG: boolean; virtual;
- function IsInfiniteSurface: boolean; virtual;
- function ConvertToSVG(const {%H-}AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; out AOffset: TPoint): TObject; virtual;
- function Duplicate: TBGRALayerCustomOriginal; virtual;
- property Guid: TGuid read GetGuid write SetGuid;
- property OnChange: TOriginalChangeEvent read FOnChange write SetOnChange;
- property OnEditingChange: TOriginalEditingChangeEvent read FOnEditingChange write FOnEditingChange;
- property RenderStorage: TBGRACustomOriginalStorage read FRenderStorage write SetRenderStorage;
- end;
- TBGRALayerImageOriginal = class;
- { TBGRAImageOriginalDiff }
- TBGRAImageOriginalDiff = class(TBGRAOriginalDiff)
- protected
- FContentVersionBefore,FContentVersionAfter: integer;
- FImageBefore,FImageAfter: TBGRABitmap;
- FJpegStreamBefore,FJpegStreamAfter: TMemoryStream;
- public
- constructor Create(AFromOriginal: TBGRALayerImageOriginal);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure ComputeDiff(AToOriginal: TBGRALayerImageOriginal);
- procedure Apply(AOriginal: TBGRALayerCustomOriginal); override;
- procedure Unapply(AOriginal: TBGRALayerCustomOriginal); override;
- function CanAppend(ADiff: TBGRAOriginalDiff): boolean; override;
- procedure Append(ADiff: TBGRAOriginalDiff); override;
- function IsIdentity: boolean; override;
- end;
- { TBGRALayerImageOriginal }
- TBGRALayerImageOriginal = class(TBGRALayerCustomOriginal)
- private
- function GetImageHeight: integer;
- function GetImageWidth: integer;
- protected
- FImage: TBGRABitmap;
- FJpegStream: TMemoryStream;
- FContentVersion: integer;
- FDiff: TBGRAImageOriginalDiff;
- procedure BeginUpdate;
- procedure EndUpdate;
- procedure InternalLoadImageFromStream(AStream: TStream; AUpdate: boolean);
- procedure InternalClear;
- public
- constructor Create; override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function ConvertToSVG(const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; out AOffset: TPoint): TObject; override;
- procedure Render(ADest: TBGRABitmap; AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; ADraft: boolean); override;
- function GetRenderBounds({%H-}ADestRect: TRect; AMatrix: TAffineMatrix): TRect; override;
- procedure LoadFromStorage(AStorage: TBGRACustomOriginalStorage); override;
- procedure SaveToStorage(AStorage: TBGRACustomOriginalStorage); override;
- procedure LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream); override;
- procedure Clear;
- procedure LoadImageFromStream(AStream: TStream);
- procedure SaveImageToStream(AStream: TStream);
- procedure AssignImage(AImage: TBGRACustomBitmap);
- function GetImageCopy: TBGRABitmap;
- class function StorageClassName: RawByteString; override;
- class function CanConvertToSVG: boolean; override;
- property Width: integer read GetImageWidth;
- property Height: integer read GetImageHeight;
- end;
- { TBGRACustomOriginalStorage }
- TBGRACustomOriginalStorage = class
- protected
- FFormats: TFormatSettings;
- function GetBool(AName: utf8string): boolean;
- function GetBoolDef(AName: utf8string; ADefault: boolean): boolean;
- function GetColorArray(AName: UTF8String): ArrayOfTBGRAPixel;
- function GetInteger(AName: utf8string): integer;
- function GetIntegerDef(AName: utf8string; ADefault: integer): integer;
- function GetPointF(AName: utf8string): TPointF;
- function GetRectF(AName: utf8string): TRectF;
- function GetRect(AName: utf8string): TRect;
- function GetAffineMatrix(AName: utf8string): TAffineMatrix;
- function GetRawString(AName: utf8string): RawByteString; virtual; abstract;
- function GetSingle(AName: utf8string): single;
- function GetSingleArray(AName: utf8string): ArrayOfSingle;
- function GetSingleDef(AName: utf8string; ADefault: single): single;
- function GetColor(AName: UTF8String): TBGRAPixel;
- procedure SetBool(AName: utf8string; AValue: boolean);
- procedure SetColorArray(AName: UTF8String; AValue: ArrayOfTBGRAPixel);
- procedure SetInteger(AName: utf8string; AValue: integer);
- procedure SetPointF(AName: utf8string; AValue: TPointF);
- procedure SetRectF(AName: utf8string; AValue: TRectF);
- procedure SetRect(AName: utf8string; AValue: TRect);
- procedure SetAffineMatrix(AName: utf8string; const AValue: TAffineMatrix);
- procedure SetRawString(AName: utf8string; AValue: RawByteString); virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetSingle(AName: utf8string; AValue: single);
- procedure SetSingleArray(AName: utf8string; AValue: ArrayOfSingle);
- procedure SetColor(AName: UTF8String; AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- function GetDelimiter: char;
- function GetEmpty: boolean; virtual; abstract;
- public
- constructor Create;
- function Duplicate: TBGRACustomOriginalStorage; virtual; abstract;
- procedure RemoveAttribute(AName: utf8string); virtual; abstract;
- function HasAttribute(AName: utf8string): boolean; virtual; abstract;
- procedure RemoveObject(AName: utf8string); virtual; abstract;
- function CreateObject(AName: utf8string): TBGRACustomOriginalStorage; virtual; abstract;
- function OpenObject(AName: utf8string): TBGRACustomOriginalStorage; virtual; abstract;
- function ObjectExists(AName: utf8string): boolean; virtual; abstract;
- procedure EnumerateObjects(AList: TStringList); virtual; abstract;
- procedure EnumerateFiles(AList: TStringList); virtual; abstract;
- procedure RemoveFile(AName: utf8string); virtual; abstract;
- function GetFileStream(AName: UTF8String): TStream; virtual; abstract;
- function ReadFile(AName: UTF8String; ADest: TStream): boolean; virtual; abstract;
- function ReadBitmap(AName: UTF8String; ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap): boolean; virtual; abstract;
- procedure WriteFile(AName: UTF8String; ASource: TStream; ACompress: boolean; AOwnStream: boolean = false); virtual; abstract;
- function FileExists(AName: UTF8String): boolean; virtual; abstract;
- function FloatEquals(AName: utf8string; AValue: single): boolean;
- function PointFEquals(AName: utf8string; const AValue: TPointF): boolean;
- function AffineMatrixEquals(AName: utf8string; const AValue: TAffineMatrix): boolean;
- property RawString[AName: utf8string]: RawByteString read GetRawString write SetRawString;
- property Int[AName: utf8string]: integer read GetInteger write SetInteger;
- property IntDef[AName: utf8string; ADefault: integer]: integer read GetIntegerDef;
- property Bool[AName: utf8string]: boolean read GetBool write SetBool;
- property BoolDef[AName: utf8string; ADefault: boolean]: boolean read GetBoolDef;
- property Float[AName: utf8string]: single read GetSingle write SetSingle;
- property FloatArray[AName: utf8string]: ArrayOfSingle read GetSingleArray write SetSingleArray;
- property FloatDef[AName: utf8string; ADefault: single]: single read GetSingleDef;
- property PointF[AName: utf8string]: TPointF read GetPointF write SetPointF;
- property RectangleF[AName: utf8string]: TRectF read GetRectF write SetRectF;
- property Rectangle[AName: utf8string]: TRect read GetRect write SetRect;
- property AffineMatrix[AName: utf8string]: TAffineMatrix read GetAffineMatrix write SetAffineMatrix;
- property Color[AName: UTF8String]: TBGRAPixel read GetColor write SetColor;
- property ColorArray[AName: UTF8String]: ArrayOfTBGRAPixel read GetColorArray write SetColorArray;
- property Empty: boolean read GetEmpty;
- end;
- { TBGRAMemOriginalStorage }
- TBGRAMemOriginalStorage = class(TBGRACustomOriginalStorage)
- protected
- FMemDir: TMemDirectory;
- FMemDirOwned: boolean;
- function GetRawString(AName: utf8string): RawByteString; override;
- procedure SetRawString(AName: utf8string; AValue: RawByteString); override;
- function GetEmpty: boolean; override;
- public
- destructor Destroy; override;
- constructor Create;
- constructor Create(AMemDir: TMemDirectory; AMemDirOwned: boolean = false);
- function Equals(Obj: TObject): boolean; override;
- function Duplicate: TBGRACustomOriginalStorage; override;
- procedure RemoveAttribute(AName: utf8string); override;
- function HasAttribute(AName: utf8string): boolean; override;
- procedure RemoveObject(AName: utf8string); override;
- function CreateObject(AName: utf8string): TBGRACustomOriginalStorage; override;
- function OpenObject(AName: utf8string): TBGRACustomOriginalStorage; override;
- function ObjectExists(AName: utf8string): boolean; override;
- procedure EnumerateObjects(AList: TStringList); override;
- procedure EnumerateFiles(AList: TStringList); override;
- procedure RemoveFile(AName: utf8string); override;
- function GetFileStream(AName: UTF8String): TStream; override;
- function ReadBitmap(AName: UTF8String; ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap): boolean; override;
- function ReadFile(AName: UTF8String; ADest: TStream): boolean; override;
- procedure WriteFile(AName: UTF8String; ASource: TStream; ACompress: boolean; AOwnStream: boolean = false); override;
- function FileExists(AName: UTF8String): boolean; override;
- procedure SaveToStream(AStream: TStream);
- procedure LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream);
- procedure LoadFromResource(AFilename: string);
- procedure CopyTo(AMemDir: TMemDirectory);
- end;
-procedure RegisterLayerOriginal(AClass: TBGRALayerOriginalAny);
-function FindLayerOriginalClass(AStorageClassName: string): TBGRALayerOriginalAny;
-uses BGRAPolygon, math, BGRAMultiFileType, BGRAUTF8, BGRAGraphics, BGRASVG, BGRASVGShapes;
-function LCLKeyToSpecialKey(AKey: Word; AShift: TShiftState): TSpecialKey;
- sk: TSpecialKey;
- if (((AKey >= VK_A) and (AKey <= VK_Z)) or
- ((AKey >= VK_0) and (AKey <= VK_9))) and (AShift*[ssCtrl,ssAlt]=[]) then exit(skUnknown);
- for sk := low(TSpecialKey) to high(TSpecialKey) do
- if AKey = SpecialKeyToLCL[sk] then exit(sk);
- exit(skUnknown);
- LayerOriginalClasses: array of TBGRALayerOriginalAny;
-procedure RegisterLayerOriginal(AClass: TBGRALayerOriginalAny);
- setlength(LayerOriginalClasses, length(LayerOriginalClasses)+1);
- LayerOriginalClasses[high(LayerOriginalClasses)] := AClass;
-function FindLayerOriginalClass(AStorageClassName: string): TBGRALayerOriginalAny;
- i: Integer;
- for i := 0 to high(LayerOriginalClasses) do
- if LayerOriginalClasses[i].StorageClassName = AStorageClassName then
- exit(LayerOriginalClasses[i]);
- exit(nil);
-{ TBGRAImageOriginalDiff }
-constructor TBGRAImageOriginalDiff.Create(AFromOriginal: TBGRALayerImageOriginal);
- FImageBefore := AFromOriginal.FImage.NewReference;
- if Assigned(AFromOriginal.FJpegStream) then
- begin
- FJpegStreamBefore := TMemoryStream.Create;
- AFromOriginal.FJpegStream.Position:= 0;
- FJpegStreamBefore.CopyFrom(AFromOriginal.FJpegStream, AFromOriginal.FJpegStream.Size);
- end;
- FContentVersionBefore:= AFromOriginal.FContentVersion;
-procedure TBGRAImageOriginalDiff.ComputeDiff(
- AToOriginal: TBGRALayerImageOriginal);
- if Assigned(FImageAfter) then FImageAfter.FreeReference;
- FImageAfter := AToOriginal.FImage.NewReference;
- FreeAndNil(FJpegStreamAfter);
- if Assigned(AToOriginal.FJpegStream) then
- begin
- FJpegStreamAfter := TMemoryStream.Create;
- AToOriginal.FJpegStream.Position:= 0;
- FJpegStreamAfter.CopyFrom(AToOriginal.FJpegStream, AToOriginal.FJpegStream.Size);
- end;
- FContentVersionAfter:= AToOriginal.FContentVersion;
-procedure TBGRAImageOriginalDiff.Apply(AOriginal: TBGRALayerCustomOriginal);
- orig: TBGRALayerImageOriginal;
- orig := AOriginal as TBGRALayerImageOriginal;
- orig.FImage.FreeReference;
- orig.FImage := FImageAfter.NewReference;
- FreeAndNil(orig.FJpegStream);
- if Assigned(FJpegStreamAfter) then
- begin
- orig.FJpegStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- FJpegStreamAfter.Position := 0;
- orig.FJpegStream.CopyFrom(FJpegStreamAfter, FJpegStreamAfter.Size);
- end;
- orig.FContentVersion := FContentVersionAfter;
-procedure TBGRAImageOriginalDiff.Unapply(AOriginal: TBGRALayerCustomOriginal);
- orig: TBGRALayerImageOriginal;
- orig := AOriginal as TBGRALayerImageOriginal;
- orig.FImage.FreeReference;
- orig.FImage := FImageBefore.NewReference;
- FreeAndNil(orig.FJpegStream);
- if Assigned(FJpegStreamBefore) then
- begin
- orig.FJpegStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- FJpegStreamBefore.Position := 0;
- orig.FJpegStream.CopyFrom(FJpegStreamBefore, FJpegStreamBefore.Size);
- end;
- orig.FContentVersion := FContentVersionBefore;
-function TBGRAImageOriginalDiff.CanAppend(ADiff: TBGRAOriginalDiff): boolean;
- result := (ADiff is TBGRAImageOriginalDiff) and
- (TBGRAImageOriginalDiff(ADiff).FContentVersionAfter >= FContentVersionAfter);
-procedure TBGRAImageOriginalDiff.Append(ADiff: TBGRAOriginalDiff);
- next: TBGRAImageOriginalDiff;
- next := ADiff as TBGRAImageOriginalDiff;
- if next.FContentVersionAfter < FContentVersionAfter then
- raise exception.Create('Cannot append diff made before this one.');
- FImageAfter.FreeReference;
- FImageAfter := next.FImageAfter.NewReference;
- FreeAndNil(FJpegStreamAfter);
- if Assigned(next.FJpegStreamAfter) then
- begin
- FJpegStreamAfter := TMemoryStream.Create;
- next.FJpegStreamAfter.Position:= 0;
- FJpegStreamAfter.CopyFrom(next.FJpegStreamAfter, next.FJpegStreamAfter.Size);
- end;
- FContentVersionAfter:= next.FContentVersionAfter;
-function TBGRAImageOriginalDiff.IsIdentity: boolean;
- result := FImageBefore.Equals(FImageAfter) and
- ( ((FJpegStreamBefore=nil) and (FJpegStreamAfter=nil)) or
- (Assigned(FJpegStreamBefore) and Assigned(FJpegStreamAfter) and
- (FJpegStreamBefore.Size = FJpegStreamAfter.Size) and
- CompareMem(FJpegStreamBefore.Memory,FJpegStreamBefore.Memory,FJpegStreamBefore.Size)) );
-destructor TBGRAImageOriginalDiff.Destroy;
- FImageBefore.FreeReference;
- FImageAfter.FreeReference;
- FJpegStreamBefore.Free;
- FJpegStreamAfter.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
-{ TBGRAOriginalEditor }
-procedure TBGRAOriginalEditor.SetMatrix(AValue: TAffineMatrix);
- if FMatrix=AValue then Exit;
- FMatrix:=AValue;
- FMatrixInverse := AffineMatrixInverse(FMatrix);
-function TBGRAOriginalEditor.GetMoveCursor(APointIndex: integer): TOriginalEditorCursor;
- d: TPointF;
- ratio: single;
- if (APointIndex < 0) or (APointIndex >= PointCount) then result := oecDefault else
- if isEmptyPointF(FPoints[APointIndex].Origin) then
- begin
- if Assigned(FPoints[APointIndex].OnMove) then
- result := oecMove
- else
- result := oecHandPoint;
- end else
- begin
- d := AffineMatrixLinear(FMatrix)*(FPoints[APointIndex].Coord - FPoints[APointIndex].Origin);
- ratio := sin(Pi/8);
- if (d.x = 0) and (d.y = 0) then result := oecMove else
- if abs(d.x)*ratio >= abs(d.y) then
- begin
- if d.x >= 0 then result := oecMoveE else result := oecMoveW
- end else
- if abs(d.y)*ratio >= abs(d.x) then
- begin
- if d.y >= 0 then result := oecMoveS else result := oecMoveN
- end else
- if (d.x > 0) and (d.y > 0) then result := oecMoveSE else
- if (d.x < 0) and (d.y < 0) then result := oecMoveNW else
- if (d.x > 0) and (d.y < 0) then result := oecMoveNE
- else result := oecMoveSW;
- end;
-function TBGRAOriginalEditor.GetFixedShiftForButton(AShift: TShiftState;
- ARightDown: boolean): TShiftState;
- result := AShift - [ssLeft,ssMiddle,ssRight];
- if ARightDown then include(result, ssRight)
- else include(result, ssLeft);
-function TBGRAOriginalEditor.GetPointCoord(AIndex: integer): TPointF;
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= PointCount) then raise exception.Create('Index out of bounds');
- result := FPoints[AIndex].Coord;
-function TBGRAOriginalEditor.GetIsMovingPoint: boolean;
- result := FPointMoving <> -1;
-function TBGRAOriginalEditor.GetPointCount: integer;
- result := length(FPoints);
-function TBGRAOriginalEditor.GetPointHighlighted(AIndex: integer): boolean;
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= PointCount) then raise exception.Create('Index out of bounds');
- result := FPoints[AIndex].Highlighted;
-procedure TBGRAOriginalEditor.SetFocused(AValue: boolean);
- if FFocused=AValue then Exit;
- FFocused:=AValue;
- if Assigned(FOnFocusChanged) then FOnFocusChanged(self);
-procedure TBGRAOriginalEditor.SetPointHighlighted(AIndex: integer;
- AValue: boolean);
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= PointCount) then raise exception.Create('Index out of bounds');
- FPoints[AIndex].Highlighted := AValue;
-procedure TBGRAOriginalEditor.SetGridActive(AValue: boolean);
- if FGridActive=AValue then Exit;
- FGridActive:=AValue;
-procedure TBGRAOriginalEditor.SetGridMatrix(AValue: TAffineMatrix);
- if FGridMatrix=AValue then Exit;
- FGridMatrix:=AValue;
- FGridMatrixInverse := AffineMatrixInverse(FGridMatrix);
-function TBGRAOriginalEditor.RenderPoint(ADest: TBGRABitmap; ACoord: TPointF; AAlternateColor: boolean; AHighlighted: boolean): TRect;
-const alpha = 192;
-var filler: TBGRAMultishapeFiller;
- c: TBGRAPixel;
- penScale: Single;
- oldClip: TRect;
- result := GetRenderPointBounds(ACoord, AHighlighted);
- if not isEmptyPointF(ACoord) then
- begin
- oldClip := ADest.ClipRect;
- ADest.IntersectClip(result);
- if AAlternateColor then c := BGRA(255,128,128,alpha)
- else if AHighlighted then c := BGRA(96,170,255,alpha)
- else c := BGRA(255,255,255,alpha);
- if AHighlighted then
- ADest.GradientFill(result.Left, result.Top, result.Right, result.Bottom,
- c, BGRAPixelTransparent,
- gtRadial, PointF(ACoord.x,ACoord.y), PointF(result.right,ACoord.y),
- dmDrawWithTransparency);
- penScale := FPointSize / 6;
- if penScale < 1 then penScale := 1;
- filler := TBGRAMultishapeFiller.Create;
- filler.AddEllipseBorder(ACoord.x,ACoord.y, FPointSize-2,FPointSize-2, 3.5*penScale, BGRA(0,0,0,alpha));
- filler.AddEllipseBorder(ACoord.x,ACoord.y, FPointSize-2,FPointSize-2, 1*penScale, c);
- filler.PolygonOrder:= poLastOnTop;
- filler.Draw(ADest);
- filler.Free;
- ADest.ClipRect := oldClip;
- end;
-function TBGRAOriginalEditor.GetRenderPointBounds(ACoord: TPointF; AHighlighted: boolean): TRect;
- r, penScale: Single;
- if isEmptyPointF(ACoord) then
- result := EmptyRect
- else
- begin
- penScale := FPointSize / 6;
- if penScale < 1 then penScale := 1;
- r := FPointSize + (penScale-1)*4;
- if AHighlighted then r := max(r, FPointSize*2);
- result := rect(floor(ACoord.x - r + 0.5), floor(ACoord.y - r + 0.5),
- ceil(ACoord.x + r + 0.5), ceil(ACoord.y + r + 0.5));
- end;
-function TBGRAOriginalEditor.RenderArrow(ADest: TBGRABitmap; AOrigin,
- AEndCoord: TPointF): TRect;
-const alpha = 192;
- pts, ptsContour: ArrayOfTPointF;
- i: Integer;
- rF: TRectF;
- penScale: Single;
- if isEmptyPointF(AOrigin) or isEmptyPointF(AEndCoord) then
- result := EmptyRect
- else
- begin
- penScale := FPointSize / 6;
- if penScale < 1 then penScale := 1;
- ADest.Pen.Arrow.EndAsClassic;
- ADest.Pen.Arrow.EndSize := PointF(FPointSize/penScale,FPointSize/penScale);
- pts := ADest.ComputeWidePolyline([AOrigin,AEndCoord],1*penScale);
- ADest.Pen.Arrow.EndAsNone;
- ptsContour := ADest.ComputeWidePolygon(pts, 2*penScale);
- ADest.FillPolyAntialias(ptsContour, BGRA(0,0,0,alpha));
- ADest.FillPolyAntialias(pts, BGRA(255,255,255,alpha));
- rF := RectF(AOrigin,AEndCoord);
- for i := 0 to high(ptsContour) do
- if not isEmptyPointF(ptsContour[i]) then
- begin
- if ptsContour[i].x < rF.Left then rF.Left := ptsContour[i].x;
- if ptsContour[i].x > rF.Right then rF.Right := ptsContour[i].x;
- if ptsContour[i].y < rF.Top then rF.Top := ptsContour[i].y;
- if ptsContour[i].y > rF.Bottom then rF.Bottom := ptsContour[i].y;
- end;
- result := rect(floor(rF.Left+0.5),floor(rF.Top+0.5),ceil(rF.Right+0.5),ceil(rF.Bottom+0.5));
- end;
-function TBGRAOriginalEditor.GetRenderArrowBounds(AOrigin, AEndCoord: TPointF): TRect;
- penScale, margin: Single;
- if isEmptyPointF(AOrigin) or isEmptyPointF(AEndCoord) then
- result := EmptyRect
- else
- begin
- penScale := FPointSize / 6;
- if penScale < 1 then penScale := 1;
- margin := penScale * 1.5;
- result := Rect(floor(AOrigin.x+0.5-margin),floor(AOrigin.y+0.5-margin),
- ceil(AOrigin.x+0.5+margin),ceil(AOrigin.y+0.5+margin));
- result.Union( rect(floor(AEndCoord.x+0.5-FPointSize-margin), floor(AEndCoord.y+0.5-FPointSize-margin),
- ceil(AEndCoord.x+0.5+FPointSize+margin), ceil(AEndCoord.y+0.5+FPointSize+margin)) );
- end;
-function TBGRAOriginalEditor.RenderPolygon(ADest: TBGRABitmap;
- ACoords: array of TPointF; AClosed: boolean; AStyle: TBGRAOriginalPolylineStyle; ABackColor: TBGRAPixel): TRect;
- dashLen: integer;
- i: integer;
- ptsF: array of TPointF;
- pts1,pts2: array of TPoint;
- dashLen := round(PointSize/2);
- if dashLen < 1 then dashLen := 1;
- setlength(pts1, length(ACoords));
- for i := 0 to high(ACoords) do
- pts1[i] := ACoords[i].Round;
- setlength(ptsF, length(pts1));
- for i := 0 to high(pts1) do
- ptsF[i] := PointF(pts1[i]);
- if ABackColor.alpha <> 0 then
- ADest.FillPolyAntialias(ptsF, ABackColor);
- case AStyle of
- opsDash, opsDashWithShadow:
- begin
- if AStyle = opsDashWithShadow then
- begin
- //shadow
- setlength(pts2,length(pts1));
- for i := 0 to high(pts1) do
- if not isEmptyPoint(pts1[i]) then
- pts2[i] := Point(pts1[i].x+1,pts1[i].y+1)
- else pts2[i] := EmptyPoint;
- if AClosed then
- ADest.DrawPolygonAntialias(pts2, BGRA(0,0,0,96))
- else
- ADest.DrawPolyLineAntialias(pts2, BGRA(0,0,0,96), true);
- pts2:= nil;
- end;
- //dotted line
- if AClosed then
- ADest.DrawPolygonAntialias(pts1, CSSIvory,BGRA(70,70,50),dashLen)
- else
- ADest.DrawPolyLineAntialias(pts1, CSSIvory,BGRA(70,70,50),dashLen, true);
- end;
- opsSolid:
- begin
- ADest.JoinStyle:= pjsRound;
- ADest.LineCap:= pecRound;
- //black outline
- if AClosed then
- ADest.DrawPolygonAntialias(ptsF, BGRA(0,0,0,192), 3)
- else
- ADest.DrawPolyLineAntialias(ptsF, BGRA(0,0,0,192), 3);
- if AClosed then
- ADest.DrawPolygonAntialias(pts1, CSSIvory)
- else
- ADest.DrawPolyLineAntialias(pts1, CSSIvory, true);
- end;
- end;
- result := GetRenderPolygonBounds(ACoords);
-function TBGRAOriginalEditor.GetRenderPolygonBounds(ACoords: array of TPointF): TRect;
- first: Boolean;
- rF: TRectF;
- i: Integer;
- first:= true;
- rF:= EmptyRectF;
- for i := 0 to high(ACoords) do
- if not isEmptyPointF(ACoords[i]) then
- begin
- if first then
- begin
- rF := RectF(Acoords[i],ACoords[i]);
- first:= false;
- end else
- begin
- if ACoords[i].x < rF.Left then rF.Left := ACoords[i].x;
- if ACoords[i].x > rF.Right then rF.Right := ACoords[i].x;
- if ACoords[i].y < rF.Top then rF.Top := ACoords[i].y;
- if ACoords[i].y > rF.Bottom then rF.Bottom := ACoords[i].y;
- end;
- end;
- if not first then
- result := rect(floor(rF.Left-0.5),floor(rF.Top-0.5),ceil(rF.Right+1.5),ceil(rF.Bottom+1.5))
- else
- result := EmptyRect;
-constructor TBGRAOriginalEditor.Create;
- FPointSize:= 6;
- FMatrix := AffineMatrixIdentity;
- FMatrixInverse := AffineMatrixIdentity;
- FGridMatrix := AffineMatrixIdentity;
- FGridMatrixInverse := AffineMatrixIdentity;
- FGridActive:= false;
- FPointMoving:= -1;
- FStartMoveHandlers := TStartMoveHandlers.Create;
- FCurHoverPoint:= -1;
- FHoverPointHandlers := THoverPointHandlers.Create;
- FClickPointHandlers := TClickPointHandlers.Create;
-destructor TBGRAOriginalEditor.Destroy;
- FreeAndNil(FStartMoveHandlers);
- FreeAndNil(FHoverPointHandlers);
- FreeAndNil(FClickPointHandlers);
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TBGRAOriginalEditor.Clear;
- FPoints := nil;
- FPolylines := nil;
- FStartMoveHandlers.Clear;
- FHoverPointHandlers.Clear;
- FClickPointHandlers.Clear;
-procedure TBGRAOriginalEditor.AddStartMoveHandler(
- AOnStartMove: TOriginalStartMovePointEvent);
- FStartMoveHandlers.Add(AOnStartMove);
-procedure TBGRAOriginalEditor.AddClickPointHandler(
- AOnClickPoint: TOriginalClickPointEvent);
- FClickPointHandlers.Add(AOnClickPoint);
-procedure TBGRAOriginalEditor.AddHoverPointHandler(
- AOnHoverPoint: TOriginalHoverPointEvent);
- FHoverPointHandlers.Add(AOnHoverPoint);
-function TBGRAOriginalEditor.AddPoint(const ACoord: TPointF;
- AOnMove: TOriginalMovePointEvent; ARightButton: boolean; ASnapToPoint: integer): integer;
- setlength(FPoints, length(FPoints)+1);
- result := High(FPoints);
- with FPoints[result] do
- begin
- Origin := EmptyPointF;
- Coord := ACoord;
- OnMove := AOnMove;
- OnAlternateMove:= nil;
- RightButton:= ARightButton;
- SnapToPoint:= ASnapToPoint;
- HitBox := TAffineBox.EmptyBox;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAOriginalEditor.AddPointAlternateMove(AIndex: integer;
- AOnAlternateMove: TOriginalMovePointEvent);
- if (AIndex >= 0) and (AIndex < PointCount) then
- FPoints[AIndex].OnAlternateMove:= AOnAlternateMove;
-function TBGRAOriginalEditor.AddFixedPoint(const ACoord: TPointF;
- ARightButton: boolean): integer;
- setlength(FPoints, length(FPoints)+1);
- result := High(FPoints);
- with FPoints[result] do
- begin
- Origin := EmptyPointF;
- Coord := ACoord;
- OnMove := nil;
- OnAlternateMove:= nil;
- RightButton:= ARightButton;
- Highlighted:= false;
- SnapToPoint:= -1;
- HitBox := TAffineBox.EmptyBox;
- end;
-function TBGRAOriginalEditor.AddArrow(const AOrigin, AEndCoord: TPointF;
- AOnMoveEnd: TOriginalMovePointEvent; ARightButton: boolean): integer;
- setlength(FPoints, length(FPoints)+1);
- result := High(FPoints);
- with FPoints[result] do
- begin
- Origin := AOrigin;
- Coord := AEndCoord;
- OnMove := AOnMoveEnd;
- OnAlternateMove:= nil;
- RightButton:= ARightButton;
- Highlighted:= false;
- SnapToPoint:= -1;
- HitBox := TAffineBox.EmptyBox;
- end;
-function TBGRAOriginalEditor.AddPolyline(const ACoords: array of TPointF;
- AClosed: boolean; AStyle: TBGRAOriginalPolylineStyle): integer;
- result := AddPolyline(ACoords, AClosed, AStyle, BGRAPixelTransparent);
-function TBGRAOriginalEditor.AddPolyline(const ACoords: array of TPointF;
- AClosed: boolean; AStyle: TBGRAOriginalPolylineStyle; ABackColor: TBGRAPixel): integer;
- i: Integer;
- setlength(FPolylines, length(FPolylines)+1);
- result := high(FPolylines);
- setlength(FPolylines[result].Coords, length(ACoords));
- for i := 0 to high(ACoords) do
- FPolylines[result].Coords[i] := ACoords[i];
- FPolylines[result].Closed:= AClosed;
- FPolylines[result].Style := AStyle;
- FPolylines[result].BackColor := ABackColor;
-procedure TBGRAOriginalEditor.SetHitBox(AIndex: integer; AHitBox: TAffineBox);
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= PointCount) then raise exception.Create('Index out of bounds');
- FPoints[AIndex].HitBox := AHitBox;
-procedure TBGRAOriginalEditor.MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; ViewX, ViewY: single; out
- ACursor: TOriginalEditorCursor; out AHandled: boolean);
-var newMousePos, newCoord, snapCoord: TPointF;
- hoverPoint, i: Integer;
- subShift: TShiftState;
- AHandled := false;
- newMousePos := ViewCoordToOriginal(PointF(ViewX,ViewY));
- if (FPointMoving <> -1) and (FPointMoving < length(FPoints)) then
- begin
- newCoord := newMousePos + FPointCoordDelta;
- if GridActive then newCoord := SnapToGrid(newCoord, false);
- if FPoints[FPointMoving].SnapToPoint <> -1 then
- begin
- snapCoord := FPoints[FPoints[FPointMoving].SnapToPoint].Coord;
- if VectLen(AffineMatrixLinear(FMatrix)*(snapCoord - newCoord)) < FPointSize then
- newCoord := snapCoord;
- end;
- if newCoord <> FPoints[FPointMoving].Coord then
- begin
- FPointWasMoved:= true;
- subShift := GetFixedShiftForButton(Shift, FMovingRightButton);
- if (FMovingRightButton xor FPoints[FPointMoving].RightButton) and
- Assigned(FPoints[FPointMoving].OnAlternateMove) then
- FPoints[FPointMoving].OnAlternateMove(self, FPoints[FPointMoving].Coord, newCoord, subShift)
- else
- FPoints[FPointMoving].OnMove(self, FPoints[FPointMoving].Coord, newCoord, subShift);
- if (FPointMoving >= 0) and (FPointMoving < length(FPoints)) then
- FPoints[FPointMoving].Coord := newCoord
- else
- FPointMoving := -1;
- end;
- ACursor := GetMoveCursor(FPointMoving);
- AHandled:= true;
- end else
- begin
- hoverPoint := GetPointAt(newMousePos, false);
- if hoverPoint <> -1 then
- ACursor := GetMoveCursor(hoverPoint)
- else
- ACursor:= oecDefault;
- if hoverPoint <> FCurHoverPoint then
- begin
- FCurHoverPoint:= hoverPoint;
- for i := 0 to FHoverPointHandlers.Count-1 do
- FHoverPointHandlers[i](self, FCurHoverPoint);
- end;
- end;
- FPrevMousePos:= newMousePos;
-procedure TBGRAOriginalEditor.MouseDown(RightButton: boolean;
- Shift: TShiftState; ViewX, ViewY: single; out ACursor: TOriginalEditorCursor; out
- AHandled: boolean);
- i, clickedPoint: Integer;
- subShift: TShiftState;
- AHandled:= false;
- FPrevMousePos:= ViewCoordToOriginal(PointF(ViewX,ViewY));
- if FPointMoving = -1 then
- begin
- clickedPoint := GetPointAt(FPrevMousePos, RightButton);
- if clickedPoint <> -1 then
- begin
- subShift := GetFixedShiftForButton(Shift, RightButton);
- if Assigned(FPoints[clickedPoint].OnMove) then
- begin
- FPointMoving:= clickedPoint;
- FPointWasMoved:= false;
- FMovingRightButton:= RightButton;
- FPointCoordDelta := FPoints[FPointMoving].Coord - FPrevMousePos;
- for i := 0 to FStartMoveHandlers.Count-1 do
- FStartMoveHandlers[i](self, FPointMoving, subShift);
- end else
- begin
- for i := 0 to FClickPointHandlers.Count-1 do
- FClickPointHandlers[i](self, clickedPoint, subShift);
- end;
- AHandled:= true;
- end;
- end;
- if FPointMoving <> -1 then
- begin
- ACursor := GetMoveCursor(FPointMoving);
- AHandled:= true;
- end
- else
- ACursor := oecDefault;
-procedure TBGRAOriginalEditor.MouseUp(RightButton: boolean; Shift: TShiftState;
- ViewX, ViewY: single; out ACursor: TOriginalEditorCursor; out AHandled: boolean);
- i: Integer;
- subShift: TShiftState;
- AHandled:= false;
- if (RightButton = FMovingRightButton) and (FPointMoving <> -1) then
- begin
- if not FPointWasMoved then
- begin
- subShift := GetFixedShiftForButton(Shift, RightButton);
- for i := 0 to FClickPointHandlers.Count-1 do
- FClickPointHandlers[i](self, FPointMoving, subShift);
- end;
- FPointMoving:= -1;
- AHandled:= true;
- end;
- ACursor := oecDefault;
-procedure TBGRAOriginalEditor.KeyDown(Shift: TShiftState; Key: TSpecialKey; out
- AHandled: boolean);
- AHandled := false;
-procedure TBGRAOriginalEditor.KeyUp(Shift: TShiftState; Key: TSpecialKey; out
- AHandled: boolean);
- AHandled := false;
-procedure TBGRAOriginalEditor.KeyPress(UTF8Key: string; out AHandled: boolean);
- AHandled := false;
-function TBGRAOriginalEditor.GetPointAt(const ACoord: TPointF; ARightButton: boolean): integer;
-var v: TPointF;
- curDist,newDist: single;
- i: Integer;
- transfCoord: TPointF;
- if ARightButton then
- curDist := sqr(2.25*FPointSize)
- else
- curDist := sqr(1.25*FPointSize);
- result := -1;
- transfCoord:= Matrix*ACoord;
- for i := 0 to high(FPoints) do
- if FPoints[i].RightButton = ARightButton then
- begin
- v := Matrix*FPoints[i].Coord - transfCoord;
- newDist := v*v;
- if newDist <= curDist then
- begin
- curDist:= newDist;
- result := i;
- end;
- end;
- if result <> -1 then exit;
- if not ARightButton then
- curDist := sqr(2.25*FPointSize)
- else
- curDist := sqr(1.25*FPointSize);
- for i := 0 to high(FPoints) do
- if FPoints[i].RightButton <> ARightButton then
- begin
- v := Matrix*FPoints[i].Coord - transfCoord;
- newDist := v*v;
- if newDist <= curDist then
- begin
- curDist:= newDist;
- result := i;
- end;
- end;
- for i := 0 to high(FPoints) do
- if (FPoints[i].RightButton = ARightButton)
- and FPoints[i].HitBox.Contains(ACoord) then exit(i);
- for i := 0 to high(FPoints) do
- if (FPoints[i].RightButton <> ARightButton)
- and FPoints[i].HitBox.Contains(ACoord) then exit(i);
-function TBGRAOriginalEditor.Render(ADest: TBGRABitmap; const ALayoutRect: TRect): TRect;
- i,j: Integer;
- elemRect: TRect;
- ptsF: array of TPointF;
- result := EmptyRect;
- for i := 0 to high(FPoints) do
- begin
- if isEmptyPointF(FPoints[i].Origin) then
- elemRect := RenderPoint(ADest, OriginalCoordToView(FPoints[i].Coord), FPoints[i].RightButton, FPoints[i].Highlighted)
- else
- elemRect := RenderArrow(ADest, OriginalCoordToView(FPoints[i].Origin), OriginalCoordToView(FPoints[i].Coord));
- if not elemRect.IsEmpty then
- begin
- if result.IsEmpty then
- result := elemRect
- else
- result.Union(elemRect);
- end;
- end;
- for i := 0 to high(FPolylines) do
- begin
- with FPolylines[i] do
- begin
- setlength(ptsF, length(Coords));
- for j := 0 to high(Coords) do
- if IsEmptyPointF(Coords[j]) then
- ptsF[j] := EmptyPointF
- else
- ptsF[j] := OriginalCoordToView(Coords[j]);
- elemRect := RenderPolygon(ADest, ptsF, Closed, Style, BackColor);
- end;
- if not elemRect.IsEmpty then
- begin
- if result.IsEmpty then
- result := elemRect
- else
- result.Union(elemRect);
- end;
- end;
-function TBGRAOriginalEditor.GetRenderBounds(const ALayoutRect: TRect): TRect;
- i,j: Integer;
- elemRect: TRect;
- ptsF: array of TPointF;
- result := EmptyRect;
- for i := 0 to high(FPoints) do
- begin
- if isEmptyPointF(FPoints[i].Origin) then
- elemRect := GetRenderPointBounds(OriginalCoordToView(FPoints[i].Coord), FPoints[i].Highlighted)
- else
- elemRect := GetRenderArrowBounds(OriginalCoordToView(FPoints[i].Origin), OriginalCoordToView(FPoints[i].Coord));
- if not elemRect.IsEmpty then
- begin
- if result.IsEmpty then
- result := elemRect
- else
- result.Union(elemRect);
- end;
- end;
- for i := 0 to high(FPolylines) do
- begin
- with FPolylines[i] do
- begin
- setlength(ptsF, length(Coords));
- for j := 0 to high(Coords) do
- if IsEmptyPointF(Coords[j]) then
- ptsF[j] := EmptyPointF
- else
- ptsF[j] := OriginalCoordToView(Coords[j]);
- elemRect := GetRenderPolygonBounds(ptsF);
- end;
- if not elemRect.IsEmpty then
- begin
- if result.IsEmpty then
- result := elemRect
- else
- result.Union(elemRect);
- end;
- end;
-function TBGRAOriginalEditor.SnapToGrid(const ACoord: TPointF;
- AIsViewCoord: boolean): TPointF;
- gridCoord: TPointF;
- if AIsViewCoord then
- gridCoord := FGridMatrixInverse*ViewCoordToOriginal(ACoord)
- else
- gridCoord := FGridMatrixInverse*ACoord;
- gridCoord.x := round(gridCoord.x);
- gridCoord.y := round(gridCoord.y);
- result := FGridMatrix*gridCoord;
- if AIsViewCoord then
- result := OriginalCoordToView(result);
-function TBGRAOriginalEditor.OriginalCoordToView(const AImageCoord: TPointF): TPointF;
- result := FMatrix*AImageCoord;
-function TBGRAOriginalEditor.ViewCoordToOriginal(const AViewCoord: TPointF): TPointF;
- result := FMatrixInverse*AViewCoord;
-{ TBGRAMemOriginalStorage }
-function TBGRAMemOriginalStorage.GetRawString(AName: utf8string): RawByteString;
- idx: Integer;
- if pos('.',AName)<>0 then exit('');
- idx := FMemDir.IndexOf(AName,'',true);
- if idx = -1 then
- result := ''
- else if FMemDir.IsDirectory[idx] then
- raise exception.Create('This name refers to an object and not an attribute')
- else
- result := FMemDir.RawString[idx];
-procedure TBGRAMemOriginalStorage.SetRawString(AName: utf8string;
- AValue: RawByteString);
- idx: Integer;
- if pos('.',AName)<>0 then
- raise exception.Create('Attribute name cannot contain "."');
- idx := FMemDir.IndexOf(AName,'',true);
- if idx = -1 then
- FMemDir.Add(AName,'',AValue)
- else if FMemDir.IsDirectory[idx] then
- raise exception.Create('This name refers to an existing object and so cannot be an attribute')
- else
- FMemDir.RawString[idx] := AValue;
-function TBGRAMemOriginalStorage.GetEmpty: boolean;
- result := FMemDir.Count = 0;
-destructor TBGRAMemOriginalStorage.Destroy;
- if FMemDirOwned then FreeAndNil(FMemDir);
- inherited Destroy;
-constructor TBGRAMemOriginalStorage.Create;
- inherited Create;
- FMemDir := TMemDirectory.Create;
- FMemDirOwned:= true;
-constructor TBGRAMemOriginalStorage.Create(AMemDir: TMemDirectory; AMemDirOwned: boolean = false);
- inherited Create;
- FMemDir := AMemDir;
- FMemDirOwned:= AMemDirOwned;
-function TBGRAMemOriginalStorage.Equals(Obj: TObject): boolean;
- other: TBGRAMemOriginalStorage;
- if not (Obj is TBGRAMemOriginalStorage) then exit(false);
- other := TBGRAMemOriginalStorage(obj);
- result := FMemDir.Equals(other.FMemDir);
-function TBGRAMemOriginalStorage.Duplicate: TBGRACustomOriginalStorage;
- result := TBGRAMemOriginalStorage.Create;
- CopyTo(TBGRAMemOriginalStorage(result).FMemDir);
-procedure TBGRAMemOriginalStorage.RemoveAttribute(AName: utf8string);
- idx: Integer;
- if pos('.',AName)<>0 then exit;
- idx := FMemDir.IndexOf(AName,'',true);
- if idx = -1 then exit
- else if FMemDir.IsDirectory[idx] then
- raise exception.Create('This name refers to an object and not an attribute')
- else
- FMemDir.Delete(idx);
-function TBGRAMemOriginalStorage.HasAttribute(AName: utf8string): boolean;
- idx: Integer;
- if pos('.',AName)<>0 then exit(false);
- idx := FMemDir.IndexOf(AName,'',true);
- if idx = -1 then exit(false)
- else exit(not FMemDir.IsDirectory[idx]);
-procedure TBGRAMemOriginalStorage.RemoveObject(AName: utf8string);
- idx: Integer;
- idx := FMemDir.IndexOf(EntryFilename(AName));
- if idx = -1 then exit
- else if not FMemDir.IsDirectory[idx] then
- raise exception.Create('This name refers to an attribute and not an object')
- else
- FMemDir.Delete(idx);
-function TBGRAMemOriginalStorage.CreateObject(AName: utf8string): TBGRACustomOriginalStorage;
- dirIdx: Integer;
- if pos('.',AName)<>0 then
- raise exception.Create('An object cannot contain "."');
- RemoveObject(AName);
- dirIdx := FMemDir.AddDirectory(AName,'');
- result := TBGRAMemOriginalStorage.Create(FMemDir.Directory[dirIdx]);
-function TBGRAMemOriginalStorage.OpenObject(AName: utf8string): TBGRACustomOriginalStorage;
- dir: TMemDirectory;
- if pos('.',AName)<>0 then
- raise exception.Create('An object cannot contain "."');
- dir := FMemDir.FindPath(AName);
- if dir = nil then
- result := nil
- else
- result := TBGRAMemOriginalStorage.Create(dir);
-function TBGRAMemOriginalStorage.ObjectExists(AName: utf8string): boolean;
- dir: TMemDirectory;
- if pos('.',AName)<>0 then exit(false);
- dir := FMemDir.FindPath(AName);
- result:= Assigned(dir);
-procedure TBGRAMemOriginalStorage.EnumerateObjects(AList: TStringList);
- i: Integer;
- for i := 0 to FMemDir.Count-1 do
- if FMemDir.IsDirectory[i] then
- AList.Add(FMemDir.Entry[i].Name);
-procedure TBGRAMemOriginalStorage.EnumerateFiles(AList: TStringList);
- i: Integer;
- for i := 0 to FMemDir.Count-1 do
- if not FMemDir.IsDirectory[i] then
- AList.Add(FMemDir.Entry[i].Name);
-procedure TBGRAMemOriginalStorage.RemoveFile(AName: utf8string);
- idx: Integer;
- idx := FMemDir.IndexOf(EntryFilename(AName));
- if idx = -1 then exit
- else if FMemDir.IsDirectory[idx] then
- raise exception.Create('This name refers to an object and not a file')
- else
- FMemDir.Delete(idx);
-function TBGRAMemOriginalStorage.GetFileStream(AName: UTF8String): TStream;
- entryId: Integer;
- entryId := FMemDir.IndexOf(EntryFilename(AName));
- if (entryId <> -1) and not FMemDir.IsDirectory[entryId] then
- begin
- with FMemDir.Entry[entryId] do
- result := GetStream;
- end
- else
- result := nil;
-function TBGRAMemOriginalStorage.ReadBitmap(AName: UTF8String;
- ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap): boolean;
- entryId: Integer;
- stream: TStream;
- entryId := FMemDir.IndexOf(EntryFilename(AName));
- if (entryId <> -1) and not FMemDir.IsDirectory[entryId] then
- begin
- if FMemDir.IsEntryCompressed[entryId] then
- begin
- stream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- with FMemDir.Entry[entryId] do
- begin
- if CopyTo(stream) <> FileSize then
- result := false
- else
- begin
- stream.Position:= 0;
- ADest.LoadFromStream(stream);
- result := true;
- end;
- end;
- finally
- stream.Free;
- end;
- end else
- with FMemDir.Entry[entryId] do
- begin
- stream := GetStream;
- stream.Position:= 0;
- ADest.LoadFromStream(stream);
- result := true;
- end;
- end
- else
- result := false;
-function TBGRAMemOriginalStorage.ReadFile(AName: UTF8String; ADest: TStream): boolean;
- entryId: Integer;
- entryId := FMemDir.IndexOf(EntryFilename(AName));
- if (entryId <> -1) and not FMemDir.IsDirectory[entryId] then
- begin
- with FMemDir.Entry[entryId] do
- result := CopyTo(ADest) = FileSize
- end
- else
- result := false;
-procedure TBGRAMemOriginalStorage.WriteFile(AName: UTF8String; ASource: TStream; ACompress: boolean; AOwnStream: boolean);
- idxEntry: Integer;
- idxEntry := FMemDir.Add(EntryFilename(AName), ASource, true, AOwnStream);
- if ACompress then FMemDir.IsEntryCompressed[idxEntry] := true;
-function TBGRAMemOriginalStorage.FileExists(AName: UTF8String): boolean;
- entryId: Integer;
- entryId := FMemDir.IndexOf(EntryFilename(AName));
- result := (entryId <> -1) and not FMemDir.IsDirectory[entryId];
-procedure TBGRAMemOriginalStorage.SaveToStream(AStream: TStream);
- FMemDir.SaveToStream(AStream);
-procedure TBGRAMemOriginalStorage.LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream);
- FMemDir.LoadFromStream(AStream);
-procedure TBGRAMemOriginalStorage.LoadFromResource(AFilename: string);
- FMemDir.LoadFromResource(AFilename);
-procedure TBGRAMemOriginalStorage.CopyTo(AMemDir: TMemDirectory);
- FMemDir.CopyTo(AMemDir, true);
-{ TBGRACustomOriginalStorage }
-function TBGRACustomOriginalStorage.GetColor(AName: UTF8String): TBGRAPixel;
- result := StrToBGRA(RawString[AName], BGRAPixelTransparent);
-procedure TBGRACustomOriginalStorage.SetColor(AName: UTF8String;
- AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- RawString[AName] := LowerCase(BGRAToStr(AValue, CSSColors));
-function TBGRACustomOriginalStorage.GetDelimiter: char;
- if FFormats.DecimalSeparator = ',' then
- result := ';' else result := ',';
-function TBGRACustomOriginalStorage.GetRectF(AName: utf8string): TRectF;
- a: array of Single;
- a := FloatArray[AName];
- if length(a)<4 then
- result := EmptyRectF
- else
- begin
- result.Left := a[0];
- result.Top := a[1];
- result.Right := a[2];
- result.Bottom := a[3];
- end;
-procedure TBGRACustomOriginalStorage.SetRectF(AName: utf8string; AValue: TRectF);
- a: array of Single;
- setlength(a,4);
- a[0] := AValue.Left;
- a[1] := AValue.Top;
- a[2] := AValue.Right;
- a[3] := AValue.Bottom;
- FloatArray[AName] := a;
-function TBGRACustomOriginalStorage.GetAffineMatrix(AName: utf8string): TAffineMatrix;
- stream: TMemoryStream;
- stream:= TMemoryStream.Create;
- if ReadFile(AName, stream) and (stream.Size >= sizeof(result)) then
- begin
- stream.Position:= 0;
- {$PUSH}{$HINTS OFF}stream.ReadBuffer({%H-}result, sizeof({%H-}result));{$POP}
- LongWord(result[1,1]) := NtoLE(LongWord(result[1,1]));
- LongWord(result[2,1]) := NtoLE(LongWord(result[2,1]));
- LongWord(result[1,2]) := NtoLE(LongWord(result[1,2]));
- LongWord(result[2,2]) := NtoLE(LongWord(result[2,2]));
- LongWord(result[1,3]) := NtoLE(LongWord(result[1,3]));
- LongWord(result[2,3]) := NtoLE(LongWord(result[2,3]));
- end else
- result := AffineMatrixIdentity;
- stream.Free;
-procedure TBGRACustomOriginalStorage.SetAffineMatrix(AName: utf8string;
- const AValue: TAffineMatrix);
- stream: TMemoryStream;
- stream:= TMemoryStream.Create;
- stream.WriteBuffer(AValue, sizeof(AValue));
- WriteFile(AName,stream,false,true);
-function TBGRACustomOriginalStorage.GetRect(AName: utf8string): TRect;
- rF: TRectF;
- rF := RectangleF[AName];
- result := rect(round(rF.Left),round(rF.Top),round(rF.Right),round(rF.Bottom));
-procedure TBGRACustomOriginalStorage.SetRect(AName: utf8string; AValue: TRect);
- rF: TRectF;
- rF := rectF(AValue.Left,AValue.Top,AValue.Right,AValue.Bottom);
- RectangleF[AName] := rF;
-function TBGRACustomOriginalStorage.GetBoolDef(AName: utf8string;
- ADefault: boolean): boolean;
- if RawString[AName] = 'true' then result := true
- else if RawString[AName] = 'false' then result := false
- else result := ADefault;
-function TBGRACustomOriginalStorage.GetBool(AName: utf8string): boolean;
- result := GetBoolDef(AName, false);
-function TBGRACustomOriginalStorage.GetSingleArray(AName: utf8string): ArrayOfSingle;
- textVal: String;
- values: TStringList;
- i: Integer;
- textVal := Trim(RawString[AName]);
- if textVal = '' then exit(nil);
- values := TStringList.Create;
- values.StrictDelimiter := true;
- values.Delimiter:= GetDelimiter;
- values.DelimitedText:= textVal;
- setlength(result, values.Count);
- for i := 0 to high(result) do
- if CompareText(values[i],'none')=0 then
- result[i] := EmptySingle
- else
- result[i] := StrToFloatDef(values[i], 0, FFormats);
- values.Free;
-function TBGRACustomOriginalStorage.GetColorArray(AName: UTF8String
- ): ArrayOfTBGRAPixel;
-var colorNames: TStringList;
- i: Integer;
- colorNames := TStringList.Create;
- colorNames.StrictDelimiter := true;
- colorNames.Delimiter:= GetDelimiter;
- colorNames.DelimitedText:= RawString[AName];
- setlength(result, colorNames.Count);
- for i := 0 to high(result) do
- result[i] := StrToBGRA(colorNames[i],BGRAPixelTransparent);
- colorNames.Free;
-function TBGRACustomOriginalStorage.GetIntegerDef(AName: utf8string;
- ADefault: integer): integer;
- result := StrToIntDef(RawString[AName],ADefault);
-function TBGRACustomOriginalStorage.GetSingleDef(AName: utf8string;
- ADefault: single): single;
- result := StrToFloatDef(RawString[AName], ADefault, FFormats);
-procedure TBGRACustomOriginalStorage.SetBool(AName: utf8string; AValue: boolean);
- RawString[AName] := BoolToStr(AValue,'true','false');
-procedure TBGRACustomOriginalStorage.SetSingleArray(AName: utf8string;
- AValue: ArrayOfSingle);
- values: TStringList;
- i: Integer;
- values:= TStringList.Create;
- values.StrictDelimiter:= true;
- values.Delimiter:= GetDelimiter;
- for i := 0 to high(AValue) do
- if AValue[i] = EmptySingle then
- values.Add('none')
- else
- values.Add(FloatToStr(AValue[i], FFormats));
- RawString[AName] := values.DelimitedText;
- values.Free;
-procedure TBGRACustomOriginalStorage.SetColorArray(AName: UTF8String;
- AValue: ArrayOfTBGRAPixel);
-var colorNames: TStringList;
- i: Integer;
- colorNames := TStringList.Create;
- colorNames.StrictDelimiter := true;
- colorNames.Delimiter:= GetDelimiter;
- for i := 0 to high(AValue) do
- colorNames.Add(LowerCase(BGRAToStr(AValue[i], CSSColors)));
- RawString[AName] := colorNames.DelimitedText;
- colorNames.Free;
-function TBGRACustomOriginalStorage.GetInteger(AName: utf8string): integer;
- result := GetIntegerDef(AName,0);
-function TBGRACustomOriginalStorage.GetPointF(AName: utf8string): TPointF;
- s: String;
- posComma: integer;
- s := RawString[AName];
- posComma := pos(GetDelimiter,s);
- if posComma = 0 then
- exit(EmptyPointF);
- result.x := StrToFloat(copy(s,1,posComma-1), FFormats);
- result.y := StrToFloat(copy(s,posComma+1,length(s)-posComma), FFormats);
-function TBGRACustomOriginalStorage.GetSingle(AName: utf8string): single;
- result := GetSingleDef(AName, EmptySingle);
-procedure TBGRACustomOriginalStorage.SetInteger(AName: utf8string;
- AValue: integer);
- RawString[AName] := IntToStr(AValue);
-procedure TBGRACustomOriginalStorage.SetPointF(AName: utf8string;
- AValue: TPointF);
- if isEmptyPointF(AValue) then RemoveAttribute(AName)
- else RawString[AName] := FloatToStrF(AValue.x, ffGeneral,7,3, FFormats)+GetDelimiter+FloatToStrF(AValue.y, ffGeneral,7,3, FFormats);
-procedure TBGRACustomOriginalStorage.SetSingle(AName: utf8string; AValue: single);
- if AValue = EmptySingle then RemoveAttribute(AName)
- else RawString[AName] := FloatToStrF(AValue, ffGeneral,7,3, FFormats);
-constructor TBGRACustomOriginalStorage.Create;
- FFormats := DefaultFormatSettings;
- FFormats.DecimalSeparator := '.';
-function TBGRACustomOriginalStorage.FloatEquals(AName: utf8string;
- AValue: single): boolean;
- curValue: Single;
- curValue := Float[AName];
- if curValue = EmptySingle then
- result := (AValue = EmptySingle) else
- if AValue = EmptySingle then
- result := false else
- result := (FloatToStrF(AValue, ffGeneral,7,3, FFormats) =
- FloatToStrF(curValue, ffGeneral,7,3, FFormats));
-function TBGRACustomOriginalStorage.PointFEquals(AName: utf8string;
- const AValue: TPointF): boolean;
- curValue: TPointF;
- curValue := PointF[AName];
- if isEmptyPointF(curValue) then
- result := isEmptyPointF(AValue) else
- if isEmptyPointF(AValue) then
- result := False else
- result := (FloatToStrF(AValue.x, ffGeneral,7,3, FFormats) =
- FloatToStrF(curValue.x, ffGeneral,7,3, FFormats)) and
- (FloatToStrF(AValue.y, ffGeneral,7,3, FFormats) =
- FloatToStrF(curValue.y, ffGeneral,7,3, FFormats));
-function TBGRACustomOriginalStorage.AffineMatrixEquals(AName: utf8string;
- const AValue: TAffineMatrix): boolean;
- result := (AffineMatrix[AName] = AValue);
-{ TBGRALayerCustomOriginal }
-procedure TBGRALayerCustomOriginal.SetOnChange(AValue: TOriginalChangeEvent);
- if FOnChange=AValue then Exit;
- FOnChange:=AValue;
-function TBGRALayerCustomOriginal.GetDiffExpected: boolean;
- result := Assigned(FOnChange);
-procedure TBGRALayerCustomOriginal.SetRenderStorage(AValue: TBGRACustomOriginalStorage);
- if FRenderStorage=AValue then Exit;
- FRenderStorage:=AValue;
-function TBGRALayerCustomOriginal.GetGuid: TGuid;
- result := FGuid;
-procedure TBGRALayerCustomOriginal.SetGuid(AValue: TGuid);
- FGuid := AValue;
-procedure TBGRALayerCustomOriginal.NotifyChange(ADiff: TBGRAOriginalDiff);
- if Assigned(FOnChange) then
- FOnChange(self, nil, ADiff);
- ADiff.Free;
-procedure TBGRALayerCustomOriginal.NotifyChange(ABounds: TRectF; ADiff: TBGRAOriginalDiff);
- if Assigned(FOnChange) then
- FOnChange(self, @ABounds, ADiff);
- ADiff.Free;
-procedure TBGRALayerCustomOriginal.NotifyEditorChange;
- if Assigned(FOnEditingChange) then
- FOnEditingChange(self);
-constructor TBGRALayerCustomOriginal.Create;
- FGuid := GUID_NULL;
- FRenderStorage := nil;
-destructor TBGRALayerCustomOriginal.Destroy;
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TBGRALayerCustomOriginal.Render(ADest: TBGRABitmap;
- AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; ADraft: boolean);
- Render(ADest, Point(0,0), AMatrix, ADraft);
-procedure TBGRALayerCustomOriginal.Render(ADest: TBGRABitmap;
- ARenderOffset: TPoint; AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; ADraft: boolean);
- Render(ADest, AffineMatrixTranslation(ARenderOffset.X, ARenderOffset.Y)*AMatrix, ADraft);
-procedure TBGRALayerCustomOriginal.ConfigureEditor(AEditor: TBGRAOriginalEditor);
- //nothing
-procedure TBGRALayerCustomOriginal.LoadFromFile(AFilenameUTF8: string);
- s: TFileStreamUTF8;
- s := TFileStreamUTF8.Create(AFilenameUTF8, fmOpenRead, fmShareDenyWrite);
- try
- LoadFromStream(s);
- finally
- s.Free;
- end;
-procedure TBGRALayerCustomOriginal.LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream);
-var storage: TBGRAMemOriginalStorage;
- memDir: TMemDirectory;
- memDir := TMemDirectory.Create;
- storage := nil;
- try
- memDir.LoadFromStream(AStream);
- storage := TBGRAMemOriginalStorage.Create(memDir);
- if storage.RawString['class'] <> StorageClassName then
- raise exception.Create('Invalid class');
- LoadFromStorage(storage);
- FreeAndNil(storage);
- finally
- storage.Free;
- memDir.Free;
- end;
-procedure TBGRALayerCustomOriginal.LoadFromResource(AFilename: string);
- stream: TStream;
- stream := BGRAResource.GetResourceStream(AFilename);
- try
- LoadFromStream(stream);
- finally
- stream.Free;
- end;
-procedure TBGRALayerCustomOriginal.SaveToFile(AFilenameUTF8: string);
- s: TFileStreamUTF8;
- s := TFileStreamUTF8.Create(AFilenameUTF8, fmCreate);
- try
- SaveToStream(s);
- finally
- s.Free;
- end;
-procedure TBGRALayerCustomOriginal.SaveToStream(AStream: TStream);
-var storage: TBGRAMemOriginalStorage;
- memDir: TMemDirectory;
- memDir := TMemDirectory.Create;
- storage := nil;
- try
- storage := TBGRAMemOriginalStorage.Create(memDir);
- storage.RawString['class'] := StorageClassName;
- SaveToStorage(storage);
- FreeAndNil(storage);
- memDir.SaveToStream(AStream);
- finally
- storage.Free;
- memDir.Free;
- end;
-function TBGRALayerCustomOriginal.CreateEditor: TBGRAOriginalEditor;
- result := TBGRAOriginalEditor.Create;
-class function TBGRALayerCustomOriginal.CanConvertToSVG: boolean;
- result := false;
-function TBGRALayerCustomOriginal.IsInfiniteSurface: boolean;
- result := false;
-function TBGRALayerCustomOriginal.ConvertToSVG(const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; out AOffset: TPoint): TObject;
- AOffset := Point(0,0);
- raise exception.Create('Not implemented');
-function TBGRALayerCustomOriginal.Duplicate: TBGRALayerCustomOriginal;
- storage: TBGRAMemOriginalStorage;
- c: TBGRALayerOriginalAny;
- c := FindLayerOriginalClass(StorageClassName);
- if c = nil then raise exception.Create('Original class is not registered');
- storage := TBGRAMemOriginalStorage.Create;
- try
- SaveToStorage(storage);
- result := c.Create;
- result.LoadFromStorage(storage);
- finally
- storage.Free;
- end;
-{ TBGRALayerImageOriginal }
-function TBGRALayerImageOriginal.GetImageHeight: integer;
- if Assigned(FImage) then
- result := FImage.Height
- else
- result := 0;
-function TBGRALayerImageOriginal.GetImageWidth: integer;
- if Assigned(FImage) then
- result := FImage.Width
- else
- result := 0;
-procedure TBGRALayerImageOriginal.BeginUpdate;
- if DiffExpected and (FDiff=nil) then
- FDiff := TBGRAImageOriginalDiff.Create(self);
-procedure TBGRALayerImageOriginal.EndUpdate;
- if Assigned(FDiff) then FDiff.ComputeDiff(self);
- NotifyChange(FDiff);
- FDiff := nil;
-procedure TBGRALayerImageOriginal.InternalLoadImageFromStream(AStream: TStream; AUpdate: boolean);
- newJpegStream: TMemoryStream;
- newImage: TBGRABitmap;
- if DetectFileFormat(AStream) = ifJpeg then
- begin
- newJpegStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- newJpegStream.CopyFrom(AStream, AStream.Size);
- newJpegStream.Position := 0;
- newImage := TBGRABitmap.Create(newJpegStream);
- if AUpdate then BeginUpdate;
- InternalClear;
- FImage := newImage;
- FJpegStream := newJpegStream;
- newImage := nil;
- newJpegStream := nil;
- if AUpdate then
- begin
- Inc(FContentVersion);
- EndUpdate;
- end;
- finally
- newJpegStream.Free;
- newImage.Free;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- newImage := TBGRABitmap.Create(AStream);
- if AUpdate then BeginUpdate;
- InternalClear;
- FImage := newImage;
- if AUpdate then
- begin
- Inc(FContentVersion);
- EndUpdate;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRALayerImageOriginal.InternalClear;
- if Assigned(FImage) then
- begin
- FImage.FreeReference;
- FImage := nil
- end;
- FreeAndNil(FJpegStream);
-constructor TBGRALayerImageOriginal.Create;
- inherited Create;
- FImage := nil;
- FContentVersion := 0;
- FJpegStream := nil;
-destructor TBGRALayerImageOriginal.Destroy;
- FImage.FreeReference;
- FJpegStream.Free;
- FDiff.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
-function TBGRALayerImageOriginal.ConvertToSVG(const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; out AOffset: TPoint): TObject;
- svg: TBGRASVG;
- img: TSVGImage;
- svg := TBGRASVG.Create(Width, Height, cuPixel);
- Result:= svg;
- AOffset := Point(0,0);
- if Assigned(FJpegStream) then
- img := svg.Content.AppendImage(0,0,Width,Height,FJpegStream,'image/jpeg') else
- if Assigned(FImage) then
- img := svg.Content.AppendImage(0,0,Width,Height,FImage,false);
- img.matrix[cuCustom] := AMatrix;
-procedure TBGRALayerImageOriginal.Render(ADest: TBGRABitmap;
- AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; ADraft: boolean);
-var resampleFilter: TResampleFilter;
- if ADraft then resampleFilter := rfBox else resampleFilter:= rfCosine;
- if Assigned(FImage) then
- ADest.PutImageAffine(AMatrix, FImage, resampleFilter, dmSet);
-function TBGRALayerImageOriginal.GetRenderBounds(ADestRect: TRect;
- AMatrix: TAffineMatrix): TRect;
- aff: TAffineBox;
- if Assigned(FImage) then
- begin
- aff := AMatrix*TAffineBox.AffineBox(PointF(0,0),PointF(FImage.Width,0),PointF(0,FImage.Height));
- result := aff.RectBounds;
- end else
- result := EmptyRect;
-procedure TBGRALayerImageOriginal.LoadFromStorage(
- AStorage: TBGRACustomOriginalStorage);
-var imgStream: TMemoryStream;
- newImage: TBGRABitmap;
- imgStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- if AStorage.ReadFile('content.png', imgStream) then
- begin
- imgStream.Position:= 0;
- newImage := TBGRABitmap.Create(imgStream);
- InternalClear;
- FImage := newImage;
- end else
- if AStorage.ReadFile('content.jpg', imgStream) then
- begin
- imgStream.Position:= 0;
- newImage := TBGRABitmap.Create(imgStream);
- InternalClear;
- FImage := newImage;
- FJpegStream := imgStream;
- imgStream:= nil;
- end else
- InternalClear;
- FContentVersion := AStorage.Int['content-version'];
- finally
- imgStream.Free;
- end;
-procedure TBGRALayerImageOriginal.SaveToStorage(
- AStorage: TBGRACustomOriginalStorage);
-var imgStream: TMemoryStream;
- if Assigned(FImage) then
- begin
- if FContentVersion > AStorage.Int['content-version'] then
- begin
- if Assigned(FJpegStream) then
- begin
- AStorage.WriteFile('content.jpg', FJpegStream, false);
- AStorage.RemoveFile('content.png');
- AStorage.Int['content-version'] := FContentVersion;
- end else
- begin
- imgStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- FImage.SaveToStreamAsPng(imgStream);
- AStorage.RemoveFile('content.jpg');
- AStorage.WriteFile('content.png', imgStream, false);
- AStorage.Int['content-version'] := FContentVersion;
- finally
- imgStream.Free;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- AStorage.RemoveFile('content.jpg');
- AStorage.RemoveFile('content.png');
- AStorage.Int['content-version'] := FContentVersion;
- end;
-procedure TBGRALayerImageOriginal.LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream);
- if TMemDirectory.CheckHeader(AStream) then
- inherited LoadFromStream(AStream)
- else
- begin
- InternalLoadImageFromStream(AStream, False);
- inc(FContentVersion);
- end;
-procedure TBGRALayerImageOriginal.Clear;
- BeginUpdate;
- InternalClear;
- Inc(FContentVersion);
- EndUpdate;
-procedure TBGRALayerImageOriginal.LoadImageFromStream(AStream: TStream);
- InternalLoadImageFromStream(AStream, True);
-procedure TBGRALayerImageOriginal.SaveImageToStream(AStream: TStream);
- if Assigned(FJpegStream) then
- begin
- FJpegStream.Position := 0;
- if AStream.CopyFrom(FJpegStream, FJpegStream.Size)<>FJpegStream.Size then
- raise exception.Create('Error while saving');
- end else
- if Assigned(FImage) then
- FImage.SaveToStreamAsPng(AStream)
- else raise exception.Create('No image to be saved');
-procedure TBGRALayerImageOriginal.AssignImage(AImage: TBGRACustomBitmap);
- newImage: TBGRABitmap;
- newImage := TBGRABitmap.Create;
- newImage.Assign(AImage);
- BeginUpdate;
- InternalClear;
- FImage := newImage;
- Inc(FContentVersion);
- EndUpdate;
-function TBGRALayerImageOriginal.GetImageCopy: TBGRABitmap;
- if FImage = nil then result := nil
- else result := FImage.Duplicate;
-class function TBGRALayerImageOriginal.StorageClassName: RawByteString;
- result := 'image';
-class function TBGRALayerImageOriginal.CanConvertToSVG: boolean;
- Result:= true;
- RegisterLayerOriginal(TBGRALayerImageOriginal);
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgralayers.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgralayers.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 51a2def..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgralayers.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3617 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRALayers;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAGraphics, BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BGRABitmapTypes, BGRABitmap,
- BGRAMemDirectory, BGRATransform, fgl, BGRALayerOriginal;
- TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap = class;
- TBGRACustomLayeredBitmapClass = class of TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap;
- { TBGRALayerOriginalEntry }
- TBGRALayerOriginalEntry = record
- Guid: TGuid;
- Instance: TBGRALayerCustomOriginal;
- class operator = (const AEntry1,AEntry2: TBGRALayerOriginalEntry): boolean;
- end;
-function BGRALayerOriginalEntry(AGuid: TGuid): TBGRALayerOriginalEntry;
-function BGRALayerOriginalEntry(AInstance: TBGRALayerCustomOriginal): TBGRALayerOriginalEntry;
- TBGRALayerOriginalList = specialize TFPGList;
- TBGRALayeredBitmap = class;
- TBGRALayeredBitmapClass = class of TBGRALayeredBitmap;
- TBGRALayeredBitmapSaveToStreamProc = procedure(AStream: TStream; ALayers: TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap);
- TBGRALayeredBitmapLoadFromStreamProc = procedure(AStream: TStream; ALayers: TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap);
- TBGRALayeredBitmapCheckStreamProc = function(AStream: TStream): boolean;
- TOriginalRenderStatus = (orsNone, orsDraft, orsPartialDraft, orsProof, orsPartialProof);
- { TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap }
- TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap = class(TGraphic)
- private
- FFrozenRange: array of record
- firstLayer,lastLayer: integer;
- image: TBGRABitmap;
- linearBlend: boolean;
- end;
- FLinearBlend: boolean;
- FMemDirectory: TMemDirectory;
- FMemDirectoryOwned: boolean;
- FSelectionDrawMode: TDrawMode;
- FSelectionLayerIndex: integer;
- FSelectionRect: TRect;
- FSelectionScanner: IBGRAScanner;
- FSelectionScannerOffset: TPoint;
- function GetDefaultBlendingOperation: TBlendOperation;
- function GetHasMemFiles: boolean;
- function GetLinearBlend: boolean;
- function GetSelectionVisible: boolean;
- procedure SetLinearBlend(AValue: boolean);
- protected
- function GetNbLayers: integer; virtual; abstract;
- function GetMemDirectory: TMemDirectory;
- function GetBlendOperation(Layer: integer): TBlendOperation; virtual; abstract;
- function GetLayerVisible(layer: integer): boolean; virtual; abstract;
- function GetLayerOpacity(layer: integer): byte; virtual; abstract;
- function GetLayerName(layer: integer): string; virtual;
- function GetLayerOffset(layer: integer): TPoint; virtual;
- function GetLayerFrozenRange(layer: integer): integer;
- function GetLayerFrozen(layer: integer): boolean; virtual;
- function GetLayerUniqueId(layer: integer): integer; virtual;
- function GetLayerOriginal({%H-}layer: integer): TBGRALayerCustomOriginal; virtual;
- function GetLayerOriginalKnown({%H-}layer: integer): boolean; virtual;
- function GetLayerOriginalMatrix({%H-}layer: integer): TAffineMatrix; virtual;
- function GetLayerOriginalGuid({%H-}layer: integer): TGuid; virtual;
- function GetLayerOriginalRenderStatus({%H-}layer: integer): TOriginalRenderStatus; virtual;
- function GetOriginalCount: integer; virtual;
- function GetOriginalByIndex({%H-}AIndex: integer): TBGRALayerCustomOriginal; virtual;
- function GetOriginalByIndexKnown({%H-}AIndex: integer): boolean; virtual;
- function GetOriginalByIndexLoaded({%H-}AIndex: integer): boolean; virtual;
- function GetOriginalByIndexClass({%H-}AIndex: integer): TBGRALayerOriginalAny; virtual;
- function GetTransparent: Boolean; override;
- function GetEmpty: boolean; override;
- function IndexOfOriginal(const AGuid: TGuid): integer; overload; virtual;
- function IndexOfOriginal(AOriginal: TBGRALayerCustomOriginal): integer; overload; virtual;
- procedure SetWidth(Value: Integer); override;
- procedure SetHeight(Value: Integer); override;
- procedure SetMemDirectory(AValue: TMemDirectory);
- procedure SetTransparent(Value: Boolean); override;
- procedure SetLayerFrozen(layer: integer; AValue: boolean); virtual;
- function RangeIntersect(first1,last1,first2,last2: integer): boolean;
- procedure RemoveFrozenRange(index: integer);
- function ContainsFrozenRange(first,last: integer): boolean;
- function GetLayerDrawMode(AIndex: integer): TDrawMode;
- public
- procedure SaveToFile(const filenameUTF8: string); override;
- procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); override;
- procedure SaveToStreamAs(Stream: TStream; AExtension: string);
- constructor Create; override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function ToString: ansistring; override;
- procedure DiscardSelection;
- function GetLayerBitmapDirectly(layer: integer): TBGRABitmap; virtual;
- function GetLayerBitmapCopy(layer: integer): TBGRABitmap; virtual; abstract;
- function ComputeFlatImage(ASeparateXorMask: boolean = false): TBGRABitmap; overload;
- function ComputeFlatImage(firstLayer, lastLayer: integer; ASeparateXorMask: boolean = false): TBGRABitmap; overload;
- function ComputeFlatImage(ARect: TRect; ASeparateXorMask: boolean = false): TBGRABitmap; overload;
- function ComputeFlatImage(ARect: TRect; firstLayer, lastLayer: integer; ASeparateXorMask: boolean = false): TBGRABitmap; overload;
- procedure Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; const Rect: TRect); override; overload;
- procedure Draw(Canvas: TCanvas; x,y: integer); overload;
- procedure Draw(Canvas: TCanvas; x,y: integer; firstLayer, lastLayer: integer); overload;
- procedure Draw(Dest: TBGRABitmap; x,y: integer); overload;
- procedure Draw(Dest: TBGRABitmap; x,y: integer; ASeparateXorMask: boolean; ADestinationEmpty: boolean = false); overload;
- procedure Draw(Dest: TBGRABitmap; AX,AY: integer; firstLayer, lastLayer: integer; ASeparateXorMask: boolean = false; ADestinationEmpty: boolean = false); overload;
- function DrawLayer(Dest: TBGRABitmap; X,Y: Integer; AIndex: integer; ASeparateXorMask: boolean = false; ADestinationEmpty: boolean = false): boolean;
- procedure FreezeExceptOneLayer(layer: integer); overload;
- procedure Freeze(firstLayer, lastLayer: integer); overload;
- procedure Freeze; overload;
- procedure Unfreeze; overload;
- procedure Unfreeze(layer: integer); overload;
- procedure Unfreeze(firstLayer, lastLayer: integer); overload;
- procedure NotifyLoaded; virtual;
- procedure NotifySaving; virtual;
- property NbLayers: integer read GetNbLayers;
- property BlendOperation[layer: integer]: TBlendOperation read GetBlendOperation;
- property LayerVisible[layer: integer]: boolean read GetLayerVisible;
- property LayerOpacity[layer: integer]: byte read GetLayerOpacity;
- property LayerName[layer: integer]: string read GetLayerName;
- property LayerOffset[layer: integer]: TPoint read GetLayerOffset;
- property LayerFrozen[layer: integer]: boolean read GetLayerFrozen;
- property LayerUniqueId[layer: integer]: integer read GetLayerUniqueId;
- property LayerOriginal[layer: integer]: TBGRALayerCustomOriginal read GetLayerOriginal;
- property LayerOriginalKnown[layer: integer]: boolean read GetLayerOriginalKnown;
- property LayerOriginalGuid[layer: integer]: TGuid read GetLayerOriginalGuid;
- property LayerOriginalMatrix[layer: integer]: TAffineMatrix read GetLayerOriginalMatrix;
- property LayerOriginalRenderStatus[layer: integer]: TOriginalRenderStatus read GetLayerOriginalRenderStatus;
- property SelectionScanner: IBGRAScanner read FSelectionScanner write FSelectionScanner;
- property SelectionScannerOffset: TPoint read FSelectionScannerOffset write FSelectionScannerOffset;
- property SelectionRect: TRect read FSelectionRect write FSelectionRect;
- property SelectionLayerIndex: integer read FSelectionLayerIndex write FSelectionLayerIndex;
- property SelectionDrawMode: TDrawMode read FSelectionDrawMode write FSelectionDrawMode;
- property SelectionVisible: boolean read GetSelectionVisible;
- property LinearBlend: boolean read GetLinearBlend write SetLinearBlend; //use linear blending unless specified
- property DefaultBlendingOperation: TBlendOperation read GetDefaultBlendingOperation;
- property MemDirectory: TMemDirectory read GetMemDirectory write SetMemDirectory;
- property MemDirectoryOwned: boolean read FMemDirectoryOwned write FMemDirectoryOwned;
- property HasMemFiles: boolean read GetHasMemFiles;
- end;
- TEmbeddedOriginalChangeEvent = procedure (ASender: TObject; AOriginal: TBGRALayerCustomOriginal;
- var ADiff: TBGRAOriginalDiff) of object;
- TEmbeddedOriginalEditingChangeEvent = procedure (ASender: TObject; AOriginal: TBGRALayerCustomOriginal) of object;
- TLayeredActionProgressEvent = procedure(ASender: TObject; AProgressPercent: integer) of object;
- TEmbeddedOriginalLoadErrorEvent = procedure (ASender: TObject; AError: string; var ARaise: boolean) of object;
- TBGRALayerInfo = record
- UniqueId: integer;
- Name: string;
- x, y: integer;
- Source: TBGRABitmap;
- blendOp: TBlendOperation;
- Opacity: byte;
- Visible: boolean;
- Owner: boolean;
- Frozen: boolean;
- OriginalMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- OriginalRenderStatus: TOriginalRenderStatus;
- OriginalGuid: TGuid;
- OriginalInvalidatedBounds: TRectF;
- end;
- { TBGRALayeredBitmap }
- TBGRALayeredBitmap = class(TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap)
- private
- FNbLayers: integer;
- FLayers: array of TBGRALayerInfo;
- FOnActionDone: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnEditorFocusChanged: TNotifyEvent;
- FEditorFocused: boolean;
- FOnActionProgress: TLayeredActionProgressEvent;
- FOnOriginalLoadError: TEmbeddedOriginalLoadErrorEvent;
- FOriginalChange: TEmbeddedOriginalChangeEvent;
- FOriginalEditingChange: TEmbeddedOriginalEditingChangeEvent;
- FWidth,FHeight: integer;
- FOriginals: TBGRALayerOriginalList;
- FOriginalEditor: TBGRAOriginalEditor;
- FOriginalEditorOriginal: TGuid;
- FOriginalEditorViewMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- procedure EditorFocusedChanged({%H-}Sender: TObject);
- function GetLayerOriginalClass(layer: integer): TBGRALayerOriginalAny;
- function GetOriginalEditor: TBGRAOriginalEditor;
- function GetOriginalGuid(AIndex: integer): TGUID;
- procedure SetEditorFocused(AValue: boolean);
- procedure SetOnActionDone(AValue: TNotifyEvent);
- procedure SetOnActionProgress(AValue: TLayeredActionProgressEvent);
- protected
- function GetWidth: integer; override;
- function GetHeight: integer; override;
- function GetNbLayers: integer; override;
- function GetBlendOperation(Layer: integer): TBlendOperation; override;
- function GetLayerVisible(layer: integer): boolean; override;
- function GetLayerOpacity(layer: integer): byte; override;
- function GetLayerOffset(layer: integer): TPoint; override;
- function GetLayerName(layer: integer): string; override;
- function GetLayerFrozen(layer: integer): boolean; override;
- function GetLayerUniqueId(layer: integer): integer; override;
- function GetLayerOriginal(layer: integer): TBGRALayerCustomOriginal; override;
- function GetLayerOriginalKnown(layer: integer): boolean; override;
- function GetLayerOriginalMatrix(layer: integer): TAffineMatrix; override;
- function GetLayerOriginalGuid(layer: integer): TGuid; override;
- function GetLayerOriginalRenderStatus(layer: integer): TOriginalRenderStatus; override;
- function GetOriginalCount: integer; override;
- function GetOriginalByIndex(AIndex: integer): TBGRALayerCustomOriginal; override;
- function GetOriginalByIndexKnown(AIndex: integer): boolean; override;
- function GetOriginalByIndexLoaded(AIndex: integer): boolean; override;
- function GetOriginalByIndexClass(AIndex: integer): TBGRALayerOriginalAny; override;
- procedure SetBlendOperation(Layer: integer; op: TBlendOperation);
- procedure SetLayerVisible(layer: integer; AValue: boolean);
- procedure SetLayerOpacity(layer: integer; AValue: byte);
- procedure SetLayerOffset(layer: integer; AValue: TPoint);
- procedure SetLayerName(layer: integer; AValue: string);
- procedure SetLayerFrozen(layer: integer; AValue: boolean); override;
- procedure SetLayerUniqueId(layer: integer; AValue: integer);
- procedure SetLayerOriginalMatrix(layer: integer; AValue: TAffineMatrix);
- procedure SetLayerOriginalGuid(layer: integer; const AValue: TGuid);
- procedure SetLayerOriginalRenderStatus(layer: integer; AValue: TOriginalRenderStatus);
- procedure FindOriginal(AGuid: TGuid;
- out ADir: TMemDirectory;
- out AClass: TBGRALayerOriginalAny);
- procedure StoreOriginal(AOriginal: TBGRALayerCustomOriginal);
- procedure OriginalChange(ASender: TObject; ABounds: PRectF; var ADiff: TBGRAOriginalDiff);
- procedure OriginalEditingChange(ASender: TObject);
- function GetLayerDirectory(ALayerIndex: integer; ACanCreate: boolean): TMemDirectory;
- procedure UpdateOriginalEditor(ALayerIndex: integer; AMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- APointSize: single);
- public
- procedure LoadFromFile(const filenameUTF8: string); override;
- procedure LoadFromStream(stream: TStream); override;
- procedure LoadFromResource(AFilename: string);
- procedure SetSize(AWidth, AHeight: integer); virtual;
- procedure Clear; override;
- procedure ClearOriginals;
- procedure RemoveLayer(index: integer);
- procedure InsertLayer(index: integer; fromIndex: integer);
- procedure Assign(ASource: TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap; ASharedLayerIds: boolean = false;
- ACopyAdditionalMemData: boolean = false); overload;
- function MoveLayerUp(index: integer): integer;
- function MoveLayerDown(index: integer): integer;
- function AddLayer(Source: TBGRABitmap; Opacity: byte = 255): integer; overload;
- function AddLayer(Source: TBGRABitmap; Position: TPoint; BlendOp: TBlendOperation; Opacity: byte = 255; Shared: boolean = false): integer; overload;
- function AddLayer(Source: TBGRABitmap; Position: TPoint; Opacity: byte = 255): integer; overload;
- function AddLayer(Source: TBGRABitmap; BlendOp: TBlendOperation; Opacity: byte = 255): integer; overload;
- function AddLayer(AName: string; Source: TBGRABitmap; Opacity: byte = 255): integer; overload;
- function AddLayer(AName: string; Source: TBGRABitmap; Position: TPoint; BlendOp: TBlendOperation; Opacity: byte = 255; Shared: boolean = false): integer; overload;
- function AddLayer(AName: string; Source: TBGRABitmap; Position: TPoint; Opacity: byte = 255): integer; overload;
- function AddLayer(AName: string; Source: TBGRABitmap; BlendOp: TBlendOperation; Opacity: byte = 255): integer; overload;
- function AddSharedLayer(Source: TBGRABitmap; Opacity: byte = 255): integer; overload;
- function AddSharedLayer(Source: TBGRABitmap; Position: TPoint; BlendOp: TBlendOperation; Opacity: byte = 255): integer; overload;
- function AddSharedLayer(Source: TBGRABitmap; Position: TPoint; Opacity: byte = 255): integer; overload;
- function AddSharedLayer(Source: TBGRABitmap; BlendOp: TBlendOperation; Opacity: byte = 255): integer; overload;
- function AddLayerFromFile(AFileName: string; Opacity: byte = 255): integer; overload;
- function AddLayerFromFile(AFileName: string; Position: TPoint; BlendOp: TBlendOperation; Opacity: byte = 255): integer; overload;
- function AddLayerFromFile(AFileName: string; Position: TPoint; Opacity: byte = 255): integer; overload;
- function AddLayerFromFile(AFileName: string; BlendOp: TBlendOperation; Opacity: byte = 255): integer; overload;
- function AddOwnedLayer(ABitmap: TBGRABitmap; Opacity: byte = 255): integer; overload;
- function AddOwnedLayer(ABitmap: TBGRABitmap; Position: TPoint; BlendOp: TBlendOperation; Opacity: byte = 255): integer; overload;
- function AddOwnedLayer(ABitmap: TBGRABitmap; Position: TPoint; Opacity: byte = 255): integer; overload;
- function AddOwnedLayer(ABitmap: TBGRABitmap; BlendOp: TBlendOperation; Opacity: byte = 255): integer; overload;
- function AddLayerFromOriginal(const AGuid: TGuid; Opacity: byte = 255): integer; overload;
- function AddLayerFromOriginal(const AGuid: TGuid; BlendOp: TBlendOperation; Opacity: byte = 255): integer; overload;
- function AddLayerFromOriginal(const AGuid: TGuid; Matrix: TAffineMatrix; Opacity: byte = 255): integer; overload;
- function AddLayerFromOriginal(const AGuid: TGuid; Matrix: TAffineMatrix; BlendOp: TBlendOperation; Opacity: byte = 255): integer; overload;
- function AddLayerFromOwnedOriginal(AOriginal: TBGRALayerCustomOriginal; Opacity: byte = 255): integer; overload;
- function AddLayerFromOwnedOriginal(AOriginal: TBGRALayerCustomOriginal; BlendOp: TBlendOperation; Opacity: byte = 255): integer; overload;
- function AddLayerFromOwnedOriginal(AOriginal: TBGRALayerCustomOriginal; Matrix: TAffineMatrix; Opacity: byte = 255): integer; overload;
- function AddLayerFromOwnedOriginal(AOriginal: TBGRALayerCustomOriginal; Matrix: TAffineMatrix; BlendOp: TBlendOperation; Opacity: byte = 255): integer; overload;
- class function IsValidRegistryIndentifier(AIdentifier: string): boolean;
- function GetLayerRegistry(ALayerIndex: integer; ARegistryIdentifier: string): RawByteString;
- procedure SetLayerRegistry(ALayerIndex: integer; ARegistryIdentifier: string; AValue: RawByteString);
- procedure SaveLayerRegistryToStream(ALayerIndex: integer; AStream: TStream);
- procedure LoadLayerRegistryFromStream(ALayerIndex: integer; AStream: TStream);
- function GetGlobalRegistry(ARegistryIdentifier: string): RawByteString;
- procedure SetGlobalRegistry(ARegistryIdentifier: string; AValue: RawByteString);
- function AddOriginal(AOriginal: TBGRALayerCustomOriginal; AOwned: boolean = true): integer;
- function AddOriginalFromStream(AStream: TStream; ALateLoad: boolean = false): integer; overload;
- function AddOriginalFromStream(AStream: TStream; const AGuid: TGuid; ALateLoad: boolean = false): integer; overload;
- function AddOriginalFromStorage(AStorage: TBGRAMemOriginalStorage; ALateLoad: boolean = false): integer; overload;
- function AddOriginalFromStorage(AStorage: TBGRAMemOriginalStorage; const AGuid: TGuid; ALateLoad: boolean = false): integer; overload;
- procedure SaveOriginalToStream(AIndex: integer; AStream: TStream); overload;
- procedure SaveOriginalToStream(const AGuid: TGuid; AStream: TStream); overload;
- function RemoveOriginal(AOriginal: TBGRALayerCustomOriginal): boolean;
- procedure DeleteOriginal(AIndex: integer);
- procedure NotifyLoaded; override;
- procedure NotifySaving; override;
- procedure RenderLayerFromOriginal(layer: integer; ADraft: boolean = false; AFullSizeLayer: boolean = false); overload;
- procedure RenderLayerFromOriginal(layer: integer; ADraft: boolean; ARenderBounds: TRect; AFullSizeLayer: boolean = false); overload;
- procedure RenderLayerFromOriginal(layer: integer; ADraft: boolean; ARenderBoundsF: TRectF; AFullSizeLayer: boolean = false); overload;
- procedure RenderLayerFromOriginalIfNecessary(layer: integer; ADraft: boolean; var ABounds: TRect);
- function RenderOriginalsIfNecessary(ADraft: boolean = false): TRect;
- function RenderOriginalIfNecessary(const AGuid: TGuid; ADraft: boolean = false): TRect;
- procedure RemoveUnusedOriginals;
- procedure UnloadOriginals;
- procedure UnloadOriginal(AIndex: integer); overload;
- procedure UnloadOriginal(const AGuid: TGuid); overload;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- constructor Create; overload; override;
- constructor Create(AWidth, AHeight: integer); overload; virtual;
- function GetLayerBitmapDirectly(layer: integer): TBGRABitmap; override;
- function GetLayerBitmapCopy(layer: integer): TBGRABitmap; override;
- function GetLayerIndexFromId(AIdentifier: integer): integer;
- function Duplicate(ASharedLayerIds: boolean = false): TBGRALayeredBitmap;
- function ProduceLayerUniqueId: integer;
- procedure RotateCW;
- procedure RotateCCW;
- procedure RotateUD; overload;
- procedure RotateUD(ALayerIndex: integer); overload;
- procedure HorizontalFlip; overload;
- procedure HorizontalFlip(ALayerIndex: integer); overload;
- procedure VerticalFlip; overload;
- procedure VerticalFlip(ALayerIndex: integer); overload;
- procedure Resample(AWidth, AHeight: integer; AResampleMode: TResampleMode; AFineResampleFilter: TResampleFilter = rfLinear);
- procedure SetLayerBitmap(layer: integer; ABitmap: TBGRABitmap; AOwned: boolean);
- function TakeLayerBitmap(layer: integer): TBGRABitmap;
- procedure ApplyLayerOffset(ALayerIndex: integer; APadWithTranparentPixels: boolean);
- function DrawEditor(ADest: TBGRABitmap; ALayerIndex: integer; X, Y: Integer; APointSize: single): TRect; overload;
- function DrawEditor(ADest: TBGRABitmap; ALayerIndex: integer; AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; APointSize: single): TRect; overload;
- function GetEditorBounds(ALayerIndex: integer; X, Y: Integer; APointSize: single): TRect; overload;
- function GetEditorBounds(ADestRect: TRect; ALayerIndex: integer; X, Y: Integer; APointSize: single): TRect; overload;
- function GetEditorBounds(ALayerIndex: integer; AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; APointSize: single): TRect; overload;
- function GetEditorBounds(ADestRect: TRect; ALayerIndex: integer; AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; APointSize: single): TRect; overload;
- procedure ClearEditor;
- procedure MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; ImageX, ImageY: Single; out ACursor: TOriginalEditorCursor);
- procedure MouseDown(RightButton: boolean; Shift: TShiftState; ImageX, ImageY: Single; out ACursor: TOriginalEditorCursor);
- procedure MouseUp(RightButton: boolean; Shift: TShiftState; ImageX, ImageY: Single; out ACursor: TOriginalEditorCursor);
- procedure MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; ImageX, ImageY: Single; out ACursor: TOriginalEditorCursor; out AHandled: boolean);
- procedure MouseDown(RightButton: boolean; Shift: TShiftState; ImageX, ImageY: Single; out ACursor: TOriginalEditorCursor; out AHandled: boolean);
- procedure MouseUp(RightButton: boolean; Shift: TShiftState; ImageX, ImageY: Single; out ACursor: TOriginalEditorCursor; out AHandled: boolean);
- procedure KeyDown(Shift: TShiftState; Key: TSpecialKey; out AHandled: boolean);
- procedure KeyUp(Shift: TShiftState; Key: TSpecialKey; out AHandled: boolean);
- procedure KeyPress(UTF8Key: string; out AHandled: boolean);
- property Width : integer read GetWidth;
- property Height: integer read GetHeight;
- property NbLayers: integer read GetNbLayers;
- property BlendOperation[layer: integer]: TBlendOperation read GetBlendOperation write SetBlendOperation;
- property LayerVisible[layer: integer]: boolean read GetLayerVisible write SetLayerVisible;
- property LayerOpacity[layer: integer]: byte read GetLayerOpacity write SetLayerOpacity;
- property LayerName[layer: integer]: string read GetLayerName write SetLayerName;
- property LayerBitmap[layer: integer]: TBGRABitmap read GetLayerBitmapDirectly;
- property LayerOffset[layer: integer]: TPoint read GetLayerOffset write SetLayerOffset;
- property LayerUniqueId[layer: integer]: integer read GetLayerUniqueId write SetLayerUniqueId;
- property LayerOriginal[layer: integer]: TBGRALayerCustomOriginal read GetLayerOriginal;
- property LayerOriginalKnown[layer: integer]: boolean read GetLayerOriginalKnown;
- property LayerOriginalClass[layer: integer]: TBGRALayerOriginalAny read GetLayerOriginalClass;
- property LayerOriginalGuid[layer: integer]: TGuid read GetLayerOriginalGuid write SetLayerOriginalGuid;
- property LayerOriginalMatrix[layer: integer]: TAffineMatrix read GetLayerOriginalMatrix write SetLayerOriginalMatrix;
- property LayerOriginalRenderStatus[layer: integer]: TOriginalRenderStatus read GetLayerOriginalRenderStatus write SetLayerOriginalRenderStatus;
- function IndexOfOriginal(const AGuid: TGuid): integer; overload; override;
- function IndexOfOriginal(AOriginal: TBGRALayerCustomOriginal): integer; overload; override;
- property OriginalCount: integer read GetOriginalCount;
- property Original[AIndex: integer]: TBGRALayerCustomOriginal read GetOriginalByIndex;
- property OriginalGuid[AIndex: integer]: TGUID read GetOriginalGuid;
- property OriginalKnown[AIndex: integer]: boolean read GetOriginalByIndexKnown;
- property OriginalClass[AIndex: integer]: TBGRALayerOriginalAny read GetOriginalByIndexClass;
- property OnOriginalChange: TEmbeddedOriginalChangeEvent read FOriginalChange write FOriginalChange;
- property OnOriginalEditingChange: TEmbeddedOriginalEditingChangeEvent read FOriginalEditingChange write FOriginalEditingChange;
- property OnOriginalLoadError: TEmbeddedOriginalLoadErrorEvent read FOnOriginalLoadError write FOnOriginalLoadError;
- property EditorFocused: boolean read FEditorFocused write SetEditorFocused;
- property OnEditorFocusChanged: TNotifyEvent read FOnEditorFocusChanged write FOnEditorFocusChanged;
- property OriginalEditor: TBGRAOriginalEditor read GetOriginalEditor;
- property OnActionProgress: TLayeredActionProgressEvent read FOnActionProgress write SetOnActionProgress;
- property OnActionDone: TNotifyEvent read FOnActionDone write SetOnActionDone;
- end;
- TAffineMatrix = BGRABitmapTypes.TAffineMatrix;
-procedure RegisterLayeredBitmapWriter(AExtensionUTF8: string; AWriter: TBGRALayeredBitmapClass);
-procedure RegisterLayeredBitmapReader(AExtensionUTF8: string; AReader: TBGRACustomLayeredBitmapClass);
-function TryCreateLayeredBitmapWriter(AExtensionUTF8: string): TBGRALayeredBitmap;
-function TryCreateLayeredBitmapReader(AExtensionUTF8: string): TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap;
- LayeredBitmapSaveToStreamProc : TBGRALayeredBitmapSaveToStreamProc;
- LayeredBitmapLoadFromStreamProc : TBGRALayeredBitmapLoadFromStreamProc;
- LayeredBitmapCheckStreamProc: TBGRALayeredBitmapCheckStreamProc;
- TOnLayeredBitmapLoadStartProc = procedure(AFilenameUTF8: string) of object;
- TOnLayeredBitmapLoadProgressProc = procedure(APercentage: integer) of object;
- TOnLayeredBitmapLoadedProc = procedure() of object;
-procedure OnLayeredBitmapLoadFromStreamStart;
-procedure OnLayeredBitmapLoadStart(AFilenameUTF8: string);
-procedure OnLayeredBitmapLoadProgress(APercentage: integer);
-procedure OnLayeredBitmapLoaded;
-procedure RegisterLoadingHandler(AStart: TOnLayeredBitmapLoadStartProc; AProgress: TOnLayeredBitmapLoadProgressProc;
- ADone: TOnLayeredBitmapLoadedProc);
-procedure UnregisterLoadingHandler(AStart: TOnLayeredBitmapLoadStartProc; AProgress: TOnLayeredBitmapLoadProgressProc;
- ADone: TOnLayeredBitmapLoadedProc);
- TOnLayeredBitmapSaveStartProc = procedure(AFilenameUTF8: string) of object;
- TOnLayeredBitmapSaveProgressProc = procedure(APercentage: integer) of object;
- TOnLayeredBitmapSavedProc = procedure() of object;
-procedure OnLayeredBitmapSaveToStreamStart;
-procedure OnLayeredBitmapSaveStart(AFilenameUTF8: string);
-procedure OnLayeredBitmapSaveProgress(APercentage: integer);
-procedure OnLayeredBitmapSaved;
-procedure RegisterSavingHandler(AStart: TOnLayeredBitmapSaveStartProc; AProgress: TOnLayeredBitmapSaveProgressProc;
- ADone: TOnLayeredBitmapSavedProc);
-procedure UnregisterSavingHandler(AStart: TOnLayeredBitmapSaveStartProc; AProgress: TOnLayeredBitmapSaveProgressProc;
- ADone: TOnLayeredBitmapSavedProc);
- RenderTempSubDirectory = 'temp';
-uses BGRAUTF8, BGRABlend, BGRAMultiFileType, math;
- OriginalsDirectory = 'originals';
- LayersDirectory = 'layers';
- RenderSubDirectory = 'render';
- RegistrySubDirectory = 'registry';
- TOnLayeredBitmapLoadStartProcList = specialize TFPGList;
- TOnLayeredBitmapLoadProgressProcList = specialize TFPGList;
- TOnLayeredBitmapLoadedProcList = specialize TFPGList;
- TOnLayeredBitmapSaveStartProcList = specialize TFPGList;
- TOnLayeredBitmapSaveProgressProcList = specialize TFPGList;
- TOnLayeredBitmapSavedProcList = specialize TFPGList;
- LayeredBitmapLoadEvents: record
- OnStart: TOnLayeredBitmapLoadStartProcList;
- OnProgress: TOnLayeredBitmapLoadProgressProcList;
- OnDone: TOnLayeredBitmapLoadedProcList;
- end;
- LayeredBitmapSaveEvents: record
- OnStart: TOnLayeredBitmapSaveStartProcList;
- OnProgress: TOnLayeredBitmapSaveProgressProcList;
- OnDone: TOnLayeredBitmapSavedProcList;
- end;
- NextLayerUniqueId: LongWord;
- LayeredBitmapReaders: array of record
- extension: string;
- theClass: TBGRACustomLayeredBitmapClass;
- end;
- LayeredBitmapWriters: array of record
- extension: string;
- theClass: TBGRALayeredBitmapClass;
- end;
-{ TBGRALayerOriginalEntry }
-class operator TBGRALayerOriginalEntry.=(const AEntry1,
- AEntry2: TBGRALayerOriginalEntry): boolean;
- result := AEntry1.Guid = AEntry2.Guid;
-function BGRALayerOriginalEntry(AGuid: TGuid): TBGRALayerOriginalEntry;
- result.Guid := AGuid;
- result.Instance := nil;
-function BGRALayerOriginalEntry(AInstance: TBGRALayerCustomOriginal): TBGRALayerOriginalEntry;
- result.Guid := AInstance.Guid;
- result.Instance := AInstance;
-{ TBGRALayeredBitmap }
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.GetLayerUniqueId(layer: integer): integer;
- if (layer < 0) or (layer >= NbLayers) then
- raise Exception.Create('Index out of bounds')
- else
- Result:= FLayers[layer].UniqueId;
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.GetLayerOriginal(layer: integer): TBGRALayerCustomOriginal;
- idxOrig: Integer;
- if (layer < 0) or (layer >= NbLayers) then
- raise Exception.Create('Index out of bounds')
- else
- begin
- if FLayers[layer].OriginalGuid = GUID_NULL then exit(nil);
- idxOrig := IndexOfOriginal(FLayers[layer].OriginalGuid);
- if idxOrig = -1 then exit(nil);
- result := Original[idxOrig];
- end;
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.GetLayerOriginalMatrix(layer: integer
- ): TAffineMatrix;
- if (layer < 0) or (layer >= NbLayers) then
- raise Exception.Create('Index out of bounds')
- else
- result := FLayers[layer].OriginalMatrix;
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.GetLayerOriginalGuid(layer: integer): TGuid;
- if (layer < 0) or (layer >= NbLayers) then
- raise Exception.Create('Index out of bounds')
- else
- result := FLayers[layer].OriginalGuid;
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.GetLayerOriginalRenderStatus(layer: integer
- ): TOriginalRenderStatus;
- if (layer < 0) or (layer >= NbLayers) then
- raise Exception.Create('Index out of bounds')
- else
- result := FLayers[layer].OriginalRenderStatus;
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.SetLayerUniqueId(layer: integer; AValue: integer);
-var i: integer;
- layerDir: TMemDirectory;
- if (layer < 0) or (layer >= NbLayers) then
- raise Exception.Create('Index out of bounds')
- else
- begin
- for i := 0 to NbLayers-1 do
- if (i <> layer) and (FLayers[i].UniqueId = AValue) then
- raise Exception.Create('Another layer has the same identifier');
- layerDir := GetLayerDirectory(layer,false);
- if Assigned(layerDir) then
- layerDir.ParentDirectory.Rename(inttostr(FLayers[layer].UniqueId),'',inttostr(AValue));
- FLayers[layer].UniqueId := AValue;
- end;
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.SetLayerOriginalMatrix(layer: integer;
- AValue: TAffineMatrix);
- if (layer < 0) or (layer >= NbLayers) then
- raise Exception.Create('Index out of bounds')
- else
- begin
- if FLayers[layer].OriginalMatrix = AValue then exit;
- FLayers[layer].OriginalMatrix := AValue;
- if FLayers[layer].OriginalGuid <> GUID_NULL then
- begin
- FLayers[layer].OriginalRenderStatus := orsNone;
- Unfreeze(layer);
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.SetLayerOriginalGuid(layer: integer;
- const AValue: TGuid);
- layerDir: TMemDirectory;
- if (layer < 0) or (layer >= NbLayers) then
- raise Exception.Create('Index out of bounds')
- else
- begin
- if FLayers[layer].OriginalGuid = AValue then exit;
- FLayers[layer].OriginalGuid := AValue;
- layerDir := GetLayerDirectory(layer, false);
- if Assigned(layerDir) then
- layerDir.Delete(RenderSubDirectory,'');
- if (AValue <> GUID_NULL) and (IndexOfOriginal(AValue) <> -1) then
- begin
- FLayers[layer].OriginalRenderStatus := orsNone;
- Unfreeze(layer);
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.SetLayerOriginalRenderStatus(layer: integer;
- AValue: TOriginalRenderStatus);
- if (layer < 0) or (layer >= NbLayers) then
- raise Exception.Create('Index out of bounds')
- else
- begin
- if FLayers[layer].OriginalRenderStatus = AValue then exit;
- FLayers[layer].OriginalRenderStatus := AValue;
- Unfreeze(layer);
- end;
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.FindOriginal(AGuid: TGuid; out
- ADir: TMemDirectory; out AClass: TBGRALayerOriginalAny);
- c: String;
- ADir := nil;
- AClass := nil;
- if HasMemFiles then
- begin
- ADir := MemDirectory.FindPath(OriginalsDirectory+'/'+GUIDToString(AGuid));
- if ADir <> nil then
- begin
- c := ADir.RawStringByFilename['class'];
- AClass := FindLayerOriginalClass(c);
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.StoreOriginal(AOriginal: TBGRALayerCustomOriginal);
- dir, subdir: TMemDirectory;
- storage: TBGRAMemOriginalStorage;
- if AOriginal.Guid = GUID_NULL then raise exception.Create('Original GUID undefined');
- dir := MemDirectory.Directory[MemDirectory.AddDirectory(OriginalsDirectory)];
- subdir := dir.Directory[dir.AddDirectory(GUIDToString(AOriginal.Guid))];
- storage := TBGRAMemOriginalStorage.Create(subdir);
- try
- AOriginal.SaveToStorage(storage);
- storage.RawString['class'] := AOriginal.StorageClassName;
- finally
- storage.Free;
- end;
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.OriginalChange(ASender: TObject; ABounds: PRectF; var ADiff: TBGRAOriginalDiff);
- i: Integer;
- orig: TBGRALayerCustomOriginal;
- transfBounds: TRectF;
- orig := TBGRALayerCustomOriginal(ASender);
- if not (Assigned(ABounds) and IsEmptyRectF(ABounds^)) then
- begin
- for i := 0 to NbLayers-1 do
- if LayerOriginalGuid[i] = orig.Guid then
- begin
- if ABounds = nil then
- LayerOriginalRenderStatus[i] := orsNone
- else
- begin
- transfBounds := (LayerOriginalMatrix[i]*TAffineBox.AffineBox(ABounds^)).RectBoundsF;
- case LayerOriginalRenderStatus[i] of
- orsDraft: begin
- LayerOriginalRenderStatus[i] := orsPartialDraft;
- FLayers[i].OriginalInvalidatedBounds := transfBounds;
- end;
- orsProof: begin
- LayerOriginalRenderStatus[i] := orsPartialProof;
- FLayers[i].OriginalInvalidatedBounds := transfBounds;
- end;
- orsPartialDraft: FLayers[i].OriginalInvalidatedBounds :=
- FLayers[i].OriginalInvalidatedBounds.Union(transfBounds, true);
- orsPartialProof: FLayers[i].OriginalInvalidatedBounds :=
- FLayers[i].OriginalInvalidatedBounds.Union(transfBounds, true);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if Assigned(FOriginalChange) then
- FOriginalChange(self, orig, ADiff);
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.OriginalEditingChange(ASender: TObject);
- orig: TBGRALayerCustomOriginal;
- orig := TBGRALayerCustomOriginal(ASender);
- if Assigned(FOriginalEditingChange) then
- FOriginalEditingChange(self, orig);
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.GetLayerDirectory(ALayerIndex: integer; ACanCreate: boolean): TMemDirectory;
- layersDir: TMemDirectory;
- id: LongInt;
- if (MemDirectory.IndexOf(LayersDirectory,'')=-1) and not ACanCreate then exit(nil);
- layersDir := MemDirectory.Directory[MemDirectory.AddDirectory(LayersDirectory)];
- id := LayerUniqueId[ALayerIndex];
- if (layersDir.IndexOf(IntToStr(id),'')=-1) and not ACanCreate then exit(nil);
- result := layersDir.Directory[layersDir.AddDirectory(IntToStr(id))];
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.UpdateOriginalEditor(ALayerIndex: integer; AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; APointSize: single);
- orig: TBGRALayerCustomOriginal;
- editMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- orig := LayerOriginal[ALayerIndex];
- if (orig = nil) or (orig.Guid <> FOriginalEditorOriginal) then
- begin
- FreeAndNil(FOriginalEditor);
- if orig = nil then
- FOriginalEditorOriginal := GUID_NULL
- else FOriginalEditorOriginal := orig.Guid;
- end;
- if Assigned(OriginalEditor) then
- FOriginalEditor.Clear;
- if Assigned(orig) then
- begin
- if OriginalEditor = nil then
- begin
- FOriginalEditor := orig.CreateEditor;
- if FOriginalEditor = nil then
- raise exception.Create('Unexpected nil value');
- FOriginalEditor.Focused := FEditorFocused;
- FOriginalEditor.OnFocusChanged:=@EditorFocusedChanged;
- end;
- editMatrix := AffineMatrixTranslation(-0.5,-0.5)*AMatrix*LayerOriginalMatrix[ALayerIndex]*AffineMatrixTranslation(0.5,0.5);
- if IsAffineMatrixInversible(editMatrix) then
- begin
- orig.ConfigureEditor(FOriginalEditor);
- FOriginalEditorViewMatrix := AffineMatrixTranslation(-0.5,-0.5)*AMatrix*AffineMatrixTranslation(0.5,0.5);
- FOriginalEditor.Matrix := editMatrix;
- FOriginalEditor.PointSize := APointSize;
- end;
- end;
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.GetOriginalCount: integer;
- if Assigned(FOriginals) then
- result := FOriginals.Count
- else
- result := 0;
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.GetOriginalByIndex(AIndex: integer
- ): TBGRALayerCustomOriginal;
- dir: TMemDirectory;
- c: TBGRALayerOriginalAny;
- guid: TGuid;
- storage: TBGRAMemOriginalStorage;
- raiseError: Boolean;
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= OriginalCount) then
- raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- result := FOriginals[AIndex].Instance;
- guid := FOriginals[AIndex].Guid;
- // load original on the fly
- if (result = nil) and (guid <> GUID_NULL) then
- begin
- FindOriginal(guid, dir, c);
- if not Assigned(dir) then
- raise exception.Create('Original directory not found');
- if not Assigned(c) then
- raise exception.Create('Original class not found (it can be registered with the RegisterLayerOriginal function)');
- result := c.Create;
- result.Guid := guid;
- storage := TBGRAMemOriginalStorage.Create(dir);
- try
- try
- result.LoadFromStorage(storage);
- finally
- FOriginals[AIndex] := BGRALayerOriginalEntry(result);
- result.OnChange:= @OriginalChange;
- result.OnEditingChange:= @OriginalEditingChange;
- storage.Free;
- end;
- except
- on ex: Exception do
- begin
- raiseError := true;
- if Assigned(FOnOriginalLoadError) then
- FOnOriginalLoadError(self, ex.Message, raiseError);
- if raiseError then
- raise ex;
- end;
- end;
- end;
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.GetLayerOriginalKnown(layer: integer): boolean;
- idxOrig: Integer;
- if (layer < 0) or (layer >= NbLayers) then
- raise Exception.Create('Index out of bounds')
- else
- begin
- if FLayers[layer].OriginalGuid = GUID_NULL then exit(true);
- idxOrig := IndexOfOriginal(FLayers[layer].OriginalGuid);
- if idxOrig = -1 then exit(false);
- result := OriginalKnown[idxOrig];
- end;
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.GetOriginalByIndexKnown(AIndex: integer): boolean;
- dir: TMemDirectory;
- c: TBGRALayerOriginalAny;
- guid: TGuid;
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= OriginalCount) then
- raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- if Assigned(FOriginals[AIndex].Instance) then exit(true);
- guid := FOriginals[AIndex].Guid;
- if guid = GUID_NULL then exit(true);
- FindOriginal(guid, dir, c);
- result:= Assigned(dir) and Assigned(c);
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.GetOriginalByIndexLoaded(AIndex: integer): boolean;
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= OriginalCount) then
- raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- Result:= Assigned(FOriginals[AIndex].Instance);
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.GetOriginalGuid(AIndex: integer): TGUID;
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= OriginalCount) then
- raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- result := FOriginals[AIndex].Guid;
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.SetEditorFocused(AValue: boolean);
- if Assigned(OriginalEditor) then OriginalEditor.Focused := AValue
- else
- begin
- if FEditorFocused=AValue then Exit;
- FEditorFocused:=AValue;
- if Assigned(FOnEditorFocusChanged) then FOnEditorFocusChanged(self);
- end;
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.SetOnActionDone(AValue: TNotifyEvent);
- if FOnActionDone=AValue then Exit;
- FOnActionDone:=AValue;
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.SetOnActionProgress(
- AValue: TLayeredActionProgressEvent);
- if FOnActionProgress=AValue then Exit;
- FOnActionProgress:=AValue;
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.GetLayerOriginalClass(layer: integer): TBGRALayerOriginalAny;
- idxOrig: Integer;
- if (layer < 0) or (layer >= NbLayers) then
- raise Exception.Create('Index out of bounds')
- else
- begin
- if FLayers[layer].OriginalGuid = GUID_NULL then exit(nil);
- idxOrig := IndexOfOriginal(FLayers[layer].OriginalGuid);
- if idxOrig = -1 then exit(nil);
- result := OriginalClass[idxOrig];
- end;
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.GetOriginalEditor: TBGRAOriginalEditor;
- if Assigned(FOriginalEditor) and (IndexOfOriginal(FOriginalEditorOriginal)=-1) then
- begin
- FreeAndNil(FOriginalEditor);
- FOriginalEditorOriginal := GUID_NULL;
- end;
- result := FOriginalEditor;
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.EditorFocusedChanged(Sender: TObject);
- if Assigned(OriginalEditor) then
- begin
- FEditorFocused := OriginalEditor.Focused;
- if Assigned(FOnEditorFocusChanged) then FOnEditorFocusChanged(self);
- end;
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.GetOriginalByIndexClass(AIndex: integer): TBGRALayerOriginalAny;
- dir: TMemDirectory;
- c: TBGRALayerOriginalAny;
- guid: TGuid;
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= OriginalCount) then
- raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- if Assigned(FOriginals[AIndex].Instance) then exit(TBGRALayerOriginalAny(FOriginals[AIndex].Instance.ClassType));
- guid := FOriginals[AIndex].Guid;
- if guid = GUID_NULL then exit(nil);
- FindOriginal(guid, dir, c);
- result:= c;
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.GetWidth: integer;
- Result:= FWidth;
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.GetHeight: integer;
- Result:= FHeight;
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.GetNbLayers: integer;
- Result:= FNbLayers;
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.GetBlendOperation(Layer: integer): TBlendOperation;
- if (layer < 0) or (layer >= NbLayers) then
- raise Exception.Create('Index out of bounds')
- else
- Result:= FLayers[layer].blendOp;
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.GetLayerVisible(layer: integer): boolean;
- if (layer < 0) or (layer >= NbLayers) then
- raise Exception.Create('Index out of bounds')
- else
- Result:= FLayers[layer].Visible;
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.GetLayerOpacity(layer: integer): byte;
- if (layer < 0) or (layer >= NbLayers) then
- raise Exception.Create('Index out of bounds')
- else
- Result:= FLayers[layer].Opacity;
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.GetLayerOffset(layer: integer): TPoint;
- if (layer < 0) or (layer >= NbLayers) then
- raise Exception.Create('Index out of bounds')
- else
- with FLayers[layer] do
- Result:= Point(x,y);
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.GetLayerName(layer: integer): string;
- if (layer < 0) or (layer >= NbLayers) then
- raise Exception.Create('Index out of bounds')
- else
- begin
- if not FLayers[layer].Owner and (FLayers[layer].Source <> nil) then
- Result := FLayers[layer].Source.Caption
- else
- Result:= FLayers[layer].Name;
- if Result = '' then
- result := inherited GetLayerName(layer);
- end;
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.GetLayerFrozen(layer: integer): boolean;
- if (layer < 0) or (layer >= NbLayers) then
- raise Exception.Create('Index out of bounds')
- else
- Result:= FLayers[layer].Frozen;
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.SetBlendOperation(Layer: integer;
- op: TBlendOperation);
- if (layer < 0) or (layer >= NbLayers) then
- raise Exception.Create('Index out of bounds')
- else
- begin
- if FLayers[layer].blendOp <> op then
- begin
- FLayers[layer].blendOp := op;
- Unfreeze(layer);
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.SetLayerVisible(layer: integer; AValue: boolean);
- if (layer < 0) or (layer >= NbLayers) then
- raise Exception.Create('Index out of bounds')
- else
- begin
- if FLayers[layer].Visible <> AValue then
- begin
- FLayers[layer].Visible := AValue;
- Unfreeze(layer);
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.SetLayerOpacity(layer: integer; AValue: byte);
- if (layer < 0) or (layer >= NbLayers) then
- raise Exception.Create('Index out of bounds')
- else
- begin
- if FLayers[layer].Opacity <> AValue then
- begin
- FLayers[layer].Opacity := AValue;
- Unfreeze(layer);
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.SetLayerOffset(layer: integer; AValue: TPoint);
- if (layer < 0) or (layer >= NbLayers) then
- raise Exception.Create('Index out of bounds')
- else
- begin
- if (FLayers[layer].x <> AValue.x) or
- (FLayers[layer].y <> AValue.y) then
- begin
- if FLayers[layer].OriginalGuid <> GUID_NULL then
- raise exception.Create('The offset of the layer is computed from an original. You can change it by changing the layer original matrix.');
- FLayers[layer].x := AValue.x;
- FLayers[layer].y := AValue.y;
- Unfreeze(layer);
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.SetLayerName(layer: integer; AValue: string);
- if (layer < 0) or (layer >= NbLayers) then
- raise Exception.Create('Index out of bounds')
- else
- begin
- if not FLayers[layer].Owner and (FLayers[layer].Source <> nil) then
- FLayers[layer].Source.Caption := AValue
- else
- FLayers[layer].Name := AValue;
- end;
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.SetLayerFrozen(layer: integer; AValue: boolean);
- if (layer < 0) or (layer >= NbLayers) then
- raise Exception.Create('Index out of bounds')
- else
- FLayers[layer].Frozen := AValue;
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.GetLayerBitmapDirectly(layer: integer): TBGRABitmap;
- if (layer < 0) or (layer >= NbLayers) then
- result := nil
- else
- begin
- if FLayers[layer].OriginalRenderStatus = orsNone then
- RenderLayerFromOriginal(layer, true)
- else if FLayers[layer].OriginalRenderStatus in [orsPartialDraft,orsPartialProof] then
- RenderLayerFromOriginal(layer, true, FLayers[layer].OriginalInvalidatedBounds);
- Result:= FLayers[layer].Source;
- end;
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.LoadFromFile(const filenameUTF8: string);
-var bmp: TBGRABitmap;
- ext: string;
- temp: TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap;
- i: integer;
- stream: TFileStreamUTF8;
- ext := UTF8LowerCase(ExtractFileExt(filenameUTF8));
- for i := 0 to high(LayeredBitmapReaders) do
- if '.'+LayeredBitmapReaders[i].extension = ext then
- begin
- temp := LayeredBitmapReaders[i].theClass.Create;
- try
- temp.LoadFromFile(filenameUTF8);
- Assign(temp);
- finally
- temp.Free;
- end;
- exit;
- end;
- //when using "data" extension, simply deserialize
- if (ext='.dat') or (ext='.data') then
- begin
- if Assigned(LayeredBitmapLoadFromStreamProc) then
- begin
- stream := TFileStreamUTF8.Create(filenameUTF8, fmOpenRead, fmShareDenyWrite);
- try
- LayeredBitmapLoadFromStreamProc(stream, self);
- finally
- stream.Free;
- end;
- end else
- raise exception.Create('Enable layer deserialization by calling BGRAStreamLayers.RegisterStreamLayers');
- end else
- begin
- bmp := TBGRABitmap.Create(filenameUTF8, True);
- Clear;
- SetSize(bmp.Width,bmp.Height);
- AddOwnedLayer(bmp);
- end;
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.LoadFromStream(stream: TStream);
-var bmp: TBGRABitmap;
- if Assigned(LayeredBitmapLoadFromStreamProc) then
- begin
- if not Assigned(LayeredBitmapCheckStreamProc) or
- LayeredBitmapCheckStreamProc(stream) then
- begin
- LayeredBitmapLoadFromStreamProc(Stream, self);
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- bmp := TBGRABitmap.Create(stream);
- Clear;
- SetSize(bmp.Width,bmp.Height);
- AddOwnedLayer(bmp);
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.LoadFromResource(AFilename: string);
- stream: TStream;
- stream := BGRAResource.GetResourceStream(AFilename);
- try
- LoadFromStream(stream);
- finally
- stream.Free;
- end;
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.SetSize(AWidth, AHeight: integer);
- Unfreeze;
- FWidth := AWidth;
- FHeight := AHeight;
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.Clear;
-var i: integer;
- Unfreeze;
- for i := NbLayers-1 downto 0 do
- RemoveLayer(i);
- MemDirectory := nil;
- ClearOriginals;
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.ClearOriginals;
- i: Integer;
- if Assigned(FOriginals) then
- begin
- for i := 0 to OriginalCount-1 do
- FOriginals[i].Instance.Free;
- FreeAndNil(FOriginals);
- end;
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.RemoveLayer(index: integer);
-var i: integer;
- id: LongInt;
- layersDir: TMemDirectory;
- if (index < 0) or (index >= NbLayers) then exit;
- Unfreeze;
- if Assigned(FMemDirectory) then
- begin
- id := LayerUniqueId[index];
- if FMemDirectory.IndexOf(LayersDirectory,'')<>-1 then
- begin
- layersDir := FMemDirectory.Directory[FMemDirectory.AddDirectory(LayersDirectory)];
- layersDir.Delete(IntToStr(id),'');
- end;
- end;
- if FLayers[index].Owner then FLayers[index].Source.Free;
- for i := index to FNbLayers-2 do
- FLayers[i] := FLayers[i+1];
- Dec(FNbLayers);
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.InsertLayer(index: integer; fromIndex: integer);
-var info: TBGRALayerInfo;
- i: integer;
- if (index < 0) or (index > NbLayers) or (index = fromIndex) then exit;
- if (fromIndex < 0) or (fromIndex >= NbLayers) then exit;
- Unfreeze;
- info := FLayers[fromIndex];
- for i := fromIndex to FNbLayers-2 do
- FLayers[i] := FLayers[i+1];
- for i := FNbLayers-1 downto index+1 do
- FLayers[i] := FLayers[i-1];
- FLayers[index] := info;
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.Assign(ASource: TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap; ASharedLayerIds: boolean;
- ACopyAdditionalMemData: boolean);
-var i,idx,idxOrig,idxNewOrig: integer;
- usedOriginals: array of record
- used: boolean;
- sourceGuid,newGuid: TGuid;
- end;
- orig: TBGRALayerCustomOriginal;
- stream: TMemoryStream;
- targetDir, layerDir: TMemDirectory;
- if ASource = nil then
- raise exception.Create('Unexpected nil reference');
- Clear;
- SetSize(ASource.Width,ASource.Height);
- LinearBlend:= ASource.LinearBlend;
- setlength(usedOriginals, ASource.GetOriginalCount);
- for idxOrig := 0 to high(usedOriginals) do
- with usedOriginals[idxOrig] do
- begin
- used:= false;
- newGuid := GUID_NULL;
- end;
- for i := 0 to ASource.NbLayers-1 do
- if (ASource.LayerOriginalGuid[i]<>GUID_NULL) and
- (ASource.LayerOriginalKnown[i] or (ASource is TBGRALayeredBitmap)) then
- begin
- idxOrig := ASource.IndexOfOriginal(ASource.LayerOriginalGuid[i]);
- if (idxOrig <> -1) and not usedOriginals[idxOrig].used then
- begin
- if ASource.GetOriginalByIndexLoaded(idxOrig) then
- begin
- orig := ASource.GetOriginalByIndex(idxOrig);
- idxNewOrig := AddOriginal(orig, false);
- usedOriginals[idxOrig].sourceGuid := orig.Guid;
- end else
- begin
- stream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- (ASource as TBGRALayeredBitmap).SaveOriginalToStream(idxOrig, stream);
- stream.Position:= 0;
- idxNewOrig := AddOriginalFromStream(stream,true);
- stream.Free;
- usedOriginals[idxOrig].sourceGuid := (ASource as TBGRALayeredBitmap).OriginalGuid[idxOrig];
- end;
- usedOriginals[idxOrig].newGuid := OriginalGuid[idxNewOrig];
- usedOriginals[idxOrig].used := true;
- end;
- end;
- for i := 0 to ASource.NbLayers-1 do
- begin
- idx := AddOwnedLayer(ASource.GetLayerBitmapCopy(i),ASource.LayerOffset[i],ASource.BlendOperation[i],ASource.LayerOpacity[i]);
- LayerName[idx] := ASource.LayerName[i];
- LayerVisible[idx] := ASource.LayerVisible[i];
- if ASharedLayerIds and (ASource is TBGRALayeredBitmap) then
- LayerUniqueId[idx] := TBGRALayeredBitmap(ASource).LayerUniqueId[i];
- for idxOrig := 0 to high(usedOriginals) do
- if usedOriginals[idxOrig].sourceGuid = ASource.LayerOriginalGuid[i] then
- begin
- LayerOriginalGuid[idx] := usedOriginals[idxOrig].newGuid;
- LayerOriginalMatrix[idx] := ASource.LayerOriginalMatrix[i];
- LayerOriginalRenderStatus[idx] := ASource.LayerOriginalRenderStatus[i];
- break;
- end;
- if ASource is TBGRALayeredBitmap then
- begin
- layerDir := TBGRALayeredBitmap(ASource).GetLayerDirectory(i,false);
- if Assigned(layerDir) then
- layerDir.CopyTo(GetLayerDirectory(idx,true), true);
- end;
- end;
- if ACopyAdditionalMemData and ASource.HasMemFiles then
- for i := 0 to ASource.GetMemDirectory.Count-1 do
- if (ASource.GetMemDirectory.Entry[i].CompareNameAndExtension(OriginalsDirectory,'')<>0) and
- (ASource.GetMemDirectory.Entry[i].CompareNameAndExtension(LayersDirectory,'')<>0) and
- (ASource.GetMemDirectory.IsDirectory[i]) then
- begin
- with ASource.GetMemDirectory.Entry[i] do
- targetDir := GetMemDirectory.Directory[GetMemDirectory.AddDirectory(Name,Extension)];
- ASource.GetMemDirectory.Directory[i].CopyTo(targetDir, true);
- end;
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.MoveLayerUp(index: integer): integer;
- if (index >= 0) and (index <= NbLayers-2) then
- begin
- InsertLayer(index+1,index);
- result := index+1;
- end else
- result := -1;
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.MoveLayerDown(index: integer): integer;
- if (index > 0) and (index <= NbLayers-1) then
- begin
- InsertLayer(index-1,index);
- result := index-1;
- end else
- result := -1;
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.AddLayer(Source: TBGRABitmap; Opacity: byte
- ): integer;
- result := AddLayer(Source, Point(0,0), DefaultBlendingOperation, Opacity, False);
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.AddLayer(Source: TBGRABitmap; Position: TPoint;
- BlendOp: TBlendOperation; Opacity: byte; Shared: boolean): integer;
- result := AddLayer(Source.Caption,Source,Position,BlendOp,Opacity,Shared);
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.AddLayer(Source: TBGRABitmap; Position: TPoint;
- Opacity: byte): integer;
- result := AddLayer(Source,Position,DefaultBlendingOperation,Opacity);
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.AddLayer(Source: TBGRABitmap;
- BlendOp: TBlendOperation; Opacity: byte): integer;
- result := AddLayer(Source,Point(0,0),BlendOp,Opacity);
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.AddLayer(AName: string; Source: TBGRABitmap;
- Opacity: byte): integer;
- result := AddLayer(AName,Source,Point(0,0),Opacity);
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.AddLayer(AName: string; Source: TBGRABitmap;
- Position: TPoint; BlendOp: TBlendOperation; Opacity: byte; Shared: boolean): integer;
- if length(FLayers) = FNbLayers then
- setlength(FLayers, length(FLayers)*2+1);
- FLayers[FNbLayers].Name := AName;
- FLayers[FNbLayers].X := Position.X;
- FLayers[FNbLayers].Y := Position.Y;
- FLayers[FNbLayers].blendOp := BlendOp;
- FLayers[FNbLayers].Opacity := Opacity;
- FLayers[FNbLayers].Visible := true;
- FLayers[FNbLayers].Frozen := false;
- FLayers[FNbLayers].UniqueId := ProduceLayerUniqueId;
- FLayers[FNbLayers].OriginalMatrix := AffineMatrixIdentity;
- FLayers[FNbLayers].OriginalRenderStatus := orsNone;
- FLayers[FNbLayers].OriginalGuid := GUID_NULL;
- if Shared then
- begin
- FLayers[FNbLayers].Source := Source;
- FLayers[FNbLayers].Owner := false;
- end else
- begin
- FLayers[FNbLayers].Source := Source.Duplicate;
- FLayers[FNbLayers].Owner := true;
- end;
- result := FNbLayers;
- inc(FNbLayers);
- if (FNbLayers = 1) and (FWidth = 0) and (FHeight = 0) and (Source <> nil) then
- SetSize(Source.Width,Source.Height);
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.AddLayer(AName: string; Source: TBGRABitmap;
- Position: TPoint; Opacity: byte): integer;
- result := AddLayer(AName, Source, Position, DefaultBlendingOperation, Opacity);
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.AddLayer(AName: string; Source: TBGRABitmap;
- BlendOp: TBlendOperation; Opacity: byte): integer;
- result := AddLayer(AName, Source, Point(0,0), blendOp, Opacity);
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.AddSharedLayer(Source: TBGRABitmap; Opacity: byte
- ): integer;
- result := AddSharedLayer(Source, Point(0,0), DefaultBlendingOperation, Opacity);
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.AddSharedLayer(Source: TBGRABitmap;
- Position: TPoint; BlendOp: TBlendOperation; Opacity: byte): integer;
- result := AddLayer(Source, Position, BlendOp, Opacity, True);
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.AddSharedLayer(Source: TBGRABitmap;
- Position: TPoint; Opacity: byte): integer;
- result := AddSharedLayer(Source, Position, DefaultBlendingOperation, Opacity);
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.AddSharedLayer(Source: TBGRABitmap;
- BlendOp: TBlendOperation; Opacity: byte): integer;
- result := AddSharedLayer(Source, Point(0,0), blendOp, Opacity);
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.AddLayerFromFile(AFileName: string; Opacity: byte
- ): integer;
- result := AddOwnedLayer(TBGRABitmap.Create(AFilename),Opacity);
- FLayers[result].Name := ExtractFileName(AFilename);
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.AddLayerFromFile(AFileName: string;
- Position: TPoint; BlendOp: TBlendOperation; Opacity: byte): integer;
- result := AddOwnedLayer(TBGRABitmap.Create(AFilename),Position,BlendOp,Opacity);
- FLayers[result].Name := ExtractFileName(AFilename);
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.AddLayerFromFile(AFileName: string;
- Position: TPoint; Opacity: byte): integer;
- result := AddOwnedLayer(TBGRABitmap.Create(AFilename),Position,Opacity);
- FLayers[result].Name := ExtractFileName(AFilename);
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.AddLayerFromFile(AFileName: string;
- BlendOp: TBlendOperation; Opacity: byte): integer;
- result := AddOwnedLayer(TBGRABitmap.Create(AFilename),BlendOp,Opacity);
- FLayers[result].Name := ExtractFileName(AFilename);
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.AddOwnedLayer(ABitmap: TBGRABitmap; Opacity: byte
- ): integer;
- result := AddSharedLayer(ABitmap,Opacity);
- FLayers[result].Owner := True;
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.AddOwnedLayer(ABitmap: TBGRABitmap;
- Position: TPoint; BlendOp: TBlendOperation; Opacity: byte): integer;
- result := AddSharedLayer(ABitmap,Position,BlendOp,Opacity);
- FLayers[result].Owner := True;
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.AddOwnedLayer(ABitmap: TBGRABitmap;
- Position: TPoint; Opacity: byte): integer;
- result := AddSharedLayer(ABitmap,Position,Opacity);
- FLayers[result].Owner := True;
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.AddOwnedLayer(ABitmap: TBGRABitmap;
- BlendOp: TBlendOperation; Opacity: byte): integer;
- result := AddSharedLayer(ABitmap,BlendOp,Opacity);
- FLayers[result].Owner := True;
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.AddLayerFromOriginal(const AGuid: TGuid;
- Opacity: byte): integer;
- result := AddLayerFromOriginal(AGuid, DefaultBlendingOperation, Opacity);
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.AddLayerFromOriginal(const AGuid: TGuid;
- BlendOp: TBlendOperation; Opacity: byte): integer;
- result := AddLayerFromOriginal(AGuid, AffineMatrixIdentity, BlendOp, Opacity);
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.AddLayerFromOriginal(const AGuid: TGuid;
- Matrix: TAffineMatrix; Opacity: byte): integer;
- result := AddLayerFromOriginal(AGuid, Matrix, DefaultBlendingOperation, Opacity);
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.AddLayerFromOriginal(const AGuid: TGuid;
- Matrix: TAffineMatrix; BlendOp: TBlendOperation; Opacity: byte): integer;
- result := AddOwnedLayer(TBGRABitmap.Create, BlendOp, Opacity);
- LayerOriginalGuid[result] := AGuid;
- LayerOriginalMatrix[result] := Matrix;
- if not Assigned(LayerOriginal[result]) then
- raise exception.Create('Original data or class not found');
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.AddLayerFromOwnedOriginal(
- AOriginal: TBGRALayerCustomOriginal; Opacity: byte): integer;
- if IndexOfOriginal(AOriginal) = -1 then AddOriginal(AOriginal);
- result := AddLayerFromOriginal(AOriginal.Guid, Opacity);
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.AddLayerFromOwnedOriginal(
- AOriginal: TBGRALayerCustomOriginal; BlendOp: TBlendOperation; Opacity: byte): integer;
- if IndexOfOriginal(AOriginal) = -1 then AddOriginal(AOriginal);
- result := AddLayerFromOriginal(AOriginal.Guid, BlendOp, Opacity);
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.AddLayerFromOwnedOriginal(
- AOriginal: TBGRALayerCustomOriginal; Matrix: TAffineMatrix; Opacity: byte): integer;
- if IndexOfOriginal(AOriginal) = -1 then AddOriginal(AOriginal);
- result := AddLayerFromOriginal(AOriginal.Guid, Matrix, Opacity);
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.AddLayerFromOwnedOriginal(
- AOriginal: TBGRALayerCustomOriginal; Matrix: TAffineMatrix;
- BlendOp: TBlendOperation; Opacity: byte): integer;
- if IndexOfOriginal(AOriginal) = -1 then AddOriginal(AOriginal);
- result := AddLayerFromOriginal(AOriginal.Guid, Matrix, BlendOp, Opacity);
-class function TBGRALayeredBitmap.IsValidRegistryIndentifier(AIdentifier: string): boolean;
- i: Integer;
- if length(AIdentifier) = 0 then exit(false);
- for i := 1 to length(AIdentifier) do
- if not (AIdentifier[i] in ['A'..'Z','a'..'z','0'..'9','_','-']) then exit(false);
- exit(true);
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.GetLayerRegistry(ALayerIndex: integer;
- ARegistryIdentifier: string): RawByteString;
- layerDir, registryDir: TMemDirectory;
- if not IsValidRegistryIndentifier(ARegistryIdentifier) then
- raise exception.Create('Invalid registry identifier');
- layerDir := GetLayerDirectory(ALayerIndex, false);
- if layerDir = nil then exit('');
- registryDir := layerDir.Directory[layerDir.AddDirectory(RegistrySubDirectory,'')];
- result := registryDir.RawStringByFilename[ARegistryIdentifier]
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.SetLayerRegistry(ALayerIndex: integer;
- ARegistryIdentifier: string; AValue: RawByteString);
- layerDir, registryDir: TMemDirectory;
- if not IsValidRegistryIndentifier(ARegistryIdentifier) then
- raise exception.Create('Invalid registry identifier');
- layerDir := GetLayerDirectory(ALayerIndex, true);
- registryDir := layerDir.Directory[layerDir.AddDirectory(RegistrySubDirectory,'')];
- if length(AValue) = 0 then
- registryDir.Delete(ARegistryIdentifier,'')
- else registryDir.RawStringByFilename[ARegistryIdentifier] := AValue;
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.SaveLayerRegistryToStream(ALayerIndex: integer;
- AStream: TStream);
- layerDir, registryDir: TMemDirectory;
- layerDir := GetLayerDirectory(ALayerIndex, true);
- registryDir := layerDir.Directory[layerDir.AddDirectory(RegistrySubDirectory,'')];
- registryDir.SaveToStream(AStream);
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.LoadLayerRegistryFromStream(ALayerIndex: integer;
- AStream: TStream);
- layerDir, registryDir: TMemDirectory;
- layerDir := GetLayerDirectory(ALayerIndex, true);
- registryDir := layerDir.Directory[layerDir.AddDirectory(RegistrySubDirectory,'')];
- registryDir.LoadFromStream(AStream);
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.GetGlobalRegistry(ARegistryIdentifier: string): RawByteString;
- registryDir: TMemDirectory;
- if not IsValidRegistryIndentifier(ARegistryIdentifier) then
- raise exception.Create('Invalid registry identifier');
- registryDir := MemDirectory.Directory[MemDirectory.AddDirectory(RegistrySubDirectory,'')];
- result := registryDir.RawStringByFilename[ARegistryIdentifier]
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.SetGlobalRegistry(ARegistryIdentifier: string; AValue: RawByteString);
- registryDir: TMemDirectory;
- if not IsValidRegistryIndentifier(ARegistryIdentifier) then
- raise exception.Create('Invalid registry identifier');
- registryDir := MemDirectory.Directory[MemDirectory.AddDirectory(RegistrySubDirectory,'')];
- if length(AValue) = 0 then
- registryDir.Delete(ARegistryIdentifier,'')
- else registryDir.RawStringByFilename[ARegistryIdentifier] := AValue;
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.AddOriginal(AOriginal: TBGRALayerCustomOriginal; AOwned: boolean): integer;
- newGuid: TGuid;
- if AOriginal = nil then
- raise exception.Create('Unexpected nil reference');;
- if AOriginal.Guid = GUID_NULL then
- begin
- if CreateGUID(newGuid)<> 0 then
- begin
- if AOwned then AOriginal.Free;
- raise exception.Create('Error while creating GUID');
- end;
- AOriginal.Guid := newGuid;
- end else
- begin
- if IndexOfOriginal(AOriginal) <> -1 then
- begin
- if AOwned then AOriginal.Free;
- raise exception.Create('Original already added');
- end;
- if IndexOfOriginal(AOriginal.Guid) <> -1 then
- begin
- if AOwned then AOriginal.Free;
- raise exception.Create('GUID is already in use');
- end;
- end;
- if FOriginals = nil then FOriginals := TBGRALayerOriginalList.Create;
- if AOwned then
- begin
- result := FOriginals.Add(BGRALayerOriginalEntry(AOriginal));
- AOriginal.OnChange:= @OriginalChange;
- AOriginal.OnEditingChange:= @OriginalEditingChange;
- end
- else
- begin
- StoreOriginal(AOriginal);
- result := FOriginals.Add(BGRALayerOriginalEntry(AOriginal.Guid));
- end;
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.AddOriginalFromStream(AStream: TStream;
- ALateLoad: boolean): integer;
- newGuid: TGUID;
- if CreateGUID(newGuid)<> 0 then raise exception.Create('Error while creating GUID');
- result := AddOriginalFromStream(AStream, newGuid, ALateLoad);
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.AddOriginalFromStream(AStream: TStream;
- const AGuid: TGuid; ALateLoad: boolean): integer;
- storage: TBGRAMemOriginalStorage;
- storage:= TBGRAMemOriginalStorage.Create;
- storage.LoadFromStream(AStream);
- try
- result := AddOriginalFromStorage(storage, AGuid, ALateLoad);
- finally
- storage.Free;
- end;
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.AddOriginalFromStorage(AStorage: TBGRAMemOriginalStorage; ALateLoad: boolean): integer;
- newGuid: TGUID;
- if CreateGUID(newGuid)<> 0 then raise exception.Create('Error while creating GUID');
- result := AddOriginalFromStorage(AStorage, newGuid, ALateLoad);
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.AddOriginalFromStorage(
- AStorage: TBGRAMemOriginalStorage; const AGuid: TGuid; ALateLoad: boolean): integer;
- origClassName: String;
- origClass: TBGRALayerOriginalAny;
- orig: TBGRALayerCustomOriginal;
- dir, subdir: TMemDirectory;
- raiseError: Boolean;
- result := -1;
- origClassName := AStorage.RawString['class'];
- if origClassName = '' then raise Exception.Create('Original class name not defined');
- if ALateLoad then
- begin
- if IndexOfOriginal(AGuid)<>-1 then
- raise exception.Create('Duplicate GUID');
- dir := MemDirectory.Directory[MemDirectory.AddDirectory(OriginalsDirectory)];
- subdir := dir.Directory[dir.AddDirectory(GUIDToString(AGuid))];
- AStorage.CopyTo(subdir);
- if FOriginals = nil then FOriginals := TBGRALayerOriginalList.Create;
- result := FOriginals.Add(BGRALayerOriginalEntry(AGuid));
- end else
- begin
- origClass := FindLayerOriginalClass(origClassName);
- if origClass = nil then raise exception.Create('Original class not found (it can be registered with the RegisterLayerOriginal function)');
- orig := origClass.Create;
- try
- orig.LoadFromStorage(AStorage);
- orig.Guid := AGuid;
- result := AddOriginal(orig, true);
- except on ex:exception do
- begin
- orig.Free;
- raiseError := true;
- if Assigned(FOnOriginalLoadError) then
- FOnOriginalLoadError(self, ex.Message, raiseError);
- if raiseError then
- raise ex;
- end;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.SaveOriginalToStream(AIndex: integer;
- AStream: TStream);
- dir: TMemDirectory;
- c: TBGRALayerOriginalAny;
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= OriginalCount) then
- raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- if Assigned(FOriginals[AIndex].Instance) then
- FOriginals[AIndex].Instance.SaveToStream(AStream)
- else
- begin
- FindOriginal(FOriginals[AIndex].Guid, dir, c);
- if dir = nil then
- raise exception.Create('Original directory not found');
- dir.SaveToStream(AStream);
- end;
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.SaveOriginalToStream(const AGuid: TGuid;
- AStream: TStream);
- idxOrig: Integer;
- idxOrig := IndexOfOriginal(AGuid);
- if idxOrig = -1 then raise exception.Create('Original not found');
- SaveOriginalToStream(idxOrig, AStream);
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.RemoveOriginal(AOriginal: TBGRALayerCustomOriginal): boolean;
- idx: Integer;
- idx := IndexOfOriginal(AOriginal);
- if idx = -1 then exit(false);
- DeleteOriginal(idx);
- result := true;
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.DeleteOriginal(AIndex: integer);
- dir: TMemDirectory;
- i: Integer;
- guid: TGuid;
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= OriginalCount) then
- raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- guid := FOriginals[AIndex].Guid;
- for i := 0 to NbLayers-1 do
- if LayerOriginalGuid[i] = guid then
- begin
- LayerOriginalGuid[i] := GUID_NULL;
- LayerOriginalMatrix[i] := AffineMatrixIdentity;
- end;
- dir := MemDirectory.Directory[MemDirectory.AddDirectory(OriginalsDirectory)];
- dir.Delete(GUIDToString(guid),'');
- FOriginals[AIndex].Instance.Free;
- FOriginals.Delete(AIndex); //AOriginals freed
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.NotifyLoaded;
- foundGuid: array of TGuid;
- nbFoundGuid: integer;
- procedure AddGuid(const AGuid: TGuid);
- begin
- foundGuid[nbFoundGuid] := AGuid;
- inc(nbFoundGuid);
- end;
- function IndexOfGuid(AGuid: TGuid): integer;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to nbFoundGuid-1 do
- if foundGuid[i] = AGuid then exit(i);
- result := -1;
- end;
- i: Integer;
- dir: TMemDirectory;
- newGuid: TGUID;
- inherited NotifyLoaded;
- //if there are no files in memory, we are sure that there are no originals
- if not HasMemFiles then
- begin
- ClearOriginals;
- exit;
- end;
- //determine list of GUID of originals
- dir := MemDirectory.Directory[MemDirectory.AddDirectory(OriginalsDirectory)];
- setlength(foundGuid, dir.Count);
- nbFoundGuid:= 0;
- for i := 0 to dir.Count-1 do
- if dir.IsDirectory[i] and (dir.Entry[i].Extension = '') then
- begin
- if TryStringToGUID(dir.Entry[i].Name, newGuid) then
- AddGuid(newGuid);
- end;
- //remove originals that do not exist anymore
- for i := OriginalCount-1 downto 0 do
- if IndexOfGuid(FOriginals[i].Guid) = -1 then
- DeleteOriginal(i);
- //add originals from memory directory
- for i := 0 to nbFoundGuid-1 do
- begin
- if IndexOfOriginal(foundGuid[i]) = -1 then
- begin
- if FOriginals = nil then FOriginals := TBGRALayerOriginalList.Create;
- FOriginals.Add(BGRALayerOriginalEntry(foundGuid[i]));
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.NotifySaving;
- i, j, id, ErrPos: Integer;
- layersDir, renderDir: TMemDirectory;
- inherited NotifySaving;
- RenderOriginalsIfNecessary;
- for i := 0 to OriginalCount-1 do
- if Assigned(FOriginals[i].Instance) then
- StoreOriginal(FOriginals[i].Instance);
- //check layer storage
- if MemDirectory.IndexOf(LayersDirectory,'')<>-1 then
- begin
- layersDir := MemDirectory.Directory[MemDirectory.AddDirectory(LayersDirectory)];
- for i := layersDir.Count-1 downto 0 do
- if layersDir.IsDirectory[i] then
- begin
- renderDir := layersDir.Directory[i].FindPath(RenderSubDirectory);
- if Assigned(renderDir) then
- begin
- //discard temporary files
- renderDir.Delete(RenderTempSubDirectory,'');
- //compress significant files
- for j := 0 to renderDir.Count-1 do
- begin
- if renderDir.Entry[j].FileSize > 128 then
- renderDir.IsEntryCompressed[j] := true;
- end;
- end;
- //remove invalid layer references
- val(layersDir.Entry[i].Name, id, errPos);
- if (errPos <> 0) or (GetLayerIndexFromId(id)=-1) then
- layersDir.Delete(i);
- end;
- if layersDir.Count = 0 then
- MemDirectory.Delete(LayersDirectory,'');
- end;
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.RenderLayerFromOriginal(layer: integer;
- ADraft: boolean; AFullSizeLayer: boolean = false);
- RenderLayerFromOriginal(layer, ADraft, rectF(0,0,Width,Height), AFullSizeLayer);
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.RenderLayerFromOriginal(layer: integer;
- ADraft: boolean; ARenderBounds: TRect; AFullSizeLayer: boolean = false);
- orig: TBGRALayerCustomOriginal;
- rAll, rNewBounds, rInterRender: TRect;
- newSource: TBGRABitmap;
- layerDir, renderDir: TMemDirectory;
- j: integer;
- procedure FreeSource;
- begin
- if FLayers[layer].Owner then
- FreeAndNil(FLayers[layer].Source)
- else
- FLayers[layer].Source := nil;
- end;
- if (layer < 0) or (layer >= NbLayers) then
- raise Exception.Create('Index out of bounds');
- orig := LayerOriginal[layer];
- if Assigned(orig) then
- begin
- Unfreeze(layer);
- layerDir := GetLayerDirectory(layer, true);
- renderDir := layerDir.Directory[layerDir.AddDirectory(RenderSubDirectory)];
- //uncompress files for faster access
- for j := 0 to renderDir.Count-1 do
- renderDir.IsEntryCompressed[j] := false;
- orig.RenderStorage := TBGRAMemOriginalStorage.Create(renderDir);
- rAll := rect(0,0,Width,Height);
- if AFullSizeLayer then
- rNewBounds := rAll
- else
- begin
- rNewBounds := orig.GetRenderBounds(rAll,FLayers[layer].OriginalMatrix);
- rNewBounds.Intersect(rAll);
- end;
- rInterRender := TRect.Intersect(ARenderBounds, rNewBounds);
- if (FLayers[layer].x = rNewBounds.Left) and
- (FLayers[layer].y = rNewBounds.Top) and
- Assigned(FLayers[layer].Source) and
- (FLayers[layer].Source.Width = rNewBounds.Width) and
- (FLayers[layer].Source.Height = rNewBounds.Height) then
- begin
- rInterRender.Offset(-rNewBounds.Left, -rNewBounds.Top);
- FLayers[layer].Source.FillRect(rInterRender, BGRAPixelTransparent, dmSet);
- FLayers[layer].Source.ClipRect := rInterRender;
- orig.Render(FLayers[layer].Source, Point(-rNewBounds.Left,-rNewBounds.Top), FLayers[layer].OriginalMatrix, ADraft);
- FLayers[layer].Source.NoClip;
- end else
- begin
- if rInterRender = rNewBounds then
- begin
- FreeSource;
- newSource := TBGRABitmap.Create(rNewBounds.Width,rNewBounds.Height);
- orig.Render(newSource, Point(-rNewBounds.Left,-rNewBounds.Top), FLayers[layer].OriginalMatrix, ADraft);
- end else
- begin
- newSource := TBGRABitmap.Create(rNewBounds.Width,rNewBounds.Height);
- newSource.PutImage(FLayers[layer].x - rNewBounds.Left, FLayers[layer].y - rNewBounds.Top, FLayers[layer].Source, dmSet);
- FreeSource;
- rInterRender.Offset(-rNewBounds.Left, -rNewBounds.Top);
- if not rInterRender.IsEmpty then
- begin
- newSource.FillRect(rInterRender, BGRAPixelTransparent, dmSet);
- newSource.ClipRect := rInterRender;
- orig.Render(newSource, Point(-rNewBounds.Left,-rNewBounds.Top), FLayers[layer].OriginalMatrix, ADraft);
- newSource.NoClip;
- end;
- end;
- FLayers[layer].Source := newSource;
- FLayers[layer].x := rNewBounds.Left;
- FLayers[layer].y := rNewBounds.Top;
- end;
- orig.RenderStorage.AffineMatrix['last-matrix'] := FLayers[layer].OriginalMatrix;
- orig.RenderStorage.Free;
- orig.renderStorage := nil;
- if renderDir.Count = 1 then //only matrix
- layerDir.Delete(RenderSubDirectory,'');
- end;
- if ADraft then
- FLayers[layer].OriginalRenderStatus := orsDraft
- else
- FLayers[layer].OriginalRenderStatus := orsProof;
- FLayers[layer].OriginalInvalidatedBounds := EmptyRectF;
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.RenderLayerFromOriginal(layer: integer;
- ADraft: boolean; ARenderBoundsF: TRectF; AFullSizeLayer: boolean = false);
- r: TRect;
- with ARenderBoundsF do
- r := Rect(floor(Left),floor(Top),ceil(Right),ceil(Bottom));
- RenderLayerFromOriginal(layer, ADraft, r, AFullSizeLayer);
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.RenderLayerFromOriginalIfNecessary(layer: integer;
- ADraft: boolean; var ABounds: TRect);
- procedure UnionLayerArea(ALayer: integer);
- var
- r: TRect;
- begin
- if (FLayers[ALayer].Source = nil) or
- (FLayers[ALayer].Source.Width = 0) or
- (FLayers[ALayer].Source.Height = 0) then exit;
- r := RectWithSize(LayerOffset[ALayer].X, LayerOffset[ALayer].Y,
- FLayers[ALayer].Source.Width, FLayers[ALayer].Source.Height);
- if ABounds.IsEmpty then ABounds := r else
- ABounds.Union(r);
- end;
- r: TRect;
- case LayerOriginalRenderStatus[layer] of
- orsNone:
- begin
- UnionLayerArea(layer);
- RenderLayerFromOriginal(layer, ADraft);
- UnionLayerArea(layer);
- end;
- orsDraft: if not ADraft then
- begin
- UnionLayerArea(layer);
- RenderLayerFromOriginal(layer, ADraft);
- UnionLayerArea(layer);
- end;
- orsPartialDraft,orsPartialProof:
- if not ADraft and (LayerOriginalRenderStatus[layer] = orsPartialDraft) then
- begin
- UnionLayerArea(layer);
- RenderLayerFromOriginal(layer, ADraft, rect(0,0,Width,Height), true);
- UnionLayerArea(layer);
- end
- else
- begin
- with FLayers[layer].OriginalInvalidatedBounds do
- r := Rect(floor(Left),floor(Top),ceil(Right),ceil(Bottom));
- RenderLayerFromOriginal(layer, ADraft, r, true);
- if not r.Isempty then
- begin
- if ABounds.IsEmpty then
- ABounds := r
- else
- ABounds.Union(r);
- end;
- end;
- end;
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.RenderOriginalsIfNecessary(ADraft: boolean): TRect;
- i: Integer;
- result:= EmptyRect;
- for i := 0 to NbLayers-1 do
- RenderLayerFromOriginalIfNecessary(i, ADraft, result);
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.RenderOriginalIfNecessary(const AGuid: TGuid;
- ADraft: boolean): TRect;
- i: Integer;
- result:= EmptyRect;
- for i := 0 to NbLayers-1 do
- if LayerOriginalGuid[i] = AGuid then
- RenderLayerFromOriginalIfNecessary(i, ADraft, result);
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.RemoveUnusedOriginals;
-var useCount: array of integer;
- i, idxOrig: Integer;
- if OriginalCount = 0 then exit;
- setlength(useCount, OriginalCount);
- for i := 0 to NbLayers-1 do
- begin
- idxOrig := IndexOfOriginal(LayerOriginalGuid[i]);
- if idxOrig <> -1 then inc(useCount[idxOrig]);
- end;
- for i := high(useCount) downto 0 do
- if useCount[i] = 0 then DeleteOriginal(i);
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.UnloadOriginals;
- i: Integer;
- for i := 0 to OriginalCount-1 do
- UnloadOriginal(i);
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.UnloadOriginal(AIndex: integer);
- origInfo: TBGRALayerOriginalEntry;
- if (AIndex >= 0) and (AIndex < OriginalCount) then
- begin
- origInfo := FOriginals[AIndex];
- if Assigned(origInfo.Instance) then
- begin
- StoreOriginal(origInfo.Instance);
- FreeAndNil(origInfo.Instance);
- FOriginals[AIndex] := origInfo;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.UnloadOriginal(const AGuid: TGuid);
- UnloadOriginal(IndexOfOriginal(AGuid));
-destructor TBGRALayeredBitmap.Destroy;
- FOriginalEditor.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
-constructor TBGRALayeredBitmap.Create;
- inherited Create;
- FWidth := 0;
- FHeight := 0;
- FNbLayers:= 0;
- FOriginals := nil;
-constructor TBGRALayeredBitmap.Create(AWidth, AHeight: integer);
- inherited Create;
- if AWidth < 0 then
- FWidth := 0
- else
- FWidth := AWidth;
- if AHeight < 0 then
- FHeight := 0
- else
- FHeight := AHeight;
- FNbLayers:= 0;
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.GetLayerBitmapCopy(layer: integer): TBGRABitmap;
- result := GetLayerBitmapDirectly(layer).Duplicate;
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.GetLayerIndexFromId(AIdentifier: integer): integer;
-var i: integer;
- for i := 0 to NbLayers-1 do
- if FLayers[i].UniqueId = AIdentifier then
- begin
- result := i;
- exit;
- end;
- result := -1; //not found
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.Duplicate(ASharedLayerIds: boolean): TBGRALayeredBitmap;
- result := TBGRALayeredBitmap.Create;
- result.Assign(self, ASharedLayerIds);
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.ProduceLayerUniqueId: integer;
- result := InterLockedIncrement(NextLayerUniqueId);
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.RotateCW;
-var i: integer;
- newBmp: TBGRABitmap;
- newOfs: TPointF;
- m: TAffineMatrix;
- SetSize(Height,Width); //unfreeze
- m := AffineMatrixTranslation(Width,0)*AffineMatrixRotationDeg(90);
- for i := 0 to NbLayers-1 do
- begin
- if Assigned(OnActionProgress) then OnActionProgress(self, round(i*100/NbLayers));
- newOfs:= m*PointF(FLayers[i].x,FLayers[i].y+FLayers[i].Source.Height);
- newBmp := FLayers[i].Source.RotateCW;
- if FLayers[i].Owner then FreeAndNil(FLayers[i].Source);
- FLayers[i].Source := newBmp;
- FLayers[i].Owner := true;
- FLayers[i].x := round(newOfs.x);
- FLayers[i].y := round(newOfs.y);
- FLayers[i].OriginalMatrix := m*FLayers[i].OriginalMatrix;
- end;
- if Assigned(OnActionDone) then OnActionDone(self);
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.RotateCCW;
-var i: integer;
- newBmp: TBGRABitmap;
- newOfs: TPointF;
- m: TAffineMatrix;
- SetSize(Height,Width); //unfreeze
- m := AffineMatrixTranslation(0,Height)*AffineMatrixRotationDeg(-90);
- for i := 0 to NbLayers-1 do
- begin
- if Assigned(OnActionProgress) then OnActionProgress(self, round(i*100/NbLayers));
- newOfs:= m*PointF(FLayers[i].x+FLayers[i].Source.Width,FLayers[i].y);
- newBmp := FLayers[i].Source.RotateCCW;
- if FLayers[i].Owner then FreeAndNil(FLayers[i].Source);
- FLayers[i].Source := newBmp;
- FLayers[i].Owner := true;
- FLayers[i].x := round(newOfs.x);
- FLayers[i].y := round(newOfs.y);
- FLayers[i].OriginalMatrix := m*FLayers[i].OriginalMatrix;
- end;
- if Assigned(OnActionDone) then OnActionDone(self);
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.RotateUD;
-var i: integer;
- Unfreeze;
- for i := 0 to NbLayers-1 do
- begin
- if Assigned(OnActionProgress) then OnActionProgress(self, round(i*100/NbLayers));
- RotateUD(i);
- end;
- if Assigned(OnActionDone) then OnActionDone(self);
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.RotateUD(ALayerIndex: integer);
- if (ALayerIndex < 0) or (ALayerIndex >= NbLayers) then
- raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- Unfreeze(ALayerIndex);
- if FLayers[ALayerIndex].Owner then
- FLayers[ALayerIndex].Source.RotateUDInplace
- else
- begin
- FLayers[ALayerIndex].Source := FLayers[ALayerIndex].Source.RotateUD;
- FLayers[ALayerIndex].Owner := true;
- end;
- FLayers[ALayerIndex].x := Width-FLayers[ALayerIndex].x-FLayers[ALayerIndex].Source.Width;
- FLayers[ALayerIndex].y := Height-FLayers[ALayerIndex].y-FLayers[ALayerIndex].Source.Height;
- FLayers[ALayerIndex].OriginalMatrix := AffineMatrixTranslation(+Width/2,+Height/2)*AffineMatrixScale(-1,-1)*AffineMatrixTranslation(-Width/2,-Height/2)*FLayers[ALayerIndex].OriginalMatrix;
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.HorizontalFlip;
-var i: integer;
- Unfreeze;
- for i := 0 to NbLayers-1 do
- begin
- if Assigned(OnActionProgress) then OnActionProgress(self, round(i*100/NbLayers));
- HorizontalFlip(i);
- end;
- if Assigned(OnActionDone) then OnActionDone(self);
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.HorizontalFlip(ALayerIndex: integer);
- if (ALayerIndex < 0) or (ALayerIndex >= NbLayers) then
- raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- Unfreeze(ALayerIndex);
- if FLayers[ALayerIndex].Owner then
- FLayers[ALayerIndex].Source.HorizontalFlip
- else
- begin
- FLayers[ALayerIndex].Source := FLayers[ALayerIndex].Source.Duplicate(True);
- FLayers[ALayerIndex].Source.HorizontalFlip;
- FLayers[ALayerIndex].Owner := true;
- end;
- FLayers[ALayerIndex].x := Width-FLayers[ALayerIndex].x-FLayers[ALayerIndex].Source.Width;
- FLayers[ALayerIndex].OriginalMatrix := AffineMatrixTranslation(+Width/2,0)*AffineMatrixScale(-1,1)*AffineMatrixTranslation(-Width/2,0)*FLayers[ALayerIndex].OriginalMatrix;
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.VerticalFlip;
-var i: integer;
- Unfreeze;
- for i := 0 to NbLayers-1 do
- begin
- if Assigned(OnActionProgress) then OnActionProgress(self, round(i*100/NbLayers));
- VerticalFlip(i);
- end;
- if Assigned(OnActionDone) then OnActionDone(self);
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.VerticalFlip(ALayerIndex: integer);
- if (ALayerIndex < 0) or (ALayerIndex >= NbLayers) then
- raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- Unfreeze(ALayerIndex);
- if FLayers[ALayerIndex].Owner then
- FLayers[ALayerIndex].Source.VerticalFlip
- else
- begin
- FLayers[ALayerIndex].Source := FLayers[ALayerIndex].Source.Duplicate(True);
- FLayers[ALayerIndex].Source.VerticalFlip;
- FLayers[ALayerIndex].Owner := true;
- end;
- FLayers[ALayerIndex].y := Height-FLayers[ALayerIndex].y-FLayers[ALayerIndex].Source.Height;
- FLayers[ALayerIndex].OriginalMatrix := AffineMatrixTranslation(0,+Height/2)*AffineMatrixScale(1,-1)*AffineMatrixTranslation(0,-Height/2)*FLayers[ALayerIndex].OriginalMatrix;
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.Resample(AWidth, AHeight: integer;
- AResampleMode: TResampleMode; AFineResampleFilter: TResampleFilter);
-var i, prevWidth, prevHeight: integer;
- resampled: TBGRABitmap;
- oldFilter : TResampleFilter;
- dummyRect: TRect;
- if (AWidth < 0) or (AHeight < 0) then
- raise exception.Create('Invalid size');
- prevWidth := Width;
- if prevWidth < 1 then prevWidth := AWidth;
- prevHeight := Height;
- if prevHeight < 1 then prevHeight := AHeight;
- SetSize(AWidth, AHeight); //unfreeze
- dummyRect := EmptyRect;
- for i := 0 to NbLayers-1 do
- begin
- if Assigned(OnActionProgress) then OnActionProgress(self, round(i*100/NbLayers));
- if (FLayers[i].OriginalGuid <> GUID_NULL) and LayerOriginalKnown[i] then
- begin
- LayerOriginalMatrix[i] := AffineMatrixScale(AWidth/prevWidth,AHeight/prevHeight)*LayerOriginalMatrix[i];
- if AResampleMode = rmFineResample then RenderLayerFromOriginalIfNecessary(i, false, dummyRect);
- end else
- begin
- if LayerBitmap[i].NbPixels <> 0 then
- begin
- oldFilter := LayerBitmap[i].ResampleFilter;
- LayerBitmap[i].ResampleFilter := AFineResampleFilter;
- resampled := LayerBitmap[i].Resample(max(1,round(LayerBitmap[i].Width*AWidth/prevWidth)),
- max(1,round(LayerBitmap[i].Height*AHeight/prevHeight)), AResampleMode);
- LayerBitmap[i].ResampleFilter := oldFilter;
- SetLayerBitmap(i, resampled, True);
- end;
- with LayerOffset[i] do
- LayerOffset[i] := Point(round(X*AWidth/prevWidth),round(Y*AHeight/prevHeight));
- end;
- end;
- if Assigned(OnActionDone) then OnActionDone(self);
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.SetLayerBitmap(layer: integer;
- ABitmap: TBGRABitmap; AOwned: boolean);
- layerDir: TMemDirectory;
- if (layer < 0) or (layer >= NbLayers) then
- raise Exception.Create('Index out of bounds')
- else
- begin
- if ABitmap = FLayers[layer].Source then exit;
- Unfreeze(layer);
- if FLayers[layer].Owner then FLayers[layer].Source.Free;
- FLayers[layer].Source := ABitmap;
- FLayers[layer].Owner := AOwned;
- FLayers[layer].OriginalGuid := GUID_NULL;
- FLayers[layer].OriginalMatrix := AffineMatrixIdentity;
- layerDir := GetLayerDirectory(layer, false);
- if Assigned(layerDir) then
- layerDir.Delete(RenderSubDirectory,'');
- end;
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.TakeLayerBitmap(layer: integer): TBGRABitmap;
- result := GetLayerBitmapDirectly(layer);
- if Assigned(result) then
- begin
- if FLayers[layer].Owner then FLayers[layer].Owner := false
- else result := result.Duplicate;
- end;
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.ApplyLayerOffset(ALayerIndex: integer;
- APadWithTranparentPixels: boolean);
- r: TRect;
- newBmp: TBGRABitmap;
- if APadWithTranparentPixels then
- begin
- if (LayerOffset[ALayerIndex].X=0) and (LayerOffset[ALayerIndex].Y=0) and
- (LayerBitmap[ALayerIndex].Width=Width) and (LayerBitmap[ALayerIndex].Height=Height) then exit;
- newBmp := TBGRABitmap.Create(Width,Height);
- newBmp.PutImage(LayerOffset[ALayerIndex].X, LayerOffset[ALayerIndex].Y, LayerBitmap[ALayerIndex], dmSet);
- if FLayers[ALayerIndex].Owner then FLayers[ALayerIndex].Source.Free;
- FLayers[ALayerIndex].Source := newBmp;
- FLayers[ALayerIndex].Owner := true;
- FLayers[ALayerIndex].x := 0;
- FLayers[ALayerIndex].y := 0;
- end else
- begin
- if (LayerOffset[ALayerIndex].X>=0) and (LayerOffset[ALayerIndex].Y>=0) and
- (LayerOffset[ALayerIndex].X+LayerBitmap[ALayerIndex].Width <= Width) and
- (LayerOffset[ALayerIndex].Y+LayerBitmap[ALayerIndex].Height <= Height) then exit;
- r := RectWithSize(LayerOffset[ALayerIndex].X, LayerOffset[ALayerIndex].Y,
- LayerBitmap[ALayerIndex].Width, LayerBitmap[ALayerIndex].Height);
- r.Intersect( rect(0,0,Width,Height) );
- newBmp := TBGRABitmap.Create(r.Width,r.Height);
- newBmp.PutImage(LayerOffset[ALayerIndex].X - r.Left, LayerOffset[ALayerIndex].Y - r.Top, LayerBitmap[ALayerIndex], dmSet);
- if FLayers[ALayerIndex].Owner then FLayers[ALayerIndex].Source.Free;
- FLayers[ALayerIndex].Source := newBmp;
- FLayers[ALayerIndex].Owner := true;
- FLayers[ALayerIndex].x := r.Left;
- FLayers[ALayerIndex].y := r.Top;
- end;
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.DrawEditor(ADest: TBGRABitmap;
- ALayerIndex: integer; X, Y: Integer; APointSize: single): TRect;
- result := DrawEditor(ADest, ALayerIndex, AffineMatrixTranslation(X,Y), APointSize);
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.DrawEditor(ADest: TBGRABitmap; ALayerIndex: integer;
- AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; APointSize: single): TRect;
- UpdateOriginalEditor(ALayerIndex, AMatrix, APointSize);
- if Assigned(OriginalEditor) then
- result := OriginalEditor.Render(ADest, rect(0,0,ADest.Width,ADest.Height))
- else result := EmptyRect;
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.GetEditorBounds(ALayerIndex: integer; X,
- Y: Integer; APointSize: single): TRect;
- result := GetEditorBounds(ALayerIndex, AffineMatrixTranslation(X,Y), APointSize);
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.GetEditorBounds(ADestRect: TRect;
- ALayerIndex: integer; X, Y: Integer; APointSize: single): TRect;
- result := GetEditorBounds(ADestRect, ALayerIndex, AffineMatrixTranslation(X,Y), APointSize);
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.GetEditorBounds(ALayerIndex: integer;
- AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; APointSize: single): TRect;
- result := GetEditorBounds(rect(-maxLongint,-maxLongint,maxLongint,maxLongint), ALayerIndex, AMatrix, APointSize);
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.GetEditorBounds(ADestRect: TRect; ALayerIndex: integer;
- AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; APointSize: single): TRect;
- UpdateOriginalEditor(ALayerIndex, AMatrix, APointSize);
- if Assigned(OriginalEditor) then
- result := OriginalEditor.GetRenderBounds(ADestRect)
- else result := EmptyRect;
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.ClearEditor;
- if Assigned(FOriginalEditor) then FOriginalEditor.Clear;
- FOriginalEditorOriginal := GUID_NULL;
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; ImageX, ImageY: Single; out
- ACursor: TOriginalEditorCursor);
- handled: boolean;
- MouseMove(Shift, ImageX,ImageY, ACursor, handled);
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.MouseDown(RightButton: boolean;
- Shift: TShiftState; ImageX, ImageY: Single; out ACursor: TOriginalEditorCursor);
- handled: boolean;
- MouseDown(RightButton, Shift, ImageX,ImageY, ACursor, handled);
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.MouseUp(RightButton: boolean; Shift: TShiftState;
- ImageX, ImageY: Single; out ACursor: TOriginalEditorCursor);
- handled: boolean;
- MouseUp(RightButton, Shift, ImageX,ImageY, ACursor, handled);
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; ImageX, ImageY: Single; out
- ACursor: TOriginalEditorCursor; out AHandled: boolean);
- viewPt: TPointF;
- if Assigned(OriginalEditor) then
- begin
- viewPt := FOriginalEditorViewMatrix*PointF(ImageX,ImageY);
- OriginalEditor.MouseMove(Shift, viewPt.X, viewPt.Y, ACursor, AHandled);
- end
- else
- begin
- ACursor:= oecDefault;
- AHandled:= false;
- end;
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.MouseDown(RightButton: boolean;
- Shift: TShiftState; ImageX, ImageY: Single; out ACursor: TOriginalEditorCursor; out
- AHandled: boolean);
- viewPt: TPointF;
- if Assigned(OriginalEditor) then
- begin
- viewPt := FOriginalEditorViewMatrix*PointF(ImageX,ImageY);
- OriginalEditor.MouseDown(RightButton, Shift, viewPt.X, viewPt.Y, ACursor, AHandled);
- end
- else
- begin
- ACursor:= oecDefault;
- AHandled:= false;
- end;
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.MouseUp(RightButton: boolean; Shift: TShiftState;
- ImageX, ImageY: Single; out ACursor: TOriginalEditorCursor; out AHandled: boolean);
- viewPt: TPointF;
- if Assigned(OriginalEditor) then
- begin
- viewPt := FOriginalEditorViewMatrix*PointF(ImageX,ImageY);
- OriginalEditor.MouseUp(RightButton, Shift, viewPt.X,viewPt.Y, ACursor, AHandled);
- end
- else
- begin
- ACursor:= oecDefault;
- AHandled:= false;
- end;
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.KeyDown(Shift: TShiftState; Key: TSpecialKey; out
- AHandled: boolean);
- if Assigned(OriginalEditor) then
- OriginalEditor.KeyDown(Shift, Key, AHandled)
- else
- AHandled := false;
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.KeyUp(Shift: TShiftState; Key: TSpecialKey; out
- AHandled: boolean);
- if Assigned(OriginalEditor) then
- OriginalEditor.KeyUp(Shift, Key, AHandled)
- else
- AHandled := false;
-procedure TBGRALayeredBitmap.KeyPress(UTF8Key: string; out AHandled: boolean);
- if Assigned(OriginalEditor) then
- OriginalEditor.KeyPress(UTF8Key, AHandled)
- else
- AHandled := false;
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.IndexOfOriginal(const AGuid: TGuid): integer;
- i: Integer;
- for i := 0 to OriginalCount-1 do
- if FOriginals[i].Guid = AGuid then
- begin
- result := i;
- exit;
- end;
- result := -1
-function TBGRALayeredBitmap.IndexOfOriginal(AOriginal: TBGRALayerCustomOriginal): integer;
- if Assigned(FOriginals) then
- result := FOriginals.IndexOf(BGRALayerOriginalEntry(AOriginal))
- else
- result := -1;
-{ TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap }
-function TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.GetLinearBlend: boolean;
- result := FLinearBlend;
-function TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.GetSelectionVisible: boolean;
- result := (FSelectionScanner <> nil) and (FSelectionLayerIndex >= 0) and
- (FSelectionLayerIndex < NbLayers) and FSelectionRect.IntersectsWith(rect(0,0,Width,Height));
-function TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.GetMemDirectory: TMemDirectory;
- if FMemDirectory = nil then
- begin
- FMemDirectory:= TMemDirectory.Create;
- FMemDirectoryOwned := true;
- end;
- result := FMemDirectory;
-function TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.GetDefaultBlendingOperation: TBlendOperation;
- result := boTransparent;
-function TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.GetHasMemFiles: boolean;
- result := assigned(FMemDirectory) and (FMemDirectory.Count > 0);
-function TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.GetLayerOriginalGuid(layer: integer): TGuid;
- result := GUID_NULL;
-function TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.GetLayerOriginalRenderStatus(layer: integer): TOriginalRenderStatus;
- result := orsProof;
-function TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.GetOriginalCount: integer;
- result := 0;
-function TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.GetOriginalByIndex(AIndex: integer): TBGRALayerCustomOriginal;
- result := nil;
- raise exception.Create('Not implemented');
-function TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.GetOriginalByIndexKnown(AIndex: integer): boolean;
- result := true;
-function TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.GetOriginalByIndexLoaded(AIndex: integer): boolean;
- result := true;
-function TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.GetOriginalByIndexClass(AIndex: integer): TBGRALayerOriginalAny;
- result := nil;
-function TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.GetLayerOriginal(layer: integer): TBGRALayerCustomOriginal;
- result := nil;
-function TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.GetLayerOriginalKnown(layer: integer): boolean;
- result := true;
-function TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.GetLayerOriginalMatrix(layer: integer): TAffineMatrix;
- result := AffineMatrixIdentity;
-procedure TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.SetLinearBlend(AValue: boolean);
- Unfreeze;
- FLinearBlend := AValue;
-procedure TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.SetMemDirectory(AValue: TMemDirectory);
- if AValue = FMemDirectory then exit;
- if FMemDirectoryOwned then FMemDirectory.Free;
- FMemDirectory := AValue;
- FMemDirectoryOwned := false;
-function TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.GetLayerName(layer: integer): string;
- result := 'Layer' + inttostr(layer+1);
-{$hints off}
-function TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.GetLayerOffset(layer: integer): TPoint;
- //optional function
- result := Point(0,0);
-{$hints on}
-{$hints off}
-function TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.GetLayerBitmapDirectly(layer: integer
- ): TBGRABitmap;
- //optional function
- result:= nil;
-function TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.GetLayerFrozenRange(layer: integer): integer;
-var i: integer;
- for i := 0 to high(FFrozenRange) do
- if (layer >= FFrozenRange[i].firstLayer) and (layer <= FFrozenRange[i].lastLayer) then
- begin
- result := i;
- exit;
- end;
- result := -1;
-function TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.GetLayerFrozen(layer: integer): boolean;
-var i: integer;
- for i := 0 to high(FFrozenRange) do
- if (layer >= FFrozenRange[i].firstLayer) and (layer <= FFrozenRange[i].lastLayer) then
- begin
- result := true;
- exit;
- end;
- result := false;
-function TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.GetLayerUniqueId(layer: integer): integer;
- result := layer;
-procedure TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.SetLayerFrozen(layer: integer;
- AValue: boolean);
- //nothing
-function TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.RangeIntersect(first1, last1, first2,
- last2: integer): boolean;
- result := (first1 <= last2) and (last1 >= first2);
-procedure TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.RemoveFrozenRange(index: integer);
-var j,i: integer;
- for j := FFrozenRange[index].firstLayer to FFrozenRange[index].lastLayer do
- SetLayerFrozen(j,False);
- FFrozenRange[index].image.Free;
- for i := index to high(FFrozenRange)-1 do
- FFrozenRange[i] := FFrozenRange[i+1];
- setlength(FFrozenRange,length(FFrozenRange)-1);
-function TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.ContainsFrozenRange(first, last: integer): boolean;
-var i: integer;
- for i := 0 to high(FFrozenRange) do
- if (FFrozenRange[i].firstLayer = first) and (FFrozenRange[i].lastLayer = last) then
- begin
- result := true;
- exit;
- end;
- result := false;
-function TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.GetLayerDrawMode(AIndex: integer): TDrawMode;
- if (BlendOperation[AIndex] = boTransparent) and not LinearBlend then
- result := dmDrawWithTransparency
- else result := dmLinearBlend;
-function TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.GetEmpty: boolean;
- result := (NbLayers = 0) and (Width = 0) and (Height = 0);
-function TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.IndexOfOriginal(const AGuid: TGuid): integer;
- result := -1;
-function TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.IndexOfOriginal(
- AOriginal: TBGRALayerCustomOriginal): integer;
- result := -1;
-procedure TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.SetWidth(Value: Integer);
- //nothing
-procedure TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.SetHeight(Value: Integer);
- //nothing
-function TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.GetTransparent: Boolean;
- result := true;
-procedure TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.SetTransparent(Value: Boolean);
- //nothing
-procedure TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.SaveToFile(const filenameUTF8: string);
-var bmp: TBGRABitmap;
- ext: string;
- temp: TBGRALayeredBitmap;
- i: integer;
- stream: TFileStreamUTF8;
- ext := UTF8LowerCase(ExtractFileExt(filenameUTF8));
- for i := 0 to high(LayeredBitmapWriters) do
- if '.'+LayeredBitmapWriters[i].extension = ext then
- begin
- temp := LayeredBitmapWriters[i].theClass.Create;
- try
- temp.Assign(self);
- temp.SaveToFile(filenameUTF8);
- finally
- temp.Free;
- end;
- exit;
- end;
- //when using "data" extension, simply serialize
- if (ext='.dat') or (ext='.data') then
- begin
- if Assigned(LayeredBitmapLoadFromStreamProc) then
- begin
- stream := TFileStreamUTF8.Create(filenameUTF8, fmCreate);
- try
- LayeredBitmapSaveToStreamProc(stream, self);
- finally
- stream.Free;
- end;
- end else
- raise exception.Create('Enable layer serialization by calling BGRAStreamLayers.RegisterStreamLayers');
- end else
- begin
- bmp := ComputeFlatImage;
- try
- bmp.SaveToFileUTF8(filenameUTF8);
- finally
- bmp.Free;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
- if Assigned(LayeredBitmapSaveToStreamProc) then
- LayeredBitmapSaveToStreamProc(Stream, self)
- else
- raise exception.Create('Call BGRAStreamLayers.RegisterStreamLayers first');
-procedure TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.SaveToStreamAs(Stream: TStream;
- AExtension: string);
-var bmp: TBGRABitmap;
- ext: string;
- format: TBGRAImageFormat;
- temp: TBGRALayeredBitmap;
- i: integer;
- ext := UTF8LowerCase(AExtension);
- if ext[1] <> '.' then ext := '.'+ext;
- for i := 0 to high(LayeredBitmapWriters) do
- if '.'+LayeredBitmapWriters[i].extension = ext then
- begin
- temp := LayeredBitmapWriters[i].theClass.Create;
- try
- temp.Assign(self, true, true);
- temp.SaveToStream(Stream);
- finally
- temp.Free;
- end;
- exit;
- end;
- format := SuggestImageFormat(ext);
- bmp := ComputeFlatImage;
- try
- bmp.SaveToStreamAs(Stream, format);
- finally
- bmp.Free;
- end;
-constructor TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.Create;
- FFrozenRange := nil;
- FLinearBlend:= True;
- FMemDirectory := nil;
- FMemDirectoryOwned:= false;
- FSelectionDrawMode:= dmDrawWithTransparency;
- FSelectionLayerIndex:= -1;
- FSelectionRect:= EmptyRect;
- FSelectionScanner:= nil;
- FSelectionScannerOffset:= Point(0,0);
-{$hints on}
-function TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.ToString: ansistring;
- i: integer;
- Result := 'LayeredBitmap' + LineEnding + LineEnding;
- for i := 0 to NbLayers - 1 do
- begin
- AppendStr(Result, LineEnding + 'Layer ' + IntToStr(i) + ' : ' + LayerName[i] + LineEnding);
- end;
-procedure TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.DiscardSelection;
- fillchar(FSelectionScanner, sizeof(FSelectionScanner), 0);
- FSelectionRect := EmptyRect;
- FSelectionLayerIndex := -1;
- FSelectionScannerOffset:= Point(0,0);
-function TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.ComputeFlatImage(ASeparateXorMask: boolean): TBGRABitmap;
- result := ComputeFlatImage(rect(0,0,Width,Height), 0, NbLayers - 1, ASeparateXorMask);
-function TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.ComputeFlatImage(firstLayer,
- lastLayer: integer; ASeparateXorMask: boolean): TBGRABitmap;
- result := ComputeFlatImage(rect(0,0,Width,Height), firstLayer,LastLayer,ASeparateXorMask);
-function TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.ComputeFlatImage(ARect: TRect;
- ASeparateXorMask: boolean): TBGRABitmap;
- result := ComputeFlatImage(ARect,0, NbLayers - 1, ASeparateXorMask);
-destructor TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.Destroy;
- DiscardSelection;
- Clear;
-function TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.ComputeFlatImage(ARect: TRect; firstLayer, lastLayer: integer; ASeparateXorMask: boolean): TBGRABitmap;
- i,j: integer;
- destEmpty: boolean;
- if (firstLayer < 0) or (lastLayer > NbLayers-1) then
- raise ERangeError.Create('Layer index out of bounds');
- If (ARect.Right <= ARect.Left) or (ARect.Bottom <= ARect.Top) then
- begin
- result := TBGRABitmap.Create(0,0);
- exit;
- end;
- Result := TBGRABitmap.Create(ARect.Right-ARect.Left, ARect.Bottom-ARect.Top);
- destEmpty := true;
- if SelectionVisible then Unfreeze(SelectionLayerIndex);
- i := firstLayer;
- while i <= lastLayer do
- begin
- if LayerFrozen[i] then
- begin
- j := GetLayerFrozenRange(i);
- if j <> -1 then
- begin
- if i = 0 then
- Result.PutImage(-ARect.Left,-ARect.Top,FFrozenRange[j].image,dmSet) else
- if not FFrozenRange[j].linearBlend then
- Result.PutImage(-ARect.Left,-ARect.Top,FFrozenRange[j].image,dmDrawWithTransparency)
- else
- Result.PutImage(-ARect.Left,-ARect.Top,FFrozenRange[j].image,dmLinearBlend);
- i := FFrozenRange[j].lastLayer+1;
- destEmpty := false;
- continue;
- end;
- end;
- if DrawLayer(result, -ARect.Left, -ARect.Top, i, ASeparateXorMask, destEmpty) then
- destEmpty := false;
- inc(i);
- end;
- if result.XorMask <> nil then
- AlphaFillInline(result.XorMask.Data, 0, result.XorMask.NbPixels);
-procedure TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; const Rect: TRect);
-var temp: TBGRABitmap;
- if (Rect.Right <= Rect.Left) or (Rect.Bottom <= Rect.Top) then exit;
- if (Rect.Right-Rect.Left = Width) and (Rect.Bottom-Rect.Top = Height) then
- Draw(ACanvas, Rect.Left,Rect.Top) else
- begin
- temp := ComputeFlatImage;
- BGRAReplace(temp,temp.Resample(Rect.Right-Rect.Left,Rect.Bottom-Rect.Top));
- temp.Draw(ACanvas, Rect.Left,Rect.Top, False);
- temp.Free;
- end;
-procedure TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.Draw(Canvas: TCanvas; x, y: integer);
- Draw(Canvas,x,y,0,NbLayers-1);
-procedure TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.Draw(Canvas: TCanvas; x, y: integer; firstLayer, lastLayer: integer);
-var temp: TBGRABitmap;
- temp := ComputeFlatImage(firstLayer,lastLayer);
- temp.Draw(Canvas,x,y,False);
- temp.Free;
-procedure TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.Draw(Dest: TBGRABitmap; x, y: integer);
- Draw(Dest, x, y, 0, NbLayers-1);
-procedure TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.Draw(Dest: TBGRABitmap; x, y: integer;
- ASeparateXorMask: boolean; ADestinationEmpty: boolean);
- Draw(Dest, x, y, 0, NbLayers-1, ASeparateXorMask, ADestinationEmpty);
-procedure TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.Draw(Dest: TBGRABitmap; AX, AY: integer; firstLayer, lastLayer: integer; ASeparateXorMask: boolean; ADestinationEmpty: boolean);
- temp: TBGRABitmap;
- i,j: integer;
- NewClipRect: TRect;
- NewClipRect := TRect.Intersect(rect(AX,AY,AX+Width,AY+Height), Dest.ClipRect);
- if NewClipRect.IsEmpty then exit;
- for i := firstLayer to lastLayer do
- if LayerVisible[i] and
- (not (BlendOperation[i] in[boTransparent,boLinearBlend]) or
- ( (SelectionLayerIndex = i) and SelectionVisible
- and (SelectionDrawMode <> GetLayerDrawMode(i)) ) ) then
- begin
- temp := ComputeFlatImage(rect(NewClipRect.Left-AX,NewClipRect.Top-AY,NewClipRect.Right-AX,NewClipRect.Bottom-AY), ASeparateXorMask);
- if ADestinationEmpty then
- Dest.PutImage(NewClipRect.Left, NewClipRect.Top, temp, dmSet) else
- if self.LinearBlend then
- Dest.PutImage(NewClipRect.Left, NewClipRect.Top, temp, dmLinearBlend)
- else Dest.PutImage(NewClipRect.Left, NewClipRect.Top, temp, dmDrawWithTransparency);
- temp.Free;
- exit;
- end;
- i := firstLayer;
- while i <= lastLayer do
- begin
- if LayerFrozen[i] then
- begin
- j := GetLayerFrozenRange(i);
- if j <> -1 then
- begin
- if ADestinationEmpty then
- Dest.PutImage(AX, AY, FFrozenRange[j].image, dmSet) else
- if not FFrozenRange[j].linearBlend then
- Dest.PutImage(AX, AY, FFrozenRange[j].image, dmDrawWithTransparency)
- else Dest.PutImage(AX, AY, FFrozenRange[j].image, dmLinearBlend);
- i := FFrozenRange[j].lastLayer+1;
- ADestinationEmpty := false;
- continue;
- end;
- end;
- if DrawLayer(Dest, AX,AY, i, ASeparateXorMask, ADestinationEmpty) then
- ADestinationEmpty := false;
- inc(i);
- end;
-function TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.DrawLayer(Dest: TBGRABitmap; X, Y: Integer;
- AIndex: integer; ASeparateXorMask: boolean; ADestinationEmpty: boolean): boolean;
-type IntArray4 = array[1..4] of integer;
- function MergeSort(const ATab: IntArray4): IntArray4;
- var
- posA, posB, pos: Integer;
- begin
- posA := 1;
- posB := 3;
- pos := 1;
- while (posA <= 2) and (posB <= 4) do
- begin
- if ATab[posA] <= ATab[posB] then
- begin
- result[pos] := ATab[posA];
- inc(posA);
- end else
- begin
- result[pos] := ATab[posB];
- inc(posB);
- end;
- inc(pos);
- end;
- while posA <= 2 do
- begin
- result[pos] := ATab[posA];
- inc(posA); inc(pos);
- end;
- while posB <= 4 do
- begin
- result[pos] := ATab[posB];
- inc(posB); inc(pos);
- end;
- end;
- opacity: Byte;
- procedure Blend(ADestRect: TRect; AScan: IBGRAScanner; AScanOfsX, AScanOfsY: integer; ABlendOp: TBlendOperation);
- begin
- //XOR mask
- if (ABlendOp = boXor) and ASeparateXorMask then
- begin
- Dest.NeedXorMask;
- Dest.XorMask.BlendImageOver(ADestRect, AScan, AScanOfsX, AScanOfsY, ABlendOp, opacity, LinearBlend);
- end else
- //first layer is simply the background
- if ADestinationEmpty and (ABlendOp <> boMask) then
- begin
- Dest.FillRect(ADestRect, AScan, dmSet, Point(AScanOfsX, AScanOfsY));
- Dest.ApplyGlobalOpacity(ADestRect, opacity);
- end
- else
- Dest.BlendImageOver(ADestRect, AScan, AScanOfsX, AScanOfsY, ABlendOp, opacity, LinearBlend);
- end;
- tempLayer: TBGRABitmap;
- tempLayerScanOfs, selScanOfs: TPoint;
- blendOp: TBlendOperation;
- procedure BlendBoth(ATile: TRect);
- var
- mergeBuf: PByte;
- pTemp: PByte;
- tempStride, rowSize, destStride: PtrInt;
- tileWidth, yb: LongInt;
- pDest: PByte;
- begin
- tileWidth := ATile.Width;
- rowSize := tileWidth * sizeof(TBGRAPixel);
- if not ADestinationEmpty then
- getmem(mergeBuf, rowSize)
- else mergeBuf := nil;
- try
- if tempLayer.LineOrder = riloTopToBottom then
- tempStride := tempLayer.RowSize else tempStride := -tempLayer.RowSize;
- pTemp := tempLayer.GetPixelAddress(ATile.Left + tempLayerScanOfs.X,
- ATile.Top + tempLayerScanOfs.Y);
- pDest := Dest.GetPixelAddress(ATile.Left, ATile.Top);
- if Dest.LineOrder = riloTopToBottom then
- destStride := Dest.RowSize else destStride := -Dest.RowSize;
- if ADestinationEmpty then
- begin
- for yb := ATile.Top to ATile.Bottom-1 do
- begin
- move(pTemp^, pDest^, rowSize);
- SelectionScanner.ScanMoveTo(ATile.Left + selScanOfs.X, yb + selScanOfs.Y);
- ScannerPutPixels(SelectionScanner, PBGRAPixel(pDest), tileWidth, SelectionDrawMode);
- inc(pTemp, tempStride);
- inc(pDest, destStride);
- end;
- Dest.ApplyGlobalOpacity(ATile, opacity);
- end else
- begin
- for yb := ATile.Top to ATile.Bottom-1 do
- begin
- move(pTemp^, mergeBuf^, rowSize);
- SelectionScanner.ScanMoveTo(ATile.Left + selScanOfs.X, yb + selScanOfs.Y);
- ScannerPutPixels(SelectionScanner, PBGRAPixel(mergeBuf), tileWidth, SelectionDrawMode);
- BlendPixelsOver(PBGRAPixel(pDest), PBGRAPixel(mergeBuf),
- blendOp, tileWidth, opacity, LinearBlend);
- inc(pTemp, tempStride);
- inc(pDest, destStride);
- end;
- end;
- finally
- freemem(mergeBuf);
- end;
- end;
- mustFreeCopy, containsSel, containsLayer: Boolean;
- ofs: TPoint;
- rSel, oldClip, rLayer, rTile: TRect;
- xTab,yTab: IntArray4;
- xb, yb: Integer;
- if not LayerVisible[AIndex] then exit(false);
- opacity := LayerOpacity[AIndex];
- if opacity = 0 then exit(false);
- tempLayer := GetLayerBitmapDirectly(AIndex);
- if tempLayer <> nil then mustFreeCopy := false else
- begin
- mustFreeCopy := true;
- tempLayer := GetLayerBitmapCopy(AIndex);
- end;
- ofs := LayerOffset[AIndex];
- oldClip := Dest.IntersectClip(rect(X,Y,X+self.Width,Y+self.Height));
- if (SelectionLayerIndex = AIndex) and SelectionVisible then
- begin
- rSel := SelectionRect;
- rSel.Offset(X, Y);
- rSel.Intersect(Dest.ClipRect);
- end else
- rSel := EmptyRect;
- if Assigned(tempLayer) then
- begin
- rLayer := RectWithSize(ofs.x + X, ofs.y + Y, tempLayer.Width, tempLayer.Height);
- rLayer.Intersect(Dest.ClipRect);
- end else
- rLayer := EmptyRect;
- if (tempLayer <> nil) and (not rLayer.IsEmpty or not rSel.IsEmpty) then
- begin
- if AIndex = 0 then blendOp := boTransparent else blendOp := BlendOperation[AIndex];
- tempLayerScanOfs := Point(-(ofs.X+X), -(ofs.Y+Y));
- if rSel.IsEmpty then
- Blend(rLayer, tempLayer, tempLayerScanOfs.X, tempLayerScanOfs.y, blendOp)
- else
- begin
- selScanOfs := Point(SelectionScannerOffset.X - X, SelectionScannerOffset.Y - Y);
- xTab[1] := rSel.Left; yTab[1] := rSel.Top;
- xTab[2] := rSel.Right; yTab[2] := rSel.Bottom;
- xTab[3] := rLayer.Left; yTab[3] := rLayer.Top;
- xTab[4] := rLayer.Right; yTab[4] := rLayer.Bottom;
- xTab := MergeSort(xTab); yTab := MergeSort(yTab);
- for yb := 1 to 3 do
- begin
- rTile.Top := yTab[yb];
- rTile.Bottom := yTab[yb+1];
- if rTile.Bottom > rTile.Top then
- for xb := 1 to 3 do
- begin
- rTile.Left := xTab[xb];
- rTile.Right := xTab[xb+1];
- if rTile.Right > rTile.Left then
- begin
- containsSel := rTile.IntersectsWith(rSel);
- containsLayer := rTile.IntersectsWith(rLayer);
- if containsLayer then
- begin
- if not containsSel then
- Blend(rTile, tempLayer, tempLayerScanOfs.X, tempLayerScanOfs.y, blendOp)
- else
- BlendBoth(rTile);
- end else
- if containsSel then
- Blend(rTile, SelectionScanner, selScanOfs.X, selScanOfs.Y, blendOp)
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- result := true;
- end else
- result := false;
- Dest.ClipRect := oldClip;
- if mustFreeCopy then tempLayer.Free;
-procedure TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.FreezeExceptOneLayer(layer: integer);
- if (layer < 0) or (layer >= NbLayers) then
- begin
- Freeze;
- exit;
- end;
- Unfreeze(layer,layer);
- if layer > 1 then
- Freeze(0,layer-1);
- if layer < NbLayers-2 then
- Freeze(layer+1,NbLayers-1);
-procedure TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.Freeze(firstLayer, lastLayer: integer);
- procedure DoFreeze(first,last: integer; linear: boolean);
- var i,nbVisible: integer;
- computedImage: TBGRABitmap;
- begin
- if last <= first then exit; //at least 2 frozen layers
- nbVisible := 0;
- for i := first to last do
- if LayerVisible[i] and (LayerOpacity[i] > 0) then inc(nbVisible);
- if nbvisible < 2 then exit; //at least 2 frozen layers
- if ContainsFrozenRange(first,last) then exit; //already frozen
- Unfreeze(first,last);
- computedImage := ComputeFlatImage(first,last); //must compute before layers are considered as frozen
- setlength(FFrozenRange, length(FFrozenRange)+1);
- with FFrozenRange[high(FFrozenRange)] do
- begin
- firstLayer := first;
- lastLayer:= last;
- image := computedImage;
- linearBlend := linear;
- end;
- for i := first to last do
- SetLayerFrozen(i,True);
- end;
-var j: integer;
- start: integer;
- linear,nextLinear: boolean;
- start := -1;
- linear := false; //to avoid hint
- for j := firstlayer to lastLayer do
- if ((BlendOperation[j] in [boTransparent,boLinearBlend]) or (start = 0) or ((firstlayer= 0) and (j=0)))
- and (not SelectionVisible or (j <> SelectionLayerIndex)) then
- begin
- nextLinear := (BlendOperation[j] = boLinearBlend) or self.LinearBlend;
- if start = -1 then
- begin
- start := j;
- linear := nextLinear;
- end else
- begin
- if linear <> nextLinear then
- begin
- DoFreeze(start,j-1,linear);
- start := j;
- linear := nextLinear;
- end;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- if start <> -1 then
- begin
- DoFreeze(start,j-1,linear);
- start := -1;
- end;
- end;
- if start <> -1 then
- DoFreeze(start,lastLayer,linear);
-procedure TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.Freeze;
- Freeze(0,NbLayers-1);
-procedure TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.Unfreeze;
- Unfreeze(0,NbLayers-1);
-procedure TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.Unfreeze(layer: integer);
- Unfreeze(layer,layer);
-procedure TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.Unfreeze(firstLayer, lastLayer: integer);
-var i: integer;
- for i := high(FFrozenRange) downto 0 do
- if RangeIntersect(firstLayer,lastLayer,FFrozenRange[i].firstLayer,FFrozenRange[i].lastLayer) then
- RemoveFrozenRange(i);
-procedure TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.NotifyLoaded;
- //nothing
-procedure TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap.NotifySaving;
- //nothing
-procedure RegisterLayeredBitmapReader(AExtensionUTF8: string; AReader: TBGRACustomLayeredBitmapClass);
- setlength(LayeredBitmapReaders,length(LayeredBitmapReaders)+1);
- with LayeredBitmapReaders[high(LayeredBitmapReaders)] do
- begin
- extension:= UTF8LowerCase(AExtensionUTF8);
- theClass := AReader;
- end;
-function TryCreateLayeredBitmapWriter(AExtensionUTF8: string): TBGRALayeredBitmap;
- i: Integer;
- AExtensionUTF8:= UTF8LowerCase(AExtensionUTF8);
- if (AExtensionUTF8 = '') or (AExtensionUTF8[1] <> '.') then
- AExtensionUTF8:= '.'+AExtensionUTF8;
- for i := 0 to high(LayeredBitmapWriters) do
- if '.'+LayeredBitmapWriters[i].extension = AExtensionUTF8 then
- begin
- result := LayeredBitmapWriters[i].theClass.Create;
- exit;
- end;
- result := nil;
-function TryCreateLayeredBitmapReader(AExtensionUTF8: string): TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap;
- i: Integer;
- AExtensionUTF8:= UTF8LowerCase(AExtensionUTF8);
- if (AExtensionUTF8 = '') or (AExtensionUTF8[1] <> '.') then
- AExtensionUTF8:= '.'+AExtensionUTF8;
- for i := 0 to high(LayeredBitmapReaders) do
- if '.'+LayeredBitmapReaders[i].extension = AExtensionUTF8 then
- begin
- result := LayeredBitmapReaders[i].theClass.Create;
- exit;
- end;
- result := nil;
-procedure OnLayeredBitmapLoadFromStreamStart;
- OnLayeredBitmapLoadStart('');
-procedure OnLayeredBitmapLoadStart(AFilenameUTF8: string);
-var i: Integer;
- with LayeredBitmapLoadEvents do if Assigned(OnStart) then
- for i := 0 to OnStart.Count-1 do OnStart[i](AFilenameUTF8);
-procedure OnLayeredBitmapLoadProgress(APercentage: integer);
-var i: Integer;
- with LayeredBitmapLoadEvents do if Assigned(OnProgress) then
- for i := 0 to OnProgress.Count-1 do OnProgress[i](APercentage);
-procedure OnLayeredBitmapLoaded;
-var i: Integer;
- with LayeredBitmapLoadEvents do if Assigned(OnDone) then
- for i := 0 to OnDone.Count-1 do OnDone[i];
-procedure RegisterLoadingHandler(AStart: TOnLayeredBitmapLoadStartProc;
- AProgress: TOnLayeredBitmapLoadProgressProc; ADone: TOnLayeredBitmapLoadedProc);
- with LayeredBitmapLoadEvents do begin
- if (AStart <> nil) and ((OnStart = nil) or (OnStart.IndexOf(AStart) = -1)) then
- begin
- if OnStart = nil then OnStart := TOnLayeredBitmapLoadStartProcList.Create;
- OnStart.Add(AStart);
- end;
- if (AProgress <> nil) and ((OnProgress = nil) or (OnProgress.IndexOf(AProgress) = -1)) then
- begin
- if OnProgress = nil then OnProgress := TOnLayeredBitmapLoadProgressProcList.Create;
- OnProgress.Add(AProgress);
- end;
- if (ADone <> nil) and ((OnDone = nil) or (OnDone.IndexOf(ADone) = -1)) then
- begin
- if OnDone = nil then OnDone := TOnLayeredBitmapLoadedProcList.Create;
- OnDone.Add(ADone);
- end;
- end;
-procedure UnregisterLoadingHandler(AStart: TOnLayeredBitmapLoadStartProc;
- AProgress: TOnLayeredBitmapLoadProgressProc; ADone: TOnLayeredBitmapLoadedProc);
- with LayeredBitmapLoadEvents do begin
- if Assigned(OnStart) then OnStart.Remove(AStart);
- if Assigned(OnProgress) then OnProgress.Remove(AProgress);
- if Assigned(OnDone) then OnDone.Remove(ADone);
- end;
-procedure OnLayeredBitmapSaveToStreamStart;
- OnLayeredBitmapSaveStart('');
-procedure OnLayeredBitmapSaveStart(AFilenameUTF8: string);
-var i: Integer;
- with LayeredBitmapSaveEvents do if Assigned(OnStart) then
- for i := 0 to OnStart.Count-1 do OnStart[i](AFilenameUTF8);
-procedure OnLayeredBitmapSaveProgress(APercentage: integer);
-var i: Integer;
- with LayeredBitmapSaveEvents do if Assigned(OnProgress) then
- for i := 0 to OnProgress.Count-1 do OnProgress[i](APercentage);
-procedure OnLayeredBitmapSaved;
-var i: Integer;
- with LayeredBitmapSaveEvents do if Assigned(OnDone) then
- for i := 0 to OnDone.Count-1 do OnDone[i];
-procedure RegisterSavingHandler(AStart: TOnLayeredBitmapSaveStartProc;
- AProgress: TOnLayeredBitmapSaveProgressProc; ADone: TOnLayeredBitmapSavedProc);
- with LayeredBitmapSaveEvents do begin
- if (AStart <> nil) and ((OnStart = nil) or (OnStart.IndexOf(AStart) = -1)) then
- begin
- if OnStart = nil then OnStart := TOnLayeredBitmapSaveStartProcList.Create;
- OnStart.Add(AStart);
- end;
- if (AProgress <> nil) and ((OnProgress = nil) or (OnProgress.IndexOf(AProgress) = -1)) then
- begin
- if OnProgress = nil then OnProgress := TOnLayeredBitmapSaveProgressProcList.Create;
- OnProgress.Add(AProgress);
- end;
- if (ADone <> nil) and ((OnDone = nil) or (OnDone.IndexOf(ADone) = -1)) then
- begin
- if OnDone = nil then OnDone := TOnLayeredBitmapSavedProcList.Create;
- OnDone.Add(ADone);
- end;
- end;
-procedure UnregisterSavingHandler(AStart: TOnLayeredBitmapSaveStartProc;
- AProgress: TOnLayeredBitmapSaveProgressProc; ADone: TOnLayeredBitmapSavedProc);
- with LayeredBitmapSaveEvents do begin
- if Assigned(OnStart) then OnStart.Remove(AStart);
- if Assigned(OnProgress) then OnProgress.Remove(AProgress);
- if Assigned(OnDone) then OnDone.Remove(ADone);
- end;
-procedure RegisterLayeredBitmapWriter(AExtensionUTF8: string; AWriter: TBGRALayeredBitmapClass);
- while (length(AExtensionUTF8)>0) and (AExtensionUTF8[1]='.') do delete(AExtensionUTF8,1,1);
- setlength(LayeredBitmapWriters,length(LayeredBitmapWriters)+1);
- with LayeredBitmapWriters[high(LayeredBitmapWriters)] do
- begin
- extension:= UTF8LowerCase(AExtensionUTF8);
- theClass := AWriter;
- end;
- NextLayerUniqueId := 1;
- with LayeredBitmapLoadEvents do begin
- OnStart.Free;
- OnProgress.Free;
- OnDone.Free;
- end;
- with LayeredBitmapSaveEvents do begin
- OnStart.Free;
- OnProgress.Free;
- OnDone.Free;
- end;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgralazpaint.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgralazpaint.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index ac99c45..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgralazpaint.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,264 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRALazPaint;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BGRALayers, BGRABitmapTypes, BGRAReadLzp, BGRAWriteLzp,
- BGRALzpCommon, FPimage;
- TLzpCompression = BGRALzpCommon.TLzpCompression;
- { TBGRALazPaintImage }
- TBGRALazPaintImage = class(TBGRALayeredBitmap)
- private
- FSelectedLayerIndex: integer;
- protected
- procedure InternalLoadFromStream(AStream: TStream);
- procedure InternalSaveToStream(AStream: TStream);
- public
- constructor Create; overload; override;
- constructor Create(AWidth, AHeight: integer); overload; override;
- procedure LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream); override;
- procedure LoadFromFile(const filenameUTF8: string); override;
- procedure SaveToStream(AStream: TStream); override;
- procedure SaveToFile(const filenameUTF8: string); override;
- property SelectedLayerIndex: integer read FSelectedLayerIndex write FSelectedLayerIndex;
- end;
- { TBGRAWriterLazPaintWithLayers }
- TBGRAWriterLazPaintWithLayers = class(TBGRAWriterLazPaint)
- protected
- FLayers: TBGRALayeredBitmap;
- FSelectedLayerIndex: integer;
- FCompression: TLzpCompression;
- function GetNbLayers: integer; override;
- function InternalWriteLayers(Str: TStream; {%H-}Img: TFPCustomImage): boolean; override;
- public
- constructor Create(ALayers: TBGRALayeredBitmap); overload;
- property SelectedLayerIndex: integer read FSelectedLayerIndex write FSelectedLayerIndex;
- property Compression: TLzpCompression read FCompression write FCompression;
- end;
- { TBGRAReaderLazPaintWithLayers }
- TBGRAReaderLazPaintWithLayers = class(TBGRAReaderLazPaint)
- protected
- FLayers: TBGRALayeredBitmap;
- FLayersLoaded: boolean;
- FSelectedLayerIndex: integer;
- procedure InternalReadLayers(str: TStream; {%H-}Img: TFPCustomImage); override;
- public
- constructor Create(ALayers: TBGRALayeredBitmap); overload;
- property LayersLoaded: boolean read FLayersLoaded;
- property SelectedLayerIndex: integer read FSelectedLayerIndex;
- end;
-procedure RegisterLazPaintFormat;
-uses BGRAStreamLayers, BGRABitmap, BGRAUTF8;
-{ TBGRALazPaintImage }
-constructor TBGRALazPaintImage.Create;
- inherited Create;
- RegisterLazPaintFormat;
- FSelectedLayerIndex:= 0;
-constructor TBGRALazPaintImage.Create(AWidth, AHeight: integer);
- inherited Create(AWidth, AHeight);
- RegisterLazPaintFormat;
- FSelectedLayerIndex:= 0;
-procedure TBGRALazPaintImage.LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream);
- OnLayeredBitmapLoadFromStreamStart;
- try
- InternalLoadFromStream(AStream);
- finally
- OnLayeredBitmapLoaded;
- end;
-procedure TBGRALazPaintImage.InternalLoadFromStream(AStream: TStream);
- {%H-}header: TLazPaintImageHeader;
- bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- reader: TBGRAReaderLazPaintWithLayers;
- AStream.ReadBuffer({%H-}header, sizeof(header));
- LazPaintImageHeader_SwapEndianIfNeeded(header);
- AStream.Position:= AStream.Position-sizeof(header);
- //use shortcut if possible
- if (header.magic = LAZPAINT_MAGIC_HEADER) and (header.zero1 = 0)
- and (header.layersOffset >= sizeof(header)) then
- begin
- AStream.Position:= AStream.Position+header.layersOffset;
- LoadLayersFromStream(AStream, FSelectedLayerIndex, false, self, True);
- end else
- begin
- reader := TBGRAReaderLazPaintWithLayers.Create(self);
- try
- bmp := BGRABitmapFactory.Create;
- bmp.LoadFromStream(AStream, reader);
- if reader.LayersLoaded then
- begin
- bmp.Free;
- end else
- begin
- Clear;
- SetSize(bmp.Width,bmp.Height);
- AddOwnedLayer(bmp as TBGRABitmap);
- LayerName[0] := reader.Caption;
- end;
- SelectedLayerIndex:= reader.SelectedLayerIndex;
- finally
- reader.Free;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRALazPaintImage.LoadFromFile(const filenameUTF8: string);
-var AStream: TFileStreamUTF8;
- AStream := TFileStreamUTF8.Create(filenameUTF8,fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);
- OnLayeredBitmapLoadStart(filenameUTF8);
- try
- LoadFromStream(AStream);
- finally
- OnLayeredBitmapLoaded;
- AStream.Free;
- end;
-procedure TBGRALazPaintImage.SaveToFile(const filenameUTF8: string);
-var AStream: TFileStreamUTF8;
- AStream := TFileStreamUTF8.Create(filenameUTF8,fmCreate or fmShareDenyWrite);
- OnLayeredBitmapSaveStart(filenameUTF8);
- try
- InternalSaveToStream(AStream);
- finally
- OnLayeredBitmapSaved;
- AStream.Free;
- end;
-procedure TBGRALazPaintImage.SaveToStream(AStream: TStream);
- OnLayeredBitmapSaveToStreamStart;
- try
- InternalSaveToStream(AStream);
- finally
- OnLayeredBitmapSaved;
- end;
-procedure TBGRALazPaintImage.InternalSaveToStream(AStream: TStream);
- writer: TBGRAWriterLazPaint;
- flat: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- if NbLayers = 0 then
- raise exception.Create('File cannot be empty');
- writer := nil;
- flat := nil;
- try
- if (NbLayers > 1) or (LayerOpacity[0] <> 255) or not LayerVisible[0] or (BlendOperation[0]<>boTransparent)
- or (OriginalCount <> 0) then
- begin
- writer := TBGRAWriterLazPaintWithLayers.Create(self);
- writer.Caption := 'Preview';
- TBGRAWriterLazPaintWithLayers(writer).SelectedLayerIndex := self.SelectedLayerIndex;
- end else
- begin
- writer := TBGRAWriterLazPaint.Create;
- writer.Caption := LayerName[0];
- end;
- writer.IncludeThumbnail:= true;
- flat := ComputeFlatImage;
- flat.SaveToStream(AStream, writer);
- finally
- writer.Free;
- flat.Free;
- end;
-{ TBGRAReaderLazPaintWithLayers }
-procedure TBGRAReaderLazPaintWithLayers.InternalReadLayers(str: TStream;
- Img: TFPCustomImage);
- if Assigned(FLayers) then
- begin
- if CheckStreamForLayers(str) then
- begin
- LoadLayersFromStream(str, FSelectedLayerIndex, false, FLayers, True);
- FLayersLoaded := true;
- end;
- end;
-constructor TBGRAReaderLazPaintWithLayers.Create(ALayers: TBGRALayeredBitmap);
- FLayersLoaded := false;
- FLayers := ALayers;
- FSelectedLayerIndex:= -1;
-{ TBGRAWriterLazPaintWithLayers }
-function TBGRAWriterLazPaintWithLayers.GetNbLayers: integer;
- if Assigned(FLayers) then
- Result:= FLayers.NbLayers
- else
- Result := 1;
-function TBGRAWriterLazPaintWithLayers.InternalWriteLayers(Str: TStream;
- Img: TFPCustomImage): boolean;
- If Assigned(FLayers) then
- begin
- SaveLayersToStream(str, FLayers, FSelectedLayerIndex, FCompression, True);
- Result:=true;
- end
- else result := False;
-constructor TBGRAWriterLazPaintWithLayers.Create(ALayers: TBGRALayeredBitmap);
- inherited Create;
- FLayers := ALayers;
- FSelectedLayerIndex:= 0;
- FCompression:= lzpRLE;
- IncludeThumbnail:= true;
-var AlreadyRegistered: boolean;
-procedure RegisterLazPaintFormat;
- if AlreadyRegistered then exit;
- RegisterLayeredBitmapReader('lzp', TBGRALazPaintImage);
- RegisterLayeredBitmapWriter('lzp', TBGRALazPaintImage);
- AlreadyRegistered:= True;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgralazresource.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgralazresource.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index c552b33..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgralazresource.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,416 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRALazResource;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BGRAMultiFileType;
- { TLazResourceEntry }
- TLazResourceEntry = class(TMultiFileEntry)
- private
- procedure Serialize(ADestination: TStream);
- protected
- FName: utf8string;
- FValueType: utf8string;
- FContent: TStream;
- function GetName: utf8string; override;
- procedure SetName(AValue: utf8string); override;
- function GetExtension: utf8string; override;
- function GetFileSize: int64; override;
- public
- constructor Create(AContainer: TMultiFileContainer; AName: utf8string; AValueType: utf8string; AContent: TStream);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function CopyTo(ADestination: TStream): int64; override;
- function GetStream: TStream; override;
- end;
- { TFormDataEntry }
- TFormDataEntry = class(TLazResourceEntry)
- protected
- FTextContent: TStream;
- procedure RequireTextContent;
- function GetExtension: utf8string; override;
- function GetFileSize: int64; override;
- public
- constructor Create(AContainer: TMultiFileContainer; AName: utf8string; ABinaryContent: TStream);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function CopyTo(ADestination: TStream): int64; override;
- end;
- { TLazResourceContainer }
- TLazResourceContainer = class(TMultiFileContainer)
- protected
- function CreateEntry(AName: utf8string; AExtension: utf8string; AContent: TStream): TMultiFileEntry; override;
- public
- procedure LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream); override;
- procedure SaveToStream(ADestination: TStream); override;
- end;
-uses LResources, BGRAUTF8;
-{ TFormDataEntry }
-procedure TFormDataEntry.RequireTextContent;
- if FTextContent = nil then
- begin
- FTextContent:= TMemoryStream.Create;
- FContent.Position:= 0;
- LRSObjectBinaryToText(FContent, FTextContent);
- end;
-function TFormDataEntry.GetExtension: utf8string;
- Result:= 'lfm';
-function TFormDataEntry.GetFileSize: int64;
- RequireTextContent;
- Result:= FTextContent.Size;
-constructor TFormDataEntry.Create(AContainer: TMultiFileContainer;
- AName: utf8string; ABinaryContent: TStream);
- inherited Create(AContainer,AName,'FORMDATA',ABinaryContent);
-destructor TFormDataEntry.Destroy;
- FreeAndNil(FTextContent);
- inherited Destroy;
-function TFormDataEntry.CopyTo(ADestination: TStream): int64;
- RequireTextContent;
- if FTextContent.Size = 0 then
- result := 0
- else
- begin
- FTextContent.Position:= 0;
- result := ADestination.CopyFrom(FTextContent,FTextContent.Size);
- end;
-{ TLazResourceEntry }
-procedure TLazResourceEntry.Serialize(ADestination: TStream);
- FContent.Position := 0;
- BinaryToLazarusResourceCode(FContent, ADestination, Name, FValueType);
-function TLazResourceEntry.GetName: utf8string;
- Result:= FName;
-procedure TLazResourceEntry.SetName(AValue: utf8string);
- if AValue = FName then exit;
- if Container.IndexOf(AVAlue, Extension) <> -1 then
- raise Exception.Create('Name is already used for this extension');
- FName := AValue;
-function TLazResourceEntry.GetExtension: utf8string;
- Result:= FValueType;
-function TLazResourceEntry.GetFileSize: int64;
- Result:= FContent.Size;
-destructor TLazResourceEntry.Destroy;
- FreeAndNil(FContent);
- inherited Destroy;
-constructor TLazResourceEntry.Create(AContainer: TMultiFileContainer; AName: utf8string; AValueType: utf8string;
- AContent: TStream);
- inherited Create(AContainer);
- FName := AName;
- FValueType := UTF8UpperCase(AValueType);
- FContent := AContent;
-function TLazResourceEntry.CopyTo(ADestination: TStream): int64;
- if FContent.Size = 0 then
- result := 0
- else
- begin
- FContent.Position:= 0;
- result := ADestination.CopyFrom(FContent, FContent.Size);
- end;
-function TLazResourceEntry.GetStream: TStream;
- Result:= FContent;
-{ TLazResourceContainer }
-procedure TLazResourceContainer.LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream);
- entryStart = 'LazarusResources.Add(';
- entryEnd = ');';
- whiteSpace = [' ',#9,#10,#13,#26];
- fileContent: String;
- filePos : integer;
- procedure SkipWhitespace;
- begin
- while (filePos <= length(fileContent)) and (fileContent[filePos] in whiteSpace) do inc(filePos);
- end;
- procedure SkipComma;
- begin
- SkipWhitespace;
- if (filePos <= length(fileContent)) and (fileContent[filePos] = ',') then
- inc(filePos)
- else
- raise Exception.Create('Comma expected');
- end;
- function ParseString(ignoreCommas: boolean): TStream;
- var
- expectPlus: boolean;
- procedure AppendChar(c: char);
- begin
- result.WriteByte(ord(c));
- end;
- function ParseNumber: integer;
- var numberStart, errPos: integer;
- s: String;
- begin
- numberStart:= filePos;
- if (filePos <= length(fileContent)) and (fileContent[filePos] = '$') then
- begin
- inc(filePos);
- while (filePos <= length(fileContent)) and (fileContent[filePos] in['0'..'9','a'..'f','A'..'F']) do inc(filePos);
- end else
- begin
- while (filePos <= length(fileContent)) and (fileContent[filePos] in['0'..'9']) do inc(filePos);
- end;
- s := copy(fileContent,numberStart,filePos-numberStart);
- val(s, result, errPos);
- if errPos <> 0 then
- raise exception.Create('Invalid number "' + s + '"');
- end;
- function ParseStringPart: boolean;
- var charCode: integer;
- begin
- SkipWhitespace;
- if filePos <= length(fileContent) then
- begin
- if expectPlus then
- if fileContent[filePos] <> '+' then
- begin
- result := false;
- expectPlus := false;
- exit;
- end else
- inc(filePos);
- case fileContent[filePos] of
- '+': raise exception.Create('Unexpected "+"');
- '''': begin
- inc(filePos);
- while (filePos <= length(fileContent)) do
- begin
- if fileContent[filePos] = '''' then
- begin
- inc(filePos);
- if (filePos <= length(fileContent)) and (fileContent[filePos] = '''') then
- begin
- AppendChar('''');
- inc(filePos);
- end
- else break;
- end else
- if fileContent[filePos] in[#10,#13] then
- raise Exception.Create('Unexpected end of line')
- else
- begin
- AppendChar(fileContent[filePos]);
- inc(filePos);
- end;
- end;
- if (filePos <= length(fileContent)) and (fileContent[filePos] = '#') then
- expectPlus := false
- else
- expectPlus := true;
- result := true;
- end;
- '#': begin
- inc(filePos);
- charCode := ParseNumber;
- if (charCode < 0) or (charCode > 255) then
- raise exception.Create('Character code out of bounds');
- AppendChar(chr(charCode));
- if (filePos <= length(fileContent)) and (fileContent[filePos] in['#','''']) then
- expectPlus := false
- else
- expectPlus := true;
- result := true;
- end;
- else
- begin
- result := false;
- expectPlus := false;
- end;
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- result := false;
- expectPlus := false;
- end;
- end;
- begin
- result := TMemoryStream.Create;
- expectPlus := false;
- if not ParseStringPart then raise exception.Create('Expecting string');
- repeat
- if ignoreCommas then
- begin
- SkipWhitespace;
- if (filePos <= length(fileContent)) and (fileContent[filePos] = ',') then
- begin
- inc(filePos);
- expectPlus := false;
- end;
- end;
- until not ParseStringPart;
- end;
- procedure ReadContent;
- var
- bytesRead: integer;
- begin
- setlength(fileContent,AStream.Size-AStream.Position);
- bytesRead := AStream.Read(fileContent[1],length(fileContent));
- setlength(fileContent, bytesRead);
- filePos := 1;
- end;
- function StreamToUTF8String(AStream: TStream): utf8String;
- begin
- setlength(result, AStream.Size);
- AStream.Position := 0;
- AStream.Read(result[1], length(result));
- AStream.Free;
- end;
- entryName: utf8string;
- entryType: utf8string;
- entryContent: TStream;
- inArray: boolean;
- Clear;
- ReadContent;
- while filePos <= length(fileContent) do
- begin
- if (upcase(fileContent[filePos]) = upcase(entryStart[1])) and
- (CompareText(copy(fileContent,filePos,length(entryStart)),entryStart)=0) then
- begin
- inc(filePos, length(entryStart));
- entryName := StreamToUTF8String(ParseString(false));
- SkipComma;
- entryType := StreamToUTF8String(ParseString(false));
- SkipComma;
- SkipWhitespace;
- if (filePos <= length(fileContent)) and (fileContent[filePos] = '[') then
- begin
- inArray := true;
- inc(filePos);
- end else
- inArray := false;
- entryContent := ParseString(inArray);
- SkipWhitespace;
- if inArray then
- begin
- if (filePos <= length(fileContent)) and (fileContent[filePos] = ']') then
- inc(filePos)
- else
- raise exception.Create('Expecting "]"');
- end;
- if entryType = 'FORMDATA' then
- AddEntry(TFormDataEntry.Create(self,entryName,entryContent))
- else
- AddEntry(TLazResourceEntry.Create(self,entryName,entryType,entryContent));
- if (filePos+length(entryEnd)-1 <= length(fileContent)) and (CompareText(copy(fileContent,filePos,length(entryEnd)),entryEnd)=0) then
- inc(filePos,length(entryEnd))
- else
- raise exception.Create('Expecting "'+entryEnd+'"');
- end else
- if fileContent[filePos] in whiteSpace then
- inc(filePos)
- else
- raise exception.Create('Unexpected character "'+fileContent[filePos]+'"');
- end;
-function TLazResourceContainer.CreateEntry(AName: utf8string; AExtension: utf8string;
- AContent: TStream): TMultiFileEntry;
- binContent: TMemoryStream;
- if UTF8CompareText(AExtension,'lfm')=0 then
- begin
- binContent := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- AContent.Position:= 0;
- LRSObjectTextToBinary(AContent, binContent);
- result := TFormDataEntry.Create(self,AName,binContent);
- except
- on ex:Exception do
- begin
- binContent.Free;
- result := nil;
- end;
- end;
- AContent.Free;
- end
- else
- result := TLazResourceEntry.Create(self,AName,UTF8UpperCase(AExtension),AContent);
-procedure TLazResourceContainer.SaveToStream(ADestination: TStream);
- i: Integer;
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- TLazResourceEntry(Entry[i]).Serialize(ADestination);
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgralclbitmap.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgralclbitmap.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f8b909..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgralclbitmap.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,997 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRALCLBitmap;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, Graphics, GraphType, BGRABitmapTypes, BGRADefaultBitmap;
- { TBGRALCLBitmap }
- TBGRALCLBitmap = class(TBGRADefaultBitmap)
- protected
- function LoadFromRawImage(ARawImage: TRawImage; DefaultOpacity: byte;
- AlwaysReplaceAlpha: boolean = False; RaiseErrorOnInvalidPixelFormat: boolean = True): boolean; override;
- function CreateDefaultFontRenderer: TBGRACustomFontRenderer; override;
- procedure DoLoadFromBitmap; override;
- procedure RebuildBitmap; override;
- function CreatePtrBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer; AData: PBGRAPixel
- ): TBGRAPtrBitmap; override;
- procedure AssignRasterImage(ARaster: TRasterImage); virtual;
- procedure ExtractXorMask;
- public
- procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
- procedure LoadFromResource(AFilename: string; AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions); overload; override;
- procedure DataDrawTransparent(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect;
- AData: Pointer; ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; AWidth, AHeight: integer); override;
- procedure DataDrawOpaque(ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; AData: Pointer;
- ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; AWidth, AHeight: integer); override;
- procedure GetImageFromCanvas(CanvasSource: TCanvas; x, y: integer); override;
- procedure LoadFromDevice({%H-}DC: HDC); override;
- procedure LoadFromDevice({%H-}DC: HDC; {%H-}ARect: TRect); override;
- procedure TakeScreenshotOfPrimaryMonitor; override;
- procedure TakeScreenshot({%H-}ARect: TRect); override;
- end;
- { TBGRALCLPtrBitmap }
- TBGRALCLPtrBitmap = class(TBGRAPtrBitmap)
- procedure RebuildBitmap; override;
- function CreatePtrBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer; AData: PBGRAPixel): TBGRAPtrBitmap; override;
- function CreateDefaultFontRenderer: TBGRACustomFontRenderer; override;
- function LoadFromRawImage(ARawImage: TRawImage; DefaultOpacity: byte;
- AlwaysReplaceAlpha: boolean=False; {%H-}RaiseErrorOnInvalidPixelFormat: boolean
- =True): boolean; override;
- public
- procedure GetImageFromCanvas(CanvasSource: TCanvas; x, y: integer); override;
- procedure DataDrawTransparent(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect; AData: Pointer;
- ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; AWidth, AHeight: integer); override;
- procedure DataDrawOpaque(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect; AData: Pointer;
- ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; AWidth, AHeight: integer); override;
- end;
- { TBitmapTracker }
- TBitmapTracker = class(TBitmap)
- protected
- FUser: TBGRADefaultBitmap;
- procedure Changed(Sender: TObject); override;
- public
- constructor Create(AUser: TBGRADefaultBitmap); overload;
- end;
-uses BGRAText, LCLType, LCLIntf, FPimage;
-{ TBitmapTracker }
-constructor TBitmapTracker.Create(AUser: TBGRADefaultBitmap);
- FUser := AUser;
- inherited Create;
-procedure TBitmapTracker.Changed(Sender: TObject);
- if FUser <> nil then
- FUser.NotifyBitmapChange;
- inherited Changed(Sender);
- TCopyPixelProc = procedure (psrc: PByte; pdest: PBGRAPixel; count: Int32or64; sourcePixelSize: PtrInt; defaultOpacity: byte);
-procedure ApplyMask1bit(psrc: PByte; pdest: PBGRAPixel; count: Int32or64; {%H-}sourcePixelSize: PtrInt; {%H-}defaultOpacity: byte);
-var currentBit: byte;
- currentBit := 1;
- while count > 0 do
- begin
- if psrc^ and currentBit <> 0 then pdest^.alpha := 0;
- inc(pdest);
- if currentBit = 128 then
- begin
- currentBit := 1;
- inc(psrc);
- end else
- currentBit := currentBit shl 1;
- dec(count);
- end;
-procedure ApplyMask1bitRev(psrc: PByte; pdest: PBGRAPixel; count: Int32or64; {%H-}sourcePixelSize: PtrInt; {%H-}defaultOpacity: byte);
-var currentBit: byte;
- currentBit := 128;
- while count > 0 do
- begin
- if psrc^ and currentBit <> 0 then pdest^.alpha := 0;
- inc(pdest);
- if currentBit = 1 then
- begin
- currentBit := 128;
- inc(psrc);
- end else
- currentBit := currentBit shr 1;
- dec(count);
- end;
-procedure CopyFromBW_SetAlpha(psrc: PByte; pdest: PBGRAPixel; count: Int32or64; {%H-}sourcePixelSize: PtrInt; defaultOpacity: byte);
-var currentBit: byte;
- currentBit := 1;
- while count > 0 do
- begin
- if psrc^ and currentBit <> 0 then
- pdest^ := BGRAWhite
- else
- pdest^ := BGRABlack;
- pdest^.alpha := DefaultOpacity;
- inc(pdest);
- if currentBit = 128 then
- begin
- currentBit := 1;
- inc(psrc);
- end else
- currentBit := currentBit shl 1;
- dec(count);
- end;
-procedure CopyFromBW_SetAlphaBitRev(psrc: PByte; pdest: PBGRAPixel; count: Int32or64; {%H-}sourcePixelSize: PtrInt; defaultOpacity: byte);
-var currentBit: byte;
- currentBit := 128;
- while count > 0 do
- begin
- if psrc^ and currentBit <> 0 then
- pdest^ := BGRAWhite
- else
- pdest^ := BGRABlack;
- pdest^.alpha := DefaultOpacity;
- inc(pdest);
- if currentBit = 1 then
- begin
- currentBit := 128;
- inc(psrc);
- end else
- currentBit := currentBit shr 1;
- dec(count);
- end;
-procedure CopyFrom24Bit(psrc: PByte; pdest: PBGRAPixel; count: Int32or64; sourcePixelSize: PtrInt; defaultOpacity: byte);
- while count > 0 do
- begin
- PWord(pdest)^ := PWord(psrc)^;
- (PByte(pdest)+2)^ := (psrc+2)^;
- pdest^.alpha := DefaultOpacity;
- inc(psrc,sourcePixelSize);
- inc(pdest);
- dec(count);
- end;
-procedure CopyFrom24Bit_SwapRedBlue(psrc: PByte; pdest: PBGRAPixel; count: Int32or64; sourcePixelSize: PtrInt; defaultOpacity: byte);
- while count > 0 do
- begin
- PByte(pdest)^ := (psrc+2)^;
- (PByte(pdest)+1)^ := (psrc+1)^;
- (PByte(pdest)+2)^ := psrc^;
- pdest^.alpha := DefaultOpacity;
- inc(psrc,sourcePixelSize);
- inc(pdest);
- dec(count);
- end;
-procedure CopyFromARGB_KeepAlpha(psrc: PByte; pdest: PBGRAPixel; count: Int32or64; sourcePixelSize: PtrInt; {%H-}defaultOpacity: byte);
- while count > 0 do
- begin
- PLongWord(pdest)^ := ((PByte(psrc)+3)^ shl TBGRAPixel_BlueShift) or
- ((PByte(psrc)+2)^ shl TBGRAPixel_GreenShift) or
- ((PByte(psrc)+1)^ shl TBGRAPixel_RedShift) or
- (PByte(psrc)^ shl TBGRAPixel_AlphaShift);
- dec(count);
- inc(pdest);
- inc(psrc, sourcePixelSize);
- end;
-procedure CopyFromARGB_SetAlpha(psrc: PByte; pdest: PBGRAPixel; count: Int32or64; sourcePixelSize: PtrInt; defaultOpacity: byte);
- while count > 0 do
- begin
- PLongWord(pdest)^ := ((PByte(psrc)+3)^ shl TBGRAPixel_BlueShift) or
- ((PByte(psrc)+2)^ shl TBGRAPixel_GreenShift) or
- ((PByte(psrc)+1)^ shl TBGRAPixel_RedShift) or
- (DefaultOpacity shl TBGRAPixel_AlphaShift);
- inc(psrc, sourcePixelSize);
- inc(pdest);
- dec(count);
- end;
-procedure CopyFromARGB_ReplaceZeroAlpha(psrc: PByte; pdest: PBGRAPixel; count: Int32or64; sourcePixelSize: PtrInt; defaultOpacity: byte);
- sourceval: UInt32or64;
- alphaValue: UInt32or64;
- OpacityOrMask: UInt32or64;
- OpacityOrMask := DefaultOpacity shl TBGRAPixel_AlphaShift;
- while count > 0 do
- begin
- sourceval := plongword(psrc)^;
- alphaValue := {$IFDEF ENDIAN_LITTLE}sourceval and $ff{$ELSE}sourceval shr 24{$ENDIF};
- if (alphaValue = 0) and ((sourceval and ARGB_ColorMask) <> 0) then //if not black but transparent
- begin
- PLongWord(pdest)^ := (((sourceval shr ARGB_BlueShift) and $ff) shl TBGRAPixel_BlueShift) or
- (((sourceval shr ARGB_GreenShift) and $ff) shl TBGRAPixel_GreenShift) or
- (((sourceval shr ARGB_RedShift) and $ff) shl TBGRAPixel_RedShift) or
- OpacityOrMask;
- end else
- begin
- PLongWord(pdest)^ := (((sourceval shr ARGB_BlueShift) and $ff) shl TBGRAPixel_BlueShift) or
- (((sourceval shr ARGB_GreenShift) and $ff) shl TBGRAPixel_GreenShift) or
- (((sourceval shr ARGB_RedShift) and $ff) shl TBGRAPixel_RedShift) or
- (alphaValue shl TBGRAPixel_AlphaShift);
- end;
- dec(count);
- inc(pdest);
- inc(psrc, sourcePixelSize);
- end;
- BGRA_AlphaMask = 255 shl TBGRAPixel_AlphaShift;
- BGRA_RedMask = 255 shl TBGRAPixel_RedShift;
- BGRA_GreenMask = 255 shl TBGRAPixel_GreenShift;
- BGRA_BlueMask = 255 shl TBGRAPixel_BlueShift;
- BGRA_ColorMask = BGRA_RedMask or BGRA_GreenMask or BGRA_BlueMask;
-procedure CopyFrom32Bit_KeepAlpha(psrc: PByte; pdest: PBGRAPixel; count: Int32or64; sourcePixelSize: PtrInt; {%H-}defaultOpacity: byte);
- if sourcePixelSize = 4 then
- move(psrc^,pdest^,count*sizeof(TBGRAPixel))
- else
- begin
- while count > 0 do
- begin
- PLongWord(pdest)^ := PLongWord(psrc)^;
- dec(count);
- inc(pdest);
- inc(psrc, sourcePixelSize);
- end;
- end;
-procedure CopyFrom32Bit_SwapRedBlue_KeepAlpha(psrc: PByte; pdest: PBGRAPixel; count: Int32or64; sourcePixelSize: PtrInt; {%H-}defaultOpacity: byte);
-var srcValue: UInt32or64;
- while count > 0 do
- begin
- srcValue := PLongWord(psrc)^;
- PLongWord(pdest)^ := (srcValue and not (BGRA_RedMask or BGRA_BlueMask))
- or (((srcValue and BGRA_RedMask) shr TBGRAPixel_RedShift) shl TBGRAPixel_BlueShift)
- or (((srcValue and BGRA_BlueMask) shr TBGRAPixel_BlueShift) shl TBGRAPixel_RedShift);
- dec(count);
- inc(pdest);
- inc(psrc, sourcePixelSize);
- end;
-procedure CopyFrom32Bit_SetAlpha(psrc: PByte; pdest: PBGRAPixel; count: Int32or64; sourcePixelSize: PtrInt; defaultOpacity: byte);
- OpacityOrMask: UInt32or64;
- OpacityOrMask := DefaultOpacity shl TBGRAPixel_AlphaShift;
- while count > 0 do
- begin
- PLongWord(pdest)^ := (PLongWord(psrc)^ and not BGRA_AlphaMask) or OpacityOrMask;
- inc(psrc, sourcePixelSize);
- inc(pdest);
- dec(count);
- end;
-procedure CopyFrom32Bit_SwapRedBlue_SetAlpha(psrc: PByte; pdest: PBGRAPixel; count: Int32or64; sourcePixelSize: PtrInt; defaultOpacity: byte);
- while count > 0 do
- begin
- pdest^.red := PBGRAPixel(psrc)^.blue;
- pdest^.green := PBGRAPixel(psrc)^.green;
- pdest^.blue := PBGRAPixel(psrc)^.red;
- pdest^.alpha := DefaultOpacity; //use default opacity
- inc(psrc, sourcePixelSize);
- inc(pdest);
- dec(count);
- end;
-procedure CopyFrom32Bit_ReplaceZeroAlpha(psrc: PByte; pdest: PBGRAPixel; count: Int32or64; sourcePixelSize: PtrInt; defaultOpacity: byte);
-var sourceval: UInt32or64;
- OpacityOrMask : UInt32or64;
- OpacityOrMask := DefaultOpacity shl TBGRAPixel_AlphaShift;
- while count > 0 do
- begin
- sourceval := plongword(psrc)^;
- if ((sourceVal shr TBGRAPixel_AlphaShift) and $ff = 0) and ((sourceval and BGRA_ColorMask) <> 0) then //if not black but transparent
- plongword(pdest)^ := (sourceval and BGRA_ColorMask) or OpacityOrMask //use default opacity
- else
- plongword(pdest)^ := plongword(psrc)^;
- dec(count);
- inc(pdest);
- inc(psrc, sourcePixelSize);
- end;
-procedure CopyFrom32Bit_SwapRedBlue_ReplaceZeroAlpha(psrc: PByte; pdest: PBGRAPixel; count: Int32or64; sourcePixelSize: PtrInt; defaultOpacity: byte);
-var sourceval: UInt32or64;
- OpacityOrMask : UInt32or64;
- OpacityOrMask := DefaultOpacity shl TBGRAPixel_AlphaShift;
- while count > 0 do
- begin
- sourceval := plongword(psrc)^;
- if ((sourceVal shr TBGRAPixel_AlphaShift) and $ff = 0) and ((sourceval and BGRA_ColorMask) <> 0) then //if not black but transparent
- plongword(pdest)^ := (((sourceval and BGRA_RedMask) shr TBGRAPixel_RedShift) shl TBGRAPixel_BlueShift)
- or (((sourceval and BGRA_BlueMask) shr TBGRAPixel_BlueShift) shl TBGRAPixel_RedShift)
- or (sourceval and BGRA_GreenMask)
- or OpacityOrMask
- else
- plongword(pdest)^ := (((sourceval and BGRA_RedMask) shr TBGRAPixel_RedShift) shl TBGRAPixel_BlueShift)
- or (((sourceval and BGRA_BlueMask) shr TBGRAPixel_BlueShift) shl TBGRAPixel_RedShift)
- or (sourceval and (BGRA_GreenMask or BGRA_AlphaMask));
- dec(count);
- inc(pdest);
- inc(psrc, sourcePixelSize);
- end;
-procedure DoCopyProc(ADestination: TBGRACustomBitmap; ACopyProc: TCopyPixelProc; AData: PByte; ABytesPerLine, ABitsPerPixel: integer; ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; ADefaultOpacity: byte);
- n: integer;
- psource_byte, pdest_byte,
- psource_first, pdest_first: PByte;
- psource_delta, pdest_delta: integer;
- if (ALineOrder = ADestination.LineOrder) and
- (ABytesPerLine = (ABitsPerPixel shr 3) * LongWord(ADestination.Width)) then
- ACopyProc(AData, ADestination.Data, ADestination.NbPixels, ABitsPerPixel shr 3, ADefaultOpacity)
- else
- begin
- if ALineOrder = riloTopToBottom then
- begin
- psource_first := AData;
- psource_delta := ABytesPerLine;
- end else
- begin
- psource_first := AData + (ADestination.Height-1) * ABytesPerLine;
- psource_delta := -ABytesPerLine;
- end;
- if ADestination.LineOrder = riloTopToBottom then
- begin
- pdest_first := PByte(ADestination.Data);
- pdest_delta := ADestination.Width*sizeof(TBGRAPixel);
- end else
- begin
- pdest_first := PByte(ADestination.Data) + (ADestination.Height-1)*ADestination.Width*sizeof(TBGRAPixel);
- pdest_delta := -ADestination.Width*sizeof(TBGRAPixel);
- end;
- psource_byte := psource_first;
- pdest_byte := pdest_first;
- for n := ADestination.Height-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- ACopyProc(psource_byte, PBGRAPixel(pdest_byte), ADestination.Width, ABitsPerPixel shr 3, ADefaultOpacity);
- inc(psource_byte, psource_delta);
- inc(pdest_byte, pdest_delta);
- end;
- end;
-procedure ApplyRawImageMask(ADestination: TBGRACustomBitmap; const ARawImage: TRawImage);
- copyProc: TCopyPixelProc;
- if (ARawImage.Description.MaskBitsPerPixel = 1) and (ARawImage.Mask <> nil) then
- begin
- if ARawImage.Description.BitOrder = riboBitsInOrder then
- copyProc := @ApplyMask1bit
- else
- copyProc := @ApplyMask1bitRev;
- DoCopyProc(ADestination, copyProc, ARawImage.Mask, ARawImage.Description.MaskBytesPerLine, ARawImage.Description.MaskBitsPerPixel, ARawImage.Description.LineOrder, 0);
- ADestination.InvalidateBitmap;
- end;
-{ Load raw image data. It must be 32bit, 24 bits or 1bit per pixel}
-function LoadFromRawImageImplementation(ADestination: TBGRADefaultBitmap; const ARawImage: TRawImage;
- DefaultOpacity: byte; AlwaysReplaceAlpha: boolean; RaiseErrorOnInvalidPixelFormat: boolean): boolean;
- mustSwapRedBlue: boolean;
- copyProc: TCopyPixelProc;
- nbColorChannels: integer;
- function FormatError(message: string): boolean;
- begin
- if RaiseErrorOnInvalidPixelFormat then
- raise Exception.Create('Invalid raw image format. ' + message)
- else
- result := false;
- end;
- if (ARawImage.Description.Width <> LongWord(ADestination.Width)) or
- (ARawImage.Description.Height <> LongWord(ADestination.Height)) then
- raise Exception.Create('Bitmap size is inconsistent');
- if (ADestination.Height=0) or (ADestination.Width=0) then
- begin
- result := true;
- exit;
- end;
- if ARawImage.Description.BitsPerPixel = 1 then
- begin
- if ARawImage.Description.BitOrder = riboBitsInOrder then
- copyProc := @CopyFromBW_SetAlpha
- else
- copyProc := @CopyFromBW_SetAlphaBitRev;
- DefaultOpacity := 255;
- end else
- begin
- if ((ARawImage.Description.BitsPerPixel and 7) <> 0) then
- begin
- result := FormatError(IntToStr(ARawImage.Description.Depth) + 'bit found but multiple of 8bit expected');
- exit;
- end;
- if (ARawImage.Description.BitsPerPixel < 24) then
- begin
- result := FormatError(IntToStr(ARawImage.Description.Depth) + 'bit found but at least 24bit expected');
- exit;
- end;
- nbColorChannels := 0;
- if (ARawImage.Description.RedPrec > 0) then inc(nbColorChannels);
- if (ARawImage.Description.GreenPrec > 0) then inc(nbColorChannels);
- if (ARawImage.Description.BluePrec > 0) then inc(nbColorChannels);
- if (nbColorChannels < 3) then
- begin
- result := FormatError('One or more color channel is missing (RGB expected)');
- exit;
- end;
- //channels are in ARGB order
- if (ARawImage.Description.BitsPerPixel >= 32) and
- (ARawImage.Description.AlphaPrec = 8) and
- (((ARawImage.Description.AlphaShift = 0) and
- (ARawImage.Description.RedShift = 8) and
- (ARawImage.Description.GreenShift = 16) and
- (ARawImage.Description.BlueShift = 24) and
- (ARawImage.Description.ByteOrder = riboLSBFirst)) or
- ((ARawImage.Description.AlphaShift = ARawImage.Description.BitsPerPixel - 8) and
- (ARawImage.Description.RedShift = ARawImage.Description.BitsPerPixel - 16) and
- (ARawImage.Description.GreenShift = ARawImage.Description.BitsPerPixel - 24) and
- (ARawImage.Description.BlueShift = ARawImage.Description.BitsPerPixel - 32) and
- (ARawImage.Description.ByteOrder = riboMSBFirst))) then
- begin
- if AlwaysReplaceAlpha then
- copyProc := @CopyFromARGB_SetAlpha
- else if DefaultOpacity = 0 then
- copyProc := @CopyFromARGB_KeepAlpha
- else
- copyProc := @CopyFromARGB_ReplaceZeroAlpha;
- end
- else //channels are in ARGB order but alpha is not used
- if (ARawImage.Description.BitsPerPixel >= 32) and
- (ARawImage.Description.AlphaPrec = 0) and
- (((ARawImage.Description.RedShift = 8) and
- (ARawImage.Description.GreenShift = 16) and
- (ARawImage.Description.BlueShift = 24) and
- (ARawImage.Description.ByteOrder = riboLSBFirst)) or
- ((ARawImage.Description.RedShift = ARawImage.Description.BitsPerPixel - 16) and
- (ARawImage.Description.GreenShift = ARawImage.Description.BitsPerPixel - 24) and
- (ARawImage.Description.BlueShift = ARawImage.Description.BitsPerPixel - 32) and
- (ARawImage.Description.ByteOrder = riboMSBFirst))) then
- begin
- DefaultOpacity := 255;
- copyProc := @CopyFromARGB_SetAlpha;
- end
- else
- begin
- //channels are in RGB order (alpha channel may follow)
- if (ARawImage.Description.BitsPerPixel >= 24) and
- (((ARawImage.Description.RedShift = 0) and
- (ARawImage.Description.GreenShift = 8) and
- (ARawImage.Description.BlueShift = 16) and
- (ARawImage.Description.ByteOrder = riboLSBFirst)) or
- ((ARawImage.Description.RedShift = ARawImage.Description.BitsPerPixel - 8) and
- (ARawImage.Description.GreenShift = ARawImage.Description.BitsPerPixel - 16) and
- (ARawImage.Description.BlueShift = ARawImage.Description.BitsPerPixel - 24) and
- (ARawImage.Description.ByteOrder = riboMSBFirst))) then
- begin
- mustSwapRedBlue:= not TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder;
- end
- else
- //channels are in BGR order (alpha channel may follow)
- if (ARawImage.Description.BitsPerPixel >= 24) and
- (((ARawImage.Description.BlueShift = 0) and
- (ARawImage.Description.GreenShift = 8) and
- (ARawImage.Description.RedShift = 16) and
- (ARawImage.Description.ByteOrder = riboLSBFirst)) or
- ((ARawImage.Description.BlueShift = ARawImage.Description.BitsPerPixel - 8) and
- (ARawImage.Description.GreenShift = ARawImage.Description.BitsPerPixel - 16) and
- (ARawImage.Description.RedShift = ARawImage.Description.BitsPerPixel - 24) and
- (ARawImage.Description.ByteOrder = riboMSBFirst))) then
- begin
- mustSwapRedBlue:= TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder;
- end
- else
- begin
- result := FormatError('BitsPerPixel: ' + IntToStr(ARawImage.Description.BitsPerPixel) + ', '
- + 'RedShit: ' + IntToStr(ARawImage.Description.RedShift) + ', Prec: ' + IntToStr(ARawImage.Description.RedPrec)+ ', '
- + 'GreenShit: ' + IntToStr(ARawImage.Description.GreenShift) + ', Prec: ' + IntToStr(ARawImage.Description.GreenPrec)+ ', '
- + 'BlueShift: ' + IntToStr(ARawImage.Description.BlueShift) + ', Prec: ' + IntToStr(ARawImage.Description.BluePrec)+ ', '
- + 'AlphaShift: ' + IntToStr(ARawImage.Description.AlphaShift) + ', Prec: ' + IntToStr(ARawImage.Description.AlphaPrec) );
- exit;
- end;
- if not mustSwapRedBlue then
- begin
- if ARawImage.Description.BitsPerPixel = 24 then
- copyProc := @CopyFrom24Bit
- else
- if AlwaysReplaceAlpha or (ARawImage.Description.AlphaPrec = 0) then
- copyProc := @CopyFrom32Bit_SetAlpha
- else if DefaultOpacity = 0 then
- copyProc := @CopyFrom32Bit_KeepAlpha
- else
- copyProc := @CopyFrom32Bit_ReplaceZeroAlpha;
- end else
- begin
- if ARawImage.Description.BitsPerPixel = 24 then
- copyProc := @CopyFrom24Bit_SwapRedBlue
- else
- if AlwaysReplaceAlpha or (ARawImage.Description.AlphaPrec = 0) then
- copyProc := @CopyFrom32Bit_SwapRedBlue_SetAlpha
- else if DefaultOpacity = 0 then
- copyProc := @CopyFrom32Bit_SwapRedBlue_KeepAlpha
- else
- copyProc := @CopyFrom32Bit_SwapRedBlue_ReplaceZeroAlpha;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- DoCopyProc(ADestination, copyProc, ARawImage.Data, ARawImage.Description.BytesPerLine, ARawImage.Description.BitsPerPixel, ARawImage.Description.LineOrder, DefaultOpacity);
- ADestination.InvalidateBitmap;
- ApplyRawImageMask(ADestination, ARawImage);
- result := true;
-{ Draw BGRA data to a canvas with transparency }
-procedure DataDrawTransparentImplementation(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect;
- AData: Pointer; ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; AWidth, AHeight: integer);
- Temp: TBitmap;
- RawImage: TRawImage;
- BitmapHandle, MaskHandle: HBitmap;
- RawImage.Init;
- RawImage.Description.Init_BPP32_B8G8R8A8_BIO_TTB(AWidth, AHeight);
- RawImage.Description.LineOrder := ALineOrder;
- RawImage.Data := PByte(AData);
- RawImage.DataSize := AWidth * AHeight * sizeof(TBGRAPixel);
- if not RawImage_CreateBitmaps(RawImage, BitmapHandle, MaskHandle, False) then
- raise FPImageException.Create('Failed to create bitmap handle');
- Temp := TBitmap.Create;
- Temp.Handle := BitmapHandle;
- Temp.MaskHandle := MaskHandle;
- ACanvas.StretchDraw(Rect, Temp);
- Temp.Free;
-{ Draw BGRA data to a canvas without transparency }
-procedure DataDrawOpaqueImplementation(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect;
- AData: Pointer; ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; AWidth, AHeight: integer);
- Temp: TBitmap;
- RawImage: TRawImage;
- BitmapHandle, MaskHandle: HBitmap;
- CreateResult: boolean;
- tempShift: byte;
- if (AHeight = 0) or (AWidth = 0) then
- exit;
- RawImage.Init;
- RawImage.Description.Init_BPP32_B8G8R8_BIO_TTB(AWidth,AHeight);
- RawImage.Description.LineOrder := ALineOrder;
- RawImage.Description.LineEnd := rileDWordBoundary;
- RawImage.Data := PByte(AData);
- RawImage.DataSize:= AWidth*AHeight*sizeof(TBGRAPixel);
- if TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder then
- begin
- tempShift := RawImage.Description.RedShift;
- RawImage.Description.RedShift := RawImage.Description.BlueShift;
- RawImage.Description.BlueShift := tempShift;
- end;
- CreateResult := RawImage_CreateBitmaps(RawImage, BitmapHandle, MaskHandle, False);
- if not CreateResult then
- raise FPImageException.Create('Failed to create bitmap handle');
- Temp := TBitmap.Create;
- Temp.Handle := BitmapHandle;
- Temp.MaskHandle := MaskHandle;
- ACanvas.StretchDraw(Rect, Temp);
- Temp.Free;
-procedure GetImageFromCanvasImplementation(ADestination: TBGRADefaultBitmap; CanvasSource: TCanvas; x, y: integer);
- bmp: TBitmap;
- subBmp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- subRect: TRect;
- cw,ch: integer;
- cw := CanvasSource.Width;
- ch := CanvasSource.Height;
- if (x < 0) or (y < 0) or (x+ADestination.Width > cw) or
- (y+ADestination.Height > ch) then
- begin
- ADestination.FillTransparent;
- if (x+ADestination.Width <= 0) or (y+ADestination.Height <= 0) or
- (x >= cw) or (y >= ch) then
- exit;
- if (x > 0) then subRect.Left := x else subRect.Left := 0;
- if (y > 0) then subRect.Top := y else subRect.Top := 0;
- if (x+ADestination.Width > cw) then subRect.Right := cw else
- subRect.Right := x+ADestination.Width;
- if (y+ADestination.Height > ch) then subRect.Bottom := ch else
- subRect.Bottom := y+ADestination.Height;
- subBmp := ADestination.NewBitmap(subRect.Right-subRect.Left,subRect.Bottom-subRect.Top);
- subBmp.GetImageFromCanvas(CanvasSource,subRect.Left,subRect.Top);
- ADestination.PutImage(subRect.Left-x,subRect.Top-y,subBmp,dmSet);
- subBmp.Free;
- exit;
- end;
- bmp := TBitmap.Create;
- bmp.PixelFormat := pf24bit;
- bmp.Width := ADestination.Width;
- bmp.Height := ADestination.Height;
- bmp.Canvas.CopyRect(rect(0, 0, ADestination.Width, ADestination.Height), CanvasSource,
- rect(x, y, x + ADestination.Width, y + ADestination.Height));
- LoadFromRawImageImplementation(ADestination, bmp.RawImage, 255, True, False);
- bmp.Free;
- ADestination.InvalidateBitmap;
-{ TBGRALCLPtrBitmap }
-procedure TBGRALCLPtrBitmap.RebuildBitmap;
- RawImage: TRawImage;
- BitmapHandle, MaskHandle: HBitmap;
- if FBitmap <> nil then
- FBitmap.Free;
- FBitmap := TBitmapTracker.Create(self);
- if (FWidth > 0) and (FHeight > 0) then
- begin
- RawImage.Init;
- if TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder then
- RawImage.Description.Init_BPP32_R8G8B8A8_BIO_TTB(FWidth, FHeight)
- else
- RawImage.Description.Init_BPP32_B8G8R8A8_BIO_TTB(FWidth, FHeight);
- {$POP}
- RawImage.Description.LineOrder := FLineOrder;
- RawImage.Data := FDataByte;
- RawImage.DataSize := FWidth * FHeight * sizeof(TBGRAPixel);
- if not RawImage_CreateBitmaps(RawImage, BitmapHandle, MaskHandle, False) then
- raise FPImageException.Create('Failed to create bitmap handle');
- FBitmap.Handle := BitmapHandle;
- FBitmap.MaskHandle := MaskHandle;
- end;
- FBitmap.Canvas.AntialiasingMode := amOff;
-function TBGRALCLPtrBitmap.CreatePtrBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer;
- AData: PBGRAPixel): TBGRAPtrBitmap;
- Result:= TBGRALCLPtrBitmap.Create(AWidth,AHeight,AData);
-function TBGRALCLPtrBitmap.CreateDefaultFontRenderer: TBGRACustomFontRenderer;
- result := TLCLFontRenderer.Create;
-function TBGRALCLPtrBitmap.LoadFromRawImage(ARawImage: TRawImage;
- DefaultOpacity: byte; AlwaysReplaceAlpha: boolean;
- RaiseErrorOnInvalidPixelFormat: boolean): boolean;
- DiscardBitmapChange;
- result := LoadFromRawImageImplementation(self,ARawImage,DefaultOpacity,AlwaysReplaceAlpha,RaiseErrorOnInvalidPixelFormat);
-procedure TBGRALCLPtrBitmap.GetImageFromCanvas(CanvasSource: TCanvas; x,
- y: integer);
- DiscardBitmapChange;
- GetImageFromCanvasImplementation(self,CanvasSource,x,y);
-procedure TBGRALCLPtrBitmap.DataDrawTransparent(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect;
- AData: Pointer; ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; AWidth, AHeight: integer);
- DataDrawTransparentImplementation(ACanvas, Rect, AData, ALineOrder, AWidth, AHeight);
-procedure TBGRALCLPtrBitmap.DataDrawOpaque(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect;
- AData: Pointer; ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; AWidth, AHeight: integer);
- DataDrawOpaqueImplementation(ACanvas, Rect, AData, ALineOrder, AWidth, AHeight);
-function TBGRALCLBitmap.LoadFromRawImage(ARawImage: TRawImage;
- DefaultOpacity: byte; AlwaysReplaceAlpha: boolean;
- RaiseErrorOnInvalidPixelFormat: boolean): boolean;
- DiscardBitmapChange;
- result := LoadFromRawImageImplementation(self,ARawImage,DefaultOpacity,AlwaysReplaceAlpha,RaiseErrorOnInvalidPixelFormat);
-function TBGRALCLBitmap.CreateDefaultFontRenderer: TBGRACustomFontRenderer;
- result := TLCLFontRenderer.Create;
-procedure TBGRALCLBitmap.DoLoadFromBitmap;
- if FBitmap <> nil then
- begin
- LoadFromRawImage(FBitmap.RawImage, FCanvasOpacity);
- if FAlphaCorrectionNeeded then DoAlphaCorrection;
- end;
-procedure TBGRALCLBitmap.RebuildBitmap;
- RawImage: TRawImage;
- BitmapHandle, MaskHandle: HBitmap;
- if FBitmap <> nil then
- FBitmap.Free;
- FBitmap := TBitmapTracker.Create(self);
- if (FWidth > 0) and (FHeight > 0) then
- begin
- RawImage.Init;
- if TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder then
- RawImage.Description.Init_BPP32_R8G8B8A8_BIO_TTB(FWidth, FHeight)
- else
- RawImage.Description.Init_BPP32_B8G8R8A8_BIO_TTB(FWidth, FHeight);
- {$POP}
- RawImage.Description.LineOrder := FLineOrder;
- RawImage.Data := FDataByte;
- RawImage.DataSize := FWidth * FHeight * sizeof(TBGRAPixel);
- if not RawImage_CreateBitmaps(RawImage, BitmapHandle, MaskHandle, False) then
- raise FPImageException.Create('Failed to create bitmap handle');
- FBitmap.Handle := BitmapHandle;
- FBitmap.MaskHandle := MaskHandle;
- end;
- FBitmap.Canvas.AntialiasingMode := amOff;
-function TBGRALCLBitmap.CreatePtrBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer;
- AData: PBGRAPixel): TBGRAPtrBitmap;
- Result:= TBGRALCLPtrBitmap.Create(AWidth, AHeight, AData);
-procedure TBGRALCLBitmap.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
- if Source is TRasterImage then
- begin
- AssignRasterImage(TRasterImage(Source));
- end else
- inherited Assign(Source);
- if Source is TCursorImage then
- begin
- HotSpot := TCursorImage(Source).HotSpot;
- ExtractXorMask;
- end
- else if Source is TIcon then
- begin
- HotSpot := Point(0,0);
- ExtractXorMask;
- end;
-procedure TBGRALCLBitmap.LoadFromResource(AFilename: string;
- AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions);
- icon: TCustomIcon;
- ext: String;
- if BGRAResource.IsWinResource(AFilename) then
- begin
- ext:= Uppercase(ExtractFileExt(AFilename));
- if (ext = '.ICO') or (ext = '.CUR') then
- begin
- if ext= '.ICO' then icon := TIcon.Create
- else icon := TCursorImage.Create;
- try
- icon.LoadFromResourceName(HInstance, ChangeFileExt(AFilename,''));
- icon.Current:= icon.GetBestIndexForSize(Size(65536,65536));
- self.AssignRasterImage(icon);
- finally
- icon.Free;
- end;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- inherited LoadFromResource(AFilename, AOptions);
-procedure TBGRALCLBitmap.AssignRasterImage(ARaster: TRasterImage);
-var TempBmp: TBitmap;
- DiscardBitmapChange;
- SetSize(ARaster.Width, ARaster.Height);
- if LoadFromRawImage(ARaster.RawImage,0,False,False) then
- begin
- If Empty then
- begin
- AlphaFill(255); // if bitmap seems to be empty, assume
- // it is an opaque bitmap without alpha channel
- ApplyRawImageMask(self, ARaster.RawImage);
- end;
- end else
- if (ARaster is TBitmap) or (ARaster is TCustomIcon) then
- begin //try to convert
- TempBmp := TBitmap.Create;
- TempBmp.Width := ARaster.Width;
- TempBmp.Height := ARaster.Height;
- TempBmp.Canvas.Draw(0,0,ARaster);
- try
- LoadFromRawImage(TempBmp.RawImage,255,False,true);
- ApplyRawImageMask(self, ARaster.RawImage);
- finally
- TempBmp.Free;
- end;
- end else
- raise Exception.Create('Unable to convert image to 24 bit');
-procedure TBGRALCLBitmap.ExtractXorMask;
- y, x: Integer;
- p: PBGRAPixel;
- DiscardXorMask;
- for y := 0 to Height-1 do
- begin
- p := ScanLine[y];
- for x := 0 to Width-1 do
- begin
- if (p^.alpha = 0) and (PLongWord(p)^<>0) then
- begin
- NeedXorMask;
- XorMask.SetPixel(x,y, p^);
- end;
- inc(p);
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRALCLBitmap.DataDrawTransparent(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect;
- AData: Pointer; ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; AWidth, AHeight: integer);
- DataDrawTransparentImplementation(ACanvas, Rect, AData, ALineOrder, AWidth, AHeight);
-procedure TBGRALCLBitmap.DataDrawOpaque(ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect;
- AData: Pointer; ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; AWidth, AHeight: integer);
- DataDrawOpaqueImplementation(ACanvas, ARect, AData, ALineOrder, AWidth, AHeight);
-procedure TBGRALCLBitmap.GetImageFromCanvas(CanvasSource: TCanvas; x, y: integer
- );
- DiscardBitmapChange;
- GetImageFromCanvasImplementation(self,CanvasSource,x,y);
-procedure TBGRALCLBitmap.LoadFromDevice(DC: HDC);
- rawImage: TRawImage;
- sourceSize: TPoint;
- sourceSize := Point(0,0);
- GetDeviceSize(DC, sourceSize);
- if (sourceSize.x = 0) or (sourceSize.y = 0) then
- begin
- SetSize(0,0);
- exit;
- end;
- try
- if not RawImage_FromDevice(rawImage, DC, rect(0,0,sourceSize.x,sourceSize.y)) then
- raise Exception.Create('Cannot get raw image from device');
- SetSize(rawImage.Description.Width, rawImage.Description.Height);
- LoadFromRawImage(rawImage,255);
- finally
- rawImage.FreeData;
- end;
-procedure TBGRALCLBitmap.LoadFromDevice(DC: HDC; ARect: TRect);
- rawImage: TRawImage;
- if (ARect.Right <= ARect.Left) or (ARect.Bottom <= ARect.Top) then
- begin
- SetSize(0,0);
- exit;
- end;
- try
- if not RawImage_FromDevice(rawImage, DC, ARect) then
- raise Exception.Create('Cannot get raw image from device');
- SetSize(rawImage.Description.Width, rawImage.Description.Height);
- LoadFromRawImage(rawImage,255);
- finally
- rawImage.FreeData;
- end;
-procedure TBGRALCLBitmap.TakeScreenshotOfPrimaryMonitor;
-var primaryDC: THandle;
- primaryDC := LCLIntf.GetDC(0);
- LoadFromDevice(primaryDC);
- LCLIntf.ReleaseDC(0, primaryDC);
-procedure TBGRALCLBitmap.TakeScreenshot(ARect: TRect);
-var primaryDC: THandle;
- primaryDC := LCLIntf.GetDC(0);
- LoadFromDevice(primaryDC, ARect);
- LCLIntf.ReleaseDC(0, primaryDC);
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgralzpcommon.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgralzpcommon.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d991de..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgralzpcommon.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,643 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRALzpCommon;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils;
- LAZPAINT_MAGIC_HEADER : array[0..7] of char = 'LazPaint';
- LazpaintChannelGreenFromRed = 1;
- LazpaintChannelBlueFromRed = 2;
- LazpaintChannelBlueFromGreen = 4;
- LazpaintChannelNoAlpha = 8;
- LazpaintPalettedRGB = 16;
- LazPaintThumbMaxWidth = 128;
- LazPaintThumbMaxHeight = 128;
- TLzpCompression = (lzpZStream, //slower and not necessarily better
- lzpRLE); //custom RLE for lzp files
- { TLazPaintImageHeader }
- TLazPaintImageHeader = packed record
- magic: packed array[0..7] of char;
- zero1, headerSize: LongWord;
- width, height, nbLayers, previewOffset: LongWord;
- zero2, compressionMode, reserved1, layersOffset: LongWord;
- end;
-procedure LazPaintImageHeader_SwapEndianIfNeeded(AHeader: TLazPaintImageHeader);
-//routines to compress and uncompress byte-sized values (you need to
-//separate the channels to obtain any compression)
-procedure EncodeLazRLE(var sourceBuffer; size:PtrInt; ADest: TStream);
-function DecodeLazRLE(ASource: TStream; var destBuffer; availableOutputSize: PtrInt; availableInputSize: int64 = -1): PtrInt;
-const //flag to distinguish ranges of opcodes
- simpleRepetitionFlag = $00; // $01..$3f: normal repetition
- packedRepetitionFlag = $40; // $41..$5f: packed repetition
- repetitionOf0Flag = $60; // $60..$6f: repeat 1..16 zeros
- repetitionOf255Flag = $70; // $70..$7f: repeat 1..16 values of 255
- simpleDumpFlag = $80; // $81: dump of size as byte+64, $82..$bf: simple dump (2..63)
- packedDumpFlag = $c0; // $c3..$df: packed dump (3..31)
- packedDumpFromLastFlag= $e0; // $e2..$fe: packed dump from last packed dump value (2..30)
- //special opcodes
- wordRepetitionOpCode = $00; //followed by word and then a value to repeat
- byteRepetitionOpCode = $40; //followed by byte (add 64 to it to get the repetition count) and then a value to repeat
- previousWordSizeRepetitionOpCode = $80; //use the last value of opcode $00 so only followed by value to repeat
- previousByteSizeRepetitionOpCode = $c0; //use the last value of opcode $80 so only followed by value to repeat
- endOfStreamOpCode = $e0; //end of RLE stream (not necessarily the end of the image)
- //for future use but must not be accepted in the input stream
- {%H-}reservedOpCode1 = $c1;
- {%H-}reservedOpCode2 = $c2;
- {%H-}reservedOpCode3 = $e1;
- {%H-}optionalOpCode = $ff; //for future use but should be ignored if not recognized
- //numeric information
- maxNormalRepetition = 63;
- maxSmallRepCount = 31 * 4; // sets of four packed repetition
- maxDumpCount = 255+32;
- maxRepetition = 65535; // normal: 1..63, byte+64: 64..319, word-sized: 0..65535
- minSmallRep = 1;
- maxSmallRep = minSmallRep+3;
-procedure EncodeLazRLE(var sourceBuffer; size:PtrInt; ADest: TStream);
-const BufferSize = 4096;
- buffer: array[0..BufferSize-1] of byte;
- bufferPos: integer;
- smallRepetitions: array[0..maxSmallRepCount-1] of record
- value: Int32or64;
- count: Int32or64; //minSmallRep..maxSmallRep
- end;
- smallRepetitionsCount, smallRepTotal: Int32or64;
- previousWordSizeRepetition, previousByteSizeRepetition: Int32or64;
- lastPackedDumpValue: Int32or64;
- procedure FlushBuffer;
- begin
- ADest.WriteBuffer(buffer, BufferSize);
- bufferPos := 0;
- end;
- procedure WriteByte(b: byte); inline;
- begin
- buffer[bufferPos] := b;
- inc(bufferPos);
- if bufferPos = BufferSize then FlushBuffer;
- end;
- procedure WriteBytes(p: PByte; ACount: integer);
- var
- writeCount: Integer;
- begin
- while bufferPos+ACount >= BufferSize do
- begin
- writeCount := BufferSize-bufferPos;
- move(p^, buffer[bufferPos], writeCount);
- inc(p, writeCount);
- bufferPos := BufferSize;
- dec(ACount, writeCount);
- FlushBuffer;
- end;
- if ACount > 0 then
- begin
- move(p^, buffer[bufferPos], ACount);
- inc(bufferPos, ACount);
- end;
- end;
- procedure OutputNormalRepetition(AValue,ACount: Int32or64);
- begin
- If (ACount < 1) or (ACount > maxNormalRepetition) then
- raise exception.Create('Invalid count');
- if (AValue = 0) and (ACount <= 16) then
- begin
- WriteByte((ACount-1) or repetitionOf0Flag);
- end else
- if (AValue = 255) and (ACount <= 16) then
- begin
- WriteByte((ACount-1) or repetitionOf255Flag);
- end else
- begin
- WriteByte(ACount or simpleRepetitionFlag);
- WriteByte(AValue);
- end;
- end;
- procedure FlushSmallRepetitions;
- var i,j: Int32or64;
- packedCount: Int32or64;
- smallOutput: Int32or64;
- begin
- if smallRepetitionsCount = 0 then exit;
- if smallRepetitionsCount >= 4 then
- begin
- smallOutput:= smallRepetitionsCount and not 3;
- WriteByte(packedRepetitionFlag or (smallOutput shr 2));
- packedCount := 0;
- for i := 0 to smallOutput-1 do
- begin
- packedCount := packedCount + ((smallRepetitions[i].count-minSmallRep) shl ((i and 3) shl 1));
- if (i and 3) = 3 then
- begin
- WriteByte(packedCount);
- for j := i-3 to i do
- WriteByte(smallRepetitions[j].value);
- packedCount:= 0;
- end;
- end;
- for i := smallOutput to smallRepetitionsCount-1 do
- OutputNormalRepetition(smallRepetitions[i].value,smallRepetitions[i].count);
- end else
- begin
- for i := 0 to smallRepetitionsCount-1 do
- OutputNormalRepetition(smallRepetitions[i].value,smallRepetitions[i].count);
- end;
- smallRepetitionsCount := 0;
- smallRepTotal := 0;
- end;
- procedure OutputRepetition(AValue,ACount: Int32or64; AAccumulate: boolean = true);
- begin
- if AAccumulate and (ACount >= minSmallRep) and (ACount <= maxSmallRep) and (maxSmallRepCount>0) then
- begin
- if (smallRepetitionsCount> 0) and (smallRepetitions[smallRepetitionsCount-1].value = AValue) and
- (smallRepetitions[smallRepetitionsCount-1].count+ACount <= maxSmallRepCount) then
- begin
- inc(smallRepetitions[smallRepetitionsCount-1].count, ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- if smallRepetitionsCount = maxSmallRepCount then
- FlushSmallRepetitions;
- if smallRepetitionsCount and 3 = 0 then smallRepTotal := 0;
- smallRepetitions[smallRepetitionsCount].value := AValue;
- smallRepetitions[smallRepetitionsCount].count := ACount;
- inc(smallRepetitionsCount);
- inc(smallRepTotal, ACount);
- end else
- begin
- flushSmallRepetitions;
- if ACount <= maxNormalRepetition then
- OutputNormalRepetition(AValue,ACount) else
- begin
- if ACount = previousWordSizeRepetition then
- begin
- WriteByte(previousWordSizeRepetitionOpCode);
- WriteByte(AValue);
- end else
- if ACount = previousByteSizeRepetition then
- begin
- WriteByte(previousByteSizeRepetitionOpCode);
- WriteByte(AValue);
- end else
- if ACount <= 64+255 then
- begin
- WriteByte(byteRepetitionOpCode);
- WriteByte(ACount-64);
- WriteByte(AValue);
- previousByteSizeRepetition := ACount;
- end else
- if ACount <= 65535 then
- begin
- WriteByte(wordRepetitionOpCode);
- WriteByte(ACount shr 8);
- WriteByte(ACount and 255);
- WriteByte(AValue);
- previousWordSizeRepetition := ACount;
- end else
- raise exception.Create('Invalid count');
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure DumpNoPack(P: PByte; ACount: Int32or64);
- begin
- if ACount = 0 then exit;
- if ACount = 1 then
- begin
- OutputNormalRepetition(p^,1);
- exit;
- end;
- If (ACount < 0) or (ACount > maxDumpCount) then
- raise exception.Create('Invalid count');
- if ACount > 63 then
- begin
- if ACount > 255+64 then
- raise exception.Create('Invalid count');
- WriteByte($01 or simpleDumpFlag);
- WriteByte(ACount-64);
- end else
- WriteByte(ACount or simpleDumpFlag);
- WriteBytes(p, ACount);
- end;
- procedure DumpPacked(p : PByte; ACount: Int32or64);
- var diffLast: integer;
- packedValues: array[0..31] of Int32or64;
- nbPackedValues, idx: Int32or64;
- begin
- if ACount = 0 then exit else
- if ACount = 1 then
- begin
- OutputNormalRepetition(p^,1);
- exit;
- end else
- if ACount = 2 then
- begin
- DumpNoPack(p, ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- If (ACount < 3) or (ACount > maxDumpCount) then
- raise exception.Create('Invalid count');
- diffLast := p^ - lastPackedDumpValue;
- if (diffLast < -7) or (diffLast > 7) then
- begin
- if ACount > 31 then
- begin
- DumpPacked(p, 31);
- DumpPacked(p+31, ACount-31);
- exit;
- end;
- WriteByte(ACount or packedDumpFlag);
- lastPackedDumpValue:= p^;
- WriteByte(lastPackedDumpValue);
- dec(ACount);
- inc(p);
- end else
- if ACount > 30 then
- begin
- while ACount > 30 do
- begin
- DumpPacked(p, 30);
- inc(p,30);
- dec(ACount,30);
- end;
- DumpPacked(p, ACount);
- exit;
- end else
- WriteByte(ACount or packedDumpFromLastFlag);
- nbPackedValues := 0;
- while ACount >0 do
- begin
- packedValues[nbPackedValues] := (p^ - lastPackedDumpValue + 8) and 15;
- inc(nbPackedValues);
- lastPackedDumpValue := p^;
- inc(p);
- dec(ACount);
- end;
- idx := 0;
- while idx < nbPackedValues do
- begin
- if idx+1 = nbPackedValues then
- begin
- WriteByte(packedValues[idx] shl 4);
- break;
- end;
- WriteByte((packedValues[idx] shl 4) + packedValues[idx+1]);
- inc(idx,2);
- end;
- end;
- procedure Dump(p: PByte; ACount: Int32or64);
- const smallestPackedDump = 5;
- smallestPackedDumpTail = 3;
- var
- diffVal,i: Int32or64;
- fitPackStart: Int32or64;
- p2: PByte;
- begin
- if ACount >= smallestPackedDump then
- begin
- p2 := p+1;
- fitPackStart := -1;
- for i := 1 to ACount-1 do
- begin
- diffVal := p2^ - (p2-1)^;
- if diffVal > 128 then dec(diffVal,256)
- else if diffVal < -128 then inc(diffVal,256);
- if (diffVal > 7) or (diffVal < -7) then
- begin
- if (fitPackStart <> -1) and
- ((i-fitPackStart+1 >= smallestPackedDump) or
- ((i-fitPackStart+1 >= smallestPackedDumpTail) and
- (fitPackStart = 1) )) then
- begin
- DumpNoPack(p, fitPackStart-1);
- DumpPacked(p+(fitPackStart-1), i-fitPackStart+1);
- Dump(p+i, ACount-i);
- exit;
- end;
- fitPackStart := -1;
- end else
- if fitPackStart = -1 then fitPackStart := i;
- inc(p2);
- end;
- if (fitPackStart <> -1) and (ACount-fitPackStart+1 >= smallestPackedDumpTail) then
- begin
- DumpNoPack(p,fitPackStart-1);
- DumpPacked(p+(fitPackStart-1), ACount-fitPackStart+1);
- exit;
- end;
- ACount := ACount;
- end;
- DumpNoPack(p, ACount);
- end;
- psrc,psrcBefore: PByte;
- curValue: Int32or64;
- curCount: Int32or64;
- if size = 0 then exit;
- psrc := @sourceBuffer;
- if psrc = nil then
- raise exception.Create('Source buffer not provided');
- bufferPos := 0;
- curValue := psrc^;
- curCount := 1;
- inc(psrc);
- dec(size);
- smallRepetitionsCount := 0;
- smallRepTotal := 0;
- previousWordSizeRepetition := 0;
- previousByteSizeRepetition := 0;
- lastPackedDumpValue:= $80;
- while size > 0 do
- begin
- if (psrc^ = curValue) and (curCount < maxRepetition) then
- begin
- inc(curCount);
- dec(size);
- inc(psrc);
- end else
- if (curCount > 1) or (((smallRepetitionsCount and 3) <> 0) and (smallRepTotal >= 5)) then
- begin
- outputRepetition(curValue,curCount);
- curCount := 1;
- curValue := psrc^;
- dec(size);
- inc(psrc);
- end else //curCount = 1
- begin
- psrcBefore := psrc-1;
- inc(psrc);
- inc(curCount);
- dec(size);
- while (curCount < maxDumpCount) and (size>0) and
- ( (psrc^ <> (psrc-1)^) or ((size>1) and ((psrc+1)^ <> (psrc-1)^)) ) do //eat doubles too
- begin
- inc(psrc);
- inc(curCount);
- dec(size);
- if (curCount > 12) and ((psrc-1)^ = (psrc-2)^) and
- ((psrc-3)^ = (psrc-4)^) and ((psrc-5)^ = (psrc-6)^) then //three doubles
- begin
- dec(psrc,6);
- dec(curCount,6);
- inc(size,6);
- break;
- end;
- end;
- if (size > 1) and (psrc^ = (psrc-1)^) and ((psrc+1)^ = psrc^) then //repetition coming
- begin
- dec(psrc);
- dec(curCount);
- inc(size);
- end;
- FlushSmallRepetitions;
- if curCount = 1 then OutputRepetition(psrcBefore^,1) else
- if curCount > 1 then Dump(psrcBefore, curCount);
- if size > 0 then
- begin
- curValue := psrc^;
- curCount := 1;
- inc(psrc);
- dec(size);
- end else
- begin
- curCount := 0;
- break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if curCount > 0 then OutputRepetition(curValue,curCount);
- FlushSmallRepetitions;
- WriteByte(endOfStreamOpCode);
- FlushBuffer;
-function DecodeLazRLE(ASource: TStream; var destBuffer; availableOutputSize: PtrInt; availableInputSize: int64 = -1): PtrInt;
-const MaxBufferSize = 1024;
- opCode: Int32or64;
- pdest: PByte;
- lastRepeatWordSize, lastRepeatByteSize: Int32or64;
- lastPackedDumpValue: Int32or64;
- Buffer: packed array of byte;
- BufferPos, BufferSize: Int32or64;
- BufferStartLocation: Int64;
- procedure OutputOverflow(AWanted: PtrInt; AFunctionName: string);
- var position: int64;
- begin
- position := ASource.Position - BufferSize + BufferPos;
- raise exception.Create('Output buffer overflow. Current position is ' + IntToStr(result)+' out of '+ IntToStr(availableOutputSize)+
- ' and '+IntToStr(AWanted)+' is required by '+AFunctionName+'. ' +
- 'The absolute input position is '+IntToStr(position)+' which is ' + inttostr(position-BufferStartLocation) + ' from start.');
- end;
- function ReduceAvailableInputSize(AWanted: PtrInt): PtrInt;
- begin
- if availableInputSize <> -1 then
- begin
- if AWanted>availableInputSize then
- result := availableInputSize
- else
- result := AWanted;
- dec(availableInputSize, result);
- end else
- result := AWanted;
- end;
- function GetByteFromNextBuffer: byte;
- begin
- if BufferSize = 0 then
- result := $e0
- else
- begin
- BufferSize := ASource.Read(Buffer[0],ReduceAvailableInputSize(length(Buffer)));
- BufferPos := 0;
- if BufferPos < BufferSize then
- begin
- result := Buffer[BufferPos];
- inc(BufferPos);
- end else
- result := $e0;
- end;
- end;
- function GetNextBufferByte: byte; inline;
- begin
- if BufferPos < BufferSize then
- begin
- result := Buffer[BufferPos];
- inc(BufferPos);
- end else
- result := GetByteFromNextBuffer;
- end;
- procedure RepeatValue(AValue: Int32or64; ACount: Int32or64);
- begin
- if result+ACount > availableOutputSize then OutputOverflow(ACount,'RepeatValue');
- fillchar(pdest^, ACount, AValue);
- inc(pdest, ACount);
- inc(result, ACount);
- end;
- procedure PackedRepeatValues(ACount: Int32or64);
- var packedCount: Int32or64;
- begin
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- packedCount := GetNextBufferByte;
- RepeatValue(GetNextBufferByte, (packedCount and 3) + 1);
- packedCount:= packedCount shr 2;
- RepeatValue(GetNextBufferByte, (packedCount and 3) + 1);
- packedCount:= packedCount shr 2;
- RepeatValue(GetNextBufferByte, (packedCount and 3) + 1);
- packedCount:= packedCount shr 2;
- RepeatValue(GetNextBufferByte, (packedCount and 3) + 1);
- dec(ACount);
- end;
- end;
- procedure DumpValues(ACount: Int32or64);
- begin
- if result+ACount > availableOutputSize then OutputOverflow(ACount, 'DumpValues');
- inc(result, ACount);
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- pdest^ := GetNextBufferByte;
- inc(pdest);
- dec(ACount);
- end;
- end;
- procedure PackedDumpValues(ACount: Int32or64);
- var packedData: Int32or64;
- begin
- if result+ACount > availableOutputSize then OutputOverflow(ACount, 'PackedDumpValues');
- inc(result, ACount);
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- packedData := GetNextBufferByte;
- lastPackedDumpValue := (lastPackedDumpValue + (packedData shr 4) - 8) and 255;
- pdest^ := lastPackedDumpValue;
- if ACount >= 2 then
- begin
- lastPackedDumpValue := (lastPackedDumpValue + (packedData and 15) - 8) and 255;
- (pdest+1)^ := lastPackedDumpValue;
- inc(pdest,2);
- dec(ACount,2);
- end else
- begin
- inc(pdest);
- dec(ACount);
- end;
- lastPackedDumpValue:= (pdest-1)^;
- end;
- end;
- BufferStartLocation:= ASource.Position;
- setLength(Buffer,MaxBufferSize);
- BufferSize := ASource.Read(Buffer[0],ReduceAvailableInputSize(length(Buffer)));
- BufferPos := 0;
- pdest := @destBuffer;
- result := 0;
- lastPackedDumpValue:= $80;
- try
- repeat
- opCode := GetNextBufferByte;
- case opCode of
- wordRepetitionOpCode: begin
- lastRepeatWordSize:= GetNextBufferByte shl 8;
- inc(lastRepeatWordSize, GetNextBufferByte);
- RepeatValue(GetNextBufferByte, lastRepeatWordSize);
- end;
- previousWordSizeRepetitionOpCode: RepeatValue(GetNextBufferByte, lastRepeatWordSize);
- byteRepetitionOpCode: begin
- lastRepeatByteSize:= GetNextBufferByte + 64;
- RepeatValue(GetNextBufferByte, lastRepeatByteSize);
- end;
- previousByteSizeRepetitionOpCode: RepeatValue(GetNextBufferByte, lastRepeatByteSize);
- $01..$3f: RepeatValue(GetNextBufferByte, opCode);
- $41..$5f: PackedRepeatValues(opCode - $40);
- $60..$6f: RepeatValue($00, opCode - $60 + 1);
- $70..$7f: RepeatValue($FF, opCode - $70 + 1);
- $81: DumpValues(GetNextBufferByte+64);
- $82..$bf: DumpValues(opCode - $80);
- $c3..$df: begin
- lastPackedDumpValue := GetNextBufferByte;
- RepeatValue(lastPackedDumpValue, 1);
- PackedDumpValues(opCode - $c0 - 1);
- end;
- $e2..$fe: PackedDumpValues(opCode - $e0);
- reservedOpCode1, reservedOpCode2, reservedOpCode3: raise exception.Create('Unexpected opcode');
- endOfStreamOpCode, optionalOpCode: ;
- end;
- until opCode = endOfStreamOpCode;
- finally
- ASource.Position:= ASource.Position-BufferSize+BufferPos;
- end;
-{ TLazPaintImageHeader }
-procedure LazPaintImageHeader_SwapEndianIfNeeded(AHeader: TLazPaintImageHeader);
- with AHeader do
- begin
- headerSize := LEtoN(headerSize);
- width := LEtoN(width);
- height := LEtoN(height);
- nbLayers := LEtoN(nbLayers);
- height := LEtoN(height);
- previewOffset := LEtoN(previewOffset);
- compressionMode := LEtoN(compressionMode);
- layersOffset := LEtoN(layersOffset);
- end;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgramacbitmap.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgramacbitmap.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index d0a90f3..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgramacbitmap.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAMacBitmap;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BGRALCLBitmap, BGRAGraphics, BGRABitmapTypes;
- { TBGRAMacBitmap }
- TBGRAMacBitmap = class(TBGRALCLBitmap)
- procedure DataDrawOpaque(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect; AData: Pointer;
- ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; AWidth, AHeight: integer); override;
- end;
-uses LCLType, GraphType, LCLIntf, FPimage;
-procedure DataDrawOpaqueImplementation(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect;
- AData: Pointer; ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; AWidth, AHeight: integer);
- TARGB = packed record
- alpha,red,green,blue: byte;
- end;
- Temp: TBitmap;
- RawImage: TRawImage;
- BitmapHandle, MaskHandle: HBitmap;
- CreateResult: boolean;
- psrc: PBGRAPixel;
- pdest: PARGB;
- n: Integer;
- if (AHeight = 0) or (AWidth = 0) then
- exit;
- RawImage.Init;
- RawImage.Description.Init_BPP32_A8R8G8B8_BIO_TTB(AWidth,AHeight);
- RawImage.Description.Depth := 24;
- RawImage.Description.AlphaPrec := 0;
- RawImage.Description.LineOrder := ALineOrder;
- RawImage.Description.LineEnd := rileDWordBoundary;
- RawImage.CreateData(False);
- psrc := PBGRAPixel(AData);
- pdest := PARGB(RawImage.Data);
- for n := AWidth*AHeight-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- pdest^.alpha := 255;
- pdest^.red := psrc^.red;
- pdest^.green := psrc^.green;
- pdest^.blue := psrc^.blue;
- inc(pdest);
- inc(psrc);
- end;
- CreateResult := RawImage_CreateBitmaps(RawImage, BitmapHandle, MaskHandle, False);
- RawImage.FreeData;
- if not CreateResult then
- raise FPImageException.Create('Failed to create bitmap handle');
- Temp := TBitmap.Create;
- Temp.Handle := BitmapHandle;
- Temp.MaskHandle := MaskHandle;
- ACanvas.StretchDraw(Rect, Temp);
- Temp.Free;
-{ TBGRAMacBitmap }
-procedure TBGRAMacBitmap.DataDrawOpaque(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect;
- AData: Pointer; ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; AWidth, AHeight: integer);
- DataDrawOpaqueImplementation(ACanvas, Rect, AData, ALineOrder, AWidth, AHeight);
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgramatrix3d.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgramatrix3d.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index f0ddc70..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgramatrix3d.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,900 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAMatrix3D;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
-{$i bgrasse.inc}
-{$ifdef CPUI386}
- {$asmmode intel}
-{$ifdef cpux86_64}
- {$asmmode intel}
- BGRABitmapTypes, BGRASSE,
- BGRATransform;
- TMatrix3D = packed array[1..3,1..4] of single;
- TMatrix4D = packed array[1..4,1..4] of single;
- TProjection3D = packed record
- Zoom, Center: TPointF;
- end;
- TComputeProjectionFunc = function(AViewCoord: TPoint3D_128): TPointF of object;
-operator*(const A: TMatrix3D; const M: TPoint3D): TPoint3D;
-operator*(constref A: TMatrix3D; var M: TPoint3D_128): TPoint3D_128;
-function MultiplyVect3DWithoutTranslation(constref A: TMatrix3D; constref M: TPoint3D_128): TPoint3D_128;
-operator*(A,B: TMatrix3D): TMatrix3D;
-function Matrix3D(m11,m12,m13,m14, m21,m22,m23,m24, m31,m32,m33,m34: single): TMatrix3D; overload;
-function Matrix3D(vx,vy,vz,ofs: TPoint3D): TMatrix3D; overload;
-function Matrix3D(vx,vy,vz,ofs: TPoint3D_128): TMatrix3D; overload;
-function MatrixIdentity3D: TMatrix3D;
-function MatrixInverse3D(A: TMatrix3D): TMatrix3D;
-function MatrixTranslation3D(ofs: TPoint3D): TMatrix3D;
-function MatrixScale3D(size: TPoint3D): TMatrix3D;
-function MatrixRotateX(angle: single): TMatrix3D;
-function MatrixRotateY(angle: single): TMatrix3D;
-function MatrixRotateZ(angle: single): TMatrix3D;
-operator *(const A, B: TMatrix4D): TMatrix4D;
-function MatrixIdentity4D: TMatrix4D;
-function AffineMatrixToMatrix4D(AValue: TAffineMatrix): TMatrix4D;
-procedure Matrix3D_SSE_Load(const A: TMatrix3D);
-procedure MatrixMultiplyVect3D_SSE_Aligned(var M: TPoint3D_128; out N: TPoint3D_128);
-procedure MatrixMultiplyVect3D_SSE3_Aligned(var M: TPoint3D_128; out N: TPoint3D_128);
-procedure MatrixMultiplyVect3DWithoutTranslation_SSE_Aligned(var M: TPoint3D_128; out N: TPoint3D_128);
-procedure MatrixMultiplyVect3DWithoutTranslation_SSE3_Aligned(var M: TPoint3D_128; out N: TPoint3D_128);
-procedure multiplyVect3(const A : TMatrix3D; const vx,vy,vz,vt: single; out outx,outy,outz: single);
- outx := vx * A[1,1] + vy * A[1,2] + vz * A[1,3] + vt * A[1,4];
- outy := vx * A[2,1] + vy * A[2,2] + vz * A[2,3] + vt * A[2,4];
- outz := vx * A[3,1] + vy * A[3,2] + vz * A[3,3] + vt * A[3,4];
-procedure multiplyVect4(const A : TMatrix4D; const vx,vy,vz,vt: single; out outx,outy,outz,outt: single);
- outx := vx * A[1,1] + vy * A[1,2] + vz * A[1,3] + vt * A[1,4];
- outy := vx * A[2,1] + vy * A[2,2] + vz * A[2,3] + vt * A[2,4];
- outz := vx * A[3,1] + vy * A[3,2] + vz * A[3,3] + vt * A[3,4];
- outt := vx * A[4,1] + vy * A[4,2] + vz * A[4,3] + vt * A[4,4];
-operator*(const A: TMatrix3D; const M: TPoint3D): TPoint3D;
- result.x := M.x * A[1,1] + M.y * A[1,2] + M.z * A[1,3] + A[1,4];
- result.y := M.x * A[2,1] + M.y * A[2,2] + M.z * A[2,3] + A[2,4];
- result.z := M.x * A[3,1] + M.y * A[3,2] + M.z * A[3,3] + A[3,4];
-operator*(const A, B: TMatrix4D): TMatrix4D;
- multiplyVect4(A, B[1,1],B[2,1],B[3,1],B[4,1], result[1,1],result[2,1],result[3,1],result[4,1]);
- multiplyVect4(A, B[1,2],B[2,2],B[3,2],B[4,2], result[1,2],result[2,2],result[3,2],result[4,2]);
- multiplyVect4(A, B[1,3],B[2,3],B[3,3],B[4,3], result[1,3],result[2,3],result[3,3],result[4,3]);
- multiplyVect4(A, B[1,4],B[2,4],B[3,4],B[4,4], result[1,4],result[2,4],result[3,4],result[4,4]);
-function MatrixIdentity4D: TMatrix4D;
- result[1,1] := 1; result[2,1] := 0; result[3,1] := 0; result[4,1] := 0;
- result[1,2] := 0; result[2,2] := 1; result[3,2] := 0; result[4,2] := 0;
- result[1,3] := 0; result[2,3] := 0; result[3,3] := 1; result[4,3] := 0;
- result[1,4] := 0; result[2,4] := 0; result[3,4] := 0; result[4,4] := 1;
-function AffineMatrixToMatrix4D(AValue: TAffineMatrix): TMatrix4D;
- result[1,1] := AValue[1,1]; result[2,1] := AValue[1,2]; result[3,1] := 0; result[4,1] := AValue[1,3];
- result[1,2] := AValue[2,1]; result[2,2] := AValue[2,2]; result[3,2] := 0; result[4,2] := AValue[2,3];
- result[1,3] := 0; result[2,3] := 0; result[3,3] := 1; result[4,3] := 0;
- result[1,4] := 0; result[2,4] := 0; result[3,4] := 0; result[4,4] := 1;
-var SingleConst1 : single = 1;
- procedure Matrix3D_SSE_Load(const A: TMatrix3D);
- begin
- {$IFDEF cpux86_64}
- asm
- mov rax, A
- movups xmm5, [rax]
- movups xmm6, [rax+16]
- movups xmm7, [rax+32]
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- asm
- mov eax, A
- movups xmm5, [eax]
- movups xmm6, [eax+16]
- movups xmm7, [eax+32]
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
-procedure MatrixMultiplyVect3D_SSE_Aligned(var M: TPoint3D_128; out N: TPoint3D_128);
-var oldMt: single;
- oldMt := M.t;
- M.t := SingleConst1;
- {$IFDEF cpux86_64}
- asm
- mov rax, M
- movaps xmm0, [rax]
- mov rax, N
- movaps xmm2,xmm0
- mulps xmm2,xmm5
- //mix1
- movaps xmm3, xmm2
- shufps xmm3, xmm3, $4e
- addps xmm2, xmm3
- //mix2
- movaps xmm3, xmm2
- shufps xmm3, xmm3, $11
- addps xmm2, xmm3
- movss [rax], xmm2
- movaps xmm2,xmm0
- mulps xmm2,xmm6
- //mix1
- movaps xmm3, xmm2
- shufps xmm3, xmm3, $4e
- addps xmm2, xmm3
- //mix2
- movaps xmm3, xmm2
- shufps xmm3, xmm3, $11
- addps xmm2, xmm3
- movss [rax+4], xmm2
- mulps xmm0,xmm7
- //mix1
- movaps xmm3, xmm0
- shufps xmm3, xmm3, $4e
- addps xmm0, xmm3
- //mix2
- movaps xmm3, xmm0
- shufps xmm3, xmm3, $11
- addps xmm0, xmm3
- movss [rax+8], xmm0
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- asm
- mov eax, M
- movaps xmm0, [eax]
- mov eax, N
- movaps xmm2,xmm0
- mulps xmm2,xmm5
- //mix1
- movaps xmm3, xmm2
- shufps xmm3, xmm3, $4e
- addps xmm2, xmm3
- //mix2
- movaps xmm3, xmm2
- shufps xmm3, xmm3, $11
- addps xmm2, xmm3
- movss [eax], xmm2
- movaps xmm2,xmm0
- mulps xmm2,xmm6
- //mix1
- movaps xmm3, xmm2
- shufps xmm3, xmm3, $4e
- addps xmm2, xmm3
- //mix2
- movaps xmm3, xmm2
- shufps xmm3, xmm3, $11
- addps xmm2, xmm3
- movss [eax+4], xmm2
- mulps xmm0,xmm7
- //mix1
- movaps xmm3, xmm0
- shufps xmm3, xmm3, $4e
- addps xmm0, xmm3
- //mix2
- movaps xmm3, xmm0
- shufps xmm3, xmm3, $11
- addps xmm0, xmm3
- movss [eax+8], xmm0
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- M.t := oldMt;
- N.t := 0;
-procedure MatrixMultiplyVect3D_SSE3_Aligned(var M: TPoint3D_128; out N: TPoint3D_128);
-var oldMt: single;
- oldMt := M.t;
- M.t := SingleConst1;
- {$IFDEF cpux86_64}
- asm
- mov rax, M
- movaps xmm0, [rax]
- mov rax, N
- movaps xmm2,xmm0
- mulps xmm2,xmm5
- haddps xmm2,xmm2
- haddps xmm2,xmm2
- movss [rax], xmm2
- movaps xmm2,xmm0
- mulps xmm2,xmm6
- haddps xmm2,xmm2
- haddps xmm2,xmm2
- movss [rax+4], xmm2
- mulps xmm0,xmm7
- haddps xmm0,xmm0
- haddps xmm0,xmm0
- movss [rax+8], xmm0
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- asm
- mov eax, M
- movaps xmm0, [eax]
- mov eax, N
- movaps xmm2,xmm0
- mulps xmm2,xmm5
- haddps xmm2,xmm2
- haddps xmm2,xmm2
- movss [eax], xmm2
- movaps xmm2,xmm0
- mulps xmm2,xmm6
- haddps xmm2,xmm2
- haddps xmm2,xmm2
- movss [eax+4], xmm2
- mulps xmm0,xmm7
- haddps xmm0,xmm0
- haddps xmm0,xmm0
- movss [eax+8], xmm0
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- M.t := oldMt;
-procedure MatrixMultiplyVect3DWithoutTranslation_SSE_Aligned(
- var M: TPoint3D_128; out N: TPoint3D_128);
- {$IFDEF cpux86_64}
- asm
- mov rax, M
- movaps xmm0, [rax]
- mov rax, N
- movaps xmm2,xmm0
- mulps xmm2,xmm5
- //mix1
- movaps xmm3, xmm2
- shufps xmm3, xmm3, $4e
- addps xmm2, xmm3
- //mix2
- movaps xmm3, xmm2
- shufps xmm3, xmm3, $11
- addps xmm2, xmm3
- movss [rax], xmm2
- movaps xmm2,xmm0
- mulps xmm2,xmm6
- //mix1
- movaps xmm3, xmm2
- shufps xmm3, xmm3, $4e
- addps xmm2, xmm3
- //mix2
- movaps xmm3, xmm2
- shufps xmm3, xmm3, $11
- addps xmm2, xmm3
- movss [rax+4], xmm2
- mulps xmm0,xmm7
- //mix1
- movaps xmm3, xmm0
- shufps xmm3, xmm3, $4e
- addps xmm0, xmm3
- //mix2
- movaps xmm3, xmm0
- shufps xmm3, xmm3, $11
- addps xmm0, xmm3
- movss [rax+8], xmm0
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- asm
- mov eax, M
- movaps xmm0, [eax]
- mov eax, N
- movaps xmm2,xmm0
- mulps xmm2,xmm5
- //mix1
- movaps xmm3, xmm2
- shufps xmm3, xmm3, $4e
- addps xmm2, xmm3
- //mix2
- movaps xmm3, xmm2
- shufps xmm3, xmm3, $11
- addps xmm2, xmm3
- movss [eax], xmm2
- movaps xmm2,xmm0
- mulps xmm2,xmm6
- //mix1
- movaps xmm3, xmm2
- shufps xmm3, xmm3, $4e
- addps xmm2, xmm3
- //mix2
- movaps xmm3, xmm2
- shufps xmm3, xmm3, $11
- addps xmm2, xmm3
- movss [eax+4], xmm2
- mulps xmm0,xmm7
- //mix1
- movaps xmm3, xmm0
- shufps xmm3, xmm3, $4e
- addps xmm0, xmm3
- //mix2
- movaps xmm3, xmm0
- shufps xmm3, xmm3, $11
- addps xmm0, xmm3
- movss [eax+8], xmm0
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
-procedure MatrixMultiplyVect3DWithoutTranslation_SSE3_Aligned(
- var M: TPoint3D_128; out N: TPoint3D_128);
- {$IFDEF cpux86_64}
- asm
- mov rax, M
- movaps xmm0, [rax]
- mov rax, N
- movaps xmm2,xmm0
- mulps xmm2,xmm5
- haddps xmm2,xmm2
- haddps xmm2,xmm2
- movss [rax], xmm2
- movaps xmm2,xmm0
- mulps xmm2,xmm6
- haddps xmm2,xmm2
- haddps xmm2,xmm2
- movss [rax+4], xmm2
- mulps xmm0,xmm7
- haddps xmm0,xmm0
- haddps xmm0,xmm0
- movss [rax+8], xmm0
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- asm
- mov eax, M
- movaps xmm0, [eax]
- mov eax, N
- movaps xmm2,xmm0
- mulps xmm2,xmm5
- haddps xmm2,xmm2
- haddps xmm2,xmm2
- movss [eax], xmm2
- movaps xmm2,xmm0
- mulps xmm2,xmm6
- haddps xmm2,xmm2
- haddps xmm2,xmm2
- movss [eax+4], xmm2
- mulps xmm0,xmm7
- haddps xmm0,xmm0
- haddps xmm0,xmm0
- movss [eax+8], xmm0
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
-operator*(constref A: TMatrix3D; var M: TPoint3D_128): TPoint3D_128;
-{$IFDEF BGRASSE_AVAILABLE}var oldMt: single;
- resultAddr: pointer;{$ENDIF}
- if UseSSE then
- begin
- oldMt := M.t;
- M.t := SingleConst1;
- resultAddr := @result;
- {$IFDEF cpux86_64}
- if UseSSE3 then
- asm
- mov rax, A
- movups xmm5, [rax]
- movups xmm6, [rax+16]
- movups xmm7, [rax+32]
- mov rax, M
- movups xmm0, [rax]
- mov rax, resultAddr
- movaps xmm4,xmm0
- mulps xmm4,xmm5
- haddps xmm4,xmm4
- haddps xmm4,xmm4
- movss [rax], xmm4
- movaps xmm4,xmm0
- mulps xmm4,xmm6
- haddps xmm4,xmm4
- haddps xmm4,xmm4
- movss [rax+4], xmm4
- mulps xmm0,xmm7
- haddps xmm0,xmm0
- haddps xmm0,xmm0
- movss [rax+8], xmm0
- end else
- asm
- mov rax, A
- movups xmm5, [rax]
- movups xmm6, [rax+16]
- movups xmm7, [rax+32]
- mov rax, M
- movups xmm0, [rax]
- mov rax, resultAddr
- movaps xmm4,xmm0
- mulps xmm4,xmm5
- //mix1
- movaps xmm3, xmm4
- shufps xmm3, xmm3, $4e
- addps xmm4, xmm3
- //mix2
- movaps xmm3, xmm4
- shufps xmm3, xmm3, $11
- addps xmm4, xmm3
- movss [rax], xmm4
- movaps xmm4,xmm0
- mulps xmm4,xmm6
- //mix1
- movaps xmm3, xmm4
- shufps xmm3, xmm3, $4e
- addps xmm4, xmm3
- //mix2
- movaps xmm3, xmm4
- shufps xmm3, xmm3, $11
- addps xmm4, xmm3
- movss [rax+4], xmm4
- mulps xmm0,xmm7
- //mix1
- movaps xmm3, xmm0
- shufps xmm3, xmm3, $4e
- addps xmm0, xmm3
- //mix2
- movaps xmm3, xmm0
- shufps xmm3, xmm3, $11
- addps xmm0, xmm3
- movss [rax+8], xmm0
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- if UseSSE3 then
- asm
- mov eax, A
- movups xmm5, [eax]
- movups xmm6, [eax+16]
- movups xmm7, [eax+32]
- mov eax, M
- movups xmm0, [eax]
- mov eax, resultAddr
- movaps xmm4,xmm0
- mulps xmm4,xmm5
- haddps xmm4,xmm4
- haddps xmm4,xmm4
- movss [eax], xmm4
- movaps xmm4,xmm0
- mulps xmm4,xmm6
- haddps xmm4,xmm4
- haddps xmm4,xmm4
- movss [eax+4], xmm4
- mulps xmm0,xmm7
- haddps xmm0,xmm0
- haddps xmm0,xmm0
- movss [eax+8], xmm0
- end else
- asm
- mov eax, A
- movups xmm5, [eax]
- movups xmm6, [eax+16]
- movups xmm7, [eax+32]
- mov eax, M
- movups xmm0, [eax]
- mov eax, resultAddr
- movaps xmm4,xmm0
- mulps xmm4,xmm5
- //mix1
- movaps xmm3, xmm4
- shufps xmm3, xmm3, $4e
- addps xmm4, xmm3
- //mix2
- movaps xmm3, xmm4
- shufps xmm3, xmm3, $11
- addps xmm4, xmm3
- movss [eax], xmm4
- movaps xmm4,xmm0
- mulps xmm4,xmm6
- //mix1
- movaps xmm3, xmm4
- shufps xmm3, xmm3, $4e
- addps xmm4, xmm3
- //mix2
- movaps xmm3, xmm4
- shufps xmm3, xmm3, $11
- addps xmm4, xmm3
- movss [eax+4], xmm4
- mulps xmm0,xmm7
- //mix1
- movaps xmm3, xmm0
- shufps xmm3, xmm3, $4e
- addps xmm0, xmm3
- //mix2
- movaps xmm3, xmm0
- shufps xmm3, xmm3, $11
- addps xmm0, xmm3
- movss [eax+8], xmm0
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- M.t := oldMt;
- result.t := 0;
- end else
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- result.x := M.x * A[1,1] + M.y * A[1,2] + M.z * A[1,3] + A[1,4];
- result.y := M.x * A[2,1] + M.y * A[2,2] + M.z * A[2,3] + A[2,4];
- result.z := M.x * A[3,1] + M.y * A[3,2] + M.z * A[3,3] + A[3,4];
- result.t := 0;
- end;
-function MultiplyVect3DWithoutTranslation(constref A: TMatrix3D; constref M: TPoint3D_128): TPoint3D_128;
-{$IFDEF BGRASSE_AVAILABLE}var resultAddr: pointer;{$ENDIF}
- if UseSSE then
- begin
- resultAddr := @result;
- {$IFDEF cpux86_64}
- if UseSSE3 then
- asm
- mov rax, A
- movups xmm5, [rax]
- movups xmm6, [rax+16]
- movups xmm7, [rax+32]
- mov rax, M
- movups xmm0, [rax]
- mov rax, resultAddr
- movaps xmm4,xmm0
- mulps xmm4,xmm5
- haddps xmm4,xmm4
- haddps xmm4,xmm4
- movss [rax], xmm4
- movaps xmm4,xmm0
- mulps xmm4,xmm6
- haddps xmm4,xmm4
- haddps xmm4,xmm4
- movss [rax+4], xmm4
- mulps xmm0,xmm7
- haddps xmm0,xmm0
- haddps xmm0,xmm0
- movss [rax+8], xmm0
- end else
- asm
- mov rax, A
- movups xmm5, [rax]
- movups xmm6, [rax+16]
- movups xmm7, [rax+32]
- mov rax, M
- movups xmm0, [rax]
- mov rax, resultAddr
- movaps xmm4,xmm0
- mulps xmm4,xmm5
- //mix1
- movaps xmm3, xmm4
- shufps xmm3, xmm3, $4e
- addps xmm4, xmm3
- //mix2
- movaps xmm3, xmm4
- shufps xmm3, xmm3, $11
- addps xmm4, xmm3
- movss [rax], xmm4
- movaps xmm4,xmm0
- mulps xmm4,xmm6
- //mix1
- movaps xmm3, xmm4
- shufps xmm3, xmm3, $4e
- addps xmm4, xmm3
- //mix2
- movaps xmm3, xmm4
- shufps xmm3, xmm3, $11
- addps xmm4, xmm3
- movss [rax+4], xmm4
- mulps xmm0,xmm7
- //mix1
- movaps xmm3, xmm0
- shufps xmm3, xmm3, $4e
- addps xmm0, xmm3
- //mix2
- movaps xmm3, xmm0
- shufps xmm3, xmm3, $11
- addps xmm0, xmm3
- movss [rax+8], xmm0
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- if UseSSE3 then
- asm
- mov eax, A
- movups xmm5, [eax]
- movups xmm6, [eax+16]
- movups xmm7, [eax+32]
- mov eax, M
- movups xmm0, [eax]
- mov eax, resultAddr
- movaps xmm4,xmm0
- mulps xmm4,xmm5
- haddps xmm4,xmm4
- haddps xmm4,xmm4
- movss [eax], xmm4
- movaps xmm4,xmm0
- mulps xmm4,xmm6
- haddps xmm4,xmm4
- haddps xmm4,xmm4
- movss [eax+4], xmm4
- mulps xmm0,xmm7
- haddps xmm0,xmm0
- haddps xmm0,xmm0
- movss [eax+8], xmm0
- end else
- asm
- mov eax, A
- movups xmm5, [eax]
- movups xmm6, [eax+16]
- movups xmm7, [eax+32]
- mov eax, M
- movups xmm0, [eax]
- mov eax, resultAddr
- movaps xmm4,xmm0
- mulps xmm4,xmm5
- //mix1
- movaps xmm3, xmm4
- shufps xmm3, xmm3, $4e
- addps xmm4, xmm3
- //mix2
- movaps xmm3, xmm4
- shufps xmm3, xmm3, $11
- addps xmm4, xmm3
- movss [eax], xmm4
- movaps xmm4,xmm0
- mulps xmm4,xmm6
- //mix1
- movaps xmm3, xmm4
- shufps xmm3, xmm3, $4e
- addps xmm4, xmm3
- //mix2
- movaps xmm3, xmm4
- shufps xmm3, xmm3, $11
- addps xmm4, xmm3
- movss [eax+4], xmm4
- mulps xmm0,xmm7
- //mix1
- movaps xmm3, xmm0
- shufps xmm3, xmm3, $4e
- addps xmm0, xmm3
- //mix2
- movaps xmm3, xmm0
- shufps xmm3, xmm3, $11
- addps xmm0, xmm3
- movss [eax+8], xmm0
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- end else
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- result.x := M.x * A[1,1] + M.y * A[1,2] + M.z * A[1,3];
- result.y := M.x * A[2,1] + M.y * A[2,2] + M.z * A[2,3];
- result.z := M.x * A[3,1] + M.y * A[3,2] + M.z * A[3,3];
- result.t := 0;
- end;
-operator*(A,B: TMatrix3D): TMatrix3D;
- multiplyVect3(A, B[1,1],B[2,1],B[3,1],0, result[1,1],result[2,1],result[3,1]);
- multiplyVect3(A, B[1,2],B[2,2],B[3,2],0, result[1,2],result[2,2],result[3,2]);
- multiplyVect3(A, B[1,3],B[2,3],B[3,3],0, result[1,3],result[2,3],result[3,3]);
- multiplyVect3(A, B[1,4],B[2,4],B[3,4],1, result[1,4],result[2,4],result[3,4]);
-function MatrixIdentity3D: TMatrix3D;
- result := Matrix3D( 1,0,0,0,
- 0,1,0,0,
- 0,0,1,0);
-function Matrix3D(m11, m12, m13, m14, m21, m22, m23, m24, m31, m32, m33,
- m34: single): TMatrix3D;
- result[1,1] := m11;
- result[1,2] := m12;
- result[1,3] := m13;
- result[1,4] := m14;
- result[2,1] := m21;
- result[2,2] := m22;
- result[2,3] := m23;
- result[2,4] := m24;
- result[3,1] := m31;
- result[3,2] := m32;
- result[3,3] := m33;
- result[3,4] := m34;
-function MatrixInverse3D(A: TMatrix3D): TMatrix3D;
-var ofs: TPoint3D;
- ofs := Point3D(A[1,4],A[2,4],A[3,4]);
- result[1,1] := A[1,1];
- result[1,2] := A[2,1];
- result[1,3] := A[3,1];
- result[1,4] := 0;
- result[2,1] := A[1,2];
- result[2,2] := A[2,2];
- result[2,3] := A[3,2];
- result[2,4] := 0;
- result[3,1] := A[1,3];
- result[3,2] := A[2,3];
- result[3,3] := A[3,3];
- result[3,4] := 0;
- result := result*MatrixTranslation3D(-ofs);
-function Matrix3D(vx, vy, vz, ofs: TPoint3D): TMatrix3D;
- result := Matrix3D(vx.x, vy.x, vz.x, ofs.x,
- vx.y, vy.y, vz.y, ofs.y,
- vx.z, vy.z, vz.z, ofs.z);
-function Matrix3D(vx, vy, vz, ofs: TPoint3D_128): TMatrix3D;
- result := Matrix3D(vx.x, vy.x, vz.x, ofs.x,
- vx.y, vy.y, vz.y, ofs.y,
- vx.z, vy.z, vz.z, ofs.z);
-function MatrixTranslation3D(ofs: TPoint3D): TMatrix3D;
- result := Matrix3D(1,0,0,ofs.x,
- 0,1,0,ofs.Y,
- 0,0,1,ofs.z);
-function MatrixScale3D(size: TPoint3D): TMatrix3D;
- result := Matrix3D(size.x,0,0,0,
- 0,size.y,0,0,
- 0,0,size.z,0);
-function MatrixRotateX(angle: single): TMatrix3D;
- result := Matrix3D( 1, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, cos(angle), sin(angle), 0,
- 0, -sin(angle), cos(angle), 0);
-function MatrixRotateY(angle: single): TMatrix3D;
- result := Matrix3D( cos(angle), 0, -sin(angle), 0,
- 0, 1, 0, 0,
- sin(angle), 0, cos(angle), 0);
-function MatrixRotateZ(angle: single): TMatrix3D;
- result := Matrix3D( cos(angle), sin(angle), 0, 0,
- -sin(angle), cos(angle), 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 1, 0);
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgramemdirectory.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgramemdirectory.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 045b1e3..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgramemdirectory.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,697 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAMemDirectory;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BGRAMultiFileType, fgl;
- MemDirectoryFileHeader = 'TMemDirectory'#26#0#0;
- MemDirectoryEntry_FlagDirectory = 1; //entry is a directory
- MemDirectoryEntry_FlagCompressed = 2; //the stream is compressed
- MemDirectoryEntry_FlagSmallEntryPacked = $8000; //name and size <= 255
- TMemDirectory = class;
- TEntryFilename = BGRAMultiFileType.TEntryFilename;
- TMemDirectoryPath = specialize TFPGList;
- { TMemDirectoryEntry }
- TMemDirectoryEntry = class(TMultiFileEntry)
- private
- FStream: TStream;
- function GetIsCompressed: boolean;
- function GetCompressedSize: int64;
- function GetIsDirectory: boolean;
- procedure SetIsCompressed(AValue: boolean);
- procedure LoadExtraFromEmbeddedStream(ADataStream: TStream; AStartPos: int64);
- procedure SaveToEmbeddedStream(AEntryStream, ADataStream: TStream; AStartPos: int64; out uncompressedSize: int64);
- protected
- FFlags: Word;
- FName,FExtension: utf8String;
- FUncompressedSize: int64;
- FEmbeddedStreamPos: int64;
- FMemDirectory: TMemDirectory;
- function GetName: utf8string; override;
- procedure SetName(AValue: utf8string); override;
- function GetFileSize: int64; override;
- function GetExtension: utf8string; override;
- function InternalCopyTo({%H-}ADestination: TStream): int64;
- public
- function CopyTo({%H-}ADestination: TStream): int64; override;
- function GetStream: TStream; override;
- constructor Create(AContainer: TMultiFileContainer; AFilename: TEntryFilename; AUncompressedStream: TStream; AOwnStream: boolean); overload;
- constructor CreateDirectory(AContainer: TMultiFileContainer; AFilename: TEntryFilename);
- constructor CreateFromData(AContainer: TMultiFileContainer; AFilename: TEntryFilename; AStream: TStream; AOwnStream: boolean; AUncompressedSize: int64; AFlags: Word);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- property EmbeddedStreamPos: int64 read FEmbeddedStreamPos write FEmbeddedStreamPos;
- property IsCompressed: boolean read GetIsCompressed write SetIsCompressed;
- property IsDirectory: boolean read GetIsDirectory;
- property CompressedSize: int64 read GetCompressedSize;
- property Flags: Word read FFlags;
- property MemDirectory: TMemDirectory read FMemDirectory;
- end;
- TMemDirectory = class(TMultiFileContainer)
- private
- FParentDirectory: TMemDirectory;
- function GetEntryCompressed(AIndex: integer): boolean;
- function GetIsDirectory(AIndex: integer): boolean;
- function GetDirectory(AIndex: integer): TMemDirectory;
- procedure SetEntryCompressed(AIndex: integer; AValue: boolean);
- protected
- function CreateEntry(AName: utf8string; AExtension: utf8string; AContent: TStream): TMultiFileEntry; override;
- function SplitPath(APath: utf8string): TMemDirectoryPath;
- public
- constructor Create(AParentDirectory: TMemDirectory = nil);
- function Equals(Obj: TObject): boolean; override;
- procedure LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream); override;
- class function CheckHeader(AStream: TStream): boolean; static;
- procedure LoadFromEmbeddedStream(ARootStream, ADataStream: TStream; AStartPos: int64);
- procedure SaveToStream(ADestination: TStream); override;
- procedure SaveToEmbeddedStream(ARootDest, ADataDest: TStream; AStartPos: int64);
- function AddDirectory(AName: utf8string; AExtension: utf8string= ''; ACaseSensitive: boolean= true): integer;
- function Rename(AName: utf8string; AExtension: utf8string; ANewName: utf8string; ACaseSensitive: boolean= true): boolean;
- function FindPath(APath: utf8String; ACaseSensitive: boolean = true): TMemDirectory;
- function FindEntry(APath: utf8String; ACaseSensitive: boolean = true): TMemDirectoryEntry;
- procedure CopyTo(ADest: TMemDirectory; ARecursive: boolean);
- property IsEntryCompressed[AIndex: integer]: boolean read GetEntryCompressed write SetEntryCompressed;
- property Directory[AIndex: integer]: TMemDirectory read GetDirectory;
- property IsDirectory[AIndex: integer]: boolean read GetIsDirectory;
- property ParentDirectory: TMemDirectory read FParentDirectory;
- end;
-uses zstream, BGRAUTF8, strutils;
- TDirEntryRecord = packed record
- Flags: Word;
- FilenameSize: Word;
- Offset: int64;
- end;
-{ TMemDirectory }
-function TMemDirectory.GetEntryCompressed(AIndex: integer): boolean;
- result := (Entry[AIndex] as TMemDirectoryEntry).IsCompressed;
-function TMemDirectory.GetIsDirectory(AIndex: integer): boolean;
- result := (Entry[AIndex] as TMemDirectoryEntry).IsDirectory;
-function TMemDirectory.GetDirectory(AIndex: integer): TMemDirectory;
- result := (Entry[AIndex] as TMemDirectoryEntry).MemDirectory;
-procedure TMemDirectory.SetEntryCompressed(AIndex: integer; AValue: boolean);
- (Entry[AIndex] as TMemDirectoryEntry).IsCompressed := AValue;
-function TMemDirectory.CreateEntry(AName: utf8string; AExtension: utf8string;
- AContent: TStream): TMultiFileEntry;
- result := TMemDirectoryEntry.Create(self, EntryFilename(AName, AExtension), AContent, true);
-procedure TMemDirectory.LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream);
-var rootPos, rootSize: integer;
- header: string;
- rootStream: TStream;
- startPos: Int64;
- startPos := AStream.Position;
- setlength(header, length(MemDirectoryFileHeader));
- AStream.ReadBuffer(header[1], length(header));
- if header<>MemDirectoryFileHeader then
- raise exception.Create('Invalid header');
- rootPos := LEReadInt64(AStream);
- if rootPos = 0 then
- raise exception.Create('Invalid root offset');
- rootSize := LEReadInt64(AStream);
- if rootSize < 4 then
- raise exception.Create('Invalid root size');
- AStream.Position:= rootPos + startPos;
- rootStream:= TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- rootStream.CopyFrom(AStream, rootSize);
- LoadFromEmbeddedStream(rootStream, AStream, startPos);
- finally
- rootStream.Free;
- end;
-class function TMemDirectory.CheckHeader(AStream: TStream): boolean;
- startPos: Int64;
- header: string;
- startPos := AStream.Position;
- setlength(header, length(MemDirectoryFileHeader));
- AStream.Read(header[1], length(header));
- result := (header=MemDirectoryFileHeader);
- AStream.Position:= startPos;
-procedure TMemDirectory.LoadFromEmbeddedStream(ARootStream, ADataStream: TStream;
- AStartPos: int64);
- nbEntries,i: LongInt;
- entryRec: TDirEntryRecord;
- filename: string;
- entryData: TStream;
- newEntry: TMemDirectoryEntry;
- compressedSize, uncompressedSize: Int64;
- Clear;
- ARootStream.Position := 0;
- nbEntries := LEReadLongint(ARootStream);
- for i := 1 to nbEntries do
- begin
- ARootStream.ReadBuffer({%H-}entryRec, sizeof(entryRec));
- entryRec.Offset:= LEtoN(entryRec.Offset);
- entryRec.Flags:= LEtoN(entryRec.Flags);
- entryRec.FilenameSize:= LEtoN(entryRec.FilenameSize);
- if (entryRec.Flags and MemDirectoryEntry_FlagSmallEntryPacked) <> 0 then
- begin
- entryRec.Flags := entryRec.Flags xor MemDirectoryEntry_FlagSmallEntryPacked;
- compressedSize := entryRec.FilenameSize shr 8;
- uncompressedSize := compressedSize;
- entryRec.FilenameSize := entryRec.FilenameSize and 255;
- end else
- begin
- compressedSize := LEReadInt64(ARootStream);
- uncompressedSize := LEReadInt64(ARootStream);
- end;
- setlength(filename, entryRec.FilenameSize);
- if length(filename)> 0 then
- ARootStream.ReadBuffer(filename[1], entryRec.FilenameSize);
- ADataStream.Position:= entryRec.Offset + AStartPos;
- entryData := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- if compressedSize <> 0 then
- entryData.CopyFrom(ADataStream, compressedSize);
- newEntry := TMemDirectoryEntry.CreateFromData(self, EntryFilename(filename), entryData, true,
- uncompressedSize, entryRec.Flags);
- newEntry.LoadExtraFromEmbeddedStream(ADataStream, AStartPos);
- AddEntry(newEntry);
- entryData := nil;
- finally
- entryData.Free;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TMemDirectory.SaveToStream(ADestination: TStream);
-var rootPos,rootSize: integer;
- header: string;
- rootRecPos, startPos, endPos: int64;
- rootStream: TStream;
- startPos := ADestination.Position;
- header := MemDirectoryFileHeader;
- ADestination.WriteBuffer(header[1], length(header));
- rootRecPos := ADestination.Position;
- LEWriteInt64(ADestination,0); //root pos
- LEWriteInt64(ADestination,0); //root size
- rootStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- SaveToEmbeddedStream(rootStream, ADestination, startPos);
- rootStream.Position := 0;
- rootPos := ADestination.Position - startPos;
- rootSize := rootStream.Size;
- ADestination.CopyFrom(rootStream, rootStream.Size);
- FreeAndNil(rootStream);
- endPos := ADestination.Position;
- ADestination.Position := rootRecPos;
- LEWriteInt64(ADestination, rootPos);
- LEWriteInt64(ADestination, rootSize);
- ADestination.Position := endPos;
- finally
- rootStream.Free;
- end;
-procedure TMemDirectory.SaveToEmbeddedStream(ARootDest, ADataDest: TStream;
- AStartPos: int64);
- entryRec: TDirEntryRecord;
- entryStream: TMemoryStream;
- curEntry: TMemDirectoryEntry;
- filename: string;
- i: Integer;
- uncompressedSize: int64;
- LEWriteLongint(ARootDest, Count);
- entryStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- begin
- curEntry := Entry[i] as TMemDirectoryEntry;
- entryStream.Clear;
- curEntry.SaveToEmbeddedStream(entryStream, ADataDest, AStartPos, uncompressedSize);
- entryRec.Offset:= ADataDest.Position - AStartPos;
- entryRec.Offset:= NtoLE(entryRec.Offset);
- if curEntry.Extension <> '' then
- filename := curEntry.Name+'.'+curEntry.Extension
- else
- filename := curEntry.Name;
- if ((curEntry.Flags and MemDirectoryEntry_FlagCompressed)=0) and
- (Length(filename)<=255) and (entryStream.Size<=255) then
- begin
- entryRec.Flags:= curEntry.Flags or MemDirectoryEntry_FlagSmallEntryPacked;
- entryRec.Flags:= NtoLE(entryRec.Flags);
- entryRec.FilenameSize:= length(filename) + (entryStream.Size shl 8);
- entryRec.FilenameSize := NtoLE(entryRec.FilenameSize);
- ARootDest.WriteBuffer(entryRec, sizeof(entryRec));
- end else
- begin
- entryRec.Flags:= curEntry.Flags;
- entryRec.Flags:= NtoLE(entryRec.Flags);
- entryRec.FilenameSize:= length(filename);
- entryRec.FilenameSize := NtoLE(entryRec.FilenameSize);
- ARootDest.WriteBuffer(entryRec, sizeof(entryRec));
- LEWriteInt64(ARootDest, entryStream.Size);
- LEWriteInt64(ARootDest, uncompressedSize);
- end;
- if filename <> '' then
- ARootDest.WriteBuffer(filename[1], length(filename));
- entryStream.Position:= 0;
- ADataDest.CopyFrom(entryStream, entryStream.Size);
- end;
- finally
- entryStream.Free;
- end;
-function TMemDirectory.AddDirectory(AName: utf8string; AExtension: utf8string;
- ACaseSensitive: boolean): integer;
- newEntry: TMemDirectoryEntry;
- result := IndexOf(AName,AExtension,ACaseSensitive);
- if result <> -1 then
- begin
- if not IsDirectory[result] then
- raise exception.Create('There is already a file with this name and extension');
- exit;
- end;
- newEntry := TMemDirectoryEntry.CreateDirectory(self, EntryFilename(AName, AExtension));
- result := AddEntry(newEntry);
-function TMemDirectory.Rename(AName: utf8string; AExtension: utf8string;
- ANewName: utf8string; ACaseSensitive: boolean): boolean;
- idx, i: Integer;
- idx := IndexOf(AName, AExtension, ACaseSensitive);
- if idx = -1 then exit(false);
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- if i <> idx then
- begin
- if Entry[i].CompareNameAndExtension(ANewName,AExtension,ACaseSensitive) = 0 then
- raise exception.Create('Name with extension already in use');
- end;
- Entry[idx].Name := ANewName;
- exit(true);
-function TMemDirectory.FindPath(APath: utf8String; ACaseSensitive: boolean): TMemDirectory;
- path: TMemDirectoryPath;
- idxPath: integer;
- idxSub: LongInt;
- path := SplitPath(APath);
- result := self;
- if path.Items[0].IsEmpty then
- begin
- idxPath := 1;
- while Assigned(result.ParentDirectory) do result := result.ParentDirectory;
- end
- else
- idxPath := 0;
- while idxPath < path.Count do
- begin
- idxSub := result.IndexOf(path[idxPath], ACaseSensitive);
- if idxSub= -1 then
- begin
- result := nil;
- break;
- end;
- result := result.Directory[idxSub];
- inc(idxPath);
- end;
- path.Free;
-function TMemDirectory.FindEntry(APath: utf8String; ACaseSensitive: boolean): TMemDirectoryEntry;
- path: TMemDirectoryPath;
- idxPath: integer;
- idxSub, idxEntry: LongInt;
- curDir: TMemDirectory;
- path := SplitPath(APath);
- curDir := self;
- if path.Items[0].IsEmpty then
- begin
- idxPath := 1;
- while Assigned(curDir.ParentDirectory) do curDir := curDir.ParentDirectory;
- end
- else
- idxPath := 0;
- while idxPath < path.Count-1 do
- begin
- idxSub := curDir.IndexOf(path[idxPath], ACaseSensitive);
- if idxSub= -1 then
- begin
- curDir := nil;
- break;
- end;
- curDir := curDir.Directory[idxSub];
- inc(idxPath);
- end;
- if Assigned(curDir) and (idxPath < path.Count) then
- begin
- idxEntry := curDir.IndexOf(path[idxPath], ACaseSensitive);
- if idxEntry = -1 then
- result := nil
- else
- result := curDir.Entry[idxEntry] as TMemDirectoryEntry;
- end
- else
- result := nil;
- path.Free;
-procedure TMemDirectory.CopyTo(ADest: TMemDirectory; ARecursive: boolean);
- i, idxDir: Integer;
- entryContent: TMemoryStream;
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- if IsDirectory[i] and ARecursive then
- begin
- idxDir := ADest.AddDirectory(Entry[i].Name,Entry[i].Extension);
- Directory[i].CopyTo(ADest.Directory[idxDir], true);
- end else
- begin
- entryContent := TMemoryStream.Create;
- Entry[i].CopyTo(entryContent);
- ADest.Add(Entry[i].Name,Entry[i].Extension,entryContent,false,true);
- end;
-function TMemDirectory.SplitPath(APath: utf8string): TMemDirectoryPath;
-var idx,idxSlash: integer;
- result := TMemDirectoryPath.Create;
- idx := 1;
- repeat
- idxSlash := PosEx('/',APath,idx);
- if idxSlash = 0 then
- begin
- result.Add(EntryFilename(copy(APath, idx, length(APath)-idx+1)));
- break;
- end else
- begin
- result.Add(EntryFilename(copy(APath, idx, idxSlash-idx)));
- idx := idxSlash+1;
- end;
- until false;
-constructor TMemDirectory.Create(AParentDirectory: TMemDirectory);
- inherited Create;
- FParentDirectory := AParentDirectory;
-function TMemDirectory.Equals(Obj: TObject): boolean;
- other: TMemDirectory;
- i, j: Integer;
- data,otherData: TMemoryStream;
- different: Boolean;
- if Obj = self then exit(true);
- if not (Obj is TMemDirectory) then exit(false);
- other := TMemDirectory(Obj);
- if other.Count <> Count then exit(false);
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- begin
- j := other.IndexOf(Entry[i].Name,Entry[i].Extension,true);
- if j = -1 then exit(false);
- if IsDirectory[i] then
- begin
- if not other.IsDirectory[j] then exit(false);
- if not other.Directory[j].Equals(Directory[i]) then exit(false);
- end else
- if Entry[i].FileSize <> other.Entry[j].FileSize then exit(false)
- else
- begin
- data := TMemoryStream.Create;
- otherData := TMemoryStream.Create;
- Entry[i].CopyTo(data);
- other.Entry[j].CopyTo(otherData);
- different := not CompareMem(data.Memory, otherData.Memory, data.Size);
- data.Free;
- otherData.Free;
- if different then exit(false);
- end;
- end;
- result := true;
-{ TMemDirectoryEntry }
-function TMemDirectoryEntry.GetIsCompressed: boolean;
- result := (FFlags and MemDirectoryEntry_FlagCompressed) <> 0;
-function TMemDirectoryEntry.GetCompressedSize: int64;
- if not IsDirectory and Assigned(FStream) then
- result := FStream.Size
- else
- result := 0;
-function TMemDirectoryEntry.GetIsDirectory: boolean;
- result := (FFlags and MemDirectoryEntry_FlagDirectory) <> 0;
-procedure TMemDirectoryEntry.SetIsCompressed(AValue: boolean);
-var compressedStream,decompressed: TMemoryStream;
- compression: Tcompressionstream;
- if AValue = IsCompressed then exit;
- if Assigned(FStream) then
- begin
- if AValue then //compress
- begin
- compressedStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- compression := nil;
- try
- compression := Tcompressionstream.create(cldefault, compressedStream, true);
- FStream.Position := 0;
- compression.CopyFrom(FStream,FStream.Size);
- FStream.Free;
- FStream := compressedStream;
- compressedStream := nil;
- FFlags := FFlags xor MemDirectoryEntry_FlagCompressed;
- finally
- compression.Free;
- compressedStream.Free;
- end;
- end else
- begin //decompress
- decompressed := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- InternalCopyTo(decompressed);
- FStream.Free;
- FStream := decompressed;
- decompressed := nil;
- FFlags := FFlags xor MemDirectoryEntry_FlagCompressed;
- finally
- decompressed.Free;
- end;
- end;
- end else
- FFlags := FFlags xor MemDirectoryEntry_FlagCompressed;
-function TMemDirectoryEntry.GetName: utf8string;
- result := FName;
-procedure TMemDirectoryEntry.SetName(AValue: utf8string);
- while AValue[length(AValue)] = '.' do delete(AValue, length(AValue), 1);
- FName := AValue;
-function TMemDirectoryEntry.GetFileSize: int64;
- if IsDirectory then
- result := 0
- else
- Result:= FUncompressedSize;
-function TMemDirectoryEntry.GetExtension: utf8string;
- Result:= FExtension;
-function TMemDirectoryEntry.InternalCopyTo(ADestination: TStream): int64;
- decomp: Tdecompressionstream;
- if not Assigned(FStream) then exit(0);
- if IsCompressed then
- begin
- FStream.Position := 0;
- decomp := Tdecompressionstream.Create(FStream,true);
- try
- result := ADestination.CopyFrom(decomp,FUncompressedSize);
- finally
- decomp.Free;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- FStream.Position := 0;
- result := ADestination.CopyFrom(FStream, FStream.Size);
- end;
-function TMemDirectoryEntry.CopyTo(ADestination: TStream): int64;
- if IsDirectory then exit(0);
- result := InternalCopyTo(ADestination);
-function TMemDirectoryEntry.GetStream: TStream;
- if IsCompressed then
- raise exception.Create('Stream cannot be accessed directly because it is compressed')
- else
- result := FStream;
-constructor TMemDirectoryEntry.Create(AContainer: TMultiFileContainer; AFilename: TEntryFilename;
- AUncompressedStream: TStream; AOwnStream: boolean);
- CreateFromData(AContainer, AFilename, AUncompressedStream, AOwnStream, AUncompressedStream.Size, 0);
-constructor TMemDirectoryEntry.CreateFromData(AContainer: TMultiFileContainer; AFilename: TEntryFilename;
- AStream: TStream; AOwnStream: boolean;
- AUncompressedSize: int64; AFlags: Word);
- inherited Create(AContainer);
- Name := AFilename.Name;
- FExtension:= AFilename.Extension;
- if AOwnStream then
- FStream := AStream
- else
- begin
- FStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- AStream.Position:= 0;
- FStream.CopyFrom(AStream, AStream.Size);
- end;
- FUncompressedSize:= AUncompressedSize;
- FFlags:= AFlags;
- FMemDirectory := nil;
-procedure TMemDirectoryEntry.SaveToEmbeddedStream(AEntryStream, ADataStream: TStream;
- AStartPos: int64; out uncompressedSize: int64);
- entryStartPos: Int64;
- if IsDirectory then
- begin
- if not Assigned(FMemDirectory) then
- raise exception.Create('Directory not allocated');
- FreeAndNil(FStream);
- IsCompressed:= false;
- entryStartPos := AEntryStream.Position;
- FMemDirectory.SaveToEmbeddedStream(AEntryStream, ADataStream, AStartPos);
- uncompressedSize:= AEntryStream.Position - entryStartPos;
- end else
- if Assigned(FStream) then
- begin
- FStream.Position:= 0;
- AEntryStream.CopyFrom(FStream, FStream.Size);
- uncompressedSize:= FUncompressedSize;
- end;
-procedure TMemDirectoryEntry.LoadExtraFromEmbeddedStream(ADataStream: TStream;
- AStartPos: int64);
- if IsDirectory and Assigned(FStream) then
- begin
- IsCompressed:= false;
- if not Assigned(FMemDirectory) then
- FMemDirectory := TMemDirectory.Create(Container as TMemDirectory);
- FMemDirectory.LoadFromEmbeddedStream(FStream, ADataStream, AStartPos);
- FreeAndNil(FStream);
- end;
-constructor TMemDirectoryEntry.CreateDirectory(AContainer: TMultiFileContainer;
- AFilename: TEntryFilename);
- Name := AFilename.Name;
- FExtension:= AFilename.Extension;
- FStream := nil;
- FUncompressedSize:= 0;
- FFlags := MemDirectoryEntry_FlagDirectory;
- FContainer := AContainer;
- FMemDirectory := TMemDirectory.Create(Container as TMemDirectory);
-destructor TMemDirectoryEntry.Destroy;
- FStream.Free;
- FMemDirectory.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
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index ad59c8e..0000000
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-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
- TColor = msegraphutils.colorty;
- clNone = msegraphutils.cl_none;
- clDefault = msegraphutils.cl_default;
- clBlack = msegraphutils.cl_black;
- clWhite = msegraphutils.cl_white;
-function ColorToRGB(c: TColor): TColor;
-function clRgbBtnHighlight: TColor;
-function clRgbBtnShadow: TColor;
-function GetScreenDPIX: integer;
-function GetScreenDPIY: integer;
- {* How to draw the end of line }
- TPenEndCap = msegraphics.capstylety;
- {** Draw a half-disk at the end of the line. The diameter of the disk is
- equal to the pen width. }
- pecRound = msegraphics.cs_round;
- {** Draw a half-square. The size of the square is equal to the pen width.
- This is visually equivalent to extend the line of half the pen width }
- pecSquare = msegraphics.cs_projecting;
- {** The line ends exactly at the end point }
- pecFlat = msegraphics.cs_butt;
- {* How to join segments. This makes sense only for geometric pens (that
- have a certain width) }
- TPenJoinStyle = msegraphics.joinstylety;
- {** Segments are joined by filling the gap with an arc }
- pjsRound = msegraphics.js_round;
- {** Segments are joind by filling the gap with an intermediary segment }
- pjsBevel = msegraphics.js_bevel;
- {** Segments are joined by extending them up to their intersection.
- There is a miter limit so that if the intersection is too far,
- an intermediary segment is used }
- pjsMiter = msegraphics.js_miter;
- {* Style to use for the pen. The unit for the pattern is the width of the
- line }
- TPenStyle = msegraphics.dashesstringty;
- TPenMode = msegraphics.rasteropty;
- {** Pen is continuous }
- psSolid = TPenStyle('');
- {** Pen is dashed. The dash have a length of 3 unit and the gaps of 1 unit }
- psDash = TPenStyle(#3#1);
- {** Pen is dotted. The dots have a length of 1 unit and the gaps of 1 unit }
- psDot = TPenStyle(#1#1);
- {** Pattern is a dash of length 3 followed by a dot of length 1, separated by a gap of length 1 }
- psDashDot = TPenStyle(#3#1#1#1);
- {** Dash of length 3, and two dots of length 1 }
- psDashDotDot = TPenStyle(#3#1#1#1#1#1);
- //the following are not directly compatible with mseGUI
- {** Pen is not drawn }
- psClear = TPenStyle(#0#0);
- {** Custom pattern used }
- psPattern = TPenStyle(#0#0#0#0);
- pmBlack = msegraphics.rop_clear;
- pmWhite = msegraphics.rop_set;
- pmNop = msegraphics.rop_nop;
- pmNot = msegraphics.rop_not;
- pmCopy = msegraphics.rop_copy;
- pmNotCopy = msegraphics.rop_notcopy;
- pmMergePenNot = msegraphics.rop_notor;
- pmMaskPenNot = msegraphics.rop_notand;
- pmMergeNotPen = msegraphics.rop_ornot;
- pmMaskNotPen = msegraphics.rop_andnot;
- pmMerge = msegraphics.rop_or;
- pmNotMerge = msegraphics.rop_nor;
- pmMask = msegraphics.rop_and;
- pmNotMask = msegraphics.rop_nand;
- pmXor = msegraphics.rop_xor;
- pmNotXor = msegraphics.rop_notxor;
- TPen = class
- private
- FColor: TColor;
- FMode: TPenMode;
- FEndCap: TPenEndCap;
- FJoinStyle: TPenJoinStyle;
- FStyle: TPenStyle;
- FWidth: integer;
- public
- constructor Create;
- {** Color of the pen }
- property Color: TColor read FColor write FColor;
- {** Operation done on pixels }
- property Mode: TPenMode read FMode write FMode;
- {** End cap of the pen: how to draw the ends of the lines }
- property EndCap: TPenEndCap read FEndCap write FEndCap;
- {** Join style: how to join the segments of a polyline }
- property JoinStyle: TPenJoinStyle read FJoinStyle write FJoinStyle;
- {** Pen style: solid, dash, dot... }
- property Style : TPenStyle read FStyle write FStyle;
- {** Pen width in pixels }
- property Width : Integer read FWidth write FWidth;
- end;
- TBrushStyle = (bsSolid, bsClear, bsHorizontal, bsVertical, bsFDiagonal,
- bsBDiagonal, bsCross, bsDiagCross, bsImage, bsPattern);
- { TBrush }
- {* A class describing a brush }
- TBrush = class
- private
- FColor: TColor;
- FStyle: TBrushStyle;
- public
- constructor Create;
- {** Color of the brush }
- property Color: TColor read FColor write FColor;
- {** Style of the brush: solid, diagonal lines, horizontal lines... }
- property Style: TBrushStyle read FStyle write FStyle;
- end;
- {$DEFINE TCanvas}
- TCanvas = msegraphics.tcanvas;
- {$DEFINE TBitmap}
- TBitmap = msebitmap.tbitmap;
- TRawImage = TBitmap;
- TFont = msegraphics.tfont;
- {$DEFINE TFontStyle}
- TFontStyle = msegraphutils.fontstylety;
- TFontStyles = msegraphutils.fontstylesty;
- TBitmapHelper = class helper for TBitmap
- private
- function GetTransparent: boolean;
- function GetTransparentMode: TTransparentMode;
- function GetTransparentColor: TColor;
- public
- class function Create: TBitmap; overload;
- property Transparent: boolean read GetTransparent;
- property TransparentMode: TTransparentMode read GetTransparentMode;
- property TransparentColor: TColor read GetTransparentColor;
- end;
- TCanvasHelper = class helper for TCanvas
- procedure Draw(X,Y: integer; AGraphic: TGraphic); overload;
- procedure StretchDraw(ARect: TRect; AGraphic: TGraphic); overload;
- procedure Draw(X,Y: integer; ABitmap: TBitmap); overload;
- procedure StretchDraw(ARect: TRect; ABitmap: TBitmap); overload;
- end;
- {$DEFINE TFontQuality}
- TFontQuality = (fqDefault, fqNonAntialiased, fqAntialiased, fqCleartype);
- TFontHelper = class helper for TFont
- private
- function GetOrientation: integer;
- procedure SetOrientation(AOrientation: integer);
- function GetFontQuality: TFontQuality;
- procedure SetFontQuality(AQuality: TFontQuality);
- function GetHeightHelper: integer;
- procedure SetHeightHelper(AHeight: integer);
- public
- property Orientation: integer read GetOrientation write SetOrientation;
- property Quality: TFontQuality read GetFontQuality write SetFontQuality;
- property Height: integer read GetHeightHelper write SetHeightHelper;
- end;
- fsBold = msegraphutils.fs_bold;
- fsItalic = msegraphutils.fs_italic;
- fsUnderline = msegraphutils.fs_underline;
- fsStrikeOut = msegraphutils.fs_strikeout;
-operator :=(AClassesPoint: TClassesPoint): TPoint;
-operator :=(AMSERect: TMSERect): TRect;
-operator :=(ARect: TRect): TMSERect;
-function ColorToRGB(c: TColor): TColor;
-var triple: rgbtriplety;
- triple := msegraphics.colortorgb(c);
- result := msegraphics.rgbtocolor(triple.red, triple.green, triple.blue);
-function clRgbBtnHighlight: TColor;
- result := ColorToRGB(msegraphutils.cl_highlight);
-function clRgbBtnShadow: TColor;
- result := ColorToRGB(msegraphutils.cl_shadow);
-function GetScreenDPIX: integer;
- result := 96;
-function GetScreenDPIY: integer;
- result := 96;
-{ TPen }
-constructor TPen.Create;
- inherited Create;
- Mode := pmCopy;
- Style := psSolid;
- Width := 1;
- Color := cl_black;
- EndCap:= pecRound;
- JoinStyle:= pjsRound;
-{ TBrush }
-constructor TBrush.Create;
- Color := cl_white;
- Style := bsSolid;
-operator :=(AClassesPoint: TClassesPoint): TPoint;
- result.x := AClassesPoint.X;
- result.y := AClassesPoint.Y;
-operator :=(AMSERect: TMSERect): TRect;
- result.Left := AMSERect.x;
- result.Top := AMSERect.y;
- result.Right:= AMSERect.x + AMSERect.cx;
- result.Bottom:= AMSERect.y + AMSERect.cy;
-operator :=(ARect: TRect): TMSERect;
- result.x := ARect.Left;
- result.y := ARect.Top;
- result.cx := ARect.Right - ARect.Left;
- result.cy := ARect.Bottom - ARect.Top;
-class function TBitmapHelper.Create: TBitmap;
- result := TBitmap.Create(bmk_rgb);
-function TBitmapHelper.GetTransparent: boolean;
- result := TransparentColor <> clNone;
-function TBitmapHelper.GetTransparentMode: TTransparentMode;
- if TMaskedBitmap(self).TransparentColor = clDefault then
- result := tmAuto
- else
- result := tmFixed;
-function TBitmapHelper.GetTransparentColor: TColor;
- if self is TMaskedBitmap then
- result := TMaskedBitmap(self).TransparentColor
- else result := clNone;
-procedure TCanvasHelper.Draw(X,Y: integer; ABitmap: TBitmap);
- ABitmap.Paint(Self, Point(X,Y));
-procedure TCanvasHelper.StretchDraw(ARect: TRect; ABitmap: TBitmap);
- ABitmap.Paint(Self, ARect);
-procedure TCanvasHelper.Draw(X,Y: integer; AGraphic: TGraphic);
- AGraphic.Draw(self, rect(x,y,x+AGraphic.Width,y+AGraphic.Height));
-procedure TCanvasHelper.StretchDraw(ARect: TRect; AGraphic: TGraphic);
- AGraphic.Draw(self, ARect);
-function TFontHelper.GetOrientation: integer;
- result := 0;
-procedure TFontHelper.SetOrientation(AOrientation: integer);
- if AOrientation <> 0 then
- raise exception.Create('Only orientation 0 allowed at font level');
-function TFontHelper.GetFontQuality: TFontQuality;
- if foo_antialiased2 in options then result := fqClearType else
- if foo_antialiased in options then result := fqAntialiased else
- if foo_nonantialiased in options then result := fqNonAntialiased else
- result := fqDefault;
-procedure TFontHelper.SetFontQuality(AQuality: TFontQuality);
- options := options - [foo_nonantialiased, foo_antialiased, foo_antialiased2];
- case AQuality of
- fqNonAntialiased: options := options + [foo_nonantialiased];
- fqAntialiased: options := options + [foo_antialiased];
- fqClearType: options := options + [foo_antialiased2];
- end;
-function TFontHelper.GetHeightHelper: integer;
- result := round(inherited Height * 1.5);
-procedure TFontHelper.SetHeightHelper(AHeight: integer);
- if AHeight < 0 then
- inherited Height := -AHeight
- else
- inherited Height := round(AHeight/1.5);
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgramsegui_text.inc b/components/bgrabitmap/bgramsegui_text.inc
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index d39fde7..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgramsegui_text.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-procedure BitmapTextOut(ABitmap: TBitmap; ACoord: TPoint; AText: string);
-var sUTF16: UnicodeString;
- sUTF16 := UTF8ToUTF16(AText);
- inc(ACoord.Y, ABitmap.Canvas.Font.GlyphHeight-1);
- ABitmap.Canvas.DrawString(sUTF16, ACoord);
-procedure BitmapTextOutAngle(ABitmap: TBitmap; ACoord: TPoint; AText: string; AOrientation: integer);
-var sUTF16: UnicodeString;
- angleRad: single;
- ofs, center: TPointF;
- angleRad := AOrientation*Pi/1800;
- ofs := PointF(ACoord.X, ACoord.Y) +
- PointF(sin(angleRad), cos(angleRad))*(ABitmap.Canvas.Font.GlyphHeight-1);
- sUTF16 := UTF8ToUTF16(AText);
- center := PointF(ABitmap.Canvas.GetStringWidth(sUTF16)/2,
- ABitmap.Canvas.Font.Height/2);
- ABitmap.Canvas.DrawString(sUTF16, Point(round(ofs.X), round(ofs.Y)),
- nil, false, angleRad);
-procedure BitmapTextRect(ABitmap: TBitmap; ARect: TRect; ACoord: TPoint;
- AText: string; const AStyle: TTextStyle);
-var sUTF16: UnicodeString;
- sUTF16 := UTF8ToUTF16(AText);
- case AStyle.Alignment of
- taRightJustify: ACoord.X := ARect.Right - ABitmap.Canvas.GetStringWidth(sUTF16);
- taCenter: ACoord.X := ARect.Left + (ARect.Width - ABitmap.Canvas.GetStringWidth(sUTF16)) div 2;
- end;
- case AStyle.Layout of
- tlBottom: ACoord.Y := ARect.Bottom - ABitmap.Canvas.Font.Height;
- tlCenter: ACoord.Y := ARect.Top + (ARect.Height - ABitmap.Canvas.Font.Height) div 2;
- end;
- inc(ACoord.Y, ABitmap.Canvas.Font.GlyphHeight-1);
- ABitmap.Canvas.DrawString(sUTF16, ACoord);
-function BitmapTextExtent(ABitmap: TBitmap; AText: string): TSize;
-var sUTF16: UnicodeString;
- sUTF16 := UTF8ToUTF16(AText);
- result := Size(ABitmap.Canvas.GetStringWidth(sUTF16), ABitmap.Canvas.Font.Height);
-function BitmapTextExtentAngle(ABitmap: TBitmap; AText: string; AOrientation: integer): TSize;
- result := BitmapTextExtent(ABitmap, AText);
-function BitmapTextFitInfo(ABitmap: TBitmap; AText: string; AMaxWidth: integer): integer;
- bytePos, charLen: integer;
- sUTF16: UnicodeString;
- result := 0;
- bytePos := 1;
- while bytePos <= length(AText) do
- begin
- charLen := UTF8CharacterLength(@AText[bytePos]);
- sUTF16 := UTF8ToUTF16(copy(AText, 1, bytePos+charLen-1));
- if ABitmap.Canvas.GetStringWidth(sUTF16) > AMaxWidth then break;
- inc(result);
- inc(bytePos,charLen);
- end;
-function BitmapTextFitInfoAngle(ABitmap: TBitmap; AText: string;
- AMaxWidth: integer; AOrientation: integer): integer;
- result := BitmapTextFitInfo(ABitmap, AText, AMaxWidth);
-procedure BitmapFillRect(ABitmap: TBitmap; ARect: TRect; AColor: TColor);
- ABitmap.Canvas.FillRect(ARect, AColor);
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index c54e7af..0000000
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@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-uses BGRAClasses, FPimage, msegraphics, msegraphutils, msebitmap;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgramseguibitmap.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgramseguibitmap.pas
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index 06394f0..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgramseguibitmap.pas
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@@ -1,255 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAMSEguiBitmap;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- SysUtils, BGRAClasses, BGRAGraphics, BGRABitmapTypes, BGRADefaultBitmap,
- BGRAText, msebitmap;
- { TBGRAMSEguiBitmap }
- TBGRAMSEguiBitmap = class(TBGRADefaultBitmap)
- protected
- procedure CopyDataToBitmap(AData: Pointer; AWidth,AHeight: integer; ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; ABitmap: TBitmap);
- procedure RebuildBitmap; override;
- procedure DoLoadFromBitmap; override;
- function CreateDefaultFontRenderer: TBGRACustomFontRenderer; override;
- function LoadFromRawImage({%H-}ARawImage: TRawImage; {%H-}DefaultOpacity: byte;
- {%H-}AlwaysReplaceAlpha: boolean=False; {%H-}RaiseErrorOnInvalidPixelFormat: boolean
- =True): boolean; override;
- procedure FreeBitmap; override;
- procedure NotAvailable;
- procedure InternalAssignBitmapPixels(ASource: TBitmap);
- function GetCanvas: TCanvas; override;
- public
- procedure Assign(ASource: TPersistent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure GetImageFromCanvas({%H-}CanvasSource: TCanvas; {%H-}x, {%H-}y: integer); override; //not available
- procedure DataDrawTransparent({%H-}ACanvas: TCanvas; {%H-}Rect: TRect; {%H-}AData: Pointer;
- {%H-}ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; {%H-}AWidth, {%H-}AHeight: integer); override;
- procedure DataDrawOpaque({%H-}ACanvas: TCanvas; {%H-}Rect: TRect; {%H-}AData: Pointer;
- {%H-}ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; {%H-}AWidth, {%H-}AHeight: integer); override;
- procedure TakeScreenshot({%H-}ARect: TRect); override; //not available
- procedure TakeScreenshotOfPrimaryMonitor; override; //not available
- procedure LoadFromDevice({%H-}DC: HDC); override; //not available
- procedure LoadFromDevice({%H-}DC: HDC; {%H-}ARect: TRect); override; //not available
- end;
- { TBitmapTracker }
- TBitmapTracker = class(TMaskedBitmap)
- protected
- FUser: TBGRADefaultBitmap;
- procedure DoChange; override;
- public
- constructor Create(AUser: TBGRADefaultBitmap); overload;
- end;
-uses msegraphics, msegraphutils, math;
-{ TBitmapTracker }
-constructor TBitmapTracker.Create(AUser: TBGRADefaultBitmap);
- FUser := AUser;
- inherited Create(bmk_rgb);
-procedure TBitmapTracker.DoChange;
- if FUser <> nil then
- FUser.NotifyBitmapChange;
- inherited DoChange;
-{ TBGRAMSEguiBitmap }
-procedure TBGRAMSEguiBitmap.CopyDataToBitmap(AData: Pointer; AWidth,AHeight: integer; ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; ABitmap: TBitmap);
- ppix: PLongword;
- pbmp: PLongword;
- pmask: PByte;
- x,y,yBmp : integer;
- setMask: boolean;
- ABitmap.Size := Size(AWidth, AHeight);
- ppix := AData;
- pmask := nil;
- if ABitmap is TMaskedBitmap then
- begin
- setMask := true;
- TMaskedBitmap(ABitmap).Masked := true;
- TMaskedBitmap(ABitmap).MaskKind := bmk_gray;
- end else
- setMask := false;
- for y := 0 to Height-1 do
- begin
- if ALineOrder = riloTopToBottom then
- yBmp := y else yBmp := Height-1-y;
- pbmp := ABitmap.Scanline[yBmp];
- if setMask then pmask := TMaskedBitmap(ABitmap).Mask.Scanline[yBmp];
- for x := 0 to Width-1 do
- begin
- pbmp^ := ppix^ and $ffffff;
- if setMask then
- begin
- pmask^ := ppix^ shr 24;
- inc(pmask);
- end;
- inc(ppix);
- inc(pbmp);
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAMSEguiBitmap.RebuildBitmap;
- if FBitmap = nil then
- FBitmap := TBitmapTracker.Create(self);
- CopyDataToBitmap(Data, Width, Height, LineOrder, FBitmap);
-procedure TBGRAMSEguiBitmap.InternalAssignBitmapPixels(ASource: TBitmap);
- ppix,pbmp: PLongword;
- pmask: PByte;
- getMask: boolean;
- x,y,wm1: integer;
- if ASource is TMaskedBitmap then
- getMask := TMaskedBitmap(ASource).Masked
- else getMask := false;
- wm1 := min(Width-1, ASource.Width-1);
- for y := 0 to min(Height-1, ASource.Height-1) do
- begin
- ppix := plongword(GetScanlineFast(y));
- pbmp := ASource.Scanline[y];
- if getMask then pmask := TMaskedBitmap(ASource).Mask.Scanline[y];
- for x := 0 to wm1 do
- begin
- if getMask then
- begin
- ppix^ := (pbmp^ and $ffffff) or (pmask^ shl 24);
- inc(pmask);
- end else
- ppix^ := (pbmp^ and $ffffff) or $ff000000;
- inc(ppix);
- inc(pbmp);
- end;
- end;
-function TBGRAMSEguiBitmap.GetCanvas: TCanvas;
- result := inherited GetCanvas;
- NotifyBitmapChange;
-procedure TBGRAMSEguiBitmap.Assign(ASource: TPersistent);
-var bmp: TBitmap;
- if ASource is TBitmap then
- begin
- bmp := TBitmap(ASource);
- SetSize(bmp.Width, bmp.Height);
- InternalAssignBitmapPixels(bmp);
- InvalidateBitmap;
- end else
- inherited Assign(ASource);
-procedure TBGRAMSEguiBitmap.DoLoadFromBitmap;
- if Assigned(FBitmap) then
- InternalAssignBitmapPixels(FBitmap);
-function TBGRAMSEguiBitmap.CreateDefaultFontRenderer: TBGRACustomFontRenderer;
- result := TMSEFontRenderer.Create;
-function TBGRAMSEguiBitmap.LoadFromRawImage(ARawImage: TRawImage;
- DefaultOpacity: byte; AlwaysReplaceAlpha: boolean;
- RaiseErrorOnInvalidPixelFormat: boolean): boolean;
- self.Assign(ARawImage);
- result := true;
-procedure TBGRAMSEguiBitmap.FreeBitmap;
- FreeAndNil(FBitmap);
-procedure TBGRAMSEguiBitmap.NotAvailable;
- raise exception.Create('Function not available with MSEgui');
-destructor TBGRAMSEguiBitmap.Destroy;
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TBGRAMSEguiBitmap.GetImageFromCanvas(CanvasSource: TCanvas; x,
- y: integer);
- (Bitmap as TMaskedBitmap).Masked := false;
- Bitmap.Canvas.CopyArea(CanvasSource, MakeRect(x,y,Bitmap.Width,Bitmap.Height),
- Point(0,0));
-procedure TBGRAMSEguiBitmap.DataDrawTransparent(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect;
- AData: Pointer; ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; AWidth, AHeight: integer);
- bmp: TMaskedBitmap;
- bmp := TMaskedBitmap.Create(bmk_rgb);
- CopyDataToBitmap(Data, Width, Height, ALineOrder, bmp);
- bmp.Paint(ACanvas, Rect);
- bmp.Free;
-procedure TBGRAMSEguiBitmap.DataDrawOpaque(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect;
- AData: Pointer; ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; AWidth, AHeight: integer);
- bmp: TBitmap;
- bmp := TBitmap.Create(bmk_rgb);
- CopyDataToBitmap(AData, AWidth, AHeight, ALineOrder, bmp);
- bmp.Paint(ACanvas, Rect);
- bmp.Free;
-procedure TBGRAMSEguiBitmap.TakeScreenshot(ARect: TRect);
- NotAvailable;
-procedure TBGRAMSEguiBitmap.TakeScreenshotOfPrimaryMonitor;
- NotAvailable;
-procedure TBGRAMSEguiBitmap.LoadFromDevice(DC: HDC);
- NotAvailable;
-procedure TBGRAMSEguiBitmap.LoadFromDevice(DC: HDC; ARect: TRect);
- NotAvailable;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgramultifiletype.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgramultifiletype.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index faa5cb2..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgramultifiletype.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,500 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAMultiFileType;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, fgl;
- { TEntryFilename }
- TEntryFilename = record
- private
- FExtension: utf8string;
- FName: utf8string;
- function GetFilename: utf8string;
- function GetIsEmpty: boolean;
- procedure SetExtension(AValue: utf8string);
- procedure SetFilename(AValue: utf8string);
- procedure SetName(AValue: utf8string);
- public
- class operator =(const AValue1,AValue2: TEntryFilename): boolean;
- property Filename: utf8string read GetFilename write SetFilename;
- property Name: utf8string read FName write SetName;
- property Extension: utf8string read FExtension write SetExtension;
- property IsEmpty: boolean read GetIsEmpty;
- end;
-function EntryFilename(AName,AExtension: string): TEntryFilename; overload;
-function EntryFilename(AFilename: string): TEntryFilename; overload;
- TMultiFileContainer = class;
- { TMultiFileEntry }
- TMultiFileEntry = class
- protected
- FContainer: TMultiFileContainer;
- function GetName: utf8string; virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetName(AValue: utf8string); virtual; abstract;
- function GetFileSize: int64; virtual;
- function GetExtension: utf8string; virtual;
- public
- constructor Create(AContainer: TMultiFileContainer);
- function CopyTo({%H-}ADestination: TStream): int64; virtual;
- function GetStream: TStream; virtual;
- function CompareNameAndExtension(AName: utf8string; AExtension: utf8string; ACaseSensitive: boolean = true): integer;
- property Name: utf8string read GetName write SetName;
- property Extension: utf8string read GetExtension;
- property FileSize: int64 read GetFileSize;
- property Container: TMultiFileContainer read FContainer;
- end;
- TMultiFileEntryList = specialize TFPGList;
- { TMultiFileContainer }
- TMultiFileContainer = class(TPersistent)
- private
- FEntries: TMultiFileEntryList;
- protected
- procedure Init; virtual;
- function AddEntry(AEntry: TMultiFileEntry; AIndex: integer = -1): integer;
- function GetCount: integer;
- function GetEntry(AIndex: integer): TMultiFileEntry;
- function CreateEntry(AName: utf8string; AExtension: utf8string; AContent: TStream): TMultiFileEntry; virtual; abstract;
- function GetRawString(AIndex: integer): RawByteString;
- function GetRawStringByFilename(AFilename: string): RawByteString;
- procedure SetRawString(AIndex: integer; AValue: RawByteString);
- procedure SetRawStringByFilename(AFilename: string; AValue: RawByteString);
- public
- constructor Create; overload;
- constructor Create(AFilename: utf8string); overload;
- constructor Create(AStream: TStream); overload;
- constructor Create(AStream: TStream; AStartPos: Int64); overload;
- procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
- function Add(AName: utf8string; AExtension: utf8string; AContent: TStream; AOverwrite: boolean = false; AOwnStream: boolean = true): integer; overload;
- function Add(AName: utf8string; AExtension: utf8string; AContent: RawByteString; AOverwrite: boolean = false): integer; overload;
- function Add(AFilename: TEntryFilename; AContent: TStream; AOverwrite: boolean = false; AOwnStream: boolean = true): integer; overload;
- function Add(AFilename: TEntryFilename; AContent: RawByteString; AOverwrite: boolean = false): integer; overload;
- procedure Clear; virtual;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure LoadFromFile(AFilename: utf8string);
- procedure LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream); virtual; abstract;
- procedure LoadFromResource(AFilename: string); virtual;
- procedure SaveToFile(AFilename: utf8string);
- procedure SaveToStream(ADestination: TStream); virtual; abstract;
- procedure Remove(AEntry: TMultiFileEntry); virtual;
- procedure Delete(AIndex: integer); overload; virtual;
- function Delete(AName: utf8string; AExtension: utf8string; ACaseSensitive: boolean = True): boolean; overload;
- function Delete(AFilename: TEntryFilename; ACaseSensitive: boolean = True): boolean; overload;
- function IndexOf(AEntry: TMultiFileEntry): integer; overload;
- function IndexOf(AName: utf8string; AExtenstion: utf8string; ACaseSensitive: boolean = True): integer; overload; virtual;
- function IndexOf(AFilename: TEntryFilename; ACaseSensitive: boolean = True): integer; overload;
- property Count: integer read GetCount;
- property Entry[AIndex: integer]: TMultiFileEntry read GetEntry;
- property RawString[AIndex: integer]: RawByteString read GetRawString write SetRawString;
- property RawStringByFilename[AFilename: string]: RawByteString read GetRawStringByFilename write SetRawStringByFilename;
- end;
-uses BGRAUTF8, strutils, BGRABitmapTypes;
-{ TEntryFilename }
-function TEntryFilename.GetFilename: utf8string;
- if Extension = '' then
- result := Name
- else
- result := Name+'.'+Extension;
-function TEntryFilename.GetIsEmpty: boolean;
- result := (FName='') and (FExtension = '');
-procedure TEntryFilename.SetExtension(AValue: utf8string);
- i: Integer;
- if FExtension=AValue then Exit;
- for i := 1 to length(AValue) do
- if AValue[i] in ['.','/'] then
- raise Exception.Create('Invalid extension');
- FExtension:=AValue;
-procedure TEntryFilename.SetFilename(AValue: utf8string);
- idxDot: SizeInt;
- idxDot := RPos('.',AValue);
- if idxDot = 0 then
- begin
- Name := AValue;
- Extension := '';
- end
- else
- begin
- Name := copy(AValue,1,idxDot-1);
- Extension := copy(AValue,idxDot+1,length(AValue)-idxDot);
- end;
-procedure TEntryFilename.SetName(AValue: utf8string);
- i: Integer;
- if FName=AValue then Exit;
- for i := 1 to length(AValue) do
- if AValue[i] = '/' then
- raise Exception.Create('Invalid name');
- FName:=AValue;
-function EntryFilename(AName, AExtension: string): TEntryFilename;
- result.Name := AName;
- result.Extension:= AExtension;
-function EntryFilename(AFilename: string): TEntryFilename;
- result.Filename:= AFilename;
-class operator TEntryFilename.=(const AValue1, AValue2: TEntryFilename): boolean;
- result := (AValue1.Name = AValue2.Name) and (AValue1.Extension = AValue2.Extension);
-{ TMultiFileEntry }
-function TMultiFileEntry.GetFileSize: int64;
- result := 0;
-function TMultiFileEntry.GetExtension: utf8string;
- result := '';
-constructor TMultiFileEntry.Create(AContainer: TMultiFileContainer);
- FContainer := AContainer;
-function TMultiFileEntry.CopyTo(ADestination: TStream): int64;
- result := 0;
-function TMultiFileEntry.GetStream: TStream;
- result := nil;
-function TMultiFileEntry.CompareNameAndExtension(AName: utf8string;
- AExtension: utf8string; ACaseSensitive: boolean): integer;
- if ACaseSensitive then
- result := CompareStr(AName, Name)
- else
- result := UTF8CompareText(AName, Name);
- if result = 0 then
- result := UTF8CompareText(AExtension, Extension);
-{ TMultiFileContainer }
-function TMultiFileContainer.GetCount: integer;
- if Assigned(FEntries) then
- result := FEntries.Count
- else
- result := 0;
-function TMultiFileContainer.GetEntry(AIndex: integer): TMultiFileEntry;
- result := FEntries[AIndex];
-function TMultiFileContainer.GetRawString(AIndex: integer): RawByteString;
-var s: TMemoryStream;
- s := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- Entry[AIndex].CopyTo(s);
- setlength(result, s.Size);
- if length(result)>0 then
- move(s.Memory^, result[1], length(result));
- finally
- s.Free;
- end;
-function TMultiFileContainer.GetRawStringByFilename(AFilename: string
- ): RawByteString;
- idx: Integer;
- idx := IndexOf(EntryFilename(AFilename));
- if idx = -1 then
- result := ''
- else
- result := GetRawString(idx);
-procedure TMultiFileContainer.SetRawString(AIndex: integer;
- AValue: RawByteString);
- with Entry[AIndex] do
- Add(Name, Extension, AValue, true);
-procedure TMultiFileContainer.SetRawStringByFilename(AFilename: string;
- AValue: RawByteString);
- f: TEntryFilename;
- f := EntryFilename(AFilename);
- Add(f.Name,f.Extension,AValue,true);
-procedure TMultiFileContainer.Init;
- FEntries := TMultiFileEntryList.Create;
-function TMultiFileContainer.AddEntry(AEntry: TMultiFileEntry; AIndex: integer): integer;
- if not Assigned(FEntries) then
- raise exception.Create('Entry list not created');
- if (AIndex >= 0) and (AIndex < FEntries.Count) then
- begin
- FEntries.Insert(AIndex, AEntry);
- result := AIndex;
- end
- else
- result := FEntries.Add(AEntry);
-constructor TMultiFileContainer.Create;
- Init;
-constructor TMultiFileContainer.Create(AFilename: utf8string);
- Init;
- LoadFromFile(AFilename);
-constructor TMultiFileContainer.Create(AStream: TStream);
- Init;
- LoadFromStream(AStream);
-constructor TMultiFileContainer.Create(AStream: TStream; AStartPos: Int64);
- Init;
- AStream.Position := AStartPos;
- LoadFromStream(AStream);
-procedure TMultiFileContainer.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
- other: TMultiFileContainer;
- otherEntry, newEntry: TMultiFileEntry;
- i: Integer;
- content: TMemoryStream;
- if Source is TMultiFileContainer then
- begin
- Clear;
- other := TMultiFileContainer(Source);
- for i := 0 to other.Count-1 do
- begin
- content := TMemoryStream.Create;
- otherEntry := other.Entry[i];
- otherEntry.CopyTo(content);
- newEntry := CreateEntry(otherEntry.Name, otherEntry.Extension, content);
- if not Assigned(newEntry) then
- raise exception.Create('Unable to create entry');
- AddEntry(newEntry);
- end;
- end else
- inherited Assign(Source);
-function TMultiFileContainer.Add(AName: utf8string; AExtension: utf8string;
- AContent: TStream; AOverwrite: boolean; AOwnStream: boolean): integer;
- index: Integer;
- newEntry: TMultiFileEntry;
- contentCopy: TMemoryStream;
- index := IndexOf(AName,AExtension);
- if index <> -1 then
- begin
- if AOverwrite then
- Delete(index)
- else
- raise Exception.Create('Duplicate entry');
- end;
- if not AOwnStream then
- begin
- AContent.Position:= 0;
- contentCopy := TMemoryStream.Create;
- contentCopy.CopyFrom(AContent, AContent.Size);
- newEntry := CreateEntry(AName, AExtension, contentCopy);
- end else
- newEntry := CreateEntry(AName, AExtension, AContent);
- if Assigned(newEntry) then
- result := AddEntry(newEntry, index)
- else
- raise exception.Create('Unable to create entry');
-function TMultiFileContainer.Add(AName: utf8string; AExtension: utf8string;
- AContent: RawByteString; AOverwrite: boolean): integer;
-var stream: TMemoryStream;
- stream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- if length(AContent) > 0 then stream.Write(AContent[1],length(AContent));
- result := Add(AName,AExtension,stream,AOverwrite);
-function TMultiFileContainer.Add(AFilename: TEntryFilename; AContent: TStream;
- AOverwrite: boolean; AOwnStream: boolean): integer;
- result := Add(AFilename.Name,AFilename.Extension, AContent, AOverwrite, AOwnStream);
-function TMultiFileContainer.Add(AFilename: TEntryFilename;
- AContent: RawByteString; AOverwrite: boolean): integer;
- result := Add(AFilename.Name,AFilename.Extension, AContent, AOverwrite);
-destructor TMultiFileContainer.Destroy;
- Clear;
- FreeAndNil(FEntries);
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TMultiFileContainer.LoadFromFile(AFilename: utf8string);
-var stream: TFileStreamUTF8;
- stream := TFileStreamUTF8.Create(AFilename, fmOpenRead);
- LoadFromStream(stream);
- stream.Free;
-procedure TMultiFileContainer.LoadFromResource(AFilename: string);
- stream: TStream;
- stream := BGRAResource.GetResourceStream(AFilename);
- try
- LoadFromStream(stream);
- finally
- stream.Free;
- end;
-procedure TMultiFileContainer.SaveToFile(AFilename: utf8string);
-var stream: TFileStreamUTF8;
- stream := TFileStreamUTF8.Create(AFilename, fmCreate);
- SaveToStream(stream);
- stream.Free;
-procedure TMultiFileContainer.Remove(AEntry: TMultiFileEntry);
- index: Integer;
- index := IndexOf(AEntry);
- if index = -1 then
- raise exception.Create('Entry not found');
- Delete(index);
-procedure TMultiFileContainer.Delete(AIndex: integer);
- if (AIndex >= 0) and (AIndex < Count) then
- begin
- Entry[AIndex].Free;
- FEntries.Delete(AIndex);
- end else
- raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
-function TMultiFileContainer.Delete(AName: utf8string; AExtension: utf8string;
- ACaseSensitive: boolean): boolean;
- index: Integer;
- index := IndexOf(AName, AExtension, ACaseSensitive);
- if index = -1 then
- result := false
- else
- begin
- Delete(index);
- result := true;
- end;
-function TMultiFileContainer.Delete(AFilename: TEntryFilename;
- ACaseSensitive: boolean): boolean;
- result := Delete(AFilename.Name,AFilename.Extension,ACaseSensitive);
-function TMultiFileContainer.IndexOf(AEntry: TMultiFileEntry): integer;
- result := FEntries.IndexOf(AEntry);
-function TMultiFileContainer.IndexOf(AName: utf8string; AExtenstion: utf8string; ACaseSensitive: boolean): integer;
- i: Integer;
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- if Entry[i].CompareNameAndExtension(AName, AExtenstion, ACaseSensitive) = 0 then
- exit(i);
- result := -1;
-function TMultiFileContainer.IndexOf(AFilename: TEntryFilename;
- ACaseSensitive: boolean): integer;
- result := IndexOf(AFilename.Name,AFilename.Extension,ACaseSensitive);
-procedure TMultiFileContainer.Clear;
- i: Integer;
- for i := 0 to FEntries.Count-1 do
- FEntries.Items[i].Free;
- FEntries.Clear;
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-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
- TColor = type LongInt;
- {$warnings off}
- TRawImage = class(TFPMemoryImage)
- procedure BGRASetSizeAndTransparency(AWidth,AHeight: Integer; {%H-}ATransparent: boolean);
- constructor Create;
- end;
- {$warnings on}
- TGUICanvas = class(TFPImageCanvas)
- procedure DrawImage(x,y: integer; AImage: TFPCustomImage);
- end;
- clNone = TColor($1FFFFFFF);
- clDefault = TColor($20000000);
- clBlack = TColor($000000);
- clMaroon = TColor($000080);
- clGreen = TColor($008000);
- clOlive = TColor($008080);
- clNavy = TColor($800000);
- clPurple = TColor($800080);
- clTeal = TColor($808000);
- clGray = TColor($808080);
- clSilver = TColor($C0C0C0);
- clRed = TColor($0000FF);
- clLime = TColor($00FF00);
- clYellow = TColor($00FFFF);
- clBlue = TColor($FF0000);
- clFuchsia = TColor($FF00FF);
- clAqua = TColor($FFFF00);
- clLtGray = TColor($C0C0C0); // clSilver alias
- clDkGray = TColor($808080); // clGray alias
- clWhite = TColor($FFFFFF);
- clRgbBtnHighlight = TColor($E0E0E0);
- clRgbBtnShadow = TColor($808080);
-function ColorToRGB(c: TColor): TColor; inline;
-function GetScreenDPIX: integer;
-function GetScreenDPIY: integer;
-procedure TRawImage.BGRASetSizeAndTransparency(AWidth,AHeight: Integer; ATransparent: boolean);
- SetSize(AWidth,AHeight);
-constructor TRawImage.Create;
- inherited Create(0,0);
-procedure TGUICanvas.DrawImage(x,y: integer; AImage: TFPCustomImage);
- Draw(x,y, AImage);
-function ColorToRGB(c: TColor): TColor; inline;
- result := c;
-function GetScreenDPIX: integer;
- result := 96;
-function GetScreenDPIY: integer;
- result := 96;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgranogui_uses.inc b/components/bgrabitmap/bgranogui_uses.inc
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@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-uses BGRAClasses, FPImage, FPCanvas, FPImgCanv;
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-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRANoGUIBitmap;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- SysUtils, BGRAClasses, BGRAGraphics, BGRABitmapTypes, BGRADefaultBitmap,
- BGRAFreeType, EasyLazFreeType, LazFreeTypeFontCollection,
- BGRACanvas;
- { TBGRANoGUIBitmap }
- TBGRANoGUIBitmap = class(TBGRADefaultBitmap)
- private
- FPseudoCanvas: TBGRACanvas;
- function GetPseudoCanvas: TBGRACanvas;
- protected
- procedure RebuildBitmap; override;
- function CreateDefaultFontRenderer: TBGRACustomFontRenderer; override;
- function LoadFromRawImage({%H-}ARawImage: TRawImage; {%H-}DefaultOpacity: byte;
- {%H-}AlwaysReplaceAlpha: boolean=False; {%H-}RaiseErrorOnInvalidPixelFormat: boolean
- =True): boolean; override;
- procedure Init; override;
- procedure FreeBitmap; override;
- procedure NotAvailable;
- public
- destructor Destroy; override;
- class procedure AddFreeTypeFontFolder(ADirectory: string; AUTF8: boolean = false); static;
- class procedure AddFreeTypeFontFile(AFilename: string; AUTF8: boolean = false); static;
- procedure Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; x, y: integer; {%H-}Opaque: boolean=True); override;
- procedure Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect; {%H-}Opaque: boolean=True); override;
- procedure GetImageFromCanvas({%H-}CanvasSource: TCanvas; {%H-}x, {%H-}y: integer); override; //not available
- procedure DataDrawTransparent({%H-}ACanvas: TCanvas; {%H-}Rect: TRect; {%H-}AData: Pointer;
- {%H-}ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; {%H-}AWidth, {%H-}AHeight: integer); override;
- procedure DataDrawOpaque({%H-}ACanvas: TCanvas; {%H-}Rect: TRect; {%H-}AData: Pointer;
- {%H-}ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; {%H-}AWidth, {%H-}AHeight: integer); override;
- procedure TakeScreenshot({%H-}ARect: TRect); override; //not available
- procedure TakeScreenshotOfPrimaryMonitor; override; //not available
- procedure LoadFromDevice({%H-}DC: HDC); override; //not available
- procedure LoadFromDevice({%H-}DC: HDC; {%H-}ARect: TRect); override; //not available
- property Canvas: TBGRACanvas read GetPseudoCanvas;
- end;
-{ TBGRANoGUIBitmap }
-function TBGRANoGUIBitmap.GetPseudoCanvas: TBGRACanvas;
- if FPseudoCanvas = nil then
- begin
- FPseudoCanvas := TBGRACanvas.Create(self);
- FPseudoCanvas.AntialiasingMode := amOff;
- end;
- result := FPseudoCanvas;
-procedure TBGRANoGUIBitmap.RebuildBitmap;
- //nothing
-function TBGRANoGUIBitmap.CreateDefaultFontRenderer: TBGRACustomFontRenderer;
- result := TBGRAFreeTypeFontRenderer.Create;
-function TBGRANoGUIBitmap.LoadFromRawImage(ARawImage: TRawImage;
- DefaultOpacity: byte; AlwaysReplaceAlpha: boolean;
- RaiseErrorOnInvalidPixelFormat: boolean): boolean;
- NotAvailable;
- result := false;
-procedure TBGRANoGUIBitmap.Init;
- inherited Init;
- FontAntialias:= true;
-procedure TBGRANoGUIBitmap.FreeBitmap;
- //nothing
-procedure TBGRANoGUIBitmap.NotAvailable;
- raise exception.Create('Function not available without GUI');
-destructor TBGRANoGUIBitmap.Destroy;
- FreeAndNil(FPseudoCanvas);
- inherited Destroy;
-class procedure TBGRANoGUIBitmap.AddFreeTypeFontFolder(ADirectory: string; AUTF8: boolean);
- if AUTF8 then ADirectory:= Utf8ToAnsi(ADirectory);
- EasyLazFreeType.FontCollection.AddFolder(ADirectory);
-class procedure TBGRANoGUIBitmap.AddFreeTypeFontFile(AFilename: string; AUTF8: boolean);
- if AUTF8 then AFilename:= Utf8ToAnsi(AFilename);
- EasyLazFreeType.FontCollection.AddFile(AFilename);
-procedure TBGRANoGUIBitmap.Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; x, y: integer; Opaque: boolean);
- ACanvas.GUICanvas.Draw(x,y,self);
-procedure TBGRANoGUIBitmap.Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect; Opaque: boolean);
- ACanvas.GUICanvas.StretchDraw(Rect.Left,Rect.Top,Rect.Right-Rect.Left,Rect.Bottom-Rect.Top,self);
-procedure TBGRANoGUIBitmap.GetImageFromCanvas(CanvasSource: TCanvas; x,
- y: integer);
- NotAvailable;
-procedure TBGRANoGUIBitmap.DataDrawTransparent(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect;
- AData: Pointer; ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; AWidth, AHeight: integer);
- NotAvailable;
-procedure TBGRANoGUIBitmap.DataDrawOpaque(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect;
- AData: Pointer; ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; AWidth, AHeight: integer);
- NotAvailable;
-procedure TBGRANoGUIBitmap.TakeScreenshot(ARect: TRect);
- NotAvailable;
-procedure TBGRANoGUIBitmap.TakeScreenshotOfPrimaryMonitor;
- NotAvailable;
-procedure TBGRANoGUIBitmap.LoadFromDevice(DC: HDC);
- NotAvailable;
-procedure TBGRANoGUIBitmap.LoadFromDevice(DC: HDC; ARect: TRect);
- NotAvailable;
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index fc16c76..0000000
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-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAOpenGL;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
-{$I bgrabitmap.inc}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, FPimage, BGRAGraphics,
- BGRAOpenGLType, BGRASpriteGL, BGRACanvasGL, GL, GLext, GLU, BGRABitmapTypes,
- TBGLCustomCanvas = BGRACanvasGL.TBGLCustomCanvas;
- TBGLSprite = TBGLDefaultSprite;
- IBGLTexture = BGRAOpenGLType.IBGLTexture;
- IBGLFont = BGRAOpenGLType.IBGLFont;
- IBGLRenderedFont = BGRAFontGL.IBGLRenderedFont;
- TOpenGLResampleFilter = BGRAOpenGLType.TOpenGLResampleFilter;
- TOpenGLBlendMode = BGRAOpenGLType.TOpenGLBlendMode;
- TBGLPath = BGRACanvasGL.TBGLPath;
- TWaitForGPUOption = BGRAOpenGLType.TWaitForGPUOption;
- TBGLCustomElementArray = BGRACanvasGL.TBGLCustomElementArray;
- TBGLCustomArray = BGRACanvasGL.TBGLCustomArray;
- TOpenGLPrimitive = BGRAOpenGLType.TOpenGLPrimitive;
- TTextLayout = BGRAGraphics.TTextLayout;
- tlTop = BGRAGraphics.tlTop;
- tlCenter = BGRAGraphics.tlCenter;
- tlBottom = BGRAGraphics.tlBottom;
- { TBGLContext }
- TBGLContext = object
- private
- function GetHeight: integer;
- function GetWidth: integer;
- public
- Canvas: TBGLCustomCanvas;
- Sprites: TBGLCustomSpriteEngine;
- property Width: integer read GetWidth;
- property Height: integer read GetHeight;
- end;
- { TBGLFrameBuffer }
- TBGLFrameBuffer = class(TBGLCustomFrameBuffer)
- protected
- FHeight: integer;
- FMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- FProjectionMatrix: TMatrix4D;
- FTexture: IBGLTexture;
- FFrameBufferId, FRenderBufferId: GLuint;
- FWidth: integer;
- FSettingMatrices: boolean;
- function GetTexture: IBGLTexture; override;
- function GetHandle: pointer; override;
- function GetHeight: integer; override;
- function GetMatrix: TAffineMatrix; override;
- function GetProjectionMatrix: TMatrix4D; override;
- function GetWidth: integer; override;
- procedure SetMatrix(AValue: TAffineMatrix); override;
- procedure SetProjectionMatrix(AValue: TMatrix4D); override;
- public
- constructor Create(AWidth,AHeight: integer);
- function MakeTextureAndFree: IBGLTexture; override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- end;
- orfBox = BGRAOpenGLType.orfBox;
- orfLinear = BGRAOpenGLType.orfLinear;
- obmNormal = BGRAOpenGLType.obmNormal;
- obmAdd = BGRAOpenGLType.obmAdd;
- obmMultiply = BGRAOpenGLType.obmMultiply;
- wfgQueueAllCommands = BGRAOpenGLType.wfgQueueAllCommands;
- wfgFinishAllCommands = BGRAOpenGLType.wfgFinishAllCommands;
- opPoints = BGRAOpenGLType.opPoints;
- opLineStrip = BGRAOpenGLType.opLineStrip;
- opLineLoop = BGRAOpenGLType.opLineLoop;
- opLines = BGRAOpenGLType.opLines;
- opTriangleStrip = BGRAOpenGLType.opTriangleStrip;
- opTriangleFan = BGRAOpenGLType.opTriangleFan;
- opTriangles = BGRAOpenGLType.opTriangles;
- { TBGLBitmap }
- TBGLBitmap = class(TBGLCustomBitmap)
- protected
- function GetOpenGLMaxTexSize: integer; override;
- public
- function NewBitmap: TBGLBitmap; overload; override;
- function NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer): TBGLBitmap; overload; override;
- function NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer; const Color: TBGRAPixel): TBGLBitmap; overload; override;
- function NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer; AColor: Pointer): TBGLBitmap; overload; override;
- function NewBitmap(Filename: string): TBGLBitmap; overload; override;
- function NewBitmap(Filename: string; AIsUtf8: boolean): TBGLBitmap; overload; override;
- function NewBitmap(Filename: string; AIsUtf8: boolean; AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions): TBGLBitmap; overload; override;
- function NewBitmap(AFPImage: TFPCustomImage): TBGLBitmap; overload; override;
- function NewReference: TBGLBitmap; override;
- function GetUnique: TBGLBitmap; override;
- function Duplicate(DuplicateProperties: Boolean = False): TBGLBitmap; overload; override;
- function Duplicate(DuplicateProperties, DuplicateXorMask: Boolean) : TBGLBitmap; overload; override;
- function GetPart(const ARect: TRect): TBGLBitmap; override;
- function CreateBrushTexture(ABrushStyle: TBrushStyle; APatternColor, ABackgroundColor: TBGRAPixel;
- AWidth: integer = 8; AHeight: integer = 8; APenWidth: single = 1): TBGLBitmap; override;
- function Resample(newWidth, newHeight: integer;
- mode: TResampleMode = rmFineResample): TBGLBitmap; override;
- function FilterSmartZoom3(Option: TMedianOption): TBGLBitmap; override;
- function FilterMedian(Option: TMedianOption): TBGLBitmap; override;
- function FilterSmooth: TBGLBitmap; override;
- function FilterSharpen(Amount: single = 1): TBGLBitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterSharpen(ABounds: TRect; Amount: single = 1): TBGLBitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterContour(AGammaCorrection: boolean = false): TBGLBitmap; override;
- function FilterPixelate(pixelSize: integer; useResample: boolean; filter: TResampleFilter = rfLinear): TBGLBitmap; override;
- function FilterBlurRadial(radius: single; blurType: TRadialBlurType): TBGLBitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterBlurRadial(const ABounds: TRect; radius: single; blurType: TRadialBlurType): TBGLBitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterBlurRadial(radiusX, radiusY: single; blurType: TRadialBlurType): TBGLBitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterBlurRadial(const ABounds: TRect; radiusX, radiusY: single; blurType: TRadialBlurType): TBGLBitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterBlurMotion(distance: single; angle: single; oriented: boolean): TBGLBitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterBlurMotion(const ABounds: TRect; distance: single; angle: single; oriented: boolean): TBGLBitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterCustomBlur(mask: TCustomUniversalBitmap): TBGLBitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterCustomBlur(const ABounds: TRect; mask: TCustomUniversalBitmap): TBGLBitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterEmboss(angle: single; AStrength: integer= 64; AOptions: TEmbossOptions = []): TBGLBitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterEmboss(angle: single; ABounds: TRect; AStrength: integer= 64; AOptions: TEmbossOptions = []): TBGLBitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterEmbossHighlight(FillSelection: boolean): TBGLBitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterEmbossHighlight(FillSelection: boolean; BorderColor: TBGRAPixel): TBGLBitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterEmbossHighlight(FillSelection: boolean; BorderColor: TBGRAPixel; var Offset: TPoint): TBGLBitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterGrayscale: TBGLBitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterGrayscale(ABounds: TRect): TBGLBitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterNormalize(eachChannel: boolean = True): TBGLBitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterNormalize(ABounds: TRect; eachChannel: boolean = True): TBGLBitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterRotate(origin: TPointF; angle: single; correctBlur: boolean = false): TBGLBitmap; override;
- function FilterAffine(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; correctBlur: boolean = false): TBGLBitmap; override;
- function FilterSphere: TBGLBitmap; override;
- function FilterTwirl(ACenter: TPoint; ARadius: Single; ATurn: Single=1; AExponent: Single=3): TBGLBitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterTwirl(ABounds: TRect; ACenter: TPoint; ARadius: Single; ATurn: Single=1; AExponent: Single=3): TBGLBitmap; overload; override;
- function FilterCylinder: TBGLBitmap; override;
- function FilterPlane: TBGLBitmap; override;
- end;
-function BGLTexture(ARGBAData: PLongWord; AllocatedWidth,AllocatedHeight, ActualWidth,ActualHeight: integer): IBGLTexture; overload;
-function BGLTexture(AFPImage: TFPCustomImage): IBGLTexture; overload;
-function BGLTexture(ABitmap: TBitmap): IBGLTexture; overload;
-function BGLTexture(AWidth, AHeight: integer; Color: TColor): IBGLTexture; overload;
-function BGLTexture(AWidth, AHeight: integer; Color: TBGRAPixel): IBGLTexture; overload;
-function BGLTexture(AFilenameUTF8: string): IBGLTexture; overload;
-function BGLTexture(AFilenameUTF8: string; AWidth, AHeight: integer; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter = rfBox): IBGLTexture; overload;
-function BGLTexture(AStream: TStream): IBGLTexture; overload;
-function BGLSpriteEngine: TBGLCustomSpriteEngine;
-function BGLCanvas: TBGLCustomCanvas;
-procedure BGLViewPort(AWidth,AHeight: integer); overload;
-procedure BGLViewPort(AWidth,AHeight: integer; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
-function BGLFont({%H-}AName: string; {%H-}AEmHeight: integer; {%H-}AStyle: TFontStyles = []): IBGLRenderedFont; overload;
-function BGLFont({%H-}AName: string; {%H-}AEmHeight: integer; {%H-}AColor: TBGRAPixel; {%H-}AStyle: TFontStyles = []): IBGLRenderedFont; overload;
-function BGLFont({%H-}AName: string; {%H-}AEmHeight: integer; {%H-}AColor: TBGRAPixel; {%H-}AOutlineColor: TBGRAPixel; {%H-}AStyle: TFontStyles = []): IBGLRenderedFont; overload;
-function BGLFont({%H-}AName: string; {%H-}AEmHeight: integer; ARenderer: TBGRACustomFontRenderer; ARendererOwned: boolean = true): IBGLRenderedFont; overload;
- { TBGLElementArray }
- TBGLElementArray = class(TBGLCustomElementArray)
- protected
- FElements: packed array of GLuint;
- FBuffer: GLuint;
- function GetCount: integer; override;
- public
- constructor Create(const AElements: array of integer); override;
- procedure Draw(ACanvas: TBGLCustomCanvas; APrimitive: TOpenGLPrimitive; AAttributes: array of TAttributeVariable); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- end;
- { TBGLArray }
- TBGLArray = class(TBGLCustomArray)
- protected
- FBufferAddress: pointer;
- FCount: integer;
- FRecordSize: integer;
- function GetCount: integer; override;
- function GetRecordSize: integer; override;
- public
- constructor Create(ABufferAddress: Pointer; ACount: integer; ARecordSize: integer); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- end;
- TBlendFuncSeparateProc = procedure(sfactorRGB: GLenum; dfactorRGB: GLenum; sfactorAlpha: GLenum; dfactorAlpha: GLenum); {$IFDEF Windows} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
-function PrimitiveToOpenGL(AValue: TOpenGLPrimitive): GLenum;
- case AValue of
- opPoints: result := GL_POINTS;
- opLineStrip: result := GL_LINE_STRIP;
- opLineLoop: result := GL_LINE_LOOP;
- opLines: result := GL_LINES;
- opTriangleStrip: result := GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP;
- opTriangleFan: result := GL_TRIANGLE_FAN;
- opTriangles: result := GL_TRIANGLES;
- else
- raise exception.Create('Unknown primitive type');
- end;
-procedure NeedOpenGL2_0;
- if glUseProgram = nil then
- begin
- if not Load_GL_version_2_0 then
- raise exception.Create('Cannot load OpenGL 2.0');
- end;
-function CheckOpenGL2_0: boolean;
- if glUseProgram = nil then
- begin
- result := Load_GL_version_2_0;
- end
- else
- result := true;
- BGLCanvasInstance: TBGLCustomCanvas;
- glBlendFuncSeparate: TBlendFuncSeparateProc;
- glBlendFuncSeparateFetched: boolean;
- GL_COMBINE_ARB = $8570;
- GL_SOURCE0_RGB_ARB = $8580;
- { TBGLTexture }
- TBGLTexture = class(TBGLCustomTexture)
- protected
- FFlipX,FFlipY: Boolean;
- function GetOpenGLMaxTexSize: integer; override;
- function CreateOpenGLTexture(ARGBAData: PLongWord; AAllocatedWidth, AAllocatedHeight, AActualWidth, AActualHeight: integer; RGBAOrder: boolean): TBGLTextureHandle; override;
- procedure UpdateOpenGLTexture(ATexture: TBGLTextureHandle; ARGBAData: PLongWord; AAllocatedWidth, AAllocatedHeight, AActualWidth,AActualHeight: integer; RGBAOrder: boolean); override;
- class function SupportsBGRAOrder: boolean; override;
- procedure SetOpenGLTextureSize(ATexture: TBGLTextureHandle; AAllocatedWidth, AAllocatedHeight, AActualWidth, AActualHeight: integer); override;
- procedure ComputeOpenGLFramesCoord(ATexture: TBGLTextureHandle; FramesX: Integer=1; FramesY: Integer=1); override;
- function GetOpenGLFrameCount(ATexture: TBGLTextureHandle): integer; override;
- function GetEmptyTexture: TBGLTextureHandle; override;
- procedure FreeOpenGLTexture(ATexture: TBGLTextureHandle); override;
- procedure UpdateGLResampleFilter(ATexture: TBGLTextureHandle; AFilter: TOpenGLResampleFilter); override;
- procedure InternalSetColor(const AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure DoDrawTriangleOrQuad(const APoints: array of TPointF;
- const APointsZ: array of Single; const APoints3D: array of TPoint3D_128;
- const ANormals3D: array of TPoint3D_128; const ATexCoords: array of TPointF;
- const AColors: array of TColorF); override;
- procedure DoDraw(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure DoStretchDraw(x,y,w,h: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel); override;
- procedure DoStretchDrawAngle(x,y,w,h,angleDeg: single; rotationCenter: TPointF; AColor: TBGRAPixel); override;
- procedure DoDrawAffine(Origin, HAxis, VAxis: TPointF; AColor: TBGRAPixel); override;
- procedure Init(ATexture: TBGLTextureHandle; AWidth,AHeight: integer; AOwned: boolean); override;
- procedure NotifyInvalidFrameSize; override;
- procedure NotifyErrorLoadingFile(AFilenameUTF8: string); override;
- function NewEmpty: TBGLCustomTexture; override;
- function NewFromTexture(ATexture: TBGLTextureHandle; AWidth,AHeight: integer): TBGLCustomTexture; override;
- function Duplicate: TBGLCustomTexture; override;
- public
- procedure ToggleFlipX; override;
- procedure ToggleFlipY; override;
- procedure Bind(ATextureNumber: integer); override;
- function FilterBlurMotion(ARadius: single; ABlurType: TRadialBlurType; ADirection: TPointF): IBGLTexture; override;
- function FilterBlurRadial(ARadius: single; ABlurType: TRadialBlurType): IBGLTexture; override;
- end;
- POpenGLTexture = ^TOpenGLTexture;
- TOpenGLTexture = record
- ID: GLuint;
- AllocatedWidth,AllocatedHeight,ActualWidth,ActualHeight: integer;
- FramesCoord: array of array[0..3] of TPointF;
- end;
- { TBGLCanvas }
- TBGLCanvas = class(TBGLCustomCanvas)
- protected
- FMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- FProjectionMatrix: TMatrix4D;
- FBlendMode: TOpenGLBlendMode;
- FLighting: TBGLCustomLighting;
- FFaceCulling: TFaceCulling;
- function GetLighting: TBGLCustomLighting; override;
- function GetMatrix: TAffineMatrix; override;
- procedure SetMatrix(const AValue: TAffineMatrix); override;
- function GetProjectionMatrix: TMatrix4D; override;
- procedure SetProjectionMatrix(const AValue: TMatrix4D); override;
- function GetFaceCulling: TFaceCulling; override;
- procedure SetFaceCulling(AValue: TFaceCulling); override;
- procedure InternalSetColor(const AColor: TBGRAPixel); override;
- procedure InternalSetColorF(const AColor: TColorF); override;
- procedure InternalStartPutPixel(const pt: TPointF); override;
- procedure InternalStartPolyline(const pt: TPointF); override;
- procedure InternalStartPolygon(const pt: TPointF); override;
- procedure InternalStartTriangleFan(const pt: TPointF); override;
- procedure InternalContinueShape(const pt: TPointF); overload; override;
- procedure InternalContinueShape(const pt: TPoint3D); overload; override;
- procedure InternalContinueShape(const pt: TPoint3D_128); overload; override;
- procedure InternalContinueShape(const pt, normal: TPoint3D_128); overload; override;
- procedure InternalEndShape; override;
- procedure InternalStartBlend; override;
- procedure InternalEndBlend; override;
- procedure InternalStartBlendTriangles; override;
- procedure InternalStartBlendQuads; override;
- procedure InternalEndBlendTriangles; override;
- procedure InternalEndBlendQuads; override;
- procedure EnableScissor(AValue: TRect); override;
- procedure DisableScissor; override;
- function GetBlendMode: TOpenGLBlendMode; override;
- procedure SetBlendMode(AValue: TOpenGLBlendMode); override;
- procedure SetActiveFrameBuffer(AValue: TBGLCustomFrameBuffer); override;
- public
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Fill(AColor: TBGRAPixel); override;
- procedure StartZBuffer; override;
- procedure EndZBuffer; override;
- procedure WaitForGPU(AOption: TWaitForGPUOption); override;
- function GetImage(x, y, w, h: integer): TBGRACustomBitmap; override;
- function CreateFrameBuffer(AWidth, AHeight: integer): TBGLCustomFrameBuffer; override;
- end;
- { TBGLLighting }
- TBGLLighting = class(TBGLCustomLighting)
- protected
- FLightUsage: array[0..7] of boolean;
- FCurrentSpecularIndex: single;
- FAmbiantLightF: TColorF;
- FBuiltInLighting: boolean;
- function MakeShaderObject(AShaderType: GLenum; ASource: string): GLuint;
- function AddLight(AColor: TColorF): integer;
- function GetSupportShaders: boolean; override;
- procedure SetAmbiantLightF(AAmbiantLight: TColorF); override;
- function GetAmbiantLightF: TColorF; override;
- function GetBuiltInLightingEnabled: boolean; override;
- procedure SetBuiltInLightingEnabled(AValue: boolean); override;
- public
- constructor Create;
- function AddDirectionalLight(AColor: TColorF; ADirection: TPoint3D): integer; override;
- function AddPointLight(AColor: TColorF; APosition: TPoint3D; ALinearAttenuation, AQuadraticAttenuation: single): integer; override;
- procedure ClearLights; override;
- function RemoveLight(AIndex: integer): boolean; override;
- procedure SetSpecularIndex(AIndex: integer); override;
- function MakeVertexShader(ASource: string): LongWord; override;
- function MakeFragmentShader(ASource: string): LongWord; override;
- function MakeShaderProgram(AVertexShader, AFragmentShader: LongWord): LongWord; override;
- procedure UseProgram(AProgram: LongWord); override;
- procedure DeleteShaderObject(AShader: LongWord); override;
- procedure DeleteShaderProgram(AProgram: LongWord); override;
- function GetUniformVariable(AProgram: LongWord; AName: string): LongWord; override;
- function GetAttribVariable(AProgram: LongWord; AName: string): LongWord; override;
- procedure SetUniformSingle(AVariable: LongWord; const AValue; AElementCount, AComponentCount: integer); override;
- procedure SetUniformInteger(AVariable: LongWord; const AValue; AElementCount, AComponentCount: integer); override;
- procedure BindAttribute(AAttribute: TAttributeVariable); override;
- procedure UnbindAttribute(AAttribute: TAttributeVariable); override;
- end;
-{ TBGLFrameBuffer }
-procedure TBGLFrameBuffer.SetMatrix(AValue: TAffineMatrix);
- if FSettingMatrices then Exit;
- FSettingMatrices := true;
- FMatrix:=AValue;
- if FCanvas <> nil then
- TBGLCustomCanvas(FCanvas).Matrix := AValue;
- FSettingMatrices := false;
-function TBGLFrameBuffer.GetMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- result := FMatrix;
-function TBGLFrameBuffer.GetTexture: IBGLTexture;
- result := FTexture.FlipY;
-function TBGLFrameBuffer.GetHandle: pointer;
- result := @FFrameBufferId;
-function TBGLFrameBuffer.GetHeight: integer;
- result := FHeight;
-function TBGLFrameBuffer.GetProjectionMatrix: TMatrix4D;
- result := FProjectionMatrix;
-function TBGLFrameBuffer.GetWidth: integer;
- result := FWidth;
-procedure TBGLFrameBuffer.SetProjectionMatrix(AValue: TMatrix4D);
- if FSettingMatrices then Exit;
- FSettingMatrices := true;
- FProjectionMatrix:= AValue;
- if FCanvas <> nil then
- TBGLCustomCanvas(FCanvas).ProjectionMatrix := AValue;
- FSettingMatrices := false;
-constructor TBGLFrameBuffer.Create(AWidth, AHeight: integer);
-var frameBufferStatus: GLenum;
- if not Load_GL_version_3_0 then
- raise exception.Create('Cannot load OpenGL 3.0');
- FWidth := AWidth;
- FHeight := AHeight;
- FTexture := BGLTextureFactory.Create(nil,AWidth,AHeight,AWidth,AHeight);
- //depth and stencil
- glGenRenderbuffers(1, @FRenderBufferId);
- glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, FRenderBufferId);
- glRenderbufferStorage(GL_RENDERBUFFER, GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8, AWidth,AHeight);
- glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, 0);
- glGenFramebuffers(1, @FFrameBufferId);
- glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, FFrameBufferId);
- glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, PGLuint(FTexture.Handle)^, 0);
- frameBufferStatus:= glCheckFramebufferStatus(GL_FRAMEBUFFER);
- glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0);
- if frameBufferStatus <> GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE then
- begin
- glDeleteFramebuffers(1, @FFrameBufferId);
- glDeleteRenderbuffers(1, @FRenderBufferId);
- FTexture := nil;
- raise exception.Create('Error ' + inttostr(frameBufferStatus) + ' while initializing frame buffer');
- end;
- UseOrthoProjection;
- Matrix := AffineMatrixIdentity;
-function TBGLFrameBuffer.MakeTextureAndFree: IBGLTexture;
- result := FTexture;
- FTexture := nil;
- Free;
-destructor TBGLFrameBuffer.Destroy;
- glDeleteFramebuffers(1, @FFrameBufferId);
- glDeleteRenderbuffers(1, @FRenderBufferId);
- FTexture := nil;
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure ApplyBlendMode(ABlendMode: TOpenGLBlendMode);
- srcBlend : LongWord;
- dstBlend : LongWord;
- case ABlendMode of
- obmAdd:
- begin
- srcBlend := GL_SRC_ALPHA;
- dstBlend := GL_ONE;
- end;
- obmMultiply:
- begin
- srcBlend := GL_ZERO;
- dstBlend := GL_SRC_COLOR;
- end
- else
- begin
- srcBlend := GL_SRC_ALPHA;
- end;
- end;
- if not glBlendFuncSeparateFetched then
- begin
- glBlendFuncSeparate := TBlendFuncSeparateProc(wglGetProcAddress('glBlendFuncSeparate'));
- glBlendFuncSeparateFetched := true;
- end;
- if Assigned(glBlendFuncSeparate) then
- glBlendFuncSeparate( srcBlend, dstBlend, GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA )
- else
- glBlendFunc( srcBlend, dstBlend );
-function BGLTexture(ARGBAData: PLongWord; AllocatedWidth, AllocatedHeight,
- ActualWidth, ActualHeight: integer): IBGLTexture;
- result := TBGLTexture.Create(ARGBAData,AllocatedWidth, AllocatedHeight,
- ActualWidth, ActualHeight);
-function BGLTexture(AFPImage: TFPCustomImage): IBGLTexture;
- result := TBGLTexture.Create(AFPImage);
-function BGLTexture(ABitmap: TBitmap): IBGLTexture;
- result := TBGLTexture.Create(ABitmap);
-function BGLTexture(AWidth, AHeight: integer; Color: TColor): IBGLTexture;
- result := TBGLTexture.Create(AWidth,AHeight,Color);
-function BGLTexture(AWidth, AHeight: integer; Color: TBGRAPixel): IBGLTexture;
- result := TBGLTexture.Create(AWidth,AHeight,Color);
-function BGLTexture(AFilenameUTF8: string): IBGLTexture;
- result := TBGLTexture.Create(AFilenameUTF8);
-function BGLTexture(AFilenameUTF8: string; AWidth, AHeight: integer; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter): IBGLTexture;
- result := TBGLTexture.Create(AFilenameUTF8, AWidth, AHeight, AResampleFilter);
-function BGLTexture(AStream: TStream): IBGLTexture;
- result := TBGLTexture.Create(AStream);
-function BGLSpriteEngine: TBGLCustomSpriteEngine;
- result := BGRASpriteGL.BGLSpriteEngine;
-procedure BGLViewPort(AWidth, AHeight: integer; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- BGLViewPort(AWidth,AHeight);
- BGLCanvas.Fill(AColor);
-function BGLFont(AName: string; AEmHeight: integer; AStyle: TFontStyles = []): IBGLRenderedFont;
- result := BGLFont(AName, AEmHeight, TLCLFontRenderer.Create);
- result.Style := AStyle;
- {$ELSE}
- result := nil;
- raise exception.Create('LCL renderer not available');
- {$ENDIF}
-function BGLFont(AName: string; AEmHeight: integer; AColor: TBGRAPixel;
- AStyle: TFontStyles): IBGLRenderedFont;
- result := BGLFont(AName, AEmHeight, TLCLFontRenderer.Create);
- result.Color := AColor;
- result.Style := AStyle;
- {$ELSE}
- result := nil;
- raise exception.Create('LCL renderer not available');
- {$ENDIF}
-function BGLFont(AName: string; AEmHeight: integer; AColor: TBGRAPixel;
- AOutlineColor: TBGRAPixel; AStyle: TFontStyles = []): IBGLRenderedFont;
-var renderer: TBGRATextEffectFontRenderer;
- renderer := TBGRATextEffectFontRenderer.Create;
- renderer.OuterOutlineOnly:= true;
- renderer.OutlineColor := AOutlineColor;
- renderer.OutlineVisible := true;
- result := BGLFont(AName, AEmHeight, renderer, true);
- result.Color := AColor;
- result.Style := AStyle;
- result := nil;
- raise exception.Create('LCL renderer not available');
-function BGLFont(AName: string; AEmHeight: integer;
- ARenderer: TBGRACustomFontRenderer;
- ARendererOwned: boolean): IBGLRenderedFont;
-var f: TBGLRenderedFont;
- f:= TBGLRenderedFont.Create(ARenderer, ARendererOwned);
- f.Name := AName;
- f.EmHeight := AEmHeight;
- result := f;
-function BGLCanvas: TBGLCustomCanvas;
- result := BGLCanvasInstance;
-procedure BGLViewPort(AWidth, AHeight: integer);
- BGLCanvas.Width := AWidth;
- BGLCanvas.Height := AHeight;
- BGLCanvas.UseOrthoProjection;
- BGLCanvas.Matrix := AffineMatrixIdentity;
- BGLCanvas.FaceCulling := fcNone;
-{ TBGLArray }
-function TBGLArray.GetCount: integer;
- result := FCount;
-function TBGLArray.GetRecordSize: integer;
- result := FRecordSize;
-constructor TBGLArray.Create(ABufferAddress: pointer; ACount: integer;
- ARecordSize: integer);
-var b: GLuint;
- NeedOpenGL2_0;
- FBufferAddress:= ABufferAddress;
- FCount := ACount;
- FRecordSize:= ARecordSize;
- glGenBuffers(1, @b);
- FBuffer := b;
- glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, FBuffer);
- glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, FCount*FRecordSize, FBufferAddress, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
-destructor TBGLArray.Destroy;
-var b: GLuint;
- b := FBuffer;
- glDeleteBuffers(1, @b);
- inherited Destroy;
-{ TBGLElementArray }
-function TBGLElementArray.GetCount: integer;
- result := length(FElements);
-constructor TBGLElementArray.Create(const AElements: array of integer);
-var bufferSize: integer;
- i: Int32or64;
- NeedOpenGL2_0;
- setlength(FElements,length(AElements));
- bufferSize := length(FElements)*sizeof(integer);
- for i := 0 to high(FElements) do
- FElements[i] := AElements[i];
- glGenBuffers(1, @FBuffer);
- glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, FBuffer);
- glBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, bufferSize, @FElements[0], GL_STATIC_DRAW);
-procedure TBGLElementArray.Draw(ACanvas: TBGLCustomCanvas; APrimitive: TOpenGLPrimitive; AAttributes: array of TAttributeVariable);
- i: Int32or64;
- for i := 0 to high(AAttributes) do
- ACanvas.Lighting.BindAttribute(AAttributes[i]);
- glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, FBuffer);
- glDrawElements(PrimitiveToOpenGL(APrimitive), Count, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, nil);
- for i := 0 to high(AAttributes) do
- ACanvas.Lighting.UnbindAttribute(AAttributes[i]);
-destructor TBGLElementArray.Destroy;
- glDeleteBuffers(1, @FBuffer);
- inherited Destroy;
-{ TBGLLighting }
-procedure TBGLLighting.SetAmbiantLightF(AAmbiantLight: TColorF);
- FAmbiantLightF := AAmbiantLight;
- glLightModelfv(GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT, @AAmbiantLight);
-constructor TBGLLighting.Create;
- FAmbiantLightF := ColorF(1,1,1,1);
-function TBGLLighting.AddPointLight(AColor: TColorF; APosition: TPoint3D; ALinearAttenuation, AQuadraticAttenuation: single): integer;
- v: TPoint3D_128;
- result := AddLight(AColor);
- if result <> -1 then
- begin
- v := Point3D_128(APosition);
- v.t := 1;
- glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0 + result, GL_POSITION, @v);
- glLightf(GL_LIGHT0 + result, GL_CONSTANT_ATTENUATION, 0);
- glLightf(GL_LIGHT0 + result, GL_LINEAR_ATTENUATION, ALinearAttenuation);
- glLightf(GL_LIGHT0 + result, GL_QUADRATIC_ATTENUATION, AQuadraticAttenuation);
- end;
-procedure TBGLLighting.ClearLights;
- i: Integer;
- for i := 0 to High(FLightUsage) do
- if FLightUsage[i] then
- RemoveLight(i);
-function TBGLLighting.AddDirectionalLight(AColor: TColorF; ADirection: TPoint3D): integer;
- v: TPoint3D_128;
- result := AddLight(AColor);
- if result <> -1 then
- begin
- v := Point3D_128(ADirection);
- Normalize3D_128(v);
- v.t := 0;
- glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0 + result, GL_POSITION, @v);
- end;
-procedure TBGLLighting.SetSpecularIndex(AIndex: integer);
-var c: TColorF;
- newIndex: single;
- newIndex := AIndex*0.5;
- if newIndex < 0 then newIndex := 0;
- if newIndex > 128 then newIndex := 128;
- if newIndex <> FCurrentSpecularIndex then
- begin
- if newIndex = 0 then
- c := ColorF(0,0,0,1)
- else
- c := ColorF(1,1,1,1);
- glMaterialf(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SHININESS, newIndex);
- glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SPECULAR, @c);
- FCurrentSpecularIndex := newIndex;
- end;
-function TBGLLighting.MakeVertexShader(ASource: string): LongWord;
- result := MakeShaderObject(GL_VERTEX_SHADER, ASource);
-function TBGLLighting.MakeFragmentShader(ASource: string): LongWord;
- result := MakeShaderObject(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, ASource);
-function TBGLLighting.GetAmbiantLightF: TColorF;
- result := FAmbiantLightF;
-function TBGLLighting.GetBuiltInLightingEnabled: boolean;
- result := FBuiltInLighting;
-procedure TBGLLighting.SetBuiltInLightingEnabled(AValue: boolean);
- if AValue = FBuiltInLighting then exit;
- FBuiltInLighting:= AValue;
- if AValue then
- begin
- glEnable(GL_LIGHTING);
- glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH);
- glLightModelfv(GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT, @FAmbiantLightF);
- glLightModelf(GL_LIGHT_MODEL_TWO_SIDE,1);
- end else
- begin
- glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
- end;
-function TBGLLighting.MakeShaderObject(AShaderType: GLenum; ASource: string
- ): GLuint;
- psource: pchar;
- sourceLen: GLint;
- shaderId: GLuint;
- shaderOk: GLint;
- log: string;
- logLen: GLint;
- NeedOpenGL2_0;
- if ASource = '' then
- raise exception.Create('Empty code file provided');
- shaderId := glCreateShader(AShaderType);
- psource := @ASource[1];
- sourceLen := length(ASource);
- glShaderSource(shaderId, 1, @psource, @sourceLen);
- glCompileShader(shaderId);
- glGetShaderiv(shaderId, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, @shaderOk);
- if not (shaderOk <> 0) then
- begin
- //retrieve error log
- glGetShaderiv(shaderId, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, @logLen);
- setlength(log, logLen);
- if logLen > 0 then
- glGetShaderInfoLog(shaderId, logLen, nil, @log[1]);
- glDeleteShader(shaderId);
- raise exception.Create('Failed to compile shader: ' + log);
- end;
- result := shaderId;
-function TBGLLighting.AddLight(AColor: TColorF): integer;
- i: Integer;
- black: TColorF;
- for i := 0 to high(FLightUsage) do
- if not FLightUsage[i] then
- begin
- result := i;
- FLightUsage[i] := true;
- black := ColorF(0,0,0,1);
- glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0 + i, GL_AMBIENT, @black);
- glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0 + i, GL_DIFFUSE, @AColor);
- glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0 + i, GL_SPECULAR, @AColor);
- glEnable(GL_LIGHT0 + i);
- exit;
- end;
- result := -1;
-function TBGLLighting.GetSupportShaders: boolean;
- result := CheckOpenGL2_0;
-function TBGLLighting.MakeShaderProgram(AVertexShader, AFragmentShader: LongWord): LongWord;
- programOk: GLint;
- shaderProgram: GLuint;
- log: string;
- logLen: GLint;
- NeedOpenGL2_0;
- shaderProgram := glCreateProgram();
- glAttachShader(shaderProgram, AVertexShader);
- glAttachShader(shaderProgram, AFragmentShader);
- glLinkProgram(shaderProgram);
- glGetProgramiv(shaderProgram, GL_LINK_STATUS, @programOk);
- if not (programOk <> 0) then
- begin
- //retrieve error log
- glGetProgramiv(shaderProgram, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, @logLen);
- setlength(log, logLen);
- if logLen > 0 then
- glGetProgramInfoLog(shaderProgram, logLen, nil, @log[1]);
- glDeleteProgram(shaderProgram);
- raise exception.Create('Failed to link shader program: ' + log);
- end;
- result := shaderProgram;
-procedure TBGLLighting.UseProgram(AProgram: LongWord);
- NeedOpenGL2_0;
- glUseProgram(AProgram);
-procedure TBGLLighting.DeleteShaderObject(AShader: LongWord);
- NeedOpenGL2_0;
- if AShader<> 0 then
- glDeleteShader(AShader);
-procedure TBGLLighting.DeleteShaderProgram(AProgram: LongWord);
- NeedOpenGL2_0;
- if AProgram<> 0 then
- glDeleteProgram(AProgram);
-function TBGLLighting.GetUniformVariable(AProgram: LongWord; AName: string): LongWord;
- NeedOpenGL2_0;
- result := glGetUniformLocation(AProgram, @AName[1]);
-function TBGLLighting.GetAttribVariable(AProgram: LongWord; AName: string): LongWord;
- NeedOpenGL2_0;
- result := glGetAttribLocation(AProgram, @AName[1]);
-procedure TBGLLighting.SetUniformSingle(AVariable: LongWord;
- const AValue; AElementCount, AComponentCount: integer);
- NeedOpenGL2_0;
- case AComponentCount of
- 1: glUniform1fv(AVariable, AElementCount, @AValue);
- 2: glUniform2fv(AVariable, AElementCount, @AValue);
- 3: glUniform3fv(AVariable, AElementCount, @AValue);
- 4: glUniform4fv(AVariable, AElementCount, @AValue);
- 9: glUniformMatrix3fv(AVariable, AElementCount, GL_FALSE, @AValue);
- 16: glUniformMatrix4fv(AVariable, AElementCount, GL_FALSE, @AValue);
- else
- raise exception.Create('Unexpected number of components');
- end;
-procedure TBGLLighting.SetUniformInteger(AVariable: LongWord;
- const AValue; AElementCount, AComponentCount: integer);
- NeedOpenGL2_0;
- case AComponentCount of
- 1: glUniform1iv(AVariable, AElementCount, @AValue);
- 2: glUniform2iv(AVariable, AElementCount, @AValue);
- 3: glUniform3iv(AVariable, AElementCount, @AValue);
- 4: glUniform4iv(AVariable, AElementCount, @AValue);
- else
- raise exception.Create('Unexpected number of components');
- end;
-procedure TBGLLighting.BindAttribute(AAttribute: TAttributeVariable);
-var t: GLenum;
- glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, AAttribute.Source.Handle);
- if AAttribute.IsFloat then
- t := GL_FLOAT
- else
- t := GL_INT;
- glVertexAttribPointer(AAttribute.Handle, AAttribute.VectorSize,t,GL_FALSE,
- AAttribute.Source.RecordSize, {%H-}pointer(PtrInt(AAttribute.RecordOffset)));
- glEnableVertexAttribArray(AAttribute.Handle);
-procedure TBGLLighting.UnbindAttribute(AAttribute: TAttributeVariable);
- glDisableVertexAttribArray(AAttribute.Handle);
-function TBGLLighting.RemoveLight(AIndex: integer): boolean;
- if (AIndex >= 0) and (AIndex <= high(FLightUsage)) and
- FLightUsage[AIndex] then
- begin
- glDisable(GL_LIGHT0 + AIndex);
- FLightUsage[AIndex] := false;
- result := true;
- end
- else
- result := false;
-{ TBGLContext }
-function TBGLContext.GetHeight: integer;
- if Assigned(Canvas) then
- result := Canvas.Height
- else
- result := 0;
-function TBGLContext.GetWidth: integer;
- if Assigned(Canvas) then
- result := Canvas.Width
- else
- result := 0;
-{ TBGLCanvas }
-function TBGLCanvas.GetLighting: TBGLCustomLighting;
- if FLighting = nil then
- FLighting := TBGLLighting.Create;
- result := FLighting;
-function TBGLCanvas.GetMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- if ActiveFrameBuffer <> nil then
- result := ActiveFrameBuffer.Matrix
- else
- result := FMatrix;
-procedure TBGLCanvas.SetMatrix(const AValue: TAffineMatrix);
-var m: TMatrix4D;
- glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
- m := AffineMatrixToMatrix4D(AValue);
- glLoadMatrixf(@m);
- if ActiveFrameBuffer <> nil then
- ActiveFrameBuffer.Matrix := AValue
- else
- FMatrix := AValue;
-function TBGLCanvas.GetProjectionMatrix: TMatrix4D;
- if ActiveFrameBuffer <> nil then
- result := ActiveFrameBuffer.ProjectionMatrix
- else
- result := FProjectionMatrix;
-procedure TBGLCanvas.SetProjectionMatrix(const AValue: TMatrix4D);
- glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
- glLoadMatrixf(@AValue);
- glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
- if ActiveFrameBuffer <> nil then
- ActiveFrameBuffer.ProjectionMatrix := AValue
- else
- FProjectionMatrix := AValue;
-function TBGLCanvas.GetFaceCulling: TFaceCulling;
- result := FFaceCulling;
-procedure TBGLCanvas.SetFaceCulling(AValue: TFaceCulling);
- if AValue = FFaceCulling then exit;
- if FFaceCulling = fcNone then
- glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE);
- case AValue of
- fcNone: glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE);
- fcKeepCW: glFrontFace(GL_CW);
- fcKeepCCW: glFrontFace(GL_CCW);
- end;
- FFaceCulling:= AValue;
-procedure TBGLCanvas.InternalStartPutPixel(const pt: TPointF);
- glBegin(GL_POINTS);
- glVertex2fv(@pt);
-procedure TBGLCanvas.InternalStartPolyline(const pt: TPointF);
- glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP);
- glVertex2fv(@pt);
-procedure TBGLCanvas.InternalStartPolygon(const pt: TPointF);
- glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP);
- glVertex2fv(@pt);
-procedure TBGLCanvas.InternalStartTriangleFan(const pt: TPointF);
- glVertex2fv(@pt);
-procedure TBGLCanvas.InternalContinueShape(const pt: TPointF);
- glVertex2fv(@pt);
-procedure TBGLCanvas.InternalContinueShape(const pt: TPoint3D);
- glVertex3fv(@pt);
-procedure TBGLCanvas.InternalContinueShape(const pt: TPoint3D_128);
- glVertex3fv(@pt);
-procedure TBGLCanvas.InternalContinueShape(const pt, normal: TPoint3D_128);
- glNormal3fv(@normal);
- glVertex3fv(@pt);
-procedure TBGLCanvas.InternalEndShape;
- glEnd();
-procedure TBGLCanvas.InternalSetColor(const AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- if TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder then
- glColor4ubv(@AColor)
- else
- glColor4ub(AColor.red,AColor.green,AColor.blue,AColor.alpha);
- {$POP}
-procedure TBGLCanvas.InternalSetColorF(const AColor: TColorF);
- glColor4fv(@AColor[1]);
-procedure TBGLCanvas.InternalStartBlend;
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- ApplyBlendMode(BlendMode);
-procedure TBGLCanvas.InternalEndBlend;
- glDisable(GL_BLEND);
-procedure TBGLCanvas.InternalStartBlendTriangles;
- InternalStartBlend;
- glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES);
-procedure TBGLCanvas.InternalStartBlendQuads;
- InternalStartBlend;
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
-procedure TBGLCanvas.InternalEndBlendTriangles;
- InternalEndShape;
- InternalEndBlend;
-procedure TBGLCanvas.InternalEndBlendQuads;
- InternalEndShape;
- InternalEndBlend;
-procedure TBGLCanvas.Fill(AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- glClearColor(AColor.Red/255, AColor.green/255, AColor.blue/255, AColor.alpha/255);
-procedure TBGLCanvas.StartZBuffer;
- glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
-procedure TBGLCanvas.EndZBuffer;
- glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
-procedure TBGLCanvas.WaitForGPU(AOption: TWaitForGPUOption);
- case AOption of
- wfgQueueAllCommands: glFlush;
- wfgFinishAllCommands: glFinish;
- end;
-function TBGLCanvas.GetImage(x, y, w, h: integer): TBGRACustomBitmap;
- NeedOpenGL2_0;
- result := BGRABitmapFactory.Create(w,h);
- if TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder then
- glReadPixels(x,self.Height-y-h, w,h, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, result.Data)
- else
- glReadPixels(x,self.Height-y-h, w,h, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, result.Data);
- {$POP}
-function TBGLCanvas.CreateFrameBuffer(AWidth, AHeight: integer): TBGLCustomFrameBuffer;
- Result:= TBGLFrameBuffer.Create(AWidth,AHeight);
-procedure TBGLCanvas.EnableScissor(AValue: TRect);
- glScissor(AValue.left,Height-AValue.bottom,AValue.right-AValue.left,AValue.Bottom-AValue.Top);
- glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST);
-procedure TBGLCanvas.DisableScissor;
- glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST);
-function TBGLCanvas.GetBlendMode: TOpenGLBlendMode;
- result := FBlendMode;
-procedure TBGLCanvas.SetBlendMode(AValue: TOpenGLBlendMode);
- FBlendMode := AValue;
-procedure TBGLCanvas.SetActiveFrameBuffer(AValue: TBGLCustomFrameBuffer);
- m: TMatrix4D;
- if AValue = ActiveFrameBuffer then exit;
- inherited SetActiveFrameBuffer(AValue);
- if AValue = nil then
- glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0)
- else
- glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, PGLuint(AValue.Handle)^);
- glViewPort(0,0,Width,Height);
- glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
- m := ProjectionMatrix;
- glLoadMatrixf(@m);
- glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
- m := AffineMatrixToMatrix4D(Matrix);
- glLoadMatrixf(@m);
-destructor TBGLCanvas.Destroy;
- FLighting.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
-{ TBGLTexture }
-function TBGLTexture.GetOpenGLMaxTexSize: integer;
- result := 0;
- glGetIntegerv( GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, @result );
-function TBGLTexture.CreateOpenGLTexture(ARGBAData: PLongWord;
- AAllocatedWidth, AAllocatedHeight, AActualWidth, AActualHeight: integer;
- RGBAOrder: boolean): TBGLTextureHandle;
-var p: POpenGLTexture;
- providedFormat: GLenum;
- if RGBAOrder then providedFormat:= GL_RGBA else providedFormat:= GL_BGRA;
- New(p);
- p^.AllocatedWidth := AAllocatedWidth;
- p^.AllocatedHeight := AAllocatedHeight;
- p^.ActualWidth := AActualWidth;
- p^.ActualHeight := AActualHeight;
- glGenTextures( 1, @p^.ID );
- glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, p^.ID );
- glTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, AAllocatedWidth, AAllocatedHeight, 0, providedFormat, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, ARGBAData );
- result := p;
-procedure TBGLTexture.UpdateOpenGLTexture(ATexture: TBGLTextureHandle;
- ARGBAData: PLongWord; AAllocatedWidth, AAllocatedHeight, AActualWidth,
- AActualHeight: integer; RGBAOrder: boolean);
-var providedFormat: GLenum;
- if RGBAOrder then providedFormat:= GL_RGBA else providedFormat:= GL_BGRA;
- SetOpenGLTextureSize(ATexture, AAllocatedWidth,AAllocatedHeight, AActualWidth,AActualHeight);
- glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, TOpenGLTexture(ATexture^).ID );
- glTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, AAllocatedWidth, AAllocatedHeight, 0, providedFormat, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, ARGBAData );
-class function TBGLTexture.SupportsBGRAOrder: boolean;
- Result:= true;
-procedure TBGLTexture.SetOpenGLTextureSize(ATexture: TBGLTextureHandle;
- AAllocatedWidth, AAllocatedHeight, AActualWidth, AActualHeight: integer);
- with TOpenGLTexture(ATexture^) do
- begin
- ActualWidth := AActualWidth;
- ActualHeight:= AActualHeight;
- AllocatedWidth := AAllocatedWidth;
- AllocatedHeight := AAllocatedHeight;
- end;
-procedure TBGLTexture.ComputeOpenGLFramesCoord(ATexture: TBGLTextureHandle;
- FramesX: Integer; FramesY: Integer);
-var U,V: Single;
- tX, tY, fU, fV : Single;
- ix,iy,i: Integer;
- with TOpenGLTexture(ATexture^) do
- begin
- if AllocatedWidth = 0 then
- U := 1
- else
- U := ActualWidth/AllocatedWidth;
- if AllocatedHeight = 0 then
- V := 1
- else
- V := ActualHeight/AllocatedHeight;
- if FramesX < 1 then FramesX := 1;
- if FramesY < 1 then FramesY := 1;
- SetLength( FramesCoord, FramesX * FramesY + 1 );
- fU := U / FramesX;
- fV := V / FramesY;
- FramesCoord[ 0, 0 ].X := 0;
- FramesCoord[ 0, 0 ].Y := 0;
- FramesCoord[ 0, 1 ].X := U;
- FramesCoord[ 0, 1 ].Y := 0;
- FramesCoord[ 0, 2 ].X := U;
- FramesCoord[ 0, 2 ].Y := V;
- FramesCoord[ 0, 3 ].X := 0;
- FramesCoord[ 0, 3 ].Y := V;
- ix := 1;
- iy := 1;
- for i := 1 to FramesX * FramesY do
- begin
- tX := ix * fU;
- tY := iy * fV;
- FramesCoord[ i, 0 ].X := tX - fU;
- FramesCoord[ i, 0 ].Y := tY - fV;
- FramesCoord[ i, 1 ].X := tX;
- FramesCoord[ i, 1 ].Y := tY - fV;
- FramesCoord[ i, 2 ].X := tX;
- FramesCoord[ i, 2 ].Y := tY;
- FramesCoord[ i, 3 ].X := tX - fU;
- FramesCoord[ i, 3 ].Y := tY;
- inc(ix);
- if ix > FramesX then
- begin
- ix := 1;
- inc(iy);
- end;
- end;
- end;
-function TBGLTexture.GetOpenGLFrameCount(ATexture: TBGLTextureHandle): integer;
- if ATexture = nil then
- result := 0
- else
- begin
- result := Length(TOpenGLTexture(ATexture^).FramesCoord);
- if result > 0 then dec(result); //first frame is whole picture
- end;
-function TBGLTexture.GetEmptyTexture: TBGLTextureHandle;
- result := nil;
-procedure TBGLTexture.FreeOpenGLTexture(ATexture: TBGLTextureHandle);
- glDeleteTextures( 1, @TOpenGLTexture(ATexture^).ID );
- Dispose(POpenGLTexture(ATexture));
-procedure TBGLTexture.UpdateGLResampleFilter(ATexture: TBGLTextureHandle;
- AFilter: TOpenGLResampleFilter);
- glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, TOpenGLTexture(ATexture^).ID );
- if AFilter = orfLinear then
- begin
- end else
- begin
- end;
-procedure TBGLTexture.InternalSetColor(const AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- if TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder then
- glColor4ubv(@AColor)
- else
- glColor4ub(AColor.red,AColor.green,AColor.blue,AColor.alpha);
- {$POP}
-procedure TBGLTexture.DoDrawTriangleOrQuad(const APoints: array of TPointF;
- const APointsZ: array of Single; const APoints3D: array of TPoint3D_128;
- const ANormals3D: array of TPoint3D_128; const ATexCoords: array of TPointF;
- const AColors: array of TColorF);
- i: Integer;
- factorX,factorY: single;
- if (FOpenGLTexture = nil) or (Width = 0) or (Height = 0) then exit;
- with TOpenGLTexture(FOpenGLTexture^) do
- begin
- glEnable( GL_BLEND );
- glEnable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
- glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, ID );
- if FIsMask then
- begin
- end else
- ApplyBlendMode(BlendMode);
- factorX := 1/Width;
- factorY := 1/Height;
- if length(AColors) = 0 then
- glColor4f(1,1,1,1);
- if length(APoints3D) <> 0 then
- begin
- if length(APoints3D) = 3 then
- glBegin( GL_TRIANGLES )
- else
- glBegin( GL_QUADS );
- for i := 0 to high(APoints3D) do
- begin
- if length(AColors) <> 0 then glColor4fv( @AColors[i] );
- glTexCoord2f( (ATexCoords[i].x+0.5)*factorX, (ATexCoords[i].y+0.5)*factorY );
- if length(ANormals3D) <> 0 then glNormal3fv( @ANormals3D[i] );
- glVertex3fv( @APoints3D[i] );
- end;
- end else
- begin
- if length(APoints) = 3 then
- glBegin( GL_TRIANGLES )
- else
- glBegin( GL_QUADS );
- if length(APointsZ) <> 0 then
- begin
- for i := 0 to high(APoints) do
- begin
- if length(AColors) <> 0 then glColor4fv( @AColors[i] );
- glTexCoord2f( (ATexCoords[i].x+0.5)*factorX, (ATexCoords[i].y+0.5)*factorY );
- if length(ANormals3D) <> 0 then glNormal3fv( @ANormals3D[i] );
- glVertex3f( APoints[i].x, APoints[i].y, APointsZ[i] );
- end;
- end else
- begin
- for i := 0 to high(APoints) do
- begin
- if length(AColors) <> 0 then glColor4fv( @AColors[i] );
- glTexCoord2f( (ATexCoords[i].x+0.5)*factorX, (ATexCoords[i].y+0.5)*factorY );
- if length(ANormals3D) <> 0 then glNormal3fv( @ANormals3D[i] );
- glVertex2fv( @APoints[i] );
- end;
- end;
- end;
- glEnd;
- glDisable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
- glDisable( GL_BLEND );
- end;
-procedure TBGLTexture.DoDraw(pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4: TPointF; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- TTexCoordIndex = array[0..3] of integer;
- FLIP_TEXCOORD : array[ 0..3 ] of TTexCoordIndex = ( ( 0, 1, 2, 3 ), ( 1, 0, 3, 2 ), ( 3, 2, 1, 0 ), ( 2, 3, 0, 1 ) );
- coordFlip: TTexCoordIndex;
- if (FOpenGLTexture = nil) or (FFrame < 0) or (FFrame > FrameCount) then exit;
- with TOpenGLTexture(FOpenGLTexture^) do
- begin
- glEnable( GL_BLEND );
- glEnable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
- glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, ID );
- if FIsMask then
- begin
- end else
- ApplyBlendMode(BlendMode);
- coordFlip := FLIP_TEXCOORD[ Integer(FFlipX) + Integer(FFlipY)*2 ];
- glBegin( GL_QUADS );
- if GradientColors then
- InternalSetColor(FGradTopLeft)
- else
- InternalSetColor(AColor);
- glTexCoord2fv( @FramesCoord[FFrame,coordFlip[0]] );
- glVertex2fv( @pt1 );
- if GradientColors then
- InternalSetColor(FGradTopRight);
- glTexCoord2fv( @FramesCoord[FFrame,coordFlip[1]] );
- glVertex2fv( @pt2 );
- if GradientColors then
- InternalSetColor(FGradBottomRight);
- glTexCoord2fv( @FramesCoord[FFrame,coordFlip[2]] );
- glVertex2fv( @pt3 );
- if GradientColors then
- InternalSetColor(FGradBottomLeft);
- glTexCoord2fv( @FramesCoord[FFrame,coordFlip[3]] );
- glVertex2fv( @pt4 );
- glEnd;
- glDisable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
- glDisable( GL_BLEND );
- end;
-procedure TBGLTexture.DoStretchDraw(x, y, w, h: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- DoDraw(PointF(x, y), PointF(x+w, y), PointF(x+w, y+h), PointF(x, y+h), AColor);
-procedure TBGLTexture.DoStretchDrawAngle(x, y, w, h, angleDeg: single;
- rotationCenter: TPointF; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- m : TAffineMatrix;
- m := AffineMatrixTranslation(rotationCenter.X,rotationCenter.Y)*
- AffineMatrixRotationDeg(angleDeg)*
- AffineMatrixTranslation(-rotationCenter.X,-rotationCenter.Y);
- DoDraw(m*PointF(x, y), m*PointF(x+w, y), m*PointF(x+w, y+h), m*PointF(x, y+h), AColor);
-procedure TBGLTexture.DoDrawAffine(Origin, HAxis, VAxis: TPointF;
- AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- DoDraw(Origin, HAxis, HAxis+(VAxis-Origin), VAxis, AColor);
-procedure TBGLTexture.ToggleFlipX;
- FFlipX := not FFlipX;
-procedure TBGLTexture.ToggleFlipY;
- FFlipY := not FFlipY;
-procedure TBGLTexture.Bind(ATextureNumber: integer);
- if (ATextureNumber < 0) or (ATextureNumber > 31) then
- raise exception.Create('Texture number out of bounds');
- if (glActiveTexture = nil) then
- begin
- if not Load_GL_version_1_3 then
- raise exception.Create('Cannot load OpenGL 1.3');
- end;
- glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + ATextureNumber);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, POpenGLTexture(FOpenGLTexture)^.ID);
- if ATextureNumber<>0 then
- glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0);
-function TBGLTexture.FilterBlurMotion(ARadius: single; ABlurType: TRadialBlurType; ADirection: TPointF): IBGLTexture;
-var shader: TBGLCustomShader;
- blurName: string;
- blurName := 'TBGLBlurShader(' + RadialBlurTypeToStr[ABlurType] + ')';
- shader := BGLCanvas.Lighting.Shader[blurName];
- if shader = nil then
- begin
- shader := TBGLBlurShader.Create(BGLCanvas, ABlurType);
- BGLCanvas.Lighting.Shader[blurName] := shader;
- end;
- with (shader as TBGLBlurShader) do
- begin
- Radius := ARadius;
- Direction := ADirection;
- result := FilterBlurMotion(self);
- end;
-function TBGLTexture.FilterBlurRadial(ARadius: single; ABlurType: TRadialBlurType): IBGLTexture;
-var shader: TBGLCustomShader;
- blurName: String;
- blurName := 'TBGLBlurShader(' + RadialBlurTypeToStr[ABlurType] + ')';
- shader := BGLCanvas.Lighting.Shader[blurName];
- if shader = nil then
- begin
- shader := TBGLBlurShader.Create(BGLCanvas, ABlurType);
- BGLCanvas.Lighting.Shader[blurName] := shader;
- end;
- with (shader as TBGLBlurShader) do
- begin
- Radius := ARadius;
- result := FilterBlurRadial(self);
- end;
-procedure TBGLTexture.Init(ATexture: TBGLTextureHandle; AWidth,
- AHeight: integer; AOwned: boolean);
- inherited Init(ATexture, AWidth, AHeight, AOwned);
- FFlipX := false;
- FFlipY := false;
- FBlendMode := obmNormal;
-procedure TBGLTexture.NotifyInvalidFrameSize;
- raise exception.Create('Invalid frame size');
-procedure TBGLTexture.NotifyErrorLoadingFile(AFilenameUTF8: string);
- raise exception.Create('Error loading file "'+AFilenameUTF8+'"');
-function TBGLTexture.NewEmpty: TBGLCustomTexture;
- result := TBGLTexture.Create;
-function TBGLTexture.NewFromTexture(ATexture: TBGLTextureHandle; AWidth,
- AHeight: integer): TBGLCustomTexture;
- result := TBGLTexture.Create(ATexture,AWidth,AHeight);
-function TBGLTexture.Duplicate: TBGLCustomTexture;
- Result:= inherited Duplicate;
- TBGLTexture(result).FFlipX := FFlipX;
- TBGLTexture(result).FFlipY := FFlipY;
-{ TBGLBitmap }
-function TBGLBitmap.GetOpenGLMaxTexSize: integer;
- result := 0;
- glGetIntegerv( GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, @result );
-function TBGLBitmap.NewBitmap: TBGLBitmap;
- Result:=inherited NewBitmap as TBGLBitmap;
-function TBGLBitmap.NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer): TBGLBitmap;
- Result:=inherited NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight) as TBGLBitmap;
-function TBGLBitmap.NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer; const Color: TBGRAPixel
- ): TBGLBitmap;
- Result:=inherited NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight, Color) as TBGLBitmap;
-function TBGLBitmap.NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer; AColor: Pointer
- ): TBGLBitmap;
- Result:=inherited NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight, AColor) as TBGLBitmap;
-function TBGLBitmap.NewBitmap(Filename: string): TBGLBitmap;
- Result:=inherited NewBitmap(Filename) as TBGLBitmap;
-function TBGLBitmap.NewBitmap(Filename: string; AIsUtf8: boolean): TBGLBitmap;
- Result:=inherited NewBitmap(Filename, AIsUtf8) as TBGLBitmap;
-function TBGLBitmap.NewBitmap(Filename: string; AIsUtf8: boolean;
- AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions): TBGLBitmap;
- Result:=inherited NewBitmap(Filename, AIsUtf8, AOptions) as TBGLBitmap;
-function TBGLBitmap.NewBitmap(AFPImage: TFPCustomImage): TBGLBitmap;
- Result:=inherited NewBitmap(AFPImage) as TBGLBitmap;
-function TBGLBitmap.NewReference: TBGLBitmap;
- Result:=inherited NewReference as TBGLBitmap;
-function TBGLBitmap.GetUnique: TBGLBitmap;
- Result:=inherited GetUnique as TBGLBitmap;
-function TBGLBitmap.Duplicate(DuplicateProperties: Boolean): TBGLBitmap;
- Result:=inherited Duplicate(DuplicateProperties) as TBGLBitmap;
-function TBGLBitmap.Duplicate(DuplicateProperties, DuplicateXorMask: Boolean): TBGLBitmap;
- Result:=inherited Duplicate(DuplicateProperties, DuplicateXorMask) as TBGLBitmap;
-function TBGLBitmap.GetPart(const ARect: TRect): TBGLBitmap;
- Result:=inherited GetPart(ARect) as TBGLBitmap;
-function TBGLBitmap.CreateBrushTexture(ABrushStyle: TBrushStyle; APatternColor,
- ABackgroundColor: TBGRAPixel; AWidth: integer; AHeight: integer;
- APenWidth: single): TBGLBitmap;
- Result:=inherited CreateBrushTexture(ABrushStyle, APatternColor,
- ABackgroundColor, AWidth, AHeight, APenWidth) as TBGLBitmap;
-function TBGLBitmap.Resample(newWidth, newHeight: integer; mode: TResampleMode
- ): TBGLBitmap;
- Result:=inherited Resample(newWidth, newHeight, mode) as TBGLBitmap;
-function TBGLBitmap.FilterSmartZoom3(Option: TMedianOption): TBGLBitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterSmartZoom3(Option) as TBGLBitmap;
-function TBGLBitmap.FilterMedian(Option: TMedianOption): TBGLBitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterMedian(Option) as TBGLBitmap;
-function TBGLBitmap.FilterSmooth: TBGLBitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterSmooth as TBGLBitmap;
-function TBGLBitmap.FilterSharpen(Amount: single): TBGLBitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterSharpen(Amount) as TBGLBitmap;
-function TBGLBitmap.FilterSharpen(ABounds: TRect; Amount: single): TBGLBitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterSharpen(ABounds, Amount) as TBGLBitmap;
-function TBGLBitmap.FilterContour(AGammaCorrection: boolean = false): TBGLBitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterContour(AGammaCorrection) as TBGLBitmap;
-function TBGLBitmap.FilterPixelate(pixelSize: integer; useResample: boolean;
- filter: TResampleFilter): TBGLBitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterPixelate(pixelSize, useResample, filter) as TBGLBitmap;
-function TBGLBitmap.FilterBlurRadial(radius: single; blurType: TRadialBlurType): TBGLBitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterBlurRadial(radius, blurType) as TBGLBitmap;
-function TBGLBitmap.FilterBlurRadial(const ABounds: TRect; radius: single;
- blurType: TRadialBlurType): TBGLBitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterBlurRadial(ABounds, radius, blurType) as TBGLBitmap;
-function TBGLBitmap.FilterBlurRadial(radiusX, radiusY: single;
- blurType: TRadialBlurType): TBGLBitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterBlurRadial(radiusX, radiusY, blurType) as TBGLBitmap;
-function TBGLBitmap.FilterBlurRadial(const ABounds: TRect; radiusX,
- radiusY: single; blurType: TRadialBlurType): TBGLBitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterBlurRadial(ABounds, radiusX, radiusY, blurType) as TBGLBitmap;
-function TBGLBitmap.FilterBlurMotion(distance: single; angle: single;
- oriented: boolean): TBGLBitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterBlurMotion(distance, angle, oriented) as TBGLBitmap;
-function TBGLBitmap.FilterBlurMotion(const ABounds: TRect; distance: single;
- angle: single; oriented: boolean): TBGLBitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterBlurMotion(ABounds, distance, angle, oriented) as TBGLBitmap;
-function TBGLBitmap.FilterCustomBlur(mask: TCustomUniversalBitmap): TBGLBitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterCustomBlur(mask) as TBGLBitmap;
-function TBGLBitmap.FilterCustomBlur(const ABounds: TRect;
- mask: TCustomUniversalBitmap): TBGLBitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterCustomBlur(ABounds, mask) as TBGLBitmap;
-function TBGLBitmap.FilterEmboss(angle: single; AStrength: integer;
- AOptions: TEmbossOptions): TBGLBitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterEmboss(angle, AStrength, AOptions) as TBGLBitmap;
-function TBGLBitmap.FilterEmboss(angle: single; ABounds: TRect;
- AStrength: integer; AOptions: TEmbossOptions): TBGLBitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterEmboss(angle, ABounds, AStrength, AOptions) as TBGLBitmap;
-function TBGLBitmap.FilterEmbossHighlight(FillSelection: boolean): TBGLBitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterEmbossHighlight(FillSelection) as TBGLBitmap;
-function TBGLBitmap.FilterEmbossHighlight(FillSelection: boolean;
- BorderColor: TBGRAPixel): TBGLBitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterEmbossHighlight(FillSelection, BorderColor) as TBGLBitmap;
-function TBGLBitmap.FilterEmbossHighlight(FillSelection: boolean;
- BorderColor: TBGRAPixel; var Offset: TPoint): TBGLBitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterEmbossHighlight(FillSelection, BorderColor, Offset) as TBGLBitmap;
-function TBGLBitmap.FilterGrayscale: TBGLBitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterGrayscale as TBGLBitmap;
-function TBGLBitmap.FilterGrayscale(ABounds: TRect): TBGLBitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterGrayscale(ABounds) as TBGLBitmap;
-function TBGLBitmap.FilterNormalize(eachChannel: boolean): TBGLBitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterNormalize(eachChannel) as TBGLBitmap;
-function TBGLBitmap.FilterNormalize(ABounds: TRect; eachChannel: boolean
- ): TBGLBitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterNormalize(ABounds, eachChannel) as TBGLBitmap;
-function TBGLBitmap.FilterRotate(origin: TPointF; angle: single;
- correctBlur: boolean): TBGLBitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterRotate(origin, angle, correctBlur) as TBGLBitmap;
-function TBGLBitmap.FilterAffine(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; correctBlur: boolean
- ): TBGLBitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterAffine(AMatrix, correctBlur) as TBGLBitmap;
-function TBGLBitmap.FilterSphere: TBGLBitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterSphere as TBGLBitmap;
-function TBGLBitmap.FilterTwirl(ACenter: TPoint; ARadius: Single;
- ATurn: Single; AExponent: Single): TBGLBitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterTwirl(ACenter, ARadius, ATurn, AExponent) as TBGLBitmap;
-function TBGLBitmap.FilterTwirl(ABounds: TRect; ACenter: TPoint;
- ARadius: Single; ATurn: Single; AExponent: Single): TBGLBitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterTwirl(ABounds, ACenter, ARadius, ATurn, AExponent) as TBGLBitmap;
-function TBGLBitmap.FilterCylinder: TBGLBitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterCylinder as TBGLBitmap;
-function TBGLBitmap.FilterPlane: TBGLBitmap;
- Result:=inherited FilterPlane as TBGLBitmap;
- BGLBitmapFactory := TBGLBitmap;
- BGLTextureFactory := TBGLTexture;
- BGRASpriteGL.BGLSpriteEngine := TBGLDefaultSpriteEngine.Create;
- BGLCanvasInstance := TBGLCanvas.Create;
- BGLCanvasInstance.Free;
- BGLCanvasInstance := nil;
- BGRASpriteGL.BGLSpriteEngine.Free;
- BGRASpriteGL.BGLSpriteEngine := nil;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgraopengl3d.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgraopengl3d.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index b25e5da..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgraopengl3d.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1017 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAOpenGL3D;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
-uses BGRABitmapTypes,
- BGRASceneTypes, BGRASSE,
- BGRAClasses, BGRAMatrix3D,
- BGRACanvasGL,
- BGRAScene3D,
- BGRAOpenGLType,
- BGRATransform,
- BGRARenderer3D;
- TAttributeVariable = BGRACanvasGL.TAttributeVariable;
- TBGLShader3D = class;
- { TBGLLighting3D }
- TBGLLighting3D = class
- private
- procedure SetUseBuiltIn(AValue: boolean);
- protected
- FCanvas: TBGLCustomCanvas;
- FLights: TList;
- FAmbiantLight: TColorF;
- FShaderLightingCode: string;
- FUseBuiltIn: boolean;
- procedure Init;
- public
- constructor Create(ACanvas: TBGLCustomCanvas; AAmbiantLight: TColorF; ALights: TList);
- procedure SetSpecularIndex(AIndex: Integer);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- property ShaderLightingCode: string read FShaderLightingCode;
- property UseOpenGLBuiltInLighting: boolean read FUseBuiltIn write SetUseBuiltIn;
- end;
- { TBGLRenderer3D }
- TBGLRenderer3D = class(TCustomRenderer3D)
- protected
- FCanvas: TBGLCustomCanvas;
- FHasZBuffer: Boolean;
- FGlobalScale: single;
- FOptions: TRenderingOptions;
- FFactorZ, FAddZ: single;
- FLightingGL: TBGLLighting3D;
- FLights: TList;
- FAmbiantLight: TColorF;
- FFar: single;
- FOldCulling: TFaceCulling;
- FOldMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- FOldProjection, FProjectionMatrix: TMatrix4D;
- FShader, FShaderWithTexture: TBGLCustomShader;
- FBGRAShader: TBGRAShader3D;
- FShadedColorsF: array of TColorF;
- FShadedColors: array of TBGRAPixel;
- function GetHasZBuffer: boolean; override;
- function GetGlobalScale: single; override;
- function GetSurfaceWidth: integer; override;
- function GetSurfaceHeight: integer; override;
- procedure SetProjection(const AValue: TProjection3D); override;
- function GetHandlesNearClipping: boolean; override;
- function GetHandlesFaceCulling: boolean; override;
- procedure InitLighting(AUseOpenGLBuiltInLighting: boolean);
- public
- constructor Create(ACanvas: TBGLCustomCanvas;
- AScene: TBGRAScene3D; AFar: single);
- function RenderFace(var ADescription: TFaceRenderingDescription;
- {%H-}AComputeCoordinate: TComputeProjectionFunc): boolean; override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- property Canvas: TBGLCustomCanvas read FCanvas;
- end;
- { TBGLScene3D }
- TBGLScene3D = class(TBGRAScene3D)
- protected
- function LoadBitmapFromFileUTF8(AFilenameUTF8: string): TBGRACustomBitmap; override;
- public
- procedure RenderGL(ACanvas: TBGLCustomCanvas; AMaxZ: single = 1000); virtual;
- end;
- { TUniformVariable }
- TUniformVariable = object
- private
- FProgram: TBGLShader3D;
- FVariable: LongWord;
- procedure Init(AProgram: TBGLShader3D; AVariable: LongWord);
- end;
- { TUniformVariableSingle }
- TUniformVariableSingle = object(TUniformVariable)
- private
- FValue: single;
- procedure SetValue(const AValue: single);
- public
- procedure Update;
- property Value: single read FValue write SetValue;
- end;
- { TUniformVariablePointF }
- TUniformVariablePointF = object(TUniformVariable)
- private
- FValue: TPointF;
- procedure SetValue(const AValue: TPointF);
- public
- procedure Update;
- property Value: TPointF read FValue write SetValue;
- end;
- { TUniformVariablePoint3D }
- TUniformVariablePoint3D = object(TUniformVariable)
- private
- FValue: TPoint3D;
- procedure SetValue(const AValue: TPoint3D);
- public
- procedure Update;
- property Value: TPoint3D read FValue write SetValue;
- end;
- { TUniformVariableInteger }
- TUniformVariableInteger = object(TUniformVariable)
- private
- FValue: Integer;
- procedure SetValue(const AValue: Integer);
- public
- procedure Update;
- property Value: Integer read FValue write SetValue;
- end;
- { TUniformVariablePoint }
- TUniformVariablePoint = object(TUniformVariable)
- private
- FValue: TPoint;
- procedure SetValue(const AValue: TPoint);
- public
- procedure Update;
- property Value: TPoint read FValue write SetValue;
- end;
- { TUniformVariableMatrix4D }
- TUniformVariableMatrix4D = object(TUniformVariable)
- private
- FValue: TMatrix4D;
- procedure SetValue(const AValue: TMatrix4D);
- public
- procedure Update;
- property Value: TMatrix4D read FValue write SetValue;
- end;
- { TAttributeVariableSingle }
- TAttributeVariableSingle = object(TAttributeVariable)
- protected
- procedure Init(AProgram: TObject; AAttribute: LongWord);
- end;
- { TAttributeVariablePointF }
- TAttributeVariablePointF = object(TAttributeVariable)
- protected
- procedure Init(AProgram: TObject; AAttribute: LongWord);
- end;
- { TAttributeVariablePoint3D }
- TAttributeVariablePoint3D = object(TAttributeVariable)
- protected
- procedure Init(AProgram: TObject; AAttribute: LongWord);
- end;
- { TAttributeVariableInteger }
- TAttributeVariableInteger = object(TAttributeVariable)
- protected
- procedure Init(AProgram: TObject; AAttribute: LongWord);
- end;
- { TAttributeVariablePoint }
- TAttributeVariablePoint = object(TAttributeVariable)
- protected
- procedure Init(AProgram: TObject; AAttribute: LongWord);
- end;
- { TBGLShader3D }
- TBGLShader3D = class(TBGLCustomShader)
- protected
- FUsed: boolean;
- FCanvas: TBGLCustomCanvas;
- FLighting: TBGLCustomLighting;
- FVertexShaderSource,
- FFragmentShaderSource: string;
- FVertexShader,
- FFragmentShader,
- FProgram: LongWord;
- function GetUniformVariableSingle(AName: string): TUniformVariableSingle;
- function GetUniformVariablePointF(AName: string): TUniformVariablePointF;
- function GetUniformVariablePoint3D(AName: string): TUniformVariablePoint3D;
- function GetUniformVariableInteger(AName: string): TUniformVariableInteger;
- function GetUniformVariablePoint(AName: string): TUniformVariablePoint;
- function GetUniformVariableMatrix4D(AName: string): TUniformVariableMatrix4D;
- function GetAttributeVariableInteger(AName: string): TAttributeVariableInteger;
- function GetAttributeVariablePoint(AName: string): TAttributeVariablePoint;
- function GetAttributeVariableSingle(AName: string): TAttributeVariableSingle;
- function GetAttributeVariablePointF(AName: string): TAttributeVariablePointF;
- function GetAttributeVariablePoint3D(AName: string): TAttributeVariablePoint3D;
- procedure SetUniformSingle(AVariable: LongWord; const AValue; AElementCount: integer; AComponentCount: integer);
- procedure SetUniformInteger(AVariable: LongWord; const AValue; AElementCount: integer; AComponentCount: integer);
- procedure CheckUsage(AUsing: boolean);
- procedure StartUse; override;
- procedure EndUse; override;
- property Canvas: TBGLCustomCanvas read FCanvas;
- public
- constructor Create(ACanvas: TBGLCustomCanvas; AVertexShaderSource: string;
- AFragmentShaderSource: string; AVaryingVariables: string = '';
- AVersion: string = '120');
- destructor Destroy; override;
- property UniformSingle[AName: string]: TUniformVariableSingle read GetUniformVariableSingle;
- property UniformPointF[AName: string]: TUniformVariablePointF read GetUniformVariablePointF;
- property UniformPoint3D[AName: string]: TUniformVariablePoint3D read GetUniformVariablePoint3D;
- property UniformInteger[AName: string]: TUniformVariableInteger read GetUniformVariableInteger;
- property UniformPoint[AName: string]: TUniformVariablePoint read GetUniformVariablePoint;
- property UniformMatrix4D[AName: string]: TUniformVariableMatrix4D read GetUniformVariableMatrix4D;
- property AttributeSingle[AName: string]: TAttributeVariableSingle read GetAttributeVariableSingle;
- property AttributePointF[AName: string]: TAttributeVariablePointF read GetAttributeVariablePointF;
- property AttributePoint3D[AName: string]: TAttributeVariablePoint3D read GetAttributeVariablePoint3D;
- property AttributeInteger[AName: string]: TAttributeVariableInteger read GetAttributeVariableInteger;
- property AttributePoint[AName: string]: TAttributeVariablePoint read GetAttributeVariablePoint;
- property IsUsed: boolean read FUsed;
- end;
-function ProjectionToOpenGL(AProj: TProjection3D; ANear, AFar: Single): TMatrix4D;
-uses SysUtils, BGRAColorInt;
- { TShaderWithTexture }
- TShaderWithTexture = class(TBGLShader3D)
- private
- function GetTexture: integer;
- procedure SetTexture(AValue: integer);
- protected
- FTextureUniform: TUniformVariableInteger;
- procedure StartUse; override;
- public
- class function GetCodeForTextureColor: string; static;
- constructor Create(ACanvas: TBGLCustomCanvas; AFragmentShader: string; ATexture: integer = 0);
- property Texture: integer read GetTexture write SetTexture;
- end;
-function ProjectionToOpenGL(AProj: TProjection3D; ANear, AFar: Single): TMatrix4D;
- result[1,1] := AProj.Zoom.X; result[2,1] := 0; result[3,1] := -(AProj.Center.x + 0.5); result[4,1] := 0;
- result[1,2] := 0; result[2,2] := AProj.Zoom.Y; result[3,2] := -(AProj.Center.y + 0.5); result[4,2] := 0;
- result[1,3] := 0; result[2,3] := 0; result[3,3] := -2/(AFar-ANear); result[4,3] := -1 - AFar*result[3,3];
- result[1,4] := 0; result[2,4] := 0; result[3,4] := -1; result[4,4] := 0;
-{ TUniformVariableMatrix4D }
-procedure TUniformVariableMatrix4D.SetValue(const AValue: TMatrix4D);
- if CompareMem(@AValue, @FValue, sizeof(FValue)) then Exit;
- FValue:=AValue;
- if FProgram.IsUsed then Update;
-procedure TUniformVariableMatrix4D.Update;
- FProgram.SetUniformSingle(FVariable, FValue, 1, 16);
-{ TShaderWithTexture }
-function TShaderWithTexture.GetTexture: integer;
- result := FTextureUniform.Value;
-procedure TShaderWithTexture.SetTexture(AValue: integer);
- FTextureUniform.Value := AValue;
-procedure TShaderWithTexture.StartUse;
- inherited StartUse;
- FTextureUniform.Update;
-class function TShaderWithTexture.GetCodeForTextureColor: string;
- result := 'texture2D(texture, texture_coordinate)';
-constructor TShaderWithTexture.Create(ACanvas: TBGLCustomCanvas;
- AFragmentShader: string; ATexture: integer);
- inherited Create(ACanvas,
- 'void main(void) ' +
- '{ ' +
- ' gl_Position = gl_ProjectionMatrix * gl_Vertex; ' +
- ' texture_coordinate = vec2(gl_MultiTexCoord0); ' +
- ' N = gl_Normal; ' +
- ' V = vec3(gl_Vertex); ' +
- '} ',
- 'uniform sampler2D texture; ' +
- AFragmentShader,
- 'varying vec2 texture_coordinate; ' +
- 'varying vec3 N; ' +
- 'varying vec3 V; ');
- FTextureUniform := UniformInteger['texture'];
- Texture := ATexture;
-{ TAttributeVariablePoint3D }
-procedure TAttributeVariablePoint3D.Init(AProgram: TObject; AAttribute: LongWord);
- inherited Init(AProgram,AAttribute,3,True);
-{ TAttributeVariablePointF }
-procedure TAttributeVariablePointF.Init(AProgram: TObject; AAttribute: LongWord);
- inherited Init(AProgram,AAttribute,2,True);
-{ TAttributeVariableInteger }
-procedure TAttributeVariableInteger.Init(AProgram: TObject; AAttribute: LongWord);
- inherited Init(AProgram,AAttribute,1,False);
-{ TAttributeVariablePoint }
-procedure TAttributeVariablePoint.Init(AProgram: TObject; AAttribute: LongWord);
- inherited Init(AProgram,AAttribute,2,False);
-{ TAttributeVariableSingle }
-procedure TAttributeVariableSingle.Init(AProgram: TObject; AAttribute: LongWord);
- inherited Init(AProgram,AAttribute,1,True);
-{ TUniformVariablePoint }
-procedure TUniformVariablePoint.SetValue(const AValue: TPoint);
- if (FValue.x=AValue.x) and (FValue.y=AValue.y) then Exit;
- FValue:=AValue;
- if FProgram.IsUsed then Update;
-procedure TUniformVariablePoint.Update;
- FProgram.SetUniformInteger(FVariable, FValue, 1, 2);
-{ TUniformVariableInteger }
-procedure TUniformVariableInteger.SetValue(const AValue: Integer);
- if FValue=AValue then Exit;
- FValue:=AValue;
- if FProgram.IsUsed then Update;
-procedure TUniformVariableInteger.Update;
- FProgram.SetUniformInteger(FVariable, FValue, 1, 1);
-{ TUniformVariablePoint3D }
-procedure TUniformVariablePoint3D.SetValue(const AValue: TPoint3D);
- if (FValue.x=AValue.x) and (FValue.y=AValue.y) and (FValue.z=AValue.z) then Exit;
- FValue:=AValue;
- if FProgram.IsUsed then Update;
-procedure TUniformVariablePoint3D.Update;
- FProgram.SetUniformSingle(FVariable, FValue, 1, 3);
-{ TUniformVariablePointF }
-procedure TUniformVariablePointF.SetValue(const AValue: TPointF);
- if (FValue.x=AValue.x) and (FValue.y=AValue.y) then Exit;
- FValue:=AValue;
- if FProgram.IsUsed then Update;
-procedure TUniformVariablePointF.Update;
- FProgram.SetUniformSingle(FVariable, FValue, 1, 2);
-{ TUniformVariableSingle }
-procedure TUniformVariableSingle.SetValue(const AValue: single);
- if FValue=AValue then Exit;
- FValue:=AValue;
- if FProgram.IsUsed then Update;
-procedure TUniformVariableSingle.Update;
- FProgram.SetUniformSingle(FVariable, FValue, 1, 1);
-{ TUniformVariable }
-procedure TUniformVariable.Init(AProgram: TBGLShader3D; AVariable: LongWord);
- FProgram := AProgram;
- FVariable := AVariable;
-{ TBGLShader3D }
-function TBGLShader3D.GetUniformVariableSingle(AName: string): TUniformVariableSingle;
- {$push}{$hints off}
- fillchar(result,sizeof(result),0);
- result.Init(self, FCanvas.Lighting.GetUniformVariable(FProgram, AName));
- {$pop}
-function TBGLShader3D.GetUniformVariablePointF(AName: string): TUniformVariablePointF;
- {$push}{$hints off}
- fillchar(result,sizeof(result),0);
- result.Init(self, FCanvas.Lighting.GetUniformVariable(FProgram, AName));
- {$pop}
-function TBGLShader3D.GetUniformVariablePoint3D(AName: string): TUniformVariablePoint3D;
- {$push}{$hints off}
- fillchar(result,sizeof(result),0);
- result.Init(self, FCanvas.Lighting.GetUniformVariable(FProgram, AName));
- {$pop}
-function TBGLShader3D.GetUniformVariableInteger(AName: string): TUniformVariableInteger;
- {$push}{$hints off}
- fillchar(result,sizeof(result),0);
- result.Init(self, FCanvas.Lighting.GetUniformVariable(FProgram, AName));
- {$pop}
-function TBGLShader3D.GetUniformVariablePoint(AName: string): TUniformVariablePoint;
- {$push}{$hints off}
- fillchar(result,sizeof(result),0);
- result.Init(self, FCanvas.Lighting.GetUniformVariable(FProgram, AName));
- {$pop}
-function TBGLShader3D.GetUniformVariableMatrix4D(AName: string): TUniformVariableMatrix4D;
- {$push}{$hints off}
- fillchar(result,sizeof(result),0);
- result.Init(self, FCanvas.Lighting.GetUniformVariable(FProgram, AName));
- {$pop}
-procedure TBGLShader3D.CheckUsage(AUsing: boolean);
- if AUsing <> FUsed then
- begin
- if FUsed then raise exception.Create('Shader is in use') else
- raise exception.Create('Shader is not in use');
- end;
-function TBGLShader3D.GetAttributeVariableSingle(AName: string): TAttributeVariableSingle;
- {$push}{$hints off}
- fillchar(result,sizeof(result),0);
- result.Init(self, FCanvas.Lighting.GetAttribVariable(FProgram, AName));
- {$pop}
-function TBGLShader3D.GetAttributeVariablePointF(AName: string): TAttributeVariablePointF;
- {$push}{$hints off}
- fillchar(result,sizeof(result),0);
- result.Init(self, FCanvas.Lighting.GetAttribVariable(FProgram, AName));
- {$pop}
-function TBGLShader3D.GetAttributeVariablePoint3D(AName: string): TAttributeVariablePoint3D;
- {$push}{$hints off}
- fillchar(result,sizeof(result),0);
- result.Init(self, FCanvas.Lighting.GetAttribVariable(FProgram, AName));
- {$pop}
-function TBGLShader3D.GetAttributeVariableInteger(AName: string): TAttributeVariableInteger;
- {$push}{$hints off}
- fillchar(result,sizeof(result),0);
- result.Init(self, FCanvas.Lighting.GetAttribVariable(FProgram, AName));
- {$pop}
-function TBGLShader3D.GetAttributeVariablePoint(AName: string): TAttributeVariablePoint;
- {$push}{$hints off}
- fillchar(result,sizeof(result),0);
- result.Init(self, FCanvas.Lighting.GetAttribVariable(FProgram, AName));
- {$pop}
-procedure TBGLShader3D.SetUniformSingle(AVariable: LongWord; const AValue; AElementCount: integer; AComponentCount: integer);
- CheckUsage(True);
- FCanvas.Lighting.SetUniformSingle(AVariable, AValue, AElementCount, AComponentCount);
-procedure TBGLShader3D.SetUniformInteger(AVariable: LongWord; const AValue; AElementCount: integer; AComponentCount: integer);
- CheckUsage(True);
- FCanvas.Lighting.SetUniformInteger(AVariable, AValue, AElementCount, AComponentCount);
-constructor TBGLShader3D.Create(ACanvas: TBGLCustomCanvas;
- AVertexShaderSource: string; AFragmentShaderSource: string;
- AVaryingVariables: string; AVersion: string);
- FCanvas := ACanvas;
- FLighting := FCanvas.Lighting;
- FVertexShaderSource:= '#version ' + AVersion + #10 + AVaryingVariables + #10 + AVertexShaderSource;
- FFragmentShaderSource:= '#version ' + AVersion + #10 + AVaryingVariables + #10 + AFragmentShaderSource;
- FVertexShader := 0;
- FFragmentShader := 0;
- FProgram := 0;
- try
- FVertexShader := FLighting.MakeVertexShader(FVertexShaderSource);
- FFragmentShader := FLighting.MakeFragmentShader(FFragmentShaderSource);
- FProgram := FLighting.MakeShaderProgram(FVertexShader,FFragmentShader);
- except on ex:Exception do
- begin
- FLighting.DeleteShaderProgram(FProgram);
- FLighting.DeleteShaderObject(FFragmentShader);
- FLighting.DeleteShaderObject(FVertexShader);
- raise ex;
- end;
- end;
-destructor TBGLShader3D.Destroy;
- if IsUsed then raise exception.Create('Shader is still in use');
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TBGLShader3D.StartUse;
- CheckUsage(False);
- FLighting.UseProgram(FProgram);
- FUsed:= True;
-procedure TBGLShader3D.EndUse;
- CheckUsage(True);
- FLighting.UseProgram(0);
- FUsed:= False;
-{ TBGLLighting3D }
-procedure TBGLLighting3D.SetUseBuiltIn(AValue: boolean);
- if FUseBuiltIn=AValue then Exit;
- FUseBuiltIn:=AValue;
- FCanvas.Lighting.BuiltInLightingEnabled := FUseBuiltIn;
-procedure TBGLLighting3D.Init;
- i: Integer;
- v: TPoint3D;
- int: single;
- num: string;
- minInt: string;
- colorMult: TColorF;
- FShaderLightingCode:=
- 'void main(void) ' +
- '{ ' +
- ' vec3 L, H; float d; float sat, sumUnsat; vec4 color, clampedColor; vec4 unsat; ' +
- ' vec3 Idiff = vec3(gl_LightModel.ambient); ' +
- ' vec4 Ispec = vec4(0,0,0,0); ' +
- ' vec3 NN = normalize(N); ';
- with FCanvas.Lighting do
- begin
- AmbiantLightF := FAmbiantLight;
- for i := 0 to FLights.Count-1 do
- with TBGRALight3D(FLights[i]) do
- begin
- str(GetMinIntensity,minInt);
- if IsDirectional then
- begin
- v := -GetDirection;
- v.z := -v.z;
- num := IntToStr(AddDirectionalLight(GetColorF, v));
- str(GetMinIntensity,minInt);
- AppendStr(FShaderLightingCode,
- ' L = gl_LightSource['+num+'].position.xyz; ' +
- ' Idiff += vec3(gl_LightSource['+num+'].diffuse * max(dot(NN,L), '+minInt+') ); ' +
- ' if (gl_FrontMaterial.shininess > 0) { ' +
- ' H = normalize(L + vec3(0,0,1)); ' +
- ' Ispec += gl_LightSource['+num+'].specular * pow(abs(dot(NN,H)), gl_FrontMaterial.shininess*2); ' +
- ' } ');
- end
- else
- begin
- int := GetIntensity*0.75;
- if int > 0 then
- begin
- v := GetPosition;
- v.z := -v.z;
- colorMult := GetColorF * ColorF(int,int,int,1);
- num := IntToStr(AddPointLight(colorMult, v, 0,1));
- str(GetMinIntensity/int,minInt);
- AppendStr(FShaderLightingCode,
- ' L = (gl_LightSource['+num+'].position.xyz - V).xyz; ' +
- ' d = length(L); ' +
- ' L *= 1/d; ' +
- ' Idiff += vec3(gl_LightSource['+num+'].diffuse * max(dot(NN,L)/(d*d), '+minInt+') ); ' +
- ' if (gl_FrontMaterial.shininess > 0) { ' +
- ' H = normalize(L + vec3(0,0,1)); ' +
- ' Ispec += gl_LightSource['+num+'].specular * pow(abs(dot(NN,H))/(d*d), gl_FrontMaterial.shininess*2); ' +
- ' } ');
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- AppendStr(FShaderLightingCode,
- ' color = #color# * vec4(Idiff,1) + Ispec; ' +
- ' clampedColor = clamp(color,0,1); ' +
- ' sat = dot( color - clampedColor, vec4(1) ); ' +
- ' if (sat > 0) { ' +
- ' unsat = vec4(1) - clampedColor; ' +
- ' sumUnsat = unsat[0]+unsat[1]+unsat[2]; ' +
- ' if (sumUnsat > 0) { ' +
- ' sat *= max(max(unsat[0],unsat[1]),unsat[2]) / sumUnsat; ' +
- ' gl_FragColor = clamp(color + vec4(sat,sat,sat,0),0,1); ' +
- ' } ' +
- ' else gl_FragColor = clampedColor; ' +
- ' } ' +
- ' else gl_FragColor = clampedColor; ' +
- '} ');
-constructor TBGLLighting3D.Create(ACanvas: TBGLCustomCanvas; AAmbiantLight: TColorF; ALights: TList);
- FCanvas := ACanvas;
- FLights := ALights;
- FAmbiantLight := AAmbiantLight;
- Init;
-procedure TBGLLighting3D.SetSpecularIndex(AIndex: Integer);
- FCanvas.Lighting.SetSpecularIndex(AIndex);
-destructor TBGLLighting3D.Destroy;
- FCanvas.Lighting.SetSpecularIndex(0);
- FCanvas.Lighting.ClearLights;
- UseOpenGLBuiltInLighting := false;
- inherited Destroy;
-{ TBGLScene3D }
-function TBGLScene3D.LoadBitmapFromFileUTF8(AFilenameUTF8: string
- ): TBGRACustomBitmap;
- if BGLBitmapFactory <> nil then
- Result:= BGLBitmapFactory.Create(AFilenameUTF8,True)
- else
- result := inherited LoadBitmapFromFileUTF8(AFilenameUTF8);
-procedure TBGLScene3D.RenderGL(ACanvas: TBGLCustomCanvas; AMaxZ: single);
- renderer: TBGLRenderer3D;
- renderer := TBGLRenderer3D.Create(ACanvas, self, AMaxZ);
- Render(renderer);
- renderer.Free;
-{ TBGLRenderer3D }
-function TBGLRenderer3D.GetHasZBuffer: boolean;
- result := FHasZBuffer;
-function TBGLRenderer3D.GetGlobalScale: single;
- result := FGlobalScale;
-function TBGLRenderer3D.GetSurfaceWidth: integer;
- result := FCanvas.Width;
-function TBGLRenderer3D.GetSurfaceHeight: integer;
- result := FCanvas.Height;
-{$PUSH}{$OPTIMIZATION OFF} //avoid internal error 2012090607
-procedure TBGLRenderer3D.SetProjection(const AValue: TProjection3D);
- inherited SetProjection(AValue);
- FProjectionMatrix := ProjectionToOpenGL(AValue, FOptions.MinZ, FFar) *
- OrthoProjectionToOpenGL(0,0,FCanvas.Width,FCanvas.Height);
- FCanvas.ProjectionMatrix := FProjectionMatrix;
-function TBGLRenderer3D.GetHandlesNearClipping: boolean;
- result := true;
-function TBGLRenderer3D.GetHandlesFaceCulling: boolean;
- result := FShader <> nil;
-procedure TBGLRenderer3D.InitLighting(AUseOpenGLBuiltInLighting: boolean);
- fragmentShaderCode: string;
- if not Assigned(FLightingGL) then
- begin
- FLightingGL := TBGLLighting3D.Create(FCanvas, FAmbiantLight, FLights);
- if (FOptions.LightingInterpolation <> liLowQuality) and FCanvas.Lighting.SupportShaders then
- begin
- fragmentShaderCode := StringReplace(FLightingGL.ShaderLightingCode, '#color#', 'gl_Color', []);
- FShader := FCanvas.Lighting.Shader[fragmentShaderCode];
- if (FShader = nil) and FCanvas.Lighting.SupportShaders then
- begin
- FShader := TBGLShader3D.Create(FCanvas,
- 'void main(void) ' +
- '{ ' +
- ' gl_Position = gl_ProjectionMatrix * gl_Vertex; ' +
- ' gl_FrontColor = gl_Color; ' +
- ' gl_BackColor = gl_Color; ' +
- ' N = gl_Normal; ' +
- ' V = vec3(gl_Vertex); ' +
- '} ',
- fragmentShaderCode,
- 'varying vec3 N; ' +
- 'varying vec3 V; ');
- FCanvas.Lighting.Shader[fragmentShaderCode] := FShader;
- end;
- fragmentShaderCode := StringReplace(FLightingGL.ShaderLightingCode, '#color#', TShaderWithTexture.GetCodeForTextureColor, []);
- FShaderWithTexture := FCanvas.Lighting.Shader[fragmentShaderCode];
- if (FShaderWithTexture = nil) and FCanvas.Lighting.SupportShaders then
- begin
- FShaderWithTexture := TShaderWithTexture.Create(FCanvas, fragmentShaderCode, 0);
- FCanvas.Lighting.Shader[fragmentShaderCode] := FShaderWithTexture;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- FLightingGL.UseOpenGLBuiltInLighting := AUseOpenGLBuiltInLighting;
- if not AUseOpenGLBuiltInLighting then
- FBGRAShader := TBGRAShader3D.Create(FAmbiantLight, FLights);
- end;
- end;
-constructor TBGLRenderer3D.Create(ACanvas: TBGLCustomCanvas;
- AScene: TBGRAScene3D; AFar: single);
- FCanvas := ACanvas;
- FOptions := AScene.RenderingOptions;
- FLights := AScene.MakeLightList;
- FAmbiantLight := AScene.AmbiantLightColorF;
- FGlobalScale:= 1;
- FHasZBuffer := FOptions.PerspectiveMode = pmZBuffer;
- FFactorZ := -2/(FFar-FOptions.MinZ);
- FAddZ := -1 - FFar*FFactorZ;
- FFar := AFar;
- if FHasZBuffer then ACanvas.StartZBuffer;
- FOldCulling:= FCanvas.FaceCulling;
- FOldMatrix := FCanvas.Matrix;
- FCanvas.ResetTransform;
- FOldProjection := FCanvas.ProjectionMatrix;
- FCanvas.ProjectionMatrix := MatrixIdentity4D;
- FShader := nil;
- FShaderWithTexture := nil;
- InitLighting(False);
-function TBGLRenderer3D.RenderFace(var ADescription: TFaceRenderingDescription;
- AComputeCoordinate: TComputeProjectionFunc): boolean;
- NormalCenter3D,PtCenter3D: TPoint3D_128;
- ColorCenter: TBGRAPixel;
- procedure ComputeCenter;
- var j: Int32or64;
- begin
- with ADescription do
- begin
- PtCenter3D := Point3D_128_Zero;
- NormalCenter3D := Point3D_128_Zero;
- for j := 0 to NbVertices-1 do
- begin
- PtCenter3D.Offset(Positions3D[j]);
- NormalCenter3D.Offset(Normals3D[j]);
- end;
- PtCenter3D.Scale(1/NbVertices);
- Normalize3D_128(NormalCenter3D);
- ColorCenter := MergeBGRA(slice(Colors,NbVertices));
- end;
- end;
-var tex: IBGLTexture;
- i,j: Int32or64;
- result := true;
- if not ProjectionDefined then
- raise exception.Create('Projection must be defined before drawing faces');
- If ADescription.Texture <> nil then
- tex := ADescription.Texture.GetTextureGL as IBGLTexture
- else
- tex := nil;
- with ADescription do
- begin
- if ADescription.Biface then
- FCanvas.FaceCulling := fcNone
- else
- FCanvas.FaceCulling := fcKeepCW;
- if ADescription.Material.GetSpecularOn then
- FLightingGL.SetSpecularIndex(ADescription.Material.GetSpecularIndex)
- else
- FLightingGL.SetSpecularIndex(0);
- if tex <> nil then
- begin
- FCanvas.Lighting.ActiveShader := FShaderWithTexture;
- if Assigned(FBGRAShader) then
- begin
- FBGRAShader.Prepare(ADescription);
- if length(FShadedColorsF) < NbVertices then
- setlength(FShadedColorsF, NbVertices);
- for i := 0 to NbVertices-1 do
- FShadedColorsF[i] := BGRAToColorF(ColorIntToBGRA(FBGRAShader.Int65536Apply(Positions3D[i],Normals3D[i],BGRAWhite), true), false);
- for i := 0 to NbVertices-1 do
- Positions3D[i].z := -Positions3D[i].z;
- if NbVertices = 3 then
- tex.DrawTriangle(slice(Positions3D,3),slice(TexCoords,3),slice(FShadedColorsF,3))
- else if NbVertices = 4 then
- tex.DrawQuad(slice(Positions3D,4),slice(TexCoords,4),slice(FShadedColorsF,4));
- end else
- begin
- for i := 0 to NbVertices-1 do
- begin
- Positions3D[i].z := -Positions3D[i].z;
- Normals3D[i].z := -Normals3D[i].z;
- end;
- if NbVertices = 3 then
- tex.DrawTriangle(slice(Positions3D,3),slice(Normals3D,3),slice(TexCoords,3))
- else if NbVertices = 4 then
- tex.DrawQuad(slice(Positions3D,4),slice(Normals3D,4),slice(TexCoords,4));
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- FCanvas.Lighting.ActiveShader := FShader;
- if Assigned(FBGRAShader) then
- begin
- FBGRAShader.Prepare(ADescription);
- if length(FShadedColors) < NbVertices then
- setlength(FShadedColors, NbVertices);
- for i := 0 to NbVertices-1 do
- FShadedColors[i] := FBGRAShader.Apply(Positions3D[i],Normals3D[i],Colors[i]);
- if NbVertices > 4 then
- begin
- ComputeCenter;
- ColorCenter := FBGRAShader.Apply(PtCenter3D,NormalCenter3D,MergeBGRA(slice(Colors,NbVertices)));
- for i := 0 to NbVertices-1 do
- Positions3D[i].z := -Positions3D[i].z;
- PtCenter3D.z := -PtCenter3D.z;
- i := NbVertices-1;
- for j := 0 to NbVertices-1 do
- begin
- FCanvas.FillTrianglesLinearColor(
- [Positions3D[i],Positions3D[j],PtCenter3D],
- [FShadedColors[i],FShadedColors[j],ColorCenter]);
- i := j;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- for i := 0 to NbVertices-1 do
- Positions3D[i].z := -Positions3D[i].z;
- if NbVertices = 3 then
- FCanvas.FillTrianglesLinearColor(slice(Positions3D,3),slice(FShadedColors,3))
- else if NbVertices = 4 then
- FCanvas.FillQuadsLinearColor(slice(Positions3D,4),slice(FShadedColors,4));
- end;
- end else
- begin
- for i := 0 to NbVertices-1 do
- begin
- Positions3D[i].z := -Positions3D[i].z;
- Normals3D[i].z := -Normals3D[i].z;
- end;
- if NbVertices > 4 then
- begin
- ComputeCenter;
- i := NbVertices-1;
- for j := 0 to NbVertices-1 do
- begin
- FCanvas.FillTrianglesLinearColor(
- [Positions3D[i],Positions3D[j],PtCenter3D],
- [Normals3D[i],Normals3D[j],NormalCenter3D],
- [Colors[i],Colors[j],ColorCenter]);
- i := j;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- if NbVertices = 3 then
- FCanvas.FillTrianglesLinearColor(slice(Positions3D,3),slice(Normals3D,3),slice(Colors,3))
- else if NbVertices = 4 then
- FCanvas.FillQuadsLinearColor(slice(Positions3D,4),slice(Normals3D,4),slice(Colors,4));
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
-destructor TBGLRenderer3D.Destroy;
- FreeAndNil(FBGRAShader);
- FCanvas.Lighting.ActiveShader := nil;
- FCanvas.ProjectionMatrix := FOldProjection;
- FCanvas.Matrix := FOldMatrix;
- FCanvas.FaceCulling := FOldCulling;
- FreeAndNil(FLightingGL);
- if FHasZBuffer then FCanvas.EndZBuffer;
- FLights.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgraopengltype.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgraopengltype.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 668b0b2..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgraopengltype.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1753 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAOpenGLType;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAGraphics, BGRABitmap, BGRABitmapTypes,
- FPimage, BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BGRATransform,
- TBGLTextureHandle = type Pointer;
- TOpenGLResampleFilter = (orfBox,orfLinear);
- TOpenGLBlendMode = (obmNormal, obmAdd, obmMultiply);
- TWaitForGPUOption = (wfgQueueAllCommands, wfgFinishAllCommands);
- TFaceCulling = BGRABitmapTypes.TFaceCulling;
- TOpenGLPrimitive = (opPoints,opLineStrip,opLineLoop,opLines,
- opTriangleStrip,opTriangleFan,opTriangles);
- fcNone = BGRABitmapTypes.fcNone;
- fcKeepCW = BGRABitmapTypes.fcKeepCW;
- fcKeepCCW = BGRABitmapTypes.fcKeepCCW;
- { IBGLFont }
- IBGLFont = interface
- function GetClipped: boolean;
- function GetPadding: TRectF;
- function GetUseGradientColors: boolean;
- function GetHorizontalAlign: TAlignment;
- function GetJustify: boolean;
- function GetScale: single;
- function GetStepX: single;
- function GetVerticalAlign: TTextLayout;
- procedure SetClipped(AValue: boolean);
- procedure SetPadding(AValue: TRectF);
- procedure SetUseGradientColors(AValue: boolean);
- procedure SetHorizontalAlign(AValue: TAlignment);
- procedure SetJustify(AValue: boolean);
- procedure SetScale(AValue: single);
- procedure SetStepX(AValue: single);
- procedure SetVerticalAlign(AValue: TTextLayout);
- procedure TextOut(X, Y: Single; const Text : UTF8String); overload;
- procedure TextOut(X, Y: Single; const Text : UTF8String; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure TextOut(X, Y: Single; const Text : UTF8String; AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout = tlTop); overload;
- procedure TextOut(X, Y: Single; const Text : UTF8String; AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure TextRect(X, Y, Width, Height: Single; const Text : UTF8String); overload;
- procedure TextRect(X, Y, Width, Height: Single; const Text : UTF8String; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure TextRect(X, Y, Width, Height: Single; const Text : UTF8String; AVertAlign: TTextLayout); overload;
- procedure TextRect(X, Y, Width, Height: Single; const Text : UTF8String; AVertAlign: TTextLayout; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure TextRect(X, Y, Width, Height: Single; const Text : UTF8String; AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout = tlTop); overload;
- procedure TextRect(X, Y, Width, Height: Single; const Text : UTF8String; AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure TextRect(ARect: TRectF; const Text : UTF8String); overload;
- procedure TextRect(ARect: TRectF; const Text : UTF8String; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure TextRect(ARect: TRectF; const Text : UTF8String; AVertAlign: TTextLayout); overload;
- procedure TextRect(ARect: TRectF; const Text : UTF8String; AVertAlign: TTextLayout; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure TextRect(ARect: TRectF; const Text : UTF8String; AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout = tlTop); overload;
- procedure TextRect(ARect: TRectF; const Text : UTF8String; AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- function TextWidth(const Text: UTF8String): single;
- function TextHeight(const Text: UTF8String): single; overload;
- function TextHeight(const Text: UTF8String; AWidth: single): single; overload;
- procedure SetGradientColors(ATopLeft, ATopRight, ABottomRight, ABottomLeft: TBGRAPixel);
- property Scale: single read GetScale write SetScale;
- property StepX: single read GetStepX write SetStepX;
- property Justify: boolean read GetJustify write SetJustify;
- property Clipped: boolean read GetClipped write SetClipped;
- property HorizontalAlign: TAlignment read GetHorizontalAlign write SetHorizontalAlign;
- property VerticalAlign: TTextLayout read GetVerticalAlign write SetVerticalAlign;
- property GradientColors: boolean read GetUseGradientColors write SetUseGradientColors;
- property Padding: TRectF read GetPadding write SetPadding;
- end;
- { TBGLCustomFont }
- TBGLCustomFont = class(TInterfacedObject, IBGLFont)
- protected
- FScale, FStepX: single;
- FPadding: TRectF;
- FFlags: LongWord;
- FHorizontalAlign: TAlignment;
- FVerticalAlign: TTextLayout;
- FJustify: boolean;
- procedure Init; virtual;
- function LoadFromFile(AFilename: UTF8String): boolean; virtual; abstract;
- procedure FreeMemoryOnDestroy; virtual;
- function GetScale: single; virtual;
- function GetStepX: single; virtual;
- procedure SetScale(AValue: single); virtual;
- procedure SetStepX(AValue: single); virtual;
- function GetPadding: TRectF;
- procedure SetPadding(AValue: TRectF); virtual;
- function GetHorizontalAlign: TAlignment; virtual;
- function GetJustify: boolean; virtual;
- function GetVerticalAlign: TTextLayout; virtual;
- procedure SetHorizontalAlign(AValue: TAlignment); virtual;
- procedure SetJustify(AValue: boolean); virtual;
- procedure SetVerticalAlign(AValue: TTextLayout); virtual;
- function GetClipped: boolean; virtual; abstract;
- function GetUseGradientColors: boolean; virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetClipped(AValue: boolean); virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetUseGradientColors(AValue: boolean); virtual; abstract;
- procedure DoTextOut(X, Y: Single; const Text : UTF8String; AColor: TBGRAPixel); virtual; abstract;
- procedure DoTextRect(X, Y, Width, Height: Single; const Text : UTF8String; AColor: TBGRAPixel); virtual; abstract;
- function GetDefaultColor: TBGRAPixel; virtual;
- procedure SwapRectIfNeeded(var ARect: TRectF); overload;
- procedure SwapRectIfNeeded(var ARect: TRect); overload;
- public
- constructor Create(AFilename: UTF8String);
- procedure FreeMemory; virtual;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure TextOut(X, Y: Single; const Text : UTF8String); overload;
- procedure TextOut(X, Y: Single; const Text : UTF8String; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure TextOut(X, Y: Single; const Text : UTF8String; AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout = tlTop); overload;
- procedure TextOut(X, Y: Single; const Text : UTF8String; AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure TextRect(X, Y, Width, Height: Single; const Text : UTF8String); overload;
- procedure TextRect(X, Y, Width, Height: Single; const Text : UTF8String; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure TextRect(X, Y, Width, Height: Single; const Text : UTF8String; AVertAlign: TTextLayout); overload;
- procedure TextRect(X, Y, Width, Height: Single; const Text : UTF8String; AVertAlign: TTextLayout; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure TextRect(X, Y, Width, Height: Single; const Text : UTF8String; AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout = tlTop); overload;
- procedure TextRect(X, Y, Width, Height: Single; const Text : UTF8String; AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure TextRect(ARect: TRect; const Text : UTF8String); overload;
- procedure TextRect(ARect: TRect; const Text : UTF8String; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure TextRect(ARect: TRect; const Text : UTF8String; AVertAlign: TTextLayout); overload;
- procedure TextRect(ARect: TRect; const Text : UTF8String; AVertAlign: TTextLayout; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure TextRect(ARect: TRect; const Text : UTF8String; AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout = tlTop); overload;
- procedure TextRect(ARect: TRect; const Text : UTF8String; AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure TextRect(ARect: TRectF; const Text : UTF8String); overload;
- procedure TextRect(ARect: TRectF; const Text : UTF8String; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure TextRect(ARect: TRectF; const Text : UTF8String; AVertAlign: TTextLayout); overload;
- procedure TextRect(ARect: TRectF; const Text : UTF8String; AVertAlign: TTextLayout; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure TextRect(ARect: TRectF; const Text : UTF8String; AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout = tlTop); overload;
- procedure TextRect(ARect: TRectF; const Text : UTF8String; AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- function TextWidth(const Text: UTF8String): single; virtual; abstract;
- function TextHeight(const Text: UTF8String): single; overload; virtual; abstract;
- function TextHeight(const Text: UTF8String; AWidth: single): single; overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetGradientColors(ATopLeft, ATopRight, ABottomRight, ABottomLeft: TBGRAPixel); virtual; abstract;
- property Scale: single read GetScale write SetScale;
- property StepX: single read GetStepX write SetStepX;
- property Justify: boolean read GetJustify write SetJustify;
- property Clipped: boolean read GetClipped write SetClipped;
- property HorizontalAlign: TAlignment read GetHorizontalAlign write SetHorizontalAlign;
- property VerticalAlign: TTextLayout read GetVerticalAlign write SetVerticalAlign;
- property GradientColors: boolean read GetUseGradientColors write SetUseGradientColors;
- property Padding: TRectF read GetPadding write SetPadding;
- end;
- { IBGLTexture }
- IBGLTexture = interface ['{BF2FF051-EBC6-4102-8268-37A9D0297B92}']
- function GetFlipX: IBGLTexture;
- function GetFlipY: IBGLTexture;
- function GetFrame(AIndex: integer): IBGLTexture;
- function GetFrameCount: integer;
- function GetFrameHeight: integer;
- function GetFrameWidth: integer;
- function GetHeight: integer;
- function GetImageCenter: TPointF;
- function GetMask: IBGLTexture;
- function GetOpenGLBlendMode: TOpenGLBlendMode;
- function GetOpenGLTexture: TBGLTextureHandle;
- function GetResampleFilter: TOpenGLResampleFilter;
- function GetUseGradientColors: boolean;
- function GetWidth: integer;
- procedure SetFrameSize(x,y: integer);
- procedure SetImageCenter(const AValue: TPointF);
- procedure SetOpenGLBlendMode(AValue: TOpenGLBlendMode);
- procedure SetResampleFilter(AValue: TOpenGLResampleFilter);
- procedure SetGradientColors(ATopLeft, ATopRight, ABottomRight, ABottomLeft: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure SetUseGradientColors(AValue: boolean);
- procedure Update(ARGBAData: PLongWord; AllocatedWidth, AllocatedHeight, ActualWidth,ActualHeight: integer; RGBAOrder: boolean = true);
- procedure ToggleFlipX;
- procedure ToggleFlipY;
- procedure ToggleMask;
- function FilterBlurMotion(ARadius: single; ABlurType: TRadialBlurType; ADirection: TPointF): IBGLTexture;
- function FilterBlurRadial(ARadius: single; ABlurType: TRadialBlurType): IBGLTexture;
- procedure SetFrame(AIndex: integer);
- procedure FreeMemory;
- procedure Bind(ATextureNumber: integer);
- procedure Draw(x,y: single; AAlpha: byte = 255); overload;
- procedure Draw(x,y: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure Draw(x,y: single; AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout = tlTop; AAlpha: byte = 255); overload;
- procedure Draw(x,y: single; AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure StretchDraw(x,y,w,h: single; AAlpha: byte = 255); overload;
- procedure StretchDraw(x,y,w,h: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure StretchDraw(x,y,w,h: single; AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout = tlTop; AAlpha: byte = 255); overload;
- procedure StretchDraw(x,y,w,h: single; AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure DrawAngle(x,y,angleDeg: single; const imageCenter: TPointF; ARestoreOffsetAfterRotation: boolean; AAlpha: byte = 255); overload;
- procedure DrawAngle(x,y,angleDeg: single; const imageCenter: TPointF; ARestoreOffsetAfterRotation: boolean; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure DrawAngle(x,y,angleDeg: single; AAlpha: byte = 255); overload;
- procedure DrawAngle(x,y,angleDeg: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure DrawAngle(x,y,angleDeg: single; AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout = tlTop; AAlpha: byte = 255); overload;
- procedure DrawAngle(x,y,angleDeg: single; AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure StretchDrawAngle(x,y,w,h,angleDeg: single; const imageCenter: TPointF; ARestoreOffsetAfterRotation: boolean; AAlpha: byte = 255); overload;
- procedure StretchDrawAngle(x,y,w,h,angleDeg: single; const imageCenter: TPointF; ARestoreOffsetAfterRotation: boolean; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure StretchDrawAngle(x,y,w,h,angleDeg: single; AAlpha: byte = 255); overload;
- procedure StretchDrawAngle(x,y,w,h,angleDeg: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure StretchDrawAngle(x,y,w,h,angleDeg: single; AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout = tlTop; AAlpha: byte = 255); overload;
- procedure StretchDrawAngle(x,y,w,h,angleDeg: single; AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure DrawAffine(const Origin, HAxis, VAxis: TPointF; AAlpha: byte = 255); overload;
- procedure DrawAffine(const Origin, HAxis, VAxis: TPointF; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure DrawAffine(x,y: single; const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AAlpha: byte = 255); overload;
- procedure DrawAffine(x,y: single; const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure DrawTriangle(const APoints: array of TPointF; const ATexCoords: array of TPointF); overload;
- procedure DrawTriangle(const APoints: array of TPointF; const ATexCoords: array of TPointF; const AColors: array of TColorF); overload;
- procedure DrawTriangle(const APoints: array of TPointF; const APointsZ: array of Single; const ATexCoords: array of TPointF); overload;
- procedure DrawTriangle(const APoints: array of TPointF; const APointsZ: array of Single; const ATexCoords: array of TPointF; const AColors: array of TColorF); overload;
- procedure DrawTriangle(const APoints3D: array of TPoint3D_128; const ATexCoords: array of TPointF); overload;
- procedure DrawTriangle(const APoints3D: array of TPoint3D_128; const ATexCoords: array of TPointF; const AColors: array of TColorF); overload;
- procedure DrawTriangle(const APoints3D: array of TPoint3D_128; const ANormals3D: array of TPoint3D_128; const ATexCoords: array of TPointF); overload;
- procedure DrawTriangle(const APoints3D: array of TPoint3D_128; const ANormals3D: array of TPoint3D_128; const ATexCoords: array of TPointF; const AColors: array of TColorF); overload;
- procedure DrawQuad(const APoints: array of TPointF; const ATexCoords: array of TPointF); overload;
- procedure DrawQuad(const APoints: array of TPointF; const ATexCoords: array of TPointF; const AColors: array of TColorF); overload;
- procedure DrawQuad(const APoints: array of TPointF; const APointsZ: array of Single; const ATexCoords: array of TPointF); overload;
- procedure DrawQuad(const APoints: array of TPointF; const APointsZ: array of Single; const ATexCoords: array of TPointF; const AColors: array of TColorF); overload;
- procedure DrawQuad(const APoints3D: array of TPoint3D_128; const ATexCoords: array of TPointF); overload;
- procedure DrawQuad(const APoints3D: array of TPoint3D_128; const ATexCoords: array of TPointF; const AColors: array of TColorF); overload;
- procedure DrawQuad(const APoints3D: array of TPoint3D_128; const ANormals3D: array of TPoint3D_128; const ATexCoords: array of TPointF); overload;
- procedure DrawQuad(const APoints3D: array of TPoint3D_128; const ANormals3D: array of TPoint3D_128; const ATexCoords: array of TPointF; const AColors: array of TColorF); overload;
- property Width: integer read GetWidth;
- property Height: integer read GetHeight;
- property FrameCount: integer read GetFrameCount;
- property Frame[AIndex: integer]: IBGLTexture read GetFrame;
- property FrameWidth: integer read GetFrameWidth;
- property FrameHeight: integer read GetFrameHeight;
- property FlipX: IBGLTexture read GetFlipX;
- property FlipY: IBGLTexture read GetFlipY;
- property Mask: IBGLTexture read GetMask;
- property Handle: TBGLTextureHandle read GetOpenGLTexture;
- property ImageCenter: TPointF read GetImageCenter write SetImageCenter;
- property ResampleFilter: TOpenGLResampleFilter read GetResampleFilter write SetResampleFilter;
- property BlendMode: TOpenGLBlendMode read GetOpenGLBlendMode write SetOpenGLBlendMode;
- property GradientColors: boolean read GetUseGradientColors write SetUseGradientColors;
- end;
- { TBGLCustomBitmap }
- TBGLCustomBitmap = class(TBGRABitmap)
- protected
- FActualWidth,FActualHeight,
- FAllocatedWidth,FAllocatedHeight: integer;
- FTextureInvalidated: boolean;
- FActualRect: TRect;
- FTexture: IBGLTexture;
- procedure Init; override;
- function GetTexture: IBGLTexture; virtual;
- function GetOpenGLMaxTexSize: integer; virtual; abstract;
- procedure NotifySizeTooBigForOpenGL; virtual;
- procedure NotifyOpenGLContextNotCreatedYet; virtual;
- function GetTextureGL: IUnknown; override;
- procedure SwapRedBlueWithoutInvalidate(ARect: TRect);
- procedure SetClipRect(const AValue: TRect); override;
- public
- procedure InvalidateBitmap; override;
- procedure Fill(const c: TBGRAPixel); override;
- procedure NoClip; override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure SwapRedBlue; overload; override;
- function Resample(newWidth, newHeight: integer; mode: TResampleMode=rmFineResample): TBGLCustomBitmap; override;
- procedure ApplyGlobalOpacity(alpha: byte); overload; override;
- procedure ReplaceColor(before, after: TColor); overload; override;
- procedure ReplaceColor(const ABefore, AAfter: TBGRAPixel); overload; override;
- procedure ReplaceTransparent(const AAfter: TBGRAPixel); overload; override;
- procedure SetSize(AWidth, AHeight: integer); override;
- property Width: integer read FActualWidth;
- property Height: integer read FActualHeight;
- property AllocatedWidth: integer read FAllocatedWidth;
- property AllocatedHeight: integer read FAllocatedHeight;
- function MakeTextureAndFree: IBGLTexture;
- property Texture: IBGLTexture read GetTexture;
- property MaxTextureSize: integer read GetOpenGLMaxTexSize;
- end;
- { TBGLCustomTexture }
- TBGLCustomTexture = class(TInterfacedObject, IBGLTexture)
- private
- function GetFlipX: IBGLTexture;
- function GetFlipY: IBGLTexture;
- function GetFrame(AIndex: integer): IBGLTexture;
- function GetFrameCount: integer;
- function GetFrameHeight: integer;
- function GetFrameWidth: integer;
- function GetHeight: integer;
- function GetMask: IBGLTexture;
- function GetOpenGLBlendMode: TOpenGLBlendMode;
- function GetOpenGLTexture: TBGLTextureHandle;
- function GetWidth: integer;
- function GetImageCenter: TPointF;
- procedure SetImageCenter(const AValue: TPointF);
- function GetResampleFilter: TOpenGLResampleFilter;
- procedure SetOpenGLBlendMode(AValue: TOpenGLBlendMode);
- procedure SetResampleFilter(AValue: TOpenGLResampleFilter);
- protected
- FOpenGLTexture: TBGLTextureHandle;
- FOpenGLTextureOwned: boolean;
- FResampleFilter: TOpenGLResampleFilter;
- FWidth,FHeight: integer;
- FImageCenter: TPointF;
- FFrame: integer;
- FFrameWidth,FFrameHeight: integer;
- FIsMask: boolean;
- FGradTopLeft, FGradTopRight, FGradBottomRight, FGradBottomLeft: TBGRAPixel;
- FUseGradientColor: boolean;
- FBlendMode: TOpenGLBlendMode;
- function GetOpenGLMaxTexSize: integer; virtual; abstract;
- function CreateOpenGLTexture(ARGBAData: PLongWord; AAllocatedWidth, AAllocatedHeight, AActualWidth, AActualHeight: integer; RGBAOrder: boolean): TBGLTextureHandle; virtual; abstract;
- procedure UpdateOpenGLTexture(ATexture: TBGLTextureHandle; ARGBAData: PLongWord; AAllocatedWidth, AAllocatedHeight, AActualWidth,AActualHeight: integer; RGBAOrder: boolean); virtual; abstract;
- class function SupportsBGRAOrder: boolean; virtual;
- procedure SetOpenGLTextureSize(ATexture: TBGLTextureHandle; AAllocatedWidth, AAllocatedHeight, AActualWidth, AActualHeight: integer); virtual; abstract;
- procedure ComputeOpenGLFramesCoord(ATexture: TBGLTextureHandle; FramesX: Integer=1; FramesY: Integer=1); virtual; abstract;
- function GetOpenGLFrameCount(ATexture: TBGLTextureHandle): integer; virtual; abstract;
- function GetEmptyTexture: TBGLTextureHandle; virtual; abstract;
- procedure FreeOpenGLTexture(ATexture: TBGLTextureHandle); virtual; abstract;
- procedure UpdateGLResampleFilter(ATexture: TBGLTextureHandle; AFilter: TOpenGLResampleFilter); virtual; abstract;
- function GetUseGradientColors: boolean; virtual;
- procedure SetUseGradientColors(AValue: boolean); virtual;
- procedure DoDrawTriangleOrQuad(const {%H-}Points: array of TPointF;
- const {%H-}APointsZ: array of Single; const {%H-}APoints3D: array of TPoint3D_128;
- const {%H-}ANormals3D: array of TPoint3D_128; const {%H-}TexCoords: array of TPointF;
- const {%H-}AColors: array of TColorF); virtual;
- procedure DoStretchDraw(x,y,w,h: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel); virtual; abstract;
- procedure DoStretchDrawAngle(x,y,w,h,angleDeg: single; rotationCenter: TPointF; AColor: TBGRAPixel); virtual; abstract;
- procedure DoDrawAffine(Origin, HAxis, VAxis: TPointF; AColor: TBGRAPixel); virtual; abstract;
- function NewEmpty: TBGLCustomTexture; virtual; abstract;
- function NewFromTexture(ATexture: TBGLTextureHandle; AWidth,AHeight: integer): TBGLCustomTexture; virtual; abstract;
- procedure NotifyInvalidFrameSize; virtual;
- procedure NotifyErrorLoadingFile({%H-}AFilename: string); virtual;
- procedure Init(ATexture: TBGLTextureHandle; AWidth,AHeight: integer; AOwned: boolean); virtual;
- function Duplicate: TBGLCustomTexture; virtual;
- procedure FreeMemoryOnDestroy; virtual;
- procedure InitEmpty;
- procedure InitFromData(ARGBAData: PLongWord; AllocatedWidth,AllocatedHeight, ActualWidth,ActualHeight: integer; RGBAOrder: boolean);
- procedure InitFromStream(AStream: TStream);
- public
- destructor Destroy; override;
- constructor Create; overload;
- constructor Create(ATexture: TBGLTextureHandle; AWidth,AHeight: integer); overload;
- constructor Create(ARGBAData: PLongWord; AllocatedWidth,AllocatedHeight, ActualWidth,ActualHeight: integer; RGBAOrder: boolean = true); overload;
- constructor Create(AFPImage: TFPCustomImage); overload;
- constructor Create(ABitmap: TBitmap); overload;
- constructor Create(AWidth, AHeight: integer; Color: TColor); overload;
- constructor Create(AWidth, AHeight: integer; Color: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- constructor Create(AFilenameUTF8: string); overload;
- constructor Create(AFilenameUTF8: string; AWidth,AHeight: integer; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter); overload;
- constructor Create(AStream: TStream); overload;
- procedure ToggleFlipX; virtual; abstract;
- procedure ToggleFlipY; virtual; abstract;
- procedure ToggleMask; virtual;
- function FilterBlurMotion({%H-}ARadius: single; {%H-}ABlurType: TRadialBlurType; {%H-}ADirection: TPointF): IBGLTexture; virtual;
- function FilterBlurRadial({%H-}ARadius: single; {%H-}ABlurType: TRadialBlurType): IBGLTexture; virtual;
- procedure SetFrameSize(x,y: integer);
- procedure Update(ARGBAData: PLongWord; AllocatedWidth, AllocatedHeight, ActualWidth,ActualHeight: integer; RGBAOrder: boolean = true);
- procedure SetFrame(AIndex: integer);
- procedure SetGradientColors(ATopLeft, ATopRight, ABottomRight, ABottomLeft: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure FreeMemory;
- procedure Bind({%H-}ATextureNumber: integer); virtual;
- procedure Draw(x,y: single; AAlpha: byte = 255); overload;
- procedure Draw(x,y: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure Draw(x,y: single; AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout = tlTop; AAlpha: byte = 255); overload;
- procedure Draw(x,y: single; AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure StretchDraw(x,y,w,h: single; AAlpha: byte = 255); overload;
- procedure StretchDraw(x,y,w,h: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure StretchDraw(x,y,w,h: single; AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout = tlTop; AAlpha: byte = 255); overload;
- procedure StretchDraw(x,y,w,h: single; AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure DrawAngle(x,y,angleDeg: single; const imageCenter: TPointF; ARestoreOffsetAfterRotation: boolean; AAlpha: byte = 255); overload;
- procedure DrawAngle(x,y,angleDeg: single; const imageCenter: TPointF; ARestoreOffsetAfterRotation: boolean; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure DrawAngle(x,y,angleDeg: single; AAlpha: byte = 255); overload;
- procedure DrawAngle(x,y,angleDeg: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure DrawAngle(x,y,angleDeg: single; AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout = tlTop; AAlpha: byte = 255); overload;
- procedure DrawAngle(x,y,angleDeg: single; AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure StretchDrawAngle(x,y,w,h,angleDeg: single; const imageCenter: TPointF; ARestoreOffsetAfterRotation: boolean; AAlpha: byte = 255); overload;
- procedure StretchDrawAngle(x,y,w,h,angleDeg: single; const imageCenter: TPointF; ARestoreOffsetAfterRotation: boolean; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure StretchDrawAngle(x,y,w,h,angleDeg: single; AAlpha: byte = 255); overload;
- procedure StretchDrawAngle(x,y,w,h,angleDeg: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure StretchDrawAngle(x,y,w,h,angleDeg: single; AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout = tlTop; AAlpha: byte = 255); overload;
- procedure StretchDrawAngle(x,y,w,h,angleDeg: single; AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure DrawAffine(const Origin, HAxis, VAxis: TPointF; AAlpha: byte = 255); overload;
- procedure DrawAffine(const Origin, HAxis, VAxis: TPointF; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure DrawAffine(x,y: single; const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AAlpha: byte = 255); overload;
- procedure DrawAffine(x,y: single; const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure DrawTriangle(const APoints: array of TPointF; const ATexCoords: array of TPointF); overload;
- procedure DrawTriangle(const APoints: array of TPointF; const ATexCoords: array of TPointF; const AColors: array of TColorF); overload;
- procedure DrawTriangle(const APoints: array of TPointF; const APointsZ: array of Single; const ATexCoords: array of TPointF); overload;
- procedure DrawTriangle(const APoints: array of TPointF; const APointsZ: array of Single; const ATexCoords: array of TPointF; const AColors: array of TColorF); overload;
- procedure DrawTriangle(const APoints3D: array of TPoint3D_128; const ATexCoords: array of TPointF); overload;
- procedure DrawTriangle(const APoints3D: array of TPoint3D_128; const ATexCoords: array of TPointF; const AColors: array of TColorF); overload;
- procedure DrawTriangle(const APoints3D: array of TPoint3D_128; const ANormals3D: array of TPoint3D_128; const ATexCoords: array of TPointF); overload;
- procedure DrawTriangle(const APoints3D: array of TPoint3D_128; const ANormals3D: array of TPoint3D_128; const ATexCoords: array of TPointF; const AColors: array of TColorF); overload;
- procedure DrawQuad(const APoints: array of TPointF; const ATexCoords: array of TPointF); overload;
- procedure DrawQuad(const APoints: array of TPointF; const ATexCoords: array of TPointF; const AColors: array of TColorF); overload;
- procedure DrawQuad(const APoints: array of TPointF; const APointsZ: array of Single; const ATexCoords: array of TPointF); overload;
- procedure DrawQuad(const APoints: array of TPointF; const APointsZ: array of Single; const ATexCoords: array of TPointF; const AColors: array of TColorF); overload;
- procedure DrawQuad(const APoints3D: array of TPoint3D_128; const ATexCoords: array of TPointF); overload;
- procedure DrawQuad(const APoints3D: array of TPoint3D_128; const ATexCoords: array of TPointF; const AColors: array of TColorF); overload;
- procedure DrawQuad(const APoints3D: array of TPoint3D_128; const ANormals3D: array of TPoint3D_128; const ATexCoords: array of TPointF); overload;
- procedure DrawQuad(const APoints3D: array of TPoint3D_128; const ANormals3D: array of TPoint3D_128; const ATexCoords: array of TPointF; const AColors: array of TColorF); overload;
- property Width: integer read GetWidth;
- property Height: integer read GetHeight;
- property FrameCount: integer read GetFrameCount;
- property Frame[AIndex: integer]: IBGLTexture read GetFrame;
- property FrameWidth: integer read GetFrameWidth;
- property FrameHeight: integer read GetFrameHeight;
- property FlipX: IBGLTexture read GetFlipX;
- property FlipY: IBGLTexture read GetFlipY;
- property Mask: IBGLTexture read GetMask;
- property Handle: TBGLTextureHandle read GetOpenGLTexture;
- property ResampleFilter: TOpenGLResampleFilter read GetResampleFilter write SetResampleFilter;
- property BlendMode: TOpenGLBlendMode read GetOpenGLBlendMode write SetOpenGLBlendMode;
- property GradientColors: boolean read GetUseGradientColors write SetUseGradientColors;
- end;
- { TBGLCustomFrameBuffer }
- TBGLCustomFrameBuffer = class
- protected
- FCanvas: pointer;
- function GetTexture: IBGLTexture; virtual; abstract;
- function GetHandle: pointer; virtual; abstract;
- function GetMatrix: TAffineMatrix; virtual; abstract;
- function GetHeight: integer; virtual; abstract;
- function GetProjectionMatrix: TMatrix4D; virtual; abstract;
- function GetWidth: integer; virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetMatrix(AValue: TAffineMatrix); virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetProjectionMatrix(AValue: TMatrix4D); virtual; abstract;
- public
- procedure UseOrthoProjection; overload; virtual;
- procedure UseOrthoProjection(AMinX,AMinY,AMaxX,AMaxY: single); overload; virtual;
- function MakeTextureAndFree: IBGLTexture; virtual;
- procedure SetCanvas(ACanvas: Pointer); //for internal use
- property Matrix: TAffineMatrix read GetMatrix write SetMatrix;
- property ProjectionMatrix: TMatrix4D read GetProjectionMatrix write SetProjectionMatrix;
- property Width: integer read GetWidth;
- property Height: integer read GetHeight;
- property Handle: pointer read GetHandle;
- property Texture: IBGLTexture read GetTexture;
- end;
- TBGLBitmapAny = class of TBGLCustomBitmap;
- TBGLTextureAny = class of TBGLCustomTexture;
- BGLBitmapFactory : TBGLBitmapAny;
- BGLTextureFactory: TBGLTextureAny;
-function OrthoProjectionToOpenGL(AMinX,AMinY,AMaxX,AMaxY: Single): TMatrix4D;
-function GetPowerOfTwo( Value : Integer ) : Integer;
-uses BGRAFilterScanner;
-procedure TBGLCustomFrameBuffer.UseOrthoProjection;
- ProjectionMatrix := OrthoProjectionToOpenGL(0,0,Width,Height);
-procedure TBGLCustomFrameBuffer.UseOrthoProjection(AMinX, AMinY, AMaxX, AMaxY: single);
- ProjectionMatrix := OrthoProjectionToOpenGL(AMinX,AMinY,AMaxX,AMaxY);
-function TBGLCustomFrameBuffer.MakeTextureAndFree: IBGLTexture;
- result := nil;
- raise exception.create('Not implemented');
-procedure TBGLCustomFrameBuffer.SetCanvas(ACanvas: Pointer);
- FCanvas := ACanvas;
-function OrthoProjectionToOpenGL(AMinX, AMinY, AMaxX, AMaxY: Single): TMatrix4D;
-var sx,sy: single;
- sx := 2/(AMaxX-AMinX);
- sy := 2/(AMaxY-AMinY);
- result[1,1] := sx; result[2,1] := 0; result[3,1] := 0; result[4,1] := -1 - AMinX*sx;
- result[1,2] := 0; result[2,2] := -sy; result[3,2] := 0; result[4,2] := 1 + AMinY*sy;
- result[1,3] := 0; result[2,3] := 0; result[3,3] := -1; result[4,3] := 0;
- result[1,4] := 0; result[2,4] := 0; result[3,4] := 0; result[4,4] := 1;
-function GetPowerOfTwo( Value : Integer ) : Integer;
- Result := Value - 1;
- Result := Result or ( Result shr 1 );
- Result := Result or ( Result shr 2 );
- Result := Result or ( Result shr 4 );
- Result := Result or ( Result shr 8 );
- Result := Result or ( Result shr 16 );
- Result := Result + 1;
-{ TBGLCustomTexture }
-function TBGLCustomTexture.GetFlipX: IBGLTexture;
- result := Duplicate;
- result.ToggleFlipX;
-function TBGLCustomTexture.GetFlipY: IBGLTexture;
- result := Duplicate;
- result.ToggleFlipY;
-function TBGLCustomTexture.GetFrame(AIndex: integer): IBGLTexture;
-var fc: integer;
- fc := GetFrameCount;
- if fc <= 1 then
- result := self
- else
- begin
- if (AIndex < 1) or (AIndex > fc) then
- result := NewEmpty
- else
- begin
- result := Duplicate;
- result.SetFrame(AIndex);
- end;
- end;
-function TBGLCustomTexture.GetFrameCount: integer;
- result := GetOpenGLFrameCount(FOpenGLTexture);
-function TBGLCustomTexture.GetFrameHeight: integer;
- result := FFrameHeight;
-function TBGLCustomTexture.GetFrameWidth: integer;
- result := FFrameWidth;
-function TBGLCustomTexture.GetHeight: integer;
- result := FHeight;
-function TBGLCustomTexture.GetMask: IBGLTexture;
- result := Duplicate;
- result.ToggleMask;
-function TBGLCustomTexture.GetOpenGLBlendMode: TOpenGLBlendMode;
- result := FBlendMode;
-function TBGLCustomTexture.GetOpenGLTexture: TBGLTextureHandle;
- result := FOpenGLTexture;
-function TBGLCustomTexture.GetUseGradientColors: boolean;
- result := FUseGradientColor;
-function TBGLCustomTexture.GetWidth: integer;
- result := FWidth;
-function TBGLCustomTexture.GetImageCenter: TPointF;
- result := FImageCenter;
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.SetImageCenter(const AValue: TPointF);
- FImageCenter := AValue;
-function TBGLCustomTexture.GetResampleFilter: TOpenGLResampleFilter;
- result := FResampleFilter;
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.SetOpenGLBlendMode(AValue: TOpenGLBlendMode);
- FBlendMode := AValue;
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.SetResampleFilter(AValue: TOpenGLResampleFilter);
- if AValue <> FResampleFilter then
- begin
- FResampleFilter:= AValue;
- UpdateGLResampleFilter(FOpenGLTexture, AValue);
- end;
-class function TBGLCustomTexture.SupportsBGRAOrder: boolean;
- result := false;
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.SetUseGradientColors(AValue: boolean);
- FUseGradientColor := AValue;
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.DoDrawTriangleOrQuad(
- const Points: array of TPointF; const APointsZ: array of Single;
- const APoints3D: array of TPoint3D_128;
- const ANormals3D: array of TPoint3D_128; const TexCoords: array of TPointF;
- const AColors: array of TColorF);
- raise Exception.Create('Not implemented');
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.ToggleMask;
- FIsMask := not FIsMask;
-function TBGLCustomTexture.FilterBlurMotion(ARadius: single; ABlurType: TRadialBlurType;
- ADirection: TPointF): IBGLTexture;
- result := nil;
- raise exception.Create('Not implemented');
-function TBGLCustomTexture.FilterBlurRadial(ARadius: single; ABlurType: TRadialBlurType): IBGLTexture;
- result := nil;
- raise exception.Create('Not implemented');
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.Update(ARGBAData: PLongWord; AllocatedWidth,
- AllocatedHeight, ActualWidth, ActualHeight: integer; RGBAOrder: boolean);
- UpdateOpenGLTexture(FOpenGLTexture, ARGBAData, AllocatedWidth, AllocatedHeight, ActualWidth,ActualHeight,RGBAOrder);
- ComputeOpenGLFramesCoord(FOpenGLTexture, round(FWidth/FFrameWidth),round(FWidth/FFrameHeight));
- FWidth := ActualWidth;
- FHeight := ActualHeight;
- FImageCenter := PointF(FWidth*0.5,FHeight*0.5);
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.SetFrame(AIndex: integer);
- if (AIndex >= 1) and (AIndex <= GetFrameCount) then
- begin
- FFrame := AIndex;
- FWidth := FFrameWidth;
- FHeight:= FFrameHeight;
- FImageCenter := PointF(FWidth*0.5,FHeight*0.5);
- end;
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.SetGradientColors(ATopLeft, ATopRight,
- ABottomRight, ABottomLeft: TBGRAPixel);
- FGradTopLeft := ATopLeft;
- FGradTopRight := ATopRight;
- FGradBottomLeft := ABottomLeft;
- FGradBottomRight := ABottomRight;
- GradientColors := true;
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.FreeMemory;
- if FOpenGLTextureOwned then
- begin
- FreeOpenGLTexture(FOpenGLTexture);
- FOpenGLTexture := GetEmptyTexture;
- FOpenGLTextureOwned := false;
- end;
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.Bind(ATextureNumber: integer);
- raise Exception.Create('Not implemented');
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.NotifyInvalidFrameSize;
- //
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.NotifyErrorLoadingFile(AFilename: string);
- //
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.Init(ATexture: TBGLTextureHandle; AWidth,
- AHeight: integer; AOwned: boolean);
- FOpenGLTexture:= ATexture;
- FWidth := AWidth;
- FHeight := AHeight;
- FImageCenter := PointF(FWidth*0.5,FHeight*0.5);
- FFrame:= 0;
- FFrameWidth := AWidth;
- FFrameHeight := AHeight;
- FIsMask:= false;
- FOpenGLTextureOwned := AOwned;
-function TBGLCustomTexture.Duplicate: TBGLCustomTexture;
- result := NewFromTexture(FOpenGLTexture, FWidth, FHeight);
- result.FFrame := FFrame;
- result.FFrameWidth := FFrameWidth;
- result.FFrameHeight := FFrameHeight;
- result.FIsMask := FIsMask;
- result.FResampleFilter := FResampleFilter;
- result.FGradTopLeft := FGradTopLeft;
- result.FGradTopRight := FGradTopRight;
- result.FGradBottomRight := FGradBottomRight;
- result.FGradBottomLeft := FGradBottomLeft;
- result.FUseGradientColor := FUseGradientColor;
- result.FBlendMode := FBlendMode;
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.FreeMemoryOnDestroy;
- FreeMemory;
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.InitEmpty;
- Init(GetEmptyTexture,0,0,False);
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.InitFromData(ARGBAData: PLongWord;
- AllocatedWidth, AllocatedHeight, ActualWidth, ActualHeight: integer;
- RGBAOrder: boolean);
-var tex: TBGLTextureHandle;
- MaxTexSize: integer;
- MaxTexSize := GetOpenGLMaxTexSize;
- if ( AllocatedWidth > MaxTexSize ) or ( AllocatedHeight > MaxTexSize ) or
- (AllocatedWidth <= 0) or (AllocatedHeight <= 0) then
- InitEmpty
- else
- begin
- tex := CreateOpenGLTexture(ARGBAData,AllocatedWidth,AllocatedHeight,ActualWidth,ActualHeight,RGBAOrder);
- FResampleFilter := orfLinear;
- ComputeOpenGLFramesCoord(tex);
- Init(tex,ActualWidth,ActualHeight,True);
- end;
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.InitFromStream(AStream: TStream);
-var bmp: TBGLCustomBitmap;
- bmp := nil;
- try
- bmp := BGLBitmapFactory.Create(AStream);
- if not TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder and not SupportsBGRAOrder then bmp.SwapRedBlue;
- InitFromData(PLongWord(bmp.Data), bmp.AllocatedWidth,bmp.AllocatedHeight, bmp.Width,bmp.Height,TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder or not SupportsBGRAOrder);
- except
- InitEmpty;
- end;
- bmp.Free;
-destructor TBGLCustomTexture.Destroy;
- FreeMemoryOnDestroy;
- inherited Destroy;
-constructor TBGLCustomTexture.Create;
- InitEmpty;
-constructor TBGLCustomTexture.Create(ATexture: TBGLTextureHandle; AWidth,
- AHeight: integer);
- Init(ATexture, AWidth,AHeight, False);
-constructor TBGLCustomTexture.Create(ARGBAData: PLongWord; AllocatedWidth,
- AllocatedHeight, ActualWidth, ActualHeight: integer; RGBAOrder: boolean);
- InitFromData(ARGBAData,AllocatedWidth,AllocatedHeight,ActualWidth,ActualHeight,RGBAOrder);
-constructor TBGLCustomTexture.Create(AFPImage: TFPCustomImage);
-var bmp: TBGLCustomBitmap;
- if (AFPImage is TBGRACustomBitmap) and
- (AFPImage.Width = GetPowerOfTwo(AFPImage.Width)) and
- (AFPImage.Height = GetPowerOfTwo(AFPImage.Height)) then
- begin
- with TBGRACustomBitmap(AFPImage) do
- begin
- if not TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder and not SupportsBGRAOrder then SwapRedBlue;
- if LineOrder = riloBottomToTop then VerticalFlip;
- InitFromData(PLongWord(Data), Width,Height, Width,Height, TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder or not SupportsBGRAOrder);
- if LineOrder = riloBottomToTop then VerticalFlip;
- if not TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder and not SupportsBGRAOrder then SwapRedBlue;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- bmp := BGLBitmapFactory.Create(AFPImage);
- if not TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder and not SupportsBGRAOrder then bmp.SwapRedBlue;
- InitFromData(PLongWord(bmp.Data), bmp.AllocatedWidth,bmp.AllocatedHeight, bmp.Width,bmp.Height, TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder or not SupportsBGRAOrder);
- bmp.Free;
- end;
-constructor TBGLCustomTexture.Create(ABitmap: TBitmap);
-var bmp: TBGLCustomBitmap;
- bmp := BGLBitmapFactory.Create(ABitmap);
- if not TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder and not SupportsBGRAOrder then bmp.SwapRedBlue;
- InitFromData(PLongWord(bmp.Data), bmp.AllocatedWidth,bmp.AllocatedHeight, bmp.Width,bmp.Height, TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder or not SupportsBGRAOrder);
- bmp.Free;
-constructor TBGLCustomTexture.Create(AWidth, AHeight: integer; Color: TColor);
-var bmp: TBGLCustomBitmap;
- bmp := BGLBitmapFactory.Create(AWidth,AHeight,Color);
- if not TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder and not SupportsBGRAOrder then bmp.SwapRedBlue;
- InitFromData(PLongWord(bmp.Data), bmp.AllocatedWidth,bmp.AllocatedHeight, bmp.Width,bmp.Height, TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder or not SupportsBGRAOrder);
- bmp.Free;
-constructor TBGLCustomTexture.Create(AWidth, AHeight: integer;
- Color: TBGRAPixel);
-var bmp: TBGLCustomBitmap;
- bmp := BGLBitmapFactory.Create(AWidth,AHeight,Color);
- if not TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder and not SupportsBGRAOrder then bmp.SwapRedBlue;
- InitFromData(PLongWord(bmp.Data), bmp.AllocatedWidth,bmp.AllocatedHeight, bmp.Width,bmp.Height, TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder or not SupportsBGRAOrder);
- bmp.Free;
-constructor TBGLCustomTexture.Create(AFilenameUTF8: string);
-var bmp: TBGLCustomBitmap;
- bmp := nil;
- try
- bmp := BGLBitmapFactory.Create(AFilenameUTF8, True);
- if not TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder and not SupportsBGRAOrder then bmp.SwapRedBlue;
- InitFromData(PLongWord(bmp.Data), bmp.AllocatedWidth,bmp.AllocatedHeight, bmp.Width,bmp.Height, TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder or not SupportsBGRAOrder);
- except
- InitEmpty;
- NotifyErrorLoadingFile(AFilenameUTF8);
- end;
- bmp.Free;
-constructor TBGLCustomTexture.Create(AFilenameUTF8: string; AWidth,
- AHeight: integer; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter);
-var bmp, temp: TBGLCustomBitmap;
- bmp := nil;
- try
- bmp := BGLBitmapFactory.Create(AFilenameUTF8, True);
- if (bmp.Width <> AWidth) or (bmp.Height <> AHeight) then
- begin
- if AResampleFilter = rfBox then
- temp := bmp.Resample(AWidth,AHeight,rmSimpleStretch) as TBGLCustomBitmap
- else
- begin
- bmp.ResampleFilter := AResampleFilter;
- temp := bmp.Resample(AWidth,AHeight) as TBGLCustomBitmap;
- end;
- bmp.Free;
- bmp := temp;
- temp := nil;
- end;
- if not TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder and not SupportsBGRAOrder then bmp.SwapRedBlue;
- InitFromData(PLongWord(bmp.Data), bmp.AllocatedWidth,bmp.AllocatedHeight, bmp.Width,bmp.Height, TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder);
- except
- InitEmpty;
- NotifyErrorLoadingFile(AFilenameUTF8);
- end;
- bmp.Free;
-constructor TBGLCustomTexture.Create(AStream: TStream);
- InitFromStream(AStream);
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.SetFrameSize(x, y: integer);
- if (FWidth = 0) or (FHeight = 0) then exit;
- if (x <= 0) or (y <= 0) or (x > FWidth) or (y > FHeight) then
- begin
- NotifyInvalidFrameSize;
- exit;
- end;
- ComputeOpenGLFramesCoord(FOpenGLTexture, FWidth div x,FHeight div y);
- FFrameWidth:= x;
- FFrameHeight:= y;
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.Draw(x, y: single; AAlpha: byte);
- DoStretchDraw(x,y,FWidth,FHeight,BGRA(255,255,255,AAlpha));
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.Draw(x, y: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- DoStretchDraw(x,y,FWidth,FHeight,AColor);
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.Draw(x, y: single; AHorizAlign: TAlignment;
- AVertAlign: TTextLayout; AAlpha: byte);
- Draw(x,y, AHorizAlign, AVertAlign, BGRA(255,255,255,AAlpha));
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.Draw(x, y: single; AHorizAlign: TAlignment;
- AVertAlign: TTextLayout; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- StretchDraw(x,y, FWidth,FHeight, AHorizAlign,AVertAlign, AColor);
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.StretchDraw(x, y, w, h: single; AAlpha: byte);
- DoStretchDraw(x,y,w,h, BGRA(255,255,255,AAlpha));
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.StretchDraw(x, y, w, h: single;
- AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- DoStretchDraw(x,y,w,h,AColor);
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.StretchDraw(x, y, w, h: single;
- AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout; AAlpha: byte);
- StretchDraw(x,y,w,h, AHorizAlign,AVertAlign, BGRA(255,255,255,AAlpha));
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.StretchDraw(x, y, w, h: single;
- AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- case AHorizAlign of
- taCenter: DecF(x, w*0.5);
- taRightJustify: DecF(x, w-1);
- end;
- case AVertAlign of
- tlCenter: DecF(y, h*0.5);
- tlBottom: DecF(y, h);
- end;
- DoStretchDraw(x,y,w,h,AColor);
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.DrawAngle(x, y, angleDeg: single;
- const imageCenter: TPointF; ARestoreOffsetAfterRotation: boolean; AAlpha: byte);
- StretchDrawAngle(x,y,FWidth,FHeight,angleDeg,imageCenter,ARestoreOffsetAfterRotation,BGRA(255,255,255,AAlpha));
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.DrawAngle(x, y, angleDeg: single;
- const imageCenter: TPointF; ARestoreOffsetAfterRotation: boolean; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- StretchDrawAngle(x,y,FWidth,FHeight,angleDeg,imageCenter,ARestoreOffsetAfterRotation,AColor);
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.DrawAngle(x, y, angleDeg: single; AAlpha: byte);
- StretchDrawAngle(x,y, FWidth,FHeight, angleDeg, AAlpha);
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.DrawAngle(x, y, angleDeg: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- StretchDrawAngle(x,y, FWidth,FHeight, angleDeg, AColor);
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.DrawAngle(x, y, angleDeg: single;
- AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout; AAlpha: byte);
- StretchDrawAngle(x,y,FWidth,FHeight,angleDeg, AHorizAlign, AVertAlign, AAlpha);
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.DrawAngle(x, y, angleDeg: single;
- AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- StretchDrawAngle(x,y,FWidth,FHeight, angleDeg, AHorizAlign, AVertAlign, AColor);
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.StretchDrawAngle(x, y,w,h, angleDeg: single;
- const imageCenter: TPointF; ARestoreOffsetAfterRotation: boolean; AAlpha: byte);
- StretchDrawAngle(x,y,w,h,angleDeg,imageCenter,ARestoreOffsetAfterRotation,BGRA(255,255,255,AAlpha));
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.StretchDrawAngle(x, y,w,h, angleDeg: single;
- const imageCenter: TPointF; ARestoreOffsetAfterRotation: boolean; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- rotationCenter: TPointF;
- if (FWidth=0) or (FHeight = 0) then exit;
- rotationCenter := PointF(imageCenter.x*w/FWidth, imageCenter.y*h/FHeight);
- if not ARestoreOffsetAfterRotation then
- begin
- DecF(x, rotationCenter.x);
- DecF(y, rotationCenter.y);
- end;
- DoStretchDrawAngle(x,y,w,h,angleDeg,rotationCenter+PointF(x,y),AColor);
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.StretchDrawAngle(x, y,w,h, angleDeg: single; AAlpha: byte);
- StretchDrawAngle(x, y, w,h, angleDeg, FImageCenter, True, BGRA(255,255,255,AAlpha));
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.StretchDrawAngle(x, y,w,h, angleDeg: single;
- AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- StretchDrawAngle(x, y, w,h, angleDeg, FImageCenter, True, AColor);
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.StretchDrawAngle(x, y,w,h, angleDeg: single;
- AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout; AAlpha: byte);
- StretchDrawAngle(x,y,w,h,angleDeg, AHorizAlign, AVertAlign, BGRA(255,255,255,AAlpha));
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.StretchDrawAngle(x, y,w,h, angleDeg: single;
- AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
-var imageCenter: TPointF;
- case AHorizAlign of
- taCenter: imageCenter.x := FWidth*0.5;
- taRightJustify: imageCenter.x := FWidth;
- else imageCenter.x := 0;
- end;
- case AVertAlign of
- tlCenter: imageCenter.y := FHeight*0.5;
- tlBottom: imageCenter.y := FHeight;
- else imageCenter.y := 0;
- end;
- StretchDrawAngle(x,y,w,h, angleDeg, imageCenter, False, AColor);
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.DrawAffine(const Origin, HAxis, VAxis: TPointF;
- AAlpha: byte);
- DoDrawAffine(Origin,HAxis,VAxis, BGRA(255,255,255,AAlpha));
- {$POP}
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.DrawAffine(const Origin, HAxis, VAxis: TPointF;
- AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- DoDrawAffine(Origin,HAxis,VAxis, AColor);
- {$POP}
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.DrawAffine(x, y: single;
- const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AAlpha: byte);
- DoDrawAffine(AMatrix*PointF(0,0) + PointF(x,y), AMatrix*PointF(Width,0) + PointF(x,y),
- AMatrix*PointF(0,Height) + PointF(x,y), BGRA(255,255,255,AAlpha));
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.DrawAffine(x, y: single;
- const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- DoDrawAffine(AMatrix*PointF(0,0) + PointF(x,y), AMatrix*PointF(Width,0) + PointF(x,y),
- AMatrix*PointF(0,Height) + PointF(x,y), AColor);
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.DrawTriangle(const APoints: array of TPointF;
- const ATexCoords: array of TPointF);
- if (length(APoints) = 3) and (length(ATexCoords) = 3) then
- DoDrawTriangleOrQuad(APoints,[],[],[],ATexCoords,[]);
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.DrawTriangle(const APoints: array of TPointF;
- const ATexCoords: array of TPointF; const AColors: array of TColorF);
- if (length(APoints) = 3) and (length(ATexCoords) = 3)
- and (length(AColors) = 3) then
- DoDrawTriangleOrQuad(APoints,[],[],[],ATexCoords,AColors);
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.DrawTriangle(const APoints: array of TPointF;
- const APointsZ: array of Single; const ATexCoords: array of TPointF);
- if (length(APoints) = 3) and (length(ATexCoords) = 3)
- and (length(APointsZ) = 3) then
- DoDrawTriangleOrQuad(APoints,APointsZ,[],[],ATexCoords,[]);
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.DrawTriangle(const APoints: array of TPointF;
- const APointsZ: array of Single; const ATexCoords: array of TPointF;
- const AColors: array of TColorF);
- if (length(APoints) = 3) and (length(ATexCoords) = 3)
- and (length(APointsZ) = 3) and (length(AColors) = 3) then
- DoDrawTriangleOrQuad(APoints,APointsZ,[],[],ATexCoords,AColors);
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.DrawTriangle(
- const APoints3D: array of TPoint3D_128; const ATexCoords: array of TPointF);
- if (length(APoints3D) = 3) and (length(ATexCoords) = 3) then
- DoDrawTriangleOrQuad([],[],APoints3D,[],ATexCoords,[]);
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.DrawTriangle(
- const APoints3D: array of TPoint3D_128; const ATexCoords: array of TPointF;
- const AColors: array of TColorF);
- if (length(APoints3D) = 3) and (length(ATexCoords) = 3)
- and (length(AColors) = 3) then
- DoDrawTriangleOrQuad([],[],APoints3D,[],ATexCoords,AColors);
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.DrawTriangle(const APoints3D: array of TPoint3D_128;
- const ANormals3D: array of TPoint3D_128;
- const ATexCoords: array of TPointF);
- if (length(APoints3D) = 3) and (length(ATexCoords) = 3)
- and (length(ANormals3D) = 3) then
- DoDrawTriangleOrQuad([],[],APoints3D,ANormals3D,ATexCoords,[]);
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.DrawTriangle(const APoints3D: array of TPoint3D_128;
- const ANormals3D: array of TPoint3D_128;
- const ATexCoords: array of TPointF; const AColors: array of TColorF);
- if (length(APoints3D) = 3) and (length(ATexCoords) = 3)
- and (length(ANormals3D) = 3)
- and (length(AColors) = 3) then
- DoDrawTriangleOrQuad([],[],APoints3D,ANormals3D,ATexCoords,AColors);
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.DrawQuad(const APoints: array of TPointF;
- const ATexCoords: array of TPointF);
- if (length(APoints) = 4) and (length(ATexCoords) = 4) then
- DoDrawTriangleOrQuad(APoints,[],[],[],ATexCoords,[]);
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.DrawQuad(const APoints: array of TPointF;
- const ATexCoords: array of TPointF; const AColors: array of TColorF);
- if (length(APoints) = 4) and (length(ATexCoords) = 4)
- and (length(AColors) = 4) then
- DoDrawTriangleOrQuad(APoints,[],[],[],ATexCoords, AColors);
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.DrawQuad(const APoints: array of TPointF;
- const APointsZ: array of Single; const ATexCoords: array of TPointF);
- if (length(APoints) = 4) and (length(ATexCoords) = 4)
- and (length(APointsZ) = 4) then
- DoDrawTriangleOrQuad(APoints,APointsZ,[],[],ATexCoords,[]);
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.DrawQuad(const APoints: array of TPointF;
- const APointsZ: array of Single; const ATexCoords: array of TPointF;
- const AColors: array of TColorF);
- if (length(APoints) = 4) and (length(ATexCoords) = 4)
- and (length(APointsZ) = 4) and (length(AColors) = 4) then
- DoDrawTriangleOrQuad(APoints,APointsZ,[],[],ATexCoords,AColors);
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.DrawQuad(const APoints3D: array of TPoint3D_128;
- const ATexCoords: array of TPointF);
- if (length(APoints3D) = 4) and (length(ATexCoords) = 4) then
- DoDrawTriangleOrQuad([],[],APoints3D,[],ATexCoords,[]);
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.DrawQuad(const APoints3D: array of TPoint3D_128;
- const ATexCoords: array of TPointF; const AColors: array of TColorF);
- if (length(APoints3D) = 4) and (length(ATexCoords) = 4)
- and (length(AColors) = 4) then
- DoDrawTriangleOrQuad([],[],APoints3D,[],ATexCoords,AColors);
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.DrawQuad(const APoints3D: array of TPoint3D_128;
- const ANormals3D: array of TPoint3D_128;
- const ATexCoords: array of TPointF);
- if (length(APoints3D) = 4) and (length(ATexCoords) = 4)
- and (length(ANormals3D) = 4) then
- DoDrawTriangleOrQuad([],[],APoints3D,ANormals3D,ATexCoords,[]);
-procedure TBGLCustomTexture.DrawQuad(const APoints3D: array of TPoint3D_128;
- const ANormals3D: array of TPoint3D_128;
- const ATexCoords: array of TPointF; const AColors: array of TColorF);
- if (length(APoints3D) = 4) and (length(ATexCoords) = 4)
- and (length(ANormals3D) = 4)
- and (length(AColors) = 4) then
- DoDrawTriangleOrQuad([],[],APoints3D,ANormals3D,ATexCoords,AColors);
-{ TBGLCustomFont }
-function TBGLCustomFont.GetScale: single;
- result := FScale;
-function TBGLCustomFont.GetStepX: single;
- result := FStepX;
-procedure TBGLCustomFont.SetScale(AValue: single);
- FScale:= AValue;
-procedure TBGLCustomFont.SetStepX(AValue: single);
- FStepX:= AValue;
-function TBGLCustomFont.GetHorizontalAlign: TAlignment;
- result := FHorizontalAlign;
-function TBGLCustomFont.GetJustify: boolean;
- result := FJustify;
-function TBGLCustomFont.GetVerticalAlign: TTextLayout;
- result := FVerticalAlign;
-procedure TBGLCustomFont.SetHorizontalAlign(AValue: TAlignment);
- FHorizontalAlign:= AValue;
-procedure TBGLCustomFont.SetJustify(AValue: boolean);
- FJustify:= AValue;
-procedure TBGLCustomFont.SetVerticalAlign(AValue: TTextLayout);
- FVerticalAlign := AValue;
-function TBGLCustomFont.GetDefaultColor: TBGRAPixel;
- result := BGRAWhite;
-procedure TBGLCustomFont.SwapRectIfNeeded(var ARect: TRectF);
-var temp: single;
- if ARect.Right < ARect.Left then
- begin
- temp := ARect.Left;
- ARect.Left := ARect.Right;
- ARect.Right := temp;
- end;
- if ARect.Bottom < ARect.Top then
- begin
- temp := ARect.Top;
- ARect.Top := ARect.Bottom;
- ARect.Bottom := temp;
- end;
-procedure TBGLCustomFont.SwapRectIfNeeded(var ARect: TRect);
-var temp: integer;
- if ARect.Right < ARect.Left then
- begin
- temp := ARect.Left;
- ARect.Left := ARect.Right;
- ARect.Right := temp;
- end;
- if ARect.Bottom < ARect.Top then
- begin
- temp := ARect.Top;
- ARect.Top := ARect.Bottom;
- ARect.Bottom := temp;
- end;
-procedure TBGLCustomFont.SetPadding(AValue: TRectF);
- FPadding:=AValue;
-function TBGLCustomFont.GetPadding: TRectF;
- result := FPadding;
-procedure TBGLCustomFont.Init;
- FScale:= 1;
- FStepX:= 0;
- FHorizontalAlign:= taLeftJustify;
- FVerticalAlign:= tlTop;
- FJustify:= false;
- FPadding := RectF(1,1,1,1);
-procedure TBGLCustomFont.FreeMemoryOnDestroy;
- FreeMemory;
-procedure TBGLCustomFont.FreeMemory;
-constructor TBGLCustomFont.Create(AFilename: UTF8String);
- Init;
- LoadFromFile(AFilename);
-destructor TBGLCustomFont.Destroy;
- FreeMemoryOnDestroy;
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TBGLCustomFont.TextOut(X, Y: Single; const Text: UTF8String);
- DoTextOut(X,Y,Text,GetDefaultColor);
-procedure TBGLCustomFont.TextOut(X, Y: Single; const Text: UTF8String;
- AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- DoTextOut(X,Y,Text,AColor);
-procedure TBGLCustomFont.TextOut(X, Y: Single; const Text: UTF8String;
- AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout);
- TextOut(X,Y,Text,AHorizAlign,AVertAlign,GetDefaultColor);
-procedure TBGLCustomFont.TextOut(X, Y: Single; const Text: UTF8String;
- AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
-var PrevHorizAlign: TAlignment;
- PrevVertAlign: TTextLayout;
- PrevHorizAlign:= GetHorizontalAlign;
- PrevVertAlign:= GetVerticalAlign;
- SetHorizontalAlign(AHorizAlign);
- SetVerticalAlign(AVertAlign);
- DoTextOut(X,Y,Text,AColor);
- SetHorizontalAlign(PrevHorizAlign);
- SetVerticalAlign(PrevVertAlign);
-procedure TBGLCustomFont.TextRect(X, Y, Width, Height: Single;
- const Text: UTF8String);
- DoTextRect(X+Padding.Left,Y+Padding.Top,Width-Padding.Left-Padding.Right,Height-Padding.Top-Padding.Bottom,Text,GetDefaultColor);
-procedure TBGLCustomFont.TextRect(X, Y, Width, Height: Single;
- const Text: UTF8String; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- DoTextRect(X+Padding.Left,Y+Padding.Top,Width-Padding.Left-Padding.Right,Height-Padding.Top-Padding.Bottom,Text,AColor);
-procedure TBGLCustomFont.TextRect(X, Y, Width, Height: Single;
- const Text: UTF8String; AVertAlign: TTextLayout);
- TextRect(X+Padding.Left,Y+Padding.Top,Width-Padding.Left-Padding.Right,Height-Padding.Top-Padding.Bottom,Text,AVertAlign,GetDefaultColor);
-procedure TBGLCustomFont.TextRect(X, Y, Width, Height: Single;
- const Text: UTF8String; AVertAlign: TTextLayout; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
-var PrevVertAlign: TTextLayout;
- PrevVertAlign:= GetVerticalAlign;
- SetVerticalAlign(AVertAlign);
- DoTextRect(X+Padding.Left,Y+Padding.Top,Width-Padding.Left-Padding.Right,Height-Padding.Top-Padding.Bottom,Text,AColor);
- SetVerticalAlign(PrevVertAlign);
-procedure TBGLCustomFont.TextRect(X, Y, Width, Height: Single;
- const Text: UTF8String; AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout);
- TextRect(X+Padding.Left,Y+Padding.Top,Width-Padding.Left-Padding.Right,Height-Padding.Top-Padding.Bottom,Text,AHorizAlign,AVertAlign,GetDefaultColor);
-procedure TBGLCustomFont.TextRect(X, Y, Width, Height: Single;
- const Text: UTF8String; AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout;
- AColor: TBGRAPixel);
-var PrevHorizAlign: TAlignment;
- PrevVertAlign: TTextLayout;
- PrevJustify: boolean;
- PrevHorizAlign:= GetHorizontalAlign;
- PrevVertAlign:= GetVerticalAlign;
- PrevJustify := GetJustify;
- SetHorizontalAlign(AHorizAlign);
- SetVerticalAlign(AVertAlign);
- SetJustify(False);
- DoTextRect(X+Padding.Left,Y+Padding.Top,Width-Padding.Left-Padding.Right,Height-Padding.Top-Padding.Bottom,Text,AColor);
- SetHorizontalAlign(PrevHorizAlign);
- SetVerticalAlign(PrevVertAlign);
- SetJustify(PrevJustify);
-procedure TBGLCustomFont.TextRect(ARect: TRect; const Text: UTF8String);
- SwapRectIfNeeded(ARect);
- with ARect do TextRect(Left,Top,Right-Left,Bottom-Top,Text);
-procedure TBGLCustomFont.TextRect(ARect: TRect; const Text: UTF8String;
- AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- SwapRectIfNeeded(ARect);
- with ARect do TextRect(Left,Top,Right-Left,Bottom-Top,Text,
- AColor);
-procedure TBGLCustomFont.TextRect(ARect: TRect; const Text: UTF8String;
- AVertAlign: TTextLayout);
- SwapRectIfNeeded(ARect);
- with ARect do TextRect(Left,Top,Right-Left,Bottom-Top,Text,
- AVertAlign);
-procedure TBGLCustomFont.TextRect(ARect: TRect; const Text: UTF8String;
- AVertAlign: TTextLayout; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- SwapRectIfNeeded(ARect);
- with ARect do TextRect(Left,Top,Right-Left,Bottom-Top,Text,
- AVertAlign, AColor);
-procedure TBGLCustomFont.TextRect(ARect: TRect; const Text: UTF8String;
- AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout);
- SwapRectIfNeeded(ARect);
- with ARect do TextRect(Left,Top,Right-Left,Bottom-Top,Text,
- AHorizAlign, AVertAlign);
-procedure TBGLCustomFont.TextRect(ARect: TRect; const Text: UTF8String;
- AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- SwapRectIfNeeded(ARect);
- with ARect do TextRect(Left,Top,Right-Left,Bottom-Top,Text,
- AHorizAlign, AVertAlign, AColor);
-procedure TBGLCustomFont.TextRect(ARect: TRectF; const Text: UTF8String);
- SwapRectIfNeeded(ARect);
- with ARect do TextRect(Left,Top,Right-Left,Bottom-Top,Text);
-procedure TBGLCustomFont.TextRect(ARect: TRectF; const Text: UTF8String;
- AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- SwapRectIfNeeded(ARect);
- with ARect do TextRect(Left,Top,Right-Left,Bottom-Top,Text,
- AColor);
-procedure TBGLCustomFont.TextRect(ARect: TRectF; const Text: UTF8String;
- AVertAlign: TTextLayout);
- SwapRectIfNeeded(ARect);
- with ARect do TextRect(Left,Top,Right-Left,Bottom-Top,Text,
- AVertAlign);
-procedure TBGLCustomFont.TextRect(ARect: TRectF; const Text: UTF8String;
- AVertAlign: TTextLayout; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- SwapRectIfNeeded(ARect);
- with ARect do TextRect(Left,Top,Right-Left,Bottom-Top,Text,
- AVertAlign, AColor);
-procedure TBGLCustomFont.TextRect(ARect: TRectF; const Text: UTF8String;
- AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout);
- SwapRectIfNeeded(ARect);
- with ARect do TextRect(Left,Top,Right-Left,Bottom-Top,Text,
- AHorizAlign, AVertAlign);
-procedure TBGLCustomFont.TextRect(ARect: TRectF; const Text: UTF8String;
- AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- SwapRectIfNeeded(ARect);
- with ARect do TextRect(Left,Top,Right-Left,Bottom-Top,Text,
- AHorizAlign, AVertAlign, AColor);
-{ TBGLCustomBitmap }
-procedure TBGLCustomBitmap.Init;
- inherited Init;
- FTextureInvalidated := true;
- FActualRect := rect(0,0,0,0);
- FScanWidth := 0;
- FScanHeight:= 0;
- FTexture := nil;
- FLineOrder := riloTopToBottom;
-function TBGLCustomBitmap.GetTexture: IBGLTexture;
- if (Width = 0) or (Height = 0) then
- result := BGLTextureFactory.Create
- else
- begin
- if FTextureInvalidated then
- begin
- FTextureInvalidated := false;
- if not TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder and not BGLTextureFactory.SupportsBGRAOrder then SwapRedBlueWithoutInvalidate(Rect(0,0,Width,Height));
- if FTexture = nil then
- FTexture := BGLTextureFactory.Create(PLongWord(self.Data), AllocatedWidth,AllocatedHeight, Width,Height, TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder or not BGLTextureFactory.SupportsBGRAOrder)
- else
- FTexture.Update(PLongWord(self.Data), AllocatedWidth,AllocatedHeight, Width,Height, TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder or not BGLTextureFactory.SupportsBGRAOrder);
- if not TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder and not BGLTextureFactory.SupportsBGRAOrder then SwapRedBlueWithoutInvalidate(Rect(0,0,Width,Height));
- end;
- result := FTexture;
- end;
-procedure TBGLCustomBitmap.NotifySizeTooBigForOpenGL;
- raise exception.Create('Size too big for OpenGL');
-procedure TBGLCustomBitmap.NotifyOpenGLContextNotCreatedYet;
- raise exception.Create('OpenGL context has not been created yet');
-function TBGLCustomBitmap.GetTextureGL: IUnknown;
- Result:=GetTexture;
-procedure TBGLCustomBitmap.SwapRedBlueWithoutInvalidate(ARect: TRect);
-var y: Int32or64;
- p: PBGRAPixel;
- if not CheckClippedRectBounds(ARect.Left,ARect.Top,ARect.Right,ARect.Bottom) then exit;
- for y := ARect.Top to ARect.Bottom-1 do
- begin
- p := GetScanlineFast(y)+ARect.Left;
- TBGRAFilterScannerSwapRedBlue.ComputeFilterAt(p,p, ARect.Right-ARect.Left, False);
- end;
-procedure TBGLCustomBitmap.InvalidateBitmap;
- inherited InvalidateBitmap;
- FTextureInvalidated := true;
-procedure TBGLCustomBitmap.Fill(const c: TBGRAPixel);
-var oldClip: TRect;
- oldClip := ClipRect;
- NoClip;
- FillRect(ClipRect, c, dmSet);
- ClipRect := oldClip;
-procedure TBGLCustomBitmap.NoClip;
- ClipRect := FActualRect;
-destructor TBGLCustomBitmap.Destroy;
- if FTexture <> nil then
- begin
- //always free the memory of the texture
- FTexture.FreeMemory;
- FTexture := nil;
- end;
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TBGLCustomBitmap.SwapRedBlue;
-var previousClip : TRect;
- previousClip := ClipRect;
- NoClip;
- SwapRedBlue(rect(0,0,Width,Height));
- ClipRect := previousClip;
-function TBGLCustomBitmap.Resample(newWidth, newHeight: integer;
- mode: TResampleMode): TBGLCustomBitmap;
-var temp,resampled: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- temp := TBGRABitmap.Create(FActualWidth,FActualHeight);
- temp.PutImage(-FActualRect.Left,-FActualRect.Top, self, dmSet);
- temp.ResampleFilter := ResampleFilter;
- resampled := temp.Resample(NewWidth,NewHeight,mode);
- temp.Free;
- Result:= NewBitmap(resampled) as TBGLCustomBitmap;
- resampled.Free;
-procedure TBGLCustomBitmap.ApplyGlobalOpacity(alpha: byte);
-var oldClip: TRect;
- oldClip := ClipRect;
- NoClip;
- ApplyGlobalOpacity(FActualRect,alpha);
- ClipRect := oldClip;
-procedure TBGLCustomBitmap.ReplaceColor(before, after: TColor);
-var oldClip: TRect;
- oldClip := ClipRect;
- NoClip;
- ReplaceColor(FActualRect, before, after);
- ClipRect := oldClip;
-procedure TBGLCustomBitmap.ReplaceColor(const ABefore, AAfter: TBGRAPixel);
-var oldClip: TRect;
- oldClip := ClipRect;
- NoClip;
- ReplaceColor(FActualRect, ABefore, AAfter);
- ClipRect := oldClip;
-procedure TBGLCustomBitmap.ReplaceTransparent(const AAfter: TBGRAPixel);
-var oldClip: TRect;
- oldClip := ClipRect;
- NoClip;
- ReplaceTransparent(FActualRect,AAfter);
- ClipRect := oldClip;
-procedure TBGLCustomBitmap.SetClipRect(const AValue: TRect);
-var r: TRect;
- r := TRect.Intersect(AValue, FActualRect);
- inherited SetClipRect(r);
-procedure TBGLCustomBitmap.SetSize(AWidth, AHeight: integer);
-var AllocatedWidthNeeded,AllocatedHeightNeeded,
- MaxTexSize: Integer;
- if AWidth < 0 then AWidth := 0;
- if AHeight < 0 then AHeight := 0;
- if (AWidth = Width) and (AHeight = Height) then exit;
- AllocatedWidthNeeded := GetPowerOfTwo(AWidth);
- AllocatedHeightNeeded := GetPowerOfTwo(AHeight);
- MaxTexSize := GetOpenGLMaxTexSize;
- if (AllocatedWidthNeeded > MaxTexSize) or
- (AllocatedHeightNeeded > MaxTexSize) then
- begin
- if MaxTexSize = 0 then
- NotifyOpenGLContextNotCreatedYet
- else
- NotifySizeTooBigForOpenGL;
- if AllocatedWidthNeeded > MaxTexSize then
- begin
- AllocatedWidthNeeded := MaxTexSize;
- AWidth := MaxTexSize;
- end;
- if AllocatedHeightNeeded > MaxTexSize then
- begin
- AllocatedHeightNeeded := MaxTexSize;
- AHeight := MaxTexSize;
- end;
- end;
- FActualWidth := AWidth;
- FActualHeight := AHeight;
- FAllocatedWidth := AllocatedWidthNeeded;
- FAllocatedHeight := AllocatedHeightNeeded;
- FActualRect := rect(0,0,FActualWidth,FActualHeight);
- if (FAllocatedWidth <> inherited Width) or
- (FAllocatedHeight <> inherited Height) then
- inherited SetSize(FAllocatedWidth, FAllocatedHeight);
- inherited NoClip;
- inherited FillRect(Width,0,FAllocatedWidth,Height, BGRAPixelTransparent, dmSet);
- inherited FillRect(0,Height,FAllocatedWidth,FAllocatedHeight, BGRAPixelTransparent, dmSet);
- NoClip;
- FScanWidth := Width;
- FScanHeight:= Height;
- FTextureInvalidated:= true;
-function TBGLCustomBitmap.MakeTextureAndFree: IBGLTexture;
- result := Texture;
- FTexture := nil;
- Free;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgraopenraster.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgraopenraster.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a25221..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgraopenraster.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1139 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAOpenRaster;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BGRALayers, zipper, DOM, BGRABitmap, BGRALayerOriginal,
- OpenRasterMimeType = 'image/openraster'; //do not change, it's part of the file format
- OpenRasterSVGDefaultDPI = 90;
- { TBGRAOpenRasterDocument }
- TBGRAOpenRasterDocument = class(TBGRALayeredBitmap)
- private
- FFiles: array of record
- Filename: string;
- Stream: TMemoryStream;
- end;
- FStackXML: TXMLDocument;
- FZipInputStream: TStream;
- procedure SetMimeType(AValue: string);
- protected
- Procedure ZipOnCreateStream(Sender : TObject; var AStream : TStream; AItem : TFullZipFileEntry);
- Procedure ZipOnDoneStream(Sender : TObject; var AStream : TStream; AItem : TFullZipFileEntry);
- Procedure ZipOnOpenInputStream(Sender : TObject; var AStream : TStream);
- Procedure ZipOnCloseInputStream(Sender : TObject; var AStream : TStream);
- procedure ClearFiles;
- function GetMemoryStream(AFilename: string): TMemoryStream;
- procedure SetMemoryStream(AFilename: string; AStream: TMemoryStream);
- function AddLayerFromMemoryStream(ALayerFilename: string): integer;
- function CopyRasterLayerToMemoryStream(ALayerIndex: integer; ALayerFilename: string): boolean;
- procedure CopySVGToMemoryStream(ASVG: TBGRASVG; ASVGMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AOutFilename: string; out AOffset: TPoint);
- function CopyBitmapToMemoryStream(ABitmap: TBGRABitmap; AFilename: string): boolean;
- procedure SetMemoryStreamAsString(AFilename: string; AContent: string);
- function GetMemoryStreamAsString(AFilename: string): string;
- procedure UnzipFromStream(AStream: TStream; AFileList: TStrings = nil);
- procedure UnzipFromFile(AFilenameUTF8: string);
- procedure ZipToFile(AFilenameUTF8: string);
- procedure ZipToStream(AStream: TStream);
- procedure CopyThumbnailToMemoryStream(AMaxWidth, AMaxHeight: integer);
- procedure AnalyzeZip; virtual;
- procedure PrepareZipToSave; virtual;
- function GetMimeType: string; override;
- procedure InternalLoadFromStream(AStream: TStream);
- procedure InternalSaveToStream(AStream: TStream);
- public
- constructor Create; overload; override;
- constructor Create(AWidth, AHeight: integer); overload; override;
- procedure Clear; override;
- function CheckMimeType(AStream: TStream): boolean;
- procedure LoadFlatImageFromStream(AStream: TStream;
- out ANbLayers: integer;
- out ABitmap: TBGRABitmap);
- procedure LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream); override;
- procedure LoadFromFile(const filenameUTF8: string); override;
- procedure SaveToStream(AStream: TStream); override;
- procedure SaveToFile(const filenameUTF8: string); override;
- property MimeType : string read GetMimeType write SetMimeType;
- property StackXML : TXMLDocument read FStackXML;
- end;
- { TFPReaderOpenRaster }
- TFPReaderOpenRaster = class(TFPCustomImageReader)
- private
- FWidth,FHeight,FNbLayers: integer;
- protected
- function InternalCheck(Stream: TStream): boolean; override;
- procedure InternalRead(Stream: TStream; Img: TFPCustomImage); override;
- public
- property Width: integer read FWidth;
- property Height: integer read FHeight;
- property NbLayers: integer read FNbLayers;
- end;
- { TFPWriterOpenRaster }
- TFPWriterOpenRaster = class(TFPCustomImageWriter)
- protected
- procedure InternalWrite (Str:TStream; Img:TFPCustomImage); override;
- end;
-procedure RegisterOpenRasterFormat;
-uses XMLRead, XMLWrite, BGRABitmapTypes, zstream, BGRAUTF8,
- UnzipperExt, BGRASVGOriginal, BGRATransform, BGRASVGType, math;
- MergedImageFilename = 'mergedimage.png';
- LayerStackFilename = 'stack.xml';
-function IsZipStream(stream: TStream): boolean;
- header: packed array[0..1] of char;
- SavePos: int64;
- Result := False;
- try
- if stream.Position + 2 < Stream.Size then
- begin
- header := #0#0;
- SavePos := stream.Position;
- stream.Read(header, 2);
- stream.Position := SavePos;
- if (header[0] = 'P') and (header[1] = 'K') then
- Result := True;
- end;
- except
- on ex: Exception do ;
- end;
-{ TFPWriterOpenRaster }
-procedure TFPWriterOpenRaster.InternalWrite(Str: TStream; Img: TFPCustomImage);
-var doc: TBGRAOpenRasterDocument;
- tempBmp: TBGRABitmap;
- x,y: integer;
- doc := TBGRAOpenRasterDocument.Create;
- if Img is TBGRABitmap then doc.AddLayer(Img as TBGRABitmap) else
- begin
- tempBmp := TBGRABitmap.Create(img.Width,img.Height);
- for y := 0 to Img.Height-1 do
- for x := 0 to img.Width-1 do
- tempBmp.SetPixel(x,y, FPColorToBGRA(img.Colors[x,y]));
- doc.AddOwnedLayer(tempBmp);
- end;
- doc.SaveToStream(Str);
- doc.Free;
-{ TFPReaderOpenRaster }
-function TFPReaderOpenRaster.InternalCheck(Stream: TStream): boolean;
-var magic: packed array[0..3] of byte;
- OldPos,BytesRead: Int64;
- doc : TBGRAOpenRasterDocument;
- Result:=false;
- if Stream=nil then exit;
- oldPos := stream.Position;
- BytesRead := Stream.Read({%H-}magic,sizeof(magic));
- {$POP}
- stream.Position:= OldPos;
- if BytesRead<>sizeof(magic) then exit;
- if (magic[0] = $50) and (magic[1] = $4b) and (magic[2] = $03) and (magic[3] = $04) then
- begin
- doc := TBGRAOpenRasterDocument.Create;
- result := doc.CheckMimeType(Stream);
- doc.Free;
- end;
-procedure TFPReaderOpenRaster.InternalRead(Stream: TStream; Img: TFPCustomImage);
- layeredImage: TBGRAOpenRasterDocument;
- flat: TBGRABitmap;
- x,y: integer;
- FWidth := 0;
- FHeight:= 0;
- FNbLayers:= 0;
- layeredImage := TBGRAOpenRasterDocument.Create;
- try
- layeredImage.LoadFlatImageFromStream(Stream, FNbLayers, flat);
- if Assigned(flat) then
- begin
- FWidth := flat.Width;
- FHeight := flat.Height;
- end else
- begin
- layeredImage.LoadFromStream(Stream);
- flat := layeredImage.ComputeFlatImage;
- FWidth:= layeredImage.Width;
- FHeight:= layeredImage.Height;
- FNbLayers:= layeredImage.NbLayers;
- end;
- try
- if Img is TBGRACustomBitmap then
- TBGRACustomBitmap(img).Assign(flat)
- else
- begin
- Img.SetSize(flat.Width,flat.Height);
- for y := 0 to flat.Height-1 do
- for x := 0 to flat.Width-1 do
- Img.Colors[x,y] := BGRAToFPColor(flat.GetPixel(x,y));
- end;
- finally
- flat.free;
- end;
- FreeAndNil(layeredImage);
- except
- on ex: Exception do
- begin
- layeredImage.Free;
- raise Exception.Create('Error while loading OpenRaster file. ' + ex.Message);
- end;
- end;
-{ TBGRAOpenRasterDocument }
-procedure TBGRAOpenRasterDocument.AnalyzeZip;
- function CountLayersRec(stackNode: TDOMNode): integer;
- var i: integer;
- layerNode: TDOMNode;
- begin
- result := 0;
- for i := stackNode.ChildNodes.Length-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- layerNode:= stackNode.ChildNodes[i];
- if (layerNode.NodeName = 'layer') and Assigned(layerNode.Attributes) then
- inc(result) else
- if (layerNode.NodeName = 'stack') then
- inc(result, CountLayersRec(layerNode));
- end;
- end;
- totalLayerCount, doneLayerCount: integer;
- procedure AddLayersRec(stackNode: TDOMNode);
- var i,j : integer;
- layerNode, attr: TDOMNode;
- idx,x,y: integer;
- float: double;
- errPos: integer;
- opstr : string;
- gammastr: string;
- begin
- for i := stackNode.ChildNodes.Length-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- OnLayeredBitmapLoadProgress(doneLayerCount*100 div totalLayerCount);
- layerNode:= stackNode.ChildNodes[i];
- if layerNode.NodeName = 'stack' then
- AddLayersRec(layerNode) else
- if (layerNode.NodeName = 'layer') and Assigned(layerNode.Attributes) then
- begin
- attr := layerNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem('src');
- idx := AddLayerFromMemoryStream(UTF8Encode(attr.NodeValue));
- if idx <> -1 then
- begin
- x := 0;
- y := 0;
- gammastr := '';
- for j := 0 to layerNode.Attributes.Length-1 do
- begin
- attr := layerNode.Attributes[j];
- if lowercase(attr.NodeName) = 'opacity' then
- begin
- val(attr.NodeValue, float, errPos);
- if errPos = 0 then
- begin
- if float < 0 then float := 0;
- if float > 1 then float := 1;
- LayerOpacity[idx] := round(float*255);
- end;
- end else
- if lowercase(attr.NodeName) = 'gamma-correction' then
- gammastr := string(attr.NodeValue) else
- if lowercase(attr.NodeName) = 'visibility' then
- LayerVisible[idx] := (attr.NodeValue = 'visible') or (attr.NodeValue = 'yes') or (attr.NodeValue = '1') else
- if (lowercase(attr.NodeName) = 'x') or (lowercase(attr.NodeName) = 'y') then
- begin
- val(attr.NodeValue, float, errPos);
- if errPos = 0 then
- begin
- if float < -(MaxInt shr 1) then float := -(MaxInt shr 1);
- if float > (MaxInt shr 1) then float := (MaxInt shr 1);
- if (lowercase(attr.NodeName) = 'x') then x := round(float);
- if (lowercase(attr.NodeName) = 'y') then y := round(float);
- end;
- end else
- if lowercase(attr.NodeName) = 'name' then
- LayerName[idx] := UTF8Encode(attr.NodeValue) else
- if lowercase(attr.NodeName) = 'composite-op' then
- begin
- opstr := StringReplace(lowercase(string(attr.NodeValue)),'_','-',[rfReplaceAll]);
- if (pos(':',opstr) = 0) and (opstr <> 'xor') then opstr := 'svg:'+opstr;
- //parse composite op
- if (opstr = 'svg:src-over') or (opstr = 'krita:dissolve') then
- BlendOperation[idx] := boTransparent else
- if opstr = 'svg:lighten' then
- BlendOperation[idx] := boLighten else
- if opstr = 'svg:screen' then
- BlendOperation[idx] := boScreen else
- if opstr = 'svg:color-dodge' then
- BlendOperation[idx] := boColorDodge else
- if (opstr = 'svg:color-burn') or (opstr = 'krita:gamma_dark'){approx} then
- BlendOperation[idx] := boColorBurn else
- if opstr = 'svg:darken' then
- BlendOperation[idx] := boDarken else
- if (opstr = 'svg:plus') or (opstr = 'svg:add') or (opstr = 'krita:linear_dodge') then
- BlendOperation[idx] := boLinearAdd else
- if (opstr = 'svg:multiply') or (opstr = 'krita:bumpmap') then
- BlendOperation[idx] := boMultiply else
- if opstr = 'svg:overlay' then
- BlendOperation[idx] := boOverlay else
- if opstr = 'svg:soft-light' then
- BlendOperation[idx] := boSvgSoftLight else
- if opstr = 'svg:hard-light' then
- BlendOperation[idx] := boHardLight else
- if opstr = 'svg:difference' then
- BlendOperation[idx] := boLinearDifference else
- if (opstr = 'krita:inverse-subtract') or (opstr = 'krita:linear-burn') then
- BlendOperation[idx] := boLinearSubtractInverse else
- if opstr = 'krita:subtract' then
- BlendOperation[idx] := boLinearSubtract else
- if (opstr = 'svg:difference') or
- (opstr = 'krita:equivalence') then
- BlendOperation[idx] := boLinearDifference else
- if (opstr = 'svg:exclusion') or
- (opstr = 'krita:exclusion') then
- BlendOperation[idx] := boLinearExclusion else
- if opstr = 'krita:divide' then
- BlendOperation[idx] := boDivide else
- if opstr = 'bgra:soft-light' then
- BlendOperation[idx] := boSoftLight else
- if opstr = 'bgra:nice-glow' then
- BlendOperation[idx] := boNiceGlow else
- if opstr = 'bgra:glow' then
- BlendOperation[idx] := boGlow else
- if opstr = 'bgra:reflect' then
- BlendOperation[idx] := boReflect else
- if opstr = 'bgra:negation' then
- BlendOperation[idx] := boLinearNegation else
- if (opstr = 'bgra:xor') or (opstr = 'xor') then
- BlendOperation[idx] := boXor else
- if opstr = 'bgra:mask' then
- BlendOperation[idx] := boMask else
- if opstr = 'bgra:linear-multiply-saturation' then
- BlendOperation[idx] := boLinearMultiplySaturation else
- if opstr = 'svg:hue' then
- BlendOperation[idx] := boCorrectedHue else
- if opstr = 'svg:color' then
- BlendOperation[idx] := boCorrectedColor else
- if opstr = 'svg:luminosity' then
- BlendOperation[idx] := boCorrectedLightness else
- if opstr = 'svg:saturation' then
- BlendOperation[idx] := boCorrectedSaturation else
- if opstr = 'krita:hue-hsl' then
- BlendOperation[idx] := boLinearHue else
- if opstr = 'krita:color-hsl' then
- BlendOperation[idx] := boLinearColor else
- if opstr = 'krita:lightness' then
- BlendOperation[idx] := boLinearLightness else
- if opstr = 'krita:saturation-hsl' then
- BlendOperation[idx] := boLinearSaturation else
- begin
- //messagedlg('Unknown blend operation : ' + attr.NodeValue,mtInformation,[mbOk],0);
- BlendOperation[idx] := boTransparent;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if LayerOriginalGuid[idx] <> GUID_NULL then
- begin
- LayerOriginalMatrix[idx] := AffineMatrixTranslation(x,y)*LayerOriginalMatrix[idx];
- RenderLayerFromOriginal(idx);
- end else LayerOffset[idx] := point(x,y);
- if (gammastr = 'yes') or (gammastr = 'on') then
- begin
- case BlendOperation[idx] of
- boLinearAdd: BlendOperation[idx] := boAdditive;
- boOverlay: BlendOperation[idx] := boDarkOverlay;
- boLinearDifference: BlendOperation[idx] := boDifference;
- boLinearExclusion: BlendOperation[idx] := boExclusion;
- boLinearSubtract: BlendOperation[idx] := boSubtract;
- boLinearSubtractInverse: BlendOperation[idx] := boSubtractInverse;
- boLinearNegation: BlendOperation[idx] := boNegation;
- end;
- end else
- if (gammastr = 'no') or (gammastr = 'off') then
- if BlendOperation[idx] = boTransparent then
- BlendOperation[idx] := boLinearBlend; //explicit linear blending
- end;
- inc(doneLayerCount);
- end;
- end;
- end;
-var StackStream: TMemoryStream;
- imageNode, stackNode, attr: TDOMNode;
- i,w,h: integer;
- inherited Clear;
- if MimeType <> OpenRasterMimeType then
- raise Exception.Create('Invalid mime type');
- StackStream := GetMemoryStream(LayerStackFilename);
- if StackStream = nil then
- raise Exception.Create('Layer stack not found');
- ReadXMLFile(FStackXML, StackStream);
- imageNode := StackXML.FindNode('image');
- if imagenode = nil then
- raise Exception.Create('Image node not found');
- w := 0;
- h := 0;
- LinearBlend := true;
- if Assigned(imageNode.Attributes) then
- for i:=0 to imageNode.Attributes.Length-1 do
- begin
- attr := imagenode.Attributes[i];
- if lowercase(attr.NodeName) = 'w' then
- w := strToInt(string(attr.NodeValue)) else
- if lowercase(attr.NodeName) = 'h' then
- h := strToInt(string(attr.NodeValue)) else
- if lowercase(attr.NodeName) = 'gamma-correction' then
- linearBlend := (attr.NodeValue = 'no') or (attr.NodeValue = '0');
- end;
- SetSize(w,h);
- stackNode := imageNode.FindNode('stack');
- if stackNode = nil then
- raise Exception.Create('Stack node not found');
- totalLayerCount := CountLayersRec(stackNode);
- doneLayerCount := 0;
- AddLayersRec(stackNode);
-procedure TBGRAOpenRasterDocument.PrepareZipToSave;
-var i: integer;
- imageNode,stackNode,layerNode: TDOMElement;
- layerFilename,strval: string;
- stackStream: TMemoryStream;
- ofs, wantedOfs: TPoint;
- fileAdded: Boolean;
- svg: TBGRASVG;
- m: TAffineMatrix;
- ClearFiles;
- MimeType := OpenRasterMimeType;
- FStackXML := TXMLDocument.Create;
- imageNode := TDOMElement(StackXML.CreateElement('image'));
- StackXML.AppendChild(imageNode);
- imageNode.SetAttribute('w',widestring(inttostr(Width)));
- imageNode.SetAttribute('h',widestring(inttostr(Height)));
- if LinearBlend then
- imageNode.SetAttribute('gamma-correction','no')
- else
- imageNode.SetAttribute('gamma-correction','yes');
- stackNode := TDOMElement(StackXML.CreateElement('stack'));
- imageNode.AppendChild(stackNode);
- SetMemoryStreamAsString('stack.xml',''); //to put it before image data
- CopyThumbnailToMemoryStream(256,256);
- for i := NbLayers-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- OnLayeredBitmapSaveProgress(round((NbLayers-1-i) * 100 / NbLayers));
- if (LayerOriginalGuid[i] <> GUID_NULL) and LayerOriginalKnown[i] and
- LayerOriginalClass[i].CanConvertToSVG then
- begin
- layerFilename := 'data/layer'+inttostr(i)+'.svg';
- if LayerOriginal[i].IsInfiniteSurface then
- begin
- svg := LayerOriginal[i].ConvertToSVG(LayerOriginalMatrix[i], wantedOfs) as TBGRASVG;
- m := AffineMatrixTranslation(wantedOfs.X, wantedOfs.Y);
- svg.WidthAsPixel := self.Width;
- svg.HeightAsPixel := self.Height;
- end else
- begin
- svg := LayerOriginal[i].ConvertToSVG(AffineMatrixIdentity, wantedOfs) as TBGRASVG;
- m := LayerOriginalMatrix[i]
- * AffineMatrixTranslation(wantedOfs.X, wantedOfs.Y);
- end;
- try
- CopySVGToMemoryStream(svg, m, layerFilename, ofs);
- fileAdded := true;
- finally
- svg.Free;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- layerFilename := 'data/layer'+inttostr(i)+'.png';
- ofs := LayerOffset[i];
- fileAdded := CopyRasterLayerToMemoryStream(i, layerFilename);
- end;
- if fileAdded then
- begin
- layerNode := StackXML.CreateElement('layer');
- stackNode.AppendChild(layerNode);
- layerNode.SetAttribute('name', UTF8Decode(LayerName[i]));
- str(LayerOpacity[i]/255:0:3,strval);
- layerNode.SetAttribute('opacity',widestring(strval));
- layerNode.SetAttribute('src',widestring(layerFilename));
- if LayerVisible[i] then
- layerNode.SetAttribute('visibility','visible')
- else
- layerNode.SetAttribute('visibility','hidden');
- layerNode.SetAttribute('x',widestring(inttostr(ofs.x)));
- layerNode.SetAttribute('y',widestring(inttostr(ofs.y)));
- strval := '';
- case BlendOperation[i] of
- boLighten: strval := 'svg:lighten';
- boScreen: strval := 'svg:screen';
- boAdditive, boLinearAdd: strval := 'svg:add';
- boColorDodge: strval := 'svg:color-dodge';
- boColorBurn : strval := 'svg:color-burn';
- boDarken: strval := 'svg:darken';
- boMultiply: strval := 'svg:multiply';
- boOverlay, boDarkOverlay: strval := 'svg:overlay';
- boSoftLight: strval := 'bgra:soft-light';
- boHardLight: strval := 'svg:hard-light';
- boDifference,boLinearDifference: strval := 'svg:difference';
- boLinearSubtractInverse, boSubtractInverse: strval := 'krita:inverse_subtract';
- boLinearSubtract, boSubtract: strval := 'krita:subtract';
- boExclusion, boLinearExclusion: strval := 'svg:exclusion';
- boDivide: strval := 'krita:divide';
- boNiceGlow: strval := 'bgra:nice-glow';
- boGlow: strval := 'bgra:glow';
- boReflect: strval := 'bgra:reflect';
- boLinearNegation,boNegation: strval := 'bgra:negation';
- boXor: strval := 'bgra:xor';
- boSvgSoftLight: strval := 'svg:soft-light';
- boMask: strval := 'bgra:mask';
- boLinearMultiplySaturation: strval := 'bgra:linear-multiply-saturation';
- boCorrectedHue: strval := 'svg:hue';
- boCorrectedColor: strval := 'svg:color';
- boCorrectedLightness: strval := 'svg:luminosity';
- boCorrectedSaturation: strval := 'svg:saturation';
- boLinearHue: strval := 'krita:hue_hsl';
- boLinearColor: strval := 'krita:color_hsl';
- boLinearLightness: strval := 'krita:lightness';
- boLinearSaturation: strval := 'krita:saturation_hsl';
- else strval := 'svg:src-over';
- end;
- layerNode.SetAttribute('composite-op',widestring(strval));
- if BlendOperation[i] <> boTransparent then //in 'transparent' case, linear blending depends on general setting
- begin
- if BlendOperation[i] in[boAdditive,boDarkOverlay,boDifference,boSubtractInverse,
- boSubtract,boExclusion,boNegation] then
- strval := 'yes' else strval := 'no';
- layerNode.SetAttribute('gamma-correction',widestring(strval));
- end;
- end;
- end;
- OnLayeredBitmapSaveProgress(100);
- StackStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- WriteXMLFile(StackXML, StackStream);
- SetMemoryStream('stack.xml',StackStream);
-procedure TBGRAOpenRasterDocument.LoadFromFile(const filenameUTF8: string);
-var AStream: TFileStreamUTF8;
- AStream := TFileStreamUTF8.Create(filenameUTF8,fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);
- OnLayeredBitmapLoadStart(filenameUTF8);
- try
- InternalLoadFromStream(AStream);
- finally
- OnLayeredBitmapLoaded;
- AStream.Free;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAOpenRasterDocument.SaveToStream(AStream: TStream);
- OnLayeredBitmapSaveToStreamStart;
- try
- InternalSaveToStream(AStream);
- finally
- OnLayeredBitmapSaved;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAOpenRasterDocument.SaveToFile(const filenameUTF8: string);
- OnLayeredBitmapSaveStart(filenameUTF8);
- try
- PrepareZipToSave;
- ZipToFile(filenameUTF8);
- finally
- OnLayeredBitmapSaved;
- ClearFiles;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAOpenRasterDocument.InternalSaveToStream(AStream: TStream);
- try
- PrepareZipToSave;
- ZipToStream(AStream);
- finally
- ClearFiles;
- end;
-function TBGRAOpenRasterDocument.GetMimeType: string;
- if length(FFiles)=0 then
- result := OpenRasterMimeType
- else
- result := GetMemoryStreamAsString('mimetype');
-procedure TBGRAOpenRasterDocument.InternalLoadFromStream(AStream: TStream);
- try
- UnzipFromStream(AStream);
- AnalyzeZip;
- finally
- ClearFiles;
- end;
-constructor TBGRAOpenRasterDocument.Create;
- inherited Create;
- RegisterOpenRasterFormat;
-constructor TBGRAOpenRasterDocument.Create(AWidth, AHeight: integer);
- inherited Create(AWidth, AHeight);
- RegisterOpenRasterFormat;
-function TBGRAOpenRasterDocument.AddLayerFromMemoryStream(ALayerFilename: string): integer;
-var stream: TMemoryStream;
- bmp: TBGRABitmap;
- orig: TBGRALayerSVGOriginal;
- svg: TBGRASVG;
- g: TSVGGroup;
- i, svgElemCount: Integer;
- origViewBox: TSVGViewBox;
- elemToMove: TList;
- m: TAffineMatrix;
- stream := GetMemoryStream(ALayerFilename);
- if stream = nil then raise Exception.Create('Layer not found');
- if SuggestImageFormat(ALayerFilename) = ifSvg then
- begin
- svg := TBGRASVG.Create;
- svg.DefaultDpi:= OpenRasterSVGDefaultDPI;
- try
- svg.LoadFromStream(stream);
- except
- on ex:exception do
- begin
- svg.Free;
- raise exception.Create('SVG layer format error');
- end;
- end;
- g := nil;
- svgElemCount := 0;
- for i := 0 to svg.Content.ElementCount-1 do
- if svg.Content.IsSVGElement[i] then
- begin
- inc(svgElemCount);
- if svg.Content.ElementObject[i] is TSVGGroup then
- g := TSVGGroup(svg.Content.ElementObject[i]);
- end;
- if (svgElemCount = 1) and Assigned(g) and
- g.DOMElement.hasAttribute('bgra:originalViewBox') then
- begin
- svg.ContainerWidthAsPixel:= Width;
- svg.ContainerHeightAsPixel:= Height;
- origViewBox := TSVGViewBox.Parse(g.DOMElement.GetAttribute('bgra:originalViewBox'));
- m := svg.GetStretchPresentationMatrix(cuPixel) * g.matrix[cuPixel] *
- AffineMatrixTranslation(origViewBox.min.x, origViewBox.min.y);
- g.DOMElement.RemoveAttribute('bgra:originalViewBox');
- for i := svg.Content.ElementCount-1 downto 0 do
- if svg.Content.ElementObject[i] <> g then
- svg.Content.RemoveElement(svg.Content.ElementObject[i]);
- elemToMove := TList.Create;
- for i := 0 to g.Content.ElementCount-1 do
- elemToMove.Add(g.Content.ElementObject[i]);
- for i := 0 to elemToMove.Count-1 do
- svg.Content.BringElement(TObject(elemToMove[i]), g.Content);
- elemToMove.Free;
- svg.Content.RemoveElement(g);
- svg.ViewBox := origViewBox;
- svg.WidthAsPixel:= origViewBox.size.x;
- svg.HeightAsPixel:= origViewBox.size.y;
- end else
- m := AffineMatrixIdentity;
- orig := TBGRALayerSVGOriginal.Create;
- orig.SetSVG(svg, Width, Height);
- result := AddLayerFromOwnedOriginal(orig);
- LayerOriginalMatrix[result] := m;
- end else
- begin
- bmp := TBGRABitmap.Create;
- try
- bmp.LoadFromStream(stream);
- except
- on ex: exception do
- begin
- bmp.Free;
- raise exception.Create('Raster layer format error');
- end;
- end;
- result := AddOwnedLayer(bmp);
- end;
- LayerName[result] := ExtractFileName(ALayerFilename);
-function TBGRAOpenRasterDocument.CopyRasterLayerToMemoryStream(ALayerIndex: integer;
- ALayerFilename: string): boolean;
- bmp: TBGRABitmap;
- mustFreeBmp: boolean;
- result := false;
- bmp := LayerBitmap[ALayerIndex];
- if bmp <> nil then mustFreeBmp := false
- else
- begin
- bmp := GetLayerBitmapCopy(ALayerIndex);
- if bmp = nil then exit;
- mustFreeBmp:= true;
- end;
- result := CopyBitmapToMemoryStream(bmp,ALayerFilename);
- if mustFreeBmp then bmp.Free;
-procedure TBGRAOpenRasterDocument.CopySVGToMemoryStream(
- ASVG: TBGRASVG; ASVGMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AOutFilename: string; out AOffset: TPoint);
- function IsIntegerTranslation(m: TAffineMatrix; out ofs: TPoint): boolean;
- begin
- ofs := Point(round(m[1,3]), round(m[2,3]));
- result := IsAffineMatrixTranslation(m) and
- (abs(round(m[1,3]) - ofs.x) < 1e-4) and
- (abs(round(m[2,3]) - ofs.y) < 1e-4);
- end;
- procedure StoreSVG(ASVG: TBGRASVG);
- var
- memStream: TMemoryStream;
- w, h: Single;
- begin
- memStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- w := ASVG.WidthAsPixel;
- h := ASVG.HeightAsPixel;
- //ensure we are not using units affected by DPI
- ASVG.ConvertToUnit(cuCustom);
- ASVG.WidthAsPixel := w;
- ASVG.HeightAsPixel := h;
- ASVG.SaveToStream(memStream);
- SetMemoryStream(AOutFilename,memstream);
- except
- on ex: Exception do
- begin
- memStream.Free;
- raise exception.Create(ex.Message);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure StoreTransformedSVG(out AOffset: TPoint);
- var
- box, transfBox: TAffineBox;
- newSvg: TBGRASVG;
- newBounds: TRectF;
- rootElems: TList;
- i: Integer;
- g: TSVGGroup;
- newViewBox, origViewBox: TSVGViewBox;
- presentMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- begin
- newSvg := ASVG.Duplicate;
- presentMatrix := ASVGMatrix * newSvg.GetStretchPresentationMatrix(cuPixel);
- rootElems := TList.Create;
- try
- origViewBox := newSvg.ViewBox;
- with origViewBox do
- box := TAffineBox.AffineBox(RectWithSizeF(min.x, min.y, size.x, size.y));
- transfBox := presentMatrix * box;
- newBounds := RectF(transfBox.RectBounds);
- AOffset := Point(round(newBounds.Left), round(newBounds.Top));
- newBounds.Offset(-AOffset.X, -AOffset.Y);
- presentMatrix := AffineMatrixTranslation(-AOffset.X, -AOffset.Y) * presentMatrix;
- for i := 0 to newSvg.Content.ElementCount-1 do
- rootElems.Add(newSvg.Content.ElementObject[i]);
- g := newSvg.Content.AppendGroup;
- for i := 0 to rootElems.Count-1 do
- g.Content.BringElement(TObject(rootElems[i]), newSvg.Content);
- g.matrix[cuPixel] := presentMatrix;
- g.DOMElement.SetAttribute('xmlns:bgra', 'https://wiki.freepascal.org/LazPaint_SVG_format');
- g.DOMElement.SetAttribute('bgra:originalViewBox', origViewBox.ToString);
- newSvg.WidthAsPixel:= newBounds.Width;
- newSvg.HeightAsPixel:= newBounds.Height;
- newViewBox.min := newBounds.TopLeft;
- newViewBox.size := PointF(newBounds.Width, newBounds.Height);
- newSvg.ViewBox := newViewBox;
- StoreSVG(newSvg);
- finally
- rootElems.Free;
- newSvg.Free;
- end;
- end;
- if IsIntegerTranslation(ASVGMatrix, AOffset) then
- StoreSVG(ASVG)
- else StoreTransformedSVG(AOffset);
-function TBGRAOpenRasterDocument.CopyBitmapToMemoryStream(ABitmap: TBGRABitmap;
- AFilename: string): boolean;
- memStream: TMemoryStream;
- result := false;
- memstream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- ABitmap.SaveToStreamAsPng(memStream);
- SetMemoryStream(AFilename,memstream);
- result := true;
- except
- on ex: Exception do
- begin
- memStream.Free;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAOpenRasterDocument.SetMemoryStreamAsString(AFilename: string;
- AContent: string);
-var strstream: TStringStream;
- memstream: TMemoryStream;
- strstream:= TStringStream.Create(AContent);
- memstream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- strstream.Position := 0;
- memstream.CopyFrom(strstream, strstream.Size);
- strstream.Free;
- SetMemoryStream(AFilename, memstream);
-function TBGRAOpenRasterDocument.GetMemoryStreamAsString(AFilename: string): string;
-var stream: TMemoryStream;
- str: TStringStream;
- stream := GetMemoryStream(AFilename);
- str := TStringStream.Create('');
- str.CopyFrom(stream,stream.Size);
- result := str.DataString;
- str.Free;
-procedure TBGRAOpenRasterDocument.UnzipFromStream(AStream: TStream;
- AFileList: TStrings = nil);
-var unzip: TUnZipper;
- ClearFiles;
- unzip := TUnZipper.Create;
- try
- unzip.OnCreateStream := @ZipOnCreateStream;
- unzip.OnDoneStream := @ZipOnDoneStream;
- unzip.OnOpenInputStream := @ZipOnOpenInputStream;
- unzip.OnCloseInputStream := @ZipOnCloseInputStream;
- FZipInputStream := AStream;
- if Assigned(AFileList) then
- begin
- if AFileList.Count > 0 then
- unzip.UnZipFiles(AFileList);
- end else
- unzip.UnZipAllFiles;
- finally
- FZipInputStream := nil;
- unzip.Free;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAOpenRasterDocument.UnzipFromFile(AFilenameUTF8: string);
-var unzip: TUnZipper;
- ClearFiles;
- unzip := TUnZipper.Create;
- try
- unzip.FileName := Utf8ToAnsi(AFilenameUTF8);
- unzip.OnCreateStream := @ZipOnCreateStream;
- unzip.OnDoneStream := @ZipOnDoneStream;
- unzip.UnZipAllFiles;
- finally
- unzip.Free;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAOpenRasterDocument.ZipToFile(AFilenameUTF8: string);
- stream: TFileStreamUTF8;
- stream := TFileStreamUTF8.Create(AFilenameUTF8, fmCreate);
- try
- ZipToStream(stream);
- finally
- stream.Free;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAOpenRasterDocument.ZipToStream(AStream: TStream);
-var zip: TZipper;
- i: integer;
- tempFile: String;
- zip := TZipper.Create;
- tempFile := ChangeFileExt(GetTempFileName, '');
- if ExtractFileExt(tempFile) = '.tmp' then
- tempFile := ChangeFileExt(tempFile, '');
- zip.FileName:= tempFile;
- try
- for i := 0 to high(FFiles) do
- begin
- FFiles[i].Stream.Position:= 0;
- zip.Entries.AddFileEntry(FFiles[i].Stream,FFiles[i].Filename).CompressionLevel := clnone;
- end;
- zip.SaveToStream(AStream);
- finally
- zip.Free;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAOpenRasterDocument.CopyThumbnailToMemoryStream(AMaxWidth,AMaxHeight: integer);
-var thumbnail: TBGRABitmap;
- w,h: integer;
- if (Width = 0) or (Height = 0) then exit;
- thumbnail := ComputeFlatImage;
- CopyBitmapToMemoryStream(thumbnail,MergedImageFilename);
- if (thumbnail.Width > AMaxWidth) or
- (thumbnail.Height > AMaxHeight) then
- begin
- if thumbnail.Width > AMaxWidth then
- begin
- w := AMaxWidth;
- h := round(thumbnail.Height* (w/thumbnail.Width));
- end else
- begin
- w := thumbnail.Width;
- h := thumbnail.Height;
- end;
- if h > AMaxHeight then
- begin
- h := AMaxHeight;
- w := round(thumbnail.Width* (h/thumbnail.Height));
- end;
- BGRAReplace(thumbnail, thumbnail.Resample(w,h));
- end;
- CopyBitmapToMemoryStream(thumbnail,'Thumbnails/thumbnail.png');
- thumbnail.Free;
-procedure TBGRAOpenRasterDocument.Clear;
- ClearFiles;
- inherited Clear;
-function TBGRAOpenRasterDocument.CheckMimeType(AStream: TStream): boolean;
-var unzip: TUnzipperStreamUtf8;
- mimeTypeFound: string;
- oldPos: int64;
- result := false;
- unzip := TUnzipperStreamUtf8.Create;
- oldPos := AStream.Position;
- try
- unzip.InputStream := AStream;
- mimeTypeFound := unzip.UnzipFileToString('mimetype');
- if mimeTypeFound = OpenRasterMimeType then result := true;
- except
- end;
- unzip.Free;
- astream.Position:= OldPos;
-procedure TBGRAOpenRasterDocument.LoadFlatImageFromStream(AStream: TStream; out
- ANbLayers: integer; out ABitmap: TBGRABitmap);
-var fileList: TStringList;
- imgStream, stackStream: TMemoryStream;
- imageNode, stackNode: TDOMNode;
- i: integer;
- fileList := TStringList.Create;
- fileList.Add(MergedImageFilename);
- fileList.Add(LayerStackFilename);
- imgStream := nil;
- try
- UnzipFromStream(AStream, fileList);
- imgStream := GetMemoryStream(MergedImageFilename);
- if imgStream = nil then
- ABitmap := nil
- else
- ABitmap := TBGRABitmap.Create(imgStream);
- ANbLayers := 1;
- stackStream := GetMemoryStream(LayerStackFilename);
- ReadXMLFile(FStackXML, StackStream);
- imageNode := StackXML.FindNode('image');
- if Assigned(imagenode) then
- begin
- stackNode := imageNode.FindNode('stack');
- if Assigned(stackNode) then
- begin
- ANbLayers:= 0;
- for i := stackNode.ChildNodes.Length-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- if stackNode.ChildNodes[i].NodeName = 'layer' then
- inc(ANbLayers);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- finally
- fileList.Free;
- ClearFiles;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAOpenRasterDocument.LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream);
- OnLayeredBitmapLoadFromStreamStart;
- try
- InternalLoadFromStream(AStream);
- finally
- OnLayeredBitmapLoaded;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAOpenRasterDocument.SetMimeType(AValue: string);
- SetMemoryStreamAsString('mimetype',AValue);
-procedure TBGRAOpenRasterDocument.ZipOnCreateStream(Sender: TObject; var AStream: TStream;
- AItem: TFullZipFileEntry);
-var MemStream: TMemoryStream;
- MemStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- SetMemoryStream(AItem.ArchiveFileName, MemStream);
- AStream := MemStream;
-{$hints off}
-procedure TBGRAOpenRasterDocument.ZipOnDoneStream(Sender: TObject; var AStream: TStream;
- AItem: TFullZipFileEntry);
- //do nothing, files stay in memory
-{$hints on}
-procedure TBGRAOpenRasterDocument.ZipOnOpenInputStream(Sender: TObject;
- var AStream: TStream);
- AStream := FZipInputStream;
-procedure TBGRAOpenRasterDocument.ZipOnCloseInputStream(Sender: TObject;
- var AStream: TStream);
- AStream := nil; //avoid freeing
-procedure TBGRAOpenRasterDocument.ClearFiles;
-var i: integer;
- for i := 0 to high(FFiles) do
- ffiles[i].Stream.Free;
- FFiles := nil;
- FreeAndNil(FStackXML);
-function TBGRAOpenRasterDocument.GetMemoryStream(AFilename: string): TMemoryStream;
-var i: integer;
- for i := 0 to high(FFiles) do
- if ffiles[i].Filename = AFilename then
- begin
- result := FFiles[i].Stream;
- result.Position:= 0;
- exit;
- end;
- result := nil;
-procedure TBGRAOpenRasterDocument.SetMemoryStream(AFilename: string;
- AStream: TMemoryStream);
-var i: integer;
- for i := 0 to high(FFiles) do
- if ffiles[i].Filename = AFilename then
- begin
- FreeAndNil(FFiles[i].Stream);
- FFiles[i].Stream := AStream;
- exit;
- end;
- setlength(FFiles, length(FFiles)+1);
- FFiles[high(FFiles)].Filename := AFilename;
- FFiles[high(FFiles)].Stream := AStream;
-var AlreadyRegistered: boolean;
-procedure RegisterOpenRasterFormat;
- if AlreadyRegistered then exit;
- ImageHandlers.RegisterImageReader ('OpenRaster', 'ora', TFPReaderOpenRaster);
- RegisterLayeredBitmapReader('ora', TBGRAOpenRasterDocument);
- RegisterLayeredBitmapWriter('ora', TBGRAOpenRasterDocument);
- //TPicture.RegisterFileFormat('ora', 'OpenRaster', TBGRAOpenRasterDocument);
- DefaultBGRAImageReader[ifOpenRaster] := TFPReaderOpenRaster;
- DefaultBGRAImageWriter[ifOpenRaster] := TFPWriterOpenRaster;
- AlreadyRegistered:= True;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrapaintnet.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrapaintnet.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index f205689..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrapaintnet.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,660 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAPaintNet;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
-{ This unit reads Paint.NET files. It needs BGRADNetDeserial to deserialize binary .Net objects.
- A Paint.NET image consists in three parts :
- - Xml header
- - Binary serialized information (contains layer information)
- - Compressed data (pixel data)
- The class TPaintDotNetFile do not read the Xml header. ComputeFlatImage builds the resulting image
- by using blending operations to merge layers.
- The unit registers a TFPCustomImageReader so that it can be read by any image reading function of FreePascal,
- and also registers a reader for BGRALayers }
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BGRADNetDeserial, FPImage, BGRABitmapTypes, BGRABitmap, BGRALayers;
- { TPaintDotNetFile }
- TPaintDotNetFile = class(TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap)
- public
- procedure LoadFromFile(const filenameUTF8: string); override;
- procedure LoadFromStream(stream: TStream); override;
- procedure Clear; override;
- function ToString: ansistring; override;
- function GetLayerBitmapCopy(layer: integer): TBGRABitmap; override;
- constructor Create; override;
- protected
- procedure InternalLoadFromStream(stream: TStream);
- function GetWidth: integer; override;
- function GetHeight: integer; override;
- function GetNbLayers: integer; override;
- function GetBlendOperation(Layer: integer): TBlendOperation; override;
- function GetLayerVisible(layer: integer): boolean; override;
- function GetLayerOpacity(layer: integer): byte; override;
- function GetLayerName(layer: integer): string; override;
- private
- Content: TDotNetDeserialization;
- Document: TSerializedClass;
- Layers: TSerializedClass;
- LayerData: array of TMemoryStream;
- function InternalGetLayer(num: integer): TSerializedClass;
- function InternalGetBlendOperation(layer: TSerializedClass): TBlendOperation;
- function InternalGetLayerName(layer: TSerializedClass): string;
- function InternalGetLayerVisible(layer: TSerializedClass): boolean;
- function InternalGetLayerOpacity(layer: TSerializedClass): byte;
- function LayerDataSize(numLayer: integer): int64;
- procedure LoadLayer(dest: TMemoryStream; src: TStream; uncompressedSize: int64);
- end;
- { TFPReaderPaintDotNet }
- TFPReaderPaintDotNet = class(TFPCustomImageReader)
- private
- FWidth,FHeight,FNbLayers: integer;
- protected
- function InternalCheck(Stream: TStream): boolean; override;
- procedure InternalRead(Stream: TStream; Img: TFPCustomImage); override;
- public
- property Width: integer read FWidth;
- property Height: integer read FHeight;
- property NbLayers: integer read FNbLayers;
- end;
-function IsPaintDotNetFile(filename: string): boolean;
-function IsPaintDotNetFileUTF8(filenameUTF8: string): boolean;
-function IsPaintDotNetStream(stream: TStream): boolean;
-function LoadPaintDotNetFile(filename: string): TBGRABitmap;
-function LoadPaintDotNetFileUTF8(filenameUTF8: string): TBGRABitmap;
-procedure RegisterPaintNetFormat;
-uses zstream, Math, BGRAUTF8;
-{$hints off}
-function BEReadLongword(Stream: TStream): LongWord;
- Stream.Read(Result, sizeof(Result));
- Result := BEtoN(Result);
-{$hints on}
-{$hints off}
-function BEReadLongint(Stream: TStream): longint;
- Stream.Read(Result, sizeof(Result));
- Result := BEtoN(Result);
-function IsPaintDotNetFile(filename: string): boolean;
- stream: TFileStreamUTF8;
- Result := False;
- if FileExists(filename) then
- begin
- stream := TFileStreamUTF8.Create(SysToUTF8(filename), fmOpenRead);
- Result := IsPaintDotNetStream(stream);
- stream.Free;
- end;
-function IsPaintDotNetFileUTF8(filenameUTF8: string): boolean;
- stream: TFileStreamUTF8;
- Result := False;
- if FileExistsUTF8(filenameUTF8) then
- begin
- stream := TFileStreamUTF8.Create(filenameUTF8, fmOpenRead);
- Result := IsPaintDotNetStream(stream);
- stream.Free;
- end;
-function IsPaintDotNetStream(stream: TStream): boolean;
- header: packed array[0..3] of char;
- SavePos: int64;
- Result := False;
- try
- if stream.Position + 4 < Stream.Size then
- begin
- header := #0#0#0#0;
- SavePos := stream.Position;
- stream.Read(header, 4);
- stream.Position := SavePos;
- if (header[0] = 'P') and (header[1] = 'D') and (header[2] = 'N') and
- (header[3] = '3') then
- Result := True;
- end;
- except
- on ex: Exception do ;
- end;
-function LoadPaintDotNetFile(filename: string): TBGRABitmap;
- result := LoadPaintDotNetFileUTF8(SysToUTF8(filename));
-function LoadPaintDotNetFileUTF8(filenameUTF8: string): TBGRABitmap;
- pdn: TPaintDotNetFile;
- pdn := TPaintDotNetFile.Create;
- Result := nil;
- try
- pdn.LoadFromFile(filenameUTF8);
- Result := pdn.ComputeFlatImage;
- pdn.Free;
- except
- on ex: Exception do
- begin
- FreeAndNil(Result);
- pdn.Free;
- raise Exception.Create('Error while loading Paint.NET file. ' + ex.Message);
- end;
- end;
-function LoadPaintDotNetStream(stream: TStream): TBGRABitmap;
- pdn: TPaintDotNetFile;
- pdn := TPaintDotNetFile.Create;
- Result := nil;
- try
- pdn.LoadFromStream(stream);
- Result := pdn.ComputeFlatImage;
- pdn.Free;
- except
- on ex: Exception do
- begin
- FreeAndNil(Result);
- pdn.Free;
- raise Exception.Create('Error while loading Paint.NET stream. ' + ex.Message);
- end;
- end;
-{$hints on}
-{ TFPReaderPaintDotNet }
-function TFPReaderPaintDotNet.InternalCheck(Stream: TStream): boolean;
- result := IsPaintDotNetStream(stream);
-procedure TFPReaderPaintDotNet.InternalRead(Stream: TStream; Img: TFPCustomImage);
- pdn: TPaintDotNetFile;
- flat: TBGRABitmap;
- x,y: integer;
- FWidth := 0;
- FHeight:= 0;
- FNbLayers:= 0;
- pdn := TPaintDotNetFile.Create;
- try
- pdn.LoadFromStream(Stream);
- flat := pdn.ComputeFlatImage;
- try
- FWidth:= pdn.Width;
- FHeight:= pdn.Height;
- FNbLayers:= pdn.NbLayers;
- if Img is TBGRACustomBitmap then
- TBGRACustomBitmap(Img).Assign(flat) else
- begin
- Img.SetSize(pdn.Width,pdn.Height);
- for y := 0 to pdn.Height-1 do
- for x := 0 to pdn.Width-1 do
- Img.Colors[x,y] := BGRAToFPColor(flat.GetPixel(x,y));
- end;
- finally
- flat.free;
- end;
- pdn.Free;
- except
- on ex: Exception do
- begin
- pdn.Free;
- raise Exception.Create('Error while loading Paint.NET file. ' + ex.Message);
- end;
- end;
-{ TPaintDotNetFile }
-procedure TPaintDotNetFile.LoadFromFile(const filenameUTF8: string);
- stream: TFileStreamUTF8;
- stream := TFileStreamUTF8.Create(filenameUTF8, fmOpenRead);
- OnLayeredBitmapLoadStart(filenameUTF8);
- try
- InternalLoadFromStream(stream);
- finally
- OnLayeredBitmapLoaded;
- stream.Free;
- end;
-procedure TPaintDotNetFile.LoadFromStream(stream: TStream);
- OnLayeredBitmapLoadFromStreamStart;
- try
- InternalLoadFromStream(stream);
- finally
- OnLayeredBitmapLoaded;
- end;
-procedure TPaintDotNetFile.InternalLoadFromStream(stream: TStream);
- header: packed array[0..3] of char;
- XmlHeaderSize: integer;
- CompressionFormat: word;
- i: integer;
- Clear;
- header := #0#0#0#0;
- stream.Read(header, 4);
- if (header[0] <> 'P') or (header[1] <> 'D') or (header[2] <> 'N') or
- (header[3] <> '3') then
- raise Exception.Create('Invalid header');
- XmlHeaderSize := 0;
- stream.Read(XmlHeaderSize, 3);
- XmlheaderSize := LEtoN(XmlheaderSize);
- if Stream.Position + XmlHeaderSize > stream.Size then
- raise Exception.Create('Xml header size error');
- Stream.Position:= Stream.Position + XmlHeaderSize;
- {$hints off}
- stream.ReadBuffer(CompressionFormat, sizeof(CompressionFormat));
- {$hints on}
- CompressionFormat := LEToN(CompressionFormat);
- Content := TDotNetDeserialization.Create;
- case Compressionformat of
- $0100: Content.LoadFromStream(Stream);
- $8b1f: raise Exception.Create('Serialized data decompression not handled');
- else
- raise Exception.Create('Unknown compression format (' +
- IntToStr(Compressionformat) + ')');
- end;
- Document := Content.FindClass('Document');
- if Document <> nil then
- Layers := Content.GetObjectField(Document, 'layers') as TSerializedClass;
- SetLength(LayerData, NbLayers);
- for i := 0 to NbLayers - 1 do
- begin
- OnLayeredBitmapLoadProgress((i+1)*100 div NbLayers);
- LayerData[i] := TMemoryStream.Create;
- LoadLayer(LayerData[i], Stream, LayerDataSize(i));
- end;
- OnLayeredBitmapLoadProgress(100);
-function TPaintDotNetFile.ToString: ansistring;
- i, j, nbbytes: integer;
- b: byte;
- Result := 'Paint.Net document' + LineEnding + LineEnding;
- AppendStr(Result, Content.ToString);
- for i := 0 to NbLayers - 1 do
- begin
- AppendStr(Result, LineEnding + 'Layer ' + IntToStr(i) + ' : ' + LayerName[i] + LineEnding);
- AppendStr(Result, '[ ');
- LayerData[i].Position := 0;
- if LayerData[i].Size > 256 then
- nbbytes := 256
- else
- nbbytes := LayerData[i].Size;
- for j := 0 to nbbytes - 1 do
- begin
- {$hints off}
- LayerData[i].ReadBuffer(b, 1);
- {$hints on}
- AppendStr(Result, IntToHex(b, 2) + ' ');
- end;
- if LayerData[i].Size > nbbytes then
- AppendStr(Result, '...');
- AppendStr(Result, ']' + lineending);
- end;
-constructor TPaintDotNetFile.Create;
- inherited Create;
- Content := nil;
- Document := nil;
- Layers := nil;
- LinearBlend := True;
- RegisterPaintNetFormat;
-procedure TPaintDotNetFile.Clear;
- i: integer;
- FreeAndNil(content);
- document := nil;
- Layers := nil;
- for i := 0 to high(LayerData) do
- LayerData[i].Free;
- setLength(LayerData, 0);
-function TPaintDotNetFile.GetWidth: integer;
- if Document = nil then
- Result := 0
- else
- Result := StrToInt(Content.GetSimpleField(Document, 'width'));
-function TPaintDotNetFile.GetHeight: integer;
- if Document = nil then
- Result := 0
- else
- Result := StrToInt(Content.GetSimpleField(Document, 'height'));
-function TPaintDotNetFile.GetNbLayers: integer;
- if Layers = nil then
- Result := 0
- else
- Result := StrToInt(Content.GetSimpleField(Layers, '_size'));
-function TPaintDotNetFile.GetBlendOperation(Layer: integer): TBlendOperation;
- Result := InternalGetBlendOperation(InternalGetLayer(layer));
-function TPaintDotNetFile.GetLayerVisible(layer: integer): boolean;
- Result := InternalGetLayerVisible(InternalGetLayer(layer));
-function TPaintDotNetFile.GetLayerOpacity(layer: integer): byte;
- Result := InternalGetLayerOpacity(InternalGetLayer(layer));
-function TPaintDotNetFile.GetLayerName(layer: integer): string;
- Result := InternalGetLayerName(InternalGetLayer(layer));
-function TPaintDotNetFile.GetLayerBitmapCopy(layer: integer): TBGRABitmap;
- if (layer < 0) or (layer >= NbLayers) then
- raise Exception.Create('Index out of bounds');
- Result := TBGRABitmap.Create(Width, Height);
- if int64(Result.NbPixels) * 4 <> LayerData[layer].Size then
- begin
- Result.Free;
- raise Exception.Create('Inconsistent layer data size');
- end
- else
- begin
- layerData[layer].Position := 0;
- layerData[layer].Read(Result.Data^, LayerData[layer].Size);
- if TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder then result.SwapRedBlue;
- Result.InvalidateBitmap;
- if Result.LineOrder = riloBottomToTop then
- Result.VerticalFlip;
- end;
-function TPaintDotNetFile.InternalGetLayerName(layer: TSerializedClass): string;
- prop: TCustomSerializedObject;
- if layer = nil then
- Result := ''
- else
- begin
- prop := Content.GetObjectField(layer, 'Layer+properties');
- if prop = nil then
- Result := ''
- else
- begin
- Result := Content.GetSimpleField(prop, 'name');
- end;
- end;
-function TPaintDotNetFile.LayerDataSize(numLayer: integer): int64;
- layer, surface, scan0: TCustomSerializedObject;
- layer := InternalGetLayer(numLayer);
- if layer = nil then
- Result := 0
- else
- begin
- surface := Content.GetObjectField(layer, 'surface');
- if surface = nil then
- Result := 0
- else
- begin
- scan0 := Content.GetObjectField(surface, 'scan0');
- Result := StrToInt64(Content.GetSimpleField(scan0, 'length64'));
- end;
- end;
-procedure TPaintDotNetFile.LoadLayer(dest: TMemoryStream; src: TStream;
- uncompressedSize: int64);
- CompressionFlag: byte;
- maxChunkSize, decompressedChunkSize, compressedChunkSize: LongWord;
- chunks: array of TMemoryStream;
- numChunk: integer;
- chunkCount, i: integer;
- decomp: Tdecompressionstream;
- nextPos: int64;
- {$hints off}
- src.ReadBuffer(CompressionFlag, 1);
- {$hints on}
- if CompressionFlag = 1 then
- dest.CopyFrom(src, uncompressedSize)
- else
- if CompressionFlag = 0 then
- begin
- maxChunkSize := BEReadLongword(src);
- if maxChunkSize < 4 then
- raise Exception.Create('Invalid max chunk size');
- chunkCount := (uncompressedSize + maxChunkSize - 1) div maxChunkSize;
- setlength(chunks, chunkCount);
- for i := 0 to ChunkCount - 1 do
- begin
- numChunk := BEReadLongint(src);
- if (numChunk < 0) or (numChunk >= chunkCount) then
- raise Exception.Create('Chunk number out of bounds');
- compressedChunkSize := BEReadLongword(src);
- nextPos := src.Position + compressedChunkSize;
- src.Position := src.Position + 10; //skip gzip header
- decompressedChunkSize :=
- min(maxChunkSize, uncompressedSize - int64(numChunk) * int64(maxChunkSize));
- decomp := Tdecompressionstream.Create(src, True);
- chunks[numChunk] := TMemoryStream.Create;
- chunks[numChunk].CopyFrom(decomp, decompressedChunkSize);
- FreeAndNil(decomp);
- src.Position := nextPos;
- end;
- for i := 0 to ChunkCount - 1 do
- begin
- chunks[i].Position := 0;
- dest.CopyFrom(chunks[i], chunks[i].size);
- chunks[i].Free;
- end;
- setlength(chunks, 0);
- end
- else
- raise Exception('Unknown compression flag (' + IntToStr(CompressionFlag) + ')');
-function TPaintDotNetFile.InternalGetLayer(num: integer): TSerializedClass;
- layerList: TCustomSerializedObject;
- if Layers = nil then
- raise Exception.Create('No layers available')
- else
- if (num < 0) or (num >= NbLayers) then
- raise Exception.Create('Layer index out of bounds')
- else
- begin
- layerList := Content.GetObjectField(Layers, '_items');
- Result := Content.GetObject(layerList.FieldAsString[num]) as TSerializedClass;
- end;
-function TPaintDotNetFile.InternalGetBlendOperation(layer: TSerializedClass): TBlendOperation;
- prop, blendOp: TCustomSerializedObject;
- blendName: string;
- if layer = nil then
- Result := boTransparent
- else
- begin
- prop := Content.GetObjectField(layer, 'properties');
- if prop = nil then
- Result := boTransparent
- else
- begin
- blendOp := Content.GetObjectField(prop, 'blendOp');
- if blendOp = nil then
- Result := boTransparent
- else
- begin
- blendName := blendOp.TypeAsString;
- if (pos('+', blendName) <> 0) then
- Delete(blendName, 1, pos('+', blendName));
- if copy(blendName, length(blendName) - length('BlendOp') +
- 1, length('BlendOp')) = 'BlendOp' then
- Delete(blendName, length(blendName) - length('BlendOp') +
- 1, length('BlendOp'));
- if blendName = 'Normal' then
- Result := boTransparent
- else
- if blendName = 'Multiply' then
- Result := boLinearMultiply
- else
- if blendName = 'Additive' then
- Result := boLinearAdd
- else
- if blendName = 'ColorBurn' then
- Result := boColorBurn
- else
- if blendName = 'ColorDodge' then
- Result := boColorDodge
- else
- if blendName = 'Reflect' then
- Result := boReflect
- else
- if blendName = 'Glow' then
- Result := boGlow
- else
- if blendName = 'Overlay' then
- Result := boOverlay
- else
- if blendName = 'Difference' then
- Result := boLinearDifference
- else
- if blendName = 'Negation' then
- Result := boLinearNegation
- else
- if blendName = 'Lighten' then
- Result := boLighten
- else
- if blendName = 'Darken' then
- Result := boDarken
- else
- if blendName = 'Screen' then
- Result := boScreen
- else
- if blendName = 'Xor' then
- Result := boXor
- else
- Result := boTransparent;
- end;
- end;
- end;
-function TPaintDotNetFile.InternalGetLayerVisible(layer: TSerializedClass): boolean;
- prop: TCustomSerializedObject;
- if layer = nil then
- Result := False
- else
- begin
- prop := Content.GetObjectField(layer, 'Layer+properties');
- if prop = nil then
- Result := False
- else
- begin
- Result := (Content.GetSimpleField(prop, 'visible') = 'True');
- end;
- end;
-function TPaintDotNetFile.InternalGetLayerOpacity(layer: TSerializedClass): byte;
- prop: TCustomSerializedObject;
- if layer = nil then
- Result := 0
- else
- begin
- prop := Content.GetObjectField(layer, 'Layer+properties');
- if prop = nil then
- Result := 0
- else
- begin
- Result := StrToInt(Content.GetSimpleField(prop, 'opacity'));
- end;
- end;
-var AlreadyRegistered: boolean;
-procedure RegisterPaintNetFormat;
- if AlreadyRegistered then exit;
- ImageHandlers.RegisterImageReader ('Paint.NET image', 'pdn', TFPReaderPaintDotNet);
- RegisterLayeredBitmapReader('pdn', TPaintDotNetFile);
- //TPicture.RegisterFileFormat('pdn', 'Paint.NET image', TPaintDotNetFile);
- DefaultBGRAImageReader[ifPaintDotNet] := TFPReaderPaintDotNet;
- AlreadyRegistered := true;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrapalette.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrapalette.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index d083627..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrapalette.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1408 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAPalette;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, Avl_Tree, BGRABitmapTypes, FPimage;
- MaxLastAddedColors = 10;
- TBGRAPaletteFormat = integer;
- palUnknown : TBGRAPaletteFormat = 0;
- palPaintDotNet : TBGRAPaletteFormat = 1;
- palGimp : TBGRAPaletteFormat = 2;
- palAdobeSwatchExchange : TBGRAPaletteFormat = 3;
- palKOffice : TBGRAPaletteFormat = 4;
- palJascPSP : TBGRAPaletteFormat = 5;
- palCustom : TBGRAPaletteFormat = 100;
- TBGRAIndexedPaletteEntry = packed record
- Color: TBGRAPixel;
- Index: UInt32;
- end;
- PBGRAIndexedPaletteEntry = ^TBGRAIndexedPaletteEntry;
- TBGRAWeightedPaletteEntry = packed record
- Color: TBGRAPixel;
- Weight: UInt32;
- end;
- PBGRAWeightedPaletteEntry = ^TBGRAWeightedPaletteEntry;
- ArrayOfWeightedColor = array of TBGRAWeightedPaletteEntry;
- TBGRAPixelComparer = function (p1,p2 : PBGRAPixel): boolean;
- { TBGRACustomPalette }
- TBGRACustomPalette = class
- private
- function GetDominantColor: TBGRAPixel;
- protected
- function GetCount: integer; virtual; abstract;
- function GetColorByIndex(AIndex: integer): TBGRAPixel; virtual; abstract;
- public
- function ContainsColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel): boolean; virtual; abstract;
- function IndexOfColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel): integer; virtual; abstract;
- function GetAsArrayOfColor: ArrayOfTBGRAPixel; virtual; abstract;
- function GetAsArrayOfWeightedColor: ArrayOfWeightedColor; virtual; abstract;
- procedure AssignTo(AImage: TFPCustomImage); overload;
- procedure AssignTo(APalette: TFPPalette); overload;
- property DominantColor: TBGRAPixel read GetDominantColor;
- property Count: integer read GetCount;
- property Color[AIndex: integer]: TBGRAPixel read GetColorByIndex;
- end;
- { TBGRAAvgLvlPalette }
- TBGRAAvgLvlPalette = class(TBGRACustomPalette)
- protected
- FTree: TAVLTree;
- FArray: array of PBGRAPixel;
- FLastAddedColors: packed array[0..MaxLastAddedColors-1] of PBGRAPixel;
- FLastAddedColorCount: integer;
- function GetCount: integer; override;
- function GetColorByIndex(AIndex: integer): TBGRAPixel; override;
- procedure FreeEntry(AEntry: PBGRAPixel); virtual; abstract;
- procedure NeedArray; virtual;
- procedure ClearArray; virtual;
- procedure AddLastColor(AColor: PBGRAPixel);
- function GetLastColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel): PBGRAPixel;
- procedure ClearLastColors;
- public
- constructor Create; overload;
- function ContainsColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel): boolean; override;
- function IndexOfColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel): integer; override;
- procedure Clear; virtual;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function GetAsArrayOfColor: ArrayOfTBGRAPixel; override;
- function GetAsArrayOfWeightedColor: ArrayOfWeightedColor; override;
- end;
- { TBGRAPalette }
- TBGRAPalette = class(TBGRAAvgLvlPalette)
- protected
- function CreateEntry(AColor: TBGRAPixel): PBGRAPixel; virtual;
- procedure FreeEntry(AEntry: PBGRAPixel); override;
- procedure IncludePixel(PPixel: PBGRAPixel); virtual;
- procedure ExceptionUnknownPaletteFormat;
- procedure ExceptionInvalidPaletteFormat;
- public
- constructor Create(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap); overload; virtual;
- constructor Create(APalette: TBGRACustomPalette); overload; virtual;
- constructor Create(AColors: ArrayOfTBGRAPixel); overload; virtual;
- constructor Create(AColors: ArrayOfWeightedColor); overload; virtual;
- function AddColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel): boolean; virtual;
- procedure AddColors(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap); overload; virtual;
- procedure AddColors(APalette: TBGRACustomPalette); overload; virtual;
- function RemoveColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel): boolean; virtual;
- procedure LoadFromFile(AFilenameUTF8: string); virtual;
- procedure LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream; AFormat: TBGRAPaletteFormat); virtual;
- procedure LoadFromResource(AFilename: string; AFormat: TBGRAPaletteFormat);
- procedure SaveToFile(AFilenameUTF8: string); virtual;
- procedure SaveToStream(AStream: TStream; AFormat: TBGRAPaletteFormat); virtual;
- function DetectPaletteFormat(AStream: TStream): TBGRAPaletteFormat; overload; virtual;
- function DetectPaletteFormat(AFilenameUTF8: string): TBGRAPaletteFormat; overload;
- function SuggestPaletteFormat(AFilenameUTF8: string): TBGRAPaletteFormat; virtual;
- end;
- { TBGRAIndexedPalette }
- TBGRAIndexedPalette = class(TBGRAPalette)
- private
- FCurrentIndex: UInt32;
- protected
- procedure NeedArray; override;
- function CreateEntry(AColor: TBGRAPixel): PBGRAPixel; override;
- procedure FreeEntry(AEntry: PBGRAPixel); override;
- public
- function RemoveColor({%H-}AValue: TBGRAPixel): boolean; override;
- function IndexOfColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel): integer; override;
- procedure Clear; override;
- end;
- { TBGRAWeightedPalette }
- TBGRAWeightedPalette = class(TBGRAPalette)
- private
- protected
- function CreateEntry(AColor: TBGRAPixel): PBGRAPixel; override;
- procedure FreeEntry(AEntry: PBGRAPixel); override;
- function GetWeightByIndex(AIndex: Integer): UInt32; virtual;
- procedure IncludePixel(PPixel: PBGRAPixel); override;
- public
- constructor Create(AColors: ArrayOfWeightedColor); override;
- function GetAsArrayOfWeightedColor: ArrayOfWeightedColor; override;
- function IncColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel; out NewWeight: UInt32): boolean;
- function DecColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel; out NewWeight: UInt32): boolean;
- property Weight[AIndex: Integer]: UInt32 read GetWeightByIndex;
- end;
- { TBGRAReferencePalette }
- TBGRAReferencePalette = class(TBGRAAvgLvlPalette)
- protected
- procedure FreeEntry({%H-}AEntry: PBGRAPixel); override;
- public
- function AddColor(AValue: PBGRAPixel): boolean;
- function RemoveColor(AValue: PBGRAPixel): boolean;
- end;
- { TBGRACustomApproxPalette }
- TBGRACustomApproxPalette = class(TBGRACustomPalette)
- private
- function FindNearestColorIgnoreAlpha(AValue: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel; inline;
- function FindNearestColorIndexIgnoreAlpha(AValue: TBGRAPixel): integer; inline;
- protected
- function GetWeightByIndex({%H-}AIndex: Integer): UInt32; virtual;
- public
- function FindNearestColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel; AIgnoreAlpha: boolean): TBGRAPixel; overload;
- function FindNearestColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel; overload; virtual; abstract;
- function FindNearestColorIndex(AValue: TBGRAPixel; AIgnoreAlpha: boolean): integer; overload;
- function FindNearestColorIndex(AValue: TBGRAPixel): integer; overload; virtual; abstract;
- property Weight[AIndex: Integer]: UInt32 read GetWeightByIndex;
- end;
- { TBGRA16BitPalette }
- TBGRA16BitPalette = class(TBGRACustomApproxPalette)
- protected
- function GetCount: integer; override;
- function GetColorByIndex(AIndex: integer): TBGRAPixel; override;
- public
- function ContainsColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel): boolean; override;
- function IndexOfColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel): integer; override;
- function GetAsArrayOfColor: ArrayOfTBGRAPixel; override;
- function GetAsArrayOfWeightedColor: ArrayOfWeightedColor; override;
- function FindNearestColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel; override;
- function FindNearestColorIndex(AValue: TBGRAPixel): integer; override;
- end;
- { TBGRACustomColorQuantizer }
- TBGRACustomColorQuantizer = class
- protected
- function GetDominantColor: TBGRAPixel; virtual;
- function GetPalette: TBGRACustomApproxPalette; virtual; abstract;
- function GetSourceColor(AIndex: integer): TBGRAPixel; virtual; abstract;
- function GetSourceColorCount: Integer; virtual; abstract;
- function GetReductionColorCount: integer; virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetReductionColorCount(AValue: Integer); virtual; abstract;
- public
- constructor Create(APalette: TBGRACustomPalette; ASeparateAlphaChannel: boolean); overload; virtual; abstract;
- constructor Create(AColors: array of TBGRAPixel; ASeparateAlphaChannel: boolean); overload;
- constructor Create(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; AAlpha: TAlphaChannelPaletteOption); overload; virtual; abstract;
- constructor Create(APalette: TBGRACustomPalette; ASeparateAlphaChannel: boolean; AReductionColorCount: integer); overload; virtual; abstract;
- constructor Create(AColors: array of TBGRAPixel; ASeparateAlphaChannel: boolean; AReductionColorCount: integer); overload;
- constructor Create(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; AAlpha: TAlphaChannelPaletteOption; AReductionColorCount: integer); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure ApplyDitheringInplace(AAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm; ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABounds: TRect); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure ApplyDitheringInplace(AAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm; ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap); overload;
- function GetDitheredBitmap(AAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm; ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABounds: TRect): TBGRACustomBitmap; overload; virtual; abstract;
- function GetDitheredBitmap(AAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm; ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap): TBGRACustomBitmap; overload;
- procedure SaveBitmapToFile(AAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm; ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; AFilenameUTF8: string); overload;
- procedure SaveBitmapToFile(AAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm; ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; AFilenameUTF8: string; AFormat: TBGRAImageFormat); overload;
- procedure SaveBitmapToStream(AAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm; ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; AStream: TStream; AFormat: TBGRAImageFormat); virtual; abstract;
- function GetDitheredBitmapIndexedData(ABitDepth: integer; AAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm; ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; out AScanlineSize: PtrInt): Pointer; overload;
- function GetDitheredBitmapIndexedData(ABitDepth: integer; AAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm; ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap): Pointer; overload;
- function GetDitheredBitmapIndexedData(ABitDepth: integer; AByteOrder: TRawImageByteOrder; AAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm;
- ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; out AScanlineSize: PtrInt): Pointer; overload; virtual; abstract;
- property SourceColorCount: Integer read GetSourceColorCount;
- property SourceColor[AIndex: integer]: TBGRAPixel read GetSourceColor;
- property ReductionColorCount: Integer read GetReductionColorCount write SetReductionColorCount;
- property ReducedPalette: TBGRACustomApproxPalette read GetPalette;
- property DominantColor: TBGRAPixel read GetDominantColor;
- end;
- TBGRAColorQuantizerAny = class of TBGRACustomColorQuantizer;
- BGRAColorQuantizerFactory: TBGRAColorQuantizerAny;
-function BGRARequiredBitDepth(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; AAlpha: TAlphaChannelPaletteOption): integer; overload;
-function BGRARequiredBitDepth(APalette: TBGRACustomPalette): integer; overload;
- TPaletteReaderProc = function(APalette: TBGRAPalette; AStream: TStream): boolean;
- TPaletteWriterProc = procedure(APalette: TBGRAPalette; AStream: TStream);
- TCheckPaletteFormatProc = function(ABuf256: string): boolean;
-procedure BGRARegisterPaletteFormat(AFormatIndex: TBGRAPaletteFormat; AExtension: string; ADescription: string;
- AReadProc: TPaletteReaderProc; AWriteProc: TPaletteWriterProc; ACheckFormatProc: TCheckPaletteFormatProc);
-function BGRARegisteredPaletteFormatFilter(AAllSupportedDescription: string) : string;
-procedure ArrayOfWeightedColor_QuickSort(AColors: ArrayOfWeightedColor; AMinIndex,
- AMaxIndex: Int32or64; AComparer: TBGRAPixelComparer = nil);
-procedure ArrayOfWeightedColor_InsertionSort(AColors: ArrayOfWeightedColor; AMinIndex,
- AMaxIndex: Int32or64; AComparer: TBGRAPixelComparer = nil);
-procedure ArrayOfTBGRAPixel_QuickSort(AColors: ArrayOfTBGRAPixel; AMinIndex,
- AMaxIndex: Int32or64; AComparer: TBGRAPixelComparer = nil);
-procedure ArrayOfTBGRAPixel_InsertionSort(AColors: ArrayOfTBGRAPixel; AMinIndex,
- AMaxIndex: Int32or64; AComparer: TBGRAPixelComparer = nil);
-uses BGRAUTF8, bufstream;
-function IsDWordGreater(p1, p2: PBGRAPixel): boolean;
- result := LongWord(p1^) > LongWord(p2^);
- InsertionSortLimit = 10;
-procedure ArrayOfWeightedColor_InsertionSort(AColors: ArrayOfWeightedColor; AMinIndex,
- AMaxIndex: Int32or64; AComparer: TBGRAPixelComparer = nil);
-var i,j,insertPos: Int32or64;
- compared: TBGRAWeightedPaletteEntry;
- if AComparer = nil then AComparer := @IsDWordGreater;
- for i := AMinIndex+1 to AMaxIndex do
- begin
- insertPos := i;
- compared := AColors[i];
- while (insertPos > AMinIndex) and AComparer(@AColors[insertPos-1].Color,@compared.Color) do
- dec(insertPos);
- if insertPos <> i then
- begin
- for j := i downto insertPos+1 do
- AColors[j] := AColors[j-1];
- AColors[insertPos] := compared;
- end;
- end;
-procedure ArrayOfWeightedColor_QuickSort(AColors: ArrayOfWeightedColor; AMinIndex,
- AMaxIndex: Int32or64; AComparer: TBGRAPixelComparer = nil);
-var Pivot: TBGRAPixel;
- CurMin,CurMax,i : Int32or64;
- procedure Swap(a,b: Int32or64);
- var Temp: TBGRAWeightedPaletteEntry;
- begin
- if a = b then exit;
- Temp := AColors[a];
- AColors[a] := AColors[b];
- AColors[b] := Temp;
- end;
- if AComparer = nil then AComparer := @IsDWordGreater;
- if AMaxIndex-AMinIndex+1 <= InsertionSortLimit then
- begin
- ArrayOfWeightedColor_InsertionSort(AColors,AMinIndex,AMaxIndex,AComparer);
- exit;
- end;
- Pivot := AColors[(AMinIndex+AMaxIndex) shr 1].Color;
- CurMin := AMinIndex;
- CurMax := AMaxIndex;
- i := CurMin;
- while i < CurMax do
- begin
- if AComparer(@AColors[i].Color, @Pivot) then
- begin
- Swap(i, CurMax);
- dec(CurMax);
- end else
- begin
- if AComparer(@Pivot, @AColors[i].Color) then
- begin
- Swap(i, CurMin);
- inc(CurMin);
- end;
- inc(i);
- end;
- end;
- if AComparer(@Pivot, @AColors[i].Color) then
- begin
- Swap(i, CurMin);
- inc(CurMin);
- end;
- if CurMin > AMinIndex then ArrayOfWeightedColor_QuickSort(AColors,AMinIndex,CurMin,AComparer);
- if CurMax < AMaxIndex then ArrayOfWeightedColor_QuickSort(AColors,CurMax,AMaxIndex,AComparer);
-procedure ArrayOfTBGRAPixel_InsertionSort(AColors: ArrayOfTBGRAPixel; AMinIndex,
- AMaxIndex: Int32or64; AComparer: TBGRAPixelComparer = nil);
-var i,j,insertPos: Int32or64;
- compared: TBGRAPixel;
- if AComparer = nil then AComparer := @IsDWordGreater;
- for i := AMinIndex+1 to AMaxIndex do
- begin
- insertPos := i;
- compared := AColors[i];
- while (insertPos > AMinIndex) and AComparer(@AColors[insertPos-1],@compared) do
- dec(insertPos);
- if insertPos <> i then
- begin
- for j := i downto insertPos+1 do
- AColors[j] := AColors[j-1];
- AColors[insertPos] := compared;
- end;
- end;
-procedure ArrayOfTBGRAPixel_QuickSort(AColors: ArrayOfTBGRAPixel; AMinIndex,
- AMaxIndex: Int32or64; AComparer: TBGRAPixelComparer = nil);
-var Pivot: TBGRAPixel;
- CurMin,CurMax,i : Int32or64;
- procedure Swap(a,b: Int32or64);
- var Temp: TBGRAPixel;
- begin
- if a = b then exit;
- Temp := AColors[a];
- AColors[a] := AColors[b];
- AColors[b] := Temp;
- end;
- if AComparer = nil then AComparer := @IsDWordGreater;
- if AMaxIndex-AMinIndex+1 <= InsertionSortLimit then
- begin
- ArrayOfTBGRAPixel_InsertionSort(AColors,AMinIndex,AMaxIndex,AComparer);
- exit;
- end;
- Pivot := AColors[(AMinIndex+AMaxIndex) shr 1];
- CurMin := AMinIndex;
- CurMax := AMaxIndex;
- i := CurMin;
- while i < CurMax do
- begin
- if AComparer(@AColors[i], @Pivot) then
- begin
- Swap(i, CurMax);
- dec(CurMax);
- end else
- begin
- if AComparer(@Pivot, @AColors[i]) then
- begin
- Swap(i, CurMin);
- inc(CurMin);
- end;
- inc(i);
- end;
- end;
- if AComparer(@Pivot, @AColors[i]) then
- begin
- Swap(i, CurMin);
- inc(CurMin);
- end;
- if CurMin > AMinIndex then ArrayOfTBGRAPixel_QuickSort(AColors,AMinIndex,CurMin,AComparer);
- if CurMax < AMaxIndex then ArrayOfTBGRAPixel_QuickSort(AColors,CurMax,AMaxIndex,AComparer);
-{$i paletteformats.inc}
-function BGRARequiredBitDepth(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; AAlpha: TAlphaChannelPaletteOption): integer;
- palette: TBGRAPalette;
- p: PBGRAPixel;
- i: Int32or64;
- transparentEntry: boolean;
- palette := TBGRAPalette.Create;
- p := ABitmap.Data;
- transparentEntry := false;
- if AAlpha = acIgnore then
- begin
- for i := ABitmap.NbPixels-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- palette.AddColor(BGRA(p^.red,p^.green,p^.blue));
- inc(p);
- if palette.Count > 256 then break;
- end;
- end else
- if AAlpha = acTransparentEntry then
- begin
- for i := ABitmap.NbPixels-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- if p^.alpha < 128 then
- transparentEntry:= true
- else
- palette.AddColor(BGRA(p^.red,p^.green,p^.blue));
- inc(p);
- if palette.Count > 256 then break;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- for i := ABitmap.NbPixels-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- palette.AddColor(p^);
- inc(p);
- if palette.Count > 256 then break;
- end;
- end;
- if palette.Count+byte(transparentEntry) > 256 then
- begin
- if (AAlpha = acFullChannelInPalette) and ABitmap.HasTransparentPixels then
- result := 32
- else
- if (AAlpha = acTransparentEntry) and ABitmap.HasTransparentPixels then
- result := 25
- else
- result := 24;
- end else
- begin
- result := 8;
- while (result > 0) and (1 shl (result shr 1) >= palette.Count) do result := result shr 1;
- end;
- palette.Free;
-function BGRARequiredBitDepth(APalette: TBGRACustomPalette): integer;
-var i: integer;
- hasTransp: boolean;
- if APalette.Count > 256 then
- begin
- hasTransp := false;
- for i := 0 to APalette.Count-1 do
- if APalette.Color[i].alpha <> 255 then
- begin
- hasTransp:= true;
- break;
- end;
- if hasTransp then
- result := 32
- else
- result := 24;
- end else
- begin
- result := 8;
- while (result > 0) and (1 shl (result shr 1) >= APalette.Count) do result := result shr 1;
- end;
-{ TBGRA16BitPalette }
-function TBGRA16BitPalette.GetCount: integer;
- result := 65537;
-function TBGRA16BitPalette.GetColorByIndex(AIndex: integer): TBGRAPixel;
- if (AIndex >= 65536) or (AIndex < 0) then
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- result := Color16BitToBGRA(AIndex);
-function TBGRA16BitPalette.ContainsColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel): boolean;
- if AValue.alpha = 0 then
- result := true
- else
- result := (AValue.alpha = 255) and (FindNearestColor(AValue)=AValue);
-function TBGRA16BitPalette.IndexOfColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel): integer;
-var idx: integer;
- if AValue.Alpha = 0 then
- result := 65536
- else
- begin
- idx := BGRAToColor16Bit(AValue);
- if Color16BitToBGRA(idx)=AValue then
- result := idx
- else
- result := -1;
- end;
-function TBGRA16BitPalette.GetAsArrayOfColor: ArrayOfTBGRAPixel;
- result := nil;
- raise exception.Create('Palette too big');
-function TBGRA16BitPalette.GetAsArrayOfWeightedColor: ArrayOfWeightedColor;
- result := nil;
- raise exception.Create('Palette too big');
-function TBGRA16BitPalette.FindNearestColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
- if AValue.alpha = 0 then result := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- result := GetColorByIndex(BGRAToColor16Bit(AValue));
-function TBGRA16BitPalette.FindNearestColorIndex(AValue: TBGRAPixel): integer;
- result := BGRAToColor16Bit(AValue);
-{ TBGRAIndexedPalette }
-procedure TBGRAIndexedPalette.NeedArray;
-var Node: TAVLTreeNode;
- n: UInt32;
- n := Count;
- if UInt32(length(FArray)) <> n then
- begin
- setLength(FArray,n);
- for Node in FTree do
- with PBGRAIndexedPaletteEntry(Node.Data)^ do
- begin
- if Index < n then //index is unsigned so always >= 0
- FArray[Index] := @Color;
- end;
- end;
-function TBGRAIndexedPalette.CreateEntry(AColor: TBGRAPixel): PBGRAPixel;
- result := PBGRAPixel(GetMem(sizeOf(TBGRAIndexedPaletteEntry)));
- result^ := AColor;
- PBGRAIndexedPaletteEntry(result)^.Index := FCurrentIndex;
- Inc(FCurrentIndex);
-procedure TBGRAIndexedPalette.FreeEntry(AEntry: PBGRAPixel);
- FreeMem(AEntry);
-function TBGRAIndexedPalette.RemoveColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel): boolean;
- Result:= false;
- raise exception.Create('It is not possible to remove a color from an indexed palette');
-function TBGRAIndexedPalette.IndexOfColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel): integer;
-Var Node: TAVLTreeNode;
- Node := FTree.Find(@AValue);
- if Assigned(Node) then
- result := PBGRAIndexedPaletteEntry(Node.Data)^.Index
- else
- result := -1;
-procedure TBGRAIndexedPalette.Clear;
- inherited Clear;
- FCurrentIndex := 0;
-{ TBGRACustomColorQuantizer }
-function TBGRACustomColorQuantizer.GetDominantColor: TBGRAPixel;
- result := ReducedPalette.DominantColor;
-constructor TBGRACustomColorQuantizer.Create(AColors: array of TBGRAPixel;
- ASeparateAlphaChannel: boolean);
-var palette: TBGRAPalette;
- i: Integer;
- palette := TBGRAPalette.Create;
- for i := 0 to high(AColors) do
- palette.AddColor(AColors[i]);
- Create(palette, ASeparateAlphaChannel);
- palette.Free;
-constructor TBGRACustomColorQuantizer.Create(AColors: array of TBGRAPixel;
- ASeparateAlphaChannel: boolean; AReductionColorCount: integer);
-var palette: TBGRAPalette;
- i: Integer;
- palette := TBGRAPalette.Create;
- for i := 0 to high(AColors) do
- palette.AddColor(AColors[i]);
- Create(palette, ASeparateAlphaChannel, AReductionColorCount);
- palette.Free;
-procedure TBGRACustomColorQuantizer.ApplyDitheringInplace(
- AAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm; ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap);
- ApplyDitheringInplace(AAlgorithm, ABitmap, rect(0,0,ABitmap.Width,ABitmap.Height));
-function TBGRACustomColorQuantizer.GetDitheredBitmap(
- AAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm; ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap
- ): TBGRACustomBitmap;
- result := GetDitheredBitmap(AAlgorithm, ABitmap, rect(0,0,ABitmap.Width,ABitmap.Height));
-procedure TBGRACustomColorQuantizer.SaveBitmapToFile(
- AAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm; ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- AFilenameUTF8: string);
- SaveBitmapToFile(AAlgorithm, ABitmap, AFilenameUTF8, SuggestImageFormat(AFilenameUTF8));
-procedure TBGRACustomColorQuantizer.SaveBitmapToFile(
- AAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm; ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- AFilenameUTF8: string; AFormat: TBGRAImageFormat);
- stream: TFileStreamUTF8;
- stream := TFileStreamUTF8.Create(AFilenameUTF8,fmCreate);
- try
- SaveBitmapToStream(AAlgorithm, ABitmap, stream, AFormat);
- finally
- stream.Free;
- end;
-function TBGRACustomColorQuantizer.GetDitheredBitmapIndexedData(
- ABitDepth: integer; AAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm; ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- out AScanlineSize: PtrInt): Pointer;
- result := GetDitheredBitmapIndexedData(ABitDepth,
- {$IFDEF ENDIAN_LITTLE}riboLSBFirst{$ELSE}riboMSBFirst{$endif},
- AAlgorithm, ABitmap, AScanlineSize);
-function TBGRACustomColorQuantizer.GetDitheredBitmapIndexedData(
- ABitDepth: integer; AAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm;
- ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap): Pointer;
-var dummy: PtrInt;
- result := GetDitheredBitmapIndexedData(ABitDepth, AAlgorithm, ABitmap, dummy);
-{ TBGRACustomPalette }
-function TBGRACustomPalette.GetDominantColor: TBGRAPixel;
- w: ArrayOfWeightedColor;
- i: Integer;
- maxWeight, totalWeight: UInt32;
- result := BGRAWhite;
- maxWeight := 0;
- w := GetAsArrayOfWeightedColor;
- totalWeight:= 0;
- for i := 0 to high(w) do
- inc(totalWeight, w[i].Weight);
- for i := 0 to high(w) do
- if (w[i].Weight > maxWeight) and (BGRAToGSBA(w[i].Color).saturation > 16000) then
- begin
- maxWeight:= w[i].Weight;
- result := w[i].Color;
- end;
- if maxWeight > totalWeight div 20 then exit;
- for i := 0 to high(w) do
- if (w[i].Weight > maxWeight) and (BGRAToGSBA(w[i].Color).lightness < 56000) and (BGRAToGSBA(w[i].Color).lightness > 16000) then
- begin
- maxWeight:= w[i].Weight;
- result := w[i].Color;
- end;
- if maxWeight > 0 then exit;
- for i := 0 to high(w) do
- if (w[i].Weight > maxWeight) then
- begin
- maxWeight:= w[i].Weight;
- result := w[i].Color;
- end;
-procedure TBGRACustomPalette.AssignTo(AImage: TFPCustomImage);
- AImage.UsePalette := true;
- AssignTo(AImage.Palette);
-procedure TBGRACustomPalette.AssignTo(APalette: TFPPalette);
-var i: integer;
- APalette.Clear;
- APalette.Capacity := Count;
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- APalette.Color[i] := BGRAToFPColor(Color[i]);
-{ TBGRACustomApproxPalette }
-function TBGRACustomApproxPalette.FindNearestColorIgnoreAlpha(AValue: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
-var saveAlpha: byte;
- if AValue.alpha = 0 then
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- begin
- saveAlpha := AValue.alpha;
- AValue.alpha := 255;
- result := FindNearestColor(AValue);
- result.alpha := saveAlpha;
- end;
-function TBGRACustomApproxPalette.FindNearestColorIndexIgnoreAlpha(
- AValue: TBGRAPixel): integer;
- if AValue.alpha = 0 then
- result := -1
- else
- begin
- AValue.alpha := 255;
- result := FindNearestColorIndex(AValue);
- end;
-function TBGRACustomApproxPalette.GetWeightByIndex(AIndex: Integer): UInt32;
- result := 1;
-function TBGRACustomApproxPalette.FindNearestColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel; AIgnoreAlpha: boolean): TBGRAPixel;
- if AIgnoreAlpha then
- result := FindNearestColorIgnoreAlpha(AValue)
- else
- result := FindNearestColor(AValue);
-function TBGRACustomApproxPalette.FindNearestColorIndex(AValue: TBGRAPixel;
- AIgnoreAlpha: boolean): integer;
- if AIgnoreAlpha then
- result := FindNearestColorIndexIgnoreAlpha(AValue)
- else
- result := FindNearestColorIndex(AValue);
-{ TBGRAWeightedPalette }
-function TBGRAWeightedPalette.GetWeightByIndex(AIndex: Integer): UInt32;
- NeedArray;
- if (AIndex >= 0) and (AIndex < length(FArray)) then
- result := PBGRAWeightedPaletteEntry(FArray[AIndex])^.Weight
- else
- raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
-procedure TBGRAWeightedPalette.IncludePixel(PPixel: PBGRAPixel);
-var dummy: UInt32;
- IncColor(PPixel^,dummy);
-constructor TBGRAWeightedPalette.Create(AColors: ArrayOfWeightedColor);
- i: Integer;
- inherited Create;
- for i := 0 to high(AColors) do
- with AColors[i] do IncColor(Color,Weight);
-function TBGRAWeightedPalette.GetAsArrayOfWeightedColor: ArrayOfWeightedColor;
- i: Int32or64;
- NeedArray;
- setlength(result, length(FArray));
- for i := 0 to high(result) do
- result[i] := PBGRAWeightedPaletteEntry(FArray[i])^;
-function TBGRAWeightedPalette.CreateEntry(AColor: TBGRAPixel): PBGRAPixel;
- result := PBGRAPixel(GetMem(sizeOf(TBGRAWeightedPaletteEntry)));
- result^ := AColor;
- PBGRAWeightedPaletteEntry(result)^.Weight := 1;
-procedure TBGRAWeightedPalette.FreeEntry(AEntry: PBGRAPixel);
- FreeMem(AEntry);
-function TBGRAWeightedPalette.IncColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel; out NewWeight: UInt32
- ): boolean;
-Var Node: TAVLTreeNode;
- Entry: PBGRAPixel;
- Entry := GetLastColor(AValue);
- if Entry <> nil then
- begin
- NewWeight := PBGRAWeightedPaletteEntry(Entry)^.Weight+1;
- PBGRAWeightedPaletteEntry(Entry)^.Weight := NewWeight;
- result := false;
- exit;
- end;
- Node := FTree.Find(@AValue);
- if Assigned(Node) then
- begin
- Entry := PBGRAPixel(Node.Data);
- NewWeight := PBGRAWeightedPaletteEntry(Entry)^.Weight+1;
- PBGRAWeightedPaletteEntry(Entry)^.Weight := NewWeight;
- AddLastColor(Entry);
- result := false;
- end
- else
- begin
- Entry := CreateEntry(AValue);
- FTree.Add(Entry);
- ClearArray;
- NewWeight := PBGRAWeightedPaletteEntry(Entry)^.Weight;
- AddLastColor(Entry);
- result := true;
- end;
-function TBGRAWeightedPalette.DecColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel; out NewWeight: UInt32
- ): boolean;
- Node : TAVLTreeNode;
- Entry: PBGRAPixel;
- Node := FTree.Find(@AValue);
- if Assigned(Node) then
- begin
- Entry := PBGRAPixel(Node.Data);
- NewWeight := PBGRAWeightedPaletteEntry(Entry)^.Weight;
- if NewWeight >= 2 then
- begin
- dec(NewWeight);
- PBGRAWeightedPaletteEntry(Entry)^.Weight := NewWeight;
- end
- else
- begin
- NewWeight := 0;
- FreeEntry(Entry);
- FTree.Delete(Node);
- ClearArray;
- ClearLastColors;
- end;
- result := true;
- end else
- begin
- result := false;
- NewWeight := 0;
- end;
-{ TBGRAReferencePalette }
-procedure TBGRAReferencePalette.FreeEntry(AEntry: PBGRAPixel);
- //nothing
-function TBGRAReferencePalette.AddColor(AValue: PBGRAPixel): boolean;
- if Assigned(GetLastColor(AValue^)) then
- begin
- result := false;
- exit;
- end;
- AddLastColor(AValue);
- if Assigned(FTree.Find(AValue)) then
- begin
- result := false;
- end
- else
- begin
- result := true;
- FTree.Add(AValue);
- ClearArray;
- end;
-function TBGRAReferencePalette.RemoveColor(AValue: PBGRAPixel): boolean;
- Node : TAVLTreeNode;
- Node := FTree.Find(AValue);
- if Assigned(Node) then
- begin
- FTree.Delete(Node);
- result := true;
- ClearArray;
- ClearLastColors;
- end else
- result := false;
-function PaletteOnCompareItems(Data1, Data2: Pointer): integer;
-var gray1, gray2: UInt32or64;
- c1, c2: TBGRAPixel;
- c1 := PBGRAPixel(Data1)^;
- c2 := PBGRAPixel(Data2)^;
- if c1.alpha < c2.alpha then
- result := -1
- else if c1.alpha > c2.alpha then
- result := 1
- else
- begin
- gray1 := (GammaExpansionTab[c1.red] shl 8)+(GammaExpansionTab[c1.green] shl 9)+(GammaExpansionTab[c1.blue] shl 7);
- gray2 := (GammaExpansionTab[c2.red] shl 8)+(GammaExpansionTab[c2.green] shl 9)+(GammaExpansionTab[c2.blue] shl 7);
- if gray1gray2 then
- result := 1
- else
- begin
- if c1.green > c2.green then
- result := 1
- else if c1.green < c2.green then
- result := -1
- else if c1.red > c2.red then
- result := 1
- else if c1.red < c2.red then
- result := -1
- else if c1.blue > c2.blue then
- result := 1
- else if c1.blue < c2.blue then
- result := -1
- else
- result := 0;
- end;
- end;
-{ TBGRAAvgLvlPalette }
-constructor TBGRAAvgLvlPalette.Create;
- FTree := TAVLTree.Create;
- FTree.OnCompare := @PaletteOnCompareItems;
-destructor TBGRAAvgLvlPalette.Destroy;
- Clear;
- FreeAndNil(FTree);
- inherited Destroy;
-function TBGRAAvgLvlPalette.GetAsArrayOfColor: ArrayOfTBGRAPixel;
-var i: Int32or64;
- NeedArray;
- setlength(result, Length(FArray));
- for i := 0 to high(result) do
- result[i] := FArray[i]^;
-function TBGRAAvgLvlPalette.GetAsArrayOfWeightedColor: ArrayOfWeightedColor;
-var i: Int32or64;
- NeedArray;
- setlength(result, Length(FArray));
- for i := 0 to high(result) do
- with result[i] do
- begin
- Color := FArray[i]^;
- Weight:= 1;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAAvgLvlPalette.Clear;
-var Node: TAVLTreeNode;
- For Node in FTree do
- FreeEntry(PBGRAPixel(Node.Data));
- FTree.Clear;
- ClearArray;
- FLastAddedColorCount := 0;
-function TBGRAAvgLvlPalette.GetCount: integer;
- result := FTree.Count;
-function TBGRAAvgLvlPalette.ContainsColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel): boolean;
-Var Node: TAVLTreeNode;
- if Assigned(GetLastColor(AValue)) then
- begin
- result := true;
- exit;
- end;
- Node := FTree.Find(@AValue);
- result := Assigned(Node);
- if result then AddLastColor(PBGRAPixel(Node.Data));
-function TBGRAAvgLvlPalette.IndexOfColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel): integer;
-Var Node: TAVLTreeNode;
- Node := FTree.Find(@AValue);
- if Assigned(Node) then
- begin
- result := 0;
- Node := Node.Left;
- while Assigned(Node) do
- begin
- inc(result);
- Node := Node.Left;
- end;
- end else
- result := -1;
-function TBGRAAvgLvlPalette.GetColorByIndex(AIndex: integer): TBGRAPixel;
- NeedArray;
- if (AIndex >= 0) and (AIndex < length(FArray)) then
- result := FArray[AIndex]^
- else
- raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
-procedure TBGRAAvgLvlPalette.NeedArray;
-var Node: TAVLTreeNode;
- i,n: integer;
- n := Count;
- if length(FArray) <> n then
- begin
- setLength(FArray,n);
- i := 0;
- for Node in FTree do
- begin
- if i >= n then break;
- FArray[i] := PBGRAPixel(Node.Data);
- inc(i);
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAAvgLvlPalette.ClearArray;
- FArray := nil;
-procedure TBGRAAvgLvlPalette.AddLastColor(AColor: PBGRAPixel);
- if FLastAddedColorCount < MaxLastAddedColors then
- begin
- FLastAddedColors[FLastAddedColorCount] := AColor;
- inc(FLastAddedColorCount);
- end else
- begin
- move(FLastAddedColors[1],FLastAddedColors[0],(FLastAddedColorCount-1)*sizeof(PBGRAPixel));
- FLastAddedColors[FLastAddedColorCount-1] := AColor;
- end;
-function TBGRAAvgLvlPalette.GetLastColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel): PBGRAPixel;
- i: Int32or64;
- for i := FLastAddedColorCount-1 downto 0 do
- if PLongWord(FLastAddedColors[i])^ = LongWord(AValue) then
- begin
- result := FLastAddedColors[i];
- exit;
- end;
- result := nil;
-procedure TBGRAAvgLvlPalette.ClearLastColors;
- FLastAddedColorCount := 0;
-{ TBGRAPalette }
-function TBGRAPalette.CreateEntry(AColor: TBGRAPixel): PBGRAPixel;
- result := PBGRAPixel(GetMem(sizeOf(TBGRAPixel)));
- result^ := AColor;
-procedure TBGRAPalette.FreeEntry(AEntry: PBGRAPixel);
- FreeMem(AEntry);
-procedure TBGRAPalette.IncludePixel(PPixel: PBGRAPixel);
- AddColor(PPixel^);
-procedure TBGRAPalette.ExceptionUnknownPaletteFormat;
- raise Exception.Create('Unknown palette format');
-procedure TBGRAPalette.ExceptionInvalidPaletteFormat;
- raise Exception.Create('Invalid palette format');
-constructor TBGRAPalette.Create(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap);
-var p: PBGRAPixel;
- n: integer;
- inherited Create;
- n:= ABitmap.NbPixels;
- p := ABitmap.Data;
- while n > 0 do
- begin
- IncludePixel(p);
- inc(p);
- dec(n);
- end;
-constructor TBGRAPalette.Create(APalette: TBGRACustomPalette);
- inherited Create;
- AddColors(APalette);
-constructor TBGRAPalette.Create(AColors: ArrayOfTBGRAPixel);
- i: Integer;
- inherited Create;
- for i := 0 to high(AColors) do
- AddColor(AColors[i]);
-constructor TBGRAPalette.Create(AColors: ArrayOfWeightedColor);
- i: Integer;
- inherited Create;
- for i := 0 to high(AColors) do
- AddColor(AColors[i].Color);
-function TBGRAPalette.AddColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel): boolean;
-Var Node: TAVLTreeNode;
- Entry: PBGRAPixel;
- if Assigned(GetLastColor(AValue)) then
- begin
- result := false;
- exit;
- end;
- Node := FTree.Find(@AValue);
- if Assigned(Node) then
- begin
- AddLastColor(PBGRAPixel(Node.Data));
- result := false;
- end
- else
- begin
- result := true;
- Entry := CreateEntry(AValue);
- FTree.Add(Entry);
- ClearArray;
- AddLastColor(Entry);
- end;
-procedure TBGRAPalette.AddColors(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap);
-var p: PBGRAPixel;
- n: integer;
- n := ABitmap.NbPixels;
- p := ABitmap.Data;
- while n > 0 do
- begin
- AddColor(p^);
- inc(p);
- dec(n);
- end;
-procedure TBGRAPalette.AddColors(APalette: TBGRACustomPalette);
-var i: Int32or64;
- for i := 0 to APalette.Count- 1 do
- AddColor(APalette.Color[i]);
-function TBGRAPalette.RemoveColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel): boolean;
- Node : TAVLTreeNode;
- Node := FTree.Find(@AValue);
- if Assigned(Node) then
- begin
- FreeEntry(Node.Data);
- FTree.Delete(Node);
- result := true;
- ClearArray;
- ClearLastColors;
- end else
- result := false;
-procedure TBGRAPalette.LoadFromFile(AFilenameUTF8: string);
- stream: TFileStreamUTF8;
- format: TBGRAPaletteFormat;
- format := DetectPaletteFormat(AFilenameUTF8);
- if format = palUnknown then
- begin
- ExceptionUnknownPaletteFormat;
- exit;
- end;
- stream:= TFileStreamUTF8.Create(AFilenameUTF8,fmOpenRead);
- try
- LoadFromStream(stream, format);
- finally
- stream.Free;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAPalette.LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream;
- AFormat: TBGRAPaletteFormat);
-var buf: TReadBufStream;
- handled: boolean;
- i: Integer;
- RegisterDefaultPaletteFormats;
- Clear;
- buf := TReadBufStream.Create(AStream);
- try
- handled := false;
- for i := 0 to High(PaletteFormats) do
- if PaletteFormats[i].formatIndex = AFormat then
- begin
- if not PaletteFormats[i].reader(self, AStream) then
- ExceptionInvalidPaletteFormat;
- handled := true;
- break;
- end;
- if not handled then ExceptionUnknownPaletteFormat;
- finally
- buf.Free;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAPalette.LoadFromResource(AFilename: string; AFormat: TBGRAPaletteFormat);
- stream: TStream;
- stream := BGRAResource.GetResourceStream(AFilename);
- try
- LoadFromStream(stream, AFormat);
- finally
- stream.Free;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAPalette.SaveToFile(AFilenameUTF8: string);
- stream: TFileStreamUTF8;
- stream:= TFileStreamUTF8.Create(AFilenameUTF8,fmCreate);
- try
- SaveToStream(stream, SuggestPaletteFormat(AFilenameUTF8));
- finally
- stream.Free;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAPalette.SaveToStream(AStream: TStream;
- AFormat: TBGRAPaletteFormat);
-var buf: TWriteBufStream;
- handled: boolean;
- i: Integer;
- RegisterDefaultPaletteFormats;
- buf := TWriteBufStream.Create(AStream);
- try
- handled := false;
- for i := 0 to High(PaletteFormats) do
- if PaletteFormats[i].formatIndex = AFormat then
- begin
- PaletteFormats[i].writer(self, AStream);
- handled := true;
- break;
- end;
- if not handled then ExceptionUnknownPaletteFormat;
- finally
- buf.Free;
- end;
-function TBGRAPalette.DetectPaletteFormat(AStream: TStream): TBGRAPaletteFormat;
-var buf: string;
- oldPos: int64;
- i: Integer;
- result := palUnknown;
- setlength(buf,256);
- fillchar(buf[1],length(buf),#0);
- oldPos := AStream.Position;
- AStream.Read(buf[1],length(buf));
- AStream.Position := oldPos;
- if length(buf)>0 then
- begin
- RegisterDefaultPaletteFormats;
- for i := 0 to high(PaletteFormats) do
- if PaletteFormats[i].checkFormat(buf) then
- begin
- result := PaletteFormats[i].formatIndex;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
-function TBGRAPalette.DetectPaletteFormat(AFilenameUTF8: string
- ): TBGRAPaletteFormat;
-var stream: TFileStreamUTF8;
- result := SuggestPaletteFormat(AFilenameUTF8);
- if not FileExists(AFilenameUTF8) then exit;
- try
- stream := TFileStreamUTF8.Create(AFilenameUTF8,fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);
- except
- exit;
- end;
- try
- result := DetectPaletteFormat(stream);
- if result = palUnknown then
- result := SuggestPaletteFormat(AFilenameUTF8);
- finally
- stream.Free;
- end;
-function TBGRAPalette.SuggestPaletteFormat(AFilenameUTF8: string
- ): TBGRAPaletteFormat;
-var ext: string;
- i: Integer;
- RegisterDefaultPaletteFormats;
- ext := ExtractFileExt(AFilenameUTF8);
- if ext <> '' then
- begin
- for i := 0 to high(PaletteFormats) do
- if CompareText(PaletteFormats[i].ext,ext) = 0 then
- begin
- result := PaletteFormats[i].formatIndex;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- result := palUnknown;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrapath.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrapath.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 07bd687..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrapath.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3118 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAPath;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
-//todo: tangent interpolation
-{ There are different conventions for angles.
- First is about the unit. It can be one of the following:
- - degrees (0..360)
- - radian (0..2*Pi)
- - tenth of degrees (0..3600)
- - from 0 to 65536
- Second is about the origin. It can be one of the following:
- - right-most position (this is the default origin for radian and 65536)
- - top-most position (this is the default origin for degrees)
- Third is about the sign. It can be one of the following:
- - positive is clockwise (this is the default for degrees)
- - positive is counterclockwise (this is the default for radian and 65536)
- TBGRAPath and TBGRACanvas2D follow HTML5 convention which is:
- (radian, right-most, clockwise) that can be shortened to (radian, clockwise)
- because right-most is the default for radian. This is abbreviated as "radCW".
- When radian are CCW, it is also specified in order to make it clear, even
- if it is the default convention in mathematics.
- In order to make things easier, there are some functions that accept angles
- in degrees. The convention used here is the usual degree convention:
- (degrees, top-most, clockwise) that can be shortened to (degree)
- because top-most and clockwise is the default for degrees.
- }
- BGRABitmapTypes, BGRATransform;
- DefaultDeviation = 0.1;
- TBGRAPathElementType = (peNone, peMoveTo, peLineTo, peCloseSubPath,
- peQuadraticBezierTo, peCubicBezierTo, peArc, peOpenedSpline,
- peClosedSpline);
- TBGRAPathDrawProc = BGRABitmapTypes.TBGRAPathDrawProc;
- TBGRAPathFillProc = BGRABitmapTypes.TBGRAPathFillProc;
- TBGRAPath = class;
- { TBGRAPathCursor }
- TBGRAPathCursor = class(TBGRACustomPathCursor)
- protected
- FPath: TBGRAPath;
- FDataPos: IntPtr;
- FAcceptedDeviation: single;
- FPathLength: single;
- FPathLengthComputed: boolean;
- FBounds: TRectF;
- FBoundsComputed: boolean;
- FArcPos: Single;
- FStartCoordinate: TPointF;
- FEndCoordinate: TPointF;
- FLoopClosedShapes,FLoopPath: boolean;
- FCurrentElementType: TBGRAPathElementType;
- FCurrentElement: Pointer;
- FCurrentElementArcPos,
- FCurrentElementArcPosScale: single;
- FCurrentElementStartCoord,
- FCurrentElementEndCoord: TPointF;
- FCurrentElementLength: single;
- FCurrentElementPoints: array of TPointF;
- FCurrentSegment: Int32or64;
- FCurrentSegmentPos: single;
- function GoToNextElement(ACanJump: boolean): boolean;
- function GoToPreviousElement(ACanJump: boolean): boolean;
- procedure MoveToEndOfElement;
- procedure MoveForwardInElement(ADistance: single);
- procedure MoveBackwardInElement(ADistance: single);
- function NeedPolygonalApprox: boolean;
- procedure OnPathFree; virtual;
- function GetLoopClosedShapes: boolean; override;
- function GetLoopPath: boolean; override;
- function GetStartCoordinate: TPointF; override;
- procedure SetLoopClosedShapes(AValue: boolean); override;
- procedure SetLoopPath(AValue: boolean); override;
- function GetArcPos: single; override;
- function GetCurrentTangent: TPointF; override;
- procedure SetArcPos(AValue: single); override;
- function GetBounds: TRectF; override;
- function GetPathLength: single; override;
- procedure PrepareCurrentElement; virtual;
- function GetCurrentCoord: TPointF; override;
- function GetPath: TBGRAPath; virtual;
- public
- constructor Create(APath: TBGRAPath; AAcceptedDeviation: single = DefaultDeviation);
- function MoveForward(ADistance: single; ACanJump: boolean = true): single; override;
- function MoveBackward(ADistance: single; ACanJump: boolean = true): single; override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- property CurrentCoordinate: TPointF read GetCurrentCoord;
- property CurrentTangent: TPointF read GetCurrentTangent;
- property Position: single read GetArcPos write SetArcPos;
- property PathLength: single read GetPathLength;
- property Path: TBGRAPath read GetPath;
- property Bounds: TRectF read GetBounds;
- property StartCoordinate: TPointF read GetStartCoordinate;
- property LoopClosedShapes: boolean read GetLoopClosedShapes write SetLoopClosedShapes;
- property LoopPath: boolean read GetLoopPath write SetLoopPath;
- property AcceptedDeviation: single read FAcceptedDeviation;
- end;
- { TBGRAPath }
- TBGRAPath = class(TBGRACustomPath)
- protected
- FData: PByte;
- FDataCapacity: PtrInt;
- FDataPos: PtrInt;
- FLastSubPathElementType, FLastStoredElementType: TBGRAPathElementType;
- FLastMoveToDataPos: PtrInt;
- FLastCoord,FLastTransformedCoord,
- FSubPathStartCoord, FSubPathTransformedStartCoord: TPointF;
- FExpectedTransformedControlPoint: TPointF;
- FMatrix: TAffineMatrix; //this matrix must have a base of vectors
- //orthogonal, of same length and with positive
- //orientation in order to preserve arcs
- FScale,FAngleRadCW: single;
- FCursors: array of TBGRAPathCursor;
- FInternalDrawOffset: TPointF;
- procedure OnModify;
- procedure OnMatrixChange;
- procedure NeedSpace(count: integer);
- function AllocateElement(AElementType: TBGRAPathElementType;
- AExtraBytes: PtrInt = 0): Pointer;
- procedure Init;
- procedure DoClear;
- function CheckElementType(AElementType: TBGRAPathElementType): boolean;
- function GoToNextElement(var APos: PtrInt): boolean;
- function GoToPreviousElement(var APos: PtrInt): boolean;
- function PeekNextElement(APos: PtrInt): TBGRAPathElementType;
- function GetElementStartCoord(APos: PtrInt): TPointF;
- function GetElementEndCoord(APos: PtrInt): TPointF;
- function GetElementLength(APos: PtrInt; AAcceptedDeviation: single): Single;
- procedure GetElementAt(APos: PtrInt;
- out AElementType: TBGRAPathElementType; out AElement: pointer);
- function GetSvgString: string; virtual;
- procedure SetSvgString(const AValue: string); virtual;
- procedure RegisterCursor(ACursor: TBGRAPathCursor);
- procedure UnregisterCursor(ACursor: TBGRAPathCursor);
- function SetLastCoord(ACoord: TPointF): TPointF; inline;
- procedure ClearLastCoord;
- procedure BezierCurveFromTransformed(tcp1, cp2, pt:TPointF);
- procedure QuadraticCurveFromTransformed(tcp, pt: TPointF);
- function LastCoordDefined: boolean; inline;
- function GetPolygonalApprox(APos: IntPtr; AAcceptedDeviation: single; AIncludeFirstPoint: boolean): ArrayOfTPointF;
- function getPoints: ArrayOfTPointF; overload;override;
- function getPoints(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix): ArrayOfTPointF; overload;override;
- function getLength: single; override;
- function getCursor: TBGRACustomPathCursor; override;
- procedure InternalDraw(ADrawProc: TBGRAPathDrawProc; const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AAcceptedDeviation: single; AData: pointer);
- procedure BitmapDrawSubPathProc(const APoints: array of TPointF; AClosed: boolean; AData: pointer);
- function CorrectAcceptedDeviation(AAcceptedDeviation: single; const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix): single;
- public
- constructor Create; overload; override;
- constructor Create(ASvgString: string); overload;
- constructor Create(const APoints: ArrayOfTPointF); overload;
- constructor Create(APath: IBGRAPath); overload;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure beginPath; override;
- procedure beginSubPath;
- procedure closePath; override;
- procedure translate(x,y: single);
- procedure resetTransform;
- procedure rotate(angleRadCW: single); overload;
- procedure rotateDeg(angleDeg: single); overload;
- procedure rotate(angleRadCW: single; center: TPointF); overload;
- procedure rotateDeg(angleDeg: single; center: TPointF); overload;
- procedure scale(factor: single);
- procedure moveTo(x,y: single); overload;
- procedure lineTo(x,y: single); overload;
- procedure moveTo(constref pt: TPointF); overload; override;
- procedure lineTo(constref pt: TPointF); overload; override;
- procedure polyline(const pts: array of TPointF);
- procedure polylineTo(const pts: array of TPointF); override;
- procedure polygon(const pts: array of TPointF);
- procedure quadraticCurveTo(cpx,cpy,x,y: single); overload;
- procedure quadraticCurveTo(constref cp,pt: TPointF); overload; override;
- procedure quadraticCurve(const curve: TQuadraticBezierCurve); overload;
- procedure quadraticCurve(p1,cp,p2: TPointF); overload;
- procedure smoothQuadraticCurveTo(x,y: single); overload;
- procedure smoothQuadraticCurveTo(const pt: TPointF); overload;
- procedure bezierCurveTo(cp1x,cp1y,cp2x,cp2y,x,y: single); overload;
- procedure bezierCurveTo(constref cp1,cp2,pt: TPointF); overload; override;
- procedure bezierCurve(const curve: TCubicBezierCurve); overload;
- procedure bezierCurve(p1,cp1,cp2,p2: TPointF); overload;
- procedure smoothBezierCurveTo(cp2x,cp2y,x,y: single); overload;
- procedure smoothBezierCurveTo(const cp2,pt: TPointF); overload;
- procedure rect(x,y,w,h: single);
- procedure roundRect(x,y,w,h,radius: single);
- procedure arc(cx, cy, radius, startAngleRadCW, endAngleRadCW: single; anticlockwise: boolean); overload;
- procedure arc(cx, cy, radius, startAngleRadCW, endAngleRadCW: single); overload;
- procedure arcDeg(cx, cy, radius, startAngleDeg, endAngleDeg: single; anticlockwise: boolean); overload;
- procedure arcDeg(cx, cy, radius, startAngleDeg, endAngleDeg: single); overload;
- procedure arcTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, radius: single); overload;
- procedure arcTo(const p1,p2: TPointF; radius: single); overload;
- procedure arc(constref arcDef: TArcDef); overload; override;
- procedure arc(cx, cy, rx,ry: single; xAngleRadCW, startAngleRadCW, endAngleRadCW: single); overload;
- procedure arc(cx, cy, rx,ry, xAngleRadCW, startAngleRadCW, endAngleRadCW: single; anticlockwise: boolean); overload;
- procedure arcTo(rx,ry, xAngleRadCW: single; largeArc, anticlockwise: boolean; x,y:single); overload;
- procedure copyTo(dest: IBGRAPath); override;
- procedure addPath(const AValue: string); overload;
- procedure addPath(source: IBGRAPath); overload;
- procedure openedSpline(const pts: array of TPointF; style: TSplineStyle); override;
- procedure closedSpline(const pts: array of TPointF; style: TSplineStyle); override;
- property SvgString: string read GetSvgString write SetSvgString;
- function ComputeLength(AAcceptedDeviation: single = DefaultDeviation): single;
- function ToPoints(AAcceptedDeviation: single = DefaultDeviation): ArrayOfTPointF; overload;
- function ToPoints(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AAcceptedDeviation: single = DefaultDeviation): ArrayOfTPointF; overload;
- function IsEmpty: boolean;
- function GetBounds(AAcceptedDeviation: single = DefaultDeviation): TRectF;
- procedure SetPoints(const APoints: ArrayOfTPointF);
- procedure stroke(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AWidth: single; AAcceptedDeviation: single = DefaultDeviation); overload;
- procedure stroke(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AWidth: single; AAcceptedDeviation: single = DefaultDeviation); overload;
- procedure stroke(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; x,y: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AWidth: single; AAcceptedDeviation: single = DefaultDeviation); overload;
- procedure stroke(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; x,y: single; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AWidth: single; AAcceptedDeviation: single = DefaultDeviation); overload;
- procedure stroke(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AWidth: single; AAcceptedDeviation: single = DefaultDeviation); overload;
- procedure stroke(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AWidth: single; AAcceptedDeviation: single = DefaultDeviation); overload;
- procedure stroke(ADrawProc: TBGRAPathDrawProc; AData: pointer); overload; override;
- procedure stroke(ADrawProc: TBGRAPathDrawProc; const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AData: pointer); overload; override;
- procedure stroke(ADrawProc: TBGRAPathDrawProc; const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AAcceptedDeviation: single; AData: pointer = nil); overload;
- procedure fill(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AAcceptedDeviation: single = DefaultDeviation); overload;
- procedure fill(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AAcceptedDeviation: single = DefaultDeviation); overload;
- procedure fill(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; x,y: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AAcceptedDeviation: single = DefaultDeviation); overload;
- procedure fill(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; x,y: single; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AAcceptedDeviation: single = DefaultDeviation); overload;
- procedure fill(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AAcceptedDeviation: single = DefaultDeviation); overload;
- procedure fill(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AAcceptedDeviation: single = DefaultDeviation); overload;
- procedure fill(AFillProc: TBGRAPathFillProc; AData: pointer); overload; override;
- procedure fill(AFillProc: TBGRAPathFillProc; const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AData: pointer); overload; override;
- procedure fill(AFillProc: TBGRAPathFillProc; const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AAcceptedDeviation: single; AData: pointer = nil); overload;
- function CreateCursor(AAcceptedDeviation: single = DefaultDeviation): TBGRAPathCursor;
- procedure Fit(ARect: TRectF; AAcceptedDeviation: single = DefaultDeviation);
- procedure FitInto(ADest: TBGRAPath; ARect: TRectF; AAcceptedDeviation: single = DefaultDeviation);
- end;
-{----------------------- Spline ------------------}
-function SplineVertexToSide(y0, y1, y2, y3: single; t: single): single;
-function ComputeBezierCurve(const curve: TCubicBezierCurve; AAcceptedDeviation: single = DefaultDeviation): ArrayOfTPointF; overload;
-function ComputeBezierCurve(const curve: TQuadraticBezierCurve; AAcceptedDeviation: single = DefaultDeviation): ArrayOfTPointF; overload;
-function ComputeBezierSpline(const spline: array of TCubicBezierCurve; AAcceptedDeviation: single = DefaultDeviation): ArrayOfTPointF; overload;
-function ComputeBezierSpline(const spline: array of TQuadraticBezierCurve; AAcceptedDeviation: single = DefaultDeviation): ArrayOfTPointF; overload;
-function ComputeClosedSpline(const APoints: array of TPointF; AStyle: TSplineStyle; AAcceptedDeviation: single = DefaultDeviation): ArrayOfTPointF;
-function ComputeClosedSpline(const APoints: array of TPointF; AStart, ACount: integer; AStyle: TSplineStyle; AAcceptedDeviation: single = DefaultDeviation): ArrayOfTPointF;
-function ComputeOpenedSpline(const APoints: array of TPointF; AStyle: TSplineStyle; AEndCoeff: single = 0.25; AAcceptedDeviation: single = DefaultDeviation): ArrayOfTPointF;
-function ComputeOpenedSpline(const APoints: array of TPointF; AStart, ACount: integer; AStyle: TSplineStyle; AEndCoeff: single = 0.25; AAcceptedDeviation: single = DefaultDeviation): ArrayOfTPointF;
-function ClosedSplineStartPoint(const points: array of TPointF; Style: TSplineStyle): TPointF;
-function ComputeEasyBezier(const curve: TEasyBezierCurve; AAcceptedDeviation: single = DefaultDeviation): ArrayOfTPointF;
-{ Compute points to draw an antialiased ellipse }
-function ComputeEllipse(x,y,rx,ry: single; quality: single = 1): ArrayOfTPointF; overload;
-function ComputeEllipse(AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis: TPointF; quality: single = 1): ArrayOfTPointF; overload;
-function ComputeArc65536(x, y, rx, ry: single; start65536,end65536: word; quality: single = 1): ArrayOfTPointF; overload;
-function ComputeArc65536(AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis: TPointF; start65536,end65536: word; quality: single = 1): ArrayOfTPointF; overload;
-function ComputeArcRad(x, y, rx, ry: single; startRadCCW,endRadCCW: single; quality: single = 1): ArrayOfTPointF; overload;
-function ComputeArcRad(AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis: TPointF; startRadCCW,endRadCCW: single; quality: single = 1): ArrayOfTPointF; overload;
-function ComputeArc(const arc: TArcDef; quality: single = 1): ArrayOfTPointF;
-function ComputeRoundRect(x1,y1,x2,y2,rx,ry: single; quality: single = 1): ArrayOfTPointF; overload;
-function ComputeRoundRect(x1,y1,x2,y2,rx,ry: single; options: TRoundRectangleOptions; quality: single = 1): ArrayOfTPointF; overload;
-function Html5ArcTo(const p0, p1, p2: TPointF; radius: single): TArcDef;
-function SvgArcTo(const p0: TPointF; rx, ry, xAngleRadCW: single; largeArc,
- anticlockwise: boolean; const p1: TPointF): TArcDef;
-function ArcStartPoint(const arc: TArcDef): TPointF;
-function ArcEndPoint(const arc: TArcDef): TPointF;
-function IsLargeArc(const arc: TArcDef): boolean;
-uses Math, BGRAClasses, BGRAResample, SysUtils;
- TStrokeData = record
- Bitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- Texture: IBGRAScanner;
- Color: TBGRAPixel;
- Width: Single;
- end;
- PPathElementHeader = ^TPathElementHeader;
- TPathElementHeader = record
- ElementType: TBGRAPathElementType;
- PreviousElementType: TBGRAPathElementType;
- end;
- PMoveToElement = ^TMoveToElement;
- TMoveToElement = record
- StartCoordinate: TPointF;
- LoopDataPos: PtrInt; //if the path is closed
- end;
- PClosePathElement = ^TClosePathElement;
- TClosePathElement = type TMoveToElement;
- PQuadraticBezierToElement = ^TQuadraticBezierToElement;
- TQuadraticBezierToElement = record
- ControlPoint, Destination: TPointF;
- end;
- PCubicBezierToElement = ^TCubicBezierToElement;
- TCubicBezierToElement = record
- ControlPoint1, ControlPoint2, Destination: TPointF;
- end;
- PArcElement = ^TArcElement;
- TArcElement = TArcDef;
- PSplineElement = ^TSplineElement;
- TSplineElement = record
- SplineStyle: TSplineStyle;
- NbControlPoints: integer;
- end;
- PathElementSize : array[TBGRAPathElementType] of PtrInt =
- (0, Sizeof(TMoveToElement), Sizeof(TClosePathElement), sizeof(TPointF),
- sizeof(TQuadraticBezierToElement), sizeof(TCubicBezierToElement),
- sizeof(TArcElement), sizeof(TSplineElement)+sizeof(integer),
- sizeof(TSplineElement)+sizeof(integer));
-function SplineVertexToSide(y0, y1, y2, y3: single; t: single): single;
- a0, a1, a2, a3: single;
- t2: single;
- t2 := t * t;
- a0 := y3 - y2 - y0 + y1;
- a1 := y0 - y1 - a0;
- a2 := y2 - y0;
- a3 := y1;
- Result := a0 * t * t2 + a1 * t2 + a2 * t + a3;
-function ComputeCurvePartPrecision(pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4: TPointF; AAcceptedDeviation: single = DefaultDeviation): integer;
- len: single;
- len := sqr(pt1.x - pt2.x) + sqr(pt1.y - pt2.y);
- len := max(len, sqr(pt3.x - pt2.x) + sqr(pt3.y - pt2.y));
- len := max(len, sqr(pt3.x - pt4.x) + sqr(pt3.y - pt4.y));
- Result := round(sqrt(sqrt(len)/AAcceptedDeviation) * 0.9);
- if Result<=0 then Result:=1;
-function ComputeBezierCurve(const curve: TCubicBezierCurve; AAcceptedDeviation: single = DefaultDeviation): ArrayOfTPointF; overload;
- result := curve.ToPoints(AAcceptedDeviation);
-function ComputeBezierCurve(const curve: TQuadraticBezierCurve; AAcceptedDeviation: single = DefaultDeviation): ArrayOfTPointF; overload;
- result := curve.ToPoints(AAcceptedDeviation);
-function ComputeBezierSpline(const spline: array of TCubicBezierCurve; AAcceptedDeviation: single = DefaultDeviation): ArrayOfTPointF;
- curves: array of array of TPointF;
- nb: integer;
- lastPt: TPointF;
- i: Integer;
- j: Integer;
- procedure AddPt(pt: TPointF); inline;
- begin
- result[nb]:= pt;
- inc(nb);
- lastPt := pt;
- end;
- function EqLast(pt: TPointF): boolean;
- begin
- result := (pt.x = lastPt.x) and (pt.y = lastPt.y);
- end;
- if length(spline)= 0 then
- begin
- setlength(result,0);
- exit;
- end;
- setlength(curves, length(spline));
- for i := 0 to high(spline) do
- curves[i] := ComputeBezierCurve(spline[i],AAcceptedDeviation);
- nb := length(curves[0]);
- lastPt := curves[0][high(curves[0])];
- for i := 1 to high(curves) do
- begin
- inc(nb,length(curves[i]));
- if EqLast(curves[i][0]) then dec(nb);
- lastPt := curves[i][high(curves[i])];
- end;
- setlength(result,nb);
- nb := 0;
- for j := 0 to high(curves[0]) do
- AddPt(curves[0][j]);
- for i := 1 to high(curves) do
- begin
- if not EqLast(curves[i][0]) then AddPt(curves[i][0]);
- for j := 1 to high(curves[i]) do
- AddPt(curves[i][j]);
- end;
-function ComputeBezierSpline(const spline: array of TQuadraticBezierCurve;
- AAcceptedDeviation: single = DefaultDeviation): ArrayOfTPointF;
- curves: array of array of TPointF;
- nb: integer;
- lastPt: TPointF;
- i: Integer;
- j: Integer;
- procedure AddPt(pt: TPointF); inline;
- begin
- result[nb]:= pt;
- inc(nb);
- lastPt := pt;
- end;
- function EqLast(pt: TPointF): boolean;
- begin
- result := (pt.x = lastPt.x) and (pt.y = lastPt.y);
- end;
- if length(spline)= 0 then
- begin
- setlength(result,0);
- exit;
- end;
- setlength(curves, length(spline));
- for i := 0 to high(spline) do
- curves[i] := ComputeBezierCurve(spline[i],AAcceptedDeviation);
- nb := length(curves[0]);
- lastPt := curves[0][high(curves[0])];
- for i := 1 to high(curves) do
- begin
- inc(nb,length(curves[i]));
- if EqLast(curves[i][0]) then dec(nb);
- lastPt := curves[i][high(curves[i])];
- end;
- setlength(result,nb);
- nb := 0;
- for j := 0 to high(curves[0]) do
- AddPt(curves[0][j]);
- for i := 1 to high(curves) do
- begin
- if not EqLast(curves[i][0]) then AddPt(curves[i][0]);
- for j := 1 to high(curves[i]) do
- AddPt(curves[i][j]);
- end;
-function InternalComputeClosedSpline(const APoints: array of TPointF; AStart, ACount: integer; AStyle: TSplineStyle; AAcceptedDeviation: single = DefaultDeviation): ArrayOfTPointF;
- i, j, nb, idx, pre: integer;
- ptPrev, ptPrev2, ptNext, ptNext2: TPointF;
- t: single;
- kernel: TWideKernelFilter;
- if AStyle = ssEasyBezier then
- begin
- result := ComputeEasyBezier(EasyBezierCurve(APoints, AStart, ACount, true, cmCurve));
- exit;
- end;
- if ACount <= 2 then
- begin
- setlength(result, ACount);
- for i := 0 to high(result) do
- result[i] := APoints[AStart + i];
- exit;
- end;
- nb := 1;
- for i := 0 to ACount-1 do
- begin
- ptPrev2 := APoints[(i + ACount - 1) mod ACount + AStart];
- ptPrev := APoints[i + AStart];
- ptNext := APoints[(i + 1) mod ACount + AStart];
- ptNext2 := APoints[(i + 2) mod ACount + AStart];
- inc(nb, ComputeCurvePartPrecision(ptPrev2, ptPrev, ptNext, ptNext2, AAcceptedDeviation) );
- end;
- kernel := CreateInterpolator(AStyle);
- setlength(Result, nb);
- idx := 0;
- for i := 0 to ACount-1 do
- begin
- ptPrev2 := APoints[(i + ACount - 1) mod ACount + AStart];
- ptPrev := APoints[i+ AStart];
- ptNext := APoints[(i + 1) mod ACount + AStart];
- ptNext2 := APoints[(i + 2) mod ACount + AStart];
- pre := ComputeCurvePartPrecision(ptPrev2, ptPrev, ptNext, ptNext2, AAcceptedDeviation);
- if i=0 then
- j := 0
- else
- j := 1;
- while j <= pre do
- begin
- t := j/pre;
- result[idx] := ptPrev2*kernel.Interpolation(t+1) + ptPrev*kernel.Interpolation(t) +
- ptNext*kernel.Interpolation(t-1) + ptNext2*kernel.Interpolation(t-2);
- Inc(idx);
- inc(j);
- end;
- end;
- kernel.Free;
-function ComputeClosedSpline(const APoints: array of TPointF; AStyle: TSplineStyle; AAcceptedDeviation: single = DefaultDeviation): ArrayOfTPointF;
- nbParts, partIndex, start, i: integer;
- parts: array of array of TPointF;
- nbParts := 1;
- for i := 0 to high(APoints) do
- if isEmptyPointF(APoints[i]) then inc(nbParts);
- if nbParts = 1 then
- exit(InternalComputeClosedSpline(APoints, 0, length(APoints), AStyle, AAcceptedDeviation));
- setlength(parts, nbParts);
- partIndex := 0;
- start := 0;
- for i := 0 to high(APoints) do
- if isEmptyPointF(APoints[i]) then
- begin
- parts[partIndex] := InternalComputeClosedSpline(APoints, start, i-start, AStyle, AAcceptedDeviation);
- inc(partIndex);
- start := i+1;
- end;
- parts[partIndex] := InternalComputeClosedSpline(APoints, start, length(APoints)-start, AStyle, AAcceptedDeviation);
- result := ConcatPointsF(parts, true);
-function InternalComputeOpenedSpline(const APoints: array of TPointF; AStart, ACount: integer; AStyle: TSplineStyle; AEndCoeff: single; AAcceptedDeviation: single = DefaultDeviation): ArrayOfTPointF;
- i, j, nb, idx, pre: integer;
- ptPrev, ptPrev2, ptNext, ptNext2: TPointF;
- t: single;
- kernel: TWideKernelFilter;
- if AStyle = ssEasyBezier then
- begin
- result := ComputeEasyBezier(EasyBezierCurve(APoints, AStart, ACount, false, cmCurve));
- exit;
- end;
- if ACount <= 2 then
- begin
- setlength(result, ACount);
- for i := 0 to high(result) do
- result[i] := APoints[AStart + i];
- exit;
- end;
- if AStyle in[ssInsideWithEnds,ssCrossingWithEnds] then AEndCoeff := 0;
- if AEndCoeff < -0.3 then AEndCoeff := -0.3;
- nb := 1;
- for i := 0 to ACount - 2 do
- begin
- ptPrev := APoints[AStart + i];
- ptNext := APoints[AStart + i + 1];
- if i=0 then
- ptPrev2 := (ptPrev+(ptNext+APoints[AStart + i + 2])*AEndCoeff)*(1/(1+2*AEndCoeff))
- else
- ptPrev2 := APoints[AStart + i - 1];
- if i = ACount - 2 then
- ptNext2 := (ptNext+(ptPrev+APoints[AStart + i - 1])*AEndCoeff)*(1/(1+2*AEndCoeff))
- else
- ptNext2 := APoints[AStart + i + 2];
- inc(nb, ComputeCurvePartPrecision(ptPrev2, ptPrev, ptNext, ptNext2, AAcceptedDeviation) );
- end;
- kernel := CreateInterpolator(AStyle);
- if AStyle in[ssInsideWithEnds,ssCrossingWithEnds] then
- begin
- inc(nb,2);
- setlength(Result, nb);
- result[0] := APoints[AStart];
- idx := 1;
- end else
- begin
- idx := 0;
- setlength(Result, nb);
- end;
- for i := 0 to ACount - 2 do
- begin
- ptPrev := APoints[AStart + i];
- ptNext := APoints[AStart + i + 1];
- if i=0 then
- ptPrev2 := (ptPrev+(ptNext+APoints[i + 2 + AStart])*AEndCoeff)*(1/(1+2*AEndCoeff))
- else
- ptPrev2 := APoints[AStart + i - 1];
- if i = ACount - 2 then
- ptNext2 := (ptNext+(ptPrev+APoints[i - 1 + AStart])*AEndCoeff)*(1/(1+2*AEndCoeff))
- else
- ptNext2 := APoints[AStart + i + 2];
- pre := ComputeCurvePartPrecision(ptPrev2, ptPrev, ptNext, ptNext2, AAcceptedDeviation);
- if i=0 then
- begin
- j := 0;
- end else j := 1;
- while j <= pre do
- begin
- t := j/pre;
- result[idx] := ptPrev2*kernel.Interpolation(t+1) + ptPrev*kernel.Interpolation(t) +
- ptNext*kernel.Interpolation(t-1) + ptNext2*kernel.Interpolation(t-2);
- Inc(idx);
- inc(j);
- end;
- end;
- kernel.Free;
- if AStyle in[ssInsideWithEnds,ssCrossingWithEnds] then
- result[idx] := APoints[AStart + ACount - 1];
-function ComputeClosedSpline(const APoints: array of TPointF; AStart,
- ACount: integer; AStyle: TSplineStyle; AAcceptedDeviation: single): ArrayOfTPointF;
- i: Integer;
- if (AStart < 0) or (AStart + ACount > length(APoints)) then
- raise exception.Create('Index out of bounds');
- for i := 0 to ACount-1 do
- if IsEmptyPointF(APoints[AStart + i]) then
- raise exception.Create('Unexpected empty point');
- result := InternalComputeClosedSpline(APoints, AStart, ACount, AStyle, AAcceptedDeviation);
-function ComputeOpenedSpline(const APoints: array of TPointF; AStyle: TSplineStyle; AEndCoeff: single; AAcceptedDeviation: single = DefaultDeviation): ArrayOfTPointF;
- nbParts, partIndex, start, i: integer;
- parts: array of array of TPointF;
- nbParts := 1;
- for i := 0 to high(APoints) do
- if isEmptyPointF(APoints[i]) then inc(nbParts);
- if nbParts = 1 then
- exit(InternalComputeOpenedSpline(APoints, 0, length(APoints), AStyle, AEndCoeff, AAcceptedDeviation));
- setlength(parts, nbParts);
- partIndex := 0;
- start := 0;
- for i := 0 to high(APoints) do
- if isEmptyPointF(APoints[i]) then
- begin
- parts[partIndex] := InternalComputeOpenedSpline(APoints, start, i-start, AStyle, AEndCoeff, AAcceptedDeviation);
- inc(partIndex);
- start := i+1;
- end;
- parts[partIndex] := InternalComputeOpenedSpline(APoints, start, length(APoints)-start, AStyle, AEndCoeff, AAcceptedDeviation);
- result := ConcatPointsF(parts, true);
-function ComputeOpenedSpline(const APoints: array of TPointF; AStart,
- ACount: integer; AStyle: TSplineStyle; AEndCoeff: single;
- AAcceptedDeviation: single): ArrayOfTPointF;
- i: Integer;
- if (AStart < 0) or (AStart + ACount > length(APoints)) then
- raise exception.Create('Index out of bounds');
- for i := 0 to ACount-1 do
- if IsEmptyPointF(APoints[AStart + i]) then
- raise exception.Create('Unexpected empty point');
- result := InternalComputeOpenedSpline(APoints, AStart, ACount, AStyle, AEndCoeff, AAcceptedDeviation);
-function ClosedSplineStartPoint(const points: array of TPointF;
- Style: TSplineStyle): TPointF;
- kernel: TWideKernelFilter;
- ptPrev2: TPointF;
- ptPrev: TPointF;
- ptNext: TPointF;
- ptNext2: TPointF;
- if Style = ssEasyBezier then
- begin
- result := EasyBezierCurve(points, true, cmCurve).CurveStartPoint;
- end else
- begin
- if length(points) = 0 then
- result := EmptyPointF
- else
- if length(points)<=2 then
- result := points[0]
- else
- begin
- kernel := CreateInterpolator(style);
- ptPrev2 := points[high(points)];
- ptPrev := points[0];
- ptNext := points[1];
- ptNext2 := points[2];
- result := ptPrev2*kernel.Interpolation(1) + ptPrev*kernel.Interpolation(0) +
- ptNext*kernel.Interpolation(-1) + ptNext2*kernel.Interpolation(-2);
- kernel.free;
- end;
- end;
-function ComputeEasyBezier(const curve: TEasyBezierCurve;
- AAcceptedDeviation: single): ArrayOfTPointF;
- path: TBGRAPath;
- path := TBGRAPath.Create;
- curve.CopyToPath(path);
- result := path.ToPoints(AAcceptedDeviation);
- path.Free;
-function ComputeArc65536(x, y, rx, ry: single; start65536,end65536: word; quality: single): ArrayOfTPointF;
-var i,nb: integer;
- arclen: integer;
- pos: word;
- if end65536 > start65536 then
- arclen := end65536-start65536 else
- arclen := 65536-(start65536-end65536);
- if quality < 0 then quality := 0;
- nb := round(((rx+ry)*2*quality+8)*arclen/65536) and not 3;
- if arclen <= 16384 then
- begin
- if nb < 2 then nb := 2;
- end else
- if arclen <= 32768 then
- begin
- if nb < 3 then nb := 3;
- end else
- if arclen <= 32768+16384 then
- begin
- if nb < 4 then nb := 4;
- end else
- if nb < 5 then nb := 5;
- if nb > arclen+1 then nb := arclen+1;
- setlength(result,nb);
- for i := 0 to nb-1 do
- begin
- {$PUSH}{$R-}
- pos := start65536+int64(i)*arclen div (int64(nb)-1);
- {$POP}
- result[i] := PointF(x+rx*(Cos65536(pos)-32768)/32768,
- y-ry*(Sin65536(pos)-32768)/32768);
- end;
-function ComputeEllipse(x, y, rx, ry: single; quality: single): ArrayOfTPointF;
- result := ComputeArc65536(x,y,rx,ry,0,0,quality);
-function ComputeEllipse(AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis: TPointF; quality: single): ArrayOfTPointF;
- result := ComputeArcRad(AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis, 0,0, quality);
-function ComputeArc65536(AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis: TPointF; start65536,
- end65536: word; quality: single): ArrayOfTPointF;
- //go back temporarily to radians
- result := ComputeArcRad(AOrigin,AXAxis,AYAxis, start65536*Pi/326768, end65536*Pi/326768, quality);
-function ComputeArcRad(x, y, rx, ry: single; startRadCCW, endRadCCW: single;
- quality: single): ArrayOfTPointF;
- start65536, end65536: Int64;
- start65536 := round(startRadCCW*32768/Pi);
- end65536 := round(endRadCCW*32768/Pi);
- //if arc is very small but non zero, it is not a circle
- if (start65536 = end65536) and (startRadCCW <> endRadCCW) then
- setlength(result,2) else
- result := ComputeArc65536(x,y,rx,ry,start65536 and $ffff,end65536 and $ffff,quality);
- result[0] := PointF(x+cos(startRadCCW)*rx,y-sin(startRadCCW)*ry);
- result[high(result)] := PointF(x+cos(endRadCCW)*rx,y-sin(endRadCCW)*ry);
-function ComputeArcRad(AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis: TPointF; startRadCCW,endRadCCW: single; quality: single): ArrayOfTPointF;
- u, v: TPointF;
- lenU, lenV: Single;
- m: TAffineMatrix;
- i: Integer;
- u := AXAxis-AOrigin;
- lenU := VectLen(u);
- v := AYAxis-AOrigin;
- lenV := VectLen(v);
- if (lenU = 0) and (lenV = 0) then exit(PointsF([AOrigin]));
- result := ComputeArcRad(0, 0, lenU, lenV, startRadCCW, endRadCCW, quality);
- if lenU <> 0 then u.Scale(1/lenU);
- if lenV <> 0 then v.Scale(1/lenV);
- m := AffineMatrix(u, v, AOrigin);
- for i := 0 to high(result) do
- result[i] := m*result[i];
-function ComputeArc(const arc: TArcDef; quality: single): ArrayOfTPointF;
-var startAngle,endAngle: single;
- i,n: integer;
- temp: TPointF;
- m: TAffineMatrix;
- startAngle := -arc.startAngleRadCW;
- endAngle:= -arc.endAngleRadCW;
- if not arc.anticlockwise then
- begin
- result := ComputeArcRad(arc.center.x,arc.center.y,arc.radius.x,arc.radius.y,endAngle,startAngle,quality);
- n := length(result);
- if n>1 then
- for i := 0 to (n-2) div 2 do
- begin
- temp := result[i];
- result[i] := result[n-1-i];
- result[n-1-i] := temp;
- end;
- end else
- result := ComputeArcRad(arc.center.x,arc.center.y,arc.radius.x,arc.radius.y,startAngle,endAngle,quality);
- if arc.xAngleRadCW <> 0 then
- begin
- m := AffineMatrixTranslation(arc.center.x,arc.center.y)*AffineMatrixRotationRad(-arc.xAngleRadCW)*AffineMatrixTranslation(-arc.center.x,-arc.center.y);
- for i := 0 to high(result) do
- result[i] := m*result[i];
- end;
-function ComputeRoundRect(x1,y1,x2,y2,rx,ry: single; quality: single): ArrayOfTPointF;
- result := ComputeRoundRect(x1,y1,x2,y2,rx,ry,[],quality);
-function ComputeRoundRect(x1, y1, x2, y2, rx, ry: single;
- options: TRoundRectangleOptions; quality: single): ArrayOfTPointF;
-var q0,q1,q2,q3,q4: array of TPointF;
- temp: Single;
- if x1 > x2 then
- begin
- temp := x1;
- x1 := x2;
- x2 := temp;
- end;
- if y1 > y2 then
- begin
- temp := y1;
- y1 := y2;
- y2 := temp;
- end;
- rx := abs(rx);
- ry := abs(ry);
- if 2*rx > x2-x1 then
- rx := (x2-x1)/2;
- if 2*ry > y2-y1 then
- ry := (y2-y1)/2;
- q0 := PointsF([PointF(x2,(y1+y2)/2)]);
- if rrTopRightBevel in options then
- q1 := PointsF([PointF(x2,y1+ry),PointF(x2-rx,y1)]) else
- if rrTopRightSquare in options then
- q1 := PointsF([PointF(x2,y1)])
- else
- q1 := ComputeArc65536(x2-rx,y1+ry,rx,ry,0,16384,quality);
- if rrTopLeftBevel in options then
- q2 := PointsF([PointF(x1+rx,y1),PointF(x1,y1+ry)]) else
- if rrTopLeftSquare in options then
- q2 := PointsF([PointF(x1,y1)])
- else
- q2 := ComputeArc65536(x1+rx,y1+ry,rx,ry,16384,32768,quality);
- if rrBottomLeftBevel in options then
- q3 := PointsF([PointF(x1,y2-ry),PointF(x1+rx,y2)]) else
- if rrBottomLeftSquare in options then
- q3 := PointsF([PointF(x1,y2)])
- else
- q3 := ComputeArc65536(x1+rx,y2-ry,rx,ry,32768,32768+16384,quality);
- if rrBottomRightBevel in options then
- q4 := PointsF([PointF(x2-rx,y2),PointF(x2,y2-ry)]) else
- if rrBottomRightSquare in options then
- q4 := PointsF([PointF(x2,y2)])
- else
- q4 := ComputeArc65536(x2-rx,y2-ry,rx,ry,32768+16384,0,quality);
- result := ConcatPointsF([q0,q1,q2,q3,q4]);
-function Html5ArcTo(const p0, p1, p2: TPointF; radius: single
- ): TArcDef;
-var p3,p4,an,bn,cn,c: TPointF;
- dir, a2, b2, c2, cosx, sinx, d: single;
- anticlockwise: boolean;
- result.center := p1;
- result.radius := PointF(0,0);
- result.xAngleRadCW:= 0;
- result.startAngleRadCW := 0;
- result.endAngleRadCW:= 0;
- result.anticlockwise:= false;
- radius := abs(radius);
- if (p0 = p1) or (p1 = p2) or (radius = 0) then exit;
- dir := (p2.x-p1.x)*(p0.y-p1.y) + (p2.y-p1.y)*(p1.x-p0.x);
- if dir = 0 then exit;
- a2 := (p0.x-p1.x)*(p0.x-p1.x) + (p0.y-p1.y)*(p0.y-p1.y);
- b2 := (p1.x-p2.x)*(p1.x-p2.x) + (p1.y-p2.y)*(p1.y-p2.y);
- c2 := (p0.x-p2.x)*(p0.x-p2.x) + (p0.y-p2.y)*(p0.y-p2.y);
- cosx := (a2+b2-c2)/(2*sqrt(a2*b2));
- sinx := sqrt(1 - cosx*cosx);
- if (sinx = 0) or (cosx = 1) then exit;
- d := radius / ((1 - cosx) / sinx);
- an := (p1-p0)*(1/sqrt(a2));
- bn := (p1-p2)*(1/sqrt(b2));
- p3 := p1 - an*d;
- p4 := p1 - bn*d;
- anticlockwise := (dir < 0);
- cn := PointF(an.y,-an.x)*radius;
- if not anticlockwise then cn := -cn;
- c := p3 + cn;
- result.center := c;
- result.radius:= PointF(radius,radius);
- result.startAngleRadCW := arctan2((p3.y-c.y), (p3.x-c.x));
- result.endAngleRadCW := arctan2((p4.y-c.y), (p4.x-c.x));
- result.anticlockwise:= anticlockwise;
-function SvgArcTo(const p0: TPointF; rx, ry, xAngleRadCW: single; largeArc,
- anticlockwise: boolean; const p1: TPointF): TArcDef;
- p0p,cp: TPointF;
- cross1,cross2,lambda: single;
- if (rx=0) or (ry=0) or (p0 = p1) then
- begin
- result.radius := PointF(0,0);
- result.xAngleRadCW:= 0;
- result.anticlockwise := false;
- result.endAngleRadCW := 0;
- result.startAngleRadCW:= 0;
- result.center := p1;
- exit;
- end;
- result.xAngleRadCW := xAngleRadCW;
- result.anticlockwise := anticlockwise;
- p0p := AffineMatrixRotationRad(xAngleRadCW)*( (p0-p1)*0.5 );
- //ensure radius is big enough
- lambda := sqr(p0p.x/rx) + sqr(p0p.y/ry);
- if lambda > 1 then
- begin
- lambda := sqrt(lambda);
- rx := rx * lambda;
- ry := ry * lambda;
- end;
- result.radius := PointF(rx,ry);
- //compute center
- cross2 := sqr(rx*p0p.y) + sqr(ry*p0p.x);
- cross1 := sqr(rx*ry);
- if cross1 <= cross2 then
- cp := PointF(0,0)
- else
- cp := sqrt((cross1-cross2)/cross2)*
- PointF(rx*p0p.y/ry, -ry*p0p.x/rx);
- if largeArc <> anticlockwise then cp := -cp;
- result.center := AffineMatrixRotationRad(-xAngleRadCW)*cp +
- (p0+p1)*0.5;
- result.startAngleRadCW := arctan2((p0p.y-cp.y)/ry,(p0p.x-cp.x)/rx);
- result.endAngleRadCW := arctan2((-p0p.y-cp.y)/ry,(-p0p.x-cp.x)/rx);
-function ArcStartPoint(const arc: TArcDef): TPointF;
- result := AffineMatrixRotationRad(-arc.xAngleRadCW)*PointF(cos(arc.startAngleRadCW)*arc.radius.x,
- sin(arc.startAngleRadCW)*arc.radius.y) + arc.center;
-function ArcEndPoint(const arc: TArcDef): TPointF;
- result := AffineMatrixRotationRad(-arc.xAngleRadCW)*PointF(cos(arc.endAngleRadCW)*arc.radius.x,
- sin(arc.endAngleRadCW)*arc.radius.y) + arc.center;
-function IsLargeArc(const arc: TArcDef): boolean;
-var diff,a1,a2: single;
- a1 := arc.startAngleRadCW - floor(arc.startAngleRadCW/(2*Pi))*(2*Pi);
- a2 := arc.endAngleRadCW - floor(arc.endAngleRadCW/(2*Pi))*(2*Pi);
- if not arc.anticlockwise then
- diff := a2 - a1
- else
- diff := a1 - a2;
- result := (diff < 0) or (diff >= Pi);
-{ TBGRAPathCursor }
-function TBGRAPathCursor.GetCurrentCoord: TPointF;
- case FCurrentElementType of
- peNone: result := EmptyPointF;
- peMoveTo,peLineTo,peCloseSubPath:
- if FCurrentElementLength <= 0 then
- result := FCurrentElementStartCoord
- else
- result := FCurrentElementStartCoord + (FCurrentElementEndCoord-FCurrentElementStartCoord)*(FCurrentElementArcPos/FCurrentElementLength);
- peCubicBezierTo,peQuadraticBezierTo,peArc,peOpenedSpline,peClosedSpline:
- begin
- NeedPolygonalApprox;
- if FCurrentSegment >= high(FCurrentElementPoints) then
- result := FCurrentElementEndCoord
- else
- result := FCurrentElementPoints[FCurrentSegment]+
- (FCurrentElementPoints[FCurrentSegment+1]-
- FCurrentElementPoints[FCurrentSegment])*FCurrentSegmentPos;
- end;
- else
- raise Exception.Create('Unknown element type');
- end;
-function TBGRAPathCursor.GetPath: TBGRAPath;
- if not Assigned(FPath) then
- raise exception.Create('Path does not exist');
- result := FPath;
-procedure TBGRAPathCursor.MoveToEndOfElement;
- FCurrentElementArcPos := FCurrentElementLength;
- if not NeedPolygonalApprox then exit;
- if length(FCurrentElementPoints) > 1 then
- begin
- FCurrentSegment := high(FCurrentElementPoints)-1;
- FCurrentSegmentPos := 1;
- end else
- begin
- FCurrentSegment := high(FCurrentElementPoints);
- FCurrentSegmentPos := 0;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAPathCursor.MoveForwardInElement(ADistance: single);
-var segLen,rightSpace,remaining: single;
- if not NeedPolygonalApprox then exit;
- ADistance := ADistance * FCurrentElementArcPosScale;
- remaining := ADistance;
- while remaining > 0 do
- begin
- if FCurrentSegment < high(FCurrentElementPoints) then
- segLen := VectLen(FCurrentElementPoints[FCurrentSegment+1]-FCurrentElementPoints[FCurrentSegment])
- else
- segLen := 0;
- rightSpace := segLen*(1-FCurrentSegmentPos);
- if (segLen > 0) and (remaining <= rightSpace) then
- begin
- IncF(FCurrentSegmentPos, remaining/segLen);
- exit;
- end else
- begin
- DecF(remaining, rightSpace);
- if FCurrentSegment < high(FCurrentElementPoints)-1 then
- begin
- inc(FCurrentSegment);
- FCurrentSegmentPos := 0;
- end else
- begin
- FCurrentSegmentPos := 1;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAPathCursor.MoveBackwardInElement(ADistance: single);
- segLen,leftSpace,remaining: Single;
- if not NeedPolygonalApprox then exit;
- ADistance := ADistance * FCurrentElementArcPosScale;
- remaining := ADistance;
- while remaining > 0 do
- begin
- if FCurrentSegment < high(FCurrentElementPoints) then
- segLen := VectLen(FCurrentElementPoints[FCurrentSegment+1]-FCurrentElementPoints[FCurrentSegment])
- else
- segLen := 0;
- leftSpace := segLen*FCurrentSegmentPos;
- if (segLen > 0) and (remaining <= leftSpace) then
- begin
- DecF(FCurrentSegmentPos, remaining/segLen);
- exit;
- end else
- begin
- DecF(remaining, leftSpace);
- if FCurrentSegment > 0 then
- begin
- dec(FCurrentSegment);
- FCurrentSegmentPos := 1;
- end else
- begin
- FCurrentSegmentPos := 0;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- end;
-function TBGRAPathCursor.NeedPolygonalApprox: boolean;
- if not (FCurrentElementType in[peQuadraticBezierTo,peCubicBezierTo,peArc,
- peOpenedSpline,peClosedSpline])
- then
- begin
- result := false;
- exit;
- end;
- result := true;
- if FCurrentElementPoints = nil then
- begin
- FCurrentElementPoints := Path.GetPolygonalApprox(FDataPos, FAcceptedDeviation, True);
- if FCurrentElementType = peQuadraticBezierTo then
- begin
- if FCurrentElementLength <> 0 then
- FCurrentElementArcPosScale := PolylineLen(FCurrentElementPoints)/FCurrentElementLength;
- end;
- end;
-function TBGRAPathCursor.GetArcPos: single;
-var pos: PtrInt;
- if FArcPos = EmptySingle then
- begin
- FArcPos := FCurrentElementArcPos;
- pos := FDataPos;
- while Path.GoToPreviousElement(pos) do
- IncF(FArcPos, Path.GetElementLength(pos, FAcceptedDeviation));
- end;
- result := FArcPos;
-function TBGRAPathCursor.GetCurrentTangent: TPointF;
-var idxStart,idxEnd: integer;
- seg: TPointF;
- while FCurrentElementLength <= 0 do
- begin
- if not GoToNextElement(False) then
- begin
- result := EmptyPointF;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- case FCurrentElementType of
- peMoveTo,peLineTo,peCloseSubPath:
- result := (FCurrentElementEndCoord-FCurrentElementStartCoord)*(1/FCurrentElementLength);
- peCubicBezierTo,peQuadraticBezierTo,peArc,peOpenedSpline,peClosedSpline:
- begin
- NeedPolygonalApprox;
- idxStart := FCurrentSegment;
- if idxStart >= high(FCurrentElementPoints) then
- idxStart:= high(FCurrentElementPoints)-1;
- idxEnd := idxStart+1;
- if idxStart < 0 then
- begin
- result := EmptyPointF;
- exit;
- end;
- seg := FCurrentElementPoints[idxEnd] - FCurrentElementPoints[idxStart];
- while (seg.x = 0) and (seg.y = 0) and (idxEnd < high(FCurrentElementPoints)) do
- begin
- inc(idxEnd);
- seg := FCurrentElementPoints[idxEnd] - FCurrentElementPoints[idxStart];
- end;
- while (seg.x = 0) and (seg.y = 0) and (idxStart > 0) do
- begin
- dec(idxStart);
- seg := FCurrentElementPoints[idxEnd] - FCurrentElementPoints[idxStart];
- end;
- if (seg.x = 0) and (seg.y = 0) then
- result := EmptyPointF
- else
- result := seg*(1/VectLen(seg));
- end;
- else result := EmptyPointF;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAPathCursor.SetArcPos(AValue: single);
-var oldLoopClosedShapes,oldLoopPath: boolean;
- if GetArcPos=AValue then Exit;
- if (AValue > PathLength) and (PathLength <> 0) then
- AValue := AValue - trunc(AValue/PathLength)*PathLength
- else if (AValue < 0) then
- AValue := AValue + (trunc(-AValue/PathLength)+1)*PathLength;
- oldLoopClosedShapes:= LoopClosedShapes;
- oldLoopPath:= LoopPath;
- LoopClosedShapes:= false;
- LoopPath:= false;
- MoveForward(AValue-GetArcPos, True);
- LoopClosedShapes:= oldLoopClosedShapes;
- LoopPath:= oldLoopPath;
-function TBGRAPathCursor.GetPathLength: single;
- if not FPathLengthComputed then
- begin
- FPathLength := Path.ComputeLength(FAcceptedDeviation);
- FPathLengthComputed := true;
- end;
- result := FPathLength;
-procedure TBGRAPathCursor.OnPathFree;
- FPath := nil;
-function TBGRAPathCursor.GetLoopClosedShapes: boolean;
- result := FLoopClosedShapes;
-function TBGRAPathCursor.GetLoopPath: boolean;
- result := FLoopPath;
-function TBGRAPathCursor.GetStartCoordinate: TPointF;
- result := FStartCoordinate;
-procedure TBGRAPathCursor.SetLoopClosedShapes(AValue: boolean);
- FLoopClosedShapes := AValue;
-procedure TBGRAPathCursor.SetLoopPath(AValue: boolean);
- FLoopPath := AValue;
-procedure TBGRAPathCursor.PrepareCurrentElement;
- Path.GetElementAt(FDataPos, FCurrentElementType, FCurrentElement);
- FCurrentElementLength := 0;
- FCurrentElementArcPos := 0;
- FCurrentElementPoints := nil;
- FCurrentSegment := 0;
- FCurrentSegmentPos := 0;
- FCurrentElementArcPosScale := 1;
- if FCurrentElementType = peNone then
- begin
- FCurrentElementStartCoord := EmptyPointF;
- FCurrentElementEndCoord := EmptyPointF;
- end
- else
- begin
- FCurrentElementStartCoord := Path.GetElementStartCoord(FDataPos);
- case FCurrentElementType of
- peLineTo, peCloseSubPath:
- begin
- FCurrentElementEndCoord := PPointF(FCurrentElement)^;
- FCurrentElementLength := VectLen(FCurrentElementEndCoord - FCurrentElementStartCoord);
- end;
- peQuadraticBezierTo: with PQuadraticBezierToElement(FCurrentElement)^ do
- begin
- FCurrentElementEndCoord := Destination;
- FCurrentElementLength := BGRABitmapTypes.BezierCurve(FCurrentElementStartCoord,ControlPoint,Destination).ComputeLength;
- end;
- peCubicBezierTo,peArc,peOpenedSpline,peClosedSpline:
- begin
- NeedPolygonalApprox;
- FCurrentElementEndCoord := FCurrentElementPoints[high(FCurrentElementPoints)];
- FCurrentElementLength := PolylineLen(FCurrentElementPoints);
- end;
- else
- FCurrentElementEndCoord := FCurrentElementStartCoord;
- end;
- end;
-function TBGRAPathCursor.GetBounds: TRectF;
- if not FBoundsComputed then
- begin
- FBounds:= Path.GetBounds(FAcceptedDeviation);
- FBoundsComputed := true;
- end;
- result := FBounds;
-function TBGRAPathCursor.GoToNextElement(ACanJump: boolean): boolean;
- if (FCurrentElementType = peCloseSubPath) and
- (PClosePathElement(FCurrentElement)^.LoopDataPos <> -1) and
- ( FLoopClosedShapes or
- (FLoopPath and (PClosePathElement(FCurrentElement)^.LoopDataPos = 0))
- ) then
- begin
- if PClosePathElement(FCurrentElement)^.LoopDataPos <> FDataPos then
- begin
- result := true;
- FDataPos := PClosePathElement(FCurrentElement)^.LoopDataPos;
- FArcPos := EmptySingle;
- PrepareCurrentElement;
- end else
- result := false;
- end;
- if not ACanJump and ((FCurrentElementType = peCloseSubPath)
- or (Path.PeekNextElement(FDataPos) = peMoveTo)) then
- begin
- result := false;
- exit;
- end;
- if Path.GoToNextElement(FDataPos) then
- begin
- result := true;
- PrepareCurrentElement;
- end
- else
- begin
- if ACanJump and FLoopPath and (FDataPos > 0) then
- begin
- result := true;
- FDataPos := 0;
- FArcPos := EmptySingle;
- PrepareCurrentElement;
- end else
- result := false;
- end;
-function TBGRAPathCursor.GoToPreviousElement(ACanJump: boolean): boolean;
-var lastElemPos: IntPtr;
- if (FCurrentElementType = peMoveTo) and (PMoveToElement(FCurrentElement)^.LoopDataPos <> -1) and
- ( FLoopClosedShapes or
- (FLoopPath and (FDataPos = 0))
- ) then
- with PMoveToElement(FCurrentElement)^ do
- begin
- if LoopDataPos <> -1 then
- begin
- result := true;
- FDataPos := LoopDataPos;
- FArcPos := EmptySingle;
- PrepareCurrentElement;
- end;
- end;
- if not ACanJump and (FCurrentElementType = peMoveTo) then
- begin
- result := false;
- exit;
- end;
- if Path.GoToPreviousElement(FDataPos) then
- begin
- result := true;
- PrepareCurrentElement;
- end
- else
- begin
- if FLoopPath then
- begin
- lastElemPos := FPath.FDataPos;
- if (lastElemPos > 0) and FPath.GoToPreviousElement(lastElemPos) then
- begin
- if lastElemPos > 0 then
- begin
- result := true;
- FDataPos := lastElemPos;
- PrepareCurrentElement;
- FArcPos := EmptySingle;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- result := false;
- end;
-constructor TBGRAPathCursor.Create(APath: TBGRAPath; AAcceptedDeviation: single);
- FPath := APath;
- FPathLengthComputed := false;
- FBoundsComputed:= false;
- FDataPos := 0;
- FArcPos:= 0;
- FAcceptedDeviation:= AAcceptedDeviation;
- Path.RegisterCursor(self);
- PrepareCurrentElement;
- FStartCoordinate := FCurrentElementStartCoord;
- if isEmptyPointF(FStartCoordinate) then
- raise exception.Create('Path does not has a starting coordinate');
- FEndCoordinate := Path.FLastTransformedCoord;
- if isEmptyPointF(FEndCoordinate) then
- raise exception.Create('Path does not has an ending coordinate');
-function TBGRAPathCursor.MoveForward(ADistance: single; ACanJump: boolean): single;
-var newArcPos,step,remaining: single;
- if ADistance < 0 then
- begin
- result := -MoveBackward(-ADistance, ACanJump);
- exit;
- end;
- result := 0;
- remaining := ADistance;
- while remaining > 0 do
- begin
- newArcPos := FCurrentElementArcPos + remaining;
- if newArcPos > FCurrentElementLength then
- begin
- step := FCurrentElementLength - FCurrentElementArcPos;
- IncF(result, step);
- DecF(remaining, step);
- if not GoToNextElement(ACanJump) then
- begin
- MoveForwardInElement(step);
- FCurrentElementArcPos := FCurrentElementLength;
- FArcPos := PathLength;
- exit;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- MoveForwardInElement(remaining);
- FCurrentElementArcPos := newArcPos;
- result := ADistance;
- break;
- end;
- end;
- if FArcPos <> EmptySingle then
- IncF(FArcPos, result);
-function TBGRAPathCursor.MoveBackward(ADistance: single; ACanJump: boolean = true): single;
- remaining: Single;
- newArcPos: Single;
- step: Single;
- if ADistance = 0 then
- begin
- result := 0;
- exit;
- end;
- if ADistance < 0 then
- begin
- result := -MoveForward(-ADistance, ACanJump);
- exit;
- end;
- result := 0;
- remaining := ADistance;
- while remaining > 0 do
- begin
- newArcPos := FCurrentElementArcPos - remaining;
- if newArcPos < 0 then
- begin
- step := FCurrentElementArcPos;
- IncF(result, step);
- DecF(remaining, step);
- if not GoToPreviousElement(ACanJump) then
- begin
- MoveBackwardInElement(step);
- FCurrentElementArcPos := 0;
- FArcPos := 0;
- exit;
- end else
- MoveToEndOfElement;
- end else
- begin
- MoveBackwardInElement(remaining);
- FCurrentElementArcPos := newArcPos;
- result := ADistance;
- break;
- end;
- end;
- if FArcPos <> EmptySingle then
- DecF(FArcPos, result);
-destructor TBGRAPathCursor.Destroy;
- if Assigned(FPath) then
- begin
- FPath.UnregisterCursor(self);
- end;
- inherited Destroy;
-{ TBGRAPath }
-function TBGRAPath.ComputeLength(AAcceptedDeviation: single): single;
-var pos: PtrInt;
- pos := 0;
- result := 0;
- repeat
- IncF(result, GetElementLength(pos, AAcceptedDeviation));
- until not GoToNextElement(pos);
-function TBGRAPath.ToPoints(AAcceptedDeviation: single): ArrayOfTPointF;
-var sub: array of ArrayOfTPointF;
- temp: ArrayOfTPointF;
- nbSub,nbPts,curPt,curSub: Int32or64;
- startPos,pos: PtrInt;
- elemType: TBGRAPathElementType;
- elem: pointer;
- pos := 0;
- nbSub := 0;
- repeat
- GetElementAt(pos, elemType, elem);
- if elem = nil then break;
- case elemType of
- peMoveTo,peLineTo,peCloseSubPath: begin
- inc(nbSub);
- while PeekNextElement(pos) in[peLineTo,peCloseSubPath] do
- GoToNextElement(pos);
- end;
- peQuadraticBezierTo, peCubicBezierTo, peArc, peOpenedSpline, peClosedSpline: inc(nbSub);
- end;
- until not GoToNextElement(pos);
- pos := 0;
- setlength(sub, nbSub);
- curSub := 0;
- repeat
- GetElementAt(pos, elemType, elem);
- if elem = nil then break;
- case elemType of
- peMoveTo,peLineTo,peCloseSubPath: begin
- startPos := pos;
- if (elemType = peMoveTo) and (curSub > 0) then
- nbPts := 2
- else
- nbPts := 1;
- while PeekNextElement(pos) in[peLineTo,peCloseSubPath] do
- begin
- GoToNextElement(pos);
- inc(nbPts);
- end;
- setlength(temp, nbPts);
- pos := startPos;
- if (elemType = peMoveTo) and (curSub > 0) then
- begin
- temp[0] := EmptyPointF;
- temp[1] := PPointF(elem)^;
- curPt := 2;
- end else
- begin
- temp[0] := PPointF(elem)^;
- curPt := 1;
- end;
- while PeekNextElement(pos) in[peLineTo,peCloseSubPath] do
- begin
- GoToNextElement(pos);
- GetElementAt(pos, elemType, elem);
- temp[curPt] := PPointF(elem)^;
- inc(curPt);
- end;
- sub[curSub] := temp;
- inc(curSub);
- temp := nil;
- end;
- peQuadraticBezierTo,peCubicBezierTo,peArc,
- peOpenedSpline, peClosedSpline:
- begin
- sub[curSub] := GetPolygonalApprox(pos, AAcceptedDeviation, False);
- inc(curSub);
- end;
- end;
- until not GoToNextElement(pos) or (curSub = nbSub);
- result := ConcatPointsF(sub);
-function TBGRAPath.ToPoints(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AAcceptedDeviation: single): ArrayOfTPointF;
- AAcceptedDeviation:= CorrectAcceptedDeviation(AAcceptedDeviation,AMatrix);
- result := ToPoints(AAcceptedDeviation);
- if not IsAffineMatrixIdentity(AMatrix) then
- result := AMatrix*result;
-function TBGRAPath.IsEmpty: boolean;
- result := FDataPos = 0;
-function TBGRAPath.GetBounds(AAcceptedDeviation: single): TRectF;
-var empty: boolean;
- pos: PtrInt;
- elemType: TBGRAPathElementType;
- elem: pointer;
- temp: array of TPointF;
- i: integer;
- procedure Include(pt: TPointF);
- begin
- if empty then
- begin
- result.TopLeft := pt;
- result.BottomRight := pt;
- empty := false;
- end else
- begin
- if pt.x < result.Left then result.Left := pt.x
- else if pt.x > result.Right then result.Right := pt.x;
- if pt.y < result.Top then result.Top := pt.y
- else if pt.y > result.Bottom then result.Bottom := pt.y;
- end;
- end;
- procedure IncludeRect(r: TRectF);
- begin
- Include(r.TopLeft);
- Include(r.BottomRight);
- end;
- empty := true;
- result := RectF(0,0,0,0);
- pos := 0;
- repeat
- GetElementAt(pos, elemType, elem);
- if elem = nil then break;
- case elemType of
- peMoveTo,peLineTo,peCloseSubPath: begin
- Include(PPointF(elem)^);
- while PeekNextElement(pos) in[peLineTo,peCloseSubPath] do
- begin
- GoToNextElement(pos);
- GetElementAt(pos, elemType, elem);
- Include(PPointF(elem)^);
- end;
- end;
- peCubicBezierTo:
- with PCubicBezierToElement(elem)^ do
- IncludeRect(BGRABitmapTypes.BezierCurve(GetElementStartCoord(pos),ControlPoint1,ControlPoint2,Destination).GetBounds);
- peQuadraticBezierTo:
- with PQuadraticBezierToElement(elem)^ do
- IncludeRect(BGRABitmapTypes.BezierCurve(GetElementStartCoord(pos),ControlPoint,Destination).GetBounds);
- peArc, peOpenedSpline, peClosedSpline:
- begin
- temp := GetPolygonalApprox(pos, AAcceptedDeviation, False);
- for i := 0 to high(temp) do
- Include(temp[i]);
- end;
- end;
- until not GoToNextElement(pos);
- if empty then raise exception.Create('Path is empty');
-procedure TBGRAPath.SetPoints(const APoints: ArrayOfTPointF);
-var i: integer;
- nextIsMoveTo: boolean;
- startPoint: TPointF;
- beginPath;
- if length(APoints) = 0 then exit;
- NeedSpace((sizeof(TPathElementHeader)+sizeof(TPointF))*length(APoints));
- nextIsMoveTo:= true;
- startPoint := EmptyPointF;
- for i := 0 to high(APoints) do
- begin
- if isEmptyPointF(APoints[i]) then
- nextIsMoveTo:= true
- else
- if nextIsMoveTo then
- begin
- startPoint := APoints[i];
- moveTo(startPoint);
- nextIsMoveTo:= false;
- end
- else
- begin
- with APoints[i] do
- if (x = startPoint.x) and (y = startPoint.y) then
- closePath
- else
- lineTo(APoints[i]);
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAPath.stroke(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; AColor: TBGRAPixel;
- AWidth: single; AAcceptedDeviation: single);
- stroke(ABitmap,AffineMatrixIdentity,AColor,AWidth,AAcceptedDeviation);
-procedure TBGRAPath.stroke(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; ATexture: IBGRAScanner;
- AWidth: single; AAcceptedDeviation: single);
- stroke(ABitmap,AffineMatrixIdentity,ATexture,AWidth,AAcceptedDeviation);
-procedure TBGRAPath.stroke(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: single;
- AColor: TBGRAPixel; AWidth: single; AAcceptedDeviation: single);
- stroke(ABitmap,AffineMatrixTranslation(x,y),AColor,AWidth,AAcceptedDeviation);
-procedure TBGRAPath.stroke(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: single;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AWidth: single; AAcceptedDeviation: single);
- stroke(ABitmap,AffineMatrixTranslation(x,y),ATexture,AWidth,AAcceptedDeviation);
-procedure TBGRAPath.stroke(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- AColor: TBGRAPixel; AWidth: single; AAcceptedDeviation: single);
-var data: TStrokeData;
- data.Bitmap := ABitmap;
- data.Texture := nil;
- data.Color := AColor;
- data.Width := AWidth;
- InternalDraw(@BitmapDrawSubPathProc, AMatrix, AAcceptedDeviation, @data);
-procedure TBGRAPath.stroke(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AWidth: single; AAcceptedDeviation: single);
-var data: TStrokeData;
- data.Bitmap := ABitmap;
- data.Texture := ATexture;
- data.Color := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- data.Width := AWidth;
- InternalDraw(@BitmapDrawSubPathProc, AMatrix, AAcceptedDeviation, @data);
-procedure TBGRAPath.stroke(ADrawProc: TBGRAPathDrawProc; AData: pointer);
- stroke(ADrawProc, AffineMatrixIdentity, DefaultDeviation, AData);
-procedure TBGRAPath.stroke(ADrawProc: TBGRAPathDrawProc;
- const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AData: pointer);
- stroke(ADrawProc, AMatrix, DefaultDeviation, AData);
-procedure TBGRAPath.stroke(ADrawProc: TBGRAPathDrawProc;
- const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AAcceptedDeviation: single; AData: pointer);
- InternalDraw(ADrawProc,AMatrix,AAcceptedDeviation,AData);
-procedure TBGRAPath.fill(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; AColor: TBGRAPixel;
- AAcceptedDeviation: single);
- fill(ABitmap,AffineMatrixIdentity,AColor,AAcceptedDeviation);
-procedure TBGRAPath.fill(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; ATexture: IBGRAScanner;
- AAcceptedDeviation: single);
- fill(ABitmap,AffineMatrixIdentity,ATexture,AAcceptedDeviation);
-procedure TBGRAPath.fill(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: single;
- AColor: TBGRAPixel; AAcceptedDeviation: single);
- fill(ABitmap,AffineMatrixTranslation(x,y),AColor,AAcceptedDeviation);
-procedure TBGRAPath.fill(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: single;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AAcceptedDeviation: single);
- fill(ABitmap,AffineMatrixTranslation(x,y),ATexture,AAcceptedDeviation);
-procedure TBGRAPath.fill(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- AColor: TBGRAPixel; AAcceptedDeviation: single);
- ABitmap.FillPolyAntialias(ToPoints(AMatrix,AAcceptedDeviation), AColor);
-procedure TBGRAPath.fill(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AAcceptedDeviation: single);
- ABitmap.FillPolyAntialias(ToPoints(AMatrix,AAcceptedDeviation), ATexture);
-procedure TBGRAPath.fill(AFillProc: TBGRAPathFillProc; AData: pointer);
- fill(AFillProc, AffineMatrixIdentity, DefaultDeviation, AData);
-procedure TBGRAPath.fill(AFillProc: TBGRAPathFillProc;
- const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AData: pointer);
- fill(AFillProc, AMatrix, DefaultDeviation, AData);
-procedure TBGRAPath.fill(AFillProc: TBGRAPathFillProc; const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- AAcceptedDeviation: single; AData: pointer);
- AFillProc(ToPoints(AMatrix,AAcceptedDeviation), AData);
-function TBGRAPath.CreateCursor(AAcceptedDeviation: single): TBGRAPathCursor;
- result := TBGRAPathCursor.Create(self, AAcceptedDeviation);
-procedure TBGRAPath.Fit(ARect: TRectF; AAcceptedDeviation: single);
- temp: TBGRAPath;
- temp := TBGRAPath.Create;
- copyTo(temp);
- temp.FitInto(self, ARect, AAcceptedDeviation);
- temp.Free;
-procedure TBGRAPath.FitInto(ADest: TBGRAPath; ARect: TRectF;
- AAcceptedDeviation: single);
-var bounds: TRectF;
- zoomX,zoomY: single;
- bounds := GetBounds(AAcceptedDeviation);
- ADest.beginPath;
- ADest.translate((ARect.Left+ARect.Right)*0.5, (ARect.Bottom+ARect.Top)*0.5);
- if bounds.Right-bounds.Left <> 0 then
- begin
- zoomX := (ARect.Right-ARect.Left)/(bounds.Right-bounds.Left);
- if bounds.Bottom-bounds.Top > 0 then
- begin
- zoomY := (ARect.Bottom-ARect.Top)/(bounds.Bottom-bounds.Top);
- if zoomY < zoomX then ADest.scale(zoomY) else ADest.scale(zoomX);
- end else
- ADest.scale(zoomX);
- end else
- if bounds.Bottom-bounds.Top > 0 then
- begin
- zoomY := (ARect.Bottom-ARect.Top)/(bounds.Bottom-bounds.Top);
- ADest.scale(zoomY);
- end;
- ADest.translate(-(bounds.Left+bounds.Right)*0.5, -(bounds.Bottom+bounds.Top)*0.5);
- copyTo(ADest);
- ADest.resetTransform;
-function TBGRAPath.GetSvgString: string;
-const RadToDeg = 180/Pi;
- formats: TFormatSettings;
- lastPosF: TPointF;
- implicitCommand: char;
- function FloatToString(value: single): string;
- begin
- result := FloatToStrF(value,ffGeneral,7,0,formats)+' ';
- end;
- function CoordToString(const pt: TPointF): string;
- begin
- lastPosF := pt;
- result := FloatToString(pt.x)+FloatToString(pt.y);
- end;
- function BoolToString(value: boolean): string;
- begin
- if value then
- result := '1 ' else result := '0 ';
- end;
- procedure addCommand(command: char; parameters: string);
- begin
- if result <> '' then AppendStr(Result, ' '); //optional whitespace
- if command <> implicitCommand then AppendStr(Result, command);
- AppendStr(Result, trim(parameters));
- if command = 'M' then implicitCommand:= 'L'
- else if command = 'm' then implicitCommand:= 'l'
- else if command in['z','Z'] then implicitCommand:= #0
- else implicitCommand := command;
- end;
-var elemType: TBGRAPathElementType;
- elem: pointer;
- a: PArcElement;
- Pos: PtrInt;
- p1: TPointF;
- pts: array of TPointF;
- i: integer;
- formats := DefaultFormatSettings;
- formats.DecimalSeparator := '.';
- result := '';
- Pos := 0;
- lastPosF := EmptyPointF;
- implicitCommand := #0;
- repeat
- GetElementAt(Pos, elemType, elem);
- if elem = nil then break;
- case elemType of
- peMoveTo: addCommand('M',CoordToString(PPointF(elem)^));
- peLineTo: addCommand('L',CoordToString(PPointF(elem)^));
- peCloseSubPath: addCommand('z','');
- peQuadraticBezierTo:
- with PQuadraticBezierToElement(elem)^ do
- addCommand('Q',CoordToString(ControlPoint)+CoordToString(Destination));
- peCubicBezierTo:
- with PCubicBezierToElement(elem)^ do
- addCommand('C',CoordToString(ControlPoint1)+
- CoordToString(ControlPoint2)+CoordToString(Destination));
- peArc:
- begin
- a := PArcElement(elem);
- p1 := ArcStartPoint(a^);
- if isEmptyPointF(lastPosF) or (p1 <> lastPosF) then
- addCommand('L',CoordToString(p1));
- addCommand('A',CoordToString(a^.radius)+
- FloatToString(a^.xAngleRadCW*RadToDeg)+
- BoolToString(IsLargeArc(a^))+
- BoolToString(not a^.anticlockwise)+
- CoordToString(ArcEndPoint(a^)));
- end;
- peOpenedSpline, peClosedSpline:
- begin
- pts := GetPolygonalApprox(Pos, DefaultDeviation,True);
- for i := 0 to high(pts) do
- begin
- if isEmptyPointF(lastPosF) then
- addCommand('M',CoordToString(pts[i]))
- else
- addCommand('L',CoordToString(pts[i]));
- end;
- end;
- end;
- until not GoToNextElement(Pos);
-procedure TBGRAPath.SetSvgString(const AValue: string);
- resetTransform;
- beginPath;
- addPath(AValue);
-procedure TBGRAPath.RegisterCursor(ACursor: TBGRAPathCursor);
- setlength(FCursors, length(FCursors)+1);
- FCursors[high(FCursors)] := ACursor;
-procedure TBGRAPath.UnregisterCursor(ACursor: TBGRAPathCursor);
- i,j: Integer;
- for i := high(FCursors) downto 0 do
- if FCursors[i] = ACursor then
- begin
- for j := i to high(FCursors)-1 do
- FCursors[j] := FCursors[j+1];
- setlength(FCursors, length(FCursors)-1);
- exit;
- end;
-function TBGRAPath.SetLastCoord(ACoord: TPointF): TPointF;
- FLastCoord := ACoord;
- FLastTransformedCoord := FMatrix*ACoord;
- result := FLastTransformedCoord;
-procedure TBGRAPath.ClearLastCoord;
- FLastCoord := EmptyPointF;
- FLastTransformedCoord := EmptyPointF;
-procedure TBGRAPath.BezierCurveFromTransformed(tcp1, cp2, pt: TPointF);
- with PCubicBezierToElement(AllocateElement(peCubicBezierTo))^ do
- begin
- ControlPoint1 := tcp1;
- ControlPoint2 := FMatrix*cp2;
- Destination := SetLastCoord(pt);
- FExpectedTransformedControlPoint := Destination + (Destination-ControlPoint2);
- end;
-procedure TBGRAPath.QuadraticCurveFromTransformed(tcp, pt: TPointF);
- with PQuadraticBezierToElement(AllocateElement(peQuadraticBezierTo))^ do
- begin
- ControlPoint := tcp;
- Destination := SetLastCoord(pt);
- FExpectedTransformedControlPoint := Destination+(Destination-ControlPoint);
- end;
-function TBGRAPath.LastCoordDefined: boolean;
- result := not isEmptyPointF(FLastTransformedCoord);
-function TBGRAPath.GetPolygonalApprox(APos: IntPtr; AAcceptedDeviation: single; AIncludeFirstPoint: boolean): ArrayOfTPointF;
-var pts: ArrayOfTPointF;
- elemType: TBGRAPathElementType;
- elem: pointer;
- pt : TPointF;
- i: Int32or64;
- GetElementAt(APos, elemType, elem);
- case elemType of
- peQuadraticBezierTo:
- with PQuadraticBezierToElement(elem)^ do
- result := BGRABitmapTypes.BezierCurve(GetElementStartCoord(APos),ControlPoint,Destination).ToPoints(AAcceptedDeviation, AIncludeFirstPoint);
- peCubicBezierTo:
- with PCubicBezierToElement(elem)^ do
- result := BGRABitmapTypes.BezierCurve(GetElementStartCoord(APos),ControlPoint1,ControlPoint2,Destination).ToPoints(AAcceptedDeviation, AIncludeFirstPoint);
- peArc:
- begin
- result := ComputeArc(PArcElement(elem)^, DefaultDeviation/AAcceptedDeviation);
- pt := GetElementStartCoord(APos);
- if pt <> result[0] then
- begin
- setlength(result, length(result)+1);
- for i := high(result) downto 1 do
- result[i] := result[i-1];
- result[0] := pt;
- end;
- end;
- peOpenedSpline, peClosedSpline:
- with PSplineElement(elem)^ do
- begin
- setlength(pts, NbControlPoints);
- move(Pointer(PSplineElement(elem)+1)^, pts[0], NbControlPoints*sizeof(TPointF));
- if elemType = peOpenedSpline then
- result := ComputeOpenedSpline(pts, SplineStyle, 0.25, AAcceptedDeviation)
- else
- result := ComputeClosedSpline(pts, SplineStyle, AAcceptedDeviation);
- end;
- end;
-function TBGRAPath.getPoints: ArrayOfTPointF;
- result := ToPoints;
-function TBGRAPath.getPoints(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix): ArrayOfTPointF;
- result := ToPoints(AMatrix);
-function TBGRAPath.getLength: single;
- result := ComputeLength;
-function TBGRAPath.getCursor: TBGRACustomPathCursor;
- result := CreateCursor;
-procedure TBGRAPath.InternalDraw(ADrawProc: TBGRAPathDrawProc;
- const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AAcceptedDeviation: single; AData: pointer);
- nbSub: Int32or64;
- procedure OutputSub(subPathStartPos, subPathEndPos: IntPtr);
- var
- sub: array of ArrayOfTPointF;
- temp: ArrayOfTPointF;
- startPos,pos,nbPts,curPt,curSub: Int32or64;
- elemType: TBGRAPathElementType;
- elem: pointer;
- begin
- pos := subPathStartPos;
- setlength(sub, nbSub);
- curSub := 0;
- while (pos <= subPathEndPos) and (curSub < nbSub) do
- begin
- GetElementAt(pos, elemType, elem);
- if elem = nil then break;
- case elemType of
- peMoveTo,peLineTo,peCloseSubPath: begin
- startPos := pos;
- if (elemType = peMoveTo) and (curSub > 0) then
- nbPts := 2
- else
- nbPts := 1;
- while PeekNextElement(pos) in[peLineTo,peCloseSubPath] do
- begin
- GoToNextElement(pos);
- inc(nbPts);
- end;
- setlength(temp, nbPts);
- pos := startPos;
- if (elemType = peMoveTo) and (curSub > 0) then
- begin
- temp[0] := EmptyPointF;
- temp[1] := PPointF(elem)^;
- curPt := 2;
- end else
- begin
- temp[0] := PPointF(elem)^;
- curPt := 1;
- end;
- while PeekNextElement(pos) in[peLineTo,peCloseSubPath] do
- begin
- GoToNextElement(pos);
- GetElementAt(pos, elemType, elem);
- temp[curPt] := PPointF(elem)^;
- inc(curPt);
- end;
- sub[curSub] := temp;
- inc(curSub);
- temp := nil;
- end;
- peQuadraticBezierTo,peCubicBezierTo,peArc,
- peOpenedSpline, peClosedSpline:
- begin
- sub[curSub] := GetPolygonalApprox(pos, AAcceptedDeviation, False);
- inc(curSub);
- end;
- end;
- GoToNextElement(pos);
- end;
- temp := ConcatPointsF(sub);
- if not IsAffineMatrixIdentity(AMatrix) then
- temp := AMatrix*temp;
- if (elemType = peCloseSubPath) or ((curSub = 2) and (elemType = peClosedSpline)) then
- ADrawProc(temp, True, AData)
- else
- ADrawProc(temp, False, AData);
- end;
- subPathStartPos: IntPtr;
- prevPos,pos: PtrInt;
- elemType: TBGRAPathElementType;
- elem: pointer;
- AAcceptedDeviation := CorrectAcceptedDeviation(AAcceptedDeviation, AMatrix);
- pos := 0;
- nbSub := 0;
- subPathStartPos := pos;
- repeat
- prevPos := pos;
- GetElementAt(pos, elemType, elem);
- if elem = nil then
- begin
- pos := prevPos;
- break;
- end;
- if (elemType = peMoveTo) and (nbSub > 0) then
- begin
- OutputSub(subPathStartPos,prevPos);
- nbSub := 0;
- subPathStartPos := pos;
- end;
- case elemType of
- peMoveTo,peLineTo,peCloseSubPath: begin
- inc(nbSub);
- while PeekNextElement(pos) in[peLineTo,peCloseSubPath] do
- GoToNextElement(pos);
- end;
- peQuadraticBezierTo, peCubicBezierTo, peArc, peOpenedSpline, peClosedSpline: inc(nbSub);
- end;
- until not GoToNextElement(pos);
- if nbSub > 0 then OutputSub(subPathStartPos,pos);
-procedure TBGRAPath.addPath(const AValue: string);
-var p: integer;
- numberError: boolean;
- startCoord,lastCoord: TPointF;
- function parseFloat: single;
- var numberStart: integer;
- errPos: integer;
- decimalFind: boolean;
- procedure parseFloatInternal;
- begin
- if (p <= length(AValue)) and (AValue[p] in['+','-']) then inc(p);
- decimalFind:= false;
- while (p <= length(AValue)) and (AValue[p] in['0'..'9','.']) do
- begin
- if AValue[p] = '.' then
- if decimalFind then
- Break
- else
- decimalFind:= true;
- inc(p);
- end;
- end;
- begin
- while (p <= length(AValue)) and (AValue[p] in[#0..#32,',']) do inc(p);
- numberStart:= p;
- parseFloatInternal;
- if (p <= length(AValue)) and (AValue[p] in['e','E']) then
- begin
- inc(p);
- parseFloatInternal;
- end;
- val(copy(AValue,numberStart,p-numberStart),result,errPos);
- if errPos <> 0 then numberError := true;
- end;
- function parseCoord(relative: boolean): TPointF;
- begin
- result.x := parseFloat;
- result.y := parseFloat;
- if relative and not isEmptyPointF(lastCoord) then result.Offset(lastCoord);
- if isEmptyPointF(lastCoord) then startCoord := result;
- end;
- command,implicitCommand: char;
- relative: boolean;
- c1,c2,p1: TPointF;
- a: TArcDef;
- largeArc: boolean;
- BeginSubPath;
- lastCoord := EmptyPointF;
- startCoord := EmptyPointF;
- p := 1;
- implicitCommand:= #0;
- while p <= length(AValue) do
- begin
- command := AValue[p];
- if (command in['0'..'9','.','+','-']) and (implicitCommand <> #0) then
- command := implicitCommand
- else
- begin
- inc(p);
- end;
- relative := (command = lowerCase(command));
- numberError := false;
- if upcase(command) in ['L','H','V','C','S','Q','T','A'] then
- implicitCommand:= command; //by default the command repeats
- case upcase(command) of
- 'Z': begin
- closePath;
- implicitCommand:= #0;
- lastCoord := startCoord;
- end;
- 'M': begin
- p1 := parseCoord(relative);
- if not numberError then
- begin
- moveTo(p1);
- lastCoord := p1;
- startCoord := p1;
- end;
- if relative then implicitCommand:= 'l' else
- implicitCommand:= 'L';
- end;
- 'L': begin
- p1 := parseCoord(relative);
- if not numberError then
- begin
- lineTo(p1);
- lastCoord := p1;
- end;
- end;
- 'H': begin
- if not isEmptyPointF(lastCoord) then
- begin
- p1 := lastCoord;
- if relative then IncF(p1.x, parseFloat)
- else p1.x := parseFloat;
- end else
- begin
- p1 := PointF(parseFloat,0);
- lastCoord := p1;
- startCoord := p1;
- end;
- if not numberError then
- begin
- lineTo(p1);
- lastCoord := p1;
- end;
- end;
- 'V': begin
- if not isEmptyPointF(lastCoord) then
- begin
- p1 := lastCoord;
- if relative then IncF(p1.y, parseFloat)
- else p1.y := parseFloat;
- end else
- begin
- p1 := PointF(0,parseFloat);
- lastCoord := p1;
- startCoord := p1;
- end;
- if not numberError then
- begin
- lineTo(p1);
- lastCoord := p1;
- end;
- end;
- 'C': begin
- c1 := parseCoord(relative);
- c2 := parseCoord(relative);
- p1 := parseCoord(relative);
- if not numberError then
- begin
- bezierCurveTo(c1,c2,p1);
- lastCoord := p1;
- end;
- end;
- 'S': begin
- c2 := parseCoord(relative);
- p1 := parseCoord(relative);
- if not numberError then
- begin
- smoothBezierCurveTo(c2,p1);
- lastCoord := p1;
- end;
- end;
- 'Q': begin
- c1 := parseCoord(relative);
- p1 := parseCoord(relative);
- if not numberError then
- begin
- quadraticCurveTo(c1,p1);
- lastCoord := p1;
- end;
- end;
- 'T': begin
- p1 := parseCoord(relative);
- if not numberError then
- begin
- smoothQuadraticCurveTo(p1);
- lastCoord := p1;
- end;
- end;
- 'A':
- begin
- a.radius.x := parseFloat;
- a.radius.y := parseFloat;
- a.xAngleRadCW := parseFloat*Pi/180;
- largeArc := parseFloat<>0;
- a.anticlockwise:= parseFloat=0;
- p1 := parseCoord(relative);
- if not numberError then
- begin
- arcTo(a.radius.x,a.radius.y,a.xAngleRadCW,largeArc,a.anticlockwise,p1.x,p1.y);
- lastCoord := p1;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAPath.addPath(source: IBGRAPath);
- source.copyTo(self);
-procedure TBGRAPath.openedSpline(const pts: array of TPointF;
- style: TSplineStyle);
-var elem: PSplineElement;
- i: Int32or64;
- p: PPointF;
- if length(pts) = 0 then exit;
- for i := 0 to high(pts) do
- if isEmptyPointF(pts[i]) then
- raise exception.Create('Unexpected empty point');
- if length(pts) <= 2 then
- begin
- polyline(pts);
- exit;
- end;
- if not LastCoordDefined then moveTo(pts[0]);
- elem := AllocateElement(peOpenedSpline, length(pts)*sizeof(TPointF));
- elem^.NbControlPoints := length(pts);
- elem^.SplineStyle := style;
- p := PPointF(elem+1);
- for i := 0 to high(pts)-1 do
- begin
- p^ := FMatrix*pts[i];
- inc(p);
- end;
- p^ := SetLastCoord(pts[high(pts)]);
- inc(p);
- PInteger(p)^ := length(pts);
-procedure TBGRAPath.closedSpline(const pts: array of TPointF;
- style: TSplineStyle);
-var elem: PSplineElement;
- i: Int32or64;
- p: PPointF;
- if length(pts) = 0 then exit;
- for i := 0 to high(pts) do
- if isEmptyPointF(pts[i]) then
- raise exception.Create('Unexpected empty point');
- if not LastCoordDefined then moveTo(ClosedSplineStartPoint(pts, style));
- if length(pts) <= 2 then exit;
- elem := AllocateElement(peClosedSpline, length(pts)*sizeof(TPointF));
- elem^.NbControlPoints := length(pts);
- elem^.SplineStyle := style;
- p := PPointF(elem+1);
- for i := 0 to high(pts) do
- begin
- p^ := FMatrix*pts[i];
- inc(p);
- end;
- PInteger(p)^ := length(pts);
-procedure TBGRAPath.BitmapDrawSubPathProc(const APoints: array of TPointF;
- AClosed: boolean; AData: pointer);
- with TStrokeData(AData^) do
- if AClosed then
- begin
- if Texture <> nil then
- Bitmap.DrawPolygonAntialias(APoints, Texture, Width)
- else
- Bitmap.DrawPolygonAntialias(APoints, Color, Width);
- end else
- begin
- if Texture <> nil then
- Bitmap.DrawPolyLineAntialiasAutocycle(APoints, Texture, Width)
- else
- Bitmap.DrawPolyLineAntialiasAutocycle(APoints, Color, Width);
- end;
-function TBGRAPath.CorrectAcceptedDeviation(AAcceptedDeviation: single;
- const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix): single;
-var maxZoom: single;
- //determine the zoom of the matrix
- maxZoom := Max(VectLen(PointF(AMatrix[1,1],AMatrix[2,1])),
- VectLen(PointF(AMatrix[1,2],AMatrix[2,2])));
- //make the accepted deviation smaller if the matrix zooms to avoid that
- // curves would look angular
- if maxZoom = 0 then
- result:= 1e10
- else
- result := AAcceptedDeviation / maxZoom;
-procedure TBGRAPath.OnModify;
- if length(FCursors)> 0 then
- raise Exception.Create('You cannot modify the path when there are cursors');
-procedure TBGRAPath.OnMatrixChange;
- //transformed coord are not changed,
- //but original coords are lost in the process.
- //this has a consequence when using
- //arc functions that rely on the previous
- //coordinate
- FLastCoord := EmptyPointF;
- FSubPathStartCoord := EmptyPointF;
-procedure TBGRAPath.NeedSpace(count: integer);
- OnModify;
- inc(count, 4); //avoid memory error
- if FDataPos + count > FDataCapacity then
- begin
- FDataCapacity := (FDataCapacity shl 1)+8;
- if FDataPos + count + 8 > FDataCapacity then
- FDataCapacity := FDataPos + count + 8;
- ReAllocMem(FData, FDataCapacity);
- end;
-function TBGRAPath.AllocateElement(AElementType: TBGRAPathElementType;
- AExtraBytes: PtrInt): Pointer;
-var t: PtrInt;
- if not (AElementType in [succ(peNone)..high(TBGRAPathElementType)]) then
- raise exception.Create('Invalid element type');
- OnModify;
- t := PathElementSize[AElementType]+AExtraBytes;
- NeedSpace(SizeOf(TPathElementHeader)+t);
- with PPathElementHeader(FData+FDataPos)^ do
- begin
- ElementType:= AElementType;
- PreviousElementType := FLastStoredElementType;
- end;
- result := FData+(FDataPos+SizeOf(TPathElementHeader));
- FLastSubPathElementType:= AElementType;
- FLastStoredElementType:= AElementType;
- Inc(FDataPos, sizeof(TPathElementHeader)+t);
-procedure TBGRAPath.Init;
- FData := nil;
- FDataCapacity := 0;
- FLastMoveToDataPos := -1;
- beginPath;
- resetTransform;
-function TBGRAPath.GoToNextElement(var APos: PtrInt): boolean;
-var newPos: PtrInt;
- p: PSplineElement;
- elemType: TBGRAPathElementType;
- if APos >= FDataPos then
- result := false
- else
- begin
- elemType := PPathElementHeader(FData+APos)^.ElementType;
- newPos := APos + sizeof(TPathElementHeader) + PathElementSize[elemType];
- if elemType in[peOpenedSpline,peClosedSpline] then
- begin
- p := PSplineElement(FData+(APos+sizeof(TPathElementHeader)));
- inc(newPos, p^.NbControlPoints * sizeof(TPointF) ); //extra
- end;
- if newPos < FDataPos then
- begin
- result := true;
- APos := newPos;
- if not CheckElementType(PPathElementHeader(FData+APos)^.ElementType) or
- not CheckElementType(PPathElementHeader(FData+APos)^.PreviousElementType) then
- raise exception.Create('Internal structure error');
- end
- else
- result := false;
- end;
-function TBGRAPath.GoToPreviousElement(var APos: PtrInt): boolean;
-var lastElemType: TBGRAPathElementType;
- if APos <= 0 then
- result := false
- else
- begin
- result := true;
- if (APos = FDataPos) then
- lastElemType := FLastStoredElementType
- else
- lastElemType := PPathElementHeader(FData+APos)^.PreviousElementType;
- if lastElemType in [peOpenedSpline,peClosedSpline] then
- dec(APos, (PInteger(FData+APos)-1)^ *sizeof(TPointF)); //extra
- dec(APos, sizeof(TPathElementHeader) + PathElementSize[lastElemType]);
- if not CheckElementType(PPathElementHeader(FData+APos)^.ElementType) or
- not CheckElementType(PPathElementHeader(FData+APos)^.PreviousElementType) then
- raise exception.Create('Internal structure error');
- end;
-function TBGRAPath.PeekNextElement(APos: PtrInt): TBGRAPathElementType;
- if not GoToNextElement(APos) then
- result := peNone
- else
- result := PPathElementHeader(FData+APos)^.ElementType;
-function TBGRAPath.GetElementStartCoord(APos: PtrInt): TPointF;
- elemType: TBGRAPathElementType;
- elem: pointer;
- GetElementAt(APos, elemType, elem);
- case elemType of
- peNone: raise exception.Create('No element');
- peMoveTo: result := PPointF(elem)^;
- else
- begin
- if not GoToPreviousElement(APos) then
- raise exception.Create('No previous element')
- else
- begin
- result := GetElementEndCoord(APos);
- end;
- end;
- end;
-function TBGRAPath.GetElementEndCoord(APos: PtrInt): TPointF;
-var elemType: TBGRAPathElementType;
- elem: pointer;
- GetElementAt(APos, elemType, elem);
- case elemType of
- peMoveTo,peLineTo,peCloseSubPath: result := PPointF(elem)^;
- peQuadraticBezierTo: result := PQuadraticBezierToElement(elem)^.Destination;
- peCubicBezierTo: result := PCubicBezierToElement(elem)^.Destination;
- peArc: result := ArcEndPoint(PArcElement(elem)^);
- peClosedSpline: result := PPointF(PSplineElement(elem)+1)^;
- peOpenedSpline: result := (PPointF(PSplineElement(elem)+1)+(PSplineElement(elem)^.NbControlPoints-1))^;
- else
- result := EmptyPointF;
- end;
-function TBGRAPath.GetElementLength(APos: PtrInt; AAcceptedDeviation: single): Single;
-var elemType: TBGRAPathElementType;
- elem: pointer;
- pts: array of TPointF;
- GetElementAt(APos, elemType, elem);
- case elemType of
- peMoveTo: result := 0;
- peLineTo,peCloseSubPath: result := VectLen(PPointF(elem)^ - GetElementStartCoord(APos))*FScale;
- peQuadraticBezierTo: with PQuadraticBezierToElement(elem)^ do
- result := BGRABitmapTypes.BezierCurve(GetElementStartCoord(APos),ControlPoint,Destination).ComputeLength;
- peCubicBezierTo: with PCubicBezierToElement(elem)^ do
- result := BGRABitmapTypes.BezierCurve(GetElementStartCoord(APos),ControlPoint1,ControlPoint2,Destination).ComputeLength(AAcceptedDeviation);
- peArc: begin
- result := VectLen(ArcStartPoint(PArcElement(elem)^) - GetElementStartCoord(APos));
- IncF(result, PolylineLen(ComputeArc(PArcElement(elem)^, DefaultDeviation/AAcceptedDeviation)));
- end;
- peClosedSpline,peOpenedSpline:
- begin
- pts := GetPolygonalApprox(APos, AAcceptedDeviation, true);
- result := PolylineLen(pts) + VectLen(pts[0]-GetElementStartCoord(APos));
- end
- else
- result := 0;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAPath.GetElementAt(APos: PtrInt; out
- AElementType: TBGRAPathElementType; out AElement: pointer);
- if APos >= FDataPos then
- begin
- AElementType := peNone;
- AElement := nil;
- end else
- begin
- AElementType:= PPathElementHeader(FData+APos)^.ElementType;
- AElement := FData+(APos+sizeof(TPathElementHeader));
- end;
-constructor TBGRAPath.Create;
- Init;
-constructor TBGRAPath.Create(ASvgString: string);
- Init;
- SvgString:= ASvgString;
-constructor TBGRAPath.Create(const APoints: ArrayOfTPointF);
- Init;
- SetPoints(APoints);
-constructor TBGRAPath.Create(APath: IBGRAPath);
- Init;
- APath.copyTo(self);
-destructor TBGRAPath.Destroy;
-var i: integer;
- for I := 0 to high(FCursors) do
- FCursors[i].OnPathFree;
- if Assigned(FData) then
- begin
- FreeMem(FData);
- FData := nil;
- end;
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TBGRAPath.beginPath;
- DoClear;
-procedure TBGRAPath.beginSubPath;
- OnModify;
- FLastSubPathElementType := peNone;
- ClearLastCoord;
- FSubPathStartCoord := EmptyPointF;
- FExpectedTransformedControlPoint := EmptyPointF;
-procedure TBGRAPath.DoClear;
- OnModify;
- FDataPos := 0;
- BeginSubPath;
-function TBGRAPath.CheckElementType(AElementType: TBGRAPathElementType): boolean;
- result := AElementType <= high(TBGRAPathElementType);
-procedure TBGRAPath.closePath;
- moveToType: TBGRAPathElementType;
- moveToElem: pointer;
- if (FLastSubPathElementType <> peNone) and (FLastSubPathElementType <> peCloseSubPath) then
- begin
- with PClosePathElement(AllocateElement(peCloseSubPath))^ do
- begin
- StartCoordinate := FSubPathTransformedStartCoord;
- LoopDataPos := FLastMoveToDataPos;
- end;
- if FLastMoveToDataPos <> -1 then
- begin
- GetElementAt(FLastMoveToDataPos,moveToType,moveToElem);
- PMoveToElement(moveToElem)^.LoopDataPos := FDataPos;
- FLastMoveToDataPos:= -1;
- end;
- FLastCoord := FSubPathStartCoord;
- FLastTransformedCoord := FSubPathTransformedStartCoord;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAPath.translate(x, y: single);
- OnMatrixChange;
- FMatrix := FMatrix * AffineMatrixTranslation(x,y);
-procedure TBGRAPath.resetTransform;
- OnMatrixChange;
- FMatrix := AffineMatrixIdentity;
- FAngleRadCW := 0;
- FScale:= 1;
-procedure TBGRAPath.rotate(angleRadCW: single);
- OnMatrixChange;
- FMatrix := FMatrix * AffineMatrixRotationRad(-angleRadCW);
- IncF(FAngleRadCW, angleRadCW);
-procedure TBGRAPath.rotateDeg(angleDeg: single);
-const degToRad = Pi/180;
- rotate(angleDeg*degToRad);
-procedure TBGRAPath.rotate(angleRadCW: single; center: TPointF);
- translate(center.x,center.y);
- rotate(angleRadCW);
- translate(-center.x,-center.y);
-procedure TBGRAPath.rotateDeg(angleDeg: single; center: TPointF);
- translate(center.x,center.y);
- rotateDeg(angleDeg);
- translate(-center.x,-center.y);
-procedure TBGRAPath.scale(factor: single);
- OnMatrixChange;
- FMatrix := FMatrix * AffineMatrixScale(factor,factor);
- FScale := FScale * factor;
-procedure TBGRAPath.moveTo(x, y: single);
- moveTo(PointF(x,y));
-procedure TBGRAPath.lineTo(x, y: single);
- lineTo(PointF(x,y));
-procedure TBGRAPath.moveTo(constref pt: TPointF);
- if FLastSubPathElementType <> peMoveTo then
- begin
- FLastMoveToDataPos:= FDataPos;
- with PMoveToElement(AllocateElement(peMoveTo))^ do
- begin
- StartCoordinate := SetLastCoord(pt);
- LoopDataPos := -1;
- end
- end else
- PMoveToElement(FData+(FDataPos-Sizeof(TMoveToElement)))^.StartCoordinate := SetLastCoord(pt);
- FSubPathStartCoord := FLastCoord;
- FSubPathTransformedStartCoord := FLastTransformedCoord;
-procedure TBGRAPath.lineTo(constref pt: TPointF);
-var lastTransfCoord, newTransfCoord: TPointF;
- if LastCoordDefined then
- begin
- lastTransfCoord := FLastTransformedCoord;
- newTransfCoord := SetLastCoord(pt);
- if newTransfCoord <> lastTransfCoord then
- PPointF(AllocateElement(peLineTo))^ := newTransfCoord;
- end else
- moveTo(pt);
-procedure TBGRAPath.polyline(const pts: array of TPointF);
-var i: integer;
- if length(pts) = 0 then exit;
- NeedSpace((sizeof(TPathElementHeader)+sizeof(TPointF))*length(pts));
- moveTo(pts[0]);
- for i := 1 to high(pts) do lineTo(pts[i]);
-procedure TBGRAPath.polylineTo(const pts: array of TPointF);
-var i: integer;
- NeedSpace((sizeof(TPathElementHeader)+sizeof(TPointF))*length(pts));
- for i := 0 to high(pts) do lineTo(pts[i]);
-procedure TBGRAPath.polygon(const pts: array of TPointF);
-var lastPt: integer;
- if length(pts) = 0 then exit;
- lastPt := high(pts);
- while (lastPt > 1) and (pts[lastPt] = pts[0]) do dec(lastPt);
- if lastPt <> high(pts) then
- polyline(slice(pts,lastPt+1))
- else
- polyline(pts);
- closePath;
-procedure TBGRAPath.quadraticCurveTo(cpx, cpy, x, y: single);
- quadraticCurveTo(PointF(cpx,cpy),PointF(x,y));
-procedure TBGRAPath.quadraticCurveTo(constref cp, pt: TPointF);
- if LastCoordDefined then
- QuadraticCurveFromTransformed(FMatrix*cp, pt) else
- begin
- lineTo(pt);
- FExpectedTransformedControlPoint := FMatrix*(pt+(pt-cp));
- end;
-procedure TBGRAPath.bezierCurveTo(cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, x, y: single);
- bezierCurveTo(PointF(cp1x,cp1y),PointF(cp2x,cp2y),PointF(x,y));
-procedure TBGRAPath.bezierCurveTo(constref cp1, cp2, pt: TPointF);
- if not LastCoordDefined then moveTo(cp1);
- BezierCurveFromTransformed(FMatrix*cp1, cp2, pt);
-procedure TBGRAPath.bezierCurve(const curve: TCubicBezierCurve);
- moveTo(curve.p1);
- bezierCurveTo(curve.c1,curve.c2,curve.p2);
-procedure TBGRAPath.bezierCurve(p1, cp1, cp2, p2: TPointF);
- moveTo(p1);
- bezierCurveTo(cp1,cp2,p2);
-procedure TBGRAPath.smoothBezierCurveTo(cp2x, cp2y, x, y: single);
- smoothBezierCurveTo(PointF(cp2x,cp2y),PointF(x,y));
-procedure TBGRAPath.smoothBezierCurveTo(const cp2, pt: TPointF);
- if (FLastSubPathElementType = peCubicBezierTo) and not isEmptyPointF(FExpectedTransformedControlPoint) then
- BezierCurveFromTransformed(FExpectedTransformedControlPoint,cp2,pt)
- else if LastCoordDefined then
- BezierCurveFromTransformed(FLastTransformedCoord,cp2,pt)
- else
- bezierCurveTo(cp2,cp2,pt);
-procedure TBGRAPath.quadraticCurve(const curve: TQuadraticBezierCurve);
- moveTo(curve.p1);
- quadraticCurveTo(curve.c,curve.p2);
-procedure TBGRAPath.quadraticCurve(p1, cp, p2: TPointF);
- moveTo(p1);
- quadraticCurveTo(cp,p2);
-procedure TBGRAPath.smoothQuadraticCurveTo(x, y: single);
- smoothQuadraticCurveTo(PointF(x,y));
-procedure TBGRAPath.smoothQuadraticCurveTo(const pt: TPointF);
- if (FLastSubPathElementType = peQuadraticBezierTo) and not isEmptyPointF(FExpectedTransformedControlPoint) then
- QuadraticCurveFromTransformed(FExpectedTransformedControlPoint,pt)
- else if LastCoordDefined then
- QuadraticCurveFromTransformed(FLastTransformedCoord,pt)
- else
- quadraticCurveTo(pt,pt);
-procedure TBGRAPath.rect(x, y, w, h: single);
- moveTo(x,y);
- lineTo(x+w,y);
- lineTo(x+w,y+h);
- lineTo(x,y+h);
- closePath;
-procedure TBGRAPath.roundRect(x, y, w, h, radius: single);
- if radius <= 0 then
- begin
- rect(x,y,w,h);
- exit;
- end;
- if (w <= 0) or (h <= 0) then exit;
- if radius*2 > w then radius := w/2;
- if radius*2 > h then radius := h/2;
- moveTo(x+radius,y);
- arcTo(PointF(x+w,y),PointF(x+w,y+h), radius);
- arcTo(PointF(x+w,y+h),PointF(x,y+h), radius);
- arcTo(PointF(x,y+h),PointF(x,y), radius);
- arcTo(PointF(x,y),PointF(x+w,y), radius);
- closePath;
-procedure TBGRAPath.arc(cx, cy, radius, startAngleRadCW, endAngleRadCW: single;
- anticlockwise: boolean);
- arc(cx,cy,radius,radius,0,startAngleRadCW,endAngleRadCW,anticlockwise);
-procedure TBGRAPath.arc(cx, cy, radius, startAngleRadCW, endAngleRadCW: single);
- arc(cx,cy,radius,startAngleRadCW,endAngleRadCW,false);
-procedure TBGRAPath.arcDeg(cx, cy, radius, startAngleDeg, endAngleDeg: single;
- anticlockwise: boolean);
-const degToRad = Pi/180;
- arc(cx,cy,radius,(startAngleDeg-90)*degToRad,(endAngleDeg-90)*degToRad,anticlockwise);
-procedure TBGRAPath.arcDeg(cx, cy, radius, startAngleDeg, endAngleDeg: single);
-const degToRad = Pi/180;
- arc(cx,cy,radius,(startAngleDeg-90)*degToRad,(endAngleDeg-90)*degToRad);
-procedure TBGRAPath.arcTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, radius: single);
- arcTo(PointF(x1,y1), PointF(x2,y2), radius);
-procedure TBGRAPath.arcTo(const p1, p2: TPointF; radius: single);
-var p0 : TPointF;
- if IsEmptyPointF(FLastCoord) then
- p0 := p1 else p0 := FLastCoord;
- arc(Html5ArcTo(p0,p1,p2,radius));
-procedure TBGRAPath.arc(constref arcDef: TArcDef);
-var transformedArc: TArcElement;
- if (arcDef.radius.x = 0) and (arcDef.radius.y = 0) then
- lineTo(arcDef.center)
- else
- begin
- if not LastCoordDefined then
- moveTo(ArcStartPoint(arcDef));
- transformedArc.anticlockwise := arcDef.anticlockwise;
- transformedArc.startAngleRadCW := arcDef.startAngleRadCW;
- transformedArc.endAngleRadCW := arcDef.endAngleRadCW;
- transformedArc.center := FMatrix*arcDef.center;
- transformedArc.radius := arcDef.radius*FScale;
- transformedArc.xAngleRadCW := arcDef.xAngleRadCW+FAngleRadCW;
- PArcElement(AllocateElement(peArc))^ := transformedArc;
- SetLastCoord(ArcEndPoint(arcDef));
- {$POP}
- end;
-procedure TBGRAPath.arc(cx, cy, rx, ry: single; xAngleRadCW, startAngleRadCW,
- endAngleRadCW: single);
- arc(ArcDef(cx,cy,rx,ry,xAngleRadCW,startAngleRadCW,endAngleRadCW,false));
-procedure TBGRAPath.arc(cx, cy, rx, ry, xAngleRadCW, startAngleRadCW, endAngleRadCW: single;
- anticlockwise: boolean);
- arc(ArcDef(cx,cy,rx,ry,xAngleRadCW,startAngleRadCW,endAngleRadCW,anticlockwise));
-procedure TBGRAPath.arcTo(rx, ry, xAngleRadCW: single; largeArc,
- anticlockwise: boolean; x, y: single);
- if IsEmptyPointF(FLastCoord) then
- moveTo(x,y)
- else
- arc(SvgArcTo(FLastCoord, rx,ry, xAngleRadCW, largeArc, anticlockwise, PointF(x,y)));
-procedure TBGRAPath.copyTo(dest: IBGRAPath);
-var pos: IntPtr;
- elemType: TBGRAPathElementType;
- elem: Pointer;
- pts: array of TPointF;
- pos := 0;
- repeat
- GetElementAt(pos, elemType, elem);
- if elem = nil then break;
- case elemType of
- peMoveTo: dest.moveTo(PPointF(elem)^);
- peLineTo: dest.lineTo(PPointF(elem)^);
- peCloseSubPath: dest.closePath;
- peQuadraticBezierTo:
- with PQuadraticBezierToElement(elem)^ do
- dest.quadraticCurveTo(ControlPoint,Destination);
- peCubicBezierTo:
- with PCubicBezierToElement(elem)^ do
- dest.bezierCurveTo(ControlPoint1,ControlPoint2,Destination);
- peArc: dest.arc(PArcElement(elem)^);
- peOpenedSpline, peClosedSpline:
- begin
- with PSplineElement(elem)^ do
- begin
- setlength(pts, NbControlPoints);
- move(Pointer(PSplineElement(elem)+1)^, pts[0], NbControlPoints*sizeof(TPointF));
- if elemType = peOpenedSpline then
- dest.openedSpline(pts, SplineStyle)
- else
- dest.closedSpline(pts, SplineStyle);
- pts := nil;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- until not GoToNextElement(pos);
- BGRAPathFactory := TBGRAPath;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrapen.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrapen.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d07d84..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrapen.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1324 +0,0 @@
-unit BGRAPen;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
-{ This unit handles pen style and width, as well as line caps and join styles.
- A line consists in two points.
- A polyline consists in one or more lines, defined by two points or more than two points
- A poly-polyline consists in a series of polylines, defined by polyline points separated by empty points (see EmptyPointF) }
- SysUtils, BGRAGraphics, BGRABitmapTypes, BGRATransform;
-var //predefined pen styles
- SolidPenStyle, DashPenStyle, DotPenStyle, DashDotPenStyle, DashDotDotPenStyle, ClearPenStyle: TBGRAPenStyle;
- TPenJoinStyle = BGRAGraphics.TPenJoinStyle;
- TPenEndCap = BGRAGraphics.TPenEndCap;
- { TBGRAPenStroker }
- TBGRAPenStroker = class(TBGRACustomPenStroker)
- protected
- { Pen style can be defined by PenStyle property of by CustomPenStyle property.
- When PenStyle property is assigned, CustomPenStyle property is assigned the actual
- pen pattern. }
- FCustomPenStyle: TBGRAPenStyle;
- FPenStyle: TPenStyle;
- FArrow: TBGRACustomArrow;
- FArrowOwned: boolean;
- FOriginalStrokeMatrix,FStrokeMatrix,FStrokeMatrixInverse: TAffineMatrix;
- FStrokeZoom: single;
- FStrokeMatrixIdentity: boolean;
- FLineCap: TPenEndCap;
- FJoinStyle: TPenJoinStyle;
- FMiterLimit: single;
- function GetArrow: TBGRACustomArrow; override;
- function GetArrowOwned: boolean; override;
- function GetCustomPenStyle: TBGRAPenStyle; override;
- function GetJoinStyle: TPenJoinStyle; override;
- function GetLineCap: TPenEndCap; override;
- function GetMiterLimit: single; override;
- function GetPenStyle: TPenStyle; override;
- function GetStrokeMatrix: TAffineMatrix; override;
- procedure SetArrow(AValue: TBGRACustomArrow); override;
- procedure SetArrowOwned(AValue: boolean); override;
- procedure SetCustomPenStyle(AValue: TBGRAPenStyle); override;
- procedure SetJoinStyle(AValue: TPenJoinStyle); override;
- procedure SetLineCap(AValue: TPenEndCap); override;
- procedure SetMiterLimit(AValue: single); override;
- procedure SetPenStyle(AValue: TPenStyle); override;
- procedure SetStrokeMatrix(const AValue: TAffineMatrix); override;
- public
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function ComputePolyline(const APoints: array of TPointF; AWidth: single; AClosedCap: boolean = true): ArrayOfTPointF; overload; override;
- function ComputePolyline(const APoints: array of TPointF; AWidth: single; APenColor: TBGRAPixel; AClosedCap: boolean = true): ArrayOfTPointF; overload; override;
- function ComputePolylineAutocycle(const APoints: array of TPointF; AWidth: single): ArrayOfTPointF; override;
- function ComputePolygon(const APoints: array of TPointF; AWidth: single): ArrayOfTPointF; override;
- end;
- TBGRAPolyLineOption = (plRoundCapOpen, //specifies that the line ending is opened
- plCycle, //specifies that it is a polygon
- plAutoCycle, //specifies that a cycle must be used if the last point is the first point
- plNoStartCap,
- plNoEndCap);
- TBGRAPolyLineOptions = set of TBGRAPolyLineOption;
- TComputeArrowHeadProc = function(const APosition: TPointF; const ADirection: TPointF; const AWidth: single; const ACurrentPos: single): ArrayOfTPointF of object;
-{ Compute the path for a polyline }
-function ComputeWidePolylinePoints(const linepts: array of TPointF; width: single;
- pencolor: TBGRAPixel; linecap: TPenEndCap; joinstyle: TPenJoinStyle; const penstyle: TBGRAPenStyle;
- options: TBGRAPolyLineOptions; miterLimit: single = 2; arrow: TBGRACustomArrow = nil): ArrayOfTPointF;
-{ Compute the path for a poly-polyline }
-function ComputeWidePolyPolylinePoints(const linepts: array of TPointF; width: single;
- pencolor: TBGRAPixel; linecap: TPenEndCap; joinstyle: TPenJoinStyle; const penstyle: TBGRAPenStyle;
- options: TBGRAPolyLineOptions; miterLimit: single = 2; arrow: TBGRACustomArrow = nil): ArrayOfTPointF;
-{--------------------- Pixel line procedures --------------------------}
-{ These procedures take integer coordinates as parameters and do not handle pen styles and width.
- They are faster and can be useful for drawing a simple frame }
-//aliased version
-procedure BGRADrawLineAliased(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x1, y1, x2, y2: integer; c: TBGRAPixel; DrawLastPixel: boolean; ADrawMode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency); deprecated;
-procedure BGRAEraseLineAliased(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x1, y1, x2, y2: integer; alpha: byte; DrawLastPixel: boolean); deprecated;
-//antialiased version
-procedure BGRADrawLineAntialias({%H-}dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x1, y1, x2, y2: integer;
- c: TBGRAPixel; DrawLastPixel: boolean; LinearBlend : boolean = false); overload; deprecated;
-procedure BGRAEraseLineAntialias(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x1, y1, x2, y2: integer;
- calpha: byte; DrawLastPixel: boolean); overload; deprecated;
-//antialiased version with bicolor dashes (to draw a frame)
-procedure BGRADrawLineAntialias(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x1, y1, x2, y2: integer;
- c1, c2: TBGRAPixel; dashLen: integer; DrawLastPixel: boolean; var DashPos: integer; LinearBlend : boolean = false); overload; deprecated;
-//length added to ensure accepable alpha join (using TBGRAMultishapeFiller is still better)
-function GetAlphaJoinFactor(alpha: byte): single;
-//create standard brush texture
-function CreateBrushTexture(prototype: TBGRACustomBitmap; brushstyle: TBrushStyle; PatternColor, BackgroundColor: TBGRAPixel;
- width: integer = 8; height: integer = 8; penwidth: single = 1): TBGRACustomBitmap;
-//check special pen styles
-function IsSolidPenStyle(ACustomPenStyle: TBGRAPenStyle): boolean;
-function IsClearPenStyle(ACustomPenStyle: TBGRAPenStyle): boolean;
-function DuplicatePenStyle(ACustomPenStyle: array of single): TBGRAPenStyle;
-function PenStyleEqual(AStyle1, AStyle2: TBGRAPenStyle): boolean;
-function BGRAToPenStyle(ACustomPenStyle: TBGRAPenStyle): TPenStyle;
-function PenStyleToBGRA(APenStyle: TPenStyle): TBGRAPenStyle;
-uses math, BGRAClasses, BGRAPath;
-procedure BGRADrawLineAliased(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x1, y1, x2, y2: integer;
- c: TBGRAPixel; DrawLastPixel: boolean; ADrawMode: TDrawMode);
- dest.DrawLine(x1,y1,x2,y2, c,DrawLastPixel, ADrawMode);
-procedure BGRAEraseLineAliased(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x1, y1, x2,
- y2: integer; alpha: byte; DrawLastPixel: boolean);
- dest.EraseLine(x1,y1,x2,y2,alpha,DrawLastPixel);
-procedure BGRADrawLineAntialias(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x1, y1, x2, y2: integer;
- c: TBGRAPixel; DrawLastPixel: boolean; LinearBlend : boolean);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- if c.alpha = 0 then exit;
- if LinearBlend then
- dest.SolidBrush(b, c,dmLinearBlend)
- else
- dest.SolidBrush(b, c,dmDrawWithTransparency);
- dest.DrawLineAntialias(x1,y1,x2,y2, b,DrawLastPixel);
-procedure BGRAEraseLineAntialias(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x1, y1, x2,
- y2: integer; calpha: byte; DrawLastPixel: boolean);
- dest.EraseLineAntialias(x1,y1,x2,y2,calpha,DrawLastPixel);
-procedure BGRADrawLineAntialias(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x1, y1, x2, y2: integer;
- c1, c2: TBGRAPixel; dashLen: integer; DrawLastPixel: boolean; var DashPos: integer; LinearBlend : boolean);
- b1, b2: TUniversalBrush;
- if (c1.alpha=0) and (c2.alpha=0) then exit;
- if LinearBlend then
- begin
- dest.SolidBrush(b1, c1,dmLinearBlend);
- dest.SolidBrush(b2, c2,dmLinearBlend);
- end
- else
- begin
- dest.SolidBrush(b1, c1,dmDrawWithTransparency);
- dest.SolidBrush(b2, c2,dmDrawWithTransparency);
- end;
- dest.DrawLineAntialias(x1,y1,x2,y2, b1,b2, dashLen,dashPos,DrawLastPixel);
-function GetAlphaJoinFactor(alpha: byte): single;
-var t: single;
- if alpha = 255 then result := 1 else
- begin
- result := (power(20,alpha/255)-1)/19*0.5;
- t := power(alpha/255,40);
- result := result*(1-t)+t*0.82;
- end;
-function CreateBrushTexture(prototype: TBGRACustomBitmap; brushstyle: TBrushStyle;
- PatternColor, BackgroundColor: TBGRAPixel; width: integer = 8; height: integer = 8; penwidth: single = 1): TBGRACustomBitmap;
- result := prototype.CreateBrushTexture(brushstyle, PatternColor, BackgroundColor, width,height, penwidth);
-function IsSolidPenStyle(ACustomPenStyle: TBGRAPenStyle): boolean;
- result := ACustomPenStyle = nil;
-function IsClearPenStyle(ACustomPenStyle: TBGRAPenStyle): boolean;
- if (length(ACustomPenStyle)=1) and (ACustomPenStyle[0]=0) then
- result := true
- else
- result := false;
-function DuplicatePenStyle(ACustomPenStyle: array of single): TBGRAPenStyle;
- i: Integer;
- setlength(result,length(ACustomPenStyle));
- for i := 0 to high(result) do
- result[i]:= ACustomPenStyle[i];
-function BGRAToPenStyle(ACustomPenStyle: TBGRAPenStyle): TPenStyle;
- if IsSolidPenStyle(ACustomPenStyle) then exit(psSolid);
- if IsClearPenStyle(ACustomPenStyle) then exit(psClear);
- if PenStyleEqual(ACustomPenStyle, DashPenStyle) then exit(psDash);
- if PenStyleEqual(ACustomPenStyle, DotPenStyle) then exit(psDot);
- if PenStyleEqual(ACustomPenStyle, DashDotPenStyle) then exit(psDashDot);
- if PenStyleEqual(ACustomPenStyle, DashDotDotPenStyle) then exit(psDashDotDot);
- exit(psPattern);
-function PenStyleToBGRA(APenStyle: TPenStyle): TBGRAPenStyle;
- Case APenStyle of
- psSolid: result := SolidPenStyle;
- psDash: result := DashPenStyle;
- psDot: result := DotPenStyle;
- psDashDot: result := DashDotPenStyle;
- psDashDotDot: result := DashDotDotPenStyle;
- else result := ClearPenStyle;
- end;
-function PenStyleEqual(AStyle1, AStyle2: TBGRAPenStyle): boolean;
- i: Integer;
- if length(AStyle1)<>length(AStyle2) then exit(false);
- for i := 0 to high(AStyle1) do
- if AStyle1[i] <> AStyle2[i] then exit(false);
- exit(true);
-procedure ApplyPenStyle(const leftPts, rightPts: array of TPointF; const penstyle: TBGRAPenStyle;
- width: single; var posstyle: single; out styledPts: ArrayOfTPointF);
- styleIndex :integer;
- remainingDash: single;
- procedure NextStyleIndex;
- begin
- inc(styleIndex);
- if styleIndex = length(penstyle) then
- styleIndex := 0;
- IncF(remainingDash, penstyle[styleindex]);
- end;
- dashStartIndex: integer;
- dashLeftStartPos,dashRightStartPos : TPointF;
- betweenDash: boolean;
- procedure StartDash(index: integer; t: single);
- begin
- dashStartIndex := index;
- if t = 0 then
- begin
- dashLeftStartPos := leftPts[index];
- dashRightStartPos := rightPts[index];
- end else
- begin
- dashLeftStartPos := leftPts[index] + (leftPts[index+1]-leftPts[index])*t;
- dashRightStartPos := rightPts[index] + (rightPts[index+1]-rightPts[index])*t;
- end;
- betweenDash := false;
- end;
- nbStyled: integer;
- procedure AddPt(pt: TPointF);
- begin
- if (nbStyled = 0) or (pt <> styledPts[nbStyled-1]) then
- begin
- if nbStyled = length(styledPts) then
- setlength(styledPts,nbStyled*2+4);
- styledPts[nbStyled] := pt;
- inc(nbStyled);
- end;
- end;
- procedure StartPolygon;
- begin
- if nbStyled > 0 then AddPt(EmptyPointF);
- end;
- procedure EndDash(index: integer; t: single);
- var dashLeftEndPos,dashRightEndPos: TPointF;
- i: Integer;
- begin
- if t=0 then
- begin
- dashLeftEndPos := leftPts[index];
- dashRightEndPos := rightPts[index];
- end else
- begin
- dashLeftEndPos := leftPts[index] + (leftPts[index+1]-leftPts[index])*t;
- dashRightEndPos := rightPts[index] + (rightPts[index+1]-rightPts[index])*t;
- end;
- StartPolygon;
- AddPt(dashLeftStartPos);
- for i := dashStartIndex+1 to index do
- AddPt(leftPts[i]);
- AddPt(dashLeftEndPos);
- AddPt(dashRightEndPos);
- for i := index downto dashStartIndex+1 do
- AddPt(rightPts[i]);
- AddPt(dashRightStartPos);
- betweenDash := true;
- end;
- i,nb: integer;
- styleLength: single;
- len,lenDone: single;
- nbStyled := 0;
- styledPts := nil;
- if IsClearPenStyle(penstyle) then exit;
- if IsSolidPenStyle(penstyle) then
- begin
- for i := 0 to high(leftPts) do AddPt(leftPts[i]);
- for i := high(rightPts) downto 0 do AddPt(rightPts[i]);
- setlength(styledPts,nbStyled);
- exit;
- end;
- if length(leftPts) <> length(rightPts) then
- raise Exception.Create('Dimension mismatch');
- nb := length(leftPts);
- if length(penstyle) mod 2 <> 0 then
- raise Exception.Create('Pen style must contain an even number of values');
- styleLength := 0;
- styleIndex := -1;
- remainingDash := 0;
- betweenDash := false;
- for i := 0 to high(penstyle) do
- if penstyle[i] <= 0 then
- raise Exception.Create('Invalid pen dash length')
- else
- begin
- IncF(styleLength, penstyle[i]);
- if styleLength >= posstyle then
- begin
- styleIndex := i;
- remainingDash := styleLength-posstyle;
- break;
- end;
- end;
- if styleIndex = -1 then
- begin
- styleIndex := 0;
- remainingDash := penstyle[0];
- end;
- if styleIndex mod 2 = 0 then
- StartDash(0, 0) else
- betweenDash := true;
- for i := 0 to nb-2 do
- begin
- len := (sqrt(sqr(leftPts[i+1].x-leftPts[i].x) + sqr(leftPts[i+1].y-leftPts[i].y))+
- sqrt(sqr(rightPts[i+1].x-rightPts[i].x) + sqr(rightPts[i+1].y-rightPts[i].y)))/(2*width);
- lenDone := 0;
- while lenDone < len do
- begin
- if len-lenDone < remainingDash then
- begin
- DecF(remainingDash, len-lenDone);
- if remainingDash = 0 then NextStyleIndex;
- lenDone := len;
- end else
- if betweenDash then
- begin
- IncF(lenDone, remainingDash);
- StartDash(i, lenDone/len);
- remainingDash := 0;
- NextStyleIndex;
- end else
- begin
- IncF(lenDone, remainingDash);
- EndDash(i, lenDone/len);
- remainingDash := 0;
- NextStyleIndex;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if not betweenDash then
- EndDash(nb-1,0);
- setlength(styledPts,nbStyled);
-function ComputeWidePolylinePoints(const linepts: array of TPointF; width: single;
- pencolor: TBGRAPixel; linecap: TPenEndCap; joinstyle: TPenJoinStyle; const penstyle: TBGRAPenStyle;
- options: TBGRAPolyLineOptions; miterLimit: single; arrow: TBGRACustomArrow): ArrayOfTPointF;
-const oneOver512 = 1/512;
- startArrowPos, startArrowDir, endArrowPos, endArrowDir: TPointF;
- startArrowLinePos, endArrowLinePos: single;
- borders : array of record
- leftSide,rightSide: TLineDef;
- len: single;
- leftDir: TPointF;
- end;
- compPts: array of TPointF;
- nbCompPts: integer;
- revCompPts: array of TPointF;
- nbRevCompPts: integer;
- pts: array of TPointF;
- roundPrecision: integer;
- hw: single; //half-width
- procedure AddPt(normal,rev: TPointF); overload;
- begin
- if (nbCompPts > 0) and (compPts[nbCompPts-1]=normal) and
- (nbRevCompPts > 0) and (revCompPts[nbRevCompPts-1]=rev) then exit;
- if nbCompPts = length(compPts) then
- setlength(compPts, length(compPts)*2);
- compPts[nbCompPts] := normal;
- inc(nbCompPts);
- if nbRevCompPts = length(revCompPts) then
- setlength(revCompPts, length(revCompPts)*2);
- revCompPts[nbRevCompPts] := rev;
- inc(nbRevCompPts);
- end;
- procedure AddPt(xnormal,ynormal: single; xrev,yrev: single); overload;
- begin
- AddPt(PointF(xnormal,ynormal),PointF(xrev,yrev));
- end;
- procedure AddRoundCap(origin: TPointF; dir: TPointF; fromCenter: boolean; flipped: boolean= false);
- var i: integer;
- a,s,c: single;
- offset,flipvalue: single;
- begin
- if fromCenter then offset := 0 else offset := -Pi/2;
- if flipped then flipvalue := -1 else flipvalue := 1;
- for i := 1 to RoundPrecision do
- begin
- a := i/(RoundPrecision+1)*Pi/2 + offset;
- s := sin(a)*hw*flipvalue;
- c := cos(a)*hw;
- AddPt( PointF(origin.x+ dir.x*c - dir.y*s, origin.y + dir.y*c + dir.x*s),
- PointF(origin.x+ dir.x*c + dir.y*s, origin.y + dir.y*c - dir.x*s) );
- end;
- end;
- procedure AddRoundCapAlphaJoin(origin: TPointF; dir: TPointF; fromCenter: boolean; flipped: boolean= false);
- var i: integer;
- a,s,c: single;
- offset,flipvalue: single;
- t,alphaFactor: single; //antialiasing join
- begin
- if fromCenter then offset := 0 else offset := -Pi/2;
- if flipped then flipvalue := -1 else flipvalue := 1;
- alphaFactor := GetAlphaJoinFactor(pencolor.alpha);
- for i := 1 to RoundPrecision do
- begin
- a := i/(RoundPrecision+1)*Pi/2 + offset;
- s := sin(a)*hw*flipvalue;
- c := cos(a);
- t := (1 - c) * (0.2 + alphaFactor*0.3) + alphaFactor;
- c := c * hw;
- AddPt( PointF(origin.x+ dir.x*(c-t) - dir.y*s, origin.y + dir.y*(c-t) + dir.x*s),
- PointF(origin.x+ dir.x*(c-t) + dir.y*s, origin.y + dir.y*(c-t) - dir.x*s) );
- end;
- end;
- function ComputeRoundJoin(origin, pt1,pt2: TPointF): ArrayOfTPointF;
- var a1,a2: single;
- da: single;
- precision,i: integer;
- begin
- a1 := arctan2(pt1.y-origin.y,pt1.x-origin.x);
- a2 := arctan2(pt2.y-origin.y,pt2.x-origin.x);
- if a2-a1 > Pi then DecF(a2, 2*Pi);
- if a1-a2 > Pi then DecF(a1, 2*Pi);
- if a2=a1 then
- begin
- setlength(result,1);
- result[0] := pt1;
- exit;
- end;
- da := a2-a1;
- precision := round( sqrt( sqr(pt2.x-pt1.x)+sqr(pt2.y-pt1.y) ) ) +2;
- setlength(result,precision);
- for i := 0 to precision-1 do
- result[i] := origin + PointF( cos(a1+i/(precision-1)*da)*hw,
- sin(a1+i/(precision-1)*da)*hw );
- end;
- joinLeft,joinRight: array of TPointF;
- nbJoinLeft,nbJoinRight: integer;
- procedure SetJoinLeft(joinpts: array of TPointF);
- var i: integer;
- begin
- nbJoinLeft := length(joinpts);
- if length(joinLeft) < nbJoinLeft then setlength(joinLeft,length(joinLeft)+nbJoinLeft+2);
- for i := 0 to nbJoinLeft-1 do
- joinLeft[i] := joinpts[i];
- end;
- procedure SetJoinRight(joinpts: array of TPointF);
- var i: integer;
- begin
- nbJoinRight := length(joinpts);
- if length(joinRight) < nbJoinRight then setlength(joinRight,length(joinRight)+nbJoinRight+2);
- for i := 0 to nbJoinRight-1 do
- joinRight[i] := joinpts[i];
- end;
- procedure AddJoin(index: integer);
- var len,i: integer;
- begin
- len := nbJoinLeft;
- if nbJoinRight > len then
- len := nbJoinRight;
- if len = 0 then exit;
- if (len > 1) and (index <> -1) then
- begin
- if nbJoinLeft=1 then
- AddPt(joinLeft[0], joinLeft[0] - 2*borders[Index].leftDir) else
- if nbJoinRight=1 then
- AddPt( joinRight[0] + 2* borders[index].leftDir, joinRight[0]);
- end;
- for i := 0 to len-1 do
- begin
- AddPt(joinLeft[i*nbJoinLeft div len],
- joinRight[i*nbJoinRight div len]);
- end;
- if (len > 1) and (index <> -1) then
- begin
- if nbJoinLeft=1 then
- AddPt(joinLeft[0], joinLeft[0] - 2*borders[index+1].leftDir) else
- if nbJoinRight=1 then
- AddPt(joinRight[0]+2*borders[index+1].leftDir, joinRight[0]);
- end;
- end;
- NbPolyAcc: integer;
- procedure FlushLine(lastPointIndex: integer);
- var
- enveloppe: arrayOfTPointF;
- posstyle: single;
- i,idxInsert: Integer;
- begin
- if lastPointIndex <> -1 then
- AddPt( pts[lastPointIndex] + borders[lastPointIndex-1].leftDir,
- pts[lastPointIndex] - borders[lastPointIndex-1].leftDir);
- if (lastPointIndex = high(pts)) and (linecap = pecRound) and not (plNoEndCap in options) then
- begin
- if not (plRoundCapOpen in options) then
- AddRoundCap(pts[high(pts)],borders[high(pts)-1].leftSide.dir,false)
- else
- AddRoundCapAlphaJoin(pts[high(pts)],
- -borders[high(pts)-1].leftSide.dir, false,true);
- end;
- posstyle := 0;
- ApplyPenStyle(slice(compPts,nbCompPts),slice(revCompPts,nbRevCompPts),penstyle,width,posstyle,enveloppe);
- if Result=nil then
- begin
- Result := enveloppe;
- NbPolyAcc := length(enveloppe);
- end
- else
- if enveloppe <> nil then
- begin
- if NbPolyAcc +1+length(enveloppe) > length(Result) then
- setlength(Result, length(Result)*2+1+length(enveloppe));
- idxInsert := NbPolyAcc+1;
- Result[idxInsert-1] := EmptyPointF;
- for i := 0 to high(enveloppe) do
- Result[idxInsert+i]:= enveloppe[i];
- inc(NbPolyAcc, length(enveloppe)+1);
- end;
- nbCompPts := 0;
- nbRevCompPts := 0;
- end;
- procedure CycleFlush;
- var idx: integer;
- begin
- if Result = nil then
- begin
- if (nbCompPts > 1) and (nbRevCompPts > 1) then
- begin
- compPts[0] := compPts[nbCompPts-1];
- revCompPts[0] := revCompPts[nbRevCompPts-1];
- end;
- FlushLine(-1);
- end else
- begin
- if (nbCompPts >= 1) and (nbRevCompPts >= 1) and (NbPolyAcc >= 2) then
- begin
- Result[0] := compPts[nbCompPts-1];
- idx := 0;
- while (idx < high(Result)) and (not isEmptyPointF(Result[idx+1])) do inc(idx);
- Result[idx] := revCompPts[nbRevCompPts-1];
- end;
- FlushLine(-1);
- end;
- end;
- procedure FinalizeArray;
- var arrowStartData, arrowEndData: ArrayOfTPointF;
- finalNb,i,delta: integer;
- hasStart,hasEnd: boolean;
- begin
- if assigned(arrow) and not isEmptyPointF(startArrowPos) then
- arrowStartData := arrow.ComputeStartAt(startArrowPos, startArrowDir, width, startArrowLinePos)
- else
- arrowStartData := nil;
- if assigned(arrow) and not isEmptyPointF(endArrowPos) then
- arrowEndData := arrow.ComputeEndAt(endArrowPos, endArrowDir, width, endArrowLinePos)
- else
- arrowEndData := nil;
- hasStart := length(arrowStartData)>0;
- hasEnd := length(arrowEndData)>0;
- finalNb := NbPolyAcc;
- if hasStart then
- begin
- delta := length(arrowStartData)+1;
- inc(finalNb, delta);
- end else delta := 0;
- if hasEnd then inc(finalNb, length(arrowEndData)+1);
- SetLength(Result, finalNb);
- if hasStart then
- begin
- for i := NbPolyAcc-1 downto 0 do
- result[i+delta] := result[i];
- result[delta-1] := EmptyPointF;
- for i := 0 to high(arrowStartData) do
- result[i] := arrowStartData[i];
- end;
- if hasEnd then
- begin
- inc(delta, NbPolyAcc+1);
- result[delta-1] := EmptyPointF;
- for i := 0 to high(arrowEndData) do
- result[i+delta] := arrowEndData[i];
- end;
- end;
- i: integer;
- dir: TPointF;
- leftInter,rightInter,diff: TPointF;
- len,maxMiter: single;
- littleBorder: TLineDef;
- turn,maxDiff: single;
- nbPts: integer;
- ShouldFlushLine, HasLittleBorder, NormalRestart: Boolean;
- pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF;
- linePos: single;
- startArrowDone,endArrowDone: boolean;
- wantedStartArrowPos,wantedEndArrowPos: single;
- Result := nil;
- if (length(linepts)=0) or (width = 0) then exit;
- if IsClearPenStyle(penstyle) then exit;
- for i := 0 to high(linepts) do
- if isEmptyPointF(linepts[i]) then
- begin
- result := ComputeWidePolyPolylinePoints(linepts,width,pencolor,linecap,joinstyle,penstyle,options,miterLimit,arrow);
- exit;
- end;
- if (plAutoCycle in options) and (length(linepts) >= 2) and (linepts[0]=linepts[high(linepts)]) then
- options := options + [plCycle];
- if plNoEndCap in options then options := options - [plRoundCapOpen];
- hw := width / 2;
- case joinstyle of
- pjsBevel,pjsRound: maxMiter := hw*1.001;
- pjsMiter: if miterLimit < 1.001 then maxMiter := hw*1.001 else
- maxMiter := hw*miterLimit;
- else
- raise Exception.Create('Unknown join style');
- end;
- roundPrecision := round(hw)+2;
- nbPts := 0;
- setlength(pts, length(linepts)+2);
- for i := 0 to high(linepts) do
- if (nbPts = 0) or (abs(linepts[i].x-pts[nbPts-1].x)>oneOver512) or (abs(linepts[i].y-pts[nbPts-1].y)>oneOver512) then
- begin
- pts[nbPts]:= linePts[i];
- inc(nbPts);
- end;
- if (nbPts > 1) and (plCycle in options) and
- (abs(pts[0].x-pts[nbPts-1].x)<=oneOver512) and
- (abs(pts[0].y-pts[nbPts-1].y)<=oneOver512) then dec(nbPts);
- if (plCycle in options) and (nbPts > 2) then
- begin
- if (pts[nbPts-1] <> pts[0]) then
- begin
- pts[nbPts] := pts[0];
- inc(nbPts);
- end;
- pts[nbPts] := pts[1];
- inc(nbPts);
- end else
- exclude(options, plCycle);
- setlength(pts,nbPts);
- if nbPts = 1 then
- begin
- if (linecap <> pecFlat) and ((linecap <> pecRound) or not (plRoundCapOpen in options)) then
- result := ComputeEllipse(pts[0].x,pts[0].y,hw,hw);
- exit;
- end;
- startArrowDir := EmptyPointF;
- startArrowPos := EmptyPointF;
- endArrowDir := EmptyPointF;
- endArrowPos := EmptyPointF;
- if Assigned(arrow) then
- begin
- wantedStartArrowPos:= arrow.StartOffsetX;
- wantedEndArrowPos:= arrow.EndOffsetX;
- startArrowDone := not arrow.IsStartDefined;
- endArrowDone := not arrow.IsEndDefined;
- end
- else
- begin
- wantedStartArrowPos:= 0;
- wantedEndArrowPos:= 0;
- startArrowDone := true;
- endArrowDone := true;
- end;
- //init computed points arrays
- setlength(compPts, length(pts)*2+4);
- setlength(revCompPts, length(pts)*2+4); //reverse order array
- nbCompPts := 0;
- nbRevCompPts := 0;
- NbPolyAcc := 0;
- if not endArrowDone then
- begin
- wantedEndArrowPos:= -wantedEndArrowPos*width;
- linePos := 0;
- for i := high(pts) downto 1 do
- begin
- dir := pts[i-1]-pts[i];
- len := VectLen(dir);
- dir.Scale(1/len);
- if not endArrowDone and (linePos+len >= wantedEndArrowPos) then
- begin
- endArrowPos := pts[i];
- endArrowDir := -dir;
- endArrowLinePos := -linePos/width;
- endArrowDone := true;
- break;
- end;
- IncF(linePos, len);
- end;
- end;
- wantedStartArrowPos:= -wantedStartArrowPos*width;
- linePos := 0;
- //compute borders
- setlength(borders, length(pts)-1);
- for i := 0 to high(pts)-1 do
- begin
- dir := pts[i+1]-pts[i];
- len := VectLen(dir);
- dir.Scale(1/len);
- if not startArrowDone and (linePos+len >= wantedStartArrowPos) then
- begin
- startArrowPos := pts[i];
- startArrowDir := -dir;
- startArrowLinePos := -linePos/width;
- startArrowDone := true;
- end;
- if (linecap = pecSquare) and ((not (plNoStartCap in options) and (i=0)) or
- (not (plNoEndCap in options) and (i=high(pts)-1))) then //for square cap, just start and end further
- begin
- if i=0 then
- pts[0].Offset(dir*(-hw));
- if (i=high(pts)-1) then
- pts[high(pts)].Offset(dir*hw);
- //length changed
- dir := pts[i+1]-pts[i];
- len := VectLen(dir);
- dir.Scale(1/len);
- end else
- if not (plNoStartCap in options) and (linecap = pecRound) and (i=0) and not (plCycle in options) then
- AddRoundCap(pts[0], -dir ,true);
- borders[i].len := len;
- borders[i].leftDir := PointF(dir.y*hw,-dir.x*hw);
- borders[i].leftSide.origin := pts[i] + borders[i].leftDir;
- borders[i].leftSide.dir := dir;
- borders[i].rightSide.origin := pts[i] - borders[i].leftDir;
- borders[i].rightSide.dir := dir;
- IncF(linePos, len);
- end;
- //first points
- AddPt( pts[0] + borders[0].leftDir,
- pts[0] - borders[0].leftDir );
- setlength(joinLeft,1);
- setlength(joinRight,1);
- ShouldFlushLine := False;
- //between first and last points
- for i := 0 to high(pts)-2 do
- begin
- HasLittleBorder := false;
- //determine u-turn
- turn := borders[i].leftSide.dir * borders[i+1].leftSide.dir;
- if turn < -0.99999 then
- begin
- if joinstyle <> pjsRound then
- begin
- littleBorder.origin := pts[i+1] + borders[i].leftSide.dir*maxMiter;
- littleBorder.dir := borders[i].leftDir;
- HasLittleBorder := true;
- nbJoinLeft := 0;
- nbJoinRight:= 0;
- ShouldFlushLine := True;
- end else
- begin
- pt1 := pts[i+1] + borders[i].leftDir;
- pt2 := pts[i+1] + borders[i].leftSide.dir*hw;
- SetJoinLeft(ComputeRoundJoin(pts[i+1],pt1,pt2));
- pt1 := pts[i+1] - borders[i].leftDir;
- SetJoinRight(ComputeRoundJoin(pts[i+1],pt1,pt2));
- AddJoin(-1);
- FlushLine(-1);
- nbJoinLeft := 0;
- nbJoinRight:= 0;
- AddPt(pts[i+1]+borders[i+1].leftDir,
- pts[i+1]-borders[i+1].leftDir);
- end;
- end else
- if turn > 0.99999 then //straight line
- begin
- pt1 := pts[i+1] + borders[i].leftDir;
- pt2 := pts[i+2] + borders[i+1].leftDir;
- SetJoinLeft([pt1, (pt1+pt2)*(1/2),pt2]);
- pt1 := pts[i+1] - borders[i].leftDir;
- pt2 := pts[i+2] - borders[i+1].leftDir;
- SetJoinRight([pt1,(pt1+pt2)*(1/2),pt2]);
- end else
- begin
- //determine turning left or right
- turn := borders[i].leftSide.dir.x*borders[i+1].leftSide.dir.y - borders[i].leftSide.dir.y*borders[i+1].leftSide.dir.x;
- maxDiff := borders[i].len;
- if borders[i+1].len < maxDiff then
- maxDiff := borders[i+1].len;
- if penstyle <> nil then
- if maxDiff > 2*width then maxDiff := 2*width;
- maxDiff := sqrt(sqr(maxDiff)+sqr(hw));
- //leftside join
- leftInter := IntersectLine( borders[i].leftSide, borders[i+1].leftSide );
- diff := leftInter-pts[i+1];
- len := sqrt(diff*diff);
- if (len > maxMiter) and (turn >= 0) then //if miter too far
- begin
- diff.Scale(1/len);
- if joinstyle <> pjsRound then
- begin
- //compute little border
- littleBorder.origin := pts[i+1]+diff*maxMiter;
- littleBorder.dir := PointF(diff.y,-diff.x);
- HasLittleBorder := true;
- //intersect with each border
- pt1 := IntersectLine(borders[i].leftSide, littleBorder);
- pt2 := IntersectLine(borders[i+1].leftSide, littleBorder);
- SetJoinLeft( [pt1, pt2] );
- end else
- begin
- //perpendicular
- pt1 := PointF(pts[i+1].x+borders[i].leftSide.dir.y*hw,
- pts[i+1].y-borders[i].leftSide.dir.x*hw);
- pt2 := PointF(pts[i+1].x+borders[i+1].leftSide.dir.y*hw,
- pts[i+1].y-borders[i+1].leftSide.dir.x*hw);
- SetJoinLeft(ComputeRoundJoin(pts[i+1],pt1,pt2));
- end;
- end else
- if (len > maxDiff) and (turn <= 0) then //if inner intersection too far
- begin
- ShouldFlushLine := True;
- nbJoinLeft := 0;
- end else
- begin
- if (turn > 0) and (len > 1.0001*hw) then
- SetJoinLeft([leftInter,leftInter]) else
- begin
- nbJoinLeft := 1;
- joinLeft[0] := leftInter;
- end;
- end;
- //rightside join
- rightInter := IntersectLine( borders[i].rightSide, borders[i+1].rightSide );
- diff := rightInter-pts[i+1];
- len := VectLen(diff);
- if (len > maxMiter) and (turn <= 0) then //if miter too far
- begin
- diff.Scale(1/len);
- if joinstyle <> pjsRound then
- begin
- //compute little border
- littleBorder.origin := pts[i+1] + diff*maxMiter;
- littleBorder.dir := PointF(diff.y, -diff.x);
- HasLittleBorder := true;
- //intersect with each border
- pt1 := IntersectLine(borders[i].rightSide, littleBorder);
- pt2 := IntersectLine(borders[i+1].rightSide, littleBorder);
- SetJoinRight( [pt1, pt2] );
- end else
- begin
- //perpendicular
- pt1 := PointF(pts[i+1].x-borders[i].rightSide.dir.y*hw,
- pts[i+1].y+borders[i].rightSide.dir.x*hw);
- pt2 := PointF(pts[i+1].x-borders[i+1].rightSide.dir.y*hw,
- pts[i+1].y+borders[i+1].rightSide.dir.x*hw);
- SetJoinRight(ComputeRoundJoin(pts[i+1],pt1,pt2));
- end;
- end else
- if (len > maxDiff) and (turn >= 0) then //if inner intersection too far
- begin
- ShouldFlushLine := True;
- nbJoinRight := 0;
- end else
- begin
- if (turn < 0) and (len > 1.0001*hw) then
- SetJoinRight([rightInter,rightInter]) else
- begin
- nbJoinRight := 1;
- joinRight[0] := rightInter;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if ShouldFlushLine then
- begin
- NormalRestart := True;
- if HasLittleBorder then
- begin
- if turn >= 0 then
- begin
- //intersect with each border
- pt1 := IntersectLine(borders[i].leftSide, littleBorder);
- pt2 := IntersectLine(borders[i+1].leftSide, littleBorder);
- pt3 := pts[i+1] - borders[i].leftDir;
- pt4 := pts[i+1] + borders[i].leftDir;
- AddPt(pt4,pt3);
- AddPt(pt1,pt2);
- end else
- begin
- //intersect with each border
- pt1 := IntersectLine(borders[i+1].rightSide, littleBorder);
- pt2 := IntersectLine(borders[i].rightSide, littleBorder);
- pt3 := pts[i+1] + borders[i].leftDir;
- pt4 := pts[i+1] - borders[i].leftDir;
- AddPt(pt3,pt4);
- AddPt(pt1,pt2);
- end;
- FlushLine(-1);
- AddPt(pt2,pt1);
- end else
- if joinstyle = pjsRound then
- begin
- if {(penstyle= nil) and} (turn > 0) then
- begin
- pt1 := pts[i+1] + borders[i].leftDir;
- pt2 := pts[i+1] + borders[i+1].leftDir;
- pt3 := pts[i+1] - borders[i].leftDir;
- pt4 := pts[i+1];
- SetJoinLeft([pt1,pt1]);
- SetJoinRight([pt3,pt4]);
- AddJoin(-1);
- SetJoinLeft(ComputeRoundJoin(pts[i+1],pt1,pt2));
- nbJoinRight := 1;
- joinRight[0] := pt4;
- AddJoin(-1);
- FlushLine(-1);
- end else
- if {(penstyle= nil) and} (turn < 0) then
- begin
- pt1 := pts[i+1] - borders[i].leftDir;
- pt2 := pts[i+1] - borders[i+1].leftDir;
- pt3 := pts[i+1] + borders[i].leftDir;
- pt4 := pts[i+1];
- SetJoinRight([pt1,pt1]);
- SetJoinLeft([pt3,pt4]);
- AddJoin(-1);
- SetJoinRight(ComputeRoundJoin(pts[i+1],pt1,pt2));
- nbJoinLeft := 1;
- joinLeft[0] := pt4;
- AddJoin(-1);
- FlushLine(-1);
- end else
- if (nbCompPts > 1) and (nbRevCompPts > 1) then
- begin
- pt1 := pts[i+1]+borders[i].leftDir;
- pt2 := pts[i+1]-borders[i].leftDir;
- AddPt( pt1, pt2 );
- FlushLine(-1);
- end else
- begin
- FlushLine(i+1);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- FlushLine(i+1);
- if turn > 0 then
- AddPt( leftInter, pts[i+1]+borders[i].leftDir ) else
- if turn < 0 then
- AddPt( pts[i+1] - borders[i].leftDir, rightInter );
- end;
- If NormalRestart then
- AddPt(pts[i+1]+borders[i+1].leftDir,
- pts[i+1]-borders[i+1].leftDir);
- ShouldFlushLine := false;
- end else
- AddJoin(i);
- end;
- if plCycle in options then
- CycleFlush
- else
- FlushLine(high(pts));
- FinalizeArray;
-function ComputeWidePolyPolylinePoints(const linepts: array of TPointF;
- width: single; pencolor: TBGRAPixel; linecap: TPenEndCap;
- joinstyle: TPenJoinStyle; const penstyle: TBGRAPenStyle;
- options: TBGRAPolyLineOptions; miterLimit: single; arrow: TBGRACustomArrow): ArrayOfTPointF;
- results: array of array of TPointF;
- nbResults,nbTotalPts: integer;
- procedure AddWidePolyline(startIndex,endIndexP1: integer);
- var
- tempWidePolyline: array of TPointF;
- subPts: array of TPointF;
- j : integer;
- begin
- if endIndexP1 > startIndex then
- begin
- setlength(subPts,endIndexP1-startIndex);
- for j := startIndex to endIndexP1-1 do
- subPts[j-startIndex] := linepts[j];
- tempWidePolyline := ComputeWidePolylinePoints(subPts,width,pencolor,linecap,joinstyle,penstyle,options,miterLimit,arrow);
- if length(results) = nbresults then
- setlength(results,(nbresults+1)*2);
- results[nbResults] := tempWidePolyline;
- if nbResults <> 0 then inc(nbTotalPts);
- inc(nbResults);
- inc(nbTotalPts,length(tempWidePolyline));
- end;
- end;
- start,i,j: integer;
- start := 0;
- nbResults := 0;
- nbTotalPts := 0;
- for i := 0 to high(linepts) do
- if isEmptyPointF(linepts[i]) then
- begin
- AddWidePolyline(start,i);
- start := i+1;
- end;
- AddWidePolyline(start,length(linepts));
- setlength(result, nbTotalPts);
- start := 0;
- for i := 0 to nbResults-1 do
- begin
- if i <> 0 then
- begin
- result[start] := EmptyPointF;
- inc(start);
- end;
- for j := 0 to high(results[i]) do
- begin
- result[start] := results[i][j];
- inc(start);
- end;
- end;
-{ TBGRAPenStroker }
-function TBGRAPenStroker.GetArrow: TBGRACustomArrow;
- result := FArrow;
-function TBGRAPenStroker.GetArrowOwned: boolean;
- result := FArrowOwned;
-function TBGRAPenStroker.GetCustomPenStyle: TBGRAPenStyle;
- result := DuplicatePenStyle(FCustomPenStyle);
-function TBGRAPenStroker.GetJoinStyle: TPenJoinStyle;
- result := FJoinStyle;
-function TBGRAPenStroker.GetLineCap: TPenEndCap;
- result := FLineCap;
-function TBGRAPenStroker.GetMiterLimit: single;
- result := FMiterLimit;
-function TBGRAPenStroker.GetPenStyle: TPenStyle;
- result := FPenStyle;
-function TBGRAPenStroker.GetStrokeMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- result := FOriginalStrokeMatrix;
-procedure TBGRAPenStroker.SetArrow(AValue: TBGRACustomArrow);
- FArrow := AValue;
-procedure TBGRAPenStroker.SetArrowOwned(AValue: boolean);
- FArrowOwned := AValue;
-procedure TBGRAPenStroker.SetCustomPenStyle(AValue: TBGRAPenStyle);
- if PenStyleEqual(FCustomPenStyle,AValue) then Exit;
- FCustomPenStyle:= DuplicatePenStyle(AValue);
- FPenStyle:= BGRAToPenStyle(AValue);
-procedure TBGRAPenStroker.SetJoinStyle(AValue: TPenJoinStyle);
- FJoinStyle:= AValue;
-procedure TBGRAPenStroker.SetLineCap(AValue: TPenEndCap);
- FLineCap:= AValue;
-procedure TBGRAPenStroker.SetMiterLimit(AValue: single);
- FMiterLimit := AValue;
-procedure TBGRAPenStroker.SetStrokeMatrix(const AValue: TAffineMatrix);
- if FOriginalStrokeMatrix=AValue then Exit;
- FOriginalStrokeMatrix:=AValue;
- FStrokeMatrix := AValue;
- FStrokeMatrix[1,3] := 0;
- FStrokeMatrix[2,3] := 0;
- FStrokeZoom := max(VectLen(PointF(FStrokeMatrix[1,1],FStrokeMatrix[2,1])),
- VectLen(PointF(FStrokeMatrix[1,2],FStrokeMatrix[2,2])));
- if FStrokeZoom > 0 then
- FStrokeMatrix := FStrokeMatrix * AffineMatrixScale(1/FStrokeZoom,1/FStrokeZoom);
- if IsAffineMatrixInversible(FStrokeMatrix) then
- FStrokeMatrixInverse := AffineMatrixInverse(FStrokeMatrix)
- else
- begin
- FStrokeMatrixInverse := AffineMatrixIdentity;
- FStrokeMatrix := AffineMatrixIdentity;
- end;
- FStrokeMatrixIdentity := IsAffineMatrixIdentity(FStrokeMatrix);
-procedure TBGRAPenStroker.SetPenStyle(AValue: TPenStyle);
- if (FPenStyle=AValue) or (AValue=psPattern) then Exit;
- FCustomPenStyle := PenStyleToBGRA(AValue);
- FPenStyle := AValue;
-constructor TBGRAPenStroker.Create;
- Style := psSolid;
- LineCap := pecRound;
- JoinStyle := pjsBevel;
- MiterLimit := 2;
- fillchar(FOriginalStrokeMatrix,sizeof(FOriginalStrokeMatrix),0);
- StrokeMatrix := AffineMatrixIdentity;
-destructor TBGRAPenStroker.Destroy;
- if ArrowOwned then FreeAndNil(FArrow);
- inherited Destroy;
-function TBGRAPenStroker.ComputePolyline(const APoints: array of TPointF;
- AWidth: single; AClosedCap: boolean): ArrayOfTPointF;
- c: TBGRAPixel;
- if not AClosedCap then
- c := BGRAWhite //needed for alpha junction
- else
- c := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- if FStrokeMatrixIdentity then
- result := ComputePolyline(APoints,AWidth*FStrokeZoom,c,AClosedCap)
- else
- result := FStrokeMatrix*ComputePolyline(FStrokeMatrixInverse*APoints,AWidth*FStrokeZoom,c,AClosedCap);
-function TBGRAPenStroker.ComputePolyline(const APoints: array of TPointF;
- AWidth: single; APenColor: TBGRAPixel; AClosedCap: boolean): ArrayOfTPointF;
-var options: TBGRAPolyLineOptions;
- options := [];
- if Assigned(Arrow) and Arrow.IsStartDefined then include(options, plNoStartCap);
- if Assigned(Arrow) and Arrow.IsEndDefined then include(options, plNoEndCap);
- if not AClosedCap then include(options, plRoundCapOpen);
- if FStrokeMatrixIdentity then
- result := BGRAPen.ComputeWidePolylinePoints(APoints, AWidth*FStrokeZoom, APenColor, LineCap, JoinStyle, CustomPenStyle, options, MiterLimit, Arrow)
- else
- result := FStrokeMatrix*BGRAPen.ComputeWidePolylinePoints(FStrokeMatrixInverse*APoints, AWidth*FStrokeZoom, APenColor, LineCap, JoinStyle, CustomPenStyle, options, MiterLimit, Arrow);
-function TBGRAPenStroker.ComputePolylineAutocycle(
- const APoints: array of TPointF; AWidth: single): ArrayOfTPointF;
-var options: TBGRAPolyLineOptions;
- options := [plAutoCycle];
- if Assigned(Arrow) and Arrow.IsStartDefined then include(options, plNoStartCap);
- if Assigned(Arrow) and Arrow.IsEndDefined then include(options, plNoEndCap);
- if FStrokeMatrixIdentity then
- result := BGRAPen.ComputeWidePolylinePoints(APoints, AWidth*FStrokeZoom, BGRAPixelTransparent, LineCap, JoinStyle, CustomPenStyle, options, MiterLimit, Arrow)
- else
- result := FStrokeMatrix*BGRAPen.ComputeWidePolylinePoints(FStrokeMatrixInverse*APoints, AWidth*FStrokeZoom, BGRAPixelTransparent, LineCap, JoinStyle, CustomPenStyle, options, MiterLimit, Arrow)
-function TBGRAPenStroker.ComputePolygon(const APoints: array of TPointF;
- AWidth: single): ArrayOfTPointF;
- if FStrokeMatrixIdentity then
- result := BGRAPen.ComputeWidePolylinePoints(APoints, AWidth*FStrokeZoom, BGRAPixelTransparent, LineCap, JoinStyle, CustomPenStyle, [plCycle], MiterLimit)
- else
- result := FStrokeMatrix*BGRAPen.ComputeWidePolylinePoints(FStrokeMatrixInverse*APoints, AWidth*FStrokeZoom, BGRAPixelTransparent, LineCap, JoinStyle, CustomPenStyle, [plCycle], MiterLimit);
- //special pen styles
- SolidPenStyle := nil;
- setlength(ClearPenStyle,1);
- ClearPenStyle[0] := 0;
- DashPenStyle := BGRAPenStyle(3,1);
- DotPenStyle := BGRAPenStyle(1,1);
- DashDotPenStyle := BGRAPenStyle(3,1,1,1);
- DashDotDotPenStyle := BGRAPenStyle(3,1,1,1,1,1);
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgraphongtypes.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgraphongtypes.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index e5e86ea..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgraphongtypes.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAPhongTypes;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BGRABitmapTypes;
-{ TCustomPhongShading }
- TCustomPhongShading = class
- protected
- FLightPosition3D: TPoint3D;
- function GetLightPosition: TPoint;
- procedure SetLightPosition(AValue: TPoint);
- function GetLightPositionF: TPointF;
- procedure SetLightPositionF(AValue: TPointF);
- function GetLightPositionZ: integer;
- procedure SetLightPositionZ(AValue: integer);
- public
- { Render the specified map on the destination bitmap with one solid color. Map altitude
- indicate the global height of the map. }
- procedure Draw(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; map: TBGRACustomBitmap; mapAltitude: single; ofsX,ofsY: integer;
- Color : TBGRAPixel); overload; virtual; abstract;
- { Render with a color map of the same size as the height map. Map altitude
- indicate the global height of the map. }
- procedure Draw(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; map: TBGRACustomBitmap; mapAltitude: single; ofsX,ofsY: integer;
- ColorMap : TBGRACustomBitmap); overload; virtual; abstract;
- { Render with a scanner. Map altitude
- indicate the global height of the map. }
- procedure DrawScan(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; map: TBGRACustomBitmap; mapAltitude: single; ofsX,ofsY: integer;
- ColorScan : IBGRAScanner); virtual; abstract;
- property LightPosition: TPoint read GetLightPosition write SetLightPosition;
- property LightPositionZ: integer read GetLightPositionZ write SetLightPositionZ;
- property LightPositionF: TPointF read GetLightPositionF write SetLightPositionF;
- property LightPosition3D: TPoint3D read FLightPosition3D write FLightPosition3D;
- end;
-{ TCustomPhongShading }
-function TCustomPhongShading.GetLightPositionF: TPointF;
- result := PointF(FLightPosition3D.X,FLightPosition3D.Y);
-procedure TCustomPhongShading.SetLightPositionF(AValue: TPointF);
- FLightPosition3D.X := AValue.X;
- FLightPosition3D.Y := AValue.Y;
-function TCustomPhongShading.GetLightPosition: TPoint;
- result := Point(round(FLightPosition3D.X),round(FLightPosition3D.Y));
-procedure TCustomPhongShading.SetLightPosition(AValue: TPoint);
- FLightPosition3D.X := AValue.X;
- FLightPosition3D.Y := AValue.Y;
-function TCustomPhongShading.GetLightPositionZ: integer;
- result := round(FLightPosition3D.Z);
-procedure TCustomPhongShading.SetLightPositionZ(AValue: integer);
- FLightPosition3D.Z := AValue;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgraphoxo.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgraphoxo.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index b9a51f7..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgraphoxo.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,602 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAPhoxo;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRABitmapTypes, FPImage, BGRALayers, BGRABitmap, BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BMPcomn;
- PhoxoHeaderMagic : packed array[1..4] of char = 'oXo ';
- PhoxoBlock_CanvasSize = 1;
- PhoxoBlock_Layer = 2;
- PhoxoBlock_TextLayer = 3;
- PhoxoBlock_DPI = 4;
- PhoxoBlock_LayerCaption = 5;
- PhoxoBlock_LazPaintBlendMode = 128;
- PhoxoBlock_EndOfFile = 255;
- TPhoxoHeader = packed record
- magic: packed array[1..4] of char;
- version: LongWord;
- end;
- TPhoxoBlockHeader = packed record
- blockType : LongWord;
- blockSize : LongWord;
- end;
- TPhoxoLayerHeader = packed record
- layerVisible: LongWord;
- layerLimited: LongWord;
- opacityPercent: LongWord;
- bmpHeader: TBitMapInfoHeader;
- redMask,greenMask,blueMask: LongWord;
- end;
- { TBGRAPhoxoDocument }
- TBGRAPhoxoDocument = class(TBGRALayeredBitmap)
- private
- FDPIX,FDPIY: integer;
- protected
- function GetMimeType: string; override;
- procedure AddLayerFromPhoxoData(const ABlockHeader: TPhoxoBlockHeader; ABlockData: PByte);
- procedure InternalLoadFromStream(AStream: TStream);
- procedure InternalSaveToStream(AStream: TStream);
- public
- constructor Create; overload; override;
- constructor Create(AWidth, AHeight: integer); overload; override;
- procedure LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream); override;
- procedure LoadFromFile(const filenameUTF8: string); override;
- procedure SaveToStream(AStream: TStream); override;
- procedure SaveToFile(const filenameUTF8: string); override;
- class function CheckFormat(Stream: TStream; ARestorePosition: boolean): boolean; static;
- class function ReadBlock(Stream: TStream; out AHeader: TPhoxoBlockHeader; out ABlockData: PByte): boolean; static;
- property DPIX: integer read FDPIX;
- property DPIY: integer read FDPIY;
- end;
- { TBGRAReaderOXO }
- TBGRAReaderOXO = class(TFPCustomImageReader)
- private
- FWidth,FHeight,FNbLayers: integer;
- FDPIX,FDPIY: integer;
- protected
- function InternalCheck(Stream: TStream): boolean; override;
- procedure InternalRead(Stream: TStream; Img: TFPCustomImage); override;
- public
- property Width: integer read FWidth;
- property Height: integer read FHeight;
- property NbLayers: integer read FNbLayers;
- property DPIX: integer read FDPIX;
- property DPIY: integer read FDPIY;
- end;
- { TBGRAWriterOXO }
- TBGRAWriterOXO = class(TFPCustomImageWriter)
- protected
- procedure InternalWrite (Str:TStream; Img:TFPCustomImage); override;
- end;
-procedure RegisterPhoxoFormat;
-uses BGRAUTF8;
-var AlreadyRegistered: boolean;
-function ComputeRowStride(AWidth,ABitsPerPixel: Longword): Longword;
- result := ((AWidth * ABitsPerPixel + 31) div 32)*4;
-procedure SwapLayerHeaderIfNeeded(var ALayerHeader: TPhoxoLayerHeader);
- with ALayerHeader do
- begin
- layerVisible := LEtoN(layerVisible);
- layerLimited := LEtoN(layerLimited);
- opacityPercent := LEtoN(opacityPercent);
- {$IFNDEF ENDIAN_LITTLE}SwapBMPInfoHeader(bmpHeader);{$ENDIF}
- end;
-procedure RegisterPhoxoFormat;
- if AlreadyRegistered then exit;
- ImageHandlers.RegisterImageReader ('PhoXo', 'oXo', TBGRAReaderOXO);
- RegisterLayeredBitmapReader('oXo', TBGRAPhoxoDocument);
- RegisterLayeredBitmapWriter('oXo', TBGRAPhoxoDocument);
- DefaultBGRAImageReader[ifPhoxo] := TBGRAReaderOXO;
- DefaultBGRAImageWriter[ifPhoxo] := TBGRAWriterOXO;
- AlreadyRegistered:= True;
-{ TBGRAWriterOXO }
-procedure TBGRAWriterOXO.InternalWrite(Str: TStream; Img: TFPCustomImage);
-var doc: TBGRAPhoxoDocument;
- tempBmp: TBGRABitmap;
- x,y: integer;
- doc := TBGRAPhoxoDocument.Create;
- if Img is TBGRABitmap then doc.AddLayer(Img as TBGRABitmap) else
- begin
- tempBmp := TBGRABitmap.Create(img.Width,img.Height);
- for y := 0 to Img.Height-1 do
- for x := 0 to img.Width-1 do
- tempBmp.SetPixel(x,y, FPColorToBGRA(img.Colors[x,y]));
- doc.AddOwnedLayer(tempBmp);
- end;
- doc.SaveToStream(Str);
- doc.Free;
-{ TBGRAReaderOXO }
-function TBGRAReaderOXO.InternalCheck(Stream: TStream): boolean;
- result := TBGRAPhoxoDocument.CheckFormat(Stream,True);
-procedure TBGRAReaderOXO.InternalRead(Stream: TStream; Img: TFPCustomImage);
-var layeredImage: TBGRAPhoxoDocument;
- flat: TBGRABitmap;
- x,y: integer;
- FWidth := 0;
- FHeight:= 0;
- FNbLayers:= 0;
- FDPIX := 0;
- FDPIY := 0;
- layeredImage := TBGRAPhoxoDocument.Create;
- try
- layeredImage.LoadFromStream(Stream);
- flat := layeredImage.ComputeFlatImage;
- try
- FWidth:= layeredImage.Width;
- FHeight:= layeredImage.Height;
- FNbLayers:= layeredImage.NbLayers;
- FDPIX := layeredImage.DPIX;
- FDPIY := layeredImage.DPIY;
- if Img is TBGRACustomBitmap then
- TBGRACustomBitmap(img).Assign(flat)
- else
- begin
- Img.SetSize(flat.Width,flat.Height);
- for y := 0 to flat.Height-1 do
- for x := 0 to flat.Width-1 do
- Img.Colors[x,y] := BGRAToFPColor(flat.GetPixel(x,y));
- end;
- finally
- flat.free;
- end;
- finally
- layeredImage.Free;
- end;
-{ TBGRAPhoxoDocument }
-function TBGRAPhoxoDocument.GetMimeType: string;
- Result:= 'image/phoxo';
-procedure TBGRAPhoxoDocument.AddLayerFromPhoxoData(
- const ABlockHeader: TPhoxoBlockHeader; ABlockData: PByte);
- layerHeader: TPhoxoLayerHeader;
- rawImageSize: LongWord;
- rowStride: LongWord;
- remaining: LongWord;
- bmp: TBGRABitmap;
- layerIndex,y,x: integer;
- pSrc: PByte;
- pDest: PBGRAPixel;
- remaining := ABlockHeader.blockSize;
- if remaining < sizeof(TPhoxoLayerHeader) then raise EFormatError.Create('Block too small');
- move(ABlockData^, {%H-}layerHeader, sizeof(layerHeader));
- inc(ABlockData, sizeof(layerHeader));
- dec(remaining, sizeof(layerHeader));
- SwapLayerHeaderIfNeeded(layerHeader);
- if layerHeader.bmpHeader.Compression <> BI_RGB then raise EFormatError.Create('Compression not supported');
- if (layerHeader.bmpHeader.Width < 0) or (layerHeader.bmpHeader.Height < 0) then
- raise EFormatError.Create('Invalid image size');
- if int64(layerHeader.bmpHeader.Width)*layerHeader.bmpHeader.Height > maxLongint div 4 then
- raise EOutOfMemory.Create('Image too big');
- rowStride := ComputeRowStride(layerHeader.bmpHeader.Width,layerHeader.bmpHeader.BitCount);
- rawImageSize := rowStride * layerHeader.bmpHeader.Height;
- if rawImageSize > remaining then
- raise EFormatError.Create('Invalid image size');
- bmp := TBGRABitmap.Create(layerHeader.bmpHeader.Width, layerHeader.bmpHeader.Height);
- layerIndex := AddOwnedLayer(bmp, (layerHeader.opacityPercent*255 + 50) div 100);
- LayerVisible[layerIndex] := (layerHeader.layerVisible = 1);
- case layerHeader.bmpHeader.BitCount of
- 8: begin
- for y := bmp.Height-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- pSrc := ABlockData + (bmp.Height-1 - y)*rowStride;
- pDest := bmp.ScanLine[y];
- for x := bmp.Width-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- pDest^ := BGRA(pSrc^,pSrc^,pSrc^);
- inc(pDest);
- inc(pSrc,3);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- 24: begin
- for y := bmp.Height-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- pSrc := ABlockData + (bmp.Height-1 - y)*rowStride;
- pDest := bmp.ScanLine[y];
- for x := bmp.Width-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- pDest^ := BGRA((pSrc+2)^,(pSrc+1)^,pSrc^);
- inc(pDest);
- inc(pSrc,3);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- 32: begin
- move(ABlockData^, bmp.Data^, sizeof(TBGRAPixel)*bmp.NbPixels);
- if bmp.LineOrder = riloTopToBottom then bmp.VerticalFlip;
- if TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder then bmp.SwapRedBlue;
- end;
- else
- raise EFormatError.Create('Unsupported bit depth');
- end;
- inc(ABlockData, rawImageSize);
- dec(remaining, rawImageSize);
- if remaining >= 8 then
- begin
- LayerOffset[layerIndex] := Point(LEtoN(PLongInt(ABlockData)^),LEtoN((PLongInt(ABlockData)+1)^));
- inc(ABlockData, 8);
- dec(remaining, 8);
- end;
-constructor TBGRAPhoxoDocument.Create;
- inherited Create;
- RegisterPhoxoFormat;
-constructor TBGRAPhoxoDocument.Create(AWidth, AHeight: integer);
- inherited Create(AWidth, AHeight);
- RegisterPhoxoFormat;
-procedure TBGRAPhoxoDocument.LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream);
- OnLayeredBitmapLoadFromStreamStart;
- try
- InternalLoadFromStream(AStream);
- finally
- OnLayeredBitmapLoaded;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAPhoxoDocument.InternalLoadFromStream(AStream: TStream);
-var blockHeader: TPhoxoBlockHeader;
- blockData: PByte;
- wCaption: widestring;
- i: Integer;
- if not CheckFormat(AStream,False) then
- raise EFormatError.Create('File header is invalid');
- Clear;
- FDPIX := 0;
- FDPIY := 0;
- blockData := nil;
- repeat
- if not ReadBlock(AStream, blockHeader,blockData) then
- begin
- if NbLayers = 0 then
- raise EFormatError.Create('Error reading block from file')
- else
- break;
- end;
- try
- case blockHeader.blockType of
- PhoxoBlock_CanvasSize:
- begin
- if blockHeader.blockSize < 8 then raise EFormatError.Create('Block too small');
- SetSize(LEtoN(PLongWord(blockData)^),LEtoN((PLongWord(blockData)+1)^));
- end;
- PhoxoBlock_DPI:
- begin
- if blockHeader.blockSize >= 8 then
- begin
- FDPIX := LEtoN(PLongWord(blockData)^);
- FDPIY := LEtoN((PLongWord(blockData)+1)^);
- end;
- end;
- PhoxoBlock_Layer, PhoxoBlock_TextLayer:
- AddLayerFromPhoxoData(blockHeader,blockData);
- PhoxoBlock_LayerCaption:
- begin
- if (blockHeader.blockSize >= 2) and (NbLayers > 0) then
- begin
- setlength(wCaption, blockHeader.blockSize div 2);
- for i := 1 to length(wCaption) do
- Word(wCaption[i]) := LEtoN((PWord(blockData)+i-1)^);
- if wCaption[1] = #1 then Delete(wCaption,1,1);
- LayerName[NbLayers-1] := UTF8Encode(wCaption);
- end;
- end;
- PhoxoBlock_LazPaintBlendMode:
- begin
- if (blockHeader.blockSize >= 2) and (NbLayers > 0) then
- begin
- setlength(wCaption, blockHeader.blockSize div 2);
- for i := 1 to length(wCaption) do
- Word(wCaption[i]) := LEtoN((PWord(blockData)+i-1)^);
- BlendOperation[NbLayers-1] := StrToBlendOperation(UTF8Encode(wCaption));
- end;
- end;
- end;
- finally
- FreeMem(blockData);
- end;
- until blockHeader.blockType = PhoxoBlock_EndOfFile;
-procedure TBGRAPhoxoDocument.LoadFromFile(const filenameUTF8: string);
-var AStream: TFileStreamUTF8;
- AStream := TFileStreamUTF8.Create(filenameUTF8,fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);
- OnLayeredBitmapLoadStart(filenameUTF8);
- try
- InternalLoadFromStream(AStream);
- finally
- OnLayeredBitmapLoaded;
- AStream.Free;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAPhoxoDocument.SaveToStream(AStream: TStream);
- OnLayeredBitmapSaveToStreamStart;
- try
- InternalSaveToStream(AStream);
- finally
- OnLayeredBitmapSaved;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAPhoxoDocument.SaveToFile(const filenameUTF8: string);
-var AStream: TFileStreamUTF8;
- AStream := TFileStreamUTF8.Create(filenameUTF8,fmCreate or fmShareDenyWrite);
- OnLayeredBitmapSaveStart(filenameUTF8);
- try
- InternalSaveToStream(AStream);
- finally
- OnLayeredBitmapSaved;
- AStream.Free;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAPhoxoDocument.InternalSaveToStream(AStream: TStream);
- procedure WriteFileHeader;
- var fileHeader: TPhoxoHeader;
- begin
- fileHeader.magic := PhoxoHeaderMagic;
- fileHeader.version := 1;
- fileHeader.version := NtoLE(fileHeader.version);
- AStream.WriteBuffer(fileHeader, sizeof(fileHeader));
- end;
- procedure WriteBlockHeader(blockType: LongWord; blockSize: LongWord);
- var blockHeader: TPhoxoBlockHeader;
- begin
- blockHeader.blockType := NtoLE(blockType);
- blockHeader.blockSize := NtoLE(blockSize);
- AStream.WriteBuffer(blockHeader, sizeof(blockHeader));
- end;
- procedure WriteLongInt(value: longint);
- begin
- value := NtoLE(value);
- AStream.WriteBuffer(value, sizeof(value));
- end;
- procedure WriteLayer(index: integer);
- var wCaption: widestring;
- pCaption: PWord;
- layerHeader: TPhoxoLayerHeader;
- rowStride: LongWord;
- temp,pdest: PByte;
- i,x,y: integer;
- psrc: PBGRAPixel;
- begin
- if LayerVisible[index] then
- layerHeader.layerVisible := 1
- else
- layerHeader.layerVisible := 0;
- layerHeader.layerLimited:= 0;
- layerHeader.opacityPercent := (LayerOpacity[index]*100 + 127) div 255;
- with layerHeader.bmpHeader do
- begin
- Size := $28;
- Width := self.LayerBitmap[index].Width;
- Height := self.LayerBitmap[index].Height;
- Planes := 1;
- BitCount := 32; //24-bit does not seem to be supported
- Compression := BI_RGB;
- SizeImage := 0;
- XPelsPerMeter := 0;
- YPelsPerMeter := 0;
- ClrUsed := 0;
- ClrImportant := 0;
- end;
- layerHeader.redMask := 0;
- layerHeader.greenMask := 0;
- layerHeader.blueMask := 0;
- rowStride := ComputeRowStride(layerHeader.bmpHeader.Width, layerHeader.bmpHeader.BitCount);
- WriteBlockHeader(PhoxoBlock_Layer, sizeof(layerHeader) + rowStride*layerHeader.bmpHeader.Height + sizeof(TPoint));
- SwapLayerHeaderIfNeeded(layerHeader);
- AStream.WriteBuffer(layerHeader,sizeof(layerHeader));
- SwapLayerHeaderIfNeeded(layerHeader);
- case layerHeader.bmpHeader.BitCount of
- 32: begin
- if TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder then self.LayerBitmap[index].SwapRedBlue;
- for y := self.LayerBitmap[index].Height-1 downto 0 do
- AStream.WriteBuffer(self.LayerBitmap[index].ScanLine[y]^, rowStride);
- if TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder then self.LayerBitmap[index].SwapRedBlue;
- end;
- 24: begin
- GetMem(temp, rowStride);
- fillchar(temp^, rowStride, 0);
- try
- for y := self.LayerBitmap[index].Height-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- psrc := self.LayerBitmap[index].ScanLine[y];
- pdest := temp;
- for x := self.LayerBitmap[index].Width-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- pdest^ := psrc^.blue; inc(pdest);
- pdest^ := psrc^.green; inc(pdest);
- pdest^ := psrc^.red; inc(pdest);
- inc(psrc);
- end;
- AStream.WriteBuffer(temp^, rowstride);
- end;
- finally
- FreeMem(temp);
- end;
- end
- else
- raise exception.Create('Internal error');
- end;
- WriteLongInt(LayerOffset[index].X);
- WriteLongInt(LayerOffset[index].Y);
- if LayerName[index]<>'' then
- begin
- wCaption := UTF8ToUTF16(LayerName[index]);
- WriteBlockHeader(PhoxoBlock_LayerCaption, length(wCaption)*2);
- getmem(pCaption, length(wCaption)*2);
- try
- for i := 1 to length(wCaption) do
- (pCaption+i-1)^ := NtoLE(Word(wCaption[i]));
- AStream.WriteBuffer(pCaption^, length(wCaption)*2);
- finally
- freemem(pCaption);
- end;
- end;
- if BlendOperation[index] <> boTransparent then
- begin
- wCaption := UTF8ToUTF16(BlendOperationStr[BlendOperation[index]]);
- WriteBlockHeader(PhoxoBlock_LazPaintBlendMode, length(wCaption)*2);
- getmem(pCaption, length(wCaption)*2);
- try
- for i := 1 to length(wCaption) do
- (pCaption+i-1)^ := NtoLE(Word(wCaption[i]));
- AStream.WriteBuffer(pCaption^, length(wCaption)*2);
- finally
- freemem(pCaption);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- i: Integer;
- WriteFileHeader;
- WriteBlockHeader(PhoxoBlock_CanvasSize, 8);
- WriteLongInt(Width);
- WriteLongInt(Height);
- if (DPIX <> 0) and (DPIY <> 0) then
- begin
- WriteBlockHeader(PhoxoBlock_DPI, 8);
- WriteLongInt(DPIX);
- WriteLongInt(DPIY);
- end;
- for i := 0 to NbLayers-1 do
- begin
- OnLayeredBitmapSaveProgress(round(i*100/NbLayers));
- WriteLayer(i);
- end;
- OnLayeredBitmapSaveProgress(100);
- WriteBlockHeader(PhoxoBlock_EndOfFile,0);
-class function TBGRAPhoxoDocument.CheckFormat(Stream: TStream; ARestorePosition: boolean): boolean;
-var header: TPhoxoHeader;
- oldPos: int64;
- oldPos := Stream.Position;
- if Stream.Read({%H-}header,sizeof(header))<>sizeof(header) then
- result := false else
- begin
- header.version:= LEtoN(header.version);
- if (header.magic <> PhoxoHeaderMagic) or (header.version <> 1) then
- result := false
- else
- result := true;
- end;
- if ARestorePosition then Stream.Position:= oldPos;
-class function TBGRAPhoxoDocument.ReadBlock(Stream: TStream; out
- AHeader: TPhoxoBlockHeader; out ABlockData: PByte): boolean;
- ABlockData := nil;
- if Stream.Read({%H-}AHeader,sizeof(AHeader)) <> sizeof(AHeader) then
- begin
- AHeader.blockType := 0;
- AHeader.blockSize := 0;
- result := false;
- exit;
- end;
- AHeader.blockType := LEtoN(AHeader.blockType);
- AHeader.blockSize := LEtoN(AHeader.blockSize);
- if Stream.Position + AHeader.blockSize > Stream.Size then
- begin
- AHeader.blockSize := 0;
- result := false;
- exit;
- end;
- GetMem(ABlockData, AHeader.blockSize);
- if Stream.Read(ABlockData^, AHeader.blockSize) <> AHeader.blockSize then
- begin
- FreeMem(ABlockData);
- AHeader.blockSize := 0;
- result := false;
- exit;
- end;
- result := true;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrapixel.inc b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrapixel.inc
deleted file mode 100644
index 82a48f6..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrapixel.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,744 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-{=== Pixel types and functions ===}
- {* Pointer for direct pixel access. Data is stored as a sequence of ''TBGRAPixel''.
- See [[BGRABitmap tutorial 4]] }
- PBGRAPixel = ^TBGRAPixel;
- {$IFDEF LCLgtk}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF LCLgtk2}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- {* Each pixel is a sequence of 4 bytes containing blue, green, red and alpha channel.
- Values range from 0 to 255, color is in sRGB colorspace. The alpha value of 0
- is transparent and 255 is opaque. In the bitmap data, when the pixel is fully transparent,
- the RGB values are supposed to be set to zero. }
- { TBGRAPixel }
- TBGRAPixel = packed record
- private
- function GetClassIntensity: word;
- function GetClassLightness: word;
- procedure SetClassIntensity(AValue: word);
- procedure SetClassLightness(AValue: word);
- public
- red, green, blue, alpha: byte;
- {$ELSE}
- blue, green, red, alpha: byte;
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure FromRGB(ARed,AGreen,ABlue: Byte; AAlpha: Byte = 255);
- procedure FromColor(AColor: TColor; AAlpha: Byte = 255);
- procedure FromString(AStr: string);
- procedure FromFPColor(AColor: TFPColor);
- procedure ToRGB(out ARed,AGreen,ABlue,AAlpha: Byte); overload;
- procedure ToRGB(out ARed,AGreen,ABlue: Byte); overload;
- function ToColor: TColor;
- function ToString: string;
- function ToGrayscale(AGammaCorrection: boolean = true): TBGRAPixel;
- function ToFPColor: TFPColor;
- function EqualsExactly(constref AColor: TBGRAPixel): boolean;
- class Operator := (Source: TBGRAPixel): TColor;
- class Operator := (Source: TColor): TBGRAPixel;
- property Intensity: word read GetClassIntensity write SetClassIntensity;
- property Lightness: word read GetClassLightness write SetClassLightness;
- end;
- TBGRAPixelBuffer = packed array of TBGRAPixel;
-procedure AllocateBGRAPixelBuffer(var ABuffer: TBGRAPixelBuffer; ASize: integer);
- TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder = True;
- TBGRAPixel_RedByteOffset = 0;
- TBGRAPixel_GreenByteOffset = 1;
- TBGRAPixel_BlueByteOffset = 2;
- {$ELSE}
- TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder = False;
- TBGRAPixel_BlueByteOffset = 0;
- TBGRAPixel_GreenByteOffset = 1;
- TBGRAPixel_RedByteOffset = 2;
- {$ENDIF}
- TBGRAPixel_AlphaByteOffset = 3;
- TBGRAPixel_RedShift = TBGRAPixel_RedByteOffset*8;
- TBGRAPixel_GreenShift = TBGRAPixel_GreenByteOffset*8;
- TBGRAPixel_BlueShift = TBGRAPixel_BlueByteOffset*8;
- TBGRAPixel_AlphaShift = TBGRAPixel_AlphaByteOffset*8;
- {$ELSE}
- TBGRAPixel_RedShift = 24 - TBGRAPixel_RedByteOffset*8;
- TBGRAPixel_GreenShift = 24 - TBGRAPixel_GreenByteOffset*8;
- TBGRAPixel_BlueShift = 24 - TBGRAPixel_BlueByteOffset*8;
- TBGRAPixel_AlphaShift = 24 - TBGRAPixel_AlphaByteOffset*8;
- {$ENDIF}
- {** Creates a pixel with given RGBA values }
- function BGRA(red, green, blue, alpha: byte): TBGRAPixel; overload; inline;
- {** Creates a opaque pixel with given RGB values }
- function BGRA(red, green, blue: byte): TBGRAPixel; overload; inline;
- {** Checks if two pixels are equal. If they are both transparent,
- RGB values are ignored }
- operator = (const c1, c2: TBGRAPixel): boolean; inline;
- {** Returns the intensity of a pixel. The intensity is the
- maximum value reached by any component }
- function GetIntensity(c: TBGRAPixel): word; inline;
- {** Sets the intensity of a pixel }
- function SetIntensity(c: TBGRAPixel; intensity: word): TBGRAPixel;
- {** Returns the lightness of a pixel. The lightness is the
- perceived brightness, 0 being black and 65535 being white }
- function GetLightness(c: TBGRAPixel): word; overload;
- {** Sets the lightness of a pixel }
- function SetLightness(c: TBGRAPixel; lightness: word): TBGRAPixel; overload;
- {** Sets the lightness quickly, by fading towards black if ''lightness'' is
- less than 32768, and fading towards white if ''lightness'' is more
- than 32768 }
- function ApplyLightnessFast(color: TBGRAPixel; lightness: word): TBGRAPixel; inline;
- {** Sets the intensity quickly, by fading towards black if ''lightness'' is
- less than 32768, and multiplying all components if ''lightness'' is more
- than 32768. In case of saturation, it fades towards white }
- function ApplyIntensityFast(color: TBGRAPixel; lightness: LongWord): TBGRAPixel;
- {** Combines two lightnesses together. A value of 32768 is neutral. The
- result may exceed 65535 }
- function CombineLightness(lightness1,lightness2: Int32or64): Int32or64;
- {** Converts a color into grayscale }
- function BGRAToGrayscale(c: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
- function BGRAToGrayscaleLinear(c: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
- {** Create a gray color with the given ''lightness'' }
- function GrayscaleToBGRA(lightness: word): TBGRAPixel;
- {** Merge two colors without gamma correction }
- function MergeBGRA(c1, c2: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel; overload;
- {** Merge two colors without gamma correction. ''weight1'' and ''weight2''
- indicates the weight of the color barycentre }
- function MergeBGRA(c1: TBGRAPixel; weight1: integer; c2: TBGRAPixel; weight2: integer): TBGRAPixel; overload;
- {** Merge two colors with gamma correction. ''weight1'' and ''weight2''
- indicates the weight of the color barycentre }
- function MergeBGRAWithGammaCorrection(c1: TBGRAPixel; weight1: byte; c2: TBGRAPixel; weight2: byte): TBGRAPixel;
- {** Converts a ''TColor'' value into an opaque pixel }
- function ColorToBGRA(color: TColor): TBGRAPixel; overload;
- {** Converts a ''TColor'' value into a pixel with given ''opacity'' }
- function ColorToBGRA(color: TColor; opacity: byte): TBGRAPixel; overload;
- {** Converts a pixel into a TColor value, discarding the alpha value }
- function BGRAToColor(c: TBGRAPixel): TColor;
- function FastRoundDiv257(valueWord: LongWord): byte; inline;
- {** Converts a ''TFPColor'' value into a pixel. Note that even if
- ''TFPColor'' have 16-bit values, they are not considered as
- gamma expanded }
- function FPColorToBGRA(AValue: TFPColor): TBGRAPixel;
- {** Converts a pixel into a ''TFPColor'' }
- function BGRAToFPColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel): TFPColor; inline;
- function Color16BitToBGRA(AColor: Word): TBGRAPixel;
- function BGRAToColor16Bit(const AColor: TBGRAPixel): Word;
- {** Computes the difference (with gamma correction) between two pixels,
- taking into account all dimensions, including transparency. The
- result ranges from 0 to 65535 }
- function BGRAWordDiff(c1, c2: TBGRAPixel): word;
- {** Computes the difference (with gamma correction) between two pixels,
- taking into account all dimensions, including transparency. The
- result ranges from 0 to 255 }
- function BGRADiff(c1, c2: TBGRAPixel): byte;
- function FastBGRALinearDiff(c1,c2: TBGRAPixel): byte;
- function FastBGRAExpandedDiff(c1,c2: TBGRAPixel): word;
- {* Array of pixels }
- ArrayOfTBGRAPixel = array of TBGRAPixel;
- {** Merge given colors without gamma correction }
- function MergeBGRA(const colors: array of TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel; overload;
-{ Get height [0..1] stored in a TBGRAPixel }
-function MapHeight(Color: TBGRAPixel): Single;
-{ Get TBGRAPixel to store height [0..1] }
-function MapHeightToBGRA(Height: Single; Alpha: Byte): TBGRAPixel;
- {* Possible modes when drawing a pixel over another one }
- TDrawMode = (
- {** The pixel is replaced }
- dmSet,
- {** The pixel is replaced if the pixel over has an alpha value of 255 }
- dmSetExceptTransparent,
- {** The pixel is blend over the other one according to alpha values,
- however no gamma correction is applied. In other words, the color
- space is assumed to be linear }
- dmLinearBlend,
- {** The pixel is blend over the other one according to alpha values,
- and a gamma correction is applied. In other word, the color
- space is assumed to be sRGB }
- dmDrawWithTransparency,
- {** Values of all channels are combined with Xor. This is useful to
- compute the binary difference, however it is not something that makes
- much sense to display on the screen }
- dmXor);
- {** An alias for the linear blend, because it is faster than blending
- with gamma correction }
- dmFastBlend = dmLinearBlend;
- {* Advanced blending modes. See [http://www.brighthub.com/multimedia/photography/articles/18301.aspx Paint.NET blend modes]
- and [http://www.pegtop.net/delphi/articles/blendmodes/ Formulas]. Blending layers has two steps. The first one is
- to apply the blend operations listed below, and the second is the actual merging of the colors }
- TBlendOperation = (
- {** Simple blend, except that it forces a linear merge so it is equivalent to ''dmLinearBlend'' }
- boLinearBlend,
- {** Simple blend. It is equivalent to ''dmLinearBlend'' or ''dmDrawWithTransparency'' }
- boTransparent,
- {** Lighting blend modes (tends to increase the luminosity) }
- boLighten, boScreen, boAdditive, boLinearAdd, boColorDodge, boDivide, boNiceGlow, boSoftLight, boHardLight,
- {** Masking blend modes (tends to decrease the luminosity) }
- boGlow, boReflect, boOverlay, boDarkOverlay, boDarken, boMultiply, boColorBurn,
- {** Difference blend modes }
- boDifference, boLinearDifference, boExclusion, boLinearExclusion, boSubtract, boLinearSubtract, boSubtractInverse, boLinearSubtractInverse,
- {** Negation blend modes }
- boNegation, boLinearNegation,
- {** Xor blend mode. It is sightly different from ''dmXor'' because the alpha value is used like in other blends modes }
- boXor,
- {** SVG implementation of soft light **}
- boSvgSoftLight,
- {** Apply mask **}
- boMask,
- {** Standard HSL colorspace }
- boLinearMultiplySaturation, boLinearHue, boLinearColor, boLinearLightness, boLinearSaturation,
- {** Corrected HSL colorspace (GSB) }
- boCorrectedHue, boCorrectedColor, boCorrectedLightness, boCorrectedSaturation
- );
- {** Alias to glow that express that this blend mode masks the part where the top layer is black }
- boGlowMask = boGlow;
- {** Alias because linear or non linear multiply modes are identical }
- boLinearMultiply = boMultiply;
- {** Alias to express that dark overlay is simply an overlay with gamma correction }
- boNonLinearOverlay = boDarkOverlay;
- {** String constants for blend modes }
- BlendOperationStr : array[TBlendOperation] of string
- = ('LinearBlend', 'Transparent',
- 'Lighten', 'Screen', 'Additive', 'LinearAdd', 'ColorDodge', 'Divide', 'NiceGlow', 'SoftLight', 'HardLight',
- 'Glow', 'Reflect', 'Overlay', 'DarkOverlay', 'Darken', 'Multiply', 'ColorBurn',
- 'Difference', 'LinearDifference', 'Exclusion', 'LinearExclusion', 'Subtract', 'LinearSubtract', 'SubtractInverse', 'LinearSubtractInverse',
- 'Negation', 'LinearNegation', 'Xor', 'SvgSoftLight', 'Mask', 'LinearMultiplySaturation',
- 'LinearHue', 'LinearColor', 'LinearLightness', 'LinearSaturation',
- 'CorrectedHue', 'CorrectedColor', 'CorrectedLightness', 'CorrectedSaturation');
- {** Returns the blend mode expressed by the string }
- function StrToBlendOperation(str: string): TBlendOperation;
- {* Specifies how a palette handles the alpha channel }
- TAlphaChannelPaletteOption = (
- {** The alpha channel is ignored. The alpha channel is considered to be stored elsewhere }
- acIgnore,
- {** One entry is allocated the fully transparent color }
- acTransparentEntry,
- {** The alpha channel is fully embedded in the palette so that a color is identified by its four RGBA channels }
- acFullChannelInPalette);
- {* Dithering algorithms that specifies how to handle colors that are not found in the palette }
- TDitheringAlgorithm = (
- {** The nearest color is to be used instead }
- daNearestNeighbor,
- {** The nearest color may be used however another color may be used to compensate for the error,
- following Floyd-Steinberg algorithm }
- daFloydSteinberg);
-{$i basiccolorspace.inc}
-{$i extendedcolorspace.inc}
-{$i basiccolorspace.inc}
-{$i extendedcolorspace.inc}
-function StrToBlendOperation(str: string): TBlendOperation;
-var op: TBlendOperation;
- result := boTransparent;
- str := LowerCase(str);
- for op := low(TBlendOperation) to high(TBlendOperation) do
- if str = LowerCase(BlendOperationStr[op]) then
- begin
- result := op;
- exit;
- end;
-{************************** Color functions **************************}
-procedure AllocateBGRAPixelBuffer(var ABuffer: TBGRAPixelBuffer; ASize: integer);
- if ASize > length(ABuffer) then
- setlength(ABuffer, max(length(ABuffer)*2,ASize));
-function BGRA(red, green, blue, alpha: byte): TBGRAPixel;
- LongWord(result) := (red shl TBGRAPixel_RedShift) or
- (green shl TBGRAPixel_GreenShift) or
- (blue shl TBGRAPixel_BlueShift) or
- (alpha shl TBGRAPixel_AlphaShift);
-function BGRA(red, green, blue: byte): TBGRAPixel; overload;
- LongWord(result) := (red shl TBGRAPixel_RedShift) or
- (green shl TBGRAPixel_GreenShift) or
- (blue shl TBGRAPixel_BlueShift) or
- (255 shl TBGRAPixel_AlphaShift);
-operator = (const c1, c2: TBGRAPixel): boolean;
- if (c1.alpha = 0) and (c2.alpha = 0) then
- Result := True
- else
- Result := (c1.alpha = c2.alpha) and (c1.red = c2.red) and
- (c1.green = c2.green) and (c1.blue = c2.blue);
-function GetIntensity(c: TBGRAPixel): word;
- Result := c.red;
- if c.green > Result then
- Result := c.green;
- if c.blue > Result then
- Result := c.blue;
- result := GammaExpansionTab[Result];
-function SetIntensity(c: TBGRAPixel; intensity: word): TBGRAPixel;
- result := GammaCompression(SetIntensity(GammaExpansion(c),intensity));
-function GetLightness(c: TBGRAPixel): word;
- result := GetLightness(GammaExpansion(c));
-function SetLightness(c: TBGRAPixel; lightness: word): TBGRAPixel;
- result := GammaCompression(SetLightness(GammaExpansion(c),lightness));
-function ApplyLightnessFast(color: TBGRAPixel; lightness: word): TBGRAPixel;
- r,g,b: word;
- lightness256: byte;
- if lightness <= 32768 then
- begin
- if lightness = 32768 then
- result := color else
- begin
- lightness256 := GammaCompressionTab[lightness shl 1];
- result := BGRA(color.red * lightness256 shr 8, color.green*lightness256 shr 8,
- color.blue * lightness256 shr 8, color.alpha);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- if lightness = 65535 then
- result := BGRA(255,255,255,color.alpha) else
- begin
- dec(lightness, 32767);
- r := GammaExpansionTab[color.red];
- g := GammaExpansionTab[color.green];
- b := GammaExpansionTab[color.blue];
- result := BGRA(GammaCompressionTab[ r + (not r)*lightness shr 15 ],
- GammaCompressionTab[ g + (not g)*lightness shr 15 ],
- GammaCompressionTab[ b + (not b)*lightness shr 15 ],
- color.alpha);
- end;
- end;
-function ApplyIntensityFast(color: TBGRAPixel; lightness: LongWord): TBGRAPixel;
- maxValue,invMaxValue,r,g,b: LongWord;
- lightness256: byte;
- if lightness <= 32768 then
- begin
- if lightness = 32768 then
- result := color else
- begin
- lightness256 := GammaCompressionTab[lightness shl 1];
- result := BGRA(color.red * lightness256 shr 8, color.green*lightness256 shr 8,
- color.blue * lightness256 shr 8, color.alpha);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- r := CombineLightness(GammaExpansionTab[color.red], lightness);
- g := CombineLightness(GammaExpansionTab[color.green], lightness);
- b := CombineLightness(GammaExpansionTab[color.blue], lightness);
- maxValue := r;
- if g > maxValue then maxValue := g;
- if b > maxValue then maxValue := b;
- if maxValue <= 65535 then
- result := BGRA(GammaCompressionTab[r],
- GammaCompressionTab[g],
- GammaCompressionTab[b],
- color.alpha)
- else
- begin
- invMaxValue := (LongWord(2147483647)+LongWord(maxValue-1)) div maxValue;
- maxValue := (maxValue-65535) shr 1;
- r := r*invMaxValue shr 15 + maxValue;
- g := g*invMaxValue shr 15 + maxValue;
- b := b*invMaxValue shr 15 + maxValue;
- if r >= 65535 then result.red := 255 else
- result.red := GammaCompressionTab[r];
- if g >= 65535 then result.green := 255 else
- result.green := GammaCompressionTab[g];
- if b >= 65535 then result.blue := 255 else
- result.blue := GammaCompressionTab[b];
- result.alpha := color.alpha;
- end;
- end;
-function CombineLightness(lightness1,lightness2: Int32or64): Int32or64;
-{$ifdef CPUI386} {$asmmode intel} assembler;
- asm
- imul edx
- shl edx, 17
- shr eax, 15
- or edx, eax
- mov result, edx
- end;
- if (lightness1 < 0) xor (lightness2 < 0) then
- result := -(int64(-lightness1)*lightness2 shr 15)
- else
- result := int64(lightness1)*lightness2 shr 15;
-// Conversion to grayscale by taking into account
-// different color weights
-function BGRAToGrayscale(c: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
- ec: TExpandedPixel;
- gray: word;
- cgray: byte;
- if c.alpha = 0 then
- begin
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- exit;
- end;
- //gamma expansion
- ec := GammaExpansion(c);
- //gray composition
- gray := (ec.red * redWeightShl10 + ec.green * greenWeightShl10 +
- ec.blue * blueWeightShl10 + 512) shr 10;
- //gamma compression
- cgray := GammaCompressionTab[gray];
- Result.red := cgray;
- Result.green := cgray;
- Result.blue := cgray;
- Result.alpha := c.alpha;
-function BGRAToGrayscaleLinear(c: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
- gray: byte;
- if c.alpha = 0 then
- begin
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- exit;
- end;
- //gray composition
- gray := (c.red * redWeightShl10 + c.green * greenWeightShl10 +
- c.blue * blueWeightShl10 + 512) shr 10;
- //gamma compression
- Result.red := gray;
- Result.green := gray;
- Result.blue := gray;
- Result.alpha := c.alpha;
-function GrayscaleToBGRA(lightness: word): TBGRAPixel;
- result.red := GammaCompressionTab[lightness];
- result.green := result.red;
- result.blue := result.red;
- result.alpha := $ff;
-{ Merge linearly two colors of same importance }
-function MergeBGRA(c1, c2: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
-var c12: LongWord;
- if (c1.alpha = 0) then
- Result := c2
- else
- if (c2.alpha = 0) then
- Result := c1
- else
- begin
- c12 := c1.alpha + c2.alpha;
- Result.red := (c1.red * c1.alpha + c2.red * c2.alpha + c12 shr 1) div c12;
- Result.green := (c1.green * c1.alpha + c2.green * c2.alpha + c12 shr 1) div c12;
- Result.blue := (c1.blue * c1.alpha + c2.blue * c2.alpha + c12 shr 1) div c12;
- Result.alpha := (c12 + 1) shr 1;
- end;
-function MergeBGRA(c1: TBGRAPixel; weight1: integer; c2: TBGRAPixel;
- weight2: integer): TBGRAPixel;
- f1,f2,f12: int64;
- if (weight1 = 0) or (c1.alpha = 0) then
- begin
- if (weight2 = 0) or (c2.alpha = 0) then
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- Result := c2
- end
- else
- if (weight2 = 0) or (c2.alpha = 0) then
- Result := c1
- else
- if (weight1+weight2 = 0) then
- Result := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- begin
- f1 := int64(c1.alpha)*weight1;
- f2 := int64(c2.alpha)*weight2;
- f12 := f1+f2;
- if f12 = 0 then
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- begin
- Result.red := (c1.red * f1 + c2.red * f2 + f12 shr 1) div f12;
- Result.green := (c1.green * f1 + c2.green * f2 + f12 shr 1) div f12;
- Result.blue := (c1.blue * f1 + c2.blue * f2 + f12 shr 1) div f12;
- {$hints off}
- Result.alpha := (f12 + ((weight1+weight2) shr 1)) div (weight1+weight2);
- {$hints on}
- end;
- end;
-function MergeBGRAWithGammaCorrection(c1: TBGRAPixel; weight1: byte; c2: TBGRAPixel;
- weight2: byte): TBGRAPixel;
- w1,w2,f1,f2,f12,a: UInt32or64;
- w1 := weight1;
- w2 := weight2;
- if (w1 = 0) or (c1.alpha = 0) then
- begin
- if (w2 = 0) or (c2.alpha = 0) then
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- Result := c2
- end
- else
- if (w2 = 0) or (c2.alpha = 0) then
- Result := c1
- else
- begin
- f1 := c1.alpha*w1;
- f2 := c2.alpha*w2;
- a := (f1+f2 + ((w1+w2) shr 1)) div (w1+w2);
- if a = 0 then
- begin
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- exit;
- end else
- Result.alpha := a;
- if (f1 >= 32768) or (f2 >= 32768) then
- begin
- f1 := f1 shr 1;
- f2 := f2 shr 1;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- f12 := f1+f2;
- Result.red := GammaCompressionTab[(GammaExpansionTab[c1.red] * f1 + GammaExpansionTab[c2.red] * f2) div f12];
- Result.green := GammaCompressionTab[(GammaExpansionTab[c1.green] * f1 + GammaExpansionTab[c2.green] * f2) div f12];
- Result.blue := GammaCompressionTab[(GammaExpansionTab[c1.blue] * f1 + GammaExpansionTab[c2.blue] * f2) div f12];
- end;
-{ Convert a TColor value to a TBGRAPixel value }
-function ColorToBGRA(color: TColor): TBGRAPixel; overload;
- if (color < 0) or (color > $ffffff) then color := ColorToRGB(color);
- RedGreenBlue(color, Result.red,Result.green,Result.blue);
- Result.alpha := 255;
-function ColorToBGRA(color: TColor; opacity: byte): TBGRAPixel; overload;
- if (color < 0) or (color > $ffffff) then color := ColorToRGB(color);
- RedGreenBlue(color, Result.red,Result.green,Result.blue);
- Result.alpha := opacity;
-function BGRAToColor(c: TBGRAPixel): TColor;
- Result := RGBToColor(c.red, c.green, c.blue);
-function FastRoundDiv257(valueWord: LongWord): byte; inline;
- result := LongWord(valueWord + 127 - (valueWord shr 8)) shr 8;
-{ Conversion from TFPColor to TBGRAPixel assuming TFPColor
- is already gamma compressed }
-function FPColorToBGRA(AValue: TFPColor): TBGRAPixel;
- with AValue do
- Result := BGRA(FastRoundDiv257(red), FastRoundDiv257(green), FastRoundDiv257(blue), alpha shr 8);
-function BGRAToFPColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel): TFPColor; inline;
- result.red := AValue.red shl 8 + AValue.red;
- result.green := AValue.green shl 8 + AValue.green;
- result.blue := AValue.blue shl 8 + AValue.blue;
- result.alpha := AValue.alpha shl 8 + AValue.alpha;
-function Color16BitToBGRA(AColor: Word): TBGRAPixel;
- result := BGRA( ((AColor and $F800) shr 11)*255 div 31,
- ((AColor and $07e0) shr 5)*255 div 63,
- (AColor and $001f)*255 div 31 );
-function BGRAToColor16Bit(const AColor: TBGRAPixel): Word;
- result := (((AColor.Red * 31 + 64) div 255) shl 11) +
- (((AColor.green * 63 + 64) div 255) shl 5) +
- ((AColor.blue * 31 + 64) div 255);
-function BGRAWordDiff(c1, c2: TBGRAPixel): word;
- if c1 = c2 then result := 0
- else result := ExpandedDiff(GammaExpansion(c1),GammaExpansion(c2));
-function BGRADiff(c1,c2: TBGRAPixel): byte;
- if c1 = c2 then result := 0
- else result := ExpandedDiff(GammaExpansion(c1),GammaExpansion(c2)) shr 8;
-function FastBGRALinearDiff(c1, c2: TBGRAPixel): byte;
- result := max(min((abs(c1.red-c2.red)+(abs(c1.green-c2.green) shl 1)+abs(c1.blue-c2.blue)) shr 2,
- min(c1.alpha,c2.alpha)), abs(c1.alpha-c2.alpha));
-function FastBGRAExpandedDiff(c1, c2: TBGRAPixel): word;
-var wa1,wa2: word;
- wa1 := c1.alpha shl 8 + c1.alpha;
- wa2 := (c2.alpha shl 8) + c2.alpha;
- result := max(min((abs(GammaExpansionTab[c1.red]-GammaExpansionTab[c2.red])+
- (abs(GammaExpansionTab[c1.green]-GammaExpansionTab[c2.green]) shl 1)+
- abs(GammaExpansionTab[c1.blue]-GammaExpansionTab[c2.blue])) shr 2,
- min(wa1,wa2)),
- abs(wa1-wa2));
-function MergeBGRA(const colors: array of TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
- sumR,sumG,sumB,sumA: UInt32or64;
- i: integer;
- if length(colors)<=0 then
- begin
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- exit;
- end;
- sumR := 0;
- sumG := 0;
- sumB := 0;
- sumA := 0;
- for i := 0 to high(colors) do
- with colors[i] do
- begin
- inc(sumR, red*alpha);
- inc(sumG, green*alpha);
- inc(sumB, blue*alpha);
- inc(sumA, alpha);
- end;
- if sumA > 0 then
- begin
- result.red := (sumR + sumA shr 1) div sumA;
- result.green := (sumG + sumA shr 1) div sumA;
- result.blue := (sumB + sumA shr 1) div sumA;
- result.alpha := sumA div LongWord(length(colors));
- end
- else
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
-function MapHeight(Color: TBGRAPixel): Single;
-var intval: integer;
- intval := color.Green shl 16 + color.red shl 8 + color.blue;
- result := intval*5.960464832810452e-8;
-function MapHeightToBGRA(Height: Single; Alpha: Byte): TBGRAPixel;
-var intval: integer;
- if Height >= 1 then result := BGRA(255,255,255,alpha) else
- if Height <= 0 then result := BGRA(0,0,0,alpha) else
- begin
- intval := round(Height*16777215);
- {$PUSH}{$R-}
- result := BGRA(intval shr 8,intval shr 16,intval,alpha);
- {$POP}
- end;
- BGRASetGamma();
- {$i extendedcolorspace.inc}
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrapolygon.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrapolygon.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 7833465..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrapolygon.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1585 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAPolygon;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
-{ This unit contains polygon drawing functions and spline functions.
- Shapes are drawn using a TBGRACustomFillInfo object, which calculates the
- intersection of an horizontal line and the polygon.
- Various shapes are handled :
- - TFillPolyInfo : polygon scanned in any order
- - TSimpleFillPolyInfo : polygon with few points
- - TOnePassFillPolyInfo : polygon scanned from top to bottom
- - TFillEllipseInfo : ellipse
- - TFillBorderEllipseInfo : ellipse border
- - TFillRoundRectangleInfo : round rectangle (or other corners)
- - TFillBorderRoundRectInfo : round rectangle border
- Various fill modes :
- - Alternate : each time there is an intersection, it enters or go out of the polygon
- - Winding : filled when the sum of ascending and descending intersection is non zero
- - Color : fill with a color defined as a TBGRAPixel argument
- - Erase : erase with an alpha in the TBGRAPixel argument
- - Texture : draws a texture with the IBGRAScanner argument
- Various border handling :
- - aliased : one horizontal line intersection is calculated per pixel in the vertical loop
- - antialiased : more lines are calculated and a density is computed by adding them together
- - multi-polygon antialiasing and superposition (TBGRAMultiShapeFiller) : same as above but
- by combining multiple polygons at the same time, and optionally subtracting top polygons
- }
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BGRAGraphics, BGRABitmapTypes, BGRAFillInfo, BGRAPath;
-procedure FillShapeAliased(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; shapeInfo: TBGRACustomFillInfo;
- c: TBGRAPixel; EraseMode: boolean; scan: IBGRAScanner; NonZeroWinding: boolean; drawmode: TDrawMode; AliasingIncludeBottomRight: Boolean= false);
-procedure FillShapeAliased(bmp: TCustomUniversalBitmap; shapeInfo: TBGRACustomFillInfo;
- brush: TUniversalBrush; Alpha: Word; NonZeroWinding: boolean; AliasingIncludeBottomRight: Boolean= false);
-procedure FillPolyAliased(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; points: array of TPointF;
- c: TBGRAPixel; EraseMode: boolean; NonZeroWinding: boolean; drawmode: TDrawMode; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true);
-procedure FillPolyAliasedWithTexture(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; const points: array of TPointF;
- scan: IBGRAScanner; NonZeroWinding: boolean; drawmode: TDrawMode; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true);
-procedure FillPolyAliased(bmp: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const points: array of TPointF;
- brush: TUniversalBrush; Alpha: Word; NonZeroWinding: boolean; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true);
-procedure FillShapeAntialias(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; shapeInfo: TBGRACustomFillInfo;
- c: TBGRAPixel; EraseMode: boolean; scan: IBGRAScanner; NonZeroWinding: boolean; LinearBlend: boolean = false);
-procedure FillShapeAntialias(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; shapeInfo: TBGRACustomFillInfo;
- c: TBGRAPixel; EraseMode: boolean; scan: IBGRAScanner; NonZeroWinding: boolean; drawmode: TDrawMode);
-procedure FillShapeAntialias(bmp: TCustomUniversalBitmap; shapeInfo: TBGRACustomFillInfo;
- brush: TUniversalBrush; NonZeroWinding: boolean);
-procedure FillShapeAntialiasWithTexture(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; shapeInfo: TBGRACustomFillInfo;
- scan: IBGRAScanner; NonZeroWinding: boolean; LinearBlend: boolean = false);
-procedure FillPolyAntialias(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; points: array of TPointF;
- c: TBGRAPixel; EraseMode: boolean; NonZeroWinding: boolean; LinearBlend: boolean = false; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true);
-procedure FillPolyAntialiasWithTexture(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; const points: array of TPointF;
- scan: IBGRAScanner; NonZeroWinding: boolean; LinearBlend: boolean = false; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true);
-procedure FillPolyAntialias(bmp: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const points: array of TPointF;
- brush: TUniversalBrush; NonZeroWinding: boolean; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true);
- { TBGRAMultishapeFiller }
- TBGRAMultishapeFiller = class
- protected
- nbShapes: integer;
- shapes: array of record
- info: TBGRACustomFillInfo;
- internalInfo: boolean;
- texture: IBGRAScanner;
- internalTexture: TObject;
- color: TExpandedPixel;
- bounds: TRect;
- fillMode: TFillMode;
- fillModeOverride: boolean;
- end;
- function AddShape(AInfo: TBGRACustomFillInfo; AInternalInfo: boolean; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AInternalTexture: TObject; AColor: TBGRAPixel): integer; overload;
- function CheckRectangleBorderBounds(var x1, y1, x2, y2: single; w: single): boolean;
- procedure InternalAddStroke(const APoints: array of TPointF; AClosed: boolean; AData: Pointer);
- public
- FillMode : TFillMode;
- PolygonOrder: TPolygonOrder;
- Antialiasing: Boolean;
- AliasingIncludeBottomRight: Boolean;
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function AddShape(AShape: TBGRACustomFillInfo; AColor: TBGRAPixel): integer; overload;
- function AddShape(AShape: TBGRACustomFillInfo; ATexture: IBGRAScanner): integer; overload;
- function AddPolygon(const points: array of TPointF; AColor: TBGRAPixel): integer; overload;
- function AddPolygon(const points: array of TPointF; ATexture: IBGRAScanner): integer; overload;
- procedure AddPathStroke(APath: TBGRAPath; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AWidth: single; AStroker: TBGRACustomPenStroker); overload;
- procedure AddPathStroke(APath: TBGRAPath; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AWidth: single; AStroker: TBGRACustomPenStroker); overload;
- procedure AddPathStroke(APath: TBGRAPath; AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AWidth: single; AStroker: TBGRACustomPenStroker); overload;
- procedure AddPathStroke(APath: TBGRAPath; AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AWidth: single; AStroker: TBGRACustomPenStroker); overload;
- function AddPathFill(APath: TBGRAPath; AColor: TBGRAPixel): integer; overload;
- function AddPathFill(APath: TBGRAPath; ATexture: IBGRAScanner): integer; overload;
- function AddPathFill(APath: TBGRAPath; AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AColor: TBGRAPixel): integer; overload;
- function AddPathFill(APath: TBGRAPath; AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; ATexture: IBGRAScanner): integer; overload;
- function AddPolylineStroke(const points: array of TPointF; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AWidth: single; AStroker: TBGRACustomPenStroker): integer; overload;
- function AddPolylineStroke(const points: array of TPointF; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AWidth: single; AStroker: TBGRACustomPenStroker): integer; overload;
- function AddPolygonStroke(const points: array of TPointF; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AWidth: single; AStroker: TBGRACustomPenStroker): integer; overload;
- function AddPolygonStroke(const points: array of TPointF; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AWidth: single; AStroker: TBGRACustomPenStroker): integer; overload;
- function AddTriangleLinearColor(pt1, pt2, pt3: TPointF; c1, c2, c3: TBGRAPixel): integer;
- function AddTriangleLinearMapping(pt1, pt2, pt3: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3: TPointF): integer;
- procedure AddQuadLinearColor(pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4: TPointF; c1, c2, c3, c4: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure AddQuadLinearMapping(pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, {%H-}tex3, tex4: TPointF;
- ACulling: TFaceCulling = fcNone);
- procedure AddQuadPerspectiveMapping(pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3, tex4: TPointF);
- function AddEllipse(x, y, rx, ry: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel): integer; overload;
- function AddEllipse(x, y, rx, ry: single; ATexture: IBGRAScanner): integer; overload;
- function AddEllipseBorder(x, y, rx, ry, w: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel): integer; overload;
- function AddEllipseBorder(x, y, rx, ry, w: single; ATexture: IBGRAScanner): integer; overload;
- function AddRoundRectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, rx, ry: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel; options: TRoundRectangleOptions= []): integer; overload;
- function AddRoundRectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, rx, ry: single; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; options: TRoundRectangleOptions= []): integer; overload;
- function AddRoundRectangleBorder(x1, y1, x2, y2, rx, ry, w: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel; options: TRoundRectangleOptions= []): integer; overload;
- function AddRoundRectangleBorder(x1, y1, x2, y2, rx, ry, w: single; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; options: TRoundRectangleOptions= []): integer; overload;
- function AddRectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel): integer; overload;
- function AddRectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2: single; ATexture: IBGRAScanner): integer; overload;
- function AddRectangleBorder(x1, y1, x2, y2, w: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel): integer; overload;
- function AddRectangleBorder(x1, y1, x2, y2, w: single; ATexture: IBGRAScanner): integer; overload;
- procedure OverrideFillMode(AShapeIndex: integer; AFillMode: TFillMode);
- procedure Draw(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; ADrawMode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency);
- property ShapeCount: integer read nbShapes;
- end;
-procedure FillEllipseAntialias(bmp: TCustomUniversalBitmap; x, y, rx, ry: single; ABrush: TUniversalBrush);
-procedure FillEllipseAntialias(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y, rx, ry: single;
- c: TBGRAPixel; EraseMode: boolean; LinearBlend: boolean = false);
-procedure FillEllipseAntialiasWithTexture(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y, rx, ry: single;
- scan: IBGRAScanner; LinearBlend: boolean = false);
-procedure BorderEllipseAntialias(bmp: TCustomUniversalBitmap; x, y, rx, ry, w: single; ABrush: TUniversalBrush);
-procedure BorderEllipseAntialias(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y, rx, ry, w: single;
- c: TBGRAPixel; EraseMode: boolean; LinearBlend: boolean = false);
-procedure BorderEllipseAntialiasWithTexture(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y, rx, ry, w: single;
- scan: IBGRAScanner; LinearBlend: boolean = false);
-procedure BorderEllipse(bmp: TCustomUniversalBitmap; x, y, rx, ry, w: single; ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: word = 65535);
-procedure BorderEllipse(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y, rx, ry, w: single;
- c: TBGRAPixel; EraseMode: boolean; drawmode: TDrawMode);
-procedure BorderEllipseWithTexture(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y, rx, ry, w: single;
- scan: IBGRAScanner; drawmode: TDrawMode);
-procedure FillRoundRectangleAntialias(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; x1, y1, x2, y2, rx, ry: single;
- options: TRoundRectangleOptions; c: TBGRAPixel; EraseMode: boolean; LinearBlend: boolean = false; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true);
-procedure FillRoundRectangleAntialiasWithTexture(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; x1, y1, x2, y2, rx, ry: single;
- options: TRoundRectangleOptions; scan: IBGRAScanner; LinearBlend: boolean = false; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true);
-procedure BorderRoundRectangleAntialias(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; x1, y1, x2, y2, rx, ry, w: single;
- options: TRoundRectangleOptions; c: TBGRAPixel; EraseMode: boolean; LinearBlend: boolean = false; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true);
-procedure BorderRoundRectangleAntialiasWithTexture(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; x1, y1, x2, y2, rx, ry, w: single;
- options: TRoundRectangleOptions; scan: IBGRAScanner; LinearBlend: boolean = false; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true);
-procedure BorderAndFillRoundRectangleAntialias(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; x1, y1, x2, y2, rx, ry, w: single;
- options: TRoundRectangleOptions; bordercolor,fillcolor: TBGRAPixel; bordertexture,filltexture: IBGRAScanner; EraseMode: boolean; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true);
-uses Math, BGRABlend, BGRAGradientScanner, BGRATransform;
-procedure AnyBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; ABmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; ACol: TBGRAPixel;
- AEraseMode: boolean; AScan: IBGRAScanner; ADrawmode: TDrawMode);
- if AScan <> nil then
- ABmp.ScannerBrush(ABrush, AScan, ADrawmode)
- else
- begin
- if AEraseMode then ABmp.EraseBrush(ABrush, ACol.alpha + (ACol.alpha shl 8))
- else ABmp.SolidBrush(ABrush, ACol, ADrawmode);;
- end;
-procedure AnyBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; ABmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; ACol: TBGRAPixel;
- AEraseMode: boolean; AScan: IBGRAScanner; ALinearBlend: boolean);
- if ALinearBlend then AnyBrush(ABrush,ABmp,ACol,AEraseMode,AScan,dmLinearBlend)
- else AnyBrush(ABrush,ABmp,ACol,AEraseMode,AScan,dmDrawWithTransparency);
-procedure FillShapeAliased(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; shapeInfo: TBGRACustomFillInfo;
- c: TBGRAPixel; EraseMode: boolean; scan: IBGRAScanner; NonZeroWinding: boolean; drawmode: TDrawMode; AliasingIncludeBottomRight: Boolean= false);
- bFill: TUniversalBrush;
- AnyBrush(bFill, bmp, c,EraseMode,scan,drawmode);
- FillShapeAliased(bmp, shapeInfo, bFill,65535,NonZeroWinding,AliasingIncludeBottomRight);
-procedure FillShapeAliased(bmp: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- shapeInfo: TBGRACustomFillInfo; brush: TUniversalBrush; Alpha: Word;
- NonZeroWinding: boolean; AliasingIncludeBottomRight: Boolean);
- inter: array of TIntersectionInfo;
- nbInter: integer;
- miny, maxy, minx, maxx: integer;
- yb, i: integer;
- x1, x2: single;
- ix1, ix2: integer;
- pdest: PByte;
- AliasingOfs: TPointF;
- ctx: TUniBrushContext;
- if brush.DoesNothing or (Alpha=0) then exit;
- If not BGRAShapeComputeMinMax(shapeInfo,minx,miny,maxx,maxy,bmp.ClipRect) then exit;
- inter := shapeInfo.CreateIntersectionArray;
- if AliasingIncludeBottomRight then
- AliasingOfs := PointF(0.0001, 0.0001) else
- AliasingOfs := PointF(0,0);
- bmp.LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- //vertical scan
- for yb := miny to maxy do
- begin
- //find intersections
- shapeInfo.ComputeAndSort( yb+0.5-AliasingOfs.Y, inter, nbInter, NonZeroWinding);
- for i := 0 to nbinter div 2 - 1 do
- begin
- x1 := inter[i + i].interX+AliasingOfs.X;
- x2 := inter[i + i+ 1].interX+AliasingOfs.X;
- if x1 <> x2 then
- begin
- ComputeAliasedRowBounds(x1,x2, minx,maxx, ix1,ix2);
- if ix1 <= ix2 then
- begin
- //render scanline
- pdest := bmp.GetPixelAddress(ix1,yb);
- brush.MoveTo(@ctx, pdest, ix1,yb);
- brush.PutNextPixels(@ctx, Alpha, ix2-ix1+1);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- shapeInfo.FreeIntersectionArray(inter);
- bmp.InvalidateBitmap;
-procedure FillPolyAliased(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; points: array of TPointF;
- c: TBGRAPixel; EraseMode: boolean; NonZeroWinding: boolean; drawmode: TDrawMode; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- AnyBrush(b, bmp, c,EraseMode,nil,drawmode);
- FillPolyAliased(bmp, points, b, 65535, NonZeroWinding, APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-procedure FillPolyAliasedWithTexture(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- const points: array of TPointF; scan: IBGRAScanner; NonZeroWinding: boolean; drawmode: TDrawMode; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- AnyBrush(b, bmp, BGRAPixelTransparent,false,scan,drawmode);
- FillPolyAliased(bmp, points, b, 65535, NonZeroWinding, APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-procedure FillPolyAliased(bmp: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- const points: array of TPointF; brush: TUniversalBrush; Alpha: Word;
- NonZeroWinding: boolean; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- info: TCustomFillPolyInfo;
- if brush.DoesNothing or (length(points) < 3) then exit;
- if length(points)<=10 then
- info := TSimpleFillPolyInfo.Create(points, APixelCenteredCoordinates)
- else
- info := TOnePassFillPolyInfo.Create(points, APixelCenteredCoordinates);
- FillShapeAliased(bmp, info, brush, Alpha, NonZeroWinding);
- info.Free;
-procedure FillShapeAntialias(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; shapeInfo: TBGRACustomFillInfo;
- c: TBGRAPixel; EraseMode: boolean; scan: IBGRAScanner; NonZeroWinding: boolean; LinearBlend: boolean = false);
- drawMode: TDrawMode;
- if LinearBlend then drawMode := dmLinearBlend else drawMode := dmDrawWithTransparency;
- FillShapeAntialias(bmp, shapeInfo, c, EraseMode, scan, NonZeroWinding, drawmode);
-procedure FillShapeAntialias(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- shapeInfo: TBGRACustomFillInfo; c: TBGRAPixel; EraseMode: boolean;
- scan: IBGRAScanner; NonZeroWinding: boolean; drawmode: TDrawMode);
- bFill: TUniversalBrush;
- AnyBrush(bFill, bmp, c,EraseMode,scan,drawmode);
- FillShapeAntialias(bmp, shapeInfo, bFill,NonZeroWinding);
-procedure FillShapeAntialias(bmp: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- shapeInfo: TBGRACustomFillInfo; brush: TUniversalBrush;
- NonZeroWinding: boolean);
-const oneOver512 = 1/512;
- inter: array of TIntersectionInfo;
- nbInter: integer;
- firstScan, lastScan: record
- inter: array of TIntersectionInfo;
- nbInter: integer;
- sliceIndex: integer;
- end;
- miny, maxy, minx, maxx,
- densMinX, densMaxX: integer;
- joinDensity, nextJoinDensity: boolean;
- density: PDensity;
- xb, yb, yc, i: integer;
- tempDensity: UInt32or64;
- x1, x2, x1b,x2b: single;
- ix1, ix2, drawCount: integer;
- pdens: PDensity;
- curvedSeg,optimised: boolean;
- temp: Single;
- pDest: PByte;
- ctx: TUniBrushContext;
- function GetYScan(num: integer): single; inline;
- begin
- result := yb + (num * 2 + 1) / (AntialiasPrecision * 2);
- end;
- procedure SubTriangleDensity(x1,density1, x2, density2: single);
- var ix1,ix2,n: integer;
- slope: single;
- function densityAt(x: single): single; inline;
- begin
- result := (x-x1)*slope+density1;
- end;
- var
- curdens: single;
- pdens: pdensity;
- newvalue: Int32or64;
- begin
- if (x1 <> x2) and (x1 < maxx + 1) and (x2 >= minx) then
- begin
- slope := (density2-density1)/(x2-x1);
- if x1 < minx then
- begin
- density1 := densityAt(minx);
- x1 := minx;
- end;
- if x2 >= maxx + 1 then
- begin
- density2 := densityAt(maxx+1);
- x2 := maxx + 1;
- end;
- ix1 := floor(x1);
- ix2 := floor(x2);
- if ix1 = ix2 then
- begin
- newValue := (density + (ix1 - minx))^ - round((x2 - x1)*(density1+density2)/2);
- if newValue < 0 then newValue := 0;
- if newValue > 256 then newValue := 256;
- (density + (ix1 - minx))^ := newValue
- end
- else
- begin
- newValue := (density + (ix1 - minx))^ - round((1 - (x1 - ix1))*(density1+densityAt(ix1+1))/2) ;
- if newValue < 0 then newValue := 0;
- if newValue > 256 then newValue := 256;
- (density + (ix1 - minx))^ := newValue;
- if (ix2 <= maxx) then
- begin
- newValue := (density + (ix2 - minx))^ - round((x2 - ix2)*(density2+densityAt(ix2))/2);
- if newValue < 0 then newValue := 0;
- if newValue > 256 then newValue := 256;
- (density + (ix2 - minx))^ := newValue;
- end;
- end;
- if ix2 > ix1 + 1 then
- begin
- curdens := densityAt(ix1+1.5);
- pdens := density + (ix1+1 - minx);
- for n := ix2-1-(ix1+1) downto 0 do
- begin
- newValue := pdens^ - round(curdens);
- if newValue < 0 then newValue := 0;
- if newValue > 256 then newValue := 256;
- pdens^ := newValue;
- IncF(curdens, slope);
- inc(pdens);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- If brush.DoesNothing or not BGRAShapeComputeMinMax(shapeInfo,minx,miny,maxx,maxy,bmp.ClipRect) then exit;
- bmp.LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- inter := shapeInfo.CreateIntersectionArray;
- getmem(density, (maxx - minx + 2)*sizeof(TDensity)); //more for safety
- curvedSeg := shapeInfo.SegmentsCurved;
- if not curvedSeg then
- begin
- firstScan.inter := shapeInfo.CreateIntersectionArray;
- lastScan.inter := shapeInfo.CreateIntersectionArray;
- end;
- //vertical scan
- for yb := miny to maxy do
- begin
- //mean density
- fillchar(density^,(maxx-minx+1)*sizeof(TDensity),0);
- densMinX := maxx+1;
- densMaxX := minx-1;
- if not curvedSeg then
- begin
- with firstScan do
- begin
- shapeInfo.ComputeAndSort(yb+1/256,inter,nbInter,NonZeroWinding);
- sliceIndex:= shapeInfo.GetSliceIndex;
- end;
- with lastScan do
- begin
- shapeInfo.ComputeAndSort(yb+255/256,inter,nbInter,NonZeroWinding);
- sliceIndex:= shapeInfo.GetSliceIndex;
- end;
- if (firstScan.sliceIndex = lastScan.sliceIndex) and (firstScan.nbInter = lastScan.nbInter) then
- begin
- optimised := true;
- for i := 0 to firstScan.nbInter-1 do
- if firstScan.inter[i].numSegment <> lastScan.inter[i].numSegment then
- begin
- optimised := false;
- break;
- end;
- end else
- optimised := false;
- if optimised then
- begin
- nextJoinDensity := false;
- for i := 0 to firstScan.nbinter div 2 - 1 do
- begin
- joinDensity := nextJoinDensity;
- x1 := firstScan.inter[i+i].interX;
- x1b := lastScan.inter[i+i].interX;
- x2 := firstScan.inter[i+i+1].interX;
- x2b := lastScan.inter[i+i+1].interX;
- nextJoinDensity := not ((i+i+2 >= firstScan.nbInter) or
- ((firstScan.inter[i+i+2].interX >= x2+1) and
- (lastScan.inter[i+i+2].interX >= x2b+1)));
- if (abs(x1-x1b)= maxx+1 then
- begin
- x2 := maxx+1;
- ix2 := maxx;
- end else
- ix2 := floor(x2);
- if ix2 > maxx then ix2 := maxx;
- if ix1>ix2 then continue;
- pDest := bmp.GetPixelAddress(ix1,yb);
- brush.MoveTo(@ctx,pDest,ix1,yb);
- if ix1=ix2 then
- begin
- tempDensity:= round((x2-x1)*65535);
- brush.PutNextPixels(@ctx,tempDensity,1);
- end else
- begin
- tempDensity:= round((ix1+1-x1)*65535);
- brush.PutNextPixels(@ctx,tempDensity,1);
- inc(ix1);
- tempDensity:= round((x2-ix2)*65535);
- if tempDensity < 65535 then
- begin
- dec(ix2);
- if ix2 >= ix1 then brush.PutNextPixels(@ctx,65535,ix2-ix1+1);
- brush.PutNextPixels(@ctx,tempDensity,1);
- end else
- brush.PutNextPixels(@ctx,65535,ix2-ix1+1);
- end;
- continue;
- end else
- begin
- if (x1 > x1b) then
- begin
- temp := x1;
- x1 := x1b;
- x1b := temp;
- end;
- if (x2 < x2b) then
- begin
- temp := x2;
- x2 := x2b;
- x2b := temp;
- end;
- {$i density256.inc}
- SubTriangleDensity(x1,256,x1b,0);
- SubTriangleDensity(x2b,0,x2,256);
- end;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- for yc := 0 to AntialiasPrecision - 1 do
- begin
- //find intersections
- shapeInfo.ComputeAndSort(GetYScan(yc),inter,nbInter,NonZeroWinding);
- {$i density256.inc}
- end;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- optimised := false;
- //precision scan
- for yc := 0 to AntialiasPrecision - 1 do
- begin
- //find intersections
- shapeInfo.ComputeAndSort(GetYScan(yc),inter,nbInter,NonZeroWinding);
- {$i density256.inc}
- end;
- end;
- if optimised then
- {$i density256.inc}
- else
- {$i density256.inc}
- end;
- shapeInfo.FreeIntersectionArray(inter);
- if not curvedSeg then
- begin
- with firstScan do
- begin
- for i := 0 to high(inter) do
- inter[i].free;
- end;
- with lastScan do
- begin
- for i := 0 to high(inter) do
- inter[i].free;
- end;
- end;
- freemem(density);
- bmp.InvalidateBitmap;
-procedure FillShapeAntialiasWithTexture(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- shapeInfo: TBGRACustomFillInfo; scan: IBGRAScanner; NonZeroWinding: boolean; LinearBlend: boolean);
- FillShapeAntialias(bmp,shapeInfo,BGRAPixelTransparent,False,scan,NonZeroWinding,LinearBlend);
-procedure FillPolyAntialias(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; points: array of TPointF;
- c: TBGRAPixel; EraseMode: boolean; NonZeroWinding: boolean; LinearBlend: boolean; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- AnyBrush(b, bmp,c,EraseMode,nil,LinearBlend);
- FillPolyAntialias(bmp, points, b, NonZeroWinding, APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-procedure FillPolyAntialiasWithTexture(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- const points: array of TPointF; scan: IBGRAScanner; NonZeroWinding: boolean; LinearBlend: boolean; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- AnyBrush(b, bmp,BGRAPixelTransparent,false,scan,LinearBlend);
- FillPolyAntialias(bmp, points, b, NonZeroWinding, APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-procedure FillPolyAntialias(bmp: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- const points: array of TPointF; brush: TUniversalBrush;
- NonZeroWinding: boolean; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- info: TCustomFillPolyInfo;
- if brush.DoesNothing or (length(points) < 3) then exit;
- info := TOnePassFillPolyInfo.Create(points, APixelCenteredCoordinates);
- FillShapeAntialias(bmp, info, brush, NonZeroWinding);
- info.Free;
-{ TBGRAMultishapeFiller }
- TPathStrokeData = record
- Stroker: TBGRACustomPenStroker;
- Texture: IBGRAScanner;
- Color: TBGRAPixel;
- Width: Single;
- end;
-function TBGRAMultishapeFiller.AddShape(AInfo: TBGRACustomFillInfo; AInternalInfo: boolean; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AInternalTexture: TObject; AColor: TBGRAPixel): integer;
- if length(shapes) = nbShapes then
- setlength(shapes, (length(shapes)+1)*2);
- result := nbShapes;
- inc(nbShapes);
- with shapes[result] do
- begin
- info := AInfo;
- internalInfo:= AInternalInfo;
- texture := ATexture;
- internalTexture:= AInternalTexture;
- color := GammaExpansion(AColor);
- fillModeOverride:= false;
- end;
-function TBGRAMultishapeFiller.CheckRectangleBorderBounds(var x1, y1, x2,
- y2: single; w: single): boolean;
-var temp: single;
- if x1 > x2 then
- begin
- temp := x1;
- x1 := x2;
- x2 := temp;
- end;
- if y1 > y2 then
- begin
- temp := y1;
- y1 := y2;
- y2 := temp;
- end;
- result := (x2-x1 > w) and (y2-y1 > w);
-procedure TBGRAMultishapeFiller.InternalAddStroke(
- const APoints: array of TPointF; AClosed: boolean; AData: Pointer);
-var pts: ArrayOfTPointF;
- idxShape: Integer;
- with TPathStrokeData(AData^) do
- begin
- if AClosed then
- pts := Stroker.ComputePolygon(APoints, Width)
- else
- pts := Stroker.ComputePolylineAutoCycle(APoints, Width);
- if Texture <> nil then
- idxShape := AddPolygon(pts, Texture)
- else
- idxShape := AddPolygon(pts, Color);
- OverrideFillMode(idxShape, fmWinding);
- end;
-constructor TBGRAMultishapeFiller.Create;
- nbShapes := 0;
- shapes := nil;
- PolygonOrder := poNone;
- Antialiasing := True;
- AliasingIncludeBottomRight := False;
-destructor TBGRAMultishapeFiller.Destroy;
- i: Integer;
- for i := 0 to nbShapes-1 do
- begin
- if shapes[i].internalInfo then shapes[i].info.free;
- shapes[i].texture := nil;
- if shapes[i].internalTexture <> nil then shapes[i].internalTexture.Free;
- end;
- shapes := nil;
- inherited Destroy;
-function TBGRAMultishapeFiller.AddShape(AShape: TBGRACustomFillInfo;
- AColor: TBGRAPixel): integer;
- result := AddShape(AShape,False,nil,nil,AColor);
-function TBGRAMultishapeFiller.AddShape(AShape: TBGRACustomFillInfo;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner): integer;
- result := AddShape(AShape,False,ATexture,nil,BGRAPixelTransparent);
-function TBGRAMultishapeFiller.AddPolygon(const points: array of TPointF;
- AColor: TBGRAPixel): integer;
- if length(points) <= 2 then exit(-1);
- result := AddShape(TOnePassFillPolyInfo.Create(points),True,nil,nil,AColor);
-function TBGRAMultishapeFiller.AddPolygon(const points: array of TPointF;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner): integer;
- if length(points) <= 2 then exit(-1);
- result := AddShape(TOnePassFillPolyInfo.Create(points),True,ATexture,nil,BGRAPixelTransparent);
-procedure TBGRAMultishapeFiller.AddPathStroke(APath: TBGRAPath;
- AColor: TBGRAPixel; AWidth: single; AStroker: TBGRACustomPenStroker);
- AddPathStroke(APath,AffineMatrixIdentity,AColor,AWidth,AStroker);
-procedure TBGRAMultishapeFiller.AddPathStroke(APath: TBGRAPath;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AWidth: single; AStroker: TBGRACustomPenStroker);
- AddPathStroke(APath,AffineMatrixIdentity,ATexture,AWidth,AStroker);
-procedure TBGRAMultishapeFiller.AddPathStroke(APath: TBGRAPath;
- AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AWidth: single;
- AStroker: TBGRACustomPenStroker);
-var data: TPathStrokeData;
- data.Stroker := AStroker;
- data.Color := AColor;
- data.Texture := nil;
- data.Width := AWidth;
- APath.stroke(@InternalAddStroke, AMatrix, 0.1, @data);
-procedure TBGRAMultishapeFiller.AddPathStroke(APath: TBGRAPath;
- AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AWidth: single;
- AStroker: TBGRACustomPenStroker);
-var data: TPathStrokeData;
- data.Stroker := AStroker;
- data.Color := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- data.Texture := ATexture;
- data.Width := AWidth;
- APath.stroke(@InternalAddStroke, AMatrix, 0.1, @data);
-function TBGRAMultishapeFiller.AddPathFill(APath: TBGRAPath; AColor: TBGRAPixel): integer;
- result := AddPolygon(APath.ToPoints, AColor);
-function TBGRAMultishapeFiller.AddPathFill(APath: TBGRAPath;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner): integer;
- result := AddPolygon(APath.ToPoints, ATexture);
-function TBGRAMultishapeFiller.AddPathFill(APath: TBGRAPath;
- AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AColor: TBGRAPixel): integer;
- result := AddPolygon(APath.ToPoints(AMatrix), AColor);
-function TBGRAMultishapeFiller.AddPathFill(APath: TBGRAPath;
- AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; ATexture: IBGRAScanner): integer;
- result := AddPolygon(APath.ToPoints(AMatrix), ATexture);
-function TBGRAMultishapeFiller.AddPolylineStroke(
- const points: array of TPointF; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AWidth: single;
- AStroker: TBGRACustomPenStroker): integer;
- result := AddPolygon(AStroker.ComputePolyline(points,AWidth,AColor), AColor);
-function TBGRAMultishapeFiller.AddPolylineStroke(
- const points: array of TPointF; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AWidth: single;
- AStroker: TBGRACustomPenStroker): integer;
- result := AddPolygon(AStroker.ComputePolyline(points,AWidth), ATexture);
-function TBGRAMultishapeFiller.AddPolygonStroke(const points: array of TPointF;
- AColor: TBGRAPixel; AWidth: single; AStroker: TBGRACustomPenStroker): integer;
- result := AddPolygon(AStroker.ComputePolygon(points,AWidth), AColor);
-function TBGRAMultishapeFiller.AddPolygonStroke(const points: array of TPointF;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AWidth: single; AStroker: TBGRACustomPenStroker
- ): integer;
- result := AddPolygon(AStroker.ComputePolygon(points,AWidth), ATexture);
-function TBGRAMultishapeFiller.AddTriangleLinearColor(pt1, pt2, pt3: TPointF;
- c1, c2, c3: TBGRAPixel): integer;
-var grad: TBGRAGradientTriangleScanner;
- if (c1 = c2) and (c2 = c3) then
- result := AddPolygon([pt1,pt2,pt3],c1)
- else
- begin
- grad := TBGRAGradientTriangleScanner.Create(pt1,pt2,pt3, c1,c2,c3);
- result := AddShape(TOnePassFillPolyInfo.Create([pt1,pt2,pt3]),True,grad,grad,BGRAPixelTransparent);
- end;
-function TBGRAMultishapeFiller.AddTriangleLinearMapping(pt1, pt2, pt3: TPointF;
- texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3: TPointF): integer;
- mapping: TBGRATriangleLinearMapping;
- mapping := TBGRATriangleLinearMapping.Create(texture, pt1,pt2,pt3, tex1, tex2, tex3);
- result := AddShape(TOnePassFillPolyInfo.Create([pt1,pt2,pt3]),True,mapping,mapping,BGRAPixelTransparent);
-procedure TBGRAMultishapeFiller.AddQuadLinearColor(pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4: TPointF;
- c1, c2, c3, c4: TBGRAPixel);
- center: TPointF;
- centerColor: TBGRAPixel;
- if (c1 = c2) and (c2 = c3) and (c3 = c4) then
- AddPolygon([pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4],c1)
- else
- begin
- center := (pt1+pt2+pt3+pt4)*(1/4);
- centerColor := GammaCompression( MergeBGRA(MergeBGRA(GammaExpansion(c1),GammaExpansion(c2)),
- MergeBGRA(GammaExpansion(c3),GammaExpansion(c4))) );
- AddTriangleLinearColor(pt1,pt2,center, c1,c2,centerColor);
- AddTriangleLinearColor(pt2,pt3,center, c2,c3,centerColor);
- AddTriangleLinearColor(pt3,pt4,center, c3,c4,centerColor);
- AddTriangleLinearColor(pt4,pt1,center, c4,c1,centerColor);
- end;
-procedure TBGRAMultishapeFiller.AddQuadLinearMapping(pt1, pt2, pt3,
- pt4: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3, tex4: TPointF;
- ACulling: TFaceCulling);
- mapping: TBGRAQuadLinearScanner;
- mapping := TBGRAQuadLinearScanner.Create(texture,
- [tex1,tex2,tex3,tex4],
- [pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4]);
- mapping.Culling := ACulling;
- mapping.Padding := true;
- AddShape(TOnePassFillPolyInfo.Create([pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4]),True,mapping,mapping,BGRAPixelTransparent);
-procedure TBGRAMultishapeFiller.AddQuadPerspectiveMapping(pt1, pt2, pt3,
- pt4: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3, tex4: TPointF);
-var persp: TBGRAPerspectiveScannerTransform;
- persp := TBGRAPerspectiveScannerTransform.Create(texture,[tex1,tex2,tex3,tex4],[pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4]);
- AddShape(TOnePassFillPolyInfo.Create([pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4]),True,persp,persp,BGRAPixelTransparent);
-function TBGRAMultishapeFiller.AddEllipse(x, y, rx, ry: single;
- AColor: TBGRAPixel): integer;
- result := AddShape(TFillEllipseInfo.Create(x,y,rx,ry),True,nil,nil,AColor);
-function TBGRAMultishapeFiller.AddEllipse(x, y, rx, ry: single;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner): integer;
- result := AddShape(TFillEllipseInfo.Create(x,y,rx,ry),True,ATexture,nil,BGRAPixelTransparent);
-function TBGRAMultishapeFiller.AddEllipseBorder(x, y, rx, ry, w: single;
- AColor: TBGRAPixel): integer;
- result := AddShape(TFillBorderEllipseInfo.Create(x,y,rx,ry,w),True,nil,nil,AColor);
-function TBGRAMultishapeFiller.AddEllipseBorder(x, y, rx, ry, w: single;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner): integer;
- result := AddShape(TFillBorderEllipseInfo.Create(x,y,rx,ry,w),True,ATexture,nil,BGRAPixelTransparent);
-function TBGRAMultishapeFiller.AddRoundRectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, rx,
- ry: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel; options: TRoundRectangleOptions): integer;
- result := AddShape(TFillRoundRectangleInfo.Create(x1, y1, x2, y2, rx, ry,options),True,nil,nil,AColor);
-function TBGRAMultishapeFiller.AddRoundRectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, rx,
- ry: single; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; options: TRoundRectangleOptions): integer;
- result := AddShape(TFillRoundRectangleInfo.Create(x1, y1, x2, y2, rx, ry,options),True,
- ATexture,nil,BGRAPixelTransparent);
-function TBGRAMultishapeFiller.AddRoundRectangleBorder(x1, y1, x2, y2, rx, ry,
- w: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel; options: TRoundRectangleOptions): integer;
- result := AddShape(TFillBorderRoundRectInfo.Create(x1, y1, x2, y2, rx, ry,w,options),True,
- nil,nil,AColor);
-function TBGRAMultishapeFiller.AddRoundRectangleBorder(x1, y1, x2, y2, rx, ry,
- w: single; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; options: TRoundRectangleOptions): integer;
- result := AddShape(TFillBorderRoundRectInfo.Create(x1, y1, x2, y2, rx, ry,w,options),True,
- ATexture,nil,BGRAPixelTransparent);
-function TBGRAMultishapeFiller.AddRectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2: single;
- AColor: TBGRAPixel): integer;
- result := AddPolygon([PointF(x1,y1),PointF(x2,y1),PointF(x2,y2),PointF(x1,y2)],AColor);
-function TBGRAMultishapeFiller.AddRectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2: single;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner): integer;
- result := AddPolygon([PointF(x1,y1),PointF(x2,y1),PointF(x2,y2),PointF(x1,y2)],ATexture);
-function TBGRAMultishapeFiller.AddRectangleBorder(x1, y1, x2, y2, w: single;
- AColor: TBGRAPixel): integer;
-var hw : single;
- hw := w/2;
- if not CheckRectangleBorderBounds(x1,y1,x2,y2,w) then
- result := AddRectangle(x1-hw,y1-hw,x2+hw,y2+hw,AColor) else
- result := AddPolygon([PointF(x1-hw,y1-hw),PointF(x2+hw,y1-hw),PointF(x2+hw,y2+hw),PointF(x1-hw,y2+hw),EmptyPointF,
- PointF(x1+hw,y2-hw),PointF(x2-hw,y2-hw),PointF(x2-hw,y1+hw),PointF(x1+hw,y1+hw)],AColor);
-function TBGRAMultishapeFiller.AddRectangleBorder(x1, y1, x2, y2, w: single;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner): integer;
-var hw : single;
- hw := w/2;
- if not CheckRectangleBorderBounds(x1,y1,x2,y2,w) then
- result := AddRectangle(x1-hw,y1-hw,x2+hw,y2+hw,ATexture) else
- result := AddPolygon([PointF(x1-hw,y1-hw),PointF(x2+hw,y1-hw),PointF(x2+hw,y2+hw),PointF(x1-hw,y2+hw),EmptyPointF,
- PointF(x1+hw,y2-hw),PointF(x2-hw,y2-hw),PointF(x2-hw,y1+hw),PointF(x1+hw,y1+hw)],ATexture);
-procedure TBGRAMultishapeFiller.OverrideFillMode(AShapeIndex: integer;
- AFillMode: TFillMode);
- if AShapeIndex < 0 then exit;
- if AShapeIndex >= nbShapes then raise exception.Create('Index out of bounds');
- shapes[AShapeIndex].fillMode := AFillMode;
- shapes[AShapeIndex].fillModeOverride := true;
-procedure TBGRAMultishapeFiller.Draw(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; ADrawMode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency);
- shapeRow: array of record
- density: PDensity;
- densMinx,densMaxx: integer;
- nbInter: integer;
- inter: array of TIntersectionInfo;
- end;
- shapeRowsList: array of integer;
- NbShapeRows: integer;
- miny, maxy, minx, maxx,
- rowminx, rowmaxx: integer;
- procedure SubstractScanlines(src,dest: integer);
- var i: integer;
- procedure SubstractSegment(srcseg: integer);
- var x1,x2, x3,x4: single;
- j: integer;
- procedure AddSegment(xa,xb: single);
- var nb: PInteger;
- begin
- nb := @shapeRow[dest].nbinter;
- if length(shapeRow[dest].inter) < nb^+2 then
- setlength(shapeRow[dest].inter, nb^*2+2);
- with shapeRow[dest] do
- begin
- if inter[nb^] = nil then inter[nb^] := shapes[dest].info.CreateIntersectionInfo;
- inter[nb^].interX := xa;
- if inter[nb^+1] = nil then inter[nb^+1] := shapes[dest].info.CreateIntersectionInfo;
- inter[nb^+1].interX := xb;
- end;
- inc(nb^,2);
- end;
- begin
- x1 := shapeRow[src].inter[(srcseg-1)*2].interX;
- x2 := shapeRow[src].inter[srcseg*2-1].interX;
- for j := shapeRow[dest].nbInter div 2 downto 1 do
- begin
- x3 := shapeRow[dest].inter[(j-1)*2].interX;
- x4 := shapeRow[dest].inter[j*2-1].interX;
- if (x2 <= x3) or (x1 >= x4) then continue; //not overlapping
- if (x1 <= x3) and (x2 >= x4) then
- shapeRow[dest].inter[j*2-1].interX := x3 //empty
- else
- if (x1 <= x3) and (x2 < x4) then
- shapeRow[dest].inter[(j-1)*2].interX := x2 //remove left part
- else
- if (x1 > x3) and (x2 >= x4) then
- shapeRow[dest].inter[j*2-1].interX := x1 else //remove right part
- begin
- //[x1,x2] is inside [x3,x4]
- shapeRow[dest].inter[j*2-1].interX := x1; //left part
- AddSegment(x2,x4);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- begin
- for i := 1 to shapeRow[src].nbInter div 2 do
- SubstractSegment(i);
- end;
- AliasingOfs: TPointF;
- useAA: boolean;
- procedure AddOneLineDensity(cury: single);
- var
- i,k: integer;
- ix1,ix2: integer;
- x1,x2: single;
- begin
- for k := 0 to NbShapeRows-1 do
- with shapeRow[shapeRowsList[k]], shapes[shapeRowsList[k]] do
- begin
- //find intersections
- info.ComputeAndSort(cury, inter, nbInter, fillMode=fmWinding);
- nbInter := nbInter and not 1; //even
- end;
- case PolygonOrder of
- poLastOnTop: begin
- for k := 1 to NbShapeRows-1 do
- if shapeRow[shapeRowsList[k]].nbInter > 0 then
- for i := 0 to k-1 do
- SubstractScanlines(shapeRowsList[k],shapeRowsList[i]);
- end;
- poFirstOnTop: begin
- for k := 0 to NbShapeRows-2 do
- if shapeRow[shapeRowsList[k]].nbInter > 0 then
- for i := k+1 to NbShapeRows-1 do
- SubstractScanlines(shapeRowsList[k],shapeRowsList[i]);
- end;
- end;
- for k := 0 to NbShapeRows-1 do
- with shapeRow[shapeRowsList[k]] do
- begin
- //fill density
- if not useAA then
- begin
- for i := 0 to nbinter div 2 - 1 do
- begin
- x1 := inter[i + i].interX;
- x2 := inter[i + i + 1].interX;
- ComputeAliasedRowBounds(x1+AliasingOfs.X,x2+AliasingOfs.X,minx,maxx,ix1,ix2);
- if ix1 < densMinx then densMinx := ix1;
- if ix2 > densMaxx then densMaxx := ix2;
- if ix2 >= ix1 then
- FillWord(density[ix1-minx],ix2-ix1+1,256);
- end;
- end else
- {$i density256.inc}
- end;
- for k := 0 to NbShapeRows-1 do
- with shapeRow[shapeRowsList[k]] do
- begin
- if densMinX < rowminx then rowminx := densMinX;
- if densMaxX > rowmaxx then rowmaxx := densMaxX;
- end;
- end;
- TCardinalSum = record
- sumR,sumG,sumB,sumA: LongWord;
- end;
- MultiEmpty: boolean;
- bounds: TRect;
- xb, yb, yc, k: integer;
- pdest: PBGRAPixel;
- curSum,nextSum: ^TCardinalSum;
- sums: array of TCardinalSum;
- curAlpha: byte;
- pdens: PDensity;
- w: UInt32or64;
- ec: TExpandedPixel;
- count: integer;
- ScanNextFunc: function: TBGRAPixel of object;
- if nbShapes = 0 then exit;
- for k := 0 to nbShapes-1 do
- if not shapes[k].fillModeOverride then shapes[k].fillMode:= fillMode;
- useAA := Antialiasing and (ADrawMode in [dmDrawWithTransparency,dmLinearBlend]);
- if nbShapes = 1 then
- begin
- if useAA then
- FillShapeAntialias(dest,shapes[0].info,GammaCompression(shapes[0].color),False,shapes[0].texture,shapes[0].fillMode = fmWinding, ADrawMode=dmLinearBlend) else
- FillShapeAliased(dest,shapes[0].info,GammaCompression(shapes[0].color),False,shapes[0].texture,shapes[0].fillMode = fmWinding, ADrawMode,
- AliasingIncludeBottomRight);
- exit;
- end;
- bounds := Rect(0,0,0,0);
- MultiEmpty := True;
- for k := 0 to nbShapes-1 do
- begin
- If BGRAShapeComputeMinMax(shapes[k].info,minx,miny,maxx,maxy,dest) then
- begin
- shapes[k].bounds := rect(minx,miny,maxx+1,maxy+1);
- if MultiEmpty then
- begin
- MultiEmpty := False;
- bounds := shapes[k].bounds;
- end else
- begin
- if minx < bounds.left then bounds.left := minx;
- if miny < bounds.top then bounds.top := miny;
- if maxx >= bounds.right then bounds.right := maxx+1;
- if maxy >= bounds.bottom then bounds.bottom := maxy+1;
- end;
- end else
- shapes[k].bounds := rect(0,0,0,0);
- end;
- if MultiEmpty then exit;
- minx := bounds.left;
- miny := bounds.top;
- maxx := bounds.right-1;
- maxy := bounds.bottom-1;
- setlength(shapeRow, nbShapes);
- for k := 0 to nbShapes-1 do
- begin
- shapeRow[k].inter := shapes[k].info.CreateIntersectionArray;
- getmem(shapeRow[k].density, (maxx - minx + 2)*sizeof(TDensity)); //more for safety
- end;
- if AliasingIncludeBottomRight then
- AliasingOfs := PointF(0.0001,0.0001) else
- AliasingOfs := PointF(0,0);
- setlength(sums,maxx-minx+1);
- setlength(shapeRowsList, nbShapes);
- //vertical scan
- for yb := miny to maxy do
- begin
- rowminx := maxx+1;
- rowmaxx := minx-1;
- //init shape rows
- NbShapeRows := 0;
- for k := 0 to nbShapes-1 do
- if (yb >= shapes[k].bounds.top) and (yb < shapes[k].bounds.Bottom) then
- begin
- shapeRowsList[NbShapeRows] := k;
- inc(NbShapeRows);
- fillchar(shapeRow[k].density^,(maxx-minx+1)*sizeof(TDensity),0);
- shapeRow[k].densMinx := maxx+1;
- shapeRow[k].densMaxx := minx-1;
- end;
- If useAA then
- begin
- //precision scan
- for yc := 0 to AntialiasPrecision - 1 do
- AddOneLineDensity( yb + (yc * 2 + 1) / (AntialiasPrecision * 2) );
- end else
- begin
- AddOneLineDensity( yb + 0.5 - AliasingOfs.Y );
- end;
- if rowminx < minx then rowminx := minx;
- if rowmaxx > maxx then rowmaxx := maxx;
- if rowminx <= rowmaxx then
- begin
- FillChar(sums[rowminx-minx],(rowmaxx-rowminx+1)*sizeof(sums[0]),0);
- if useAA then
- {$i multishapeline.inc}
- else
- {$i multishapeline.inc};
- pdest := dest.ScanLine[yb] + rowminx;
- xb := rowminx;
- nextSum := @sums[xb-minx];
- case ADrawMode of
- dmDrawWithTransparency:
- while xb <= rowmaxx do
- begin
- curSum := nextSum;
- inc(nextSum);
- with curSum^ do
- begin
- if sumA <> 0 then
- begin
- ec.red := (sumR+sumA shr 1) div sumA;
- ec.green := (sumG+sumA shr 1) div sumA;
- ec.blue := (sumB+sumA shr 1) div sumA;
- if sumA > 255 then curAlpha := 255 else curAlpha := sumA;
- ec.alpha := curAlpha shl 8 + curAlpha;
- count := 1;
- while (xb < rowmaxx) and (nextSum^.sumA = sumA) and (nextSum^.sumB = sumB)
- and (nextSum^.sumG = sumG) and (nextSum^.sumR = sumR) do
- begin
- inc(xb);
- inc(nextSum);
- inc(count);
- end;
- if count = 1 then
- DrawExpandedPixelInlineNoAlphaCheck(pdest,ec,curAlpha) else
- DrawExpandedPixelsInline(pdest, ec, count );
- inc(pdest,count-1);
- end;
- end;
- inc(xb);
- inc(pdest);
- end;
- dmLinearBlend:
- while xb <= rowmaxx do
- begin
- curSum := nextSum;
- inc(nextSum);
- with curSum^ do
- begin
- if sumA <> 0 then
- begin
- ec.red := (sumR+sumA shr 1) div sumA;
- ec.green := (sumG+sumA shr 1) div sumA;
- ec.blue := (sumB+sumA shr 1) div sumA;
- if sumA > 255 then curAlpha := 255 else curAlpha := sumA;
- ec.alpha := curAlpha shl 8 + curAlpha;
- count := 1;
- while (xb < rowmaxx) and (nextSum^.sumA = sumA) and (nextSum^.sumB = sumB)
- and (nextSum^.sumG = sumG) and (nextSum^.sumR = sumR) do
- begin
- inc(xb);
- inc(nextSum);
- inc(count);
- end;
- if count = 1 then
- DrawPixelInlineNoAlphaCheck(pdest,GammaCompression(ec)) else
- begin
- DrawPixelsInline(pdest, GammaCompression(ec), count );
- inc(pdest,count-1);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- inc(xb);
- inc(pdest);
- end;
- dmXor:
- while xb <= rowmaxx do
- begin
- curSum := nextSum;
- inc(nextSum);
- with curSum^ do
- begin
- if sumA <> 0 then
- begin
- ec.red := (sumR+sumA shr 1) div sumA;
- ec.green := (sumG+sumA shr 1) div sumA;
- ec.blue := (sumB+sumA shr 1) div sumA;
- if sumA > 255 then curAlpha := 255 else curAlpha := sumA;
- ec.alpha := curAlpha shl 8 + curAlpha;
- count := 1;
- while (xb < rowmaxx) and (nextSum^.sumA = sumA) and (nextSum^.sumB = sumB)
- and (nextSum^.sumG = sumG) and (nextSum^.sumR = sumR) do
- begin
- inc(xb);
- inc(nextSum);
- inc(count);
- end;
- XorInline(pdest,GammaCompression(ec),count);
- inc(pdest,count-1);
- end;
- end;
- inc(xb);
- inc(pdest);
- end;
- dmSet:
- while xb <= rowmaxx do
- begin
- curSum := nextSum;
- inc(nextSum);
- with curSum^ do
- begin
- if sumA <> 0 then
- begin
- ec.red := (sumR+sumA shr 1) div sumA;
- ec.green := (sumG+sumA shr 1) div sumA;
- ec.blue := (sumB+sumA shr 1) div sumA;
- if sumA > 255 then curAlpha := 255 else curAlpha := sumA;
- ec.alpha := curAlpha shl 8 + curAlpha;
- count := 1;
- while (xb < rowmaxx) and (nextSum^.sumA = sumA) and (nextSum^.sumB = sumB)
- and (nextSum^.sumG = sumG) and (nextSum^.sumR = sumR) do
- begin
- inc(xb);
- inc(nextSum);
- inc(count);
- end;
- FillInline(pdest,GammaCompression(ec),count);
- inc(pdest,count-1);
- end;
- end;
- inc(xb);
- inc(pdest);
- end;
- dmSetExceptTransparent:
- while xb <= rowmaxx do
- begin
- curSum := nextSum;
- inc(nextSum);
- with curSum^ do
- begin
- if sumA >= 255 then
- begin
- ec.red := (sumR+sumA shr 1) div sumA;
- ec.green := (sumG+sumA shr 1) div sumA;
- ec.blue := (sumB+sumA shr 1) div sumA;
- if sumA > 255 then curAlpha := 255 else curAlpha := sumA;
- ec.alpha := curAlpha shl 8 + curAlpha;
- count := 1;
- while (xb < rowmaxx) and (nextSum^.sumA = sumA) and (nextSum^.sumB = sumB)
- and (nextSum^.sumG = sumG) and (nextSum^.sumR = sumR) do
- begin
- inc(xb);
- inc(nextSum);
- inc(count);
- end;
- FillInline(pdest,GammaCompression(ec),count);
- inc(pdest,count-1);
- end;
- end;
- inc(xb);
- inc(pdest);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- for k := 0 to nbShapes-1 do
- begin
- freemem(shapeRow[k].density);
- shapes[k].info.FreeIntersectionArray(shapeRow[k].inter);
- end;
- dest.InvalidateBitmap;
-procedure FillEllipseAntialias(bmp: TCustomUniversalBitmap; x, y, rx,
- ry: single; ABrush: TUniversalBrush);
- info: TFillEllipseInfo;
- if ABrush.DoesNothing or (rx = 0) or (ry = 0) or (x = EmptySingle) or (y = EmptySingle) then exit;
- info := TFillEllipseInfo.Create(x, y, rx, ry);
- FillShapeAntialias(bmp, info, ABrush, False);
- info.Free;
-procedure FillEllipseAntialias(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y, rx, ry: single;
- c: TBGRAPixel; EraseMode: boolean; LinearBlend: boolean);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- AnyBrush(b, bmp,c,EraseMode,nil,LinearBlend);
- FillEllipseAntialias(bmp, x,y,rx,ry, b);
-procedure FillEllipseAntialiasWithTexture(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y, rx,
- ry: single; scan: IBGRAScanner; LinearBlend: boolean);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- AnyBrush(b, bmp, BGRAPixelTransparent,false,scan,LinearBlend);
- FillEllipseAntialias(bmp, x,y,rx,ry, b);
-procedure BorderEllipseAntialias(bmp: TCustomUniversalBitmap; x, y, rx, ry,
- w: single; ABrush: TUniversalBrush);
- info: TFillBorderEllipseInfo;
- if ABrush.DoesNothing or (w=0) or (x = EmptySingle) or (y = EmptySingle) then exit;
- info := TFillBorderEllipseInfo.Create(x, y, rx, ry, w);
- FillShapeAntialias(bmp, info, ABrush, False);
- info.Free;
-procedure BorderEllipseAntialias(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y, rx, ry, w: single;
- c: TBGRAPixel; EraseMode: boolean; LinearBlend: boolean);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- AnyBrush(b, bmp,c,EraseMode,nil,LinearBlend);
- BorderEllipseAntialias(bmp, x,y,rx,ry,w,b);
-procedure BorderEllipseAntialiasWithTexture(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y, rx,
- ry, w: single; scan: IBGRAScanner; LinearBlend: boolean);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- AnyBrush(b, bmp,BGRAPixelTransparent,false,scan,LinearBlend);
- BorderEllipseAntialias(bmp, x,y,rx,ry,w,b);
-procedure BorderEllipse(bmp: TCustomUniversalBitmap; x, y, rx, ry, w: single;
- ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: word);
- info: TFillBorderEllipseInfo;
- if ABrush.DoesNothing or ((rx = 0) and (ry = 0)) or (w=0) or (x = EmptySingle) or (y = EmptySingle) then exit;
- info := TFillBorderEllipseInfo.Create(x, y, rx, ry, w);
- FillShapeAliased(bmp, info, ABrush, AAlpha, False);
- info.Free;
-procedure BorderEllipse(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y, rx, ry, w: single;
- c: TBGRAPixel; EraseMode: boolean; drawmode: TDrawMode);
- bFill: TUniversalBrush;
- AnyBrush(bFill, bmp, c,EraseMode,nil,drawmode);
- BorderEllipse(bmp, x,y,rx,ry,w,bFill);
-procedure BorderEllipseWithTexture(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y, rx, ry,
- w: single; scan: IBGRAScanner; drawmode: TDrawMode);
- bFill: TUniversalBrush;
- bmp.ScannerBrush(bFill, scan,drawMode);
- BorderEllipse(bmp, x,y,rx,ry,w,bFill);
-procedure FillRoundRectangleAntialias(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; x1, y1, x2, y2,
- rx, ry: single; options: TRoundRectangleOptions; c: TBGRAPixel; EraseMode: boolean; LinearBlend: boolean; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- info: TFillRoundRectangleInfo;
- if (x1 = x2) or (y1 = y2) then exit;
- info := TFillRoundRectangleInfo.Create(x1, y1, x2, y2, rx, ry, options, APixelCenteredCoordinates);
- FillShapeAntialias(bmp, info, c, EraseMode,nil, False, LinearBlend);
- info.Free;
-procedure FillRoundRectangleAntialiasWithTexture(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; x1,
- y1, x2, y2, rx, ry: single; options: TRoundRectangleOptions;
- scan: IBGRAScanner; LinearBlend: boolean; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- info: TFillRoundRectangleInfo;
- if (x1 = x2) or (y1 = y2) then exit;
- info := TFillRoundRectangleInfo.Create(x1, y1, x2, y2, rx, ry, options, APixelCenteredCoordinates);
- FillShapeAntialiasWithTexture(bmp, info, scan, False, LinearBlend);
- info.Free;
-procedure BorderRoundRectangleAntialias(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; x1, y1, x2,
- y2, rx, ry, w: single; options: TRoundRectangleOptions; c: TBGRAPixel;
- EraseMode: boolean; LinearBlend: boolean; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- info: TFillShapeInfo;
- oldLinear: boolean;
- if w=0 then exit;
- if ((rx=0) or (ry=0)) and not EraseMode then
- begin
- oldLinear := bmp.LinearAntialiasing;
- bmp.LinearAntialiasing := LinearBlend;
- bmp.RectangleAntialias(x1,y1,x2,y2,c,w);
- bmp.LinearAntialiasing := oldLinear;
- exit;
- end;
- info := TFillBorderRoundRectInfo.Create(x1, y1, x2,y2, rx, ry, w, options, APixelCenteredCoordinates);
- FillShapeAntialias(bmp, info, c, EraseMode, nil, False, LinearBlend);
- info.Free;
-procedure BorderRoundRectangleAntialiasWithTexture(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; x1,
- y1, x2, y2, rx, ry, w: single; options: TRoundRectangleOptions;
- scan: IBGRAScanner; LinearBlend: boolean; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- info: TFillBorderRoundRectInfo;
- oldLinear: Boolean;
- if w=0 then exit;
- if (rx=0) or (ry=0) then
- begin
- oldLinear := bmp.LinearAntialiasing;
- bmp.LinearAntialiasing := LinearBlend;
- bmp.RectangleAntialias(x1,y1,x2,y2,scan,w);
- bmp.LinearAntialiasing := oldLinear;
- exit;
- end;
- info := TFillBorderRoundRectInfo.Create(x1, y1, x2,y2, rx, ry, w, options, APixelCenteredCoordinates);
- FillShapeAntialiasWithTexture(bmp, info, scan, False, LinearBlend);
- info.Free;
-procedure BorderAndFillRoundRectangleAntialias(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; x1, y1,
- x2, y2, rx, ry, w: single; options: TRoundRectangleOptions; bordercolor,
- fillcolor: TBGRAPixel; bordertexture,filltexture: IBGRAScanner; EraseMode: boolean; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- info: TFillBorderRoundRectInfo;
- multi: TBGRAMultishapeFiller;
- if (rx = 0) or (ry = 0) then exit;
- info := TFillBorderRoundRectInfo.Create(x1, y1, x2,y2, rx, ry, w, options, APixelCenteredCoordinates);
- if not EraseMode then
- begin
- multi := TBGRAMultishapeFiller.Create;
- if filltexture <> nil then
- multi.AddShape(info.innerBorder, filltexture) else
- multi.AddShape(info.innerBorder, fillcolor);
- if w<>0 then
- begin
- if bordertexture <> nil then
- multi.AddShape(info, bordertexture) else
- multi.AddShape(info, bordercolor);
- end;
- multi.Draw(bmp);
- multi.Free;
- end else
- begin
- FillShapeAntialias(bmp, info.innerBorder, fillcolor, EraseMode, nil, False, False);
- FillShapeAntialias(bmp, info, bordercolor, EraseMode, nil, False, False);
- end;
- info.Free;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrapolygonaliased.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrapolygonaliased.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 350b013..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrapolygonaliased.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,982 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAPolygonAliased;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
-{$i bgrasse.inc}
-{ This unit provides fast aliased polygon routines.
- To do aliased drawing, only one line is intersected with polygons for each output scanline.
- Along with intersection coordinates, color and texture coordinates are computed using
- linear interpolation. Inverse values are used for projective transform. }
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BGRABitmapTypes, BGRAFillInfo, BGRASSE;
- //segment information for linear color
- TLinearColorInfo = record
- Color, ColorSlopes: TColorF;
- end;
- PLinearColorInfo = ^TLinearColorInfo;
- ArrayOfTColorF = array of TColorF;
- //add a color information to intersection info
- TLinearColorGradientIntersectionInfo = class(TIntersectionInfo)
- Color: TColorF;
- end;
- { TPolygonLinearColorGradientInfo }
- TPolygonLinearColorGradientInfo = class(TOnePassFillPolyInfo)
- protected
- FColors: array of TColorF;
- procedure SetIntersectionValues(AInter: TIntersectionInfo; AInterX: Single; AWinding,
- ANumSegment: integer; dy: single; AData: pointer); override;
- public
- constructor Create(const points: array of TPointF; const Colors: array of TBGRAPixel);
- function CreateSegmentData(numPt, nextPt: integer; ASeg: PCustomPointRecord): pointer; override;
- function CreateIntersectionInfo: TIntersectionInfo; override;
- end;
-procedure PolygonLinearColorGradientAliased(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; polyInfo: TPolygonLinearColorGradientInfo;
- NonZeroWinding: boolean); overload;
-procedure PolygonLinearColorGradientAliased(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; const points: array of TPointF;
- const Colors: array of TBGRAPixel; NonZeroWinding: boolean); overload;
- //segment information for linear color
- TPerspectiveColorInfo = record
- ColorDivZ, ColorSlopesDivZ: TColorF;
- InvZ, InvZSlope: single;
- end;
- PPerspectiveColorInfo = ^TPerspectiveColorInfo;
- //add a color information to intersection info
- TPerspectiveColorGradientIntersectionInfo = class(TIntersectionInfo)
- ColorDivZ: TColorF;
- coordInvZ: single;
- end;
- { TPolygonPerspectiveColorGradientInfo }
- TPolygonPerspectiveColorGradientInfo = class(TOnePassFillPolyInfo)
- protected
- FColors: array of TColorF;
- FPointsZ: array of single;
- procedure SetIntersectionValues(AInter: TIntersectionInfo; AInterX: Single; AWinding,
- ANumSegment: integer; dy: single; AData: pointer); override;
- public
- constructor Create(const points: array of TPointF; const pointsZ: array of single; const Colors: array of TBGRAPixel);
- function CreateSegmentData(numPt, nextPt: integer; ASeg: PCustomPointRecord): pointer; override;
- function CreateIntersectionInfo: TIntersectionInfo; override;
- end;
-procedure PolygonPerspectiveColorGradientAliased(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; polyInfo: TPolygonPerspectiveColorGradientInfo;
- NonZeroWinding: boolean; zbuffer: psingle = nil); overload;
-procedure PolygonPerspectiveColorGradientAliased(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; const points: array of TPointF;
- const pointsZ: array of single; const Colors: array of TBGRAPixel; NonZeroWinding: boolean; zbuffer: psingle = nil); overload;
- //segment information for linear texture
- TLinearTextureInfo = record
- TexCoord: TPointF;
- TexCoordSlopes: TPointF;
- lightness: single;
- lightnessSlope: single;
- end;
- PLinearTextureInfo = ^TLinearTextureInfo;
- //add a texture coordinate to intersection info
- TLinearTextureMappingIntersectionInfo = class(TIntersectionInfo)
- texCoord: TPointF;
- lightness: word;
- end;
- { TPolygonLinearTextureMappingInfo }
- TPolygonLinearTextureMappingInfo = class(TOnePassFillPolyInfo)
- protected
- FTexCoords: array of TPointF;
- FLightnesses: array of Word;
- procedure SetIntersectionValues(AInter: TIntersectionInfo; AInterX: Single; AWinding,
- ANumSegment: integer; dy: single; AData: pointer); override;
- public
- constructor Create(const points: array of TPointF; const texCoords: array of TPointF); overload;
- constructor Create(const points: array of TPointF; const texCoords: array of TPointF; const lightnesses: array of word); overload;
- function CreateSegmentData(numPt, nextPt: integer; ASeg: PCustomPointRecord): pointer; override;
- function CreateIntersectionInfo: TIntersectionInfo; override;
- end;
-procedure PolygonLinearTextureMappingAliased(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; polyInfo: TPolygonLinearTextureMappingInfo;
- texture: IBGRAScanner; TextureInterpolation: Boolean; NonZeroWinding: boolean); overload;
-procedure PolygonLinearTextureMappingAliased(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; const points: array of TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner;
- const texCoords: array of TPointF; TextureInterpolation: Boolean; NonZeroWinding: boolean); overload;
-procedure PolygonLinearTextureMappingAliasedWithLightness(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; const points: array of TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner;
- const texCoords: array of TPointF; TextureInterpolation: Boolean; lightnesses: array of word; NonZeroWinding: boolean); overload;
- //segment information for perspective texture. Use inverse Z and slopes.
- TPerspectiveTextureInfo = record
- InvZ,InvZSlope: Single;
- TexCoordDivByZ: TPointF;
- TexCoordDivByZSlopes: TPointF;
- lightness: single;
- lightnessSlope: single;
- Position3D, Normal3D: TPoint3D_128;
- Position3DSlope, Normal3DSlope: TPoint3D_128;
- end;
- PPerspectiveTextureInfo = ^TPerspectiveTextureInfo;
- //add a texture coordinate and depth to intersection info (stored as inverse)
- TPerspectiveTextureMappingIntersectionInfo = class(TIntersectionInfo)
- texCoordDivByZ: TPointF;
- coordInvZ: single;
- lightness: word;
- Position3D, Normal3D: TPoint3D_128;
- end;
- { TPolygonPerspectiveTextureMappingInfo }
- TPolygonPerspectiveTextureMappingInfo = class(TOnePassFillPolyInfo)
- protected
- FTexCoords: array of TPointF;
- FPointsZ: array of single;
- FLightnesses: array of Word;
- procedure SetIntersectionValues(AInter: TIntersectionInfo; AInterX: Single; AWinding,
- ANumSegment: integer; dy: single; AData: pointer); override;
- public
- constructor Create(const points: array of TPointF; const pointsZ: array of single; const texCoords: array of TPointF); overload;
- constructor Create(const points: array of TPointF; const pointsZ: array of single; const texCoords: array of TPointF; const lightnesses: array of word); overload;
- function CreateSegmentData(numPt, nextPt: integer; ASeg: PCustomPointRecord): pointer; override;
- function CreateIntersectionInfo: TIntersectionInfo; override;
- end;
- { TPolygonPerspectiveMappingShaderInfo }
- TPolygonPerspectiveMappingShaderInfo = class(TOnePassFillPolyInfo)
- protected
- FTexCoords: array of TPointF;
- FPositions3D, FNormals3D: array of TPoint3D_128;
- procedure SetIntersectionValues(AInter: TIntersectionInfo; AInterX: Single; AWinding,
- ANumSegment: integer; dy: single; AData: pointer); override;
- public
- constructor Create(const points: array of TPointF; const points3D: array of TPoint3D; const normals: array of TPoint3D; const texCoords: array of TPointF); overload;
- constructor Create(const points: array of TPointF; const points3D: array of TPoint3D_128; const normals: array of TPoint3D_128; const texCoords: array of TPointF); overload;
- function CreateSegmentData(numPt, nextPt: integer; ASeg: PCustomPointRecord): pointer; override;
- function CreateIntersectionInfo: TIntersectionInfo; override;
- end;
- TShaderFunction3D = function (Context: PBasicLightingContext; Color: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel of object;
-procedure PolygonPerspectiveTextureMappingAliased(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; polyInfo: TPolygonPerspectiveTextureMappingInfo;
- texture: IBGRAScanner; TextureInterpolation: Boolean; NonZeroWinding: boolean; zbuffer: psingle = nil); overload;
-procedure PolygonPerspectiveTextureMappingAliased(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; const points: array of TPointF; const pointsZ: array of single; texture: IBGRAScanner;
- const texCoords: array of TPointF; TextureInterpolation: Boolean; NonZeroWinding: boolean; zbuffer: psingle = nil); overload;
-procedure PolygonPerspectiveTextureMappingAliasedWithLightness(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; const points: array of TPointF; const pointsZ: array of single; texture: IBGRAScanner;
- const texCoords: array of TPointF; TextureInterpolation: Boolean; lightnesses: array of word; NonZeroWinding: boolean; zbuffer: psingle = nil); overload;
-procedure PolygonPerspectiveMappingShaderAliased(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; polyInfo: TPolygonPerspectiveMappingShaderInfo;
- texture: IBGRAScanner; TextureInterpolation: Boolean; ShaderFunction: TShaderFunction3D; NonZeroWinding: boolean;
- solidColor: TBGRAPixel; zbuffer: psingle = nil; ShaderContext: PBasicLightingContext= nil); overload;
-procedure PolygonPerspectiveMappingShaderAliased(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; const points: array of TPointF; const points3D: array of TPoint3D;
- const normals: array of TPoint3D; texture: IBGRAScanner; const texCoords: array of TPointF;
- TextureInterpolation: Boolean; ShaderFunction: TShaderFunction3D; NonZeroWinding: boolean;
- solidColor: TBGRAPixel; zbuffer: psingle = nil; ShaderContext: PBasicLightingContext= nil); overload;
-procedure PolygonPerspectiveMappingShaderAliased(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; const points: array of TPointF; const points3D: array of TPoint3D_128;
- const normals: array of TPoint3D_128; texture: IBGRAScanner; const texCoords: array of TPointF;
- TextureInterpolation: Boolean; ShaderFunction: TShaderFunction3D; NonZeroWinding: boolean;
- solidColor: TBGRAPixel; zbuffer: psingle = nil; ShaderContext: PBasicLightingContext= nil); overload;
-{ Aliased round rectangle }
-procedure BGRARoundRectAliased(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; X1, Y1, X2, Y2: integer;
- DX, DY: integer; BorderColor, FillColor: TBGRAPixel; FillTexture: IBGRAScanner = nil; ADrawMode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency;
- skipFill: boolean = false); overload;
-procedure BGRARoundRectAliased(dest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; X1, Y1, X2, Y2: integer;
- DX, DY: integer; const BorderColor, FillColor: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word; skipBorder: boolean = false; skipFill: boolean = false); overload;
-procedure BGRAFillRoundRectAliased(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; X1, Y1, X2, Y2: integer;
- DX, DY: integer; FillColor: TBGRAPixel; FillTexture: IBGRAScanner = nil; ADrawMode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency);
-uses Math, BGRABlend, BGRAPolygon;
-{ TPolygonPerspectiveColorGradientInfo }
-procedure TPolygonPerspectiveColorGradientInfo.SetIntersectionValues(
- AInter: TIntersectionInfo; AInterX: Single; AWinding, ANumSegment: integer;
- dy: single; AData: pointer);
- info: PPerspectiveColorInfo;
- AInter.SetValues(AInterX,AWinding,ANumSegment);
- info := PPerspectiveColorInfo(AData);
- TPerspectiveColorGradientIntersectionInfo(AInter).coordInvZ := dy*info^.InvZSlope + info^.InvZ;
- TPerspectiveColorGradientIntersectionInfo(AInter).ColorDivZ := info^.ColorDivZ + info^.ColorSlopesDivZ*dy;
-constructor TPolygonPerspectiveColorGradientInfo.Create(
- const points: array of TPointF; const pointsZ: array of single;
- const Colors: array of TBGRAPixel);
- i: Integer;
- ec: TExpandedPixel;
- if (length(Colors) <> length(points)) or (length(points) <> length(pointsZ)) then
- raise Exception.Create('Dimensions mismatch');
- inherited Create(points);
- SetLength(FColors, length(FPoints));
- SetLength(FPointsZ, length(FPoints));
- for i := 0 to high(FPoints) do
- begin
- ec := GammaExpansion(Colors[FPoints[i].originalIndex]);
- FColors[i] := ColorF(ec.red,ec.green,ec.blue,ec.alpha);
- FPointsZ[i] := pointsZ[FPoints[i].originalIndex];
- end;
-function TPolygonPerspectiveColorGradientInfo.CreateSegmentData(numPt, nextPt: integer;
- ASeg: PCustomPointRecord): pointer;
- info: PPerspectiveColorInfo;
- InvTy: single;
- CurColorDivByZ,NextColorDivByZ: TColorF;
- CurInvZ,NextInvZ: single;
- New(info);
- InvTy := 1/(ASeg^.y2-ASeg^.y);
- CurInvZ := 1/FPointsZ[numPt];
- CurColorDivByZ := FColors[numPt]*CurInvZ;
- NextInvZ := 1/FPointsZ[nextPt];
- NextColorDivByZ := FColors[nextPt]*NextInvZ;
- info^.ColorSlopesDivZ := (NextColorDivByZ - CurColorDivByZ)*InvTy;
- info^.ColorDivZ := CurColorDivByZ;
- info^.InvZSlope := (NextInvZ-CurInvZ)*InvTy;
- info^.InvZ := CurInvZ;
- Result:= info;
-function TPolygonPerspectiveColorGradientInfo.CreateIntersectionInfo: TIntersectionInfo;
- Result:= TPerspectiveColorGradientIntersectionInfo.Create;
-{ TPolygonLinearColorGradientInfo }
-procedure TPolygonLinearColorGradientInfo.SetIntersectionValues(
- AInter: TIntersectionInfo; AInterX: Single; AWinding, ANumSegment: integer;
- dy: single; AData: pointer);
- info: PLinearColorInfo;
- AInter.SetValues(AInterX,AWinding,ANumSegment);
- info := PLinearColorInfo(AData);
- TLinearColorGradientIntersectionInfo(AInter).color := info^.Color + info^.ColorSlopes*dy;
-constructor TPolygonLinearColorGradientInfo.Create(
- const points: array of TPointF; const Colors: array of TBGRAPixel);
- i: Integer;
- ec: TExpandedPixel;
- if length(Colors) <> length(points) then
- raise Exception.Create('Dimensions mismatch');
- inherited Create(Points);
- setlength(FColors, length(FPoints));
- for i := 0 to high(FColors) do
- begin
- ec := GammaExpansion(Colors[FPoints[i].originalIndex]);
- FColors[i] := ColorF(ec.red,ec.green,ec.blue,ec.alpha);
- end;
-function TPolygonLinearColorGradientInfo.CreateSegmentData(numPt, nextPt: integer;
- ASeg: PCustomPointRecord): pointer;
- info: PLinearColorInfo;
- ty: single;
- New(info);
- ty := ASeg^.y2 - ASeg^.y;
- info^.ColorSlopes := (FColors[nextPt] - FColors[numPt])*(1/ty);
- info^.Color := FColors[numPt];
- Result:= info;
-function TPolygonLinearColorGradientInfo.CreateIntersectionInfo: TIntersectionInfo;
- Result:= TLinearColorGradientIntersectionInfo.Create;
-procedure PolygonLinearColorGradientAliased(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- polyInfo: TPolygonLinearColorGradientInfo; NonZeroWinding: boolean);
- inter: array of TIntersectionInfo;
- nbInter: integer;
- procedure DrawGradientLine(yb: integer; ix1: integer; ix2: integer;
- x1: Single; c1: TColorF; x2: Single; c2: TColorF);
- var
- colorPos: TColorF;
- colorStep: TColorF;
- t: single;
- pdest: PBGRAPixel;
- i: LongInt;
- ec: TExpandedPixel;
- {%H-}cInt: packed record
- r,g,b,a: integer;
- end;
- begin
- t := ((ix1+0.5)-x1)/(x2-x1);
- colorPos := c1 + (c2-c1)*t;
- colorStep := (c2-c1)*(1/(x2-x1));
- pdest := bmp.ScanLine[yb]+ix1;
- {$IFDEF BGRASSE_AVAILABLE} {$asmmode intel}
- If UseSSE then
- begin
- asm
- movups xmm4, colorPos
- movups xmm5, colorStep
- end;
- If UseSSE2 then
- begin
- for i := ix1 to ix2 do
- begin
- asm
- cvtps2dq xmm0,xmm4
- movups cInt, xmm0
- addps xmm4,xmm5
- end;
- c.red := GammaCompressionTab[cInt.r];
- c.green := GammaCompressionTab[cInt.g];
- c.blue := GammaCompressionTab[cInt.b];
- c.alpha := GammaCompressionTab[cInt.a];
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, c);
- inc(pdest);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- for i := ix1 to ix2 do
- begin
- asm
- movups colorPos, xmm4
- addps xmm4,xmm5
- end;
- ec.red := round(colorPos[1]);
- ec.green := round(colorPos[2]);
- ec.blue := round(colorPos[3]);
- ec.alpha := round(colorPos[4]);
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, GammaCompression(ec));
- inc(pdest);
- end;
- end;
- end else
- {$ENDIF}
- for i := ix1 to ix2 do
- begin
- ec.red := round(colorPos[1]);
- ec.green := round(colorPos[2]);
- ec.blue := round(colorPos[3]);
- ec.alpha := round(colorPos[4]);
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, GammaCompression(ec));
- colorPos := colorPos + colorStep;
- inc(pdest);
- end;
- end;
- miny, maxy, minx, maxx: integer;
- yb, i: integer;
- x1, x2: single;
- ix1, ix2: integer;
- If not BGRAShapeComputeMinMax(polyInfo,minx,miny,maxx,maxy,bmp) then exit;
- inter := polyInfo.CreateIntersectionArray;
- //vertical scan
- for yb := miny to maxy do
- begin
- //find intersections
- polyInfo.ComputeAndSort(yb+0.5,inter,nbInter,NonZeroWinding);
- for i := 0 to nbinter div 2 - 1 do
- begin
- x1 := inter[i + i].interX;
- x2 := inter[i + i+ 1].interX;
- if x1 <> x2 then
- begin
- ComputeAliasedRowBounds(x1,x2, minx,maxx, ix1,ix2);
- if ix1 <= ix2 then
- DrawGradientLine(yb,ix1,ix2,
- x1,TLinearColorGradientIntersectionInfo(inter[i+i]).Color,
- x2,TLinearColorGradientIntersectionInfo(inter[i+i+1]).Color);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- polyInfo.FreeIntersectionArray(inter);
- bmp.InvalidateBitmap;
-procedure PolygonLinearColorGradientAliased(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- const points: array of TPointF; const Colors: array of TBGRAPixel;
- NonZeroWinding: boolean);
-var polyInfo: TPolygonLinearColorGradientInfo;
- polyInfo := TPolygonLinearColorGradientInfo.Create(points,Colors);
- PolygonLinearColorGradientAliased(bmp,polyInfo,NonZeroWinding);
- polyInfo.Free;
-{ TPolygonLinearTextureMappingInfo }
-procedure TPolygonLinearTextureMappingInfo.SetIntersectionValues(
- AInter: TIntersectionInfo; AInterX: Single; AWinding, ANumSegment: integer;
- dy: single; AData: pointer);
- info: PLinearTextureInfo;
- AInter.SetValues(AInterX,AWinding,ANumSegment);
- info := PLinearTextureInfo(AData);
- TLinearTextureMappingIntersectionInfo(AInter).texCoord := info^.TexCoord + info^.TexCoordSlopes*dy;
- if FLightnesses<>nil then
- TLinearTextureMappingIntersectionInfo(AInter).lightness := round(info^.lightness + info^.lightnessSlope*dy)
- else
- TLinearTextureMappingIntersectionInfo(AInter).lightness := 32768;
-constructor TPolygonLinearTextureMappingInfo.Create(const points: array of TPointF;
- const texCoords: array of TPointF);
- i: Integer;
- if length(texCoords) <> length(points) then
- raise Exception.Create('Dimensions mismatch');
- inherited Create(points);
- SetLength(FTexCoords, length(FPoints));
- for i := 0 to high(FPoints) do
- FTexCoords[i] := texCoords[FPoints[i].originalIndex];
-constructor TPolygonLinearTextureMappingInfo.Create(
- const points: array of TPointF; const texCoords: array of TPointF;
- const lightnesses: array of word);
- i: Integer;
- if (length(texCoords) <> length(points)) or (length(lightnesses) <> length(points)) then
- raise Exception.Create('Dimensions mismatch');
- inherited Create(points);
- SetLength(FTexCoords, length(FPoints));
- setlength(FLightnesses, length(FPoints));
- for i := 0 to high(FPoints) do
- begin
- FTexCoords[i] := texCoords[FPoints[i].originalIndex];
- FLightnesses[i] := lightnesses[FPoints[i].originalIndex];
- end;
-function TPolygonLinearTextureMappingInfo.CreateSegmentData(numPt, nextPt: integer;
- ASeg: PCustomPointRecord): pointer;
- info: PLinearTextureInfo;
- ty: single;
- New(info);
- ty := ASeg^.y2-ASeg^.y;
- info^.TexCoordSlopes := (FTexCoords[nextPt] - FTexCoords[numPt])*(1/ty);
- info^.TexCoord := FTexCoords[numPt];
- if FLightnesses <> nil then
- begin
- info^.lightnessSlope := (FLightnesses[nextPt] - FLightnesses[numPt])*(1/ty);
- info^.lightness := FLightnesses[numPt];
- end else
- begin
- info^.lightness := 32768;
- info^.lightnessSlope := 0;
- end;
- Result:= info;
-function TPolygonLinearTextureMappingInfo.CreateIntersectionInfo: TIntersectionInfo;
- result := TLinearTextureMappingIntersectionInfo.Create;
-{$hints off}
-procedure PolygonPerspectiveColorGradientAliased(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- polyInfo: TPolygonPerspectiveColorGradientInfo; NonZeroWinding: boolean; zbuffer: psingle);
- inter: array of TIntersectionInfo;
- nbInter: integer;
- procedure DrawGradientLine(yb: integer; ix1: integer; ix2: integer;
- x1: Single; info1: TPerspectiveColorGradientIntersectionInfo; x2: Single; info2: TPerspectiveColorGradientIntersectionInfo);
- var
- diff,colorPos,{%H-}colorPosByZ: TColorF;
- colorStep: TColorF;
- t: single;
- pdest: PBGRAPixel;
- i: LongInt;
- ec: TExpandedPixel;
- invDx: single;
- z,invZ,InvZStep: single;
- r,g,b,a: integer;
- {$IFDEF BGRASSE_AVAILABLE}minVal,maxVal: single;
- cInt: packed record
- r,g,b,a: integer;
- end;
- c: TBGRAPixel;{$ENDIF}
- zbufferpos: psingle;
- begin
- invDx := 1/(x2-x1);
- t := ((ix1+0.5)-x1)*InvDx;
- diff := info2.ColorDivZ-info1.ColorDivZ;
- colorPos := info1.ColorDivZ + diff*t;
- colorStep := diff*InvDx;
- invZ := info1.coordInvZ + (info2.coordInvZ-info1.coordInvZ)*t;
- InvZStep := (info2.coordInvZ-info1.coordInvZ)*InvDx;
- pdest := bmp.ScanLine[yb]+ix1;
- if zbuffer <> nil then
- begin
- zbufferpos := zbuffer + yb*bmp.Width + ix1;
- If UseSSE then
- begin
- If UseSSE2 then
- begin
- {$i perspectivecolorscan.inc}
- end else
- begin
- {$i perspectivecolorscan.inc}
- end;
- end else
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- {$i perspectivecolorscan.inc}
- end;
- end else
- begin
- If UseSSE then
- begin
- If UseSSE2 then
- begin
- {$i perspectivecolorscan.inc}
- end else
- begin
- {$i perspectivecolorscan.inc}
- end;
- end else
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- {$i perspectivecolorscan.inc}
- end;
- end;
- end;
- miny, maxy, minx, maxx: integer;
- yb, i: integer;
- x1, x2: single;
- ix1, ix2: integer;
- If not BGRAShapeComputeMinMax(polyInfo,minx,miny,maxx,maxy,bmp) then exit;
- inter := polyInfo.CreateIntersectionArray;
- //vertical scan
- for yb := miny to maxy do
- begin
- //find intersections
- polyInfo.ComputeAndSort(yb+0.5,inter,nbInter,NonZeroWinding);
- for i := 0 to nbinter div 2 - 1 do
- begin
- x1 := inter[i + i].interX;
- x2 := inter[i + i+ 1].interX;
- if x1 <> x2 then
- begin
- ComputeAliasedRowBounds(x1,x2, minx,maxx, ix1,ix2);
- if ix1 <= ix2 then
- DrawGradientLine(yb,ix1,ix2,
- x1,TPerspectiveColorGradientIntersectionInfo(inter[i+i]),
- x2,TPerspectiveColorGradientIntersectionInfo(inter[i+i+1]));
- end;
- end;
- end;
- polyInfo.FreeIntersectionArray(inter);
- bmp.InvalidateBitmap;
-procedure PolygonPerspectiveColorGradientAliased(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- const points: array of TPointF; const pointsZ: array of single;
- const Colors: array of TBGRAPixel; NonZeroWinding: boolean; zbuffer: psingle);
-var polyInfo: TPolygonPerspectiveColorGradientInfo;
- polyInfo := TPolygonPerspectiveColorGradientInfo.Create(points,pointsZ,Colors);
- PolygonPerspectiveColorGradientAliased(bmp,polyInfo,NonZeroWinding,zbuffer);
- polyInfo.Free;
-procedure PolygonLinearTextureMappingAliased(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; polyInfo: TPolygonLinearTextureMappingInfo;
- texture: IBGRAScanner; TextureInterpolation: Boolean; NonZeroWinding: boolean);
- inter: array of TIntersectionInfo;
- nbInter: integer;
- scanAtFunc: function(X,Y: Single): TBGRAPixel of object;
- scanAtIntegerFunc: function(X,Y: integer): TBGRAPixel of object;
- procedure DrawTextureLineWithoutLight(yb: integer; ix1: integer; ix2: integer;
- info1,info2: TLinearTextureMappingIntersectionInfo;
- WithInterpolation: boolean);
- {$i lineartexscan.inc}
- procedure DrawTextureLineWithLight(yb: integer; ix1: integer; ix2: integer;
- info1,info2: TLinearTextureMappingIntersectionInfo;
- WithInterpolation: boolean);
- {$i lineartexscan.inc}
- miny, maxy, minx, maxx: integer;
- yb, i: integer;
- x1, x2: single;
- ix1, ix2: integer;
- If not BGRAShapeComputeMinMax(polyInfo,minx,miny,maxx,maxy,bmp) then exit;
- scanAtFunc := @texture.ScanAt;
- scanAtIntegerFunc := @texture.ScanAtInteger;
- inter := polyInfo.CreateIntersectionArray;
- //vertical scan
- for yb := miny to maxy do
- begin
- //find intersections
- polyInfo.ComputeAndSort(yb+0.5,inter,nbInter,NonZeroWinding);
- for i := 0 to nbinter div 2 - 1 do
- begin
- x1 := inter[i + i].interX;
- x2 := inter[i + i+ 1].interX;
- if x1 <> x2 then
- begin
- ComputeAliasedRowBounds(x1,x2, minx,maxx, ix1,ix2);
- if ix1 <= ix2 then
- begin
- if (TLinearTextureMappingIntersectionInfo(inter[i+i]).lightness = 32768) and
- (TLinearTextureMappingIntersectionInfo(inter[i+i+1]).lightness = 32768) then
- DrawTextureLineWithoutLight(yb,ix1,ix2,
- TLinearTextureMappingIntersectionInfo(inter[i+i]),
- TLinearTextureMappingIntersectionInfo(inter[i+i+1]),
- TextureInterpolation)
- else
- DrawTextureLineWithLight(yb,ix1,ix2,
- TLinearTextureMappingIntersectionInfo(inter[i+i]),
- TLinearTextureMappingIntersectionInfo(inter[i+i+1]),
- TextureInterpolation);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- polyInfo.FreeIntersectionArray(inter);
- bmp.InvalidateBitmap;
-{$hints on}
-procedure PolygonLinearTextureMappingAliased(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- const points: array of TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner;
- const texCoords: array of TPointF; TextureInterpolation: Boolean; NonZeroWinding: boolean);
-var polyInfo: TPolygonLinearTextureMappingInfo;
- polyInfo := TPolygonLinearTextureMappingInfo.Create(points,texCoords);
- PolygonLinearTextureMappingAliased(bmp,polyInfo,texture,TextureInterpolation,NonZeroWinding);
- polyInfo.Free;
-procedure PolygonLinearTextureMappingAliasedWithLightness(
- bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; const points: array of TPointF;
- texture: IBGRAScanner; const texCoords: array of TPointF;
- TextureInterpolation: Boolean; lightnesses: array of word;
- NonZeroWinding: boolean);
-var polyInfo: TPolygonLinearTextureMappingInfo;
- polyInfo := TPolygonLinearTextureMappingInfo.Create(points,texCoords,lightnesses);
- PolygonLinearTextureMappingAliased(bmp,polyInfo,texture,TextureInterpolation,NonZeroWinding);
- polyInfo.Free;
-{$i polyaliaspersp.inc}
-{From LazRGBGraphics}
-procedure BGRARoundRectAliased(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; X1, Y1, X2, Y2: integer;
- DX, DY: integer; BorderColor, FillColor: TBGRAPixel; FillTexture: IBGRAScanner = nil; ADrawMode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency;
- skipFill: boolean = false);
- bBorder, bFill: TUniversalBrush;
- skipBorder: Boolean;
- dest.SolidBrush(bBorder, BorderColor, ADrawMode);
- skipBorder := ((ADrawMode in[dmLinearBlend,dmDrawWithTransparency]) and (BorderColor.alpha=0))
- or ((ADrawMode = dmSetExceptTransparent) and (BorderColor.alpha<>255))
- or ((ADrawMode = dmXor) and (PLongWord(@BorderColor)^=0));
- if FillTexture <> nil then
- dest.ScannerBrush(bFill, FillTexture, ADrawMode)
- else
- begin
- dest.SolidBrush(bFill, FillColor, ADrawMode);
- skipFill := (skipFill or (ADrawMode in[dmLinearBlend,dmDrawWithTransparency]) and (FillColor.alpha=0))
- or ((ADrawMode = dmSetExceptTransparent) and (FillColor.alpha<>255))
- or ((ADrawMode = dmXor) and (PLongWord(@FillColor)^=0));
- end;
- BGRARoundRectAliased(dest, X1,Y1,X2,Y2, DX,DY, bBorder, bFill, 65535, skipBorder,skipFill);
-procedure BGRARoundRectAliased(dest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; X1, Y1, X2,
- Y2: integer; DX, DY: integer; const BorderColor, FillColor: TUniversalBrush;
- AAlpha: Word; skipBorder: boolean; skipFill: boolean);
- CX, CY, CX1, CY1, A, B, NX, NY: single;
- X, Y, EX, EY: integer;
- LX1, LY1: integer;
- LX2, LY2: integer;
- DivSqrA, DivSqrB: single;
- I, J, S: integer;
- EdgeList: array of TPoint;
- temp: integer;
- LX, LY: integer;
- RowStart,RowEnd: integer;
- procedure AddEdge(X, Y: integer);
- begin
- If (Y > High(EdgeList)) or (Y < 0) then exit;
- if (EdgeList[Y].X = -1) or (X < EdgeList[Y].X) then
- EdgeList[Y].X := X;
- if (EdgeList[Y].Y = -1) or (X > EdgeList[Y].Y) then
- EdgeList[Y].Y := X;
- end;
- if AAlpha = 0 then exit;
- if BorderColor.DoesNothing then skipBorder:= true;
- if FillColor.DoesNothing then skipFill:= true;
- if skipBorder and skipFill then exit;
- if (x1 > x2) then
- begin
- temp := x1;
- x1 := x2;
- x2 := temp;
- end;
- if (y1 > y2) then
- begin
- temp := y1;
- y1 := y2;
- y2 := temp;
- end;
- if (x2 - x1 <= 0) or (y2 - y1 <= 0) then exit;
- LX := x2 - x1 - DX;
- LY := y2 - y1 - DY;
- if LX < 0 then LX := 0;
- if LY < 0 then LY := 0;
- Dec(x2);
- Dec(y2);
- if (X1 = X2) and (Y1 = Y2) then
- begin
- if not skipBorder then
- dest.DrawPixel(X1, Y1, BorderColor, AAlpha);
- Exit;
- end;
- if (X2 - X1 = 1) or (Y2 - Y1 = 1) then
- begin
- if not skipBorder then
- dest.FillRect(X1, Y1, X2 + 1, Y2 + 1, BorderColor, AAlpha);
- Exit;
- end;
- if (LX > X2 - X1) or (LY > Y2 - Y1) then
- begin
- if not skipBorder then
- dest.Rectangle(X1, Y1, X2 + 1, Y2 + 1, BorderColor, AAlpha);
- if not skipFill then
- dest.FillRect(X1 + 1, Y1 + 1, X2, Y2, FillColor, AAlpha);
- Exit;
- end;
- SetLength(EdgeList, Ceil((Y2 - Y1 + 1) / 2));
- for I := 0 to Pred(High(EdgeList)) do
- EdgeList[I] := Point(-1, -1);
- EdgeList[High(EdgeList)] := Point(0, 0);
- A := (X2 - X1 + 1 - LX) / 2;
- B := (Y2 - Y1 + 1 - LY) / 2;
- CX := (X2 + X1 + 1) / 2;
- CY := (Y2 + Y1 + 1) / 2;
- CX1 := X2 + 1 - A - Floor(CX);
- CY1 := Y2 + 1 - B - Floor(CY);
- EX := Floor(Sqr(A) / Sqrt(Sqr(A) + Sqr(B)) + Frac(A));
- EY := Floor(Sqr(B) / Sqrt(Sqr(A) + Sqr(B)) + Frac(B));
- DivSqrA := 1 / Sqr(A);
- DivSqrB := 1 / Sqr(B);
- NY := B;
- AddEdge(Floor(CX1), Round(CY1 + B) - 1);
- for X := 1 to Pred(EX) do
- begin
- NY := B * Sqrt(1 - Sqr(X + 0.5 - Frac(A)) * DivSqrA);
- AddEdge(Floor(CX1) + X, Round(CY1 + NY) - 1);
- end;
- LX1 := Floor(CX1) + Pred(EX);
- LY1 := Round(CY1 + NY) - 1;
- NX := A;
- AddEdge(Round(CX1 + A) - 1, Floor(CY1));
- for Y := 1 to Pred(EY) do
- begin
- NX := A * Sqrt(1 - Sqr(Y + 0.5 - Frac(B)) * DivSqrB);
- AddEdge(Round(CX1 + NX) - 1, Floor(CY1) + Y);
- end;
- LX2 := Round(CX1 + NX) - 1;
- LY2 := Floor(CY1) + Pred(EY);
- if Abs(LX1 - LX2) > 1 then
- begin
- if Abs(LY1 - LY2) > 1 then
- AddEdge(LX1 + 1, LY1 - 1)
- else
- AddEdge(LX1 + 1, LY1);
- end
- else
- if Abs(LY1 - LY2) > 1 then
- AddEdge(LX2, LY1 - 1);
- for I := 0 to High(EdgeList) do
- begin
- if EdgeList[I].X = -1 then
- EdgeList[I] := Point(Round(CX1 + A) - 1, Round(CX1 + A) - 1)
- else
- Break;
- end;
- J := 0;
- while J < Length(EdgeList) do
- begin
- if (J = 0) and (Frac(CY) > 0) then
- begin
- if not skipBorder then
- for I := EdgeList[J].X to EdgeList[J].Y do
- begin
- dest.DrawPixel(Floor(CX) + I, Floor(CY) + J, BorderColor, AAlpha);
- dest.DrawPixel(Ceil(CX) - Succ(I), Floor(CY) + J, BorderColor, AAlpha);
- end;
- if not SkipFill then
- dest.HorizLine(Ceil(CX) - EdgeList[J].X, Floor(CY) + J, Floor(CX) +
- Pred(EdgeList[J].X), FillColor, AAlpha);
- end
- else
- if (J = High(EdgeList)) then
- begin
- if Frac(CX) > 0 then
- S := -EdgeList[J].Y
- else
- S := -Succ(EdgeList[J].Y);
- if not skipBorder then
- for I := S to EdgeList[J].Y do
- begin
- dest.DrawPixel(Floor(CX) + I, Floor(CY) + J, BorderColor, AAlpha);
- dest.DrawPixel(Floor(CX) + I, Ceil(CY) - Succ(J), BorderColor, AAlpha);
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- if not skipBorder then
- for I := EdgeList[J].X to EdgeList[J].Y do
- begin
- dest.DrawPixel(Floor(CX) + I, Floor(CY) + J, BorderColor, AAlpha);
- dest.DrawPixel(Floor(CX) + I, Ceil(CY) - Succ(J), BorderColor, AAlpha);
- if Floor(CX) + I <> Ceil(CX) - Succ(I) then
- begin
- dest.DrawPixel(Ceil(CX) - Succ(I), Floor(CY) + J, BorderColor, AAlpha);
- dest.DrawPixel(Ceil(CX) - Succ(I), Ceil(CY) - Succ(J), BorderColor, AAlpha);
- end;
- end;
- if not SkipFill then
- begin
- RowStart := Ceil(CX) - EdgeList[J].X;
- RowEnd := Floor(CX) + Pred(EdgeList[J].X);
- if RowEnd >= RowStart then
- begin
- dest.HorizLine(RowStart, Floor(CY) + J,
- RowEnd, FillColor, AAlpha);
- dest.HorizLine(RowStart, Ceil(CY) - Succ(J),
- RowEnd, FillColor, AAlpha);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- Inc(J);
- end;
-procedure BGRAFillRoundRectAliased(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; X1, Y1, X2,
- Y2: integer; DX, DY: integer; FillColor: TBGRAPixel;
- FillTexture: IBGRAScanner; ADrawMode: TDrawMode);
- fi: TFillRoundRectangleInfo;
- fi := TFillRoundRectangleInfo.Create(x1,y1,x2,y2,dx/2,dy/2,[rrDefault],false);
- FillShapeAliased(dest, fi, FillColor, false, FillTexture, true, ADrawMode);
- fi.Free;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgraqt5bitmap.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgraqt5bitmap.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 6981750..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgraqt5bitmap.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
- /**************************************************************************\
- bgraqtbitmap.pas
- -----------------
- This unit should NOT be added to the 'uses' clause.
- It contains patches for Qt5.
- ****************************************************************************
- * *
- * This file is part of BGRABitmap library which is distributed under the *
- * modified LGPL. *
- * *
- * See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL.txt, included in this distribution, *
- * for details about the copyright. *
- * *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
- * *
- ****************************************************************************
-//=== ct9999 a modifications for CodeTyphon Studio =============
-unit BGRAQt5Bitmap;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- Classes, SysUtils, BGRALCLBitmap, Graphics,
- GraphType, BGRABitmapTypes;
- { TBGRAQtBitmap }
- TBGRAQtBitmap = class(TBGRALCLBitmap)
- private
- procedure SlowDrawTransparent(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect);
- public
- procedure DataDrawTransparent(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect;
- AData: Pointer; ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; AWidth, AHeight: integer);
- override;
- procedure Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; x, y: integer; Opaque: boolean = True); override;
- procedure Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect; Opaque: boolean = True); override;
- procedure DataDrawOpaque(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect; AData: Pointer;
- ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; AWidth, AHeight: integer);
- override;
- procedure GetImageFromCanvas(CanvasSource: TCanvas; x, y: integer); override;
- end;
-uses LCLType,
- LCLIntf, IntfGraphics,
- qt5objects, qt5,
- FPImage;
-procedure TBGRAQtBitmap.SlowDrawTransparent(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect);
- ACanvas.StretchDraw(ARect, ABitmap.Bitmap);
-procedure TBGRAQtBitmap.DataDrawTransparent(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect;
- AData: Pointer; ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; AWidth, AHeight: integer);
- Temp: TBGRALCLPtrBitmap;
- Temp := TBGRALCLPtrBitmap.Create(AWidth, AHeight, AData);
- Temp.LineOrder := ALineOrder;
- SlowDrawTransparent(Temp, ACanvas, Rect);
- Temp.Free;
-procedure TBGRAQtBitmap.Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; x, y: integer; Opaque: boolean);
- if self = nil then
- exit;
- if Opaque then
- DataDrawOpaque(ACanvas, Rect(X, Y, X + Width, Y + Height), Data, FLineOrder,
- FWidth, FHeight)
- else
- SlowDrawTransparent(Self, ACanvas, Rect(X, Y, X + Width, Y + Height));
-procedure TBGRAQtBitmap.Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect; Opaque: boolean);
- if self = nil then
- exit;
- if Opaque then
- DataDrawOpaque(ACanvas, Rect, Data, FLineOrder, FWidth, FHeight)
- else
- SlowDrawTransparent(Self, ACanvas, Rect);
-procedure TBGRAQtBitmap.DataDrawOpaque(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect;
- AData: Pointer; ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; AWidth, AHeight: integer);
- Temp: TBitmap;
- RawImage: TRawImage;
- BitmapHandle, MaskHandle: HBitmap;
- CreateSuccess: boolean;
- if (AHeight = 0) or (AWidth = 0) then
- exit;
- RawImage.Init;
- if TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder then
- RawImage.Description.Init_BPP32_R8G8B8A8_BIO_TTB(AWidth, AHeight) //== ct9999 FIX =============
- else
- RawImage.Description.Init_BPP32_B8G8R8_BIO_TTB(AWidth, AHeight);
- RawImage.Description.LineOrder := ALineOrder;
- RawImage.Description.LineEnd := rileDWordBoundary;
- RawImage.Data := PByte(AData);
- RawImage.DataSize := AWidth * AHeight * Sizeof(TBGRAPixel);
- CreateSuccess := RawImage_CreateBitmaps(RawImage, BitmapHandle, MaskHandle, False);
- if not CreateSuccess then
- raise FPImageException.Create('Failed to create bitmap handle');
- Temp := TBitmap.Create;
- Temp.Handle := BitmapHandle;
- Temp.MaskHandle := MaskHandle;
- ACanvas.StretchDraw(Rect, Temp);
- Temp.Free;
-procedure TBGRAQtBitmap.GetImageFromCanvas(CanvasSource: TCanvas; x, y: integer);
- bmp: TBitmap;
- Ofs: TPoint;
- SrcX, SrcY: integer;
- dcSource, dcDest: TQtDeviceContext;
- B: Boolean;
- DiscardBitmapChange;
- bmp := TBitmap.Create;
- bmp.PixelFormat := pf24bit;
- bmp.Width := Width;
- bmp.Height := Height;
- dcDest := TQtDeviceContext(bmp.Canvas.handle);
- dcSource := TQtDeviceContext(CanvasSource.Handle);
- LCLIntf.GetWindowOrgEx(CanvasSource.Handle, @Ofs);
- SrcX := x + Ofs.X;
- SrcY := y + Ofs.Y;
- if (dcSource.vImage <> nil) and (dcSource.vImage.Handle <> nil) then
- begin
- // we must stop painting on device
- B := QPainter_isActive(dcDest.Widget);
- if B then
- QPainter_end(dcDest.Widget);
- TQtImage(bmp.Handle).CopyFrom(dcSource.vImage.Handle,
- SrcX, SrcY, Width, Height);
- if B then
- QPainter_begin(dcDest.Widget, TQtImage(bmp.Handle).Handle);
- end;
- LoadFromRawImage(bmp.RawImage, 255, True);
- bmp.Free;
- InvalidateBitmap;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgraqtbitmap.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgraqtbitmap.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 91d569d..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgraqtbitmap.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
- /**************************************************************************\
- bgraqtbitmap.pas
- -----------------
- This unit should NOT be added to the 'uses' clause.
- It contains patches for Qt.
-unit BGRAQtBitmap;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BGRALCLBitmap, Graphics,
- GraphType, BGRABitmapTypes;
- { TBGRAQtBitmap }
- TBGRAQtBitmap = class(TBGRALCLBitmap)
- private
- procedure SlowDrawTransparent(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect);
- public
- procedure DataDrawTransparent(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect;
- AData: Pointer; ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; AWidth, AHeight: integer); override;
- procedure DataDrawOpaque(ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; AData: Pointer;
- ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; AWidth, AHeight: integer); override;
- procedure Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; x, y: integer; Opaque: boolean = True); override;
- procedure Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect; Opaque: boolean = True); override;
- procedure GetImageFromCanvas(CanvasSource: TCanvas; x, y: integer); override;
- end;
-uses LCLType,
- LCLIntf, IntfGraphics,
- qtobjects, {$ifdef LCLqt5}qt5{$else}qt4{$endif},
- FPImage;
-procedure TBGRAQtBitmap.SlowDrawTransparent(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect);
- ACanvas.StretchDraw(ARect, ABitmap.Bitmap);
-procedure TBGRAQtBitmap.DataDrawTransparent(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect;
- AData: Pointer; ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; AWidth, AHeight: integer);
- Temp: TBGRALCLPtrBitmap;
- Temp := TBGRALCLPtrBitmap.Create(AWidth, AHeight, AData);
- Temp.LineOrder := ALineOrder;
- SlowDrawTransparent(Temp, ACanvas, Rect);
- Temp.Free;
-procedure TBGRAQtBitmap.DataDrawOpaque(ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect;
- AData: Pointer; ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; AWidth, AHeight: integer);
- psrc,pdest: PBGRAPixel;
- bmp: TBGRAQtBitmap;
- x, y: integer;
- bmp := TBGRAQtBitmap.Create(AWidth,AHeight);
- try
- if ALineOrder = riloTopToBottom then psrc := AData
- else psrc := PBGRAPixel(AData) + (AWidth*(AHeight-1));
- for y := 0 to AHeight-1 do
- begin
- pdest := bmp.ScanLine[y];
- for x := 0 to AWidth-1 do
- begin
- pdest^.red := psrc^.red;
- pdest^.green:= psrc^.green;
- pdest^.blue := psrc^.blue;
- pdest^.alpha := 255;
- inc(psrc);
- inc(pdest);
- end;
- if ALineOrder = riloBottomToTop then dec(psrc, 2*AWidth);
- end;
- bmp.Draw(ACanvas, ARect, false);
- finally
- bmp.Free;
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- inherited DataDrawOpaque(ACanvas, ARect, AData, ALineOrder, AWidth, AHeight);
- {$ENDIF}
-procedure TBGRAQtBitmap.Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; x, y: integer; Opaque: boolean);
- if self = nil then
- exit;
- if Opaque then
- DataDrawOpaque(ACanvas, Rect(X, Y, X + Width, Y + Height), Data, FLineOrder,
- FWidth, FHeight)
- else
- SlowDrawTransparent(Self, ACanvas, Rect(X, Y, X + Width, Y + Height));
-procedure TBGRAQtBitmap.Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect; Opaque: boolean);
- if self = nil then
- exit;
- if Opaque then
- DataDrawOpaque(ACanvas, Rect, Data, FLineOrder, FWidth, FHeight)
- else
- SlowDrawTransparent(Self, ACanvas, Rect);
-procedure TBGRAQtBitmap.GetImageFromCanvas(CanvasSource: TCanvas; x, y: integer);
- bmp: TBitmap;
- Ofs: TPoint;
- SrcX, SrcY: integer;
- dcSource, dcDest: TQtDeviceContext;
- B: Boolean;
- DiscardBitmapChange;
- bmp := TBitmap.Create;
- bmp.PixelFormat := pf24bit;
- bmp.Width := Width;
- bmp.Height := Height;
- dcDest := TQtDeviceContext(bmp.Canvas.handle);
- dcSource := TQtDeviceContext(CanvasSource.Handle);
- LCLIntf.GetWindowOrgEx(CanvasSource.Handle, @Ofs);
- SrcX := x + Ofs.X;
- SrcY := y + Ofs.Y;
- if (dcSource.vImage <> nil) and (dcSource.vImage.Handle <> nil) then
- begin
- // we must stop painting on device
- B := QPainter_isActive(dcDest.Widget);
- if B then
- QPainter_end(dcDest.Widget);
- TQtImage(bmp.Handle).CopyFrom(dcSource.vImage.Handle,
- SrcX, SrcY, Width, Height);
- if B then
- QPainter_begin(dcDest.Widget, TQtImage(bmp.Handle).Handle);
- end;
- LoadFromRawImage(bmp.RawImage, 255, True);
- bmp.Free;
- InvalidateBitmap;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrareadbmp.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrareadbmp.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 49d0435..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrareadbmp.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1112 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
- This original file was part of the Free Pascal's "Free Components Library".
- Copyright (c) 2003 by Mazen NEIFER of the Free Pascal development team
- BMP reader implementation modified by circular.
-{ 08/2005 by Giulio Bernardi:
- - Added support for 16 and 15 bpp bitmaps.
- - If we have bpp <= 8 make an indexed image instead of converting it to RGB
- - Support for RLE4 and RLE8 decoding
- - Support for top-down bitmaps
- 03/2014 by circular:
- - RLE optimisation using a read buffer
- - direct access to pixels with TBGRABitmap
- - vertical shrink option with MinifyHeight,WantedHeight,OutputHeight (useful for thumbnails)
- 01/2017 by circular:
- - support for OS/2 1.x format
- - support for headerless files
-{$mode objfpc}
-unit BGRAReadBMP;
-uses FPImage, BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BMPcomn, BGRABitmapTypes;
- TBMPTransparencyOption = (toAuto, toTransparent, toOpaque);
- TBitMapInfoHeader = BMPcomn.TBitMapInfoHeader;
- TBitMapFileHeader = BMPcomn.TBitMapFileHeader;
- TOS2BitmapHeader = packed record
- bcSize: LongWord;
- bcWidth: Word;
- bcHeight: Word;
- bcPlanes: Word;
- bcBitCount: Word;
- end;
- TMinimumBitmapHeader = packed record
- Size:longint;
- Width:longint;
- Height:longint;
- Planes:word;
- BitCount:word;
- end;
- TBitmapSubFormat = (bsfWithFileHeader, bsfHeaderless, bsfHeaderlessWithMask);
- TReadScanlineProc = procedure(Row : Integer; Stream : TStream) of object;
- TWriteScanlineProc = procedure(Row : Integer; Img : TFPCustomImage) of object;
- TProgressProc = procedure(Percent: integer; var ShouldContinue: boolean) of object;
- { TBGRAReaderBMP }
- TBGRAReaderBMP = class (TBGRAImageReader)
- Private
- DeltaX, DeltaY : integer; // Used for the never-used delta option in RLE
- TopDown : boolean; // If set, bitmap is stored top down instead of bottom up
- Procedure FreeBufs; // Free (and nil) buffers.
- protected
- ReadSize : Integer; // Size (in bytes) of 1 scanline.
- BFH: TBitMapFileHeader; // The file header
- BFI: TBitMapInfoHeader; // The header as read from the stream.
- FPaletteEntrySize: integer; // 4 for Windows, 3 for OS/2 1.x
- FPalette : PFPcolor; // Buffer with Palette entries. (useless now)
- FBGRAPalette : PBGRAPixel;
- LineBuf : PByte; // Buffer for 1 scanline. Can be Byte, Word, TColorRGB or TColorRGBA
- RedMask, GreenMask, BlueMask : LongWord; //Used if Compression=bi_bitfields
- RedShift, GreenShift, BlueShift : shortint;
- FOutputHeight: integer;
- FOriginalHeight: Integer;
- FTransparencyOption: TBMPTransparencyOption;
- FBuffer: packed array of byte;
- FBufferPos, FBufferSize: integer;
- FBufferStream: TStream;
- FHasAlphaValues: boolean;
- FMaskData: PByte;
- FMaskDataSize: integer;
- // SetupRead will allocate the needed buffers, and read the colormap if needed.
- procedure SetupRead(nPalette, nRowBits: Integer; Stream : TStream); virtual;
- function CountBits(Value : byte) : shortint;
- function ShiftCount(Mask : LongWord) : shortint;
- function ExpandColor(value : LongWord) : TFPColor;
- function ExpandColorBGRA(value : LongWord) : TBGRAPixel;
- procedure ExpandRLE8ScanLine(Row : Integer; Stream : TStream);
- procedure ExpandRLE4ScanLine(Row : Integer; Stream : TStream);
- procedure ReadScanLine(Row : Integer; Stream : TStream); virtual;
- procedure SkipScanLine(Row : Integer; Stream : TStream); virtual;
- procedure WriteScanLine(Row : Integer; Img : TFPCustomImage); virtual;
- procedure WriteScanLineBGRA(Row : Integer; Img : TFPCustomImage); virtual;
- procedure ReadMaskLine({%H-}Row : Integer; Stream : TStream); virtual;
- procedure SkipMaskLine({%H-}Row : Integer; Stream : TStream); virtual;
- procedure WriteMaskLine(Row : Integer; Img : TFPCustomImage); virtual;
- // required by TFPCustomImageReader
- procedure InternalRead (Stream:TStream; Img:TFPCustomImage); override;
- function InternalCheck (Stream:TStream) : boolean; override;
- procedure InitReadBuffer(AStream: TStream; ASize: integer);
- procedure CloseReadBuffer;
- function GetNextBufferByte: byte;
- procedure MakeOpaque(Img: TFPCustomImage);
- procedure LoadMask(Stream:TStream; Img:TFPCustomImage; var ShouldContinue: boolean);
- procedure MainProgressProc(Percent: integer; var ShouldContinue: boolean);
- procedure ImageVerticalLoop(Stream:TStream; Img:TFPCustomImage;
- ReadProc, SkipProc: TReadScanlineProc; WriteProc: TWriteScanlineProc;
- ProgressProc: TProgressProc; var ShouldContinue: boolean);
- public
- MinifyHeight,WantedHeight: integer;
- Hotspot: TPoint;
- Subformat: TBitmapSubFormat;
- constructor Create; override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- property OriginalHeight: integer read FOriginalHeight;
- property OutputHeight: integer read FOutputHeight;
- property TransparencyOption: TBMPTransparencyOption read FTransparencyOption write FTransparencyOption;
- function GetQuickInfo(AStream: TStream): TQuickImageInfo; override;
- function GetBitmapDraft(AStream: TStream; {%H-}AMaxWidth, AMaxHeight: integer; out AOriginalWidth,AOriginalHeight: integer): TBGRACustomBitmap; override;
- end;
-function MakeBitmapFileHeader(AData: TStream): TBitMapFileHeader;
-uses math;
-function MakeBitmapFileHeader(AData: TStream): TBitMapFileHeader;
-var header: PBitMapInfoHeader;
- headerSize: integer;
- extraSize: integer;
- os2header: TOS2BitmapHeader;
- AData.Position := 0;
- headerSize := LEtoN(AData.ReadDWord);
- if headerSize = sizeof(TOS2BitmapHeader) then //OS2 1.x
- begin
- AData.ReadBuffer({%H-}os2header,sizeof(os2header));
- if LEtoN(os2header.bcBitCount) in [1,2,4,8] then
- begin
- extraSize := 3*(1 shl LEtoN(os2header.bcBitCount));
- end else
- extraSize := 0;
- result.bfType:= Word('BM');
- result.bfSize := NtoLE(Integer(sizeof(TBitMapFileHeader) + AData.Size));
- result.bfReserved:= 0;
- result.bfOffset := NtoLE(Integer(sizeof(TBitMapFileHeader) + headerSize + extraSize));
- end else
- begin
- if (headerSize < 16) or (headerSize > AData.Size) or (headerSize > 1024) then
- raise exception.Create('Invalid header size');
- getmem(header, headerSize);
- try
- fillchar(header^, headerSize,0);
- header^.Size := NtoLE(headerSize);
- AData.ReadBuffer((PByte(header)+4)^, headerSize-4);
- if LEtoN(header^.Compression) = BI_BITFIELDS then
- extraSize := 4*3
- else if LEtoN(header^.BitCount) in [1,2,4,8] then
- begin
- if header^.ClrUsed > 0 then
- extraSize := 4*header^.ClrUsed
- else
- extraSize := 4*(1 shl header^.BitCount);
- end else
- extraSize := 0;
- result.bfType:= Word('BM');
- result.bfSize := NtoLE(Integer(sizeof(TBitMapFileHeader) + AData.Size));
- result.bfReserved:= 0;
- result.bfOffset := NtoLE(Integer(sizeof(TBitMapFileHeader) + headerSize + extraSize));
- finally
- freemem(header);
- end;
- end;
-function RGBAToFPColor(Const RGBA: TColorRGBA) : TFPcolor;
- with Result, RGBA do
- begin
- Red :=(R shl 8) or R;
- Green :=(G shl 8) or G;
- Blue :=(B shl 8) or B;
- Alpha :=(A shl 8) or A
- end;
-Function RGBToFPColor(Const RGB : TColorRGB) : TFPColor;
- with Result,RGB do
- begin {Use only the high byte to convert the color}
- Red := (R shl 8) + R;
- Green := (G shl 8) + G;
- Blue := (B shl 8) + B;
- Alpha := AlphaOpaque;
- end;
-constructor TBGRAReaderBMP.Create;
- inherited create;
- FTransparencyOption := toTransparent;
- Subformat:= bsfWithFileHeader;
-destructor TBGRAReaderBMP.Destroy;
- FreeBufs;
- inherited destroy;
-function TBGRAReaderBMP.GetQuickInfo(AStream: TStream): TQuickImageInfo;
-var headerSize: LongWord;
- os2header: TOS2BitmapHeader;
- minHeader: TMinimumBitmapHeader;
- totalDepth: integer;
- headerPos: int64;
- {$PUSH}{$HINTS OFF}fillchar({%H-}result, sizeof({%H-}result), 0);{$POP}
- headerPos := AStream.Position;
- if AStream.Read({%H-}headerSize, sizeof(headerSize)) <> sizeof(headerSize) then exit;
- headerSize := LEtoN(headerSize);
- //check presence of file header
- if (headerSize and $ffff) = BMmagic then
- begin
- inc(headerPos, sizeof(TBitMapFileHeader));
- AStream.Position := headerPos;
- if AStream.Read(headerSize, sizeof(headerSize)) <> sizeof(headerSize) then exit;
- headerSize := LEtoN(headerSize);
- end;
- AStream.Position := headerPos;
- if headerSize = sizeof(TOS2BitmapHeader) then //OS2 1.x
- begin
- if AStream.Read({%H-}os2header, sizeof(os2header)) <> sizeof(os2header) then exit;
- result.width := LEtoN(os2header.bcWidth);
- result.height := LEtoN(os2header.bcHeight);
- result.colorDepth := LEtoN(os2header.bcBitCount);
- result.alphaDepth := 0;
- end
- else
- if headerSize >= sizeof(minHeader) then
- begin
- if AStream.Read({%H-}minHeader, sizeof(minHeader)) <> sizeof(minHeader) then exit;
- result.width := LEtoN(minHeader.Width);
- result.height := LEtoN(minHeader.Height);
- totalDepth := LEtoN(minHeader.BitCount);
- if totalDepth > 24 then
- begin
- result.colorDepth:= 24;
- result.alphaDepth:= 8;
- end else
- begin
- result.colorDepth := totalDepth;
- result.alphaDepth:= 0;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- result.width := 0;
- result.height:= 0;
- result.colorDepth:= 0;
- result.alphaDepth:= 0;
- end;
-function TBGRAReaderBMP.GetBitmapDraft(AStream: TStream; AMaxWidth,
- AMaxHeight: integer; out AOriginalWidth, AOriginalHeight: integer): TBGRACustomBitmap;
- bmpFormat: TBGRAReaderBMP;
- prevStreamPos: Int64;
- bmpFormat:= TBGRAReaderBMP.Create;
- bmpFormat.Subformat:= Subformat;
- bmpFormat.MinifyHeight := AMaxHeight*2;
- result := BGRABitmapFactory.Create;
- prevStreamPos := AStream.Position;
- try
- result.LoadFromStream(AStream, bmpFormat);
- AOriginalWidth:= result.Width;
- AOriginalHeight:= bmpFormat.OriginalHeight;
- finally
- bmpFormat.Free;
- AStream.Position := prevStreamPos;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAReaderBMP.FreeBufs;
- If (LineBuf<>Nil) then
- begin
- FreeMem(LineBuf);
- LineBuf:=Nil;
- end;
- If (FPalette<>Nil) then
- begin
- FreeMem(FPalette);
- FPalette:=Nil;
- end;
- If (FBGRAPalette<>Nil) then
- begin
- FreeMem(FBGRAPalette);
- FBGRAPalette:=Nil;
- end;
-{ Counts how many bits are set }
-function TBGRAReaderBMP.CountBits(Value : byte) : shortint;
-var i,bits : shortint;
- bits:=0;
- for i:=0 to 7 do
- begin
- if (value mod 2)<>0 then inc(bits);
- value:=value shr 1;
- end;
- Result:=bits;
-{ If compression is bi_bitfields, there could be arbitrary masks for colors.
- Although this is not compatible with windows9x it's better to know how to read these bitmaps
- We must determine how to switch the value once masked
- Example: 0000 0111 1110 0000, if we shr 5 we have 00XX XXXX for the color, but these bits must be the
- highest in the color, so we must shr (5-(8-6))=3, and we have XXXX XX00.
- A negative value means "shift left" }
-function TBGRAReaderBMP.ShiftCount(Mask : LongWord) : shortint;
-var tmp : shortint;
- tmp:=0;
- if Mask=0 then
- begin
- Result:=0;
- exit;
- end;
- while (Mask mod 2)=0 do { rightmost bit is 0 }
- begin
- inc(tmp);
- Mask:= Mask shr 1;
- end;
- tmp:=tmp-(8-CountBits(Mask and $FF));
- Result:=tmp;
-function TBGRAReaderBMP.ExpandColor(value : LongWord) : TFPColor;
-var tmpr, tmpg, tmpb : LongWord;
- col : TColorRGB;
- value:=swap(value);
- {$ENDIF}
- tmpr:=value and RedMask;
- tmpg:=value and GreenMask;
- tmpb:=value and BlueMask;
- if RedShift < 0 then col.R:=byte(tmpr shl (-RedShift))
- else col.R:=byte(tmpr shr RedShift);
- if GreenShift < 0 then col.G:=byte(tmpg shl (-GreenShift))
- else col.G:=byte(tmpg shr GreenShift);
- if BlueShift < 0 then col.B:=byte(tmpb shl (-BlueShift))
- else col.B:=byte(tmpb shr BlueShift);
- Result:=RGBToFPColor(col);
-function TBGRAReaderBMP.ExpandColorBGRA(value: LongWord): TBGRAPixel;
-var tmpr, tmpg, tmpb : LongWord;
- value:=swap(value);
- {$ENDIF}
- tmpr:=value and RedMask;
- tmpg:=value and GreenMask;
- tmpb:=value and BlueMask;
- if RedShift < 0 then result.red:=byte(tmpr shl (-RedShift))
- else result.red:=byte(tmpr shr RedShift);
- if GreenShift < 0 then result.green:=byte(tmpg shl (-GreenShift))
- else result.green:=byte(tmpg shr GreenShift);
- if BlueShift < 0 then result.blue:=byte(tmpb shl (-BlueShift))
- else result.blue:=byte(tmpb shr BlueShift);
- result.alpha:= 255;
-procedure TBGRAReaderBMP.SetupRead(nPalette, nRowBits: Integer; Stream : TStream);
- ColInfo: ARRAY OF TColorRGBA;
- ColInfo3: packed array of TColorRGB;
- i,colorPresent: Integer;
- if ((BFI.Compression=BI_RGB) and (BFI.BitCount=16)) then { 5 bits per channel, fixed mask }
- begin
- RedMask:=$7C00; RedShift:=7;
- GreenMask:=$03E0; GreenShift:=2;
- BlueMask:=$001F; BlueShift:=-3;
- end
- else if ((BFI.Compression=BI_BITFIELDS) and (BFI.BitCount in [16,32])) then { arbitrary mask }
- begin
- Stream.Read(RedMask,4);
- Stream.Read(GreenMask,4);
- Stream.Read(BlueMask,4);
- RedMask:=swap(RedMask);
- GreenMask:=swap(GreenMask);
- BlueMask:=swap(BlueMask);
- {$ENDIF}
- RedShift:=ShiftCount(RedMask);
- GreenShift:=ShiftCount(GreenMask);
- BlueShift:=ShiftCount(BlueMask);
- end
- else if nPalette>0 then
- begin
- GetMem(FPalette, nPalette*SizeOf(TFPColor));
- GetMem(FBGRAPalette, nPalette*SizeOf(TBGRAPixel));
- SetLength(ColInfo, nPalette);
- if BFI.ClrUsed>0 then
- colorPresent:= min(BFI.ClrUsed,nPalette)
- else
- colorPresent:= nPalette;
- if FPaletteEntrySize = 3 then
- begin
- setlength(ColInfo3, nPalette);
- Stream.Read(ColInfo3[0],colorPresent*SizeOf(TColorRGB));
- for i := 0 to colorPresent-1 do
- ColInfo[i].RGB := ColInfo3[i];
- end
- else
- begin
- Stream.Read(ColInfo[0],colorPresent*SizeOf(TColorRGBA));
- end;
- for i := 0 to High(ColInfo) do
- begin
- FPalette[i] := RGBToFPColor(ColInfo[i].RGB);
- FBGRAPalette[i]:= FPColorToBGRA(FPalette[i]);
- end
- end
- else if BFI.ClrUsed>0 then { Skip palette }
- Stream.Position := Stream.Position + BFI.ClrUsed*SizeOf(TColorRGBA);
- {$POP}
- ReadSize:=((nRowBits + 31) div 32) shl 2;
- GetMem(LineBuf,ReadSize);
-procedure TBGRAReaderBMP.InternalRead(Stream:TStream; Img:TFPCustomImage);
- i, pallen : Integer;
- BadCompression : boolean;
- WriteScanlineProc: TWriteScanlineProc;
- headerSize: LongWord;
- os2header: TOS2BitmapHeader;
- shouldContinue: boolean;
- shouldContinue:=true;
- Progress(psStarting,0,false,EmptyRect,'',shouldContinue);
- if not shouldContinue then exit;
- headerSize := LEtoN(Stream.ReadDWord);
- fillchar({%H-}BFI,SizeOf(BFI),0);
- if headerSize = sizeof(TOS2BitmapHeader) then
- begin
- fillchar({%H-}os2header,SizeOf(os2header),0);
- Stream.Read(os2header.bcWidth,min(SizeOf(os2header),headerSize)-sizeof(LongWord));
- BFI.Size := 16;
- BFI.Width := LEtoN(os2header.bcWidth);
- BFI.Height := LEtoN(os2header.bcHeight);
- BFI.Planes := LEtoN(os2header.bcPlanes);
- BFI.BitCount := LEtoN(os2header.bcBitCount);
- FPaletteEntrySize:= 3;
- end else
- begin
- Stream.Read(BFI.Width,min(SizeOf(BFI),headerSize)-sizeof(LongWord));
- SwapBMPInfoHeader(BFI);
- {$ENDIF}
- BFI.Size := headerSize;
- FPaletteEntrySize:= 4;
- end;
- { This will move past any junk after the BFI header }
- Stream.Position:=Stream.Position-SizeOf(BFI)+BFI.Size;
- with BFI do
- begin
- BadCompression:=false;
- if ((Compression=BI_RLE4) and (BitCount<>4)) then BadCompression:=true;
- if ((Compression=BI_RLE8) and (BitCount<>8)) then BadCompression:=true;
- if ((Compression=BI_BITFIELDS) and (not (BitCount in [16,32]))) then BadCompression:=true;
- if not (Compression in [BI_RGB..BI_BITFIELDS]) then BadCompression:=true;
- if BadCompression then
- raise FPImageException.Create('Bad BMP compression mode');
- TopDown:=(Height<0);
- Height:=abs(Height);
- FOriginalHeight := Height;
- if (TopDown and (not (Compression in [BI_RGB,BI_BITFIELDS]))) then
- raise FPImageException.Create('Top-down bitmaps cannot be compressed');
- Img.SetSize(0,0);
- if BitCount<=8 then
- begin
- Img.UsePalette:=true;
- Img.Palette.Clear;
- end
- else Img.UsePalette:=false;
- Case BFI.BitCount of
- 1 : { Monochrome }
- SetupRead(2,Width,Stream);
- 4 :
- SetupRead(16,Width*4,Stream);
- 8 :
- SetupRead(256,Width*8,Stream);
- 16 :
- SetupRead(0,Width*8*2,Stream);
- 24:
- SetupRead(0,Width*8*3,Stream);
- 32:
- SetupRead(0,Width*8*4,Stream);
- else raise exception.Create('Invalid bit depth ('+inttostr(BFI.BitCount)+')');
- end;
- end;
- if Subformat = bsfHeaderlessWithMask then BFI.Height := BFI.Height div 2;
- Try
- { Note: it would be better to Fill the image palette in setupread instead of creating FPalette.
- FPalette is indeed useless but we cannot remove it since it's not private :\ }
- pallen:=0;
- if BFI.BitCount<=8 then
- if BFI.ClrUsed>0 then pallen:=BFI.ClrUsed
- else pallen:=(1 shl BFI.BitCount);
- if pallen>0 then
- begin
- if FPalette = nil then raise exception.Create('Internal error: palette object not initialized');
- Img.Palette.Count:=pallen;
- for i:=0 to pallen-1 do
- Img.Palette.Color[i]:=FPalette[i];
- end;
- if (MinifyHeight > 0) and (MinifyHeight < BFI.Height) then FOutputHeight:= MinifyHeight else
- if WantedHeight > 0 then FOutputHeight:= WantedHeight else
- FOutputHeight:= BFI.Height;
- if (BFI.Compression=BI_RLE8) or(BFI.Compression=BI_RLE4) then InitReadBuffer(Stream,2048);
- FHasAlphaValues:= false;
- Img.SetSize(BFI.Width,FOutputHeight);
- if Img is TBGRACustomBitmap then
- WriteScanlineProc := @WriteScanLineBGRA else
- WriteScanlineProc := @WriteScanLine;
- ImageVerticalLoop(Stream, Img, @ReadScanLine, @SkipScanLine, WriteScanlineProc,
- @MainProgressProc, shouldContinue);
- if shouldContinue then
- begin
- if not FHasAlphaValues and (TransparencyOption = toAuto) and (BFI.BitCount = 32) then
- MakeOpaque(Img);
- if (BFI.Compression=BI_RLE8) or(BFI.Compression=BI_RLE4) then CloseReadBuffer;
- if Subformat = bsfHeaderlessWithMask then LoadMask(Stream,Img, shouldContinue);
- Progress(psEnding,100,false,EmptyRect,'',shouldContinue);
- end;
- finally
- FreeBufs;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAReaderBMP.ExpandRLE8ScanLine(Row : Integer; Stream : TStream);
-var i,j,k : integer;
- b0, b1 : byte;
- i:=0;
- while true do
- begin
- { let's see if we must skip pixels because of delta... }
- if DeltaY<>-1 then
- begin
- if Row=DeltaY then j:=DeltaX { If we are on the same line, skip till DeltaX }
- else j:=ReadSize; { else skip up to the end of this line }
- while (i0 then { number of repetitions }
- begin
- if b0+i>ReadSize then
- raise FPImageException.Create('Bad BMP RLE chunk at row '+inttostr(row)+', col '+inttostr(i)+', file offset $'+inttohex(Stream.Position,16) );
- j:=i+b0;
- while (iReadSize then
- raise FPImageException.Create('Bad BMP RLE chunk at row '+inttostr(row)+', col '+inttostr(i)+', file offset $'+inttohex(Stream.Position,16) );
- for k := b1-1 downto 0 do
- Begin
- LineBuf[i] := GetNextBufferByte;
- Inc(i);
- end;
- { aligned on 2 bytes boundary: every group starts on a 2 bytes boundary, but absolute group
- could end on odd address if there is a odd number of elements, so we pad it }
- if (b1 mod 2)<>0 then GetNextBufferByte;
- end;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAReaderBMP.ExpandRLE4ScanLine(Row : Integer; Stream : TStream);
-var i,j,tmpsize : integer;
- b0, b1 : byte;
- nibline : pbyte; { temporary array of nibbles }
- even : boolean;
- tmpsize:=ReadSize*2; { ReadSize is in bytes, while nibline is made of nibbles, so it's 2*readsize long }
- getmem(nibline,tmpsize);
- if nibline=nil then
- raise FPImageException.Create('Out of memory');
- try
- i:=0;
- while true do
- begin
- { let's see if we must skip pixels because of delta... }
- if DeltaY<>-1 then
- begin
- if Row=DeltaY then j:=DeltaX { If we are on the same line, skip till DeltaX }
- else j:=tmpsize; { else skip up to the end of this line }
- while (i0 then { number of repetitions }
- begin
- if b0+i>tmpsize then
- raise FPImageException.Create('Bad BMP RLE chunk at row '+inttostr(row)+', col '+inttostr(i)+', file offset $'+inttohex(Stream.Position,16) );
- even:=true;
- j:=i+b0;
- while (itmpsize then
- raise FPImageException.Create('Bad BMP RLE chunk at row '+inttostr(row)+', col '+inttostr(i)+', file offset $'+inttohex(Stream.Position,16) );
- j:=i+b1;
- even:=true;
- while (i0 then GetNextBufferByte;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- { pack the nibline into the linebuf }
- for i:=0 to ReadSize-1 do
- LineBuf[i]:=(NibLine[i*2] shl 4) or NibLine[i*2+1];
- finally
- FreeMem(nibline)
- end;
-procedure TBGRAReaderBMP.ReadScanLine(Row : Integer; Stream : TStream);
- if BFI.Compression=BI_RLE8 then ExpandRLE8ScanLine(Row,Stream)
- else if BFI.Compression=BI_RLE4 then ExpandRLE4ScanLine(Row,Stream)
- else Stream.Read(LineBuf[0],ReadSize);
-procedure TBGRAReaderBMP.SkipScanLine(Row: Integer; Stream: TStream);
- if (BFI.Compression=BI_RLE8) or(BFI.Compression=BI_RLE4) then ReadScanLine(Row,Stream)
- else Stream.Position := Stream.Position+ReadSize;
-procedure TBGRAReaderBMP.WriteScanLine(Row : Integer; Img : TFPCustomImage);
- Column : Integer;
- c: TFPColor;
- Case BFI.BitCount of
- 1 :
- for Column:=0 to Img.Width-1 do
- if ((LineBuf[Column div 8] shr (7-(Column and 7)) ) and 1) <> 0 then
- img.Pixels[Column,Row]:=1
- else
- img.Pixels[Column,Row]:=0;
- 4 :
- for Column:=0 to img.Width-1 do
- img.Pixels[Column,Row]:=(LineBuf[Column div 2] shr (((Column+1) and 1)*4)) and $0f;
- 8 :
- for Column:=0 to img.Width-1 do
- img.Pixels[Column,Row]:=LineBuf[Column];
- 16 :
- for Column:=0 to img.Width-1 do
- img.colors[Column,Row]:=ExpandColor(PWord(LineBuf)[Column]);
- 24 :
- for Column:=0 to img.Width-1 do
- img.colors[Column,Row]:=RGBToFPColor(PColorRGB(LineBuf)[Column]);
- 32 :
- for Column:=0 to img.Width-1 do
- if BFI.Compression=BI_BITFIELDS then
- img.colors[Column,Row]:=ExpandColor(PLongWord(LineBuf)[Column])
- else
- begin
- if FTransparencyOption = toOpaque then
- img.colors[Column,Row]:=RGBToFPColor(PColorRGB(PColorRGBA(LineBuf)+Column)^)
- else
- begin
- c := RGBAToFPColor(PColorRGBA(LineBuf)[Column]);
- if c.alpha <> 0 then FHasAlphaValues:= true;
- img.colors[Column,Row]:= c;
- end;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAReaderBMP.WriteScanLineBGRA(Row: Integer; Img: TFPCustomImage);
- Column : Integer;
- PDest: PBGRAPixel;
- PSrc: PByte;
- PDest := TBGRACustomBitmap(Img).ScanLine[Row];
- Case BFI.BitCount of
- 1 :
- for Column:=0 to Img.Width-1 do
- begin
- if ((LineBuf[Column div 8] shr (7-(Column and 7)) ) and 1) <> 0 then
- PDest^ := FBGRAPalette[1]
- else
- PDest^ := FBGRAPalette[0];
- inc(PDest);
- end;
- 4 :
- for Column:=0 to img.Width-1 do
- begin
- PDest^ := FBGRAPalette[(LineBuf[Column div 2] shr (((Column+1) and 1)*4)) and $0f];
- inc(PDest);
- end;
- 8 :
- for Column:=0 to img.Width-1 do
- begin
- PDest^ := FBGRAPalette[LineBuf[Column]];
- inc(PDest);
- end;
- 16 :
- for Column:=0 to img.Width-1 do
- begin
- PDest^ :=ExpandColorBGRA(PWord(LineBuf)[Column]);
- inc(PDest);
- end;
- 24 : begin
- PSrc := LineBuf;
- for Column:=0 to img.Width-1 do
- begin
- PDest^ := BGRA((Psrc+2)^,(Psrc+1)^,(Psrc)^);
- inc(PDest);
- inc(PSrc,3);
- end;
- end;
- 32 :
- if BFI.Compression=BI_BITFIELDS then
- begin
- for Column:=0 to img.Width-1 do
- begin
- PDest^:=ExpandColorBGRA(PLongWord(LineBuf)[Column]);
- inc(PDest);
- end;
- end else
- if FTransparencyOption = toOpaque then
- begin
- if TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder then
- begin
- PSrc := LineBuf;
- for Column:=0 to img.Width-1 do
- begin
- PDest^:= BGRA((PSrc)^,(PSrc+1)^,(PSrc+2)^);
- inc(PDest);
- Inc(PSrc,4);
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- PSrc := LineBuf;
- for Column:=0 to img.Width-1 do
- begin
- PDest^:= BGRA((PSrc+2)^,(PSrc+1)^,(PSrc+1)^);
- inc(PDest);
- Inc(PSrc,4);
- end;
- end;
- {$POP}
- end else
- begin
- if TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder then
- begin
- PSrc := LineBuf;
- for Column:=0 to img.Width-1 do
- begin
- PDest^:= BGRA((PSrc+2)^,(PSrc+1)^,(PSrc)^,(PSrc+3)^);
- if PDest^.alpha <> 0 then FHasAlphaValues:= true;
- inc(PDest);
- Inc(PSrc,4);
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- PSrc := LineBuf;
- for Column:=0 to img.Width-1 do
- begin
- PDest^ := PBGRAPixel(PSrc)^;
- if PDest^.alpha <> 0 then FHasAlphaValues:= true;
- inc(PDest);
- Inc(PSrc,4);
- end;
- end;
- {$POP}
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAReaderBMP.ReadMaskLine(Row: Integer; Stream: TStream);
- FillChar(FMaskData^, FMaskDataSize, 0);
- Stream.Read(FMaskData^, FMaskDataSize);
-procedure TBGRAReaderBMP.SkipMaskLine(Row: Integer; Stream: TStream);
- Stream.Position := Stream.Position+FMaskDataSize;
-procedure TBGRAReaderBMP.WriteMaskLine(Row: Integer; Img: TFPCustomImage);
-var x, maskPos: integer;
- bit: byte;
- bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- pimg: PBGRAPixel;
- if Img is TBGRACustomBitmap then
- bmp := TBGRACustomBitmap(Img)
- else
- exit;
- maskPos := 0;
- bit := $80;
- pimg := bmp.ScanLine[Row];
- for x := 0 to bmp.Width-1 do
- begin
- if (FMaskData[maskPos] and bit) <> 0 then //if AND mask is non zero, value is kept
- begin
- if pimg^.alpha = 255 then
- begin
- pimg^.alpha := 0;
- if LongWord(pimg^) <> 0 then
- begin
- bmp.NeedXorMask;
- bmp.XorMask.SetPixel(x,Row,pimg^);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- inc(pimg);
- bit := bit shr 1;
- if bit = 0 then
- begin
- bit := $80;
- inc(maskPos);
- end;
- end;
-function TBGRAReaderBMP.InternalCheck (Stream:TStream) : boolean;
- fillchar(BFH, sizeof(BFH), 0);
- if Subformat in [bsfHeaderless,bsfHeaderlessWithMask] then
- begin
- result := true;
- Hotspot := Point(0,0);
- end else
- begin
- if stream.Read(BFH,SizeOf(BFH)) <> sizeof(BFH) then
- begin
- result := false;
- exit;
- end;
- Hotspot := Point(LEtoN(PWord(@BFH.bfReserved)^),LEtoN((PWord(@BFH.bfReserved)+1)^));
- SwapBMPFileHeader(BFH);
- {$ENDIF}
- With BFH do
- Result:=(bfType=BMmagic); // Just check magic number
- end;
-procedure TBGRAReaderBMP.InitReadBuffer(AStream: TStream; ASize: integer);
- setLength(FBuffer,ASize);
- FBufferSize := AStream.Read(FBuffer[0],ASize);
- FBufferPos := 0;
- FBufferStream := AStream;
-procedure TBGRAReaderBMP.CloseReadBuffer;
- FBufferStream.Position:= FBufferStream.Position-FBufferSize+FBufferPos;
-function TBGRAReaderBMP.GetNextBufferByte: byte;
- if FBufferPos < FBufferSize then
- begin
- result := FBuffer[FBufferPos];
- inc(FBufferPos);
- end else
- if FBufferSize = 0 then
- result := 0
- else
- begin
- FBufferSize := FBufferStream.Read(FBuffer[0],length(FBuffer));
- FBufferPos := 0;
- if FBufferPos < FBufferSize then
- begin
- result := FBuffer[FBufferPos];
- inc(FBufferPos);
- end else
- result := 0;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAReaderBMP.MakeOpaque(Img: TFPCustomImage);
-var c: TFPColor;
- x,y: Int32or64;
- if Img is TBGRACustomBitmap then
- TBGRACustomBitmap(Img).AlphaFill(255)
- else
- for y := 0 to Img.Height-1 do
- for x := 0 to Img.Width-1 do
- begin
- c := Img.Colors[x,y];
- c.alpha := alphaOpaque;
- Img.Colors[x,y] := c;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAReaderBMP.LoadMask(Stream: TStream; Img: TFPCustomImage; var ShouldContinue: boolean);
- if Img is TBGRACustomBitmap then TBGRACustomBitmap(Img).DiscardXorMask;
- FMaskDataSize := ((Img.Width+31) div 32)*4; //padded to LongWord
- getmem(FMaskData, FMaskDataSize);
- try
- ImageVerticalLoop(Stream,Img, @ReadMaskLine, @SkipMaskLine, @WriteMaskLine, nil, ShouldContinue);
- finally
- freemem(FMaskData);
- FMaskData := nil;
- FMaskDataSize := 0;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAReaderBMP.MainProgressProc(Percent: integer;
- var ShouldContinue: boolean);
- Progress(psRunning,Percent,false,EmptyRect,'',ShouldContinue);
-procedure TBGRAReaderBMP.ImageVerticalLoop(Stream: TStream;
- Img: TFPCustomImage; ReadProc, SkipProc: TReadScanlineProc;
- WriteProc: TWriteScanlineProc; ProgressProc: TProgressProc;
- var ShouldContinue: boolean);
- prevPercent, percent, percentAdd : byte;
- percentMod : LongWord;
- percentAcc, percentAccAdd : LongWord;
- PrevSourceRow,SourceRow, SourceRowDelta, SourceLastRow: integer;
- SourceRowAdd: integer;
- SourceRowAcc,SourceRowMod: integer;
- SourceRowAccAdd: integer;
- OutputLastRow, OutputRow, OutputRowDelta: integer;
- if OutputHeight <= 0 then exit;
- percent:=0;
- percentMod:= OutputHeight;
- percentAdd := 100 div percentMod;
- percentAcc:= percentMod div 2;
- percentAccAdd := 100 mod percentMod;
- DeltaX:=-1; DeltaY:=-1;
- if TopDown then
- begin
- SourceRowDelta := 1;
- SourceRow := 0;
- SourceLastRow := BFI.Height-1;
- end else
- begin
- SourceRowDelta := -1;
- SourceRow := BFI.Height-1;
- SourceLastRow := 0;
- end;
- OutputRowDelta:= SourceRowDelta;
- SourceRowMod := OutputHeight;
- SourceRowAdd := (BFI.Height div SourceRowMod)*SourceRowDelta;
- SourceRowAcc := SourceRowMod div 2;
- SourceRowAccAdd := BFI.Height mod SourceRowMod;
- If TopDown then
- begin
- OutputRow := 0;
- OutputLastRow := OutputHeight-1;
- end
- else
- begin
- OutputRow := OutputHeight-1;
- OutputLastRow := 0;
- end;
- PrevSourceRow := SourceRow-SourceRowDelta;
- while ShouldContinue and (SourceRow <> SourceLastRow+SourceRowDelta) do
- begin
- while PrevSourceRow <> SourceRow do
- begin
- inc(PrevSourceRow, SourceRowDelta);
- if PrevSourceRow = SourceRow then
- ReadProc(PrevSourceRow,Stream)
- else
- SkipProc(PrevSourceRow,Stream);
- end;
- WriteProc(OutputRow,Img);
- if OutputRow = OutputLastRow then break;
- inc(OutputRow,OutputRowDelta);
- inc(SourceRow,SourceRowAdd);
- inc(SourceRowAcc,SourceRowAccAdd);
- if SourceRowAcc >= SourceRowMod then
- begin
- dec(SourceRowAcc,SourceRowMod);
- Inc(SourceRow,SourceRowDelta);
- end;
- prevPercent := percent;
- inc(percent,percentAdd);
- inc(percentAcc,percentAccAdd);
- if percentAcc>=percentMod then
- begin
- dec(percentAcc, percentMod);
- inc(percent);
- end;
- if (percent<>prevPercent) and Assigned(ProgressProc) then ProgressProc(percent, ShouldContinue);
- end;
- DefaultBGRAImageReader[ifBmp] := TBGRAReaderBMP;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrareadbmpmiomap.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrareadbmpmiomap.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index a4978cc..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrareadbmpmiomap.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,260 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAReadBmpMioMap;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, FPimage, BGRABitmapTypes;
- MioMapMagicValue = 'RL';
- MioMapTransparentColor = $F81F;
- TMioHeader = packed record
- magic: packed array[1..2] of char;
- format: word;
- width,height,nbColors,nbChunks: word;
- end;
- TPixelArray = array of TBGRAPixel;
- { TBGRAReaderBmpMioMap }
- TBGRAReaderBmpMioMap = class(TFPCustomImageReader)
- private
- function ReadHeader(Stream: TStream; out header: TMioHeader): boolean;
- function ReadPalette(Stream: TStream; nbColors: integer; alphaChannel: boolean): TPixelArray;
- procedure UncompressChunks(Stream: TStream; nbChunks: integer; palette: TPixelArray; img: TFPCustomImage);
- public
- procedure InternalRead (Stream:TStream; Img:TFPCustomImage); override;
- function InternalCheck (Stream:TStream) : boolean; override;
- end;
-function MioMapToBGRA(AColor: Word): TBGRAPixel;
-function BGRAToMioMap(const AColor: TBGRAPixel): Word;
-function MioMapToAlpha(AValue: Byte): Byte;
-function AlphaToMioMap(AValue: Byte): Byte;
-uses bufstream;
-function MioMapToBGRA(AColor: Word): TBGRAPixel;
- if AColor = MioMapTransparentColor then
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- result := Color16BitToBGRA(AColor);
-function BGRAToMioMap(const AColor: TBGRAPixel): Word;
- if AColor.alpha < 7 then
- result := MioMapTransparentColor
- else
- begin
- result := BGRAToColor16Bit(AColor);
- if result = MioMapTransparentColor then dec(result);
- end;
-function MioMapToAlpha(AValue: Byte): Byte;
- result := AValue*255 div 32;
-function AlphaToMioMap(AValue: Byte): Byte;
- result := (AValue*32 + 64) div 255;
-{ TBGRAReaderBmpMioMap }
-function TBGRAReaderBmpMioMap.ReadHeader(Stream: TStream; out header: TMioHeader
- ): boolean;
- result := false;
- fillchar({%H-}header,sizeof(header),0);
- if stream.Read(header, sizeof(header))<> sizeof(header) then exit;
- if header.magic <> MioMapMagicValue then exit;
- header.format:= LEtoN(header.format);
- header.width:= LEtoN(header.width);
- header.height:= LEtoN(header.height);
- header.nbColors:= LEtoN(header.nbColors);
- header.nbChunks:= LEtoN(header.nbChunks);
- if header.format > 1 then exit;
- result := true;
-function TBGRAReaderBmpMioMap.ReadPalette(Stream: TStream; nbColors: integer;
- alphaChannel: boolean): TPixelArray;
-var mioPalette: packed array of word;
- nbColorsRead,i: integer;
- colorValue: word;
- alphaPalette: packed array of byte;
- setlength(mioPalette, nbColors);
- setlength(result,nbColors);
- nbColorsRead:= Stream.Read({%H-}mioPalette[0], nbColors*2) div 2;
- for i := 0 to nbColorsRead-1 do
- begin
- colorValue := LEtoN(mioPalette[i]);
- result[i] := MioMapToBGRA(colorValue);
- end;
- for i := nbColorsRead to nbColors-1 do
- result[i] := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- if alphaChannel then
- begin
- setlength(alphaPalette,nbColors);
- Stream.Read(alphaPalette[0],nbColors);
- for i := 0 to nbColors-1 do
- if mioPalette[i] <> MioMapTransparentColor then
- result[i].alpha := MioMapToAlpha(alphaPalette[i]);
- end;
-procedure TBGRAReaderBmpMioMap.UncompressChunks(Stream: TStream; nbChunks: integer;
- palette: TPixelArray; img: TFPCustomImage);
-var i,maxChunkSize: integer;
- chunkSizes: array of integer;
- chunkData: packed array of byte;
- pos,bytesRead: integer;
- palLen: integer;
- x,y: integer;
- p: PBGRAPixel;
- colorOffset: integer;
- b: byte;
- w,h: integer;
- procedure UncompressPixel(colorNumber, repeatCount: integer);
- var
- c: TBGRAPixel;
- begin
- if colorNumber >= palLen then
- c := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- c := palette[colorNumber];
- while (repeatCount > 0) and (y < h) do
- begin
- if p <> nil then
- begin
- p^ := c;
- inc(p);
- end else
- img.Colors[x,y] := BGRAToFPColor(c);
- inc(x);
- if x = w then
- begin
- x := 0;
- inc(y);
- if p <> nil then
- begin
- if y >= h then p := nil
- else
- p := TBGRACustomBitmap(Img).ScanLine[y];
- end;
- end;
- dec(repeatCount);
- end;
- end;
- palLen := length(palette);
- if (img.Width = 0) or (img.Height = 0) or (palLen = 0) then exit;
- maxChunkSize := 1;
- setlength(chunkSizes, nbChunks);
- for i := 0 to nbChunks-1 do
- begin
- if stream.read({%H-}b,1)=0 then b := 0;
- if b < 255 then
- begin
- chunkSizes[i] := b;
- end else
- begin
- if stream.read(b,1)=0 then b := 0;
- chunkSizes[i] := b shl 8;
- if stream.read(b,1)=0 then b := 0;
- inc(chunkSizes[i], b);
- end;
- if chunkSizes[i]>maxChunkSize then
- maxChunkSize := chunkSizes[i];
- end;
- setlength(chunkData, maxChunkSize);
- x := 0;
- y := 0;
- w := img.Width;
- h := img.Height;
- colorOffset:= 0;
- if Img is TBGRACustomBitmap then
- begin
- p := TBGRACustomBitmap(Img).ScanLine[y];
- TBGRACustomBitmap(Img).FillTransparent;
- end
- else
- p := nil;
- for i:= 0 to nbChunks-1 do
- begin
- bytesRead := Stream.Read(chunkData[0], chunkSizes[i]);
- pos := 0;
- while pos < bytesRead do
- begin
- if (chunkData[pos] = $FE) and (pos+2 < bytesRead) then
- begin
- UncompressPixel(chunkData[pos+1]+colorOffset,chunkData[pos+2]);
- inc(pos,3);
- end else
- if (chunkData[pos] = $ff) and (pos+1 < bytesRead) then
- begin
- UncompressPixel(0,chunkData[pos+1]);
- inc(pos,2);
- end else
- if (chunkData[pos] = $fd) and (pos+2 < bytesRead) then
- begin
- colorOffset:= chunkData[pos+1] + (chunkData[pos+2] shl 8);
- inc(pos,3);
- end else
- if chunkData[pos] = 0 then
- begin
- UncompressPixel(0,1);
- inc(pos);
- end else
- begin
- UncompressPixel(chunkData[pos]+colorOffset,1);
- inc(pos);
- end;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAReaderBmpMioMap.InternalRead(Stream: TStream; Img: TFPCustomImage);
-var header: TMioHeader;
- palette: TPixelArray;
- buf: TReadBufStream;
- if not ReadHeader(stream, header) then exit;
- buf := TReadBufStream.Create(Stream,1024);
- Img.SetSize(header.width,header.height);
- palette := ReadPalette(stream, header.nbColors, header.format = 1);
- UncompressChunks(stream,header.nbChunks, palette, Img);
- buf.Free;
-function TBGRAReaderBmpMioMap.InternalCheck(Stream: TStream): boolean;
-var OldPosition : int64;
- dummy: TMioHeader;
- OldPosition:= stream.Position;
- result := ReadHeader(stream, dummy);
- stream.Position:= OldPosition;
- DefaultBGRAImageReader[ifBmpMioMap] := TBGRAReaderBmpMioMap;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrareadgif.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrareadgif.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index e14a03e..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrareadgif.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,381 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-{ This unit provides some optimisations of TFPReaderGif: decompression algorithm and direct pixel access of TBGRABitmap.
- Note: to read an animation use TBGRAAnimatedGif instead. }
-unit BGRAReadGif;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, FPimage, FPReadGif;
- PGifRGB = ^TGifRGB;
- { TBGRAReaderGif }
- TBGRAReaderGif = class(TFPReaderGif)
- protected
- procedure ReadPaletteAtOnce(Stream: TStream; Size: integer);
- procedure InternalRead(Stream: TStream; Img: TFPCustomImage); override;
- function ReadScanLine(Stream: TStream): boolean; override;
- function WriteScanLineBGRA(Img: TFPCustomImage): Boolean; virtual;
- end;
-uses BGRABitmapTypes;
-{ TBGRAReaderGif }
-procedure TBGRAReaderGif.ReadPaletteAtOnce(Stream: TStream; Size: integer);
- RGBEntries, RGBEntry : PGifRGB;
- I : Integer;
- c : TFPColor;
- FPalette.count := 0;
- getmem(RGBEntries, sizeof(TGifRGB)*Size);
- Stream.Read(RGBEntries^, sizeof(TGifRGB)*Size);
- For I:=0 To Size-1 Do
- Begin
- RGBEntry := RGBEntries+I;
- With c do
- begin
- Red:=RGBEntry^.Red or (RGBEntry^.Red shl 8);
- Green:=RGBEntry^.Green or (RGBEntry^.Green shl 8);
- Blue:=RGBEntry^.Blue or (RGBEntry^.Blue shl 8);
- Alpha:=alphaOpaque;
- end;
- FPalette.Add(C);
- End;
- FreeMem(RGBEntries);
-procedure TBGRAReaderGif.InternalRead(Stream: TStream; Img: TFPCustomImage);
- Introducer:byte;
- ColorTableSize :Integer;
- ContProgress: Boolean;
- FPalette:=nil;
- FScanLine:=nil;
- try
- ContProgress:=true;
- Progress(psStarting, 0, False, Rect(0,0,0,0), '', ContProgress);
- if not ContProgress then exit;
- FPalette := TFPPalette.Create(0);
- Stream.Position:=0;
- // header
- Stream.Read(FHeader,SizeOf(FHeader));
- Progress(psRunning, 0, False, Rect(0,0,0,0), '', ContProgress);
- if not ContProgress then exit;
- // Endian Fix Mantis 8541. Gif is always little endian
- with FHeader do
- begin
- ScreenWidth := LEtoN(ScreenWidth);
- ScreenHeight := LEtoN(ScreenHeight);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- // global palette
- if (FHeader.Packedbit and $80) <> 0 then
- begin
- ColorTableSize := FHeader.Packedbit and 7 + 1;
- ReadPaletteAtOnce(stream, 1 shl ColorTableSize);
- end;
- // skip extensions
- Repeat
- Introducer:=SkipBlock(Stream);
- until (Introducer = $2C) or (Introducer = $3B);
- // descriptor
- Stream.Read(FDescriptor, SizeOf(FDescriptor));
- with FDescriptor do
- begin
- Left := LEtoN(Left);
- Top := LEtoN(Top);
- Width := LEtoN(Width);
- Height := LEtoN(Height);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- // local palette
- if (FDescriptor.Packedbit and $80) <> 0 then
- begin
- ColorTableSize := FDescriptor.Packedbit and 7 + 1;
- ReadPaletteAtOnce(stream, 1 shl ColorTableSize);
- end;
- // parse header
- if not AnalyzeHeader then exit;
- // create image
- if Assigned(OnCreateImage) then
- OnCreateImage(Self,Img);
- Img.SetSize(FWidth,FHeight);
- // read pixels
- if not ReadScanLine(Stream) then exit;
- if Img is TBGRACustomBitmap then
- begin
- if not WriteScanLineBGRA(Img) then exit;
- end else
- if not WriteScanLine(Img) then exit;
- // ToDo: read further images
- finally
- FreeAndNil(FPalette);
- ReAllocMem(FScanLine,0);
- end;
- Progress(FPimage.psEnding, 100, false, Rect(0,0,FWidth,FHeight), '', ContProgress);
-function TBGRAReaderGif.ReadScanLine(Stream: TStream): Boolean;
- OldPos,
- UnpackedSize,
- PackedSize:longint;
- I: Integer;
- Data,
- Bits,
- Code: LongWord;
- SourcePtr: PByte;
- InCode: LongWord;
- CodeSize: LongWord;
- CodeMask: LongWord;
- FreeCode: LongWord;
- OldCode: LongWord;
- Prefix: array[0..4095] of LongWord;
- Suffix,
- Stack: array [0..4095] of Byte;
- StackPointer, StackTop: PByte;
- StackSize: integer;
- DataComp,
- Target: PByte;
- {%H-}B,
- {%H-}FInitialCodeSize,
- FirstChar: Byte;
- ClearCode,
- EOICode: Word;
- ContProgress: Boolean;
- DataComp:=nil;
- ContProgress:=true;
- try
- // read dictionary size
- Stream.read({%H-}FInitialCodeSize, 1);
- // search end of compressor table
- OldPos:=Stream.Position;
- PackedSize := 0;
- Repeat
- Stream.read({%H-}B, 1);
- if B > 0 then
- begin
- inc(PackedSize, B);
- Stream.Seek(B, soFromCurrent);
- end;
- until B = 0;
- Progress(psRunning, trunc(100.0 * (Stream.position / Stream.size)),
- False, Rect(0,0,0,0), '', ContProgress);
- if not ContProgress then exit(false);
- Getmem(DataComp, PackedSize);
- // read compressor table
- SourcePtr:=DataComp;
- Stream.Position:=OldPos;
- Repeat
- Stream.read(B, 1);
- if B > 0 then
- begin
- Stream.ReadBuffer(SourcePtr^, B);
- Inc(SourcePtr,B);
- end;
- until B = 0;
- Progress(psRunning, trunc(100.0 * (Stream.position / Stream.size)),
- False, Rect(0,0,0,0), '', ContProgress);
- if not ContProgress then exit(false);
- SourcePtr:=DataComp;
- Target := FScanLine;
- CodeSize := FInitialCodeSize + 1;
- ClearCode := 1 shl FInitialCodeSize;
- EOICode := ClearCode + 1;
- FreeCode := ClearCode + 2;
- OldCode := 4096;
- CodeMask := (1 shl CodeSize) - 1;
- UnpackedSize:=FWidth * FHeight;
- for I := 0 to ClearCode - 1 do
- begin
- Prefix[I] := 4096;
- Suffix[I] := I;
- end;
- StackTop := @Stack[high(Stack)];
- StackPointer := StackTop;
- FirstChar := 0;
- Data := 0;
- Bits := 0;
- // LZW decompression gif
- while (UnpackedSize > 0) and (PackedSize > 0) do
- begin
- Inc(Data, SourcePtr^ shl Bits);
- Inc(Bits, 8);
- while Bits >= CodeSize do
- begin
- Code := Data and CodeMask;
- Data := Data shr CodeSize;
- Dec(Bits, CodeSize);
- if Code = EOICode then Break;
- if Code = ClearCode then
- begin
- CodeSize := FInitialCodeSize + 1;
- CodeMask := (1 shl CodeSize) - 1;
- FreeCode := ClearCode + 2;
- OldCode := 4096;
- Continue;
- end;
- if Code > FreeCode then Break;
- if OldCode = 4096 then
- begin
- FirstChar := Suffix[Code];
- Target^ := FirstChar;
- Inc(Target);
- Dec(UnpackedSize);
- OldCode := Code;
- Continue;
- end;
- InCode := Code;
- if Code = FreeCode then
- begin
- StackPointer^ := FirstChar;
- dec(StackPointer);
- Code := OldCode;
- end;
- while Code > ClearCode do
- begin
- StackPointer^ := Suffix[Code];
- dec(StackPointer);
- Code := Prefix[Code];
- end;
- FirstChar := Suffix[Code];
- StackPointer^ := FirstChar;
- dec(StackPointer);
- Prefix[FreeCode] := OldCode;
- Suffix[FreeCode] := FirstChar;
- if (FreeCode = CodeMask) and
- (CodeSize < 12) then
- begin
- Inc(CodeSize);
- CodeMask := (1 shl CodeSize) - 1;
- end;
- if FreeCode < 4095 then Inc(FreeCode);
- OldCode := InCode;
- StackSize := StackTop-StackPointer;
- if StackSize > 0 then
- begin
- Move((StackPointer+1)^, Target^, StackSize);
- inc(Target, StackSize);
- StackPointer:= StackTop;
- dec(UnpackedSize, StackSize);
- end;
- end;
- Inc(SourcePtr);
- Dec(PackedSize);
- end;
- Progress(psRunning, trunc(100.0 * (Stream.position / Stream.size)),
- False, Rect(0,0,0,0), '', ContProgress);
- if not ContProgress then exit(false);
- finally
- if DataComp<>nil then
- FreeMem(DataComp);
- end;
- Result:=true;
-function TBGRAReaderGif.WriteScanLineBGRA(Img: TFPCustomImage): Boolean;
- Row, Col,i : Integer;
- Pass, Every : byte;
- P : PByte;
- PBGRAPalette: PBGRAPixel;
- PDest: PBGRAPixel;
- function IsMultiple(NumberA, NumberB: Integer): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (NumberA >= NumberB) and
- (NumberB > 0) and
- (NumberA mod NumberB = 0);
- end;
- Result:=false;
- P:=FScanLine;
- getmem(PBGRAPalette, (FPalette.Count)*sizeof(TBGRAPixel));
- for i := 0 to FPalette.Count-1 do PBGRAPalette[i] := FPColorToBGRA(FPalette.Color[i]);
- If FInterlace then
- begin
- For Pass := 1 to 4 do
- begin
- Case Pass of
- 1 : begin
- Row := 0;
- Every := 8;
- end;
- 2 : begin
- Row := 4;
- Every := 8;
- end;
- 3 : begin
- Row := 2;
- Every := 4;
- end;
- else{4}
- begin
- Row := 1;
- Every := 2;
- end;
- end;
- Repeat
- PDest := TBGRACustomBitmap(Img).ScanLine[Row];
- for Col:=Img.Width-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- PDest^ := PBGRAPalette[P^];
- Inc(P);
- Inc(PDest);
- end;
- Inc(Row, Every);
- until Row >= Img.Height;
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- for Row:=0 to Img.Height-1 do
- begin
- PDest := TBGRACustomBitmap(Img).ScanLine[Row];
- for Col:=Img.Width-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- PDest^ := PBGRAPalette[P^];
- Inc(P);
- Inc(PDest);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- FreeMem(PBGRAPalette);
- Result:=true;
- DefaultBGRAImageReader[ifGif] := TBGRAReaderGif;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrareadico.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrareadico.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index aaacce9..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrareadico.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAReadIco;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
-{$i bgrabitmap.inc}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, FPimage{$IFDEF BGRABITMAP_USE_LCL}, Graphics{$ENDIF};
- {$IFDEF BGRABITMAP_USE_LCL}TCustomIconClass = class of TCustomIcon;{$ENDIF}
- TByteSet = set of byte;
- { TBGRAReaderIcoOrCur }
- TBGRAReaderIcoOrCur = class(TFPCustomImageReader)
- protected
- procedure InternalRead({%H-}Str: TStream; {%H-}Img: TFPCustomImage); override;
- function InternalCheck(Str: TStream): boolean; override;
- function ExpectedMagic: TByteSet; virtual; abstract;
- {$IFDEF BGRABITMAP_USE_LCL}function LazClass: TCustomIconClass; virtual; abstract;{$ENDIF}
- public
- WantedWidth, WantedHeight : integer;
- end;
- TBGRAReaderIco = class(TBGRAReaderIcoOrCur)
- protected
- function ExpectedMagic: TByteSet; override;
- {$IFDEF BGRABITMAP_USE_LCL}function LazClass: TCustomIconClass; override;{$ENDIF}
- end;
- { TBGRAReaderCur }
- TBGRAReaderCur = class(TBGRAReaderIcoOrCur)
- protected
- function ExpectedMagic: TByteSet; override;
- {$IFDEF BGRABITMAP_USE_LCL}function LazClass: TCustomIconClass; override;{$ENDIF}
- end;
-{ TBGRAReaderCur }
-function TBGRAReaderCur.ExpectedMagic: TByteSet;
- result := [2];
-{$IFDEF BGRABITMAP_USE_LCL}function TBGRAReaderCur.LazClass: TCustomIconClass;
- result := TCursorImage;
-{ TBGRAReaderIco }
-function TBGRAReaderIco.ExpectedMagic: TByteSet;
- result := [1,2];
-{$IFDEF BGRABITMAP_USE_LCL}function TBGRAReaderIco.LazClass: TCustomIconClass;
- result := TIcon;
-{ TBGRAReaderIcoOrCur }
-procedure TBGRAReaderIcoOrCur.InternalRead(Str: TStream; Img: TFPCustomImage);
-var ico: TCustomIcon; i,bestIdx: integer;
- height,width: word; format:TPixelFormat;
- bestHeight,bestWidth: integer; maxFormat: TPixelFormat;
- compWidth,compHeight: integer;
- if WantedWidth > 0 then compWidth:= WantedWidth else compWidth:= 65536;
- if WantedHeight > 0 then compHeight:= WantedHeight else compHeight:= 65536;
- ico := LazClass.Create;
- try
- ico.LoadFromStream(Str);
- bestIdx := -1;
- bestHeight := 0;
- bestWidth := 0;
- maxFormat := pfDevice;
- for i := 0 to ico.Count-1 do
- begin
- ico.GetDescription(i,format,height,width);
- if (bestIdx = -1) or (abs(height-compHeight)+abs(width-compWidth) < abs(bestHeight-compHeight)+abs(bestWidth-compWidth)) or
- ((height = bestHeight) and (width = bestWidth) and (format > maxFormat)) then
- begin
- bestIdx := i;
- bestHeight := height;
- bestWidth := width;
- maxFormat := format;
- end;
- end;
- if (bestIdx = -1) or (bestWidth = 0) or (bestHeight = 0) then
- raise exception.Create('No adequate icon found') else
- begin
- ico.Current := bestIdx;
- Img.Assign(ico);
- end;
- finally
- ico.free;
- end;
-var icoCur: TBGRAIconCursor;
- compWidth,compHeight: integer;
- bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- if WantedWidth > 0 then compWidth:= WantedWidth else compWidth:= 65536;
- if WantedHeight > 0 then compHeight:= WantedHeight else compHeight:= 65536;
- icoCur := TBGRAIconCursor.Create(Str);
- try
- bmp := icoCur.GetBestFitBitmap(compWidth,compHeight);
- try
- Img.Assign(bmp);
- finally
- bmp.Free;
- end;
- finally
- icoCur.Free;
- end;
-function TBGRAReaderIcoOrCur.InternalCheck(Str: TStream): boolean;
-var {%H-}magic: packed array[0..5] of byte;
- oldPos: int64;
- oldPos := str.Position;
- result := (str.Read({%H-}magic,sizeof(magic)) = sizeof(magic));
- str.Position:= oldPos;
- if result then
- result := (magic[0] = $00) and (magic[1] = $00) and (magic[2] in ExpectedMagic) and (magic[3] = $00) and
- (magic[4] + (magic[5] shl 8) > 0);
- DefaultBGRAImageReader[ifIco] := TBGRAReaderIco;
- DefaultBGRAImageReader[ifCur] := TBGRAReaderCur;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrareadjpeg.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrareadjpeg.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 40d8996..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrareadjpeg.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAReadJpeg;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, FPReadJPEG;
- TJPEGReadPerformance = FPReadJPEG.TJPEGReadPerformance;
- jsFullSize = FPReadJPEG.jsFullSize;
- jsHalf = FPReadJPEG.jsHalf;
- jsQuarter = FPReadJPEG.jsQuarter;
- jsEighth = FPReadJPEG.jsEighth;
- jpBestQuality = FPReadJPEG.jpBestQuality;
- jpBestSpeed = FPReadJPEG.jpBestSpeed;
- { TBGRAReaderJpeg }
- TBGRAReaderJpeg = class(TFPReaderJPEG)
- constructor Create; override;
- protected
- function InternalCheck(Str: TStream): boolean; override;
- end;
-uses BGRABitmapTypes;
-{ TBGRAReaderJpeg }
-constructor TBGRAReaderJpeg.Create;
- inherited Create;
- Performance := jpBestQuality;
-function TBGRAReaderJpeg.InternalCheck(Str: TStream): boolean;
-var {%H-}magic: packed array[0..3] of byte;
- OldPos,BytesRead:int64;
- Result:=false;
- if Str=nil then exit;
- OldPos:= str.Position;
- BytesRead := str.Read({%H-}magic,sizeof(magic));
- str.Position:=OldPos;
- if BytesRead<>sizeof(magic) then exit;
- if (magic[0] = $ff) and (magic[1] = $d8) and (magic[2] = $ff) and (magic[3] >= $c0) then result := true;
- DefaultBGRAImageReader[ifJpeg] := TBGRAReaderJpeg;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrareadlzp.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrareadlzp.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index cc0eb80..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrareadlzp.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAReadLzp;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, FPimage, BGRALzpCommon, BGRABitmapTypes, BGRABitmap;
- { TBGRAReaderLazPaint }
- TBGRAReaderLazPaint = class(TFPCustomImageReader)
- private
- FHeight: integer;
- FNbLayers: integer;
- FWidth: integer;
- FCaption: string;
- FDimensionsAlreadyFetched: boolean;
- protected
- procedure InternalRead(Str: TStream; Img: TFPCustomImage); override;
- procedure InternalReadLayers({%H-}str: TStream;{%H-}Img: TFPCustomImage); virtual;
- procedure InternalReadCompressableBitmap(str: TStream; Img: TFPCustomImage); virtual;
- function InternalCheck(Str: TStream): boolean; override;
- public
- WantThumbnail: boolean;
- class procedure LoadRLEImage(Str: TStream; Img: TFPCustomImage; out ACaption: string); static;
- property Width: integer read FWidth;
- property Height: integer read FHeight;
- property NbLayers: integer read FNbLayers;
- property Caption: string read FCaption;
- end;
-uses BGRACompressableBitmap, BGRAReadPng;
-{ TBGRAReaderLazPaint }
-procedure TBGRAReaderLazPaint.InternalRead(Str: TStream; Img: TFPCustomImage);
- {%H-}header: TLazPaintImageHeader;
- oldPos: int64;
- png: TBGRAReaderPNG;
- FCaption := '';
- FWidth:= 0;
- FHeight:= 0;
- FNbLayers:= 0;
- FDimensionsAlreadyFetched:= false;
- oldPos := str.Position;
- str.ReadBuffer({%H-}header.magic,sizeof(header.magic));
- if header.magic = LAZPAINT_MAGIC_HEADER then
- begin
- str.ReadBuffer(header.zero1, sizeof(header)-sizeof(header.magic));
- LazPaintImageHeader_SwapEndianIfNeeded(header);
- if (header.zero1 <> 0) or (header.zero2 <> 0) or
- (header.headerSize < $30) then raise exception.Create('Invalid file format');
- FWidth:= header.width;
- FHeight:= header.height;
- FNbLayers:= header.nbLayers;
- FDimensionsAlreadyFetched:= true;
- if WantThumbnail and ((header.compressionMode and LAZPAINT_THUMBNAIL_PNG) <> 0) then
- begin
- str.Position:= oldPos+header.headerSize;
- png := TBGRAReaderPNG.create;
- try
- png.ImageRead(Str,Img);
- except
- png.Free;
- raise exception.Create('Invalid file format');
- end;
- png.free;
- exit;
- end;
- ((header.compressionMode and LAZPAINT_COMPRESSION_MASK) <> LAZPAINT_COMPRESSION_MODE_RLE) then raise exception.Create('Compression mode not supported');
- str.Position:= oldPos+header.previewOffset;
- LoadRLEImage(Str, Img, FCaption)
- else
- InternalReadCompressableBitmap(str,Img);
- if header.layersOffset > 0 then
- begin
- Str.Position:= oldPos+header.layersOffset;
- InternalReadLayers(Str,Img);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- str.Position:= oldPos;
- InternalReadCompressableBitmap(str,Img);
- if (Str.Position < Str.Size) and (FCaption = 'Preview') then InternalReadLayers(Str,Img);
- end;
-procedure TBGRAReaderLazPaint.InternalReadLayers(str: TStream;
- Img: TFPCustomImage);
- //not implemented here
-procedure TBGRAReaderLazPaint.InternalReadCompressableBitmap(str: TStream;
- Img: TFPCustomImage);
- compressed: TBGRACompressableBitmap;
- bmp: TBGRABitmap;
- compressed := TBGRACompressableBitmap.Create;
- try
- compressed.ReadFromStream(Str);
- bmp := compressed.GetBitmap;
- try
- FCaption := compressed.Caption;
- if (Img is TBGRACustomBitmap) then
- TBGRACustomBitmap(Img).Assign(bmp)
- else
- Img.Assign(bmp);
- if not FDimensionsAlreadyFetched then
- begin
- FDimensionsAlreadyFetched := true;
- FWidth:= bmp.width;
- FHeight:= bmp.height;
- FNbLayers:= 1;
- end;
- finally
- bmp.Free;
- end;
- finally
- compressed.Free;
- end;
-function TBGRAReaderLazPaint.InternalCheck(Str: TStream): boolean;
-var {%H-}magic: packed array[0..7] of byte;
- magicAsText: string;
- oldPos: int64;
- oldPos := str.Position;
- result := (str.Read({%H-}magic,sizeof(magic)) = sizeof(magic));
- str.Position:= oldPos;
- setlength(magicAsText, sizeof(magic));
- move(magic[0], magicAsText[1], sizeof(magic));
- result := (copy(magicAsText,1,8) = 'LazPaint') or
- (((magic[0] <> 0) or (magic[1] <> 0)) and (magic[2] = 0) and (magic[3] = 0) and
- ((magic[4] <> 0) or (magic[5] <> 0)) and (magic[6] = 0) and (magic[7] = 0));
-class procedure TBGRAReaderLazPaint.LoadRLEImage(Str: TStream; Img: TFPCustomImage; out ACaption: string);
-var channelFlags: byte;
- w,h,NbPixels,nameLen,channelStreamSize: LongWord;
- nextPosition: int64;
- PIndexed,PRed,PGreen,PBlue,PAlpha,
- PCurRed, PCurGreen, PCurBlue, PCurAlpha: PByte;
- PDest: PBGRAPixel;
- x,y: LongWord;
- c: TFPColor;
- n,NbNonTransp: LongWord;
- a,index: Int32or64;
- ColorTab: packed array[0..256*3-1] of byte;
- w := LEtoN(str.ReadDWord);
- h := LEtoN(str.ReadDWord);
- nameLen := LEtoN(str.ReadDWord);
- setlength(ACaption, nameLen);
- str.ReadBuffer(ACaption[1], nameLen);
- {$POP}
- channelFlags := str.ReadByte;
- NbPixels := w*h;
- PRed := nil;
- PGreen := nil;
- PBlue := nil;
- PAlpha := nil;
- try
- if (channelFlags and LazpaintChannelNoAlpha) = 0 then
- begin
- Getmem(PAlpha, NbPixels);
- channelStreamSize := LEtoN(str.ReadDWord);
- nextPosition:= str.Position+channelStreamSize;
- if (channelStreamSize > 0) and (NbPixels > 0) then DecodeLazRLE(Str, PAlpha^, NbPixels);
- Str.Position:= nextPosition;
- NbNonTransp := 0;
- PCurAlpha := PAlpha;
- for n := NbPixels-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- if PCurAlpha^ <> 0 then inc(NbNonTransp);
- inc(PCurAlpha);
- end;
- end else
- NbNonTransp:= NbPixels;
- if NbNonTransp > 0 then
- begin
- if (channelFlags and LazpaintPalettedRGB) <> 0 then
- begin
- Getmem(PIndexed, NbNonTransp);
- try
- Getmem(PRed, NbNonTransp);
- Getmem(PGreen, NbNonTransp);
- Getmem(PBlue, NbNonTransp);
- fillchar({%H-}ColorTab,sizeof(ColorTab),0);
- channelStreamSize := LEtoN(str.ReadDWord);
- nextPosition:= str.Position+channelStreamSize;
- DecodeLazRLE(Str, colorTab[0], 256);
- Str.Position:= nextPosition;
- if (channelFlags and LazPaintChannelGreenFromRed) <> 0 then
- move(ColorTab[0],colorTab[256], 256)
- else
- begin
- channelStreamSize := LEtoN(str.ReadDWord);
- nextPosition:= str.Position+channelStreamSize;
- DecodeLazRLE(Str, colorTab[256], 256);
- Str.Position:= nextPosition;
- end;
- if (channelFlags and LazPaintChannelBlueFromRed) <> 0 then
- move(ColorTab[0],colorTab[512], 256)
- else if (channelFlags and LazpaintChannelBlueFromGreen) <> 0 then
- move(ColorTab[256],colorTab[512], 256)
- else
- begin
- channelStreamSize := LEtoN(str.ReadDWord);
- nextPosition:= str.Position+channelStreamSize;
- DecodeLazRLE(Str, colorTab[512], 256);
- Str.Position:= nextPosition;
- end;
- channelStreamSize := LEtoN(str.ReadDWord);
- nextPosition:= str.Position+channelStreamSize;
- DecodeLazRLE(Str, PIndexed^, NbNonTransp);
- Str.Position:= nextPosition;
- for n := 0 to NbNonTransp-1 do
- begin
- index := (PIndexed+n)^;
- (PRed+n)^ := colorTab[index];
- (PGreen+n)^ := colorTab[index+256];
- (PBlue+n)^ := colorTab[index+512];
- end;
- finally
- FreeMem(PIndexed);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- Getmem(PRed, NbNonTransp);
- channelStreamSize := LEtoN(str.ReadDWord);
- nextPosition:= str.Position+channelStreamSize;
- DecodeLazRLE(Str, PRed^, NbNonTransp);
- Str.Position:= nextPosition;
- if (channelFlags and LazPaintChannelGreenFromRed) <> 0 then PGreen := PRed else
- begin
- Getmem(PGreen, NbNonTransp);
- channelStreamSize := LEtoN(str.ReadDWord);
- nextPosition:= str.Position+channelStreamSize;
- DecodeLazRLE(Str, PGreen^, NbNonTransp);
- Str.Position:= nextPosition;
- end;
- if (channelFlags and LazPaintChannelBlueFromRed) <> 0 then PBlue := PRed else
- if (channelFlags and LazPaintChannelBlueFromGreen) <> 0 then PBlue := PGreen else
- begin
- Getmem(PBlue, NbNonTransp);
- channelStreamSize := LEtoN(str.ReadDWord);
- nextPosition:= str.Position+channelStreamSize;
- DecodeLazRLE(Str, PBlue^, NbNonTransp);
- Str.Position:= nextPosition;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- Img.SetSize(w,h);
- if NbNonTransp > 0 then
- begin
- PCurRed := PRed;
- PCurGreen := PGreen;
- PCurBlue := PBlue;
- PCurAlpha := PAlpha;
- if Img is TBGRACustomBitmap then
- begin
- If PCurAlpha = nil then
- begin
- for y := 0 to h-1 do
- begin
- PDest := TBGRACustomBitmap(Img).ScanLine[y];
- for x := w-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- PDest^ := BGRA(PCurRed^,PCurGreen^,PCurBlue^);
- inc(PCurBlue);
- inc(PCurGreen);
- inc(PCurRed);
- inc(PDest);
- end;
- end;
- end else
- for y := 0 to h-1 do
- begin
- PDest := TBGRACustomBitmap(Img).ScanLine[y];
- for x := w-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- if PCurAlpha^ = 0 then
- PDest^ := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- begin
- PDest^ := BGRA(PCurRed^,PCurGreen^,PCurBlue^,PCurAlpha^);
- inc(PCurBlue);
- inc(PCurGreen);
- inc(PCurRed);
- end;
- inc(PDest);
- inc(PCurAlpha);
- end;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- a := 255;
- for y := 0 to h-1 do
- for x := 0 to w-1 do
- begin
- if PCurAlpha <> nil then
- begin
- a := PCurAlpha^;
- inc(PCurAlpha);
- end;
- if a = 0 then
- begin
- img.Colors[x,y] := colTransparent;
- end else
- begin
- c.red := PCurRed^ + (PCurRed^ shl 8);
- c.green := PCurGreen^ + (PCurGreen^ shl 8);
- c.blue := PCurBlue^ + (PCurBlue^ shl 8);
- c.alpha := a + (a shl 8);
- Img.Colors[x,y] := c;
- inc(PCurBlue);
- inc(PCurGreen);
- inc(PCurRed);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- if Img is TBGRACustomBitmap then
- TBGRACustomBitmap(Img).FillTransparent else
- begin
- for y := 0 to h-1 do
- for x := 0 to w-1 do
- img.Colors[x,y] := colTransparent;
- end;
- end;
- finally
- If Assigned(PAlpha) then FreeMem(PAlpha);
- if Assigned(PBlue) and (PBlue <> PGreen) and (PBlue <> PRed) then FreeMem(PBlue);
- if Assigned(PGreen) and (PGreen <> PRed) then FreeMem(PGreen);
- If Assigned(PRed) then FreeMem(PRed);
- end;
- if DefaultBGRAImageReader[ifLazPaint] = nil then
- DefaultBGRAImageReader[ifLazPaint] := TBGRAReaderLazPaint;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrareadpcx.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrareadpcx.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f84933..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrareadpcx.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-{ This unit provides some optimisations of TFPReaderPCX: decompression using a read buffer.
- It also fixes the progress message and the InternalCheck. }
-unit BGRAReadPCX;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
-uses FPImage, BGRAClasses, SysUtils, FPReadPCX;
- { TBGRAReaderPCX }
- TBGRAReaderPCX = class(TFPReaderPCX)
- protected
- FBuffer: packed array of byte;
- FBufferPos, FBufferSize: integer;
- FBufferStream: TStream;
- function InternalCheck(Stream: TStream): boolean; override;
- procedure InternalRead(Stream: TStream; Img: TFPCustomImage); override;
- procedure ReadScanLine({%H-}Row: integer; Stream: TStream); override;
- procedure WriteScanLine(Row: integer; Img: TFPCustomImage); override;
- procedure InitReadBuffer(AStream: TStream; ASize: integer);
- procedure CloseReadBuffer;
- function GetNextBufferByte: byte;
- end;
-uses BGRABitmapTypes;
-procedure TBGRAReaderPCX.ReadScanLine(Row: integer; Stream: TStream);
- P: PByte;
- B: UInt32or64;
- bytes, Count: UInt32or64;
- if FLineSize <= 0 then exit;
- P := FScanLine;
- bytes := FLineSize;
- if Compressed then
- begin
- while bytes > 0 do
- begin
- B := GetNextBufferByte;
- if (B < $c0) then
- Count := 1
- else
- begin
- Count := B - $c0;
- B := GetNextBufferByte;
- end;
- if Count = 0 then continue else
- if Count = 1 then
- begin
- P^ := B;
- Inc(P);
- Dec(bytes);
- end else
- begin
- if Count > bytes then Count := bytes;
- fillchar(p^, count, B);
- Inc(p, count);
- dec(bytes, count);
- end;
- end;
- end
- else
- Stream.ReadBuffer(FScanLine^, FLineSize);
-procedure TBGRAReaderPCX.InternalRead(Stream: TStream; Img: TFPCustomImage);
- H, Row: integer;
- continue: boolean;
- emptyRect: TRect;
- emptyRect := rect(0,0,0,0);
- continue := True;
- Progress(psStarting, 0, False, emptyRect, '', continue);
- Stream.Read(Header, SizeOf(Header));
- AnalyzeHeader(Img);
- case BytesPerPixel of
- 1: CreateBWPalette(Img);
- 4: CreatePalette16(Img);
- 8: ReadPalette(stream, Img);
- else
- if (Header.PaletteType = 2) then
- CreateGrayPalette(Img);
- end;
- H := Img.Height;
- if Compressed then InitReadBuffer(Stream,2048);
- for Row := 0 to H - 1 do
- begin
- ReadScanLine(Row, Stream);
- WriteScanLine(Row, Img);
- Progress(psRunning, (Row+1) div H, False, emptyRect, '', continue);
- end;
- if Compressed then CloseReadBuffer;
- Progress(psEnding, 100, False, emptyRect, '', continue);
- freemem(FScanLine);
-procedure TBGRAReaderPCX.WriteScanLine(Row: integer; Img: TFPCustomImage);
- Col: integer;
- C: TFPColor;
- P, P1, P2, P3: PByte;
- Z2: word;
- color: byte;
- C.Alpha := AlphaOpaque;
- P := FScanLine;
- Z2 := Header.BytesPerLine;
- begin
- case BytesPerPixel of
- 1:
- begin
- for Col := 0 to Img.Width - 1 do
- begin
- if (P[col div 8] and (128 shr (col mod 8))) <> 0 then
- Img.Colors[Col, Row] := Img.Palette[1]
- else
- Img.Colors[Col, Row] := Img.Palette[0];
- end;
- end;
- 4:
- begin
- P1 := P;
- Inc(P1, Z2);
- P2 := P;
- Inc(P2, Z2 * 2);
- P3 := P;
- Inc(P3, Z2 * 3);
- for Col := 0 to Img.Width - 1 do
- begin
- color := 0;
- if (P[col div 8] and (128 shr (col mod 8))) <> 0 then
- Inc(color, 1);
- if (P1[col div 8] and (128 shr (col mod 8))) <> 0 then
- Inc(color, 1 shl 1);
- if (P2[col div 8] and (128 shr (col mod 8))) <> 0 then
- Inc(color, 1 shl 2);
- if (P3[col div 8] and (128 shr (col mod 8))) <> 0 then
- Inc(color, 1 shl 3);
- Img.Colors[Col, Row] := Img.Palette[color];
- end;
- end;
- 8:
- begin
- for Col := 0 to Img.Width - 1 do
- begin
- Img.Colors[Col, Row] := Img.Palette[P[Col]];
- end;
- end;
- 24:
- begin
- for Col := 0 to Img.Width - 1 do
- begin
- with C do
- begin
- Red := P[col] or (P[col] shl 8);
- Blue := P[col + Z2 * 2] or (P[col + Z2 * 2] shl 8);
- Green := P[col + Z2] or (P[col + Z2] shl 8);
- Alpha := alphaOpaque;
- end;
- Img[col, row] := C;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAReaderPCX.InitReadBuffer(AStream: TStream; ASize: integer);
- setLength(FBuffer,ASize);
- FBufferSize := AStream.Read(FBuffer[0],ASize);
- FBufferPos := 0;
- FBufferStream := AStream;
-procedure TBGRAReaderPCX.CloseReadBuffer;
- FBufferStream.Position:= FBufferStream.Position-FBufferSize+FBufferPos;
-function TBGRAReaderPCX.GetNextBufferByte: byte;
- if FBufferPos < FBufferSize then
- begin
- result := FBuffer[FBufferPos];
- inc(FBufferPos);
- end else
- if FBufferSize = 0 then
- result := 0
- else
- begin
- FBufferSize := FBufferStream.Read(FBuffer[0],length(FBuffer));
- FBufferPos := 0;
- if FBufferPos < FBufferSize then
- begin
- result := FBuffer[FBufferPos];
- inc(FBufferPos);
- end else
- result := 0;
- end;
-function TBGRAReaderPCX.InternalCheck({%H-}Stream: TStream): boolean;
- {%H-}magic: packed array[0..3] of byte;
- oldPos: Int64;
- oldPos:= stream.Position;
- result := stream.Read({%H-}magic,SizeOf(magic)) = sizeof(magic);
- stream.Position:= oldPos;
- if result then
- result := (magic[0] in[$0a,$0c,$cd]) and (magic[1] in [0,2,3,4,5]) and (magic[2] in[0,1]) and (magic[3] in[1,2,4,8])
- DefaultBGRAImageReader[ifPcx] := TBGRAReaderPCX;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrareadpng.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrareadpng.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index a65c61f..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrareadpng.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1452 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
- This file is originally part of the Free Pascal run time library.
- Copyright (c) 2003 by the Free Pascal development team
- PNG reader implementation modified by circular.
- **********************************************************************
- Optimisations applied:
- - using "const" parameter for TColorData
- - direct pixel access with TBGRABitmap when possible
- - some fixes of hints and of initializations
- - vertical shrink option with MinifyHeight, OriginalHeight and VerticalShrinkFactor (useful for thumbnails)
- }
-{$mode objfpc}{$h+}
-unit BGRAReadPng;
- SysUtils,BGRAClasses, FPImage, FPImgCmn, PNGComn, ZStream, BGRABitmapTypes;
- TSetPixelProc = procedure (x,y:integer; const CD : TColordata) of object;
- TConvertColorProc = function (const CD:TColorData) : TFPColor of object;
- TBGRAConvertColorProc = function (const CD:TColorData) : TBGRAPixel of object;
- THandleScanLineProc = procedure (const y : integer; const ScanLine : PByteArray) of object;
- { TBGRAReaderPNG }
- TBGRAReaderPNG = class (TBGRAImageReader)
- private
- FHeader : THeaderChunk;
- ZData : TMemoryStream; // holds compressed data until all blocks are read
- Decompress : TDeCompressionStream; // decompresses the data
- FPltte : boolean; // if palette is used
- FCountScanlines : EightLong; //Number of scanlines to process for each pass
- FScanLineLength : EightLong; //Length of scanline for each pass
- FCurrentPass : byte;
- ByteWidth : byte; // number of bytes to read for pixel information
- BitsUsed : EightLong; // bitmasks to use to split a byte into smaller parts
- BitShift : byte; // shift right to do of the bits extracted with BitsUsed for 1 element
- CountBitsUsed : byte; // number of bit groups (1 pixel) per byte (when bytewidth = 1)
- //CFmt : TColorFormat; // format of the colors to convert from
- StartX,StartY, DeltaX,DeltaY, StartPass,EndPass : integer; // number and format of passes
- FPalette : TFPPalette;
- FSetPixel : TSetPixelProc;
- FConvertColor : TConvertColorProc;
- FBGRAConvertColor : TBGRAConvertColorProc;
- FHandleScanLine: THandleScanLineProc;
- FVerticalShrinkMask: LongWord;
- FVerticalShrinkShr: Integer;
- FGammaCorrection: single;
- FGammaCorrectionTable: packed array of word;
- FGammaCorrectionTableComputed: boolean;
- function GetOriginalHeight: integer;
- function GetOriginalWidth: integer;
- function GetVerticalShrinkFactor: integer;
- function ReadChunk: boolean;
- procedure HandleData;
- procedure HandleUnknown;
- function ColorGray1 (const CD:TColorData) : TFPColor;
- function ColorGray2 (const CD:TColorData) : TFPColor;
- function ColorGray4 (const CD:TColorData) : TFPColor;
- function ColorGray8 (const CD:TColorData) : TFPColor;
- function ColorGray16 (const CD:TColorData) : TFPColor;
- function ColorGrayAlpha8 (const CD:TColorData) : TFPColor;
- function ColorGrayAlpha16 (const CD:TColorData) : TFPColor;
- function ColorColor8 (const CD:TColorData) : TFPColor;
- function ColorColor16 (const CD:TColorData) : TFPColor;
- function ColorColorAlpha8 (const CD:TColorData) : TFPColor;
- function ColorColorAlpha16 (const CD:TColorData) : TFPColor;
- function CheckGammaCorrection: boolean;
- procedure ApplyGammaCorrection(var AColor: TFPColor);
- function BGRAColorGray1 (const CD:TColorData) : TBGRAPixel;
- function BGRAColorGray2 (const CD:TColorData) : TBGRAPixel;
- function BGRAColorGray4 (const CD:TColorData) : TBGRAPixel;
- function BGRAColorGray8 (const CD:TColorData) : TBGRAPixel;
- function BGRAColorGray16 (const CD:TColorData) : TBGRAPixel;
- function BGRAColorGrayAlpha8 (const CD:TColorData) : TBGRAPixel;
- function BGRAColorGrayAlpha16 (const CD:TColorData) : TBGRAPixel;
- function BGRAColorColor8 (const CD:TColorData) : TBGRAPixel;
- function BGRAColorColor16 (const CD:TColorData) : TBGRAPixel;
- function BGRAColorColorAlpha8 (const CD:TColorData) : TBGRAPixel;
- function BGRAColorColorAlpha16 (const CD:TColorData) : TBGRAPixel;
- protected
- Chunk : TChunk;
- UseTransparent, EndOfFile : boolean;
- TransparentDataValue : TColorData;
- UsingBitGroup : byte;
- DataIndex : LongWord;
- DataBytes : TColorData;
- procedure HandleChunk; virtual;
- procedure HandlePalette; virtual;
- procedure HandleAlpha; virtual;
- procedure HandleStdRGB; virtual;
- procedure HandleGamma; virtual;
- function CalcX (relX:integer) : integer;
- function CalcY (relY:integer) : integer;
- function CalcColor(const ScanLine : PByteArray): TColorData;
- procedure HandleScanLine (const y : integer; const ScanLine : PByteArray); virtual;
- procedure BGRAHandleScanLine(const y: integer; const ScanLine: PByteArray);
- procedure BGRAHandleScanLineTr(const y: integer; const ScanLine: PByteArray);
- procedure DoDecompress; virtual;
- procedure SetPalettePixel (x,y:integer; const CD : TColordata);
- procedure SetPalColPixel (x,y:integer; const CD : TColordata);
- procedure SetColorPixel (x,y:integer; const CD : TColordata);
- procedure SetColorTrPixel (x,y:integer; const CD : TColordata);
- procedure SetBGRAColorPixel (x,y:integer; const CD : TColordata);
- procedure SetBGRAColorTrPixel (x,y:integer; const CD : TColordata);
- function DecideSetPixel : TSetPixelProc; virtual;
- procedure InternalRead ({%H-}Str:TStream; Img:TFPCustomImage); override;
- function InternalCheck (Str:TStream) : boolean; override;
- //property ColorFormat : TColorformat read CFmt;
- property ConvertColor : TConvertColorProc read FConvertColor;
- property CurrentPass : byte read FCurrentPass;
- property Pltte : boolean read FPltte;
- property ThePalette : TFPPalette read FPalette;
- property Header : THeaderChunk read FHeader;
- property CountScanlines : EightLong read FCountScanlines;
- property ScanLineLength : EightLong read FScanLineLength;
- public
- MinifyHeight: integer;
- constructor create; override;
- destructor destroy; override;
- property VerticalShrinkFactor: integer read GetVerticalShrinkFactor;
- property OriginalWidth: integer read GetOriginalWidth;
- property OriginalHeight: integer read GetOriginalHeight;
- function GetQuickInfo(AStream: TStream): TQuickImageInfo; override;
- function GetBitmapDraft(AStream: TStream; {%H-}AMaxWidth, AMaxHeight: integer; out AOriginalWidth,AOriginalHeight: integer): TBGRACustomBitmap; override;
- end;
-uses math;
-const StartPoints : array[0..7, 0..1] of word =
- ((0,0),(0,0),(4,0),(0,4),(2,0),(0,2),(1,0),(0,1));
- Delta : array[0..7,0..1] of word =
- ((1,1),(8,8),(8,8),(4,8),(4,4),(2,4),(2,2),(1,2));
- BitsUsed1Depth : EightLong = ($80,$40,$20,$10,$08,$04,$02,$01);
- BitsUsed2Depth : EightLong = ($C0,$30,$0C,$03,0,0,0,0);
- BitsUsed4Depth : EightLong = ($F0,$0F,0,0,0,0,0,0);
-constructor TBGRAReaderPNG.create;
- inherited;
- chunk.acapacity := 0;
- chunk.data := nil;
- UseTransparent := False;
-destructor TBGRAReaderPNG.destroy;
- with chunk do
- if acapacity > 0 then
- freemem (data);
- inherited;
-function TBGRAReaderPNG.GetQuickInfo(AStream: TStream): TQuickImageInfo;
-const headerChunkSize = 13;
- {%H-}FileHeader : packed array[0..7] of byte;
- {%H-}ChunkHeader : TChunkHeader;
- {%H-}HeaderChunk : THeaderChunk;
- {$PUSH}{$HINTS OFF}fillchar({%H-}result, sizeof({%H-}result), 0);{$POP}
- if AStream.Read({%H-}FileHeader, sizeof(FileHeader))<> sizeof(FileHeader) then exit;
- if QWord(FileHeader) <> QWord(PNGComn.Signature) then exit;
- if AStream.Read({%H-}ChunkHeader, sizeof(ChunkHeader))<> sizeof(ChunkHeader) then exit;
- if ChunkHeader.CType <> ChunkTypes[ctIHDR] then exit;
- if BEtoN(ChunkHeader.CLength) < headerChunkSize then exit;
- if AStream.Read({%H-}HeaderChunk, headerChunkSize) <> headerChunkSize then exit;
- result.width:= BEtoN(HeaderChunk.Width);
- result.height:= BEtoN(HeaderChunk.height);
- case HeaderChunk.ColorType and 3 of
- 0,3: {grayscale, palette}
- if HeaderChunk.BitDepth > 8 then
- result.colorDepth := 8
- else
- result.colorDepth := HeaderChunk.BitDepth;
- 2: {color} result.colorDepth := HeaderChunk.BitDepth*3;
- end;
- if (HeaderChunk.ColorType and 4) = 4 then
- result.alphaDepth := HeaderChunk.BitDepth
- else
- result.alphaDepth := 0;
-function TBGRAReaderPNG.GetBitmapDraft(AStream: TStream; AMaxWidth,
- AMaxHeight: integer; out AOriginalWidth, AOriginalHeight: integer): TBGRACustomBitmap;
- png: TBGRAReaderPNG;
- png:= TBGRAReaderPNG.Create;
- result := BGRABitmapFactory.Create;
- try
- png.MinifyHeight := AMaxHeight;
- result.LoadFromStream(AStream, png);
- AOriginalWidth:= result.Width;
- AOriginalHeight:= png.OriginalHeight;
- finally
- png.Free;
- end;
-function TBGRAReaderPNG.ReadChunk: boolean;
-var {%H-}ChunkHeader : TChunkHeader;
- readCRC : LongWord;
- l : LongWord;
- TheStream.Read ({%H-}ChunkHeader,sizeof(ChunkHeader));
- with chunk do
- begin
- // chunk header
- with ChunkHeader do
- begin
- alength := swap(CLength);
- {$ELSE}
- alength := CLength;
- {$ENDIF}
- ReadType := CType;
- end;
- aType := low(TChunkTypes);
- while (aType < high(TChunkTypes)) and (ChunkTypes[aType] <> ReadType) do
- inc (aType);
- if alength > MaxChunkLength then
- raise PNGImageException.Create ('Invalid chunklength');
- if alength > acapacity then
- begin
- if acapacity > 0 then
- freemem (data);
- GetMem (data, alength);
- acapacity := alength;
- end;
- l := TheStream.read (data^, alength);
- if l <> alength then
- raise PNGImageException.Create ('Chunk length exceeds stream length');
- readCRC := 0;
- TheStream.Read (readCRC, sizeof(ReadCRC));
- l := CalculateCRC (All1Bits, ReadType, sizeOf(ReadType));
- l := CalculateCRC (l, data^, alength);
- l := swap(l xor All1Bits);
- {$ELSE}
- l := l xor All1Bits;
- {$ENDIF}
- if ReadCRC <> l then
- begin
- //if chunk is essential, then raise an error
- if ReadType[0] = upcase(ReadType[0]) then
- raise PNGImageException.Create ('CRC check failed')
- else
- result := false;
- end
- else result := true;
- end;
-function TBGRAReaderPNG.GetVerticalShrinkFactor: integer;
- result := 1 shl FVerticalShrinkShr;
-function TBGRAReaderPNG.GetOriginalHeight: integer;
- result := Header.height;
-function TBGRAReaderPNG.GetOriginalWidth: integer;
- result := header.Width;
-procedure TBGRAReaderPNG.HandleData;
-var OldSize : LongWord;
- OldSize := ZData.size;
- ZData.Size := OldSize;
- ZData.Size := ZData.Size + Chunk.aLength;
- ZData.Write (chunk.Data^, chunk.aLength);
-procedure TBGRAReaderPNG.HandleAlpha;
- procedure PaletteAlpha;
- var r : integer;
- a : word;
- c : TFPColor;
- begin
- with chunk do
- begin
- if alength > LongWord(ThePalette.count) then
- raise PNGImageException.create ('To much alpha values for palette');
- for r := 0 to alength-1 do
- begin
- c := ThePalette[r];
- a := data^[r];
- c.alpha := (a shl 8) + a;
- ThePalette[r] := c;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TransparentGray;
- var {%H-}a : word;
- begin
- move (chunk.data^[0], {%H-}a, 2);
- a := swap (a);
- {$ENDIF}
- TransparentDataValue := a;
- UseTransparent := True;
- end;
- procedure TransparentColor;
- var d : byte;
- {%H-}r,{%H-}g,{%H-}b : word;
- a : TColorData;
- begin
- with chunk do
- begin
- move (data^[0], {%H-}r, 2);
- move (data^[2], {%H-}g, 2);
- move (data^[4], {%H-}b, 2);
- end;
- r := swap (r);
- g := swap (g);
- b := swap (b);
- {$ENDIF}
- d := header.bitdepth;
- a := (TColorData(b) shl d) shl d;
- a := a + (TColorData(g) shl d) + r;
- TransparentDataValue := a;
- UseTransparent := True;
- end;
- case header.ColorType of
- 3 : PaletteAlpha;
- 0 : TransparentGray;
- 2 : TransparentColor;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAReaderPNG.HandleStdRGB;
- FGammaCorrection:= 1;
- FGammaCorrectionTableComputed:= false;
-procedure TBGRAReaderPNG.HandleGamma;
- invGammaInt: Longword;
- invGammaInt := BEtoN(PLongword(chunk.data)^);
- FGammaCorrection:= invGammaInt/45455; { 1/2.2 is default }
- FGammaCorrectionTableComputed:= false;
-procedure TBGRAReaderPNG.HandlePalette;
-var r : LongWord;
- c : TFPColor;
- t : word;
- if header.colortype = 3 then
- with chunk do
- begin
- if TheImage.UsePalette then
- FPalette := TheImage.Palette
- else
- FPalette := TFPPalette.Create(0);
- c.Alpha := AlphaOpaque;
- if (aLength mod 3) > 0 then
- raise PNGImageException.Create ('Impossible length for PLTE-chunk');
- r := 0;
- ThePalette.count := 0;
- while r < alength do
- begin
- t := data^[r];
- c.red := t + (t shl 8);
- inc (r);
- t := data^[r];
- c.green := t + (t shl 8);
- inc (r);
- t := data^[r];
- c.blue := t + (t shl 8);
- inc (r);
- ApplyGammaCorrection(c);
- ThePalette.Add (c);
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAReaderPNG.SetPalettePixel (x,y:integer; const CD : TColordata);
-begin // both PNG and Img have palette
- TheImage.Pixels[x,y] := CD;
-procedure TBGRAReaderPNG.SetPalColPixel (x,y:integer; const CD : TColordata);
-begin // PNG with palette, Img without
- TheImage.Colors[x,y] := ThePalette[CD];
-procedure TBGRAReaderPNG.SetColorPixel (x,y:integer; const CD : TColordata);
-var c : TFPColor;
-begin // both PNG and Img work without palette, and no transparency colordata
- // c := ConvertColor (CD,CFmt);
- c := ConvertColor (CD);
- ApplyGammaCorrection(c);
- TheImage.Colors[x,y] := c;
-procedure TBGRAReaderPNG.SetColorTrPixel (x,y:integer; const CD : TColordata);
-var c : TFPColor;
-begin // both PNG and Img work without palette, and there is a transparency colordata
- //c := ConvertColor (CD,CFmt);
- c := ConvertColor (CD);
- ApplyGammaCorrection(c);
- if TransparentDataValue = CD then
- c.alpha := alphaTransparent;
- TheImage.Colors[x,y] := c;
-procedure TBGRAReaderPNG.SetBGRAColorPixel(x, y: integer; const CD: TColordata);
-var c: TBGRAPixel;
- c := FBGRAConvertColor(CD);
- if c.alpha = 0 then TBGRACustomBitmap(TheImage).SetPixel(x,y,BGRAPixelTransparent)
- else TBGRACustomBitmap(TheImage).SetPixel(x,y,c);
-procedure TBGRAReaderPNG.SetBGRAColorTrPixel(x, y: integer; const CD: TColordata);
-var c: TBGRAPixel;
- if TransparentDataValue = CD then
- TBGRACustomBitmap(TheImage).SetPixel(x,y,BGRAPixelTransparent) else
- begin
- c := FBGRAConvertColor(CD);
- if c.alpha = 0 then TBGRACustomBitmap(TheImage).SetPixel(x,y,BGRAPixelTransparent)
- else TBGRACustomBitmap(TheImage).SetPixel(x,y,c);
- end;
-function TBGRAReaderPNG.DecideSetPixel : TSetPixelProc;
- if Pltte then
- if TheImage.UsePalette then
- result := @SetPalettePixel
- else
- result := @SetPalColPixel
- else
- if UseTransparent then
- begin
- if TheImage is TBGRACustomBitmap then
- result := @SetBGRAColorTrPixel
- else
- result := @SetColorTrPixel
- end
- else
- begin
- if TheImage is TBGRACustomBitmap then
- result := @SetBGRAColorPixel
- else
- result := @SetColorPixel
- end;
-function TBGRAReaderPNG.CalcX (relX:integer) : integer;
- result := StartX + (relX * deltaX);
-function TBGRAReaderPNG.CalcY (relY:integer) : integer;
- result := StartY + (relY * deltaY);
-function TBGRAReaderPNG.CalcColor(const ScanLine : PByteArray): TColorData;
-var cd : LongWord;
- r : word;
- p : pbyte;
- if UsingBitGroup = 0 then
- begin
- Databytes := 0;
- if Header.BitDepth = 16 then
- begin
- p := @Databytes;
- for r:=0 to bytewidth shr 1 - 1 do
- begin
- p^ := ScanLine^[Dataindex+(r shl 1)+1];
- (p+1)^ := ScanLine^[Dataindex+(r shl 1)];
- inc(p,2);
- end;
- end
- else move (ScanLine^[DataIndex], Databytes, bytewidth);
- Databytes:=swap(Databytes);
- {$ENDIF}
- inc (DataIndex,bytewidth);
- end;
- if bytewidth = 1 then
- begin
- cd := (Databytes and BitsUsed[UsingBitGroup]);
- result := cd shr ((CountBitsUsed-UsingBitGroup-1) * BitShift);
- inc (UsingBitgroup);
- if UsingBitGroup >= CountBitsUsed then
- UsingBitGroup := 0;
- end
- else
- result := Databytes;
-procedure TBGRAReaderPNG.HandleScanLine (const y : integer; const ScanLine : PByteArray);
-var x, rx : integer;
- c : TColorData;
- UsingBitGroup := 0;
- DataIndex := 0;
- X := StartX;
- if (UsingBitGroup = 0) and (Header.BitDepth <> 16) then
- case ByteWidth of
- 1: if BitsUsed[0] = $ff then
- begin
- for rx := 0 to ScanlineLength[CurrentPass]-1 do
- begin
- FSetPixel (x,y,ScanLine^[DataIndex]);
- Inc(X, deltaX);
- inc(DataIndex);
- end;
- exit;
- end;
- 2: begin
- for rx := 0 to ScanlineLength[CurrentPass]-1 do
- begin
- FSetPixel (x,y,swap(PWord(@ScanLine^[DataIndex])^));
- {$ELSE}
- FSetPixel (x,y,PWord(@ScanLine^[DataIndex])^);
- {$ENDIF}
- Inc(X, deltaX);
- inc(DataIndex,2);
- end;
- exit;
- end;
- 4: begin
- for rx := 0 to ScanlineLength[CurrentPass]-1 do
- begin
- FSetPixel (x,y,swap(PLongWord(@ScanLine^[DataIndex])^));
- {$ELSE}
- FSetPixel (x,y,PLongWord(@ScanLine^[DataIndex])^);
- {$ENDIF}
- Inc(X, deltaX);
- inc(DataIndex,4);
- end;
- exit;
- end;
- 8: begin
- for rx := 0 to ScanlineLength[CurrentPass]-1 do
- begin
- FSetPixel (x,y,swap(PQWord(@ScanLine^[DataIndex])^));
- {$ELSE}
- FSetPixel (x,y,PQWord(@ScanLine^[DataIndex])^);
- {$ENDIF}
- Inc(X, deltaX);
- inc(DataIndex,8);
- end;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- for rx := 0 to ScanlineLength[CurrentPass]-1 do
- begin
- c := CalcColor(ScanLine);
- FSetPixel (x,y,c);
- Inc(X, deltaX);
- end
-procedure TBGRAReaderPNG.BGRAHandleScanLine (const y : integer; const ScanLine : PByteArray);
-var rx : integer;
- pdest: PBGRAPixel;
- UsingBitGroup := 0;
- DataIndex := 0;
- {$PUSH}{$RANGECHECKS OFF} //because PByteArray is limited to 32767
- if (UsingBitGroup = 0) and (Header.BitDepth <> 16) then
- case ByteWidth of
- 1: if BitsUsed[0] = $ff then
- begin
- pdest := TBGRACustomBitmap(TheImage).ScanLine[y]+StartX;
- for rx := 0 to ScanlineLength[CurrentPass]-1 do
- begin
- pdest^ := FBGRAConvertColor(ScanLine^[DataIndex]);
- if pdest^.alpha = 0 then pdest^ := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- Inc(pdest, deltaX);
- inc(DataIndex);
- end;
- exit;
- end;
- 2: begin
- pdest := TBGRACustomBitmap(TheImage).ScanLine[y]+StartX;
- for rx := 0 to ScanlineLength[CurrentPass]-1 do
- begin
- pdest^ := FBGRAConvertColor(
- swap(PWord(@ScanLine^[DataIndex])^)
- {$ELSE}
- PWord(@ScanLine^[DataIndex])^
- {$ENDIF} );
- if pdest^.alpha = 0 then pdest^ := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- Inc(pdest, deltaX);
- inc(DataIndex,2);
- end;
- exit;
- end;
- 3: begin
- pdest := TBGRACustomBitmap(TheImage).ScanLine[y]+StartX;
- for rx := 0 to ScanlineLength[CurrentPass]-1 do
- begin
- pdest^.red := ScanLine^[DataIndex];
- pdest^.green := ScanLine^[DataIndex+1];
- pdest^.blue := ScanLine^[DataIndex+2];
- pdest^.alpha := 255;
- Inc(pdest, deltaX);
- inc(DataIndex, 3);
- end;
- exit;
- end;
- 4: begin
- pdest := TBGRACustomBitmap(TheImage).ScanLine[y]+StartX;
- for rx := 0 to ScanlineLength[CurrentPass]-1 do
- begin
- pdest^ := FBGRAConvertColor(
- swap(PLongWord(@ScanLine^[DataIndex])^)
- {$ELSE}
- PLongWord(@ScanLine^[DataIndex])^
- {$ENDIF} );
- if pdest^.alpha = 0 then pdest^ := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- Inc(pdest, deltaX);
- inc(DataIndex,4);
- end;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- {$POP}
- pdest := TBGRACustomBitmap(TheImage).ScanLine[y]+StartX;
- for rx := 0 to ScanlineLength[CurrentPass]-1 do
- begin
- pdest^ := FBGRAConvertColor(CalcColor(ScanLine));
- Inc(pdest, deltaX);
- end
-procedure TBGRAReaderPNG.BGRAHandleScanLineTr(const y: integer;
- const ScanLine: PByteArray);
-var rx : integer;
- c : TColorData;
- pdest: PBGRAPixel;
- UsingBitGroup := 0;
- DataIndex := 0;
- if (UsingBitGroup = 0) and (Header.BitDepth <> 16) then
- case ByteWidth of
- 1: if BitsUsed[0] = $ff then
- begin
- pdest := TBGRACustomBitmap(TheImage).ScanLine[y]+StartX;
- for rx := 0 to ScanlineLength[CurrentPass]-1 do
- begin
- c := ScanLine^[DataIndex];
- if c = TransparentDataValue then
- pdest^ := BGRAPixelTransparent else
- begin
- pdest^ := FBGRAConvertColor(c);
- if pdest^.alpha = 0 then pdest^ := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- end;
- Inc(pdest, deltaX);
- inc(DataIndex);
- end;
- exit;
- end;
- 2: begin
- pdest := TBGRACustomBitmap(TheImage).ScanLine[y]+StartX;
- for rx := 0 to ScanlineLength[CurrentPass]-1 do
- begin
- c :=
- swap(PWord(@ScanLine^[DataIndex])^)
- {$ELSE}
- PWord(@ScanLine^[DataIndex])^
- {$ENDIF} ;
- if c = TransparentDataValue then
- pdest^ := BGRAPixelTransparent else
- begin
- pdest^ := FBGRAConvertColor(c);
- if pdest^.alpha = 0 then pdest^ := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- end;
- Inc(pdest, deltaX);
- inc(DataIndex,2);
- end;
- exit;
- end;
- 4: begin
- pdest := TBGRACustomBitmap(TheImage).ScanLine[y]+StartX;
- for rx := 0 to ScanlineLength[CurrentPass]-1 do
- begin
- c :=
- swap(PLongWord(@ScanLine^[DataIndex])^)
- {$ELSE}
- PLongWord(@ScanLine^[DataIndex])^
- {$ENDIF} ;
- if c = TransparentDataValue then
- pdest^ := BGRAPixelTransparent else
- begin
- pdest^ := FBGRAConvertColor(c);
- if pdest^.alpha = 0 then pdest^ := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- end;
- Inc(pdest, deltaX);
- inc(DataIndex,4);
- end;
- exit;
- end;
- 8: begin
- pdest := TBGRACustomBitmap(TheImage).ScanLine[y]+StartX;
- for rx := 0 to ScanlineLength[CurrentPass]-1 do
- begin
- c :=
- swap(PQWord(@ScanLine^[DataIndex])^)
- {$ELSE}
- PQWord(@ScanLine^[DataIndex])^
- {$ENDIF} ;
- if c = TransparentDataValue then
- pdest^ := BGRAPixelTransparent else
- begin
- pdest^ := FBGRAConvertColor(c);
- if pdest^.alpha = 0 then pdest^ := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- end;
- Inc(pdest, deltaX);
- inc(DataIndex,8);
- end;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- pdest := TBGRACustomBitmap(TheImage).ScanLine[y]+StartX;
- for rx := 0 to ScanlineLength[CurrentPass]-1 do
- begin
- c := CalcColor(ScanLine);
- if c = TransparentDataValue then
- pdest^ := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else pdest^ := FBGRAConvertColor(c);
- Inc(pdest, deltaX);
- end
-function TBGRAReaderPNG.ColorGray1(const CD: TColorData): TFPColor;
- if CD = 0 then
- result := colBlack
- else
- result := colWhite;
-function TBGRAReaderPNG.ColorGray2(const CD: TColorData): TFPColor;
-var c : UInt32or64;
- c := CD and 3;
- c := c + (c shl 2);
- c := c + (c shl 4);
- c := c + (c shl 8);
- with result do
- begin
- red := c;
- green := c;
- blue := c;
- alpha := alphaOpaque;
- end;
-function TBGRAReaderPNG.ColorGray4(const CD: TColorData): TFPColor;
-var c : UInt32or64;
- c := CD and $F;
- c := c + (c shl 4);
- c := c + (c shl 8);
- with result do
- begin
- red := c;
- green := c;
- blue := c;
- alpha := alphaOpaque;
- end;
-function TBGRAReaderPNG.ColorGray8(const CD: TColorData): TFPColor;
-var c : UInt32or64;
- c := CD and $FF;
- c := c + (c shl 8);
- with result do
- begin
- red := c;
- green := c;
- blue := c;
- alpha := alphaOpaque;
- end;
-function TBGRAReaderPNG.ColorGray16(const CD: TColorData): TFPColor;
-var c : UInt32or64;
- c := CD and $FFFF;
- with result do
- begin
- red := c;
- green := c;
- blue := c;
- alpha := alphaOpaque;
- end;
-function TBGRAReaderPNG.ColorGrayAlpha8 (const CD:TColorData) : TFPColor;
-var c : UInt32or64;
- c := CD and $00FF;
- c := c + (c shl 8);
- with result do
- begin
- red := c;
- green := c;
- blue := c;
- c := CD and $FF00;
- alpha := c + (c shr 8);
- end;
-function TBGRAReaderPNG.ColorGrayAlpha16 (const CD:TColorData) : TFPColor;
-var c : UInt32or64;
- c := CD and $FFFF;
- with result do
- begin
- red := c;
- green := c;
- blue := c;
- alpha := (CD shr 16) and $FFFF;
- end;
-function TBGRAReaderPNG.ColorColor8 (const CD:TColorData) : TFPColor;
-var c : UInt32or64;
- with result do
- begin
- c := CD and $FF;
- red := c + (c shl 8);
- c := (CD shr 8) and $FF;
- green := c + (c shl 8);
- c := (CD shr 16) and $FF;
- blue := c + (c shl 8);
- alpha := alphaOpaque;
- end;
-function TBGRAReaderPNG.ColorColor16 (const CD:TColorData) : TFPColor;
- with result do
- begin
- red := CD and $FFFF;
- green := (CD shr 16) and $FFFF;
- blue := (CD shr 32) and $FFFF;
- alpha := alphaOpaque;
- end;
-function TBGRAReaderPNG.ColorColorAlpha8 (const CD:TColorData) : TFPColor;
-var c : UInt32or64;
- with result do
- begin
- c := CD and $FF;
- red := c + (c shl 8);
- c := (CD shr 8) and $FF;
- green := c + (c shl 8);
- c := (CD shr 16) and $FF;
- blue := c + (c shl 8);
- c := (CD shr 24) and $FF;
- alpha := c + (c shl 8);
- end;
-function TBGRAReaderPNG.ColorColorAlpha16 (const CD:TColorData) : TFPColor;
- with result do
- begin
- red := CD and $FFFF;
- green := (CD shr 16) and $FFFF;
- blue := (CD shr 32) and $FFFF;
- alpha := (CD shr 48) and $FFFF;
- end;
-function TBGRAReaderPNG.CheckGammaCorrection: boolean;
- i: Integer;
- if not FGammaCorrectionTableComputed then
- begin
- if abs(FGammaCorrection-1) < 0.01 then
- begin
- FGammaCorrectionTable := nil;
- end else
- begin
- setlength(FGammaCorrectionTable, 65536);
- FGammaCorrectionTable[0] := 0;
- i := 1;
- while i <= 65535 do
- begin
- if i+3 <= 65535 then
- begin
- FGammaCorrectionTable[i+3] := Round(Power((i+3)/65535, FGammaCorrection)*65535);
- FGammaCorrectionTable[i] := (FGammaCorrectionTable[i-1]*3+FGammaCorrectionTable[i+3]+2) shr 2;
- FGammaCorrectionTable[i+1] := (FGammaCorrectionTable[i-1]+FGammaCorrectionTable[i+3]+1) shr 1;
- FGammaCorrectionTable[i+2] := (FGammaCorrectionTable[i-1]+FGammaCorrectionTable[i+3]*3+2) shr 2;
- inc(i,4);
- end else
- begin
- FGammaCorrectionTable[i] := Round(Power(i/65535, FGammaCorrection)*65535);
- inc(i);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- FGammaCorrectionTableComputed:= true;
- end;
- result := FGammaCorrectionTable<>nil;
-procedure TBGRAReaderPNG.ApplyGammaCorrection(var AColor: TFPColor);
- if FGammaCorrectionTable<>nil then
- begin
- AColor.red := FGammaCorrectionTable[AColor.red];
- AColor.green := FGammaCorrectionTable[AColor.green];
- AColor.blue := FGammaCorrectionTable[AColor.blue];
- end;
-function TBGRAReaderPNG.BGRAColorGray1(const CD: TColorData): TBGRAPixel;
- if CD = 0 then
- result := BGRABlack
- else
- result := BGRAWhite;
-function TBGRAReaderPNG.BGRAColorGray2(const CD: TColorData): TBGRAPixel;
-var c : UInt32or64;
- c := CD and 3;
- c := c + (c shl 2);
- c := c + (c shl 4);
- result := BGRA(c,c,c);
-function TBGRAReaderPNG.BGRAColorGray4(const CD: TColorData): TBGRAPixel;
-var c : UInt32or64;
- c := CD and $F;
- c := c + (c shl 4);
- result := BGRA(c,c,c);
-function TBGRAReaderPNG.BGRAColorGray8(const CD: TColorData): TBGRAPixel;
-var c : UInt32or64;
- c := CD and $FF;
- result := BGRA(c,c,c);
-function TBGRAReaderPNG.BGRAColorGray16(const CD: TColorData): TBGRAPixel;
-var c : UInt32or64;
- c := (CD shr 8) and $FF;
- result := BGRA(c,c,c);
-function TBGRAReaderPNG.BGRAColorGrayAlpha8(const CD: TColorData): TBGRAPixel;
-var c : UInt32or64;
- c := CD and $00FF;
- result := BGRA(c,c,c,(CD shr 8) and $FF);
-function TBGRAReaderPNG.BGRAColorGrayAlpha16(const CD: TColorData): TBGRAPixel;
-var c : UInt32or64;
- c := (CD shr 8) and $FF;
- result := BGRA(c,c,c,(CD shr 24) and $FF);
-function TBGRAReaderPNG.BGRAColorColor8(const CD: TColorData): TBGRAPixel;
-var temp: LongWord;
- temp := CD;
- result := BGRA(temp and $ff, (temp shr 8) and $ff, (temp shr 16) and $ff);
-function TBGRAReaderPNG.BGRAColorColor16(const CD: TColorData): TBGRAPixel;
- result := BGRA(CD shr 8 and $FF,(CD shr 24) and $FF,(CD shr 40) and $FF);
-function TBGRAReaderPNG.BGRAColorColorAlpha8(const CD: TColorData): TBGRAPixel;
-var temp: LongWord;
- temp := CD;
- result := BGRA(temp and $ff, (temp shr 8) and $ff, (temp shr 16) and $ff, temp shr 24);
-function TBGRAReaderPNG.BGRAColorColorAlpha16(const CD: TColorData): TBGRAPixel;
- result := BGRA(CD shr 8 and $FF,(CD shr 24) and $FF,(CD shr 40) and $FF, CD shr 56);
-procedure TBGRAReaderPNG.DoDecompress;
- procedure initVars;
- var r,d : integer;
- begin
- with Header do
- begin
- if interlace=0 then
- begin
- StartPass := 0;
- EndPass := 0;
- FCountScanlines[0] := Height;
- FScanLineLength[0] := Width;
- end
- else
- begin
- StartPass := 1;
- EndPass := 7;
- for r := 1 to 7 do
- begin
- d := Height div delta[r,1];
- if (height mod delta[r,1]) > startpoints[r,1] then
- inc (d);
- FCountScanlines[r] := d;
- d := width div delta[r,0];
- if (width mod delta[r,0]) > startpoints[r,0] then
- inc (d);
- FScanLineLength[r] := d;
- end;
- end;
- Fpltte := (ColorType = 3);
- case colortype of
- 0 : case Bitdepth of
- 1 : begin
- FConvertColor := @ColorGray1; //CFmt := cfMono;
- FBGRAConvertColor := @BGRAColorGray1; //CFmt := cfMono;
- ByteWidth := 1;
- end;
- 2 : begin
- FConvertColor := @ColorGray2; //CFmt := cfGray2;
- FBGRAConvertColor := @BGRAColorGray2; //CFmt := cfGray2;
- ByteWidth := 1;
- end;
- 4 : begin
- FConvertColor := @ColorGray4; //CFmt := cfGray4;
- FBGRAConvertColor := @BGRAColorGray4; //CFmt := cfGray4;
- ByteWidth := 1;
- end;
- 8 : begin
- FConvertColor := @ColorGray8; //CFmt := cfGray8;
- FBGRAConvertColor := @BGRAColorGray8; //CFmt := cfGray8;
- ByteWidth := 1;
- end;
- 16 : begin
- FConvertColor := @ColorGray16; //CFmt := cfGray16;
- FBGRAConvertColor := @BGRAColorGray16; //CFmt := cfGray16;
- ByteWidth := 2;
- end;
- end;
- 2 : if BitDepth = 8 then
- begin
- FConvertColor := @ColorColor8; //CFmt := cfBGR24
- FBGRAConvertColor := @BGRAColorColor8; //CFmt := cfBGR24
- ByteWidth := 3;
- end
- else
- begin
- FConvertColor := @ColorColor16; //CFmt := cfBGR48;
- FBGRAConvertColor := @BGRAColorColor16; //CFmt := cfBGR48;
- ByteWidth := 6;
- end;
- 3 : if BitDepth = 16 then
- ByteWidth := 2
- else
- ByteWidth := 1;
- 4 : if BitDepth = 8 then
- begin
- FConvertColor := @ColorGrayAlpha8; //CFmt := cfGrayA16
- FBGRAConvertColor := @BGRAColorGrayAlpha8; //CFmt := cfGrayA16
- ByteWidth := 2;
- end
- else
- begin
- FConvertColor := @ColorGrayAlpha16; //CFmt := cfGrayA32;
- FBGRAConvertColor := @BGRAColorGrayAlpha16; //CFmt := cfGrayA32;
- ByteWidth := 4;
- end;
- 6 : if BitDepth = 8 then
- begin
- FConvertColor := @ColorColorAlpha8; //CFmt := cfABGR32
- FBGRAConvertColor := @BGRAColorColorAlpha8; //CFmt := cfABGR32
- ByteWidth := 4;
- end
- else
- begin
- FConvertColor := @ColorColorAlpha16; //CFmt := cfABGR64;
- FBGRAConvertColor := @BGRAColorColorAlpha16; //CFmt := cfABGR64;
- ByteWidth := 8;
- end;
- end;
- //ByteWidth := BytesNeeded[CFmt];
- case BitDepth of
- 1 : begin
- CountBitsUsed := 8;
- BitShift := 1;
- BitsUsed := BitsUsed1Depth;
- end;
- 2 : begin
- CountBitsUsed := 4;
- BitShift := 2;
- BitsUsed := BitsUsed2Depth;
- end;
- 4 : begin
- CountBitsUsed := 2;
- BitShift := 4;
- BitsUsed := BitsUsed4Depth;
- end;
- 8 : begin
- CountBitsUsed := 1;
- BitShift := 0;
- BitsUsed[0] := $FF;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure FilterSub(p: PByte; Count: Int32or64; bw: Int32or64);
- begin
- inc(p,bw);
- dec(Count,bw);
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- {$push}{$r-}
- inc(p^, (p-bw)^);
- {$pop}
- inc(p);
- dec(Count);
- end;
- end;
- procedure FilterUp(p,pPrev: PByte; Count: UInt32or64);
- var Count4: Int32or64;
- begin
- Count4 := Count shr 2;
- dec(Count, Count4 shl 2);
- while Count4 > 0 do
- begin
- {$push}{$r-}{$q-}
- PLongWord(p)^ := (((PLongWord(pPrev)^ and $00FF00FF) + (PLongWord(p)^ and $00FF00FF)) and $00FF00FF)
- or (((PLongWord(pPrev)^ and $FF00FF00) + (PLongWord(p)^ and $FF00FF00)) and $FF00FF00);
- {$pop}
- inc(p,4);
- inc(pPrev,4);
- dec(Count4);
- end;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- {$push}{$r-}
- inc(p^, pPrev^);
- {$pop}
- inc(p);
- inc(pPrev);
- dec(Count);
- end;
- end;
- procedure FilterAverage(p,pPrev: PByte; Count: UInt32or64; bw: Int32or64);
- var CountBW: Int32or64;
- begin
- CountBW := bw;
- dec(Count,CountBW);
- while CountBW > 0 do
- begin
- {$push}{$r-}
- inc(p^, pPrev^ shr 1);
- {$pop}
- inc(p);
- inc(pPrev);
- dec(CountBW);
- end;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- {$push}{$r-}
- inc(p^, (pPrev^+(p-bw)^) shr 1);
- {$pop}
- inc(p);
- inc(pPrev);
- dec(Count);
- end;
- end;
- procedure FilterPaeth(p,pPrev: PByte; Count: UInt32or64; bw: Int32or64);
- var
- rx, dl, dp, dlp : Int32or64;
- diag,left: UInt32or64;
- begin
- for rx := 0 to bw-1 do
- begin
- {$push}{$r-}
- inc(p^, pPrev^);
- {$pop}
- inc(p);
- inc(pPrev);
- end;
- dec(Count,bw);
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- diag := (pPrev-bw)^;
- left := (p - bw)^;
- dl := pPrev^ - Int32or64(diag);
- dp := Int32or64(left) - Int32or64(diag);
- dlp := abs(dl+dp);
- if dl < 0 then dl := -dl;
- if dp < 0 then dp := -dp;
- {$push}{$r-}
- if dp <= dlp then
- begin
- if dl <= dp then
- inc(p^, left)
- else
- inc(p^, pPrev^)
- end
- else
- if dl <= dlp then
- inc(p^, left)
- else
- inc(p^, diag);
- {$pop}
- inc(p);
- inc(pPrev);
- dec(Count);
- end;
- end;
- procedure Decode;
- var y, rp, ry, l : Int32or64;
- lf : byte;
- switchLine, currentLine, previousLine : pByteArray;
- begin
- FSetPixel := DecideSetPixel;
- if not Pltte and (TheImage is TBGRACustomBitmap) and
- not CheckGammaCorrection then
- begin
- if UseTransparent then
- FHandleScanLine := @BGRAHandleScanLineTr
- else
- FHandleScanLine := @BGRAHandleScanLine;
- end else
- FHandleScanLine := @HandleScanLine;
- for rp := StartPass to EndPass do
- begin
- FCurrentPass := rp;
- StartX := StartPoints[rp,0];
- StartY := StartPoints[rp,1];
- DeltaX := Delta[rp,0];
- DeltaY := Delta[rp,1];
- if bytewidth = 1 then
- begin
- l := (ScanLineLength[rp] div CountBitsUsed);
- if (ScanLineLength[rp] mod CountBitsUsed) > 0 then
- inc (l);
- end
- else
- l := ScanLineLength[rp]*ByteWidth;
- if (l>0) then
- begin
- GetMem (previousLine, l);
- GetMem (currentLine, l);
- fillchar (currentLine^,l,0);
- try
- for ry := 0 to CountScanlines[rp]-1 do
- begin
- switchLine := currentLine;
- currentLine := previousLine;
- previousLine := switchLine;
- Y := StartY + (ry * deltaY);
- lf := 0;
- Decompress.Read (lf, sizeof(lf));
- Decompress.Read (currentLine^, l);
- case lf of
- 1: FilterSub(PByte(currentLine), l, ByteWidth);
- 2: FilterUp(PByte(currentLine), PByte(previousLine), l);
- 3: FilterAverage(PByte(currentLine), PByte(previousLine), l, ByteWidth);
- 4: FilterPaeth(PByte(currentLine), PByte(previousLine), l, ByteWidth);
- end;
- if FVerticalShrinkShr <> 0 then
- begin
- if (y and FVerticalShrinkMask) = 0 then
- FHandleScanLine (y shr FVerticalShrinkShr, currentLine);
- end else
- FHandleScanLine (y, currentLine);
- end;
- finally
- freemem (previousLine);
- freemem (currentLine);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- InitVars;
- DeCode;
-procedure TBGRAReaderPNG.HandleChunk;
- case chunk.AType of
- ctIHDR : raise PNGImageException.Create ('Second IHDR chunk found');
- ctPLTE : HandlePalette;
- ctIDAT : HandleData;
- ctIEND : EndOfFile := True;
- cttRNS : HandleAlpha;
- ctsRGB : HandleStdRGB;
- ctgAMA : HandleGamma;
- else HandleUnknown;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAReaderPNG.HandleUnknown;
- if (chunk.readtype[0] in ['A'..'Z']) then
- raise PNGImageException.Create('Critical chunk '+chunk.readtype+' not recognized');
-procedure TBGRAReaderPNG.InternalRead (Str:TStream; Img:TFPCustomImage);
-var outputHeight: integer;
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Str<>TheStream then
- writeln('WARNING: TBGRAReaderPNG.InternalRead Str<>TheStream');
- {$endif}
- with Header do
- begin
- FVerticalShrinkShr := 0;
- FVerticalShrinkMask := 0;
- FGammaCorrection := 1;
- FGammaCorrectionTableComputed:= false;
- outputHeight := Height;
- if MinifyHeight <> 0 then
- begin
- while (outputHeight shr 1 >= MinifyHeight) and (FVerticalShrinkShr < 8) do
- begin
- outputHeight:= outputHeight shr 1;
- Inc(FVerticalShrinkShr);
- end;
- FVerticalShrinkMask:= (1 shl FVerticalShrinkShr)-1;
- outputHeight := (Height+FVerticalShrinkMask) shr FVerticalShrinkShr;
- end;
- Img.SetSize (Width, outputHeight);
- end;
- ZData := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- EndOfFile := false;
- while not EndOfFile do
- begin
- if ReadChunk then
- HandleChunk;
- end;
- ZData.position:=0;
- Decompress := TDecompressionStream.Create (ZData);
- try
- DoDecompress;
- finally
- Decompress.Free;
- end;
- finally
- ZData.Free;
- if not img.UsePalette and assigned(FPalette) then
- begin
- FPalette.Free;
- end;
- end;
-function TBGRAReaderPNG.InternalCheck (Str:TStream) : boolean;
-var {%H-}SigCheck : array[0..7] of byte;
- r : integer;
- try
- // Check Signature
- if Str.Read({%H-}SigCheck, SizeOf(SigCheck)) <> SizeOf(SigCheck) then
- raise PNGImageException.Create('This is not PNG-data');
- for r := 0 to 7 do
- begin
- If SigCheck[r] <> Signature[r] then
- raise PNGImageException.Create('This is not PNG-data');
- end;
- // Check IHDR
- ReadChunk;
- if chunk.aType <> ctIHDR then
- raise PNGImageException.Create('Header chunk expected but '+chunk.ReadType+' found');
- fillchar(FHeader, sizeof(FHeader), 0);
- move (chunk.data^, FHeader, min(sizeof(Header), chunk.alength));
- with header do
- begin
- Width := swap(width);
- height := swap (height);
- {$ENDIF}
- result := (width > 0) and (height > 0) and (compression = 0)
- and (filter = 0) and (Interlace in [0,1]);
- end;
- except
- result := false;
- end;
- DefaultBGRAImageReader[ifPng] := TBGRAReaderPNG;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrareadpsd.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrareadpsd.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 97c2371..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrareadpsd.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,620 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
- The original file was part of the Free Pascal run time library.
- Copyright (c) 2008 by the Free Pascal development team
- Psd reader for fpImage modified by circular.
- **********************************************************************
- 03/2014 changes by circular :
- - added MinifyHeight,WantedHeight and OutputHeight (useful for thumbnails)
-unit BGRAReadPSD;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, FPimage, FPReadPSD;
- { TBGRAReaderPSD }
- TBGRAReaderPSD = class(TFPReaderPSD)
- private
- FCompressed: boolean;
- protected
- FScanLines : array of PByte;
- FInputLine : array of record
- StreamOffset: Int64;
- Size: PtrInt;
- end;
- FOutputHeight: integer;
- function ReadPalette(Stream: TStream): boolean;
- procedure AnalyzeHeader;
- procedure InternalRead(Stream: TStream; Img: TFPCustomImage); override;
- function ReadScanLine(Stream: TStream; AInputSize: PtrInt; AChannel: integer): boolean; overload;
- procedure WriteScanLine(Img: TFPCustomImage; Row: integer); overload;
- function InternalCheck(Stream: TStream) : boolean; override;
- public
- MinifyHeight,WantedHeight: integer;
- constructor Create; override;
- property Compressed: Boolean read FCompressed;
- property OutputHeight: integer read FOutputHeight;
- end;
-uses BGRABitmapTypes;
-function clamp(AValue, AMax: integer): integer;
- if AValue < 0 then result := 0 else
- if AValue > AMax then result := AMax else
- result := AValue;;
-function CMYKtoRGB ( C : TFPColor): TFPColor;
-var r,g,b: integer;
- r := $ffff - c.red + c.green div 10 + c.blue div 10 - c.alpha;
- g := $ffff + c.red div 10 - c.green + c.blue div 10 - c.alpha;
- b := $ffff + c.red div 10 + c.green div 10 - c.blue - c.alpha;
- result.red := clamp(r, 65535);
- result.green := clamp(g, 65535);
- result.blue := clamp(b, 65535);
- Result.alpha:=alphaOpaque;
-function fInv(t: single): single;
- if t > 6/29 then result := t*t*t else
- result := 3*(6/29)*(6/29)*(t-4/29);
-function Csrgb(linear: single): single;
- if linear <= 0.0031308 then
- result := 12.92*linear else
- result := (1+0.055)*exp(ln(linear)*(1/2.4)) - 0.055;
-function LabToRGB(L,a,b: single):TFPColor; overload;
-var r,g,blue: single;
- if a < 0 then
- r := L + a + 0.25*b
- else
- r := L + 0.75*a + 0.25*b;
- g := L - 0.25*a;
- blue := L - b;
- Result.red:= clamp(round((r)*65535),65535);
- Result.green:= clamp(round((g)*65535),65535);
- Result.blue:= clamp(round((blue)*65535),65535);
- result.alpha := 65535;
-function LabToRGB(const Lab:TLab):TFPColor; overload;
-var L: single;
- L := 1/255*Lab.L;
- result := LabToRGB(L,(Lab.a-128)/127,(Lab.b-128)/127);
-{ TBGRAReaderPSD }
-function TBGRAReaderPSD.ReadPalette(Stream: TStream): boolean;
- I : Integer;
- c : TFPColor;
- OldPos: Integer;
- BufSize:Longint;
- {%H-}PalBuf: array[0..767] of Byte;
- ContProgress: Boolean;
- Result:=false;
- ThePalette.count := 0;
- OldPos := Stream.Position;
- BufSize:=0;
- Stream.Read(BufSize, SizeOf(BufSize));
- BufSize:=BEtoN(BufSize);
- Stream.Read({%H-}PalBuf, BufSize);
- ContProgress:=true;
- Progress(FPimage.psRunning, 0, False, Rect(0,0,0,0), '', ContProgress);
- if not ContProgress then exit;
- For I:=0 To BufSize div 3 Do
- Begin
- With c do
- begin
- Red:=PalBuf[I] shl 8;
- Green:=PalBuf[I+(BufSize div 3)] shl 8;
- Blue:=PalBuf[I+(BufSize div 3)* 2] shl 8;
- Alpha:=alphaOpaque;
- end;
- ThePalette.Add(C);
- End;
- Stream.Position := OldPos;
- Result:=true;
-procedure TBGRAReaderPSD.AnalyzeHeader;
-var channel: integer;
- With FHeader do
- begin
- Depth:=BEtoN(Depth);
- if (Signature <> '8BPS') then
- Raise Exception.Create('Unknown/Unsupported PSD image type');
- Channels:=BEtoN(Channels);
- if Channels > 4 then
- FBytesPerPixel:=Depth*4
- else
- FBytesPerPixel:=Depth*Channels;
- Mode:=BEtoN(Mode);
- FWidth:=BEtoN(Columns);
- FHeight:=BEtoN(Rows);
- FChannelCount:=Channels;
- FLineSize:=(PtrInt(FWidth)*Depth+7) div 8;
- setlength(FScanLines, FChannelCount);
- for channel := 0 to FChannelCount-1 do
- GetMem(FScanLines[channel],FLineSize);
- end;
-procedure TBGRAReaderPSD.InternalRead(Stream: TStream; Img: TFPCustomImage);
- H,HOutput,InputLineIndex,LenOfLineIndex,channel: Integer;
- LenOfLineFactor: PtrInt;
- BufSize:LongWord;
- Encoding:word;
- ContProgress: Boolean;
- CurOffset: int64;
- PrevOutputRow, OutputRow, OutputRowAdd, OutputRowAcc, OutputRowAccAdd, OutputRowMod: integer;
- FScanLines:=nil;
- FPalette:=nil;
- try
- Stream.Position:=0;
- ContProgress:=true;
- Progress(FPimage.psStarting, 0, False, Rect(0,0,0,0), '', ContProgress);
- if not ContProgress then exit;
- // read header
- Stream.Read(FHeader, SizeOf(FHeader));
- Progress(FPimage.psRunning, 0, False, Rect(0,0,0,0), '', ContProgress);
- if not ContProgress then exit;
- AnalyzeHeader;
- Case FHeader.Mode of
- 0:begin // Bitmap (monochrome)
- FPalette := TFPPalette.Create(0);
- CreateBWPalette;
- end;
- 1, 8:begin // Gray-scale
- FPalette := TFPPalette.Create(0);
- CreateGrayPalette;
- end;
- 2:begin // Indexed color (palette color)
- FPalette := TFPPalette.Create(0);
- if not ReadPalette(stream) then exit;
- end;
- end;
- if Assigned(OnCreateImage) then
- OnCreateImage(Self,Img);
- if (MinifyHeight > 0) and (FHeight > MinifyHeight) then
- FOutputHeight:= MinifyHeight
- else
- if WantedHeight > 0 then
- FOutputHeight:= WantedHeight
- else
- FOutputHeight:= FHeight;
- Img.SetSize(FWidth,FOutputHeight);
- // color palette
- BufSize:=0;
- Stream.Read(BufSize, SizeOf(BufSize));
- BufSize:=BEtoN(BufSize);
- Stream.Seek(BufSize, soCurrent);
- // color data block
- Stream.Read(BufSize, SizeOf(BufSize));
- BufSize:=BEtoN(BufSize);
- Stream.Read(FColorDataBlock, SizeOf(FColorDataBlock));
- Stream.Seek(BufSize-SizeOf(FColorDataBlock), soCurrent);
- // mask
- Stream.Read(BufSize, SizeOf(BufSize));
- BufSize:=BEtoN(BufSize);
- Stream.Seek(BufSize, soCurrent);
- // compression type
- Encoding:=0;
- Stream.Read(Encoding, SizeOf(Encoding));
- FCompressed:=BEtoN(Encoding) = 1;
- if BEtoN(Encoding)>1 then
- Raise Exception.Create('Unknown compression type');
- If FCompressed then
- begin
- SetLength(FLengthOfLine, FHeight * FChannelCount);
- Stream.ReadBuffer(FLengthOfLine[0], 2 * Length(FLengthOfLine));
- Progress(FPimage.psRunning, 0, False, Rect(0,0,0,0), '', ContProgress);
- if not ContProgress then exit;
- if not (FHeader.Mode in [0, 2]) then
- LenOfLineFactor := FHeader.Depth div 8
- else
- LenOfLineFactor := 1;
- end else
- begin
- FLengthOfLine := nil;
- end;
- setlength(FInputLine, FHeight * FChannelCount);
- CurOffset := Stream.Position;
- H := 0;
- channel := 0;
- InputLineIndex:= 0;
- for LenOfLineIndex := 0 to FHeight * FChannelCount-1 do
- begin
- FInputLine[InputLineIndex].StreamOffset := CurOffset;
- if FLengthOfLine <> nil then
- FInputLine[InputLineIndex].Size := BEtoN(FLengthOfLine[LenOfLineIndex])*LenOfLineFactor else
- FInputLine[InputLineIndex].Size := FLineSize;
- inc(CurOffset, FInputLine[InputLineIndex].Size);
- inc(H);
- Inc(InputLineIndex, FChannelCount);
- if H = FHeight then
- begin
- H := 0;
- Inc(channel);
- InputLineIndex:= channel;
- end;
- end;
- InputLineIndex := 0;
- PrevOutputRow := -1;
- OutputRow := 0;
- OutputRowAdd := FOutputHeight div FHeight;
- OutputRowMod:= FHeight;
- OutputRowAccAdd := FOutputHeight mod FHeight;
- OutputRowAcc:= 0;
- For H := 0 to FHeight - 1 do
- begin
- if OutputRow > PrevOutputRow then
- begin
- for channel := 0 to FChannelCount-1 do
- begin
- Stream.Position := FInputLine[InputLineIndex].StreamOffset;
- ReadScanLine(Stream, FInputLine[InputLineIndex].Size, channel);
- Inc(InputLineIndex);
- end;
- For HOutput:= PrevOutputRow+1 to OutputRow do WriteScanLine(Img, HOutput);
- Progress(FPimage.psRunning, round((H+1)*99.0 / (FHeight * FChannelCount)), False, Rect(0,0,0,0), '', ContProgress);
- if not ContProgress then exit;
- end else inc(InputLineIndex, FChannelCount);
- PrevOutputRow:= OutputRow;
- Inc(OutputRow, OutputRowAdd);
- Inc(OutputRowAcc, OutputRowAccAdd);
- if OutputRowAcc> OutputRowMod then
- begin
- dec(OutputRowAcc, OutputRowMod);
- inc(OutputRow);
- end;
- end;
- Progress(FPimage.psRunning, 100, False, Rect(0,0,0,0), '', ContProgress);
- if not ContProgress then exit;
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- WriteLn('TBGRAReaderPSD.InternalRead AAA1 ',Stream.position,' ',Stream.size);
- {$endif}
- finally
- FreeAndNil(FPalette);
- for channel := 0 to FChannelCount-1 do
- ReAllocMem(FScanLines[channel],0);
- end;
- Progress(FPimage.psEnding, 100, false, Rect(0,0,FWidth,FHeight), '', ContProgress);
-function TBGRAReaderPSD.ReadScanLine(Stream: TStream; AInputSize: PtrInt;
- AChannel: integer): boolean;
- P : PByte;
- B : Byte;
- I, left : PtrInt;
- N : Shortint;
- Count:integer;
- buf, PBuf: PByte;
- Result:=false;
- If Not Compressed then
- Stream.ReadBuffer(FScanLines[AChannel]^,FLineSize)
- else
- begin
- getmem(buf, AInputSize);
- if stream.Read(buf^,AInputSize) <> AInputSize then
- begin
- freemem(buf);
- result := false;
- exit;
- end;
- P:=FScanLines[AChannel];
- left := FLineSize;
- i:=AInputSize;
- PBuf := buf;
- repeat
- Count:=0;
- N:= PShortInt(PBuf)^;
- inc(PBuf);
- dec(i);
- If N = -128 then
- else
- if N < 0 then
- begin
- Count:=-N+1;
- if Count > left then Count := left;
- dec(left,Count);
- B:= PBuf^;
- Inc(PBuf);
- dec(i);
- fillchar(p^,count,B);
- inc(p,count);
- end
- else
- begin
- Count:=N+1;
- if Count > left then Count := left;
- dec(left,Count);
- Move(PBuf^, P^, Count);
- Inc(PBuf, Count);
- inc(p, count);
- dec(i, count);
- end;
- until (i <= 0) or (left <= 0);
- freemem(buf);
- end;
- Result:=true;
-function Value32To16(p: PLongWord; gamma: single): Word;
-var v: single;
- v := (BEtoN(P^) - 1024000000)/40960000;
- if v <= 0 then result := 0 else
- if v >= 1 then result := 65535 else
- result := round(exp(ln(v)*gamma)*65535);
-procedure TBGRAReaderPSD.WriteScanLine(Img: TFPCustomImage; Row: integer);
- Col : Integer;
- C : TFPColor;
- P, P1, P2, P3 : PByte;
- Lab : TLab;
- C.Alpha:=AlphaOpaque;
- P:=FScanLines[0];
- begin
- case FBytesPerPixel of
- 1 : begin
- for Col:=0 to Img.Width-1 do
- if (P[col div 8] and (128 shr (col mod 8))) <> 0 then
- Img.Colors[Col,Row]:=ThePalette[0]
- else
- Img.Colors[Col,Row]:=ThePalette[1];
- end;
- 8 : begin
- for Col:=0 to Img.Width-1 do
- begin
- Img.Colors[Col,Row]:=ThePalette[P[0]];
- inc(p);
- end;
- end;
- 16 : if (FHeader.Mode = 1) or (FHeader.Mode = 8) then
- begin
- if FChannelCount = 1 then
- for Col:=0 to Img.Width-1 do
- begin
- C.Red:=BEtoN(PWord(P)^);
- C.green:=C.Red;
- C.blue:=C.Red;
- C.alpha:=65535;
- Img[col, row] := C;
- Inc(P,2);
- end else
- if FChannelCount = 2 then
- begin
- P1:=FScanLines[1];
- for Col:=0 to Img.Width-1 do
- begin
- C.Red:=P^ shl 8 + P^;
- C.green:=C.Red;
- C.blue:=C.Red;
- C.alpha:=p1^ shl 8 + P1^;
- Img[col, row] := C;
- Inc(P);
- Inc(P1);
- end;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- for Col:=0 to Img.Width-1 do
- begin
- Img.Colors[Col,Row]:=ThePalette[BEtoN(PWord(P)^)];
- inc(p,2);
- end;
- end;
- 24 : if FChannelCount>=3 then
- begin
- P1:=FScanLines[1];
- P2:=FScanLines[2];
- for Col:=0 to Img.Width-1 do
- begin
- if (FHeader.Mode =9) then
- begin
- Lab.L:=P[0];
- Lab.a:=P1[0];
- Lab.b:=P2[0];
- C:=LabToRGB(Lab);
- end
- else
- With C do
- begin
- Red:=P[0] or (P[0] shl 8);
- green:=P1[0] or (P1[0] shl 8);
- blue:=P2[0] or (P2[0] shl 8);
- alpha:=alphaOpaque;
- end;
- Inc(P);
- Inc(P1);
- Inc(P2);
- Img[col, row] := C;
- end;
- end;
- 32 : if (FHeader.Mode = 1) or (FHeader.Mode = 8) then
- begin
- if FChannelCount = 1 then
- for Col:=0 to Img.Width-1 do
- begin
- C.Red:=Value32To16(PLongWord(P),1.3);
- C.green:=C.Red;
- C.blue:=C.Red;
- C.alpha:=65535;
- Img[col, row] := C;
- Inc(P,4);
- end else
- if FChannelCount = 2 then
- begin
- P1:=FScanLines[1];
- for Col:=0 to Img.Width-1 do
- begin
- C.Red:=BEtoN(PWord(P)^);
- C.green:=C.Red;
- C.blue:=C.Red;
- C.alpha:=BEtoN(PWord(p1)^);
- Img[col, row] := C;
- Inc(P,2);
- Inc(P1,2);
- end;
- end;
- end else
- if FChannelCount >= 4 then
- begin
- P1:=FScanLines[1];
- P2:=FScanLines[2];
- P3:=FScanLines[3];
- for Col:=0 to Img.Width-1 do
- begin
- if (FHeader.Mode =4) then
- begin
- P^ := 255 - P^;
- P1^ := 255 - P1^;
- P2^ := 255 - P2^;
- P3^ := 255 - P3^;
- end;
- C.Red:=P[0] or (P[0] shl 8);
- C.green:=P1[0] or (P1[0] shl 8);
- C.blue:=P2[0] or (P2[0] shl 8);
- C.alpha:=P3[0] or (P3[0] shl 8);
- if (FHeader.Mode =4) then C:=CMYKtoRGB(C); // CMYK to RGB
- Img[col, row] := C;
- Inc(P);
- Inc(P1);
- Inc(P2);
- Inc(P3);
- end;
- end;
- 48 :if FChannelCount = 3 then
- begin
- P1:=FScanLines[1];
- P2:=FScanLines[2];
- C.alpha:=alphaOpaque;
- for Col:=0 to Img.Width-1 do
- begin
- if (FHeader.Mode =9) then
- C := LabToRGB(BEtoN(PWord(P)^)/65535, (BEtoN(PWord(P1)^)-32768)/32767, (BEtoN(PWord(P2)^)-32768)/32767)
- else
- With C do
- begin
- Red:=BEtoN(PWord(P)^);
- green:=BEtoN(PWord(P1)^);
- blue:=BEtoN(PWord(P2)^);
- end;
- Inc(P,2);
- Inc(P1,2);
- Inc(P2,2);
- Img[col, row] := C;
- end;
- end;
- 64 : if FChannelCount = 4 then
- begin
- P1:=FScanLines[1];
- P2:=FScanLines[2];
- P3:=FScanLines[3];
- for Col:=0 to Img.Width-1 do
- begin
- C.Red:=BEtoN(PWord(P)^);
- C.green:=BEtoN(PWord(P1)^);
- C.blue:=BEtoN(PWord(P2)^);
- C.alpha:=BEtoN(PWord(P3)^);
- if (FHeader.Mode =4) then
- begin
- C.red:=$ffff-C.red;
- C.green:=$ffff-C.green;
- C.blue:=$ffff-C.blue;
- C.alpha:=$ffff-C.alpha;
- end;
- if (FHeader.Mode =4) then C:=CMYKtoRGB(C); // CMYK to RGB
- Img[col, row] := C;
- Inc(P,2);
- Inc(P1,2);
- Inc(P2,2);
- Inc(P3,2);
- end;
- end;
- 96 :if FChannelCount = 3 then
- begin
- P1:=FScanLines[1];
- P2:=FScanLines[2];
- C.alpha:=alphaOpaque;
- for Col:=0 to Img.Width-1 do
- begin
- With C do
- begin
- Red:=Value32To16(PLongWord(P),2.7);
- green:=Value32To16(PLongWord(P1),2.7);
- blue:=Value32To16(PLongWord(P2),2.7);
- end;
- Inc(P,4);
- Inc(P1,4);
- Inc(P2,4);
- Img[col, row] := C;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
-function TBGRAReaderPSD.InternalCheck(Stream: TStream): boolean;
- OldPos: Int64;
- try
- OldPos:=Stream.Position;
- Stream.Read(FHeader,SizeOf(FHeader));
- Result:=(FHeader.Signature = '8BPS');
- Stream.Position:=OldPos;
- except
- Result:=False;
- end;
-constructor TBGRAReaderPSD.Create;
- inherited Create;
- DefaultBGRAImageReader[ifPsd] := TBGRAReaderPSD;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrareadtga.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrareadtga.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 303b750..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrareadtga.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
- The original file is part of the Free Pascal's "Free Components Library".
- Copyright (c) 2003 by Mazen NEIFER of the Free Pascal development team
- Targa reader implementation modified by circular.
-{ - 22/11/2007 Modified by Laurent Jacques for support all format }
-{$mode objfpc}
-unit BGRAReadTGA;
-uses FPReadTGA, FPimage, BGRAClasses;
- { TBGRAReaderTarga }
- TBGRAReaderTarga = class (TFPReaderTarga)
- protected
- FBuffer: packed array of byte;
- FBufferPos, FBufferSize: integer;
- FBufferStream: TStream;
- procedure ReadScanLine({%H-}Row: Integer; Stream: TStream); override;
- procedure WriteScanLine(Row : Integer; Img : TFPCustomImage); override;
- procedure InitReadBuffer(AStream: TStream; ASize: integer);
- procedure CloseReadBuffer;
- function GetNextBufferByte: byte;
- end;
-uses BGRABitmapTypes, targacmn;
-procedure TBGRAReaderTarga.ReadScanLine(Row: Integer; Stream: TStream);
- P : PByte;
- B : Byte;
- I,J : Integer;
- PixelSizeInBytesMinus1: integer;
- If Not Compressed then
- Stream.ReadBuffer(FScanLine^,FLineSize)
- else
- begin
- InitReadBuffer(Stream, 2048);
- P:=FScanLine;
- PixelSizeInBytesMinus1 := (BytesPerPixel shr 3)-1;
- For I:=0 to ToWord(Header.Width)-1 do
- begin
- If (FPixelCount>0) then
- Dec(FPixelCount)
- else
- begin
- Dec(FBlockCount);
- If (FBlockCount<0) then
- begin
- B := GetNextBufferByte;
- If (B and $80)<>0 then
- begin
- FPixelCount:=B and $7F;
- FblockCount:=0;
- end
- else
- FBlockCount:=B and $7F
- end;
- For J:=0 to PixelSizeInBytesMinus1 do
- FLastPixel[j] := GetNextBufferByte;
- end;
- For J:=0 to PixelSizeInBytesMinus1 do
- begin
- P[0]:=FLastPixel[j];
- Inc(P);
- end;
- end;
- CloseReadBuffer;
- end;
-Procedure TBGRAReaderTarga.WriteScanLine(Row : Integer; Img : TFPCustomImage);
- Col : Integer;
- Value : UInt32or64;
- P : PByte;
- PDest: PBGRAPixel;
- P:=FScanLine;
- PDest := TBGRACustomBitmap(img).ScanLine[Row];
- Case Header.ImgType of
- : for Col:=Img.width-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- PDest^ := FPColorToBGRA(FPalette[P^]);
- Inc(PDest);
- Inc(P);
- end;
- : if (BytesPerPixel = 32) and (AlphaBits = 8) then
- Move(P^,PDest^,Img.Width*sizeof(TBGRAPixel)) else
- if (BytesPerPixel = 24) then
- begin
- for Col:=Img.Width-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- PDest^ := BGRA((P+2)^,(P+1)^,P^);
- inc(Pdest);
- Inc(p,3);
- end;
- end
- else if (BytesPerPixel in[8,16]) then
- for Col:= Img.Width-1 to 0 do
- begin
- Value:=P[0];
- inc(P);
- Value:=value or (P[0] shl 8);
- PDest^ := BGRA(((value)shr 10) shl 3,((value)shr 5) shl 3,((value)) shl 3);
- Inc(PDest);
- Inc(P);
- end;
- : case BytesPerPixel of
- 8 : for Col:=Img.width-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- PDest^ := FPColorToBGRA(FPalette[P^]);
- Inc(PDest);
- Inc(P);
- end;
- 16 : for Col:=0 to Img.width-1 do
- begin
- With PDest^ do
- begin
- blue:=FPalette[P^].blue shr 8;
- green:=FPalette[P^].green shr 8;
- red:=FPalette[P^].red shr 8;
- Inc(P);
- if alphaBits = 8 then alpha := P^ else
- alpha:=255;
- Inc(P);
- end;
- inc(PDest);
- end;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAReaderTarga.InitReadBuffer(AStream: TStream; ASize: integer);
- setLength(FBuffer,ASize);
- FBufferSize := AStream.Read(FBuffer[0],ASize);
- FBufferPos := 0;
- FBufferStream := AStream;
-procedure TBGRAReaderTarga.CloseReadBuffer;
- FBufferStream.Position:= FBufferStream.Position-FBufferSize+FBufferPos;
-function TBGRAReaderTarga.GetNextBufferByte: byte;
- if FBufferPos < FBufferSize then
- begin
- result := FBuffer[FBufferPos];
- inc(FBufferPos);
- end else
- if FBufferSize = 0 then
- result := 0
- else
- begin
- FBufferSize := FBufferStream.Read(FBuffer[0],length(FBuffer));
- FBufferPos := 0;
- if FBufferPos < FBufferSize then
- begin
- result := FBuffer[FBufferPos];
- inc(FBufferPos);
- end else
- result := 0;
- end;
- DefaultBGRAImageReader[ifTarga] := TBGRAReaderTarga;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrareadtiff.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrareadtiff.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 9990364..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrareadtiff.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2863 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
- The original file is part of the Free Pascal run time library.
- Copyright (c) 2012-2013 by the Free Pascal development team
- Tiff reader for fpImage modified by circular.
- **********************************************************************
- Working:
- Sample bitdepth: 1, 4, 8, 12, 16
- Color format: black and white, grayscale, RGB, colormap, L*a*b*
- Alpha channel: none, premultiplied, separated
- Compression: packbits, LZW, deflate
- Endian-ness: little endian and big endian
- Orientation: any corner can be (0,0) and x/y can be flipped
- Planar configuration: 1 (channels together)
- Fill order: any (for 1 bit per sample images)
- Skipping thumbnail by reading biggest image
- Multiple images
- Strips and tiles
- ToDo:
- Compression: FAX, Jpeg...
- Color format: YCbCr, ITU L*a*b*
- PlanarConfiguration: 2 (one chunk for each channel)
- bigtiff 64bit offsets
- XMP tag 700
- ICC profile tag 34675
- Not to do:
- Separate mask (deprecated)
-unit BGRAReadTiff;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
-{$inline on}
- Math, BGRAClasses, SysUtils, ctypes, zinflate, zbase, FPimage, FPTiffCmn,
- BGRABitmapTypes;
- TBGRAReaderTiff = class;
- TTiffCreateCompatibleImgEvent = procedure(Sender: TBGRAReaderTiff;
- ImgFileDir: TTiffIFD) of object;
- TTiffCheckIFDOrder = (
- tcioSmart,
- tcioAlways,
- tcioNever
- );
- { TBGRAReaderTiff }
- TBGRAReaderTiff = class(TFPCustomImageReader)
- private
- FCheckIFDOrder: TTiffCheckIFDOrder;
- FFirstIFDStart: LongWord;
- FOnCreateImage: TTiffCreateCompatibleImgEvent;
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- FDebug: boolean;
- {$endif}
- FIFDList: TFPList;
- FReverseEndian: Boolean;
- fStartPos: int64;
- s: TStream;
- function GetImages(Index: integer): TTiffIFD;
- procedure TiffError(Msg: string);
- procedure SetStreamPos(p: LongWord);
- function ReadTiffHeader(QuickTest: boolean; out IFDStart: LongWord): boolean; // returns IFD: offset to first IFD
- function ReadIFD(Start: LongWord; IFD: TTiffIFD): LongWord;// Image File Directory
- procedure ReadDirectoryEntry(var EntryTag: Word; IFD: TTiffIFD);
- function ReadEntryUnsigned: LongWord;
- function ReadEntrySigned: Cint32;
- function ReadEntryRational: TTiffRational;
- function ReadEntryString: string;
- function ReadByte: Byte;
- function ReadWord: Word;
- function ReadDWord: LongWord;
- procedure ReadValues(StreamPos: LongWord;
- out EntryType: word; out EntryCount: LongWord;
- out Buffer: Pointer; out ByteCount: PtrUInt);
- procedure ReadShortOrLongValues(StreamPos: LongWord;
- out Buffer: PLongWord; out Count: LongWord);
- procedure ReadShortValues(StreamPos: LongWord;
- out Buffer: PWord; out Count: LongWord);
- procedure ReadImageSampleProperties(IFD: TTiffIFD; out AlphaChannel: integer; out PremultipliedAlpha: boolean;
- out SampleCnt: LongWord; out SampleBits: PWord; out SampleBitsPerPixel: LongWord;
- out PaletteCnt: LongWord; out PaletteValues: PWord);
- procedure ReadImgValue(BitCount: Word;
- var Run: Pointer; var BitPos: Byte; FillOrder: LongWord;
- Predictor: word; var LastValue: word; out Value: Word);
- function FixEndian(w: Word): Word; inline;
- function FixEndian(d: LongWord): LongWord; inline;
- procedure SetFPImgExtras(CurImg: TFPCustomImage; IFD: TTiffIFD);
- procedure DecodePackBits(var Buffer: Pointer; var Count: PtrInt);
- procedure DecodeLZW(var Buffer: Pointer; var Count: PtrInt);
- procedure DecodeDeflate(var Buffer: Pointer; var Count: PtrInt; ExpectedCount: PtrInt);
- protected
- procedure InternalRead(Str: TStream; AnImage: TFPCustomImage); override;
- function InternalCheck(Str: TStream): boolean; override;
- procedure DoCreateImage(ImgFileDir: TTiffIFD); virtual;
- public
- constructor Create; override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Clear;
- procedure LoadFromStream(aStream: TStream; AutoClear: boolean = true); //load all images (you need to handle OnCreateImage event and assign ImgFileDir.Img)
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- property Debug: boolean read FDebug write FDebug;
- {$endif}
- property OnCreateImage: TTiffCreateCompatibleImgEvent read FOnCreateImage
- write FOnCreateImage;
- property CheckIFDOrder: TTiffCheckIFDOrder read FCheckIFDOrder write FCheckIFDOrder; //check order of IFD entries or not
- function FirstImg: TTiffIFD;
- function GetBiggestImage: TTiffIFD;
- function ImageCount: integer;
- property Images[Index: integer]: TTiffIFD read GetImages; default;
- public //advanced
- ImageList: TFPList; // list of TTiffIFD
- procedure LoadHeaderFromStream(aStream: TStream);
- procedure LoadIFDsFromStream; // call LoadHeaderFromStream before
- procedure LoadImageFromStream(Index: integer); // call LoadIFDsFromStream before
- procedure LoadImageFromStream(IFD: TTiffIFD); // call LoadIFDsFromStream before
- procedure ReleaseStream;
- property StartPos: int64 read fStartPos;
- property TheStream: TStream read s;
- property FirstIFDStart: LongWord read FFirstIFDStart;
- end;
-procedure DecompressPackBits(Buffer: Pointer; Count: PtrInt;
- out NewBuffer: Pointer; out NewCount: PtrInt);
-procedure DecompressLZW(Buffer: Pointer; Count: PtrInt;
- out NewBuffer: PByte; out NewCount: PtrInt);
-function DecompressDeflate(Compressed: PByte; CompressedCount: LongWord;
- out Decompressed: PByte; var DecompressedCount: LongWord;
- ErrorMsg: PAnsiString = nil): boolean;
-function CMYKToFPColor(C,M,Y,K: Word): TFPColor;
-var R, G, B : LongWord;
- R := $ffff - ((LongWord(C)*($ffff-LongWord(K))) shr 16) - LongWord(K) ;
- G := $ffff - ((LongWord(M)*($ffff-LongWord(K))) shr 16) - LongWord(K) ;
- B := $ffff - ((LongWord(Y)*($ffff-LongWord(K))) shr 16) - LongWord(K) ;
- Result := FPColor(R and $ffff,G and $ffff,B and $ffff);
-end ;
-procedure TBGRAReaderTiff.TiffError(Msg: string);
- Msg:=Msg+' at position '+IntToStr(s.Position);
- if fStartPos>0 then
- Msg:=Msg+' (TiffPosition='+IntToStr(fStartPos)+')';
- raise Exception.Create(Msg);
-function TBGRAReaderTiff.GetImages(Index: integer): TTiffIFD;
- Result:=TTiffIFD(ImageList[Index]);
-procedure TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadImageSampleProperties(IFD: TTiffIFD;
- out AlphaChannel: integer; out PremultipliedAlpha: boolean;
- out SampleCnt: LongWord; out SampleBits: PWord; out SampleBitsPerPixel: LongWord;
- out PaletteCnt: LongWord; out PaletteValues: PWord);
- BytesPerPixel: Word;
- i: Integer;
- ExtraSampleCnt, RegularSampleCnt: LongWord;
- ExtraSamples: PWord;
- ReadShortValues(IFD.BitsPerSample, SampleBits, SampleCnt);
- if SampleCnt<>IFD.SamplesPerPixel then
- begin
- ReAllocMem(SampleBits, 0);
- TiffError('Samples='+IntToStr(SampleCnt)+' <> SamplesPerPixel='+IntToStr(IFD
- .SamplesPerPixel));
- end;
- BytesPerPixel:=0;
- SampleBitsPerPixel:=0;
- PaletteCnt:= 0;
- PaletteValues:= nil;
- AlphaChannel:= -1;
- PremultipliedAlpha:= false;
- IFD.AlphaBits:= 0;
- //looking for alpha channel in extra samples
- if IFD.ExtraSamples>0 then
- ReadShortValues(IFD.ExtraSamples, ExtraSamples, ExtraSampleCnt)
- else begin
- ExtraSamples := nil;
- ExtraSampleCnt:= 0;
- end;
- if ExtraSampleCnt>=SampleCnt then
- begin
- ReAllocMem(SampleBits, 0);
- ReAllocMem(ExtraSamples, 0);
- TiffError('Samples='+IntToStr(SampleCnt)+' ExtraSampleCnt='+IntToStr(
- ExtraSampleCnt));
- end;
- RegularSampleCnt := SampleCnt - ExtraSampleCnt;
- for i:=0 to ExtraSampleCnt-1 do begin
- if ExtraSamples[i] in [1, 2] then begin
- AlphaChannel := RegularSampleCnt+i;
- PremultipliedAlpha:= ExtraSamples[i]=1;
- IFD.AlphaBits:=SampleBits[AlphaChannel];
- end;
- end;
- ReAllocMem(ExtraSamples, 0); //end of extra samples
- for i:=0 to SampleCnt-1 do begin
- if SampleBits[i]>16 then
- TiffError('Samples bigger than 16 bit not supported');
- if not (SampleBits[i] in [1, 4, 8, 12, 16]) then
- TiffError('Only samples of 1, 4, 8, 12 and 16 bit are supported');
- if (i <> 0) and ((SampleBits[i] = 1) xor (SampleBits[0] = 1)) then
- TiffError('Cannot mix 1 bit samples with other sample sizes');
- inc(SampleBitsPerPixel, SampleBits[i]);
- end;
- BytesPerPixel:= SampleBitsPerPixel div 8;
- IFD.BytesPerPixel:=BytesPerPixel;
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then
- writeln('BytesPerPixel=', BytesPerPixel);
- {$endif}
- case IFD.PhotoMetricInterpretation of
- 0, 1:
- begin
- if RegularSampleCnt<>1 then
- TiffError('gray images expect one sample per pixel, but found '+
- IntToStr(SampleCnt));
- IFD.GrayBits:=SampleBits[0];
- end;
- 2:
- begin
- if (RegularSampleCnt<>3) and (RegularSampleCnt<>4) then
- TiffError('rgb(a) images expect three or four samples per pixel, but found '+
- IntToStr(SampleCnt));
- IFD.RedBits:=SampleBits[0];
- IFD.GreenBits:=SampleBits[1];
- IFD.BlueBits:=SampleBits[2];
- if RegularSampleCnt=4 then begin
- if (AlphaChannel <> -1) then
- TiffError('Alpha channel specified twice');
- AlphaChannel:= 3;
- PremultipliedAlpha:= false;
- IFD.AlphaBits:=SampleBits[AlphaChannel];
- end;
- end;
- 3:
- begin
- if RegularSampleCnt<>1 then
- TiffError('palette images expect one sample per pixel, but found '+
- IntToStr(SampleCnt));
- if IFD.ColorMap > 0 then
- begin
- ReadShortValues(IFD.ColorMap, PaletteValues, PaletteCnt);
- if PaletteCnt <> (1 shl SampleBits[0])*3 then
- begin
- ReAllocMem(PaletteValues, 0);
- TiffError('Palette size mismatch');
- end;
- end else
- TiffError('Palette not supplied')
- end;
- 4:
- begin
- if RegularSampleCnt<>1 then
- TiffError('mask images expect one sample per pixel, but found '+
- IntToStr(SampleCnt));
- TiffError('Mask images not handled');
- end;
- 5:
- begin
- if RegularSampleCnt<>4 then
- TiffError('cmyk images expect four samples per pixel, but found '+
- IntToStr(SampleCnt));
- IFD.RedBits:=SampleBits[0]; //cyan
- IFD.GreenBits:=SampleBits[1]; //magenta
- IFD.BlueBits:=SampleBits[2]; //yellow
- IFD.GrayBits:=SampleBits[3]; //black
- PremultipliedAlpha:= false;
- end;
- 8,9:
- begin
- if (RegularSampleCnt<>1) and (RegularSampleCnt<>3) then
- TiffError('L*a*b* colorspace needs either one component for grayscale or three components, but found '+inttostr(RegularSampleCnt));
- if RegularSampleCnt = 3 then
- begin
- IFD.GreenBits:=SampleBits[0];
- if (IFD.GreenBits <> 8) and (IFD.GreenBits <> 16) then TiffError('Only 8 bit and 16 bit depth allowed for L* component');
- IFD.RedBits:=SampleBits[1];
- IFD.BlueBits:=SampleBits[2]; //in fact inverse blue so more like yellow
- if ((IFD.RedBits <> 8) and (IFD.RedBits <> 16))
- or ((IFD.BlueBits <> 8) and (IFD.BlueBits <> 16)) then TiffError('Only 8 bit and 16 bit depth allowed for a* and b* component');
- end else
- begin
- IFD.GrayBits:=SampleBits[0];
- if (IFD.GrayBits <> 8) and (IFD.GrayBits <> 16) then TiffError('Only 8 bit and 16 bit depth allowed for L* component');
- end;
- PremultipliedAlpha:= false;
- end
- else
- TiffError('Photometric interpretation not handled (' + inttostr(IFD.PhotoMetricInterpretation)+')');
- end;
-procedure TBGRAReaderTiff.SetFPImgExtras(CurImg: TFPCustomImage; IFD: TTiffIFD);
- ClearTiffExtras(CurImg);
- // set Tiff extra attributes
- CurImg.Extra[TiffPhotoMetric]:=IntToStr(IFD.PhotoMetricInterpretation);
- //writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.SetFPImgExtras PhotoMetric=',CurImg.Extra[TiffPhotoMetric]);
- if IFD.Artist<>'' then
- CurImg.Extra[TiffArtist]:=IFD.Artist;
- if IFD.Copyright<>'' then
- CurImg.Extra[TiffCopyright]:=IFD.Copyright;
- if IFD.DocumentName<>'' then
- CurImg.Extra[TiffDocumentName]:=IFD.DocumentName;
- if IFD.DateAndTime<>'' then
- CurImg.Extra[TiffDateTime]:=IFD.DateAndTime;
- if IFD.HostComputer<>'' then
- CurImg.Extra[TiffHostComputer]:=IFD.HostComputer;
- if IFD.ImageDescription<>'' then
- CurImg.Extra[TiffImageDescription]:=IFD.ImageDescription;
- if IFD.Make_ScannerManufacturer<>'' then
- CurImg.Extra[TiffMake_ScannerManufacturer]:=IFD.Make_ScannerManufacturer;
- if IFD.Model_Scanner<>'' then
- CurImg.Extra[TiffModel_Scanner]:=IFD.Model_Scanner;
- if IFD.Software<>'' then
- CurImg.Extra[TiffSoftware]:=IFD.Software;
- if not (IFD.Orientation in [1..8]) then
- IFD.Orientation:=1;
- CurImg.Extra[TiffOrientation]:=IntToStr(IFD.Orientation);
- if IFD.ResolutionUnit<>0 then
- CurImg.Extra[TiffResolutionUnit]:=IntToStr(IFD.ResolutionUnit);
- if (IFD.XResolution.Numerator<>0) or (IFD.XResolution.Denominator<>0) then
- CurImg.Extra[TiffXResolution]:=TiffRationalToStr(IFD.XResolution);
- if (IFD.YResolution.Numerator<>0) or (IFD.YResolution.Denominator<>0) then
- CurImg.Extra[TiffYResolution]:=TiffRationalToStr(IFD.YResolution);
- CurImg.Extra[TiffRedBits]:=IntToStr(IFD.RedBits);
- CurImg.Extra[TiffGreenBits]:=IntToStr(IFD.GreenBits);
- CurImg.Extra[TiffBlueBits]:=IntToStr(IFD.BlueBits);
- CurImg.Extra[TiffGrayBits]:=IntToStr(IFD.GrayBits);
- CurImg.Extra[TiffAlphaBits]:=IntToStr(IFD.AlphaBits);
- if IFD.PageCount>0 then begin
- CurImg.Extra[TiffPageNumber]:=IntToStr(IFD.PageNumber);
- CurImg.Extra[TiffPageCount]:=IntToStr(IFD.PageCount);
- end;
- if IFD.PageName<>'' then
- CurImg.Extra[TiffPageName]:=IFD.PageName;
- if IFD.ImageIsThumbNail then
- CurImg.Extra[TiffIsThumbnail]:='1';
- if IFD.ImageIsMask then
- CurImg.Extra[TiffIsMask]:='1';
- if IFD.Compression<>TiffCompressionNone then
- CurImg.Extra[TiffCompression]:=IntToStr(IFD.Compression);
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then
- WriteTiffExtras('SetFPImgExtras', CurImg);
- {$endif}
-procedure TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadImgValue(BitCount: Word;
- var Run: Pointer; var BitPos: Byte; FillOrder: LongWord;
- Predictor: word; var LastValue: word; out Value: Word);
- BitNumber: byte;
- Byte1, Byte2: byte;
- case BitCount of
- 1:
- begin
- if FillOrder = 2 then
- BitNumber:=BitPos //Leftmost pixel starts with bit 0
- else
- BitNumber:=7-BitPos; //Leftmost pixel starts with bit 7
- Value:=((PCUInt8(Run)^) and (1 shl BitNumber) shr BitNumber);
- inc(BitPos);
- if BitPos = 8 then
- begin
- BitPos := 0;
- inc(Run); //next byte when all bits read
- end;
- if Predictor = 2 then Value := (LastValue+Value) and 1;
- LastValue:=Value;
- if Value > 0 then Value := $ffff;
- end;
- 4:
- begin
- if BitPos = 0 then
- begin
- Value := PCUInt8(Run)^ shr 4;
- BitPos := 4;
- end
- else
- begin
- Value := PCUInt8(Run)^ and 15;
- BitPos := 0;
- Inc(Run);
- end;
- if Predictor = 2 then Value := (LastValue+Value) and $f;
- LastValue:=Value;
- Value := Value + (value shl 4) + (value shl 8) + (value shl 12);
- end;
- 8:
- begin
- Value:=PCUInt8(Run)^;
- inc(Run);
- if Predictor = 2 then Value := (LastValue+Value) and $ff;
- LastValue:=Value;
- Value:=Value shl 8+Value;
- end;
- 12:
- begin
- Byte1 := PCUInt8(Run)^;
- Byte2 := PCUInt8(Run+1)^;
- if BitPos = 0 then begin
- Value := (Byte1 shl 4) or (Byte2 shr 4);
- inc(Run);
- BitPos := 4;
- end else begin
- Value := ((Byte1 and $0F) shl 8) or Byte2;
- inc(Run, 2);
- BitPos := 0;
- end;
- if Predictor = 2 then Value := (LastValue+Value) and $fff;
- LastValue:=Value;
- Value := (Value shl 4) + (Value shr 8);
- end;
- 16:
- begin
- Value:=FixEndian(PCUInt16(Run)^);
- inc(Run,2);
- if Predictor = 2 then Value := (LastValue+Value) and $ffff;
- LastValue:=Value;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAReaderTiff.SetStreamPos(p: LongWord);
- NewPosition: int64;
- NewPosition:=Int64(p)+fStartPos;
- if NewPosition>s.Size then
- TiffError('Offset outside of stream');
- s.Position:=NewPosition;
-procedure TBGRAReaderTiff.LoadFromStream(aStream: TStream; AutoClear: boolean);
- i: Integer;
- aContinue: Boolean;
- if AutoClear then
- Clear;
- aContinue:=true;
- Progress(psStarting, 0, False, Rect(0,0,0,0), '', aContinue);
- if not aContinue then exit;
- LoadHeaderFromStream(aStream);
- LoadIFDsFromStream;
- for i := 0 to ImageCount-1 do
- begin
- Progress(psRunning, (i+1)*100 div (ImageCount+1), False, Rect(0,0,0,0),
- IntToStr(i+1)+'/'+IntToStr(ImageCount), aContinue);
- LoadImageFromStream(i);
- end;
- Progress(psEnding, 100, False, Rect(0,0,0,0), '', aContinue);
- ReleaseStream;
-procedure TBGRAReaderTiff.LoadHeaderFromStream(aStream: TStream);
- FFirstIFDStart:=0;
- s:=aStream;
- fStartPos:=s.Position;
- ReadTiffHeader(false,FFirstIFDStart);
-procedure TBGRAReaderTiff.LoadIFDsFromStream;
- i,j: Integer;
- IFDStart: LongWord;
- IFD: TTiffIFD;
- IFDStart:=FirstIFDStart;
- i:=0;
- while IFDStart>0 do begin
- for j := 0 to i-1 do
- if Images[j].IFDStart = IFDStart then exit; //IFD cycle detected
- if ImageCount=i then
- begin
- IFD := TTiffIFD.Create;
- ImageList.Add(IFD);
- end else
- IFD:=Images[i];
- IFDStart:=ReadIFD(IFDStart, IFD);
- inc(i);
- end;
-function TBGRAReaderTiff.FirstImg: TTiffIFD;
- Result:=nil;
- if (ImageList=nil) or (ImageList.Count=0) then exit;
- Result:=TTiffIFD(ImageList[0]);
-function TBGRAReaderTiff.GetBiggestImage: TTiffIFD;
- Size: Int64;
- IFD: TTiffIFD;
- CurSize: int64;
- i: Integer;
- Result:=nil;
- Size:=0;
- for i:=0 to ImageCount-1 do begin
- IFD:=Images[i];
- CurSize:=Int64(IFD.ImageWidth)*IFD.ImageHeight;
- if CurSize 65535 then
- TiffError('expected PhotometricInterpretation, but found '+IntToStr(UValue));
- IFD.PhotoMetricInterpretation:=UValue;
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then begin
- write('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag 262: PhotometricInterpretation=');
- case IFD.PhotoMetricInterpretation of
- 0: write('0=bilevel grayscale 0 is white');
- 1: write('1=bilevel grayscale 0 is black');
- 2: write('2=RGB 0,0,0 is black');
- 3: write('3=Palette color');
- 4: write('4=Transparency Mask');
- 5: write('5=CMYK 8bit');
- 8: write('8=L*a*b* with a and b [-128;127]');
- 9: write('9=L*a*b* with a and b [0;255]');
- end;
- writeln;
- end;
- {$endif}
- end;
- 263:
- begin
- // Tresholding
- UValue:=ReadEntryUnsigned;
- case UValue of
- 1: ; // no dithering or halftoning was applied
- 2: ; // an ordered dithering or halftoning was applied
- 3: ; // a randomized dithering or halftoning was applied
- else
- TiffError('expected Tresholding, but found '+IntToStr(UValue));
- end;
- IFD.Tresholding:=UValue;
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then
- writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag 263: Tresholding=',IFD.Tresholding);
- {$endif}
- end;
- 264:
- begin
- // CellWidth
- IFD.CellWidth:=ReadEntryUnsigned;
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then
- writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag 264: CellWidth=',IFD.CellWidth);
- {$endif}
- end;
- 265:
- begin
- // CellLength
- IFD.CellLength:=ReadEntryUnsigned;
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then
- writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag 265: CellLength=',IFD.CellLength);
- {$endif}
- end;
- 266:
- begin
- // FillOrder
- UValue:=ReadEntryUnsigned;
- case UValue of
- 1: IFD.FillOrder:=1; // left to right = high to low
- 2: IFD.FillOrder:=2; // left to right = low to high
- else
- TiffError('expected FillOrder, but found '+IntToStr(UValue));
- end;
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then begin
- write('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag 266: FillOrder=',IntToStr(IFD.FillOrder),'=');
- case IFD.FillOrder of
- 1: write('left to right = high to low');
- 2: write('left to right = low to high');
- end;
- writeln;
- end;
- {$endif}
- end;
- 269:
- begin
- // DocumentName
- IFD.DocumentName:=ReadEntryString;
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then
- writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag 269: DocumentName=',IFD.DocumentName);
- {$endif}
- end;
- 270:
- begin
- // ImageDescription
- IFD.ImageDescription:=ReadEntryString;
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then
- writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag 270: ImageDescription=',IFD.ImageDescription);
- {$endif}
- end;
- 271:
- begin
- // Make - scanner manufacturer
- IFD.Make_ScannerManufacturer:=ReadEntryString;
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then
- writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag 271: Make_ScannerManufacturer=',IFD.Make_ScannerManufacturer);
- {$endif}
- end;
- 272:
- begin
- // Model - scanner model
- IFD.Model_Scanner:=ReadEntryString;
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then
- writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag 272: Model_Scanner=',IFD.Model_Scanner);
- {$endif}
- end;
- 273:
- begin
- // StripOffsets (store offset to entity, not the actual contents of the offsets)
- IFD.StripOffsets:=GetPos; //Store position of entity so we can look up multiple offsets later
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then
- writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag 273: StripOffsets, offset for entry=',IFD.StripOffsets);
- {$endif}
- end;
- 274:
- begin
- // Orientation
- UValue:=ReadEntryUnsigned;
- case UValue of
- 1: ;// 0,0 is left, top
- 2: ;// 0,0 is right, top
- 3: ;// 0,0 is right, bottom
- 4: ;// 0,0 is left, bottom
- 5: ;// 0,0 is top, left (rotated)
- 6: ;// 0,0 is top, right (rotated)
- 7: ;// 0,0 is bottom, right (rotated)
- 8: ;// 0,0 is bottom, left (rotated)
- else
- TiffError('expected Orientation, but found '+IntToStr(UValue));
- end;
- IFD.Orientation:=UValue;
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then begin
- write('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag 274: Orientation=',IntToStr(IFD.Orientation),'=');
- case IFD.Orientation of
- 1: write('0,0 is left, top');
- 2: write('0,0 is right, top');
- 3: write('0,0 is right, bottom');
- 4: write('0,0 is left, bottom');
- 5: write('0,0 is top, left (rotated)');
- 6: write('0,0 is top, right (rotated)');
- 7: write('0,0 is bottom, right (rotated)');
- 8: write('0,0 is bottom, left (rotated)');
- end;
- writeln;
- end;
- {$endif}
- end;
- 277:
- begin
- // SamplesPerPixel
- IFD.SamplesPerPixel:=ReadEntryUnsigned;
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then
- writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag 277: SamplesPerPixel=',IFD.SamplesPerPixel);
- {$endif}
- end;
- 278:
- begin
- // RowsPerStrip
- UValue:=ReadEntryUnsigned;
- if UValue=0 then
- TiffError('expected RowsPerStrip, but found '+IntToStr(UValue));
- IFD.RowsPerStrip:=UValue;
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then
- writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag 278: RowsPerStrip=',IFD.RowsPerStrip);
- {$endif}
- end;
- 279:
- begin
- // StripByteCounts (the number of bytes in each strip).
- // We're storing the position of the tag, not the various bytecounts themselves
- IFD.StripByteCounts:=GetPos;
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then
- writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag 279: StripByteCounts, offset for entry=',IFD.StripByteCounts);
- {$endif}
- end;
- 280:
- begin
- // MinSampleValue
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then
- writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag 280: skipping MinSampleValue');
- {$endif}
- end;
- 281:
- begin
- // MaxSampleValue
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then
- writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag 281: skipping MaxSampleValue');
- {$endif}
- end;
- 282:
- begin
- // XResolution
- IFD.XResolution:=ReadEntryRational;
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- try
- if Debug then
- writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag 282: XResolution=',IFD.XResolution.Numerator,'/',IFD.XResolution.Denominator,'=',IFD.XResolution.Numerator/IFD.XResolution.Denominator);
- except
- //ignore division by 0
- end;
- {$endif}
- end;
- 283:
- begin
- // YResolution
- IFD.YResolution:=ReadEntryRational;
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- try
- if Debug then
- writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag 283: YResolution=',IFD.YResolution.Numerator,'/',IFD.YResolution.Denominator,'=',IFD.YResolution.Numerator/IFD.YResolution.Denominator);
- except
- //ignore division by 0
- end; {$endif}
- end;
- 284:
- begin
- // PlanarConfiguration
- SValue:=ReadEntrySigned;
- case SValue of
- TiffPlanarConfigurationChunky: ; // 1
- TiffPlanarConfigurationPlanar: ; // 2
- else
- TiffError('expected PlanarConfiguration, but found '+IntToStr(SValue));
- end;
- IFD.PlanarConfiguration:=SValue;
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then begin
- write('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag 284: PlanarConfiguration=');
- case SValue of
- TiffPlanarConfigurationChunky: write('chunky format');
- TiffPlanarConfigurationPlanar: write('planar format');
- end;
- writeln;
- end;
- {$endif}
- end;
- 285:
- begin
- // PageName
- IFD.PageName:=ReadEntryString;
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then
- writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag 285: PageName="'+IFD.PageName+'"');
- {$endif}
- end;
- 288:
- begin
- // FreeOffsets
- // The free bytes in a tiff file are described with FreeByteCount and FreeOffsets
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then
- writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag 288: skipping FreeOffsets');
- {$endif}
- end;
- 289:
- begin
- // FreeByteCount
- // The free bytes in a tiff file are described with FreeByteCount and FreeOffsets
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then
- writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag 289: skipping FreeByteCount');
- {$endif}
- end;
- 290:
- begin
- // GrayResponseUnit
- // precision of GrayResponseCurve
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then
- writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag 290: skipping GrayResponseUnit');
- {$endif}
- end;
- 291:
- begin
- // GrayResponseCurve
- // the optical density for each possible pixel value
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then
- writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag 291: skipping GrayResponseCurve');
- {$endif}
- end;
- 296:
- begin
- // fResolutionUnit
- UValue:=ReadEntryUnsigned;
- case UValue of
- 1: IFD.ResolutionUnit:=1; // none
- 2: IFD.ResolutionUnit:=2; // inch
- 3: IFD.ResolutionUnit:=3; // centimeter
- else
- TiffError('expected ResolutionUnit, but found '+IntToStr(UValue));
- end;
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then begin
- write('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag 296: ResolutionUnit=');
- case IFD.ResolutionUnit of
- 1: write('none');
- 2: write('inch');
- 3: write('centimeter');
- end;
- writeln;
- end;
- {$endif}
- end;
- 297:
- begin
- // page number (starting at 0) and total number of pages
- UValue:=GetPos;
- ReadShortValues(UValue,WordBuffer,Count);
- try
- if Count<>2 then begin
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then begin
- write('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag 297: PageNumber/Count: ');
- for i:=0 to Count-1 do
- write(IntToStr(WordBuffer[i]),' ');
- writeln;
- end;
- {$endif}
- TiffError('PageNumber Count=2 expected, but found '+IntToStr(Count));
- end;
- IFD.PageNumber:=WordBuffer[0];
- IFD.PageCount:=WordBuffer[1];
- if IFD.PageNumber>=IFD.PageCount then begin
- // broken order => repair
- UValue:=IFD.PageNumber;
- IFD.PageNumber:=IFD.PageCount;
- IFD.PageCount:=UValue;
- end;
- finally
- ReAllocMem(WordBuffer,0);
- end;
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then begin
- writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag 297: PageNumber=',IFD.PageNumber,'/',IFD.PageCount);
- end;
- {$endif}
- end;
- 305:
- begin
- // Software
- IFD.Software:=ReadEntryString;
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then
- writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag 305: Software="',IFD.Software,'"');
- {$endif}
- end;
- 306:
- begin
- // DateAndTime
- IFD.DateAndTime:=ReadEntryString;
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then
- writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag 306: DateAndTime="',IFD.DateAndTime,'"');
- {$endif}
- end;
- 315:
- begin
- // Artist
- IFD.Artist:=ReadEntryString;
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then
- writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag 315: Artist="',IFD.Artist,'"');
- {$endif}
- end;
- 316:
- begin
- // HostComputer
- IFD.HostComputer:=ReadEntryString;
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then
- writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag 316: HostComputer="',IFD.HostComputer,'"');
- {$endif}
- end;
- 317:
- begin
- // Predictor
- UValue:=word(ReadEntryUnsigned);
- case UValue of
- 1: ;
- 2: ;
- else TiffError('expected Predictor, but found '+IntToStr(UValue));
- end;
- IFD.Predictor:=UValue;
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then
- writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag 317: Predictor="',IFD.Predictor,'"');
- {$endif}
- end;
- 320:
- begin
- // ColorMap: N = 3*2^BitsPerSample
- IFD.ColorMap:=GetPos;
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then
- writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag 320: skipping ColorMap');
- {$endif}
- end;
- 322:
- begin
- // TileWidth
- IFD.TileWidth:=ReadEntryUnsigned;
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then
- writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag 322: TileWidth=',IFD.TileWidth);
- {$endif}
- if IFD.TileWidth=0 then
- TiffError('TileWidth=0');
- end;
- 323:
- begin
- // TileLength = TileHeight
- IFD.TileLength:=ReadEntryUnsigned;
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then
- writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag 323: TileLength=',IFD.TileLength);
- {$endif}
- if IFD.TileLength=0 then
- TiffError('TileLength=0');
- end;
- 324:
- begin
- // TileOffsets
- IFD.TileOffsets:=GetPos;
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then
- writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag 324: TileOffsets=',IFD.TileOffsets);
- {$endif}
- if IFD.TileOffsets=0 then
- TiffError('TileOffsets=0');
- end;
- 325:
- begin
- // TileByteCounts
- IFD.TileByteCounts:=GetPos;
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then
- writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag 325: TileByteCounts=',IFD.TileByteCounts);
- {$endif}
- if IFD.TileByteCounts=0 then
- TiffError('TileByteCounts=0');
- end;
- 338:
- begin
- // ExtraSamples: if SamplesPerPixel is bigger than PhotometricInterpretation
- // then ExtraSamples is an array defining the extra samples
- // 0=unspecified
- // 1=alpha (premultiplied)
- // 2=alpha (unassociated)
- IFD.ExtraSamples:=GetPos;
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then begin
- ReadShortValues(IFD.ExtraSamples,WordBuffer,Count);
- write('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag 338: ExtraSamples: ');
- for i:=0 to Count-1 do
- write(IntToStr(WordBuffer[i]),' ');
- writeln;
- ReAllocMem(WordBuffer,0);
- end;
- {$endif}
- end;
- 347:
- begin
- // ToDo: JPEGTables
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then
- writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag 347: skipping JPEG Tables');
- {$endif}
- end;
- 512:
- begin
- // ToDo: JPEGProc
- // short
- // 1 = baseline sequential
- // 14 = lossless process with Huffman encoding
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then
- writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag 512: skipping JPEGProc');
- {$endif}
- end;
- 513:
- begin
- // ToDo: JPEGInterchangeFormat
- // long
- // non zero: start of start of image SOI marker
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then
- writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag 513: skipping JPEGInterchangeFormat');
- {$endif}
- end;
- 514:
- begin
- // ToDo: JPEGInterchangeFormatLength
- // long
- // length in bytes of 513
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then
- writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag 514: skipping JPEGInterchangeFormatLength');
- {$endif}
- end;
- 515:
- begin
- // ToDo: JPEGRestartInterval
- // short
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then
- writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag 515: skipping JPEGRestartInterval');
- {$endif}
- end;
- 517:
- begin
- // ToDo: JPEGLosslessPredictor
- // short
- // Count: SamplesPerPixels
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then
- writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag 517: skipping JPEGLosslessPredictor');
- {$endif}
- end;
- 518:
- begin
- // ToDo: JPEGPointTransforms
- // short
- // Count: SamplesPerPixels
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then
- writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag 518: skipping JPEGPointTransforms');
- {$endif}
- end;
- 519:
- begin
- // ToDo: JPEGQTables
- // long
- // Count: SamplesPerPixels
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then
- writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag 519: skipping JPEGQTables');
- {$endif}
- end;
- 520:
- begin
- // ToDo: JPEGDCTables
- // long
- // Count: SamplesPerPixels
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then
- writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag 520: skipping JPEGDCTables');
- {$endif}
- end;
- 521:
- begin
- // ToDo: JPEGACTables
- // long
- // Count: SamplesPerPixels
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then
- writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag 521: skipping JPEGACTables');
- {$endif}
- end;
- 530:
- begin
- // ToDo: YCbCrSubSampling alias ChromaSubSampling
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then
- writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag 530: skipping YCbCrSubSampling alias ChromaSubSampling');
- {$endif}
- end;
- 700:
- begin
- // ToDo: XMP
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then
- writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag 700: skipping XMP');
- {$endif}
- end;
- 33432:
- begin
- // Copyright
- IFD.Copyright:=ReadEntryString;
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then
- writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag 33432: Copyright="',IFD.Copyright,'"');
- {$endif}
- end;
- 34675:
- begin
- // ToDo: ICC Profile
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then
- writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag 34675: skipping ICC profile');
- {$endif}
- end;
- else
- begin
- EntryType:=ReadWord;
- EntryCount:=ReadDWord;
- EntryStart:=ReadDWord;
- if (EntryType=0) and (EntryCount=0) and (EntryStart=0) then ;
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then
- writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDirectoryEntry Tag=',EntryTag,' Type=',EntryType,' Count=',EntryCount,' ValuesStart=',EntryStart);
- {$endif}
- end;
- end;
-function TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadEntryUnsigned: LongWord;
- EntryCount: LongWord;
- EntryType: Word;
- Result:=0;
- EntryType:=ReadWord;
- EntryCount:=ReadDWord;
- if EntryCount<>1 then
- TiffError('EntryCount=1 expected, but found '+IntToStr(EntryCount));
- //writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadEntryUnsigned Tag=',EntryTag,' Type=',EntryType,' Count=',EntryCount,' ValuesStart=',EntryStart]);
- case EntryType of
- 1: begin
- // byte: 8bit unsigned
- Result:=ReadByte;
- end;
- 3: begin
- // short: 16bit unsigned
- Result:=ReadWord;
- end;
- 4: begin
- // long: 32bit unsigned long
- Result:=ReadDWord;
- end;
- else
- TiffError('expected single unsigned value, but found type='+IntToStr(EntryType));
- end;
-function TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadEntrySigned: Cint32;
- EntryCount: LongWord;
- EntryType: Word;
- Result:=0;
- EntryType:=ReadWord;
- EntryCount:=ReadDWord;
- if EntryCount<>1 then
- TiffError('EntryCount+1 expected, but found '+IntToStr(EntryCount));
- //writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadEntrySigned Tag=',EntryTag,' Type=',EntryType,' Count=',EntryCount,' ValuesStart=',EntryStart]);
- case EntryType of
- 1: begin
- // byte: 8bit unsigned
- Result:=cint8(ReadByte);
- end;
- 3: begin
- // short: 16bit unsigned
- Result:=cint16(ReadWord);
- end;
- 4: begin
- // long: 32bit unsigned long
- Result:=cint32(ReadDWord);
- end;
- 6: begin
- // sbyte: 8bit signed
- Result:=cint8(ReadByte);
- end;
- 8: begin
- // sshort: 16bit signed
- Result:=cint16(ReadWord);
- end;
- 9: begin
- // slong: 32bit signed long
- Result:=cint32(ReadDWord);
- end;
- else
- TiffError('expected single signed value, but found type='+IntToStr(EntryType));
- end;
-function TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadEntryRational: TTiffRational;
- EntryCount: LongWord;
- EntryStart: LongWord;
- EntryType: Word;
- Result:=TiffRational0;
- EntryType:=ReadWord;
- EntryCount:=ReadDWord;
- if EntryCount<>1 then
- TiffError('EntryCount+1 expected, but found '+IntToStr(EntryCount));
- //writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadEntryUnsigned Tag=',EntryTag,' Type=',EntryType,' Count=',EntryCount,' ValuesStart=',EntryStart]);
- case EntryType of
- 1: begin
- // byte: 8bit unsigned
- Result.Numerator:=ReadByte;
- end;
- 3: begin
- // short: 16bit unsigned
- Result.Numerator:=ReadWord;
- end;
- 4: begin
- // long: 32bit unsigned long
- Result.Numerator:=ReadDWord;
- end;
- 5: begin
- // rational: Two longs: numerator + denominator
- // this does not fit into 4 bytes
- EntryStart:=ReadDWord;
- SetStreamPos(EntryStart);
- Result.Numerator:=ReadDWord;
- Result.Denominator:=ReadDWord;
- end;
- else
- TiffError('expected rational unsigned value, but found type='+IntToStr(EntryType));
- end;
-function TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadEntryString: string;
- EntryType: Word;
- EntryCount: LongWord;
- EntryStart: LongWord;
- Result:='';
- EntryType:=ReadWord;
- if EntryType<>2 then
- TiffError('asciiz expected, but found '+IntToStr(EntryType));
- EntryCount:=ReadDWord;
- SetLength(Result,EntryCount-1);
- if EntryCount>4 then begin
- // long string -> next 4 LongWord is the offset
- EntryStart:=ReadDWord;
- SetStreamPos(EntryStart);
- s.Read(Result[1],EntryCount-1);
- end else begin
- // short string -> stored directly in the next 4 bytes
- if Result<>'' then
- s.Read(Result[1],length(Result));
- // skip rest of 4 bytes
- if length(Result)<4 then
- s.Read(EntryStart,4-length(Result));
- end;
-function TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadByte: Byte;
- Result:=s.ReadByte;
-function TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadWord: Word;
- Result:=FixEndian(s.ReadWord);
-function TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadDWord: LongWord;
- Result:=FixEndian(s.ReadDWord);
-procedure TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadValues(StreamPos: LongWord; out EntryType: word; out
- EntryCount: LongWord; out Buffer: Pointer; out ByteCount: PtrUInt);
- EntryStart: LongWord;
- Buffer:=nil;
- ByteCount:=0;
- EntryType:=0;
- EntryCount:=0;
- SetStreamPos(StreamPos);
- ReadWord; // skip tag
- EntryType:=ReadWord;
- EntryCount:=ReadDWord;
- if EntryCount=0 then exit;
- case EntryType of
- 1,6,7: ByteCount:=EntryCount; // byte
- 2: ByteCount:=EntryCount; // asciiz
- 3,8: ByteCount:=2*EntryCount; // short
- 4,9: ByteCount:=4*EntryCount; // long
- 5,10: ByteCount:=8*EntryCount; // rational
- 11: ByteCount:=4*EntryCount; // single
- 12: ByteCount:=8*EntryCount; // double
- else
- TiffError('invalid EntryType '+IntToStr(EntryType));
- end;
- if ByteCount>4 then begin
- EntryStart:=ReadDWord;
- SetStreamPos(EntryStart);
- end;
- GetMem(Buffer,ByteCount);
- s.Read(Buffer^,ByteCount);
-procedure TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadShortOrLongValues(StreamPos: LongWord; out
- Buffer: PLongWord; out Count: LongWord);
- p: Pointer;
- ByteCount: PtrUInt;
- EntryType: word;
- i: LongWord;
- Buffer:=nil;
- Count:=0;
- p:=nil;
- try
- ReadValues(StreamPos,EntryType,Count,p,ByteCount);
- if Count=0 then exit;
- if EntryType=3 then begin
- // short
- GetMem(Buffer,SizeOf(LongWord)*Count);
- for i:=0 to Count-1 do
- Buffer[i]:=FixEndian(PWord(p)[i]);
- end else if EntryType=4 then begin
- // long
- Buffer:=p;
- p:=nil;
- if FReverseEndian then
- for i:=0 to Count-1 do
- Buffer[i]:=FixEndian(PLongWord(Buffer)[i]);
- end else
- TiffError('only short or long allowed');
- finally
- if p<>nil then FreeMem(p);
- end;
-procedure TBGRAReaderTiff.ReadShortValues(StreamPos: LongWord; out Buffer: PWord;
- out Count: LongWord);
- p: Pointer;
- ByteCount: PtrUInt;
- EntryType: word;
- i: LongWord;
- Buffer:=nil;
- Count:=0;
- p:=nil;
- try
- ReadValues(StreamPos,EntryType,Count,p,ByteCount);
- //writeln('ReadShortValues ',FReverseEndian,' ',EntryType,' Count=',Count,' ByteCount=',ByteCount);
- if Count=0 then exit;
- if EntryType=3 then begin
- // short
- Buffer:=p;
- p:=nil;
- if FReverseEndian then
- for i:=0 to Count-1 do
- Buffer[i]:=FixEndian(Buffer[i]);
- //for i:=0 to Count-1 do writeln(i,' ',Buffer[i]);
- end else
- TiffError('only short allowed, but found '+IntToStr(EntryType));
- finally
- if p<>nil then FreeMem(p);
- end;
-procedure TBGRAReaderTiff.LoadImageFromStream(Index: integer);
- IFD: TTiffIFD;
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then
- writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.LoadImageFromStream Index=',Index);
- {$endif}
- IFD:=Images[Index];
- LoadImageFromStream(IFD);
-procedure TBGRAReaderTiff.LoadImageFromStream(IFD: TTiffIFD);
- SampleCnt: LongWord;
- SampleBits: PWord;
- ChannelValues, LastChannelValues: array of word;
- All8Bit, All16Bit: boolean;
- procedure CheckBitCount;
- var
- Channel: LongWord;
- begin
- All8Bit := true;
- All16Bit := true;
- for Channel := 0 to SampleCnt-1 do
- begin
- if SampleBits[Channel] <> 8 then All8Bit:= false;
- if SampleBits[Channel] <> 16 then All16Bit:= false;
- end;
- end;
- PaletteCnt,PaletteStride: LongWord;
- PaletteValues: PWord;
- AlphaChannel: integer;
- PremultipliedAlpha: boolean;
- procedure InitColor;
- var Channel: LongWord;
- begin
- SetLength(ChannelValues, SampleCnt);
- SetLength(LastChannelValues, SampleCnt);
- for Channel := 0 to SampleCnt-1 do
- LastChannelValues[Channel] := 0;
- end;
- procedure ReadNext16BitData(var Run: Pointer);
- var Channel: PtrUInt;
- begin
- if FReverseEndian then
- begin
- if IFD.Predictor=2 then
- begin
- for Channel := 0 to SampleCnt-1 do
- begin
- {$PUSH}{$Q-}
- Inc(ChannelValues[Channel],Swap(Word(Run^)));
- {$POP}
- inc(Run, 2);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- for Channel := 0 to SampleCnt-1 do
- begin
- ChannelValues[Channel] := Swap(Word(Run^));
- inc(Run, 2);
- end;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- if IFD.Predictor=2 then
- begin
- for Channel := 0 to SampleCnt-1 do
- begin
- {$PUSH}{$Q-}
- Inc(ChannelValues[Channel],Word(Run^));
- {$POP}
- inc(Run, 2);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- for Channel := 0 to SampleCnt-1 do
- begin
- ChannelValues[Channel] := Word(Run^);
- inc(Run, 2);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure ReadNext8BitData(var Run: Pointer);
- var Channel: PtrUInt;
- begin
- if IFD.Predictor=2 then
- begin
- for Channel := 0 to SampleCnt-1 do
- begin
- {$PUSH}{$Q-}
- LastChannelValues[Channel] := (LastChannelValues[Channel]+Byte(Run^)) and $ff;
- ChannelValues[Channel] := LastChannelValues[Channel]+(LastChannelValues[Channel] shl 8);
- {$POP}
- inc(Run);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- for Channel := 0 to SampleCnt-1 do
- begin
- ChannelValues[Channel] := Byte(Run^)+(Byte(Run^) shl 8);
- inc(Run);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure ReadNextPixelData(var Run: Pointer; var BitPos: byte);
- var Channel: LongWord;
- begin
- for Channel := 0 to SampleCnt-1 do
- ReadImgValue(SampleBits[Channel], Run,BitPos,IFD.FillOrder,
- IFD.Predictor,LastChannelValues[Channel],
- ChannelValues[Channel]);
- end;
- procedure GetPixelAsLab(out lab: TLabA);
- begin
- lab.L := 0;
- lab.a := 0;
- lab.b := 0;
- lab.alpha := 1;
- case IFD.PhotoMetricInterpretation of
- 8: begin
- case IFD.GrayBits of
- 8,16: lab.L := ChannelValues[0]*(100/65535);
- 0:begin
- lab.L := ChannelValues[0]*(100/65535);
- case IFD.RedBits of
- 16: lab.a := SmallInt(ChannelValues[1])/256;
- 8: lab.a := ShortInt(ChannelValues[1] shr 8);
- end;
- case IFD.BlueBits of
- 16: lab.b := SmallInt(ChannelValues[2])/256;
- 8: lab.b := ShortInt(ChannelValues[2] shr 8);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- 9: begin
- case IFD.GrayBits of
- 16: lab.L := ChannelValues[0]*(100/65280);
- 8: lab.L := ChannelValues[0]*(100/65535);
- 0:begin
- case IFD.GreenBits of
- 16: lab.L := ChannelValues[0]*(100/65280);
- 8: lab.L := ChannelValues[0]*(100/65535);
- end;
- case IFD.RedBits of
- 16: lab.a := (ChannelValues[1]-32768)/256;
- 8: lab.a := (ChannelValues[1] shr 8)-128;
- end;
- case IFD.BlueBits of
- 16: lab.b := (ChannelValues[2]-32768)/256;
- 8: lab.b := (ChannelValues[2] shr 8)-128;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- //10: ITULAB: ITU L*a*b*
- //32844: LOGL: CIE Log2(L)
- //32845: LOGLUV: CIE Log2(L) (u',v')
- else
- TiffError('PhotometricInterpretation='+IntToStr(IFD.PhotoMetricInterpretation)+' not supported');
- end;
- if AlphaChannel >= 0 then
- lab.alpha:= ChannelValues[AlphaChannel]/65535;
- end;
- FPColorValue: TFPColor;
- procedure GetPixelAsFPColor;
- var PaletteIndex: LongWord;
- GrayValue: Word;
- lab: TLabA;
- begin
- if IFD.PhotoMetricInterpretation >= 8 then
- begin
- GetPixelAsLab(lab);
- FPColorValue.FromLabA(lab);
- exit;
- end;
- case IFD.PhotoMetricInterpretation of
- 0,1: // 0:bilevel grayscale 0 is white; 1:0 is black
- begin
- GrayValue := ChannelValues[0];
- if IFD.PhotoMetricInterpretation=0 then
- GrayValue:=$ffff-GrayValue;
- FPColorValue.red := GrayValue;
- FPColorValue.green:= GrayValue;
- FPColorValue.blue := GrayValue;
- FPColorValue.alpha := alphaOpaque;
- end;
- 2: // RGB(A)
- begin
- FPColorValue.red := ChannelValues[0];
- FPColorValue.green:= ChannelValues[1];
- FPColorValue.blue := ChannelValues[2];
- FPColorValue.alpha := alphaOpaque;
- end;
- 3: //3 Palette/color map indexed
- begin
- PaletteIndex := ChannelValues[0] shr (16 - SampleBits[0]);
- FPColorValue.red := PaletteValues[PaletteIndex];
- FPColorValue.green:= PaletteValues[PaletteIndex+PaletteStride];
- FPColorValue.blue := PaletteValues[PaletteIndex+2*PaletteStride];
- FPColorValue.alpha := alphaOpaque;
- end;
- //4 Mask/holdout mask (obsolete by TIFF 6.0 specification)
- 5: // CMYK plus optional alpha
- FPColorValue:=CMYKToFPColor(ChannelValues[0],ChannelValues[1],ChannelValues[2],ChannelValues[3]);
- //6: YCBCR: CCIR 601
- else
- TiffError('PhotometricInterpretation='+IntToStr(IFD.PhotoMetricInterpretation)+' not supported');
- end;
- if AlphaChannel >= 0 then
- begin
- FPColorValue.alpha:= ChannelValues[AlphaChannel];
- if PremultipliedAlpha and (FPColorValue.alpha <> alphaOpaque) and (FPColorValue.alpha <> 0) then
- begin
- FPColorValue.red := (FPColorValue.red * alphaOpaque + FPColorValue.alpha div 2) div FPColorValue.alpha;
- FPColorValue.green := (FPColorValue.green * alphaOpaque + FPColorValue.alpha div 2) div FPColorValue.alpha;
- FPColorValue.blue := (FPColorValue.blue * alphaOpaque + FPColorValue.alpha div 2) div FPColorValue.alpha;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- ChunkOffsets: PLongWord;
- ChunkByteCounts: PLongWord;
- Chunk: PByte;
- ChunkCount: LongWord;
- ChunkIndex: LongWord;
- CurCount: LongWord;
- CurOffset: LongWord;
- CurByteCnt: PtrInt;
- Run: PByte;
- BitPos: Byte;
- x, y, cx, cy, dx1,dy1, dx2,dy2, sx, sy: integer;
- SampleBitsPerPixel: LongWord;
- CurFPImg: TFPCustomImage;
- aContinue, ConvertFromLab: Boolean;
- ExpectedChunkLength: PtrInt;
- ChunkType: TTiffChunkType;
- TilesAcross, TilesDown: LongWord;
- ChunkLeft, ChunkTop, ChunkWidth, ChunkHeight: LongWord;
- ChunkBytesPerLine: LongWord;
- LabArray: array of TLabA;
- ConversionFromLab: TBridgedConversion;
- DestStride: PtrInt;
- PDest: PByte;
- CurPixelValue: TBGRAPixel;
- procedure ComputeDestStride;
- begin
- DestStride := dy1*TCustomUniversalBitmap(CurFPImg).RowSize;
- if TCustomUniversalBitmap(CurFPImg).LineOrder = riloBottomToTop then
- DestStride := -DestStride;
- inc(DestStride, dx1*PtrInt(TCustomUniversalBitmap(CurFPImg).Colorspace.GetSize));
- end;
- if (IFD.ImageWidth=0) or (IFD.ImageHeight=0) then
- exit;
- if IFD.PhotoMetricInterpretation=High(IFD.PhotoMetricInterpretation) then
- TiffError('missing PhotometricInterpretation');
- if IFD.BitsPerSample=0 then
- TiffError('missing BitsPerSample');
- if IFD.TileWidth>0 then begin
- ChunkType:=tctTile;
- if IFD.TileLength=0 then
- TiffError('missing TileLength');
- if IFD.TileOffsets=0 then
- TiffError('missing TileOffsets');
- if IFD.TileByteCounts=0 then
- TiffError('missing TileByteCounts');
- end else begin
- ChunkType:=tctStrip;
- if IFD.RowsPerStrip=0 then
- TiffError('missing RowsPerStrip');
- if IFD.StripOffsets=0 then
- TiffError('missing StripOffsets');
- if IFD.StripByteCounts=0 then
- TiffError('missing StripByteCounts');
- end;
- if IFD.PlanarConfiguration > 1 then
- TiffError('Planar configuration not handled');
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then
- writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.LoadImageFromStream reading ...');
- {$endif}
- ChunkOffsets:=nil;
- ChunkByteCounts:=nil;
- Chunk:=nil;
- SampleBits:=nil;
- try
- // read chunk starts and sizes
- if ChunkType=tctTile then begin
- TilesAcross:=(IFD.ImageWidth+IFD.TileWidth-1) div IFD.TileWidth;
- TilesDown:=(IFD.ImageHeight+IFD.TileLength-1) div IFD.TileLength;
- {$ifdef FPC_Debug_Image}
- if Debug then
- writeln('TBGRAReaderTiff.LoadImageFromStream TilesAcross=',TilesAcross,' TilesDown=',TilesDown);
- {$endif}
- ChunkCount := TilesAcross * TilesDown;
- ReadShortOrLongValues(IFD.TileOffsets,ChunkOffsets,CurCount);
- if CurCount 2) then
- begin
- ComputeDestStride;
- PDest := TBGRACustomBitmap(CurFPImg).GetPixelAddress(sx,sy);
- if (IFD.PhotoMetricInterpretation = 0) and (SampleCnt = 1) then
- begin
- for cx:=0 to ChunkWidth-1 do begin
- PBGRAPixel(PDest)^.red:= FastRoundDiv257(not (PWord(Run)^));
- PBGRAPixel(PDest)^.green:= PBGRAPixel(PDest)^.red;
- PBGRAPixel(PDest)^.blue:= PBGRAPixel(PDest)^.red;
- PBGRAPixel(PDest)^.alpha:= 255;
- inc(Run, 2);
- inc(PDest, DestStride);
- end;
- end else
- if (IFD.PhotoMetricInterpretation = 1) and (SampleCnt = 1) then
- begin
- for cx:=0 to ChunkWidth-1 do begin
- PBGRAPixel(PDest)^.red:= FastRoundDiv257(PWord(Run)^);
- PBGRAPixel(PDest)^.green:= PBGRAPixel(PDest)^.red;
- PBGRAPixel(PDest)^.blue:= PBGRAPixel(PDest)^.red;
- PBGRAPixel(PDest)^.alpha:= 255;
- inc(Run, 2);
- inc(PDest, DestStride);
- end;
- end else
- if (IFD.PhotoMetricInterpretation = 2) and (SampleCnt = 3) then
- begin
- for cx:=0 to ChunkWidth-1 do begin
- PBGRAPixel(PDest)^.red:= FastRoundDiv257(PWord(Run)^);
- PBGRAPixel(PDest)^.green:= FastRoundDiv257(PWord(Run+2)^);
- PBGRAPixel(PDest)^.blue:= FastRoundDiv257(PWord(Run+4)^);
- PBGRAPixel(PDest)^.alpha:= 255;
- inc(Run, 6);
- inc(PDest, DestStride);
- end;
- end else
- for cx:=0 to ChunkWidth-1 do begin
- ReadNext16BitData(Run);
- GetPixelAsFPColor;
- PBGRAPixel(PDest)^.red:= FastRoundDiv257(FPColorValue.red);
- PBGRAPixel(PDest)^.green:= FastRoundDiv257(FPColorValue.green);
- PBGRAPixel(PDest)^.blue:= FastRoundDiv257(FPColorValue.blue);
- PBGRAPixel(PDest)^.alpha:= FastRoundDiv257(FPColorValue.alpha);
- inc(PDest, DestStride);
- end;
- end else
- for cx:=0 to ChunkWidth-1 do begin
- ReadNext16BitData(Run);
- GetPixelAsFPColor;
- CurFPImg.Colors[x,y]:= FPColorValue;
- // next column
- inc(x,dx1);
- inc(y,dy1);
- end;
- end else
- if All8Bit then
- begin
- if CurFPImg is TBGRACustomBitmap then
- begin
- ComputeDestStride;
- PDest := TBGRACustomBitmap(CurFPImg).GetPixelAddress(sx,sy);
- if (IFD.PhotoMetricInterpretation = 0) and (SampleCnt = 1) then
- begin
- if IFD.Predictor = 2 then
- begin
- CurPixelValue := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- for cx:=0 to ChunkWidth-1 do begin
- {$PUSH}{$R-}inc(CurPixelValue.green, run^);{$POP}
- PBGRAPixel(PDest)^.red:= not CurPixelValue.green;
- PBGRAPixel(PDest)^.green:= not CurPixelValue.green;
- PBGRAPixel(PDest)^.blue:= not CurPixelValue.green;
- PBGRAPixel(PDest)^.alpha:= 255;
- inc(Run);
- inc(PDest, DestStride);
- end;
- end else
- for cx:=0 to ChunkWidth-1 do begin
- PBGRAPixel(PDest)^.red:= not (Run^);
- PBGRAPixel(PDest)^.green:= not (Run^);
- PBGRAPixel(PDest)^.blue:= not (Run^);
- PBGRAPixel(PDest)^.alpha:= 255;
- inc(Run);
- inc(PDest, DestStride);
- end;
- end else
- if (IFD.PhotoMetricInterpretation = 1) and (SampleCnt = 1) then
- begin
- if IFD.Predictor = 2 then
- begin
- CurPixelValue := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- for cx:=0 to ChunkWidth-1 do begin
- {$PUSH}{$R-}inc(CurPixelValue.green, run^);{$POP}
- PBGRAPixel(PDest)^.red:= CurPixelValue.green;
- PBGRAPixel(PDest)^.green:= CurPixelValue.green;
- PBGRAPixel(PDest)^.blue:= CurPixelValue.green;
- PBGRAPixel(PDest)^.alpha:= 255;
- inc(Run);
- inc(PDest, DestStride);
- end;
- end else
- for cx:=0 to ChunkWidth-1 do begin
- PBGRAPixel(PDest)^.red:= Run^;
- PBGRAPixel(PDest)^.green:= Run^;
- PBGRAPixel(PDest)^.blue:= Run^;
- PBGRAPixel(PDest)^.alpha:= 255;
- inc(Run);
- inc(PDest, DestStride);
- end;
- end else
- if (IFD.PhotoMetricInterpretation = 2) and (SampleCnt = 3) then
- begin
- if IFD.Predictor = 2 then
- begin
- CurPixelValue := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- for cx:=0 to ChunkWidth-1 do begin
- {$PUSH}{$R-}inc(CurPixelValue.red, run^);{$POP}
- {$PUSH}{$R-}inc(CurPixelValue.green, (run+1)^);{$POP}
- {$PUSH}{$R-}inc(CurPixelValue.blue, (run+2)^);{$POP}
- PBGRAPixel(PDest)^.red:= CurPixelValue.red;
- PBGRAPixel(PDest)^.green:= CurPixelValue.green;
- PBGRAPixel(PDest)^.blue:= CurPixelValue.blue;
- PBGRAPixel(PDest)^.alpha:= 255;
- inc(Run,3);
- inc(PDest, DestStride);
- end;
- end else
- for cx:=0 to ChunkWidth-1 do begin
- PBGRAPixel(PDest)^.red:= Run^;
- PBGRAPixel(PDest)^.green:= (Run+1)^;
- PBGRAPixel(PDest)^.blue:= (Run+2)^;
- PBGRAPixel(PDest)^.alpha:= 255;
- inc(Run,3);
- inc(PDest, DestStride);
- end;
- end else
- for cx:=0 to ChunkWidth-1 do begin
- ReadNext8BitData(Run);
- GetPixelAsFPColor;
- PBGRAPixel(PDest)^.red:= FPColorValue.red shr 8;
- PBGRAPixel(PDest)^.green:= FPColorValue.green shr 8;
- PBGRAPixel(PDest)^.blue:= FPColorValue.blue shr 8;
- PBGRAPixel(PDest)^.alpha:= FPColorValue.alpha shr 8;
- inc(PDest, DestStride);
- end;
- end else
- for cx:=0 to ChunkWidth-1 do begin
- ReadNext8BitData(Run);
- GetPixelAsFPColor;
- CurFPImg.Colors[x,y]:= FPColorValue;
- // next column
- inc(x,dx1);
- inc(y,dy1);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- for cx:=0 to ChunkWidth-1 do begin
- ReadNextPixelData(Run,BitPos);
- GetPixelAsFPColor;
- CurFPImg.Colors[x,y]:= FPColorValue;
- // next column
- inc(x,dx1);
- inc(y,dy1);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- // next line
- inc(sx,dx2);
- inc(sy,dy2);
- end;
- // next chunk
- end;
- finally
- ReAllocMem(SampleBits,0);
- ReAllocMem(ChunkOffsets,0);
- ReAllocMem(ChunkByteCounts,0);
- ReAllocMem(Chunk,0);
- ReAllocMem(PaletteValues,0);
- end;
-procedure TBGRAReaderTiff.ReleaseStream;
- s := nil;
-function TBGRAReaderTiff.FixEndian(w: Word): Word; inline;
- if FReverseEndian then
- Result:= SwapEndian(w)
- else
- result:= w;
-function TBGRAReaderTiff.FixEndian(d: LongWord): LongWord; inline;
- if FReverseEndian then
- Result:= SwapEndian(d)
- else
- result:= d;
-procedure TBGRAReaderTiff.DecodePackBits(var Buffer: Pointer; var Count: PtrInt);
- NewBuffer: Pointer;
- NewCount: PtrInt;
- DecompressPackBits(Buffer,Count,NewBuffer,NewCount);
- FreeMem(Buffer);
- Buffer:=NewBuffer;
- Count:=NewCount;
-procedure TBGRAReaderTiff.DecodeLZW(var Buffer: Pointer; var Count: PtrInt);
- NewBuffer: Pointer;
- NewCount: PtrInt;
- DecompressLZW(Buffer,Count,NewBuffer,NewCount);
- FreeMem(Buffer);
- Buffer:=NewBuffer;
- Count:=NewCount;
-procedure TBGRAReaderTiff.DecodeDeflate(var Buffer: Pointer; var Count: PtrInt;
- ExpectedCount: PtrInt);
- NewBuffer: PByte;
- NewCount: LongWord;
- ErrorMsg: String;
- ErrorMsg:='';
- NewBuffer:=nil;
- try
- NewCount:=ExpectedCount;
- if not DecompressDeflate(Buffer,Count,NewBuffer,NewCount,@ErrorMsg) then
- TiffError(ErrorMsg);
- FreeMem(Buffer);
- Buffer:=NewBuffer;
- Count:=NewCount;
- NewBuffer:=nil;
- finally
- ReAllocMem(NewBuffer,0);
- end;
-procedure TBGRAReaderTiff.InternalRead(Str: TStream; AnImage: TFPCustomImage);
-// read the biggest image
- aContinue: Boolean;
- BestIFD: TTiffIFD;
- Clear;
- // read header
- aContinue:=true;
- Progress(psStarting, 0, False, Rect(0,0,0,0), '', aContinue);
- if not aContinue then exit;
- LoadHeaderFromStream(Str);
- LoadIFDsFromStream;
- // find the biggest image
- BestIFD := GetBiggestImage;
- Progress(psRunning, 25, False, Rect(0,0,0,0), '', aContinue);
- if not aContinue then exit;
- // read image
- if Assigned(BestIFD) then begin
- BestIFD.Img := AnImage;
- LoadImageFromStream(BestIFD);
- end;
- // end
- Progress(psEnding, 100, False, Rect(0,0,0,0), '', aContinue);
-function TBGRAReaderTiff.InternalCheck(Str: TStream): boolean;
- IFDStart: LongWord;
- try
- s:=Str;
- fStartPos:=s.Position;
- Result:=ReadTiffHeader(true,IFDStart) and (IFDStart<>0);
- s.Position:=fStartPos;
- except
- Result:=false;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAReaderTiff.DoCreateImage(ImgFileDir: TTiffIFD);
- if Assigned(OnCreateImage) then
- OnCreateImage(Self,ImgFileDir);
-constructor TBGRAReaderTiff.Create;
- ImageList:=TFPList.Create;
-destructor TBGRAReaderTiff.Destroy;
- Clear;
- FreeAndNil(ImageList);
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TBGRAReaderTiff.Clear;
- i: Integer;
- Img: TTiffIFD;
- for i:=ImageCount-1 downto 0 do begin
- Img:=Images[i];
- ImageList.Delete(i);
- Img.Free;
- end;
- FReverseEndian:=false;
- FreeAndNil(FIFDList);
-procedure DecompressPackBits(Buffer: Pointer; Count: PtrInt; out
- NewBuffer: Pointer; out NewCount: PtrInt);
-{ Algorithm:
- while not got the expected number of bytes
- read one byte n
- if n in 0..127 copy the next n+1 bytes
- else if n in -127..-1 then copy the next byte 1-n times
- else continue
- end
- p: Pcint8;
- n: cint8;
- d: pcint8;
- i,j: integer;
- EndP: Pcint8;
- // compute NewCount
- NewCount:=0;
- NewBuffer:=nil;
- if Count=0 then exit;
- p:=Pcint8(Buffer);
- EndP:=p+Count;
- while p CodeBufferLength do
- begin
- if SrcPos >= Count then
- begin
- result := EoiCode;
- exit;
- end;
- If BigEndian then
- CodeBuffer := (CodeBuffer shl 8) or PByte(Buffer)[SrcPos]
- else
- CodeBuffer := CodeBuffer or (LongWord(PByte(Buffer)[SrcPos]) shl CodeBufferLength);
- Inc(SrcPos);
- Inc(CodeBufferLength, 8);
- end;
- if BigEndian then
- begin
- result := CodeBuffer shr (CodeBufferLength-CurBitLength);
- Dec(CodeBufferLength, CurBitLength);
- CodeBuffer := CodeBuffer and ((1 shl CodeBufferLength) - 1);
- end else
- begin
- result := CodeBuffer and ((1 shl CurBitLength)-1);
- Dec(CodeBufferLength, CurBitLength);
- CodeBuffer := CodeBuffer shr CurBitLength;
- end;
- end;
- procedure ClearTable;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- for i:=0 to TableCount-1 do
- if Table[i].Data <> @Table[i].ShortData then
- ReAllocMem(Table[i].Data,0);
- TableCount:=0;
- end;
- procedure InitializeTable;
- begin
- CurBitLength:=9;
- ClearTable;
- end;
- function IsInTable(Code: word): boolean;
- begin
- Result:=Code<258+TableCount;
- end;
- procedure WriteStringFromCode(Code: integer; AddFirstChar: boolean = false);
- var
- s: TLZWString;
- begin
- //WriteLn('WriteStringFromCode Code=',Code,' AddFirstChar=',AddFirstChar,' x=',(NewCount div 4) mod IFD.ImageWidth,' y=',(NewCount div 4) div IFD.ImageWidth,' PixelByte=',NewCount mod 4);
- if Code<256 then begin
- // write byte
- s.ShortData[0] := code;
- s.Data:=@s.ShortData;
- s.Count:=1;
- end else if Code>=258 then begin
- // write string
- if Code-258>=TableCount then
- Error('LZW code out of bounds');
- s:=Table[Code-258];
- end else
- Error('LZW code out of bounds');
- if NewCount+s.Count+1>NewCapacity then begin
- NewCapacity:=NewCapacity*2+8;
- ReAllocMem(NewBuffer,NewCapacity);
- end;
- System.Move(s.Data^,NewBuffer[NewCount],s.Count);
- //for i:=0 to s.Count-1 do write(HexStr(NewBuffer[NewCount+i],2)); // debug
- inc(NewCount,s.Count);
- if AddFirstChar then begin
- NewBuffer[NewCount]:=s.Data^;
- //write(HexStr(NewBuffer[NewCount],2)); // debug
- inc(NewCount);
- end;
- //writeln(',WriteStringFromCode'); // debug
- end;
- procedure AddStringToTable(Code, AddFirstCharFromCode: integer);
- // add string from code plus first character of string from code as new string
- var
- s1, s2: TLZWString;
- p: PByte;
- NewCount: integer;
- begin
- //WriteLn('AddStringToTable Code=',Code,' FCFCode=',AddFirstCharFromCode,' TableCount=',TableCount);
- //check whether can store more codes or not
- if TableCount=high(Table)+1 then exit;
- // find string 1
- if Code<256 then begin
- // string is byte
- s1.ShortData[0] := code;
- s1.Data:=@s1.ShortData;
- s1.Count:=1;
- end else if Code>=258 then begin
- // normal string
- if Code-258>=TableCount then
- Error('LZW code out of bounds');
- s1:=Table[Code-258];
- end else
- Error('LZW code out of bounds');
- // find string 2
- if AddFirstCharFromCode<256 then begin
- // string is byte
- s2.ShortData[0] := AddFirstCharFromCode;
- s2.Data:=@s2.ShortData;
- s2.Count:=1;
- end else begin
- // normal string
- if AddFirstCharFromCode-258>=TableCount then
- Error('LZW code out of bounds');
- s2:=Table[AddFirstCharFromCode-258];
- end;
- // set new table entry
- NewCount := s1.Count+1;
- Table[TableCount].Count:= NewCount;
- if NewCount > 4 then
- begin
- p:=nil;
- GetMem(p,NewCount);
- end else
- p := @Table[TableCount].ShortData;
- Table[TableCount].Data:=p;
- System.Move(s1.Data^,p^,s1.Count);
- // add first character from string 2
- p[s1.Count]:=s2.Data^;
- // increase TableCount
- inc(TableCount);
- case TableCount+258+TableMargin of
- 512,1024,2048: begin
- //check if there is room for a greater code
- if (Count-SrcPos) shl 3 + integer(CodeBufferLength) > integer(CurBitLength) then
- inc(CurBitLength);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- NewBuffer:=nil;
- NewCount:=0;
- if Count=0 then exit;
- //WriteLn('DecompressLZW START Count=',Count);
- //for SrcPos:=0 to 19 do
- // write(HexStr(PByte(Buffer)[SrcPos],2));
- //writeln();
- NewCapacity:=Count*2;
- ReAllocMem(NewBuffer,NewCapacity);
- if PByte(Buffer)[0] = $80 then
- begin
- BigEndian := true; //endian-ness of LZW is not necessarily consistent with the rest of the file
- TableMargin := 1; //keep one free code to be able to write EOI code
- end else
- begin
- BigEndian := false;
- TableMargin := 0;
- end;
- SrcPos:=0;
- CurBitLength:=9;
- CodeBufferLength := 0;
- CodeBuffer := 0;
- TableCount:=0;
- OldCode := NoCode;
- try
- repeat
- Code:=GetNextCode;
- //WriteLn('DecompressLZW Code=',Code);
- if Code=EoiCode then break;
- if Code=ClearCode then begin
- InitializeTable;
- Code:=GetNextCode;
- //WriteLn('DecompressLZW after clear Code=',Code);
- if Code=EoiCode then break;
- if Code=ClearCode then
- Error('LZW code out of bounds');
- WriteStringFromCode(Code);
- OldCode:=Code;
- end else begin
- if Code NoCode then
- AddStringToTable(OldCode,Code);
- OldCode:=Code;
- end else if (Code=TableCount+258) and (OldCode <> NoCode) then begin
- WriteStringFromCode(OldCode,true);
- AddStringToTable(OldCode,OldCode);
- OldCode:=Code;
- end else
- Error('LZW code out of bounds');
- end;
- until false;
- finally
- ClearTable;
- end;
- ReAllocMem(NewBuffer,NewCount);
-function DecompressDeflate(Compressed: PByte; CompressedCount: LongWord;
- out Decompressed: PByte; var DecompressedCount: LongWord;
- ErrorMsg: PAnsiString = nil): boolean;
- stream : z_stream;
- err : integer;
- Result:=false;
- //writeln('DecompressDeflate START');
- Decompressed:=nil;
- if CompressedCount=0 then begin
- DecompressedCount:=0;
- exit;
- end;
- err := inflateInit(stream{%H-});
- if err <> Z_OK then begin
- if ErrorMsg<>nil then
- ErrorMsg^:='inflateInit failed';
- exit;
- end;
- // set input = compressed data
- stream.avail_in := CompressedCount;
- stream.next_in := Compressed;
- // set output = decompressed data
- if DecompressedCount=0 then
- DecompressedCount:=CompressedCount;
- Getmem(Decompressed,DecompressedCount);
- stream.avail_out := DecompressedCount;
- stream.next_out := Decompressed;
- // Finish the stream
- while TRUE do begin
- //writeln('run: total_in=',stream.total_in,' avail_in=',stream.avail_in,' total_out=',stream.total_out,' avail_out=',stream.avail_out);
- if (stream.avail_out=0) then begin
- // need more space
- if DecompressedCount<128 then
- DecompressedCount:=DecompressedCount+128
- else if DecompressedCount>High(DecompressedCount)-1024 then begin
- if ErrorMsg<>nil then
- ErrorMsg^:='inflate decompression failed, because not enough space';
- exit;
- end else
- DecompressedCount:=DecompressedCount*2;
- ReAllocMem(Decompressed,DecompressedCount);
- stream.next_out:=Decompressed+stream.total_out;
- stream.avail_out:=DecompressedCount-stream.total_out;
- end;
- err := inflate(stream, Z_NO_FLUSH);
- if err = Z_STREAM_END then
- break;
- if err<>Z_OK then begin
- if ErrorMsg<>nil then
- ErrorMsg^:='inflate finish failed';
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- //writeln('decompressed: total_in=',stream.total_in,' total_out=',stream.total_out);
- DecompressedCount:=stream.total_out;
- ReAllocMem(Decompressed,DecompressedCount);
- err := inflateEnd(stream);
- if err<>Z_OK then begin
- if ErrorMsg<>nil then
- ErrorMsg^:='inflateEnd failed';
- exit;
- end;
- Result:=true;
- DefaultBGRAImageReader[ifTiff] := TBGRAReaderTiff;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrareadwebp.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrareadwebp.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index a921f98..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrareadwebp.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAReadWebP;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, FPImage;
- TWebPHeader = record
- RIFFCode: array[1..4] of char;
- FileSize: LongWord;
- WebPCode: array[1..4] of char;
- end;
- { TBGRAReaderWebP }
- TBGRAReaderWebP = class(TFPCustomImageReader)
- protected
- function ReadHeader(Str: TStream): TWebPHeader;
- procedure InternalRead(Str: TStream; Img: TFPCustomImage); override;
- function InternalCheck(Str: TStream): boolean; override;
- end;
-uses libwebp{$ifdef linux}, linuxlib{$endif}, BGRABitmapTypes;
- MyLibWebPLoaded: boolean;
-procedure NeedLibWebP;
- if not MyLibWebPLoaded then
- begin
- if not LibWebPLoad({$ifdef linux}FindLinuxLibrary('libwebp.so', 6){$endif}) then
- raise exception.Create('Cannot find libwebp library ('+LibWebPFilename+')');
- MyLibWebPLoaded:= true;
- end;
-{ TBGRAReaderWebP }
-function TBGRAReaderWebP.ReadHeader(Str: TStream): TWebPHeader;
- fillchar({%H-}result, sizeof({%H-}result), 0);
- Str.Read(result, sizeof(result));
- result.FileSize:= LEtoN(result.FileSize);
-procedure TBGRAReaderWebP.InternalRead(Str: TStream; Img: TFPCustomImage);
- CopySize = 65536;
- header: TWebPHeader;
- oldPos: Int64;
- mem, p: PByte;
- totalSize, remain: LongWord;
- toRead, w, h, x, y: integer;
- loadInto: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- pbgra: PBGRAPixel;
- ok: Boolean;
- NeedLibWebP;
- oldPos := Str.Position;
- header := ReadHeader(Str);
- if (header.RIFFCode <> 'RIFF') or (header.WebPCode <> 'WEBP') then
- raise exception.Create('Invalid header');
- Str.Position:= OldPos;
- totalSize := header.FileSize+8;
- getmem(mem, totalSize);
- loadInto := nil;
- try
- p := mem;
- remain := totalSize;
- while remain > 0 do
- begin
- if remain > CopySize then toRead := CopySize else
- toRead := remain;
- Str.ReadBuffer(p^, toRead);
- inc(p, toRead);
- dec(remain, toRead);
- end;
- if WebPGetInfo(mem, totalSize, @w, @h) = 0 then
- raise exception.Create('Invalid WebP header');
- Img.SetSize(w, h);
- if Img is TBGRACustomBitmap then
- loadInto := TBGRACustomBitmap(Img)
- else
- loadInto := BGRABitmapFactory.Create(w,h);
- if TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder then
- ok := WebPDecodeRGBAInto(mem, totalSize, loadInto.DataByte, loadInto.RowSize*h, loadInto.RowSize)<>nil
- else
- ok := WebPDecodeBGRAInto(mem, totalSize, loadInto.DataByte, loadInto.RowSize*h, loadInto.RowSize)<>nil;
- {$POP}
- loadInto.InvalidateBitmap;
- if not ok then raise exception.Create('Error decoding WebP');
- if loadInto.LineOrder = riloBottomToTop then loadInto.VerticalFlip;
- if Img <> loadInto then
- begin
- for y := 0 to h-1 do
- begin
- pbgra := loadInto.ScanLine[y];
- for x := 0 to w-1 do
- begin
- Img.Colors[x,y] := pbgra^.ToFPColor;
- inc(pbgra);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- finally
- if Assigned(loadInto) and (loadInto <> Img) then loadInto.Free;
- freemem(mem);
- end;
-function TBGRAReaderWebP.InternalCheck(Str: TStream): boolean;
- oldPos: Int64;
- header: TWebPHeader;
- oldPos := Str.Position;
- try
- header := ReadHeader(Str);
- result := (header.RIFFCode = 'RIFF') and (header.WebPCode = 'WEBP') and
- (header.FileSize <= $FFFFFFF6) and (header.FileSize <= Str.Size-Str.Position+4);
- finally
- Str.Position:= OldPos;
- end;
- DefaultBGRAImageReader[ifWebP] := TBGRAReaderWebP;
- if MyLibWebPLoaded then
- begin
- LibWebPUnload;
- MyLibWebPLoaded:= false;
- end;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrareadxpm.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrareadxpm.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index a9b23ab..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrareadxpm.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAReadXPM;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, FPReadXPM, FPimage;
- { TBGRAReaderXPM }
- TBGRAReaderXPM = class(TFPReaderXPM)
- protected
- procedure InternalRead(Str: TStream; Img: TFPCustomImage); override;
- function InternalCheck(Str: TStream): boolean; override;
- public
- class procedure ConvertToXPM3(ASource: TStream; ADestination: TStream); static;
- end;
-uses BGRABitmapTypes;
-{ TBGRAReaderXPM }
-procedure TBGRAReaderXPM.InternalRead(Str: TStream; Img: TFPCustomImage);
-var tempStream: TMemoryStream;
- tempStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- ConvertToXPM3(Str, tempStream);
- tempStream.Position:= 0;
- try
- img.UsePalette := true;
- inherited InternalRead(tempStream, Img);
- finally
- end;
- finally
- tempStream.free;
- end;
-function TBGRAReaderXPM.InternalCheck(Str: TStream): boolean;
-var {%H-}magic : array[0..5] of char;
- l : integer;
- prevPos: int64;
- try
- prevPos := str.Position;
- l := str.Read ({%H-}magic[0],sizeof(magic));
- str.Position:= prevPos;
- result := (l = sizeof(magic)) and (magic = '! XPM2');
- if not result then result := inherited InternalCheck(Str)
- except
- result := false;
- end;
-class procedure TBGRAReaderXPM.ConvertToXPM3(ASource: TStream;
- ADestination: TStream);
- lst: TStringList;
- i : integer;
- lst := TStringList.Create;
- try
- lst.LoadFromStream(ASource);
- if (lst[0] = '! XPM2') and (lst.count > 1) then
- begin
- lst[0] := '/* XPM */';
- lst.Insert(1, 'static char * data[] = {');
- for i := 2 to lst.Count-2 do
- lst[i] := '"' + lst[i] + '",';
- lst[lst.count-1] := '"' + lst[lst.count-1] + '"';
- lst.Add('}');
- end;
- lst.SaveToStream(ADestination);
- finally
- lst.free;
- end;
- DefaultBGRAImageReader[ifXPixMap] := TBGRAReaderXPM;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrarenderer3d.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrarenderer3d.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index d31f34a..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrarenderer3d.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,842 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRARenderer3D;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
-uses BGRABitmapTypes,
- BGRASceneTypes, BGRASSE,
- BGRAPolygon, BGRAColorInt,
- BGRAClasses, BGRAMatrix3D,
- BGRAPolygonAliased;
- TInt65536ShaderFunction3D = function (Context: PBasicLightingContext; Color: TBGRAPixel): TColorInt65536 of object;
- { TBGRAShader3D }
- TBGRAShader3D = class
- protected
- FAmbiantLightness: integer;
- FAmbiantLightColor: TColorInt65536;
- FUseAmbiantColor: boolean;
- FLights: TList;
- FContextBlock: TMemoryBlockAlign128;
- FShaderFunc: TShaderFunction3D;
- FInt65536ShaderFunc: TInt65536ShaderFunction3D;
- FContext: PBasicLightingContext;
- FOnlyDirectionalLights: boolean;
- FWhiteMaterial: boolean;
- procedure ComputeDiffuseLightness(Context: PSceneLightingContext); inline;
- procedure ComputeDiffuseLight(Context: PSceneLightingContext); inline;
- procedure ComputeDiffuseAndSpecularLight(Context: PSceneLightingContext); inline;
- function ApplyNoLighting(Context: PSceneLightingContext; Color: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
- function ApplyLightingWithAmbiantLightnessOnly(Context: PSceneLightingContext; Color: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
- function ApplyLightingWithLightness(Context: PSceneLightingContext; Color: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
- function ApplyLightingWithDiffuseColor(Context: PSceneLightingContext; Color: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
- function ApplyLightingWithDiffuseAndSpecularColor(Context: PSceneLightingContext; Color: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
- function Int65536ApplyNoLighting(Context: PSceneLightingContext; Color: TBGRAPixel): TColorInt65536;
- function Int65536ApplyLightingWithAmbiantLightnessOnly(Context: PSceneLightingContext; Color: TBGRAPixel): TColorInt65536;
- function Int65536ApplyLightingWithLightness(Context: PSceneLightingContext; Color: TBGRAPixel): TColorInt65536;
- function Int65536ApplyLightingWithDiffuseColor(Context: PSceneLightingContext; Color: TBGRAPixel): TColorInt65536;
- function Int65536ApplyLightingWithDiffuseAndSpecularColor(Context: PSceneLightingContext; Color: TBGRAPixel): TColorInt65536;
- public
- constructor Create(const AAmbiantLightColorF: TColorF; ALights: TList);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function Apply(APosition: TPoint3D_128; ANormal: TPoint3D_128; AColor: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
- function Int65536Apply(APosition: TPoint3D_128; ANormal: TPoint3D_128; AColor: TBGRAPixel): TColorInt65536;
- procedure Prepare(constref ADescription: TFaceRenderingDescription);
- property ShaderFunction: TShaderFunction3D read FShaderFunc;
- property Int65536ShaderFunction: TInt65536ShaderFunction3D read FInt65536ShaderFunc;
- property Context: PBasicLightingContext read FContext;
- property OnlyDirectionalLights: boolean read FOnlyDirectionalLights;
- end;
- { TBGRARenderer3D }
- TBGRARenderer3D = class(TCustomRenderer3D)
- protected
- FColorGradientTempBmp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- FZBuffer: PSingle;
- FOutputSurface, FRenderSurface: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- FRenderSurfaceMultisample: Integer;
- FMultishapeFiller: TBGRAMultishapeFiller;
- FOptions: TRenderingOptions;
- FShader: TBGRAShader3D;
- FDepths: array of single;
- FLightings: array of word;
- FShadedColors: array of TBGRAPixel;
- FSameShadedColors: boolean;
- FCenter: record
- proj: TPointF;
- pos3D,normal3D: TPoint3D_128;
- color: TBGRAPixel;
- end;
- function GetHasZBuffer: boolean; override;
- function GetGlobalScale: single; override;
- function GetSurfaceWidth: integer; override;
- function GetSurfaceHeight: integer; override;
- function GetHandlesNearClipping: boolean; override;
- function GetHandlesFaceCulling: boolean; override;
- public
- constructor Create(AOutputSurface: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- ARenderingOptions: TRenderingOptions;
- AAmbiantLightColorF: TColorF;
- ALights: TList);
- function RenderFace(var ADescription: TFaceRenderingDescription;
- AComputeCoordinate: TComputeProjectionFunc): boolean; override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- end;
-uses SysUtils, BGRAResample;
-{ TBGRAShader3D }
-constructor TBGRAShader3D.Create(const AAmbiantLightColorF: TColorF;
- ALights: TList);
- j: Integer;
- FAmbiantLightColor := ColorFToColorInt65536(AAmbiantLightColorF);
- FAmbiantLightness := round((AAmbiantLightColorF[1]+AAmbiantLightColorF[2]+AAmbiantLightColorF[3])/3*32768);
- FUseAmbiantColor:= (FAmbiantLightColor.r <> FAmbiantLightColor.g) or (FAmbiantLightColor.g <> FAmbiantLightColor.b);
- FLights := ALights;
- FContextBlock := TMemoryBlockAlign128.Create(sizeof(TSceneLightingContext));
- FOnlyDirectionalLights:= true;
- for j := 0 to FLights.Count-1 do
- if not TBGRALight3D(FLights[j]).IsDirectional then FOnlyDirectionalLights := false;
-destructor TBGRAShader3D.Destroy;
- FreeAndNil(FContextBlock);
- inherited Destroy;
-function TBGRAShader3D.Apply(APosition: TPoint3D_128; ANormal: TPoint3D_128;
- AColor: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
- with Context^ do
- begin
- Position := APosition;
- Normal := ANormal;
- end;
- result := ShaderFunction(Context,AColor);
-function TBGRAShader3D.Int65536Apply(APosition: TPoint3D_128;
- ANormal: TPoint3D_128; AColor: TBGRAPixel): TColorInt65536;
- with Context^ do
- begin
- Position := APosition;
- Normal := ANormal;
- end;
- result := Int65536ShaderFunction(Context,AColor);
-procedure TBGRAShader3D.Prepare(constref
- ADescription: TFaceRenderingDescription);
- UseDiffuseColor: Boolean;
- j: Integer;
- ctx: PSceneLightingContext;
- with ADescription do
- begin
- FWhiteMaterial:= Texture <> nil;
- if Material.GetSpecularOn then
- begin
- FShaderFunc := TShaderFunction3D(@ApplyLightingWithDiffuseAndSpecularColor);
- FInt65536ShaderFunc := TInt65536ShaderFunction3D(@Int65536ApplyLightingWithDiffuseAndSpecularColor);
- end else
- begin
- UseDiffuseColor := FUseAmbiantColor;
- if not UseDiffuseColor then
- begin
- with Material.GetDiffuseColorInt do
- UseDiffuseColor := (r <> g) or (g <> b);
- if not UseDiffuseColor and Material.GetAutoDiffuseColor then
- begin
- for j := 0 to FLights.Count-1 do
- if TBGRALight3D(FLights[j]).GetColoredLight then
- begin
- UseDiffuseColor := true;
- break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if UseDiffuseColor then
- begin
- FShaderFunc := TShaderFunction3D(@ApplyLightingWithDiffuseColor);
- FInt65536ShaderFunc := TInt65536ShaderFunction3D(@Int65536ApplyLightingWithDiffuseColor);
- end else
- begin
- if FLights.Count = 0 then
- begin
- if FAmbiantLightness = 32768 then
- begin
- FShaderFunc := TShaderFunction3D(@ApplyNoLighting);
- FInt65536ShaderFunc := TInt65536ShaderFunction3D(@Int65536ApplyNoLighting);
- end else
- begin
- FShaderFunc := TShaderFunction3D(@ApplyLightingWithAmbiantLightnessOnly);
- FInt65536ShaderFunc := TInt65536ShaderFunction3D(@Int65536ApplyLightingWithAmbiantLightnessOnly);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- FShaderFunc := TShaderFunction3D(@ApplyLightingWithLightness);
- FInt65536ShaderFunc := TInt65536ShaderFunction3D(@Int65536ApplyLightingWithLightness);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- ctx := PSceneLightingContext( FContextBlock.Data );
- ctx^.material := Material;
- ctx^.LightThroughFactor := LightThroughFactor;
- ctx^.LightThrough := ctx^.LightThroughFactor > 0;
- ctx^.SaturationHighF := Material.GetSaturationHigh;
- ctx^.SaturationLowF := Material.GetSaturationLow;
- ctx^.SaturationHigh := round(Material.GetSaturationHigh*32768);
- ctx^.SaturationLow := round(Material.GetSaturationLow*32768);
- FContext := PBasicLightingContext(ctx);
- end;
-procedure TBGRAShader3D.ComputeDiffuseLightness(
- Context: PSceneLightingContext);
-var i: Int32or64;
- Context^.lightness := FAmbiantLightness;
- i := FLights.Count-1;
- while i >= 0 do
- begin
- TBGRALight3D(FLights[i]).ComputeDiffuseLightness(Context);
- dec(i);
- end;
-procedure TBGRAShader3D.ComputeDiffuseLight(Context: PSceneLightingContext);
-var i: Int32or64;
- m: TBGRAMaterial3D;
- m := TBGRAMaterial3D(Context^.material);
- if FWhiteMaterial or m.GetAutoAmbiantColor then
- Context^.diffuseColor := FAmbiantLightColor
- else
- Context^.diffuseColor := FAmbiantLightColor*m.GetAmbiantColorInt;
- i := FLights.Count-1;
- while i >= 0 do
- begin
- TBGRALight3D(FLights[i]).ComputeDiffuseColor(Context);
- dec(i);
- end;
- Context^.diffuseColor.a := 65536;
-procedure TBGRAShader3D.ComputeDiffuseAndSpecularLight(
- Context: PSceneLightingContext);
-var i: Int32or64;
- m: TBGRAMaterial3D;
- m := TBGRAMaterial3D(Context^.material);
- if FWhiteMaterial or m.GetAutoAmbiantColor then
- Context^.diffuseColor := FAmbiantLightColor
- else
- Context^.diffuseColor := FAmbiantLightColor*m.GetAmbiantColorInt;
- Context^.specularColor := ColorInt65536(0,0,0,0);
- i := FLights.Count-1;
- while i >= 0 do
- begin
- TBGRALight3D(FLights[i]).ComputeDiffuseAndSpecularColor(Context);
- dec(i);
- end;
- Context^.diffuseColor.a := 65536;
-function TBGRAShader3D.ApplyNoLighting(Context: PSceneLightingContext;
- Color: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
- m: TBGRAMaterial3D;
- m := TBGRAMaterial3D(Context^.material);
- if FWhiteMaterial or m.GetAutoAmbiantColor then
- result := Color
- else
- result := ColorIntToBGRA(BGRAToColorInt(Color,True)*m.GetAmbiantColorInt,True);
-function TBGRAShader3D.ApplyLightingWithAmbiantLightnessOnly(
- Context: PSceneLightingContext; Color: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
- m: TBGRAMaterial3D;
- m := TBGRAMaterial3D(Context^.material);
- if not FWhiteMaterial and not m.GetAutoAmbiantColor then
- Color := ColorIntToBGRA(BGRAToColorInt(Color,True)* m.GetAmbiantColorInt,True);
- if FAmbiantLightness <= 0 then
- result := BGRA(0,0,0,color.alpha)
- else
- result := ApplyIntensityFast(Color, FAmbiantLightness);
-function TBGRAShader3D.ApplyLightingWithLightness(Context: PSceneLightingContext;
- Color: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
- m: TBGRAMaterial3D;
- ComputeDiffuseLightness(Context);
- m := TBGRAMaterial3D(Context^.material);
- if not FWhiteMaterial and not m.GetAutoSimpleColor then
- Color := ColorIntToBGRA(BGRAToColorInt(Color,True)*m.GetSimpleColorInt,True);
- with Context^ do
- if Lightness <= 0 then
- result := BGRA(0,0,0,color.alpha)
- else
- begin
- if Lightness <= SaturationLow then
- result := ApplyIntensityFast(Color, Lightness)
- else if Lightness >= SaturationHigh then
- result := BGRA(255,255,255,color.alpha)
- else
- result := ApplyLightnessFast( ApplyIntensityFast(Color, SaturationLow),
- (Lightness - SaturationLow)*32767 div (SaturationHigh-SaturationLow)+32768 );
- end;
-function TBGRAShader3D.ApplyLightingWithDiffuseColor(Context: PSceneLightingContext;
- Color: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
- ComputeDiffuseLight(Context);
- result := ColorIntToBGRA(BGRAToColorInt(Color,True)*Context^.diffuseColor,True);
-function TBGRAShader3D.ApplyLightingWithDiffuseAndSpecularColor(Context: PSceneLightingContext;
- Color: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
- ComputeDiffuseAndSpecularLight(Context);
- result := ColorIntToBGRA(BGRAToColorInt(Color,True)*Context^.diffuseColor + Context^.specularColor,True);
-function TBGRAShader3D.Int65536ApplyNoLighting(Context: PSceneLightingContext;
- Color: TBGRAPixel): TColorInt65536;
- m: TBGRAMaterial3D;
- m := TBGRAMaterial3D(Context^.material);
- if not FWhiteMaterial and not m.GetAutoAmbiantColor then
- result := BGRAToColorInt(Color,True)* m.GetAmbiantColorInt
- else
- result := BGRAToColorInt(Color,True);
-function TBGRAShader3D.Int65536ApplyLightingWithAmbiantLightnessOnly(
- Context: PSceneLightingContext; Color: TBGRAPixel): TColorInt65536;
- m: TBGRAMaterial3D;
- MaterialColor: TColorInt65536;
- m := TBGRAMaterial3D(Context^.material);
- if not FWhiteMaterial and not m.GetAutoAmbiantColor then
- MaterialColor := BGRAToColorInt(Color,True)* m.GetAmbiantColorInt
- else
- MaterialColor := BGRAToColorInt(Color,True);
- if FAmbiantLightness <= 0 then
- result := ColorInt65536(0,0,0,MaterialColor.a)
- else
- result := MaterialColor *
- ColorInt65536(FAmbiantLightness shl 1,FAmbiantLightness shl 1,FAmbiantLightness shl 1,65536);
-function TBGRAShader3D.Int65536ApplyLightingWithLightness(
- Context: PSceneLightingContext; Color: TBGRAPixel): TColorInt65536;
- MaterialColor: TColorInt65536;
- m: TBGRAMaterial3D;
- Extra: Int32or64;
- ComputeDiffuseLightness(Context);
- m := TBGRAMaterial3D(Context^.material);
- if not FWhiteMaterial and not m.GetAutoSimpleColor then
- MaterialColor := BGRAToColorInt(Color,True)*m.GetSimpleColorInt
- else
- MaterialColor := BGRAToColorInt(Color,True);
- with Context^ do
- if Lightness <= 0 then
- result := ColorInt65536(0,0,0,MaterialColor.a)
- else
- begin
- if Lightness <= SaturationLow then
- result := MaterialColor * ColorInt65536(Lightness shl 1,Lightness shl 1,Lightness shl 1,65536)
- else if Lightness >= SaturationHigh then
- result := ColorInt65536(65536,65536,65536,MaterialColor.a)
- else
- begin
- result := MaterialColor * ColorInt65536(Lightness shl 1,Lightness shl 1,Lightness shl 1,65536);
- Extra := (Lightness - SaturationLow)*65536 div (SaturationHigh-SaturationLow);
- inc(result.r, Extra);
- inc(result.g, Extra);
- inc(result.b, Extra);
- end;
- end;
-function TBGRAShader3D.Int65536ApplyLightingWithDiffuseColor(
- Context: PSceneLightingContext; Color: TBGRAPixel): TColorInt65536;
- ComputeDiffuseLight(Context);
- result := BGRAToColorInt(Color,True)*Context^.diffuseColor;
-function TBGRAShader3D.Int65536ApplyLightingWithDiffuseAndSpecularColor(
- Context: PSceneLightingContext; Color: TBGRAPixel): TColorInt65536;
- ComputeDiffuseAndSpecularLight(Context);
- result := BGRAToColorInt(Color,True)*Context^.diffuseColor + Context^.specularColor;
-{ TBGRARenderer3D }
-function TBGRARenderer3D.GetHasZBuffer: boolean;
- result := Assigned(FZBuffer);
-function TBGRARenderer3D.GetGlobalScale: single;
- result := FRenderSurfaceMultisample;
-function TBGRARenderer3D.GetSurfaceWidth: integer;
- result := FOutputSurface.Width;
-function TBGRARenderer3D.GetSurfaceHeight: integer;
- result := FOutputSurface.Height;
-function TBGRARenderer3D.GetHandlesNearClipping: boolean;
- result := false;
-function TBGRARenderer3D.GetHandlesFaceCulling: boolean;
- result := false;
-constructor TBGRARenderer3D.Create(AOutputSurface: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- ARenderingOptions: TRenderingOptions;
- AAmbiantLightColorF: TColorF;
- ALights: TList);
- if AOutputSurface = nil then
- raise exception.Create('No surface specified');
- FOutputSurface := AOutputSurface;
- FOptions := ARenderingOptions;
- if (FOptions.AntialiasingMode = am3dResample)
- and (FOptions.AntialiasingResampleLevel > 1) then
- begin
- FRenderSurface := FOutputSurface.NewBitmap(FOutputSurface.Width*FOptions.AntialiasingResampleLevel,
- FOutputSurface.Height*FOptions.AntialiasingResampleLevel);
- FRenderSurfaceMultisample := FOptions.AntialiasingResampleLevel;
- end else
- begin
- FRenderSurface := FOutputSurface;
- FRenderSurfaceMultisample := 1;
- end;
- FColorGradientTempBmp := FRenderSurface.NewBitmap(2,2);
- FColorGradientTempBmp.ScanInterpolationFilter := rfLinear;
- if FOptions.PerspectiveMode = pmZBuffer then
- begin
- Getmem(FZBuffer, FRenderSurface.NbPixels*sizeof(single));
- FillDWord(FZBuffer^, FRenderSurface.NbPixels, LongWord(single(0)));
- end
- else
- FZBuffer := nil;
- if (FOptions.AntialiasingMode = am3dMultishape) and
- (FOptions.PerspectiveMode <> pmZBuffer) then
- begin
- FMultishapeFiller := TBGRAMultishapeFiller.Create;
- FMultishapeFiller.PolygonOrder := poLastOnTop;
- end
- else
- FMultishapeFiller := nil;
- FShader := TBGRAShader3D.Create(AAmbiantLightColorF, ALights);
-function TBGRARenderer3D.RenderFace(var ADescription: TFaceRenderingDescription;
- AComputeCoordinate: TComputeProjectionFunc): boolean;
- procedure ComputeCenter;
- var j: Int32or64;
- begin
- with ADescription do
- begin
- with FCenter do
- begin
- ClearPoint3D_128(pos3D);
- ClearPoint3D_128(normal3D);
- color := MergeBGRA(slice(Colors,NbVertices));
- end;
- for j := 0 to NbVertices-1 do
- begin
- FCenter.pos3D.Offset(Positions3D[j]);
- FCenter.normal3D.Offset(Normals3D[j]);
- end;
- with FCenter do
- begin
- pos3D.Scale(1/NbVertices);
- Normalize3D_128(normal3D);
- end;
- end;
- FCenter.proj := AComputeCoordinate(FCenter.pos3D);
- end;
- procedure DrawFaceWithShader;
- var
- j,k: Int32or64;
- SameColor: boolean;
- begin
- with ADescription do
- begin
- if Texture <> nil then
- begin
- BGRAPolygonAliased.PolygonPerspectiveMappingShaderAliased(FRenderSurface,
- slice(Projections,NbVertices),slice(Positions3D,NbVertices),slice(Normals3D,NbVertices),
- Texture,slice(TexCoords,NbVertices),FOptions.TextureInterpolation,
- FShader.ShaderFunction,True, BGRAPixelTransparent,FZBuffer,FShader.Context);
- exit;
- end;
- SameColor := True;
- for j := 1 to NbVertices-1 do
- if (Colors[j]<>Colors[j-1]) then SameColor := False;
- if SameColor then
- begin
- BGRAPolygonAliased.PolygonPerspectiveMappingShaderAliased(FRenderSurface,
- slice(Projections,NbVertices),slice(Positions3D,NbVertices),slice(Normals3D,NbVertices),nil,
- slice(TexCoords,NbVertices),False,FShader.ShaderFunction,True,Colors[0],FZBuffer,FShader.Context);
- end else
- if NbVertices = 3 then
- begin
- FColorGradientTempBmp.SetPixel(0,0,Colors[0]);
- FColorGradientTempBmp.SetPixel(1,0,Colors[1]);
- FColorGradientTempBmp.SetPixel(0,1,Colors[2]);
- FColorGradientTempBmp.SetPixel(1,1,MergeBGRA(Colors[1],Colors[2]));
- BGRAPolygonAliased.PolygonPerspectiveMappingShaderAliased(FRenderSurface,
- slice(Projections,NbVertices),slice(Positions3D,NbVertices),slice(Normals3D,NbVertices),FColorGradientTempBmp,
- [PointF(0,0),PointF(1,0),PointF(0,1)],True,FShader.ShaderFunction,True, BGRAPixelTransparent,FZBuffer,FShader.Context);
- end else
- if NbVertices = 4 then
- begin
- FColorGradientTempBmp.SetPixel(0,0,Colors[0]);
- FColorGradientTempBmp.SetPixel(1,0,Colors[1]);
- FColorGradientTempBmp.SetPixel(1,1,Colors[2]);
- FColorGradientTempBmp.SetPixel(0,1,Colors[3]);
- BGRAPolygonAliased.PolygonPerspectiveMappingShaderAliased(FRenderSurface,
- slice(Projections,NbVertices),slice(Positions3D,NbVertices),slice(Normals3D,NbVertices),FColorGradientTempBmp,
- [PointF(0,0),PointF(1,0),PointF(1,1),PointF(0,1)],True,FShader.ShaderFunction,True, BGRAPixelTransparent,FZBuffer,FShader.Context);
- end else
- if NbVertices >= 3 then
- begin //split into triangles
- ComputeCenter;
- k := NbVertices-1;
- for j := 0 to NbVertices-1 do
- begin
- FColorGradientTempBmp.SetPixel(0,0,Colors[k]);
- FColorGradientTempBmp.SetPixel(1,0,Colors[j]);
- FColorGradientTempBmp.SetPixel(0,1,FCenter.color);
- FColorGradientTempBmp.SetPixel(1,1,MergeBGRA(Colors[j],FCenter.color));
- BGRAPolygonAliased.PolygonPerspectiveMappingShaderAliased(FRenderSurface,
- [Projections[k],Projections[j],FCenter.proj], [Positions3D[k],Positions3D[j],FCenter.pos3D],
- [Normals3D[k],Normals3D[j],FCenter.normal3D], FColorGradientTempBmp,
- [PointF(0,0),PointF(1,0),PointF(0,1)],True,FShader.ShaderFunction,True, BGRAPixelTransparent,FZBuffer,FShader.Context);
- k := j;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure ComputeShadedColors;
- var
- j: Int32or64;
- begin
- with ADescription do
- begin
- //Vertex lighting interpolation (low-quality Gouraud, low-quality Phong)
- if length(FShadedColors) < NbVertices then
- setlength(FShadedColors, NbVertices);
- for j := 0 to NbVertices-1 do
- FShadedColors[j] := FShader.Apply(Positions3D[j],Normals3D[j],Colors[j]);
- FSameShadedColors := True;
- for j := 1 to NbVertices-1 do
- if (FShadedColors[j]<>FShadedColors[j-1]) then
- begin
- FSameShadedColors := False;
- break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure DrawWithMultishape;
- var shadedCenter: TBGRAPixel;
- j,k: Int32or64;
- begin
- with ADescription do
- begin
- if Texture <> nil then
- begin
- if (FOptions.PerspectiveMode <> pmLinearMapping) and (NbVertices=4) then
- FMultishapeFiller.AddQuadPerspectiveMapping(
- Projections[0],Projections[1],Projections[2],Projections[3],
- Texture,TexCoords[0],TexCoords[1],TexCoords[2],TexCoords[3])
- else
- if NbVertices>=3 then
- begin
- for j := 0 to NbVertices-3 do
- FMultishapeFiller.AddTriangleLinearMapping(
- Projections[j],Projections[j+1],Projections[j+2],
- Texture,TexCoords[j],TexCoords[j+1],TexCoords[j+2]);
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- ComputeShadedColors;
- if FSameShadedColors then
- FMultishapeFiller.AddPolygon(slice(Projections,NbVertices),FShadedColors[0])
- else
- if NbVertices=3 then
- FMultishapeFiller.AddTriangleLinearColor(
- Projections[0],Projections[1],Projections[2],
- FShadedColors[0],FShadedColors[1],FShadedColors[2])
- else
- if NbVertices>=3 then
- begin //split into triangles
- ComputeCenter;
- shadedCenter := FShader.Apply(FCenter.pos3D,FCenter.normal3D,FCenter.color);
- k := NbVertices-1;
- for j := 0 to NbVertices-1 do
- begin
- FMultishapeFiller.AddTriangleLinearColor(
- Projections[k],Projections[j],FCenter.proj,
- FShadedColors[k],FShadedColors[j],shadedCenter);
- k := j;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure DrawAliasedColoredFace;
- var j,k: integer;
- shadedCenter: TBGRAPixel;
- begin
- with ADescription do
- begin
- ComputeShadedColors;
- if FSameShadedColors then
- begin
- if FOptions.PerspectiveMode = pmZBuffer then
- BGRAPolygonAliased.PolygonPerspectiveColorGradientAliased(FRenderSurface, slice(Projections,NbVertices),
- slice(FDepths,NbVertices), slice(FShadedColors,NbVertices),True,FZBuffer)
- else
- FRenderSurface.FillPoly(slice(Projections,NbVertices),FShadedColors[0],dmDrawWithTransparency);
- end
- else
- begin
- if NbVertices > 4 then
- begin //split into triangles
- ComputeCenter;
- shadedCenter := FShader.Apply(FCenter.pos3D,FCenter.normal3D,FCenter.color);
- k := NbVertices-1;
- if FOptions.PerspectiveMode = pmLinearMapping then
- begin
- for j := 0 to NbVertices-1 do
- begin
- FRenderSurface.FillPolyLinearColor([Projections[k],Projections[j],FCenter.proj],[FShadedColors[k],FShadedColors[j],shadedCenter]);
- k := j;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- for j := 0 to NbVertices-1 do
- begin
- BGRAPolygonAliased.PolygonPerspectiveColorGradientAliased(FRenderSurface, [Projections[k],Projections[j],FCenter.proj],
- [FDepths[k],FDepths[j],FCenter.pos3D.z], [FShadedColors[k],FShadedColors[j],shadedCenter],True,FZBuffer);
- k := j;
- end;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- if FOptions.PerspectiveMode = pmLinearMapping then
- FRenderSurface.FillPolyLinearColor(slice(Projections,NbVertices),slice(FShadedColors,NbVertices))
- else
- BGRAPolygonAliased.PolygonPerspectiveColorGradientAliased(FRenderSurface, slice(Projections,NbVertices),
- slice(FDepths,NbVertices), slice(FShadedColors,NbVertices),True,FZBuffer);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure DrawWithoutShader;
- var
- noLighting: Boolean;
- j: Int32or64;
- begin
- with ADescription do
- begin
- if length(FDepths) < NbVertices then
- setlength(FDepths, NbVertices);
- for j := 0 to NbVertices-1 do
- FDepths[j] := Positions3D[j].z;
- if Texture <> nil then
- begin
- noLighting := True;
- if length(FLightings) < NbVertices then
- setlength(FLightings, NbVertices);
- for j := 0 to NbVertices-1 do
- begin
- FLightings[j] := FShader.Int65536Apply(Positions3D[j],Normals3D[j],BGRAWhite).g div 2;
- if abs(FLightings[j]-32768) > 1 then noLighting := false;
- end;
- if noLighting then
- begin
- if FOptions.PerspectiveMode <> pmLinearMapping then
- FRenderSurface.FillPolyPerspectiveMapping(slice(Projections,NbVertices),
- slice(FDepths,NbVertices),Texture,slice(TexCoords,NbVertices),
- FOptions.TextureInterpolation, FZBuffer)
- else
- FRenderSurface.FillPolyLinearMapping(slice(Projections,NbVertices),
- Texture,slice(TexCoords,NbVertices),FOptions.TextureInterpolation);
- end else
- begin
- if FOptions.PerspectiveMode <> pmLinearMapping then
- FRenderSurface.FillPolyPerspectiveMappingLightness(
- slice(Projections,NbVertices),slice(FDepths,NbVertices),Texture,
- slice(TexCoords,NbVertices),slice(FLightings,NbVertices),
- FOptions.TextureInterpolation, FZBuffer)
- else
- FRenderSurface.FillPolyLinearMappingLightness(
- slice(Projections,NbVertices),Texture,slice(TexCoords,NbVertices),
- slice(FLightings,NbVertices),FOptions.TextureInterpolation);
- end;
- end
- else
- DrawAliasedColoredFace; //already low-quality shaded
- end;
- end;
- j: integer;
- SkipShader: boolean;
- result := true;
- FShader.Prepare(ADescription);
- with ADescription do
- begin
- //high-quality lighting interpolation, necessary for Phong and high-quality Gouraud
- if ( (FOptions.LightingInterpolation = liAlwaysHighQuality) or
- ((FOptions.LightingInterpolation = liSpecularHighQuality) and Material.GetSpecularOn) )
- and (NormalsMode <> lnNone) then
- begin
- //if there are only directional lights and all the normals are the same,
- //then the lighting will be uniform so we can skip the shader
- if FShader.OnlyDirectionalLights then
- begin
- SkipShader := true;
- for j := 1 to NbVertices-1 do
- if Normals3D[j] <> Normals3D[j-1] then
- begin
- SkipShader := false;
- break;
- end;
- end else
- SkipShader := false;
- if not SkipShader then
- begin
- DrawFaceWithShader;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- if Assigned(FMultishapeFiller) then //high-quality antialiasing
- DrawWithMultishape
- else
- DrawWithoutShader;
- end;
-destructor TBGRARenderer3D.Destroy;
- FreeAndNil(FShader);
- if Assigned(FMultishapeFiller) then
- begin
- FMultishapeFiller.Draw(FRenderSurface);
- FreeAndNil(FMultishapeFiller);
- end;
- if FZBuffer <> nil then
- begin
- FreeMem(FZBuffer);
- FZBuffer := nil;
- end;
- FreeAndNil(FColorGradientTempBmp);
- if FRenderSurfaceMultisample > 1 then
- begin
- BGRAResample.DownSamplePutImage(FRenderSurface,
- FRenderSurfaceMultisample,FRenderSurfaceMultisample,
- FOutputSurface, 0,0, dmDrawWithTransparency);
- FreeAndNil(FRenderSurface);
- FRenderSurfaceMultisample := 1;
- end
- else
- FRenderSurface := nil;
- inherited Destroy;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgraresample.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgraresample.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c435b5..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgraresample.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1532 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAResample;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
-{ This unit provides resampling functions, i.e. resizing of bitmaps with or
- without interpolation filters.
- SimpleStretch does a boxed resample with limited antialiasing.
- FineResample uses floating point coordinates to get an antialiased resample.
- It can use minimal interpolation (4 pixels when upsizing) for simple interpolation
- filters (linear and cosine-like) or wide kernel resample for complex interpolation.
- In this cas, it calls WideKernelResample.
- WideKernelResample can be called by custom filter kernel, derived
- from TWideKernelFilter. It is slower of course than simple interpolation. }
- SysUtils, BGRABitmapTypes;
-{------------------------------- Simple stretch ------------------------------------}
-function SimpleStretch(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- NewWidth, NewHeight: integer): TBGRACustomBitmap;
-procedure StretchPutImage(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- NewWidth, NewHeight: integer; dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; OffsetX,OffsetY: Integer; ADrawMode: TDrawMode; AOpacity: byte; ANoTransition: boolean = false);
-procedure DownSamplePutImage(source: TBGRACustomBitmap; factorX,factorY: integer; dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; OffsetX,OffsetY: Integer; ADrawMode: TDrawMode);
-function DownSample(source: TBGRACustomBitmap; factorX,factorY: integer): TBGRACustomBitmap;
-{---------------------------- Interpolation filters --------------------------------}
-function FineInterpolation(t: single; ResampleFilter: TResampleFilter): single;
-function FineInterpolation256(t256: integer; ResampleFilter: TResampleFilter): integer;
- TWideKernelFilter = class
- function Interpolation(t: single): single; virtual; abstract;
- function ShouldCheckRange: boolean; virtual; abstract;
- function KernelWidth: single; virtual; abstract;
- end;
- TMitchellKernel = class(TWideKernelFilter)
- function Interpolation(t: single): single; override;
- function ShouldCheckRange: boolean; override;
- function KernelWidth: single; override;
- end;
- { TSplineKernel }
- TSplineKernel = class(TWideKernelFilter)
- public
- Coeff: single;
- constructor Create; overload;
- constructor Create(ACoeff: single); overload;
- function Interpolation(t: single): single; override;
- function ShouldCheckRange: boolean; override;
- function KernelWidth: single; override;
- end;
- { TCubicKernel }
- TCubicKernel = class(TWideKernelFilter)
- function pow3(x: single): single; inline;
- function Interpolation(t: single): single; override;
- function ShouldCheckRange: boolean; override;
- function KernelWidth: single; override;
- end;
- { TLanczosKernel }
- TLanczosKernel = class(TWideKernelFilter)
- private
- FNumberOfLobes: integer;
- FFactor: ValReal;
- procedure SetNumberOfLobes(AValue: integer);
- public
- constructor Create(ANumberOfLobes: integer);
- function Interpolation(t: single): single; override;
- function ShouldCheckRange: boolean; override;
- function KernelWidth: single; override;
- property NumberOfLobes : integer read FNumberOfLobes write SetNumberOfLobes;
- end;
-function CreateInterpolator(style: TSplineStyle): TWideKernelFilter;
-{-------------------------------- Fine resample ------------------------------------}
-function FineResample(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- NewWidth, NewHeight: integer; ResampleFilter: TResampleFilter): TBGRACustomBitmap;
-function WideKernelResample(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- NewWidth, NewHeight: integer; ResampleFilterSmaller, ResampleFilterLarger: TWideKernelFilter): TBGRACustomBitmap;
-uses Math, BGRABlend, BGRAClasses;
-function SimpleStretch(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- newWidth, newHeight: integer): TBGRACustomBitmap;
- if (NewWidth = bmp.Width) and (NewHeight = bmp.Height) then
- begin
- Result := bmp.Duplicate;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := bmp.NewBitmap(NewWidth, NewHeight);
- StretchPutImage(bmp, newWidth,newHeight, result, 0,0, dmSet, 255);
-procedure StretchPutImage(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; NewWidth, NewHeight: integer;
- dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; OffsetX, OffsetY: Integer; ADrawMode: TDrawMode; AOpacity: byte; ANoTransition: boolean);
- TTransitionState = (tsNone, tsPlain, tsLeft, tsMiddle, tsRight);
- x_src,y_src, y_src2, prev_y_src, prev_y_src2: Int32or64;
- inc_x_src, mod_x_src, acc_x_src, inc_y_src, mod_y_src, acc_y_src,
- acc_x_src2, acc_y_src2: Int32or64;
- x_dest, y_dest: Int32or64;
- PDest, PSrc1, PSrc2: PBGRAPixel;
- vertColors: packed array[1..2] of TBGRAPixel;
- DeltaSrcX: Int32or64;
- targetRect: TRect;
- tempData: PBGRAPixel;
- prevHorizTransition,horizTransition,prevVertTransition,vertTransition: TTransitionState;
- horizSlightlyDifferent,vertSlightlyDifferent: boolean;
- procedure LinearMix(PSrc: PBGRAPixel; DeltaSrc: integer; AccSrcQuarter: boolean;
- PDest: PBGRAPixel; slightlyDifferent: boolean; var transition: TTransitionState);
- var
- asum: Int32or64;
- a1,a2: Int32or64;
- newTransition: TTransitionState;
- begin
- if (DeltaSrc=0) or ANoTransition then
- begin
- PDest^ := PSrc^;
- transition:= tsPlain;
- end
- else
- begin
- if slightlyDifferent then
- begin
- if AccSrcQuarter then newTransition:= tsRight else
- newTransition:= tsLeft;
- end else
- newTransition:= tsMiddle;
- if (newTransition = tsMiddle) or ((newTransition = tsRight) and (transition = tsLeft)) or
- ((newTransition = tsLeft) and (transition = tsRight)) then
- begin
- transition:= tsMiddle;
- if ADrawMode = dmXor then
- begin
- pdest^.alpha := (psrc^.alpha + (psrc+DeltaSrc)^.alpha + 1) shr 1;
- pdest^.red := (psrc^.red + (psrc+DeltaSrc)^.red + 1) shr 1;
- pdest^.green := (psrc^.green + (psrc+DeltaSrc)^.green + 1) shr 1;
- pdest^.blue := (psrc^.blue + (psrc+DeltaSrc)^.blue + 1) shr 1;
- end else
- begin
- asum := psrc^.alpha + (psrc+DeltaSrc)^.alpha;
- if asum = 0 then
- pdest^ := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else if asum = 510 then
- begin
- pdest^.alpha := 255;
- pdest^.red := (psrc^.red + (psrc+DeltaSrc)^.red + 1) shr 1;
- pdest^.green := (psrc^.green + (psrc+DeltaSrc)^.green + 1) shr 1;
- pdest^.blue := (psrc^.blue + (psrc+DeltaSrc)^.blue + 1) shr 1;
- end else
- begin
- pdest^.alpha := asum shr 1;
- a1 := psrc^.alpha;
- a2 := (psrc+DeltaSrc)^.alpha;
- pdest^.red := (psrc^.red*a1 + (psrc+DeltaSrc)^.red*a2 + (asum shr 1)) div asum;
- pdest^.green := (psrc^.green*a1 + (psrc+DeltaSrc)^.green*a2 + (asum shr 1)) div asum;
- pdest^.blue := (psrc^.blue*a1 + (psrc+DeltaSrc)^.blue*a2 + (asum shr 1)) div asum;
- end;
- end;
- end else
- if newTransition = tsRight then
- begin
- transition := tsRight;
- if ADrawMode = dmXor then
- begin
- pdest^.alpha := (psrc^.alpha + (psrc+DeltaSrc)^.alpha*3 + 2) shr 2;
- pdest^.red := (psrc^.red + (psrc+DeltaSrc)^.red*3 + 2) shr 2;
- pdest^.green := (psrc^.green + (psrc+DeltaSrc)^.green*3 + 2) shr 2;
- pdest^.blue := (psrc^.blue + (psrc+DeltaSrc)^.blue*3 + 2) shr 2;
- end else
- begin
- asum := psrc^.alpha + (psrc+DeltaSrc)^.alpha*3;
- if asum = 0 then
- pdest^ := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else if asum = 1020 then
- begin
- pdest^.alpha := 255;
- pdest^.red := (psrc^.red + (psrc+DeltaSrc)^.red*3 + 2) shr 2;
- pdest^.green := (psrc^.green + (psrc+DeltaSrc)^.green*3 + 2) shr 2;
- pdest^.blue := (psrc^.blue + (psrc+DeltaSrc)^.blue*3 + 2) shr 2;
- end else
- begin
- pdest^.alpha := asum shr 2;
- a1 := psrc^.alpha;
- a2 := (psrc+DeltaSrc)^.alpha;
- pdest^.red := (psrc^.red*a1 + (psrc+DeltaSrc)^.red*a2*3 + (asum shr 1)) div asum;
- pdest^.green := (psrc^.green*a1 + (psrc+DeltaSrc)^.green*a2*3 + (asum shr 1)) div asum;
- pdest^.blue := (psrc^.blue*a1 + (psrc+DeltaSrc)^.blue*a2*3 + (asum shr 1)) div asum;
- end;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- transition:= tsLeft;
- if ADrawMode = dmXor then
- begin
- pdest^.alpha := (psrc^.alpha*3 + (psrc+DeltaSrc)^.alpha + 2) shr 2;
- pdest^.red := (psrc^.red*3 + (psrc+DeltaSrc)^.red + 2) shr 2;
- pdest^.green := (psrc^.green*3 + (psrc+DeltaSrc)^.green + 2) shr 2;
- pdest^.blue := (psrc^.blue*3 + (psrc+DeltaSrc)^.blue + 2) shr 2;
- end else
- begin
- asum := psrc^.alpha*3 + (psrc+DeltaSrc)^.alpha;
- if asum = 0 then
- pdest^ := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else if asum = 1020 then
- begin
- pdest^.alpha := 255;
- pdest^.red := (psrc^.red*3 + (psrc+DeltaSrc)^.red + 2) shr 2;
- pdest^.green := (psrc^.green*3 + (psrc+DeltaSrc)^.green + 2) shr 2;
- pdest^.blue := (psrc^.blue*3 + (psrc+DeltaSrc)^.blue + 2) shr 2;
- end else
- begin
- pdest^.alpha := asum shr 2;
- a1 := psrc^.alpha;
- a2 := (psrc+DeltaSrc)^.alpha;
- pdest^.red := (psrc^.red*a1*3 + (psrc+DeltaSrc)^.red*a2 + (asum shr 1)) div asum;
- pdest^.green := (psrc^.green*a1*3 + (psrc+DeltaSrc)^.green*a2 + (asum shr 1)) div asum;
- pdest^.blue := (psrc^.blue*a1*3 + (psrc+DeltaSrc)^.blue*a2 + (asum shr 1)) div asum;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if (newWidth <= 0) or (newHeight <= 0) or (bmp.Width <= 0)
- or (bmp.Height <= 0) then
- exit;
- targetRect := rect(0,0,NewWidth,NewHeight);
- if OffsetX < dest.ClipRect.Left then targetRect.Left:= dest.ClipRect.Left-OffsetX;
- if OffsetY < dest.ClipRect.Top then targetRect.Top:= dest.ClipRect.Top-OffsetY;
- if OffsetX+NewWidth > dest.ClipRect.Right then targetRect.Right := dest.ClipRect.Right-OffsetX;
- if OffsetY+NewHeight > dest.ClipRect.Bottom then targetRect.Bottom := dest.ClipRect.Bottom-OffsetY;
- if (targetRect.Right <= targetRect.Left) or (targetRect.Bottom <= targetRect.Top) then exit;
- bmp.LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- if (ADrawMode <> dmSet) or (AOpacity <> 255) then
- getmem(tempData, (targetRect.Right-targetRect.Left)*sizeof(TBGRAPixel) )
- else
- tempData := nil;
- inc_x_src := bmp.Width div newwidth;
- mod_x_src := bmp.Width mod newwidth;
- inc_y_src := bmp.Height div newheight;
- mod_y_src := bmp.Height mod newheight;
- prev_y_src := -1;
- prev_y_src2 := -1;
- acc_y_src := targetRect.Top*mod_y_src;
- y_src := targetRect.Top*inc_y_src + (acc_y_src div NewHeight);
- acc_y_src := acc_y_src mod NewHeight;
- y_src := y_src+ (bmp.Height div 4) div newheight;
- acc_y_src := acc_y_src+ (bmp.Height div 4) mod newheight;
- y_src2 := y_src+ (bmp.Height div 2) div newheight;
- acc_y_src2 := acc_y_src+ (bmp.Height div 2) mod newheight;
- if acc_y_src2 > NewHeight then
- begin
- dec(acc_y_src2, NewHeight);
- inc(y_src2);
- end;
- horizSlightlyDifferent := (NewWidth > bmp.Width*2 div 3) and (NewWidth < bmp.Width*4 div 3);
- prevVertTransition:= tsNone;
- vertSlightlyDifferent := (NewHeight > bmp.Height*2 div 3) and (NewHeight < bmp.Height*4 div 3);
- for y_dest := targetRect.Top to targetRect.Bottom - 1 do
- begin
- if (y_src = prev_y_src) and (y_src2 = prev_y_src2) and not vertSlightlyDifferent then
- begin
- if tempData = nil then
- move((dest.ScanLine[y_dest-1+OffsetY]+OffsetX+targetRect.Left)^,(dest.ScanLine[y_dest+OffsetY]+OffsetX+targetRect.Left)^,(targetRect.Right-targetRect.Left)*sizeof(TBGRAPixel))
- else
- PutPixels(dest.ScanLine[y_dest+OffsetY]+OffsetX+targetRect.Left,tempData,targetRect.right-targetRect.left,ADrawMode,AOpacity);
- end else
- begin
- if tempData = nil then
- PDest := dest.ScanLine[y_dest+OffsetY]+OffsetX+targetRect.Left
- else
- PDest := tempData;
- PSrc1 := bmp.Scanline[y_src];
- acc_x_src := targetRect.Left*mod_x_src;
- x_src := targetRect.Left*inc_x_src + (acc_x_src div NewWidth);
- acc_x_src := acc_x_src mod NewWidth;
- x_src := x_src+ (bmp.Width div 4) div NewWidth;
- acc_x_src := acc_x_src+ (bmp.Width div 4) mod NewWidth;
- DeltaSrcX := (bmp.Width div 2) div NewWidth;
- acc_x_src2 := acc_x_src+ (bmp.Width div 2) mod NewWidth;
- if acc_x_src2 > NewWidth then
- begin
- dec(acc_x_src2, NewWidth);
- inc(DeltaSrcX);
- end;
- inc(Psrc1, x_src);
- prevHorizTransition := tsNone;
- if y_src2=y_src then
- begin
- horizTransition:= prevHorizTransition;
- for x_dest := targetRect.left to targetRect.right - 1 do
- begin
- LinearMix(psrc1, DeltaSrcX, acc_x_src2 >= NewWidth shr 2, PDest, horizSlightlyDifferent, horizTransition);
- Inc(PSrc1, inc_x_src);
- Inc(acc_x_src, mod_x_src);
- if acc_x_src >= newWidth then
- begin
- Dec(acc_x_src, newWidth);
- Inc(PSrc1);
- dec(DeltaSrcX);
- end;
- Inc(acc_x_src2, mod_x_src);
- if acc_x_src2 >= newWidth then
- begin
- Dec(acc_x_src2, newWidth);
- Inc(DeltaSrcX);
- end;
- inc(PDest);
- end;
- prevVertTransition:= tsPlain;
- end else
- begin
- PSrc2 := bmp.Scanline[y_src2]+x_src;
- for x_dest := targetRect.left to targetRect.right - 1 do
- begin
- horizTransition:= prevHorizTransition;
- LinearMix(psrc1, DeltaSrcX, acc_x_src2 >= NewWidth shr 2, @vertColors[1], horizSlightlyDifferent, horizTransition);
- horizTransition:= prevHorizTransition;
- LinearMix(psrc2, DeltaSrcX, acc_x_src2 >= NewWidth shr 2, @vertColors[2], horizSlightlyDifferent, horizTransition);
- prevHorizTransition:= horizTransition;
- vertTransition:= prevVertTransition;
- LinearMix(@vertColors[1],1,acc_y_src2 >= NewHeight shr 2,PDest,vertSlightlyDifferent,vertTransition);
- Inc(PSrc1, inc_x_src);
- Inc(PSrc2, inc_x_src);
- Inc(acc_x_src, mod_x_src);
- if acc_x_src >= newWidth then
- begin
- Dec(acc_x_src, newWidth);
- Inc(PSrc1);
- Inc(PSrc2);
- dec(DeltaSrcX);
- end;
- Inc(acc_x_src2, mod_x_src);
- if acc_x_src2 >= newWidth then
- begin
- Dec(acc_x_src2, newWidth);
- Inc(DeltaSrcX);
- end;
- inc(PDest);
- end;
- prevVertTransition:= vertTransition;
- end;
- if tempData <> nil then
- PutPixels(dest.ScanLine[y_dest+OffsetY]+OffsetX+targetRect.Left,tempData,targetRect.right-targetRect.left,ADrawMode,AOpacity);
- end;
- prev_y_src := y_src;
- prev_y_src2 := y_src2;
- Inc(y_src, inc_y_src);
- Inc(acc_y_src, mod_y_src);
- if acc_y_src >= newheight then
- begin
- Dec(acc_y_src, newheight);
- Inc(y_src);
- end;
- Inc(y_src2, inc_y_src);
- Inc(acc_y_src2, mod_y_src);
- if acc_y_src2 >= newheight then
- begin
- Dec(acc_y_src2, newheight);
- Inc(y_src2);
- end;
- end;
- dest.InvalidateBitmap;
- if Assigned(tempData) then FreeMem(tempData);
-procedure DownSamplePutImage2(source: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; OffsetX, OffsetY: Integer; ADrawMode: TDrawMode);
-const factorX = 2; factorY = 2; nbi= factorX*factorY;
-var xb,yb,ys: Int32or64;
- pdest: PBGRAPixel;
- psrc1,psrc2: PBGRAPixel;
- asum,maxsum: UInt32or64;
- newWidth,newHeight: Int32or64;
- r,g,b: UInt32or64;
- if (source.Width mod factorX <> 0) or (source.Height mod factorY <> 0) then
- raise exception.Create('Source size must be a multiple of factorX and factorY');
- newWidth := source.Width div factorX;
- newHeight := source.Height div factorY;
- ys := 0;
- maxsum := 255*Int32or64(factorX)*Int32or64(factorY);
- for yb := 0 to newHeight-1 do
- begin
- pdest := dest.ScanLine[yb+OffsetY]+OffsetX;
- psrc1 := source.Scanline[ys]; inc(ys);
- psrc2 := source.Scanline[ys]; inc(ys);
- for xb := newWidth-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- asum := 0;
- asum := psrc1^.alpha + psrc2^.alpha + (psrc1+1)^.alpha + (psrc2+1)^.alpha;
- if asum = maxsum then
- begin
- pdest^.alpha := 255;
- r := psrc1^.red + psrc2^.red + (psrc1+1)^.red + (psrc2+1)^.red;
- g := psrc1^.green + psrc2^.green + (psrc1+1)^.green + (psrc2+1)^.green;
- b := psrc1^.blue + psrc2^.blue + (psrc1+1)^.blue + (psrc2+1)^.blue;
- inc(psrc1,factorX); inc(psrc2,factorX);
- pdest^.red := (r + (nbi shr 1)) shr 2;
- pdest^.green := (g + (nbi shr 1)) shr 2;
- pdest^.blue := (b + (nbi shr 1)) shr 2;
- end else
- if ADrawMode <> dmSetExceptTransparent then
- begin
- if asum = 0 then
- begin
- if ADrawMode = dmSet then
- pdest^ := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- inc(psrc1,factorX); inc(psrc2,factorX);
- end
- else
- begin
- r := psrc1^.red*psrc1^.alpha + psrc2^.red*psrc2^.alpha + (psrc1+1)^.red*(psrc1+1)^.alpha + (psrc2+1)^.red*(psrc2+1)^.alpha;
- g := psrc1^.green*psrc1^.alpha + psrc2^.green*psrc2^.alpha + (psrc1+1)^.green*(psrc1+1)^.alpha + (psrc2+1)^.green*(psrc2+1)^.alpha;
- b := psrc1^.blue*psrc1^.alpha + psrc2^.blue*psrc2^.alpha + (psrc1+1)^.blue*(psrc1+1)^.alpha + (psrc2+1)^.blue*(psrc2+1)^.alpha;
- inc(psrc1,factorX); inc(psrc2,factorX);
- if ADrawMode = dmSet then
- begin
- pdest^.alpha := (asum + (nbi shr 1)) shr 2;
- pdest^.red := (r + (asum shr 1)) div asum;
- pdest^.green := (g + (asum shr 1)) div asum;
- pdest^.blue := (b + (asum shr 1)) div asum;
- end
- else
- begin
- if ADrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency then
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest,BGRA((r + (asum shr 1)) div asum,
- (g + (asum shr 1)) div asum,
- (b + (asum shr 1)) div asum,
- (asum + (nbi shr 1)) shr 2)) else
- if ADrawMode = dmFastBlend then
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest,BGRA((r + (asum shr 1)) div asum,
- (g + (asum shr 1)) div asum,
- (b + (asum shr 1)) div asum,
- (asum + (nbi shr 1)) shr 2));
- end;
- end;
- end;
- inc(pdest);
- end;
- end;
-procedure DownSamplePutImage3(source: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; OffsetX, OffsetY: Integer; ADrawMode: TDrawMode);
-const factorX = 3; factorY = 3; nbi= factorX*factorY;
-var xb,yb,ys: Int32or64;
- pdest: PBGRAPixel;
- psrc1,psrc2,psrc3: PBGRAPixel;
- asum,maxsum: UInt32or64;
- newWidth,newHeight: Int32or64;
- r,g,b: UInt32or64;
- if (source.Width mod factorX <> 0) or (source.Height mod factorY <> 0) then
- raise exception.Create('Source size must be a multiple of factorX and factorY');
- newWidth := source.Width div factorX;
- newHeight := source.Height div factorY;
- ys := 0;
- maxsum := 255*Int32or64(factorX)*Int32or64(factorY);
- for yb := 0 to newHeight-1 do
- begin
- pdest := dest.ScanLine[yb+OffsetY]+OffsetX;
- psrc1 := source.Scanline[ys]; inc(ys);
- psrc2 := source.Scanline[ys]; inc(ys);
- psrc3 := source.Scanline[ys]; inc(ys);
- for xb := newWidth-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- asum := 0;
- asum := psrc1^.alpha + psrc2^.alpha + psrc3^.alpha
- + (psrc1+1)^.alpha + (psrc2+1)^.alpha + (psrc3+1)^.alpha
- + (psrc1+2)^.alpha + (psrc2+2)^.alpha + (psrc3+2)^.alpha;
- if asum = maxsum then
- begin
- pdest^.alpha := 255;
- r := psrc1^.red + psrc2^.red + psrc3^.red
- + (psrc1+1)^.red + (psrc2+1)^.red + (psrc3+1)^.red
- + (psrc1+2)^.red + (psrc2+2)^.red + (psrc3+2)^.red;
- g := psrc1^.green + psrc2^.green + psrc3^.green
- + (psrc1+1)^.green + (psrc2+1)^.green + (psrc3+1)^.green
- + (psrc1+2)^.green + (psrc2+2)^.green + (psrc3+2)^.green;
- b := psrc1^.blue + psrc2^.blue + psrc3^.blue
- + (psrc1+1)^.blue + (psrc2+1)^.blue + (psrc3+1)^.blue
- + (psrc1+2)^.blue + (psrc2+2)^.blue + (psrc3+2)^.blue;
- inc(psrc1,factorX); inc(psrc2,factorX); inc(psrc3,factorX);
- pdest^.red := (r + (nbi shr 1)) div 9;
- pdest^.green := (g + (nbi shr 1)) div 9;
- pdest^.blue := (b + (nbi shr 1)) div 9;
- end else
- if ADrawMode <> dmSetExceptTransparent then
- begin
- if asum = 0 then
- begin
- if ADrawMode = dmSet then
- pdest^ := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- inc(psrc1,factorX); inc(psrc2,factorX); inc(psrc3,factorX);
- end
- else
- begin
- r := psrc1^.red*psrc1^.alpha + psrc2^.red*psrc2^.alpha + psrc3^.red*psrc3^.alpha
- + (psrc1+1)^.red*(psrc1+1)^.alpha + (psrc2+1)^.red*(psrc2+1)^.alpha + (psrc3+1)^.red*(psrc3+1)^.alpha
- + (psrc1+2)^.red*(psrc1+2)^.alpha + (psrc2+2)^.red*(psrc2+2)^.alpha + (psrc3+2)^.red*(psrc3+2)^.alpha;
- g := psrc1^.green*psrc1^.alpha + psrc2^.green*psrc2^.alpha + psrc3^.green*psrc3^.alpha
- + (psrc1+1)^.green*(psrc1+1)^.alpha + (psrc2+1)^.green*(psrc2+1)^.alpha + (psrc3+1)^.green*(psrc3+1)^.alpha
- + (psrc1+2)^.green*(psrc1+2)^.alpha + (psrc2+2)^.green*(psrc2+2)^.alpha + (psrc3+2)^.green*(psrc3+2)^.alpha;
- b := psrc1^.blue*psrc1^.alpha + psrc2^.blue*psrc2^.alpha + psrc3^.blue*psrc3^.alpha
- + (psrc1+1)^.blue*(psrc1+1)^.alpha + (psrc2+1)^.blue*(psrc2+1)^.alpha + (psrc3+1)^.blue*(psrc3+1)^.alpha
- + (psrc1+2)^.blue*(psrc1+2)^.alpha + (psrc2+2)^.blue*(psrc2+2)^.alpha + (psrc3+2)^.blue*(psrc3+2)^.alpha;
- inc(psrc1,factorX); inc(psrc2,factorX); inc(psrc3,factorX);
- if ADrawMode = dmSet then
- begin
- pdest^.alpha := (asum + (nbi shr 1)) div 9;
- pdest^.red := (r + (asum shr 1)) div asum;
- pdest^.green := (g + (asum shr 1)) div asum;
- pdest^.blue := (b + (asum shr 1)) div asum;
- end
- else
- begin
- if ADrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency then
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest,BGRA((r + (asum shr 1)) div asum,
- (g + (asum shr 1)) div asum,
- (b + (asum shr 1)) div asum,
- (asum + (nbi shr 1)) div 9)) else
- if ADrawMode = dmFastBlend then
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest,BGRA((r + (asum shr 1)) div asum,
- (g + (asum shr 1)) div asum,
- (b + (asum shr 1)) div asum,
- (asum + (nbi shr 1)) div 9));
- end;
- end;
- end;
- inc(pdest);
- end;
- end;
-procedure DownSamplePutImage(source: TBGRACustomBitmap; factorX, factorY: integer;
- dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; OffsetX, OffsetY: Integer; ADrawMode: TDrawMode);
-var xb,yb,ys,iy,ix: Int32or64;
- pdest,psrci: PBGRAPixel;
- psrc: array of PBGRAPixel;
- asum,maxsum: UInt32or64;
- newWidth,newHeight: Int32or64;
- r,g,b,nbi: UInt32or64;
- if ADrawMode = dmXor then raise exception.Create('dmXor drawmode not supported');
- if (factorX = 2) and (factorY = 2) then
- begin
- DownSamplePutImage2(source,dest,OffsetX,OffsetY,ADrawMode);
- exit;
- end;
- if (factorX = 3) and (factorY = 3) then
- begin
- DownSamplePutImage3(source,dest,OffsetX,OffsetY,ADrawMode);
- exit;
- end;
- if (source.Width mod factorX <> 0) or (source.Height mod factorY <> 0) then
- raise exception.Create('Source size must be a multiple of factorX and factorY');
- newWidth := source.Width div factorX;
- newHeight := source.Height div factorY;
- ys := 0;
- maxsum := 255*Int32or64(factorX)*Int32or64(factorY);
- nbi := factorX*factorY;
- setlength(psrc, factorY);
- for yb := 0 to newHeight-1 do
- begin
- pdest := dest.ScanLine[yb+OffsetY]+OffsetX;
- for iy := factorY-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- psrc[iy] := source.Scanline[ys];
- inc(ys);
- end;
- for xb := newWidth-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- asum := 0;
- for iy := factorY-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- psrci := psrc[iy];
- for ix := factorX-1 downto 0 do
- inc(asum, (psrci+ix)^.alpha);
- end;
- if asum = maxsum then
- begin
- pdest^.alpha := 255;
- r := 0;
- g := 0;
- b := 0;
- for iy := factorY-1 downto 0 do
- for ix := factorX-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- with psrc[iy]^ do
- begin
- inc(r, red);
- inc(g, green);
- inc(b, blue);
- end;
- inc(psrc[iy]);
- end;
- pdest^.red := (r + (nbi shr 1)) div nbi;
- pdest^.green := (g + (nbi shr 1)) div nbi;
- pdest^.blue := (b + (nbi shr 1)) div nbi;
- end else
- if ADrawMode <> dmSetExceptTransparent then
- begin
- if asum = 0 then
- begin
- if ADrawMode = dmSet then
- pdest^ := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- for iy := factorY-1 downto 0 do
- inc(psrc[iy],factorX);
- end
- else
- begin
- r := 0;
- g := 0;
- b := 0;
- for iy := factorY-1 downto 0 do
- for ix := factorX-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- with psrc[iy]^ do
- begin
- inc(r, red*alpha);
- inc(g, green*alpha);
- inc(b, blue*alpha);
- end;
- inc(psrc[iy]);
- end;
- if ADrawMode = dmSet then
- begin
- pdest^.alpha := (asum + (nbi shr 1)) div nbi;
- pdest^.red := (r + (asum shr 1)) div asum;
- pdest^.green := (g + (asum shr 1)) div asum;
- pdest^.blue := (b + (asum shr 1)) div asum;
- end
- else
- begin
- if ADrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency then
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest,BGRA((r + (asum shr 1)) div asum,
- (g + (asum shr 1)) div asum,
- (b + (asum shr 1)) div asum,
- (asum + (nbi shr 1)) div nbi)) else
- if ADrawMode = dmFastBlend then
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest,BGRA((r + (asum shr 1)) div asum,
- (g + (asum shr 1)) div asum,
- (b + (asum shr 1)) div asum,
- (asum + (nbi shr 1)) div nbi));
- end;
- end;
- end;
- inc(pdest);
- end;
- end;
-function DownSample(source: TBGRACustomBitmap; factorX, factorY: integer): TBGRACustomBitmap;
- if (source.Width mod factorX <> 0) or (source.Height mod factorY <> 0) then
- raise exception.Create('Source size must be a multiple of factorX and factorY');
- result := source.NewBitmap(source.Width div factorX, source.Height div factorY);
- DownSamplePutImage(source,factorX,factorY,result,0,0,dmSet);
-{---------------------------- Interpolation filters ----------------------------------------}
-function FineInterpolation(t: single; ResampleFilter: TResampleFilter): single;
- if ResampleFilter <= rfLinear then
- begin
- if ResampleFilter = rfBox then
- begin
- result := round(t);
- end else
- result := t;
- end else
- begin
- if t <= 0.5 then
- result := t*t*2 else
- result := 1-(1-t)*(1-t)*2;
- if ResampleFilter <> rfCosine then result := (result+t)*0.5;
- end;
-function FineInterpolation256(t256: integer; ResampleFilter: TResampleFilter): integer;
- if ResampleFilter <= rfLinear then
- begin
- if ResampleFilter = rfBox then
- begin
- if t256 < 128 then
- result := 0
- else
- result := 256;
- end
- else
- result := t256;
- end else
- begin
- if t256 <= 128 then
- result := (t256*t256) shr 7 else
- result := 256 - (((256-t256)*(256-t256)) shr 7);
- if ResampleFilter <> rfCosine then result := (result+t256) shr 1;
- end;
-{ TCubicKernel }
-function TCubicKernel.pow3(x: single): single;
- if x <= 0.0 then
- result:=0.0
- else
- result:=x * x * x;
-function TCubicKernel.Interpolation(t: single): single;
-const globalfactor = 1/6;
- if t > 2 then
- result := 0
- else
- result:= globalfactor *
- (pow3(t + 2 ) - 4 * pow3(t + 1 ) + 6 * pow3(t ) - 4 * pow3(t - 1 ) );
-function TCubicKernel.ShouldCheckRange: boolean;
- Result:= false;
-function TCubicKernel.KernelWidth: single;
- Result:= 2;
-{ TMitchellKernel }
-function TMitchellKernel.Interpolation(t: single): single;
- tt, ttt: single;
-const OneEighteenth = 1 / 18;
- t := Abs(t);
- tt := Sqr(t);
- ttt := tt * t;
- if t < 1 then Result := (21 * ttt - 36 * tt + 16 ) * OneEighteenth
- else if t < 2 then Result := (- 7 * ttt + 36 * tt - 60 * t + 32) * OneEighteenth
- else Result := 0;
-function TMitchellKernel.ShouldCheckRange: Boolean;
- Result := True;
-function TMitchellKernel.KernelWidth: single;
- Result := 2;
-{ TSplineKernel }
-constructor TSplineKernel.Create;
- coeff := 0.5;
-constructor TSplineKernel.Create(ACoeff: single);
- Coeff := ACoeff;
-function TSplineKernel.Interpolation(t: single): single;
- tt, ttt: single;
- t := Abs(t);
- tt := Sqr(t);
- ttt := tt * t;
- if t < 1 then
- Result := (2 - Coeff) * ttt - (3 - Coeff) * tt + 1
- else if t < 2 then
- Result := -Coeff * (ttt - 5 * tt + 8 * t - 4)
- else
- Result := 0;
-function TSplineKernel.ShouldCheckRange: Boolean;
- Result := True;
-function TSplineKernel.KernelWidth: single;
- Result := 2;
-{ TLanczosKernel }
-{ by stab }
-procedure TLanczosKernel.SetNumberOfLobes(AValue: integer);
- if AValue < 1 then AValue := 1;
- if FNumberOfLobes=AValue then Exit;
- FNumberOfLobes:=AValue;
- if AValue = 1 then FFactor := 1.5 else FFactor := AValue;
-constructor TLanczosKernel.Create(ANumberOfLobes: integer);
- NumberOfLobes:= ANumberOfLobes;
-function TLanczosKernel.Interpolation(t: single): single;
-var Pi_t: ValReal;
- if t = 0 then
- Result := 1
- else if t < FNumberOfLobes then
- begin
- Pi_t := pi * t;
- Result := FFactor * sin(Pi_t) * sin(Pi_t / FNumberOfLobes) /
- (Pi_t * Pi_t)
- end
- else
- Result := 0;
-function TLanczosKernel.ShouldCheckRange: boolean;
- Result := True;
-function TLanczosKernel.KernelWidth: single;
- Result := FNumberOfLobes;
-{--------------------------------------------- Fine resample ------------------------------------------------}
-function FineResampleLarger(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- newWidth, newHeight: integer; ResampleFilter: TResampleFilter): TBGRACustomBitmap;
- TInterpolationEntry = record
- isrc1,isrc2,factCorr: integer;
- end;
- yb, xb: integer;
- pdest,psrc1,psrc2: PBGRAPixel;
- xsrc, ysrc, xfactor, yfactor: double;
- xTab,yTab: array of TInterpolationEntry;
- xInfo,yInfo: TInterpolationEntry;
- cUpLeft, cUpRight, cLowLeft, cLowRight: TBGRAPixel;
- factHoriz, factVert: single;
- fUpLeft, fUpRight, fLowLeft, fLowRight: integer;
- faUpLeft, faUpRight, faLowLeft, faLowRight: integer;
- rSum, gSum, bSum, aSum: integer;
- temp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- if (newWidth < bmp.Width) or (newHeight < bmp.Height) then
- raise ERangeError.Create('FineResampleLarger: New dimensions must be greater or equal ('+IntToStr(bmp.Width)+'x'+IntToStr(bmp.Height)+'->'+IntToStr(newWidth)+'x'+IntToStr(newHeight)+')');
- if (newWidth = 0) or (newHeight = 0) then
- begin
- Result := bmp.NewBitmap(NewWidth, NewHeight);
- exit;
- end;
- bmp.LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- if (bmp.Width = 1) and (bmp.Height = 1) then
- begin
- Result := bmp.NewBitmap(NewWidth, NewHeight);
- Result.Fill(bmp.GetPixel(0, 0));
- exit;
- end
- else
- if bmp.Width = 1 then
- begin
- temp := bmp.NewBitmap(2, bmp.Height);
- temp.PutImage(0, 0, bmp, dmSet);
- temp.PutImage(1, 0, bmp, dmSet);
- Result := FineResampleLarger(temp, 2, newHeight, ResampleFilter);
- temp.Free;
- temp := Result;
- Result := SimpleStretch(temp, newWidth,temp.Height);
- temp.Free;
- exit;
- end
- else
- if bmp.Height = 1 then
- begin
- temp := bmp.NewBitmap(bmp.Width, 2);
- temp.PutImage(0, 0, bmp, dmSet);
- temp.PutImage(0, 1, bmp, dmSet);
- Result := FineResampleLarger(temp, newWidth, 2, ResampleFilter);
- temp.Free;
- temp := Result;
- Result := SimpleStretch(temp, temp.Width,newHeight);
- temp.Free;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := bmp.NewBitmap(NewWidth, NewHeight);
- yfactor := (bmp.Height - 1) / (newHeight - 1);
- xfactor := (bmp.Width - 1) / (newWidth - 1);
- setlength(yTab, newHeight);
- for yb := 0 to newHeight - 1 do
- begin
- ysrc := yb * yfactor;
- factVert := frac(ysrc);
- yTab[yb].isrc1 := floor(ysrc);
- yTab[yb].isrc2 := min(bmp.Height-1, ceil(ysrc));
- yTab[yb].factCorr := round(FineInterpolation(factVert,ResampleFilter)*256);
- end;
- setlength(xTab, newWidth);
- for xb := 0 to newWidth - 1 do
- begin
- xsrc := xb * xfactor;
- factHoriz := frac(xsrc);
- xTab[xb].isrc1 := floor(xsrc);
- xTab[xb].isrc2 := min(bmp.Width-1,ceil(xsrc));
- xTab[xb].factCorr := round(FineInterpolation(factHoriz,ResampleFilter)*256);
- end;
- for yb := 0 to newHeight - 1 do
- begin
- pdest := Result.Scanline[yb];
- yInfo := yTab[yb];
- psrc1 := bmp.scanline[yInfo.isrc1];
- psrc2 := bmp.scanline[yInfo.isrc2];
- for xb := 0 to newWidth - 1 do
- begin
- xInfo := xTab[xb];
- cUpLeft := (psrc1 + xInfo.isrc1)^;
- cUpRight := (psrc1 + xInfo.isrc2)^;
- cLowLeft := (psrc2 + xInfo.isrc1)^;
- cLowRight := (psrc2 + xInfo.isrc2)^;
- fLowRight := (xInfo.factCorr * yInfo.factCorr + 128) shr 8;
- fLowLeft := yInfo.factCorr - fLowRight;
- fUpRight := xInfo.factCorr - fLowRight;
- fUpLeft := (256 - xInfo.factCorr) - fLowLeft;
- faUpLeft := fUpLeft * cUpLeft.alpha;
- faUpRight := fUpRight * cUpRight.alpha;
- faLowLeft := fLowLeft * cLowLeft.alpha;
- faLowRight := fLowRight * cLowRight.alpha;
- rSum := cUpLeft.red * faUpLeft + cUpRight.red * faUpRight +
- cLowLeft.red * faLowLeft + cLowRight.red * faLowRight;
- gSum := cUpLeft.green * faUpLeft + cUpRight.green * faUpRight +
- cLowLeft.green * faLowLeft + cLowRight.green * faLowRight;
- bSum := cUpLeft.blue * faUpLeft + cUpRight.blue * faUpRight +
- cLowLeft.blue * faLowLeft + cLowRight.blue * faLowRight;
- aSum := cUpLeft.alpha * fUpLeft + cUpRight.alpha * fUpRight +
- cLowLeft.alpha * fLowLeft + cLowRight.alpha * fLowRight;
- if aSum = 0 then
- pdest^ := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- pdest^ := BGRA((rSum + aSum shr 1) div aSum, (gSum + aSum shr 1) div aSum,
- (bSum + aSum shr 1) div aSum, (aSum + 128) shr 8);
- Inc(pdest);
- end;
- end;
-function FineResampleSmaller(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- newWidth, newHeight: integer): TBGRACustomBitmap;
- yb, xb, yb2, xb2: integer;
- pdest, psrc: PBGRAPixel;
- lineDelta, delta: integer;
- xsrc1, ysrc1, xsrc2, ysrc2, xfactor, yfactor: double;
- ixsrc1, ixsrc2, iysrc1, iysrc2, ixsrc1p1, ixsrc2m1, iysrc1p1, iysrc2m1: integer;
- cBorder, cFull, cUpLeft, cUpRight, cLowLeft, cLowRight: TBGRAPixel;
- factHoriz1, factHoriz2, factVert1, factVert2, Sum, fUpLeft, fUpRight,
- fLowLeft, fLowRight, faUpLeft, faUpRight, faLowLeft, faLowRight: single;
- rSum, gSum, bSum, aSum: double;
- if (newWidth > bmp.Width) or (newHeight > bmp.Height) then
- raise ERangeError.Create('FineResampleSmaller: New dimensions must be smaller or equal ('+IntToStr(bmp.Width)+'x'+IntToStr(bmp.Height)+'->'+IntToStr(newWidth)+'x'+IntToStr(newHeight)+')');
- Result := bmp.NewBitmap(NewWidth, NewHeight);
- if (newWidth = 0) or (newHeight = 0) or (bmp.Width = 0) or (bmp.Height = 0) then
- exit;
- bmp.LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- if bmp.lineOrder = riloTopToBottom then
- lineDelta := bmp.Width
- else
- lineDelta := -bmp.Width;
- yfactor := bmp.Height / newHeight;
- xfactor := bmp.Width / newWidth;
- for yb := 0 to newHeight - 1 do
- begin
- pdest := Result.Scanline[yb];
- ysrc1 := yb * yfactor;
- ysrc2 := (yb + 1) * yfactor;
- iysrc1 := trunc(ysrc1);
- if (int(ysrc2) = int(ysrc1)) or (ysrc2 = iysrc1 + 1) then
- begin
- iysrc2 := iysrc1;
- factVert1 := 1;
- factVert2 := 0;
- end
- else
- begin
- iysrc2 := trunc(ysrc2);
- factVert1 := 1 - frac(ysrc1);
- factVert2 := frac(ysrc2);
- end;
- for xb := 0 to newWidth - 1 do
- begin
- xsrc1 := xb * xfactor;
- xsrc2 := (xb + 1) * xfactor;
- ixsrc1 := trunc(xsrc1);
- if (int(xsrc2) = int(xsrc1)) or (xsrc2 = ixsrc1 + 1) then
- begin
- ixsrc2 := ixsrc1;
- factHoriz1 := 1;
- factHoriz2 := 0;
- end
- else
- begin
- ixsrc2 := trunc(xsrc2);
- factHoriz1 := 1 - frac(xsrc1);
- factHoriz2 := frac(xsrc2);
- end;
- cUpLeft := bmp.GetPixel(ixsrc1, iysrc1);
- cUpRight := bmp.GetPixel(ixsrc2, iysrc1);
- cLowLeft := bmp.GetPixel(ixsrc1, iysrc2);
- cLowRight := bmp.GetPixel(ixsrc2, iysrc2);
- fUpLeft := factHoriz1 * factVert1;
- fUpRight := factHoriz2 * factVert1;
- fLowLeft := factHoriz1 * factVert2;
- fLowRight := factHoriz2 * factVert2;
- faUpLeft := fUpLeft * cUpLeft.alpha;
- faUpRight := fUpRight * cUpRight.alpha;
- faLowLeft := fLowLeft * cLowLeft.alpha;
- faLowRight := fLowRight * cLowRight.alpha;
- Sum := fUpLeft + fUpRight + fLowLeft + fLowRight;
- rSum := cUpLeft.red * faUpLeft + cUpRight.red * faUpRight +
- cLowLeft.red * faLowLeft + cLowRight.red * faLowRight;
- gSum := cUpLeft.green * faUpLeft + cUpRight.green * faUpRight +
- cLowLeft.green * faLowLeft + cLowRight.green * faLowRight;
- bSum := cUpLeft.blue * faUpLeft + cUpRight.blue * faUpRight +
- cLowLeft.blue * faLowLeft + cLowRight.blue * faLowRight;
- aSum := cUpLeft.alpha * fUpLeft + cUpRight.alpha * fUpRight +
- cLowLeft.alpha * fLowLeft + cLowRight.alpha * fLowRight;
- ixsrc1p1 := ixsrc1 + 1;
- ixsrc2m1 := ixsrc2 - 1;
- iysrc1p1 := iysrc1 + 1;
- iysrc2m1 := iysrc2 - 1;
- if ixsrc2m1 >= ixsrc1p1 then
- begin
- psrc := bmp.scanline[iysrc1] + ixsrc1p1;
- for xb2 := ixsrc1p1 to ixsrc2m1 do
- begin
- cBorder := psrc^;
- Inc(psrc);
- IncF(rSum, cBorder.red * cBorder.alpha * factVert1);
- IncF(gSum, cBorder.green * cBorder.alpha * factVert1);
- IncF(bSum, cBorder.blue * cBorder.alpha * factVert1);
- IncF(aSum, cBorder.alpha * factVert1);
- IncF(Sum, factVert1);
- end;
- if (factVert2 <> 0) and (iysrc2 < bmp.Height) then
- begin
- psrc := bmp.scanline[iysrc2] + ixsrc1p1;
- for xb2 := ixsrc1p1 to ixsrc2m1 do
- begin
- cBorder := psrc^;
- Inc(psrc);
- IncF(rSum, cBorder.red * cBorder.alpha * factVert2);
- IncF(gSum, cBorder.green * cBorder.alpha * factVert2);
- IncF(bSum, cBorder.blue * cBorder.alpha * factVert2);
- IncF(aSum, cBorder.alpha * factVert2);
- IncF(Sum, factVert2);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if iysrc2m1 >= iysrc1p1 then
- begin
- psrc := bmp.scanline[iysrc1p1] + ixsrc1;
- for yb2 := iysrc1p1 to iysrc2m1 do
- begin
- cBorder := psrc^;
- Inc(psrc, lineDelta);
- IncF(rSum, cBorder.red * cBorder.alpha * factHoriz1);
- IncF(gSum, cBorder.green * cBorder.alpha * factHoriz1);
- IncF(bSum, cBorder.blue * cBorder.alpha * factHoriz1);
- IncF(aSum, cBorder.alpha * factHoriz1);
- IncF(Sum, factHoriz1);
- end;
- if (factHoriz2 <> 0) and (ixsrc2 < bmp.Width) then
- begin
- psrc := bmp.scanline[iysrc1p1] + ixsrc2;
- for yb2 := iysrc1p1 to iysrc2m1 do
- begin
- cBorder := psrc^;
- Inc(psrc, lineDelta);
- IncF(rSum, cBorder.red * cBorder.alpha * factHoriz2);
- IncF(gSum, cBorder.green * cBorder.alpha * factHoriz2);
- IncF(bSum, cBorder.blue * cBorder.alpha * factHoriz2);
- IncF(aSum, cBorder.alpha * factHoriz2);
- IncF(Sum, factHoriz2);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if (ixsrc2m1 >= ixsrc1p1) and (iysrc2m1 >= iysrc1p1) then
- begin
- delta := lineDelta - (ixsrc2m1 - ixsrc1p1 + 1);
- psrc := bmp.scanline[iysrc1p1] + ixsrc1p1;
- for yb2 := iysrc1p1 to iysrc2m1 do
- begin
- for xb2 := ixsrc1p1 to ixsrc2m1 do
- begin
- cFull := psrc^;
- IncF(rSum, cFull.red * cFull.alpha);
- IncF(gSum, cFull.green * cFull.alpha);
- IncF(bSum, cFull.blue * cFull.alpha);
- IncF(aSum, cFull.alpha);
- IncF(Sum, 1);
- Inc(psrc);
- end;
- Inc(psrc, delta);
- end;
- end;
- if aSum = 0 then
- pdest^ := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- pdest^ := BGRA(round(rSum / aSum), round(gSum / aSum),
- round(bSum / aSum), round(aSum / Sum));
- Inc(pdest);
- end;
- end;
-function CreateInterpolator(style: TSplineStyle): TWideKernelFilter;
- case Style of
- ssInside, ssInsideWithEnds: result := TCubicKernel.Create;
- ssCrossing, ssCrossingWithEnds: result := TMitchellKernel.Create;
- ssOutside: result := TSplineKernel.Create(0.5);
- ssRoundOutside: result := TSplineKernel.Create(0.75);
- ssVertexToSide: result := TSplineKernel.Create(1);
- ssEasyBezier: raise Exception.Create('EasyBezier does not have an interpolator');
- else
- raise Exception.Create('Unknown spline style');
- end;
-function FineResample(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- NewWidth, NewHeight: integer; ResampleFilter: TResampleFilter): TBGRACustomBitmap;
- temp, newtemp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- tempFilter1,tempFilter2: TWideKernelFilter;
- if (NewWidth = bmp.Width) and (NewHeight = bmp.Height) then
- begin
- Result := bmp.Duplicate;
- exit;
- end;
- case ResampleFilter of
- rfBicubic: //blur
- begin
- tempFilter1 := TCubicKernel.Create;
- result := WideKernelResample(bmp,NewWidth,NewHeight,tempFilter1,tempFilter1);
- tempFilter1.Free;
- exit;
- end;
- rfMitchell:
- begin
- tempFilter1 := TMitchellKernel.Create;
- result := WideKernelResample(bmp,NewWidth,NewHeight,tempFilter1,tempFilter1);
- tempFilter1.Free;
- exit;
- end;
- rfSpline:
- begin
- tempFilter1 := TSplineKernel.Create;
- result := WideKernelResample(bmp,NewWidth,NewHeight,tempFilter1,tempFilter1);
- tempFilter1.Free;
- exit;
- end;
- rfLanczos2,rfLanczos3,rfLanczos4:
- begin
- tempFilter1 := TLanczosKernel.Create(ord(ResampleFilter)-ord(rfLanczos2)+2);
- result := WideKernelResample(bmp,NewWidth,NewHeight,tempFilter1,tempFilter1);
- tempFilter1.Free;
- exit;
- end;
- rfBestQuality:
- begin
- tempFilter1 := TSplineKernel.Create;
- tempFilter2 := TMitchellKernel.Create;
- result := WideKernelResample(bmp,NewWidth,NewHeight,tempFilter2,tempFilter1);
- tempFilter1.Free;
- tempFilter2.Free;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- if (NewWidth >= bmp.Width) and (NewHeight >= bmp.Height) then
- Result := FineResampleLarger(bmp, NewWidth, NewHeight, ResampleFilter)
- else
- if (NewWidth <= bmp.Width) and (NewHeight <= bmp.Height) then
- Result := FineResampleSmaller(bmp, NewWidth, NewHeight)
- else
- begin
- temp := bmp;
- if NewWidth < bmp.Width then
- begin
- newtemp := FineResampleSmaller(temp, NewWidth, temp.Height);
- if (temp <> bmp) then
- temp.Free;
- temp := newtemp;
- end;
- if NewHeight < bmp.Height then
- begin
- newtemp := FineResampleSmaller(temp, temp.Width, NewHeight);
- if (temp <> bmp) then
- temp.Free;
- temp := newtemp;
- end;
- if NewWidth > bmp.Width then
- begin
- newtemp := FineResampleLarger(temp, NewWidth, temp.Height, ResampleFilter);
- if (temp <> bmp) then
- temp.Free;
- temp := newtemp;
- end;
- if NewHeight > bmp.Height then
- begin
- newtemp := FineResampleLarger(temp, temp.Width, NewHeight, ResampleFilter);
- if (temp <> bmp) then
- temp.Free;
- temp := newtemp;
- end;
- if temp <> bmp then
- Result := temp
- else
- Result := bmp.Duplicate;
- end;
-{------------------------ Wide kernel filtering adapted from Graphics32 ---------------------------}
-function Constrain(const Value, Lo, Hi: Integer): Integer;
- if Value < Lo then
- Result := Lo
- else if Value > Hi then
- Result := Hi
- else
- Result := Value;
- TPointRec = record
- Pos: Integer;
- Weight: Single;
- end;
- TCluster = array of TPointRec;
- TMappingTable = array of TCluster;
-{$warnings off}
-function BuildMappingTable(
- DstLo, DstHi: Integer;
- ClipLo, ClipHi: Integer;
- SrcLo, SrcHi: Integer;
- KernelSmaller,KernelLarger: TWideKernelFilter): TMappingTable;
-Const FullEdge = false;
- SrcW, DstW, ClipW: Integer;
- FilterWidth: Single;
- Scale, OldScale: Single;
- Center: Single;
- Left, Right: Integer;
- I, J, K: Integer;
- Weight: Single;
- SrcW := SrcHi - SrcLo;
- DstW := DstHi - DstLo;
- ClipW := ClipHi - ClipLo;
- if SrcW = 0 then
- begin
- Result := nil;
- Exit;
- end
- else if SrcW = 1 then
- begin
- SetLength(Result, ClipW);
- for I := 0 to ClipW - 1 do
- begin
- SetLength(Result[I], 1);
- Result[I][0].Pos := 0;
- Result[I][0].Weight := 1;
- end;
- Exit;
- end;
- SetLength(Result, ClipW);
- if ClipW = 0 then Exit;
- if FullEdge then Scale := DstW / SrcW
- else Scale := (DstW - 1) / (SrcW - 1);
- K := 0;
- if Scale = 0 then
- begin
- SetLength(Result[0], 1);
- Result[0][0].Pos := (SrcLo + SrcHi) div 2;
- Result[0][0].Weight := 1;
- end
- else if Scale < 1 then
- begin
- FilterWidth := KernelSmaller.KernelWidth;
- OldScale := Scale;
- Scale := 1 / Scale;
- FilterWidth := FilterWidth * Scale;
- for I := 0 to ClipW - 1 do
- begin
- if FullEdge then
- Center := SrcLo - 0.5 + (I - DstLo + ClipLo + 0.5) * Scale
- else
- Center := SrcLo + (I - DstLo + ClipLo) * Scale;
- Left := Floor(Center - FilterWidth);
- Right := Ceil(Center + FilterWidth);
- for J := Left to Right do
- begin
- Weight := KernelSmaller.Interpolation((Center - J) * OldScale) * OldScale;
- if Weight <> 0 then
- begin
- K := Length(Result[I]);
- SetLength(Result[I], K + 1);
- Result[I][K].Pos := Constrain(J, SrcLo, SrcHi - 1);
- Result[I][K].Weight := Weight;
- end;
- end;
- if Length(Result[I]) = 0 then
- begin
- SetLength(Result[I], 1);
- Result[I][0].Pos := Floor(Center);
- Result[I][0].Weight := 1;
- end;
- end;
- end
- else // scale > 1
- begin
- FilterWidth := KernelLarger.KernelWidth;
- Scale := 1 / Scale;
- for I := 0 to ClipW - 1 do
- begin
- if FullEdge then
- Center := SrcLo - 0.5 + (I - DstLo + ClipLo + 0.5) * Scale
- else
- Center := SrcLo + (I - DstLo + ClipLo) * Scale;
- Left := Floor(Center - FilterWidth);
- Right := Ceil(Center + FilterWidth);
- for J := Left to Right do
- begin
- Weight := KernelLarger.Interpolation(Center - j);
- if Weight <> 0 then
- begin
- K := Length(Result[I]);
- SetLength(Result[I], k + 1);
- Result[I][K].Pos := Constrain(j, SrcLo, SrcHi - 1);
- Result[I][K].Weight := Weight;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
-{$warnings on}
-function WideKernelResample(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- NewWidth, NewHeight: integer; ResampleFilterSmaller, ResampleFilterLarger: TWideKernelFilter): TBGRACustomBitmap;
- TSum = record
- sumR,sumG,sumB,sumA: single;
- end;
- mapX,mapY: TMappingTable;
- xb,yb,xc,yc,MapXLoPos,MapXHiPos: integer;
- clusterX,clusterY: TCluster;
- verticalSum: array of TSum;
- scanlinesSrc: array of PBGRAPixel;
- sum: TSum;
- c: TBGRAPixel;
- w,wa: single;
- pdest: PBGRAPixel;
- result := bmp.NewBitmap(NewWidth,NewHeight);
- if (NewWidth=0) or (NewHeight=0) then exit;
- mapX := BuildMappingTable(0,NewWidth,0,NewWidth,0,bmp.Width,ResampleFilterSmaller,ResampleFilterLarger);
- mapY := BuildMappingTable(0,NewHeight,0,NewHeight,0,bmp.Height,ResampleFilterSmaller,ResampleFilterLarger);
- MapXLoPos := MapX[0][0].Pos;
- MapXHiPos := MapX[NewWidth - 1][High(MapX[NewWidth - 1])].Pos;
- setlength(verticalSum, MapXHiPos-MapXLoPos+1);
- setlength(scanlinesSrc, bmp.Height);
- for yb := 0 to bmp.Height-1 do
- scanlinesSrc[yb] := bmp.ScanLine[yb];
- for yb := 0 to NewHeight-1 do
- begin
- clusterY := mapY[yb];
- for xb := MapXLoPos to MapXHiPos do
- begin
- fillchar(verticalSum[xb - MapXLoPos],sizeof(verticalSum[xb - MapXLoPos]),0);
- for yc := 0 to high(clusterY) do
- with verticalSum[xb - MapXLoPos] do
- begin
- c := (scanlinesSrc[clusterY[yc].Pos]+xb)^;
- w := clusterY[yc].Weight;
- wa := w * c.alpha;
- IncF(sumA, wa);
- IncF(sumR, c.red * wa);
- IncF(sumG, c.green * wa);
- IncF(sumB, c.blue * wa);
- end;
- end;
- pdest := result.Scanline[yb];
- for xb := 0 to NewWidth-1 do
- begin
- clusterX := mapX[xb];
- {$hints off}
- fillchar(sum,sizeof(sum),0);
- {$hints on}
- for xc := 0 to high(clusterX) do
- begin
- w := clusterX[xc].Weight;
- with verticalSum[ClusterX[xc].Pos - MapXLoPos] do
- begin
- IncF(sum.sumA, sumA*w);
- IncF(sum.sumR, sumR*w);
- IncF(sum.sumG, sumG*w);
- IncF(sum.sumB, sumB*w);
- end;
- end;
- if sum.sumA < 0.5 then
- pdest^ := BGRAPixelTransparent else
- begin
- c.red := constrain(round(sum.sumR/sum.sumA),0,255);
- c.green := constrain(round(sum.sumG/sum.sumA),0,255);
- c.blue := constrain(round(sum.sumB/sum.sumA),0,255);
- if sum.sumA > 255 then
- c.alpha := 255 else
- c.alpha := round(sum.sumA);
- pdest^ := c;
- end;
- inc(pdest);
- end;
- end;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrascanner.inc b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrascanner.inc
deleted file mode 100644
index 5af3648..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrascanner.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
- TBGRACustomBitmap = class;
-{=== IBGRAScanner ===}
- {* Interface for a scanner. A scanner is like an image, but its content
- has no limit and it can be calculated on the fly. It is like a
- infinite readonly image.
- *
- * Note: it must not implement reference counting even if it is an interface
- *
- * ''TBGRACustomBitmap'' implements this interface and the content is repeated
- horizontally and vertically. There are also various classes
- in ''BGRAGradientScanner'' unit that generate gradients on the fly and
- in ''BGRATransform'' unit that provide geometrical transformations of images }
- IBGRAScanner = interface
- {** Move to the position (''X'',''Y'') for the next call to ''ScanNextPixel'' }
- procedure ScanMoveTo(X,Y: Integer);
- {** Scan the pixel at the current location and increments ''X'' }
- function ScanNextPixel: TBGRAPixel;
- function ScanNextExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel;
- {** Scan at any location using floating point coordinates }
- function ScanAt(X,Y: Single): TBGRAPixel;
- function ScanAtExpanded(X,Y: Single): TExpandedPixel;
- {** Scan at any location using integer coordinates }
- function ScanAtInteger(X,Y: integer): TBGRAPixel;
- function ScanAtIntegerExpanded(X,Y: integer): TExpandedPixel;
- {** Copy a row of pixels from ''X'' to ''X''+''count''-1 to a specified destination
- ''pdest''. ''mode'' indicates how to combine with existing data }
- procedure ScanPutPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; count: integer; mode: TDrawMode);
- procedure ScanSkipPixels(ACount: integer);
- {** Returns True if the function ''ScanPutPixels'' is available. Otherwise
- you need to call ''ScanNextPixel'' and combine pixels for example
- with ''SetPixel'' }
- function IsScanPutPixelsDefined: boolean;
- {** Returns the corresponding OpenGL texture. The value is ''nil'' if no texture is associated. **}
- function GetTextureGL: IUnknown;
- function GetImageBoundsWithin(const ARect: TRect; Channel: TChannel = cAlpha; ANothingValue: Byte = 0): TRect; overload;
- function GetImageBoundsWithin(const ARect: TRect; Channels: TChannels; ANothingValue: Byte = 0): TRect; overload;
- function ProvidesScanline(ARect: TRect): boolean;
- function GetScanlineAt(X,Y: integer): PBGRAPixel;
- function GetScanCustomColorspace: TColorspaceAny;
- procedure ScanNextCustomChunk(var ACount: integer; out APixels: Pointer);
- procedure ScanNextMaskChunk(var ACount: integer; out AMask: PByteMask; out AStride: integer);
- function ScanAtIntegerMask(X,Y: integer): TByteMask;
- function ScanAtMask(X,Y: Single): TByteMask;
- end;
- {** A type of function of a scanner that returns the content at floating point coordinates }
- TScanAtFunction = function (X,Y: Single): TBGRAPixel of object;
- {** A type of function of a scanner that returns the content at integer coordinates }
- TScanAtIntegerFunction = function (X,Y: Integer): TBGRAPixel of object;
- {** A type of function of a scanner that returns the next pixel }
- TScanNextPixelFunction = function: TBGRAPixel of object;
- { TBGRACustomScanner }
- {* Base class for implementing ''IBGRAScanner'' interface }
- TBGRACustomScanner = class(IBGRAScanner)
- private
- FCurX,FCurY: integer;
- FOwnCur: boolean;
- FChunk: packed array[0..3] of TExpandedPixel;
- public
- function ScanAtInteger(X,Y: integer): TBGRAPixel; virtual;
- function ScanAtIntegerExpanded(X,Y: integer): TExpandedPixel; virtual;
- procedure ScanMoveTo(X,Y: Integer); virtual;
- function ScanNextPixel: TBGRAPixel; virtual;
- function ScanNextExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel; virtual;
- function ScanAt(X,Y: Single): TBGRAPixel; virtual; abstract;
- function ScanAtExpanded(X,Y: Single): TExpandedPixel; virtual;
- procedure ScanPutPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; count: integer; mode: TDrawMode); virtual;
- procedure ScanSkipPixels(ACount: integer); virtual;
- function IsScanPutPixelsDefined: boolean; virtual;
- function GetTextureGL: IUnknown; virtual;
- function GetImageBoundsWithin(const ARect: TRect; Channel: TChannel = cAlpha; ANothingValue: Byte = 0): TRect; overload; virtual;
- function GetImageBoundsWithin(const ARect: TRect; Channels: TChannels; ANothingValue: Byte = 0): TRect; overload; virtual;
- function ProvidesScanline({%H-}ARect: TRect): boolean; virtual;
- function GetScanlineAt({%H-}X,{%H-}Y: integer): PBGRAPixel; virtual;
- function GetScanCustomColorspace: TColorspaceAny; virtual;
- procedure ScanNextCustomChunk(var ACount: integer; out APixels: Pointer); virtual;
- procedure ScanNextMaskChunk(var ACount: integer; out AMask: PByteMask; out AStride: integer); virtual;
- function ScanAtIntegerMask(X,Y: integer): TByteMask; virtual;
- function ScanAtMask(X,Y: Single): TByteMask; virtual;
- protected
- function QueryInterface({$IFDEF FPC_HAS_CONSTREF}constref{$ELSE}const{$ENDIF} IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult; {$IF (not defined(WINDOWS)) AND (FPC_FULLVERSION>=20501)}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$IFEND};
- function _AddRef: Integer; {$IF (not defined(WINDOWS)) AND (FPC_FULLVERSION>=20501)}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$IFEND};
- function _Release: Integer; {$IF (not defined(WINDOWS)) AND (FPC_FULLVERSION>=20501)}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$IFEND};
- end;
-{ TBGRACustomScanner }
-{ The abstract class record the position so that a derived class
- need only to redefine ScanAt }
-function TBGRACustomScanner.ScanAtInteger(X, Y: integer): TBGRAPixel;
- result := ScanAt(X,Y);
-function TBGRACustomScanner.ScanAtIntegerExpanded(X, Y: integer
- ): TExpandedPixel;
- result := GammaExpansion(ScanAtInteger(X,Y));
-procedure TBGRACustomScanner.ScanMoveTo(X, Y: Integer);
- FCurX := X;
- FCurY := Y;
- FOwnCur := true;
-{ Call ScanAt to determine pixel value }
-function TBGRACustomScanner.ScanNextPixel: TBGRAPixel;
- result := ScanAt(FCurX,FCurY);
- Inc(FCurX);
-function TBGRACustomScanner.ScanNextExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel;
- result := GammaExpansion(ScanNextPixel);
-function TBGRACustomScanner.ScanAtExpanded(X, Y: Single): TExpandedPixel;
- result := GammaExpansion(ScanAt(X,Y));
-{$hints off}
-procedure TBGRACustomScanner.ScanPutPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; count: integer;
- mode: TDrawMode);
- //do nothing
-procedure TBGRACustomScanner.ScanSkipPixels(ACount: integer);
- if FOwnCur then inc(FCurX, ACount)
- else
- begin
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- ScanNextPixel;
- dec(ACount);
- end;
- end;
-{$hints on}
-function TBGRACustomScanner.IsScanPutPixelsDefined: boolean;
- result := false;
-function TBGRACustomScanner.GetTextureGL: IUnknown;
- result := nil;
-function TBGRACustomScanner.GetImageBoundsWithin(const ARect: TRect;
- Channel: TChannel; ANothingValue: Byte): TRect;
- result := InternalGetImageBoundsWithin(nil,self,ARect,[Channel],ANothingValue);
-function TBGRACustomScanner.GetImageBoundsWithin(const ARect: TRect;
- Channels: TChannels; ANothingValue: Byte): TRect;
- result := InternalGetImageBoundsWithin(nil,self,ARect,Channels,ANothingValue);
-function TBGRACustomScanner.ProvidesScanline(ARect: TRect): boolean;
- result := false;
-function TBGRACustomScanner.GetScanlineAt(X, Y: integer): PBGRAPixel;
- result := nil;
-function TBGRACustomScanner.GetScanCustomColorspace: TColorspaceAny;
- result := TExpandedPixelColorspace;
-procedure TBGRACustomScanner.ScanNextCustomChunk(var ACount: integer; out
- APixels: Pointer);
- i: Integer;
- p: PExpandedPixel;
- if ACount > length(FChunk) then ACount := length(FChunk);
- p := @FChunk[low(FChunk)];
- APixels := p;
- for i := ACount-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- p^ := ScanNextExpandedPixel;
- inc(p);
- end;
-procedure TBGRACustomScanner.ScanNextMaskChunk(var ACount: integer; out AMask: PByteMask; out AStride: integer);
- cs: TColorspaceAny;
- pPixels: Pointer;
- cs := GetScanCustomColorspace;
- if cs = TBGRAPixelColorspace then
- begin
- ScanNextCustomChunk(ACount, pPixels);
- AMask := @PBGRAPixel(pPixels)^.green;
- AStride := sizeof(TBGRAPixel);
- end else
- if cs = TByteMaskColorspace then
- begin
- ScanNextCustomChunk(ACount, pPixels);
- AMask := PByteMask(pPixels);
- AStride := sizeof(TByteMask);
- end else
- raise exception.Create('This scanner does not provide a mask.');
-function TBGRACustomScanner.ScanAtIntegerMask(X,Y: integer): TByteMask;
- if GetScanCustomColorspace = TBGRAPixelColorspace then
- result := ScanAtInteger(X,Y).green
- else
- result := ScanAtMask(X,Y);
-function TBGRACustomScanner.ScanAtMask(X,Y: Single): TByteMask;
- if GetScanCustomColorspace = TBGRAPixelColorspace then
- result := ScanAt(X,Y).green
- else
- raise exception.Create('This scanner does not provide a mask.');
-{ Interface gateway }
-function TBGRACustomScanner.QueryInterface({$IFDEF FPC_HAS_CONSTREF}constref{$ELSE}const{$ENDIF} IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult; {$IF (not defined(WINDOWS)) AND (FPC_FULLVERSION>=20501)}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$IFEND};
- if GetInterface(iid, obj) then
- Result := S_OK
- else
- Result := longint(E_NOINTERFACE);
-{ There is no automatic reference counting, but it is compulsory to define these functions }
-function TBGRACustomScanner._AddRef: Integer; {$IF (not defined(WINDOWS)) AND (FPC_FULLVERSION>=20501)}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$IFEND};
- result := 0;
-function TBGRACustomScanner._Release: Integer; {$IF (not defined(WINDOWS)) AND (FPC_FULLVERSION>=20501)}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$IFEND};
- result := 0;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrascene3d.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrascene3d.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ca41b8..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrascene3d.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1643 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAScene3D;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BGRABitmapTypes, BGRAColorInt,
- BGRASceneTypes, BGRARenderer3D;
- TProjection3D = BGRAMatrix3D.TProjection3D;
- TLightingNormal3D = BGRASceneTypes.TLightingNormal3D;
- TLightingInterpolation3D = BGRASceneTypes.TLightingInterpolation3D;
- TAntialiasingMode3D = BGRASceneTypes.TAntialiasingMode3D;
- TPerspectiveMode3D = BGRASceneTypes.TPerspectiveMode3D;
- TRenderingOptions = BGRASceneTypes.TRenderingOptions;
- IBGRAVertex3D = BGRASceneTypes.IBGRAVertex3D;
- IBGRANormal3D = BGRASceneTypes.IBGRANormal3D;
- IBGRALight3D = BGRASceneTypes.IBGRALight3D;
- IBGRADirectionalLight3D = BGRASceneTypes.IBGRADirectionalLight3D;
- IBGRAPointLight3D = BGRASceneTypes.IBGRAPointLight3D;
- IBGRAMaterial3D = BGRASceneTypes.IBGRAMaterial3D;
- IBGRAFace3D = BGRASceneTypes.IBGRAFace3D;
- IBGRAPart3D = BGRASceneTypes.IBGRAPart3D;
- IBGRAObject3D = BGRASceneTypes.IBGRAObject3D;
- arrayOfIBGRAVertex3D = BGRASceneTypes.arrayOfIBGRAVertex3D;
- lnNone = BGRASceneTypes.lnNone;
- lnFace = BGRASceneTypes.lnFace;
- lnVertex = BGRASceneTypes.lnVertex;
- lnFaceVertexMix = BGRASceneTypes.lnFaceVertexMix;
- liLowQuality = BGRASceneTypes.liLowQuality;
- liSpecularHighQuality = BGRASceneTypes.liSpecularHighQuality;
- liAlwaysHighQuality = BGRASceneTypes.liAlwaysHighQuality;
- am3dNone = BGRASceneTypes.am3dNone;
- am3dMultishape = BGRASceneTypes.am3dMultishape;
- am3dResample = BGRASceneTypes.am3dResample;
- pmLinearMapping = BGRASceneTypes.pmLinearMapping;
- pmPerspectiveMapping = BGRASceneTypes.pmPerspectiveMapping;
- pmZBuffer = BGRASceneTypes.pmZBuffer;
- { TCamera3D }
- TCamera3D = class
- private
- procedure ComputeMatrix;
- function GetLookWhere: TPoint3D;
- function GetMatrix: TMatrix3D;
- function GetViewPoint: TPoint3D;
- procedure SetMatrix(AValue: TMatrix3D);
- procedure SetViewPoint(AValue: TPoint3D);
- protected
- FMatrix: TMatrix3D;
- FMatrixComputed: boolean;
- FViewPoint: TPoint3D_128;
- FLookWhere, FTopDir: TPoint3D_128;
- public
- procedure LookAt(AWhere: TPoint3D; ATopDir: TPoint3D);
- procedure LookDown(angleDeg: single);
- procedure LookLeft(angleDeg: single);
- procedure LookRight(angleDeg: single);
- procedure LookUp(angleDeg: single);
- property ViewPoint: TPoint3D read GetViewPoint write SetViewPoint;
- property LookWhere: TPoint3D read GetLookWhere;
- property Matrix: TMatrix3D read GetMatrix write SetMatrix;
- end;
- { TBGRAScene3D }
- TBGRAScene3D = class
- private
- FSurface: TBGRACustomBitmap; //destination of software renderer
- FViewCenter: TPointF; //where origin is drawn
- FAutoViewCenter: boolean; //use middle of the screen
- FZoom: TPointF; //how much the drawing is zoomed
- FAutoZoom: Boolean; //display 1 as 80% of surface size
- FProjection: TProjection3D; //current projection
- FRenderedFaceCount: integer; //current counter of rendered faces
- FCamera: TCamera3D;
- FObjects: array of IBGRAObject3D;
- FObjectCount: integer;
- FMaterials: array of IBGRAMaterial3D;
- FMaterialCount: integer;
- FDefaultMaterial : IBGRAMaterial3D;
- FAmbiantLightColorF: TColorF; //lightness without light sources
- FLights: TList; //individual light sources
- function GetAmbiantLightColorF: TColorF;
- function GetAmbiantLightness: single;
- function GetAmbiantLightColor: TBGRAPixel;
- function GetFaceCount: integer;
- function GetLight(AIndex: integer): IBGRALight3D;
- function GetLightCount: integer;
- function GetMaterial(AIndex: integer): IBGRAMaterial3D;
- function GetNormalCount: integer;
- function GetObject(AIndex: integer): IBGRAObject3D;
- function GetVertexCount: integer;
- function GetViewCenter: TPointF;
- function GetViewPoint: TPoint3D;
- function GetZoom: TPointF;
- procedure SetAmbiantLightColorF(const AValue: TColorF);
- procedure SetAmbiantLightness(const AValue: single);
- procedure SetAmbiantLightColor(const AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure SetAutoViewCenter(const AValue: boolean);
- procedure SetAutoZoom(const AValue: boolean);
- procedure SetViewCenter(const AValue: TPointF);
- procedure SetViewPoint(const AValue: TPoint3D);
- procedure ComputeView(ScaleX,ScaleY: single);
- function ComputeCoordinate(AViewCoord: TPoint3D_128): TPointF;
- procedure AddObject(AObj: IBGRAObject3D);
- procedure AddLight(ALight: TObject);
- procedure AddMaterial(AMaterial: IBGRAMaterial3D);
- procedure Init;
- protected
- FRenderer: TCustomRenderer3D;
- FMaterialLibrariesFetched: array of string;
- FTexturesFetched: array of record
- Name: string;
- Bitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- end;
- procedure UseMaterial(AMaterialName: string; AFace: IBGRAFace3D); virtual;
- function LoadBitmapFromFileUTF8(AFilenameUTF8: string): TBGRACustomBitmap; virtual;
- function FetchTexture(AName: string; out texSize: TPointF): IBGRAScanner; virtual;
- procedure HandleFetchException(AException: Exception); virtual;
- procedure DoRender; virtual;
- procedure DoClear; virtual;
- function GetRenderWidth: integer;
- function GetRenderHeight: integer;
- procedure OnMaterialTextureChanged({%H-}ASender: TObject); virtual;
- procedure SetDefaultMaterial(AValue: IBGRAMaterial3D);
- procedure InvalidateMaterial;
- public
- DefaultLightingNormal: TLightingNormal3D;
- RenderingOptions: TRenderingOptions;
- UnknownColor: TBGRAPixel;
- FetchDirectory: string;
- FetchThrowsException: boolean;
- constructor Create; overload;
- constructor Create(ASurface: TBGRACustomBitmap); overload;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Clear; virtual;
- function FetchObject(AName: string; SwapFacesOrientation: boolean = true): IBGRAObject3D;
- procedure FetchMaterials(ALibraryName: string); virtual;
- function LoadObjectFromFile(AFilename: string; SwapFacesOrientation: boolean = true): IBGRAObject3D;
- function LoadObjectFromFileUTF8(AFilename: string; SwapFacesOrientation: boolean = true): IBGRAObject3D;
- function LoadObjectFromStream(AStream: TStream; SwapFacesOrientation: boolean = true): IBGRAObject3D;
- procedure LoadMaterialsFromFile(AFilename: string);
- procedure LoadMaterialsFromFileUTF8(AFilename: string);
- procedure LoadMaterialsFromStream(AStream: TStream);
- procedure LookAt(AWhere: TPoint3D; ATopDir: TPoint3D);
- procedure LookLeft(angleDeg: single);
- procedure LookRight(angleDeg: single);
- procedure LookUp(angleDeg: single);
- procedure LookDown(angleDeg: single);
- procedure Render; overload; virtual;
- procedure Render(ARenderer: TCustomRenderer3D); overload;
- function CreateObject: IBGRAObject3D; overload;
- function CreateObject(ATexture: IBGRAScanner): IBGRAObject3D; overload;
- function CreateObject(AColor: TBGRAPixel): IBGRAObject3D; overload;
- function CreateSphere(ARadius: Single; AHorizPrecision: integer = 8; AVerticalPrecision : integer = 6): IBGRAObject3D; overload;
- function CreateSphere(ARadius: Single; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AHorizPrecision: integer = 8; AVerticalPrecision : integer = 6): IBGRAObject3D; overload;
- function CreateHalfSphere(ARadius: Single; AHorizPrecision: integer = 6; AVerticalPrecision : integer = 6): IBGRAObject3D; overload;
- function CreateHalfSphere(ARadius: Single; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AHorizPrecision: integer = 6; AVerticalPrecision : integer = 6): IBGRAObject3D; overload;
- procedure RemoveObject(AObject: IBGRAObject3D);
- function AddDirectionalLight(ADirection: TPoint3D; ALightness: single = 1; AMinIntensity : single = 0): IBGRADirectionalLight3D; overload;
- function AddDirectionalLight(ADirection: TPoint3D; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AMinIntensity: single = 0): IBGRADirectionalLight3D; overload;
- function AddPointLight(AVertex: IBGRAVertex3D; AOptimalDistance: single; ALightness: single = 1; AMinIntensity : single = 0): IBGRAPointLight3D; overload;
- function AddPointLight(AVertex: IBGRAVertex3D; AOptimalDistance: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AMinIntensity: single = 0): IBGRAPointLight3D; overload;
- procedure RemoveLight(ALight: IBGRALight3D);
- procedure SetZoom(value: Single); overload;
- procedure SetZoom(value: TPointF); overload;
- function CreateMaterial: IBGRAMaterial3D; overload;
- function CreateMaterial(ASpecularIndex: integer): IBGRAMaterial3D; overload;
- function GetMaterialByName(AName: string): IBGRAMaterial3D;
- procedure UpdateMaterials; virtual;
- procedure UpdateMaterial(AMaterialName: string); virtual;
- procedure ForEachVertex(ACallback: TVertex3DCallback);
- procedure ForEachFace(ACallback: TFace3DCallback);
- function MakeLightList: TList;
- property ViewCenter: TPointF read GetViewCenter write SetViewCenter;
- property AutoViewCenter: boolean read FAutoViewCenter write SetAutoViewCenter;
- property AutoZoom: boolean read FAutoZoom write SetAutoZoom;
- property Surface: TBGRACustomBitmap read FSurface write FSurface;
- property Object3D[AIndex: integer]: IBGRAObject3D read GetObject;
- property Object3DCount: integer read FObjectCount;
- property VertexCount: integer read GetVertexCount;
- property NormalCount: integer read GetNormalCount;
- property FaceCount: integer read GetFaceCount;
- property Zoom: TPointF read GetZoom write SetZoom;
- property AmbiantLightness: single read GetAmbiantLightness write SetAmbiantLightness;
- property AmbiantLightColor: TBGRAPixel read GetAmbiantLightColor write SetAmbiantLightColor;
- property AmbiantLightColorF: TColorF read GetAmbiantLightColorF write SetAmbiantLightColorF;
- property LightCount: integer read GetLightCount;
- property Light[AIndex: integer]: IBGRALight3D read GetLight;
- property ViewPoint: TPoint3D read GetViewPoint write SetViewPoint;
- property RenderedFaceCount : integer read FRenderedFaceCount;
- property Material[AIndex: integer] : IBGRAMaterial3D read GetMaterial;
- property MaterialCount: integer read FMaterialCount;
- property Camera: TCamera3D read FCamera;
- property DefaultMaterial: IBGRAMaterial3D read FDefaultMaterial write SetDefaultMaterial;
- end;
-uses BGRACoordPool3D, BGRAUTF8;
-{$i lightingclasses3d.inc}
-{$i vertex3d.inc}
-{$i face3d.inc}
-{$i part3d.inc}
-{$i object3d.inc}
-{$i shapes3d.inc}
-{ TCamera3D }
-function TCamera3D.GetLookWhere: TPoint3D;
- result := Point3D(FLookWhere);
-function TCamera3D.GetMatrix: TMatrix3D;
- if not FMatrixComputed then
- begin
- ComputeMatrix;
- FMatrixComputed := true;
- end;
- result := FMatrix;
-function TCamera3D.GetViewPoint: TPoint3D;
- result := Point3D(FViewPoint);
-procedure TCamera3D.SetMatrix(AValue: TMatrix3D);
- FMatrix := AValue;
- FMatrixComputed:= true;
- FViewPoint := Point3D_128(FMatrix[1,4],FMatrix[2,4],FMatrix[3,4]);
-procedure TCamera3D.SetViewPoint(AValue: TPoint3D);
- FViewPoint := Point3D_128(AValue);
- FMatrix[1,4] := FViewPoint.x;
- FMatrix[2,4] := FViewPoint.y;
- FMatrix[3,4] := FViewPoint.z;
- FMatrixComputed := false;
-procedure TCamera3D.ComputeMatrix;
-var ZDir, XDir, YDir: TPoint3D_128;
- if IsPoint3D_128_Zero(FTopDir) then exit;
- YDir := -FTopDir;
- Normalize3D_128(YDir);
- ZDir := FLookWhere-FViewPoint;
- if IsPoint3D_128_Zero(ZDir) then exit;
- Normalize3D_128(ZDir);
- VectProduct3D_128(YDir,ZDir,XDir);
- VectProduct3D_128(ZDir,XDir,YDir); //correct Y dir
- Normalize3D_128(XDir);
- Normalize3D_128(YDir);
- FMatrix := Matrix3D(XDir,YDir,ZDir,FViewPoint);
- FMatrix := MatrixInverse3D(FMatrix);
-procedure TCamera3D.LookAt(AWhere: TPoint3D; ATopDir: TPoint3D);
- FLookWhere := Point3D_128(AWhere);
- FTopDir := Point3D_128(ATopDir);
- FMatrixComputed := false;
-procedure TCamera3D.LookLeft(angleDeg: single);
-var m,inv: TMatrix3D;
- inv := MatrixInverse3D(Matrix);
- m := MatrixRotateY(angleDeg*Pi/180);
- FLookWhere := inv*m*Matrix*FLookWhere;
- FMatrixComputed := false;
-procedure TCamera3D.LookRight(angleDeg: single);
- LookLeft(-angleDeg);
-procedure TCamera3D.LookUp(angleDeg: single);
-var m,inv: TMatrix3D;
- inv := MatrixInverse3D(Matrix);
- m := MatrixRotateX(-angleDeg*Pi/180);
- FLookWhere := inv*m*Matrix*FLookWhere;
- FMatrixComputed := false;
-procedure TCamera3D.LookDown(angleDeg: single);
- LookUp(-angleDeg);
-{ TBGRAScene3D }
-function TBGRAScene3D.GetViewCenter: TPointF;
- if FAutoViewCenter then
- begin
- result := PointF((GetRenderWidth-1)/2,(GetRenderHeight-1)/2)
- end
- else
- result := FViewCenter;
-function TBGRAScene3D.GetViewPoint: TPoint3D;
- result := Camera.ViewPoint;
-function TBGRAScene3D.GetZoom: TPointF;
-var size: single;
- if FAutoZoom then
- begin
- Size := sqrt(GetRenderWidth*GetRenderHeight)*0.8;
- if Size = 0 then
- result := PointF(1,1)
- else
- result := PointF(size,size);
- end else
- result := FZoom;
-procedure TBGRAScene3D.SetAmbiantLightColorF(const AValue: TColorF);
- FAmbiantLightColorF := AValue;
-procedure TBGRAScene3D.SetAmbiantLightness(const AValue: single);
- FAmbiantLightColorF := ColorF(AValue, AValue, AValue, 1);
-procedure TBGRAScene3D.SetAmbiantLightColor(const AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- FAmbiantLightColorF := ColorInt65536ToColorF(BGRAToColorInt(AValue,True));
-function TBGRAScene3D.GetObject(AIndex: integer): IBGRAObject3D;
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= FObjectCount) then
- raise exception.Create('Index out of bounds');
- result := FObjects[AIndex];
-function TBGRAScene3D.GetVertexCount: integer;
-var i: integer;
- result := 0;
- for i := 0 to Object3DCount-1 do
- inc(result, Object3D[i].TotalVertexCount);
-function TBGRAScene3D.GetAmbiantLightColor: TBGRAPixel;
- result := ColorIntToBGRA(ColorFToColorInt65536(FAmbiantLightColorF),True);
-function TBGRAScene3D.GetFaceCount: integer;
-var i: integer;
- result := 0;
- for i := 0 to Object3DCount-1 do
- inc(result, Object3D[i].FaceCount);
-function TBGRAScene3D.GetLight(AIndex: integer): IBGRALight3D;
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= FLights.Count) then
- result := nil
- else
- result := TBGRALight3D(FLights[AIndex]);
-function TBGRAScene3D.GetLightCount: integer;
- result := FLights.Count;
-function TBGRAScene3D.GetMaterial(AIndex: integer): IBGRAMaterial3D;
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= FMaterialCount) then
- raise exception.Create('Index out of bounds');
- result := FMaterials[AIndex];
-function TBGRAScene3D.GetNormalCount: integer;
-var i: integer;
- result := 0;
- for i := 0 to Object3DCount-1 do
- inc(result, Object3D[i].TotalNormalCount);
-function TBGRAScene3D.GetAmbiantLightness: single;
- result := (FAmbiantLightColorF[1]+FAmbiantLightColorF[2]+FAmbiantLightColorF[3])/3;
-function TBGRAScene3D.GetAmbiantLightColorF: TColorF;
- result := FAmbiantLightColorF;
-procedure TBGRAScene3D.SetAutoViewCenter(const AValue: boolean);
- if FAutoViewCenter=AValue then exit;
- if not AValue then
- FViewCenter := ViewCenter;
- FAutoViewCenter:=AValue;
-procedure TBGRAScene3D.SetAutoZoom(const AValue: boolean);
- if FAutoZoom=AValue then exit;
- if not AValue then
- FZoom := Zoom;
- FAutoZoom:=AValue;
-procedure TBGRAScene3D.SetDefaultMaterial(AValue: IBGRAMaterial3D);
- if FDefaultMaterial=AValue then Exit;
- FDefaultMaterial:=AValue;
- InvalidateMaterial;
-procedure TBGRAScene3D.SetViewCenter(const AValue: TPointF);
- FViewCenter := AValue;
- FAutoViewCenter:= False;
-procedure TBGRAScene3D.SetViewPoint(const AValue: TPoint3D);
- Camera.ViewPoint := AValue;
-procedure TBGRAScene3D.AddObject(AObj: IBGRAObject3D);
- if FObjectCount = length(FObjects) then
- setlength(FObjects, FObjectCount*2+1);
- FObjects[FObjectCount] := AObj;
- inc(FObjectCount);
-procedure TBGRAScene3D.AddLight(ALight: TObject);
- FLights.Add(ALight);
- IBGRALight3D(TBGRALight3D(ALight))._AddRef;
-procedure TBGRAScene3D.AddMaterial(AMaterial: IBGRAMaterial3D);
- if FMaterialCount = length(FMaterials) then
- setlength(FMaterials, FMaterialCount*2+1);
- FMaterials[FMaterialCount] := AMaterial;
- inc(FMaterialCount);
-procedure TBGRAScene3D.Init;
- UnknownColor := BGRA(0,128,255);
- FAutoZoom := True;
- FAutoViewCenter := True;
- FCamera := TCamera3D.Create;
- Camera.ViewPoint := Point3D(0,0,-100);
- Camera.LookAt(Point3D(0,0,0), Point3D(0,-1,0));
- with RenderingOptions do
- begin
- TextureInterpolation := False;
- PerspectiveMode := pmPerspectiveMapping;
- LightingInterpolation := liSpecularHighQuality;
- AntialiasingMode := am3dNone;
- AntialiasingResampleLevel := 2;
- end;
- AmbiantLightness := 1;
- AmbiantLightColor := BGRAWhite;
- DefaultLightingNormal := lnFaceVertexMix;
- FLights := TList.Create;
- FRenderedFaceCount:= 0;
- FMaterialCount := 0;
- FObjectCount := 0;
- DefaultMaterial := CreateMaterial;
- RenderingOptions.MinZ := 1;
-constructor TBGRAScene3D.Create;
- Init;
-constructor TBGRAScene3D.Create(ASurface: TBGRACustomBitmap);
- FSurface := ASurface;
- Init;
-destructor TBGRAScene3D.Destroy;
- i: Integer;
- DoClear;
- FreeAndNil(FLights);
- FreeAndNil(FCamera);
- for i := 0 to high(FTexturesFetched) do
- FTexturesFetched[i].Bitmap.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TBGRAScene3D.Clear;
- DoClear;
- DefaultMaterial := CreateMaterial;
-function TBGRAScene3D.FetchObject(AName: string; SwapFacesOrientation: boolean
- ): IBGRAObject3D;
- if FetchDirectory = '' then raise exception.Create('Please define first the FetchDirectory');
- try
- result := LoadObjectFromFileUTF8(ConcatPaths([FetchDirectory,AName]), SwapFacesOrientation);
- except
- on ex:Exception do
- HandleFetchException(ex);
- end;
-procedure TBGRAScene3D.UseMaterial(AMaterialName: string; AFace: IBGRAFace3D);
- function ParseColor(text: string): TBGRAPixel;
- var
- color,tempColor: TBGRAPixel;
- begin
- color := UnknownColor;
- if copy(text,1,2) = 'dk' then
- begin
- tempcolor := ParseColor(copy(text,3,length(text)-2));
- tempcolor := MergeBGRA(tempcolor,3,BGRABlack,1);
- color := StrToBGRA('dark'+copy(text,3,length(text)-2),tempcolor);
- end;
- if copy(text,1,2) = 'lt' then
- begin
- tempcolor := ParseColor(copy(text,3,length(text)-2));
- tempcolor := MergeBGRA(tempcolor,3,BGRAWhite,1);
- color := StrToBGRA('light'+copy(text,3,length(text)-2),tempcolor);
- end;
- Color := StrToBGRA(StringReplace(text,'deep','dark',[]),Color);
- Color := StrToBGRA(StringReplace(text,'dark','deep',[]),Color);
- Color := StrToBGRA(text,Color);
- result := color;
- end;
- mat: IBGRAMaterial3D;
- c: TBGRAPixel;
- mat := GetMaterialByName(AMaterialName);
- if mat = nil then
- begin
- mat := CreateMaterial;
- mat.Name := AMaterialName;
- c := ParseColor(AMaterialName);
- mat.AmbiantColor := c;
- mat.DiffuseColor := c;
- end;
- AFace.Material := mat;
-function TBGRAScene3D.LoadBitmapFromFileUTF8(AFilenameUTF8: string): TBGRACustomBitmap;
- result := BGRABitmapFactory.Create(AfileNameUTF8,True);
-function TBGRAScene3D.FetchTexture(AName: string; out texSize: TPointF): IBGRAScanner;
- i: Integer;
- bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- bmp := nil;
- for i := 0 to high(FTexturesFetched) do
- if FTexturesFetched[i].Name = AName then
- begin
- bmp := FTexturesFetched[i].Bitmap;
- result := bmp;
- texSize := PointF(bmp.Width,bmp.Height);
- exit;
- end;
- if FetchDirectory <> '' then
- begin
- try
- bmp := LoadBitmapFromFileUTF8(ConcatPaths([FetchDirectory,AName]));
- except
- on ex:Exception do
- HandleFetchException(ex);
- end;
- end;
- if bmp = nil then
- begin
- result := nil;
- texSize := PointF(1,1);
- end else
- begin
- setlength(FTexturesFetched, length(FTexturesFetched)+1);
- FTexturesFetched[high(FTexturesFetched)].Name := AName;
- FTexturesFetched[high(FTexturesFetched)].Bitmap := bmp;
- result := bmp;
- texSize := PointF(bmp.Width,bmp.Height);
- end;
-procedure TBGRAScene3D.FetchMaterials(ALibraryName: string);
- i: Integer;
- if FetchDirectory <> '' then
- begin
- for i := 0 to high(FMaterialLibrariesFetched) do
- if FMaterialLibrariesFetched[i]=ALibraryName then exit;
- setlength(FMaterialLibrariesFetched,length(FMaterialLibrariesFetched)+1);
- FMaterialLibrariesFetched[high(FMaterialLibrariesFetched)] := ALibraryName;
- try
- LoadMaterialsFromFile(ConcatPaths([FetchDirectory,ALibraryName]));
- except
- on ex:Exception do
- HandleFetchException(ex);
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAScene3D.HandleFetchException(AException: Exception);
- if FetchThrowsException then
- raise AException;
-procedure TBGRAScene3D.DoClear;
-var i: integer;
- for i := 0 to FLights.Count-1 do
- TBGRALight3D(FLights[i]).ReleaseInterface;
- FLights.Clear;
- for i := 0 to FObjectCount-1 do
- begin
- FObjects[i].Clear;
- FObjects[i] := nil;
- end;
- FObjects := nil;
- FObjectCount := 0;
- FMaterials := nil;
- FMaterialCount := 0;
- DefaultMaterial := nil;
-function TBGRAScene3D.GetRenderWidth: integer;
- if Assigned(FRenderer) then
- result := FRenderer.SurfaceWidth
- else
- if Assigned(FSurface) then
- result := FSurface.Width
- else
- result := 0;
-function TBGRAScene3D.GetRenderHeight: integer;
- if Assigned(FRenderer) then
- result := FRenderer.SurfaceHeight
- else
- if Assigned(FSurface) then
- result := FSurface.Height
- else
- result := 0;
-procedure TBGRAScene3D.OnMaterialTextureChanged(ASender: TObject);
- InvalidateMaterial;
-procedure TBGRAScene3D.InvalidateMaterial;
- i: Integer;
- for i := 0 to FObjectCount-1 do
- FObjects[i].InvalidateMaterial;
-function TBGRAScene3D.LoadObjectFromFile(AFilename: string; SwapFacesOrientation: boolean): IBGRAObject3D;
- result := LoadObjectFromFileUTF8(SysToUTF8(AFilename), SwapFacesOrientation);
-function TBGRAScene3D.LoadObjectFromFileUTF8(AFilename: string;
- SwapFacesOrientation: boolean): IBGRAObject3D;
-var source: TFileStreamUTF8;
- source := TFileStreamUTF8.Create(AFilename,fmOpenRead,fmShareDenyWrite);
- try
- result := LoadObjectFromStream(source,SwapFacesOrientation);
- finally
- source.free;
- end;
-function TBGRAScene3D.LoadObjectFromStream(AStream: TStream;
- SwapFacesOrientation: boolean): IBGRAObject3D;
-var s: string;
- secondValue,thirdValue: string;
- function GetNextToken: string;
- var idxStart,idxEnd,idxSlash: integer;
- begin
- idxStart := 1;
- while (idxStart <= length(s)) and (s[idxStart]in[' ',#9]) do inc(idxStart);
- if idxStart > length(s) then
- begin
- result := '';
- exit;
- end;
- idxEnd := idxStart;
- while (idxEnd < length(s)) and not (s[idxEnd+1]in[' ',#9]) do inc(idxEnd);
- result := copy(s,idxStart, idxEnd-idxStart+1);
- delete(s,1,idxEnd);
- idxSlash := pos('/',result);
- if idxSlash <> 0 then
- begin
- secondValue:= copy(result,idxSlash+1,length(result)-idxSlash);
- result := copy(result,1,idxSlash-1);
- idxSlash:= pos('/',secondValue);
- if idxSlash <> 0 then
- begin
- thirdValue:= copy(secondValue,idxSlash+1,length(secondValue)-idxSlash);
- secondValue:= copy(secondValue,1,idxSlash-1);
- end else
- thirdValue:= '';
- end else
- begin
- secondValue:= '';
- thirdValue:= '';
- end;
- end;
- TFaceVertexExtra = record
- normal: IBGRANormal3D;
- texCoord: TPointF;
- end;
-var lineType : string;
- x,y,z : single;
- code : integer;
- faceVertices: array of IBGRAVertex3D;
- faceExtra: array of TFaceVertexExtra;
- NbFaceVertices,v,v2,v3,i: integer;
- tempV: IBGRAVertex3D;
- tempN: TFaceVertexExtra;
- materialname: string;
- face: IBGRAFace3D;
- lines: TStringList;
- lineIndex: integer;
- texCoords: array of TPointF;
- nbTexCoords: integer;
- lines := TStringList.Create;
- lines.LoadFromStream(AStream);
- result := CreateObject;
- faceVertices := nil;
- faceExtra := nil;
- NbFaceVertices:= 0;
- materialname := 'default';
- lineIndex := 0;
- texCoords := nil;
- nbTexCoords:= 0;
- while lineIndex < lines.Count do
- begin
- s := lines[lineIndex];
- if pos('#',s) <> 0 then
- s := copy(s,1,pos('#',s)-1);
- inc(lineIndex);
- lineType := GetNextToken;
- if lineType = 'v' then
- begin
- val(GetNextToken,x,code);
- val(GetNextToken,y,code);
- val(GetNextToken,z,code);
- result.MainPart.Add(x,y,z);
- end else
- if lineType = 'vt' then
- begin
- val(GetNextToken,x,code);
- val(GetNextToken,y,code);
- if nbTexCoords >= length(texCoords) then
- setlength(texCoords, length(texCoords)*2+1);
- texCoords[nbTexCoords] := PointF(x,y);
- inc(nbTexCoords);
- end else
- if lineType = 'vn' then
- begin
- val(GetNextToken,x,code);
- val(GetNextToken,y,code);
- val(GetNextToken,z,code);
- result.MainPart.AddNormal(x,y,z);
- result.LightingNormal := lnVertex;
- end else
- if lineType = 'mtllib' then
- FetchMaterials(trim(s))
- else
- if lineType = 'usemtl' then
- materialname := trim(s)
- else
- if lineType = 'f' then
- begin
- NbFaceVertices:= 0;
- repeat
- val(GetNextToken,v,code);
- if (code = 0) and (v < 0) then v := result.MainPart.VertexCount+1+v;
- if (code = 0) and (v >= 1) and (v <= result.MainPart.VertexCount) then
- begin
- if length(faceVertices) = NbFaceVertices then
- begin
- setlength(faceVertices, length(faceVertices)*2+1);
- setlength(faceExtra, length(faceExtra)*2+1);
- end;
- faceVertices[NbFaceVertices] := result.MainPart.Vertex[v-1];
- val(secondValue,v2,code);
- if (code = 0) and (v2 < 0) then v2 := nbTexCoords+1+v2;
- if (code = 0) and (v2 >= 1) and (v2-1 < nbTexCoords) then
- faceExtra[NbFaceVertices].texCoord := texCoords[v2-1]
- else if nbTexCoords > v-1 then
- faceExtra[NbFaceVertices].texCoord := texCoords[v-1]
- else
- faceExtra[NbFaceVertices].texCoord := PointF(0,0);
- val(thirdValue,v3,code);
- if (code = 0) and (v3 < 0) then v3 := result.MainPart.NormalCount+1+v3;
- if code = 0 then
- faceExtra[NbFaceVertices].normal := result.MainPart.Normal[v3-1]
- else if result.MainPart.NormalCount > v-1 then
- faceExtra[NbFaceVertices].normal := result.MainPart.Normal[v-1]
- else
- faceExtra[NbFaceVertices].normal := nil;
- inc(NbFaceVertices);
- end else break;
- until false;
- if NbFaceVertices > 2 then
- begin
- if SwapFacesOrientation then
- for i := 0 to NbFaceVertices div 2-1 do
- begin
- tempV := faceVertices[i];
- faceVertices[i] := faceVertices[NbFaceVertices-1-i];
- faceVertices[NbFaceVertices-1-i] := tempV;
- tempN := faceExtra[i];
- faceExtra[i] := faceExtra[NbFaceVertices-1-i];
- faceExtra[NbFaceVertices-1-i] := tempN;
- end;
- face := result.AddFace(slice(faceVertices,NbFaceVertices));
- for i := 0 to NbFaceVertices-1 do
- begin
- face.SetNormal(i, faceExtra[i].normal);
- face.SetTexCoord(i, faceExtra[i].texCoord);
- end;
- face.MaterialName := materialname;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- lines.Free;
-procedure TBGRAScene3D.LoadMaterialsFromFile(AFilename: string);
-var source: TFileStreamUTF8;
- source := TFileStreamUTF8.Create(SysToUTF8(AFilename),fmOpenRead,fmShareDenyWrite);
- try
- LoadMaterialsFromStream(source);
- finally
- source.free;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAScene3D.LoadMaterialsFromFileUTF8(AFilename: string);
-var source: TFileStreamUTF8;
- source := TFileStreamUTF8.Create(AFilename,fmOpenRead,fmShareDenyWrite);
- try
- LoadMaterialsFromStream(source);
- finally
- source.free;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAScene3D.LoadMaterialsFromStream(AStream: TStream);
- s: String;
- function GetNextToken: string;
- var idxStart,idxEnd: integer;
- begin
- idxStart := 1;
- while (idxStart <= length(s)) and (s[idxStart]in[#9,' ']) do inc(idxStart);
- if idxStart > length(s) then
- begin
- result := '';
- exit;
- end;
- idxEnd := idxStart;
- while (idxEnd < length(s)) and not (s[idxEnd+1]in[#9,' ']) do inc(idxEnd);
- result := copy(s,idxStart, idxEnd-idxStart+1);
- delete(s,1,idxEnd);
- end;
- function GetSingle: single;
- var {%H-}code: integer;
- begin
- val(GetNextToken,result,{%H-}code);
- end;
- function GetColorF: TColorF;
- var r,g,b: single;
- {%H-}code: integer;
- begin
- val(GetNextToken,r,{%H-}code);
- val(GetNextToken,g,{%H-}code);
- val(GetNextToken,b,{%H-}code);
- result := ColorF(r,g,b,1);
- end;
- lines: TStringList;
- lineIndex: integer;
- lineType: String;
- currentMaterial: IBGRAMaterial3D;
- materialName: string;
- texZoom: TPointF;
- v: single;
- lines := TStringList.Create;
- lines.LoadFromStream(AStream);
- lineIndex := 0;
- while lineIndex < lines.Count do
- begin
- s := lines[lineIndex];
- if pos('#',s) <> 0 then
- s := copy(s,1,pos('#',s)-1);
- inc(lineIndex);
- lineType := GetNextToken;
- if lineType = 'newmtl' then
- begin
- materialName := trim(s);
- currentMaterial := GetMaterialByName(materialName);
- if currentMaterial = nil then
- begin
- currentMaterial := CreateMaterial;
- currentMaterial.Name := materialName;
- end;
- end else
- if currentMaterial <> nil then
- begin
- if lineType = 'Ka' then currentMaterial.AmbiantColorF := GetColorF else
- if lineType = 'Kd' then currentMaterial.DiffuseColorF := GetColorF else
- if lineType = 'Ks' then currentMaterial.SpecularColorF := GetColorF else
- if (lineType = 'map_Ka') or (lineType = 'map_Kd') then
- begin
- currentMaterial.Texture := FetchTexture(trim(s),texZoom);
- texZoom.y := -texZoom.y;
- currentMaterial.TextureZoom := texZoom;
- end else
- if lineType = 'Ns' then currentMaterial.SpecularIndex := round(GetSingle) else
- if lineType = 'd' then
- begin
- v := GetSingle;
- if v > 1 then
- currentMaterial.SimpleAlpha := 255
- else if v < 0 then
- currentMaterial.SimpleAlpha := 0
- else
- currentMaterial.SimpleAlpha := round(v*255);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- lines.Free;
-procedure TBGRAScene3D.LookAt(AWhere: TPoint3D; ATopDir: TPoint3D);
- Camera.LookAt(AWhere,ATopDir);
-procedure TBGRAScene3D.LookLeft(angleDeg: single);
- Camera.LookLeft(angleDeg);
-procedure TBGRAScene3D.LookRight(angleDeg: single);
- Camera.LookRight(angleDeg);
-procedure TBGRAScene3D.LookUp(angleDeg: single);
- Camera.LookUp(angleDeg);
-procedure TBGRAScene3D.LookDown(angleDeg: single);
- Camera.LookDown(angleDeg);
-procedure TBGRAScene3D.Render;
- FRenderer := TBGRARenderer3D.Create(FSurface, RenderingOptions,
- FAmbiantLightColorF,
- FLights);
- DoRender;
- FreeAndNil(FRenderer);
-procedure TBGRAScene3D.Render(ARenderer: TCustomRenderer3D);
- FRenderer := ARenderer;
- DoRender;
- FRenderer := nil;
-procedure TBGRAScene3D.ComputeView(ScaleX,ScaleY: single);
- i: Integer;
- FProjection.Zoom := Zoom;
- FProjection.Zoom.X := FProjection.Zoom.X * ScaleX;
- FProjection.Zoom.Y := FProjection.Zoom.Y * ScaleY;
- FProjection.Center := ViewCenter;
- FProjection.Center.X := FProjection.Center.X * ScaleX;
- FProjection.Center.Y := FProjection.Center.Y * ScaleY;
- for i := 0 to FObjectCount-1 do
- FObjects[i].ComputeWithMatrix(Camera.Matrix, FProjection);
-function TBGRAScene3D.ComputeCoordinate(AViewCoord: TPoint3D_128): TPointF;
-var InvZ: single;
- if AViewCoord.z > 0 then
- begin
- InvZ := 1/AViewCoord.z;
- result := PointF(AViewCoord.x*InvZ*FProjection.Zoom.x + FProjection.Center.x,
- AViewCoord.y*InvZ*FProjection.Zoom.Y + FProjection.Center.y);
- end else
- result := PointF(0,0);
- arrayOfTBGRAFace3D = array of TBGRAFace3D;
-procedure InsertionSortFaces(var a: arrayOfTBGRAFace3D);
-var i,j: integer;
- temp: TBGRAFace3D;
- for i := 1 to high(a) do
- begin
- Temp := a[i];
- j := i;
- while (j>0) and (a[j-1].ViewCenterZ > Temp.ViewCenterZ) do
- begin
- a[j] := a[j-1];
- dec(j);
- end;
- a[j] := Temp;
- end;
-function PartitionFaces(var a: arrayOfTBGRAFace3D; left,right: integer): integer;
- procedure Swap(idx1,idx2: integer); inline;
- var temp: TBGRAFace3D;
- begin
- temp := a[idx1];
- a[idx1] := a[idx2];
- a[idx2] := temp;
- end;
-var pivotIndex: integer;
- pivotValue: TBGRAFace3D;
- storeIndex: integer;
- i: integer;
- pivotIndex := left + random(right-left+1);
- pivotValue := a[pivotIndex];
- swap(pivotIndex,right);
- storeIndex := left;
- for i := left to right-1 do
- if a[i].ViewCenterZ <= pivotValue.ViewCenterZ then
- begin
- swap(i,storeIndex);
- inc(storeIndex);
- end;
- swap(storeIndex,right);
- result := storeIndex;
-procedure QuickSortFaces(var a: arrayOfTBGRAFace3D; left,right: integer);
-var pivotNewIndex: integer;
- if right > left+9 then
- begin
- pivotNewIndex := PartitionFaces(a,left,right);
- QuickSortFaces(a,left,pivotNewIndex-1);
- QuickSortFaces(a,pivotNewIndex+1,right);
- end;
-procedure SortFaces(var a: arrayOfTBGRAFace3D);
- if length(a) < 10 then InsertionSortFaces(a) else
- begin
- QuickSortFaces(a,0,high(a));
- InsertionSortFaces(a);
- end;
-function IsPolyVisible(const p : array of TPointF; ori: integer = 1) : boolean;
-var i: integer;
- i := 0;
- while i<=high(p)-2 do
- begin
- if ori*
- ( (p[i+1].x-p[i].x)*(p[i+2].y-p[i].y) -
- (p[i+1].y-p[i].y)*(p[i+2].x-p[i].x)) > 0 then
- begin
- result := true;
- exit;
- end;
- inc(i);
- end;
- result := false;
-procedure TBGRAScene3D.DoRender;
- LFaces: array of TBGRAFace3D;
- LFaceOpaque: array of boolean;
- LFaceCount: integer;
- procedure PrepareFaces;
- var i,j, LFaceIndex: integer;
- obj: IBGRAObject3D;
- begin
- LFaces := nil;
- LFaceCount := 0;
- for i := 0 to FObjectCount-1 do
- begin
- obj := FObjects[i];
- inc(LFaceCount, obj.GetFaceCount);
- obj.Update;
- end;
- setlength(LFaces, LFaceCount);
- LFaceIndex := 0;
- for i := 0 to FObjectCount-1 do
- with FObjects[i] do
- begin
- for j := 0 to GetFaceCount-1 do
- begin
- LFaces[LFaceIndex] := TBGRAFace3D(GetFace(j).GetAsObject);
- inc(LFaceIndex);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- faceDesc: TFaceRenderingDescription;
- LVertices: array of TBGRAVertex3D;
- procedure DrawFace(numFace: integer);
- var
- j,k: Integer;
- VCount,NewVCount: integer;
- NegNormals: boolean;
- LastVisibleVertex: integer;
- procedure AddZIntermediate(n1,n2: integer);
- var t: single;
- v1,v2: TBGRAVertex3D;
- begin
- v1 := LVertices[n1];
- v2 := LVertices[n2];
- t := (RenderingOptions.MinZ - v1.ViewCoord.z)/(v2.ViewCoord.z - v1.ViewCoord.z);
- LVertices[NewVCount] := nil; //computed
- faceDesc.Colors[NewVCount] := MergeBGRA(faceDesc.Colors[n1],round((1-t)*65536),faceDesc.Colors[n2],round(t*65536));
- faceDesc.TexCoords[NewVCount] := faceDesc.TexCoords[n1]*(1-t) + faceDesc.TexCoords[n2]*t;
- faceDesc.Positions3D[NewVCount] := faceDesc.Positions3D[n1]*(1-t) + faceDesc.Positions3D[n2]*t;
- faceDesc.Normals3D[NewVCount] := faceDesc.Normals3D[n1]*(1-t) + faceDesc.Normals3D[n2]*t;
- faceDesc.Projections[NewVCount] := ComputeCoordinate(faceDesc.Positions3D[NewVCount]);
- inc(NewVCount);
- end;
- procedure LoadVertex(idxL: integer; idxV: integer);
- var vertexDesc: PBGRAFaceVertexDescription;
- tempV: TBGRAVertex3D;
- begin
- with LFaces[numFace] do
- begin
- vertexDesc := VertexDescription[idxV];
- with vertexDesc^ do
- begin
- tempV := TBGRAVertex3D(vertex.GetAsObject);
- LVertices[idxL] := tempV;
- faceDesc.Colors[idxL] := ActualColor;
- faceDesc.TexCoords[idxL] := ActualTexCoord;
- with tempV.CoordData^ do
- begin
- faceDesc.Positions3D[idxL] := viewCoord;
- facedesc.Normals3D[idxL] := viewNormal;
- faceDesc.Projections[idxL] := projectedCoord;
- end;
- if Normal <> nil then
- facedesc.Normals3D[idxL] := Normal.ViewNormal_128;
- Normalize3D_128(facedesc.Normals3D[idxL]);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- begin
- with LFaces[numFace] do
- begin
- VCount := VertexCount;
- if VCount < 3 then exit;
- faceDesc.NormalsMode := Object3D.LightingNormal;
- faceDesc.Material := ActualMaterial;
- if faceDesc.Material = nil then exit;
- faceDesc.Texture := ActualTexture;
- if length(LVertices) < VCount+3 then //keep margin for z-clip
- begin
- setlength(LVertices, (VCount+3)*2);
- setlength(faceDesc.Colors, length(LVertices));
- setlength(faceDesc.TexCoords, length(LVertices));
- setlength(faceDesc.Projections, length(LVertices));
- setlength(faceDesc.Positions3D, length(LVertices));
- setlength(faceDesc.Normals3D, length(LVertices));
- end;
- if FRenderer.HandlesNearClipping then
- begin
- for j := 0 to VCount-1 do
- LoadVertex(j,j);
- end else
- begin
- NewVCount := 0;
- LastVisibleVertex := -1;
- for k := VCount-1 downto 0 do
- if Vertex[k].ViewCoordZ >= RenderingOptions.MinZ then
- begin
- LastVisibleVertex := k;
- break;
- end;
- if LastVisibleVertex = -1 then exit;
- k := VCount-1;
- for j := 0 to VCount-1 do
- begin
- if Vertex[j].ViewCoordZ >= RenderingOptions.MinZ then
- begin
- if k <> LastVisibleVertex then //one or more vertices is out
- begin
- LoadVertex(NewVCount+1, LastVisibleVertex);
- LoadVertex(NewVCount+2, (LastVisibleVertex+1) mod VertexCount);
- AddZIntermediate(NewVCount+1,NewVCount+2);
- LoadVertex(NewVCount+1, j);
- LoadVertex(NewVCount+2, k);
- AddZIntermediate(NewVCount+1,NewVCount+2);
- inc(NewVCount);
- end else
- begin
- LoadVertex(NewVCount, j);
- inc(NewVCount);
- end;
- LastVisibleVertex := j;
- end;
- k := j;
- end;
- VCount := NewVCount;
- if VCount < 3 then exit; //after z-clipping
- end;
- if not FRenderer.HandlesFaceCulling then
- begin
- if not IsPolyVisible(slice(faceDesc.Projections,VCount)) then
- begin
- if not Biface then exit;
- NegNormals := True;
- end else
- begin
- NegNormals := False;
- end;
- end else
- NegNormals := false;
- //compute normals
- case faceDesc.NormalsMode of
- lnFace: for j := 0 to VCount-1 do
- faceDesc.Normals3D[j] := ViewNormal_128;
- lnFaceVertexMix:
- for j := 0 to VCount-1 do
- begin
- faceDesc.Normals3D[j].Offset(ViewNormal_128);
- Normalize3D_128(faceDesc.Normals3D[j]);
- end;
- end;
- if NegNormals then
- for j := 0 to VCount-1 do
- faceDesc.Normals3D[j] := -faceDesc.Normals3D[j];
- if LightThroughFactorOverride then
- faceDesc.LightThroughFactor := LightThroughFactor
- else
- faceDesc.LightThroughFactor := faceDesc.Material.GetLightThroughFactor;
- faceDesc.NbVertices:= VCount;
- faceDesc.Biface := Biface;
- if FRenderer.RenderFace(faceDesc, @ComputeCoordinate) then
- inc(FRenderedFaceCount);
- end;
- end;
-var i,j: integer;
- FRenderedFaceCount:= 0;
- PrepareFaces;
- ComputeView(FRenderer.GlobalScale,FRenderer.GlobalScale);
- FRenderer.Projection := FProjection;
- SortFaces(LFaces);
- LVertices := nil;
- //if there is a Z-Buffer, it is possible to avoid drawing things that
- //are hidden by opaque faces by drawing first all opaque faces
- if FRenderer.HasZBuffer then
- begin
- setlength(LFaceOpaque, length(LFaces));
- for i := 0 to High(LFaces) do
- begin
- if (LFaces[i].Texture = nil) then
- begin
- LFaceOpaque[i] := true;
- with LFaces[i] do
- for j := 0 to VertexCount-1 do
- if VertexColor[j].alpha <> 255 then
- begin
- LFaceOpaque[i] := false;
- break;
- end;
- end else
- LFaceOpaque[i] := true;
- end;
- //draw near opaque faces first
- for i := 0 to High(LFaces) do
- if LFaceOpaque[i] then DrawFace(i);
- //draw other faces
- for i := High(LFaces) downto 0 do
- if not LFaceOpaque[i] then DrawFace(i);
- end else
- begin
- for i := High(LFaces) downto 0 do
- DrawFace(i);
- end;
-function TBGRAScene3D.CreateObject: IBGRAObject3D;
- result := TBGRAObject3D.Create(self);
- AddObject(result);
-function TBGRAScene3D.CreateObject(ATexture: IBGRAScanner): IBGRAObject3D;
- result := TBGRAObject3D.Create(self);
- result.Texture := ATexture;
- AddObject(result);
-function TBGRAScene3D.CreateObject(AColor: TBGRAPixel): IBGRAObject3D;
- result := TBGRAObject3D.Create(self);
- result.Color := AColor;
- AddObject(result);
-function TBGRAScene3D.CreateSphere(ARadius: Single; AHorizPrecision: integer; AVerticalPrecision : integer): IBGRAObject3D;
- result := TBGRASphere3D.Create(self, ARadius, AHorizPrecision, AVerticalPrecision);
- AddObject(result);
-function TBGRAScene3D.CreateSphere(ARadius: Single; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AHorizPrecision: integer; AVerticalPrecision : integer): IBGRAObject3D;
- result := TBGRASphere3D.Create(self, ARadius, AHorizPrecision, AVerticalPrecision);
- result.Color := AColor;
- AddObject(result);
-function TBGRAScene3D.CreateHalfSphere(ARadius: Single;
- AHorizPrecision: integer; AVerticalPrecision: integer): IBGRAObject3D;
- result := TBGRASphere3D.Create(self, ARadius, AHorizPrecision, AVerticalPrecision, True);
- AddObject(result);
-function TBGRAScene3D.CreateHalfSphere(ARadius: Single; AColor: TBGRAPixel;
- AHorizPrecision: integer; AVerticalPrecision: integer): IBGRAObject3D;
- result := TBGRASphere3D.Create(self, ARadius, AHorizPrecision, AVerticalPrecision, True);
- result.Color := AColor;
- AddObject(result);
-procedure TBGRAScene3D.RemoveObject(AObject: IBGRAObject3D);
- i,j: Integer;
- for i := FObjectCount-1 downto 0 do
- if FObjects[i] = AObject then
- begin
- dec(FObjectCount);
- FObjects[i] := nil;
- for j := i to FObjectCount-1 do
- FObjects[j] := FObjects[j+1];
- end;
-function TBGRAScene3D.AddDirectionalLight(ADirection: TPoint3D;
- ALightness: single; AMinIntensity: single): IBGRADirectionalLight3D;
-var lightObj: TBGRADirectionalLight3D;
- lightObj := TBGRADirectionalLight3D.Create(ADirection);
- result := lightObj;
- result.ColorF := ColorF(ALightness,ALightness,ALightness,1);
- result.MinIntensity := AMinIntensity;
- AddLight(lightObj);
-function TBGRAScene3D.AddPointLight(AVertex: IBGRAVertex3D;
- AOptimalDistance: single; ALightness: single; AMinIntensity: single
- ): IBGRAPointLight3D;
-var lightObj: TBGRAPointLight3D;
- lightObj := TBGRAPointLight3D.Create(AVertex, ALightness*sqr(AOptimalDistance));
- result := lightObj;
- result.MinIntensity := AMinIntensity;
- AddLight(lightObj);
-function TBGRAScene3D.AddDirectionalLight(ADirection: TPoint3D;
- AColor: TBGRAPixel; AMinIntensity: single): IBGRADirectionalLight3D;
-var lightObj: TBGRADirectionalLight3D;
- lightObj := TBGRADirectionalLight3D.Create(ADirection);
- result := lightObj;
- result.MinIntensity := AMinIntensity;
- result.Color := AColor;
- AddLight(lightObj);
-function TBGRAScene3D.AddPointLight(AVertex: IBGRAVertex3D;
- AOptimalDistance: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AMinIntensity: single
- ): IBGRAPointLight3D;
-var lightObj: TBGRAPointLight3D;
- lightObj := TBGRAPointLight3D.Create(AVertex,sqr(AOptimalDistance));
- result := lightObj;
- result.Color := AColor;
- result.MinIntensity := AMinIntensity;
- AddLight(lightObj);
-procedure TBGRAScene3D.RemoveLight(ALight: IBGRALight3D);
-var idx: integer;
- idx := FLights.IndexOf(ALight.GetAsObject);
- if idx <> -1 then
- begin
- ALight._Release;
- FLights.Delete(Idx);
- end;
-procedure TBGRAScene3D.SetZoom(value: Single);
- SetZoom(PointF(value,value));
-procedure TBGRAScene3D.SetZoom(value: TPointF);
- FZoom := value;
- FAutoZoom := false;
-function TBGRAScene3D.CreateMaterial: IBGRAMaterial3D;
-var m: TBGRAMaterial3D;
- m := TBGRAMaterial3D.Create;
- m.OnTextureChanged := @OnMaterialTextureChanged;
- result := m;
- AddMaterial(result);
-function TBGRAScene3D.CreateMaterial(ASpecularIndex: integer): IBGRAMaterial3D;
-var m: TBGRAMaterial3D;
- m := TBGRAMaterial3D.Create;
- m.SetSpecularIndex(ASpecularIndex);
- m.SetSpecularColor(BGRAWhite);
- m.OnTextureChanged := @OnMaterialTextureChanged;
- result := m;
- AddMaterial(result);
-function TBGRAScene3D.GetMaterialByName(AName: string): IBGRAMaterial3D;
-var i: integer;
- for i := 0 to MaterialCount-1 do
- if AName = Material[i].Name then
- begin
- result := Material[i];
- exit;
- end;
- result := nil;
-procedure TBGRAScene3D.UpdateMaterials;
-var i,j: integer;
- obj: IBGRAObject3D;
- face: IBGRAFace3D;
- for i := 0 to Object3DCount-1 do
- begin
- obj := Object3D[i];
- for j := 0 to obj.FaceCount-1 do
- begin
- face := obj.Face[j];
- if face.MaterialName <> '' then
- UseMaterial(face.MaterialName,face);
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAScene3D.UpdateMaterial(AMaterialName: string);
-var i,j: integer;
- obj: IBGRAObject3D;
- face: IBGRAFace3D;
- for i := 0 to Object3DCount-1 do
- begin
- obj := Object3D[i];
- for j := 0 to obj.FaceCount-1 do
- begin
- face := obj.Face[j];
- if face.MaterialName = AMaterialName then
- UseMaterial(face.MaterialName,face);
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAScene3D.ForEachVertex(ACallback: TVertex3DCallback);
-var i: integer;
- for i := 0 to Object3DCount-1 do
- Object3D[i].ForEachVertex(ACallback);
-procedure TBGRAScene3D.ForEachFace(ACallback: TFace3DCallback);
-var i: integer;
- for i := 0 to Object3DCount-1 do
- Object3D[i].ForEachFace(ACallback);
-function TBGRAScene3D.MakeLightList: TList;
-var i: integer;
- result := TList.Create;
- for i := 0 to FLights.Count-1 do
- result.Add(FLights[i]);
- Randomize;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrascenetypes.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrascenetypes.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index b06e33b..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrascenetypes.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1199 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRASceneTypes;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
-uses BGRABitmapTypes, BGRASSE, BGRAMatrix3D, BGRAColorInt;
- TLightingNormal3D = (lnNone, lnFace, lnVertex, lnFaceVertexMix);
- TLightingInterpolation3D = (liLowQuality, liSpecularHighQuality, liAlwaysHighQuality);
- TAntialiasingMode3D = (am3dNone, am3dMultishape, am3dResample);
- TPerspectiveMode3D = (pmLinearMapping, pmPerspectiveMapping, pmZBuffer);
- TRenderingOptions = record
- LightingInterpolation: TLightingInterpolation3D;
- AntialiasingMode: TAntialiasingMode3D;
- AntialiasingResampleLevel: integer;
- PerspectiveMode: TPerspectiveMode3D;
- TextureInterpolation: boolean;
- MinZ: single;
- end;
- PSceneLightingContext = ^TSceneLightingContext;
- TSceneLightingContext = packed record
- basic: TBasicLightingContext;
- {128} diffuseColor, {144} specularColor: TColorInt65536;
- {160} vL, {176} dummy: TPoint3D_128;
- {192} vH: TPoint3D_128;
- {208} lightness: integer;
- {212} material : TObject;
- LightThroughFactor: single;
- LightThrough: LongBool;
- SaturationLow: integer;
- SaturationLowF: single;
- SaturationHigh: integer;
- SaturationHighF: single;
- end;
- TBox3D = record
- min,max: TPoint3D;
- end;
- IBGRAVertex3D = interface;
- { IBGRALight3D }
- IBGRALight3D = interface ['{85C683B6-07AC-4B8D-9324-06BC22882433}']
- procedure ComputeDiffuseLightness(Context: PSceneLightingContext);
- procedure ComputeDiffuseColor(Context: PSceneLightingContext);
- procedure ComputeDiffuseAndSpecularColor(Context: PSceneLightingContext);
- function GetColor: TBGRAPixel;
- function GetColoredLight: boolean;
- function GetColorF: TColorF;
- function GetColorInt: TColorInt65536;
- function GetLightnessF: single;
- function GetAsObject: TObject;
- procedure SetColor(const AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure SetColorF(const AValue: TColorF);
- procedure SetColorInt(const AValue: TColorInt65536);
- property Color: TBGRAPixel read GetColor write SetColor;
- property ColorF: TColorF read GetColorF write SetColorF;
- property ColorInt: TColorInt65536 read GetColorInt write SetColorInt;
- property LightnessF: single read GetLightnessF;
- property ColoredLight: boolean read GetColoredLight;
- function GetMinIntensity: single;
- procedure SetMinIntensity(const AValue: single);
- property MinIntensity: single read GetMinIntensity write SetMinIntensity;
- function IsDirectional: boolean;
- end;
- IBGRAPointLight3D = interface(IBGRALight3D) ['{C939900D-DDD6-49F0-B1E9-E29F94FDB4C8}']
- function GetVertex: IBGRAVertex3D;
- procedure SetVertex(const AValue: IBGRAVertex3D);
- property Vertex: IBGRAVertex3D read GetVertex write SetVertex;
- end;
- IBGRADirectionalLight3D = interface(IBGRALight3D) ['{8D575CEE-8DD2-46FB-9BCC-17DE3DAAF53D}']
- function GetDirection: TPoint3D;
- procedure SetDirection(const AValue: TPoint3D);
- property Direction: TPoint3D read GetDirection write SetDirection;
- end;
- { IBGRAMaterial3D }
- IBGRAMaterial3D = interface
- function GetAmbiantAlpha: byte;
- function GetAutoAmbiantColor: boolean;
- function GetAutoDiffuseColor: boolean;
- function GetAutoSimpleColor: boolean;
- function GetAutoSpecularColor: boolean;
- function GetAmbiantColor: TBGRAPixel;
- function GetAmbiantColorF: TColorF;
- function GetAmbiantColorInt: TColorInt65536;
- function GetDiffuseAlpha: byte;
- function GetDiffuseColor: TBGRAPixel;
- function GetDiffuseColorF: TColorF;
- function GetDiffuseColorInt: TColorInt65536;
- function GetLightThroughFactor: single;
- function GetName: string;
- function GetSaturationHigh: single;
- function GetSaturationLow: single;
- function GetSimpleAlpha: byte;
- function GetSimpleColor: TBGRAPixel;
- function GetSimpleColorF: TColorF;
- function GetSimpleColorInt: TColorInt65536;
- function GetSpecularColor: TBGRAPixel;
- function GetSpecularColorF: TColorF;
- function GetSpecularColorInt: TColorInt65536;
- function GetSpecularIndex: integer;
- function GetSpecularOn: boolean;
- function GetTexture: IBGRAScanner;
- function GetTextureZoom: TPointF;
- function GetAsObject: TObject;
- procedure SetAmbiantAlpha(AValue: byte);
- procedure SetAutoDiffuseColor(const AValue: boolean);
- procedure SetAutoSpecularColor(const AValue: boolean);
- procedure SetAmbiantColor(const AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure SetAmbiantColorF(const AValue: TColorF);
- procedure SetAmbiantColorInt(const AValue: TColorInt65536);
- procedure SetDiffuseAlpha(AValue: byte);
- procedure SetDiffuseColor(const AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure SetDiffuseColorF(const AValue: TColorF);
- procedure SetDiffuseColorInt(const AValue: TColorInt65536);
- procedure SetLightThroughFactor(const AValue: single);
- procedure SetName(const AValue: string);
- procedure SetSaturationHigh(const AValue: single);
- procedure SetSaturationLow(const AValue: single);
- procedure SetSimpleAlpha(AValue: byte);
- procedure SetSimpleColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure SetSimpleColorF(AValue: TColorF);
- procedure SetSimpleColorInt(AValue: TColorInt65536);
- procedure SetSpecularColor(const AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure SetSpecularColorF(const AValue: TColorF);
- procedure SetSpecularColorInt(const AValue: TColorInt65536);
- procedure SetSpecularIndex(const AValue: integer);
- procedure SetTexture(AValue: IBGRAScanner);
- procedure SetTextureZoom(AValue: TPointF);
- property AutoSimpleColor: boolean read GetAutoSimpleColor;
- property SimpleColor: TBGRAPixel read GetSimpleColor write SetSimpleColor;
- property SimpleColorF: TColorF read GetSimpleColorF write SetSimpleColorF;
- property SimpleColorInt: TColorInt65536 read GetSimpleColorInt write SetSimpleColorInt;
- property SimpleAlpha: byte read GetSimpleAlpha write SetSimpleAlpha;
- property AmbiantColor: TBGRAPixel read GetAmbiantColor write SetAmbiantColor;
- property AmbiantColorF: TColorF read GetAmbiantColorF write SetAmbiantColorF;
- property AmbiantColorInt: TColorInt65536 read GetAmbiantColorInt write SetAmbiantColorInt;
- property AutoAmbiantColor: boolean read GetAutoAmbiantColor;
- property AmbiantAlpha: byte read GetAmbiantAlpha write SetAmbiantAlpha;
- property Texture: IBGRAScanner read GetTexture write SetTexture;
- property TextureZoom: TPointF read GetTextureZoom write SetTextureZoom;
- property DiffuseColor: TBGRAPixel read GetDiffuseColor write SetDiffuseColor;
- property DiffuseColorF: TColorF read GetDiffuseColorF write SetDiffuseColorF;
- property DiffuseColorInt: TColorInt65536 read GetDiffuseColorInt write SetDiffuseColorInt;
- property AutoDiffuseColor: boolean read GetAutoDiffuseColor write SetAutoDiffuseColor;
- property DiffuseAlpha: byte read GetDiffuseAlpha write SetDiffuseAlpha;
- property SaturationLow: single read GetSaturationLow write SetSaturationLow;
- property SaturationHigh: single read GetSaturationHigh write SetSaturationHigh;
- property SpecularColor: TBGRAPixel read GetSpecularColor write SetSpecularColor;
- property SpecularColorF: TColorF read GetSpecularColorF write SetSpecularColorF;
- property SpecularColorInt: TColorInt65536 read GetSpecularColorInt write SetSpecularColorInt;
- property AutoSpecularColor: boolean read GetAutoSpecularColor write SetAutoSpecularColor;
- property SpecularIndex: integer read GetSpecularIndex write SetSpecularIndex;
- property SpecularOn: boolean read GetSpecularOn;
- property LightThroughFactor: single read GetLightThroughFactor write SetLightThroughFactor;
- property Name: string read GetName write SetName;
- end;
- { IBGRANormal3D }
- IBGRANormal3D = interface
- function GetCustomNormal: TPoint3D;
- function GetCustomNormal_128: TPoint3D_128;
- function GetViewNormal: TPoint3D;
- function GetViewNormal_128: TPoint3D_128;
- procedure SetCustomNormal(AValue: TPoint3D);
- procedure SetCustomNormal_128(AValue: TPoint3D_128);
- procedure SetViewNormal(AValue: TPoint3D);
- procedure SetViewNormal_128(AValue: TPoint3D_128);
- property ViewNormal: TPoint3D read GetViewNormal write SetViewNormal;
- property ViewNormal_128: TPoint3D_128 read GetViewNormal_128 write SetViewNormal_128;
- property CustomNormal: TPoint3D read GetCustomNormal write SetCustomNormal;
- property CustomNormal_128: TPoint3D_128 read GetCustomNormal_128 write SetCustomNormal_128;
- end;
- { IBGRAVertex3D }
- IBGRAVertex3D = interface
- function GetColor: TBGRAPixel;
- function GetCustomFlags: LongWord;
- function GetCustomNormal: TPoint3D;
- function GetCustomNormal_128: TPoint3D_128;
- function GetLight: Single;
- function GetProjectedCoord: TPointF;
- function GetUsage: integer;
- function GetViewNormal: TPoint3D;
- function GetViewNormal_128: TPoint3D_128;
- function GetParentColor: Boolean;
- function GetSceneCoord: TPoint3D;
- function GetSceneCoord_128: TPoint3D_128;
- function GetTexCoord: TPointF;
- function GetViewCoord: TPoint3D;
- function GetViewCoord_128: TPoint3D_128;
- procedure ComputeCoordinateAndClearNormal(const AMatrix: TMatrix3D; const AProjection: TProjection3D);
- function GetViewCoordZ: single;
- procedure SetColor(const AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure SetCustomFlags(AValue: LongWord);
- procedure SetCustomNormal(AValue: TPoint3D);
- procedure SetCustomNormal_128(AValue: TPoint3D_128);
- procedure SetLight(const AValue: Single);
- procedure SetProjectedCoord(const AValue: TPointF);
- procedure SetViewNormal(const AValue: TPoint3D);
- procedure SetViewNormal_128(const AValue: TPoint3D_128);
- procedure SetParentColor(const AValue: Boolean);
- procedure SetSceneCoord(const AValue: TPoint3D);
- procedure SetSceneCoord_128(const AValue: TPoint3D_128);
- procedure SetTexCoord(const AValue: TPointF);
- procedure SetViewCoord(const AValue: TPoint3D);
- procedure SetViewCoord_128(const AValue: TPoint3D_128);
- procedure NormalizeViewNormal;
- procedure AddViewNormal(const AValue: TPoint3D_128);
- property SceneCoord: TPoint3D read GetSceneCoord write SetSceneCoord;
- property SceneCoord_128: TPoint3D_128 read GetSceneCoord_128 write SetSceneCoord_128;
- property ViewCoord: TPoint3D read GetViewCoord write SetViewCoord;
- property ViewCoord_128: TPoint3D_128 read GetViewCoord_128 write SetViewCoord_128;
- property ViewCoordZ: single read GetViewCoordZ;
- property ProjectedCoord: TPointF read GetProjectedCoord write SetProjectedCoord;
- property TexCoord: TPointF read GetTexCoord write SetTexCoord;
- property Color: TBGRAPixel read GetColor write SetColor;
- property ParentColor: Boolean read GetParentColor write SetParentColor;
- property Light: Single read GetLight write SetLight;
- property ViewNormal: TPoint3D read GetViewNormal write SetViewNormal;
- property ViewNormal_128: TPoint3D_128 read GetViewNormal_128 write SetViewNormal_128;
- property CustomNormal: TPoint3D read GetCustomNormal write SetCustomNormal;
- property CustomNormal_128: TPoint3D_128 read GetCustomNormal_128 write SetCustomNormal_128;
- property Usage: integer read GetUsage;
- property CustomFlags: LongWord read GetCustomFlags write SetCustomFlags;
- function GetAsObject: TObject;
- end;
- arrayOfIBGRAVertex3D = array of IBGRAVertex3D;
- TVertex3DCallback = procedure(AVertex: IBGRAVertex3D) of object;
- { IBGRAPart3D }
- IBGRAPart3D = interface
- procedure Clear(ARecursive: boolean);
- function Add(x,y,z: single): IBGRAVertex3D; overload;
- function Add(pt: TPoint3D): IBGRAVertex3D; overload;
- function Add(pt: TPoint3D; normal: TPoint3D): IBGRAVertex3D; overload;
- function Add(pt: TPoint3D_128): IBGRAVertex3D; overload;
- function Add(pt: TPoint3D_128; normal: TPoint3D_128): IBGRAVertex3D; overload;
- function AddNormal(x,y,z: single): IBGRANormal3D; overload;
- function AddNormal(pt: TPoint3D): IBGRANormal3D; overload;
- function AddNormal(pt: TPoint3D_128): IBGRANormal3D; overload;
- function Add(const coords: array of single): arrayOfIBGRAVertex3D; overload;
- function Add(const pts: array of TPoint3D): arrayOfIBGRAVertex3D; overload;
- function Add(const pts_128: array of TPoint3D_128): arrayOfIBGRAVertex3D; overload;
- procedure Add(const pts: array of IBGRAVertex3D); overload;
- procedure Add(AVertex: IBGRAVertex3D); overload;
- function GetTotalNormalCount: integer;
- function IndexOf(AVertex: IBGRAVertex3D): integer;
- procedure RemoveVertex(Index: integer);
- procedure RemoveNormal(Index: integer);
- function GetBoundingBox: TBox3D;
- function GetMatrix: TMatrix3D;
- function GetPart(AIndex: Integer): IBGRAPart3D;
- function GetPartCount: integer;
- function GetRadius: single;
- function GetVertex(AIndex: Integer): IBGRAVertex3D;
- function GetVertexCount: integer;
- function GetNormal(AIndex: Integer): IBGRANormal3D;
- function GetNormalCount: integer;
- function GetTotalVertexCount: integer;
- function GetContainer: IBGRAPart3D;
- procedure ResetTransform;
- procedure Scale(size: single; Before: boolean = true); overload;
- procedure Scale(x,y,z: single; Before: boolean = true); overload;
- procedure Scale(size: TPoint3D; Before: boolean = true); overload;
- procedure SetMatrix(const AValue: TMatrix3D);
- procedure SetNormal(AIndex: Integer; AValue: IBGRANormal3D);
- procedure SetVertex(AIndex: Integer; AValue: IBGRAVertex3D);
- procedure Translate(x,y,z: single; Before: boolean = true); overload;
- procedure Translate(ofs: TPoint3D; Before: boolean = true); overload;
- procedure RotateXDeg(angle: single; Before: boolean = true);
- procedure RotateYDeg(angle: single; Before: boolean = true);
- procedure RotateZDeg(angle: single; Before: boolean = true);
- procedure RotateXRad(angle: single; Before: boolean = true);
- procedure RotateYRad(angle: single; Before: boolean = true);
- procedure RotateZRad(angle: single; Before: boolean = true);
- procedure ComputeWithMatrix(const AMatrix: TMatrix3D; const AProjection: TProjection3D);
- function ComputeCoordinate(var ASceneCoord: TPoint3D_128; const AProjection: TProjection3D): TPointF;
- procedure NormalizeViewNormal;
- procedure LookAt(AWhere: TPoint3D; ATopDir: TPoint3D);
- procedure RemoveUnusedVertices;
- function CreatePart: IBGRAPart3D;
- procedure ForEachVertex(ACallback: TVertex3DCallback);
- property VertexCount: integer read GetVertexCount;
- property NormalCount: integer read GetNormalCount;
- property Vertex[AIndex: Integer]: IBGRAVertex3D read GetVertex write SetVertex;
- property Normal[AIndex: Integer]: IBGRANormal3D read GetNormal write SetNormal;
- property Matrix: TMatrix3D read GetMatrix write SetMatrix;
- property PartCount: integer read GetPartCount;
- property Part[AIndex: Integer]: IBGRAPart3D read GetPart;
- property Radius: single read GetRadius;
- property BoundingBox: TBox3D read GetBoundingBox;
- property TotalVertexCount: integer read GetTotalVertexCount;
- property TotalNormalCount: integer read GetTotalNormalCount;
- property Container: IBGRAPart3D read GetContainer;
- end;
- IBGRAObject3D = interface;
- { IBGRAFace3D }
- IBGRAFace3D = interface
- procedure FlipFace;
- function AddVertex(AVertex: IBGRAVertex3D): integer;
- function GetBiface: boolean;
- function GetCustomFlags: LongWord;
- function GetLightThroughFactorOverride: boolean;
- function GetMaterial: IBGRAMaterial3D;
- function GetMaterialName: string;
- function GetObject3D: IBGRAObject3D;
- function GetParentTexture: boolean;
- function GetTexCoord(AIndex: Integer): TPointF;
- function GetTexCoordOverride(AIndex: Integer): boolean;
- function GetTexture: IBGRAScanner;
- function GetVertex(AIndex: Integer): IBGRAVertex3D;
- function GetNormal(AIndex: Integer): IBGRANormal3D;
- function GetVertexColor(AIndex: Integer): TBGRAPixel;
- function GetVertexColorOverride(AIndex: Integer): boolean;
- function GetVertexCount: integer;
- function GetViewCenter: TPoint3D;
- function GetViewCenter_128: TPoint3D_128;
- function GetViewCenterZ: single;
- function GetViewNormal: TPoint3D;
- function GetViewNormal_128: TPoint3D_128;
- function GetLightThroughFactor: single;
- procedure SetCustomFlags(AValue: LongWord);
- procedure SetLightThroughFactor(const AValue: single);
- procedure SetBiface(const AValue: boolean);
- procedure SetLightThroughFactorOverride(const AValue: boolean);
- procedure SetMaterial(const AValue: IBGRAMaterial3D);
- procedure SetMaterialName(const AValue: string);
- procedure SetParentTexture(const AValue: boolean);
- procedure SetTexCoord(AIndex: Integer; const AValue: TPointF);
- procedure SetTexCoordOverride(AIndex: Integer; const AValue: boolean);
- procedure SetTexture(const AValue: IBGRAScanner);
- procedure SetVertex(AIndex: Integer; AValue: IBGRAVertex3D);
- procedure SetNormal(AIndex: Integer; AValue: IBGRANormal3D);
- procedure SetVertexColor(AIndex: Integer; const AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure SetVertexColorOverride(AIndex: Integer; const AValue: boolean);
- procedure ComputeViewNormalAndCenter;
- procedure ComputeVertexColors;
- procedure UpdateMaterial;
- procedure SetColor(AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- property Texture: IBGRAScanner read GetTexture write SetTexture;
- property ParentTexture: boolean read GetParentTexture write SetParentTexture;
- property VertexCount: integer read GetVertexCount;
- property Vertex[AIndex: Integer]: IBGRAVertex3D read GetVertex write SetVertex;
- property VertexColor[AIndex: Integer]: TBGRAPixel read GetVertexColor write SetVertexColor;
- property VertexColorOverride[AIndex: Integer]: boolean read GetVertexColorOverride write SetVertexColorOverride;
- property TexCoord[AIndex: Integer]: TPointF read GetTexCoord write SetTexCoord;
- property TexCoordOverride[AIndex: Integer]: boolean read GetTexCoordOverride write SetTexCoordOverride;
- property ViewNormal: TPoint3D read GetViewNormal;
- property ViewNormal_128: TPoint3D_128 read GetViewNormal_128;
- property ViewCenter: TPoint3D read GetViewCenter;
- property ViewCenter_128: TPoint3D_128 read GetViewCenter_128;
- property ViewCenterZ: single read GetViewCenterZ;
- property Object3D: IBGRAObject3D read GetObject3D;
- property Biface: boolean read GetBiface write SetBiface;
- property LightThroughFactor: single read GetLightThroughFactor write SetLightThroughFactor;
- property LightThroughFactorOverride: boolean read GetLightThroughFactorOverride write SetLightThroughFactorOverride;
- property Material: IBGRAMaterial3D read GetMaterial write SetMaterial;
- property MaterialName: string read GetMaterialName write SetMaterialName;
- function GetAsObject: TObject;
- property CustomFlags: LongWord read GetCustomFlags write SetCustomFlags;
- end;
- TFace3DCallback = procedure(AFace: IBGRAFace3D) of object;
- { IBGRAObject3D }
- IBGRAObject3D = interface
- procedure Clear;
- function GetColor: TBGRAPixel;
- function GetFace(AIndex: integer): IBGRAFace3D;
- function GetFaceCount: integer;
- function GetMaterial: IBGRAMaterial3D;
- function GetRefCount: integer;
- function GetTotalNormalCount: integer;
- function GetTotalVertexCount: integer;
- function GetLight: Single;
- function GetLightingNormal: TLightingNormal3D;
- function GetParentLighting: boolean;
- function GetTexture: IBGRAScanner;
- function GetMainPart: IBGRAPart3D;
- function GetScene: TObject;
- procedure SetColor(const AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure SetLight(const AValue: Single);
- procedure SetLightingNormal(const AValue: TLightingNormal3D);
- procedure SetMaterial(const AValue: IBGRAMaterial3D);
- procedure SetParentLighting(const AValue: boolean);
- procedure SetTexture(const AValue: IBGRAScanner);
- procedure ComputeWithMatrix(constref AMatrix: TMatrix3D; constref AProjection: TProjection3D);
- procedure RemoveUnusedVertices;
- procedure InvalidateColor;
- procedure InvalidateMaterial;
- procedure ForEachVertex(ACallback: TVertex3DCallback);
- procedure ForEachFace(ACallback: TFace3DCallback);
- function AddFaceReversed(const AVertices: array of IBGRAVertex3D): IBGRAFace3D;
- function AddFace(const AVertices: array of IBGRAVertex3D): IBGRAFace3D; overload;
- function AddFace(const AVertices: array of IBGRAVertex3D; ABiface: boolean): IBGRAFace3D; overload;
- function AddFace(const AVertices: array of IBGRAVertex3D; ATexture: IBGRAScanner): IBGRAFace3D; overload;
- function AddFace(const AVertices: array of IBGRAVertex3D; AColor: TBGRAPixel): IBGRAFace3D; overload;
- function AddFace(const AVertices: array of IBGRAVertex3D; AColors: array of TBGRAPixel): IBGRAFace3D; overload;
- procedure Update;
- procedure SetBiface(AValue : boolean);
- procedure SeparatePart(APart: IBGRAPart3D);
- property MainPart: IBGRAPart3D read GetMainPart;
- property Texture: IBGRAScanner read GetTexture write SetTexture;
- property Light: Single read GetLight write SetLight;
- property Color: TBGRAPixel read GetColor write SetColor;
- property Face[AIndex: integer]: IBGRAFace3D read GetFace;
- property FaceCount: integer read GetFaceCount;
- property LightingNormal: TLightingNormal3D read GetLightingNormal write SetLightingNormal;
- property ParentLighting: boolean read GetParentLighting write SetParentLighting;
- property TotalVertexCount: integer read GetTotalVertexCount;
- property TotalNormalCount: integer read GetTotalNormalCount;
- property Material: IBGRAMaterial3D read GetMaterial write SetMaterial;
- property Scene: TObject read GetScene;
- property RefCount: integer read GetRefCount;
- end;
- TBGRAMaterialTextureChangedEvent = procedure(ASender: TObject) of object;
- { TBGRAMaterial3D }
- TBGRAMaterial3D = class(TInterfacedObject, IBGRAMaterial3D)
- private
- FName: string;
- FAutoSimpleColor,FAutoAmbiantColor,FAutoDiffuseColor,FAutoSpecularColor: boolean;
- FSimpleColorInt, FAmbiantColorInt, FDiffuseColorInt: TColorInt65536;
- FDiffuseLightness: integer;
- FSpecularColorInt: TColorInt65536;
- FSpecularIndex: integer;
- FSpecularOn: boolean;
- FSaturationLowF: single;
- FSaturationHighF: single;
- FLightThroughFactor: single;
- FTexture: IBGRAScanner;
- FTextureZoom: TPointF;
- FOnTextureChanged: TBGRAMaterialTextureChangedEvent;
- //phong precalc
- FPowerTable: array of single;
- FPowerTableSize, FPowerTableExp2: integer;
- FPowerTableSizeF: single;
- procedure UpdateSpecular;
- procedure UpdateSimpleColor;
- procedure ComputePowerTable;
- public
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function GetAutoAmbiantColor: boolean;
- function GetAutoDiffuseColor: boolean;
- function GetAutoSpecularColor: boolean;
- function GetAutoSimpleColor: boolean;
- function GetAmbiantAlpha: byte;
- function GetAmbiantColor: TBGRAPixel;
- function GetAmbiantColorF: TColorF;
- function GetAmbiantColorInt: TColorInt65536;
- function GetDiffuseAlpha: byte;
- function GetDiffuseColor: TBGRAPixel;
- function GetDiffuseColorF: TColorF;
- function GetDiffuseColorInt: TColorInt65536;
- function GetLightThroughFactor: single;
- function GetSpecularColor: TBGRAPixel;
- function GetSpecularColorF: TColorF;
- function GetSpecularColorInt: TColorInt65536;
- function GetSpecularIndex: integer;
- function GetSaturationHigh: single;
- function GetSaturationLow: single;
- function GetSimpleAlpha: byte;
- function GetSimpleColor: TBGRAPixel;
- function GetSimpleColorF: TColorF;
- function GetSimpleColorInt: TColorInt65536;
- function GetTextureZoom: TPointF;
- function GetSpecularOn: boolean;
- function GetAsObject: TObject;
- function GetName: string;
- procedure SetAutoAmbiantColor(const AValue: boolean);
- procedure SetAutoDiffuseColor(const AValue: boolean);
- procedure SetAutoSpecularColor(const AValue: boolean);
- procedure SetAmbiantAlpha(AValue: byte);
- procedure SetAmbiantColor(const AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure SetAmbiantColorF(const AValue: TColorF);
- procedure SetAmbiantColorInt(const AValue: TColorInt65536);
- procedure SetDiffuseAlpha(AValue: byte);
- procedure SetDiffuseColor(const AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure SetDiffuseColorF(const AValue: TColorF);
- procedure SetDiffuseColorInt(const AValue: TColorInt65536);
- procedure SetLightThroughFactor(const AValue: single);
- procedure SetSpecularColor(const AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure SetSpecularColorF(const AValue: TColorF);
- procedure SetSpecularColorInt(const AValue: TColorInt65536);
- procedure SetSpecularIndex(const AValue: integer); virtual;
- procedure SetSaturationHigh(const AValue: single);
- procedure SetSaturationLow(const AValue: single);
- procedure SetSimpleAlpha(AValue: byte);
- procedure SetSimpleColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure SetSimpleColorF(AValue: TColorF);
- procedure SetSimpleColorInt(AValue: TColorInt65536);
- procedure SetTextureZoom(AValue: TPointF);
- procedure SetName(const AValue: string);
- function GetTexture: IBGRAScanner;
- procedure SetTexture(AValue: IBGRAScanner);
- procedure ComputeDiffuseAndSpecularColor(Context: PSceneLightingContext; DiffuseIntensity, SpecularIntensity, SpecularCosine: single; const ALightColor: TColorInt65536);
- procedure ComputeDiffuseColor(Context: PSceneLightingContext; const DiffuseIntensity: single; const ALightColor: TColorInt65536);
- procedure ComputeDiffuseLightness(Context: PSceneLightingContext; DiffuseLightnessTerm32768: integer; ALightLightness: integer);
- property OnTextureChanged: TBGRAMaterialTextureChangedEvent read FOnTextureChanged write FOnTextureChanged;
- end;
- TFaceRenderingDescription = record
- NormalsMode: TLightingNormal3D;
- Material: TBGRAMaterial3D;
- Texture: IBGRAScanner;
- LightThroughFactor: single;
- Biface: boolean;
- NbVertices: Integer;
- Projections: array of TPointF;
- Colors: array of TBGRAPixel;
- Positions3D, Normals3D: array of TPoint3D_128;
- TexCoords: array of TPointF;
- end;
- { TCustomRenderer3D }
- TCustomRenderer3D = class
- private
- FProjection: TProjection3D;
- FProjectionDefined: boolean;
- function GetProjectionDefined: boolean;
- protected
- function GetGlobalScale: single; virtual; abstract;
- function GetHasZBuffer: boolean; virtual; abstract;
- function GetHandlesNearClipping: boolean; virtual; abstract;
- function GetHandlesFaceCulling: boolean; virtual; abstract;
- function GetSurfaceWidth: integer; virtual; abstract;
- function GetSurfaceHeight: integer; virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetProjection(const AValue: TProjection3D); virtual;
- public
- function RenderFace(var ADescription: TFaceRenderingDescription;
- AComputeCoordinate: TComputeProjectionFunc): boolean; virtual; abstract;
- property GlobalScale: single read GetGlobalScale;
- property HasZBuffer: boolean read GetHasZBuffer;
- property SurfaceWidth: integer read GetSurfaceWidth;
- property SurfaceHeight: integer read GetSurfaceHeight;
- property Projection: TProjection3D read FProjection write SetProjection;
- property ProjectionDefined: boolean read GetProjectionDefined;
- property HandlesNearClipping: boolean read GetHandlesNearClipping;
- property HandlesFaceCulling: boolean read GetHandlesFaceCulling;
- end;
- { TBGRALight3D }
- TBGRALight3D = class(TInterfacedObject,IBGRALight3D)
- protected
- FMinIntensity: single;
- FColorInt: TColorInt65536;
- FViewVector : TPoint3D_128;
- FLightness: integer;
- public
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure ReleaseInterface;
- procedure ComputeDiffuseLightness(Context: PSceneLightingContext); virtual; abstract;
- procedure ComputeDiffuseColor(Context: PSceneLightingContext); virtual; abstract;
- procedure ComputeDiffuseAndSpecularColor(Context: PSceneLightingContext); virtual; abstract;
- function GetLightnessF: single;
- function GetColor: TBGRAPixel;
- function GetColorF: TColorF;
- function GetColorInt: TColorInt65536;
- function GetAsObject: TObject;
- procedure SetColor(const AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure SetColorF(const AValue: TColorF);
- procedure SetColorInt(const AValue: TColorInt65536);
- function GetColoredLight: boolean;
- function GetMinIntensity: single;
- procedure SetMinIntensity(const AValue: single);
- function IsDirectional: boolean; virtual; abstract;
- function GetIntensity: single; virtual;
- function GetPosition: TPoint3D; virtual;
- function GetDirection: TPoint3D; virtual;
- end;
-{ TCustomRenderer3D }
-function TCustomRenderer3D.GetProjectionDefined: boolean;
- result := FProjectionDefined;
-{$PUSH}{$OPTIMIZATION OFF} // avoids internal error 2012090607
-procedure TCustomRenderer3D.SetProjection(const AValue: TProjection3D);
- FProjection := AValue;
- FProjectionDefined := true;
-{ TBGRAMaterial3D }
-procedure TBGRAMaterial3D.UpdateSpecular;
- FAutoSpecularColor := (FSpecularColorInt.r = 65536) and (FSpecularColorInt.g = 65536) and (FSpecularColorInt.b = 65536) and (FSpecularColorInt.a = 65536);
- FSpecularOn := (FSpecularIndex > 0) and ((FSpecularColorInt.r <> 0) or (FSpecularColorInt.g <> 0) or (FSpecularColorInt.b <> 0) or
- FAutoSpecularColor);
-procedure TBGRAMaterial3D.UpdateSimpleColor;
- FSimpleColorInt := (FAmbiantColorInt+FDiffuseColorInt)*32768;
- FAutoSimpleColor := (FSimpleColorInt.r = 65536) and (FSimpleColorInt.g = 65536) and (FSimpleColorInt.b = 65536) and (FSimpleColorInt.a = 65536);
-procedure TBGRAMaterial3D.ComputePowerTable;
-var i: integer;
- Exponent: single;
- //exponent computed by squares
- Exponent := 1;
- FPowerTableExp2 := 0;
- While Exponent*FPowerTableSize/16 < FSpecularIndex do
- begin
- Exponent := Exponent * 2;
- Inc(FPowerTableExp2);
- end;
- //remaining exponent
- setlength(FPowerTable,FPowerTableSize+3);
- FPowerTable[0] := 0; //out of bound
- FPowerTable[1] := 0; //image of zero
- for i := 1 to FPowerTableSize do // ]0;1]
- FPowerTable[i+1] := Exp(ln(i/(FPowerTableSize-1))*FSpecularIndex/Exponent);
- FPowerTable[FPowerTableSize+2] := 1; //out of bound
-constructor TBGRAMaterial3D.Create;
- SetAmbiantColorInt(ColorInt65536(65536,65536,65536));
- SetDiffuseColorInt(ColorInt65536(65536,65536,65536));
- FSpecularIndex := 10;
- SetSpecularColorInt(ColorInt65536(0,0,0));
- FLightThroughFactor:= 0;
- SetSaturationLow(2);
- SetSaturationHigh(3);
- FTexture := nil;
- FTextureZoom := PointF(1,1);
- FPowerTableSize := 128;
- FPowerTableSizeF := FPowerTableSize;
- FPowerTable := nil;
-destructor TBGRAMaterial3D.Destroy;
- inherited Destroy;
-function TBGRAMaterial3D.GetAutoAmbiantColor: boolean;
- result := FAutoAmbiantColor;
-procedure TBGRAMaterial3D.SetDiffuseAlpha(AValue: byte);
- if AValue = 0 then
- FDiffuseColorInt.a := 0
- else
- FDiffuseColorInt.a := AValue*257+1;
- UpdateSimpleColor;
-function TBGRAMaterial3D.GetAutoDiffuseColor: boolean;
- result := FAutoDiffuseColor;
-function TBGRAMaterial3D.GetAutoSpecularColor: boolean;
- result := FAutoSpecularColor;
-function TBGRAMaterial3D.GetAutoSimpleColor: boolean;
- result := FAutoSimpleColor;
-function TBGRAMaterial3D.GetAmbiantAlpha: byte;
-var v: integer;
- if FAmbiantColorInt.a < 128 then
- result := 0
- else
- begin
- v := (FAmbiantColorInt.a-128) shr 8;
- if v > 255 then v := 255;
- result := v;
- end;
-function TBGRAMaterial3D.GetAmbiantColor: TBGRAPixel;
- result := ColorIntToBGRA(FAmbiantColorInt,True);
-function TBGRAMaterial3D.GetAmbiantColorF: TColorF;
- result := ColorInt65536ToColorF(FAmbiantColorInt);
-function TBGRAMaterial3D.GetAmbiantColorInt: TColorInt65536;
- result := FAmbiantColorInt;
-function TBGRAMaterial3D.GetDiffuseAlpha: byte;
-var v: integer;
- if FDiffuseColorInt.a < 128 then
- result := 0
- else
- begin
- v := (FDiffuseColorInt.a-128) shr 8;
- if v > 255 then v := 255;
- result := v;
- end;
-function TBGRAMaterial3D.GetDiffuseColor: TBGRAPixel;
- result := ColorIntToBGRA(FDiffuseColorInt,True);
-function TBGRAMaterial3D.GetDiffuseColorF: TColorF;
- result := ColorInt65536ToColorF(FDiffuseColorInt);
-function TBGRAMaterial3D.GetDiffuseColorInt: TColorInt65536;
- result := FDiffuseColorInt;
-function TBGRAMaterial3D.GetLightThroughFactor: single;
- result := FLightThroughFactor;
-function TBGRAMaterial3D.GetSpecularColor: TBGRAPixel;
- result := ColorIntToBGRA(FSpecularColorInt,True);
-function TBGRAMaterial3D.GetSpecularColorF: TColorF;
- result := ColorInt65536ToColorF(FSpecularColorInt);
-function TBGRAMaterial3D.GetSpecularColorInt: TColorInt65536;
- result := FSpecularColorInt;
-function TBGRAMaterial3D.GetSpecularIndex: integer;
- result := FSpecularIndex;
-function TBGRAMaterial3D.GetSaturationHigh: single;
- result := FSaturationHighF;
-function TBGRAMaterial3D.GetSaturationLow: single;
- result := FSaturationLowF;
-function TBGRAMaterial3D.GetSimpleAlpha: byte;
- result := (GetAmbiantAlpha + GetDiffuseAlpha) shr 1;
-function TBGRAMaterial3D.GetSimpleColor: TBGRAPixel;
- result := ColorIntToBGRA(GetSimpleColorInt,True);
-function TBGRAMaterial3D.GetSimpleColorF: TColorF;
- result := ColorInt65536ToColorF(GetSimpleColorInt);
-function TBGRAMaterial3D.GetSimpleColorInt: TColorInt65536;
- result := (GetAmbiantColorInt + GetDiffuseColorInt)*32768;
-function TBGRAMaterial3D.GetTexture: IBGRAScanner;
- result := FTexture;
-function TBGRAMaterial3D.GetTextureZoom: TPointF;
- result := FTextureZoom;
-procedure TBGRAMaterial3D.SetAutoAmbiantColor(const AValue: boolean);
- If AValue then
- SetAmbiantColorInt(ColorInt65536(65536,65536,65536));
-procedure TBGRAMaterial3D.SetAutoDiffuseColor(const AValue: boolean);
- If AValue then
- SetDiffuseColorInt(ColorInt65536(65536,65536,65536));
-procedure TBGRAMaterial3D.SetAutoSpecularColor(const AValue: boolean);
- If AValue then
- SetSpecularColorInt(ColorInt65536(65536,65536,65536));
-procedure TBGRAMaterial3D.SetAmbiantAlpha(AValue: byte);
- if AValue = 0 then
- FAmbiantColorInt.a := 0
- else
- FAmbiantColorInt.a := AValue*257+1;
- UpdateSimpleColor;
-procedure TBGRAMaterial3D.SetAmbiantColor(const AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- FAmbiantColorInt := BGRAToColorInt(AValue,True);
- FAutoAmbiantColor := (FAmbiantColorInt.r = 65536) and (FAmbiantColorInt.g = 65536) and (FAmbiantColorInt.b = 65536) and (FAmbiantColorInt.a = 65536);
- UpdateSimpleColor;
-procedure TBGRAMaterial3D.SetAmbiantColorF(const AValue: TColorF);
- FAmbiantColorInt := ColorFToColorInt65536(AValue);
- FAutoAmbiantColor := (FAmbiantColorInt.r = 65536) and (FAmbiantColorInt.g = 65536) and (FAmbiantColorInt.b = 65536) and (FAmbiantColorInt.a = 65536);
- UpdateSimpleColor;
-procedure TBGRAMaterial3D.SetAmbiantColorInt(const AValue: TColorInt65536);
- FAmbiantColorInt := AValue;
- FAutoAmbiantColor := (FAmbiantColorInt.r = 65536) and (FAmbiantColorInt.g = 65536) and (FAmbiantColorInt.b = 65536) and (FAmbiantColorInt.a = 65536);
- UpdateSimpleColor;
-procedure TBGRAMaterial3D.SetDiffuseColor(const AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- FDiffuseColorInt := BGRAToColorInt(AValue,True);
- FDiffuseLightness := (FDiffuseColorInt.r + FDiffuseColorInt.g + FDiffuseColorInt.b) div 6;
- FAutoDiffuseColor:= (FDiffuseColorInt.r = 65536) and (FDiffuseColorInt.g = 65536) and (FDiffuseColorInt.b = 65536);
- UpdateSimpleColor;
-procedure TBGRAMaterial3D.SetDiffuseColorF(const AValue: TColorF);
- FDiffuseColorInt := ColorFToColorInt65536(AValue);
- FDiffuseLightness := (FDiffuseColorInt.r + FDiffuseColorInt.g + FDiffuseColorInt.b) div 6;
- FAutoDiffuseColor:= (FDiffuseColorInt.r = 65536) and (FDiffuseColorInt.g = 65536) and (FDiffuseColorInt.b = 65536);
- UpdateSimpleColor;
-procedure TBGRAMaterial3D.SetDiffuseColorInt(const AValue: TColorInt65536);
- FDiffuseColorInt := AValue;
- FDiffuseLightness := (FDiffuseColorInt.r + FDiffuseColorInt.g + FDiffuseColorInt.b) div 6;
- FAutoDiffuseColor:= (FDiffuseColorInt.r = 65536) and (FDiffuseColorInt.g = 65536) and (FDiffuseColorInt.b = 65536);
- UpdateSimpleColor;
-procedure TBGRAMaterial3D.SetLightThroughFactor(const AValue: single);
- FLightThroughFactor:= AValue;
-procedure TBGRAMaterial3D.SetSpecularColor(const AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- FSpecularColorInt := BGRAToColorInt(AValue,True);
- UpdateSpecular;
-procedure TBGRAMaterial3D.SetSpecularColorF(const AValue: TColorF);
- FSpecularColorInt := ColorFToColorInt65536(AValue);
- UpdateSpecular;
-procedure TBGRAMaterial3D.SetSpecularColorInt(const AValue: TColorInt65536);
- FSpecularColorInt := AValue;
- UpdateSpecular;
-procedure TBGRAMaterial3D.SetSpecularIndex(const AValue: integer);
- FSpecularIndex := AValue;
- UpdateSpecular;
- FPowerTable := nil;
-procedure TBGRAMaterial3D.SetSaturationHigh(const AValue: single);
- FSaturationHighF:= AValue;
-procedure TBGRAMaterial3D.SetSaturationLow(const AValue: single);
- FSaturationLowF:= AValue;
-procedure TBGRAMaterial3D.SetSimpleAlpha(AValue: byte);
- SetAmbiantAlpha(AValue);
- SetDiffuseAlpha(AValue);
-procedure TBGRAMaterial3D.SetSimpleColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- SetAmbiantColor(AValue);
- SetDiffuseColor(AValue);
-procedure TBGRAMaterial3D.SetSimpleColorF(AValue: TColorF);
- SetAmbiantColorF(AValue);
- SetDiffuseColorF(AValue);
-procedure TBGRAMaterial3D.SetSimpleColorInt(AValue: TColorInt65536);
- SetAmbiantColorInt(AValue);
- SetDiffuseColorInt(AValue);
-procedure TBGRAMaterial3D.SetTexture(AValue: IBGRAScanner);
- If AValue <> FTexture then
- begin
- FTexture := AValue;
- if Assigned(FOnTextureChanged) then
- FOnTextureChanged(self);
- end;
-procedure TBGRAMaterial3D.SetTextureZoom(AValue: TPointF);
- if AValue <> FTextureZoom then
- begin
- FTextureZoom := AValue;
- if Assigned(FOnTextureChanged) then
- FOnTextureChanged(self);
- end;
-function TBGRAMaterial3D.GetName: string;
- result := FName;
-procedure TBGRAMaterial3D.SetName(const AValue: string);
- FName := AValue;
-function TBGRAMaterial3D.GetSpecularOn: boolean;
- result := FSpecularOn;
-function TBGRAMaterial3D.GetAsObject: TObject;
- result := self;
-procedure TBGRAMaterial3D.ComputeDiffuseAndSpecularColor(Context: PSceneLightingContext; DiffuseIntensity, SpecularIntensity, SpecularCosine: single; const ALightColor: TColorInt65536);
- NH,PowerTablePos: single; //keep first for asm
- NnH: single;
- PowerTableFPos: single;
- PowerTableIPos,i: Int32or64;
- if SpecularCosine <= 0 then
- NnH := 0
- else
- if SpecularCosine >= 1 then
- NnH := 1 else
- begin
- NH := SpecularCosine;
- if FPowerTable = nil then ComputePowerTable;
- {$IFDEF CPUI386} {$asmmode intel}
- i := FPowerTableExp2;
- if i > 0 then
- begin
- PowerTablePos := FPowerTableSize;
- asm
- db $d9,$45,$f0 //flds NH
- mov ecx,i
- @loop:
- db $dc,$c8 //fmul st,st(0)
- dec ecx
- jnz @loop
- db $d8,$4d,$ec //fmuls PowerTablePos
- db $d9,$5d,$ec //fstps PowerTablePos
- end;
- end
- else
- PowerTablePos := NH*FPowerTableSize;
- {$ELSE}
- PowerTablePos := NH;
- for i := FPowerTableExp2-1 downto 0 do
- PowerTablePos := PowerTablePos*PowerTablePos;
- PowerTablePos := PowerTablePos * FPowerTableSize;
- {$ENDIF}
- PowerTableIPos := round(PowerTablePos+0.5);
- PowerTableFPos := PowerTablePos-PowerTableIPos;
- NnH := FPowerTable[PowerTableIPos]*(1-PowerTableFPos)+FPowerTable[PowerTableIPos+1]*PowerTableFPos;
- end; //faster than NnH := exp(FSpecularIndex*ln(NH)); !
- if FAutoDiffuseColor then
- Context^.diffuseColor := Context^.diffuseColor + ALightColor*round(DiffuseIntensity*65536)
- else
- Context^.diffuseColor := Context^.diffuseColor + ALightColor*FDiffuseColorInt*round(DiffuseIntensity*65536);
- if FAutoSpecularColor then
- Context^.specularColor := Context^.specularColor + ALightColor*round(SpecularIntensity* NnH*65536)
- else
- Context^.specularColor := Context^.specularColor + ALightColor*FSpecularColorInt*round(SpecularIntensity* NnH*65536);
-procedure TBGRAMaterial3D.ComputeDiffuseColor(Context: PSceneLightingContext;
- const DiffuseIntensity: single; const ALightColor: TColorInt65536);
- if FAutoDiffuseColor then
- Context^.diffuseColor := Context^.diffuseColor + ALightColor*round(DiffuseIntensity*65536)
- else
- Context^.diffuseColor := Context^.diffuseColor + ALightColor*FDiffuseColorInt*round(DiffuseIntensity*65536);
-procedure TBGRAMaterial3D.ComputeDiffuseLightness(
- Context: PSceneLightingContext; DiffuseLightnessTerm32768: integer; ALightLightness: integer);
- if FAutoDiffuseColor then
- begin
- if ALightLightness <> 32768 then
- inc(Context^.lightness, CombineLightness(DiffuseLightnessTerm32768,ALightLightness) )
- else
- inc(Context^.lightness, DiffuseLightnessTerm32768 );
- end else
- begin
- if FDiffuseLightness <> 32768 then
- inc(Context^.lightness, CombineLightness(DiffuseLightnessTerm32768,CombineLightness(FDiffuseLightness,ALightLightness)) )
- else
- inc(Context^.lightness, CombineLightness(DiffuseLightnessTerm32768,ALightLightness) );
- end;
-{ TBGRALight3D }
-constructor TBGRALight3D.Create;
- SetColorF(ColorF(1,1,1,1));
- FViewVector := Point3D_128(0,0,-1);
- FMinIntensity:= 0;
-destructor TBGRALight3D.Destroy;
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TBGRALight3D.ReleaseInterface;
- _Release;
-function TBGRALight3D.GetLightnessF: single;
- result := FLightness/32768;
-function TBGRALight3D.GetColor: TBGRAPixel;
- result := ColorIntToBGRA(FColorInt,True);
-function TBGRALight3D.GetColorF: TColorF;
- result := ColorInt65536ToColorF(FColorInt);
-function TBGRALight3D.GetColorInt: TColorInt65536;
- result := FColorInt;
-function TBGRALight3D.GetAsObject: TObject;
- result := self;
-procedure TBGRALight3D.SetColor(const AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- SetColorInt(BGRAToColorInt(AValue,True));
-procedure TBGRALight3D.SetColorF(const AValue: TColorF);
- SetColorInt(ColorFToColorInt65536(AValue));
-procedure TBGRALight3D.SetColorInt(const AValue: TColorInt65536);
- FColorInt := AValue;
- FLightness:= (AValue.r+AValue.g+AValue.b) div 6;
-function TBGRALight3D.GetColoredLight: boolean;
- result := (FColorInt.r <> FColorInt.g) or (FColorInt.g <> FColorInt.b);
-function TBGRALight3D.GetMinIntensity: single;
- result := FMinIntensity;
-procedure TBGRALight3D.SetMinIntensity(const AValue: single);
- FMinIntensity := AValue;
-function TBGRALight3D.GetIntensity: single;
- result := 1;
-function TBGRALight3D.GetPosition: TPoint3D;
- result := Point3D(0,0,0);
-function TBGRALight3D.GetDirection: TPoint3D;
- result := Point3D(0,0,0);
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgraslicescaling.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgraslicescaling.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 3884b0c..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgraslicescaling.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,778 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRASliceScaling;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BGRAGraphics, BGRABitmap, BGRABitmapTypes, IniFiles;
- TMargins = record
- top, right, bottom, left: integer;
- end;
- TSlicePosition = (spTopLeft, spTop, spTopRight, spLeft, spMiddle, spRight,
- spBottomLeft, spBottom, spBottomRight);
- TSliceBitmapArray = array[TSlicePosition] of TBGRABitmap;
- TSliceRectArray = array[TSlicePosition] of TRect;
- TSliceRepeatPosition = (srpTop, srpLeft, srpMiddleHorizontal,
- srpMiddleVertical, srpRight, srpBottom);
- TSliceRepeatArray = array[TSliceRepeatPosition] of boolean;
- SliceRepeatPositionStr : array[TSliceRepeatPosition] of string =
- ('Top','Left','MiddleHorizontal','MiddleVertical','Right','Bottom');
-function Margins(ATop, ARight, ABottom, ALeft: integer): TMargins;
- { TBGRASliceScaling }
- TBGRASliceScaling = class
- private
- FSliceRectArray: TSliceRectArray;
- FSliceBitmapArray: TSliceBitmapArray;
- FSliceRepeat: TSliceRepeatArray;
- FBitmap: TBGRABitmap;
- FBitmapOwned: boolean;
- FBitmapSourceRect: TRect;
- FMargins: TMargins;
- FDrawMode: TDrawMode;
- FResampleMode: TResampleMode;
- FResampleFilter: TResampleFilter;
- function GetBitmapHeight: integer;
- function GetBitmapWidth: integer;
- function GetSlice(APosition: TSlicePosition): TBGRABitmap;
- function GetSliceRepeat(Aposition: TSliceRepeatPosition): boolean;
- function GetSliceRepeatAsString: string;
- procedure SetBitmap(AValue: TBGRABitmap);
- procedure SetBitmapSourceRect(AValue: TRect);
- procedure SetDrawMode(AValue: TDrawMode);
- procedure SetResampleFilter(AValue: TResampleFilter);
- procedure SetResampleMode(AValue: TResampleMode);
- procedure SetSliceRepeat(Aposition: TSliceRepeatPosition; AValue: boolean);
- procedure SetSliceRepeatAsString(AValue: string);
- protected
- // Stuff
- procedure UpdateSliceRectArray;
- function ComputeSliceRectArray(ARect: TRect): TSliceRectArray;
- procedure SliceScalingDraw(ADest: TBGRABitmap; ADestRect: TRect;
- DrawGrid: boolean = False);
- procedure Init;
- procedure ClearBitmapArray;
- public
- // Create an instance and stores the bitmap, either as a reference to a TBGRABitmap from the caller,
- // or as a local owned copy in other cases
- constructor Create(ABitmap: TBGRABitmap;
- AMarginTop, AMarginRight, AMarginBottom, AMarginLeft: integer; ABitmapOwner: boolean = false); overload;
- constructor Create(ABitmap: TBitmap;
- AMarginTop, AMarginRight, AMarginBottom, AMarginLeft: integer); overload;
- constructor Create(AFilename: string;
- AMarginTop, AMarginRight, AMarginBottom, AMarginLeft: integer); overload;
- constructor Create(AFilename: string; AIsUtf8: boolean;
- AMarginTop, AMarginRight, AMarginBottom, AMarginLeft: integer); overload;
- constructor Create(AStream: TStream;
- AMarginTop, AMarginRight, AMarginBottom, AMarginLeft: integer); overload;
- constructor Create(ABitmap: TBGRABitmap; ABitmapOwner: boolean = false); overload;
- constructor Create(ABitmap: TBitmap); overload;
- constructor Create(AFilename: string); overload;
- constructor Create(AFilename: string; AIsUtf8: boolean); overload;
- constructor Create(AStream: TStream); overload;
- constructor Create; overload;
- procedure SetMargins(AMarginTop, AMarginRight, AMarginBottom, AMarginLeft: integer); overload;
- procedure SetMargins(AMargins: TMargins); overload;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- public
- procedure NotifyBitmapChanged; //to notify the source bitmap has changed
- //so new bitmaps should be used
- // Draw
- procedure Draw(ABitmap: TBGRABitmap; ARect: TRect; DrawGrid: boolean = False); overload;
- procedure Draw(ABitmap: TBGRABitmap; ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight: integer;
- DrawGrid: boolean = False); overload;
- procedure AutodetectRepeat;
- public
- // Property
- property DrawMode: TDrawMode read FDrawMode write SetDrawMode;
- property ResampleMode: TResampleMode read FResampleMode write SetResampleMode;
- property ResampleFilter: TResampleFilter read FResampleFilter
- write SetResampleFilter;
- property BitmapWidth: integer read GetBitmapWidth;
- property BitmapHeight: integer read GetBitmapHeight;
- property BitmapSource: TBGRABitmap read FBitmap write SetBitmap;
- property BitmapSourceRect: TRect read FBitmapSourceRect write SetBitmapSourceRect;
- property Margins: TMargins read FMargins write SetMargins;
- property SliceBitmap[APosition: TSlicePosition]: TBGRABitmap read GetSlice;
- property SliceRepeat[Aposition: TSliceRepeatPosition]: boolean
- read GetSliceRepeat write SetSliceRepeat;
- property SliceRepeatAsString: string read GetSliceRepeatAsString write SetSliceRepeatAsString;
- end;
- TSliceScalingArray = array of TBGRASliceScaling;
- TSliceScalingDirection = (sdHorizontal, sdVertical);
- TBGRABitmapArray = array of TBGRABitmap;
- { TBGRAMultiSliceScaling }
- TBGRAMultiSliceScaling = class
- private
- FSliceScalingArray: TSliceScalingArray;
- FBitmapOwned: boolean;
- FBitmap: TBGRABitmap;
- function GetCount: integer;
- procedure SetFSliceScalingArray(AValue: TSliceScalingArray);
- public
- constructor Create(ABitmap: TBGRABitmap;
- AMarginTop, AMarginRight, AMarginBottom, AMarginLeft, NumberOfItems: integer;
- Direction: TSliceScalingDirection; ABitmapOwner: boolean = false); overload;
- constructor Create(ABitmap: TBitmap;
- AMarginTop, AMarginRight, AMarginBottom, AMarginLeft, NumberOfItems: integer;
- Direction: TSliceScalingDirection); overload;
- constructor Create(ABitmapFilename: string;
- AMarginTop, AMarginRight, AMarginBottom, AMarginLeft, NumberOfItems: integer;
- Direction: TSliceScalingDirection); overload;
- constructor Create(ABitmapFilename: string; AIsUtf8: boolean;
- AMarginTop, AMarginRight, AMarginBottom, AMarginLeft, NumberOfItems: integer;
- Direction: TSliceScalingDirection); overload;
- constructor Create(AStream: TStream;
- AMarginTop, AMarginRight, AMarginBottom, AMarginLeft, NumberOfItems: integer;
- Direction: TSliceScalingDirection); overload;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- constructor Create(AIniFilename, ASection: string; AIsUtf8Filename: boolean= false); overload;
- public
- procedure Draw(ItemNumber: integer; ABitmap: TBGRABitmap;
- ARect: TRect; DrawGrid: boolean = False); overload;
- procedure Draw(ItemNumber: integer; ABitmap: TBGRABitmap;
- ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight: integer; DrawGrid: boolean = False); overload;
- public
- property Count: integer read GetCount;
- property SliceScalingArray: TSliceScalingArray
- read FSliceScalingArray write SetFSliceScalingArray;
- end;
-uses BGRAUTF8;
-function Margins(ATop, ARight, ABottom, ALeft: integer): TMargins;
- Result.top := atop;
- Result.right := aright;
- Result.bottom := abottom;
- Result.left := aleft;
-{ TBGRAMultiSliceScaling }
-procedure TBGRAMultiSliceScaling.SetFSliceScalingArray(AValue: TSliceScalingArray);
- if FSliceScalingArray = AValue then
- Exit;
- FSliceScalingArray := AValue;
-function TBGRAMultiSliceScaling.GetCount: integer;
- result := length(FSliceScalingArray);
-constructor TBGRAMultiSliceScaling.Create(ABitmap: TBGRABitmap;
- AMarginTop, AMarginRight, AMarginBottom, AMarginLeft, NumberOfItems: integer;
- Direction: TSliceScalingDirection; ABitmapOwner: boolean = false);
- i: integer;
- ItemWidth,ItemHeight,ItemStepX,ItemStepY: integer;
- FBitmap := ABitmap;
- FBitmapOwned := ABitmapOwner;
- ItemWidth := ABitmap.Width;
- ItemHeight := ABitmap.Height;
- ItemStepX := 0;
- ItemStepY := 0;
- case Direction of
- sdVertical: begin
- ItemHeight:= ABitmap.Height div NumberOfItems;
- ItemStepY := ItemHeight;
- end;
- sdHorizontal:
- begin
- ItemWidth:= ABitmap.Width div NumberOfItems;
- ItemStepX := ItemWidth;
- end;
- end;
- SetLength(FSliceScalingArray, NumberOfItems);
- for i := Low(FSliceScalingArray) to High(FSliceScalingArray) do
- begin
- FSliceScalingArray[i] := TBGRASliceScaling.Create(ABitmap,
- AMarginTop, AMarginRight, AMarginBottom, AMarginLeft);
- FSliceScalingArray[i].BitmapSourceRect := rect(ItemStepX*i,ItemStepY*i,ItemStepX*i+ItemWidth,ItemStepY*i+ItemHeight);
- end;
-constructor TBGRAMultiSliceScaling.Create(ABitmap: TBitmap;
- AMarginTop, AMarginRight, AMarginBottom, AMarginLeft, NumberOfItems: integer;
- Direction: TSliceScalingDirection);
- Create(TBGRABitmap.Create(ABitmap), AMarginTop, AMarginRight, AMarginBottom, AMarginLeft,
- NumberOfItems, Direction, True);
-constructor TBGRAMultiSliceScaling.Create(ABitmapFilename: string;
- AMarginTop, AMarginRight, AMarginBottom, AMarginLeft, NumberOfItems: integer;
- Direction: TSliceScalingDirection);
- Create(TBGRABitmap.Create(ABitmapFilename), AMarginTop, AMarginRight, AMarginBottom, AMarginLeft,
- NumberOfItems, Direction, True);
-constructor TBGRAMultiSliceScaling.Create(ABitmapFilename: string; AIsUtf8: boolean;
- AMarginTop, AMarginRight, AMarginBottom, AMarginLeft, NumberOfItems: integer;
- Direction: TSliceScalingDirection);
- Create(TBGRABitmap.Create(ABitmapFilename,AIsUtf8), AMarginTop, AMarginRight, AMarginBottom, AMarginLeft,
- NumberOfItems, Direction, True);
-constructor TBGRAMultiSliceScaling.Create(AStream: TStream;
- AMarginTop, AMarginRight, AMarginBottom, AMarginLeft, NumberOfItems: integer;
- Direction: TSliceScalingDirection);
- Create(TBGRABitmap.Create(AStream), AMarginTop, AMarginRight, AMarginBottom, AMarginLeft,
- NumberOfItems, Direction, True);
-destructor TBGRAMultiSliceScaling.Destroy;
- i: integer;
- for i := Low(FSliceScalingArray) to High(FSliceScalingArray) do
- FSliceScalingArray[i].Free;
- if FBitmapOwned then FBitmap.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
-constructor TBGRAMultiSliceScaling.Create(AIniFilename, ASection: string;
- AIsUtf8Filename: boolean);
- i: integer;
- temp: TMemIniFile;
- Direction: TSliceScalingDirection;
- defaultRepeat: string;
- IniPathUTF8,BitmapFilename: string;
- if AIsUtf8Filename then
- begin
- if not FileExistsUTF8(AIniFilename) then exit;
- temp := TMemIniFile.Create(UTF8ToSys(AIniFilename));
- IniPathUTF8 := ExtractFilePath(AIniFilename);
- end else
- begin
- if not FileExists(AIniFilename) then exit;
- temp := TMemIniFile.Create(AIniFilename);
- IniPathUTF8 := SysToUTF8(ExtractFilePath(AIniFilename));
- end;
- if temp.ReadBool(ASection, 'HorizontalDirection', False) then
- Direction := sdHorizontal
- else
- Direction := sdVertical;
- BitmapFilename := temp.ReadString(ASection, 'Bitmap', '');
- if (copy(BitmapFilename,1,2) = '.\') or (copy(BitmapFilename,1,2) = './') then
- BitmapFilename := IniPathUTF8+SysToUTF8(copy(BitmapFilename,3,Length(BitmapFilename)-2));
- Create(
- BitmapFilename,True,
- temp.ReadInteger(ASection, 'MarginTop', 0),
- temp.ReadInteger(ASection, 'MarginRight', 0),
- temp.ReadInteger(ASection, 'MarginBottom', 0),
- temp.ReadInteger(ASection, 'MarginLeft', 0),
- temp.ReadInteger(ASection, 'NumberOfItems', 1),
- Direction);
- defaultRepeat := temp.ReadString(ASection, 'Repeat', 'Auto');
- for i := 0 to High(FSliceScalingArray) do
- FSliceScalingArray[i].SliceRepeatAsString := temp.ReadString(ASection, 'Repeat'+IntToStr(i+1), defaultRepeat);
- temp.Free;
-procedure TBGRAMultiSliceScaling.Draw(ItemNumber: integer; ABitmap: TBGRABitmap;
- ARect: TRect; DrawGrid: boolean);
- if (ItemNumber < 0) or (ItemNumber >= Count) then exit;
- FSliceScalingArray[ItemNumber].Draw(ABitmap, ARect, DrawGrid);
-procedure TBGRAMultiSliceScaling.Draw(ItemNumber: integer; ABitmap: TBGRABitmap;
- ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight: integer; DrawGrid: boolean);
- if (ItemNumber < 0) or (ItemNumber >= Count) then exit;
- FSliceScalingArray[ItemNumber].Draw(ABitmap, ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight, DrawGrid);
-{ TBGRASliceScaling }
-procedure TBGRASliceScaling.SetDrawMode(AValue: TDrawMode);
- if FDrawMode = AValue then
- Exit;
- FDrawMode := AValue;
-procedure TBGRASliceScaling.SetBitmap(AValue: TBGRABitmap);
- if FBitmap = AValue then
- Exit;
- if FBitmapOwned then
- FBitmap.Free;
- FBitmap := AValue;
- FBitmapOwned := False;
- UpdateSliceRectArray;
-procedure TBGRASliceScaling.SetBitmapSourceRect(AValue: TRect);
- if (FBitmapSourceRect.Left=AValue.Left) and
- (FBitmapSourceRect.Right=AValue.Right) and
- (FBitmapSourceRect.Top=AValue.Top) and
- (FBitmapSourceRect.Bottom=AValue.Bottom) then Exit;
- FBitmapSourceRect:=AValue;
- UpdateSliceRectArray;
-function TBGRASliceScaling.GetSlice(APosition: TSlicePosition): TBGRABitmap;
- if FSliceBitmapArray[APosition] = nil then
- with FSliceRectArray[APosition] do
- begin
- FSliceBitmapArray[APosition] := TBGRABitmap.Create(right - left, bottom - top);
- FSliceBitmapArray[APosition].PutImage(-left, -top, FBitmap, dmSet);
- end;
- Result := FSliceBitmapArray[APosition];
-function TBGRASliceScaling.GetBitmapHeight: integer;
- result := FBitmapSourceRect.Bottom - FBitmapSourceRect.Top;
-function TBGRASliceScaling.GetBitmapWidth: integer;
- result := FBitmapSourceRect.Right - FBitmapSourceRect.Left;
-function TBGRASliceScaling.GetSliceRepeat(Aposition: TSliceRepeatPosition): boolean;
- Result := FSliceRepeat[Aposition];
-function TBGRASliceScaling.GetSliceRepeatAsString: string;
-var p: TSliceRepeatPosition;
- result := '';
- for p := low(TSliceRepeatPosition) to high(TSliceRepeatPosition) do
- if SliceRepeat[p] then
- begin
- if result <> '' then AppendStr(result, '+');
- AppendStr(result, SliceRepeatPositionStr[p]);
- end;
-procedure TBGRASliceScaling.SetResampleFilter(AValue: TResampleFilter);
- if FResampleFilter = AValue then
- Exit;
- FResampleFilter := AValue;
-procedure TBGRASliceScaling.SetResampleMode(AValue: TResampleMode);
- if FResampleMode = AValue then
- Exit;
- FResampleMode := AValue;
-procedure TBGRASliceScaling.SetSliceRepeat(Aposition: TSliceRepeatPosition;
- AValue: boolean);
- FSliceRepeat[Aposition] := AValue;
-procedure TBGRASliceScaling.SetSliceRepeatAsString(AValue: string);
-var p: TSliceRepeatPosition;
- attr: string;
- idx: integer;
- AValue := trim(AValue);
- if compareText(AValue,'All')=0 then
- begin
- for p := low(TSliceRepeatPosition) to high(TSliceRepeatPosition) do
- SliceRepeat[p] := true;
- exit;
- end;
- for p := low(TSliceRepeatPosition) to high(TSliceRepeatPosition) do
- SliceRepeat[p] := false;
- if compareText(AValue,'None')=0 then exit;
- while AValue <> '' do
- begin
- idx := pos('+',AValue);
- if idx <> 0 then
- begin
- attr := copy(AValue,1,idx-1);
- delete(AValue,1,idx);
- end else
- begin
- attr := AValue;
- AValue := '';
- end;
- for p := low(TSliceRepeatPosition) to high(TSliceRepeatPosition) do
- if CompareText(SliceRepeatPositionStr[p],attr)=0 then
- begin
- SliceRepeat[p] := true;
- attr := '';
- break;
- end;
- if compareText(attr,'Auto')=0 then AutodetectRepeat else
- if attr <> '' then
- raise exception.Create('Unknown slice repeat attribute ('+attr+')');
- end;
-procedure TBGRASliceScaling.UpdateSliceRectArray;
- ClearBitmapArray;
- if FBitmap = nil then exit;
- FSliceRectArray := ComputeSliceRectArray(FBitmapSourceRect);
-function TBGRASliceScaling.ComputeSliceRectArray(ARect: TRect): TSliceRectArray;
- Width, Height: integer;
- pos: TSlicePosition;
- lMargins: TMargins;
- ratio: single;
- Width := ARect.Right - ARect.Left;
- Height := ARect.Bottom - ARect.Top;
- if (Width <= 0) or (Height <= 0) then
- raise Exception.Create('Empty rectangle');
- lMargins := FMargins;
- if lMargins.top < 0 then
- lMargins.top := 0;
- if lMargins.right < 0 then
- lMargins.right := 0;
- if lMargins.bottom < 0 then
- lMargins.bottom := 0;
- if lMargins.left < 0 then
- lMargins.left := 0;
- if lmargins.left + lMargins.right >= Width then
- begin
- ratio := Width / (lmargins.left + lMargins.right + 1);
- lMargins.left := trunc(lMargins.left * ratio);
- lMargins.right := trunc(lMargins.right * ratio);
- end;
- if lmargins.top + lMargins.bottom >= Height then
- begin
- ratio := Height / (lmargins.top + lMargins.bottom + 1);
- lMargins.top := trunc(lMargins.top * ratio);
- lMargins.bottom := trunc(lMargins.bottom * ratio);
- end;
- with lMargins do
- begin
- Result[spTopLeft] := rect(0, 0, Left, Top);
- Result[spTop] := rect(Left, 0, Width - Right, Top);
- Result[spTopRight] := rect(Width - Right, 0, Width, Top);
- Result[spLeft] := rect(0, Top, Left, Height - Bottom);
- Result[spMiddle] := rect(Left, Top, Width - Right, Height - Bottom);
- Result[spRight] := rect(Width - Right, Top, Width, Height - Bottom);
- Result[spBottomLeft] := rect(0, Height - Bottom, Left, Height);
- Result[spBottom] := rect(Left, Height - Bottom, Width - Right, Height);
- Result[spBottomRight] := rect(Width - Right, Height - Bottom, Width, Height);
- end;
- for pos := low(TSlicePosition) to high(TSlicePosition) do
- Result[pos].Offset(ARect.Left, ARect.Top);
-procedure TBGRASliceScaling.SliceScalingDraw(ADest: TBGRABitmap;
- ADestRect: TRect; DrawGrid: boolean);
- pos: TSlicePosition;
- tempBGRA: TBGRABitmap;
- DestSliceRect: TSliceRectArray;
- repeatSlice: boolean;
- if (ADestRect.Right <= ADestRect.Left) or (ADestRect.Bottom <= ADestRect.Top) then
- exit;
- DestSliceRect := ComputeSliceRectArray(ADestRect);
- for pos := Low(TSlicePosition) to High(TSlicePosition) do
- begin
- with DestSliceRect[pos] do
- begin
- if (right > left) and (bottom > top) then
- begin
- case pos of
- spTop: repeatSlice := SliceRepeat[srpTop];
- spRight: repeatSlice := SliceRepeat[srpRight];
- spBottom: repeatSlice := SliceRepeat[srpBottom];
- spLeft: repeatSlice := SliceRepeat[srpLeft];
- spMiddle: repeatSlice :=
- SliceRepeat[srpMiddleHorizontal] and SliceRepeat[srpMiddleVertical];
- else
- repeatSlice := False;
- end;
- //simple copy
- if (right - left = FSliceRectArray[pos].right - FSliceRectArray[pos].left) and
- (bottom - top = FSliceRectArray[pos].bottom - FSliceRectArray[pos].top) then
- begin
- FBitmap.ScanOffset :=
- point(FSliceRectArray[pos].left - left, FSliceRectArray[pos].top - top);
- ADest.FillRect(left, top, right, bottom, FBitmap, FDrawMode);
- end
- else
- //repeat in both direction
- if repeatSlice then
- begin
- tempBGRA := SliceBitmap[pos];
- tempBGRA.ScanOffset := point(-left, -top);
- ADest.FillRect(left, top, right, bottom, tempBGRA, FDrawMode);
- end
- else
- //resample in both directions (or in one direction if the other direction has the same size)
- if (pos <> spMiddle) or (not SliceRepeat[srpMiddleHorizontal] and
- not SliceRepeat[srpMiddleVertical]) then
- begin
- SliceBitmap[pos].ResampleFilter := ResampleFilter;
- tempBGRA := SliceBitmap[pos].Resample(right - left, bottom - top, FResampleMode);
- ADest.PutImage(left, top, tempBGRA, FDrawMode);
- tempBGRA.Free;
- end
- else //one dimension resample, other dimension resample
- begin
- SliceBitmap[pos].ResampleFilter := ResampleFilter;
- if not SliceRepeat[srpMiddleHorizontal] then
- tempBGRA := SliceBitmap[pos].Resample(
- right - left, SliceBitmap[pos].Height, FResampleMode)
- else
- tempBGRA := SliceBitmap[pos].Resample(
- SliceBitmap[pos].Width, bottom - top, FResampleMode);
- tempBGRA.ScanOffset := point(-left, -top);
- ADest.FillRect(left, top, right, bottom, tempBGRA, FDrawMode);
- tempBGRA.Free;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if DrawGrid then
- begin
- ADest.DrawLineAntialias(DestSliceRect[spTop].left, DestSliceRect[spTop].top,
- DestSliceRect[spBottom].left, DestSliceRect[spBottom].bottom,
- BGRA(255, 0, 0, 255), BGRAPixelTransparent, 1, False);
- ADest.DrawLineAntialias(DestSliceRect[spTop].right - 1, DestSliceRect[spTop].top,
- DestSliceRect[spBottom].right - 1, DestSliceRect[spBottom].bottom,
- BGRA(255, 0, 0, 255), BGRAPixelTransparent, 1, False);
- ADest.DrawLineAntialias(DestSliceRect[spLeft].left, DestSliceRect[spLeft].top,
- DestSliceRect[spRight].right, DestSliceRect[spRight].top,
- BGRA(255, 0, 0, 255), BGRAPixelTransparent, 1, False);
- ADest.DrawLineAntialias(DestSliceRect[spLeft].left, DestSliceRect[spLeft].bottom - 1,
- DestSliceRect[spRight].right, DestSliceRect[spRight].bottom - 1,
- BGRA(255, 0, 0, 255), BGRAPixelTransparent, 1, False);
- end;
-procedure TBGRASliceScaling.Init;
- pos: TSliceRepeatPosition;
- FBitmap := nil;
- FBitmapOwned := False;
- for pos := low(TSliceRepeatPosition) to high(TSliceRepeatPosition) do
- FSliceRepeat[pos] := False;
- SetMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
- FBitmapSourceRect := rect(0,0,0,0);
- DrawMode := dmDrawWithTransparency;
- ResampleMode := rmFineResample;
- ResampleFilter := rfHalfCosine;
-procedure TBGRASliceScaling.ClearBitmapArray;
- pos: TSlicePosition;
- for pos := low(TSlicePosition) to high(TSlicePosition) do
- FreeAndNil(FSliceBitmapArray[pos]);
-constructor TBGRASliceScaling.Create(ABitmap: TBGRABitmap;
- AMarginTop, AMarginRight, AMarginBottom, AMarginLeft: integer; ABitmapOwner: boolean = false);
- Create(ABitmap, ABitmapOwner);
- SetMargins(AMarginTop, AMarginRight, AMarginBottom, AMarginLeft);
-constructor TBGRASliceScaling.Create(ABitmap: TBitmap;
- AMarginTop, AMarginRight, AMarginBottom, AMarginLeft: integer);
- Create(ABitmap);
- SetMargins(AMarginTop, AMarginRight, AMarginBottom, AMarginLeft);
-constructor TBGRASliceScaling.Create(AFilename: string;
- AMarginTop, AMarginRight, AMarginBottom, AMarginLeft: integer);
- Create(AFilename);
- SetMargins(AMarginTop, AMarginRight, AMarginBottom, AMarginLeft);
-constructor TBGRASliceScaling.Create(AFilename: string; AIsUtf8: boolean;
- AMarginTop, AMarginRight, AMarginBottom, AMarginLeft: integer);
- Create(AFilename, AIsUtf8);
- SetMargins(AMarginTop, AMarginRight, AMarginBottom, AMarginLeft);
-constructor TBGRASliceScaling.Create(AStream: TStream;
- AMarginTop, AMarginRight, AMarginBottom, AMarginLeft: integer);
- Create(AStream);
- SetMargins(AMarginTop, AMarginRight, AMarginBottom, AMarginLeft);
-constructor TBGRASliceScaling.Create(ABitmap: TBGRABitmap; ABitmapOwner: boolean = false);
- Init;
- FBitmap := ABitmap;
- FBitmapOwned := ABitmapOwner;
- FBitmapSourceRect := rect(0,0,FBitmap.Width,FBitmap.Height);
-constructor TBGRASliceScaling.Create(ABitmap: TBitmap);
- Init;
- FBitmap := TBGRABitmap.Create(ABitmap);
- FBitmapOwned := True;
- FBitmapSourceRect := rect(0,0,FBitmap.Width,FBitmap.Height);
-constructor TBGRASliceScaling.Create(AFilename: string);
- Init;
- FBitmap := TBGRABitmap.Create(AFilename);
- FBitmapOwned := True;
- FBitmapSourceRect := rect(0,0,FBitmap.Width,FBitmap.Height);
-constructor TBGRASliceScaling.Create(AFilename: string; AIsUtf8: boolean);
- Init;
- FBitmap := TBGRABitmap.Create(AFilename,AIsUtf8);
- FBitmapOwned := True;
- FBitmapSourceRect := rect(0,0,FBitmap.Width,FBitmap.Height);
-constructor TBGRASliceScaling.Create(AStream: TStream);
- Init;
- FBitmap := TBGRABitmap.Create(AStream);
- FBitmapOwned := True;
- FBitmapSourceRect := rect(0,0,FBitmap.Width,FBitmap.Height);
-constructor TBGRASliceScaling.Create;
- Init;
-procedure TBGRASliceScaling.SetMargins(AMarginTop, AMarginRight,
- AMarginBottom, AMarginLeft: integer);
- SetMargins(BGRASliceScaling.Margins(AMarginTop, AMarginRight, AMarginBottom, AMarginLeft));
-procedure TBGRASliceScaling.SetMargins(AMargins: TMargins);
- if (AMargins.top <> FMargins.top) or (AMargins.right <> FMargins.right) or
- (AMargins.bottom <> FMargins.bottom) or (AMargins.left <> FMargins.left) then
- begin
- FMargins := AMargins;
- UpdateSliceRectArray;
- end;
-destructor TBGRASliceScaling.Destroy;
- ClearBitmapArray;
- if FBitmapOwned then
- FreeAndNil(FBitmap);
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TBGRASliceScaling.NotifyBitmapChanged;
- ClearBitmapArray;
-procedure TBGRASliceScaling.Draw(ABitmap: TBGRABitmap; ARect: TRect; DrawGrid: boolean);
- SliceScalingDraw(ABitmap, ARect, DrawGrid);
-procedure TBGRASliceScaling.Draw(ABitmap: TBGRABitmap;
- ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight: integer; DrawGrid: boolean);
- Draw(ABitmap, rect(ALeft, ATop, ALeft + AWidth, ATop + AHeight), DrawGrid);
-procedure TBGRASliceScaling.AutodetectRepeat;
- middleSlice: TBGRABitmap;
- x, y: integer;
- p: PBGRAPixel;
- c0: TBGRAPixel;
- isRepeating: boolean;
- middleSlice := SliceBitmap[spMiddle];
- isRepeating := True;
- for y := 0 to middleSlice.Height - 1 do
- begin
- p := middleSlice.ScanLine[y];
- c0 := p^;
- for x := middleSlice.Width - 1 downto 0 do
- begin
- if p^ <> c0 then
- begin
- isRepeating := False;
- break;
- end;
- Inc(p);
- end;
- if not isRepeating then
- break;
- end;
- if isRepeating then
- SliceRepeat[srpMiddleHorizontal] := True;
- isRepeating := True;
- for x := 0 to middleSlice.Width - 1 do
- begin
- c0 := middleSlice.GetPixel(x, 0);
- for y := middleSlice.Height - 1 downto 1 do
- begin
- if middleSlice.GetPixel(x, y) <> c0 then
- begin
- isRepeating := False;
- break;
- end;
- end;
- if not isRepeating then
- break;
- end;
- if isRepeating then
- SliceRepeat[srpMiddleVertical] := True;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgraspritegl.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgraspritegl.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index b97068e..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgraspritegl.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,586 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRASpriteGL;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BGRAOpenGLType,
- BGRABitmapTypes;
- { TBGLCustomSprite }
- TBGLCustomSprite = class
- protected
- FHandle: Pointer;
- FTexture: IBGLTexture;
- FFrameLoopStart: integer;
- FFrameLoopEnd : integer;
- procedure SetFrameLoopEnd(AValue: integer);
- procedure SetFrameLoopStart(AValue: integer);
- function GetHorizontalAlign: TAlignment; virtual; abstract;
- function GetVerticalAlign: TTextLayout; virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetHorizontalAlign(AValue: TAlignment); virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetVerticalAlign(AValue: TTextLayout); virtual; abstract;
- function GetAlpha: Integer; virtual; abstract;
- function GetAngle: Single; virtual; abstract;
- function GetColor: TBGRAPixel; virtual; abstract;
- function GetActualFrame: Single; virtual; abstract;
- function GetFrame: Single;
- function GetH: Single; virtual; abstract;
- function GetLayer: Integer; virtual; abstract;
- function GetLocation: TPointF; virtual;
- function GetVisible: Boolean; virtual;
- function GetW: Single; virtual; abstract;
- function GetX: Single; virtual; abstract;
- function GetY: Single; virtual; abstract;
- function GetTexture: IBGLTexture; virtual;
- function GetHandle: Pointer; virtual;
- procedure SetAlpha(AValue: Integer); virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetAngle(AValue: Single); virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel); virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetFrame(AValue: Single);
- procedure SetActualFrame(AValue: Single); virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetH(AValue: Single); virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetLayer(AValue: Integer); virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetLocation(AValue: TPointF); virtual;
- procedure SetW(AValue: Single); virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetVisible({%H-}AValue: boolean); virtual;
- procedure SetX(AValue: Single); virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetY(AValue: Single); virtual; abstract;
- procedure CreateHandle({%H-}ATexture: IBGLTexture; {%H-}ALayer: Integer); virtual;
- procedure OnInit; virtual;
- public
- constructor Create(ATexture: IBGLTexture; ALayer: integer);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure OnDraw; virtual;
- procedure OnElapse({%H-}AElapsedMs: integer); virtual;
- procedure OnTimer; virtual;
- procedure QueryDestroy; virtual; abstract;
- property Layer : Integer read GetLayer write SetLayer;
- property Location: TPointF read GetLocation write SetLocation;
- property X : Single read GetX write SetX;
- property Y : Single read GetY write SetY;
- property W : Single read GetW write SetW;
- property H : Single read GetH write SetH;
- property Angle : Single read GetAngle write SetAngle;
- property Frame : Single read GetFrame write SetFrame;
- property FrameLoopStart : integer read FFrameLoopStart write SetFrameLoopStart;
- property FrameLoopEnd : integer read FFrameLoopEnd write SetFrameLoopEnd;
- property Alpha : Integer read GetAlpha write SetAlpha;
- property Color : TBGRAPixel read GetColor write SetColor;
- property HorizontalAlign: TAlignment read GetHorizontalAlign write SetHorizontalAlign;
- property VerticalAlign: TTextLayout read GetVerticalAlign write SetVerticalAlign;
- property Visible : Boolean read GetVisible write SetVisible;
- property Texture : IBGLTexture read GetTexture;
- property Handle : Pointer read GetHandle;
- end;
- { TBGLDefaultSprite }
- TBGLDefaultSprite = class(TBGLCustomSprite)
- protected
- FColor : TBGRAPixel;
- FLocation,FSize: TPointF;
- FAngle,FFrame : single;
- FHorizontalAlign: TAlignment;
- FVerticalAlign: TTextLayout;
- FQueryDestroy: boolean;
- FLayer: integer;
- FHidden: boolean;
- function GetHorizontalAlign: TAlignment; override;
- function GetVerticalAlign: TTextLayout; override;
- procedure SetHorizontalAlign(AValue: TAlignment); override;
- procedure SetVerticalAlign(AValue: TTextLayout); override;
- function GetAlpha: Integer; override;
- function GetAngle: Single; override;
- function GetColor: TBGRAPixel; override;
- function GetDestroy: Boolean;
- function GetActualFrame: Single; override;
- function GetH: Single; override;
- function GetLayer: Integer; override;
- function GetVisible: Boolean; override;
- function GetW: Single; override;
- function GetX: Single; override;
- function GetY: Single; override;
- procedure SetAlpha(AValue: Integer); override;
- procedure SetAngle(AValue: Single); override;
- procedure SetColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel); override;
- procedure SetDestroy(AValue: Boolean);
- procedure SetActualFrame(AValue: Single); override;
- procedure SetH(AValue: Single); override;
- procedure SetLayer(AValue: Integer); override;
- procedure SetVisible(AValue: boolean); override;
- procedure SetW(AValue: Single); override;
- procedure SetX(AValue: Single); override;
- procedure SetY(AValue: Single); override;
- procedure CreateHandle({%H-}ATexture: IBGLTexture; {%H-}ALayer: Integer); override;
- public
- procedure QueryDestroy; override;
- end;
- { TBGLCustomSpriteEngine }
- TBGLCustomSpriteEngine = class
- protected
- function GetSprite(AIndex: integer): TBGLCustomSprite; virtual; abstract;
- function GetCount: integer; virtual; abstract;
- public
- procedure Add(ASprite: TBGLCustomSprite); virtual; abstract;
- procedure Remove(ASprite: TBGLCustomSprite); virtual; abstract;
- procedure OnDraw; virtual; abstract;
- procedure OnTimer; virtual; abstract;
- procedure OnElapse(AElapsedMs: integer); virtual; abstract;
- procedure Clear; virtual; abstract;
- procedure Delete(AIndex: integer); virtual; abstract;
- property Count: Integer read GetCount;
- property Sprite[AIndex: integer]: TBGLCustomSprite read GetSprite;
- end;
- { TBGLDefaultSpriteEngine }
- TBGLDefaultSpriteEngine = class(TBGLCustomSpriteEngine)
- protected
- FSpriteRemoved: TBGLCustomSprite;
- FSprites: array of TBGLDefaultSprite;
- FSpritesCount: integer;
- function GetSprite(AIndex: integer): TBGLCustomSprite; override;
- function GetCount: integer; override;
- public
- constructor Create;
- procedure Add(ASprite: TBGLCustomSprite); override;
- procedure Remove(ASprite: TBGLCustomSprite); override;
- procedure OnDraw; override;
- procedure OnTimer; override;
- procedure OnElapse(AElapsedMs: integer); override;
- procedure Clear; override;
- procedure Delete(AIndex: integer); override;
- end;
- BGLSpriteEngine : TBGLCustomSpriteEngine;
-{ TBGLDefaultSpriteEngine }
-function TBGLDefaultSpriteEngine.GetSprite(AIndex: integer): TBGLCustomSprite;
- if (AIndex < 0) or (Aindex >= Count) then
- raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- result := FSprites[AIndex];
-function TBGLDefaultSpriteEngine.GetCount: integer;
- result := FSpritesCount;
-constructor TBGLDefaultSpriteEngine.Create;
- FSpritesCount := 0;
-procedure TBGLDefaultSpriteEngine.Add(ASprite: TBGLCustomSprite);
- i: Integer;
- if ASprite = nil then exit;
- if not (ASprite is TBGLDefaultSprite) then
- raise exception.Create('Invalid class');
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- if FSprites[i] = ASprite then exit;
- if Count = length(FSprites) then
- setlength(FSprites, length(FSprites)*2 + 1);
- FSprites[Count] := TBGLDefaultSprite(ASprite);
- Inc(FSpritesCount);
-procedure TBGLDefaultSpriteEngine.Remove(ASprite: TBGLCustomSprite);
- i: Integer;
- if ASprite = FSpriteRemoved then exit;
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- if FSprites[i] = ASprite then
- begin
- Delete(i);
- exit;
- end;
-procedure TBGLDefaultSpriteEngine.OnDraw;
-var i: integer;
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- FSprites[i].OnDraw;
-procedure TBGLDefaultSpriteEngine.OnTimer;
-var i,j,k: integer;
- temp: TBGLDefaultSprite;
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- FSprites[i].OnTimer;
- for i := Count-1 downto 0 do
- if FSprites[i].FQueryDestroy then
- Delete(i);
- for i := 1 to Count-1 do
- begin
- j := i;
- while (j > 0) and (FSprites[j-1].Layer > FSprites[i].Layer) do dec(j);
- if j <> i then
- begin
- temp := FSprites[i];
- for k := i downto j+1 do
- FSprites[k] := FSprites[k-1];
- FSprites[j] := temp;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGLDefaultSpriteEngine.OnElapse(AElapsedMs: integer);
-var i,j,k: integer;
- temp: TBGLDefaultSprite;
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- FSprites[i].OnElapse(AElapsedMs);
- for i := Count-1 downto 0 do
- if FSprites[i].FQueryDestroy then
- Delete(i);
- for i := 1 to Count-1 do
- begin
- j := i;
- while (j > 0) and (FSprites[j-1].Layer > FSprites[i].Layer) do dec(j);
- if j <> i then
- begin
- temp := FSprites[i];
- for k := i downto j+1 do
- FSprites[k] := FSprites[k-1];
- FSprites[j] := temp;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGLDefaultSpriteEngine.Clear;
-var i: integer;
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- begin
- FSpriteRemoved := FSprites[i];
- FSpriteRemoved.Free;
- FSpriteRemoved := nil;
- end;
- FSprites := nil;
- FSpritesCount := 0;
-procedure TBGLDefaultSpriteEngine.Delete(AIndex: integer);
-var i: integer;
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= Count) then exit;
- FSpriteRemoved := FSprites[AIndex];
- for i := AIndex to Count-1 do
- FSprites[i] := FSprites[i+1];
- dec(FSpritesCount);
- if FSpritesCount <= length(FSprites) div 2 then
- setlength(FSprites,FSpritesCount);
- FSpriteRemoved.Free;
- FSpriteRemoved := nil;
-{ TBGLDefaultSprite }
-function TBGLDefaultSprite.GetHorizontalAlign: TAlignment;
- result := FHorizontalAlign;
-function TBGLDefaultSprite.GetVerticalAlign: TTextLayout;
- result := FVerticalAlign;
-procedure TBGLDefaultSprite.SetHorizontalAlign(AValue: TAlignment);
- FHorizontalAlign:= AValue;
-procedure TBGLDefaultSprite.SetVerticalAlign(AValue: TTextLayout);
- FVerticalAlign := AValue;
-function TBGLDefaultSprite.GetAlpha: Integer;
- result := FColor.alpha;
-function TBGLDefaultSprite.GetAngle: Single;
- result := FAngle;
-function TBGLDefaultSprite.GetColor: TBGRAPixel;
- result := FColor;
-function TBGLDefaultSprite.GetDestroy: Boolean;
- result := FQueryDestroy;
-function TBGLDefaultSprite.GetActualFrame: Single;
- result := FFrame;
-function TBGLDefaultSprite.GetH: Single;
- result := FSize.Y;
-function TBGLDefaultSprite.GetLayer: Integer;
- result := FLayer;
-function TBGLDefaultSprite.GetVisible: Boolean;
- Result:= not FHidden;
-function TBGLDefaultSprite.GetW: Single;
- result := FSize.X;
-function TBGLDefaultSprite.GetX: Single;
- result := FLocation.X;
-function TBGLDefaultSprite.GetY: Single;
- result := FLocation.Y;
-procedure TBGLDefaultSprite.SetAlpha(AValue: Integer);
- FColor.Alpha := AValue;
-procedure TBGLDefaultSprite.SetAngle(AValue: Single);
- FAngle:= AValue;
-procedure TBGLDefaultSprite.SetColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- FColor := AValue;
-procedure TBGLDefaultSprite.SetDestroy(AValue: Boolean);
- FQueryDestroy:= AValue;
-procedure TBGLDefaultSprite.SetActualFrame(AValue: Single);
- FFrame:= AValue;
-procedure TBGLDefaultSprite.SetH(AValue: Single);
- FSize.Y := AValue;
-procedure TBGLDefaultSprite.SetLayer(AValue: Integer);
- FLayer:= AValue;
-procedure TBGLDefaultSprite.SetVisible(AValue: boolean);
- FHidden := not AValue;
-procedure TBGLDefaultSprite.SetW(AValue: Single);
- FSize.X := AValue;
-procedure TBGLDefaultSprite.SetX(AValue: Single);
- FLocation.X := AValue;
-procedure TBGLDefaultSprite.SetY(AValue: Single);
- FLocation.Y := AValue;
-procedure TBGLDefaultSprite.CreateHandle(ATexture: IBGLTexture; ALayer: Integer);
- inherited CreateHandle(ATexture, ALayer);
- FQueryDestroy := false;
- FLayer:= ALayer;
-procedure TBGLDefaultSprite.QueryDestroy;
- SetDestroy(True);
-{ TBGLCustomSprite }
-function TBGLCustomSprite.GetTexture: IBGLTexture;
- result := FTexture;
-function TBGLCustomSprite.GetHandle: Pointer;
- result := FHandle;
-procedure TBGLCustomSprite.SetFrame(AValue: Single);
-var loopLength: integer;
- if (FrameLoopEnd <> 0) and (FrameLoopStart <> 0) then
- begin
- loopLength := FrameLoopEnd-FrameLoopStart+1;
- if AValue >= FrameLoopEnd+0.49 then
- begin
- if loopLength <= 1 then
- AValue := FrameLoopEnd+0.49
- else
- begin
- DecF(AValue, Trunc((AValue-(FrameLoopStart-0.5))/loopLength)*loopLength);
- if AValue > FrameLoopEnd+0.49 then AValue := FrameLoopStart-0.49;
- if AValue < FrameLoopStart-0.49 then AValue := FrameLoopStart-0.49;
- end;
- end else
- if AValue < FrameLoopStart-0.49 then
- begin
- if loopLength <= 1 then
- AValue := FrameLoopStart-0.49
- else
- begin
- IncF(AValue, Trunc((FrameLoopEnd+0.5-AValue)/loopLength)*loopLength);
- if AValue > FrameLoopEnd+0.49 then AValue := FrameLoopEnd+0.49;
- if AValue < FrameLoopStart-0.49 then AValue := FrameLoopEnd+0.49;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- SetActualFrame(AValue);
-procedure TBGLCustomSprite.SetFrameLoopEnd(AValue: integer);
- FFrameLoopEnd := AValue;
- if FFrameLoopEnd < FFrameLoopStart then
- FFrameLoopStart := FFrameLoopEnd;
-procedure TBGLCustomSprite.SetFrameLoopStart(AValue: integer);
- FFrameLoopStart := AValue;
- if FFrameLoopStart > FFrameLoopEnd then
- FFrameLoopEnd := FFrameLoopStart;
-function TBGLCustomSprite.GetFrame: Single;
- result := GetActualFrame;
-function TBGLCustomSprite.GetLocation: TPointF;
- result := PointF(X,Y);
-function TBGLCustomSprite.GetVisible: Boolean;
- result := true;
-procedure TBGLCustomSprite.SetLocation(AValue: TPointF);
- X := AValue.X;
- Y := AValue.Y;
-procedure TBGLCustomSprite.SetVisible(AValue: boolean);
- raise ENotImplemented.Create('Not implemented in base class');
-procedure TBGLCustomSprite.CreateHandle(ATexture: IBGLTexture; ALayer: Integer);
- FHandle := nil;
-procedure TBGLCustomSprite.OnInit;
- //nothing
-constructor TBGLCustomSprite.Create(ATexture: IBGLTexture; ALayer: integer);
- CreateHandle(ATexture,ALayer);
- FTexture := ATexture;
- Layer := ALayer;
- if ATexture = nil then
- begin
- W := 0;
- H := 0;
- end else
- begin
- W := ATexture.FrameWidth;
- H := ATexture.FrameHeight;
- end;
- HorizontalAlign := taLeftJustify;
- VerticalAlign:= tlTop;
- Color := BGRAWhite;
- FrameLoopStart := 1;
- FrameLoopEnd := 0;
- OnInit;
- BGLSpriteEngine.Add(self);
-destructor TBGLCustomSprite.Destroy;
- if Assigned(BGLSpriteEngine) then
- BGLSpriteEngine.Remove(self);
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TBGLCustomSprite.OnDraw;
-var NumFrame: integer;
- if Visible and (Texture <> nil) then
- begin
- NumFrame := Trunc(Frame+0.5);
- if Angle <> 0 then
- Texture.Frame[NumFrame].StretchDrawAngle(X,Y,W,H,Angle,HorizontalAlign,VerticalAlign, Color)
- else
- Texture.Frame[NumFrame].StretchDraw(X,Y,W,H,HorizontalAlign,VerticalAlign, Color)
- end;
-procedure TBGLCustomSprite.OnElapse(AElapsedMs: integer);
- //override if you want to handle time as continuous flow. It is recommended to use floating point positions in this case.
-procedure TBGLCustomSprite.OnTimer;
- //override if you want to handle time as discrete frames with fixed time interval
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrasse.inc b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrasse.inc
deleted file mode 100644
index a52c86b..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrasse.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- {$ifdef cpux86_64}
- mov rax,v
- movups xmm1,[rax]
- {$else}
- mov eax,v
- movups xmm1,[eax]
- {$endif}
- {$ifdef cpux86_64}
- mov rax,v
- movups [rax],xmm1
- {$else}
- mov eax,v
- movups [eax],xmm1
- {$endif}
- {$ELSE}
- {$IFDEF CPUI386}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF cpux86_64}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrasse.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrasse.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 274229f..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrasse.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,656 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRASSE;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
-{$i bgrasse.inc}
-{$modeswitch advancedrecords}
-{begin //param: eax, edx, ecx //float: eax ecx edx
- //flds $d9
- //fadds $d8
- //fstps $d9 +$18
- //fmuls $d8 +$08
- //fsubrs $d8 +$28
- //offset +$40 $..}
- BGRABitmapTypes {$ifdef CPUI386}, cpu, mmx{$endif};
-const FLAG_ENABLED_SSE = true;
-var UseSSE, UseSSE2, UseSSE3 : boolean;
-{$ifdef CPUI386}
- {$asmmode intel}
-{$ifdef cpux86_64}
- {$asmmode intel}
- //SSE rotate singles
- const Shift231 = 1 + 8;
- Shift312 = 2 + 16;
- { TPoint3D_128 }
- TPoint3D_128 = packed record
- x,y,z,t: single;
- procedure Offset(const point3D_128: TPoint3D_128);
- procedure Scale(AScale: single);
- end;
- PPoint3D_128 = ^TPoint3D_128;
- function Point3D(const point3D_128: TPoint3D_128): TPoint3D; inline; overload;
- function Point3D_128(const point3D: TPoint3D): TPoint3D_128; inline; overload;
- function Point3D_128(const pointF: TPointF): TPoint3D_128; inline; overload;
- function Point3D_128(x,y,z: single): TPoint3D_128; inline; overload;
- function Point3D_128(x,y,z,t: single): TPoint3D_128; inline; overload;
- procedure Normalize3D_128_SqLen(var v: TPoint3D_128; out SqLen: single);
- operator * (const v1: TPoint3D_128; const factor: single): TPoint3D_128;
- operator + (constref v1,v2: TPoint3D_128): TPoint3D_128;
- operator - (const v1,v2: TPoint3D_128): TPoint3D_128;
- operator - (const v: TPoint3D_128): TPoint3D_128; inline;
- operator = (const v1,v2: TPoint3D_128): boolean; inline;
- procedure ClearPoint3D_128(out v: TPoint3D_128);
- procedure ClearPoint3D_128_AlignedSSE(out v: TPoint3D_128);
- {$ENDIF}
- function IsPoint3D_128_Zero(const v: TPoint3D_128): boolean; inline;
- Add3D_Aligned : procedure (var dest: TPoint3D_128; constref src: TPoint3D_128);
- Normalize3D_128 : procedure (var v: TPoint3D_128);
- VectProduct3D_128 : procedure (const u,v: TPoint3D_128; out w: TPoint3D_128);
- DotProduct3D_128 : function (constref v1,v2: TPoint3D_128): single;
- Point3D_128_Zero : TPoint3D_128 = (x:0; y:0; z:0; t:0);
- { TMemoryBlockAlign128 }
- TMemoryBlockAlign128 = class
- private
- FContainer: Pointer;
- FData: Pointer;
- public
- constructor Create(size: integer);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- property Data: pointer read FData;
- end;
- PBasicLightingContext = ^TBasicLightingContext;
- TBasicLightingContext = packed record
- {0} Position, {16} Normal: TPoint3D_128;
- {32} PositionInvZ, {48} NormalInvZ: TPoint3D_128;
- {64} PositionStepInvZ, {80} NormalStepInvZ: TPoint3D_128;
- {96} dummy4: single;
- {100} dummy3: LongBool;
- {104} dummy1: LongWord;
- {108} dummy2: LongWord;
- {112} dummy: packed array[0..15]of byte;
- end; {128}
-const ExtendedLightingContextSize = 128;
-{ TPoint3D_128 }
-procedure TPoint3D_128.Offset(const point3D_128: TPoint3D_128);
- self.x := self.x + point3D_128.x;
- self.y := self.y + point3D_128.y;
- self.z := self.z + point3D_128.z;
-procedure TPoint3D_128.Scale(AScale: single);
- self.x := self.x * AScale;
- self.y := self.y * AScale;
- self.z := self.z * AScale;
-function Point3D(const point3D_128: TPoint3D_128): TPoint3D; inline; overload;
- result.x := point3D_128.x;
- result.y := point3D_128.y;
- result.z := point3D_128.z;
-function Point3D_128(const point3D: TPoint3D): TPoint3D_128; inline; overload;
- result.x := point3D.x;
- result.y := point3D.y;
- result.z := point3D.z;
- result.t := 0;
-function Point3D_128(const pointF: TPointF): TPoint3D_128;
- result.x := pointF.x;
- result.y := pointF.y;
- result.z := 0;
- result.t := 0;
-function Point3D_128(x,y,z: single): TPoint3D_128; inline; overload;
- result.x := x;
- result.y := y;
- result.z := z;
- result.t := 0;
-function Point3D_128(x,y,z,t: single): TPoint3D_128; inline; overload;
- result.x := x;
- result.y := y;
- result.z := z;
- result.t := t;
-operator + (constref v1,v2: TPoint3D_128): TPoint3D_128;
-{$ifdef CPUI386} assembler;
- db $d9, $00 //flds [eax]
- db $d8, $02 //fadds [edx]
- db $d9, $19 //fstps [ecx]
- db $d9, $40, $04 //flds [eax+4]
- db $d8, $42, $04 //fadds [edx+4]
- db $d9, $59, $04 //fstps [ecx+4]
- db $d9, $40, $08 //flds [eax+8]
- db $d8, $42, $08 //fadds [edx+8]
- db $d9, $59, $08 //fstps [ecx+8]
- xor eax,eax
- mov [ecx+12],eax
- result.x := v1.x+v2.x;
- result.y := v1.y+v2.y;
- result.z := v1.z+v2.z;
- result.t := 0;
-procedure Add3D_AlignedSSE(var dest: TPoint3D_128; constref src: TPoint3D_128); assembler;
- movaps xmm0, [dest]
- movups xmm1, [src]
- addps xmm0, xmm1
- movaps [dest], xmm0
-procedure Add3D_NoSSE(var dest: TPoint3D_128; constref src: TPoint3D_128);
-{$ifdef CPUI386} assembler;
- db $d9, $00 //flds [eax]
- db $d8, $02 //fadds [edx]
- db $d9, $18 //fstps [eax]
- db $d9, $40, $04 //flds [eax+4]
- db $d8, $42, $04 //fadds [edx+4]
- db $d9, $58, $04 //fstps [eax+4]
- db $d9, $40, $08 //flds [eax+8]
- db $d8, $42, $08 //fadds [edx+8]
- db $d9, $58, $08 //fstps [eax+8]
- dest.x := dest.x + src.x;
- dest.y := dest.y + src.y;
- dest.z := dest.z + src.z;
-operator - (const v1,v2: TPoint3D_128): TPoint3D_128;
-{$ifdef CPUI386} assembler;
- db $d9, $02 //flds [edx]
- db $d8, $28 //fsubrs [eax]
- db $d9, $19 //fstps [ecx]
- db $d9, $42, $04 //flds [edx+4]
- db $d8, $68, $04 //fsubrs [eax+4]
- db $d9, $59, $04 //fstps [ecx+4]
- db $d9, $42, $08 //flds [edx+8]
- db $d8, $68, $08 //fsubrs [eax+8]
- db $d9, $59, $08 //fstps [ecx+8]
- xor eax,eax
- mov [ecx+12],eax
- result.x := v1.x-v2.x;
- result.y := v1.y-v2.y;
- result.z := v1.z-v2.z;
- result.t := 0;
-operator-(const v: TPoint3D_128): TPoint3D_128; inline;
- result.x := -v.x;
- result.y := -v.y;
- result.z := -v.z;
- result.t := 0;
-operator=(const v1, v2: TPoint3D_128): boolean; inline;
- result := (v1.x=v2.x) and (v1.y=v2.y) and (v1.z=v2.z);
-procedure ClearPoint3D_128(out v: TPoint3D_128);
-{$ifdef cpux86_64} assembler;
- push rbx
- mov rax,v
- xor rbx,rbx
- mov [rax],rbx
- mov [rax+8],rbx
- pop rbx
- {$ifdef CPUI386} assembler;
- asm
- push ebx
- mov eax,v
- xor ebx,ebx
- mov [eax],ebx
- mov [eax+4],ebx
- mov [eax+8],ebx
- pop ebx
- end;
- {$else}
- var p: PLongWord;
- begin
- p := @v;
- p^ := 0;
- inc(p);
- p^ := 0;
- inc(p);
- p^ := 0;
- end;
- {$endif}
-procedure ClearPoint3D_128_AlignedSSE(out v: TPoint3D_128);
-{$ifdef BGRASSE_AVAILABLE} assembler;
- asm
- xorps xmm0,xmm0
- {$ifdef cpux86_64}
- mov rax,v
- movaps [rax],xmm0
- {$else}
- mov eax,v
- movaps [eax],xmm0
- {$endif}
- end;
-var p: PLongWord;
- p := @v;
- p^ := 0;
- inc(p);
- p^ := 0;
- inc(p);
- p^ := 0;
-function IsPoint3D_128_Zero(const v: TPoint3D_128): boolean;
- result := (v.x=0) and (v.y=0) and (v.z=0);
-operator * (const v1: TPoint3D_128; const factor: single): TPoint3D_128;
-{$ifdef CPUI386} assembler;
- db $d9, $00 //flds [eax]
- db $d8, $4d, $08 //fmuls [ebp+8]
- db $d9, $1a //fstps [edx]
- db $d9, $40, $04 //flds [eax+4]
- db $d8, $4d, $08 //fmuls [ebp+8]
- db $d9, $5a, $04 //fstps [edx+4]
- db $d9, $40, $08 //flds [eax+8]
- db $d8, $4d, $08 //fmuls [ebp+8]
- db $d9, $5a, $08 //fstps [edx+8]
- xor eax,eax
- mov [edx+12],eax
- result.x := v1.x*factor;
- result.y := v1.y*factor;
- result.z := v1.z*factor;
- result.t := 0;
-function DotProduct3D_128_SSE3(constref v1,v2: TPoint3D_128): single; assembler;
- movups xmm0, [v1]
- movups xmm1, [v2]
- mulps xmm0, xmm1
- haddps xmm0,xmm0
- haddps xmm0,xmm0
- movss [result], xmm0
-function DotProduct3D_128_NoSSE(constref v1,v2: TPoint3D_128): single;
- result := v1.x*v2.x + v1.y*v2.y + v1.z*v2.z;
-procedure Normalize3D_128_NoSSE(var v: TPoint3D_128);
-var len2: single;
- len2 := DotProduct3D_128_NoSSE(v,v);
- if len2 = 0 then exit;
- v.Scale( 1/sqrt(len2) );
-procedure Normalize3D_128_SSE1(var v: TPoint3D_128);
-var len2: single;
- asm
- {$DEFINE SSE_LOADV}{$i bgrasse.inc}
- movaps xmm2, xmm1
- mulps xmm2, xmm2
- //mix1
- movaps xmm7, xmm2
- shufps xmm7, xmm7, $4e
- addps xmm2, xmm7
- //mix2
- movaps xmm7, xmm2
- shufps xmm7, xmm7, $11
- addps xmm2, xmm7
- movss len2, xmm2
- end;
- if (len2 = 0) then exit;
- if len2 < 1e-6 then //out of bounds for SSE instruction
- begin
- v.Scale( 1/sqrt(len2) );
- end else
- asm
- rsqrtps xmm2, xmm2
- mulps xmm1, xmm2 //apply
- {$DEFINE SSE_SAVEV}{$i bgrasse.inc}
- end;
-procedure Normalize3D_128_SSE3(var v: TPoint3D_128);
-var len2: single;
- asm
- {$DEFINE SSE_LOADV}{$i bgrasse.inc}
- movaps xmm2, xmm1
- mulps xmm2, xmm2
- haddps xmm2,xmm2
- haddps xmm2,xmm2
- movss len2, xmm2
- end;
- if (len2 = 0) then exit;
- if len2 < 1e-6 then //out of bounds for SSE instruction
- begin
- v.Scale( 1/sqrt(len2) );
- end else
- asm
- rsqrtps xmm2, xmm2
- mulps xmm1, xmm2 //apply
- {$DEFINE SSE_SAVEV}{$i bgrasse.inc}
- end;
-procedure Normalize3D_128_SqLen(var v: TPoint3D_128; out SqLen: single);
- if UseSSE then
- begin
- asm
- {$DEFINE SSE_LOADV}{$i bgrasse.inc}
- movaps xmm2, xmm1
- mulps xmm2, xmm2
- end;
- if UseSSE3 then
- asm
- haddps xmm2,xmm2
- haddps xmm2,xmm2
- {$ifdef cpux86_64}
- mov rax, SqLen
- movss [rax], xmm2
- {$else}
- mov eax, SqLen
- movss [eax], xmm2
- {$endif}
- end else
- asm
- //mix1
- movaps xmm7, xmm2
- shufps xmm7, xmm7, $4e
- addps xmm2, xmm7
- //mix2
- movaps xmm7, xmm2
- shufps xmm7, xmm7, $11
- addps xmm2, xmm7
- {$ifdef cpux86_64}
- mov rax, SqLen
- movss [rax], xmm2
- {$else}
- mov eax, SqLen
- movss [eax], xmm2
- {$endif}
- end;
- if SqLen = 0 then exit;
- if SqLen < 1e-6 then //out of bounds for SSE instruction
- begin
- v.Scale( 1/sqrt(SqLen) );
- end else
- asm
- rsqrtps xmm2, xmm2
- mulps xmm1, xmm2 //apply
- {$DEFINE SSE_SAVEV}{$i bgrasse.inc}
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- SqLen := DotProduct3D_128_NoSSE(v,v);
- if SqLen = 0 then exit;
- v.Scale( 1/sqrt(SqLen) );
- end;
-procedure VectProduct3D_128_NoSSE(const u,v: TPoint3D_128; out w: TPoint3D_128);
- w.x := u.y*v.z-u.z*v.y;
- w.y := u.z*v.x-u.x*v.z;
- w.z := u.x*v.Y-u.y*v.x;
- w.t := 0;
-procedure VectProduct3D_128_SSE(constref u,v: TPoint3D_128; out w: TPoint3D_128); assembler;
- {$ifdef cpux86_64}
- mov rax,u
- movups xmm6,[rax]
- {$else}
- mov eax,u
- movups xmm6,[eax]
- {$endif}
- movaps xmm4, xmm6
- shufps xmm6, xmm6, Shift231
- {$ifdef cpux86_64}
- mov rax,v
- movups xmm7,[rax]
- {$else}
- mov eax,v
- movups xmm7,[eax]
- {$endif}
- movaps xmm5,xmm7
- shufps xmm7, xmm7, Shift312
- movaps xmm3,xmm6
- mulps xmm3,xmm7
- shufps xmm4, xmm4, Shift312
- shufps xmm5, xmm5, Shift231
- mulps xmm4,xmm5
- subps xmm3,xmm4
- {$ifdef cpux86_64}
- mov rax,w
- movups [rax],xmm3
- {$else}
- mov eax,w
- movups [eax],xmm3
- {$endif}
-{ TMemoryBlockAlign128 }
-{$hints off}
-constructor TMemoryBlockAlign128.Create(size: integer);
- delta: PtrUInt;
- getmem(FContainer, size+15);
- delta := PtrUInt(FContainer) and 15;
- if delta <> 0 then delta := 16-delta;
- FData := pbyte(FContainer)+delta;
- getmem(FContainer, size);
- FData := FContainer;
-{$hints on}
-destructor TMemoryBlockAlign128.Destroy;
- freemem(FContainer);
- inherited Destroy;
-function sse3_support : boolean;
- var
- _ecx : longint;
- begin
- {$IFDEF CPUI386}
- if cpuid_support then
- begin
- asm
- push ebx
- mov eax,1
- cpuid
- mov _ecx,ecx
- pop ebx
- end;
- sse3_support:=(_ecx and 1)<>0;
- end
- else
- sse3_support:=false;
- {$ELSE}
- asm
- push rbx
- mov eax,1
- cpuid
- mov _ecx,ecx
- pop rbx
- end;
- sse3_support:=(_ecx and 1)<>0;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {$ifdef CPUI386}
- UseSSE := is_sse_cpu and FLAG_ENABLED_SSE;
- {$else}
- {$ifdef cpux86_64}
- {$else}
- UseSSE := false;
- {$endif}
- {$endif}
- if UseSSE then
- begin
- {$ifdef cpux86_64}
- UseSSE2 := true;
- {$else}
- UseSSE2 := is_sse2_cpu;
- {$endif}
- UseSSE3 := sse3_support;
- Add3D_Aligned := @Add3D_AlignedSSE;
- VectProduct3D_128 := @VectProduct3D_128_NoSSE; //VectProduct3D_128_SSE is slower (due to access penalty?)
- if UseSSE3 then
- begin
- Normalize3D_128 := @Normalize3D_128_SSE3;
- DotProduct3D_128 := @DotProduct3D_128_NoSSE; //DotProduct3D_128_SSE3 is slower (due to access penalty?)
- end
- else
- begin
- Normalize3D_128 := @Normalize3D_128_SSE1;
- DotProduct3D_128 := @DotProduct3D_128_NoSSE;
- end;
- end
- else
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- UseSSE := false;
- UseSSE2 := false;
- UseSSE3 := false;
- Add3D_Aligned := @Add3D_NoSSE;
- Normalize3D_128 := @Normalize3D_128_NoSSE;
- VectProduct3D_128 := @VectProduct3D_128_NoSSE;
- DotProduct3D_128 := @DotProduct3D_128_NoSSE;
- end;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrastreamlayers.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrastreamlayers.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 75f8e3c..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrastreamlayers.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,393 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAStreamLayers;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BGRALayers, BGRABitmap, BGRALzpCommon, BGRAMemDirectory;
-function CheckStreamForLayers(AStream: TStream): boolean;
-function LoadLayersFromStream(AStream: TStream; out ASelectedLayerIndex: integer; ALoadLayerUniqueIds: boolean = false;
- ADestination: TBGRALayeredBitmap = nil; AProgress: boolean = false): TBGRALayeredBitmap;
-procedure SaveLayersToStream(AStream: TStream; ALayers: TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap; ASelectedLayerIndex: integer;
- ACompression: TLzpCompression = lzpZStream; AProgress: boolean = false);
-procedure SaveLayerBitmapToStream(AStream: TStream; ABitmap: TBGRABitmap; ACaption: string; ACompression: TLzpCompression = lzpZStream);
-function LoadLayerBitmapFromStream(AStream: TStream; ACompression: TLzpCompression = lzpZStream) : TBGRABitmap;
-procedure RegisterStreamLayers;
-uses BGRABitmapTypes, BGRACompressableBitmap, zstream, BGRAReadLzp, BGRAWriteLzp,
- BGRAUTF8, Math;
- PLayerHeader = ^TLayerHeader;
- { TLayerHeader }
- TLayerHeader = packed record
- LayerOption, BlendOp,
- LayerOfsX, LayerOfsY,
- LayerUniqueId, LayerOpacity: Longint;
- LayerBitmapSize: int64;
- OriginalGuid: TGuid;
- OriginalMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- procedure FixEndian;
- end;
-{ TLayerHeader }
-procedure TLayerHeader.FixEndian;
- LayerOption := NtoLE(LayerOption);
- BlendOp := NtoLE(BlendOp);
- LayerOfsX := NtoLE(LayerOfsX);
- LayerOfsY := NtoLE(LayerOfsY);
- LayerUniqueId := NtoLE(LayerUniqueId);
- LayerOpacity := NtoLE(LayerOpacity);
- LayerBitmapSize := NtoLE(LayerBitmapSize);
- OriginalGuid.D1 := NtoBE(OriginalGuid.D1);
- OriginalGuid.D2 := NtoBE(OriginalGuid.D2);
- OriginalGuid.D3 := NtoBE(OriginalGuid.D3);
- LongWord(OriginalMatrix[1,1]) := NtoLE(LongWord(OriginalMatrix[1,1]));
- LongWord(OriginalMatrix[2,1]) := NtoLE(LongWord(OriginalMatrix[2,1]));
- LongWord(OriginalMatrix[1,2]) := NtoLE(LongWord(OriginalMatrix[1,2]));
- LongWord(OriginalMatrix[2,2]) := NtoLE(LongWord(OriginalMatrix[2,2]));
- LongWord(OriginalMatrix[1,3]) := NtoLE(LongWord(OriginalMatrix[1,3]));
- LongWord(OriginalMatrix[2,3]) := NtoLE(LongWord(OriginalMatrix[2,3]));
-procedure SaveLayeredBitmapToStream(AStream: TStream; ALayers: TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap);
- SaveLayersToStream(AStream,ALayers,-1);
-procedure LoadLayeredBitmapFromStream(AStream: TStream; ALayers: TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap);
-var selectedIndex: integer;
- if not CheckStreamForLayers(AStream) then
- begin
- if Assigned(ALayers) then ALayers.Clear;
- end
- else
- LoadLayersFromStream(AStream,selectedIndex,false,ALayers as TBGRALayeredBitmap);
- StreamHeader = 'TBGRALayeredBitmap'#26#0;
- StreamMaxLayerCount = 4096;
- StreamMaxHeaderSize = 256;
-function CheckStreamForLayers(AStream: TStream): boolean;
- OldPosition: Int64;
- HeaderFound: string;
- result := false;
- OldPosition:= AStream.Position;
- try
- SetLength(HeaderFound, length(StreamHeader));
- SetLength(HeaderFound, AStream.Read(HeaderFound[1], length(HeaderFound)));
- if HeaderFound = StreamHeader then
- result := true;
- except
- on ex: exception do
- begin
- //nothing
- end;
- end;
- AStream.Position:= OldPosition;
-procedure RenameLayersToUniqueId(ALayers: TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap);
- layerDir: TMemDirectory;
- i: Integer;
- layerDir := ALayers.MemDirectory.FindPath('layers');
- if Assigned(layerDir) then
- begin
- for i := 0 to ALayers.NbLayers-1 do
- layerDir.Rename('layer'+inttostr(i+1), '', inttostr(ALayers.LayerUniqueId[i]));
- end;
-procedure RenameLayersToIndex(ALayers: TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap);
- layerDir: TMemDirectory;
- i: Integer;
- layerDir := ALayers.MemDirectory.FindPath('layers');
- if Assigned(layerDir) then
- begin
- for i := 0 to ALayers.NbLayers-1 do
- layerDir.Rename(inttostr(ALayers.LayerUniqueId[i]), '', 'layer'+inttostr(i+1));
- end;
-function LoadLayersFromStream(AStream: TStream; out ASelectedLayerIndex: integer; ALoadLayerUniqueIds: boolean;
- ADestination: TBGRALayeredBitmap; AProgress: boolean): TBGRALayeredBitmap;
- OldPosition: Int64;
- HeaderFound: string;
- NbLayers, canvasWidth, canvasHeight: LongInt;
- HeaderSize, LayerHeaderSize: LongInt;
- LayerStackStartPosition, LayerHeaderPosition,
- LayerBitmapPosition, LayerEndPosition, MemDirPos: Int64;
- StackOption: LongInt;
- Layer: TBGRABitmap;
- i,LayerIndex: integer;
- LayerName: string;
- Compression: TLzpCompression;
- LayerBlendOp: TBlendOperation;
- LayerIdFound: boolean;
- h: TLayerHeader;
- if Assigned(ADestination) then
- begin
- result := ADestination;
- result.Clear;
- end else
- result := TBGRALayeredBitmap.Create;
- OldPosition:= AStream.Position;
- SetLength(HeaderFound, length(StreamHeader));
- try
- //format identifier
- SetLength(HeaderFound, AStream.Read(HeaderFound[1], length(HeaderFound)));
- if HeaderFound <> StreamHeader then
- raise exception.Create('Invalid header');
- //header size
- HeaderSize:= LEReadLongint(AStream);
- if (HeaderSize < 12) or (HeaderSize > StreamMaxHeaderSize) then
- raise exception.Create('Invalid header size');
- LayerStackStartPosition := AStream.Position + HeaderSize;
- NbLayers:= LEReadLongint(AStream);
- if (NbLayers < 0) or (NbLayers > StreamMaxLayerCount) then
- raise exception.Create('Invalid layer count');
- ASelectedLayerIndex:= LEReadLongint(AStream);
- if (ASelectedLayerIndex < -1) or (ASelectedLayerIndex >= NbLayers) then
- raise exception.Create('Selected layer out of bounds');
- StackOption := LEReadLongint(AStream);
- result.LinearBlend := (StackOption and 1) = 1;
- if (StackOption and 2) = 2 then Compression := lzpRLE else Compression:= lzpZStream;
- if headerSize >= 20 then
- begin
- canvasWidth := LEReadLongint(AStream);
- canvasHeight := LEReadLongint(AStream);
- result.SetSize(canvasWidth,canvasHeight);
- end;
- if headerSize >= 28 then
- begin
- MemDirPos := LEReadInt64(AStream);
- end else MemDirPos := 0;
- //end of header
- if MemDirPos <> 0 then
- begin
- AStream.Position:= MemDirPos+OldPosition;
- result.MemDirectory.LoadFromStream(AStream);
- end else
- result.MemDirectory.Clear;
- AStream.Position:= LayerStackStartPosition;
- for i := 0 to NbLayers-1 do
- begin
- if AProgress then OnLayeredBitmapLoadProgress(round(i*100/NbLayers));
- LayerHeaderSize:= LEReadLongint(AStream);
- LayerHeaderPosition := AStream.Position;
- LayerBitmapPosition := LayerHeaderPosition + LayerHeaderSize;
- LayerEndPosition := -1;
- fillchar({%H-}h, sizeof(h), 0);
- h.LayerOption := 1; //visible
- h.BlendOp:= integer(result.DefaultBlendingOperation);
- h.LayerOpacity := 65535; //opaque
- h.LayerUniqueId:= maxLongint;
- h.FixEndian;
- AStream.ReadBuffer(h, min(LayerHeaderSize, sizeof(h)));
- h.FixEndian;
- if h.BlendOp > ord(high(TBlendOperation)) then
- LayerBlendOp := result.DefaultBlendingOperation
- else
- LayerBlendOp:= TBlendOperation(h.BlendOp);
- LayerIdFound := h.LayerUniqueId <> maxLongint;
- if h.LayerBitmapSize > 0 then
- LayerEndPosition:= LayerBitmapPosition+h.LayerBitmapSize;
- AStream.Position:= LayerBitmapPosition;
- Layer := LoadLayerBitmapFromStream(AStream, Compression);
- LayerName := Layer.Caption;
- LayerIndex := result.AddOwnedLayer(Layer);
- Layer := nil;
- result.LayerName[LayerIndex] := LayerName;
- result.LayerVisible[LayerIndex] := (h.LayerOption and 1) = 1;
- result.BlendOperation[LayerIndex]:= LayerBlendOp;
- result.LayerOffset[LayerIndex] := Point(h.LayerOfsX,h.LayerOfsY);
- if ALoadLayerUniqueIds and LayerIdFound then
- result.LayerUniqueId[LayerIndex] := h.LayerUniqueId;
- result.LayerOpacity[LayerIndex] := h.LayerOpacity shr 8;
- result.LayerOriginalGuid[LayerIndex] := h.OriginalGuid;
- result.LayerOriginalMatrix[LayerIndex] := h.OriginalMatrix;
- result.LayerOriginalRenderStatus[layerIndex] := orsProof;
- if LayerEndPosition <> -1 then AStream.Position := LayerEndPosition;
- end;
- if AProgress then OnLayeredBitmapLoadProgress(100);
- RenameLayersToUniqueId(result);
- result.NotifyLoaded;
- except
- on ex: Exception do
- begin
- AStream.Position := OldPosition;
- if not Assigned(ADestination) then result.Free;
- raise ex;
- end;
- end;
-procedure SaveLayersToStream(AStream: TStream; ALayers: TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap;
- ASelectedLayerIndex: integer; ACompression: TLzpCompression; AProgress: boolean);
- StackOption: longint;
- i: integer;
- DirectoryOffsetPos, EndPos: int64;
- LayerHeaderPosition: int64;
- LayerBitmapPosition,BitmapSize, startPos: int64;
- bitmap: TBGRABitmap;
- h: TLayerHeader;
- if (ASelectedLayerIndex < -1) or (ASelectedLayerIndex >= ALayers.NbLayers) then
- raise exception.Create('Selected layer out of bounds');
- ALayers.NotifySaving;
- startPos := AStream.Position;
- AStream.Write(StreamHeader[1], length(StreamHeader));
- LEWriteLongint(AStream, 28); //header size
- LEWriteLongint(AStream, ALayers.NbLayers);
- LEWriteLongint(AStream, ASelectedLayerIndex);
- StackOption := 0;
- if ALayers.LinearBlend then StackOption := StackOption or 1;
- if ACompression = lzpRLE then StackOption:= StackOption or 2;
- LEWriteLongint(AStream, StackOption);
- LEWriteLongint(AStream, ALayers.Width);
- LEWriteLongint(AStream, ALayers.Height);
- DirectoryOffsetPos := AStream.Position;
- LEWriteInt64(AStream, 0);
- //end of header
- for i := 0 to ALayers.NbLayers-1 do
- begin
- if AProgress then OnLayeredBitmapSaveProgress(round(i*100/ALayers.NbLayers));
- LEWriteLongint(AStream, sizeof(h));
- LayerHeaderPosition := AStream.Position;
- bitmap := ALayers.GetLayerBitmapDirectly(i); //do it before to ensure update from original
- h.LayerOption:= 0;
- if ALayers.LayerVisible[i] then h.LayerOption:= h.LayerOption or 1;
- h.BlendOp:= Longint(ALayers.BlendOperation[i]);
- h.LayerOfsX:= ALayers.LayerOffset[i].x;
- h.LayerOfsY:= ALayers.LayerOffset[i].y;
- h.LayerUniqueId:= ALayers.LayerUniqueId[i];
- h.LayerOpacity:= integer(ALayers.LayerOpacity[i])*$101;
- h.LayerBitmapSize := 0;
- h.OriginalGuid := ALayers.LayerOriginalGuid[i];
- h.OriginalMatrix := ALayers.LayerOriginalMatrix[i];
- h.FixEndian;
- AStream.WriteBuffer(h, sizeof(h));
- //end of layer header
- LayerBitmapPosition:=AStream.Position;
- if bitmap <> nil then
- SaveLayerBitmapToStream(AStream, bitmap, ALayers.LayerName[i], ACompression)
- else
- begin
- bitmap := ALayers.GetLayerBitmapCopy(i);
- SaveLayerBitmapToStream(AStream, bitmap, ALayers.LayerName[i], ACompression);
- bitmap.free;
- end;
- BitmapSize := AStream.Position - LayerBitmapPosition;
- //store back the bitmap size
- AStream.Position:= LayerHeaderPosition + (PByte(@PLayerHeader(nil)^.LayerBitmapSize)-PByte(nil));
- LEWriteInt64(AStream, BitmapSize);
- AStream.Position:= LayerBitmapPosition+BitmapSize;
- end;
- if AProgress then OnLayeredBitmapSaveProgress(100);
- EndPos:= AStream.Position;
- if ALayers.HasMemFiles then
- begin
- AStream.Position := DirectoryOffsetPos;
- LEWriteInt64(AStream,EndPos-startPos);
- AStream.Position:= EndPos;
- RenameLayersToIndex(ALayers);
- ALayers.MemDirectory.SaveToStream(AStream);
- RenameLayersToUniqueId(ALayers);
- end;
-procedure SaveLayerBitmapToStream(AStream: TStream; ABitmap: TBGRABitmap; ACaption: string; ACompression: TLzpCompression);
-var Compressed: TBGRACompressableBitmap;
- if ACompression = lzpZStream then
- begin
- Compressed := TBGRACompressableBitmap.Create(ABitmap);
- Compressed.Caption := ACaption;
- Compressed.CompressionLevel:= cldefault;
- Compressed.WriteToStream(AStream);
- Compressed.Free;
- end else
- TBGRAWriterLazPaint.WriteRLEImage(AStream, ABitmap, ACaption);
-function LoadLayerBitmapFromStream(AStream: TStream; ACompression: TLzpCompression): TBGRABitmap;
-var Compressed: TBGRACompressableBitmap;
- captionFound: string;
- if ACompression = lzpZStream then
- begin
- Compressed := TBGRACompressableBitmap.Create;
- Compressed.ReadFromStream(AStream);
- result := Compressed.GetBitmap;
- Compressed.Free;
- end else
- begin
- result := TBGRABitmap.Create;
- TBGRAReaderLazPaint.LoadRLEImage(AStream, result, captionFound);
- result.Caption := captionFound;
- end;
-procedure RegisterStreamLayers;
- LayeredBitmapSaveToStreamProc := @SaveLayeredBitmapToStream;
- LayeredBitmapLoadFromStreamProc := @LoadLayeredBitmapFromStream;
- LayeredBitmapCheckStreamProc := @CheckStreamForLayers;
- RegisterStreamLayers;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrasvg.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrasvg.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index b427138..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrasvg.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1330 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRASVG;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BGRABitmapTypes, DOM, BGRAUnits, BGRASVGShapes,
- BGRACanvas2D, BGRASVGType, FPimage;
-{ An SVG file has a width and height which describe the viewport size. It is not however really
- the size of the content. The latter is defined as a rectangle called viewbox. There are thus
- various ways of drawing an SVG file. If the viewbox is not specified, then it is a rectangle
- with origin (0,0) and with the same size as the viewport. In this case, a pixel in the viewbox
- corresponds to a pixel in the viewport. Otherwise, viewbox is scaled to fit the viewport.
- ------ Different DPIs -----------------
- The default DPI of the SVG file is the DPI used to convert between pixel units and other units
- like centimeters or inches. In general, this should not be used to scale the image, because it
- can make the SVG measures inconsistent. It should rather be set to the DPI which was used
- internally and which should be 96 according to CSS specifications. Some programs however
- use a different DPI so it can be useful to change it according to the source program.
- The destination DPI that can be specified when drawing can be used to scale the SVG. For example
- you can prepare your SVG to be at the correct size for 96 DPI display and then draw them
- on a display for which the apparent DPI is different (this can be set systemwide on Windows and
- Linux).
- ------ Various ways of scaling --------
- There are various functions to draw and also to get the presentation matrix. The latter is
- a matrix, not including the translation to x and y, that contains all transforms to apply
- to the viewbox coordinates. The drawing functions are Draw and StretchDraw and to get the
- presentation matrix the functions are GetPresentationMatrix and GetStretchPresentationMatrix
- respectively.
- Drawing in user coordinates, i.e. without taking account of the viewbox or viewport size. One
- can achieve this by calling the Draw function with an x and y coordinates and a destination
- unit/DPI. You would do that only if you want to make use of the viewbox offset or
- if you already have applied all necessary transforms. The corresponding presentation matrix
- is the identity.
- Drawing with a specific alignment in user coordinates. This can be done by calling Draw
- with horizontal and vertical alignment, x and y coordinates to align to, a destination unit/DPI
- and Scaled set to False.
- Drawing with a specific alignment, scaled to view port units. This will draw the SVG at its
- expected size but apply the alignment you want. This is what you would want to do if you
- want to customize the alignment. One can achieve this as above but by specifying the Scaled
- parameter to True.
- Drawing inside a specified rectangle, not preserving the aspect ratio. In this case, you
- want a certain size and the original size does not matter much. The viewbox of the SVG is
- stretched to fit the rectangle. One can achieve this by calling StretchDraw with the
- specified rectangle and the UseSvgAspectRatio to False.
- Drawing inside a rectangle, using the parameter of the SVG about the aspect ratio. In this case,
- the SVG may either be stretched as before, scaled to fit the rectangle or scaled to cover it.
- Also the SVG may be set with a certain horizontal and vertical alignment within the rectangle.
- One can draw this way by calling StretchDraw with the UseSvgAspectRatio set to True.
- You would typically use this method to show the SVG as it was intended to look like but in
- a custom container by suppling WidthAsPixel and HeightAsPixel for the rectangle size.
- Drawing inside a rectangle, preserving the aspect ratio. In this case, you call StretchDraw with
- a horizontal and vertical alignment, the rectangle and the Slice parameter. When Slice is set
- to False, the viewbox will fit the rectangle. If Slice is to True then the viewbox may overflow
- the rectangle so that it covers the whole surface. Using this function, one can have control
- over the way the SVG is scaled. Slice is useful for background.
- Drawing inside a rectangle of the size defined by the SVG. That will draw the SVG as it is
- supposed to look like. One can do that by calling StretchDraw with a unit parameter. You would
- typically use pixel units and this will draw to the size WidthAsPixel by HeightAsPixel.
- }
- TCSSUnit = BGRAUnits.TCSSUnit;
- cuCustom = BGRAUnits.cuCustom;
- cuPixel = BGRAUnits.cuPixel;
- cuCentimeter = BGRAUnits.cuCentimeter;
- cuMillimeter = BGRAUnits.cuMillimeter;
- cuInch = BGRAUnits.cuInch;
- cuPica = BGRAUnits.cuPica;
- cuPoint = BGRAUnits.cuPoint;
- cuFontEmHeight = BGRAUnits.cuFontEmHeight;
- cuFontXHeight = BGRAUnits.cuFontXHeight;
- cuPercent = BGRAUnits.cuPercent;
- { TSVGUnits }
- TSVGUnits = class(TCSSUnitConverter)
- private
- FOnRecompute: TSVGRecomputeEvent;
- procedure Recompute;
- procedure SetOnRecompute(AValue: TSVGRecomputeEvent);
- protected
- FSvg: TDOMElement;
- FContainerHeight: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- FContainerWidth: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- FDefaultDpi: PSingle;
- //fetched or computed
- FViewBox: TSVGViewBox;
- FPreserveAspectRatio: TSVGPreserveAspectRatio;
- FViewPortSize, FProportionalViewSize, FStretchedViewSize: TSVGSize;
- procedure SetContainerHeight(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetContainerWidth(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- function GetDpiX: single; override;
- function GetDpiY: single; override;
- function GetCustomOrigin: TPointF;
- procedure SetCustomOrigin(AValue: TPointF);
- procedure SetViewBox(AValue: TSVGViewBox);
- public
- procedure SetDefaultDpiAndOrigin;
- constructor Create(ASvg: TDOMElement; ADefaultDpi: PSingle);
- function GetStretchRectF(AViewPort: TRectF; const par: TSVGPreserveAspectRatio): TRectF;
- property ViewBox: TSVGViewBox read FViewBox write SetViewBox;
- property ViewPortSize: TSVGSize read FViewPortSize;
- property ProportionalViewSize: TSVGSize read FProportionalViewSize;
- property PreserveAspectRatio: TSVGPreserveAspectRatio read FPreserveAspectRatio;
- property StretchedViewSize: TSVGSize read FStretchedViewSize;
- property CustomOrigin: TPointF read GetCustomOrigin write SetCustomOrigin;
- property ContainerWidth: TFloatWithCSSUnit read FContainerWidth write SetContainerWidth;
- property ContainerHeight: TFloatWithCSSUnit read FContainerHeight write SetContainerHeight;
- property OnRecompute: TSVGRecomputeEvent read FOnRecompute write SetOnRecompute;
- end;
- TBGRASVG = class(TSVGCustomElement)
- private
- function GetComputedHeight: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetComputedWidth: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetContainerHeight: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetContainerHeightAsPixel: single;
- function GetContainerWidth: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetContainerWidthAsPixel: single;
- function GetFontSize: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetHeight: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetHeightAsCm: single;
- function GetHeightAsInch: single;
- function GetHeightAsPixel: single;
- function GetLayer(AIndex: integer): TSVGGroup;
- function GetLayerCount: integer;
- function GetPreserveAspectRatio: TSVGPreserveAspectRatio;
- function GetUnits: TSVGUnits;
- function GetUTF8String: utf8string;
- function GetViewBox: TSVGViewBox; overload;
- function GetViewBox(AUnit: TCSSUnit): TSVGViewBox; overload;
- procedure GetViewBoxIndirect(AUnit: TCSSUnit; out AViewBox: TSVGViewBox);
- function GetViewMin(AUnit: TCSSUnit): TPointF;
- function GetViewSize(AUnit: TCSSUnit): TPointF;
- function GetVisualHeight: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetVisualHeightAsPixel: single;
- function GetVisualWidth: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetVisualWidthAsPixel: single;
- function GetWidth: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetWidthAsCm: single;
- function GetWidthAsInch: single;
- function GetWidthAsPixel: single;
- function GetZoomable: boolean;
- procedure SetContainerHeight(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetContainerHeightAsPixel(AValue: single);
- procedure SetContainerWidth(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetContainerWidthAsPixel(AValue: single);
- procedure SetDefaultDpi(AValue: single);
- procedure SetFontSize(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetHeight(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetHeightAsCm(AValue: single);
- procedure SetHeightAsInch(AValue: single);
- procedure SetHeightAsPixel(AValue: single);
- procedure SetPreserveAspectRatio(AValue: TSVGPreserveAspectRatio);
- procedure SetUTF8String(AValue: utf8string);
- procedure SetViewBox(AValue: TSVGViewBox);
- procedure SetWidth(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetWidthAsCm(AValue: single);
- procedure SetWidthAsInch(AValue: single);
- procedure SetWidthAsPixel(AValue: single);
- procedure SetZoomable(AValue: boolean);
- protected
- FXml: TXMLDocument;
- FDefaultDpi: single;
- FContent: TSVGContent;
- FDataLink: TSVGDataLink;
- procedure Init(ACreateEmpty: boolean);
- function GetViewBoxAlignment(AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout; AUnit: TCSSUnit): TPointF;
- function GetViewBoxScale: TPointF;
- procedure UnitsRecompute(Sender: TObject);
- procedure SetAttribute(AName: string; AValue: string); override;
- public
- constructor Create; overload;
- constructor Create(AWidth,AHeight: single; AUnit: TCSSUnit); overload;
- constructor Create(AFilenameUTF8: string); overload;
- constructor Create(AStream: TStream); overload;
- constructor CreateFromString(AUTF8String: string);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function Duplicate: TBGRASVG;
- procedure CropToViewBox(AScale: single = 1);
- procedure LoadFromFile(AFilenameUTF8: string);
- procedure LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream; AURI: UnicodeString = 'stream:');
- procedure LoadFromResource(AFilename: string);
- procedure SaveToFile(AFilenameUTF8: string);
- procedure SaveToStream(AStream: TStream);
- procedure Draw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; x,y: single; AUnit: TCSSUnit = cuPixel); overload;
- procedure Draw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; x,y: single; destDpi: single); overload;
- procedure Draw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; x,y: single; destDpi: TPointF); overload;
- procedure Draw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout; x,y: single; AUnit: TCSSUnit = cuPixel; AScale: boolean = true); overload;
- procedure Draw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout; x,y: single; destDpi: single; AScale: boolean = true); overload;
- procedure Draw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout; x,y: single; destDpi: TPointF; AScale: boolean = true); overload;
- procedure StretchDraw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; x,y,w,h: single; useSvgAspectRatio: boolean = false); overload;
- procedure StretchDraw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; r: TRectF; useSvgAspectRatio: boolean = false); overload;
- procedure StretchDraw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; x, y: single; AUnit: TCSSUnit); overload;
- procedure StretchDraw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; AHorizAlign: TAlignment;
- AVertAlign: TTextLayout; x,y,w,h: single; ASlice: boolean = false); overload;
- procedure StretchDraw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; AHorizAlign: TAlignment;
- AVertAlign: TTextLayout; r: TRectF; ASlice: boolean = false); overload;
- function GetStretchRectF(AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout; x,y,w,h: single; ASlice: boolean = false): TRectF; overload;
- function GetStretchRectF(x,y,w,h: single): TRectF; overload;
- function GetPresentationMatrix(AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout;
- AUnit: TCSSUnit; AScale: boolean): TAffineMatrix;
- function GetStretchPresentationMatrix(w,h: single; useSvgAspectRatio: boolean = false): TAffineMatrix; overload;
- function GetStretchPresentationMatrix(AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout; w,h: single; ASlice: boolean = false): TAffineMatrix; overload;
- function GetStretchPresentationMatrix(AUnit: TCSSUnit): TAffineMatrix; overload;
- function FindElementById(AID: string): TSVGElement; overload;
- function FindElementById(AID: string; AClass: TSVGFactory): TSVGElement; overload;
- procedure ConvertToUnit(AUnit: TCSSUnit); override; //except Width, Height, ContainerWidth, ContainerHeight
- property AsUTF8String: utf8string read GetUTF8String write SetUTF8String;
- property Units: TSVGUnits read GetUnits;
- property FontSize: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetFontSize write SetFontSize;
- property Width: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetWidth write SetWidth;
- property Height: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetHeight write SetHeight;
- property ComputedWidth: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetComputedWidth;
- property ComputedHeight: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetComputedHeight;
- property WidthAsPixel: single read GetWidthAsPixel write SetWidthAsPixel;
- property HeightAsPixel: single read GetHeightAsPixel write SetHeightAsPixel;
- property WidthAsCm: single read GetWidthAsCm write SetWidthAsCm;
- property HeightAsCm: single read GetHeightAsCm write SetHeightAsCm;
- property WidthAsInch: single read GetWidthAsInch write SetWidthAsInch;
- property HeightAsInch: single read GetHeightAsInch write SetHeightAsInch;
- property ContainerWidth: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetContainerWidth write SetContainerWidth;
- property ContainerWidthAsPixel: single read GetContainerWidthAsPixel write SetContainerWidthAsPixel;
- property ContainerHeight: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetContainerHeight write SetContainerHeight;
- property ContainerHeightAsPixel: single read GetContainerHeightAsPixel write SetContainerHeightAsPixel;
- property Zoomable: boolean read GetZoomable write SetZoomable;
- property ViewBox: TSVGViewBox read GetViewBox write SetViewBox;
- property ViewBoxInUnit[AUnit: TCSSUnit]: TSVGViewBox read GetViewBox;
- property ViewMinInUnit[AUnit: TCSSUnit]: TPointF read GetViewMin;
- property ViewSizeInUnit[AUnit: TCSSUnit]: TPointF read GetViewSize;
- property VisualWidth: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetVisualWidth;
- property VisualHeight: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetVisualHeight;
- property VisualWidthAsPixel: single read GetVisualWidthAsPixel;
- property VisualHeightAsPixel: single read GetVisualHeightAsPixel;
- property Attribute[AName: string]: string read GetAttribute write SetAttribute;
- property AttributeDef[AName: string; ADefault: string]: string read GetAttribute;
- property DefaultDpi: single read FDefaultDpi write SetDefaultDpi; //this is not saved in the SVG file
- property Content: TSVGContent read FContent;
- property DataLink: TSVGDataLink read FDataLink;//(for test or internal info)
- property preserveAspectRatio: TSVGPreserveAspectRatio read GetPreserveAspectRatio write SetPreserveAspectRatio;
- property Layer[AIndex: integer]: TSVGGroup read GetLayer;
- property LayerCount: integer read GetLayerCount;
- end;
- { TFPReaderSVG }
- TFPReaderSVG = class(TBGRAImageReader)
- private
- FRenderDpi: single;
- FWidth,FHeight: integer;
- FScale: single;
- protected
- function InternalCheck(Stream: TStream): boolean; override;
- procedure InternalRead(Stream: TStream; Img: TFPCustomImage); override;
- public
- constructor Create; override;
- function GetQuickInfo(AStream: TStream): TQuickImageInfo; override;
- function GetBitmapDraft(AStream: TStream; AMaxWidth, AMaxHeight: integer; out AOriginalWidth,AOriginalHeight: integer): TBGRACustomBitmap; override;
- property RenderDpi: single read FRenderDpi write FRenderDpi;
- property Width: integer read FWidth;
- property Height: integer read FHeight;
- property Scale: single read FScale write FScale;
- end;
-procedure RegisterSvgFormat;
-uses XMLRead, XMLWrite, BGRAUTF8, math, xmltextreader, URIParser, BGRATransform;
-const SvgNamespace = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg';
-{ TFPReaderSVG }
-function TFPReaderSVG.InternalCheck(Stream: TStream): boolean;
- magic: array[1..6] of char;
- prevPos: int64;
- count: LongInt;
- prevPos := Stream.Position;
- count := Stream.Read({%H-}magic, sizeof(magic));
- Stream.Position:= prevPos;
- result:= (count = sizeof(magic)) and ((magic = 'Img then
- begin
- Img.SetSize(bgra.Width,bgra.Height);
- for y := 0 to bgra.Height-1 do
- begin
- p := bgra.ScanLine[y];
- for x := 0 to bgra.Width-1 do
- begin
- Img.Colors[x,y] := BGRAToFPColor(p^);
- inc(p);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- FWidth:= bgra.Width;
- FHeight:= bgra.Height;
- finally
- if bgra<>Img then bgra.Free;
- svg.Free;
- end;
-constructor TFPReaderSVG.Create;
- inherited Create;
- FRenderDpi:= 96;
- FScale := 1;
-function TFPReaderSVG.GetQuickInfo(AStream: TStream): TQuickImageInfo;
- svg: TBGRASVG;
- vsize: TPointF;
- svg := TBGRASVG.Create(AStream);
- svg.DefaultDpi:= RenderDpi;
- vsize := svg.GetViewSize(cuPixel);
- svg.Free;
- result.Width:= ceil(vsize.x);
- result.Height:= ceil(vsize.y);
- result.AlphaDepth:= 8;
- result.ColorDepth:= 24;
-function TFPReaderSVG.GetBitmapDraft(AStream: TStream; AMaxWidth,
- AMaxHeight: integer; out AOriginalWidth, AOriginalHeight: integer): TBGRACustomBitmap;
- svg: TBGRASVG;
- vsize: TPointF;
- c2d: TBGRACanvas2D;
- ratio: Single;
- svg := TBGRASVG.Create(AStream);
- result := nil;
- try
- svg.DefaultDpi:= RenderDpi;
- if svg.preserveAspectRatio.Preserve then
- vsize := svg.GetViewSize(cuPixel)
- else vsize := PointF(svg.WidthAsPixel, svg.HeightAsPixel);
- AOriginalWidth:= ceil(vsize.x);
- AOriginalHeight:= ceil(vsize.y);
- if (vsize.x = 0) or (vsize.y = 0) then exit;
- ratio := min(AMaxWidth/vsize.x, AMaxHeight/vsize.y);
- result := BGRABitmapFactory.Create(ceil(vsize.x*ratio),ceil(vsize.y*ratio));
- if ratio <> 0 then
- begin
- c2d := TBGRACanvas2D.Create(result);
- svg.StretchDraw(c2d, 0,0,result.width,result.height);
- c2d.Free;
- end;
- finally
- svg.Free;
- end;
-var AlreadyRegistered: boolean;
-procedure RegisterSvgFormat;
- if AlreadyRegistered then exit;
- ImageHandlers.RegisterImageReader ('Scalable Vector Graphic', 'svg', TFPReaderSVG);
- AlreadyRegistered:= True;
-function TSVGUnits.GetCustomOrigin: TPointF;
- result := FViewBox.min;
-procedure TSVGUnits.SetCustomOrigin(AValue: TPointF);
-var newViewBox: TSVGViewBox;
- newViewBox := ViewBox;
- newViewBox.min := AValue;
- ViewBox := newViewBox;
-procedure TSVGUnits.Recompute;
- FViewBox:= TSVGViewBox.Parse( FSvg.GetAttribute('viewBox') );
- FPreserveAspectRatio := TSVGPreserveAspectRatio.Parse( FSvg.GetAttribute('preserveAspectRatio') );
- FViewPortSize.width := parseValue(FSvg.GetAttribute('width'), FloatWithCSSUnit(FViewBox.size.x, cuPixel));
- FViewPortSize.height := parseValue(FSvg.GetAttribute('height'), FloatWithCSSUnit(FViewBox.size.y, cuPixel));
- //view port defined as percentage of container
- if FViewPortSize.width.CSSUnit = cuPercent then
- begin
- FViewPortSize.width.value := FViewPortSize.width.value/100*FContainerWidth.value;
- FViewPortSize.width.CSSUnit := FContainerWidth.CSSUnit;
- end;
- if FViewPortSize.height.CSSUnit = cuPercent then
- begin
- FViewPortSize.height.value := FViewPortSize.height.value/100*FContainerHeight.value;
- FViewPortSize.height.CSSUnit := FContainerHeight.CSSUnit;
- end;
- //ensure same unit for width and height
- if FViewPortSize.width.CSSUnit <> FViewPortSize.height.CSSUnit then
- FViewPortSize.height := ConvertHeight(FViewPortSize.height, FViewPortSize.width.CSSUnit, 0);
- //if not viewbox is specified, it is equal to the viewport
- if (FViewBox.size.x <= 0) and (FViewBox.size.y <= 0) then
- begin
- FViewBox.min := PointF(0, 0);
- FViewBox.size.x := ConvertWidth(FViewPortSize.width, cuPixel, 0).value;
- FViewBox.size.y := ConvertHeight(FViewPortSize.height, cuPixel, 0).value;
- end;
- //compute stretching for default SVG aspect ratio (meet)
- FProportionalViewSize := FViewPortSize;
- with GetStretchRectF(RectF(0,0,FViewPortSize.width.value,FViewPortSize.height.value),
- TSVGPreserveAspectRatio.DefaultValue) do
- begin
- FProportionalViewSize.width.value := Width;
- FProportionalViewSize.height.value := Height;
- end;
- //compute stretching according to specified SVG aspect ratio (can be slice or none)
- FStretchedViewSize := FViewPortSize;
- with GetStretchRectF(RectF(0,0,FViewPortSize.width.value,FViewPortSize.height.value),
- PreserveAspectRatio) do
- begin
- FStretchedViewSize.width.value := Width;
- FStretchedViewSize.height.value := Height;
- end;
- ViewBoxWidth := FloatWithCSSUnit(FViewBox.size.x, cuPixel);
- ViewBoxHeight := FloatWithCSSUnit(FViewBox.size.y, cuPixel);
- if Assigned(FOnRecompute) then FOnRecompute(self);
-procedure TSVGUnits.SetOnRecompute(AValue: TSVGRecomputeEvent);
- if FOnRecompute=AValue then Exit;
- FOnRecompute:=AValue;
-procedure TSVGUnits.SetContainerHeight(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- if CompareMem(@FContainerHeight,@AValue,sizeof(TFloatWithCSSUnit)) then Exit;
- FContainerHeight:=AValue;
- Recompute;
-procedure TSVGUnits.SetContainerWidth(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- if CompareMem(@FContainerWidth,@AValue,sizeof(TFloatWithCSSUnit)) then Exit;
- FContainerWidth:=AValue;
- Recompute;
-procedure TSVGUnits.SetDefaultDpiAndOrigin;
- FSvg.RemoveAttribute('viewBox');
- Recompute;
-procedure TSVGUnits.SetViewBox(AValue: TSVGViewBox);
- FSvg.SetAttribute('viewBox', formatValue(AValue.min.x)+' '+
- formatValue(AValue.min.y)+' '+
- formatValue(AValue.size.x)+' '+
- formatValue(AValue.size.y));
- Recompute;
-function TSVGUnits.GetDpiX: single;
- result := FDefaultDpi^;
-function TSVGUnits.GetDpiY: single;
- result := FDefaultDpi^;
-constructor TSVGUnits.Create(ASvg: TDOMElement; ADefaultDpi: PSingle);
- FSvg := ASvg;
- FDefaultDpi := ADefaultDpi;
- FContainerWidth := FloatWithCSSUnit(640,cuPixel);
- FContainerHeight := FloatWithCSSUnit(480,cuPixel);
- Recompute;
-function TSVGUnits.GetStretchRectF(AViewPort: TRectF; const par: TSVGPreserveAspectRatio): TRectF;
-var w0,h0,w,h: single;
- result := AViewPort;
- w0 := AViewPort.Width;
- h0 := AViewPort.Height;
- if par.Preserve and
- (FViewBox.size.x > 0) and (FViewBox.size.y > 0) and
- (w0 > 0) and (h0 > 0) then
- begin
- w := w0;
- h := h0;
- //viewBox wider than viewSize
- if (FViewBox.size.x/FViewBox.size.y > w/h) xor par.Slice then
- begin
- h := w * FViewBox.size.y / FViewBox.size.x;
- result.Bottom := result.Top+h;
- end else
- begin
- w := h * FViewBox.size.x / FViewBox.size.y;
- result.Right := result.Left+w;
- end;
- case par.HorizAlign of
- taCenter: result.Offset((w0-w)/2, 0);
- taRightJustify: result.Offset(w0-w, 0);
- end;
- case par.VertAlign of
- tlCenter: result.Offset(0, (h0-h)/2);
- tlBottom: result.Offset(0, h0-h);
- end;
- end;
-function TBGRASVG.GetComputedHeight: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := Units.ViewPortSize.height;
-function TBGRASVG.GetComputedWidth: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := Units.ViewPortSize.width;
-function TBGRASVG.GetVisualHeight: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := Units.StretchedViewSize.height;
-function TBGRASVG.GetVisualHeightAsPixel: single;
- result := Units.ConvertHeight(VisualHeight, cuPixel).value;
-function TBGRASVG.GetVisualWidth: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := Units.StretchedViewSize.width;
-function TBGRASVG.GetContainerHeight: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := Units.ContainerHeight;
-function TBGRASVG.GetContainerHeightAsPixel: single;
- result := Units.ConvertHeight(Units.ContainerHeight, cuPixel).value;
-function TBGRASVG.GetContainerWidth: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := Units.ContainerWidth;
-function TBGRASVG.GetContainerWidthAsPixel: single;
- result := Units.ConvertWidth(Units.ContainerWidth, cuPixel).value;
-function TBGRASVG.GetFontSize: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result:= GetVerticalAttributeOrStyleWithUnit('font-size',Units.CurrentFontEmHeight,false);
-function TBGRASVG.GetHeight: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := TCSSUnitConverter.parseValue(Attribute['height'],FloatWithCSSUnit(Units.ViewBox.size.y,cuCustom));
- if result.CSSUnit = cuCustom then result.CSSUnit:= cuPixel;
-function TBGRASVG.GetHeightAsCm: single;
- result := FUnits.ConvertHeight(ComputedHeight,cuCentimeter).value;
-function TBGRASVG.GetHeightAsInch: single;
- result := FUnits.ConvertHeight(ComputedHeight,cuInch).value;
-function TBGRASVG.GetHeightAsPixel: single;
- result := FUnits.ConvertHeight(ComputedHeight,cuPixel).value;
-function TBGRASVG.GetLayer(AIndex: integer): TSVGGroup;
- i: Integer;
- result := nil;
- for i := 0 to Content.ElementCount-1 do
- begin
- if (Content.ElementObject[i] is TSVGGroup) and
- TSVGGroup(Content.Element[i]).IsLayer then
- begin
- if AIndex = 0 then exit(TSVGGroup(Content.Element[i]));
- dec(AIndex);
- end;
- end;
-function TBGRASVG.GetLayerCount: integer;
- i: Integer;
- result := 0;
- for i := 0 to Content.ElementCount-1 do
- begin
- if (Content.ElementObject[i] is TSVGGroup) and
- TSVGGroup(Content.Element[i]).IsLayer then
- inc(result);
- end;
-function TBGRASVG.GetPreserveAspectRatio: TSVGPreserveAspectRatio;
- result := Units.PreserveAspectRatio;
-function TBGRASVG.GetStretchPresentationMatrix(AHorizAlign: TAlignment;
- AVertAlign: TTextLayout; w, h: single; ASlice: boolean): TAffineMatrix;
- rF: TRectF;
- with GetViewBoxAlignment(taLeftJustify, tlTop, cuPixel) do
- result := AffineMatrixTranslation(x, y);
- rF := GetStretchRectF(AHorizAlign, AVertAlign, 0, 0, w, h, ASlice);
- with Units.ViewBox do
- begin
- if size.x > 0 then result := AffineMatrixScale(rF.Width/size.x, 1) * result;
- if size.y > 0 then result := AffineMatrixScale(1, rF.Height/size.y) * result;
- end;
- result := AffineMatrixTranslation(rF.Left, rF.Top) * result;
-function TBGRASVG.GetStretchPresentationMatrix(AUnit: TCSSUnit): TAffineMatrix;
- w, h: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- w := ComputedWidth;
- h := ComputedHeight;
- result := GetStretchPresentationMatrix(Units.ConvertWidth(w, AUnit).value,
- Units.ConvertHeight(h, AUnit).value, true);
-function TBGRASVG.GetUnits: TSVGUnits;
- result := TSVGUnits(FUnits);
-function TBGRASVG.GetUTF8String: utf8string;
-var str: TMemoryStream;
- str := TMemoryStream.Create;
- SaveToStream(str);
- setlength(result, str.Size);
- str.Position := 0;
- str.Read(result[1], length(result));
- str.Free;
-function TBGRASVG.GetViewBox: TSVGViewBox;
- result := Units.ViewBox;
-function TBGRASVG.GetViewBox(AUnit: TCSSUnit): TSVGViewBox;
- GetViewBoxIndirect(AUnit,result);
-procedure TBGRASVG.GetViewBoxIndirect(AUnit: TCSSUnit; out AViewBox: TSVGViewBox);
- with Units.ViewBox do
- begin
- AViewBox.min := FUnits.ConvertCoord(min,cuCustom,AUnit);
- AViewBox.size := FUnits.ConvertCoord(size,cuCustom,AUnit);
- end;
-function TBGRASVG.GetViewMin(AUnit: TCSSUnit): TPointF;
- vb: TSVGViewBox;
- GetViewBoxIndirect(AUnit,vb);
- result:= vb.min;
-function TBGRASVG.GetViewSize(AUnit: TCSSUnit): TPointF;
- vb: TSVGViewBox;
- GetViewBoxIndirect(AUnit,vb);
- result:= vb.size;
-function TBGRASVG.GetVisualWidthAsPixel: single;
- result := Units.ConvertWidth(VisualWidth, cuPixel).value;
-function TBGRASVG.GetWidth: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := TCSSUnitConverter.parseValue(Attribute['width'],FloatWithCSSUnit(Units.ViewBox.size.x,cuCustom));
- if result.CSSUnit = cuCustom then result.CSSUnit := cuPixel;
-function TBGRASVG.GetWidthAsCm: single;
- result := FUnits.ConvertWidth(ComputedWidth,cuCentimeter).value;
-function TBGRASVG.GetWidthAsInch: single;
- result := FUnits.ConvertWidth(ComputedWidth,cuInch).value;
-function TBGRASVG.GetWidthAsPixel: single;
- result := FUnits.ConvertWidth(ComputedWidth,cuPixel).value;
-function TBGRASVG.GetZoomable: boolean;
- result := AttributeDef['zoomAndPan','magnify']<>'disable';
-procedure TBGRASVG.SetContainerHeight(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- if AValue.CSSUnit = cuPercent then raise exception.Create('Container width cannot be expressed as percentage');
- Units.ContainerHeight := AValue;
-procedure TBGRASVG.SetContainerHeightAsPixel(AValue: single);
- ContainerHeight := FloatWithCSSUnit(AValue, cuPixel);
-procedure TBGRASVG.SetContainerWidth(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- if AValue.CSSUnit = cuPercent then raise exception.Create('Container width cannot be expressed as percentage');
- Units.ContainerWidth := AValue;
-procedure TBGRASVG.SetContainerWidthAsPixel(AValue: single);
- ContainerWidth := FloatWithCSSUnit(AValue, cuPixel);
-procedure TBGRASVG.SetAttribute(AName: string; AValue: string);
- AName := trim(AName);
- if compareText(AName,'viewBox')= 0 then AName := 'viewBox' else
- if compareText(AName,'width')=0 then AName := 'width' else
- if compareText(AName,'height')=0 then AName := 'height';
- inherited SetAttribute(AName,AValue);
- if (AName = 'viewBox') or (AName = 'width') or (AName = 'height') then
- Units.Recompute;
-procedure TBGRASVG.SetDefaultDpi(AValue: single);
- if FDefaultDpi=AValue then Exit;
- FDefaultDpi:=AValue;
- Units.Recompute;
-procedure TBGRASVG.SetFontSize(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- SetVerticalAttributeWithUnit('font-size', AValue);
-procedure TBGRASVG.SetHeight(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- if AValue.CSSUnit = cuPixel then AValue.CSSUnit := cuCustom;
- Attribute['height'] := TCSSUnitConverter.formatValue(AValue);
- Units.Recompute;
-procedure TBGRASVG.SetHeightAsCm(AValue: single);
- Height := FloatWithCSSUnit(AValue,cuCentimeter);
-procedure TBGRASVG.SetHeightAsInch(AValue: single);
- Height := FloatWithCSSUnit(AValue,cuInch);
-procedure TBGRASVG.SetHeightAsPixel(AValue: single);
- Height := FloatWithCSSUnit(AValue,cuPixel);
-procedure TBGRASVG.SetPreserveAspectRatio(AValue: TSVGPreserveAspectRatio);
- Attribute['preserveAspectRatio'] := AValue.ToString;
- Units.Recompute;
-procedure TBGRASVG.SetUTF8String(AValue: utf8string);
-var str: TMemoryStream;
- str:= TMemoryStream.Create;
- str.Write(AValue[1],length(AValue));
- str.Position:= 0;
- LoadFromStream(str);
- str.Free;
-{$PUSH}{$OPTIMIZATION OFF} //avoids Internal error 2012090607
-procedure TBGRASVG.SetViewBox(AValue: TSVGViewBox);
- Units.ViewBox := AValue;
-procedure TBGRASVG.SetWidth(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- if AValue.CSSUnit = cuPixel then AValue.CSSUnit := cuCustom;
- Attribute['width'] := TCSSUnitConverter.formatValue(AValue);
- Units.Recompute;
-procedure TBGRASVG.SetWidthAsCm(AValue: single);
- Width := FloatWithCSSUnit(AValue,cuCentimeter);
-procedure TBGRASVG.SetWidthAsInch(AValue: single);
- Width := FloatWithCSSUnit(AValue,cuInch);
-procedure TBGRASVG.SetWidthAsPixel(AValue: single);
- Width := FloatWithCSSUnit(AValue,cuPixel);
-procedure TBGRASVG.SetZoomable(AValue: boolean);
- if AValue then
- Attribute['zoomAndPan'] := 'magnify'
- else
- Attribute['zoomAndPan'] := 'disable';
-procedure TBGRASVG.Init(ACreateEmpty: boolean);
- FDefaultDpi := 96; //web browser default
- if ACreateEmpty then
- begin
- FXml := TXMLDocument.Create;
- FDomElem := FXml.CreateElement('svg');
- FUnits := TSVGUnits.Create(FDomElem,@FDefaultDpi);
- Units.OnRecompute:= @UnitsRecompute;
- FDataLink := TSVGDataLink.Create(nil);
- FContent := TSVGContent.Create(FDomElem,FUnits,FDataLink);
- FXml.AppendChild(FDomElem);
- end;
-function TBGRASVG.GetViewBoxAlignment(AHorizAlign: TAlignment;
- AVertAlign: TTextLayout; AUnit: TCSSUnit): TPointF;
-var vb: TSVGViewBox;
- GetViewBoxIndirect(AUnit, vb);
- with vb do
- begin
- case AHorizAlign of
- taCenter: result.x := -(min.x+size.x*0.5);
- taRightJustify: result.x := -(min.x+size.x);
- else
- {taLeftJustify:} result.x := -min.x;
- end;
- case AVertAlign of
- tlCenter: result.y := -(min.y+size.y*0.5);
- tlBottom: result.y := -(min.y+size.y);
- else
- {tlTop:} result.y := -min.y;
- end;
- end;
-function TBGRASVG.GetViewBoxScale: TPointF;
- svs: TSVGSize;
- vb: TSVGViewBox;
- svs := Units.StretchedViewSize;
- vb := ViewBox;
- if vb.size.x <> 0 then
- result.x := Units.ConvertWidth(svs.width, cuPixel).value / vb.size.x
- else result.x := 1;
- if vb.size.y <> 0 then
- result.y := Units.ConvertHeight(svs.Height, cuPixel).value / vb.size.y
- else result.y := 1;
-procedure TBGRASVG.UnitsRecompute(Sender: TObject);
- FContent.Recompute;
-constructor TBGRASVG.Create;
- Init(True);
-constructor TBGRASVG.Create(AWidth, AHeight: single; AUnit: TCSSUnit);
- Init(True);
- Width := FloatWithCSSUnit(AWidth,AUnit);
- Height := FloatWithCSSUnit(AHeight,AUnit);
-constructor TBGRASVG.Create(AFilenameUTF8: string);
- Init(False);
- LoadFromFile(AFilenameUTF8);
-constructor TBGRASVG.Create(AStream: TStream);
- Init(False);
- LoadFromStream(AStream);
-constructor TBGRASVG.CreateFromString(AUTF8String: string);
- Init(False);
- AsUTF8String:= AUTF8String;
-destructor TBGRASVG.Destroy;
- FreeAndNil(FContent);
- FreeAndNil(FDataLink);
- FreeAndNil(FUnits);
- FDomElem:= nil;
- FreeAndNil(FXml);
- inherited Destroy;
-function TBGRASVG.Duplicate: TBGRASVG;
- stream: TMemoryStream;
- svg: TBGRASVG;
- stream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- svg := nil;
- try
- SaveToStream(stream);
- stream.Position:= 0;
- svg := TBGRASVG.Create;
- svg.DefaultDpi:= DefaultDpi;
- svg.LoadFromStream(stream);
- result := svg;
- svg := nil;
- finally
- svg.Free;
- stream.Free
- end;
-procedure TBGRASVG.CropToViewBox(AScale: single);
-var w,h: single;
- w:= VisualWidthAsPixel * AScale;
- h:= VisualHeightAsPixel * AScale;
- ViewBox := Units.ViewBox; // make sure viewbox is explicit
- WidthAsPixel:= w;
- HeightAsPixel:= h;
-procedure TBGRASVG.LoadFromFile(AFilenameUTF8: string);
-var stream: TStream;
- stream := TFileStreamUTF8.Create(AFilenameUTF8,fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);
- try
- LoadFromStream(stream, UTF8ToUTF16(FilenameToURI(AFilenameUTF8)));
- finally
- stream.Free;
- end;
-procedure TBGRASVG.LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream; AURI: UnicodeString);
-var xml: TXMLDocument;
- root: TDOMNode;
- byteOrderMark: packed array[1..3] of byte;
- startPos: int64;
- parser: TDOMParser;
- source: TXMLInputSource;
- //skip utf8 byte order mark
- startPos:= AStream.Position;
- if AStream.Read({%H-}byteOrderMark,sizeof(byteOrderMark)) = 3 then
- begin
- if (byteOrderMark[1] = $ef) and (byteOrderMark[2] = $bb) and (byteOrderMark[3] = $bf) then
- inc(startPos, 3);
- end;
- AStream.Position:= startPos;
- source := TXMLInputSource.Create(AStream);
- source.BaseURI:= AURI;
- parser := TDOMParser.Create;
- parser.Options.PreserveWhitespace:= true;
- try
- parser.Parse(source, xml);
- finally
- parser.Free;
- source.Free;
- end;
- root := xml.FirstChild;
- while (root <> nil) and not (root is TDOMElement) do root := root.NextSibling;
- if root = nil then
- begin
- xml.Free;
- raise exception.Create('Root node not found');
- end;
- FreeAndNil(FContent);
- FreeAndNil(FDataLink);
- FreeAndNil(FUnits);
- FreeAndNil(FXml);
- FXml := xml;
- FDomElem := root as TDOMElement;
- FUnits := TSVGUnits.Create(FDomElem,@FDefaultDpi);
- Units.OnRecompute:= @UnitsRecompute;
- FDataLink := TSVGDataLink.Create(nil);
- FContent := TSVGContent.Create(FDomElem,FUnits,FDataLink);
-procedure TBGRASVG.LoadFromResource(AFilename: string);
- stream: TStream;
- stream := BGRAResource.GetResourceStream(AFilename);
- try
- LoadFromStream(stream);
- finally
- stream.Free;
- end;
-procedure TBGRASVG.SaveToFile(AFilenameUTF8: string);
-var stream: TFileStreamUTF8;
- stream := TFileStreamUTF8.Create(AFilenameUTF8,fmCreate);
- try
- SaveToStream(stream);
- finally
- stream.free;
- end;
-procedure TBGRASVG.SaveToStream(AStream: TStream);
- if Attribute['xmlns'] = '' then Attribute['xmlns'] := SvgNamespace;
- if (NamespaceURI['xlink'] = '') and NeedNamespace('xlink') then
- NamespaceURI['xlink'] := 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink';
- WriteXMLFile(FXml, AStream);
-procedure TBGRASVG.Draw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; AHorizAlign: TAlignment;
- AVertAlign: TTextLayout; x, y: single; AUnit: TCSSUnit; AScale: boolean);
-var prevMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- prevMatrix := ACanvas2d.matrix;
- ACanvas2d.translate(x,y);
- if AScale then
- with GetViewBoxScale do ACanvas2d.scale(x, y);
- with GetViewBoxAlignment(AHorizAlign,AVertAlign,cuPixel) do ACanvas2d.translate(x,y);
- Draw(ACanvas2d, 0,0, AUnit);
- ACanvas2d.matrix := prevMatrix;
-procedure TBGRASVG.Draw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; AHorizAlign: TAlignment;
- AVertAlign: TTextLayout; x, y: single; destDpi: single; AScale: boolean);
- Draw(ACanvas2d, AHorizAlign,AVertAlign, x,y, PointF(destDpi,destDpi), AScale);
-procedure TBGRASVG.Draw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; AHorizAlign: TAlignment;
- AVertAlign: TTextLayout; x, y: single; destDpi: TPointF; AScale: boolean);
- ACanvas2d.save;
- ACanvas2d.translate(x,y);
- ACanvas2d.scale(destDpi.x/Units.DpiX,destDpi.y/Units.DpiY);
- if AScale then
- with GetViewBoxScale do ACanvas2d.scale(x, y);
- with GetViewBoxAlignment(AHorizAlign,AVertAlign, cuPixel) do ACanvas2d.translate(x,y);
- Draw(ACanvas2d, 0,0, cuPixel);
- ACanvas2d.restore;
-procedure TBGRASVG.Draw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; x, y: single; AUnit: TCSSUnit);
-var prevLinearBlend: boolean;
- prevFontSize: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- prevLinearBlend:= ACanvas2d.linearBlend;
- acanvas2d.linearBlend := true;
- ACanvas2d.save;
- ACanvas2d.translate(x,y);
- ACanvas2d.strokeMatrix := ACanvas2d.matrix;
- prevFontSize := EnterFontSize(true);
- Content.Draw(ACanvas2d,AUnit);
- ExitFontSize(prevFontSize);
- ACanvas2d.restore;
- ACanvas2d.linearBlend := prevLinearBlend;
-procedure TBGRASVG.Draw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; x, y: single; destDpi: single);
- Draw(ACanvas2d, x,y, PointF(destDpi,destDpi));
-procedure TBGRASVG.Draw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; x, y: single; destDpi: TPointF);
- ACanvas2d.save;
- ACanvas2d.translate(x,y);
- ACanvas2d.scale(destDpi.x/Units.DpiX,destDpi.y/Units.DpiY);
- Draw(ACanvas2d, 0,0, cuPixel);
- ACanvas2d.restore;
-procedure TBGRASVG.StretchDraw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; x, y, w, h: single; useSvgAspectRatio: boolean);
-var vb: TSVGViewBox;
- if useSvgAspectRatio then
- begin
- with preserveAspectRatio do
- StretchDraw(ACanvas2d, HorizAlign, VertAlign, x,y,w,h, Slice);
- exit;
- end;
- ACanvas2d.save;
- ACanvas2d.translate(x,y);
- ACanvas2d.strokeResetTransform;
- GetViewBoxIndirect(cuPixel,vb);
- with vb do
- begin
- ACanvas2d.translate(-min.x,-min.y);
- if size.x <> 0 then
- ACanvas2d.scale(w/size.x,1);
- if size.y <> 0 then
- ACanvas2d.scale(1,h/size.y);
- end;
- Draw(ACanvas2d, 0,0, cuPixel);
- ACanvas2d.restore;
-procedure TBGRASVG.StretchDraw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; r: TRectF; useSvgAspectRatio: boolean);
- StretchDraw(ACanvas2d, r.Left, r.Top, r.Width, r.Height, useSvgAspectRatio);
-procedure TBGRASVG.StretchDraw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; x, y: single; AUnit: TCSSUnit);
- w, h: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- w := ComputedWidth;
- h := ComputedHeight;
- StretchDraw(ACanvas2d, x, y, Units.ConvertWidth(w, AUnit).value,
- Units.ConvertHeight(h, AUnit).value, true);
-procedure TBGRASVG.StretchDraw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D;
- AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout; x, y, w, h: single;
- ASlice: boolean);
-var r: TRectF;
- r := GetStretchRectF(AHorizAlign,AVertAlign, x, y, w, h, ASlice);
- StretchDraw(ACanvas2d, r);
-procedure TBGRASVG.StretchDraw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D;
- AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout; r: TRectF; ASlice: boolean);
- StretchDraw(ACanvas2d, AHorizAlign, AVertAlign, r.Left, r.Top, r.Width, r.Height, ASlice);
-function TBGRASVG.GetStretchRectF(x,y,w,h: single): TRectF;
- result := Units.GetStretchRectF(RectWithSizeF(x,y,w,h), preserveAspectRatio);
-function TBGRASVG.GetPresentationMatrix(AHorizAlign: TAlignment;
- AVertAlign: TTextLayout; AUnit: TCSSUnit; AScale: boolean): TAffineMatrix;
- with GetViewBoxAlignment(AHorizAlign, AVertAlign, AUnit) do
- result := AffineMatrixTranslation(x, y);
- if AScale then
- with GetViewBoxScale do
- result := AffineMatrixScale(x, y) * result;
-function TBGRASVG.GetStretchPresentationMatrix(w, h: single;
- useSvgAspectRatio: boolean): TAffineMatrix;
- rF: TRectF;
- if not useSvgAspectRatio then
- begin
- with GetViewBoxAlignment(taLeftJustify, tlTop, cuPixel) do
- result := AffineMatrixTranslation(x, y);
- with Units.ViewBox do
- begin
- if size.x > 0 then result := AffineMatrixScale(w/size.x, 1) * result;
- if size.y > 0 then result := AffineMatrixScale(1, h/size.y) * result;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- with GetViewBoxAlignment(taLeftJustify, tlTop, cuPixel) do
- result := AffineMatrixTranslation(x, y);
- rF := GetStretchRectF(0,0,w,h);
- with Units.ViewBox do
- begin
- if size.x > 0 then result := AffineMatrixScale(rF.Width/size.x, 1) * result;
- if size.y > 0 then result := AffineMatrixScale(1, rF.Height/size.y) * result;
- end;
- result := AffineMatrixTranslation(rF.Left, rF.Top) * result;
- end;
-function TBGRASVG.GetStretchRectF(AHorizAlign: TAlignment;
- AVertAlign: TTextLayout; x, y, w, h: single; ASlice: boolean): TRectF;
- aspect: TSVGPreserveAspectRatio;
- aspect.HorizAlign:= AHorizAlign;
- aspect.VertAlign:= AVertAlign;
- aspect.Preserve:= true;
- aspect.Slice:= ASlice;
- result := Units.GetStretchRectF(RectWithSizeF(x, y, w, h), aspect);
-function TBGRASVG.FindElementById(AID: string): TSVGElement;
- result := DataLink.FindElementById(AId, TSVGElement);
-function TBGRASVG.FindElementById(AID: string; AClass: TSVGFactory): TSVGElement;
- result := DataLink.FindElementById(AId, AClass);
-procedure TBGRASVG.ConvertToUnit(AUnit: TCSSUnit);
- prevFontSize: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- prevFontSize := Units.CurrentFontEmHeight;
- Units.CurrentFontEmHeight := Units.RootFontEmHeight;
- if HasAttribute('font-size') then
- SetVerticalAttributeWithUnit('font-size', Units.ConvertHeight(GetVerticalAttributeWithUnit('font-size'), AUnit));
- Units.CurrentFontEmHeight := prevFontSize;
- prevFontSize := EnterFontSize(true);
- inherited ConvertToUnit(AUnit);
- Content.ConvertToUnit(AUnit);
- ExitFontSize(prevFontSize);
- DefaultBGRAImageReader[ifSvg] := TFPReaderSVG;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrasvgoriginal.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrasvgoriginal.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index e7774e3..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrasvgoriginal.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,702 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRASVGOriginal;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BGRABitmapTypes, BGRABitmap, BGRASVG, BGRATransform,
- BGRALayerOriginal, BGRAUnits, BGRALayers;
- TBGRALayerSVGOriginal = class;
- { TBGRASVGOriginalDiff }
- TBGRASVGOriginalDiff = class(TBGRAOriginalDiff)
- protected
- FContentVersionBefore,FContentVersionAfter: integer;
- FSvgStreamBefore,FSvgStreamAfter: TMemoryStream;
- FDpiBefore, FDpiAfter: single;
- public
- constructor Create(AFromOriginal: TBGRALayerSVGOriginal);
- procedure ComputeDiff(AToOriginal: TBGRALayerSVGOriginal);
- procedure Apply(AOriginal: TBGRALayerCustomOriginal); override;
- procedure Unapply(AOriginal: TBGRALayerCustomOriginal); override;
- function CanAppend(ADiff: TBGRAOriginalDiff): boolean; override;
- procedure Append(ADiff: TBGRAOriginalDiff); override;
- function IsIdentity: boolean; override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- end;
- { TBGRALayerSVGOriginal }
- TBGRALayerSVGOriginal = class(TBGRALayerCustomOriginal)
- private
- function GetDPI: single;
- function GetSvgHeight: single;
- function GetSvgWidth: single;
- procedure SetDPI(AValue: single);
- protected
- FPresentationMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- FDiff: TBGRASVGOriginalDiff;
- FContentVersion: integer;
- procedure BeginUpdate;
- procedure EndUpdate;
- procedure ComputePresentation(AContainerWidth, AContainerHeight: integer; AScaleDPI: single);
- public
- constructor Create; override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Render(ADest: TBGRABitmap; AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; ADraft: boolean); override;
- function GetRenderBounds({%H-}ADestRect: TRect; AMatrix: TAffineMatrix): TRect; override;
- procedure LoadFromStorage(AStorage: TBGRACustomOriginalStorage); override;
- procedure SaveToStorage(AStorage: TBGRACustomOriginalStorage); override;
- procedure LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream); override;
- procedure SaveSVGToStream(AStream: TStream);
- procedure SetSVG(ASVG: TBGRASVG; AContainerWidth: integer = 640;
- AContainerHeight: integer = 480; AScaleDPI: single = 1);
- procedure LoadSVGFromStream(AStream: TStream; AContainerWidth: integer = 640;
- AContainerHeight: integer = 480; AScaleDPI: single = 1);
- function GetSVGCopy: TBGRASVG;
- class function StorageClassName: RawByteString; override;
- class function CanConvertToSVG: boolean; override;
- function ConvertToSVG(const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; out AOffset: TPoint): TBGRASVG; override;
- property Width: single read GetSvgWidth;
- property Height: single read GetSvgHeight;
- property DPI: single read GetDPI write SetDPI;
- property PresentationMatrix: TAffineMatrix read FPresentationMatrix;
- end;
- { TBGRALayeredSVG }
- TBGRALayeredSVG = class(TBGRALayeredBitmap)
- protected
- function GetMimeType: string; override;
- procedure InternalLoadFromStream(AStream: TStream);
- procedure InternalSaveToStream(AStream: TStream);
- public
- ContainerWidth, ContainerHeight, DefaultSvgDPI, DPI: integer;
- DefaultLayerName: string;
- constructor Create; overload; override;
- constructor Create(AWidth, AHeight: integer); overload; override;
- procedure LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream); override;
- procedure LoadFromFile(const filenameUTF8: string); override;
- procedure SaveToStream(AStream: TStream); override;
- procedure SaveToFile(const filenameUTF8: string); override;
- end;
-uses BGRACanvas2D, BGRAMemDirectory, BGRAUTF8, BGRASVGShapes, math, BGRASVGType,
- BGRAVectorize;
-{ TBGRASVGOriginalDiff }
-constructor TBGRASVGOriginalDiff.Create(AFromOriginal: TBGRALayerSVGOriginal);
- if Assigned(AFromOriginal.FSVG) then
- begin
- FSvgStreamBefore := TMemoryStream.Create;
- AFromOriginal.FSVG.SaveToStream(FSvgStreamBefore);
- end;
- FContentVersionBefore:= AFromOriginal.FContentVersion;
- FDpiBefore:= AFromOriginal.DPI;
-procedure TBGRASVGOriginalDiff.ComputeDiff(AToOriginal: TBGRALayerSVGOriginal);
- FreeAndNil(FSvgStreamAfter);
- if Assigned(AToOriginal.FSVG) then
- begin
- FSvgStreamAfter := TMemoryStream.Create;
- AToOriginal.FSVG.SaveToStream(FSvgStreamAfter);
- end;
- FContentVersionAfter:= AToOriginal.FContentVersion;
- FDpiAfter:= AToOriginal.DPI;
-procedure TBGRASVGOriginalDiff.Apply(AOriginal: TBGRALayerCustomOriginal);
- orig: TBGRALayerSVGOriginal;
- orig := AOriginal as TBGRALayerSVGOriginal;
- if Assigned(FSvgStreamAfter) then
- begin
- FSvgStreamAfter.Position:= 0;
- orig.FSVG.LoadFromStream(FSvgStreamAfter);
- end else
- orig.FSVG.Content.Clear;
- orig.FContentVersion := FContentVersionAfter;
-procedure TBGRASVGOriginalDiff.Unapply(AOriginal: TBGRALayerCustomOriginal);
- orig: TBGRALayerSVGOriginal;
- orig := AOriginal as TBGRALayerSVGOriginal;
- if Assigned(FSvgStreamBefore) then
- begin
- FSvgStreamBefore.Position:= 0;
- orig.FSVG.LoadFromStream(FSvgStreamBefore);
- end else
- orig.FSVG.Content.Clear;
- orig.FContentVersion := FContentVersionBefore;
-function TBGRASVGOriginalDiff.CanAppend(ADiff: TBGRAOriginalDiff): boolean;
- result := (ADiff is TBGRASVGOriginalDiff) and
- (TBGRASVGOriginalDiff(ADiff).FContentVersionAfter >= FContentVersionAfter);
-procedure TBGRASVGOriginalDiff.Append(ADiff: TBGRAOriginalDiff);
- next: TBGRASVGOriginalDiff;
- next := ADiff as TBGRASVGOriginalDiff;
- if next.FContentVersionAfter < FContentVersionAfter then
- raise exception.Create('Cannot append diff made before this one.');
- FDpiAfter:= next.FDpiAfter;
- FreeAndNil(FSvgStreamAfter);
- if Assigned(next.FSvgStreamAfter) then
- begin
- FSvgStreamAfter := TMemoryStream.Create;
- next.FSvgStreamAfter.Position:= 0;
- FSvgStreamAfter.CopyFrom(next.FSvgStreamAfter, next.FSvgStreamAfter.Size);
- end;
- FContentVersionAfter:= next.FContentVersionAfter;
-function TBGRASVGOriginalDiff.IsIdentity: boolean;
- result := (FDpiBefore = FDpiAfter) and
- ( ((FSvgStreamBefore=nil) and (FSvgStreamAfter=nil)) or
- (Assigned(FSvgStreamBefore) and Assigned(FSvgStreamAfter) and
- (FSvgStreamBefore.Size = FSvgStreamAfter.Size) and
- CompareMem(FSvgStreamBefore.Memory,FSvgStreamAfter.Memory,FSvgStreamBefore.Size)) );
-destructor TBGRASVGOriginalDiff.Destroy;
- FSvgStreamBefore.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
-{ TBGRALayerSVGOriginal }
-function TBGRALayerSVGOriginal.GetDPI: single;
- result := FSVG.DefaultDpi;
-function TBGRALayerSVGOriginal.GetSvgHeight: single;
- result := FSVG.HeightAsPixel;
-function TBGRALayerSVGOriginal.GetSvgWidth: single;
- result := FSVG.WidthAsPixel;
-procedure TBGRALayerSVGOriginal.SetDPI(AValue: single);
- BeginUpdate;
- FSVG.DefaultDpi:= AValue;
- EndUpdate;
-procedure TBGRALayerSVGOriginal.BeginUpdate;
- if DiffExpected and (FDiff=nil) then
- FDiff := TBGRASVGOriginalDiff.Create(self);
-procedure TBGRALayerSVGOriginal.EndUpdate;
- if Assigned(FDiff) then FDiff.ComputeDiff(self);
- NotifyChange(FDiff);
- FDiff := nil;
-procedure TBGRALayerSVGOriginal.ComputePresentation(AContainerWidth, AContainerHeight: integer;
- AScaleDPI: single);
- compWidth, compHeight: single;
- FSVG.Units.ContainerWidth := FloatWithCSSUnit(AContainerWidth / AScaleDPI, cuPixel);
- FSVG.Units.ContainerHeight := FloatWithCSSUnit(AContainerHeight / AScaleDPI, cuPixel);
- compWidth := FSVG.WidthAsPixel;
- compHeight := FSVG.HeightAsPixel;
- FSVG.WidthAsPixel := compWidth * AScaleDPI;
- FSVG.HeightAsPixel := compHeight * AScaleDPI;
- FPresentationMatrix := FSVG.GetStretchPresentationMatrix(cuPixel);
-constructor TBGRALayerSVGOriginal.Create;
- inherited Create;
- FSVG := TBGRASVG.Create;
- FContentVersion := 0;
-destructor TBGRALayerSVGOriginal.Destroy;
- FSVG.Free;
- FDiff.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TBGRALayerSVGOriginal.Render(ADest: TBGRABitmap;
- AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; ADraft: boolean);
- c2D: TBGRACanvas2D;
- if Assigned(FSVG) then
- begin
- c2D := TBGRACanvas2D.Create(ADest);
- c2D.transform(AMatrix*FPresentationMatrix);
- c2D.fontRenderer := TBGRAVectorizedFontRenderer.Create;
- if ADraft then c2D.antialiasing := false;
- FSVG.Draw(c2D, 0, 0, cuPixel);
- c2D.Free;
- end;
-function TBGRALayerSVGOriginal.GetRenderBounds(ADestRect: TRect;
- AMatrix: TAffineMatrix): TRect;
- aff: TAffineBox;
- r: TRectF;
- if Assigned(FSVG) then
- begin
- with FSVG.ViewBox do
- r := RectWithSizeF(min.x, min.y, size.x, size.y);
- aff := AMatrix * FPresentationMatrix * TAffineBox.AffineBox(r);
- result := aff.RectBounds;
- end else
- result := EmptyRect;
-procedure TBGRALayerSVGOriginal.LoadFromStorage(
- AStorage: TBGRACustomOriginalStorage);
-var svgStream: TMemoryStream;
- valDpi: Single;
- svgStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- if AStorage.ReadFile('content.svg', svgStream) then
- begin
- if not Assigned(FSVG) then FSVG := TBGRASVG.Create;
- svgStream.Position:= 0;
- FSVG.LoadFromStream(svgStream);
- end else
- begin
- FreeAndNil(FSVG);
- FSVG := TBGRASVG.Create;
- end;
- FPresentationMatrix := FSVG.GetStretchPresentationMatrix(cuPixel);
- FContentVersion:= AStorage.Int['content-version'];
- finally
- svgStream.Free;
- end;
- valDpi := AStorage.Float['dpi'];
- if valDpi <> EmptySingle then
- FSVG.DefaultDpi:= valDpi;
-procedure TBGRALayerSVGOriginal.SaveToStorage(
- AStorage: TBGRACustomOriginalStorage);
-var svgStream: TMemoryStream;
- if Assigned(FSVG) then
- begin
- if FContentVersion > AStorage.Int['content-version'] then
- begin
- svgStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- FSVG.SaveToStream(svgStream);
- AStorage.WriteFile('content.svg', svgStream, true, true);
- svgStream := nil;
- AStorage.Int['content-version'] := FContentVersion;
- finally
- svgStream.Free;
- end;
- end;
- AStorage.Float['dpi'] := FSVG.DefaultDpi;
- end;
-procedure TBGRALayerSVGOriginal.LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream);
- if TMemDirectory.CheckHeader(AStream) then
- inherited LoadFromStream(AStream)
- else
- LoadSVGFromStream(AStream);
-procedure TBGRALayerSVGOriginal.SaveSVGToStream(AStream: TStream);
- FSVG.SaveToStream(AStream);
-procedure TBGRALayerSVGOriginal.SetSVG(ASVG: TBGRASVG; AContainerWidth: integer;
- AContainerHeight: integer; AScaleDPI: single);
- BeginUpdate;
- FSVG.Free;
- ComputePresentation(AContainerWidth, AContainerHeight, AScaleDPI);
- Inc(FContentVersion);
- EndUpdate;
-procedure TBGRALayerSVGOriginal.LoadSVGFromStream(AStream: TStream; AContainerWidth: integer;
- AContainerHeight: integer; AScaleDPI: single);
- BeginUpdate;
- FSVG.LoadFromStream(AStream);
- ComputePresentation(AContainerWidth, AContainerHeight, AScaleDPI);
- Inc(FContentVersion);
- EndUpdate;
-function TBGRALayerSVGOriginal.GetSVGCopy: TBGRASVG;
- result := FSVG.Duplicate;
-class function TBGRALayerSVGOriginal.StorageClassName: RawByteString;
- result := 'svg';
-class function TBGRALayerSVGOriginal.CanConvertToSVG: boolean;
- Result:= true;
-function TBGRALayerSVGOriginal.ConvertToSVG(const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; out AOffset: TPoint): TBGRASVG;
- if not IsAffineMatrixIdentity(AMatrix) then
- raise exception.Create('Matrix not valid for SVG original');
- AOffset := Point(0,0);
- Result:= GetSVGCopy;
-{ TBGRALayeredSVG }
-function TBGRALayeredSVG.GetMimeType: string;
- Result:= 'image/svg+xml';
-procedure TBGRALayeredSVG.InternalLoadFromStream(AStream: TStream);
- svg, svgLayer: TBGRASVG;
- visualWidth, visualHeight: single;
- svgOrig: TBGRALayerSVGOriginal;
- idx, i, j: Integer;
- layer: TSVGGroup;
- prefix: String;
- originalViewBox: TSVGViewBox;
- m: TAffineMatrix;
- svg := TBGRASVG.Create;
- try
- svg.DefaultDpi := DefaultSvgDPI;
- svg.LoadFromStream(AStream);
- svg.Units.ContainerWidth := FloatWithCSSUnit(ContainerWidth / DPI * svg.DefaultDpi, cuPixel);
- svg.Units.ContainerHeight := FloatWithCSSUnit(ContainerHeight / DPI * svg.DefaultDpi, cuPixel);
- svg.CropToViewBox(DPI / svg.DefaultDpi);
- visualWidth := svg.WidthAsPixel;
- visualHeight := svg.HeightAsPixel;
- Clear;
- SetSize(floor(visualWidth + 0.95),floor(visualHeight + 0.95));
- if svg.LayerCount > 0 then
- begin
- for i := 0 to svg.LayerCount-1 do
- begin
- layer := svg.Layer[i];
- svgLayer := TBGRASVG.Create;
- svgLayer.DefaultDpi:= svg.DefaultDpi;
- svgLayer.WidthAsPixel := visualWidth;
- svgLayer.HeightAsPixel := visualHeight;
- for j := 0 to svg.NamespaceCount-1 do
- begin
- prefix := svg.NamespacePrefix[j];
- svgLayer.NamespaceURI[prefix] := svg.NamespaceURI[prefix];
- end;
- try
- svgLayer.ViewBox := svg.ViewBox;
- if layer.DOMElement.hasAttribute('bgra:originalViewBox') then
- begin
- originalViewBox := TSVGViewBox.Parse(layer.DOMElement.GetAttribute('bgra:originalViewBox'));
- svgLayer.WidthAsPixel := originalViewBox.size.x;
- svgLayer.HeightAsPixel := originalViewBox.size.y;
- svgLayer.ViewBox := originalViewBox;
- m := layer.matrix[cuPixel] * AffineMatrixTranslation(originalViewBox.min.x, originalViewBox.min.y);
- end else
- m := layer.matrix[cuPixel];
- for j := 0 to svg.Content.IndexOfElement(layer)-1 do
- if svg.Content.ElementObject[j] is TSVGDefine then
- svgLayer.Content.CopyElement(svg.Content.ElementObject[j]);
- for j := 0 to layer.Content.ElementCount-1 do
- svgLayer.Content.CopyElement(layer.Content.ElementObject[j]);
- svgOrig := TBGRALayerSVGOriginal.Create;
- svgOrig.SetSVG(svgLayer);
- svgLayer := nil;
- idx := AddLayerFromOwnedOriginal(svgOrig);
- LayerName[idx] := layer.Name;
- LayerVisible[idx] := layer.Visible;
- LayerOpacity[idx] := min(255,max(0,round(layer.opacity*255)));
- BlendOperation[idx] := layer.mixBlendMode;
- LayerOriginalMatrix[idx] := m;
- RenderLayerFromOriginal(idx);
- finally
- svgLayer.Free;
- end;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- svgOrig := TBGRALayerSVGOriginal.Create;
- svgOrig.SetSVG(svg);
- svg := nil;
- idx := AddLayerFromOwnedOriginal(svgOrig);
- LayerName[idx] := DefaultLayerName+'1';
- RenderLayerFromOriginal(idx);
- end;
- finally
- svg.Free;
- end;
-procedure TBGRALayeredSVG.InternalSaveToStream(AStream: TStream);
- procedure StoreLayerBitmap(ABitmap: TBGRABitmap; AOwned: boolean; const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- ADestElem: TSVGCustomElement; AContent: TSVGContent);
- var
- img: TSVGImage;
- ab: TAffineBox;
- vb: TSVGViewBox;
- begin
- ab := AMatrix * TAffineBox.AffineBox(PointF(0, 0), PointF(ABitmap.Width, 0), PointF(0, ABitmap.Height));
- img := AContent.AppendImage(AMatrix[1,3], AMatrix[2, 3], ABitmap.Width, ABitmap.Height, ABitmap, AOwned);
- img.matrix[cuCustom] := AffineMatrixLinear(AMatrix);
- if ADestElem is TSVGGroup then
- with TSVGGroup(ADestElem) do
- begin
- with ab.RectBounds do
- begin
- vb.min := PointF(Left, Top);
- vb.size := PointF(Width, Height);
- end;
- DOMElement.SetAttribute('xmlns:bgra', 'https://wiki.freepascal.org/LazPaint_SVG_format');
- DOMElement.SetAttribute('bgra:originalViewBox', vb.ToString);
- end;
- end;
- procedure StoreLayer(ALayerIndex: integer; ASVG: TBGRASVG; ADestElem: TSVGCustomElement;
- ADest: TSVGContent; out AMatrix: TAffineMatrix);
- var
- c: TBGRALayerOriginalAny;
- bmp, part: TBGRABitmap;
- layerSvg: TBGRASVG;
- i: Integer;
- prefix: String;
- origViewBox: TSVGViewBox;
- wantedOfs: TPoint;
- r: TRect;
- begin
- AMatrix := AffineMatrixIdentity;
- if LayerOriginalKnown[ALayerIndex] then
- c:= LayerOriginalClass[ALayerIndex]
- else c := nil;
- if Assigned(c) and c.CanConvertToSVG then
- begin
- if LayerOriginal[ALayerIndex].IsInfiniteSurface then
- begin
- layerSvg := LayerOriginal[ALayerIndex].ConvertToSVG(LayerOriginalMatrix[ALayerIndex],
- wantedOfs) as TBGRASVG;
- layerSvg.WidthAsPixel:= Self.Width;
- layerSvg.HeightAsPixel:= Self.Height;
- AMatrix := AffineMatrixTranslation(wantedOfs.X, wantedOfs.Y);
- end else
- begin
- layerSvg := LayerOriginal[ALayerIndex].ConvertToSVG(AffineMatrixIdentity,
- wantedOfs) as TBGRASVG;
- AMatrix:= LayerOriginalMatrix[ALayerIndex]
- * AffineMatrixTranslation(wantedOfs.X, wantedOfs.Y)
- * layerSvg.GetStretchPresentationMatrix(cuPixel);
- end;
- origViewBox := layerSvg.ViewBox;
- try
- layerSvg.ConvertToUnit(cuCustom);
- if ADestElem is TSVGGroup then
- with TSVGGroup(ADestElem) do
- begin
- DOMElement.SetAttribute('xmlns:bgra', 'https://wiki.freepascal.org/LazPaint_SVG_format');
- DOMElement.SetAttribute('bgra:originalViewBox', origViewBox.ToString);
- end;
- for i := 0 to layerSvg.Content.ElementCount-1 do
- ADest.CopyElement(layerSvg.Content.ElementObject[i]);
- for i := 0 to layerSvg.NamespaceCount-1 do
- begin
- prefix := layerSvg.NamespacePrefix[i];
- ASVG.NamespaceURI[prefix] := layerSvg.NamespaceURI[prefix];
- end;
- finally
- layerSvg.Free;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- r := LayerBitmap[ALayerIndex].GetImageBounds;
- if (r.Left = 0) and (r.Top = 0) and (r.Width = LayerBitmap[ALayerIndex].Width) and
- (r.Height = LayerBitmap[ALayerIndex].Height) then
- StoreLayerBitmap(LayerBitmap[ALayerIndex], false,
- AffineMatrixTranslation(LayerOffset[ALayerIndex].X, LayerOffset[ALayerIndex].Y), ADestElem, ADest)
- else
- begin
- part := LayerBitmap[ALayerIndex].GetPart(r);
- StoreLayerBitmap(part, true,
- AffineMatrixTranslation(LayerOffset[ALayerIndex].X + r.Left,
- LayerOffset[ALayerIndex].Y + r.Top), ADestElem, ADest)
- end;
- end;
- end;
- svg: TBGRASVG;
- vb : TSVGViewBox;
- i,j: Integer;
- g: TSVGGroup;
- m: TAffineMatrix;
- identifiers, newIdentifiers: TStringList;
- svg := TBGRASVG.Create;
- identifiers := nil;
- newIdentifiers := nil;
- try
- svg.WidthAsPixel := Width;
- svg.HeightAsPixel := Height;
- vb.min := PointF(0, 0);
- vb.size := PointF(Width, Height);
- svg.ViewBox := vb;
- if (NbLayers = 1) and (LayerOpacity[0] = 255) and LayerVisible[0] and
- (LayerOriginalGuid[0] = GUID_NULL) then
- begin
- StoreLayer(0, svg, svg, svg.Content, m);
- end else
- begin
- svg.NamespaceURI['inkscape'] := 'http://www.inkscape.org/namespaces/inkscape';
- identifiers := TStringList.Create;
- newIdentifiers := TStringList.Create;
- for i := 0 to NbLayers-1 do
- begin
- g := svg.Content.AppendGroup;
- g.IsLayer := true;
- g.Name:= LayerName[i];
- g.opacity:= LayerOpacity[i]/255;
- g.Visible:= LayerVisible[i];
- g.mixBlendMode:= BlendOperation[i];
- StoreLayer(i, svg, g, g.Content, m);
- g.matrix[cuPixel] := m;
- identifiers.Clear;
- g.ListIdentifiers(identifiers);
- newIdentifiers.Clear;
- for j := 0 to identifiers.Count-1 do
- newIdentifiers.Add('layer'+inttostr(i+1)+'-'+identifiers[j]);
- g.RenameIdentifiers(identifiers, newIdentifiers);
- end;
- end;
- svg.SaveToStream(AStream);
- finally
- newIdentifiers.Free;
- identifiers.Free;
- svg.Free;
- end;
-constructor TBGRALayeredSVG.Create;
- inherited Create;
- ContainerWidth:= 640;
- ContainerHeight:= 480;
- DefaultLayerName := 'Layer';
- DPI := 96;
- DefaultSvgDPI:= 96;
-constructor TBGRALayeredSVG.Create(AWidth, AHeight: integer);
- inherited Create(AWidth, AHeight);
- ContainerWidth:= 640;
- ContainerHeight:= 480;
- DefaultLayerName := 'Layer';
-procedure TBGRALayeredSVG.LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream);
- OnLayeredBitmapLoadFromStreamStart;
- try
- InternalLoadFromStream(AStream);
- finally
- OnLayeredBitmapLoaded;
- end;
-procedure TBGRALayeredSVG.LoadFromFile(const filenameUTF8: string);
-var AStream: TFileStreamUTF8;
- AStream := TFileStreamUTF8.Create(filenameUTF8,fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);
- OnLayeredBitmapLoadStart(filenameUTF8);
- try
- LoadFromStream(AStream);
- finally
- OnLayeredBitmapLoaded;
- AStream.Free;
- end;
-procedure TBGRALayeredSVG.SaveToStream(AStream: TStream);
- OnLayeredBitmapSaveToStreamStart;
- try
- InternalSaveToStream(AStream);
- finally
- OnLayeredBitmapSaved;
- end;
-procedure TBGRALayeredSVG.SaveToFile(const filenameUTF8: string);
-var AStream: TFileStreamUTF8;
- AStream := TFileStreamUTF8.Create(filenameUTF8,fmCreate);
- OnLayeredBitmapSaveStart(filenameUTF8);
- try
- InternalSaveToStream(AStream);
- finally
- OnLayeredBitmapSaved;
- AStream.Free;
- end;
-procedure RegisterLayeredSvgFormat;
- RegisterLayeredBitmapReader('svg', TBGRALayeredSVG);
- RegisterLayeredBitmapWriter('svg', TBGRALayeredSVG);
- RegisterLayerOriginal(TBGRALayerSVGOriginal);
- RegisterLayeredSvgFormat;
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index e048ec9..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrasvgshapes.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4748 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRASVGShapes;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BGRAUnits, DOM, BGRAPath, BGRABitmapTypes,
- BGRACanvas2D, BGRASVGType, BGRAGraphics;
- TSVGContent = class;
- { TSVGElementWithContent }
- TSVGElementWithContent = class(TSVGElement)
- protected
- FContent: TSVGContent;
- FSubDatalink: TSVGDataLink;
- class function OwnDatalink: boolean; virtual;
- procedure SetDatalink(AValue: TSVGDataLink); override;
- public
- constructor Create(ADocument: TDOMDocument; AUnits: TCSSUnitConverter; ADataLink: TSVGDataLink); override;
- constructor Create(AElement: TDOMElement; AUnits: TCSSUnitConverter; ADataLink: TSVGDataLink); override;
- procedure ListIdentifiers(AResult: TStringList); override;
- procedure RenameIdentifiers(AFrom, ATo: TStringList); override;
- procedure ConvertToUnit(AUnit: TCSSUnit); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Recompute; override;
- property Content: TSVGContent read FContent;
- end;
- TSVGGradient = class;
- { TSVGElementWithGradient }
- TSVGElementWithGradient = class(TSVGElement)
- private
- FFillGradientElement, FStrokeGradientElement: TSVGGradient;
- FGradientElementsDefined, FRegisteredToDatalink: boolean;
- FFillCanvasGradient, FStrokeCanvasGradient: IBGRACanvasGradient2D;
- procedure DatalinkOnLink(Sender: TObject; AElement: TSVGElement;
- ALink: boolean);
- function EvaluatePercentage(fu: TFloatWithCSSUnit): single; { fu is a percentage of a number [0.0..1.0] }
- function GetFillGradientElement: TSVGGradient;
- function GetStrokeGradientElement: TSVGGradient;
- procedure ResetGradients;
- procedure FindGradientElements;
- protected
- procedure Initialize; override;
- procedure AddStopElements(ASVGGradient: TSVGGradient; canvas: IBGRACanvasGradient2D);
- function CreateCanvasLinearGradient(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; ASVGGradient: TSVGGradient;
- const origin: TPointF; const w,h: single; AUnit: TCSSUnit): IBGRACanvasGradient2D;
- function CreateCanvasRadialGradient(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; ASVGGradient: TSVGGradient;
- const origin: TPointF; const w,h: single; AUnit: TCSSUnit): IBGRACanvasGradient2D;
- procedure ApplyFillStyle(ACanvas2D: TBGRACanvas2D; AUnit: TCSSUnit); override;
- procedure ApplyStrokeStyle(ACanvas2D: TBGRACanvas2D; AUnit: TCSSUnit); override;
- procedure SetDatalink(AValue: TSVGDataLink); override;
- procedure SetFill(AValue: string); override;
- procedure SetStroke(AValue: string); override;
- public
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure InitializeGradient(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D;
- const origin: TPointF; const w,h: single; AUnit: TCSSUnit);
- property FillGradientElement: TSVGGradient read GetFillGradientElement;
- property StrokeGradientElement: TSVGGradient read GetStrokeGradientElement;
- end;
- { TSVGLine }
- TSVGLine = class(TSVGElement)
- private
- function GetX1: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetX2: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetY1: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetY2: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- procedure SetX1(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetX2(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetY1(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetY2(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- protected
- procedure InternalDraw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; AUnit: TCSSUnit); override;
- public
- class function GetDOMTag: string; override;
- procedure ConvertToUnit(AUnit: TCSSUnit); override;
- property x1: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetX1 write SetX1;
- property y1: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetY1 write SetY1;
- property x2: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetX2 write SetX2;
- property y2: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetY2 write SetY2;
- end;
- { TSVGRectangle }
- TSVGRectangle = class(TSVGElementWithGradient)
- private
- function GetX: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetY: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetWidth: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetHeight: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetRX: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetRY: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- procedure SetX(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetY(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetWidth(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetHeight(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetRX(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetRY(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- protected
- procedure InternalDraw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; AUnit: TCSSUnit); override;
- public
- class function GetDOMTag: string; override;
- procedure ConvertToUnit(AUnit: TCSSUnit); override;
- property x: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetX write SetX;
- property y: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetY write SetY;
- property width: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetWidth write SetWidth;
- property height: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetHeight write SetHeight;
- property rx: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetRX write SetRX;
- property ry: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetRY write SetRY;
- end;
- { TSVGCircle }
- TSVGCircle = class(TSVGElementWithGradient)
- private
- function GetCX: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetCY: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetR: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- procedure SetCX(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetCY(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetR(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- protected
- procedure InternalDraw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; AUnit: TCSSUnit); override;
- public
- class function GetDOMTag: string; override;
- procedure ConvertToUnit(AUnit: TCSSUnit); override;
- property cx: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetCX write SetCX;
- property cy: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetCY write SetCY;
- property r: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetR write SetR;
- end;
- { TSVGEllipse }
- TSVGEllipse = class(TSVGElementWithGradient)
- private
- function GetCX: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetCY: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetRX: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetRY: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- procedure SetCX(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetCY(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetRX(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetRY(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- protected
- procedure InternalDraw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; AUnit: TCSSUnit); override;
- public
- class function GetDOMTag: string; override;
- procedure ConvertToUnit(AUnit: TCSSUnit); override;
- property cx: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetCX write SetCX;
- property cy: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetCY write SetCY;
- property rx: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetRX write SetRX;
- property ry: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetRY write SetRY;
- end;
- { TSVGPath }
- TSVGPath = class(TSVGElementWithGradient)
- private
- FPath: TBGRAPath;
- FBoundingBox: TRectF;
- FBoundingBoxComputed: boolean;
- function GetBoundingBoxF: TRectF;
- function GetPath: TBGRAPath;
- function GetPathLength: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetData: string;
- procedure SetPathLength(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetData(AValue: string);
- protected
- function GetDOMElement: TDOMElement; override;
- procedure InternalDraw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; AUnit: TCSSUnit); override;
- public
- class function GetDOMTag: string; override;
- constructor Create(ADocument: TDOMDocument; AUnits: TCSSUnitConverter; ADataLink: TSVGDataLink); override;
- constructor Create(AElement: TDOMElement; AUnits: TCSSUnitConverter; ADataLink: TSVGDataLink); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- property d: string read GetData write SetData;
- property path: TBGRAPath read GetPath;
- property pathLength: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetPathLength write SetPathLength;
- property boundingBoxF: TRectF read GetBoundingBoxF;
- end;
- { TSVGPolypoints }
- TSVGPolypoints = class(TSVGElementWithGradient)
- private
- FBoundingBox: TRectF;
- FBoundingBoxComputed: boolean;
- function GetBoundingBoxF: TRectF;
- function GetClosed: boolean;
- function GetPoints: string;
- function GetPointsF: ArrayOfTPointF;
- procedure SetPoints(AValue: string);
- procedure SetPointsF(AValue: ArrayOfTPointF);
- procedure ComputeBoundingBox(APoints: ArrayOfTPointF);
- protected
- procedure InternalDraw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; AUnit: TCSSUnit); override;
- public
- constructor Create(ADocument: TDOMDocument; AUnits: TCSSUnitConverter; AClosed: boolean; ADataLink: TSVGDataLink); overload;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- property points: string read GetPoints write SetPoints;
- property pointsF: ArrayOfTPointF read GetPointsF write SetPointsF;
- property closed: boolean read GetClosed;
- property boundingBoxF: TRectF read GetBoundingBoxF;
- end;
- { TSVGTextElement }
- TSVGTextElement = class(TSVGElementWithGradient);
- { TSVGTextElementWithContent }
- TSVGTextElementWithContent = class(TSVGTextElement)
- protected
- FContent: TSVGContent;
- public
- constructor Create(ADocument: TDOMDocument; AUnits: TCSSUnitConverter; ADataLink: TSVGDataLink); override;
- constructor Create(AElement: TDOMElement; AUnits: TCSSUnitConverter; ADataLink: TSVGDataLink); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure ConvertToUnit(AUnit: TCSSUnit); override;
- property Content: TSVGContent read FContent;
- end;
- { TSVGTextPositioning }
- TSVGTextPositioning = class(TSVGTextElementWithContent)
- private
- function GetX: ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetY: ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetDX: ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetDY: ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetRotate: ArrayOfTSVGNumber;
- procedure SetX(AValue: ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetY(AValue: ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetDX(AValue: ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetDY(AValue: ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetRotate(AValue: ArrayOfTSVGNumber);
- public
- procedure ConvertToUnit(AUnit: TCSSUnit); override;
- property x: ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit read GetX write SetX;
- property y: ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit read GetY write SetY;
- property dx: ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit read GetDX write SetDX;
- property dy: ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit read GetDY write SetDY;
- property rotate: ArrayOfTSVGNumber read GetRotate write SetRotate;
- end;
- { TSVGTRef }
- TSVGTRef = class(TSVGTextElement)
- private
- function GetXlinkHref: string;
- procedure SetXlinkHref(AValue: string);
- public
- class function GetDOMTag: string; override;
- property xlinkHref: string read GetXlinkHref write SetXlinkHref;
- end;
- ArrayOfTextParts = array of record
- Level: integer;
- BaseElement: TSVGElement;
- Text: string;
- SplitPos: integer;
- AbsoluteCoord: TPointF;
- PartStartCoord, PartEndCoord: TPointF;
- Bounds: TRectF;
- PosUnicode: integer;
- InheritedRotation: single;
- end;
- { TSVGText }
- TSVGText = class(TSVGTextPositioning)
- private
- FInGetSimpleText: boolean;
- function GetFontBold: boolean;
- function GetFontFamily: string;
- function GetFontFamilyList: ArrayOfString;
- function GetFontItalic: boolean;
- function GetFontSize: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetFontStyle: string;
- function GetFontStyleLCL: TFontStyles;
- function GetFontWeight: string;
- function GetSimpleText: string;
- function GetTextAnchor: TSVGTextAnchor;
- function GetTextDirection: TSVGTextDirection;
- function GetTextDecoration: string;
- function GetTextLength: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetLengthAdjust: TSVGLengthAdjust;
- procedure SetFontBold(AValue: boolean);
- procedure SetFontFamily(AValue: string);
- procedure SetFontFamilyList(AValue: ArrayOfString);
- procedure SetFontItalic(AValue: boolean);
- procedure SetFontSize(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetFontStyle(AValue: string);
- procedure SetFontStyleLCL(AValue: TFontStyles);
- procedure SetFontWeight(AValue: string);
- procedure SetSimpleText(AValue: string);
- procedure SetTextAnchor(AValue: TSVGTextAnchor);
- procedure SetTextDirection(AValue: TSVGTextDirection);
- procedure SetTextDecoration(AValue: string);
- procedure SetTextLength(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetLengthAdjust(AValue: TSVGLengthAdjust);
- protected
- procedure InternalDrawOrCompute(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; AUnit: TCSSUnit;
- ADraw: boolean; AAllTextBounds: TRectF;
- var APosition: TPointF;
- var ATextParts: ArrayOfTextParts); overload;
- procedure InternalDrawOrCompute(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; AUnit: TCSSUnit;
- ADraw: boolean; AAllTextBounds: TRectF;
- var APosition: TPointF;
- var ATextParts: ArrayOfTextParts; ALevel: integer;
- AStartPart, AEndPart: integer); overload;
- procedure InternalDrawOrComputePart(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; AUnit: TCSSUnit;
- AText: string; APosUnicode: integer; AInheritedRotation: single;
- ADraw: boolean; AAllTextBounds: TRectF;
- var APosition: TPointF; out ABounds: TRectF);
- procedure InternalDraw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; AUnit: TCSSUnit); override;
- procedure CleanText(var ATextParts: ArrayOfTextParts);
- function GetTRefContent(AElement: TSVGTRef): string;
- function GetAllText(AInheritedRotation: single): ArrayOfTextParts;
- public
- class function GetDOMTag: string; override;
- procedure ConvertToUnit(AUnit: TCSSUnit); override;
- property textLength: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetTextLength write SetTextLength;
- property lengthAdjust: TSVGLengthAdjust read GetLengthAdjust write SetLengthAdjust;
- property SimpleText: string read GetSimpleText write SetSimpleText;
- property fontSize: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetFontSize write SetFontSize;
- property fontFamily: string read GetFontFamily write SetFontFamily;
- property fontFamilyList: ArrayOfString read GetFontFamilyList write SetFontFamilyList;
- property fontWeight: string read GetFontWeight write SetFontWeight;
- property fontStyle: string read GetFontStyle write SetFontStyle;
- property fontStyleLCL: TFontStyles read GetFontStyleLCL write SetFontStyleLCL;
- property textDecoration: string read GetTextDecoration write SetTextDecoration;
- property fontBold: boolean read GetFontBold write SetFontBold;
- property fontItalic: boolean read GetFontItalic write SetFontItalic;
- property textAnchor: TSVGTextAnchor read GetTextAnchor write SetTextAnchor;
- property textDirection: TSVGTextDirection read GetTextDirection write SetTextDirection;
- end;
- { TSVGTSpan }
- TSVGTSpan = class(TSVGText)
- public
- class function GetDOMTag: string; override;
- end;
- { TSVGTextPath }
- TSVGTextPath = class(TSVGTextElementWithContent)
- private
- function GetStartOffset: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetMethod: TSVGTextPathMethod;
- function GetSpacing: TSVGTextPathSpacing;
- function GetXlinkHref: string;
- procedure SetStartOffset(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetMethod(AValue: TSVGTextPathMethod);
- procedure SetSpacing(AValue: TSVGTextPathSpacing);
- procedure SetXlinkHref(AValue: string);
- protected
- procedure InternalDraw({%H-}ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; {%H-}AUnit: TCSSUnit); override;
- public
- class function GetDOMTag: string; override;
- procedure ConvertToUnit(AUnit: TCSSUnit); override;
- property startOffset: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetStartOffset write SetStartOffset;
- property method: TSVGTextPathMethod read GetMethod write SetMethod;
- property spacing: TSVGTextPathSpacing read GetSpacing write SetSpacing;
- property xlinkHref: string read GetXlinkHref write SetXlinkHref;
- end;
- { TSVGAltGlyph }
- TSVGAltGlyph = class(TSVGTextElementWithContent)
- private
- function GetGlyphRef: string;
- function GetFormat: string;
- function GetXlinkHref: string;
- procedure SetGlyphRef(AValue: string);
- procedure SetFormat(AValue: string);
- procedure SetXlinkHref(AValue: string);
- protected
- procedure InternalDraw({%H-}ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; {%H-}AUnit: TCSSUnit); override;
- public
- class function GetDOMTag: string; override;
- property glyphRef: string read GetGlyphRef write SetGlyphRef;
- property format: string read GetFormat write SetFormat;
- property xlinkHref: string read GetXlinkHref write SetXlinkHref;
- end;
- { TSVGAltGlyphDef }
- TSVGAltGlyphDef = class(TSVGTextElementWithContent)
- public
- class function GetDOMTag: string; override;
- end;
- { TSVGAltGlyphItem }
- TSVGAltGlyphItem = class(TSVGTextElementWithContent)
- public
- class function GetDOMTag: string; override;
- end;
- { TSVGGlyphRef }
- TSVGGlyphRef = class(TSVGTextElement)
- private
- function GetX: TSVGNumber;
- function GetY: TSVGNumber;
- function GetDx: TSVGNumber;
- function GetDy: TSVGNumber;
- function GetGlyphRef: string;
- function GetFormat: string;
- function GetXlinkHref: string;
- procedure SetX(AValue: TSVGNumber);
- procedure SetY(AValue: TSVGNumber);
- procedure SetDx(AValue: TSVGNumber);
- procedure SetDy(AValue: TSVGNumber);
- procedure SetGlyphRef(AValue: string);
- procedure SetFormat(AValue: string);
- procedure SetXlinkHref(AValue: string);
- protected
- procedure InternalDraw({%H-}ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; {%H-}AUnit: TCSSUnit); override;
- public
- class function GetDOMTag: string; override;
- property x: TSVGNumber read GetX write SetX;
- property y: TSVGNumber read GetY write SetY;
- property dx: TSVGNumber read GetDx write SetDx;
- property dy: TSVGNumber read GetDy write SetDy;
- property glyphRef: string read GetGlyphRef write SetGlyphRef;
- property format: string read GetFormat write SetFormat;
- property xlinkHref: string read GetXlinkHref write SetXlinkHref;
- end;
- { TSVGClipPath }
- TSVGClipPath = class(TSVGElement)
- private
- function GetExternalResourcesRequired: boolean;
- function GetClipPathUnits: TSVGObjectUnits;
- procedure SetExternalResourcesRequired(AValue: boolean);
- procedure SetClipPathUnits(AValue: TSVGObjectUnits);
- protected
- procedure InternalDraw({%H-}ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; {%H-}AUnit: TCSSUnit); override;
- public
- class function GetDOMTag: string; override;
- property externalResourcesRequired: boolean
- read GetExternalResourcesRequired write SetExternalResourcesRequired;
- property clipPathUnits: TSVGObjectUnits read GetClipPathUnits write SetClipPathUnits;
- end;
- { TSVGColorProfile }
- TSVGColorProfile = class(TSVGElement)
- private
- function GetLocal: string;
- function GetName: string;
- function GetRenderingIntent: TSVGRenderingIntent;
- function GetXlinkHref: string;
- procedure SetLocal(AValue: string);
- procedure SetName(AValue: string);
- procedure SetRenderingIntent(AValue: TSVGRenderingIntent);
- procedure SetXlinkHref(AValue: string);
- protected
- procedure InternalDraw({%H-}ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; {%H-}AUnit: TCSSUnit); override;
- public
- class function GetDOMTag: string; override;
- property local: string read GetLocal write SetLocal;
- property name: string read GetName write SetName;
- property renderingIntent: TSVGRenderingIntent read GetRenderingIntent write SetRenderingIntent;
- property xlinkHref: string read GetXlinkHref write SetXlinkHref;
- end;
- { TSVGImage }
- TSVGImage = class(TSVGElement)
- private
- function GetBitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- function GetExternalResourcesRequired: boolean;
- function GetImageRendering: TSVGImageRendering;
- function GetX: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetY: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetWidth: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetHeight: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetPreserveAspectRatio: TSVGPreserveAspectRatio;
- function GetXlinkHref: string;
- procedure SetExternalResourcesRequired(AValue: boolean);
- procedure SetImageRendering(AValue: TSVGImageRendering);
- procedure SetX(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetY(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetWidth(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetHeight(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetPreserveAspectRatio(AValue: TSVGPreserveAspectRatio);
- procedure SetXlinkHref(AValue: string);
- protected
- FBitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- procedure InternalDraw({%H-}ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; {%H-}AUnit: TCSSUnit); override;
- public
- constructor Create(ADocument: TDOMDocument; AUnits: TCSSUnitConverter;
- ADataLink: TSVGDataLink); overload; override;
- constructor Create(AElement: TDOMElement; AUnits: TCSSUnitConverter;
- ADataLink: TSVGDataLink); overload; override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- class function GetDOMTag: string; override;
- procedure ConvertToUnit(AUnit: TCSSUnit); override;
- procedure SetBitmap(AValue: TBGRACustomBitmap; AOwned: boolean); overload;
- procedure SetBitmap(AStream: TStream; AMimeType: string); overload;
- property externalResourcesRequired: boolean
- read GetExternalResourcesRequired write SetExternalResourcesRequired;
- property x: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetX write SetX;
- property y: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetY write SetY;
- property width: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetWidth write SetWidth;
- property height: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetHeight write SetHeight;
- property imageRendering: TSVGImageRendering read GetImageRendering write SetImageRendering;
- property preserveAspectRatio: TSVGPreserveAspectRatio
- read GetPreserveAspectRatio write SetPreserveAspectRatio;
- property xlinkHref: string read GetXlinkHref write SetXlinkHref;
- property Bitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap read GetBitmap;
- end;
- { TSVGPattern }
- TSVGPattern = class(TSVGImage)
- private
- function GetPatternUnits: TSVGObjectUnits;
- function GetPatternContentUnits: TSVGObjectUnits;
- function GetPatternTransform: string;
- function GetViewBox: TSVGViewBox;
- procedure SetPatternUnits(AValue: TSVGObjectUnits);
- procedure SetPatternContentUnits(AValue: TSVGObjectUnits);
- procedure SetPatternTransform(AValue: string);
- procedure SetViewBox(AValue: TSVGViewBox);
- protected
- procedure InternalDraw({%H-}ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; {%H-}AUnit: TCSSUnit); override;
- public
- class function GetDOMTag: string; override;
- property patternUnits: TSVGObjectUnits read GetPatternUnits write SetPatternUnits;
- property patternContentUnits: TSVGObjectUnits
- read GetPatternContentUnits write SetPatternContentUnits;
- property patternTransform: string read GetPatternTransform write SetPatternTransform;
- property viewBox: TSVGViewBox read GetViewBox write SetViewBox;
- end;
- { TSVGMarker }
- TSVGMarker = class(TSVGElement)
- private
- function GetExternalResourcesRequired: boolean;
- function GetViewBox: TSVGViewBox;
- function GetPreserveAspectRatio: TSVGPreserveAspectRatio;
- function GetRefX: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetRefY: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetMarkerWidth: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetMarkerHeight: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetMarkerUnits: TSVGMarkerUnits;
- function GetOrient: TSVGOrient;
- procedure SetExternalResourcesRequired(AValue: boolean);
- procedure SetViewBox(AValue: TSVGViewBox);
- procedure SetPreserveAspectRatio(AValue: TSVGPreserveAspectRatio);
- procedure SetRefX(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetRefY(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetMarkerWidth(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetMarkerHeight(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetMarkerUnits(AValue: TSVGMarkerUnits);
- procedure SetOrient(AValue: TSVGOrient);
- protected
- procedure InternalDraw({%H-}ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; {%H-}AUnit: TCSSUnit); override;
- public
- class function GetDOMTag: string; override;
- procedure ConvertToUnit(AUnit: TCSSUnit); override;
- property externalResourcesRequired: boolean
- read GetExternalResourcesRequired write SetExternalResourcesRequired;
- property viewBox: TSVGViewBox read GetViewBox write SetViewBox;
- property preserveAspectRatio: TSVGPreserveAspectRatio
- read GetPreserveAspectRatio write SetPreserveAspectRatio;
- property refX: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetRefX write SetRefX;
- property refY: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetRefY write SetRefY;
- property markerWidth: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetMarkerWidth write SetMarkerWidth;
- property markerHeight: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetMarkerHeight write SetMarkerHeight;
- property markerUnits: TSVGMarkerUnits read GetMarkerUnits write SetMarkerUnits;
- property orient: TSVGOrient read GetOrient write SetOrient;
- end;
- { TSVGMask }
- TSVGMask = class(TSVGElement)
- private
- function GetExternalResourcesRequired: boolean;
- function GetX: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetY: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetWidth: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetHeight: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetMaskUnits: TSVGObjectUnits;
- function GetMaskContentUnits: TSVGObjectUnits;
- procedure SetExternalResourcesRequired(AValue: boolean);
- procedure SetX(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetY(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetWidth(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetHeight(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetMaskUnits(AValue: TSVGObjectUnits);
- procedure SetMaskContentUnits(AValue: TSVGObjectUnits);
- protected
- procedure InternalDraw({%H-}ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; {%H-}AUnit: TCSSUnit); override;
- public
- class function GetDOMTag: string; override;
- procedure ConvertToUnit(AUnit: TCSSUnit); override;
- property externalResourcesRequired: boolean
- read GetExternalResourcesRequired write SetExternalResourcesRequired;
- property x: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetX write SetX;
- property y: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetY write SetY;
- property width: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetWidth write SetWidth;
- property height: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetHeight write SetHeight;
- property maskUnits: TSVGObjectUnits read GetMaskUnits write SetMaskUnits;
- property maskContentUnits: TSVGObjectUnits
- read GetMaskContentUnits write SetMaskContentUnits;
- end;
- TConvMethod = (cmNone,cmHoriz,cmVertical,cmOrtho);
- { TSVGGradient }
- TSVGGradient = class(TSVGElementWithContent)
- private
- function GetColorInterpolation: TSVGColorInterpolation;
- function GetGradientMatrix(AUnit: TCSSUnit): TAffineMatrix;
- function GetGradientTransform: string;
- function GetGradientUnits: TSVGObjectUnits;
- function GetHRef: string;
- function GetSpreadMethod: TSVGSpreadMethod;
- procedure SetColorInterpolation(AValue: TSVGColorInterpolation);
- procedure SetGradientMatrix(AUnit: TCSSUnit; AValue: TAffineMatrix);
- procedure SetGradientTransform(AValue: string);
- procedure SetGradientUnits(AValue: TSVGObjectUnits);
- procedure SetHRef(AValue: string);
- procedure SetSpreadMethod(AValue: TSVGSpreadMethod);
- protected
- InheritedGradients: TSVGElementList;//(for HRef)
- procedure Initialize; override;
- function GetInheritedAttribute(AValue: string;
- AConvMethod: TConvMethod; ADefault: TFloatWithCSSUnit): TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- public
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure ScanInheritedGradients(const forceScan: boolean = false);
- property hRef: string read GetHRef write SetHRef;
- property gradientUnits: TSVGObjectUnits read GetGradientUnits write SetGradientUnits;
- property gradientTransform: string read GetGradientTransform write SetGradientTransform;
- property gradientMatrix[AUnit: TCSSUnit]: TAffineMatrix read GetGradientMatrix write SetGradientMatrix;
- property spreadMethod: TSVGSpreadMethod read GetSpreadMethod write SetSpreadMethod;
- property colorInterpolation: TSVGColorInterpolation read GetColorInterpolation write SetColorInterpolation;
- end;
- { TSVGGradientLinear }
- { TSVGLinearGradient }
- TSVGLinearGradient = class(TSVGGradient)
- private
- function GetX1: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetX2: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetY1: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetY2: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- procedure SetX1(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetX2(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetY1(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetY2(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- public
- class function GetDOMTag: string; override;
- procedure ConvertToUnit(AUnit: TCSSUnit); override;
- property x1: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetX1 write SetX1;
- property y1: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetY1 write SetY1;
- property x2: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetX2 write SetX2;
- property y2: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetY2 write SetY2;
- end;
- { TSVGRadialGradient }
- TSVGRadialGradient = class(TSVGGradient)
- private
- function GetCX: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetCY: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetR: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetFX: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetFY: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetFR: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- procedure SetCX(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetCY(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetR(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetFX(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetFY(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetFR(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- public
- class function GetDOMTag: string; override;
- procedure ConvertToUnit(AUnit: TCSSUnit); override;
- property cx: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetCX write SetCX;
- property cy: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetCY write SetCY;
- property r: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetR write SetR;
- property fx: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetFX write SetFX;
- property fy: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetFY write SetFY;
- property fr: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetFR write SetFR;
- end;
- { TSVGStopGradient }
- TSVGStopGradient = class(TSVGElement)
- private
- function GetOffset: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetStopColor: TBGRAPixel;
- function GetStopOpacity: single;
- procedure SetOffset(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetStopColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure SetStopOpacity(AValue: single);
- public
- class function GetDOMTag: string; override;
- property offset: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetOffset write SetOffset;
- property stopColor: TBGRAPixel read GetStopColor write SetStopColor;
- property stopOpacity: single read GetStopOpacity write SetStopOpacity;
- end;
- { TSVGDefine }
- TSVGDefine = class(TSVGElementWithContent)
- public
- class function GetDOMTag: string; override;
- end;
- { TSVGGroup }
- TSVGGroup = class(TSVGElementWithContent)
- private
- function GetFontSize: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetIsLayer: boolean;
- function GetName: string;
- procedure SetFontSize(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetIsLayer(AValue: boolean);
- procedure SetName(AValue: string);
- protected
- procedure InternalDraw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; AUnit: TCSSUnit); override;
- class function OwnDatalink: boolean; override;
- property fontSize: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetFontSize write SetFontSize;
- public
- class function GetDOMTag: string; override;
- procedure ConvertToUnit(AUnit: TCSSUnit); override;
- property IsLayer: boolean read GetIsLayer write SetIsLayer;
- property Name: string read GetName write SetName;
- end;
- { TSVGLink }
- TSVGLink = class(TSVGGroup)
- private
- function GetTarget: string;
- function GetXlinkHref: string;
- function GetXlinkTitle: string;
- procedure SetTarget(AValue: string);
- procedure SetXlinkHref(AValue: string);
- procedure SetXlinkTitle(AValue: string);
- public
- class function GetDOMTag: string; override;
- property XlinkHref: string read GetXlinkHref write SetXlinkHref;
- property XlinkTitle: string read GetXlinkTitle write SetXlinkTitle;
- property Target: string read GetTarget write SetTarget;
- end;
- { TSVGStyle }
- TSVGRuleset = record
- selector,
- declarations: string;
- end;
- ArrayOfTSVGStyleItem = packed array of TSVGRuleset;
- TSVGStyle = class(TSVGElement)
- private
- FRulesets: ArrayOfTSVGStyleItem;
- function GetRulesetCount: integer;
- procedure Parse(const s: String);
- function IsValidRulesetIndex(const AIndex: integer): boolean;
- function GetRuleset(const AIndex: integer): TSVGRuleset;
- procedure SetRuleset(const AIndex: integer; sr: TSVGRuleset);
- function Find(ARuleset: TSVGRuleset): integer; overload;
- protected
- procedure Initialize; override;
- public
- class function GetDOMTag: string; override;
- constructor Create(AElement: TDOMElement; AUnits: TCSSUnitConverter; ADataLink: TSVGDataLink); overload; override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure ConvertToUnit(AUnit: TCSSUnit); override;
- function Count: Integer;
- function Find(const AName: string): integer; overload;
- function Add(ARuleset: TSVGRuleset): integer;
- procedure Remove(ARuleset: TSVGRuleset);
- procedure Clear;
- procedure ReParse;
- property Ruleset[AIndex: integer]: TSVGRuleset read GetRuleset write SetRuleset;
- property RulesetCount: integer read GetRulesetCount;
- end;
- { TSVGContent }
- TSVGContent = class
- protected
- FDataLink: TSVGDataLink;
- FDomElem: TDOMElement;
- FDoc: TDOMDocument;
- FElements: TFPList;
- FUnits: TCSSUnitConverter;
- function GetDOMNode(AElement: TObject): TDOMNode;
- function GetElementDOMNode(AIndex: integer): TDOMNode;
- procedure AppendElement(AElement: TObject); overload;
- function ExtractElementAt(AIndex: integer): TObject;
- procedure InsertElementBefore(AElement: TSVGElement; ASuccessor: TSVGElement);
- function GetElement(AIndex: integer): TSVGElement;
- function GetElementObject(AIndex: integer): TObject;
- function GetIsSVGElement(AIndex: integer): boolean;
- function GetElementCount: integer;
- function GetUnits: TCSSUnitConverter;
- function TryCreateElementFromNode(ANode: TDOMNode): TObject; virtual;
- public
- constructor Create(AElement: TDOMElement; AUnits: TCSSUnitConverter;
- ADataLink: TSVGDataLink);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Clear;
- procedure ConvertToUnit(AUnit: TCSSUnit);
- procedure Recompute;
- procedure Draw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; x,y: single; AUnit: TCSSUnit); overload;
- procedure Draw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; AUnit: TCSSUnit); overload;
- function AppendElement(ASVGType: TSVGFactory): TSVGElement; overload;
- procedure BringElement(AElement: TObject; AFromContent: TSVGContent); overload;
- procedure CopyElement(AElement: TObject);
- procedure RemoveElement(AElement: TObject);
- function AppendDOMText(AText: string): TDOMText;
- function AppendDefine: TSVGDefine;
- function AppendLinearGradient(x1,y1,x2,y2: single; AIsPercent: boolean): TSVGLinearGradient; overload;
- function AppendLinearGradient(x1,y1,x2,y2: single; AUnit: TCSSUnit): TSVGLinearGradient; overload;
- function AppendRadialGradient(cx,cy,r,fx,fy,fr: single; AIsPercent: boolean): TSVGRadialGradient; overload;
- function AppendRadialGradient(cx,cy,r,fx,fy,fr: single; AUnit: TCSSUnit): TSVGRadialGradient; overload;
- function AppendStop(AColor: TBGRAPixel; AOffset: single; AIsPercent: boolean): TSVGStopGradient;
- function AppendLine(x1,y1,x2,y2: single; AUnit: TCSSUnit = cuCustom): TSVGLine; overload;
- function AppendLine(p1,p2: TPointF; AUnit: TCSSUnit = cuCustom): TSVGLine; overload;
- function AppendCircle(cx,cy,r: single; AUnit: TCSSUnit = cuCustom): TSVGCircle; overload;
- function AppendCircle(c: TPointF; r: single; AUnit: TCSSUnit = cuCustom): TSVGCircle; overload;
- function AppendEllipse(cx,cy,rx,ry: single; AUnit: TCSSUnit = cuCustom): TSVGEllipse; overload;
- function AppendEllipse(c,r: TPointF; AUnit: TCSSUnit = cuCustom): TSVGEllipse; overload;
- function AppendPath(data: string; AUnit: TCSSUnit = cuCustom): TSVGPath; overload;
- function AppendPath(path: TBGRAPath; AUnit: TCSSUnit = cuCustom): TSVGPath; overload;
- function AppendPolygon(const points: array of single; AUnit: TCSSUnit = cuCustom): TSVGPolypoints; overload;
- function AppendPolygon(const points: array of TPointF; AUnit: TCSSUnit = cuCustom): TSVGPolypoints; overload;
- function AppendRect(x,y,width,height: single; AUnit: TCSSUnit = cuCustom): TSVGRectangle; overload;
- function AppendRect(origin,size: TPointF; AUnit: TCSSUnit = cuCustom): TSVGRectangle; overload;
- function AppendImage(x,y,width,height: single; ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABitmapOwned: boolean; AUnit: TCSSUnit = cuCustom): TSVGImage; overload;
- function AppendImage(origin,size: TPointF; ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; ABitmapOwned: boolean; AUnit: TCSSUnit = cuCustom): TSVGImage; overload;
- function AppendImage(x,y,width,height: single; ABitmapStream: TStream; AMimeType: string; AUnit: TCSSUnit = cuCustom): TSVGImage; overload;
- function AppendImage(origin,size: TPointF; ABitmapStream: TStream; AMimeType: string; AUnit: TCSSUnit = cuCustom): TSVGImage; overload;
- function AppendText(x,y: single; AText: string; AUnit: TCSSUnit = cuCustom): TSVGText; overload;
- function AppendText(origin: TPointF; AText: string; AUnit: TCSSUnit = cuCustom): TSVGText; overload;
- function AppendTextSpan(AText: string): TSVGTSpan;
- function AppendRoundRect(x,y,width,height,rx,ry: single; AUnit: TCSSUnit = cuCustom): TSVGRectangle; overload;
- function AppendRoundRect(origin,size,radius: TPointF; AUnit: TCSSUnit = cuCustom): TSVGRectangle; overload;
- function AppendGroup: TSVGGroup;
- function IndexOfElement(AElement: TObject): integer;
- property ElementCount: integer read GetElementCount;
- property Element[AIndex: integer]: TSVGElement read GetElement;
- property ElementObject[AIndex: integer]: TObject read GetElementObject;
- property ElementDOMNode[AIndex: integer]: TDOMNode read GetElementDOMNode;
- property IsSVGElement[AIndex: integer]: boolean read GetIsSVGElement;
- property Units: TCSSUnitConverter read GetUnits;
- end;
-function GetSVGFactory(ATagName: string): TSVGFactory;
-function CreateSVGElementFromNode(AElement: TDOMElement; AUnits: TCSSUnitConverter;
- ADataLink: TSVGDataLink): TSVGElement;
-uses BGRATransform, BGRAUTF8, base64, BGRAGradientScanner;
-function GetSVGFactory(ATagName: string): TSVGFactory;
-var tag: string;
- tag := LowerCase(ATagName);
- if tag='line' then
- result := TSVGLine else
- if tag='rect' then
- result := TSVGRectangle else
- if tag='circle' then
- result := TSVGCircle else
- if tag='ellipse' then
- result := TSVGEllipse else
- if tag='path' then
- result := TSVGPath else
- if (tag='polygon') or (tag='polyline') then
- result := TSVGPolypoints else
- if tag='text' then
- result := TSVGText else
- if tag='tspan' then
- result := TSVGTSpan else
- if tag='tref' then
- result := TSVGTRef else
- if tag='textpath' then
- result := TSVGTextPath else
- if tag='altglyph' then
- result := TSVGAltGlyph else
- if tag='altglyphdef' then
- result := TSVGAltGlyphDef else
- if tag='altglyphitem' then
- result := TSVGAltGlyphItem else
- if tag='glyphref' then
- result := TSVGGlyphRef else
- if tag='clippath' then
- result := TSVGClipPath else
- if tag='colorprofile' then
- result := TSVGColorProfile else
- if tag='image' then
- result := TSVGImage else
- if tag='pattern' then
- result := TSVGPattern else
- if tag='marker' then
- result := TSVGMarker else
- if tag='mask' then
- result := TSVGMask else
- if tag='lineargradient' then
- result := TSVGLinearGradient else
- if tag='radialgradient' then
- result := TSVGRadialGradient else
- if tag='stop' then
- result := TSVGStopGradient else
- if tag='defs' then
- result := TSVGDefine else
- if tag='g' then
- result := TSVGGroup else
- if tag='a' then
- result := TSVGLink else
- if tag='style' then
- result := TSVGStyle else
- result := TSVGElement;
-function CreateSVGElementFromNode(AElement: TDOMElement; AUnits: TCSSUnitConverter; ADataLink: TSVGDataLink): TSVGElement;
- factory: TSVGFactory;
- factory := GetSVGFactory(AElement.TagName);
- result := factory.Create(AElement,AUnits,ADataLink);
-{ TSVGDefine }
-class function TSVGDefine.GetDOMTag: string;
- Result:= 'defs';
-{ TSVGLink }
-function TSVGLink.GetTarget: string;
- result := Attribute['target'];
-function TSVGLink.GetXlinkHref: string;
- result := Attribute['xlink:href'];
-function TSVGLink.GetXlinkTitle: string;
- result := Attribute['xlink:title'];
-procedure TSVGLink.SetTarget(AValue: string);
- Attribute['target'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGLink.SetXlinkHref(AValue: string);
- Attribute['xlink:href'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGLink.SetXlinkTitle(AValue: string);
- Attribute['xlink:title'] := AValue;
-class function TSVGLink.GetDOMTag: string;
- Result:= 'a';
-{ TSVGElementWithContent }
-class function TSVGElementWithContent.OwnDatalink: boolean;
- result := false;
-procedure TSVGElementWithContent.SetDatalink(AValue: TSVGDataLink);
- i: Integer;
- inherited SetDatalink(AValue);
- if not OwnDatalink then
- begin
- for i := 0 to FContent.ElementCount-1 do
- if FContent.IsSVGElement[i] then
- FContent.Element[i].DataLink := AValue;
- FContent.FDataLink := AValue;
- end else
- FSubDatalink.Parent := AValue;
-constructor TSVGElementWithContent.Create(ADocument: TDOMDocument;
- AUnits: TCSSUnitConverter; ADataLink: TSVGDataLink);
- inherited Create(ADocument, AUnits, ADataLink);
- if OwnDatalink then
- FSubDataLink := TSVGDataLink.Create(ADataLink)
- else FSubDatalink := ADataLink;
- FContent := TSVGContent.Create(FDomElem,AUnits,FSubDataLink);
-constructor TSVGElementWithContent.Create(AElement: TDOMElement;
- AUnits: TCSSUnitConverter; ADataLink: TSVGDataLink);
- inherited Create(AElement, AUnits, ADataLink);
- if OwnDatalink then
- FSubDataLink := TSVGDataLink.Create(ADataLink)
- else FSubDatalink := ADataLink;
- FContent := TSVGContent.Create(AElement,AUnits,FSubDataLink);
-procedure TSVGElementWithContent.ListIdentifiers(AResult: TStringList);
- i: Integer;
- inherited ListIdentifiers(AResult);
- for i := 0 to Content.ElementCount-1 do
- if Content.IsSVGElement[i] then
- Content.Element[i].ListIdentifiers(AResult);
-procedure TSVGElementWithContent.RenameIdentifiers(AFrom, ATo: TStringList);
- i: Integer;
- inherited RenameIdentifiers(AFrom, ATo);
- for i := 0 to Content.ElementCount-1 do
- if Content.IsSVGElement[i] then
- Content.Element[i].RenameIdentifiers(AFrom, ATo);
-procedure TSVGElementWithContent.ConvertToUnit(AUnit: TCSSUnit);
- inherited ConvertToUnit(AUnit);
- Content.ConvertToUnit(AUnit);
-destructor TSVGElementWithContent.Destroy;
- FreeAndNil(FContent);
- if OwnDatalink then FreeAndNil(FSubDatalink);
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TSVGElementWithContent.Recompute;
- FContent.Recompute;
- inherited Recompute;
-{ TSVGElementWithGradient }
-procedure TSVGElementWithGradient.Initialize;
- inherited Initialize;
- FRegisteredToDatalink:= false;
- ResetGradients;
-procedure TSVGElementWithGradient.ResetGradients;
- if FGradientElementsDefined then
- begin
- if Assigned(DataLink) and FRegisteredToDatalink then
- begin
- DataLink.RegisterLinkListener(@DatalinkOnLink, false);
- FRegisteredToDatalink := false;
- end;
- FGradientElementsDefined := false;
- end;
- FFillGradientElement := nil;
- FStrokeGradientElement := nil;
- FFillCanvasGradient := nil;
- FStrokeCanvasGradient := nil;
-procedure TSVGElementWithGradient.FindGradientElements;
- fillNotFound, strokeNotFound: boolean;
- if Assigned(FDataLink) then
- begin
- if FRegisteredToDatalink then
- begin
- FDataLink.RegisterLinkListener(@DatalinkOnLink, false);
- FRegisteredToDatalink := false;
- end;
- FFillGradientElement := TSVGGradient(FDataLink.FindElementByRef(fill, true, TSVGGradient, fillNotFound));
- FStrokeGradientElement := TSVGGradient(FDataLink.FindElementByRef(stroke, true, TSVGGradient, strokeNotFound));
- if Assigned(FFillGradientElement) or fillNotFound or
- Assigned(FStrokeGradientElement) or strokeNotFound then
- begin
- FDatalink.RegisterLinkListener(@DatalinkOnLink, true);
- FRegisteredToDatalink := true;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- FFillGradientElement := nil;
- FStrokeGradientElement := nil;
- end;
- if FFillGradientElement <> nil then
- FFillGradientElement.ScanInheritedGradients;
- if FStrokeGradientElement <> nil then
- FStrokeGradientElement.ScanInheritedGradients;
- FGradientElementsDefined:= true;
-function TSVGElementWithGradient.EvaluatePercentage(fu: TFloatWithCSSUnit): single;
- Result:= fu.value;
- if fu.CSSUnit <> cuPercent then
- begin
- if Result < 0 then
- Result:= 0
- else if Result > 1 then
- Result:= 1;
- Result:= Result * 100;
- end;
-procedure TSVGElementWithGradient.DatalinkOnLink(Sender: TObject;
- AElement: TSVGElement; ALink: boolean);
- if not ALink then
- begin
- if (AElement = FFillGradientElement) or (AElement = FStrokeGradientElement) then
- ResetGradients;
- end else
- if ALink then
- if FGradientElementsDefined and ((FFillGradientElement = nil) or (FStrokeGradientElement = nil)) then
- ResetGradients;
-function TSVGElementWithGradient.GetFillGradientElement: TSVGGradient;
- if not FGradientElementsDefined then
- FindGradientElements;
- result := FFillGradientElement;
-function TSVGElementWithGradient.GetStrokeGradientElement: TSVGGradient;
- if not FGradientElementsDefined then
- FindGradientElements;
- result := FStrokeGradientElement;
-procedure TSVGElementWithGradient.AddStopElements(ASVGGradient: TSVGGradient; canvas: IBGRACanvasGradient2D);
- function AddStopElementFrom(el: TSVGElement): integer;
- var
- i: integer;
- begin
- if el is TSVGGradient then
- begin
- if el.HasAttribute('color-interpolation') then
- canvas.gammaCorrection:= TSVGGradient(el).colorInterpolation = sciLinearRGB;
- if el.HasAttribute('spreadMethod') then
- case TSVGGradient(el).spreadMethod of
- ssmReflect: canvas.repetition := grReflect;
- ssmRepeat: canvas.repetition := grRepeat;
- else canvas.repetition:= grPad;
- end;
- end;
- result:= 0;
- with (el as TSVGGradient).Content do
- for i:= 0 to ElementCount-1 do
- if IsSVGElement[i] and (Element[i] is TSVGStopGradient) then
- with TSVGStopGradient(Element[i]) do
- begin
- canvas.addColorStop(EvaluatePercentage(offset)/100, stopColor);
- Inc(result);
- end;
- end;
- i: integer;
- if not Assigned(ASVGGradient) then exit;
- with ASVGGradient.InheritedGradients do
- for i:= 0 to Count-1 do
- AddStopElementFrom(Items[i]);
-function TSVGElementWithGradient.CreateCanvasLinearGradient(
- ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; ASVGGradient: TSVGGradient;
- const origin: TPointF; const w,h: single; AUnit: TCSSUnit): IBGRACanvasGradient2D;
-var p1,p2: TPointF;
- g: TSVGLinearGradient;
- m: TAffineMatrix;
- g := ASVGGradient as TSVGLinearGradient;
- if g.gradientUnits = souObjectBoundingBox then
- begin
- p1.x:= EvaluatePercentage(g.x1)/100;
- p1.y:= EvaluatePercentage(g.y1)/100;
- p2.x:= EvaluatePercentage(g.x2)/100;
- p2.y:= EvaluatePercentage(g.y2)/100;
- m := ACanvas2d.matrix;
- ACanvas2d.translate(origin.x,origin.y);
- ACanvas2d.scale(w,h);
- ACanvas2d.transform(g.gradientMatrix[cuCustom]);
- result:= ACanvas2d.createLinearGradient(p1,p2);
- ACanvas2d.matrix := m;
- end else
- begin
- p1.x:= Units.ConvertWidth(g.x1,AUnit,w).value;
- p1.y:= Units.ConvertHeight(g.y1,AUnit,h).value;
- p2.x:= Units.ConvertWidth(g.x2,AUnit,w).value;
- p2.y:= Units.ConvertHeight(g.y2,AUnit,h).value;
- m := ACanvas2d.matrix;
- ACanvas2d.transform(g.gradientMatrix[AUnit]);
- result:= ACanvas2d.createLinearGradient(p1,p2);
- ACanvas2d.matrix := m;
- end;
- AddStopElements(ASVGGradient, result);
-function TSVGElementWithGradient.CreateCanvasRadialGradient(
- ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; ASVGGradient: TSVGGradient; const origin: TPointF;
- const w, h: single; AUnit: TCSSUnit): IBGRACanvasGradient2D;
-var c,f: TPointF;
- r,fr: single;
- g: TSVGRadialGradient;
- m: TAffineMatrix;
- procedure CheckFocalAndCreate(c: TPointF; r: single; f: TPointF; fr: single);
- var u: TPointF;
- d: single;
- begin
- u := f-c;
- d := VectLen(u);
- if d >= r then
- begin
- u.Scale( (r/d)*0.99999 );
- f := c+u;
- end;
- result:= ACanvas2d.createRadialGradient(c,r,f,fr,true);
- AddStopElements(ASVGGradient, result);
- end;
- g := ASVGGradient as TSVGRadialGradient;
- if g.gradientUnits = souObjectBoundingBox then
- begin
- c.x:= EvaluatePercentage(g.cx)/100;
- c.y:= EvaluatePercentage(g.cy)/100;
- r:= abs(EvaluatePercentage(g.r))/100;
- f.x:= EvaluatePercentage(g.fx)/100;
- f.y:= EvaluatePercentage(g.fy)/100;
- fr:= abs(EvaluatePercentage(g.fr))/100;
- m := ACanvas2d.matrix;
- ACanvas2d.translate(origin.x,origin.y);
- ACanvas2d.scale(w,h);
- ACanvas2d.transform(g.gradientMatrix[cuCustom]);
- CheckFocalAndCreate(c,r,f,fr);
- ACanvas2d.matrix := m;
- end else
- begin
- c.x:= Units.ConvertWidth(g.cx, AUnit, w).value;
- c.y:= Units.ConvertHeight(g.cy, AUnit, h).value;
- r:= abs(Units.ConvertOrtho(g.r, AUnit, w, h).value);
- f.x:= Units.ConvertWidth(g.fx, AUnit, w).value;
- f.y:= Units.ConvertHeight(g.fy, AUnit, h).value;
- fr:= abs(Units.ConvertOrtho(g.fr, AUnit, w, h).value);
- m := ACanvas2d.matrix;
- ACanvas2d.transform(g.gradientMatrix[AUnit]);
- CheckFocalAndCreate(c,r,f,fr);
- ACanvas2d.matrix := m;
- end;
-procedure TSVGElementWithGradient.InitializeGradient(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D;
- const origin: TPointF; const w,h: single; AUnit: TCSSUnit);
- if FillGradientElement <> nil then
- begin
- if FillGradientElement is TSVGLinearGradient then
- FFillCanvasGradient := CreateCanvasLinearGradient(ACanvas2d, FillGradientElement, origin, w,h, AUnit)
- else if FillGradientElement is TSVGRadialGradient then
- FFillCanvasGradient := CreateCanvasRadialGradient(ACanvas2d, FillGradientElement, origin, w,h, AUnit);
- end;
- if StrokeGradientElement <> nil then
- begin
- if StrokeGradientElement is TSVGLinearGradient then
- FStrokeCanvasGradient := CreateCanvasLinearGradient(ACanvas2d, StrokeGradientElement, origin, w,h, AUnit)
- else if StrokeGradientElement is TSVGRadialGradient then
- FStrokeCanvasGradient := CreateCanvasRadialGradient(ACanvas2d, StrokeGradientElement, origin, w,h, AUnit);
- end;
-procedure TSVGElementWithGradient.ApplyFillStyle(ACanvas2D: TBGRACanvas2D; AUnit: TCSSUnit);
- inherited ApplyFillStyle(ACanvas2D,AUnit);
- if Assigned(FFillCanvasGradient) then
- ACanvas2D.fillStyle(FFillCanvasGradient);
-procedure TSVGElementWithGradient.ApplyStrokeStyle(ACanvas2D: TBGRACanvas2D;
- AUnit: TCSSUnit);
- inherited ApplyStrokeStyle(ACanvas2D,AUnit);
- if Assigned(FStrokeCanvasGradient) then
- ACanvas2D.strokeStyle(FStrokeCanvasGradient);
-procedure TSVGElementWithGradient.SetDatalink(AValue: TSVGDataLink);
- ResetGradients;
- inherited SetDatalink(AValue);
-procedure TSVGElementWithGradient.SetFill(AValue: string);
- ResetGradients;
- inherited SetFill(AValue);
-procedure TSVGElementWithGradient.SetStroke(AValue: string);
- ResetGradients;
- inherited SetStroke(AValue);
-destructor TSVGElementWithGradient.Destroy;
- ResetGradients;
- inherited Destroy;
-{ TSVGTextElementWithContent }
-constructor TSVGTextElementWithContent.Create(ADocument: TDOMDocument;
- AUnits: TCSSUnitConverter; ADataLink: TSVGDataLink);
- inherited Create(ADocument, AUnits, ADataLink);
- FContent := TSVGContent.Create(FDomElem,AUnits,ADataLink);
-constructor TSVGTextElementWithContent.Create(AElement: TDOMElement;
- AUnits: TCSSUnitConverter; ADataLink: TSVGDataLink);
- inherited Create(AElement, AUnits, ADataLink);
- FContent := TSVGContent.Create(AElement,AUnits,ADataLink);
-destructor TSVGTextElementWithContent.Destroy;
- FreeAndNil(FContent);
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TSVGTextElementWithContent.ConvertToUnit(AUnit: TCSSUnit);
- inherited ConvertToUnit(AUnit);
- Content.ConvertToUnit(AUnit);
-{ TSVGTextPositioning }
-function TSVGTextPositioning.GetX: ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := ArrayOfHorizAttributeWithUnitInherit['x',False];
-function TSVGTextPositioning.GetY: ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := ArrayOfVerticalAttributeWithUnitInherit['y',False];
-function TSVGTextPositioning.GetDx: ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := ArrayOfHorizAttributeWithUnitInherit['dx',False];
-function TSVGTextPositioning.GetDy: ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := ArrayOfVerticalAttributeWithUnitInherit['dy',False];
-function TSVGTextPositioning.GetRotate: ArrayOfTSVGNumber;
- result := ArrayOfAttributeNumberInherit['rotate',False];
-procedure TSVGTextPositioning.SetX(AValue: ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit);
- ArrayOfHorizAttributeWithUnit['x'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGTextPositioning.SetY(AValue: ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit);
- ArrayOfVerticalAttributeWithUnit['y'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGTextPositioning.SetDx(AValue: ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit);
- ArrayOfHorizAttributeWithUnit['dx'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGTextPositioning.SetDy(AValue: ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit);
- ArrayOfVerticalAttributeWithUnit['dy'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGTextPositioning.SetRotate(AValue: ArrayOfTSVGNumber);
- ArrayOfAttributeNumber['rotate'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGTextPositioning.ConvertToUnit(AUnit: TCSSUnit);
- inherited ConvertToUnit(AUnit);
- if HasAttribute('x') then x := Units.ConvertWidth(x, AUnit);
- if HasAttribute('y') then y := Units.ConvertHeight(y, AUnit);
- if HasAttribute('dx') then dx := Units.ConvertWidth(dx, AUnit);
- if HasAttribute('dy') then dy := Units.ConvertHeight(dy, AUnit);
-{ TSVGText }
-function TSVGText.GetFontBold: boolean;
-var valueText: string;
- valueText := trim(fontWeight);
- result := (valueText = 'bold') or (valueText = 'bolder') or
- (valueText = '600') or (valueText = '700') or (valueText = '800') or
- (valueText = '900');
-function TSVGText.GetFontFamily: string;
- result := AttributeOrStyleDef['font-family', 'sans-serif'];
-function TSVGText.GetFontFamilyList: ArrayOfString;
- result := TBGRACanvas2D.StrToFontNameList(AttributeOrStyle['font-family']);
-function TSVGText.GetFontItalic: boolean;
-var valueText: string;
- valueText := trim(fontStyle);
- result := (valueText = 'oblique') or (valueText = 'italic');
-function TSVGText.GetFontSize: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result:= GetVerticalAttributeOrStyleWithUnit('font-size',Units.CurrentFontEmHeight,false);
-function TSVGText.GetFontStyle: string;
- result := AttributeOrStyleDef['font-style','normal'];
-function TSVGText.GetFontStyleLCL: TFontStyles;
- s: String;
- result := [];
- if fontBold then include(result, fsBold);
- if fontItalic then include(result, fsItalic);
- s := ' '+textDecoration+' ';
- if pos('underline',s) <> 0 then include(result, fsUnderline);
- if pos('line-through',s) <> 0 then include(result, fsStrikeOut);
-function TSVGText.GetFontWeight: string;
- result := AttributeOrStyleDef['font-weight','normal'];
-function TSVGText.GetSimpleText: string;
- i: Integer;
- if FInGetSimpleText then exit(''); //avoid reentrance
- FInGetSimpleText := true;
- result := '';
- for i := 0 to FContent.ElementCount-1 do
- if FContent.IsSVGElement[i] then
- begin
- if FContent.Element[i] is TSVGTRef then
- AppendStr(result, GetTRefContent(TSVGTRef(FContent.Element[i])) )
- else
- if FContent.Element[i] is TSVGText then
- AppendStr(result, TSVGText(FContent.Element[i]).SimpleText);
- end else
- begin
- if FContent.ElementDOMNode[i] is TDOMText then
- AppendStr(result, UTF16ToUTF8(TDOMText(FContent.ElementDOMNode[i]).Data));
- end;
- FInGetSimpleText := false;
-function TSVGText.GetTextAnchor: TSVGTextAnchor;
- case AttributeOrStyleDef['text-anchor','start'] of
- 'middle': result := staMiddle;
- 'end': result := staEnd;
- else result := staStart;
- end;
-function TSVGText.GetTextDirection: TSVGTextDirection;
- if AttributeOrStyle['direction'] = 'rtl' then
- result := stdRtl
- else
- result := stdLtr;
-function TSVGText.GetTextDecoration: string;
- result := AttributeOrStyleDef['text-decoration','none'];
-function TSVGText.GetTextLength: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := HorizAttributeWithUnitDef['textLength'];
-function TSVGText.GetLengthAdjust: TSVGLengthAdjust;
- valueText: string;
- valueText := trim(Attribute['lengthAdjust','spacing']);
- if valueText = 'spacing' then
- result := slaSpacing
- else
- result := slaSpacingAndGlyphs;
-procedure TSVGText.SetFontBold(AValue: boolean);
- if AValue then fontWeight:= 'bold' else fontWeight:= 'normal';
-procedure TSVGText.SetFontFamily(AValue: string);
- Attribute['font-family'] := AValue;
- RemoveStyle('font-family');
-procedure TSVGText.SetFontFamilyList(AValue: ArrayOfString);
- fontFamily := TBGRACanvas2D.FontNameListToStr(AValue);
-procedure TSVGText.SetFontItalic(AValue: boolean);
- if AValue then fontStyle:= 'italic' else fontStyle:= 'normal';
-procedure TSVGText.SetFontSize(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- VerticalAttributeWithUnit['font-size'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGText.SetFontStyle(AValue: string);
- Attribute['font-style'] := AValue;
- RemoveStyle('font-style');
-procedure TSVGText.SetFontStyleLCL(AValue: TFontStyles);
- s: String;
- fontItalic:= fsItalic in AValue;
- fontBold:= fsBold in AValue;
- s := '';
- if fsUnderline in AValue then AppendStr(s, 'underline ');
- if fsStrikeOut in AValue then AppendStr(s, 'line-through ');
- textDecoration:= trim(s);
-procedure TSVGText.SetFontWeight(AValue: string);
- Attribute['font-weight'] := AValue;
- RemoveStyle('font-weight');
-procedure TSVGText.SetTextAnchor(AValue: TSVGTextAnchor);
- case AValue of
- staMiddle: Attribute['text-anchor'] := 'middle';
- staEnd: Attribute['text-anchor'] := 'end';
- else {staStart} Attribute['text-anchor'] := 'start';
- end;
-procedure TSVGText.SetTextDirection(AValue: TSVGTextDirection);
- if AValue = stdLtr then
- Attribute['direction'] := 'ltr'
- else
- Attribute['direction'] := 'rtl';
-procedure TSVGText.SetSimpleText(AValue: string);
- Content.Clear;
- if AValue = '' then exit;
- Content.appendDOMText(AValue);
-procedure TSVGText.SetTextDecoration(AValue: string);
- Attribute['text-decoration'] := AValue;
- RemoveStyle('text-decoration');
-procedure TSVGText.SetTextLength(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- HorizAttributeWithUnit['textLength'] := AValue;
- RemoveStyle('textLength');
-procedure TSVGText.SetLengthAdjust(AValue: TSVGLengthAdjust);
- if AValue = slaSpacing then
- Attribute['lengthAdjust'] := 'spacing'
- else
- Attribute['lengthAdjust'] := 'spacingAndGlyphs';
- RemoveStyle('lengthAdjust');
-procedure TSVGText.InternalDrawOrCompute(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D;
- AUnit: TCSSUnit; ADraw: boolean; AAllTextBounds: TRectF;
- var APosition: TPointF; var ATextParts: ArrayOfTextParts);
- if not ADraw then ATextParts[0].AbsoluteCoord := APosition;
- InternalDrawOrCompute(ACanvas2d, AUnit, ADraw, AAllTextBounds, APosition, ATextParts, 0,0,high(ATextParts));
-procedure TSVGText.InternalDrawOrCompute(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D;
- AUnit: TCSSUnit; ADraw: boolean; AAllTextBounds: TRectF;
- var APosition: TPointF; var ATextParts: ArrayOfTextParts;
- ALevel: integer; AStartPart, AEndPart: integer);
- prevFontSize: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- ax, ay, adx, ady: ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit;
- i, subStartPart, subEndPart, subLevel: integer;
- subElem: TSVGText;
- partBounds: TRectF;
- if AStartPart > AEndPart then exit;
- prevFontSize := EnterFontSize;
- if not ADraw then
- begin
- ax := Units.ConvertWidth(x,AUnit);
- ay := Units.ConvertHeight(y,AUnit);
- if length(ax)>0 then APosition.x := ax[0].value;
- if length(ay)>0 then APosition.y := ay[0].value;
- if (length(ax)>0) or (length(ay)>0) then
- ATextParts[AStartPart].AbsoluteCoord := APosition;
- end else
- APosition := ATextParts[AStartPart].AbsoluteCoord;
- adx := Units.ConvertWidth(dx,AUnit);
- ady := Units.ConvertHeight(dy,AUnit);
- if length(adx)>0 then IncF(APosition.x, adx[0].value);
- if length(ady)>0 then IncF(APosition.y, ady[0].value);
- i := AStartPart;
- while i <= AEndPart do
- begin
- if ATextParts[i].Level > ALevel then
- begin
- subStartPart := i;
- subEndPart := i;
- subElem := TSVGText(ATextParts[subStartPart].BaseElement);
- subLevel := ATextParts[subStartPart].Level;
- while (subEndPart < AEndPart) and
- ( ((ATextParts[subEndPart+1].Level = subLevel) and (ATextParts[subEndPart+1].BaseElement = subElem)) or
- (ATextParts[subEndPart+1].Level > subLevel) ) do
- inc(subEndPart);
- subElem.InternalDrawOrCompute(
- ACanvas2d, AUnit, ADraw, AAllTextBounds, APosition,
- ATextParts, subLevel, subStartPart, subEndPart);
- i := subEndPart+1;
- end
- else
- begin
- if not ADraw then
- ATextParts[i].PartStartCoord := APosition
- else
- APosition := ATextParts[i].PartStartCoord;
- if ATextParts[i].Text <>'' then
- InternalDrawOrComputePart(ACanvas2d, AUnit, ATextParts[i].Text, ATextParts[i].PosUnicode,
- ATextParts[i].InheritedRotation, ADraw, AAllTextBounds, APosition, partBounds)
- else
- partBounds := EmptyRectF;
- if not ADraw then
- begin
- ATextParts[i].PartEndCoord := APosition;
- ATextParts[i].Bounds := partBounds;
- end
- else
- APosition := ATextParts[i].PartEndCoord;
- inc(i);
- end;
- end;
- ExitFontSize(prevFontSize);
-procedure TSVGText.InternalDrawOrComputePart(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D;
- AUnit: TCSSUnit; AText: string; APosUnicode: integer; AInheritedRotation: single;
- ADraw: boolean; AAllTextBounds: TRectF; var APosition: TPointF; out ABounds: TRectF);
- ts: TCanvas2dTextSize;
- fs: TFontStyles;
- dir: TSVGTextDirection;
- deco: String;
- fh: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- rotations: ArrayOfTSVGNumber;
- glyphSizes: array of single;
- glyphByGlyph: Boolean;
- cursor: TGlyphCursorUtf8;
- glyph: TGlyphUtf8;
- posGlyph: integer;
- curPos: TPointF;
- curRotation, firstRotation: single;
- posUnicode, i: integer;
- adx, ady, ax, ay: ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit;
- fh := Units.CurrentFontEmHeight;
- ACanvas2d.fontEmHeight := Units.ConvertHeight(fh, AUnit).value;
- ACanvas2d.fontName := fontFamily;
- fs := [];
- if fontBold then include(fs, fsBold);
- if fontItalic then include(fs, fsItalic);
- deco := ' '+textDecoration+' ';
- if pos(' line-through ',deco)<>0 then include(fs, fsStrikeOut);
- if pos(' underline ',deco)<>0 then include(fs, fsUnderline);
- ACanvas2d.fontStyle := fs;
- dir := textDirection;
- case dir of
- stdRtl: ACanvas2d.direction:= fbmRightToLeft;
- else {stdLtr} ACanvas2d.direction:= fbmLeftToRight;
- end;
- ACanvas2d.textBaseline:= 'alphabetic';
- rotations := rotate;
- if (length(rotations) <> 0) and
- (APosUnicode >= length(rotations)) then
- begin
- firstRotation := rotations[high(rotations)];
- glyphByGlyph:= true;
- end else
- begin
- firstRotation:= AInheritedRotation;
- glyphByGlyph:= firstRotation <> 0;
- end;
- for i := APosUnicode to APosUnicode + UTF8Length(AText) - 1 do
- if i >= length(rotations) then break else
- if rotations[i] <> 0 then glyphByGlyph := true;
- ax := x;
- ay := y;
- adx := dx;
- ady := dy;
- for i := APosUnicode + 1 to APosUnicode + UTF8Length(AText) - 1 do
- begin
- if (i < length(ax)) or (i < length(ay)) then glyphByGlyph:= true;
- if (i < length(adx)) and (adx[i].value <> 0) then glyphByGlyph := true;
- if (i < length(ady)) and (ady[i].value <> 0) then glyphByGlyph := true;
- end;
- if glyphByGlyph then
- begin
- ts.width:= 0;
- ts.height := 0;
- cursor := TGlyphCursorUtf8.New(AText, ACanvas2d.direction);
- setlength(glyphSizes, length(AText)); //more than enough
- posGlyph := 0;
- repeat
- glyph := cursor.GetNextGlyph;
- if glyph.Empty then break;
- with ACanvas2d.measureText(glyph.GlyphUtf8) do
- begin
- incF(ts.Width, width);
- if height > ts.Height then ts.Height := height;
- glyphSizes[posGlyph] := width;
- end;
- inc(posGlyph);
- until false;
- end else
- begin
- ts := ACanvas2d.measureText(AText);
- glyphSizes := nil;
- end;
- if dir = stdRtl then DecF(APosition.x, ts.width);
- ABounds := RectF(APosition.x,APosition.y,APosition.x+ts.width,APosition.y+ts.height);
- if ADraw then
- begin
- ACanvas2d.beginPath;
- InitializeGradient(ACanvas2d, AAllTextBounds.TopLeft, AAllTextBounds.Width,AAllTextBounds.Height,AUnit);
- if glyphByGlyph then
- begin
- curPos := APosition;
- curRotation := firstRotation;
- posGlyph := 0;
- cursor := TGlyphCursorUtf8.New(AText, ACanvas2d.direction);
- repeat
- glyph := cursor.GetNextGlyph;
- if glyph.Empty then break;
- posUnicode := APosUnicode + UTF8Length(copy(AText, 1, glyph.ByteOffset));
- if posUnicode < length(rotations) then
- curRotation := rotations[posUnicode];
- ACanvas2d.save;
- ACanvas2d.translate(curPos.x, curPos.y);
- ACanvas2d.rotate(curRotation*Pi/180);
- if glyph.Mirrored then
- begin
- if glyph.MirroredGlyphUtf8 <> '' then
- ACanvas2d.text(glyph.GlyphUtf8, 0, 0) else
- begin
- ACanvas2d.translate(glyphSizes[posGlyph], 0);
- ACanvas2d.scale(-1,0);
- ACanvas2d.text(glyph.GlyphUtf8, 0, 0);
- end;
- end else
- ACanvas2d.text(glyph.GlyphUtf8, 0, 0);
- ACanvas2d.restore;
- IncF(curPos.x, glyphSizes[posGlyph]);
- for i := 1 to UTF8Length(copy(AText, glyph.ByteOffset+1, glyph.ByteSize)) do
- begin
- if posUnicode + i < length(ax) then curPos.x := Units.ConvertWidth(ax[posUnicode + i], AUnit).value;
- if posUnicode + i < length(ay) then curPos.y := Units.ConvertHeight(ay[posUnicode + i], AUnit).value;
- if posUnicode + i < length(adx) then incF(curPos.x, Units.ConvertWidth(adx[posUnicode + i], AUnit).value);
- if posUnicode + i < length(ady) then incF(curPos.y, Units.ConvertHeight(ady[posUnicode + i], AUnit).value);
- end;
- inc(posGlyph);
- until false;
- end else
- ACanvas2d.text(AText,APosition.x,APosition.y);
- Paint(ACanvas2D, AUnit);
- end;
- if dir = stdLtr then IncF(APosition.x, ts.width);
-procedure TSVGText.InternalDraw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; AUnit: TCSSUnit);
- allTextBounds: TRectF;
- textParts: ArrayOfTextParts;
- anchor: TSVGTextAnchor;
- procedure DoAlignText(AStartPart,AEndPart: integer);
- var
- advance,ofs: single;
- j: Integer;
- begin
- advance := textParts[AEndPart].PartEndCoord.x - textParts[AStartPart].AbsoluteCoord.x;
- ofs := 0;
- case anchor of
- staMiddle: ofs := (-1/2)*advance;
- staEnd: ofs := -advance;
- else ofs := 0;
- end;
- for j := AStartPart to AEndPart do
- begin
- if not isEmptyPointF(textParts[j].AbsoluteCoord) then IncF(textParts[j].AbsoluteCoord.x, ofs);
- if not isEmptyPointF(textParts[j].PartStartCoord) then IncF(textParts[j].PartStartCoord.x, ofs);
- if not isEmptyPointF(textParts[j].PartEndCoord) then IncF(textParts[j].PartEndCoord.x, ofs);
- if not IsEmptyRectF(textParts[j].Bounds) then textParts[j].Bounds.Offset(ofs,0);
- end;
- end;
- i, absStartIndex: Integer;
- pos: TPointF;
- textParts := GetAllText(0);
- CleanText(textParts);
- if length(textParts)>0 then
- begin
- pos := PointF(0,0);
- InternalDrawOrCompute(ACanvas2d, AUnit, False, EmptyRectF, pos, textParts);
- anchor := textAnchor;
- absStartIndex := -1;
- for i := 0 to high(textParts) do
- begin
- if not IsEmptyPointF(textParts[i].AbsoluteCoord) then
- begin
- if absStartIndex <> -1 then DoAlignText(absStartIndex,i-1);
- absStartIndex := i;
- end;
- end;
- if absStartIndex <> -1 then DoAlignText(absStartIndex,high(textParts));
- allTextBounds := EmptyRectF;
- for i := 0 to high(textParts) do
- allTextBounds := allTextBounds.Union(textParts[i].Bounds);
- pos := PointF(0,0);
- InternalDrawOrCompute(ACanvas2d, AUnit, True, allTextBounds, pos, textParts);
- end;
-procedure TSVGText.CleanText(var ATextParts: ArrayOfTextParts);
-var wasSpace: boolean;
- wasSpaceBeforePartIdx: integer;
- i,j: integer;
- k,l, startPos, endPosP1: integer;
- fullText, cleanedText: string;
- wasSpace := false;
- wasSpaceBeforePartIdx:= -1;
- fullText := '';
- for k := 0 to high(ATextParts) do
- AppendStr(fullText, ATextParts[k].Text);
- setlength(cleanedText, length(fullText));
- j := 0;
- k := 0;
- for i := 1 to length(fullText) do
- begin
- if not (fullText[i] in[#0..#32]) and wasSpace and (j>0) then
- begin
- inc(j);
- cleanedText[j] := ' ';
- if wasSpaceBeforePartIdx <> -1 then
- for l := wasSpaceBeforePartIdx to k-1 do
- inc(ATextParts[l].SplitPos);
- wasSpace:= false;
- end;
- while (k < length(ATextParts)) and (i = ATextParts[k].SplitPos) do
- begin
- if wasSpace and (wasSpaceBeforePartIdx = -1) then
- wasSpaceBeforePartIdx:= k;
- ATextParts[k].SplitPos := j+1;
- inc(k);
- end;
- if fullText[i] in[#0..#32] then
- wasSpace := true
- else
- begin
- inc(j);
- cleanedText[j] := fullText[i];
- wasSpace := false;
- wasSpaceBeforePartIdx := -1;
- end;
- end;
- while k < length(ATextParts) do
- begin
- ATextParts[k].SplitPos := j+1;
- inc(k);
- end;
- setlength(cleanedText, j);
- for k := 0 to high(ATextParts) do
- begin
- startPos := ATextParts[k].SplitPos;
- if k = high(ATextParts) then endPosP1 := j+1 else
- endPosP1 := ATextParts[k+1].SplitPos;
- ATextParts[k].Text:= copy(cleanedText, startPos, endPosP1 - startPos);
- end;
-function TSVGText.GetTRefContent(AElement: TSVGTRef): string;
- refText: TSVGText;
- if Assigned(FDataLink) then
- refText := TSVGText(FDataLink.FindElementByRef(AElement.xlinkHref, TSVGText))
- else refText := nil;
- if Assigned(refText) then result := refText.SimpleText else result := '';
-function TSVGText.GetAllText(AInheritedRotation: single): ArrayOfTextParts;
- idxOut,curLen: Integer;
- posUnicode: integer;
- procedure AppendPart(AText: string);
- begin
- if (idxOut > 0) and (result[idxOut-1].Text = '')
- and (result[idxOut-1].BaseElement = self) then dec(idxOut);
- result[idxOut].Level := 0;
- result[idxOut].BaseElement:= self;
- result[idxOut].Text := AText;
- result[idxOut].SplitPos:= curLen+1;
- result[idxOut].AbsoluteCoord := EmptyPointF;
- result[idxOut].PartStartCoord := EmptyPointF;
- result[idxOut].Bounds := EmptyRectF;
- result[idxOut].PosUnicode := posUnicode;
- result[idxOut].InheritedRotation:= AInheritedRotation;
- inc(curLen, length(AText));
- inc(idxOut);
- inc(posUnicode, UTF8Length(AText));
- end;
- i,j: integer;
- svgElem: TSVGElement;
- subParts: ArrayOfTextParts;
- node: TDOMNode;
- rotations: ArrayOfTSVGNumber;
- inheritedRotation: TSVGNumber;
- setlength(result, Content.ElementCount+1);
- idxOut := 0;
- curLen := 0;
- posUnicode := 0;
- AppendPart(''); //needed when there is a sub part to know the base element
- for i := 0 to Content.ElementCount-1 do
- begin
- if Content.IsSVGElement[i] then
- begin
- svgElem := Content.Element[i];
- if svgElem is TSVGTRef then
- AppendPart(GetTRefContent(TSVGTRef(svgElem)))
- else
- if svgElem is TSVGText then
- begin
- rotations := rotate;
- if posUnicode = 0 then inheritedRotation:= AInheritedRotation else
- if posUnicode-1 >= length(rotations) then
- begin
- if rotations <> nil then
- inheritedRotation:= rotations[high(rotations)]
- else inheritedRotation := 0;
- end else
- inheritedRotation := rotations[posUnicode-1];
- subParts := TSVGText(svgElem).GetAllText(inheritedRotation);
- if length(subParts) > 0 then
- begin
- setlength(result, length(result)+length(subParts)-1);
- for j := 0 to high(subParts) do
- begin
- result[idxOut] := subParts[j];
- inc(result[idxOut].Level);
- result[idxOut].SplitPos:= curLen+1;
- inc(curLen, length(result[idxOut].Text));
- inc(idxOut);
- end;
- end else
- AppendPart('');
- end;
- end else
- begin
- node := Content.ElementDOMNode[i];
- if node is TDOMText then
- AppendPart(UTF16ToUTF8(TDOMText(node).Data));
- end;
- end;
- setlength(result, idxOut);
-class function TSVGText.GetDOMTag: string;
- Result:= 'text';
-procedure TSVGText.ConvertToUnit(AUnit: TCSSUnit);
- prevFontSize: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- prevFontSize := EnterFontSize;
- inherited ConvertToUnit(AUnit);
- if HasAttribute('textLength') then textLength := Units.ConvertWidth(textLength, AUnit);
- if HasAttribute('font-size') then
- SetVerticalAttributeWithUnit('font-size', Units.ConvertHeight(GetVerticalAttributeWithUnit('font-size'), AUnit));
- ExitFontSize(prevFontSize);
-{ TSVGTSpan }
-class function TSVGTSpan.GetDOMTag: string;
- Result:= 'tspan';
-{ TSVGTRef }
-function TSVGTRef.GetXlinkHref: string;
- result := Attribute['xlink:href'];
-procedure TSVGTRef.SetXlinkHref(AValue: string);
- Attribute['xlink:href'] := AValue;
-class function TSVGTRef.GetDOMTag: string;
- Result:= 'tref';
-{ TSVGTextPath }
-function TSVGTextPath.GetStartOffset: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := HorizAttributeWithUnitDef['startOffset'];
-function TSVGTextPath.GetMethod: TSVGTextPathMethod;
- valueText: string;
- valueText := trim(Attribute['method','align']);
- if valueText = 'align' then
- result := stpmAlign
- else
- result := stpmStretch;
-function TSVGTextPath.GetSpacing: TSVGTextPathSpacing;
- valueText: string;
- valueText := trim(Attribute['spacing','exact']);
- if valueText = 'exact' then
- result := stpsExact
- else
- result := stpsAuto;
-function TSVGTextPath.GetXlinkHref: string;
- result := Attribute['xlink:href'];
-procedure TSVGTextPath.SetStartOffset(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- HorizAttributeWithUnit['startOffset'] := AValue;
- RemoveStyle('startOffset');
-procedure TSVGTextPath.SetMethod(AValue: TSVGTextPathMethod);
- if AValue = stpmAlign then
- Attribute['method'] := 'align'
- else
- Attribute['method'] := 'stretch';
- RemoveStyle('method');
-procedure TSVGTextPath.SetSpacing(AValue: TSVGTextPathSpacing);
- if AValue = stpsExact then
- Attribute['spacing'] := 'exact'
- else
- Attribute['spacing'] := 'auto';
- RemoveStyle('spacing');
-procedure TSVGTextPath.SetXlinkHref(AValue: string);
- Attribute['xlink:href'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGTextPath.InternalDraw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; AUnit: TCSSUnit);
- //todo
-class function TSVGTextPath.GetDOMTag: string;
- Result:= 'textpath';
-procedure TSVGTextPath.ConvertToUnit(AUnit: TCSSUnit);
- inherited ConvertToUnit(AUnit);
- if HasAttribute('startOffset') then startOffset := Units.ConvertWidth(startOffset, AUnit);
-{ TSVGAltGlyph }
-function TSVGAltGlyph.GetGlyphRef: string;
- result := Attribute['glyphRef',''];
-function TSVGAltGlyph.GetFormat: string;
- result := Attribute['format',''];
-function TSVGAltGlyph.GetXlinkHref: string;
- result := Attribute['xlink:href'];
-procedure TSVGAltGlyph.SetGlyphRef(AValue: string);
- Attribute['glyphRef'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGAltGlyph.SetFormat(AValue: string);
- Attribute['format'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGAltGlyph.SetXlinkHref(AValue: string);
- Attribute['xlink:href'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGAltGlyph.InternalDraw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; AUnit: TCSSUnit);
- //todo
-class function TSVGAltGlyph.GetDOMTag: string;
- Result:= 'altglyph';
-{ TSVGAltGlyphDef }
-class function TSVGAltGlyphDef.GetDOMTag: string;
- Result:= 'altglyphdef';
-{ TSVGAltGlyphItem }
-class function TSVGAltGlyphItem.GetDOMTag: string;
- Result:= 'altglyphitem';
-{ TSVGGlyphRef }
-function TSVGGlyphRef.GetX: TSVGNumber;
- result := HorizAttribute['x'];
-function TSVGGlyphRef.GetY: TSVGNumber;
- result := VerticalAttribute['y'];
-function TSVGGlyphRef.GetDx: TSVGNumber;
- result := HorizAttribute['dx'];
-function TSVGGlyphRef.GetDy: TSVGNumber;
- result := VerticalAttribute['dy'];
-function TSVGGlyphRef.GetGlyphRef: string;
- result := Attribute['glyphRef',''];
-function TSVGGlyphRef.GetFormat: string;
- result := Attribute['format',''];
-function TSVGGlyphRef.GetXlinkHref: string;
- result := Attribute['xlink:href'];
-procedure TSVGGlyphRef.SetX(AValue: TSVGNumber);
- HorizAttribute['x'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGGlyphRef.SetY(AValue: TSVGNumber);
- VerticalAttribute['y'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGGlyphRef.SetDx(AValue: TSVGNumber);
- HorizAttribute['dx'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGGlyphRef.SetDy(AValue: TSVGNumber);
- HorizAttribute['dy'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGGlyphRef.SetGlyphRef(AValue: string);
- Attribute['glyphRef'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGGlyphRef.SetFormat(AValue: string);
- Attribute['format'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGGlyphRef.SetXlinkHref(AValue: string);
- Attribute['xlink:href'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGGlyphRef.InternalDraw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; AUnit: TCSSUnit);
- //todo
-class function TSVGGlyphRef.GetDOMTag: string;
- Result:= 'glyphref';
-{ TSVGClipPath }
-function TSVGClipPath.GetExternalResourcesRequired: boolean;
- if Attribute['externalResourcesRequired'] = 'true' then
- result := true
- else
- result := false;
-function TSVGClipPath.GetClipPathUnits: TSVGObjectUnits;
- if Attribute['clipPathUnits'] = 'objectBoundingBox' then
- result := souObjectBoundingBox
- else
- result := souUserSpaceOnUse;
-procedure TSVGClipPath.SetExternalResourcesRequired(AValue: boolean);
- if AValue then
- Attribute['ExternalResourcesRequired'] := 'true'
- else
- Attribute['ExternalResourcesRequired'] := 'false';
-procedure TSVGClipPath.SetClipPathUnits(AValue: TSVGObjectUnits);
- if AValue = souUserSpaceOnUse then
- Attribute['clipPathUnits'] := 'userSpaceOnUse'
- else
- Attribute['clipPathUnits'] := 'objectBoundingBox';
-procedure TSVGClipPath.InternalDraw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; AUnit: TCSSUnit);
- //todo
-class function TSVGClipPath.GetDOMTag: string;
- Result:= 'clippath';
-{ TSVGColorProfile }
-function TSVGColorProfile.GetLocal: string;
- result := Attribute['local'];
-function TSVGColorProfile.GetName: string;
- result := Attribute['name'];
-function TSVGColorProfile.GetRenderingIntent: TSVGRenderingIntent;
- s: string;
- s := Attribute['rendering-intent','auto'];
- if s = 'auto' then
- result := sriAuto
- else if s = 'perceptual' then
- result := sriPerceptual
- else if s = 'relative-colorimetric' then
- result := sriRelativeColorimetric
- else if s = 'saturation' then
- result := sriSaturation
- else { 'absolute-colorimetric' }
- result := sriAbsoluteColorimetric;
-function TSVGColorProfile.GetXlinkHref: string;
- result := Attribute['xlink:href'];
-procedure TSVGColorProfile.SetLocal(AValue: string);
- Attribute['local'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGColorProfile.SetName(AValue: string);
- Attribute['name'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGColorProfile.SetRenderingIntent(AValue: TSVGRenderingIntent);
- if AValue = sriAuto then
- Attribute['rendering-intent'] := 'auto'
- else if AValue = sriPerceptual then
- Attribute['rendering-intent'] := 'perceptual'
- else if AValue = sriRelativeColorimetric then
- Attribute['rendering-intent'] := 'relative-colorimetric'
- else if AValue = sriSaturation then
- Attribute['rendering-intent'] := 'saturation'
- else { sriAbsoluteColorimetric }
- Attribute['rendering-intent'] := 'absolute-colorimetric'
-procedure TSVGColorProfile.SetXlinkHref(AValue: string);
- Attribute['xlink:href'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGColorProfile.InternalDraw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; AUnit: TCSSUnit);
- //todo
-class function TSVGColorProfile.GetDOMTag: string;
- Result:= 'colorprofile';
-{ TSVGImage }
-function TSVGImage.GetBitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- s: String;
- posDelim: SizeInt;
- stream64: TStringStream;
- decoder: TBase64DecodingStream;
- byteStream: TMemoryStream;
- if FBitmap = nil then
- begin
- FBitmap := BGRABitmapFactory.Create;
- s := xlinkHref;
- if copy(s,1,5) = 'data:' then
- begin
- posDelim := pos(';', s);
- if posDelim > 0 then
- begin
- if copy(s, posDelim+1, 7) = 'base64,' then
- begin
- byteStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- stream64 := TStringStream.Create(s);
- try
- stream64.Position:= posDelim+7;
- decoder := TBase64DecodingStream.Create(stream64, bdmMIME);
- try
- byteStream.CopyFrom(decoder, decoder.Size);
- byteStream.Position:= 0;
- finally
- decoder.Free;
- end;
- finally
- stream64.Free;
- end;
- try
- FBitmap.LoadFromStream(byteStream);
- except
- on ex: exception do
- begin
- //image discarded if error
- FBitmap.SetSize(0, 0);
- end;
- end;
- finally
- byteStream.Free;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- result := FBitmap;
-function TSVGImage.GetExternalResourcesRequired: boolean;
- if Attribute['externalResourcesRequired'] = 'true' then
- result := true
- else
- result := false;
-function TSVGImage.GetImageRendering: TSVGImageRendering;
-var s: string;
- s := AttributeOrStyle['image-rendering'];
- if (s = 'smooth') or (s = 'optimizeQuality') then result := sirSmooth
- else if s = 'high-quality' then result := sirHighQuality
- else if s = 'crisp-edges' then result := sirCrispEdges
- else if (s = 'pixelated') or (s = 'optimizeSpeed') then result := sirPixelated
- else result := sirAuto;
-function TSVGImage.GetX: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := HorizAttributeWithUnit['x'];
-function TSVGImage.GetY: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := VerticalAttributeWithUnit['y'];
-function TSVGImage.GetWidth: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := HorizAttributeWithUnit['width'];
-function TSVGImage.GetHeight: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := VerticalAttributeWithUnit['height'];
-function TSVGImage.GetPreserveAspectRatio: TSVGPreserveAspectRatio;
- result := TSVGPreserveAspectRatio.Parse(Attribute['preserveAspectRatio','xMidYMid']);
-function TSVGImage.GetXlinkHref: string;
- result := Attribute['xlink:href'];
-procedure TSVGImage.SetBitmap(AValue: TBGRACustomBitmap; AOwned: boolean);
- byteStream: TMemoryStream;
- if AValue = FBitmap then exit;
- FreeAndNil(FBitmap);
- if AOwned then
- FBitmap := AValue
- else FBitmap := AValue.Duplicate;
- if FBitmap = nil then
- begin
- FDomElem.RemoveAttribute('xlink:href');
- FDomElem.RemoveAttribute('href');
- exit;
- end;
- byteStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- FBitmap.SaveToStreamAsPng(byteStream);
- SetBitmap(byteStream, 'image/png');
- finally
- byteStream.Free;
- end;
-procedure TSVGImage.SetBitmap(AStream: TStream; AMimeType: string);
- s: TStringStream;
- encoder: TBase64EncodingStream;
- s := TStringStream.Create('data:'+AMimeType+';base64,');
- encoder := nil;
- try
- encoder := TBase64EncodingStream.Create(s);
- s.Position:= s.Size;
- AStream.Position := 0;
- encoder.CopyFrom(AStream, AStream.Size);
- encoder.Flush;
- xlinkHref:= s.DataString;
- finally
- encoder.Free;
- s.Free;
- end;
-procedure TSVGImage.SetExternalResourcesRequired(AValue: boolean);
- if AValue then
- Attribute['ExternalResourcesRequired'] := 'true'
- else
- Attribute['ExternalResourcesRequired'] := 'false';
-procedure TSVGImage.SetImageRendering(AValue: TSVGImageRendering);
-var s: string;
- case AValue of
- sirSmooth: s := 'smooth';
- sirHighQuality: s := 'high-quality';
- sirCrispEdges: s := 'crisp-edges';
- sirPixelated: s := 'pixelated';
- else {sirAuto} s := 'auto';
- end;
-procedure TSVGImage.SetX(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- HorizAttributeWithUnit['x'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGImage.SetY(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- VerticalAttributeWithUnit['y'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGImage.SetWidth(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- HorizAttributeWithUnit['width'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGImage.SetHeight(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- VerticalAttributeWithUnit['height'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGImage.SetPreserveAspectRatio(AValue: TSVGPreserveAspectRatio);
- Attribute['preserveAspectRatio'] := AValue.ToString;
-procedure TSVGImage.SetXlinkHref(AValue: string);
- if xlinkHref = AValue then exit;
- Attribute['xlink:href'] := AValue;
- FreeAndNil(FBitmap);
-procedure TSVGImage.InternalDraw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; AUnit: TCSSUnit);
- aspect: TSVGPreserveAspectRatio;
- coord: TPointF;
- w, h: single;
- ratioBitmap: single;
- ratioPresentation: Single;
- visualW, visualH: single;
- filter: TResampleFilter;
- coord := PointF(Units.ConvertWidth(x, AUnit).value,
- Units.ConvertHeight(y, AUnit).value);
- w := Units.ConvertWidth(width, AUnit).value;
- h := Units.ConvertHeight(height, AUnit).value;
- if (w = 0) or (h = 0) or Bitmap.Empty then exit;
- case imageRendering of
- sirAuto, sirCrispEdges: filter := rfHalfCosine;
- sirPixelated: filter := rfBox;
- else filter := rfLinear;
- end;
- aspect := preserveAspectRatio;
- if not aspect.Preserve then
- ACanvas2d.drawImage(Bitmap, coord.x, coord.y, w, h, filter)
- else
- begin
- ratioBitmap := Bitmap.Width/Bitmap.Height;
- ratioPresentation := w/h;
- if (ratioBitmap >= ratioPresentation) xor aspect.Slice then
- begin
- visualW := w;
- visualH := visualW / ratioBitmap;
- end else
- begin
- visualH := h;
- visualW := visualH * ratioBitmap;
- end;
- case aspect.HorizAlign of
- taRightJustify: IncF(coord.x, w - visualW);
- taCenter: IncF(coord.x, (w - visualW)/2);
- end;
- case aspect.VertAlign of
- tlBottom: IncF(coord.y, h - visualH);
- tlCenter: IncF(coord.y, (h - visualH)/2);
- end;
- ACanvas2d.drawImage(FBitmap, coord.x, coord.y, visualW, visualH, filter);
- end;
-constructor TSVGImage.Create(ADocument: TDOMDocument;
- AUnits: TCSSUnitConverter; ADataLink: TSVGDataLink);
- inherited Create(ADocument, AUnits, ADataLink);
- FBitmap:= nil;
-constructor TSVGImage.Create(AElement: TDOMElement; AUnits: TCSSUnitConverter;
- ADataLink: TSVGDataLink);
- inherited Create(AElement, AUnits, ADataLink);
- FBitmap:= nil;
-destructor TSVGImage.Destroy;
- FBitmap.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
-class function TSVGImage.GetDOMTag: string;
- Result:= 'image';
-procedure TSVGImage.ConvertToUnit(AUnit: TCSSUnit);
- inherited ConvertToUnit(AUnit);
- if HasAttribute('x') then x := Units.ConvertWidth(x, AUnit);
- if HasAttribute('y') then y := Units.ConvertHeight(y, AUnit);
- if HasAttribute('width') then width := Units.ConvertWidth(width, AUnit);
- if HasAttribute('height') then height := Units.ConvertHeight(height, AUnit);
-{ TSVGPattern }
-function TSVGPattern.GetPatternUnits: TSVGObjectUnits;
- if Attribute['patternUnits'] = 'userSpaceOnUse' then
- result := souUserSpaceOnUse
- else
- result := souObjectBoundingBox;
-function TSVGPattern.GetPatternContentUnits: TSVGObjectUnits;
- if Attribute['patternContentUnits'] = 'objectBoundingBox' then
- result := souObjectBoundingBox
- else
- result := souUserSpaceOnUse;
-function TSVGPattern.GetPatternTransform: string;
- result := Attribute['patternTransform'];
-function TSVGPattern.GetViewBox: TSVGViewBox;
- result := TSVGViewBox.Parse(Attribute['viewBox']);
-procedure TSVGPattern.SetPatternUnits(AValue: TSVGObjectUnits);
- if AValue = souUserSpaceOnUse then
- Attribute['patternUnits'] := 'userSpaceOnUse'
- else
- Attribute['patternUnits'] := 'objectBoundingBox';
-procedure TSVGPattern.SetPatternContentUnits(AValue: TSVGObjectUnits);
- if AValue = souUserSpaceOnUse then
- Attribute['patternContentUnits'] := 'userSpaceOnUse'
- else
- Attribute['patternContentUnits'] := 'objectBoundingBox';
-procedure TSVGPattern.SetPatternTransform(AValue: string);
- Attribute['patternTransform'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGPattern.SetViewBox(AValue: TSVGViewBox);
- Attribute['viewBox'] := AValue.ToString;
-procedure TSVGPattern.InternalDraw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; AUnit: TCSSUnit);
- //todo
-class function TSVGPattern.GetDOMTag: string;
- Result:= 'pattern';
-{ TSVGMarker }
-function TSVGMarker.GetExternalResourcesRequired: boolean;
- if Attribute['externalResourcesRequired'] = 'true' then
- result := true
- else
- result := false;
-function TSVGMarker.GetViewBox: TSVGViewBox;
- result := TSVGViewBox.Parse(Attribute['viewBox']);
-function TSVGMarker.GetPreserveAspectRatio: TSVGPreserveAspectRatio;
- result := TSVGPreserveAspectRatio.Parse(Attribute['preserveAspectRatio','xMidYMid']);
-function TSVGMarker.GetRefX: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := HorizAttributeWithUnit['refX'];
-function TSVGMarker.GetRefY: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := VerticalAttributeWithUnit['refY'];
-function TSVGMarker.GetMarkerWidth: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := HorizAttributeWithUnit['markerWidth'];
-function TSVGMarker.GetMarkerHeight: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := VerticalAttributeWithUnit['markerHeight'];
-function TSVGMarker.GetMarkerUnits: TSVGMarkerUnits;
- if Attribute['markerUnits','strokeWidth'] = 'strokeWidth' then
- result := smuStrokeWidth
- else
- result := smuUserSpaceOnUse;
-function TSVGMarker.GetOrient: TSVGOrient;
- err: integer;
- s: string;
- s := Attribute['orient','0'];
- result.angle := 0;
- if s = 'auto' then
- result.auto := soaAuto
- else if s = 'auto-start-reverse' then
- result.auto := soaAutoReverse
- else
- begin
- result.auto := soaNone;
- Val(s, result.angle, err);
- if err <> 0 then
- raise Exception('conversion error: '+IntToStr(err)+#13+'"'+s+'"');
- end;
-procedure TSVGMarker.SetExternalResourcesRequired(AValue: boolean);
- if AValue then
- Attribute['ExternalResourcesRequired'] := 'true'
- else
- Attribute['ExternalResourcesRequired'] := 'false';
-procedure TSVGMarker.SetViewBox(AValue: TSVGViewBox);
- Attribute['viewBox'] := AValue.ToString;
-procedure TSVGMarker.SetPreserveAspectRatio(AValue: TSVGPreserveAspectRatio);
- Attribute['preserveAspectRatio'] := AValue.ToString;
-procedure TSVGMarker.SetRefX(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- HorizAttributeWithUnit['refX'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGMarker.SetRefY(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- VerticalAttributeWithUnit['refY'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGMarker.SetMarkerWidth(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- HorizAttributeWithUnit['markerWidth'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGMarker.SetMarkerHeight(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- VerticalAttributeWithUnit['markerHeight'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGMarker.SetMarkerUnits(AValue: TSVGMarkerUnits);
- if AValue = smuStrokeWidth then
- Attribute['markerUnits'] := 'strokeWidth'
- else
- Attribute['markerUnits'] := 'useSpaceOnUse';
-procedure TSVGMarker.SetOrient(AValue: TSVGOrient);
- s: string;
- if AValue.auto = soaAuto then
- s := 'auto'
- else if AValue.auto = soaAutoReverse then
- s := 'auto-start-reverse'
- else
- s := FloatToStr(AValue.angle);
- Attribute['orient'] := s;
-procedure TSVGMarker.InternalDraw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; AUnit: TCSSUnit);
- //todo
-class function TSVGMarker.GetDOMTag: string;
- Result:= 'marker';
-procedure TSVGMarker.ConvertToUnit(AUnit: TCSSUnit);
- inherited ConvertToUnit(AUnit);
- if HasAttribute('refX') then refX := Units.ConvertWidth(refX, AUnit);
- if HasAttribute('refY') then refY := Units.ConvertHeight(refY, AUnit);
- if HasAttribute('markerWidth') then markerWidth := Units.ConvertWidth(markerWidth, AUnit);
- if HasAttribute('markerHeight') then markerHeight := Units.ConvertHeight(markerHeight, AUnit);
-{ TSVGMask }
-function TSVGMask.GetExternalResourcesRequired: boolean;
- if Attribute['externalResourcesRequired'] = 'true' then
- result := true
- else
- result := false;
-function TSVGMask.GetX: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := HorizAttributeWithUnit['x'];
-function TSVGMask.GetY: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := VerticalAttributeWithUnit['y'];
-function TSVGMask.GetWidth: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := HorizAttributeWithUnit['width'];
-function TSVGMask.GetHeight: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := VerticalAttributeWithUnit['height'];
-function TSVGMask.GetMaskUnits: TSVGObjectUnits;
- if Attribute['maskUnits'] = 'objectBoundingBox' then
- result := souObjectBoundingBox
- else
- result := souUserSpaceOnUse;
-function TSVGMask.GetMaskContentUnits: TSVGObjectUnits;
- if Attribute['maskContentUnits'] = 'objectBoundingBox' then
- result := souObjectBoundingBox
- else
- result := souUserSpaceOnUse;
-procedure TSVGMask.SetExternalResourcesRequired(AValue: boolean);
- if AValue then
- Attribute['ExternalResourcesRequired'] := 'true'
- else
- Attribute['ExternalResourcesRequired'] := 'false';
-procedure TSVGMask.SetX(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- HorizAttributeWithUnit['x'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGMask.SetY(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- VerticalAttributeWithUnit['y'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGMask.SetWidth(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- HorizAttributeWithUnit['width'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGMask.SetHeight(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- VerticalAttributeWithUnit['height'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGMask.SetMaskUnits(AValue: TSVGObjectUnits);
- if AValue = souUserSpaceOnUse then
- Attribute['maskUnits'] := 'userSpaceOnUse'
- else
- Attribute['maskUnits'] := 'objectBoundingBox';
-procedure TSVGMask.SetMaskContentUnits(AValue: TSVGObjectUnits);
- if AValue = souUserSpaceOnUse then
- Attribute['maskContentUnits'] := 'userSpaceOnUse'
- else
- Attribute['maskContentUnits'] := 'objectBoundingBox';
-procedure TSVGMask.InternalDraw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; AUnit: TCSSUnit);
- //todo
-class function TSVGMask.GetDOMTag: string;
- Result:= 'mask';
-procedure TSVGMask.ConvertToUnit(AUnit: TCSSUnit);
- inherited ConvertToUnit(AUnit);
- if HasAttribute('x') then x := Units.ConvertWidth(x, AUnit);
- if HasAttribute('y') then y := Units.ConvertHeight(y, AUnit);
- if HasAttribute('width') then width := Units.ConvertWidth(width, AUnit);
- if HasAttribute('height') then height := Units.ConvertHeight(height, AUnit);
-{ TSVGGroup }
-function TSVGGroup.GetFontSize: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result:= GetVerticalAttributeOrStyleWithUnit('font-size',Units.CurrentFontEmHeight,false);
-function TSVGGroup.GetIsLayer: boolean;
- result := (Attribute['inkscape:groupmode'] = 'layer')
-function TSVGGroup.GetName: string;
- result := Attribute['inkscape:label'];
-procedure TSVGGroup.SetFontSize(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- VerticalAttributeWithUnit['font-size'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGGroup.SetIsLayer(AValue: boolean);
- if AValue = GetIsLayer then exit;
- if AValue then
- Attribute['inkscape:groupmode'] := 'layer'
- else Attribute['inkscape:groupmode'] := '';
-procedure TSVGGroup.SetName(AValue: string);
- Attribute['inkscape:label'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGGroup.InternalDraw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; AUnit: TCSSUnit);
- prevFontSize: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- prevFontSize := EnterFontSize;
- FContent.Draw(ACanvas2d, AUnit);
- ExitFontSize(prevFontSize);
-class function TSVGGroup.OwnDatalink: boolean;
- Result:= true;
-class function TSVGGroup.GetDOMTag: string;
- Result:= 'g';
-procedure TSVGGroup.ConvertToUnit(AUnit: TCSSUnit);
- prevFontSize: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- if HasAttribute('font-size') then
- SetVerticalAttributeWithUnit('font-size', Units.ConvertHeight(GetVerticalAttributeWithUnit('font-size'), AUnit));
- prevFontSize := EnterFontSize;
- inherited ConvertToUnit(AUnit);
- ExitFontSize(prevFontSize);
-{ TSVGStyle }
-constructor TSVGStyle.Create(AElement: TDOMElement;
- AUnits: TCSSUnitConverter; ADataLink: TSVGDataLink);
- inherited Create(AElement, AUnits, ADataLink);
- Parse(AElement.TextContent);
-procedure TSVGStyle.Initialize;
- inherited Initialize;
- Clear;
-class function TSVGStyle.GetDOMTag: string;
- Result:= 'style';
-destructor TSVGStyle.Destroy;
- Clear;
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TSVGStyle.ConvertToUnit(AUnit: TCSSUnit);
- declarations: String;
- function GetPropertyValue(AName: string; out AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit): boolean;
- var valueStr: string;
- begin
- valueStr := GetPropertyFromStyleDeclarationBlock(declarations, AName, '');
- if valueStr <> '' then
- begin
- AValue := Units.parseValue(valueStr, FloatWithCSSUnit(0, cuCustom));
- result := true;
- end else
- begin
- AValue := FloatWithCSSUnit(0, cuCustom);
- result := false;
- end;
- end;
- procedure SetPropertyValue(AName: string; AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- begin
- UpdateStyleDeclarationBlock(declarations, AName, Units.formatValue(AValue));
- end;
- i: Integer;
- value: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- inherited ConvertToUnit(AUnit);
- for i := 0 to RulesetCount-1 do
- begin
- declarations := Ruleset[i].declarations;
- if GetPropertyValue('stroke-width', value) then
- SetPropertyValue('stroke-width', Units.ConvertOrtho(value, AUnit));
- if GetPropertyValue('stroke-dash-offset', value) then
- SetPropertyValue('stroke-dash-offset', Units.ConvertOrtho(value, AUnit));
- if GetPropertyValue('font-size', value) then
- SetPropertyValue('font-size', Units.ConvertHeight(value, AUnit));
- FRulesets[i].declarations := declarations;
- end;
-procedure TSVGStyle.Parse(const s: String);
- function IsValidDeclarationBlock(const sa: string): boolean;
- var
- i: integer;
- begin
- //(for case example "{ ; ;}")
- for i:= 1 to Length(sa) do
- if not (sa[i] in [' ',';']) then
- exit(true);
- result:= false;
- end;
- EmptyRuleset: TSVGRuleset = (selector: ''; declarations: '');
- i,l,pg: integer;
- st: String;
- rec: TSVGRuleset;
- (*
- Example of internal style block
- circle {..}
- circle.type1 {..}
- .pic1 {..}
- *)
- Clear;
- l:= 0;
- pg:= 0;
- st:= '';
- rec:= EmptyRuleset;
- for i:= 1 to Length(s) do
- begin
- if s[i] = '{' then
- begin
- Inc(pg);
- if (pg = 1) and (Length(st) <> 0) then
- begin
- rec.selector:= Trim(st);
- st:= '';
- end;
- end
- else if s[i] = '}' then
- begin
- Dec(pg);
- if (pg = 0) and (Length(st) <> 0) then
- begin
- if IsValidDeclarationBlock(st) then
- begin
- rec.declarations:= Trim(st);
- Inc(l);
- SetLength(FRulesets,l);
- FRulesets[l-1]:= rec;
- rec:= EmptyRuleset;
- end;
- st:= '';
- end;
- end
- else
- st:= st + s[i];
- end;
-function TSVGStyle.GetRulesetCount: integer;
- result := Length(FRulesets);
-function TSVGStyle.IsValidRulesetIndex(const AIndex: integer): boolean;
- result:= (AIndex >= 0) and (AIndex < Length(FRulesets));
-function TSVGStyle.GetRuleset(const AIndex: integer): TSVGRuleset;
- if IsValidRulesetIndex(AIndex) then
- result:= FRulesets[AIndex]
- else
- raise exception.Create(rsInvalidIndex);
-procedure TSVGStyle.SetRuleset(const AIndex: integer; sr: TSVGRuleset);
- if IsValidRulesetIndex(AIndex) then
- FRulesets[AIndex]:= sr
- else
- raise exception.Create(rsInvalidIndex);
-function TSVGStyle.Count: Integer;
- result:= Length(FRulesets);
-function TSVGStyle.Find(ARuleset: TSVGRuleset): integer;
- i: integer;
- for i:= 0 to Length(FRulesets)-1 do
- with FRulesets[i] do
- if (selector = ARuleset.selector) and
- (declarations = ARuleset.declarations) then
- begin
- result:= i;
- Exit;
- end;
- result:= -1;
-function TSVGStyle.Find(const AName: string): integer;
- i: integer;
- for i:= 0 to Length(FRulesets)-1 do
- with FRulesets[i] do
- if selector = AName then
- begin
- result:= i;
- Exit;
- end;
- result:= -1;
-function TSVGStyle.Add(ARuleset: TSVGRuleset): integer;
- l: integer;
- l:= Length(FRulesets);
- SetLength(FRulesets,l+1);
- FRulesets[l]:= ARuleset;
- result:= l;
-procedure TSVGStyle.Remove(ARuleset: TSVGRuleset);
- l,p: integer;
- p:= Find(ARuleset);
- l:= Length(FRulesets);
- if p <> -1 then
- begin
- Finalize(FRulesets[p]);
- System.Move(FRulesets[p+1], FRulesets[p], (l-p)*SizeOf(TSVGRuleset));
- SetLength(FRulesets,l-1);
- end;
-procedure TSVGStyle.Clear;
- SetLength(FRulesets,0);
-procedure TSVGStyle.ReParse;
- Parse(FDomElem.TextContent);
-{ TSVGRectangle }
-function TSVGRectangle.GetX: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := HorizAttributeWithUnit['x'];
-function TSVGRectangle.GetY: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := VerticalAttributeWithUnit['y'];
-function TSVGRectangle.GetWidth: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := HorizAttributeWithUnit['width'];
-function TSVGRectangle.GetHeight: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := VerticalAttributeWithUnit['height'];
-function TSVGRectangle.GetRX: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := HorizAttributeWithUnit['rx'];
-function TSVGRectangle.GetRY: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := VerticalAttributeWithUnit['ry'];
-procedure TSVGRectangle.SetX(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- HorizAttributeWithUnit['x'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGRectangle.SetY(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- VerticalAttributeWithUnit['y'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGRectangle.SetWidth(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- HorizAttributeWithUnit['width'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGRectangle.SetHeight(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- VerticalAttributeWithUnit['height'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGRectangle.SetRX(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- HorizAttributeWithUnit['rx'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGRectangle.SetRY(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- VerticalAttributeWithUnit['ry'] := AValue;
-class function TSVGRectangle.GetDOMTag: string;
- Result:= 'rect';
-procedure TSVGRectangle.ConvertToUnit(AUnit: TCSSUnit);
- inherited ConvertToUnit(AUnit);
- if HasAttribute('x') then x := Units.ConvertWidth(x, AUnit);
- if HasAttribute('y') then y := Units.ConvertHeight(y, AUnit);
- if HasAttribute('rx') then rx := Units.ConvertWidth(rx, AUnit);
- if HasAttribute('ry') then ry := Units.ConvertHeight(ry, AUnit);
- if HasAttribute('width') then width := Units.ConvertWidth(width, AUnit);
- if HasAttribute('height') then height := Units.ConvertHeight(height, AUnit);
-procedure TSVGRectangle.InternalDraw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; AUnit: TCSSUnit);
- vx,vy,vw,vh: Single;
- if not isStrokeNone or not isFillNone then
- begin
- vx:= Units.ConvertWidth(x,AUnit).value;
- vy:= Units.ConvertHeight(y,AUnit).value;
- vw:= Units.ConvertWidth(width,AUnit).value;
- vh:= Units.ConvertHeight(height,AUnit).value;
- ACanvas2d.beginPath;
- ACanvas2d.roundRect(vx,vy, vw,vh,
- Units.ConvertWidth(rx,AUnit).value,Units.ConvertHeight(ry,AUnit).value);
- InitializeGradient(ACanvas2d, PointF(vx,vy),vw,vh,AUnit);
- Paint(ACanvas2D,AUnit);
- end;
-{ TSVGPolypoints }
-function TSVGPolypoints.GetClosed: boolean;
- result := FDomElem.TagName = 'polygon';
-function TSVGPolypoints.GetBoundingBoxF: TRectF;
- if not FBoundingBoxComputed then
- ComputeBoundingBox(pointsF);
- result := FBoundingBox;
-function TSVGPolypoints.GetPoints: string;
- result := Attribute['points'];
-function TSVGPolypoints.GetPointsF: ArrayOfTPointF;
-var parser: TSVGParser;
- nbcoord,i: integer;
- parser:=TSVGParser.Create(points);
- nbcoord := 0;
- repeat
- parser.ParseFloat;
- if not parser.NumberError then
- inc(nbcoord);
- until parser.NumberError or parser.Done;
- parser.ClearError;
- setlength(Result,nbcoord div 2);
- parser.Position := 1;
- for i := 0 to high(result) do
- begin
- result[i].x := parser.ParseFloat;
- result[i].y := parser.ParseFloat;
- end;
- parser.Free;
-procedure TSVGPolypoints.SetPoints(AValue: string);
- Attribute['points'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGPolypoints.SetPointsF(AValue: ArrayOfTPointF);
-var s: string;
- i: integer;
- s:= '';
- for i := 0 to high(AValue) do
- begin
- if s <> '' then AppendStr(s, ' ');
- with AValue[i] do
- AppendStr(s, TCSSUnitConverter.formatValue(x)+' '+TCSSUnitConverter.formatValue(y));
- end;
- points := s;
- ComputeBoundingBox(AValue);
-procedure TSVGPolypoints.ComputeBoundingBox(APoints: ArrayOfTPointF);
- i: Integer;
- if length(APoints) > 1 then
- begin
- with APoints[0] do
- FBoundingBox:= RectF(x,y,x,y);
- for i:= 1 to high(APoints) do
- with APoints[i] do
- begin
- if x < FBoundingBox.Left then
- FBoundingBox.Left:= x
- else if x > FBoundingBox.Right then
- FBoundingBox.Right:= x;
- if y < FBoundingBox.Top then
- FBoundingBox.Top:= y
- else if y > FBoundingBox.Bottom then
- FBoundingBox.Bottom:= y;
- end;
- FBoundingBoxComputed := true;
- end else
- begin
- FBoundingBox := RectF(0,0,0,0);
- FBoundingBoxComputed := true;
- end;
-constructor TSVGPolypoints.Create(ADocument: TDOMDocument;
- AUnits: TCSSUnitConverter; AClosed: boolean; ADataLink: TSVGDataLink);
- inherited Create(ADocument, AUnits, ADataLink);
- if AClosed then
- Init(ADocument, 'polygon', AUnits)
- else
- Init(ADocument, 'polyline', AUnits);
-destructor TSVGPolypoints.Destroy;
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TSVGPolypoints.InternalDraw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; AUnit: TCSSUnit);
- prevMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- pts: ArrayOfTPointF;
- if isFillNone and isStrokeNone then exit;
- if AUnit <> cuCustom then
- begin
- prevMatrix := ACanvas2d.matrix;
- ACanvas2d.scale(Units.ConvertWidth(1,cuCustom,AUnit),
- Units.ConvertHeight(1,cuCustom,AUnit));
- InternalDraw(ACanvas2d, cuCustom);
- ACanvas2d.matrix:= prevMatrix;
- end else
- begin
- ACanvas2d.beginPath;
- pts := pointsF;
- ACanvas2d.polylineTo(pts);
- if closed then ACanvas2d.closePath;
- with boundingBoxF do
- InitializeGradient(ACanvas2d,
- PointF(Left,Top),abs(Right-Left),abs(Bottom-Top),AUnit);
- Paint(ACanvas2D, AUnit);
- end;
-{ TSVGPath }
-function TSVGPath.GetPathLength: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := OrthoAttributeWithUnit['pathLength'];
-function TSVGPath.GetPath: TBGRAPath;
- if FPath = nil then
- FPath := TBGRAPath.Create(Attribute['d']);
- result := FPath;
-function TSVGPath.GetBoundingBoxF: TRectF;
- if not FBoundingBoxComputed then
- begin
- FBoundingBox := path.GetBounds;
- FBoundingBoxComputed := true;
- end;
- result := FBoundingBox;
-function TSVGPath.GetData: string;
- if FPath = nil then
- result := Attribute['d']
- else
- result := FPath.SvgString;
-procedure TSVGPath.SetPathLength(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- OrthoAttributeWithUnit['pathLength'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGPath.SetData(AValue: string);
- if FPath = nil then
- Attribute['d'] := AValue
- else
- FPath.SvgString := AValue;
- FBoundingBoxComputed := false;
-function TSVGPath.GetDOMElement: TDOMElement;
- if FPath <> nil then Attribute['d'] := FPath.SvgString;
- Result:=inherited GetDOMElement;
-constructor TSVGPath.Create(ADocument: TDOMDocument; AUnits: TCSSUnitConverter; ADataLink: TSVGDataLink);
- inherited Create(ADocument, AUnits, ADataLink);
- FPath := nil;
- FBoundingBoxComputed := false;
- FBoundingBox := rectF(0,0,0,0);
-constructor TSVGPath.Create(AElement: TDOMElement;
- AUnits: TCSSUnitConverter; ADataLink: TSVGDataLink);
- inherited Create(AElement, AUnits, ADataLink);
- FPath := nil;
- FBoundingBoxComputed := false;
- FBoundingBox := rectF(0,0,0,0);
-destructor TSVGPath.Destroy;
- FreeAndNil(FPath);
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TSVGPath.InternalDraw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; AUnit: TCSSUnit);
- prevMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- if isFillNone and isStrokeNone then exit;
- if AUnit <> cuCustom then
- begin
- prevMatrix := ACanvas2d.matrix;
- ACanvas2d.scale(Units.ConvertWidth(1,cuCustom,AUnit),
- Units.ConvertHeight(1,cuCustom,AUnit));
- InternalDraw(ACanvas2d, cuCustom);
- ACanvas2d.matrix:= prevMatrix;
- end else
- begin
- ACanvas2d.path(path);
- if Assigned(FillGradientElement) or Assigned(StrokeGradientElement) then
- with boundingBoxF do
- InitializeGradient(ACanvas2d,
- PointF(Left,Top),abs(Right-Left),abs(Bottom-Top),AUnit);
- Paint(ACanvas2D, AUnit);
- end;
-class function TSVGPath.GetDOMTag: string;
- Result:= 'path';
-{ TSVGEllipse }
-function TSVGEllipse.GetCX: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := HorizAttributeWithUnit['cx'];
-function TSVGEllipse.GetCY: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := VerticalAttributeWithUnit['cy'];
-function TSVGEllipse.GetRX: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := HorizAttributeWithUnit['rx'];
-function TSVGEllipse.GetRY: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := VerticalAttributeWithUnit['ry'];
-procedure TSVGEllipse.SetCX(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- HorizAttributeWithUnit['cx'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGEllipse.SetCY(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- VerticalAttributeWithUnit['cy'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGEllipse.SetRX(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- HorizAttributeWithUnit['rx'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGEllipse.SetRY(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- VerticalAttributeWithUnit['ry'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGEllipse.InternalDraw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; AUnit: TCSSUnit);
- vcx,vcy,vrx,vry: Single;
- if not isFillNone or not isStrokeNone then
- begin
- vcx:= Units.ConvertWidth(cx,AUnit).value;
- vcy:= Units.ConvertHeight(cy,AUnit).value;
- vrx:= Units.ConvertWidth(rx,AUnit).value;
- vry:= Units.ConvertHeight(ry,AUnit).value;
- ACanvas2d.beginPath;
- ACanvas2d.ellipse(vcx,vcy,vrx,vry);
- InitializeGradient(ACanvas2d, PointF(vcx-vrx,vcy-vry),vrx*2,vry*2,AUnit);
- Paint(ACanvas2D, AUnit);
- end;
-class function TSVGEllipse.GetDOMTag: string;
- Result:= 'ellipse';
-procedure TSVGEllipse.ConvertToUnit(AUnit: TCSSUnit);
- inherited ConvertToUnit(AUnit);
- if HasAttribute('cx') then cx := Units.ConvertWidth(cx, AUnit);
- if HasAttribute('cy') then cy := Units.ConvertHeight(cy, AUnit);
- if HasAttribute('rx') then rx := Units.ConvertWidth(rx, AUnit);
- if HasAttribute('ry') then ry := Units.ConvertHeight(ry, AUnit);
-{ TSVGCircle }
-function TSVGCircle.GetCX: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := HorizAttributeWithUnit['cx'];
-function TSVGCircle.GetCY: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := VerticalAttributeWithUnit['cy'];
-function TSVGCircle.GetR: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := OrthoAttributeWithUnit['r'];
-procedure TSVGCircle.SetCX(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- HorizAttributeWithUnit['cx'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGCircle.SetCY(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- VerticalAttributeWithUnit['cy'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGCircle.SetR(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- OrthoAttributeWithUnit['r'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGCircle.InternalDraw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; AUnit: TCSSUnit);
- vcx,vcy,vr: Single;
- if not isFillNone or not isStrokeNone then
- begin
- vcx:= Units.ConvertWidth(cx,AUnit).value;
- vcy:= Units.ConvertHeight(cy,AUnit).value;
- vr:= Units.ConvertOrtho(r,AUnit).value;
- ACanvas2d.beginPath;
- ACanvas2d.circle(vcx,vcy,vr);
- InitializeGradient(ACanvas2d, PointF(vcx-vr,vcy-vr),vr*2,vr*2,AUnit);
- Paint(ACanvas2d, AUnit);
- end;
-class function TSVGCircle.GetDOMTag: string;
- Result:= 'circle';
-procedure TSVGCircle.ConvertToUnit(AUnit: TCSSUnit);
- inherited ConvertToUnit(AUnit);
- if HasAttribute('cx') then cx := Units.ConvertWidth(cx, AUnit);
- if HasAttribute('cy') then cy := Units.ConvertHeight(cy, AUnit);
- if HasAttribute('r') then r := Units.ConvertOrtho(r, AUnit);
-{ TSVGLine }
-function TSVGLine.GetX1: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := HorizAttributeWithUnit['x1'];
-function TSVGLine.GetX2: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := HorizAttributeWithUnit['x2'];
-function TSVGLine.GetY1: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := VerticalAttributeWithUnit['y1'];
-function TSVGLine.GetY2: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := VerticalAttributeWithUnit['y2'];
-procedure TSVGLine.SetX1(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- HorizAttributeWithUnit['x1'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGLine.SetX2(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- HorizAttributeWithUnit['x2'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGLine.SetY1(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- VerticalAttributeWithUnit['y1'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGLine.SetY2(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- VerticalAttributeWithUnit['y2'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGLine.InternalDraw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; AUnit: TCSSUnit);
- if not isStrokeNone then
- begin
- ApplyStrokeStyle(ACanvas2D,AUnit);
- ACanvas2d.beginPath;
- ACanvas2d.moveTo(Units.ConvertWidth(x1,AUnit).value,Units.ConvertHeight(y1,AUnit).value);
- ACanvas2d.lineTo(Units.ConvertWidth(x2,AUnit).value,Units.ConvertHeight(y2,AUnit).value);
- ACanvas2d.stroke;
- end;
-class function TSVGLine.GetDOMTag: string;
- Result:= 'line';
-procedure TSVGLine.ConvertToUnit(AUnit: TCSSUnit);
- inherited ConvertToUnit(AUnit);
- if HasAttribute('x1') then x1 := Units.ConvertWidth(x1, AUnit);
- if HasAttribute('y1') then y1 := Units.ConvertHeight(y1, AUnit);
- if HasAttribute('x2') then x2 := Units.ConvertWidth(x2, AUnit);
- if HasAttribute('y2') then y2 := Units.ConvertHeight(y2, AUnit);
-{ TSVGGradient } //##
-function TSVGGradient.GetHRef: string;
- result := Attribute['xlink:href'];
-function TSVGGradient.GetSpreadMethod: TSVGSpreadMethod;
- s: String;
- s := Attribute['spreadMethod'];
- if s = 'reflect' then result := ssmReflect
- else if s = 'repeat' then result := ssmRepeat
- else result := ssmPad;
-procedure TSVGGradient.SetColorInterpolation(AValue: TSVGColorInterpolation);
- if AValue = sciLinearRGB then
- Attribute['color-interpolation'] := 'linearRGB'
- else Attribute['color-interpolation'] := 'sRGB';
-procedure TSVGGradient.SetGradientMatrix(AUnit: TCSSUnit; AValue: TAffineMatrix);
- if not IsAffineMatrixIdentity(AValue) then
- gradientTransform := MatrixToTransform(AValue, AUnit)
- else FDomElem.RemoveAttribute('gradientTransform');
-procedure TSVGGradient.SetGradientTransform(AValue: string);
- Attribute['gradientTransform'] := AValue;
-function TSVGGradient.GetGradientUnits: TSVGObjectUnits;
- if Attribute['gradientUnits','objectBoundingBox'] = 'userSpaceOnUse' then
- result := souUserSpaceOnUse
- else
- result := souObjectBoundingBox;
-function TSVGGradient.GetGradientTransform: string;
- result := Attribute['gradientTransform'];
-function TSVGGradient.GetColorInterpolation: TSVGColorInterpolation;
- if Attribute['color-interpolation'] = 'linearRGB' then
- result := sciLinearRGB
- else result := sciStdRGB;
-function TSVGGradient.GetGradientMatrix(AUnit: TCSSUnit): TAffineMatrix;
- result := TransformToMatrix(gradientTransform, AUnit);
-procedure TSVGGradient.SetGradientUnits(AValue: TSVGObjectUnits);
- if AValue = souUserSpaceOnUse then
- Attribute['gradientUnits'] := 'userSpaceOnUse'
- else
- Attribute['gradientUnits'] := 'objectBoundingBox';
-procedure TSVGGradient.SetHRef(AValue: string);
- Attribute['xlink:href'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGGradient.SetSpreadMethod(AValue: TSVGSpreadMethod);
- s: String;
- case AValue of
- ssmReflect: s := 'reflect';
- ssmRepeat: s := 'repeat';
- else s := 'pad';
- end;
- Attribute['spreadMethod'] := s;
-procedure TSVGGradient.Initialize;
- inherited;
- InheritedGradients:= TSVGElementList.Create;
-function TSVGGradient.GetInheritedAttribute(AValue: string;
- AConvMethod: TConvMethod; ADefault: TFloatWithCSSUnit): TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- i: integer;
- el: TSVGGradient;
- invalidDef: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- invalidDef:= FloatWithCSSUnit(EmptySingle,cuPercent);
- //find valid inherited Attribute (start from "self": item[0])
- for i:= 0 to InheritedGradients.Count-1 do
- begin
- el:= TSVGGradient( InheritedGradients[i] );
- with el do
- begin
- if AConvMethod = cmHoriz then
- result:= HorizAttributeWithUnitDef[AValue,invalidDef]
- else if AConvMethod = cmVertical then
- result:= VerticalAttributeWithUnitDef[AValue,invalidDef]
- else if AConvMethod = cmOrtho then
- result:= OrthoAttributeWithUnitDef[AValue,invalidDef]
- else
- result:= AttributeWithUnitDef[AValue,invalidDef];
- if (result.value <> invalidDef.value) or
- (result.CSSUnit <> invalidDef.CSSUnit) then
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- result:= ADefault;
-destructor TSVGGradient.Destroy;
- FreeAndNil(InheritedGradients);
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TSVGGradient.ScanInheritedGradients(const forceScan: boolean = false);
- el: TSVGGradient;
- //(if list empty = not scan)
- if (InheritedGradients.Count <> 0) and (not forceScan) then
- exit;
- InheritedGradients.Clear;
- InheritedGradients.Add(Self);//(important)
- if FDataLink = nil then exit;
- el:= Self;
- while el.hRef <> '' do
- begin
- el := TSVGGradient(FDataLink.FindElementByRef(el.hRef, TSVGGradient));
- if Assigned(el) then InheritedGradients.Add(el);
- end;
-{ TSVGLinearGradient }
-function TSVGLinearGradient.GetX1: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := GetInheritedAttribute('x1',cmNone,FloatWithCSSUnit(0,cuPercent));
-function TSVGLinearGradient.GetX2: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := GetInheritedAttribute('x2',cmNone,FloatWithCSSUnit(100,cuPercent));
-function TSVGLinearGradient.GetY1: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := GetInheritedAttribute('y1',cmNone,FloatWithCSSUnit(0,cuPercent));
-function TSVGLinearGradient.GetY2: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := GetInheritedAttribute('y2',cmNone,FloatWithCSSUnit(0,cuPercent));
-procedure TSVGLinearGradient.SetX1(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- AttributeWithUnit['x1']:= AValue;
-procedure TSVGLinearGradient.SetX2(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- AttributeWithUnit['x2']:= AValue;
-procedure TSVGLinearGradient.SetY1(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- AttributeWithUnit['y1']:= AValue;
-procedure TSVGLinearGradient.SetY2(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- AttributeWithUnit['y2']:= AValue;
-class function TSVGLinearGradient.GetDOMTag: string;
- Result:= 'linearGradient';
-procedure TSVGLinearGradient.ConvertToUnit(AUnit: TCSSUnit);
- inherited ConvertToUnit(AUnit);
- if gradientUnits = souUserSpaceOnUse then
- begin
- if HasAttribute('x1') then x1 := Units.ConvertWidth(HorizAttributeWithUnit['x1'], AUnit);
- if HasAttribute('y1') then y1 := Units.ConvertHeight(VerticalAttributeWithUnit['y1'], AUnit);
- if HasAttribute('x2') then x2 := Units.ConvertWidth(HorizAttributeWithUnit['x2'], AUnit);
- if HasAttribute('y2') then y2 := Units.ConvertHeight(VerticalAttributeWithUnit['y2'], AUnit);
- end;
-{ TSVGRadialGradient }
-function TSVGRadialGradient.GetCX: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := GetInheritedAttribute('cx',cmHoriz,FloatWithCSSUnit(50,cuPercent));
-function TSVGRadialGradient.GetCY: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := GetInheritedAttribute('cy',cmVertical,FloatWithCSSUnit(50,cuPercent));
-function TSVGRadialGradient.GetR: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := GetInheritedAttribute('r',cmOrtho,FloatWithCSSUnit(50,cuPercent));
-function TSVGRadialGradient.GetFX: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := GetInheritedAttribute('fx',cmHoriz,cx);
-function TSVGRadialGradient.GetFY: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := GetInheritedAttribute('fy',cmVertical,cy);
-function TSVGRadialGradient.GetFR: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := GetInheritedAttribute('fr',cmHoriz,FloatWithCSSUnit(0,cuPercent));
-procedure TSVGRadialGradient.SetCX(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- HorizAttributeWithUnit['cx'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGRadialGradient.SetCY(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- VerticalAttributeWithUnit['cy'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGRadialGradient.SetR(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- OrthoAttributeWithUnit['r'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGRadialGradient.SetFX(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- HorizAttributeWithUnit['fx'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGRadialGradient.SetFY(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- VerticalAttributeWithUnit['fy'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGRadialGradient.SetFR(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- OrthoAttributeWithUnit['fr'] := AValue;
-class function TSVGRadialGradient.GetDOMTag: string;
- Result:= 'radialGradient';
-procedure TSVGRadialGradient.ConvertToUnit(AUnit: TCSSUnit);
- inherited ConvertToUnit(AUnit);
- if gradientUnits = souUserSpaceOnUse then
- begin
- if HasAttribute('cx') then cx := Units.ConvertWidth(HorizAttributeWithUnit['cx'], AUnit);
- if HasAttribute('cy') then cy := Units.ConvertHeight(VerticalAttributeWithUnit['cy'], AUnit);
- if HasAttribute('fx') then fx := Units.ConvertWidth(HorizAttributeWithUnit['fx'], AUnit);
- if HasAttribute('fy') then fy := Units.ConvertHeight(VerticalAttributeWithUnit['fy'], AUnit);
- if HasAttribute('r') then r := Units.ConvertOrtho(OrthoAttributeWithUnit['r'], AUnit);
- if HasAttribute('fr') then fr := Units.ConvertOrtho(OrthoAttributeWithUnit['fr'], AUnit);
- end;
-{ TSVGStopGradient }
-function TSVGStopGradient.GetOffset: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := AttributeWithUnit['offset'];
-function TSVGStopGradient.GetStopColor: TBGRAPixel;
- result := StrToBGRA(AttributeOrStyleDef['stop-color','black']);
- result.alpha := round(result.alpha*stopOpacity);
-function TSVGStopGradient.GetStopOpacity: single;
-var errPos: integer;
- val(AttributeOrStyleDef['stop-opacity','1'], result, errPos);
- if errPos <> 0 then result := 1 else
- if result < 0 then result := 0 else
- if result > 1 then result := 1;
-procedure TSVGStopGradient.SetOffset(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- AttributeWithUnit['offset'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGStopGradient.SetStopColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- stopOpacity:= AValue.alpha/255;
- AValue.alpha:= 255;
- Attribute['stop-color'] := Lowercase(BGRAToStr(AValue, CSSColors, 0, true, true));
- RemoveStyle('stop-color');
-procedure TSVGStopGradient.SetStopOpacity(AValue: single);
- Attribute['stop-opacity'] := Units.formatValue(AValue);
- RemoveStyle('stop-opacity');
-class function TSVGStopGradient.GetDOMTag: string;
- Result:= 'stop';
-{ TSVGContent }
-function TSVGContent.GetElement(AIndex: integer): TSVGElement;
- result := TObject(FElements.Items[AIndex]) as TSVGElement;
-function TSVGContent.GetElementObject(AIndex: integer): TObject;
- result := TObject(FElements.Items[AIndex]);
-function TSVGContent.GetElementCount: integer;
- result := FElements.Count;
-function TSVGContent.GetUnits: TCSSUnitConverter;
- result := FUnits;
-function TSVGContent.TryCreateElementFromNode(ANode: TDOMNode): TObject;
- if ANode is TDOMElement then
- result := CreateSVGElementFromNode(TDOMElement(ANode),FUnits,FDataLink)
- else
- result := ANode;
-function TSVGContent.GetIsSVGElement(AIndex: integer): boolean;
- result := TObject(FElements[AIndex]) is TSVGElement;
-function TSVGContent.GetElementDOMNode(AIndex: integer): TDOMNode;
- result := GetDOMNode(TObject(FElements[AIndex]));
-function TSVGContent.GetDOMNode(AElement: TObject): TDOMNode;
- if AElement is TDOMNode then
- result := TDOMNode(AElement)
- else if AElement is TSVGElement then
- result := TSVGElement(AElement).DOMElement
- else
- raise exception.Create('Unexpected element type');
-procedure TSVGContent.AppendElement(AElement: TObject);
- FDomElem.AppendChild(GetDOMNode(AElement));
- FElements.Add(AElement);
- if AElement is TSVGElement then
- TSVGElement(AElement).DataLink := FDataLink;
-function TSVGContent.ExtractElementAt(AIndex: integer): TObject;
- result := ElementObject[AIndex];
- if result is TSVGElement then
- begin
- TSVGElement(result).DataLink := nil;
- FElements.Delete(AIndex);
- FDomElem.RemoveChild(TSVGElement(result).DOMElement);
- end else
- if result is TDOMNode then
- FDomElem.RemoveChild(TDOMNode(result))
- else
- raise exception.Create('Unexpected element type');
-procedure TSVGContent.InsertElementBefore(AElement: TSVGElement;
- ASuccessor: TSVGElement);
-var idx: integer;
- idx := FElements.IndexOf(ASuccessor);
- if idx <> -1 then
- begin
- FElements.Insert(idx,AElement);
- FDomElem.InsertBefore(GetDOMNode(AElement), GetDOMNode(ASuccessor));
- AElement.DataLink := FDataLink;
- end
- else
- AppendElement(AElement);
-constructor TSVGContent.Create(AElement: TDOMElement; AUnits: TCSSUnitConverter;
- ADataLink: TSVGDataLink);
-var cur: TDOMNode;
- elem: TObject;
- FDoc := AElement.OwnerDocument;
- FDomElem := AElement;
- FDataLink := ADataLink;
- FElements := TFPList.Create;
- FUnits := AUnits;
- cur := FDomElem.FirstChild;
- while cur <> nil do
- begin
- elem := TryCreateElementFromNode(cur);
- if Assigned(elem) then FElements.Add(elem);
- cur := cur.NextSibling;
- end;
-destructor TSVGContent.Destroy;
-var i:integer;
- for i := ElementCount-1 downto 0 do
- if not (ElementObject[i] is TDOMNode) then
- ElementObject[i].Free;
- FreeAndNil(FElements);
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TSVGContent.Clear;
- i: Integer;
- for i := 0 to ElementCount-1 do
- if IsSVGElement[i] then Element[i].Free;
- FElements.Clear;
- while Assigned(FDomElem.FirstChild) do
- FDomElem.RemoveChild(FDomElem.FirstChild);
-procedure TSVGContent.ConvertToUnit(AUnit: TCSSUnit);
-var i: integer;
- for i := 0 to ElementCount-1 do
- if IsSVGElement[i] then
- Element[i].ConvertToUnit(AUnit);
-procedure TSVGContent.Recompute;
- i: Integer;
- for i := 0 to ElementCount-1 do
- if IsSVGElement[i] then
- Element[i].Recompute;
-procedure TSVGContent.Draw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; x, y: single; AUnit: TCSSUnit);
-var prevMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- if (x<>0) or (y<>0) then
- begin
- prevMatrix := ACanvas2d.matrix;
- ACanvas2d.translate(x,y);
- Draw(ACanvas2d, AUnit);
- ACanvas2d.matrix := prevMatrix;
- end else
- Draw(ACanvas2d, AUnit);
-procedure TSVGContent.Draw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; AUnit: TCSSUnit);
-var i: integer;
- for i := 0 to ElementCount-1 do
- if IsSVGElement[i] then
- Element[i].Draw(ACanvas2d, AUnit);
-function TSVGContent.AppendElement(ASVGType: TSVGFactory): TSVGElement;
- result := ASVGType.Create(FDoc,Units,FDataLink);
- AppendElement(result);
-procedure TSVGContent.BringElement(AElement: TObject;
- AFromContent: TSVGContent);
- idx: Integer;
- idx := AFromContent.IndexOfElement(AElement);
- if idx = -1 then raise exception.Create('Cannot find element in content');
- AFromContent.ExtractElementAt(idx);
- AppendElement(AElement);
-procedure TSVGContent.CopyElement(AElement: TObject);
- nodeCopy: TDOMNode;
- objCopy: TObject;
- if AElement is TSVGElement then
- nodeCopy := TSVGElement(AElement).DOMElement.CloneNode(true, FDoc)
- else if AElement is TDOMNode then
- nodeCopy := TDOMNode(AElement).CloneNode(true, FDoc)
- else
- raise exception.Create('Unexpected element type');
- FDomElem.AppendChild(nodeCopy);
- objCopy := TryCreateElementFromNode(nodeCopy);
- if Assigned(objCopy) then FElements.Add(objCopy);
-procedure TSVGContent.RemoveElement(AElement: TObject);
- idx: Integer;
- idx := IndexOfElement(AElement);
- if idx = -1 then exit;
- if AElement is TSVGElement then
- begin
- ExtractElementAt(idx);
- TSVGElement(AElement).DOMElement.Free;
- AElement.Free;
- end else
- if AElement is TDOMNode then
- begin
- ExtractElementAt(idx);
- TDOMNode(AElement).Free;
- end else
- raise exception.Create('Unexpected element type');
-function TSVGContent.AppendDOMText(AText: string): TDOMText;
- result := TDOMText.Create(FDomElem.OwnerDocument);
- result.Data:= AText;
- AppendElement(result);
-function TSVGContent.AppendDefine: TSVGDefine;
- result := TSVGDefine.Create(FDoc,Units,FDataLink);
- AppendElement(result);
-function TSVGContent.AppendLinearGradient(x1, y1, x2, y2: single; AIsPercent: boolean): TSVGLinearGradient;
- u: TCSSUnit;
- result := TSVGLinearGradient.Create(FDoc,Units,FDataLink);
- result.gradientUnits:= souObjectBoundingBox;
- if AIsPercent then u := cuPercent else u := cuCustom;
- result.x1 := FloatWithCSSUnit(x1, u);
- result.x2 := FloatWithCSSUnit(x2, u);
- result.y1 := FloatWithCSSUnit(y1, u);
- result.y2 := FloatWithCSSUnit(y2, u);
- AppendElement(result);
-function TSVGContent.AppendLinearGradient(x1, y1, x2, y2: single;
- AUnit: TCSSUnit): TSVGLinearGradient;
- result := TSVGLinearGradient.Create(FDoc,Units,FDataLink);
- result.gradientUnits:= souUserSpaceOnUse;
- result.x1 := FloatWithCSSUnit(x1, AUnit);
- result.x2 := FloatWithCSSUnit(x2, AUnit);
- result.y1 := FloatWithCSSUnit(y1, AUnit);
- result.y2 := FloatWithCSSUnit(y2, AUnit);
- AppendElement(result);
-function TSVGContent.AppendRadialGradient(cx, cy, r, fx, fy, fr: single;
- AIsPercent: boolean): TSVGRadialGradient;
- u: TCSSUnit;
- result := TSVGRadialGradient.Create(FDoc,Units,FDataLink);
- result.gradientUnits:= souObjectBoundingBox;
- if AIsPercent then u := cuPercent else u := cuCustom;
- result.cx := FloatWithCSSUnit(cx, u);
- result.cy := FloatWithCSSUnit(cy, u);
- result.r := FloatWithCSSUnit(r, u);
- result.fx := FloatWithCSSUnit(fx, u);
- result.fy := FloatWithCSSUnit(fy, u);
- result.fr := FloatWithCSSUnit(fr, u);
- AppendElement(result);
-function TSVGContent.AppendRadialGradient(cx, cy, r, fx, fy, fr: single;
- AUnit: TCSSUnit): TSVGRadialGradient;
- result := TSVGRadialGradient.Create(FDoc,Units,FDataLink);
- result.gradientUnits:= souUserSpaceOnUse;
- result.cx := FloatWithCSSUnit(cx, AUnit);
- result.cy := FloatWithCSSUnit(cy, AUnit);
- result.r := FloatWithCSSUnit(r, AUnit);
- result.fx := FloatWithCSSUnit(fx, AUnit);
- result.fy := FloatWithCSSUnit(fy, AUnit);
- result.fr := FloatWithCSSUnit(fr, AUnit);
- AppendElement(result);
-function TSVGContent.AppendStop(AColor: TBGRAPixel; AOffset: single;
- AIsPercent: boolean): TSVGStopGradient;
- result := TSVGStopGradient.Create(FDoc,Units,FDataLink);
- if AIsPercent then
- result.Offset := FloatWithCSSUnit(AOffset, cuPercent)
- else result.Offset := FloatWithCSSUnit(AOffset, cuCustom);
- result.stopColor := AColor;
- AppendElement(result);
-function TSVGContent.AppendLine(x1, y1, x2, y2: single; AUnit: TCSSUnit
- ): TSVGLine;
- result := TSVGLine.Create(FDoc,Units,FDataLink);
- result.x1 := FloatWithCSSUnit(x1,AUnit);
- result.y1 := FloatWithCSSUnit(y1,AUnit);
- result.x2 := FloatWithCSSUnit(x2,AUnit);
- result.y2 := FloatWithCSSUnit(y2,AUnit);
- AppendElement(result);
-function TSVGContent.AppendLine(p1, p2: TPointF; AUnit: TCSSUnit): TSVGLine;
- result := AppendLine(p1.x,p1.y,p2.x,p2.y,AUnit);
-function TSVGContent.AppendCircle(cx, cy, r: single; AUnit: TCSSUnit
- ): TSVGCircle;
- result := TSVGCircle.Create(FDoc,Units,FDataLink);
- result.cx := FloatWithCSSUnit(cx,AUnit);
- result.cy := FloatWithCSSUnit(cy,AUnit);
- result.r := FloatWithCSSUnit(r,AUnit);
- AppendElement(result);
-function TSVGContent.AppendCircle(c: TPointF; r: single; AUnit: TCSSUnit
- ): TSVGCircle;
- result := AppendCircle(c.x,c.y,r,AUnit);
-function TSVGContent.AppendEllipse(cx, cy, rx, ry: single; AUnit: TCSSUnit
- ): TSVGEllipse;
- result := TSVGEllipse.Create(FDoc,Units,FDataLink);
- result.cx := FloatWithCSSUnit(cx,AUnit);
- result.cy := FloatWithCSSUnit(cy,AUnit);
- result.rx := FloatWithCSSUnit(rx,AUnit);
- result.ry := FloatWithCSSUnit(ry,AUnit);
- AppendElement(result);
-function TSVGContent.AppendEllipse(c, r: TPointF; AUnit: TCSSUnit): TSVGEllipse;
- result := AppendEllipse(c.x,c.y,r.x,r.y,AUnit);
-function TSVGContent.AppendPath(data: string; AUnit: TCSSUnit): TSVGPath;
-var tempPath: TBGRAPath;
- if AUnit <> cuCustom then
- begin
- tempPath := TBGRAPath.Create(data);
- result := AppendPath(tempPath, AUnit);
- tempPath.Free;
- end else
- begin
- result := TSVGPath.Create(FDoc,Units,FDataLink);
- result.d := data;
- AppendElement(result);
- end;
-function TSVGContent.AppendPath(path: TBGRAPath; AUnit: TCSSUnit): TSVGPath;
- result := TSVGPath.Create(FDoc,Units,FDataLink);
- result.path.scale(Units.ConvertWidth(1,AUnit,cuCustom));
- path.copyTo(result.path);
- AppendElement(result);
-function TSVGContent.AppendPolygon(const points: array of single;
- AUnit: TCSSUnit): TSVGPolypoints;
- pts: ArrayOfTPointF;
- i: integer;
- result := TSVGPolypoints.Create(FDoc,FUnits,true,FDataLink);
- setlength(pts, length(points) div 2);
- for i := 0 to high(pts) do
- pts[i] := Units.ConvertCoord(PointF(points[i shl 1],points[(i shl 1)+1]),AUnit,cuCustom);
- result.pointsF := pts;
- AppendElement(result);
-function TSVGContent.AppendPolygon(const points: array of TPointF;
- AUnit: TCSSUnit): TSVGPolypoints;
- pts: ArrayOfTPointF;
- i: integer;
- result := TSVGPolypoints.Create(FDoc,FUnits,true,FDataLink);
- setlength(pts, length(points));
- for i := 0 to high(pts) do
- pts[i] := Units.ConvertCoord(points[i],AUnit,cuCustom);
- result.pointsF := pts;
- AppendElement(result);
-function TSVGContent.AppendRect(x, y, width, height: single; AUnit: TCSSUnit
- ): TSVGRectangle;
- result := TSVGRectangle.Create(FDoc,Units,FDataLink);
- result.x := FloatWithCSSUnit(x,AUnit);
- result.y := FloatWithCSSUnit(y,AUnit);
- result.width := FloatWithCSSUnit(width,AUnit);
- result.height := FloatWithCSSUnit(height,AUnit);
- AppendElement(result);
-function TSVGContent.AppendRect(origin, size: TPointF; AUnit: TCSSUnit
- ): TSVGRectangle;
- result := AppendRect(origin.x,origin.y,size.x,size.y,AUnit);
-function TSVGContent.AppendImage(x, y, width, height: single; ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- ABitmapOwned: boolean; AUnit: TCSSUnit): TSVGImage;
- result := TSVGImage.Create(FDoc,Units,FDataLink);
- result.x := FloatWithCSSUnit(x, AUnit);
- result.y := FloatWithCSSUnit(y, AUnit);
- result.width := FloatWithCSSUnit(width, AUnit);
- result.height := FloatWithCSSUnit(height, AUnit);
- result.SetBitmap(ABitmap, ABitmapOwned);
- AppendElement(result);
-function TSVGContent.AppendImage(origin, size: TPointF; ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- ABitmapOwned: boolean; AUnit: TCSSUnit): TSVGImage;
- result := AppendImage(origin.x,origin.y,size.x,size.y,ABitmap,ABitmapOwned,AUnit);
-function TSVGContent.AppendImage(x, y, width, height: single;
- ABitmapStream: TStream; AMimeType: string; AUnit: TCSSUnit): TSVGImage;
- result := TSVGImage.Create(FDoc,Units,FDataLink);
- result.x := FloatWithCSSUnit(x, AUnit);
- result.y := FloatWithCSSUnit(y, AUnit);
- result.width := FloatWithCSSUnit(width, AUnit);
- result.height := FloatWithCSSUnit(height, AUnit);
- result.SetBitmap(ABitmapStream, AMimeType);
- AppendElement(result);
-function TSVGContent.AppendImage(origin, size: TPointF; ABitmapStream: TStream;
- AMimeType: string; AUnit: TCSSUnit): TSVGImage;
- result := AppendImage(origin.x,origin.y,size.x,size.y,ABitmapStream,AMimeType,AUnit);
-function TSVGContent.AppendText(x, y: single; AText: string; AUnit: TCSSUnit
- ): TSVGText;
- a: ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := TSVGText.Create(FDoc,Units,FDataLink);
- setlength(a,1);
- try
- a[0] := FloatWithCSSUnit(x,AUnit);
- result.x := a;
- a[0] := FloatWithCSSUnit(y,AUnit);
- result.y := a;
- finally
- setlength(a,0);
- end;
- if AText <> '' then
- result.SimpleText:= AText;
- AppendElement(result);
-function TSVGContent.AppendText(origin: TPointF; AText: string; AUnit: TCSSUnit
- ): TSVGText;
- result := AppendText(origin.x,origin.y,AText,AUnit);
-function TSVGContent.AppendTextSpan(AText: string): TSVGTSpan;
- result := TSVGTSpan.Create(FDoc,Units,FDataLink);
- result.SimpleText:= AText;
- AppendElement(result);
-function TSVGContent.AppendRoundRect(x, y, width, height, rx, ry: single;
- AUnit: TCSSUnit): TSVGRectangle;
- result := TSVGRectangle.Create(FDoc,Units,FDataLink);
- result.x := FloatWithCSSUnit(x,AUnit);
- result.y := FloatWithCSSUnit(y,AUnit);
- result.width := FloatWithCSSUnit(width,AUnit);
- result.height := FloatWithCSSUnit(height,AUnit);
- result.rx := FloatWithCSSUnit(rx,AUnit);
- result.ry := FloatWithCSSUnit(ry,AUnit);
- AppendElement(result);
-function TSVGContent.AppendRoundRect(origin, size, radius: TPointF;
- AUnit: TCSSUnit): TSVGRectangle;
- result := AppendRoundRect(origin.x,origin.y,size.x,size.y,radius.x,radius.y,AUnit);
-function TSVGContent.AppendGroup: TSVGGroup;
- result := TSVGGroup.Create(FDoc, Units, FDataLink);
- AppendElement(result);
-function TSVGContent.IndexOfElement(AElement: TObject): integer;
- result := FElements.IndexOf(AElement);
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrasvgtype.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrasvgtype.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 57ed4ee..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrasvgtype.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2468 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRASVGType;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BGRATransform, BGRABitmapTypes, BGRAUnits,
- DOM, BGRACanvas2D, fgl, BGRAGraphics;
- ArrayOfFloat = array of single;
- ArrayOfString = array of string;
- TSVGElement = class;
- TSVGElementList = specialize TFPGList;
- TSVGElementDictionary = specialize TFPGMap;
- TSVGFactory = class of TSVGElement;
- TSVGFillMode = (
- sfmEvenOdd = Ord(fmAlternate),
- sfmNonZero = Ord(fmWinding)
- );
- TSVGPaintOrder = (
- spoFillStrokeMarkers,
- spoFillMarkersStroke,
- spoStrokeFillMarkers,
- spoStrokeMarkersFill,
- spoMarkersFillStroke,
- spoMarkersStrokeFill
- );
- TSVGLengthAdjust = (
- slaSpacing,
- slaSpacingAndGlyphs
- );
- TSVGTextPathMethod = (
- stpmAlign,
- stpmStretch
- );
- TSVGTextPathSpacing = (
- stpsAuto,
- stpsExact
- );
- TSVGTextAnchor = (
- staStart,
- staMiddle,
- staEnd
- );
- TSVGTextDirection = (
- stdLtr,
- stdRtl
- );
- TSVGObjectUnits = (
- souUserSpaceOnUse,
- souObjectBoundingBox
- );
- TSVGSpreadMethod = (
- ssmPad,
- ssmReflect,
- ssmRepeat
- );
- TSVGColorInterpolation = (
- sciStdRGB,
- sciLinearRGB
- );
- TSVGImageRendering = (
- sirAuto,
- sirSmooth,
- sirHighQuality,
- sirCrispEdges,
- sirPixelated
- );
- TSVGRenderingIntent = (
- sriAuto,
- sriPerceptual,
- sriRelativeColorimetric,
- sriSaturation,
- sriAbsoluteColorimetric
- );
- TSVGMarkerUnits = (
- smuStrokeWidth,
- smuUserSpaceOnUse
- );
- TSVGOrientAuto = (soaNone,soaAuto,soaAutoReverse);
- TSVGOrient = record
- auto: TSVGOrientAuto;
- angle: TSVGNumber;
- end;
- TFindStyleState = (fssNotSearched,
- fssNotFound,
- fssFound);
- TStyleAttribute = record
- attr : string;
- pos : integer;
- end;
- ArrayOfTStyleAttribute = array of TStyleAttribute;
- { TSVGViewBox }
- TSVGViewBox = record
- min, size: TPointF;
- function ToString: string;
- class function Parse(AValue: string): TSVGViewBox; static;
- class function DefaultValue: TSVGViewBox; static;
- end;
- TSVGSize = record
- width, height: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- end;
- { TSVGPreserveAspectRatio }
- TSVGPreserveAspectRatio = record
- Preserve, Slice: boolean;
- HorizAlign: TAlignment;
- VertAlign: TTextLayout;
- function ToString: string;
- class function Parse(AValue: string): TSVGPreserveAspectRatio; static;
- class function DefaultValue: TSVGPreserveAspectRatio; static;
- end;
- TSVGRecomputeEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject) of object;
- TSVGLinkEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; AElement: TSVGElement; ALink: boolean) of object;
- TSVGLinkListeners = specialize TFPGList;
- { TSVGDataLink }
- TSVGDataLink = class
- private
- FElements: TSVGElementDictionary;
- FStyles: TSVGElementList;
- FParent: TSVGDataLink;
- FChildren: TList;
- FLinkListeners: TSVGLinkListeners;
- function GetElement(AIndex: integer): TSVGElement;
- function GetStyle(AIndex: integer): TSVGElement;
- function IsValidIndex(const AIndex: integer; list: TSVGElementList): boolean;
- function FindTo(el: TSVGElement; list: TSVGElementList): integer;
- procedure NotifyLink(AElement: TSVGElement; ALink: boolean);
- procedure SetParent(AValue: TSVGDataLink);
- public
- constructor Create(AParent: TSVGDataLink);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function ElementCount: integer;
- function StyleCount: integer;
- function FindElement(el: TSVGElement): integer;
- function FindElementById(AID: string; AClass: TSVGFactory): TSVGElement;
- function FindElementByRef(ARef: string; AClass: TSVGFactory): TSVGElement;
- function FindElementByRef(ARef: string; ANeedUrl: boolean; AClass: TSVGFactory; out ANotFound: boolean): TSVGElement;
- function FindStyle(el: TSVGElement): integer;
- function IsLinkElement(el: TSVGElement): boolean;
- function IsLinkStyle(el: TSVGElement): boolean;
- function IsLink(el: TSVGElement): boolean;
- function Link(el: TSVGElement): integer;
- procedure Unlink(el: TSVGElement);
- procedure UnlinkAll;
- procedure RegisterLinkListener(AHandler: TSVGLinkEvent; ARegister: boolean);
- property Styles[ID: integer]: TSVGElement read GetStyle;
- property Elements[AIndex: integer]: TSVGElement read GetElement;
- property Parent: TSVGDataLink read FParent write SetParent;
- end;
- { TSVGCustomElement }
- TSVGCustomElement = class
- protected
- FDomElem: TDOMElement;
- FUnits: TCSSUnitConverter;
- function GetDOMElement: TDOMElement; virtual;
- function GetAttributeFromElement(ANode: TDOMElement; AName: string; ACanInherit: boolean): string;
- function GetAttribute(AName: string; ADefault: string; ACanInherit: boolean): string; overload;
- function GetAttribute(AName: string; ADefault: string): string; overload;
- function GetAttribute(AName: string): string; overload;
- function GetAttributeNumber(AName: string; ADefault: TSVGNumber): TSVGNumber; overload;
- function GetArrayOfAttributeNumber(AName: string): ArrayOfTSVGNumber;
- function GetArrayOfAttributeNumber(AName: string; ACanInherit: boolean): ArrayOfTSVGNumber;
- function GetAttributeWithUnit(AName: string; ADefault: TFloatWithCSSUnit): TFloatWithCSSUnit; overload;
- function GetAttributeWithUnit(AName: string): TFloatWithCSSUnit; overload;
- function GetArrayOfAttributeWithUnit(AName: string; ACanInherit: boolean): ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetArrayOfAttributeWithUnit(AName: string): ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetHorizAttribute(AName: string; ADefault: TSVGNumber): TSVGNumber;
- function GetHorizAttribute(AName: string): TSVGNumber;
- function GetHorizAttributeWithUnit(AName: string;
- ADefault: TFloatWithCSSUnit): TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetHorizAttributeWithUnit(AName: string): TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetArrayOfHorizAttributeWithUnit(AName: string;
- ACanInherit: boolean): ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetArrayOfHorizAttributeWithUnit(AName: string): ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetVerticalAttribute(AName: string; ADefault: TSVGNumber): TSVGNumber;
- function GetVerticalAttribute(AName: string): TSVGNumber;
- function GetVerticalAttributeWithUnit(AName: string;
- ADefault: TFloatWithCSSUnit): TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetVerticalAttributeWithUnit(AName: string): TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetArrayOfVerticalAttributeWithUnit(AName: string): ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetArrayOfVerticalAttributeWithUnit(AName: string; ACanInherit: boolean): ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetOrthoAttributeWithUnit(AName: string;
- ADefault: TFloatWithCSSUnit): TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetOrthoAttributeWithUnit(AName: string): TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetArrayOfOrthoAttributeWithUnit(AName: string): ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetArrayOfOrthoAttributeWithUnit(AName: string; ACanInherit: boolean): ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetAttributeOrStyle(AName,ADefault: string; ACanInherit: boolean): string; overload;
- function GetAttributeOrStyle(AName,ADefault: string): string; overload;
- function GetAttributeOrStyle(AName: string): string; overload;
- function GetHorizAttributeOrStyleWithUnit(AName: string; ADefault: TFloatWithCSSUnit): TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetArrayOfHorizAttributeOrStyleWithUnit(AName: string): ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetOrthoAttributeOrStyleWithUnit(AName: string; ADefault: TFloatWithCSSUnit): TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetArrayOfOrthoAttributeOrStyleWithUnit(AName: string): ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetAttributeOrStyleWithUnit(AName: string; ADefault: TFloatWithCSSUnit; ACanInherit: boolean): TFloatWithCSSUnit; overload;
- function GetAttributeOrStyleWithUnit(AName: string; ADefault: TFloatWithCSSUnit): TFloatWithCSSUnit; overload;
- function GetAttributeOrStyleWithUnit(AName: string): TFloatWithCSSUnit; overload;
- function GetArrayOfAttributeOrStyleWithUnit(AName: string): ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetVerticalAttributeOrStyleWithUnit(AName: string; ADefault: TFloatWithCSSUnit; ACanInherit: boolean): TFloatWithCSSUnit; overload;
- function GetVerticalAttributeOrStyleWithUnit(AName: string; ADefault: TFloatWithCSSUnit): TFloatWithCSSUnit; overload;
- function GetArrayOfVerticalAttributeOrStyleWithUnit(AName: string): ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetNamespaceCount: integer;
- function GetNamespacePrefix(AIndex: integer): string;
- function GetNamespaceURI(APrefix: string): string;
- class function GetPropertyFromStyleDeclarationBlock(ABlock: string;
- AProperty: string; ADefault: string): string;
- class procedure LocateStyleDeclaration(AText: string; AProperty: string;
- out AStartPos, AColonPos, AValueLength: integer);
- class procedure UpdateStyleDeclarationBlock(var ABlock: string; AProperty: string; AValue: string);
- class function RemovePropertyFromDeclarationBlock(var ABlock: string; AProperty: string): boolean;
- function GetInlineStyle(const AName,ADefault: string): string;
- function GetInlineStyleWithUnit(const AName: string): TFloatWithCSSUnit; overload;
- function GetInlineStyleWithUnit(const AName: string; ADefault: TFloatWithCSSUnit): TFloatWithCSSUnit; overload;
- function GetStyleFromStyleSheet(const {%H-}AName,ADefault: string): string; virtual;
- function GetStyle(const AName,ADefault: string): string; overload;
- function GetStyle(const AName: string): string; overload;
- procedure SetAttribute(AName: string; AValue: TSVGNumber); virtual; overload;
- procedure SetAttribute(AName: string; AValue: string); virtual; overload;
- procedure SetAttributeWithUnit(AName: string; AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetArrayOfAttributeWithUnit(AName: string; const AValue: ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetHorizAttribute(AName: string; AValue: TSVGNumber);
- procedure SetHorizAttributeWithUnit(AName: string; AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetArrayOfHorizAttributeWithUnit(AName: string;
- AValue: ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetVerticalAttribute(AName: string; AValue: TSVGNumber);
- procedure SetArrayOfAttributeNumber(AName: string; AValue: ArrayOfTSVGNumber);
- procedure SetVerticalAttributeWithUnit(AName: string; AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetArrayOfVerticalAttributeWithUnit(AName: string; AValue: ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetOrthoAttributeWithUnit(AName: string; AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetArrayOfOrthoAttributeWithUnit(AName: string; AValue: ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetNamespaceURI(APrefix: string; AValue: string);
- procedure SetInlineStyle(AName: string; AValue: string); overload;
- procedure SetInlineStyle(AName: string; AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit); overload;
- public
- procedure RemoveStyle(const AName: string);
- function HasAttribute(AName: string): boolean;
- function HasInlineStyle(AName: string): boolean;
- procedure ConvertToUnit(AUnit: TCSSUnit); virtual;
- function EnterFontSize(AIsRoot: boolean = false): TFloatWithCSSUnit; virtual;
- procedure ExitFontSize(APrevFontSize: TFloatWithCSSUnit); virtual;
- function MatrixToTransform(m: TAffineMatrix; AFromUnit: TCSSUnit): string;
- function TransformToMatrix(ATransform: string; AToUnit: TCSSUnit): TAffineMatrix;
- procedure RemoveNamespace(APrefix: string);
- function NeedNamespace(APrefix: string): boolean;
- property NamespaceURI[APrefix: string]: string read GetNamespaceURI write SetNamespaceURI;
- property NamespacePrefix[AIndex: integer]: string read GetNamespacePrefix;
- property NamespaceCount: integer read GetNamespaceCount;
- property Style[AName: string]: string read GetStyle write SetInlineStyle;
- property StyleDef[AName,ADefault: string]: string read GetStyle;
- end;
- { TSVGElement }
- TSVGElement = class(TSVGCustomElement)
- private
- FImportStyleState: TFindStyleState;
- FImportedStyles: ArrayOfTStyleAttribute;
- function GetClipPath: string;
- function GetFill: string;
- function GetFillColor: TBGRAPixel;
- function GetFillOpacity: single;
- function GetFillRule: string;
- function GetIsFillNone: boolean;
- function GetIsStrokeNone: boolean;
- function GetMatrix(AUnit: TCSSUnit): TAffineMatrix;
- function GetMixBlendMode: TBlendOperation;
- function GetOpacity: single;
- function GetPaintOrder: TSVGPaintOrder;
- function GetStroke: string;
- function GetStrokeColor: TBGRAPixel;
- function GetStrokeLineCap: string;
- function GetStrokeLineCapLCL: TPenEndCap;
- function GetStrokeLineJoin: string;
- function GetStrokeLineJoinLCL: TPenJoinStyle;
- function GetStrokeMiterLimit: single;
- function GetStrokeOpacity: single;
- function GetStrokeWidth: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetStrokeDashArray: string;
- function GetStrokeDashArrayF: ArrayOfFloat;
- function GetStrokeDashOffset: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetTransform: string;
- function GetID: string;
- function GetClassAttr: string;
- function GetVisible: boolean;
- procedure SetClipPath(AValue: string);
- procedure SetFillColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure SetFillOpacity(AValue: single);
- procedure SetFillRule(AValue: string);
- procedure SetMatrix(AUnit: TCSSUnit; const AValue: TAffineMatrix);
- procedure SetMixBlendMode(AValue: TBlendOperation);
- procedure SetOpacity(AValue: single);
- procedure SetPaintOrder(AValue: TSVGPaintOrder);
- procedure SetStrokeColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure SetStrokeLineCap(AValue: string);
- procedure SetStrokeLineCapLCL(AValue: TPenEndCap);
- procedure SetStrokeLineJoin(AValue: string);
- procedure SetStrokeLineJoinLCL(AValue: TPenJoinStyle);
- procedure SetStrokeMiterLimit(AValue: single);
- procedure SetStrokeOpacity(AValue: single);
- procedure SetStrokeWidth(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetStrokeDashArray(AValue: string);
- procedure SetStrokeDashArrayF(AValue: ArrayOfFloat);
- procedure SetStrokeDashOffset(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetTransform(AValue: string);
- procedure SetID(AValue: string);
- procedure SetClassAttr(AValue: string);
- function FindStyleElementInternal(const classStr: string;
- out attributesStr: string): integer;
- procedure ImportStyles;
- procedure SetVisible(AValue: boolean);
- protected
- FDataLink: TSVGDataLink;
- procedure Init(ADocument: TDOMDocument; ATag: string; AUnits: TCSSUnitConverter); overload;
- procedure Init(AElement: TDOMElement; AUnits: TCSSUnitConverter); overload;
- procedure InternalDraw({%H-}ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; {%H-}AUnit: TCSSUnit); virtual;
- function GetStyleFromStyleSheet(const AName,ADefault: string): string; override;
- procedure ApplyFillStyle(ACanvas2D: TBGRACanvas2D; {%H-}AUnit: TCSSUnit); virtual;
- procedure ApplyStrokeStyle(ACanvas2D: TBGRACanvas2D; AUnit: TCSSUnit); virtual;
- procedure SetDatalink(AValue: TSVGDataLink); virtual;
- procedure SetFill(AValue: string); virtual;
- procedure SetStroke(AValue: string); virtual;
- procedure Initialize; virtual;
- procedure Paint(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; AUnit: TCSSUnit);
- public
- constructor Create(AElement: TDOMElement; AUnits: TCSSUnitConverter; ADataLink: TSVGDataLink); overload; virtual;
- constructor Create(ADocument: TDOMDocument; AUnits: TCSSUnitConverter; ADataLink: TSVGDataLink); overload; virtual;
- class function GetDOMTag: string; virtual;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure ListIdentifiers(AResult: TStringList); virtual;
- procedure RenameIdentifiers(AFrom, ATo: TStringList); virtual;
- procedure ConvertToUnit(AUnit: TCSSUnit); override;
- procedure Recompute; virtual;
- procedure Draw({%H-}ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; {%H-}AUnit: TCSSUnit);
- procedure fillNone;
- procedure strokeNone;
- procedure strokeDashArrayNone;
- procedure transformNone;
- function fillMode: TSVGFillMode;
- property DataLink: TSVGDataLink read FDataLink write SetDataLink;
- property DOMElement: TDOMElement read GetDOMElement;
- property Units: TCSSUnitConverter read FUnits;
- property ID: string read GetID write SetID;
- property classAttr: string read GetClassAttr write SetClassAttr;
- property transform: string read GetTransform write SetTransform;
- property matrix[AUnit: TCSSUnit]: TAffineMatrix read GetMatrix write SetMatrix;
- property isFillNone: boolean read GetIsFillNone;
- property isStrokeNone: boolean read GetIsStrokeNone;
- property stroke: string read GetStroke write SetStroke;
- property strokeWidth: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetStrokeWidth write SetStrokeWidth;
- property strokeColor: TBGRAPixel read GetStrokeColor write SetStrokeColor;
- property strokeOpacity: single read GetStrokeOpacity write SetStrokeOpacity;
- property strokeMiterLimit: single read GetStrokeMiterLimit write SetStrokeMiterLimit;
- property strokeLineJoin: string read GetStrokeLineJoin write SetStrokeLineJoin;
- property strokeLineJoinLCL: TPenJoinStyle read GetStrokeLineJoinLCL write SetStrokeLineJoinLCL;
- property strokeLineCap: string read GetStrokeLineCap write SetStrokeLineCap;
- property strokeLineCapLCL: TPenEndCap read GetStrokeLineCapLCL write SetStrokeLineCapLCL;
- property strokeDashArray: string read GetStrokeDashArray write SetStrokeDashArray;
- property strokeDashArrayF: ArrayOfFloat read GetStrokeDashArrayF write SetStrokeDashArrayF;
- property strokeDashOffset: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetStrokeDashOffset write SetStrokeDashOffset;
- property fill: string read GetFill write SetFill;
- property fillColor: TBGRAPixel read GetFillColor write SetFillColor;
- property fillOpacity: single read GetFillOpacity write SetFillOpacity;
- property fillRule: string read GetFillRule write SetFillRule;
- property paintOrder: TSVGPaintOrder read GetPaintOrder write SetPaintOrder;
- property mixBlendMode: TBlendOperation read GetMixBlendMode write SetMixBlendMode;
- property opacity: single read GetOpacity write SetOpacity;
- property clipPath: string read GetClipPath write SetClipPath;
- property Visible: boolean read GetVisible write SetVisible;
- property Attribute[AName: string]: string read GetAttribute write SetAttribute;
- property AttributeDef[AName,ADefault: string]: string read GetAttribute;
- property AttributeOrStyleDef[AName,ADefault: string]: string read GetAttributeOrStyle;
- property AttributeOrStyle[AName: string]: string read GetAttributeOrStyle;
- property AttributeWithUnitDef[AName: string; ADefault: TFloatWithCSSUnit]: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetAttributeWithUnit;
- property AttributeWithUnit[AName: string]: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetAttributeWithUnit write SetAttributeWithUnit;
- property ArrayOfAttributeWithUnitInherit[AName: string; ACanInherit: boolean]: ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit read GetArrayOfAttributeWithUnit;
- property ArrayOfAttributeWithUnit[AName: string]: ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit read GetArrayOfAttributeWithUnit write SetArrayOfAttributeWithUnit;
- property ArrayOfAttributeNumberInherit[AName: string; ACanInherit: boolean]: ArrayOfTSVGNumber read GetArrayOfAttributeNumber;
- property ArrayOfAttributeNumber[AName: string]: ArrayOfTSVGNumber read GetArrayOfAttributeNumber write SetArrayOfAttributeNumber;
- property HorizAttributeDef[AName: string; ADefault: TSVGNumber]: TSVGNumber read GetHorizAttribute;
- property HorizAttribute[AName: string]: TSVGNumber read GetHorizAttribute write SetHorizAttribute;
- property HorizAttributeWithUnitDef[AName: string; ADefault: TFloatWithCSSUnit]: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetHorizAttributeWithUnit;
- property HorizAttributeWithUnit[AName: string]: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetHorizAttributeWithUnit write SetHorizAttributeWithUnit;
- property HorizAttributeOrStyleWithUnit[AName: string; ADefault: TFloatWithCSSUnit]: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetHorizAttributeOrStyleWithUnit;
- property ArrayOfHorizAttributeWithUnitInherit[AName: string; ACanInherit: boolean]: ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit read GetArrayOfHorizAttributeWithUnit;
- property ArrayOfHorizAttributeWithUnit[AName: string]: ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit read GetArrayOfHorizAttributeWithUnit write SetArrayOfHorizAttributeWithUnit;
- property ArrayOfHorizAttributeOrStyleWithUnit[AName: string]: ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit read GetArrayOfHorizAttributeOrStyleWithUnit;
- property VerticalAttributeDef[AName: string; ADefault: TSVGNumber]: TSVGNumber read GetVerticalAttribute;
- property VerticalAttribute[AName: string]: TSVGNumber read GetVerticalAttribute write SetVerticalAttribute;
- property VerticalAttributeWithUnitDef[AName: string; ADefault: TFloatWithCSSUnit]: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetVerticalAttributeWithUnit;
- property VerticalAttributeWithUnit[AName: string]: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetVerticalAttributeWithUnit write SetVerticalAttributeWithUnit;
- property VerticalAttributeOrStyleWithUnit[AName: string; ADefault: TFloatWithCSSUnit]: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetVerticalAttributeOrStyleWithUnit;
- property ArrayOfVerticalAttributeWithUnitInherit[AName: string; ACanInherit: boolean]: ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit read GetArrayOfVerticalAttributeWithUnit;
- property ArrayOfVerticalAttributeWithUnit[AName: string]: ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit read GetArrayOfVerticalAttributeWithUnit write SetArrayOfVerticalAttributeWithUnit;
- property ArrayOfVerticalAttributeOrStyleWithUnit[AName: string]: ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit read GetArrayOfVerticalAttributeOrStyleWithUnit;
- property OrthoAttributeWithUnitDef[AName: string; ADefault: TFloatWithCSSUnit]: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetOrthoAttributeWithUnit;
- property OrthoAttributeWithUnit[AName: string]: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetOrthoAttributeWithUnit write SetOrthoAttributeWithUnit;
- property OrthoAttributeOrStyleWithUnit[AName: string; ADefault: TFloatWithCSSUnit]: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetOrthoAttributeOrStyleWithUnit;
- property ArrayOfOrthoAttributeWithUnit[AName: string]: ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit read GetArrayOfOrthoAttributeWithUnit write SetArrayOfOrthoAttributeWithUnit;
- property ArrayOfOrthoAttributeOrStyleWithUnit[AName: string]: ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit read GetArrayOfOrthoAttributeOrStyleWithUnit;
- end;
- { TSVGParser }
- TSVGParser = class
- private
- function GetDone: boolean;
- protected
- FPos: integer;
- FNumberError: boolean;
- FText: string;
- public
- constructor Create(AText: string);
- function ParseFloat: single;
- function ParseId: string;
- function ParseSymbol: char;
- function ParseTransform: TAffineMatrix;
- procedure SkipSymbol(ASymbol: char);
- procedure SkipUpToSymbol(ASymbol:char);
- procedure ClearError;
- property Position: integer read FPos write FPos;
- property NumberError: boolean read FNumberError;
- property Text: string read FText;
- property Done: boolean read GetDone;
- end;
- resourcestring
- rsInvalidIndex = 'Invalid index';
-uses BGRASVGShapes;
-{ TSVGCustomElement }
-function TSVGCustomElement.GetNamespaceCount: integer;
- i: Integer;
- name: string;
- result := 0;
- for i := 0 to FDomElem.Attributes.Length-1 do
- begin
- name := FDomElem.Attributes.Item[i].NodeName;
- if name.StartsWith('xmlns:') then inc(result);
- end;
-function TSVGCustomElement.GetNamespacePrefix(AIndex: integer): string;
- i: Integer;
- name: string;
- if AIndex < 0 then exit('');
- result := '';
- for i := 0 to FDomElem.Attributes.Length-1 do
- begin
- name := FDomElem.Attributes.Item[i].NodeName;
- if name.StartsWith('xmlns:') then
- begin
- if AIndex > 0 then dec(AIndex)
- else exit(name.Substring(6));
- end;
- end;
-function TSVGCustomElement.GetNamespaceURI(APrefix: string): string;
- result := GetAttribute('xmlns:' + APrefix);
-procedure TSVGCustomElement.SetNamespaceURI(APrefix: string; AValue: string);
- if AValue = '' then FDomElem.RemoveAttribute('xmlns:' + APrefix)
- else SetAttribute('xmlns:' + APrefix, AValue);
-function TSVGCustomElement.GetDOMElement: TDOMElement;
- result := FDomElem;
-function TSVGCustomElement.GetAttributeOrStyle(AName, ADefault: string;
- ACanInherit: boolean): string;
- curNode: TDOMElement;
- styleDecl: DOMString;
- result := GetInlineStyle(AName,'');
- if result = '' then
- begin
- result := GetStyleFromStyleSheet(AName,'');
- if result = '' then
- begin
- result := GetAttributeFromElement(FDomElem, AName, false);
- if (result = 'currentColor') and (AName <> 'color') then
- begin
- AName := 'color';
- result := GetAttributeFromElement(FDomElem, AName, false);
- end;
- if result = '' then
- begin
- if ACanInherit then
- begin
- curNode := FDomElem;
- while true do
- begin
- if curNode.ParentNode is TDOMElement then
- curNode := TDOMElement(curNode.ParentNode)
- else break;
- styleDecl := curNode.GetAttribute('style');
- result := GetPropertyFromStyleDeclarationBlock(styleDecl, AName, '');
- if result <> '' then exit;
- result := GetAttributeFromElement(curNode, AName, false);
- if (result = 'currentColor') and (AName <> 'color') then
- begin
- curNode := FDomElem;
- AName := 'color';
- continue;
- end;
- if result <> '' then exit;
- end;
- end;
- result := ADefault;
- end;
- end;
- end;
-function TSVGCustomElement.GetAttributeOrStyle(AName, ADefault: string): string;
- result := GetAttributeOrStyle(AName, ADefault, true);
-function TSVGCustomElement.GetAttributeOrStyle(AName: string): string;
- result:= GetAttributeOrStyle(AName,'');
-function TSVGCustomElement.GetHorizAttributeOrStyleWithUnit(AName: string;
- ADefault: TFloatWithCSSUnit): TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := GetAttributeOrStyleWithUnit(AName,ADefault);
-function TSVGCustomElement.GetArrayOfHorizAttributeOrStyleWithUnit(AName: string): ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := GetArrayOfAttributeOrStyleWithUnit(AName);
-function TSVGCustomElement.GetOrthoAttributeOrStyleWithUnit(AName: string;
- ADefault: TFloatWithCSSUnit): TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := GetAttributeOrStyleWithUnit(AName,ADefault);
-function TSVGCustomElement.GetArrayOfOrthoAttributeOrStyleWithUnit(AName: string): ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := GetArrayOfAttributeOrStyleWithUnit(AName);
-class procedure TSVGCustomElement.LocateStyleDeclaration(AText: string; AProperty: string; out AStartPos,
- AColonPos, AValueLength: integer);
-var i: integer;
- curStart,curColon,curValueLength: integer;
- function CheckShouldReturnResult: boolean;
- begin
- if Trim(Copy(AText,curStart,curColon-curStart)) = AProperty then
- begin
- AStartPos:= curStart;
- AColonPos:= curColon;
- AValueLength:= curValueLength;
- result := true
- end
- else
- result := false
- end;
- AProperty := Trim(AProperty);
- AStartPos := -1;
- AColonPos := -1;
- AValueLength:= -1;
- curStart := -1;
- curColon := -1;
- curValueLength := -1;
- for i := 1 to length(AText) do
- begin
- if curStart = -1 then
- begin
- if AText[i] in['-','_','a'..'z','A'..'Z','\'] then
- begin
- curStart := i;
- curColon := -1;
- end;
- end else
- if curColon = -1 then
- begin
- if AText[i] = ':' then
- begin
- curColon := i;
- curValueLength:= -1;
- end;
- end else
- if AText[i] = ';' then
- begin
- curValueLength := i-(curColon+1);
- if CheckShouldReturnResult then exit;
- curStart := -1;
- curColon := -1;
- curValueLength:= -1;
- end;
- end;
- if curColon <> -1 then
- begin
- curValueLength:= length(AText)-(curColon+1)+1;
- if CheckShouldReturnResult then exit;
- end;
-class procedure TSVGCustomElement.UpdateStyleDeclarationBlock(var ABlock: string;
- AProperty: string; AValue: string);
- startPos, colonPos, valueLength: integer;
- if pos(';',AValue)<>0 then
- raise exception.Create('Invalid character in value');
- if pos(':',AProperty)<>0 then
- raise exception.Create('Invalid character in name');
- LocateStyleDeclaration(ABlock, AProperty, startPos,colonPos, valueLength);
- if valueLength <> -1 then
- begin
- delete(ABlock, colonPos+1, valueLength);
- insert(' '+Trim(AValue), ABlock, colonPos+1);
- end else
- begin
- while (length(ABlock) > 0) and (ABlock[length(ABlock)] in[' ',#9,#10,#12,#13]) do
- delete(ABlock, length(ABlock), 1);
- if length(ABlock)>0 then
- begin
- if ABlock[length(ABlock)] <> ';' then AppendStr(ABlock, '; ');
- end;
- AppendStr(ABlock, AProperty+': '+AValue);
- end;
-class function TSVGCustomElement.RemovePropertyFromDeclarationBlock(
- var ABlock: string; AProperty: string): boolean;
- startPos, colonPos, valueLength: integer;
- LocateStyleDeclaration(ABlock, AProperty, startPos,colonPos, valueLength);
- if valueLength <> -1 then
- begin
- delete(ABlock, startPos, colonPos+valueLength-startPos);
- while (length(ABlock)>=startPos) and (ABlock[startPos] in[' ',#9,#10,#12,#13]) do delete(ABlock,startPos,1);
- if (length(ABlock)>=startPos) and (ABlock[startPos] = ';') then delete(ABlock,startPos,1);
- result := true;
- end else
- result := false;
-class function TSVGCustomElement.GetPropertyFromStyleDeclarationBlock(ABlock: string;
- AProperty: string; ADefault: string): string;
- startPos, colonPos, valueLength: integer;
- LocateStyleDeclaration(ABlock, AProperty, startPos,colonPos, valueLength);
- if valueLength <> -1 then
- result := trim(copy(ABlock, colonPos+1, valueLength))
- else
- result := ADefault;
-function TSVGCustomElement.GetInlineStyle(const AName, ADefault: string
- ): string;
- styleDecl: String;
- styleDecl := GetAttribute('style','',False);
- result := GetPropertyFromStyleDeclarationBlock(styleDecl, AName, ADefault);
-function TSVGCustomElement.GetInlineStyleWithUnit(const AName: string): TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := GetInlineStyleWithUnit(AName, FloatWithCSSUnit(0, cuCustom));
-function TSVGCustomElement.GetInlineStyleWithUnit(const AName: string;
- ADefault: TFloatWithCSSUnit): TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := TCSSUnitConverter.parseValue(GetInlineStyle(AName, ''), ADefault);
-function TSVGCustomElement.GetStyleFromStyleSheet(const AName, ADefault: string): string;
- result := ADefault;
-function TSVGCustomElement.GetStyle(const AName, ADefault: string): string;
- curNode: TDOMElement;
- styleDecl: DOMString;
- result:= GetInlineStyle(AName,'');
- if result <> '' then exit;
- result := GetStyleFromStyleSheet(AName,'');
- if result <> '' then exit;
- curNode := FDomElem;
- while true do
- begin
- if curNode.ParentNode is TDOMElement then
- curNode := TDOMElement(curNode.ParentNode)
- else break;
- styleDecl := curNode.GetAttribute('style');
- result := GetPropertyFromStyleDeclarationBlock(styleDecl, AName, '');
- if result <> '' then exit;
- end;
- result := ADefault;
-function TSVGCustomElement.GetStyle(const AName: string): string;
- result:= GetStyle(AName,'');
-function TSVGCustomElement.GetAttributeFromElement(ANode: TDOMElement;
- AName: string; ACanInherit: boolean): string;
- repeat
- if ((AName = 'xlink:href') or (AName = 'xlink:title')) and
- not ANode.hasAttribute(AName) and ANode.hasAttribute(AName.Substring(6)) then
- result := Trim(ANode.GetAttribute(AName.Substring(6)))
- else result := Trim(ANode.GetAttribute(AName));
- if result = 'inherit' then result := '';
- if (result = '') and ACanInherit and
- (ANode.ParentNode is TDOMElement) then
- ANode := ANode.ParentNode as TDOMElement
- else
- ANode := nil;
- until ANode = nil;
-function TSVGCustomElement.GetAttribute(AName: string; ADefault: string;
- ACanInherit: boolean): string;
- result := GetAttributeFromElement(FDomElem, AName, ACanInherit);
- if result = '' then result := ADefault else
- if (result = 'currentColor') and (AName <> 'color') then
- result := GetAttribute('color', ADefault, ACanInherit);
-function TSVGCustomElement.GetAttribute(AName: string; ADefault: string): string;
- result := GetAttribute(AName, ADefault, False);
-function TSVGCustomElement.GetAttribute(AName: string): string;
- result:= GetAttribute(AName,'');
-function TSVGCustomElement.GetAttributeNumber(AName: string; ADefault: TSVGNumber): TSVGNumber;
- result := TCSSUnitConverter.parseValue(GetAttribute(AName),ADefault);
-function TSVGCustomElement.GetAttributeWithUnit(AName: string; ADefault: TFloatWithCSSUnit): TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := TCSSUnitConverter.parseValue(GetAttribute(AName),ADefault);
-function TSVGCustomElement.GetAttributeWithUnit(AName: string): TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := GetAttributeWithUnit(AName,FloatWithCSSUnit(0,cuCustom));
-function TSVGCustomElement.GetAttributeOrStyleWithUnit(AName: string;
- ADefault: TFloatWithCSSUnit; ACanInherit: boolean): TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- valueText: string;
- valueText := GetAttributeOrStyle(AName, '', ACanInherit);
- result := TCSSUnitConverter.parseValue(valueText,ADefault);
-function TSVGCustomElement.GetAttributeOrStyleWithUnit(AName: string; ADefault: TFloatWithCSSUnit): TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := GetAttributeOrStyleWithUnit(AName, ADefault, True);
-function TSVGCustomElement.GetAttributeOrStyleWithUnit(AName: string): TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := GetAttributeOrStyleWithUnit(AName,FloatWithCSSUnit(0,cuCustom));
-function TSVGCustomElement.GetVerticalAttributeOrStyleWithUnit(AName: string;
- ADefault: TFloatWithCSSUnit; ACanInherit: boolean): TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := GetAttributeOrStyleWithUnit(AName,ADefault,ACanInherit);
-function TSVGCustomElement.GetVerticalAttributeOrStyleWithUnit(AName: string;
- ADefault: TFloatWithCSSUnit): TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := GetVerticalAttributeOrStyleWithUnit(AName,ADefault,true);
-function TSVGCustomElement.GetArrayOfVerticalAttributeOrStyleWithUnit(
- AName: string): ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := GetArrayOfAttributeOrStyleWithUnit(AName);
-procedure TSVGCustomElement.SetInlineStyle(AName: string; AValue: string);
- declarationBlock: string;
- declarationBlock := GetAttribute('style','',false);
- UpdateStyleDeclarationBlock(declarationBlock, AName, AValue);
- SetAttribute('style', declarationBlock);
-procedure TSVGCustomElement.SetInlineStyle(AName: string;
- AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- SetInlineStyle(AName, FUnits.formatValue(AValue));
-function TSVGCustomElement.GetOrthoAttributeWithUnit(AName: string;
- ADefault: TFloatWithCSSUnit): TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := GetAttributeWithUnit(AName,ADefault);
-function TSVGCustomElement.GetOrthoAttributeWithUnit(AName: string): TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := GetOrthoAttributeWithUnit(AName,FloatWithCSSUnit(0,cuCustom));
-function TSVGCustomElement.GetHorizAttribute(AName: string;
- ADefault: TSVGNumber): TSVGNumber;
-var value: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- value.value := GetAttributeNumber(AName,ADefault);
- value.CSSUnit := cuPixel;
- result := value.value;
-function TSVGCustomElement.GetHorizAttribute(AName: string): TSVGNumber;
- result := GetHorizAttribute(AName,0);
-function TSVGCustomElement.GetHorizAttributeWithUnit(AName: string;
- ADefault: TFloatWithCSSUnit): TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := GetAttributeWithUnit(AName,ADefault);
-function TSVGCustomElement.GetHorizAttributeWithUnit(AName: string): TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := GetHorizAttributeWithUnit(AName,FloatWithCSSUnit(0,cuCustom));
-function TSVGCustomElement.GetArrayOfAttributeNumber(AName: string): ArrayOfTSVGNumber;
- result := GetArrayOfAttributeNumber(AName,true);
-function TSVGCustomElement.GetArrayOfAttributeWithUnit(AName: string; ACanInherit: boolean): ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := TCSSUnitConverter.parseArrayOfValuesWithUnit(GetAttribute(AName,'',ACanInherit));
-function TSVGCustomElement.GetArrayOfAttributeWithUnit(AName: string): ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := GetArrayOfAttributeWithUnit(AName,true);
-function TSVGCustomElement.GetArrayOfAttributeOrStyleWithUnit(AName: string): ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit;
- valueText: string;
- valueText := GetAttributeOrStyle(AName);
- result := TCSSUnitConverter.parseArrayOfValuesWithUnit(valueText);
-function TSVGCustomElement.GetArrayOfOrthoAttributeWithUnit(AName: string;
- ACanInherit: boolean): ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := GetArrayOfAttributeWithUnit(AName, ACanInherit);
-function TSVGCustomElement.GetArrayOfOrthoAttributeWithUnit(AName: string): ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := GetArrayOfOrthoAttributeWithUnit(AName, true);
-function TSVGCustomElement.GetArrayOfHorizAttributeWithUnit(AName: string; ACanInherit: boolean): ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := GetArrayOfAttributeWithUnit(AName,ACanInherit);
-function TSVGCustomElement.GetArrayOfHorizAttributeWithUnit(AName: string): ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := GetArrayOfHorizAttributeWithUnit(AName,true);
-function TSVGCustomElement.GetArrayOfVerticalAttributeWithUnit(AName: string;
- ACanInherit: boolean): ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := GetArrayOfAttributeWithUnit(AName,ACanInherit);
-function TSVGCustomElement.GetArrayOfAttributeNumber(AName: string;
- ACanInherit: boolean): ArrayOfTSVGNumber;
- result := TCSSUnitConverter.parseArrayOfNumbers(GetAttribute(AName,'',ACanInherit));
-function TSVGCustomElement.GetVerticalAttribute(AName: string; ADefault: TSVGNumber): TSVGNumber;
- result := GetAttributeNumber(AName,ADefault);
-function TSVGCustomElement.GetVerticalAttribute(AName: string): TSVGNumber;
- result := GetVerticalAttribute(AName,0);
-function TSVGCustomElement.GetVerticalAttributeWithUnit(AName: string; ADefault: TFloatWithCSSUnit): TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := GetAttributeWithUnit(AName,ADefault);
-function TSVGCustomElement.GetVerticalAttributeWithUnit(AName: string): TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := GetVerticalAttributeWithUnit(AName,FloatWithCSSUnit(0,cuCustom));
-function TSVGCustomElement.GetArrayOfVerticalAttributeWithUnit(AName: string): ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := GetArrayOfVerticalAttributeWithUnit(AName, True);
-procedure TSVGCustomElement.SetAttribute(AName: string; AValue: TSVGNumber);
- SetAttribute(AName, TCSSUnitConverter.formatValue(AValue));
-procedure TSVGCustomElement.SetAttribute(AName: string; AValue: string);
- if ((AName = 'xlink:href') or (AName = 'xlink:title')) and
- not FDomElem.hasAttribute(AName) and FDomElem.hasAttribute(AName.Substring(6)) then
- FDomElem.SetAttribute(AName.Substring(6), AValue)
- else
- FDomElem.SetAttribute(AName,AValue);
-procedure TSVGCustomElement.SetAttributeWithUnit(AName: string;
- AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- SetAttribute(AName, TCSSUnitConverter.formatValue(AValue));
-procedure TSVGCustomElement.SetHorizAttribute(AName: string;
- AValue: TSVGNumber);
- SetAttribute(AName, AValue);
-procedure TSVGCustomElement.SetHorizAttributeWithUnit(AName: string;
- AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- SetAttributeWithUnit(AName, AValue);
-procedure TSVGCustomElement.SetArrayOfHorizAttributeWithUnit(AName: string;
- AValue: ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit);
- SetAttribute(AName, TCSSUnitConverter.formatValue(AValue));
-procedure TSVGCustomElement.SetVerticalAttribute(AName: string;
- AValue: TSVGNumber);
- SetAttribute(AName, AValue)
-procedure TSVGCustomElement.SetArrayOfAttributeNumber(AName: string;
- AValue: ArrayOfTSVGNumber);
- SetAttribute(AName, TCSSUnitConverter.formatValue(AValue));
-procedure TSVGCustomElement.SetArrayOfAttributeWithUnit(AName: string;
- const AValue: ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit);
- SetAttribute(AName, TCSSUnitConverter.formatValue(AValue));
-procedure TSVGCustomElement.SetVerticalAttributeWithUnit(AName: string;
- AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- SetAttributeWithUnit(AName, AValue);
-procedure TSVGCustomElement.SetArrayOfVerticalAttributeWithUnit(AName: string;
- AValue: ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit);
- SetAttribute(AName, TCSSUnitConverter.formatValue(AValue));
-procedure TSVGCustomElement.SetOrthoAttributeWithUnit(AName: string;
- AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- SetAttribute(AName, TCSSUnitConverter.formatValue(AValue));
-procedure TSVGCustomElement.SetArrayOfOrthoAttributeWithUnit(AName: string;
- AValue: ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit);
- SetAttribute(AName, TCSSUnitConverter.formatValue(AValue));
-procedure TSVGCustomElement.RemoveStyle(const AName: string);
- declarationBlock: string;
- declarationBlock := GetAttribute('style','',false);
- if RemovePropertyFromDeclarationBlock(declarationBlock, AName) then
- SetAttribute('style', declarationBlock);
-function TSVGCustomElement.HasAttribute(AName: string): boolean;
- result := FDomElem.hasAttribute(AName);
-function TSVGCustomElement.HasInlineStyle(AName: string): boolean;
- result := trim(GetInlineStyle(AName, '')) <> ''; //an empty declaration is illegal
-procedure TSVGCustomElement.ConvertToUnit(AUnit: TCSSUnit);
- if HasInlineStyle('stroke-width') then
- SetInlineStyle('stroke-width', FUnits.ConvertWidth(GetInlineStyleWithUnit('stroke-width'), AUnit));
- if HasInlineStyle('stroke-dash-offset') then
- SetInlineStyle('stroke-dash-offset', FUnits.ConvertWidth(GetInlineStyleWithUnit('stroke-dash-offset'), AUnit));
- if HasInlineStyle('font-size') then
- SetInlineStyle('font-size', FUnits.ConvertHeight(GetInlineStyleWithUnit('font-size'), AUnit));
-function TSVGCustomElement.EnterFontSize(AIsRoot: boolean): TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- fs: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := FUnits.CurrentFontEmHeight;
- if AIsRoot then FUnits.CurrentFontEmHeight := FUnits.RootFontEmHeight;
- fs := GetAttributeOrStyleWithUnit('font-size', FUnits.CurrentFontEmHeight, false);
- if fs.CSSUnit in [cuFontEmHeight,cuFontXHeight] then
- fs := FUnits.ConvertHeight(fs, cuCustom);
- FUnits.CurrentFontEmHeight:= fs;
-procedure TSVGCustomElement.ExitFontSize(APrevFontSize: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- FUnits.CurrentFontEmHeight := APrevFontSize;
-procedure TSVGCustomElement.RemoveNamespace(APrefix: string);
- NamespaceURI['APrefix'] := '';
-function TSVGCustomElement.NeedNamespace(APrefix: string): boolean;
- prefixColon: DOMString;
- function NeedNamespaceRec(ANode: TDOMElement): boolean;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to ANode.Attributes.Length-1 do
- if copy(ANode.Attributes[i].NodeName, 1, length(prefixColon)) = prefixColon then
- exit(true);
- for i := 0 to ANode.ChildNodes.Length-1 do
- if (ANode.ChildNodes[i] is TDOMElement) and
- NeedNamespaceRec(ANode.ChildNodes[i] as TDOMElement) then
- exit(true);
- result := false;
- end;
- prefixColon := APrefix+':';
- result := NeedNamespaceRec(FDomElem);
-function TSVGCustomElement.MatrixToTransform(m: TAffineMatrix;
- AFromUnit: TCSSUnit): string;
-var s: string;
- translateStr: string;
- translateStr := 'translate('+FUnits.formatValue(FUnits.ConvertWidth(m[1,3],AFromUnit,cuCustom))+' '+
- FUnits.formatValue(FUnits.ConvertHeight(m[2,3],AFromUnit,cuCustom))+')';
- if IsAffineMatrixTranslation(m) then
- begin
- if IsAffineMatrixIdentity(m) then
- result := ''
- else result := translateStr;
- end else
- begin
- if (m[1,3] <> 0) or (m[2,3] <> 0) then
- begin
- s := translateStr;
- m[1,3] := 0;
- m[2,3] := 0;
- end else
- s := '';
- if IsAffineMatrixScale(m) then
- result := trim(s+' scale('+FUnits.formatValue(m[1,1])+' '+FUnits.formatValue(m[2,2])+')')
- else
- result := trim(s+' matrix('+FUnits.formatValue(m[1,1])+' '+FUnits.formatValue(m[2,1])+' '+
- FUnits.formatValue(m[1,2])+' '+FUnits.formatValue(m[2,2])+' ' +
- FUnits.formatValue(m[1,3])+' '+FUnits.formatValue(m[2,3])+')');
- end;
-function TSVGCustomElement.TransformToMatrix(ATransform: string;
- AToUnit: TCSSUnit): TAffineMatrix;
-var parser: TSVGParser;
- if Trim(ATransform) = '' then
- begin
- result := AffineMatrixIdentity;
- exit;
- end;
- parser := TSVGParser.Create(ATransform);
- result := parser.ParseTransform;
- result[1,3] := FUnits.ConvertWidth(result[1,3], cuCustom, AToUnit);
- result[2,3] := FUnits.ConvertHeight(result[2,3], cuCustom, AToUnit);
- parser.Free;
-{ TSVGViewBox }
-function TSVGViewBox.ToString: string;
- result :=
- TCSSUnitConverter.formatValue(min.x)+' '+
- TCSSUnitConverter.formatValue(min.y)+' '+
- TCSSUnitConverter.formatValue(size.x)+' '+
- TCSSUnitConverter.formatValue(size.y);
-class function TSVGViewBox.Parse(AValue: string): TSVGViewBox;
- function parseNextFloat: single;
- var
- idxSpace,{%H-}errPos: integer;
- begin
- idxSpace:= pos(' ',AValue);
- if idxSpace <> 0 then
- val(copy(AValue,1,idxSpace-1),result,errPos)
- else
- result := 0;
- delete(AValue,1,idxSpace);
- while (AValue <> '') and (AValue[1] = ' ') do delete(AValue,1,1);
- end;
- AValue := trim(AValue)+' ';
- with result do
- begin
- min.x := parseNextFloat;
- min.y := parseNextFloat;
- size.x := parseNextFloat;
- size.y := parseNextFloat;
- end;
-class function TSVGViewBox.DefaultValue: TSVGViewBox;
- with result do
- begin
- min.x := 0;
- min.y := 0;
- size.x := 0;
- size.y := 0;
- end;
-{ TSVGPreserveAspectRatio }
-function TSVGPreserveAspectRatio.ToString: string;
- if not Preserve then result := 'none' else
- begin
- result := '';
- case HorizAlign of
- taCenter: AppendStr(result, 'xMid');
- taRightJustify: AppendStr(result, 'xMax');
- else AppendStr(result, 'xMin');
- end;
- case VertAlign of
- tlCenter: AppendStr(result, 'YMid');
- tlBottom: AppendStr(result, 'YMax');
- else AppendStr(result, 'YMin');
- end;
- if Slice then AppendStr(result, ' slice')
- else AppendStr(result, ' meet');
- end;
-class function TSVGPreserveAspectRatio.Parse(AValue: string
- ): TSVGPreserveAspectRatio;
-var p: TSVGParser;
- id: string;
- p := TSVGParser.Create(AValue);
- result := DefaultValue;
- repeat
- id := p.ParseId;
- if id = 'none' then
- begin
- result.Preserve := false;
- //set other parameters for intermediate value of ViewSize (before stretching non-proportionaly)
- result.Slice := false;
- result.HorizAlign := taCenter;
- result.VertAlign := tlCenter;
- exit;
- end else
- if id = 'slice' then result.Slice := true
- else if (length(id)=8) and (id[1] = 'x') and (id[5] = 'Y') then
- begin
- case copy(id,2,3) of
- 'Min': result.HorizAlign := taLeftJustify;
- 'Mid': result.HorizAlign := taCenter;
- 'Max': result.HorizAlign := taRightJustify;
- end;
- case copy(id,6,3) of
- 'Min': result.VertAlign := tlTop;
- 'Mid': result.VertAlign := tlCenter;
- 'Max': result.VertAlign := tlBottom;
- end;
- end;
- until id = '';
- p.Free;
-class function TSVGPreserveAspectRatio.DefaultValue: TSVGPreserveAspectRatio;
- result.Preserve := true;
- result.Slice := false;
- result.HorizAlign := taCenter;
- result.VertAlign := tlCenter;
-{ TSVGParser }
-function TSVGParser.GetDone: boolean;
- result := FPos>length(FText)
-constructor TSVGParser.Create(AText: string);
- FNumberError:= false;
- FPos := 1;
- FText := AText;
-function TSVGParser.ParseFloat: single;
-var numberStart: integer;
- errPos: integer;
- while (FPos <= length(FText)) and (FText[FPos] in[#0..#32,',']) do inc(FPos);
- numberStart:= FPos;
- if (FPos <= length(FText)) and (FText[FPos] in['+','-']) then inc(FPos);
- while (FPos <= length(FText)) and (FText[FPos] in['0'..'9','.']) do inc(FPos);
- if (FPos <= length(FText)) and (FText[FPos] in['e','E']) then inc(FPos);
- if (FPos <= length(FText)) and (FText[FPos] in['+','-']) then inc(FPos);
- while (FPos <= length(FText)) and (FText[FPos] in['0'..'9','.']) do inc(FPos);
- if FPos = numberStart then
- begin
- FNumberError := true;
- result := 0;
- end
- else
- begin
- val(copy(FText,numberStart,FPos-numberStart),result,errPos);
- if errPos <> 0 then FNumberError := true;
- end;
-function TSVGParser.ParseId: string;
-var idStart: integer;
- while (FPos <= length(FText)) and (FText[FPos] in[#0..#32,',']) do inc(FPos);
- idStart:= FPos;
- if (FPos <= length(FText)) and (FText[FPos] in['A'..'Z','a'..'z']) then inc(FPos);
- while (FPos <= length(FText)) and (FText[FPos] in['0'..'9','A'..'Z','a'..'z','_']) do inc(FPos);
- result := copy(FText,idStart,FPos-idStart);
-function TSVGParser.ParseSymbol: char;
- while (FPos <= length(FText)) and (FText[FPos] in[#0..#32,',']) do inc(FPos);
- if (FPos <= length(FText)) and not (FText[FPos] in['A'..'Z','a'..'z','0'..'9']) then
- begin
- result := FText[FPos];
- inc(FPos);
- end else
- result := #0;
-function TSVGParser.ParseTransform: TAffineMatrix;
- kind: String;
- m : TAffineMatrix;
- angle,tx,ty: single;
- result := AffineMatrixIdentity;
- while not Done do
- begin
- kind := ParseId;
- if kind = '' then break;
- if ParseSymbol <> '(' then break;
- if compareText(kind,'matrix')=0 then
- begin
- m[1,1] := ParseFloat;
- SkipSymbol(',');
- m[2,1] := ParseFloat;
- SkipSymbol(',');
- m[1,2] := ParseFloat;
- SkipSymbol(',');
- m[2,2] := ParseFloat;
- SkipSymbol(',');
- m[1,3] := ParseFloat;
- SkipSymbol(',');
- m[2,3] := ParseFloat;
- result := result * m;
- end else
- if compareText(kind,'translate')=0 then
- begin
- tx := ParseFloat;
- SkipSymbol(',');
- ty := ParseFloat;
- result := result * AffineMatrixTranslation(tx,ty);
- end else
- if compareText(kind,'scale')=0 then
- begin
- tx := ParseFloat;
- SkipSymbol(',');
- ClearError;
- ty := ParseFloat;
- if NumberError then ty := tx;
- result := result * AffineMatrixScale(tx,ty);
- end else
- if compareText(kind,'rotate')=0 then
- begin
- angle := ParseFloat;
- SkipSymbol(',');
- tx := ParseFloat;
- SkipSymbol(',');
- ty := ParseFloat;
- result := result * AffineMatrixTranslation(tx,ty)*
- AffineMatrixRotationDeg(angle)*
- AffineMatrixTranslation(-tx,-ty);
- end else
- if compareText(kind,'skewx')=0 then
- begin
- angle := ParseFloat;
- result := result * AffineMatrixSkewXDeg(angle);
- end else
- if compareText(kind,'skewy')=0 then
- begin
- angle := ParseFloat;
- result := result * AffineMatrixSkewYDeg(angle);
- end;
- SkipUpToSymbol(')');
- end;
-procedure TSVGParser.SkipSymbol(ASymbol: char);
- while (FPos <= length(FText)) and (FText[FPos] in[#0..#32,',']) do inc(FPos);
- if (FPos <= length(FText)) and (FText[FPos] = ASymbol) then inc(FPos);
-procedure TSVGParser.SkipUpToSymbol(ASymbol: char);
- while (FPos <= length(FText)) and (FText[FPos]<>ASymbol) do inc(FPos);
- if (FPos <= length(FText)) and (FText[FPos]=ASymbol) then inc(FPos);
-procedure TSVGParser.ClearError;
- FNumberError:= false;
-{ TSVGDataLink }
-constructor TSVGDataLink.Create(AParent: TSVGDataLink);
- FElements:= TSVGElementDictionary.Create;
- FElements.Sorted := true;
- FStyles:= TSVGElementList.Create;
- FParent := AParent;
- if Assigned(FParent) then FParent.FChildren.Add(self);
- FLinkListeners := TSVGLinkListeners.Create;
- FChildren := TList.Create;
-destructor TSVGDataLink.Destroy;
- i: Integer;
- for i := FChildren.Count-1 downto 0 do
- TSVGDatalink(FChildren[i]).Parent := nil;
- Parent := nil;
- FreeAndNil(FChildren);
- FreeAndNil(FLinkListeners);
- FreeAndNil(FElements);
- FreeAndNil(FStyles);
- inherited Destroy;
-function TSVGDataLink.GetElement(AIndex: integer): TSVGElement;
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex > FElements.Count) then
- raise exception.Create(rsInvalidIndex);
- result:= FElements.Data[AIndex];
-function TSVGDataLink.GetStyle(AIndex: integer): TSVGElement;
- if not IsValidIndex(AIndex,FStyles) then
- raise exception.Create(rsInvalidIndex);
- result:= FStyles[AIndex];
-function TSVGDataLink.IsValidIndex(const AIndex: integer; list: TSVGElementList): boolean;
- result:= (AIndex >= 0) and (AIndex < list.Count);
-function TSVGDataLink.FindTo(el: TSVGElement; list: TSVGElementList): integer;
- result := list.IndexOf(el);
-procedure TSVGDataLink.NotifyLink(AElement: TSVGElement; ALink: boolean);
- i: Integer;
- temp: array of TSVGLinkEvent;
- // make copy because listeners might change the list
- SetLength(temp, FLinkListeners.Count);
- for i:= 0 to high(temp) do
- temp[i] := FLinkListeners.Items[i];
- for i := 0 to high(temp) do
- temp[i](self, AElement, ALink);
- // children datalinks may use the element
- for i := FChildren.Count-1 downto 0 do
- TSVGDataLink(FChildren[i]).NotifyLink(AElement, ALink);
-procedure TSVGDataLink.SetParent(AValue: TSVGDataLink);
- // notify link change for all elements and parent elements
- procedure NotifyLinkRec(ADatalink: TSVGDataLink; ALink: boolean);
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- if ADatalink = nil then exit;
- for i := 0 to ADatalink.ElementCount-1 do
- NotifyLink(ADatalink.Elements[i], ALink);
- NotifyLinkRec(ADatalink.Parent, ALink);
- end;
- if FParent=AValue then Exit;
- NotifyLinkRec(FParent, False);
- if Assigned(FParent) then FParent.FChildren.Remove(self);
- FParent:=AValue;
- if Assigned(FParent) then FParent.FChildren.Add(self);
- NotifyLinkRec(FParent, True);
-function TSVGDataLink.FindElement(el: TSVGElement): integer;
- result:= FElements.IndexOfData(el);
-function TSVGDataLink.FindStyle(el: TSVGElement): integer;
- result:= FindTo(el,FStyles);
-function TSVGDataLink.ElementCount: integer;
- result:= FElements.Count;
-function TSVGDataLink.StyleCount: integer;
- result:= FStyles.Count;
-function TSVGDataLink.IsLinkElement(el: TSVGElement): boolean;
- result:= FindElement(el) <> -1;
-function TSVGDataLink.IsLinkStyle(el: TSVGElement): boolean;
- result:= FindStyle(el) <> -1;
-function TSVGDataLink.IsLink(el: TSVGElement): boolean;
- result:= IsLinkStyle(el) or IsLinkElement(el);
-function TSVGDataLink.Link(el: TSVGElement): integer;
- if el.ID <> '' then
- begin
- if FElements.IndexOf(el.ID)<>-1 then exit(-1);
- result := FElements.Add(el.ID, el);
- end else
- result := -1;
- if el is TSVGStyle then
- FStyles.Add(el);
- NotifyLink(el, true);
-procedure TSVGDataLink.Unlink(el: TSVGElement);
- index: integer;
- index:= FindElement(el);
- if index = -1 then exit;
- if el is TSVGStyle then
- FStyles.Remove(el);
- FElements.Delete(index);
- NotifyLink(el, false);
-procedure TSVGDataLink.UnlinkAll;
- FStyles.Clear;
- FElements.Clear;
-procedure TSVGDataLink.RegisterLinkListener(AHandler: TSVGLinkEvent;
- ARegister: boolean);
- if ARegister then
- FLinkListeners.Add(AHandler)
- else FLinkListeners.Remove(AHandler);
-function TSVGDataLink.FindElementById(AID: string; AClass: TSVGFactory): TSVGElement;
- index: Integer;
- index := FElements.IndexOf(AId);
- if index = -1 then
- begin
- if Assigned(Parent) then
- result := Parent.FindElementById(AID, AClass)
- else result := nil
- end
- else
- begin
- result := FElements.Data[index];
- if not (result is AClass) then result := nil;
- end;
-function StringStartsWith(AText, AStart: string): boolean;
- Result:= (AStart<>'') and (StrLComp(PChar(AStart),PChar(AText),length(AStart))=0);
-function TSVGDataLink.FindElementByRef(ARef: string; AClass: TSVGFactory): TSVGElement;
- notFound: boolean;
- result := FindElementByRef(ARef, false, AClass, notFound);
-function TSVGDataLink.FindElementByRef(ARef: string; ANeedUrl: boolean; AClass: TSVGFactory;
- out ANotFound: boolean): TSVGElement;
- if StringStartsWith(ARef,'url(#') then
- begin
- result := FindElementById(System.Copy(ARef,6,Length(ARef)-6), AClass);
- ANotFound := (result = nil);
- end
- else if not ANeedUrl and StringStartsWith(ARef,'#') then
- begin
- result := FindElementById(System.Copy(ARef,2,Length(ARef)-1), AClass);
- ANotFound := (result = nil);
- end
- else
- begin
- ANotFound := false;
- exit(nil);
- end;
-{ TSVGElement }
-function TSVGElement.GetClipPath: string;
- result := AttributeOrStyle['clip-path'];
-function TSVGElement.GetFill: string;
- result := AttributeOrStyleDef['fill','black'];
-function TSVGElement.GetFillColor: TBGRAPixel;
- result := StrToBGRA(fill,BGRABlack);
- result.alpha := round(result.alpha*fillOpacity*opacity);
- if result.alpha = 0 then result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
-function TSVGElement.GetFillOpacity: single;
-var errPos: integer;
- val(AttributeOrStyleDef['fill-opacity','1'], result, errPos);
- if errPos <> 0 then result := 1 else
- if result < 0 then result := 0 else
- if result > 1 then result := 1;
-function TSVGElement.GetFillRule: string;
- result := AttributeOrStyleDef['fill-rule','nonzero'];
-function TSVGElement.GetIsFillNone: boolean;
- result := compareText(trim(fill),'none')=0;
-function TSVGElement.GetIsStrokeNone: boolean;
-var strokeStr: string;
- strokeStr := stroke;
- result := (trim(strokeStr)='') or (compareText(trim(strokeStr),'none')=0);
-function TSVGElement.GetMatrix(AUnit: TCSSUnit): TAffineMatrix;
- result := TransformToMatrix(transform, AUnit);
-function TSVGElement.GetMixBlendMode: TBlendOperation;
- opstr: String;
- opstr := AttributeOrStyle['mix-blend-mode'];
- if opstr = 'lighten' then
- result := boLighten else
- if opstr = 'screen' then
- result := boScreen else
- if opstr = 'color-dodge' then
- result := boColorDodge else
- if opstr = 'color-burn' then
- result := boColorBurn else
- if opstr = 'darken' then
- result := boDarken else
- if (opstr = 'plus') or (opstr = 'add') then
- result := boLinearAdd else
- if opstr = 'multiply' then
- result := boMultiply else
- if opstr = 'overlay' then
- result := boOverlay else
- if opstr = 'soft-light' then
- result := boSvgSoftLight else
- if opstr = 'hard-light' then
- result := boHardLight else
- if opstr = 'difference' then
- result := boLinearDifference else
- if opstr = 'difference' then
- result := boLinearDifference else
- if opstr = 'exclusion' then
- result := boLinearExclusion else
- if opstr = 'hue' then
- result := boCorrectedHue else
- if opstr = 'color' then
- result := boCorrectedColor else
- if opstr = 'luminosity' then
- result := boCorrectedLightness else
- if opstr = 'saturation' then
- result := boCorrectedSaturation
- else
- result := boTransparent;
-function TSVGElement.GetOpacity: single;
-var errPos: integer;
- val(AttributeOrStyleDef['opacity','1'], result, errPos);
- if errPos <> 0 then result := 1 else
- if result < 0 then result := 0 else
- if result > 1 then result := 1;
-function TSVGElement.GetPaintOrder: TSVGPaintOrder;
- parser: TSVGParser;
- function GetNext: integer;
- var
- id: String;
- begin
- id := parser.ParseId;
- if id = 'fill' then exit(0)
- else if id = 'stroke' then exit(1)
- else if id = 'markers' then exit(2)
- else if id = '' then exit(-1)
- else result := GetNext;
- end;
- s: string;
- s := AttributeOrStyle['paint-order', 'normal'];
- if s = 'normal' then exit(spoFillStrokeMarkers);
- parser := TSVGParser.Create(s);
- case GetNext of
- 0: case GetNext of
- 2: result := spoFillMarkersStroke;
- else result := spoFillStrokeMarkers;
- end;
- 1: case GetNext of
- 2: result := spoStrokeMarkersFill;
- else result := spoStrokeFillMarkers;
- end;
- 2: case GetNext of
- 1: result := spoMarkersStrokeFill;
- else result := spoMarkersFillStroke;
- end;
- else
- result := spoFillStrokeMarkers;
- end;
- parser.Free;
-function TSVGElement.GetStroke: string;
- result := AttributeOrStyleDef['stroke','none'];
-function TSVGElement.GetStrokeColor: TBGRAPixel;
- result := StrToBGRA(stroke);
- result.alpha := round(result.alpha*strokeOpacity*opacity);
- if result.alpha = 0 then result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
-function TSVGElement.GetStrokeLineCap: string;
- result := AttributeOrStyleDef['stroke-linecap','butt'];
-function TSVGElement.GetStrokeLineCapLCL: TPenEndCap;
- s: String;
- s := strokeLineCap;
- if s = 'round' then result := pecRound
- else if s = 'square' then result := pecSquare
- else result := pecFlat;
-function TSVGElement.GetStrokeLineJoin: string;
- result := AttributeOrStyleDef['stroke-linejoin','miter'];
-function TSVGElement.GetStrokeLineJoinLCL: TPenJoinStyle;
- s: String;
- s := strokeLineJoin;
- if s = 'bevel' then result := pjsBevel
- else if s = 'miter' then result := pjsMiter
- else result := pjsRound;
-function TSVGElement.GetStrokeMiterLimit: single;
-var errPos: integer;
- val(AttributeOrStyleDef['stroke-miterlimit','4'], result, errPos);
- if errPos <> 0 then result := 4 else
- if result < 1 then result := 1;
-function TSVGElement.GetStrokeOpacity: single;
-var errPos: integer;
- val(AttributeOrStyleDef['stroke-opacity','1'], result, errPos);
- if errPos <> 0 then result := 1 else
- if result < 0 then result := 0 else
- if result > 1 then result := 1;
-function TSVGElement.GetStrokeWidth: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := OrthoAttributeOrStyleWithUnit['stroke-width',FloatWithCSSUnit(1,cuCustom)];
-function TSVGElement.GetStrokeDashArray: string;
- result := AttributeOrStyleDef['stroke-dasharray','none'];
-function TSVGElement.GetStrokeDashArrayF: ArrayOfFloat;
- parser: TSVGParser;
- nvalue,i: integer;
- s_array: String;
- s_array:= strokeDashArray;
- if s_array = 'none' then
- begin
- setlength(Result,0);
- exit;
- end;
- parser:=TSVGParser.Create(s_array);
- nvalue := 0;
- repeat
- parser.ParseFloat;
- if not parser.NumberError then
- inc(nvalue);
- until parser.NumberError or parser.Done;
- parser.ClearError;
- setlength(Result,nvalue);
- parser.Position := 1;
- for i := 0 to high(result) do
- result[i] := parser.ParseFloat;
- parser.Free;
-function TSVGElement.GetStrokeDashOffset: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := OrthoAttributeOrStyleWithUnit['stroke-dashoffset',
- FloatWithCSSUnit(0,cuCustom)];
-function TSVGElement.GetStyleFromStyleSheet(const AName, ADefault: string): string;
- i: Integer;
- if FImportStyleState = fssNotSearched then ImportStyles;
- if FImportStyleState <> fssNotFound then
- for i:= Length(FImportedStyles)-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- result:= GetPropertyFromStyleDeclarationBlock(FImportedStyles[i].attr, AName, '');
- if result <> '' then exit;
- end;
- result := inherited GetStyleFromStyleSheet(AName, ADefault);
-function TSVGElement.GetTransform: string;
- result := Attribute['transform'];
-function TSVGElement.GetID: string;
- result := Attribute['xml:id'];
- if result = '' then result := Attribute['id'];
-function TSVGElement.GetClassAttr: string;
- result := Attribute['class'];
-function TSVGElement.GetVisible: boolean;
- result := (AttributeOrStyle['display'] <> 'none');
-procedure TSVGElement.SetDatalink(AValue: TSVGDataLink);
- if Assigned(FDataLink) then FDataLink.Unlink(self);
- FDataLink := AValue;
- if Assigned(FDataLink) then FDataLink.Link(self);
-procedure TSVGElement.SetClipPath(AValue: string);
- Attribute['clip-path'] := AValue;
- RemoveStyle('clip-path');
-procedure TSVGElement.SetFill(AValue: string);
- Attribute['fill'] := AValue;
- RemoveStyle('fill');
-procedure TSVGElement.SetFillColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- fillOpacity:= AValue.alpha/255;
- AValue.alpha:= 255;
- fill := LowerCase(BGRAToStr(AValue, CSSColors, 0, true, true));
-procedure TSVGElement.SetFillOpacity(AValue: single);
- Attribute['fill-opacity'] := Units.formatValue(AValue);
- RemoveStyle('fill-opacity');
-procedure TSVGElement.SetFillRule(AValue: string);
- Attribute['fill-rule'] := AValue;
- RemoveStyle('fill-rule');
-procedure TSVGElement.SetMatrix(AUnit: TCSSUnit; const AValue: TAffineMatrix);
- if not IsAffineMatrixIdentity(AValue) then
- transform := MatrixToTransform(AValue, AUnit)
- else transformNone;
-procedure TSVGElement.SetMixBlendMode(AValue: TBlendOperation);
- opstr: String;
- case AValue of
- boLighten: opstr := 'lighten';
- boScreen: opstr := 'screen';
- boColorDodge: opstr := 'color-dodge';
- boColorBurn: opstr := 'color-burn';
- boDarken: opstr := 'darken';
- boLinearAdd: opstr := 'add';
- boMultiply: opstr := 'multiply';
- boOverlay: opstr := 'overlay';
- boSvgSoftLight: opstr := 'soft-light';
- boHardLight: opstr := 'hard-light';
- boLinearDifference: opstr := 'difference';
- boLinearExclusion: opstr := 'exclusion';
- boCorrectedHue: opstr := 'hue';
- boCorrectedColor: opstr := 'color';
- boCorrectedLightness: opstr := 'luminosity';
- boCorrectedSaturation: opstr := 'saturation';
- else {boTransparent}
- begin
- RemoveStyle('mix-blend-mode');
- FDomElem.RemoveAttribute('mix-blend-mode');
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- Style['mix-blend-mode'] := opstr;
- FDomElem.RemoveAttribute('mix-blend-mode');
-procedure TSVGElement.SetOpacity(AValue: single);
- Attribute['opacity'] := Units.formatValue(AValue);
- RemoveStyle('opacity');
-procedure TSVGElement.SetPaintOrder(AValue: TSVGPaintOrder);
- s: String;
- case AValue of
- spoFillStrokeMarkers: s := 'normal';
- spoFillMarkersStroke: s := 'fill markers';
- spoStrokeFillMarkers: s := 'stroke';
- spoStrokeMarkersFill: s := 'stroke markers';
- spoMarkersFillStroke: s := 'markers';
- spoMarkersStrokeFill: s := 'markers stroke';
- end;
- Attribute['paint-order'] := s;
- RemoveStyle('paint-order');
-procedure TSVGElement.SetStroke(AValue: string);
- Attribute['stroke'] := AValue;
- RemoveStyle('stroke');
-procedure TSVGElement.SetStrokeColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- strokeOpacity:= AValue.alpha/255;
- AValue.alpha:= 255;
- stroke := Lowercase(BGRAToStr(AValue, CSSColors, 0, true, true));
-procedure TSVGElement.SetStrokeLineCap(AValue: string);
- Attribute['stroke-linecap'] := AValue;
- RemoveStyle('stroke-linecap');
-procedure TSVGElement.SetStrokeLineCapLCL(AValue: TPenEndCap);
- case AValue of
- pecRound: strokeLineCap:= 'round';
- pecSquare: strokeLineCap:= 'square';
- else strokeLineCap:= 'butt';
- end;
-procedure TSVGElement.SetStrokeLineJoin(AValue: string);
- Attribute['stroke-linejoin'] := AValue;
- RemoveStyle('stroke-linejoin');
-procedure TSVGElement.SetStrokeLineJoinLCL(AValue: TPenJoinStyle);
- case AValue of
- pjsBevel: strokeLineJoin:= 'bevel';
- pjsMiter: strokeLineJoin:= 'miter';
- else strokeLineJoin:= 'round';
- end;
-procedure TSVGElement.SetStrokeMiterLimit(AValue: single);
- if AValue < 1 then AValue := 1;
- Attribute['stroke-miterlimit'] := Units.formatValue(AValue);
- RemoveStyle('stroke-miterlimit');
-procedure TSVGElement.SetStrokeOpacity(AValue: single);
- Attribute['stroke-opacity'] := Units.formatValue(AValue);
- RemoveStyle('stroke-opacity');
-procedure TSVGElement.SetStrokeWidth(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- HorizAttributeWithUnit['stroke-width'] := AValue;
- RemoveStyle('stroke-width');
-procedure TSVGElement.SetStrokeDashArray(AValue: string);
- Attribute['stroke-dasharray'] := AValue;
- RemoveStyle('stroke-dasharray');
-procedure TSVGElement.SetStrokeDashArrayF(AValue: ArrayOfFloat);
- s: string;
- i: integer;
- if length(AValue) = 0 then
- begin
- strokeDashArrayNone;
- exit;
- end;
- s:= '';
- for i := 0 to high(AValue) do
- begin
- if s <> '' then AppendStr(s, ' ');
- AppendStr(s, TCSSUnitConverter.formatValue(AValue[i])+' ');
- end;
- strokeDashArray := s;
-procedure TSVGElement.SetStrokeDashOffset(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- OrthoAttributeWithUnit['stroke-dashoffset'] := AValue;
- RemoveStyle('stroke-dashoffset');
-procedure TSVGElement.SetTransform(AValue: string);
- Attribute['transform'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGElement.SetID(AValue: string);
- if AValue = ID then exit;
- if Assigned(DataLink) then DataLink.Unlink(self);
- if Attribute['xml:id']<>'' then
- Attribute['xml:id'] := AValue
- else
- Attribute['id'] := AValue;
- if Assigned(DataLink) then DataLink.Link(self);
-procedure TSVGElement.SetClassAttr(AValue: string);
- Attribute['class'] := AValue;
-procedure TSVGElement.Init(ADocument: TDOMDocument; ATag: string;
- AUnits: TCSSUnitConverter);
- if ATag='' then
- raise exception.Create('Cannot create a generic element');
- FDomElem := ADocument.CreateElement(ATag);
- FUnits := AUnits;
- if Assigned(FDataLink) then FDataLink.Link(self);
-procedure TSVGElement.Init(AElement: TDOMElement;
- AUnits: TCSSUnitConverter);
- FDomElem := AElement;
- FUnits := AUnits;
- if Assigned(FDataLink) then FDataLink.Link(self);
-procedure TSVGElement.InternalDraw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; AUnit: TCSSUnit);
- //nothing
-procedure TSVGElement.ApplyFillStyle(ACanvas2D: TBGRACanvas2D; AUnit: TCSSUnit);
- ACanvas2D.fillStyle(fillColor);
- ACanvas2D.fillMode := TFillMode(fillMode);
-procedure TSVGElement.ApplyStrokeStyle(ACanvas2D: TBGRACanvas2D; AUnit: TCSSUnit);
- a: ArrayOfFloat;
- lw: single;
- i: Integer;
- ACanvas2d.strokeStyle(strokeColor);
- lw := Units.ConvertWidth(strokeWidth,AUnit).value;
- ACanvas2d.lineWidth := lw;
- ACanvas2d.lineCap := strokeLineCap;
- ACanvas2d.lineJoin := strokeLineJoin;
- ACanvas2d.miterLimit := strokeMiterLimit;
- a:= strokeDashArrayF;
- if (Length(a) <> 0) and (lw > 0) then
- begin
- for i := 0 to high(a) do
- a[i] := a[i] / lw;
- ACanvas2d.lineStyle(a);
- end
- else
- ACanvas2d.lineStyle(psSolid);
-procedure TSVGElement.Initialize;
- SetLength(FImportedStyles,0);
- FImportStyleState := fssNotSearched;
-procedure TSVGElement.Paint(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; AUnit: TCSSUnit);
- procedure DoFill;
- begin
- if not isFillNone then
- begin
- ApplyFillStyle(ACanvas2D,AUnit);
- ACanvas2d.fill;
- end;
- end;
- procedure DoStroke;
- begin
- if not isStrokeNone then
- begin
- ApplyStrokeStyle(ACanvas2D,AUnit);
- ACanvas2d.stroke;
- end;
- end;
- if paintOrder in [spoFillStrokeMarkers, spoFillMarkersStroke, spoMarkersFillStroke] then
- begin
- DoFill;
- DoStroke;
- end else
- begin
- DoStroke;
- DoFill;
- end;
-constructor TSVGElement.Create(AElement: TDOMElement;
- AUnits: TCSSUnitConverter; ADataLink: TSVGDataLink);
- FDataLink:= ADataLink;
- Initialize;
- Init(AElement,AUnits);
-constructor TSVGElement.Create(ADocument: TDOMDocument;
- AUnits: TCSSUnitConverter; ADataLink: TSVGDataLink);
- FDataLink:= ADataLink;
- Initialize;
- Init(ADocument, GetDOMTag, AUnits);
-class function TSVGElement.GetDOMTag: string;
- result := '';
-destructor TSVGElement.Destroy;
- SetLength(FImportedStyles,0);
- if Assigned(FDataLink) then FDataLink.Unlink(self);
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TSVGElement.ListIdentifiers(AResult: TStringList);
- myId: String;
- myId := Id;
- if (myId <> '') and (AResult.IndexOf(myId) = -1) then
- AResult.Add(myId);
-procedure TSVGElement.RenameIdentifiers(AFrom, ATo: TStringList);
- idx: Integer;
- strokeDone, fillDone, clipDone, HrefDone: boolean;
- before, after: String;
- if AFrom.Count <> ATo.Count then raise exception.Create('Identifier list size mismatch');
- idx := AFrom.IndexOf(Id);
- if idx <> -1 then Id := ATo[idx];
- strokeDone := false;
- fillDone:= false;
- clipDone:= false;
- HrefDone:= false;
- for idx := 0 to AFrom.Count-1 do
- begin
- before := 'url(#' + AFrom[idx] + ')';
- after := 'url(#' + ATo[idx] + ')';
- if not strokeDone and (stroke = before) then
- begin stroke := after; strokeDone := true; end;
- if not fillDone and (fill = before) then
- begin fill := after; fillDone := true; end;
- if not clipDone and (clipPath = before) then
- begin clipPath := after; clipDone := true; end;
- if not hrefDone and (Attribute['xlink:href'] = before) then
- begin Attribute['xlink:href'] := after; hrefDone := true; end;
- end;
-procedure TSVGElement.ConvertToUnit(AUnit: TCSSUnit);
- inherited ConvertToUnit(AUnit);
- FImportStyleState:= fssNotSearched;
- if HasAttribute('stroke-width') then
- SetAttributeWithUnit('stroke-width', Units.ConvertWidth(GetAttributeWithUnit('stroke-width'), AUnit));
- if HasAttribute('stroke-dash-offset') then
- SetAttributeWithUnit('stroke-dash-offset', Units.ConvertWidth(GetAttributeWithUnit('stroke-dash-offset'), AUnit));
-procedure TSVGElement.Recompute;
-procedure TSVGElement.Draw(ACanvas2d: TBGRACanvas2D; AUnit: TCSSUnit);
-var prevMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- if not Visible then exit;
- prevMatrix := ACanvas2d.matrix;
- ACanvas2d.transform(matrix[AUnit]);
- InternalDraw(ACanvas2d,AUnit);
- ACanvas2d.matrix := prevMatrix;
-procedure TSVGElement.fillNone;
- fill := 'none';
-procedure TSVGElement.strokeNone;
- stroke := 'none';
-procedure TSVGElement.strokeDashArrayNone;
- strokeDashArray := 'none';
-procedure TSVGElement.transformNone;
- FDomElem.RemoveAttribute('transform');
-function TSVGElement.fillMode: TSVGFillMode;
- if fillRule = 'evenodd' then
- result := sfmEvenOdd
- else
- result := sfmNonZero;
-function TSVGElement.FindStyleElementInternal(const classStr: string;
- out attributesStr: string): integer;
- i: integer;
- attributesStr:= '';
- with FDataLink do
- for i:= 0 to StyleCount-1 do
- begin
- result:= (Styles[i] as TSVGStyle).Find(classStr);
- if result <> -1 then
- begin
- attributesStr:= (Styles[i] as TSVGStyle).Ruleset[result].declarations;
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- result:= -1;
-procedure TSVGElement.ImportStyles;
- procedure AddStyle(const s: string; const id: integer);
- var
- l: integer;
- begin
- FImportStyleState:= fssFound;
- l:= Length(FImportedStyles);
- SetLength(FImportedStyles,l+1);
- with FImportedStyles[l] do
- begin
- attr:= s;
- pos:= id;
- end;
- end;
- fid: integer;
- tag,styleC,s: string;
- FImportStyleState:= fssNotFound;
- SetLength(FImportedStyles,0);
- tag:= FDomElem.TagName;
- styleC:= classAttr;
- (*
- if style element is:
- and circle declare:
- FImportedStyles[0] = 'fill:blue; fill-opacity: 0.4;'
- FImportedStyles[1] = 'fill:yellow;'
- fill-opacity for "style1" = 0.4 not default 1!
- *)
- //Find as: "[tag]" example "circle"
- fid:= FindStyleElementInternal(tag,s);
- if fid <> -1 then
- AddStyle(s,fid);
- if styleC <> '' then
- begin
- //Find as: "[tag].[class]" example "circle.style1"
- fid:= FindStyleElementInternal(tag+'.'+styleC,s);
- if fid <> -1 then
- AddStyle(s,fid)
- else
- begin
- //Find as: ".[class]" example ".style1"
- fid:= FindStyleElementInternal('.'+styleC,s);
- if fid <> -1 then
- AddStyle(s,fid);
- end;
- end;
-procedure TSVGElement.SetVisible(AValue: boolean);
- if AValue <> Visible then
- Style['display'] := 'inline';
- FDomElem.RemoveAttribute('display');
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgratext.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgratext.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 385b782..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgratext.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1870 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAText;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
-{$i bgrabitmap.inc}
- {$ENDIF}
- Font rendering units : BGRAText, BGRATextFX, BGRAVectorize, BGRAFreeType
- This unit provides basic text rendering functions using system renderer
- (LCL or MSEgui).
- Text functions use a temporary bitmap where the operating system text drawing
- is used. Then it is scaled down (if antialiasing is activated) and colored.
- These routines are rather slow, so you may use other font renderers
- like TBGRATextEffectFontRenderer in BGRATextFX if you want to use LCL fonts,
- or, if you have TrueType fonts files, you may use TBGRAFreeTypeFontRenderer
- in BGRAFreeType. }
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BGRAGraphics, BGRABitmapTypes, BGRAPen, BGRAGrayscaleMask
- {$IFDEF LCL},InterfaceBase, LCLVersion{$ENDIF};
- RenderTextOnBitmap = {$IFDEF RENDER_TEXT_ON_TBITMAP}true{$ELSE}false{$ENDIF};
- TWordBreakHandler = BGRABitmapTypes.TWordBreakHandler;
- { TBGRASystemFontRenderer }
- TBGRASystemFontRenderer = class(TBGRACustomFontRenderer)
- protected
- FFont: TFont; //font parameters
- FWordBreakHandler: TWordBreakHandler;
- FOwnUnderline: boolean;
- procedure UpdateFont; virtual;
- function InternalTextSize(sUTF8: string; AShowPrefix: boolean): TSize;
- function InternalTextSizeAngle(sUTF8: string; AShowPrefix: boolean; AOrientation: integer): TSize; virtual;
- procedure InternalTextWordBreak(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; ATextUTF8: string;
- x, y, AMaxWidth: integer; AColor: TBGRAPixel; ATexture: IBGRAScanner;
- AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout; ARightToLeft: boolean);
- procedure InternalTextRect(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; ARect: TRect; x, y: integer; sUTF8: string; style: TTextStyle; c: TBGRAPixel; ATexture: IBGRAScanner);
- procedure InternalTextOut(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: single; sUTF8: string; c: TBGRAPixel; texture: IBGRAScanner;
- align: TAlignment; AShowPrefix: boolean = false; ARightToLeft: boolean = false);
- procedure InternalTextOutAngle(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: single; AOrientation: integer; sUTF8: string; c: TBGRAPixel; texture: IBGRAScanner;
- align: TAlignment; AShowPrefix: boolean = false; ARightToLeft: boolean = false); virtual;
- procedure InternalTextOutEllipse(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y, availableWidth: single; sUTF8: string; c: TBGRAPixel; texture: IBGRAScanner;
- align: TAlignment; AShowPrefix: boolean = false; ARightToLeft: boolean = false);
- procedure InternalSplitText(var ATextUTF8: string; AMaxWidth: integer; out ARemainsUTF8: string; out ALineEndingBreak: boolean;
- AWordBreak: TWordBreakHandler); overload;
- procedure InternalSplitText(var ATextUTF8: string; AMaxWidth: integer; out ARemainsUTF8: string;
- AWordBreak: TWordBreakHandler); overload;
- function InternalGetFontPixelMetric: TFontPixelMetric;
- procedure DefaultWorkBreakHandler(var ABeforeUTF8, AAfterUTF8: string);
- public
- OverrideUnderlineDecoration: boolean; // draw unerline according to computed font pixel metric instead of using system rendering of underline
- procedure SplitText(var ATextUTF8: string; AMaxWidth: integer; out ARemainsUTF8: string);
- function GetFontPixelMetric: TFontPixelMetric; override;
- function FontExists(AName: string): boolean; override;
- class function PatchSystemFontName(AName: string): string;
- procedure TextOutAngle(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: single; orientationTenthDegCCW: integer; sUTF8: string; c: TBGRAPixel; align: TAlignment); overload; override;
- procedure TextOutAngle(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: single; orientationTenthDegCCW: integer; sUTF8: string; c: TBGRAPixel; align: TAlignment; ARightToLeft: boolean); overload; override;
- procedure TextOutAngle(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: single; orientationTenthDegCCW: integer; sUTF8: string; texture: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment); overload; override;
- procedure TextOutAngle(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: single; orientationTenthDegCCW: integer; sUTF8: string; texture: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment; ARightToLeft: boolean); overload; override;
- procedure TextOut(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: single; sUTF8: string; texture: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment); overload; override;
- procedure TextOut(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: single; sUTF8: string; c: TBGRAPixel; align: TAlignment); overload; override;
- procedure TextOut(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: single; sUTF8: string; texture: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment; ARightToLeft: boolean); overload; override;
- procedure TextOut(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: single; sUTF8: string; c: TBGRAPixel; align: TAlignment; ARightToLeft: boolean); overload; override;
- procedure TextRect(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; ARect: TRect; x, y: integer; sUTF8: string; style: TTextStyle; c: TBGRAPixel); overload; override;
- procedure TextRect(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; ARect: TRect; x, y: integer; sUTF8: string; style: TTextStyle; texture: IBGRAScanner); overload; override;
- procedure TextWordBreak(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; AText: string; x, y, AMaxWidth: integer; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout; ARightToLeft: boolean = false); overload;
- procedure TextWordBreak(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; AText: string; x, y, AMaxWidth: integer; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout; ARightToLeft: boolean = false); overload;
- function TextSize(sUTF8: string): TSize; overload; override;
- function TextSizeAngle(sUTF8: string; orientationTenthDegCCW: integer): TSize; override;
- function TextSize(sUTF8: string; AMaxWidth: integer; {%H-}ARightToLeft: boolean): TSize; overload; override;
- function TextFitInfo(sUTF8: string; AMaxWidth: integer): integer; override;
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- property OnWordBreak: TWordBreakHandler read FWordBreakHandler write FWordBreakHandler;
- end;
- TMSEFontRenderer = class(TBGRASystemFontRenderer);
- TLCLFontRenderer = class(TBGRASystemFontRenderer);
-function CleanTextOutString(s: string): string; //this works with UTF8 strings as well
-function RemoveLineEnding(var s: string; indexByte: integer): boolean; //this works with UTF8 strings however the index is the byte index
-function RemoveLineEndingUTF8(var sUTF8: string; indexUTF8: integer): boolean;
-procedure BGRATextOut(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; Font: TFont; Quality: TBGRAFontQuality; xf, yf: single; sUTF8: string;
- c: TBGRAPixel; tex: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment; CustomAntialiasingLevel: Integer = 0;
- ShowPrefix: boolean = false; RightToLeft: boolean = false);
-procedure BGRATextOutAngle(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; Font: TFont; Quality: TBGRAFontQuality; xf, yf: single; orientationTenthDegCCW: integer;
- sUTF8: string; c: TBGRAPixel; tex: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment; CustomAntialiasingLevel: Integer = 0);
-procedure BGRATextRect(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; Font: TFont; Quality: TBGRAFontQuality; ARect: TRect; xf, yf: single;
- sUTF8: string; style: TTextStyle; c: TBGRAPixel; tex: IBGRAScanner; CustomAntialiasingLevel: Integer = 0);
-function BGRATextSize(Font: TFont; Quality: TBGRAFontQuality; sUTF8: string; CustomAntialiasingLevel: Integer): TSize;
-function BGRATextSizeAngle(Font: TFont; AOrientation: integer; Quality: TBGRAFontQuality; sUTF8: string; CustomAntialiasingLevel: Integer): TSize;
-function BGRATextFitInfo(Font: TFont; Quality: TBGRAFontQuality; sUTF8: string; CustomAntialiasingLevel: Integer; AMaxWidth: integer): integer;
-function BGRATextFitInfoAngle(Font: TFont; AOrientation: integer; Quality: TBGRAFontQuality; sUTF8: string; CustomAntialiasingLevel: Integer; AMaxWidth: integer): integer;
-function BGRAOriginalTextSize(Font: TFont; Quality: TBGRAFontQuality; sUTF8: string; CustomAntialiasingLevel: integer): TSize;
-function BGRAOriginalTextSizeAngle(Font: TFont; AOrientation: integer; Quality: TBGRAFontQuality; sUTF8: string; CustomAntialiasingLevel: Integer): TSize;
-function BGRAOriginalTextSizeEx(Font: TFont; Quality: TBGRAFontQuality; sUTF8: string; CustomAntialiasingLevel: Integer;
- out actualAntialiasingLevel: integer; out extraVerticalMarginDueToRotation: integer): TSize;
-function BGRAOriginalTextSizeExAngle(Font: TFont; AOrientation: integer; Quality: TBGRAFontQuality; sUTF8: string; CustomAntialiasingLevel: Integer;
- out actualAntialiasingLevel: integer; out extraVerticalMarginDueToRotation: integer): TSize;
-function BGRATextUnderline(ATopLeft: TPointF; AWidth: Single; AMetrics: TFontPixelMetric): ArrayOfTPointF; overload;
-function BGRATextUnderline(ATopLeft: TPointF; AWidth: Single; ABaseline, AEmHeight: single): ArrayOfTPointF; overload;
-function BGRATextStrikeOut(ATopLeft: TPointF; AWidth: Single; AMetrics: TFontPixelMetric): ArrayOfTPointF; overload;
-function BGRATextStrikeOut(ATopLeft: TPointF; AWidth: Single; ABaseline, AEmHeight, AXHeight: single): ArrayOfTPointF; overload;
-function GetFontHeightSign: integer;
-function FontEmHeightSign: integer;
-function FontFullHeightSign: integer;
-function SystemFontAvailable: boolean;
-function GetFineClearTypeAuto: TBGRAFontQuality;
-function FixSystemFontFullHeight({%H-}AFontName: string; AFontHeight: integer): integer;
-function LCLFontAvailable: boolean;
-function FixLCLFontFullHeight(AFontName: string; AFontHeight: integer): integer;
-procedure BGRAFillClearTypeGrayscaleMask(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x,y: integer; xThird: integer; mask: TGrayscaleMask; color: TBGRAPixel; texture: IBGRAScanner = nil; RGBOrder: boolean=true);
-procedure BGRAFillClearTypeMask(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x,y: integer; xThird: integer; mask: TBGRACustomBitmap; color: TBGRAPixel; texture: IBGRAScanner = nil; RGBOrder: boolean=true);
-procedure BGRAFillClearTypeRGBMask(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x,y: integer; mask: TBGRACustomBitmap; color: TBGRAPixel; texture: IBGRAScanner = nil; KeepRGBOrder: boolean=true);
-const FontAntialiasingLevel = {$IFDEF SYSTEM_RENDERER_IS_FINE}3{$ELSE}6{$ENDIF};
-const FontDefaultQuality = fqAntialiased;
-const IsLclFontRendererFine = {$IFDEF SYSTEM_RENDERER_IS_FINE}true{$ELSE}false{$ENDIF};
-function GetLCLFontPixelMetric(AFont: TFont): TFontPixelMetric;
- BGRATextOutImproveReadabilityProc : procedure (bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; AFont: TFont; xf,yf: single; text: string; color: TBGRAPixel; tex: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment; mode : TBGRATextOutImproveReadabilityMode);
-procedure BitmapTextOut(ABitmap: TBitmap; ACoord: TPoint; AText: string);
-procedure BitmapTextOutAngle(ABitmap: TBitmap; ACoord: TPoint; AText: string; AOrientation: integer);
-procedure BitmapTextRect(ABitmap: TBitmap; ARect: TRect; ACoord: TPoint;
- AText: string; const AStyle: TTextStyle);
-function BitmapTextExtent(ABitmap: TBitmap; AText: string): TSize;
-function BitmapTextExtentAngle(ABitmap: TBitmap; AText: string; AOrientation: integer): TSize;
-function BitmapTextFitInfo(ABitmap: TBitmap; AText: string; AMaxWidth: integer): integer;
-function BitmapTextFitInfoAngle(ABitmap: TBitmap; AText: string; AMaxWidth: integer; AOrientation: integer): integer;
-procedure BitmapFillRect(ABitmap: TBitmap; ARect: TRect; AColor: TColor);
-uses Math, BGRATransform, BGRABlend, BGRAUTF8, BGRAUnicode, BGRATextBidi
- {$IFDEF LCL}, Forms{$IF lcl_fullversion >= 1070000}, lclplatformdef{$ENDIF}{$ENDIF};
-const MaxPixelMetricCount = 100;
- SystemFontDisabledValue: boolean;
- fqFineClearTypeComputed: boolean;
- fqFineClearTypeValue: TBGRAFontQuality;
- FontHeightSignComputed: boolean;
- FontHeightSignValue: integer;
- FontPixelMetricArray: array[0..MaxPixelMetricCount-1] of record
- usage: integer;
- name: string;
- height: integer;
- italic: boolean;
- bold: boolean;
- metric: TFontPixelMetric;
- end;
- FontPixelMetricCount: integer;
-{$i bgramsegui_text.inc}
-procedure BitmapTextOut(ABitmap: TBitmap; ACoord: TPoint; AText: string);
- ABitmap.Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear;
- ABitmap.Canvas.TextOut(ACoord.X, ACoord.Y, AText);
-procedure BitmapTextOutAngle(ABitmap: TBitmap; ACoord: TPoint; AText: string; AOrientation: integer);
- ABitmap.Canvas.Font.Orientation := AOrientation;
- BitmapTextOut(ABitmap, ACoord, AText);
-procedure BitmapTextRect(ABitmap: TBitmap; ARect: TRect; ACoord: TPoint;
- AText: string; const AStyle: TTextStyle);
- ABitmap.Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear;
- if AStyle.RightToLeft then AText := UTF8EmbedDirection(AText, true);
- {$ENDIF}
- ABitmap.Canvas.TextRect(ARect, ACoord.X, ACoord.Y, AText, AStyle);
-function BitmapTextExtent(ABitmap: TBitmap; AText: string): TSize;
- AText := StringReplace(AText, ' ', UTF8_NO_BREAK_SPACE, [rfReplaceAll]);
- {$ENDIF}
- result := ABitmap.Canvas.TextExtent(AText);
-function BitmapTextExtentAngle(ABitmap: TBitmap; AText: string; AOrientation: integer): TSize;
- ABitmap.Canvas.Font.Orientation := AOrientation;
- result := BitmapTextExtent(ABitmap, AText);
-function BitmapTextFitInfo(ABitmap: TBitmap; AText: string; AMaxWidth: integer): integer;
- AText := StringReplace(AText, ' ', UTF8_NO_BREAK_SPACE, [rfReplaceAll]);
- {$ENDIF}
- result := ABitmap.Canvas.TextFitInfo(AText, AMaxWidth);
-function BitmapTextFitInfoAngle(ABitmap: TBitmap; AText: string; AMaxWidth: integer; AOrientation: integer): integer;
- ABitmap.Canvas.Font.Orientation := AOrientation;
- result := BitmapTextFitInfo(ABitmap, AText, AMaxWidth);
-procedure BitmapFillRect(ABitmap: TBitmap; ARect: TRect; AColor: TColor);
- ABitmap.Canvas.Brush.Style := bsSolid;
- ABitmap.Canvas.Brush.Color := AColor;
- ABitmap.Canvas.Pen.Style := psClear;
- ABitmap.Canvas.FillRect(ARect);
-procedure ComputeFontVerticalBounds(text: string; font: TFont; out top, bottom, totalHeight: integer);
- xb,yb: integer;
- pmask: PBGRAPixel;
- nbPix: array of integer;
- nbCur: integer;
- mean: integer;
- mask: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- size: TSize;
- if not SystemFontAvailable then
- begin
- top := 0;
- bottom := 0;
- totalHeight := 0;
- exit;
- end;
- size := BGRAOriginalTextSize(font,fqSystem,text,FontAntialiasingLevel);
- mask := BGRABitmapFactory.Create(size.cx,size.cy,BGRABlack);
- mask.Canvas.Font := font;
- mask.Canvas.Font.Quality := fqAntialiased;
- mask.Canvas.Font.Color := clWhite;
- mask.Canvas.Font.Style := font.style * [fsBold,fsItalic];
- BitmapTextOut(mask.Bitmap, Point(0,0), text);
- top := -1;
- bottom := -1;
- totalHeight:= mask.Height;
- mean := 0;
- setlength(nbPix, mask.Height);
- for yb := 0 to mask.Height-1 do
- begin
- pmask := mask.scanline[yb];
- nbCur := 0;
- for xb := 0 to mask.Width-1 do
- begin
- if (pmask^.green > 0) then inc(nbCur);
- inc(pmask);
- end;
- nbPix[yb] := nbCur;
- inc(mean,nbCur);
- end;
- mean := (mean+ (mask.Height div 2)) div mask.Height;
- for yb := 0 to high(nbPix) do
- begin
- if nbPix[yb]> mean div 3 then
- begin
- if top = -1 then top := yb
- else bottom := yb+1;
- end;
- end;
- mask.Free;
-function ComputeFontPixelMetric(AFont: TFont): TFontPixelMetric;
- ComputeFontVerticalBounds('acemu',AFont,result.xLine,result.Baseline,result.Lineheight);
- ComputeFontVerticalBounds('gDjSO',AFont,result.CapLine,result.DescentLine,result.Lineheight);
- if result.xLine = -1 then result.xLine := result.CapLine else
- if result.CapLine = -1 then result.CapLine := result.xLine;
- if result.DescentLine = -1 then result.DescentLine := result.Baseline else
- if result.Baseline = -1 then result.Baseline := result.DescentLine;
- result.Defined := (result.xLine <> -1) and (result.CapLine <> -1) and (result.Baseline <> -1) and (result.DescentLine <> -1) and
- (result.Lineheight <> -1);
-function ComparePixelMetric(index: integer; font: TFont): integer;
- if (index < 0) or (index >= FontPixelMetricCount) then
- result := 0
- else
- begin
- with FontPixelMetricArray[index] do
- if (name = font.Name) and (height = font.Height) then
- result := 0 else
- if (height > font.Height) then
- result := 1 else
- if (height < font.Height) then
- result := -1 else
- if name > font.Name then
- result := 1 else
- if name < font.Name then
- result := -1
- else result := 0;
- end;
-procedure FindPixelMetricPos(AFont: TFont; out startPos,endPos: integer);
-var middle,iStart,iEnd: integer;
- if FontPixelMetricCount = 0 then
- begin
- startPos := 0;
- endPos := 0;
- end;
- iStart:= 0;
- iEnd:= FontPixelMetricCount;
- while iStart < iEnd do
- begin
- middle := (iStart+iEnd) div 2;
- if ComparePixelMetric(middle,AFont) >= 0 then
- iEnd := middle
- else
- iStart := middle+1;
- end;
- startPos := iStart;
- iStart:= startPos;
- iEnd:= FontPixelMetricCount;
- while iStart < iEnd do
- begin
- middle := (iStart+iEnd) div 2;
- if ComparePixelMetric(middle,AFont) <= 0 then
- iStart := middle+1
- else
- iEnd := middle;
- end;
- endPos := iEnd;
-procedure RemoveOldPixelMetric;
-var sum,nb,i: integer;
- if FontPixelMetricCount = 0 then exit;
- sum := 0;
- for i := 0 to FontPixelMetricCount-1 do
- inc(sum, FontPixelMetricArray[i].usage);
- sum := sum div FontPixelMetricCount;
- nb := 0;
- for i := 0 to FontPixelMetricCount-1 do
- begin
- if FontPixelMetricArray[i].usage > sum then
- begin
- FontPixelMetricArray[nb] := FontPixelMetricArray[i];
- inc(nb);
- end;
- end;
- FontPixelMetricCount := nb;
-function GetLCLFontPixelMetric(AFont: TFont): TFontPixelMetric;
-var i,startPos,endPos: integer;
- prevHeight,fixHeight: integer;
- if (AFont.Height < -200) or (AFont.Height > 150) then
- begin
- prevHeight := AFont.Height;
- if AFont.Height < 0 then
- fixHeight := -200
- else
- fixHeight := 150;
- AFont.Height := fixHeight;
- result := GetLCLFontPixelMetric(AFont);
- AFont.Height := prevHeight;
- result.Baseline := round(result.Baseline/fixHeight*prevHeight);
- result.CapLine := round(result.CapLine/fixHeight*prevHeight);
- result.DescentLine := round(result.DescentLine/fixHeight*prevHeight);
- result.Lineheight := round(result.Lineheight/fixHeight*prevHeight);
- result.xLine := round(result.xLine/fixHeight*prevHeight);
- exit;
- end;
- FindPixelMetricPos(AFont,startPos,endPos);
- for i := startPos to endPos-1 do
- if (FontPixelMetricArray[i].bold = AFont.bold) and
- (FontPixelMetricArray[i].italic = AFont.Italic) then
- begin
- result := FontPixelMetricArray[i].metric;
- inc(FontPixelMetricArray[i].usage);
- exit;
- end;
- if FontPixelMetricCount = MaxPixelMetricCount then RemoveOldPixelMetric;
- for i := FontPixelMetricCount downto endPos+1 do
- FontPixelMetricArray[i] := FontPixelMetricArray[i-1];
- inc(FontPixelMetricCount);
- with FontPixelMetricArray[endPos]do
- begin
- italic := AFont.Italic;
- bold := AFont.Bold;
- usage := 1;
- name := AFont.Name;
- height:= AFont.Height;
- metric := ComputeFontPixelMetric(AFont);
- result := metric;
- end;
-const DefaultFontHeightSign = -1;
-function BGRATextUnderline(ATopLeft: TPointF;
- AWidth: Single; AMetrics: TFontPixelMetric): ArrayOfTPointF;
- result := BGRATextUnderline(ATopLeft, AWidth, AMetrics.Baseline,AMetrics.Baseline-AMetrics.CapLine);
-function BGRATextUnderline(ATopLeft: TPointF;
- AWidth: Single; ABaseline, AEmHeight: single): ArrayOfTPointF;
-var height,y: single;
- height := AEmHeight*0.080;
- y := ATopLeft.y+ABaseline+1.6*height;
- result := ComputeWidePolylinePoints([PointF(ATopLeft.x,y),
- PointF(ATopLeft.x+AWidth,y)],height,BGRABlack,pecFlat,pjsMiter,
- SolidPenStyle, []);
-function BGRATextStrikeOut(ATopLeft: TPointF; AWidth: Single;
- AMetrics: TFontPixelMetric): ArrayOfTPointF;
- result := BGRATextStrikeOut(ATopLeft, AWidth, AMetrics.Baseline,AMetrics.Baseline-AMetrics.CapLine,AMetrics.Baseline-AMetrics.xLine);
-function BGRATextStrikeOut(ATopLeft: TPointF; AWidth: Single; ABaseline,
- AEmHeight, AXHeight: single): ArrayOfTPointF;
-var height,y: single;
- height := AEmHeight*0.075;
- y := ATopLeft.y+ABaseline-AXHeight*0.5;
- result := ComputeWidePolylinePoints([PointF(ATopLeft.x,y),
- PointF(ATopLeft.x+AWidth,y)],height,BGRABlack,pecFlat,pjsMiter,
- SolidPenStyle, []);
-function GetFontHeightSign: integer;
- HeightP1, HeightM1: integer;
- tempBmp: TBitmap;
- if SystemFontDisabledValue then
- begin
- result := DefaultFontHeightSign;
- exit;
- end;
- if FontHeightSignComputed then
- begin
- result := FontHeightSignValue;
- exit;
- end;
- if {$IFDEF LCL}WidgetSet.LCLPlatform = lpNoGUI{$ELSE}False{$ENDIF} then
- begin
- SystemFontDisabledValue:= True;
- result := -1;
- exit;
- end;
- tempBmp := nil;
- try
- tempBmp := TBitmap.Create;
- tempBmp.Width := 30;
- tempBmp.Height := 30;
- tempBmp.Canvas.Font.Name := 'Arial';
- tempBmp.Canvas.Font.Style := [];
- tempBmp.Canvas.Font.Height := 20;
- HeightP1 := BitmapTextExtent(tempBmp, 'Hg').cy;
- tempBmp.Canvas.Font.Height := -20;
- HeightM1 := BitmapTextExtent(tempBmp, 'Hg').cy;
- if HeightP1 > HeightM1 then
- FontHeightSignValue := 1
- else
- FontHeightSignValue := -1;
- FontHeightSignComputed := true;
- result := FontHeightSignValue;
- except
- on ex: Exception do
- begin
- SystemFontDisabledValue := True;
- result := -1;
- end;
- end;
- tempBmp.Free;
-function GetFineClearTypeAuto: TBGRAFontQuality;
- lclBmp: TBitmap;
- bgra: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- x,y: integer;
- if fqFineClearTypeComputed then
- begin
- result:= fqFineClearTypeValue;
- exit;
- end;
- result := fqFineAntialiasing;
- if not SystemFontDisabledValue and not ({$IFDEF LCL}WidgetSet.LCLPlatform = lpNoGUI{$ELSE}False{$ENDIF}) then
- begin
- lclBmp := TBitmap.Create;
- lclBmp.Width := 1;
- lclBmp.Height := 1;
- lclBmp.Canvas.Font.Height := -50;
- lclBmp.Canvas.Font.Quality := fqCleartype;
- lclBmp.Canvas.Font.Color := clBlack;
- with BitmapTextExtent(lclBmp, '/') do
- begin
- lclBmp.Width := cx;
- lclBmp.Height := cy;
- end;
- BitmapFillRect(lclBmp, rect(0,0,lclBmp.Width,lclBmp.Height), clWhite);
- BitmapTextOut(lclBmp, Point(0,0), '/');
- bgra:= BGRABitmapFactory.Create(lclBmp);
- x:= bgra.Width div 2;
- for y := 0 to bgra.Height-1 do
- with bgra.GetPixel(x,y) do
- if (red<>blue) then
- begin
- if blue < red then
- result:= fqFineClearTypeRGB
- else
- result:= fqFineClearTypeBGR;
- break;
- end else
- if (green = 0) then break;
- bgra.Free;
- lclBmp.Free;
- end;
- fqFineClearTypeValue := result;
- fqFineClearTypeComputed:= true;
-var LCLFontFullHeightRatio : array of record
- FontName: string;
- Ratio: single;
- end;
-function FixSystemFontFullHeight(AFontName: string; AFontHeight: integer): integer;
-const TestHeight = 200;
- i: Integer;
- ratio : single;
- f: TFont;
- h: LongInt;
- if (AFontHeight = 0) or
- (AFontHeight*FontEmHeightSign > 0) then
- result := AFontHeight
- else
- begin
- ratio := EmptySingle;
- for i := 0 to high(LCLFontFullHeightRatio) do
- if CompareText(AFontName, LCLFontFullHeightRatio[i].FontName)=0 then
- begin
- ratio := LCLFontFullHeightRatio[i].Ratio;
- break;
- end;
- if ratio = EmptySingle then
- begin
- f := TFont.Create;
- f.Quality := fqDefault;
- f.Name := AFontName;
- f.Height := FontFullHeightSign*TestHeight;
- h := BGRATextSize(f, fqSystem, 'Hg', 1).cy;
- f.Free;
- if h = 0 then ratio := 1
- else ratio := TestHeight/h;
- setlength(LCLFontFullHeightRatio, length(LCLFontFullHeightRatio)+1);
- LCLFontFullHeightRatio[high(LCLFontFullHeightRatio)].FontName:= AFontName;
- LCLFontFullHeightRatio[high(LCLFontFullHeightRatio)].Ratio:= ratio;
- end;
- result := round(AFontHeight*ratio);
- end;
- result := AFontHeight;
-function LCLFontAvailable: boolean;
- result := SystemFontAvailable;
-function FixLCLFontFullHeight(AFontName: string; AFontHeight: integer): integer;
- result := FixSystemFontFullHeight(AFontName, AFontHeight);
-function FontEmHeightSign: integer;
- result := GetFontHeightSign;
-function FontFullHeightSign: integer;
- result := -FontEmHeightSign;
-function SystemFontAvailable: boolean;
- if not FontHeightSignComputed then GetFontHeightSign;
- result := not SystemFontDisabledValue;
-procedure BGRAFillClearTypeGrayscaleMask(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x,
- y: integer; xThird: integer; mask: TGrayscaleMask; color: TBGRAPixel;
- texture: IBGRAScanner; RGBOrder: boolean);
- BGRAGrayscaleMask.BGRAFillClearTypeGrayscaleMask(dest,x,y,xThird,mask,color,texture,RGBOrder);
-procedure BGRAFillClearTypeMask(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x,y: integer; xThird: integer; mask: TBGRACustomBitmap; color: TBGRAPixel; texture: IBGRAScanner; RGBOrder: boolean);
- BGRABlend.BGRAFillClearTypeMask(dest,x,y,xThird,mask,color,texture,RGBOrder);
-procedure BGRAFillClearTypeRGBMask(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: integer;
- mask: TBGRACustomBitmap; color: TBGRAPixel; texture: IBGRAScanner;
- KeepRGBOrder: boolean);
- BGRABlend.BGRAFillClearTypeRGBMask(dest,x,y,mask,color,texture,KeepRGBOrder);
-function BGRAOriginalTextSizeEx(Font: TFont; Quality: TBGRAFontQuality;
- sUTF8: string; CustomAntialiasingLevel: Integer;
- out actualAntialiasingLevel: integer;
- out extraVerticalMarginDueToRotation: integer): TSize;
- result := BGRAOriginalTextSizeExAngle(Font, Font.Orientation, Quality, sUTF8,
- CustomAntialiasingLevel, actualAntialiasingLevel, extraVerticalMarginDueToRotation);
-function BGRAOriginalTextSizeExAngle(Font: TFont; AOrientation: integer;
- Quality: TBGRAFontQuality; sUTF8: string; CustomAntialiasingLevel: Integer;
- out actualAntialiasingLevel: integer;
- out extraVerticalMarginDueToRotation: integer): TSize;
- tempBmp: TBitmap;
- actualAntialiasingLevel:= CustomAntialiasingLevel;
- extraVerticalMarginDueToRotation := 0;
- if not SystemFontAvailable then
- result := Size(0,0)
- else
- begin
- tempBmp := nil;
- try
- tempBmp := TBitmap.Create;
- tempBmp.Canvas.Font := Font;
- if Quality in[fqFineClearTypeBGR,fqFineClearTypeRGB,fqFineAntialiasing] then
- begin
- tempBmp.Canvas.Font.Height := Font.Height*CustomAntialiasingLevel;
- end else
- begin
- tempBmp.Canvas.Font.Height := Font.Height;
- actualAntialiasingLevel:= 1;
- end;
- result := BitmapTextExtentAngle(tempBmp, sUTF8, AOrientation);
- if Font.Orientation <> 0 then
- begin
- tempBmp.Canvas.Font.Orientation:= 0;
- extraVerticalMarginDueToRotation := result.cy -
- BitmapTextExtentAngle(tempBmp, sUTF8, AOrientation).cy;
- end;
- except
- on ex: exception do
- begin
- result := Size(0,0);
- SystemFontDisabledValue := True;
- end;
- end;
- tempBmp.Free;
- end;
-function BGRATextFitInfo(Font: TFont; Quality: TBGRAFontQuality; sUTF8: string;
- CustomAntialiasingLevel: Integer; AMaxWidth: integer): integer;
- result := BGRATextFitInfoAngle(Font, Font.Orientation, Quality, sUTF8,
- CustomAntialiasingLevel, AMaxWidth);
-function BGRATextFitInfoAngle(Font: TFont; AOrientation: integer; Quality: TBGRAFontQuality; sUTF8: string;
- CustomAntialiasingLevel: Integer; AMaxWidth: integer): integer;
- actualAntialiasingLevel{$IFDEF LCL}{$IF lcl_fullversion < 1070000}, len1{$ENDIF}{$ENDIF}: Integer;
- tempBmp: TBitmap;
- if (AMaxWidth = 0) or (length(sUTF8)=0) then exit(0);
- actualAntialiasingLevel:= CustomAntialiasingLevel;
- if not SystemFontAvailable then
- result := 0
- else
- begin
- tempBmp := nil;
- try
- tempBmp := TBitmap.Create;
- tempBmp.Canvas.Font := Font;
- if Quality in[fqFineClearTypeBGR,fqFineClearTypeRGB,fqFineAntialiasing] then
- begin
- tempBmp.Canvas.Font.Height := Font.Height*CustomAntialiasingLevel;
- end else
- begin
- tempBmp.Canvas.Font.Height := Font.Height;
- actualAntialiasingLevel:= 1;
- end;
- {$IFDEF LCL}{$IF lcl_fullversion < 1070000}
- len1 := BitmapTextExtentAngle(tempBmp,
- copy(sUTF8,1,UTF8CharacterLength(@sUTF8[1])),
- AOrientation).cx;
- if len1 > AMaxWidth*actualAntialiasingLevel then exit(0);
- result := BitmapTextFitInfoAngle(tempBmp, sUTF8,
- AMaxWidth*actualAntialiasingLevel, AOrientation);
- except
- on ex: exception do
- begin
- result := 0;
- SystemFontDisabledValue := True;
- end;
- end;
- tempBmp.Free;
- end;
-function BGRAOriginalTextSize(Font: TFont; Quality: TBGRAFontQuality;
- sUTF8: string; CustomAntialiasingLevel: Integer): TSize;
- result := BGRAOriginalTextSizeAngle(Font, Font.Orientation, Quality, sUTF8,
- CustomAntialiasingLevel);
-function BGRAOriginalTextSizeAngle(Font: TFont; AOrientation: integer;
- Quality: TBGRAFontQuality; sUTF8: string; CustomAntialiasingLevel: Integer): TSize;
-var actualAntialiasingLevel, extraMargin: integer;
- result := BGRAOriginalTextSizeExAngle(Font, AOrientation, Quality, sUTF8,
- CustomAntialiasingLevel, actualAntialiasingLevel, extraMargin);
- if extraMargin > 0 then dec(result.cy, extraMargin);
- {$ENDIF}
-function BGRATextSize(Font: TFont; Quality: TBGRAFontQuality; sUTF8: string; CustomAntialiasingLevel: Integer): TSize;
- result := BGRATextSizeAngle(Font, Font.Orientation, Quality, sUTF8, CustomAntialiasingLevel);
-function BGRATextSizeAngle(Font: TFont; AOrientation: integer; Quality: TBGRAFontQuality; sUTF8: string; CustomAntialiasingLevel: Integer): TSize;
- if Quality = fqFineAntialiasing then Quality:= fqSystem;
- {$ENDIF}
- result := BGRAOriginalTextSizeAngle(Font, AOrientation, Quality, sUTF8, CustomAntialiasingLevel);
- if Quality in[fqFineClearTypeBGR,fqFineClearTypeRGB,fqFineAntialiasing] then
- begin
- result.cx := ceil(Result.cx/CustomAntialiasingLevel);
- result.cy := ceil(Result.cy/CustomAntialiasingLevel);
- end;
-function RemovePrefix(sUTF8: string): string;
-var i,resLen: integer;
- setlength(result, length(sUTF8));
- resLen := 0;
- i := 1;
- while i <= length(sUTF8) do
- begin
- if sUTF8[i] = '&' then
- begin // double ('&&') indicate single char '&'
- if (i < length(sUTF8)) and (sUTF8[i+1] = '&') then
- begin
- inc(resLen);
- result[resLen] := '&';
- inc(i,2);
- end else
- // single indicate underline
- inc(i);
- end else
- begin
- inc(resLen);
- result[resLen] := sUTF8[i];
- inc(i);
- end;
- end;
- setlength(result,resLen);
-procedure FilterOriginalText(Quality: TBGRAFontQuality; CustomAntialiasingLevel: Integer; var temp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- out grayscaleMask: TGrayscaleMask);
- n: integer;
- maxAlpha: UInt32or64;
- pb: PByte;
- multiplyX: integer;
- resampled: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- grayscaleMask := nil;
- case Quality of
- fqFineClearTypeBGR,fqFineClearTypeRGB,fqFineAntialiasing:
- begin
- if Quality in [fqFineClearTypeBGR,fqFineClearTypeRGB] then multiplyX:= 3 else multiplyX:= 1;
- if (temp.Height < CustomAntialiasingLevel*8) and (temp.Height >= CustomAntialiasingLevel*3) then
- begin
- temp.ResampleFilter := rfSpline;
- resampled := temp.Resample(round(temp.width/CustomAntialiasingLevel*multiplyX),round(temp.Height/CustomAntialiasingLevel),rmFineResample);
- grayscaleMask := TGrayscaleMask.Create(resampled,cGreen);
- FreeAndNil(resampled);
- end else
- grayscaleMask := TGrayscaleMask.CreateDownSample(temp, round(temp.width/CustomAntialiasingLevel*multiplyX),round(temp.Height/CustomAntialiasingLevel));
- FreeAndNil(temp);
- maxAlpha := 0;
- pb := grayscaleMask.Data;
- for n := grayscaleMask.NbPixels - 1 downto 0 do
- begin
- if Pb^ > maxAlpha then maxAlpha := Pb^;
- Inc(pb);
- end;
- if (maxAlpha <> 0) and (maxAlpha <> 255) then
- begin
- pb := grayscaleMask.Data;
- for n := grayscaleMask.NbPixels - 1 downto 0 do
- begin
- pb^:= pb^ * 255 div maxAlpha;
- Inc(pb);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- fqSystem:
- begin
- grayscaleMask := TGrayscaleMask.Create(temp, cGreen);
- FreeAndNil(temp);
- pb := grayscaleMask.Data;
- for n := grayscaleMask.NbPixels - 1 downto 0 do
- begin
- pb^:= GammaExpansionTab[pb^] shr 8;
- Inc(pb);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- end;
-function CleanTextOutString(s: string): string;
- result := BGRABitmapTypes.CleanTextOutString(s);
-function RemoveLineEnding(var s: string; indexByte: integer): boolean;
- result := BGRABitmapTypes.RemoveLineEnding(s, indexByte);
-function RemoveLineEndingUTF8(var sUTF8: string; indexUTF8: integer): boolean;
- result := BGRABitmapTypes.RemoveLineEndingUTF8(sUTF8,indexUTF8);
-procedure BGRAInternalRenderText(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; Quality: TBGRAFontQuality; grayscale: TGrayscaleMask; temp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- x,y,xThird: integer; c: TBGRAPixel; tex: IBGRAScanner);
- if Quality in [fqFineClearTypeBGR,fqFineClearTypeRGB,fqSystemClearType] then
- begin
- if grayscale <> nil then
- BGRAFillClearTypeGrayscaleMask(dest,x,y,xThird, grayscale,c,tex,Quality=fqFineClearTypeRGB)
- else if temp <> nil then
- BGRAFillClearTypeRGBMask(dest,x,y, temp,c,tex);
- end
- else
- begin
- if grayscale <> nil then
- begin
- if tex <> nil then
- grayscale.DrawAsAlpha(dest, x, y, tex) else
- grayscale.DrawAsAlpha(dest, x, y, c);
- end
- else if temp <> nil then
- dest.PutImage(x, y, temp, dmDrawWithTransparency);
- end;
-procedure BGRATextOut(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; Font: TFont; Quality: TBGRAFontQuality; xf, yf: single; sUTF8: string;
- c: TBGRAPixel; tex: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment; CustomAntialiasingLevel: Integer = 0;
- ShowPrefix: boolean = false; RightToLeft: boolean = false);
- size: TSize;
- sizeFactor, extraVerticalMargin: integer;
- xMarginF: single;
- style: TTextStyle;
- noPrefix: string;
- if not SystemFontAvailable then exit;
- if CustomAntialiasingLevel = 0 then
- CustomAntialiasingLevel:= FontAntialiasingLevel;
- if Font.Orientation mod 3600 <> 0 then
- begin
- BGRATextOutAngle(bmp,Font,Quality,xf,yf,Font.Orientation,sUTF8,c,tex,align);
- exit;
- end;
- if (Quality in [fqFineAntialiasing, fqFineClearTypeRGB, fqFineClearTypeBGR]) and
- (BGRATextSize(Font, fqSystem, 'Hg', 1).cy >= 13) then
- begin
- if Quality = fqFineAntialiasing then Quality := fqSystem;
- if Quality = GetFineClearTypeAuto then Quality := fqSystemClearType;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- if ShowPrefix then
- noPrefix := RemovePrefix(sUTF8)
- else
- noPrefix := sUTF8;
- size := BGRAOriginalTextSizeEx(Font,Quality,noPrefix,CustomAntialiasingLevel,sizeFactor,extraVerticalMargin);
- if (size.cx = 0) or (size.cy = 0) then
- exit;
- if (size.cy >= 144) and (Quality in[fqFineAntialiasing,fqFineClearTypeBGR,fqFineClearTypeRGB]) and (CustomAntialiasingLevel > 4) then
- begin
- CustomAntialiasingLevel:= 4;
- size := BGRAOriginalTextSizeEx(Font,Quality,noPrefix,CustomAntialiasingLevel,sizeFactor,extraVerticalMargin);
- end;
- case align of
- taLeftJustify: ;
- taCenter: DecF(xf, size.cx/2/sizeFactor);
- taRightJustify: DecF(xf, size.cx/sizeFactor);
- end;
- xMarginF := size.cy/sizeFactor;
- fillchar({%H-}style,sizeof(style),0);
- style.SingleLine := true;
- style.Alignment := taLeftJustify;
- style.Layout := tlTop;
- style.RightToLeft := RightToLeft;
- style.ShowPrefix := ShowPrefix;
- BGRATextRect(bmp, Font, Quality,
- rect(floor(xf-xMarginF), floor(yf)-1, ceil(xf+size.cx/sizeFactor+xMarginF), ceil(yf+size.cy/sizeFactor)+1),
- xf,yf, sUTF8, style, c, tex, sizeFactor);
-procedure BGRATextOutAngle(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; Font: TFont; Quality: TBGRAFontQuality; xf, yf: single;
- orientationTenthDegCCW: integer;
- sUTF8: string; c: TBGRAPixel; tex: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment; CustomAntialiasingLevel: Integer = 0);
- posF: TPointF;
- x,y: integer;
- deltaX,deltaY: integer;
- size: TSize;
- temp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- TopLeft,TopRight,BottomRight,BottomLeft: TPointF;
- Top,dy: Single;
- Left: Single;
- cosA,sinA: single;
- rotBounds: TRect;
- sizeFactor, extraVerticalMargin: integer;
- TempFont: TFont;
- oldOrientation: integer;
- grayscale:TGrayscaleMask;
- tempLCL: TBitmap;
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure rotBoundsAdd(pt: TPointF);
- begin
- if pt.x < Left then Left := pt.x;
- if pt.y < Top then Top := pt.y;
- if floor(pt.X) < rotBounds.Left then rotBounds.Left := floor(pt.X/sizeFactor)*sizeFactor;
- if floor(pt.Y) < rotBounds.Top then rotBounds.Top := floor(pt.Y/sizeFactor)*sizeFactor;
- if ceil(pt.X) > rotBounds.Right then rotBounds.Right := ceil(pt.X/sizeFactor)*sizeFactor;
- if ceil(pt.Y) > rotBounds.Bottom then rotBounds.Bottom := ceil(pt.Y/sizeFactor)*sizeFactor;
- end;
- if not SystemFontAvailable then exit;
- if CustomAntialiasingLevel = 0 then
- CustomAntialiasingLevel:= FontAntialiasingLevel;
- if orientationTenthDegCCW mod 3600 = 0 then
- begin
- oldOrientation := Font.Orientation;
- Font.Orientation := 0;
- BGRATextOut(bmp,Font,Quality,xf,yf,sUTF8,c,tex,align);
- Font.Orientation := oldOrientation;
- exit;
- end;
- TempFont := TFont.Create;
- TempFont.Assign(Font);
- TempFont.Height := Font.Height;
- size := BGRAOriginalTextSizeExAngle(TempFont,orientationTenthDegCCW,Quality,sUTF8,CustomAntialiasingLevel,sizeFactor, extraVerticalMargin);
- if (size.cx = 0) or (size.cy = 0) then
- begin
- tempFont.Free;
- exit;
- end;
- if extraVerticalMargin > 0 then
- dy := -extraVerticalMargin*0.5 -1
- else
- dy := 0;
- {$ELSE}
- dy := 0;
- {$ENDIF}
- tempFont.Free;
- cosA := cos(orientationTenthDegCCW*Pi/1800);
- sinA := sin(orientationTenthDegCCW*Pi/1800);
- TopLeft := PointF(sinA*dy,cosA*dy);
- posF := PointF(xf,yf);
- posF.Offset( TopLeft * (1/sizeFactor) );
- TopRight := TopLeft + PointF(cosA*size.cx,-sinA*size.cx);
- BottomRight := TopRight + PointF(sinA*size.cy,cosA*size.cy);
- BottomLeft := TopLeft + PointF(sinA*size.cy,cosA*size.cy);
- rotBounds := rect(0,0,0,0);
- Top := 0;
- Left := 0;
- rotBoundsAdd(TopRight);
- rotBoundsAdd(BottomRight);
- rotBoundsAdd(BottomLeft);
- inc(rotBounds.Right);
- inc(rotBounds.Bottom);
- posF.Offset( Left/sizeFactor, Top/sizeFactor );
- case align of
- taLeftJustify: ;
- taCenter:
- posF.Offset( -TopRight*(1/(2*sizeFactor)) );
- taRightJustify:
- posF.Offset( -TopRight*(1/sizeFactor) );
- end;
- x := floor(posF.x);
- deltaX := round((posF.x - x)*sizeFactor);
- y := floor(posF.y);
- deltaY := round((posF.y - y)*sizeFactor);
- if deltaX <> 0 then inc(rotBounds.Right, sizeFactor);
- if deltaY <> 0 then inc(rotBounds.Bottom, sizeFactor);
- tempLCL := TBitmap.Create;
- tempLCL.Width := rotBounds.Right-rotBounds.Left;
- tempLCL.Height := rotBounds.Bottom-rotBounds.Top;
- BitmapFillRect(tempLCL, Rect(0,0,tempLCL.Width,tempLCL.Height), clBlack);
- with tempLCL do begin
- {$ELSE}
- temp := BGRABitmapFactory.Create(rotBounds.Right-rotBounds.Left,rotBounds.Bottom-rotBounds.Top, BGRABlack);
- with temp do begin
- {$ENDIF}
- Canvas.Font := Font;
- Canvas.Font.Color := clWhite;
- Canvas.Font.Height := round(Font.Height*sizeFactor);
- BitmapTextOutAngle({$IFDEF RENDER_TEXT_ON_TBITMAP}tempLCL{$ELSE}temp.Bitmap{$ENDIF},
- Point(-rotBounds.Left+deltaX, -rotBounds.Top+deltaY), sUTF8,
- orientationTenthDegCCW);
- end;
- temp := BGRABitmapFactory.create(tempLCL,False);
- tempLCL.Free;
- {$ENDIF}
- FilterOriginalText(Quality,CustomAntialiasingLevel,temp,grayscale);
- BGRAInternalRenderText(bmp, Quality, grayscale,temp, x,y,0, c,tex);
- temp.Free;
- grayscale.Free;
-procedure BGRATextRect(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; Font: TFont; Quality: TBGRAFontQuality; ARect: TRect; xf, yf: single;
- sUTF8: string; style: TTextStyle; c: TBGRAPixel; tex: IBGRAScanner; CustomAntialiasingLevel: Integer = 0);
- lim: TRect;
- tx, ty: integer;
- temp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- sizeFactor: integer;
- cr: TRect;
- grayscale:TGrayscaleMask;
- tempLCL: TBitmap;
- {$ENDIF}
- if not SystemFontAvailable then exit;
- if CustomAntialiasingLevel = 0 then
- CustomAntialiasingLevel:= FontAntialiasingLevel;
- cr := bmp.ClipRect;
- if ARect.Left < cr.Left then
- lim.Left := cr.Left else lim.Left := ARect.Left;
- if ARect.Top < cr.Top then
- lim.Top := cr.Top else lim.Top := ARect.Top;
- if ARect.Right > cr.Right then
- lim.Right := cr.Right else lim.Right := ARect.Right;
- if ARect.Bottom > cr.Bottom then
- lim.Bottom := cr.Bottom else lim.Bottom := ARect.Bottom;
- tx := lim.Right - lim.Left;
- ty := lim.Bottom - lim.Top;
- if (tx <= 0) or (ty <= 0) then
- exit;
- if (Quality in [fqFineAntialiasing, fqFineClearTypeRGB, fqFineClearTypeBGR]) and
- (BGRATextSize(Font, fqSystem, 'Hg', 1).cy >= 13) then
- begin
- if Quality = fqFineAntialiasing then Quality := fqSystem;
- if Quality = GetFineClearTypeAuto then Quality := fqSystemClearType;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- if Quality in[fqFineAntialiasing,fqFineClearTypeBGR,fqFineClearTypeRGB] then
- sizeFactor := CustomAntialiasingLevel
- else
- sizeFactor := 1;
- tempLCL := TBitmap.Create;
- tempLCL.Width := tx*sizeFactor;
- tempLCL.Height := ty*sizeFactor;
- BitmapFillRect(tempLCL, Rect(0,0,tempLCL.Width,tempLCL.Height), clBlack);
- with tempLCL do begin
- {$ELSE}
- temp := BGRABitmapFactory.Create(tx*sizeFactor, ty*sizeFactor, BGRABlack);
- with temp do begin
- {$ENDIF}
- Canvas.Font := Font;
- Canvas.Font.Orientation := 0;
- if Quality in[fqFineAntialiasing,fqFineClearTypeBGR,fqFineClearTypeRGB] then Canvas.Font.Height := Font.Height*CustomAntialiasingLevel
- else Canvas.Font.Height := Font.Height;
- Canvas.Font.Color := clWhite;
- BitmapTextRect({$IFDEF RENDER_TEXT_ON_TBITMAP}tempLCL{$ELSE}temp.Bitmap{$ENDIF}, rect(lim.Left-ARect.Left, lim.Top-ARect.Top,
- (ARect.Right-ARect.Left)*sizeFactor, (ARect.Bottom-ARect.Top)*sizeFactor),
- Point(round((xf - lim.Left)*sizeFactor), round((yf - lim.Top)*sizeFactor)),
- sUTF8, style);
- end;
- temp := BGRABitmapFactory.create(tempLCL,False);
- tempLCL.Free;
- {$ENDIF}
- FilterOriginalText(Quality,CustomAntialiasingLevel,temp,grayscale);
- BGRAInternalRenderText(bmp, Quality, grayscale,temp, lim.left,lim.top,0, c,tex);
- temp.Free;
- grayscale.Free;
-{ TBGRASystemFontRenderer }
-{ Update font properties to internal TFont object }
-procedure TBGRASystemFontRenderer.UpdateFont;
-var fixedHeight: integer;
- fs: TFontStyles;
- patchedName: String;
- patchedName := PatchSystemFontName(FontName);
- if FFont.Name <> patchedName then
- FFont.Name := patchedName;
- fs := FontStyle;
- if (OverrideUnderlineDecoration or (CompareText(Trim(patchedName),'FreeSans')=0) or
- (CompareText(Trim(patchedName),'FreeMono')=0) or (CompareText(Trim(patchedName),'FreeSerif')=0))
- and (fsUnderline in fs) then
- begin
- Exclude(fs, fsUnderline);
- FOwnUnderline := true;
- end else
- FOwnUnderline := false;
- if FFont.Style <> fs then
- FFont.Style := fs;
- if FontEmHeight < 0 then
- fixedHeight := FixSystemFontFullHeight(patchedName, FontEmHeight * FontEmHeightSign)
- else
- fixedHeight := FontEmHeight * FontEmHeightSign;
- if FFont.Height <> fixedHeight then
- FFont.Height := fixedHeight;
- if FontQuality = fqSystemClearType then
- FFont.Quality := fqCleartype
- else
- FFont.Quality := FontDefaultQuality;
-function TBGRASystemFontRenderer.InternalTextSize(sUTF8: string;
- AShowPrefix: boolean): TSize;
- result := InternalTextSizeAngle(sUTF8, AShowPrefix, FontOrientation);
-function TBGRASystemFontRenderer.InternalTextSizeAngle(sUTF8: string;
- AShowPrefix: boolean; AOrientation: integer): TSize;
- if AShowPrefix then sUTF8 := RemovePrefix(sUTF8);
- result := BGRAText.BGRATextSizeAngle(FFont, AOrientation, FontQuality,
- sUTF8, FontAntialiasingLevel);
- if (result.cy >= 24)
- and (FontQuality in[fqFineAntialiasing,fqFineClearTypeBGR,fqFineClearTypeRGB])
- and (FontAntialiasingLevel > 4) then
- result := BGRAText.BGRATextSizeAngle(FFont, AOrientation, FontQuality,
- sUTF8, 4);
-procedure TBGRASystemFontRenderer.SplitText(var ATextUTF8: string;
- AMaxWidth: integer; out ARemainsUTF8: string);
-var WordBreakHandler: TWordBreakHandler;
- UpdateFont;
- if Assigned(FWordBreakHandler) then
- WordBreakHandler := FWordBreakHandler
- else
- WordBreakHandler := @DefaultWorkBreakHandler;
- InternalSplitText(ATextUTF8, AMaxWidth, ARemainsUTF8, WordBreakHandler);
-function TBGRASystemFontRenderer.GetFontPixelMetric: TFontPixelMetric;
- UpdateFont;
- result := InternalGetFontPixelMetric;
-function TBGRASystemFontRenderer.FontExists(AName: string): boolean;
- i: Integer;
- for i := 0 to Screen.Fonts.Count-1 do
- if CompareText(Screen.Fonts[i], AName) = 0 then exit(true);
- result := false;
- {$ELSE}
- result := true;
- {$ENDIF}
-class function TBGRASystemFontRenderer.PatchSystemFontName(AName: string): string;
- if AName = 'serif' then
- result := {$IFDEF DARWIN}'Times'{$ELSE}'serif'{$ENDIF}
- else if AName = 'monospace' then
- result := {$IFDEF DARWIN}'Courier'{$ELSE}{$IFDEF LINUX}'DejaVu Sans Mono'{$ELSE}'monospace'{$ENDIF}{$ENDIF}
- else result := AName;
-procedure TBGRASystemFontRenderer.TextOutAngle(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: single; orientationTenthDegCCW: integer;
- sUTF8: string; c: TBGRAPixel; align: TAlignment);
- UpdateFont;
- InternalTextOutAngle(ADest,x,y,orientationTenthDegCCW,sUTF8,c,nil,align,false,false);
-procedure TBGRASystemFontRenderer.TextOutAngle(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x,
- y: single; orientationTenthDegCCW: integer; sUTF8: string; c: TBGRAPixel;
- align: TAlignment; ARightToLeft: boolean);
- UpdateFont;
- InternalTextOutAngle(ADest,x,y,orientationTenthDegCCW,sUTF8,c,nil,align,false,ARightToLeft);
-procedure TBGRASystemFontRenderer.TextOutAngle(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: single; orientationTenthDegCCW: integer;
- sUTF8: string; texture: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment);
- UpdateFont;
- InternalTextOutAngle(ADest,x,y,orientationTenthDegCCW,sUTF8,BGRAPixelTransparent,texture,align,false,false);
-procedure TBGRASystemFontRenderer.TextOutAngle(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x,
- y: single; orientationTenthDegCCW: integer; sUTF8: string;
- texture: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment; ARightToLeft: boolean);
- UpdateFont;
- InternalTextOutAngle(ADest,x,y,orientationTenthDegCCW,sUTF8,BGRAPixelTransparent,texture,align,false,ARightToLeft);
-procedure TBGRASystemFontRenderer.TextOut(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: single; sUTF8: string;
- texture: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment);
- UpdateFont;
- InternalTextOut(ADest, x,y, sUTF8, BGRAPixelTransparent,texture, align);
-procedure TBGRASystemFontRenderer.TextOut(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: single; sUTF8: string; c: TBGRAPixel;
- align: TAlignment);
- UpdateFont;
- InternalTextOut(ADest, x,y, sUTF8, c,nil, align);
-procedure TBGRASystemFontRenderer.TextOut(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x,
- y: single; sUTF8: string; texture: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment;
- ARightToLeft: boolean);
- UpdateFont;
- InternalTextOut(ADest, x,y, sUTF8, BGRAPixelTransparent,texture, align,
- False, ARightToLeft);
-procedure TBGRASystemFontRenderer.TextOut(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x,
- y: single; sUTF8: string; c: TBGRAPixel; align: TAlignment;
- ARightToLeft: boolean);
- UpdateFont;
- InternalTextOut(ADest, x,y, sUTF8, c,nil, align, false, ARightToLeft);
-procedure TBGRASystemFontRenderer.TextRect(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; ARect: TRect; x, y: integer; sUTF8: string;
- style: TTextStyle; c: TBGRAPixel);
- UpdateFont;
- InternalTextRect(ADest,ARect,x,y,sUTF8,style,c,nil);
-procedure TBGRASystemFontRenderer.TextRect(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; ARect: TRect; x, y: integer; sUTF8: string;
- style: TTextStyle; texture: IBGRAScanner);
- UpdateFont;
- InternalTextRect(ADest,ARect,x,y,sUTF8,style,BGRAPixelTransparent,texture);
-procedure TBGRASystemFontRenderer.TextWordBreak(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- AText: string; x, y, AMaxWidth: integer; AColor: TBGRAPixel;
- AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout; ARightToLeft: boolean);
- UpdateFont;
- InternalTextWordBreak(ADest,AText,x,y,AMaxWidth,AColor,nil,AHorizAlign,AVertAlign,ARightToLeft);
-procedure TBGRASystemFontRenderer.TextWordBreak(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- AText: string; x, y, AMaxWidth: integer; ATexture: IBGRAScanner;
- AHorizAlign: TAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout; ARightToLeft: boolean);
- UpdateFont;
- InternalTextWordBreak(ADest,AText,x,y,AMaxWidth,BGRAPixelTransparent,ATexture,AHorizAlign,AVertAlign,ARightToLeft);
-procedure TBGRASystemFontRenderer.InternalTextWordBreak(
- ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; ATextUTF8: string; x, y, AMaxWidth: integer;
- AColor: TBGRAPixel; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AHorizAlign: TAlignment;
- AVertAlign: TTextLayout; ARightToLeft: boolean);
-var remains, part, curText,nextText: string;
- stepX,stepY: integer;
- lines: TStringList;
- i: integer;
- lineShift: single;
- WordBreakHandler: TWordBreakHandler;
- lineEndingBreak: boolean;
- bidiLayout: TBidiTextLayout;
- bidiAlign: TBidiTextAlignment;
- if (ATextUTF8 = '') or (AMaxWidth <= 0) then exit;
- if Assigned(FWordBreakHandler) then
- WordBreakHandler := FWordBreakHandler
- else
- WordBreakHandler := @DefaultWorkBreakHandler;
- if ContainsBidiIsolateOrFormattingUTF8(ATextUTF8) or
- (pos(UTF8_LINE_SEPARATOR, ATextUTF8) <> 0) then
- begin
- bidiLayout := TBidiTextLayout.Create(self, ATextUTF8, ARightToLeft);
- bidiLayout.WordBreakHandler:= WordBreakHandler;
- bidiLayout.AvailableWidth := AMaxWidth;
- case AHorizAlign of
- taLeftJustify: bidiAlign:= btaLeftJustify;
- taRightJustify: begin
- bidiAlign:= btaRightJustify;
- dec(x, AMaxWidth);
- end
- else
- begin
- bidiAlign:= btaCenter;
- dec(x, AMaxWidth div 2);
- end;
- end;
- for i := 0 to bidiLayout.ParagraphCount-1 do
- bidiLayout.ParagraphAlignment[i] := bidiAlign;
- case AVertAlign of
- tlBottom: bidiLayout.TopLeft := PointF(x, y - bidiLayout.TotalTextHeight);
- tlCenter: bidiLayout.TopLeft := PointF(x, y - bidiLayout.TotalTextHeight/2);
- end;
- if ATexture <> nil then bidiLayout.DrawText(ADest, ATexture)
- else bidiLayout.DrawText(ADest, AColor);
- bidiLayout.Free;
- exit;
- end;
- stepX := 0;
- stepY := TextSize('Hg').cy;
- lines := TStringList.Create;
- curText := ATextUTF8;
- repeat
- InternalSplitText(curText, AMaxWidth, remains, lineEndingBreak, WordBreakHandler);
- part := curText;
- if not lineEndingBreak then
- // append following direction to part
- case GetFirstStrongBidiClassUTF8(remains) of
- ubcLeftToRight: if ARightToLeft then AppendStr(part, UnicodeCharToUTF8(UNICODE_LEFT_TO_RIGHT_MARK));
- ubcRightToLeft,ubcArabicLetter: if not ARightToLeft then AppendStr(part, UnicodeCharToUTF8(UNICODE_RIGHT_TO_LEFT_MARK));
- end;
- lines.Add(part);
- // prefix next part with previous direction
- nextText := remains;
- if not lineEndingBreak then
- case GetLastStrongBidiClassUTF8(curText) of
- ubcLeftToRight: if ARightToLeft then nextText := UnicodeCharToUTF8(UNICODE_LEFT_TO_RIGHT_MARK) + nextText;
- ubcRightToLeft,ubcArabicLetter: if not ARightToLeft then nextText := UnicodeCharToUTF8(UNICODE_RIGHT_TO_LEFT_MARK) + nextText;
- end;
- curText := nextText;
- until remains = '';
- if AVertAlign = tlCenter then lineShift := lines.Count/2
- else if AVertAlign = tlBottom then lineShift := lines.Count
- else lineShift := 0;
- dec(X, round(stepX*lineShift));
- dec(Y, round(stepY*lineShift));
- for i := 0 to lines.Count-1 do
- begin
- InternalTextOut(ADest,x,y,lines[i],AColor,ATexture,AHorizAlign,false,ARightToLeft);
- inc(X, stepX);
- inc(Y, stepY);
- end;
- lines.Free;
-procedure TBGRASystemFontRenderer.InternalTextRect(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- ARect: TRect; x, y: integer; sUTF8: string; style: TTextStyle; c: TBGRAPixel;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner);
- oldOrientation: integer;
- previousClip, intersected: TRect;
- lines: TStringList;
- iStart,i,h: integer;
- availableWidth: integer;
- if sUTF8='' then exit;
- previousClip := ADest.ClipRect;
- if style.Clipping then
- begin
- intersected := TRect.Intersect(previousClip, ARect);
- if intersected.IsEmpty then exit;
- ADest.ClipRect := intersected;
- end;
- if style.SystemFont then FFont.Name := 'default';
- if not (style.Alignment in[taCenter,taRightJustify]) then ARect.Left := x;
- if not (style.Layout in[tlCenter,tlBottom]) then ARect.top := y;
- if (ARect.Right <= ARect.Left) and style.Clipping then
- begin
- ADest.ClipRect := previousClip;
- exit;
- end;
- if style.Layout = tlCenter then Y := (ARect.Top+ARect.Bottom) div 2 else
- if style.Layout = tlBottom then Y := ARect.Bottom else
- Y := ARect.Top;
- if style.Alignment = taCenter then X := (ARect.Left+ARect.Right) div 2 else
- if style.Alignment = taRightJustify then X := ARect.Right else
- X := ARect.Left;
- oldOrientation := FontOrientation;
- FontOrientation := 0;
- if style.Wordbreak then
- begin
- if style.ShowPrefix then sUTF8 := RemovePrefix(sUTF8); //prefix not handled
- InternalTextWordBreak(ADest,sUTF8,X,Y,ARect.Right-ARect.Left,c,ATexture,
- style.Alignment,style.Layout,style.RightToLeft);
- end
- else
- begin
- lines := nil;
- iStart := 1;
- if not style.SingleLine then
- begin
- i := iStart;
- while i <= length(sUTF8) do
- begin
- if sUTF8[i] in[#13,#10] then
- begin
- if not assigned(lines) then lines := TStringList.Create;
- lines.add(copy(sUTF8,iStart,i-iStart));
- if (sUTF8[i]=#13) and (i < length(sUTF8)) and (sUTF8[i+1]=#10) then inc(i);
- iStart := i+1
- end;
- inc(i);
- end;
- end;
- if style.Alignment = taLeftJustify then
- availableWidth := ARect.Right-X
- else
- availableWidth := ARect.Right-ARect.Left;
- if availableWidth < 0 then availableWidth:= 0;
- if lines = nil then //only one line
- begin
- if style.Layout = tlCenter then dec(Y, InternalTextSize(sUTF8,style.ShowPrefix).cy div 2);
- if style.Layout = tlBottom then dec(Y, InternalTextSize(sUTF8,style.ShowPrefix).cy);
- if style.EndEllipsis then
- InternalTextOutEllipse(ADest,X,Y,availableWidth,sUTF8,c,ATexture,style.Alignment,
- style.ShowPrefix,style.RightToLeft)
- else
- InternalTextOut(ADest,X,Y,sUTF8,c,ATexture,style.Alignment,
- style.ShowPrefix,style.RightToLeft);
- end else
- begin //multiple lines
- lines.add(copy(sUTF8, iStart, length(sUTF8)-iStart+1));
- h := InternalTextSize('Hg',False).cy;
- if style.Layout = tlCenter then dec(Y, h*lines.Count div 2);
- if style.Layout = tlBottom then dec(Y, h*lines.Count);
- for i := 0 to lines.Count-1 do
- begin
- if style.EndEllipsis then
- InternalTextOutEllipse(ADest,X,Y,availableWidth,lines[i],c,ATexture,style.Alignment,
- style.ShowPrefix,style.RightToLeft)
- else
- InternalTextOut(ADest,X,Y,lines[i],c,ATexture,style.Alignment,
- style.ShowPrefix,style.RightToLeft);
- inc(Y,h);
- end;
- lines.Free;
- end;
- end;
- FontOrientation := oldOrientation;
- if style.Clipping then
- ADest.ClipRect := previousClip;
-procedure TBGRASystemFontRenderer.InternalTextOut(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x,
- y: single; sUTF8: string; c: TBGRAPixel; texture: IBGRAScanner;
- align: TAlignment; AShowPrefix: boolean = false; ARightToLeft: boolean = false);
- InternalTextOutAngle(ADest, x,y, FontOrientation, sUTF8, c, texture,
- align, ASHowPrefix, ARightToLeft);
-procedure TBGRASystemFontRenderer.InternalTextOutAngle(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x,
- y: single; AOrientation: integer; sUTF8: string; c: TBGRAPixel; texture: IBGRAScanner;
- align: TAlignment; AShowPrefix: boolean = false; ARightToLeft: boolean = false);
-var mode : TBGRATextOutImproveReadabilityMode;
- s: TSize;
- pts: ArrayOfTPointF;
- m: TAffineMatrix;
- i: Integer;
- if sUTF8='' then exit;
- {$IF defined(LINUX) or defined(DARWIN)}
- //help LCL detect the correct direction
- case GetFirstStrongBidiClassUTF8(sUTF8) of
- ubcRightToLeft, ubcArabicLetter: if not ARightToLeft then sUTF8 := UnicodeCharToUTF8(UNICODE_LEFT_TO_RIGHT_MARK) + sUTF8;
- else
- begin //suppose left-to-right
- if ARightToLeft then sUTF8 := UnicodeCharToUTF8(UNICODE_RIGHT_TO_LEFT_MARK) + sUTF8;
- end;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- if Assigned(BGRATextOutImproveReadabilityProc) and
- (FontQuality in[{$IFNDEF SYSTEM_RENDERER_IS_FINE}fqFineAntialiasing,{$ENDIF}
- fqFineClearTypeBGR,fqFineClearTypeRGB]) and
- (AOrientation mod 3600 = 0) then
- begin
- case FontQuality of
- fqFineClearTypeBGR: mode := irClearTypeBGR;
- fqFineClearTypeRGB: mode := irClearTypeRGB;
- else
- mode := irNormal;
- end;
- if AShowPrefix then sUTF8 := RemovePrefix(sUTF8); //prefix not handled
- BGRATextOutImproveReadabilityProc(ADest,FFont,x,y,sUTF8,c,texture,align,mode);
- end else
- begin
- if AOrientation = 0 then
- BGRAText.BGRATextOut(ADest,FFont,FontQuality,x,y,sUTF8,c,texture,align,
- 0,AShowPrefix,ARightToLeft)
- else
- BGRAText.BGRATextOutAngle(ADest,FFont,FontQuality,x,y,AOrientation,
- sUTF8,c,texture,align,0);
- end;
- if FOwnUnderline then
- begin
- s := InternalTextSizeAngle(sUTF8, AShowPrefix, AOrientation);
- pts := BGRATextUnderline(PointF(x,y),s.cx,InternalGetFontPixelMetric);
- if AOrientation mod 3600 <> 0 then
- begin
- m := AffineMatrixTranslation(x,y)*
- AffineMatrixRotationDeg(-AOrientation/10)*
- AffineMatrixTranslation(-x,-y);
- for i := 0 to high(pts) do
- pts[i] := m*pts[i];
- end;
- if texture<>nil then
- ADest.FillPolyAntialias(pts, texture, false)
- else
- ADest.FillPolyAntialias(pts, c, false);
- end;
-procedure TBGRASystemFontRenderer.InternalTextOutEllipse(
- ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y, availableWidth: single; sUTF8: string;
- c: TBGRAPixel; texture: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment;
- AShowPrefix: boolean; ARightToLeft: boolean);
-var remain: string;
- if sUTF8='' then exit;
- if InternalTextSize(sUTF8,AShowPrefix).cx > availableWidth then
- begin
- InternalSplitText(sUTF8, round(availableWidth - InternalTextSize('...',AShowPrefix).cx), remain, nil);
- AppendStr(sUTF8, '...');
- end;
- InternalTextOut(ADest,x,y,sUTF8,c,texture,align,AShowPrefix,ARightToLeft);
-procedure TBGRASystemFontRenderer.InternalSplitText(var ATextUTF8: string;
- AMaxWidth: integer; out ARemainsUTF8: string; out ALineEndingBreak: boolean; AWordBreak: TWordBreakHandler);
-var p,skipCount, charLen: integer;
- zeroWidth: boolean;
- u: LongWord;
- ALineEndingBreak:= false;
- if ATextUTF8= '' then
- begin
- ARemainsUTF8 := '';
- exit;
- end;
- if RemoveLineEnding(ATextUTF8,1) then
- begin
- ARemainsUTF8:= ATextUTF8;
- ATextUTF8 := '';
- ALineEndingBreak:= true;
- exit;
- end;
- if InternalTextSize(ATextUTF8, false).cx <= AMaxWidth then
- begin
- for p := 1 to length(ATextUTF8) do
- begin
- if RemoveLineEnding(ATextUTF8,p) then
- begin
- ARemainsUTF8:= copy(ATextUTF8,p,length(ATextUTF8)-p+1);
- ATextUTF8 := copy(ATextUTF8,1,p-1);
- ALineEndingBreak:= true;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- ARemainsUTF8 := '';
- exit;
- end;
- if AMaxWidth <= 0 then
- skipCount := 0
- else
- skipCount := BGRATextFitInfo(FFont, FontQuality, ATextUTF8, FontAntialiasingLevel, AMaxWidth);
- if skipCount <= 0 then skipCount := 1;
- p := 1;
- zeroWidth := true;
- repeat
- charLen := UTF8CharacterLength(@ATextUTF8[p]);
- u := UTF8CodepointToUnicode(@ATextUTF8[p], charLen);
- if not IsZeroWidthUnicode(u) then
- zeroWidth:= false;
- inc(p, charLen); //UTF8 chars may be more than 1 byte long
- dec(skipCount);
- if RemoveLineEnding(ATextUTF8,p) then
- begin
- ARemainsUTF8:= copy(ATextUTF8,p,length(ATextUTF8)-p+1);
- ATextUTF8 := copy(ATextUTF8,1,p-1);
- ALineEndingBreak:= true;
- exit;
- end;
- until ((skipCount <= 0) and not zeroWidth) or (p >= length(ATextUTF8)+1);
- ARemainsUTF8:= copy(ATextUTF8,p,length(ATextUTF8)-p+1);
- ATextUTF8 := copy(ATextUTF8,1,p-1); //this includes the whole last UTF8 char
- if Assigned(AWordBreak) then AWordBreak(ATextUTF8,ARemainsUTF8);
-procedure TBGRASystemFontRenderer.InternalSplitText(var ATextUTF8: string;
- AMaxWidth: integer; out ARemainsUTF8: string; AWordBreak: TWordBreakHandler);
-var lineEndingBreak: boolean;
- InternalSplitText(ATextUTF8,AMaxWidth,ARemainsUTF8,lineEndingBreak,AWordBreak);
-function TBGRASystemFontRenderer.InternalGetFontPixelMetric: TFontPixelMetric;
-var fxFont: TFont;
- if FontQuality in[fqSystem,fqSystemClearType] then
- result := GetLCLFontPixelMetric(FFont)
- else
- begin
- FxFont := TFont.Create;
- FxFont.Assign(FFont);
- FxFont.Height := fxFont.Height*FontAntialiasingLevel;
- Result:= GetLCLFontPixelMetric(FxFont);
- if Result.Baseline <> -1 then Result.Baseline:= round((Result.Baseline-1)/FontAntialiasingLevel);
- if Result.CapLine <> -1 then Result.CapLine:= round(Result.CapLine/FontAntialiasingLevel);
- if Result.DescentLine <> -1 then Result.DescentLine:= round((Result.DescentLine-1)/FontAntialiasingLevel);
- if Result.Lineheight <> -1 then Result.Lineheight:= round(Result.Lineheight/FontAntialiasingLevel);
- if Result.xLine <> -1 then Result.xLine:= round(Result.xLine/FontAntialiasingLevel);
- FxFont.Free;
- end;
-procedure TBGRASystemFontRenderer.DefaultWorkBreakHandler(var ABeforeUTF8,
- AAfterUTF8: string);
- BGRADefaultWordBreakHandler(ABeforeUTF8,AAfterUTF8);
-function TBGRASystemFontRenderer.TextSize(sUTF8: string): TSize;
-var oldOrientation: integer;
- oldOrientation:= FontOrientation;
- FontOrientation:= 0;
- UpdateFont;
- result := InternalTextSize(sUTF8,False);
- FontOrientation:= oldOrientation;
-function TBGRASystemFontRenderer.TextSizeAngle(sUTF8: string;
- orientationTenthDegCCW: integer): TSize;
-var oldOrientation: integer;
- oldOrientation:= FontOrientation;
- FontOrientation:= orientationTenthDegCCW;
- UpdateFont;
- result := InternalTextSize(sUTF8,False);
- FontOrientation:= oldOrientation;
-function TBGRASystemFontRenderer.TextSize(sUTF8: string;
- AMaxWidth: integer; ARightToLeft: boolean): TSize;
- remains: string;
- h, i, w: integer;
- WordBreakHandler: TWordBreakHandler;
- layout: TBidiTextLayout;
- UpdateFont;
- if Assigned(FWordBreakHandler) then
- WordBreakHandler := FWordBreakHandler
- else
- WordBreakHandler := @DefaultWorkBreakHandler;
- if ContainsBidiIsolateOrFormattingUTF8(sUTF8) then
- begin
- layout := TBidiTextLayout.Create(self, sUTF8, ARightToLeft);
- layout.WordBreakHandler:= WordBreakHandler;
- layout.AvailableWidth := AMaxWidth;
- for i := 0 to layout.ParagraphCount-1 do
- layout.ParagraphAlignment[i] := btaLeftJustify;
- result.cx := 0;
- for i := 0 to layout.PartCount-1 do
- begin
- w := ceil(layout.PartRectF[i].Right);
- if w > result.cx then result.cx := w;
- end;
- result.cy := ceil(layout.TotalTextHeight);
- layout.Free;
- end else
- begin
- result.cx := 0;
- result.cy := 0;
- h := InternalTextSize('Hg',False).cy;
- repeat
- InternalSplitText(sUTF8, AMaxWidth, remains, WordBreakHandler);
- with InternalTextSize(sUTF8, false) do
- if cx > result.cx then result.cx := cx;
- inc(result.cy, h);
- sUTF8 := remains;
- until remains = '';
- end;
-function TBGRASystemFontRenderer.TextFitInfo(sUTF8: string; AMaxWidth: integer
- ): integer;
- UpdateFont;
- result := BGRATextFitInfo(FFont, FontQuality, sUTF8, FontAntialiasingLevel, AMaxWidth);
-constructor TBGRASystemFontRenderer.Create;
- FFont := TFont.Create;
-destructor TBGRASystemFontRenderer.Destroy;
- FFont.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- fqFineClearType := @GetFineClearTypeAuto;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgratextbidi.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgratextbidi.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 774d506..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgratextbidi.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3487 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRATextBidi;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BGRABitmapTypes, BGRAUTF8, BGRAUnicode, BGRATransform,
- BGRAUnicodeText;
- TBrokenLinesChangedEvent = procedure(ASender: TObject; AParagraphIndex: integer;
- ASubBrokenStart, ASubBrokenChangedCountBefore, ASubBrokenChangedCountAfter: integer;
- ASubBrokenTotalCountBefore, ASubBrokenTotalCountAfter: integer) of object;
- TParagraphLayoutSplitEvent = procedure(ASender: TObject; AParagraphIndex: integer;
- ASubBrokenIndex, ACharIndex: integer) of object;
- { TBidiCaretPos }
- TBidiCaretPos = record
- PartIndex: integer;
- Top, Bottom: TPointF;
- RightToLeft: boolean;
- PreviousTop, PreviousBottom: TPointF;
- PreviousRightToLeft: boolean;
- procedure Transform(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix);
- end;
- PPartInfo = ^TPartInfo;
- { TPartInfo }
- TPartInfo = record
- brokenLineIndex: integer;
- startIndex, endIndex: integer;
- bidiLevel: byte;
- modified: bytebool;
- rectF: TRectF;
- posCorrection: TPointF;
- function IsRightToLeft: boolean;
- end;
- PBrokenLineInfo = ^TBrokenLineInfo;
- { TBrokenLineInfo }
- TBrokenLineInfo = record
- unbrokenLineIndex: integer;
- startIndex, endIndex: integer;
- bidiLevel: byte;
- rectF: TRectF;
- usedWidth: single;
- firstPartIndex: integer;
- parts: array of TPartInfo;
- partCount: integer;
- function IsRightToLeft: boolean;
- end;
- PParagraphInfo = ^TParagraphInfo;
- TParagraphInfo = record
- alignment: TBidiTextAlignment;
- layoutComputed, overflow: boolean;
- rectF: TRectF;
- firstBrokenLineIndex: integer;
- firstPartIndex: integer;
- brokenLines: array of TBrokenLineInfo;
- brokenLineCount: integer;
- end;
- TBidiTextLayout = class;
- { TPartEnumerator }
- TPartEnumerator = record
- private
- FJustCreated: boolean;
- FParagraphIndex: integer;
- FBrokenLineIndex: integer;
- FPartIndex: integer;
- FLayout: TBidiTextLayout;
- FSubBrokenIndex: integer;
- FSubBrokenCount: integer;
- FCurBroken: PBrokenLineInfo;
- FSubPartIndex: integer;
- FSubPartCount: integer;
- FEndPartIndex: integer;
- function GetPartInfo: PPartInfo;
- procedure Update;
- public
- class function New(ALayout: TBidiTextLayout; AParagraphIndex: integer;
- ASubBrokenIndex: integer; ASubPartIndex: integer; AEndPartIndex: integer): TPartEnumerator; static;
- function GetNext: boolean;
- property Layout: TBidiTextLayout read FLayout;
- property ParagraphIndex: integer read FParagraphIndex;
- property BrokenLineIndex: integer read FBrokenLineIndex;
- property PartIndex: integer read FPartIndex;
- property PartInfo: PPartInfo read GetPartInfo;
- property BrokenLineInfo: PBrokenLineInfo read FCurBroken;
- end;
- { TBidiTextLayout }
- TBidiTextLayout = class
- private
- FAvailableHeight: single;
- FAvailableWidth: single;
- FClipMargin: integer;
- FOnBrokenLinesChanged: TBrokenLinesChangedEvent;
- FOnParagraphChanged: TParagraphEvent;
- FOnParagraphDeleted: TParagraphEvent;
- FOnParagraphMergedWithNext: TParagraphEvent;
- FOnParagraphSplit: TParagraphLayoutSplitEvent;
- FOnParagraphVerticalTrimChanged: TParagraphEvent;
- FParagraphSpacingAbove: single;
- FParagraphSpacingBelow: single;
- FTopLeft: TPointF;
- FMatrix, FMatrixInverse: TAffineMatrix;
- FTabSize: Single;
- FWordBreakHandler: TWordBreakHandler;
- function GetBrokenLineAffineBox(AIndex: integer): TAffineBox;
- function GetBrokenLineCount: integer;
- function GetBrokenLineEndCaret(AIndex: integer): TBidiCaretPos;
- function GetBrokenLineEndPart(AIndex: integer): integer;
- function GetBrokenLineStartPart(AIndex: integer): integer;
- function GetBrokenLineUntransformedEndCaret(AIndex: integer): TBidiCaretPos;
- function GetBrokenLineEndIndex(AIndex: integer): integer;
- function GetBrokenLineParagraphIndex(AIndex: integer): integer;
- function GetBrokenLineUnbrokenIndex(AIndex: integer): integer;
- function GetBrokenLineInfo(AIndex: integer): PBrokenLineInfo;
- function GetBrokenLineRectF(AIndex: integer): TRectF;
- function GetBrokenLineRightToLeft(AIndex: integer): boolean;
- function GetBrokenLineStartCaret(AIndex: integer): TBidiCaretPos;
- function GetBrokenLineUntransformedStartCaret(AIndex: integer): TBidiCaretPos;
- function GetBrokenLineStartIndex(AIndex: integer): integer;
- function GetBrokenLineUsedWidth(AIndex: integer): single;
- function GetCharCount: integer;
- function GetFontBidiMode: TFontBidiMode;
- function GetLayoutComputed: boolean;
- function GetLineHeight: single;
- function GetMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- function GetMatrixInverse: TAffineMatrix;
- function GetParagraphAffineBox(AIndex: integer): TAffineBox;
- function GetParagraphAlignment(AIndex: integer): TBidiTextAlignment;
- function GetParagraphCount: integer;
- function GetParagraphEndBrokenLine(AIndex: integer): integer;
- function GetParagraphEndIndex(AIndex: integer): integer;
- function GetParagraphEndIndexBeforeParagraphSeparator(AIndex: integer): integer;
- function GetParagraphEndPart(AIndex: integer): integer;
- function GetParagraphInfo(AIndex: integer): PParagraphInfo;
- function GetParagraphRectF(AIndex: integer): TRectF;
- function GetParagraphRightToLeft(AIndex: integer): boolean;
- function GetParagraphStartBrokenLine(AIndex: integer): integer;
- function GetParagraphStartIndex(AIndex: integer): integer;
- function GetParagraphStartPart(AIndex: integer): integer;
- function GetPartAffineBox(AIndex: integer): TAffineBox;
- function GetPartBrokenLineIndex(AIndex: integer): integer;
- function GetPartCount: integer;
- function GetPartEnumerator(AFirstPart: integer): TPartEnumerator;
- function GetPartEnumerator(AFirstPart, ALastPartPlus1: integer): TPartEnumerator;
- function GetPartInfo(AIndex: integer): PPartInfo;
- function GetPartEndIndex(AIndex: integer): integer;
- function GetPartRectF(AIndex: integer): TRectF;
- function GetPartRightToLeft(AIndex: integer): boolean;
- function GetPartStartIndex(AIndex: integer): integer;
- function GetText: string;
- function GetTotalTextHeight: single;
- function GetUnicodeChar(APosition0: integer): LongWord;
- function GetUsedWidth: single;
- function GetUTF8Char(APosition0: integer): string4;
- procedure SetAvailableHeight(AValue: single);
- procedure SetAvailableWidth(AValue: single);
- procedure SetFontBidiMode(AValue: TFontBidiMode);
- procedure SetFontRenderer(AValue: TBGRACustomFontRenderer);
- procedure SetParagraphAlignment(AIndex: integer; AValue: TBidiTextAlignment);
- procedure SetParagraphSpacingAbove(AValue: single);
- procedure SetParagraphSpacingBelow(AValue: single);
- procedure SetTabSize(AValue: single);
- procedure SetTopLeft(AValue: TPointF);
- procedure ComputeMatrix;
- protected
- FAnalysis: TUnicodeAnalysis;
- FRenderer: TBGRACustomFontRenderer;
- FLineHeight: single;
- FParagraph: array of TParagraphInfo;
- FComputedBrokenLineCount: integer;
- FComputedPartCount: integer;
- FColor: TBGRAPixel;
- FTexture: IBGRAScanner;
- function TextSizeBidiOverride(sUTF8: string; ARightToLeft: boolean): TPointF;
- function TextSizeBidiOverrideSplit(AStartIndex, AEndIndex: integer; ARightToLeft: boolean; ASplitIndex: integer): TPointF;
- function TextFitInfoBidiOverride(sUTF8: string; AWidth: single; ARightToLeft: boolean): integer;
- function GetFontFullHeight: single;
- function GetFontBaseline: single;
- function GetFontOrientation: single;
- procedure TextOutBidiOverride(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: single; sUTF8: string; ARightToLeft: boolean);
- procedure TextPathBidiOverride(ADest: IBGRAPath; x, y: single; sUTF8: string; ARightToLeft: boolean);
- procedure AddPart(AStartIndex, AEndIndex: integer; ABidiLevel: byte; ARectF: TRectF; APosCorrection: TPointF; ABrokenLineIndex: integer; ABrokenLine: PBrokenLineInfo);
- function GetPartStartCaret(APartIndex: integer): TBidiCaretPos;
- function GetPartEndCaret(APartIndex: integer): TBidiCaretPos;
- function GetUntransformedPartStartCaret(APartIndex: integer): TBidiCaretPos;
- function GetUntransformedPartStartCaret(APartIndex: integer; APrevPart, APart: PPartInfo): TBidiCaretPos;
- function GetUntransformedPartEndCaret(APartIndex: integer): TBidiCaretPos;
- function GetUntransformedPartEndCaret(APartIndex: integer; APart: PPartInfo): TBidiCaretPos;
- function GetUntransformedParagraphAt(APosition: TPointF): integer; overload;
- function GetSameLevelString(startIndex,endIndex: integer): string; overload;
- function GetSameLevelString(startIndex,endIndex: integer; out nonDiscardedCount: integer): string; overload;
- function ComputeBidiTree(AMaxWidth: single; startIndex, endIndex: integer; bidiLevel: byte): TBidiTree;
- procedure AddPartsFromTree(APos: TPointF; ATree: TBidiTree; fullHeight, baseLine: single; ABrokenLineIndex: integer; ABrokenLine: PBrokenLineInfo);
- procedure Init(ATextUTF8: string; ABidiMode: TFontBidiMode); virtual;
- procedure ComputeLayout; virtual;
- procedure CheckTextLayout;
- procedure NeedLayout;
- procedure InvalidateParagraphLayout(AParagraphIndex: integer);
- procedure InternalInvalidateParagraphLayout(AParagraphIndex: integer);
- procedure OffsetParagraph(AParagraphIndex: integer; ADeltaY: single; ADeltaBroken, ADeltaPart: integer);
- procedure OffsetParagraphCharIndex(AParagraphIndex: integer; ADeltaChar: integer);
- procedure TrimParagraphLayoutVertically(AParagraphIndex: integer);
- procedure InternalDrawText(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap);
- procedure InternalPathText(ADest: IBGRAPath); overload;
- procedure InternalPathText(ADest: IBGRAPath; AClipRect: TRect); overload;
- procedure InternalDrawTextParts(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; AFirstPart, ALastPartPlus1: integer);
- procedure InternalPathTextParts(ADest: IBGRAPath; AFirstPart, ALastPartPlus1: integer); overload;
- procedure InternalPathTextParts(ADest: IBGRAPath; AClipRect: TRect; AFirstPart, ALastPartPlus1: integer); overload;
- procedure InternalRangeError;
- //unicode analysis events
- procedure BidiModeChanged({%H-}ASender: TObject);
- procedure CharDeleted({%H-}ASender: TObject; AParagraphIndex: integer; {%H-}ACharStart, {%H-}ACharCount: integer);
- procedure CharInserted({%H-}ASender: TObject; AParagraphIndex: integer; {%H-}ACharStart, {%H-}ACharCount: integer);
- procedure AnalysisChanged({%H-}ASender: TObject; AParagraphIndex: integer; {%H-}ACharStart, {%H-}ACharCount: integer);
- procedure ParagraphDeleted({%H-}ASender: TObject; AParagraphIndex: integer);
- procedure ParagraphMergedWithNext({%H-}ASender: TObject; AParagraphIndex: integer);
- procedure ParagraphSplit({%H-}ASender: TObject; AParagraphIndex: integer; {%H-}ACharIndex: integer);
- procedure InternalParagraphDeleted(AParagraphIndex: integer);
- property LayoutComputed: boolean read GetLayoutComputed;
- public
- constructor Create(AFontRenderer: TBGRACustomFontRenderer; sUTF8: string); overload;
- constructor Create(AFontRenderer: TBGRACustomFontRenderer; sUTF8: string; ARightToLeft: boolean); overload;
- constructor Create(AFontRenderer: TBGRACustomFontRenderer; sUTF8: string; AFontBidiMode: TFontBidiMode); overload;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure SetLayout(ARect: TRectF);
- procedure InvalidateLayout;
- procedure ComputeLayoutIfNeeded;
- function AddOverrideIfNecessary(var sUTF8: string; ARightToLeft: boolean): boolean;
- function GetTextPart(APartIndex: integer; AAddOverrideIfNecessary: boolean): string;
- procedure DrawText(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap); overload;
- procedure DrawText(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure DrawText(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; ATexture: IBGRAScanner); overload;
- procedure PathText(ADest: IBGRAPath);
- procedure PathText(ADest: IBGRAPath; AClipRect: TRect);
- procedure DrawTextParts(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; AFirstPart, ALastPartPlus1: integer); overload;
- procedure DrawTextParts(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AFirstPart, ALastPartPlus1: integer); overload;
- procedure DrawTextParts(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AFirstPart, ALastPartPlus1: integer); overload;
- procedure PathTextParts(ADest: IBGRAPath; AFirstPart, ALastPartPlus1: integer); overload;
- procedure PathTextParts(ADest: IBGRAPath; AClipRect: TRect; AFirstPart, ALastPartPlus1: integer); overload;
- procedure DrawParagraphs(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; AFirstPara, ALastParaPlus1: integer); overload;
- procedure DrawParagraphs(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AFirstPara, ALastParaPlus1: integer); overload;
- procedure DrawParagraphs(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AFirstPara, ALastParaPlus1: integer); overload;
- procedure PathParagraphs(ADest: IBGRAPath; AFirstPara, ALastParaPlus1: integer); overload;
- procedure PathParagraphs(ADest: IBGRAPath; AClipRect: TRect; AFirstPara, ALastParaPlus1: integer); overload;
- procedure DrawBrokenLines(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; AFirstBroken, ALastBrokenPlus1: integer); overload;
- procedure DrawBrokenLines(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AFirstBroken, ALastBrokenPlus1: integer); overload;
- procedure DrawBrokenLines(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AFirstBroken, ALastBrokenPlus1: integer); overload;
- procedure PathBrokenLines(ADest: IBGRAPath; AFirstBroken, ALastBrokenPlus1: integer); overload;
- procedure PathBrokenLines(ADest: IBGRAPath; AClipRect: TRect; AFirstBroken, ALastBrokenPlus1: integer); overload;
- procedure DrawCaret(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; ACharIndex: integer; AMainColor, ASecondaryColor: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure DrawSelection(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; AStartIndex, AEndIndex: integer;
- AFillColor: TBGRAPixel; ABorderColor: TBGRAPixel; APenWidth: single); overload;
- procedure DrawSelection(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; AStartIndex, AEndIndex: integer;
- AFillColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- function GetCaret(ACharIndex: integer): TBidiCaretPos;
- function GetUntransformedCaret(ACharIndex: integer): TBidiCaretPos;
- function GetCharIndexAt(APosition: TPointF): integer;
- function GetTextEnveloppe(AStartIndex, AEndIndex: integer; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true; AMergeBoxes: boolean = true; AVerticalClip: boolean = false): ArrayOfTPointF;
- function GetUntransformedTextEnveloppe(AStartIndex, AEndIndex: integer; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true; AMergeBoxes: boolean = true; AVerticalClip: boolean = false): ArrayOfTPointF;
- function GetParagraphAt(ACharIndex: Integer): integer; overload;
- function GetParagraphAt(APosition: TPointF): integer; overload;
- function GetBrokenLineAt(ACharIndex: integer): integer;
- function InsertText(ATextUTF8: string; APosition: integer): integer;
- function InsertLineSeparator(APosition: integer): integer;
- function DeleteText(APosition, ACount: integer): integer;
- function DeleteTextBefore(APosition, ACount: integer): integer;
- function CopyText(APosition, ACount: integer): string;
- function CopyTextBefore(APosition, ACount: integer): string;
- function IncludeNonSpacingChars(APosition, ACount: integer; AIncludeCombiningMarks: boolean = true): integer;
- function IncludeNonSpacingCharsBefore(APosition, ACount: integer; AIncludeCombiningMarks: boolean = true): integer;
- function FindTextAbove(AFromPosition: integer): integer;
- function FindTextBelow(AFromPosition: integer): integer;
- property CharCount: integer read GetCharCount;
- property UTF8Char[APosition0: integer]: string4 read GetUTF8Char;
- property UnicodeChar[APosition0: integer]: LongWord read GetUnicodeChar;
- property BrokenLineCount: integer read GetBrokenLineCount;
- property BrokenLineParagraphIndex[AIndex: integer]: integer read GetBrokenLineParagraphIndex;
- property BrokenLineUnbrokenIndex[AIndex: integer]: integer read GetBrokenLineUnbrokenIndex;
- property BrokenLineStartIndex[AIndex: integer]: integer read GetBrokenLineStartIndex;
- property BrokenLineEndIndex[AIndex: integer]: integer read GetBrokenLineEndIndex;
- property BrokenLineStartPart[AIndex: integer]: integer read GetBrokenLineStartPart;
- property BrokenLineEndPart[AIndex: integer]: integer read GetBrokenLineEndPart;
- property BrokenLineRectF[AIndex: integer]: TRectF read GetBrokenLineRectF;
- property BrokenLineUsedWidth[AIndex: integer]: single read GetBrokenLineUsedWidth;
- property BrokenLineAffineBox[AIndex: integer]: TAffineBox read GetBrokenLineAffineBox;
- property BrokenLineRightToLeft[AIndex: integer]: boolean read GetBrokenLineRightToLeft;
- property BrokenLineStartCaret[AIndex: integer]: TBidiCaretPos read GetBrokenLineStartCaret;
- property BrokenLineEndCaret[AIndex: integer]: TBidiCaretPos read GetBrokenLineEndCaret;
- property OnBrokenLinesChanged: TBrokenLinesChangedEvent read FOnBrokenLinesChanged write FOnBrokenLinesChanged;
- property PartCount: integer read GetPartCount;
- property PartStartIndex[AIndex: integer]: integer read GetPartStartIndex;
- property PartEndIndex[AIndex: integer]: integer read GetPartEndIndex;
- property PartBrokenLineIndex[AIndex: integer]: integer read GetPartBrokenLineIndex;
- property PartStartCaret[AIndex: integer]: TBidiCaretPos read GetPartStartCaret;
- property PartEndCaret[AIndex: integer]: TBidiCaretPos read GetPartEndCaret;
- property PartRectF[AIndex: integer]: TRectF read GetPartRectF;
- property PartAffineBox[AIndex: integer]: TAffineBox read GetPartAffineBox;
- property PartRightToLeft[AIndex: integer]: boolean read GetPartRightToLeft;
- property TopLeft: TPointF read FTopLeft write SetTopLeft;
- property AvailableWidth: single read FAvailableWidth write SetAvailableWidth;
- property AvailableHeight: single read FAvailableHeight write SetAvailableHeight;
- property TabSize: single read FTabSize write SetTabSize;
- property ParagraphSpacingAbove: single read FParagraphSpacingAbove write SetParagraphSpacingAbove;
- property ParagraphSpacingBelow: single read FParagraphSpacingBelow write SetParagraphSpacingBelow;
- property ParagraphRectF[AIndex: integer]: TRectF read GetParagraphRectF;
- property ParagraphAffineBox[AIndex: integer]: TAffineBox read GetParagraphAffineBox;
- property ParagraphAlignment[AIndex: integer]: TBidiTextAlignment read GetParagraphAlignment write SetParagraphAlignment;
- property ParagraphStartIndex[AIndex: integer]: integer read GetParagraphStartIndex;
- property ParagraphEndIndex[AIndex: integer]: integer read GetParagraphEndIndex;
- property ParagraphEndIndexBeforeParagraphSeparator[AIndex: integer]: integer read GetParagraphEndIndexBeforeParagraphSeparator;
- property ParagraphRightToLeft[AIndex: integer]: boolean read GetParagraphRightToLeft;
- property ParagraphStartPart[AIndex: integer]: integer read GetParagraphStartPart;
- property ParagraphEndPart[AIndex: integer]: integer read GetParagraphEndPart;
- property ParagraphStartBrokenLine[AIndex: integer]: integer read GetParagraphStartBrokenLine;
- property ParagraphEndBrokenLine[AIndex: integer]: integer read GetParagraphEndBrokenLine;
- property ParagraphCount: integer read GetParagraphCount;
- property OnParagraphDeleted : TParagraphEvent read FOnParagraphDeleted write FOnParagraphDeleted;
- property OnParagraphMergedWithNext: TParagraphEvent read FOnParagraphMergedWithNext write FOnParagraphMergedWithNext;
- property OnParagraphSplit: TParagraphLayoutSplitEvent read FOnParagraphSplit write FOnParagraphSplit;
- property OnParagraphChanged: TParagraphEvent read FOnParagraphChanged write FOnParagraphChanged;
- property OnParagraphVerticalTrimChanged: TParagraphEvent read FOnParagraphVerticalTrimChanged write FOnParagraphVerticalTrimChanged;
- property UsedWidth: single read GetUsedWidth;
- property TotalTextHeight: single read GetTotalTextHeight;
- property LineHeight: single read GetLineHeight;
- property Matrix: TAffineMatrix read GetMatrix;
- property MatrixInverse: TAffineMatrix read GetMatrixInverse;
- property TextUTF8: string read GetText;
- property WordBreakHandler: TWordBreakHandler read FWordBreakHandler write FWordBreakHandler;
- property ClipMargin: integer read FClipMargin write FClipMargin; // how many pixels can the text go outside of its box
- property FontRenderer: TBGRACustomFontRenderer read FRenderer write SetFontRenderer;
- property FontBidiMode: TFontBidiMode read GetFontBidiMode write SetFontBidiMode;
- end;
- { TBidiLayoutTree }
- TBidiLayoutTree = class(TBidiTree)
- private
- FBidiPos: single;
- FSize: TPointF;
- FTextUTF8: string;
- FNonDiscardedCount: integer;
- FLayout: TBidiTextLayout;
- FMaxWidth: single;
- function GetCumulatedBidiPos: single;
- function GetHeight: single;
- function GetLayout: TBidiTextLayout;
- function GetMaxWidth: single;
- function GetWidth: single;
- procedure UpdateBranchSize;
- public
- constructor Create(AData: pointer; AStartIndex, AEndIndex: integer; ABidiLevel: byte; AIsLeaf: boolean); override;
- procedure AddBranch(ABranch: TBidiTree); override;
- procedure Shorten(AEndIndex: integer); override;
- procedure AfterFinish; override;
- function TrySplit: boolean; override;
- property Layout: TBidiTextLayout read GetLayout;
- property MaxWidth: single read GetMaxWidth;
- property BidiPos: single read FBidiPos;
- property CumulatedBidiPos: single read GetCumulatedBidiPos;
- property Width: single read GetWidth;
- property Height: single read GetHeight;
- end;
- TBidiLayoutTreeData = record
- Layout: TBidiTextLayout;
- MaxWidth: single;
- end;
-uses math;
-{ TPartEnumerator }
-function TPartEnumerator.GetPartInfo: PPartInfo;
- if FSubPartIndex < FSubPartCount then
- result := @FCurBroken^.parts[FSubPartIndex]
- else
- result := nil;
-procedure TPartEnumerator.Update;
- with FLayout.FParagraph[FParagraphIndex] do
- begin
- FSubBrokenCount:= brokenLineCount;
- FBrokenLineIndex:= FSubBrokenIndex + firstBrokenLineIndex;
- if FSubBrokenIndex < brokenLineCount then
- begin
- FCurBroken := @brokenLines[FSubBrokenIndex];
- with FCurBroken^ do
- begin
- FSubPartCount:= partCount;
- FPartIndex:= FSubPartIndex + firstPartIndex;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- FCurBroken := nil;
- FSubPartCount:= 0;
- if brokenLineCount > 0 then
- FPartIndex := brokenLines[brokenLineCount-1].firstPartIndex +
- brokenLines[brokenLineCount-1].partCount
- else
- FPartIndex := firstPartIndex;
- end;
- end;
-class function TPartEnumerator.New(ALayout: TBidiTextLayout;
- AParagraphIndex: integer; ASubBrokenIndex: integer; ASubPartIndex: integer;
- AEndPartIndex: integer): TPartEnumerator;
- result.FLayout := ALayout;
- result.FParagraphIndex:= AParagraphIndex;
- result.FSubBrokenIndex:= ASubBrokenIndex;
- result.FSubPartIndex:= ASubPartIndex;
- result.Update;
- result.FJustCreated:= true;
- result.FEndPartIndex:= AEndPartIndex;
-function TPartEnumerator.GetNext: boolean;
- if FPartIndex >= FEndPartIndex then exit(false);
- if FJustCreated then
- begin
- FJustCreated := false;
- result := (FSubPartIndex < FSubPartCount) and (FPartIndex < FEndPartIndex);
- exit;
- end;
- if FSubPartIndex + 1 >= FSubPartCount then
- begin
- if FSubBrokenIndex + 1 >= FSubBrokenCount then
- begin
- if (FParagraphIndex + 1 >= FLayout.ParagraphCount) or
- (FLayout.FParagraph[FParagraphIndex + 1].brokenLineCount = 0) then
- exit(false) else
- begin
- inc(FPartIndex);
- inc(FParagraphIndex);
- FSubBrokenIndex:= 0;
- FSubPartIndex:= 0;
- Update;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- inc(FPartIndex);
- inc(FSubBrokenIndex);
- inc(FBrokenLineIndex);
- FSubPartIndex:= 0;
- with FLayout.FParagraph[FParagraphIndex] do
- begin
- FCurBroken := @brokenLines[FSubBrokenIndex];
- with FCurBroken^ do
- begin
- FSubPartCount:= partCount;
- FPartIndex:= FSubPartIndex + firstPartIndex;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- inc(FPartIndex);
- inc(FSubPartIndex);
- end;
- result := FPartIndex < FEndPartIndex;
-{ TPartInfo }
-function TPartInfo.IsRightToLeft: boolean;
- result := odd(bidiLevel);
-{ TBrokenLineInfo }
-function TBrokenLineInfo.IsRightToLeft: boolean;
- result := odd(bidiLevel);
-{ TBidiLayoutTree }
-function TBidiLayoutTree.GetLayout: TBidiTextLayout;
- result := FLayout;
-function TBidiLayoutTree.GetHeight: single;
- result := FSize.y;
-function TBidiLayoutTree.GetCumulatedBidiPos: single;
- result := BidiPos;
- if Assigned(Parent) then
- IncF(result, TBidiLayoutTree(Parent).CumulatedBidiPos);
-function TBidiLayoutTree.GetMaxWidth: single;
- result := FMaxWidth;
-function TBidiLayoutTree.GetWidth: single;
- result := FSize.x;
-procedure TBidiLayoutTree.UpdateBranchSize;
- i: Integer;
- last: TBidiLayoutTree;
- if not IsLeaf then
- begin
- //write('Update branch size from ', round(FSize.x));
- if Count = 0 then
- begin
- FSize := PointF(0,0)
- end
- else
- begin
- last := TBidiLayoutTree(Branch[Count-1]);
- FSize.x := last.BidiPos + last.Width;
- FSize.y := 0;
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- FSize.y := max(FSize.y, TBidiLayoutTree(Branch[i]).Height);
- end;
- //writeln(' to ', round(FSize.x), ' (',inttostr(Count),')');
- end;
-constructor TBidiLayoutTree.Create(AData: pointer; AStartIndex,
- AEndIndex: integer; ABidiLevel: byte; AIsLeaf: boolean);
- inherited Create(AData, AStartIndex, AEndIndex, ABidiLevel, AIsLeaf);
- FLayout := TBidiLayoutTreeData(AData^).Layout;
- FMaxWidth := TBidiLayoutTreeData(AData^).MaxWidth;
- if IsLeaf then
- begin
- FTextUTF8:= Layout.GetSameLevelString(StartIndex,EndIndex, FNonDiscardedCount);
- FSize := Layout.TextSizeBidiOverride(FTextUTF8, IsRightToLeft);
- //writeln('Created leaf ', round(FSize.x), ' of level ',BidiLevel);
- end
- else
- begin
- //writeln('Created branch of level ',BidiLevel);
- FTextUTF8:= '';
- FNonDiscardedCount:= 0;
- FSize := PointF(0,0);
- end;
-procedure TBidiLayoutTree.AddBranch(ABranch: TBidiTree);
- prev: TBidiLayoutTree;
- inherited AddBranch(ABranch);
- if Count > 1 then
- begin
- prev := TBidiLayoutTree(Branch[Count-2]);
- TBidiLayoutTree(ABranch).FBidiPos:= prev.BidiPos + prev.Width;
- end;
- if (TBidiLayoutTree(ABranch).Width <> 0) or
- (TBidiLayoutTree(ABranch).Height <> 0) then
- UpdateBranchSize;
-procedure TBidiLayoutTree.Shorten(AEndIndex: integer);
- inherited Shorten(AEndIndex);
- if IsLeaf then
- begin
- FTextUTF8:= Layout.GetSameLevelString(StartIndex,EndIndex, FNonDiscardedCount);
- FSize := Layout.TextSizeBidiOverride(FTextUTF8, IsRightToLeft);
- //writeln('Shortened leaf ', round(FSize.x));
- end else
- UpdateBranchSize;
-procedure TBidiLayoutTree.AfterFinish;
- if Assigned(Parent) then
- TBidiLayoutTree(Parent).UpdateBranchSize;
-function TBidiLayoutTree.TrySplit: boolean;
- fitInfo, splitIndex: Integer;
- a: TUnicodeAnalysis;
- remain: Single;
- if not IsLeaf then exit(false);
- if MaxWidth = EmptySingle then exit(false);
- remain := MaxWidth - CumulatedBidiPos;
- if Width > remain then
- begin
- fitInfo := Layout.TextFitInfoBidiOverride(FTextUTF8, remain, IsRightToLeft);
- if fitInfo < FNonDiscardedCount then
- begin
- //writeln('Splitting leaf ',round(Width), ' (max ',round(remain),')');
- splitIndex:= StartIndex;
- a:= Layout.FAnalysis;
- while fitInfo > 0 do
- begin
- while (splitIndex < EndIndex) and a.BidiInfo[splitIndex].IsDiscardable do
- Inc(splitIndex);
- if splitIndex < EndIndex then inc(splitIndex);
- dec(fitInfo);
- end;
- Shorten(splitIndex);
- TBidiLayoutTree(Parent).UpdateBranchSize;
- exit(true);
- end;
- end;
- exit(false);
-{ TBidiCaretPos }
-procedure TBidiCaretPos.Transform(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix);
- Top := AMatrix*Top;
- Bottom := AMatrix*Bottom;
- PreviousTop := AMatrix*PreviousTop;
- PreviousBottom := AMatrix*PreviousBottom;
-{ TBidiTextLayout }
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetBrokenLineAffineBox(AIndex: integer): TAffineBox;
- result := Matrix*TAffineBox.AffineBox(BrokenLineRectF[AIndex]);
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetBrokenLineCount: integer;
- NeedLayout;
- result := FComputedBrokenLineCount;
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetBrokenLineEndCaret(AIndex: integer): TBidiCaretPos;
- result := GetBrokenLineUntransformedEndCaret(AIndex);
- result.Transform(Matrix);
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetBrokenLineEndPart(AIndex: integer): integer;
- with GetBrokenLineInfo(AIndex)^ do
- result := firstPartIndex + partCount;
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetBrokenLineStartPart(AIndex: integer): integer;
- result := GetBrokenLineInfo(AIndex)^.firstPartIndex;
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetBrokenLineUntransformedEndCaret(AIndex: integer): TBidiCaretPos;
- with GetBrokenLineInfo(AIndex)^ do
- begin
- result.Top.y := rectF.Top;
- if BrokenLineRightToLeft[AIndex] then
- result.Top.x := rectF.Left
- else
- result.Top.x := rectF.Right;
- result.Bottom.y := rectF.Bottom;
- result.Bottom.x := result.Top.x;
- result.RightToLeft := IsRightToLeft;
- result.PartIndex:= -1;
- result.PreviousTop := EmptyPointF;
- result.PreviousBottom := EmptyPointF;
- result.PreviousRightToLeft := result.RightToLeft;
- end;
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetBrokenLineEndIndex(AIndex: integer): integer;
- result := GetBrokenLineInfo(AIndex)^.endIndex;
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetBrokenLineParagraphIndex(AIndex: integer): integer;
- ub: Integer;
- ub := GetBrokenLineInfo(AIndex)^.unbrokenLineIndex;
- result := FAnalysis.UnbrokenLineParagraphIndex[ub];
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetBrokenLineUnbrokenIndex(AIndex: integer): integer;
- result := GetBrokenLineInfo(AIndex)^.unbrokenLineIndex;
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetBrokenLineInfo(AIndex: integer): PBrokenLineInfo;
- minParaIndex, maxParaIndex, midParaIndex: integer;
- NeedLayout;
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= FComputedBrokenLineCount) then
- raise ERangeError.Create('Invalid index');
- minParaIndex := 0;
- maxParaIndex := ParagraphCount-1;
- result := nil;
- repeat
- if minParaIndex > maxParaIndex then
- InternalRangeError else
- if minParaIndex = maxParaIndex then
- begin
- result := @FParagraph[minParaIndex].brokenLines
- [AIndex - FParagraph[minParaIndex].firstBrokenLineIndex];
- exit;
- end else
- begin
- midParaIndex := (minParaIndex + maxParaIndex + 1) shr 1;
- if AIndex < FParagraph[midParaIndex].firstBrokenLineIndex then
- maxParaIndex := midParaIndex-1
- else
- minParaIndex := midParaIndex;
- end;
- until false;
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetBrokenLineRectF(AIndex: integer): TRectF;
- result := GetBrokenLineInfo(AIndex)^.rectF;
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetBrokenLineRightToLeft(AIndex: integer): boolean;
- result := GetBrokenLineInfo(AIndex)^.IsRightToLeft;
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetBrokenLineStartCaret(AIndex: integer): TBidiCaretPos;
- result := GetBrokenLineUntransformedStartCaret(AIndex);
- result.Transform(Matrix);
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetBrokenLineUntransformedStartCaret(AIndex: integer): TBidiCaretPos;
- NeedLayout;
- with GetBrokenLineInfo(AIndex)^ do
- begin
- result.Top.y := rectF.Top;
- if BrokenLineRightToLeft[AIndex] then
- result.Top.x := rectF.Right
- else
- result.Top.x := rectF.Left;
- result.Bottom.y := rectF.Bottom;
- result.Bottom.x := result.Top.x;
- result.RightToLeft := IsRightToLeft;
- result.PartIndex:= -1;
- result.PreviousTop := EmptyPointF;
- result.PreviousBottom := EmptyPointF;
- result.PreviousRightToLeft := result.RightToLeft;
- end;
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetBrokenLineStartIndex(AIndex: integer): integer;
- result := GetBrokenLineInfo(AIndex)^.startIndex;
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetBrokenLineUsedWidth(AIndex: integer): single;
- result := GetBrokenLineInfo(AIndex)^.usedWidth;
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetCharCount: integer;
- result := FAnalysis.CharCount;
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetFontBidiMode: TFontBidiMode;
- result := FAnalysis.BidiMode;
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetLayoutComputed: boolean;
- i: Integer;
- for i := 0 to ParagraphCount-1 do
- if not FParagraph[i].layoutComputed then exit(false);
- result := true;
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetLineHeight: single;
- NeedLayout;
- result := FLineHeight;
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- NeedLayout;
- result := FMatrix;
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetMatrixInverse: TAffineMatrix;
- NeedLayout;
- result := FMatrixInverse;
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetParagraphAffineBox(AIndex: integer): TAffineBox;
- result := Matrix*TAffineBox.AffineBox(ParagraphRectF[AIndex]);
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetParagraphAlignment(AIndex: integer): TBidiTextAlignment;
- //layout not needed
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= ParagraphCount) then
- raise ERangeError.Create('Invalid index');
- result := FParagraph[AIndex].alignment;
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetParagraphCount: integer;
- result := FAnalysis.ParagraphCount;
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetParagraphEndBrokenLine(AIndex: integer): integer;
- if AIndex = ParagraphCount-1 then
- result := BrokenLineCount
- else
- result := GetParagraphInfo(AIndex+1)^.firstBrokenLineIndex;
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetParagraphEndIndex(AIndex: integer): integer;
- result := FAnalysis.ParagraphEndIndex[AIndex];
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetParagraphEndIndexBeforeParagraphSeparator(AIndex: integer): integer;
- result := FAnalysis.ParagraphEndIndexBeforeParagraphSeparator[AIndex];
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetParagraphEndPart(AIndex: integer): integer;
- if AIndex = ParagraphCount-1 then
- result := PartCount
- else
- result := GetParagraphInfo(AIndex+1)^.firstPartIndex;
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetParagraphInfo(AIndex: integer): PParagraphInfo;
- NeedLayout;
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= ParagraphCount) then
- raise ERangeError.Create('Paragraph index out of bounds');
- result := @FParagraph[AIndex];
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetParagraphRectF(AIndex: integer): TRectF;
- result := GetParagraphInfo(AIndex)^.rectF;
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetParagraphRightToLeft(AIndex: integer): boolean;
- result := FAnalysis.ParagraphRightToLeft[AIndex];
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetParagraphStartBrokenLine(AIndex: integer): integer;
- result := GetParagraphInfo(AIndex)^.firstBrokenLineIndex;
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetParagraphStartIndex(AIndex: integer): integer;
- result := FAnalysis.ParagraphStartIndex[AIndex];
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetParagraphStartPart(AIndex: integer): integer;
- result := GetParagraphInfo(AIndex)^.firstPartIndex;
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetPartAffineBox(AIndex: integer): TAffineBox;
- result := Matrix*TAffineBox.AffineBox(PartRectF[AIndex]);
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetPartBrokenLineIndex(AIndex: integer): integer;
- result := GetPartInfo(AIndex)^.brokenLineIndex;
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetPartCount: integer;
- NeedLayout;
- result := FComputedPartCount;
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetPartEnumerator(AFirstPart: integer): TPartEnumerator;
- result := GetPartEnumerator(AFirstPart, FComputedPartCount);
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetPartEnumerator(AFirstPart, ALastPartPlus1: integer): TPartEnumerator;
- minParaIndex,maxParaIndex,midParaIndex: integer;
- minBrokenIndex, maxBrokenIndex, midBrokenIndex: Integer;
- if (AFirstPart < 0) or (AFirstPart > FComputedPartCount) or
- (ALastPartPlus1 < 0) or (ALastPartPlus1 > FComputedPartCount) then
- raise ERangeError.Create('Invalid start index');
- minParaIndex:= 0;
- maxParaIndex:= ParagraphCount - 1;
- repeat
- if minParaIndex > maxParaIndex then
- InternalRangeError else
- if minParaIndex = maxParaIndex then
- with FParagraph[minParaIndex] do
- begin
- if brokenLineCount = 0 then
- begin
- result := TPartEnumerator.New(self, minParaIndex, 0, 0, ALastPartPlus1);
- exit;
- end;
- minBrokenIndex := 0;
- maxBrokenIndex := brokenLineCount-1;
- repeat
- if minBrokenIndex > maxBrokenIndex then
- InternalRangeError else
- if minBrokenIndex = maxBrokenIndex then
- begin
- result := TPartEnumerator.New(self, minParaIndex, minBrokenIndex,
- AFirstPart - brokenLines[minBrokenIndex].firstPartIndex,
- ALastPartPlus1);
- exit;
- end else
- begin
- midBrokenIndex := (minBrokenIndex + maxBrokenIndex + 1) shr 1;
- if AFirstPart < brokenLines[midBrokenIndex].firstPartIndex then
- maxBrokenIndex := midBrokenIndex-1
- else
- minBrokenIndex := midBrokenIndex;
- end;
- until false;
- end else
- begin
- midParaIndex := (minParaIndex + maxParaIndex + 1) shr 1;
- if AFirstPart < FParagraph[midParaIndex].firstPartIndex then
- maxParaIndex := midParaIndex-1
- else
- minParaIndex := midParaIndex;
- end;
- until false;
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetPartInfo(AIndex: integer): PPartInfo;
- partEnum: TPartEnumerator;
- partEnum := GetPartEnumerator(AIndex);
- if not partEnum.GetNext then raise ERangeError.Create('Invalid index');
- result := partEnum.PartInfo;
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetPartEndIndex(AIndex: integer): integer;
- result := GetPartInfo(AIndex)^.endIndex;
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetPartRectF(AIndex: integer): TRectF;
- result := GetPartInfo(AIndex)^.rectF;
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetPartRightToLeft(AIndex: integer): boolean;
- result := GetPartInfo(AIndex)^.IsRightToLeft;
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetPartStartIndex(AIndex: integer): integer;
- result := GetPartInfo(AIndex)^.startIndex;
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetText: string;
- result := FAnalysis.TextUTF8;
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetTotalTextHeight: single;
- NeedLayout;
- result := FParagraph[ParagraphCount-1].rectF.Bottom - FParagraph[0].rectF.Top;
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetUnicodeChar(APosition0: integer): LongWord;
- result := FAnalysis.UnicodeChar[APosition0];
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetUsedWidth: single;
- i: Integer;
- result := 0;
- for i := 0 to BrokenLineCount-1 do
- result := max(result, BrokenLineUsedWidth[i]);
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetUTF8Char(APosition0: integer): string4;
- result := FAnalysis.UTF8Char[APosition0];
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.SetAvailableHeight(AValue: single);
- i: Integer;
- if FAvailableHeight=AValue then Exit;
- FAvailableHeight:=AValue;
- for i := 0 to ParagraphCount-1 do
- TrimParagraphLayoutVertically(i);
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.SetAvailableWidth(AValue: single);
- if FAvailableWidth=AValue then Exit;
- FAvailableWidth:=AValue;
- InvalidateLayout;
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.SetFontBidiMode(AValue: TFontBidiMode);
- FAnalysis.BidiMode := AValue;
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.SetFontRenderer(AValue: TBGRACustomFontRenderer);
- if FRenderer=AValue then Exit;
- FRenderer:=AValue;
- InvalidateLayout;
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.SetParagraphAlignment(AIndex: integer;
- AValue: TBidiTextAlignment);
- brokenCount: Integer;
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= ParagraphCount) then
- raise ERangeError.Create('Paragraph index out of bounds');
- FParagraph[AIndex].alignment := AValue;
- InvalidateParagraphLayout(AIndex);
- if Assigned(FOnBrokenLinesChanged) then
- begin
- brokenCount := FParagraph[AIndex].brokenLineCount;
- FOnBrokenLinesChanged(self, AIndex, 0, brokenCount, brokenCount,
- brokenCount, brokenCount);
- end;
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.SetParagraphSpacingAbove(AValue: single);
- if FParagraphSpacingAbove=AValue then Exit;
- FParagraphSpacingAbove:=AValue;
- InvalidateLayout;
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.SetParagraphSpacingBelow(AValue: single);
- if FParagraphSpacingBelow=AValue then Exit;
- FParagraphSpacingBelow:=AValue;
- InvalidateLayout;
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.SetTabSize(AValue: single);
- if FTabSize=AValue then Exit;
- FTabSize:=AValue;
- InvalidateLayout;
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.SetTopLeft(AValue: TPointF);
- if FTopLeft=AValue then Exit;
- FTopLeft:=AValue;
- if LayoutComputed then ComputeMatrix;
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.ComputeMatrix;
- FMatrix := AffineMatrixTranslation(FTopLeft.x, FTopLeft.y)*AffineMatrixRotationDeg(-GetFontOrientation);
- FMatrixInverse := AffineMatrixInverse(FMatrix);
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.BidiModeChanged(ASender: TObject);
- InvalidateLayout;
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.CharDeleted(ASender: TObject;
- AParagraphIndex: integer; ACharStart, ACharCount: integer);
- i, charEnd, j, partIndex: Integer;
- curPart: PPartInfo;
- InvalidateParagraphLayout(AParagraphIndex);
- charEnd := ACharStart + ACharCount;
- with FParagraph[AParagraphIndex] do
- begin
- for j := 0 to brokenLineCount-1 do
- with brokenLines[j] do
- begin
- // is broken line affected ?
- if (startIndex < charEnd) and (endIndex > ACharStart) then
- begin
- for partIndex := 0 to partCount-1 do
- begin
- curPart := @parts[partIndex];
- // is part affected ?
- if (curPart^.startIndex < charEnd)
- or (curPart^.endIndex > ACharStart) then
- begin
- curPart^.modified := true;
- // is part completely deleted ?
- if (curPart^.startIndex >= ACharStart) and
- (curPart^.endIndex <= charEnd) then
- begin
- curPart^.startIndex := ACharStart;
- curPart^.endIndex := ACharStart;
- end else
- begin
- // part partially deleted
- if curPart^.startIndex < ACharStart then
- curPart^.endIndex := ACharStart
- else if curPart^.endIndex > charEnd then
- begin
- curPart^.startIndex := charEnd - ACharCount;
- dec(curPart^.endIndex, ACharCount);
- end;
- end;
- end else
- if curPart^.startIndex >= charEnd then // part located after deletion
- begin
- dec(curPart^.startIndex, ACharCount);
- dec(curPart^.endIndex, ACharCount);
- end;
- end;
- dec(endIndex, ACharCount);
- end else
- if startIndex >= charEnd then // broken line located after deletion
- begin
- dec(startIndex, ACharCount);
- dec(endIndex, ACharCount);
- for partIndex := 0 to partCount-1 do
- begin
- curPart := @parts[partIndex];
- dec(curPart^.startIndex, ACharCount);
- dec(curPart^.endIndex, ACharCount);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- for i := AParagraphIndex + 1 to high(FParagraph) do
- OffsetParagraphCharIndex(i, -ACharCount);
-function TBidiTextLayout.TextSizeBidiOverride(sUTF8: string;
- ARightToLeft: boolean): TPointF;
- AddOverrideIfNecessary(sUTF8, ARightToLeft);
- result := FRenderer.TextSizeAngleF(sUTF8, FRenderer.FontOrientation);
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.ParagraphSplit(ASender: TObject;
- AParagraphIndex: integer; ACharIndex: integer);
- i, j, subBrokenIndex, brokenMoveCount: Integer;
- curPara, nextPara: PParagraphInfo;
- if (AParagraphIndex < 0) or (AParagraphIndex > high(FParagraph)) then
- raise exception.Create('Paragrah index out of bounds (0 <= '+inttostr(AParagraphIndex)+' <= '+inttostr(high(FParagraph))+')');
- setlength(FParagraph, length(FParagraph)+1);
- for i := high(FParagraph) downto AParagraphIndex+2 do
- FParagraph[i] := FParagraph[i-1];
- curPara := @FParagraph[AParagraphIndex];
- nextPara := @FParagraph[AParagraphIndex+1];
- subBrokenIndex := curPara^.brokenLineCount;
- for j := 0 to curPara^.brokenLineCount-1 do
- if (curPara^.brokenLines[j].startIndex <= ACharIndex) and
- (curPara^.brokenLines[j].endIndex > ACharIndex) then
- begin
- subBrokenIndex := j;
- break;
- end else
- if (curPara^.brokenLines[j].startIndex > ACharIndex) then
- begin
- subBrokenIndex := max(j-1, 0);
- break;
- end;
- brokenMoveCount := curPara^.brokenLineCount - (subBrokenIndex + 1);
- if brokenMoveCount < 0 then brokenMoveCount := 0;
- nextPara^.alignment := curPara^.alignment;
- nextPara^.layoutComputed := false;
- nextPara^.overflow := curPara^.overflow;
- nextPara^.rectF := EmptyRectF;
- nextPara^.firstBrokenLineIndex:= curPara^.firstBrokenLineIndex + curPara^.brokenLineCount - brokenMoveCount;
- if brokenMoveCount > 0 then
- nextPara^.firstPartIndex := curPara^.brokenLines[curPara^.brokenLineCount - brokenMoveCount].firstPartIndex
- else
- begin
- if curPara^.brokenLineCount > 0 then
- with curPara^.brokenLines[curPara^.brokenLineCount - 1] do
- nextPara^.firstPartIndex := firstPartIndex + partCount
- else nextPara^.firstPartIndex := curPara^.firstPartIndex;
- end;
- nextPara^.brokenLineCount:= brokenMoveCount;
- setlength(nextPara^.brokenLines, brokenMoveCount);
- for j := 0 to brokenMoveCount - 1 do
- nextPara^.brokenLines[j] := curPara^.brokenLines[curPara^.brokenLineCount - brokenMoveCount + j];
- dec(curPara^.brokenLineCount, brokenMoveCount);
- InternalInvalidateParagraphLayout(AParagraphIndex);
- InternalInvalidateParagraphLayout(AParagraphIndex+1);
- if Assigned(FOnParagraphSplit) then
- FOnParagraphSplit(self, AParagraphIndex, subBrokenIndex, ACharIndex);
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.InternalParagraphDeleted(AParagraphIndex: integer);
- i, deltaBroken, deltaPart: Integer;
- deltaY: Single;
- if (AParagraphIndex < 0) or (AParagraphIndex >= ParagraphCount) then exit;
- deltaY := -FParagraph[AParagraphIndex].rectF.Height;
- deltaBroken := -FParagraph[AParagraphIndex].brokenLineCount;
- deltaPart := 0;
- for i := 0 to FParagraph[AParagraphIndex].brokenLineCount-1 do
- dec(deltaPart, FParagraph[AParagraphIndex].brokenLines[i].partCount);
- for i := AParagraphIndex to high(FParagraph)-1 do
- begin
- FParagraph[i] := FParagraph[i+1];
- OffsetParagraph(i, deltaY, deltaBroken, deltaPart);
- end;
- setlength(FParagraph, length(FParagraph)-1);
- inc(FComputedBrokenLineCount, deltaBroken);
- inc(FComputedPartCount, deltaPart);
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.CharInserted(ASender: TObject;
- AParagraphIndex: integer; ACharStart, ACharCount: integer);
- i, j, partIndex: Integer;
- InvalidateParagraphLayout(AParagraphIndex);
- with FParagraph[AParagraphIndex] do
- begin
- for j := 0 to brokenLineCount-1 do
- with brokenLines[j] do
- begin
- // is broken line affected
- if (ACharStart >= startIndex) and (ACharStart < endIndex) then
- begin
- for partIndex := 0 to partCount-1 do
- with parts[partIndex] do
- begin
- // is part affected
- if (ACharStart > startIndex) and (ACharStart < endIndex) then
- begin
- modified := true;
- inc(endIndex, ACharCount);
- end else
- if (ACharStart <= startIndex) then // part located after insertion
- begin
- inc(startIndex, ACharCount);
- inc(endIndex, ACharCount);
- end;
- end;
- inc(endIndex, ACharCount);
- end else
- if (ACharStart <= StartIndex) then // broken line located after insertion
- begin
- inc(startIndex, ACharCount);
- inc(endIndex, ACharCount);
- for partIndex := 0 to partCount-1 do
- with parts[partIndex] do
- begin
- inc(startIndex, ACharCount);
- inc(endIndex, ACharCount);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- for i := AParagraphIndex + 1 to high(FParagraph) do
- OffsetParagraphCharIndex(i, ACharCount);
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.AnalysisChanged(ASender: TObject;
- AParagraphIndex: integer; ACharStart, ACharCount: integer);
- InvalidateParagraphLayout(AParagraphIndex);
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.ParagraphMergedWithNext(ASender: TObject;
- AParagraphIndex: integer);
- i, mergedBrokenLineCount, prevBrokenLineCount: Integer;
- curPara: PParagraphInfo;
- if (AParagraphIndex < 0) or (AParagraphIndex >= high(FParagraph)) then
- InternalRangeError;
- curPara := @FParagraph[AParagraphIndex];
- prevBrokenLineCount := curPara^.brokenLineCount;
- mergedBrokenLineCount := prevBrokenLineCount + FParagraph[AParagraphIndex+1].brokenLineCount;
- if length(curPara^.brokenLines) < mergedBrokenLineCount then
- setlength(curPara^.brokenLines, mergedBrokenLineCount);
- for i := 0 to FParagraph[AParagraphIndex+1].brokenLineCount-1 do
- curPara^.brokenLines[prevBrokenLineCount + i] :=
- FParagraph[AParagraphIndex+1].brokenLines[i];
- curPara^.brokenLineCount := mergedBrokenLineCount;
- curPara^.rectF.Bottom:= FParagraph[AParagraphIndex+1].rectF.Bottom;
- curPara^.overflow := curPara^.overflow or FParagraph[AParagraphIndex+1].overflow;
- for i := AParagraphIndex + 1 to high(FParagraph)-1 do
- FParagraph[i] := FParagraph[i+1];
- setlength(FParagraph, length(FParagraph) - 1);
- InternalInvalidateParagraphLayout(AParagraphIndex);
- if Assigned(FOnParagraphMergedWithNext) then
- FOnParagraphMergedWithNext(self, AParagraphIndex);
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.ParagraphDeleted(ASender: TObject;
- AParagraphIndex: integer);
- InternalParagraphDeleted(AParagraphIndex);
- If Assigned(FOnParagraphDeleted) then
- FOnParagraphDeleted(self, AParagraphIndex);
-function TBidiTextLayout.TextSizeBidiOverrideSplit(AStartIndex, AEndIndex: integer;
- ARightToLeft: boolean; ASplitIndex: integer): TPointF;
-var checkIndex: integer;
- s: String;
- if ASplitIndex <= AStartIndex then
- begin
- s := FAnalysis.CopyTextUTF8(AStartIndex, AEndIndex-AStartIndex);
- result := TextSizeBidiOverride(s, ARightToLeft);
- result.x := 0;
- exit;
- end;
- s := FAnalysis.CopyTextUTF8(AStartIndex, ASplitIndex-AStartIndex);
- checkIndex := ASplitIndex-1;
- while (checkIndex > AStartIndex) and
- FAnalysis.BidiInfo[checkIndex].IsLigatureTransparent do dec(checkIndex);
- if (ARightToLeft and FAnalysis.BidiInfo[checkIndex].HasLigatureLeft) or
- (not ARightToLeft and FAnalysis.BidiInfo[checkIndex].HasLigatureRight) then
- result := TextSizeBidiOverride(s, ARightToLeft);
-function TBidiTextLayout.TextFitInfoBidiOverride(sUTF8: string; AWidth: single;
- ARightToLeft: boolean): integer;
- over: Boolean;
- i: Integer;
- p, pStart, pEnd: PChar;
- u: LongWord;
- if sUTF8 = '' then exit(0);
- over := AddOverrideIfNecessary(sUTF8, ARightToLeft);
- result := FRenderer.TextFitInfoF(sUTF8, AWidth);
- if over then dec(result);
- //check that position is not a combining mark
- pEnd := @sUTF8[length(sUTF8)];
- pStart := @sUTF8[1];
- if over then inc(pStart, UTF8CharacterLength(pStart));
- p := @sUTF8[1];
- for i := 1 to result do
- begin
- inc(p, UTF8CharacterLength(p));
- if p > pEnd then break;
- end;
- if p <= pEnd then
- begin
- while (result > 0) and (p > pStart) do
- begin
- u := UTF8CodepointToUnicode(p, UTF8CharacterLength(p));
- if GetUnicodeBidiClassEx(u) = ubcCombiningLeftToRight then
- begin
- dec(p);
- while (p >= pStart) and (p^ in[#$80..#$BF]) do dec(p);
- dec(result);
- end else
- break;
- end;
- end;
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetFontFullHeight: single;
- result := FRenderer.TextSizeAngleF('Hg', FRenderer.FontOrientation).y;
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetFontBaseline: single;
- result := FRenderer.GetFontPixelMetric.Baseline;
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetFontOrientation: single;
- result := FRenderer.FontOrientation*0.1;
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.TextOutBidiOverride(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: single; sUTF8: string; ARightToLeft: boolean);
- if sUTF8 = #9 then exit;
- AddOverrideIfNecessary(sUTF8, ARightToLeft);
- if FTexture <> nil then
- FRenderer.TextOut(ADest, x,y, sUTF8, FTexture, taLeftJustify, ARightToLeft)
- else
- FRenderer.TextOut(ADest, x,y, sUTF8, FColor, taLeftJustify, ARightToLeft);
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.TextPathBidiOverride(ADest: IBGRAPath; x,
- y: single; sUTF8: string; ARightToLeft: boolean);
- if sUTF8 = #9 then exit;
- AddOverrideIfNecessary(sUTF8, ARightToLeft);
- FRenderer.CopyTextPathTo(ADest, x,y, sUTF8, taLeftJustify, ARightToLeft)
-function TBidiTextLayout.AddOverrideIfNecessary(var sUTF8: string;
- ARightToLeft: boolean): boolean;
- p: PChar;
- pEnd: Pointer;
- add, hasStrong: boolean;
- charLen: Integer;
- u: LongWord;
- curBidi: TUnicodeBidiClass;
- isSpacing: boolean;
- if sUTF8 = '' then exit(false);
- isSpacing:= true;
- p := @sUTF8[1];
- pEnd := p + length(sUTF8);
- add := false;
- hasStrong := false;
- while p < pEnd do
- begin
- charLen := UTF8CharacterLength(p);
- if (charLen = 0) or (p+charLen > pEnd) then break;
- u := UTF8CodepointToUnicode(p, charLen);
- curBidi := GetUnicodeBidiClass(u);
- if curBidi <> ubcWhiteSpace then isSpacing:= false;
- if curBidi in[ubcLeftToRight,ubcRightToLeft,ubcArabicLetter] then
- hasStrong := true;
- if (curBidi = ubcLeftToRight) and ARightToLeft then
- begin
- add := true;
- break;
- end else
- if (curBidi in[ubcRightToLeft,ubcArabicLetter]) and not ARightToLeft then
- begin
- add := true;
- break;
- end;
- inc(p,charLen);
- end;
- if not hasStrong and ARightToLeft and not isSpacing then add := true;
- if add then
- begin
- if ARightToLeft then
- else
- exit(true);
- end
- else exit(false);
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetTextPart(APartIndex: integer;
- AAddOverrideIfNecessary: boolean): string;
- result := FAnalysis.CopyTextUTF8(PartStartIndex[APartIndex],
- PartEndIndex[APartIndex] - PartStartIndex[APartIndex]);
- if AAddOverrideIfNecessary then
- AddOverrideIfNecessary(result, PartRightToLeft[APartIndex]);
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.AddPart(AStartIndex, AEndIndex: integer;
- ABidiLevel: byte; ARectF: TRectF; APosCorrection: TPointF;
- ABrokenLineIndex: integer; ABrokenLine: PBrokenLineInfo);
- if ABrokenLine^.partCount >= length(ABrokenLine^.parts) then
- setlength(ABrokenLine^.parts, length(ABrokenLine^.parts)*2+8);
- with ABrokenLine^.parts[ABrokenLine^.partCount] do
- begin
- startIndex:= AStartIndex;
- endIndex:= AEndIndex;
- bidiLevel := ABidiLevel;
- rectF := ARectF;
- posCorrection := APosCorrection;
- brokenLineIndex:= ABrokenLineIndex;
- modified := false;
- end;
- inc(ABrokenLine^.partCount)
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetSameLevelString(startIndex, endIndex: integer): string;
- nonDiscardedCount: integer;
- result := GetSameLevelString(startIndex,endIndex,nonDiscardedCount);
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetSameLevelString(startIndex, endIndex: integer; out nonDiscardedCount: integer): string;
- result := FAnalysis.CopyTextUTF8DiscardChars(startIndex, endIndex, nonDiscardedCount);
-function TBidiTextLayout.ComputeBidiTree(AMaxWidth: single; startIndex,
- endIndex: integer; bidiLevel: byte): TBidiTree;
- data: TBidiLayoutTreeData;
- data.MaxWidth := AMaxWidth;
- data.Layout := self;
- result := FAnalysis.CreateBidiTree(TBidiLayoutTree, @data, startIndex, endIndex, bidiLevel);
-constructor TBidiTextLayout.Create(AFontRenderer: TBGRACustomFontRenderer; sUTF8: string);
- Init(sUTF8, fbmAuto);
- FRenderer := AFontRenderer;
-constructor TBidiTextLayout.Create(AFontRenderer: TBGRACustomFontRenderer; sUTF8: string; ARightToLeft: boolean);
- if ARightToLeft then
- Init(sUTF8, fbmRightToLeft)
- else
- Init(sUTF8, fbmLeftToRight);
- FRenderer := AFontRenderer;
-constructor TBidiTextLayout.Create(AFontRenderer: TBGRACustomFontRenderer;
- sUTF8: string; AFontBidiMode: TFontBidiMode);
- Init(sUTF8, AFontBidiMode);
- FRenderer := AFontRenderer;
-destructor TBidiTextLayout.Destroy;
- FAnalysis.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.SetLayout(ARect: TRectF);
- TopLeft := ARect.TopLeft;
- AvailableWidth:= ARect.Width;
- AvailableHeight:= ARect.Height;
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.InvalidateLayout;
- i: Integer;
- for i := 0 to ParagraphCount-1 do
- InvalidateParagraphLayout(i);
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.ComputeLayoutIfNeeded;
- if not LayoutComputed then ComputeLayout;
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.InvalidateParagraphLayout(AParagraphIndex: integer);
- InternalInvalidateParagraphLayout(AParagraphIndex);
- if Assigned(FOnParagraphChanged) then
- FOnParagraphChanged(self, AParagraphIndex);
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.InternalInvalidateParagraphLayout(
- AParagraphIndex: integer);
- if (AParagraphIndex >= 0) and (AParagraphIndex <= high(FParagraph)) then
- FParagraph[AParagraphIndex].layoutComputed := false;
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.OffsetParagraph(AParagraphIndex: integer;
- ADeltaY: single; ADeltaBroken, ADeltaPart: integer);
-var subBrokenIndex: integer;
- curBroken: PBrokenLineInfo;
- partIndex: integer;
- if (ADeltaY = 0) and (ADeltaBroken = 0) and (ADeltaPart = 0) then exit;
- with FParagraph[AParagraphIndex] do
- begin
- rectF.Offset(0, ADeltaY);
- inc(firstBrokenLineIndex, ADeltaBroken);
- inc(firstPartIndex, ADeltaPart);
- for subBrokenIndex := 0 to brokenLineCount-1 do
- begin
- curBroken := @brokenLines[subBrokenIndex];
- curBroken^.rectF.Offset(0, ADeltaY);
- inc(curBroken^.firstPartIndex, ADeltaPart);
- for partIndex := 0 to curBroken^.partCount-1 do
- with curBroken^.parts[partIndex] do
- begin
- inc(brokenLineIndex, ADeltaBroken);
- rectF.Offset(0, ADeltaY);
- end;
- end;
- if ADeltaY <> 0 then
- TrimParagraphLayoutVertically(AParagraphIndex);
- end;
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.OffsetParagraphCharIndex(AParagraphIndex: integer;
- ADeltaChar: integer);
- j, k: Integer;
- with FParagraph[AParagraphIndex] do
- begin
- for j := 0 to brokenLineCount-1 do
- with brokenLines[j] do
- begin
- inc(startIndex, ADeltaChar);
- inc(endIndex, ADeltaChar);
- for k := 0 to partCount-1 do
- begin
- inc(parts[k].startIndex, ADeltaChar);
- inc(parts[k].endIndex, ADeltaChar);
- end;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.TrimParagraphLayoutVertically(AParagraphIndex: integer);
- subBrokenIndex, nextDeltaBroken, nextDeltaPart, i: Integer;
- if (AvailableHeight = EmptySingle) or (AParagraphIndex < 0) or
- (AParagraphIndex > high(FParagraph)) then exit;
- with FParagraph[AParagraphIndex] do
- begin
- if not layoutComputed then exit;
- if overflow and (rectF.Bottom < AvailableHeight) then
- begin
- layoutComputed:= false;
- if Assigned(FOnParagraphVerticalTrimChanged) then
- FOnParagraphVerticalTrimChanged(self, AParagraphIndex);
- end else
- if (rectF.Bottom > AvailableHeight) then
- begin
- for subBrokenIndex := 0 to brokenLineCount-1 do
- begin
- //there must be at least one broken line in the text
- if (AParagraphIndex = 0) and (subBrokenIndex = 0) then continue;
- if brokenLines[subBrokenIndex].rectF.Top >= AvailableHeight then
- begin
- nextDeltaBroken := 0;
- nextDeltaPart := 0;
- for i := subBrokenIndex to brokenLineCount-1 do
- begin
- dec(nextDeltaBroken);
- dec(nextDeltaPart, brokenLines[i].partCount);
- end;
- brokenLineCount := subBrokenIndex;
- for i := AParagraphIndex+1 to ParagraphCount-1 do
- OffsetParagraph(i, 0, nextDeltaBroken, nextDeltaPart);
- inc(FComputedPartCount, nextDeltaPart);
- inc(FComputedBrokenLineCount, nextDeltaBroken);
- overflow := true;
- if subBrokenIndex > 0 then
- rectF.Bottom := brokenLines[subBrokenIndex-1].rectF.Bottom + ParagraphSpacingBelow*FLineHeight
- else rectF.Bottom := rectF.Top + ParagraphSpacingAbove*FLineHeight;
- if Assigned(FOnParagraphVerticalTrimChanged) then
- FOnParagraphVerticalTrimChanged(self, AParagraphIndex);
- break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.DrawText(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap);
- DrawText(ADest, BGRABlack);
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.DrawText(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- FColor := AColor;
- InternalDrawText(ADest);
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.DrawText(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner);
- FColor := BGRAWhite;
- FTexture := ATexture;
- InternalDrawText(ADest);
- FTexture := nil;
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.PathText(ADest: IBGRAPath);
- InternalPathText(ADest);
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.PathText(ADest: IBGRAPath; AClipRect: TRect);
- InternalPathText(ADest, AClipRect);
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.DrawTextParts(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; AFirstPart,
- ALastPartPlus1: integer);
- DrawTextParts(ADest, BGRABlack, AFirstPart, ALastPartPlus1);
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.DrawTextParts(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- AColor: TBGRAPixel; AFirstPart, ALastPartPlus1: integer);
- FColor := AColor;
- InternalDrawTextParts(ADest, AFirstPart, ALastPartPlus1);
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.DrawTextParts(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AFirstPart, ALastPartPlus1: integer);
- FColor := BGRAWhite;
- FTexture := ATexture;
- InternalDrawTextParts(ADest, AFirstPart, ALastPartPlus1);
- FTexture := nil;
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.PathTextParts(ADest: IBGRAPath; AFirstPart,
- ALastPartPlus1: integer);
- InternalPathTextParts(ADest, AFirstPart, ALastPartPlus1);
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.PathTextParts(ADest: IBGRAPath; AClipRect: TRect;
- AFirstPart, ALastPartPlus1: integer);
- InternalPathTextParts(ADest, AClipRect, AFirstPart, ALastPartPlus1);
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.DrawParagraphs(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- AFirstPara, ALastParaPlus1: integer);
- if ALastParaPlus1 <= AFirstPara then exit;
- DrawTextParts(ADest, ParagraphStartPart[AFirstPara], ParagraphEndPart[ALastParaPlus1-1]);
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.DrawParagraphs(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- AColor: TBGRAPixel; AFirstPara, ALastParaPlus1: integer);
- if ALastParaPlus1 <= AFirstPara then exit;
- DrawTextParts(ADest, AColor, ParagraphStartPart[AFirstPara], ParagraphEndPart[ALastParaPlus1-1]);
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.DrawParagraphs(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AFirstPara, ALastParaPlus1: integer);
- if ALastParaPlus1 <= AFirstPara then exit;
- DrawTextParts(ADest, ATexture, ParagraphStartPart[AFirstPara], ParagraphEndPart[ALastParaPlus1-1]);
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.PathParagraphs(ADest: IBGRAPath; AFirstPara,
- ALastParaPlus1: integer);
- if ALastParaPlus1 <= AFirstPara then exit;
- PathTextParts(ADest, ParagraphStartPart[AFirstPara], ParagraphEndPart[ALastParaPlus1-1]);
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.PathParagraphs(ADest: IBGRAPath; AClipRect: TRect;
- AFirstPara, ALastParaPlus1: integer);
- if ALastParaPlus1 <= AFirstPara then exit;
- PathTextParts(ADest, AClipRect, ParagraphStartPart[AFirstPara], ParagraphEndPart[ALastParaPlus1-1]);
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.DrawBrokenLines(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- AFirstBroken, ALastBrokenPlus1: integer);
- if ALastBrokenPlus1 <= AFirstBroken then exit;
- DrawTextParts(ADest, BrokenLineStartPart[AFirstBroken], BrokenLineEndPart[ALastBrokenPlus1-1]);
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.DrawBrokenLines(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- AColor: TBGRAPixel; AFirstBroken, ALastBrokenPlus1: integer);
- if ALastBrokenPlus1 <= AFirstBroken then exit;
- DrawTextParts(ADest, AColor, BrokenLineStartPart[AFirstBroken], BrokenLineEndPart[ALastBrokenPlus1-1]);
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.DrawBrokenLines(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AFirstBroken, ALastBrokenPlus1: integer);
- if ALastBrokenPlus1 <= AFirstBroken then exit;
- DrawTextParts(ADest, ATexture, BrokenLineStartPart[AFirstBroken], BrokenLineEndPart[ALastBrokenPlus1-1]);
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.PathBrokenLines(ADest: IBGRAPath; AFirstBroken,
- ALastBrokenPlus1: integer);
- if ALastBrokenPlus1 <= AFirstBroken then exit;
- PathTextParts(ADest, BrokenLineStartPart[AFirstBroken], BrokenLineEndPart[ALastBrokenPlus1-1]);
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.PathBrokenLines(ADest: IBGRAPath; AClipRect: TRect;
- AFirstBroken, ALastBrokenPlus1: integer);
- if ALastBrokenPlus1 <= AFirstBroken then exit;
- PathTextParts(ADest, AClipRect, BrokenLineStartPart[AFirstBroken], BrokenLineEndPart[ALastBrokenPlus1-1]);
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.ComputeLayout;
-var curLineHeight, baseLine, tabPixelSize: single;
- paraIndex, ubIndex, i,j, nextTabIndex, splitIndex: Integer;
- curPara: PParagraphInfo;
- brokenIndex, partIndex: integer;
- curBroken: PBrokenLineInfo;
- lineStart, subStart, lineEnd: integer;
- paraSpacingAbove, paraSpacingBelow, correctedBaseLine: single;
- paraRTL, needNewLine: boolean;
- partStr, remainStr: string;
- pos: TPointF;
- curBidiPos,endBidiPos,nextTabBidiPos, availWidth0, remainWidth: single;
- tabSectionStart, tabSectionCount: integer;
- tabSection: array of record
- startIndex, endIndex: integer;
- bidiPos: single;
- tree: TBidiLayoutTree;
- end;
- alignment: TAlignment;
- paraBidiLevel: Byte;
- r: TRectF;
- u: LongWord;
- nextTree: TBidiLayoutTree;
- oldBrokenLines: array of TBrokenLineInfo;
- oldBrokenLineCount: integer;
- procedure AddTabSection(startIndex,endIndex: integer; tree: TBidiLayoutTree);
- begin
- if tabSectionCount >= length(tabSection) then setlength(tabSection, length(tabSection)*2+4);
- tabSection[tabSectionCount].startIndex:= startIndex;
- tabSection[tabSectionCount].endIndex:= endIndex;
- tabSection[tabSectionCount].bidiPos:= curBidiPos;
- tabSection[tabSectionCount].tree := tree;
- inc(tabSectionCount);
- end;
- procedure StartBrokenLine(ACharStart: integer; ACharEnd: integer; ABidiLevel: byte; AWidth, AHeight: single);
- begin
- if curPara^.brokenLineCount >= length(curPara^.brokenLines) then
- setlength(curPara^.brokenLines, length(curPara^.brokenLines)*2+4);
- curBroken := @curPara^.brokenLines[curPara^.brokenLineCount];
- curBroken^.unbrokenLineIndex := ubIndex;
- curBroken^.startIndex:= ACharStart;
- curBroken^.endIndex:= ACharEnd;
- curBroken^.bidiLevel := ABidiLevel;
- curBroken^.firstPartIndex:= partIndex+1;
- curBroken^.usedWidth:= AWidth;
- if FAvailableWidth <> EmptySingle then
- curBroken^.rectF := RectF(0,pos.y,FAvailableWidth,pos.y+AHeight)
- else
- begin
- case alignment of
- taRightJustify: curBroken^.rectF := RectF(-AWidth,pos.y,0,pos.y+AHeight);
- taCenter: curBroken^.rectF := RectF(-AWidth*0.5,pos.y,AWidth*0.5,pos.y+AHeight);
- else {taLeftJustify}
- curBroken^.rectF := RectF(0,pos.y,AWidth,pos.y+AHeight);
- end;
- end;
- if FAvailableWidth = EmptySingle then
- begin
- if FParagraph[paraIndex].rectF.Left = EmptySingle then
- begin
- FParagraph[paraIndex].rectF.Left := curBroken^.rectF.left;
- FParagraph[paraIndex].rectF.Right := curBroken^.rectF.Right;
- end else
- begin
- if FParagraph[paraIndex].rectF.Left < curBroken^.rectF.left then
- FParagraph[paraIndex].rectF.Left := curBroken^.rectF.left;
- if FParagraph[paraIndex].rectF.Right > curBroken^.rectF.Right then
- FParagraph[paraIndex].rectF.Right := curBroken^.rectF.Right;
- end;
- end;
- inc(curPara^.brokenLineCount);
- inc(brokenIndex);
- end;
- procedure DoneBrokenLine;
- begin
- inc(partIndex, curBroken^.partCount);
- IncF(pos.y, curBroken^.rectF.Height);
- end;
- procedure ClearTabSections;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- tabSectionCount := 0;
- for i := 0 to high(tabSection) do
- FreeAndNil(tabSection[i].tree);
- end;
- procedure UpdateQuickSearch;
- begin
- FComputedPartCount:= partIndex + 1;
- FComputedBrokenLineCount:= brokenIndex + 1;
- end;
- procedure Finished;
- begin
- ClearTabSections;
- UpdateQuickSearch;
- CheckTextLayout;
- end;
- procedure StartParagraph(AParagraphIndex: integer);
- begin
- curPara := @FParagraph[AParagraphIndex];
- curPara^.overflow := false;
- curPara^.firstBrokenLineIndex:= brokenIndex + 1;
- curPara^.firstPartIndex := partIndex + 1;
- oldBrokenLineCount:= curPara^.brokenLineCount;
- oldBrokenLines:= curPara^.brokenLines;
- curPara^.brokenLines := nil;
- curPara^.brokenLineCount:= 0;
- curPara^.rectF.Top := pos.y;
- curPara^.rectF.Bottom := pos.y;
- if FAvailableWidth <> EmptySingle then
- begin
- curPara^.rectF.Left := 0;
- curPara^.rectF.Right := FAvailableWidth;
- end else
- begin
- curPara^.rectF.Left := EmptySingle;
- curPara^.rectF.Right := EmptySingle;
- end;
- paraRTL := ParagraphRightToLeft[AParagraphIndex];
- if FAvailableWidth <> EmptySingle then
- alignment := BidiTextAlignmentToAlignment(curPara^.alignment, paraRTL)
- else
- alignment := taLeftJustify;
- end;
- procedure DoneParagraph(AParagraphIndex: integer);
- var
- firstBrokenIndex, lastBrokenIndexFromEnd: Integer;
- newBroken, oldBroken: PBrokenLineInfo;
- function BrokenDifferent: boolean;
- var
- i: integer;
- oldPart, newPart: PPartInfo;
- begin
- if (oldBroken^.startIndex <> newBroken^.startIndex) or
- (oldBroken^.endIndex <> newBroken^.endIndex) or
- (oldBroken^.bidiLevel <> newBroken^.bidiLevel) or
- (oldBroken^.partCount <> newBroken^.partCount) then exit(true);
- for i := 0 to oldBroken^.partCount-1 do
- begin
- oldPart := @oldBroken^.parts[i];
- newPart := @newBroken^.parts[i];
- if oldPart^.modified then exit(true);
- if (oldPart^.startIndex <> newPart^.startIndex) or
- (oldPart^.endIndex <> newPart^.endIndex) or
- (oldPart^.bidiLevel <> newPart^.bidiLevel) then exit(true);
- end;
- result := false;
- end;
- begin
- curPara^.layoutComputed := true;
- if Assigned(FOnBrokenLinesChanged) then
- begin
- firstBrokenIndex := 0;
- while (firstBrokenIndex < oldBrokenLineCount) and
- (firstBrokenIndex < curPara^.brokenLineCount) do
- begin
- oldBroken := @oldBrokenLines[firstBrokenIndex];
- newBroken := @curPara^.brokenLines[firstBrokenIndex];
- if BrokenDifferent then break;
- inc(firstBrokenIndex);
- end;
- lastBrokenIndexFromEnd := 0;
- while (oldBrokenLineCount - lastBrokenIndexFromEnd - 1 > firstBrokenIndex) and
- (curPara^.brokenLineCount - lastBrokenIndexFromEnd - 1 > firstBrokenIndex) do
- begin
- oldBroken := @oldBrokenLines[oldBrokenLineCount - lastBrokenIndexFromEnd - 1];
- newBroken := @curPara^.brokenLines[curPara^.brokenLineCount - lastBrokenIndexFromEnd - 1];
- if BrokenDifferent then break;
- inc(lastBrokenIndexFromEnd);
- end;
- if Assigned(FOnBrokenLinesChanged) and
- ((curPara^.brokenLineCount <> oldBrokenLineCount) or
- (firstBrokenIndex < oldBrokenLineCount)) then
- begin
- FOnBrokenLinesChanged(self, AParagraphIndex, firstBrokenIndex,
- oldBrokenLineCount - lastBrokenIndexFromEnd - firstBrokenIndex,
- curPara^.brokenLineCount - lastBrokenIndexFromEnd - firstBrokenIndex,
- oldBrokenLineCount, curPara^.brokenLineCount);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- FLineHeight:= GetFontFullHeight;
- baseLine := GetFontBaseline;
- ComputeMatrix;
- paraSpacingAbove := ParagraphSpacingAbove * FLineHeight;
- paraSpacingBelow := ParagraphSpacingBelow * FLineHeight;
- if FAvailableWidth <> EmptySingle then
- availWidth0 := FAvailableWidth
- else
- availWidth0:= 0;
- tabPixelSize := TabSize*TextSizeBidiOverride(' ',False).x;
- tabSection := nil;
- pos := PointF(0,0);
- brokenIndex := -1;
- curBroken:= nil;
- partIndex := -1;
- for paraIndex := 0 to ParagraphCount-1 do
- begin
- curPara := @FParagraph[paraIndex];
- if curPara^.layoutComputed then
- begin
- OffsetParagraph(paraIndex, pos.y - curPara^.rectF.Top,
- brokenIndex+1 - curPara^.firstBrokenLineIndex,
- partIndex+1 - curPara^.firstPartIndex);
- if curPara^.layoutComputed then
- begin
- pos.y := FParagraph[paraIndex].rectF.Bottom;
- inc(brokenIndex, curPara^.brokenLineCount);
- for i := 0 to curPara^.brokenLineCount-1 do
- inc(partIndex, curPara^.brokenLines[i].partCount);
- continue;
- end;
- end;
- StartParagraph(paraIndex);
- IncF(pos.y, paraSpacingAbove);
- curPara^.rectF.Bottom:= pos.y;
- for ubIndex := FAnalysis.ParagraphFirstUnbrokenLine[paraIndex] to FAnalysis.ParagraphLastUnbrokenLinePlusOne[paraIndex]-1 do
- begin
- if (FAvailableHeight <> EmptySingle) and (pos.y >= FAvailableHeight) and
- (ubIndex <> 0) {there must be at least one broken line} then
- begin
- curPara^.overflow:= true;
- curPara^.rectF.Bottom := pos.y;
- DoneParagraph(paraIndex);
- for i := paraIndex+1 to high(FParagraph) do
- begin
- StartParagraph(i);
- curPara^.overflow:= true;
- DoneParagraph(i);
- end;
- Finished;
- exit;
- end;
- lineStart := FAnalysis.UnbrokenLineStartIndex[ubIndex];
- lineEnd := FAnalysis.UnbrokenLineEndIndex[ubIndex];
- if lineStart < lineEnd then
- paraBidiLevel := FAnalysis.BidiInfo[lineStart].ParagraphBidiLevel
- else
- paraBidiLevel := 0;
- if lineEnd > lineStart then
- begin
- u := UnicodeChar[lineEnd-1];
- case u of
- 13,10:
- begin
- dec(lineEnd);
- if lineEnd > lineStart then
- begin
- u := UnicodeChar[lineEnd-1];
- if (u = 13) or (u = 10) then dec(lineEnd);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- subStart := lineStart;
- //empty paragraph
- if subStart = lineEnd then
- begin
- StartBrokenLine(subStart, lineEnd, paraBidiLevel, 0, FLineHeight);
- case alignment of
- taRightJustify: pos.x := availWidth0;
- taCenter: pos.x := availWidth0*0.5;
- else {taLeftJustify}
- pos.x := 0;
- end;
- AddPart(subStart, lineEnd, paraBidiLevel,
- RectF(pos.x, curBroken^.rectF.Top,
- pos.x, curBroken^.rectF.Bottom),
- PointF(0,0), brokenIndex, curBroken);
- DoneBrokenLine;
- end else
- //break lines
- while subStart < lineEnd do
- begin
- //split into sections according to tabs
- ClearTabSections;
- curBidiPos := 0;
- tabSectionStart := subStart;
- tabSectionCount := 0;
- curLineHeight := FLineHeight;
- while tabSectionStart < lineEnd do
- begin
- needNewLine := false;
- while (tabSectionStart < lineEnd) and (FAnalysis.UnicodeChar[tabSectionStart] = 9) do
- begin
- if tabPixelSize = 0 then inc(tabSectionStart)
- else
- begin
- nextTabBidiPos := tabPixelSize* (floor(curBidiPos / tabPixelSize + 1e-6)+1);
- if (FAvailableWidth = EmptySingle) or (nextTabBidiPos <= FAvailableWidth) or (tabSectionStart = subStart) then
- begin
- AddTabSection(tabSectionStart, tabSectionStart+1, nil);
- inc(tabSectionStart);
- curBidiPos := nextTabBidiPos;
- end else
- begin
- //if tab is last char then go to the end of the line
- if tabSectionStart = lineEnd-1 then
- begin
- AddTabSection(tabSectionStart, lineEnd, nil);
- inc(tabSectionStart);
- curBidiPos := FAvailableWidth;
- needNewLine := true;
- break;
- end
- else //otherwise a new line is needed before the tab
- begin
- needNewLine := true;
- break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if needNewLine then
- begin
- splitIndex:= tabSectionStart;
- break;
- end;
- nextTabIndex := tabSectionStart;
- while (nextTabIndex < lineEnd) and (FAnalysis.UnicodeChar[nextTabIndex] <> 9) do inc(nextTabIndex);
- if FAvailableWidth = EmptySingle then
- remainWidth := EmptySingle
- else
- remainWidth := FAvailableWidth - curBidiPos;
- nextTree := TBidiLayoutTree(ComputeBidiTree(remainWidth, tabSectionStart, nextTabIndex, paraBidiLevel));
- splitIndex := nextTree.EndIndex;
- AddTabSection(tabSectionStart, splitIndex, nextTree);
- if splitIndex < nextTabIndex then
- begin
- if (tabSectionCount = 1) and (splitIndex = tabSectionStart) then
- begin
- inc(splitIndex);
- while (splitIndex < nextTabIndex) and not FAnalysis.BidiInfo[splitIndex].IsMulticharStart do inc(splitIndex);
- end;
- partStr := FAnalysis.CopyTextUTF8(tabSectionStart, splitIndex-tabSectionStart);
- remainStr := FAnalysis.CopyTextUTF8(splitIndex, nextTabIndex-splitIndex);
- if tabSectionCount > 1 then partStr := ' '+partStr;
- if Assigned(FWordBreakHandler) then
- FWordBreakHandler(partStr, remainStr)
- else
- BGRADefaultWordBreakHandler(partStr, remainStr);
- if tabSectionCount > 1 then delete(partStr,1,1);
- splitIndex:= tabSectionStart + UTF8Length(partStr);
- //section is deleted
- if splitIndex = tabSectionStart then
- begin
- dec(tabSectionCount);
- //tabSectionStart stay the same
- end
- else
- begin
- //section is extended
- if splitIndex > nextTree.EndIndex then
- begin
- nextTree := TBidiLayoutTree(ComputeBidiTree(EmptySingle, tabSectionStart, splitIndex, paraBidiLevel));
- tabSection[tabSectionCount-1].tree.Free;
- tabSection[tabSectionCount-1].tree := nextTree;
- end
- else
- begin //otherwise the section is split
- nextTree.Shorten(splitIndex);
- tabSection[tabSectionCount-1].endIndex:= splitIndex;
- end;
- IncF(curBidiPos, nextTree.Width);
- if nextTree.Height > curLineHeight then curLineHeight := nextTree.Height;
- tabSectionStart := splitIndex;
- while (tabSectionStart < nextTabIndex) and IsUnicodeSpace(FAnalysis.UnicodeChar[tabSectionStart]) do inc(tabSectionStart);
- end;
- break;
- end else
- begin
- IncF(curBidiPos, nextTree.Width);
- if nextTree.Height > curLineHeight then curLineHeight := nextTree.Height;
- tabSectionStart := splitIndex;
- end;
- end;
- // add broken line info
- StartBrokenLine(subStart, splitIndex, paraBidiLevel, curBidiPos, curLineHeight);
- subStart := tabSectionStart;
- case alignment of
- taRightJustify:
- if paraRTL then
- pos.x := availWidth0
- else
- pos.x := availWidth0 - curBidiPos;
- taCenter:
- if paraRTL then
- pos.x := (availWidth0 + curBidiPos)*0.5
- else
- pos.x := (availWidth0 - curBidiPos)*0.5;
- else {taLeftJustify}
- if paraRTL then
- pos.x := curBidiPos
- else
- pos.x := 0;
- end;
- if FLineHeight <> 0 then
- correctedBaseLine := baseLine*curLineHeight/FLineHeight
- else
- correctedBaseLine:= 0;
- for j := 0 to tabSectionCount-1 do
- begin
- if not Assigned(tabSection[j].tree) then
- begin
- if j = tabSectionCount-1 then
- endBidiPos:= curBidiPos
- else
- endBidiPos:= tabSection[j+1].bidiPos;
- if paraRTL then
- r := RectF(pos.x-endBidiPos, pos.y, pos.x-tabSection[j].bidiPos, pos.y+curLineHeight)
- else
- r := RectF(pos.x+tabSection[j].bidiPos, pos.y, pos.x+endBidiPos, pos.y+curLineHeight);
- AddPart(tabSection[j].startIndex, tabSection[j].endIndex, paraBidiLevel, r, PointF(0,0), brokenIndex, curBroken);
- end
- else
- begin
- if paraRTL then
- AddPartsFromTree(pos - PointF(tabSection[j].bidiPos,0), tabSection[j].tree, curLineHeight, correctedBaseLine, brokenIndex, curBroken)
- else
- AddPartsFromTree(pos + PointF(tabSection[j].bidiPos,0), tabSection[j].tree, curLineHeight, correctedBaseLine, brokenIndex, curBroken)
- end;
- end;
- DoneBrokenLine;
- if (FAvailableHeight <> EmptySingle) and (pos.y >= FAvailableHeight) then
- begin
- curPara^.overflow := true;
- break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- IncF(pos.y, paraSpacingBelow);
- curPara^.rectF.Bottom := pos.y;
- DoneParagraph(paraIndex);
- end;
- Finished;
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.CheckTextLayout;
- i, charIndex, partIndex, j, k, curBrokenLineEndIndex: Integer;
- charIndex := 0;
- partIndex := 0;
- if length(FParagraph) <> ParagraphCount then
- raise exception.Create('Number of paragraph mismatch ' + inttostr(length(FParagraph)) +
- '/' + inttostr(ParagraphCount));
- for i := 0 to ParagraphCount-1 do
- begin
- if not FParagraph[i].layoutComputed then
- raise exception.Create('Layout not computed for paragraph ' + inttostr(i));
- if i > 0 then
- begin
- if FParagraph[i].firstBrokenLineIndex < FParagraph[i-1].firstBrokenLineIndex then
- raise exception.Create('Broken index is not ascending');
- if FParagraph[i].firstBrokenLineIndex <> FParagraph[i-1].firstBrokenLineIndex
- + FParagraph[i-1].brokenLineCount then
- raise exception.Create('Expecting at least one broken line');
- if FParagraph[i].firstPartIndex < FParagraph[i-1].firstPartIndex then
- raise exception.Create('Part index is not ascending');
- if FParagraph[i].firstPartIndex <> partIndex then
- raise exception.Create('Part index is not consistent between paragraphs');
- end else
- begin
- if FParagraph[i].firstPartIndex <> 0 then
- raise exception.Create('First part index is expected to be 0');
- if FParagraph[i].firstBrokenLineIndex <> 0 then
- raise exception.Create('First broken index is expected to be 0');
- if (FParagraph[i].brokenLineCount > 0) and
- (FParagraph[i].brokenLines[0].firstPartIndex <> FParagraph[i].firstPartIndex) then
- raise exception.Create('Inconsistent part index between paragraph and first broken line');
- end;
- with FParagraph[i] do
- for j := 0 to brokenLineCount-1 do
- begin
- if brokenLines[j].firstPartIndex <> partIndex then
- raise exception.Create('Inconsistent first part index of broken line (' +
- inttostr(brokenLines[j].firstPartIndex) + ' expecting ' +
- inttostr(partIndex) + ' for broken line ' +
- inttostr(firstBrokenLineIndex + j) + ')');
- inc(partIndex, brokenLines[j].partCount);
- if brokenLines[j].startIndex < charIndex then
- raise exception.Create('Inconsistent first char index of broken line (' +
- inttostr(brokenLines[j].startIndex) + ' expecting at least ' +
- inttostr(charIndex) + ' for broken line ' +
- inttostr(firstBrokenLineIndex + j) + ' and paragraph ' + inttostr(i) + ')');
- with brokenLines[j] do
- begin
- curBrokenLineEndIndex := endIndex;
- for k := 0 to partCount-1 do
- with parts[k] do
- begin
- if startIndex < charIndex then
- raise exception.Create('Inconsistent first char index of part');
- if endIndex > curBrokenLineEndIndex then
- raise exception.Create('Last char index of part out of broken line range');
- charIndex := endIndex;
- end;
- end;
- charIndex := brokenLines[j].endIndex;
- end;
- end;
- if charIndex > CharCount then
- raise exception.Create('Last char index of broken line out of bounds (' +
- inttostr(charIndex)+' > '+inttostr(CharCount) + ')');
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.NeedLayout;
- if not LayoutComputed then ComputeLayout;
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.InternalDrawText(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap);
- InternalDrawTextParts(ADest, 0, PartCount);
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.InternalPathText(ADest: IBGRAPath);
- InternalPathTextParts(ADest, 0, PartCount);
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.InternalPathText(ADest: IBGRAPath; AClipRect: TRect);
- InternalPathTextParts(ADest, AClipRect, 0, PartCount);
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.InternalDrawTextParts(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- AFirstPart, ALastPartPlus1: integer);
- part: PPartInfo;
- enumPart: TPartEnumerator;
- r: TRectF;
- b: TRect;
- pos: TPointF;
- NeedLayout;
- enumPart := GetPartEnumerator(AFirstPart, ALastPartPlus1);
- while enumPart.GetNext do begin
- part := enumPart.PartInfo;
- r := part^.rectF;
- DecF(r.Left, LineHeight/2 + FClipMargin);
- DecF(r.Top, FClipMargin);
- IncF(r.Right, LineHeight/2 + FClipMargin);
- IncF(r.Bottom, FClipMargin);
- b := (Matrix*TAffineBox.AffineBox(r)).RectBounds;
- if not b.IntersectsWith(ADest.ClipRect) then continue;
- pos := Matrix*(part^.rectF.TopLeft + part^.posCorrection);
- TextOutBidiOverride(ADest, pos.x, pos.y,
- FAnalysis.CopyTextUTF8(part^.startIndex, part^.endIndex - part^.startIndex),
- part^.IsRightToLeft);
- end;
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.InternalPathTextParts(ADest: IBGRAPath; AFirstPart,
- ALastPartPlus1: integer);
- part: PPartInfo;
- pos: TPointF;
- enumPart: TPartEnumerator;
- NeedLayout;
- enumPart := GetPartEnumerator(AFirstPart, ALastPartPlus1);
- while enumPart.GetNext do begin
- part := enumPart.PartInfo;
- pos := Matrix*(part^.rectF.TopLeft + part^.posCorrection);
- TextPathBidiOverride(ADest, pos.x, pos.y,
- FAnalysis.CopyTextUTF8(part^.startIndex, part^.endIndex - part^.startIndex),
- part^.IsRightToLeft);
- end;
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.InternalPathTextParts(ADest: IBGRAPath;
- AClipRect: TRect; AFirstPart, ALastPartPlus1: integer);
- part: PPartInfo;
- enumPart: TPartEnumerator;
- r: TRectF;
- b: TRect;
- pos: TPointF;
- NeedLayout;
- enumPart := GetPartEnumerator(AFirstPart, ALastPartPlus1);
- while enumPart.GetNext do begin
- part := enumPart.PartInfo;
- r := part^.rectF;
- DecF(r.Left, LineHeight/2 + FClipMargin);
- DecF(r.Top, FClipMargin);
- IncF(r.Right, LineHeight/2 + FClipMargin);
- IncF(r.Bottom, FClipMargin);
- b := (Matrix*TAffineBox.AffineBox(r)).RectBounds;
- if not b.IntersectsWith(AClipRect) then continue;
- pos := Matrix*(part^.rectF.TopLeft + part^.posCorrection);
- TextPathBidiOverride(ADest, pos.x, pos.y,
- FAnalysis.CopyTextUTF8(part^.startIndex, part^.endIndex - part^.startIndex),
- part^.IsRightToLeft);
- end;
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.InternalRangeError;
- raise ERangeError.Create('Internal error');
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.DrawCaret(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- ACharIndex: integer; AMainColor, ASecondaryColor: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure DrawSingleCaret(ATop,ABottom: TPointF; ARightToLeft, AShowDir: boolean; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- var u,v: TPointF;
- triSize,len: single;
- begin
- //hinting depending on orientation
- if abs(ATop.x - ABottom.x) < abs(ATop.y - ABottom.y) then
- begin
- ATop.x := round(ATop.x);
- ABottom.x := round(ABottom.x);
- end
- else
- begin
- ATop.y := round(ATop.y);
- ABottom.y := round(ABottom.y);
- end;
- u := ABottom-ATop;
- len := VectLen(u);
- if len > 0 then
- begin
- u := (1/len)*u;
- v := PointF(u.y,-u.x);
- if AShowDir then
- begin
- triSize := len*0.2;
- if ARightToLeft then
- ADest.FillPolyAntialias(PointsF([ABottom, ATop, ATop - triSize*v, ATop - v + triSize*u, ABottom - v]), AColor, false)
- else
- ADest.FillPolyAntialias(PointsF([ABottom, ATop, ATop + triSize*v, ATop + triSize*u + v, ABottom + v]), AColor, False)
- end
- else
- begin
- if len > 10 then
- begin
- if ARightToLeft then
- ADest.FillPolyAntialias(PointsF([ABottom, ATop, ATop - 2*v, ABottom - 2*v]), AColor, False)
- else
- ADest.FillPolyAntialias(PointsF([ABottom, ATop, ATop + 2*v, ABottom + 2*v]), AColor, False)
- end
- else
- begin
- if ARightToLeft then
- ADest.FillPolyAntialias(PointsF([ABottom, ATop, ATop - v, ABottom - v]), AColor, False)
- else
- ADest.FillPolyAntialias(PointsF([ABottom, ATop, ATop + v, ABottom + v]), AColor, False)
- end;
- end;
- end else
- ADest.DrawPixel(round(ATop.x),round(ATop.y), AColor);
- end;
- caret: TBidiCaretPos;
- showDir: Boolean;
- NeedLayout;
- caret := GetCaret(ACharIndex);
- showDir := not isEmptyPointF(caret.PreviousTop) and (caret.RightToLeft <> caret.PreviousRightToLeft);
- if not isEmptyPointF(caret.Top) then DrawSingleCaret(caret.Top, caret.Bottom, caret.RightToLeft, showDir, AMainColor);
- if not isEmptyPointF(caret.PreviousTop) then DrawSingleCaret(caret.PreviousTop, caret.PreviousBottom, caret.PreviousRightToLeft, showDir, ASecondaryColor);
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.DrawSelection(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; AStartIndex,
- AEndIndex: integer; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel; ABorderColor: TBGRAPixel; APenWidth: single);
- env: ArrayOfTPointF;
- NeedLayout;
- if AStartIndex = AEndIndex then exit;
- env := GetTextEnveloppe(AStartIndex,AEndIndex, False, True);
- ADest.FillPolyAntialias(env, AFillColor, False);
- if (ABorderColor.alpha <> 0) and (APenWidth > 0) then
- ADest.DrawPolygonAntialias(env, ABorderColor, APenWidth);
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.DrawSelection(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; AStartIndex,
- AEndIndex: integer; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel);
- DrawSelection(ADest, AStartIndex,AEndIndex, AFillColor, BGRAPixelTransparent, 0);
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetCaret(ACharIndex: integer): TBidiCaretPos;
- result := GetUntransformedCaret(ACharIndex);
- result.Transform(Matrix);
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetUntransformedCaret(ACharIndex: integer): TBidiCaretPos;
- i, blIndex, lastPartIndex: Integer;
- w: Single;
- bl: PBrokenLineInfo;
- part: PPartInfo;
- NeedLayout;
- if (ACharIndex < 0) or (ACharIndex > CharCount) then
- raise ERangeError.Create('Invalid index');
- if (PartCount > 0) and (ACharIndex >= PartEndIndex[PartCount-1]) then
- begin
- result := GetUntransformedPartEndCaret(PartCount-1);
- exit;
- end;
- result.PartIndex := -1;
- result.Top := EmptyPointF;
- result.Bottom := EmptyPointF;
- result.RightToLeft := false;
- result.PreviousTop := EmptyPointF;
- result.PreviousBottom := EmptyPointF;
- result.PreviousRightToLeft := false;
- blIndex := GetBrokenLineAt(ACharIndex);
- bl := GetBrokenLineInfo(blIndex);
- if blIndex <> -1 then
- begin
- lastPartIndex := bl^.firstPartIndex + bl^.partCount - 1;
- for i := bl^.firstPartIndex to lastPartIndex do
- begin
- part := @bl^.parts[i - bl^.firstPartIndex];
- if ACharIndex <= part^.startIndex then
- begin
- result := GetUntransformedPartStartCaret(i);
- exit;
- end else
- if (ACharIndex > part^.startIndex) and (ACharIndex <= part^.endIndex) then
- begin
- if (i < FComputedPartCount-1) and (ACharIndex = part^.startIndex) then
- begin
- result := GetUntransformedPartStartCaret(i+1);
- exit;
- end else
- begin
- if ACharIndex = part^.endIndex then
- begin
- result := GetUntransformedPartEndCaret(i);
- exit;
- end else
- begin
- w := TextSizeBidiOverrideSplit(part^.startIndex, part^.endIndex, part^.IsRightToLeft, ACharIndex).x;
- if part^.IsRightToLeft then
- result.Top := PointF(part^.rectF.Right - w, part^.rectF.Top)
- else result.Top := PointF(part^.rectF.Left + w, part^.rectF.Top);
- result.Bottom := result.Top + PointF(0, part^.rectF.Height);
- result.RightToLeft := part^.IsRightToLeft;
- result.PreviousRightToLeft := result.RightToLeft;
- result.PartIndex := i;
- end;
- exit;
- end;
- end else
- if i = lastPartIndex then
- begin
- result := GetUntransformedPartEndCaret(i);
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if ACharIndex = 0 then
- begin
- result.Top := PointF(0,0);
- result.Bottom := PointF(0,FLineHeight);
- result.RightToLeft := false;
- result.PreviousTop := EmptyPointF;
- result.PreviousBottom := EmptyPointF;
- result.PreviousRightToLeft := false;
- result.PartIndex := 0;
- end;
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetCharIndexAt(APosition: TPointF): integer;
- brokenIndex,j, fit: Integer;
- u,u2: LongWord;
- axis, origin: TPointF;
- len, w, curW, newW: Single;
- str: String;
- curIndex, newIndex, paraIndex: integer;
- untransformedPos: TPointF;
- para: PParagraphInfo;
- curBroken: PBrokenLineInfo;
- part: PPartInfo;
- ab: TAffineBox;
- NeedLayout;
- untransformedPos := FMatrixInverse*APosition;
- paraIndex := GetUntransformedParagraphAt(untransformedPos);
- para := @FParagraph[paraIndex];
- if untransformedPos.Y < para^.rectF.Top then
- exit(ParagraphStartIndex[paraIndex]);
- if untransformedPos.Y >= para^.rectF.Bottom then
- exit(ParagraphEndIndex[paraIndex]);
- for brokenIndex := 0 to para^.brokenLineCount-1 do
- begin
- curBroken := @para^.brokenLines[brokenIndex];
- if untransformedPos.Y < curBroken^.rectF.Bottom then
- begin
- if untransformedPos.Y < curBroken^.rectF.Top then
- exit(curBroken^.startIndex);
- //before part
- if curBroken^.partCount > 0 then
- begin
- if (curBroken^.IsRightToLeft and (untransformedPos.x >= curBroken^.parts[0].rectF.Right)) or
- (not curBroken^.IsRightToLeft and (untransformedPos.x < curBroken^.parts[0].rectF.Left)) then
- exit(curBroken^.startIndex)
- end;
- for j := 0 to curBroken^.partCount-1 do
- begin
- part := @curBroken^.parts[j];
- ab := Matrix*TAffineBox.AffineBox(part^.rectF);
- if ab.Contains(APosition) then
- begin
- if part^.IsRightToLeft then
- begin
- axis := ab.TopLeft - ab.TopRight;
- origin := ab.TopRight;
- end else
- begin
- axis := ab.TopRight - ab.TopLeft;
- origin := ab.TopLeft;
- end;
- len := VectLen(axis);
- if len > 0 then
- begin
- w := ((APosition-origin)*axis)/len;
- //if there is just one char, it is the whole part
- if part^.endIndex = part^.startIndex + 1 then
- begin
- if w > 0.5*len then
- exit(part^.endIndex)
- else
- exit(part^.startIndex);
- end;
- str := FAnalysis.CopyTextUTF8(part^.startIndex, part^.endIndex - part^.startIndex);
- fit := TextFitInfoBidiOverride(str, w, part^.IsRightToLeft);
- curIndex := part^.startIndex+fit;
- if curIndex > part^.endIndex then curIndex:= part^.endIndex;
- if curIndex = 0 then curW := 0
- else curW := TextSizeBidiOverrideSplit(part^.startIndex, part^.endIndex, part^.IsRightToLeft, curIndex).x;
- while (curW < w) and (curIndex < part^.endIndex) do
- begin
- newIndex := curIndex+1;
- while (newIndex < part^.endIndex) and not FAnalysis.BidiInfo[newIndex].IsMulticharStart do inc(newIndex);
- newW := TextSizeBidiOverrideSplit(part^.startIndex, part^.endIndex, part^.IsRightToLeft, newIndex).x;
- if newW >= w then
- begin
- if (curW+newW)*0.5 + 1 < w then curIndex := newIndex;
- break;
- end else
- begin
- curW := newW;
- curIndex := newIndex;
- end;
- end;
- exit(curIndex);
- end;
- exit(part^.startIndex);
- end;
- end;
- //after part
- result := curBroken^.endIndex;
- if result > curBroken^.startIndex then
- begin
- u := GetUnicodeChar(result-1);
- if IsUnicodeParagraphSeparator(u) or (u = UNICODE_LINE_SEPARATOR) then
- begin
- dec(result);
- if (result > curBroken^.startIndex) and (u = 13) or (u = 10) then
- begin
- u2 := GetUnicodeChar(result-1);
- if (u2 <> u) and ((u2 = 13) or (u2 = 10)) then dec(result);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- exit(ParagraphEndIndexBeforeParagraphSeparator[paraIndex]);
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetTextEnveloppe(AStartIndex, AEndIndex: integer; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean; AMergeBoxes: boolean; AVerticalClip: boolean): ArrayOfTPointF;
- i: Integer;
- m: TAffineMatrix;
- result := GetUntransformedTextEnveloppe(AStartIndex,AEndIndex,false,AMergeBoxes,AVerticalClip);
- if APixelCenteredCoordinates then m := AffineMatrixTranslation(-0.5,0.5)*Matrix else m := Matrix;
- for i := 0 to high(result) do
- result[i] := m*result[i];
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetUntransformedTextEnveloppe(AStartIndex,
- AEndIndex: integer; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean; AMergeBoxes: boolean; AVerticalClip: boolean): ArrayOfTPointF;
- startCaret, endCaret: TBidiCaretPos;
- vertResult: array of record
- box: TAffineBox;
- joinPrevious: boolean;
- end;
- procedure AppendVertResult(ABox: TAffineBox; ARightToLeft: boolean);
- begin
- if AVerticalClip and (AvailableHeight <> EmptySingle) then
- begin
- if (ABox.TopLeft.y >= AvailableHeight) or (ABox.TopRight.y >= AvailableHeight) then exit;
- if ABox.BottomLeft.y > AvailableHeight then ABox.BottomLeft.y := AvailableHeight;
- end;
- if ARightToLeft then
- ABox := TAffineBox.AffineBox(ABox.TopRight,ABox.TopLeft,ABox.BottomRight);
- if AMergeBoxes and (vertResult <> nil) and (ABox.TopLeft = vertResult[high(vertResult)].box.BottomLeft) and
- (ABox.TopRight = vertResult[high(vertResult)].box.BottomRight) then
- vertResult[high(vertResult)].box :=
- TAffineBox.AffineBox(vertResult[high(vertResult)].box.TopLeft, vertResult[high(vertResult)].box.TopRight, ABox.BottomLeft)
- else
- begin
- setlength(vertResult, length(vertResult)+1);
- vertResult[high(vertResult)].box := ABox;
- if high(vertResult)>0 then
- vertResult[high(vertResult)].joinPrevious:= AMergeBoxes and ((VectLen(ABox.TopLeft-vertResult[high(vertResult)-1].box.BottomLeft)<1e-3) or
- (VectLen(ABox.TopRight-vertResult[high(vertResult)-1].box.BottomRight)<1e-3))
- else
- vertResult[high(vertResult)].joinPrevious:= false;
- end;
- end;
- procedure AppendComplexSelection;
- var
- horizResult: array of TAffineBox;
- procedure AppendHorizResult(AStartTop, AEndTop, AEndBottom, AStartBottom: TPointF; ARightToLeft: boolean);
- var
- temp: TPointF;
- procedure TryMergeBefore;
- begin
- while length(horizResult)>=2 do
- begin
- if (horizResult[high(horizResult)].TopRight = horizResult[high(horizResult)-1].TopLeft) and
- (horizResult[high(horizResult)].BottomRight = horizResult[high(horizResult)-1].BottomLeft) then
- begin
- horizResult[high(horizResult)-1] := TAffineBox.AffineBox(horizResult[high(horizResult)].TopLeft,
- horizResult[high(horizResult)-1].TopRight,
- horizResult[high(horizResult)].BottomLeft);
- setlength(horizResult, length(horizResult)-1);
- end else
- if (horizResult[high(horizResult)].TopLeft = horizResult[high(horizResult)-1].TopRight) and
- (horizResult[high(horizResult)].BottomLeft = horizResult[high(horizResult)-1].BottomRight) then
- begin
- horizResult[high(horizResult)-1] := TAffineBox.AffineBox(horizResult[high(horizResult)-1].TopLeft,
- horizResult[high(horizResult)].TopRight,
- horizResult[high(horizResult)-1].BottomLeft);
- setlength(horizResult, length(horizResult)-1);
- end else
- break;
- end;
- end;
- begin
- if ARightToLeft then
- begin
- temp := AStartTop;
- AStartTop := AEndTop;
- AEndTop := temp;
- temp := AStartBottom;
- AStartBottom := AEndBottom;
- AEndBottom := temp;
- end;
- if AMergeBoxes and (horizResult <> nil) and (AStartTop = horizResult[high(horizResult)].TopRight)
- and (AStartBottom = horizResult[high(horizResult)].BottomRight) then
- begin
- horizResult[high(horizResult)] := TAffineBox.AffineBox(horizResult[high(horizResult)].TopLeft,AEndTop,horizResult[high(horizResult)].BottomLeft);
- TryMergeBefore;
- end
- else
- if AMergeBoxes and (horizResult <> nil) and (AEndTop = horizResult[high(horizResult)].TopLeft)
- and (AEndBottom = horizResult[high(horizResult)].BottomLeft) then
- begin
- horizResult[high(horizResult)] := TAffineBox.AffineBox(AStartTop,horizResult[high(horizResult)].TopRight,AStartBottom);
- TryMergeBefore;
- end
- else
- begin
- setlength(horizResult, length(horizResult)+1);
- horizResult[high(horizResult)] := TAffineBox.AffineBox(AStartTop, AEndTop, AStartBottom);
- end;
- end;
- procedure FlushHorizResult;
- var
- idx, j: Integer;
- begin
- if horizResult <> nil then
- begin
- AppendVertResult(horizResult[0], false);
- if length(horizResult)>1 then //additional boxes are added without vertical join
- begin
- idx := length(vertResult);
- setlength(vertResult, length(vertResult)+length(horizResult)-1);
- for j := 1 to high(horizResult) do
- begin
- vertResult[idx+j-1].box := horizResult[j];
- vertResult[idx+j-1].joinPrevious := false;
- end;
- end;
- horizResult := nil;
- end;
- end;
- var
- curPartStartCaret, curPartEndCaret,
- lineStartCaret, lineEndCaret, curPartCaret: TBidiCaretPos;
- curBrokenIndex, curParaIndex, prevParaIndex, j,
- brokenLineLastPartIndexPlus1, curPartIndex: integer;
- r: TRectF;
- partEnum: TPartEnumerator;
- prevPart, curPart: PPartInfo;
- curBroken: PBrokenLineInfo;
- begin
- horizResult := nil;
- partEnum := GetPartEnumerator(startCaret.PartIndex, endCaret.PartIndex + 1);
- curPart := nil;
- curParaIndex := -1;
- if partEnum.GetNext then
- while true do
- begin
- prevParaIndex := curParaIndex;
- prevPart := curPart;
- curParaIndex := partEnum.ParagraphIndex;
- curPart := partEnum.PartInfo;
- curPartIndex := partEnum.PartIndex;
- curBroken := partEnum.BrokenLineInfo;
- curBrokenIndex := partEnum.BrokenLineIndex;
- //space between paragraph
- if (curPartIndex > startCaret.PartIndex) and (ParagraphSpacingAbove+ParagraphSpacingBelow <> 0) then
- begin
- if (curParaIndex > 0) and (prevParaIndex = curParaIndex-1) then
- begin
- FlushHorizResult;
- r := RectF(ParagraphRectF[curParaIndex-1].Left, ParagraphRectF[curParaIndex-1].Bottom - ParagraphSpacingBelow*FLineHeight,
- ParagraphRectF[curParaIndex-1].Right, ParagraphRectF[curParaIndex-1].Bottom);
- AppendVertResult(TAffineBox.AffineBox(r), False);
- r := RectF(ParagraphRectF[curParaIndex].Left, ParagraphRectF[curParaIndex].Top,
- ParagraphRectF[curParaIndex].Right, ParagraphRectF[curParaIndex].Top + ParagraphSpacingAbove*FLineHeight);
- AppendVertResult(TAffineBox.AffineBox(r), False);
- end;
- end;
- //whole broken line selected
- brokenLineLastPartIndexPlus1 := curBroken^.firstPartIndex + curBroken^.partCount;
- if (curPartIndex = curBroken^.firstPartIndex) and
- ((curPartIndex > startCaret.PartIndex) or (AStartIndex = curPart^.startIndex)) and
- (endCaret.PartIndex >= brokenLineLastPartIndexPlus1) then
- begin
- FlushHorizResult;
- lineStartCaret := GetBrokenLineUntransformedStartCaret(curBrokenIndex);
- lineEndCaret := GetBrokenLineUntransformedEndCaret(curBrokenIndex);
- AppendVertResult(TAffineBox.AffineBox(lineStartCaret.Top,lineEndCaret.Top,lineStartCaret.Bottom), BrokenLineRightToLeft[curBrokenIndex]);
- //skip broken line
- for j := curPartIndex to brokenLineLastPartIndexPlus1-2 do
- partEnum.GetNext;
- if not partEnum.GetNext then break;
- end else
- begin
- if curPartIndex > startCaret.PartIndex then
- curPartStartCaret := GetUntransformedPartStartCaret(curPartIndex, prevPart, curPart)
- else curPartStartCaret := startCaret;
- if curPartIndex < endCaret.PartIndex then
- curPartEndCaret := GetUntransformedPartEndCaret(curPartIndex, curPart)
- else curPartEndCaret := endCaret;
- //start of lines
- if (curPartIndex > startCaret.PartIndex) and (prevPart^.brokenLineIndex <> curBrokenIndex) then
- begin
- FlushHorizResult;
- lineStartCaret := GetBrokenLineUntransformedStartCaret(curBrokenIndex);
- if curBroken^.IsRightToLeft = curPart^.IsRightToLeft then
- AppendHorizResult(lineStartCaret.Top, curPartStartCaret.Top,
- curPartStartCaret.Bottom, lineStartCaret.Bottom,
- BrokenLineRightToLeft[curBrokenIndex])
- else
- AppendHorizResult(lineStartCaret.Top, curPartEndCaret.Top,
- curPartEndCaret.Bottom, lineStartCaret.Bottom,
- curBroken^.IsRightToLeft);
- end;
- //text parts
- AppendHorizResult(curPartStartCaret.Top, curPartEndCaret.Top,
- curPartEndCaret.Bottom, curPartStartCaret.Bottom,
- curPart^.IsRightToLeft);
- //end of lines
- if not partEnum.GetNext then break;
- if (partEnum.BrokenLineIndex <> curBrokenIndex) then
- begin
- lineEndCaret := GetBrokenLineUntransformedEndCaret(curBrokenIndex);
- if curBroken^.IsRightToLeft = curPart^.IsRightToLeft then
- curPartCaret := GetUntransformedPartEndCaret(curPartIndex)
- else
- curPartCaret := GetUntransformedPartStartCaret(curPartIndex);
- AppendHorizResult(curPartCaret.Top, lineEndCaret.Top,
- lineEndCaret.Bottom, curPartCaret.Bottom, curBroken^.IsRightToLeft)
- end;
- end;
- end;
- FlushHorizResult;
- end;
- temp: integer;
- i,j, idxOut, k: integer;
- NeedLayout;
- vertResult := nil;
- if AStartIndex > AEndIndex then
- begin
- temp := AStartIndex;
- AStartIndex:= AEndIndex;
- AEndIndex:= temp;
- end;
- startCaret := GetUntransformedCaret(AStartIndex);
- endCaret := GetUntransformedCaret(AEndIndex);
- if not isEmptyPointF(endCaret.PreviousTop) then
- begin
- endCaret.Top := endCaret.PreviousTop; endCaret.PreviousTop := EmptyPointF;
- endCaret.Bottom := endCaret.PreviousBottom; endCaret.PreviousBottom := EmptyPointF;
- endCaret.RightToLeft := endCaret.PreviousRightToLeft;
- if endCaret.PartIndex <> -1 then dec(endCaret.PartIndex);
- end;
- if startCaret.PartIndex = endCaret.PartIndex then
- begin
- if not isEmptyPointF(startCaret.Top) and not isEmptyPointF(endCaret.Top) then
- AppendVertResult(TAffineBox.AffineBox(startCaret.Top,endCaret.Top,startCaret.Bottom), startCaret.RightToLeft);
- end else
- AppendComplexSelection;
- if APixelCenteredCoordinates then
- for i := 0 to high(vertResult) do
- vertResult[i].box.Offset(-0.5, -0.5);
- if vertResult <> nil then
- begin
- setlength(result, length(vertResult)*5 - 1); //maximum point count
- idxOut := 0;
- i := 0;
- while i <= high(vertResult) do
- begin
- if i > 0 then
- begin
- result[idxOut] := EmptyPointF;
- inc(idxOut);
- end;
- result[idxOut] := vertResult[i].box.TopLeft; inc(idxOut);
- result[idxOut] := vertResult[i].box.TopRight; inc(idxOut);
- result[idxOut] := vertResult[i].box.BottomRight; inc(idxOut);
- j := i;
- while (j CharCount) then raise exception.Create('Position out of bounds');
- paraMinIndex := 0;
- paraMaxIndex := ParagraphCount-1;
- repeat
- if paraMinIndex > paraMaxIndex then
- InternalRangeError else
- if paraMinIndex = paraMaxIndex then
- with FParagraph[paraMinIndex] do
- begin
- brokenMinIndex := 0;
- brokenMaxIndex := brokenLineCount-1;
- repeat
- if brokenMinIndex > brokenMaxIndex then InternalRangeError else
- if brokenMinIndex = brokenMaxIndex then
- begin
- result := brokenMinIndex + firstBrokenLineIndex;
- exit;
- end else
- begin
- brokenMidIndex := (brokenMinIndex + brokenMaxIndex + 1) shr 1;
- if ACharIndex < brokenLines[brokenMidIndex].startIndex then
- brokenMaxIndex := brokenMidIndex-1
- else brokenMinIndex := brokenMidIndex;
- end;
- until false;
- end else
- begin
- paraMidIndex := (paraMinIndex + paraMaxIndex + 1) shr 1;
- if ACharIndex < ParagraphStartIndex[paraMidIndex] then
- paraMaxIndex := paraMidIndex-1
- else paraMinIndex := paraMidIndex;
- end;
- until false;
-function TBidiTextLayout.InsertText(ATextUTF8: string; APosition: integer): integer;
- result := FAnalysis.InsertText(ATextUTF8,APosition);
-function TBidiTextLayout.InsertLineSeparator(APosition: integer): integer;
- result := InsertText(UnicodeCharToUTF8(UNICODE_LINE_SEPARATOR), APosition);
-function TBidiTextLayout.DeleteText(APosition, ACount: integer): integer;
- result := FAnalysis.DeleteText(APosition, ACount);
-function TBidiTextLayout.DeleteTextBefore(APosition, ACount: integer): integer;
- result := FAnalysis.DeleteTextBefore(APosition, ACount);
-function TBidiTextLayout.CopyText(APosition, ACount: integer): string;
- ACount := IncludeNonSpacingChars(APosition, ACount);
- result := FAnalysis.CopyTextUTF8(APosition, ACount);
-function TBidiTextLayout.CopyTextBefore(APosition, ACount: integer): string;
- ACount := IncludeNonSpacingCharsBefore(APosition, ACount);
- result := FAnalysis.CopyTextUTF8(APosition-ACount, ACount);
-function TBidiTextLayout.IncludeNonSpacingChars(APosition, ACount: integer; AIncludeCombiningMarks: boolean): integer;
- result := FAnalysis.IncludeNonSpacingChars(APosition,ACount,AIncludeCombiningMarks);
-function TBidiTextLayout.IncludeNonSpacingCharsBefore(APosition, ACount: integer; AIncludeCombiningMarks: boolean): integer;
- result := FAnalysis.IncludeNonSpacingCharsBefore(APosition,ACount,AIncludeCombiningMarks);
-function TBidiTextLayout.FindTextAbove(AFromPosition: integer): integer;
- curPos: TBidiCaretPos;
- bIndex: LongInt;
- pt: TPointF;
- curPos := GetUntransformedCaret(AFromPosition);
- bIndex := PartBrokenLineIndex[curPos.PartIndex];
- if (bIndex > 0) and not isEmptyPointF(curPos.Top) then
- begin
- dec(bIndex);
- pt := PointF(curPos.Top.x, (BrokenLineRectF[bIndex].Top+BrokenLineRectF[bIndex].Bottom)*0.5);
- result := GetCharIndexAt(Matrix*pt);
- end else
- exit(-1);
-function TBidiTextLayout.FindTextBelow(AFromPosition: integer): integer;
- curPos: TBidiCaretPos;
- bIndex: LongInt;
- pt: TPointF;
- curPos := GetUntransformedCaret(AFromPosition);
- bIndex := PartBrokenLineIndex[curPos.PartIndex];
- if (bIndex < BrokenLineCount-1) and not isEmptyPointF(curPos.Top) then
- begin
- inc(bIndex);
- pt := PointF(curPos.Top.x, (BrokenLineRectF[bIndex].Top+BrokenLineRectF[bIndex].Bottom)*0.5);
- result := GetCharIndexAt(Matrix*pt);
- end else
- exit(-1);
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetPartStartCaret(APartIndex: integer): TBidiCaretPos;
- result := GetUntransformedPartStartCaret(APartIndex);
- result.Transform(Matrix)
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetPartEndCaret(APartIndex: integer): TBidiCaretPos;
- result := GetUntransformedPartEndCaret(APartIndex);
- result.Transform(Matrix);
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetUntransformedPartStartCaret(APartIndex: integer): TBidiCaretPos;
- prevPart, part: PPartInfo;
- partEnum: TPartEnumerator;
- if (APartIndex < 0) or (APartIndex > PartCount) then
- raise ERangeError.Create('Invalid index');
- if APartIndex > 0 then
- begin
- partEnum := GetPartEnumerator(APartIndex - 1);
- if not partEnum.GetNext then InternalRangeError;
- prevPart := partEnum.PartInfo;
- if not partEnum.GetNext then InternalRangeError;
- part := partEnum.PartInfo;
- end else
- begin
- prevPart := nil;
- part := GetPartInfo(APartIndex);
- end;
- result := GetUntransformedPartStartCaret(APartIndex, prevPart, part);
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetUntransformedPartStartCaret(APartIndex: integer;
- APrevPart, APart: PPartInfo): TBidiCaretPos;
- result.PartIndex := APartIndex;
- if APart^.IsRightToLeft then
- result.Top := PointF(APart^.rectF.Right, APart^.rectF.Top)
- else
- result.Top := PointF(APart^.rectF.Left, APart^.rectF.Top);
- result.Bottom := result.Top + PointF(0, APart^.rectF.Height);
- result.RightToLeft := APart^.IsRightToLeft;
- if (APartIndex > 0) and (APrevPart^.endIndex = APart^.startIndex) and
- (BrokenLineUnbrokenIndex[APrevPart^.brokenLineIndex] =
- BrokenLineUnbrokenIndex[APart^.brokenLineIndex]) then
- begin
- if APrevPart^.IsRightToLeft then
- result.PreviousTop := PointF(APrevPart^.rectF.Left, APrevPart^.rectF.Top)
- else
- result.PreviousTop := PointF(APrevPart^.rectF.Right, APrevPart^.rectF.Top);
- result.PreviousBottom := result.PreviousTop + PointF(0, APrevPart^.rectF.Height);
- result.PreviousRightToLeft := APrevPart^.IsRightToLeft;
- end else
- begin
- result.PreviousTop := EmptyPointF;
- result.PreviousBottom := EmptyPointF;
- result.PreviousRightToLeft := result.RightToLeft;
- end;
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetUntransformedPartEndCaret(APartIndex: integer): TBidiCaretPos;
- part: PPartInfo;
- part := GetPartInfo(APartIndex);
- result := GetUntransformedPartEndCaret(APartIndex, part);
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetUntransformedPartEndCaret(APartIndex: integer;
- APart: PPartInfo): TBidiCaretPos;
- result.PartIndex := APartIndex;
- if APart^.IsRightToLeft then
- result.Top := PointF(APart^.rectF.Left, APart^.rectF.Top)
- else
- result.Top := PointF(APart^.rectF.Right, APart^.rectF.Top);
- result.Bottom := result.Top + PointF(0, APart^.rectF.Height);
- result.RightToLeft := APart^.IsRightToLeft;
- result.PreviousTop := EmptyPointF;
- result.PreviousBottom := EmptyPointF;
- result.PreviousRightToLeft := result.RightToLeft;
-function TBidiTextLayout.GetUntransformedParagraphAt(APosition: TPointF): integer;
- procedure FindRec(AFirstParaIndex, ALastParaIndex: integer);
- var
- midIndex: Integer;
- begin
- midIndex := (AFirstParaIndex + ALastParaIndex) shr 1;
- if APosition.y < FParagraph[midIndex].rectF.Top then
- begin
- if midIndex <= AFirstParaIndex then
- begin
- result := AFirstParaIndex;
- exit;
- end;
- FindRec(AFirstParaIndex, midIndex-1);
- end
- else if APosition.y >= FParagraph[midIndex].rectF.Bottom then
- begin
- if midIndex >= ALastParaIndex then
- begin
- result := ALastParaIndex;
- exit;
- end;
- FindRec(midIndex+1, ALastParaIndex);
- end
- else
- begin
- result := midIndex;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- NeedLayout;
- result := 0;
- FindRec(0, ParagraphCount-1);
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.AddPartsFromTree(APos: TPointF; ATree: TBidiTree;
- fullHeight, baseLine: single; ABrokenLineIndex: integer; ABrokenLine: PBrokenLineInfo);
- i: Integer;
- root, branch: TBidiLayoutTree;
- dy: Single;
- root := TBidiLayoutTree(ATree);
- if root.IsLeaf then
- begin
- if (root.Height <> fullHeight) and (fullHeight <> 0) then
- begin
- dy := baseLine * (1 - root.Height/fullHeight);
- end else
- dy := 0;
- if odd(root.BidiLevel) then
- begin
- DecF(APos.x, root.Width);
- AddPart(root.StartIndex, root.EndIndex, root.BidiLevel,
- RectF(APos.x, APos.y, APos.x+root.Width, APos.y+fullHeight), PointF(0,dy), ABrokenLineIndex, ABrokenLine);
- end else
- begin
- AddPart(root.StartIndex, root.EndIndex, root.BidiLevel,
- RectF(APos.x, APos.y, APos.x+root.Width, APos.y+fullHeight), PointF(0,dy), ABrokenLineIndex, ABrokenLine);
- IncF(APos.x, root.Width);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- for i := 0 to root.Count-1 do
- begin
- branch := TBidiLayoutTree(root.Branch[i]);
- if odd(root.BidiLevel) then
- begin
- if odd(branch.BidiLevel) then
- begin
- AddPartsFromTree(APos, branch, fullHeight, baseLine, ABrokenLineIndex, ABrokenLine);
- DecF(APos.x, branch.Width);
- end else
- begin
- DecF(APos.x, branch.Width);
- AddPartsFromTree(APos, branch, fullHeight, baseLine, ABrokenLineIndex, ABrokenLine);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- if odd(branch.BidiLevel) then
- begin
- IncF(APos.x, branch.Width);
- AddPartsFromTree(APos, branch, fullHeight, baseLine, ABrokenLineIndex, ABrokenLine);
- end else
- begin
- AddPartsFromTree(APos, branch, fullHeight, baseLine, ABrokenLineIndex, ABrokenLine);
- IncF(APos.x, branch.Width);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBidiTextLayout.Init(ATextUTF8: string; ABidiMode: TFontBidiMode);
- i: Integer;
- FComputedBrokenLineCount:= 0;
- FComputedPartCount:= 0;
- FTopLeft := PointF(0,0);
- FAvailableWidth:= EmptySingle;
- FAvailableHeight:= EmptySingle;
- FTabSize := 8;
- FParagraphSpacingAbove:= 0;
- FParagraphSpacingBelow:= 0;
- FMatrix := AffineMatrixIdentity;
- FClipMargin := 0;
- FColor := BGRABlack;
- FTexture := nil;
- FWordBreakHandler:= nil;
- FAnalysis := TUnicodeAnalysis.Create(ATextUTF8, ABidiMode);
- FAnalysis.OnBidiModeChanged:= @BidiModeChanged;
- FAnalysis.OnCharDeleted:= @CharDeleted;
- FAnalysis.OnParagraphDeleted:=@ParagraphDeleted;
- FAnalysis.OnParagraphMergedWithNext:=@ParagraphMergedWithNext;
- FAnalysis.OnCharInserted:=@CharInserted;
- FAnalysis.OnParagraphSplit:=@ParagraphSplit;
- FAnalysis.OnAnalysisChanged:= @AnalysisChanged;
- SetLength(FParagraph, FAnalysis.ParagraphCount);
- for i := 0 to high(FParagraph) do
- begin
- FParagraph[i].rectF := EmptyRectF;
- FParagraph[i].alignment:= btaNatural;
- FParagraph[i].layoutComputed := false;
- end;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgratextfx.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgratextfx.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 8766deb..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgratextfx.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,902 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRATextFX;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- Font rendering units : BGRAText, BGRATextFX, BGRAVectorize, BGRAFreeType
- This unit provide text effects. The simplest way to render effects is to use TBGRATextEffectFontRenderer class.
- To do this, create an instance of this class and assign it to a TBGRABitmap.FontRenderer property. Now functions
- to draw text like TBGRABitmap.TextOut will use the chosen renderer. To set the effects, keep a variable containing
- the TBGRATextEffectFontRenderer class and modify ShadowVisible and other effects parameters.
- The TBGRATextEffectFontRenderer class makes use of other classes depending on the situation. For example,
- TBGRATextEffect, which is also in this unit, provides effects on a text mask. But the renderer also uses
- BGRAVectorize unit in order to have big texts or to rotate them at will.
- Note that you may need TBGRATextEffect if you want to have more control over text effects, especially
- if you always draw the same text. Keeping the same TBGRATextEffect object will avoid creating the text
- mask over and over again.
- TextShadow function is a simple function to compute an image containing a text with shadow.
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BGRAGraphics, BGRABitmapTypes, BGRAPhongTypes, BGRAText,
- BGRACustomTextFX, BGRAVectorize;
- TBGRATextEffect = class;
- { TBGRATextEffectFontRenderer }
- TBGRATextEffectFontRenderer = class(TBGRASystemFontRenderer)
- private
- function GetShaderLightPosition: TPoint;
- function GetShaderLightPositionF: TPointF;
- function GetVectorizedRenderer: TBGRAVectorizedFontRenderer;
- procedure SetShaderLightPosition(const AValue: TPoint);
- procedure SetShaderLightPositionF(const AValue: TPointF);
- protected
- FShaderOwner: boolean;
- FShader: TCustomPhongShading;
- FVectorizedRenderer: TBGRAVectorizedFontRenderer;
- function ShadowActuallyVisible :boolean;
- function ShaderActuallyActive: boolean;
- function OutlineActuallyVisible: boolean;
- procedure Init;
- function VectorizedFontNeeded(AOrientation: integer): boolean;
- procedure InternalTextOutAngle(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: single; AOrientation: integer; sUTF8: string; c: TBGRAPixel; texture: IBGRAScanner;
- align: TAlignment; AShowPrefix: boolean = false; ARightToLeft: boolean = false); override;
- public
- ShaderActive: boolean;
- ShadowVisible: boolean;
- ShadowColor: TBGRAPixel;
- ShadowRadius: integer;
- ShadowOffset: TPoint;
- ShadowQuality: TRadialBlurType;
- OutlineColor: TBGRAPixel;
- OutlineWidth: single;
- OutlineVisible,OuterOutlineOnly: boolean;
- OutlineJoin: TPenJoinStyle;
- OutlineTexture: IBGRAScanner;
- constructor Create; overload;
- constructor Create(AShader: TCustomPhongShading; AShaderOwner: boolean); overload;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function TextSize(sUTF8: string): TSize; overload; override;
- function TextSizeAngle(sUTF8: string; orientationTenthDegCCW: integer): TSize; override;
- function TextSize(sUTF8: string; AMaxWidth: integer; {%H-}ARightToLeft: boolean): TSize; overload; override;
- function TextFitInfo(sUTF8: string; AMaxWidth: integer): integer; override;
- property Shader: TCustomPhongShading read FShader;
- property ShaderLightPosition: TPoint read GetShaderLightPosition write SetShaderLightPosition;
- property ShaderLightPositionF: TPointF read GetShaderLightPositionF write SetShaderLightPositionF;
- property VectorizedFontRenderer: TBGRAVectorizedFontRenderer read GetVectorizedRenderer;
- end;
- { TBGRATextEffect }
- TBGRATextEffect = class(TBGRACustomTextEffect)
- protected
- procedure InitImproveReadability(AText: string; Font: TFont; SubOffsetX,SubOffsetY: single);
- procedure Init(AText: string; Font: TFont; Antialiasing: boolean; SubOffsetX,SubOffsetY: single; GrainX, GrainY: Integer);
- procedure InitWithFontName(AText: string; AFontName: string; AFullHeight: integer; AStyle: TFontStyles; Antialiasing: boolean; SubOffsetX,SubOffsetY: single);
- public
- constructor Create(AText: string; Font: TFont; Antialiasing: boolean); overload;
- constructor Create(AText: string; Font: TFont; Antialiasing: boolean; SubOffsetX,SubOffsetY: single); overload;
- constructor Create(AText: string; Font: TFont; Antialiasing: boolean; SubOffsetX,SubOffsetY: single; GrainX, GrainY: Integer); overload;
- constructor Create(AText: string; AFontName: string; AFullHeight: integer; Antialiasing: boolean); overload;
- constructor Create(AText: string; AFontName: string; AFullHeight: integer; Antialiasing: boolean; SubOffsetX,SubOffsetY: single); overload;
- constructor Create(AText: string; AFontName: string; AFullHeight: integer; AStyle: TFontStyles; Antialiasing: boolean); overload;
- constructor Create(AText: string; AFontName: string; AFullHeight: integer; AStyle: TFontStyles; Antialiasing: boolean; SubOffsetX,SubOffsetY: single); overload;
- end;
-function TextShadow(AWidth,AHeight: Integer; AText: String; AFontHeight: Integer; ATextColor,AShadowColor: TBGRAPixel;
- AOffSetX,AOffSetY: Integer; ARadius: Integer = 0; AFontStyle: TFontStyles = []; AFontName: String = 'Default'; AShowText: Boolean = True; AFontQuality: TBGRAFontQuality = fqFineAntialiasing): TBGRACustomBitmap;
-procedure BGRATextOutImproveReadability(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; AFont: TFont; xf,yf: single; text: string; color: TBGRAPixel; tex: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment; mode : TBGRATextOutImproveReadabilityMode);
-uses BGRAGradientScanner, Math, BGRAGrayscaleMask, BGRAPath, BGRATransform,
- BGRAPolygon, BGRAPen;
-procedure BGRATextOutImproveReadability(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; AFont: TFont; xf,yf: single; text: string; color: TBGRAPixel; tex: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment; mode : TBGRATextOutImproveReadabilityMode);
- useClearType,clearTypeRGBOrder: boolean;
- metric: TFontPixelMetric;
- deltaX: single;
- x,y,yb,cury,fromy: integer;
- toAdd: integer;
- lines: array[0..3] of integer;
- parts: array[0..3] of TGrayscaleMask;
- n,nbLines: integer;
- alphaMax: UInt32or64;
- pmask: PByte;
- fx: TBGRATextEffect;
- FxFont: TFont;
- prevCenter, newCenter, diffCenter: single;
- xThird: integer;
- useClearType:= mode in[irClearTypeRGB,irClearTypeBGR];
- clearTypeRGBOrder := mode <> irClearTypeBGR;
- deltaX := xf-floor(xf);
- x := round(floor(xf));
- FxFont := TFont.Create;
- FxFont.Assign(AFont);
- FxFont.Height := fxFont.Height*FontAntialiasingLevel;
- metric := GetLCLFontPixelMetric(FxFont);
- if not metric.Defined or (metric.Lineheight < 8*FontAntialiasingLevel) or (metric.Lineheight >= 24*FontAntialiasingLevel) then
- begin
- fxFont.Free;
- if useClearType then
- begin
- if ClearTypeRGBOrder then
- BGRATextOut(bmp, AFont, fqFineClearTypeRGB, xf,yf, text, color, tex, align)
- else
- BGRATextOut(bmp, AFont, fqFineClearTypeBGR, xf,yf, text, color, tex, align)
- end else
- BGRATextOut(bmp, AFont, fqFineAntialiasing, xf,yf, text, color, tex, align);
- exit;
- end;
- if (metric.Baseline-metric.xLine) mod FontAntialiasingLevel >= FontAntialiasingLevel div 3 then
- begin
- toAdd := FontAntialiasingLevel- ((metric.Baseline-metric.xLine) mod FontAntialiasingLevel);
- for yb := 1 to toAdd div 2 do
- begin
- if metric.xLine > 0 then dec(metric.xLine);
- if metric.Baseline < metric.Lineheight then inc(metric.Baseline);
- end;
- end;
- if metric.CapLine >= metric.xLine then metric.CapLine := -1 else
- begin
- if (metric.xLine-metric.CapLine) mod FontAntialiasingLevel >= FontAntialiasingLevel div 2 then
- begin
- toAdd := FontAntialiasingLevel - (metric.xLine-metric.CapLine) mod FontAntialiasingLevel;
- dec(metric.CapLine, toAdd);
- if metric.CapLine <= 0 then metric.CapLine := -1;
- end;
- end;
- nbLines := 0;
- lines[nbLines] := metric.CapLine+1;
- inc(nbLines);
- lines[nbLines] := metric.xLine+1;
- inc(nbLines);
- lines[nbLines] := metric.Baseline+1;
- inc(nbLines);
- lines[nbLines] := metric.Lineheight+1;
- inc(nbLines);
- if not useClearType then
- fx := TBGRATextEffect.Create(text,FxFont,False,deltaX*FontAntialiasingLevel,0,FontAntialiasingLevel,FontAntialiasingLevel) else
- fx := TBGRATextEffect.Create(text,FxFont,False,0,0,3,0);
- if fx.TextMask = nil then
- begin
- fx.Free;
- FxFont.Free;
- exit;
- end;
- alphaMax := 0;
- prevCenter := 0;
- newCenter := 0;
- for yb := 0 to nbLines-1 do
- begin
- if yb= 0 then fromy := 0
- else fromy := lines[yb-1];
- if lines[yb] > fromy then
- begin
- if useClearType then
- parts[yb] := TGrayscaleMask.CreateDownSample(fx.TextMask,
- round(fx.TextMask.Width / FontAntialiasingLevel * 3),
- round((lines[yb] - fromy) / FontAntialiasingLevel),
- rect(0, fromy, fx.TextMask.Width, lines[yb]) )
- else
- parts[yb] := TGrayscaleMask.CreateDownSample(fx.TextMask,
- round(fx.TextMask.Width / FontAntialiasingLevel),
- round((lines[yb] - fromy) / FontAntialiasingLevel),
- rect(0, fromy, fx.TextMask.Width, lines[yb]) );
- if alphaMax < 255 then
- begin
- pmask := parts[yb].Data;
- for n := parts[yb].NbPixels-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- if pmask^ > alphaMax then alphaMax := pmask^;
- inc(pmask);
- end;
- end;
- if yb < 2 then
- begin
- IncF(newCenter, parts[yb].Height);
- IncF(prevCenter, lines[yb]-fromy);
- end else
- if yb = 2 then
- begin
- IncF(newCenter, parts[yb].Height/2);
- IncF(prevCenter, (lines[yb]-fromy)/2);
- end;
- end else
- parts[yb] := nil;
- end;
- prevCenter := prevCenter / FontAntialiasingLevel;
- diffCenter := prevCenter-newCenter;
- y := round( yf + diffCenter );
- xThird := 0;
- if useClearType then
- begin
- case align of
- taCenter: xThird:= xThird+round(((fx.TextMaskOffset.x-fx.TextWidth/2)/FontAntialiasingLevel+deltaX)*3);
- taRightJustify: xThird:= xThird+round(((fx.TextMaskOffset.x-fx.TextWidth)/FontAntialiasingLevel+deltaX)*3);
- else xThird:= xThird+round((fx.TextMaskOffset.x/FontAntialiasingLevel+deltaX)*3);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- case align of
- taCenter: x:= x+round((fx.TextMaskOffset.x-fx.TextWidth/2)/FontAntialiasingLevel);
- taRightJustify: x:= x+round((fx.TextMaskOffset.x-fx.TextWidth)/FontAntialiasingLevel);
- else x:= x+round(fx.TextMaskOffset.x/FontAntialiasingLevel);
- end;
- end;
- cury := y+round(fx.TextMaskOffset.y/FontAntialiasingLevel);
- for yb := 0 to nbLines-1 do
- if parts[yb] <> nil then
- begin
- if (alphaMax > 0) and (alphaMax < 255) then
- begin
- pmask := parts[yb].data;
- for n := parts[yb].NbPixels-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- pmask^ := pmask^*255 div alphaMax;
- inc(pmask);
- end;
- end;
- if useClearType then
- BGRAFillClearTypeGrayscaleMask(bmp,x,cury,xThird,parts[yb],color,tex,ClearTypeRGBOrder)
- else if mode = irMask then
- parts[yb].Draw(bmp,x,cury)
- else
- begin
- if tex <> nil then
- parts[yb].DrawAsAlpha(bmp,x,cury,tex) else
- parts[yb].DrawAsAlpha(bmp,x,cury,color);
- end;
- inc(cury,parts[yb].Height);
- parts[yb].Free;
- end;
- fx.Free;
- FxFont.Free;
-procedure BGRAReplace(var Destination: TBGRACustomBitmap; Temp: TObject);
- Destination.Free;
- Destination := Temp as TBGRACustomBitmap;
-function TextShadow(AWidth,AHeight: Integer; AText: String; AFontHeight: Integer; ATextColor,AShadowColor: TBGRAPixel;
- AOffSetX,AOffSetY: Integer; ARadius: Integer = 0; AFontStyle: TFontStyles = []; AFontName: String = 'Default'; AShowText: Boolean = True;
- AFontQuality: TBGRAFontQuality = fqFineAntialiasing): TBGRACustomBitmap;
- bmpOut,bmpSdw: TBGRACustomBitmap; OutTxtSize: TSize; OutX,OutY: Integer;
- bmpOut:= BGRABitmapFactory.Create(AWidth,AHeight);
- bmpOut.FontAntialias:= True;
- bmpOut.FontHeight:= AFontHeight;
- bmpOut.FontStyle:= AFontStyle;
- bmpOut.FontName:= AFontName;
- bmpOut.FontQuality:= AFontQuality;
- OutTxtSize:= bmpOut.TextSize(AText);
- OutX:= Round(AWidth/2) - Round(OutTxtSize.cx/2);
- OutY:= Round(AHeight/2) - Round(OutTxtSize.cy/2);
- bmpSdw:= BGRABitmapFactory.Create(OutTxtSize.cx+2*ARadius,OutTxtSize.cy+2*ARadius);
- bmpSdw.FontAntialias:= True;
- bmpSdw.FontHeight:= AFontHeight;
- bmpSdw.FontStyle:= AFontStyle;
- bmpSdw.FontName:= AFontName;
- bmpSdw.FontQuality:= AFontQuality;
- bmpSdw.TextOut(ARadius,ARadius,AText,AShadowColor);
- BGRAReplace(bmpSdw,bmpSdw.FilterBlurRadial(ARadius,rbFast));
- bmpOut.PutImage(OutX+AOffSetX-ARadius,OutY+AOffSetY-ARadius,bmpSdw,dmDrawWithTransparency);
- bmpSdw.Free;
- if AShowText = True then bmpOut.TextOut(OutX,OutY,AText,ATextColor);
- Result:= bmpOut;
-{ TBGRATextEffectFontRenderer }
-function TBGRATextEffectFontRenderer.GetShaderLightPosition: TPoint;
- if FShader = nil then
- result := point(0,0)
- else
- result := FShader.LightPosition;
-function TBGRATextEffectFontRenderer.GetShaderLightPositionF: TPointF;
- if FShader = nil then
- result := pointF(0,0)
- else
- result := FShader.LightPositionF;
-function TBGRATextEffectFontRenderer.GetVectorizedRenderer: TBGRAVectorizedFontRenderer;
- FVectorizedRenderer.FontEmHeight := FontEmHeight;
- FVectorizedRenderer.FontName := FontName;
- FVectorizedRenderer.FontOrientation:= FontOrientation;
- FVectorizedRenderer.FontQuality := FontQuality;
- FVectorizedRenderer.FontStyle:= FontStyle;
- FVectorizedRenderer.ShadowColor := ShadowColor;
- FVectorizedRenderer.ShadowVisible := ShadowVisible;
- FVectorizedRenderer.ShadowOffset := ShadowOffset;
- FVectorizedRenderer.ShadowRadius := ShadowRadius;
- FVectorizedRenderer.OutlineColor := OutlineColor;
- FVectorizedRenderer.OutlineVisible := OutlineVisible;
- FVectorizedRenderer.OutlineWidth := OutlineWidth;
- FVectorizedRenderer.OutlineTexture := OutlineTexture;
- FVectorizedRenderer.OuterOutlineOnly := OuterOutlineOnly;
- FVectorizedRenderer.OutlineJoin := OutlineJoin;
- result := FVectorizedRenderer;
-procedure TBGRATextEffectFontRenderer.SetShaderLightPosition(const AValue: TPoint);
- if FShader <> nil then
- FShader.LightPosition := AValue;
-procedure TBGRATextEffectFontRenderer.SetShaderLightPositionF(const AValue: TPointF);
- if FShader <> nil then
- FShader.LightPositionF := AValue;
-function TBGRATextEffectFontRenderer.ShadowActuallyVisible: boolean;
- result := ShadowVisible and (ShadowColor.alpha <> 0);
-function TBGRATextEffectFontRenderer.ShaderActuallyActive: boolean;
- result := (FShader <> nil) and ShaderActive;
-function TBGRATextEffectFontRenderer.OutlineActuallyVisible: boolean;
- result := (OutlineWidth <> 0) and ((OutlineTexture <> nil) or (OutlineColor.alpha <> 0)) and OutlineVisible;
-procedure TBGRATextEffectFontRenderer.Init;
- ShaderActive := true;
- ShadowColor := BGRABlack;
- ShadowVisible := false;
- ShadowOffset := Point(5,5);
- ShadowRadius := 5;
- ShadowQuality:= rbFast;
- OutlineColor := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- OutlineVisible := True;
- OutlineWidth:= DefaultOutlineWidth;
- OuterOutlineOnly:= false;
- OutlineJoin := pjsMiter;
- FVectorizedRenderer := TBGRAVectorizedFontRenderer.Create;
-function TBGRATextEffectFontRenderer.VectorizedFontNeeded(AOrientation: integer): boolean;
- function IsBigFont: boolean;
- var textsz: TSize;
- begin
- textsz := inherited InternalTextSize('Hg',False);
- result := (not OutlineActuallyVisible and (textsz.cy >= 24)) or
- (OutlineActuallyVisible and (textsz.cy > 42));
- end;
-var bAntialiasing, bSpecialOutline, bOriented, bEffectVectorizedSupported: boolean;
- bAntialiasing := FontQuality in [fqFineAntialiasing,fqFineClearTypeRGB,fqFineClearTypeBGR];
- bSpecialOutline:= OutlineActuallyVisible and (abs(OutlineWidth) <> DefaultOutlineWidth);
- bOriented := AOrientation <> 0;
- bEffectVectorizedSupported := OutlineActuallyVisible or ShadowActuallyVisible or ShaderActuallyActive;
- result := bSpecialOutline or
- (bAntialiasing and IsBigFont) or
- (bOriented and bEffectVectorizedSupported);
-procedure TBGRATextEffectFontRenderer.InternalTextOutAngle(
- ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: single; AOrientation: integer; sUTF8: string;
- c: TBGRAPixel; texture: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment;
- AShowPrefix: boolean = false; ARightToLeft: boolean = false);
- procedure DrawFX(fx: TBGRATextEffect; x,y: single; outline: boolean);
- procedure DoOutline;
- begin
- if OutlineActuallyVisible then
- begin
- if OutlineTexture <> nil then
- fx.DrawOutline(ADest,round(x),round(y), OutlineTexture, align)
- else
- fx.DrawOutline(ADest,round(x),round(y), OutlineColor, align);
- end;
- end;
- begin
- if ShadowActuallyVisible then
- begin
- fx.ShadowQuality := ShadowQuality;
- fx.DrawShadow(ADest,round(x)+ShadowOffset.X,round(y)+ShadowOffset.Y,ShadowRadius,ShadowColor, align);
- end;
- if outline and OuterOutlineOnly then DoOutline;
- if texture <> nil then
- begin
- if ShaderActuallyActive then
- fx.DrawShaded(ADest,floor(x),floor(y), Shader, round(fx.TextSize.cy*0.05), texture, align)
- else
- fx.Draw(ADest,round(x),round(y), texture, align);
- end else
- begin
- if ShaderActuallyActive then
- fx.DrawShaded(ADest,floor(x),floor(y), Shader, round(fx.TextSize.cy*0.05), c, align)
- else
- fx.Draw(ADest,round(x),round(y), c, align);
- end;
- if outline and not OuterOutlineOnly then DoOutline;
- end;
- procedure ComplexVectorized;
- var
- p: TBGRAPath;
- w: single;
- f: TBGRAMultishapeFiller;
- s: TBGRAPenStroker;
- mask, shaded: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- boundsF: TRectF;
- b: TRect;
- fx: TBGRATextEffect;
- oldShaderLightPos: TPoint;
- h: integer;
- begin
- p := TBGRAPath.Create;
- try
- p.translate(x-0.5,y-0.5);
- p.rotateDeg(-AOrientation/10);
- VectorizedFontRenderer.CopyTextPathTo(p,0,0,sUTF8,align,ARightToLeft);
- if abs(OutlineWidth) < 3 then
- w := abs(OutlineWidth)*2/3
- else
- w := abs(OutlineWidth)-1;
- if p.IsEmpty then
- boundsF := EmptyRectF
- else
- begin
- boundsF := p.GetBounds;
- DecF(boundsF.Left, 1);
- DecF(boundsF.Top, 1);
- IncF(boundsF.Right, 1);
- IncF(boundsF.Bottom, 1);
- if ShadowActuallyVisible then
- begin
- DecF(boundsF.Left, ShadowRadius);
- DecF(boundsF.Top, ShadowRadius);
- IncF(boundsF.Right, ShadowRadius);
- IncF(boundsF.Bottom, ShadowRadius);
- end;
- boundsF := TRectF.Intersect(boundsF, RectF(0,0,ADest.Width,ADest.Height));
- end;
- if not boundsF.IsEmpty then
- begin
- with boundsF do
- b := rect(floor(left),floor(top),ceil(right),ceil(bottom));
- shaded := nil;
- try
- if ShaderActuallyActive or ShadowActuallyVisible then
- begin
- mask := BGRABitmapFactory.Create(b.Width,b.Height,BGRABlack);
- try
- mask.LinearAntialiasing:= true;
- mask.FillPath(p, AffineMatrixTranslation(-b.Left,-b.Top), BGRAWhite);
- fx := TBGRATextEffect.Create(mask, false, mask.Width,mask.Height, Point(0,0));
- if ShaderActuallyActive then
- begin
- shaded := ADest.NewBitmap(mask.Width,mask.Height);
- oldShaderLightPos := Shader.LightPosition;
- Shader.LightPosition := Point(Shader.LightPosition.X - b.Left,
- Shader.LightPosition.Y - b.Top);
- h := VectorizedFontRenderer.TextSize('Hg').cy;
- if texture <> nil then
- fx.DrawShaded(shaded, 0,0, Shader, round(h*0.05), texture, taLeftJustify)
- else
- fx.DrawShaded(shaded, 0,0, Shader, round(h*0.05), c, taLeftJustify);
- Shader.LightPosition := oldShaderLightPos;
- shaded.AlphaFill(255);
- shaded.ScanOffset := Point(-b.Left,-b.Top);
- end;
- if ShadowActuallyVisible then
- begin
- fx.ShadowQuality := ShadowQuality;
- fx.DrawShadow(ADest,b.Left+ShadowOffset.X,b.Top+ShadowOffset.Y,ShadowRadius,ShadowColor, taLeftJustify);
- end;
- fx.Free;
- finally
- mask.Free;
- end;
- end;
- s := nil;
- f := TBGRAMultishapeFiller.Create;
- if shaded<>nil then
- f.AddPathFill(p, shaded) else
- if texture<>nil then
- f.AddPathFill(p, texture)
- else
- f.AddPathFill(p, c);
- if OutlineActuallyVisible then
- begin
- s := TBGRAPenStroker.Create;
- f.AddPathStroke(p, OutlineColor, w, s);
- end;
- if OuterOutlineOnly then
- f.PolygonOrder:= poFirstOnTop
- else
- f.PolygonOrder:= poLastOnTop;
- if ADest.LinearAntialiasing then
- f.Draw(ADest, dmLinearBlend)
- else
- f.Draw(ADest, dmDrawWithTransparency);
- f.Free;
- s.Free;
- finally
- shaded.Free;
- end;
- end;
- finally
- p.Free;
- end;
- end;
-var fx: TBGRATextEffect;
- if VectorizedFontNeeded(AOrientation) then
- begin
- if ShaderActuallyActive or ShadowActuallyVisible then
- ComplexVectorized else
- begin
- if texture<>nil then
- VectorizedFontRenderer.TextOutAngle(ADest,x,y,AOrientation,sUTF8,texture,align,ARightToLeft)
- else
- VectorizedFontRenderer.TextOutAngle(ADest,x,y,AOrientation,sUTF8,c,align,ARightToLeft);
- end;
- end else
- if (AOrientation = 0) and (ShaderActuallyActive or ShadowActuallyVisible or OutlineActuallyVisible) then
- begin
- fx := TBGRATextEffect.Create(sUTF8, FFont,
- FontQuality in[fqFineAntialiasing,fqFineClearTypeBGR,fqFineClearTypeRGB],
- x-floor(x), y-floor(y));
- DrawFX(fx, x,y, true);
- fx.Free;
- end else
- inherited InternalTextOutAngle(ADest,x,y,AOrientation,sUTF8,c,texture,align,AShowPrefix,ARightToLeft);
-constructor TBGRATextEffectFontRenderer.Create;
- inherited Create;
- FShader := nil;
- FShaderOwner:= false;
- Init;
-constructor TBGRATextEffectFontRenderer.Create(AShader: TCustomPhongShading;
- AShaderOwner: boolean);
- inherited Create;
- Init;
- FShader := AShader;
- FShaderOwner := AShaderOwner;
-destructor TBGRATextEffectFontRenderer.Destroy;
- if FShaderOwner then FShader.Free;
- FVectorizedRenderer.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
-function TBGRATextEffectFontRenderer.TextSize(sUTF8: string): TSize;
- if VectorizedFontNeeded(0) then
- result := VectorizedFontRenderer.TextSize(sUTF8)
- else
- result := inherited TextSize(sUTF8);
-function TBGRATextEffectFontRenderer.TextSizeAngle(sUTF8: string;
- orientationTenthDegCCW: integer): TSize;
- if VectorizedFontNeeded(orientationTenthDegCCW) then
- result := VectorizedFontRenderer.TextSizeAngle(sUTF8, orientationTenthDegCCW)
- else
- result := inherited TextSizeAngle(sUTF8, orientationTenthDegCCW);
-function TBGRATextEffectFontRenderer.TextSize(sUTF8: string;
- AMaxWidth: integer; ARightToLeft: boolean): TSize;
- if VectorizedFontNeeded(FontOrientation) then
- result := VectorizedFontRenderer.TextSize(sUTF8, AMaxWidth, ARightToLeft)
- else
- result := inherited TextSize(sUTF8, AMaxWidth, ARightToLeft);
-function TBGRATextEffectFontRenderer.TextFitInfo(sUTF8: string;
- AMaxWidth: integer): integer;
- if VectorizedFontNeeded(FontOrientation) then
- result := VectorizedFontRenderer.TextFitInfo(sUTF8, AMaxWidth)
- else
- result := inherited TextFitInfo(sUTF8, AMaxWidth)
-{ TBGRATextEffect }
-procedure TBGRATextEffect.InitImproveReadability(AText: string; Font: TFont;
- SubOffsetX, SubOffsetY: single);
-var size: TSize;
- overhang: integer;
- temp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- FShadowQuality:= rbFast;
- if SubOffsetX < 0 then SubOffsetX := 0;
- if SubOffsetY < 0 then SubOffsetY := 0;
- size := BGRATextSize(Font, fqFineAntialiasing, AText, FontAntialiasingLevel);
- FTextSize := size;
- if size.cy = 0 then FTextSize.cy := BGRATextSize(Font, fqFineAntialiasing, 'Hg', FontAntialiasingLevel).cy;
- overhang := size.cy div 2;
- inc(size.cx, 2*overhang + ceil(SubOffsetX) );
- inc(size.cy, 2 + ceil(SubOffsetY) );
- FOffset := Point(-overhang,-1); //include overhang
- temp := BGRABitmapFactory.Create(size.cx, size.cy, BGRABlack);
- BGRATextOutImproveReadability(temp, Font, overhang+SubOffsetX,1+SubOffsetY, AText, BGRAWhite, nil, taLeftJustify, irMask);
- FTextMask := TGrayscaleMask.Create;
- FTextMask.CopyFrom(temp, cGreen);
- temp.Free;
-constructor TBGRATextEffect.Create(AText: string; Font: TFont;
- Antialiasing: boolean; SubOffsetX,SubOffsetY: single);
- Init(AText, Font, Antialiasing, SubOffsetX, SubOffsetY, 0,0);
-constructor TBGRATextEffect.Create(AText: string; Font: TFont;
- Antialiasing: boolean; SubOffsetX, SubOffsetY: single; GrainX, GrainY: Integer
- );
- Init(AText, Font, Antialiasing, SubOffsetX, SubOffsetY, GrainX, GrainY);
-constructor TBGRATextEffect.Create(AText: string; AFontName: string;
- AFullHeight: integer; Antialiasing: boolean);
- InitWithFontName(AText, AFontName, AFullHeight, [], Antialiasing, 0, 0);
-constructor TBGRATextEffect.Create(AText: string; AFontName: string;
- AFullHeight: integer; Antialiasing: boolean; SubOffsetX, SubOffsetY: single);
- InitWithFontName(AText, AFontName, AFullHeight, [], Antialiasing, SubOffsetX, SubOffsetY);
-constructor TBGRATextEffect.Create(AText: string; AFontName: string;
- AFullHeight: integer; AStyle: TFontStyles; Antialiasing: boolean);
- InitWithFontName(AText, AFontName, AFullHeight, AStyle, Antialiasing, 0, 0);
-constructor TBGRATextEffect.Create(AText: string; AFontName: string;
- AFullHeight: integer; AStyle: TFontStyles; Antialiasing: boolean; SubOffsetX,
- SubOffsetY: single);
- InitWithFontName(AText, AFontName, AFullHeight, AStyle, Antialiasing, SubOffsetX, SubOffsetY);
-procedure TBGRATextEffect.Init(AText: string; Font: TFont; Antialiasing: boolean; SubOffsetX,SubOffsetY: single; GrainX, GrainY: Integer);
-const FXAntialiasingLevel = FontAntialiasingLevel;
-var temp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- tempBmp: TBitmap;
- size: TSize;
- p: PByte;
- n,v,maxAlpha: integer;
- alpha: byte;
- sizeX,sizeY: integer;
- onePixel: integer;
- quality: TBGRAFontQuality;
- iSubX,iSubY: integer;
- if IsLclFontRendererFine then Antialiasing := false;
- FShadowQuality := rbFast;
- if Antialiasing and Assigned(BGRATextOutImproveReadabilityProc) then
- begin
- InitImproveReadability(AText, Font, SubOffsetX,SubOffsetY);
- exit;
- end;
- if Antialiasing and not IsLclFontRendererFine then
- quality := fqFineAntialiasing
- else
- quality := fqSystem;
- size := BGRAOriginalTextSize(Font,quality,AText,FXAntialiasingLevel);
- if (size.cx = 0) or (size.cy = 0) then
- begin
- size := BGRATextSize(Font,quality,'Hg',FXAntialiasingLevel);
- FTextSize.cx := 0;
- FTextSize.cy := size.cy;
- FOffset := Point(0,0);
- exit;
- end;
- FTextSize := size;
- sizeX := size.cx+size.cy;
- sizeY := size.cy;
- iSubX := 0;
- iSubY := 0;
- if SubOffsetX < 0 then SubOffsetX := 0;
- if SubOffsetY < 0 then SubOffsetY := 0;
- if Antialiasing then
- begin
- sizeX := (sizeX + FXAntialiasingLevel-1);
- dec(sizeX, sizeX mod FXAntialiasingLevel);
- sizeY := (sizeY + FXAntialiasingLevel-1);
- dec(sizeY, sizeY mod FXAntialiasingLevel);
- if SubOffsetX <> 0 then
- begin
- inc(sizeX, ceil(SubOffsetX*FXAntialiasingLevel) );
- iSubX := round(SubOffsetX*FXAntialiasingLevel);
- end;
- if SubOffsetY <> 0 then
- begin
- inc(sizeY, ceil(SubOffsetY*FXAntialiasingLevel) );
- iSubY := round(SubOffsetY*FXAntialiasingLevel);
- end;
- OnePixel := FXAntialiasingLevel;
- end else
- begin
- OnePixel := 1;
- if SubOffsetX <> 0 then
- begin
- iSubX := round(SubOffsetX);
- inc(sizeX, iSubX);
- end;
- if SubOffsetY <> 0 then
- begin
- iSubY := round(SubOffsetY);
- inc(sizeY, iSubY);
- end;
- end;
- FOffset := Point(-size.cy div 2,-OnePixel); //include overhang
- if GrainX > 0 then
- begin
- SizeX := SizeX+ (GrainX-1);
- dec(SizeX, SizeX mod GrainX);
- end;
- if GrainY > 0 then
- begin
- SizeY := SizeY+ (GrainY-1);
- dec(SizeY, SizeY mod GrainY);
- end;
- if RenderTextOnBitmap then
- begin
- tempBmp := TBitmap.Create;
- tempBmp.Width := sizeX;
- tempBmp.Height := sizeY+2*OnePixel;
- BitmapFillRect(tempBmp, rect(0,0,tempBmp.Width,tempBmp.Height), clBlack);
- tempBmp.Canvas.Font := Font;
- tempBmp.Canvas.Font.Orientation := 0;
- tempBmp.Canvas.Font.Height := Font.Height*OnePixel;
- tempBmp.Canvas.Font.Color := clWhite;
- tempBmp.Canvas.Font.Quality := FontDefaultQuality;
- BitmapTextOut(tempBmp, Point(-FOffset.X+iSubX, -FOffset.Y+iSubY), AText);
- temp := BGRABitmapFactory.Create(tempBmp);
- tempBmp.Free;
- end else
- begin
- temp := BGRABitmapFactory.Create(sizeX, sizeY+2*OnePixel,clBlack);
- temp.Canvas.Font := Font;
- temp.Canvas.Font.Orientation := 0;
- temp.Canvas.Font.Height := Font.Height*OnePixel;
- temp.Canvas.Font.Color := clWhite;
- temp.Canvas.Font.Quality := FontDefaultQuality;
- BitmapTextOut(temp.Bitmap, Point(-FOffset.X+iSubX, -FOffset.Y+iSubY), AText);
- end;
- if Antialiasing then
- begin
- FTextSize.cx := round(FTextSize.cx/FXAntialiasingLevel);
- FTextSize.cy := round(FTextSize.cy/FXAntialiasingLevel);
- FOffset := Point(round(FOffset.X/FXAntialiasingLevel),round(FOffset.Y/FXAntialiasingLevel));
- FTextMask := TGrayscaleMask.CreateDownSample(temp, round(temp.width/FXAntialiasingLevel),
- round(temp.Height/FXAntialiasingLevel));
- temp.Free;
- maxAlpha := 0;
- p := FTextMask.Data;
- for n := FTextMask.NbPixels - 1 downto 0 do
- begin
- alpha := P^;
- if alpha > maxAlpha then maxAlpha := alpha;
- Inc(p);
- end;
- if maxAlpha <> 0 then
- begin
- p := FTextMask.Data;
- for n := FTextMask.NbPixels - 1 downto 0 do
- begin
- p^:= integer(p^ * 255) div maxAlpha;
- Inc(p);
- end;
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- FTextMask := TGrayscaleMask.Create(temp, cGreen);
- temp.Free;
- p := FTextMask.data;
- for n := FTextMask.NbPixels-1 downto 0 do
- p^ := GammaExpansionTab[p^] shr 8;
- end;
-procedure TBGRATextEffect.InitWithFontName(AText: string; AFontName: string;
- AFullHeight: integer; AStyle: TFontStyles; Antialiasing: boolean; SubOffsetX, SubOffsetY: single);
-var lFont: TFont;
- lFont := TFont.Create;
- lFont.Name := AFontName;
- lFont.Height := AFullHeight * FontFullHeightSign;
- lFont.Style := AStyle;
- Init(AText, lFont, Antialiasing, SubOffsetX, SubOffsetY, 0,0);
- lFont.Free;
-constructor TBGRATextEffect.Create(AText: string; Font: TFont;
- Antialiasing: boolean);
- Init(AText, Font, Antialiasing, 0,0,0,0);
- BGRATextOutImproveReadabilityProc := @BGRATextOutImproveReadability;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrathumbnail.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrathumbnail.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index ce1d7ec..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrathumbnail.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,520 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAThumbnail;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
-{$i bgrabitmap.inc}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BGRABitmap, BGRABitmapTypes, FPimage;
-function GetBitmapThumbnail(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; AWidth,AHeight: integer; ABackColor: TBGRAPixel; ACheckers: boolean; ADest: TBGRABitmap= nil; AVerticalShrink: single = 1; AHorizShrink: single = 1): TBGRABitmap; overload;
-function GetBitmapThumbnail(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; AFormat: TBGRAImageFormat; AWidth,AHeight: integer; ABackColor: TBGRAPixel; ACheckers: boolean; ADest: TBGRABitmap= nil; AVerticalShrink: single = 1; AHorizShrink: single = 1): TBGRABitmap; overload;
-function GetFileThumbnail(AFilenameUTF8: string; AWidth,AHeight: integer; ABackColor: TBGRAPixel; ACheckers: boolean; ADest: TBGRABitmap= nil): TBGRABitmap;
-function GetStreamThumbnail(AStream: TStream; AWidth,AHeight: integer; ABackColor: TBGRAPixel; ACheckers: boolean; ASuggestedExtensionUTF8: string = ''; ADest: TBGRABitmap= nil): TBGRABitmap; overload;
-function GetStreamThumbnail(AStream: TStream; AReader: TFPCustomImageReader; AWidth,AHeight: integer; ABackColor: TBGRAPixel; ACheckers: boolean; ADest: TBGRABitmap= nil): TBGRABitmap; overload;
-function GetOpenRasterThumbnail(AStream: TStream; AWidth,AHeight: integer; ABackColor: TBGRAPixel; ACheckers: boolean; ADest: TBGRABitmap= nil): TBGRABitmap;
-function GetLazPaintThumbnail(AStream: TStream; AWidth, AHeight: integer; ABackColor: TBGRAPixel; ACheckers: boolean; ADest: TBGRABitmap= nil): TBGRABitmap;
-function GetPhoxoThumbnail(AStream: TStream; AWidth, AHeight: integer; ABackColor: TBGRAPixel; ACheckers: boolean; ADest: TBGRABitmap= nil): TBGRABitmap;
-function GetJpegThumbnail(AStream: TStream; AWidth,AHeight: integer; ABackColor: TBGRAPixel; ACheckers: boolean; ADest: TBGRABitmap= nil): TBGRABitmap;
-function GetPsdThumbnail(AStream: TStream; AWidth,AHeight: integer; ABackColor: TBGRAPixel; ACheckers: boolean; ADest: TBGRABitmap= nil): TBGRABitmap;
-function GetPngThumbnail(AStream: TStream; AWidth, AHeight: integer; ABackColor: TBGRAPixel; ACheckers: boolean; ADest: TBGRABitmap= nil): TBGRABitmap;
-function GetPaintDotNetThumbnail(AStream: TStream; AWidth, AHeight: integer; ABackColor: TBGRAPixel; ACheckers: boolean; ADest: TBGRABitmap= nil): TBGRABitmap;
-function GetBmpThumbnail(AStream: TStream; AWidth, AHeight: integer; ABackColor: TBGRAPixel; ACheckers: boolean; ADest: TBGRABitmap= nil): TBGRABitmap;
-function GetIcoThumbnail(AStream: TStream; AWidth, AHeight: integer; ABackColor: TBGRAPixel; ACheckers: boolean; ADest: TBGRABitmap= nil): TBGRABitmap;
-function GetCurThumbnail(AStream: TStream; AWidth, AHeight: integer; ABackColor: TBGRAPixel; ACheckers: boolean; ADest: TBGRABitmap= nil): TBGRABitmap;
-function GetPcxThumbnail(AStream: TStream; AWidth, AHeight: integer; ABackColor: TBGRAPixel; ACheckers: boolean; ADest: TBGRABitmap= nil): TBGRABitmap;
-function GetTargaThumbnail(AStream: TStream; AWidth, AHeight: integer; ABackColor: TBGRAPixel; ACheckers: boolean; ADest: TBGRABitmap= nil): TBGRABitmap;
-function GetTiffThumbnail(AStream: TStream; AWidth, AHeight: integer; ABackColor: TBGRAPixel; ACheckers: boolean; ADest: TBGRABitmap= nil): TBGRABitmap;
-function GetGifThumbnail(AStream: TStream; AWidth, AHeight: integer; ABackColor: TBGRAPixel; ACheckers: boolean; ADest: TBGRABitmap= nil): TBGRABitmap;
-function GetXwdThumbnail(AStream: TStream; AWidth, AHeight: integer; ABackColor: TBGRAPixel; ACheckers: boolean; ADest: TBGRABitmap= nil): TBGRABitmap;
-function GetXPixMapThumbnail(AStream: TStream; AWidth, AHeight: integer; ABackColor: TBGRAPixel; ACheckers: boolean; ADest: TBGRABitmap= nil): TBGRABitmap;
-function GetBmpMioMapThumbnail(AStream: TStream; AWidth, AHeight: integer; ABackColor: TBGRAPixel; ACheckers: boolean; ADest: TBGRABitmap= nil): TBGRABitmap;
-procedure DrawThumbnailCheckers(bmp: TBGRABitmap; ARect: TRect; AIconCheckers: boolean = false);
-procedure DrawThumbnailCheckers(bmp: TBGRABitmap; ARect: TRect; AIconCheckers: boolean; AScale: single);
- ImageCheckersColor1,ImageCheckersColor2 : TBGRAPixel;
- IconCheckersColor1,IconCheckersColor2 : TBGRAPixel;
- CheckersScale: single = 1;
-uses base64, BGRAUTF8,
- BGRAReadPSD, BGRAReadIco, UnzipperExt, BGRAReadLzp;
-procedure DrawThumbnailCheckers(bmp: TBGRABitmap; ARect: TRect;
- AIconCheckers: boolean);
- DrawThumbnailCheckers(bmp, ARect, AIconCheckers, CheckersScale);
-procedure DrawThumbnailCheckers(bmp: TBGRABitmap; ARect: TRect; AIconCheckers: boolean; AScale: single);
- if AIconCheckers then
- bmp.DrawCheckers(ARect, IconCheckersColor1, IconCheckersColor2, round(8*AScale), round(8*AScale))
- else
- bmp.DrawCheckers(ARect, ImageCheckersColor1, ImageCheckersColor2, round(8*AScale), round(8*AScale));
-function InternalGetBitmapThumbnail(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; AWidth, AHeight: integer; ABackColor: TBGRAPixel; ACheckers: boolean;
- ADest: TBGRABitmap; AVerticalShrink: single = 1; AHorizShrink: single = 1; AShowHotSpot: boolean = false; ADarkCheckers: boolean = false): TBGRABitmap;
- factorX, factorY, factor: single;
- xIcon,yIcon,wIcon,hIcon: Integer;
- hotspot: TPoint;
- result := nil;
- try
- if (ABitmap <> nil) and (ABitmap.Width <> 0) and (ABitmap.Height <> 0) then
- begin
- If Assigned(ADest) then
- begin
- result := ADest;
- result.SetSize(AWidth,AHeight);
- result.Fill(ABackColor);
- end else
- result := TBGRABitmap.Create(AWidth,AHeight,ABackColor);
- factorX := result.Width/(ABitmap.Width*AHorizShrink);
- factorY := result.Height/(ABitmap.Height*AVerticalShrink);
- if factorX < factorY then factor := factorX else factor := factorY;
- wIcon := round(ABitmap.Width*AHorizShrink*factor);
- if wIcon = 0 then wIcon := 1;
- hIcon := round(ABitmap.Height*AVerticalShrink*factor);
- if hIcon = 0 then hIcon := 1;
- xIcon:= (result.Width-wIcon) div 2;
- yIcon:= (result.Height-hIcon) div 2;
- if ACheckers then DrawThumbnailCheckers(result,Rect(xIcon,yIcon,xIcon+wIcon,yIcon+hIcon),ADarkCheckers,CheckersScale);
- if AShowHotSpot and (wIcon > 0) and (hIcon > 0) then
- begin
- hotspot := Point(xIcon+ABitmap.HotSpot.X*wIcon div ABitmap.Width,yIcon+ABitmap.HotSpot.Y*hIcon div ABitmap.Height);
- result.HorizLine(xIcon,hotspot.y-1,xIcon+wIcon-1,CSSLime,dmDrawWithTransparency);
- result.HorizLine(xIcon,hotspot.y,xIcon+wIcon-1,CSSLime,dmDrawWithTransparency);
- result.HorizLine(xIcon,hotspot.y+1,xIcon+wIcon-1,CSSLime,dmDrawWithTransparency);
- result.VertLine(hotspot.x-1,yIcon,yIcon+hIcon-1,CSSLime,dmDrawWithTransparency);
- result.VertLine(hotspot.x,yIcon,yIcon+hIcon-1,CSSLime,dmDrawWithTransparency);
- result.VertLine(hotspot.x+1,yIcon,yIcon+hIcon-1,CSSLime,dmDrawWithTransparency);
- end;
- if (ABackColor.alpha <> 0) or ACheckers then
- result.StretchPutImage(Rect(xIcon,yIcon,xIcon+wIcon,yIcon+hIcon),ABitmap,dmDrawWithTransparency) else
- result.StretchPutImage(Rect(xIcon,yIcon,xIcon+wIcon,yIcon+hIcon),ABitmap,dmSet);
- if AShowHotSpot and (wIcon > 0) and (hIcon > 0) then
- begin
- result.HorizLine(xIcon,yIcon+ABitmap.HotSpot.Y*hIcon div ABitmap.Height,xIcon+wIcon-1,BGRA(255,0,255,96),dmDrawWithTransparency);
- result.VertLine(xIcon+ABitmap.HotSpot.X*wIcon div ABitmap.Width,yIcon,yIcon+hIcon-1,BGRA(255,0,255,96),dmDrawWithTransparency);
- end;
- end;
- except
- end;
-function GetBitmapThumbnail(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; AWidth, AHeight: integer;
- ABackColor: TBGRAPixel; ACheckers: boolean; ADest: TBGRABitmap = nil;
- AVerticalShrink: single = 1; AHorizShrink: single = 1): TBGRABitmap;
- result := InternalGetBitmapThumbnail(ABitmap,AWidth,AHeight,ABackColor,ACheckers,ADest,AVerticalShrink,AHorizShrink,
- false,false);
-function GetBitmapThumbnail(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; AFormat: TBGRAImageFormat; AWidth, AHeight: integer;
- ABackColor: TBGRAPixel; ACheckers: boolean; ADest: TBGRABitmap = nil; AVerticalShrink: single = 1; AHorizShrink: single = 1): TBGRABitmap;
- result := InternalGetBitmapThumbnail(ABitmap,AWidth,AHeight,ABackColor,ACheckers,ADest,AVerticalShrink,AHorizShrink,
- AFormat = ifCur, AFormat in[ifCur,ifIco]);
-function GetFileThumbnail(AFilenameUTF8: string; AWidth, AHeight: integer; ABackColor: TBGRAPixel; ACheckers: boolean; ADest: TBGRABitmap): TBGRABitmap;
-var stream: TFileStreamUTF8;
- result := nil;
- try
- stream := TFileStreamUTF8.Create(AFilenameUTF8,fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);
- except
- exit;
- end;
- try
- result := GetStreamThumbnail(stream, AWidth,AHeight,ABackColor,ACheckers,ExtractFileExt(AFilenameUTF8),ADest);
- finally
- stream.free;
- end;
-function GetStreamThumbnail(AStream: TStream; AWidth, AHeight: integer;
- ABackColor: TBGRAPixel; ACheckers: boolean; ASuggestedExtensionUTF8: string;
- ADest: TBGRABitmap): TBGRABitmap;
- ff: TBGRAImageFormat;
- reader: TFPCustomImageReader;
- ff := DetectFileFormat(AStream,ASuggestedExtensionUTF8);
- case ff of
- ifJpeg: result := GetJpegThumbnail(AStream, AWidth,AHeight, ABackColor, ACheckers, ADest);
- ifIco: result := GetIcoThumbnail(AStream, AWidth,AHeight, ABackColor, ACheckers, ADest);
- ifCur: result := GetCurThumbnail(AStream, AWidth,AHeight, ABackColor, ACheckers, ADest);
- ifPaintDotNet: result := GetPaintDotNetThumbnail(AStream, AWidth,AHeight, ABackColor, ACheckers, ADest);
- ifLazPaint: result := GetLazPaintThumbnail(AStream, AWidth,AHeight, ABackColor, ACheckers, ADest);
- ifOpenRaster: result := GetOpenRasterThumbnail(AStream, AWidth,AHeight, ABackColor, ACheckers, ADest);
- ifPhoxo: result := GetPhoxoThumbnail(AStream, AWidth,AHeight, ABackColor, ACheckers, ADest);
- ifPsd: result := GetPsdThumbnail(AStream, AWidth,AHeight, ABackColor, ACheckers, ADest);
- else
- begin
- if (ff = ifUnknown) or (DefaultBGRAImageReader[ff] = nil) then
- result := nil
- else
- begin
- result := nil;
- reader := nil;
- try
- reader := CreateBGRAImageReader(ff);
- result := GetStreamThumbnail(AStream, reader, AWidth, AHeight, ABackColor, ACheckers, ADest);
- finally
- reader.Free;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
-function GetStreamThumbnail(AStream: TStream; AReader: TFPCustomImageReader;
- AWidth, AHeight: integer; ABackColor: TBGRAPixel; ACheckers: boolean;
- ADest: TBGRABitmap): TBGRABitmap;
- bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- AOriginalWidth, AOriginalHeight: integer;
- if AReader is TBGRAImageReader then
- begin
- bmp := nil;
- try
- bmp := TBGRAImageReader(AReader).GetBitmapDraft(AStream, AWidth,AHeight, AOriginalWidth,AOriginalHeight);
- if Assigned(bmp) and (bmp.Height <> 0) and (bmp.Width <> 0) then
- result := GetBitmapThumbnail(bmp, AWidth, AHeight, ABackColor, ACheckers, ADest,
- AOriginalHeight/bmp.Height, AOriginalWidth/bmp.Width);
- except
- result := nil;
- end;
- bmp.free;
- exit;
- end;
- bmp := TBGRABitmap.Create;
- try
- bmp.LoadFromStream(AStream, AReader);
- except
- FreeAndNil(bmp);
- end;
- if bmp = nil then
- result := nil
- else
- begin
- result := GetBitmapThumbnail(bmp, AWidth, AHeight, ABackColor, ACheckers, ADest);
- bmp.Free;
- end;
-function GetOpenRasterThumbnail(AStream: TStream; AWidth, AHeight: integer;
- ABackColor: TBGRAPixel; ACheckers: boolean; ADest: TBGRABitmap): TBGRABitmap;
- unzip: TUnzipperStreamUtf8;
- png: TMemoryStream;
- result := nil;
- unzip := TUnzipperStreamUtf8.Create;
- try
- unzip.InputStream := AStream;
- png := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- if unzip.UnzipFileToStream('Thumbnails\thumbnail.png', png, False) then
- begin
- png.Position:= 0;
- result := GetPngThumbnail(png,AWidth,AHeight,ABackColor,ACheckers,ADest);
- end else
- begin
- png.Clear;
- if unzip.UnzipFileToStream('mergedimage.png', png, False) then
- begin
- png.Position:= 0;
- result := GetPngThumbnail(png,AWidth,AHeight,ABackColor,ACheckers,ADest);
- end;
- end;
- finally
- png.Free;
- end;
- except
- end;
- unzip.Free;
-function GetLazPaintThumbnail(AStream: TStream; AWidth, AHeight: integer;
- ABackColor: TBGRAPixel; ACheckers: boolean; ADest: TBGRABitmap): TBGRABitmap;
- reader: TBGRAReaderLazPaint;
- reader:= TBGRAReaderLazPaint.Create;
- reader.WantThumbnail := true;
- result := GetStreamThumbnail(AStream,reader,AWidth,AHeight,ABackColor,ACheckers,ADest);
- reader.Free;
-function GetPhoxoThumbnail(AStream: TStream; AWidth, AHeight: integer;
- ABackColor: TBGRAPixel; ACheckers: boolean; ADest: TBGRABitmap): TBGRABitmap;
- reader: TFPCustomImageReader;
- if DefaultBGRAImageReader[ifPhoxo] = nil then
- result := nil
- else
- begin
- reader := CreateBGRAImageReader(ifPhoxo);
- result := GetStreamThumbnail(AStream, reader, AWidth,AHeight,ABackColor,ACheckers,ADest);
- reader.Free;
- end;
-function GetJpegThumbnail(AStream: TStream; AWidth, AHeight: integer
- ; ABackColor: TBGRAPixel; ACheckers: boolean; ADest: TBGRABitmap): TBGRABitmap;
- jpeg: TBGRAReaderJpeg;
- jpeg := TBGRAReaderJpeg.Create;
- jpeg.Performance := jpBestSpeed;
- jpeg.MinWidth := AWidth;
- jpeg.MinHeight := AHeight;
- result := GetStreamThumbnail(AStream, jpeg, AWidth,AHeight,ABackColor,ACheckers,ADest);
- jpeg.Free;
-function GetPsdThumbnail(AStream: TStream; AWidth, AHeight: integer
- ; ABackColor: TBGRAPixel; ACheckers: boolean; ADest: TBGRABitmap): TBGRABitmap;
- psd: TBGRAReaderPSD;
- bmp: TBGRABitmap;
- psd:= TBGRAReaderPSD.Create;
- psd.MinifyHeight:= AHeight;
- bmp := TBGRABitmap.Create;
- try
- bmp.LoadFromStream(AStream, psd);
- except
- FreeAndNil(bmp);
- end;
- if bmp = nil then
- result := nil
- else
- begin
- result := GetBitmapThumbnail(bmp, AWidth, AHeight, ABackColor, ACheckers, ADest, psd.Height/bmp.Height);
- bmp.Free;
- end;
- psd.Free;
-function GetPngThumbnail(AStream: TStream; AWidth, AHeight: integer;
- ABackColor: TBGRAPixel; ACheckers: boolean; ADest: TBGRABitmap= nil): TBGRABitmap;
- pngFormat: TBGRAReaderPNG;
- pngFormat:= TBGRAReaderPNG.Create;
- result:= GetStreamThumbnail(AStream, pngFormat, AWidth,AHeight, ABackColor, ACheckers, ADest);
- pngFormat.Free;
-function GetPaintDotNetThumbnail(AStream: TStream; AWidth, AHeight: integer;
- ABackColor: TBGRAPixel; ACheckers: boolean; ADest: TBGRABitmap): TBGRABitmap;
- {%H-}magic: packed array[0..6] of byte;
- xmlHeader: TMemoryStream;
- xmlHeaderSize: longint;
- doc: TXMLDocument;
- custom,thumb,pngNode: TDOMNode;
- png64: TStringStream;
- decode64: TBase64DecodingStream;
- result := nil;
- if AStream.Read({%H-}magic,sizeof(magic)) <> sizeof(magic) then exit;
- if chr(magic[0])+chr(magic[1])+chr(magic[2])+chr(magic[3]) <> 'PDN3' then exit;
- xmlHeaderSize := magic[4] + (magic[5] shl 8) + (magic[6] shl 16);
- if xmlHeaderSize >= 10*1024*1024 then exit;
- xmlHeader:= TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- if xmlHeader.CopyFrom(AStream,xmlHeaderSize) <> xmlHeaderSize then
- begin
- xmlHeader.Free;
- exit;
- end;
- except
- xmlHeader.Free;
- exit;
- end;
- xmlHeader.Position := 0;
- try
- XMLRead.ReadXMLFile(doc, xmlHeader);
- except
- xmlHeader.Free;
- exit;
- end;
- xmlHeader.Free;
- try
- custom := doc.DocumentElement.FindNode('custom');
- if Assigned(custom) then
- begin
- thumb := custom.FindNode('thumb');
- if Assigned(thumb) then
- begin
- pngNode := thumb.Attributes.GetNamedItem('png');
- if Assigned(pngNode) then
- begin
- png64 := TStringStream.Create(string(pngNode.NodeValue));
- try
- png64.Position := 0;
- decode64 := TBase64DecodingStream.Create(png64);
- try
- result := GetPngThumbnail(decode64,AWidth,AHeight,ABackColor,ACheckers, ADest);
- finally
- decode64.Free;
- end;
- finally
- png64.free;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- except
- end;
- doc.Free;
-function GetBmpThumbnail(AStream: TStream; AWidth, AHeight: integer;
- ABackColor: TBGRAPixel; ACheckers: boolean; ADest: TBGRABitmap): TBGRABitmap;
- bmpFormat: TBGRAReaderBMP;
- bmpFormat:= TBGRAReaderBMP.Create;
- result:= GetStreamThumbnail(AStream, bmpFormat, AWidth,AHeight, ABackColor, ACheckers, ADest);
- bmpFormat.Free;
-function GetIcoThumbnail(AStream: TStream; AWidth, AHeight: integer;
- ABackColor: TBGRAPixel; ACheckers: boolean; ADest: TBGRABitmap): TBGRABitmap;
- reader: TBGRAReaderIco;
- icoBmp: TBGRABitmap;
- result := nil;
- reader := TBGRAReaderIco.Create;
- reader.WantedWidth:= AWidth;
- reader.WantedHeight:= AHeight;
- icoBmp := TBGRABitmap.Create;
- try
- icoBmp.LoadFromStream(AStream, reader);
- result := GetBitmapThumbnail(icoBmp, ifIco, AWidth, AHeight, ABackColor, ACheckers, ADest);
- except
- end;
- icoBmp.Free;
- reader.Free;
-function GetCurThumbnail(AStream: TStream; AWidth, AHeight: integer;
- ABackColor: TBGRAPixel; ACheckers: boolean; ADest: TBGRABitmap): TBGRABitmap;
- reader: TBGRAReaderCur;
- icoBmp: TBGRABitmap;
- result := nil;
- reader := TBGRAReaderCur.Create;
- reader.WantedWidth:= AWidth;
- reader.WantedHeight:= AHeight;
- icoBmp := TBGRABitmap.Create;
- try
- icoBmp.LoadFromStream(AStream, reader);
- result := GetBitmapThumbnail(icoBmp, ifCur, AWidth, AHeight, ABackColor, ACheckers, ADest);
- except
- end;
- icoBmp.Free;
- reader.Free;
-function GetPcxThumbnail(AStream: TStream; AWidth, AHeight: integer;
- ABackColor: TBGRAPixel; ACheckers: boolean; ADest: TBGRABitmap): TBGRABitmap;
- reader: TFPCustomImageReader;
- reader:= CreateBGRAImageReader(ifPcx);
- result := GetStreamThumbnail(AStream,reader,AWidth,AHeight,ABackColor,ACheckers,ADest);
- reader.Free;
-function GetTargaThumbnail(AStream: TStream; AWidth, AHeight: integer;
- ABackColor: TBGRAPixel; ACheckers: boolean; ADest: TBGRABitmap): TBGRABitmap;
- reader: TFPCustomImageReader;
- reader:= CreateBGRAImageReader(ifTarga);
- result := GetStreamThumbnail(AStream,reader,AWidth,AHeight,ABackColor,ACheckers, ADest);
- reader.Free;
-function GetTiffThumbnail(AStream: TStream; AWidth, AHeight: integer;
- ABackColor: TBGRAPixel; ACheckers: boolean; ADest: TBGRABitmap): TBGRABitmap;
- reader: TFPCustomImageReader;
- reader:= CreateBGRAImageReader(ifTiff);
- result := GetStreamThumbnail(AStream,reader,AWidth,AHeight,ABackColor,ACheckers,ADest);
- reader.Free;
-function GetGifThumbnail(AStream: TStream; AWidth, AHeight: integer;
- ABackColor: TBGRAPixel; ACheckers: boolean; ADest: TBGRABitmap): TBGRABitmap;
- reader: TFPCustomImageReader;
- reader:= CreateBGRAImageReader(ifGif);
- result := GetStreamThumbnail(AStream,reader,AWidth,AHeight,ABackColor,ACheckers, ADest);
- reader.Free;
-function GetXwdThumbnail(AStream: TStream; AWidth, AHeight: integer;
- ABackColor: TBGRAPixel; ACheckers: boolean; ADest: TBGRABitmap): TBGRABitmap;
- reader: TFPCustomImageReader;
- reader:= CreateBGRAImageReader(ifXwd);
- result := GetStreamThumbnail(AStream,reader,AWidth,AHeight,ABackColor,ACheckers, ADest);
- reader.Free;
-function GetXPixMapThumbnail(AStream: TStream; AWidth, AHeight: integer;
- ABackColor: TBGRAPixel; ACheckers: boolean; ADest: TBGRABitmap): TBGRABitmap;
- reader: TFPCustomImageReader;
- reader:= CreateBGRAImageReader(ifXPixMap);
- result := GetStreamThumbnail(AStream,reader,AWidth,AHeight,ABackColor,ACheckers,ADest);
- reader.Free;
-function GetBmpMioMapThumbnail(AStream: TStream; AWidth, AHeight: integer;
- ABackColor: TBGRAPixel; ACheckers: boolean; ADest: TBGRABitmap): TBGRABitmap;
- reader: TFPCustomImageReader;
- reader:= CreateBGRAImageReader(ifBmpMioMap);
- result := GetStreamThumbnail(AStream,reader,AWidth,AHeight,ABackColor,ACheckers,ADest);
- reader.Free;
- IconCheckersColor1 := BGRA(140,180,180);
- IconCheckersColor2 := BGRA(80,140,140);
- ImageCheckersColor1 := BGRA(255,255,255);
- ImageCheckersColor2 := BGRA(220,220,220);
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgratransform.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgratransform.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 87b5e6c..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
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-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRATransform;
-{$mode objfpc}
-{ This unit contains bitmap transformations as classes and the TAffineMatrix record and functions. }
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BGRABitmapTypes;
- { Contains an affine matrix, i.e. a matrix to transform linearly and translate TPointF coordinates }
- TAffineMatrix = BGRABitmapTypes.TAffineMatrix;
- { Contains an affine base and information on the resulting box }
- TAffineBox = BGRABitmapTypes.TAffineBox;
- { TBGRAAffineScannerTransform allow to transform any scanner. To use it,
- create this object with a scanner as parameter, call transformation
- procedures, and finally, use the newly created object as a scanner.
- You can transform a gradient or a bitmap. See TBGRAAffineBitmapTransform
- for bitmap specific transformation. }
- { TBGRAAffineScannerTransform }
- TBGRAAffineScannerTransform = class(TBGRACustomScanner)
- protected
- FScanner: IBGRAScanner;
- FScanAtFunc: TScanAtFunction;
- FCur: TPointF;
- FEmptyMatrix: Boolean;
- FMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- procedure SetMatrix(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix);
- function InternalScanCurrentPixel: TBGRAPixel; virtual;
- function GetViewMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- procedure SetViewMatrix(AValue: TAffineMatrix);
- public
- GlobalOpacity: Byte;
- constructor Create(AScanner: IBGRAScanner);
- procedure Reset;
- procedure Invert;
- procedure Translate(OfsX,OfsY: Single);
- procedure RotateDeg(AngleCW: Single);
- procedure RotateRad(AngleCCW: Single);
- procedure MultiplyBy(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix);
- procedure Fit(Origin,HAxis,VAxis: TPointF); virtual;
- procedure Scale(sx,sy: single); overload;
- procedure Scale(factor: single); overload;
- function GetScanCustomColorspace: TColorspaceAny; override;
- procedure ScanMoveTo(X, Y: Integer); override;
- procedure ScanMoveToF(X, Y: single); inline;
- function ScanNextPixel: TBGRAPixel; override;
- procedure ScanSkipPixels(ACount: integer); override;
- function ScanAt(X, Y: Single): TBGRAPixel; override;
- property Matrix: TAffineMatrix read FMatrix write SetMatrix;
- property ViewMatrix: TAffineMatrix read GetViewMatrix write SetViewMatrix;
- end;
- { If you don't want the bitmap to repeats itself, or want to specify the
- resample filter, or want to fit easily the bitmap on axes,
- use TBGRAAffineBitmapTransform instead of TBGRAAffineScannerTransform }
- { TBGRAAffineBitmapTransform }
- TBGRAAffineBitmapTransform = class(TBGRAAffineScannerTransform)
- protected
- FBitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- FRepeatImageX,FRepeatImageY: boolean;
- FResampleFilter : TResampleFilter;
- FBuffer: PBGRAPixel;
- FBufferSize: Int32or64;
- FIncludeEdges: boolean;
- procedure Init(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; ARepeatImageX: Boolean= false; ARepeatImageY: Boolean= false; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter = rfLinear; AIncludeEdges: boolean = false);
- public
- constructor Create(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; ARepeatImage: Boolean= false; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter = rfLinear; AIncludeEdges: boolean = false); overload;
- constructor Create(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; ARepeatImageX: Boolean; ARepeatImageY: Boolean; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter = rfLinear; AIncludeEdges: boolean = false); overload;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function InternalScanCurrentPixel: TBGRAPixel; override;
- procedure ScanPutPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; count: integer; mode: TDrawMode); override;
- function IsScanPutPixelsDefined: boolean; override;
- procedure Fit(Origin, HAxis, VAxis: TPointF); override;
- end;
- { TBGRAQuadLinearScanner }
- TBGRAQuadLinearScanner = class(TBGRACustomScanner)
- private
- FPadding: boolean;
- FPoints,FVectors: array[0..3] of TPointF;
- FInvLengths,FDets: array[0..3] of single;
- FCoeffs: array[0..3] of TPointF;
- aa,bb0,cc0,inv2aa: double;
- FSource: IBGRAScanner;
- FSourceMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- FUVVector: TPointF;
- ScanParaBB, ScanParaCC, ScanParaBBInv: double;
- ScanVertV0,ScanVertVStep0,ScanVertDenom0,ScanVertDenomStep0: double;
- FHasC1, FHasC2: boolean;
- FShowC1, FShowC2: boolean;
- FScanFunc: TScanNextPixelFunction;
- FCurXF,FCurYF: single;
- FBuffer: PBGRAPixel;
- FBufferSize: Int32or64;
- FTextureInterpolation: Boolean;
- function GetCulling: TFaceCulling;
- function ScanNone: TBGRAPixel;
- function ScanGeneral: TBGRAPixel;
- procedure PrepareScanVert0;
- function ScanVert0: TBGRAPixel;
- procedure PrepareScanPara;
- function ScanPara: TBGRAPixel;
- procedure GetTexColorAt(u,v: Single; out AColor: TBGRAPixel; out AIsPadding: boolean); inline;
- function GetTexColorAt(u,v: Single; detNeg: boolean): TBGRAPixel; inline;
- procedure ScanMoveToF(X,Y: single); inline;
- procedure SetCulling(AValue: TFaceCulling);
- procedure Init(ASource: IBGRAScanner; const APoints: array of TPointF;
- ATextureInterpolation: boolean);
- public
- function ScanAt(X, Y: Single): TBGRAPixel; override;
- procedure ScanPutPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; count: integer; mode: TDrawMode); override;
- function IsScanPutPixelsDefined: boolean; override;
- procedure ScanMoveTo(X, Y: Integer); override;
- function ScanNextPixel: TBGRAPixel; override;
- procedure ScanSkipPixels(ACount: integer); override;
- constructor Create(ASource: IBGRAScanner;
- ASourceMatrix: TAffineMatrix; const APoints: array of TPointF;
- ATextureInterpolation: boolean = true); overload;
- constructor Create(ASource: IBGRAScanner;
- const ATexCoords: array of TPointF; const APoints: array of TPointF;
- ATextureInterpolation: boolean = true); overload;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- property Culling: TFaceCulling read GetCulling write SetCulling;
- property Padding: boolean read FPadding write FPadding;
- end;
- { TBGRABitmapScanner }
- TBGRABitmapScanner = class(TBGRACustomScanner)
- protected
- FSource: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- FRepeatX,FRepeatY: boolean;
- FScanline: PBGRAPixel;
- FCurX: integer;
- FOrigin: TPoint;
- public
- constructor Create(ASource: TBGRACustomBitmap; ARepeatX,ARepeatY: boolean; AOrigin: TPoint);
- procedure ScanMoveTo(X, Y: Integer); override;
- function ScanNextPixel: TBGRAPixel; override;
- function ScanAt(X, Y: Single): TBGRAPixel; override;
- procedure ScanSkipPixels(ACount: integer); override;
- end;
- { TBGRAExtendedBorderScanner }
- TBGRAExtendedBorderScanner = class(TBGRACustomScanner)
- protected
- FSource: IBGRAScanner;
- FBounds: TRect;
- public
- constructor Create(ASource: IBGRAScanner; ABounds: TRect);
- function ScanAt(X,Y: Single): TBGRAPixel; override;
- end;
- { TBGRAScannerOffset }
- TBGRAScannerOffset = class(TBGRACustomScanner)
- protected
- FSource: IBGRAScanner;
- FOffset: TPoint;
- public
- constructor Create(ASource: IBGRAScanner; AOffset: TPoint);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure ScanMoveTo(X, Y: Integer); override;
- function ScanNextPixel: TBGRAPixel; override;
- function ScanAt(X, Y: Single): TBGRAPixel; override;
- function IsScanPutPixelsDefined: boolean; override;
- procedure ScanPutPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; count: integer; mode: TDrawMode); override;
- procedure ScanSkipPixels(ACount: integer); override;
- end;
-{---------------------- Affine matrix functions -------------------}
-//fill a matrix
-function AffineMatrix(m11,m12,m13,m21,m22,m23: single): TAffineMatrix; overload;
-function AffineMatrix(AU,AV: TPointF; ATranslation: TPointF): TAffineMatrix; overload;
-//matrix multiplication
-operator *(M,N: TAffineMatrix): TAffineMatrix;
-operator =(M,N: TAffineMatrix): boolean;
-//matrix multiplication by a vector (apply transformation to that vector)
-operator *(M: TAffineMatrix; V: TPointF): TPointF;
-operator *(M: TAffineMatrix; A: array of TPointF): ArrayOfTPointF;
-operator *(M: TAffineMatrix; ab: TAffineBox): TAffineBox;
-//check if matrix is inversible
-function IsAffineMatrixInversible(M: TAffineMatrix): boolean;
-//check if the matrix is a translation (including the identity)
-function IsAffineMatrixTranslation(M: TAffineMatrix): boolean;
-//check if the matrix is a scaling (including a projection i.e. with factor 0)
-function IsAffineMatrixScale(M: TAffineMatrix): boolean;
-//check if the matrix is the identity
-function IsAffineMatrixIdentity(M: TAffineMatrix): boolean;
-//compute inverse (check if inversible before)
-function AffineMatrixInverse(M: TAffineMatrix): TAffineMatrix;
-//define a translation matrix
-function AffineMatrixTranslation(OfsX,OfsY: Single): TAffineMatrix;
-//define a scaling matrix
-function AffineMatrixScale(sx,sy: single): TAffineMatrix;
-function AffineMatrixScaledRotation(ASourceVector, ATargetVector: TPointF): TAffineMatrix;
-function AffineMatrixScaledRotation(ASourcePoint, ATargetPoint, AOrigin: TPointF): TAffineMatrix;
-function AffineMatrixSkewXDeg(AngleCW: single): TAffineMatrix;
-function AffineMatrixSkewYDeg(AngleCW: single): TAffineMatrix;
-function AffineMatrixSkewXRad(AngleCCW: single): TAffineMatrix;
-function AffineMatrixSkewYRad(AngleCCW: single): TAffineMatrix;
-//define a linear matrix
-function AffineMatrixLinear(v1,v2: TPointF): TAffineMatrix; overload;
-function AffineMatrixLinear(const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix): TAffineMatrix; overload;
-//define a rotation matrix (positive radians are counter-clockwise)
-//(assuming the y-axis is pointing down)
-function AffineMatrixRotationRad(AngleCCW: Single): TAffineMatrix;
-//Positive degrees are clockwise
-//(assuming the y-axis is pointing down)
-function AffineMatrixRotationDeg(AngleCW: Single): TAffineMatrix;
-//define the identity matrix (that do nothing)
-function AffineMatrixIdentity: TAffineMatrix;
-function IsAffineMatrixOrthogonal(M: TAffineMatrix): boolean;
-function IsAffineMatrixScaledRotation(M: TAffineMatrix): boolean;
- { TBGRATriangleLinearMapping is a scanner that provides
- an optimized transformation for linear texture mapping
- on triangles }
- { TBGRATriangleLinearMapping }
- TBGRATriangleLinearMapping = class(TBGRACustomScanner)
- protected
- FScanner: IBGRAScanner;
- FMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- FTexCoord1,FDiff2,FDiff3,FStep: TPointF;
- FCurTexCoord: TPointF;
- FScanAtFunc: TScanAtFunction;
- public
- constructor Create(AScanner: IBGRAScanner; pt1,pt2,pt3: TPointF; tex1,tex2,tex3: TPointF);
- procedure ScanMoveTo(X,Y: Integer); override;
- procedure ScanMoveToF(X,Y: Single);
- function ScanAt(X,Y: Single): TBGRAPixel; override;
- function ScanNextPixel: TBGRAPixel; override;
- procedure ScanSkipPixels(ACount: integer); override;
- end;
- TPerspectiveTransform = class;
- { TBGRAPerspectiveScannerTransform }
- TBGRAPerspectiveScannerTransform = class(TBGRACustomScanner)
- private
- FTexture: IBGRAScanner;
- FMatrix: TPerspectiveTransform;
- FScanAtProc: TScanAtFunction;
- function GetIncludeOppositePlane: boolean;
- procedure SetIncludeOppositePlane(AValue: boolean);
- public
- constructor Create(texture: IBGRAScanner; texCoord1,texCoord2: TPointF; const quad: array of TPointF); overload;
- constructor Create(texture: IBGRAScanner; const texCoordsQuad: array of TPointF; const quad: array of TPointF); overload;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure ScanMoveTo(X, Y: Integer); override;
- function ScanAt(X, Y: Single): TBGRAPixel; override;
- function ScanNextPixel: TBGRAPixel; override;
- procedure ScanSkipPixels(ACount: integer); override;
- property IncludeOppositePlane: boolean read GetIncludeOppositePlane write SetIncludeOppositePlane;
- end;
- { TPerspectiveTransform }
- TPerspectiveTransform = class
- private
- sx ,shy ,w0 ,shx ,sy ,w1 ,tx ,ty ,w2 : single;
- scanDenom,scanNumX,scanNumY: single;
- FOutsideValue: TPointF;
- FIncludeOppositePlane: boolean;
- procedure Init;
- public
- constructor Create; overload;
- constructor Create(x1,y1,x2,y2: single; const quad: array of TPointF); overload;
- constructor Create(const quad: array of TPointF; x1,y1,x2,y2: single); overload;
- constructor Create(const srcQuad,destQuad: array of TPointF); overload;
- function MapQuadToQuad(const srcQuad,destQuad: array of TPointF): boolean;
- function MapRectToQuad(x1,y1,x2,y2: single; const quad: array of TPointF): boolean;
- function MapQuadToRect(const quad: array of TPointF; x1,y1,x2,y2: single): boolean;
- function MapSquareToQuad(const quad: array of TPointF): boolean;
- function MapQuadToSquare(const quad: array of TPointF): boolean;
- procedure AssignIdentity;
- function Invert: boolean;
- procedure Translate(dx,dy: single);
- procedure MultiplyBy(a: TPerspectiveTransform);
- procedure PremultiplyBy(b: TPerspectiveTransform);
- function Duplicate: TPerspectiveTransform;
- function Apply(pt: TPointF): TPointF;
- procedure ScanMoveTo(x,y:single);
- function ScanNext: TPointF;
- procedure ScanSkip(ACount: integer);
- property OutsideValue: TPointF read FOutsideValue write FOutsideValue;
- property IncludeOppositePlane: boolean read FIncludeOppositePlane write FIncludeOppositePlane;
- end;
- { TBGRATwirlScanner applies a twirl transformation.
- Note : this scanner handles integer coordinates only, so
- any further transformation applied after this one may not
- render correctly. }
- { TBGRATwirlScanner }
- TBGRATwirlScanner = Class(TBGRACustomScanner)
- protected
- FScanner: IBGRAScanner;
- FScanAtFunc: TScanAtFunction;
- FCenter: TPoint;
- FTurn, FRadius, FExponent: Single;
- public
- constructor Create(AScanner: IBGRAScanner; ACenter: TPoint; ARadius: single; ATurn: single = 1; AExponent: single = 3);
- function ScanAt(X, Y: Single): TBGRAPixel; override;
- property Radius: Single read FRadius;
- property Center: TPoint read FCenter;
- property Exponent: Single read FExponent;
- end;
- { TBGRASphereDeformationScanner }
- TBGRASphereDeformationScanner = Class(TBGRACustomScanner)
- protected
- FScanner: IBGRAScanner;
- FScanAtFunc: TScanAtFunction;
- FCenter: TPointF;
- FRadiusX, FRadiusY: Single;
- public
- constructor Create(AScanner: IBGRAScanner; ACenter: TPointF; ARadiusX,ARadiusY: single);
- function ScanAt(X, Y: Single): TBGRAPixel; override;
- property RadiusX: Single read FRadiusX;
- property RadiusY: Single read FRadiusY;
- end;
- { TBGRAVerticalCylinderDeformationScanner }
- TBGRAVerticalCylinderDeformationScanner = Class(TBGRACustomScanner)
- protected
- FScanner: IBGRAScanner;
- FScanAtFunc: TScanAtFunction;
- FCenterX: single;
- FRadiusX: Single;
- public
- constructor Create(AScanner: IBGRAScanner; ACenterX: single; ARadiusX: single);
- function ScanAt(X, Y: Single): TBGRAPixel; override;
- property RadiusX: Single read FRadiusX;
- end;
-uses BGRABlend, Math;
-function AffineMatrix(m11, m12, m13, m21, m22, m23: single): TAffineMatrix;
- result[1,1] := m11;
- result[1,2] := m12;
- result[1,3] := m13;
- result[2,1] := m21;
- result[2,2] := m22;
- result[2,3] := m23;
-function AffineMatrix(AU, AV: TPointF; ATranslation: TPointF): TAffineMatrix;
- result:= AffineMatrix(AU.x, AV.x, ATranslation.x,
- AU.y, AV.y, ATranslation.y);
-operator *(M, N: TAffineMatrix): TAffineMatrix;
- result[1,1] := M[1,1]*N[1,1] + M[1,2]*N[2,1];
- result[1,2] := M[1,1]*N[1,2] + M[1,2]*N[2,2];
- result[1,3] := M[1,1]*N[1,3] + M[1,2]*N[2,3] + M[1,3];
- result[2,1] := M[2,1]*N[1,1] + M[2,2]*N[2,1];
- result[2,2] := M[2,1]*N[1,2] + M[2,2]*N[2,2];
- result[2,3] := M[2,1]*N[1,3] + M[2,2]*N[2,3] + M[2,3];
-operator=(M, N: TAffineMatrix): boolean;
- result := CompareMem(@M,@N,SizeOf(TAffineMatrix));
-operator*(M: TAffineMatrix; V: TPointF): TPointF;
- if isEmptyPointF(V) then
- result := EmptyPointF
- else
- begin
- result.X := V.X*M[1,1]+V.Y*M[1,2]+M[1,3];
- result.Y := V.X*M[2,1]+V.Y*M[2,2]+M[2,3];
- end;
-operator*(M: TAffineMatrix; A: array of TPointF): ArrayOfTPointF;
- i: Int32or64;
- ofs: TPointF;
- setlength(result, length(A));
- if IsAffineMatrixTranslation(M) then
- begin
- ofs := PointF(M[1,3],M[2,3]);
- for i := 0 to high(A) do
- result[i] := A[i]+ofs;
- end else
- for i := 0 to high(A) do
- result[i] := M*A[i];
-operator*(M: TAffineMatrix; ab: TAffineBox): TAffineBox;
- result.TopLeft := M*ab.TopLeft;
- result.TopRight := M*ab.TopRight;
- result.BottomLeft := M*ab.BottomLeft;
-function IsAffineMatrixInversible(M: TAffineMatrix): boolean;
- result := M[1,1]*M[2,2]-M[1,2]*M[2,1] <> 0;
-function IsAffineMatrixTranslation(M: TAffineMatrix): boolean;
- result := (m[1,1]=1) and (m[1,2]=0) and (m[2,1] = 0) and (m[2,2]=1);
-function IsAffineMatrixScale(M: TAffineMatrix): boolean;
- result := (M[1,3]=0) and (M[2,3]=0) and
- (M[1,2]=0) and (M[2,1]=0);
-function IsAffineMatrixIdentity(M: TAffineMatrix): boolean;
- result := IsAffineMatrixTranslation(M) and (M[1,3]=0) and (M[2,3]=0);
-function AffineMatrixInverse(M: TAffineMatrix): TAffineMatrix;
-var det,f: single;
- linearInverse: TAffineMatrix;
- det := M[1,1]*M[2,2]-M[1,2]*M[2,1];
- if det = 0 then
- raise Exception.Create('Not inversible');
- f := 1/det;
- linearInverse := AffineMatrix(M[2,2]*f,-M[1,2]*f,0,
- -M[2,1]*f,M[1,1]*f,0);
- result := linearInverse * AffineMatrixTranslation(-M[1,3],-M[2,3]);
-function AffineMatrixTranslation(OfsX, OfsY: Single): TAffineMatrix;
- result := AffineMatrix(1, 0, OfsX,
- 0, 1, OfsY);
-function AffineMatrixScale(sx, sy: single): TAffineMatrix;
- result := AffineMatrix(sx, 0, 0,
- 0, sy, 0);
-function AffineMatrixScaledRotation(ASourceVector, ATargetVector: TPointF): TAffineMatrix;
- prevScale, newScale, scale: Single;
- u1,v1,u2,v2,w: TPointF;
- prevScale := VectLen(ASourceVector);
- newScale := VectLen(ATargetVector);
- if (prevScale = 0) or (newScale = 0) then
- result := AffineMatrixIdentity
- else
- begin
- scale := newScale/prevScale;
- u1 := ASourceVector*(1/prevScale);
- v1 := PointF(-u1.y,u1.x);
- w := ATargetVector*(1/newScale);
- u2 := PointF(w*u1, w*v1);
- v2 := PointF(-u2.y,u2.x);
- result := AffineMatrix(scale*u2,scale*v2,PointF(0,0));
- end;
-function AffineMatrixScaledRotation(ASourcePoint, ATargetPoint, AOrigin: TPointF): TAffineMatrix;
- result := AffineMatrixTranslation(AOrigin.x,AOrigin.y)*
- AffineMatrixScaledRotation(ASourcePoint-AOrigin, ATargetPoint-AOrigin)*
- AffineMatrixTranslation(-AOrigin.x,-AOrigin.y);
-function AffineMatrixSkewXDeg(AngleCW: single): TAffineMatrix;
- result := AffineMatrix(1,tan(AngleCW*Pi/180),0,
- 0, 1, 0);
-function AffineMatrixSkewYDeg(AngleCW: single): TAffineMatrix;
- result := AffineMatrix(1, 0, 0,
- tan(AngleCW*Pi/180), 1, 0)
-function AffineMatrixSkewXRad(AngleCCW: single): TAffineMatrix;
- result := AffineMatrix(1,tan(-AngleCCW),0,
- 0, 1, 0);
-function AffineMatrixSkewYRad(AngleCCW: single): TAffineMatrix;
- result := AffineMatrix(1, 0, 0,
- tan(-angleCCW), 1, 0)
-function AffineMatrixLinear(v1,v2: TPointF): TAffineMatrix;
- result := AffineMatrix(v1.x, v2.x, 0,
- v1.y, v2.y, 0);
-function AffineMatrixLinear(const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix): TAffineMatrix;
- result := AffineMatrix(AMatrix[1,1],AMatrix[1,2],0,
- AMatrix[2,1],AMatrix[2,2],0);
-function AffineMatrixRotationRad(AngleCCW: Single): TAffineMatrix;
- result := AffineMatrix(cos(AngleCCW), sin(AngleCCW), 0,
- -sin(AngleCCW), cos(AngleCCW), 0);
-function AffineMatrixRotationDeg(AngleCW: Single): TAffineMatrix;
-const DegToRad = -Pi/180;
- result := AffineMatrixRotationRad(AngleCW*DegToRad);
-function AffineMatrixIdentity: TAffineMatrix;
- result := AffineMatrix(1, 0, 0,
- 0, 1, 0);
-function IsAffineMatrixOrthogonal(M: TAffineMatrix): boolean;
- result := PointF(M[1,1],M[2,1])*PointF(M[1,2],M[2,2]) = 0;
-function IsAffineMatrixScaledRotation(M: TAffineMatrix): boolean;
- result := IsAffineMatrixOrthogonal(M) and
- (VectLen(PointF(M[1,1],M[2,1]))=VectLen(PointF(M[1,2],M[2,2])));
-{ TBGRAVerticalCylinderDeformationScanner }
-constructor TBGRAVerticalCylinderDeformationScanner.Create(
- AScanner: IBGRAScanner; ACenterX: single; ARadiusX: single);
- FScanner := AScanner;
- FScanAtFunc := @FScanner.ScanAt;
- FCenterX := ACenterX;
- FRadiusX := ARadiusX;
-function TBGRAVerticalCylinderDeformationScanner.ScanAt(X, Y: Single): TBGRAPixel;
- xn,len,fact: Single;
- xn := (x - FCenterX) / FRadiusX;
- len := abs(xn);
- if (len <= 1) then
- begin
- if (len > 0) then
- begin
- fact := 1 / len * arcsin(len) / (Pi / 2);
- xn := xn * fact;
- end;
- result := FScanAtFunc(xn * FRadiusX + FCenterX, y);
- end
- else
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
-{ TBGRASphereDeformationScanner }
-constructor TBGRASphereDeformationScanner.Create(AScanner: IBGRAScanner;
- ACenter: TPointF; ARadiusX, ARadiusY: single);
- FScanner := AScanner;
- FScanAtFunc := @FScanner.ScanAt;
- FCenter := ACenter;
- FRadiusX := ARadiusX;
- FRadiusY := ARadiusY;
-function TBGRASphereDeformationScanner.ScanAt(X, Y: Single): TBGRAPixel;
- xn, yn, len,fact: Single;
- xn := (x - FCenter.X) / FRadiusX;
- yn := (y - FCenter.Y) / FRadiusY;
- len := sqrt(sqr(xn) + sqr(yn));
- if (len <= 1) then
- begin
- if (len > 0) then
- begin
- fact := 1 / len * arcsin(len) / (Pi / 2);
- xn := xn * fact;
- yn := yn * fact;
- end;
- result := FScanAtFunc(xn * FRadiusX + FCenter.X, yn * FRadiusY + FCenter.Y);
- end
- else
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
-{ TBGRAExtendedBorderScanner }
-constructor TBGRAExtendedBorderScanner.Create(ASource: IBGRAScanner;
- ABounds: TRect);
- FSource := ASource;
- FBounds := ABounds;
-function TBGRAExtendedBorderScanner.ScanAt(X, Y: Single): TBGRAPixel;
- if x < FBounds.Left then x := FBounds.Left;
- if y < FBounds.Top then y := FBounds.Top;
- if x > FBounds.Right-1 then x := FBounds.Right-1;
- if y > FBounds.Bottom-1 then y := FBounds.Bottom-1;
- result := FSource.ScanAt(X,Y);
-{ TBGRAScannerOffset }
-constructor TBGRAScannerOffset.Create(ASource: IBGRAScanner; AOffset: TPoint);
- FSource := ASource;
- FOffset := AOffset;
-destructor TBGRAScannerOffset.Destroy;
- fillchar(FSource,sizeof(FSource),0);
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TBGRAScannerOffset.ScanMoveTo(X, Y: Integer);
- FSource.ScanMoveTo(X-FOffset.X,Y-FOffset.Y);
-function TBGRAScannerOffset.ScanNextPixel: TBGRAPixel;
- Result:=FSource.ScanNextPixel;
-function TBGRAScannerOffset.ScanAt(X, Y: Single): TBGRAPixel;
- Result:=FSource.ScanAt(X - FOffset.X, Y - FOffset.Y);
-function TBGRAScannerOffset.IsScanPutPixelsDefined: boolean;
- Result:=FSource.IsScanPutPixelsDefined;
-procedure TBGRAScannerOffset.ScanPutPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; count: integer;
- mode: TDrawMode);
- FSource.ScanPutPixels(pdest, count, mode);
-procedure TBGRAScannerOffset.ScanSkipPixels(ACount: integer);
- FSource.ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
-{ TBGRABitmapScanner }
-constructor TBGRABitmapScanner.Create(ASource: TBGRACustomBitmap; ARepeatX,
- ARepeatY: boolean; AOrigin: TPoint);
- FSource := ASource;
- FRepeatX := ARepeatX;
- FRepeatY := ARepeatY;
- FScanline := nil;
- FOrigin := AOrigin;
-procedure TBGRABitmapScanner.ScanMoveTo(X, Y: Integer);
- if (FSource.NbPixels = 0) then
- begin
- FScanline := nil;
- exit;
- end;
- Inc(Y,FOrigin.Y);
- if FRepeatY then Y := PositiveMod(Y,FSource.Height);
- if (Y < 0) or (Y >= FSource.Height) then
- begin
- FScanline := nil;
- exit;
- end;
- FScanline := FSource.Scanline[Y];
- FCurX := X+FOrigin.X;
- if FRepeatX then FCurX := PositiveMod(FCurX, FSource.Width);
-function TBGRABitmapScanner.ScanNextPixel: TBGRAPixel;
- if (FScanline = nil) then
- begin
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- exit;
- end;
- if FRepeatX then
- begin
- result := (FScanline+FCurX)^;
- inc(FCurX);
- if FCurX = FSource.Width then FCurX := 0;
- end else
- begin
- if (FCurX >= FSource.Width) then
- begin
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- exit;
- end;
- if FCurX < 0 then
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- result := (FScanline+FCurX)^;
- inc(FCurX);
- end;
-function TBGRABitmapScanner.ScanAt(X, Y: Single): TBGRAPixel;
- Result := FSource.GetPixelCycle(X+FOrigin.X,Y+FOrigin.Y,rfLinear,FRepeatX,FRepeatY);
-procedure TBGRABitmapScanner.ScanSkipPixels(ACount: integer);
- if FScanLine <> nil then
- begin
- inc(FCurX, ACount);
- if FCurX > FSource.Width then FCurX := PositiveMod(FCurX, FSource.Width);
- end;
-{ TBGRATriangleLinearMapping }
-constructor TBGRATriangleLinearMapping.Create(AScanner: IBGRAScanner; pt1, pt2,
- pt3: TPointF; tex1, tex2, tex3: TPointF);
- FScanner := AScanner;
- FScanAtFunc := @FScanner.ScanAt;
- FMatrix := AffineMatrix(pt2.X-pt1.X, pt3.X-pt1.X, 0,
- pt2.Y-pt1.Y, pt3.Y-pt1.Y, 0);
- if not IsAffineMatrixInversible(FMatrix) then
- FMatrix := AffineMatrix(0,0,0,0,0,0)
- else
- FMatrix := AffineMatrixInverse(FMatrix) * AffineMatrixTranslation(-pt1.x,-pt1.y);
- FTexCoord1 := tex1;
- FDiff2 := tex2-tex1;
- FDiff3 := tex3-tex1;
- FStep := FDiff2*FMatrix[1,1]+FDiff3*FMatrix[2,1];
-procedure TBGRATriangleLinearMapping.ScanMoveTo(X, Y: Integer);
- ScanMoveToF(X, Y);
-procedure TBGRATriangleLinearMapping.ScanMoveToF(X, Y: Single);
- Cur: TPointF;
- Cur := FMatrix*PointF(X,Y);
- FCurTexCoord := FTexCoord1+FDiff2*Cur.X+FDiff3*Cur.Y;
-function TBGRATriangleLinearMapping.ScanAt(X, Y: Single): TBGRAPixel;
- ScanMoveToF(X,Y);
- result := ScanNextPixel;
-function TBGRATriangleLinearMapping.ScanNextPixel: TBGRAPixel;
- result := FScanAtFunc(FCurTexCoord.X,FCurTexCoord.Y);
- FCurTexCoord.Offset(FStep);
-procedure TBGRATriangleLinearMapping.ScanSkipPixels(ACount: integer);
- FCurTexCoord.Offset(FStep*ACount);
-{ TBGRAAffineScannerTransform }
-constructor TBGRAAffineScannerTransform.Create(AScanner: IBGRAScanner);
- FScanner := AScanner;
- FScanAtFunc := @FScanner.ScanAt;
- GlobalOpacity := 255;
- Reset;
-procedure TBGRAAffineScannerTransform.Reset;
- FMatrix := AffineMatrixIdentity;
- FEmptyMatrix := False;
-procedure TBGRAAffineScannerTransform.Invert;
- if not FEmptyMatrix and IsAffineMatrixInversible(FMatrix) then
- FMatrix := AffineMatrixInverse(FMatrix) else
- FEmptyMatrix := True;
-function TBGRAAffineScannerTransform.GetViewMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- if FEmptyMatrix then
- result := AffineMatrixIdentity
- else
- result := AffineMatrixInverse(FMatrix);
-procedure TBGRAAffineScannerTransform.SetViewMatrix(AValue: TAffineMatrix);
- Matrix := AValue;
- Invert;
-procedure TBGRAAffineScannerTransform.SetMatrix(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix);
- FEmptyMatrix := False;
- FMatrix := AMatrix;
-//transformations are inverted because the effect on the resulting image
-//is the inverse of the transformation. This is due to the fact
-//that the matrix is applied to source coordinates, not destination coordinates
-procedure TBGRAAffineScannerTransform.Translate(OfsX, OfsY: Single);
- MultiplyBy(AffineMatrixTranslation(-OfsX,-OfsY));
-procedure TBGRAAffineScannerTransform.RotateDeg(AngleCW: Single);
- MultiplyBy(AffineMatrixRotationDeg(-AngleCW));
-procedure TBGRAAffineScannerTransform.RotateRad(AngleCCW: Single);
- MultiplyBy(AffineMatrixRotationRad(-AngleCCW));
-procedure TBGRAAffineScannerTransform.MultiplyBy(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix);
- FMatrix := FMatrix * AMatrix;
-procedure TBGRAAffineScannerTransform.Fit(Origin, HAxis, VAxis: TPointF);
- SetMatrix(AffineMatrix(HAxis.X-Origin.X, VAxis.X-Origin.X, 0,
- HAxis.Y-Origin.Y, VAxis.Y-Origin.Y, 0));
- Invert;
- Translate(Origin.X,Origin.Y);
-procedure TBGRAAffineScannerTransform.Scale(sx, sy: single);
- if (sx=0) or (sy=0) then
- begin
- FEmptyMatrix := True;
- exit;
- end;
- MultiplyBy(AffineMatrixScale(1/sx,1/sy));
-procedure TBGRAAffineScannerTransform.Scale(factor: single);
- Scale(factor,factor);
-function TBGRAAffineScannerTransform.GetScanCustomColorspace: TColorspaceAny;
- Result:= TBGRAPixelColorspace;
-procedure TBGRAAffineScannerTransform.ScanMoveTo(X, Y: Integer);
- ScanMoveToF(X,Y);
-procedure TBGRAAffineScannerTransform.ScanMoveToF(X, Y: single);
- FCur := FMatrix * PointF(X,Y);
-function TBGRAAffineScannerTransform.InternalScanCurrentPixel: TBGRAPixel;
- if FEmptyMatrix then
- begin
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- exit;
- end;
- result := FScanAtFunc(FCur.X,FCur.Y);
-function TBGRAAffineScannerTransform.ScanNextPixel: TBGRAPixel;
- result := InternalScanCurrentPixel;
- FCur.Offset(FMatrix[1,1], FMatrix[2,1]);
- if GlobalOpacity <> 255 then result.alpha := ApplyOpacity(result.alpha,GlobalOpacity);
-procedure TBGRAAffineScannerTransform.ScanSkipPixels(ACount: integer);
- FCur.Offset(FMatrix[1,1]*ACount, FMatrix[2,1]*ACount);
-function TBGRAAffineScannerTransform.ScanAt(X, Y: Single): TBGRAPixel;
- ScanMoveToF(X,Y);
- result := InternalScanCurrentPixel;
- if GlobalOpacity <> 255 then result.alpha := ApplyOpacity(result.alpha,GlobalOpacity);
-{ TBGRAQuadLinearScanner }
-function TBGRAQuadLinearScanner.GetTexColorAt(u, v: Single; detNeg: boolean
- ): TBGRAPixel;
-var isPadding: boolean;
- if detNeg then
- begin
- if not FShowC2 then
- begin
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- exit;
- end;
- end else
- if not FShowC1 then
- begin
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- exit;
- end;
- GetTexColorAt(u,v,result,isPadding);
-procedure TBGRAQuadLinearScanner.ScanMoveToF(X, Y: single);
- if not (FHasC1 and FShowC1) and not (FHasC2 and FShowC2) then
- begin
- FScanFunc := @ScanNone;
- exit;
- end;
- FCurXF := X;
- FCurYF := Y;
- if (FVectors[0].x = 0) and (FVectors[2].x = 0) then
- begin
- PrepareScanVert0;
- FScanFunc := @ScanVert0;
- end else
- if aa = 0 then
- begin
- PrepareScanPara;
- FScanFunc := @ScanPara
- end
- else
- FScanFunc := @ScanGeneral;
-procedure TBGRAQuadLinearScanner.SetCulling(AValue: TFaceCulling);
- FShowC1 := AValue in [fcKeepCW,fcNone];
- FShowC2 := AValue in [fcKeepCCW,fcNone];
-procedure TBGRAQuadLinearScanner.Init(ASource: IBGRAScanner;
- const APoints: array of TPointF; ATextureInterpolation: boolean);
- i: Int32or64;
- v: TPointF;
- len: single;
- if length(APoints)<>4 then
- raise exception.Create('Expecting 4 points');
- FTextureInterpolation:= ATextureInterpolation;
- FSource := ASource;
- FSourceMatrix := AffineMatrixIdentity;
- FUVVector := PointF(0,0);
- for i := 0 to 3 do
- begin
- FPoints[i] := APoints[i];
- v := APoints[(i+1) mod 4] - APoints[i];
- len := sqrt(v*v);
- if len > 0 then FInvLengths[i] := 1/len
- else FInvLengths[i] := 0;
- FVectors[i] := v*FInvLengths[i];
- end;
- FCoeffs[0] := FPoints[0];
- FCoeffs[1] := FPoints[1]-FPoints[0];
- FCoeffs[2] := FPoints[3]-FPoints[0];
- FCoeffs[3] := FPoints[0]+FPoints[2]-FPoints[1]-FPoints[3];
- aa := VectDet(FCoeffs[3],FCoeffs[2]);
- bb0 := VectDet(FCoeffs[3],FCoeffs[0]) + VectDet(FCoeffs[1],FCoeffs[2]);
- cc0 := VectDet(FCoeffs[1],FCoeffs[0]);
- for i := 0 to 3 do
- FDets[i] := VectDet(FVectors[i],FVectors[(i+1) mod 4]);
- if aa <> 0 then inv2aa := 1/(2*aa) else inv2aa := 1;
- FShowC1 := true;
- FShowC2 := true;
- FHasC1 := false;
- FHasC2 := false;
- for i := 0 to 3 do
- if FDets[i] > 0 then FHasC1 := true
- else if FDets[i] < 0 then FHasC2 := true;
- FBuffer := nil;
- FBufferSize := 0;
- ScanMoveToF(0,0);
-function TBGRAQuadLinearScanner.ScanAt(X, Y: Single): TBGRAPixel;
- ScanMoveToF(X,Y);
- Result:= FScanFunc();
-procedure TBGRAQuadLinearScanner.ScanPutPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; count: integer;
- mode: TDrawMode);
- n: Int32or64;
- p: PBGRAPixel;
- if mode = dmSet then
- p := pdest
- else
- begin
- if count > FBufferSize then
- begin
- FBufferSize := count;
- ReAllocMem(FBuffer, FBufferSize*sizeof(TBGRAPixel));
- end;
- p := FBuffer;
- end;
- for n := count-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- p^ := FScanFunc();
- inc(p);
- end;
- if mode <> dmSet then PutPixels(pdest,FBuffer,count,mode,255);
-function TBGRAQuadLinearScanner.IsScanPutPixelsDefined: boolean;
- result := true;
-procedure TBGRAQuadLinearScanner.ScanMoveTo(X, Y: Integer);
- ScanMoveToF(X,Y);
-function TBGRAQuadLinearScanner.ScanNextPixel: TBGRAPixel;
- Result:= FScanFunc();
-procedure TBGRAQuadLinearScanner.ScanSkipPixels(ACount: integer);
- ScanMoveToF(FCurXF+ACount,FCurYF);
-function TBGRAQuadLinearScanner.ScanGeneral: TBGRAPixel;
-var u1,u2,v1,v2,x,y: double;
- bb,cc,det,delta,denom: double;
- mergeC1,mergeC2: boolean;
- isPad1,isPad2: boolean;
- c1,c2: TBGRAPixel;
- x := FCurXF;
- y := FCurYF;
- IncF(FCurXF, 1);
- if (Y = FPoints[0].y) and (FVectors[0].y = 0) then
- begin
- if FVectors[0].x = 0 then
- begin
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- exit;
- end;
- u1 := (X - FPoints[0].x)/(FPoints[1].x-FPoints[0].x);
- result := GetTexColorAt(u1,0,FDets[0]<0);
- exit;
- end;
- if (X = FPoints[1].x) and (FVectors[1].x = 0) then
- begin
- if FVectors[1].y = 0 then
- begin
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- exit;
- end;
- v1 := (Y - FPoints[1].y)/(FPoints[2].y-FPoints[1].y);
- result := GetTexColorAt(0,v1,FDets[1]<0);
- end;
- if (Y = FPoints[2].y) and (FVectors[2].y = 0) then
- begin
- if FVectors[2].x = 0 then
- begin
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- exit;
- end;
- u1 := (X - FPoints[3].x)/(FPoints[2].x-FPoints[3].x);
- result := GetTexColorAt(u1,1,FDets[2]<0);
- end;
- if (X = FPoints[3].x) and (FVectors[3].x = 0) then
- begin
- if FVectors[3].y = 0 then
- begin
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- exit;
- end;
- v1 := (Y - FPoints[0].y)/(FPoints[3].y-FPoints[0].y);
- result := GetTexColorAt(0,v1,FDets[3]<0);
- end;
- bb := bb0 + x*FCoeffs[3].y - y*FCoeffs[3].x;
- cc := cc0 + x*FCoeffs[1].y - y*FCoeffs[1].x;
- if cc = 0 then
- begin
- v1 := -bb*2*inv2aa;
- denom := FCoeffs[1].x+FCoeffs[3].x*v1;
- if denom = 0 then
- begin
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- exit;
- end
- else
- u1 := (x-FCoeffs[0].x-FCoeffs[2].x*v1)/denom;
- result := GetTexColorAt(u1,v1,bb<0);
- end else
- begin
- delta := bb*bb - 4*aa*cc;
- if delta < 0 then
- begin
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- exit;
- end;
- det := sqrt(delta);
- if FHasC1 and FShowC1 then
- begin
- mergeC1 := true;
- v1 := (-bb+det)*inv2aa;
- if v1 = 0 then
- u1 := (FVectors[0]*FInvLengths[0])*(PointF(x,y)-FPoints[0])
- else if v1 = 1 then
- u1 := 1 - (FVectors[2]*FInvLengths[2])*(PointF(x,y)-FPoints[2])
- else
- begin
- denom := FCoeffs[1].x+FCoeffs[3].x*v1;
- if abs(denom)<1e-6 then
- begin
- u1 := (bb+det)*inv2aa;
- denom := FCoeffs[1].y+FCoeffs[3].y*u1;
- if denom = 0 then mergeC1 := false
- else v1 := (y-FCoeffs[0].y-FCoeffs[2].y*u1)/denom;
- end
- else u1 := (x-FCoeffs[0].x-FCoeffs[2].x*v1)/denom;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- u1 := 0;
- v1 := 0;
- mergeC1 := false;
- end;
- if FHasC2 and FShowC2 then
- begin
- mergeC2 := true;
- v2 := (-bb-det)*inv2aa;
- if v2 = 0 then
- u2 := (FVectors[0]*FInvLengths[0])*(PointF(x,y)-FPoints[0])
- else if v2 = 1 then
- u2 := 1 - (FVectors[2]*FInvLengths[2])*(PointF(x,y)-FPoints[2])
- else
- begin
- denom := FCoeffs[1].x+FCoeffs[3].x*v2;
- if abs(denom)<1e-6 then
- begin
- u2 := (bb-det)*inv2aa;
- denom := FCoeffs[1].y+FCoeffs[3].y*u2;
- if denom = 0 then mergeC2 := false
- else v2 := (y-FCoeffs[0].y-FCoeffs[2].y*u2)/denom;
- end
- else u2 := (x-FCoeffs[0].x-FCoeffs[2].x*v2)/denom;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- u2 := 0;
- v2 := 0;
- mergeC2 := false;
- end;
- if mergeC1 then
- begin
- if mergeC2 then
- begin
- GetTexColorAt(u1,v1,c1,isPad1);
- GetTexColorAt(u2,v2,c2,isPad2);
- if isPad1 then
- begin
- if isPad2 then result := MergeBGRA(c1,c2)
- else result := c2;
- end else
- begin
- if isPad2 then result := c1
- else result := MergeBGRA(c1,c2);
- end;
- end
- else GetTexColorAt(u1,v1,result,isPad1);
- end
- else
- if mergeC2 then
- GetTexColorAt(u2,v2,result,isPad2)
- else result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- end;
-function TBGRAQuadLinearScanner.GetCulling: TFaceCulling;
- if FShowC1 and FShowC2 then
- result := fcNone
- else if FShowC1 then
- result := fcKeepCW
- else
- result := fcKeepCCW;
-function TBGRAQuadLinearScanner.ScanNone: TBGRAPixel;
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
-procedure TBGRAQuadLinearScanner.PrepareScanVert0;
- if (FVectors[1].x <> 0) then
- begin
- ScanVertVStep0 := 1/(FPoints[2].x-FPoints[1].x);
- ScanVertV0 := (FCurXF-FPoints[1].x)*ScanVertVStep0;
- ScanVertDenom0 := (FPoints[1].y-FPoints[0].y)*(1-ScanVertV0) + (FPoints[2].y-FPoints[3].y)*ScanVertV0;
- ScanVertDenomStep0 := (FPoints[2].y-FPoints[3].y-FPoints[1].y+FPoints[0].y)*ScanVertVStep0;
- end
- else
- begin
- ScanVertV0 := 0;
- ScanVertVStep0 := EmptySingle;
- end;
-function TBGRAQuadLinearScanner.ScanVert0: TBGRAPixel;
-var u: single;
- isPad: boolean;
- IncF(FCurXF, 1);
- if ScanVertVStep0 = EmptySingle then
- begin
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- exit;
- end;
- if ScanVertDenom0 = 0 then
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- begin
- u := (FCurYF-(FPoints[0].y*(1-ScanVertV0) + FPoints[3].y*ScanVertV0))/ScanVertDenom0;
- GetTexColorAt(u,ScanVertV0,result,isPad);
- end;
- IncF(ScanVertV0, ScanVertVStep0);
- IncF(ScanVertDenom0, ScanVertDenomStep0);
-procedure TBGRAQuadLinearScanner.PrepareScanPara;
- ScanParaBB := bb0 + FCurXF*FCoeffs[3].y - FCurYF*FCoeffs[3].x;
- ScanParaCC := cc0 + FCurXF*FCoeffs[1].y - FCurYF*FCoeffs[1].x;
- if ScanParaBB <> 0 then
- ScanParaBBInv := 1/ScanParaBB
- else
- ScanParaBBInv := 1;
-function TBGRAQuadLinearScanner.ScanPara: TBGRAPixel;
- u,v,denom: Single;
- isPad: boolean;
- IncF(FCurXF, 1);
- if ScanParaBB = 0 then
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- begin
- v := -ScanParaCC*ScanParaBBInv;
- denom := FCoeffs[1].x+FCoeffs[3].x*v;
- if denom = 0 then
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- begin
- u := (FCurXF-1-FCoeffs[0].x-FCoeffs[2].x*v)/denom;
- GetTexColorAt(u,v,result,isPad);
- end;
- end;
- if FCoeffs[3].y <> 0 then
- begin
- IncF(ScanParaBB, FCoeffs[3].y);
- if ScanParaBB <> 0 then
- ScanParaBBInv := 1/ScanParaBB
- else
- ScanParaBBInv := 1;
- end;
- IncF(ScanParaCC, FCoeffs[1].y);
-procedure TBGRAQuadLinearScanner.GetTexColorAt(u,v: Single; out AColor: TBGRAPixel; out AIsPadding: boolean);
- AIsPadding:= false;
- if u < 0 then begin if Padding then begin u := 0; AIsPadding := true end else begin AColor := BGRAPixelTransparent; exit end end;
- if u > 1 then begin if Padding then begin u := 1; AIsPadding := true end else begin AColor := BGRAPixelTransparent; exit end end;
- if v < 0 then begin if Padding then begin v := 0; AIsPadding := true end else begin AColor := BGRAPixelTransparent; exit end end;
- if v > 1 then begin if Padding then begin v := 1; AIsPadding := true end else begin AColor := BGRAPixelTransparent; exit end end;
- with (FSourceMatrix * PointF(u,v) + FUVVector*(u*v)) do
- if FTextureInterpolation then
- AColor := FSource.ScanAt(x,y)
- else
- AColor := FSource.ScanAtInteger(System.round(x),System.round(y));
-constructor TBGRAQuadLinearScanner.Create(ASource: IBGRAScanner;
- ASourceMatrix: TAffineMatrix; const APoints: array of TPointF;
- ATextureInterpolation: boolean);
- Init(ASource, APoints, ATextureInterpolation);
- FSourceMatrix := ASourceMatrix;
-constructor TBGRAQuadLinearScanner.Create(ASource: IBGRAScanner;
- const ATexCoords: array of TPointF; const APoints: array of TPointF;
- ATextureInterpolation: boolean);
- Init(ASource, APoints, ATextureInterpolation);
- FSourceMatrix := AffineMatrixTranslation(ATexCoords[0].x,ATexCoords[0].y)*
- AffineMatrixLinear(ATexCoords[1]-ATexCoords[0],ATexCoords[3]-ATexCoords[0]);
- FUVVector := ATexCoords[2] - (ATexCoords[1]+ATexCoords[3]-ATexCoords[0]);
-destructor TBGRAQuadLinearScanner.Destroy;
- freemem(FBuffer);
- inherited Destroy;
-{ TBGRAAffineBitmapTransform }
-procedure TBGRAAffineBitmapTransform.Init(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- ARepeatImageX: Boolean; ARepeatImageY: Boolean;
- AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter; AIncludeEdges: boolean = false);
- if (ABitmap.Width = 0) or (ABitmap.Height = 0) then
- raise Exception.Create('Empty image');
- inherited Create(ABitmap);
- FBitmap := ABitmap;
- FRepeatImageX := ARepeatImageX;
- FRepeatImageY := ARepeatImageY;
- FResampleFilter:= AResampleFilter;
- FBuffer := nil;
- FBufferSize:= 0;
- FIncludeEdges := AIncludeEdges;
-constructor TBGRAAffineBitmapTransform.Create(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- ARepeatImage: Boolean; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter = rfLinear; AIncludeEdges: boolean = false);
- Init(ABitmap,ARepeatImage,ARepeatImage,AResampleFilter,AIncludeEdges);
-constructor TBGRAAffineBitmapTransform.Create(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- ARepeatImageX: Boolean; ARepeatImageY: Boolean;
- AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter; AIncludeEdges: boolean = false);
- Init(ABitmap,ARepeatImageX,ARepeatImageY,AResampleFilter,AIncludeEdges);
-destructor TBGRAAffineBitmapTransform.Destroy;
- FreeMem(FBuffer);
-function TBGRAAffineBitmapTransform.InternalScanCurrentPixel: TBGRAPixel;
- if FEmptyMatrix then
- begin
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- exit;
- end;
- result := FBitmap.GetPixelCycle(FCur.X,FCur.Y,FResampleFilter,FRepeatImageX,FRepeatImageY);
-procedure TBGRAAffineBitmapTransform.ScanPutPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel;
- count: integer; mode: TDrawMode);
-const PrecisionShift = {$IFDEF CPU64}24{$ELSE}12{$ENDIF};
- Precision = 1 shl PrecisionShift;
-var p: PBGRAPixel;
- n: integer;
- posXPrecision, posYPrecision: Int32or64;
- deltaXPrecision,deltaYPrecision: Int32or64;
- ix,iy,shrMask,w,h: Int32or64;
- py0: PByte;
- deltaRow: Int32or64;
- w := FBitmap.Width;
- h := FBitmap.Height;
- if (w = 0) or (h = 0) then exit;
- if GlobalOpacity = 0 then
- begin
- if mode = dmSet then
- FillDWord(pdest^, count, LongWord(BGRAPixelTransparent));
- FCur.Offset(FMatrix[1,1]*count, FMatrix[2,1]*count);
- exit;
- end;
- posXPrecision := round(FCur.X*Precision);
- deltaXPrecision:= round(FMatrix[1,1]*Precision);
- posYPrecision := round(FCur.Y*Precision);
- deltaYPrecision:= round(FMatrix[2,1]*Precision);
- shrMask := -1;
- shrMask := shrMask shr PrecisionShift;
- shrMask := not shrMask;
- if mode = dmSet then
- p := pdest
- else
- begin
- if count > FBufferSize then
- begin
- FBufferSize := count;
- ReAllocMem(FBuffer, FBufferSize*sizeof(TBGRAPixel));
- end;
- p := FBuffer;
- end;
- if FResampleFilter = rfBox then
- begin
- inc(posXPrecision, Precision shr 1);
- inc(posYPrecision, Precision shr 1);
- py0 := PByte(FBitmap.ScanLine[0]);
- if FBitmap.LineOrder = riloTopToBottom then
- deltaRow := FBitmap.Width*sizeof(TBGRAPixel) else
- deltaRow := -FBitmap.Width*sizeof(TBGRAPixel);
- if FRepeatImageX or FRepeatImageY then
- begin
- for n := count-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- if posXPrecision < 0 then ix := (posXPrecision shr PrecisionShift) or shrMask else ix := posXPrecision shr PrecisionShift;
- if posYPrecision < 0 then iy := (posYPrecision shr PrecisionShift) or shrMask else iy := posYPrecision shr PrecisionShift;
- if FRepeatImageX then ix := PositiveMod(ix,w);
- if FRepeatImageY then iy := PositiveMod(iy,h);
- if (ix < 0) or (iy < 0) or (ix >= w) or (iy >= h) then
- p^ := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- p^ := (PBGRAPixel(py0 + iy*deltaRow)+ix)^;
- inc(p);
- inc(posXPrecision, deltaXPrecision);
- inc(posYPrecision, deltaYPrecision);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- for n := count-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- if posXPrecision < 0 then ix := (posXPrecision shr PrecisionShift) or shrMask else ix := posXPrecision shr PrecisionShift;
- if posYPrecision < 0 then iy := (posYPrecision shr PrecisionShift) or shrMask else iy := posYPrecision shr PrecisionShift;
- if (ix < 0) or (iy < 0) or (ix >= w) or (iy >= h) then
- p^ := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- p^ := (PBGRAPixel(py0 + iy*deltaRow)+ix)^;
- inc(p);
- inc(posXPrecision, deltaXPrecision);
- inc(posYPrecision, deltaYPrecision);
- end;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- if FRepeatImageX and FRepeatImageY then
- begin
- for n := count-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- if posXPrecision < 0 then ix := (posXPrecision shr PrecisionShift) or shrMask else ix := posXPrecision shr PrecisionShift;
- if posYPrecision < 0 then iy := (posYPrecision shr PrecisionShift) or shrMask else iy := posYPrecision shr PrecisionShift;
- p^ := FBitmap.GetPixelCycle256(ix,iy, (posXPrecision shr (PrecisionShift-8)) and 255, (posYPrecision shr (PrecisionShift-8)) and 255,FResampleFilter);
- inc(p);
- inc(posXPrecision, deltaXPrecision);
- inc(posYPrecision, deltaYPrecision);
- end;
- end else
- if FRepeatImageX or FRepeatImageY then
- begin
- for n := count-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- if posXPrecision < 0 then ix := (posXPrecision shr PrecisionShift) or shrMask else ix := posXPrecision shr PrecisionShift;
- if posYPrecision < 0 then iy := (posYPrecision shr PrecisionShift) or shrMask else iy := posYPrecision shr PrecisionShift;
- p^ := FBitmap.GetPixelCycle256(ix,iy, (posXPrecision shr (PrecisionShift-8)) and 255, (posYPrecision shr (PrecisionShift-8)) and 255,FResampleFilter, FRepeatImageX,FRepeatImageY);
- inc(p);
- inc(posXPrecision, deltaXPrecision);
- inc(posYPrecision, deltaYPrecision);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- for n := count-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- if posXPrecision < 0 then ix := (posXPrecision shr PrecisionShift) or shrMask else ix := posXPrecision shr PrecisionShift;
- if posYPrecision < 0 then iy := (posYPrecision shr PrecisionShift) or shrMask else iy := posYPrecision shr PrecisionShift;
- p^ := FBitmap.GetPixel256(ix,iy, (posXPrecision shr (PrecisionShift-8)) and 255, (posYPrecision shr (PrecisionShift-8)) and 255,FResampleFilter);
- inc(p);
- inc(posXPrecision, deltaXPrecision);
- inc(posYPrecision, deltaYPrecision);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if GlobalOpacity < 255 then
- begin
- if mode = dmSet then
- p := pdest
- else
- p := FBuffer;
- for n := count-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- p^.alpha := ApplyOpacity(p^.alpha,GlobalOpacity);
- if p^.alpha = 0 then p^ := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- inc(p);
- end;
- end;
- if mode <> dmSet then PutPixels(pdest,FBuffer,count,mode,255);
- FCur.Offset(FMatrix[1,1]*count, FMatrix[2,1]*count);
-function TBGRAAffineBitmapTransform.IsScanPutPixelsDefined: boolean;
- Result:=true;
-procedure TBGRAAffineBitmapTransform.Fit(Origin, HAxis, VAxis: TPointF);
- if (FBitmap.Width = 0) or (FBitmap.Height = 0) then exit;
- Matrix := AffineMatrix(HAxis.X-Origin.X, VAxis.X-Origin.X, Origin.X,
- HAxis.Y-Origin.Y, VAxis.Y-Origin.Y, Origin.Y);
- Invert;
- if FIncludeEdges then
- begin
- Matrix := AffineMatrixTranslation(-0.5,-0.5)*AffineMatrixScale(FBitmap.Width,FBitmap.Height)*Matrix;
- end else
- Matrix := AffineMatrixScale(FBitmap.Width-1,FBitmap.Height-1)*Matrix;
-{ TBGRAPerspectiveScannerTransform }
-function TBGRAPerspectiveScannerTransform.GetIncludeOppositePlane: boolean;
- if FMatrix = nil then
- result := false
- else
- result := FMatrix.IncludeOppositePlane;
-procedure TBGRAPerspectiveScannerTransform.SetIncludeOppositePlane(
- AValue: boolean);
- if FMatrix <> nil then
- FMatrix.IncludeOppositePlane := AValue;
-constructor TBGRAPerspectiveScannerTransform.Create(texture: IBGRAScanner; texCoord1,texCoord2: TPointF; const quad: array of TPointF);
- if DoesQuadIntersect(quad[0],quad[1],quad[2],quad[3]) or not IsConvex(quad,False) or (texCoord1.x = texCoord2.x) or (texCoord1.y = texCoord2.y) then
- FMatrix := nil
- else
- begin
- FMatrix := TPerspectiveTransform.Create(quad,texCoord1.x,texCoord1.y,texCoord2.x,texCoord2.y);
- FMatrix.OutsideValue := EmptyPointF;
- end;
- FTexture := texture;
- FScanAtProc:= @FTexture.ScanAt;
-constructor TBGRAPerspectiveScannerTransform.Create(texture: IBGRAScanner;
- const texCoordsQuad: array of TPointF; const quad: array of TPointF);
- if DoesQuadIntersect(quad[0],quad[1],quad[2],quad[3]) or not IsConvex(quad,False) or
- DoesQuadIntersect(texCoordsQuad[0],texCoordsQuad[1],texCoordsQuad[2],texCoordsQuad[3]) or not IsConvex(texCoordsQuad,False) then
- FMatrix := nil
- else
- begin
- FMatrix := TPerspectiveTransform.Create(quad,texCoordsQuad);
- FMatrix.OutsideValue := EmptyPointF;
- end;
- FTexture := texture;
- FScanAtProc:= @FTexture.ScanAt;
-destructor TBGRAPerspectiveScannerTransform.Destroy;
- FMatrix.free;
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TBGRAPerspectiveScannerTransform.ScanMoveTo(X, Y: Integer);
- if FMatrix = nil then exit;
- FMatrix.ScanMoveTo(X,Y);
-function TBGRAPerspectiveScannerTransform.ScanAt(X, Y: Single): TBGRAPixel;
-var ptSource: TPointF;
- if FMatrix = nil then
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent else
- begin
- ptSource := FMatrix.Apply(PointF(X,Y));
- if ptSource.x = EmptySingle then
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- Result:= FScanAtProc(ptSource.X, ptSource.Y);
- end;
-function TBGRAPerspectiveScannerTransform.ScanNextPixel: TBGRAPixel;
-var ptSource: TPointF;
- if FMatrix = nil then
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent else
- begin
- ptSource := FMatrix.ScanNext;
- if ptSource.x = EmptySingle then
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- Result:= FScanAtProc(ptSource.X, ptSource.Y);
- end;
-procedure TBGRAPerspectiveScannerTransform.ScanSkipPixels(ACount: integer);
- if FMatrix<>nil then FMatrix.ScanSkip(ACount);
-{ TPerspectiveTransform }
-procedure TPerspectiveTransform.Init;
- FOutsideValue := PointF(0,0);
- FIncludeOppositePlane:= True;
-constructor TPerspectiveTransform.Create;
- Init;
- AssignIdentity;
-constructor TPerspectiveTransform.Create(x1, y1, x2, y2: single;
- const quad: array of TPointF);
- Init;
- MapRectToQuad(x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2 ,quad );
-constructor TPerspectiveTransform.Create(const quad: array of TPointF; x1, y1,
- x2, y2: single);
- Init;
- MapQuadToRect(quad, x1,y1,x2,y2);
-constructor TPerspectiveTransform.Create(const srcQuad,
- destQuad: array of TPointF);
- Init;
- MapQuadToQuad(srcQuad,destQuad);
-{ Map a quad to quad. First compute quad to square, and then square to quad. }
-function TPerspectiveTransform.MapQuadToQuad(const srcQuad,
- destQuad: array of TPointF): boolean;
- p : TPerspectiveTransform;
- if not MapQuadToSquare(srcQuad ) then
- begin
- result:=false;
- exit;
- end;
- p := TPerspectiveTransform.Create;
- if not p.MapSquareToQuad(destQuad) then
- begin
- p.Free;
- result:=false;
- exit;
- end;
- //combine both transformations
- MultiplyBy(p);
- p.Free;
- result:=true;
-//Map a rectangle to a quad. Make a polygon for the rectangle, and map it.
-function TPerspectiveTransform.MapRectToQuad(x1, y1, x2, y2: single;
- const quad: array of TPointF): boolean;
- result := MapQuadToQuad([PointF(x1,y1),PointF(x2,y1),PointF(x2,y2),PointF(x1,y2)], quad);
-//Map a quad to a rectangle. Make a polygon for the rectangle, and map the quad into it.
-function TPerspectiveTransform.MapQuadToRect(const quad: array of TPointF; x1,
- y1, x2, y2: single): boolean;
- result := MapQuadToQuad(quad, [PointF(x1,y1),PointF(x2,y1),PointF(x2,y2),PointF(x1,y2)]);
-//Map a square to a quad
-function TPerspectiveTransform.MapSquareToQuad(const quad: array of TPointF): boolean;
- d,d1,d2: TPointF;
- den ,u ,v : double;
- d := quad[0]-quad[1]+quad[2]-quad[3];
- if (d.x = 0.0 ) and
- (d.y = 0.0 ) then
- begin
- // Affine case (parallelogram)
- sx :=quad[1].x - quad[0].x;
- shy:=quad[1].y - quad[0].y;
- w0 :=0.0;
- shx:=quad[2].x - quad[1].x;
- sy :=quad[2].y - quad[1].y;
- w1 :=0.0;
- tx :=quad[0].x;
- ty :=quad[0].y;
- w2 :=1.0;
- end
- else
- begin
- d1 := quad[1]-quad[2];
- d2 := quad[3]-quad[2];
- den:=d1.x * d2.y - d2.x * d1.y;
- if den = 0.0 then
- begin
- // Singular case
- sx :=0.0;
- shy:=0.0;
- w0 :=0.0;
- shx:=0.0;
- sy :=0.0;
- w1 :=0.0;
- tx :=0.0;
- ty :=0.0;
- w2 :=0.0;
- result:=false;
- exit;
- end;
- // General case
- u:=(d.x * d2.y - d.y * d2.x ) / den;
- v:=(d.y * d1.x - d.x * d1.y ) / den;
- sx :=quad[1].x - quad[0].x + u * quad[1].x;
- shy:=quad[1].y - quad[0].y + u * quad[1].y;
- w0 :=u;
- shx:=quad[3].x - quad[0].x + v * quad[3].x;
- sy :=quad[3].y - quad[0].y + v * quad[3].y;
- w1 :=v;
- tx :=quad[0].x;
- ty :=quad[0].y;
- w2 :=1.0;
- end;
- result:=true;
-//Map a quad to a square. Compute mapping from square to quad, then invert.
-function TPerspectiveTransform.MapQuadToSquare(const quad: array of TPointF): boolean;
- if not MapSquareToQuad(quad ) then
- result:=false
- else
- result := Invert;
-procedure TPerspectiveTransform.AssignIdentity;
- sx :=1;
- shy:=0;
- w0 :=0;
- shx:=0;
- sy :=1;
- w1 :=0;
- tx :=0;
- ty :=0;
- w2 :=1;
-function TPerspectiveTransform.Invert: boolean;
- d0, d1, d2, d : double;
- copy : TPerspectiveTransform;
- d0:= sy * w2 - w1 * ty;
- d1:= w0 * ty - shy * w2;
- d2:= shy * w1 - w0 * sy;
- d := sx * d0 + shx * d1 + tx * d2;
- if d = 0.0 then
- begin
- sx := 0.0;
- shy:= 0.0;
- w0 := 0.0;
- shx:= 0.0;
- sy := 0.0;
- w1 := 0.0;
- tx := 0.0;
- ty := 0.0;
- w2 := 0.0;
- result:= false;
- exit;
- end;
- d:= 1.0 / d;
- copy := Duplicate;
- sx :=d * d0;
- shy:=d * d1;
- w0 :=d * d2;
- shx:=d * (copy.w1 * copy.tx - copy.shx * copy.w2 );
- sy :=d * (copy.sx * copy.w2 - copy.w0 * copy.tx );
- w1 :=d * (copy.w0 * copy.shx - copy.sx * copy.w1 );
- tx :=d * (copy.shx * copy.ty - copy.sy * copy.tx );
- ty :=d * (copy.shy * copy.tx - copy.sx * copy.ty );
- w2 :=d * (copy.sx * copy.sy - copy.shy * copy.shx );
- copy.free;
- result:=true;
-procedure TPerspectiveTransform.Translate(dx, dy: single);
- tx:=tx + dx;
- ty:=ty + dy;
-procedure TPerspectiveTransform.MultiplyBy(a: TPerspectiveTransform);
-var b: TPerspectiveTransform;
- b := Duplicate;
- sx :=a.sx * b.sx + a.shx * b.shy + a.tx * b.w0;
- shx:=a.sx * b.shx + a.shx * b.sy + a.tx * b.w1;
- tx :=a.sx * b.tx + a.shx * b.ty + a.tx * b.w2;
- shy:=a.shy * b.sx + a.sy * b.shy + a.ty * b.w0;
- sy :=a.shy * b.shx + a.sy * b.sy + a.ty * b.w1;
- ty :=a.shy * b.tx + a.sy * b.ty + a.ty * b.w2;
- w0 :=a.w0 * b.sx + a.w1 * b.shy + a.w2 * b.w0;
- w1 :=a.w0 * b.shx + a.w1 * b.sy + a.w2 * b.w1;
- w2 :=a.w0 * b.tx + a.w1 * b.ty + a.w2 * b.w2;
- b.Free;
-procedure TPerspectiveTransform.PremultiplyBy(b: TPerspectiveTransform);
- a : TPerspectiveTransform;
- begin
- a := Duplicate;
- sx :=a.sx * b.sx + a.shx * b.shy + a.tx * b.w0;
- shx:=a.sx * b.shx + a.shx * b.sy + a.tx * b.w1;
- tx :=a.sx * b.tx + a.shx * b.ty + a.tx * b.w2;
- shy:=a.shy * b.sx + a.sy * b.shy + a.ty * b.w0;
- sy :=a.shy * b.shx + a.sy * b.sy + a.ty * b.w1;
- ty :=a.shy * b.tx + a.sy * b.ty + a.ty * b.w2;
- w0 :=a.w0 * b.sx + a.w1 * b.shy + a.w2 * b.w0;
- w1 :=a.w0 * b.shx + a.w1 * b.sy + a.w2 * b.w1;
- w2 :=a.w0 * b.tx + a.w1 * b.ty + a.w2 * b.w2;
- a.Free;
-function TPerspectiveTransform.Duplicate: TPerspectiveTransform;
- result := TPerspectiveTransform.Create;
- result.sx :=sx;
- result.shy:=shy;
- result.w0 :=w0;
- result.shx:=shx;
- result.sy :=sy;
- result.w1 :=w1;
- result.tx :=tx;
- result.ty :=ty;
- result.w2 :=w2;
-function TPerspectiveTransform.Apply(pt: TPointF): TPointF;
- m : single;
- m:= pt.x * w0 + pt.y * w1 + w2;
- if (m=0) or (not FIncludeOppositePlane and (m < 0)) then
- result := FOutsideValue
- else
- begin
- m := 1/m;
- result.x := m * (pt.x * sx + pt.y * shx + tx );
- result.y := m * (pt.x * shy + pt.y * sy + ty );
- end;
-procedure TPerspectiveTransform.ScanMoveTo(x, y: single);
- ScanDenom := x * w0 + y * w1 + w2;
- ScanNumX := x * sx + y * shx + tx;
- scanNumY := x * shy + y * sy + ty;
-function TPerspectiveTransform.ScanNext: TPointF;
-var m: single;
- if (ScanDenom = 0) or (not FIncludeOppositePlane and (ScanDenom < 0)) then
- result := FOutsideValue
- else
- begin
- m := 1/scanDenom;
- result.x := m * ScanNumX;
- result.y := m * scanNumY;
- end;
- IncF(ScanDenom, w0);
- IncF(ScanNumX, sx);
- IncF(scanNumY, shy);
-procedure TPerspectiveTransform.ScanSkip(ACount: integer);
- IncF(ScanDenom, w0*ACount);
- IncF(ScanNumX, sx*ACount);
- IncF(scanNumY, shy*ACount);
-{ TBGRATwirlScanner }
-constructor TBGRATwirlScanner.Create(AScanner: IBGRAScanner; ACenter: TPoint; ARadius: single; ATurn: single = 1; AExponent: single = 3);
- FScanner := AScanner;
- FScanAtFunc := @FScanner.ScanAt;
- FCenter := ACenter;
- FTurn := ATurn;
- FRadius := ARadius;
- FExponent := AExponent;
-function TBGRATwirlScanner.ScanAt(X, Y: Single): TBGRAPixel;
-var p: TPoint;
- d: single;
- a,cosa,sina: integer;
- p := Point(Round(X)-FCenter.X,Round(Y)-FCenter.Y);
- if (abs(p.x) < FRadius) and (abs(p.Y) < FRadius) then
- begin
- d := sqrt(p.x*p.x+p.y*p.y);
- if d < FRadius then
- begin
- d := (FRadius-d)/FRadius;
- if FExponent <> 1 then d := exp(ln(d)*FExponent);
- a := round(d*FTurn*65536);
- cosa := Cos65536(a)-32768;
- sina := Sin65536(a)-32768;
- result := FScanner.ScanAt((p.x*cosa+p.y*sina)/32768 + FCenter.X,
- (-p.x*sina+p.y*cosa)/32768 + FCenter.Y);
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- result := FScanAtFunc(X,Y);
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgratypewriter.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgratypewriter.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index f99437c..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgratypewriter.pas
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@@ -1,1293 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRATypewriter;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, Avl_Tree, BGRABitmapTypes, BGRACanvas2D, BGRATransform;
- TGlyphBoxes = array of record
- Glyph: string;
- Box: TAffineBox;
- end;
- { TBGRAGlyph }
- TBGRAGlyph = class
- protected
- FIdentifier: string;
- procedure WriteHeader(AStream: TStream; AName: string; AContentSize: longint);
- class procedure ReadHeader(AStream: TStream; out AName: string; out AContentSize: longint); static;
- function ContentSize: integer; virtual;
- function HeaderName: string; virtual;
- procedure WriteContent(AStream: TStream); virtual;
- procedure ReadContent(AStream: TStream); virtual;
- public
- Width,Height: single;
- constructor Create(AIdentifier: string); virtual;
- constructor Create(AStream: TStream); virtual;
- procedure Path({%H-}ADest: IBGRAPath; {%H-}AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; {%H-}AReverse: boolean= false); virtual;
- property Identifier: string read FIdentifier;
- procedure SaveToStream(AStream: TStream);
- class function LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream): TBGRAGlyph; static;
- end;
- TKerningInfo = class
- IdLeft, IdRight: string;
- KerningOffset: single;
- end;
- TGlyphPointCurveMode= TEasyBezierCurveMode;
- cmAuto = TEasyBezierCurveMode.cmAuto;
- cmCurve = TEasyBezierCurveMode.cmCurve;
- cmAngle = TEasyBezierCurveMode.cmAngle;
- { TBGRAPolygonalGlyph }
- TBGRAPolygonalGlyph = class(TBGRAGlyph)
- private
- function GetClosed: boolean;
- function GetMinimumDotProduct: single;
- function GetPoint(AIndex: integer): TPointF;
- function GetPointCount: integer;
- procedure SetClosed(AValue: boolean);
- procedure SetMinimumDotProduct(AValue: single);
- procedure SetPoint(AIndex: integer; AValue: TPointF);
- procedure SetQuadraticCurves(AValue: boolean);
- protected
- FQuadraticCurves: boolean;
- FEasyBezier: TEasyBezierCurve;
- function ContentSize: integer; override;
- function HeaderName: string; override;
- procedure WriteContent(AStream: TStream); override;
- procedure ReadContent(AStream: TStream); override;
- function PointTransformMatrix(APoint: PPointF; AData: pointer): TPointF;
- procedure Init;
- public
- Offset: TPointF;
- constructor Create(AIdentifier: string); override;
- constructor Create(AStream: TStream); override;
- constructor Create(AStream: TStream; AQuadratic: boolean);
- procedure SetPoints(const APoints: array of TPointF); overload;
- procedure SetPoints(const APoints: array of TPointF; const ACurveMode: array of TGlyphPointCurveMode); overload;
- procedure Path(ADest: IBGRAPath; AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AReverse: boolean = false); override;
- property QuadraticCurves: boolean read FQuadraticCurves write SetQuadraticCurves;
- property Closed: boolean read GetClosed write SetClosed;
- property MinimumDotProduct: single read GetMinimumDotProduct write SetMinimumDotProduct;
- property Point[AIndex: integer]: TPointF read GetPoint write SetPoint;
- property PointCount: integer read GetPointCount;
- end;
- TBGRACustomTypeWriterHeader = record
- HeaderName: String;
- NbGlyphs: integer;
- end;
- TBGRAGlyphDisplayInfo = record
- Glyph: TBGRAGlyph;
- Matrix: TAffineMatrix;
- Mirrored, RTL: WordBool;
- end;
- TBGRATextDisplayInfo = array of TBGRAGlyphDisplayInfo;
- TBrowseGlyphCallbackFlag = (gcfMirrored, gcfMerged, gcfRightToLeft, gcfKerning);
- TBrowseGlyphCallbackFlags = set of TBrowseGlyphCallbackFlag;
- TBrowseGlyphCallback = procedure(ATextUTF8: string; AGlyph: TBGRAGlyph;
- AFlags: TBrowseGlyphCallbackFlags; AData: Pointer; out AContinue: boolean) of object;
- TTextFitInfoCallbackData = record
- WidthAccumulator, MaxWidth: single;
- CharCount: integer;
- ByteCount: integer;
- PrevGlyphId: string;
- end;
- TDisplayInfoCallbackData = record
- Align: TBGRATypeWriterAlignment;
- Matrix: TAffineMatrix;
- Info: TBGRATextDisplayInfo;
- InfoIndex: integer;
- PrevGlyphId: string;
- end;
- TTextSizeCallbackData = record
- Size: TPointF;
- PrevGlyphId: string;
- end;
- { TBGRACustomTypeWriter }
- TBGRACustomTypeWriter = class
- private
- FBidiMode: TFontBidiMode;
- FGlyphs: TAVLTree;
- FKerningInfos: TAVLTree;
- procedure GlyphCallbackForDisplayInfo({%H-}ATextUTF8: string;
- AGlyph: TBGRAGlyph; AFlags: TBrowseGlyphCallbackFlags; AData: Pointer; out
- AContinue: boolean);
- procedure GlyphCallbackForTextFitInfoBeforeTransform(ATextUTF8: string;
- AGlyph: TBGRAGlyph; AFlags: TBrowseGlyphCallbackFlags; AData: Pointer; out AContinue: boolean);
- procedure SetBidiMode(AValue: TFontBidiMode);
- procedure GlyphCallbackForTextSizeBeforeTransform({%H-}ATextUTF8: string;
- AGlyph: TBGRAGlyph; {%H-}AFlags: TBrowseGlyphCallbackFlags; AData: pointer; out AContinue: boolean);
- protected
- TypeWriterMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- function FindGlyph(AIdentifier: string): TAVLTreeNode;
- function GetGlyph(AIdentifier: string): TBGRAGlyph; virtual;
- procedure SetGlyph(AIdentifier: string; AValue: TBGRAGlyph);
- function GetDisplayInfo(ATextUTF8: string; X,Y: Single;
- AAlign: TBGRATypeWriterAlignment): TBGRATextDisplayInfo;
- procedure GlyphPath(ADest: TBGRACanvas2D; AIdentifier: string; X,Y: Single; AAlign: TBGRATypeWriterAlignment = twaTopLeft; AMirrored: boolean = false);
- procedure DrawLastPath(ADest: TBGRACanvas2D);
- procedure ClearGlyphs;
- procedure RemoveGlyph(AIdentifier: string);
- procedure AddGlyph(AGlyph: TBGRAGlyph);
- function GetGlyphMatrix(AGlyph: TBGRAGlyph; X,Y: Single; AAlign: TBGRATypeWriterAlignment): TAffineMatrix;
- function GetTextMatrix(ATextUTF8: string; X,Y: Single; AAlign: TBGRATypeWriterAlignment): TAffineMatrix;
- property Glyph[AIdentifier: string]: TBGRAGlyph read GetGlyph write SetGlyph;
- function CustomHeaderSize: integer; virtual;
- procedure WriteCustomHeader(AStream: TStream); virtual;
- function ReadCustomTypeWriterHeader(AStream: TStream): TBGRACustomTypeWriterHeader;
- procedure ReadAdditionalHeader({%H-}AStream: TStream); virtual;
- function HeaderName: string; virtual;
- procedure BrowseGlyphs(ATextUTF8: string; ACallback: TBrowseGlyphCallback; AData: pointer; ADisplayOrder: boolean);
- procedure BrowseAllGlyphs(ACallback: TBrowseGlyphCallback; AData: pointer);
- function FindKerning(AIdLeft, AIdRight: string): TAVLTreeNode;
- function GetKerningOffset(AIdBefore, AIdAfter: string; ARightToLeft: boolean): single; virtual;
- function ComputeKerning(AIdLeft, AIdRight: string): single; virtual;
- public
- OutlineMode: TBGRATypeWriterOutlineMode;
- DrawGlyphsSimultaneously : boolean;
- SubstituteBidiBracket: boolean;
- LigatureWithF: boolean;
- constructor Create;
- function GetTextSizeBeforeTransform(ATextUTF8 :string): TPointF;
- procedure TextFitInfoBeforeTransform(ATextUTF8: string; AMaxWidth: single; out ACharCount, AByteCount: integer; out AUsedWidth: single);
- procedure SaveGlyphsToFile(AFilenameUTF8: string);
- procedure SaveGlyphsToStream(AStream: TStream);
- procedure LoadGlyphsFromFile(AFilenameUTF8: string);
- procedure LoadGlyphsFromStream(AStream: TStream);
- procedure DrawGlyph(ADest: TBGRACanvas2D; AIdentifier: string; X,Y: Single; AAlign: TBGRATypeWriterAlignment = twaTopLeft; AMirrored: boolean = false);
- procedure DrawText(ADest: TBGRACanvas2D; ATextUTF8: string; X,Y: Single; AAlign: TBGRATypeWriterAlignment = twaTopLeft); virtual;
- procedure CopyTextPathTo(ADest: IBGRAPath; ATextUTF8: string; X,Y: Single; AAlign: TBGRATypeWriterAlignment = twaTopLeft); virtual;
- function GetGlyphBox(AIdentifier: string; X,Y: Single; AAlign: TBGRATypeWriterAlignment = twaTopLeft): TAffineBox;
- function GetTextBox(ATextUTF8: string; X,Y: Single; AAlign: TBGRATypeWriterAlignment = twaTopLeft): TAffineBox;
- function GetTextGlyphBoxes(ATextUTF8: string; X,Y: Single; AAlign: TBGRATypeWriterAlignment = twaTopLeft): TGlyphBoxes;
- procedure NeedGlyphRange(AUnicodeFrom, AUnicodeTo: LongWord);
- procedure NeedGlyphAnsiRange;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- property BidiMode: TFontBidiMode read FBidiMode write SetBidiMode;
- end;
-function ComputeEasyBezier(APoints: array of TPointF; AClosed: boolean; AMinimumDotProduct: single = 0.707): ArrayOfTPointF; overload;
-function ComputeEasyBezier(APoints: array of TPointF; ACurveMode: array of TGlyphPointCurveMode; AClosed: boolean; AMinimumDotProduct: single = 0.707): ArrayOfTPointF; overload;
-uses BGRAUTF8, BGRAUnicode, math;
-procedure LEWritePointF(Stream: TStream; AValue: TPointF);
- LEWriteSingle(Stream,AValue.x);
- LEWriteSingle(Stream,AValue.y);
-function LEReadPointF(Stream: TStream): TPointF;
- result.x := LEReadSingle(Stream);
- result.y := LEReadSingle(Stream);
-function ComputeEasyBezier(APoints: array of TPointF; AClosed: boolean; AMinimumDotProduct: single = 0.707): ArrayOfTPointF;
- glyph: TBGRAPolygonalGlyph;
- canvas2D: TBGRACanvas2D;
- i: integer;
- if length(APoints) <= 2 then
- begin
- setlength(result, length(APoints));
- for i := 0 to high(result) do
- result[i] := APoints[i];
- exit;
- end;
- glyph := TBGRAPolygonalGlyph.Create('');
- glyph.QuadraticCurves := true;
- glyph.Closed:= AClosed;
- glyph.MinimumDotProduct := AMinimumDotProduct;
- glyph.SetPoints(APoints);
- canvas2D := TBGRACanvas2D.Create(nil);
- canvas2D.pixelCenteredCoordinates := true;
- glyph.Path(canvas2D,AffineMatrixIdentity);
- glyph.Free;
- result := canvas2D.currentPath;
- canvas2D.free;
-function ComputeEasyBezier(APoints: array of TPointF;
- ACurveMode: array of TGlyphPointCurveMode; AClosed: boolean;
- AMinimumDotProduct: single): ArrayOfTPointF;
- glyph: TBGRAPolygonalGlyph;
- canvas2D: TBGRACanvas2D;
- i: integer;
- if length(APoints) <= 2 then
- begin
- setlength(result, length(APoints));
- for i := 0 to high(result) do
- result[i] := APoints[i];
- exit;
- end;
- glyph := TBGRAPolygonalGlyph.Create('');
- glyph.QuadraticCurves := true;
- glyph.Closed:= AClosed;
- glyph.MinimumDotProduct := AMinimumDotProduct;
- glyph.SetPoints(APoints, ACurveMode);
- canvas2D := TBGRACanvas2D.Create(nil);
- canvas2D.pixelCenteredCoordinates := true;
- glyph.Path(canvas2D,AffineMatrixIdentity);
- glyph.Free;
- result := canvas2D.currentPath;
- canvas2D.free;
-{ TBGRAPolygonalGlyph }
-function TBGRAPolygonalGlyph.GetClosed: boolean;
- result := FEasyBezier.Closed;
-function TBGRAPolygonalGlyph.GetMinimumDotProduct: single;
- result := FEasyBezier.MinimumDotProduct;
-function TBGRAPolygonalGlyph.GetPoint(AIndex: integer): TPointF;
- result := FEasyBezier.Point[AIndex];
-function TBGRAPolygonalGlyph.GetPointCount: integer;
- result := FEasyBezier.PointCount;
-procedure TBGRAPolygonalGlyph.SetClosed(AValue: boolean);
- FEasyBezier.Closed := AValue;
-procedure TBGRAPolygonalGlyph.SetMinimumDotProduct(AValue: single);
- FEasyBezier.MinimumDotProduct := AValue;
-procedure TBGRAPolygonalGlyph.SetPoint(AIndex: integer; AValue: TPointF);
- FEasyBezier.Point[AIndex] := AValue;
-procedure TBGRAPolygonalGlyph.SetQuadraticCurves(AValue: boolean);
- if FQuadraticCurves=AValue then Exit;
- FQuadraticCurves:=AValue;
-function TBGRAPolygonalGlyph.ContentSize: integer;
- Result:= (inherited ContentSize) + sizeof(single)*2 + 4 + sizeof(single)*2*PointCount;
-function TBGRAPolygonalGlyph.HeaderName: string;
- if FQuadraticCurves then
- Result:='TBGRAEasyBezierGlyph'
- else
- Result:='TBGRAPolygonalGlyph'
-procedure TBGRAPolygonalGlyph.WriteContent(AStream: TStream);
-var i: integer;
- inherited WriteContent(AStream);
- LEWritePointF(AStream, Offset);
- LEWriteLongint(AStream,PointCount);
- for i := 0 to PointCount-1 do
- LEWritePointF(AStream, FEasyBezier.Point[i]);
- if FQuadraticCurves then
- for i := 0 to PointCount-1 do
- LEWriteLongint(AStream, ord(FEasyBezier.CurveMode[i]));
-procedure TBGRAPolygonalGlyph.ReadContent(AStream: TStream);
-var i: integer;
- tempPts: array of TPointF;
- flags: LongInt;
- inherited ReadContent(AStream);
- Offset := LEReadPointF(AStream);
- SetLength(tempPts, LEReadLongint(AStream));
- for i := 0 to high(tempPts) do
- tempPts[i] := LEReadPointF(AStream);
- SetPoints(tempPts);
- if FQuadraticCurves then
- begin
- for i := 0 to high(tempPts) do
- begin
- flags := LEReadLongint(AStream);
- FEasyBezier.CurveMode[i] := TEasyBezierCurveMode(flags and 255);
- end;
- end;
-function TBGRAPolygonalGlyph.PointTransformMatrix(APoint: PPointF;
- AData: pointer): TPointF;
- result := TAffineMatrix(AData^) * APoint^;
-procedure TBGRAPolygonalGlyph.Init;
- FEasyBezier.Init;
- Closed := True;
- Offset := PointF(0,0);
- FQuadraticCurves:= False;
-constructor TBGRAPolygonalGlyph.Create(AIdentifier: string);
- Init;
- inherited Create(AIdentifier);
-constructor TBGRAPolygonalGlyph.Create(AStream: TStream);
- Init;
- inherited Create(AStream);
-constructor TBGRAPolygonalGlyph.Create(AStream: TStream; AQuadratic: boolean);
- Init;
- FQuadraticCurves:= AQuadratic;
- inherited Create(AStream);
-procedure TBGRAPolygonalGlyph.SetPoints(const APoints: array of TPointF);
- FEasyBezier.SetPoints(APoints, cmAuto);
-procedure TBGRAPolygonalGlyph.SetPoints(const APoints: array of TPointF;
- const ACurveMode: array of TGlyphPointCurveMode);
- if length(APoints) <> length(ACurveMode) then
- raise exception.Create('Dimension mismatch');
- FEasyBezier.SetPoints(APoints, ACurveMode);
-procedure TBGRAPolygonalGlyph.Path(ADest: IBGRAPath; AMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- AReverse: boolean);
- nextMove: boolean;
- procedure DoPoint(AIndex: integer);
- begin
- if isEmptyPointF(Point[AIndex]) then
- begin
- if not nextMove and Closed then ADest.closePath;
- nextMove := true;
- end else
- begin
- if nextMove then
- begin
- ADest.moveTo(AMatrix*Point[AIndex]);
- nextMove := false;
- end else
- ADest.lineTo(AMatrix*Point[AIndex]);
- end;
- end;
- i: integer;
- AMatrix := AMatrix*AffineMatrixTranslation(Offset.X,Offset.Y);
- if not FQuadraticCurves then
- begin
- nextMove := true;
- if AReverse then
- begin
- for i := PointCount-1 downto 0 do
- DoPoint(i);
- end else
- for i := 0 to PointCount-1 do
- DoPoint(i);
- if not nextmove and Closed then ADest.closePath;
- end else
- FEasyBezier.CopyToPath(ADest, @PointTransformMatrix, @AMatrix, AReverse);
-{ TBGRAGlyph }
-procedure TBGRAGlyph.WriteHeader(AStream: TStream; AName: string;
- AContentSize: longint);
- LEWriteByte(AStream, length(AName));
- AStream.Write(AName[1],length(AName));
- LEWriteLongint(AStream, AContentSize);
-class procedure TBGRAGlyph.ReadHeader(AStream: TStream; out AName: string; out
- AContentSize: longint);
-var NameLength: integer;
- NameLength := LEReadByte(AStream);
- setlength(AName,NameLength);
- AStream.Read(AName[1],length(AName));
- AContentSize := LEReadLongint(AStream);
-function TBGRAGlyph.ContentSize: integer;
- result := 4+length(FIdentifier)+sizeof(single)*2;
-function TBGRAGlyph.HeaderName: string;
- result := 'TBGRAGlyph';
-procedure TBGRAGlyph.WriteContent(AStream: TStream);
- LEWriteLongint(AStream,length(FIdentifier));
- AStream.Write(FIdentifier[1],length(FIdentifier));
- LEWriteSingle(AStream,Width);
- LEWriteSingle(AStream,Height);
-procedure TBGRAGlyph.ReadContent(AStream: TStream);
-var lIdentifierLength: integer;
- lIdentifierLength:= LEReadLongint(AStream);
- setlength(FIdentifier, lIdentifierLength);
- AStream.Read(FIdentifier[1],length(FIdentifier));
- Width := LEReadSingle(AStream);
- Height := LEReadSingle(AStream);
-constructor TBGRAGlyph.Create(AIdentifier: string);
- FIdentifier:= AIdentifier;
-constructor TBGRAGlyph.Create(AStream: TStream);
- ReadContent(AStream);
-procedure TBGRAGlyph.Path(ADest: IBGRAPath; AMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- AReverse: boolean);
- //nothing
-procedure TBGRAGlyph.SaveToStream(AStream: TStream);
- WriteHeader(AStream, HeaderName, ContentSize);
- WriteContent(AStream);
-class function TBGRAGlyph.LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream) : TBGRAGlyph;
-var lName: string;
- lContentSize: integer;
- EndPosition: Int64;
- ReadHeader(AStream,lName,lContentSize);
- EndPosition := AStream.Position + lContentSize;
- if lName = 'TBGRAPolygonalGlyph' then
- result := TBGRAPolygonalGlyph.Create(AStream)
- else if lName = 'TBGRAEasyBezierGlyph' then
- result := TBGRAPolygonalGlyph.Create(AStream, true)
- else if lName = 'TBGRAGlyph' then
- result := TBGRAGlyph.Create(AStream)
- else
- raise exception.Create('Unknown glyph type (' + lName + ')');
- AStream.Position:= EndPosition;
-function CompareGlyphNode(Data1, Data2: Pointer): integer;
- result := CompareStr(TBGRAGlyph(Data1).Identifier,TBGRAGlyph(Data2).Identifier);
-function CompareKerningInfo(Data1, Data2: Pointer): integer;
- result := CompareStr(TKerningInfo(Data1).IdLeft, TKerningInfo(Data2).IdLeft);
- if result = 0 then
- result := CompareStr(TKerningInfo(Data1).IdRight, TKerningInfo(Data2).IdRight);
-{ TBGRACustomTypeWriter }
-function TBGRACustomTypeWriter.GetGlyph(AIdentifier: string): TBGRAGlyph;
-var Node: TAVLTreeNode;
- Node := FindGlyph(AIdentifier);
- if Node = nil then
- result := nil
- else
- result := TBGRAGlyph(Node.Data);
-procedure TBGRACustomTypeWriter.SetGlyph(AIdentifier: string; AValue: TBGRAGlyph);
-var Node: TAVLTreeNode;
- if AValue.Identifier <> AIdentifier then
- raise exception.Create('Identifier mismatch');
- Node := FindGlyph(AIdentifier);
- if Node <> nil then
- begin
- if pointer(AValue) <> Node.Data then
- TBGRAGlyph(Node.Data).Free;
- Node.Data := AValue;
- end else
- FGlyphs.Add(pointer(AValue));
-procedure TBGRACustomTypeWriter.SetBidiMode(AValue: TFontBidiMode);
- if FBidiMode=AValue then Exit;
- FBidiMode:=AValue;
-procedure TBGRACustomTypeWriter.GlyphCallbackForTextFitInfoBeforeTransform(
- ATextUTF8: string; AGlyph: TBGRAGlyph; AFlags: TBrowseGlyphCallbackFlags;
- AData: Pointer; out AContinue: boolean);
- newWidth: Single;
- partialCharCount, charLen: Integer;
- p,pEnd: PChar;
- AContinue := true;
- with TTextFitInfoCallbackData(AData^) do
- begin
- newWidth := WidthAccumulator+AGlyph.Width;
- if gcfKerning in AFlags then
- IncF(newWidth, GetKerningOffset(PrevGlyphId, AGlyph.Identifier, gcfRightToLeft in AFlags));
- if newWidth < MaxWidth then
- begin
- WidthAccumulator := newWidth;
- inc(ByteCount, length(ATextUTF8));
- inc(CharCount, UTF8Length(ATextUTF8));
- end else
- begin
- AContinue := false;
- if gcfMerged in AFlags then
- begin
- partialCharCount := Trunc(UTF8Length(ATextUTF8)*(MaxWidth-WidthAccumulator)/AGlyph.Width);
- p := @ATextUTF8[1];
- pEnd := p+length(ATextUTF8);
- while (p 0) do
- begin
- charLen := UTF8CharacterLength(p);
- inc(p, charLen);
- inc(ByteCount, charLen);
- inc(CharCount);
- dec(partialCharCount);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- PrevGlyphId:= AGlyph.Identifier;
- end;
-procedure TBGRACustomTypeWriter.GlyphCallbackForDisplayInfo(ATextUTF8: string;
- AGlyph: TBGRAGlyph; AFlags: TBrowseGlyphCallbackFlags; AData: Pointer; out AContinue: boolean);
- m2: TAffineMatrix;
- kerning: Single;
- with TDisplayInfoCallbackData(AData^) do
- begin
- if gcfKerning in AFlags then
- begin
- if gcfRightToLeft in AFlags then
- kerning := GetKerningOffset(AGlyph.Identifier, PrevGlyphId, gcfRightToLeft in AFlags)
- else kerning := GetKerningOffset(PrevGlyphId, AGlyph.Identifier, gcfRightToLeft in AFlags);
- Matrix := Matrix*AffineMatrixTranslation(kerning,0);
- end;
- if Align in [twaLeft,twaMiddle,twaRight] then
- m2 := Matrix*AffineMatrixTranslation(0,-AGlyph.Height/2) else
- if Align in [twaBottomLeft,twaBottom,twaBottomRight] then
- m2 := Matrix*AffineMatrixTranslation(0,-AGlyph.Height)
- else
- m2 := Matrix;
- if gcfMirrored in AFlags then
- m2 := m2*AffineMatrixTranslation(AGlyph.Width,0)*AffineMatrixScale(-1,1);
- Info[InfoIndex].Glyph := AGlyph;
- Info[InfoIndex].Mirrored:= gcfMirrored in AFlags;
- Info[InfoIndex].RTL := gcfRightToLeft in AFlags;
- Info[InfoIndex].Matrix := m2;
- Matrix := Matrix*AffineMatrixTranslation(AGlyph.Width,0);
- inc(InfoIndex);
- PrevGlyphId := AGlyph.Identifier;
- end;
- AContinue:= true;
-function TBGRACustomTypeWriter.FindGlyph(AIdentifier: string): TAVLTreeNode;
-var Comp: integer;
- Node: TAVLTreeNode;
- Node:=FGlyphs.Root;
- while (Node<>nil) do begin
- Comp:=CompareStr(AIdentifier,TBGRAGlyph(Node.Data).Identifier);
- if Comp=0 then break;
- if Comp<0 then begin
- Node:=Node.Left
- end else begin
- Node:=Node.Right
- end;
- end;
- result := Node;
-constructor TBGRACustomTypeWriter.Create;
- FGlyphs := TAVLTree.Create(@CompareGlyphNode);
- TypeWriterMatrix := AffineMatrixIdentity;
- OutlineMode:= twoFill;
- DrawGlyphsSimultaneously := false;
- FKerningInfos := nil;
-function TBGRACustomTypeWriter.GetTextSizeBeforeTransform(ATextUTF8: string): TPointF;
-var data: TTextSizeCallbackData;
- data.Size := PointF(0,0);
- data.PrevGlyphId:= '';
- BrowseGlyphs(ATextUTF8, @GlyphCallbackForTextSizeBeforeTransform, @data, false);
- result := data.Size;
-procedure TBGRACustomTypeWriter.TextFitInfoBeforeTransform(ATextUTF8: string; AMaxWidth: single;
- out ACharCount, AByteCount: integer; out AUsedWidth: single);
- data: TTextFitInfoCallbackData;
- data.WidthAccumulator:= 0;
- data.MaxWidth := AMaxWidth;
- data.CharCount:= 0;
- data.ByteCount:= 0;
- data.PrevGlyphId:= '';
- BrowseGlyphs(ATextUTF8, @GlyphCallbackForTextFitInfoBeforeTransform, @data, false);
- ACharCount:= data.CharCount;
- AByteCount:= data.ByteCount;
- AUsedWidth:= data.WidthAccumulator;
-procedure TBGRACustomTypeWriter.DrawGlyph(ADest: TBGRACanvas2D;
- AIdentifier: string; X, Y: Single; AAlign: TBGRATypeWriterAlignment; AMirrored: boolean);
- GlyphPath(ADest, AIdentifier, X,Y, AAlign, AMirrored);
- DrawLastPath(ADest);
-procedure TBGRACustomTypeWriter.DrawText(ADest: TBGRACanvas2D; ATextUTF8: string;
- X, Y: Single; AAlign: TBGRATypeWriterAlignment);
- di: TBGRATextDisplayInfo;
- i: Integer;
- di := GetDisplayInfo(ATextUTF8,x,y,AAlign);
- if (OutlineMode <> twoPath) and not DrawGlyphsSimultaneously then
- begin
- //draw each glyph
- for i := 0 to high(di) do
- begin
- ADest.beginPath;
- di[i].Glyph.Path(ADest, di[i].Matrix, di[i].Mirrored);
- DrawLastPath(ADest);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- ADest.beginPath;
- for i := 0 to high(di) do
- di[i].Glyph.Path(ADest, di[i].Matrix, di[i].Mirrored);
- DrawLastPath(ADest);
- end;
-procedure TBGRACustomTypeWriter.CopyTextPathTo(ADest: IBGRAPath; ATextUTF8: string; X,Y: Single; AAlign: TBGRATypeWriterAlignment = twaTopLeft);
- i: integer;
- di: TBGRATextDisplayInfo;
- di := GetDisplayInfo(ATextUTF8,x,y,AAlign);
- for i := 0 to high(di) do
- di[i].Glyph.Path(ADest, di[i].Matrix, di[i].Mirrored);
-function TBGRACustomTypeWriter.GetGlyphBox(AIdentifier: string; X, Y: Single;
- AAlign: TBGRATypeWriterAlignment): TAffineBox;
-var g: TBGRAGlyph;
- m: TAffineMatrix;
- g := GetGlyph(AIdentifier);
- if g = nil then result := TAffineBox.EmptyBox else
- begin
- m := GetGlyphMatrix(g,X,Y,AAlign);
- result := TAffineBox.AffineBox(m*PointF(0,0),m*PointF(g.Width,0),m*PointF(0,g.Height));
- end;
-function TBGRACustomTypeWriter.GetTextBox(ATextUTF8: string; X, Y: Single;
- AAlign: TBGRATypeWriterAlignment): TAffineBox;
- m: TAffineMatrix;
- size: TPointF;
- if ATextUTF8 = '' then result := TAffineBox.EmptyBox else
- begin
- size := GetTextSizeBeforeTransform(ATextUTF8);
- m := AffineMatrixTranslation(X,Y)*TypeWriterMatrix;
- if AAlign in[twaTop,twaMiddle,twaBottom] then m := m*AffineMatrixTranslation(-size.x/2,0) else
- if AAlign in[twaTopRight, twaRight, twaBottomRight] then m := m*AffineMatrixTranslation(-size.x,0);
- if AAlign in [twaLeft,twaMiddle,twaRight] then m := m*AffineMatrixTranslation(0,-size.y/2) else
- if AAlign in [twaBottomLeft,twaBottom,twaBottomRight] then m := m*AffineMatrixTranslation(0,-size.y);
- result := TAffineBox.AffineBox(m*PointF(0,0),m*PointF(size.x,0),m*PointF(0,size.y));
- end;
-function TBGRACustomTypeWriter.GetTextGlyphBoxes(ATextUTF8: string; X, Y: Single;
- AAlign: TBGRATypeWriterAlignment): TGlyphBoxes;
- di: TBGRATextDisplayInfo;
- i: Integer;
- di := GetDisplayInfo(ATextUTF8, X,Y, AAlign);
- setlength(result, length(di));
- for i := 0 to high(result) do
- with di[i] do
- begin
- result[i].Glyph := Glyph.Identifier;
- result[i].Box := TAffineBox.AffineBox(Matrix*PointF(0,0),Matrix*PointF(Glyph.Width,0),Matrix*PointF(0,Glyph.Height));
- end;
-procedure TBGRACustomTypeWriter.NeedGlyphRange(AUnicodeFrom, AUnicodeTo: LongWord);
-var c: LongWord;
- for c := AUnicodeFrom to AUnicodeTo do
- GetGlyph(UnicodeCharToUTF8(c));
-procedure TBGRACustomTypeWriter.NeedGlyphAnsiRange;
-var i: integer;
- for i := 0 to 255 do
- GetGlyph(AnsiToUtf8(chr(i)));
-function TBGRACustomTypeWriter.GetDisplayInfo(ATextUTF8: string; X,
- Y: Single; AAlign: TBGRATypeWriterAlignment): TBGRATextDisplayInfo;
- data: TDisplayInfoCallbackData;
- data.Align := AAlign;
- data.Matrix := GetTextMatrix(ATextUTF8, X,Y,AAlign);
- setlength(data.Info, UTF8Length(ATextUTF8));
- data.InfoIndex := 0;
- data.PrevGlyphId:= '';
- BrowseGlyphs(ATextUTF8, @GlyphCallbackForDisplayInfo, @data, true);
- setlength(data.Info, data.InfoIndex);
- result := data.Info;
-procedure TBGRACustomTypeWriter.GlyphPath(ADest: TBGRACanvas2D; AIdentifier: string;
- X, Y: Single; AAlign: TBGRATypeWriterAlignment; AMirrored: boolean);
-var g: TBGRAGlyph;
- ADest.beginPath;
- g := GetGlyph(AIdentifier);
- if g = nil then exit;
- if AMirrored then
- g.Path(ADest, GetGlyphMatrix(g,X,Y,AAlign), AMirrored)
- else
- g.Path(ADest, GetGlyphMatrix(g,X,Y,AAlign)*AffineMatrixTranslation(g.Width,0)*AffineMatrixScale(-1,1), AMirrored);
-procedure TBGRACustomTypeWriter.DrawLastPath(ADest: TBGRACanvas2D);
- case OutlineMode of
- twoPath: ;
- twoFill: ADest.fill;
- twoStroke: ADest.stroke;
- twoFillOverStroke: ADest.fillOverStroke;
- twoStrokeOverFill: ADest.strokeOverFill;
- twoFillThenStroke: begin ADest.fill; ADest.stroke; end;
- twoStrokeThenFill: begin ADest.stroke; ADest.fill; end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRACustomTypeWriter.ClearGlyphs;
- FGlyphs.FreeAndClear;
- if Assigned(FKerningInfos) then
- FKerningInfos.FreeAndClear;
-procedure TBGRACustomTypeWriter.RemoveGlyph(AIdentifier: string);
-var Node: TAVLTreeNode;
- Node := FindGlyph(AIdentifier);
- if Node <> nil then FGlyphs.FreeAndDelete(Node);
-procedure TBGRACustomTypeWriter.AddGlyph(AGlyph: TBGRAGlyph);
- Glyph[AGlyph.Identifier] := AGlyph;
-procedure TBGRACustomTypeWriter.SaveGlyphsToStream(AStream: TStream);
- Enumerator: TAVLTreeNodeEnumerator;
- LEWriteLongint(AStream,CustomHeaderSize);
- WriteCustomHeader(AStream);
- Enumerator := FGlyphs.GetEnumerator;
- while Enumerator.MoveNext do
- TBGRAGlyph(Enumerator.Current.Data).SaveToStream(AStream);
- Enumerator.Free;
-procedure TBGRACustomTypeWriter.LoadGlyphsFromFile(AFilenameUTF8: string);
-var Stream: TFileStreamUTF8;
- Stream := nil;
- try
- Stream := TFileStreamUTF8.Create(AFilenameUTF8, fmOpenRead);
- LoadGlyphsFromStream(Stream);
- finally
- Stream.Free;
- end;
-procedure TBGRACustomTypeWriter.LoadGlyphsFromStream(AStream: TStream);
-var Header: TBGRACustomTypeWriterHeader;
- i: integer;
- g: TBGRAGlyph;
- HeaderSize: integer;
- GlyphStartPosition: Int64;
- HeaderSize := LEReadLongint(AStream);
- GlyphStartPosition:= AStream.Position+HeaderSize;
- Header := ReadCustomTypeWriterHeader(AStream);
- if header.HeaderName <> HeaderName then
- raise exception.Create('Invalid file format ("'+header.HeaderName+'" should be "'+HeaderName+'")');
- ReadAdditionalHeader(AStream);
- AStream.Position:= GlyphStartPosition;
- for i := 0 to Header.NbGlyphs-1 do
- begin
- g := TBGRAGlyph.LoadFromStream(AStream);
- AddGlyph(g);
- end;
-procedure TBGRACustomTypeWriter.SaveGlyphsToFile(AFilenameUTF8: string);
-var Stream: TFileStreamUTF8;
- Stream := nil;
- try
- Stream := TFileStreamUTF8.Create(AFilenameUTF8, fmCreate or fmOpenWrite);
- SaveGlyphsToStream(Stream);
- finally
- Stream.Free;
- end;
-function TBGRACustomTypeWriter.GetGlyphMatrix(AGlyph: TBGRAGlyph; X, Y: Single;
- AAlign: TBGRATypeWriterAlignment): TAffineMatrix;
-var tGlyph: TPointF;
- if AGlyph = nil then
- begin
- result := AffineMatrixIdentity;
- exit;
- end;
- tGlyph := PointF(0,0);
- if AAlign in [twaTop,twaMiddle,twaBottom] then DecF(tGlyph.X, AGlyph.Width/2);
- if AAlign in [twaTopRight,twaRight,twaBottomRight] then DecF(tGlyph.X, AGlyph.Width);
- if AAlign in [twaLeft,twaMiddle,twaRight] then DecF(tGlyph.Y, AGlyph.Height/2);
- if AAlign in [twaBottomLeft,twaBottom,twaBottomRight] then DecF(tGlyph.Y, AGlyph.Height);
- result := AffineMatrixTranslation(X,Y)*TypeWriterMatrix*AffineMatrixTranslation(tGlyph.X,tGlyph.Y);
-function TBGRACustomTypeWriter.GetTextMatrix(ATextUTF8: string; X, Y: Single;
- AAlign: TBGRATypeWriterAlignment): TAffineMatrix;
- tGlyph, size: TPointF;
- tGlyph := PointF(0,0);
- if not (AAlign in [twaLeft,twaTopLeft,twaBottomLeft]) then
- begin
- size := GetTextSizeBeforeTransform(ATextUTF8);
- if AAlign in[twaTop,twaMiddle,twaBottom] then tGlyph.X := -size.x/2 else
- if AAlign in[twaTopRight, twaRight, twaBottomRight] then tGlyph.X := -size.x;
- end;
- result := AffineMatrixTranslation(X,Y)*TypeWriterMatrix*AffineMatrixTranslation(tGlyph.X,tGlyph.Y);
-function TBGRACustomTypeWriter.CustomHeaderSize: integer;
- result := 1+length(HeaderName)+4;
-procedure TBGRACustomTypeWriter.WriteCustomHeader(AStream: TStream);
-var lHeaderName: string;
- lHeaderName:= HeaderName;
- LEWriteByte(AStream,length(lHeaderName));
- AStream.Write(lHeaderName[1],length(lHeaderName));
- LEWriteLongint(AStream,FGlyphs.Count);
-function TBGRACustomTypeWriter.ReadCustomTypeWriterHeader(AStream: TStream
- ): TBGRACustomTypeWriterHeader;
- setlength(result.HeaderName, LEReadByte(AStream));
- AStream.Read(result.HeaderName[1],length(result.HeaderName));
- result.NbGlyphs:= LEReadLongint(AStream);
-procedure TBGRACustomTypeWriter.ReadAdditionalHeader(AStream: TStream);
- //nothing
-function TBGRACustomTypeWriter.HeaderName: string;
- result := 'TBGRACustomTypeWriter';
-procedure TBGRACustomTypeWriter.BrowseGlyphs(ATextUTF8: string;
- ACallback: TBrowseGlyphCallback; AData: pointer; ADisplayOrder: boolean);
- TCharInfo = record
- charStart, charEnd: integer;
- bidiInfo: PUnicodeBidiInfo;
- end;
- function CharEquals(const info: TCharInfo; text: string): boolean;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- if info.charEnd-info.charStart >= length(text) then
- begin
- for i := 1 to length(text) do
- if ATextUTF8[info.charStart+i-1] <> text[i] then exit(false);
- result := true;
- end else
- result := false;
- end;
- bidiArray: TBidiUTF8Array;
- charInfo: array of TCharInfo;
- procedure OrderedCharInfo;
- var
- displayOrder: TUnicodeDisplayOrder;
- bidiIdx, orderIndex, nb: integer;
- begin
- displayOrder := GetUTF8DisplayOrder(bidiArray);
- orderIndex := 0;
- nb := 0;
- for orderIndex := 0 to high(displayOrder) do
- if bidiArray[displayOrder[orderIndex]].BidiInfo.IsMulticharStart then inc(nb);
- setlength(charInfo, nb);
- nb := 0;
- for orderIndex := 0 to high(displayOrder) do
- if bidiArray[displayOrder[orderIndex]].BidiInfo.IsMulticharStart then
- begin
- bidiIdx := displayOrder[orderIndex];
- charInfo[nb].charStart := bidiArray[bidiIdx].Offset+1;
- charInfo[nb].bidiInfo := @bidiArray[bidiIdx].BidiInfo;
- while (bidiIdx < high(bidiArray)) and
- not bidiArray[bidiIdx+1].BidiInfo.IsMulticharStart do inc(bidiIdx);
- if bidiIdx < high(bidiArray) then charInfo[nb].charEnd := bidiArray[bidiIdx+1].Offset+1
- else charInfo[nb].charEnd := length(ATextUTF8)+1;
- inc(nb);
- end;
- end;
- procedure UnorderedCharInfo;
- var
- i,nb: Integer;
- begin
- nb := 0;
- i := 0;
- while i <= high(bidiArray) do
- begin
- if not bidiArray[i].BidiInfo.IsRemoved then
- begin
- inc(nb);
- while (i < high(bidiArray)) and not bidiArray[i+1].BidiInfo.IsMulticharStart do inc(i);
- end;
- inc(i);
- end;
- setlength(charInfo,nb);
- nb := 0;
- i := 0;
- while i <= high(bidiArray) do
- begin
- if not bidiArray[i].BidiInfo.IsRemoved then
- begin
- charInfo[nb].charStart := bidiArray[i].Offset+1;
- charInfo[nb].bidiInfo:= @bidiArray[i].BidiInfo;
- while (i < high(bidiArray)) and not bidiArray[i+1].BidiInfo.IsMulticharStart do inc(i);
- if i < high(bidiArray) then charInfo[nb].charEnd := bidiArray[i+1].Offset+1
- else charInfo[nb].charEnd := length(ATextUTF8)+1;
- inc(nb);
- end;
- inc(i);
- end;
- end;
- cur,curStart: integer;
- curRTL,curRTLScript,curLigatureLeft,curLigatureRight,merged: boolean;
- procedure TryMerge(const AChars: array of string);
- var
- i: Integer;
- match: Boolean;
- begin
- if merged or (cur-1+length(AChars) > length(charInfo)) then exit;
- if length(AChars)<=1 then raise exception.Create('Expecting several characters');
- match := true;
- if not ADisplayOrder and curRTL then
- begin
- for i := 0 to high(AChars) do
- if not CharEquals(charInfo[cur-1+high(AChars)-i], AChars[i]) then match := false;
- end else
- for i := 0 to high(AChars) do
- if not CharEquals(charInfo[cur-1+i], AChars[i]) then match := false;
- if match then
- begin
- inc(cur, length(AChars)-1);
- if not ADisplayOrder and curRTL then
- curLigatureLeft:= charInfo[cur-1].bidiInfo^.HasLigatureLeft
- else
- curLigatureRight:= charInfo[cur-1].bidiInfo^.HasLigatureRight;
- merged := true;
- end;
- end;
- nextchar,glyphId: string;
- g: TBGRAGlyph;
- u: LongWord;
- shouldContinue: boolean;
- flags: TBrowseGlyphCallbackFlags;
- i,charDestPos,charLen: integer;
- prevGlyphId: string;
- prevRTL: boolean;
- bracketInfo: TUnicodeBracketInfo;
- if ATextUTF8 = '' then exit;
- bidiArray := AnalyzeBidiUTF8(ATextUTF8, BidiMode);
- if ADisplayOrder then OrderedCharInfo else UnorderedCharInfo;
- cur := 0;
- prevGlyphId:= '';
- prevRTL := false;
- while cur < length(charInfo) do
- begin
- curStart := cur;
- curRTL:= charInfo[cur].bidiInfo^.IsRightToLeft;
- curRTLScript := charInfo[cur].bidiInfo^.IsRightToLeftScript;
- curLigatureLeft:= charInfo[cur].bidiInfo^.HasLigatureLeft;
- curLigatureRight:= charInfo[cur].bidiInfo^.HasLigatureRight;
- merged := false;
- inc(cur);
- TryMerge(['f','f','i']);
- TryMerge(['f','f','l']);
- TryMerge(['f','f']);
- TryMerge(['f','i']);
- TryMerge(['f','l']);
- //text extract correspond to the unordered actual sequence of characters
- setlength(nextchar, max(charInfo[curStart].charEnd, charInfo[cur-1].charEnd)
- -min(charInfo[curStart].charStart, charInfo[cur-1].charStart));
- move(ATextUTF8[min(charInfo[curStart].charStart, charInfo[cur-1].charStart)], nextchar[1], length(nextchar));
- //glyph direction corresponds to script direction
- if (curRTL and not ADisplayOrder) <> curRTLScript then
- begin
- setlength(glyphId, length(nextChar));
- charDestPos := 1;
- for i := cur-1 downto curStart do
- begin
- charLen := charInfo[i].charEnd-charInfo[i].charStart;
- move(ATextUTF8[charInfo[i].charStart], glyphId[charDestPos], charLen);
- inc(charDestPos, charLen);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- setlength(glyphId, length(nextChar));
- charDestPos := 1;
- for i := curStart to cur-1 do
- begin
- charLen := charInfo[i].charEnd-charInfo[i].charStart;
- move(ATextUTF8[charInfo[i].charStart], glyphId[charDestPos], charLen);
- inc(charDestPos, charLen);
- end;
- end;
- glyphId := UTF8Ligature(glyphId, curRTLScript, curLigatureLeft, curLigatureRight);
- flags := [];
- if merged then include(flags, gcfMerged);
- if curRTL then include(flags, gcfRightToLeft);
- if curRTL and charInfo[curStart].bidiInfo^.IsMirrored and (UTF8Length(glyphId)=1) then
- begin
- u := UTF8CodepointToUnicode(pchar(glyphId), length(glyphId));
- if SubstituteBidiBracket then
- begin
- bracketInfo := GetUnicodeBracketInfo(u);
- if bracketInfo.OpeningBracket = u then
- glyphId := UnicodeCharToUTF8(bracketInfo.ClosingBracket)
- else if bracketInfo.ClosingBracket = u then
- glyphId := UnicodeCharToUTF8(bracketInfo.OpeningBracket)
- else
- include(flags, gcfMirrored);
- end else
- include(flags, gcfMirrored);
- end;
- g := GetGlyph(glyphId);
- if g <> nil then
- begin
- if (prevGlyphId <> '') and (curRTL = prevRTL) then include(flags, gcfKerning);
- ACallback(nextchar, g, flags, AData, shouldContinue);
- prevGlyphId := glyphId;
- prevRTL := curRTL;
- if not shouldContinue then break;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRACustomTypeWriter.BrowseAllGlyphs(
- ACallback: TBrowseGlyphCallback; AData: pointer);
- g: TAVLTreeNode;
- shouldContinue: boolean;
- g := FGlyphs.FindLowest;
- shouldContinue:= true;
- while Assigned(g) and shouldContinue do
- begin
- ACallback(TBGRAGlyph(g.Data).Identifier, TBGRAGlyph(g.Data), [],
- AData, shouldContinue);
- g := g.Right;
- end;
-procedure TBGRACustomTypeWriter.GlyphCallbackForTextSizeBeforeTransform(
- ATextUTF8: string; AGlyph: TBGRAGlyph; AFlags: TBrowseGlyphCallbackFlags;
- AData: pointer; out AContinue: boolean);
- gSizeY: Single;
- with TTextSizeCallbackData(AData^) do
- begin
- if gcfKerning in AFlags then
- incF(size.x, GetKerningOffset(PrevGlyphId, AGlyph.Identifier, gcfRightToLeft in AFlags) );
- IncF(Size.x, AGlyph.Width);
- gSizeY := AGlyph.Height;
- if gSizeY > Size.y then Size.y := gSizeY;
- PrevGlyphId:= AGlyph.Identifier;
- end;
- AContinue:= true;
-function TBGRACustomTypeWriter.FindKerning(AIdLeft, AIdRight: string): TAVLTreeNode;
-var Comp: integer;
- Node: TAVLTreeNode;
- if not Assigned(FKerningInfos) then exit(nil);
- Node:=FKerningInfos.Root;
- while (Node<>nil) do begin
- Comp:=CompareStr(AIdLeft,TKerningInfo(Node.Data).IdLeft);
- if Comp=0 then
- Comp:=CompareStr(AIdRight,TKerningInfo(Node.Data).IdRight);
- if Comp=0 then break;
- if Comp<0 then begin
- Node:=Node.Left
- end else begin
- Node:=Node.Right
- end;
- end;
- result := Node;
-function TBGRACustomTypeWriter.GetKerningOffset(AIdBefore, AIdAfter: string; ARightToLeft: boolean): single;
- temp: String;
- node: TAVLTreeNode;
- info: TKerningInfo;
- if ARightToLeft then
- begin
- temp := AIdBefore;
- AIdBefore := AIdAfter;
- AIdAfter := temp;
- end;
- if FKerningInfos = nil then
- FKerningInfos := TAVLTree.Create(@CompareKerningInfo);
- node := FindKerning(AIdBefore, AIdAfter);
- if Assigned(node) then
- result := TKerningInfo(node.Data).KerningOffset
- else
- begin
- result := ComputeKerning(AIdBefore, AIdAfter);
- info := TKerningInfo.Create;
- info.IdLeft:= AIdBefore;
- info.IdRight:= AIdAfter;
- info.KerningOffset:= result;
- FKerningInfos.Add(Pointer(info));
- end;
-function TBGRACustomTypeWriter.ComputeKerning(AIdLeft, AIdRight: string): single;
- result := 0;
-destructor TBGRACustomTypeWriter.Destroy;
- if Assigned(FKerningInfos) then
- begin
- FKerningInfos.FreeAndClear;
- FKerningInfos.Free;
- end;
- FGlyphs.FreeAndClear;
- FGlyphs.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgraunicode.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgraunicode.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 5962e71..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgraunicode.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1301 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAUnicode;
-{ Implementation of Unicode bidi algorithm }
-{ Author: circular }
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
-{$modeswitch advancedrecords}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils;
- TUnicodeBidiClass = (ubcBoundaryNeutral, ubcSegmentSeparator, ubcParagraphSeparator, ubcWhiteSpace, ubcOtherNeutrals,
- ubcCommonSeparator, ubcNonSpacingMark,
- ubcLeftToRight, ubcEuropeanNumber, ubcEuropeanNumberSeparator, ubcEuropeanNumberTerminator,
- ubcRightToLeft, ubcArabicLetter, ubcArabicNumber,
- ubcUnknown,
- ubcCombiningLeftToRight, //ubcLeftToRight in Mc category
- ubcMirroredNeutral); //ubcOtherNeutrals with Mirrored property
- TUnicodeJoiningType = (ujtNonJoining{U}, ujtTransparent{T}, ujtRightJoining{R}, ujtLeftJoining{L},
- ujtDualJoining{D}, ujtJoinCausing{C});
- TFontBidiMode = (fbmAuto, fbmLeftToRight, fbmRightToLeft);
- ubcNeutral = [ubcSegmentSeparator, ubcParagraphSeparator, ubcWhiteSpace, ubcOtherNeutrals];
- BIDI_FLAG_REMOVED = 1; //RLE, LRE, RLO, LRO, PDF and BN are supposed to be removed
- BIDI_FLAG_IMPLICIT_END_OF_PARAGRAPH = 2; //implicit end of paragraph (paragraph spacing below due to end of text)
- BIDI_FLAG_EXPLICIT_END_OF_PARAGRAPH = 4; //explicit end of paragraph (paragraph spacing below due to paragraph split)
- BIDI_FLAG_END_OF_LINE = 8; //line break
- BIDI_FLAG_LIGATURE_RIGHT = 16; //joins to the letter on the right (possible for joining type R and D)
- BIDI_FLAG_LIGATURE_LEFT = 32; //joins to the letter on the left (possible for joining type L and D)
- BIDI_FLAG_LIGATURE_BOUNDARY = 64; //zero-width joiner or non-joiner
- BIDI_FLAG_LIGATURE_TRANSPARENT = 128; //does not affect ligature
- BIDI_FLAG_RTL_SCRIPT = 256; //script is written from right to left (arabic, N'Ko...)
- BIDI_FLAG_NON_SPACING_MARK = 512; //it is a non-spacing mark
- BIDI_FLAG_COMBINING_LEFT = 1024; //this letter is to be combined to the left of previous letter
- BIDI_FLAG_COMBINING_RIGHT = 2048; //this letter is to be combined to the right of previous letter
- BIDI_FLAG_MULTICHAR_START = 4096; //start of a multichar (letter + non spacing marks, non spacing marks)
- BIDI_FLAG_MIRRORED = 8192; //the glyph is mirrored when in RTL text
- PUnicodeBidiInfo = ^TUnicodeBidiInfo;
- { TUnicodeBidiInfo }
- TUnicodeBidiInfo = packed record
- private
- function GetDiscardable: boolean;
- function GetEndOfLine: boolean;
- function GetEndOfParagraph: boolean;
- function GetExplicitEndOfParagraph: boolean;
- function GetHasLigatureLeft: boolean;
- function GetHasLigatureRight: boolean;
- function GetImplicitEndOfParagraph: boolean;
- function GetIsCombiningLeft: boolean;
- function GetIsCombiningRight: boolean;
- function GetIsMirrored: boolean;
- function GetLigatureBoundary: boolean;
- function GetLigatureTransparent: boolean;
- function GetMulticharStart: boolean;
- function GetNonSpacingMark: boolean;
- function GetRemoved: boolean;
- function GetRightToLeft: boolean;
- function GetParagraphRightToLeft: boolean;
- function GetRightToLeftScript: boolean;
- public
- ParagraphBidiLevel, BidiLevel: byte;
- Flags: Word;
- class operator =(const AInfo1, AInfo2: TUnicodeBidiInfo): boolean;
- property IsRemoved: boolean read GetRemoved;
- property IsRightToLeft: boolean read GetRightToLeft;
- property IsParagraphRightToLeft: boolean read GetParagraphRightToLeft;
- property IsEndOfLine: boolean read GetEndOfLine;
- property IsEndOfParagraph: boolean read GetEndOfParagraph;
- property IsExplicitEndOfParagraph: boolean read GetExplicitEndOfParagraph;
- property IsImplicitEndOfParagraph: boolean read GetImplicitEndOfParagraph;
- property HasLigatureRight: boolean read GetHasLigatureRight;
- property HasLigatureLeft: boolean read GetHasLigatureLeft;
- property IsLigatureBoundary: boolean read GetLigatureBoundary;
- property IsLigatureTransparent: boolean read GetLigatureTransparent;
- property IsDiscardable: boolean read GetDiscardable;
- property IsRightToLeftScript: boolean read GetRightToLeftScript;
- property IsNonSpacingMark: boolean read GetNonSpacingMark;
- property IsCombiningLeft: boolean read GetIsCombiningLeft;
- property IsCombiningRight: boolean read GetIsCombiningRight;
- property IsMulticharStart: boolean read GetMulticharStart;
- property IsMirrored: boolean read GetIsMirrored;
- end;
- TUnicodeBidiArray = packed array of TUnicodeBidiInfo;
- TUnicodeDisplayOrder = array of integer;
- //maximum nesting level of isolates and bidi-formatting blocks (char bidi level can actually be higher due to char properties)
- UNICODE_LINE_SEPARATOR = $2028; //equivalent of
- UNICODE_PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR = $2029; //equivalent of
- UNICODE_NEXT_LINE = $0085; //equivalent of CRLF
- //characters that split lines into top-level bidi blocks
- //characters that split into bidi sub-blocks (called "formatting")
- //characters that mark direction without splitting the bidi block
- //data separators
- UNICODE_INFORMATION_SEPARATOR_THREE = $001D; //section separator
- UNICODE_INFORMATION_SEPARATOR_TWO = $001E; //record separator, kind of equivalent to paragraph separator
- UNICODE_INFORMATION_SEPARATOR_ONE = $001F; //field separator, kind of equivalent to Tab
- //zero-width
- //arabic letters
- UNICODE_ARABIC_TATWEEL = $0640; //horizontal line that makes a ligature with most letters
- //ideographic punctuation
- //bracket equivalence
-type //bracket matching
- TUnicodeBracketInfo = record
- IsBracket: boolean;
- OpeningBracket,ClosingBracket: LongWord;
- end;
-{ Returns the Bidi class as defined by Unicode used to determine text direction }
-function GetUnicodeBidiClass(u: LongWord): TUnicodeBidiClass;
-{ Same as above but returns additional classes: ubcCombiningLeftToRight and ubcMirroredNeutral }
-function GetUnicodeBidiClassEx(u: LongWord): TUnicodeBidiClass;
-function GetUnicodeBracketInfo(u: LongWord): TUnicodeBracketInfo;
-{ Returns how the letter can be joined to the surrounding letters (for example in arabic) }
-function GetUnicodeJoiningType(u: LongWord): TUnicodeJoiningType;
-{ Returns the Combining class defined by unicode for non-spacing marks and combining marks
- or 255 if the character is not to be combined }
-function GetUnicodeCombiningClass(u: LongWord): byte;
-function IsZeroWidthUnicode(u: LongWord): boolean;
-{ Returns if the symbol can be mirrored horizontally for right-to-left text }
-function IsUnicodeMirrored(u: LongWord): boolean;
-function IsUnicodeParagraphSeparator(u: LongWord): boolean;
-function IsUnicodeCrLf(u: LongWord): boolean;
-function IsUnicodeSpace(u: LongWord): boolean;
-function IsUnicodeIsolateOrFormatting(u: LongWord): boolean;
-function IsModifierCombiningMark(u: LongWord): boolean;
-{ Analyze unicode and return bidi levels for each character.
-function AnalyzeBidiUnicode(u: PLongWord; ALength: integer; baseDirection: LongWord): TUnicodeBidiArray;
-function AnalyzeBidiUnicode(u: PLongWord; ALength: integer; ABidiMode: TFontBidiMode): TUnicodeBidiArray;
-{ Determine diplay order, provided the display surface is horizontally infinite }
-function GetUnicodeDisplayOrder(const AInfo: TUnicodeBidiArray): TUnicodeDisplayOrder; overload;
-function GetUnicodeDisplayOrder(ALevels: PByte; ACount: integer): TUnicodeDisplayOrder; overload;
-function GetUnicodeDisplayOrder(ABidiInfo: PUnicodeBidiInfo; AStride, ACount: integer): TUnicodeDisplayOrder; overload;
-{$i generatedunicode.inc}
-function GetUnicodeCombiningClass(u: LongWord): byte;
- minIndex, maxIndex, midIndex: Integer;
- compU: LongWord;
- minIndex := 0;
- maxIndex := high(UnicodeCombiningInfos);
- repeat
- midIndex := (minIndex+maxIndex) shr 1;
- compU := UnicodeCombiningInfos[midIndex].u;
- if u = compU then exit(UnicodeCombiningInfos[midIndex].c) else
- if u < compU then maxIndex := midIndex-1
- else minIndex := midIndex+1;
- until maxIndex < minIndex;
- result := 255; //not combining
-function GetUnicodeBidiClass(u: LongWord): TUnicodeBidiClass;
- result := GetUnicodeBidiClassEx(u);
- if result = ubcMirroredNeutral then result := ubcOtherNeutrals
- else if result = ubcCombiningLeftToRight then result := ubcLeftToRight;
-function IsUnicodeMirrored(u: LongWord): boolean;
- result := GetUnicodeBidiClassEx(u) = ubcMirroredNeutral;
-function IsZeroWidthUnicode(u: LongWord): boolean;
- case u of
- else result := false;
- end;
-function IsUnicodeParagraphSeparator(u: LongWord): boolean;
- case u of
- else result := false;
- end;
-function IsUnicodeCrLf(u: LongWord): boolean;
- result := (u=10) or (u=13);
-function IsUnicodeSpace(u: LongWord): boolean;
- result := GetUnicodeBidiClass(u) = ubcWhiteSpace;
-function IsUnicodeIsolateOrFormatting(u: LongWord): boolean;
- case u of
- else exit(false);
- end;
-function IsModifierCombiningMark(u: LongWord): boolean;
- case u of
- $0654,$0655,$0658,$06DC,$06E3,$06E7,$06E8,$08D3,$08F3: exit(true);
- else exit(false);
- end;
-{ TUnicodeBidiInfo }
-function TUnicodeBidiInfo.GetDiscardable: boolean;
- result := IsRemoved and not IsLigatureBoundary;
-function TUnicodeBidiInfo.GetEndOfLine: boolean;
- result := (Flags and BIDI_FLAG_END_OF_LINE) <> 0;
-function TUnicodeBidiInfo.GetEndOfParagraph: boolean;
-function TUnicodeBidiInfo.GetExplicitEndOfParagraph: boolean;
- result := (Flags and BIDI_FLAG_EXPLICIT_END_OF_PARAGRAPH) <> 0;
-function TUnicodeBidiInfo.GetHasLigatureLeft: boolean;
- result := (Flags and BIDI_FLAG_LIGATURE_LEFT) <> 0;
-function TUnicodeBidiInfo.GetHasLigatureRight: boolean;
- result := (Flags and BIDI_FLAG_LIGATURE_RIGHT) <> 0;
-function TUnicodeBidiInfo.GetImplicitEndOfParagraph: boolean;
- result := (Flags and BIDI_FLAG_IMPLICIT_END_OF_PARAGRAPH) <> 0;
-function TUnicodeBidiInfo.GetIsCombiningLeft: boolean;
- result := (Flags and BIDI_FLAG_COMBINING_LEFT) <> 0;
-function TUnicodeBidiInfo.GetIsCombiningRight: boolean;
- result := (Flags and BIDI_FLAG_COMBINING_RIGHT) <> 0;
-function TUnicodeBidiInfo.GetIsMirrored: boolean;
- result := (Flags and BIDI_FLAG_MIRRORED) <> 0;
-function TUnicodeBidiInfo.GetLigatureBoundary: boolean;
- result := (Flags and BIDI_FLAG_LIGATURE_BOUNDARY) <> 0;
-function TUnicodeBidiInfo.GetLigatureTransparent: boolean;
- result := (Flags and BIDI_FLAG_LIGATURE_TRANSPARENT) <> 0;
-function TUnicodeBidiInfo.GetMulticharStart: boolean;
- result := (Flags and BIDI_FLAG_MULTICHAR_START) <> 0;
-function TUnicodeBidiInfo.GetNonSpacingMark: boolean;
- result := (Flags and BIDI_FLAG_NON_SPACING_MARK) <> 0;
-function TUnicodeBidiInfo.GetRemoved: boolean;
- result := (Flags and BIDI_FLAG_REMOVED) <> 0;
-function TUnicodeBidiInfo.GetRightToLeft: boolean;
- result := Odd(BidiLevel);
-function TUnicodeBidiInfo.GetParagraphRightToLeft: boolean;
- result := Odd(ParagraphBidiLevel);
-function TUnicodeBidiInfo.GetRightToLeftScript: boolean;
- result := (Flags and BIDI_FLAG_RTL_SCRIPT) <> 0;
-class operator TUnicodeBidiInfo.=(const AInfo1, AInfo2: TUnicodeBidiInfo
- ): boolean;
- result := (AInfo1.BidiLevel = AInfo2.BidiLevel) and
- (AInfo1.Flags = AInfo2.Flags) and
- (AInfo1.ParagraphBidiLevel = AInfo2.ParagraphBidiLevel);
-function AnalyzeBidiUnicode(u: PLongWord; ALength: integer; baseDirection: LongWord): TUnicodeBidiArray;
- TUnicodeAnalysisElement = record
- bidiClass: TUnicodeBidiClass;
- prevInIsolate, nextInIsolate: integer; //next index in current isolate
- end;
- TUnicodeAnalysisArray = array of TUnicodeAnalysisElement;
- a: TUnicodeAnalysisArray;
- procedure ResolveWeakTypes(startIndex, afterEndIndex: integer; startOfSequence, {%H-}endOfSequence: TUnicodeBidiClass);
- var
- curIndex,backIndex: Integer;
- latestStrongClass, prevClass: TUnicodeBidiClass;
- begin
- //rules W1 and W2
- prevClass := startOfSequence;
- latestStrongClass:= prevClass;
- curIndex := startIndex;
- while curIndex <> afterEndIndex do
- begin
- if not result[curIndex].IsRemoved then
- begin
- case a[curIndex].bidiClass of
- ubcNonSpacingMark: a[curIndex].bidiClass:= prevClass;
- ubcEuropeanNumber: if latestStrongClass = ubcArabicLetter then a[curIndex].bidiClass:= ubcArabicNumber;
- end;
- case u[curIndex] of
- UNICODE_POP_DIRECTIONAL_ISOLATE: prevClass := ubcOtherNeutrals;
- else prevClass := a[curIndex].bidiClass;
- end;
- if prevClass in [ubcLeftToRight,ubcRightToLeft,ubcArabicLetter] then latestStrongClass:= prevClass;
- end;
- curIndex := a[curIndex].nextInIsolate;
- end;
- // rule W4 and W5
- prevClass := startOfSequence;
- curIndex := startIndex;
- while curIndex <> afterEndIndex do
- begin
- if not result[curIndex].IsRemoved then
- begin
- case a[curIndex].bidiClass of
- ubcArabicLetter: a[curIndex].bidiClass := ubcRightToLeft;
- ubcEuropeanNumber:
- begin
- backIndex := curIndex;
- while backIndex > startIndex do
- begin
- dec(backIndex);
- if result[backIndex].IsRemoved then continue;
- if a[backIndex].bidiClass = ubcEuropeanNumberTerminator then
- a[backIndex].bidiClass := ubcEuropeanNumber
- else break;
- end;
- end;
- ubcEuropeanNumberSeparator:
- if (prevClass = ubcEuropeanNumber) and (a[curIndex].nextInIsolate <> afterEndIndex) and
- (a[a[curIndex].nextInIsolate].bidiClass = ubcEuropeanNumber) then
- a[curIndex].bidiClass:= ubcEuropeanNumber;
- ubcCommonSeparator:
- if (prevClass in[ubcEuropeanNumber,ubcArabicNumber]) and (a[curIndex].nextInIsolate <> afterEndIndex) and
- (a[a[curIndex].nextInIsolate].bidiClass = prevClass) then
- a[curIndex].bidiClass:= prevClass;
- ubcEuropeanNumberTerminator:
- if prevClass = ubcEuropeanNumber then
- a[curIndex].bidiClass:= ubcEuropeanNumber;
- end;
- prevClass := a[curIndex].bidiClass;
- end;
- curIndex := a[curIndex].nextInIsolate;
- end;
- // rule W6 and W7
- curIndex := startIndex;
- latestStrongClass := startOfSequence;
- while curIndex <> afterEndIndex do
- begin
- if not result[curIndex].IsRemoved then
- begin
- case a[curIndex].bidiClass of
- ubcEuropeanNumberSeparator,ubcEuropeanNumberTerminator,ubcCommonSeparator: a[curIndex].bidiClass := ubcOtherNeutrals;
- ubcLeftToRight,ubcRightToLeft,ubcArabicLetter: latestStrongClass:= a[curIndex].bidiClass;
- ubcEuropeanNumber: if latestStrongClass = ubcLeftToRight then a[curIndex].bidiClass := ubcLeftToRight;
- end;
- end;
- curIndex := a[curIndex].nextInIsolate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure ResolveNeutrals(startIndex, afterEndIndex: integer; startOfSequence, endOfSequence: TUnicodeBidiClass);
- var
- curIndex,prevIndex,previewIndex: Integer;
- curRTL, include, rightToLeftEmbedding: Boolean;
- bidiClass: TUnicodeBidiClass;
- begin
- rightToLeftEmbedding := odd(result[startIndex].BidiLevel);
- curIndex := startIndex;
- curRTL := startOfSequence in [ubcRightToLeft,ubcArabicLetter];
- while curIndex <> afterEndIndex do
- begin
- case a[curIndex].bidiClass of
- ubcLeftToRight: curRTL := false;
- ubcRightToLeft,ubcArabicLetter,ubcArabicNumber,ubcEuropeanNumber: curRTL := true;
- else
- if curRTL <> rightToLeftEmbedding then
- begin
- //determine whether following neutral chars are included in reverse direction
- prevIndex := curIndex;
- previewIndex := a[curIndex].nextInIsolate;
- include := false;
- while previewIndex <> afterEndIndex do //uses endOfSequence for overflow
- begin
- if previewIndex = afterEndIndex then
- bidiClass:= endOfSequence
- else
- bidiClass:= a[previewIndex].bidiClass;
- case bidiClass of
- ubcLeftToRight:
- begin
- include := not curRTL;
- break;
- end;
- ubcRightToLeft,ubcArabicLetter,ubcArabicNumber,ubcEuropeanNumber:
- begin
- include := curRTL;
- break;
- end;
- end;
- prevIndex := previewIndex;
- previewIndex := a[previewIndex].nextInIsolate;
- end;
- if previewIndex = afterEndIndex then previewIndex := prevIndex;
- if include then
- begin
- while curIndex <> previewIndex do
- begin
- if a[curIndex].bidiClass = ubcBoundaryNeutral then
- result[curIndex].Flags := result[curIndex].Flags OR BIDI_FLAG_REMOVED; //supposed to be removed for rendering
- if a[curIndex].bidiClass in (ubcNeutral+[ubcBoundaryNeutral,ubcUnknown]) then
- begin
- if curRTL then a[curIndex].bidiClass := ubcRightToLeft
- else a[curIndex].bidiClass := ubcLeftToRight;
- end;
- curIndex := a[curIndex].nextInIsolate;
- end;
- end else
- curRTL := rightToLeftEmbedding;
- end;
- end;
- if a[curIndex].bidiClass = ubcBoundaryNeutral then
- result[curIndex].Flags := result[curIndex].Flags OR BIDI_FLAG_REMOVED; //supposed to be removed for rendering
- if a[curIndex].bidiClass in (ubcNeutral+[ubcBoundaryNeutral,ubcUnknown]) then
- begin
- if curRTL then a[curIndex].bidiClass := ubcRightToLeft
- else a[curIndex].bidiClass := ubcLeftToRight;
- end;
- curIndex := a[curIndex].nextInIsolate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure ResolveBrackets(startIndex, afterEndIndex: integer; startOfSequence, {%H-}endOfSequence: TUnicodeBidiClass);
- type TBracketPair = record
- openIndex,closeIndex: integer;
- end;
- var
- bracketPairs: array of TBracketPair;
- bracketPairCount: integer;
- rightToLeft: boolean;
- procedure SortBracketPairs;
- var
- i,j,k: Integer;
- temp: TBracketPair;
- begin
- for i := 1 to bracketPairCount-1 do
- begin
- for j := 0 to i-1 do
- if bracketPairs[j].openIndex > bracketPairs[i].openIndex then
- begin
- temp := bracketPairs[i];
- for k := i downto j+1 do
- bracketPairs[k] := bracketPairs[k-1];
- bracketPairs[j] := temp;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure FindBrackets; // rule BD16
- const MAX_BRACKET_STACK = 63;
- var
- bracketStack: array[0..MAX_BRACKET_STACK-1] of record
- bracketCharInfo: TUnicodeBracketInfo;
- index: integer;
- end;
- bracketStackPos,peekPos: integer;
- curIndex: integer;
- curBracket: TUnicodeBracketInfo;
- begin
- bracketPairCount := 0;
- bracketStackPos := 0;
- bracketStack[0].index := -1; //avoid warning
- curIndex := startIndex;
- while curIndex <> afterEndIndex do
- begin
- if a[curIndex].bidiClass = ubcOtherNeutrals then
- begin
- curBracket := GetUnicodeBracketInfo(u[curIndex]);
- if curBracket.IsBracket then
- begin
- // found opening bracket
- if curBracket.OpeningBracket = u[curIndex] then
- begin
- if bracketStackPos <= high(bracketStack) then
- begin
- bracketStack[bracketStackPos].bracketCharInfo := curBracket;
- bracketStack[bracketStackPos].index := curIndex;
- inc(bracketStackPos);
- end else
- break;
- end else
- begin
- for peekPos := bracketStackPos-1 downto 0 do
- if (bracketStack[peekPos].bracketCharInfo.ClosingBracket = u[curIndex]) or
- ((bracketStack[peekPos].bracketCharInfo.ClosingBracket = UNICODE_RIGHT_ANGLE_BRACKET) and (u[curIndex] = UNICODE_RIGHT_POINTING_ANGLE_BRACKET)) or
- ((bracketStack[peekPos].bracketCharInfo.ClosingBracket = UNICODE_RIGHT_POINTING_ANGLE_BRACKET) and (u[curIndex] = UNICODE_RIGHT_ANGLE_BRACKET)) then
- begin
- bracketStackPos := peekPos;
- if bracketPairCount >= length(bracketPairs) then
- setlength(bracketPairs, bracketPairCount*2 + 8);
- bracketPairs[bracketPairCount].openIndex := bracketStack[peekPos].index;
- bracketPairs[bracketPairCount].closeIndex := curIndex;
- inc(bracketPairCount);
- break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- curIndex := a[curIndex].nextInIsolate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure SetCharClass(index: integer; newClass: TUnicodeBidiClass);
- begin
- a[index].bidiClass:= newClass;
- index := a[index].nextInIsolate;
- while (index <> afterEndIndex) and (GetUnicodeBidiClass(u[index]) = ubcNonSpacingMark) do
- begin
- a[index].bidiClass := newClass;
- index := a[index].nextInIsolate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure ResolveBrackets; // rule N0
- var
- i, curIndex: Integer;
- sameDirection, oppositeDirection, oppositeContext: boolean;
- begin
- for i := 0 to bracketPairCount-1 do
- begin
- curIndex := bracketPairs[i].openIndex+1;
- sameDirection:= false;
- oppositeDirection:= false;
- while curIndex <> bracketPairs[i].closeIndex do
- begin
- Assert((curIndex >= startIndex) and (curIndex < length(a)), 'Expecting valid index');
- case a[curIndex].bidiClass of
- ubcLeftToRight:
- if not rightToLeft then
- begin
- sameDirection := true;
- break;
- end else oppositeDirection:= true;
- ubcRightToLeft,ubcArabicLetter,ubcEuropeanNumber,ubcArabicNumber:
- if rightToLeft then
- begin
- sameDirection := true;
- break;
- end else oppositeDirection:= true;
- end;
- curIndex := a[curIndex].nextInIsolate;
- end;
- if sameDirection then
- begin
- if rightToLeft then
- begin
- SetCharClass(bracketPairs[i].openIndex, ubcRightToLeft);
- SetCharClass(bracketPairs[i].closeIndex, ubcRightToLeft);
- end else
- begin
- SetCharClass(bracketPairs[i].openIndex, ubcLeftToRight);
- SetCharClass(bracketPairs[i].closeIndex, ubcLeftToRight);
- end;
- end else
- if oppositeDirection then
- begin
- curIndex := a[bracketPairs[i].openIndex].prevInIsolate;
- oppositeContext := false;
- while curIndex >= startIndex do
- begin
- case a[curIndex].bidiClass of
- ubcRightToLeft,ubcArabicLetter,ubcEuropeanNumber,ubcArabicNumber:
- begin
- oppositeContext := not rightToLeft;
- break;
- end;
- ubcLeftToRight:
- begin
- oppositeContext := rightToLeft;
- break;
- end;
- end;
- curIndex := a[curIndex].prevInIsolate;
- end;
- if rightToLeft xor oppositeContext then
- begin
- SetCharClass(bracketPairs[i].openIndex, ubcRightToLeft);
- SetCharClass(bracketPairs[i].closeIndex, ubcRightToLeft);
- end else
- begin
- SetCharClass(bracketPairs[i].openIndex, ubcLeftToRight);
- SetCharClass(bracketPairs[i].closeIndex, ubcLeftToRight);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- begin
- rightToLeft:= startOfSequence in[ubcRightToLeft,ubcArabicLetter];
- FindBrackets;
- SortBracketPairs;
- ResolveBrackets;
- end;
- procedure ResolveLigature(startIndex: integer);
- var
- prevJoiningType, joiningType: TUnicodeJoiningType;
- prevJoiningTypeBidilevel: byte;
- prevJoiningTypeIndex: integer;
- curIndex: Integer;
- begin
- prevJoiningType := ujtNonJoining;
- prevJoiningTypeIndex := -1;
- prevJoiningTypeBidilevel:= 0;
- curIndex := startIndex;
- while curIndex <> -1 do
- begin
- if prevJoiningTypeBidilevel <> result[curIndex].BidiLevel then
- prevJoiningType := ujtNonJoining;
- if result[curIndex].IsNonSpacingMark then
- joiningType := ujtTransparent //NSM are always joining-transparent
- else joiningType := GetUnicodeJoiningType(u[curIndex]);
- if joiningType = ujtTransparent then
- result[curIndex].Flags:= result[curIndex].Flags or BIDI_FLAG_LIGATURE_TRANSPARENT;
- if result[curIndex].IsRightToLeft then
- begin
- if (joiningType in[ujtRightJoining,ujtDualJoining])
- and (prevJoiningType in[ujtLeftJoining,ujtDualJoining,ujtJoinCausing]) then
- result[curIndex].Flags:= result[curIndex].Flags or BIDI_FLAG_LIGATURE_RIGHT;
- if (prevJoiningType in[ujtLeftJoining,ujtDualJoining]) and (prevJoiningTypeIndex <> -1) and
- (joiningType in[ujtRightJoining,ujtDualJoining,ujtJoinCausing]) then
- result[prevJoiningTypeIndex].Flags:= result[prevJoiningTypeIndex].Flags or BIDI_FLAG_LIGATURE_LEFT;
- end else
- begin
- if (joiningType in[ujtLeftJoining,ujtDualJoining])
- and (prevJoiningType in[ujtRightJoining,ujtDualJoining,ujtJoinCausing]) then
- result[curIndex].Flags:= result[curIndex].Flags or BIDI_FLAG_LIGATURE_LEFT;
- if (prevJoiningType in[ujtRightJoining,ujtDualJoining]) and (prevJoiningTypeIndex <> -1) and
- (joiningType in[ujtLeftJoining,ujtDualJoining,ujtJoinCausing]) then
- result[prevJoiningTypeIndex].Flags:= result[prevJoiningTypeIndex].Flags or BIDI_FLAG_LIGATURE_RIGHT;
- end;
- if joiningType <> ujtTransparent then
- begin
- prevJoiningType := joiningType;
- prevJoiningTypeIndex:= curIndex;
- prevJoiningTypeBidilevel:= result[curIndex].BidiLevel;
- end;
- curIndex := a[curIndex].nextInIsolate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure AnalyzeSequence(startIndex, afterEndIndex: integer; sos, eos: TUnicodeBidiClass);
- begin
- if afterEndIndex = startIndex then exit;
- ResolveWeakTypes(startIndex, afterEndIndex, sos, eos);
- ResolveBrackets(startIndex, afterEndIndex, sos, eos);
- ResolveNeutrals(startIndex, afterEndIndex, sos, eos);
- end;
- procedure SameLevelRuns(startIndex: integer);
- var
- curBidiLevel: byte;
- latestIndex,curIndex, curStartIndex: Integer;
- curSos,eos: TUnicodeBidiClass;
- begin
- curIndex := startIndex;
- while (curIndex<>-1) and result[curIndex].IsRemoved do
- curIndex := a[curIndex].nextInIsolate;
- if curIndex = -1 then exit;
- curStartIndex:= curIndex;
- curBidiLevel := result[curIndex].bidiLevel;
- if odd(curBidiLevel) then curSos := ubcRightToLeft else curSos := ubcLeftToRight;
- latestIndex := -1;
- while curIndex <> -1 do
- begin
- if not result[curIndex].IsRemoved then
- begin
- if (latestIndex <> -1) and (result[curIndex].bidiLevel <> curBidiLevel) then
- begin
- if result[curIndex].bidiLevel > curBidiLevel then
- begin
- if odd(result[curIndex].bidiLevel) then eos := ubcRightToLeft else eos := ubcLeftToRight;
- end else
- begin
- if odd(curBidiLevel) then eos := ubcRightToLeft else eos := ubcLeftToRight;
- end;
- AnalyzeSequence(curStartIndex, a[latestIndex].nextInIsolate, curSos, eos);
- curSos := eos;
- curBidiLevel:= result[curIndex].bidiLevel;
- curStartIndex:= curIndex;
- end;
- latestIndex := curIndex;
- end;
- if (a[curIndex].nextInIsolate = -1) and (latestIndex<>-1) then
- begin
- if odd(result[latestIndex].bidiLevel) then eos := ubcRightToLeft else eos := ubcLeftToRight;
- AnalyzeSequence(curStartIndex, a[latestIndex].nextInIsolate, curSos, eos);
- break;
- end;
- curIndex := a[curIndex].nextInIsolate;
- end;
- end;
- //analyse bidi formatting of an embedding or an override block
- procedure AnalyzeFormattingBlocks(startIndex, lastIndex: integer; minBidiLevel: byte; formattingCode: LongWord);
- var curIndex, nextIndex, levelIncrease: integer;
- subFormatBeforeStart, subFormatStart, formatNesting: integer;
- subFormatCode: LongWord;
- begin
- case formattingCode of
- if odd(minBidiLevel) then inc(minBidiLevel);
- if not odd(minBidiLevel) then inc(minBidiLevel);
- end;
- nextIndex := startIndex;
- repeat
- Assert(nextIndex >= 0, 'Expecting valid index');
- curIndex := nextIndex;
- nextIndex := a[curIndex].nextInIsolate;
- result[curIndex].bidiLevel := minBidiLevel;
- //apply override
- if formattingCode = UNICODE_LEFT_TO_RIGHT_OVERRIDE then a[curIndex].bidiClass := ubcLeftToRight
- else if formattingCode = UNICODE_RIGHT_TO_LEFT_OVERRIDE then a[curIndex].bidiClass := ubcRightToLeft;
- case u[curIndex] of
- begin
- result[curIndex].Flags := result[curIndex].Flags OR BIDI_FLAG_REMOVED;
- case u[curIndex] of
- if odd(minBidiLevel) then levelIncrease := 1
- else levelIncrease := 2;
- if odd(minBidiLevel) then levelIncrease := 2
- else levelIncrease := 1;
- else levelIncrease:= 2;
- end;
- if minBidiLevel <= UNICODE_MAX_BIDI_DEPTH-levelIncrease-1 then
- begin
- subFormatCode:= u[curIndex];
- subFormatBeforeStart := curIndex;
- subFormatStart := nextIndex;
- formatNesting:= 1;
- while formatNesting > 0 do
- begin
- //sub-format ends because no more chars
- if curIndex = lastIndex then
- begin
- if curIndex <> subFormatBeforeStart then
- AnalyzeFormattingBlocks(subFormatStart, curIndex, minBidiLevel+levelIncrease, subFormatCode);
- break;
- end;
- Assert(nextIndex >= 0, 'Expecting valid index');
- case u[nextIndex] of
- begin
- dec(formatNesting);
- if formatNesting = 0 then
- begin
- //sub-format ends because enough matching pop chars found
- if curIndex <> subFormatBeforeStart then
- AnalyzeFormattingBlocks(subFormatStart, curIndex, minBidiLevel+levelIncrease, subFormatCode);
- curIndex := nextIndex;
- nextIndex := a[curIndex].nextInIsolate;
- result[curIndex].Flags := result[curIndex].Flags OR BIDI_FLAG_REMOVED;
- break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- curIndex := nextIndex;
- nextIndex := a[curIndex].nextInIsolate;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- UNICODE_POP_DIRECTIONAL_FORMATTING: //ignored when no matching formatting code
- begin
- result[curIndex].Flags := result[curIndex].Flags OR BIDI_FLAG_REMOVED;
- end;
- end;
- until curIndex = lastIndex;
- end;
- procedure ResolveImplicitLevels(startIndex: integer); // rule I1 and I2
- var
- curIndex: Integer;
- begin
- curIndex := startIndex;
- while curIndex <> -1 do
- begin
- case a[curIndex].bidiClass of
- ubcRightToLeft,ubcArabicLetter:
- if not Odd(result[curIndex].bidiLevel) then inc(result[curIndex].bidiLevel);
- ubcEuropeanNumber,ubcArabicNumber:
- if Odd(result[curIndex].bidiLevel) then inc(result[curIndex].bidiLevel)
- else inc(result[curIndex].bidiLevel, 2);
- ubcLeftToRight: if Odd(result[curIndex].bidiLevel) then inc(result[curIndex].bidiLevel);
- end;
- curIndex := a[curIndex].nextInIsolate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure ResetEndOfParagraphLevels(startIndex: integer); // rule L1
- var
- prevIndex,curIndex: Integer;
- procedure TweakWhiteSpaceBefore(index: integer);
- var
- isWhiteSpaceOrIsolate: boolean;
- begin
- while index <> -1 do
- begin
- case u[index] of
- isWhiteSpaceOrIsolate:= true;
- else
- isWhiteSpaceOrIsolate:= GetUnicodeBidiClass(u[index]) = ubcWhiteSpace;
- end;
- if isWhiteSpaceOrIsolate then
- result[index].bidiLevel := result[index].ParagraphBidiLevel
- else
- break;
- index := a[index].prevInIsolate;
- end;
- end;
- begin
- prevIndex := -1;
- curIndex := startIndex;
- while curIndex <> -1 do
- begin
- case GetUnicodeBidiClass(u[curIndex]) of
- ubcSegmentSeparator, ubcParagraphSeparator:
- begin
- result[curIndex].bidiLevel := result[curIndex].ParagraphBidiLevel;
- TweakWhiteSpaceBefore(prevIndex);
- end;
- end;
- prevIndex := curIndex;
- curIndex := a[curIndex].nextInIsolate;
- end;
- TweakWhiteSpaceBefore(prevIndex);
- end;
- function DetermineIsolateDirectionFromFirstStrongClass(startIndex: integer): LongWord;
- var
- curIndex: Integer;
- begin
- curIndex := startIndex;
- while curIndex <> -1 do
- begin
- Assert(curIndex >= 0, 'Expecting valid index');
- case a[curIndex].bidiClass of
- ubcRightToLeft,ubcArabicLetter: exit(UNICODE_RIGHT_TO_LEFT_ISOLATE);
- end;
- case u[curIndex] of
- end;
- curIndex := a[curIndex].nextInIsolate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure LinkCharsInIsolate(startIndex: integer; charCount: integer; out endIndex : integer);
- var
- curIndex,isolateStackPos,
- prevIndex: Integer;
- begin
- a[startIndex].prevInIsolate := -1;
- prevIndex := -1;
- curIndex := startIndex;
- isolateStackPos:= 0;
- while curIndex < startIndex+charCount do
- begin
- if isolateStackPos > 0 then dec(isolateStackPos);
- if isolateStackPos = 0 then
- begin
- if prevIndex<>-1 then a[prevIndex].nextInIsolate := curIndex;
- a[curIndex].prevInIsolate := prevIndex;
- prevIndex := curIndex;
- end;
- case u[curIndex] of
- end;
- inc(curIndex);
- end;
- a[prevIndex].nextInIsolate := -1;
- endIndex := prevIndex;
- end;
- //split isolates in order to format them independently
- procedure AnalyzeIsolates(startIndex: integer; charCount: integer; isolateDirection: LongWord; minBidiLevel: byte = 0;
- isParagraph: boolean = false);
- var curIndex, endIndex: integer;
- nextIndex: integer;
- subBidiLevel, levelIncrease: byte;
- subIsolateStart: integer;
- subIsolateDirection: LongWord;
- begin
- if charCount = 0 then exit;
- Assert(startIndex>=0, 'Invalid start index');
- LinkCharsInIsolate(startIndex, charCount, endIndex);
- if isolateDirection = UNICODE_FIRST_STRONG_ISOLATE then
- isolateDirection := DetermineIsolateDirectionFromFirstStrongClass(startIndex);
- case isolateDirection of
- UNICODE_LEFT_TO_RIGHT_ISOLATE: if Odd(minBidiLevel) then inc(minBidiLevel);
- UNICODE_RIGHT_TO_LEFT_ISOLATE: if not Odd(minBidiLevel) then inc(minBidiLevel);
- else
- raise EInvalidOperation.Create('Unknown isolate direction');
- end;
- if isParagraph then
- begin
- curIndex := startIndex;
- while curIndex <> -1 do
- begin
- result[curIndex].ParagraphBidiLevel := minBidiLevel;
- curIndex := a[curIndex].nextInIsolate;
- end;
- end;
- case isolateDirection of
- UNICODE_LEFT_TO_RIGHT_ISOLATE: AnalyzeFormattingBlocks(startIndex, endIndex, minBidiLevel, UNICODE_LEFT_TO_RIGHT_EMBEDDING);
- UNICODE_RIGHT_TO_LEFT_ISOLATE: AnalyzeFormattingBlocks(startIndex, endIndex, minBidiLevel, UNICODE_RIGHT_TO_LEFT_EMBEDDING);
- end;
- SameLevelRuns(startIndex);
- ResolveImplicitLevels(startIndex);
- ResolveLigature(startIndex);
- if isParagraph then
- ResetEndOfParagraphLevels(startIndex);
- //analyse sub-isolates
- curIndex := startIndex;
- while curIndex <> -1 do
- begin
- Assert(curIndex >= 0, 'Expecting valid index');
- case u[curIndex] of
- begin
- subBidiLevel := result[curIndex].bidiLevel;
- nextIndex := a[curIndex].nextInIsolate;
- if nextIndex <> -1 then
- begin
- if result[nextIndex].bidiLevel > subBidiLevel then
- subBidiLevel:= result[nextIndex].bidiLevel;
- end;
- if ((isolateDirection = UNICODE_LEFT_TO_RIGHT_ISOLATE) and
- ((isolateDirection = UNICODE_LEFT_TO_RIGHT_ISOLATE) and
- (u[curIndex] = UNICODE_RIGHT_TO_LEFT_ISOLATE)) then
- levelIncrease := 1
- else
- levelIncrease:= 2;
- if subBidiLevel+levelIncrease <= UNICODE_MAX_BIDI_DEPTH-1 then
- begin
- subIsolateDirection := u[curIndex];
- subIsolateStart:= curIndex+1;
- curIndex := nextIndex;
- //sub-isolates ends because no more chars
- if curIndex = -1 then
- begin
- AnalyzeIsolates(subIsolateStart, startIndex+charCount-subIsolateStart, subIsolateDirection, subBidiLevel+1);
- break;
- end else
- begin
- AnalyzeIsolates(subIsolateStart, curIndex-subIsolateStart, subIsolateDirection, subBidiLevel+1);
- continue;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- curIndex := a[curIndex].nextInIsolate;
- end;
- end;
- //split UTF8 string into paragraphs
- procedure SplitParagraphs;
- var
- lineStartIndex, curIndex: integer;
- begin
- curIndex := 0;
- lineStartIndex := curIndex;
- while curIndex < ALength do
- begin
- if a[curIndex].bidiClass = ubcParagraphSeparator then
- begin
- //skip second CRLF char
- if IsUnicodeCrLf(u[curIndex]) and (curIndex+1 < ALength) and
- IsUnicodeCrLf(u[curIndex+1]) and (u[curIndex+1] <> u[curIndex]) then
- begin
- inc(curIndex);
- result[curIndex].Flags := result[curIndex].Flags and not BIDI_FLAG_MULTICHAR_START;
- end;
- result[curIndex].Flags := result[curIndex].Flags or BIDI_FLAG_EXPLICIT_END_OF_PARAGRAPH;
- AnalyzeIsolates(lineStartIndex, curIndex+1-lineStartIndex, baseDirection, 0, true);
- lineStartIndex := curIndex+1;
- end;
- inc(curIndex);
- end;
- if curIndex > lineStartIndex then
- begin
- result[curIndex-1].Flags := result[curIndex-1].Flags or BIDI_FLAG_IMPLICIT_END_OF_PARAGRAPH;
- AnalyzeIsolates(lineStartIndex, curIndex-lineStartIndex, baseDirection, 0, true);
- end;
- end;
-var i: integer;
- classEx: TUnicodeBidiClass;
- setlength(a, ALength);
- setlength(result, ALength);
- if ALength > 0 then
- begin
- for i := 0 to high(a) do
- begin
- classEx := GetUnicodeBidiClassEx(u[i]);
- case classEx of
- ubcMirroredNeutral:
- begin
- result[i].Flags := result[i].Flags or BIDI_FLAG_MIRRORED;
- a[i].bidiClass := ubcOtherNeutrals;
- end;
- ubcCombiningLeftToRight:
- begin
- case GetUnicodeCombiningClass(u[i]) of
- 208, 224: result[i].Flags := result[i].Flags OR BIDI_FLAG_COMBINING_LEFT;
- 210, 226, 9: result[i].Flags := result[i].Flags OR BIDI_FLAG_COMBINING_RIGHT;
- end;
- a[i].bidiClass := ubcLeftToRight;
- end;
- otherwise
- a[i].bidiClass := classEx;
- end;
- case u[i] of
- UNICODE_LINE_SEPARATOR: //line separator within paragraph
- result[i].Flags := result[i].Flags or BIDI_FLAG_END_OF_LINE;
- result[i].Flags := result[i].Flags OR BIDI_FLAG_LIGATURE_BOUNDARY;
- end;
- case a[i].bidiClass of
- ubcArabicLetter,ubcArabicNumber,ubcRightToLeft:
- result[i].Flags := result[i].Flags OR BIDI_FLAG_RTL_SCRIPT;
- ubcNonSpacingMark: result[i].Flags := result[i].Flags OR BIDI_FLAG_NON_SPACING_MARK;
- end;
- (i = 0) or (a[i-1].bidiClass in [ubcSegmentSeparator, ubcParagraphSeparator]) then
- result[i].Flags := result[i].Flags OR BIDI_FLAG_MULTICHAR_START;
- end;
- SplitParagraphs;
- end;
-function AnalyzeBidiUnicode(u: PLongWord; ALength: integer;
- ABidiMode: TFontBidiMode): TUnicodeBidiArray;
- case ABidiMode of
- fbmLeftToRight: result := AnalyzeBidiUnicode(u, ALength, UNICODE_LEFT_TO_RIGHT_ISOLATE);
- fbmRightToLeft: result := AnalyzeBidiUnicode(u, ALength, UNICODE_RIGHT_TO_LEFT_ISOLATE);
- else
- {fbmAuto} result := AnalyzeBidiUnicode(u, ALength, UNICODE_FIRST_STRONG_ISOLATE);
- end;
-function GetUnicodeDisplayOrder(const AInfo: TUnicodeBidiArray): TUnicodeDisplayOrder;
- if length(AInfo)=0 then
- result := nil
- else
- result := GetUnicodeDisplayOrder(@AInfo[0], sizeof(TUnicodeBidiInfo), length(AInfo));
-function GetUnicodeDisplayOrder(ALevels: PByte; ACount: integer): TUnicodeDisplayOrder;
- procedure DetermineDisplayOrderRec(AOffset: integer; AStartIndex, ABlockCount: integer; AEmbeddingLevel: byte);
- var minLevel: byte;
- blockIndex,subStartIndex,subCount, subOffset: integer;
- begin
- //writeln('DetermineDisplayOrderRec('+inttostr(AOffset)+'/'+inttostr(ACount)+',' + inttostr(AStartIndex) +',*' +inttostr(ABlockCount)+','+inttostr(AEmbeddingLevel)+')');
- blockIndex := 0;
- subStartIndex := 0; //avoid warning
- while blockIndex < ABlockCount do
- begin
- Assert(AOffset < ACount, 'Offset out of bounds');
- if ALevels[AOffset] = AEmbeddingLevel then
- begin
- if odd(AEmbeddingLevel) then
- result[AStartIndex+ABlockCount-1-blockIndex] := AOffset
- else
- result[AStartIndex+blockIndex] := AOffset;
- inc(AOffset);
- inc(blockIndex);
- end else
- begin
- if not odd(AEmbeddingLevel) then
- subStartIndex := AStartIndex+blockIndex;
- subOffset := AOffset;
- minLevel := ALevels[AOffset];
- inc(AOffset);
- inc(blockIndex);
- subCount := 1;
- while true do
- begin
- if (blockIndex < ABlockCount) and (ALevels[AOffset] > AEmbeddingLevel) then
- begin
- Assert(AOffset < ACount, 'Offset out of bounds');
- if ALevels[AOffset] < minLevel then
- minLevel:= ALevels[AOffset];
- inc(AOffset);
- inc(blockIndex);
- inc(subCount);
- end else
- begin
- if odd(AEmbeddingLevel) then
- subStartIndex := AStartIndex+ABlockCount-1-(blockIndex-1);
- DetermineDisplayOrderRec(subOffset, subStartIndex, subCount, minLevel);
- break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- setlength(result, ACount);
- DetermineDisplayOrderRec(0, 0, ACount, 0);
-function GetUnicodeDisplayOrder(ABidiInfo: PUnicodeBidiInfo; AStride, ACount: integer): TUnicodeDisplayOrder;
- levels: packed array of byte;
- originalIndices: array of integer;
- index,len, i: integer;
- p: PByte;
- len := 0;
- p := PByte(ABidiInfo);
- for i := 0 to ACount-1 do
- begin
- if not PUnicodeBidiInfo(p)^.IsRemoved then inc(len);
- inc(p, AStride);
- end;
- if len = 0 then
- result := nil
- else
- begin
- setlength(levels, len);
- setlength(originalIndices, len);
- p := PByte(ABidiInfo);
- index := 0;
- for i := 0 to ACount-1 do
- begin
- if not PUnicodeBidiInfo(p)^.IsRemoved then
- begin
- levels[index] := PUnicodeBidiInfo(p)^.BidiLevel;
- originalIndices[index] := i;
- inc(index);
- end;
- inc(p, AStride);
- end;
- result := GetUnicodeDisplayOrder(@levels[0], len);
- for i := 0 to len-1 do
- result[i] := originalIndices[result[i]];
- end;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgraunicodetext.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgraunicodetext.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 3686c1a..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgraunicodetext.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,960 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAUnicodeText;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BGRABitmapTypes, BGRAUnicode, BGRAUTF8;
- TDeleteCharEvent = procedure(ASender: TObject; AParagraphIndex: integer; ACharStart, ACharCount: integer) of object;
- TInsertCharEvent = procedure(ASender: TObject; AParagraphIndex: integer; ACharStart, ACharCount: integer) of object;
- TParagraphEvent = procedure(ASender: TObject; AParagraphIndex: integer) of object;
- TParagraphSplitEvent = procedure(ASender: TObject; AParagraphIndex: integer; ACharIndex: integer) of object;
- TAnalysisChangedEvent = procedure(ASender: TObject; AParagraphIndex: integer; ACharStart, ACharCount: integer) of object;
- { TBidiTree }
- TBidiTree = class
- private
- FParent: TBidiTree;
- FData: pointer;
- FStartIndex, FEndIndex: integer;
- FBidiLevel: byte;
- FBranches: TList;
- FIsLeaf: boolean;
- function GetBranch(AIndex: integer): TBidiTree;
- function GetCount: integer;
- function GetIsRightToLeft: boolean;
- public
- constructor Create(AData: pointer; AStartIndex, AEndIndex: integer; ABidiLevel: byte; AIsLeaf: boolean); virtual;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure AfterFinish; virtual;
- procedure AddBranch(ABranch: TBidiTree); virtual;
- procedure Shorten(AEndIndex: integer); virtual;
- function TrySplit: boolean; virtual;
- property StartIndex: integer read FStartIndex;
- property EndIndex: integer read FEndIndex;
- property BidiLevel: byte read FBidiLevel;
- property IsRightToLeft: boolean read GetIsRightToLeft;
- property Parent: TBidiTree read FParent;
- property IsLeaf: boolean read FIsLeaf;
- property Count: integer read GetCount;
- property Branch[AIndex: integer]: TBidiTree read GetBranch;
- property Data: pointer read FData;
- end;
- TBidiTreeAny = class of TBidiTree;
- { TUnicodeAnalysis }
- TUnicodeAnalysis = class
- private
- FOnAnalysisChanged: TAnalysisChangedEvent;
- FOnBidiModeChanged: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnCharDeleted: TDeleteCharEvent;
- FOnCharInserted: TInsertCharEvent;
- FOnParagraphMergedWithNext: TParagraphEvent;
- FOnParagraphDeleted: TParagraphEvent;
- FOnParagraphSplit: TParagraphSplitEvent;
- function GetParagraphRightToLeft(AIndex: integer): boolean;
- protected
- FText: string;
- FCharCount: integer;
- FBidi: TBidiUTF8Array;
- FParagraph: array of record
- firstUnbrokenLineIndex: integer;
- end;
- FParagraphCount: integer;
- FUnbrokenLine: array of record
- startIndex: integer;
- paragraphIndex: integer;
- end;
- FUnbrokenLineCount: integer;
- FBidiMode: TFontBidiMode;
- procedure Analyze;
- procedure CheckTextAnalysis;
- function GetUnbrokenLineParagraphIndex(AIndex: integer): integer;
- function GetUnbrokenLineStartIndex(AIndex: integer): integer;
- function GetUnbrokenLineEndIndex(AIndex: integer): integer;
- function GetParagraphEndIndex(AIndex: integer): integer;
- function GetParagraphEndIndexBeforeParagraphSeparator(AIndex: integer): integer;
- function GetParagraphFirstUnbrokenLine(AIndex: integer): integer;
- function GetParagraphLastUnbrokenLinePlusOne(AIndex: integer): integer;
- function GetParagraphStartIndex(AIndex: integer): integer;
- function GetUnicodeChar(APosition0: integer): LongWord;
- function GetUTF8Char(APosition0: integer): string4;
- function GetBidiInfo(APosition0: integer): TUnicodeBidiInfo;
- procedure SetBidiMode(AValue: TFontBidiMode);
- procedure InternalDeleteBidiAndUTF8(ABidiStart, ABidiCount: integer);
- procedure InternalDeleteParagraph(AParagraphIndex: integer);
- procedure InternalDeleteText(APosition, ACount: integer);
- procedure InternalDeleteWithinParagraph(AParagraphIndex: integer;
- APosition, ACount: integer; AUpdateBidi: boolean);
- function InternalInsertText(APosition: integer;
- const ANewBidi: TBidiUTF8Array; ANewTextUTF8: string): integer;
- procedure InternalMergeParagraphWithNext(AParagraphIndex: integer);
- procedure InternalSplitParagraph(AParagraphIndex: integer);
- procedure InternalUpdateBidiIsolate(AParagraphIndex: integer; ABidiStart, ABidiCount: integer);
- procedure InternalUpdateUnbrokenLines(AParagraphIndex: integer);
- procedure CreateBidiTreeRec(ABidiTreeFactory: TBidiTreeAny; AData: pointer; ABidiTree: TBidiTree);
- procedure CheckCharRange(AStartIndex, AEndIndex: integer; AMinIndex, AMaxIndex: integer);
- public
- constructor Create(ATextUTF8: string; ABidiMode: TFontBidiMode);
- function GetParagraphAt(ACharIndex: integer): integer;
- function CopyTextUTF8(AStartIndex, ACount: integer): string;
- function CopyTextUTF8DiscardChars(AStartIndex,AEndIndex: integer; out ANonDiscardedCount: integer): string;
- function InsertText(ATextUTF8: string; APosition: integer): integer;
- function DeleteText(APosition, ACount: integer): integer;
- function DeleteTextBefore(APosition, ACount: integer): integer;
- function IncludeNonSpacingChars(APosition, ACount: integer; AIncludeCombiningMarks: boolean = true): integer;
- function IncludeNonSpacingCharsBefore(APosition, ACount: integer; AIncludeCombiningMarks: boolean = true): integer;
- function CreateBidiTree(ABidiTreeFactory: TBidiTreeAny; AData: pointer; AStartIndex, AEndIndex: integer;
- AEmbeddingBidiLevel: integer): TBidiTree;
- property TextUTF8: string read FText;
- property UTF8Char[APosition0: integer]: string4 read GetUTF8Char;
- property UnicodeChar[APosition0: integer]: LongWord read GetUnicodeChar;
- property BidiInfo[APosition0: integer]: TUnicodeBidiInfo read GetBidiInfo;
- property CharCount: integer read FCharCount;
- property UnbrokenLineCount: integer read FUnbrokenLineCount;
- property UnbrokenLineStartIndex[AIndex: integer]: integer read GetUnbrokenLineStartIndex;
- property UnbrokenLineEndIndex[AIndex: integer]: integer read GetUnbrokenLineEndIndex;
- property UnbrokenLineParagraphIndex[AIndex: integer]: integer read GetUnbrokenLineParagraphIndex;
- property ParagraphCount: integer read FParagraphCount;
- property ParagraphFirstUnbrokenLine[AIndex:integer] : integer read GetParagraphFirstUnbrokenLine;
- property ParagraphLastUnbrokenLinePlusOne[AIndex:integer] : integer read GetParagraphLastUnbrokenLinePlusOne;
- property ParagraphStartIndex[AIndex: integer]: integer read GetParagraphStartIndex;
- property ParagraphEndIndex[AIndex: integer]: integer read GetParagraphEndIndex;
- property ParagraphEndIndexBeforeParagraphSeparator[AIndex: integer]: integer read GetParagraphEndIndexBeforeParagraphSeparator;
- property ParagraphRightToLeft[AIndex: integer]: boolean read GetParagraphRightToLeft;
- property BidiMode: TFontBidiMode read FBidiMode write SetBidiMode;
- property OnBidiModeChanged: TNotifyEvent read FOnBidiModeChanged write FOnBidiModeChanged;
- property OnCharDeleted: TDeleteCharEvent read FOnCharDeleted write FOnCharDeleted;
- property OnCharInserted: TInsertCharEvent read FOnCharInserted write FOnCharInserted;
- property OnParagraphDeleted: TParagraphEvent read FOnParagraphDeleted write FOnParagraphDeleted;
- property OnParagraphMergedWithNext: TParagraphEvent read FOnParagraphMergedWithNext write FOnParagraphMergedWithNext;
- property OnParagraphSplit: TParagraphSplitEvent read FOnParagraphSplit write FOnParagraphSplit;
- property OnAnalysisChanged: TAnalysisChangedEvent read FOnAnalysisChanged write FOnAnalysisChanged;
- end;
-uses math;
-{ TBidiTree }
-function TBidiTree.GetCount: integer;
- if Assigned(FBranches) then
- result:= FBranches.Count
- else
- result := 0;
-function TBidiTree.GetIsRightToLeft: boolean;
- result := odd(BidiLevel);
-function TBidiTree.GetBranch(AIndex: integer): TBidiTree;
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= Count) then raise exception.Create('Branch index out of bounds');
- result := TBidiTree(FBranches[AIndex]);
-constructor TBidiTree.Create(AData: pointer; AStartIndex, AEndIndex: integer; ABidiLevel: byte; AIsLeaf: boolean);
- FData := AData;
- FParent := nil;
- FStartIndex:= AStartIndex;
- FEndIndex:= AEndIndex;
- FBidiLevel:= ABidiLevel;
- FBranches:= nil;
- FIsLeaf:= AIsLeaf;
-destructor TBidiTree.Destroy;
- i: Integer;
- if Assigned(FBranches) then
- begin
- for i := 0 to FBranches.Count-1 do
- TBidiTree(FBranches[i]).Free;
- FBranches.Free;
- end;
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TBidiTree.AfterFinish;
- //
-procedure TBidiTree.AddBranch(ABranch: TBidiTree);
- if IsLeaf then raise exception.Create('A leaf cannot have branches');
- if Assigned(ABranch.Parent) then raise exception.Create('Branch already has a parent');
- ABranch.FParent := self;
- if FBranches = nil then FBranches := TList.Create;
- FBranches.Add(ABranch);
-procedure TBidiTree.Shorten(AEndIndex: integer);
- i: Integer;
- if AEndIndex = EndIndex then exit;
- if AEndIndex > EndIndex then raise exception.Create('Cannot extend the branch');
- if AEndIndex < StartIndex then raise exception.Create('End index before start');
- for i := Count-1 downto 0 do
- if AEndIndex <= Branch[i].StartIndex then
- begin
- Branch[i].Free;
- FBranches.Delete(i);
- end else
- if AEndIndex < Branch[i].EndIndex then
- Branch[i].Shorten(AEndIndex);
- FEndIndex:= AEndIndex;
-function TBidiTree.TrySplit: boolean;
- result := false;
-{ TUnicodeAnalysis }
-function TUnicodeAnalysis.GetParagraphFirstUnbrokenLine(AIndex: integer): integer;
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= ParagraphCount) then raise ERangeError.Create('Paragraph index out of bounds');
- result := FParagraph[AIndex].firstUnbrokenLineIndex;
-procedure TUnicodeAnalysis.SetBidiMode(AValue: TFontBidiMode);
- i, bidiStart, bidiCount: LongInt;
- if FBidiMode=AValue then Exit;
- FBidiMode:=AValue;
- for i := 0 to ParagraphCount-1 do
- begin
- bidiStart := ParagraphStartIndex[i];
- bidiCount := ParagraphEndIndex[i]-bidiStart;
- InternalUpdateBidiIsolate(i, bidiStart, bidiCount);
- end;
- if Assigned(FOnBidiModeChanged) then FOnBidiModeChanged(self);
-function TUnicodeAnalysis.GetParagraphEndIndex(AIndex: integer): integer;
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= ParagraphCount) then raise ERangeError.Create('Paragraph index out of bounds');
- result := FUnbrokenLine[FParagraph[AIndex+1].firstUnbrokenLineIndex].startIndex;
-function TUnicodeAnalysis.GetParagraphEndIndexBeforeParagraphSeparator(
- AIndex: integer): integer;
- u: LongWord;
- result := GetParagraphEndIndex(AIndex);
- if (result > 0) and (AIndex < ParagraphCount) then // last paragraph separator would be temporary before split
- begin
- u := UnicodeChar[result-1];
- if (result>0) and IsUnicodeParagraphSeparator(u) then
- begin
- dec(result);
- if IsUnicodeCrLf(u) and (result>0) and IsUnicodeCrLf(UnicodeChar[result-1]) and
- (UnicodeChar[result-1] <> u) then dec(result);
- end;
- end;
-function TUnicodeAnalysis.GetParagraphStartIndex(AIndex: integer): integer;
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= ParagraphCount) then raise ERangeError.Create('Paragraph index out of bounds');
- result := FUnbrokenLine[FParagraph[AIndex].firstUnbrokenLineIndex].startIndex;
-function TUnicodeAnalysis.GetUnbrokenLineParagraphIndex(AIndex: integer): integer;
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= UnbrokenLineCount) then raise exception.Create('Unbroken line index out of bounds');
- result := FUnbrokenLine[AIndex].paragraphIndex;
-function TUnicodeAnalysis.GetBidiInfo(APosition0: integer): TUnicodeBidiInfo;
- if (APosition0 < 0) or (APosition0 >= CharCount) then raise ERangeError.Create('Char position out of bounds');
- result := FBidi[APosition0].BidiInfo;
-function TUnicodeAnalysis.GetUnbrokenLineStartIndex(AIndex: integer): integer;
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= UnbrokenLineCount) then raise exception.Create('Unbroken line index out of bounds');
- result := FUnbrokenLine[AIndex].startIndex;
-function TUnicodeAnalysis.GetParagraphLastUnbrokenLinePlusOne(AIndex: integer): integer;
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= ParagraphCount) then raise ERangeError.Create('Paragraph index out of bounds');
- result := FParagraph[AIndex+1].firstUnbrokenLineIndex;
-function TUnicodeAnalysis.GetUnbrokenLineEndIndex(AIndex: integer): integer;
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= UnbrokenLineCount) then raise exception.Create('Unbroken line index out of bounds');
- result := FUnbrokenLine[AIndex+1].startIndex;
-function TUnicodeAnalysis.GetParagraphRightToLeft(AIndex: integer): boolean;
- firstUnbroken, startIndex: Integer;
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= ParagraphCount) then
- raise ERangeError.Create('Paragraph index out of bounds');
- firstUnbroken := ParagraphFirstUnbrokenLine[AIndex];
- startIndex := UnbrokenLineStartIndex[firstUnbroken];
- if startIndex < CharCount then
- result := odd(BidiInfo[startIndex].ParagraphBidiLevel)
- else
- result := BidiMode = fbmRightToLeft;
-procedure TUnicodeAnalysis.Analyze;
- lineIndex, i: Integer;
- curParaIndex: integer;
- FBidi:= AnalyzeBidiUTF8(FText, FBidiMode);
- FCharCount := length(FBidi);
- FUnbrokenLineCount := 1;
- FParagraphCount := 1;
- for i := 0 to high(FBidi) do
- begin
- if FBidi[i].BidiInfo.IsEndOfLine or FBidi[i].BidiInfo.IsExplicitEndOfParagraph then
- begin
- if FBidi[i].BidiInfo.IsExplicitEndOfParagraph then inc(FParagraphCount);
- inc(FUnbrokenLineCount);
- end;
- end;
- curParaIndex := 0;
- lineIndex := 0;
- setlength(FParagraph, FParagraphCount+1);
- FParagraph[curParaIndex].firstUnbrokenLineIndex:= lineIndex;
- setlength(FUnbrokenLine, FUnbrokenLineCount+1);
- FUnbrokenLine[lineIndex].startIndex := 0;
- FUnbrokenLine[lineIndex].paragraphIndex := curParaIndex;
- inc(lineIndex);
- for i := 0 to high(FBidi) do
- begin
- if FBidi[i].BidiInfo.IsEndOfLine or FBidi[i].BidiInfo.IsExplicitEndOfParagraph then
- begin
- if FBidi[i].BidiInfo.IsExplicitEndOfParagraph then
- begin
- inc(curParaIndex);
- FParagraph[curParaIndex].firstUnbrokenLineIndex:= lineIndex;
- end;
- FUnbrokenLine[lineIndex].startIndex := i+1;
- FUnbrokenLine[lineIndex].paragraphIndex := curParaIndex;
- inc(lineIndex);
- end;
- end;
- FParagraph[curParaIndex+1].firstUnbrokenLineIndex:= lineIndex;
- FUnbrokenLine[lineIndex].startIndex := length(FBidi);
- FUnbrokenLine[lineIndex].paragraphIndex:= curParaIndex+1;
- setlength(FBidi, length(FBidi)+1);
- FBidi[High(FBidi)].Offset := length(FText);
-constructor TUnicodeAnalysis.Create(ATextUTF8: string; ABidiMode: TFontBidiMode);
- FText:= ATextUTF8;
- FBidiMode:= ABidiMode;
- Analyze;
-function TUnicodeAnalysis.GetParagraphAt(ACharIndex: integer): integer;
- procedure FindRec(AFirstParagraphIndex, ALastParagraphIndex: integer);
- var
- midIndex: Integer;
- begin
- if ALastParagraphIndex= ParagraphStartIndex[midIndex+1]) then
- FindRec(midIndex+1, ALastParagraphIndex)
- else
- begin
- result := midIndex;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- if (ACharIndex < 0) or (ACharIndex > CharCount) then raise exception.Create('Position out of bounds');
- FindRec(0, ParagraphCount-1);
-function TUnicodeAnalysis.CopyTextUTF8(AStartIndex, ACount: integer): string;
- if (AStartIndex < 0) or (AStartIndex+ACount > CharCount) then
- raise exception.Create('Char range out of bounds [' + inttostr(AStartIndex) + '..' +
- inttostr(AStartIndex+ACount) + '] out of [0..' + inttostr(CharCount) + ']');
- result := copy(FText, FBidi[AStartIndex].Offset+1, FBidi[AStartIndex+ACount].Offset-FBidi[AStartIndex].Offset)
-function TUnicodeAnalysis.CopyTextUTF8DiscardChars(AStartIndex,
- AEndIndex: integer; out ANonDiscardedCount: integer): string;
-var i, len, charLen: integer;
- CheckCharRange(AStartIndex, AEndIndex, 0, CharCount);
- ANonDiscardedCount:= 0;
- len := 0;
- for i := AStartIndex to AEndIndex-1 do
- if not FBidi[i].BidiInfo.IsDiscardable then
- begin
- inc(len, FBidi[i+1].Offset - FBidi[i].Offset);
- inc(ANonDiscardedCount);
- end;
- setlength(result, len);
- len := 0;
- for i := AStartIndex to AEndIndex-1 do
- if not FBidi[i].BidiInfo.IsDiscardable then
- begin
- charLen := FBidi[i+1].Offset - FBidi[i].Offset;
- move(FText[FBidi[i].Offset+1], result[len+1], charLen);
- inc(len, charLen);
- end;
-function TUnicodeAnalysis.InsertText(ATextUTF8: string; APosition: integer): integer;
- newBidi: TBidiUTF8Array;
- if (APosition < 0) or (APosition > CharCount) then raise exception.Create('Position out of bounds');
- if length(ATextUTF8)=0 then exit(0);
- newBidi:= AnalyzeBidiUTF8(ATextUTF8, FBidiMode);
- result:= InternalInsertText(APosition, newBidi, ATextUTF8);
-function TUnicodeAnalysis.DeleteText(APosition, ACount: integer): integer;
- ACount := IncludeNonSpacingChars(APosition, ACount);
- if ACount = 0 then exit(0);
- InternalDeleteText(APosition, ACount);
- result := ACount;
-function TUnicodeAnalysis.DeleteTextBefore(APosition, ACount: integer): integer;
- ACount := IncludeNonSpacingCharsBefore(APosition, ACount, False);
- if ACount = 0 then exit(0);
- InternalDeleteText(APosition-ACount, ACount);
- result := ACount;
-function TUnicodeAnalysis.IncludeNonSpacingChars(APosition, ACount: integer; AIncludeCombiningMarks: boolean): integer;
- if (APosition < 0) or (APosition > CharCount) then raise exception.Create('Position out of bounds');
- if APosition+ACount > CharCount then raise exception.Create('Exceed end of text');
- //keep Cr/Lf pair together and non spacing marks after last char together
- while (APosition+ACount < CharCount) and
- not (BidiInfo[APosition+ACount].IsMulticharStart
- or (not AIncludeCombiningMarks and
- (BidiInfo[APosition+ACount].IsCombiningLeft
- or BidiInfo[APosition+ACount].IsCombiningRight)
- )
- ) do inc(ACount);
- result := ACount;
-function TUnicodeAnalysis.IncludeNonSpacingCharsBefore(APosition, ACount: integer; AIncludeCombiningMarks: boolean): integer;
- if (APosition < 0) or (APosition > CharCount) then raise exception.Create('Position out of bounds');
- if APosition-ACount < 0 then raise exception.Create('Exceed start of text');
- if ACount = 0 then exit(0);
- //keep before non spacing marks until real char together
- while (APosition-ACount > 0) and
- not (BidiInfo[APosition-ACount].IsMulticharStart
- or (not AIncludeCombiningMarks and
- (BidiInfo[APosition-ACount].IsCombiningLeft
- or BidiInfo[APosition-ACount].IsCombiningRight)
- )
- ) do inc(ACount);
- result := ACount;
-function TUnicodeAnalysis.CreateBidiTree(ABidiTreeFactory: TBidiTreeAny;
- AData: pointer; AStartIndex, AEndIndex: integer; AEmbeddingBidiLevel: integer): TBidiTree;
- result := ABidiTreeFactory.Create(AData, AStartIndex, AEndIndex, AEmbeddingBidiLevel, false);
- CreateBidiTreeRec(ABidiTreeFactory, AData, result);
-procedure TUnicodeAnalysis.CreateBidiTreeRec(ABidiTreeFactory: TBidiTreeAny; AData: pointer; ABidiTree: TBidiTree);
- startIndex, endIndex, i: integer;
- subLevel: byte;
- subStart: integer;
- subTree: TBidiTree;
- startIndex := ABidiTree.StartIndex;
- endIndex:= ABidiTree.EndIndex;
- while (startIndex < endIndex) and FBidi[startIndex].BidiInfo.IsDiscardable do inc(startIndex);
- while (startIndex < endIndex) and FBidi[endIndex-1].BidiInfo.IsDiscardable do dec(endIndex);
- if endIndex = startIndex then exit;
- i := startIndex;
- while i < endIndex do
- begin
- if not FBidi[i].BidiInfo.IsDiscardable then
- begin
- if FBidi[i].BidiInfo.BidiLevel > ABidiTree.BidiLevel then
- begin
- subStart := i;
- subLevel := FBidi[i].BidiInfo.BidiLevel;
- inc(i);
- while (i < endIndex) and (FBidi[i].BidiInfo.BidiLevel > ABidiTree.BidiLevel) do
- begin
- if FBidi[i].BidiInfo.BidiLevel < subLevel then
- subLevel := FBidi[i].BidiInfo.BidiLevel;
- inc(i);
- end;
- subTree := ABidiTreeFactory.Create(AData, subStart, i, subLevel, false);
- ABidiTree.AddBranch(subTree);
- CreateBidiTreeRec(ABidiTreeFactory, AData, subTree);
- subTree.AfterFinish;
- if subTree.EndIndex < i then
- begin
- ABidiTree.Shorten(subTree.EndIndex);
- exit;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- subStart:= i;
- inc(i);
- while (i < endIndex) and (FBidi[i].BidiInfo.BidiLevel = ABidiTree.BidiLevel) do inc(i);
- subTree := ABidiTreeFactory.Create(AData, subStart, i, ABidiTree.BidiLevel, true);
- ABidiTree.AddBranch(subTree);
- if subTree.TrySplit then
- begin
- ABidiTree.Shorten(subTree.EndIndex);
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- end else
- inc(i);
- end;
-procedure TUnicodeAnalysis.CheckCharRange(AStartIndex, AEndIndex: integer;
- AMinIndex, AMaxIndex: integer);
- if AEndIndex AMaxIndex) then
- raise exception.Create('Char range out of bounds ['+inttostr(AStartIndex)+','+IntToStr(AEndIndex)+'] > ['+inttostr(AMinIndex)+','+IntToStr(AMaxIndex)+']');
-procedure TUnicodeAnalysis.CheckTextAnalysis;
- i: Integer;
- for i := 1 to high(FBidi)-1 do
- if (FBidi[i].Offset <= 0) or (FBidi[i].Offset > length(FText)-1) then
- raise exception.Create('UTF8 offset out of range for char '+inttostr(i));
- if (length(FBidi)>0) and ((FBidi[0].Offset <> 0) or (FBidi[high(FBidi)].Offset <> length(FText))) then
- raise exception.Create('Unexpected UTF8 offset');
- for i := 0 to high(FUnbrokenLine) do
- begin
- if (i > 0) and (FUnbrokenLine[i].startIndex < FUnbrokenLine[i-1].startIndex) then
- raise exception.Create('Unbroken line position must be increasing');
- if (i > 0) and (FUnbrokenLine[i].paragraphIndex < FUnbrokenLine[i-1].paragraphIndex) then
- raise exception.Create('Unbroken line paragraph must be increasing');
- if (i > 0) and (FUnbrokenLine[i].paragraphIndex > FUnbrokenLine[i-1].paragraphIndex+1) then
- raise exception.Create('Unbroken line must not skip paragraph');
- end;
- if (length(FUnbrokenLine)>0) and ((FUnbrokenLine[0].paragraphIndex <> 0)
- or (FUnbrokenLine[High(FUnbrokenLine)].paragraphIndex <> high(FParagraph))) then
- raise exception.Create('Unexpected paragraph index');
- for i := 0 to high(FParagraph) do
- begin
- if (i > 0) and (FParagraph[i].firstUnbrokenLineIndex <= FParagraph[i-1].firstUnbrokenLineIndex) then
- raise exception.Create('Paragraph unbroken line index must be strictly increasing');
- end;
- if (length(FParagraph)>0) and ((FParagraph[0].firstUnbrokenLineIndex <> 0) or
- (FParagraph[high(FParagraph)].firstUnbrokenLineIndex <> high(FUnbrokenLine))) then
- raise exception.Create('Unexpected paragraph unbroken line index');
-function TUnicodeAnalysis.GetUnicodeChar(APosition0: integer): LongWord;
-var p : PChar;
- charLen, startOfs: Integer;
- if (APosition0 < 0) or (APosition0 >= CharCount) then raise ERangeError.Create('Char position out of bounds');
- startOfs := FBidi[APosition0].Offset;
- p := @FText[startOfs+1];
- charLen := FBidi[APosition0+1].Offset - startOfs;
- result := UTF8CodepointToUnicode(p, charLen);
-function TUnicodeAnalysis.GetUTF8Char(APosition0: integer): string4;
- if (APosition0 < 0) or (APosition0 >= CharCount) then raise ERangeError.Create('Char position out of bounds');
- result := copy(FText, FBidi[APosition0].Offset+1, FBidi[APosition0+1].Offset-FBidi[APosition0].Offset);
-procedure TUnicodeAnalysis.InternalDeleteText(APosition, ACount: integer);
- i, delStart: Integer;
- hasParaSep: Boolean;
- indexBeforeSep: LongInt;
- for i := ParagraphCount-1 downto 0 do
- if (APosition < ParagraphEndIndex[i]) and (APosition+ACount > ParagraphStartIndex[i]) then
- begin
- indexBeforeSep := ParagraphEndIndexBeforeParagraphSeparator[i];
- hasParaSep := indexBeforeSep<>ParagraphEndIndex[i];
- if (i < ParagraphCount-1) and hasParaSep and (APosition+ACount > indexBeforeSep) then //paragraph separator removed
- begin
- if APosition <= ParagraphStartIndex[i] then
- InternalDeleteParagraph(i)
- else
- begin
- delStart := max(APosition,ParagraphStartIndex[i]);
- InternalDeleteWithinParagraph(i, delStart, min(APosition+ACount,indexBeforeSep)-delStart, False);
- InternalMergeParagraphWithNext(i);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- delStart := max(APosition,ParagraphStartIndex[i]);
- InternalDeleteWithinParagraph(i, delStart, min(APosition+ACount,ParagraphEndIndex[i])-delStart, True);
- end;
- end;
- {$IFDEF DEBUG}CheckTextAnalysis;{$ENDIF}
-procedure TUnicodeAnalysis.InternalDeleteParagraph(AParagraphIndex: integer);
- unbrokenStart, unbrokenEnd, unbrokenCount: Integer;
- bidiStart, bidiCount, i: LongInt;
- if (AParagraphIndex < 0) or (AParagraphIndex >= ParagraphCount) then
- raise ERangeError.Create('Paragraph index out of bounds');
- unbrokenStart := FParagraph[AParagraphIndex].firstUnbrokenLineIndex;
- unbrokenEnd := FParagraph[AParagraphIndex+1].firstUnbrokenLineIndex;
- unbrokenCount := unbrokenEnd-unbrokenStart;
- bidiStart := ParagraphStartIndex[AParagraphIndex];
- bidiCount := ParagraphEndIndex[AParagraphIndex]-bidiStart;
- InternalDeleteBidiAndUTF8(bidiStart, bidiCount);
- for i := unbrokenStart to high(FUnbrokenLine)-unbrokenCount do
- begin
- FUnbrokenLine[i] := FUnbrokenLine[i+unbrokenCount];
- dec(FUnbrokenLine[i].paragraphIndex);
- dec(FUnbrokenLine[i].startIndex, bidiCount);
- end;
- setlength(FUnbrokenLine, length(FUnbrokenLine)-unbrokenCount);
- dec(FUnbrokenLineCount, unbrokenCount);
- for i := AParagraphIndex+1 to ParagraphCount do
- dec(FParagraph[i].firstUnbrokenLineIndex, unbrokenCount);
- if Assigned(FOnCharDeleted) then FOnCharDeleted(self, AParagraphIndex, bidiStart, bidiCount);
- for i := AParagraphIndex to ParagraphCount-1 do
- FParagraph[i] := FParagraph[i+1];
- dec(FParagraphCount);
- setlength(FParagraph, FParagraphCount+1);
- if Assigned(FOnParagraphDeleted) then FOnParagraphDeleted(self, AParagraphIndex);
-procedure TUnicodeAnalysis.InternalDeleteWithinParagraph(
- AParagraphIndex: integer; APosition, ACount: integer; AUpdateBidi: boolean);
- unbrokenEnd: Integer;
- bidiStart, bidiCount: LongInt;
- i: integer;
- if (AParagraphIndex < 0) or (AParagraphIndex >= ParagraphCount) then
- raise ERangeError.Create('Paragraph index out of bounds');
- InternalDeleteBidiAndUTF8(APosition, ACount);
- unbrokenEnd := FParagraph[AParagraphIndex+1].firstUnbrokenLineIndex;
- for i := unbrokenEnd to high(FUnbrokenLine) do
- dec(FUnbrokenLine[i].startIndex, ACount);
- bidiStart := ParagraphStartIndex[AParagraphIndex];
- bidiCount := ParagraphEndIndex[AParagraphIndex]-bidiStart;
- if AUpdateBidi then InternalUpdateBidiIsolate(AParagraphIndex, bidiStart, bidiCount);
- InternalUpdateUnbrokenLines(AParagraphIndex);
- if Assigned(FOnCharDeleted) then FOnCharDeleted(self, AParagraphIndex, APosition, ACount);
-procedure TUnicodeAnalysis.InternalMergeParagraphWithNext(AParagraphIndex: integer);
- indexBeforeSep, bidiStart, bidiCount, i: LongInt;
- hasParaSep: Boolean;
- unbrokenEnd: Integer;
- if (AParagraphIndex < 0) or (AParagraphIndex >= ParagraphCount-1) then
- raise ERangeError.Create('Paragraph index out of bounds');
- indexBeforeSep := ParagraphEndIndexBeforeParagraphSeparator[AParagraphIndex];
- hasParaSep := indexBeforeSep<>ParagraphEndIndex[AParagraphIndex];
- if not hasParaSep then exit;
- bidiStart := indexBeforeSep;
- bidiCount := ParagraphEndIndex[AParagraphIndex]-bidiStart;
- InternalDeleteBidiAndUTF8(bidiStart, bidiCount);
- if Assigned(FOnCharDeleted) then
- FOnCharDeleted(self, AParagraphIndex, bidiStart, bidiCount);
- unbrokenEnd := FParagraph[AParagraphIndex+1].firstUnbrokenLineIndex;
- for i := unbrokenEnd to high(FUnbrokenLine)-1 do
- begin
- FUnbrokenLine[i] := FUnbrokenLine[i+1];
- dec(FUnbrokenLine[i].paragraphIndex);
- dec(FUnbrokenLine[i].startIndex, bidiCount);
- end;
- setlength(FUnbrokenLine, length(FUnbrokenLine)-1);
- dec(FUnbrokenLineCount);
- for i := AParagraphIndex+1 to high(FParagraph)-1 do
- begin
- FParagraph[i] := FParagraph[i+1];
- dec(FParagraph[i].firstUnbrokenLineIndex);
- end;
- setlength(FParagraph, length(FParagraph)-1);
- dec(FParagraphCount);
- bidiStart := ParagraphStartIndex[AParagraphIndex];
- bidiCount := ParagraphEndIndex[AParagraphIndex]-bidiStart;
- InternalUpdateBidiIsolate(AParagraphIndex, bidiStart, bidiCount);
- if Assigned(FOnParagraphMergedWithNext) then
- FOnParagraphMergedWithNext(self, AParagraphIndex);
-procedure TUnicodeAnalysis.InternalDeleteBidiAndUTF8(ABidiStart,
- ABidiCount: integer);
- utf8Start, utf8Count, bidiEnd, i: Integer;
- if ABidiCount = 0 then exit;
- if ABidiCount < 0 then raise exception.Create('Bidi count must be positive');
- bidiEnd := ABidiStart+ABidiCount;
- CheckCharRange(ABidiStart, bidiEnd, 0, CharCount);
- utf8Start := FBidi[ABidiStart].Offset+1;
- if bidiEnd >= CharCount then
- utf8Count := length(FText) - (utf8Start-1)
- else
- utf8Count := FBidi[bidiEnd].Offset - (utf8Start-1);
- delete(FText, utf8Start, utf8Count);
- for i := ABidiStart to high(FBidi)-ABidiCount do
- begin
- FBidi[i] := FBidi[i+ABidiCount];
- dec(FBidi[i].Offset, utf8Count);
- end;
- setlength(FBidi, length(FBidi)-ABidiCount);
- dec(FCharCount, ABidiCount);
-procedure TUnicodeAnalysis.InternalUpdateBidiIsolate(AParagraphIndex: integer; ABidiStart, ABidiCount: integer);
- utf8Start, utf8Count, bidiEnd, i: Integer;
- newBidi: TBidiUTF8Array;
- startDiff,endDiff: integer;
- if ABidiCount = 0 then exit;
- if ABidiCount < 0 then raise exception.Create('Bidi count must be positive');
- bidiEnd := ABidiStart+ABidiCount;
- CheckCharRange(ABidiStart, bidiEnd, 0, CharCount);
- utf8Start := FBidi[ABidiStart].Offset+1;
- if bidiEnd >= CharCount then
- utf8Count := length(FText) - (utf8Start-1)
- else
- utf8Count := FBidi[bidiEnd].Offset - (utf8Start-1);
- newBidi:= AnalyzeBidiUTF8(copy(FText, utf8Start, utf8Count), FBidiMode);
- startDiff := maxLongint;
- endDiff := -maxLongint;
- for i := 0 to min(ABidiCount, length(newBidi))-1 do
- if FBidi[ABidiStart+i].BidiInfo <> newBidi[i].BidiInfo then
- begin
- if i < startDiff then startDiff := i;
- if i > endDiff then endDiff := i;
- FBidi[ABidiStart+i] := newBidi[i];
- inc(FBidi[ABidiStart+i].Offset, utf8Start-1);
- end;
- if Assigned(OnAnalysisChanged) and (endDiff >= startDiff) then
- OnAnalysisChanged(self, AParagraphIndex, startDiff, endDiff);
-procedure TUnicodeAnalysis.InternalUpdateUnbrokenLines(AParagraphIndex: integer);
- newUnbrokenCount, unbrokenStart, unbrokenEnd, unbrokenCount,
- unbrokenDelta, curUnbrokenIndex: Integer;
- bidiStart, bidiEnd, i: LongInt;
- if (AParagraphIndex < 0) or (AParagraphIndex >= ParagraphCount) then
- raise ERangeError.Create('Paragraph index out of bounds');
- bidiStart := ParagraphStartIndex[AParagraphIndex];
- if AParagraphIndex = ParagraphCount-1 then
- bidiEnd := ParagraphEndIndex[AParagraphIndex]
- else
- bidiEnd := ParagraphEndIndexBeforeParagraphSeparator[AParagraphIndex];
- unbrokenStart := FParagraph[AParagraphIndex].firstUnbrokenLineIndex;
- unbrokenEnd := FParagraph[AParagraphIndex+1].firstUnbrokenLineIndex;
- unbrokenCount := unbrokenEnd-unbrokenStart;
- newUnbrokenCount := 1;
- for i := bidiStart to bidiEnd-1 do
- if FBidi[i].BidiInfo.IsEndOfLine or
- FBidi[i].BidiInfo.IsExplicitEndOfParagraph then inc(newUnbrokenCount);
- if newUnbrokenCount < unbrokenCount then
- begin
- unbrokenDelta := unbrokenCount-newUnbrokenCount;
- for i := unbrokenEnd-unbrokenDelta to high(FUnbrokenLine)-unbrokenDelta do
- FUnbrokenLine[i] := FUnbrokenLine[i+unbrokenDelta];
- setlength(FUnbrokenLine, length(FUnbrokenLine)-unbrokenDelta);
- dec(FUnbrokenLineCount, unbrokenDelta);
- end else
- if newUnbrokenCount > unbrokenCount then
- begin
- unbrokenDelta := newUnbrokenCount-unbrokenCount;
- setlength(FUnbrokenLine, length(FUnbrokenLine)+unbrokenDelta);
- inc(FUnbrokenLineCount, unbrokenDelta);
- for i := high(FUnbrokenLine) downto unbrokenEnd+unbrokenDelta do
- FUnbrokenLine[i] := FUnbrokenLine[i-unbrokenDelta];
- end;
- for i := AParagraphIndex+1 to high(FParagraph) do
- inc(FParagraph[i].firstUnbrokenLineIndex, newUnbrokenCount-unbrokenCount);
- curUnbrokenIndex := unbrokenStart;
- FUnbrokenLine[curUnbrokenIndex].startIndex:= bidiStart;
- FUnbrokenLine[curUnbrokenIndex].paragraphIndex:= AParagraphIndex;
- for i := bidiStart to bidiEnd-1 do
- begin
- if FBidi[i].BidiInfo.IsEndOfLine or
- FBidi[i].BidiInfo.IsExplicitEndOfParagraph then // paragraph separator before split
- begin
- inc(curUnbrokenIndex);
- FUnbrokenLine[curUnbrokenIndex].startIndex := i+1;
- FUnbrokenLine[curUnbrokenIndex].paragraphIndex:= AParagraphIndex;
- end;
- end;
-function TUnicodeAnalysis.InternalInsertText(APosition: integer;
- const ANewBidi: TBidiUTF8Array; ANewTextUTF8: string): integer;
- utf8Start, utf8Count,
- prevCharCount, bidiCount, paraBidiStart, paraBidiCount,
- i, unbrokenEnd, paraIndex: integer;
- if (APosition < 0) or (APosition>CharCount) then
- raise exception.Create('Position out of bounds');
- if length(ANewBidi)=0 then exit;
- prevCharCount:= CharCount;
- paraIndex := GetParagraphAt(APosition);
- bidiCount := length(ANewBidi);
- utf8Start := FBidi[APosition].Offset+1;
- utf8Count := length(ANewTextUTF8);
- Insert(ANewTextUTF8, FText, utf8Start);
- setlength(FBidi, length(FBidi)+bidiCount);
- for i := high(FBidi) downto APosition+bidiCount do
- begin
- FBidi[i] := FBidi[i-bidiCount];
- inc(FBidi[i].Offset, utf8Count);
- end;
- for i := 0 to high(ANewBidi) do
- begin
- FBidi[APosition+i] := ANewBidi[i];
- inc(FBidi[APosition+i].Offset, utf8Start-1);
- end;
- inc(FCharCount, bidiCount);
- unbrokenEnd := FParagraph[paraIndex+1].firstUnbrokenLineIndex;
- for i := unbrokenEnd to high(FUnbrokenLine) do
- inc(FUnbrokenLine[i].startIndex, bidiCount);
- paraBidiStart := ParagraphStartIndex[paraIndex];
- paraBidiCount := ParagraphEndIndex[paraIndex]-paraBidiStart;
- InternalUpdateBidiIsolate(paraIndex, paraBidiStart, paraBidiCount);
- InternalUpdateUnbrokenLines(paraIndex);
- if Assigned(FOnCharInserted) then
- FOnCharInserted(self, paraIndex, APosition, bidiCount);
- InternalSplitParagraph(paraIndex);
- {$IFDEF DEBUG}CheckTextAnalysis;{$ENDIF}
- result := CharCount-prevCharCount;
-procedure TUnicodeAnalysis.InternalSplitParagraph(AParagraphIndex: integer);
- i, unbrokenStart, unbrokenEndIncl, j, paraIndex: integer;
- unbrokenStart := FParagraph[AParagraphIndex].firstUnbrokenLineIndex;
- unbrokenEndIncl := FParagraph[AParagraphIndex+1].firstUnbrokenLineIndex-1;
- for i := unbrokenStart+1 to unbrokenEndIncl do
- begin
- if (FUnbrokenLine[i].startIndex > 0) and
- FBidi[FUnbrokenLine[i].startIndex-1].BidiInfo.IsExplicitEndOfParagraph then
- begin
- paraIndex := FUnbrokenLine[i].paragraphIndex;
- setlength(FParagraph, length(FParagraph)+1);
- inc(FParagraphCount);
- for j := high(FParagraph) downto paraIndex+2 do
- FParagraph[j] := FParagraph[j-1];
- FParagraph[paraIndex+1].firstUnbrokenLineIndex:= i;
- for j := i to high(FUnbrokenLine) do
- inc(FUnbrokenLine[j].paragraphIndex);
- if Assigned(OnParagraphSplit) then
- OnParagraphSplit(self, paraIndex, FUnbrokenLine[i].startIndex);
- end;
- end;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgraunits.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgraunits.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 27d469d..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgraunits.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,572 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAUnits;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- SysUtils, BGRABitmapTypes;
- TSVGNumber = single;//double
- ArrayOfTSVGNumber = array of TSVGNumber;
- TCSSUnit = (cuCustom, cuPixel,
- cuCentimeter, cuMillimeter,
- cuInch, cuPica, cuPoint,
- cuFontEmHeight, cuFontXHeight, cuPercent);
- TFloatWithCSSUnit = record
- value: single;
- CSSUnit: TCSSUnit;
- end;
- ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit = array of TFloatWithCSSUnit;
-function FloatWithCSSUnit(AValue: single; AUnit: TCSSUnit): TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- CSSUnitShortName: array[TCSSUnit] of string =
- ('','px',
- 'cm','mm',
- 'in','pc','pt',
- 'em','ex','%');
- { TCSSUnitConverter }
- TCSSUnitConverter = class
- protected
- FViewBoxHeight: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- FViewBoxWidth: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- FViewBoxHeightInUnit: array[TCSSUnit] of single;
- FViewBoxWidthInUnit: array[TCSSUnit] of single;
- FCurrentFontEmHeight: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetRootFontEmHeight: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- function GetDefaultUnitHeight: TFloatWithCSSUnit; virtual;
- function GetDefaultUnitWidth: TFloatWithCSSUnit; virtual;
- function GetDpiX: single; virtual;
- function GetDpiY: single; virtual;
- function GetFontEmHeight: TFloatWithCSSUnit; virtual;
- function GetFontXHeight: TFloatWithCSSUnit; virtual;
- procedure SetViewBoxHeight(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- procedure SetViewBoxWidth(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- property FontEmHeight: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetFontEmHeight;
- property FontXHeight: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetFontXHeight;
- property DefaultUnitWidth: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetDefaultUnitWidth;
- property DefaultUnitHeight: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetDefaultUnitHeight;
- public
- constructor Create;
- function ConvertOrtho(xy: single; sourceUnit, destUnit: TCSSUnit): single; overload;
- function ConvertOrtho(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit; destUnit: TCSSUnit): TFloatWithCSSUnit; overload;
- function ConvertWidth(x: single; sourceUnit, destUnit: TCSSUnit): single; overload;
- function ConvertHeight(y: single; sourceUnit, destUnit: TCSSUnit): single; overload;
- function ConvertWidth(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit; destUnit: TCSSUnit): TFloatWithCSSUnit; overload;
- function ConvertHeight(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit; destUnit: TCSSUnit): TFloatWithCSSUnit; overload;
- function ConvertWidth(AValue: ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit; destUnit: TCSSUnit): ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit; overload;
- function ConvertHeight(AValue: ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit; destUnit: TCSSUnit): ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit; overload;
- function ConvertCoord(pt: TPointF; sourceUnit, destUnit: TCSSUnit): TPointF; overload;
- function GetConversionMatrix(AFromUnit, AToUnit: TCSSUnit): TAffineMatrix; overload;
- function Convert(xy: single; sourceUnit, destUnit: TCSSUnit; dpi: single; containerSize: single = 0): single;
- function ConvertOrtho(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit; destUnit: TCSSUnit; containerWidth: single; containerHeight: single): TFloatWithCSSUnit; overload;
- function ConvertWidth(x: single; sourceUnit, destUnit: TCSSUnit; containerWidth: single): single; overload;
- function ConvertHeight(y: single; sourceUnit, destUnit: TCSSUnit; containerHeight: single): single; overload;
- function ConvertWidth(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit; destUnit: TCSSUnit; containerWidth: single): TFloatWithCSSUnit; overload;
- function ConvertHeight(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit; destUnit: TCSSUnit; containerHeight: single): TFloatWithCSSUnit; overload;
- function ConvertWidth(AValue: ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit; destUnit: TCSSUnit; containerWidth: single): ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit; overload;
- function ConvertHeight(AValue: ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit; destUnit: TCSSUnit; containerHeight: single): ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit; overload;
- function ConvertCoord(pt: TPointF; sourceUnit, destUnit: TCSSUnit; containerWidth: single; containerHeight: single): TPointF; overload;
- function GetConversionMatrix(AFromUnit, AToUnit: TCSSUnit; containerWidth: single; containerHeight: single): TAffineMatrix; overload;
- class function parseValue(AValue: string; ADefault: TFloatWithCSSUnit): TFloatWithCSSUnit; overload; static;
- class function parseValue(AValue: string; ADefault: single): single; overload; static;
- class function parseArrayOfNumbers(AValue: string): ArrayOfTSVGNumber; overload; static;
- class function parseArrayOfValuesWithUnit(AValue: string): ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit; overload; static;
- class function formatValue(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit; APrecision: integer = 7): string; overload; static;
- class function formatValue(AValue: single; APrecision: integer = 7): string; overload; static;
- class function formatValue(AValue: ArrayOfTSVGNumber; APrecision: integer = 7): string; overload; static;
- class function formatValue(AValue: ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit; APrecision: integer = 7): string; overload; static;
- property ViewBoxWidth: TFloatWithCSSUnit read FViewBoxWidth write SetViewBoxWidth;
- property ViewBoxHeight: TFloatWithCSSUnit read FViewBoxHeight write SetViewBoxHeight;
- property DpiX: single read GetDpiX;
- property DpiY: single read GetDpiY;
- property CurrentFontEmHeight: TFloatWithCSSUnit read FCurrentFontEmHeight write FCurrentFontEmHeight;
- property RootFontEmHeight: TFloatWithCSSUnit read GetRootFontEmHeight;
- end;
-uses BGRATransform;
- formats: TFormatSettings;
-const InchFactor: array[TCSSUnit] of integer =
- (9600, 9600,
- 254, 2540,
- 100, 600, 7200,
- 0, 0, 0);
-function FloatWithCSSUnit(AValue: single; AUnit: TCSSUnit): TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result.value:= AValue;
- result.CSSUnit:= AUnit;
-{ TCSSUnitConverter }
-procedure TCSSUnitConverter.SetViewBoxHeight(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- u: TCSSUnit;
- if (FViewBoxHeight.value=AValue.value) and
- (FViewBoxHeight.CSSUnit=AValue.CSSUnit) then Exit;
- FViewBoxHeight:=AValue;
- for u := low(TCSSUnit) to high(TCSSUnit) do
- FViewBoxHeightInUnit[u] := ConvertHeight(FViewBoxHeight, u, 0).value;
-procedure TCSSUnitConverter.SetViewBoxWidth(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit);
- u: TCSSUnit;
- if (FViewBoxWidth.value=AValue.value) and
- (FViewBoxWidth.CSSUnit=AValue.CSSUnit) then Exit;
- FViewBoxWidth:=AValue;
- for u := low(TCSSUnit) to high(TCSSUnit) do
- FViewBoxWidthInUnit[u] := ConvertWidth(FViewBoxWidth, u, 0).value;
-function TCSSUnitConverter.GetRootFontEmHeight: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := FloatWithCSSUnit(12, cuPoint);
-function TCSSUnitConverter.GetFontEmHeight: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := FCurrentFontEmHeight;
-function TCSSUnitConverter.GetFontXHeight: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := FCurrentFontEmHeight;
- result.value := result.value * 0.5; //approximation
-function TCSSUnitConverter.GetDefaultUnitHeight: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := FloatWithCSSUnit(1,cuPixel);
-function TCSSUnitConverter.GetDefaultUnitWidth: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := FloatWithCSSUnit(1,cuPixel);
-function TCSSUnitConverter.GetDpiX: single;
- result := 96;
-function TCSSUnitConverter.GetDpiY: single;
- result := 96;
-function TCSSUnitConverter.Convert(xy: single; sourceUnit, destUnit: TCSSUnit;
- dpi: single; containerSize: single): single;
-var sourceFactor, destFactor: integer;
- //fallback values for cuCustom as pixels
- if sourceUnit = cuCustom then sourceUnit := cuPixel;
- if destUnit = cuCustom then destUnit := cuPixel;
- if (sourceUnit = destUnit) then
- result := xy
- else
- if sourceUnit = cuPercent then
- begin
- result := xy/100*containerSize;
- end else
- if sourceUnit = cuFontEmHeight then
- begin
- with FontEmHeight do result := Convert(xy*value,CSSUnit, destUnit, dpi);
- end else
- if sourceUnit = cuFontXHeight then
- begin
- with FontXHeight do result := Convert(xy*value,CSSUnit, destUnit, dpi);
- end else
- if destUnit = cuFontEmHeight then
- begin
- with ConvertHeight(FontEmHeight, sourceUnit) do
- if value = 0 then result := 0 else result := xy/value;
- end else
- if destUnit = cuFontXHeight then
- begin
- with ConvertHeight(FontXHeight, sourceUnit) do
- if value = 0 then result := 0 else result := xy/value;
- end else
- if sourceUnit = cuPixel then
- begin
- if dpi = 0 then result := 0
- else result := xy*(InchFactor[destUnit]/(dpi*100));
- end else
- if destUnit = cuPixel then
- begin
- if dpi = 0 then result := 0
- else result := xy*((dpi*100)/InchFactor[sourceUnit]);
- end else
- begin
- sourceFactor := InchFactor[sourceUnit];
- destFactor := InchFactor[destUnit];
- if (sourceFactor = 0) or (destFactor = 0) then
- result := 0
- else
- result := xy*(destFactor/sourceFactor);
- end;
-function TCSSUnitConverter.ConvertOrtho(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- destUnit: TCSSUnit; containerWidth: single; containerHeight: single): TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result.value := (ConvertWidth(AValue.value, AValue.CSSUnit, destUnit, containerWidth) +
- ConvertHeight(AValue.value, AValue.CSSUnit, destUnit, containerHeight)) / 2;
- result.CSSUnit:= destUnit;
-function TCSSUnitConverter.ConvertWidth(x: single; sourceUnit,
- destUnit: TCSSUnit; containerWidth: single): single;
- if sourceUnit = destUnit then
- result := x
- else if sourceUnit = cuCustom then
- with DefaultUnitWidth do
- begin
- result := x*ConvertWidth(value,CSSUnit, destUnit, containerWidth)
- end
- else if sourceUnit = cuPercent then
- begin
- result := x/100*containerWidth;
- end
- else if destUnit = cuCustom then
- with ConvertWidth(DefaultUnitWidth,sourceUnit) do
- begin
- if value = 0 then
- result := 0
- else
- result := x/value;
- end else
- result := Convert(x, sourceUnit, destUnit, DpiX, containerWidth);
-function TCSSUnitConverter.ConvertHeight(y: single; sourceUnit,
- destUnit: TCSSUnit; containerHeight: single): single;
- if sourceUnit = cuCustom then
- with DefaultUnitHeight do
- begin
- result := y*ConvertHeight(value,CSSUnit, destUnit, containerHeight)
- end
- else if sourceUnit = cuPercent then
- begin
- result := y/100*containerHeight;
- end
- else if destUnit = cuCustom then
- with ConvertHeight(DefaultUnitHeight,sourceUnit) do
- begin
- if value = 0 then
- result := 0
- else
- result := y/value;
- end else
- result := Convert(y, sourceUnit, destUnit, DpiY, containerHeight);
-function TCSSUnitConverter.ConvertWidth(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- destUnit: TCSSUnit; containerWidth: single): TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result.CSSUnit := destUnit;
- result.value:= ConvertWidth(AValue.value,AValue.CSSUnit,destUnit,containerWidth);
-function TCSSUnitConverter.ConvertHeight(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- destUnit: TCSSUnit; containerHeight: single): TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result.CSSUnit := destUnit;
- result.value:= ConvertHeight(AValue.value,AValue.CSSUnit,destUnit,containerHeight);
-function TCSSUnitConverter.ConvertWidth(AValue: ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit;
- destUnit: TCSSUnit; containerWidth: single): ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit;
- i: integer;
- for i := low(AValue) to high(AValue) do
- AValue[i]:= ConvertWidth(AValue[i],destUnit,containerWidth);
- result := AValue;
-function TCSSUnitConverter.ConvertHeight(AValue: ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit;
- destUnit: TCSSUnit; containerHeight: single): ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit;
- i: integer;
- for i := low(AValue) to high(AValue) do
- AValue[i]:= ConvertHeight(AValue[i],destUnit,containerHeight);
- result := AValue;
-function TCSSUnitConverter.ConvertCoord(pt: TPointF; sourceUnit,
- destUnit: TCSSUnit; containerWidth: single; containerHeight: single): TPointF;
- result.x := ConvertWidth(pt.x, sourceUnit, destUnit, containerWidth);
- result.y := ConvertHeight(pt.y, sourceUnit, destUnit, containerHeight);
-function TCSSUnitConverter.GetConversionMatrix(AFromUnit, AToUnit: TCSSUnit;
- containerWidth: single; containerHeight: single): TAffineMatrix;
- ptUnit: TPointF;
- ptUnit := ConvertCoord(PointF(1, 1), AFromUnit, AToUnit, containerWidth, containerHeight);
- result := AffineMatrixScale(ptUnit.x, ptUnit.y);
-class function TCSSUnitConverter.parseValue(AValue: string;
- ADefault: TFloatWithCSSUnit): TFloatWithCSSUnit;
-var cssUnit: TCSSUnit;
- errPos: integer;
- AValue := trim(AValue);
- result.CSSUnit:= cuCustom;
- for cssUnit := succ(cuCustom) to high(cssUnit) do
- if (length(AValue)>=length(CSSUnitShortName[cssUnit])) and
- (CompareText(copy(AValue,length(AValue)-length(CSSUnitShortName[cssUnit])+1,length(CSSUnitShortName[cssUnit])),
- CSSUnitShortName[cssUnit])=0) then
- begin
- AValue := copy(AValue,1,length(AValue)-length(CSSUnitShortName[cssUnit]));
- result.CSSUnit := cssUnit;
- break;
- end;
- val(AValue,result.value,errPos);
- if errPos <> 0 then
- result := ADefault;
-class function TCSSUnitConverter.parseValue(AValue: string; ADefault: single): single;
- errPos: integer;
- AValue := trim(AValue);
- val(AValue,result,errPos);
- if errPos <> 0 then
- result := ADefault;
-class function TCSSUnitConverter.parseArrayOfNumbers(AValue: string): ArrayOfTSVGNumber;
- i, l,p: integer;
- procedure CanAddToArray;
- var
- len: integer;
- begin
- if l <> 0 then
- begin
- len := length(result);
- setlength(result,len+1);
- result[len] := parseValue( copy(AValue,p,l), 0);
- end;
- end;
- AValue := trim(AValue);
- if AValue = '' then exit(nil);
- setlength(result,0);
- p:= 1;
- l:= 0;
- for i := 1 to length(AValue) do
- begin
- if AValue[i] in [#9,#10,#13,#32,#44] then
- begin
- CanAddToArray;
- p:= i+1;
- l:= 0;
- end
- else
- Inc(l);
- end;
- CanAddToArray;
-class function TCSSUnitConverter.parseArrayOfValuesWithUnit(AValue: string): ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit;
- i, l,p: integer;
- def: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- procedure CanAddToArray;
- var
- len: integer;
- begin
- if l <> 0 then
- begin
- len := length(result);
- setlength(result,len+1);
- result[len] := parseValue( copy(AValue,p,l), def);
- end;
- end;
- AValue := trim(AValue);
- if AValue = '' then exit(nil);
- def := FloatWithCSSUnit(0, cuCustom);
- setlength(result,0);
- p:= 1;
- l:= 0;
- for i := 1 to length(AValue) do
- begin
- if AValue[i] in [#9,#10,#13,#32,#44] then
- begin
- CanAddToArray;
- p:= i+1;
- l:= 0;
- end
- else
- Inc(l);
- end;
- CanAddToArray;
-class function TCSSUnitConverter.formatValue(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit; APrecision: integer = 7): string;
- result := FloatToStrF(AValue.value,ffGeneral,APrecision,0,formats)+CSSUnitShortName[AValue.CSSUnit];
-class function TCSSUnitConverter.formatValue(AValue: single; APrecision: integer
- ): string;
- result := FloatToStrF(AValue,ffGeneral,APrecision,0,formats);
-class function TCSSUnitConverter.formatValue(AValue: ArrayOfTSVGNumber; APrecision: integer = 7): string;
- i, len: integer;
- len:= length(AValue);
- if len = 0 then
- result:= ''
- else if len = 1 then
- result:= formatValue(AValue[0], APrecision)
- else
- begin
- result:= '';
- for i := 0 to len-1 do
- begin
- result:= result + formatValue(AValue[i], APrecision);
- if i <> (len-1) then
- result:= result + ', ';
- end;
- end;
-class function TCSSUnitConverter.formatValue(AValue: ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit; APrecision: integer = 7): string;
- i, len: integer;
- len:= length(AValue);
- if len = 0 then
- result:= ''
- else if len = 1 then
- result:= formatValue(AValue[0], APrecision)
- else
- begin
- result:= '';
- for i := 0 to len-1 do
- begin
- result:= result + formatValue(AValue[i], APrecision);
- if i <> (len-1) then
- result:= result + ', ';
- end;
- end;
-constructor TCSSUnitConverter.Create;
- inherited;
- FCurrentFontEmHeight:= GetRootFontEmHeight;
- ViewBoxWidth := FloatWithCSSUnit(0, cuPixel);
- ViewBoxHeight := FloatWithCSSUnit(0, cuPixel);
-function TCSSUnitConverter.ConvertOrtho(xy: single; sourceUnit,
- destUnit: TCSSUnit): single;
- result := (ConvertWidth(xy, sourceUnit, destUnit) +
- ConvertHeight(xy, sourceUnit, destUnit)) / 2;
-function TCSSUnitConverter.ConvertOrtho(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- destUnit: TCSSUnit): TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result.value := (ConvertWidth(AValue.value, AValue.CSSUnit, destUnit) +
- ConvertHeight(AValue.value, AValue.CSSUnit, destUnit)) / 2;
- result.CSSUnit:= destUnit;
-function TCSSUnitConverter.ConvertWidth(x: single; sourceUnit,
- destUnit: TCSSUnit): single;
- result := ConvertWidth(x, sourceUnit, destUnit, FViewBoxWidthInUnit[destUnit]);
-function TCSSUnitConverter.ConvertHeight(y: single; sourceUnit,
- destUnit: TCSSUnit): single;
- result := ConvertHeight(y, sourceUnit, destUnit, FViewBoxHeightInUnit[destUnit]);
-function TCSSUnitConverter.ConvertWidth(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- destUnit: TCSSUnit): TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := ConvertWidth(AValue, destUnit, FViewBoxWidthInUnit[destUnit]);
-function TCSSUnitConverter.ConvertHeight(AValue: TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- destUnit: TCSSUnit): TFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := ConvertHeight(AValue, destUnit, FViewBoxHeightInUnit[destUnit]);
-function TCSSUnitConverter.ConvertWidth(AValue: ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit;
- destUnit: TCSSUnit): ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := ConvertWidth(AValue, destUnit, FViewBoxWidthInUnit[destUnit]);
-function TCSSUnitConverter.ConvertHeight(AValue: ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit;
- destUnit: TCSSUnit): ArrayOfTFloatWithCSSUnit;
- result := ConvertHeight(AValue, destUnit, FViewBoxHeightInUnit[destUnit]);
-function TCSSUnitConverter.ConvertCoord(pt: TPointF; sourceUnit,
- destUnit: TCSSUnit): TPointF;
- result := ConvertCoord(pt, sourceUnit, destUnit,
- FViewBoxWidthInUnit[destUnit], FViewBoxHeightInUnit[destUnit]);
-function TCSSUnitConverter.GetConversionMatrix(AFromUnit, AToUnit: TCSSUnit): TAffineMatrix;
- result := GetConversionMatrix(AFromUnit, AToUnit,
- FViewBoxWidthInUnit[AToUnit], FViewBoxHeightInUnit[AToUnit]);
- formats := DefaultFormatSettings;
- formats.DecimalSeparator := '.';
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrautf8.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrautf8.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 8415793..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrautf8.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1509 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAUTF8;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
-{$i bgrabitmap.inc}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, math, BGRAUnicode{$IFDEF BGRABITMAP_USE_LCL}, lazutf8classes{$ENDIF};
- UTF8_LINE_SEPARATOR = #$E2#$80#$A8; //equivalent of
- UTF8_PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR = #$E2#$80#$A9; //equivalent of
- UTF8_NEXT_LINE = #$C2#$85; //equivalent of CRLF
- TFileStreamUTF8 = lazutf8classes.TFileStreamUTF8;
- TStringListUTF8 = lazutf8classes.TStringListUTF8;
- TFileStreamUTF8 = class(THandleStream)
- private
- FFileName: utf8string;
- public
- constructor Create(const AFileName: utf8string; Mode: Word); overload;
- constructor Create(const AFileName: utf8string; Mode: Word; Rights: LongWord); overload;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- property FileName: utf8string Read FFilename;
- end;
- TStringListUTF8 = class(TStringList)
- protected
- function DoCompareText(const s1,s2 : string) : PtrInt; override;
- public
- procedure LoadFromFile(const FileName: string); override;
- procedure SaveToFile(const FileName: string); override;
- end;
-procedure LoadStringsFromFileUTF8(List: TStrings; const FileName: string);
-procedure SaveStringsToFileUTF8(List: TStrings; const FileName: string);
-function UTF8ToSys(const s: string): string;
-function SysToUTF8(const s: string): string;
-function UTF8LowerCase(const s: string): string;
-function UTF8UpperCase(const s: string): string;
-function UTF8CompareStr(const S1, S2: string): Integer;
-function UTF8CompareText(const S1, S2: string): Integer;
-function UTF8CharStart(UTF8Str: PChar; Len, CharIndex: PtrInt): PChar;
-function FileOpenUTF8(Const FileName : string; Mode : Integer) : THandle;
-function FileCreateUTF8(Const FileName : string) : THandle; overload;
-function FileCreateUTF8(Const FileName : string; Rights: LongWord) : THandle; overload;
-function FileExistsUTF8(Const FileName : string): boolean;
-function DeleteFileUTF8(Const FileName : string): boolean;
-function FindFirstUTF8(const Path: string; Attr: Longint; out Rslt: TSearchRec): Longint;
-function FindNextUTF8(var Rslt: TSearchRec): Longint;
-procedure FindCloseUTF8(var F: TSearchrec);
- string4 = string[4];
- TUnicodeArray = packed array of LongWord;
- TIntegerArray = array of integer;
-function UTF8CharacterLength(p: PChar): integer;
-function UTF8Length(const s: string): PtrInt; overload;
-function UTF8Length(p: PChar; ByteCount: PtrInt): PtrInt; overload;
-function UnicodeCharToUTF8(u: LongWord): string4;
-function UTF8ReverseString(const s: string): string;
-function UTF8CodepointToUnicode(p: PChar; ACodePointLen: integer): LongWord;
-function UTF8ToUTF16(const S: AnsiString): UnicodeString;
-function UTF16ToUTF8(const S: UnicodeString): AnsiString;
-procedure UTF8ToUnicodeArray(const sUTF8: string; out u: TUnicodeArray; out ofs: TIntegerArray);
- TBidiUTF8Info = packed record
- Offset: Integer;
- BidiInfo: TUnicodeBidiInfo;
- end;
- TBidiUTF8Array = packed array of TBidiUTF8Info;
- TUnicodeDisplayOrder = BGRAUnicode.TUnicodeDisplayOrder;
- TUnicodeBidiInfo = BGRAUnicode.TUnicodeBidiInfo;
-function GetBidiClassUTF8(P: PChar): TUnicodeBidiClass;
-function GetFirstStrongBidiClassUTF8(const sUTF8: string): TUnicodeBidiClass;
-function GetLastStrongBidiClassUTF8(const sUTF8: string): TUnicodeBidiClass;
-function IsRightToLeftUTF8(const sUTF8: string): boolean;
-function IsZeroWidthUTF8(const sUTF8: string): boolean;
-function AddParagraphBidiUTF8(s: string; ARightToLeft: boolean): string;
-function AnalyzeBidiUTF8(const sUTF8: string): TBidiUTF8Array; overload;
-function AnalyzeBidiUTF8(const sUTF8: string; ABidiMode: TFontBidiMode): TBidiUTF8Array; overload;
-function AnalyzeBidiUTF8(const sUTF8: string; ARightToLeft: boolean): TBidiUTF8Array; overload;
-function GetUTF8DisplayOrder(const ABidi: TBidiUTF8Array): TUnicodeDisplayOrder;
-function ContainsBidiIsolateOrFormattingUTF8(const sUTF8: string): boolean;
-function UTF8OverrideDirection(const sUTF8: string; ARightToLeft: boolean): string;
-function UTF8EmbedDirection(const sUTF8: string; ARightToLeft: boolean): string;
-function UTF8Ligature(const sUTF8: string; ARightToLeft: boolean; ALigatureLeft, ALigatureRight: boolean): string;
- { TGlyphUtf8 }
- TGlyphUtf8 = record
- private
- function GetEmpty: boolean;
- public
- GlyphUtf8, MirroredGlyphUtf8: string;
- RightToLeft, Mirrored, Merged: boolean;
- ByteOffset, ByteSize: integer;
- property Empty: boolean read GetEmpty;
- end;
- { TGlyphCursorUtf8 }
- TGlyphCursorUtf8 = record
- private
- sUTF8: string;
- currentChar: string;
- currentOffset: integer;
- currentBidiInfo: TUnicodeBidiInfo;
- bidiArray: TBidiUTF8Array;
- displayOrder: TUnicodeDisplayOrder;
- displayIndex: Integer;
- procedure NextMultichar;
- procedure PeekMultichar;
- public
- class function New(const textUTF8: string; ABidiMode: TFontBidiMode): TGlyphCursorUtf8; static;
- function GetNextGlyph: TGlyphUtf8;
- procedure Rewind;
- function EndOfString: boolean;
- end;
-//little endian stream functions
-function LEReadInt64(Stream: TStream): int64;
-procedure LEWriteInt64(Stream: TStream; AValue: int64);
-function LEReadLongint(Stream: TStream): longint;
-procedure LEWriteLongint(Stream: TStream; AValue: LongInt);
-function LEReadByte(Stream: TStream): byte;
-procedure LEWriteByte(Stream: TStream; AValue: Byte);
-function LEReadSingle(Stream: TStream): single;
-procedure LEWriteSingle(Stream: TStream; AValue: single);
-uses LazFileUtils, LazUtf8;
-procedure LoadStringsFromFileUTF8(List: TStrings; const FileName: string);
- lazutf8classes.LoadStringsFromFileUTF8(List,FileName);
-procedure SaveStringsToFileUTF8(List: TStrings; const FileName: string);
- lazutf8classes.SaveStringsToFileUTF8(List,FileName);
-function UTF8ToSys(const s: string): string;
- result := LazUtf8.UTF8ToSys(s);
-function SysToUTF8(const s: string): string;
- result := LazUtf8.SysToUTF8(s);
-function UTF8LowerCase(const s: string): string;
- result := LazUtf8.UTF8LowerCase(s);
-function UTF8UpperCase(const s: string): string;
- result := LazUtf8.UTF8UpperCase(s);
-function UTF8CompareStr(const S1, S2: string): Integer;
- result := LazUtf8.UTF8CompareStr(S1,S2);
-function UTF8CompareText(const S1, S2: string): Integer;
- result := LazUtf8.UTF8CompareText(S1,S2);
-function FileOpenUTF8(Const FileName : string; Mode : Integer) : THandle;
- result := LazFileUtils.FileOpenUTF8(FileName, Mode);
-function FileCreateUTF8(Const FileName : string) : THandle; overload;
- result := LazFileUtils.FileCreateUTF8(FileName);
-function FileCreateUTF8(Const FileName : string; Rights: LongWord) : THandle; overload;
- result := LazFileUtils.FileCreateUTF8(FileName, Rights);
-function FileExistsUTF8(Const FileName : string): boolean;
- result := LazFileUtils.FileExistsUTF8(FileName);
-function DeleteFileUTF8(const FileName: string): boolean;
- result := LazFileUtils.DeleteFileUTF8(FileName);
-function FindFirstUTF8(const Path: string; Attr: Longint; out Rslt: TSearchRec
- ): Longint;
- result := LazFileUtils.FindFirstUTF8(Path,Attr,Rslt);
-function FindNextUTF8(var Rslt: TSearchRec): Longint;
- result := LazFileUtils.FindNextUTF8(Rslt);
-procedure FindCloseUTF8(var F: TSearchrec);
- LazFileUtils.FindCloseUTF8(F);
-function UTF8CharacterLength(p: PChar): integer;
- result := LazUtf8.UTF8CharacterLength(p);
-function UTF8Length(const s: string): PtrInt;
- result := LazUtf8.UTF8Length(s);
-function UTF8Length(p: PChar; ByteCount: PtrInt): PtrInt;
- result := LazUtf8.UTF8Length(p, ByteCount);
-function UnicodeCharToUTF8(u: LongWord): string4;
- result := LazUtf8.UnicodeToUTF8(u);
-function UTF8ToUTF16(const S: AnsiString): UnicodeString;
- result := LazUTf8.UTF8ToUTF16(s);
-function UTF16ToUTF8(const S: UnicodeString): AnsiString;
- result := LazUTf8.UTF16ToUTF8(s);
-procedure LoadStringsFromFileUTF8(List: TStrings; const FileName: string);
- uList: TStringListUTF8;
- if List is TStringListUTF8 then
- begin
- List.LoadFromFile(FileName);
- exit;
- end;
- uList:=TStringListUTF8.Create;
- try
- uList.LoadFromFile(FileName);
- List.Assign(uList);
- finally
- uList.Free;
- end;
-procedure SaveStringsToFileUTF8(List: TStrings; const FileName: string);
- uList: TStringListUTF8;
- if List is TStringListUTF8 then
- begin
- List.SaveToFile(FileName);
- exit;
- end;
- uList:=TStringListUTF8.Create;
- try
- uList.Assign(List);
- uList.SaveToFile(FileName);
- finally
- uList.Free;
- end;
-function UTF8LowerCase(const s: string): string;
- result := UTF8Encode(UnicodeLowerCase(UTF8Decode(s)));
-function UTF8UpperCase(const s: string): string;
- result := UTF8Encode(UnicodeUpperCase(UTF8Decode(s)));
-function UTF8CompareStr(const S1, S2: string): Integer;
- Result := SysUtils.CompareStr(S1, S2);
-function UTF8CompareText(const S1, S2: string): Integer;
- Result := UnicodeCompareText(UTF8Decode(S1), UTF8Decode(S2));
-function FileOpenUTF8(const FileName: string; Mode: Integer): THandle;
- result := FileOpen(UTF8ToSys(FileName),Mode);
-function FileCreateUTF8(const FileName: string): THandle;
- result := FileCreate(UTF8ToSys(FileName));
-function FileCreateUTF8(const FileName: string; Rights: LongWord): THandle;
- result := FileCreate(UTF8ToSys(FileName),Rights);
-function FileExistsUTF8(const FileName: string): boolean;
- result := FileExists(UTF8ToSys(FileName));
-function DeleteFileUTF8(const FileName: string): boolean;
- result := DeleteFile(UTF8ToSys(FileName));
-function FindFirstUTF8(const Path: string; Attr: Longint; out Rslt: TSearchRec
- ): Longint;
- result := FindFirst(UTF8ToSys(Path),Attr,Rslt);
- Rslt.Name := SysToUTF8(Rslt.Name);
-function FindNextUTF8(var Rslt: TSearchRec): Longint;
- result := FindNext(Rslt);
- if result = 0 then
- Rslt.Name := SysToUTF8(Rslt.Name);
-procedure FindCloseUTF8(var F: TSearchrec);
- FindClose(F);
-function UTF8ToSys(const s: string): string;
- result := Utf8ToAnsi(s);
-function SysToUTF8(const s: string): string;
- result := AnsiToUtf8(s);
-function UTF8CharacterLength(p: PChar): integer;
- if p<>nil then begin
- if ord(p^)<%11000000 then begin
- // regular single byte character (#0 is a character, this is pascal ;)
- Result:=1;
- end
- else begin
- // multi byte
- if ((ord(p^) and %11100000) = %11000000) then begin
- // could be 2 byte character
- if (ord(p[1]) and %11000000) = %10000000 then
- Result:=2
- else
- Result:=1;
- end
- else if ((ord(p^) and %11110000) = %11100000) then begin
- // could be 3 byte character
- if ((ord(p[1]) and %11000000) = %10000000)
- and ((ord(p[2]) and %11000000) = %10000000) then
- Result:=3
- else
- Result:=1;
- end
- else if ((ord(p^) and %11111000) = %11110000) then begin
- // could be 4 byte character
- if ((ord(p[1]) and %11000000) = %10000000)
- and ((ord(p[2]) and %11000000) = %10000000)
- and ((ord(p[3]) and %11000000) = %10000000) then
- Result:=4
- else
- Result:=1;
- end
- else
- Result:=1;
- end;
- end else
- Result:=0;
-function UTF8Length(const s: string): PtrInt;
- Result:=UTF8Length(PChar(s),length(s));
-function UTF8Length(p: PChar; ByteCount: PtrInt): PtrInt;
- CharLen: LongInt;
- Result:=0;
- while (ByteCount>0) do begin
- inc(Result);
- CharLen:=UTF8CharacterLength(p);
- inc(p,CharLen);
- dec(ByteCount,CharLen);
- end;
-function UnicodeToUTF8Inline(CodePoint: LongWord; Buf: PChar): integer;
- case CodePoint of
- 0..$7f:
- begin
- Result:=1;
- Buf[0]:=char(byte(CodePoint));
- end;
- $80..$7ff:
- begin
- Result:=2;
- Buf[0]:=char(byte($c0 or (CodePoint shr 6)));
- Buf[1]:=char(byte($80 or (CodePoint and $3f)));
- end;
- $800..$ffff:
- begin
- Result:=3;
- Buf[0]:=char(byte($e0 or (CodePoint shr 12)));
- Buf[1]:=char(byte((CodePoint shr 6) and $3f) or $80);
- Buf[2]:=char(byte(CodePoint and $3f) or $80);
- end;
- $10000..$10ffff:
- begin
- Result:=4;
- Buf[0]:=char(byte($f0 or (CodePoint shr 18)));
- Buf[1]:=char(byte((CodePoint shr 12) and $3f) or $80);
- Buf[2]:=char(byte((CodePoint shr 6) and $3f) or $80);
- Buf[3]:=char(byte(CodePoint and $3f) or $80);
- end;
- else
- Result:=0;
- end;
-function UnicodeCharToUTF8(u: LongWord): string4;
- result[0] := chr(UnicodeToUTF8Inline(u,@result[1]));
-constructor TFileStreamUTF8.Create(const AFileName: utf8string; Mode: Word);
- lHandle: THandle;
- FFileName:= AFileName;
- if Mode = fmcreate then
- lHandle:= FileCreateUTF8(AFileName)
- else
- lHandle:= FileOpenUTF8(AFileName, Mode);
- If (THandle(lHandle)=feInvalidHandle) then
- begin
- if Mode = fmCreate then
- raise EFCreateError.createfmt({SFCreateError}'Unable to create file "%s"', [AFileName])
- else
- raise EFOpenError.Createfmt({SFOpenError}'Unable to open file "%s"', [AFilename]);
- end
- else
- inherited Create(lHandle);
-constructor TFileStreamUTF8.Create(const AFileName: utf8string; Mode: Word; Rights: LongWord);
- lHandle: THandle;
- FFileName:=AFileName;
- if Mode=fmcreate then
- lHandle:=FileCreateUTF8(AFileName,Rights)
- else
- lHandle:=FileOpenUTF8(AFileName,Mode);
- if (THandle(lHandle)=feInvalidHandle) then
- begin
- if Mode=fmcreate then
- raise EFCreateError.createfmt({SFCreateError}'Unable to create file "%s"',[AFileName])
- else
- raise EFOpenError.Createfmt({SFOpenError}'Unable to open file "%s"',[AFilename]);
- end
- else
- inherited Create(lHandle);
-destructor TFileStreamUTF8.Destroy;
- FileClose(Handle);
-function TStringListUTF8.DoCompareText(const s1, s2: string): PtrInt;
- if CaseSensitive then
- Result:= UTF8CompareStr(s1,s2)
- else
- Result:= UTF8CompareText(s1,s2);
-procedure TStringListUTF8.LoadFromFile(const FileName: string);
- TheStream: TFileStreamUTF8;
- TheStream:= TFileStreamUTF8.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);
- try
- LoadFromStream(TheStream);
- finally
- TheStream.Free;
- end;
-procedure TStringListUTF8.SaveToFile(const FileName: string);
- TheStream: TFileStreamUTF8;
- TheStream:=TFileStreamUTF8.Create(FileName,fmCreate);
- try
- SaveToStream(TheStream);
- finally
- TheStream.Free;
- end;
-{copied from LazUTF8
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- TConvertResult = (trNoError, trNullSrc, trNullDest, trDestExhausted,
- trInvalidChar, trUnfinishedChar);
- TConvertOption = (toInvalidCharError, toInvalidCharToSymbol,
- toUnfinishedCharError, toUnfinishedCharToSymbol);
- TConvertOptions = set of TConvertOption;
-{ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Name: ConvertUTF8ToUTF16
- Params: Dest - Pointer to destination string
- DestWideCharCount - Wide char count allocated in destination string
- Src - Pointer to source string
- SrcCharCount - Char count allocated in source string
- Options - Conversion options, if none is set, both
- invalid and unfinished source chars are skipped
- toInvalidCharError - Stop on invalid source char and report
- error
- toInvalidCharToSymbol - Replace invalid source chars with '?'
- toUnfinishedCharError - Stop on unfinished source char and
- report error
- toUnfinishedCharToSymbol - Replace unfinished source char with '?'
- ActualWideCharCount - Actual wide char count converted from source
- string to destination string
- Returns:
- trNoError - The string was successfully converted without
- any error
- trNullSrc - Pointer to source string is nil
- trNullDest - Pointer to destination string is nil
- trDestExhausted - Destination buffer size is not big enough to hold
- converted string
- trInvalidChar - Invalid source char has occurred
- trUnfinishedChar - Unfinished source char has occurred
- Converts the specified UTF-8 encoded string to UTF-16 encoded (system endian)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
-function ConvertUTF8ToUTF16(Dest: PWideChar; DestWideCharCount: SizeUInt;
- Src: PChar; SrcCharCount: SizeUInt; Options: TConvertOptions;
- out ActualWideCharCount: SizeUInt): TConvertResult;
- DestI, SrcI: SizeUInt;
- B1, B2, B3, B4: Byte;
- W: Word;
- C: LongWord;
- function UnfinishedCharError: Boolean;
- begin
- if toUnfinishedCharToSymbol in Options then
- begin
- Dest[DestI] := System.WideChar('?');
- Inc(DestI);
- Result := False;
- end
- else
- if toUnfinishedCharError in Options then
- begin
- ConvertUTF8ToUTF16 := trUnfinishedChar;
- Result := True;
- end
- else Result := False;
- end;
- function InvalidCharError(Count: SizeUInt): Boolean; inline;
- begin
- if not (toInvalidCharError in Options) then
- begin
- if toInvalidCharToSymbol in Options then
- begin
- Dest[DestI] := System.WideChar('?');
- Inc(DestI);
- end;
- Dec(SrcI, Count);
- // skip trailing UTF-8 char bytes
- while (Count > 0) do
- begin
- if (Byte(Src[SrcI]) and %11000000) <> %10000000 then Break;
- Inc(SrcI);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
- Result := False;
- end
- else
- if toInvalidCharError in Options then
- begin
- ConvertUTF8ToUTF16 := trUnfinishedChar;
- Result := True;
- end;
- end;
- ActualWideCharCount := 0;
- if not Assigned(Src) then
- begin
- Result := trNullSrc;
- Exit;
- end;
- if not Assigned(Dest) then
- begin
- Result := trNullDest;
- Exit;
- end;
- SrcI := 0;
- DestI := 0;
- while (DestI < DestWideCharCount) and (SrcI < SrcCharCount) do
- begin
- B1 := Byte(Src[SrcI]);
- Inc(SrcI);
- if B1 < 128 then // single byte UTF-8 char
- begin
- Dest[DestI] := System.WideChar(B1);
- Inc(DestI);
- end
- else
- begin
- if SrcI >= SrcCharCount then
- if UnfinishedCharError then Exit(trInvalidChar)
- else Break;
- B2 := Byte(Src[SrcI]);
- Inc(SrcI);
- if (B1 and %11100000) = %11000000 then // double byte UTF-8 char
- begin
- if (B2 and %11000000) = %10000000 then
- begin
- Dest[DestI] := System.WideChar(((B1 and %00011111) shl 6) or (B2 and %00111111));
- Inc(DestI);
- end
- else // invalid character, assume single byte UTF-8 char
- if InvalidCharError(1) then Exit(trInvalidChar);
- end
- else
- begin
- if SrcI >= SrcCharCount then
- if UnfinishedCharError then Exit(trInvalidChar)
- else Break;
- B3 := Byte(Src[SrcI]);
- Inc(SrcI);
- if (B1 and %11110000) = %11100000 then // triple byte UTF-8 char
- begin
- if ((B2 and %11000000) = %10000000) and ((B3 and %11000000) = %10000000) then
- begin
- W := ((B1 and %00011111) shl 12) or ((B2 and %00111111) shl 6) or (B3 and %00111111);
- if (W < $D800) or (W > $DFFF) then // to single wide char UTF-16 char
- begin
- Dest[DestI] := System.WideChar(W);
- Inc(DestI);
- end
- else // invalid UTF-16 character, assume double byte UTF-8 char
- if InvalidCharError(2) then Exit(trInvalidChar);
- end
- else // invalid character, assume double byte UTF-8 char
- if InvalidCharError(2) then Exit(trInvalidChar);
- end
- else
- begin
- if SrcI >= SrcCharCount then
- if UnfinishedCharError then Exit(trInvalidChar)
- else Break;
- B4 := Byte(Src[SrcI]);
- Inc(SrcI);
- if ((B1 and %11111000) = %11110000) and ((B2 and %11000000) = %10000000)
- and ((B3 and %11000000) = %10000000) and ((B4 and %11000000) = %10000000) then
- begin // 4 byte UTF-8 char
- C := ((B1 and %00011111) shl 18) or ((B2 and %00111111) shl 12)
- or ((B3 and %00111111) shl 6) or (B4 and %00111111);
- // to double wide char UTF-16 char
- Dest[DestI] := System.WideChar($D800 or ((C - $10000) shr 10));
- Inc(DestI);
- if DestI >= DestWideCharCount then Break;
- Dest[DestI] := System.WideChar($DC00 or ((C - $10000) and %0000001111111111));
- Inc(DestI);
- end
- else // invalid character, assume triple byte UTF-8 char
- if InvalidCharError(3) then Exit(trInvalidChar);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if DestI >= DestWideCharCount then
- begin
- DestI := DestWideCharCount - 1;
- Result := trDestExhausted;
- end
- else
- Result := trNoError;
- Dest[DestI] := #0;
- ActualWideCharCount := DestI + 1;
-function UTF8ToUTF16(const P: PChar; ByteCnt: SizeUInt): UnicodeString;
- L: SizeUInt;
- if ByteCnt=0 then
- exit('');
- SetLength(Result, ByteCnt);
- // wide chars of UTF-16 <= bytes of UTF-8 string
- if ConvertUTF8ToUTF16(PWideChar(Result), Length(Result) + 1, P, ByteCnt,
- [toInvalidCharToSymbol], L) = trNoError
- then SetLength(Result, L - 1)
- else Result := '';
- Name: UTF8ToUTF16
- Params: S - Source UTF-8 string
- Returns: UTF-16 encoded string
- Converts the specified UTF-8 encoded string to UTF-16 encoded (system endian)
- Avoid copying the result string since on windows a widestring requires a full
- copy
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
-function UTF8ToUTF16(const S: AnsiString): UnicodeString;
- Result:=UTF8ToUTF16(PChar(S),length(S));
- Name: ConvertUTF16ToUTF8
- Params: Dest - Pointer to destination string
- DestCharCount - Char count allocated in destination string
- Src - Pointer to source string
- SrcWideCharCount - Wide char count allocated in source string
- Options - Conversion options, if none is set, both
- invalid and unfinished source chars are skipped.
- See ConvertUTF8ToUTF16 for details.
- ActualCharCount - Actual char count converted from source
- string to destination string
- Returns: See ConvertUTF8ToUTF16
- Converts the specified UTF-16 encoded string (system endian) to UTF-8 encoded
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
-function ConvertUTF16ToUTF8(Dest: PChar; DestCharCount: SizeUInt;
- Src: PWideChar; SrcWideCharCount: SizeUInt; Options: TConvertOptions;
- out ActualCharCount: SizeUInt): TConvertResult;
- DestI, SrcI: SizeUInt;
- W1, W2: Word;
- C: LongWord;
- function UnfinishedCharError: Boolean;
- begin
- if toUnfinishedCharToSymbol in Options then
- begin
- Dest[DestI] := Char('?');
- Inc(DestI);
- Result := False;
- end
- else
- if toUnfinishedCharError in Options then
- begin
- ConvertUTF16ToUTF8 := trUnfinishedChar;
- Result := True;
- end
- else Result := False;
- end;
- function InvalidCharError(Count: SizeUInt): Boolean; inline;
- begin
- if not (toInvalidCharError in Options) then
- begin
- if toInvalidCharToSymbol in Options then
- begin
- Dest[DestI] := Char('?');
- Inc(DestI);
- end;
- Dec(SrcI, Count);
- // skip trailing UTF-16 wide char
- if (Word(Src[SrcI]) and $FC00) = $DC00 then Inc(SrcI);
- Result := False;
- end
- else
- if toInvalidCharError in Options then
- begin
- ConvertUTF16ToUTF8 := trUnfinishedChar;
- Result := True;
- end;
- end;
- ActualCharCount := 0;
- if not Assigned(Src) then
- begin
- Result := trNullSrc;
- Exit;
- end;
- if not Assigned(Dest) then
- begin
- Result := trNullDest;
- Exit;
- end;
- SrcI := 0;
- DestI := 0;
- while (DestI < DestCharCount) and (SrcI < SrcWideCharCount) do
- begin
- W1 := Word(Src[SrcI]);
- Inc(SrcI);
- if (W1 < $D800) or (W1 > $DFFF) then // single wide char UTF-16 char
- begin
- if W1 < $0080 then // to single byte UTF-8 char
- begin
- Dest[DestI] := Char(W1);
- Inc(DestI);
- end
- else
- if W1 < $0800 then // to double byte UTF-8 char
- begin
- Dest[DestI] := Char(%11000000 or ((W1 and %11111000000) shr 6));
- Inc(DestI);
- if DestI >= DestCharCount then Break;
- Dest[DestI] := Char(%10000000 or (W1 and %111111));
- Inc(DestI);
- end
- else
- begin // to triple byte UTF-8 char
- Dest[DestI] := Char(%11100000 or ((W1 and %1111000000000000) shr 12));
- Inc(DestI);
- if DestI >= DestCharCount then Break;
- Dest[DestI] := Char(%10000000 or ((W1 and %111111000000) shr 6));
- Inc(DestI);
- if DestI >= DestCharCount then Break;
- Dest[DestI] := Char(%10000000 or (W1 and %111111));
- Inc(DestI);
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- if SrcI >= SrcWideCharCount then
- if UnfinishedCharError then Exit(trInvalidChar)
- else Break;
- W2 := Word(Src[SrcI]);
- Inc(SrcI);
- if (W1 and $F800) = $D800 then // double wide char UTF-16 char
- begin
- if (W2 and $FC00) = $DC00 then
- begin
- C := (W1 - $D800) shl 10 + (W2 - $DC00) + $10000;
- // to 4 byte UTF-8 char
- Dest[DestI] := Char(%11110000 or (C shr 18));
- Inc(DestI);
- if DestI >= DestCharCount then Break;
- Dest[DestI] := Char(%10000000 or ((C and $3F000) shr 12));
- Inc(DestI);
- if DestI >= DestCharCount then Break;
- Dest[DestI] := Char(%10000000 or ((C and %111111000000) shr 6));
- Inc(DestI);
- if DestI >= DestCharCount then Break;
- Dest[DestI] := Char(%10000000 or (C and %111111));
- Inc(DestI);
- end
- else // invalid character, assume single wide char UTF-16 char
- if InvalidCharError(1) then Exit(trInvalidChar);
- end
- else // invalid character, assume single wide char UTF-16 char
- if InvalidCharError(1) then Exit(trInvalidChar);
- end;
- end;
- if DestI >= DestCharCount then
- begin
- DestI := DestCharCount - 1;
- Result := trDestExhausted;
- end
- else
- Result := trNoError;
- Dest[DestI] := #0;
- ActualCharCount := DestI + 1;
-function UTF16ToUTF8(const P: PWideChar; WideCnt: SizeUInt): AnsiString;
- L: SizeUInt;
- if WideCnt=0 then
- exit('');
- SetLength(Result, WideCnt * 3);
- // bytes of UTF-8 <= 3 * wide chars of UTF-16 string
- // e.g. %11100000 10100000 10000000 (UTF-8) is $0800 (UTF-16)
- if ConvertUTF16ToUTF8(PChar(Result), Length(Result) + 1, P, WideCnt,
- [toInvalidCharToSymbol], L) = trNoError then
- begin
- SetLength(Result, L - 1);
- end else
- Result := '';
- Name: UTF16ToUTF8
- Params: S - Source UTF-16 string (system endian)
- Returns: UTF-8 encoded string
- Converts the specified UTF-16 encoded string (system endian) to UTF-8 encoded
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
-function UTF16ToUTF8(const S: UnicodeString): AnsiString;
- Result := UTF16ToUTF8(PWideChar(S),length(S));
-{end of copy from LazUTF8
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
-function UTF8ReverseString(const s: string): string;
- pSrc,pDest,pEnd: PChar;
- charLen: Integer;
- if s = '' then
- begin
- result := '';
- exit;
- end;
- setlength(result, length(s));
- pDest := @result[1] + length(result);
- pSrc := @s[1];
- pEnd := pSrc+length(s);
- while pSrc < pEnd do
- begin
- charLen := UTF8CharacterLength(pSrc);
- if (charLen = 0) or (pSrc+charLen > pEnd) then break;
- dec(pDest, charLen);
- move(pSrc^, pDest^, charLen);
- inc(pSrc, charLen);
- end;
-function UTF8CodepointToUnicode(p: PChar; ACodePointLen: integer): LongWord;
- case ACodePointLen of
- 0: result := 0;
- 1: result := ord(p^);
- 2: result := ((ord(p^) and %00011111) shl 6) or (ord(p[1]) and %00111111);
- 3: result := ((ord(p^) and %00011111) shl 12) or ((ord(p[1]) and %00111111) shl 6)
- or (ord(p[2]) and %00111111);
- 4: result := ((ord(p^) and %00001111) shl 18) or ((ord(p[1]) and %00111111) shl 12)
- or ((ord(p[2]) and %00111111) shl 6) or (ord(p[3]) and %00111111);
- else
- raise exception.Create('Invalid code point length');
- end;
-function UTF8CharStart(UTF8Str: PChar; Len, CharIndex: PtrInt): PChar;
- CharLen: LongInt;
- Result:=UTF8Str;
- if Result<>nil then begin
- while (CharIndex>0) and (Len>0) do begin
- CharLen:=UTF8CharacterLength(Result);
- dec(Len,CharLen);
- dec(CharIndex);
- inc(Result,CharLen);
- end;
- if (CharIndex<>0) or (Len<0) then
- Result:=nil;
- end;
-function GetBidiClassUTF8(P: PChar): TUnicodeBidiClass;
- result := GetUnicodeBidiClass(UTF8CodepointToUnicode(P, UTF8CharacterLength(p)));
-function GetFirstStrongBidiClassUTF8(const sUTF8: string): TUnicodeBidiClass;
- p,pEnd: PChar;
- charLen: Integer;
- u: LongWord;
- curBidi: TUnicodeBidiClass;
- isolateNesting: integer;
- if sUTF8 = '' then exit(ubcUnknown);
- p := @sUTF8[1];
- pEnd := p + length(sUTF8);
- isolateNesting:= 0;
- while p < pEnd do
- begin
- charLen := UTF8CharacterLength(p);
- if (charLen = 0) or (p+charLen > pEnd) then break;
- u := UTF8CodepointToUnicode(p, charLen);
- case u of
- UNICODE_POP_DIRECTIONAL_ISOLATE: if isolateNesting > 0 then dec(isolateNesting);
- end;
- curBidi := GetUnicodeBidiClass(u);
- if isolateNesting = 0 then
- begin
- if curBidi in[ubcLeftToRight,ubcRightToLeft,ubcArabicLetter] then
- exit(curBidi);
- end;
- case u of
- end;
- if curBidi = ubcParagraphSeparator then isolateNesting:= 0;
- inc(p,charLen);
- end;
- exit(ubcUnknown);
-function GetLastStrongBidiClassUTF8(const sUTF8: string): TUnicodeBidiClass;
- p,pEnd: PChar;
- charLen: Integer;
- u: LongWord;
- curBidi: TUnicodeBidiClass;
- isolateNesting: integer;
- if sUTF8 = '' then exit(ubcUnknown);
- p := @sUTF8[1];
- pEnd := p + length(sUTF8);
- isolateNesting:= 0;
- result := ubcUnknown;
- while p < pEnd do
- begin
- charLen := UTF8CharacterLength(p);
- if (charLen = 0) or (p+charLen > pEnd) then break;
- u := UTF8CodepointToUnicode(p, charLen);
- case u of
- UNICODE_POP_DIRECTIONAL_ISOLATE: if isolateNesting > 0 then dec(isolateNesting);
- end;
- curBidi := GetUnicodeBidiClass(u);
- if isolateNesting = 0 then
- begin
- if curBidi in[ubcLeftToRight,ubcRightToLeft,ubcArabicLetter] then
- result := curBidi;
- end;
- case u of
- end;
- if curBidi = ubcParagraphSeparator then isolateNesting:= 0;
- inc(p,charLen);
- end;
-function IsRightToLeftUTF8(const sUTF8: string): boolean;
- result := GetFirstStrongBidiClassUTF8(sUTF8) in[ubcRightToLeft,ubcArabicLetter];
-function IsZeroWidthUTF8(const sUTF8: string): boolean;
- p,pEnd: PChar;
- charLen: Integer;
- u: LongWord;
- if sUTF8 = '' then exit(true);
- p := @sUTF8[1];
- pEnd := p + length(sUTF8);
- while p < pEnd do
- begin
- charLen := UTF8CharacterLength(p);
- if (charLen = 0) or (p+charLen > pEnd) then break;
- u := UTF8CodepointToUnicode(p, charLen);
- if not IsZeroWidthUnicode(u) then exit(false);
- inc(p,charLen);
- end;
- exit(true);
-function AddParagraphBidiUTF8(s: string; ARightToLeft: boolean): string;
- i,curParaStart: Integer;
- procedure CheckParagraph;
- var
- para,newPara: string;
- paraRTL: boolean;
- begin
- if i > curParaStart then
- begin
- para := copy(s,curParaStart,i-curParaStart);
- paraRTL := GetFirstStrongBidiClassUTF8(para) in[ubcRightToLeft,ubcArabicLetter];
- //detected paragraph does not match overall RTL option
- if paraRTL <> ARightToLeft then
- begin
- if not paraRTL then
- else
- inc(i, length(newPara)-length(para));
- delete(s, curParaStart, length(para));
- insert(newPara, s, curParaStart);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- charLen: integer;
- u: LongWord;
- i := 1;
- curParaStart := 1;
- while i <= length(s) do
- begin
- charLen := UTF8CharacterLength(@s[i]);
- u := UTF8CodepointToUnicode(@s[i], charLen);
- if IsUnicodeParagraphSeparator(u) then
- begin
- CheckParagraph;
- //skip end of line
- inc(i);
- //skip second CRLF
- if ((u = 10) or (u = 13)) and (i <= length(s)) and (s[i] in[#13,#10]) and (s[i]<>s[i-1]) then inc(i);
- curParaStart := i;
- end else
- inc(i);
- end;
- CheckParagraph;
- result := s;
-procedure UTF8ToUnicodeArray(const sUTF8: string; out u: TUnicodeArray; out ofs: TIntegerArray);
- index,len,charLen: integer;
- p,pStart,pEnd: PChar;
- if sUTF8 = '' then
- begin
- u := nil;
- ofs := nil;
- end
- else
- begin
- pStart := @sUTF8[1];
- pEnd := pStart + length(sUTF8);
- p := pStart;
- len := 0;
- while p < pEnd do
- begin
- charLen := UTF8CharacterLength(p);
- inc(len);
- inc(p,charLen);
- end;
- setlength(u, len);
- setlength(ofs, len);
- p := pStart;
- index := 0;
- while p < pEnd do
- begin
- charLen := UTF8CharacterLength(p);
- u[index] := UTF8CodepointToUnicode(p, charLen);
- ofs[index] := p - pStart;
- inc(index);
- inc(p,charLen);
- end;
- end;
-function AnalyzeBidiUTF8(const sUTF8: string; ABidiMode: TFontBidiMode): TBidiUTF8Array;
- u: TUnicodeArray;
- ofs: TIntegerArray;
- a: TUnicodeBidiArray;
- i: Integer;
- if sUTF8 = '' then
- result := nil
- else
- begin
- UTF8ToUnicodeArray(sUTF8, u, ofs);
- a := AnalyzeBidiUnicode(@u[0], length(u), ABidiMode);
- setlength(result, length(u));
- for i := 0 to high(result) do
- begin
- result[i].Offset:= ofs[i];
- result[i].BidiInfo := a[i];
- end;
- end;
-function AnalyzeBidiUTF8(const sUTF8: string; ARightToLeft: boolean): TBidiUTF8Array;
- if ARightToLeft then
- result := AnalyzeBidiUTF8(sUTF8, fbmRightToLeft)
- else result := AnalyzeBidiUTF8(sUTF8, fbmLeftToRight);
-function AnalyzeBidiUTF8(const sUTF8: string): TBidiUTF8Array;
- result := AnalyzeBidiUTF8(sUTF8, fbmAuto)
-function GetUTF8DisplayOrder(const ABidi: TBidiUTF8Array): TUnicodeDisplayOrder;
- if length(ABidi) = 0 then
- result := nil
- else
- result := GetUnicodeDisplayOrder(@ABidi[0].BidiInfo, sizeof(TBidiUTF8Info), length(ABidi));
-function ContainsBidiIsolateOrFormattingUTF8(const sUTF8: string): boolean;
- p,pEnd: PChar;
- charLen: Integer;
- u: LongWord;
- if sUTF8 = '' then exit(false);
- p := @sUTF8[1];
- pEnd := p + length(sUTF8);
- while p < pEnd do
- begin
- charLen := UTF8CharacterLength(p);
- if (charLen = 0) or (p+charLen > pEnd) then break;
- u := UTF8CodepointToUnicode(p, charLen);
- case u of
- end;
- inc(p,charLen);
- end;
- exit(false);
-function UTF8OverrideDirection(const sUTF8: string; ARightToLeft: boolean): string;
- if ARightToLeft then
- else
-function UTF8EmbedDirection(const sUTF8: string; ARightToLeft: boolean): string;
- if ARightToLeft then
- else
-function UTF8Ligature(const sUTF8: string; ARightToLeft: boolean;
- ALigatureLeft, ALigatureRight: boolean): string;
- result := sUTF8;
- if (ALigatureRight and ARightToLeft) or
- (ALigatureLeft and not ARightToLeft) then
- result := UTF8_ZERO_WIDTH_JOINER + result;
- if (ALigatureLeft and ARightToLeft) or
- (ALigatureRight and not ARightToLeft) then
- result := result + UTF8_ZERO_WIDTH_JOINER;
-//little endian stream functions
-function LEReadInt64(Stream: TStream): int64;
- Result := 0;
- stream.Read(Result, sizeof(Result));
- Result := LEtoN(Result);
-procedure LEWriteInt64(Stream: TStream; AValue: int64);
- AValue := NtoLE(AValue);
- stream.Write(AValue, sizeof(AValue));
-function LEReadLongint(Stream: TStream): longint;
- Result := 0;
- stream.Read(Result, sizeof(Result));
- Result := LEtoN(Result);
-procedure LEWriteLongint(Stream: TStream; AValue: LongInt);
- AValue := NtoLE(AValue);
- stream.Write(AValue, sizeof(AValue));
-function LEReadByte(Stream: TStream): byte;
- Result := 0;
- stream.Read(Result, sizeof(Result));
-procedure LEWriteByte(Stream: TStream; AValue: Byte);
- stream.Write(AValue, sizeof(AValue));
-function LEReadSingle(Stream: TStream): single;
- ResultAsDWord : LongWord absolute result;
- ResultAsDWord := 0;
- stream.Read(ResultAsDWord, sizeof(Result));
- ResultAsDWord := LEtoN(ResultAsDWord);
-procedure LEWriteSingle(Stream: TStream; AValue: single);
- ValueAsDWord : LongWord absolute AValue;
- ValueAsDWord := NtoLE(ValueAsDWord);
- stream.Write(ValueAsDWord, sizeof(AValue));
-{ TGlyphUtf8 }
-function TGlyphUtf8.GetEmpty: boolean;
- result := GlyphUtf8 = '';
-{ TGlyphCursorUtf8 }
-class function TGlyphCursorUtf8.New(const textUTF8: string; ABidiMode: TFontBidiMode): TGlyphCursorUtf8;
- result.sUTF8 := textUTF8;
- result.bidiArray := AnalyzeBidiUTF8(result.sUTF8, ABidiMode);
- result.displayOrder := GetUTF8DisplayOrder(result.bidiArray);
- result.Rewind;
-function TGlyphCursorUtf8.GetNextGlyph: TGlyphUtf8;
- rtlScript, ligatureLeft, ligatureRight: Boolean;
- u: LongWord;
- bracketInfo: TUnicodeBracketInfo;
- if EndOfString then
- begin
- result.GlyphUtf8:= '';
- result.RightToLeft:= false;
- result.Mirrored:= false;
- result.MirroredGlyphUtf8:= '';
- exit;
- end;
- PeekMultichar;
- NextMultichar;
- result.GlyphUtf8 := currentChar;
- result.RightToLeft := currentBidiInfo.IsRightToLeft;
- result.Mirrored := currentBidiInfo.IsMirrored;
- result.MirroredGlyphUtf8:= '';
- result.ByteOffset := currentOffset;
- result.ByteSize := length(currentChar);
- result.Merged:= false;
- if result.Mirrored then
- begin
- u := UTF8CodepointToUnicode(pchar(currentChar),
- min(UTF8CharacterLength(pchar(currentChar)), length(currentChar)));
- bracketInfo := GetUnicodeBracketInfo(u);
- if bracketInfo.OpeningBracket = u then
- result.MirroredGlyphUtf8 := UnicodeCharToUTF8(bracketInfo.ClosingBracket)
- else if bracketInfo.ClosingBracket = u then
- result.MirroredGlyphUtf8 := UnicodeCharToUTF8(bracketInfo.OpeningBracket);
- end else
- begin
- rtlScript := currentBidiInfo.IsRightToLeftScript;
- ligatureRight := currentBidiInfo.HasLigatureRight;
- ligatureLeft := currentBidiInfo.HasLigatureLeft;
- if (currentChar.StartsWith(UTF8_ARABIC_ALEPH) or
- currentChar.StartsWith(UTF8_ARABIC_ALEPH_HAMZA_BELOW) or
- currentChar.StartsWith(UTF8_ARABIC_ALEPH_HAMZA_ABOVE) or
- currentChar.StartsWith(UTF8_ARABIC_ALEPH_MADDA_ABOVE)) and
- not EndOfString then
- begin
- PeekMultichar;
- if currentChar.StartsWith(UTF8_ARABIC_LAM) then
- begin
- result.GlyphUtf8 := currentChar + result.GlyphUtf8;
- result.ByteOffset:= Min(result.ByteOffset, currentOffset);
- inc(result.ByteSize, length(currentChar));
- result.Merged := true;
- ligatureRight := currentBidiInfo.HasLigatureRight;
- NextMultichar;
- end;
- end;
- result.GlyphUtf8 := UTF8Ligature(result.GlyphUtf8, rtlScript, ligatureLeft, ligatureRight);
- end;
-procedure TGlyphCursorUtf8.Rewind;
- displayIndex := 0;
- while (displayIndex < length(displayOrder))
- and not bidiArray[displayOrder[displayIndex]].BidiInfo.IsMulticharStart do
- inc(displayIndex);
-procedure TGlyphCursorUtf8.NextMultichar;
- inc(displayIndex);
- while (displayIndex < length(displayOrder))
- and not bidiArray[displayOrder[displayIndex]].BidiInfo.IsMulticharStart do
- inc(displayIndex);
-procedure TGlyphCursorUtf8.PeekMultichar;
- startIndex, nextIndex, charLen, startOffset: Integer;
- startIndex := displayOrder[displayIndex];
- startOffset := bidiArray[startIndex].Offset;
- currentBidiInfo := bidiArray[startIndex].BidiInfo;
- nextIndex := startIndex+1;
- while (nextIndex < length(bidiArray))
- and not bidiArray[nextIndex].BidiInfo.IsMulticharStart do
- inc(nextIndex);
- if nextIndex >= length(bidiArray) then
- charLen := length(sUTF8) - startOffset
- else
- charLen := bidiArray[nextIndex].Offset - startOffset;
- setlength(currentChar, charLen);
- if charLen > 0 then move(sUTF8[startOffset+1], currentChar[1], charLen);
- currentOffset := startOffset;
-function TGlyphCursorUtf8.EndOfString: boolean;
- result := displayIndex >= length(displayOrder);
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgravectorize.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgravectorize.pas
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index 300d5d2..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgravectorize.pas
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@@ -1,2405 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAVectorize;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- Font rendering units : BGRAText, BGRATextFX, BGRAVectorize, BGRAFreeType
- This unit provides vectorizers :
- - VectorizeMonochrome function vectorizes a back'n'white image
- - TBGRAVectorizedFont allows to vectorize and to load vectorized font and draw them
- TBGRAVectorizedFontRenderer class works like other font renderers, i.e., it can
- be assigned to the FontRenderer property. You can use it in two different modes :
- - if you supply a directory, it will look for *.glyphs files in it to load fonts
- - if you don't supply a directory, fonts will be vectorized from LCL
- Note that unless you want to supply your own glyphs files, you don't need
- to use explicitely this renderer, because TBGRATextEffectFontRenderer will
- make use of it if necessary, according to effects parameters used.
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BGRAGraphics, BGRABitmapTypes, BGRATypewriter,
- BGRATransform, BGRACanvas2D, BGRAText;
-//vectorize a monochrome bitmap
-function VectorizeMonochrome(ASource: TBGRACustomBitmap; AZoom: single; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean;
- AWhiteBackground: boolean = true; ADiagonalFillPercent: single = 66; AIntermediateDiagonals: boolean = true): ArrayOfTPointF;
-function VectorizeMonochrome(ASource: TBGRACustomBitmap; ARect: TRect; AZoom: single; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean;
- AWhiteBackground: boolean = true; ADiagonalFillPercent: single = 66; AIntermediateDiagonals: boolean = true): ArrayOfTPointF;
- TBGRAVectorizedFont = class;
- //this is the class to assign to FontRenderer property of TBGRABitmap
- { TBGRAVectorizedFontRenderer }
- TBGRAVectorizedFontRenderer = class(TBGRACustomFontRenderer)
- protected
- FVectorizedFontArray: array of record
- FontName: string;
- FontStyle: TFontStyles;
- VectorizedFont: TBGRAVectorizedFont;
- end;
- FVectorizedFont: TBGRAVectorizedFont;
- FCanvas2D: TBGRACanvas2D;
- FDirectoryUTF8: string;
- function OutlineActuallyVisible: boolean;
- procedure UpdateFont;
- function GetCanvas2D(ASurface: TBGRACustomBitmap): TBGRACanvas2D;
- procedure InternalTextRect(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; ARect: TRect; x, y: integer; sUTF8: string; style: TTextStyle; c: TBGRAPixel; texture: IBGRAScanner);
- procedure InternalCopyTextPathTo(ADest: IBGRAPath; x, y: single; s: string; align: TAlignment; ABidiMode: TFontBidiMode);
- procedure InternalTextOutAngle(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: single; orientation: integer; s: string; c: TBGRAPixel; texture: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment; ABidiMode: TFontBidiMode);
- procedure Init;
- public
- MinFontResolution, MaxFontResolution: integer;
- QuadraticCurves: boolean;
- OutlineVisible: boolean;
- OutlineWidth: single;
- OutlineColor: TBGRAPixel;
- OutlineTexture: IBGRAScanner;
- OuterOutlineOnly: boolean;
- OutlineJoin: TPenJoinStyle;
- ShadowVisible: boolean;
- ShadowColor: TBGRAPixel;
- ShadowRadius: integer;
- ShadowOffset: TPoint;
- constructor Create; overload;
- constructor Create(ADirectoryUTF8: string); overload;
- function GetFontPixelMetric: TFontPixelMetric; override;
- function GetFontPixelMetricF: TFontPixelMetricF; override;
- function FontExists(AName: string): boolean; override;
- procedure TextOutAngle(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: single; orientation: integer; s: string; c: TBGRAPixel; align: TAlignment); overload; override;
- procedure TextOutAngle(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: single; orientation: integer; s: string; c: TBGRAPixel; align: TAlignment; ARightToLeft: boolean); overload; override;
- procedure TextOutAngle(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: single; orientation: integer; s: string; texture: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment); overload; override;
- procedure TextOutAngle(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: single; orientation: integer; s: string; texture: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment; ARightToLeft: boolean); overload; override;
- procedure TextOut(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: single; s: string; texture: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment); overload; override;
- procedure TextOut(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: single; s: string; texture: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment; ARightToLeft: boolean); overload; override;
- procedure TextOut(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: single; s: string; c: TBGRAPixel; align: TAlignment); overload; override;
- procedure TextOut(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: single; s: string; c: TBGRAPixel; align: TAlignment; ARightToLeft: boolean); overload; override;
- procedure TextRect(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; ARect: TRect; x, y: integer; s: string; style: TTextStyle; c: TBGRAPixel); overload; override;
- procedure TextRect(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; ARect: TRect; x, y: integer; s: string; style: TTextStyle; texture: IBGRAScanner); overload; override;
- procedure CopyTextPathTo(ADest: IBGRAPath; x, y: single; s: string; align: TAlignment); override;
- procedure CopyTextPathTo(ADest: IBGRAPath; x, y: single; s: string; align: TAlignment; ARightToLeft: boolean); override;
- function HandlesTextPath: boolean; override;
- function TextSize(sUTF8: string): TSize; overload; override;
- function TextSizeF(sUTF8: string): TPointF; overload; override;
- function TextSize(sUTF8: string; AMaxWidth: integer; {%H-}ARightToLeft: boolean): TSize; overload; override;
- function TextSizeF(sUTF8: string; AMaxWidthF: single; {%H-}ARightToLeft: boolean): TPointF; overload; override;
- function TextFitInfo(sUTF8: string; AMaxWidth: integer): integer; override;
- function TextFitInfoF(sUTF8: string; AMaxWidthF: single): integer; override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- end;
- TGlyphSizes = array of record
- Text, Glyph: String;
- Width,Height: single;
- end;
- TGlyphSizesCallbackData = record
- Sizes: TGlyphSizes;
- Count: integer;
- end;
- TBGRAVectorizedFontHeader = record
- Name: string;
- Style: TFontStyles;
- EmHeightRatio: single;
- Resolution: integer;
- PixelMetric: TFontPixelMetric;
- end;
- TBGRAGlyphsInfo = record
- Name: string;
- Style: TFontStyles;
- NbGlyphs: integer;
- end;
- { TBGRAVectorizedFont }
- TBGRAVectorizedFont = class(TBGRACustomTypeWriter)
- private
- FName : string;
- FStyle: TFontStyles;
- FResolution: integer;
- FFont: TFont;
- FBuffer: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- FFullHeight: single;
- FFontMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
- FOrientation: single;
- FQuadraticCurves: boolean;
- FItalicSlope: single;
- FWordBreakHandler: TWordBreakHandler;
- FDirectory: string;
- FDirectoryContent: array of record
- Filename: string;
- FontName: string;
- FontStyle: TFontStyles;
- end;
- FFontEmHeightRatioComputed: boolean;
- FFontEmHeightRatio: single;
- FFontPixelMetric: TFontPixelMetric;
- FFontPixelMetricComputed: boolean;
- FFontFound: boolean;
- function GetEmHeight: single;
- function GetFontPixelMetric: TFontPixelMetric;
- function GetLCLHeight: single;
- function GetVectorizeLCL: boolean;
- procedure SetEmHeight(AValue: single);
- procedure SetItalicSlope(AValue: single);
- procedure SetLCLHeight(AValue: single);
- procedure SetOrientation(AValue: single);
- procedure SetQuadraticCurves(AValue: boolean);
- procedure SetResolution(AValue: integer);
- procedure SetFontMatrix(AValue: TAffineMatrix);
- procedure SetFullHeight(AValue: single);
- procedure SetName(AValue: string);
- procedure SetStyle(AValue: TFontStyles);
- function GetFontEmHeightRatio: single;
- procedure SetVectorizeLCL(AValue: boolean);
- procedure GlyphCallbackForGlyphSizes(ATextUTF8: string; AGlyph: TBGRAGlyph;
- {%H-}AFlags: TBrowseGlyphCallbackFlags; AData: Pointer; out AContinue: boolean);
- procedure UpdateQuadraticCallback({%H-}ATextUTF8: string; AGlyph: TBGRAGlyph;
- {%H-}AFlags: TBrowseGlyphCallbackFlags; {%H-}AData: Pointer; out AContinue: boolean);
- protected
- procedure UpdateFont;
- procedure UpdateMatrix;
- function GetGlyph(AIdentifier: string): TBGRAGlyph; override;
- procedure DefaultWordBreakHandler(var ABefore, AAfter: string);
- procedure Init(AVectorize: boolean);
- function CustomHeaderSize: integer; override;
- procedure WriteCustomHeader(AStream: TStream); override;
- procedure ReadAdditionalHeader(AStream: TStream); override;
- function ReadVectorizedFontHeader(AStream: TStream): TBGRAVectorizedFontHeader;
- function HeaderName: string; override;
- procedure SetDirectory(const AValue: string);
- function ComputeKerning(AIdLeft, AIdRight: string): single; override;
- public
- UnderlineDecoration,StrikeOutDecoration: boolean;
- constructor Create; overload;
- constructor Create(AVectorizeLCL: boolean); overload;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function GetGlyphSize(AIdentifier:string): TPointF;
- function GetTextGlyphSizes(ATextUTF8:string): TGlyphSizes;
- function GetTextSize(ATextUTF8:string): TPointF;
- function TextFitInfo(ATextUTF8: string; AMaxWidth: single): integer;
- procedure SplitText(var ATextUTF8: string; AMaxWidth: single; out ARemainsUTF8: string);
- procedure DrawText(ADest: TBGRACanvas2D; ATextUTF8: string; X, Y: Single; AAlign: TBGRATypeWriterAlignment=twaTopLeft); override;
- procedure CopyTextPathTo(ADest: IBGRAPath; ATextUTF8: string; X, Y: Single;
- AAlign: TBGRATypeWriterAlignment=twaTopLeft); override;
- procedure DrawTextWordBreak(ADest: TBGRACanvas2D; ATextUTF8: string; X, Y, MaxWidth: Single; AAlign: TBGRATypeWriterAlignment=twaTopLeft);
- procedure DrawTextRect(ADest: TBGRACanvas2D; ATextUTF8: string; X1,Y1,X2,Y2: Single; AAlign: TBGRATypeWriterAlignment=twaTopLeft); overload;
- procedure DrawTextRect(ADest: TBGRACanvas2D; ATextUTF8: string; ATopLeft,ABottomRight: TPointF; AAlign: TBGRATypeWriterAlignment=twaTopLeft); overload;
- function GetTextWordBreakGlyphBoxes(ATextUTF8: string; X,Y, MaxWidth: Single; AAlign: TBGRATypeWriterAlignment = twaTopLeft): TGlyphBoxes;
- function GetTextRectGlyphBoxes(ATextUTF8: string; X1,Y1,X2,Y2: Single; AAlign: TBGRATypeWriterAlignment=twaTopLeft): TGlyphBoxes; overload;
- function GetTextRectGlyphBoxes(ATextUTF8: string; ATopLeft,ABottomRight: TPointF; AAlign: TBGRATypeWriterAlignment=twaTopLeft): TGlyphBoxes; overload;
- procedure UpdateDirectory;
- function LoadGlyphsInfo(AFilenameUTF8: string): TBGRAGlyphsInfo;
- property Resolution: integer read FResolution write SetResolution;
- property Style: TFontStyles read FStyle write SetStyle;
- property Name: string read FName write SetName;
- property LCLHeight: single read GetLCLHeight write SetLCLHeight;
- property EmHeight: single read GetEmHeight write SetEmHeight;
- property FullHeight: single read FFullHeight write SetFullHeight;
- property FontMatrix: TAffineMatrix read FFontMatrix write SetFontMatrix;
- property Orientation: single read FOrientation write SetOrientation;
- property QuadraticCurves: boolean read FQuadraticCurves write SetQuadraticCurves;
- property ItalicSlope: single read FItalicSlope write SetItalicSlope;
- property OnWordBreak: TWordBreakHandler read FWordBreakHandler write FWordBreakHandler;
- property Directory: string read FDirectory write SetDirectory;
- property FontEmHeightRatio: single read GetFontEmHeightRatio;
- property FontPixelMetric: TFontPixelMetric read GetFontPixelMetric;
- property FontFound: boolean read FFontFound;
- property VectorizeLCL: boolean read GetVectorizeLCL write SetVectorizeLCL;
- end;
-uses BGRAUTF8{$IFDEF LCL}, Forms{$ENDIF};
-function VectorizeMonochrome(ASource: TBGRACustomBitmap; ARect: TRect; AZoom: single; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean;
- AWhiteBackground: boolean; ADiagonalFillPercent: single; AIntermediateDiagonals: boolean): ArrayOfTPointF;
-const unitShift = 6;
- iHalf = 1 shl (unitShift-1);
- iUnit = 1 shl unitShift;
- iDiag,iOut: integer;
- n: integer;
- factor: single;
- offset: single;
- p,pprev,pnext : PBGRAPixel;
- x,y,ix,iy: integer;
- points: array of record
- coord: tpoint;
- prev,next: integer;
- drawn,{shouldRemove,}removed,done: boolean;
- end;
- nbPoints:integer;
- PointsPreviousLineStart,PointsCurrentLineStart: integer;
- cur: packed array[1..9] of boolean;
- ortho: array of array of boolean;
- polygonF: array of TPointF;
- function CheckPixel(const APixel: TBGRAPixel): boolean; inline;
- begin
- result := (APixel.green <= 128) xor not AWhiteBackground;
- end;
- function AddPoint(x,y,APrev,ANext: integer): integer;
- begin
- if nbpoints = length(points) then
- setlength(points, nbpoints*2+1);
- result := nbpoints;
- with points[result] do
- begin
- coord := point(x,y);
- prev := APrev;
- next := ANext;
- drawn := false;
- removed := false;
-// shouldRemove := false;
- end;
- inc(nbpoints);
- end;
- function InsertPoint(x,y,APrev,ANext: integer): integer;
- begin
- if nbpoints = length(points) then
- setlength(points, nbpoints*2+1);
- result := nbpoints;
- with points[result] do
- begin
- coord := point(x,y);
- prev := APrev;
- next := ANext;
- drawn := false;
- removed := false;
-// shouldRemove := false;
- end;
- if APrev<>-1 then points[APrev].next := result;
- if ANext<>-1 then points[ANext].prev := result;
- inc(nbpoints);
- end;
- procedure RemovePoint(idx: integer);
- begin
- points[idx].removed:= true;
- if points[idx].prev <> -1 then points[points[idx].prev].next := points[idx].next;
- if points[idx].next <> -1 then points[points[idx].next].prev := points[idx].prev;
- end;
- procedure AddLine(x1,y1,x2,y2: integer); overload;
- var i,j,k: integer;
- begin
- for i := PointsPreviousLineStart to nbpoints-1 do
- if (points[i].coord.x = x2) and (points[i].coord.y = y2) and (points[i].prev = -1) then
- begin
- for j := i+1 to nbpoints-1 do
- if (points[j].coord.x = x1) and (points[j].coord.y = y1) and (points[j].next = -1) then
- begin
- points[j].next := i;
- points[i].prev := j;
- exit;
- end;
- k := addpoint(x1,y1,-1,i);
- points[i].prev := k;
- exit;
- end else
- if (points[i].coord.x = x1) and (points[i].coord.y = y1) and (points[i].next = -1) then
- begin
- for j := i+1 to nbpoints-1 do
- if (points[j].coord.x = x2) and (points[j].coord.y = y2) and (points[j].prev = -1) then
- begin
- points[j].prev := i;
- points[i].next := j;
- exit;
- end;
- k := addpoint(x2,y2,i,-1);
- points[i].next := k;
- exit;
- end;
- k := addpoint(x1,y1,-1,-1);
- points[k].next := addpoint(x2,y2,k,-1);
- end;
- procedure AddLine(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3: integer); overload;
- begin
- AddLine(x1,y1,x2,y2);
- AddLine(x2,y2,x3,y3);
- end;
- procedure AddLine(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4: integer); overload;
- begin
- AddLine(x1,y1,x2,y2);
- AddLine(x2,y2,x3,y3);
- AddLine(x3,y3,x4,y4);
- end;
- procedure AddLine(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4,x5,y5: integer); overload;
- begin
- AddLine(x1,y1,x2,y2);
- AddLine(x2,y2,x3,y3);
- AddLine(x3,y3,x4,y4);
- AddLine(x4,y4,x5,y5);
- end;
- procedure AddPolygon(nStart: integer);
- procedure Rewind(out cycle: boolean);
- var cur: integer;
- begin
- cur := nStart;
- cycle := false;
- while (points[cur].prev <> -1) do
- begin
- cur := points[cur].prev;
- if cur = nStart then
- begin
- cycle := true; //identify cycle
- break;
- end;
- end;
- nStart := cur;
- end;
- function aligned(start1,end1,start2,end2: integer): boolean;
- var
- u,v: TPointF;
- lu,lv: single;
- begin
- if (start1=-1) or (end1=-1) or (start2=-1) or (end2=-1) then
- begin
- result :=false;
- exit;
- end;
- u := pointF(points[end1].coord.x - points[start1].coord.x, points[end1].coord.y - points[start1].coord.y);
- lu := sqrt(u*u);
- if lu <> 0 then u.Scale(1/lu);
- v := pointF(points[end2].coord.x - points[start2].coord.x, points[end2].coord.y - points[start2].coord.y);
- lv := sqrt(v*v);
- if lv <> 0 then v.Scale(1/lv);
- result := u*v > 0.999;
- end;
- function angle45(prev,cur,next: integer): boolean;
- var
- u,v: TPointF;
- lu,lv,dp: single;
- begin
- if (prev=-1) or (cur=-1) or (next=-1) then
- begin
- result :=false;
- exit;
- end;
- u := pointF(points[next].coord.x - points[cur].coord.x, points[next].coord.y - points[cur].coord.y);
- lu := sqrt(u*u);
- if lu <> 0 then u.Scale(1/lu);
- v := pointF(points[cur].coord.x - points[prev].coord.x, points[cur].coord.y - points[prev].coord.y);
- lv := sqrt(v*v);
- if lv <> 0 then v.Scale(1/lv);
- dp := u*v;
- result := (dp > 0.70) and (dp < 0.72);
- end;
- procedure RemoveAligned;
- var cur,prev,next: integer;
- begin
- cur := nStart;
- prev := -1;
- while not points[cur].removed do
- begin
- next := points[cur].next;
- //remove aligned points
- if (prev <> -1) and aligned(prev,cur,cur,next) then
- RemovePoint(cur)
- else
- prev := cur;
- cur := next;
- if next = nStart then
- begin
- next := points[cur].next;
- if (prev <> -1) and (next <> prev) then
- if aligned(prev,cur,cur,next) then
- begin
- RemovePoint(cur);
- nStart := next;
- end;
- break; //cycle
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure MakePolygon(cycle: boolean);
- var ptsF: array of TPointF;
- nbPtsF: integer;
- nb,nb2,cur,i: integer;
- begin
- cur := nStart;
- nb := 0;
- nb2 := 0;
- repeat
- if not points[cur].removed then inc(nb);
- inc(nb2);
- cur := points[cur].next;
- until (cur = -1) or (cur = nStart) or (nb2 > nbPoints);
- if (nb2 > nbPoints) or (nb <= 2) then exit;
- setlength(ptsF,nb);
- cur := nStart;
- nbPtsF := 0;
- repeat
- with points[cur] do
- if not removed then
- begin
- ptsF[nbPtsF] := pointf(coord.x*factor+offset,coord.y*factor+offset);
- points[cur].drawn := true;
- inc(nbPtsF);
- end;
- cur := points[cur].next;
- until (cur = -1) or (cur = nStart);
- if cycle then
- begin
- if polygonF = nil then
- polygonF := ptsF else
- begin
- cur := length(polygonF);
- setlength(polygonF, length(polygonF)+length(ptsF)+1);
- polygonF[cur] := EmptyPointF;
- for i := 0 to high(ptsF) do
- begin
- inc(cur);
- polygonF[cur] := ptsF[i];
- end;
- end;
- end;
- ptsF := nil;
- //Bitmap.DrawPolyLineAntialias(ptsF,BGRABlack,1);
- end;
- function segabslength(cur,next: integer): integer;
- var
- tx,ty: integer;
- begin
- if (cur = -1) or (next = -1) then result := 0
- else
- begin
- tx := abs(points[next].coord.x - points[cur].coord.x);
- ty := abs(points[next].coord.y - points[cur].coord.y);
- if tx > ty then result := tx else result := ty;
- end;
- end;
- function getnext(cur: integer): integer;
- begin
- result := cur;
- if result <> -1 then
- begin
- repeat
- result := points[result].next;
- if result = cur then result := -1;
- until (result = -1) or not points[result].removed;
- end;
- end;
- function getprev(cur: integer): integer;
- begin
- result := cur;
- if result <> -1 then
- begin
- repeat
- result := points[result].prev;
- if result = cur then result := -1;
- until (result = -1) or not points[result].removed;
- end;
- end;
- procedure NiceLines;
- var cur2, next,next2, startIdx, endIdx: integer;
- nb: integer;
- u: TPoint;
- function SameDirection(p1,p2: integer): boolean;
- var
- v: TPoint;
- begin
- v := Point(points[p2].coord.x-points[p1].coord.x,
- points[p2].coord.y-points[p1].coord.y);
- result := (v.x*u.y - v.y*u.x = 0) and (v.x*u.x + v.y*u.y > 0);
- end;
- function GetSide(p1,p2: integer): integer;
- var
- v: TPoint;
- begin
- v := Point(points[p2].coord.x-points[p1].coord.x,
- points[p2].coord.y-points[p1].coord.y);
- result := v.x*u.y - v.y*u.x;
- if result < 0 then result := -1 else if result > 0 then result := 1;
- end;
- procedure DoNiceLines(DoDiag: boolean);
- var cur, nbSegs, i: integer;
- isDiag: Boolean;
- segs: array of record
- p1,p2: TPoint;
- abslen: integer;
- end;
- begin
- for cur := 0 to nb-1 do
- if not points[cur].removed and not points[cur].done then
- begin
- next := getnext(cur);
- isDiag := (points[next].coord.x <> points[cur].coord.x) and
- (points[next].coord.y <> points[cur].coord.y);
- if (segabslength(cur,next) > iUnit) and (DoDiag xor (not isDiag)) then
- begin
- startIdx := cur;
- endIdx := next;
- u := Point(points[next].coord.x-points[cur].coord.x,
- points[next].coord.y-points[cur].coord.y);
- nbsegs := 1;
- if (u.x <> 0) or (u.y <> 0) then
- begin
- repeat
- next := getnext(endIdx);
- next2 := getnext(next);
- if (next<>startIdx) and (next2<>startIdx) and angle45(getprev(endIdx),endIdx,next) and
- (segabslength(endIdx,next) < 2*iUnit) and SameDirection(next,next2) then
- begin
- endIdx := next2;
- inc(nbsegs);
- end
- else
- break;
- until false;
- repeat
- next := getprev(startIdx);
- next2 := getprev(next);
- if (next<>endIdx) and (next2<>endIdx) and angle45(getnext(startIdx),startIdx,next) and
- (segabslength(startIdx,next) < 2*iUnit) and SameDirection(next2,next) then
- begin
- startIdx := next2;
- inc(nbsegs);
- end
- else
- break;
- until false;
- setlength(segs, nbSegs);
- cur2 := startIdx;
- for i := 0 to nbSegs-1 do
- begin
- next := getnext(cur2);
- segs[i].p1 := points[cur2].coord;
- segs[i].p2 := points[next].coord;
- segs[i].abslen := segabslength(cur2,next);
- points[cur2].done := true;
- points[next].done := true;
- if cur2 <> startIdx then RemovePoint(cur2);
- if next = endIdx then break
- else
- begin
- cur2 := getnext(next);
- RemovePoint(next);
- end;
- end;
- cur2 := startIdx;
- for i := 0 to nbSegs-2 do
- begin
- if i <> 0 then
- cur2 := InsertPoint( (segs[i].p1.x+segs[i].p2.x) div 2,
- (segs[i].p1.y+segs[i].p2.y) div 2,
- cur2, endIdx);
- if abs(segs[i].abslen-segs[i+1].abslen) > iHalf then
- cur2 := InsertPoint( (segs[i].p2.x+segs[i+1].p1.x) div 2,
- (segs[i].p2.y+segs[i+1].p1.y) div 2,
- cur2, endIdx);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure Init;
- var cur: integer;
- begin
- u := Point(0,0);
- nb := nbPoints;
- for cur := 0 to nb-1 do
- points[cur].done := false;
- end;
- begin
- Init;
- DoNiceLines(false);
- DoNiceLines(true);
- end;
- var cycle: boolean;
- begin
- //rewind
- Rewind(cycle);
- RemoveAligned;
- if AIntermediateDiagonals then NiceLines;
- MakePolygon(cycle);
- end;
- function GetBoundsWithin: TRect;
- var p: PBGRAPixel;
- yb, xb, xb2, maxx, maxy, minx, miny: LongInt;
- begin
- maxx := ARect.Left-1;
- maxy := ARect.Top-1;
- minx := ARect.Right;
- miny := ARect.Bottom;
- for yb := ARect.Top to ARect.Bottom-1 do
- begin
- p := ASource.ScanLine[yb] + ARect.Left;
- for xb := ARect.Left to ARect.Right - 1 do
- begin
- if CheckPixel(p^) then
- begin
- if xb < minx then minx := xb;
- if yb < miny then miny := yb;
- if xb > maxx then maxx := xb;
- if yb > maxy then maxy := yb;
- inc(p, ARect.Right-1-xb);
- for xb2 := ARect.Right-1 downto xb+1 do
- begin
- if CheckPixel(p^) then
- begin
- if xb2 > maxx then maxx := xb2;
- break;
- end;
- dec(p);
- end;
- break;
- end;
- Inc(p);
- end;
- end;
- if minx > maxx then Result := EmptyRect
- else
- begin
- Result.left := minx;
- Result.top := miny;
- Result.right := maxx + 1;
- Result.bottom := maxy + 1;
- end;
- end;
- function IsRectFull: boolean;
- var
- yb, xb: LongInt;
- p: PBGRAPixel;
- begin
- for yb := ARect.Top to ARect.Bottom-1 do
- begin
- p := ASource.ScanLine[yb] + ARect.Left;
- for xb := ARect.Left to ARect.Right - 1 do
- begin
- if not CheckPixel(p^) then exit(false);
- inc(p);
- end;
- end;
- result := true;
- end;
- ARect.Intersect( rect(0,0,ASource.Width,ASource.Height) );
- if ARect.IsEmpty then exit(nil);
- ARect := GetBoundsWithin;
- if ARect.IsEmpty then exit(nil);
- factor := AZoom;
- offset := AZoom*0.5;
- if APixelCenteredCoordinates then DecF(Offset, 0.5);
- if IsRectFull then
- begin
- result := PointsF([PointF((ARect.Left-0.5)*factor+offset, (ARect.Top-0.5)*factor+offset),
- PointF((ARect.Left-0.5)*factor+offset, (ARect.Bottom-0.5)*factor+offset),
- PointF((ARect.Right-0.5)*factor+offset, (ARect.Bottom-0.5)*factor+offset),
- PointF((ARect.Right-0.5)*factor+offset, (ARect.Top-0.5)*factor+offset)]);
- exit;
- end;
- iDiag := round((ADiagonalFillPercent-50)/100 * iHalf)*2; //even rounding to keep alignment with iOut
- iOut := (iHalf-iDiag) div 2;
- nbpoints := 0;
- points := nil;
- polygonF := nil;
- setlength(ortho,ARect.Height,ARect.Width);
- for y := 0 to ARect.Height-1 do
- begin
- if y = 0 then
- pprev := nil
- else
- pprev := ASource.ScanLine[ARect.Top+y-1]+ARect.Left;
- p := ASource.ScanLine[ARect.Top+y]+ARect.Left;
- if y = ARect.Height-1 then
- pnext := nil
- else
- pnext := ASource.ScanLine[ARect.Top+y+1]+ARect.Left;
- {$hints off}
- fillchar(cur,sizeof(cur),0);
- {$hints on}
- cur[6] := CheckPixel(p^); inc(p);
- if pprev <> nil then begin cur[9] := CheckPixel(pprev^); inc(pprev); end;
- if pnext <> nil then begin cur[3] := CheckPixel(pnext^); inc(pnext); end;
- for x := 0 to ARect.Width-1 do
- begin
- cur[1] := cur[2];
- cur[2] := cur[3];
- cur[4] := cur[5];
- cur[5] := cur[6];
- cur[7] := cur[8];
- cur[8] := cur[9];
- if x = ARect.Width-1 then
- begin
- cur[6]:= false;
- cur[9]:= false;
- cur[3]:= false;
- end else
- begin
- cur[6] := CheckPixel(p^); inc(p);
- if pprev <> nil then begin cur[9] := CheckPixel(pprev^); inc(pprev); end;
- if pnext <> nil then begin cur[3] := CheckPixel(pnext^); inc(pnext); end;
- end;
- ortho[y,x] := (cur[5] and not cur[7] and not cur[9] and not cur[3] and not cur[1]);
- if (not cur[5] and (cur[4] xor cur[6]) and (cur[8] xor cur[2]) and
- (ord(cur[1])+ord(cur[3])+ord(cur[7])+ord(cur[9]) = 3)) then
- begin
- if (not cur[6] and not cur[9] and not cur[8] and (CheckPixel(ASource.getPixel(x-1,y-2)) or CheckPixel(ASource.getPixel(x+2,y+1).green)) ) or
- (not cur[8] and not cur[7] and not cur[4] and (CheckPixel(ASource.getPixel(x-2,y+1)) or CheckPixel(ASource.getPixel(x+1,y-2).green)) ) or
- (not cur[4] and not cur[1] and not cur[2] and (CheckPixel(ASource.getPixel(x+1,y+2)) or CheckPixel(ASource.getPixel(x-2,y-1).green)) ) or
- (not cur[2] and not cur[3] and not cur[6] and (CheckPixel(ASource.getPixel(x-1,y+2)) or CheckPixel(ASource.getPixel(x+2,y-1).green)) ) then
- ortho[y,x] := true;
- end;
- { or
- (cur[5] and cur[4] and cur[6] and cur[2] and cur[8] and (Ord(cur[1])+ord(cur[3])+ord(cur[7])+ord(cur[9]) = 3))};
- //if ortho[y,x] then AddPoint(x shl unitShift,y shl unitShift,-1,-1);
- end;
- end;
- PointsCurrentLineStart := nbPoints;
- for y := 0 to ARect.Height-1 do
- begin
- iy := (y+ARect.Top) shl unitShift;
- PointsPreviousLineStart := PointsCurrentLineStart;
- PointsCurrentLineStart := nbPoints;
- if y = 0 then
- pprev := nil
- else
- pprev := ASource.ScanLine[ARect.Top+y-1]+ARect.Left;
- p := ASource.ScanLine[ARect.Top+y]+ARect.Left;
- if y = ARect.Height-1 then
- pnext := nil
- else
- pnext := ASource.ScanLine[ARect.Top+y+1]+ARect.Left;
- {$hints off}
- fillchar(cur,sizeof(cur),0);
- {$hints on}
- cur[6] := CheckPixel(p^); inc(p);
- if pprev <> nil then begin cur[9] := CheckPixel(pprev^); inc(pprev); end;
- if pnext <> nil then begin cur[3] := CheckPixel(pnext^); inc(pnext); end;
- ix := ARect.Left shl unitShift;
- for x := 0 to ARect.Width-1 do
- begin
- cur[1] := cur[2];
- cur[2] := cur[3];
- cur[4] := cur[5];
- cur[5] := cur[6];
- cur[7] := cur[8];
- cur[8] := cur[9];
- if x = ARect.Width-1 then
- begin
- cur[6]:= false;
- cur[9]:= false;
- cur[3]:= false;
- end else
- begin
- cur[6] := CheckPixel(p^); inc(p);
- if pprev <> nil then begin cur[9] := CheckPixel(pprev^); inc(pprev); end;
- if pnext <> nil then begin cur[3] := CheckPixel(pnext^); inc(pnext); end;
- end;
- if cur[5] then
- begin
- if not cur[1] and not cur[2] and not cur[3] and not cur[4] and not cur[6] and not cur[7] and not cur[8] and not cur[9] then
- begin
- if iDiag > 0 then
- begin
- AddLine(ix-iHalf,iy-iDiag,ix-iDiag,iy-iHalf,ix+iDiag,iy-iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy-iDiag,ix+iHalf,iy+iDiag);
- AddLine(ix+iHalf,iy+iDiag,ix+iDiag,iy+iHalf,ix-iDiag,iy+iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy+iDiag,ix-iHalf,iy-iDiag);
- end else
- begin
- AddLine(ix-iHalf,iy,ix,iy-iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy);
- AddLine(ix+iHalf,iy,ix,iy+iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy);
- end;
- end else
- if cur[6] and not cur[9] and not cur[8] then
- begin
- if cur[7] then
- begin
- if not ortho[y-1,x] then
- begin
- if ortho[y,x-1] then AddLine(ix+iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy-iHalf) else
- AddLine(ix+iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix+iDiag,iy-iHalf,ix-iOut,iy-iUnit+iOut);
- end;
- end else
- if cur[4] then AddLine(ix+iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy-iHalf) else
- if cur[1] then AddLine(ix+iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix-iDiag,iy-iHalf,ix-iUnit+iOut,iy+iOut) else
- if cur[2] then AddLine(ix+iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy+iHalf) else
- if cur[3] then
- begin
- if ortho[y,x+1] then AddLine(ix+iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy+iHalf) else
- AddLine(ix+iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy+iDiag,ix+iOut,iy+iUnit-iOut)
- end else
- AddLine(ix+iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy,ix-iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy+iHalf);
- end;
- if cur[8] and not cur[7] and not cur[4] then
- begin
- if cur[1] then
- begin
- if not ortho[y,x-1] then
- begin
- if ortho[y+1,x] then AddLine(ix-iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy+iHalf) else
- AddLine(ix-iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy-iDiag,ix-iUnit+iOut,iy+iOut);
- end;
- end else
- if cur[2] then AddLine(ix-iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy+iHalf) else
- if cur[3] then AddLine(ix-iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy+iDiag,ix+iOut,iy+iUnit-iOut) else
- if cur[6] then AddLine(ix-iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy+iHalf) else
- if cur[9] then
- begin
- if ortho[y-1,x] then AddLine(ix-iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy-iHalf) else
- AddLine(ix-iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iDiag,iy+iHalf,ix+iUnit-iOut,iy-iOut)
- end else
- AddLine(ix-iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy-iHalf);
- end;
- if cur[4] and not cur[1] and not cur[2] then
- begin
- if cur[3] then
- begin
- if not ortho[y+1,x] then
- begin
- if ortho[y,x+1] then AddLine(ix-iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy+iHalf) else
- AddLine(ix-iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix-iDiag,iy+iHalf,ix+iOut,iy+iUnit-iOut);
- end;
- end else
- if cur[6] then AddLine(ix-iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy+iHalf) else
- if cur[9] then AddLine(ix-iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iDiag,iy+iHalf,ix+iUnit-iOut,iy-iOut) else
- if cur[8] then AddLine(ix-iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy-iHalf) else
- if cur[7] then
- begin
- if ortho[y,x-1] then AddLine(ix-iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy-iHalf) else
- AddLine(ix-iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy-iDiag,ix-iOut,iy-iUnit+iOut)
- end else
- AddLine(ix-iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy,ix+iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy-iHalf);
- end;
- if cur[2] and not cur[3] and not cur[6] then
- begin
- if cur[9] then
- begin
- if not ortho[y,x+1] then
- begin
- if ortho[y-1,x] then AddLine(ix+iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy-iHalf) else
- AddLine(ix+iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy+iDiag,ix+iUnit-iOut,iy-iOut);
- end;
- end else
- if cur[8] then AddLine(ix+iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy-iHalf) else
- if cur[7] then AddLine(ix+iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy-iDiag,ix-iOut,iy-iUnit+iOut) else
- if cur[4] then AddLine(ix+iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy-iHalf) else
- if cur[1] then
- begin
- if ortho[y+1,x] then AddLine(ix+iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy+iHalf) else
- AddLine(ix+iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix-iDiag,iy-iHalf,ix-iUnit+iOut,iy+iOut)
- end else
- AddLine(ix+iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy+iHalf);
- end;
- if cur[3] and not cur[6] then
- begin
- if cur[9] then
- begin
- if ortho[y+1,x] and ortho[y-1,x] then AddLine(ix+iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy-iHalf) else
- if ortho[y+1,x] and not ortho[y-1,x] then AddLine(ix+iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy+iDiag,ix+iUnit-iOut,iy-iOut) else
- if not ortho[y+1,x] and ortho[y-1,x] then AddLine(ix+iUnit-iOut,iy+iOut,ix+iHalf,iy-iDiag,ix+iHalf,iy-iHalf) else
- AddLine(ix+iUnit-iOut,iy+iOut,ix+iUnit-iOut*2,iy,ix+iUnit-iOut,iy-iOut);
- end else
- if cur[8] then
- begin
- if not ortho[y,x+1] then
- if ortho[y+1,x] then AddLine(ix+iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy-iHalf) else
- AddLine(ix+iUnit-iOut,iy+iOut,ix+iHalf,iy-iDiag,ix+iHalf,iy-iHalf)
- end else
- if cur[7] then
- begin
- if ortho[y+1,x] and ortho[y,x-1] then
- AddLine(ix+iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy-iHalf) else
- if ortho[y+1,x] and not ortho[y,x-1] then
- AddLine(ix+iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy-iDiag,ix-iOut,iy-iUnit+iOut) else
- if not ortho[y+1,x] and ortho[y,x-1] then
- AddLine(ix+iUnit-iOut,iy+iOut, ix+iDiag,iy-iHalf, ix-iHalf,iy-iHalf) else
- AddLine(ix+iUnit-iOut,iy+iOut,ix-iOut,iy-iUnit+iOut)
- end else
- if cur[4] then AddLine(ix+iUnit-iOut,iy+iOut,ix+iDiag,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy-iHalf) else
- if cur[1] then
- begin
- if ortho[y+1,x] then AddLine(ix+iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy+iHalf) else
- AddLine(ix+iUnit-iOut,iy+iOut,ix+iDiag,iy-iHalf,ix-iDiag,iy-iHalf,ix-iUnit+iOut,iy+iOut);
- end else
- if cur[2] then
- begin
- if ortho[y+1,x] then AddLine(ix+iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy+iHalf) else
- AddLine(ix+iUnit-iOut,iy+iOut,ix+iDiag,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy+iHalf);
- end else
- AddLine(ix+iUnit-iOut,iy+iOut,ix+iDiag,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy+iDiag,ix+iOut,iy+iUnit-iOut);
- end;
- if cur[9] and not cur[8] then
- begin
- if cur[7] then
- begin
- if ortho[y,x+1] and ortho[y,x-1] then AddLine(ix+iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy-iHalf) else
- if ortho[y,x+1] and not ortho[y,x-1] then AddLine(ix+iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix+iDiag,iy-iHalf,ix-iOut,iy-iUnit+iOut) else
- if not ortho[y,x+1] and ortho[y,x-1] then AddLine(ix+iOut,iy-iUnit+iOut,ix-iDiag,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy-iHalf) else
- AddLine(ix+iOut,iy-iUnit+iOut,ix,iy-iUnit+iOut*2,ix-iOut,iy-iUnit+iOut);
- end else
- if cur[4] then
- begin
- if not ortho[y-1,x] then
- if ortho[y,x+1] then AddLine(ix+iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy-iHalf) else
- AddLine(ix+iOut,iy-iUnit+iOut,ix-iDiag,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy-iHalf)
- end else
- if cur[1] then
- begin
- if ortho[y,x+1] and ortho[y+1,x] then
- AddLine(ix+iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy+iHalf) else
- if ortho[y,x+1] and not ortho[y+1,x] then
- AddLine(ix+iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix-iDiag,iy-iHalf,ix-iUnit+iOut,iy+iOut) else
- if not ortho[y,x+1] and ortho[y+1,x] then
- AddLine(ix+iOut,iy-iUnit+iOut, ix-iHalf,iy-iDiag, ix-iHalf,iy+iHalf) else
- AddLine(ix+iOut,iy-iUnit+iOut,ix-iUnit+iOut,iy+iOut)
- end else
- if cur[2] then AddLine(ix+iOut,iy-iUnit+iOut,ix-iHalf,iy-iDiag,ix-iHalf,iy+iHalf) else
- if cur[3] then
- begin
- if ortho[y,x+1] then AddLine(ix+iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy+iHalf) else
- AddLine(ix+iOut,iy-iUnit+iOut,ix-iHalf,iy-iDiag,ix-iHalf,iy+iDiag,ix+iOut,iy+iUnit-iOut);
- end else
- if cur[6] then
- begin
- if ortho[y,x+1] then AddLine(ix+iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy+iHalf) else
- AddLine(ix+iOut,iy-iUnit+iOut,ix-iHalf,iy-iDiag,ix-iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy+iHalf);
- end else
- AddLine(ix+iOut,iy-iUnit+iOut,ix-iHalf,iy-iDiag,ix-iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iDiag,iy+iHalf,ix+iUnit-iOut,iy-iOut);
- end;
- if cur[7] and not cur[4] then
- begin
- if cur[1] then
- begin
- if ortho[y-1,x] and ortho[y+1,x] then AddLine(ix-iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy+iHalf) else
- if ortho[y-1,x] and not ortho[y+1,x] then AddLine(ix-iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy-iDiag,ix-iUnit+iOut,iy+iOut) else
- if not ortho[y-1,x] and ortho[y+1,x] then AddLine(ix-iUnit+iOut,iy-iOut,ix-iHalf,iy+iDiag,ix-iHalf,iy+iHalf) else
- AddLine(ix-iUnit+iOut,iy-iOut,ix-iUnit+iOut*2,iy,ix-iUnit+iOut,iy+iOut);
- end else
- if cur[2] then
- begin
- if not ortho[y,x-1] then
- if ortho[y-1,x] then AddLine(ix-iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy+iHalf) else
- AddLine(ix-iUnit+iOut,iy-iOut,ix-iHalf,iy+iDiag,ix-iHalf,iy+iHalf)
- end else
- if cur[3] then
- begin
- if ortho[y-1,x] and ortho[y,x+1] then
- AddLine(ix-iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy+iHalf) else
- if ortho[y-1,x] and not ortho[y,x+1] then
- AddLine(ix-iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy+iDiag,ix+iOut,iy+iUnit-iOut) else
- if not ortho[y-1,x] and ortho[y,x+1] then
- AddLine(ix-iUnit+iOut,iy-iOut, ix-iDiag,iy+iHalf, ix+iHalf,iy+iHalf) else
- AddLine(ix-iUnit+iOut,iy-iOut,ix+iOut,iy+iUnit-iOut)
- end else
- if cur[6] then AddLine(ix-iUnit+iOut,iy-iOut,ix-iDiag,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy+iHalf) else
- if cur[9] then
- begin
- if ortho[y-1,x] then AddLine(ix-iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy-iHalf) else
- AddLine(ix-iUnit+iOut,iy-iOut,ix-iDiag,iy+iHalf,ix+iDiag,iy+iHalf,ix+iUnit-iOut,iy-iOut);
- end else
- if cur[8] then
- begin
- if ortho[y-1,x] then AddLine(ix-iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy-iHalf) else
- AddLine(ix-iUnit+iOut,iy-iOut,ix-iDiag,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy-iHalf);
- end else
- AddLine(ix-iUnit+iOut,iy-iOut,ix-iDiag,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy-iDiag,ix-iOut,iy-iUnit+iOut);
- end;
- if cur[1] and not cur[2] then
- begin
- if cur[3] then
- begin
- if ortho[y,x-1] and ortho[y,x+1] then AddLine(ix-iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy+iHalf) else
- if ortho[y,x-1] and not ortho[y,x+1] then AddLine(ix-iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix-iDiag,iy+iHalf,ix+iOut,iy+iUnit-iOut) else
- if not ortho[y,x-1] and ortho[y,x+1] then AddLine(ix-iOut,iy+iUnit-iOut,ix+iDiag,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy+iHalf) else
- AddLine(ix-iOut,iy+iUnit-iOut,ix,iy+iUnit-iOut*2,ix+iOut,iy+iUnit-iOut);
- end else
- if cur[6] then
- begin
- if not ortho[y+1,x] then
- if ortho[y,x-1] then AddLine(ix-iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy+iHalf) else
- AddLine(ix-iOut,iy+iUnit-iOut,ix+iDiag,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy+iHalf)
- end else
- if cur[9] then
- begin
- if ortho[y,x-1] and ortho[y-1,x] then
- AddLine(ix-iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy-iHalf) else
- if ortho[y,x-1] and not ortho[y-1,x] then
- AddLine(ix-iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iDiag,iy+iHalf,ix+iUnit-iOut,iy-iOut) else
- if not ortho[y,x-1] and ortho[y-1,x] then
- AddLine(ix-iOut,iy+iUnit-iOut, ix+iHalf,iy+iDiag, ix+iHalf,iy-iHalf) else
- AddLine(ix-iOut,iy+iUnit-iOut,ix+iUnit-iOut,iy-iOut)
- end else
- if cur[8] then AddLine(ix-iOut,iy+iUnit-iOut,ix+iHalf,iy+iDiag,ix+iHalf,iy-iHalf) else
- if cur[7] then
- begin
- if ortho[y,x-1] then AddLine(ix-iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy-iHalf) else
- AddLine(ix-iOut,iy+iUnit-iOut,ix+iHalf,iy+iDiag,ix+iHalf,iy-iDiag,ix-iOut,iy-iUnit+iOut);
- end else
- if cur[4] then
- begin
- if ortho[y,x-1] then AddLine(ix-iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy-iHalf) else
- AddLine(ix-iOut,iy+iUnit-iOut,ix+iHalf,iy+iDiag,ix+iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy-iHalf);
- end else
- AddLine(ix-iOut,iy+iUnit-iOut,ix+iHalf,iy+iDiag,ix+iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix-iDiag,iy-iHalf,ix-iUnit+iOut,iy+iOut);
- end;
- end else
- if ortho[y,x] then
- begin
- if not cur[9] then AddLine(ix+iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy-iHalf) else
- if not cur[7] then AddLine(ix+iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy+iHalf) else
- if not cur[1] then AddLine(ix-iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy+iHalf) else
- if not cur[3] then AddLine(ix-iHalf,iy+iHalf,ix-iHalf,iy-iHalf,ix+iHalf,iy-iHalf);
- end;
- inc(ix,iUnit);
- end;
- end;
- factor := factor / iUnit;
- for n := 0 to nbPoints-1 do
- with points[n] do
- if not drawn and not removed then
- AddPolygon(n);
- result := polygonF;
-function VectorizeMonochrome(ASource: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- AZoom: single; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean; AWhiteBackground: boolean;
- ADiagonalFillPercent: single; AIntermediateDiagonals: boolean): ArrayOfTPointF;
- result := VectorizeMonochrome(ASource, rect(0,0,ASource.Width,ASource.Height), AZoom, APixelCenteredCoordinates,
- AWhiteBackground, ADiagonalFillPercent, AIntermediateDiagonals);
-{ TBGRAVectorizedFontRenderer }
-function TBGRAVectorizedFontRenderer.OutlineActuallyVisible: boolean;
- result := OutlineVisible and (abs(OutlineWidth) > 0) and (OutlineColor.Alpha <> 0) or (OutlineTexture <> nil);
-procedure TBGRAVectorizedFontRenderer.UpdateFont;
-var i,neededResolution: integer;
- FVectorizedFont := nil;
- FontName := Trim(FontName);
- for i := 0 to high(FVectorizedFontArray) do
- if (CompareText(FVectorizedFontArray[i].FontName,FontName)=0) and
- (FVectorizedFontArray[i].FontStyle = FontStyle) then
- begin
- FVectorizedFont := FVectorizedFontArray[i].VectorizedFont;
- break;
- end;
- if FVectorizedFont = nil then
- begin
- FVectorizedFont:= TBGRAVectorizedFont.Create(False);
- FVectorizedFont.Name := FontName;
- FVectorizedFont.Style := FontStyle - [fsUnderline];
- FVectorizedFont.UnderlineDecoration := fsUnderline in FontStyle;
- FVectorizedFont.Directory := FDirectoryUTF8;
- if not FVectorizedFont.FontFound and SystemFontAvailable then
- begin
- FVectorizedFont.VectorizeLCL := True;
- FVectorizedFont.Name := TBGRASystemFontRenderer.PatchSystemFontName(FontName);
- end;
- Setlength(FVectorizedFontArray,length(FVectorizedFontArray)+1);
- FVectorizedFontArray[high(FVectorizedFontArray)].FontName := FontName;
- FVectorizedFontArray[high(FVectorizedFontArray)].FontStyle := FontStyle;
- FVectorizedFontArray[high(FVectorizedFontArray)].VectorizedFont := FVectorizedFont;
- end;
- if FontEmHeight > 0 then
- FVectorizedFont.EmHeight := FontEmHeightF
- else
- FVectorizedFont.FullHeight:= -FontEmHeightF;
- if OutlineActuallyVisible then
- begin
- if OuterOutlineOnly then
- FVectorizedFont.OutlineMode := twoFillOverStroke
- else
- FVectorizedFont.OutlineMode := twoStrokeOverFill;
- end
- else FVectorizedFont.OutlineMode := twoFill;
- FVectorizedFont.QuadraticCurves := (FVectorizedFont.FullHeight > FVectorizedFont.Resolution*1.2) and QuadraticCurves;
- if FVectorizedFont.VectorizeLCL then
- begin
- neededResolution := trunc((FVectorizedFont.FullHeight+80)/50)*50;
- if neededResolution < MinFontResolution then neededResolution := MinFontResolution;
- if neededResolution > MaxFontResolution then neededResolution := MaxFontResolution;
- if FVectorizedFont.Resolution < neededResolution then FVectorizedFont.Resolution:= neededResolution;
- end;
-function TBGRAVectorizedFontRenderer.GetCanvas2D(ASurface: TBGRACustomBitmap
- ): TBGRACanvas2D;
- if (FCanvas2D = nil) or (FCanvas2D.surface <> ASurface) then
- begin
- FCanvas2D.Free;
- FCanvas2D := TBGRACanvas2D.Create(ASurface);
- end;
- result := FCanvas2D;
- FCanvas2D.antialiasing:= FontQuality in[fqFineAntialiasing,fqFineClearTypeBGR,fqFineClearTypeRGB];
- FCanvas2D.lineJoinLCL := OutlineJoin;
- if OutlineTexture <> nil then
- FCanvas2D.strokeStyle(OutlineTexture)
- else
- FCanvas2D.strokeStyle(OutlineColor);
- if abs(OutlineWidth) < 3 then
- FCanvas2D.lineWidth := abs(OutlineWidth)*2/3
- else
- FCanvas2D.lineWidth := abs(OutlineWidth)-1;
- if not ShadowVisible then
- FCanvas2D.shadowColor(BGRAPixelTransparent)
- else
- begin
- FCanvas2D.shadowColor(ShadowColor);
- FCanvas2D.shadowBlur:= ShadowRadius;
- FCanvas2D.shadowOffset := PointF(ShadowOffset.X,ShadowOffset.Y);
- end;
-procedure TBGRAVectorizedFontRenderer.InternalTextRect(
- ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; ARect: TRect; x, y: integer; sUTF8: string;
- style: TTextStyle; c: TBGRAPixel; texture: IBGRAScanner);
- twAlign : TBGRATypeWriterAlignment;
- c2D: TBGRACanvas2D;
- intersectedClip,previousClip: TRect;
- previousClip := ADest.ClipRect;
- if style.Clipping then
- begin
- intersectedClip := TRect.Intersect(previousClip, ARect);
- if intersectedClip.IsEmpty then exit;
- ADest.ClipRect := intersectedClip;
- end;
- UpdateFont;
- if style.RightToLeft then
- FVectorizedFont.BidiMode := fbmRightToLeft
- else
- FVectorizedFont.BidiMode := fbmLeftToRight;
- FVectorizedFont.Orientation := 0;
- case style.Alignment of
- taCenter: case style.Layout of
- tlCenter: twAlign := twaMiddle;
- tlBottom: twAlign := twaBottom;
- else twAlign:= twaTop;
- end;
- taRightJustify:
- case style.Layout of
- tlCenter: twAlign := twaRight;
- tlBottom: twAlign := twaBottomRight;
- else twAlign := twaTopRight;
- end;
- else
- case style.Layout of
- tlCenter: twAlign := twaLeft;
- tlBottom: twAlign := twaBottomLeft;
- else twAlign:= twaTopLeft;
- end;
- end;
- c2D := GetCanvas2D(ADest);
- if texture = nil then
- c2D.fillStyle(c)
- else
- c2D.fillStyle(texture);
- if style.Wordbreak then
- FVectorizedFont.DrawTextRect(c2D, sUTF8, x-0.5,y-0.5,ARect.Right-0.5,ARect.Bottom-0.5, twAlign)
- else
- begin
- case style.Layout of
- tlCenter: y := (ARect.Top+ARect.Bottom) div 2;
- tlBottom: y := ARect.Bottom;
- end;
- case style.Alignment of
- taCenter: FVectorizedFont.DrawText(c2D, sUTF8, (ARect.Left+ARect.Right-1)/2,y-0.5, twAlign);
- taRightJustify: FVectorizedFont.DrawText(c2D, sUTF8, ARect.Right-0.5,y-0.5, twAlign);
- else
- FVectorizedFont.DrawText(c2D, sUTF8, x-0.5,y-0.5, twAlign);
- end;
- end;
- if style.Clipping then
- ADest.ClipRect := previousClip;
-procedure TBGRAVectorizedFontRenderer.InternalCopyTextPathTo(ADest: IBGRAPath;
- x, y: single; s: string; align: TAlignment; ABidiMode: TFontBidiMode);
- twAlign : TBGRATypeWriterAlignment;
- ofs: TPointF;
- UpdateFont;
- FVectorizedFont.BidiMode := ABidiMode;
- FVectorizedFont.Orientation := 0;
- case align of
- taCenter: twAlign:= twaMiddle;
- taRightJustify: twAlign := twaRight;
- else twAlign:= twaLeft;
- end;
- ofs := PointF(x,y);
- ofs.Offset(0, FVectorizedFont.FullHeight*0.5);
- FVectorizedFont.CopyTextPathTo(ADest, s, ofs.x,ofs.y, twAlign);
-procedure TBGRAVectorizedFontRenderer.InternalTextOutAngle(
- ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: single; orientation: integer; s: string;
- c: TBGRAPixel; texture: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment;
- ABidiMode: TFontBidiMode);
- twAlign : TBGRATypeWriterAlignment;
- c2D: TBGRACanvas2D;
- ofs: TPointF;
- UpdateFont;
- FVectorizedFont.Orientation := orientation;
- FVectorizedFont.BidiMode := ABidiMode;
- case align of
- taCenter: twAlign:= twaMiddle;
- taRightJustify: twAlign := twaRight;
- else twAlign:= twaLeft;
- end;
- c2D := GetCanvas2D(ADest);
- if Assigned(texture) then
- c2D.fillStyle(texture)
- else
- c2D.fillStyle(c);
- ofs := PointF(x,y);
- ofs.Offset( AffineMatrixRotationDeg(-orientation*0.1)*PointF(0,FVectorizedFont.FullHeight*0.5) );
- FVectorizedFont.DrawText(c2D, s, ofs.x,ofs.y, twAlign);
-procedure TBGRAVectorizedFontRenderer.Init;
- FVectorizedFontArray := nil;
- FDirectoryUTF8 := '';
- OutlineVisible:= True;
- OutlineColor := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- OuterOutlineOnly := false;
- OutlineJoin := pjsMiter;
- ShadowColor := BGRABlack;
- ShadowVisible := false;
- ShadowOffset := Point(5,5);
- ShadowRadius := 5;
- MaxFontResolution := 300;
-constructor TBGRAVectorizedFontRenderer.Create;
- Init;
-constructor TBGRAVectorizedFontRenderer.Create(ADirectoryUTF8: string);
- Init;
- FDirectoryUTF8 := ADirectoryUTF8;
-function TBGRAVectorizedFontRenderer.GetFontPixelMetric: TFontPixelMetric;
-var factor: single;
- UpdateFont;
- result := FVectorizedFont.FontPixelMetric;
- if FVectorizedFont.Resolution > 0 then
- begin
- factor := FVectorizedFont.FullHeight/FVectorizedFont.Resolution;
- result.Baseline := round(result.Baseline*factor);
- result.CapLine := round(result.CapLine*factor);
- result.Lineheight := round(result.Lineheight*factor);
- result.DescentLine := round(result.DescentLine*factor);
- result.xLine := round(result.xLine*factor);
- end;
-function TBGRAVectorizedFontRenderer.GetFontPixelMetricF: TFontPixelMetricF;
-var factor: single;
- fpm: TFontPixelMetric;
- UpdateFont;
- fpm := FVectorizedFont.FontPixelMetric;
- result.Defined := fpm.Defined;
- if FVectorizedFont.Resolution > 0 then
- factor := FVectorizedFont.FullHeight/FVectorizedFont.Resolution
- else factor := 1;
- result.Baseline := fpm.Baseline*factor;
- result.CapLine := fpm.CapLine*factor;
- result.Lineheight := fpm.Lineheight*factor;
- result.DescentLine := fpm.DescentLine*factor;
- result.xLine := fpm.xLine*factor;
-function TBGRAVectorizedFontRenderer.FontExists(AName: string): boolean;
- i: Integer;
- for i := 0 to Screen.Fonts.Count-1 do
- if CompareText(Screen.Fonts[i], AName) = 0 then exit(true);
- result := false;
- {$ELSE}
- result := true;
- {$ENDIF}
-procedure TBGRAVectorizedFontRenderer.TextOutAngle(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x,
- y: single; orientation: integer; s: string; c: TBGRAPixel; align: TAlignment);
- InternalTextOutAngle(ADest,x,y,orientation,s,c,nil,align,fbmAuto);
-procedure TBGRAVectorizedFontRenderer.TextOutAngle(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x,
- y: single; orientation: integer; s: string; c: TBGRAPixel; align: TAlignment;
- ARightToLeft: boolean);
- if ARightToLeft then
- InternalTextOutAngle(ADest,x,y,orientation,s,c,nil,align,fbmRightToLeft)
- else
- InternalTextOutAngle(ADest,x,y,orientation,s,c,nil,align,fbmLeftToRight);
-procedure TBGRAVectorizedFontRenderer.TextOutAngle(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x,
- y: single; orientation: integer; s: string; texture: IBGRAScanner;
- align: TAlignment);
- InternalTextOutAngle(ADest,x,y,orientation,s,BGRAPixelTransparent,texture,align,fbmAuto);
-procedure TBGRAVectorizedFontRenderer.TextOutAngle(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x,
- y: single; orientation: integer; s: string; texture: IBGRAScanner;
- align: TAlignment; ARightToLeft: boolean);
- if ARightToLeft then
- InternalTextOutAngle(ADest,x,y,orientation,s,BGRAPixelTransparent,texture,align,fbmRightToLeft)
- else
- InternalTextOutAngle(ADest,x,y,orientation,s,BGRAPixelTransparent,texture,align,fbmLeftToRight);
-procedure TBGRAVectorizedFontRenderer.TextOut(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x,
- y: single; s: string; texture: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment);
- TextOutAngle(ADest,x,y,FontOrientation,s,texture,align);
-procedure TBGRAVectorizedFontRenderer.TextOut(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x,
- y: single; s: string; texture: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment;
- ARightToLeft: boolean);
- TextOutAngle(ADest,x,y,FontOrientation,s,texture,align,ARightToLeft);
-procedure TBGRAVectorizedFontRenderer.TextOut(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x,
- y: single; s: string; c: TBGRAPixel; align: TAlignment);
- TextOutAngle(ADest,x,y,FontOrientation,s,c,align);
-procedure TBGRAVectorizedFontRenderer.TextOut(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x,
- y: single; s: string; c: TBGRAPixel; align: TAlignment; ARightToLeft: boolean);
- TextOutAngle(ADest,x,y,FontOrientation,s,c,align,ARightToLeft);
-procedure TBGRAVectorizedFontRenderer.TextRect(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- ARect: TRect; x, y: integer; s: string; style: TTextStyle; c: TBGRAPixel);
- InternalTextRect(ADest,ARect,x,y,s,style,c,nil);
-procedure TBGRAVectorizedFontRenderer.TextRect(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- ARect: TRect; x, y: integer; s: string; style: TTextStyle;
- texture: IBGRAScanner);
- InternalTextRect(ADest,ARect,x,y,s,style,BGRAPixelTransparent,texture);
-procedure TBGRAVectorizedFontRenderer.CopyTextPathTo(ADest: IBGRAPath; x, y: single; s: string; align: TAlignment);
- InternalCopyTextPathTo(ADest, x,y, s, align, fbmAuto);
-procedure TBGRAVectorizedFontRenderer.CopyTextPathTo(ADest: IBGRAPath; x,
- y: single; s: string; align: TAlignment; ARightToLeft: boolean);
- if ARightToLeft then
- InternalCopyTextPathTo(ADest, x,y, s, align, fbmRightToLeft)
- else
- InternalCopyTextPathTo(ADest, x,y, s, align, fbmLeftToRight);
-function TBGRAVectorizedFontRenderer.HandlesTextPath: boolean;
- Result:= true;
-function TBGRAVectorizedFontRenderer.TextSize(sUTF8: string): TSize;
-var sizeF: TPointF;
- sizeF := TextSizeF(sUTF8);
- result.cx := round(sizeF.x);
- result.cy := round(sizeF.y);
-function TBGRAVectorizedFontRenderer.TextSizeF(sUTF8: string): TPointF;
- UpdateFont;
- FVectorizedFont.BidiMode := fbmAuto;
- result := FVectorizedFont.GetTextSize(sUTF8);
-function TBGRAVectorizedFontRenderer.TextSize(sUTF8: string;
- AMaxWidth: integer; ARightToLeft: boolean): TSize;
- with TextSizeF(sUTF8, AMaxWidth, ARightToLeft) do
- result := Size(system.Round(x),system.Round(y));
-function TBGRAVectorizedFontRenderer.TextSizeF(sUTF8: string;
- AMaxWidthF: single; ARightToLeft: boolean): TPointF;
- remains: string;
- w,h: single;
- UpdateFont;
- FVectorizedFont.BidiMode := fbmAuto;
- result.x := 0;
- result.y := 0;
- h := FVectorizedFont.FullHeight;
- repeat
- FVectorizedFont.SplitText(sUTF8, AMaxWidthF, remains);
- w := FVectorizedFont.GetTextSize(sUTF8).x;
- if w > result.x then result.x := w;
- IncF(result.y, h);
- sUTF8 := remains;
- until remains = '';
-function TBGRAVectorizedFontRenderer.TextFitInfo(sUTF8: string;
- AMaxWidth: integer): integer;
- UpdateFont;
- FVectorizedFont.BidiMode := fbmAuto;
- result := FVectorizedFont.TextFitInfo(sUTF8, AMaxWidth);
-function TBGRAVectorizedFontRenderer.TextFitInfoF(sUTF8: string;
- AMaxWidthF: single): integer;
- UpdateFont;
- FVectorizedFont.BidiMode := fbmAuto;
- result := FVectorizedFont.TextFitInfo(sUTF8, AMaxWidthF);
-destructor TBGRAVectorizedFontRenderer.Destroy;
-var i: integer;
- FCanvas2D.Free;
- for i := 0 to high(FVectorizedFontArray) do
- FVectorizedFontArray[i].VectorizedFont.Free;
- FVectorizedFontArray := nil;
- inherited Destroy;
-{ TBGRAVectorizedFont }
-procedure TBGRAVectorizedFont.SetResolution(AValue: integer);
- if FResolution=AValue then Exit;
- FResolution:=AValue;
- UpdateFont;
-procedure TBGRAVectorizedFont.SetOrientation(AValue: single);
- if FOrientation=AValue then Exit;
- FOrientation:=AValue;
- UpdateMatrix;
-procedure TBGRAVectorizedFont.SetItalicSlope(AValue: single);
- if FItalicSlope=AValue then Exit;
- FItalicSlope:=AValue;
- UpdateMatrix;
-procedure TBGRAVectorizedFont.SetLCLHeight(AValue: single);
- if (AValue > 0) xor (FontEmHeightSign < 0) then
- EmHeight := abs(AValue)
- else
- FullHeight := abs(AValue);
-function TBGRAVectorizedFont.GetEmHeight: single;
- result := FullHeight * FontEmHeightRatio;
-function TBGRAVectorizedFont.GetFontPixelMetric: TFontPixelMetric;
- if not FFontPixelMetricComputed and (FFont <> nil) then
- begin
- FFontPixelMetric := BGRAText.GetLCLFontPixelMetric(FFont);
- FFontPixelMetricComputed := true;
- end;
- result := FFontPixelMetric;
-function TBGRAVectorizedFont.GetLCLHeight: single;
- result := FullHeight * FontFullHeightSign;
-function TBGRAVectorizedFont.GetVectorizeLCL: boolean;
- result := FFont <> nil;
-procedure TBGRAVectorizedFont.GlyphCallbackForGlyphSizes(ATextUTF8: string; AGlyph: TBGRAGlyph;
- AFlags: TBrowseGlyphCallbackFlags; AData: Pointer; out AContinue: boolean);
- with TGlyphSizesCallbackData(AData^) do
- begin
- if Count = length(Sizes) then
- setlength(Sizes, 2*Count+1);
- Sizes[Count].Text := ATextUTF8;
- if AGlyph<>nil then
- begin
- Sizes[Count].Glyph:= AGlyph.Identifier;
- Sizes[Count].Width:= AGlyph.Width*FullHeight;
- Sizes[Count].Height:= AGlyph.Height*FullHeight;
- end else
- begin
- Sizes[Count].Glyph:= '';
- Sizes[Count].Width:= 0;
- Sizes[Count].Height:= 0;
- end;
- inc(Count);
- end;
- AContinue:= true;
-procedure TBGRAVectorizedFont.UpdateQuadraticCallback(ATextUTF8: string;
- AGlyph: TBGRAGlyph; AFlags: TBrowseGlyphCallbackFlags; AData: Pointer; out AContinue: boolean);
- if AGlyph is TBGRAPolygonalGlyph then
- TBGRAPolygonalGlyph(AGlyph).QuadraticCurves:= FQuadraticCurves;
- AContinue := true;
-procedure TBGRAVectorizedFont.SetEmHeight(AValue: single);
- if FontEmHeightRatio > 0 then
- FullHeight := AValue / FontEmHeightRatio;
-procedure TBGRAVectorizedFont.SetQuadraticCurves(AValue: boolean);
- if FQuadraticCurves=AValue then Exit;
- FQuadraticCurves:=AValue;
- BrowseAllGlyphs(@UpdateQuadraticCallback, nil);
-procedure TBGRAVectorizedFont.SetFontMatrix(AValue: TAffineMatrix);
- FFontMatrix:=AValue;
- UpdateMatrix;
-procedure TBGRAVectorizedFont.SetFullHeight(AValue: single);
- if FFullHeight=AValue then Exit;
- FFullHeight:=AValue;
- UpdateMatrix;
-procedure TBGRAVectorizedFont.SetName(AValue: string);
- if FName=AValue then Exit;
- FName:=AValue;
- UpdateFont;
-procedure TBGRAVectorizedFont.SetStyle(AValue: TFontStyles);
- if FStyle=AValue then Exit;
- FStyle:=AValue;
- UpdateFont;
- SubstituteBidiBracket:= fsItalic in AValue;
-function TBGRAVectorizedFont.GetFontEmHeightRatio: single;
- lEmHeight, lFullHeight: single;
- OldHeight: integer;
- if not FFontEmHeightRatioComputed then
- begin
- if FFont <> nil then
- begin
- OldHeight := FFont.Height;
- FFont.Height := FontEmHeightSign * 100;
- lEmHeight := BGRATextSize(FFont, fqSystem, 'Hg', 1).cy;
- FFont.Height := FixSystemFontFullHeight(FFont.Name, FontFullHeightSign * 100);
- lFullHeight := BGRATextSize(FFont, fqSystem, 'Hg', 1).cy;
- if lEmHeight = 0 then
- FFontEmHeightRatio := 1
- else
- FFontEmHeightRatio := lFullHeight/lEmHeight;
- FFontEmHeightRatioComputed := true;
- FFont.Height := OldHeight;
- end else
- begin
- result := 1;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- result := FFontEmHeightRatio;
-procedure TBGRAVectorizedFont.SetVectorizeLCL(AValue: boolean);
- if AValue then
- begin
- if FFont = nil then
- FFont := TFont.Create;
- end else
- begin
- if FFont <> nil then
- FreeAndNil(FFont);
- end;
- UpdateFont;
-procedure TBGRAVectorizedFont.UpdateFont;
-var i: integer;
- bestIndex, bestDistance: integer;
- distance: integer;
- if FFont <> nil then
- begin
- ClearGlyphs;
- FFont.Name := TBGRASystemFontRenderer.PatchSystemFontName(FName);
- FFont.Style := FStyle;
- FFont.Height := FixSystemFontFullHeight(FFont.Name, FontFullHeightSign * FResolution);
- FFont.Quality := fqNonAntialiased;
- FFontEmHeightRatio := 1;
- FFontEmHeightRatioComputed := false;
- fillchar(FFontPixelMetric,sizeof(FFontPixelMetric),0);
- FFontPixelMetricComputed := false;
- FFontFound := True;
- end else
- begin
- bestIndex := -1;
- bestDistance := 1000;
- for i := 0 to high(FDirectoryContent) do
- begin
- if CompareText(FDirectoryContent[i].FontName,FName) = 0 then
- begin
- distance := 0;
- if (fsBold in FDirectoryContent[i].FontStyle) xor (fsBold in FStyle) then inc(distance, 10);
- if (fsItalic in FDirectoryContent[i].FontStyle) xor (fsItalic in FStyle) then inc(distance, 5);
- if (fsStrikeOut in FDirectoryContent[i].FontStyle) xor (fsStrikeOut in FStyle) then inc(distance, 1);
- if (fsUnderline in FDirectoryContent[i].FontStyle) xor (fsUnderline in FStyle) then inc(distance, 1);
- if (bestIndex = -1) or (distance < bestDistance) then
- begin
- bestIndex := i;
- bestDistance := distance;
- if FDirectoryContent[i].FontStyle = FStyle then break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if bestIndex <> -1 then
- begin
- if not (fsItalic in FDirectoryContent[bestIndex].FontStyle) and (fsItalic in FStyle) then
- ItalicSlope := 0.25
- else if (fsItalic in FDirectoryContent[bestIndex].FontStyle) and not (fsItalic in FStyle) then
- ItalicSlope := -0.25
- else
- ItalicSlope := 0;
- UnderlineDecoration := not (fsUnderline in FDirectoryContent[bestIndex].FontStyle) and (fsUnderline in FStyle);
- StrikeOutDecoration := not (fsStrikeOut in FDirectoryContent[bestIndex].FontStyle) and (fsStrikeOut in FStyle);
- ClearGlyphs;
- LoadGlyphsFromFile(FDirectoryContent[bestIndex].Filename);
- FFontFound := True;
- end else
- FFontFound := false;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAVectorizedFont.UpdateMatrix;
- TypeWriterMatrix := FFontMatrix*AffineMatrixRotationDeg(-Orientation*0.1)*AffineMatrixScale(FFullHeight,FFullHeight)*AffineMatrixLinear(PointF(1,0),PointF(-FItalicSlope,1));
-constructor TBGRAVectorizedFont.Create;
- inherited Create;
- Init(True);
-constructor TBGRAVectorizedFont.Create(AVectorizeLCL: boolean);
- inherited Create;
- Init(AVectorizeLCL);
-destructor TBGRAVectorizedFont.Destroy;
- FFont.Free;
- FBuffer.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
-function TBGRAVectorizedFont.GetGlyphSize(AIdentifier: string): TPointF;
-var g: TBGRAGlyph;
- g := GetGlyph(AIdentifier);
- if g = nil then result := EmptyPointF else
- result := PointF(g.Width*FullHeight,g.Height*FullHeight);
-function TBGRAVectorizedFont.GetTextGlyphSizes(ATextUTF8: string): TGlyphSizes;
- data: TGlyphSizesCallbackData;
- data.Count:= 0;
- setlength(data.Sizes, UTF8Length(ATextUTF8));
- BrowseGlyphs(ATextUTF8, @GlyphCallbackForGlyphSizes, @data, false);
- setlength(data.Sizes, data.Count);
- result := data.Sizes;
-function TBGRAVectorizedFont.GetTextSize(ATextUTF8: string): TPointF;
- result := GetTextSizeBeforeTransform(ATextUTF8)*FullHeight;
-function TBGRAVectorizedFont.TextFitInfo(ATextUTF8: string; AMaxWidth: single): integer;
- charCount, byteCount: integer;
- usedWidth: single;
- if FullHeight=0 then result := UTF8Length(ATextUTF8) else
- begin
- TextFitInfoBeforeTransform(ATextUTF8, AMaxWidth/FullHeight, charCount, byteCount, usedWidth);
- result := charCount;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAVectorizedFont.SplitText(var ATextUTF8: string; AMaxWidth: single;
- out ARemainsUTF8: string);
- pstr: pchar;
- p,left,charlen: integer;
- totalWidth: single;
- firstChar: boolean;
- nextchar: string;
- g: TBGRAGlyph;
- totalWidth := 0;
- if ATextUTF8 = '' then
- begin
- ARemainsUTF8 := '';
- exit;
- end else
- begin
- p := 1;
- pstr := @ATextUTF8[1];
- left := length(ATextUTF8);
- firstChar := true;
- while left > 0 do
- begin
- if RemoveLineEnding(ATextUTF8,p) then
- begin
- ARemainsUTF8 := copy(ATextUTF8,p,length(ATextUTF8)-p+1);
- ATextUTF8 := copy(ATextUTF8,1,p-1);
- exit;
- end;
- charlen := UTF8CharacterLength(pstr);
- setlength(nextchar, charlen);
- move(pstr^, nextchar[1], charlen);
- inc(pstr,charlen);
- g := GetGlyph(nextchar);
- if g <> nil then
- begin
- IncF(totalWidth, g.Width*FullHeight);
- if not firstChar and (totalWidth > AMaxWidth) then
- begin
- ARemainsUTF8:= copy(ATextUTF8,p,length(ATextUTF8)-p+1);
- ATextUTF8 := copy(ATextUTF8,1,p-1);
- if Assigned(FWordBreakHandler) then
- FWordBreakHandler(ATextUTF8,ARemainsUTF8) else
- DefaultWordBreakHandler(ATextUTF8,ARemainsUTF8);
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- dec(left,charlen);
- inc(p,charlen);
- firstChar := false;
- end;
- end;
- ARemainsUTF8 := ''; //no split
-procedure TBGRAVectorizedFont.DrawText(ADest: TBGRACanvas2D; ATextUTF8: string; X,
- Y: Single; AAlign: TBGRATypeWriterAlignment);
-var underlinePoly: ArrayOfTPointF;
- m: TAffineMatrix;
- i: integer;
- deltaY: single;
- inherited DrawText(ADest, ATextUTF8, X, Y, AAlign);
- if AAlign in [twaBottom,twaBottomLeft,twaBottomRight] then deltaY := -1 else
- if AAlign in [twaLeft,twaMiddle,twaRight] then deltaY := -0.5 else
- deltaY := 0;
- if UnderlineDecoration and (Resolution > 0) then
- begin
- underlinePoly := BGRATextUnderline(PointF(0,deltaY), GetTextSize(ATextUTF8).x/FullHeight, FontPixelMetric.Baseline/Resolution,
- (FontPixelMetric.Baseline-FontPixelMetric.CapLine)/Resolution);
- if underlinePoly <> nil then
- begin
- m := GetTextMatrix(ATextUTF8, X,Y,AAlign);
- for i := 0 to high(underlinePoly) do
- underlinePoly[i] := m*underlinePoly[i];
- if OutlineMode <> twoPath then ADest.beginPath;
- ADest.moveTo(m*underlinePoly[high(underlinePoly)]);
- for i := high(underlinePoly)-1 downto 0 do
- ADest.lineTo(m*underlinePoly[i]);
- DrawLastPath(ADest);
- end;
- end;
- if StrikeOutDecoration and (Resolution > 0) then
- begin
- underlinePoly := BGRATextStrikeOut(PointF(0,deltaY), GetTextSize(ATextUTF8).x/FullHeight, FontPixelMetric.Baseline/Resolution,
- (FontPixelMetric.Baseline-FontPixelMetric.CapLine)/Resolution, (FontPixelMetric.Baseline-FontPixelMetric.xLine)/Resolution);
- if underlinePoly <> nil then
- begin
- m := GetTextMatrix(ATextUTF8, X,Y,AAlign);
- for i := 0 to high(underlinePoly) do
- underlinePoly[i] := m*underlinePoly[i];
- if OutlineMode <> twoPath then ADest.beginPath;
- ADest.moveTo(m*underlinePoly[high(underlinePoly)]);
- for i := high(underlinePoly)-1 downto 0 do
- ADest.lineTo(m*underlinePoly[i]);
- DrawLastPath(ADest);
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAVectorizedFont.CopyTextPathTo(ADest: IBGRAPath;
- ATextUTF8: string; X, Y: Single; AAlign: TBGRATypeWriterAlignment);
-var underlinePoly: ArrayOfTPointF;
- m: TAffineMatrix;
- i: integer;
- deltaY: single;
- inherited CopyTextPathTo(ADest,ATextUTF8, X, Y, AAlign);
- if AAlign in [twaBottom,twaBottomLeft,twaBottomRight] then deltaY := -1 else
- if AAlign in [twaLeft,twaMiddle,twaRight] then deltaY := -0.5 else
- deltaY := 0;
- if UnderlineDecoration and (Resolution > 0) then
- begin
- underlinePoly := BGRATextUnderline(PointF(0,deltaY), GetTextSize(ATextUTF8).x/FullHeight, FontPixelMetric.Baseline/Resolution,
- (FontPixelMetric.Baseline-FontPixelMetric.CapLine)/Resolution);
- if underlinePoly <> nil then
- begin
- m := GetTextMatrix(ATextUTF8, X,Y,AAlign);
- ADest.moveTo(m*underlinePoly[high(underlinePoly)]);
- for i := high(underlinePoly)-1 downto 0 do
- ADest.lineTo(m*underlinePoly[i]);
- ADest.closePath;
- end;
- end;
- if StrikeOutDecoration and (Resolution > 0) then
- begin
- underlinePoly := BGRATextStrikeOut(PointF(0,deltaY), GetTextSize(ATextUTF8).x/FullHeight, FontPixelMetric.Baseline/Resolution,
- (FontPixelMetric.Baseline-FontPixelMetric.CapLine)/Resolution, (FontPixelMetric.Baseline-FontPixelMetric.xLine)/Resolution);
- if underlinePoly <> nil then
- begin
- m := GetTextMatrix(ATextUTF8, X,Y,AAlign);
- ADest.moveTo(m*underlinePoly[high(underlinePoly)]);
- for i := high(underlinePoly)-1 downto 0 do
- ADest.lineTo(m*underlinePoly[i]);
- ADest.closePath;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAVectorizedFont.DrawTextWordBreak(ADest: TBGRACanvas2D;
- ATextUTF8: string; X, Y, MaxWidth: Single; AAlign: TBGRATypeWriterAlignment);
-var ARemains: string;
- pos,step: TPointF;
- lines: TStringList;
- i: integer;
- lineShift: single;
- oldItalicSlope: single;
- lineAlignment: TBGRATypeWriterAlignment;
- if (ATextUTF8 = '') or (MaxWidth <= 0) then exit;
- oldItalicSlope:= ItalicSlope;
- ItalicSlope := 0;
- pos := PointF(X,Y);
- step := TypeWriterMatrix*PointF(0,1);
- ItalicSlope := oldItalicSlope;
- if AAlign in[twaTop,twaMiddle,twaBottom] then
- lineAlignment := twaMiddle
- else if AAlign in[twaTopLeft,twaLeft,twaBottomLeft] then
- begin
- if ItalicSlope < 0 then
- lineAlignment:= twaTopLeft
- else
- lineAlignment := twaBottomLeft;
- end else
- begin
- if ItalicSlope < 0 then
- lineAlignment := twaBottomRight
- else
- lineAlignment := twaTopRight;
- end;
- if AAlign in[twaTopLeft,twaTop,twaTopRight] then
- begin
- case lineAlignment of
- twaMiddle: lineShift := 0.5;
- twaBottomLeft,twaBottomRight: lineShift := 1;
- twaTopRight,twaTopLeft : lineShift := 0;
- end;
- pos.Offset(step*lineShift);
- repeat
- SplitText(ATextUTF8, MaxWidth, ARemains);
- DrawText(ADest,ATextUTF8,pos.X,pos.Y,lineAlignment);
- ATextUTF8 := ARemains;
- pos.Offset(step);
- until ARemains = '';
- end else
- begin
- lines := TStringList.Create;
- repeat
- SplitText(ATextUTF8, MaxWidth, ARemains);
- lines.Add(ATextUTF8);
- ATextUTF8 := ARemains;
- until ARemains = '';
- if AAlign in[twaLeft,twaMiddle,twaRight] then lineShift := lines.Count/2-0.5
- else if AAlign in[twaBottomLeft,twaBottom,twaBottomRight] then lineShift := lines.Count-0.5
- else lineShift := -0.5;
- case lineAlignment of
- twaMiddle: ;
- twaBottomLeft,twaBottomRight: DecF(lineShift, 0.5);
- twaTopRight,twaTopLeft : IncF(lineShift, 0.5);
- end;
- pos.Offset(step*(-lineShift));
- for i := 0 to lines.Count-1 do
- begin
- DrawText(ADest,lines[i],pos.X,pos.Y,lineAlignment);
- pos.Offset(step);
- end;
- lines.Free;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAVectorizedFont.DrawTextRect(ADest: TBGRACanvas2D; ATextUTF8: string;
- X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Single; AAlign: TBGRATypeWriterAlignment);
-var X,Y: single;
- oldOrientation: single;
- if X2 <= X1 then exit;
- if AAlign in[twaTopLeft,twaTop,twaTopRight] then Y := Y1 else
- if AAlign in[twaLeft,twaMiddle,twaRight] then Y := (Y1+Y2)/2 else
- if AAlign in[twaBottomLeft,twaBottom,twaBottomRight] then Y := Y2;
- if AAlign in[twaLeft,twaTopLeft,twaBottomLeft] then X := X1 else
- if AAlign in[twaTop,twaMiddle,twaBottom] then X := (X1+X2)/2 else
- if AAlign in[twaRight,twaTopRight,twaBottomRight] then X := X2;
- oldOrientation:= Orientation;
- Orientation:= 0;
- DrawTextWordBreak(ADest,ATextUTF8,X,Y,X2-X1,AAlign);
- Orientation:= oldOrientation;
-procedure TBGRAVectorizedFont.DrawTextRect(ADest: TBGRACanvas2D; ATextUTF8: string;
- ATopLeft, ABottomRight: TPointF; AAlign: TBGRATypeWriterAlignment);
- DrawTextRect(ADest,ATextUTF8,ATopLeft.X,ATopLeft.Y,ABottomRight.X,ABottomRight.Y,AAlign);
-function TBGRAVectorizedFont.GetTextWordBreakGlyphBoxes(ATextUTF8: string; X, Y,
- MaxWidth: Single; AAlign: TBGRATypeWriterAlignment): TGlyphBoxes;
-var ARemains: string;
- pos,step: TPointF;
- lines: TStringList;
- i: integer;
- lineShift: single;
- oldItalicSlope: single;
- tempArray: array of TGlyphBoxes;
- tempPos,j: integer;
- lineAlignment: TBGRATypeWriterAlignment;
- result := nil;
- if ATextUTF8 = '' then exit;
- oldItalicSlope:= ItalicSlope;
- ItalicSlope := 0;
- pos := PointF(X,Y);
- step := TypeWriterMatrix*PointF(0,1);
- ItalicSlope := oldItalicSlope;
- if AAlign in[twaTop,twaMiddle,twaBottom] then
- lineAlignment := twaMiddle
- else if AAlign in[twaTopLeft,twaLeft,twaBottomLeft] then
- begin
- if ItalicSlope < 0 then
- lineAlignment:= twaTopLeft
- else
- lineAlignment := twaBottomLeft;
- end else
- begin
- if ItalicSlope < 0 then
- lineAlignment := twaBottomRight
- else
- lineAlignment := twaTopRight;
- end;
- lines := TStringList.Create;
- repeat
- SplitText(ATextUTF8, MaxWidth, ARemains);
- lines.Add(ATextUTF8);
- ATextUTF8 := ARemains;
- until ARemains = '';
- if AAlign in[twaLeft,twaMiddle,twaRight] then lineShift := lines.Count/2-0.5
- else if AAlign in[twaBottomLeft,twaBottom,twaBottomRight] then lineShift := lines.Count-0.5
- else lineShift := -0.5;
- case lineAlignment of
- twaMiddle: ;
- twaBottomLeft, twaBottomRight: DecF(lineShift, 0.5);
- twaTopRight,twaTopLeft : IncF(lineShift, 0.5);
- end;
- pos.Offset(step*(-lineShift));
- setlength(tempArray, lines.Count);
- tempPos := 0;
- for i := 0 to lines.Count-1 do
- begin
- tempArray[i] := GetTextGlyphBoxes(lines[i],pos.X,pos.Y,lineAlignment);
- inc(tempPos, length(tempArray[i]));
- pos.Offset(step);
- end;
- lines.Free;
- setlength(result, tempPos);
- tempPos := 0;
- for i := 0 to high(tempArray) do
- for j := 0 to high(tempArray[i]) do
- begin
- result[tempPos] := tempArray[i][j];
- inc(tempPos);
- end;
-function TBGRAVectorizedFont.GetTextRectGlyphBoxes(ATextUTF8: string; X1, Y1, X2,
- Y2: Single; AAlign: TBGRATypeWriterAlignment): TGlyphBoxes;
-var X,Y,oldOrientation: single;
- if X2 <= X1 then
- begin
- result := nil;
- exit;
- end;
- if AAlign in[twaTopLeft,twaTop,twaTopRight] then Y := Y1 else
- if AAlign in[twaLeft,twaMiddle,twaRight] then Y := (Y1+Y2)/2 else
- if AAlign in[twaBottomLeft,twaBottom,twaBottomRight] then Y := Y2;
- if AAlign in[twaLeft,twaTopLeft,twaBottomLeft] then X := X1 else
- if AAlign in[twaTop,twaMiddle,twaBottom] then X := (X1+X2)/2 else
- if AAlign in[twaRight,twaTopRight,twaBottomRight] then X := X2;
- oldOrientation:= Orientation;
- Orientation:= 0;
- result := GetTextWordBreakGlyphBoxes(ATextUTF8,X,Y,X2-X1,AAlign);
- Orientation:= oldOrientation;
-function TBGRAVectorizedFont.GetTextRectGlyphBoxes(ATextUTF8: string; ATopLeft,
- ABottomRight: TPointF; AAlign: TBGRATypeWriterAlignment): TGlyphBoxes;
- result := GetTextRectGlyphBoxes(ATextUTF8,ATopLeft.X,ATopLeft.Y,ABottomRight.X,ABottomRight.Y,AAlign);
-procedure TBGRAVectorizedFont.UpdateDirectory;
- NbFiles: integer;
- SearchRec: TSearchRec;
- Info: TBGRAGlyphsInfo;
- Fullname: string;
- NbFiles := 0;
- FDirectoryContent := nil;
- if FDirectory = '' then exit;
- if (length(FDirectory) > 0) and not (FDirectory[length(FDirectory)] in AllowDirectorySeparators) then
- AppendStr(FDirectory, DirectorySeparator);
- if FindFirstUTF8(FDirectory +'*.glyphs', faAnyFile, SearchRec) = 0 then
- repeat
- if (faDirectory or faVolumeId or faSysFile) and SearchRec.Attr = 0 then
- {$POP}
- begin
- Fullname := FDirectory+SearchRec.Name;
- Info := LoadGlyphsInfo(Fullname);
- if (info.Name <> '') and (info.NbGlyphs > 0) then
- begin
- if NbFiles = length(FDirectoryContent) then
- setlength(FDirectoryContent,2*NbFiles+1);
- FDirectoryContent[NbFiles].Filename:= Fullname;
- FDirectoryContent[NbFiles].FontName:= info.Name;
- FDirectoryContent[NbFiles].FontStyle:= info.Style;
- inc(NbFiles);
- end;
- end;
- until FindNext(SearchRec) <> 0;
- FindClose(SearchRec);
- SetLength(FDirectoryContent,NbFiles);
-function TBGRAVectorizedFont.LoadGlyphsInfo(AFilenameUTF8: string): TBGRAGlyphsInfo;
-var Stream: TFileStreamUTF8;
- twHeader: TBGRACustomTypeWriterHeader;
- vfHeader: TBGRAVectorizedFontHeader;
- result.Name := '';
- result.NbGlyphs := 0;
- result.Style := [];
- Stream := nil;
- try
- Stream := TFileStreamUTF8.Create(AFilenameUTF8,fmOpenRead);
- Stream.Position := 4;
- twHeader := ReadCustomTypeWriterHeader(Stream);
- result.NbGlyphs := twHeader.NbGlyphs;
- if twHeader.HeaderName = HeaderName then
- begin
- vfHeader := ReadVectorizedFontHeader(Stream);
- result.Name := vfHeader.Name;
- result.Style:= vfHeader.Style;
- end;
- except
- on ex:exception do
- begin
- end;
- end;
- Stream.Free;
-function TBGRAVectorizedFont.GetGlyph(AIdentifier: string): TBGRAGlyph;
-var size: TSize;
- g: TBGRAPolygonalGlyph;
- pts: array of TPointF;
- dx,dy: Integer;
- Result:=inherited GetGlyph(AIdentifier);
- if (result = nil) and (FResolution > 0) and (FFont <> nil) then
- begin
- g := TBGRAPolygonalGlyph.Create(AIdentifier);
- size := BGRATextSize(FFont, fqSystem, AIdentifier, 1);
- dx := FResolution div 2;
- dy := FResolution div 2;
- FBuffer.SetSize(size.cx+2*dx,FResolution+2*dy);
- FBuffer.Fill(BGRAWhite);
- BGRATextOut(FBuffer, FFont, fqSystem, dx,dy, AIdentifier, BGRABlack, nil, taLeftJustify);
- pts := VectorizeMonochrome(FBuffer,1/FResolution,False,true,50);
- g.SetPoints(pts);
- g.QuadraticCurves := FQuadraticCurves;
- g.Width := size.cx/FResolution;
- g.Height := 1;
- g.Offset := PointF(-dx/FResolution,-dy/FResolution);
- SetGlyph(AIdentifier,g);
- result := g;
- end else
- if (result <> nil) and (result is TBGRAPolygonalGlyph) then
- TBGRAPolygonalGlyph(result).QuadraticCurves := FQuadraticCurves;
-procedure TBGRAVectorizedFont.DefaultWordBreakHandler(var ABefore,AAfter: string);
- BGRADefaultWordBreakHandler(ABefore,AAfter);
-procedure TBGRAVectorizedFont.Init(AVectorize: boolean);
- FName := 'Arial';
- FStyle := [];
- FFontMatrix := AffineMatrixIdentity;
- FOrientation := 0;
- FResolution := 100;
- FFontEmHeightRatio := 1;
- FFontEmHeightRatioComputed := false;
- if AVectorize then
- FFont := TFont.Create
- else
- FFont := nil;
- FBuffer := BGRABitmapFactory.Create;
- FFullHeight := 20;
- FItalicSlope := 0;
- LigatureWithF := true;
- UpdateFont;
- UpdateMatrix;
- FWordBreakHandler:= nil;
-function TBGRAVectorizedFont.CustomHeaderSize: integer;
- Result:= (inherited CustomHeaderSize) + 4+length(FName)+4 + sizeof(single) + 4 + 5*4;
-procedure TBGRAVectorizedFont.WriteCustomHeader(AStream: TStream);
-var metric: TFontPixelMetric;
- inherited WriteCustomHeader(AStream);
- LEWriteLongint(AStream, length(FName));
- AStream.Write(FName[1],length(FName));
- LEWriteLongint(AStream, integer(FStyle));
- LEWriteSingle(AStream, FontEmHeightRatio);
- LEWriteLongint(AStream, Resolution);
- metric := FontPixelMetric;
- LEWriteLongint(AStream, metric.Baseline);
- LEWriteLongint(AStream, metric.xLine);
- LEWriteLongint(AStream, metric.CapLine);
- LEWriteLongint(AStream, metric.DescentLine);
- LEWriteLongint(AStream, metric.Lineheight);
-procedure TBGRAVectorizedFont.ReadAdditionalHeader(AStream: TStream);
-var Header: TBGRAVectorizedFontHeader;
- inherited ReadAdditionalHeader(AStream);
- Header := ReadVectorizedFontHeader(AStream);
- FName := Header.Name;
- FStyle := Header.Style;
- if header.EmHeightRatio <> 0 then
- begin
- FFontEmHeightRatio := Header.EmHeightRatio;
- FFontEmHeightRatioComputed := true;
- end else
- begin
- FFontEmHeightRatio := 1;
- FFontEmHeightRatioComputed := false;
- end;
- FFontPixelMetric := Header.PixelMetric;
- FFontPixelMetricComputed := True;
- if FFont = nil then
- FResolution := Header.Resolution;
-function TBGRAVectorizedFont.ReadVectorizedFontHeader(AStream: TStream): TBGRAVectorizedFontHeader;
-var lNameLength: integer;
- lNameLength := LEReadLongint(AStream);
- setlength(result.Name, lNameLength);
- AStream.Read(result.Name[1],length(result.Name));
- result.Style := TFontStyles(LEReadLongint(AStream));
- result.EmHeightRatio:= LEReadSingle(AStream);
- result.Resolution := LEReadLongint(AStream);
- result.PixelMetric.Baseline := LEReadLongint(AStream);
- result.PixelMetric.xLine := LEReadLongint(AStream);
- result.PixelMetric.CapLine := LEReadLongint(AStream);
- result.PixelMetric.DescentLine := LEReadLongint(AStream);
- result.PixelMetric.Lineheight := LEReadLongint(AStream);
- result.PixelMetric.Defined := result.PixelMetric.Lineheight > 0;
-function TBGRAVectorizedFont.HeaderName: string;
- Result:= 'TBGRAVectorizedFont';
-procedure TBGRAVectorizedFont.SetDirectory(const AValue: string);
- if Trim(AValue) = Trim(FDirectory) then exit;
- FDirectory := Trim(AValue);
- UpdateDirectory;
- UpdateFont;
-function TBGRAVectorizedFont.ComputeKerning(AIdLeft, AIdRight: string): single;
- together: String;
- if Resolution = 0 then exit(0);
- if IsRightToLeftUTF8(AIdLeft) then
- begin
- if IsRightToLeftUTF8(AIdRight) then
- together := AIdRight + AIdLeft
- else
- together := UTF8OverrideDirection(AIdRight + AIdLeft, true);
- end else
- together := AIdLeft + AIdRight;
- result := BGRATextSize(FFont, fqSystem, together, 1).cx/Resolution
- - Glyph[AIdLeft].Width - Glyph[AIdRight].Width;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrawinbitmap.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrawinbitmap.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 10bc5fb..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrawinbitmap.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
- /**************************************************************************\
- bgrawinbitmap.pas
- -----------------
- This unit should NOT be added to the 'uses' clause.
- It contains accelerations for Windows. Notably, it
- provides direct access to bitmap data.
-unit BGRAWinBitmap;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BGRALCLBitmap, Windows, Graphics, GraphType;
- { TBGRAWinBitmap }
- TBGRAWinBitmap = class(TBGRALCLBitmap)
- private
- procedure AlphaCorrectionNeeded;
- protected
- DIB_SectionHandle: HBITMAP;
- FReversed: boolean;
- function DIBitmapInfo(AWidth, AHeight: integer): TBitmapInfo;
- procedure ReallocData; override;
- procedure FreeData; override;
- procedure RebuildBitmap; override;
- procedure FreeBitmap; override;
- procedure Init; override;
- function GetBitmap: TBitmap; override;
- public
- procedure LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded; override;
- procedure Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; x, y: integer; Opaque: boolean=True); overload; override;
- procedure Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect; Opaque: boolean = True); overload; override;
- procedure DataDrawOpaque(ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; AData: Pointer;
- ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; AWidth, AHeight: integer); override;
- procedure GetImageFromCanvas(CanvasSource: TCanvas; x, y: integer); override;
- end;
-uses BGRADefaultBitmap, BGRABitmapTypes;
- { TWinBitmapTracker }
- TWinBitmapTracker = class(TBitmap)
- protected
- FUser: TBGRAWinBitmap;
- procedure Changed(Sender: TObject); override;
- public
- constructor Create(AUser: TBGRAWinBitmap); overload;
- property User: TBGRAWinBitmap read FUser write FUser;
- end;
-procedure TWinBitmapTracker.Changed(Sender: TObject);
- if FUser <> nil then
- FUser.AlphaCorrectionNeeded;
- inherited Changed(Sender);
-constructor TWinBitmapTracker.Create(AUser: TBGRAWinBitmap);
- FUser := AUser;
- inherited Create;
-{ TBGRAWinBitmap }
-procedure TBGRAWinBitmap.FreeData;
- if DIB_SectionHandle <> 0 then
- begin
- FreeBitmap;
- DeleteObject(DIB_SectionHandle);
- FDataByte := nil;
- DIB_SectionHandle := 0;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAWinBitmap.RebuildBitmap;
- if FBitmap = nil then
- begin
- FBitmap := TWinBitmapTracker.Create(nil);
- FBitmap.Handle := DIB_SectionHandle;
- TWinBitmapTracker(FBitmap).User := self;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAWinBitmap.FreeBitmap;
- if FBitmap <> nil then
- begin
- TWinBitmapTracker(FBitmap).User := nil;
- FBitmap.ReleaseHandle;
- FBitmap.Free;
- FBitmap := nil;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAWinBitmap.Init;
- inherited Init;
- FLineOrder := riloBottomToTop;
-function TBGRAWinBitmap.GetBitmap: TBitmap;
- Result:=inherited GetBitmap;
- if (LineOrder = riloTopToBottom) and not FReversed then
- begin
- VerticalFlip;
- FReversed:= true;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAWinBitmap.LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- if FReversed then
- begin
- FReversed := false;
- VerticalFlip;
- end;
- if FAlphaCorrectionNeeded then
- begin
- DoAlphaCorrection;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAWinBitmap.Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; x, y: integer; Opaque: boolean);
- if self = nil then exit;
- Draw(ACanvas, BGRAClasses.Rect(x,y,x+Width,y+Height), Opaque);
-procedure TBGRAWinBitmap.Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect; Opaque: boolean);
- if (self = nil) or (Width = 0) or (Height = 0) then exit;
- if TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder then SwapRedBlue;
- if Opaque then
- begin
- info := DIBitmapInfo(Width, Height);
- if LineOrder = riloTopToBottom then
- StretchDIBits(ACanvas.Handle, Rect.Left, Rect.Bottom, Rect.Right -
- Rect.Left, Rect.Top - Rect.Bottom,
- 0, 0, Width, Height, Data, info, DIB_RGB_COLORS, SRCCOPY)
- else
- StretchDIBits(ACanvas.Handle, Rect.Left, Rect.Top, Rect.Right -
- Rect.Left, Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top,
- 0, 0, Width, Height, Data, info, DIB_RGB_COLORS, SRCCOPY);
- end
- else
- begin
- if Empty then exit;
- if LineOrder = riloTopToBottom then VerticalFlip;
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- ACanvas.StretchDraw(Rect, Bitmap);
- if LineOrder = riloTopToBottom then VerticalFlip;
- end;
- if TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder then SwapRedBlue;
-procedure TBGRAWinBitmap.DataDrawOpaque(ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect;
- AData: Pointer; ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; AWidth, AHeight: integer);
- IsFlipped: boolean;
- Temp: TBGRAPtrBitmap;
- Temp := nil;
- IsFlipped := False;
- if ALineOrder = riloTopToBottom then
- begin
- Temp := TBGRAPtrBitmap.Create(AWidth, AHeight, AData);
- Temp.VerticalFlip;
- IsFlipped := True;
- end;
- if TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder then
- begin
- if Temp = nil then
- Temp := TBGRAPtrBitmap.Create(AWidth, AHeight, AData);
- Temp.SwapRedBlue;
- end;
- info := DIBitmapInfo(AWidth, AHeight);
- StretchDIBits(ACanvas.Handle, ARect.Left, ARect.Top, ARect.Right -
- ARect.Left, ARect.Bottom - ARect.Top,
- 0, 0, AWidth, AHeight, AData, info, DIB_RGB_COLORS, SRCCOPY);
- if Temp <> nil then
- begin
- if TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder then Temp.SwapRedBlue;
- if IsFlipped then
- Temp.VerticalFlip;
- Temp.Free;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAWinBitmap.AlphaCorrectionNeeded;
- FAlphaCorrectionNeeded := True;
-function TBGRAWinBitmap.DIBitmapInfo(AWidth, AHeight: integer): TBitmapInfo;
- with {%H-}Result.bmiHeader do
- begin
- biSize := sizeof(Result.bmiHeader);
- biWidth := AWidth;
- biHeight := AHeight;
- biPlanes := 1;
- biBitCount := 32;
- biCompression := BI_RGB;
- biSizeImage := 0;
- biXPelsPerMeter := 0;
- biYPelsPerMeter := 0;
- biClrUsed := 0;
- biClrImportant := 0;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAWinBitmap.ReallocData;
- ScreenDC: HDC;
- info: TBitmapInfo;
- FreeData;
- if (Width <> 0) and (Height <> 0) then
- begin
- ScreenDC := GetDC(0);
- info := DIBitmapInfo(Width, Height);
- DIB_SectionHandle := CreateDIBSection(ScreenDC, info, DIB_RGB_COLORS, FDataByte, 0, 0);
- if (NbPixels > 0) and (FDataByte = nil) then
- raise EOutOfMemory.Create('TBGRAWinBitmap.ReallocBitmap: Windows error ' +
- IntToStr(GetLastError));
- ReleaseDC(0, ScreenDC);
- end;
- InvalidateBitmap;
-procedure TBGRAWinBitmap.GetImageFromCanvas(CanvasSource: TCanvas; x, y: integer);
- self.Canvas.CopyRect(BGRAClasses.rect(0, 0, Width, Height), CanvasSource,
- BGRAClasses.rect(X, Y, X + Width, Y + Height));
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrawinresource.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrawinresource.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 478588d..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrawinresource.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1165 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAWinResource;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BGRAMultiFileType, BGRABitmapTypes, BGRAReadBMP;
- RT_CURSOR = 1;
- RT_BITMAP = 2;
- RT_ICON = 3;
- RT_MENU = 4;
- RT_DIALOG = 5;
- RT_STRING = 6;
- RT_FONT = 8;
- RT_RCDATA = 10;
- RT_GROUP = 11;
- RT_VERSION = 16;
- RT_ANIICON = 22;
- RT_HTML = 23;
- TNameOrId = record
- Id: integer;
- Name: utf8string;
- end;
- { TResourceInfo }
- TResourceInfo = object
- DataVersion: LongWord;
- MemoryFlags: Word;
- LanguageId: Word;
- Version: LongWord;
- Characteristics: LongWord;
- procedure SwapIfNecessary;
- end;
- TWinResourceContainer = class;
- { TCustomResourceEntry }
- TCustomResourceEntry = class(TMultiFileEntry)
- private
- class function GetNextEntry(AContainer: TMultiFileContainer; AStream: TStream): TCustomResourceEntry; static;
- procedure Serialize(ADestination: TStream);
- protected
- FTypeNameOrId: TNameOrId;
- FEntryNameOrId: TNameOrId;
- FResourceInfo: TResourceInfo;
- FReferenceCount: integer;
- function GetName: utf8string; override;
- procedure SetName(AValue: utf8string); override;
- function GetId: integer;
- procedure SetId(AValue: integer);
- function GetTypeId: integer;
- function GetTypeName: utf8string;
- procedure IncrementReferences; virtual;
- procedure DecrementReferences; virtual;
- procedure SerializeHeader(ADestination: TStream); virtual;
- procedure SerializeData(ADestination: TStream); virtual; abstract;
- function GetDataSize: integer; virtual; abstract;
- function GetLanguageId: integer;
- procedure SetLanguageId(AValue: integer);
- public
- constructor Create(AContainer: TMultiFileContainer; ATypeNameOrId: TNameOrId; AEntryNameOrId: TNameOrId; const AResourceInfo: TResourceInfo);
- function GetStream: TStream; override;
- property Id: integer read GetId write SetId;
- property TypeName: utf8string read GetTypeName;
- property TypeId: integer read GetTypeId;
- property LanguageId: integer read GetLanguageId write SetLanguageId;
- end;
- { TUnformattedResourceEntry }
- TUnformattedResourceEntry = class(TCustomResourceEntry)
- protected
- FDataStream: TStream;
- function GetFileSize: int64; override;
- function GetDataSize: integer; override;
- procedure SerializeData(ADestination: TStream); override;
- function GetExtension: utf8string; override;
- public
- constructor Create(AContainer: TMultiFileContainer; ATypeNameOrId: TNameOrId; AEntryNameOrId: TNameOrId; const AResourceInfo: TResourceInfo; ADataStream: TStream);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function CopyTo(ADestination: TStream): int64; override;
- function GetStream: TStream; override;
- end;
- { TBitmapResourceEntry }
- TBitmapResourceEntry = class(TUnformattedResourceEntry)
- protected
- function GetFileSize: int64; override;
- function GetExtension: utf8string; override;
- public
- constructor Create(AContainer: TMultiFileContainer; AEntryNameOrId: TNameOrId; const AResourceInfo: TResourceInfo; ADataStream: TStream);
- function CopyTo(ADestination: TStream): int64; override;
- procedure CopyFrom(ASource: TStream);
- end;
- { TGroupIconHeader }
- TGroupIconHeader = object
- Reserved, ResourceType, ImageCount: Word;
- procedure SwapIfNecessary;
- end;
- TGroupIconDirEntry = packed record
- Width, Height, Colors, Reserved: byte;
- //stored in little endian
- case byte of
- 0: (Variable: LongWord; ImageSize: LongWord; ImageId: Word);
- 1: (Planes, BitsPerPixel: Word);
- 2: (HotSpotX, HotSpotY: Word);
- end;
- TIconFileDirEntry = packed record
- Width, Height, Colors, Reserved: byte;
- //stored in little endian
- case byte of
- 0: (Variable: LongWord; ImageSize: LongWord; ImageOffset: LongWord);
- 1: (Planes, BitsPerPixel: Word);
- 2: (HotSpotX, HotSpotY: Word);
- end;
- { TGroupIconOrCursorEntry }
- TGroupIconOrCursorEntry = class(TCustomResourceEntry)
- private
- function GetNbIcons: integer;
- protected
- FGroupIconHeader: TGroupIconHeader;
- FDirectory: packed array of TGroupIconDirEntry;
- function GetFileSize: int64; override;
- function GetDataSize: integer; override;
- procedure SerializeData(ADestination: TStream); override;
- procedure IncrementReferences; override;
- procedure DecrementReferences; override;
- function ExpectedResourceType: word; virtual; abstract;
- public
- constructor Create(AContainer: TMultiFileContainer; ATypeNameOrId: TNameOrId; AEntryNameOrId: TNameOrId; const AResourceInfo: TResourceInfo; ADataStream: TStream);
- constructor Create(AContainer: TMultiFileContainer; ATypeNameOrId: TNameOrId; AEntryNameOrId: TNameOrId; const AResourceInfo: TResourceInfo);
- procedure Clear;
- function CopyTo(ADestination: TStream): int64; override;
- procedure CopyFrom(ASource: TStream);
- property NbIcons: integer read GetNbIcons;
- end;
- { TGroupIconEntry }
- TGroupIconEntry = class(TGroupIconOrCursorEntry)
- protected
- function GetExtension: utf8string; override;
- function ExpectedResourceType: word; override;
- public
- constructor Create(AContainer: TMultiFileContainer; AEntryNameOrId: TNameOrId; const AResourceInfo: TResourceInfo; ADataStream: TStream);
- constructor Create(AContainer: TMultiFileContainer; AEntryNameOrId: TNameOrId; const AResourceInfo: TResourceInfo);
- end;
- { TGroupCursorEntry }
- TGroupCursorEntry = class(TGroupIconOrCursorEntry)
- protected
- function GetExtension: utf8string; override;
- function ExpectedResourceType: word; override;
- public
- constructor Create(AContainer: TMultiFileContainer; AEntryNameOrId: TNameOrId; const AResourceInfo: TResourceInfo; ADataStream: TStream);
- constructor Create(AContainer: TMultiFileContainer; AEntryNameOrId: TNameOrId; const AResourceInfo: TResourceInfo);
- end;
- { TWinResourceContainer }
- TWinResourceContainer = class(TMultiFileContainer)
- private
- function InternalFind(const AEntry: TNameOrId; const AType: TNameOrId; ALanguageId: integer = 0): TCustomResourceEntry;
- procedure AddHidden(AEntry: TCustomResourceEntry);
- function GetMaxId(AType: TNameOrId): integer;
- procedure IncrementReferenceOf(ANameId, ATypeId: integer);
- procedure DecrementReferenceOf(ANameId, ATypeId: integer);
- protected
- FHiddenEntries: TMultiFileEntryList;
- procedure Init; override;
- procedure ClearHiddenEntries;
- procedure RemoveHidden(AEntry: TCustomResourceEntry);
- function CreateEntry(AName: utf8string; AExtension: utf8string; AContent: TStream; ALanguageId: integer): TMultiFileEntry; overload;
- function CreateEntry(AName: utf8string; AExtension: utf8string; AContent: TStream): TMultiFileEntry; override;
- public
- procedure Clear; override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Delete(AIndex: integer); override;
- procedure LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream); override;
- function IndexOf(AName: utf8string; AExtenstion: utf8string; ACaseSensitive: boolean = True): integer; override;
- function IndexOf(AName: utf8string; AExtenstion: utf8string; ALanguageId: integer; ACaseSensitive: boolean = True): integer; overload;
- procedure SaveToStream(ADestination: TStream); override;
- end;
-uses Math, BGRAUTF8;
-operator =(const ANameOrId1, ANameOrId2: TNameOrId): boolean;
- if (ANameOrId1.Id < 0) then
- result := (ANameOrId2.Id < 0) and (ANameOrId2.Name = ANameOrId1.Name)
- else
- result := ANameOrId2.Id = ANameOrId1.Id;
-function NameOrId(AName: string): TNameOrId; overload;
- result.Id := -1;
- result.Name := AName;
-function NameOrId(AId: integer): TNameOrId; overload;
- result.Id := AId;
- result.Name := IntToStr(AId);
-{ TGroupCursorEntry }
-function TGroupCursorEntry.GetExtension: utf8string;
- Result:= 'cur';
-function TGroupCursorEntry.ExpectedResourceType: word;
-constructor TGroupCursorEntry.Create(AContainer: TMultiFileContainer;
- AEntryNameOrId: TNameOrId; const AResourceInfo: TResourceInfo;
- ADataStream: TStream);
- inherited Create(AContainer,NameOrId(RT_GROUP_CURSOR),AEntryNameOrId,AResourceInfo,ADataStream);
-constructor TGroupCursorEntry.Create(AContainer: TMultiFileContainer;
- AEntryNameOrId: TNameOrId; const AResourceInfo: TResourceInfo);
- inherited Create(AContainer,NameOrId(RT_GROUP_CURSOR),AEntryNameOrId,AResourceInfo);
-{ TGroupIconEntry }
-function TGroupIconEntry.GetExtension: utf8string;
- Result:= 'ico';
-function TGroupIconEntry.ExpectedResourceType: word;
-constructor TGroupIconEntry.Create(AContainer: TMultiFileContainer;
- AEntryNameOrId: TNameOrId; const AResourceInfo: TResourceInfo;
- ADataStream: TStream);
- inherited Create(AContainer,NameOrId(RT_GROUP_ICON),AEntryNameOrId,AResourceInfo,ADataStream);
-constructor TGroupIconEntry.Create(AContainer: TMultiFileContainer;
- AEntryNameOrId: TNameOrId; const AResourceInfo: TResourceInfo);
- inherited Create(AContainer,NameOrId(RT_GROUP_ICON),AEntryNameOrId,AResourceInfo);
-{ TGroupIconHeader }
-procedure TGroupIconHeader.SwapIfNecessary;
- Reserved := LEtoN(Reserved);
- ResourceType := LEtoN(ResourceType);
- ImageCount := LEtoN(ImageCount);
-{ TGroupIconOrCursorEntry }
-function TGroupIconOrCursorEntry.GetNbIcons: integer;
- result := FGroupIconHeader.ImageCount;
-function TGroupIconOrCursorEntry.GetFileSize: int64;
- i: Integer;
- Result:= sizeof(FGroupIconHeader) + sizeof(TIconFileDirEntry)*NbIcons;
- for i := 0 to NbIcons-1 do
- inc(Result, LEtoN(FDirectory[i].ImageSize) );
-function TGroupIconOrCursorEntry.GetDataSize: integer;
- result := sizeof(FGroupIconHeader) + sizeof(TGroupIconDirEntry)*NbIcons;
-procedure TGroupIconOrCursorEntry.SerializeData(ADestination: TStream);
- FGroupIconHeader.SwapIfNecessary;
- try
- ADestination.WriteBuffer(FGroupIconHeader, sizeof(FGroupIconHeader));
- finally
- FGroupIconHeader.SwapIfNecessary;
- end;
- ADestination.WriteBuffer(FDirectory[0], sizeof(TGroupIconDirEntry)*NbIcons);
-procedure TGroupIconOrCursorEntry.IncrementReferences;
- i: Integer;
- for i := 0 to NbIcons-1 do
- TWinResourceContainer(Container).IncrementReferenceOf(LEtoN(FDirectory[i].ImageId), TypeId - RT_GROUP);
-procedure TGroupIconOrCursorEntry.DecrementReferences;
- i: Integer;
- for i := 0 to NbIcons-1 do
- TWinResourceContainer(Container).DecrementReferenceOf(LEtoN(FDirectory[i].ImageId), TypeId - RT_GROUP);
-constructor TGroupIconOrCursorEntry.Create(AContainer: TMultiFileContainer;
- ATypeNameOrId: TNameOrId; AEntryNameOrId: TNameOrId; const AResourceInfo: TResourceInfo;
- ADataStream: TStream);
- inherited Create(AContainer,ATypeNameOrId,AEntryNameOrId,AResourceInfo);
- ADataStream.ReadBuffer(FGroupIconHeader, sizeof(FGroupIconHeader));
- FGroupIconHeader.SwapIfNecessary;
- if FGroupIconHeader.ResourceType <> ExpectedResourceType then
- raise exception.Create('Unexpected group type');
- if ADataStream.Position + NbIcons*sizeof(TGroupIconDirEntry) > ADataStream.Size then
- raise exception.Create('Directory dimension mismatch');
- setlength(FDirectory, NbIcons);
- ADataStream.ReadBuffer(FDirectory[0], NbIcons*sizeof(TGroupIconDirEntry));
- ADataStream.Free;
-constructor TGroupIconOrCursorEntry.Create(AContainer: TMultiFileContainer;
- ATypeNameOrId: TNameOrId; AEntryNameOrId: TNameOrId;
- const AResourceInfo: TResourceInfo);
- inherited Create(AContainer,ATypeNameOrId,AEntryNameOrId,AResourceInfo);
- FGroupIconHeader.Reserved := 0;
- FGroupIconHeader.ResourceType := ExpectedResourceType;
- FGroupIconHeader.ImageCount := 0;
-procedure TGroupIconOrCursorEntry.Clear;
- DecrementReferences;
- FDirectory := nil;
- FGroupIconHeader.ImageCount := 0;
-function TGroupIconOrCursorEntry.CopyTo(ADestination: TStream): int64;
- fileDir: packed array of TIconFileDirEntry;
- offset, written, i: integer;
- iconEntry: TCustomResourceEntry;
- iconEntrySize: LongWord;
- iconData: TMemoryStream;
- copyCount: Int64;
- subType: TNameOrId;
- procedure FillZero(ACount: integer);
- var
- Zero: packed array[0..255] of byte;
- begin
- if ACount <= 0 then exit;
- FillChar({%H-}Zero, Sizeof(Zero), 0);
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- ADestination.WriteBuffer(Zero, Min(ACount, sizeof(Zero)));
- Dec(ACount, Min(ACount, sizeof(Zero)));
- end;
- end;
- result:= 0;
- FGroupIconHeader.SwapIfNecessary;
- try
- ADestination.WriteBuffer(FGroupIconHeader, sizeof(FGroupIconHeader));
- finally
- FGroupIconHeader.SwapIfNecessary;
- end;
- Inc(result, sizeof(FGroupIconHeader));
- offset := result+sizeof(TIconFileDirEntry)*NbIcons;
- setlength(fileDir, NbIcons);
- for i := 0 to NbIcons-1 do
- begin
- move(FDirectory[i], fileDir[i], 12);
- fileDir[i].ImageOffset := NtoLE(offset);
- inc(offset, fileDir[i].ImageSize);
- end;
- ADestination.WriteBuffer(fileDir[0], sizeof(TIconFileDirEntry)*NbIcons);
- inc(result, sizeof(TIconFileDirEntry)*NbIcons);
- subType := NameOrId(TypeId - RT_GROUP);
- for i := 0 to NbIcons-1 do
- begin
- iconEntry := (Container as TWinResourceContainer).InternalFind(NameOrId(LEtoN(FDirectory[i].ImageId)),subType); //no language for icons
- iconEntrySize := LEtoN(FDirectory[i].ImageSize);
- if iconEntry = nil then
- FillZero(iconEntrySize) else
- begin
- iconData := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- iconEntry.CopyTo(IconData);
- iconData.Position:= 0;
- copyCount := Min(IconData.Size, iconEntrySize);
- if copyCount > 0 then written := ADestination.CopyFrom(IconData, copyCount)
- else written := 0;
- FillZero(iconEntrySize-written);
- finally
- IconData.Free;
- end;
- end;
- inc(result, iconEntrySize);
- end;
-procedure TGroupIconOrCursorEntry.CopyFrom(ASource: TStream);
- tempGroup: TGroupIconHeader;
- fileDir: packed array of TIconFileDirEntry;
- iconStream: array of TMemoryStream;
- startPos: int64;
- maxId, i: integer;
- iconEntry: TUnformattedResourceEntry;
- resourceInfo: TResourceInfo;
- subType: TNameOrId;
- startPos := ASource.Position;
- ASource.ReadBuffer({%H-}tempGroup, sizeof(tempGroup));
- tempGroup.SwapIfNecessary;
- if tempGroup.ResourceType <> ExpectedResourceType then
- raise exception.Create('Unexpected resource type');
- if ASource.Position + sizeof(TIconFileDirEntry)*tempGroup.ImageCount > ASource.Size then
- raise exception.Create('Directory dimension mismatch');
- setlength(fileDir, tempGroup.ImageCount);
- ASource.ReadBuffer(fileDir[0], sizeof(TIconFileDirEntry)*tempGroup.ImageCount);
- try
- setlength(iconStream, tempGroup.ImageCount);
- for i := 0 to tempGroup.ImageCount-1 do
- begin
- ASource.Position:= startPos + LEtoN(fileDir[i].ImageOffset);
- iconStream[i] := TMemoryStream.Create;
- iconStream[i].CopyFrom(ASource, LEtoN(fileDir[i].ImageSize));
- end;
- subType := NameOrId(self.TypeId - RT_GROUP);
- maxId := TWinResourceContainer(Container).GetMaxId(subType);
- Clear;
- FGroupIconHeader.ImageCount := tempGroup.ImageCount;
- setlength(FDirectory, tempGroup.ImageCount);
- fillchar({%H-}resourceInfo,sizeof(resourceInfo),0);
- for i := 0 to tempGroup.ImageCount-1 do
- begin
- move(fileDir[i], FDirectory[i], 12);
- inc(maxId);
- FDirectory[i].ImageId := maxId;
- iconEntry := TUnformattedResourceEntry.Create(Container, subType, NameOrId(maxId), resourceInfo, iconStream[i]);
- iconStream[i] := nil;
- TWinResourceContainer(Container).AddHidden(iconEntry);
- end;
- finally
- for i := 0 to high(iconStream) do
- iconStream[i].Free;
- iconStream := nil;
- end;
-{ TBitmapResourceEntry }
-function TBitmapResourceEntry.GetFileSize: int64;
- result := sizeof(TBitMapFileHeader)+FDataStream.Size;
-function TBitmapResourceEntry.GetExtension: utf8string;
- Result:= 'bmp';
-constructor TBitmapResourceEntry.Create(AContainer: TMultiFileContainer;
- AEntryNameOrId: TNameOrId; const AResourceInfo: TResourceInfo;
- ADataStream: TStream);
- inherited Create(AContainer, NameOrId(RT_BITMAP), AEntryNameOrId, AResourceInfo, ADataStream);
-function TBitmapResourceEntry.CopyTo(ADestination: TStream): int64;
-var fileHeader: TBitMapFileHeader;
- result := 0;
- FDataStream.Position := 0;
- fileHeader := MakeBitmapFileHeader(FDataStream);
- ADestination.WriteBuffer(fileHeader, sizeof(fileHeader));
- inc(result, sizeof(fileHeader) );
- FDataStream.Position := 0;
- inc(result, ADestination.CopyFrom(FDataStream, FDataStream.Size) );
-procedure TBitmapResourceEntry.CopyFrom(ASource: TStream);
- fileHeader: TBitMapFileHeader;
- dataSize: integer;
- ASource.ReadBuffer({%H-}fileHeader, sizeof(fileHeader));
- if fileHeader.bfType <> Word('BM') then
- raise exception.Create('Invalid file header');
- dataSize := LEtoN(fileHeader.bfSize) - sizeof(fileHeader);
- if ASource.Position + dataSize > ASource.Size then
- raise exception.Create('Invalid file size');
- FDataStream.Free;
- FDataStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- FDataStream.CopyFrom(ASource, dataSize);
-{ TUnformattedResourceEntry }
-function TUnformattedResourceEntry.GetFileSize: int64;
- Result:= FDataStream.Size;
-function TUnformattedResourceEntry.GetDataSize: integer;
- result := FDataStream.Size;
-procedure TUnformattedResourceEntry.SerializeData(ADestination: TStream);
- if FDataStream.Size > 0 then
- begin
- FDataStream.Position := 0;
- ADestination.CopyFrom(FDataStream, FDataStream.Size);
- end;
-function TUnformattedResourceEntry.GetExtension: utf8string;
-var format: TBGRAImageFormat;
- case TypeId of
- RT_MANIFEST: result := 'manifest';
- RT_HTML: result := 'html';
- begin
- FDataStream.Position:= 0;
- format := DetectFileFormat(FDataStream);
- if format = ifUnknown then
- result := 'dat'
- else
- result := SuggestImageExtension(format);
- end;
- RT_ANICURSOR: result := 'ani';
- else
- if TypeName = 'ANICURSOR' then
- result := 'ani'
- else
- result := '';
- end;
-constructor TUnformattedResourceEntry.Create(AContainer: TMultiFileContainer;
- ATypeNameOrId: TNameOrId; AEntryNameOrId: TNameOrId;
- const AResourceInfo: TResourceInfo; ADataStream: TStream);
- inherited Create(AContainer,ATypeNameOrId,AEntryNameOrId,AResourceInfo);
- FDataStream := ADataStream;
-destructor TUnformattedResourceEntry.Destroy;
- FreeAndNil(FDataStream);
- inherited Destroy;
-function TUnformattedResourceEntry.CopyTo(ADestination: TStream): int64;
- if FDataStream.Size > 0 then
- begin
- FDataStream.Position := 0;
- result := ADestination.CopyFrom(FDataStream, FDataStream.Size)
- end
- else
- result := 0;
-function TUnformattedResourceEntry.GetStream: TStream;
- Result:= FDataStream;
-{ TResourceInfo }
-procedure TResourceInfo.SwapIfNecessary;
- DataVersion := LEtoN(DataVersion);
- MemoryFlags := LEtoN(MemoryFlags);
- LanguageId := LEtoN(LanguageId);
- Version := LEtoN(Version);
- Characteristics := LEtoN(Characteristics);
-{ TCustomResourceEntry }
-function TCustomResourceEntry.GetId: integer;
- result := FEntryNameOrId.Id;
-function TCustomResourceEntry.GetTypeId: integer;
- result := FTypeNameOrId.Id;
-function GetDWord(var ASource: PByte; var ARemainingBytes: Integer): LongWord;
- if ARemainingBytes >= 4 then
- begin
- result := LEtoN(PLongWord(ASource)^);
- inc(ASource, 4);
- dec(ARemainingBytes, 4);
- end else
- begin
- result := 0;
- inc(ASource, ARemainingBytes);
- ARemainingBytes:= 0;
- end;
-function GetWord(var ASource: PByte; var ARemainingBytes: Integer): Word;
- if ARemainingBytes >= 2 then
- begin
- result := LEtoN(PWord(ASource)^);
- inc(ASource, 2);
- dec(ARemainingBytes, 2);
- end else
- begin
- result := 0;
- inc(ASource, ARemainingBytes);
- ARemainingBytes:= 0;
- end;
-function GetNameOrId(var ASource: PByte; var ARemainingBytes: Integer): TNameOrId;
-var curChar: Word;
- pstart: PByte;
- pstart := ASource;
- curChar := GetWord(ASource,ARemainingBytes);
- if curChar = $ffff then
- begin
- result.Id := GetWord(ASource,ARemainingBytes);
- result.Name := IntToStr(result.Id);
- end else
- begin
- while curChar <> 0 do
- curChar := GetWord(ASource,ARemainingBytes);
- result.Id := -1;
- result.Name := UTF8Encode(WideCharLenToString(PWideChar(pstart), (ASource-pstart) div 2 -1));
- end;
-function TCustomResourceEntry.GetLanguageId: integer;
- result := FResourceInfo.LanguageId;
-class function TCustomResourceEntry.GetNextEntry(AContainer: TMultiFileContainer; AStream: TStream): TCustomResourceEntry;
- entrySize, headerSize, remaining, padding: Integer;
- headerData: Pointer;
- pHeaderData: PByte;
- typeNameOrId: TNameOrId;
- entryNameOrId: TNameOrId;
- info: TResourceInfo;
- dataStream: TMemoryStream;
- dummy: LongWord;
- result := nil;
- if AStream.Position + 16 < AStream.Size then
- begin
- entrySize := LEtoN(AStream.ReadDWord);
- headerSize := LEtoN(AStream.ReadDWord);
- if headerSize < 16 then
- raise exception.Create('Header too small');
- remaining := ((headerSize-8) + 3) and not 3;
- if AStream.Position + remaining + entrySize > AStream.Size then
- raise exception.Create('Data would be outside of stream');
- GetMem(headerData, remaining);
- try
- AStream.ReadBuffer(headerData^, remaining);
- pHeaderData := PByte(headerData);
- typeNameOrId := GetNameOrId(pHeaderData, remaining);
- entryNameOrId := GetNameOrId(pHeaderData, remaining);
- padding := (4 - (PtrUInt(pHeaderData-PByte(headerData)) and 3)) and 3;
- inc(pHeaderData, padding);
- dec(remaining, padding);
- FillChar({%H-}info, SizeOf(info), 0);
- Move(pHeaderData^, info, Min(Sizeof(info), remaining));
- info.SwapIfNecessary;
- dataStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- if entrySize > 0 then dataStream.CopyFrom(AStream, entrySize);
- padding := ((entrySize+3) and not 3) - entrySize;
- if padding > 0 then AStream.Read({%H-}dummy, padding);
- finally
- FreeMem(headerData);
- end;
- dataStream.Position := 0;
- case typeNameOrId.Id of
- RT_BITMAP: result := TBitmapResourceEntry.Create(AContainer,entryNameOrId,info,dataStream);
- RT_GROUP_ICON: result := TGroupIconEntry.Create(AContainer,entryNameOrId,info,dataStream);
- RT_GROUP_CURSOR: result := TGroupCursorEntry.Create(AContainer,entryNameOrId,info,dataStream);
- else
- result := TUnformattedResourceEntry.Create(AContainer,typeNameOrId,entryNameOrId,info,dataStream);
- end;
- end;
-procedure WriteNameOrId(ADestination: TStream; ANameOrId: TNameOrId);
-var buffer: PUnicodeChar;
- maxLen,actualLen: integer;
- if ANameOrId.Id < 0 then
- begin
- maxLen := length(ANameOrId.Name)*2 + 1;
- getmem(buffer, maxLen*sizeof(UnicodeChar));
- try
- fillchar(buffer^, maxLen*sizeof(UnicodeChar), 0);
- actualLen := Utf8ToUnicode(buffer, maxLen, @ANameOrId.Name[1], length(ANameOrId.Name));
- ADestination.WriteBuffer(buffer^, actualLen*sizeof(UnicodeChar));
- finally
- freemem(buffer);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- ADestination.WriteWord($ffff);
- ADestination.WriteWord(NtoLE(Word(ANameOrId.Id)));
- end;
-procedure TCustomResourceEntry.Serialize(ADestination: TStream);
-var zero: LongWord;
- padding: integer;
- SerializeHeader(ADestination);
- SerializeData(ADestination);
- padding := (4-(GetDataSize and 3)) and 3;
- if padding > 0 then
- begin
- zero := 0;
- ADestination.WriteBuffer(zero, padding);
- end;
-procedure TCustomResourceEntry.SetLanguageId(AValue: integer);
- if (AValue >= 0) and (AValue <= 65535) then
- begin
- if AValue = LanguageId then exit;
- if FTypeNameOrId.Id >= 0 then
- begin
- if TWinResourceContainer(Container).InternalFind(FEntryNameOrId, FTypeNameOrId, AValue) <> nil then
- raise exception.Create('Language id already used for this resource');
- end else
- raise exception.Create('Language id cannot be specified for custom types');
- FEntryNameOrId.Id := AValue;
- FEntryNameOrId.Name := IntToStr(AValue);
- end
- else
- raise ERangeError.Create('Id out of bounds');
-procedure TCustomResourceEntry.SerializeHeader(ADestination: TStream);
- entryHeader: record
- EntrySize: integer;
- HeaderSize: integer;
- end;
- headerStream: TMemoryStream;
- entryHeader.EntrySize := LEtoN(GetDataSize);
- headerStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- WriteNameOrId(headerStream,FTypeNameOrId);
- WriteNameOrId(headerStream,FEntryNameOrId);
- if headerStream.Position and 3 = 2 then headerStream.WriteWord(0);
- FResourceInfo.SwapIfNecessary;
- try
- headerStream.WriteBuffer(FResourceInfo, sizeof(FResourceInfo));
- finally
- FResourceInfo.SwapIfNecessary;
- end;
- entryHeader.HeaderSize := LEtoN(integer(headerStream.Size+8));
- headerStream.Position:= 0;
- ADestination.WriteBuffer(entryHeader, sizeof(entryHeader));
- ADestination.CopyFrom(headerStream, headerStream.Size);
- if headerStream.Size and 3 = 2 then ADestination.WriteWord(0);
- finally
- headerStream.Free;
- end;
-constructor TCustomResourceEntry.Create(AContainer: TMultiFileContainer;
- ATypeNameOrId: TNameOrId; AEntryNameOrId: TNameOrId;
- const AResourceInfo: TResourceInfo);
- inherited Create(AContainer);
- FTypeNameOrId := ATypeNameOrId;
- FEntryNameOrId := AEntryNameOrId;
- FResourceInfo := AResourceInfo;
-function TCustomResourceEntry.GetStream: TStream;
- result := nil;
- raise exception.Create('Stream not available');
-procedure TCustomResourceEntry.SetId(AValue: integer);
- if (AValue >= 0) and (AValue <= 65535) then
- begin
- if AValue = FEntryNameOrId.Id then exit;
- if TWinResourceContainer(Container).InternalFind(NameOrId(AValue), FTypeNameOrId, LanguageId) <> nil then
- raise exception.Create('Id already used for this resource type');
- FEntryNameOrId.Id := AValue;
- FEntryNameOrId.Name := IntToStr(AValue);
- end
- else
- raise ERangeError.Create('Id out of bounds');
-function TCustomResourceEntry.GetName: utf8string;
- Result:= FEntryNameOrId.Name;
-procedure TCustomResourceEntry.SetName(AValue: utf8string);
- if FEntryNameOrId = NameOrId(AValue) then exit;
- if TWinResourceContainer(Container).InternalFind(NameOrId(AValue), FTypeNameOrId, LanguageId) <> nil then
- raise exception.Create('Name already used for this resource type');
- FEntryNameOrId.Name := AValue;
- FEntryNameOrId.Id := -1;
-function TCustomResourceEntry.GetTypeName: utf8string;
- result := FTypeNameOrId.Name;
-procedure TCustomResourceEntry.IncrementReferences;
- //nothing
-procedure TCustomResourceEntry.DecrementReferences;
- //nothing
-{ TWinResourceContainer }
-procedure TWinResourceContainer.LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream);
-var curEntry: TCustomResourceEntry;
- i: Integer;
- Clear;
- repeat
- curEntry := TCustomResourceEntry.GetNextEntry(self, AStream);
- if curEntry <> nil then
- begin
- if curEntry.TypeId in [RT_ICON,RT_CURSOR] then
- FHiddenEntries.Add(curEntry)
- else
- AddEntry(curEntry);
- end;
- until curEntry = nil;
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- TCustomResourceEntry(Entry[i]).IncrementReferences;
-function TWinResourceContainer.IndexOf(AName: utf8string; AExtenstion: utf8string; ACaseSensitive: boolean): integer;
- result := IndexOf(AName, AExtenstion, 0, ACaseSensitive);
-function TWinResourceContainer.IndexOf(AName: utf8string; AExtenstion: utf8string;
- ALanguageId: integer; ACaseSensitive: boolean): integer;
- i: Integer;
- entryId, errPos: integer;
- if AExtenstion = '' then
- begin
- result := -1;
- exit;
- end;
- if ACaseSensitive then
- begin
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- if (TCustomResourceEntry(Entry[i]).FEntryNameOrId.Id < 0) and
- (TCustomResourceEntry(Entry[i]).FEntryNameOrId.Name = AName) and
- (UTF8CompareText(Entry[i].Extension,AExtenstion) = 0) and
- (TCustomResourceEntry(Entry[i]).LanguageId = ALanguageId) then
- begin
- result := i;
- exit;
- end;
- end else
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- if (TCustomResourceEntry(Entry[i]).FEntryNameOrId.Id < 0) and
- (UTF8CompareText(TCustomResourceEntry(Entry[i]).FEntryNameOrId.Name,AName) = 0) and
- (UTF8CompareText(Entry[i].Extension,AExtenstion) = 0) and
- (TCustomResourceEntry(Entry[i]).LanguageId = ALanguageId) then
- begin
- result := i;
- exit;
- end;
- val(AName, entryId, errPos);
- if (errPos = 0) and (entryId >= 0) then
- begin
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- if (TCustomResourceEntry(Entry[i]).FEntryNameOrId.Id = entryId) and
- (UTF8CompareText(Entry[i].Extension,AExtenstion) = 0) and
- (TCustomResourceEntry(Entry[i]).LanguageId = ALanguageId) then
- begin
- result := i;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- result := -1;
-procedure TWinResourceContainer.Init;
- inherited Init;
- FHiddenEntries := TMultiFileEntryList.Create;
-procedure TWinResourceContainer.ClearHiddenEntries;
-var i: integer;
- if Assigned(FHiddenEntries) then
- begin
- for i := 0 to FHiddenEntries.Count-1 do
- FHiddenEntries[i].Free;
- FHiddenEntries.Clear;
- end;
-procedure TWinResourceContainer.RemoveHidden(AEntry: TCustomResourceEntry);
- index: LongInt;
- if Assigned(FHiddenEntries) then
- begin
- index := FHiddenEntries.IndexOf(AEntry);
- if index <> -1 then
- begin
- AEntry.Free;
- FHiddenEntries.Delete(index);
- end;
- end;
-function TWinResourceContainer.CreateEntry(AName: utf8string; AExtension: utf8string;
- AContent: TStream; ALanguageId: integer): TMultiFileEntry;
- resourceInfo: TResourceInfo;
- entryName: TNameOrId;
- errPos: integer;
- FillChar({%H-}resourceInfo, sizeof(resourceInfo), 0);
- resourceInfo.LanguageId := ALanguageId;
- val(AName, entryName.Id, errPos);
- if (errPos = 0) and (entryName.Id >= 0) then
- entryName.Name := IntToStr(entryName.Id)
- else
- begin
- entryName.Id := -1;
- entryName.Name := AName;
- end;
- case UTF8LowerCase(AExtension) of
- 'ico': begin
- result := TGroupIconEntry.Create(self, entryName, resourceInfo);
- AContent.Position:= 0;
- TGroupIconEntry(result).CopyFrom(AContent);
- AContent.Free;
- end;
- 'cur': begin
- result := TGroupCursorEntry.Create(self, entryName, resourceInfo);
- AContent.Position:= 0;
- TGroupCursorEntry(result).CopyFrom(AContent);
- AContent.Free;
- end;
- 'bmp': begin
- result := TBitmapResourceEntry.Create(self, entryName, resourceInfo, AContent);
- AContent.Position:= 0;
- TBitmapResourceEntry(result).CopyFrom(AContent);
- AContent.Free;
- end;
- 'dat': result := TUnformattedResourceEntry.Create(self, NameOrId(RT_RCDATA), entryName, resourceInfo, AContent);
- 'html','htm': result := TUnformattedResourceEntry.Create(self, NameOrId(RT_HTML), entryName, resourceInfo, AContent);
- 'manifest': result := TUnformattedResourceEntry.Create(self, NameOrId(RT_MANIFEST), entryName, resourceInfo, AContent);
- 'ani': result := TUnformattedResourceEntry.Create(self, NameOrId(RT_ANICURSOR), entryName, resourceInfo, AContent);
- else
- case SuggestImageFormat('.'+AExtension) of
- ifUnknown: raise exception.Create('Unhandled file extension');
- else
- result := TUnformattedResourceEntry.Create(self, NameOrId(RT_RCDATA), entryName, resourceInfo, AContent);
- end;
- end;
-function TWinResourceContainer.CreateEntry(AName: utf8string; AExtension: utf8string;
- AContent: TStream): TMultiFileEntry;
- result := CreateEntry(AName, AExtension, AContent, 0);
-procedure TWinResourceContainer.Clear;
- ClearHiddenEntries;
- inherited Clear;
-destructor TWinResourceContainer.Destroy;
- ClearHiddenEntries;
- FreeAndNil(FHiddenEntries);
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TWinResourceContainer.Delete(AIndex: integer);
- if (AIndex >= 0) and (AIndex < Count) then
- TCustomResourceEntry(Entry[AIndex]).DecrementReferences;
- inherited Delete(AIndex);
-procedure TWinResourceContainer.SaveToStream(ADestination: TStream);
- i: Integer;
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- TCustomResourceEntry(Entry[i]).Serialize(ADestination);
- for i := 0 to FHiddenEntries.Count-1 do
- TCustomResourceEntry(FHiddenEntries.Items[i]).Serialize(ADestination);
-function TWinResourceContainer.InternalFind(const AEntry: TNameOrId;
- const AType: TNameOrId; ALanguageId: integer): TCustomResourceEntry;
-var i: integer;
- if Assigned(FHiddenEntries) and (ALanguageId = 0) and (AType.Id >= 0) then
- begin
- for i := 0 to FHiddenEntries.Count-1 do
- if (TCustomResourceEntry(FHiddenEntries.Items[i]).FEntryNameOrId = AEntry) and
- (TCustomResourceEntry(FHiddenEntries.Items[i]).FTypeNameOrId = AType) then
- begin
- result := TCustomResourceEntry(FHiddenEntries.Items[i]);
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- if (TCustomResourceEntry(Entry[i]).FEntryNameOrId = AEntry) and
- (TCustomResourceEntry(Entry[i]).FTypeNameOrId = AType) and
- (TCustomResourceEntry(Entry[i]).LanguageId = ALanguageId) then
- begin
- result := TCustomResourceEntry(Entry[i]);
- exit;
- end;
- result := nil;
-procedure TWinResourceContainer.AddHidden(AEntry: TCustomResourceEntry);
- FHiddenEntries.Add(AEntry);
-function TWinResourceContainer.GetMaxId(AType: TNameOrId): integer;
-var i: integer;
- result := 0;
- if Assigned(FHiddenEntries) and (AType.Id >= 0) then
- begin
- for i := 0 to FHiddenEntries.Count-1 do
- if (TCustomResourceEntry(FHiddenEntries.Items[i]).FTypeNameOrId = AType) then
- begin
- if TCustomResourceEntry(FHiddenEntries.Items[i]).Id > result then result := TCustomResourceEntry(FHiddenEntries.Items[i]).Id;
- end;
- end;
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- if (TCustomResourceEntry(Entry[i]).FTypeNameOrId = AType) then
- begin
- if TCustomResourceEntry(Entry[i]).Id > result then result := TCustomResourceEntry(Entry[i]).Id;
- end;
-procedure TWinResourceContainer.IncrementReferenceOf(ANameId, ATypeId: integer);
- item: TCustomResourceEntry;
- item := InternalFind(NameOrId(ANameId), NameOrId(ATypeId));
- if Assigned(item) then inc(item.FReferenceCount);
-procedure TWinResourceContainer.DecrementReferenceOf(ANameId, ATypeId: integer);
- item: TCustomResourceEntry;
- item := InternalFind(NameOrId(ANameId), NameOrId(ATypeId));
- if Assigned(item) then
- begin
- if item.FReferenceCount > 1 then
- dec(item.FReferenceCount)
- else
- RemoveHidden(item);
- end;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrawritebmpmiomap.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrawritebmpmiomap.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 42053ac..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrawritebmpmiomap.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,390 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAWriteBmpMioMap;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, FPimage, BGRABitmapTypes, BGRAReadBmpMioMap;
- { TBGRAWriterBmpMioMap }
- TBGRAWriterBmpMioMap = class (TFPCustomImageWriter)
- protected
- FHeader: TMioHeader;
- FPalette: packed array of record
- ColorValue: Word;
- AlphaValue: Byte;
- Padding: Byte;
- end;
- FPaletteIndexes: packed array[0..65535] of Int32or64;
- FPaletteOffset: Int32or64;
- FPaletteAlpha: boolean;
- FChunks: array of TMemoryStream;
- FCurrentChunk: TMemoryStream;
- FMaxChunkSize: Word;
- function IndexOfColor(const AColor: TBGRAPixel): Int32or64;
- procedure InitHeader(Img: TFPCustomImage);
- procedure InitPalette;
- procedure InitChunks;
- procedure FlushChunk;
- procedure FreeChunks;
- procedure NeedChunk;
- procedure AppendToChunks(const Buffer; Count: integer);
- procedure BuildPaletteAndChunks(Img: TFPCustomImage);
- procedure WriteHeader(Str: TStream);
- procedure WritePalette(Str: TStream);
- procedure WriteChunks(Str: TStream);
- procedure ReadScanline(Img: TFPCustomImage; Y: integer; ADest: PBGRAPixel);
- procedure InternalWrite(Str: TStream; Img: TFPCustomImage); override;
- public
- constructor Create; override;
- property MaxChunkSize: Word read FMaxChunkSize write FMaxChunkSize;
- end;
-{ TBGRAWriterBmpMioMap }
-function TBGRAWriterBmpMioMap.IndexOfColor(const AColor: TBGRAPixel): Int32or64;
-var searchedColorValue: Word;
- searchedAlphaValue: Byte;
- i,startSearch,endSearch: Int32or64;
- searchedColorValue:= BGRAToMioMap(AColor);
- searchedAlphaValue:= AlphaToMioMap(AColor.alpha);
- if length(FPalette)>0 then
- begin
- with FPalette[0] do
- begin
- if (ColorValue = searchedColorValue) and
- (AlphaValue = searchedAlphaValue) then
- begin
- result := 0;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- startSearch:= FPaletteOffset+1;
- endSearch:= FPaletteOffset+$FC;
- if endSearch >= FHeader.nbColors then
- endSearch:= FHeader.nbColors-1;
- for i := startSearch to endSearch do
- with FPalette[i] do
- begin
- if (ColorValue = searchedColorValue)
- and (AlphaValue = searchedAlphaValue) then
- begin
- result := i;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- result := FPaletteIndexes[searchedColorValue];
- if (result <> -1) and (FPalette[result].AlphaValue <> searchedAlphaValue) then
- result := -1;
- if result = -1 then
- begin
- if fheader.nbColors = 65535 then
- raise exception.Create('Too many colors');
- result := fheader.nbColors;
- inc(FHeader.nbColors);
- if length(FPalette) <= result then
- setlength(FPalette, length(FPalette)*2 + 128);
- with FPalette[result] do
- begin
- ColorValue := searchedColorValue;
- AlphaValue := searchedAlphaValue;
- end;
- FPaletteIndexes[searchedColorValue] := result;
- if (searchedAlphaValue > 0) and (searchedAlphaValue < 32) then
- FPaletteAlpha := true;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAWriterBmpMioMap.InitHeader(Img: TFPCustomImage);
- if (Img.Width > 65535) or (Img.Height > 65535) then
- raise exception.Create('Image too big to be saved in Bmp MioMap format');
- FHeader.magic := MioMapMagicValue;
- fheader.format:= 0;
- FHeader.width := Img.Width;
- FHeader.height := img.Height;
- FHeader.nbColors := 0;
- FHeader.nbChunks := 0;
-procedure TBGRAWriterBmpMioMap.InitPalette;
-var i: Int32or64;
- for i := 0 to high(FPaletteIndexes) do
- FPaletteIndexes[i] := -1;
- FPaletteOffset := 0;
- FPaletteAlpha := false;
- IndexOfColor(BGRAPixelTransparent); //define transparent color as zero
-procedure TBGRAWriterBmpMioMap.InitChunks;
- FCurrentChunk := nil;
-procedure TBGRAWriterBmpMioMap.FlushChunk;
- if FCurrentChunk <> nil then
- begin
- setlength(FChunks, length(FChunks)+1);
- FChunks[high(FChunks)] := FCurrentChunk;
- FCurrentChunk := nil;
- inc(FHeader.nbChunks);
- end;
-procedure TBGRAWriterBmpMioMap.FreeChunks;
- i: Integer;
- FreeAndNil(FCurrentChunk);
- for i := 0 to high(FChunks) do
- FChunks[i].Free;
- FChunks := nil;
-procedure TBGRAWriterBmpMioMap.NeedChunk;
- if FCurrentChunk = nil then
- begin
- if FHeader.nbChunks = 65535 then
- raise exception.Create('Too many chunks');
- FCurrentChunk := TMemoryStream.Create;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAWriterBmpMioMap.AppendToChunks(const Buffer; Count: integer);
- if Count > 65535 then
- raise exception.Create('Buffer too big');
- NeedChunk;
- if FCurrentChunk.Size + Count > MaxChunkSize then
- begin
- FlushChunk;
- NeedChunk;
- end;
- FCurrentChunk.WriteBuffer(Buffer,Count);
-procedure TBGRAWriterBmpMioMap.BuildPaletteAndChunks(Img: TFPCustomImage);
-var y,w: Int32or64;
- PData,PDataEnd: PBGRAPixel;
- p: PBGRAPixel;
- currentColorIndex,
- nextColorIndex,
- repCount: Int32or64;
- b: byte;
- changeOfsRec: packed record
- valFD: byte;
- valLo: byte;
- valHi: byte;
- end;
- repRec: packed record
- valFE: byte;
- relativeColorIndex: byte;
- count: byte;
- end;
- repZeroRec: packed record
- valFF: byte;
- count: byte;
- end;
- w := Img.Width;
- getmem(PData, w*sizeof(TBGRAPixel));
- try
- PDataEnd := PData+w;
- for y := 0 to Img.Height-1 do
- begin
- ReadScanline(Img,Y,PData);
- p := PData;
- while p < PDataEnd do
- begin
- currentColorIndex:= IndexOfColor(p^);
- nextColorIndex := currentColorIndex;
- repCount:= 1;
- inc(p);
- while p < PDataEnd do
- begin
- nextColorIndex:= IndexOfColor(p^);
- if nextColorIndex = currentColorIndex then
- begin
- inc(p);
- inc(repCount);
- if repCount = 255 then break;
- end
- else
- break;
- end;
- if currentColorIndex = 0 then
- begin
- if repCount = 1 then
- begin
- b := 0;
- AppendToChunks(b,1);
- end else
- begin
- repZeroRec.valFF := $ff;
- repZeroRec.count := repCount;
- AppendToChunks(repZeroRec, sizeof(repZeroRec));
- end;
- end else
- begin
- if (currentColorIndex < FPaletteOffset+1)
- or (currentColorIndex > FPaletteOffset+$FC) then
- begin
- if (abs(nextColorIndex-currentColorIndex) < $FC) then
- begin
- FPaletteOffset := (nextColorIndex+currentColorIndex) div 2 - 126;
- end else
- FPaletteOffset := currentColorIndex-126;
- if FPaletteOffset < 0 then FPaletteOffset := 0;
- changeOfsRec.valFD := $fd;
- changeOfsRec.valLo := FPaletteOffset and 255;
- changeOfsRec.valHi := FPaletteOffset shr 8;
- AppendToChunks(changeOfsRec,sizeof(changeOfsRec));
- end;
- if (currentColorIndex < FPaletteOffset+1)
- or (currentColorIndex > FPaletteOffset+$FC) then
- raise exception.Create('Index out of range');
- if repCount = 1 then
- begin
- b := currentColorIndex-FPaletteOffset;
- AppendToChunks(b,1);
- end else
- if repCount = 2 then
- begin
- b := currentColorIndex-FPaletteOffset;
- AppendToChunks(b,1);
- AppendToChunks(b,1);
- end else
- begin
- repRec.valFE:= $FE;
- repRec.count := repCount;
- repRec.relativeColorIndex := currentColorIndex-FPaletteOffset;
- AppendToChunks(repRec, sizeof(repRec));
- end;
- end;
- end;
- FlushChunk;
- end;
- finally
- freemem(PData);
- end;
-procedure TBGRAWriterBmpMioMap.WriteChunks(Str: TStream);
- bigChunkDef: packed record
- val255: byte;
- valHi: byte;
- valLo: byte;
- end;
- i: Int32or64;
- for i := 0 to high(FChunks) do
- begin
- if FChunks[i].Size > 254 then
- begin
- bigChunkDef.val255 := 255;
- bigChunkDef.valHi := FChunks[i].Size shr 8;
- bigChunkDef.valLo := FChunks[i].Size and 255;
- Str.WriteBuffer(bigChunkDef, sizeof(bigChunkDef));
- end else
- Str.WriteByte(FChunks[i].Size);
- end;
- for i := 0 to high(FChunks) do
- begin
- FChunks[i].Position := 0;
- if Str.CopyFrom(FChunks[i],FChunks[i].Size) <> FChunks[i].Size then
- raise exception.Create('Unable to write chunk');
- end;
-procedure TBGRAWriterBmpMioMap.WriteHeader(Str: TStream);
-var header: TMioHeader;
- if FPaletteAlpha then FHeader.format := 1;
- FlushChunk;
- header := FHeader;
- header.format:= NtoLE(header.format);
- header.width:= NtoLE(header.width);
- header.height:= NtoLE(header.height);
- header.nbColors:= NtoLE(header.nbColors);
- header.nbChunks:= NtoLE(header.nbChunks);
- Str.WriteBuffer(header, sizeof(header));
-procedure TBGRAWriterBmpMioMap.WritePalette(Str: TStream);
- colors: packed array of Word;
- alphas: packed array of byte;
- i: Int32or64;
- setlength(Colors, FHeader.nbColors);
- for i := 0 to FHeader.nbColors-1 do
- colors[i] := NtoLE(FPalette[i].ColorValue);
- Str.WriteBuffer(colors[0], length(Colors)*sizeof(word));
- if FPaletteAlpha then
- begin
- setlength(alphas, FHeader.nbColors);
- for i := 0 to FHeader.nbColors-1 do
- alphas[i] := FPalette[i].AlphaValue;
- Str.WriteBuffer(alphas[0], length(alphas)*sizeof(byte));
- end;
-procedure TBGRAWriterBmpMioMap.ReadScanline(Img: TFPCustomImage; Y: integer;
- ADest: PBGRAPixel);
- i: Int32or64;
- if Img is TBGRACustomBitmap then
- Move(TBGRACustomBitmap(Img).ScanLine[Y]^, ADest^, Img.Width*sizeof(TBGRAPixel))
- else
- begin
- for i := 0 to Img.Width-1 do
- (ADest+i)^ := FPColorToBGRA(Img.Colors[y,i]);
- end;
-procedure TBGRAWriterBmpMioMap.InternalWrite(Str: TStream; Img: TFPCustomImage);
- try
- InitHeader(Img);
- InitPalette;
- InitChunks;
- BuildPaletteAndChunks(Img);
- WriteHeader(Str);
- WritePalette(Str);
- WriteChunks(Str);
- finally
- FreeChunks;
- end;
-constructor TBGRAWriterBmpMioMap.Create;
- inherited Create;
- MaxChunkSize := 254;
- DefaultBGRAImageWriter[ifBmpMioMap] := TBGRAWriterBmpMioMap;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrawritelzp.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrawritelzp.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index cff2638..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrawritelzp.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,430 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAWriteLzp;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, FPimage, BGRALzpCommon, BGRABitmapTypes, BGRABitmap;
- { TBGRAWriterLazPaint }
- TBGRAWriterLazPaint = class(TFPCustomImageWriter)
- private
- function GetCompression: TLzpCompression;
- function GetIncludeThumbnail: boolean;
- procedure SetCompression(AValue: TLzpCompression);
- procedure SetIncludeThumbnail(AValue: boolean);
- function WriteThumbnail(Str: TStream; Img: TFPCustomImage): boolean;
- protected
- CompressionMode: LongWord;
- procedure InternalWrite(Str: TStream; Img: TFPCustomImage); override;
- function InternalWriteLayers({%H-}Str: TStream; {%H-}Img: TFPCustomImage): boolean; virtual;
- function GetNbLayers: integer; virtual;
- public
- Caption: string;
- constructor Create; override;
- class procedure WriteRLEImage(Str: TStream; Img: TFPCustomImage; ACaption: string= ''); static;
- property Compression: TLzpCompression read GetCompression write SetCompression;
- property IncludeThumbnail: boolean read GetIncludeThumbnail write SetIncludeThumbnail;
- end;
-uses BGRACompressableBitmap;
-{ TBGRAWriterLazPaint }
-function TBGRAWriterLazPaint.WriteThumbnail(Str: TStream; Img: TFPCustomImage): boolean;
-var w,h: integer;
- thumbStream: TStream;
- OldResampleFilter: TResampleFilter;
- thumbnail: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- result := false;
- if not (Img is TBGRACustomBitmap) then exit;
- if (Img.Width > LazpaintThumbMaxWidth) or
- (Img.Height > LazpaintThumbMaxHeight) then
- begin
- if Img.Width > LazpaintThumbMaxWidth then
- begin
- w := LazpaintThumbMaxWidth;
- h := round(Img.Height* (w/Img.Width));
- end else
- begin
- w := Img.Width;
- h := Img.Height;
- end;
- if h > LazpaintThumbMaxHeight then
- begin
- h := LazpaintThumbMaxHeight;
- w := round(Img.Width* (h/Img.Height));
- end;
- OldResampleFilter:= TBGRACustomBitmap(Img).ResampleFilter;
- TBGRACustomBitmap(Img).ResampleFilter:= rfMitchell;
- thumbnail := TBGRACustomBitmap(Img).Resample(w,h,rmFineResample);
- TBGRACustomBitmap(Img).ResampleFilter := OldResampleFilter;
- try
- thumbStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- thumbnail.SaveToStreamAsPng(thumbStream);
- thumbStream.Position:= 0;
- Str.CopyFrom(thumbStream, thumbStream.Size);
- result := true;
- finally
- thumbStream.Free;
- end;
- finally
- thumbnail.Free;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- thumbStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- TBGRACustomBitmap(Img).SaveToStreamAsPng(thumbStream);
- thumbStream.Position:= 0;
- Str.CopyFrom(thumbStream, thumbStream.Size);
- result := true;
- finally
- thumbStream.Free;
- end;
- end;
-function TBGRAWriterLazPaint.GetCompression: TLzpCompression;
- result := lzpZStream
- else
- result := lzpRLE;
-function TBGRAWriterLazPaint.GetIncludeThumbnail: boolean;
- result := (CompressionMode and LAZPAINT_THUMBNAIL_PNG) <> 0;
-procedure TBGRAWriterLazPaint.SetCompression(AValue: TLzpCompression);
- if AValue = lzpZStream then
- else
- CompressionMode := (CompressionMode and not LAZPAINT_COMPRESSION_MASK) or LAZPAINT_COMPRESSION_MODE_RLE;
-procedure TBGRAWriterLazPaint.SetIncludeThumbnail(AValue: boolean);
- if AValue then
- CompressionMode := CompressionMode or LAZPAINT_THUMBNAIL_PNG else
- CompressionMode := CompressionMode and not LAZPAINT_THUMBNAIL_PNG;
-procedure TBGRAWriterLazPaint.InternalWrite(Str: TStream; Img: TFPCustomImage);
-var {%H-}header: TLazPaintImageHeader;
- compBmp: TBGRACompressableBitmap;
- startPos, endPos: int64;
- startPos := str.Position;
- fillchar({%H-}header,sizeof(header),0);
- header.magic := LAZPAINT_MAGIC_HEADER;
- header.zero1 := 0;
- header.headerSize:= sizeof(header);
- header.width := Img.Width;
- header.height := img.Height;
- header.nbLayers:= GetNbLayers;
- header.previewOffset:= 0;
- header.zero2 := 0;
- header.compressionMode:= CompressionMode;
- header.reserved1:= 0;
- header.layersOffset:= 0;
- LazPaintImageHeader_SwapEndianIfNeeded(header);
- str.WriteBuffer(header,sizeof(header));
- LazPaintImageHeader_SwapEndianIfNeeded(header);
- if IncludeThumbnail then
- if not WriteThumbnail(Str, Img) then
- begin
- IncludeThumbnail := false;
- header.compressionMode:= CompressionMode; //update field for thumbnail
- end;
- header.previewOffset:= Str.Position - startPos;
- if Compression = lzpRLE then
- WriteRLEImage(Str, Img, Caption)
- else
- begin
- compBmp := TBGRACompressableBitmap.Create(Img as TBGRABitmap);
- compBmp.Caption := Caption;
- compBmp.WriteToStream(Str);
- compBmp.Free;
- end;
- endPos := str.Position;
- if InternalWriteLayers(Str, Img) then
- begin
- header.layersOffset := endPos - startPos;
- endPos := str.Position;
- end;
- str.Position:= startPos;
- LazPaintImageHeader_SwapEndianIfNeeded(header);
- str.WriteBuffer(header,sizeof(header));
- str.Position:= endPos;
-function TBGRAWriterLazPaint.InternalWriteLayers(Str: TStream;
- Img: TFPCustomImage): boolean;
- result := false;
-function TBGRAWriterLazPaint.GetNbLayers: integer;
- result := 1;
-constructor TBGRAWriterLazPaint.Create;
- inherited Create;
-class procedure TBGRAWriterLazPaint.WriteRLEImage(Str: TStream;
- Img: TFPCustomImage; ACaption: string);
-const PossiblePlanes = 4;
- PPlane,PPlaneCur: array[0..PossiblePlanes-1] of PByte;
- CompressedPlane: array[0..PossiblePlanes-1] of TMemoryStream;
- NbPixels, NbNonTranspPixels, NbOpaquePixels: integer;
- Colors: array[0..255] of Int32or64;
- ColorCount: Int32or64;
- CompressedRGB: array[0..3] of TMemoryStream;
- ColorTab: packed array[0..256*3-1] of byte;
- Indexed: PByte;
- NonRGBSize,RGBSize: int64;
- procedure OutputPlane(AIndex: integer);
- begin
- str.WriteDWord(NtoLE(LongWord(CompressedPlane[AIndex].Size)));
- CompressedPlane[AIndex].Position:= 0;
- str.CopyFrom(CompressedPlane[AIndex],CompressedPlane[AIndex].Size);
- end;
- procedure OutputRGB(AIndex: integer);
- begin
- str.WriteDWord(NtoLE(LongWord(CompressedRGB[AIndex].Size)));
- CompressedRGB[AIndex].Position:= 0;
- str.CopyFrom(CompressedRGB[AIndex],CompressedRGB[AIndex].Size);
- end;
- function BuildPalette: boolean;
- var n,i: Int32or64;
- lastColor,color,colorIndex: Int32or64;
- found: boolean;
- begin
- ColorCount := 0;
- ColorIndex := 0;
- lastColor := -1;
- GetMem(Indexed, NbNonTranspPixels);
- for n := 0 to NbNonTranspPixels-1 do
- begin
- color := (PPlane[0]+n)^+ ((PPlane[1]+n)^ shl 8)+ ((PPlane[2]+n)^ shl 16);
- if color = lastColor then
- begin
- (Indexed+n)^ := ColorIndex;
- continue;
- end;
- found := false;
- for i := 0 to ColorCount-1 do
- begin
- if colors[i] = color then
- begin
- found := true;
- ColorIndex := i;
- break;
- end;
- end;
- if not found then
- begin
- inc(ColorCount);
- if ColorCount > 256 then
- begin
- result := false;
- ReAllocMem(Indexed,0);
- exit;
- end;
- colors[colorCount-1] := color;
- ColorIndex := ColorCount-1;
- end;
- (Indexed+n)^ := ColorIndex;
- lastColor := color;
- end;
- result := true;
- end;
- i,x,y: integer;
- PlaneFlags: Byte;
- a: Int32or64;
- psrc: PBGRAPixel;
- NbPixels := Img.Width*img.Height;
- for i := 0 to PossiblePlanes-1 do
- begin
- getmem(PPlane[i],NbPixels);
- PPlaneCur[i] := PPlane[i];
- CompressedPlane[i] := nil;
- end;
- NbNonTranspPixels := 0;
- NbOpaquePixels:= 0;
- if img is TBGRACustomBitmap then
- begin
- for y := 0 to img.Height-1 do
- begin
- psrc := TBGRACustomBitmap(img).ScanLine[y];
- for x := img.Width-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- with psrc^ do
- begin
- PPlaneCur[3]^ := alpha;
- inc(PPlaneCur[3]);
- if alpha = 0 then begin inc(psrc); continue; end;
- if alpha = 255 then inc(NbOpaquePixels);
- inc(NbNonTranspPixels);
- PPlaneCur[0]^ := red;
- PPlaneCur[1]^ := green;
- PPlaneCur[2]^ := blue;
- inc(PPlaneCur[0]);
- inc(PPlaneCur[1]);
- inc(PPlaneCur[2]);
- end;
- inc(psrc);
- end;
- end;
- end else
- for y := 0 to img.Height-1 do
- for x := 0 to img.Width-1 do
- begin
- with img.Colors[x,y] do
- begin
- a := alpha shr 8;
- PPlaneCur[3]^ := a;
- inc(PPlaneCur[3]);
- if a = 0 then continue;
- if a = 255 then inc(NbOpaquePixels);
- inc(NbNonTranspPixels);
- PPlaneCur[0]^ := red shr 8;
- PPlaneCur[1]^ := green shr 8;
- PPlaneCur[2]^ := blue shr 8;
- inc(PPlaneCur[0]);
- inc(PPlaneCur[1]);
- inc(PPlaneCur[2]);
- end;
- end;
- PlaneFlags := 0;
- if NbOpaquePixels = NbPixels then PlaneFlags := PlaneFlags or LazpaintChannelNoAlpha;
- if CompareMem(PPlane[1],PPlane[0],NbNonTranspPixels) then PlaneFlags := PlaneFlags or LazpaintChannelGreenFromRed;
- if CompareMem(PPlane[2],PPlane[0],NbNonTranspPixels) then PlaneFlags := PlaneFlags or LazpaintChannelBlueFromRed else
- if CompareMem(PPlane[2],PPlane[1],NbNonTranspPixels) then PlaneFlags := PlaneFlags or LazpaintChannelBlueFromGreen;
- //if we cannot reduce to one plane, maybe we will have more luck with a palette
- for i := 0 to 3 do CompressedRGB[i] := nil;
- Indexed := nil;
- RGBSize := 0;
- if ((PlaneFlags and LazpaintChannelGreenFromRed) = 0) or
- ((PlaneFlags and (LazpaintChannelBlueFromRed or LazpaintChannelBlueFromGreen)) = 0) and (NbNonTranspPixels > 0) then
- begin
- if BuildPalette then
- begin
- if ColorCount shl 1 < NbNonTranspPixels then
- begin
- fillchar({%H-}ColorTab, sizeof(ColorTab), 0);
- for i := 0 to ColorCount-1 do
- begin
- colorTab[i] := Colors[i] and 255;
- colorTab[i+256] := (Colors[i] shr 8) and 255;
- colorTab[i+512] := (Colors[i] shr 16) and 255;
- end;
- CompressedRGB[0] := TMemoryStream.Create;
- EncodeLazRLE(colorTab[0], ColorCount, CompressedRGB[0]);
- if (PlaneFlags and LazpaintChannelGreenFromRed) = 0 then
- begin
- CompressedRGB[1] := TMemoryStream.Create;
- EncodeLazRLE(colorTab[256], ColorCount, CompressedRGB[1]);
- end;
- if (PlaneFlags and (LazpaintChannelBlueFromRed or LazpaintChannelBlueFromGreen)) = 0 then
- begin
- CompressedRGB[2] := TMemoryStream.Create;
- EncodeLazRLE(colorTab[512], ColorCount, CompressedRGB[2]);
- end;
- CompressedRGB[3] := TMemoryStream.Create;
- EncodeLazRLE(Indexed^,NbNonTranspPixels,CompressedRGB[3]);
- for i := 0 to 3 do
- if CompressedRGB[i] <> nil then
- inc(RGBSize,CompressedRGB[i].Size);
- end;
- ReAllocMem(Indexed,0);
- end;
- end;
- if (PlaneFlags and LazpaintChannelGreenFromRed) <> 0 then ReAllocMem(PPlane[1],0);
- if (PlaneFlags and (LazpaintChannelBlueFromRed or LazpaintChannelBlueFromGreen)) <> 0 then ReAllocMem(PPlane[2],0);
- NonRGBSize := 0;
- for i := 0 to PossiblePlanes-1 do
- if PPlane[i] <> nil then
- begin
- CompressedPlane[i] := TMemoryStream.Create;
- if i = 3 then
- EncodeLazRLE(PPlane[i]^, NbPixels,CompressedPlane[i])
- else
- EncodeLazRLE(PPlane[i]^, NbNonTranspPixels,CompressedPlane[i]);
- inc(NonRGBSize, CompressedPlane[i].Size);
- end;
- if (CompressedRGB[3] <> nil) and (NonRGBSize > RGBSize) then
- PlaneFlags:= PlaneFlags or LazpaintPalettedRGB;
- str.WriteDWord(NtoLE(LongWord(img.width)));
- str.WriteDWord(NtoLE(LongWord(img.Height)));
- str.WriteDWord(NtoLE(LongWord(length(ACaption))));
- if length(ACaption)>0 then str.WriteBuffer(ACaption[1],length(ACaption));
- str.WriteByte(PlaneFlags);
- if (PlaneFlags and LazpaintChannelNoAlpha) = 0 then OutputPlane(3);
- if (PlaneFlags and LazpaintPalettedRGB) <> 0 then
- begin
- for i := 0 to 3 do
- if CompressedRGB[i] <> nil then
- OutputRGB(i);
- end else
- begin
- OutputPlane(0);
- if (PlaneFlags and LazpaintChannelGreenFromRed) = 0 then OutputPlane(1);
- if (PlaneFlags and (LazpaintChannelBlueFromRed or LazpaintChannelBlueFromGreen)) = 0 then OutputPlane(2);
- end;
- for i := 0 to PossiblePlanes-1 do
- begin
- freemem(PPlane[i]);
- CompressedPlane[i].Free;
- end;
- for i := 0 to 3 do
- CompressedRGB[i].Free;
- DefaultBGRAImageWriter[ifLazPaint] := TBGRAWriterLazPaint;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrawritepng.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrawritepng.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 4613e09..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrawritepng.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,965 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
- The original file is part of the Free Pascal run time library.
- Copyright (c) 2003 by the Free Pascal development team
- PNG writer class modified by circular.
- **********************************************************************
- Fix for images with grayscale and alpha,
- and for images with transparent pixels
- }
-unit BGRAWritePNG;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
-uses sysutils, BGRAClasses, FPImage, FPImgCmn, PNGcomn, ZStream, BGRABitmapTypes;
- THeaderChunk = packed record
- Width, height : LongWord;
- BitDepth, ColorType, Compression, Filter, Interlace : byte;
- end;
- TGetPixelFunc = function (x,y : LongWord) : TColorData of object;
- TGetPixelBGRAFunc = function (p: PBGRAPixel) : TColorData of object;
- TColorFormatFunction = function (color:TFPColor) : TColorData of object;
- { TBGRAWriterPNG }
- TBGRAWriterPNG = class (TBGRACustomWriterPNG)
- private
- FUsetRNS, FCompressedText, FWordSized, FIndexed,
- FUseAlpha, FGrayScale : boolean;
- FByteWidth : byte;
- FChunk : TChunk;
- CFmt : TColorFormat; // format of the colors to convert from
- FFmtColor : TColorFormatFunction;
- FTransparentColor : TFPColor;
- FTransparentColorOk: boolean;
- FSwitchLine, FCurrentLine, FPreviousLine : pByteArray;
- FPalette : TFPPalette;
- OwnsPalette : boolean;
- FHeader : THeaderChunk;
- FGetPixel : TGetPixelFunc;
- FGetPixelBGRA : TGetPixelBGRAFunc;
- FDatalineLength : LongWord;
- ZData : TMemoryStream; // holds uncompressed data until all blocks are written
- Compressor : TCompressionStream; // compresses the data
- FCompressionLevel : TCompressionLevel;
- procedure WriteChunk;
- function GetColorPixel (x,y:LongWord) : TColorData;
- function GetPalettePixel (x,y:LongWord) : TColorData;
- function GetColPalPixel (x,y:LongWord) : TColorData;
- function GetColorPixelBGRA (p: PBGRAPixel) : TColorData;
- function GetPalettePixelBGRA (p: PBGRAPixel) : TColorData;
- function GetColPalPixelBGRA (p: PBGRAPixel) : TColorData;
- procedure InitWriteIDAT;
- procedure Gatherdata;
- procedure WriteCompressedData;
- procedure FinalWriteIDAT;
- protected
- property Header : THeaderChunk read FHeader;
- procedure InternalWrite ({%H-}Str:TStream; {%H-}Img:TFPCustomImage); override;
- function GetUseAlpha: boolean; override;
- procedure SetUseAlpha(AValue: boolean); override;
- procedure WriteIHDR; virtual;
- procedure WritePLTE; virtual;
- procedure WritetRNS; virtual;
- procedure WriteIDAT; virtual;
- procedure WriteTexts; virtual;
- procedure WriteIEND; virtual;
- function CurrentLine (x:LongWord) : byte; inline;
- function PrevSample (x:LongWord): byte; inline;
- function PreviousLine (x:LongWord) : byte; inline;
- function PrevLinePrevSample (x:LongWord): byte; inline;
- function DoFilter (LineFilter:byte;index:LongWord; b:byte) : byte; virtual;
- procedure SetChunkLength (aValue : LongWord);
- procedure SetChunkType (ct : TChunkTypes); overload;
- procedure SetChunkType (ct : TChunkCode); overload;
- function DecideGetPixel : TGetPixelFunc; virtual;
- function DecideGetPixelBGRA : TGetPixelBGRAFunc; virtual;
- procedure DetermineHeader (var AHeader : THeaderChunk); virtual;
- function DetermineFilter ({%H-}Current, {%H-}Previous:PByteArray; {%H-}linelength:LongWord):byte; virtual;
- procedure FillScanLine (y : integer; ScanLine : pByteArray); virtual;
- function ColorDataGrayB(color:TFPColor) : TColorData;
- function ColorDataColorB(color:TFPColor) : TColorData;
- function ColorDataGrayW(color:TFPColor) : TColorData;
- function ColorDataColorW(color:TFPColor) : TColorData;
- function ColorDataGrayAB(color:TFPColor) : TColorData;
- function ColorDataColorAB(color:TFPColor) : TColorData;
- function ColorDataGrayAW(color:TFPColor) : TColorData;
- function ColorDataColorAW(color:TFPColor) : TColorData;
- property ChunkDataBuffer : pByteArray read FChunk.data;
- property UsetRNS : boolean read FUsetRNS;
- property SingleTransparentColor : TFPColor read FTransparentColor;
- property SingleTransparentColorOk : boolean read FTransparentColorOk;
- property ThePalette : TFPPalette read FPalette;
- property ColorFormat : TColorformat read CFmt;
- property ColorFormatFunc : TColorFormatFunction read FFmtColor;
- property byteWidth : byte read FByteWidth;
- property DatalineLength : LongWord read FDatalineLength;
- public
- constructor create; override;
- destructor destroy; override;
- property GrayScale : boolean read FGrayscale write FGrayScale;
- property Indexed : boolean read FIndexed write FIndexed;
- property CompressedText : boolean read FCompressedText write FCompressedText;
- property WordSized : boolean read FWordSized write FWordSized;
- property CompressionLevel : TCompressionLevel read FCompressionLevel write FCompressionLevel;
- end;
-constructor TBGRAWriterPNG.create;
- inherited;
- Fchunk.acapacity := 0;
- Fchunk.data := nil;
- FGrayScale := False;
- FIndexed := False;
- FCompressedText := True;
- FWordSized := False;
- FUseAlpha := True;
- FCompressionLevel:=clDefault;
-destructor TBGRAWriterPNG.destroy;
- if OwnsPalette then FreeAndNil(FPalette);
- with Fchunk do
- if acapacity > 0 then
- freemem (data);
- inherited;
-procedure TBGRAWriterPNG.WriteChunk;
-var chead : TChunkHeader;
- c : LongWord;
- with FChunk do
- begin
- chead.CLength := swap (alength);
- {$ELSE}
- chead.CLength := alength;
- {$ENDIF}
- if (ReadType = '') then
- if atype <> ctUnknown then
- chead.CType := ChunkTypes[aType]
- else
- raise PNGImageException.create ('Doesn''t have a chunktype to write')
- else
- chead.CType := ReadType;
- c := CalculateCRC (All1Bits, ReadType, sizeOf(ReadType));
- c := CalculateCRC (c, data^, alength);
- crc := swap(c xor All1Bits);
- {$ELSE}
- crc := c xor All1Bits;
- {$ENDIF}
- with TheStream do
- begin
- Write (chead, sizeof(chead));
- Write (data^[0], alength);
- Write (crc, sizeof(crc));
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAWriterPNG.SetChunkLength(aValue : LongWord);
- with Fchunk do
- begin
- alength := aValue;
- if aValue > acapacity then
- begin
- if acapacity > 0 then
- freemem (data);
- GetMem (data, alength);
- acapacity := alength;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAWriterPNG.SetChunkType (ct : TChunkTypes);
- with Fchunk do
- begin
- aType := ct;
- ReadType := ChunkTypes[ct];
- end;
-procedure TBGRAWriterPNG.SetChunkType (ct : TChunkCode);
- with FChunk do
- begin
- ReadType := ct;
- aType := low(TChunkTypes);
- while (aType < high(TChunkTypes)) and (ChunkTypes[aType] <> ct) do
- inc (aType);
- end;
-function TBGRAWriterPNG.CurrentLine(x:LongWord):byte;
- result := FCurrentLine^[x];
-function TBGRAWriterPNG.PrevSample (x:LongWord): byte;
- if x < byteWidth then
- result := 0
- else
- result := FCurrentLine^[x - bytewidth];
-function TBGRAWriterPNG.PreviousLine (x:LongWord) : byte;
- result := FPreviousline^[x];
-function TBGRAWriterPNG.PrevLinePrevSample (x:LongWord): byte;
- if x < byteWidth then
- result := 0
- else
- result := FPreviousLine^[x - bytewidth];
-function TBGRAWriterPNG.DoFilter(LineFilter:byte;index:LongWord; b:byte) : byte;
-var diff : byte;
- procedure FilterSub;
- begin
- diff := PrevSample(index);
- end;
- procedure FilterUp;
- begin
- diff := PreviousLine(index);
- end;
- procedure FilterAverage;
- var l, p : word;
- begin
- l := PrevSample(index);
- p := PreviousLine(index);
- Diff := (l + p) div 2;
- end;
- procedure FilterPaeth;
- var dl, dp, dlp : word; // index for previous and distances for:
- l, p, lp : byte; // r:predictor, Left, Previous, LeftPrevious
- r : integer;
- begin
- l := PrevSample(index);
- lp := PrevLinePrevSample(index);
- p := PreviousLine(index);
- r := Int32or64(l) + Int32or64(p) - Int32or64(lp);
- dl := abs (r - l);
- dlp := abs (r - lp);
- dp := abs (r - p);
- if (dl <= dp) and (dl <= dlp) then
- diff := l
- else if dp <= dlp then
- diff := p
- else
- diff := lp;
- end;
- case LineFilter of
- 0 : diff := 0;
- 1 : FilterSub;
- 2 : FilterUp;
- 3 : FilterAverage;
- 4 : FilterPaeth;
- end;
- if diff > b then
- result := (b + $100 - diff)
- else
- result := b - diff;
-procedure TBGRAWriterPNG.DetermineHeader (var AHeader : THeaderChunk);
-var c : integer;
- function ReducedColorEquals(const c1,c2: TFPColor): boolean;
- var g1,g2: word;
- begin
- if FGrayScale then
- begin
- g1 := CalculateGray(c1);
- g2 := CalculateGray(c2);
- if fwordsized then
- result := (g1 = g2)
- else
- result := (g1 shr 8 = g2 shr 8);
- end else
- begin
- if FWordSized then
- result := (c1.red = c2.red) and (c1.green = c2.green) and (c1.blue = c2.blue)
- else
- result := (c1.red shr 8 = c2.red shr 8) and (c1.green shr 8 = c2.green shr 8) and (c1.blue shr 8 = c2.blue shr 8);
- end;
- end;
- function CountAlphas : integer;
- var none, half : boolean;
- maxTransparentAlpha: word;
- procedure CountFromPalettedImage;
- var
- p : integer;
- a : word;
- c : TFPColor;
- begin
- with TheImage.Palette do
- begin
- p := count-1;
- FTransparentColor.alpha := alphaOpaque;
- while (p >= 0) do
- begin
- c := color[p];
- a := c.Alpha;
- if a < FTransparentColor.alpha then //we're looking for the most transparent color
- FTransparentColor := c;
- if a <= maxTransparentAlpha then none := true
- else if a <> alphaOpaque then half := true;
- dec (p);
- end;
- //check transparent color is used consistently
- FTransparentColorOk := true;
- p := count-1;
- while (p >= 0) do
- begin
- c := color[p];
- if c.alpha > maxTransparentAlpha then
- begin
- if ReducedColorEquals(c, FTransparentColor) then
- begin
- FTransparentColorOk := false;
- break;
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- if not ReducedColorEquals(c, FTransparentColor) then
- begin
- FTransparentColorOk := false;
- break;
- end;
- end;
- dec(p);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure CountFromRGBImage;
- var
- a : word;
- c : TFPColor;
- x,y : longint; // checks on < 0
- begin
- with TheImage do
- begin
- x := width-1;
- y := height-1;
- FTransparentColor.alpha := alphaOpaque;
- while (y >= 0) and not half do //we stop if we already need a full alpha
- begin
- c := colors[x,y];
- a := c.Alpha;
- if a < FTransparentColor.alpha then //we're looking for the most transparent color
- FTransparentColor := c;
- if a <= maxTransparentAlpha then none := true
- else if a <> alphaOpaque then half := true;
- dec (x);
- if (x < 0) then
- begin
- dec (y);
- x := width-1;
- end;
- end;
- //check transparent color is used consistently
- FTransparentColorOk := true;
- x := width-1;
- y := height-1;
- while (y >= 0) do
- begin
- c := colors[x,y];
- if c.alpha > maxTransparentAlpha then
- begin
- if ReducedColorEquals(c, FTransparentColor) then
- begin
- FTransparentColorOk := false;
- break;
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- if not ReducedColorEquals(c, FTransparentColor) then
- begin
- FTransparentColorOk := false;
- break;
- end;
- end;
- dec (x);
- if (x < 0) then
- begin
- dec (y);
- x := width-1;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- begin
- FTransparentColorOk := false;
- if FWordSized then maxTransparentAlpha := 0
- else maxTransparentAlpha := $00ff;
- half := false;
- none := false;
- with TheImage do
- if UsePalette then
- CountFromPalettedImage
- else
- CountFromRGBImage;
- if half then
- result := 3
- else
- if none then
- begin
- if FTransparentColorOk then
- result := 2
- else
- result := 3;
- end
- else
- result := 1;
- end;
- procedure DetermineColorFormat;
- begin
- with AHeader do
- case colortype of
- 0 : if FWordSized then
- begin
- FFmtColor := @ColorDataGrayW;
- FByteWidth := 2;
- //CFmt := cfGray16
- end
- else
- begin
- FFmtColor := @ColorDataGrayB;
- FByteWidth := 1;
- //CFmt := cfGray8;
- end;
- 2 : if FWordSized then
- begin
- FFmtColor := @ColorDataColorW;
- FByteWidth := 6;
- //CFmt := cfBGR48
- end
- else
- begin
- FFmtColor := @ColorDataColorB;
- FByteWidth := 3;
- //CFmt := cfBGR24;
- end;
- 4 : if FWordSized then
- begin
- FFmtColor := @ColorDataGrayAW;
- FByteWidth := 4;
- //CFmt := cfGrayA32
- end
- else
- begin
- FFmtColor := @ColorDataGrayAB;
- FByteWidth := 2;
- //CFmt := cfGrayA16;
- end;
- 6 : if FWordSized then
- begin
- FFmtColor := @ColorDataColorAW;
- FByteWidth := 8;
- //CFmt := cfABGR64
- end
- else
- begin
- FFmtColor := @ColorDataColorAB;
- FByteWidth := 4;
- //CFmt := cfABGR32;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- with AHeader do
- begin
- // problem: TheImage has integer width, PNG header LongWord width.
- // Integer Swap can give negative value
- Width := swap (LongWord(TheImage.Width));
- height := swap (LongWord(TheImage.Height));
- {$ELSE}
- Width := TheImage.Width;
- height := TheImage.Height;
- {$ENDIF}
- if FUseAlpha then
- c := CountAlphas
- else
- c := 0;
- if FIndexed then
- begin
- if OwnsPalette then FreeAndNil(FPalette);
- OwnsPalette := not TheImage.UsePalette;
- if OwnsPalette then
- begin
- FPalette := TFPPalette.Create (16);
- FPalette.Build (TheImage);
- end
- else
- FPalette := TheImage.Palette;
- if ThePalette.count > 256 then
- raise PNGImageException.Create ('Too many colors to use indexed PNG color type');
- ColorType := 3;
- FUsetRNS := C > 1;
- BitDepth := 8;
- FByteWidth := 1;
- end
- else
- begin
- if c = 3 then
- ColorType := 4;
- FUsetRNS := (c = 2);
- if not FGrayScale then
- ColorType := ColorType + 2;
- if FWordSized then
- BitDepth := 16
- else
- BitDepth := 8;
- DetermineColorFormat;
- end;
- Compression := 0;
- Filter := 0;
- Interlace := 0;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAWriterPNG.WriteIHDR;
- // signature for PNG
- TheStream.writeBuffer(Signature,sizeof(Signature));
- // Determine all settings for filling the header
- fillchar(fheader,sizeof(fheader),#0);
- DetermineHeader (FHeader);
- // write the header chunk
- SetChunkLength (sizeof(FHeader));
- move (FHeader, ChunkDataBuffer^, sizeof(FHeader));
- SetChunkType (ctIHDR);
- WriteChunk;
-{ Color convertions }
-function TBGRAWriterPNG.ColorDataGrayB(color:TFPColor) : TColorData;
-var t : word;
- t := CalculateGray (color);
- result := hi(t);
-function TBGRAWriterPNG.ColorDataGrayW(color:TFPColor) : TColorData;
- result := CalculateGray (color);
-function TBGRAWriterPNG.ColorDataGrayAB(color:TFPColor) : TColorData;
- result := ColorDataGrayB (color);
- result := (color.Alpha and $ff00) or result;
-function TBGRAWriterPNG.ColorDataGrayAW(color:TFPColor) : TColorData;
- result := ColorDataGrayW (color);
- result := (color.Alpha shl 16) or result;
-function TBGRAWriterPNG.ColorDataColorB(color:TFPColor) : TColorData;
- with color do
- result := hi(red) + (green and $FF00) + (hi(blue) shl 16);
- {$POP}
-function TBGRAWriterPNG.ColorDataColorW(color:TFPColor) : TColorData;
- with color do
- result := red + (green shl 16) + (qword(blue) shl 32);
- {$POP}
-function TBGRAWriterPNG.ColorDataColorAB(color:TFPColor) : TColorData;
- with color do
- result := hi(red) + (green and $FF00) + (hi(blue) shl 16) + (hi(alpha) shl 24);
- {$POP}
-function TBGRAWriterPNG.ColorDataColorAW(color:TFPColor) : TColorData;
- with color do
- result := red + (green shl 16) + (qword(blue) shl 32) + (qword(alpha) shl 48);
- {$POP}
-{ Data making routines }
-function TBGRAWriterPNG.GetColorPixel (x,y:LongWord) : TColorData;
- result := FFmtColor (TheImage[x,y]);
-function TBGRAWriterPNG.GetPalettePixel (x,y:LongWord) : TColorData;
- result := TheImage.Pixels[x,y];
-function TBGRAWriterPNG.GetColPalPixel (x,y:LongWord) : TColorData;
- result := ThePalette.IndexOf (TheImage.Colors[x,y]);
-function TBGRAWriterPNG.GetColorPixelBGRA(p: PBGRAPixel): TColorData;
- result := FFmtColor(p^.ToFPColor);
-function TBGRAWriterPNG.GetPalettePixelBGRA(p: PBGRAPixel): TColorData;
- result := TheImage.Palette.IndexOf(p^.ToFPColor);
-function TBGRAWriterPNG.GetColPalPixelBGRA(p: PBGRAPixel): TColorData;
- result := ThePalette.IndexOf(p^.ToFPColor);
-function TBGRAWriterPNG.DecideGetPixel : TGetPixelFunc;
- case Fheader.colortype of
- 3 : if TheImage.UsePalette then
- result := @GetPalettePixel
- else result := @GetColPalPixel;
- else result := @GetColorPixel;
- end;
-function TBGRAWriterPNG.DecideGetPixelBGRA: TGetPixelBGRAFunc;
- case Fheader.colortype of
- 3 : if TheImage.UsePalette then
- result := @GetPalettePixelBGRA
- else result := @GetColPalPixelBGRA;
- else result := @GetColorPixelBGRA;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAWriterPNG.WritePLTE;
-var r,t : integer;
- c : TFPColor;
- with ThePalette do
- begin
- SetChunkLength (count*3);
- SetChunkType (ctPLTE);
- t := 0;
- For r := 0 to count-1 do
- begin
- c := Color[r];
- ChunkdataBuffer^[t] := c.red div 256;
- inc (t);
- ChunkdataBuffer^[t] := c.green div 256;
- inc (t);
- ChunkdataBuffer^[t] := c.blue div 256;
- inc (t);
- end;
- end;
- WriteChunk;
-procedure TBGRAWriterPNG.InitWriteIDAT;
- FDatalineLength := TheImage.Width*ByteWidth;
- GetMem (FPreviousLine, FDatalineLength);
- GetMem (FCurrentLine, FDatalineLength);
- fillchar (FCurrentLine^,FDatalineLength,0);
- ZData := TMemoryStream.Create;
- Compressor := TCompressionStream.Create (FCompressionLevel,ZData);
- FGetPixel := DecideGetPixel;
- FGetPixelBGRA := DecideGetPixelBGRA;
-procedure TBGRAWriterPNG.FinalWriteIDAT;
- ZData.Free;
- FreeMem (FPreviousLine);
- FreeMem (FCurrentLine);
-function TBGRAWriterPNG.DetermineFilter (Current, Previous:PByteArray; linelength:LongWord) : byte;
- result := 0;
-procedure TBGRAWriterPNG.FillScanLine (y : integer; ScanLine : pByteArray);
-var x : integer;
- cd : TColorData;
- r, index : LongWord;
- b : byte;
- p : PBGRAPixel;
- index := 0;
- if TheImage is TBGRACustomBitmap then
- begin
- p := TBGRACustomBitmap(TheImage).ScanLine[y];
- if FHeader.BitDepth <> 16 then
- case FByteWidth of
- 1: for x := pred(TheImage.Width) downto 0 do
- begin
- cd := FGetPixelBGRA(p);
- ScanLine^[index] := cd;
- inc (index);
- inc(p);
- end;
- 2: for x := pred(TheImage.Width) downto 0 do
- begin
- cd := FGetPixelBGRA(p);
- ScanLine^[index] := cd and $ff;
- ScanLine^[index+1] := cd shr 8;
- inc (index,2);
- inc(p);
- end;
- 3: for x := pred(TheImage.Width) downto 0 do
- begin
- ScanLine^[index] := p^.red;
- ScanLine^[index+1] := p^.green;
- ScanLine^[index+2] := p^.blue;
- inc (index,3);
- inc(p);
- end;
- 4: for x := pred(TheImage.Width) downto 0 do
- begin
- ScanLine^[index] := p^.red;
- ScanLine^[index+1] := p^.green;
- ScanLine^[index+2] := p^.blue;
- ScanLine^[index+3] := p^.alpha;
- inc (index,4);
- inc(p);
- end;
- else raise exception.Create('Unexpected byte width');
- end else
- for x := pred(TheImage.Width) downto 0 do
- begin
- cd := FGetPixelBGRA(p);
- cd:=swap(cd);
- {$ENDIF}
- move (cd, ScanLine^[index], FBytewidth);
- if WordSized then
- begin
- r := 0;
- while (r+1 < FByteWidth) do
- begin
- b := Scanline^[index+r+1];
- Scanline^[index+r+1] := Scanline^[index+r];
- Scanline^[index+r] := b;
- inc (r,2);
- end;
- end;
- inc (index, FByteWidth);
- inc(p);
- end;
- end
- else
- for x := 0 to pred(TheImage.Width) do
- begin
- cd := FGetPixel (x,y);
- cd:=swap(cd);
- {$ENDIF}
- move (cd, ScanLine^[index], FBytewidth);
- if WordSized then
- begin
- r := 0;
- while (r+1 < FByteWidth) do
- begin
- b := Scanline^[index+r+1];
- Scanline^[index+r+1] := Scanline^[index+r];
- Scanline^[index+r] := b;
- inc (r,2);
- end;
- end;
- inc (index, FByteWidth);
- end;
-procedure TBGRAWriterPNG.Gatherdata;
-var x,y : integer;
- lf : byte;
- for y := 0 to pred(TheImage.height) do
- begin
- FSwitchLine := FCurrentLine;
- FCurrentLine := FPreviousLine;
- FPreviousLine := FSwitchLine;
- FillScanLine (y, FCurrentLine);
- lf := DetermineFilter (FCurrentLine, FpreviousLine, FDataLineLength);
- if lf <> 0 then
- for x := 0 to FDatalineLength-1 do
- FCurrentLine^[x] := DoFilter (lf, x, FCurrentLine^[x]);
- Compressor.Write (lf, sizeof(lf));
- Compressor.Write (FCurrentLine^, FDataLineLength);
- end;
-procedure TBGRAWriterPNG.WriteCompressedData;
-var l : LongWord;
- Compressor.Free; // Close compression and finish the writing in ZData
- l := ZData.position;
- ZData.position := 0;
- SetChunkLength(l);
- SetChunkType (ctIDAT);
- ZData.Read (ChunkdataBuffer^, l);
- WriteChunk;
-procedure TBGRAWriterPNG.WriteIDAT;
- InitWriteIDAT;
- GatherData;
- WriteCompressedData;
- FinalWriteIDAT;
-procedure TBGRAWriterPNG.WritetRNS;
- procedure PaletteAlpha;
- var r : integer;
- begin
- with TheImage.palette do
- begin
- // search last palette entry with transparency
- r := count;
- repeat
- dec (r);
- until (r < 0) or (color[r].alpha <> alphaOpaque);
- if r >= 0 then // there is at least 1 transparent color
- begin
- // from this color we go to the first palette entry
- SetChunkLength (r+1);
- repeat
- chunkdatabuffer^[r] := (color[r].alpha shr 8);
- dec (r);
- until (r < 0);
- end;
- writechunk;
- end;
- end;
- procedure GrayAlpha;
- var g : word;
- begin
- SetChunkLength(2);
- if WordSized then
- g := CalculateGray (SingleTransparentColor)
- else
- g := hi (CalculateGray(SingleTransparentColor));
- g := swap (g);
- {$ENDIF}
- move (g,ChunkDataBuffer^[0],2);
- WriteChunk;
- end;
- procedure ColorAlpha;
- var g : TFPColor;
- begin
- SetChunkLength(6);
- g := SingleTransparentColor;
- with g do
- if WordSized then
- begin
- red := swap (red);
- green := swap (green);
- blue := swap (blue);
- {$ENDIF}
- move (g, ChunkDatabuffer^[0], 6);
- end
- else
- begin
- ChunkDataBuffer^[0] := 0;
- ChunkDataBuffer^[1] := red shr 8;
- ChunkDataBuffer^[2] := 0;
- ChunkDataBuffer^[3] := green shr 8;
- ChunkDataBuffer^[4] := 0;
- ChunkDataBuffer^[5] := blue shr 8;
- end;
- WriteChunk;
- end;
- SetChunkType (cttRNS);
- case fheader.colortype of
- 6,4 : raise PNGImageException.create ('tRNS chunk forbidden for full alpha channels');
- 3 : PaletteAlpha;
- 2 : ColorAlpha;
- 0 : GrayAlpha;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAWriterPNG.WriteTexts;
-procedure TBGRAWriterPNG.WriteIEND;
- SetChunkLength(0);
- SetChunkType (ctIEND);
- WriteChunk;
-procedure TBGRAWriterPNG.InternalWrite (Str:TStream; Img:TFPCustomImage);
- WriteIHDR;
- if Fheader.colorType = 3 then
- WritePLTE;
- if FUsetRNS then
- WritetRNS;
- WriteIDAT;
- WriteTexts;
- WriteIEND;
-function TBGRAWriterPNG.GetUseAlpha: boolean;
- result := FUseAlpha;
-procedure TBGRAWriterPNG.SetUseAlpha(AValue: boolean);
- FUseAlpha := AValue;
- DefaultBGRAImageWriter[ifPng] := TBGRAWriterPNG;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrawritetiff.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrawritetiff.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 060e1e3..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrawritetiff.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1023 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
- The original file is part of the Free Pascal run time library.
- Copyright (c) 2012 by the Free Pascal development team
- Tiff writer for fpImage modified by circular.
- **********************************************************************
- Working:
- Grayscale 8,16bit (optional alpha),
- RGB 8,16bit (optional alpha),
- Orientation,
- multiple images, pages
- thumbnail
- Compression: deflate
- ToDo:
- Compression: LZW, packbits, jpeg, ...
- Planar
- ColorMap
- separate mask
- fillorder - not needed by baseline tiff reader
- bigtiff 64bit offsets
- endian - currently using system endianess
- orientation with rotation
-unit BGRAWriteTiff;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- Math, BGRAClasses, SysUtils, zbase, zdeflate, FPimage, FPTiffCmn,
- BGRABitmapTypes;
- { TTiffWriterEntry }
- TTiffWriterEntry = class
- public
- Tag: Word;
- EntryType: Word;
- Count: LongWord;
- Data: Pointer;
- DataPos: LongWord;
- Bytes: LongWord;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- end;
- TTiffWriterChunk = record
- Data: Pointer;
- Bytes: LongWord;
- end;
- PTiffWriterChunk = ^TTiffWriterChunk;
- { TTiffWriterChunkOffsets }
- TTiffWriterChunkOffsets = class(TTiffWriterEntry)
- public
- Chunks: PTiffWriterChunk;
- ChunkByteCounts: TTiffWriterEntry;
- constructor Create(ChunkType: TTiffChunkType);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure SetCount(NewCount: LongWord);
- end;
- { TBGRAWriterTiff }
- TBGRAWriterTiff = class(TFPCustomImageWriter)
- private
- FPremultiplyRGB: boolean;
- FSaveCMYKAsRGB: boolean;
- fStartPos: Int64;
- FEntries: TFPList; // list of TFPList of TTiffWriterEntry
- fStream: TStream;
- fPosition: LongWord;
- procedure ClearEntries;
- procedure WriteTiff;
- procedure WriteHeader;
- procedure WriteIFDs;
- procedure WriteEntry(Entry: TTiffWriterEntry);
- procedure WriteData;
- procedure WriteEntryData(Entry: TTiffWriterEntry);
- procedure WriteBuf(var Buf; Count: LongWord);
- procedure WriteWord(w: Word);
- procedure WriteDWord(d: LongWord);
- protected
- procedure InternalWrite(Stream: TStream; Img: TFPCustomImage); override;
- procedure AddEntryString(Tag: word; const s: string);
- procedure AddEntryShort(Tag: word; Value: Word);
- procedure AddEntryLong(Tag: word; Value: LongWord);
- procedure AddEntryShortOrLong(Tag: word; Value: LongWord);
- procedure AddEntryRational(Tag: word; const Value: TTiffRational);
- procedure AddEntry(Tag: Word; EntryType: Word; EntryCount: LongWord;
- Data: Pointer; Bytes: LongWord;
- CopyData: boolean = true);
- procedure AddEntry(Entry: TTiffWriterEntry);
- procedure TiffError(Msg: string);
- procedure EncodeDeflate(var Buffer: Pointer; var Count: LongWord);
- public
- constructor Create; override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Clear;
- procedure AddImage(Img: TFPCustomImage);
- procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
- property SaveCMYKAsRGB: boolean read FSaveCMYKAsRGB write FSaveCMYKAsRGB;
- property PremultiplyRGB: boolean read FPremultiplyRGB write FPremultiplyRGB;
- end;
-function CompareTiffWriteEntries(Entry1, Entry2: Pointer): integer;
-function CompressDeflate(InputData: PByte; InputCount: LongWord;
- out Compressed: PByte; var CompressedCount: LongWord;
- ErrorMsg: PAnsiString = nil): boolean;
-function CompareTiffWriteEntries(Entry1, Entry2: Pointer): integer;
- Result:=integer(TTiffWriterEntry(Entry1).Tag)-integer(TTiffWriterEntry(Entry2).Tag);
-function CompressDeflate(InputData: PByte; InputCount: LongWord; out
- Compressed: PByte; var CompressedCount: LongWord; ErrorMsg: PAnsiString
- ): boolean;
- stream : z_stream;
- err : integer;
- Result:=false;
- //writeln('CompressDeflate START');
- Compressed:=nil;
- if InputCount=0 then begin
- CompressedCount:=0;
- exit(true);
- end;
- err := deflateInit(stream{%H-}, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION);
- if err <> Z_OK then begin
- if ErrorMsg<>nil then
- ErrorMsg^:='deflateInit failed';
- exit;
- end;
- // set input = InputData data
- stream.avail_in := InputCount;
- stream.next_in := InputData;
- // set output = compressed data
- if CompressedCount=0 then
- CompressedCount:=InputCount;
- GetMem(Compressed,CompressedCount);
- stream.avail_out := CompressedCount;
- stream.next_out := Compressed;
- err := deflate(stream, Z_NO_FLUSH);
- if err<>Z_OK then begin
- if ErrorMsg<>nil then
- ErrorMsg^:='deflate failed';
- exit;
- end;
- while TRUE do begin
- //writeln('run: total_in=',stream.total_in,' avail_in=',stream.avail_in,' total_out=',stream.total_out,' avail_out=',stream.avail_out);
- if (stream.avail_out=0) then begin
- // need more space
- if CompressedCount<128 then
- CompressedCount:=CompressedCount+128
- else if CompressedCount>High(CompressedCount)-1024 then begin
- if ErrorMsg<>nil then
- ErrorMsg^:='deflate compression failed, because not enough space';
- exit;
- end else
- CompressedCount:=CompressedCount+1024;
- ReAllocMem(Compressed,CompressedCount);
- stream.next_out:=Compressed+stream.total_out;
- stream.avail_out:=CompressedCount-stream.total_out;
- end;
- err := deflate(stream, Z_FINISH);
- if err = Z_STREAM_END then
- break;
- if err<>Z_OK then begin
- if ErrorMsg<>nil then
- ErrorMsg^:='deflate finish failed';
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- //writeln('compressed: total_in=',stream.total_in,' total_out=',stream.total_out);
- CompressedCount:=stream.total_out;
- ReAllocMem(Compressed,CompressedCount);
- err := deflateEnd(stream);
- if err<>Z_OK then begin
- if ErrorMsg<>nil then
- ErrorMsg^:='deflateEnd failed';
- exit;
- end;
- Result:=true;
-{ TBGRAWriterTiff }
-procedure TBGRAWriterTiff.WriteWord(w: Word);
- if fStream<>nil then
- fStream.WriteWord(w);
- inc(fPosition,2);
-procedure TBGRAWriterTiff.WriteDWord(d: LongWord);
- if fStream<>nil then
- fStream.WriteDWord(d);
- inc(fPosition,4);
-procedure TBGRAWriterTiff.ClearEntries;
- i: Integer;
- List: TFPList;
- j: Integer;
- for i:=FEntries.Count-1 downto 0 do begin
- List:=TFPList(FEntries[i]);
- for j:=List.Count-1 downto 0 do
- TObject(List[j]).Free;
- List.Free;
- end;
- FEntries.Clear;
-procedure TBGRAWriterTiff.WriteTiff;
- {$IFDEF FPC_Debug_Image}
- writeln('TBGRAWriterTiff.WriteTiff fStream=',fStream<>nil);
- {$ENDIF}
- fPosition:=0;
- WriteHeader;
- WriteIFDs;
- WriteData;
-procedure TBGRAWriterTiff.WriteHeader;
- EndianMark: String;
- WriteBuf(EndianMark[1],2);
- WriteWord(42);
- WriteDWord(8);
-procedure TBGRAWriterTiff.WriteIFDs;
- i: Integer;
- List: TFPList;
- j: Integer;
- Entry: TTiffWriterEntry;
- NextIFDPos: LongWord;
- for i:=0 to FEntries.Count-1 do begin
- List:=TFPList(FEntries[i]);
- // write count
- {$IFDEF FPC_Debug_Image}
- writeln('TBGRAWriterTiff.WriteIFDs List=',i,' Count=',List.Count);
- {$ENDIF}
- WriteWord(List.Count);
- // write array of entries
- for j:=0 to List.Count-1 do begin
- Entry:=TTiffWriterEntry(List[j]);
- WriteEntry(Entry);
- end;
- // write position of next IFD
- if i= 8 then
- begin
- WriteNextLabPixel(AColor);
- exit;
- end;
- case IFD.PhotoMetricInterpretation of
- 0,1: // grayscale
- begin
- Value:=(LongWord(AColor.red)+AColor.green+AColor.blue) div 3;
- if ExtraSample=1 then Value := Value*AColor.alpha div 65535;
- if IFD.PhotoMetricInterpretation=0 then Value:=$ffff-Value;// 0 is white
- WriteValue(Run, Value, GrayBits);
- WriteValue(Run, AColor.alpha, AlphaBits);
- end;
- 2: // RGB
- begin
- Value := AColor.red;
- if ExtraSample=1 then Value := Value*AColor.alpha div 65535;
- WriteValue(Run, Value, RedBits);
- Value := AColor.green;
- if ExtraSample=1 then Value := Value*AColor.alpha div 65535;
- WriteValue(Run, Value, GreenBits);
- Value := AColor.blue;
- if ExtraSample=1 then Value := Value*AColor.alpha div 65535;
- WriteValue(Run, Value, BlueBits);
- WriteValue(Run, AColor.alpha, AlphaBits);
- end;
- else raise exception.Create('Photometric interpretation not handled');
- end;
- end;
- ChunkOffsets:=nil;
- Chunk:=nil;
- IFD:=TTiffIFD.Create;
- try
- // add new list of entries
- CurEntries:=TFPList.Create;
- FEntries.Add(CurEntries);
- IFD.ReadFPImgExtras(Img);
- if SaveCMYKAsRGB and (IFD.PhotoMetricInterpretation=5) then
- IFD.PhotoMetricInterpretation:=2;
- if (Img.Extra[TiffPhotoMetric]='') and (Img is TCustomUniversalBitmap) then
- begin
- if cfHasImaginaryColors in TCustomUniversalBitmap(Img).Colorspace.GetFlags then
- IFD.PhotoMetricInterpretation := 8;
- end;
- if Img.Extra[TiffCompression]='' then
- IFD.Compression:= TiffCompressionDeflateZLib;
- if not (IFD.PhotoMetricInterpretation in [0,1,2,8,9]) then
- TiffError('PhotoMetricInterpretation="'+Img.Extra[TiffPhotoMetric]+'" not supported');
- GrayBits:=0;
- RedBits:=0;
- GreenBits:=0;
- BlueBits:=0;
- AlphaBits:=0;
- ExtraSample:=0;
- defaultColorBits := GetDefaultColorBits;
- case IFD.PhotoMetricInterpretation of
- 0,1:
- begin
- GrayBits:=StrToIntDef(Img.Extra[TiffGrayBits], defaultColorBits);
- BitsPerSample[0]:=GrayBits;
- SamplesPerPixel:=1;
- end;
- 2:
- begin
- RedBits:=StrToIntDef(Img.Extra[TiffRedBits], defaultColorBits);
- GreenBits:=StrToIntDef(Img.Extra[TiffGreenBits], defaultColorBits);
- BlueBits:=StrToIntDef(Img.Extra[TiffBlueBits], defaultColorBits);
- BitsPerSample[0]:=RedBits;
- BitsPerSample[1]:=GreenBits;
- BitsPerSample[2]:=BlueBits;
- SamplesPerPixel:=3;
- end;
- 8,9:
- begin
- RedBits:=StrToIntDef(Img.Extra[TiffRedBits], defaultColorBits);
- GreenBits:=StrToIntDef(Img.Extra[TiffGreenBits], defaultColorBits);
- BlueBits:=StrToIntDef(Img.Extra[TiffBlueBits], defaultColorBits);
- BitsPerSample[0]:=GreenBits;
- if (RedBits=0) and (BlueBits=0) then SamplesPerPixel := 1
- else
- begin
- SamplesPerPixel:= 3;
- if RedBits=0 then RedBits := BlueBits else
- if BlueBits=0 then BlueBits := RedBits;
- BitsPerSample[1]:= RedBits;
- BitsPerSample[2]:= BlueBits;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- AlphaBits:= StrToIntDef(Img.Extra[TiffAlphaBits],GetDefaultAlphaBits);
- if AlphaBits>0 then begin
- BitsPerSample[SamplesPerPixel]:=AlphaBits;
- inc(SamplesPerPixel);
- if PremultiplyRGB and (IFD.PhotoMetricInterpretation<=2) then
- ExtraSample := 1
- else
- ExtraSample := 2;
- end;
- ImgWidth:=Img.Width;
- ImgHeight:=Img.Height;
- Compression:=IFD.Compression;
- case Compression of
- TiffCompressionNone,
- TiffCompressionDeflateZLib: ;
- else
- {$ifdef FPC_DEBUG_IMAGE}
- writeln('TBGRAWriterTiff.AddImage unsupported compression '+TiffCompressionName(Compression)+', using deflate instead.');
- {$endif}
- Compression:=TiffCompressionDeflateZLib;
- end;
- if IFD.Orientation in [1..4] then begin
- OrientedWidth:=ImgWidth;
- OrientedHeight:=ImgHeight;
- end else begin
- // rotated
- OrientedWidth:=ImgHeight;
- OrientedHeight:=ImgWidth;
- end;
- {$IFDEF FPC_Debug_Image}
- writeln('TBGRAWriterTiff.AddImage PhotoMetricInterpretation=',IFD.PhotoMetricInterpretation);
- writeln('TBGRAWriterTiff.AddImage ImageWidth=',ImgWidth,' ImageHeight=',ImgHeight);
- writeln('TBGRAWriterTiff.AddImage Orientation=',IFD.Orientation);
- writeln('TBGRAWriterTiff.AddImage ResolutionUnit=',IFD.ResolutionUnit);
- writeln('TBGRAWriterTiff.AddImage XResolution=',TiffRationalToStr(IFD.XResolution));
- writeln('TBGRAWriterTiff.AddImage YResolution=',TiffRationalToStr(IFD.YResolution));
- writeln('TBGRAWriterTiff.AddImage GrayBits=',GrayBits,' RedBits=',RedBits,' GreenBits=',GreenBits,' BlueBits=',BlueBits,' AlphaBits=',AlphaBits);
- writeln('TBGRAWriterTiff.AddImage Compression=',TiffCompressionName(Compression));
- writeln('TBGRAWriterTiff.AddImage Page=',IFD.PageNumber,'/',IFD.PageCount);
- {$ENDIF}
- // required meta entries
- AddEntryShortOrLong(256,ImgWidth);
- AddEntryShortOrLong(257,ImgHeight);
- AddEntryShort(259,Compression);
- AddEntryShort(262,IFD.PhotoMetricInterpretation);
- AddEntryShort(274,IFD.Orientation);
- AddEntryShort(296,IFD.ResolutionUnit);
- AddEntryRational(282,IFD.XResolution);
- AddEntryRational(283,IFD.YResolution);
- // BitsPerSample (required)
- AddEntry(258,3,SamplesPerPixel,@BitsPerSample[0],SamplesPerPixel*2);
- AddEntryShort(277,SamplesPerPixel);
- if ExtraSample<>0 then AddEntryShort(338, ExtraSample);
- // BitsPerPixel, BytesPerLine
- BitsPerPixel:=0;
- for i:=0 to SamplesPerPixel-1 do
- inc(BitsPerPixel,BitsPerSample[i]);
- BytesPerLine:=(BitsPerPixel*OrientedWidth+7) div 8;
- // optional entries
- NewSubFileType:=0;
- if IFD.ImageIsThumbNail then inc(NewSubFileType,1);
- if IFD.ImageIsPage then inc(NewSubFileType,2);
- if IFD.ImageIsMask then inc(NewSubFileType,4);
- if NewSubFileType>0 then
- AddEntryLong(254,NewSubFileType);
- if IFD.DocumentName<>'' then
- AddEntryString(269,IFD.DocumentName);
- if IFD.ImageDescription<>'' then
- AddEntryString(270,IFD.ImageDescription);
- if IFD.Make_ScannerManufacturer<>'' then
- AddEntryString(271,IFD.Make_ScannerManufacturer);
- if IFD.Model_Scanner<>'' then
- AddEntryString(272,IFD.Model_Scanner);
- if IFD.Software<>'' then
- AddEntryString(305,IFD.Software);
- if IFD.DateAndTime<>'' then
- AddEntryString(306,IFD.DateAndTime);
- if IFD.Artist<>'' then
- AddEntryString(315,IFD.Artist);
- if IFD.HostComputer<>'' then
- AddEntryString(316,IFD.HostComputer);
- if IFD.PageCount>0 then begin
- Shorts[0]:=IFD.PageNumber;
- Shorts[1]:=IFD.PageCount;
- AddEntry(297,3,2,@Shorts[0],2*SizeOf(Word));
- end;
- if IFD.PageName<>'' then
- AddEntryString(285,IFD.PageName);
- if IFD.Copyright<>'' then
- AddEntryString(33432,IFD.Copyright);
- // chunks
- ChunkType:=tctStrip;
- if IFD.TileWidth>0 then begin
- AddEntryShortOrLong(322,IFD.TileWidth);
- AddEntryShortOrLong(323,IFD.TileLength);
- ChunkType:=tctTile;
- end else begin
- // RowsPerStrip (required)
- if OrientedWidth=0 then
- IFD.RowsPerStrip:=8
- else
- IFD.RowsPerStrip:=8192 div BytesPerLine;
- if IFD.RowsPerStrip<1 then
- IFD.RowsPerStrip:=1;
- {$IFDEF FPC_Debug_Image}
- writeln('TBGRAWriterTiff.AddImage BitsPerPixel=',BitsPerPixel,' OrientedWidth=',OrientedWidth,' BytesPerLine=',BytesPerLine,' RowsPerStrip=',IFD.RowsPerStrip);
- {$ENDIF}
- AddEntryShortOrLong(278,IFD.RowsPerStrip);
- end;
- // tags for Offsets and ByteCounts
- ChunkOffsets:=TTiffWriterChunkOffsets.Create(ChunkType);
- AddEntry(ChunkOffsets);
- AddEntry(ChunkOffsets.ChunkByteCounts);
- labArray := nil;
- if (Img is TCustomUniversalBitmap) and
- (IFD.PhotoMetricInterpretation >= 8) then
- begin
- ConvertToLab := true;
- ConversionToLab := TCustomUniversalBitmap(Img).Colorspace.GetBridgedConversion(TLabAColorspace);
- end else
- ConvertToLab := false;
- if (OrientedHeight>0) and (OrientedWidth>0) then begin
- if ChunkType=tctTile then begin
- TilesAcross:=(OrientedWidth+IFD.TileWidth{%H-}-1) div IFD.TileWidth;
- TilesDown:=(OrientedHeight+IFD.TileLength{%H-}-1) div IFD.TileLength;
- ChunkCount:=TilesAcross*TilesDown;
- {$IFDEF FPC_Debug_Image}
- writeln('TBGRAWriterTiff.AddImage BitsPerPixel=',BitsPerPixel,' OrientedWidth=',OrientedWidth,' OrientedHeight=',OrientedHeight,' TileWidth=',IFD.TileWidth,' TileLength=',IFD.TileLength,' TilesAcross=',TilesAcross,' TilesDown=',TilesDown,' ChunkCount=',ChunkCount);
- {$ENDIF}
- end else begin
- ChunkCount:=(OrientedHeight+IFD.RowsPerStrip{%H-}-1) div IFD.RowsPerStrip;
- end;
- ChunkOffsets.SetCount(ChunkCount);
- // create chunks
- for ChunkIndex:=0 to ChunkCount-1 do begin
- if ChunkType=tctTile then begin
- ChunkLeft:=(ChunkIndex mod TilesAcross)*IFD.TileWidth;
- ChunkTop:=(ChunkIndex div TilesAcross)*IFD.TileLength;
- ChunkWidth:=Min(IFD.TileWidth,OrientedWidth-ChunkLeft);
- ChunkHeight:=Min(IFD.TileLength,OrientedHeight-ChunkTop);
- // boundary tiles are padded to a full tile
- // the padding is filled with 0 and compression will get rid of it
- ChunkBytesPerLine:=(BitsPerPixel*IFD.TileWidth+7) div 8;
- ChunkBytes:=ChunkBytesPerLine*IFD.TileLength;
- end else begin
- ChunkLeft:=0;
- ChunkTop:=IFD.RowsPerStrip*ChunkIndex;
- ChunkWidth:=OrientedWidth;
- ChunkHeight:=Min(IFD.RowsPerStrip,OrientedHeight-ChunkTop);
- ChunkBytesPerLine:=BytesPerLine;
- ChunkBytes:=ChunkBytesPerLine*ChunkHeight;
- end;
- GetMem(Chunk,ChunkBytes);
- FillByte(Chunk^,ChunkBytes,0); // fill unused bytes with 0 to help compression
- // Orientation
- if IFD.Orientation in [1..4] then begin
- sx:=ChunkLeft; sy:=ChunkTop;
- dy1 := 0; dx2 := 0;
- case IFD.Orientation of
- 1: begin dx1:=1; dy2:=1; end;// 0,0 is left, top
- 2: begin sx:=OrientedWidth-sx-1; dx1:=-1; dy2:=1; end;// 0,0 is right, top
- 3: begin sx:=OrientedWidth-sx-1; dx1:=-1; sy:=OrientedHeight-sy-1; dy2:=-1; end;// 0,0 is right, bottom
- 4: begin dx1:=1; sy:=OrientedHeight-sy-1; dy2:=-1; end;// 0,0 is left, bottom
- end;
- end else begin
- // rotated
- sx:=ChunkTop; sy:=ChunkLeft;
- dx1 := 0; dy2 := 0;
- case IFD.Orientation of
- 5: begin dx2:=1; dy1:=1; end;// 0,0 is top, left (rotated)
- 6: begin dx2:=1; sy:=OrientedWidth-sy-1; dy1:=-1; end;// 0,0 is top, right (rotated)
- 7: begin sx:=OrientedHeight-sx-1; dx2:=-1; sy:=OrientedWidth-sy-1; dy1:=-1; end;// 0,0 is bottom, right (rotated)
- 8: begin sx:=OrientedHeight-sx-1; dx2:=-1; dy1:=1; end;// 0,0 is bottom, left (rotated)
- end;
- end;
- //writeln('TBGRAWriterTiff.AddImage Chunk=',ChunkIndex,'/',ChunkCount,' ChunkBytes=',ChunkBytes,' ChunkRect=',ChunkLeft,',',ChunkTop,',',ChunkWidth,'x',ChunkHeight,' x=',x,' y=',y,' dx=',dx,' dy=',dy);
- for cy:=0 to ChunkHeight-1 do begin
- Run:=Chunk+cy*ChunkBytesPerLine;
- if ConvertToLab then
- begin
- if ChunkWidth > Length(labArray) then setlength(labArray, ChunkWidth);
- sourceStride := TCustomUniversalBitmap(Img).RowSize*dy1;
- if TCustomUniversalBitmap(Img).LineOrder = riloBottomToTop then
- sourceStride := -sourceStride;
- inc(sourceStride, dx1*PtrInt(TCustomUniversalBitmap(Img).Colorspace.GetSize) );
- ConversionToLab.Convert( TCustomUniversalBitmap(Img).GetPixelAddress(sx,sy),
- @labArray[0], ChunkWidth, sourceStride, sizeof(TLabA), nil);
- for cx := 0 to ChunkWidth-1 do
- WriteNextLabPixel(labArray[cx]);
- end else
- begin
- x := sx;
- y := sy;
- for cx:=0 to ChunkWidth-1 do begin
- WriteNextPixel(Img.Colors[x,y]);
- inc(x,dx1);
- inc(y,dy1);
- end;
- end;
- inc(sx,dx2);
- inc(sy,dy2);
- end;
- // compress
- case Compression of
- TiffCompressionDeflateZLib: EncodeDeflate(Chunk,ChunkBytes);
- end;
- ChunkOffsets.Chunks[ChunkIndex].Data:=Chunk;
- ChunkOffsets.Chunks[ChunkIndex].Bytes:=ChunkBytes;
- // next chunk
- end;
- // created chunks
- end;
- CurEntries.Sort(@CompareTiffWriteEntries);
- finally
- IFD.Free;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAWriterTiff.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
- fStartPos:=Stream.Position;
- // simulate write to compute offsets
- fStream:=nil;
- WriteTiff;
- // write to stream
- fStream:=Stream;
- WriteTiff;
- fStream:=nil;
-procedure TBGRAWriterTiff.InternalWrite(Stream: TStream; Img: TFPCustomImage);
- AddImage(Img);
- SaveToStream(Stream);
-procedure TBGRAWriterTiff.AddEntryString(Tag: word; const s: string);
- if s<>'' then
- AddEntry(Tag,2,length(s)+1,@s[1],length(s)+1)
- else
- AddEntry(Tag,2,0,nil,0);
-procedure TBGRAWriterTiff.AddEntryShort(Tag: word; Value: Word);
- AddEntry(Tag,3,1,@Value,2);
-procedure TBGRAWriterTiff.AddEntryLong(Tag: word; Value: LongWord);
- AddEntry(Tag,4,1,@Value,4);
-procedure TBGRAWriterTiff.AddEntryShortOrLong(Tag: word; Value: LongWord);
- if Value<=High(Word) then
- AddEntryShort(Tag,Value)
- else
- AddEntryLong(Tag,Value);
-procedure TBGRAWriterTiff.AddEntryRational(Tag: word; const Value: TTiffRational
- );
- AddEntry(Tag,5,1,@Value,8);
-procedure TBGRAWriterTiff.AddEntry(Tag: Word; EntryType: Word; EntryCount: LongWord;
- Data: Pointer; Bytes: LongWord; CopyData: boolean);
- Entry: TTiffWriterEntry;
- Entry:=TTiffWriterEntry.Create;
- Entry.Tag:=Tag;
- Entry.EntryType:=EntryType;
- Entry.Count:=EntryCount;
- if CopyData then begin
- if Bytes>0 then begin
- GetMem(Entry.Data,Bytes);
- System.Move(Data^,Entry.Data^,Bytes);
- end else begin
- Entry.Data:=nil;
- end;
- end else
- Entry.Data:=Data;
- Entry.Bytes:=Bytes;
- AddEntry(Entry);
-procedure TBGRAWriterTiff.AddEntry(Entry: TTiffWriterEntry);
- List: TFPList;
- List:=TFPList(FEntries[FEntries.Count-1]);
- List.Add(Entry);
-procedure TBGRAWriterTiff.TiffError(Msg: string);
- raise Exception.Create('TBGRAWriterTiff.TiffError: '+Msg);
-procedure TBGRAWriterTiff.EncodeDeflate(var Buffer: Pointer; var Count: LongWord);
- NewBuffer: PByte;
- NewCount: LongWord;
- ErrorMsg: String;
- ErrorMsg:='';
- NewBuffer:=nil;
- try
- NewCount:=Count;
- if not CompressDeflate(Buffer,Count,NewBuffer,NewCount,@ErrorMsg) then
- TiffError(ErrorMsg);
- FreeMem(Buffer);
- Buffer:=NewBuffer;
- Count:=NewCount;
- NewBuffer:=nil;
- finally
- ReAllocMem(NewBuffer,0);
- end;
-constructor TBGRAWriterTiff.Create;
- inherited Create;
- FEntries:=TFPList.Create;
- FSaveCMYKAsRGB:= true;
- FPremultiplyRGB:= false;
-destructor TBGRAWriterTiff.Destroy;
- Clear;
- FreeAndNil(FEntries);
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TBGRAWriterTiff.Clear;
- ClearEntries;
-{ TTiffWriterEntry }
-destructor TTiffWriterEntry.Destroy;
- ReAllocMem(Data,0);
- inherited Destroy;
-{ TTiffWriterChunkOffsets }
-constructor TTiffWriterChunkOffsets.Create(ChunkType: TTiffChunkType);
- EntryType:=4; // long
- ChunkByteCounts:=TTiffWriterEntry.Create;
- ChunkByteCounts.EntryType:=4; // long
- if ChunkType=tctTile then begin
- Tag:=324; // TileOffsets
- ChunkByteCounts.Tag:=325; // TileByteCounts
- end else begin
- Tag:=273; // StripOffsets
- ChunkByteCounts.Tag:=279; // StripByteCounts
- end;
-destructor TTiffWriterChunkOffsets.Destroy;
- i: Integer;
- if Chunks<>nil then begin
- for i:=0 to Count-1 do
- ReAllocMem(Chunks[i].Data,0);
- ReAllocMem(Chunks,0);
- end;
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TTiffWriterChunkOffsets.SetCount(NewCount: LongWord);
- Size: LongWord;
- {$IFDEF FPC_Debug_Image}
- writeln('TTiffWriteStripOffsets.SetCount OldCount=',Count,' NewCount=',NewCount);
- {$ENDIF}
- Count:=NewCount;
- Size:=Count*SizeOf(TTiffWriterChunk);
- ReAllocMem(Chunks,Size);
- if Size>0 then FillByte(Chunks^,Size,0);
- Size:=Count*SizeOf(LongWord);
- // Offsets
- ReAllocMem(Data,Size);
- if Size>0 then FillByte(Data^,Size,0);
- Bytes:=Size;
- // ByteCounts
- ReAllocMem(ChunkByteCounts.Data,Size);
- if Size>0 then FillByte(ChunkByteCounts.Data^,Size,0);
- ChunkByteCounts.Count:=Count;
- ChunkByteCounts.Bytes:=Size;
- if ImageHandlers.ImageWriter[TiffHandlerName]=nil then
- ImageHandlers.RegisterImageWriter (TiffHandlerName, 'tif;tiff', TBGRAWriterTiff);
- DefaultBGRAImageWriter[ifTiff] := TBGRAWriterTiff;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrawritewebp.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/bgrawritewebp.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 05ece31..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/bgrawritewebp.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit BGRAWriteWebP;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, FPimage;
- { TBGRAWriterWebP }
- TBGRAWriterWebP = class(TFPCustomImageWriter)
- protected
- FLossless: boolean;
- FQualityPercent: Single;
- procedure InternalWrite(Stream: TStream; Img: TFPCustomImage); override;
- public
- constructor Create; override;
- property QualityPercent: single read FQualityPercent write FQualityPercent;
- { If Lossless is set to True, the QualityPercent property is ignored }
- property Lossless: boolean read FLossless write FLossless;
- end;
-uses libwebp{$ifdef linux}, linuxlib{$endif}, BGRABitmapTypes;
- MyLibWebPLoaded: boolean;
-procedure NeedLibWebP;
- if not MyLibWebPLoaded then
- begin
- if not LibWebPLoad({$ifdef linux}FindLinuxLibrary('libwebp.so', 6){$endif}) then
- raise exception.Create('Cannot find libwebp library ('+LibWebPFilename+')');
- MyLibWebPLoaded:= true;
- end;
-{ TBGRAWriterWebP }
-procedure TBGRAWriterWebP.InternalWrite(Stream: TStream; Img: TFPCustomImage);
- CopySize = 65536;
- saveFrom: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- outSize, remain, toWrite: LongWord;
- outData, p: PByte;
- NeedLibWebP;
- saveFrom := BGRABitmapFactory.Create(Img);
- outData := nil;
- try
- if saveFrom.LineOrder = riloBottomToTop then
- saveFrom.VerticalFlip;
- if Lossless then
- begin
- if TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder then
- outSize := WebPEncodeLosslessRGBA(saveFrom.DataByte, saveFrom.Width, saveFrom.Height,
- saveFrom.RowSize, outData{%H-})
- else
- outSize := WebPEncodeLosslessBGRA(saveFrom.DataByte, saveFrom.Width, saveFrom.Height,
- saveFrom.RowSize, outData{%H-});
- end else
- begin
- if TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder then
- outSize := WebPEncodeRGBA(saveFrom.DataByte, saveFrom.Width, saveFrom.Height,
- saveFrom.RowSize, QualityPercent, outData{%H-})
- else
- outSize := WebPEncodeBGRA(saveFrom.DataByte, saveFrom.Width, saveFrom.Height,
- saveFrom.RowSize, QualityPercent, outData{%H-});
- end;
- {$POP}
- if outSize = 0 then
- raise exception.Create('Error encoding WebP');
- remain := outSize;
- p := outData;
- while remain > 0 do
- begin
- if remain > CopySize then toWrite := CopySize
- else toWrite := remain;
- Stream.WriteBuffer(p^, toWrite);
- inc(p, toWrite);
- dec(remain, toWrite);
- end;
- finally
- if Assigned(outData) then WebPFree(outData);
- saveFrom.Free;
- end;
-constructor TBGRAWriterWebP.Create;
- inherited Create;
- FQualityPercent := 100;
- FLossless:= True;
- DefaultBGRAImageWriter[ifWebP] := TBGRAWriterWebP;
- if MyLibWebPLoaded then
- begin
- LibWebPUnload;
- MyLibWebPLoaded:= false;
- end;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/blendpixelinline.inc b/components/bgrabitmap/blendpixelinline.inc
deleted file mode 100644
index 015ffcf..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/blendpixelinline.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1312 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-function ByteLinearMultiplyInline(a, b: byte): byte;
- if b = 255 then exit(a) else
- begin
- if b >= 128 then inc(b);
- Result := (a * b) shr 8;
- end;
-procedure LinearMultiplyPixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
- destalpha: byte;
- destalpha := dest^.alpha;
- if destalpha = 0 then
- begin
- dest^ := c
- end else
- if destalpha = 255 then
- begin
- dest^.red := ByteLinearMultiplyInline(dest^.red, c.red);
- dest^.green := ByteLinearMultiplyInline(dest^.green, c.green);
- dest^.blue := ByteLinearMultiplyInline(dest^.blue, c.blue);
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end else
- begin
- dest^.red := (ByteLinearMultiplyInline(dest^.red, c.red) *
- destalpha + c.red * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.green := (ByteLinearMultiplyInline(dest^.green, c.green) *
- destalpha + c.green * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.blue := (ByteLinearMultiplyInline(dest^.blue, c.blue) *
- destalpha + c.blue * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end;
-{$hints off}
-function ByteAddInline(a, b: byte): byte;
- temp: LongWord;
- temp := LongWord(GammaExpansionTab[a]) + LongWord(GammaExpansionTab[b]);
- if temp > 65535 then
- temp := 65535;
- Result := GammaCompressionTab[temp];
-{$hints on}
-function ByteLinearAddInline(a, b: byte): byte;
- temp: integer;
- temp := integer(a) + integer(b);
- if temp > 255 then
- temp := 255;
- Result := temp;
-procedure AddPixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
- destalpha: byte;
- destalpha := dest^.alpha;
- if destalpha = 0 then
- begin
- dest^ := c
- end else
- if destalpha = 255 then
- begin
- dest^.red := ByteAddInline(dest^.red, c.red);
- dest^.green := ByteAddInline(dest^.green, c.green);
- dest^.blue := ByteAddInline(dest^.blue, c.blue);
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end else
- begin
- dest^.red := ByteAddInline(dest^.red * destalpha shr 8, c.red);
- dest^.green := ByteAddInline(dest^.green * destalpha shr 8, c.green);
- dest^.blue := ByteAddInline(dest^.blue * destalpha shr 8, c.blue);
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end;
-procedure LinearAddPixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
- destalpha: byte;
- destalpha := dest^.alpha;
- if destalpha = 0 then
- begin
- dest^ := c
- end else
- if destalpha = 255 then
- begin
- dest^.red := ByteLinearAddInline(dest^.red, c.red);
- dest^.green := ByteLinearAddInline(dest^.green, c.green);
- dest^.blue := ByteLinearAddInline(dest^.blue, c.blue);
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end else
- begin
- dest^.red := ByteLinearAddInline(dest^.red * destalpha shr 8, c.red);
- dest^.green := ByteLinearAddInline(dest^.green * destalpha shr 8, c.green);
- dest^.blue := ByteLinearAddInline(dest^.blue * destalpha shr 8, c.blue);
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end;
-function ByteBurnInline(a, b: byte): byte; inline;
- temp: integer;
- if b = 0 then
- Result := 0
- else
- begin
- temp := 255 - (((255 - a) shl 8) div b);
- if temp < 0 then
- Result := 0
- else
- Result := temp;
- end;
-procedure ColorBurnPixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
- destalpha: byte;
- destalpha := dest^.alpha;
- if destalpha = 0 then
- begin
- dest^ := c
- end else
- if destalpha = 255 then
- begin
- dest^.red := ByteBurnInline(dest^.red, c.red);
- dest^.green := ByteBurnInline(dest^.green, c.green);
- dest^.blue := ByteBurnInline(dest^.blue, c.blue);
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end else
- begin
- dest^.red := (ByteBurnInline(dest^.red, c.red) * destalpha +
- c.red * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.green := (ByteBurnInline(dest^.green, c.green) * destalpha +
- c.green * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.blue := (ByteBurnInline(dest^.blue, c.blue) * destalpha +
- c.blue * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end;
-{$hints off}
-function ByteDodgeInline(a, b: byte): byte; inline;
- temp: integer;
- if b = 255 then
- Result := 255
- else
- begin
- temp := (a shl 8) div (not b);
- if temp > 255 then
- Result := 255
- else
- Result := temp;
- end;
-{$hints on}
-procedure ColorDodgePixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
- destalpha: byte;
- destalpha := dest^.alpha;
- if destalpha = 0 then
- begin
- dest^ := c
- end else
- if destalpha = 255 then
- begin
- dest^.red := ByteDodgeInline(dest^.red, c.red);
- dest^.green := ByteDodgeInline(dest^.green, c.green);
- dest^.blue := ByteDodgeInline(dest^.blue, c.blue);
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end else
- begin
- dest^.red := (ByteDodgeInline(dest^.red, c.red) * destalpha +
- c.red * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.green := (ByteDodgeInline(dest^.green, c.green) * destalpha +
- c.green * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.blue := (ByteDodgeInline(dest^.blue, c.blue) * destalpha +
- c.blue * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end;
-{$hints off}
-function ByteDivideInline(a, b: byte): byte; inline;
- temp: integer;
- if b = 0 then
- Result := 255
- else if b = 255 then
- exit(a)
- else
- begin
- if b >= 128 then inc(b);
- temp := ((a shl 8) + (b shr 1)) div b;
- if temp > 255 then
- Result := 255
- else
- Result := temp;
- end;
-{$hints on}
-procedure DividePixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
- destalpha: byte;
- destalpha := dest^.alpha;
- if destalpha = 0 then
- begin
- dest^ := c
- end else
- if destalpha = 255 then
- begin
- dest^.red := ByteDivideInline(dest^.red, c.red);
- dest^.green := ByteDivideInline(dest^.green, c.green);
- dest^.blue := ByteDivideInline(dest^.blue, c.blue);
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end else
- begin
- dest^.red := (ByteDivideInline(dest^.red, c.red) * destalpha +
- c.red * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.green := (ByteDivideInline(dest^.green, c.green) * destalpha +
- c.green * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.blue := (ByteDivideInline(dest^.blue, c.blue) * destalpha +
- c.blue * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end;
-{$hints off}
-function ByteNonLinearReflectInline(a, b: byte): byte; inline;
- temp: LongWord;
- wa,wb: word;
- if b = 255 then
- Result := 255
- else
- begin
- wa := GammaExpansionTab[a];
- wb := GammaExpansionTab[b];
- temp := wa * wa div (not wb);
- if temp >= 65535 then
- Result := 255
- else
- Result := GammaCompressionTab[ temp ];
- end;
-function ByteReflectInline(a, b: byte): byte; inline;
- temp: integer;
- if b = 255 then
- Result := 255
- else
- begin
- temp := a * a div (not b);
- if temp > 255 then
- Result := 255
- else
- Result := temp;
- end;
-{$hints on}
-procedure ReflectPixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
- destalpha: byte;
- destalpha := dest^.alpha;
- if destalpha = 0 then
- begin
- dest^ := c
- end else
- if destalpha = 255 then
- begin
- dest^.red := ByteReflectInline(dest^.red, c.red);
- dest^.green := ByteReflectInline(dest^.green, c.green);
- dest^.blue := ByteReflectInline(dest^.blue, c.blue);
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end else
- begin
- dest^.red := (ByteReflectInline(dest^.red, c.red) * destalpha +
- c.red * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.green := (ByteReflectInline(dest^.green, c.green) * destalpha +
- c.green * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.blue := (ByteReflectInline(dest^.blue, c.blue) * destalpha +
- c.blue * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end;
-procedure GlowPixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
- destalpha: byte;
- destalpha := dest^.alpha;
- if destalpha = 0 then
- begin
- dest^ := c
- end else
- if destalpha = 255 then
- begin
- dest^.red := ByteReflectInline(c.red, dest^.red);
- dest^.green := ByteReflectInline(c.green, dest^.green);
- dest^.blue := ByteReflectInline(c.blue, dest^.blue);
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end else
- begin
- dest^.red := (ByteReflectInline(c.red, dest^.red) * destalpha +
- c.red * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.green := (ByteReflectInline(c.green, dest^.green) * destalpha +
- c.green * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.blue := (ByteReflectInline(c.blue, dest^.blue) * destalpha +
- c.blue * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end;
-procedure NiceGlowPixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
- destalpha: byte;
- destalpha := dest^.alpha;
- if destalpha = 0 then
- begin
- dest^ := c
- end else
- if destalpha = 255 then
- begin
- dest^.red := ByteReflectInline(c.red, dest^.red);
- dest^.green := ByteReflectInline(c.green, dest^.green);
- dest^.blue := ByteReflectInline(c.blue, dest^.blue);
- end else
- begin
- dest^.red := (ByteReflectInline(c.red, dest^.red) * destalpha +
- c.red * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.green := (ByteReflectInline(c.green, dest^.green) * destalpha +
- c.green * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.blue := (ByteReflectInline(c.blue, dest^.blue) * destalpha +
- c.blue * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- end;
- if (c.red > c.green) and (c.red > c.blue) then
- dest^.alpha := c.red else
- if (c.green > c.blue) then
- dest^.alpha := c.green else
- dest^.alpha := c.blue;
- dest^.alpha := ApplyOpacity(GammaExpansionTab[dest^.alpha] shr 8,c.alpha);
-procedure NonLinearReflectPixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
- destalpha: byte;
- destalpha := dest^.alpha;
- if destalpha = 0 then
- begin
- dest^ := c
- end else
- if destalpha = 255 then
- begin
- dest^.red := ByteNonLinearReflectInline(dest^.red, c.red);
- dest^.green := ByteNonLinearReflectInline(dest^.green, c.green);
- dest^.blue := ByteNonLinearReflectInline(dest^.blue, c.blue);
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end else
- begin
- dest^.red := (ByteNonLinearReflectInline(dest^.red, c.red) * destalpha +
- c.red * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.green := (ByteNonLinearReflectInline(dest^.green, c.green) * destalpha +
- c.green * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.blue := (ByteNonLinearReflectInline(dest^.blue, c.blue) * destalpha +
- c.blue * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end;
-{$hints off}
-function ByteOverlayInline(a, b: byte): byte; inline;
-var wa,wb: word;
- wa := GammaExpansionTab[a];
- wb := GammaExpansionTab[b];
- if wa < 32768 then
- Result := GammaCompressionTab[ (wa * wb) shr 15 ]
- else
- Result := GammaCompressionTab[ 65535 - ((not wa) * (not wb) shr 15) ];
-{$hints on}
-function ByteLinearOverlayInline(a, b: byte): byte; inline;
- if a < 128 then
- Result := (a * b) shr 7
- else
- Result := 255 - ((not a) * (not b) shr 7);
-procedure OverlayPixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
- destalpha: byte;
- destalpha := dest^.alpha;
- if destalpha = 0 then
- begin
- dest^ := c
- end else
- if destalpha = 255 then
- begin
- dest^.red := ByteOverlayInline(dest^.red, c.red);
- dest^.green := ByteOverlayInline(dest^.green, c.green);
- dest^.blue := ByteOverlayInline(dest^.blue, c.blue);
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end else
- begin
- dest^.red := (ByteOverlayInline(dest^.red, c.red) * destalpha +
- c.red * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.green := (ByteOverlayInline(dest^.green, c.green) * destalpha +
- c.green * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.blue := (ByteOverlayInline(dest^.blue, c.blue) * destalpha +
- c.blue * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end;
-procedure LinearOverlayPixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
- destalpha: byte;
- destalpha := dest^.alpha;
- if destalpha = 0 then
- begin
- dest^ := c
- end else
- if destalpha = 255 then
- begin
- dest^.red := ByteLinearOverlayInline(dest^.red, c.red);
- dest^.green := ByteLinearOverlayInline(dest^.green, c.green);
- dest^.blue := ByteLinearOverlayInline(dest^.blue, c.blue);
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end else
- begin
- dest^.red := (ByteLinearOverlayInline(dest^.red, c.red) * destalpha +
- c.red * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.green := (ByteLinearOverlayInline(dest^.green, c.green) * destalpha +
- c.green * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.blue := (ByteLinearOverlayInline(dest^.blue, c.blue) * destalpha +
- c.blue * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end;
-function ByteDifferenceInline(a, b: byte): byte; inline;
- Result := GammaCompressionTab[abs(integer(GammaExpansionTab[a]) -
- integer(GammaExpansionTab[b]))];
-procedure DifferencePixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
- destalpha: byte;
- destalpha := dest^.alpha;
- if destalpha = 0 then
- begin
- dest^ := c
- end else
- if destalpha = 255 then
- begin
- dest^.red := ByteDifferenceInline(dest^.red, c.red);
- dest^.green := ByteDifferenceInline(dest^.green, c.green);
- dest^.blue := ByteDifferenceInline(dest^.blue, c.blue);
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end else
- begin
- dest^.red := (ByteDifferenceInline(dest^.red, c.red) * destalpha +
- c.red * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.green := (ByteDifferenceInline(dest^.green, c.green) *
- destalpha + c.green * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.blue := (ByteDifferenceInline(dest^.blue, c.blue) * destalpha +
- c.blue * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end;
-function ByteLinearDifferenceInline(a, b: byte): byte; inline;
- Result := abs(a - b);
-procedure LinearDifferencePixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
- destalpha: byte;
- destalpha := dest^.alpha;
- if destalpha = 0 then
- begin
- dest^ := c
- end else
- if destalpha = 255 then
- begin
- dest^.red := ByteLinearDifferenceInline(dest^.red, c.red);
- dest^.green := ByteLinearDifferenceInline(dest^.green, c.green);
- dest^.blue := ByteLinearDifferenceInline(dest^.blue, c.blue);
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end else
- begin
- dest^.red := (ByteLinearDifferenceInline(dest^.red, c.red) *
- destalpha + c.red * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.green := (ByteLinearDifferenceInline(dest^.green, c.green) *
- destalpha + c.green * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.blue := (ByteLinearDifferenceInline(dest^.blue, c.blue) *
- destalpha + c.blue * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end;
-function ByteExclusionInline(a, b: byte): byte; inline;
-var aw,bw: word;
- aw := GammaExpansionTab[a];
- bw := GammaExpansionTab[b];
- Result := GammaCompressionTab[aw+bw-(LongWord(aw)*LongWord(bw) shr 15)];
-procedure ExclusionPixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
- destalpha: byte;
- destalpha := dest^.alpha;
- if destalpha = 0 then
- begin
- dest^ := c
- end else
- if destalpha = 255 then
- begin
- dest^.red := ByteExclusionInline(dest^.red, c.red);
- dest^.green := ByteExclusionInline(dest^.green, c.green);
- dest^.blue := ByteExclusionInline(dest^.blue, c.blue);
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end else
- begin
- dest^.red := (ByteExclusionInline(dest^.red, c.red) * destalpha +
- c.red * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.green := (ByteExclusionInline(dest^.green, c.green) *
- destalpha + c.green * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.blue := (ByteExclusionInline(dest^.blue, c.blue) * destalpha +
- c.blue * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end;
-function ByteLinearExclusionInline(a, b: byte): byte; inline;
- Result := a+b-(a*b shr 7);
-procedure LinearExclusionPixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
- destalpha: byte;
- destalpha := dest^.alpha;
- if destalpha = 0 then
- begin
- dest^ := c
- end else
- if destalpha = 255 then
- begin
- dest^.red := ByteLinearExclusionInline(dest^.red, c.red);
- dest^.green := ByteLinearExclusionInline(dest^.green, c.green);
- dest^.blue := ByteLinearExclusionInline(dest^.blue, c.blue);
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end else
- begin
- dest^.red := (ByteLinearExclusionInline(dest^.red, c.red) *
- destalpha + c.red * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.green := (ByteLinearExclusionInline(dest^.green, c.green) *
- destalpha + c.green * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.blue := (ByteLinearExclusionInline(dest^.blue, c.blue) *
- destalpha + c.blue * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end;
-function ByteLinearSubtractInline(a, b: byte): byte; inline;
- if b >= a then
- result := 0
- else
- result := a-b;
-procedure LinearSubtractPixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
- destalpha: byte;
- destalpha := dest^.alpha;
- if destalpha = 0 then
- begin
- dest^ := c
- end else
- if destalpha = 255 then
- begin
- dest^.red := ByteLinearSubtractInline(dest^.red, c.red);
- dest^.green := ByteLinearSubtractInline(dest^.green, c.green);
- dest^.blue := ByteLinearSubtractInline(dest^.blue, c.blue);
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end else
- begin
- dest^.red := (ByteLinearSubtractInline(dest^.red, c.red) * destalpha +
- c.red * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.green := (ByteLinearSubtractInline(dest^.green, c.green) *
- destalpha + c.green * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.blue := (ByteLinearSubtractInline(dest^.blue, c.blue) * destalpha +
- c.blue * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end;
-procedure LinearSubtractInversePixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
- destalpha: byte;
- destalpha := dest^.alpha;
- if destalpha = 0 then
- begin
- dest^ := c
- end else
- if destalpha = 255 then
- begin
- dest^.red := ByteLinearSubtractInline(dest^.red, not c.red);
- dest^.green := ByteLinearSubtractInline(dest^.green, not c.green);
- dest^.blue := ByteLinearSubtractInline(dest^.blue, not c.blue);
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end else
- begin
- dest^.red := (ByteLinearSubtractInline(dest^.red, not c.red) * destalpha +
- c.red * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.green := (ByteLinearSubtractInline(dest^.green, not c.green) *
- destalpha + c.green * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.blue := (ByteLinearSubtractInline(dest^.blue, not c.blue) * destalpha +
- c.blue * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end;
-function ByteSubtractInline(a, b: byte): byte; inline;
- if b >= a then
- result := 0
- else
- result := GammaCompressionTab[integer(GammaExpansionTab[a]) -
- integer(GammaExpansionTab[b])];
-procedure SubtractPixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
- destalpha: byte;
- destalpha := dest^.alpha;
- if destalpha = 0 then
- begin
- dest^ := c
- end else
- if destalpha = 255 then
- begin
- dest^.red := ByteSubtractInline(dest^.red, c.red);
- dest^.green := ByteSubtractInline(dest^.green, c.green);
- dest^.blue := ByteSubtractInline(dest^.blue, c.blue);
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end else
- begin
- dest^.red := (ByteSubtractInline(dest^.red, c.red) * destalpha +
- c.red * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.green := (ByteSubtractInline(dest^.green, c.green) *
- destalpha + c.green * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.blue := (ByteSubtractInline(dest^.blue, c.blue) * destalpha +
- c.blue * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end;
-function ByteSubtractInverseInline(a, b: byte): byte; inline;
-var aw,bw: word;
- aw := GammaExpansionTab[a];
- bw := not GammaExpansionTab[b];
- if bw >= aw then
- result := 0
- else
- result := GammaCompressionTab[aw-bw];
-procedure SubtractInversePixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
- destalpha: byte;
- destalpha := dest^.alpha;
- if destalpha = 0 then
- begin
- dest^ := c
- end else
- if destalpha = 255 then
- begin
- dest^.red := ByteSubtractInverseInline(dest^.red, c.red);
- dest^.green := ByteSubtractInverseInline(dest^.green, c.green);
- dest^.blue := ByteSubtractInverseInline(dest^.blue, c.blue);
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end else
- begin
- dest^.red := (ByteSubtractInverseInline(dest^.red, c.red) * destalpha +
- c.red * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.green := (ByteSubtractInverseInline(dest^.green, c.green) *
- destalpha + c.green * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.blue := (ByteSubtractInverseInline(dest^.blue, c.blue) * destalpha +
- c.blue * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end;
-function ByteNegationInline(a, b: byte): byte; inline;
- sum: integer;
- sum := integer(GammaExpansionTab[a]) + integer(GammaExpansionTab[b]);
- if sum > 65535 then
- sum := 131071 - sum;
- Result := GammaCompressionTab[sum];
-function ByteLinearNegationInline(a, b: byte): byte; inline;
- sum: integer;
- sum := integer(a) + integer(b);
- if sum > 255 then
- Result := 511 - sum
- else
- Result := sum;
-procedure NegationPixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
- destalpha: byte;
- destalpha := dest^.alpha;
- if destalpha = 0 then
- begin
- dest^ := c
- end else
- if destalpha = 255 then
- begin
- dest^.red := ByteNegationInline(dest^.red, c.red);
- dest^.green := ByteNegationInline(dest^.green, c.green);
- dest^.blue := ByteNegationInline(dest^.blue, c.blue);
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end else
- begin
- dest^.red := (ByteNegationInline(dest^.red, c.red) * destalpha +
- c.red * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.green := (ByteNegationInline(dest^.green, c.green) * destalpha +
- c.green * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.blue := (ByteNegationInline(dest^.blue, c.blue) * destalpha +
- c.blue * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end;
-procedure LinearNegationPixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
- destalpha: byte;
- destalpha := dest^.alpha;
- if destalpha = 0 then
- begin
- dest^ := c
- end else
- if destalpha = 255 then
- begin
- dest^.red := ByteLinearNegationInline(dest^.red, c.red);
- dest^.green := ByteLinearNegationInline(dest^.green, c.green);
- dest^.blue := ByteLinearNegationInline(dest^.blue, c.blue);
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end else
- begin
- dest^.red := (ByteLinearNegationInline(dest^.red, c.red) *
- destalpha + c.red * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.green := (ByteLinearNegationInline(dest^.green, c.green) *
- destalpha + c.green * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.blue := (ByteLinearNegationInline(dest^.blue, c.blue) *
- destalpha + c.blue * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end;
-function ByteLightenInline(a, b: byte): byte; inline;
- if a > b then
- Result := a
- else
- Result := b;
-procedure LightenPixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
- destalpha: byte;
- destalpha := dest^.alpha;
- if destalpha = 0 then
- begin
- dest^ := c
- end else
- if destalpha = 255 then
- begin
- dest^.red := ByteLightenInline(dest^.red, c.red);
- dest^.green := ByteLightenInline(dest^.green, c.green);
- dest^.blue := ByteLightenInline(dest^.blue, c.blue);
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end else
- begin
- dest^.red := (ByteLightenInline(dest^.red, c.red) * destalpha +
- c.red * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.green := (ByteLightenInline(dest^.green, c.green) * destalpha +
- c.green * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.blue := (ByteLightenInline(dest^.blue, c.blue) * destalpha +
- c.blue * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end;
-function ByteDarkenInline(a, b: byte): byte; inline;
- if a < b then
- Result := a
- else
- Result := b;
-procedure DarkenPixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
- destalpha: byte;
- destalpha := dest^.alpha;
- if destalpha = 0 then
- begin
- dest^ := c
- end else
- if destalpha = 255 then
- begin
- dest^.red := ByteDarkenInline(dest^.red, c.red);
- dest^.green := ByteDarkenInline(dest^.green, c.green);
- dest^.blue := ByteDarkenInline(dest^.blue, c.blue);
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end else
- begin
- dest^.red := (ByteDarkenInline(dest^.red, c.red) * destalpha +
- c.red * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.green := (ByteDarkenInline(dest^.green, c.green) * destalpha +
- c.green * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.blue := (ByteDarkenInline(dest^.blue, c.blue) * destalpha +
- c.blue * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end;
-{$hints off}
-function ScreenByteInline(a, b: byte): byte;
- Result := 255 - ((not a) * (not b) shr 8);
-{$hints on}
-procedure ScreenPixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
- destalpha: byte;
- destalpha := dest^.alpha;
- if destalpha = 0 then
- begin
- dest^ := c
- end else
- if destalpha = 255 then
- begin
- dest^.red := ScreenByteInline(dest^.red, c.red);
- dest^.green := ScreenByteInline(dest^.green, c.green);
- dest^.blue := ScreenByteInline(dest^.blue, c.blue);
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end else
- begin
- dest^.red := (ScreenByteInline(dest^.red, c.red) * destalpha +
- c.red * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.green := (ScreenByteInline(dest^.green, c.green) * destalpha +
- c.green * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.blue := (ScreenByteInline(dest^.blue, c.blue) * destalpha +
- c.blue * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end;
-function ByteSoftLightInline(a,b: byte): byte; inline;
- result := ((not a)*b shr 7 + a)*a div 255;
-procedure SoftLightPixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
- destalpha: byte;
- destalpha := dest^.alpha;
- if destalpha = 0 then
- begin
- dest^ := c
- end else
- if destalpha = 255 then
- begin
- dest^.red := ByteSoftLightInline(dest^.red, c.red);
- dest^.green := ByteSoftLightInline(dest^.green, c.green);
- dest^.blue := ByteSoftLightInline(dest^.blue, c.blue);
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end else
- begin
- dest^.red := (ByteSoftLightInline(dest^.red, c.red) * destalpha +
- c.red * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.green := (ByteSoftLightInline(dest^.green, c.green) * destalpha +
- c.green * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.blue := (ByteSoftLightInline(dest^.blue, c.blue) * destalpha +
- c.blue * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end;
-function ByteSvgSoftLightInline(a,b: byte): byte; inline;
- if b <= 128 then
- result := a - (((256 - b-b)*a shr 8)*(not a) shr 8)
- else
- begin
- dec(b, 128);
- if a <= 64 then
- result := a + ((b+b) * UInt32or64(a*7 - ((a shl 2)*(a shl 2 + 256)*UInt32or64(256 - a) shr 16)) shr 8)
- else
- result := a + ((b+b+1) * UInt32or64(ByteSqrt(a)-a) shr 8);
- end;
-procedure SvgSoftLightPixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
- destalpha: byte;
- destalpha := dest^.alpha;
- if destalpha = 0 then
- begin
- dest^ := c
- end else
- if destalpha = 255 then
- begin
- dest^.red := ByteSvgSoftLightInline(dest^.red, c.red);
- dest^.green := ByteSvgSoftLightInline(dest^.green, c.green);
- dest^.blue := ByteSvgSoftLightInline(dest^.blue, c.blue);
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end else
- begin
- dest^.red := (ByteSvgSoftLightInline(dest^.red, c.red) * destalpha +
- c.red * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.green := (ByteSvgSoftLightInline(dest^.green, c.green) * destalpha +
- c.green * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.blue := (ByteSvgSoftLightInline(dest^.blue, c.blue) * destalpha +
- c.blue * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end;
-function ByteHardLightInline(a,b: byte): byte; inline;
- if b <= 128 then
- result := a*b shr 7
- else
- result := 255 - ((not a)*(not b) shr 7);
-procedure HardLightPixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
- destalpha: byte;
- destalpha := dest^.alpha;
- if destalpha = 0 then
- begin
- dest^ := c
- end else
- if destalpha = 255 then
- begin
- dest^.red := ByteHardLightInline(dest^.red, c.red);
- dest^.green := ByteHardLightInline(dest^.green, c.green);
- dest^.blue := ByteHardLightInline(dest^.blue, c.blue);
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end else
- begin
- dest^.red := (ByteHardLightInline(dest^.red, c.red) * destalpha +
- c.red * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.green := (ByteHardLightInline(dest^.green, c.green) * destalpha +
- c.green * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.blue := (ByteHardLightInline(dest^.blue, c.blue) * destalpha +
- c.blue * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end;
-procedure BlendXorPixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
- destalpha: byte;
- destalpha := dest^.alpha;
- if destalpha = 0 then
- begin
- dest^ := c
- end else
- if destalpha = 255 then
- begin
- dest^.red := dest^.red xor c.red;
- dest^.green := dest^.green xor c.green;
- dest^.blue := dest^.blue xor c.blue;
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end else
- begin
- dest^.red := ((dest^.red xor c.red) * destalpha + c.red * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.green := ((dest^.green xor c.green) * destalpha + c.green *
- (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.blue := ((dest^.blue xor c.blue) * destalpha + c.blue * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end;
-procedure BlendMaskPixelInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
-const alphaMax = 255*7;
-var alpha: byte;
- alpha := (c.green shl 2) + (c.red shl 1) + c.blue;
- alpha := alpha*c.alpha + (255*7)*(not c.alpha);
- alpha := (alpha + (alphaMax shr 1)) div alphaMax;
- if alpha = 0 then dest^ := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else dest^.alpha := alpha;
-function ByteLinearMultiplySaturationInline(a,b,l: byte): byte; inline;
- if b = 255 then
- result := a
- else if b = 0 then
- result := l
- else
- result := (a-l)*b div 255 + l;
-procedure LinearMultiplySaturationInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel); inline;
- destalpha: byte;
- mini,maxi,l: byte;
- destalpha := dest^.alpha;
- if destalpha = 0 then
- begin
- dest^ := c
- end else
- begin
- mini := dest^.red; maxi := dest^.red;
- if dest^.green < mini then mini := dest^.green else
- if dest^.green > maxi then maxi := dest^.green;
- if dest^.blue < mini then mini := dest^.blue else
- if dest^.blue > maxi then maxi := dest^.blue;
- l := (mini+maxi) div 2;
- if destalpha = 255 then
- begin
- dest^.red := ByteLinearMultiplySaturationInline(dest^.red, c.red, l);
- dest^.green := ByteLinearMultiplySaturationInline(dest^.green, c.green, l);
- dest^.blue := ByteLinearMultiplySaturationInline(dest^.blue, c.blue, l);
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end else
- begin
- dest^.red := (ByteLinearMultiplySaturationInline(dest^.red, c.red, l) * destalpha +
- c.red * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.green := (ByteLinearMultiplySaturationInline(dest^.green, c.green, l) * destalpha +
- c.green * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.blue := (ByteLinearMultiplySaturationInline(dest^.blue, c.blue, l) * destalpha +
- c.blue * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- end;
- end;
-procedure LinearHueInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel);
- destalpha: byte;
- srcHSLA, destHSLA: TStdHSLA;
- destalpha := dest^.alpha;
- if destalpha = 0 then
- begin
- dest^ := c
- end else
- begin
- srcHSLA := c.ToStdHSLA;
- destHSLA := dest^.ToStdHSLA;
- destHSLA.hue := srcHSLA.hue;
- destHSLA.alpha:= srcHSLA.alpha;
- dest^ := destHSLA;
- if destalpha <> 255 then
- begin
- dest^.red := (dest^.red * destalpha + c.red * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.green := (dest^.green * destalpha + c.green * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.blue := (dest^.blue * destalpha + c.blue * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- end;
- end;
-procedure LinearColorInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel);
- destalpha: byte;
- srcHSLA, destHSLA: TStdHSLA;
- destalpha := dest^.alpha;
- if destalpha = 0 then
- begin
- dest^ := c
- end else
- begin
- srcHSLA := c.ToStdHSLA;
- destHSLA := dest^.ToStdHSLA;
- srcHSLA.lightness := destHSLA.lightness;
- dest^ := srcHSLA;
- if destalpha <> 255 then
- begin
- dest^.red := (dest^.red * destalpha + c.red * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.green := (dest^.green * destalpha + c.green * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.blue := (dest^.blue * destalpha + c.blue * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- end;
- end;
-procedure LinearLightnessInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel);
- destalpha: byte;
- destHSLA: TStdHSLA;
- destalpha := dest^.alpha;
- if destalpha = 0 then
- begin
- dest^ := c
- end else
- begin
- destHSLA := dest^.ToStdHSLA;
- destHSLA.lightness := c.ToStdHSLA.lightness;
- dest^ := destHSLA;
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- if destalpha <> 255 then
- begin
- dest^.red := (dest^.red * destalpha + c.red * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.green := (dest^.green * destalpha + c.green * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.blue := (dest^.blue * destalpha + c.blue * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- end;
- end;
-procedure LinearSaturationInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel);
- destalpha: byte;
- destHSLA: TStdHSLA;
- destalpha := dest^.alpha;
- if destalpha = 0 then
- begin
- dest^ := c
- end else
- begin
- destHSLA := dest^.ToStdHSLA;
- if destHSLA.saturation <> 0 then
- begin
- destHSLA.saturation:= c.ToStdHSLA.saturation;
- dest^ := destHSLA;
- end;
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- if destalpha <> 255 then
- begin
- dest^.red := (dest^.red * destalpha + c.red * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.green := (dest^.green * destalpha + c.green * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.blue := (dest^.blue * destalpha + c.blue * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- end;
- end;
-procedure CorrectedHueInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel);
- destalpha: byte;
- srcGSBA, destGSBA: TGSBAPixel;
- destalpha := dest^.alpha;
- if destalpha = 0 then
- begin
- dest^ := c
- end else
- begin
- srcGSBA := c.ToGSBAPixel;
- destGSBA := dest^.ToGSBAPixel;
- destGSBA.hue := srcGSBA.hue;
- destGSBA.alpha:= srcGSBA.alpha;
- dest^ := destGSBA;
- if destalpha <> 255 then
- begin
- dest^.red := (dest^.red * destalpha + c.red * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.green := (dest^.green * destalpha + c.green * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.blue := (dest^.blue * destalpha + c.blue * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- end;
- end;
-procedure CorrectedColorInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel);
- destalpha: byte;
- destalpha := dest^.alpha;
- if destalpha = 0 then
- begin
- dest^ := c
- end else
- begin
- dest^ := SetLightness(c, dest^.Lightness);
- if destalpha <> 255 then
- begin
- dest^.red := (dest^.red * destalpha + c.red * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.green := (dest^.green * destalpha + c.green * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.blue := (dest^.blue * destalpha + c.blue * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- end;
- end;
-procedure CorrectedLightnessInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel);
- destalpha: byte;
- destalpha := dest^.alpha;
- if destalpha = 0 then
- begin
- dest^ := c
- end else
- begin
- dest^ := SetLightness(dest^, c.Lightness);
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- if destalpha <> 255 then
- begin
- dest^.red := (dest^.red * destalpha + c.red * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.green := (dest^.green * destalpha + c.green * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.blue := (dest^.blue * destalpha + c.blue * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- end;
- end;
-procedure CorrectedSaturationInline(dest: PBGRAPixel; c: TBGRAPixel);
- destalpha: byte;
- destGSBA: TGSBAPixel;
- destalpha := dest^.alpha;
- if destalpha = 0 then
- begin
- dest^ := c
- end else
- begin
- destGSBA := dest^.ToGSBAPixel;
- if destGSBA.saturation <> 0 then
- begin
- destGSBA.saturation:= c.ToGSBAPixel.saturation;
- dest^ := destGSBA;
- end;
- dest^.alpha := c.alpha;
- if destalpha <> 255 then
- begin
- dest^.red := (dest^.red * destalpha + c.red * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.green := (dest^.green * destalpha + c.green * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- dest^.blue := (dest^.blue * destalpha + c.blue * (not destalpha)) shr 8;
- end;
- end;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/blendpixels.inc b/components/bgrabitmap/blendpixels.inc
deleted file mode 100644
index ba55e70..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/blendpixels.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,497 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-procedure FastBlendPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer);
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest, psrc^);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure DrawTransparentPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer);
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, psrc^);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure LinearMultiplyPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer);
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- LinearMultiplyPixelInline(pdest, psrc^); //same look with non linear
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure AddPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer);
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- AddPixelInline(pdest, psrc^);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure LinearAddPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer);
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- LinearAddPixelInline(pdest, psrc^);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure ColorBurnPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer);
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- ColorBurnPixelInline(pdest, psrc^);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure ColorDodgePixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer);
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- ColorDodgePixelInline(pdest, psrc^);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure DividePixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer);
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- DividePixelInline(pdest, psrc^);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure ReflectPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer);
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- ReflectPixelInline(pdest, psrc^);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure GlowPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer);
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- GlowPixelInline(pdest, psrc^);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure NiceGlowPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer);
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- NiceGlowPixelInline(pdest, psrc^);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure OverlayPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer);
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- OverlayPixelInline(pdest, psrc^);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure LinearOverlayPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer);
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- LinearOverlayPixelInline(pdest, psrc^);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure DifferencePixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer);
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- DifferencePixelInline(pdest, psrc^);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure LinearDifferencePixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer);
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- LinearDifferencePixelInline(pdest, psrc^);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure ExclusionPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer);
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- ExclusionPixelInline(pdest, psrc^);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure LinearExclusionPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer);
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- LinearExclusionPixelInline(pdest, psrc^);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure LinearSubtractPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer);
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- LinearSubtractPixelInline(pdest, psrc^);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure LinearSubtractInversePixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer);
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- LinearSubtractInversePixelInline(pdest, psrc^);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure SubtractPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer);
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- SubtractPixelInline(pdest, psrc^);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure SubtractInversePixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer);
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- SubtractInversePixelInline(pdest, psrc^);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure NegationPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer);
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- NegationPixelInline(pdest, psrc^);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure LinearNegationPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer);
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- LinearNegationPixelInline(pdest, psrc^);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure LightenPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer);
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- LightenPixelInline(pdest, psrc^);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure DarkenPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer);
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- DarkenPixelInline(pdest, psrc^);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure ScreenPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer);
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- ScreenPixelInline(pdest, psrc^);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure SoftLightPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer);
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- SoftLightPixelInline(pdest, psrc^);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure SvgSoftLightPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer);
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- SvgSoftLightPixelInline(pdest, psrc^);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure HardLightPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer);
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- HardLightPixelInline(pdest, psrc^);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure BlendXorPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer);
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- BlendXorPixelInline(pdest, psrc^);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure BlendMaskPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer);
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- BlendMaskPixelInline(pdest, psrc^);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure LinearMultiplySaturationPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer);
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- LinearMultiplySaturationInline(pdest, psrc^);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure LinearHuePixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer);
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- LinearHueInline(pdest, psrc^);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure LinearColorPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer);
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- LinearColorInline(pdest, psrc^);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure LinearLightnessPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer);
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- LinearLightnessInline(pdest, psrc^);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure LinearSaturationPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer);
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- LinearSaturationInline(pdest, psrc^);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure CorrectedHuePixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer);
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- CorrectedHueInline(pdest, psrc^);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure CorrectedColorPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer);
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- CorrectedColorInline(pdest, psrc^);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure CorrectedLightnessPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer);
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- CorrectedLightnessInline(pdest, psrc^);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure CorrectedSaturationPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer);
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- CorrectedSaturationInline(pdest, psrc^);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
- TBlendPixelsProc = procedure(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer);
- BlendPixelsProc: array[TBlendOperation] of TBlendPixelsProc =
- ( @FastBlendPixels, @DrawTransparentPixels,
- @LightenPixels, @ScreenPixels, @AddPixels, @LinearAddPixels, @ColorDodgePixels, @DividePixels, @NiceGlowPixels, @SoftLightPixels, @HardLightPixels,
- @GlowPixels, @ReflectPixels, @LinearOverlayPixels, @OverlayPixels, @DarkenPixels, @LinearMultiplyPixels, @ColorBurnPixels,
- @DifferencePixels, @LinearDifferencePixels, @ExclusionPixels, @LinearExclusionPixels, @SubtractPixels, @LinearSubtractPixels,
- @SubtractInversePixels, @LinearSubtractInversePixels, @NegationPixels, @LinearNegationPixels, @BlendXorPixels, @SvgSoftLightPixels,
- @BlendMaskPixels, @LinearMultiplySaturationPixels, @LinearHuePixels, @LinearColorPixels, @LinearLightnessPixels, @LinearSaturationPixels,
- @CorrectedHuePixels, @CorrectedColorPixels, @CorrectedLightnessPixels, @CorrectedSaturationPixels);
-procedure BlendPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel;
- blendOp: TBlendOperation; Count: integer; excludeChannels: TChannels = []);
-const BufSize = 8;
- destBuf: array[0..BufSize-1] of TBGRAPixel;
- i: PtrInt;
- if (excludeChannels = [cRed,cGreen,cBlue,cAlpha]) or
- ((blendOp = boMask) and (cAlpha in excludeChannels)) then exit;
- if excludeChannels = [] then
- BlendPixelsProc[blendOp](pdest, psrc, count) else
- begin
- while Count >= BufSize do
- begin
- move(pdest^, {%H-}destBuf, sizeof(destBuf));
- BlendPixelsProc[blendOp](@destBuf, psrc, BufSize);
- for i := 0 to BufSize-1 do
- begin
- if not (cRed in excludeChannels) then pdest^.red := destBuf[i].red;
- if not (cGreen in excludeChannels) then pdest^.green := destBuf[i].green;
- if not (cBlue in excludeChannels) then pdest^.blue := destBuf[i].blue;
- if not (cAlpha in excludeChannels) then pdest^.alpha := destBuf[i].alpha;
- inc(pdest);
- end;
- dec(count, BufSize);
- end;
- if count > 0 then
- begin
- move(pdest^, {%H-}destBuf, count*sizeof(TBGRAPixel));
- BlendPixelsProc[blendOp](@destBuf, psrc, count);
- for i := 0 to count-1 do
- begin
- if not (cRed in excludeChannels) then pdest^.red := destBuf[i].red;
- if not (cGreen in excludeChannels) then pdest^.green := destBuf[i].green;
- if not (cBlue in excludeChannels) then pdest^.blue := destBuf[i].blue;
- if not (cAlpha in excludeChannels) then pdest^.alpha := destBuf[i].alpha;
- inc(pdest);
- end;
- end;
- end;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/blendpixelsover.inc b/components/bgrabitmap/blendpixelsover.inc
deleted file mode 100644
index dd9cc22..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/blendpixelsover.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1154 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-{************************* blend over ***************************}
-procedure FastBlendPixelsWithOpacity(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest, psrc^, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure DrawPixelsWithOpacity(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, psrc^, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure LinearMultiplyPixelsLinearOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- LinearMultiplyPixelInline(@temp, psrc^); //same look with non linear
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure LinearMultiplyPixelsDrawOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- LinearMultiplyPixelInline(@temp, psrc^); //same look with non linear
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure AddPixelsLinearOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- AddPixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure AddPixelsDrawOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- AddPixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure LinearAddPixelsLinearOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- LinearAddPixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure LinearAddPixelsDrawOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- LinearAddPixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure ColorBurnPixelsLinearOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- ColorBurnPixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure ColorBurnPixelsDrawOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- ColorBurnPixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure ColorDodgePixelsLinearOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- ColorDodgePixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure ColorDodgePixelsDrawOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- ColorDodgePixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure DividePixelsLinearOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- DividePixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure DividePixelsDrawOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- DividePixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure ReflectPixelsLinearOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- ReflectPixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure ReflectPixelsDrawOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- ReflectPixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure GlowPixelsLinearOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- GlowPixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure GlowPixelsDrawOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- GlowPixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure NiceGlowPixelsLinearOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- NiceGlowPixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure NiceGlowPixelsDrawOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- NiceGlowPixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure OverlayPixelsLinearOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- OverlayPixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure OverlayPixelsDrawOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- OverlayPixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure LinearOverlayPixelsLinearOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- LinearOverlayPixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure LinearOverlayPixelsDrawOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- LinearOverlayPixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure DifferencePixelsLinearOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- DifferencePixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure DifferencePixelsDrawOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- DifferencePixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure LinearDifferencePixelsLinearOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- LinearDifferencePixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure LinearDifferencePixelsDrawOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- LinearDifferencePixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure ExclusionPixelsLinearOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- ExclusionPixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure ExclusionPixelsDrawOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- ExclusionPixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure LinearExclusionPixelsLinearOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- LinearExclusionPixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure LinearExclusionPixelsDrawOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- LinearExclusionPixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure LinearSubtractPixelsLinearOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- LinearSubtractPixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure LinearSubtractPixelsDrawOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- LinearSubtractPixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure LinearSubtractInversePixelsLinearOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- LinearSubtractInversePixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure LinearSubtractInversePixelsDrawOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- LinearSubtractInversePixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure SubtractPixelsLinearOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- SubtractPixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure SubtractPixelsDrawOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- SubtractPixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure SubtractInversePixelsLinearOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- SubtractInversePixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure SubtractInversePixelsDrawOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- SubtractInversePixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure NegationPixelsLinearOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- NegationPixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure NegationPixelsDrawOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- NegationPixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure LinearNegationPixelsLinearOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- LinearNegationPixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure LinearNegationPixelsDrawOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- LinearNegationPixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure LightenPixelsLinearOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- LightenPixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure LightenPixelsDrawOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- LightenPixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure DarkenPixelsLinearOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- DarkenPixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure DarkenPixelsDrawOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- DarkenPixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure ScreenPixelsLinearOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- ScreenPixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure ScreenPixelsDrawOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- ScreenPixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure SoftLightPixelsLinearOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- SoftLightPixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure SvgSoftLightPixelsLinearOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- SvgSoftLightPixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure SoftLightPixelsDrawOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- SoftLightPixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure SvgSoftLightPixelsDrawOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- SvgSoftLightPixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure HardLightPixelsLinearOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- HardLightPixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure HardLightPixelsDrawOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- HardLightPixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure BlendXorPixelsLinearOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- BlendXorPixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure BlendXorPixelsDrawOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- BlendXorPixelInline(@temp, psrc^);
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure MaskPixelsDrawOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-const alphaMax = 255*7*255;
- alpha, opacity256: UInt32or64;
- newAlpha: byte;
- if Opacity >= 128 then opacity256 := Opacity+1 else opacity256 := Opacity;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- if pdest^.alpha > 0 then
- begin
- alpha := (psrc^.green shl 2) + (psrc^.red shl 1) + psrc^.blue;
- alpha := alpha*psrc^.alpha + (255*7)*(not psrc^.alpha);
- newAlpha := (pdest^.alpha * alpha + (alphaMax shr 1)) div alphaMax;
- pdest^.alpha := (pdest^.alpha*UInt32or64(256 - opacity256) + newAlpha*opacity256) shr 8;
- if pdest^.alpha = 0 then pdest^ := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- end;
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure LinearMultiplySaturationLinearOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- LinearMultiplySaturationInline(@temp, psrc^);
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure LinearHueLinearOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- LinearHueInline(@temp, psrc^);
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure LinearColorLinearOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- LinearColorInline(@temp, psrc^);
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure LinearLightnessLinearOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- LinearLightnessInline(@temp, psrc^);
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure LinearSaturationLinearOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- LinearSaturationInline(@temp, psrc^);
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure CorrectedHueLinearOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- CorrectedHueInline(@temp, psrc^);
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure CorrectedColorLinearOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- CorrectedColorInline(@temp, psrc^);
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure CorrectedLightnessLinearOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- CorrectedLightnessInline(@temp, psrc^);
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure CorrectedSaturationLinearOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- CorrectedSaturationInline(@temp, psrc^);
- FastBlendPixelInline(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure LinearMultiplySaturationDrawOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- LinearMultiplySaturationInline(@temp, psrc^);
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure LinearHueDrawOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- LinearHueInline(@temp, psrc^);
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure LinearColorDrawOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- LinearColorInline(@temp, psrc^);
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure LinearLightnessDrawOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- LinearLightnessInline(@temp, psrc^);
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure LinearSaturationDrawOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- LinearSaturationInline(@temp, psrc^);
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure CorrectedHueDrawOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- CorrectedHueInline(@temp, psrc^);
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure CorrectedColorDrawOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- CorrectedColorInline(@temp, psrc^);
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure CorrectedLightnessDrawOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- CorrectedLightnessInline(@temp, psrc^);
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-procedure CorrectedSaturationDrawOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
-var temp: TBGRAPixel;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- temp := pdest^;
- CorrectedSaturationInline(@temp, psrc^);
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, temp, opacity);
- Inc(pdest);
- Inc(psrc);
- Dec(Count);
- end;
-{************************** table ****************************************}
- TBlendPixelsOverProc = procedure(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel; Count: integer; Opacity: byte);
- BlendPixelsOverProc: array[Boolean, TBlendOperation] of TBlendPixelsOverProc =
- ( (@FastBlendPixelsWithOpacity, @DrawPixelsWithOpacity,
- @LightenPixelsDrawOver, @ScreenPixelsDrawOver, @AddPixelsDrawOver, @LinearAddPixelsDrawOver, @ColorDodgePixelsDrawOver, @DividePixelsDrawOver, @NiceGlowPixelsDrawOver, @SoftLightPixelsDrawOver, @HardLightPixelsDrawOver,
- @GlowPixelsDrawOver, @ReflectPixelsDrawOver, @LinearOverlayPixelsDrawOver, @OverlayPixelsDrawOver, @DarkenPixelsDrawOver, @LinearMultiplyPixelsDrawOver, @ColorBurnPixelsDrawOver,
- @DifferencePixelsDrawOver, @LinearDifferencePixelsDrawOver, @ExclusionPixelsDrawOver, @LinearExclusionPixelsDrawOver, @SubtractPixelsDrawOver, @LinearSubtractPixelsDrawOver,
- @SubtractInversePixelsDrawOver, @LinearSubtractInversePixelsDrawOver, @NegationPixelsDrawOver, @LinearNegationPixelsDrawOver, @BlendXorPixelsDrawOver, @SvgSoftLightPixelsDrawOver,
- @MaskPixelsDrawOver, @LinearMultiplySaturationDrawOver, @LinearHueDrawOver, @LinearColorDrawOver, @LinearLightnessDrawOver, @LinearSaturationDrawOver,
- @CorrectedHueDrawOver, @CorrectedColorDrawOver, @CorrectedLightnessDrawOver, @CorrectedSaturationDrawOver),
- (@FastBlendPixelsWithOpacity, @FastBlendPixelsWithOpacity,
- @LightenPixelsLinearOver, @ScreenPixelsLinearOver, @AddPixelsLinearOver, @LinearAddPixelsLinearOver, @ColorDodgePixelsLinearOver, @DividePixelsLinearOver, @NiceGlowPixelsLinearOver, @SoftLightPixelsLinearOver, @HardLightPixelsLinearOver,
- @GlowPixelsLinearOver, @ReflectPixelsLinearOver, @LinearOverlayPixelsLinearOver, @OverlayPixelsLinearOver, @DarkenPixelsLinearOver, @LinearMultiplyPixelsLinearOver, @ColorBurnPixelsLinearOver,
- @DifferencePixelsLinearOver, @LinearDifferencePixelsLinearOver, @ExclusionPixelsLinearOver, @LinearExclusionPixelsLinearOver, @SubtractPixelsLinearOver, @LinearSubtractPixelsLinearOver,
- @SubtractInversePixelsLinearOver, @LinearSubtractInversePixelsLinearOver, @NegationPixelsLinearOver, @LinearNegationPixelsLinearOver, @BlendXorPixelsLinearOver, @SvgSoftLightPixelsLinearOver,
- @MaskPixelsDrawOver, @LinearMultiplySaturationLinearOver, @CorrectedHueLinearOver, @LinearColorLinearOver, @LinearLightnessLinearOver, @LinearSaturationLinearOver,
- @CorrectedHueLinearOver, @CorrectedColorLinearOver, @CorrectedLightnessLinearOver, @CorrectedSaturationLinearOver));
-{************************* calling procedure ***************************}
-procedure BlendPixelsOver(pdest: PBGRAPixel; psrc: PBGRAPixel;
- blendOp: TBlendOperation; Count: integer; opacity: byte; linearBlend: boolean; excludeChannels: TChannels = []);
-const BufSize = 8;
- destBuf: array[0..BufSize-1] of TBGRAPixel;
- i: PtrInt;
- blendProc: TBlendPixelsOverProc;
- if (excludeChannels = [cRed,cGreen,cBlue,cAlpha]) or
- ((blendOp = boMask) and (cAlpha in excludeChannels)) or
- (opacity = 0) then exit;
- blendProc := BlendPixelsOverProc[linearblend, blendOp];
- if excludeChannels = [] then
- blendProc(pdest, psrc, count, opacity) else
- begin
- while Count >= BufSize do
- begin
- move(pdest^, {%H-}destBuf, sizeof(destBuf));
- blendProc(@destBuf, psrc, BufSize, opacity);
- for i := 0 to BufSize-1 do
- begin
- if not (cRed in excludeChannels) then pdest^.red := destBuf[i].red;
- if not (cGreen in excludeChannels) then pdest^.green := destBuf[i].green;
- if not (cBlue in excludeChannels) then pdest^.blue := destBuf[i].blue;
- if not (cAlpha in excludeChannels) then pdest^.alpha := destBuf[i].alpha;
- inc(pdest);
- end;
- dec(count, BufSize);
- end;
- if count > 0 then
- begin
- move(pdest^, {%H-}destBuf, count*sizeof(TBGRAPixel));
- blendProc(@destBuf, psrc, count, opacity);
- for i := 0 to count-1 do
- begin
- if not (cRed in excludeChannels) then pdest^.red := destBuf[i].red;
- if not (cGreen in excludeChannels) then pdest^.green := destBuf[i].green;
- if not (cBlue in excludeChannels) then pdest^.blue := destBuf[i].blue;
- if not (cAlpha in excludeChannels) then pdest^.alpha := destBuf[i].alpha;
- inc(pdest);
- end;
- end;
- end;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/blurbox.inc b/components/bgrabitmap/blurbox.inc
deleted file mode 100644
index 5afbf60..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/blurbox.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,464 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-procedure IncAcc(var ADest: TAccumulator; ADelta: TAccumulator); inline;
- inc64(ADest, ADelta);
- {$ELSE}
- inc(ADest, ADelta);
- {$ENDIF}
-procedure DecAcc(var ADest: TAccumulator; ADelta: TAccumulator); inline;
- dec64(ADest, ADelta);
- {$ELSE}
- dec(ADest, ADelta);
- {$ENDIF}
- TVertical = record red,green,blue,alpha,count: TAccumulator; end;
- PVertical = ^TVertical;
- verticals: PVertical;
- left,right,width,height: Int32or64;
- iRadiusX,iRadiusY: Int32or64;
- factExtraX,factExtraY: UInt32or64;
- procedure PrepareVerticals;
- var
- xb,yb: Int32or64;
- psrc,p: PByte;
- pvert : PVertical;
- {%H-}a2: UInt32or64;
- delta: PtrInt;
- srcPixSize: Integer;
- begin
- delta := ASource.RowSize;
- if ASource.LineOrder = riloBottomToTop then delta := -delta;
- srcPixSize := ASource.Colorspace.GetSize;
- fillchar(verticals^, width*sizeof(TVertical), 0);
- psrc := ASource.GetPixelAddress(left,ABounds.Top);
- pvert := verticals;
- if factExtraY = 0 then
- begin
- for xb := left to right-1 do
- begin
- p := psrc;
- for yb := 0 to iRadiusY-1 do
- begin
- if yb = height then break;
- IncAcc(pvert^.green, p^);
- IncAcc(pvert^.alpha, 1);
- {$ELSE}
- with PBGRAPixel(p)^ do
- if alpha <> 0 then
- begin
- a2 := alpha;
- IncAcc(pvert^.red, red * a2);
- IncAcc(pvert^.green, green * a2);
- IncAcc(pvert^.blue, blue * a2);
- IncAcc(pvert^.alpha, a2);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- inc(pvert^.count);
- inc(p, delta);
- end;
- inc(pvert);
- inc(psrc, srcPixSize);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- for xb := left to right-1 do
- begin
- p := psrc;
- for yb := 0 to iRadiusY-1 do
- begin
- if yb = height then break;
- IncAcc(pvert^.green, p^ * factMainY);
- IncAcc(pvert^.alpha, factMainY);
- {$ELSE}
- with PBGRAPixel(p)^ do
- if alpha <> 0 then
- begin
- a2 := alpha * factMainY;
- IncAcc(pvert^.red, red * a2);
- IncAcc(pvert^.green, green * a2);
- IncAcc(pvert^.blue, blue * a2);
- IncAcc(pvert^.alpha, a2);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- inc(pvert^.count, factMainY);
- inc(p, delta);
- end;
- if iRadiusY < height then
- begin
- IncAcc(pvert^.green, p^ * factExtraY);
- IncAcc(pvert^.alpha, factExtraY);
- {$ELSE}
- with PBGRAPixel(p)^ do
- if alpha <> 0 then
- begin
- a2 := alpha * factExtraY;
- IncAcc(pvert^.red, red * a2);
- IncAcc(pvert^.green, green * a2);
- IncAcc(pvert^.blue, blue * a2);
- IncAcc(pvert^.alpha, a2);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- inc(pvert^.count, factExtraY);
- end;
- inc(pvert);
- inc(psrc, srcPixSize);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure NextVerticals(y: integer);
- var
- psrc0,psrc1,psrc2,psrc3: PByte;
- pvert : PVertical;
- xb: Int32or64;
- {%H-}a2: UInt32or64;
- srcPixSize: Integer;
- begin
- pvert := verticals;
- if y-iRadiusY-1 >= ABounds.Top then
- psrc1 := ASource.GetPixelAddress(left, y-iRadiusY-1)
- else
- psrc1 := nil;
- if y+iRadiusY < ABounds.Bottom then
- psrc2 := ASource.GetPixelAddress(left, y+iRadiusY)
- else
- psrc2 := nil;
- srcPixSize := ASource.Colorspace.GetSize;
- if factExtraY = 0 then
- begin
- for xb := width-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- if psrc1 <> nil then
- begin
- DecAcc(pvert^.green, psrc1^);
- DecAcc(pvert^.alpha, 1);
- {$ELSE}
- with PBGRAPixel(psrc1)^ do
- if alpha <> 0 then
- begin
- DecAcc(pvert^.red, red * alpha);
- DecAcc(pvert^.green, green * alpha);
- DecAcc(pvert^.blue, blue * alpha);
- DecAcc(pvert^.alpha, alpha);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- dec(pvert^.count);
- inc(psrc1,srcPixSize);
- end;
- if psrc2 <> nil then
- begin
- IncAcc(pvert^.green, psrc2^);
- IncAcc(pvert^.alpha, 1);
- {$ELSE}
- with PBGRAPixel(psrc2)^ do
- if alpha <> 0 then
- begin
- IncAcc(pvert^.red, red * alpha);
- IncAcc(pvert^.green, green * alpha);
- IncAcc(pvert^.blue, blue * alpha);
- IncAcc(pvert^.alpha, alpha);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- inc(pvert^.count);
- inc(psrc2,srcPixSize);
- end;
- inc(pvert);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- if y-iRadiusY-2 >= ABounds.Top then
- psrc0 := ASource.GetPixelAddress(left,y-iRadiusY-2)
- else
- psrc0 := nil;
- if y+iRadiusY+1 < ABounds.Bottom then
- psrc3 := ASource.GetPixelAddress(left,y+iRadiusY+1)
- else
- psrc3 := nil;
- for xb := width-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- if psrc0 <> nil then
- begin
- DecAcc(pvert^.green, psrc0^*factExtraY);
- DecAcc(pvert^.alpha, factExtraY);
- {$ELSE}
- with PBGRAPixel(psrc0)^ do
- if alpha <> 0 then
- begin
- a2 := alpha*factExtraY;
- DecAcc(pvert^.red, red * a2);
- DecAcc(pvert^.green, green * a2);
- DecAcc(pvert^.blue, blue * a2);
- DecAcc(pvert^.alpha, a2);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- dec(pvert^.count,factExtraY);
- inc(psrc0,srcPixSize);
- end;
- if psrc1 <> nil then
- begin
- DecAcc(pvert^.green, psrc1^*(factMainY - factExtraY));
- DecAcc(pvert^.alpha, (factMainY - factExtraY));
- {$ELSE}
- with PBGRAPixel(psrc1)^ do
- if alpha <> 0 then
- begin
- a2 := alpha*(factMainY - factExtraY);
- DecAcc(pvert^.red, red * a2);
- DecAcc(pvert^.green, green * a2);
- DecAcc(pvert^.blue, blue * a2);
- DecAcc(pvert^.alpha, a2);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- dec(pvert^.count, factMainY - factExtraY);
- inc(psrc1,srcPixSize);
- end;
- if psrc2 <> nil then
- begin
- IncAcc(pvert^.green, psrc2^*(factMainY - factExtraY));
- IncAcc(pvert^.alpha, (factMainY - factExtraY));
- {$ELSE}
- with PBGRAPixel(psrc2)^ do
- if alpha <> 0 then
- begin
- a2 := alpha*(factMainY - factExtraY);
- IncAcc(pvert^.red, red * a2);
- IncAcc(pvert^.green, green * a2);
- IncAcc(pvert^.blue, blue * a2);
- IncAcc(pvert^.alpha, a2);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- inc(pvert^.count, factMainY - factExtraY);
- inc(psrc2,srcPixSize);
- end;
- if psrc3 <> nil then
- begin
- IncAcc(pvert^.green, psrc3^*factExtraY);
- IncAcc(pvert^.alpha, factExtraY);
- {$ELSE}
- with PBGRAPixel(psrc3)^ do
- if alpha <> 0 then
- begin
- a2 := alpha*factExtraY;
- IncAcc(pvert^.red, red * a2);
- IncAcc(pvert^.green, green * a2);
- IncAcc(pvert^.blue, blue * a2);
- IncAcc(pvert^.alpha, a2);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- inc(pvert^.count,factExtraY);
- inc(psrc3,srcPixSize);
- end;
- inc(pvert);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure MainLoop;
- var
- xb,yb,xdest: Int32or64;
- pdest: PByte;
- pvert : PVertical;
- sumRed,sumGreen,sumBlue,sumAlpha,sumCount,
- sumRed2,sumGreen2,sumBlue2,sumAlpha2,sumCount2,
- {%H-}sumRed3,sumGreen3,{%H-}sumBlue3,sumAlpha3,{%H-}sumCount3: TAccumulator;
- destPixSize: Integer;
- begin
- destPixSize := ADestination.Colorspace.GetSize;
- for yb := ABounds.Top to ABounds.Bottom-1 do
- begin
- NextVerticals(yb);
- if Assigned(ACheckShouldStop) and ACheckShouldStop(yb) then exit;
- pdest := ADestination.GetPixelAddress(left,yb);
- sumRed := 0;
- sumGreen := 0;
- sumBlue := 0;
- sumAlpha := 0;
- sumCount := 0;
- pvert := verticals;
- for xb := 0 to iRadiusX-1 do
- begin
- if xb = width then break;
- IncAcc(sumRed, pvert^.red);
- IncAcc(sumGreen, pvert^.green);
- IncAcc(sumBlue, pvert^.blue);
- IncAcc(sumAlpha, pvert^.alpha);
- IncAcc(sumCount, pvert^.count);
- inc(pvert);
- end;
- if factExtraX <> 0 then
- begin
- for xdest := 0 to width-1 do
- begin
- sumRed2 := 0;
- sumGreen2 := 0;
- sumBlue2 := 0;
- sumAlpha2 := 0;
- sumCount2 := 0;
- if xdest-iRadiusX-1 >= 0 then
- begin
- pvert := verticals+(xdest-iRadiusX-1);
- DecAcc(sumRed, pvert^.red);
- DecAcc(sumGreen, pvert^.green);
- DecAcc(sumBlue, pvert^.blue);
- DecAcc(sumAlpha, pvert^.alpha);
- DecAcc(sumCount, pvert^.count);
- IncAcc(sumRed2, pvert^.red);
- IncAcc(sumGreen2, pvert^.green);
- IncAcc(sumBlue2, pvert^.blue);
- IncAcc(sumAlpha2, pvert^.alpha);
- IncAcc(sumCount2, pvert^.count);
- end;
- if xdest+iRadiusX < width then
- begin
- pvert := verticals+(xdest+iRadiusX);
- IncAcc(sumRed, pvert^.red);
- IncAcc(sumGreen, pvert^.green);
- IncAcc(sumBlue, pvert^.blue);
- IncAcc(sumAlpha, pvert^.alpha);
- IncAcc(sumCount, pvert^.count);
- end;
- if xdest+iRadiusX+1 < width then
- begin
- pvert := verticals+(xdest+iRadiusX+1);
- IncAcc(sumRed2, pvert^.red);
- IncAcc(sumGreen2, pvert^.green);
- IncAcc(sumBlue2, pvert^.blue);
- IncAcc(sumAlpha2, pvert^.alpha);
- IncAcc(sumCount2, pvert^.count);
- end;
- sumAlpha3 := sumAlpha*factMainX + sumAlpha2*factExtraX;
- if sumAlpha3 > 0 then
- begin
- sumGreen3 := sumGreen*factMainX + sumGreen2*factExtraX;
- pdest^ := (sumGreen3+(sumAlpha3 shr 1)) div sumAlpha3;
- end else pdest^ := 0;
- {$ELSE}
- begin
- sumCount3 := sumCount*factMainX + sumCount2*factExtraX;
- if (sumAlpha3 >= (sumCount3+1) shr 1) and (sumCount3 > 0) then
- with PBGRAPixel(pdest)^ do
- begin
- sumRed3 := sumRed*factMainX + sumRed2*factExtraX;
- sumGreen3 := sumGreen*factMainX + sumGreen2*factExtraX;
- sumBlue3 := sumBlue*factMainX + sumBlue2*factExtraX;
- red := (sumRed3+(sumAlpha3 shr 1)) div sumAlpha3;
- green := (sumGreen3+(sumAlpha3 shr 1)) div sumAlpha3;
- blue := (sumBlue3+(sumAlpha3 shr 1)) div sumAlpha3;
- alpha := (sumAlpha3+(sumCount3 shr 1)) div sumCount3;
- end else
- PBGRAPixel(pdest)^ := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- inc(pdest, destPixSize);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- for xdest := 0 to width-1 do
- begin
- if xdest-iRadiusX-1 >= 0 then
- begin
- pvert := verticals+(xdest-iRadiusX-1);
- DecAcc(sumRed, pvert^.red);
- DecAcc(sumGreen, pvert^.green);
- DecAcc(sumBlue, pvert^.blue);
- DecAcc(sumAlpha, pvert^.alpha);
- DecAcc(sumCount, pvert^.count);
- end;
- if xdest+iRadiusX < width then
- begin
- pvert := verticals+(xdest+iRadiusX);
- IncAcc(sumRed, pvert^.red);
- IncAcc(sumGreen, pvert^.green);
- IncAcc(sumBlue, pvert^.blue);
- IncAcc(sumAlpha, pvert^.alpha);
- IncAcc(sumCount, pvert^.count);
- end;
- if sumAlpha > 0 then
- pdest^ := (sumGreen+(sumAlpha shr 1)) div sumAlpha
- else pdest^ := 0;
- {$ELSE}
- if (sumAlpha >= (sumCount+1) shr 1) then
- with PBGRAPixel(pdest)^ do
- begin
- red := (sumRed+(sumAlpha shr 1)) div sumAlpha;
- green := (sumGreen+(sumAlpha shr 1)) div sumAlpha;
- blue := (sumBlue+(sumAlpha shr 1)) div sumAlpha;
- alpha := (sumAlpha+(sumCount shr 1)) div sumCount;
- end else
- PBGRAPixel(pdest)^ := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- {$ENDIF}
- inc(pdest, destPixSize);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if (ABounds.Right <= ABounds.Left) or (ABounds.Bottom <= ABounds.Top) then exit;
- iRadiusX := floor(ARadiusX+0.5/factMainX);
- iRadiusY := floor(ARadiusY+0.5/factMainY);
- factExtraX := trunc(frac(ARadiusX+0.5/factMainX)*factMainX);
- factExtraY := trunc(frac(ARadiusY+0.5/factMainY)*factMainY);
- if (iRadiusX <= 0) and (iRadiusY <= 0) and (factExtraX <= 0) and (factExtraY <= 0) then
- begin
- oldClip := ADestination.IntersectClip(ABounds);
- ADestination.PutImage(0,0,ASource,dmSet);
- ADestination.ClipRect := oldClip;
- exit;
- end;
- left := ABounds.left;
- right := ABounds.right;
- width := right-left;
- height := ABounds.bottom-ABounds.top;
- ASource.LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- getmem(verticals, width*sizeof(TVertical));
- try
- PrepareVerticals;
- MainLoop;
- finally
- freemem(verticals);
- end;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/blurfast.inc b/components/bgrabitmap/blurfast.inc
deleted file mode 100644
index f703fac..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/blurfast.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
- blurRowY,blurRowX: packed array of UInt32or64;
- iRadiusX,iRadiusY: Int32or64;
- weightFactor: UInt32or64;
- { Compute weights of pixels in a row }
- procedure ComputeBlurRow;
- var
- i: Int32or64;
- ofs: single;
- begin
- SetLength(blurRowX, 2*iRadiusX+1);
- if frac(radiusX)=0 then ofs := 1 else ofs := frac(radiusX);
- for i := 0 to iRadiusX do
- begin
- blurRowX[i] := round((i+ofs)*weightFactor);
- blurRowX[high(blurRowX)-i] := blurRowX[i];
- end;
- SetLength(blurRowY, 2*iRadiusY+1);
- if frac(radiusY)=0 then ofs := 1 else ofs := frac(radiusY);
- for i := 0 to iRadiusY do
- begin
- blurRowY[i] := round((i+ofs)*weightFactor);
- blurRowY[high(blurRowY)-i] := blurRowY[i];
- end;
- end;
- srcDelta,srcPixSize,
- verticalWeightShift, horizontalWeightShift: Int32or64;
- ys1,ys2: Int32or64;
- { Compute blur result in a vertical direction }
- procedure ComputeVerticalRow(psrc: PByte; var sums: TRowSum; pw: PNativeUInt; count: Int32or64);
- begin
- while count > 0 do
- with sums do
- begin
- dec(count);
- AccumulatePixel(psrc, pw^, sums, verticalWeightShift);
- inc(pw);
- inc(psrc,srcDelta);
- end;
- end;
- psum, psumEnd: PRowSum;
- sums: packed array of TRowSum;
- sumStartIndex: Int32or64;
- total: TRowSum;
- extendedTotal: TExtendedRowSum;
- yb,xb,xs,x,xEnd: Int32or64;
- pw: PNativeUInt;
- psrc, pdest: PByte;
- bmpWidth,bmpHeight : Int32or64;
- accumulationFactor: double;
- bounds: TRect;
- highSum: Int32or64;
- tempDest: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- destPixSize: Integer;
- radiusX := round(radiusX*10)*0.1;
- radiusY := round(radiusY*10)*0.1;
- if (radiusX <= 0) and (radiusY <= 0) then
- begin
- ADestination.PutImage(0,0,bmp,dmSet);
- exit;
- end;
- iRadiusX := ceil(radiusX);
- iRadiusY := ceil(radiusY);
- if (frac(radiusX)=0) and (frac(radiusY)=0) then
- weightFactor:= 1
- else
- weightFactor:= 10;
- bmpWidth := bmp.Width;
- bmpHeight := bmp.Height;
- //create output
- if (ADestination.Width <> bmp.Width) or (ADestination.Height <> bmp.Height) then
- raise exception.Create('Dimension mismatch');
- bounds := bmp.GetImageBounds;
- if bounds.IsEmpty then exit;
- bounds.Left := max(0, bounds.Left - iRadiusX);
- bounds.Top := max(0, bounds.Top - iRadiusY);
- bounds.Right := min(bmp.Width, bounds.Right + iRadiusX);
- bounds.Bottom := min(bmp.Height, bounds.Bottom + iRadiusY);
- bounds.Intersect(ABounds);
- if bounds.IsEmpty then exit;
- if radiusX*radiusY >= 100 then
- begin
- tempDest := ADestination.NewBitmap;
- tempDest.SetSize(ADestination.Width,ADestination.Height);
- FilterBlurBox(bmp,bounds,radiusX/3.2,radiusY/3.2,tempDest);
- FilterBlurBox(tempDest,bounds,radiusX/2.9,radiusY/2.9,ADestination);
- FilterBlurBox(ADestination,bounds,radiusX/3.2,radiusY/3.2,tempDest);
- FilterBlurBox(tempDest,bounds,radiusX/2.3,radiusY/2.3,ADestination, ACheckShouldStop);
- tempDest.Free;
- exit;
- end;
- accumulationFactor := (iRadiusY+2)*(iRadiusY+1) div 2 + (iRadiusY+1)*iRadiusY div 2;
- accumulationFactor := accumulationFactor * sqr(weightFactor);
- verticalWeightShift := 0;
- while accumulationFactor > (high(TRegularRowValue) shr BitMargin) + 1 do
- begin
- inc(verticalWeightShift);
- accumulationFactor := accumulationFactor * 0.5;
- end;
- horizontalWeightShift:= 0;
- accumulationFactor := accumulationFactor *
- ((iRadiusX+2)*(iRadiusX+1) div 2 + (iRadiusX+1)*iRadiusX div 2) *
- sqr(weightFactor);
- while accumulationFactor > (high(TRegularRowValue) shr BitMargin) + 1 do
- begin
- inc(horizontalWeightShift);
- accumulationFactor := accumulationFactor * 0.5;
- end;
- ComputeBlurRow;
- //current vertical sums
- setlength(sums, 2*iRadiusX+1);
- highSum := high(Sums);
- psumEnd := @sums[highSum];
- inc(psumEnd);
- if bmp.LineOrder = riloTopToBottom then
- srcDelta := bmp.RowSize else srcDelta := -bmp.RowSize;
- srcPixSize := bmp.Colorspace.GetSize;
- destPixSize := ADestination.Colorspace.GetSize;
- bmp.LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- xEnd := bounds.left-iRadiusX+highSum;
- if xEnd >= bmpWidth then xEnd := bmpWidth-1;
- //loop through destination bitmap
- for yb := bounds.top to bounds.bottom-1 do
- begin
- if (ACheckShouldStop <> nil) and ACheckShouldStop(yb) then break;
- //evalute available vertical range
- if yb - iRadiusY < 0 then
- ys1 := iRadiusY - yb
- else
- ys1 := 0;
- if yb + iRadiusY >= bmpHeight then
- ys2 := bmpHeight-1 - yb + iRadiusY
- else
- ys2 := 2*iRadiusY;
- { initial vertical rows are computed here. Later,
- for each pixel, vertical sums are shifted, so there
- is only one vertical sum to calculate }
- fillchar(sums[0],sizeof(TRowSum)*length(sums),0);
- x := bounds.left-iRadiusX;
- if x < 0 then
- begin
- xs := -x;
- x := 0;
- end else
- xs := 0;
- psrc := bmp.GetPixelAddress(x, yb-iRadiusY+ys1);
- psum := @sums[xs];
- pw := @blurRowY[ys1];
- while true do
- begin
- ComputeVerticalRow(psrc,psum^,pw,ys2-ys1+1);
- inc(x);
- inc(psrc, srcPixSize);
- if x > xEnd then break;
- inc(psum);
- end;
- sumStartIndex := 0;
- pdest := ADestination.GetPixelAddress(bounds.Left, yb);
- for xb := bounds.left to bounds.right-1 do
- begin
- //add vertical rows
- pw := @blurRowX[0];
- psum := @sums[sumStartIndex];
- if horizontalWeightShift > 4 then
- begin //we don't want to loose too much precision
- fillchar({%H-}extendedTotal,sizeof(extendedTotal),0);
- for xs := highSum downto 0 do
- begin
- AccumulateExtended(extendedTotal, psum, pw^);
- inc(pw);
- inc(psum);
- if psum >= psumEnd then pSum := @sums[0];
- end;
- ComputeExtendedAverage(extendedTotal, pdest);
- end else
- if horizontalWeightShift > 0 then
- begin //lossy but efficient way
- fillchar({%H-}total,sizeof(total),0);
- for xs := highSum downto 0 do
- begin
- AccumulateShr(total, psum, pw^, horizontalWeightShift);
- inc(pw);
- inc(psum);
- if psum >= psumEnd then pSum := @sums[0];
- end;
- ComputeClampedAverage(total, pdest);
- end else
- begin //normal way
- {$hints off}
- fillchar(total,sizeof(total),0);
- {$hints on}
- for xs := highSum downto 0 do
- begin
- AccumulateNormal(total, psum, pw^);
- inc(pw);
- inc(psum);
- if psum >= psumEnd then pSum := @sums[0];
- end;
- ComputeAverage(total, pdest)
- end;
- inc(pdest, destPixSize);
- //shift vertical rows
- psum := @sums[sumStartIndex];
- fillchar(psum^,sizeof(TRowSum),0);
- if x < bmpWidth then
- begin
- ComputeVerticalRow(psrc,psum^,@blurRowY[ys1],ys2-ys1+1);
- inc(x);
- inc(psrc, srcPixSize);
- end;
- inc(sumStartIndex);
- if sumStartIndex > highSum then sumStartIndex := 0;
- end;
- end;
- ADestination.InvalidateBitmap;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/blurnormal.inc b/components/bgrabitmap/blurnormal.inc
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d7cc76..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/blurnormal.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
- PWeightedPixel = ^TWeightedPixel;
- TWeightedPixel = packed record
- Coord: TPoint;
- Weight: Int32or64;
- PtrOfs: Int32or64;
- end;
- maskWidth,maskHeight: integer;
- blurOfs: TPoint;
- ppixel: PWeightedPixel;
- Pixel: array of TWeightedPixel;
- PixelArrayLineStart: array of integer;
- DiffPixel: array of TWeightedPixel;
- DiffPixelArrayLineStart: array of integer;
- bmpWidth,bmpHeight: Int32or64;
- procedure LoadMask(out ABlurOfs: TPoint);
- var x,y,n: Int32or64;
- tempWeight: Int32or64;
- diffMask: array of packed array of Int32or64;
- p: PByteMask;
- qty,pStride: integer;
- srcLineDelta, srcPixSize, srcLineOfs: PtrInt;
- begin
- ABlurOfs := point(blurMask.Width shr 1, blurMask.Height shr 1);
- //count number of non empty pixels
- maskWidth := blurMask.Width;
- maskHeight := blurMask.Height;
- n := 0;
- for y:= 0 to maskHeight-1 do
- begin
- blurMask.ScanMoveTo(0,Y);
- x := maskWidth;
- while x > 0 do
- begin
- qty := x;
- blurMask.ScanNextMaskChunk(qty, p, pStride);
- dec(x, qty);
- while qty > 0 do
- begin
- if p^.gray <> 0 then inc(n);
- inc(p, pStride);
- dec(qty);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- //initialize arrays
- setlength(diffMask, maskHeight, maskWidth+1);
- for y := 0 to maskHeight - 1 do
- fillchar(diffMask[y,0], (maskWidth+1)*sizeof(Int32or64), 0);
- if bmp.LineOrder = riloTopToBottom then
- srcLineDelta := bmp.RowSize else
- srcLineDelta := -bmp.RowSize;
- srcPixSize := bmp.Colorspace.GetSize;
- setlength(Pixel, n);
- setlength(PixelArrayLineStart, maskHeight+1); //stores the first pixel of each line
- n := 0;
- //compute mask variations and initial mask pixel list
- srcLineOfs := (0-ABlurOfs.Y)*srcLineDelta;
- for y := 0 to maskHeight - 1 do
- begin
- PixelArrayLineStart[y] := n;
- blurMask.ScanMoveTo(0,Y);
- x := 0;
- while x < maskWidth do
- begin
- qty := maskWidth - x;
- blurMask.ScanNextMaskChunk(qty, p, pStride);
- while qty > 0 do
- begin
- tempWeight := p^.gray;
- dec(diffMask[y,x], tempWeight);
- inc(diffMask[y,x+1], tempWeight);
- if tempWeight <> 0 then
- begin
- Pixel[n].Weight := tempWeight;
- Pixel[n].Coord := Point(x,y);
- Pixel[n].PtrOfs := srcLineOfs + (x-ABlurOfs.X)*srcPixSize;
- Inc(n);
- end;
- inc(x);
- inc(p, pStride);
- dec(qty);
- end;
- end;
- inc(srcLineOfs, srcLineDelta);
- end;
- PixelArrayLineStart[maskHeight] := n;
- //count number of diff pixels
- n := 0;
- for y := 0 to maskHeight - 1 do
- for x := 0 to maskWidth do
- if diffMask[y,x] <> 0 then Inc(n);
- //initialize arrays
- setlength(DiffPixel, n);
- setlength(DiffPixelArrayLineStart, maskHeight+1); //stores the first pixel of each diff line
- n := 0;
- //compute diff pixel list
- srcLineOfs := (0-ABlurOfs.Y)*srcLineDelta;
- for y := 0 to maskHeight - 1 do
- begin
- DiffPixelArrayLineStart[y] := n;
- for x := 0 to maskWidth do
- begin
- tempWeight := diffMask[y,x];
- if tempWeight <> 0 then
- begin
- DiffPixel[n].Weight := tempWeight;
- DiffPixel[n].Coord := Point(x-1,y);
- DiffPixel[n].PtrOfs := srcLineOfs + (x-ABlurOfs.X-1)*srcPixSize;
- Inc(n);
- end;
- end;
- inc(srcLineOfs, srcLineDelta);
- end;
- DiffPixelArrayLineStart[maskHeight] := n;
- end;
- function PrepareScan(AWantedBounds: TRect; out AClippedBounds: TRect): boolean;
- begin
- //evaluate required bounds taking blur radius into acount
- AClippedBounds := bmp.GetImageBounds;
- if AClippedBounds.IsEmpty then
- begin
- result := false;
- exit;
- end;
- AClippedBounds.Left := max(0, AClippedBounds.Left - blurOfs.X);
- AClippedBounds.Top := max(0, AClippedBounds.Top - blurOfs.Y);
- AClippedBounds.Right := min(bmpWidth, AClippedBounds.Right + maskWidth - 1 - blurOfs.X);
- AClippedBounds.Bottom := min(bmpHeight, AClippedBounds.Bottom + maskHeight - 1 - blurOfs.Y);
- AClippedBounds.Intersect(AWantedBounds);
- if AClippedBounds.IsEmpty then
- begin
- result := false;
- exit;
- end;
- result := true;
- end;
- bounds: TRect;
- yb, xb: Int32or64;
- mindy, maxdy, n, nStart, nCount, nDiffStart, nDiffCount: Int32or64;
- bmpX,bmpXBase,bmpYBase: Int32or64;
- pdest : PByte;
- psrc : PByte;
- srcPixSize,destPixSize: integer;
- bmpWidth := bmp.Width;
- bmpHeight:= bmp.Height;
- bmp.LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- if (ADestination.Width <> bmpWidth) or (ADestination.Height <> bmpHeight) then
- raise exception.Create('Dimension mismatch');
- LoadMask(blurOfs);
- if not PrepareScan(ABounds, bounds) then exit; //nothing to do
- bmpYBase := bounds.Top - blurOfs.Y;
- srcPixSize := bmp.Colorspace.GetSize;
- destPixSize := ADestination.Colorspace.GetSize;
- //loop through destination
- for yb := bounds.Top to bounds.Bottom - 1 do
- begin
- if (ACheckShouldStop <> nil) and ACheckShouldStop(yb) then break;
- psrc := bmp.GetPixelAddress(bounds.Left, yb);
- pdest := ADestination.GetPixelAddress(bounds.Left, yb);
- //compute vertical range
- mindy := max(-blurOfs.Y, -yb);
- maxdy := min(blurMask.Height - 1 - blurOfs.Y, bmpHeight - 1 - yb);
- AClearSum(AData);
- bmpXBase := bounds.Left-blurOfs.X;
- nStart := PixelArrayLineStart[mindy+blurOfs.Y];
- nCount := PixelArrayLineStart[maxdy+blurOfs.Y+1]-nStart;
- ppixel:= @Pixel[nStart];
- //go through pixel list of the current vertical range
- for n := nCount-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- bmpX := bmpXBase+ppixel^.Coord.x;
- //check horizontal range
- if (bmpX >= 0) and (bmpX < bmpWidth) then
- AAccumulate(AData, psrc + ppixel^.PtrOfs, ppixel^.Weight);
- inc(ppixel);
- end;
- AComputeAverage(AData, pdest);
- nDiffStart := DiffPixelArrayLineStart[mindy+blurOfs.Y];
- nDiffCount := DiffPixelArrayLineStart[maxdy+blurOfs.Y+1]-nDiffStart;
- if nDiffCount < nCount then
- begin
- for xb := bounds.Left+1 to Bounds.Right - 1 do
- begin
- Inc(pdest, destPixSize);
- inc(bmpXBase);
- inc(psrc, srcPixSize);
- ppixel:= @DiffPixel[nDiffStart];
- for n := nDiffCount-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- bmpX := bmpXBase+ppixel^.Coord.x;
- if (bmpX >= 0) and (bmpX < bmpWidth) then
- AAccumulate(AData, psrc + ppixel^.PtrOfs, ppixel^.Weight);
- inc(ppixel);
- end;
- AComputeAverage(AData, pDest);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- for xb := bounds.Left+1 to Bounds.Right - 1 do
- begin
- Inc(pdest, destPixSize);
- inc(bmpXBase);
- inc(psrc, srcPixSize);
- AClearSum(AData);
- ppixel:= @Pixel[nStart];
- for n := nCount-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- bmpX := bmpXBase+ppixel^.Coord.x;
- //check horizontal range
- if (bmpX >= 0) and (bmpX < bmpWidth) then
- AAccumulate(AData, psrc + ppixel^.PtrOfs, ppixel^.Weight);
- inc(ppixel);
- end;
- AComputeAverage(AData, pdest);
- end;
- end;
- inc(bmpYBase);
- end;
- ADestination.InvalidateBitmap;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/csscolorconst.inc b/components/bgrabitmap/csscolorconst.inc
deleted file mode 100644
index d5a6c39..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/csscolorconst.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,888 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-{=== Color definitions ===}
- {* This is the value used for transparent pixels. In theory, any
- color with alpha = 0 is transparent, however it is recommended to
- use all other channels to zero as well. }
- BGRAPixelTransparent: TBGRAPixel;
- ExpandedPixelTransparent: TExpandedPixel;
- {* [#FFFFFF] White opaque }
- BGRAWhite: TBGRAPixel;
- {* [#000000] Black opaque }
- BGRABlack: TBGRAPixel;
- {* This color [#000001] looks just like black. It is needed for drawing black
- shapes using the ''Canvas'' property of ''TBGRABitmap''. This is a standard
- ''TCanvas'' and when drawing with pure black (''clBlack''), there is no way to know if
- something has been drawn or if it is transparent }
- clBlackOpaque = TColor($010000);
- //VGA colors
- VGABlack,VGAGray,VGASilver,VGAWhite,
- VGAMaroon,VGARed,VGAPurple,VGAFuchsia,
- VGAGreen,VGALime,VGAOlive,VGAYellow,
- VGANavy,VGABlue,VGATeal,VGAAqua: TBGRAPixel;
- //Red colors
- CSSIndianRed,CSSLightCoral,CSSSalmon,CSSDarkSalmon,
- CSSRed,CSSCrimson,CSSFireBrick,CSSDarkRed: TBGRAPixel;
- //Pink colors
- CSSPink,CSSLightPink,CSSHotPink,CSSDeepPink,
- CSSMediumVioletRed,CSSPaleVioletRed: TBGRAPixel;
- //Orange colors
- CSSLightSalmon,CSSCoral,CSSTomato,CSSOrangeRed,
- CSSDarkOrange,CSSOrange: TBGRAPixel;
- //Yellow colors
- CSSGold,CSSYellow,CSSLightYellow,CSSLemonChiffon,
- CSSLightGoldenrodYellow,CSSPapayaWhip,CSSMoccasin,CSSPeachPuff,
- CSSPaleGoldenrod,CSSKhaki,CSSDarkKhaki: TBGRAPixel;
- //Purple colors
- CSSLavender,CSSThistle,CSSPlum,CSSViolet,
- CSSOrchid,CSSFuchsia,CSSMagenta,CSSMediumOrchid,
- CSSMediumPurple,CSSBlueViolet,CSSDarkViolet,CSSDarkOrchid,
- CSSDarkMagenta,CSSPurple,CSSIndigo,CSSDarkSlateBlue,
- CSSSlateBlue,CSSMediumSlateBlue: TBGRAPixel;
- //Green colors
- CSSGreenYellow,CSSChartreuse,CSSLawnGreen,CSSLime,
- CSSLimeGreen,CSSPaleGreen,CSSLightGreen,CSSMediumSpringGreen,
- CSSSpringGreen,CSSMediumSeaGreen,CSSSeaGreen,CSSForestGreen,
- CSSGreen,CSSDarkGreen,CSSYellowGreen,CSSOliveDrab,
- CSSOlive,CSSDarkOliveGreen,CSSMediumAquamarine,CSSDarkSeaGreen,
- CSSLightSeaGreen,CSSDarkCyan,CSSTeal: TBGRAPixel;
- //Blue/Cyan colors
- CSSAqua,CSSCyan,CSSLightCyan,CSSPaleTurquoise,
- CSSAquamarine,CSSTurquoise,CSSMediumTurquoise,CSSDarkTurquoise,
- CSSCadetBlue,CSSSteelBlue,CSSLightSteelBlue,CSSPowderBlue,
- CSSLightBlue,CSSSkyBlue,CSSLightSkyBlue,CSSDeepSkyBlue,
- CSSDodgerBlue,CSSCornflowerBlue,CSSRoyalBlue,CSSBlue,
- CSSMediumBlue,CSSDarkBlue,CSSNavy,CSSMidnightBlue: TBGRAPixel;
- //Brown colors
- CSSCornsilk, CSSBlanchedAlmond, CSSBisque, CSSNavajoWhite,
- CSSWheat, CSSBurlyWood, CSSTan, CSSRosyBrown,
- CSSSandyBrown, CSSGoldenrod, CSSDarkGoldenrod, CSSPeru,
- CSSChocolate, CSSSaddleBrown, CSSSienna, CSSBrown,
- CSSMaroon: TBGRAPixel;
- //White colors
- CSSWhite, CSSSnow, CSSHoneydew, CSSMintCream,
- CSSAzure, CSSAliceBlue, CSSGhostWhite, CSSWhiteSmoke,
- CSSSeashell, CSSBeige, CSSOldLace, CSSFloralWhite,
- CSSIvory, CSSAntiqueWhite, CSSLinen, CSSLavenderBlush,
- CSSMistyRose: TBGRAPixel;
- //Gray colors
- CSSGainsboro, CSSLightGray, CSSSilver, CSSDarkGray,
- CSSGray, CSSDimGray, CSSLightSlateGray, CSSSlateGray,
- CSSDarkSlateGray, CSSBlack: TBGRAPixel;
- TBGRAColorDefinition = record
- Name: string;
- Color: TBGRAPixel;
- end;
- { TBGRAColorList }
- {* Contains a fixed list of colors }
- TBGRAColorList = class
- protected
- FFinished: boolean;
- FNbColors: integer;
- FColors: array of TBGRAColorDefinition;
- function GetByIndex(Index: integer): TBGRAPixel;
- function GetByName(Name: string): TBGRAPixel;
- function GetName(Index: integer): string;
- procedure Add(Name: string; out Color: TBGRAPixel; red,green,blue: byte); overload;
- public
- {** Creates an empty color list }
- constructor Create;
- {** Add a color to the list }
- procedure Add(Name: string; const Color: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- {** Ends the color list and prevents further modifications }
- procedure Finished;
- {** Returns the index of a color with a given name }
- function IndexOf(Name: string): integer;
- {** Returns the index of a color. Colors are considered to match if
- the difference is less than or equal to ''AMaxDiff'' }
- function IndexOfColor(const AColor: TBGRAPixel; AMaxDiff: Word = 0): integer;
- {** Gets the color associated with a color name }
- property ByName[Name: string]: TBGRAPixel read GetByName;
- {** Gets the color at the specified index }
- property ByIndex[Index: integer]: TBGRAPixel read GetByIndex; default;
- {** Gets the name of the color at the specified index }
- property Name[Index: integer]: string read GetName;
- {** Gets the number of colors }
- property Count: integer read FNbColors;
- end;
- {* List of VGA colors:
- * [#000000] Black, [#808080] Gray, [#C0C0C0] Silver, [#FFFFFF] White,
- * [#800000] Maroon, [#FF0000] Red, [#800080] Purple, [#FF00FF] Fuchsia,
- * [#008000] Green, [#00FF00] Lime, [#808000] Olive, [#FFFF00] Yellow,
- * [#000080] Navy, [#0000FF] Blue, [#008080] Teal, [#00FFFF] Aqua.
- * Shortcut constants are provided: [#000000] ''VGABlack'', [#808080] ''VGAGray''... }
- VGAColors: TBGRAColorList;
- {* List of [https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_colors.asp web colors].
- Shortcut constants are provided: [#000000] ''CSSBlack'', [#FF0000] ''CSSRed''... }
- CSSColors: TBGRAColorList;
-{------------------- string conversion ------------------------}
-{* Converts a ''TBGRAPixel'' value into a string, using color names provided in ''AColorList'', and
- considering that a color matches in the color list if its difference is within ''AMaxDiff'' }
-function BGRAToStr(c: TBGRAPixel; AColorList: TBGRAColorList = nil;
- AMaxDiff: Word= 0; AOptionalAlpha: boolean = false; AHashTagPrefix: boolean = false): string;
-{* Converts a fully defined string into a ''TBGRAPixel'' value. Color names from ''VGAColors'' and ''CSSColors''
- are used if there is an exact match }
-function StrToBGRA(str: string): TBGRAPixel; overload;
-{* Converts a string into a ''TBGRAPixel'' value. If the value is not fully defined or that
- there is an error, ''DefaultColor'' is returned.
- Color names from ''VGAColors'' and ''CSSColors'' are used if there is an exact match. }
-function StrToBGRA(str: string; const DefaultColor: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel; overload;
-{* Converts a string into a ''TBGRAPixel'' value. If the value is not fully defined, missing channels (expressed with '?')
- are filled with fallbackValues. You can check if there was an error with the provided boolean.
- Color names from ''VGAColors'' and ''CSSColors'' are used if there is an exact match. }
-function PartialStrToBGRA(str: string; const fallbackValues: TBGRAPixel; out error: boolean): TBGRAPixel;
-{* Converts a string into a ''TBGRAPixel'' value into ''parsedValue''. ''parsedValue'' is not changed if
- some channels are missing (expressed with '?'). You can check if there was an error with the provided boolean.
- Color names from ''VGAColors'' and ''CSSColors'' are used if there is an exact match. }
-procedure TryStrToBGRA(str: string; var parsedValue: TBGRAPixel; out missingValues: boolean; out error: boolean);
-{ TBGRAColorList }
-function TBGRAColorList.GetByIndex(Index: integer): TBGRAPixel;
- if (Index < 0) or (Index >= FNbColors) then
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- result := FColors[Index].Color;
-function TBGRAColorList.GetByName(Name: string): TBGRAPixel;
-var i: integer;
- i := IndexOf(Name);
- if i = -1 then
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent
- else
- result := FColors[i].Color;
-function TBGRAColorList.GetName(Index: integer): string;
- if (Index < 0) or (Index >= FNbColors) then
- result := ''
- else
- result := FColors[Index].Name;
-procedure TBGRAColorList.Add(Name: string; out Color: TBGRAPixel; red, green,
- blue: byte);
- Color := BGRA(red,green,blue);
- Add(Name,Color);
-constructor TBGRAColorList.Create;
- FNbColors:= 0;
- FColors := nil;
- FFinished:= false;
-procedure TBGRAColorList.Add(Name: string; const Color: TBGRAPixel);
- if FFinished then
- raise Exception.Create('This list is already finished');
- if length(FColors) = FNbColors then
- SetLength(FColors, FNbColors*2+1);
- FColors[FNbColors].Name := Name;
- FColors[FNbColors].Color := Color;
- inc(FNbColors);
-procedure TBGRAColorList.Finished;
- if FFinished then exit;
- FFinished := true;
- SetLength(FColors, FNbColors);
-function TBGRAColorList.IndexOf(Name: string): integer;
-var i: integer;
- for i := 0 to FNbColors-1 do
- if CompareText(Name, FColors[i].Name) = 0 then
- begin
- result := i;
- exit;
- end;
- result := -1;
-function TBGRAColorList.IndexOfColor(const AColor: TBGRAPixel; AMaxDiff: Word = 0): integer;
-var i: integer;
- MinDiff,CurDiff: Word;
- if AMaxDiff = 0 then
- begin
- for i := 0 to FNbColors-1 do
- if AColor = FColors[i].Color then
- begin
- result := i;
- exit;
- end;
- result := -1;
- end else
- begin
- MinDiff := AMaxDiff;
- result := -1;
- for i := 0 to FNbColors-1 do
- begin
- CurDiff := BGRAWordDiff(AColor,FColors[i].Color);
- if CurDiff <= MinDiff then
- begin
- result := i;
- MinDiff := CurDiff;
- if MinDiff = 0 then exit;
- end;
- end;
- end;
-{------------------- string conversion ---------------------------------}
-{ Write a color in hexadecimal format RRGGBBAA or using the name in a color list }
-function BGRAToStr(c: TBGRAPixel; AColorList: TBGRAColorList;
- AMaxDiff: Word; AOptionalAlpha: boolean; AHashTagPrefix: boolean): string;
-var idx: integer;
- if Assigned(AColorList) then
- begin
- idx := AColorList.IndexOfColor(c, AMaxDiff);
- if idx<> -1 then
- begin
- result := AColorList.Name[idx];
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- if AOptionalAlpha and (c.alpha = 255) then
- result := IntToHex(c.red,2)+IntToHex(c.green,2)+IntToHex(c.Blue,2)
- else
- result := IntToHex(c.red,2)+IntToHex(c.green,2)+IntToHex(c.Blue,2)+IntToHex(c.Alpha,2);
- if AHashTagPrefix then result := '#' + result;
- arrayOfString = array of string;
-function SimpleParseFuncParam(str: string; var flagError: boolean): arrayOfString;
-var idxOpen,start,cur: integer;
- result := nil;
- idxOpen := pos('(',str);
- if idxOpen = 0 then
- begin
- start := 1;
- //find first space
- while (start <= length(str)) and (str[start]<>' ') do inc(start);
- end else
- start := idxOpen+1;
- cur := start;
- while cur <= length(str) do
- begin
- if str[cur] in[',',')'] then
- begin
- setlength(result,length(result)+1);
- result[high(result)] := trim(copy(str,start,cur-start));
- start := cur+1;
- if str[cur] = ')' then exit;
- end;
- inc(cur);
- end;
- if idxOpen <> 0 then flagError := true; //should exit on ')'
- if start <= length(str) then
- begin
- setlength(result,length(result)+1);
- result[high(result)] := copy(str,start,length(str)-start+1);
- end;
-function ParseColorValue(str: string; var flagError: boolean): byte;
-var pourcent,unclipped,{%H-}errPos: integer;
- pourcentF: single;
- pourcentStr: string;
- if str = '' then result := 0 else
- begin
- if str[length(str)]='%' then
- begin
- pourcentStr := copy(str,1,length(str)-1);
- val(pourcentStr,pourcent,errPos);
- if errPos <> 0 then
- begin
- val(pourcentStr,pourcentF,errPos);
- if errPos <> 0 then
- begin
- flagError := true;
- result := 0;
- end
- else
- begin
- if pourcentF < 0 then result := 0 else
- if pourcentF > 100 then result := 255 else
- result := round(pourcentF*255 / 100);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- if pourcent < 0 then result := 0 else
- if pourcent > 100 then result := 255 else
- result := pourcent*255 div 100;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- val(str,unclipped,errPos);
- if errPos <> 0 then flagError := true;
- if unclipped < 0 then result := 0 else
- if unclipped > 255 then result := 255 else
- result := unclipped;
- end;
- end;
-//this function returns the parsed value only if it contains no error nor missing values, otherwise
-//it returns BGRAPixelTransparent
-function StrToBGRA(str: string): TBGRAPixel;
-var missingValues, error: boolean;
- result := BGRABlack;
- TryStrToBGRA(str, result, missingValues, error);
- if missingValues or error then result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
-//this function changes the content of parsedValue depending on available and parsable information.
-//set parsedValue to the fallback values before calling this function.
-//missing values are expressed by empty string or by '?', for example 'rgb(255,?,?,?)' will change only the red value.
-//note that if alpha is not expressed by the string format, it will be opaque. So 'rgb(255,?,?)' will change the red value and the alpha value.
-//the last parameter of rgba() is a floating point number where 1 is opaque and 0 is transparent.
-procedure TryStrToBGRA(str: string; var parsedValue: TBGRAPixel; out missingValues: boolean; out error: boolean);
-var errPos: integer;
- values: array of string;
- alphaF: single;
- idx: integer;
- str := Trim(str);
- error := false;
- if (str = '') or (str = '?') then
- begin
- missingValues := true;
- exit;
- end else
- missingValues := false;
- str := StringReplace(lowerCase(str),'grey','gray',[]);
- //VGA color names
- idx := VGAColors.IndexOf(str);
- if idx <> -1 then
- begin
- parsedValue := VGAColors[idx];
- exit;
- end;
- if str='transparent' then parsedValue := BGRAPixelTransparent else
- begin
- //check CSS color
- idx := CSSColors.IndexOf(str);
- if idx <> -1 then
- begin
- parsedValue := CSSColors[idx];
- exit;
- end;
- //CSS RGB notation
- if (copy(str,1,4)='rgb(') or (copy(str,1,5)='rgba(') or
- (copy(str,1,4)='rgb ') or (copy(str,1,5)='rgba ') then
- begin
- values := SimpleParseFuncParam(str,error);
- if (length(values)=3) or (length(values)=4) then
- begin
- if (values[0] <> '') and (values[0] <> '?') then
- parsedValue.red := ParseColorValue(values[0], error)
- else
- missingValues := true;
- if (values[1] <> '') and (values[1] <> '?') then
- parsedValue.green := ParseColorValue(values[1], error)
- else
- missingValues := true;
- if (values[2] <> '') and (values[2] <> '?') then
- parsedValue.blue := ParseColorValue(values[2], error)
- else
- missingValues := true;
- if length(values)=4 then
- begin
- if (values[3] <> '') and (values[3] <> '?') then
- begin
- val(values[3],alphaF,errPos);
- if errPos <> 0 then
- begin
- parsedValue.alpha := 255;
- error := true;
- end
- else
- begin
- if alphaF < 0 then
- parsedValue.alpha := 0 else
- if alphaF > 1 then
- parsedValue.alpha := 255
- else
- parsedValue.alpha := round(alphaF*255);
- end;
- end else
- missingValues := true;
- end else
- parsedValue.alpha := 255;
- end else
- error := true;
- exit;
- end;
- //remove HTML notation header
- if str[1]='#' then delete(str,1,1);
- //add alpha if missing (if you want an undefined alpha use '??' or '?')
- if length(str)=6 then AppendStr(str, 'FF')
- else if length(str)=3 then AppendStr(str, 'F');
- //hex notation
- if length(str)=8 then
- begin
- if copy(str,1,2) <> '??' then
- begin
- val('$'+copy(str,1,2),parsedValue.red,errPos);
- if errPos <> 0 then error := true;
- end else missingValues := true;
- if copy(str,3,2) <> '??' then
- begin
- val('$'+copy(str,3,2),parsedValue.green,errPos);
- if errPos <> 0 then error := true;
- end else missingValues := true;
- if copy(str,5,2) <> '??' then
- begin
- val('$'+copy(str,5,2),parsedValue.blue,errPos);
- if errPos <> 0 then error := true;
- end else missingValues := true;
- if copy(str,7,2) <> '??' then
- begin
- val('$'+copy(str,7,2),parsedValue.alpha,errPos);
- if errPos <> 0 then
- begin
- error := true;
- parsedValue.alpha := 255;
- end;
- end else missingValues := true;
- end else
- if length(str)=4 then
- begin
- if str[1] <> '?' then
- begin
- val('$'+str[1],parsedValue.red,errPos);
- if errPos <> 0 then error := true;
- parsedValue.red := parsedValue.red * $11;
- end else missingValues := true;
- if str[2] <> '?' then
- begin
- val('$'+str[2],parsedValue.green,errPos);
- if errPos <> 0 then error := true;
- parsedValue.green := parsedValue.green * $11;
- end else missingValues := true;
- if str[3] <> '?' then
- begin
- val('$'+str[3],parsedValue.blue,errPos);
- if errPos <> 0 then error := true;
- parsedValue.blue := parsedValue.blue * $11;
- end else missingValues := true;
- if str[4] <> '?' then
- begin
- val('$'+str[4],parsedValue.alpha,errPos);
- if errPos <> 0 then
- begin
- error := true;
- parsedValue.alpha := 255;
- end else
- parsedValue.alpha := parsedValue.alpha * $11;
- end else missingValues := true;
- end else
- error := true; //string format not recognised
- end;
-//this function returns the values that can be read from the string, otherwise
-//it fills the gaps with the fallback values. The error boolean is True only
-//if there was invalid values, it is not set to True if there was missing values.
-function PartialStrToBGRA(str: string; const fallbackValues: TBGRAPixel; out
- error: boolean): TBGRAPixel;
-var missingValues: boolean;
- result := fallbackValues;
- TryStrToBGRA(str, result, missingValues, error);
-{ Read a color, for example in hexadecimal format RRGGBB(AA) or RGB(A). Partial colors are not accepted by this function. }
-function StrToBGRA(str: string; const DefaultColor: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
-var missingValues, error: boolean;
- result := BGRABlack;
- TryStrToBGRA(str, result, missingValues, error);
- if missingValues or error then result := DefaultColor;
-function BlueGreenRedToBGRA(blue,green,red: byte): TBGRAPixel;
- result := BGRA(red,green,blue);
- BGRAPixelTransparent := BGRA(0,0,0,0);
- ExpandedPixelTransparent := BGRAPixelTransparent.ToExpanded;
- BGRAWhite := BGRA(255,255,255);
- BGRABlack := BGRA(0,0,0);
- VGAColors := TBGRAColorList.Create;
- VGAColors.Add('Black',VGABlack,0,0,0);
- VGAColors.Add('Gray',VGAGray,128,128,128);
- VGAColors.Add('Silver',VGASilver,192,192,192);
- VGAColors.Add('White',VGAWhite,255,255,255);
- VGAColors.Add('Maroon',VGAMaroon,128,0,0);
- VGAColors.Add('Red',VGARed,255,0,0);
- VGAColors.Add('Purple',VGAPurple,128,0,128);
- VGAColors.Add('Fuchsia',VGAFuchsia,255,0,255);
- VGAColors.Add('Green',VGAGreen,0,128,0);
- VGAColors.Add('Lime',VGALime,0,255,0);
- VGAColors.Add('Olive',VGAOlive,128,128,0);
- VGAColors.Add('Yellow',VGAYellow,255,255,0);
- VGAColors.Add('Navy',VGANavy,0,0,128);
- VGAColors.Add('Blue',VGABlue,0,0,255);
- VGAColors.Add('Teal',VGATeal,0,128,128);
- VGAColors.Add('Aqua',VGAAqua,0,255,255);
- VGAColors.Finished;
- //Red colors
- CSSIndianRed:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(92, 92, 205);
- CSSLightCoral:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(128, 128, 240);
- CSSSalmon:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(114, 128, 250);
- CSSDarkSalmon:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(122, 150, 233);
- CSSRed:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(0, 0, 255);
- CSSCrimson:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(60, 20, 220);
- CSSFireBrick:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(34, 34, 178);
- CSSDarkRed:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(0, 0, 139);
- //Pink colors
- CSSPink:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(203, 192, 255);
- CSSLightPink:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(193, 182, 255);
- CSSHotPink:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(180, 105, 255);
- CSSDeepPink:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(147, 20, 255);
- CSSMediumVioletRed:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(133, 21, 199);
- CSSPaleVioletRed:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(147, 112, 219);
- //Orange colors
- CSSLightSalmon:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(122, 160, 255);
- CSSCoral:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(80, 127, 255);
- CSSTomato:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(71, 99, 255);
- CSSOrangeRed:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(0, 69, 255);
- CSSDarkOrange:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(0, 140, 255);
- CSSOrange:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(0, 165, 255);
- //Yellow colors
- CSSGold:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(0, 215, 255);
- CSSYellow:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(0, 255, 255);
- CSSLightYellow:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(224, 255, 255);
- CSSLemonChiffon:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(205, 250, 255);
- CSSLightGoldenrodYellow:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(210, 250, 250);
- CSSPapayaWhip:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(213, 239, 255);
- CSSMoccasin:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(181, 228, 255);
- CSSPeachPuff:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(185, 218, 255);
- CSSPaleGoldenrod:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(170, 232, 238);
- CSSKhaki:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(140, 230, 240);
- CSSDarkKhaki:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(107, 183, 189);
- //Purple colors
- CSSLavender:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(250, 230, 230);
- CSSThistle:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(216, 191, 216);
- CSSPlum:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(221, 160, 221);
- CSSViolet:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(238, 130, 238);
- CSSOrchid:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(214, 112, 218);
- CSSFuchsia:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(255, 0, 255);
- CSSMagenta:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(255, 0, 255);
- CSSMediumOrchid:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(211, 85, 186);
- CSSMediumPurple:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(219, 112, 147);
- CSSBlueViolet:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(226, 43, 138);
- CSSDarkViolet:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(211, 0, 148);
- CSSDarkOrchid:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(204, 50, 153);
- CSSDarkMagenta:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(139, 0, 139);
- CSSPurple:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(128, 0, 128);
- CSSIndigo:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(130, 0, 75);
- CSSDarkSlateBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(139, 61, 72);
- CSSSlateBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(205, 90, 106);
- CSSMediumSlateBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(238, 104, 123);
- //Green colors
- CSSGreenYellow:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(47, 255, 173);
- CSSChartreuse:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(0, 255, 127);
- CSSLawnGreen:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(0, 252, 124);
- CSSLime:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(0, 255, 0);
- CSSLimeGreen:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(50, 205, 50);
- CSSPaleGreen:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(152, 251, 152);
- CSSLightGreen:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(144, 238, 144);
- CSSMediumSpringGreen:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(154, 250, 0);
- CSSSpringGreen:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(127, 255, 0);
- CSSMediumSeaGreen:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(113, 179, 60);
- CSSSeaGreen:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(87, 139, 46);
- CSSForestGreen:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(34, 139, 34);
- CSSGreen:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(0, 128, 0);
- CSSDarkGreen:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(0, 100, 0);
- CSSYellowGreen:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(50, 205, 154);
- CSSOliveDrab:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(35, 142, 107);
- CSSOlive:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(0, 128, 128);
- CSSDarkOliveGreen:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(47, 107, 85);
- CSSMediumAquamarine:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(170, 205, 102);
- CSSDarkSeaGreen:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(143, 188, 143);
- CSSLightSeaGreen:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(170, 178, 32);
- CSSDarkCyan:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(139, 139, 0);
- CSSTeal:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(128, 128, 0);
- //Blue/Cyan colors
- CSSAqua:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(255, 255, 0);
- CSSCyan:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(255, 255, 0);
- CSSLightCyan:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(255, 255, 224);
- CSSPaleTurquoise:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(238, 238, 175);
- CSSAquamarine:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(212, 255, 127);
- CSSTurquoise:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(208, 224, 64);
- CSSMediumTurquoise:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(204, 209, 72);
- CSSDarkTurquoise:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(209, 206, 0);
- CSSCadetBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(160, 158, 95);
- CSSSteelBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(180, 130, 70);
- CSSLightSteelBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(222, 196, 176);
- CSSPowderBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(230, 224, 176);
- CSSLightBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(230, 216, 173);
- CSSSkyBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(235, 206, 135);
- CSSLightSkyBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(250, 206, 135);
- CSSDeepSkyBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(255, 191, 0);
- CSSDodgerBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(255, 144, 30);
- CSSCornflowerBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(237, 149, 100);
- CSSRoyalBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(255, 105, 65);
- CSSBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(255, 0, 0);
- CSSMediumBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(205, 0, 0);
- CSSDarkBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(139, 0, 0);
- CSSNavy:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(128, 0, 0);
- CSSMidnightBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(112, 25, 25);
- //Brown colors
- CSSCornsilk:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(220, 248, 255);
- CSSBlanchedAlmond:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(205, 235, 255);
- CSSBisque:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(196, 228, 255);
- CSSNavajoWhite:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(173, 222, 255);
- CSSWheat:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(179, 222, 245);
- CSSBurlyWood:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(135, 184, 222);
- CSSTan:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(140, 180, 210);
- CSSRosyBrown:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(143, 143, 188);
- CSSSandyBrown:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(96, 164, 244);
- CSSGoldenrod:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(32, 165, 218);
- CSSDarkGoldenrod:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(11, 134, 184);
- CSSPeru:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(63, 133, 205);
- CSSChocolate:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(30, 105, 210);
- CSSSaddleBrown:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(19, 69, 139);
- CSSSienna:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(45, 82, 160);
- CSSBrown:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(42, 42, 165);
- CSSMaroon:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(0, 0, 128);
- //White colors
- CSSWhite:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(255, 255, 255);
- CSSSnow:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(250, 250, 255);
- CSSHoneydew:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(240, 255, 250);
- CSSMintCream:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(250, 255, 245);
- CSSAzure:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(255, 255, 240);
- CSSAliceBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(255, 248, 240);
- CSSGhostWhite:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(255, 248, 248);
- CSSWhiteSmoke:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(245, 245, 245);
- CSSSeashell:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(255, 245, 238);
- CSSBeige:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(220, 245, 245);
- CSSOldLace:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(230, 245, 253);
- CSSFloralWhite:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(240, 250, 255);
- CSSIvory:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(240, 255, 255);
- CSSAntiqueWhite:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(215, 235, 250);
- CSSLinen:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(230, 240, 250);
- CSSLavenderBlush:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(245, 240, 255);
- CSSMistyRose:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(255, 228, 255);
- //Gray colors
- CSSGainsboro:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(220, 220, 220);
- CSSLightGray:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(211, 211, 211);
- CSSSilver:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(192, 192, 192);
- CSSDarkGray:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(169, 169, 169);
- CSSGray:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(128, 128, 128);
- CSSDimGray:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(105, 105, 105);
- CSSLightSlateGray:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(153, 136, 119);
- CSSSlateGray:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(144, 128, 112);
- CSSDarkSlateGray:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(79, 79, 47);
- CSSBlack:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(0, 0, 0);
- CSSColors := TBGRAColorList.Create;
- CSSColors.Add('AliceBlue',CSSAliceBlue);
- CSSColors.Add('AntiqueWhite',CSSAntiqueWhite);
- CSSColors.Add('Aqua',CSSAqua);
- CSSColors.Add('Aquamarine',CSSAquamarine);
- CSSColors.Add('Azure',CSSAzure);
- CSSColors.Add('Beige',CSSBeige);
- CSSColors.Add('Bisque',CSSBisque);
- CSSColors.Add('Black',CSSBlack);
- CSSColors.Add('BlanchedAlmond',CSSBlanchedAlmond);
- CSSColors.Add('Blue',CSSBlue);
- CSSColors.Add('BlueViolet',CSSBlueViolet);
- CSSColors.Add('Brown',CSSBrown);
- CSSColors.Add('BurlyWood',CSSBurlyWood);
- CSSColors.Add('CadetBlue',CSSCadetBlue);
- CSSColors.Add('Chartreuse',CSSChartreuse);
- CSSColors.Add('Chocolate',CSSChocolate);
- CSSColors.Add('Coral',CSSCoral);
- CSSColors.Add('CornflowerBlue',CSSCornflowerBlue);
- CSSColors.Add('Cornsilk',CSSCornsilk);
- CSSColors.Add('Crimson',CSSCrimson);
- CSSColors.Add('Cyan',CSSCyan);
- CSSColors.Add('DarkBlue',CSSDarkBlue);
- CSSColors.Add('DarkCyan',CSSDarkCyan);
- CSSColors.Add('DarkGoldenrod',CSSDarkGoldenrod);
- CSSColors.Add('DarkGray',CSSDarkGray);
- CSSColors.Add('DarkGreen',CSSDarkGreen);
- CSSColors.Add('DarkKhaki',CSSDarkKhaki);
- CSSColors.Add('DarkMagenta',CSSDarkMagenta);
- CSSColors.Add('DarkOliveGreen',CSSDarkOliveGreen);
- CSSColors.Add('DarkOrange',CSSDarkOrange);
- CSSColors.Add('DarkOrchid',CSSDarkOrchid);
- CSSColors.Add('DarkRed',CSSDarkRed);
- CSSColors.Add('DarkSalmon',CSSDarkSalmon);
- CSSColors.Add('DarkSeaGreen',CSSDarkSeaGreen);
- CSSColors.Add('DarkSlateBlue',CSSDarkSlateBlue);
- CSSColors.Add('DarkSlateGray',CSSDarkSlateGray);
- CSSColors.Add('DarkTurquoise',CSSDarkTurquoise);
- CSSColors.Add('DarkViolet',CSSDarkViolet);
- CSSColors.Add('DeepPink',CSSDeepPink);
- CSSColors.Add('DeepSkyBlue',CSSDeepSkyBlue);
- CSSColors.Add('DimGray',CSSDimGray);
- CSSColors.Add('DodgerBlue',CSSDodgerBlue);
- CSSColors.Add('FireBrick',CSSFireBrick);
- CSSColors.Add('FloralWhite',CSSFloralWhite);
- CSSColors.Add('ForestGreen',CSSForestGreen);
- CSSColors.Add('Fuchsia',CSSFuchsia);
- CSSColors.Add('Gainsboro',CSSGainsboro);
- CSSColors.Add('GhostWhite',CSSGhostWhite);
- CSSColors.Add('Gold',CSSGold);
- CSSColors.Add('Goldenrod',CSSGoldenrod);
- CSSColors.Add('Gray',CSSGray);
- CSSColors.Add('Green',CSSGreen);
- CSSColors.Add('GreenYellow',CSSGreenYellow);
- CSSColors.Add('Honeydew',CSSHoneydew);
- CSSColors.Add('HotPink',CSSHotPink);
- CSSColors.Add('IndianRed',CSSIndianRed);
- CSSColors.Add('Indigo',CSSIndigo);
- CSSColors.Add('Ivory',CSSIvory);
- CSSColors.Add('Khaki',CSSKhaki);
- CSSColors.Add('Lavender',CSSLavender);
- CSSColors.Add('LavenderBlush',CSSLavenderBlush);
- CSSColors.Add('LawnGreen',CSSLawnGreen);
- CSSColors.Add('LemonChiffon',CSSLemonChiffon);
- CSSColors.Add('LightBlue',CSSLightBlue);
- CSSColors.Add('LightCoral',CSSLightCoral);
- CSSColors.Add('LightCyan',CSSLightCyan);
- CSSColors.Add('LightGoldenrodYellow',CSSLightGoldenrodYellow);
- CSSColors.Add('LightGray',CSSLightGray);
- CSSColors.Add('LightGreen',CSSLightGreen);
- CSSColors.Add('LightPink',CSSLightPink);
- CSSColors.Add('LightSalmon',CSSLightSalmon);
- CSSColors.Add('LightSeaGreen',CSSLightSeaGreen);
- CSSColors.Add('LightSkyBlue',CSSLightSkyBlue);
- CSSColors.Add('LightSlateGray',CSSLightSlateGray);
- CSSColors.Add('LightSteelBlue',CSSLightSteelBlue);
- CSSColors.Add('LightYellow',CSSLightYellow);
- CSSColors.Add('Lime',CSSLime);
- CSSColors.Add('LimeGreen',CSSLimeGreen);
- CSSColors.Add('Linen',CSSLinen);
- CSSColors.Add('Magenta',CSSMagenta);
- CSSColors.Add('Maroon',CSSMaroon);
- CSSColors.Add('MediumAquamarine',CSSMediumAquamarine);
- CSSColors.Add('MediumBlue',CSSMediumBlue);
- CSSColors.Add('MediumOrchid',CSSMediumOrchid);
- CSSColors.Add('MediumPurple',CSSMediumPurple);
- CSSColors.Add('MediumSeaGreen',CSSMediumSeaGreen);
- CSSColors.Add('MediumSlateBlue',CSSMediumSlateBlue);
- CSSColors.Add('MediumSpringGreen',CSSMediumSpringGreen);
- CSSColors.Add('MediumTurquoise',CSSMediumTurquoise);
- CSSColors.Add('MediumVioletRed',CSSMediumVioletRed);
- CSSColors.Add('MidnightBlue',CSSMidnightBlue);
- CSSColors.Add('MintCream',CSSMintCream);
- CSSColors.Add('MistyRose',CSSMistyRose);
- CSSColors.Add('Moccasin',CSSMoccasin);
- CSSColors.Add('NavajoWhite',CSSNavajoWhite);
- CSSColors.Add('Navy',CSSNavy);
- CSSColors.Add('OldLace',CSSOldLace);
- CSSColors.Add('Olive',CSSOlive);
- CSSColors.Add('OliveDrab',CSSOliveDrab);
- CSSColors.Add('Orange',CSSOrange);
- CSSColors.Add('OrangeRed',CSSOrangeRed);
- CSSColors.Add('Orchid',CSSOrchid);
- CSSColors.Add('PaleGoldenrod',CSSPaleGoldenrod);
- CSSColors.Add('PaleGreen',CSSPaleGreen);
- CSSColors.Add('PaleTurquoise',CSSPaleTurquoise);
- CSSColors.Add('PaleVioletRed',CSSPaleVioletRed);
- CSSColors.Add('PapayaWhip',CSSPapayaWhip);
- CSSColors.Add('PeachPuff',CSSPeachPuff);
- CSSColors.Add('Peru',CSSPeru);
- CSSColors.Add('Pink',CSSPink);
- CSSColors.Add('Plum',CSSPlum);
- CSSColors.Add('PowderBlue',CSSPowderBlue);
- CSSColors.Add('Purple',CSSPurple);
- CSSColors.Add('Red',CSSRed);
- CSSColors.Add('RosyBrown',CSSRosyBrown);
- CSSColors.Add('RoyalBlue',CSSRoyalBlue);
- CSSColors.Add('SaddleBrown',CSSSaddleBrown);
- CSSColors.Add('Salmon',CSSSalmon);
- CSSColors.Add('SandyBrown',CSSSandyBrown);
- CSSColors.Add('SeaGreen',CSSSeaGreen);
- CSSColors.Add('Seashell',CSSSeashell);
- CSSColors.Add('Sienna',CSSSienna);
- CSSColors.Add('Silver',CSSSilver);
- CSSColors.Add('SkyBlue',CSSSkyBlue);
- CSSColors.Add('SlateBlue',CSSSlateBlue);
- CSSColors.Add('SlateGray',CSSSlateGray);
- CSSColors.Add('Snow',CSSSnow);
- CSSColors.Add('SpringGreen',CSSSpringGreen);
- CSSColors.Add('SteelBlue',CSSSteelBlue);
- CSSColors.Add('Tan',CSSTan);
- CSSColors.Add('Teal',CSSTeal);
- CSSColors.Add('Thistle',CSSThistle);
- CSSColors.Add('Tomato',CSSTomato);
- CSSColors.Add('Turquoise',CSSTurquoise);
- CSSColors.Add('Violet',CSSViolet);
- CSSColors.Add('Wheat',CSSWheat);
- CSSColors.Add('White',CSSWhite);
- CSSColors.Add('WhiteSmoke',CSSWhiteSmoke);
- CSSColors.Add('Yellow',CSSYellow);
- CSSColors.Add('YellowGreen',CSSYellowGreen);
- CSSColors.Finished;
- CSSColors.Free;
- VGAColors.Free;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/density256.inc b/components/bgrabitmap/density256.inc
deleted file mode 100644
index fd132a4..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/density256.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
- begin
- { this loops fill one scanline of densities by adding 256 for full horizontal pixels }
- for i := 0 to nbinter div 2 - 1 do
- begin
- x1 := inter[i + i].interX;
- x2 := inter[i + i + 1].interX;
- {$ENDIF}
- if (x1 <> x2) and (x1 < maxx + 1) and (x2 >= minx) then
- begin
- if x1 < minx then
- x1 := minx;
- if x2 >= maxx + 1 then
- x2 := maxx + 1;
- ix1 := floor(x1);
- ix2 := floor(x2);
- //here it may go one pixel further if x2 is an integer
- if ix1 < densMinx then densMinx := ix1;
- if ix2 > densMaxx then densMaxx := ix2;
- if ix1 = ix2 then
- inc( (density + (ix1 - minx))^, round((x2-ix2)*256) - round((x1-ix1)*256) )
- else
- begin
- inc( (density + (ix1 - minx))^, 256 - round((x1 - ix1)*256) );
- if (ix2 <= maxx) then
- inc( (density + (ix2 - minx))^, round((x2 - ix2)*256) );
- end;
- if ix2 > ix1 + 1 then
- begin
- AddDensity(density, ix1+1 - minx, ix2-(ix1+1), 256);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- if densMinX <= densMaxX then
- begin
- if densMinX < minx then densMinX := minx;
- if densMaxX > maxx then densMaxX := maxx;
- xb := densMinX;
- pdens := density + (densMinX-minx);
- pDest := bmp.GetPixelAddress(densMinX,yb);
- brush.MoveTo(@ctx, pDest,xb,yb);
- while xb<=densMaxX do
- begin
- tempDensity:= pDens^;
- inc(pDens);
- inc(xb);
- drawCount := 1;
- if tempDensity>=256{$ifdef PARAM_ANTIALIASINGFACTOR} shl AntialiasPrecisionShift{$endif} then
- begin
- while (xb<=densMaxX) and (pDens^ >= 256{$ifdef PARAM_ANTIALIASINGFACTOR} shl AntialiasPrecisionShift{$endif}) do
- begin
- inc(xb);
- inc(pDens);
- inc(drawCount);
- end;
- brush.PutNextPixels(@ctx, 65535, drawCount);
- end else
- begin
- while (xb<=densMaxX) and (pDens^ = tempDensity) do
- begin
- inc(xb);
- inc(pDens);
- inc(drawCount);
- end;
- if tempDensity = 0 then
- brush.PutNextPixels(@ctx, 0, drawCount )
- else
- begin
- dec(tempDensity);
- brush.PutNextPixels(@ctx, (tempDensity shl (8{$ifdef PARAM_ANTIALIASINGFACTOR}-AntialiasPrecisionShift{$endif}))
- + (tempDensity{$ifdef PARAM_ANTIALIASINGFACTOR} shr (2*AntialiasPrecisionShift){$endif}), drawCount );
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/expandedbitmap.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/expandedbitmap.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c23368..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/expandedbitmap.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,762 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit ExpandedBitmap;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BGRABitmapTypes, UniversalDrawer;
- { TExpandedBitmap }
- TExpandedBitmap = class(specialize TGenericUniversalBitmap)
- protected
- function InternalNew: TCustomUniversalBitmap; override;
- procedure AssignTransparentPixel(out ADest); override;
- public
- class procedure SolidBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; const AColor: TExpandedPixel; ADrawMode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency); override;
- class procedure ScannerBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AScanner: IBGRAScanner; ADrawMode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency;
- AOffsetX: integer = 0; AOffsetY: integer = 0); override;
- class procedure MaskBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AScanner: IBGRAScanner;
- AOffsetX: integer = 0; AOffsetY: integer = 0); override;
- class procedure EraseBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word); override;
- class procedure AlphaBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word); override;
- end;
- ExpandedPixelTransparent : TExpandedPixel = (red:0; green:0; blue:0; alpha:0);
-operator = (const c1, c2: TExpandedPixel): boolean; inline;
-uses XYZABitmap;
-operator = (const c1, c2: TExpandedPixel): boolean;
- if (c1.alpha = 0) and (c2.alpha = 0) then
- Result := True
- else
- Result := (c1.alpha = c2.alpha) and (c1.red = c2.red) and
- (c1.green = c2.green) and (c1.blue = c2.blue);
-procedure ExpandedSolidBrushSkipPixels({%H-}AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; {%H-}AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- inc(PExpandedPixel(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
-procedure ExpandedChunkSetPixels(
- ASource: PExpandedPixel; ADest: PExpandedPixel;
- AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer; ASourceStride: integer); inline;
- alphaOver: UInt32or64;
- finalAlpha, residualAlpha, finalAlphaDiv2: UInt32or64;
- if AAlpha=0 then exit;
- if AAlpha=65535 then
- begin
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- ADest^ := ASource^;
- inc(ADest);
- dec(ACount);
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- if AAlpha > 32768 then alphaOver := AAlpha+1 else alphaOver := AAlpha;
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- residualAlpha := (ADest^.alpha*UInt32or64(65536-alphaOver)+32768) shr 16;
- finalAlpha := residualAlpha + ((ASource^.alpha*alphaOver+32768) shr 16);
- if finalAlpha <= 0 then ADest^ := ExpandedPixelTransparent else
- begin
- if finalAlpha > 65535 then finalAlpha := 65535;
- finalAlphaDiv2 := finalAlpha shr 1;
- ADest^.alpha:= finalAlpha;
- ADest^.red := (ADest^.red*residualAlpha +
- ASource^.red*UInt32or64(finalAlpha-residualAlpha) + finalAlphaDiv2) div finalAlpha;
- ADest^.green := (ADest^.green*residualAlpha +
- ASource^.green*UInt32or64(finalAlpha-residualAlpha) + finalAlphaDiv2) div finalAlpha;
- ADest^.blue := (ADest^.blue*residualAlpha +
- ASource^.blue*UInt32or64(finalAlpha-residualAlpha) + finalAlphaDiv2) div finalAlpha;
- end;
- inc(ADest);
- dec(ACount);
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride);
- end;
- end;
-procedure ExpandedSolidBrushSetPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- pDest: PExpandedPixel;
- pDest := PExpandedPixel(AContextData^.Dest);
- ExpandedChunkSetPixels( PExpandedPixel(AFixedData), pDest, AAlpha, ACount, 0);
- inc(pDest, ACount);
- AContextData^.Dest := pDest;
-procedure ExpandedChunkDrawPixels(
- ASource: PExpandedPixel; ADest: PExpandedPixel;
- AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer; ASourceStride: integer); inline;
- alphaOver, srcAlphaOver, finalAlpha, finalAlphaDiv2, residualAlpha: UInt32or64;
- if AAlpha=0 then exit;
- if AAlpha >= 32768 then alphaOver := AAlpha+1 else alphaOver := AAlpha;
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- srcAlphaOver := (ASource^.alpha*alphaOver+32768) shr 16;
- if srcAlphaOver >= 65535 then
- ADest^ := ASource^
- else
- begin
- if srcAlphaOver >= 32768 then inc(srcAlphaOver);
- residualAlpha := (ADest^.alpha*UInt32or64(65536-srcAlphaOver)+32768) shr 16;
- finalAlpha := residualAlpha + srcAlphaOver;
- if finalAlpha <= 0 then ADest^ := ExpandedPixelTransparent else
- begin
- if finalAlpha > 65535 then finalAlpha := 65535;
- ADest^.alpha:= finalAlpha;
- finalAlphaDiv2 := finalAlpha shr 1;
- ADest^.red := (ADest^.red*residualAlpha +
- ASource^.red*srcAlphaOver + finalAlphaDiv2) div finalAlpha;
- ADest^.green := (ADest^.green*residualAlpha +
- ASource^.green*srcAlphaOver + finalAlphaDiv2) div finalAlpha;
- ADest^.blue := (ADest^.blue*residualAlpha +
- ASource^.blue*srcAlphaOver + finalAlphaDiv2) div finalAlpha;
- end;
- end;
- inc(ADest);
- dec(ACount);
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride);
- end;
-procedure ExpandedSolidBrushDrawPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- pDest: PExpandedPixel;
- pDest := PExpandedPixel(AContextData^.Dest);
- ExpandedChunkDrawPixels( PExpandedPixel(AFixedData), pDest, AAlpha, ACount, 0);
- inc(pDest, ACount);
- AContextData^.Dest := pDest;
-procedure ExpandedChunkXorPixels(
- ASource: PExpandedPixel; ADest: PExpandedPixel;
- AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer; ASourceStride: integer); inline;
- alphaOver: UInt32or64;
- finalAlpha, residualAlpha, finalAlphaDiv2: UInt32or64;
- xored: TExpandedPixel;
- if AAlpha=0 then exit;
- if AAlpha=65535 then
- begin
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- PQWord(ADest)^ := PQWord(ADest)^ xor PQWord(ASource)^;
- inc(ADest);
- dec(ACount);
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- if AAlpha > 32768 then alphaOver := AAlpha+1 else alphaOver := AAlpha;
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- PQWord(@xored)^ := PQWord(ADest)^ xor PQWord(ASource)^;
- residualAlpha := (ADest^.alpha*UInt32or64(65536-alphaOver)+32768) shr 16;
- finalAlpha := residualAlpha + ((xored.alpha*alphaOver+32768) shr 16);
- if finalAlpha <= 0 then ADest^ := ExpandedPixelTransparent else
- begin
- if finalAlpha > 65535 then finalAlpha := 65535;
- finalAlphaDiv2 := finalAlpha shr 1;
- ADest^.alpha:= finalAlpha;
- ADest^.red := (ADest^.red*residualAlpha +
- xored.red*UInt32or64(finalAlpha-residualAlpha) + finalAlphaDiv2) div finalAlpha;
- ADest^.green := (ADest^.green*residualAlpha +
- xored.green*UInt32or64(finalAlpha-residualAlpha) + finalAlphaDiv2) div finalAlpha;
- ADest^.blue := (ADest^.blue*residualAlpha +
- xored.blue*UInt32or64(finalAlpha-residualAlpha) + finalAlphaDiv2) div finalAlpha;
- end;
- inc(ADest);
- dec(ACount);
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride);
- end;
- end;
-procedure ExpandedSolidBrushXorPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- pDest: PExpandedPixel;
- pDest := PExpandedPixel(AContextData^.Dest);
- ExpandedChunkXorPixels( PExpandedPixel(AFixedData), pDest, AAlpha, ACount, 0);
- inc(pDest, ACount);
- AContextData^.Dest := pDest;
- PExpandedPixelScannerBrushFixedData = ^TExpandedScannerBrushFixedData;
- TExpandedScannerBrushFixedData = record
- Scanner: Pointer; //avoid ref count by using pointer type
- OffsetX, OffsetY: integer;
- Conversion: TBridgedConversion;
- end;
-procedure ExpandedScannerBrushInitContext(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext);
- with PExpandedPixelScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanMoveTo(AContextData^.Ofs.X + OffsetX,
- AContextData^.Ofs.Y + OffsetY);
-procedure ExpandedScannerConvertBrushSetPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- psrc: Pointer;
- pDest: PExpandedPixel;
- qty, pixSize: Integer;
- buf: packed array[0..7] of TExpandedPixel;
- with PExpandedPixelScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- if AAlpha = 0 then
- begin
- inc(PExpandedPixel(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PExpandedPixel(AContextData^.Dest);
- pixSize := IBGRAScanner(Scanner).GetScanCustomColorspace.GetSize;
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- if ACount > length(buf) then qty := length(buf) else qty := ACount;
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextCustomChunk(qty, psrc);
- Conversion.Convert(psrc, @buf, qty, pixSize, sizeof(TExpandedPixel), nil);
- ExpandedChunkSetPixels(@buf, pDest, AAlpha, qty, sizeof(TExpandedPixel) );
- inc(pDest, qty);
- dec(ACount, qty);
- end;
- AContextData^.Dest := pDest;
- end;
-procedure ExpandedScannerChunkBrushSetPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- psrc: Pointer;
- pDest: PExpandedPixel;
- qty: Integer;
- with PExpandedPixelScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- if AAlpha = 0 then
- begin
- inc(PExpandedPixel(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PExpandedPixel(AContextData^.Dest);
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- qty := ACount;
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextCustomChunk(qty, psrc);
- ExpandedChunkSetPixels(PExpandedPixel(psrc), pDest, AAlpha, qty, sizeof(TExpandedPixel) );
- inc(pDest, qty);
- dec(ACount, qty);
- end;
- AContextData^.Dest := pDest;
- end;
-procedure ExpandedChunkSetPixelsExceptTransparent(
- ASource: PExpandedPixel; ADest: PExpandedPixel;
- AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer; ASourceStride: integer); inline;
- alphaOver: UInt32or64;
- finalAlpha, residualAlpha, finalAlphaDiv2: UInt32or64;
- if AAlpha=0 then exit;
- if AAlpha=65535 then
- begin
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- if ASource^.alpha = 65535 then ADest^ := ASource^;
- inc(ADest);
- dec(ACount);
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- if AAlpha > 32768 then alphaOver := AAlpha+1 else alphaOver := AAlpha;
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- if ASource^.alpha = 65535 then
- begin
- residualAlpha := (ADest^.alpha*UInt32or64(65536-alphaOver)+32768) shr 16;
- finalAlpha := residualAlpha + AAlpha;
- if finalAlpha <= 0 then ADest^ := ExpandedPixelTransparent else
- begin
- if finalAlpha > 65535 then finalAlpha := 65535;
- finalAlphaDiv2 := finalAlpha shr 1;
- ADest^.alpha:= finalAlpha;
- ADest^.red := (ADest^.red*residualAlpha +
- ASource^.red*UInt32or64(finalAlpha-residualAlpha) + finalAlphaDiv2) div finalAlpha;
- ADest^.green := (ADest^.green*residualAlpha +
- ASource^.green*UInt32or64(finalAlpha-residualAlpha) + finalAlphaDiv2) div finalAlpha;
- ADest^.blue := (ADest^.blue*residualAlpha +
- ASource^.blue*UInt32or64(finalAlpha-residualAlpha) + finalAlphaDiv2) div finalAlpha;
- end;
- end;
- inc(ADest);
- dec(ACount);
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride);
- end;
- end;
-procedure ExpandedScannerChunkBrushSetPixelsExceptTransparent(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- pDest: PExpandedPixel;
- qty: Integer;
- psrc: Pointer;
- with PExpandedPixelScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- if AAlpha = 0 then
- begin
- inc(PExpandedPixel(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PExpandedPixel(AContextData^.Dest);
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- qty := ACount;
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextCustomChunk(qty, psrc);
- ExpandedChunkSetPixelsExceptTransparent(PExpandedPixel(psrc), pDest, AAlpha, qty, sizeof(TExpandedPixel) );
- inc(pDest, qty);
- dec(ACount, qty);
- end;
- AContextData^.Dest := pDest;
- end;
-procedure ExpandedScannerConvertBrushSetPixelsExceptTransparent(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- psrc: Pointer;
- pDest: PExpandedPixel;
- qty, pixSize: Integer;
- buf: packed array[0..7] of TExpandedPixel;
- with PExpandedPixelScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- if AAlpha = 0 then
- begin
- inc(PExpandedPixel(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PExpandedPixel(AContextData^.Dest);
- pixSize := IBGRAScanner(Scanner).GetScanCustomColorspace.GetSize;
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- if ACount > length(buf) then qty := length(buf) else qty := ACount;
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextCustomChunk(qty, psrc);
- Conversion.Convert(psrc, @buf, qty, pixSize, sizeof(TExpandedPixel), nil);
- ExpandedChunkSetPixelsExceptTransparent(@buf, pDest, AAlpha, qty, sizeof(TExpandedPixel) );
- inc(pDest, qty);
- dec(ACount, qty);
- end;
- AContextData^.Dest := pDest;
- end;
-procedure ExpandedScannerChunkBrushDrawPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- psrc: Pointer;
- qty: Integer;
- pDest: PExpandedPixel;
- with PExpandedPixelScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- if AAlpha = 0 then
- begin
- inc(PExpandedPixel(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PExpandedPixel(AContextData^.Dest);
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- qty := ACount;
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextCustomChunk(qty, psrc);
- ExpandedChunkDrawPixels(PExpandedPixel(psrc), pDest, AAlpha, qty, sizeof(TExpandedPixel) );
- inc(pDest, qty);
- dec(ACount, qty);
- end;
- AContextData^.Dest := pDest;
- end;
-procedure ExpandedScannerConvertBrushDrawPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- psrc: Pointer;
- pDest: PExpandedPixel;
- qty, pixSize: Integer;
- buf: packed array[0..7] of TExpandedPixel;
- with PExpandedPixelScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- if AAlpha = 0 then
- begin
- inc(PExpandedPixel(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PExpandedPixel(AContextData^.Dest);
- pixSize := IBGRAScanner(Scanner).GetScanCustomColorspace.GetSize;
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- if ACount > length(buf) then qty := length(buf) else qty := ACount;
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextCustomChunk(qty, psrc);
- Conversion.Convert(psrc, @buf, qty, pixSize, sizeof(TExpandedPixel), nil);
- ExpandedChunkDrawPixels(@buf, pDest, AAlpha, qty, sizeof(TExpandedPixel) );
- inc(pDest, qty);
- dec(ACount, qty);
- end;
- AContextData^.Dest := pDest;
- end;
-procedure ExpandedScannerChunkBrushXorPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- psrc: Pointer;
- qty: Integer;
- pDest: PExpandedPixel;
- with PExpandedPixelScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- if AAlpha = 0 then
- begin
- inc(PExpandedPixel(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PExpandedPixel(AContextData^.Dest);
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- qty := ACount;
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextCustomChunk(qty, psrc);
- ExpandedChunkXorPixels(PExpandedPixel(psrc), pDest, AAlpha, qty, sizeof(TExpandedPixel) );
- inc(pDest, qty);
- dec(ACount, qty);
- end;
- AContextData^.Dest := pDest;
- end;
-procedure ExpandedScannerConvertBrushXorPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- psrc: Pointer;
- pDest: PExpandedPixel;
- qty, pixSize: Integer;
- buf: packed array[0..7] of TExpandedPixel;
- with PExpandedPixelScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- if AAlpha = 0 then
- begin
- inc(PExpandedPixel(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PExpandedPixel(AContextData^.Dest);
- pixSize := IBGRAScanner(Scanner).GetScanCustomColorspace.GetSize;
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- if ACount > length(buf) then qty := length(buf) else qty := ACount;
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextCustomChunk(qty, psrc);
- Conversion.Convert(psrc, @buf, qty, pixSize, sizeof(TExpandedPixel), nil);
- ExpandedChunkXorPixels(@buf, pDest, AAlpha, qty, sizeof(TExpandedPixel) );
- inc(pDest, qty);
- dec(ACount, qty);
- end;
- AContextData^.Dest := pDest;
- end;
-procedure ExpandedMaskBrushApply(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- pDest: PExpandedPixel;
- qty, maskStride: Integer;
- pMask: PByteMask;
- factor: UInt32or64;
- with PExpandedPixelScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- if AAlpha = 0 then
- begin
- inc(PExpandedPixel(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PExpandedPixel(AContextData^.Dest);
- if AAlpha = 65535 then
- begin
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- qty := ACount;
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextMaskChunk(qty, pMask, maskStride);
- dec(ACount,qty);
- while qty > 0 do
- begin
- if pMask^.gray >= 128 then
- pDest^.alpha := (pDest^.alpha*(pMask^.gray+1)) shr 8
- else pDest^.alpha := pDest^.alpha*pMask^.gray shr 8;
- if pDest^.alpha = 0 then pDest^ := ExpandedPixelTransparent;
- inc(pDest);
- inc(pMask, maskStride);
- dec(qty);
- end;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- factor := AAlpha + (AAlpha shr 8) + (AAlpha shr 14);
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- qty := ACount;
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextMaskChunk(qty, pMask, maskStride);
- dec(ACount,qty);
- while qty > 0 do
- begin
- pDest^.alpha := (pDest^.alpha*((factor*pMask^.gray+128) shr 8)) shr 16;
- if pDest^.alpha = 0 then pDest^ := ExpandedPixelTransparent;
- inc(pDest);
- inc(pMask, maskStride);
- dec(qty);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- PExpandedPixel(AContextData^.Dest) := pDest;
- end;
-procedure ExpandedAlphaBrushSetPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- pDest: PExpandedPixel;
- alphaOver, residualAlpha, finalAlpha: UInt32or64;
- if AAlpha=0 then
- begin
- inc(PExpandedPixel(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PExpandedPixel(AContextData^.Dest);
- if AAlpha=65535 then
- begin
- finalAlpha := PWord(AFixedData)^;
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- pDest^.alpha := finalAlpha;
- inc(pDest);
- dec(ACount);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- if AAlpha >= 32768 then alphaOver := AAlpha+1
- else alphaOver := AAlpha;
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- residualAlpha := (pDest^.alpha*UInt32or64(65536-alphaOver)+32768) shr 16;
- finalAlpha := residualAlpha + (PWord(AFixedData)^*alphaOver+32768) shr 16;
- if finalAlpha > 65535 then finalAlpha := 65535;
- pDest^.alpha:= finalAlpha;
- inc(pDest);
- dec(ACount);
- end;
- end;
- PExpandedPixel(AContextData^.Dest) := pDest;
-procedure ExpandedAlphaBrushErasePixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- pDest: PExpandedPixel;
- alphaMul, finalAlpha: UInt32or64;
- if AAlpha=0 then
- begin
- inc(PExpandedPixel(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PExpandedPixel(AContextData^.Dest);
- if AAlpha<>65535 then
- alphaMul := 65535-((PWord(AFixedData)^*AAlpha+32767) div 65535)
- else
- alphaMul := 65535-PWord(AFixedData)^;
- if alphaMul >= 32768 then inc(alphaMul);
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- finalAlpha := (pDest^.alpha*alphaMul+32768) shr 16;
- if finalAlpha <= 0 then pDest^ := ExpandedPixelTransparent else
- pDest^.alpha:= finalAlpha;
- inc(pDest);
- dec(ACount);
- end;
- PExpandedPixel(AContextData^.Dest) := pDest;
-{ TExpandedBitmap }
-function TExpandedBitmap.InternalNew: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- Result:= TExpandedBitmap.Create;
-procedure TExpandedBitmap.AssignTransparentPixel(out ADest);
- TExpandedPixel(ADest) := ExpandedPixelTransparent;
-class procedure TExpandedBitmap.SolidBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- const AColor: TExpandedPixel; ADrawMode: TDrawMode);
- ABrush.Colorspace:= TExpandedPixelColorspace;
- PExpandedPixel(@ABrush.FixedData)^ := AColor;
- case ADrawMode of
- dmSet: ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @ExpandedSolidBrushSetPixels;
- dmSetExceptTransparent:
- if AColor.alpha < 65535 then
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @ExpandedSolidBrushSkipPixels
- else
- begin
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @ExpandedSolidBrushSetPixels;
- ABrush.DoesNothing := true;
- end;
- dmDrawWithTransparency,dmLinearBlend:
- if AColor.alpha<=0 then
- begin
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @ExpandedSolidBrushSkipPixels;
- ABrush.DoesNothing := true;
- end
- else if AColor.alpha>=1 then
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @ExpandedSolidBrushSetPixels
- else
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @ExpandedSolidBrushDrawPixels;
- dmXor: if PQWord(@AColor)^ = 0 then
- begin
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @ExpandedSolidBrushSkipPixels;
- ABrush.DoesNothing := true;
- end else
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @ExpandedSolidBrushXorPixels;
- end;
-class procedure TExpandedBitmap.ScannerBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- AScanner: IBGRAScanner; ADrawMode: TDrawMode;
- AOffsetX: integer; AOffsetY: integer);
- sourceSpace: TColorspaceAny;
- ABrush.Colorspace:= TExpandedPixelColorspace;
- with PExpandedPixelScannerBrushFixedData(@ABrush.FixedData)^ do
- begin
- Scanner := Pointer(AScanner);
- OffsetX := AOffsetX;
- OffsetY := AOffsetY;
- end;
- ABrush.InternalInitContext:= @ExpandedScannerBrushInitContext;
- sourceSpace := AScanner.GetScanCustomColorspace;
- if sourceSpace = TExpandedPixelColorspace then
- begin
- case ADrawMode of
- dmSet: ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @ExpandedScannerChunkBrushSetPixels;
- dmSetExceptTransparent: ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @ExpandedScannerChunkBrushSetPixelsExceptTransparent;
- dmDrawWithTransparency,dmLinearBlend:
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @ExpandedScannerChunkBrushDrawPixels;
- dmXor: ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @ExpandedScannerChunkBrushXorPixels;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- with PExpandedPixelScannerBrushFixedData(@ABrush.FixedData)^ do
- Conversion := sourceSpace.GetBridgedConversion(TExpandedPixelColorspace);
- case ADrawMode of
- dmSet: ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @ExpandedScannerConvertBrushSetPixels;
- dmSetExceptTransparent: ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @ExpandedScannerConvertBrushSetPixelsExceptTransparent;
- dmDrawWithTransparency,dmLinearBlend:
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @ExpandedScannerConvertBrushDrawPixels;
- dmXor: ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @ExpandedScannerConvertBrushXorPixels;
- end;
- end;
-class procedure TExpandedBitmap.MaskBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- AScanner: IBGRAScanner; AOffsetX: integer; AOffsetY: integer);
- ABrush.Colorspace:= TExpandedPixelColorspace;
- with PExpandedPixelScannerBrushFixedData(@ABrush.FixedData)^ do
- begin
- Scanner := Pointer(AScanner);
- OffsetX := AOffsetX;
- OffsetY := AOffsetY;
- end;
- ABrush.InternalInitContext:= @ExpandedScannerBrushInitContext;
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @ExpandedMaskBrushApply;
-class procedure TExpandedBitmap.EraseBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- AAlpha: Word);
- if AAlpha = 0 then
- begin
- SolidBrush(ABrush, ExpandedPixelTransparent, dmDrawWithTransparency);
- exit;
- end;
- ABrush.Colorspace:= TExpandedPixelColorspace;
- PWord(@ABrush.FixedData)^ := AAlpha;
- ABrush.InternalInitContext:= nil;
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @ExpandedAlphaBrushErasePixels;
-class procedure TExpandedBitmap.AlphaBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- AAlpha: Word);
- if AAlpha = 0 then
- begin
- SolidBrush(ABrush, ExpandedPixelTransparent, dmSet);
- exit;
- end;
- ABrush.Colorspace:= TExpandedPixelColorspace;
- PWord(@ABrush.FixedData)^ := AAlpha;
- ABrush.InternalInitContext:= nil;
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @ExpandedAlphaBrushSetPixels;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/extendedcolorspace.inc b/components/bgrabitmap/extendedcolorspace.inc
deleted file mode 100644
index 7bbd22a..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/extendedcolorspace.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1454 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
- TSpectralLocusPoint = record
- W,X,Y,Z: Single;
- end;
- TIlluminantSpectrumPoint = record
- W,Y: Single;
- end;
-{$I spectraldata.inc}
- PXYZReferenceWhite = ^TXYZReferenceWhite;
- TXYZReferenceWhite = packed record
- X, Y, Z: single;
- ObserverAngle: integer;
- Illuminant: string;
- L,M,S: single;
- end;
- TCustomColorspace = class;
- TColorspaceAny = class of TCustomColorspace;
- TColorspaceConvertArrayProc = procedure(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer;
- ASourceStride:integer; ADestStride:integer; AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite);
- { TBridgedConversion }
- TBridgedConversion = record
- ConvertToBridge,FinalConvert: TColorspaceConvertArrayProc;
- procedure Convert(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer;
- ASourceStride:integer; ADestStride:integer; AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite); inline;
- end;
- TColorTransparency = (ctFullyTransparent, ctSemiTransparent, ctFullyOpaque);
- TColorspaceFlag = (cfFixedReferenceWhite, // ex: sRGB, AdobeRGB fixed at D65
- cfMovableReferenceWhite, // XYZ
- cfReferenceWhiteIndependent, // L*a*b*, LCh
- cfHasImaginaryColors); // XYZ, L*a*b*, LCh
- TColorspaceFlags = set of TColorspaceFlag;
- { TCustomColorspace }
- TCustomColorspace = class
- class function GetChannelName(AIndex: integer): string; virtual; abstract;
- class function GetChannelCount: integer; virtual; abstract;
- class function IndexOfChannel(AName: string): integer;
- class function IndexOfAlphaChannel: integer; virtual; abstract;
- class function GetColorTransparency(AColor: Pointer): TColorTransparency; virtual; abstract;
- class function GetMaxValue(AIndex: integer): single; virtual; abstract;
- class function GetMinValue(AIndex: integer): single; virtual; abstract;
- class function GetChannelBitDepth(AIndex: integer): byte; virtual; abstract;
- class function GetName: string; virtual; abstract;
- class function GetSize: integer; virtual; abstract;
- class function GetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer): single; virtual; abstract;
- class procedure SetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer; AValue: single); virtual; abstract;
- class procedure Convert(const ASource; out ADest; ADestColorspace: TColorspaceAny;
- ACount: integer = 1; AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite = nil);
- class function GetDirectConversion(ADestColorspace: TColorspaceAny): TColorspaceConvertArrayProc;
- class function GetBridgedConversion(ADestColorspace: TColorspaceAny): TBridgedConversion;
- class function GetFlags: TColorspaceFlags; virtual; abstract;
- end;
- { ColorspaceCollection }
- ColorspaceCollection = class
- protected
- class var FColorspaces : array of TColorspaceAny;
- class var FColorspaceCount: integer;
- class var FColorspaceConversions: array of array of TColorspaceConvertArrayProc;
- public
- class function GetCount: integer; static;
- class function GetItem(AIndex: integer): TColorspaceAny; static;
- class function IndexOf(AColorspace: TColorspaceAny): integer; static;
- class procedure Add(AColorspace: TColorspaceAny); static;
- class procedure AddConversion(ASource: TColorspaceAny; ADest: TColorspaceAny; AConversion: TColorspaceConvertArrayProc); static;
- class function GetDirectConversion(ASource: TColorspaceAny; ADest: TColorspaceAny): TColorspaceConvertArrayProc; static;
- class function GetBridgedConversion(ASource: TColorspaceAny; ADest: TColorspaceAny): TBridgedConversion; static;
- end;
-type {* How to handle overflow when converting from XYZ }
- TColorspaceOverflow =
- {** Colors outside of target colorspace are converted to transparent }
- (xroClipToTarget,
- {** Each color channel is saturated independently (hue may be lost) }
- xroSaturateEachChannel,
- {** Hue is preserved by reducing intensity or saturation }
- xroPreserveHue);
- XYZToRGBOverflowMin : TColorspaceOverflow = xroSaturateEachChannel;
- XYZToRGBOverflowMax : TColorspaceOverflow = xroSaturateEachChannel;
-{$I generatedcolorspace.inc}
-function BGRAToMask(const ABGRAPixel: TBGRAPixel): TByteMask;
-function ExpandedPixelToByteMask(const AExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel): TByteMask;
-function MaskToBGRA(const AMask: TByteMask; AAlpha: byte = 255): TBGRAPixel;
-function ByteMaskToExpandedPixel(const AMask: TByteMask; AAlpha: byte = 255): TExpandedPixel;
-function StdRGBAToBGRAPixel(const AStdRGBA: TStdRGBA): TBGRAPixel;
-function BGRAPixelToStdRGBA(const ABGRAPixel: TBGRAPixel): TStdRGBA;
-function LinearRGBAToExpandedPixel(const ALinearRGBA: TLinearRGBA): TExpandedPixel;
-function ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA(const AExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel): TLinearRGBA;
-function ExpandedPixelToStdRGBA(const AExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel): TStdRGBA;
-function GammaCompressionWF(AValue: Word): single;
-function StdRGBAToExpandedPixel(const AStdRGBA: TStdRGBA): TExpandedPixel;
-function GammaExpansionFW(AValue: single): word;
-function LinearRGBAToXYZA(const ALinearRGBA: TLinearRGBA): TXYZA; overload;
-function LinearRGBAToXYZA(const ALinearRGBA: TLinearRGBA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TXYZA; overload;
-function XYZAToLinearRGBA(const AXYZA: TXYZA): TLinearRGBA; overload;
-function XYZAToLinearRGBA(const AXYZA: TXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TLinearRGBA; overload;
-function ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(const AExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel): TWordXYZA; overload;
-function ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(const AExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TWordXYZA; overload;
-function XYZAToWordXYZA(const AXYZA: TXYZA): TWordXYZA;
-function WordXYZAToXYZA(const AWordXYZA: TWordXYZA): TXYZA;
-function WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(const AXYZA: TWordXYZA): TExpandedPixel; overload;
-function WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(const AXYZA: TWordXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TExpandedPixel; overload;
-function XYZAToLabA(const AXYZA: TXYZA): TLabA; overload;
-function XYZAToLabA(const AXYZA: TXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TLabA; overload;
-function LabAToXYZA(const ALabA: TLabA): TXYZA; overload;
-function LabAToXYZA(const ALabA: TLabA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TXYZA; overload;
-function StdRGBAToLinearRGBA(const AStdRGBA: TStdRGBA): TLinearRGBA;
-function LinearRGBAToStdRGBA(const ALinearRGBA: TLinearRGBA): TStdRGBA;
-function StdRGBAToStdHSLA(const AStdRGBA: TStdRGBA): TStdHSLA;
-function StdHSLAToStdRGBA(const AStdHSLA: TStdHSLA): TStdRGBA;
-function StdRGBAToStdHSVA(const AStdRGBA: TStdRGBA): TStdHSVA;
-function StdHSVAToStdRGBA(const AStdHSVA: TStdHSVA): TStdRGBA;
-function StdHSLAToStdHSVA(const AStdHSLA: TStdHSLA): TStdHSVA;
-function StdHSVAToStdHSLA(const AStdHSVA: TStdHSVA): TStdHSLA;
-function StdRGBAToStdCMYK(const AStdRGBA: TStdRGBA): TStdCMYK;
-function StdCMYKToStdRGBA(const AStdCMYK: TStdCMYK; AAlpha: Single = 1): TStdRGBA;
-function LabAToLChA(const ALabA: TLabA): TLChA;
-function LChAToLabA(const ALChA: TLChA): TLabA;
-function AdobeRGBAToXYZA(const ASource: TAdobeRGBA): TXYZA; overload;
-function AdobeRGBAToXYZA(const ASource: TAdobeRGBA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TXYZA; overload;
-function XYZAToAdobeRGBA(const AXYZA: TXYZA): TAdobeRGBA; overload;
-function XYZAToAdobeRGBA(const AXYZA: TXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TAdobeRGBA; overload;
-function SpectrumRangeReflectToXYZA(reflectance,wavelen1,wavelen2,alpha: single): TXYZA;
-procedure XYZToLMS(const X,Y,Z: Single; out L,M,S: single);
-procedure LMSToXYZ(const L,M,S: Single; out X,Y,Z: single);
-procedure ChromaticAdaptXYZ(var X,Y,Z: single; const AFrom, ATo: TXYZReferenceWhite); inline;
-procedure ChromaticAdaptWordXYZ(var X,Y,Z: word; const AFrom, ATo: TXYZReferenceWhite); inline;
-procedure SetReferenceWhite(AObserverAngle: integer; AIlluminant: string); overload;
-procedure SetReferenceWhite(AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-function GetReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite; overload;
-function GetReferenceWhiteIndirect: PXYZReferenceWhite; overload;
-function GetReferenceWhite(AObserverAngle: integer; AIlluminant: string): TXYZReferenceWhite; overload;
-function GetReferenceWhiteIndirect(AObserverAngle: integer; AIlluminant: string): PXYZReferenceWhite; overload;
-procedure AddReferenceWhite(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-procedure AddReferenceWhite(AObserverAngle: integer; AIlluminant: string; AX, AY, AZ: single); overload;
-function GetReferenceWhiteCount: integer;
-function GetReferenceWhiteByIndex(AIndex: integer): TXYZReferenceWhite;
- ReferenceWhite2D50, ReferenceWhite2D65, ReferenceWhite2E: TXYZReferenceWhite;
-{ TBridgedConversion }
-procedure TBridgedConversion.Convert(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer;
- ACount: integer; ASourceStride: integer; ADestStride: integer;
- AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite);
- bufSize = 512;
- bufCount = 512 div sizeof(TExpandedPixel);
- buf: array[0..bufSize-1] of byte;
- psrc, pdest: PByte;
- if Assigned(ConvertToBridge) then
- begin
- psrc := PByte(ASource);
- pdest := PByte(ADest);
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- if ACount > bufCount then
- begin
- ConvertToBridge(psrc, @buf, bufCount, ASourceStride, sizeof(TExpandedPixel), AReferenceWhite);
- FinalConvert(@buf, pdest, bufCount, sizeof(TExpandedPixel), ADestStride, AReferenceWhite);
- inc(psrc, ASourceStride*bufCount);
- inc(pdest, ADestStride*bufCount);
- dec(ACount,bufCount);
- end
- else
- begin
- ConvertToBridge(psrc, @buf, ACount, ASourceStride, sizeof(TExpandedPixel), AReferenceWhite);
- FinalConvert(@buf, pdest, ACount, sizeof(TExpandedPixel), ADestStride, AReferenceWhite);
- break;
- end;
- end;
- end else
- FinalConvert(ASource,ADest,ACount,ASourceStride,ADestStride,AReferenceWhite);
-{ TCustomColorspace }
-class function TCustomColorspace.IndexOfChannel(AName: string): integer;
- i: Integer;
- for i := 0 to GetChannelCount-1 do
- if GetChannelName(i) = AName then exit(i);
- exit(-1);
-class procedure TCustomColorspace.Convert(const ASource;
- out ADest; ADestColorspace: TColorspaceAny;
- ACount: integer; AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite);
- conv: TBridgedConversion;
- if self = TCustomColorspace then
- raise exception.Create('Cannot convert from abstract colorspace');
- if self = ADestColorspace then
- move(ASource, {%H-}ADest, self.GetSize * ACount)
- else
- begin
- conv := ColorspaceCollection.GetBridgedConversion(self, ADestColorspace);
- conv.Convert(@ASource,@ADest,ACount,self.GetSize,ADestColorspace.GetSize,AReferenceWhite);
- end;
-class function TCustomColorspace.GetDirectConversion(ADestColorspace: TColorspaceAny): TColorspaceConvertArrayProc;
- result := ColorspaceCollection.GetDirectConversion(self, ADestColorspace);
-class function TCustomColorspace.GetBridgedConversion(
- ADestColorspace: TColorspaceAny): TBridgedConversion;
- result := ColorspaceCollection.GetBridgedConversion(self, ADestColorspace);
-{ ColorspaceCollection }
-class function ColorspaceCollection.GetCount: integer;
- result := FColorspaceCount;
-class function ColorspaceCollection.GetItem(AIndex: integer): TColorspaceAny;
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= FColorspaceCount) then
- raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- result := FColorspaces[AIndex];
-class function ColorspaceCollection.IndexOf(AColorspace: TColorspaceAny): integer;
- i: Integer;
- for i := 0 to FColorspaceCount-1 do
- if FColorspaces[i] = AColorspace then exit(i);
- result := -1;
-class procedure ColorspaceCollection.Add(AColorspace: TColorspaceAny);
- i: Integer;
- for i := 0 to high(FColorspaces) do
- if FColorspaces[i] = AColorspace then exit;
- if FColorspaceCount >= length(FColorspaces) then
- setlength(FColorspaces, FColorspaceCount*2+8);
- FColorspaces[FColorspaceCount] := AColorspace;
- inc(FColorspaceCount);
-class procedure ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(ASource: TColorspaceAny;
- ADest: TColorspaceAny; AConversion: TColorspaceConvertArrayProc);
- idxSource, idxDest: Integer;
- idxSource := IndexOf(ASource);
- if idxSource = -1 then raise exception.Create('Colorspace not registered');
- idxDest := IndexOf(ADest);
- if idxDest = -1 then raise exception.Create('Colorspace not registered');
- if idxSource >= length(FColorspaceConversions) then
- setlength(FColorspaceConversions, FColorspaceCount+4);
- if idxDest >= length(FColorspaceConversions[idxSource]) then
- setlength(FColorspaceConversions[idxSource], FColorspaceCount+4);
- FColorspaceConversions[idxSource][idxDest] := AConversion;
-procedure CopyColorsAny(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer;
- {%H-}ASourceStride:integer; ADestStride:integer; {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite);
- move(ASource^, ADest^, ADestStride * ACount);
-class function ColorspaceCollection.GetDirectConversion(ASource: TColorspaceAny;
- ADest: TColorspaceAny): TColorspaceConvertArrayProc;
- idxSource, idxDest: Integer;
- if ASource = ADest then
- exit(@CopyColorsAny);
- idxSource := IndexOf(ASource);
- if idxSource = -1 then raise exception.Create('Colorspace not registered');
- idxDest := IndexOf(ADest);
- if idxDest = -1 then raise exception.Create('Colorspace not registered');
- if (idxSource < length(FColorspaceConversions)) and
- (idxDest < length(FColorspaceConversions[idxSource])) then
- result := FColorspaceConversions[idxSource][idxDest]
- else
- result := nil;
-class function ColorspaceCollection.GetBridgedConversion(
- ASource: TColorspaceAny; ADest: TColorspaceAny): TBridgedConversion;
- result.FinalConvert:= GetDirectConversion(ASource,ADest);
- if result.FinalConvert<>nil then
- begin // direct conversion so no bridge needed
- result.ConvertToBridge:= nil;
- end else
- begin
- result.ConvertToBridge:= GetDirectConversion(ASource,TExpandedPixelColorspace);
- if result.ConvertToBridge=nil then raise exception.Create('Cannot convert '+ASource.GetName+' to bridge');
- result.FinalConvert:= GetDirectConversion(TExpandedPixelColorspace,ADest);
- if result.FinalConvert=nil then raise exception.Create('Cannot convert '+ADest.GetName+' from bridge');
- end;
- CurrentReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite;
- ReferenceWhiteArray: array of TXYZReferenceWhite;
-function Clamp(const V, Min, Max: single): single;
- Result := V;
- if Result < Min then
- Result := Min
- else if Result > Max then
- Result := Max
- else Result := V;
-function ClampInt(V, Min, Max: integer): integer;
- Result := V;
- if Result < Min then
- Result := Min
- else if Result > Max then
- Result := Max
- else Result := V;
-function PositiveModSingle(x, cycle: single): single;
- if (x < 0) or (x >= cycle) then
- Result := x - cycle * floor(x / cycle)
- else
- result := x;
-procedure PrepareReferenceWhiteArray;
- //Source:http://www.easyrgb.com/index.php?X=MATH&H=15#text15
- //domestic, tungsten-filament lighting
- AddReferenceWhite(2, 'A', 1.09850, 1.00, 0.35585);
- AddReferenceWhite(10, 'A', 1.11144, 1.00, 0.35200);
- //deprecated daylight
- AddReferenceWhite(2, 'C', 0.98074, 1.00, 1.18232);
- AddReferenceWhite(10, 'C', 0.97285, 1.00, 1.16145);
- //daylight
- AddReferenceWhite(2, 'D50', 0.96422, 1.00, 0.82521);
- AddReferenceWhite(10, 'D50', 0.96720, 1.00, 0.81427);
- AddReferenceWhite(2, 'D55', 0.95682, 1.00, 0.92149);
- AddReferenceWhite(10, 'D55', 0.95799, 1.00, 0.90926);
- AddReferenceWhite(2, 'D65', 0.95047, 1.00, 1.08883);
- AddReferenceWhite(10, 'D65', 0.94811, 1.00, 1.07304);
- AddReferenceWhite(2, 'D75', 0.94972, 1.00, 1.22638);
- AddReferenceWhite(10, 'D75', 0.94416, 1.00, 1.20641);
- //equal energy
- AddReferenceWhite(2, 'E', 1,1,1);
- AddReferenceWhite(10, 'E', 1,1,1);
- //fluorescent light
- AddReferenceWhite(2, 'F2', 0.99187, 1.00, 0.67395);
- AddReferenceWhite(10, 'F2', 1.03280, 1.00, 0.69026);
- AddReferenceWhite(2, 'F7', 0.95044, 1.00, 1.08755);
- AddReferenceWhite(10, 'F7', 0.95792, 1.00, 1.07687);
- AddReferenceWhite(2, 'F11', 1.00966, 1.00, 0.64370);
- AddReferenceWhite(10, 'F11', 1.03866, 1.00, 0.65627);
-procedure SetReferenceWhite(AObserverAngle: integer; AIlluminant: string);
- rp: TXYZReferenceWhite;
- i: integer;
- for i := 0 to Length(ReferenceWhiteArray) - 1 do
- begin
- rp := ReferenceWhiteArray[i];
- if (rp.ObserverAngle = AObserverAngle) and (rp.Illuminant = AIlluminant) then
- begin
- CurrentReferenceWhite := rp;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
-procedure SetReferenceWhite(AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite);
- CurrentReferenceWhite := AReferenceWhite;
-function GetReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite;
- Result := CurrentReferenceWhite;
-function GetReferenceWhiteIndirect: PXYZReferenceWhite;
- result := @CurrentReferenceWhite;
-function GetReferenceWhite(AObserverAngle: integer; AIlluminant: string): TXYZReferenceWhite;
- p: PXYZReferenceWhite;
- p := GetReferenceWhiteIndirect(AObserverAngle, AIlluminant);
- if p = nil then raise exception.Create('Reference white not found');
- result := p^;
-function GetReferenceWhiteIndirect(AObserverAngle: integer; AIlluminant: string): PXYZReferenceWhite;
- rp: PXYZReferenceWhite;
- i: integer;
- for i := 0 to Length(ReferenceWhiteArray) - 1 do
- begin
- rp := @ReferenceWhiteArray[i];
- if (rp^.ObserverAngle = AObserverAngle) and (rp^.Illuminant = AIlluminant) then
- begin
- result := rp;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- result := nil;
-procedure AddReferenceWhite(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite);
- if GetReferenceWhiteIndirect(AReferenceWhite.ObserverAngle, AReferenceWhite.Illuminant)<>nil then
- raise exception.Create('Reference white already defined');
- SetLength(ReferenceWhiteArray, Length(ReferenceWhiteArray) + 1);
- ReferenceWhiteArray[Length(ReferenceWhiteArray) - 1] := AReferenceWhite;
- with ReferenceWhiteArray[Length(ReferenceWhiteArray) - 1] do
-procedure AddReferenceWhite(AObserverAngle: integer; AIlluminant: string; AX, AY, AZ: single);
- rp: TXYZReferenceWhite;
- rp.Illuminant := AIlluminant;
- rp.ObserverAngle := AObserverAngle;
- rp.X := AX;
- rp.Y := AY;
- rp.Z := AZ;
- AddReferenceWhite(rp);
-function GetReferenceWhiteCount: integer;
- result := length(ReferenceWhiteArray);
-function GetReferenceWhiteByIndex(AIndex: integer): TXYZReferenceWhite;
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= length(ReferenceWhiteArray)) then
- raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- result := ReferenceWhiteArray[AIndex];
-{$I generatedcolorspace.inc}
-function BGRAToMask(const ABGRAPixel: TBGRAPixel): TByteMask;
- ec: TExpandedPixel;
- ec := GammaExpansion(ABGRAPixel);
- result.gray:= (ec.red * redWeightShl10 + ec.green * greenWeightShl10 +
- ec.blue * blueWeightShl10 + (1 shl 9)) shr 18;
-function ExpandedPixelToByteMask(const AExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel): TByteMask;
- result.gray:= (AExpandedPixel.red * redWeightShl10 + AExpandedPixel.green * greenWeightShl10 +
- AExpandedPixel.blue * blueWeightShl10 + (1 shl 9)) shr 18;
-function MaskToBGRA(const AMask: TByteMask; AAlpha: byte): TBGRAPixel;
- result.red := GammaCompressionTab[AMask.gray+(AMask.gray shl 8)];
- result.green := result.red;
- result.blue := result.red;
- result.alpha := AAlpha;
-function ByteMaskToExpandedPixel(const AMask: TByteMask; AAlpha: byte = 255): TExpandedPixel;
- result.red := AMask.gray+(AMask.gray shl 8);
- result.green := result.red;
- result.blue := result.red;
- result.alpha := AAlpha;
-function StdRGBAToBGRAPixel(const AStdRGBA: TStdRGBA): TBGRAPixel;
- with AStdRGBA do
- begin
- result.red := ClampInt(round(red * 255), 0, 255);
- result.green := ClampInt(round(green * 255), 0, 255);
- result.blue := ClampInt(round(blue * 255), 0, 255);
- result.alpha := ClampInt(round(alpha * 255), 0, 255);
- end;
-function BGRAPixelToStdRGBA(const ABGRAPixel: TBGRAPixel): TStdRGBA;
-const oneOver255 = 1/255;
- with ABGRAPixel do
- begin
- result.red := red * oneOver255;
- result.green := green * oneOver255;
- result.blue := blue * oneOver255;
- result.alpha := alpha * oneOver255;
- end;
-function LinearRGBAToExpandedPixel(const ALinearRGBA: TLinearRGBA): TExpandedPixel;
- with ALinearRGBA do
- begin
- result.red := ClampInt(round(red * 65535), 0, 65535);
- result.green := ClampInt(round(green * 65535), 0, 65535);
- result.blue := ClampInt(round(blue * 65535), 0, 65535);
- result.alpha := ClampInt(round(alpha * 65535), 0, 65535);
- end;
-function ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA(const AExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel): TLinearRGBA;
- with AExpandedPixel do
- begin
- result.red := red / 65535;
- result.green := green / 65535;
- result.blue := blue / 65535;
- result.alpha := alpha / 65535;
- end;
-function GammaCompressionWF(AValue: Word): single;
- oneOver255 = 1/255;
- compByte: Byte;
- reExp, reExp2: Word;
- if AValue=0 then exit(0) else
- if AValue=65535 then exit(1) else
- begin
- compByte := GammaCompressionTab[AValue];
- reExp := GammaExpansionTab[compByte];
- if reExp = AValue then
- result := compByte * oneOver255
- else
- if reExp < AValue then
- begin
- reExp2 := GammaExpansionTabHalf[compByte];
- if reExp2<>reExp then
- result := (compByte + (AValue-reExp)/(reExp2-reExp)*0.5)*oneOver255;
- end else
- begin
- reExp2 := GammaExpansionTabHalf[compByte-1];
- if reExp2<>reExp then
- result := (compByte - (reExp-AValue)/(reExp-reExp2)*0.5)*oneOver255;
- end;
- end;
-function ExpandedPixelToStdRGBA(const AExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel): TStdRGBA;
- result.red := GammaCompressionWF(AExpandedPixel.red);
- result.green := GammaCompressionWF(AExpandedPixel.green);
- result.blue := GammaCompressionWF(AExpandedPixel.blue);
- result.alpha := AExpandedPixel.alpha/65535;
-function GammaExpansionFW(AValue: single): word;
- fracShift = 10;
- intRange = 255 shl fracShift;
- fracAnd = (1 shl fracShift)-1;
- fracHalf = 1 shl (fracShift-1);
- fracQuarter = 1 shl (fracShift-2);
- valInt, byteVal, fracPart: integer;
- half: Word;
- if AValue <= 0 then exit(0)
- else if AValue >= 1 then exit(65535);
- valInt := round(AValue*intRange);
- byteVal := valInt shr fracShift;
- fracPart := valInt and fracAnd;
- if fracPart >= fracHalf then
- begin
- result := GammaExpansionTab[byteVal+1];
- half := GammaExpansionTabHalf[byteVal];
- dec(result, ((result-half)*((1 shl fracShift)-fracPart)+fracQuarter) shr (fracShift-1));
- end
- else
- begin
- result := GammaExpansionTab[byteVal];
- if fracPart > 0 then
- begin
- half := GammaExpansionTabHalf[byteVal];
- inc(result, ((half-result)*fracPart+fracQuarter) shr (fracShift-1));
- end;
- end;
-function StdRGBAToExpandedPixel(const AStdRGBA: TStdRGBA): TExpandedPixel;
- result.red := GammaExpansionFW(AStdRGBA.red);
- result.green := GammaExpansionFW(AStdRGBA.green);
- result.blue := GammaExpansionFW(AStdRGBA.blue);
- result.alpha:= round(AStdRGBA.alpha*65535);
-function LinearRGBAToXYZA(const ALinearRGBA: TLinearRGBA): TXYZA;
- result := LinearRGBAToXYZA(ALinearRGBA, GetReferenceWhiteIndirect^);
-function LinearRGBAToXYZA(const ALinearRGBA: TLinearRGBA;
- const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TXYZA;
- if AReferenceWhite.Illuminant = 'D50' then
- begin
- with ALinearRGBA do
- begin
- result.X := red * 0.4360746 + green * 0.3850649 + blue * 0.1430804;
- result.Y := red * 0.2225045 + green * 0.7168786 + blue * 0.0606169;
- result.Z := red * 0.0139322 + green * 0.0971045 + blue * 0.7141733;
- end;
- result.ChromaticAdapt(ReferenceWhite2D50, AReferenceWhite);
- end else
- begin
- with ALinearRGBA do
- begin
- result.X := red * 0.4124564 + green * 0.3575761 + blue * 0.1804375;
- result.Y := red * 0.2126729 + green * 0.7151522 + blue * 0.0721750;
- result.Z := red * 0.0193339 + green * 0.1191920 + blue * 0.9503041;
- end;
- result.ChromaticAdapt(ReferenceWhite2D65, AReferenceWhite);
- end;
- Result.alpha := ALinearRGBA.alpha;
-function XYZAToLinearRGBA(const AXYZA: TXYZA): TLinearRGBA;
- result := XYZAToLinearRGBA(AXYZA, GetReferenceWhiteIndirect^);
-function XYZAToLinearRGBA(const AXYZA: TXYZA;
- const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TLinearRGBA;
- minVal, lightVal, maxVal: single;
- ad: TXYZA;
- ad := AXYZA;
- if AReferenceWhite.Illuminant = 'D50' then
- begin
- ad.ChromaticAdapt(AReferenceWhite, ReferenceWhite2D50);
- with ad do
- begin
- result.red := X * 3.1338561 + Y * (-1.6168667) + Z * (-0.4906146);
- result.green := X * (-0.9787684) + Y * 1.9161415 + Z * 0.0334540;
- result.blue := X * 0.0719453 + Y * (-0.2289914) + Z * 1.4052427;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- ad.ChromaticAdapt(AReferenceWhite, ReferenceWhite2D65);
- with ad do
- begin
- result.red := X * 3.2404542 + Y * (-1.5371385) + Z * (-0.4985314);
- result.green := X * (-0.9692660) + Y * 1.8760108 + Z * 0.0415560;
- result.blue := X * 0.0556434 + Y * (-0.2040259) + Z * 1.0572252;
- end;
- end;
- if ( (XYZToRGBOverflowMin = xroClipToTarget) and ((result.red < 0) or
- (result.green < 0) or (result.blue < 0)) ) or
- ( (XYZToRGBOverflowMax = xroClipToTarget) and ((result.red > 1) or
- (result.green > 1) or (result.blue > 1)) ) then
- begin
- result.red := 0;
- result.green := 0;
- result.blue := 0;
- result.alpha := 0;
- exit;
- end;
- case XYZToRGBOverflowMin of
- xroPreserveHue: begin
- minVal := min(min(result.red,result.green),result.blue);
- if minVal<0 then
- begin
- lightVal := result.red*0.299+result.green*0.587+result.blue*0.114;
- if lightVal <= 0 then
- begin
- result.red := 0;
- result.green := 0;
- result.blue := 0;
- end else
- begin
- result.red := (result.red-minVal)*lightVal/(lightVal-minVal);
- result.green := (result.green-minVal)*lightVal/(lightVal-minVal);
- result.blue := (result.blue-minVal)*lightVal/(lightVal-minVal);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- case XYZToRGBOverflowMax of
- xroPreserveHue:
- begin
- maxVal := max(max(result.red,result.green),result.blue);
- if maxVal > 1 then
- begin
- result.red := result.red/maxVal;
- result.green := result.green/maxVal;
- result.blue := result.blue/maxVal;
- end;
- end;
- xroSaturateEachChannel:
- begin
- if result.red > 1 then result.red := 1;
- if result.green > 1 then result.green := 1;
- if result.blue > 1 then result.blue := 1;
- end;
- end;
- if XYZToRGBOverflowMin = xroSaturateEachChannel then
- begin
- if result.red < 0 then result.red := 0;
- if result.green < 0 then result.green := 0;
- if result.blue < 0 then result.blue := 0;
- end;
- Result.alpha := AXYZA.alpha;
-function ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(const AExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel): TWordXYZA; overload;
- result := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(AExpandedPixel, GetReferenceWhiteIndirect^);
-function ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(const AExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TWordXYZA; overload;
- if AReferenceWhite.Illuminant = 'D50' then
- begin
- with AExpandedPixel do
- begin
- result.X := ClampInt(round((red * 0.4360746 + green * 0.3850649 + blue * 0.1430804)*(50000/65535)),0,65535);
- result.Y := ClampInt(round((red * 0.2225045 + green * 0.7168786 + blue * 0.0606169)*(50000/65535)),0,65535);
- result.Z := ClampInt(round((red * 0.0139322 + green * 0.0971045 + blue * 0.7141733)*(50000/65535)),0,65535);
- end;
- result.ChromaticAdapt(ReferenceWhite2D50, AReferenceWhite);
- end else
- begin
- with AExpandedPixel do
- begin
- result.X := ClampInt(round((red * 0.4124564 + green * 0.3575761 + blue * 0.1804375)*(50000/65535)),0,65535);
- result.Y := ClampInt(round((red * 0.2126729 + green * 0.7151522 + blue * 0.0721750)*(50000/65535)),0,65535);
- result.Z := ClampInt(round((red * 0.0193339 + green * 0.1191920 + blue * 0.9503041)*(50000/65535)),0,65535);
- end;
- result.ChromaticAdapt(ReferenceWhite2D65, AReferenceWhite);
- end;
- Result.alpha := AExpandedPixel.alpha;
-function WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(const AXYZA: TWordXYZA): TExpandedPixel; overload;
- result := WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(AXYZA, GetReferenceWhiteIndirect^);
-function WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(const AXYZA: TWordXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TExpandedPixel; overload;
- minVal, lightVal, maxVal,
- r,g,b, valRangeDiv2: Int32or64;
- ad: TWordXYZA;
- ad := AXYZA;
- if AReferenceWhite.Illuminant = 'D50' then
- begin
- ad.ChromaticAdapt(AReferenceWhite, ReferenceWhite2D50);
- with ad do
- begin
- r := round((X * 3.1338561 + Y * (-1.6168667) + Z * (-0.4906146))*(65535/50000));
- g := round((X * (-0.9787684) + Y * 1.9161415 + Z * 0.0334540)*(65535/50000));
- b := round((X * 0.0719453 + Y * (-0.2289914) + Z * 1.4052427)*(65535/50000));
- end;
- end else
- begin
- ad.ChromaticAdapt(AReferenceWhite, ReferenceWhite2D65);
- with ad do
- begin
- r := round((X * 3.2404542 + Y * (-1.5371385) + Z * (-0.4985314))*(65535/50000));
- g := round((X * (-0.9692660) + Y * 1.8760108 + Z * 0.0415560)*(65535/50000));
- b := round((X * 0.0556434 + Y * (-0.2040259) + Z * 1.0572252)*(65535/50000));
- end;
- end;
- if ( (XYZToRGBOverflowMin = xroClipToTarget) and ((r < 0) or
- (g < 0) or (b < 0)) ) or
- ( (XYZToRGBOverflowMax = xroClipToTarget) and ((r > 65535) or
- (g > 65535) or (b > 65535)) ) then
- begin
- result.red := 0;
- result.green := 0;
- result.blue := 0;
- result.alpha := 0;
- exit;
- end;
- case XYZToRGBOverflowMin of
- xroPreserveHue: begin
- minVal := min(min(r,g),b);
- if minVal<0 then
- begin
- lightVal := r*redWeightShl10 + g*greenWeightShl10
- + b*blueWeightShl10;
- if lightVal <= 0 then
- begin
- result.red := 0;
- result.green := 0;
- result.blue := 0;
- Result.alpha := AXYZA.alpha;
- exit;
- end else
- begin
- lightVal := (lightVal+512) shr 10;
- valRangeDiv2 := (lightVal-minVal) shr 1;
- r := (int64(r-minVal)*lightVal+valRangeDiv2) div (lightVal-minVal);
- g := (int64(g-minVal)*lightVal+valRangeDiv2) div (lightVal-minVal);
- b := (int64(b-minVal)*lightVal+valRangeDiv2) div (lightVal-minVal);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- case XYZToRGBOverflowMax of
- xroPreserveHue:
- begin
- maxVal := max(max(r,g),b);
- if maxVal > 65535 then
- begin
- r := (int64(r)*65535+(maxVal shr 1)) div maxVal;
- g := (int64(g)*65535+(maxVal shr 1)) div maxVal;
- b := (int64(b)*65535+(maxVal shr 1)) div maxVal;
- end;
- end;
- xroSaturateEachChannel:
- begin
- if r > 65535 then r := 65535;
- if g > 65535 then g := 65535;
- if b > 65535 then b := 65535;
- end;
- end;
- if XYZToRGBOverflowMin = xroSaturateEachChannel then
- begin
- if r < 0 then r := 0;
- if g < 0 then g := 0;
- if b < 0 then b := 0;
- end;
- result.red := r;
- result.green := g;
- result.blue := b;
- Result.alpha := AXYZA.alpha;
-function XYZAToWordXYZA(const AXYZA: TXYZA): TWordXYZA;
- result.X := ClampInt(round(AXYZA.X*50000),0,65535);
- result.Y := ClampInt(round(AXYZA.Y*50000),0,65535);
- result.Z := ClampInt(round(AXYZA.Z*50000),0,65535);
- result.alpha := round(AXYZA.alpha*65535);
-function WordXYZAToXYZA(const AWordXYZA: TWordXYZA): TXYZA;
-const oneOver50000 = 1/50000;
- result.X := AWordXYZA.X*oneOver50000;
- result.Y := AWordXYZA.Y*oneOver50000;
- result.Z := AWordXYZA.Z*oneOver50000;
- result.alpha:= AWordXYZA.alpha*(1/65535);
-function XYZAToLabA(const AXYZA: TXYZA): TLabA;
- Result := XYZAToLabA(AXYZA, GetReferenceWhiteIndirect^);
-function XYZAToLabA(const AXYZA: TXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TLabA;
- xp, yp, zp: double;
- xp := AXYZA.X / AReferenceWhite.X;
- yp := AXYZA.Y / AReferenceWhite.Y;
- zp := AXYZA.Z / AReferenceWhite.Z;
- if xp > 0.008856 then
- xp := Power(xp, 1 / 3)
- else
- xp := (7.787 * xp) + 0.138;
- if yp > 0.008856 then
- yp := Power(yp, 1 / 3)
- else
- yp := (7.787 * yp) + 0.138;
- if zp > 0.008856 then
- zp := Power(zp, 1 / 3)
- else
- zp := (7.787 * zp) + 0.138;
- result.L := Clamp((116 * yp) - 16, 0, 100);
- result.a := 500 * (xp - yp);
- result.b := 200 * (yp - zp);
- Result.Alpha := AXYZA.alpha;
-function LabAToXYZA(const ALabA: TLabA): TXYZA;
- Result := LabAToXYZA(ALabA, GetReferenceWhiteIndirect^);
-function LabAToXYZA(const ALabA: TLabA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TXYZA;
- xp, yp, zp: double;
- yp := (ALabA.L + 16) / 116;
- xp := ALabA.a / 500 + yp;
- zp := yp - ALabA.b / 200;
- if yp > 0.2069 then
- yp := IntPower(yp, 3)
- else
- yp := (yp - 0.138) / 7.787;
- if xp > 0.2069 then
- xp := IntPower(xp, 3)
- else
- xp := (xp - 0.138) / 7.787;
- if zp > 0.2069 then
- zp := IntPower(zp, 3)
- else
- zp := (zp - 0.138) / 7.787;
- Result.X := AReferenceWhite.X * xp;
- Result.Y := AReferenceWhite.Y * yp;
- Result.Z := AReferenceWhite.Z * zp;
- Result.alpha := ALabA.Alpha;
-function StdRGBAToStdHSVA(const AStdRGBA: TStdRGBA): TStdHSVA;
- Delta, mini: single;
- with AStdRGBA do
- begin
- result.value := max(max(red, green), blue);
- mini := min(min(red, green), blue);
- Delta := result.value - mini;
- if result.value = 0.0 then
- result.saturation := 0
- else
- result.saturation := Delta / result.value;
- if result.saturation = 0.0 then
- result.hue := 0
- else
- begin
- if red = result.value then
- result.hue := 60.0 * (green - blue) / Delta
- else
- if green = result.value then
- result.hue := 120.0 + 60.0 * (blue - red) / Delta
- else
- {if blue = result.value then}
- result.hue := 240.0 + 60.0 * (red - green) / Delta;
- if result.hue < 0.0 then
- IncF(result.hue, 360.0);
- end;
- result.alpha := alpha;
- end;
-function StdHSVAToStdRGBA(const AStdHSVA: TStdHSVA): TStdRGBA;
- C, X, M, rp, gp, bp, sp, vp: single;
- h360: single;
- vp := AStdHSVA.value;
- sp := AStdHSVA.saturation;
- C := Vp * sp;
- h360 := PositiveModSingle(AStdHSVA.hue, 360);
- X := C * (1 - abs(PositiveModSingle(h360 / 60, 2) - 1));
- m := vp - c;
- rp := 0;
- gp := 0;
- bp := 0;
- case floor(h360) of
- -1..59:
- begin
- rp := C;
- gp := X;
- bp := 0;
- end;
- 60..119:
- begin
- rp := X;
- gp := C;
- bp := 0;
- end;
- 120..179:
- begin
- rp := 0;
- gp := C;
- bp := X;
- end;
- 180..239:
- begin
- rp := 0;
- gp := X;
- bp := C;
- end;
- 240..299:
- begin
- rp := X;
- gp := 0;
- bp := C;
- end;
- 300..359:
- begin
- rp := C;
- gp := 0;
- bp := X;
- end;
- end;
- result.red := rp + m;
- result.green := gp + m;
- result.blue := bp + m;
- result.alpha := AStdHSVA.alpha;
-function StdHSLAToStdHSVA(const AStdHSLA: TStdHSLA): TStdHSVA;
- s, l, v: single;
- Result.hue := AStdHSLA.hue;
- s := AStdHSLA.saturation;
- l := AStdHSLA.lightness;
- v := (2 * l + s * (1 - abs(2 * l - 1))) / 2;
- if v <> 0 then
- Result.saturation := 2 * (v - l) / v
- else
- Result.saturation := 0;
- Result.value := v;
-function StdHSVAToStdHSLA(const AStdHSVA: TStdHSVA): TStdHSLA;
- s, v, l: single;
- Result.hue := AStdHSVA.hue;
- s := AStdHSVA.saturation;
- v := AStdHSVA.value;
- l := 0.5 * v * (2 - s);
- if l <> 0 then
- Result.saturation := v * s / (1 - abs(2 * l - 1))
- else
- Result.saturation := 0;
- Result.lightness := l;
-function StdRGBAToStdCMYK(const AStdRGBA: TStdRGBA): TStdCMYK;
- with AStdRGBA do
- begin
- result.K := 1 - max(max(red, green), blue);
- if result.K >= 1 then
- begin
- result.C := 0;
- result.M := 0;
- result.Y := 0;
- end
- else
- begin
- result.C := 1 - red / (1 - result.K);
- result.M := 1 - green / (1 - result.K);
- result.Y := 1 - blue / (1 - result.K);
- end;
- end;
-function StdCMYKToStdRGBA(const AStdCMYK: TStdCMYK; AAlpha: Single = 1): TStdRGBA;
- with AStdCMYK do
- begin
- result.red := (1 - C) * (1 - K);
- result.green := (1 - M) * (1 - K);
- result.blue := (1 - Y) * (1 - K);
- result.alpha := AAlpha;
- end;
-function LabAToLChA(const ALabA: TLabA): TLChA;
- a, b, HRad: single;
- a := ALabA.a;
- b := ALabA.b;
- HRad := ArcTan2(b, a);
- if HRad >= 0 then
- result.H := (HRad / PI) * 180
- else
- result.H := 360 - (ABS(HRad) / PI) * 180;
- result.L := ALabA.L;
- result.C := SQRT(a*a + b*b);
- result.alpha := ALabA.Alpha;
-function LChAToLabA(const ALChA: TLChA): TLabA;
- result.L := ALChA.L;
- result.a := cos(DegToRad(ALChA.h)) * ALChA.C;
- result.b := sin(DegToRad(ALChA.h)) * ALChA.C;
- result.Alpha:= ALChA.alpha;
-function AdobeRGBAToXYZA(const ASource: TAdobeRGBA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TXYZA;
-var R,G,B: single;
- R := GammaExpansionTab[ASource.red]/65535;
- G := GammaExpansionTab[ASource.green]/65535;
- B := GammaExpansionTab[ASource.blue]/65535;
- if AReferenceWhite.Illuminant = 'D50' then
- begin
- result.X := R*0.6097559 + G*0.2052401 + B*0.1492240;
- result.Y := R*0.3111242 + G*0.6256560 + B*0.0632197;
- result.Z := R*0.0194811 + G*0.0608902 + B*0.7448387;
- result.ChromaticAdapt(ReferenceWhite2D50, AReferenceWhite);
- end else
- begin
- result.X := R*0.5767309 + G*0.1855540 + B*0.1881852;
- result.Y := R*0.2973769 + G*0.6273491 + B*0.0752741;
- result.Z := R*0.0270343 + G*0.0706872 + B*0.9911085;
- result.ChromaticAdapt(ReferenceWhite2D65, AReferenceWhite);
- end;
- result.alpha := ASource.alpha/255;
-function AdobeRGBAToXYZA(const ASource: TAdobeRGBA): TXYZA;
- result := AdobeRGBAToXYZA(ASource, GetReferenceWhiteIndirect^);
-function XYZAToAdobeRGBA(const AXYZA: TXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TAdobeRGBA;
-var R,G,B: single;
- ad: TXYZA;
- ad := AXYZA;
- if AReferenceWhite.Illuminant = 'D50' then
- begin
- ad.ChromaticAdapt(AReferenceWhite, ReferenceWhite2D50);
- with ad do
- begin
- R := Clamp(1.9624274*X - 0.6105343*Y - 0.3413404*Z,0,1);
- G := Clamp(-0.9787684*X + 1.9161415*Y + 0.0334540*Z,0,1);
- B := Clamp(0.0286869*X - 0.1406752*Y + 1.3487655*Z,0,1);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- ad.ChromaticAdapt(AReferenceWhite, ReferenceWhite2D65);
- with ad do
- begin
- R := Clamp(2.0413690*X - 0.5649464*Y - 0.3446944*Z,0,1);
- G := Clamp(-0.9692660*X + 1.8760108*Y + 0.0415560*Z,0,1);
- B := Clamp(0.0134474*X - 0.1183897*Y + 1.0154096*Z,0,1);
- end;
- end;
- result.red := GammaCompressionTab[round(R*65535)];
- result.green := GammaCompressionTab[round(G*65535)];
- result.blue := GammaCompressionTab[round(B*65535)];
- result.alpha := ClampInt(round(AXYZA.alpha*255),0,255);
-function XYZAToAdobeRGBA(const AXYZA: TXYZA): TAdobeRGBA;
- result := XYZAToAdobeRGBA(AXYZA, GetReferenceWhiteIndirect^);
-function StdRGBAToLinearRGBA(const AStdRGBA: TStdRGBA): TLinearRGBA;
- ec: TExpandedPixel;
- ec := StdRGBAToExpandedPixel(AStdRGBA);
- result := ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA(ec);
- result.alpha := AStdRGBA.alpha;
-function LinearRGBAToStdRGBA(const ALinearRGBA: TLinearRGBA): TStdRGBA;
- ec: TExpandedPixel;
- ec := LinearRGBAToExpandedPixel(ALinearRGBA);
- result := ExpandedPixelToStdRGBA(ec);
- result.alpha := ALinearRGBA.alpha;
-function StdRGBAToStdHSLA(const AStdRGBA: TStdRGBA): TStdHSLA;
- d, cmax, cmin: double;
- with AStdRGBA do
- begin
- cmax := Max(red, Max(green, blue));
- cmin := Min(red, Min(green, blue));
- result.lightness := (cmax + cmin) / 2;
- if cmax = cmin then
- begin
- result.hue := 0;
- result.saturation := 0;
- end
- else
- begin
- d := cmax - cmin;
- if result.lightness < 0.5 then
- result.saturation := d / (cmax + cmin)
- else
- result.saturation := d / (2 - cmax - cmin);
- if red = cmax then
- result.hue := (green - blue) / d
- else
- if green = cmax then
- result.hue := 2 + (blue - red) / d
- else
- result.hue := 4 + (red - green) / d;
- if result.hue < 0 then IncF(result.hue, 6);
- result.hue := result.hue * 60;
- end;
- result.alpha := alpha;
- end;
-function StdHSLAToStdRGBA(const AStdHSLA: TStdHSLA): TStdRGBA;
- C, X, M, rp, gp, bp, sp, lp, h360: single;
- lp := AStdHSLA.lightness;
- sp := AStdHSLA.saturation;
- C := (1 - abs(2 * Lp - 1)) * Sp;
- h360 := PositiveModSingle(AStdHSLA.hue, 360);
- X := C * (1 - abs(PositiveModSingle(h360 / 60, 2) - 1));
- m := Lp - C / 2;
- rp := 0;
- gp := 0;
- bp := 0;
- case floor(h360) of
- -1..59:
- begin
- rp := C;
- gp := X;
- bp := 0;
- end;
- 60..119:
- begin
- rp := X;
- gp := C;
- bp := 0;
- end;
- 120..179:
- begin
- rp := 0;
- gp := C;
- bp := X;
- end;
- 180..239:
- begin
- rp := 0;
- gp := X;
- bp := C;
- end;
- 240..299:
- begin
- rp := X;
- gp := 0;
- bp := C;
- end;
- 300..359:
- begin
- rp := C;
- gp := 0;
- bp := X;
- end;
- end;
- result.red := rp + m;
- result.green := gp + m;
- result.blue := bp + m;
- result.alpha := AStdHSLA.alpha;
-function SpectrumRangeReflectToXYZA(reflectance,wavelen1,wavelen2,alpha: single): TXYZA;
-var isEqualEnergy: boolean;
- fromRefWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite;
- function GetIlluminantSpectrum(AIndex: integer): single;
- begin
- if isEqualEnergy then result := 1 else
- result := IlluminantSpectrumD65[AIndex].Y;
- end;
- procedure IncludeWavelength(fromWavelen, toWavelen: single);
- var i: integer;
- factor, ill: single;
- begin
- for i := 0 to high(SpectralLocus) do
- if (SpectralLocus[i].W+2.5 >= fromWavelen) and
- (SpectralLocus[i].W-2.5 < toWavelen) then
- begin
- factor := 1;
- if SpectralLocus[i].W-2.5 < fromWavelen then
- DecF(factor, (fromWavelen - (SpectralLocus[i].W-2.5))/5);
- if SpectralLocus[i].W+2.5 > toWavelen then
- DecF(factor, ((SpectralLocus[i].W+2.5) - toWavelen)/5);
- if factor > 0 then
- begin
- ill := GetIlluminantSpectrum(i);
- IncF(result.X, SpectralLocus[i].X*factor*ill);
- IncF(result.Y, SpectralLocus[i].Y*factor*ill);
- IncF(result.Z, SpectralLocus[i].Z*factor*ill);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- minWavelen, maxWavelen, ill: single;
- totalXYZ: TXYZA;
- i: Integer;
- result.X := 0;
- result.Y := 0;
- result.Z := 0;
- result.alpha:= alpha;
- with GetReferenceWhiteIndirect^ do
- isEqualEnergy := (X = 1) and (Y = 1) and (Z = 1);
- if isEqualEnergy then fromRefWhite := @ReferenceWhite2E
- else fromRefWhite := @ReferenceWhite2D65;
- totalXYZ := BGRABlack;
- for i := 0 to high(SpectralLocus) do
- begin
- ill := GetIlluminantSpectrum(i);
- IncF(totalXYZ.X, SpectralLocus[i].X*ill);
- IncF(totalXYZ.Y, SpectralLocus[i].Y*ill);
- IncF(totalXYZ.Z, SpectralLocus[i].Z*ill);
- end;
- minWavelen := SpectralLocus[0].W;
- maxWavelen := SpectralLocus[high(SpectralLocus)].W;
- if wavelen1 <= minWavelen then wavelen1 := minWavelen-2.5;
- if wavelen2 >= maxWavelen then wavelen2 := maxWavelen+2.5;
- if wavelen2 > wavelen1 then
- IncludeWavelength(wavelen1, wavelen2)
- else
- begin
- IncludeWavelength(wavelen1, maxWavelen+2.5);
- IncludeWavelength(minWavelen-2.5, wavelen2);
- end;
- result.X := result.X * fromRefWhite^.X/totalXYZ.X * reflectance;
- result.Y := result.Y * fromRefWhite^.Y/totalXYZ.Y * reflectance;
- result.Z := result.Z * fromRefWhite^.Z/totalXYZ.Z * reflectance;
- result.ChromaticAdapt(fromRefWhite^, GetReferenceWhiteIndirect^);
-procedure XYZToLMS(const X,Y,Z: Single; out L,M,S: single);
- L := max(0.8951*X+0.2664*Y-0.1615*Z, 0);
- M := max(-0.7502*X+1.7135*Y+0.0367*Z, 0);
- S := max(0.0389*X-0.0685*Y+1.0296*Z, 0);
-procedure LMSToXYZ(const L,M,S: Single; out X,Y,Z: single);
- X := 0.98699*L-0.14705*M+0.16006*S;
- Y := 0.43230*L+0.51836*M+0.04933*S;
- Z := -0.00853*L+0.04004*M+0.96849*S;
-procedure ChromaticAdaptXYZ(var X,Y,Z: Single; const AFrom, ATo: TXYZReferenceWhite);
- L, M, S: single;
- if (AFrom.L=ATo.L) and (AFrom.M=ATo.M) and (AFrom.S=ATo.S) then exit;
- L := L * ATo.L/AFrom.L;
- M := M * ATo.M/AFrom.M;
- S := S * ATo.S/AFrom.S;
-procedure ChromaticAdaptWordXYZ(var X,Y,Z: Word; const AFrom, ATo: TXYZReferenceWhite);
-const oneOver50000 = 1/50000;
-var Xf,Yf,Zf: Single;
- Xf := X*oneOver50000;
- Yf := Y*oneOver50000;
- Zf := Z*oneOver50000;
- ChromaticAdaptXYZ(Xf,Yf,Zf, AFrom,ATo);
- X := min(round(Xf*50000),65535);
- Y := min(round(Yf*50000),65535);
- Z := min(round(Zf*50000),65535);
- PrepareReferenceWhiteArray;
- ReferenceWhite2D50 := GetReferenceWhite(2, 'D50');
- ReferenceWhite2D65 := GetReferenceWhite(2, 'D65');
- ReferenceWhite2E := GetReferenceWhite(2, 'E');
- SetReferenceWhite(ReferenceWhite2D50);
- {$I generatedcolorspace.inc}
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/face3d.inc b/components/bgrabitmap/face3d.inc
deleted file mode 100644
index 6bdfc20..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/face3d.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,505 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
- PBGRAFaceVertexDescription = ^TBGRAFaceVertexDescription;
- TBGRAFaceVertexDescription = record
- Vertex: IBGRAVertex3D;
- Normal: IBGRANormal3D;
- Color: TBGRAPixel;
- TexCoord: TPointF;
- ColorOverride: boolean;
- TexCoordOverride: boolean;
- ActualColor: TBGRAPixel;
- ActualTexCoord: TPointF;
- end;
- { TBGRAFace3D }
- TBGRAFace3D = class(TInterfacedObject,IBGRAFace3D)
- private
- FVertices: packed array of TBGRAFaceVertexDescription;
- FVertexCount: integer;
- FTexture, FActualTexture: IBGRAScanner;
- FMaterial: IBGRAMaterial3D;
- FActualMaterial: TBGRAMaterial3D;
- FMaterialName: string;
- FParentTexture: boolean;
- FViewNormal: TPoint3D_128;
- FViewCenter: TPoint3D_128;
- FObject3D : IBGRAObject3D;
- FBiface: boolean;
- FLightThroughFactor: single;
- FLightThroughFactorOverride: boolean;
- FCustomFlags: LongWord;
- function GetCustomFlags: LongWord;
- function GetVertexDescription(AIndex : integer): PBGRAFaceVertexDescription;
- procedure SetCustomFlags(AValue: LongWord);
- procedure ComputeActualVertexColor(AIndex: integer);
- procedure ComputeActualTexCoord(AMinIndex, AMaxIndex: integer);
- procedure UpdateTexture;
- public
- function GetObject3D: IBGRAObject3D;
- constructor Create(AObject3D: IBGRAObject3D; AVertices: array of IBGRAVertex3D);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure ComputeVertexColors;
- procedure UpdateMaterial;
- procedure FlipFace;
- function AddVertex(AVertex: IBGRAVertex3D): integer;
- function GetParentTexture: boolean;
- function GetTexture: IBGRAScanner;
- function GetVertex(AIndex: Integer): IBGRAVertex3D;
- function GetVertexColor(AIndex: Integer): TBGRAPixel;
- function GetVertexColorOverride(AIndex: Integer): boolean;
- function GetVertexCount: integer;
- function GetNormal(AIndex: Integer): IBGRANormal3D;
- function GetMaterial: IBGRAMaterial3D;
- function GetMaterialName: string;
- function GetTexCoord(AIndex: Integer): TPointF;
- function GetTexCoordOverride(AIndex: Integer): boolean;
- function GetViewNormal: TPoint3D;
- function GetViewNormal_128: TPoint3D_128;
- function GetViewCenter: TPoint3D;
- function GetViewCenter_128: TPoint3D_128;
- function GetViewCenterZ: single;
- function GetBiface: boolean;
- function GetLightThroughFactor: single;
- function GetLightThroughFactorOverride: boolean;
- procedure SetParentTexture(const AValue: boolean);
- procedure SetTexture(const AValue: IBGRAScanner);
- procedure SetColor(AColor: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure SetVertexColor(AIndex: Integer; const AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure SetVertexColorOverride(AIndex: Integer; const AValue: boolean);
- procedure SetTexCoord(AIndex: Integer; const AValue: TPointF);
- procedure SetTexCoordOverride(AIndex: Integer; const AValue: boolean);
- procedure SetBiface(const AValue: boolean);
- procedure SetLightThroughFactor(const AValue: single);
- procedure SetLightThroughFactorOverride(const AValue: boolean);
- procedure SetVertex(AIndex: Integer; AValue: IBGRAVertex3D);
- procedure SetNormal(AIndex: Integer; AValue: IBGRANormal3D);
- procedure ComputeViewNormalAndCenter;
- procedure SetMaterial(const AValue: IBGRAMaterial3D);
- procedure SetMaterialName(const AValue: string);
- function GetAsObject: TObject;
- property Texture: IBGRAScanner read GetTexture write SetTexture;
- property ParentTexture: boolean read GetParentTexture write SetParentTexture;
- property VertexCount: integer read GetVertexCount;
- property Vertex[AIndex: Integer]: IBGRAVertex3D read GetVertex write SetVertex;
- property Normal[AIndex: Integer]: IBGRANormal3D read GetNormal write SetNormal;
- property VertexColor[AIndex: Integer]: TBGRAPixel read GetVertexColor write SetVertexColor;
- property VertexColorOverride[AIndex: Integer]: boolean read GetVertexColorOverride write SetVertexColorOverride;
- property TexCoord[AIndex: Integer]: TPointF read GetTexCoord write SetTexCoord;
- property TexCoordOverride[AIndex: Integer]: boolean read GetTexCoordOverride write SetTexCoordOverride;
- property ViewNormal: TPoint3D read GetViewNormal;
- property ViewNormal_128: TPoint3D_128 read GetViewNormal_128;
- property ViewCenter: TPoint3D read GetViewCenter;
- property ViewCenter_128: TPoint3D_128 read GetViewCenter_128;
- property ViewCenterZ: single read GetViewCenterZ;
- property Object3D: IBGRAObject3D read GetObject3D;
- property Biface: boolean read GetBiface write SetBiface;
- property LightThroughFactor: single read GetLightThroughFactor write SetLightThroughFactor;
- property LightThroughFactorOverride: boolean read GetLightThroughFactorOverride write SetLightThroughFactorOverride;
- property Material: IBGRAMaterial3D read GetMaterial write SetMaterial;
- property ActualMaterial: TBGRAMaterial3D read FActualMaterial;
- property ActualTexture: IBGRAScanner read FActualTexture;
- property VertexDescription[AIndex : integer]: PBGRAFaceVertexDescription read GetVertexDescription;
- property CustomFlags: LongWord read GetCustomFlags write SetCustomFlags;
- end;
-{ TBGRAFace3D }
-function TBGRAFace3D.GetVertexDescription(AIndex : integer
- ): PBGRAFaceVertexDescription;
- result := @FVertices[AIndex];
-function TBGRAFace3D.GetCustomFlags: LongWord;
- result := FCustomFlags;
-function TBGRAFace3D.GetNormal(AIndex: Integer): IBGRANormal3D;
- result := FVertices[AIndex].Normal;
-procedure TBGRAFace3D.SetCustomFlags(AValue: LongWord);
- FCustomFlags:= AValue;
-procedure TBGRAFace3D.ComputeActualVertexColor(AIndex: integer);
- with FVertices[AIndex] do
- begin
- if ColorOverride then
- ActualColor := Color
- else
- if Vertex.ParentColor then
- ActualColor := FObject3D.Color
- else
- ActualColor := Vertex.Color;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAFace3D.ComputeActualTexCoord(AMinIndex, AMaxIndex: integer);
- i: Integer;
- zoom: TPointF;
- m: IBGRAMaterial3D;
- m := ActualMaterial;
- if m <> nil then zoom := m.TextureZoom
- else zoom := PointF(1,1);
- for i := AMinIndex to AMaxIndex do
- with FVertices[i] do
- begin
- if TexCoordOverride then
- ActualTexCoord := TexCoord
- else
- ActualTexCoord := Vertex.TexCoord;
- ActualTexCoord.x := ActualTexCoord.x * zoom.x;
- ActualTexCoord.y := ActualTexCoord.y * zoom.y;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAFace3D.UpdateTexture;
- if FParentTexture then
- begin
- FActualTexture := nil;
- if FActualMaterial <> nil then
- FActualTexture := FActualMaterial.GetTexture;
- if FActualTexture = nil then
- FActualTexture := FObject3D.Texture
- end
- else
- FActualTexture := FTexture;
-procedure TBGRAFace3D.SetNormal(AIndex: Integer; AValue: IBGRANormal3D);
- FVertices[AIndex].Normal := AValue;
-function TBGRAFace3D.GetObject3D: IBGRAObject3D;
- result := FObject3D;
-constructor TBGRAFace3D.Create(AObject3D: IBGRAObject3D;
- AVertices: array of IBGRAVertex3D);
- i: Integer;
- FObject3D := AObject3D;
- FBiface := false;
- FParentTexture := True;
- FLightThroughFactor:= 0;
- FLightThroughFactorOverride:= false;
- UpdateMaterial;
- SetLength(FVertices, length(AVertices));
- for i:= 0 to high(AVertices) do
- AddVertex(AVertices[i]);
-destructor TBGRAFace3D.Destroy;
- FMaterial := nil;
- fillchar(FTexture,sizeof(FTexture),0);
- fillchar(FActualTexture,sizeof(FActualTexture),0);
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TBGRAFace3D.ComputeVertexColors;
- i: Integer;
- for i := 0 to FVertexCount-1 do
- ComputeActualVertexColor(i);
-procedure TBGRAFace3D.UpdateMaterial;
- if Material <> nil then
- FActualMaterial := TBGRAMaterial3D(Material.GetAsObject)
- else if FObject3D.Material <> nil then
- FActualMaterial := TBGRAMaterial3D(FObject3D.Material.GetAsObject)
- else if TBGRAScene3D(FObject3D.Scene).DefaultMaterial <> nil then
- FActualMaterial := TBGRAMaterial3D(TBGRAScene3D(FObject3D.Scene).DefaultMaterial.GetAsObject);
- UpdateTexture;
- ComputeActualTexCoord(0,FVertexCount-1);
-procedure TBGRAFace3D.FlipFace;
-var i: integer;
- temp: TBGRAFaceVertexDescription;
- for i := 0 to (VertexCount div 2)-1 do
- begin
- temp := FVertices[i];
- FVertices[i] := FVertices[VertexCount-1-i];
- FVertices[VertexCount-1-i] := temp;
- end;
-function TBGRAFace3D.AddVertex(AVertex: IBGRAVertex3D): integer;
- if FVertexCount = length(FVertices) then
- setlength(FVertices, FVertexCount*2+3);
- result := FVertexCount;
- with FVertices[result] do
- begin
- Color := BGRAWhite;
- ColorOverride := false;
- TexCoord := PointF(0,0);
- TexCoordOverride := false;
- Vertex := AVertex;
- Normal := nil;
- end;
- ComputeActualVertexColor(result);
- ComputeActualTexCoord(result,result);
- inc(FVertexCount);
-function TBGRAFace3D.GetParentTexture: boolean;
- result := FParentTexture;
-function TBGRAFace3D.GetTexture: IBGRAScanner;
- result := FTexture;
-function TBGRAFace3D.GetVertex(AIndex: Integer): IBGRAVertex3D;
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= FVertexCount) then
- raise Exception.Create('Index out of bounds');
- result := FVertices[AIndex].Vertex;
-procedure TBGRAFace3D.SetVertex(AIndex: Integer; AValue: IBGRAVertex3D);
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= FVertexCount) then
- raise Exception.Create('Index out of bounds');
- FVertices[AIndex].Vertex := AValue;
- ComputeActualVertexColor(AIndex);
-function TBGRAFace3D.GetVertexColor(AIndex: Integer): TBGRAPixel;
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= FVertexCount) then
- raise Exception.Create('Index out of bounds');
- result := FVertices[AIndex].ActualColor;
-function TBGRAFace3D.GetVertexColorOverride(AIndex: Integer): boolean;
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= FVertexCount) then
- raise Exception.Create('Index out of bounds');
- result := FVertices[AIndex].ColorOverride;
-function TBGRAFace3D.GetVertexCount: integer;
- result := FVertexCount;
-function TBGRAFace3D.GetMaterial: IBGRAMaterial3D;
- result := FMaterial;
-function TBGRAFace3D.GetMaterialName: string;
- result := FMaterialName;
-procedure TBGRAFace3D.SetParentTexture(const AValue: boolean);
- FParentTexture := AValue;
- UpdateTexture;
-procedure TBGRAFace3D.SetTexture(const AValue: IBGRAScanner);
- FTexture := AValue;
- FParentTexture := false;
- UpdateTexture;
-procedure TBGRAFace3D.SetColor(AColor: TBGRAPixel);
-var i: integer;
- for i := 0 to GetVertexCount-1 do
- SetVertexColor(i,AColor);
-procedure TBGRAFace3D.SetVertexColor(AIndex: Integer; const AValue: TBGRAPixel
- );
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= FVertexCount) then
- raise Exception.Create('Index out of bounds');
- with FVertices[AIndex] do
- begin
- Color := AValue;
- ColorOverride := true;
- end;
- ComputeActualVertexColor(AIndex);
-procedure TBGRAFace3D.SetVertexColorOverride(AIndex: Integer;
- const AValue: boolean);
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= FVertexCount) then
- raise Exception.Create('Index out of bounds');
- FVertices[AIndex].ColorOverride := AValue;
- ComputeActualVertexColor(AIndex);
-function TBGRAFace3D.GetTexCoord(AIndex: Integer): TPointF;
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= FVertexCount) then
- raise Exception.Create('Index out of bounds');
- result := FVertices[AIndex].TexCoord;
-function TBGRAFace3D.GetTexCoordOverride(AIndex: Integer): boolean;
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= FVertexCount) then
- raise Exception.Create('Index out of bounds');
- result := FVertices[AIndex].TexCoordOverride;
-procedure TBGRAFace3D.SetTexCoord(AIndex: Integer; const AValue: TPointF);
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= FVertexCount) then
- raise Exception.Create('Index out of bounds');
- FVertices[AIndex].TexCoord := AValue;
- FVertices[AIndex].TexCoordOverride := true;
- ComputeActualTexCoord(AIndex, AIndex);
-procedure TBGRAFace3D.SetTexCoordOverride(AIndex: Integer; const AValue: boolean
- );
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= FVertexCount) then
- raise Exception.Create('Index out of bounds');
- FVertices[AIndex].TexCoordOverride := AValue;
-function TBGRAFace3D.GetViewNormal: TPoint3D;
- result := Point3D(FViewNormal);
-function TBGRAFace3D.GetViewNormal_128: TPoint3D_128;
- result := FViewNormal;
-function TBGRAFace3D.GetViewCenter: TPoint3D;
- result := Point3D(FViewCenter);
-function TBGRAFace3D.GetViewCenter_128: TPoint3D_128;
- result := FViewCenter;
-function TBGRAFace3D.GetViewCenterZ: single;
- result := FViewCenter.Z;
-function TBGRAFace3D.GetBiface: boolean;
- result := FBiface;
-procedure TBGRAFace3D.SetBiface(const AValue: boolean);
- FBiface := AValue;
-function TBGRAFace3D.GetLightThroughFactor: single;
- result := FLightThroughFactor;
-function TBGRAFace3D.GetLightThroughFactorOverride: boolean;
- result := FLightThroughFactorOverride;
-procedure TBGRAFace3D.SetLightThroughFactor(const AValue: single);
- if AValue < 0 then
- FLightThroughFactor := 0
- else
- FLightThroughFactor:= AValue;
- FLightThroughFactorOverride := true;
-procedure TBGRAFace3D.SetLightThroughFactorOverride(const AValue: boolean);
- FLightThroughFactorOverride := AValue;
-procedure TBGRAFace3D.ComputeViewNormalAndCenter;
-var v1,v2: TPoint3D_128;
- i: Integer;
- p0,p1,p2: IBGRAVertex3D;
- if FVertexCount < 3 then
- ClearPoint3D_128(FViewNormal)
- else
- begin
- p0 := FVertices[0].Vertex;
- p1 := FVertices[1].Vertex;
- p2 := FVertices[2].Vertex;
- v1 := p1.ViewCoord_128 - p0.ViewCoord_128;
- v2 := p2.ViewCoord_128 - p1.ViewCoord_128;
- VectProduct3D_128(v2,v1,FViewNormal);
- Normalize3D_128(FViewNormal);
- for i := 0 to FVertexCount-1 do
- FVertices[i].Vertex.AddViewNormal(FViewNormal);
- end;
- ClearPoint3D_128(FViewCenter);
- if FVertexCount > 0 then
- begin
- for i := 0 to FVertexCount-1 do
- FViewCenter.Offset(FVertices[i].Vertex.ViewCoord_128);
- FViewCenter.Scale(1/FVertexCount);
- end;
-procedure TBGRAFace3D.SetMaterial(const AValue: IBGRAMaterial3D);
- if AValue <> FMaterial then
- begin
- FMaterial := AValue;
- UpdateMaterial;
- end;
-procedure TBGRAFace3D.SetMaterialName(const AValue: string);
- if AValue <> FMaterialName then
- begin
- FMaterialName := AValue;
- TBGRAScene3D(FObject3D.Scene).UseMaterial(FMaterialName, self);
- end;
-function TBGRAFace3D.GetAsObject: TObject;
- result := self;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/generatedcolorspace.inc b/components/bgrabitmap/generatedcolorspace.inc
deleted file mode 100644
index feab5f4..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/generatedcolorspace.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7103 +0,0 @@
-{ This file is generated by dev/colorspace/UnitMaker program }
- { TStdRGBA }
- TStdRGBA = packed record
- red,green,blue,alpha: single;
- class function New(const ARed,AGreen,ABlue,AAlpha:single): TStdRGBA;overload;static;
- class function New(const ARed,AGreen,ABlue:single): TStdRGBA;overload;static;
- end;
- { TAdobeRGBA }
- PAdobeRGBA = ^TAdobeRGBA;
- TAdobeRGBA = packed record
- red,green,blue,alpha: byte;
- class function New(const ARed,AGreen,ABlue,AAlpha:byte): TAdobeRGBA;overload;static;
- class function New(const ARed,AGreen,ABlue:byte): TAdobeRGBA;overload;static;
- end;
- { TStdHSLA }
- TStdHSLA = packed record
- hue,saturation,lightness,alpha: single;
- class function New(const AHue,ASaturation,ALightness,AAlpha:single): TStdHSLA;overload;static;
- class function New(const AHue,ASaturation,ALightness:single): TStdHSLA;overload;static;
- end;
- { TStdHSVA }
- TStdHSVA = packed record
- hue,saturation,value,alpha: single;
- class function New(const AHue,ASaturation,AValue,AAlpha:single): TStdHSVA;overload;static;
- class function New(const AHue,ASaturation,AValue:single): TStdHSVA;overload;static;
- end;
- { TStdCMYK }
- TStdCMYK = packed record
- C,M,Y,K: single;
- class function New(const ACyan,AMagenta,AYellow,ABlack:single): TStdCMYK;static;
- end;
- { TByteMask }
- PByteMask = ^TByteMask;
- TByteMask = packed record
- gray: byte;
- class function New(const AGray:byte): TByteMask;static;
- end;
- { TLinearRGBA }
- PLinearRGBA = ^TLinearRGBA;
- TLinearRGBA = packed record
- red,green,blue,alpha: single;
- class function New(const ARed,AGreen,ABlue,AAlpha:single): TLinearRGBA;overload;static;
- class function New(const ARed,AGreen,ABlue:single): TLinearRGBA;overload;static;
- end;
- { TXYZA }
- TXYZA = packed record
- X,Y,Z,alpha: single;
- class function New(const AX,AY,AZ,AAlpha:single): TXYZA;overload;static;
- class function New(const AX,AY,AZ:single): TXYZA;overload;static;
- end;
- { TWordXYZA }
- PWordXYZA = ^TWordXYZA;
- TWordXYZA = packed record
- X,Y,Z,alpha: word;
- class function New(const AX,AY,AZ,AAlpha:word): TWordXYZA;overload;static;
- class function New(const AX,AY,AZ:word): TWordXYZA;overload;static;
- end;
- { TLabA }
- PLabA = ^TLabA;
- TLabA = packed record
- L,a,b,alpha: single;
- class function New(const ALightness,Aa,Ab,AAlpha:single): TLabA;overload;static;
- class function New(const ALightness,Aa,Ab:single): TLabA;overload;static;
- end;
- { TLChA }
- PLChA = ^TLChA;
- TLChA = packed record
- L,C,h,alpha: single;
- class function New(const ALightness,AChroma,AHue,AAlpha:single): TLChA;overload;static;
- class function New(const ALightness,AChroma,AHue:single): TLChA;overload;static;
- end;
- { TColorColorspace }
- TColorColorspace = class(TCustomColorspace)
- class function GetChannelName(AIndex: integer): string; override;
- class function GetChannelCount: integer; override;
- class function IndexOfAlphaChannel: integer; override;
- class function GetColorTransparency({%H-}AColor: Pointer): TColorTransparency; override;
- class function GetMaxValue(AIndex: integer): single; override;
- class function GetMinValue(AIndex: integer): single; override;
- class function GetChannelBitDepth({%H-}AIndex: integer): byte; override;
- class function GetName: string; override;
- class function GetSize: integer; override;
- class function GetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer): single; override;
- class procedure SetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer; AValue: single); override;
- class function GetFlags: TColorspaceFlags; override;
- end;
- { TBGRAPixelColorspace }
- TBGRAPixelColorspace = class(TCustomColorspace)
- class function GetChannelName(AIndex: integer): string; override;
- class function GetChannelCount: integer; override;
- class function IndexOfAlphaChannel: integer; override;
- class function GetColorTransparency(AColor: Pointer): TColorTransparency; override;
- class function GetMaxValue(AIndex: integer): single; override;
- class function GetMinValue(AIndex: integer): single; override;
- class function GetChannelBitDepth({%H-}AIndex: integer): byte; override;
- class function GetName: string; override;
- class function GetSize: integer; override;
- class function GetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer): single; override;
- class procedure SetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer; AValue: single); override;
- class function GetFlags: TColorspaceFlags; override;
- end;
- { TFPColorColorspace }
- TFPColorColorspace = class(TCustomColorspace)
- class function GetChannelName(AIndex: integer): string; override;
- class function GetChannelCount: integer; override;
- class function IndexOfAlphaChannel: integer; override;
- class function GetColorTransparency(AColor: Pointer): TColorTransparency; override;
- class function GetMaxValue(AIndex: integer): single; override;
- class function GetMinValue(AIndex: integer): single; override;
- class function GetChannelBitDepth({%H-}AIndex: integer): byte; override;
- class function GetName: string; override;
- class function GetSize: integer; override;
- class function GetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer): single; override;
- class procedure SetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer; AValue: single); override;
- class function GetFlags: TColorspaceFlags; override;
- end;
- { TStdRGBAColorspace }
- TStdRGBAColorspace = class(TCustomColorspace)
- class function GetChannelName(AIndex: integer): string; override;
- class function GetChannelCount: integer; override;
- class function IndexOfAlphaChannel: integer; override;
- class function GetColorTransparency(AColor: Pointer): TColorTransparency; override;
- class function GetMaxValue(AIndex: integer): single; override;
- class function GetMinValue(AIndex: integer): single; override;
- class function GetChannelBitDepth({%H-}AIndex: integer): byte; override;
- class function GetName: string; override;
- class function GetSize: integer; override;
- class function GetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer): single; override;
- class procedure SetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer; AValue: single); override;
- class function GetFlags: TColorspaceFlags; override;
- end;
- { TAdobeRGBAColorspace }
- TAdobeRGBAColorspace = class(TCustomColorspace)
- class function GetChannelName(AIndex: integer): string; override;
- class function GetChannelCount: integer; override;
- class function IndexOfAlphaChannel: integer; override;
- class function GetColorTransparency(AColor: Pointer): TColorTransparency; override;
- class function GetMaxValue(AIndex: integer): single; override;
- class function GetMinValue(AIndex: integer): single; override;
- class function GetChannelBitDepth({%H-}AIndex: integer): byte; override;
- class function GetName: string; override;
- class function GetSize: integer; override;
- class function GetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer): single; override;
- class procedure SetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer; AValue: single); override;
- class function GetFlags: TColorspaceFlags; override;
- end;
- { TStdHSLAColorspace }
- TStdHSLAColorspace = class(TCustomColorspace)
- class function GetChannelName(AIndex: integer): string; override;
- class function GetChannelCount: integer; override;
- class function IndexOfAlphaChannel: integer; override;
- class function GetColorTransparency(AColor: Pointer): TColorTransparency; override;
- class function GetMaxValue(AIndex: integer): single; override;
- class function GetMinValue(AIndex: integer): single; override;
- class function GetChannelBitDepth({%H-}AIndex: integer): byte; override;
- class function GetName: string; override;
- class function GetSize: integer; override;
- class function GetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer): single; override;
- class procedure SetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer; AValue: single); override;
- class function GetFlags: TColorspaceFlags; override;
- end;
- { TStdHSVAColorspace }
- TStdHSVAColorspace = class(TCustomColorspace)
- class function GetChannelName(AIndex: integer): string; override;
- class function GetChannelCount: integer; override;
- class function IndexOfAlphaChannel: integer; override;
- class function GetColorTransparency(AColor: Pointer): TColorTransparency; override;
- class function GetMaxValue(AIndex: integer): single; override;
- class function GetMinValue(AIndex: integer): single; override;
- class function GetChannelBitDepth({%H-}AIndex: integer): byte; override;
- class function GetName: string; override;
- class function GetSize: integer; override;
- class function GetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer): single; override;
- class procedure SetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer; AValue: single); override;
- class function GetFlags: TColorspaceFlags; override;
- end;
- { TStdCMYKColorspace }
- TStdCMYKColorspace = class(TCustomColorspace)
- class function GetChannelName(AIndex: integer): string; override;
- class function GetChannelCount: integer; override;
- class function IndexOfAlphaChannel: integer; override;
- class function GetColorTransparency({%H-}AColor: Pointer): TColorTransparency; override;
- class function GetMaxValue(AIndex: integer): single; override;
- class function GetMinValue(AIndex: integer): single; override;
- class function GetChannelBitDepth({%H-}AIndex: integer): byte; override;
- class function GetName: string; override;
- class function GetSize: integer; override;
- class function GetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer): single; override;
- class procedure SetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer; AValue: single); override;
- class function GetFlags: TColorspaceFlags; override;
- end;
- { TByteMaskColorspace }
- TByteMaskColorspace = class(TCustomColorspace)
- class function GetChannelName(AIndex: integer): string; override;
- class function GetChannelCount: integer; override;
- class function IndexOfAlphaChannel: integer; override;
- class function GetColorTransparency({%H-}AColor: Pointer): TColorTransparency; override;
- class function GetMaxValue(AIndex: integer): single; override;
- class function GetMinValue(AIndex: integer): single; override;
- class function GetChannelBitDepth({%H-}AIndex: integer): byte; override;
- class function GetName: string; override;
- class function GetSize: integer; override;
- class function GetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer): single; override;
- class procedure SetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer; AValue: single); override;
- class function GetFlags: TColorspaceFlags; override;
- end;
- { TExpandedPixelColorspace }
- TExpandedPixelColorspace = class(TCustomColorspace)
- class function GetChannelName(AIndex: integer): string; override;
- class function GetChannelCount: integer; override;
- class function IndexOfAlphaChannel: integer; override;
- class function GetColorTransparency(AColor: Pointer): TColorTransparency; override;
- class function GetMaxValue(AIndex: integer): single; override;
- class function GetMinValue(AIndex: integer): single; override;
- class function GetChannelBitDepth({%H-}AIndex: integer): byte; override;
- class function GetName: string; override;
- class function GetSize: integer; override;
- class function GetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer): single; override;
- class procedure SetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer; AValue: single); override;
- class function GetFlags: TColorspaceFlags; override;
- end;
- { TLinearRGBAColorspace }
- TLinearRGBAColorspace = class(TCustomColorspace)
- class function GetChannelName(AIndex: integer): string; override;
- class function GetChannelCount: integer; override;
- class function IndexOfAlphaChannel: integer; override;
- class function GetColorTransparency(AColor: Pointer): TColorTransparency; override;
- class function GetMaxValue(AIndex: integer): single; override;
- class function GetMinValue(AIndex: integer): single; override;
- class function GetChannelBitDepth({%H-}AIndex: integer): byte; override;
- class function GetName: string; override;
- class function GetSize: integer; override;
- class function GetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer): single; override;
- class procedure SetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer; AValue: single); override;
- class function GetFlags: TColorspaceFlags; override;
- end;
- { THSLAPixelColorspace }
- THSLAPixelColorspace = class(TCustomColorspace)
- class function GetChannelName(AIndex: integer): string; override;
- class function GetChannelCount: integer; override;
- class function IndexOfAlphaChannel: integer; override;
- class function GetColorTransparency(AColor: Pointer): TColorTransparency; override;
- class function GetMaxValue(AIndex: integer): single; override;
- class function GetMinValue(AIndex: integer): single; override;
- class function GetChannelBitDepth({%H-}AIndex: integer): byte; override;
- class function GetName: string; override;
- class function GetSize: integer; override;
- class function GetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer): single; override;
- class procedure SetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer; AValue: single); override;
- class function GetFlags: TColorspaceFlags; override;
- end;
- { TGSBAPixelColorspace }
- TGSBAPixelColorspace = class(TCustomColorspace)
- class function GetChannelName(AIndex: integer): string; override;
- class function GetChannelCount: integer; override;
- class function IndexOfAlphaChannel: integer; override;
- class function GetColorTransparency(AColor: Pointer): TColorTransparency; override;
- class function GetMaxValue(AIndex: integer): single; override;
- class function GetMinValue(AIndex: integer): single; override;
- class function GetChannelBitDepth({%H-}AIndex: integer): byte; override;
- class function GetName: string; override;
- class function GetSize: integer; override;
- class function GetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer): single; override;
- class procedure SetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer; AValue: single); override;
- class function GetFlags: TColorspaceFlags; override;
- end;
- { TXYZAColorspace }
- TXYZAColorspace = class(TCustomColorspace)
- class function GetChannelName(AIndex: integer): string; override;
- class function GetChannelCount: integer; override;
- class function IndexOfAlphaChannel: integer; override;
- class function GetColorTransparency(AColor: Pointer): TColorTransparency; override;
- class function GetMaxValue(AIndex: integer): single; override;
- class function GetMinValue(AIndex: integer): single; override;
- class function GetChannelBitDepth({%H-}AIndex: integer): byte; override;
- class function GetName: string; override;
- class function GetSize: integer; override;
- class function GetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer): single; override;
- class procedure SetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer; AValue: single); override;
- class function GetFlags: TColorspaceFlags; override;
- end;
- { TWordXYZAColorspace }
- TWordXYZAColorspace = class(TCustomColorspace)
- class function GetChannelName(AIndex: integer): string; override;
- class function GetChannelCount: integer; override;
- class function IndexOfAlphaChannel: integer; override;
- class function GetColorTransparency(AColor: Pointer): TColorTransparency; override;
- class function GetMaxValue(AIndex: integer): single; override;
- class function GetMinValue(AIndex: integer): single; override;
- class function GetChannelBitDepth({%H-}AIndex: integer): byte; override;
- class function GetName: string; override;
- class function GetSize: integer; override;
- class function GetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer): single; override;
- class procedure SetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer; AValue: single); override;
- class function GetFlags: TColorspaceFlags; override;
- end;
- { TLabAColorspace }
- TLabAColorspace = class(TCustomColorspace)
- class function GetChannelName(AIndex: integer): string; override;
- class function GetChannelCount: integer; override;
- class function IndexOfAlphaChannel: integer; override;
- class function GetColorTransparency(AColor: Pointer): TColorTransparency; override;
- class function GetMaxValue(AIndex: integer): single; override;
- class function GetMinValue(AIndex: integer): single; override;
- class function GetChannelBitDepth({%H-}AIndex: integer): byte; override;
- class function GetName: string; override;
- class function GetSize: integer; override;
- class function GetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer): single; override;
- class procedure SetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer; AValue: single); override;
- class function GetFlags: TColorspaceFlags; override;
- end;
- { TLChAColorspace }
- TLChAColorspace = class(TCustomColorspace)
- class function GetChannelName(AIndex: integer): string; override;
- class function GetChannelCount: integer; override;
- class function IndexOfAlphaChannel: integer; override;
- class function GetColorTransparency(AColor: Pointer): TColorTransparency; override;
- class function GetMaxValue(AIndex: integer): single; override;
- class function GetMinValue(AIndex: integer): single; override;
- class function GetChannelBitDepth({%H-}AIndex: integer): byte; override;
- class function GetName: string; override;
- class function GetSize: integer; override;
- class function GetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer): single; override;
- class procedure SetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer; AValue: single); override;
- class function GetFlags: TColorspaceFlags; override;
- end;
- { TColorHelper }
- TColorHelper = type helper for TColor
- class function New(const ARed,AGreen,ABlue:byte): TColor;static;
- class function Colorspace: TColorspaceAny; static;
- private
- function GetRed: byte;
- function GetGreen: byte;
- function GetBlue: byte;
- procedure SetRed(AValue: byte);
- procedure SetGreen(AValue: byte);
- procedure SetBlue(AValue: byte);
- public
- function ToBGRAPixel: TBGRAPixel;overload;
- function ToBGRAPixel(AAlpha: byte): TBGRAPixel;overload;
- function ToFPColor: TFPColor;overload;
- function ToFPColor(AAlpha: word): TFPColor;overload;
- function ToStdRGBA: TStdRGBA;overload;
- function ToStdRGBA(AAlpha: single): TStdRGBA;overload;
- function ToAdobeRGBA: TAdobeRGBA;overload;
- function ToAdobeRGBA(AAlpha: byte): TAdobeRGBA;overload;
- function ToStdHSLA: TStdHSLA;overload;
- function ToStdHSLA(AAlpha: single): TStdHSLA;overload;
- function ToStdHSVA: TStdHSVA;overload;
- function ToStdHSVA(AAlpha: single): TStdHSVA;overload;
- function ToStdCMYK: TStdCMYK;
- function ToByteMask: TByteMask;
- function ToExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel;overload;
- function ToExpandedPixel(AAlpha: word): TExpandedPixel;overload;
- function ToLinearRGBA: TLinearRGBA;overload;
- function ToLinearRGBA(AAlpha: single): TLinearRGBA;overload;
- function ToHSLAPixel: THSLAPixel;overload;
- function ToHSLAPixel(AAlpha: word): THSLAPixel;overload;
- function ToGSBAPixel: TGSBAPixel;overload;
- function ToGSBAPixel(AAlpha: word): TGSBAPixel;overload;
- function ToXYZA: TXYZA;overload;
- function ToXYZA(AAlpha: single): TXYZA;overload;
- function ToXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TXYZA;overload;
- function ToWordXYZA: TWordXYZA;overload;
- function ToWordXYZA(AAlpha: word): TWordXYZA;overload;
- function ToWordXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TWordXYZA;overload;
- function ToLabA: TLabA;overload;
- function ToLabA(AAlpha: single): TLabA;overload;
- function ToLChA: TLChA;overload;
- function ToLChA(AAlpha: single): TLChA;overload;
- procedure FromBGRAPixel(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure FromFPColor(AValue: TFPColor);
- procedure FromStdRGBA(AValue: TStdRGBA);
- procedure FromAdobeRGBA(AValue: TAdobeRGBA);
- procedure FromStdHSLA(AValue: TStdHSLA);
- procedure FromStdHSVA(AValue: TStdHSVA);
- procedure FromStdCMYK(AValue: TStdCMYK);
- procedure FromByteMask(AValue: TByteMask);
- procedure FromExpandedPixel(AValue: TExpandedPixel);
- procedure FromLinearRGBA(AValue: TLinearRGBA);
- procedure FromHSLAPixel(AValue: THSLAPixel);
- procedure FromGSBAPixel(AValue: TGSBAPixel);
- procedure FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA); overload;
- procedure FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA); overload;
- procedure FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromLabA(AValue: TLabA);
- procedure FromLChA(AValue: TLChA);
- property red: byte read GetRed write SetRed;
- property green: byte read GetGreen write SetGreen;
- property blue: byte read GetBlue write SetBlue;
- end;
- { TBGRAPixelHelper }
- TBGRAPixelHelper = record helper(TBGRAPixelBasicHelper) for TBGRAPixel
- class function New(const ARed,AGreen,ABlue,AAlpha:byte): TBGRAPixel;overload;static;
- class function New(const ARed,AGreen,ABlue:byte): TBGRAPixel;overload;static;
- class function Colorspace: TColorspaceAny; static;
- function ToStdRGBA: TStdRGBA;
- function ToAdobeRGBA: TAdobeRGBA;
- function ToStdHSLA: TStdHSLA;
- function ToStdHSVA: TStdHSVA;
- function ToStdCMYK: TStdCMYK;
- function ToByteMask: TByteMask;
- function ToLinearRGBA: TLinearRGBA;
- function ToXYZA: TXYZA;overload;
- function ToXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TXYZA;overload;
- function ToWordXYZA: TWordXYZA;overload;
- function ToWordXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TWordXYZA;overload;
- function ToLabA: TLabA;
- function ToLChA: TLChA;
- procedure FromStdRGBA(AValue: TStdRGBA);
- procedure FromAdobeRGBA(AValue: TAdobeRGBA);
- procedure FromStdHSLA(AValue: TStdHSLA);
- procedure FromStdHSVA(AValue: TStdHSVA);
- procedure FromStdCMYK(AValue: TStdCMYK);
- procedure FromByteMask(AValue: TByteMask);
- procedure FromLinearRGBA(AValue: TLinearRGBA);
- procedure FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA); overload;
- procedure FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA); overload;
- procedure FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromLabA(AValue: TLabA);
- procedure FromLChA(AValue: TLChA);
- end;
- { TFPColorHelper }
- TFPColorHelper = record helper(TFPColorBasicHelper) for TFPColor
- class function New(const ARed,AGreen,ABlue,AAlpha:word): TFPColor;overload;static;
- class function New(const ARed,AGreen,ABlue:word): TFPColor;overload;static;
- class function Colorspace: TColorspaceAny; static;
- function ToStdRGBA: TStdRGBA;
- function ToAdobeRGBA: TAdobeRGBA;
- function ToStdHSLA: TStdHSLA;
- function ToStdHSVA: TStdHSVA;
- function ToStdCMYK: TStdCMYK;
- function ToByteMask: TByteMask;
- function ToLinearRGBA: TLinearRGBA;
- function ToXYZA: TXYZA;overload;
- function ToXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TXYZA;overload;
- function ToWordXYZA: TWordXYZA;overload;
- function ToWordXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TWordXYZA;overload;
- function ToLabA: TLabA;
- function ToLChA: TLChA;
- procedure FromStdRGBA(AValue: TStdRGBA);
- procedure FromAdobeRGBA(AValue: TAdobeRGBA);
- procedure FromStdHSLA(AValue: TStdHSLA);
- procedure FromStdHSVA(AValue: TStdHSVA);
- procedure FromStdCMYK(AValue: TStdCMYK);
- procedure FromByteMask(AValue: TByteMask);
- procedure FromLinearRGBA(AValue: TLinearRGBA);
- procedure FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA); overload;
- procedure FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA); overload;
- procedure FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromLabA(AValue: TLabA);
- procedure FromLChA(AValue: TLChA);
- end;
- { TStdRGBAHelper }
- TStdRGBAHelper = record helper for TStdRGBA
- class function Colorspace: TColorspaceAny; static;
- function ToColor: TColor;
- function ToBGRAPixel: TBGRAPixel;
- function ToFPColor: TFPColor;
- function ToAdobeRGBA: TAdobeRGBA;
- function ToStdHSLA: TStdHSLA;
- function ToStdHSVA: TStdHSVA;
- function ToStdCMYK: TStdCMYK;
- function ToByteMask: TByteMask;
- function ToExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel;
- function ToLinearRGBA: TLinearRGBA;
- function ToHSLAPixel: THSLAPixel;
- function ToGSBAPixel: TGSBAPixel;
- function ToXYZA: TXYZA;overload;
- function ToXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TXYZA;overload;
- function ToWordXYZA: TWordXYZA;overload;
- function ToWordXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TWordXYZA;overload;
- function ToLabA: TLabA;
- function ToLChA: TLChA;
- procedure FromColor(AValue: TColor);
- procedure FromBGRAPixel(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure FromFPColor(AValue: TFPColor);
- procedure FromAdobeRGBA(AValue: TAdobeRGBA);
- procedure FromStdHSLA(AValue: TStdHSLA);
- procedure FromStdHSVA(AValue: TStdHSVA);
- procedure FromStdCMYK(AValue: TStdCMYK);
- procedure FromByteMask(AValue: TByteMask);
- procedure FromExpandedPixel(AValue: TExpandedPixel);
- procedure FromLinearRGBA(AValue: TLinearRGBA);
- procedure FromHSLAPixel(AValue: THSLAPixel);
- procedure FromGSBAPixel(AValue: TGSBAPixel);
- procedure FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA); overload;
- procedure FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA); overload;
- procedure FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromLabA(AValue: TLabA);
- procedure FromLChA(AValue: TLChA);
- end;
- { TAdobeRGBAHelper }
- TAdobeRGBAHelper = record helper for TAdobeRGBA
- class function Colorspace: TColorspaceAny; static;
- function ToColor: TColor;
- function ToBGRAPixel: TBGRAPixel;
- function ToFPColor: TFPColor;
- function ToStdRGBA: TStdRGBA;
- function ToStdHSLA: TStdHSLA;
- function ToStdHSVA: TStdHSVA;
- function ToStdCMYK: TStdCMYK;
- function ToByteMask: TByteMask;
- function ToExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel;
- function ToLinearRGBA: TLinearRGBA;
- function ToHSLAPixel: THSLAPixel;
- function ToGSBAPixel: TGSBAPixel;
- function ToXYZA: TXYZA;overload;
- function ToXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TXYZA;overload;
- function ToWordXYZA: TWordXYZA;overload;
- function ToWordXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TWordXYZA;overload;
- function ToLabA: TLabA;
- function ToLChA: TLChA;
- procedure FromColor(AValue: TColor);
- procedure FromBGRAPixel(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure FromFPColor(AValue: TFPColor);
- procedure FromStdRGBA(AValue: TStdRGBA);
- procedure FromStdHSLA(AValue: TStdHSLA);
- procedure FromStdHSVA(AValue: TStdHSVA);
- procedure FromStdCMYK(AValue: TStdCMYK);
- procedure FromByteMask(AValue: TByteMask);
- procedure FromExpandedPixel(AValue: TExpandedPixel);
- procedure FromLinearRGBA(AValue: TLinearRGBA);
- procedure FromHSLAPixel(AValue: THSLAPixel);
- procedure FromGSBAPixel(AValue: TGSBAPixel);
- procedure FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA); overload;
- procedure FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA); overload;
- procedure FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromLabA(AValue: TLabA);
- procedure FromLChA(AValue: TLChA);
- end;
- { TStdHSLAHelper }
- TStdHSLAHelper = record helper for TStdHSLA
- class function Colorspace: TColorspaceAny; static;
- function ToColor: TColor;
- function ToBGRAPixel: TBGRAPixel;
- function ToFPColor: TFPColor;
- function ToStdRGBA: TStdRGBA;
- function ToAdobeRGBA: TAdobeRGBA;
- function ToStdHSVA: TStdHSVA;
- function ToStdCMYK: TStdCMYK;
- function ToByteMask: TByteMask;
- function ToExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel;
- function ToLinearRGBA: TLinearRGBA;
- function ToHSLAPixel: THSLAPixel;
- function ToGSBAPixel: TGSBAPixel;
- function ToXYZA: TXYZA;overload;
- function ToXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TXYZA;overload;
- function ToWordXYZA: TWordXYZA;overload;
- function ToWordXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TWordXYZA;overload;
- function ToLabA: TLabA;
- function ToLChA: TLChA;
- procedure FromColor(AValue: TColor);
- procedure FromBGRAPixel(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure FromFPColor(AValue: TFPColor);
- procedure FromStdRGBA(AValue: TStdRGBA);
- procedure FromAdobeRGBA(AValue: TAdobeRGBA);
- procedure FromStdHSVA(AValue: TStdHSVA);
- procedure FromStdCMYK(AValue: TStdCMYK);
- procedure FromByteMask(AValue: TByteMask);
- procedure FromExpandedPixel(AValue: TExpandedPixel);
- procedure FromLinearRGBA(AValue: TLinearRGBA);
- procedure FromHSLAPixel(AValue: THSLAPixel);
- procedure FromGSBAPixel(AValue: TGSBAPixel);
- procedure FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA); overload;
- procedure FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA); overload;
- procedure FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromLabA(AValue: TLabA);
- procedure FromLChA(AValue: TLChA);
- end;
- { TStdHSVAHelper }
- TStdHSVAHelper = record helper for TStdHSVA
- class function Colorspace: TColorspaceAny; static;
- function ToColor: TColor;
- function ToBGRAPixel: TBGRAPixel;
- function ToFPColor: TFPColor;
- function ToStdRGBA: TStdRGBA;
- function ToAdobeRGBA: TAdobeRGBA;
- function ToStdHSLA: TStdHSLA;
- function ToStdCMYK: TStdCMYK;
- function ToByteMask: TByteMask;
- function ToExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel;
- function ToLinearRGBA: TLinearRGBA;
- function ToHSLAPixel: THSLAPixel;
- function ToGSBAPixel: TGSBAPixel;
- function ToXYZA: TXYZA;overload;
- function ToXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TXYZA;overload;
- function ToWordXYZA: TWordXYZA;overload;
- function ToWordXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TWordXYZA;overload;
- function ToLabA: TLabA;
- function ToLChA: TLChA;
- procedure FromColor(AValue: TColor);
- procedure FromBGRAPixel(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure FromFPColor(AValue: TFPColor);
- procedure FromStdRGBA(AValue: TStdRGBA);
- procedure FromAdobeRGBA(AValue: TAdobeRGBA);
- procedure FromStdHSLA(AValue: TStdHSLA);
- procedure FromStdCMYK(AValue: TStdCMYK);
- procedure FromByteMask(AValue: TByteMask);
- procedure FromExpandedPixel(AValue: TExpandedPixel);
- procedure FromLinearRGBA(AValue: TLinearRGBA);
- procedure FromHSLAPixel(AValue: THSLAPixel);
- procedure FromGSBAPixel(AValue: TGSBAPixel);
- procedure FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA); overload;
- procedure FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA); overload;
- procedure FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromLabA(AValue: TLabA);
- procedure FromLChA(AValue: TLChA);
- end;
- { TStdCMYKHelper }
- TStdCMYKHelper = record helper for TStdCMYK
- class function Colorspace: TColorspaceAny; static;
- function ToColor: TColor;
- function ToBGRAPixel: TBGRAPixel;overload;
- function ToBGRAPixel(AAlpha: byte): TBGRAPixel;overload;
- function ToFPColor: TFPColor;overload;
- function ToFPColor(AAlpha: word): TFPColor;overload;
- function ToStdRGBA: TStdRGBA;overload;
- function ToStdRGBA(AAlpha: single): TStdRGBA;overload;
- function ToAdobeRGBA: TAdobeRGBA;overload;
- function ToAdobeRGBA(AAlpha: byte): TAdobeRGBA;overload;
- function ToStdHSLA: TStdHSLA;overload;
- function ToStdHSLA(AAlpha: single): TStdHSLA;overload;
- function ToStdHSVA: TStdHSVA;overload;
- function ToStdHSVA(AAlpha: single): TStdHSVA;overload;
- function ToByteMask: TByteMask;
- function ToExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel;overload;
- function ToExpandedPixel(AAlpha: word): TExpandedPixel;overload;
- function ToLinearRGBA: TLinearRGBA;overload;
- function ToLinearRGBA(AAlpha: single): TLinearRGBA;overload;
- function ToHSLAPixel: THSLAPixel;overload;
- function ToHSLAPixel(AAlpha: word): THSLAPixel;overload;
- function ToGSBAPixel: TGSBAPixel;overload;
- function ToGSBAPixel(AAlpha: word): TGSBAPixel;overload;
- function ToXYZA: TXYZA;overload;
- function ToXYZA(AAlpha: single): TXYZA;overload;
- function ToXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TXYZA;overload;
- function ToWordXYZA: TWordXYZA;overload;
- function ToWordXYZA(AAlpha: word): TWordXYZA;overload;
- function ToWordXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TWordXYZA;overload;
- function ToLabA: TLabA;overload;
- function ToLabA(AAlpha: single): TLabA;overload;
- function ToLChA: TLChA;overload;
- function ToLChA(AAlpha: single): TLChA;overload;
- procedure FromColor(AValue: TColor);
- procedure FromBGRAPixel(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure FromFPColor(AValue: TFPColor);
- procedure FromStdRGBA(AValue: TStdRGBA);
- procedure FromAdobeRGBA(AValue: TAdobeRGBA);
- procedure FromStdHSLA(AValue: TStdHSLA);
- procedure FromStdHSVA(AValue: TStdHSVA);
- procedure FromByteMask(AValue: TByteMask);
- procedure FromExpandedPixel(AValue: TExpandedPixel);
- procedure FromLinearRGBA(AValue: TLinearRGBA);
- procedure FromHSLAPixel(AValue: THSLAPixel);
- procedure FromGSBAPixel(AValue: TGSBAPixel);
- procedure FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA); overload;
- procedure FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA); overload;
- procedure FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromLabA(AValue: TLabA);
- procedure FromLChA(AValue: TLChA);
- end;
- { TByteMaskHelper }
- TByteMaskHelper = record helper for TByteMask
- class function Colorspace: TColorspaceAny; static;
- function ToColor: TColor;
- function ToBGRAPixel: TBGRAPixel;overload;
- function ToBGRAPixel(AAlpha: byte): TBGRAPixel;overload;
- function ToFPColor: TFPColor;overload;
- function ToFPColor(AAlpha: word): TFPColor;overload;
- function ToStdRGBA: TStdRGBA;overload;
- function ToStdRGBA(AAlpha: single): TStdRGBA;overload;
- function ToAdobeRGBA: TAdobeRGBA;overload;
- function ToAdobeRGBA(AAlpha: byte): TAdobeRGBA;overload;
- function ToStdHSLA: TStdHSLA;overload;
- function ToStdHSLA(AAlpha: single): TStdHSLA;overload;
- function ToStdHSVA: TStdHSVA;overload;
- function ToStdHSVA(AAlpha: single): TStdHSVA;overload;
- function ToStdCMYK: TStdCMYK;
- function ToExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel;overload;
- function ToExpandedPixel(AAlpha: word): TExpandedPixel;overload;
- function ToLinearRGBA: TLinearRGBA;overload;
- function ToLinearRGBA(AAlpha: single): TLinearRGBA;overload;
- function ToHSLAPixel: THSLAPixel;overload;
- function ToHSLAPixel(AAlpha: word): THSLAPixel;overload;
- function ToGSBAPixel: TGSBAPixel;overload;
- function ToGSBAPixel(AAlpha: word): TGSBAPixel;overload;
- function ToXYZA: TXYZA;overload;
- function ToXYZA(AAlpha: single): TXYZA;overload;
- function ToXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TXYZA;overload;
- function ToWordXYZA: TWordXYZA;overload;
- function ToWordXYZA(AAlpha: word): TWordXYZA;overload;
- function ToWordXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TWordXYZA;overload;
- function ToLabA: TLabA;overload;
- function ToLabA(AAlpha: single): TLabA;overload;
- function ToLChA: TLChA;overload;
- function ToLChA(AAlpha: single): TLChA;overload;
- procedure FromColor(AValue: TColor);
- procedure FromBGRAPixel(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure FromFPColor(AValue: TFPColor);
- procedure FromStdRGBA(AValue: TStdRGBA);
- procedure FromAdobeRGBA(AValue: TAdobeRGBA);
- procedure FromStdHSLA(AValue: TStdHSLA);
- procedure FromStdHSVA(AValue: TStdHSVA);
- procedure FromStdCMYK(AValue: TStdCMYK);
- procedure FromExpandedPixel(AValue: TExpandedPixel);
- procedure FromLinearRGBA(AValue: TLinearRGBA);
- procedure FromHSLAPixel(AValue: THSLAPixel);
- procedure FromGSBAPixel(AValue: TGSBAPixel);
- procedure FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA); overload;
- procedure FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA); overload;
- procedure FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromLabA(AValue: TLabA);
- procedure FromLChA(AValue: TLChA);
- end;
- { TExpandedPixelHelper }
- TExpandedPixelHelper = record helper(TExpandedPixelBasicHelper) for TExpandedPixel
- class function New(const ARed,AGreen,ABlue,AAlpha:word): TExpandedPixel;overload;static;
- class function New(const ARed,AGreen,ABlue:word): TExpandedPixel;overload;static;
- class function Colorspace: TColorspaceAny; static;
- function ToStdRGBA: TStdRGBA;
- function ToAdobeRGBA: TAdobeRGBA;
- function ToStdHSLA: TStdHSLA;
- function ToStdHSVA: TStdHSVA;
- function ToStdCMYK: TStdCMYK;
- function ToByteMask: TByteMask;
- function ToLinearRGBA: TLinearRGBA;
- function ToXYZA: TXYZA;overload;
- function ToXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TXYZA;overload;
- function ToWordXYZA: TWordXYZA;overload;
- function ToWordXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TWordXYZA;overload;
- function ToLabA: TLabA;
- function ToLChA: TLChA;
- procedure FromStdRGBA(AValue: TStdRGBA);
- procedure FromAdobeRGBA(AValue: TAdobeRGBA);
- procedure FromStdHSLA(AValue: TStdHSLA);
- procedure FromStdHSVA(AValue: TStdHSVA);
- procedure FromStdCMYK(AValue: TStdCMYK);
- procedure FromByteMask(AValue: TByteMask);
- procedure FromLinearRGBA(AValue: TLinearRGBA);
- procedure FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA); overload;
- procedure FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA); overload;
- procedure FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromLabA(AValue: TLabA);
- procedure FromLChA(AValue: TLChA);
- end;
- { TLinearRGBAHelper }
- TLinearRGBAHelper = record helper for TLinearRGBA
- class function Colorspace: TColorspaceAny; static;
- function ToColor: TColor;
- function ToBGRAPixel: TBGRAPixel;
- function ToFPColor: TFPColor;
- function ToStdRGBA: TStdRGBA;
- function ToAdobeRGBA: TAdobeRGBA;
- function ToStdHSLA: TStdHSLA;
- function ToStdHSVA: TStdHSVA;
- function ToStdCMYK: TStdCMYK;
- function ToByteMask: TByteMask;
- function ToExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel;
- function ToHSLAPixel: THSLAPixel;
- function ToGSBAPixel: TGSBAPixel;
- function ToXYZA: TXYZA;overload;
- function ToXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TXYZA;overload;
- function ToWordXYZA: TWordXYZA;overload;
- function ToWordXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TWordXYZA;overload;
- function ToLabA: TLabA;
- function ToLChA: TLChA;
- procedure FromColor(AValue: TColor);
- procedure FromBGRAPixel(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure FromFPColor(AValue: TFPColor);
- procedure FromStdRGBA(AValue: TStdRGBA);
- procedure FromAdobeRGBA(AValue: TAdobeRGBA);
- procedure FromStdHSLA(AValue: TStdHSLA);
- procedure FromStdHSVA(AValue: TStdHSVA);
- procedure FromStdCMYK(AValue: TStdCMYK);
- procedure FromByteMask(AValue: TByteMask);
- procedure FromExpandedPixel(AValue: TExpandedPixel);
- procedure FromHSLAPixel(AValue: THSLAPixel);
- procedure FromGSBAPixel(AValue: TGSBAPixel);
- procedure FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA); overload;
- procedure FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA); overload;
- procedure FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromLabA(AValue: TLabA);
- procedure FromLChA(AValue: TLChA);
- end;
- { THSLAPixelHelper }
- THSLAPixelHelper = record helper(THSLAPixelBasicHelper) for THSLAPixel
- class function New(const AHue,ASaturation,ALightness,AAlpha:word): THSLAPixel;overload;static;
- class function New(const AHue,ASaturation,ALightness:word): THSLAPixel;overload;static;
- class function Colorspace: TColorspaceAny; static;
- function ToStdRGBA: TStdRGBA;
- function ToAdobeRGBA: TAdobeRGBA;
- function ToStdHSLA: TStdHSLA;
- function ToStdHSVA: TStdHSVA;
- function ToStdCMYK: TStdCMYK;
- function ToByteMask: TByteMask;
- function ToLinearRGBA: TLinearRGBA;
- function ToXYZA: TXYZA;overload;
- function ToXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TXYZA;overload;
- function ToWordXYZA: TWordXYZA;overload;
- function ToWordXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TWordXYZA;overload;
- function ToLabA: TLabA;
- function ToLChA: TLChA;
- procedure FromStdRGBA(AValue: TStdRGBA);
- procedure FromAdobeRGBA(AValue: TAdobeRGBA);
- procedure FromStdHSLA(AValue: TStdHSLA);
- procedure FromStdHSVA(AValue: TStdHSVA);
- procedure FromStdCMYK(AValue: TStdCMYK);
- procedure FromByteMask(AValue: TByteMask);
- procedure FromLinearRGBA(AValue: TLinearRGBA);
- procedure FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA); overload;
- procedure FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA); overload;
- procedure FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromLabA(AValue: TLabA);
- procedure FromLChA(AValue: TLChA);
- end;
- { TGSBAPixelHelper }
- TGSBAPixelHelper = record helper(TGSBAPixelBasicHelper) for TGSBAPixel
- class function New(const AHue,ASaturation,ABrightness,AAlpha:word): TGSBAPixel;overload;static;
- class function New(const AHue,ASaturation,ABrightness:word): TGSBAPixel;overload;static;
- class function Colorspace: TColorspaceAny; static;
- function ToStdRGBA: TStdRGBA;
- function ToAdobeRGBA: TAdobeRGBA;
- function ToStdHSLA: TStdHSLA;
- function ToStdHSVA: TStdHSVA;
- function ToStdCMYK: TStdCMYK;
- function ToByteMask: TByteMask;
- function ToLinearRGBA: TLinearRGBA;
- function ToXYZA: TXYZA;overload;
- function ToXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TXYZA;overload;
- function ToWordXYZA: TWordXYZA;overload;
- function ToWordXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TWordXYZA;overload;
- function ToLabA: TLabA;
- function ToLChA: TLChA;
- procedure FromStdRGBA(AValue: TStdRGBA);
- procedure FromAdobeRGBA(AValue: TAdobeRGBA);
- procedure FromStdHSLA(AValue: TStdHSLA);
- procedure FromStdHSVA(AValue: TStdHSVA);
- procedure FromStdCMYK(AValue: TStdCMYK);
- procedure FromByteMask(AValue: TByteMask);
- procedure FromLinearRGBA(AValue: TLinearRGBA);
- procedure FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA); overload;
- procedure FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA); overload;
- procedure FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromLabA(AValue: TLabA);
- procedure FromLChA(AValue: TLChA);
- end;
- { TXYZAHelper }
- TXYZAHelper = record helper for TXYZA
- class function Colorspace: TColorspaceAny; static;
- procedure ChromaticAdapt(const AFrom, ATo: TXYZReferenceWhite);
- function ToColor: TColor;overload;
- function ToColor(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TColor;overload;
- function ToBGRAPixel: TBGRAPixel;overload;
- function ToBGRAPixel(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TBGRAPixel;overload;
- function ToFPColor: TFPColor;overload;
- function ToFPColor(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TFPColor;overload;
- function ToStdRGBA: TStdRGBA;overload;
- function ToStdRGBA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TStdRGBA;overload;
- function ToAdobeRGBA: TAdobeRGBA;overload;
- function ToAdobeRGBA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TAdobeRGBA;overload;
- function ToStdHSLA: TStdHSLA;overload;
- function ToStdHSLA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TStdHSLA;overload;
- function ToStdHSVA: TStdHSVA;overload;
- function ToStdHSVA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TStdHSVA;overload;
- function ToStdCMYK: TStdCMYK;overload;
- function ToStdCMYK(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TStdCMYK;overload;
- function ToByteMask: TByteMask;overload;
- function ToByteMask(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TByteMask;overload;
- function ToExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel;overload;
- function ToExpandedPixel(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TExpandedPixel;overload;
- function ToLinearRGBA: TLinearRGBA;overload;
- function ToLinearRGBA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TLinearRGBA;overload;
- function ToHSLAPixel: THSLAPixel;overload;
- function ToHSLAPixel(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): THSLAPixel;overload;
- function ToGSBAPixel: TGSBAPixel;overload;
- function ToGSBAPixel(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TGSBAPixel;overload;
- function ToWordXYZA: TWordXYZA;
- function ToLabA: TLabA;overload;
- function ToLabA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TLabA;overload;
- function ToLChA: TLChA;overload;
- function ToLChA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TLChA;overload;
- procedure FromColor(AValue: TColor); overload;
- procedure FromColor(AValue: TColor; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromBGRAPixel(AValue: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure FromBGRAPixel(AValue: TBGRAPixel; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromFPColor(AValue: TFPColor); overload;
- procedure FromFPColor(AValue: TFPColor; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromStdRGBA(AValue: TStdRGBA); overload;
- procedure FromStdRGBA(AValue: TStdRGBA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromAdobeRGBA(AValue: TAdobeRGBA); overload;
- procedure FromAdobeRGBA(AValue: TAdobeRGBA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromStdHSLA(AValue: TStdHSLA); overload;
- procedure FromStdHSLA(AValue: TStdHSLA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromStdHSVA(AValue: TStdHSVA); overload;
- procedure FromStdHSVA(AValue: TStdHSVA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromStdCMYK(AValue: TStdCMYK); overload;
- procedure FromStdCMYK(AValue: TStdCMYK; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromByteMask(AValue: TByteMask); overload;
- procedure FromByteMask(AValue: TByteMask; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromExpandedPixel(AValue: TExpandedPixel); overload;
- procedure FromExpandedPixel(AValue: TExpandedPixel; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromLinearRGBA(AValue: TLinearRGBA); overload;
- procedure FromLinearRGBA(AValue: TLinearRGBA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromHSLAPixel(AValue: THSLAPixel); overload;
- procedure FromHSLAPixel(AValue: THSLAPixel; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromGSBAPixel(AValue: TGSBAPixel); overload;
- procedure FromGSBAPixel(AValue: TGSBAPixel; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA);
- procedure FromLabA(AValue: TLabA); overload;
- procedure FromLabA(AValue: TLabA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromLChA(AValue: TLChA); overload;
- procedure FromLChA(AValue: TLChA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- end;
- { TWordXYZAHelper }
- TWordXYZAHelper = record helper for TWordXYZA
- class function Colorspace: TColorspaceAny; static;
- procedure ChromaticAdapt(const AFrom, ATo: TXYZReferenceWhite);
- function ToColor: TColor;overload;
- function ToColor(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TColor;overload;
- function ToBGRAPixel: TBGRAPixel;overload;
- function ToBGRAPixel(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TBGRAPixel;overload;
- function ToFPColor: TFPColor;overload;
- function ToFPColor(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TFPColor;overload;
- function ToStdRGBA: TStdRGBA;overload;
- function ToStdRGBA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TStdRGBA;overload;
- function ToAdobeRGBA: TAdobeRGBA;overload;
- function ToAdobeRGBA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TAdobeRGBA;overload;
- function ToStdHSLA: TStdHSLA;overload;
- function ToStdHSLA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TStdHSLA;overload;
- function ToStdHSVA: TStdHSVA;overload;
- function ToStdHSVA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TStdHSVA;overload;
- function ToStdCMYK: TStdCMYK;overload;
- function ToStdCMYK(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TStdCMYK;overload;
- function ToByteMask: TByteMask;overload;
- function ToByteMask(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TByteMask;overload;
- function ToExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel;overload;
- function ToExpandedPixel(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TExpandedPixel;overload;
- function ToLinearRGBA: TLinearRGBA;overload;
- function ToLinearRGBA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TLinearRGBA;overload;
- function ToHSLAPixel: THSLAPixel;overload;
- function ToHSLAPixel(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): THSLAPixel;overload;
- function ToGSBAPixel: TGSBAPixel;overload;
- function ToGSBAPixel(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TGSBAPixel;overload;
- function ToXYZA: TXYZA;
- function ToLabA: TLabA;overload;
- function ToLabA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TLabA;overload;
- function ToLChA: TLChA;overload;
- function ToLChA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TLChA;overload;
- procedure FromColor(AValue: TColor); overload;
- procedure FromColor(AValue: TColor; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromBGRAPixel(AValue: TBGRAPixel); overload;
- procedure FromBGRAPixel(AValue: TBGRAPixel; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromFPColor(AValue: TFPColor); overload;
- procedure FromFPColor(AValue: TFPColor; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromStdRGBA(AValue: TStdRGBA); overload;
- procedure FromStdRGBA(AValue: TStdRGBA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromAdobeRGBA(AValue: TAdobeRGBA); overload;
- procedure FromAdobeRGBA(AValue: TAdobeRGBA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromStdHSLA(AValue: TStdHSLA); overload;
- procedure FromStdHSLA(AValue: TStdHSLA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromStdHSVA(AValue: TStdHSVA); overload;
- procedure FromStdHSVA(AValue: TStdHSVA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromStdCMYK(AValue: TStdCMYK); overload;
- procedure FromStdCMYK(AValue: TStdCMYK; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromByteMask(AValue: TByteMask); overload;
- procedure FromByteMask(AValue: TByteMask; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromExpandedPixel(AValue: TExpandedPixel); overload;
- procedure FromExpandedPixel(AValue: TExpandedPixel; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromLinearRGBA(AValue: TLinearRGBA); overload;
- procedure FromLinearRGBA(AValue: TLinearRGBA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromHSLAPixel(AValue: THSLAPixel); overload;
- procedure FromHSLAPixel(AValue: THSLAPixel; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromGSBAPixel(AValue: TGSBAPixel); overload;
- procedure FromGSBAPixel(AValue: TGSBAPixel; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA);
- procedure FromLabA(AValue: TLabA); overload;
- procedure FromLabA(AValue: TLabA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromLChA(AValue: TLChA); overload;
- procedure FromLChA(AValue: TLChA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- end;
- { TLabAHelper }
- TLabAHelper = record helper for TLabA
- class function Colorspace: TColorspaceAny; static;
- function ToColor: TColor;
- function ToBGRAPixel: TBGRAPixel;
- function ToFPColor: TFPColor;
- function ToStdRGBA: TStdRGBA;
- function ToAdobeRGBA: TAdobeRGBA;
- function ToStdHSLA: TStdHSLA;
- function ToStdHSVA: TStdHSVA;
- function ToStdCMYK: TStdCMYK;
- function ToByteMask: TByteMask;
- function ToExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel;
- function ToLinearRGBA: TLinearRGBA;
- function ToHSLAPixel: THSLAPixel;
- function ToGSBAPixel: TGSBAPixel;
- function ToXYZA: TXYZA;overload;
- function ToXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TXYZA;overload;
- function ToWordXYZA: TWordXYZA;overload;
- function ToWordXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TWordXYZA;overload;
- function ToLChA: TLChA;
- procedure FromColor(AValue: TColor);
- procedure FromBGRAPixel(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure FromFPColor(AValue: TFPColor);
- procedure FromStdRGBA(AValue: TStdRGBA);
- procedure FromAdobeRGBA(AValue: TAdobeRGBA);
- procedure FromStdHSLA(AValue: TStdHSLA);
- procedure FromStdHSVA(AValue: TStdHSVA);
- procedure FromStdCMYK(AValue: TStdCMYK);
- procedure FromByteMask(AValue: TByteMask);
- procedure FromExpandedPixel(AValue: TExpandedPixel);
- procedure FromLinearRGBA(AValue: TLinearRGBA);
- procedure FromHSLAPixel(AValue: THSLAPixel);
- procedure FromGSBAPixel(AValue: TGSBAPixel);
- procedure FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA); overload;
- procedure FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA); overload;
- procedure FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromLChA(AValue: TLChA);
- end;
- { TLChAHelper }
- TLChAHelper = record helper for TLChA
- class function Colorspace: TColorspaceAny; static;
- function ToColor: TColor;
- function ToBGRAPixel: TBGRAPixel;
- function ToFPColor: TFPColor;
- function ToStdRGBA: TStdRGBA;
- function ToAdobeRGBA: TAdobeRGBA;
- function ToStdHSLA: TStdHSLA;
- function ToStdHSVA: TStdHSVA;
- function ToStdCMYK: TStdCMYK;
- function ToByteMask: TByteMask;
- function ToExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel;
- function ToLinearRGBA: TLinearRGBA;
- function ToHSLAPixel: THSLAPixel;
- function ToGSBAPixel: TGSBAPixel;
- function ToXYZA: TXYZA;overload;
- function ToXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TXYZA;overload;
- function ToWordXYZA: TWordXYZA;overload;
- function ToWordXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TWordXYZA;overload;
- function ToLabA: TLabA;
- procedure FromColor(AValue: TColor);
- procedure FromBGRAPixel(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure FromFPColor(AValue: TFPColor);
- procedure FromStdRGBA(AValue: TStdRGBA);
- procedure FromAdobeRGBA(AValue: TAdobeRGBA);
- procedure FromStdHSLA(AValue: TStdHSLA);
- procedure FromStdHSVA(AValue: TStdHSVA);
- procedure FromStdCMYK(AValue: TStdCMYK);
- procedure FromByteMask(AValue: TByteMask);
- procedure FromExpandedPixel(AValue: TExpandedPixel);
- procedure FromLinearRGBA(AValue: TLinearRGBA);
- procedure FromHSLAPixel(AValue: THSLAPixel);
- procedure FromGSBAPixel(AValue: TGSBAPixel);
- procedure FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA); overload;
- procedure FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA); overload;
- procedure FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
- procedure FromLabA(AValue: TLabA);
- end;
-operator := (const AValue: TColor): TStdRGBA;
-operator := (const AValue: TColor): TAdobeRGBA;
-operator := (const AValue: TColor): TStdHSLA;
-operator := (const AValue: TColor): TStdHSVA;
-operator := (const AValue: TColor): TStdCMYK;
-operator := (const AValue: TColor): TByteMask;
-operator := (const AValue: TColor): TLinearRGBA;
-operator := (const AValue: TColor): TXYZA;
-operator := (const AValue: TColor): TWordXYZA;
-operator := (const AValue: TColor): TLabA;
-operator := (const AValue: TColor): TLChA;
-operator := (const AValue: TBGRAPixel): TStdRGBA;
-operator := (const AValue: TBGRAPixel): TAdobeRGBA;
-operator := (const AValue: TBGRAPixel): TStdHSLA;
-operator := (const AValue: TBGRAPixel): TStdHSVA;
-operator := (const AValue: TBGRAPixel): TStdCMYK;
-operator := (const AValue: TBGRAPixel): TByteMask;
-operator := (const AValue: TBGRAPixel): TLinearRGBA;
-operator := (const AValue: TBGRAPixel): TXYZA;
-operator := (const AValue: TBGRAPixel): TWordXYZA;
-operator := (const AValue: TBGRAPixel): TLabA;
-operator := (const AValue: TBGRAPixel): TLChA;
-operator := (const AValue: TFPColor): TStdRGBA;
-operator := (const AValue: TFPColor): TAdobeRGBA;
-operator := (const AValue: TFPColor): TStdHSLA;
-operator := (const AValue: TFPColor): TStdHSVA;
-operator := (const AValue: TFPColor): TStdCMYK;
-operator := (const AValue: TFPColor): TByteMask;
-operator := (const AValue: TFPColor): TLinearRGBA;
-operator := (const AValue: TFPColor): TXYZA;
-operator := (const AValue: TFPColor): TWordXYZA;
-operator := (const AValue: TFPColor): TLabA;
-operator := (const AValue: TFPColor): TLChA;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TColor;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TBGRAPixel;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TFPColor;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TAdobeRGBA;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TStdHSLA;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TStdHSVA;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TStdCMYK;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TByteMask;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TExpandedPixel;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TLinearRGBA;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): THSLAPixel;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TGSBAPixel;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TXYZA;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TWordXYZA;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TLabA;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TLChA;
-operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TColor;
-operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TBGRAPixel;
-operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TFPColor;
-operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TStdRGBA;
-operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TStdHSLA;
-operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TStdHSVA;
-operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TStdCMYK;
-operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TByteMask;
-operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TExpandedPixel;
-operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TLinearRGBA;
-operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): THSLAPixel;
-operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TGSBAPixel;
-operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TXYZA;
-operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TWordXYZA;
-operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TLabA;
-operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TLChA;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TColor;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TBGRAPixel;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TFPColor;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TStdRGBA;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TAdobeRGBA;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TStdHSVA;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TStdCMYK;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TByteMask;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TExpandedPixel;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TLinearRGBA;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): THSLAPixel;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TGSBAPixel;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TXYZA;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TWordXYZA;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TLabA;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TLChA;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TColor;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TBGRAPixel;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TFPColor;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TStdRGBA;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TAdobeRGBA;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TStdHSLA;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TStdCMYK;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TByteMask;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TExpandedPixel;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TLinearRGBA;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): THSLAPixel;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TGSBAPixel;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TXYZA;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TWordXYZA;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TLabA;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TLChA;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TColor;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TBGRAPixel;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TFPColor;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TStdRGBA;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TAdobeRGBA;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TStdHSLA;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TStdHSVA;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TByteMask;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TExpandedPixel;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TLinearRGBA;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): THSLAPixel;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TGSBAPixel;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TXYZA;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TWordXYZA;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TLabA;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TLChA;
-operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TColor;
-operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TBGRAPixel;
-operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TFPColor;
-operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TStdRGBA;
-operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TAdobeRGBA;
-operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TStdHSLA;
-operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TStdHSVA;
-operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TStdCMYK;
-operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TExpandedPixel;
-operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TLinearRGBA;
-operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): THSLAPixel;
-operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TGSBAPixel;
-operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TXYZA;
-operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TWordXYZA;
-operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TLabA;
-operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TLChA;
-operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TStdRGBA;
-operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TAdobeRGBA;
-operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TStdHSLA;
-operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TStdHSVA;
-operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TStdCMYK;
-operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TByteMask;
-operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TLinearRGBA;
-operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TXYZA;
-operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TWordXYZA;
-operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TLabA;
-operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TLChA;
-operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TColor;
-operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TBGRAPixel;
-operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TFPColor;
-operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TStdRGBA;
-operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TAdobeRGBA;
-operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TStdHSLA;
-operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TStdHSVA;
-operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TStdCMYK;
-operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TByteMask;
-operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TExpandedPixel;
-operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): THSLAPixel;
-operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TGSBAPixel;
-operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TXYZA;
-operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TWordXYZA;
-operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TLabA;
-operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TLChA;
-operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TStdRGBA;
-operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TAdobeRGBA;
-operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TStdHSLA;
-operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TStdHSVA;
-operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TStdCMYK;
-operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TByteMask;
-operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TLinearRGBA;
-operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TXYZA;
-operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TWordXYZA;
-operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TLabA;
-operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TLChA;
-operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TStdRGBA;
-operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TAdobeRGBA;
-operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TStdHSLA;
-operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TStdHSVA;
-operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TStdCMYK;
-operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TByteMask;
-operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TLinearRGBA;
-operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TXYZA;
-operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TWordXYZA;
-operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TLabA;
-operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TLChA;
-operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TColor;
-operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TBGRAPixel;
-operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TFPColor;
-operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TStdRGBA;
-operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TAdobeRGBA;
-operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TStdHSLA;
-operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TStdHSVA;
-operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TStdCMYK;
-operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TByteMask;
-operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TExpandedPixel;
-operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TLinearRGBA;
-operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): THSLAPixel;
-operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TGSBAPixel;
-operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TWordXYZA;
-operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TLabA;
-operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TLChA;
-operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TColor;
-operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TBGRAPixel;
-operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TFPColor;
-operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TStdRGBA;
-operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TAdobeRGBA;
-operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TStdHSLA;
-operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TStdHSVA;
-operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TStdCMYK;
-operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TByteMask;
-operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TExpandedPixel;
-operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TLinearRGBA;
-operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): THSLAPixel;
-operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TGSBAPixel;
-operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TXYZA;
-operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TLabA;
-operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TLChA;
-operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TColor;
-operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TBGRAPixel;
-operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TFPColor;
-operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TStdRGBA;
-operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TAdobeRGBA;
-operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TStdHSLA;
-operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TStdHSVA;
-operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TStdCMYK;
-operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TByteMask;
-operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TExpandedPixel;
-operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TLinearRGBA;
-operator := (const AValue: TLabA): THSLAPixel;
-operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TGSBAPixel;
-operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TXYZA;
-operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TWordXYZA;
-operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TLChA;
-operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TColor;
-operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TBGRAPixel;
-operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TFPColor;
-operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TStdRGBA;
-operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TAdobeRGBA;
-operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TStdHSLA;
-operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TStdHSVA;
-operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TStdCMYK;
-operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TByteMask;
-operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TExpandedPixel;
-operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TLinearRGBA;
-operator := (const AValue: TLChA): THSLAPixel;
-operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TGSBAPixel;
-operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TXYZA;
-operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TWordXYZA;
-operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TLabA;
-procedure ConvertColorArrayToBGRAPixelArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TColor); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TBGRAPixel); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TBGRAPixel(ADest^) := ColorToBGRA(TColor(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function ColorToFPColor(const AColor: TColor;const AAlpha: word=65535): TFPColor;
-begin Result := BGRAToFPColor(ColorToBGRA(AColor));
- Result.alpha := AAlpha end;
-procedure ConvertColorArrayToFPColorArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TColor); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TFPColor); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TFPColor(ADest^) := ColorToFPColor(TColor(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function ColorToStdRGBA(const AColor: TColor;const AAlpha: single=1): TStdRGBA;
-begin Result := BGRAPixelToStdRGBA(ColorToBGRA(AColor));
- Result.alpha := AAlpha end;
-procedure ConvertColorArrayToStdRGBAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TColor); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdRGBA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TStdRGBA(ADest^) := ColorToStdRGBA(TColor(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function ColorToStdHSLA(const AColor: TColor;const AAlpha: single=1): TStdHSLA;
-begin Result := StdRGBAToStdHSLA(BGRAPixelToStdRGBA(ColorToBGRA(AColor)));
- Result.alpha := AAlpha end;
-procedure ConvertColorArrayToStdHSLAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TColor); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdHSLA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TStdHSLA(ADest^) := ColorToStdHSLA(TColor(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function ColorToStdHSVA(const AColor: TColor;const AAlpha: single=1): TStdHSVA;
-begin Result := StdRGBAToStdHSVA(BGRAPixelToStdRGBA(ColorToBGRA(AColor)));
- Result.alpha := AAlpha end;
-procedure ConvertColorArrayToStdHSVAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TColor); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdHSVA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TStdHSVA(ADest^) := ColorToStdHSVA(TColor(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function ColorToStdCMYK(const AColor: TColor): TStdCMYK;
-begin Result := StdRGBAToStdCMYK(BGRAPixelToStdRGBA(ColorToBGRA(AColor))) end;
-procedure ConvertColorArrayToStdCMYKArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TColor); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdCMYK); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TStdCMYK(ADest^) := ColorToStdCMYK(TColor(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function ColorToByteMask(const AColor: TColor): TByteMask;
-begin Result := BGRAToMask(ColorToBGRA(AColor)) end;
-procedure ConvertColorArrayToByteMaskArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TColor); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TByteMask); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TByteMask(ADest^) := ColorToByteMask(TColor(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function ColorToExpandedPixel(const AColor: TColor;const AAlpha: word=65535): TExpandedPixel;
-begin Result := GammaExpansion(ColorToBGRA(AColor));
- Result.alpha := AAlpha end;
-procedure ConvertColorArrayToExpandedPixelArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TColor); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TExpandedPixel); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TExpandedPixel(ADest^) := ColorToExpandedPixel(TColor(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-procedure ConvertBGRAPixelArrayToColorArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TBGRAPixel); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TColor); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TColor(ADest^) := BGRAToColor(TBGRAPixel(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-procedure ConvertBGRAPixelArrayToFPColorArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TBGRAPixel); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TFPColor); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TFPColor(ADest^) := BGRAToFPColor(TBGRAPixel(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-procedure ConvertBGRAPixelArrayToStdRGBAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TBGRAPixel); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdRGBA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TStdRGBA(ADest^) := BGRAPixelToStdRGBA(TBGRAPixel(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function BGRAPixelToStdHSLA(const ABGRAPixel: TBGRAPixel): TStdHSLA;
-begin Result := StdRGBAToStdHSLA(BGRAPixelToStdRGBA(ABGRAPixel)) end;
-procedure ConvertBGRAPixelArrayToStdHSLAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TBGRAPixel); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdHSLA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TStdHSLA(ADest^) := BGRAPixelToStdHSLA(TBGRAPixel(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function BGRAPixelToStdHSVA(const ABGRAPixel: TBGRAPixel): TStdHSVA;
-begin Result := StdRGBAToStdHSVA(BGRAPixelToStdRGBA(ABGRAPixel)) end;
-procedure ConvertBGRAPixelArrayToStdHSVAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TBGRAPixel); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdHSVA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TStdHSVA(ADest^) := BGRAPixelToStdHSVA(TBGRAPixel(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function BGRAPixelToStdCMYK(const ABGRAPixel: TBGRAPixel): TStdCMYK;
-begin Result := StdRGBAToStdCMYK(BGRAPixelToStdRGBA(ABGRAPixel)) end;
-procedure ConvertBGRAPixelArrayToStdCMYKArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TBGRAPixel); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdCMYK); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TStdCMYK(ADest^) := BGRAPixelToStdCMYK(TBGRAPixel(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-procedure ConvertBGRAPixelArrayToByteMaskArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TBGRAPixel); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TByteMask); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TByteMask(ADest^) := BGRAToMask(TBGRAPixel(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-procedure ConvertBGRAPixelArrayToExpandedPixelArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TBGRAPixel); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TExpandedPixel); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TExpandedPixel(ADest^) := GammaExpansion(TBGRAPixel(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function FPColorToColor(const AFPColor: TFPColor): TColor;
-begin Result := BGRAToColor(FPColorToBGRA(AFPColor)) end;
-procedure ConvertFPColorArrayToColorArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TFPColor); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TColor); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TColor(ADest^) := FPColorToColor(TFPColor(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-procedure ConvertFPColorArrayToBGRAPixelArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TFPColor); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TBGRAPixel); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TBGRAPixel(ADest^) := FPColorToBGRA(TFPColor(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function FPColorToByteMask(const AFPColor: TFPColor): TByteMask;
-begin Result := BGRAToMask(FPColorToBGRA(AFPColor)) end;
-procedure ConvertFPColorArrayToByteMaskArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TFPColor); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TByteMask); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TByteMask(ADest^) := FPColorToByteMask(TFPColor(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-procedure ConvertFPColorArrayToExpandedPixelArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TFPColor); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TExpandedPixel); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TExpandedPixel(ADest^) := FPColorToExpanded(TFPColor(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function StdRGBAToColor(const AStdRGBA: TStdRGBA): TColor;
-begin Result := BGRAToColor(StdRGBAToBGRAPixel(AStdRGBA)) end;
-procedure ConvertStdRGBAArrayToColorArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdRGBA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TColor); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TColor(ADest^) := StdRGBAToColor(TStdRGBA(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-procedure ConvertStdRGBAArrayToBGRAPixelArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdRGBA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TBGRAPixel); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TBGRAPixel(ADest^) := StdRGBAToBGRAPixel(TStdRGBA(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-procedure ConvertStdRGBAArrayToStdHSLAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdRGBA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdHSLA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TStdHSLA(ADest^) := StdRGBAToStdHSLA(TStdRGBA(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-procedure ConvertStdRGBAArrayToStdHSVAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdRGBA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdHSVA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TStdHSVA(ADest^) := StdRGBAToStdHSVA(TStdRGBA(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-procedure ConvertStdRGBAArrayToStdCMYKArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdRGBA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdCMYK); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TStdCMYK(ADest^) := StdRGBAToStdCMYK(TStdRGBA(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function StdRGBAToByteMask(const AStdRGBA: TStdRGBA): TByteMask;
-begin Result := BGRAToMask(StdRGBAToBGRAPixel(AStdRGBA)) end;
-procedure ConvertStdRGBAArrayToByteMaskArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdRGBA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TByteMask); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TByteMask(ADest^) := StdRGBAToByteMask(TStdRGBA(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-procedure ConvertStdRGBAArrayToExpandedPixelArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdRGBA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TExpandedPixel); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TExpandedPixel(ADest^) := StdRGBAToExpandedPixel(TStdRGBA(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function AdobeRGBAToExpandedPixel(const AAdobeRGBA: TAdobeRGBA): TExpandedPixel;
-begin Result := LinearRGBAToExpandedPixel(XYZAToLinearRGBA(AdobeRGBAToXYZA(AAdobeRGBA))) end;
-procedure ConvertAdobeRGBAArrayToExpandedPixelArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TAdobeRGBA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TExpandedPixel); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TExpandedPixel(ADest^) := AdobeRGBAToExpandedPixel(TAdobeRGBA(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function AdobeRGBAToLinearRGBA(const AAdobeRGBA: TAdobeRGBA): TLinearRGBA;
-begin Result := XYZAToLinearRGBA(AdobeRGBAToXYZA(AAdobeRGBA)) end;
-procedure ConvertAdobeRGBAArrayToLinearRGBAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TAdobeRGBA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TLinearRGBA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TLinearRGBA(ADest^) := AdobeRGBAToLinearRGBA(TAdobeRGBA(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-procedure ConvertAdobeRGBAArrayToXYZAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TAdobeRGBA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TXYZA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- if AReferenceWhite = nil then AReferenceWhite := @CurrentReferenceWhite;
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TXYZA(ADest^) := AdobeRGBAToXYZA(TAdobeRGBA(ASource^), AReferenceWhite^);
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function AdobeRGBAToWordXYZA(const AAdobeRGBA: TAdobeRGBA): TWordXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := XYZAToWordXYZA(AdobeRGBAToXYZA(AAdobeRGBA)) end;
-function AdobeRGBAToWordXYZA(const AAdobeRGBA: TAdobeRGBA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TWordXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := XYZAToWordXYZA(AdobeRGBAToXYZA(AAdobeRGBA,AReferenceWhite)) end;
-procedure ConvertAdobeRGBAArrayToWordXYZAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TAdobeRGBA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TWordXYZA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- if AReferenceWhite = nil then AReferenceWhite := @CurrentReferenceWhite;
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TWordXYZA(ADest^) := AdobeRGBAToWordXYZA(TAdobeRGBA(ASource^), AReferenceWhite^);
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function AdobeRGBAToLabA(const AAdobeRGBA: TAdobeRGBA): TLabA;
-begin Result := XYZAToLabA(AdobeRGBAToXYZA(AAdobeRGBA)) end;
-procedure ConvertAdobeRGBAArrayToLabAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TAdobeRGBA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TLabA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TLabA(ADest^) := AdobeRGBAToLabA(TAdobeRGBA(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function AdobeRGBAToLChA(const AAdobeRGBA: TAdobeRGBA): TLChA;
-begin Result := LabAToLChA(XYZAToLabA(AdobeRGBAToXYZA(AAdobeRGBA))) end;
-procedure ConvertAdobeRGBAArrayToLChAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TAdobeRGBA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TLChA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TLChA(ADest^) := AdobeRGBAToLChA(TAdobeRGBA(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function StdHSLAToColor(const AStdHSLA: TStdHSLA): TColor;
-begin Result := BGRAToColor(StdRGBAToBGRAPixel(StdHSLAToStdRGBA(AStdHSLA))) end;
-procedure ConvertStdHSLAArrayToColorArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdHSLA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TColor); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TColor(ADest^) := StdHSLAToColor(TStdHSLA(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function StdHSLAToBGRAPixel(const AStdHSLA: TStdHSLA): TBGRAPixel;
-begin Result := StdRGBAToBGRAPixel(StdHSLAToStdRGBA(AStdHSLA)) end;
-procedure ConvertStdHSLAArrayToBGRAPixelArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdHSLA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TBGRAPixel); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TBGRAPixel(ADest^) := StdHSLAToBGRAPixel(TStdHSLA(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-procedure ConvertStdHSLAArrayToStdRGBAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdHSLA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdRGBA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TStdRGBA(ADest^) := StdHSLAToStdRGBA(TStdHSLA(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-procedure ConvertStdHSLAArrayToStdHSVAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdHSLA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdHSVA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TStdHSVA(ADest^) := StdHSLAToStdHSVA(TStdHSLA(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function StdHSLAToStdCMYK(const AStdHSLA: TStdHSLA): TStdCMYK;
-begin Result := StdRGBAToStdCMYK(StdHSLAToStdRGBA(AStdHSLA)) end;
-procedure ConvertStdHSLAArrayToStdCMYKArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdHSLA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdCMYK); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TStdCMYK(ADest^) := StdHSLAToStdCMYK(TStdHSLA(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function StdHSLAToByteMask(const AStdHSLA: TStdHSLA): TByteMask;
-begin Result := BGRAToMask(StdRGBAToBGRAPixel(StdHSLAToStdRGBA(AStdHSLA))) end;
-procedure ConvertStdHSLAArrayToByteMaskArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdHSLA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TByteMask); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TByteMask(ADest^) := StdHSLAToByteMask(TStdHSLA(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function StdHSLAToExpandedPixel(const AStdHSLA: TStdHSLA): TExpandedPixel;
-begin Result := StdRGBAToExpandedPixel(StdHSLAToStdRGBA(AStdHSLA)) end;
-procedure ConvertStdHSLAArrayToExpandedPixelArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdHSLA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TExpandedPixel); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TExpandedPixel(ADest^) := StdHSLAToExpandedPixel(TStdHSLA(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function StdHSVAToColor(const AStdHSVA: TStdHSVA): TColor;
-begin Result := BGRAToColor(StdRGBAToBGRAPixel(StdHSVAToStdRGBA(AStdHSVA))) end;
-procedure ConvertStdHSVAArrayToColorArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdHSVA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TColor); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TColor(ADest^) := StdHSVAToColor(TStdHSVA(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function StdHSVAToBGRAPixel(const AStdHSVA: TStdHSVA): TBGRAPixel;
-begin Result := StdRGBAToBGRAPixel(StdHSVAToStdRGBA(AStdHSVA)) end;
-procedure ConvertStdHSVAArrayToBGRAPixelArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdHSVA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TBGRAPixel); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TBGRAPixel(ADest^) := StdHSVAToBGRAPixel(TStdHSVA(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-procedure ConvertStdHSVAArrayToStdRGBAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdHSVA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdRGBA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TStdRGBA(ADest^) := StdHSVAToStdRGBA(TStdHSVA(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-procedure ConvertStdHSVAArrayToStdHSLAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdHSVA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdHSLA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TStdHSLA(ADest^) := StdHSVAToStdHSLA(TStdHSVA(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function StdHSVAToStdCMYK(const AStdHSVA: TStdHSVA): TStdCMYK;
-begin Result := StdRGBAToStdCMYK(StdHSVAToStdRGBA(AStdHSVA)) end;
-procedure ConvertStdHSVAArrayToStdCMYKArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdHSVA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdCMYK); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TStdCMYK(ADest^) := StdHSVAToStdCMYK(TStdHSVA(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function StdHSVAToByteMask(const AStdHSVA: TStdHSVA): TByteMask;
-begin Result := BGRAToMask(StdRGBAToBGRAPixel(StdHSVAToStdRGBA(AStdHSVA))) end;
-procedure ConvertStdHSVAArrayToByteMaskArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdHSVA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TByteMask); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TByteMask(ADest^) := StdHSVAToByteMask(TStdHSVA(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function StdHSVAToExpandedPixel(const AStdHSVA: TStdHSVA): TExpandedPixel;
-begin Result := StdRGBAToExpandedPixel(StdHSVAToStdRGBA(AStdHSVA)) end;
-procedure ConvertStdHSVAArrayToExpandedPixelArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdHSVA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TExpandedPixel); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TExpandedPixel(ADest^) := StdHSVAToExpandedPixel(TStdHSVA(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function StdCMYKToColor(const AStdCMYK: TStdCMYK): TColor;
-begin Result := BGRAToColor(StdRGBAToBGRAPixel(StdCMYKToStdRGBA(AStdCMYK))) end;
-procedure ConvertStdCMYKArrayToColorArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdCMYK); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TColor); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TColor(ADest^) := StdCMYKToColor(TStdCMYK(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function StdCMYKToBGRAPixel(const AStdCMYK: TStdCMYK;const AAlpha: byte=255): TBGRAPixel;
-begin Result := StdRGBAToBGRAPixel(StdCMYKToStdRGBA(AStdCMYK));
- Result.alpha := AAlpha end;
-procedure ConvertStdCMYKArrayToBGRAPixelArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdCMYK); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TBGRAPixel); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TBGRAPixel(ADest^) := StdCMYKToBGRAPixel(TStdCMYK(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-procedure ConvertStdCMYKArrayToStdRGBAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdCMYK); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdRGBA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TStdRGBA(ADest^) := StdCMYKToStdRGBA(TStdCMYK(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function StdCMYKToStdHSLA(const AStdCMYK: TStdCMYK;const AAlpha: single=1): TStdHSLA;
-begin Result := StdRGBAToStdHSLA(StdCMYKToStdRGBA(AStdCMYK));
- Result.alpha := AAlpha end;
-procedure ConvertStdCMYKArrayToStdHSLAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdCMYK); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdHSLA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TStdHSLA(ADest^) := StdCMYKToStdHSLA(TStdCMYK(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function StdCMYKToStdHSVA(const AStdCMYK: TStdCMYK;const AAlpha: single=1): TStdHSVA;
-begin Result := StdRGBAToStdHSVA(StdCMYKToStdRGBA(AStdCMYK));
- Result.alpha := AAlpha end;
-procedure ConvertStdCMYKArrayToStdHSVAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdCMYK); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdHSVA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TStdHSVA(ADest^) := StdCMYKToStdHSVA(TStdCMYK(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function StdCMYKToByteMask(const AStdCMYK: TStdCMYK): TByteMask;
-begin Result := BGRAToMask(StdRGBAToBGRAPixel(StdCMYKToStdRGBA(AStdCMYK))) end;
-procedure ConvertStdCMYKArrayToByteMaskArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdCMYK); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TByteMask); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TByteMask(ADest^) := StdCMYKToByteMask(TStdCMYK(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function StdCMYKToExpandedPixel(const AStdCMYK: TStdCMYK;const AAlpha: word=65535): TExpandedPixel;
-begin Result := StdRGBAToExpandedPixel(StdCMYKToStdRGBA(AStdCMYK));
- Result.alpha := AAlpha end;
-procedure ConvertStdCMYKArrayToExpandedPixelArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdCMYK); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TExpandedPixel); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TExpandedPixel(ADest^) := StdCMYKToExpandedPixel(TStdCMYK(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function ByteMaskToColor(const AByteMask: TByteMask): TColor;
-begin Result := BGRAToColor(MaskToBGRA(AByteMask)) end;
-procedure ConvertByteMaskArrayToColorArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TByteMask); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TColor); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TColor(ADest^) := ByteMaskToColor(TByteMask(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-procedure ConvertByteMaskArrayToBGRAPixelArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TByteMask); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TBGRAPixel); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TBGRAPixel(ADest^) := MaskToBGRA(TByteMask(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function ByteMaskToFPColor(const AByteMask: TByteMask;const AAlpha: word=65535): TFPColor;
-begin Result := BGRAToFPColor(MaskToBGRA(AByteMask));
- Result.alpha := AAlpha end;
-procedure ConvertByteMaskArrayToFPColorArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TByteMask); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TFPColor); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TFPColor(ADest^) := ByteMaskToFPColor(TByteMask(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function ByteMaskToStdRGBA(const AByteMask: TByteMask;const AAlpha: single=1): TStdRGBA;
-begin Result := BGRAPixelToStdRGBA(MaskToBGRA(AByteMask));
- Result.alpha := AAlpha end;
-procedure ConvertByteMaskArrayToStdRGBAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TByteMask); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdRGBA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TStdRGBA(ADest^) := ByteMaskToStdRGBA(TByteMask(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function ByteMaskToStdHSLA(const AByteMask: TByteMask;const AAlpha: single=1): TStdHSLA;
-begin Result := StdRGBAToStdHSLA(BGRAPixelToStdRGBA(MaskToBGRA(AByteMask)));
- Result.alpha := AAlpha end;
-procedure ConvertByteMaskArrayToStdHSLAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TByteMask); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdHSLA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TStdHSLA(ADest^) := ByteMaskToStdHSLA(TByteMask(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function ByteMaskToStdHSVA(const AByteMask: TByteMask;const AAlpha: single=1): TStdHSVA;
-begin Result := StdRGBAToStdHSVA(BGRAPixelToStdRGBA(MaskToBGRA(AByteMask)));
- Result.alpha := AAlpha end;
-procedure ConvertByteMaskArrayToStdHSVAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TByteMask); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdHSVA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TStdHSVA(ADest^) := ByteMaskToStdHSVA(TByteMask(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function ByteMaskToStdCMYK(const AByteMask: TByteMask): TStdCMYK;
-begin Result := StdRGBAToStdCMYK(BGRAPixelToStdRGBA(MaskToBGRA(AByteMask))) end;
-procedure ConvertByteMaskArrayToStdCMYKArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TByteMask); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdCMYK); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TStdCMYK(ADest^) := ByteMaskToStdCMYK(TByteMask(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-procedure ConvertByteMaskArrayToExpandedPixelArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TByteMask); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TExpandedPixel); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TExpandedPixel(ADest^) := ByteMaskToExpandedPixel(TByteMask(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function ExpandedPixelToColor(const AExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel): TColor;
-begin Result := BGRAToColor(GammaCompression(AExpandedPixel)) end;
-procedure ConvertExpandedPixelArrayToColorArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TExpandedPixel); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TColor); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TColor(ADest^) := ExpandedPixelToColor(TExpandedPixel(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-procedure ConvertExpandedPixelArrayToBGRAPixelArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TExpandedPixel); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TBGRAPixel); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TBGRAPixel(ADest^) := GammaCompression(TExpandedPixel(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-procedure ConvertExpandedPixelArrayToFPColorArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TExpandedPixel); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TFPColor); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TFPColor(ADest^) := ExpandedToFPColor(TExpandedPixel(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-procedure ConvertExpandedPixelArrayToStdRGBAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TExpandedPixel); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdRGBA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TStdRGBA(ADest^) := ExpandedPixelToStdRGBA(TExpandedPixel(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function ExpandedPixelToAdobeRGBA(const AExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel): TAdobeRGBA;
-begin Result := XYZAToAdobeRGBA(LinearRGBAToXYZA(ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA(AExpandedPixel))) end;
-procedure ConvertExpandedPixelArrayToAdobeRGBAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TExpandedPixel); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TAdobeRGBA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TAdobeRGBA(ADest^) := ExpandedPixelToAdobeRGBA(TExpandedPixel(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function ExpandedPixelToStdHSLA(const AExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel): TStdHSLA;
-begin Result := StdRGBAToStdHSLA(ExpandedPixelToStdRGBA(AExpandedPixel)) end;
-procedure ConvertExpandedPixelArrayToStdHSLAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TExpandedPixel); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdHSLA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TStdHSLA(ADest^) := ExpandedPixelToStdHSLA(TExpandedPixel(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function ExpandedPixelToStdHSVA(const AExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel): TStdHSVA;
-begin Result := StdRGBAToStdHSVA(ExpandedPixelToStdRGBA(AExpandedPixel)) end;
-procedure ConvertExpandedPixelArrayToStdHSVAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TExpandedPixel); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdHSVA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TStdHSVA(ADest^) := ExpandedPixelToStdHSVA(TExpandedPixel(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function ExpandedPixelToStdCMYK(const AExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel): TStdCMYK;
-begin Result := StdRGBAToStdCMYK(ExpandedPixelToStdRGBA(AExpandedPixel)) end;
-procedure ConvertExpandedPixelArrayToStdCMYKArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TExpandedPixel); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TStdCMYK); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TStdCMYK(ADest^) := ExpandedPixelToStdCMYK(TExpandedPixel(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-procedure ConvertExpandedPixelArrayToByteMaskArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TExpandedPixel); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TByteMask); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TByteMask(ADest^) := ExpandedPixelToByteMask(TExpandedPixel(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-procedure ConvertExpandedPixelArrayToLinearRGBAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TExpandedPixel); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TLinearRGBA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TLinearRGBA(ADest^) := ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA(TExpandedPixel(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-procedure ConvertExpandedPixelArrayToHSLAPixelArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TExpandedPixel); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(THSLAPixel); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- THSLAPixel(ADest^) := ExpandedToHSLA(TExpandedPixel(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-procedure ConvertExpandedPixelArrayToGSBAPixelArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TExpandedPixel); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TGSBAPixel); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TGSBAPixel(ADest^) := ExpandedToGSBA(TExpandedPixel(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function ExpandedPixelToXYZA(const AExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel): TXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := LinearRGBAToXYZA(ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA(AExpandedPixel)) end;
-function ExpandedPixelToXYZA(const AExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := LinearRGBAToXYZA(ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA(AExpandedPixel),AReferenceWhite) end;
-procedure ConvertExpandedPixelArrayToXYZAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TExpandedPixel); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TXYZA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- if AReferenceWhite = nil then AReferenceWhite := @CurrentReferenceWhite;
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TXYZA(ADest^) := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(TExpandedPixel(ASource^), AReferenceWhite^);
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-procedure ConvertExpandedPixelArrayToWordXYZAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TExpandedPixel); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TWordXYZA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- if AReferenceWhite = nil then AReferenceWhite := @CurrentReferenceWhite;
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TWordXYZA(ADest^) := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(TExpandedPixel(ASource^), AReferenceWhite^);
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function ExpandedPixelToLabA(const AExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel): TLabA;
-begin Result := XYZAToLabA(LinearRGBAToXYZA(ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA(AExpandedPixel))) end;
-procedure ConvertExpandedPixelArrayToLabAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TExpandedPixel); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TLabA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TLabA(ADest^) := ExpandedPixelToLabA(TExpandedPixel(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function ExpandedPixelToLChA(const AExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel): TLChA;
-begin Result := LabAToLChA(XYZAToLabA(LinearRGBAToXYZA(ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA(AExpandedPixel)))) end;
-procedure ConvertExpandedPixelArrayToLChAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TExpandedPixel); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TLChA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TLChA(ADest^) := ExpandedPixelToLChA(TExpandedPixel(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function LinearRGBAToAdobeRGBA(const ALinearRGBA: TLinearRGBA): TAdobeRGBA;
-begin Result := XYZAToAdobeRGBA(LinearRGBAToXYZA(ALinearRGBA)) end;
-procedure ConvertLinearRGBAArrayToAdobeRGBAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TLinearRGBA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TAdobeRGBA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TAdobeRGBA(ADest^) := LinearRGBAToAdobeRGBA(TLinearRGBA(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-procedure ConvertLinearRGBAArrayToExpandedPixelArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TLinearRGBA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TExpandedPixel); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TExpandedPixel(ADest^) := LinearRGBAToExpandedPixel(TLinearRGBA(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-procedure ConvertLinearRGBAArrayToXYZAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TLinearRGBA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TXYZA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- if AReferenceWhite = nil then AReferenceWhite := @CurrentReferenceWhite;
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TXYZA(ADest^) := LinearRGBAToXYZA(TLinearRGBA(ASource^), AReferenceWhite^);
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function LinearRGBAToLabA(const ALinearRGBA: TLinearRGBA): TLabA;
-begin Result := XYZAToLabA(LinearRGBAToXYZA(ALinearRGBA)) end;
-procedure ConvertLinearRGBAArrayToLabAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TLinearRGBA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TLabA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TLabA(ADest^) := LinearRGBAToLabA(TLinearRGBA(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function LinearRGBAToLChA(const ALinearRGBA: TLinearRGBA): TLChA;
-begin Result := LabAToLChA(XYZAToLabA(LinearRGBAToXYZA(ALinearRGBA))) end;
-procedure ConvertLinearRGBAArrayToLChAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TLinearRGBA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TLChA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TLChA(ADest^) := LinearRGBAToLChA(TLinearRGBA(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-procedure ConvertHSLAPixelArrayToExpandedPixelArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(THSLAPixel); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TExpandedPixel); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TExpandedPixel(ADest^) := HSLAToExpanded(THSLAPixel(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-procedure ConvertHSLAPixelArrayToGSBAPixelArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(THSLAPixel); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TGSBAPixel); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TGSBAPixel(ADest^) := HSLAToGSBA(THSLAPixel(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-procedure ConvertGSBAPixelArrayToExpandedPixelArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TGSBAPixel); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TExpandedPixel); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TExpandedPixel(ADest^) := GSBAToExpanded(TGSBAPixel(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-procedure ConvertGSBAPixelArrayToHSLAPixelArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TGSBAPixel); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(THSLAPixel); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- THSLAPixel(ADest^) := GSBAToHSLA(TGSBAPixel(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-procedure ConvertXYZAArrayToAdobeRGBAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TXYZA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TAdobeRGBA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- if AReferenceWhite = nil then AReferenceWhite := @CurrentReferenceWhite;
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TAdobeRGBA(ADest^) := XYZAToAdobeRGBA(TXYZA(ASource^), AReferenceWhite^);
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function XYZAToExpandedPixel(const AXYZA: TXYZA): TExpandedPixel;overload;
-begin Result := LinearRGBAToExpandedPixel(XYZAToLinearRGBA(AXYZA)) end;
-function XYZAToExpandedPixel(const AXYZA: TXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TExpandedPixel;overload;
-begin Result := LinearRGBAToExpandedPixel(XYZAToLinearRGBA(AXYZA,AReferenceWhite)) end;
-procedure ConvertXYZAArrayToExpandedPixelArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TXYZA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TExpandedPixel); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- if AReferenceWhite = nil then AReferenceWhite := @CurrentReferenceWhite;
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TExpandedPixel(ADest^) := XYZAToExpandedPixel(TXYZA(ASource^), AReferenceWhite^);
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-procedure ConvertXYZAArrayToLinearRGBAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TXYZA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TLinearRGBA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- if AReferenceWhite = nil then AReferenceWhite := @CurrentReferenceWhite;
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TLinearRGBA(ADest^) := XYZAToLinearRGBA(TXYZA(ASource^), AReferenceWhite^);
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-procedure ConvertXYZAArrayToWordXYZAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TXYZA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TWordXYZA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TWordXYZA(ADest^) := XYZAToWordXYZA(TXYZA(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-procedure ConvertXYZAArrayToLabAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TXYZA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TLabA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- if AReferenceWhite = nil then AReferenceWhite := @CurrentReferenceWhite;
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TLabA(ADest^) := XYZAToLabA(TXYZA(ASource^), AReferenceWhite^);
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function XYZAToLChA(const AXYZA: TXYZA): TLChA;overload;
-begin Result := LabAToLChA(XYZAToLabA(AXYZA)) end;
-function XYZAToLChA(const AXYZA: TXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TLChA;overload;
-begin Result := LabAToLChA(XYZAToLabA(AXYZA,AReferenceWhite)) end;
-procedure ConvertXYZAArrayToLChAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TXYZA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TLChA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- if AReferenceWhite = nil then AReferenceWhite := @CurrentReferenceWhite;
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TLChA(ADest^) := XYZAToLChA(TXYZA(ASource^), AReferenceWhite^);
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function WordXYZAToAdobeRGBA(const AWordXYZA: TWordXYZA): TAdobeRGBA;overload;
-begin Result := XYZAToAdobeRGBA(WordXYZAToXYZA(AWordXYZA)) end;
-function WordXYZAToAdobeRGBA(const AWordXYZA: TWordXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TAdobeRGBA;overload;
-begin Result := XYZAToAdobeRGBA(WordXYZAToXYZA(AWordXYZA),AReferenceWhite) end;
-procedure ConvertWordXYZAArrayToAdobeRGBAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TWordXYZA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TAdobeRGBA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- if AReferenceWhite = nil then AReferenceWhite := @CurrentReferenceWhite;
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TAdobeRGBA(ADest^) := WordXYZAToAdobeRGBA(TWordXYZA(ASource^), AReferenceWhite^);
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-procedure ConvertWordXYZAArrayToExpandedPixelArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TWordXYZA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TExpandedPixel); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- if AReferenceWhite = nil then AReferenceWhite := @CurrentReferenceWhite;
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TExpandedPixel(ADest^) := WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(TWordXYZA(ASource^), AReferenceWhite^);
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-procedure ConvertWordXYZAArrayToXYZAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TWordXYZA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TXYZA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TXYZA(ADest^) := WordXYZAToXYZA(TWordXYZA(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function WordXYZAToLabA(const AWordXYZA: TWordXYZA): TLabA;overload;
-begin Result := XYZAToLabA(WordXYZAToXYZA(AWordXYZA)) end;
-function WordXYZAToLabA(const AWordXYZA: TWordXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TLabA;overload;
-begin Result := XYZAToLabA(WordXYZAToXYZA(AWordXYZA),AReferenceWhite) end;
-procedure ConvertWordXYZAArrayToLabAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TWordXYZA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TLabA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- if AReferenceWhite = nil then AReferenceWhite := @CurrentReferenceWhite;
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TLabA(ADest^) := WordXYZAToLabA(TWordXYZA(ASource^), AReferenceWhite^);
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function WordXYZAToLChA(const AWordXYZA: TWordXYZA): TLChA;overload;
-begin Result := LabAToLChA(XYZAToLabA(WordXYZAToXYZA(AWordXYZA))) end;
-function WordXYZAToLChA(const AWordXYZA: TWordXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TLChA;overload;
-begin Result := LabAToLChA(XYZAToLabA(WordXYZAToXYZA(AWordXYZA),AReferenceWhite)) end;
-procedure ConvertWordXYZAArrayToLChAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TWordXYZA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TLChA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- if AReferenceWhite = nil then AReferenceWhite := @CurrentReferenceWhite;
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TLChA(ADest^) := WordXYZAToLChA(TWordXYZA(ASource^), AReferenceWhite^);
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function LabAToAdobeRGBA(const ALabA: TLabA): TAdobeRGBA;
-begin Result := XYZAToAdobeRGBA(LabAToXYZA(ALabA)) end;
-procedure ConvertLabAArrayToAdobeRGBAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TLabA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TAdobeRGBA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TAdobeRGBA(ADest^) := LabAToAdobeRGBA(TLabA(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function LabAToExpandedPixel(const ALabA: TLabA): TExpandedPixel;
-begin Result := LinearRGBAToExpandedPixel(XYZAToLinearRGBA(LabAToXYZA(ALabA))) end;
-procedure ConvertLabAArrayToExpandedPixelArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TLabA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TExpandedPixel); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TExpandedPixel(ADest^) := LabAToExpandedPixel(TLabA(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function LabAToLinearRGBA(const ALabA: TLabA): TLinearRGBA;
-begin Result := XYZAToLinearRGBA(LabAToXYZA(ALabA)) end;
-procedure ConvertLabAArrayToLinearRGBAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TLabA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TLinearRGBA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TLinearRGBA(ADest^) := LabAToLinearRGBA(TLabA(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-procedure ConvertLabAArrayToXYZAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TLabA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TXYZA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- if AReferenceWhite = nil then AReferenceWhite := @CurrentReferenceWhite;
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TXYZA(ADest^) := LabAToXYZA(TLabA(ASource^), AReferenceWhite^);
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function LabAToWordXYZA(const ALabA: TLabA): TWordXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := XYZAToWordXYZA(LabAToXYZA(ALabA)) end;
-function LabAToWordXYZA(const ALabA: TLabA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TWordXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := XYZAToWordXYZA(LabAToXYZA(ALabA,AReferenceWhite)) end;
-procedure ConvertLabAArrayToWordXYZAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TLabA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TWordXYZA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- if AReferenceWhite = nil then AReferenceWhite := @CurrentReferenceWhite;
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TWordXYZA(ADest^) := LabAToWordXYZA(TLabA(ASource^), AReferenceWhite^);
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-procedure ConvertLabAArrayToLChAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TLabA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TLChA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TLChA(ADest^) := LabAToLChA(TLabA(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function LChAToAdobeRGBA(const ALChA: TLChA): TAdobeRGBA;
-begin Result := XYZAToAdobeRGBA(LabAToXYZA(LChAToLabA(ALChA))) end;
-procedure ConvertLChAArrayToAdobeRGBAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TLChA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TAdobeRGBA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TAdobeRGBA(ADest^) := LChAToAdobeRGBA(TLChA(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function LChAToExpandedPixel(const ALChA: TLChA): TExpandedPixel;
-begin Result := LinearRGBAToExpandedPixel(XYZAToLinearRGBA(LabAToXYZA(LChAToLabA(ALChA)))) end;
-procedure ConvertLChAArrayToExpandedPixelArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TLChA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TExpandedPixel); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TExpandedPixel(ADest^) := LChAToExpandedPixel(TLChA(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function LChAToLinearRGBA(const ALChA: TLChA): TLinearRGBA;
-begin Result := XYZAToLinearRGBA(LabAToXYZA(LChAToLabA(ALChA))) end;
-procedure ConvertLChAArrayToLinearRGBAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TLChA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TLinearRGBA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TLinearRGBA(ADest^) := LChAToLinearRGBA(TLChA(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function LChAToXYZA(const ALChA: TLChA): TXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := LabAToXYZA(LChAToLabA(ALChA)) end;
-function LChAToXYZA(const ALChA: TLChA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := LabAToXYZA(LChAToLabA(ALChA),AReferenceWhite) end;
-procedure ConvertLChAArrayToXYZAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TLChA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TXYZA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- if AReferenceWhite = nil then AReferenceWhite := @CurrentReferenceWhite;
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TXYZA(ADest^) := LChAToXYZA(TLChA(ASource^), AReferenceWhite^);
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-function LChAToWordXYZA(const ALChA: TLChA): TWordXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := XYZAToWordXYZA(LabAToXYZA(LChAToLabA(ALChA))) end;
-function LChAToWordXYZA(const ALChA: TLChA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TWordXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := XYZAToWordXYZA(LabAToXYZA(LChAToLabA(ALChA),AReferenceWhite)) end;
-procedure ConvertLChAArrayToWordXYZAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TLChA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TWordXYZA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- if AReferenceWhite = nil then AReferenceWhite := @CurrentReferenceWhite;
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TWordXYZA(ADest^) := LChAToWordXYZA(TLChA(ASource^), AReferenceWhite^);
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-procedure ConvertLChAArrayToLabAArray(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(TLChA); ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(TLabA); {%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);
- while ACount > 0 do begin
- TLabA(ADest^) := LChAToLabA(TLChA(ASource^));
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;
-{ TStdRGBA }
-class function TStdRGBA.New(const ARed,AGreen,ABlue,AAlpha:single): TStdRGBA;overload;
- Result.red := ARed;
- Result.green := AGreen;
- Result.blue := ABlue;
- Result.alpha := AAlpha;
-class function TStdRGBA.New(const ARed,AGreen,ABlue:single): TStdRGBA;overload;
- Result.red := ARed;
- Result.green := AGreen;
- Result.blue := ABlue;
- Result.alpha := 1;
-{ TAdobeRGBA }
-class function TAdobeRGBA.New(const ARed,AGreen,ABlue,AAlpha:byte): TAdobeRGBA;overload;
- Result.red := ARed;
- Result.green := AGreen;
- Result.blue := ABlue;
- Result.alpha := AAlpha;
-class function TAdobeRGBA.New(const ARed,AGreen,ABlue:byte): TAdobeRGBA;overload;
- Result.red := ARed;
- Result.green := AGreen;
- Result.blue := ABlue;
- Result.alpha := 255;
-{ TStdHSLA }
-class function TStdHSLA.New(const AHue,ASaturation,ALightness,AAlpha:single): TStdHSLA;overload;
- Result.hue := AHue;
- Result.saturation := ASaturation;
- Result.lightness := ALightness;
- Result.alpha := AAlpha;
-class function TStdHSLA.New(const AHue,ASaturation,ALightness:single): TStdHSLA;overload;
- Result.hue := AHue;
- Result.saturation := ASaturation;
- Result.lightness := ALightness;
- Result.alpha := 1;
-{ TStdHSVA }
-class function TStdHSVA.New(const AHue,ASaturation,AValue,AAlpha:single): TStdHSVA;overload;
- Result.hue := AHue;
- Result.saturation := ASaturation;
- Result.value := AValue;
- Result.alpha := AAlpha;
-class function TStdHSVA.New(const AHue,ASaturation,AValue:single): TStdHSVA;overload;
- Result.hue := AHue;
- Result.saturation := ASaturation;
- Result.value := AValue;
- Result.alpha := 1;
-{ TStdCMYK }
-class function TStdCMYK.New(const ACyan,AMagenta,AYellow,ABlack:single): TStdCMYK;
- Result.C := ACyan;
- Result.M := AMagenta;
- Result.Y := AYellow;
- Result.K := ABlack;
-{ TByteMask }
-class function TByteMask.New(const AGray:byte): TByteMask;
- Result.gray := AGray;
-{ TLinearRGBA }
-class function TLinearRGBA.New(const ARed,AGreen,ABlue,AAlpha:single): TLinearRGBA;overload;
- Result.red := ARed;
- Result.green := AGreen;
- Result.blue := ABlue;
- Result.alpha := AAlpha;
-class function TLinearRGBA.New(const ARed,AGreen,ABlue:single): TLinearRGBA;overload;
- Result.red := ARed;
- Result.green := AGreen;
- Result.blue := ABlue;
- Result.alpha := 1;
-{ TXYZA }
-class function TXYZA.New(const AX,AY,AZ,AAlpha:single): TXYZA;overload;
- Result.X := AX;
- Result.Y := AY;
- Result.Z := AZ;
- Result.alpha := AAlpha;
-class function TXYZA.New(const AX,AY,AZ:single): TXYZA;overload;
- Result.X := AX;
- Result.Y := AY;
- Result.Z := AZ;
- Result.alpha := 1;
-{ TWordXYZA }
-class function TWordXYZA.New(const AX,AY,AZ,AAlpha:word): TWordXYZA;overload;
- Result.X := AX;
- Result.Y := AY;
- Result.Z := AZ;
- Result.alpha := AAlpha;
-class function TWordXYZA.New(const AX,AY,AZ:word): TWordXYZA;overload;
- Result.X := AX;
- Result.Y := AY;
- Result.Z := AZ;
- Result.alpha := 65535;
-{ TLabA }
-class function TLabA.New(const ALightness,Aa,Ab,AAlpha:single): TLabA;overload;
- Result.L := ALightness;
- Result.a := Aa;
- Result.b := Ab;
- Result.alpha := AAlpha;
-class function TLabA.New(const ALightness,Aa,Ab:single): TLabA;overload;
- Result.L := ALightness;
- Result.a := Aa;
- Result.b := Ab;
- Result.alpha := 1;
-{ TLChA }
-class function TLChA.New(const ALightness,AChroma,AHue,AAlpha:single): TLChA;overload;
- Result.L := ALightness;
- Result.C := AChroma;
- Result.h := AHue;
- Result.alpha := AAlpha;
-class function TLChA.New(const ALightness,AChroma,AHue:single): TLChA;overload;
- Result.L := ALightness;
- Result.C := AChroma;
- Result.h := AHue;
- Result.alpha := 1;
-{ TColorColorspace }
-class function TColorColorspace.GetChannelName(AIndex: integer): string;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := 'Red';
- 1: result := 'Green';
- 2: result := 'Blue';
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TColorColorspace.GetChannelCount: integer;
-begin result := 3 end;
-class function TColorColorspace.IndexOfAlphaChannel: integer;
-begin result := -1 end;
-class function TColorColorspace.GetColorTransparency(AColor: Pointer): TColorTransparency;
-begin result := ctFullyOpaque end;
-class function TColorColorspace.GetMaxValue(AIndex: integer): single;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := 255;
- 1: result := 255;
- 2: result := 255;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TColorColorspace.GetMinValue(AIndex: integer): single;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := 0;
- 1: result := 0;
- 2: result := 0;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TColorColorspace.GetChannelBitDepth(AIndex: integer): byte;
-begin result := 8 end;
-class function TColorColorspace.GetName: string;
-begin result := 'Color' end;
-class function TColorColorspace.GetSize: integer;
-begin result := sizeof(TColor) end;
-class function TColorColorspace.GetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer): single;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := TColor(AColor^).red;
- 1: result := TColor(AColor^).green;
- 2: result := TColor(AColor^).blue;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class procedure TColorColorspace.SetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer; AValue: single);
- case AIndex of
- 0: TColor(AColor^).red := Round(Clamp(AValue,0,255));
- 1: TColor(AColor^).green := Round(Clamp(AValue,0,255));
- 2: TColor(AColor^).blue := Round(Clamp(AValue,0,255));
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TColorColorspace.GetFlags: TColorspaceFlags;
-begin result := [cfFixedReferenceWhite] end;
-{ TBGRAPixelColorspace }
-class function TBGRAPixelColorspace.GetChannelName(AIndex: integer): string;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := 'Red';
- 1: result := 'Green';
- 2: result := 'Blue';
- 3: result := 'Alpha';
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TBGRAPixelColorspace.GetChannelCount: integer;
-begin result := 4 end;
-class function TBGRAPixelColorspace.IndexOfAlphaChannel: integer;
-begin result := 3 end;
-class function TBGRAPixelColorspace.GetColorTransparency(AColor: Pointer): TColorTransparency;
- if TBGRAPixel(AColor^).alpha >= 255 then exit(ctFullyOpaque) else
- if TBGRAPixel(AColor^).alpha <= 0 then exit(ctFullyTransparent) else
- exit(ctSemiTransparent)
-class function TBGRAPixelColorspace.GetMaxValue(AIndex: integer): single;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := 255;
- 1: result := 255;
- 2: result := 255;
- 3: result := 255;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TBGRAPixelColorspace.GetMinValue(AIndex: integer): single;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := 0;
- 1: result := 0;
- 2: result := 0;
- 3: result := 0;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TBGRAPixelColorspace.GetChannelBitDepth(AIndex: integer): byte;
-begin result := 8 end;
-class function TBGRAPixelColorspace.GetName: string;
-begin result := 'BGRAPixel' end;
-class function TBGRAPixelColorspace.GetSize: integer;
-begin result := sizeof(TBGRAPixel) end;
-class function TBGRAPixelColorspace.GetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer): single;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := TBGRAPixel(AColor^).red;
- 1: result := TBGRAPixel(AColor^).green;
- 2: result := TBGRAPixel(AColor^).blue;
- 3: result := TBGRAPixel(AColor^).alpha;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class procedure TBGRAPixelColorspace.SetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer; AValue: single);
- case AIndex of
- 0: TBGRAPixel(AColor^).red := Round(Clamp(AValue,0,255));
- 1: TBGRAPixel(AColor^).green := Round(Clamp(AValue,0,255));
- 2: TBGRAPixel(AColor^).blue := Round(Clamp(AValue,0,255));
- 3: TBGRAPixel(AColor^).alpha := Round(Clamp(AValue,0,255));
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TBGRAPixelColorspace.GetFlags: TColorspaceFlags;
-begin result := [cfFixedReferenceWhite] end;
-{ TFPColorColorspace }
-class function TFPColorColorspace.GetChannelName(AIndex: integer): string;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := 'Red';
- 1: result := 'Green';
- 2: result := 'Blue';
- 3: result := 'Alpha';
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TFPColorColorspace.GetChannelCount: integer;
-begin result := 4 end;
-class function TFPColorColorspace.IndexOfAlphaChannel: integer;
-begin result := 3 end;
-class function TFPColorColorspace.GetColorTransparency(AColor: Pointer): TColorTransparency;
- if TFPColor(AColor^).alpha >= 65535 then exit(ctFullyOpaque) else
- if TFPColor(AColor^).alpha <= 0 then exit(ctFullyTransparent) else
- exit(ctSemiTransparent)
-class function TFPColorColorspace.GetMaxValue(AIndex: integer): single;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := 65535;
- 1: result := 65535;
- 2: result := 65535;
- 3: result := 65535;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TFPColorColorspace.GetMinValue(AIndex: integer): single;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := 0;
- 1: result := 0;
- 2: result := 0;
- 3: result := 0;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TFPColorColorspace.GetChannelBitDepth(AIndex: integer): byte;
-begin result := 16 end;
-class function TFPColorColorspace.GetName: string;
-begin result := 'FPColor' end;
-class function TFPColorColorspace.GetSize: integer;
-begin result := sizeof(TFPColor) end;
-class function TFPColorColorspace.GetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer): single;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := TFPColor(AColor^).red;
- 1: result := TFPColor(AColor^).green;
- 2: result := TFPColor(AColor^).blue;
- 3: result := TFPColor(AColor^).alpha;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class procedure TFPColorColorspace.SetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer; AValue: single);
- case AIndex of
- 0: TFPColor(AColor^).red := Round(Clamp(AValue,0,65535));
- 1: TFPColor(AColor^).green := Round(Clamp(AValue,0,65535));
- 2: TFPColor(AColor^).blue := Round(Clamp(AValue,0,65535));
- 3: TFPColor(AColor^).alpha := Round(Clamp(AValue,0,65535));
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TFPColorColorspace.GetFlags: TColorspaceFlags;
-begin result := [cfFixedReferenceWhite] end;
-{ TStdRGBAColorspace }
-class function TStdRGBAColorspace.GetChannelName(AIndex: integer): string;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := 'Red';
- 1: result := 'Green';
- 2: result := 'Blue';
- 3: result := 'Alpha';
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TStdRGBAColorspace.GetChannelCount: integer;
-begin result := 4 end;
-class function TStdRGBAColorspace.IndexOfAlphaChannel: integer;
-begin result := 3 end;
-class function TStdRGBAColorspace.GetColorTransparency(AColor: Pointer): TColorTransparency;
- if TStdRGBA(AColor^).alpha >= 1 then exit(ctFullyOpaque) else
- if TStdRGBA(AColor^).alpha <= 0 then exit(ctFullyTransparent) else
- exit(ctSemiTransparent)
-class function TStdRGBAColorspace.GetMaxValue(AIndex: integer): single;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := 1;
- 1: result := 1;
- 2: result := 1;
- 3: result := 1;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TStdRGBAColorspace.GetMinValue(AIndex: integer): single;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := 0;
- 1: result := 0;
- 2: result := 0;
- 3: result := 0;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TStdRGBAColorspace.GetChannelBitDepth(AIndex: integer): byte;
-begin result := 28 end;
-class function TStdRGBAColorspace.GetName: string;
-begin result := 'StdRGBA' end;
-class function TStdRGBAColorspace.GetSize: integer;
-begin result := sizeof(TStdRGBA) end;
-class function TStdRGBAColorspace.GetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer): single;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := TStdRGBA(AColor^).red;
- 1: result := TStdRGBA(AColor^).green;
- 2: result := TStdRGBA(AColor^).blue;
- 3: result := TStdRGBA(AColor^).alpha;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class procedure TStdRGBAColorspace.SetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer; AValue: single);
- case AIndex of
- 0: TStdRGBA(AColor^).red := AValue;
- 1: TStdRGBA(AColor^).green := AValue;
- 2: TStdRGBA(AColor^).blue := AValue;
- 3: TStdRGBA(AColor^).alpha := AValue;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TStdRGBAColorspace.GetFlags: TColorspaceFlags;
-begin result := [cfFixedReferenceWhite] end;
-{ TAdobeRGBAColorspace }
-class function TAdobeRGBAColorspace.GetChannelName(AIndex: integer): string;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := 'Red';
- 1: result := 'Green';
- 2: result := 'Blue';
- 3: result := 'Alpha';
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TAdobeRGBAColorspace.GetChannelCount: integer;
-begin result := 4 end;
-class function TAdobeRGBAColorspace.IndexOfAlphaChannel: integer;
-begin result := 3 end;
-class function TAdobeRGBAColorspace.GetColorTransparency(AColor: Pointer): TColorTransparency;
- if TAdobeRGBA(AColor^).alpha >= 255 then exit(ctFullyOpaque) else
- if TAdobeRGBA(AColor^).alpha <= 0 then exit(ctFullyTransparent) else
- exit(ctSemiTransparent)
-class function TAdobeRGBAColorspace.GetMaxValue(AIndex: integer): single;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := 255;
- 1: result := 255;
- 2: result := 255;
- 3: result := 255;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TAdobeRGBAColorspace.GetMinValue(AIndex: integer): single;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := 0;
- 1: result := 0;
- 2: result := 0;
- 3: result := 0;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TAdobeRGBAColorspace.GetChannelBitDepth(AIndex: integer): byte;
-begin result := 8 end;
-class function TAdobeRGBAColorspace.GetName: string;
-begin result := 'AdobeRGBA' end;
-class function TAdobeRGBAColorspace.GetSize: integer;
-begin result := sizeof(TAdobeRGBA) end;
-class function TAdobeRGBAColorspace.GetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer): single;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := TAdobeRGBA(AColor^).red;
- 1: result := TAdobeRGBA(AColor^).green;
- 2: result := TAdobeRGBA(AColor^).blue;
- 3: result := TAdobeRGBA(AColor^).alpha;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class procedure TAdobeRGBAColorspace.SetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer; AValue: single);
- case AIndex of
- 0: TAdobeRGBA(AColor^).red := Round(Clamp(AValue,0,255));
- 1: TAdobeRGBA(AColor^).green := Round(Clamp(AValue,0,255));
- 2: TAdobeRGBA(AColor^).blue := Round(Clamp(AValue,0,255));
- 3: TAdobeRGBA(AColor^).alpha := Round(Clamp(AValue,0,255));
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TAdobeRGBAColorspace.GetFlags: TColorspaceFlags;
-begin result := [cfFixedReferenceWhite] end;
-{ TStdHSLAColorspace }
-class function TStdHSLAColorspace.GetChannelName(AIndex: integer): string;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := 'Hue';
- 1: result := 'Saturation';
- 2: result := 'Lightness';
- 3: result := 'Alpha';
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TStdHSLAColorspace.GetChannelCount: integer;
-begin result := 4 end;
-class function TStdHSLAColorspace.IndexOfAlphaChannel: integer;
-begin result := 3 end;
-class function TStdHSLAColorspace.GetColorTransparency(AColor: Pointer): TColorTransparency;
- if TStdHSLA(AColor^).alpha >= 1 then exit(ctFullyOpaque) else
- if TStdHSLA(AColor^).alpha <= 0 then exit(ctFullyTransparent) else
- exit(ctSemiTransparent)
-class function TStdHSLAColorspace.GetMaxValue(AIndex: integer): single;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := 360;
- 1: result := 1;
- 2: result := 1;
- 3: result := 1;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TStdHSLAColorspace.GetMinValue(AIndex: integer): single;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := 0;
- 1: result := 0;
- 2: result := 0;
- 3: result := 0;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TStdHSLAColorspace.GetChannelBitDepth(AIndex: integer): byte;
-begin result := 28 end;
-class function TStdHSLAColorspace.GetName: string;
-begin result := 'StdHSLA' end;
-class function TStdHSLAColorspace.GetSize: integer;
-begin result := sizeof(TStdHSLA) end;
-class function TStdHSLAColorspace.GetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer): single;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := TStdHSLA(AColor^).hue;
- 1: result := TStdHSLA(AColor^).saturation;
- 2: result := TStdHSLA(AColor^).lightness;
- 3: result := TStdHSLA(AColor^).alpha;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class procedure TStdHSLAColorspace.SetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer; AValue: single);
- case AIndex of
- 0: TStdHSLA(AColor^).hue := AValue;
- 1: TStdHSLA(AColor^).saturation := AValue;
- 2: TStdHSLA(AColor^).lightness := AValue;
- 3: TStdHSLA(AColor^).alpha := AValue;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TStdHSLAColorspace.GetFlags: TColorspaceFlags;
-begin result := [cfFixedReferenceWhite] end;
-{ TStdHSVAColorspace }
-class function TStdHSVAColorspace.GetChannelName(AIndex: integer): string;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := 'Hue';
- 1: result := 'Saturation';
- 2: result := 'Value';
- 3: result := 'Alpha';
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TStdHSVAColorspace.GetChannelCount: integer;
-begin result := 4 end;
-class function TStdHSVAColorspace.IndexOfAlphaChannel: integer;
-begin result := 3 end;
-class function TStdHSVAColorspace.GetColorTransparency(AColor: Pointer): TColorTransparency;
- if TStdHSVA(AColor^).alpha >= 1 then exit(ctFullyOpaque) else
- if TStdHSVA(AColor^).alpha <= 0 then exit(ctFullyTransparent) else
- exit(ctSemiTransparent)
-class function TStdHSVAColorspace.GetMaxValue(AIndex: integer): single;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := 360;
- 1: result := 1;
- 2: result := 1;
- 3: result := 1;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TStdHSVAColorspace.GetMinValue(AIndex: integer): single;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := 0;
- 1: result := 0;
- 2: result := 0;
- 3: result := 0;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TStdHSVAColorspace.GetChannelBitDepth(AIndex: integer): byte;
-begin result := 28 end;
-class function TStdHSVAColorspace.GetName: string;
-begin result := 'StdHSVA' end;
-class function TStdHSVAColorspace.GetSize: integer;
-begin result := sizeof(TStdHSVA) end;
-class function TStdHSVAColorspace.GetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer): single;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := TStdHSVA(AColor^).hue;
- 1: result := TStdHSVA(AColor^).saturation;
- 2: result := TStdHSVA(AColor^).value;
- 3: result := TStdHSVA(AColor^).alpha;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class procedure TStdHSVAColorspace.SetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer; AValue: single);
- case AIndex of
- 0: TStdHSVA(AColor^).hue := AValue;
- 1: TStdHSVA(AColor^).saturation := AValue;
- 2: TStdHSVA(AColor^).value := AValue;
- 3: TStdHSVA(AColor^).alpha := AValue;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TStdHSVAColorspace.GetFlags: TColorspaceFlags;
-begin result := [cfFixedReferenceWhite] end;
-{ TStdCMYKColorspace }
-class function TStdCMYKColorspace.GetChannelName(AIndex: integer): string;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := 'Cyan';
- 1: result := 'Magenta';
- 2: result := 'Yellow';
- 3: result := 'Black';
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TStdCMYKColorspace.GetChannelCount: integer;
-begin result := 4 end;
-class function TStdCMYKColorspace.IndexOfAlphaChannel: integer;
-begin result := -1 end;
-class function TStdCMYKColorspace.GetColorTransparency(AColor: Pointer): TColorTransparency;
-begin result := ctFullyOpaque end;
-class function TStdCMYKColorspace.GetMaxValue(AIndex: integer): single;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := 1;
- 1: result := 1;
- 2: result := 1;
- 3: result := 1;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TStdCMYKColorspace.GetMinValue(AIndex: integer): single;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := 0;
- 1: result := 0;
- 2: result := 0;
- 3: result := 0;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TStdCMYKColorspace.GetChannelBitDepth(AIndex: integer): byte;
-begin result := 28 end;
-class function TStdCMYKColorspace.GetName: string;
-begin result := 'StdCMYK' end;
-class function TStdCMYKColorspace.GetSize: integer;
-begin result := sizeof(TStdCMYK) end;
-class function TStdCMYKColorspace.GetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer): single;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := TStdCMYK(AColor^).C;
- 1: result := TStdCMYK(AColor^).M;
- 2: result := TStdCMYK(AColor^).Y;
- 3: result := TStdCMYK(AColor^).K;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class procedure TStdCMYKColorspace.SetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer; AValue: single);
- case AIndex of
- 0: TStdCMYK(AColor^).C := AValue;
- 1: TStdCMYK(AColor^).M := AValue;
- 2: TStdCMYK(AColor^).Y := AValue;
- 3: TStdCMYK(AColor^).K := AValue;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TStdCMYKColorspace.GetFlags: TColorspaceFlags;
-begin result := [cfFixedReferenceWhite] end;
-{ TByteMaskColorspace }
-class function TByteMaskColorspace.GetChannelName(AIndex: integer): string;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := 'Gray';
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TByteMaskColorspace.GetChannelCount: integer;
-begin result := 1 end;
-class function TByteMaskColorspace.IndexOfAlphaChannel: integer;
-begin result := -1 end;
-class function TByteMaskColorspace.GetColorTransparency(AColor: Pointer): TColorTransparency;
-begin result := ctFullyOpaque end;
-class function TByteMaskColorspace.GetMaxValue(AIndex: integer): single;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := 255;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TByteMaskColorspace.GetMinValue(AIndex: integer): single;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := 0;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TByteMaskColorspace.GetChannelBitDepth(AIndex: integer): byte;
-begin result := 8 end;
-class function TByteMaskColorspace.GetName: string;
-begin result := 'ByteMask' end;
-class function TByteMaskColorspace.GetSize: integer;
-begin result := sizeof(TByteMask) end;
-class function TByteMaskColorspace.GetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer): single;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := TByteMask(AColor^).gray;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class procedure TByteMaskColorspace.SetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer; AValue: single);
- case AIndex of
- 0: TByteMask(AColor^).gray := Round(Clamp(AValue,0,255));
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TByteMaskColorspace.GetFlags: TColorspaceFlags;
-begin result := [cfFixedReferenceWhite] end;
-{ TExpandedPixelColorspace }
-class function TExpandedPixelColorspace.GetChannelName(AIndex: integer): string;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := 'Red';
- 1: result := 'Green';
- 2: result := 'Blue';
- 3: result := 'Alpha';
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TExpandedPixelColorspace.GetChannelCount: integer;
-begin result := 4 end;
-class function TExpandedPixelColorspace.IndexOfAlphaChannel: integer;
-begin result := 3 end;
-class function TExpandedPixelColorspace.GetColorTransparency(AColor: Pointer): TColorTransparency;
- if TExpandedPixel(AColor^).alpha >= 65535 then exit(ctFullyOpaque) else
- if TExpandedPixel(AColor^).alpha <= 0 then exit(ctFullyTransparent) else
- exit(ctSemiTransparent)
-class function TExpandedPixelColorspace.GetMaxValue(AIndex: integer): single;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := 65535;
- 1: result := 65535;
- 2: result := 65535;
- 3: result := 65535;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TExpandedPixelColorspace.GetMinValue(AIndex: integer): single;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := 0;
- 1: result := 0;
- 2: result := 0;
- 3: result := 0;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TExpandedPixelColorspace.GetChannelBitDepth(AIndex: integer): byte;
-begin result := 16 end;
-class function TExpandedPixelColorspace.GetName: string;
-begin result := 'ExpandedPixel' end;
-class function TExpandedPixelColorspace.GetSize: integer;
-begin result := sizeof(TExpandedPixel) end;
-class function TExpandedPixelColorspace.GetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer): single;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := TExpandedPixel(AColor^).red;
- 1: result := TExpandedPixel(AColor^).green;
- 2: result := TExpandedPixel(AColor^).blue;
- 3: result := TExpandedPixel(AColor^).alpha;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class procedure TExpandedPixelColorspace.SetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer; AValue: single);
- case AIndex of
- 0: TExpandedPixel(AColor^).red := Round(Clamp(AValue,0,65535));
- 1: TExpandedPixel(AColor^).green := Round(Clamp(AValue,0,65535));
- 2: TExpandedPixel(AColor^).blue := Round(Clamp(AValue,0,65535));
- 3: TExpandedPixel(AColor^).alpha := Round(Clamp(AValue,0,65535));
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TExpandedPixelColorspace.GetFlags: TColorspaceFlags;
-begin result := [cfFixedReferenceWhite] end;
-{ TLinearRGBAColorspace }
-class function TLinearRGBAColorspace.GetChannelName(AIndex: integer): string;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := 'Red';
- 1: result := 'Green';
- 2: result := 'Blue';
- 3: result := 'Alpha';
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TLinearRGBAColorspace.GetChannelCount: integer;
-begin result := 4 end;
-class function TLinearRGBAColorspace.IndexOfAlphaChannel: integer;
-begin result := 3 end;
-class function TLinearRGBAColorspace.GetColorTransparency(AColor: Pointer): TColorTransparency;
- if TLinearRGBA(AColor^).alpha >= 1 then exit(ctFullyOpaque) else
- if TLinearRGBA(AColor^).alpha <= 0 then exit(ctFullyTransparent) else
- exit(ctSemiTransparent)
-class function TLinearRGBAColorspace.GetMaxValue(AIndex: integer): single;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := 1;
- 1: result := 1;
- 2: result := 1;
- 3: result := 1;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TLinearRGBAColorspace.GetMinValue(AIndex: integer): single;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := 0;
- 1: result := 0;
- 2: result := 0;
- 3: result := 0;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TLinearRGBAColorspace.GetChannelBitDepth(AIndex: integer): byte;
-begin result := 28 end;
-class function TLinearRGBAColorspace.GetName: string;
-begin result := 'LinearRGBA' end;
-class function TLinearRGBAColorspace.GetSize: integer;
-begin result := sizeof(TLinearRGBA) end;
-class function TLinearRGBAColorspace.GetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer): single;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := TLinearRGBA(AColor^).red;
- 1: result := TLinearRGBA(AColor^).green;
- 2: result := TLinearRGBA(AColor^).blue;
- 3: result := TLinearRGBA(AColor^).alpha;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class procedure TLinearRGBAColorspace.SetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer; AValue: single);
- case AIndex of
- 0: TLinearRGBA(AColor^).red := AValue;
- 1: TLinearRGBA(AColor^).green := AValue;
- 2: TLinearRGBA(AColor^).blue := AValue;
- 3: TLinearRGBA(AColor^).alpha := AValue;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TLinearRGBAColorspace.GetFlags: TColorspaceFlags;
-begin result := [cfFixedReferenceWhite] end;
-{ THSLAPixelColorspace }
-class function THSLAPixelColorspace.GetChannelName(AIndex: integer): string;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := 'Hue';
- 1: result := 'Saturation';
- 2: result := 'Lightness';
- 3: result := 'Alpha';
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function THSLAPixelColorspace.GetChannelCount: integer;
-begin result := 4 end;
-class function THSLAPixelColorspace.IndexOfAlphaChannel: integer;
-begin result := 3 end;
-class function THSLAPixelColorspace.GetColorTransparency(AColor: Pointer): TColorTransparency;
- if THSLAPixel(AColor^).alpha >= 65535 then exit(ctFullyOpaque) else
- if THSLAPixel(AColor^).alpha <= 0 then exit(ctFullyTransparent) else
- exit(ctSemiTransparent)
-class function THSLAPixelColorspace.GetMaxValue(AIndex: integer): single;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := 65535;
- 1: result := 65535;
- 2: result := 65535;
- 3: result := 65535;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function THSLAPixelColorspace.GetMinValue(AIndex: integer): single;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := 0;
- 1: result := 0;
- 2: result := 0;
- 3: result := 0;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function THSLAPixelColorspace.GetChannelBitDepth(AIndex: integer): byte;
-begin result := 16 end;
-class function THSLAPixelColorspace.GetName: string;
-begin result := 'HSLAPixel' end;
-class function THSLAPixelColorspace.GetSize: integer;
-begin result := sizeof(THSLAPixel) end;
-class function THSLAPixelColorspace.GetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer): single;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := THSLAPixel(AColor^).hue;
- 1: result := THSLAPixel(AColor^).saturation;
- 2: result := THSLAPixel(AColor^).lightness;
- 3: result := THSLAPixel(AColor^).alpha;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class procedure THSLAPixelColorspace.SetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer; AValue: single);
- case AIndex of
- 0: THSLAPixel(AColor^).hue := Round(Clamp(AValue,0,65535));
- 1: THSLAPixel(AColor^).saturation := Round(Clamp(AValue,0,65535));
- 2: THSLAPixel(AColor^).lightness := Round(Clamp(AValue,0,65535));
- 3: THSLAPixel(AColor^).alpha := Round(Clamp(AValue,0,65535));
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function THSLAPixelColorspace.GetFlags: TColorspaceFlags;
-begin result := [cfFixedReferenceWhite] end;
-{ TGSBAPixelColorspace }
-class function TGSBAPixelColorspace.GetChannelName(AIndex: integer): string;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := 'Hue';
- 1: result := 'Saturation';
- 2: result := 'Brightness';
- 3: result := 'Alpha';
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TGSBAPixelColorspace.GetChannelCount: integer;
-begin result := 4 end;
-class function TGSBAPixelColorspace.IndexOfAlphaChannel: integer;
-begin result := 3 end;
-class function TGSBAPixelColorspace.GetColorTransparency(AColor: Pointer): TColorTransparency;
- if TGSBAPixel(AColor^).alpha >= 65535 then exit(ctFullyOpaque) else
- if TGSBAPixel(AColor^).alpha <= 0 then exit(ctFullyTransparent) else
- exit(ctSemiTransparent)
-class function TGSBAPixelColorspace.GetMaxValue(AIndex: integer): single;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := 65535;
- 1: result := 65535;
- 2: result := 65535;
- 3: result := 65535;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TGSBAPixelColorspace.GetMinValue(AIndex: integer): single;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := 0;
- 1: result := 0;
- 2: result := 0;
- 3: result := 0;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TGSBAPixelColorspace.GetChannelBitDepth(AIndex: integer): byte;
-begin result := 16 end;
-class function TGSBAPixelColorspace.GetName: string;
-begin result := 'GSBAPixel' end;
-class function TGSBAPixelColorspace.GetSize: integer;
-begin result := sizeof(TGSBAPixel) end;
-class function TGSBAPixelColorspace.GetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer): single;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := TGSBAPixel(AColor^).hue;
- 1: result := TGSBAPixel(AColor^).saturation;
- 2: result := TGSBAPixel(AColor^).lightness;
- 3: result := TGSBAPixel(AColor^).alpha;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class procedure TGSBAPixelColorspace.SetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer; AValue: single);
- case AIndex of
- 0: TGSBAPixel(AColor^).hue := Round(Clamp(AValue,0,65535));
- 1: TGSBAPixel(AColor^).saturation := Round(Clamp(AValue,0,65535));
- 2: TGSBAPixel(AColor^).lightness := Round(Clamp(AValue,0,65535));
- 3: TGSBAPixel(AColor^).alpha := Round(Clamp(AValue,0,65535));
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TGSBAPixelColorspace.GetFlags: TColorspaceFlags;
-begin result := [cfFixedReferenceWhite] end;
-{ TXYZAColorspace }
-class function TXYZAColorspace.GetChannelName(AIndex: integer): string;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := 'X';
- 1: result := 'Y';
- 2: result := 'Z';
- 3: result := 'Alpha';
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TXYZAColorspace.GetChannelCount: integer;
-begin result := 4 end;
-class function TXYZAColorspace.IndexOfAlphaChannel: integer;
-begin result := 3 end;
-class function TXYZAColorspace.GetColorTransparency(AColor: Pointer): TColorTransparency;
- if TXYZA(AColor^).alpha >= 1 then exit(ctFullyOpaque) else
- if TXYZA(AColor^).alpha <= 0 then exit(ctFullyTransparent) else
- exit(ctSemiTransparent)
-class function TXYZAColorspace.GetMaxValue(AIndex: integer): single;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := 1;
- 1: result := 1;
- 2: result := 1;
- 3: result := 1;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TXYZAColorspace.GetMinValue(AIndex: integer): single;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := 0;
- 1: result := 0;
- 2: result := 0;
- 3: result := 0;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TXYZAColorspace.GetChannelBitDepth(AIndex: integer): byte;
-begin result := 28 end;
-class function TXYZAColorspace.GetName: string;
-begin result := 'XYZA' end;
-class function TXYZAColorspace.GetSize: integer;
-begin result := sizeof(TXYZA) end;
-class function TXYZAColorspace.GetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer): single;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := TXYZA(AColor^).X;
- 1: result := TXYZA(AColor^).Y;
- 2: result := TXYZA(AColor^).Z;
- 3: result := TXYZA(AColor^).alpha;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class procedure TXYZAColorspace.SetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer; AValue: single);
- case AIndex of
- 0: TXYZA(AColor^).X := AValue;
- 1: TXYZA(AColor^).Y := AValue;
- 2: TXYZA(AColor^).Z := AValue;
- 3: TXYZA(AColor^).alpha := AValue;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TXYZAColorspace.GetFlags: TColorspaceFlags;
-begin result := [cfMovableReferenceWhite,cfHasImaginaryColors] end;
-{ TWordXYZAColorspace }
-class function TWordXYZAColorspace.GetChannelName(AIndex: integer): string;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := 'X';
- 1: result := 'Y';
- 2: result := 'Z';
- 3: result := 'Alpha';
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TWordXYZAColorspace.GetChannelCount: integer;
-begin result := 4 end;
-class function TWordXYZAColorspace.IndexOfAlphaChannel: integer;
-begin result := 3 end;
-class function TWordXYZAColorspace.GetColorTransparency(AColor: Pointer): TColorTransparency;
- if TWordXYZA(AColor^).alpha >= 65535 then exit(ctFullyOpaque) else
- if TWordXYZA(AColor^).alpha <= 0 then exit(ctFullyTransparent) else
- exit(ctSemiTransparent)
-class function TWordXYZAColorspace.GetMaxValue(AIndex: integer): single;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := 50000;
- 1: result := 50000;
- 2: result := 50000;
- 3: result := 65535;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TWordXYZAColorspace.GetMinValue(AIndex: integer): single;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := 0;
- 1: result := 0;
- 2: result := 0;
- 3: result := 0;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TWordXYZAColorspace.GetChannelBitDepth(AIndex: integer): byte;
-begin result := 16 end;
-class function TWordXYZAColorspace.GetName: string;
-begin result := 'WordXYZA' end;
-class function TWordXYZAColorspace.GetSize: integer;
-begin result := sizeof(TWordXYZA) end;
-class function TWordXYZAColorspace.GetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer): single;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := TWordXYZA(AColor^).X;
- 1: result := TWordXYZA(AColor^).Y;
- 2: result := TWordXYZA(AColor^).Z;
- 3: result := TWordXYZA(AColor^).alpha;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class procedure TWordXYZAColorspace.SetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer; AValue: single);
- case AIndex of
- 0: TWordXYZA(AColor^).X := Round(Clamp(AValue,0,50000));
- 1: TWordXYZA(AColor^).Y := Round(Clamp(AValue,0,50000));
- 2: TWordXYZA(AColor^).Z := Round(Clamp(AValue,0,50000));
- 3: TWordXYZA(AColor^).alpha := Round(Clamp(AValue,0,65535));
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TWordXYZAColorspace.GetFlags: TColorspaceFlags;
-begin result := [cfMovableReferenceWhite,cfHasImaginaryColors] end;
-{ TLabAColorspace }
-class function TLabAColorspace.GetChannelName(AIndex: integer): string;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := 'Lightness';
- 1: result := 'a';
- 2: result := 'b';
- 3: result := 'Alpha';
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TLabAColorspace.GetChannelCount: integer;
-begin result := 4 end;
-class function TLabAColorspace.IndexOfAlphaChannel: integer;
-begin result := 3 end;
-class function TLabAColorspace.GetColorTransparency(AColor: Pointer): TColorTransparency;
- if TLabA(AColor^).alpha >= 1 then exit(ctFullyOpaque) else
- if TLabA(AColor^).alpha <= 0 then exit(ctFullyTransparent) else
- exit(ctSemiTransparent)
-class function TLabAColorspace.GetMaxValue(AIndex: integer): single;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := 100;
- 1: result := 142;
- 2: result := 147;
- 3: result := 1;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TLabAColorspace.GetMinValue(AIndex: integer): single;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := 0;
- 1: result := -166;
- 2: result := -132;
- 3: result := 0;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TLabAColorspace.GetChannelBitDepth(AIndex: integer): byte;
-begin result := 28 end;
-class function TLabAColorspace.GetName: string;
-begin result := 'LabA' end;
-class function TLabAColorspace.GetSize: integer;
-begin result := sizeof(TLabA) end;
-class function TLabAColorspace.GetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer): single;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := TLabA(AColor^).L;
- 1: result := TLabA(AColor^).a;
- 2: result := TLabA(AColor^).b;
- 3: result := TLabA(AColor^).alpha;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class procedure TLabAColorspace.SetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer; AValue: single);
- case AIndex of
- 0: TLabA(AColor^).L := AValue;
- 1: TLabA(AColor^).a := AValue;
- 2: TLabA(AColor^).b := AValue;
- 3: TLabA(AColor^).alpha := AValue;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TLabAColorspace.GetFlags: TColorspaceFlags;
-begin result := [cfReferenceWhiteIndependent,cfHasImaginaryColors] end;
-{ TLChAColorspace }
-class function TLChAColorspace.GetChannelName(AIndex: integer): string;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := 'Lightness';
- 1: result := 'Chroma';
- 2: result := 'Hue';
- 3: result := 'Alpha';
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TLChAColorspace.GetChannelCount: integer;
-begin result := 4 end;
-class function TLChAColorspace.IndexOfAlphaChannel: integer;
-begin result := 3 end;
-class function TLChAColorspace.GetColorTransparency(AColor: Pointer): TColorTransparency;
- if TLChA(AColor^).alpha >= 1 then exit(ctFullyOpaque) else
- if TLChA(AColor^).alpha <= 0 then exit(ctFullyTransparent) else
- exit(ctSemiTransparent)
-class function TLChAColorspace.GetMaxValue(AIndex: integer): single;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := 100;
- 1: result := 192;
- 2: result := 360;
- 3: result := 1;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TLChAColorspace.GetMinValue(AIndex: integer): single;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := 0;
- 1: result := 0;
- 2: result := 0;
- 3: result := 0;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TLChAColorspace.GetChannelBitDepth(AIndex: integer): byte;
-begin result := 28 end;
-class function TLChAColorspace.GetName: string;
-begin result := 'LChA' end;
-class function TLChAColorspace.GetSize: integer;
-begin result := sizeof(TLChA) end;
-class function TLChAColorspace.GetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer): single;
- case AIndex of
- 0: result := TLChA(AColor^).L;
- 1: result := TLChA(AColor^).C;
- 2: result := TLChA(AColor^).h;
- 3: result := TLChA(AColor^).alpha;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class procedure TLChAColorspace.SetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer; AValue: single);
- case AIndex of
- 0: TLChA(AColor^).L := AValue;
- 1: TLChA(AColor^).C := AValue;
- 2: TLChA(AColor^).h := AValue;
- 3: TLChA(AColor^).alpha := AValue;
- else raise ERangeError.Create('Index out of bounds');
- end;
-class function TLChAColorspace.GetFlags: TColorspaceFlags;
-begin result := [cfReferenceWhiteIndependent,cfHasImaginaryColors] end;
-{ TColorHelper }
-class function TColorHelper.New(const ARed,AGreen,ABlue:byte): TColor;
-begin Result := BGRAGraphics.RGBToColor(ARed,AGreen,ABlue) end;
-class function TColorHelper.Colorspace: TColorspaceAny; static;
-begin result := TColorColorspace end;
-function TColorHelper.GetRed: byte;
-begin result := {$IFDEF TCOLOR_BLUE_IN_LOW_BYTE}(self shr 16) and $ff{$ELSE}self and $ff{$ENDIF} end;
-function TColorHelper.GetGreen: byte;
-begin result := (self shr 8) and $ff end;
-function TColorHelper.GetBlue: byte;
-begin result := {$IFDEF TCOLOR_BLUE_IN_LOW_BYTE}self and $ff{$ELSE}(self shr 16) and $ff{$ENDIF} end;
-procedure TColorHelper.SetRed(AValue: byte);
-begin self := {$IFDEF TCOLOR_BLUE_IN_LOW_BYTE}LongWord(self and $00ffff) or (AValue shl 16){$ELSE}LongWord(self and $ffff00) or AValue{$ENDIF} end;
-procedure TColorHelper.SetGreen(AValue: byte);
-begin self := LongWord(self and $ff00ff) or (AValue shl 8) end;
-procedure TColorHelper.SetBlue(AValue: byte);
-begin self := {$IFDEF TCOLOR_BLUE_IN_LOW_BYTE}LongWord(self and $ffff00) or AValue{$ELSE}LongWord(self and $00ffff) or (AValue shl 16){$ENDIF} end;
-function TColorHelper.ToBGRAPixel: TBGRAPixel;overload;
-begin Result := ColorToBGRA(Self) end;
-function TColorHelper.ToBGRAPixel(AAlpha: byte): TBGRAPixel;overload;
-begin result := ColorToBGRA(Self, AAlpha) end;
-function TColorHelper.ToFPColor: TFPColor;overload;
-begin Result := ColorToFPColor(Self) end;
-function TColorHelper.ToFPColor(AAlpha: word): TFPColor;overload;
-begin result := ColorToFPColor(Self, AAlpha) end;
-function TColorHelper.ToStdRGBA: TStdRGBA;overload;
-begin Result := ColorToStdRGBA(Self) end;
-function TColorHelper.ToStdRGBA(AAlpha: single): TStdRGBA;overload;
-begin result := ColorToStdRGBA(Self, AAlpha) end;
-function TColorHelper.ToAdobeRGBA: TAdobeRGBA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToAdobeRGBA(ColorToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TColorHelper.ToAdobeRGBA(AAlpha: byte): TAdobeRGBA;overload;
- Result := ExpandedPixelToAdobeRGBA(ColorToExpandedPixel(Self));
- result.alpha := AAlpha;
-function TColorHelper.ToStdHSLA: TStdHSLA;overload;
-begin Result := ColorToStdHSLA(Self) end;
-function TColorHelper.ToStdHSLA(AAlpha: single): TStdHSLA;overload;
-begin result := ColorToStdHSLA(Self, AAlpha) end;
-function TColorHelper.ToStdHSVA: TStdHSVA;overload;
-begin Result := ColorToStdHSVA(Self) end;
-function TColorHelper.ToStdHSVA(AAlpha: single): TStdHSVA;overload;
-begin result := ColorToStdHSVA(Self, AAlpha) end;
-function TColorHelper.ToStdCMYK: TStdCMYK;
-begin Result := ColorToStdCMYK(Self) end;
-function TColorHelper.ToByteMask: TByteMask;
-begin Result := ColorToByteMask(Self) end;
-function TColorHelper.ToExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel;overload;
-begin Result := ColorToExpandedPixel(Self) end;
-function TColorHelper.ToExpandedPixel(AAlpha: word): TExpandedPixel;overload;
-begin result := ColorToExpandedPixel(Self, AAlpha) end;
-function TColorHelper.ToLinearRGBA: TLinearRGBA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA(ColorToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TColorHelper.ToLinearRGBA(AAlpha: single): TLinearRGBA;overload;
- Result := ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA(ColorToExpandedPixel(Self));
- result.alpha := AAlpha;
-function TColorHelper.ToHSLAPixel: THSLAPixel;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedToHSLA(ColorToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TColorHelper.ToHSLAPixel(AAlpha: word): THSLAPixel;overload;
- Result := ExpandedToHSLA(ColorToExpandedPixel(Self));
- result.alpha := AAlpha;
-function TColorHelper.ToGSBAPixel: TGSBAPixel;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedToGSBA(ColorToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TColorHelper.ToGSBAPixel(AAlpha: word): TGSBAPixel;overload;
- Result := ExpandedToGSBA(ColorToExpandedPixel(Self));
- result.alpha := AAlpha;
-function TColorHelper.ToXYZA: TXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(ColorToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TColorHelper.ToXYZA(AAlpha: single): TXYZA;overload;
- Result := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(ColorToExpandedPixel(Self));
- result.alpha := AAlpha;
-function TColorHelper.ToXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(ColorToExpandedPixel(Self),AReferenceWhite) end;
-function TColorHelper.ToWordXYZA: TWordXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(ColorToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TColorHelper.ToWordXYZA(AAlpha: word): TWordXYZA;overload;
- Result := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(ColorToExpandedPixel(Self));
- result.alpha := AAlpha;
-function TColorHelper.ToWordXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TWordXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(ColorToExpandedPixel(Self),AReferenceWhite) end;
-function TColorHelper.ToLabA: TLabA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLabA(ColorToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TColorHelper.ToLabA(AAlpha: single): TLabA;overload;
- Result := ExpandedPixelToLabA(ColorToExpandedPixel(Self));
- result.alpha := AAlpha;
-function TColorHelper.ToLChA: TLChA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLChA(ColorToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TColorHelper.ToLChA(AAlpha: single): TLChA;overload;
- Result := ExpandedPixelToLChA(ColorToExpandedPixel(Self));
- result.alpha := AAlpha;
-procedure TColorHelper.FromBGRAPixel(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
-begin Self := BGRAToColor(AValue) end;
-procedure TColorHelper.FromFPColor(AValue: TFPColor);
-begin Self := FPColorToColor(AValue) end;
-procedure TColorHelper.FromStdRGBA(AValue: TStdRGBA);
-begin Self := StdRGBAToColor(AValue) end;
-procedure TColorHelper.FromAdobeRGBA(AValue: TAdobeRGBA);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToColor(AdobeRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TColorHelper.FromStdHSLA(AValue: TStdHSLA);
-begin Self := StdHSLAToColor(AValue) end;
-procedure TColorHelper.FromStdHSVA(AValue: TStdHSVA);
-begin Self := StdHSVAToColor(AValue) end;
-procedure TColorHelper.FromStdCMYK(AValue: TStdCMYK);
-begin Self := StdCMYKToColor(AValue) end;
-procedure TColorHelper.FromByteMask(AValue: TByteMask);
-begin Self := ByteMaskToColor(AValue) end;
-procedure TColorHelper.FromExpandedPixel(AValue: TExpandedPixel);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToColor(AValue) end;
-procedure TColorHelper.FromLinearRGBA(AValue: TLinearRGBA);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToColor(LinearRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TColorHelper.FromHSLAPixel(AValue: THSLAPixel);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToColor(HSLAToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-procedure TColorHelper.FromGSBAPixel(AValue: TGSBAPixel);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToColor(GSBAToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-procedure TColorHelper.FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToColor(XYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TColorHelper.FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToColor(XYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue,AReferenceWhite)) end;
-procedure TColorHelper.FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToColor(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TColorHelper.FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToColor(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue,AReferenceWhite)) end;
-procedure TColorHelper.FromLabA(AValue: TLabA);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToColor(LabAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TColorHelper.FromLChA(AValue: TLChA);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToColor(LChAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-{ TBGRAPixelHelper }
-class function TBGRAPixelHelper.New(const ARed,AGreen,ABlue,AAlpha:byte): TBGRAPixel;overload;
- Result.red := ARed;
- Result.green := AGreen;
- Result.blue := ABlue;
- Result.alpha := AAlpha;
-class function TBGRAPixelHelper.New(const ARed,AGreen,ABlue:byte): TBGRAPixel;overload;
- Result.red := ARed;
- Result.green := AGreen;
- Result.blue := ABlue;
- Result.alpha := 255;
-class function TBGRAPixelHelper.Colorspace: TColorspaceAny; static;
-begin result := TBGRAPixelColorspace end;
-function TBGRAPixelHelper.ToStdRGBA: TStdRGBA;
-begin Result := BGRAPixelToStdRGBA(Self) end;
-function TBGRAPixelHelper.ToAdobeRGBA: TAdobeRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToAdobeRGBA(GammaExpansion(Self)) end;
-function TBGRAPixelHelper.ToStdHSLA: TStdHSLA;
-begin Result := BGRAPixelToStdHSLA(Self) end;
-function TBGRAPixelHelper.ToStdHSVA: TStdHSVA;
-begin Result := BGRAPixelToStdHSVA(Self) end;
-function TBGRAPixelHelper.ToStdCMYK: TStdCMYK;
-begin Result := BGRAPixelToStdCMYK(Self) end;
-function TBGRAPixelHelper.ToByteMask: TByteMask;
-begin Result := BGRAToMask(Self) end;
-function TBGRAPixelHelper.ToLinearRGBA: TLinearRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA(GammaExpansion(Self)) end;
-function TBGRAPixelHelper.ToXYZA: TXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(GammaExpansion(Self)) end;
-function TBGRAPixelHelper.ToXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(GammaExpansion(Self),AReferenceWhite) end;
-function TBGRAPixelHelper.ToWordXYZA: TWordXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(GammaExpansion(Self)) end;
-function TBGRAPixelHelper.ToWordXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TWordXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(GammaExpansion(Self),AReferenceWhite) end;
-function TBGRAPixelHelper.ToLabA: TLabA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLabA(GammaExpansion(Self)) end;
-function TBGRAPixelHelper.ToLChA: TLChA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLChA(GammaExpansion(Self)) end;
-procedure TBGRAPixelHelper.FromStdRGBA(AValue: TStdRGBA);
-begin Self := StdRGBAToBGRAPixel(AValue) end;
-procedure TBGRAPixelHelper.FromAdobeRGBA(AValue: TAdobeRGBA);
-begin Self := GammaCompression(AdobeRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TBGRAPixelHelper.FromStdHSLA(AValue: TStdHSLA);
-begin Self := StdHSLAToBGRAPixel(AValue) end;
-procedure TBGRAPixelHelper.FromStdHSVA(AValue: TStdHSVA);
-begin Self := StdHSVAToBGRAPixel(AValue) end;
-procedure TBGRAPixelHelper.FromStdCMYK(AValue: TStdCMYK);
-begin Self := StdCMYKToBGRAPixel(AValue) end;
-procedure TBGRAPixelHelper.FromByteMask(AValue: TByteMask);
-begin Self := MaskToBGRA(AValue) end;
-procedure TBGRAPixelHelper.FromLinearRGBA(AValue: TLinearRGBA);
-begin Self := GammaCompression(LinearRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TBGRAPixelHelper.FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA); overload;
-begin Self := GammaCompression(XYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TBGRAPixelHelper.FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := GammaCompression(XYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue,AReferenceWhite)) end;
-procedure TBGRAPixelHelper.FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA); overload;
-begin Self := GammaCompression(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TBGRAPixelHelper.FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := GammaCompression(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue,AReferenceWhite)) end;
-procedure TBGRAPixelHelper.FromLabA(AValue: TLabA);
-begin Self := GammaCompression(LabAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TBGRAPixelHelper.FromLChA(AValue: TLChA);
-begin Self := GammaCompression(LChAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-{ TFPColorHelper }
-class function TFPColorHelper.New(const ARed,AGreen,ABlue,AAlpha:word): TFPColor;overload;
- Result.red := ARed;
- Result.green := AGreen;
- Result.blue := ABlue;
- Result.alpha := AAlpha;
-class function TFPColorHelper.New(const ARed,AGreen,ABlue:word): TFPColor;overload;
- Result.red := ARed;
- Result.green := AGreen;
- Result.blue := ABlue;
- Result.alpha := 65535;
-class function TFPColorHelper.Colorspace: TColorspaceAny; static;
-begin result := TFPColorColorspace end;
-function TFPColorHelper.ToStdRGBA: TStdRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdRGBA(FPColorToExpanded(Self)) end;
-function TFPColorHelper.ToAdobeRGBA: TAdobeRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToAdobeRGBA(FPColorToExpanded(Self)) end;
-function TFPColorHelper.ToStdHSLA: TStdHSLA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdHSLA(FPColorToExpanded(Self)) end;
-function TFPColorHelper.ToStdHSVA: TStdHSVA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdHSVA(FPColorToExpanded(Self)) end;
-function TFPColorHelper.ToStdCMYK: TStdCMYK;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdCMYK(FPColorToExpanded(Self)) end;
-function TFPColorHelper.ToByteMask: TByteMask;
-begin Result := FPColorToByteMask(Self) end;
-function TFPColorHelper.ToLinearRGBA: TLinearRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA(FPColorToExpanded(Self)) end;
-function TFPColorHelper.ToXYZA: TXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(FPColorToExpanded(Self)) end;
-function TFPColorHelper.ToXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(FPColorToExpanded(Self),AReferenceWhite) end;
-function TFPColorHelper.ToWordXYZA: TWordXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(FPColorToExpanded(Self)) end;
-function TFPColorHelper.ToWordXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TWordXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(FPColorToExpanded(Self),AReferenceWhite) end;
-function TFPColorHelper.ToLabA: TLabA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLabA(FPColorToExpanded(Self)) end;
-function TFPColorHelper.ToLChA: TLChA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLChA(FPColorToExpanded(Self)) end;
-procedure TFPColorHelper.FromStdRGBA(AValue: TStdRGBA);
-begin Self := ExpandedToFPColor(StdRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TFPColorHelper.FromAdobeRGBA(AValue: TAdobeRGBA);
-begin Self := ExpandedToFPColor(AdobeRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TFPColorHelper.FromStdHSLA(AValue: TStdHSLA);
-begin Self := ExpandedToFPColor(StdHSLAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TFPColorHelper.FromStdHSVA(AValue: TStdHSVA);
-begin Self := ExpandedToFPColor(StdHSVAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TFPColorHelper.FromStdCMYK(AValue: TStdCMYK);
-begin Self := ExpandedToFPColor(StdCMYKToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TFPColorHelper.FromByteMask(AValue: TByteMask);
-begin Self := ByteMaskToFPColor(AValue) end;
-procedure TFPColorHelper.FromLinearRGBA(AValue: TLinearRGBA);
-begin Self := ExpandedToFPColor(LinearRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TFPColorHelper.FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedToFPColor(XYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TFPColorHelper.FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedToFPColor(XYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue,AReferenceWhite)) end;
-procedure TFPColorHelper.FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedToFPColor(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TFPColorHelper.FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedToFPColor(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue,AReferenceWhite)) end;
-procedure TFPColorHelper.FromLabA(AValue: TLabA);
-begin Self := ExpandedToFPColor(LabAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TFPColorHelper.FromLChA(AValue: TLChA);
-begin Self := ExpandedToFPColor(LChAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-{ TStdRGBAHelper }
-class function TStdRGBAHelper.Colorspace: TColorspaceAny; static;
-begin result := TStdRGBAColorspace end;
-function TStdRGBAHelper.ToColor: TColor;
-begin Result := StdRGBAToColor(Self) end;
-function TStdRGBAHelper.ToBGRAPixel: TBGRAPixel;
-begin Result := StdRGBAToBGRAPixel(Self) end;
-function TStdRGBAHelper.ToFPColor: TFPColor;
-begin Result := ExpandedToFPColor(StdRGBAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TStdRGBAHelper.ToAdobeRGBA: TAdobeRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToAdobeRGBA(StdRGBAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TStdRGBAHelper.ToStdHSLA: TStdHSLA;
-begin Result := StdRGBAToStdHSLA(Self) end;
-function TStdRGBAHelper.ToStdHSVA: TStdHSVA;
-begin Result := StdRGBAToStdHSVA(Self) end;
-function TStdRGBAHelper.ToStdCMYK: TStdCMYK;
-begin Result := StdRGBAToStdCMYK(Self) end;
-function TStdRGBAHelper.ToByteMask: TByteMask;
-begin Result := StdRGBAToByteMask(Self) end;
-function TStdRGBAHelper.ToExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel;
-begin Result := StdRGBAToExpandedPixel(Self) end;
-function TStdRGBAHelper.ToLinearRGBA: TLinearRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA(StdRGBAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TStdRGBAHelper.ToHSLAPixel: THSLAPixel;
-begin Result := ExpandedToHSLA(StdRGBAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TStdRGBAHelper.ToGSBAPixel: TGSBAPixel;
-begin Result := ExpandedToGSBA(StdRGBAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TStdRGBAHelper.ToXYZA: TXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(StdRGBAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TStdRGBAHelper.ToXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(StdRGBAToExpandedPixel(Self),AReferenceWhite) end;
-function TStdRGBAHelper.ToWordXYZA: TWordXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(StdRGBAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TStdRGBAHelper.ToWordXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TWordXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(StdRGBAToExpandedPixel(Self),AReferenceWhite) end;
-function TStdRGBAHelper.ToLabA: TLabA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLabA(StdRGBAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TStdRGBAHelper.ToLChA: TLChA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLChA(StdRGBAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-procedure TStdRGBAHelper.FromColor(AValue: TColor);
-begin Self := ColorToStdRGBA(AValue) end;
-procedure TStdRGBAHelper.FromBGRAPixel(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
-begin Self := BGRAPixelToStdRGBA(AValue) end;
-procedure TStdRGBAHelper.FromFPColor(AValue: TFPColor);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToStdRGBA(FPColorToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-procedure TStdRGBAHelper.FromAdobeRGBA(AValue: TAdobeRGBA);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToStdRGBA(AdobeRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TStdRGBAHelper.FromStdHSLA(AValue: TStdHSLA);
-begin Self := StdHSLAToStdRGBA(AValue) end;
-procedure TStdRGBAHelper.FromStdHSVA(AValue: TStdHSVA);
-begin Self := StdHSVAToStdRGBA(AValue) end;
-procedure TStdRGBAHelper.FromStdCMYK(AValue: TStdCMYK);
-begin Self := StdCMYKToStdRGBA(AValue) end;
-procedure TStdRGBAHelper.FromByteMask(AValue: TByteMask);
-begin Self := ByteMaskToStdRGBA(AValue) end;
-procedure TStdRGBAHelper.FromExpandedPixel(AValue: TExpandedPixel);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToStdRGBA(AValue) end;
-procedure TStdRGBAHelper.FromLinearRGBA(AValue: TLinearRGBA);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToStdRGBA(LinearRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TStdRGBAHelper.FromHSLAPixel(AValue: THSLAPixel);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToStdRGBA(HSLAToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-procedure TStdRGBAHelper.FromGSBAPixel(AValue: TGSBAPixel);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToStdRGBA(GSBAToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-procedure TStdRGBAHelper.FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToStdRGBA(XYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TStdRGBAHelper.FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToStdRGBA(XYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue,AReferenceWhite)) end;
-procedure TStdRGBAHelper.FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToStdRGBA(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TStdRGBAHelper.FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToStdRGBA(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue,AReferenceWhite)) end;
-procedure TStdRGBAHelper.FromLabA(AValue: TLabA);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToStdRGBA(LabAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TStdRGBAHelper.FromLChA(AValue: TLChA);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToStdRGBA(LChAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-{ TAdobeRGBAHelper }
-class function TAdobeRGBAHelper.Colorspace: TColorspaceAny; static;
-begin result := TAdobeRGBAColorspace end;
-function TAdobeRGBAHelper.ToColor: TColor;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToColor(AdobeRGBAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TAdobeRGBAHelper.ToBGRAPixel: TBGRAPixel;
-begin Result := GammaCompression(AdobeRGBAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TAdobeRGBAHelper.ToFPColor: TFPColor;
-begin Result := ExpandedToFPColor(AdobeRGBAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TAdobeRGBAHelper.ToStdRGBA: TStdRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdRGBA(AdobeRGBAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TAdobeRGBAHelper.ToStdHSLA: TStdHSLA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdHSLA(AdobeRGBAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TAdobeRGBAHelper.ToStdHSVA: TStdHSVA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdHSVA(AdobeRGBAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TAdobeRGBAHelper.ToStdCMYK: TStdCMYK;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdCMYK(AdobeRGBAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TAdobeRGBAHelper.ToByteMask: TByteMask;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToByteMask(AdobeRGBAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TAdobeRGBAHelper.ToExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel;
-begin Result := AdobeRGBAToExpandedPixel(Self) end;
-function TAdobeRGBAHelper.ToLinearRGBA: TLinearRGBA;
-begin Result := AdobeRGBAToLinearRGBA(Self) end;
-function TAdobeRGBAHelper.ToHSLAPixel: THSLAPixel;
-begin Result := ExpandedToHSLA(AdobeRGBAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TAdobeRGBAHelper.ToGSBAPixel: TGSBAPixel;
-begin Result := ExpandedToGSBA(AdobeRGBAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TAdobeRGBAHelper.ToXYZA: TXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := AdobeRGBAToXYZA(Self) end;
-function TAdobeRGBAHelper.ToXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := AdobeRGBAToXYZA(Self,AReferenceWhite) end;
-function TAdobeRGBAHelper.ToWordXYZA: TWordXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := AdobeRGBAToWordXYZA(Self) end;
-function TAdobeRGBAHelper.ToWordXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TWordXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := AdobeRGBAToWordXYZA(Self,AReferenceWhite) end;
-function TAdobeRGBAHelper.ToLabA: TLabA;
-begin Result := AdobeRGBAToLabA(Self) end;
-function TAdobeRGBAHelper.ToLChA: TLChA;
-begin Result := AdobeRGBAToLChA(Self) end;
-procedure TAdobeRGBAHelper.FromColor(AValue: TColor);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToAdobeRGBA(ColorToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TAdobeRGBAHelper.FromBGRAPixel(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToAdobeRGBA(GammaExpansion(AValue)) end;
-procedure TAdobeRGBAHelper.FromFPColor(AValue: TFPColor);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToAdobeRGBA(FPColorToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-procedure TAdobeRGBAHelper.FromStdRGBA(AValue: TStdRGBA);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToAdobeRGBA(StdRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TAdobeRGBAHelper.FromStdHSLA(AValue: TStdHSLA);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToAdobeRGBA(StdHSLAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TAdobeRGBAHelper.FromStdHSVA(AValue: TStdHSVA);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToAdobeRGBA(StdHSVAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TAdobeRGBAHelper.FromStdCMYK(AValue: TStdCMYK);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToAdobeRGBA(StdCMYKToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TAdobeRGBAHelper.FromByteMask(AValue: TByteMask);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToAdobeRGBA(ByteMaskToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TAdobeRGBAHelper.FromExpandedPixel(AValue: TExpandedPixel);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToAdobeRGBA(AValue) end;
-procedure TAdobeRGBAHelper.FromLinearRGBA(AValue: TLinearRGBA);
-begin Self := LinearRGBAToAdobeRGBA(AValue) end;
-procedure TAdobeRGBAHelper.FromHSLAPixel(AValue: THSLAPixel);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToAdobeRGBA(HSLAToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-procedure TAdobeRGBAHelper.FromGSBAPixel(AValue: TGSBAPixel);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToAdobeRGBA(GSBAToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-procedure TAdobeRGBAHelper.FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA); overload;
-begin Self := XYZAToAdobeRGBA(AValue) end;
-procedure TAdobeRGBAHelper.FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := XYZAToAdobeRGBA(AValue,AReferenceWhite) end;
-procedure TAdobeRGBAHelper.FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA); overload;
-begin Self := WordXYZAToAdobeRGBA(AValue) end;
-procedure TAdobeRGBAHelper.FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := WordXYZAToAdobeRGBA(AValue,AReferenceWhite) end;
-procedure TAdobeRGBAHelper.FromLabA(AValue: TLabA);
-begin Self := LabAToAdobeRGBA(AValue) end;
-procedure TAdobeRGBAHelper.FromLChA(AValue: TLChA);
-begin Self := LChAToAdobeRGBA(AValue) end;
-{ TStdHSLAHelper }
-class function TStdHSLAHelper.Colorspace: TColorspaceAny; static;
-begin result := TStdHSLAColorspace end;
-function TStdHSLAHelper.ToColor: TColor;
-begin Result := StdHSLAToColor(Self) end;
-function TStdHSLAHelper.ToBGRAPixel: TBGRAPixel;
-begin Result := StdHSLAToBGRAPixel(Self) end;
-function TStdHSLAHelper.ToFPColor: TFPColor;
-begin Result := ExpandedToFPColor(StdHSLAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TStdHSLAHelper.ToStdRGBA: TStdRGBA;
-begin Result := StdHSLAToStdRGBA(Self) end;
-function TStdHSLAHelper.ToAdobeRGBA: TAdobeRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToAdobeRGBA(StdHSLAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TStdHSLAHelper.ToStdHSVA: TStdHSVA;
-begin Result := StdHSLAToStdHSVA(Self) end;
-function TStdHSLAHelper.ToStdCMYK: TStdCMYK;
-begin Result := StdHSLAToStdCMYK(Self) end;
-function TStdHSLAHelper.ToByteMask: TByteMask;
-begin Result := StdHSLAToByteMask(Self) end;
-function TStdHSLAHelper.ToExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel;
-begin Result := StdHSLAToExpandedPixel(Self) end;
-function TStdHSLAHelper.ToLinearRGBA: TLinearRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA(StdHSLAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TStdHSLAHelper.ToHSLAPixel: THSLAPixel;
-begin Result := ExpandedToHSLA(StdHSLAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TStdHSLAHelper.ToGSBAPixel: TGSBAPixel;
-begin Result := ExpandedToGSBA(StdHSLAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TStdHSLAHelper.ToXYZA: TXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(StdHSLAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TStdHSLAHelper.ToXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(StdHSLAToExpandedPixel(Self),AReferenceWhite) end;
-function TStdHSLAHelper.ToWordXYZA: TWordXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(StdHSLAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TStdHSLAHelper.ToWordXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TWordXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(StdHSLAToExpandedPixel(Self),AReferenceWhite) end;
-function TStdHSLAHelper.ToLabA: TLabA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLabA(StdHSLAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TStdHSLAHelper.ToLChA: TLChA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLChA(StdHSLAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-procedure TStdHSLAHelper.FromColor(AValue: TColor);
-begin Self := ColorToStdHSLA(AValue) end;
-procedure TStdHSLAHelper.FromBGRAPixel(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
-begin Self := BGRAPixelToStdHSLA(AValue) end;
-procedure TStdHSLAHelper.FromFPColor(AValue: TFPColor);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToStdHSLA(FPColorToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-procedure TStdHSLAHelper.FromStdRGBA(AValue: TStdRGBA);
-begin Self := StdRGBAToStdHSLA(AValue) end;
-procedure TStdHSLAHelper.FromAdobeRGBA(AValue: TAdobeRGBA);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToStdHSLA(AdobeRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TStdHSLAHelper.FromStdHSVA(AValue: TStdHSVA);
-begin Self := StdHSVAToStdHSLA(AValue) end;
-procedure TStdHSLAHelper.FromStdCMYK(AValue: TStdCMYK);
-begin Self := StdCMYKToStdHSLA(AValue) end;
-procedure TStdHSLAHelper.FromByteMask(AValue: TByteMask);
-begin Self := ByteMaskToStdHSLA(AValue) end;
-procedure TStdHSLAHelper.FromExpandedPixel(AValue: TExpandedPixel);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToStdHSLA(AValue) end;
-procedure TStdHSLAHelper.FromLinearRGBA(AValue: TLinearRGBA);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToStdHSLA(LinearRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TStdHSLAHelper.FromHSLAPixel(AValue: THSLAPixel);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToStdHSLA(HSLAToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-procedure TStdHSLAHelper.FromGSBAPixel(AValue: TGSBAPixel);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToStdHSLA(GSBAToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-procedure TStdHSLAHelper.FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToStdHSLA(XYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TStdHSLAHelper.FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToStdHSLA(XYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue,AReferenceWhite)) end;
-procedure TStdHSLAHelper.FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToStdHSLA(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TStdHSLAHelper.FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToStdHSLA(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue,AReferenceWhite)) end;
-procedure TStdHSLAHelper.FromLabA(AValue: TLabA);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToStdHSLA(LabAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TStdHSLAHelper.FromLChA(AValue: TLChA);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToStdHSLA(LChAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-{ TStdHSVAHelper }
-class function TStdHSVAHelper.Colorspace: TColorspaceAny; static;
-begin result := TStdHSVAColorspace end;
-function TStdHSVAHelper.ToColor: TColor;
-begin Result := StdHSVAToColor(Self) end;
-function TStdHSVAHelper.ToBGRAPixel: TBGRAPixel;
-begin Result := StdHSVAToBGRAPixel(Self) end;
-function TStdHSVAHelper.ToFPColor: TFPColor;
-begin Result := ExpandedToFPColor(StdHSVAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TStdHSVAHelper.ToStdRGBA: TStdRGBA;
-begin Result := StdHSVAToStdRGBA(Self) end;
-function TStdHSVAHelper.ToAdobeRGBA: TAdobeRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToAdobeRGBA(StdHSVAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TStdHSVAHelper.ToStdHSLA: TStdHSLA;
-begin Result := StdHSVAToStdHSLA(Self) end;
-function TStdHSVAHelper.ToStdCMYK: TStdCMYK;
-begin Result := StdHSVAToStdCMYK(Self) end;
-function TStdHSVAHelper.ToByteMask: TByteMask;
-begin Result := StdHSVAToByteMask(Self) end;
-function TStdHSVAHelper.ToExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel;
-begin Result := StdHSVAToExpandedPixel(Self) end;
-function TStdHSVAHelper.ToLinearRGBA: TLinearRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA(StdHSVAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TStdHSVAHelper.ToHSLAPixel: THSLAPixel;
-begin Result := ExpandedToHSLA(StdHSVAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TStdHSVAHelper.ToGSBAPixel: TGSBAPixel;
-begin Result := ExpandedToGSBA(StdHSVAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TStdHSVAHelper.ToXYZA: TXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(StdHSVAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TStdHSVAHelper.ToXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(StdHSVAToExpandedPixel(Self),AReferenceWhite) end;
-function TStdHSVAHelper.ToWordXYZA: TWordXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(StdHSVAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TStdHSVAHelper.ToWordXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TWordXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(StdHSVAToExpandedPixel(Self),AReferenceWhite) end;
-function TStdHSVAHelper.ToLabA: TLabA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLabA(StdHSVAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TStdHSVAHelper.ToLChA: TLChA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLChA(StdHSVAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-procedure TStdHSVAHelper.FromColor(AValue: TColor);
-begin Self := ColorToStdHSVA(AValue) end;
-procedure TStdHSVAHelper.FromBGRAPixel(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
-begin Self := BGRAPixelToStdHSVA(AValue) end;
-procedure TStdHSVAHelper.FromFPColor(AValue: TFPColor);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToStdHSVA(FPColorToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-procedure TStdHSVAHelper.FromStdRGBA(AValue: TStdRGBA);
-begin Self := StdRGBAToStdHSVA(AValue) end;
-procedure TStdHSVAHelper.FromAdobeRGBA(AValue: TAdobeRGBA);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToStdHSVA(AdobeRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TStdHSVAHelper.FromStdHSLA(AValue: TStdHSLA);
-begin Self := StdHSLAToStdHSVA(AValue) end;
-procedure TStdHSVAHelper.FromStdCMYK(AValue: TStdCMYK);
-begin Self := StdCMYKToStdHSVA(AValue) end;
-procedure TStdHSVAHelper.FromByteMask(AValue: TByteMask);
-begin Self := ByteMaskToStdHSVA(AValue) end;
-procedure TStdHSVAHelper.FromExpandedPixel(AValue: TExpandedPixel);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToStdHSVA(AValue) end;
-procedure TStdHSVAHelper.FromLinearRGBA(AValue: TLinearRGBA);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToStdHSVA(LinearRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TStdHSVAHelper.FromHSLAPixel(AValue: THSLAPixel);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToStdHSVA(HSLAToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-procedure TStdHSVAHelper.FromGSBAPixel(AValue: TGSBAPixel);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToStdHSVA(GSBAToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-procedure TStdHSVAHelper.FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToStdHSVA(XYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TStdHSVAHelper.FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToStdHSVA(XYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue,AReferenceWhite)) end;
-procedure TStdHSVAHelper.FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToStdHSVA(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TStdHSVAHelper.FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToStdHSVA(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue,AReferenceWhite)) end;
-procedure TStdHSVAHelper.FromLabA(AValue: TLabA);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToStdHSVA(LabAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TStdHSVAHelper.FromLChA(AValue: TLChA);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToStdHSVA(LChAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-{ TStdCMYKHelper }
-class function TStdCMYKHelper.Colorspace: TColorspaceAny; static;
-begin result := TStdCMYKColorspace end;
-function TStdCMYKHelper.ToColor: TColor;
-begin Result := StdCMYKToColor(Self) end;
-function TStdCMYKHelper.ToBGRAPixel: TBGRAPixel;overload;
-begin Result := StdCMYKToBGRAPixel(Self) end;
-function TStdCMYKHelper.ToBGRAPixel(AAlpha: byte): TBGRAPixel;overload;
-begin result := StdCMYKToBGRAPixel(Self, AAlpha) end;
-function TStdCMYKHelper.ToFPColor: TFPColor;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedToFPColor(StdCMYKToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TStdCMYKHelper.ToFPColor(AAlpha: word): TFPColor;overload;
- Result := ExpandedToFPColor(StdCMYKToExpandedPixel(Self));
- result.alpha := AAlpha;
-function TStdCMYKHelper.ToStdRGBA: TStdRGBA;overload;
-begin Result := StdCMYKToStdRGBA(Self) end;
-function TStdCMYKHelper.ToStdRGBA(AAlpha: single): TStdRGBA;overload;
-begin result := StdCMYKToStdRGBA(Self, AAlpha) end;
-function TStdCMYKHelper.ToAdobeRGBA: TAdobeRGBA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToAdobeRGBA(StdCMYKToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TStdCMYKHelper.ToAdobeRGBA(AAlpha: byte): TAdobeRGBA;overload;
- Result := ExpandedPixelToAdobeRGBA(StdCMYKToExpandedPixel(Self));
- result.alpha := AAlpha;
-function TStdCMYKHelper.ToStdHSLA: TStdHSLA;overload;
-begin Result := StdCMYKToStdHSLA(Self) end;
-function TStdCMYKHelper.ToStdHSLA(AAlpha: single): TStdHSLA;overload;
-begin result := StdCMYKToStdHSLA(Self, AAlpha) end;
-function TStdCMYKHelper.ToStdHSVA: TStdHSVA;overload;
-begin Result := StdCMYKToStdHSVA(Self) end;
-function TStdCMYKHelper.ToStdHSVA(AAlpha: single): TStdHSVA;overload;
-begin result := StdCMYKToStdHSVA(Self, AAlpha) end;
-function TStdCMYKHelper.ToByteMask: TByteMask;
-begin Result := StdCMYKToByteMask(Self) end;
-function TStdCMYKHelper.ToExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel;overload;
-begin Result := StdCMYKToExpandedPixel(Self) end;
-function TStdCMYKHelper.ToExpandedPixel(AAlpha: word): TExpandedPixel;overload;
-begin result := StdCMYKToExpandedPixel(Self, AAlpha) end;
-function TStdCMYKHelper.ToLinearRGBA: TLinearRGBA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA(StdCMYKToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TStdCMYKHelper.ToLinearRGBA(AAlpha: single): TLinearRGBA;overload;
- Result := ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA(StdCMYKToExpandedPixel(Self));
- result.alpha := AAlpha;
-function TStdCMYKHelper.ToHSLAPixel: THSLAPixel;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedToHSLA(StdCMYKToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TStdCMYKHelper.ToHSLAPixel(AAlpha: word): THSLAPixel;overload;
- Result := ExpandedToHSLA(StdCMYKToExpandedPixel(Self));
- result.alpha := AAlpha;
-function TStdCMYKHelper.ToGSBAPixel: TGSBAPixel;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedToGSBA(StdCMYKToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TStdCMYKHelper.ToGSBAPixel(AAlpha: word): TGSBAPixel;overload;
- Result := ExpandedToGSBA(StdCMYKToExpandedPixel(Self));
- result.alpha := AAlpha;
-function TStdCMYKHelper.ToXYZA: TXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(StdCMYKToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TStdCMYKHelper.ToXYZA(AAlpha: single): TXYZA;overload;
- Result := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(StdCMYKToExpandedPixel(Self));
- result.alpha := AAlpha;
-function TStdCMYKHelper.ToXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(StdCMYKToExpandedPixel(Self),AReferenceWhite) end;
-function TStdCMYKHelper.ToWordXYZA: TWordXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(StdCMYKToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TStdCMYKHelper.ToWordXYZA(AAlpha: word): TWordXYZA;overload;
- Result := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(StdCMYKToExpandedPixel(Self));
- result.alpha := AAlpha;
-function TStdCMYKHelper.ToWordXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TWordXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(StdCMYKToExpandedPixel(Self),AReferenceWhite) end;
-function TStdCMYKHelper.ToLabA: TLabA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLabA(StdCMYKToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TStdCMYKHelper.ToLabA(AAlpha: single): TLabA;overload;
- Result := ExpandedPixelToLabA(StdCMYKToExpandedPixel(Self));
- result.alpha := AAlpha;
-function TStdCMYKHelper.ToLChA: TLChA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLChA(StdCMYKToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TStdCMYKHelper.ToLChA(AAlpha: single): TLChA;overload;
- Result := ExpandedPixelToLChA(StdCMYKToExpandedPixel(Self));
- result.alpha := AAlpha;
-procedure TStdCMYKHelper.FromColor(AValue: TColor);
-begin Self := ColorToStdCMYK(AValue) end;
-procedure TStdCMYKHelper.FromBGRAPixel(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
-begin Self := BGRAPixelToStdCMYK(AValue) end;
-procedure TStdCMYKHelper.FromFPColor(AValue: TFPColor);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToStdCMYK(FPColorToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-procedure TStdCMYKHelper.FromStdRGBA(AValue: TStdRGBA);
-begin Self := StdRGBAToStdCMYK(AValue) end;
-procedure TStdCMYKHelper.FromAdobeRGBA(AValue: TAdobeRGBA);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToStdCMYK(AdobeRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TStdCMYKHelper.FromStdHSLA(AValue: TStdHSLA);
-begin Self := StdHSLAToStdCMYK(AValue) end;
-procedure TStdCMYKHelper.FromStdHSVA(AValue: TStdHSVA);
-begin Self := StdHSVAToStdCMYK(AValue) end;
-procedure TStdCMYKHelper.FromByteMask(AValue: TByteMask);
-begin Self := ByteMaskToStdCMYK(AValue) end;
-procedure TStdCMYKHelper.FromExpandedPixel(AValue: TExpandedPixel);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToStdCMYK(AValue) end;
-procedure TStdCMYKHelper.FromLinearRGBA(AValue: TLinearRGBA);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToStdCMYK(LinearRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TStdCMYKHelper.FromHSLAPixel(AValue: THSLAPixel);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToStdCMYK(HSLAToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-procedure TStdCMYKHelper.FromGSBAPixel(AValue: TGSBAPixel);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToStdCMYK(GSBAToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-procedure TStdCMYKHelper.FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToStdCMYK(XYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TStdCMYKHelper.FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToStdCMYK(XYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue,AReferenceWhite)) end;
-procedure TStdCMYKHelper.FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToStdCMYK(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TStdCMYKHelper.FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToStdCMYK(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue,AReferenceWhite)) end;
-procedure TStdCMYKHelper.FromLabA(AValue: TLabA);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToStdCMYK(LabAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TStdCMYKHelper.FromLChA(AValue: TLChA);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToStdCMYK(LChAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-{ TByteMaskHelper }
-class function TByteMaskHelper.Colorspace: TColorspaceAny; static;
-begin result := TByteMaskColorspace end;
-function TByteMaskHelper.ToColor: TColor;
-begin Result := ByteMaskToColor(Self) end;
-function TByteMaskHelper.ToBGRAPixel: TBGRAPixel;overload;
-begin Result := MaskToBGRA(Self) end;
-function TByteMaskHelper.ToBGRAPixel(AAlpha: byte): TBGRAPixel;overload;
-begin result := MaskToBGRA(Self, AAlpha) end;
-function TByteMaskHelper.ToFPColor: TFPColor;overload;
-begin Result := ByteMaskToFPColor(Self) end;
-function TByteMaskHelper.ToFPColor(AAlpha: word): TFPColor;overload;
-begin result := ByteMaskToFPColor(Self, AAlpha) end;
-function TByteMaskHelper.ToStdRGBA: TStdRGBA;overload;
-begin Result := ByteMaskToStdRGBA(Self) end;
-function TByteMaskHelper.ToStdRGBA(AAlpha: single): TStdRGBA;overload;
-begin result := ByteMaskToStdRGBA(Self, AAlpha) end;
-function TByteMaskHelper.ToAdobeRGBA: TAdobeRGBA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToAdobeRGBA(ByteMaskToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TByteMaskHelper.ToAdobeRGBA(AAlpha: byte): TAdobeRGBA;overload;
- Result := ExpandedPixelToAdobeRGBA(ByteMaskToExpandedPixel(Self));
- result.alpha := AAlpha;
-function TByteMaskHelper.ToStdHSLA: TStdHSLA;overload;
-begin Result := ByteMaskToStdHSLA(Self) end;
-function TByteMaskHelper.ToStdHSLA(AAlpha: single): TStdHSLA;overload;
-begin result := ByteMaskToStdHSLA(Self, AAlpha) end;
-function TByteMaskHelper.ToStdHSVA: TStdHSVA;overload;
-begin Result := ByteMaskToStdHSVA(Self) end;
-function TByteMaskHelper.ToStdHSVA(AAlpha: single): TStdHSVA;overload;
-begin result := ByteMaskToStdHSVA(Self, AAlpha) end;
-function TByteMaskHelper.ToStdCMYK: TStdCMYK;
-begin Result := ByteMaskToStdCMYK(Self) end;
-function TByteMaskHelper.ToExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel;overload;
-begin Result := ByteMaskToExpandedPixel(Self) end;
-function TByteMaskHelper.ToExpandedPixel(AAlpha: word): TExpandedPixel;overload;
-begin result := ByteMaskToExpandedPixel(Self, AAlpha) end;
-function TByteMaskHelper.ToLinearRGBA: TLinearRGBA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA(ByteMaskToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TByteMaskHelper.ToLinearRGBA(AAlpha: single): TLinearRGBA;overload;
- Result := ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA(ByteMaskToExpandedPixel(Self));
- result.alpha := AAlpha;
-function TByteMaskHelper.ToHSLAPixel: THSLAPixel;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedToHSLA(ByteMaskToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TByteMaskHelper.ToHSLAPixel(AAlpha: word): THSLAPixel;overload;
- Result := ExpandedToHSLA(ByteMaskToExpandedPixel(Self));
- result.alpha := AAlpha;
-function TByteMaskHelper.ToGSBAPixel: TGSBAPixel;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedToGSBA(ByteMaskToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TByteMaskHelper.ToGSBAPixel(AAlpha: word): TGSBAPixel;overload;
- Result := ExpandedToGSBA(ByteMaskToExpandedPixel(Self));
- result.alpha := AAlpha;
-function TByteMaskHelper.ToXYZA: TXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(ByteMaskToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TByteMaskHelper.ToXYZA(AAlpha: single): TXYZA;overload;
- Result := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(ByteMaskToExpandedPixel(Self));
- result.alpha := AAlpha;
-function TByteMaskHelper.ToXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(ByteMaskToExpandedPixel(Self),AReferenceWhite) end;
-function TByteMaskHelper.ToWordXYZA: TWordXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(ByteMaskToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TByteMaskHelper.ToWordXYZA(AAlpha: word): TWordXYZA;overload;
- Result := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(ByteMaskToExpandedPixel(Self));
- result.alpha := AAlpha;
-function TByteMaskHelper.ToWordXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TWordXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(ByteMaskToExpandedPixel(Self),AReferenceWhite) end;
-function TByteMaskHelper.ToLabA: TLabA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLabA(ByteMaskToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TByteMaskHelper.ToLabA(AAlpha: single): TLabA;overload;
- Result := ExpandedPixelToLabA(ByteMaskToExpandedPixel(Self));
- result.alpha := AAlpha;
-function TByteMaskHelper.ToLChA: TLChA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLChA(ByteMaskToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TByteMaskHelper.ToLChA(AAlpha: single): TLChA;overload;
- Result := ExpandedPixelToLChA(ByteMaskToExpandedPixel(Self));
- result.alpha := AAlpha;
-procedure TByteMaskHelper.FromColor(AValue: TColor);
-begin Self := ColorToByteMask(AValue) end;
-procedure TByteMaskHelper.FromBGRAPixel(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
-begin Self := BGRAToMask(AValue) end;
-procedure TByteMaskHelper.FromFPColor(AValue: TFPColor);
-begin Self := FPColorToByteMask(AValue) end;
-procedure TByteMaskHelper.FromStdRGBA(AValue: TStdRGBA);
-begin Self := StdRGBAToByteMask(AValue) end;
-procedure TByteMaskHelper.FromAdobeRGBA(AValue: TAdobeRGBA);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToByteMask(AdobeRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TByteMaskHelper.FromStdHSLA(AValue: TStdHSLA);
-begin Self := StdHSLAToByteMask(AValue) end;
-procedure TByteMaskHelper.FromStdHSVA(AValue: TStdHSVA);
-begin Self := StdHSVAToByteMask(AValue) end;
-procedure TByteMaskHelper.FromStdCMYK(AValue: TStdCMYK);
-begin Self := StdCMYKToByteMask(AValue) end;
-procedure TByteMaskHelper.FromExpandedPixel(AValue: TExpandedPixel);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToByteMask(AValue) end;
-procedure TByteMaskHelper.FromLinearRGBA(AValue: TLinearRGBA);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToByteMask(LinearRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TByteMaskHelper.FromHSLAPixel(AValue: THSLAPixel);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToByteMask(HSLAToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-procedure TByteMaskHelper.FromGSBAPixel(AValue: TGSBAPixel);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToByteMask(GSBAToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-procedure TByteMaskHelper.FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToByteMask(XYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TByteMaskHelper.FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToByteMask(XYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue,AReferenceWhite)) end;
-procedure TByteMaskHelper.FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToByteMask(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TByteMaskHelper.FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToByteMask(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue,AReferenceWhite)) end;
-procedure TByteMaskHelper.FromLabA(AValue: TLabA);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToByteMask(LabAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TByteMaskHelper.FromLChA(AValue: TLChA);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToByteMask(LChAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-{ TExpandedPixelHelper }
-class function TExpandedPixelHelper.New(const ARed,AGreen,ABlue,AAlpha:word): TExpandedPixel;overload;
- Result.red := ARed;
- Result.green := AGreen;
- Result.blue := ABlue;
- Result.alpha := AAlpha;
-class function TExpandedPixelHelper.New(const ARed,AGreen,ABlue:word): TExpandedPixel;overload;
- Result.red := ARed;
- Result.green := AGreen;
- Result.blue := ABlue;
- Result.alpha := 65535;
-class function TExpandedPixelHelper.Colorspace: TColorspaceAny; static;
-begin result := TExpandedPixelColorspace end;
-function TExpandedPixelHelper.ToStdRGBA: TStdRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdRGBA(Self) end;
-function TExpandedPixelHelper.ToAdobeRGBA: TAdobeRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToAdobeRGBA(Self) end;
-function TExpandedPixelHelper.ToStdHSLA: TStdHSLA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdHSLA(Self) end;
-function TExpandedPixelHelper.ToStdHSVA: TStdHSVA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdHSVA(Self) end;
-function TExpandedPixelHelper.ToStdCMYK: TStdCMYK;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdCMYK(Self) end;
-function TExpandedPixelHelper.ToByteMask: TByteMask;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToByteMask(Self) end;
-function TExpandedPixelHelper.ToLinearRGBA: TLinearRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA(Self) end;
-function TExpandedPixelHelper.ToXYZA: TXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(Self) end;
-function TExpandedPixelHelper.ToXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(Self,AReferenceWhite) end;
-function TExpandedPixelHelper.ToWordXYZA: TWordXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(Self) end;
-function TExpandedPixelHelper.ToWordXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TWordXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(Self,AReferenceWhite) end;
-function TExpandedPixelHelper.ToLabA: TLabA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLabA(Self) end;
-function TExpandedPixelHelper.ToLChA: TLChA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLChA(Self) end;
-procedure TExpandedPixelHelper.FromStdRGBA(AValue: TStdRGBA);
-begin Self := StdRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue) end;
-procedure TExpandedPixelHelper.FromAdobeRGBA(AValue: TAdobeRGBA);
-begin Self := AdobeRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue) end;
-procedure TExpandedPixelHelper.FromStdHSLA(AValue: TStdHSLA);
-begin Self := StdHSLAToExpandedPixel(AValue) end;
-procedure TExpandedPixelHelper.FromStdHSVA(AValue: TStdHSVA);
-begin Self := StdHSVAToExpandedPixel(AValue) end;
-procedure TExpandedPixelHelper.FromStdCMYK(AValue: TStdCMYK);
-begin Self := StdCMYKToExpandedPixel(AValue) end;
-procedure TExpandedPixelHelper.FromByteMask(AValue: TByteMask);
-begin Self := ByteMaskToExpandedPixel(AValue) end;
-procedure TExpandedPixelHelper.FromLinearRGBA(AValue: TLinearRGBA);
-begin Self := LinearRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue) end;
-procedure TExpandedPixelHelper.FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA); overload;
-begin Self := XYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue) end;
-procedure TExpandedPixelHelper.FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := XYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue,AReferenceWhite) end;
-procedure TExpandedPixelHelper.FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA); overload;
-begin Self := WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue) end;
-procedure TExpandedPixelHelper.FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue,AReferenceWhite) end;
-procedure TExpandedPixelHelper.FromLabA(AValue: TLabA);
-begin Self := LabAToExpandedPixel(AValue) end;
-procedure TExpandedPixelHelper.FromLChA(AValue: TLChA);
-begin Self := LChAToExpandedPixel(AValue) end;
-{ TLinearRGBAHelper }
-class function TLinearRGBAHelper.Colorspace: TColorspaceAny; static;
-begin result := TLinearRGBAColorspace end;
-function TLinearRGBAHelper.ToColor: TColor;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToColor(LinearRGBAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TLinearRGBAHelper.ToBGRAPixel: TBGRAPixel;
-begin Result := GammaCompression(LinearRGBAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TLinearRGBAHelper.ToFPColor: TFPColor;
-begin Result := ExpandedToFPColor(LinearRGBAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TLinearRGBAHelper.ToStdRGBA: TStdRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdRGBA(LinearRGBAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TLinearRGBAHelper.ToAdobeRGBA: TAdobeRGBA;
-begin Result := LinearRGBAToAdobeRGBA(Self) end;
-function TLinearRGBAHelper.ToStdHSLA: TStdHSLA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdHSLA(LinearRGBAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TLinearRGBAHelper.ToStdHSVA: TStdHSVA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdHSVA(LinearRGBAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TLinearRGBAHelper.ToStdCMYK: TStdCMYK;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdCMYK(LinearRGBAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TLinearRGBAHelper.ToByteMask: TByteMask;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToByteMask(LinearRGBAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TLinearRGBAHelper.ToExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel;
-begin Result := LinearRGBAToExpandedPixel(Self) end;
-function TLinearRGBAHelper.ToHSLAPixel: THSLAPixel;
-begin Result := ExpandedToHSLA(LinearRGBAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TLinearRGBAHelper.ToGSBAPixel: TGSBAPixel;
-begin Result := ExpandedToGSBA(LinearRGBAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TLinearRGBAHelper.ToXYZA: TXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := LinearRGBAToXYZA(Self) end;
-function TLinearRGBAHelper.ToXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := LinearRGBAToXYZA(Self,AReferenceWhite) end;
-function TLinearRGBAHelper.ToWordXYZA: TWordXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(LinearRGBAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TLinearRGBAHelper.ToWordXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TWordXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(LinearRGBAToExpandedPixel(Self),AReferenceWhite) end;
-function TLinearRGBAHelper.ToLabA: TLabA;
-begin Result := LinearRGBAToLabA(Self) end;
-function TLinearRGBAHelper.ToLChA: TLChA;
-begin Result := LinearRGBAToLChA(Self) end;
-procedure TLinearRGBAHelper.FromColor(AValue: TColor);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA(ColorToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TLinearRGBAHelper.FromBGRAPixel(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA(GammaExpansion(AValue)) end;
-procedure TLinearRGBAHelper.FromFPColor(AValue: TFPColor);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA(FPColorToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-procedure TLinearRGBAHelper.FromStdRGBA(AValue: TStdRGBA);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA(StdRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TLinearRGBAHelper.FromAdobeRGBA(AValue: TAdobeRGBA);
-begin Self := AdobeRGBAToLinearRGBA(AValue) end;
-procedure TLinearRGBAHelper.FromStdHSLA(AValue: TStdHSLA);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA(StdHSLAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TLinearRGBAHelper.FromStdHSVA(AValue: TStdHSVA);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA(StdHSVAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TLinearRGBAHelper.FromStdCMYK(AValue: TStdCMYK);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA(StdCMYKToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TLinearRGBAHelper.FromByteMask(AValue: TByteMask);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA(ByteMaskToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TLinearRGBAHelper.FromExpandedPixel(AValue: TExpandedPixel);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA(AValue) end;
-procedure TLinearRGBAHelper.FromHSLAPixel(AValue: THSLAPixel);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA(HSLAToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-procedure TLinearRGBAHelper.FromGSBAPixel(AValue: TGSBAPixel);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA(GSBAToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-procedure TLinearRGBAHelper.FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA); overload;
-begin Self := XYZAToLinearRGBA(AValue) end;
-procedure TLinearRGBAHelper.FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := XYZAToLinearRGBA(AValue,AReferenceWhite) end;
-procedure TLinearRGBAHelper.FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TLinearRGBAHelper.FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue,AReferenceWhite)) end;
-procedure TLinearRGBAHelper.FromLabA(AValue: TLabA);
-begin Self := LabAToLinearRGBA(AValue) end;
-procedure TLinearRGBAHelper.FromLChA(AValue: TLChA);
-begin Self := LChAToLinearRGBA(AValue) end;
-{ THSLAPixelHelper }
-class function THSLAPixelHelper.New(const AHue,ASaturation,ALightness,AAlpha:word): THSLAPixel;overload;
- Result.hue := AHue;
- Result.saturation := ASaturation;
- Result.lightness := ALightness;
- Result.alpha := AAlpha;
-class function THSLAPixelHelper.New(const AHue,ASaturation,ALightness:word): THSLAPixel;overload;
- Result.hue := AHue;
- Result.saturation := ASaturation;
- Result.lightness := ALightness;
- Result.alpha := 65535;
-class function THSLAPixelHelper.Colorspace: TColorspaceAny; static;
-begin result := THSLAPixelColorspace end;
-function THSLAPixelHelper.ToStdRGBA: TStdRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdRGBA(HSLAToExpanded(Self)) end;
-function THSLAPixelHelper.ToAdobeRGBA: TAdobeRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToAdobeRGBA(HSLAToExpanded(Self)) end;
-function THSLAPixelHelper.ToStdHSLA: TStdHSLA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdHSLA(HSLAToExpanded(Self)) end;
-function THSLAPixelHelper.ToStdHSVA: TStdHSVA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdHSVA(HSLAToExpanded(Self)) end;
-function THSLAPixelHelper.ToStdCMYK: TStdCMYK;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdCMYK(HSLAToExpanded(Self)) end;
-function THSLAPixelHelper.ToByteMask: TByteMask;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToByteMask(HSLAToExpanded(Self)) end;
-function THSLAPixelHelper.ToLinearRGBA: TLinearRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA(HSLAToExpanded(Self)) end;
-function THSLAPixelHelper.ToXYZA: TXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(HSLAToExpanded(Self)) end;
-function THSLAPixelHelper.ToXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(HSLAToExpanded(Self),AReferenceWhite) end;
-function THSLAPixelHelper.ToWordXYZA: TWordXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(HSLAToExpanded(Self)) end;
-function THSLAPixelHelper.ToWordXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TWordXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(HSLAToExpanded(Self),AReferenceWhite) end;
-function THSLAPixelHelper.ToLabA: TLabA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLabA(HSLAToExpanded(Self)) end;
-function THSLAPixelHelper.ToLChA: TLChA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLChA(HSLAToExpanded(Self)) end;
-procedure THSLAPixelHelper.FromStdRGBA(AValue: TStdRGBA);
-begin Self := ExpandedToHSLA(StdRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure THSLAPixelHelper.FromAdobeRGBA(AValue: TAdobeRGBA);
-begin Self := ExpandedToHSLA(AdobeRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure THSLAPixelHelper.FromStdHSLA(AValue: TStdHSLA);
-begin Self := ExpandedToHSLA(StdHSLAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure THSLAPixelHelper.FromStdHSVA(AValue: TStdHSVA);
-begin Self := ExpandedToHSLA(StdHSVAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure THSLAPixelHelper.FromStdCMYK(AValue: TStdCMYK);
-begin Self := ExpandedToHSLA(StdCMYKToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure THSLAPixelHelper.FromByteMask(AValue: TByteMask);
-begin Self := ExpandedToHSLA(ByteMaskToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure THSLAPixelHelper.FromLinearRGBA(AValue: TLinearRGBA);
-begin Self := ExpandedToHSLA(LinearRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure THSLAPixelHelper.FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedToHSLA(XYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure THSLAPixelHelper.FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedToHSLA(XYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue,AReferenceWhite)) end;
-procedure THSLAPixelHelper.FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedToHSLA(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure THSLAPixelHelper.FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedToHSLA(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue,AReferenceWhite)) end;
-procedure THSLAPixelHelper.FromLabA(AValue: TLabA);
-begin Self := ExpandedToHSLA(LabAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure THSLAPixelHelper.FromLChA(AValue: TLChA);
-begin Self := ExpandedToHSLA(LChAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-{ TGSBAPixelHelper }
-class function TGSBAPixelHelper.New(const AHue,ASaturation,ABrightness,AAlpha:word): TGSBAPixel;overload;
- Result.hue := AHue;
- Result.saturation := ASaturation;
- Result.lightness := ABrightness;
- Result.alpha := AAlpha;
-class function TGSBAPixelHelper.New(const AHue,ASaturation,ABrightness:word): TGSBAPixel;overload;
- Result.hue := AHue;
- Result.saturation := ASaturation;
- Result.lightness := ABrightness;
- Result.alpha := 65535;
-class function TGSBAPixelHelper.Colorspace: TColorspaceAny; static;
-begin result := TGSBAPixelColorspace end;
-function TGSBAPixelHelper.ToStdRGBA: TStdRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdRGBA(GSBAToExpanded(Self)) end;
-function TGSBAPixelHelper.ToAdobeRGBA: TAdobeRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToAdobeRGBA(GSBAToExpanded(Self)) end;
-function TGSBAPixelHelper.ToStdHSLA: TStdHSLA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdHSLA(GSBAToExpanded(Self)) end;
-function TGSBAPixelHelper.ToStdHSVA: TStdHSVA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdHSVA(GSBAToExpanded(Self)) end;
-function TGSBAPixelHelper.ToStdCMYK: TStdCMYK;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdCMYK(GSBAToExpanded(Self)) end;
-function TGSBAPixelHelper.ToByteMask: TByteMask;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToByteMask(GSBAToExpanded(Self)) end;
-function TGSBAPixelHelper.ToLinearRGBA: TLinearRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA(GSBAToExpanded(Self)) end;
-function TGSBAPixelHelper.ToXYZA: TXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(GSBAToExpanded(Self)) end;
-function TGSBAPixelHelper.ToXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(GSBAToExpanded(Self),AReferenceWhite) end;
-function TGSBAPixelHelper.ToWordXYZA: TWordXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(GSBAToExpanded(Self)) end;
-function TGSBAPixelHelper.ToWordXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TWordXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(GSBAToExpanded(Self),AReferenceWhite) end;
-function TGSBAPixelHelper.ToLabA: TLabA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLabA(GSBAToExpanded(Self)) end;
-function TGSBAPixelHelper.ToLChA: TLChA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLChA(GSBAToExpanded(Self)) end;
-procedure TGSBAPixelHelper.FromStdRGBA(AValue: TStdRGBA);
-begin Self := ExpandedToGSBA(StdRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TGSBAPixelHelper.FromAdobeRGBA(AValue: TAdobeRGBA);
-begin Self := ExpandedToGSBA(AdobeRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TGSBAPixelHelper.FromStdHSLA(AValue: TStdHSLA);
-begin Self := ExpandedToGSBA(StdHSLAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TGSBAPixelHelper.FromStdHSVA(AValue: TStdHSVA);
-begin Self := ExpandedToGSBA(StdHSVAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TGSBAPixelHelper.FromStdCMYK(AValue: TStdCMYK);
-begin Self := ExpandedToGSBA(StdCMYKToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TGSBAPixelHelper.FromByteMask(AValue: TByteMask);
-begin Self := ExpandedToGSBA(ByteMaskToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TGSBAPixelHelper.FromLinearRGBA(AValue: TLinearRGBA);
-begin Self := ExpandedToGSBA(LinearRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TGSBAPixelHelper.FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedToGSBA(XYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TGSBAPixelHelper.FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedToGSBA(XYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue,AReferenceWhite)) end;
-procedure TGSBAPixelHelper.FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedToGSBA(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TGSBAPixelHelper.FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedToGSBA(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue,AReferenceWhite)) end;
-procedure TGSBAPixelHelper.FromLabA(AValue: TLabA);
-begin Self := ExpandedToGSBA(LabAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TGSBAPixelHelper.FromLChA(AValue: TLChA);
-begin Self := ExpandedToGSBA(LChAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-{ TXYZAHelper }
-class function TXYZAHelper.Colorspace: TColorspaceAny; static;
-begin result := TXYZAColorspace end;
-procedure TXYZAHelper.ChromaticAdapt(const AFrom, ATo: TXYZReferenceWhite);
-begin ChromaticAdaptXYZ(self.X,self.Y,self.Z, AFrom,ATo) end;
-function TXYZAHelper.ToColor: TColor;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToColor(XYZAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TXYZAHelper.ToColor(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TColor;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToColor(XYZAToExpandedPixel(Self,AReferenceWhite)) end;
-function TXYZAHelper.ToBGRAPixel: TBGRAPixel;overload;
-begin Result := GammaCompression(XYZAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TXYZAHelper.ToBGRAPixel(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TBGRAPixel;overload;
-begin Result := GammaCompression(XYZAToExpandedPixel(Self,AReferenceWhite)) end;
-function TXYZAHelper.ToFPColor: TFPColor;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedToFPColor(XYZAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TXYZAHelper.ToFPColor(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TFPColor;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedToFPColor(XYZAToExpandedPixel(Self,AReferenceWhite)) end;
-function TXYZAHelper.ToStdRGBA: TStdRGBA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdRGBA(XYZAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TXYZAHelper.ToStdRGBA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TStdRGBA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdRGBA(XYZAToExpandedPixel(Self,AReferenceWhite)) end;
-function TXYZAHelper.ToAdobeRGBA: TAdobeRGBA;overload;
-begin Result := XYZAToAdobeRGBA(Self) end;
-function TXYZAHelper.ToAdobeRGBA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TAdobeRGBA;overload;
-begin Result := XYZAToAdobeRGBA(Self,AReferenceWhite) end;
-function TXYZAHelper.ToStdHSLA: TStdHSLA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdHSLA(XYZAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TXYZAHelper.ToStdHSLA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TStdHSLA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdHSLA(XYZAToExpandedPixel(Self,AReferenceWhite)) end;
-function TXYZAHelper.ToStdHSVA: TStdHSVA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdHSVA(XYZAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TXYZAHelper.ToStdHSVA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TStdHSVA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdHSVA(XYZAToExpandedPixel(Self,AReferenceWhite)) end;
-function TXYZAHelper.ToStdCMYK: TStdCMYK;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdCMYK(XYZAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TXYZAHelper.ToStdCMYK(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TStdCMYK;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdCMYK(XYZAToExpandedPixel(Self,AReferenceWhite)) end;
-function TXYZAHelper.ToByteMask: TByteMask;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToByteMask(XYZAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TXYZAHelper.ToByteMask(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TByteMask;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToByteMask(XYZAToExpandedPixel(Self,AReferenceWhite)) end;
-function TXYZAHelper.ToExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel;overload;
-begin Result := XYZAToExpandedPixel(Self) end;
-function TXYZAHelper.ToExpandedPixel(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TExpandedPixel;overload;
-begin Result := XYZAToExpandedPixel(Self,AReferenceWhite) end;
-function TXYZAHelper.ToLinearRGBA: TLinearRGBA;overload;
-begin Result := XYZAToLinearRGBA(Self) end;
-function TXYZAHelper.ToLinearRGBA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TLinearRGBA;overload;
-begin Result := XYZAToLinearRGBA(Self,AReferenceWhite) end;
-function TXYZAHelper.ToHSLAPixel: THSLAPixel;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedToHSLA(XYZAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TXYZAHelper.ToHSLAPixel(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): THSLAPixel;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedToHSLA(XYZAToExpandedPixel(Self,AReferenceWhite)) end;
-function TXYZAHelper.ToGSBAPixel: TGSBAPixel;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedToGSBA(XYZAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TXYZAHelper.ToGSBAPixel(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TGSBAPixel;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedToGSBA(XYZAToExpandedPixel(Self,AReferenceWhite)) end;
-function TXYZAHelper.ToWordXYZA: TWordXYZA;
-begin Result := XYZAToWordXYZA(Self) end;
-function TXYZAHelper.ToLabA: TLabA;overload;
-begin Result := XYZAToLabA(Self) end;
-function TXYZAHelper.ToLabA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TLabA;overload;
-begin Result := XYZAToLabA(Self,AReferenceWhite) end;
-function TXYZAHelper.ToLChA: TLChA;overload;
-begin Result := XYZAToLChA(Self) end;
-function TXYZAHelper.ToLChA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TLChA;overload;
-begin Result := XYZAToLChA(Self,AReferenceWhite) end;
-procedure TXYZAHelper.FromColor(AValue: TColor); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(ColorToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TXYZAHelper.FromColor(AValue: TColor; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(ColorToExpandedPixel(AValue),AReferenceWhite) end;
-procedure TXYZAHelper.FromBGRAPixel(AValue: TBGRAPixel); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(GammaExpansion(AValue)) end;
-procedure TXYZAHelper.FromBGRAPixel(AValue: TBGRAPixel; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(GammaExpansion(AValue),AReferenceWhite) end;
-procedure TXYZAHelper.FromFPColor(AValue: TFPColor); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(FPColorToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-procedure TXYZAHelper.FromFPColor(AValue: TFPColor; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(FPColorToExpanded(AValue),AReferenceWhite) end;
-procedure TXYZAHelper.FromStdRGBA(AValue: TStdRGBA); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(StdRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TXYZAHelper.FromStdRGBA(AValue: TStdRGBA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(StdRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue),AReferenceWhite) end;
-procedure TXYZAHelper.FromAdobeRGBA(AValue: TAdobeRGBA); overload;
-begin Self := AdobeRGBAToXYZA(AValue) end;
-procedure TXYZAHelper.FromAdobeRGBA(AValue: TAdobeRGBA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := AdobeRGBAToXYZA(AValue,AReferenceWhite) end;
-procedure TXYZAHelper.FromStdHSLA(AValue: TStdHSLA); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(StdHSLAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TXYZAHelper.FromStdHSLA(AValue: TStdHSLA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(StdHSLAToExpandedPixel(AValue),AReferenceWhite) end;
-procedure TXYZAHelper.FromStdHSVA(AValue: TStdHSVA); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(StdHSVAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TXYZAHelper.FromStdHSVA(AValue: TStdHSVA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(StdHSVAToExpandedPixel(AValue),AReferenceWhite) end;
-procedure TXYZAHelper.FromStdCMYK(AValue: TStdCMYK); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(StdCMYKToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TXYZAHelper.FromStdCMYK(AValue: TStdCMYK; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(StdCMYKToExpandedPixel(AValue),AReferenceWhite) end;
-procedure TXYZAHelper.FromByteMask(AValue: TByteMask); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(ByteMaskToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TXYZAHelper.FromByteMask(AValue: TByteMask; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(ByteMaskToExpandedPixel(AValue),AReferenceWhite) end;
-procedure TXYZAHelper.FromExpandedPixel(AValue: TExpandedPixel); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(AValue) end;
-procedure TXYZAHelper.FromExpandedPixel(AValue: TExpandedPixel; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(AValue,AReferenceWhite) end;
-procedure TXYZAHelper.FromLinearRGBA(AValue: TLinearRGBA); overload;
-begin Self := LinearRGBAToXYZA(AValue) end;
-procedure TXYZAHelper.FromLinearRGBA(AValue: TLinearRGBA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := LinearRGBAToXYZA(AValue,AReferenceWhite) end;
-procedure TXYZAHelper.FromHSLAPixel(AValue: THSLAPixel); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(HSLAToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-procedure TXYZAHelper.FromHSLAPixel(AValue: THSLAPixel; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(HSLAToExpanded(AValue),AReferenceWhite) end;
-procedure TXYZAHelper.FromGSBAPixel(AValue: TGSBAPixel); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(GSBAToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-procedure TXYZAHelper.FromGSBAPixel(AValue: TGSBAPixel; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(GSBAToExpanded(AValue),AReferenceWhite) end;
-procedure TXYZAHelper.FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA);
-begin Self := WordXYZAToXYZA(AValue) end;
-procedure TXYZAHelper.FromLabA(AValue: TLabA); overload;
-begin Self := LabAToXYZA(AValue) end;
-procedure TXYZAHelper.FromLabA(AValue: TLabA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := LabAToXYZA(AValue,AReferenceWhite) end;
-procedure TXYZAHelper.FromLChA(AValue: TLChA); overload;
-begin Self := LChAToXYZA(AValue) end;
-procedure TXYZAHelper.FromLChA(AValue: TLChA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := LChAToXYZA(AValue,AReferenceWhite) end;
-{ TWordXYZAHelper }
-class function TWordXYZAHelper.Colorspace: TColorspaceAny; static;
-begin result := TWordXYZAColorspace end;
-procedure TWordXYZAHelper.ChromaticAdapt(const AFrom, ATo: TXYZReferenceWhite);
-begin ChromaticAdaptWordXYZ(self.X,self.Y,self.Z, AFrom,ATo) end;
-function TWordXYZAHelper.ToColor: TColor;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToColor(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TWordXYZAHelper.ToColor(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TColor;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToColor(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(Self,AReferenceWhite)) end;
-function TWordXYZAHelper.ToBGRAPixel: TBGRAPixel;overload;
-begin Result := GammaCompression(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TWordXYZAHelper.ToBGRAPixel(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TBGRAPixel;overload;
-begin Result := GammaCompression(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(Self,AReferenceWhite)) end;
-function TWordXYZAHelper.ToFPColor: TFPColor;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedToFPColor(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TWordXYZAHelper.ToFPColor(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TFPColor;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedToFPColor(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(Self,AReferenceWhite)) end;
-function TWordXYZAHelper.ToStdRGBA: TStdRGBA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdRGBA(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TWordXYZAHelper.ToStdRGBA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TStdRGBA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdRGBA(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(Self,AReferenceWhite)) end;
-function TWordXYZAHelper.ToAdobeRGBA: TAdobeRGBA;overload;
-begin Result := WordXYZAToAdobeRGBA(Self) end;
-function TWordXYZAHelper.ToAdobeRGBA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TAdobeRGBA;overload;
-begin Result := WordXYZAToAdobeRGBA(Self,AReferenceWhite) end;
-function TWordXYZAHelper.ToStdHSLA: TStdHSLA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdHSLA(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TWordXYZAHelper.ToStdHSLA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TStdHSLA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdHSLA(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(Self,AReferenceWhite)) end;
-function TWordXYZAHelper.ToStdHSVA: TStdHSVA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdHSVA(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TWordXYZAHelper.ToStdHSVA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TStdHSVA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdHSVA(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(Self,AReferenceWhite)) end;
-function TWordXYZAHelper.ToStdCMYK: TStdCMYK;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdCMYK(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TWordXYZAHelper.ToStdCMYK(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TStdCMYK;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdCMYK(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(Self,AReferenceWhite)) end;
-function TWordXYZAHelper.ToByteMask: TByteMask;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToByteMask(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TWordXYZAHelper.ToByteMask(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TByteMask;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToByteMask(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(Self,AReferenceWhite)) end;
-function TWordXYZAHelper.ToExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel;overload;
-begin Result := WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(Self) end;
-function TWordXYZAHelper.ToExpandedPixel(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TExpandedPixel;overload;
-begin Result := WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(Self,AReferenceWhite) end;
-function TWordXYZAHelper.ToLinearRGBA: TLinearRGBA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TWordXYZAHelper.ToLinearRGBA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TLinearRGBA;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(Self,AReferenceWhite)) end;
-function TWordXYZAHelper.ToHSLAPixel: THSLAPixel;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedToHSLA(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TWordXYZAHelper.ToHSLAPixel(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): THSLAPixel;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedToHSLA(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(Self,AReferenceWhite)) end;
-function TWordXYZAHelper.ToGSBAPixel: TGSBAPixel;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedToGSBA(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TWordXYZAHelper.ToGSBAPixel(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TGSBAPixel;overload;
-begin Result := ExpandedToGSBA(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(Self,AReferenceWhite)) end;
-function TWordXYZAHelper.ToXYZA: TXYZA;
-begin Result := WordXYZAToXYZA(Self) end;
-function TWordXYZAHelper.ToLabA: TLabA;overload;
-begin Result := WordXYZAToLabA(Self) end;
-function TWordXYZAHelper.ToLabA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TLabA;overload;
-begin Result := WordXYZAToLabA(Self,AReferenceWhite) end;
-function TWordXYZAHelper.ToLChA: TLChA;overload;
-begin Result := WordXYZAToLChA(Self) end;
-function TWordXYZAHelper.ToLChA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TLChA;overload;
-begin Result := WordXYZAToLChA(Self,AReferenceWhite) end;
-procedure TWordXYZAHelper.FromColor(AValue: TColor); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(ColorToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TWordXYZAHelper.FromColor(AValue: TColor; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(ColorToExpandedPixel(AValue),AReferenceWhite) end;
-procedure TWordXYZAHelper.FromBGRAPixel(AValue: TBGRAPixel); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(GammaExpansion(AValue)) end;
-procedure TWordXYZAHelper.FromBGRAPixel(AValue: TBGRAPixel; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(GammaExpansion(AValue),AReferenceWhite) end;
-procedure TWordXYZAHelper.FromFPColor(AValue: TFPColor); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(FPColorToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-procedure TWordXYZAHelper.FromFPColor(AValue: TFPColor; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(FPColorToExpanded(AValue),AReferenceWhite) end;
-procedure TWordXYZAHelper.FromStdRGBA(AValue: TStdRGBA); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(StdRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TWordXYZAHelper.FromStdRGBA(AValue: TStdRGBA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(StdRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue),AReferenceWhite) end;
-procedure TWordXYZAHelper.FromAdobeRGBA(AValue: TAdobeRGBA); overload;
-begin Self := AdobeRGBAToWordXYZA(AValue) end;
-procedure TWordXYZAHelper.FromAdobeRGBA(AValue: TAdobeRGBA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := AdobeRGBAToWordXYZA(AValue,AReferenceWhite) end;
-procedure TWordXYZAHelper.FromStdHSLA(AValue: TStdHSLA); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(StdHSLAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TWordXYZAHelper.FromStdHSLA(AValue: TStdHSLA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(StdHSLAToExpandedPixel(AValue),AReferenceWhite) end;
-procedure TWordXYZAHelper.FromStdHSVA(AValue: TStdHSVA); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(StdHSVAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TWordXYZAHelper.FromStdHSVA(AValue: TStdHSVA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(StdHSVAToExpandedPixel(AValue),AReferenceWhite) end;
-procedure TWordXYZAHelper.FromStdCMYK(AValue: TStdCMYK); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(StdCMYKToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TWordXYZAHelper.FromStdCMYK(AValue: TStdCMYK; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(StdCMYKToExpandedPixel(AValue),AReferenceWhite) end;
-procedure TWordXYZAHelper.FromByteMask(AValue: TByteMask); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(ByteMaskToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TWordXYZAHelper.FromByteMask(AValue: TByteMask; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(ByteMaskToExpandedPixel(AValue),AReferenceWhite) end;
-procedure TWordXYZAHelper.FromExpandedPixel(AValue: TExpandedPixel); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(AValue) end;
-procedure TWordXYZAHelper.FromExpandedPixel(AValue: TExpandedPixel; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(AValue,AReferenceWhite) end;
-procedure TWordXYZAHelper.FromLinearRGBA(AValue: TLinearRGBA); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(LinearRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TWordXYZAHelper.FromLinearRGBA(AValue: TLinearRGBA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(LinearRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue),AReferenceWhite) end;
-procedure TWordXYZAHelper.FromHSLAPixel(AValue: THSLAPixel); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(HSLAToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-procedure TWordXYZAHelper.FromHSLAPixel(AValue: THSLAPixel; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(HSLAToExpanded(AValue),AReferenceWhite) end;
-procedure TWordXYZAHelper.FromGSBAPixel(AValue: TGSBAPixel); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(GSBAToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-procedure TWordXYZAHelper.FromGSBAPixel(AValue: TGSBAPixel; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(GSBAToExpanded(AValue),AReferenceWhite) end;
-procedure TWordXYZAHelper.FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA);
-begin Self := XYZAToWordXYZA(AValue) end;
-procedure TWordXYZAHelper.FromLabA(AValue: TLabA); overload;
-begin Self := LabAToWordXYZA(AValue) end;
-procedure TWordXYZAHelper.FromLabA(AValue: TLabA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := LabAToWordXYZA(AValue,AReferenceWhite) end;
-procedure TWordXYZAHelper.FromLChA(AValue: TLChA); overload;
-begin Self := LChAToWordXYZA(AValue) end;
-procedure TWordXYZAHelper.FromLChA(AValue: TLChA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := LChAToWordXYZA(AValue,AReferenceWhite) end;
-{ TLabAHelper }
-class function TLabAHelper.Colorspace: TColorspaceAny; static;
-begin result := TLabAColorspace end;
-function TLabAHelper.ToColor: TColor;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToColor(LabAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TLabAHelper.ToBGRAPixel: TBGRAPixel;
-begin Result := GammaCompression(LabAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TLabAHelper.ToFPColor: TFPColor;
-begin Result := ExpandedToFPColor(LabAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TLabAHelper.ToStdRGBA: TStdRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdRGBA(LabAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TLabAHelper.ToAdobeRGBA: TAdobeRGBA;
-begin Result := LabAToAdobeRGBA(Self) end;
-function TLabAHelper.ToStdHSLA: TStdHSLA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdHSLA(LabAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TLabAHelper.ToStdHSVA: TStdHSVA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdHSVA(LabAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TLabAHelper.ToStdCMYK: TStdCMYK;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdCMYK(LabAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TLabAHelper.ToByteMask: TByteMask;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToByteMask(LabAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TLabAHelper.ToExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel;
-begin Result := LabAToExpandedPixel(Self) end;
-function TLabAHelper.ToLinearRGBA: TLinearRGBA;
-begin Result := LabAToLinearRGBA(Self) end;
-function TLabAHelper.ToHSLAPixel: THSLAPixel;
-begin Result := ExpandedToHSLA(LabAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TLabAHelper.ToGSBAPixel: TGSBAPixel;
-begin Result := ExpandedToGSBA(LabAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TLabAHelper.ToXYZA: TXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := LabAToXYZA(Self) end;
-function TLabAHelper.ToXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := LabAToXYZA(Self,AReferenceWhite) end;
-function TLabAHelper.ToWordXYZA: TWordXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := LabAToWordXYZA(Self) end;
-function TLabAHelper.ToWordXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TWordXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := LabAToWordXYZA(Self,AReferenceWhite) end;
-function TLabAHelper.ToLChA: TLChA;
-begin Result := LabAToLChA(Self) end;
-procedure TLabAHelper.FromColor(AValue: TColor);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToLabA(ColorToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TLabAHelper.FromBGRAPixel(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToLabA(GammaExpansion(AValue)) end;
-procedure TLabAHelper.FromFPColor(AValue: TFPColor);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToLabA(FPColorToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-procedure TLabAHelper.FromStdRGBA(AValue: TStdRGBA);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToLabA(StdRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TLabAHelper.FromAdobeRGBA(AValue: TAdobeRGBA);
-begin Self := AdobeRGBAToLabA(AValue) end;
-procedure TLabAHelper.FromStdHSLA(AValue: TStdHSLA);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToLabA(StdHSLAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TLabAHelper.FromStdHSVA(AValue: TStdHSVA);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToLabA(StdHSVAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TLabAHelper.FromStdCMYK(AValue: TStdCMYK);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToLabA(StdCMYKToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TLabAHelper.FromByteMask(AValue: TByteMask);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToLabA(ByteMaskToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TLabAHelper.FromExpandedPixel(AValue: TExpandedPixel);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToLabA(AValue) end;
-procedure TLabAHelper.FromLinearRGBA(AValue: TLinearRGBA);
-begin Self := LinearRGBAToLabA(AValue) end;
-procedure TLabAHelper.FromHSLAPixel(AValue: THSLAPixel);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToLabA(HSLAToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-procedure TLabAHelper.FromGSBAPixel(AValue: TGSBAPixel);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToLabA(GSBAToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-procedure TLabAHelper.FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA); overload;
-begin Self := XYZAToLabA(AValue) end;
-procedure TLabAHelper.FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := XYZAToLabA(AValue,AReferenceWhite) end;
-procedure TLabAHelper.FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA); overload;
-begin Self := WordXYZAToLabA(AValue) end;
-procedure TLabAHelper.FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := WordXYZAToLabA(AValue,AReferenceWhite) end;
-procedure TLabAHelper.FromLChA(AValue: TLChA);
-begin Self := LChAToLabA(AValue) end;
-{ TLChAHelper }
-class function TLChAHelper.Colorspace: TColorspaceAny; static;
-begin result := TLChAColorspace end;
-function TLChAHelper.ToColor: TColor;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToColor(LChAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TLChAHelper.ToBGRAPixel: TBGRAPixel;
-begin Result := GammaCompression(LChAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TLChAHelper.ToFPColor: TFPColor;
-begin Result := ExpandedToFPColor(LChAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TLChAHelper.ToStdRGBA: TStdRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdRGBA(LChAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TLChAHelper.ToAdobeRGBA: TAdobeRGBA;
-begin Result := LChAToAdobeRGBA(Self) end;
-function TLChAHelper.ToStdHSLA: TStdHSLA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdHSLA(LChAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TLChAHelper.ToStdHSVA: TStdHSVA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdHSVA(LChAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TLChAHelper.ToStdCMYK: TStdCMYK;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdCMYK(LChAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TLChAHelper.ToByteMask: TByteMask;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToByteMask(LChAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TLChAHelper.ToExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel;
-begin Result := LChAToExpandedPixel(Self) end;
-function TLChAHelper.ToLinearRGBA: TLinearRGBA;
-begin Result := LChAToLinearRGBA(Self) end;
-function TLChAHelper.ToHSLAPixel: THSLAPixel;
-begin Result := ExpandedToHSLA(LChAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TLChAHelper.ToGSBAPixel: TGSBAPixel;
-begin Result := ExpandedToGSBA(LChAToExpandedPixel(Self)) end;
-function TLChAHelper.ToXYZA: TXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := LChAToXYZA(Self) end;
-function TLChAHelper.ToXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := LChAToXYZA(Self,AReferenceWhite) end;
-function TLChAHelper.ToWordXYZA: TWordXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := LChAToWordXYZA(Self) end;
-function TLChAHelper.ToWordXYZA(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TWordXYZA;overload;
-begin Result := LChAToWordXYZA(Self,AReferenceWhite) end;
-function TLChAHelper.ToLabA: TLabA;
-begin Result := LChAToLabA(Self) end;
-procedure TLChAHelper.FromColor(AValue: TColor);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToLChA(ColorToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TLChAHelper.FromBGRAPixel(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToLChA(GammaExpansion(AValue)) end;
-procedure TLChAHelper.FromFPColor(AValue: TFPColor);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToLChA(FPColorToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-procedure TLChAHelper.FromStdRGBA(AValue: TStdRGBA);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToLChA(StdRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TLChAHelper.FromAdobeRGBA(AValue: TAdobeRGBA);
-begin Self := AdobeRGBAToLChA(AValue) end;
-procedure TLChAHelper.FromStdHSLA(AValue: TStdHSLA);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToLChA(StdHSLAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TLChAHelper.FromStdHSVA(AValue: TStdHSVA);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToLChA(StdHSVAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TLChAHelper.FromStdCMYK(AValue: TStdCMYK);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToLChA(StdCMYKToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TLChAHelper.FromByteMask(AValue: TByteMask);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToLChA(ByteMaskToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-procedure TLChAHelper.FromExpandedPixel(AValue: TExpandedPixel);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToLChA(AValue) end;
-procedure TLChAHelper.FromLinearRGBA(AValue: TLinearRGBA);
-begin Self := LinearRGBAToLChA(AValue) end;
-procedure TLChAHelper.FromHSLAPixel(AValue: THSLAPixel);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToLChA(HSLAToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-procedure TLChAHelper.FromGSBAPixel(AValue: TGSBAPixel);
-begin Self := ExpandedPixelToLChA(GSBAToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-procedure TLChAHelper.FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA); overload;
-begin Self := XYZAToLChA(AValue) end;
-procedure TLChAHelper.FromXYZA(AValue: TXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := XYZAToLChA(AValue,AReferenceWhite) end;
-procedure TLChAHelper.FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA); overload;
-begin Self := WordXYZAToLChA(AValue) end;
-procedure TLChAHelper.FromWordXYZA(AValue: TWordXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
-begin Self := WordXYZAToLChA(AValue,AReferenceWhite) end;
-procedure TLChAHelper.FromLabA(AValue: TLabA);
-begin Self := LabAToLChA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TColor): TStdRGBA;
-begin Result := ColorToStdRGBA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TColor): TAdobeRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToAdobeRGBA(ColorToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TColor): TStdHSLA;
-begin Result := ColorToStdHSLA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TColor): TStdHSVA;
-begin Result := ColorToStdHSVA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TColor): TStdCMYK;
-begin Result := ColorToStdCMYK(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TColor): TByteMask;
-begin Result := ColorToByteMask(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TColor): TLinearRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA(ColorToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TColor): TXYZA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(ColorToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TColor): TWordXYZA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(ColorToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TColor): TLabA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLabA(ColorToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TColor): TLChA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLChA(ColorToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TBGRAPixel): TStdRGBA;
-begin Result := BGRAPixelToStdRGBA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TBGRAPixel): TAdobeRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToAdobeRGBA(GammaExpansion(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TBGRAPixel): TStdHSLA;
-begin Result := BGRAPixelToStdHSLA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TBGRAPixel): TStdHSVA;
-begin Result := BGRAPixelToStdHSVA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TBGRAPixel): TStdCMYK;
-begin Result := BGRAPixelToStdCMYK(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TBGRAPixel): TByteMask;
-begin Result := BGRAToMask(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TBGRAPixel): TLinearRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA(GammaExpansion(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TBGRAPixel): TXYZA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(GammaExpansion(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TBGRAPixel): TWordXYZA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(GammaExpansion(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TBGRAPixel): TLabA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLabA(GammaExpansion(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TBGRAPixel): TLChA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLChA(GammaExpansion(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TFPColor): TStdRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdRGBA(FPColorToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TFPColor): TAdobeRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToAdobeRGBA(FPColorToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TFPColor): TStdHSLA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdHSLA(FPColorToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TFPColor): TStdHSVA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdHSVA(FPColorToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TFPColor): TStdCMYK;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdCMYK(FPColorToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TFPColor): TByteMask;
-begin Result := FPColorToByteMask(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TFPColor): TLinearRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA(FPColorToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TFPColor): TXYZA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(FPColorToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TFPColor): TWordXYZA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(FPColorToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TFPColor): TLabA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLabA(FPColorToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TFPColor): TLChA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLChA(FPColorToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TColor;
-begin Result := StdRGBAToColor(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TBGRAPixel;
-begin Result := StdRGBAToBGRAPixel(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TFPColor;
-begin Result := ExpandedToFPColor(StdRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TAdobeRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToAdobeRGBA(StdRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TStdHSLA;
-begin Result := StdRGBAToStdHSLA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TStdHSVA;
-begin Result := StdRGBAToStdHSVA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TStdCMYK;
-begin Result := StdRGBAToStdCMYK(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TByteMask;
-begin Result := StdRGBAToByteMask(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TExpandedPixel;
-begin Result := StdRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TLinearRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA(StdRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): THSLAPixel;
-begin Result := ExpandedToHSLA(StdRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TGSBAPixel;
-begin Result := ExpandedToGSBA(StdRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TXYZA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(StdRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TWordXYZA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(StdRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TLabA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLabA(StdRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TLChA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLChA(StdRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TColor;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToColor(AdobeRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TBGRAPixel;
-begin Result := GammaCompression(AdobeRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TFPColor;
-begin Result := ExpandedToFPColor(AdobeRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TStdRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdRGBA(AdobeRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TStdHSLA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdHSLA(AdobeRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TStdHSVA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdHSVA(AdobeRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TStdCMYK;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdCMYK(AdobeRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TByteMask;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToByteMask(AdobeRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TExpandedPixel;
-begin Result := AdobeRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TLinearRGBA;
-begin Result := AdobeRGBAToLinearRGBA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): THSLAPixel;
-begin Result := ExpandedToHSLA(AdobeRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TGSBAPixel;
-begin Result := ExpandedToGSBA(AdobeRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TXYZA;
-begin Result := AdobeRGBAToXYZA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TWordXYZA;
-begin Result := AdobeRGBAToWordXYZA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TLabA;
-begin Result := AdobeRGBAToLabA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TLChA;
-begin Result := AdobeRGBAToLChA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TColor;
-begin Result := StdHSLAToColor(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TBGRAPixel;
-begin Result := StdHSLAToBGRAPixel(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TFPColor;
-begin Result := ExpandedToFPColor(StdHSLAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TStdRGBA;
-begin Result := StdHSLAToStdRGBA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TAdobeRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToAdobeRGBA(StdHSLAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TStdHSVA;
-begin Result := StdHSLAToStdHSVA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TStdCMYK;
-begin Result := StdHSLAToStdCMYK(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TByteMask;
-begin Result := StdHSLAToByteMask(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TExpandedPixel;
-begin Result := StdHSLAToExpandedPixel(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TLinearRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA(StdHSLAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): THSLAPixel;
-begin Result := ExpandedToHSLA(StdHSLAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TGSBAPixel;
-begin Result := ExpandedToGSBA(StdHSLAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TXYZA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(StdHSLAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TWordXYZA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(StdHSLAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TLabA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLabA(StdHSLAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TLChA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLChA(StdHSLAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TColor;
-begin Result := StdHSVAToColor(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TBGRAPixel;
-begin Result := StdHSVAToBGRAPixel(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TFPColor;
-begin Result := ExpandedToFPColor(StdHSVAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TStdRGBA;
-begin Result := StdHSVAToStdRGBA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TAdobeRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToAdobeRGBA(StdHSVAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TStdHSLA;
-begin Result := StdHSVAToStdHSLA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TStdCMYK;
-begin Result := StdHSVAToStdCMYK(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TByteMask;
-begin Result := StdHSVAToByteMask(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TExpandedPixel;
-begin Result := StdHSVAToExpandedPixel(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TLinearRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA(StdHSVAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): THSLAPixel;
-begin Result := ExpandedToHSLA(StdHSVAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TGSBAPixel;
-begin Result := ExpandedToGSBA(StdHSVAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TXYZA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(StdHSVAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TWordXYZA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(StdHSVAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TLabA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLabA(StdHSVAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TLChA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLChA(StdHSVAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TColor;
-begin Result := StdCMYKToColor(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TBGRAPixel;
-begin Result := StdCMYKToBGRAPixel(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TFPColor;
-begin Result := ExpandedToFPColor(StdCMYKToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TStdRGBA;
-begin Result := StdCMYKToStdRGBA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TAdobeRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToAdobeRGBA(StdCMYKToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TStdHSLA;
-begin Result := StdCMYKToStdHSLA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TStdHSVA;
-begin Result := StdCMYKToStdHSVA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TByteMask;
-begin Result := StdCMYKToByteMask(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TExpandedPixel;
-begin Result := StdCMYKToExpandedPixel(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TLinearRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA(StdCMYKToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): THSLAPixel;
-begin Result := ExpandedToHSLA(StdCMYKToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TGSBAPixel;
-begin Result := ExpandedToGSBA(StdCMYKToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TXYZA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(StdCMYKToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TWordXYZA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(StdCMYKToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TLabA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLabA(StdCMYKToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TLChA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLChA(StdCMYKToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TColor;
-begin Result := ByteMaskToColor(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TBGRAPixel;
-begin Result := MaskToBGRA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TFPColor;
-begin Result := ByteMaskToFPColor(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TStdRGBA;
-begin Result := ByteMaskToStdRGBA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TAdobeRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToAdobeRGBA(ByteMaskToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TStdHSLA;
-begin Result := ByteMaskToStdHSLA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TStdHSVA;
-begin Result := ByteMaskToStdHSVA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TStdCMYK;
-begin Result := ByteMaskToStdCMYK(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TExpandedPixel;
-begin Result := ByteMaskToExpandedPixel(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TLinearRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA(ByteMaskToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): THSLAPixel;
-begin Result := ExpandedToHSLA(ByteMaskToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TGSBAPixel;
-begin Result := ExpandedToGSBA(ByteMaskToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TXYZA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(ByteMaskToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TWordXYZA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(ByteMaskToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TLabA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLabA(ByteMaskToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TLChA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLChA(ByteMaskToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TStdRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdRGBA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TAdobeRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToAdobeRGBA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TStdHSLA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdHSLA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TStdHSVA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdHSVA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TStdCMYK;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdCMYK(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TByteMask;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToByteMask(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TLinearRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TXYZA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TWordXYZA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TLabA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLabA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TLChA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLChA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TColor;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToColor(LinearRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TBGRAPixel;
-begin Result := GammaCompression(LinearRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TFPColor;
-begin Result := ExpandedToFPColor(LinearRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TStdRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdRGBA(LinearRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TAdobeRGBA;
-begin Result := LinearRGBAToAdobeRGBA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TStdHSLA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdHSLA(LinearRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TStdHSVA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdHSVA(LinearRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TStdCMYK;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdCMYK(LinearRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TByteMask;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToByteMask(LinearRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TExpandedPixel;
-begin Result := LinearRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): THSLAPixel;
-begin Result := ExpandedToHSLA(LinearRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TGSBAPixel;
-begin Result := ExpandedToGSBA(LinearRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TXYZA;
-begin Result := LinearRGBAToXYZA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TWordXYZA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(LinearRGBAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TLabA;
-begin Result := LinearRGBAToLabA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TLChA;
-begin Result := LinearRGBAToLChA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TStdRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdRGBA(HSLAToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TAdobeRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToAdobeRGBA(HSLAToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TStdHSLA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdHSLA(HSLAToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TStdHSVA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdHSVA(HSLAToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TStdCMYK;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdCMYK(HSLAToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TByteMask;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToByteMask(HSLAToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TLinearRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA(HSLAToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TXYZA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(HSLAToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TWordXYZA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(HSLAToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TLabA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLabA(HSLAToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TLChA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLChA(HSLAToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TStdRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdRGBA(GSBAToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TAdobeRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToAdobeRGBA(GSBAToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TStdHSLA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdHSLA(GSBAToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TStdHSVA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdHSVA(GSBAToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TStdCMYK;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdCMYK(GSBAToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TByteMask;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToByteMask(GSBAToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TLinearRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA(GSBAToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TXYZA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToXYZA(GSBAToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TWordXYZA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(GSBAToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TLabA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLabA(GSBAToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TLChA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLChA(GSBAToExpanded(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TColor;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToColor(XYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TBGRAPixel;
-begin Result := GammaCompression(XYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TFPColor;
-begin Result := ExpandedToFPColor(XYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TStdRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdRGBA(XYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TAdobeRGBA;
-begin Result := XYZAToAdobeRGBA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TStdHSLA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdHSLA(XYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TStdHSVA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdHSVA(XYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TStdCMYK;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdCMYK(XYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TByteMask;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToByteMask(XYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TExpandedPixel;
-begin Result := XYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TLinearRGBA;
-begin Result := XYZAToLinearRGBA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): THSLAPixel;
-begin Result := ExpandedToHSLA(XYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TGSBAPixel;
-begin Result := ExpandedToGSBA(XYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TWordXYZA;
-begin Result := XYZAToWordXYZA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TLabA;
-begin Result := XYZAToLabA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TLChA;
-begin Result := XYZAToLChA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TColor;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToColor(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TBGRAPixel;
-begin Result := GammaCompression(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TFPColor;
-begin Result := ExpandedToFPColor(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TStdRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdRGBA(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TAdobeRGBA;
-begin Result := WordXYZAToAdobeRGBA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TStdHSLA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdHSLA(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TStdHSVA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdHSVA(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TStdCMYK;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdCMYK(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TByteMask;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToByteMask(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TExpandedPixel;
-begin Result := WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TLinearRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): THSLAPixel;
-begin Result := ExpandedToHSLA(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TGSBAPixel;
-begin Result := ExpandedToGSBA(WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TXYZA;
-begin Result := WordXYZAToXYZA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TLabA;
-begin Result := WordXYZAToLabA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TLChA;
-begin Result := WordXYZAToLChA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TColor;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToColor(LabAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TBGRAPixel;
-begin Result := GammaCompression(LabAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TFPColor;
-begin Result := ExpandedToFPColor(LabAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TStdRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdRGBA(LabAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TAdobeRGBA;
-begin Result := LabAToAdobeRGBA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TStdHSLA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdHSLA(LabAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TStdHSVA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdHSVA(LabAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TStdCMYK;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdCMYK(LabAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TByteMask;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToByteMask(LabAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TExpandedPixel;
-begin Result := LabAToExpandedPixel(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TLinearRGBA;
-begin Result := LabAToLinearRGBA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TLabA): THSLAPixel;
-begin Result := ExpandedToHSLA(LabAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TGSBAPixel;
-begin Result := ExpandedToGSBA(LabAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TXYZA;
-begin Result := LabAToXYZA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TWordXYZA;
-begin Result := LabAToWordXYZA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TLChA;
-begin Result := LabAToLChA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TColor;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToColor(LChAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TBGRAPixel;
-begin Result := GammaCompression(LChAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TFPColor;
-begin Result := ExpandedToFPColor(LChAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TStdRGBA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdRGBA(LChAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TAdobeRGBA;
-begin Result := LChAToAdobeRGBA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TStdHSLA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdHSLA(LChAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TStdHSVA;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdHSVA(LChAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TStdCMYK;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToStdCMYK(LChAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TByteMask;
-begin Result := ExpandedPixelToByteMask(LChAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TExpandedPixel;
-begin Result := LChAToExpandedPixel(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TLinearRGBA;
-begin Result := LChAToLinearRGBA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TLChA): THSLAPixel;
-begin Result := ExpandedToHSLA(LChAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TGSBAPixel;
-begin Result := ExpandedToGSBA(LChAToExpandedPixel(AValue)) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TXYZA;
-begin Result := LChAToXYZA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TWordXYZA;
-begin Result := LChAToWordXYZA(AValue) end;
-operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TLabA;
-begin Result := LChAToLabA(AValue) end;
- ColorspaceCollection.Add(TColorColorspace);
- ColorspaceCollection.Add(TBGRAPixelColorspace);
- ColorspaceCollection.Add(TFPColorColorspace);
- ColorspaceCollection.Add(TStdRGBAColorspace);
- ColorspaceCollection.Add(TAdobeRGBAColorspace);
- ColorspaceCollection.Add(TStdHSLAColorspace);
- ColorspaceCollection.Add(TStdHSVAColorspace);
- ColorspaceCollection.Add(TStdCMYKColorspace);
- ColorspaceCollection.Add(TByteMaskColorspace);
- ColorspaceCollection.Add(TExpandedPixelColorspace);
- ColorspaceCollection.Add(TLinearRGBAColorspace);
- ColorspaceCollection.Add(THSLAPixelColorspace);
- ColorspaceCollection.Add(TGSBAPixelColorspace);
- ColorspaceCollection.Add(TXYZAColorspace);
- ColorspaceCollection.Add(TWordXYZAColorspace);
- ColorspaceCollection.Add(TLabAColorspace);
- ColorspaceCollection.Add(TLChAColorspace);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TColorColorspace, TBGRAPixelColorspace, @ConvertColorArrayToBGRAPixelArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TColorColorspace, TFPColorColorspace, @ConvertColorArrayToFPColorArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TColorColorspace, TStdRGBAColorspace, @ConvertColorArrayToStdRGBAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TColorColorspace, TStdHSLAColorspace, @ConvertColorArrayToStdHSLAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TColorColorspace, TStdHSVAColorspace, @ConvertColorArrayToStdHSVAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TColorColorspace, TStdCMYKColorspace, @ConvertColorArrayToStdCMYKArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TColorColorspace, TByteMaskColorspace, @ConvertColorArrayToByteMaskArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TColorColorspace, TExpandedPixelColorspace, @ConvertColorArrayToExpandedPixelArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TBGRAPixelColorspace, TColorColorspace, @ConvertBGRAPixelArrayToColorArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TBGRAPixelColorspace, TFPColorColorspace, @ConvertBGRAPixelArrayToFPColorArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TBGRAPixelColorspace, TStdRGBAColorspace, @ConvertBGRAPixelArrayToStdRGBAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TBGRAPixelColorspace, TStdHSLAColorspace, @ConvertBGRAPixelArrayToStdHSLAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TBGRAPixelColorspace, TStdHSVAColorspace, @ConvertBGRAPixelArrayToStdHSVAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TBGRAPixelColorspace, TStdCMYKColorspace, @ConvertBGRAPixelArrayToStdCMYKArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TBGRAPixelColorspace, TByteMaskColorspace, @ConvertBGRAPixelArrayToByteMaskArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TBGRAPixelColorspace, TExpandedPixelColorspace, @ConvertBGRAPixelArrayToExpandedPixelArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TFPColorColorspace, TColorColorspace, @ConvertFPColorArrayToColorArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TFPColorColorspace, TBGRAPixelColorspace, @ConvertFPColorArrayToBGRAPixelArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TFPColorColorspace, TByteMaskColorspace, @ConvertFPColorArrayToByteMaskArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TFPColorColorspace, TExpandedPixelColorspace, @ConvertFPColorArrayToExpandedPixelArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TStdRGBAColorspace, TColorColorspace, @ConvertStdRGBAArrayToColorArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TStdRGBAColorspace, TBGRAPixelColorspace, @ConvertStdRGBAArrayToBGRAPixelArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TStdRGBAColorspace, TStdHSLAColorspace, @ConvertStdRGBAArrayToStdHSLAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TStdRGBAColorspace, TStdHSVAColorspace, @ConvertStdRGBAArrayToStdHSVAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TStdRGBAColorspace, TStdCMYKColorspace, @ConvertStdRGBAArrayToStdCMYKArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TStdRGBAColorspace, TByteMaskColorspace, @ConvertStdRGBAArrayToByteMaskArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TStdRGBAColorspace, TExpandedPixelColorspace, @ConvertStdRGBAArrayToExpandedPixelArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TAdobeRGBAColorspace, TExpandedPixelColorspace, @ConvertAdobeRGBAArrayToExpandedPixelArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TAdobeRGBAColorspace, TLinearRGBAColorspace, @ConvertAdobeRGBAArrayToLinearRGBAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TAdobeRGBAColorspace, TXYZAColorspace, @ConvertAdobeRGBAArrayToXYZAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TAdobeRGBAColorspace, TWordXYZAColorspace, @ConvertAdobeRGBAArrayToWordXYZAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TAdobeRGBAColorspace, TLabAColorspace, @ConvertAdobeRGBAArrayToLabAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TAdobeRGBAColorspace, TLChAColorspace, @ConvertAdobeRGBAArrayToLChAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TStdHSLAColorspace, TColorColorspace, @ConvertStdHSLAArrayToColorArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TStdHSLAColorspace, TBGRAPixelColorspace, @ConvertStdHSLAArrayToBGRAPixelArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TStdHSLAColorspace, TStdRGBAColorspace, @ConvertStdHSLAArrayToStdRGBAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TStdHSLAColorspace, TStdHSVAColorspace, @ConvertStdHSLAArrayToStdHSVAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TStdHSLAColorspace, TStdCMYKColorspace, @ConvertStdHSLAArrayToStdCMYKArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TStdHSLAColorspace, TByteMaskColorspace, @ConvertStdHSLAArrayToByteMaskArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TStdHSLAColorspace, TExpandedPixelColorspace, @ConvertStdHSLAArrayToExpandedPixelArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TStdHSVAColorspace, TColorColorspace, @ConvertStdHSVAArrayToColorArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TStdHSVAColorspace, TBGRAPixelColorspace, @ConvertStdHSVAArrayToBGRAPixelArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TStdHSVAColorspace, TStdRGBAColorspace, @ConvertStdHSVAArrayToStdRGBAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TStdHSVAColorspace, TStdHSLAColorspace, @ConvertStdHSVAArrayToStdHSLAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TStdHSVAColorspace, TStdCMYKColorspace, @ConvertStdHSVAArrayToStdCMYKArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TStdHSVAColorspace, TByteMaskColorspace, @ConvertStdHSVAArrayToByteMaskArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TStdHSVAColorspace, TExpandedPixelColorspace, @ConvertStdHSVAArrayToExpandedPixelArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TStdCMYKColorspace, TColorColorspace, @ConvertStdCMYKArrayToColorArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TStdCMYKColorspace, TBGRAPixelColorspace, @ConvertStdCMYKArrayToBGRAPixelArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TStdCMYKColorspace, TStdRGBAColorspace, @ConvertStdCMYKArrayToStdRGBAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TStdCMYKColorspace, TStdHSLAColorspace, @ConvertStdCMYKArrayToStdHSLAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TStdCMYKColorspace, TStdHSVAColorspace, @ConvertStdCMYKArrayToStdHSVAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TStdCMYKColorspace, TByteMaskColorspace, @ConvertStdCMYKArrayToByteMaskArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TStdCMYKColorspace, TExpandedPixelColorspace, @ConvertStdCMYKArrayToExpandedPixelArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TByteMaskColorspace, TColorColorspace, @ConvertByteMaskArrayToColorArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TByteMaskColorspace, TBGRAPixelColorspace, @ConvertByteMaskArrayToBGRAPixelArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TByteMaskColorspace, TFPColorColorspace, @ConvertByteMaskArrayToFPColorArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TByteMaskColorspace, TStdRGBAColorspace, @ConvertByteMaskArrayToStdRGBAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TByteMaskColorspace, TStdHSLAColorspace, @ConvertByteMaskArrayToStdHSLAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TByteMaskColorspace, TStdHSVAColorspace, @ConvertByteMaskArrayToStdHSVAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TByteMaskColorspace, TStdCMYKColorspace, @ConvertByteMaskArrayToStdCMYKArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TByteMaskColorspace, TExpandedPixelColorspace, @ConvertByteMaskArrayToExpandedPixelArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TExpandedPixelColorspace, TColorColorspace, @ConvertExpandedPixelArrayToColorArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TExpandedPixelColorspace, TBGRAPixelColorspace, @ConvertExpandedPixelArrayToBGRAPixelArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TExpandedPixelColorspace, TFPColorColorspace, @ConvertExpandedPixelArrayToFPColorArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TExpandedPixelColorspace, TStdRGBAColorspace, @ConvertExpandedPixelArrayToStdRGBAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TExpandedPixelColorspace, TAdobeRGBAColorspace, @ConvertExpandedPixelArrayToAdobeRGBAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TExpandedPixelColorspace, TStdHSLAColorspace, @ConvertExpandedPixelArrayToStdHSLAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TExpandedPixelColorspace, TStdHSVAColorspace, @ConvertExpandedPixelArrayToStdHSVAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TExpandedPixelColorspace, TStdCMYKColorspace, @ConvertExpandedPixelArrayToStdCMYKArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TExpandedPixelColorspace, TByteMaskColorspace, @ConvertExpandedPixelArrayToByteMaskArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TExpandedPixelColorspace, TLinearRGBAColorspace, @ConvertExpandedPixelArrayToLinearRGBAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TExpandedPixelColorspace, THSLAPixelColorspace, @ConvertExpandedPixelArrayToHSLAPixelArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TExpandedPixelColorspace, TGSBAPixelColorspace, @ConvertExpandedPixelArrayToGSBAPixelArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TExpandedPixelColorspace, TXYZAColorspace, @ConvertExpandedPixelArrayToXYZAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TExpandedPixelColorspace, TWordXYZAColorspace, @ConvertExpandedPixelArrayToWordXYZAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TExpandedPixelColorspace, TLabAColorspace, @ConvertExpandedPixelArrayToLabAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TExpandedPixelColorspace, TLChAColorspace, @ConvertExpandedPixelArrayToLChAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TLinearRGBAColorspace, TAdobeRGBAColorspace, @ConvertLinearRGBAArrayToAdobeRGBAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TLinearRGBAColorspace, TExpandedPixelColorspace, @ConvertLinearRGBAArrayToExpandedPixelArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TLinearRGBAColorspace, TXYZAColorspace, @ConvertLinearRGBAArrayToXYZAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TLinearRGBAColorspace, TLabAColorspace, @ConvertLinearRGBAArrayToLabAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TLinearRGBAColorspace, TLChAColorspace, @ConvertLinearRGBAArrayToLChAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(THSLAPixelColorspace, TExpandedPixelColorspace, @ConvertHSLAPixelArrayToExpandedPixelArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(THSLAPixelColorspace, TGSBAPixelColorspace, @ConvertHSLAPixelArrayToGSBAPixelArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TGSBAPixelColorspace, TExpandedPixelColorspace, @ConvertGSBAPixelArrayToExpandedPixelArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TGSBAPixelColorspace, THSLAPixelColorspace, @ConvertGSBAPixelArrayToHSLAPixelArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TXYZAColorspace, TAdobeRGBAColorspace, @ConvertXYZAArrayToAdobeRGBAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TXYZAColorspace, TExpandedPixelColorspace, @ConvertXYZAArrayToExpandedPixelArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TXYZAColorspace, TLinearRGBAColorspace, @ConvertXYZAArrayToLinearRGBAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TXYZAColorspace, TWordXYZAColorspace, @ConvertXYZAArrayToWordXYZAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TXYZAColorspace, TLabAColorspace, @ConvertXYZAArrayToLabAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TXYZAColorspace, TLChAColorspace, @ConvertXYZAArrayToLChAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TWordXYZAColorspace, TAdobeRGBAColorspace, @ConvertWordXYZAArrayToAdobeRGBAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TWordXYZAColorspace, TExpandedPixelColorspace, @ConvertWordXYZAArrayToExpandedPixelArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TWordXYZAColorspace, TXYZAColorspace, @ConvertWordXYZAArrayToXYZAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TWordXYZAColorspace, TLabAColorspace, @ConvertWordXYZAArrayToLabAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TWordXYZAColorspace, TLChAColorspace, @ConvertWordXYZAArrayToLChAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TLabAColorspace, TAdobeRGBAColorspace, @ConvertLabAArrayToAdobeRGBAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TLabAColorspace, TExpandedPixelColorspace, @ConvertLabAArrayToExpandedPixelArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TLabAColorspace, TLinearRGBAColorspace, @ConvertLabAArrayToLinearRGBAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TLabAColorspace, TXYZAColorspace, @ConvertLabAArrayToXYZAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TLabAColorspace, TWordXYZAColorspace, @ConvertLabAArrayToWordXYZAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TLabAColorspace, TLChAColorspace, @ConvertLabAArrayToLChAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TLChAColorspace, TAdobeRGBAColorspace, @ConvertLChAArrayToAdobeRGBAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TLChAColorspace, TExpandedPixelColorspace, @ConvertLChAArrayToExpandedPixelArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TLChAColorspace, TLinearRGBAColorspace, @ConvertLChAArrayToLinearRGBAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TLChAColorspace, TXYZAColorspace, @ConvertLChAArrayToXYZAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TLChAColorspace, TWordXYZAColorspace, @ConvertLChAArrayToWordXYZAArray);
- ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(TLChAColorspace, TLabAColorspace, @ConvertLChAArrayToLabAArray);
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/generatedunicode.inc b/components/bgrabitmap/generatedunicode.inc
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a9845e..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/generatedunicode.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1209 +0,0 @@
-{ This file is generated by dev/parseunicode/parseunicodeclasses program }
-function GetUnicodeBidiClassEx(u: LongWord): TUnicodeBidiClass;
- case u of
- $00000..$07FFF:
- case u of
- $00000..$003FF:
- case u of
- $00..$08, $0E..$1B, $7F..$84, $86..$9F, $AD: result := ubcBoundaryNeutral;
- $09, $0B, $1F: result := ubcSegmentSeparator;
- $0A, $0D, $1C..$1E, $85: result := ubcParagraphSeparator;
- $0C, $20: result := ubcWhiteSpace;
- $41..$5A, $61..$7A, $AA, $B5, $BA, $C0..$D6, $D8..$F6, $F8..$2B8, $2BB..$2C1, $2D0, $2D1,
- $2E0..$2E4, $2EE, $370..$373, $376, $377, $37A..$37D, $37F, $386, $388..$38A, $38C, $38E..$3A1,
- $3A3..$3F5, $3F7: result := ubcLeftToRight;
- $3F8..$3FF: result := ubcLeftToRight;
- $30..$39, $B2, $B3, $B9: result := ubcEuropeanNumber;
- $2B, $2D: result := ubcEuropeanNumberSeparator;
- $23..$25, $A2..$A5, $B0, $B1: result := ubcEuropeanNumberTerminator;
- $2C, $2E, $2F, $3A, $A0: result := ubcCommonSeparator;
- $300..$36F: result := ubcNonSpacingMark;
- $21, $22, $26, $27, $2A, $3B, $3D, $3F, $40, $5C, $5E..$60, $7C, $7E, $A1, $A6..$A9, $AC,
- $AE, $AF, $B4, $B6..$B8, $BC..$BF, $D7, $F7, $2B9, $2BA, $2C2..$2CF, $2D2: result := ubcOtherNeutrals;
- $2D3..$2DF, $2E5..$2ED, $2EF..$2FF, $374, $375, $37E, $384, $385, $387, $3F6: result := ubcOtherNeutrals;
- $28, $29, $3C, $3E, $5B, $5D, $7B, $7D, $AB, $BB: result := ubcMirroredNeutral;
- else result := ubcUnknown;
- end;
- $00400..$007FF:
- case u of
- $400..$482, $48A..$52F, $531..$556, $559..$589: result := ubcLeftToRight;
- $5BE, $5C0, $5C3, $5C6, $5D0..$5EA, $5EF..$5F4, $7C0..$7EA, $7F4, $7F5, $7FA, $7FE, $7FF: result := ubcRightToLeft;
- $608, $60B, $60D, $61B, $61C, $61E..$64A, $66D..$66F, $671..$6D5, $6E5, $6E6, $6EE, $6EF,
- $6FA..$70D, $70F, $710, $712..$72F, $74D..$7A5, $7B1: result := ubcArabicLetter;
- $6F0..$6F9: result := ubcEuropeanNumber;
- $58F, $609, $60A, $66A: result := ubcEuropeanNumberTerminator;
- $600..$605, $660..$669, $66B, $66C, $6DD: result := ubcArabicNumber;
- $60C: result := ubcCommonSeparator;
- $483..$489, $591..$5BD, $5BF, $5C1, $5C2, $5C4, $5C5, $5C7, $610..$61A, $64B..$65F, $670,
- $6D6..$6DC, $6DF..$6E4, $6E7, $6E8, $6EA..$6ED, $711, $730..$74A, $7A6..$7B0, $7EB..$7F3,
- $7FD: result := ubcNonSpacingMark;
- $58A, $58D, $58E, $606, $607, $60E, $60F, $6DE, $6E9, $7F6..$7F9: result := ubcOtherNeutrals;
- else result := ubcUnknown;
- end;
- $00800..$00BFF:
- case u of
- $904..$939, $93D, $950, $958..$961, $964..$980, $985..$98C, $98F, $990, $993..$9A8, $9AA..$9B0,
- $9B2, $9B6..$9B9, $9BD, $9CE, $9DC, $9DD, $9DF..$9E1, $9E6..$9F1, $9F4..$9FA, $9FC, $9FD,
- $A05..$A0A, $A0F, $A10, $A13..$A28, $A2A: result := ubcLeftToRight;
- $A2B..$A30, $A32, $A33, $A35, $A36, $A38, $A39, $A59..$A5C, $A5E, $A66..$A6F, $A72..$A74,
- $A76, $A85..$A8D, $A8F..$A91, $A93..$AA8, $AAA..$AB0, $AB2, $AB3, $AB5..$AB9, $ABD, $AD0,
- $AE0, $AE1, $AE6..$AF0, $AF9, $B05..$B0C, $B0F: result := ubcLeftToRight;
- $903, $93B, $93E..$940, $949..$94C, $94E, $94F, $982, $983, $9BE..$9C0, $9C7, $9C8, $9CB,
- $9CC, $9D7, $A03, $A3E..$A40, $A83, $ABE..$AC0, $AC9, $ACB, $ACC, $B02, $B03, $B3E, $B40,
- $B47, $B48, $B4B, $B4C, $B57: result := ubcCombiningLeftToRight;
- $B10, $B13..$B28, $B2A..$B30, $B32, $B33, $B35..$B39, $B3D, $B5C, $B5D, $B5F..$B61, $B66..$B77,
- $B83, $B85..$B8A, $B8E..$B90, $B92..$B95, $B99, $B9A, $B9C, $B9E, $B9F, $BA3, $BA4, $BA8..$BAA,
- $BAE..$BB9, $BD0, $BE6..$BF2: result := ubcLeftToRight;
- $800..$815, $81A, $824, $828, $830..$83E, $840..$858, $85E: result := ubcRightToLeft;
- $860..$86A, $8A0..$8B4, $8B6..$8C7: result := ubcArabicLetter;
- $BBE, $BBF, $BC1, $BC2, $BC6..$BC8, $BCA..$BCC, $BD7: result := ubcCombiningLeftToRight;
- $9F2, $9F3, $9FB, $AF1, $BF9: result := ubcEuropeanNumberTerminator;
- $8E2: result := ubcArabicNumber;
- $816..$819, $81B..$823, $825..$827, $829..$82D, $859..$85B, $8D3..$8E1, $8E3..$902, $93A,
- $93C, $941..$948, $94D, $951..$957, $962, $963, $981, $9BC, $9C1..$9C4, $9CD, $9E2, $9E3,
- $9FE, $A01, $A02, $A3C, $A41: result := ubcNonSpacingMark;
- $A42, $A47, $A48, $A4B..$A4D, $A51, $A70, $A71, $A75, $A81, $A82, $ABC, $AC1..$AC5, $AC7,
- $AC8, $ACD, $AE2, $AE3, $AFA..$AFF, $B01, $B3C, $B3F, $B41..$B44, $B4D, $B55, $B56, $B62,
- $B63, $B82, $BC0: result := ubcNonSpacingMark;
- $BCD: result := ubcNonSpacingMark;
- $BF3..$BF8, $BFA: result := ubcOtherNeutrals;
- else result := ubcUnknown;
- end;
- $00C00..$00FFF:
- case u of
- $C05..$C0C, $C0E..$C10, $C12..$C28, $C2A..$C39, $C3D, $C58..$C5A, $C60, $C61, $C66..$C6F,
- $C77, $C7F, $C80, $C84..$C8C, $C8E..$C90, $C92..$CA8, $CAA..$CB3, $CB5..$CB9, $CBD, $CBF,
- $CC6, $CDE, $CE0, $CE1, $CE6..$CEF, $CF1: result := ubcLeftToRight;
- $CF2, $D04..$D0C, $D0E..$D10, $D12..$D3A, $D3D, $D4E, $D4F, $D54..$D56, $D58..$D61, $D66..$D7F,
- $D85..$D96, $D9A..$DB1, $DB3..$DBB, $DBD, $DC0..$DC6, $DE6..$DEF, $DF4, $E01..$E30, $E32,
- $E33, $E40..$E46, $E4F..$E5B, $E81, $E82, $E84: result := ubcLeftToRight;
- $E86..$E8A, $E8C..$EA3, $EA5, $EA7..$EB0, $EB2, $EB3, $EBD, $EC0..$EC4, $EC6, $ED0..$ED9,
- $EDC..$EDF, $F00..$F17, $F1A..$F34, $F36, $F38, $F40..$F47, $F49..$F6C, $F85, $F88..$F8C,
- $FBE..$FC5, $FC7..$FCC, $FCE..$FDA: result := ubcLeftToRight;
- $C01..$C03, $C41..$C44, $C82, $C83, $CBE, $CC0..$CC4, $CC7, $CC8, $CCA, $CCB, $CD5, $CD6,
- $D02, $D03, $D3E..$D40, $D46..$D48, $D4A..$D4C, $D57, $D82, $D83, $DCF..$DD1, $DD8..$DDF,
- $DF2, $DF3, $F3E, $F3F, $F7F: result := ubcCombiningLeftToRight;
- $E3F: result := ubcEuropeanNumberTerminator;
- $C00, $C04, $C3E..$C40, $C46..$C48, $C4A..$C4D, $C55, $C56, $C62, $C63, $C81, $CBC, $CCC,
- $CCD, $CE2, $CE3, $D00, $D01, $D3B, $D3C, $D41..$D44, $D4D, $D62, $D63, $D81, $DCA, $DD2..$DD4,
- $DD6, $E31, $E34: result := ubcNonSpacingMark;
- $E35..$E3A, $E47..$E4E, $EB1, $EB4..$EBC, $EC8..$ECD, $F18, $F19, $F35, $F37, $F39, $F71..$F7E,
- $F80..$F84, $F86, $F87, $F8D..$F97, $F99..$FBC, $FC6: result := ubcNonSpacingMark;
- $C78..$C7E: result := ubcOtherNeutrals;
- $F3A..$F3D: result := ubcMirroredNeutral;
- else result := ubcUnknown;
- end;
- $01000..$017FF:
- case u of
- $1680: result := ubcWhiteSpace;
- $1000..$102A, $103F..$1055, $105A..$105D, $1061, $1065, $1066, $106E..$1070, $1075..$1081,
- $108E, $1090..$1099, $109E..$10C5, $10C7, $10CD, $10D0..$1248, $124A..$124D, $1250..$1256,
- $1258, $125A..$125D, $1260..$1288, $128A..$128D, $1290..$12B0, $12B2..$12B5, $12B8: result := ubcLeftToRight;
- $12B9..$12BE, $12C0, $12C2..$12C5, $12C8..$12D6, $12D8..$1310, $1312..$1315, $1318..$135A,
- $1360..$137C, $1380..$138F, $13A0..$13F5, $13F8..$13FD, $1401..$167F, $1681..$169A, $16A0..$16F8,
- $1700..$170C, $170E..$1711, $1720..$1731, $1735, $1736, $1740..$1751, $1760..$176C, $176E..$1770,
- $1780: result := ubcLeftToRight;
- $1781..$17B3, $17D4..$17DA, $17DC, $17E0..$17E9: result := ubcLeftToRight;
- $102B, $102C, $1031, $1038, $103B, $103C, $1056, $1057, $1062..$1064, $1067..$106D, $1083,
- $1084, $1087..$108C, $108F, $109A..$109C, $17B6, $17BE..$17C5, $17C7, $17C8: result := ubcCombiningLeftToRight;
- $17DB: result := ubcEuropeanNumberTerminator;
- $102D..$1030, $1032..$1037, $1039, $103A, $103D, $103E, $1058, $1059, $105E..$1060, $1071..$1074,
- $1082, $1085, $1086, $108D, $109D, $135D..$135F, $1712..$1714, $1732..$1734, $1752, $1753,
- $1772, $1773, $17B4, $17B5, $17B7..$17BD, $17C6, $17C9..$17D3, $17DD: result := ubcNonSpacingMark;
- $1390..$1399, $1400, $17F0..$17F9: result := ubcOtherNeutrals;
- $169B, $169C: result := ubcMirroredNeutral;
- else result := ubcUnknown;
- end;
- $01800..$01FFF:
- case u of
- $180E: result := ubcBoundaryNeutral;
- $1810..$1819, $1820..$1878, $1880..$1884, $1887..$18A8, $18AA, $18B0..$18F5, $1900..$191E,
- $1946..$196D, $1970..$1974, $1980..$19AB, $19B0..$19C9, $19D0..$19DA, $1A00..$1A16, $1A1E..$1A54,
- $1A80..$1A89, $1A90..$1A99, $1AA0..$1AAD, $1B05..$1B33, $1B45..$1B4B, $1B50..$1B6A, $1B74..$1B7C,
- $1B83: result := ubcLeftToRight;
- $1923..$1926, $1929..$192B, $1930, $1931, $1933..$1938, $1A19, $1A1A, $1A55, $1A57, $1A61,
- $1A63, $1A64, $1A6D..$1A72, $1B04, $1B35, $1B3B, $1B3D..$1B41, $1B43, $1B44, $1B82, $1BA1,
- $1BA6, $1BA7, $1BAA, $1BE7, $1BEA..$1BEC, $1BEE: result := ubcCombiningLeftToRight;
- $1B84..$1BA0, $1BAE..$1BE5, $1BFC..$1C23, $1C3B..$1C49, $1C4D..$1C88, $1C90..$1CBA, $1CBD..$1CC7,
- $1CD3, $1CE9..$1CEC, $1CEE..$1CF3, $1CF5, $1CF6, $1CFA, $1D00..$1DBF, $1E00..$1F15, $1F18..$1F1D,
- $1F20..$1F45, $1F48..$1F4D, $1F50..$1F57, $1F59, $1F5B, $1F5D, $1F5F: result := ubcLeftToRight;
- $1F60..$1F7D, $1F80..$1FB4, $1FB6..$1FBC, $1FBE, $1FC2..$1FC4, $1FC6..$1FCC, $1FD0..$1FD3,
- $1FD6..$1FDB, $1FE0..$1FEC, $1FF2..$1FF4, $1FF6..$1FFC: result := ubcLeftToRight;
- $1BF2, $1BF3, $1C24..$1C2B, $1C34, $1C35, $1CE1, $1CF7: result := ubcCombiningLeftToRight;
- $180B..$180D, $1885, $1886, $18A9, $1920..$1922, $1927, $1928, $1932, $1939..$193B, $1A17,
- $1A18, $1A1B, $1A56, $1A58..$1A5E, $1A60, $1A62, $1A65..$1A6C, $1A73..$1A7C, $1A7F, $1AB0..$1AC0,
- $1B00..$1B03, $1B34, $1B36..$1B3A, $1B3C, $1B42: result := ubcNonSpacingMark;
- $1B6B..$1B73, $1B80, $1B81, $1BA2..$1BA5, $1BA8, $1BA9, $1BAB..$1BAD, $1BE6, $1BE8, $1BE9,
- $1BED, $1BEF..$1BF1, $1C2C..$1C33, $1C36, $1C37, $1CD0..$1CD2, $1CD4..$1CE0, $1CE2..$1CE8,
- $1CED, $1CF4, $1CF8, $1CF9, $1DC0..$1DF9, $1DFB..$1DFF: result := ubcNonSpacingMark;
- $1800..$180A, $1940, $1944, $1945, $19DE..$19FF, $1FBD, $1FBF..$1FC1, $1FCD..$1FCF, $1FDD..$1FDF,
- $1FED..$1FEF, $1FFD, $1FFE: result := ubcOtherNeutrals;
- else result := ubcUnknown;
- end;
- $02000..$02FFF:
- case u of
- $200B..$200D, $2060..$2064, $206A..$206F: result := ubcBoundaryNeutral;
- $2029: result := ubcParagraphSeparator;
- $2000..$200A, $2028, $205F: result := ubcWhiteSpace;
- $200E, $2071, $207F, $2090..$209C, $2102, $2107, $210A..$2113, $2115, $2119..$211D, $2124,
- $2126, $2128, $212A..$212D, $212F..$2139, $213C..$213F, $2145..$2149, $214E, $214F, $2160..$2188,
- $2336..$237A, $2395, $249C..$24E9, $26AC: result := ubcLeftToRight;
- $2800..$28FF, $2C00..$2C2E, $2C30..$2C5E, $2C60..$2CE4, $2CEB..$2CEE, $2CF2, $2CF3, $2D00..$2D25,
- $2D27, $2D2D, $2D30..$2D67, $2D6F, $2D70, $2D80..$2D96, $2DA0..$2DA6, $2DA8..$2DAE, $2DB0..$2DB6,
- $2DB8..$2DBE, $2DC0..$2DC6, $2DC8..$2DCE, $2DD0..$2DD6, $2DD8..$2DDE: result := ubcLeftToRight;
- $200F: result := ubcRightToLeft;
- $2070, $2074..$2079, $2080..$2089, $2488..$249B: result := ubcEuropeanNumber;
- $207A, $207B, $208A, $208B, $2212: result := ubcEuropeanNumberSeparator;
- $2030..$2034, $20A0..$20BF, $212E, $2213: result := ubcEuropeanNumberTerminator;
- $202F, $2044: result := ubcCommonSeparator;
- $20D0..$20F0, $2CEF..$2CF1, $2D7F, $2DE0..$2DFF: result := ubcNonSpacingMark;
- $2010..$2027, $2035..$2038, $203B..$2043, $2047..$205E, $207C, $208C, $2100, $2101, $2103..$2106,
- $2108, $2109, $2114, $2116..$2118, $211E..$2123, $2125, $2127, $2129, $213A, $213B, $2141..$2144,
- $214A..$214D, $2150..$215F, $2189..$218B, $2190..$2200, $2205: result := ubcOtherNeutrals;
- $2039, $203A, $2045, $2046, $207D, $207E, $208D, $208E, $2140, $2201..$2204, $2208..$220D,
- $2211, $2215, $2216, $221A..$221D, $221F..$2222, $2224, $2226, $222B..$2233, $2239, $223B..$224C,
- $2252..$2255, $225F, $2260, $2262, $2264..$226B, $226E..$228C, $228F: result := ubcMirroredNeutral;
- $2206, $2207, $220E..$2210, $2214, $2217..$2219, $221E, $2223, $2225, $2227..$222A, $2234..$2238,
- $223A, $224D..$2251, $2256..$225E, $2261, $2263, $226C, $226D, $228D, $228E, $2293..$2297,
- $2299..$22A1, $22A4, $22A5, $22B9..$22BD, $22C0..$22C8, $22CE: result := ubcOtherNeutrals;
- $22CF, $22D2..$22D5, $22EE, $22EF, $2300..$2307, $230C..$231F, $2322..$2328, $232B..$2335,
- $237B..$2394, $2396..$2426, $2440..$244A, $2460..$2487, $24EA..$26AB, $26AD..$2767, $2776..$27BF,
- $27C1, $27C2, $27C7, $27CA, $27CE..$27D2, $27D7..$27DB, $27DF..$27E1, $27F0..$27FF, $2900: result := ubcOtherNeutrals;
- $2290..$2292, $2298, $22A2, $22A3, $22A6..$22B8, $22BE, $22BF, $22C9..$22CD, $22D0, $22D1,
- $22D6..$22ED, $22F0..$22FF, $2308..$230B, $2320, $2321, $2329, $232A, $2768..$2775, $27C0,
- $27C3..$27C6, $27C8, $27C9, $27CB..$27CD, $27D3..$27D6, $27DC..$27DE, $27E2..$27EF, $2983..$2998,
- $299B: result := ubcMirroredNeutral;
- $2901..$2982, $2999, $299A, $29A1, $29B0..$29B7, $29B9..$29BF, $29C6..$29C8, $29CA..$29CD,
- $29D3, $29D6, $29D7, $29DD..$29E0, $29E2, $29E6, $29E7, $29EA..$29F3, $29FA, $29FB, $29FE..$2A09,
- $2A1D, $2A22, $2A23, $2A25, $2A27, $2A28, $2A2A, $2A2F..$2A33, $2A36: result := ubcOtherNeutrals;
- $299C..$29A0, $29A2..$29AF, $29B8, $29C0..$29C5, $29C9, $29CE..$29D2, $29D4, $29D5, $29D8..$29DC,
- $29E1, $29E3..$29E5, $29E8, $29E9, $29F4..$29F9, $29FC, $29FD, $2A0A..$2A1C, $2A1E..$2A21,
- $2A24, $2A26, $2A29, $2A2B..$2A2E, $2A34, $2A35, $2A3C..$2A3E, $2A57: result := ubcMirroredNeutral;
- $2A37..$2A3B, $2A3F..$2A56, $2A59..$2A63, $2A66..$2A69, $2A6E, $2A71, $2A72, $2A75..$2A78,
- $2AA4, $2AA5, $2AAE, $2AD7..$2ADB, $2ADD, $2ADF..$2AE1, $2AE7..$2AEB, $2AEF..$2AF2, $2AF4..$2AF6,
- $2AFC, $2AFE..$2B73, $2B76..$2B95, $2B97..$2BFD, $2BFF, $2CE5..$2CEA, $2CF9: result := ubcOtherNeutrals;
- $2CFA..$2CFF, $2E00, $2E01, $2E06..$2E08, $2E0B, $2E0E..$2E1B, $2E1E, $2E1F, $2E2A..$2E52,
- $2E80..$2E99, $2E9B..$2EF3, $2F00..$2FD5, $2FF0..$2FFB: result := ubcOtherNeutrals;
- $2A58, $2A64, $2A65, $2A6A..$2A6D, $2A6F, $2A70, $2A73, $2A74, $2A79..$2AA3, $2AA6..$2AAD,
- $2AAF..$2AD6, $2ADC, $2ADE, $2AE2..$2AE6, $2AEC..$2AEE, $2AF3, $2AF7..$2AFB, $2AFD, $2BFE,
- $2E02..$2E05, $2E09, $2E0A, $2E0C, $2E0D, $2E1C, $2E1D, $2E20..$2E29: result := ubcMirroredNeutral;
- else result := ubcUnknown;
- end;
- else
- case u of
- $3000: result := ubcWhiteSpace;
- $3005..$3007, $3021..$3029, $3031..$3035, $3038..$303C, $3041..$3096, $309D..$309F, $30A1..$30FA,
- $30FC..$30FF, $3105..$312F, $3131..$318E, $3190..$31BF, $31F0..$321C, $3220..$324F, $3260..$327B,
- $327F..$32B0, $32C0..$32CB, $32D0..$3376, $337B..$33DD, $33E0..$33FE, $3400, $4DBF, $4E00: result := ubcLeftToRight;
- $302E, $302F: result := ubcCombiningLeftToRight;
- $302A..$302D, $3099, $309A: result := ubcNonSpacingMark;
- $3001..$3004, $3012, $3013, $301C..$3020, $3030, $3036, $3037, $303D..$303F, $309B, $309C,
- $30A0, $30FB, $31C0..$31E3, $321D, $321E, $3250..$325F, $327C..$327E, $32B1..$32BF, $32CC..$32CF,
- $3377..$337A, $33DE, $33DF, $33FF, $4DC0..$4DFF: result := ubcOtherNeutrals;
- $3008..$3011, $3014..$301B: result := ubcMirroredNeutral;
- else result := ubcUnknown;
- end;
- end;
- $08000..$0BFFF:
- case u of
- $9FFC, $A000..$A48C, $A4D0..$A60C, $A610..$A62B, $A640..$A66E, $A680..$A69D, $A6A0..$A6EF,
- $A6F2..$A6F7, $A722..$A787, $A789..$A7BF, $A7C2..$A7CA, $A7F5..$A801, $A803..$A805, $A807..$A80A,
- $A80C..$A822, $A830..$A837, $A840..$A873, $A882..$A8B3, $A8CE..$A8D9, $A8F2..$A8FE, $A900..$A925,
- $A92E: result := ubcLeftToRight;
- $A92F..$A946, $A95F..$A97C, $A984..$A9B2, $A9C1..$A9CD, $A9CF..$A9D9, $A9DE..$A9E4, $A9E6..$A9FE,
- $AA00..$AA28, $AA40..$AA42, $AA44..$AA4B, $AA50..$AA59, $AA5C..$AA7A, $AA7E..$AAAF, $AAB1,
- $AAB5, $AAB6, $AAB9..$AABD, $AAC0, $AAC2, $AADB..$AAEA, $AAF0..$AAF4, $AB01..$AB06, $AB09: result := ubcLeftToRight;
- $AB0A..$AB0E, $AB11..$AB16, $AB20..$AB26, $AB28..$AB2E, $AB30..$AB69, $AB70..$ABE2, $ABEB,
- $ABF0..$ABF9, $AC00: result := ubcLeftToRight;
- $A823, $A824, $A827, $A880, $A881, $A8B4..$A8C3, $A952, $A953, $A983, $A9B4, $A9B5, $A9BA,
- $A9BB, $A9BE..$A9C0, $AA2F, $AA30, $AA33, $AA34, $AA4D, $AA7B, $AA7D, $AAEB, $AAEE, $AAEF,
- $AAF5, $ABE3, $ABE4, $ABE6, $ABE7, $ABE9, $ABEA, $ABEC: result := ubcCombiningLeftToRight;
- $A838, $A839: result := ubcEuropeanNumberTerminator;
- $A66F..$A672, $A674..$A67D, $A69E, $A69F, $A6F0, $A6F1, $A802, $A806, $A80B, $A825, $A826,
- $A82C, $A8C4, $A8C5, $A8E0..$A8F1, $A8FF, $A926..$A92D, $A947..$A951, $A980..$A982, $A9B3,
- $A9B6..$A9B9, $A9BC, $A9BD, $A9E5, $AA29..$AA2E, $AA31, $AA32, $AA35: result := ubcNonSpacingMark;
- $AA36, $AA43, $AA4C, $AA7C, $AAB0, $AAB2..$AAB4, $AAB7, $AAB8, $AABE, $AABF, $AAC1, $AAEC,
- $AAED, $AAF6, $ABE5, $ABE8, $ABED: result := ubcNonSpacingMark;
- $A490..$A4C6, $A60D..$A60F, $A673, $A67E, $A67F, $A700..$A721, $A788, $A828..$A82B, $A874..$A877,
- $AB6A, $AB6B: result := ubcOtherNeutrals;
- else result := ubcUnknown;
- end;
- $0C000..$0FFFF:
- case u of
- $FEFF: result := ubcBoundaryNeutral;
- $D7A3, $D7B0..$D7C6, $D7CB..$D7FB, $D800, $DB7F, $DB80, $DBFF, $DC00, $DFFF, $E000, $F8FF..$FA6D,
- $FA70..$FAD9, $FB00..$FB06, $FB13..$FB17, $FF21..$FF3A, $FF41..$FF5A, $FF66..$FFBE, $FFC2..$FFC7,
- $FFCA..$FFCF, $FFD2..$FFD7, $FFDA..$FFDC: result := ubcLeftToRight;
- $FB1D, $FB1F..$FB28, $FB2A..$FB36, $FB38..$FB3C, $FB3E, $FB40, $FB41, $FB43, $FB44, $FB46..$FB4F: result := ubcRightToLeft;
- $FB50..$FBC1, $FBD3..$FD3D, $FD50..$FD8F, $FD92..$FDC7, $FDF0..$FDFC, $FE70..$FE74, $FE76..$FEFC: result := ubcArabicLetter;
- $FF10..$FF19: result := ubcEuropeanNumber;
- $FB29, $FE62, $FE63, $FF0B, $FF0D: result := ubcEuropeanNumberSeparator;
- $FE5F, $FE69, $FE6A, $FF03..$FF05, $FFE0, $FFE1, $FFE5, $FFE6: result := ubcEuropeanNumberTerminator;
- $FE50, $FE52, $FE55, $FF0C, $FF0E, $FF0F, $FF1A: result := ubcCommonSeparator;
- $FB1E, $FE00..$FE0F, $FE20..$FE2F: result := ubcNonSpacingMark;
- $FD3E, $FD3F, $FDFD, $FE10..$FE19, $FE30..$FE4F, $FE51, $FE54, $FE56..$FE58, $FE60, $FE61,
- $FE66, $FE68, $FE6B, $FF01, $FF02, $FF06, $FF07, $FF0A, $FF1B, $FF1D, $FF1F, $FF20, $FF3C,
- $FF3E..$FF40, $FF5C, $FF5E, $FF61: result := ubcOtherNeutrals;
- $FF64, $FF65, $FFE2..$FFE4, $FFE8..$FFEE, $FFF9..$FFFD: result := ubcOtherNeutrals;
- $FE59..$FE5E, $FE64, $FE65, $FF08, $FF09, $FF1C, $FF1E, $FF3B, $FF3D, $FF5B, $FF5D, $FF5F,
- $FF60, $FF62, $FF63: result := ubcMirroredNeutral;
- else result := ubcUnknown;
- end;
- else
- case u of
- $10000..$107FF:
- case u of
- $10000..$1000B, $1000D..$10026, $10028..$1003A, $1003C, $1003D, $1003F..$1004D, $10050..$1005D,
- $10080..$100FA, $10100, $10102, $10107..$10133, $10137..$1013F, $1018D, $1018E, $101D0..$101FC,
- $10280..$1029C, $102A0..$102D0, $10300..$10323, $1032D..$1034A, $10350..$10375, $10380..$1039D,
- $1039F..$103C3, $103C8..$103D5, $10400: result := ubcLeftToRight;
- $10401..$1049D, $104A0..$104A9, $104B0..$104D3, $104D8..$104FB, $10500..$10527, $10530..$10563,
- $1056F, $10600..$10736, $10740..$10755, $10760..$10767: result := ubcLeftToRight;
- $102E1..$102FB: result := ubcEuropeanNumber;
- $101FD, $102E0, $10376..$1037A: result := ubcNonSpacingMark;
- $10101, $10140..$1018C, $10190..$1019C, $101A0: result := ubcOtherNeutrals;
- else result := ubcUnknown;
- end;
- $10800..$10FFF:
- case u of
- $10800..$10805, $10808, $1080A..$10835, $10837, $10838, $1083C, $1083F..$10855, $10857..$1089E,
- $108A7..$108AF, $108E0..$108F2, $108F4, $108F5, $108FB..$1091B, $10920..$10939, $1093F,
- $10980..$109B7, $109BC..$109CF, $109D2..$10A00, $10A10..$10A13, $10A15..$10A17, $10A19..$10A35,
- $10A40..$10A48, $10A50..$10A58, $10A60: result := ubcRightToLeft;
- $10A61..$10A9F, $10AC0..$10AE4, $10AEB..$10AF6, $10B00..$10B35, $10B40..$10B55, $10B58..$10B72,
- $10B78..$10B91, $10B99..$10B9C, $10BA9..$10BAF, $10C00..$10C48, $10C80..$10CB2, $10CC0..$10CF2,
- $10CFA..$10CFF, $10E80..$10EA9, $10EAD, $10EB0, $10EB1, $10F00..$10F27, $10FB0..$10FCB,
- $10FE0..$10FF6: result := ubcRightToLeft;
- $10D00..$10D23, $10F30..$10F45, $10F51..$10F59: result := ubcArabicLetter;
- $10D30..$10D39, $10E60..$10E7E: result := ubcArabicNumber;
- $10A01..$10A03, $10A05, $10A06, $10A0C..$10A0F, $10A38..$10A3A, $10A3F, $10AE5, $10AE6,
- $10D24..$10D27, $10EAB, $10EAC, $10F46..$10F50: result := ubcNonSpacingMark;
- $1091F, $10B39..$10B3F: result := ubcOtherNeutrals;
- else result := ubcUnknown;
- end;
- $11000..$117FF:
- case u of
- $11003..$11037, $11047..$1104D, $11066..$1106F, $11083..$110AF, $110BB..$110C1, $110CD,
- $110D0..$110E8, $110F0..$110F9, $11103..$11126, $11136..$11144, $11147, $11150..$11172,
- $11174..$11176, $11183..$111B2, $111C1..$111C8, $111CD, $111D0..$111DF, $111E1..$111F4,
- $11200..$11211, $11213..$1122B, $11238..$1123D, $11280: result := ubcLeftToRight;
- $11000, $11002, $11082, $110B0..$110B2, $110B7, $110B8, $1112C, $11145, $11146, $11182,
- $111B3..$111B5, $111BF, $111C0, $111CE, $1122C..$1122E, $11232, $11233, $11235, $112E0..$112E2,
- $11302, $11303, $1133E, $1133F, $11341..$11344, $11347, $11348, $1134B..$1134D, $11357,
- $11362: result := ubcCombiningLeftToRight;
- $11281..$11286, $11288, $1128A..$1128D, $1128F..$1129D, $1129F..$112A9, $112B0..$112DE,
- $112F0..$112F9, $11305..$1130C, $1130F, $11310, $11313..$11328, $1132A..$11330, $11332,
- $11333, $11335..$11339, $1133D, $11350, $1135D..$11361, $11400..$11434, $11447..$1145B,
- $1145D, $1145F..$11461, $11480..$114AF, $114C4: result := ubcLeftToRight;
- $114C5..$114C7, $114D0..$114D9, $11580..$115AE, $115C1..$115DB, $11600..$1162F, $11641..$11644,
- $11650..$11659, $11680..$116AA, $116B8, $116C0..$116C9, $11700..$1171A, $11730..$1173F: result := ubcLeftToRight;
- $11363, $11435..$11437, $11440, $11441, $11445, $114B0..$114B2, $114B9, $114BB..$114BE,
- $114C1, $115AF..$115B1, $115B8..$115BB, $115BE, $11630..$11632, $1163B, $1163C, $1163E,
- $116AC, $116AE, $116AF, $116B6, $11720, $11721, $11726: result := ubcCombiningLeftToRight;
- $11001, $11038..$11046, $1107F..$11081, $110B3..$110B6, $110B9, $110BA, $11100..$11102,
- $11127..$1112B, $1112D..$11134, $11173, $11180, $11181, $111B6..$111BE, $111C9..$111CC,
- $111CF, $1122F..$11231, $11234, $11236, $11237, $1123E, $112DF, $112E3..$112EA, $11300,
- $11301, $1133B, $1133C, $11340: result := ubcNonSpacingMark;
- $11366..$1136C, $11370..$11374, $11438..$1143F, $11442..$11444, $11446, $1145E, $114B3..$114B8,
- $114BA, $114BF, $114C0, $114C2, $114C3, $115B2..$115B5, $115BC, $115BD, $115BF, $115C0,
- $115DC, $115DD, $11633..$1163A, $1163D, $1163F, $11640, $116AB, $116AD, $116B0..$116B5,
- $116B7, $1171D: result := ubcNonSpacingMark;
- $1171E, $1171F, $11722..$11725, $11727..$1172B: result := ubcNonSpacingMark;
- $11052..$11065, $11660..$1166C: result := ubcOtherNeutrals;
- else result := ubcUnknown;
- end;
- $11800..$17FFF:
- case u of
- $11800..$1182B, $1183B, $118A0..$118F2, $118FF..$11906, $11909, $1190C..$11913, $11915,
- $11916, $11918..$1192F, $1193F, $11941, $11944..$11946, $11950..$11959, $119A0..$119A7,
- $119AA..$119D0, $119E1..$119E3, $11A00, $11A07, $11A08, $11A0B..$11A32, $11A3A, $11A3F..$11A46,
- $11A50, $11A5C: result := ubcLeftToRight;
- $1182C..$1182E, $11838, $11930..$11935, $11937, $11938, $1193D, $11940, $11942, $119D1..$119D3,
- $119DC..$119DF, $119E4, $11A39, $11A57, $11A58, $11A97, $11C2F, $11C3E, $11CA9, $11CB1,
- $11CB4, $11D8A..$11D8E, $11D93, $11D94, $11D96, $11EF5: result := ubcCombiningLeftToRight;
- $11A5D..$11A89, $11A9A..$11AA2, $11AC0..$11AF8, $11C00..$11C08, $11C0A..$11C2E, $11C3F..$11C45,
- $11C50..$11C6C, $11C70..$11C8F, $11D00..$11D06, $11D08, $11D09, $11D0B..$11D30, $11D46,
- $11D50..$11D59, $11D60..$11D65, $11D67, $11D68, $11D6A..$11D89, $11D98, $11DA0..$11DA9,
- $11EE0..$11EF2, $11EF7, $11EF8, $11FB0, $11FC0: result := ubcLeftToRight;
- $11FC1..$11FD4, $11FFF..$12399, $12400..$1246E, $12470..$12474, $12480..$12543, $13000..$1342E,
- $13430..$13438, $14400..$14646, $16800..$16A38, $16A40..$16A5E, $16A60..$16A69, $16A6E,
- $16A6F, $16AD0..$16AED, $16AF5, $16B00..$16B2F, $16B37..$16B45, $16B50..$16B59, $16B5B..$16B61,
- $16B63..$16B77, $16B7D..$16B8F, $16E40..$16E9A, $16F00: result := ubcLeftToRight;
- $16F01..$16F4A, $16F50, $16F93..$16F9F, $16FE0, $16FE1, $16FE3, $17000: result := ubcLeftToRight;
- $11EF6, $16F51..$16F87, $16FF0, $16FF1: result := ubcCombiningLeftToRight;
- $11FDD..$11FE0: result := ubcEuropeanNumberTerminator;
- $1182F..$11837, $11839, $1183A, $1193B, $1193C, $1193E, $11943, $119D4..$119D7, $119DA,
- $119DB, $119E0, $11A01..$11A06, $11A09, $11A0A, $11A33..$11A38, $11A3B..$11A3E, $11A47,
- $11A51..$11A56, $11A59..$11A5B, $11A8A..$11A96, $11A98, $11A99, $11C30..$11C36, $11C38..$11C3D,
- $11C92..$11CA7, $11CAA..$11CB0, $11CB2: result := ubcNonSpacingMark;
- $11CB3, $11CB5, $11CB6, $11D31..$11D36, $11D3A, $11D3C, $11D3D, $11D3F..$11D45, $11D47,
- $11D90, $11D91, $11D95, $11D97, $11EF3, $11EF4, $16AF0..$16AF4, $16B30..$16B36, $16F4F,
- $16F8F..$16F92, $16FE4: result := ubcNonSpacingMark;
- $11FD5..$11FDC, $11FE1..$11FF1, $16FE2: result := ubcOtherNeutrals;
- else result := ubcUnknown;
- end;
- $18000..$1DFFF:
- case u of
- $1BCA0..$1BCA3, $1D173..$1D17A: result := ubcBoundaryNeutral;
- $187F7, $18800..$18CD5, $18D00, $18D08, $1B000..$1B11E, $1B150..$1B152, $1B164..$1B167,
- $1B170..$1B2FB, $1BC00..$1BC6A, $1BC70..$1BC7C, $1BC80..$1BC88, $1BC90..$1BC99, $1BC9C,
- $1BC9F, $1D000..$1D0F5, $1D100..$1D126, $1D129..$1D164, $1D16A..$1D16C, $1D183, $1D184,
- $1D18C..$1D1A9, $1D1AE..$1D1E8, $1D2E0: result := ubcLeftToRight;
- $1D2E1..$1D2F3, $1D360..$1D378, $1D400..$1D454, $1D456..$1D49C, $1D49E, $1D49F, $1D4A2,
- $1D4A5, $1D4A6, $1D4A9..$1D4AC, $1D4AE..$1D4B9, $1D4BB, $1D4BD..$1D4C3, $1D4C5..$1D505,
- $1D507..$1D50A, $1D50D..$1D514, $1D516..$1D51C, $1D51E..$1D539, $1D53B..$1D53E, $1D540..$1D544,
- $1D546, $1D54A..$1D550, $1D552..$1D6A5, $1D6A8: result := ubcLeftToRight;
- $1D6A9..$1D6DA, $1D6DC..$1D714, $1D716..$1D74E, $1D750..$1D788, $1D78A..$1D7C2, $1D7C4..$1D7CB,
- $1D800..$1D9FF, $1DA37..$1DA3A, $1DA6D..$1DA74, $1DA76..$1DA83, $1DA85..$1DA8B: result := ubcLeftToRight;
- $1D165, $1D166, $1D16D..$1D172: result := ubcCombiningLeftToRight;
- $1D7CE..$1D7FF: result := ubcEuropeanNumber;
- $1BC9D, $1BC9E, $1D167..$1D169, $1D17B..$1D182, $1D185..$1D18B, $1D1AA..$1D1AD, $1D242..$1D244,
- $1DA00..$1DA36, $1DA3B..$1DA6C, $1DA75, $1DA84, $1DA9B..$1DA9F, $1DAA1..$1DAAF: result := ubcNonSpacingMark;
- $1D200..$1D241, $1D245, $1D300..$1D356: result := ubcOtherNeutrals;
- $1D6DB, $1D715, $1D74F, $1D789, $1D7C3: result := ubcMirroredNeutral;
- else result := ubcUnknown;
- end;
- $1E000..$FFFFF:
- case u of
- $E0001, $E0020..$E007F: result := ubcBoundaryNeutral;
- $1EC71..$1ECB4, $1ED01..$1ED3D, $1EE00..$1EE03, $1EE05..$1EE1F, $1EE21, $1EE22, $1EE24,
- $1EE27, $1EE29..$1EE32, $1EE34..$1EE37, $1EE39, $1EE3B, $1EE42, $1EE47, $1EE49, $1EE4B,
- $1EE4D..$1EE4F, $1EE51, $1EE52, $1EE54, $1EE57, $1EE59, $1EE5B, $1EE5D: result := ubcArabicLetter;
- $1E100..$1E12C, $1E137..$1E13D, $1E140..$1E149, $1E14E, $1E14F, $1E2C0..$1E2EB, $1E2F0..$1E2F9,
- $1F110..$1F12E, $1F130..$1F169, $1F170..$1F1AC, $1F1E6..$1F202, $1F210..$1F23B, $1F240..$1F248,
- $1F250, $1F251, $20000, $2A6DD, $2A700, $2B734, $2B740, $2B81D, $2B820, $2CEA1, $2CEB0: result := ubcLeftToRight;
- $2EBE0, $2F800..$2FA1D, $30000, $3134A, $F0000, $FFFFD: result := ubcLeftToRight;
- $1E800..$1E8C4, $1E8C7..$1E8CF, $1E900..$1E943, $1E94B, $1E950..$1E959, $1E95E, $1E95F: result := ubcRightToLeft;
- $1EE5F, $1EE61, $1EE62, $1EE64, $1EE67..$1EE6A, $1EE6C..$1EE72, $1EE74..$1EE77, $1EE79..$1EE7C,
- $1EE7E, $1EE80..$1EE89, $1EE8B..$1EE9B, $1EEA1..$1EEA3, $1EEA5..$1EEA9, $1EEAB..$1EEBB: result := ubcArabicLetter;
- $1F100..$1F10A, $1FBF0..$1FBF9: result := ubcEuropeanNumber;
- $1E2FF: result := ubcEuropeanNumberTerminator;
- $1E000..$1E006, $1E008..$1E018, $1E01B..$1E021, $1E023, $1E024, $1E026..$1E02A, $1E130..$1E136,
- $1E2EC..$1E2EF, $1E8D0..$1E8D6, $1E944..$1E94A, $E0100..$E01EF: result := ubcNonSpacingMark;
- $1EEF0, $1EEF1, $1F000..$1F02B, $1F030..$1F093, $1F0A0..$1F0AE, $1F0B1..$1F0BF, $1F0C1..$1F0CF,
- $1F0D1..$1F0F5, $1F10B..$1F10F, $1F12F, $1F16A..$1F16F, $1F1AD, $1F260..$1F265, $1F300..$1F6D7,
- $1F6E0..$1F6EC, $1F6F0..$1F6FC, $1F700..$1F773, $1F780..$1F7D8, $1F7E0..$1F7EB, $1F800..$1F80B,
- $1F810..$1F847, $1F850..$1F859, $1F860: result := ubcOtherNeutrals;
- $1F861..$1F887, $1F890..$1F8AD, $1F8B0, $1F8B1, $1F900..$1F978, $1F97A..$1F9CB, $1F9CD..$1FA53,
- $1FA60..$1FA6D, $1FA70..$1FA74, $1FA78..$1FA7A, $1FA80..$1FA86, $1FA90..$1FAA8, $1FAB0..$1FAB6,
- $1FAC0..$1FAC2, $1FAD0..$1FAD6, $1FB00..$1FB92, $1FB94..$1FBCA: result := ubcOtherNeutrals;
- else result := ubcUnknown;
- end;
- else result := ubcUnknown;
- end
- end
-function GetUnicodeBracketInfo(u: LongWord): TUnicodeBracketInfo;
- procedure Bracket(AOpening,AClosing: LongWord);
- begin
- result.IsBracket := true;
- result.OpeningBracket := AOpening;
- result.ClosingBracket := AClosing;
- end;
- case u of
- $0028, $0029: Bracket($0028, $0029);
- $005B, $005D: Bracket($005B, $005D);
- $007B, $007D: Bracket($007B, $007D);
- $0F3A, $0F3B: Bracket($0F3A, $0F3B);
- $0F3C, $0F3D: Bracket($0F3C, $0F3D);
- $169B, $169C: Bracket($169B, $169C);
- $2045, $2046: Bracket($2045, $2046);
- $207D, $207E: Bracket($207D, $207E);
- $208D, $208E: Bracket($208D, $208E);
- $2308, $2309: Bracket($2308, $2309);
- $230A, $230B: Bracket($230A, $230B);
- $2329, $232A: Bracket($2329, $232A);
- $2768, $2769: Bracket($2768, $2769);
- $276A, $276B: Bracket($276A, $276B);
- $276C, $276D: Bracket($276C, $276D);
- $276E, $276F: Bracket($276E, $276F);
- $2770, $2771: Bracket($2770, $2771);
- $2772, $2773: Bracket($2772, $2773);
- $2774, $2775: Bracket($2774, $2775);
- $27C5, $27C6: Bracket($27C5, $27C6);
- $27E6, $27E7: Bracket($27E6, $27E7);
- $27E8, $27E9: Bracket($27E8, $27E9);
- $27EA, $27EB: Bracket($27EA, $27EB);
- $27EC, $27ED: Bracket($27EC, $27ED);
- $27EE, $27EF: Bracket($27EE, $27EF);
- $2983, $2984: Bracket($2983, $2984);
- $2985, $2986: Bracket($2985, $2986);
- $2987, $2988: Bracket($2987, $2988);
- $2989, $298A: Bracket($2989, $298A);
- $298B, $298C: Bracket($298B, $298C);
- $298D, $2990: Bracket($298D, $2990);
- $298F, $298E: Bracket($298F, $298E);
- $2991, $2992: Bracket($2991, $2992);
- $2993, $2994: Bracket($2993, $2994);
- $2995, $2996: Bracket($2995, $2996);
- $2997, $2998: Bracket($2997, $2998);
- $29D8, $29D9: Bracket($29D8, $29D9);
- $29DA, $29DB: Bracket($29DA, $29DB);
- $29FC, $29FD: Bracket($29FC, $29FD);
- $2E22, $2E23: Bracket($2E22, $2E23);
- $2E24, $2E25: Bracket($2E24, $2E25);
- $2E26, $2E27: Bracket($2E26, $2E27);
- $2E28, $2E29: Bracket($2E28, $2E29);
- $3008, $3009: Bracket($3008, $3009);
- $300A, $300B: Bracket($300A, $300B);
- $300C, $300D: Bracket($300C, $300D);
- $300E, $300F: Bracket($300E, $300F);
- $3010, $3011: Bracket($3010, $3011);
- $3014, $3015: Bracket($3014, $3015);
- $3016, $3017: Bracket($3016, $3017);
- $3018, $3019: Bracket($3018, $3019);
- $301A, $301B: Bracket($301A, $301B);
- $FE59, $FE5A: Bracket($FE59, $FE5A);
- $FE5B, $FE5C: Bracket($FE5B, $FE5C);
- $FE5D, $FE5E: Bracket($FE5D, $FE5E);
- $FF08, $FF09: Bracket($FF08, $FF09);
- $FF3B, $FF3D: Bracket($FF3B, $FF3D);
- $FF5B, $FF5D: Bracket($FF5B, $FF5D);
- $FF5F, $FF60: Bracket($FF5F, $FF60);
- $FF62, $FF63: Bracket($FF62, $FF63);
- else
- begin
- result.IsBracket := false;
- result.OpeningBracket := 0;
- result.ClosingBracket := 0;
- end;
- end;
-function GetUnicodeJoiningType(u: LongWord): TUnicodeJoiningType;
- result := ujtNonJoining;
- if u <= $001BE8 then begin
- if u <= $0009CD then begin
- if u <= $00072C then begin
- if u <= $00069A then
- case u of
- $AD, $300..$36F, $483..$489, $591..$5BD, $5BF, $5C1, $5C2, $5C4, $5C5, $5C7, $610..$61A,
- $61C, $64B..$65F, $670: result := ujtTransparent;
- $622..$625, $627, $629, $62F..$632, $648, $671..$673, $675..$677, $688..$699: result := ujtRightJoining;
- $620, $626, $628, $62A..$62E, $633..$63F, $641..$647, $649, $64A, $66E, $66F, $678..$687,
- $69A: result := ujtDualJoining;
- $640: result := ujtJoinCausing;
- end
- else
- case u of
- $6D6..$6DC, $6DF..$6E4, $6E7, $6E8, $6EA..$6ED, $70F, $711: result := ujtTransparent;
- $6C0, $6C3..$6CB, $6CD, $6CF, $6D2, $6D3, $6D5, $6EE, $6EF, $710, $715..$719, $71E,
- $728, $72A, $72C: result := ujtRightJoining;
- $69B..$6BF, $6C1, $6C2, $6CC, $6CE, $6D0, $6D1, $6FA..$6FC, $6FF, $712..$714, $71A..$71D,
- $71F..$727, $729, $72B: result := ujtDualJoining;
- end
- end else begin
- if u <= $00084A then
- case u of
- $730..$74A, $7A6..$7B0, $7EB..$7F3, $7FD, $816..$819, $81B..$823, $825..$827, $829..$82D: result := ujtTransparent;
- $72F, $74D, $759..$75B, $76B, $76C, $771, $773, $774, $778, $779, $840, $846, $847,
- $849: result := ujtRightJoining;
- $72D, $72E, $74E..$758, $75C..$76A, $76D..$770, $772, $775..$777, $77A..$77F, $7CA..$7EA,
- $841..$845, $848, $84A: result := ujtDualJoining;
- $7FA: result := ujtJoinCausing;
- end
- else
- case u of
- $859..$85B, $8D3..$8E1, $8E3..$902, $93A, $93C, $941..$948, $94D, $951..$957, $962,
- $963, $981, $9BC, $9C1..$9C4, $9CD: result := ujtTransparent;
- $854, $856..$858, $867, $869, $86A, $8AA..$8AC, $8AE, $8B1, $8B2, $8B9: result := ujtRightJoining;
- $84B..$853, $855, $860, $862..$865, $868, $8A0..$8A9, $8AF, $8B0, $8B3, $8B4, $8B6..$8B8,
- $8BA..$8C7: result := ujtDualJoining;
- end
- end
- end else begin
- if u <= $000F71 then begin
- if u <= $000C3E then
- case u of
- $9E2, $9E3, $9FE, $A01, $A02, $A3C, $A41, $A42, $A47, $A48, $A4B..$A4D, $A51, $A70,
- $A71, $A75, $A81, $A82, $ABC, $AC1..$AC5, $AC7, $AC8, $ACD, $AE2, $AE3, $AFA..$AFF,
- $B01, $B3C, $B3F, $B41..$B44, $B4D, $B55, $B56, $B62, $B63, $B82, $BC0, $BCD, $C00,
- $C04, $C3E: result := ujtTransparent;
- end
- else
- case u of
- $C3F, $C40, $C46..$C48, $C4A..$C4D, $C55, $C56, $C62, $C63, $C81, $CBC, $CBF, $CC6,
- $CCC, $CCD, $CE2, $CE3, $D00, $D01, $D3B, $D3C, $D41..$D44, $D4D, $D62, $D63, $D81,
- $DCA, $DD2..$DD4, $DD6, $E31, $E34..$E3A, $E47..$E4E, $EB1, $EB4..$EBC, $EC8..$ECD,
- $F18, $F19, $F35, $F37, $F39, $F71: result := ujtTransparent;
- end
- end else begin
- if u <= $001820 then
- case u of
- $F72..$F7E, $F80..$F84, $F86, $F87, $F8D..$F97, $F99..$FBC, $FC6, $102D..$1030, $1032..$1037,
- $1039, $103A, $103D, $103E, $1058, $1059, $105E..$1060, $1071..$1074, $1082, $1085,
- $1086, $108D, $109D, $135D..$135F, $1712..$1714, $1732..$1734, $1752, $1753, $1772,
- $1773, $17B4, $17B5, $17B7..$17BD, $17C6, $17C9..$17D3, $17DD, $180B..$180D: result := ujtTransparent;
- $1807, $1820: result := ujtDualJoining;
- $180A: result := ujtJoinCausing;
- end
- else
- case u of
- $1885, $1886, $18A9, $1920..$1922, $1927, $1928, $1932, $1939..$193B, $1A17, $1A18,
- $1A1B, $1A56, $1A58..$1A5E, $1A60, $1A62, $1A65..$1A6C, $1A73..$1A7C, $1A7F, $1AB0..$1AC0,
- $1B00..$1B03, $1B34, $1B36..$1B3A, $1B3C, $1B42, $1B6B..$1B73, $1B80, $1B81, $1BA2..$1BA5,
- $1BA8, $1BA9, $1BAB..$1BAD, $1BE6, $1BE8: result := ujtTransparent;
- $1821..$1878, $1887..$18A8, $18AA: result := ujtDualJoining;
- end
- end
- end
- end else begin
- if u <= $010FB8 then begin
- if u <= $00ABE8 then begin
- if u <= $00A806 then
- case u of
- $1BE9, $1BED, $1BEF..$1BF1, $1C2C..$1C33, $1C36, $1C37, $1CD0..$1CD2, $1CD4..$1CE0,
- $1CE2..$1CE8, $1CED, $1CF4, $1CF8, $1CF9, $1DC0..$1DF9, $1DFB..$1DFF, $200B, $200E,
- $200F, $202A..$202E, $2060..$2064, $206A..$206F, $20D0..$20F0, $2CEF..$2CF1, $2D7F,
- $2DE0..$2DFF, $302A..$302D, $3099, $309A, $A66F..$A672, $A674..$A67D, $A69E, $A69F,
- $A6F0, $A6F1, $A802, $A806: result := ujtTransparent;
- $200D: result := ujtJoinCausing;
- end
- else
- case u of
- $A80B, $A825, $A826, $A82C, $A8C4, $A8C5, $A8E0..$A8F1, $A8FF, $A926..$A92D, $A947..$A951,
- $A980..$A982, $A9B3, $A9B6..$A9B9, $A9BC, $A9BD, $A9E5, $AA29..$AA2E, $AA31, $AA32,
- $AA35, $AA36, $AA43, $AA4C, $AA7C, $AAB0, $AAB2..$AAB4, $AAB7, $AAB8, $AABE, $AABF,
- $AAC1, $AAEC, $AAED, $AAF6, $ABE5, $ABE8: result := ujtTransparent;
- $A872: result := ujtLeftJoining;
- $A840..$A871: result := ujtDualJoining;
- end
- end else begin
- if u <= $010AEF then
- case u of
- $ABED, $FB1E, $FE00..$FE0F, $FE20..$FE2F, $FEFF, $FFF9..$FFFB, $101FD, $102E0, $10376..$1037A,
- $10A01..$10A03, $10A05, $10A06, $10A0C..$10A0F, $10A38..$10A3A, $10A3F, $10AE5, $10AE6: result := ujtTransparent;
- $10AC5, $10AC7, $10AC9, $10ACA, $10ACE..$10AD2, $10ADD, $10AE1, $10AE4, $10AEF: result := ujtRightJoining;
- $10ACD, $10AD7: result := ujtLeftJoining;
- $10AC0..$10AC4, $10AD3..$10AD6, $10AD8..$10ADC, $10ADE..$10AE0, $10AEB..$10AEE: result := ujtDualJoining;
- end
- else
- case u of
- $10D24..$10D27, $10EAB, $10EAC, $10F46..$10F50: result := ujtTransparent;
- $10B81, $10B83..$10B85, $10B89, $10B8C, $10B8E, $10B8F, $10B91, $10BA9..$10BAC, $10D22,
- $10F33, $10F54, $10FB4..$10FB6: result := ujtRightJoining;
- $10D00: result := ujtLeftJoining;
- $10B80, $10B82, $10B86..$10B88, $10B8A, $10B8B, $10B8D, $10B90, $10BAD, $10BAE, $10D01..$10D21,
- $10D23, $10F30..$10F32, $10F34..$10F44, $10F51..$10F53, $10FB0, $10FB2, $10FB3, $10FB8: result := ujtDualJoining;
- end
- end
- end else begin
- if u <= $01193E then begin
- if u <= $011300 then
- case u of
- $11001, $11038..$11046, $1107F..$11081, $110B3..$110B6, $110B9, $110BA, $11100..$11102,
- $11127..$1112B, $1112D..$11134, $11173, $11180, $11181, $111B6..$111BE, $111C9..$111CC,
- $111CF, $1122F..$11231, $11234, $11236, $11237, $1123E, $112DF, $112E3..$112EA, $11300: result := ujtTransparent;
- $10FB9, $10FBA, $10FBD, $10FC2, $10FC3, $10FC9: result := ujtRightJoining;
- $10FCB: result := ujtLeftJoining;
- $10FBB, $10FBC, $10FBE, $10FBF, $10FC1, $10FC4, $10FCA: result := ujtDualJoining;
- end
- else
- case u of
- $11301, $1133B, $1133C, $11340, $11366..$1136C, $11370..$11374, $11438..$1143F, $11442..$11444,
- $11446, $1145E, $114B3..$114B8, $114BA, $114BF, $114C0, $114C2, $114C3, $115B2..$115B5,
- $115BC, $115BD, $115BF, $115C0, $115DC, $115DD, $11633..$1163A, $1163D, $1163F, $11640,
- $116AB, $116AD, $116B0..$116B5, $116B7, $1171D..$1171F, $11722..$11725, $11727..$1172B,
- $1182F..$11837, $11839, $1183A, $1193B, $1193C, $1193E: result := ujtTransparent;
- end
- end else begin
- if u <= $016AF0 then
- case u of
- $11943, $119D4..$119D7, $119DA, $119DB, $119E0, $11A01..$11A0A, $11A33..$11A38, $11A3B..$11A3E,
- $11A47, $11A51..$11A56, $11A59..$11A5B, $11A8A..$11A96, $11A98, $11A99, $11C30..$11C36,
- $11C38..$11C3D, $11C3F, $11C92..$11CA7, $11CAA..$11CB0, $11CB2, $11CB3, $11CB5, $11CB6,
- $11D31..$11D36, $11D3A, $11D3C, $11D3D, $11D3F..$11D45, $11D47, $11D90, $11D91, $11D95,
- $11D97, $11EF3, $11EF4, $13430..$13438, $16AF0: result := ujtTransparent;
- end
- else
- case u of
- $16AF1..$16AF4, $16B30..$16B36, $16F4F, $16F8F..$16F92, $16FE4, $1BC9D, $1BC9E, $1BCA0..$1BCA3,
- $1D167..$1D169, $1D173..$1D182, $1D185..$1D18B, $1D1AA..$1D1AD, $1D242..$1D244, $1DA00..$1DA36,
- $1DA3B..$1DA6C, $1DA75, $1DA84, $1DA9B..$1DA9F, $1DAA1..$1DAAF, $1E000..$1E006, $1E008..$1E018,
- $1E01B..$1E021, $1E023, $1E024, $1E026..$1E02A, $1E130..$1E136, $1E2EC..$1E2EF, $1E8D0..$1E8D6,
- $1E944..$1E94B, $E0001, $E0020..$E007F, $E0100..$E01EF: result := ujtTransparent;
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- (u:$E0145; c:0), (u:$E0146; c:0), (u:$E0147; c:0), (u:$E0148; c:0),
- (u:$E0149; c:0), (u:$E014A; c:0), (u:$E014B; c:0), (u:$E014C; c:0),
- (u:$E014D; c:0), (u:$E014E; c:0), (u:$E014F; c:0), (u:$E0150; c:0),
- (u:$E0151; c:0), (u:$E0152; c:0), (u:$E0153; c:0), (u:$E0154; c:0),
- (u:$E0155; c:0), (u:$E0156; c:0), (u:$E0157; c:0), (u:$E0158; c:0),
- (u:$E0159; c:0), (u:$E015A; c:0), (u:$E015B; c:0), (u:$E015C; c:0),
- (u:$E015D; c:0), (u:$E015E; c:0), (u:$E015F; c:0), (u:$E0160; c:0),
- (u:$E0161; c:0), (u:$E0162; c:0), (u:$E0163; c:0), (u:$E0164; c:0),
- (u:$E0165; c:0), (u:$E0166; c:0), (u:$E0167; c:0), (u:$E0168; c:0),
- (u:$E0169; c:0), (u:$E016A; c:0), (u:$E016B; c:0), (u:$E016C; c:0),
- (u:$E016D; c:0), (u:$E016E; c:0), (u:$E016F; c:0), (u:$E0170; c:0),
- (u:$E0171; c:0), (u:$E0172; c:0), (u:$E0173; c:0), (u:$E0174; c:0),
- (u:$E0175; c:0), (u:$E0176; c:0), (u:$E0177; c:0), (u:$E0178; c:0),
- (u:$E0179; c:0), (u:$E017A; c:0), (u:$E017B; c:0), (u:$E017C; c:0),
- (u:$E017D; c:0), (u:$E017E; c:0), (u:$E017F; c:0), (u:$E0180; c:0),
- (u:$E0181; c:0), (u:$E0182; c:0), (u:$E0183; c:0), (u:$E0184; c:0),
- (u:$E0185; c:0), (u:$E0186; c:0), (u:$E0187; c:0), (u:$E0188; c:0),
- (u:$E0189; c:0), (u:$E018A; c:0), (u:$E018B; c:0), (u:$E018C; c:0),
- (u:$E018D; c:0), (u:$E018E; c:0), (u:$E018F; c:0), (u:$E0190; c:0),
- (u:$E0191; c:0), (u:$E0192; c:0), (u:$E0193; c:0), (u:$E0194; c:0),
- (u:$E0195; c:0), (u:$E0196; c:0), (u:$E0197; c:0), (u:$E0198; c:0),
- (u:$E0199; c:0), (u:$E019A; c:0), (u:$E019B; c:0), (u:$E019C; c:0),
- (u:$E019D; c:0), (u:$E019E; c:0), (u:$E019F; c:0), (u:$E01A0; c:0),
- (u:$E01A1; c:0), (u:$E01A2; c:0), (u:$E01A3; c:0), (u:$E01A4; c:0),
- (u:$E01A5; c:0), (u:$E01A6; c:0), (u:$E01A7; c:0), (u:$E01A8; c:0),
- (u:$E01A9; c:0), (u:$E01AA; c:0), (u:$E01AB; c:0), (u:$E01AC; c:0),
- (u:$E01AD; c:0), (u:$E01AE; c:0), (u:$E01AF; c:0), (u:$E01B0; c:0),
- (u:$E01B1; c:0), (u:$E01B2; c:0), (u:$E01B3; c:0), (u:$E01B4; c:0),
- (u:$E01B5; c:0), (u:$E01B6; c:0), (u:$E01B7; c:0), (u:$E01B8; c:0),
- (u:$E01B9; c:0), (u:$E01BA; c:0), (u:$E01BB; c:0), (u:$E01BC; c:0),
- (u:$E01BD; c:0), (u:$E01BE; c:0), (u:$E01BF; c:0), (u:$E01C0; c:0),
- (u:$E01C1; c:0), (u:$E01C2; c:0), (u:$E01C3; c:0), (u:$E01C4; c:0),
- (u:$E01C5; c:0), (u:$E01C6; c:0), (u:$E01C7; c:0), (u:$E01C8; c:0),
- (u:$E01C9; c:0), (u:$E01CA; c:0), (u:$E01CB; c:0), (u:$E01CC; c:0),
- (u:$E01CD; c:0), (u:$E01CE; c:0), (u:$E01CF; c:0), (u:$E01D0; c:0),
- (u:$E01D1; c:0), (u:$E01D2; c:0), (u:$E01D3; c:0), (u:$E01D4; c:0),
- (u:$E01D5; c:0), (u:$E01D6; c:0), (u:$E01D7; c:0), (u:$E01D8; c:0),
- (u:$E01D9; c:0), (u:$E01DA; c:0), (u:$E01DB; c:0), (u:$E01DC; c:0),
- (u:$E01DD; c:0), (u:$E01DE; c:0), (u:$E01DF; c:0), (u:$E01E0; c:0),
- (u:$E01E1; c:0), (u:$E01E2; c:0), (u:$E01E3; c:0), (u:$E01E4; c:0),
- (u:$E01E5; c:0), (u:$E01E6; c:0), (u:$E01E7; c:0), (u:$E01E8; c:0),
- (u:$E01E9; c:0), (u:$E01EA; c:0), (u:$E01EB; c:0), (u:$E01EC; c:0),
- (u:$E01ED; c:0), (u:$E01EE; c:0), (u:$E01EF; c:0)
- );
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/generatedutf8.inc b/components/bgrabitmap/generatedutf8.inc
deleted file mode 100644
index d3db417..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/generatedutf8.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1231 +0,0 @@
-{ This file is generated by dev/parseunicode/parseunicodeclasses program }
- TArabicJoin = (arNone, arInitial, arMedial, arFinal, arIsolated);
- TUTF8Decomposition = record
- de, re: string; //decomposed, recomposed UTF8
- join: TArabicJoin;
- end;
- UTF8Decomposition : array[0..1219] of TUTF8Decomposition = (
- (de:'≮'; re:'≮'; join:arNone),
- (de:'≠'; re:'≠'; join:arNone),
- (de:'≯'; re:'≯'; join:arNone),
- (de:'À'; re:'À'; join:arNone),
- (de:'AÌ'; re:'Ã'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Â'; re:'Â'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ã'; re:'Ã'; join:arNone),
- (de:'AÌ„'; re:'Ä€'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ă'; re:'Ă'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ȧ'; re:'Ȧ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ä'; re:'Ä'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ả'; re:'Ả'; join:arNone),
- (de:'AÌŠ'; re:'Ã…'; join:arNone),
- (de:'AÌŒ'; re:'Ç'; join:arNone),
- (de:'AÌ'; re:'È€'; join:arNone),
- (de:'AÌ‘'; re:'È‚'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ạ'; re:'Ạ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ḁ'; re:'Ḁ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ą'; re:'Ą'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ḃ'; re:'Ḃ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ḅ'; re:'Ḅ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ḇ'; re:'Ḇ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'CÌ'; re:'Ć'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ĉ'; re:'Ĉ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ċ'; re:'Ċ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Č'; re:'Č'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ç'; re:'Ç'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ḋ'; re:'Ḋ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ď'; re:'Ď'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ḍ'; re:'Ḍ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ḑ'; re:'á¸'; join:arNone),
- (de:'DÌ'; re:'Ḓ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ḏ'; re:'Ḏ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'È'; re:'È'; join:arNone),
- (de:'EÌ'; re:'É'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ê'; re:'Ê'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ẽ'; re:'Ẽ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'EÌ„'; re:'Ä’'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ĕ'; re:'Ĕ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ė'; re:'Ė'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ë'; re:'Ë'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ẻ'; re:'Ẻ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ě'; re:'Ě'; join:arNone),
- (de:'EÌ'; re:'È„'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ȇ'; re:'Ȇ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ẹ'; re:'Ẹ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ȩ'; re:'Ȩ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ę'; re:'Ę'; join:arNone),
- (de:'EÌ'; re:'Ḙ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ḛ'; re:'Ḛ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ḟ'; re:'Ḟ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'GÌ'; re:'Ç´'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ĝ'; re:'Ĝ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ḡ'; re:'Ḡ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ğ'; re:'Ğ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ġ'; re:'Ä '; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ǧ'; re:'Ǧ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ģ'; re:'Ģ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ĥ'; re:'Ĥ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ḣ'; re:'Ḣ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ḧ'; re:'Ḧ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ȟ'; re:'Ȟ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ḥ'; re:'Ḥ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ḩ'; re:'Ḩ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ḫ'; re:'Ḫ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ì'; re:'Ì'; join:arNone),
- (de:'IÌ'; re:'Ã'; join:arNone),
- (de:'IÌ‚'; re:'ÃŽ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ĩ'; re:'Ĩ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ī'; re:'Ī'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ĭ'; re:'Ĭ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'İ'; re:'İ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ï'; re:'Ã'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ỉ'; re:'Ỉ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'IÌŒ'; re:'Ç'; join:arNone),
- (de:'IÌ'; re:'Ȉ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'IÌ‘'; re:'ÈŠ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ị'; re:'Ị'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Į'; re:'Į'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ḭ'; re:'Ḭ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'JÌ‚'; re:'Ä´'; join:arNone),
- (de:'KÌ'; re:'Ḱ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ǩ'; re:'Ǩ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ḳ'; re:'Ḳ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ķ'; re:'Ķ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ḵ'; re:'Ḵ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'LÌ'; re:'Ĺ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ľ'; re:'Ľ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ḷ'; re:'Ḷ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ļ'; re:'Ļ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'LÌ'; re:'Ḽ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ḻ'; re:'Ḻ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'MÌ'; re:'Ḿ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ṁ'; re:'Ṁ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ṃ'; re:'Ṃ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ǹ'; re:'Ǹ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'NÌ'; re:'Ń'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ñ'; re:'Ñ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ṅ'; re:'Ṅ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ň'; re:'Ň'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ṇ'; re:'Ṇ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ņ'; re:'Ņ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'NÌ'; re:'Ṋ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ṉ'; re:'Ṉ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'OÌ€'; re:'Ã’'; join:arNone),
- (de:'OÌ'; re:'Ó'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ô'; re:'Ô'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Õ'; re:'Õ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ō'; re:'Ō'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ŏ'; re:'Ŏ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ȯ'; re:'Ȯ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ö'; re:'Ö'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ỏ'; re:'Ỏ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'OÌ‹'; re:'Å'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ǒ'; re:'Ǒ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'OÌ'; re:'ÈŒ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'OÌ‘'; re:'ÈŽ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'OÌ›'; re:'Æ '; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ọ'; re:'Ọ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ǫ'; re:'Ǫ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'PÌ'; re:'á¹”'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ṗ'; re:'Ṗ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'RÌ'; re:'Å”'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ṙ'; re:'Ṙ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ř'; re:'Ř'; join:arNone),
- (de:'RÌ'; re:'È'; join:arNone),
- (de:'RÌ‘'; re:'È’'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ṛ'; re:'Ṛ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ŗ'; re:'Ŗ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ṟ'; re:'Ṟ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'SÌ'; re:'Åš'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ŝ'; re:'Ŝ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ṡ'; re:'Ṡ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Š'; re:'Š'; join:arNone),
- (de:'SÌ£'; re:'á¹¢'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ș'; re:'Ș'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ş'; re:'Ş'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ṫ'; re:'Ṫ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ť'; re:'Ť'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ṭ'; re:'Ṭ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ț'; re:'Ț'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ţ'; re:'Ţ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'TÌ'; re:'á¹°'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ṯ'; re:'Ṯ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ù'; re:'Ù'; join:arNone),
- (de:'UÌ'; re:'Ú'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Û'; re:'Û'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ũ'; re:'Ũ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ū'; re:'Ū'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ŭ'; re:'Ŭ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ü'; re:'Ü'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ủ'; re:'Ủ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'UÌŠ'; re:'Å®'; join:arNone),
- (de:'UÌ‹'; re:'Å°'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ǔ'; re:'Ǔ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'UÌ'; re:'È”'; join:arNone),
- (de:'UÌ‘'; re:'È–'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ư'; re:'Ư'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ụ'; re:'Ụ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ṳ'; re:'Ṳ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ų'; re:'Ų'; join:arNone),
- (de:'UÌ'; re:'Ṷ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'UÌ°'; re:'á¹´'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ṽ'; re:'Ṽ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'VÌ£'; re:'á¹¾'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ẁ'; re:'Ẁ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'WÌ'; re:'Ẃ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'WÌ‚'; re:'Å´'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ẇ'; re:'Ẇ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ẅ'; re:'Ẅ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ẉ'; re:'Ẉ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ẋ'; re:'Ẋ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ẍ'; re:'Ẍ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ỳ'; re:'Ỳ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'YÌ'; re:'Ã'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ŷ'; re:'Ŷ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ỹ'; re:'Ỹ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ȳ'; re:'Ȳ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ẏ'; re:'Ẏ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ÿ'; re:'Ÿ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ỷ'; re:'Ỷ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'YÌ£'; re:'á»´'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ZÌ'; re:'Ź'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ZÌ‚'; re:'áº'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ż'; re:'Ż'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ž'; re:'Ž'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ẓ'; re:'Ẓ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ẕ'; re:'Ẕ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'à'; re:'à '; join:arNone),
- (de:'aÌ'; re:'á'; join:arNone),
- (de:'â'; re:'â'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ã'; re:'ã'; join:arNone),
- (de:'aÌ„'; re:'Ä'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ă'; re:'ă'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ȧ'; re:'ȧ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ä'; re:'ä'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ả'; re:'ả'; join:arNone),
- (de:'aÌŠ'; re:'Ã¥'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ǎ'; re:'ǎ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'aÌ'; re:'È'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ȃ'; re:'ȃ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ạ'; re:'ạ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'aÌ¥'; re:'á¸'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ą'; re:'ą'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ḃ'; re:'ḃ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ḅ'; re:'ḅ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ḇ'; re:'ḇ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'cÌ'; re:'ć'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ĉ'; re:'ĉ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ċ'; re:'ċ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'cÌŒ'; re:'Ä'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ç'; re:'ç'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ḋ'; re:'ḋ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'dÌŒ'; re:'Ä'; join:arNone),
- (de:'dÌ£'; re:'á¸'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ḑ'; re:'ḑ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'dÌ'; re:'ḓ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ḏ'; re:'á¸'; join:arNone),
- (de:'è'; re:'è'; join:arNone),
- (de:'eÌ'; re:'é'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ê'; re:'ê'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ẽ'; re:'ẽ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ē'; re:'ē'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ĕ'; re:'ĕ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ė'; re:'ė'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ë'; re:'ë'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ẻ'; re:'ẻ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ě'; re:'ě'; join:arNone),
- (de:'eÌ'; re:'È…'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ȇ'; re:'ȇ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ẹ'; re:'ẹ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ȩ'; re:'ȩ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ę'; re:'ę'; join:arNone),
- (de:'eÌ'; re:'ḙ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ḛ'; re:'ḛ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ff'; re:'ff'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ffi'; re:'ffi'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ffl'; re:'ffl'; join:arNone),
- (de:'fi'; re:'ï¬'; join:arNone),
- (de:'fl'; re:'fl'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ḟ'; re:'ḟ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'gÌ'; re:'ǵ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'gÌ‚'; re:'Ä'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ḡ'; re:'ḡ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ğ'; re:'ğ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ġ'; re:'ġ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ǧ'; re:'ǧ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ģ'; re:'ģ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ĥ'; re:'ĥ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ḣ'; re:'ḣ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ḧ'; re:'ḧ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ȟ'; re:'ȟ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ḥ'; re:'ḥ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ḩ'; re:'ḩ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ḫ'; re:'ḫ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ẖ'; re:'ẖ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ì'; re:'ì'; join:arNone),
- (de:'iÌ'; re:'Ã'; join:arNone),
- (de:'î'; re:'î'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ĩ'; re:'ĩ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ī'; re:'ī'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ĭ'; re:'Ä'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ï'; re:'ï'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ỉ'; re:'ỉ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'iÌŒ'; re:'Ç'; join:arNone),
- (de:'iÌ'; re:'ȉ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ȋ'; re:'ȋ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ị'; re:'ị'; join:arNone),
- (de:'į'; re:'į'; join:arNone),
- (de:'iÌ°'; re:'á¸'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ĵ'; re:'ĵ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ǰ'; re:'ǰ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'kÌ'; re:'ḱ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ǩ'; re:'ǩ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ḳ'; re:'ḳ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ķ'; re:'ķ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ḵ'; re:'ḵ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'lÌ'; re:'ĺ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ľ'; re:'ľ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ḷ'; re:'ḷ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ļ'; re:'ļ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'lÌ'; re:'ḽ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ḻ'; re:'ḻ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'mÌ'; re:'ḿ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ṁ'; re:'á¹'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ṃ'; re:'ṃ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ǹ'; re:'ǹ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'nÌ'; re:'Å„'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ñ'; re:'ñ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ṅ'; re:'ṅ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ň'; re:'ň'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ṇ'; re:'ṇ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ņ'; re:'ņ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'nÌ'; re:'ṋ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ṉ'; re:'ṉ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ò'; re:'ò'; join:arNone),
- (de:'oÌ'; re:'ó'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ô'; re:'ô'; join:arNone),
- (de:'õ'; re:'õ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'oÌ„'; re:'Å'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ŏ'; re:'Å'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ȯ'; re:'ȯ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ö'; re:'ö'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ỏ'; re:'á»'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ő'; re:'ő'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ǒ'; re:'ǒ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'oÌ'; re:'È'; join:arNone),
- (de:'oÌ‘'; re:'È'; join:arNone),
- (de:'oÌ›'; re:'Æ¡'; join:arNone),
- (de:'oÌ£'; re:'á»'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ǫ'; re:'ǫ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'pÌ'; re:'ṕ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ṗ'; re:'ṗ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'rÌ'; re:'Å•'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ṙ'; re:'ṙ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ř'; re:'ř'; join:arNone),
- (de:'rÌ'; re:'È‘'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ȓ'; re:'ȓ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ṛ'; re:'ṛ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ŗ'; re:'ŗ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ṟ'; re:'ṟ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'sÌ'; re:'Å›'; join:arNone),
- (de:'sÌ‚'; re:'Å'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ṡ'; re:'ṡ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'š'; re:'š'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ṣ'; re:'ṣ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ș'; re:'ș'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ş'; re:'ş'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ṫ'; re:'ṫ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ẗ'; re:'ẗ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ť'; re:'ť'; join:arNone),
- (de:'tÌ£'; re:'á¹'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ț'; re:'ț'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ţ'; re:'ţ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'tÌ'; re:'á¹±'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ṯ'; re:'ṯ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ù'; re:'ù'; join:arNone),
- (de:'uÌ'; re:'ú'; join:arNone),
- (de:'û'; re:'û'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ũ'; re:'ũ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ū'; re:'ū'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ŭ'; re:'Å'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ü'; re:'ü'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ủ'; re:'ủ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ů'; re:'ů'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ű'; re:'ű'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ǔ'; re:'ǔ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'uÌ'; re:'È•'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ȗ'; re:'ȗ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'uÌ›'; re:'Æ°'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ụ'; re:'ụ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ṳ'; re:'ṳ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ų'; re:'ų'; join:arNone),
- (de:'uÌ'; re:'á¹·'; join:arNone),
- (de:'uÌ°'; re:'á¹µ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ṽ'; re:'ṽ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ṿ'; re:'ṿ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'wÌ€'; re:'áº'; join:arNone),
- (de:'wÌ'; re:'ẃ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ŵ'; re:'ŵ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ẇ'; re:'ẇ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ẅ'; re:'ẅ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ẘ'; re:'ẘ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ẉ'; re:'ẉ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ẋ'; re:'ẋ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ẍ'; re:'áº'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ỳ'; re:'ỳ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'yÌ'; re:'ý'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ŷ'; re:'ŷ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ỹ'; re:'ỹ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ȳ'; re:'ȳ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ẏ'; re:'áº'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ÿ'; re:'ÿ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ỷ'; re:'ỷ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ẙ'; re:'ẙ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ỵ'; re:'ỵ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'zÌ'; re:'ź'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ẑ'; re:'ẑ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ż'; re:'ż'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ž'; re:'ž'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ẓ'; re:'ẓ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ẕ'; re:'ẕ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'῭'; re:'á¿'; join:arNone),
- (de:'¨Ì'; re:'Î…'; join:arNone),
- (de:'῁'; re:'á¿'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ầ'; re:'Ầ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ÂÌ'; re:'Ấ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ẫ'; re:'Ẫ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ẩ'; re:'Ẩ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ǟ'; re:'Ǟ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ã…Ì'; re:'Ǻ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ÆÌ'; re:'Ǽ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ǣ'; re:'Ǣ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ÇÌ'; re:'Ḉ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ề'; re:'Ề'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ÊÌ'; re:'Ế'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ễ'; re:'Ễ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ể'; re:'Ể'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ÃÌ'; re:'Ḯ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ồ'; re:'Ồ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ÔÌ'; re:'á»'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ỗ'; re:'Ỗ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ổ'; re:'Ổ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ÕÌ'; re:'Ṍ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ȭ'; re:'Ȭ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ṏ'; re:'Ṏ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ȫ'; re:'Ȫ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ØÌ'; re:'Ǿ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ǜ'; re:'Ǜ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ÃœÌ'; re:'Ç—'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ǖ'; re:'Ǖ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ǚ'; re:'Ǚ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ầ'; re:'ầ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'âÌ'; re:'ấ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ẫ'; re:'ẫ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ẩ'; re:'ẩ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ǟ'; re:'ǟ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ã¥Ì'; re:'Ç»'; join:arNone),
- (de:'æÌ'; re:'ǽ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ǣ'; re:'ǣ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'çÌ'; re:'ḉ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ề'; re:'á»'; join:arNone),
- (de:'êÌ'; re:'ế'; join:arNone),
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- (de:'ïÌ'; re:'ḯ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ồ'; re:'ồ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ôÌ'; re:'ố'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ỗ'; re:'ỗ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ổ'; re:'ổ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'õÌ'; re:'á¹'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ȭ'; re:'È'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ṏ'; re:'á¹'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ȫ'; re:'ȫ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'øÌ'; re:'Ç¿'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ǜ'; re:'ǜ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'üÌ'; re:'ǘ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ǖ'; re:'ǖ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ǚ'; re:'ǚ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ằ'; re:'Ằ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ä‚Ì'; re:'Ắ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ẵ'; re:'Ẵ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ẳ'; re:'Ẳ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ằ'; re:'ằ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ăÌ'; re:'ắ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ẵ'; re:'ẵ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ẳ'; re:'ẳ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ḕ'; re:'Ḕ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ä’Ì'; re:'Ḗ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ḕ'; re:'ḕ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ä“Ì'; re:'ḗ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ṑ'; re:'á¹'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ÅŒÌ'; re:'á¹’'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ÅÌ€'; re:'ṑ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ÅÌ'; re:'ṓ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ṥ'; re:'Ṥ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ṥ'; re:'ṥ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ṧ'; re:'Ṧ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ṧ'; re:'ṧ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ŨÌ'; re:'Ṹ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Å©Ì'; re:'á¹¹'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ṻ'; re:'Ṻ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ṻ'; re:'ṻ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ẛ'; re:'ẛ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Æ Ì€'; re:'Ờ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Æ Ì'; re:'Ớ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Æ Ìƒ'; re:'á» '; join:arNone),
- (de:'Æ Ì‰'; re:'Ở'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Æ Ì£'; re:'Ợ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Æ¡Ì€'; re:'á»'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Æ¡Ì'; re:'á»›'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ỡ'; re:'ỡ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ở'; re:'ở'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ợ'; re:'ợ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ừ'; re:'Ừ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ƯÌ'; re:'Ứ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ữ'; re:'Ữ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ử'; re:'Ử'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ự'; re:'Ự'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ừ'; re:'ừ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Æ°Ì'; re:'ứ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ữ'; re:'ữ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ử'; re:'á»'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Æ°Ì£'; re:'á»±'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ǯ'; re:'Ǯ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ǭ'; re:'Ǭ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ç«Ì„'; re:'Ç'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ǡ'; re:'Ç '; join:arNone),
- (de:'ǡ'; re:'ǡ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ḝ'; re:'Ḝ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ḝ'; re:'á¸'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ȱ'; re:'Ȱ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ȱ'; re:'ȱ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ǯ'; re:'ǯ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ὰ'; re:'Ὰ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ΑÌ'; re:'Ά'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ᾱ'; re:'Ᾱ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ᾰ'; re:'Ᾰ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ἀ'; re:'Ἀ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ἁ'; re:'Ἁ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ᾼ'; re:'ᾼ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ὲ'; re:'Ὲ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ΕÌ'; re:'Έ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ἐ'; re:'Ἐ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ἑ'; re:'Ἑ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ὴ'; re:'Ὴ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ΗÌ'; re:'Ή'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ἠ'; re:'Ἠ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ἡ'; re:'Ἡ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ῌ'; re:'ῌ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ὶ'; re:'Ὶ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ΙÌ'; re:'Ί'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ῑ'; re:'Ῑ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ῐ'; re:'Ῐ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ϊ'; re:'Ϊ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ἰ'; re:'Ἰ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ἱ'; re:'Ἱ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ὸ'; re:'Ὸ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ΟÌ'; re:'ÎŒ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ὀ'; re:'Ὀ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ὁ'; re:'Ὁ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ῥ'; re:'Ῥ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ὺ'; re:'Ὺ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Î¥Ì'; re:'ÎŽ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ῡ'; re:'Ῡ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ῠ'; re:'Ῠ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ϋ'; re:'Ϋ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ὑ'; re:'Ὑ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ὼ'; re:'Ὼ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ΩÌ'; re:'Î'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ὠ'; re:'Ὠ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ὡ'; re:'Ὡ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ῼ'; re:'ῼ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ᾴ'; re:'ᾴ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ῄ'; re:'ῄ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ὰ'; re:'ὰ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'αÌ'; re:'ά'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ᾱ'; re:'ᾱ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ᾰ'; re:'ᾰ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ἀ'; re:'ἀ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ἁ'; re:'á¼'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ᾶ'; re:'ᾶ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ᾳ'; re:'ᾳ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ὲ'; re:'ὲ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'εÌ'; re:'Î'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ἐ'; re:'á¼'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ἑ'; re:'ἑ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ὴ'; re:'ὴ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ηÌ'; re:'ή'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ἠ'; re:'ἠ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ἡ'; re:'ἡ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ῆ'; re:'ῆ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ῃ'; re:'ῃ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ὶ'; re:'ὶ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ιÌ'; re:'ί'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ῑ'; re:'ῑ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ῐ'; re:'á¿'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ϊ'; re:'ϊ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ἰ'; re:'ἰ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ἱ'; re:'ἱ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ῖ'; re:'ῖ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ὸ'; re:'ὸ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'οÌ'; re:'ÏŒ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ὀ'; re:'ὀ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ὁ'; re:'á½'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ÏÌ“'; re:'ῤ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ÏÌ”'; re:'á¿¥'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ὺ'; re:'ὺ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ï…Ì'; re:'Ï'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ï…Ì„'; re:'á¿¡'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ῠ'; re:'ῠ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ϋ'; re:'ϋ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ï…Ì“'; re:'á½'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ὑ'; re:'ὑ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ῦ'; re:'ῦ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ὼ'; re:'ὼ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ωÌ'; re:'ÏŽ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ὠ'; re:'ὠ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ὡ'; re:'ὡ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ῶ'; re:'ῶ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ῳ'; re:'ῳ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ÏŠÌ€'; re:'á¿’'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ÏŠÌ'; re:'Î'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ÏŠÍ‚'; re:'á¿—'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ï‹Ì€'; re:'á¿¢'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ï‹Ì'; re:'ΰ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ῧ'; re:'ῧ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ÏŽÍ…'; re:'á¿´'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ï’Ì'; re:'Ï“'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ϔ'; re:'ϔ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ї'; re:'Ї'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ð̆'; re:'Ó'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ð̈'; re:'Ó’'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ГÌ'; re:'Ѓ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ѐ'; re:'Ѐ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ӗ'; re:'Ӗ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ё'; re:'Ð'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ӂ'; re:'Ó'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ӝ'; re:'Ӝ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ӟ'; re:'Ӟ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ѝ'; re:'Ð'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ӣ'; re:'Ӣ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Й'; re:'Й'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ӥ'; re:'Ӥ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'КÌ'; re:'ÐŒ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ӧ'; re:'Ӧ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ӯ'; re:'Ӯ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ў'; re:'Ў'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ӱ'; re:'Ӱ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ӳ'; re:'Ӳ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ӵ'; re:'Ӵ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ӹ'; re:'Ӹ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ð̈'; re:'Ó¬'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ӑ'; re:'ӑ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ӓ'; re:'ӓ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'гÌ'; re:'Ñ“'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ѐ'; re:'Ñ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ӗ'; re:'ӗ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ё'; re:'ё'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ӂ'; re:'ӂ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ӝ'; re:'Ó'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ӟ'; re:'ӟ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ѝ'; re:'Ñ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ӣ'; re:'ӣ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'й'; re:'й'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ӥ'; re:'ӥ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'кÌ'; re:'Ñœ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ӧ'; re:'ӧ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ӯ'; re:'ӯ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ў'; re:'ў'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ӱ'; re:'ӱ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ӳ'; re:'ӳ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ӵ'; re:'ӵ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ӹ'; re:'ӹ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ñ̈'; re:'Ó'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ї'; re:'ї'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ñ´Ì'; re:'Ѷ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ѵÌ'; re:'Ñ·'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ӛ'; re:'Ӛ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ӛ'; re:'ӛ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ӫ'; re:'Ӫ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ӫ'; re:'ӫ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'×Ö·'; re:'אַ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'×Ö¸'; re:'אָ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'×Ö¼'; re:'אּ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'בּ'; re:'בּ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'בֿ'; re:'ïŒ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'גּ'; re:'גּ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'דּ'; re:'דּ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'הּ'; re:'הּ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'וֹ'; re:'ï‹'; join:arNone),
- (de:'וּ'; re:'וּ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'זּ'; re:'זּ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'טּ'; re:'טּ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'×™Ö´'; re:'ï¬'; join:arNone),
- (de:'יּ'; re:'יּ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ךּ'; re:'ךּ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'כּ'; re:'כּ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'×›Ö¿'; re:'ï'; join:arNone),
- (de:'לּ'; re:'לּ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'מּ'; re:'מּ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'× Ö¼'; re:'ï€'; join:arNone),
- (de:'סּ'; re:'ï'; join:arNone),
- (de:'×£Ö¼'; re:'ïƒ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'פּ'; re:'ï„'; join:arNone),
- (de:'פֿ'; re:'ïŽ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'צּ'; re:'ï†'; join:arNone),
- (de:'קּ'; re:'ï‡'; join:arNone),
- (de:'רּ'; re:'ïˆ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'שּ'; re:'ï‰'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ש×'; re:'שׁ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'שׂ'; re:'שׂ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'תּ'; re:'ïŠ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ײַ'; re:'ײַ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ء'; re:'ﺀ'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'Ø¢'; re:'ïº'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'آ'; re:'ﺂ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'أ'; re:'ﺃ'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'أ'; re:'ﺄ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'ؤ'; re:'ﺅ'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'ؤ'; re:'ﺆ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'إ'; re:'ﺇ'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'إ'; re:'ﺈ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'ئ'; re:'ﺉ'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'ئ'; re:'ﺊ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'ئ'; re:'ﺋ'; join:arInitial),
- (de:'ئ'; re:'ﺌ'; join:arMedial),
- (de:'ا'; re:'ïº'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'ا'; re:'ﺎ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'آ'; re:'آ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'أ'; re:'أ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'إ'; re:'إ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ب'; re:'ïº'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'ب'; re:'ïº'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'ب'; re:'ﺑ'; join:arInitial),
- (de:'ب'; re:'ﺒ'; join:arMedial),
- (de:'ة'; re:'ﺓ'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'ة'; re:'ﺔ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'ت'; re:'ﺕ'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'ت'; re:'ﺖ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'ت'; re:'ﺗ'; join:arInitial),
- (de:'ت'; re:'ﺘ'; join:arMedial),
- (de:'ث'; re:'ﺙ'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'ث'; re:'ﺚ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'ث'; re:'ﺛ'; join:arInitial),
- (de:'ث'; re:'ﺜ'; join:arMedial),
- (de:'ج'; re:'ïº'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'ج'; re:'ﺞ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'ج'; re:'ﺟ'; join:arInitial),
- (de:'ج'; re:'ïº '; join:arMedial),
- (de:'Ø'; re:'ﺡ'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'Ø'; re:'ﺢ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'Ø'; re:'ﺣ'; join:arInitial),
- (de:'Ø'; re:'ﺤ'; join:arMedial),
- (de:'خ'; re:'ﺥ'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'خ'; re:'ﺦ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'خ'; re:'ﺧ'; join:arInitial),
- (de:'خ'; re:'ﺨ'; join:arMedial),
- (de:'د'; re:'ﺩ'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'د'; re:'ﺪ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'ذ'; re:'ﺫ'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'ذ'; re:'ﺬ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'ر'; re:'ïº'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'ر'; re:'ﺮ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'ز'; re:'ﺯ'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'ز'; re:'ﺰ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'س'; re:'ﺱ'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'س'; re:'ﺲ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'س'; re:'ﺳ'; join:arInitial),
- (de:'س'; re:'ﺴ'; join:arMedial),
- (de:'ش'; re:'ﺵ'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'ش'; re:'ﺶ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'ش'; re:'ﺷ'; join:arInitial),
- (de:'ش'; re:'ﺸ'; join:arMedial),
- (de:'ص'; re:'ﺹ'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'ص'; re:'ﺺ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'ص'; re:'ﺻ'; join:arInitial),
- (de:'ص'; re:'ﺼ'; join:arMedial),
- (de:'ض'; re:'ﺽ'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'ض'; re:'ﺾ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'ض'; re:'ﺿ'; join:arInitial),
- (de:'ض'; re:'ﻀ'; join:arMedial),
- (de:'Ø·'; re:'ï»'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'ط'; re:'ﻂ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'ط'; re:'ﻃ'; join:arInitial),
- (de:'ط'; re:'ﻄ'; join:arMedial),
- (de:'ظ'; re:'ﻅ'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'ظ'; re:'ﻆ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'ظ'; re:'ﻇ'; join:arInitial),
- (de:'ظ'; re:'ﻈ'; join:arMedial),
- (de:'ع'; re:'ﻉ'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'ع'; re:'ﻊ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'ع'; re:'ﻋ'; join:arInitial),
- (de:'ع'; re:'ﻌ'; join:arMedial),
- (de:'غ'; re:'ï»'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'غ'; re:'ﻎ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'غ'; re:'ï»'; join:arInitial),
- (de:'غ'; re:'ï»'; join:arMedial),
- (de:'Ù'; re:'ﻑ'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'Ù'; re:'ï»’'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'Ù'; re:'ﻓ'; join:arInitial),
- (de:'Ù'; re:'ï»”'; join:arMedial),
- (de:'ق'; re:'ﻕ'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'Ù‚'; re:'ï»–'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'Ù‚'; re:'ï»—'; join:arInitial),
- (de:'ق'; re:'ﻘ'; join:arMedial),
- (de:'Ùƒ'; re:'ï»™'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'ك'; re:'ﻚ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'Ùƒ'; re:'ï»›'; join:arInitial),
- (de:'ك'; re:'ﻜ'; join:arMedial),
- (de:'Ù„'; re:'ï»'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'ل'; re:'ﻞ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'ل'; re:'ﻟ'; join:arInitial),
- (de:'Ù„'; re:'ï» '; join:arMedial),
- (de:'لآ'; re:'ﻵ'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'لآ'; re:'ﻶ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'لأ'; re:'ﻷ'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'لأ'; re:'ﻸ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'لإ'; re:'ﻹ'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'لإ'; re:'ﻺ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'لا'; re:'ﻻ'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'لا'; re:'ﻼ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'م'; re:'ﻡ'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'م'; re:'ﻢ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'م'; re:'ﻣ'; join:arInitial),
- (de:'م'; re:'ﻤ'; join:arMedial),
- (de:'ن'; re:'ﻥ'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'ن'; re:'ﻦ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'ن'; re:'ﻧ'; join:arInitial),
- (de:'ن'; re:'ﻨ'; join:arMedial),
- (de:'ه'; re:'ﻩ'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'ه'; re:'ﻪ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'ه'; re:'ﻫ'; join:arInitial),
- (de:'ه'; re:'ﻬ'; join:arMedial),
- (de:'Ùˆ'; re:'ï»'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'Ùˆ'; re:'ï»®'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'ؤ'; re:'ؤ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ى'; re:'ﯨ'; join:arInitial),
- (de:'ى'; re:'ﯩ'; join:arMedial),
- (de:'ى'; re:'ﻯ'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'Ù‰'; re:'ï»°'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'ÙŠ'; re:'ï»±'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'ي'; re:'ﻲ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'ي'; re:'ﻳ'; join:arInitial),
- (de:'ÙŠ'; re:'ï»´'; join:arMedial),
- (de:'ئ'; re:'ئ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ù±'; re:'ï'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'Ù±'; re:'ï‘'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'Ù·'; re:'ï¯'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'Ù¹'; re:'ï¦'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'Ù¹'; re:'ï§'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'Ù¹'; re:'ï¨'; join:arInitial),
- (de:'Ù¹'; re:'ï©'; join:arMedial),
- (de:'Ùº'; re:'ïž'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'Ùº'; re:'ïŸ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'Ùº'; re:'ï '; join:arInitial),
- (de:'Ùº'; re:'ï¡'; join:arMedial),
- (de:'Ù»'; re:'ï’'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'Ù»'; re:'ï“'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'Ù»'; re:'ï”'; join:arInitial),
- (de:'Ù»'; re:'ï•'; join:arMedial),
- (de:'Ù¾'; re:'ï–'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'Ù¾'; re:'ï—'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'Ù¾'; re:'ï˜'; join:arInitial),
- (de:'Ù¾'; re:'ï™'; join:arMedial),
- (de:'Ù¿'; re:'ï¢'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'Ù¿'; re:'ï£'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'Ù¿'; re:'ï¤'; join:arInitial),
- (de:'Ù¿'; re:'ï¥'; join:arMedial),
- (de:'Ú€'; re:'ïš'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'Ú€'; re:'ï›'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'Ú€'; re:'ïœ'; join:arInitial),
- (de:'Ú€'; re:'ï'; join:arMedial),
- (de:'Úƒ'; re:'ï¶'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'Úƒ'; re:'ï·'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'Úƒ'; re:'ï¸'; join:arInitial),
- (de:'Úƒ'; re:'ï¹'; join:arMedial),
- (de:'Ú„'; re:'ï²'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'Ú„'; re:'ï³'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'Ú„'; re:'ï´'; join:arInitial),
- (de:'Ú„'; re:'ïµ'; join:arMedial),
- (de:'Ú†'; re:'ïº'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'Ú†'; re:'ï»'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'Ú†'; re:'ï¼'; join:arInitial),
- (de:'Ú†'; re:'ï½'; join:arMedial),
- (de:'Ú‡'; re:'ï¾'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'Ú‡'; re:'ï¿'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'ڇ'; re:'ﮀ'; join:arInitial),
- (de:'Ú‡'; re:'ï®'; join:arMedial),
- (de:'ڈ'; re:'ﮈ'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'ڈ'; re:'ﮉ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'ڌ'; re:'ﮄ'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'ڌ'; re:'ﮅ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'Ú'; re:'ﮂ'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'Ú'; re:'ﮃ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'ڎ'; re:'ﮆ'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'ڎ'; re:'ﮇ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'ڑ'; re:'ﮌ'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'Ú‘'; re:'ï®'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'ژ'; re:'ﮊ'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'ژ'; re:'ﮋ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'Ú¤'; re:'ïª'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'Ú¤'; re:'ï«'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'Ú¤'; re:'ï¬'; join:arInitial),
- (de:'Ú¤'; re:'ï'; join:arMedial),
- (de:'Ú¦'; re:'ï®'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'Ú¦'; re:'ï¯'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'Ú¦'; re:'ï°'; join:arInitial),
- (de:'Ú¦'; re:'ï±'; join:arMedial),
- (de:'ک'; re:'ﮎ'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'Ú©'; re:'ï®'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'Ú©'; re:'ï®'; join:arInitial),
- (de:'ک'; re:'ﮑ'; join:arMedial),
- (de:'Ú'; re:'ﯓ'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'Ú'; re:'ﯔ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'Ú'; re:'ﯕ'; join:arInitial),
- (de:'Ú'; re:'ﯖ'; join:arMedial),
- (de:'Ú¯'; re:'ï®’'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'گ'; re:'ﮓ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'Ú¯'; re:'ï®”'; join:arInitial),
- (de:'گ'; re:'ﮕ'; join:arMedial),
- (de:'ڱ'; re:'ﮚ'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'Ú±'; re:'ï®›'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'ڱ'; re:'ﮜ'; join:arInitial),
- (de:'Ú±'; re:'ï®'; join:arMedial),
- (de:'Ú³'; re:'ï®–'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'Ú³'; re:'ï®—'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'ڳ'; re:'ﮘ'; join:arInitial),
- (de:'Ú³'; re:'ï®™'; join:arMedial),
- (de:'ں'; re:'ﮞ'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'ں'; re:'ﮟ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'Ú»'; re:'ï® '; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'ڻ'; re:'ﮡ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'ڻ'; re:'ﮢ'; join:arInitial),
- (de:'ڻ'; re:'ﮣ'; join:arMedial),
- (de:'ھ'; re:'ﮪ'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'ھ'; re:'ﮫ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'ھ'; re:'ﮬ'; join:arInitial),
- (de:'Ú¾'; re:'ï®'; join:arMedial),
- (de:'ۀ'; re:'ﮤ'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'ۀ'; re:'ﮥ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'Û'; re:'ﮦ'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'Û'; re:'ﮧ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'Û'; re:'ﮨ'; join:arInitial),
- (de:'Û'; re:'ﮩ'; join:arMedial),
- (de:'ÛÙ”'; re:'Û‚'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Û…'; re:'ï¯ '; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'ۅ'; re:'ﯡ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'ۆ'; re:'ﯙ'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'ۆ'; re:'ﯚ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'ۇ'; re:'ﯗ'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'ۇ'; re:'ﯘ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'ۈ'; re:'ﯛ'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'ۈ'; re:'ﯜ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'ۉ'; re:'ﯢ'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'ۉ'; re:'ﯣ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'ۋ'; re:'ﯞ'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'ۋ'; re:'ﯟ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'ی'; re:'ﯼ'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'ی'; re:'ﯽ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'ی'; re:'ﯾ'; join:arInitial),
- (de:'ی'; re:'ﯿ'; join:arMedial),
- (de:'Û'; re:'ﯤ'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'Û'; re:'ﯥ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'Û'; re:'ﯦ'; join:arInitial),
- (de:'Û'; re:'ﯧ'; join:arMedial),
- (de:'Û’'; re:'ï®®'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'ے'; re:'ﮯ'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'Û’Ù”'; re:'Û“'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Û“'; re:'ï®°'; join:arIsolated),
- (de:'Û“'; re:'ï®±'; join:arFinal),
- (de:'Û•Ù”'; re:'Û€'; join:arNone),
- (de:'क़'; re:'क़'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ख़'; re:'ख़'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ग़'; re:'ग़'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ज़'; re:'ज़'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ड़'; re:'ड़'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ढ़'; re:'à¥'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ऩ'; re:'ऩ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'फ़'; re:'फ़'; join:arNone),
- (de:'य़'; re:'य़'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ऱ'; re:'ऱ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ऴ'; re:'ऴ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ড়'; re:'ড়'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ঢ়'; re:'à§'; join:arNone),
- (de:'য়'; re:'য়'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ਖ਼'; re:'ਖ਼'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ਗ਼'; re:'ਗ਼'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ਜ਼'; re:'ਜ਼'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ਫ਼'; re:'ਫ਼'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ਲ਼'; re:'ਲ਼'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ਸ਼'; re:'ਸ਼'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ଡ଼'; re:'àœ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ଢ଼'; re:'à'; join:arNone),
- (de:'à‡à–'; re:'àˆ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ේ'; re:'ේ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ෝ'; re:'à·'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ཀྵ'; re:'ཀྵ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'གྷ'; re:'གྷ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ཌྷ'; re:'à½'; join:arNone),
- (de:'དྷ'; re:'དྷ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'བྷ'; re:'བྷ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ཛྷ'; re:'ཛྷ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ဦ'; re:'ဦ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ᬻ'; re:'ᬻ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ᬽ'; re:'ᬽ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'á‚ᬵ'; re:'áƒ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ḹ'; re:'Ḹ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ḹ'; re:'ḹ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ṝ'; re:'Ṝ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ṝ'; re:'á¹'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ṩ'; re:'Ṩ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ṩ'; re:'ṩ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ậ'; re:'Ậ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ặ'; re:'Ặ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ậ'; re:'áº'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ặ'; re:'ặ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ệ'; re:'Ệ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ệ'; re:'ệ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ộ'; re:'Ộ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'á»Ì‚'; re:'á»™'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ἂ'; re:'ἂ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'á¼€Ì'; re:'ἄ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ἆ'; re:'ἆ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ᾀ'; re:'ᾀ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'á¼Ì€'; re:'ἃ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'á¼Ì'; re:'á¼…'; join:arNone),
- (de:'á¼Í‚'; re:'ἇ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'á¼Í…'; re:'á¾'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ᾂ'; re:'ᾂ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ᾃ'; re:'ᾃ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ᾄ'; re:'ᾄ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'á¼…Í…'; re:'á¾…'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ᾆ'; re:'ᾆ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ᾇ'; re:'ᾇ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ἂ'; re:'Ἂ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ἈÌ'; re:'Ἄ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ἆ'; re:'Ἆ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ᾈ'; re:'ᾈ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ἃ'; re:'Ἃ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ἉÌ'; re:'á¼'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ἇ'; re:'á¼'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ᾉ'; re:'ᾉ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ᾊ'; re:'ᾊ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ᾋ'; re:'ᾋ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ᾌ'; re:'ᾌ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'á¼Í…'; re:'á¾'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ᾎ'; re:'ᾎ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'á¼Í…'; re:'á¾'; join:arNone),
- (de:'á¼Ì€'; re:'á¼’'; join:arNone),
- (de:'á¼Ì'; re:'á¼”'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ἓ'; re:'ἓ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ἑÌ'; re:'ἕ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ἒ'; re:'Ἒ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ἘÌ'; re:'Ἔ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ἓ'; re:'Ἓ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'á¼™Ì'; re:'á¼'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ἢ'; re:'ἢ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'á¼ Ì'; re:'ἤ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ἦ'; re:'ἦ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'á¼ Í…'; re:'á¾'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ἣ'; re:'ἣ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ἡÌ'; re:'á¼¥'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ἧ'; re:'ἧ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ᾑ'; re:'ᾑ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ᾒ'; re:'ᾒ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ᾓ'; re:'ᾓ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ᾔ'; re:'ᾔ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ᾕ'; re:'ᾕ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ᾖ'; re:'ᾖ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ᾗ'; re:'ᾗ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ἢ'; re:'Ἢ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ἨÌ'; re:'Ἤ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ἦ'; re:'Ἦ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ᾘ'; re:'ᾘ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ἣ'; re:'Ἣ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ἩÌ'; re:'á¼'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ἧ'; re:'Ἧ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ᾙ'; re:'ᾙ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ᾚ'; re:'ᾚ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ᾛ'; re:'ᾛ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ᾜ'; re:'ᾜ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'á¼Í…'; re:'á¾'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ᾞ'; re:'ᾞ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ᾟ'; re:'ᾟ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'á¼°Ì€'; re:'á¼²'; join:arNone),
- (de:'á¼°Ì'; re:'á¼´'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ἶ'; re:'ἶ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ἳ'; re:'ἳ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'á¼±Ì'; re:'á¼µ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ἷ'; re:'ἷ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ἲ'; re:'Ἲ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ἸÌ'; re:'á¼¼'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ἶ'; re:'Ἶ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ἳ'; re:'Ἳ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'á¼¹Ì'; re:'á¼½'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ἷ'; re:'Ἷ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ὂ'; re:'ὂ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'á½€Ì'; re:'ὄ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'á½Ì€'; re:'ὃ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'á½Ì'; re:'á½…'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ὂ'; re:'Ὂ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ὈÌ'; re:'Ὄ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ὃ'; re:'Ὃ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ὉÌ'; re:'á½'; join:arNone),
- (de:'á½Ì€'; re:'á½’'; join:arNone),
- (de:'á½Ì'; re:'á½”'; join:arNone),
- (de:'á½Í‚'; re:'á½–'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ὓ'; re:'ὓ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ὑÌ'; re:'ὕ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ὗ'; re:'ὗ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ὓ'; re:'Ὓ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'á½™Ì'; re:'á½'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ὗ'; re:'Ὗ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ὢ'; re:'ὢ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'á½ Ì'; re:'ὤ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ὦ'; re:'ὦ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'á½ Í…'; re:'á¾ '; join:arNone),
- (de:'ὣ'; re:'ὣ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ὡÌ'; re:'á½¥'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ὧ'; re:'ὧ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ᾡ'; re:'ᾡ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ᾢ'; re:'ᾢ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ᾣ'; re:'ᾣ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ᾤ'; re:'ᾤ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ᾥ'; re:'ᾥ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ᾦ'; re:'ᾦ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ᾧ'; re:'ᾧ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ὢ'; re:'Ὢ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ὨÌ'; re:'Ὤ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ὦ'; re:'Ὦ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ᾨ'; re:'ᾨ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ὣ'; re:'Ὣ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ὩÌ'; re:'á½'; join:arNone),
- (de:'Ὧ'; re:'Ὧ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ᾩ'; re:'ᾩ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ᾪ'; re:'ᾪ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ᾫ'; re:'ᾫ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ᾬ'; re:'ᾬ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'á½Í…'; re:'á¾'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ᾮ'; re:'ᾮ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ᾯ'; re:'ᾯ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'á½°Í…'; re:'á¾²'; join:arNone),
- (de:'á½´Í…'; re:'á¿‚'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ῲ'; re:'ῲ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ᾷ'; re:'ᾷ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'῍'; re:'á¿'; join:arNone),
- (de:'᾿Ì'; re:'á¿Ž'; join:arNone),
- (de:'῏'; re:'á¿'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ῇ'; re:'ῇ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ῷ'; re:'ῷ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'῝'; re:'á¿'; join:arNone),
- (de:'῾Ì'; re:'á¿ž'; join:arNone),
- (de:'῟'; re:'῟'; join:arNone),
- (de:'â†Ì¸'; re:'↚'; join:arNone),
- (de:'↛'; re:'↛'; join:arNone),
- (de:'↮'; re:'↮'; join:arNone),
- (de:'â‡Ì¸'; re:'â‡'; join:arNone),
- (de:'⇏'; re:'â‡'; join:arNone),
- (de:'⇎'; re:'⇎'; join:arNone),
- (de:'∄'; re:'∄'; join:arNone),
- (de:'∉'; re:'∉'; join:arNone),
- (de:'∌'; re:'∌'; join:arNone),
- (de:'∤'; re:'∤'; join:arNone),
- (de:'∦'; re:'∦'; join:arNone),
- (de:'≁'; re:'â‰'; join:arNone),
- (de:'≄'; re:'≄'; join:arNone),
- (de:'≇'; re:'≇'; join:arNone),
- (de:'≉'; re:'≉'; join:arNone),
- (de:'â‰Ì¸'; re:'â‰'; join:arNone),
- (de:'≢'; re:'≢'; join:arNone),
- (de:'≰'; re:'≰'; join:arNone),
- (de:'≱'; re:'≱'; join:arNone),
- (de:'≴'; re:'≴'; join:arNone),
- (de:'≵'; re:'≵'; join:arNone),
- (de:'≸'; re:'≸'; join:arNone),
- (de:'≹'; re:'≹'; join:arNone),
- (de:'⊀'; re:'⊀'; join:arNone),
- (de:'⊁'; re:'âŠ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'⋠'; re:'⋠'; join:arNone),
- (de:'⋡'; re:'⋡'; join:arNone),
- (de:'⊄'; re:'⊄'; join:arNone),
- (de:'⊅'; re:'⊅'; join:arNone),
- (de:'⊈'; re:'⊈'; join:arNone),
- (de:'⊉'; re:'⊉'; join:arNone),
- (de:'⋢'; re:'⋢'; join:arNone),
- (de:'⋣'; re:'⋣'; join:arNone),
- (de:'⊬'; re:'⊬'; join:arNone),
- (de:'⊭'; re:'âŠ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'⊮'; re:'⊮'; join:arNone),
- (de:'⊯'; re:'⊯'; join:arNone),
- (de:'⋪'; re:'⋪'; join:arNone),
- (de:'⋫'; re:'⋫'; join:arNone),
- (de:'⋬'; re:'⋬'; join:arNone),
- (de:'⋭'; re:'â‹'; join:arNone),
- (de:'â«Ì¸'; re:'â«œ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ã†ã‚™'; re:'ã‚”'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ã‹ã‚™'; re:'ãŒ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ãã‚™'; re:'ãŽ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ãã‚™'; re:'ã'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ã‘ã‚™'; re:'ã’'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ã“ã‚™'; re:'ã”'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ã•ã‚™'; re:'ã–'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ã—ã‚™'; re:'ã˜'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ã™ã‚™'; re:'ãš'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ã›ã‚™'; re:'ãœ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ãã‚™'; re:'ãž'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ãŸã‚™'; re:'ã '; join:arNone),
- (de:'ã¡ã‚™'; re:'ã¢'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ã¤ã‚™'; re:'ã¥'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ã¦ã‚™'; re:'ã§'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ã¨ã‚™'; re:'ã©'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ã¯ã‚™'; re:'ã°'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ã¯ã‚š'; re:'ã±'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ã²ã‚™'; re:'ã³'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ã²ã‚š'; re:'ã´'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ãµã‚™'; re:'ã¶'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ãµã‚š'; re:'ã·'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ã¸ã‚™'; re:'ã¹'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ã¸ã‚š'; re:'ãº'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ã»ã‚™'; re:'ã¼'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ã»ã‚š'; re:'ã½'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ã‚ã‚™'; re:'ã‚ž'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ヴ'; re:'ヴ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ガ'; re:'ガ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ã‚ã‚™'; re:'ã‚®'; join:arNone),
- (de:'グ'; re:'グ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ゲ'; re:'ゲ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ゴ'; re:'ゴ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ザ'; re:'ザ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ジ'; re:'ジ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ズ'; re:'ズ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ゼ'; re:'ゼ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ゾ'; re:'ゾ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ダ'; re:'ダ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ãƒã‚™'; re:'ヂ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ヅ'; re:'ヅ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'デ'; re:'デ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ド'; re:'ド'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ãƒã‚™'; re:'ãƒ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ãƒã‚š'; re:'パ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ビ'; re:'ビ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ピ'; re:'ピ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ブ'; re:'ブ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'プ'; re:'プ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ベ'; re:'ベ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ペ'; re:'ペ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ボ'; re:'ボ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ポ'; re:'ãƒ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ヷ'; re:'ヷ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ヸ'; re:'ヸ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ヹ'; re:'ヹ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ヺ'; re:'ヺ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ヾ'; re:'ヾ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ï‰×'; re:'שּׁ'; join:arNone),
- (de:'ï‰×‚'; re:'ï¬'; join:arNone),
- (de:'𑂚'; re:'𑂚'; join:arNone),
- (de:'𑂜'; re:'𑂜'; join:arNone),
- (de:'𑂫'; re:'𑂫'; join:arNone),
- (de:'𑒻'; re:'𑒻'; join:arNone)
- );
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/geometrytypes.inc b/components/bgrabitmap/geometrytypes.inc
deleted file mode 100644
index e2d04b2..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/geometrytypes.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1686 +0,0 @@
-{=== Geometry types ===}
- {* Value indicating that there is nothing in the single-precision floating point value.
- It is also used as a separator in lists }
- EmptySingle = single(-3.402823e38);
- TPoint = BGRAClasses.TPoint;
- TSize = BGRAClasses.TSize;
- {* Pointer to a ''TPointF'' structure }
- PPointF = ^BGRAClasses.TPointF;
- {* Contains a point with single-precision floating point coordinates }
- TPointF = BGRAClasses.TPointF;
- {* Contains an array of points with single-precision floating point coordinates }
- ArrayOfTPointF = array of TPointF;
- {* An affine matrix contains three 2D vectors: the image of x, the image of y and the translation }
- TAffineMatrix = array[1..2,1..3] of single;
- TRectF = BGRAClasses.TRectF;
-{$if FPC_FULLVERSION<030001}
- { TRectHelper }
- TRectHelper = record helper for TRect
- private
- function GetHeight: integer;
- function GetIsEmpty: boolean;
- function GetWidth: integer;
- procedure SetHeight(AValue: integer);
- procedure SetWidth(AValue: integer);
- public
- constructor Create(Origin: TPoint; AWidth, AHeight: Longint); overload;
- constructor Create(ALeft, ATop, ARight, ABottom: Longint); overload;
- procedure Intersect(R: TRect);
- class function Intersect(R1: TRect; R2: TRect): TRect; static;
- function IntersectsWith(R: TRect): Boolean;
- class function Union(R1, R2: TRect): TRect; static;
- procedure Union(R: TRect);
- procedure Offset(DX, DY: Longint);
- procedure Inflate(DX, DY: Longint);
- function Contains(const APoint: TPoint): boolean; overload;
- function Contains(const ARect: TRect): boolean; overload;
- property Width: integer read GetWidth write SetWidth;
- property Height: integer read GetHeight write SetHeight;
- property IsEmpty: boolean read GetIsEmpty;
- end;
-operator=(const ARect1,ARect2: TRect): boolean;
- { TSizeHelper }
- TSizeHelper = record helper for TSize
- private
- function GetHeight: integer;
- function GetWidth: integer;
- public
- property Width: integer read GetWidth;
- property Height: integer read GetHeight;
- end;
- EmptyPoint : TPoint = (X: -2147483648; Y: -2147483648);
-function IsEmptyPoint(const APoint: TPoint): boolean;
- { TPointFHelper }
- TPointFHelper = record helper for TPointF
- procedure Offset(const apt : TPointF); overload;
- procedure Offset(const apt : TPoint); overload;
- procedure Offset(dx,dy : longint); overload;
- procedure Offset(dx,dy : single); overload;
- procedure Scale(AScale: single);
- procedure Normalize;
- function Ceiling: TPoint;
- function Truncate: TPoint;
- function Floor: TPoint;
- function Round: TPoint;
- function Length: Single;
- function IsEmpty: boolean;
- end;
- PRectF = ^TRectF;
- { TRectFHelper }
- TRectFHelper = record helper for TRectF
- class function Intersect(const R1: TRectF; const R2: TRectF): TRectF; overload; static;
- class function Union(const R1: TRectF; const R2: TRectF): TRectF; overload; static;
- class function Union(const R1: TRectF; const R2: TRectF; ADiscardEmpty: boolean): TRectF; overload; static;
- function Union(const r: TRectF):TRectF; overload;
- function Union(const r: TRectF; ADiscardEmpty: boolean):TRectF; overload;
- procedure Include(const APoint: TPointF);
- function Contains(const APoint: TPointF; AIncludeBottomRight: boolean = false): boolean;
- function IntersectsWith(const r: TRectF): boolean;
- function IsEmpty: boolean;
- end;
- {* A value for an empty rectangle }
- EmptyRectF : TRectF = (left:0; top:0; right:0; bottom: 0);
- function RectF(Left, Top, Right, Bottom: Single): TRectF;
- function RectF(const ATopLeft,ABottomRight: TPointF): TRectF;
- function RectF(const ARect: TRect): TRectF;
- function RectWithSizeF(left,top,width,height: Single): TRectF;
- function IsEmptyRectF(const ARect:TRectF): boolean;
- { TAffineBox }
- TAffineBox = object
- private
- function GetAsPolygon: ArrayOfTPointF;
- function GetBottomRight: TPointF;
- function GetCenter: TPointF;
- function GetHeight: single;
- function GetIsEmpty: boolean;
- function GetRectBounds: TRect;
- function GetRectBoundsF: TRectF;
- function GetSurface: single;
- function GetWidth: single;
- public
- TopLeft, TopRight,
- BottomLeft: TPointF;
- class function EmptyBox: TAffineBox; static;
- class function AffineBox(ATopLeft, ATopRight, ABottomLeft: TPointF): TAffineBox; overload; static;
- class function AffineBox(ARectF: TRectF): TAffineBox; overload; static;
- procedure Offset(AOfsX, AOfsY: single); overload;
- procedure Offset(AOfs: TPointF); overload;
- procedure Inflate(AHoriz, AVert: single); //inflates along axes
- function Contains(APoint: TPointF): boolean;
- property RectBounds: TRect read GetRectBounds;
- property RectBoundsF: TRectF read GetRectBoundsF;
- property BottomRight: TPointF read GetBottomRight;
- property IsEmpty: boolean read GetIsEmpty;
- property AsPolygon: ArrayOfTPointF read GetAsPolygon;
- property Width: single read GetWidth;
- property Height: single read GetHeight;
- property Surface: single read GetSurface;
- property Center: TPointF read GetCenter;
- end;
- const
- {** Value indicating that there is an empty ''TPointF'' structure.
- It is also used as a separator in lists of points }
- EmptyPointF: TPointF = (x: -3.402823e38; y: -3.402823e38);
- {----------------- Operators for TPointF --------------------}
- {** Creates a new structure with values ''x'' and ''y'' }
- function PointF(x, y: single): TPointF; overload;
- function PointF(pt: TPoint): TPointF; overload;
- {** Checks if the structure is empty (equal to ''EmptyPointF'') }
- function isEmptyPointF(const pt: TPointF): boolean;
- {** Checks if both ''x'' and ''y'' are equal }
- operator = (const pt1, pt2: TPointF): boolean; inline;
- {** Adds ''x'' and ''y'' components separately. It is like adding vectors }
- operator + (const pt1, pt2: TPointF): TPointF; inline;
- {** Subtract ''x'' and ''y'' components separately. It is like subtracting vectors }
- operator - (const pt1, pt2: TPointF): TPointF; inline;
- {** Returns a point with opposite values for ''x'' and ''y'' components }
- operator - (const pt2: TPointF): TPointF; inline;
- {** Scalar product: multiplies ''x'' and ''y'' components and returns the sum }
- operator * (const pt1, pt2: TPointF): single; inline;
- {** Multiplies both ''x'' and ''y'' by ''factor''. It scales the vector represented by (''x'',''y'') }
- operator * (const pt1: TPointF; factor: single): TPointF; inline;
- {** Multiplies both ''x'' and ''y'' by ''factor''. It scales the vector represented by (''x'',''y'') }
- operator * (factor: single; const pt1: TPointF): TPointF; inline;
- {** Returns the length of the vector (''dx'',''dy'') }
- function VectLen(dx,dy: single): single; overload;
- {** Returns the length of the vector represented by (''x'',''y'') }
- function VectLen(v: TPointF): single; overload;
- function VectDet(v1,v2: TPointF): double; inline;
- TFaceCulling = (fcNone, fcKeepCW, fcKeepCCW);
- {** Creates an array of ''TPointF'' }
- function PointsF(const pts: array of TPointF): ArrayOfTPointF;
- {** Concatenates arrays of ''TPointF'' }
- function ConcatPointsF(const APolylines: array of ArrayOfTPointF; AInsertEmptyPointInBetween: boolean = false): ArrayOfTPointF;
- {** Compute the length of the polyline contained in the array.
- ''AClosed'' specifies if the last point is to be joined to the first one }
- function PolylineLen(const pts: array of TPointF; AClosed: boolean = false): single;
- {* A pen style can be dashed, dotted, etc. It is defined as a list of floating point number.
- The first number is the length of the first dash,
- the second number is the length of the first gap,
- the third number is the length of the second dash...
- It must have an even number of values. This is used as a complement
- to [[BGRABitmap Types imported from Graphics|TPenStyle]] }
- TBGRAPenStyle = array Of Single;
- {** Creates a pen style with the specified length for the dashes and the spaces }
- function BGRAPenStyle(dash1, space1: single; dash2: single=0; space2: single = 0; dash3: single=0; space3: single = 0; dash4 : single = 0; space4 : single = 0): TBGRAPenStyle;
- {* Different types of spline. A spline is a series of points that are used
- as control points to draw a curve. The first point and last point may
- or may not be the starting and ending point }
- TSplineStyle = (
- {** The curve is drawn inside the polygonal envelope without reaching the starting and ending points }
- ssInside,
- {** The curve is drawn inside the polygonal envelope and the starting and ending points are reached }
- ssInsideWithEnds,
- {** The curve crosses the polygonal envelope without reaching the starting and ending points }
- ssCrossing,
- {** The curve crosses the polygonal envelope and the starting and ending points are reached }
- ssCrossingWithEnds,
- {** The curve is outside the polygonal envelope (starting and ending points are reached) }
- ssOutside,
- {** The curve expands outside the polygonal envelope (starting and ending points are reached) }
- ssRoundOutside,
- {** The curve is outside the polygonal envelope and there is a tangeant at vertices (starting and ending points are reached) }
- ssVertexToSide,
- {** The curve is rounded using Bezier curves when the angle is less than or equal to 45° }
- ssEasyBezier);
- {* Pointer to an arc definition }
- PArcDef = ^TArcDef;
- {* Definition of an arc of an ellipse }
- TArcDef = record
- {** Center of the ellipse }
- center: TPointF;
- {** Horizontal and vertical of the ellipse before rotation }
- radius: TPointF;
- {** Rotation of the ellipse }
- xAngleRadCW: single;
- {** Start and end angle, in radian and clockwise. See angle convention in ''BGRAPath'' }
- startAngleRadCW, endAngleRadCW: single;
- {** Specifies if the arc goes anticlockwise }
- anticlockwise: boolean
- end;
- {** Creates a structure for an arc definition }
- function ArcDef(cx, cy, rx,ry, xAngleRadCW, startAngleRadCW, endAngleRadCW: single; anticlockwise: boolean) : TArcDef;
- {* Possible options for drawing an arc of an ellipse (used in ''BGRACanvas'') }
- TArcOption = (
- {** Close the path by joining the ending and starting point together }
- aoClosePath,
- {** Draw a pie shape by joining the ending and starting point to the center of the ellipse }
- aoPie,
- {** Fills the shape }
- aoFillPath);
- {** Set of options for drawing an arc }
- TArcOptions = set of TArcOption;
- TBGRAArrowStyle = (asNone, asNormal, asCut, asTriangle, asHollowTriangle, asFlipped, asFlippedCut, asTail, asTailRepeat);
- { TBGRACustomArrow }
- TBGRACustomArrow = class
- protected
- function GetEndOffsetX: single; virtual; abstract;
- function GetEndRepeatCount: integer; virtual; abstract;
- function GetEndSizeFactor: TPointF; virtual; abstract;
- function GetIsEndDefined: boolean; virtual; abstract;
- function GetIsStartDefined: boolean; virtual; abstract;
- function GetStartOffsetX: single; virtual; abstract;
- function GetStartRepeatCount: integer; virtual; abstract;
- function GetStartSizeFactor: TPointF; virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetEndOffsetX(AValue: single); virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetEndRepeatCount(AValue: integer); virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetEndSizeFactor(AValue: TPointF); virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetStartOffsetX(AValue: single); virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetStartRepeatCount(AValue: integer); virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetStartSizeFactor(AValue: TPointF); virtual; abstract;
- function GetLineCap: TPenEndCap; virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetLineCap(AValue: TPenEndCap); virtual; abstract;
- public
- function ComputeStartAt(const APosition: TPointF; const ADirection: TPointF; const AWidth: single; const ACurrentPos: single): ArrayOfTPointF; virtual; abstract;
- function ComputeEndAt(const APosition: TPointF; const ADirection: TPointF; const AWidth: single; const ACurrentPos: single): ArrayOfTPointF; virtual; abstract;
- procedure StartAsNone; virtual; abstract;
- procedure StartAsClassic(AFlipped: boolean = false; ACut: boolean = false; ARelativePenWidth: single = 1); virtual; abstract;
- procedure StartAsTriangle(ABackOffset: single = 0; ARounded: boolean = false; AHollow: boolean = false; AHollowPenWidth: single = 0.5); virtual; abstract;
- procedure StartAsTail; virtual; abstract;
- procedure EndAsNone; virtual; abstract;
- procedure EndAsClassic(AFlipped: boolean = false; ACut: boolean = false; ARelativePenWidth: single = 1); virtual; abstract;
- procedure EndAsTriangle(ABackOffset: single = 0; ARounded: boolean = false; AHollow: boolean = false; AHollowPenWidth: single = 0.5); virtual; abstract;
- procedure EndAsTail; virtual; abstract;
- property IsStartDefined: boolean read GetIsStartDefined;
- property IsEndDefined: boolean read GetIsEndDefined;
- property StartOffsetX: single read GetStartOffsetX write SetStartOffsetX;
- property EndOffsetX: single read GetEndOffsetX write SetEndOffsetX;
- property LineCap: TPenEndCap read GetLineCap write SetLineCap;
- property StartSize: TPointF read GetStartSizeFactor write SetStartSizeFactor;
- property EndSize: TPointF read GetEndSizeFactor write SetEndSizeFactor;
- property StartRepeatCount: integer read GetStartRepeatCount write SetStartRepeatCount;
- property EndRepeatCount: integer read GetEndRepeatCount write SetEndRepeatCount;
- end;
- { TBGRACustomPenStroker }
- TBGRACustomPenStroker = class
- protected
- function GetArrow: TBGRACustomArrow; virtual; abstract;
- function GetArrowOwned: boolean; virtual; abstract;
- function GetCustomPenStyle: TBGRAPenStyle; virtual; abstract;
- function GetJoinStyle: TPenJoinStyle; virtual; abstract;
- function GetLineCap: TPenEndCap; virtual; abstract;
- function GetMiterLimit: single; virtual; abstract;
- function GetPenStyle: TPenStyle; virtual; abstract;
- function GetStrokeMatrix: TAffineMatrix; virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetArrow(AValue: TBGRACustomArrow); virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetArrowOwned(AValue: boolean); virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetCustomPenStyle(AValue: TBGRAPenStyle); virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetJoinStyle(AValue: TPenJoinStyle); virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetLineCap(AValue: TPenEndCap); virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetMiterLimit(AValue: single); virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetPenStyle(AValue: TPenStyle); virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetStrokeMatrix(const AValue: TAffineMatrix); virtual; abstract;
- public
- function ComputePolyline(const APoints: array of TPointF; AWidth: single; AClosedCap: boolean = true): ArrayOfTPointF; overload; virtual; abstract;
- function ComputePolyline(const APoints: array of TPointF; AWidth: single; APenColor: TBGRAPixel; AClosedCap: boolean = true): ArrayOfTPointF; overload; virtual; abstract;
- function ComputePolylineAutoCycle(const APoints: array of TPointF; AWidth: single): ArrayOfTPointF; virtual; abstract;
- function ComputePolygon(const APoints: array of TPointF; AWidth: single): ArrayOfTPointF; virtual; abstract;
- property Style: TPenStyle read GetPenStyle write SetPenStyle;
- property CustomPenStyle: TBGRAPenStyle read GetCustomPenStyle write SetCustomPenStyle;
- property Arrow: TBGRACustomArrow read GetArrow write SetArrow;
- property ArrowOwned: boolean read GetArrowOwned write SetArrowOwned;
- property StrokeMatrix: TAffineMatrix read GetStrokeMatrix write SetStrokeMatrix;
- property LineCap: TPenEndCap read GetLineCap write SetLineCap;
- property JoinStyle: TPenJoinStyle read GetJoinStyle write SetJoinStyle;
- property MiterLimit: single read GetMiterLimit write SetMiterLimit;
- end;
- {* Point in 3D with single-precision floating point coordinates }
- PPoint3D = ^TPoint3D;
- { TPoint3D }
- TPoint3D = record
- x,y,z: single;
- procedure Offset(const point3D: TPoint3D);
- procedure Scale(AScale: single);
- end;
- {----------------- Operators for TPoint3D ---------------}
- {** Creates a new structure with values (''x'',''y'',''z'') }
- function Point3D(x,y,z: single): TPoint3D;
- {** Checks if all components ''x'', ''y'' and ''z'' are equal }
- operator = (const v1,v2: TPoint3D): boolean; inline;
- {** Adds components separately. It is like adding vectors }
- operator + (const v1,v2: TPoint3D): TPoint3D; inline;
- {** Subtract components separately. It is like subtracting vectors }
- operator - (const v1,v2: TPoint3D): TPoint3D; inline;
- {** Returns a point with opposite values for all components }
- operator - (const v: TPoint3D): TPoint3D; inline;
- {** Scalar product: multiplies components and returns the sum }
- operator * (const v1,v2: TPoint3D): single; inline;
- {** Multiplies components by ''factor''. It scales the vector represented by (''x'',''y'',''z'') }
- operator * (const v1: TPoint3D; const factor: single): TPoint3D; inline;
- {** Multiplies components by ''factor''. It scales the vector represented by (''x'',''y'',''z'') }
- operator * (const factor: single; const v1: TPoint3D): TPoint3D; inline;
- {** Computes the vectorial product ''w''. It is perpendicular to both ''u'' and ''v'' }
- procedure VectProduct3D(u,v: TPoint3D; out w: TPoint3D);
- {** Normalize the vector, i.e. scale it so that its length be 1 }
- procedure Normalize3D(var v: TPoint3D); inline;
- function VectLen3D(const v: TPoint3D): single;
- {* Defition of a line in the euclidian plane }
- TLineDef = record
- {** Some point in the line }
- origin: TPointF;
- {** Vector indicating the direction }
- dir: TPointF;
- end;
- {----------- Line and polygon functions -----------}
- {** Computes the intersection of two lines. If they are parallel, returns
- the middle of the segment between the two origins }
- function IntersectLine(line1, line2: TLineDef): TPointF; overload;
- {** Computes the intersection of two lines. If they are parallel, returns
- the middle of the segment between the two origins. The value ''parallel''
- is set to indicate if the lines were parallel }
- function IntersectLine(line1, line2: TLineDef; out parallel: boolean): TPointF; overload;
- {** Checks if the polygon formed by the given points is convex. ''IgnoreAlign''
- specifies that if the points are aligned, it should still be considered as convex }
- function IsConvex(const pts: array of TPointF; IgnoreAlign: boolean = true): boolean;
- function IsClockwise(const pts: array of TPointF): boolean;
- {** Checks if the quad formed by the 4 given points intersects itself }
- function DoesQuadIntersect(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF): boolean;
- {** Checks if two segment intersect }
- function DoesSegmentIntersect(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF): boolean;
- TBGRACustomPathCursor = class;
- TBGRAPathDrawProc = procedure(const APoints: array of TPointF; AClosed: boolean; AData: Pointer) of object;
- TBGRAPathFillProc = procedure(const APoints: array of TPointF; AData: pointer) of object;
- {* A path is the ability to define a contour with ''moveTo'', ''lineTo''...
- Even if it is an interface, it must not implement reference counting. }
- IBGRAPath = interface
- {** Closes the current path with a line to the starting point }
- procedure closePath;
- {** Moves to a location, disconnected from previous points }
- procedure moveTo(constref pt: TPointF);
- {** Adds a line from the current point }
- procedure lineTo(constref pt: TPointF);
- {** Adds a polyline from the current point }
- procedure polylineTo(const pts: array of TPointF);
- {** Adds a quadratic Bézier curve from the current point }
- procedure quadraticCurveTo(constref cp,pt: TPointF);
- {** Adds a cubic Bézier curve from the current point }
- procedure bezierCurveTo(constref cp1,cp2,pt: TPointF);
- {** Adds an arc. If there is a current point, it is connected to the beginning of the arc }
- procedure arc(constref arcDef: TArcDef);
- {** Adds an opened spline. If there is a current point, it is connected to the beginning of the spline }
- procedure openedSpline(const pts: array of TPointF; style: TSplineStyle);
- {** Adds an closed spline. If there is a current point, it is connected to the beginning of the spline }
- procedure closedSpline(const pts: array of TPointF; style: TSplineStyle);
- {** Copy the content of this path to the specified destination }
- procedure copyTo(dest: IBGRAPath);
- {** Returns the content of the path as an array of points }
- function getPoints: ArrayOfTPointF; overload;
- {** Returns the content of the path as an array of points with the transformation specified by ''AMatrix'' }
- function getPoints(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix): ArrayOfTPointF; overload;
- {** Calls a given draw procedure for each sub path with computed coordinates for rendering }
- procedure stroke(ADrawProc: TBGRAPathDrawProc; AData: pointer); overload;
- procedure stroke(ADrawProc: TBGRAPathDrawProc; const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AData: pointer); overload;
- {** Calls a given fill procedure for each sub path with computed coordinates for rendering }
- procedure fill(AFillProc: TBGRAPathFillProc; AData: pointer); overload;
- procedure fill(AFillProc: TBGRAPathFillProc; const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AData: pointer); overload;
- {** Returns a cursor to go through the path. The cursor must be freed by calling ''Free''. }
- function getCursor: TBGRACustomPathCursor;
- end;
- { TBGRACustomPath }
- TBGRACustomPath = class(IBGRAPath)
- constructor Create; virtual; abstract;
- procedure beginPath; virtual; abstract;
- procedure closePath; virtual; abstract;
- procedure moveTo(constref pt: TPointF); virtual; abstract;
- procedure lineTo(constref pt: TPointF); virtual; abstract;
- procedure polylineTo(const pts: array of TPointF); virtual; abstract;
- procedure quadraticCurveTo(constref cp,pt: TPointF); virtual; abstract;
- procedure bezierCurveTo(constref cp1,cp2,pt: TPointF); virtual; abstract;
- procedure arc(constref arcDef: TArcDef); virtual; abstract;
- procedure openedSpline(const pts: array of TPointF; style: TSplineStyle); virtual; abstract;
- procedure closedSpline(const pts: array of TPointF; style: TSplineStyle); virtual; abstract;
- procedure copyTo(dest: IBGRAPath); virtual; abstract;
- protected
- function getPoints: ArrayOfTPointF; overload; virtual; abstract;
- function getPoints(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix): ArrayOfTPointF; overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure stroke(ADrawProc: TBGRAPathDrawProc; AData: pointer); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure stroke(ADrawProc: TBGRAPathDrawProc; const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AData: pointer); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure fill(AFillProc: TBGRAPathFillProc; AData: pointer); overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure fill(AFillProc: TBGRAPathFillProc; const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AData: pointer); overload; virtual; abstract;
- function getLength: single; virtual; abstract;
- function getCursor: TBGRACustomPathCursor; virtual; abstract;
- protected
- function QueryInterface({$IFDEF FPC_HAS_CONSTREF}constref{$ELSE}const{$ENDIF} IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult; {$IF (not defined(WINDOWS)) AND (FPC_FULLVERSION>=20501)}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$IFEND};
- function _AddRef: Integer; {$IF (not defined(WINDOWS)) AND (FPC_FULLVERSION>=20501)}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$IFEND};
- function _Release: Integer; {$IF (not defined(WINDOWS)) AND (FPC_FULLVERSION>=20501)}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$IFEND};
- end;
- TBGRAPathAny = class of TBGRACustomPath;
- { TBGRACustomPathCursor }
- {* Class that contains a cursor to browse an existing path }
- TBGRACustomPathCursor = class
- protected
- function GetArcPos: single; virtual; abstract;
- function GetCurrentCoord: TPointF; virtual; abstract;
- function GetCurrentTangent: TPointF; virtual; abstract;
- function GetLoopClosedShapes: boolean; virtual; abstract;
- function GetLoopPath: boolean; virtual; abstract;
- function GetPathLength: single; virtual; abstract;
- function GetBounds: TRectF; virtual; abstract;
- function GetStartCoordinate: TPointF; virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetArcPos(AValue: single); virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetLoopClosedShapes(AValue: boolean); virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetLoopPath(AValue: boolean); virtual; abstract;
- public
- {** Go forward in the path, increasing the value of ''Position''. If ''ADistance'' is negative, then
- it goes backward instead. ''ACanJump'' specifies if the cursor can jump from one shape to another
- without a line or an arc. Otherwise, the cursor is stuck, and the return value is less than
- the value ''ADistance'' provided. If all the way has been travelled, the
- return value is equal to ''ADistance'' }
- function MoveForward(ADistance: single; ACanJump: boolean = true): single; virtual; abstract;
- {** Go backward, decreasing the value of ''Position''. If ''ADistance'' is negative, then it goes
- forward instead. ''ACanJump'' specifies if the cursor can jump from one shape to another
- without a line or an arc. Otherwise, the cursor is stuck, and the return value is less than
- the value ''ADistance'' provided. If all the way has been travelled, the
- return value is equal to ''ADistance'' }
- function MoveBackward(ADistance: single; ACanJump: boolean = true): single; virtual; abstract;
- {** Returns the current coordinate in the path }
- property CurrentCoordinate: TPointF read GetCurrentCoord;
- {** Returns the tangent vector. It is a vector of length one that is parallel to the curve
- at the current point. A normal vector is easily deduced as PointF(y,-x) }
- property CurrentTangent: TPointF read GetCurrentTangent;
- {** Current position in the path, as a distance along the arc from the starting point of the path }
- property Position: single read GetArcPos write SetArcPos;
- {** Full arc length of the path }
- property PathLength: single read GetPathLength;
- {** Starting coordinate of the path }
- property StartCoordinate: TPointF read GetStartCoordinate;
- {** Specifies if the cursor loops when there is a closed shape }
- property LoopClosedShapes: boolean read GetLoopClosedShapes write SetLoopClosedShapes;
- {** Specifies if the cursor loops at the end of the path. Note that if it needs to jump to go
- to the beginning, it will be only possible if the parameter ''ACanJump'' is set to True
- when moving along the path }
- property LoopPath: boolean read GetLoopPath write SetLoopPath;
- end;
- BGRAPathFactory: TBGRAPathAny;
- {* A value for an empty rectangle }
- EmptyRect : TRect = (left:0; top:0; right:0; bottom: 0);
-{* Checks if a point is in a rectangle. This follows usual convention: ''r.Right'' and
- ''r.Bottom'' are not considered to be included in the rectangle. }
-function PtInRect(const pt: TPoint; r: TRect): boolean; overload;
-{* Creates a rectangle with the specified ''width'' and ''height'' }
-function RectWithSize(left,top,width,height: integer): TRect;
-{$I bezier.inc}
- {* Possible options for a round rectangle }
- TRoundRectangleOption = (
- {** specify that a corner is a square (not rounded) }
- rrTopLeftSquare,rrTopRightSquare,rrBottomRightSquare,rrBottomLeftSquare,
- {** specify that a corner is a bevel (cut) }
- rrTopLeftBevel,rrTopRightBevel,rrBottomRightBevel,rrBottomLeftBevel,
- {** default option, does nothing particular }
- rrDefault);
- {** A set of options for a round rectangle }
- TRoundRectangleOptions = set of TRoundRectangleOption;
- {* Order of polygons when rendered using ''TBGRAMultiShapeFiller''
- (in unit ''BGRAPolygon'') }
- TPolygonOrder = (
- {** No order, colors are mixed together }
- poNone,
- {** First polygon is on top }
- poFirstOnTop,
- {** Last polygon is on top }
- poLastOnTop);
- PIntersectionInfo = ^TIntersectionInfo;
- { TIntersectionInfo }
- {* Contains an intersection between an horizontal line and any shape. It
- is used when filling shapes }
- TIntersectionInfo = class
- interX: single;
- winding: integer;
- numSegment: integer;
- procedure SetValues(AInterX: Single; AWinding, ANumSegment: integer);
- end;
- {** An array of intersections between an horizontal line and any shape }
- ArrayOfTIntersectionInfo = array of TIntersectionInfo;
- {* Abstract class defining any shape that can be filled }
- TBGRACustomFillInfo = class
- public
- {** Returns true if one segment number can represent a curve and
- thus cannot be considered exactly straight }
- function SegmentsCurved: boolean; virtual; abstract;
- {** Returns integer bounds for the shape }
- function GetBounds: TRect; virtual; abstract;
- {** Check if the point is inside the shape }
- function IsPointInside(x,y: single; windingMode: boolean): boolean; virtual; abstract;
- {** Create an array that will contain computed intersections.
- To augment that array, use ''CreateIntersectionInfo'' for new items }
- function CreateIntersectionArray: ArrayOfTIntersectionInfo; virtual; abstract;
- {** Create a structure to define one single intersection }
- function CreateIntersectionInfo: TIntersectionInfo; virtual; abstract;
- {** Free an array of intersections }
- procedure FreeIntersectionArray(var inter: ArrayOfTIntersectionInfo); virtual; abstract;
- {** Fill an array ''inter'' with actual intersections with the shape at the y coordinate ''cury''.
- ''nbInter'' receives the number of computed intersections. ''windingMode'' specifies if
- the winding method must be used to determine what is inside of the shape }
- procedure ComputeAndSort(cury: single; var inter: ArrayOfTIntersectionInfo; out nbInter: integer; windingMode: boolean); virtual; abstract;
- function GetSliceIndex: integer; virtual; abstract;
- end;
- {* Shape of a gradient }
- TGradientType = (
- {** The color changes along a certain vector and does not change along its perpendicular direction }
- gtLinear,
- {** The color changes like in ''gtLinear'' however it is symmetrical to a specified direction }
- gtReflected,
- {** The color changes along a diamond shape }
- gtDiamond,
- {** The color changes in a radial way from a given center }
- gtRadial,
- {** The color changes according to the angle relative to a given center }
- gtAngular);
- {** List of string to represent gradient types }
- GradientTypeStr : array[TGradientType] of string
- = ('Linear','Reflected','Diamond','Radial','Angular');
- {** Returns the gradient type represented by the given string }
- function StrToGradientType(str: string): TGradientType;
- TBGRAGradientGetColorAtFunc = function(position: integer): TBGRAPixel of object;
- TBGRAGradientGetColorAtFloatFunc = function(position: single): TBGRAPixel of object;
- TBGRAGradientGetExpandedColorAtFunc = function(position: integer): TExpandedPixel of object;
- TBGRAGradientGetExpandedColorAtFloatFunc = function(position: single): TExpandedPixel of object;
- { TBGRACustomGradient }
- {* Defines a gradient of color, not specifying its shape but only the
- series of colors }
- TBGRACustomGradient = class
- public
- {** Returns the color at a given ''position''. The reference range is
- from 0 to 65535, however values beyond are possible as well }
- function GetColorAt(position: integer): TBGRAPixel; virtual; abstract;
- function GetExpandedColorAt(position: integer): TExpandedPixel; virtual;
- {** Returns the color at a given ''position''. The reference range is
- from 0 to 1, however values beyond are possible as well }
- function GetColorAtF(position: single): TBGRAPixel; virtual;
- function GetExpandedColorAtF(position: single): TExpandedPixel; virtual;
- {** Returns the average color of the gradient }
- function GetAverageColor: TBGRAPixel; virtual; abstract;
- function GetAverageExpandedColor: TExpandedPixel; virtual;
- function GetMonochrome: boolean; virtual; abstract;
- {** This property is True if the gradient contains only one color,
- and thus is not really a gradient }
- property Monochrome: boolean read GetMonochrome;
- end;
-{ TRectHelper }
-function TRectHelper.GetHeight: integer;
- result := Bottom-Top;
-function TRectHelper.GetIsEmpty: boolean;
- result := (Width = 0) and (Height = 0)
-function TRectHelper.GetWidth: integer;
- result := Right-Left;
-procedure TRectHelper.SetHeight(AValue: integer);
- Bottom := Top+AValue;
-procedure TRectHelper.SetWidth(AValue: integer);
- Right := Left+AValue;
-constructor TRectHelper.Create(Origin: TPoint; AWidth, AHeight: Longint);
- self.Left := Origin.X;
- self.Top := Origin.Y;
- self.Right := Origin.X+AWidth;
- self.Bottom := Origin.Y+AHeight;
-constructor TRectHelper.Create(ALeft, ATop, ARight, ABottom: Longint);
- self.Left := ALeft;
- self.Top := ATop;
- self.Right := ARight;
- self.Bottom := ABottom;
-procedure TRectHelper.Intersect(R: TRect);
- self := TRect.Intersect(self, R);
-class function TRectHelper.Intersect(R1: TRect; R2: TRect): TRect;
- if R1.Left >= R2.Left then result.Left := R1.Left else result.Left := R2.Left;
- if R1.Top >= R2.Top then result.Top := R1.Top else result.Top := R2.Top;
- if R1.Right <= R2.Right then result.Right := R1.Right else result.Right := R2.Right;
- if R1.Bottom <= R2.Bottom then result.Bottom := R1.Bottom else result.Bottom := R2.Bottom;
- if result.IsEmpty then fillchar(result, sizeof(result), 0);
-function TRectHelper.IntersectsWith(R: TRect): Boolean;
- Result := (Left < R.Right) and (R.Left < Right) and (Top < R.Bottom) and (R.Top < Bottom);
-class function TRectHelper.Union(R1, R2: TRect): TRect;
- if R1.Left <= R2.Left then result.Left := R1.Left else result.Left := R2.Left;
- if R1.Top <= R2.Top then result.Top := R1.Top else result.Top := R2.Top;
- if R1.Right >= R2.Right then result.Right := R1.Right else result.Right := R2.Right;
- if R1.Bottom >= R2.Bottom then result.Bottom := R1.Bottom else result.Bottom := R2.Bottom;
- if result.IsEmpty then fillchar(result, sizeof(result), 0);
-procedure TRectHelper.Union(R: TRect);
- self := TRect.Union(self, R);
-procedure TRectHelper.Offset(DX, DY: Longint);
- Inc(Left, DX);
- Inc(Top, DY);
- Inc(Right, DX);
- Inc(Bottom, DY);
-procedure TRectHelper.Inflate(DX, DY: Longint);
- Dec(Left, DX);
- Dec(Top, DY);
- Inc(Right, DX);
- Inc(Bottom, DY);
-function TRectHelper.Contains(const APoint: TPoint): boolean;
- result := (APoint.X >= Left) and (APoint.X < Right) and
- (APoint.Y >= Top) and (APoint.Y < Bottom);
-function TRectHelper.Contains(const ARect: TRect): boolean;
- Result := (Left <= ARect.Left) and (ARect.Right <= Right) and (Top <= ARect.Top) and (ARect.Bottom <= Bottom);
-operator =(const ARect1, ARect2: TRect): boolean;
- result:= (ARect1.Left = ARect2.Left) and (ARect1.Top = ARect2.Top) and
- (ARect1.Right = ARect2.Right) and (ARect1.Bottom = ARect2.Bottom);
-{ TSizeHelper }
-function TSizeHelper.GetHeight: integer;
- result := cy;
-function TSizeHelper.GetWidth: integer;
- result := cx;
-function IsEmptyPoint(const APoint: TPoint): boolean;
- result := (APoint.x = -2147483648) or (APoint.y = -2147483648);
-procedure TPointFHelper.Offset(const apt: TPointF);
- if isEmptyPointF(self) then exit;
- IncF(self.x, apt.x);
- IncF(self.y, apt.y);
-procedure TPointFHelper.Offset(const apt: TPoint);
- if isEmptyPointF(self) then exit;
- IncF(self.x, apt.x);
- IncF(self.y, apt.y);
-procedure TPointFHelper.Offset(dx, dy: longint);
- if isEmptyPointF(self) then exit;
- IncF(self.x, dx);
- IncF(self.y, dy);
-procedure TPointFHelper.Offset(dx, dy: single);
- if isEmptyPointF(self) then exit;
- IncF(self.x, dx);
- IncF(self.y, dy);
-procedure TPointFHelper.Scale(AScale: single);
- if not isEmptyPointF(self) then
- begin
- self.x := self.x * AScale;
- self.y := self.y * AScale;
- end;
-procedure TPointFHelper.Normalize;
- len: Single;
- len := Length;
- if len > 0 then self := self*(1/len);
-function TPointFHelper.Ceiling: TPoint;
- if isEmptyPointF(self) then
- result := EmptyPoint
- else
- begin
- result.x:=ceil(x);
- result.y:=ceil(y);
- end;
-function TPointFHelper.Truncate: TPoint;
- if isEmptyPointF(self) then
- result := EmptyPoint
- else
- begin
- result.x:=trunc(x);
- result.y:=trunc(y);
- end;
-function TPointFHelper.Floor: TPoint;
- if isEmptyPointF(self) then
- result := EmptyPoint
- else
- begin
- result.x:=Math.floor(x);
- result.y:=Math.floor(y);
- end;
-function TPointFHelper.Round: TPoint;
- if isEmptyPointF(self) then
- result := EmptyPoint
- else
- begin
- result.x:=System.round(x);
- result.y:=System.round(y);
- end;
-function TPointFHelper.Length: Single;
- result:= VectLen(self);
-function TPointFHelper.IsEmpty: boolean;
- result := isEmptyPointF(self);
-class function TRectFHelper.Intersect(const R1: TRectF; const R2: TRectF): TRectF;
- result.left:=max(R1.left,R2.left);
- result.top:=max(R1.top,R2.top);
- result.right:=min(R1.right,R2.right);
- result.bottom:=min(R1.bottom,R2.bottom);
- if (result.left >= result.right) or (result.top >= result.bottom) then
- result := EmptyRectF;
-class function TRectFHelper.Union(const R1: TRectF; const R2: TRectF): TRectF;
- result.left:=min(R1.left,R2.left);
- result.top:=min(R1.top,R2.top);
- result.right:=max(R1.right,R2.right);
- result.bottom:=max(R1.bottom,R2.bottom);
-class function TRectFHelper.Union(const R1: TRectF; const R2: TRectF; ADiscardEmpty: boolean): TRectF;
- if ADiscardEmpty and IsEmptyRectF(R1) then result:= R2 else
- if ADiscardEmpty and IsEmptyRectF(R2) then result:= R1 else
- result := Union(R1,R2);
-function TRectFHelper.Union(const r: TRectF): TRectF;
- result := TRectF.Union(self, r);
-function TRectFHelper.Union(const r: TRectF; ADiscardEmpty: boolean): TRectF;
- result := TRectF.Union(self, r, ADiscardEmpty);
-procedure TRectFHelper.Include(const APoint: TPointF);
- if APoint.x <> EmptySingle then
- begin
- if APoint.x < Left then Left := APoint.x else
- if APoint.x > Right then Right := APoint.x;
- end;
- if APoint.y <> EmptySingle then
- begin
- if APoint.y < Top then Top := APoint.y else
- if APoint.y > Bottom then Bottom := APoint.y;
- end;
-function TRectFHelper.Contains(const APoint: TPointF;
- AIncludeBottomRight: boolean): boolean;
- if isEmptyPointF(APoint) then result := false else
- if (APoint.x < Left) or (APoint.y < Top) then result := false else
- if AIncludeBottomRight and ((APoint.x > Right) or (APoint.y > Bottom)) then result := false else
- if not AIncludeBottomRight and ((APoint.x >= Right) or (APoint.y >= Bottom)) then result := false
- else result := true;
-function TRectFHelper.IntersectsWith(const r: TRectF): boolean;
- result:= not TRectF.Intersect(self, r).IsEmpty;
-function TRectFHelper.IsEmpty: boolean;
- result:= IsEmptyRectF(self);
-{ TAffineBox }
-function TAffineBox.GetAsPolygon: ArrayOfTPointF;
- result := PointsF([TopLeft,TopRight,BottomRight,BottomLeft]);
-function TAffineBox.GetBottomRight: TPointF;
- if IsEmpty then
- result := EmptyPointF
- else
- result := TopRight + (BottomLeft-TopLeft);
-function TAffineBox.GetCenter: TPointF;
- result := (TopLeft + BottomRight)*0.5;
-function TAffineBox.GetHeight: single;
- if isEmptyPointF(TopLeft) or isEmptyPointF(BottomLeft) then
- result := 0
- else
- result := VectLen(BottomLeft-TopLeft);
-function TAffineBox.GetIsEmpty: boolean;
- result := isEmptyPointF(TopRight) or isEmptyPointF(BottomLeft) or isEmptyPointF(TopLeft);
-function TAffineBox.GetRectBounds: TRect;
- with GetRectBoundsF do
- result := Rect(floor(Left),floor(Top),ceil(Right),ceil(Bottom));
-function TAffineBox.GetRectBoundsF: TRectF;
- x1,y1,x2,y2: single;
- x1 := TopLeft.x; x2 := x1;
- y1 := TopLeft.y; y2 := y1;
- if TopRight.x > x2 then x2 := TopRight.x;
- if TopRight.x < x1 then x1 := TopRight.x;
- if TopRight.y > y2 then y2 := TopRight.y;
- if TopRight.y < y1 then y1 := TopRight.y;
- if BottomLeft.x > x2 then x2 := BottomLeft.x;
- if BottomLeft.x < x1 then x1 := BottomLeft.x;
- if BottomLeft.y > y2 then y2 := BottomLeft.y;
- if BottomLeft.y < y1 then y1 := BottomLeft.y;
- if BottomRight.x > x2 then x2 := BottomRight.x;
- if BottomRight.x < x1 then x1 := BottomRight.x;
- if BottomRight.y > y2 then y2 := BottomRight.y;
- if BottomRight.y < y1 then y1 := BottomRight.y;
- result := RectF(x1,y1,x2,y2);
-function TAffineBox.GetSurface: single;
- u, v: TPointF;
- lenU, lenH: Single;
- u := TopRight-TopLeft;
- lenU := VectLen(u);
- if lenU = 0 then exit(0);
- u.Scale(1/lenU);
- v := BottomLeft-TopLeft;
- lenH := PointF(-u.y,u.x)*v;
- result := abs(lenU*lenH);
-function TAffineBox.GetWidth: single;
- if isEmptyPointF(TopLeft) or isEmptyPointF(TopRight) then
- result := 0
- else
- result := VectLen(TopRight-TopLeft);
-class function TAffineBox.EmptyBox: TAffineBox;
- result.TopLeft := EmptyPointF;
- result.TopRight := EmptyPointF;
- result.BottomLeft := EmptyPointF;
-class function TAffineBox.AffineBox(ATopLeft, ATopRight, ABottomLeft: TPointF): TAffineBox;
- result.TopLeft := ATopLeft;
- result.TopRight := ATopRight;
- result.BottomLeft := ABottomLeft;
-class function TAffineBox.AffineBox(ARectF: TRectF): TAffineBox;
- result.TopLeft := ARectF.TopLeft;
- result.TopRight := PointF(ARectF.Right, ARectF.Top);
- result.BottomLeft := PointF(ARectF.Left, ARectF.Bottom);
-procedure TAffineBox.Offset(AOfsX, AOfsY: single);
- TopLeft.Offset(AOfsX,AOfsY);
- TopRight.Offset(AOfsX,AOfsY);
- BottomLeft.Offset(AOfsX,AOfsY);
-procedure TAffineBox.Offset(AOfs: TPointF);
- Offset(AOfs.X,AOfs.Y);
-procedure TAffineBox.Inflate(AHoriz, AVert: single);
- u, v, ofs_horiz, ofs_vert: TPointF;
- lenU, lenV: Single;
- u := TopRight-TopLeft;
- v := BottomLeft-TopLeft;
- lenU := VectLen(u);
- if lenU > 0 then u := u*(1/lenU);
- lenV := VectLen(v);
- if lenV > 0 then v := v*(1/lenV);
- ofs_horiz := u*AHoriz;
- ofs_vert := v*AVert;
- TopLeft := TopLeft - ofs_horiz - ofs_vert;
- TopRight := TopRight + ofs_horiz - ofs_vert;
- BottomLeft := BottomLeft - ofs_horiz + ofs_vert;
-function TAffineBox.Contains(APoint: TPointF): boolean;
- u,v,perpU,perpV: TPointF;
- posV1, posV2, posU1, posU2: single;
- if IsEmpty then exit(false);
- u := TopRight-TopLeft;
- perpU := PointF(-u.y,u.x);
- v := BottomLeft-TopLeft;
- perpV := PointF(v.y,-v.x);
- //reverse normal if not in the same direction as other side
- if perpU*v < 0 then
- begin
- perpU := -perpU;
- perpV := -perpV;
- end;
- //determine position along normals
- posU1 := (APoint-TopLeft)*perpU;
- posU2 := (APoint-BottomLeft)*perpU;
- posV1 := (APoint-TopLeft)*perpV;
- posV2 := (APoint-TopRight)*perpV;
- result := (posU1 >= 0) and (posU2 < 0) and (posV1 >= 0) and (posV2 < 0);
-function StrToGradientType(str: string): TGradientType;
-var gt: TGradientType;
- result := gtLinear;
- str := LowerCase(str);
- for gt := low(TGradientType) to high(TGradientType) do
- if str = LowerCase(GradientTypeStr[gt]) then
- begin
- result := gt;
- exit;
- end;
-{ TBGRACustomGradient }
-function TBGRACustomGradient.GetExpandedColorAt(position: integer
- ): TExpandedPixel;
- result := GammaExpansion(GetColorAt(position));
-function TBGRACustomGradient.GetColorAtF(position: single): TBGRAPixel;
- if position = EmptySingle then exit(BGRAPixelTransparent);
- position := position * 65536;
- if position < low(integer) then
- result := GetColorAt(low(Integer))
- else if position > high(integer) then
- result := GetColorAt(high(Integer))
- else
- result := GetColorAt(round(position));
-function TBGRACustomGradient.GetExpandedColorAtF(position: single): TExpandedPixel;
- if position = EmptySingle then exit(BGRAPixelTransparent);
- position := position * 65536;
- if position < low(integer) then
- result := GetExpandedColorAt(low(Integer))
- else if position > high(integer) then
- result := GetExpandedColorAt(high(Integer))
- else
- result := GetExpandedColorAt(round(position));
-function TBGRACustomGradient.GetAverageExpandedColor: TExpandedPixel;
- result := GammaExpansion(GetAverageColor);
-{ TIntersectionInfo }
-procedure TIntersectionInfo.SetValues(AInterX: Single; AWinding,
- ANumSegment: integer);
- interX := AInterX;
- winding := AWinding;
- numSegment := ANumSegment;
-{********************** TRect functions **************************}
-function PtInRect(const pt: TPoint; r: TRect): boolean;
- temp: integer;
- if r.right < r.left then
- begin
- temp := r.left;
- r.left := r.right;
- r.Right := temp;
- end;
- if r.bottom < r.top then
- begin
- temp := r.top;
- r.top := r.bottom;
- r.bottom := temp;
- end;
- Result := (pt.X >= r.left) and (pt.Y >= r.top) and (pt.X < r.right) and
- (pt.y < r.bottom);
-function RectWithSize(left, top, width, height: integer): TRect;
- result.left := left;
- result.top := top;
- result.right := left+width;
- result.bottom := top+height;
-{ Make a pen style. Need an even number of values. See TBGRAPenStyle }
-function BGRAPenStyle(dash1, space1: single; dash2: single; space2: single;
- dash3: single; space3: single; dash4: single; space4: single): TBGRAPenStyle;
- i: Integer;
- if dash4 <> 0 then
- begin
- setlength(result,8);
- result[6] := dash4;
- result[7] := space4;
- result[4] := dash3;
- result[5] := space3;
- result[2] := dash2;
- result[3] := space2;
- end else
- if dash3 <> 0 then
- begin
- setlength(result,6);
- result[4] := dash3;
- result[5] := space3;
- result[2] := dash2;
- result[3] := space2;
- end else
- if dash2 <> 0 then
- begin
- setlength(result,4);
- result[2] := dash2;
- result[3] := space2;
- end else
- begin
- setlength(result,2);
- end;
- result[0] := dash1;
- result[1] := space1;
- for i := 0 to high(result) do
- if result[i]=0 then
- raise exception.Create('Zero is not a valid value');
-{ TBGRACustomPath }
-function TBGRACustomPath.QueryInterface({$IFDEF FPC_HAS_CONSTREF}constref{$ELSE}const{$ENDIF} IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult; {$IF (not defined(WINDOWS)) AND (FPC_FULLVERSION>=20501)}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$IFEND};
- if GetInterface(iid, obj) then
- Result := S_OK
- else
- Result := longint(E_NOINTERFACE);
-{ There is no automatic reference counting, but it is compulsory to define these functions }
-function TBGRACustomPath._AddRef: Integer; {$IF (not defined(WINDOWS)) AND (FPC_FULLVERSION>=20501)}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$IFEND};
- result := 0;
-function TBGRACustomPath._Release: Integer; {$IF (not defined(WINDOWS)) AND (FPC_FULLVERSION>=20501)}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$IFEND};
- result := 0;
-function ArcDef(cx, cy, rx, ry, xAngleRadCW, startAngleRadCW, endAngleRadCW: single;
- anticlockwise: boolean): TArcDef;
- result.center := PointF(cx,cy);
- result.radius := PointF(rx,ry);
- result.xAngleRadCW:= xAngleRadCW;
- result.startAngleRadCW := startAngleRadCW;
- result.endAngleRadCW:= endAngleRadCW;
- result.anticlockwise:= anticlockwise;
-{----------------- Operators for TPoint3D ---------------}
-operator = (const v1, v2: TPoint3D): boolean; inline;
- result := (v1.x=v2.x) and (v1.y=v2.y) and (v1.z=v2.z);
-operator * (const v1,v2: TPoint3D): single; inline;
- result := v1.x*v2.x + v1.y*v2.y + v1.z*v2.z;
-operator * (const v1: TPoint3D; const factor: single): TPoint3D; inline;
- result.x := v1.x*factor;
- result.y := v1.y*factor;
- result.z := v1.z*factor;
-operator - (const v1,v2: TPoint3D): TPoint3D; inline;
- result.x := v1.x-v2.x;
- result.y := v1.y-v2.y;
- result.z := v1.z-v2.z;
-operator -(const v: TPoint3D): TPoint3D; inline;
- result.x := -v.x;
- result.y := -v.y;
- result.z := -v.z;
-operator + (const v1,v2: TPoint3D): TPoint3D; inline;
- result.x := v1.x+v2.x;
- result.y := v1.y+v2.y;
- result.z := v1.z+v2.z;
-operator*(const factor: single; const v1: TPoint3D): TPoint3D;
- result.x := v1.x*factor;
- result.y := v1.y*factor;
- result.z := v1.z*factor;
-{ TPoint3D }
-procedure TPoint3D.Offset(const point3D: TPoint3D);
- IncF(self.x, point3d.x);
- IncF(self.y, point3d.y);
- IncF(self.z, point3d.z);
-procedure TPoint3D.Scale(AScale: single);
- self.x := self.x * AScale;
- self.y := self.y * AScale;
- self.z := self.z * AScale;
-function Point3D(x, y, z: single): TPoint3D;
- result.x := x;
- result.y := y;
- result.z := z;
-procedure Normalize3D(var v: TPoint3D); inline;
-var len: double;
- len := v*v;
- if len = 0 then exit;
- len := sqrt(len);
- v.x := v.x / len;
- v.y := v.y / len;
- v.z := v.z / len;
-function VectLen3D(const v: TPoint3D): single;
- result := sqrt(v.x*v.x + v.y*v.y + v.z*v.z);
-procedure VectProduct3D(u,v: TPoint3D; out w: TPoint3D);
- w.x := u.y*v.z-u.z*v.y;
- w.y := u.z*v.x-u.x*v.z;
- w.z := u.x*v.Y-u.y*v.x;
-{----------------- Operators for TPointF --------------------}
-operator =(const pt1, pt2: TPointF): boolean;
- result := (pt1.x = pt2.x) and (pt1.y = pt2.y);
-operator -(const pt1, pt2: TPointF): TPointF;
- result.x := pt1.x-pt2.x;
- result.y := pt1.y-pt2.y;
-operator -(const pt2: TPointF): TPointF;
- result.x := -pt2.x;
- result.y := -pt2.y;
-operator +(const pt1, pt2: TPointF): TPointF;
- result.x := pt1.x+pt2.x;
- result.y := pt1.y+pt2.y;
-operator *(const pt1, pt2: TPointF): single;
- result := pt1.x*pt2.x + pt1.y*pt2.y;
-operator *(const pt1: TPointF; factor: single): TPointF;
- result.x := pt1.x*factor;
- result.y := pt1.y*factor;
-operator *(factor: single; const pt1: TPointF): TPointF;
- result.x := pt1.x*factor;
- result.y := pt1.y*factor;
-function RectF(Left, Top, Right, Bottom: Single): TRectF;
- result.Left:= Left;
- result.Top:= Top;
- result.Right:= Right;
- result.Bottom:= Bottom;
-function RectF(const ATopLeft, ABottomRight: TPointF): TRectF;
- result.TopLeft:= ATopLeft;
- result.BottomRight:= ABottomRight;
-function RectF(const ARect: TRect): TRectF;
- result.Left := ARect.Left;
- result.Top := ARect.Top;
- result.Right := ARect.Right;
- result.Bottom := ARect.Bottom;
-function RectWithSizeF(left, top, width, height: Single): TRectF;
- result.Left:= Left;
- result.Top:= Top;
- result.Right:= left+width;
- result.Bottom:= top+height;
-function IsEmptyRectF(const ARect: TRectF): boolean;
- result:= (ARect.Width = 0) and (ARect.Height = 0);
-function PointF(x, y: single): TPointF;
- Result.x := x;
- Result.y := y;
-function PointF(pt: TPoint): TPointF;
- if IsEmptyPoint(pt) then
- result:= EmptyPointF
- else
- begin
- Result.x := pt.x;
- Result.y := pt.y;
- end;
-function PointsF(const pts: array of TPointF): ArrayOfTPointF;
- i: Integer;
- setlength(result, length(pts));
- for i := 0 to high(pts) do result[i] := pts[i];
-function ConcatPointsF(const APolylines: array of ArrayOfTPointF;
- AInsertEmptyPointInBetween: boolean): ArrayOfTPointF;
- i,pos,count:integer;
- j: Integer;
- count := 0;
- for i := 0 to high(APolylines) do
- inc(count,length(APolylines[i]));
- if AInsertEmptyPointInBetween then inc(count, length(APolylines)-1);
- setlength(result,count);
- pos := 0;
- for i := 0 to high(APolylines) do
- begin
- if AInsertEmptyPointInBetween and (i > 0) then
- begin
- result[pos] := EmptyPointF;
- inc(pos);
- end;
- for j := 0 to high(APolylines[i]) do
- begin
- result[pos] := APolylines[i][j];
- inc(pos);
- end;
- end;
-function VectLen(v: TPointF): single;
- if isEmptyPointF(v) then
- result := EmptySingle
- else
- result := sqrt(v*v);
-function VectDet(v1, v2: TPointF): double;
- result := v1.x*v2.y - v1.y*v2.x;
-function VectLen(dx, dy: single): single;
- result := sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
-function PolylineLen(const pts: array of TPointF; AClosed: boolean): single;
- i: Int32or64;
- result := 0;
- for i := 0 to high(pts)-1 do
- IncF(result, VectLen(pts[i+1] - pts[i]) );
- if AClosed then
- incF(result, VectLen(pts[0] - pts[high(pts)]) );
-{ Check if a PointF structure is empty or should be treated as a list separator }
-function isEmptyPointF(const pt: TPointF): boolean;
- Result := (pt.x = EmptySingle) and (pt.y = EmptySingle);
-{----------- Line and polygon functions -----------}
-function IntersectLine(line1, line2: TLineDef): TPointF;
-var parallel: boolean;
- result := IntersectLine(line1,line2,parallel);
-function IntersectLine(line1, line2: TLineDef; out parallel: boolean): TPointF;
- procedure SetParallel;
- begin
- parallel := true;
- //return the center of the segment between line origins
- result.x := (line1.origin.x+line2.origin.x)/2;
- result.y := (line1.origin.y+line2.origin.y)/2;
- end;
-var pos, step: single;
- n: TPointF;
- parallel := false;
- n := PointF(-line2.dir.y, line2.dir.x);
- step := line1.dir*n;
- if step = 0 then begin SetParallel; exit; end;
- pos := (line2.origin - line1.origin)*n;
- result := line1.origin + line1.dir * (pos/step);
-{ Check if a polygon is convex, i.e. it always turns in the same direction }
-function IsConvex(const pts: array of TPointF; IgnoreAlign: boolean = true): boolean;
- positive,negative,zero: boolean;
- product: single;
- i: Integer;
- positive := false;
- negative := false;
- zero := false;
- for i := 0 to high(pts) do
- begin
- product := (pts[(i+1) mod length(pts)].x-pts[i].x)*(pts[(i+2) mod length(pts)].y-pts[i].y) -
- (pts[(i+1) mod length(pts)].y-pts[i].y)*(pts[(i+2) mod length(pts)].x-pts[i].x);
- if product > 0 then
- begin
- if negative then
- begin
- result := false;
- exit;
- end;
- positive := true;
- end else
- if product < 0 then
- begin
- if positive then
- begin
- result := false;
- exit;
- end;
- negative := true;
- end else
- zero := true;
- end;
- if not IgnoreAlign and zero then
- result := false
- else
- result := true;
-{ Check if two segments intersect }
-function DoesSegmentIntersect(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF): boolean;
- seg1: TLineDef;
- seg1len: single;
- seg2: TLineDef;
- seg2len: single;
- inter: TPointF;
- pos1,pos2: single;
- para: boolean;
- { Determine line definitions }
- seg1.origin := pt1;
- seg1.dir := pt2-pt1;
- seg1len := VectLen(seg1.dir);
- if seg1len = 0 then
- begin
- result := false;
- exit;
- end;
- seg1.dir.Scale(1/seg1len);
- seg2.origin := pt3;
- seg2.dir := pt4-pt3;
- seg2len := VectLen(seg2.dir);
- if seg2len = 0 then
- begin
- result := false;
- exit;
- end;
- seg2.dir.Scale(1/seg2len);
- //obviously parallel
- if seg1.dir = seg2.dir then
- result := false
- else
- begin
- //try to compute intersection
- inter := IntersectLine(seg1,seg2,para);
- if para then
- result := false
- else
- begin
- //check if intersections are inside the segments
- pos1 := (inter-seg1.origin)*seg1.dir;
- pos2 := (inter-seg2.origin)*seg2.dir;
- if (pos1 >= 0) and (pos1 <= seg1len) and
- (pos2 >= 0) and (pos2 <= seg2len) then
- result := true
- else
- result := false;
- end;
- end;
-function IsClockwise(const pts: array of TPointF): boolean;
- i: Integer;
- for i := 0 to high(pts) do
- begin
- if (pts[(i+1) mod length(pts)].x-pts[i].x)*(pts[(i+2) mod length(pts)].y-pts[i].y) -
- (pts[(i+1) mod length(pts)].y-pts[i].y)*(pts[(i+2) mod length(pts)].x-pts[i].x) < 0 then
- begin
- result := false;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- result := true;
-{ Check if a quaduadrilateral intersects itself }
-function DoesQuadIntersect(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF): boolean;
- result := DoesSegmentIntersect(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4) or DoesSegmentIntersect(pt2,pt3,pt4,pt1);
-{$I bezier.inc}
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/libwebp.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/libwebp.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index c673cd1..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/libwebp.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,649 +0,0 @@
-unit libwebp;
-// Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
-// This code is licensed under the same terms as WebM:
-// Software License Agreement: http://www.webmproject.org/license/software/
-// Additional IP Rights Grant: http://www.webmproject.org/license/additional/
-// Delphi API by Henri Gourvest
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// This is the dynamic loader version of libwebp.pas by fredvs
- dynlibs;
- LibWebPFilename : string =
- {$if defined(Win32)}
- 'libwebp32.dll'
- {$elseif defined(Win64)}
- 'libwebp64.dll'
- {$elseif defined(Darwin)}
- 'libwebp.6.dylib'
- {$elseif defined(Unix)}
- 'libwebp.so.6'
- {$else}
- ''
- {$endif};
-// Output colorspaces
- MODE_RGB = 0,
- MODE_RGBA = 1,
- MODE_BGR = 2,
- MODE_BGRA = 3,
- MODE_YUV = 4);
-// Enumeration of the status codes
- TVP8StatusCode = (
- VP8_STATUS_OK = 0,
- );
- TDecState = (
- // Decoding output parameters.
- PWebPDecParams = ^TWebPDecParams;
- TWebPDecParams = record
- output: PByte; // rgb(a) or luma
- u, v: PByte; // chroma u/v
- top_y, top_u, top_v: PByte; // cache for the fancy upscaler
- stride: Integer; // rgb(a) stride or luma stride
- u_stride: Integer; // chroma-u stride
- v_stride: Integer; // chroma-v stride
- mode: WEBP_CSP_MODE; // rgb(a) or yuv
- last_y: Integer; // coordinate of the line that was last output
- output_size: Integer; // size of 'output' buffer
- output_u_size: Integer; // size of 'u' buffer
- output_v_size: Integer; // size of 'v' buffer
- external_buffer: Integer; // If true, the output buffers are externally owned
- end;
- PWebPIDecoder = ^TWebPIDecoder;
- TWebPIDecoder = record
- state_: TDecState; // current decoding state
- w_, h_: integer; // width and height
- params_: TWebPDecParams; // Params to store output info
- dec_: Pointer;
- end;
- // Input / Output
- PVP8Io = ^VP8Io;
- VP8Io = record
- // set by VP8GetHeaders()
- width, height: Integer; // picture dimensions, in pixels
- // set before calling put()
- mb_y: Integer; // position of the current rows (in pixels)
- mb_h: Integer; // number of rows in the sample
- y, u, v: PByte; // rows to copy (in yuv420 format)
- y_stride: Integer; // row stride for luma
- uv_stride: Integer; // row stride for chroma
- opaque: Pointer; // user data
- // called when fresh samples are available. Currently, samples are in
- // YUV420 format, and can be up to width x 24 in size (depending on the
- // in-loop filtering level, e.g.). Should return false in case of error
- // or abort request.
- put: function(const io: PVP8Io): Integer; cdecl;
- // called just before starting to decode the blocks.
- // Should returns 0 in case of error.
- setup: function(io: PVP8Io): Integer; cdecl;
- // called just after block decoding is finished (or when an error occurred).
- teardown: procedure(const io: PVP8Io); cdecl;
- // this is a recommendation for the user-side yuv->rgb converter. This flag
- // is set when calling setup() hook and can be overwritten by it. It then
- // can be taken into consideration during the put() method.
- fancy_upscaling: Integer;
- // Input buffer.
- data_size: LongWord;
- data: PByte;
- // If true, in-loop filtering will not be performed even if present in the
- // bitstream. Switching off filtering may speed up decoding at the expense
- // of more visible blocking. Note that output will also be non-compliant
- // with the VP8 specifications.
- bypass_filtering: Integer;
- end;
- // Main decoding object. This is an opaque structure.
- PVP8Decoder = ^VP8Decoder;
- VP8Decoder = record end;
-// Coding parameters
- PWebPConfig = ^TWebPConfig;
- TWebPConfig = record
- quality: Single; // between 0 (smallest file) and 100 (biggest)
- target_size: Integer; // if non-zero, set the desired target size in bytes.
- // Takes precedence over the 'compression' parameter.
- target_PSNR: Single; // if non-zero, specifies the minimal distortion to
- // try to achieve. Takes precedence over target_size.
- method: Integer; // quality/speed trade-off (0=fast, 6=slower-better)
- segments: Integer; // maximum number of segments to use, in [1..4]
- sns_strength: Integer; // Spatial Noise Shaping. 0=off, 100=maximum.
- filter_strength: Integer; // range: [0 = off .. 100 = strongest]
- filter_sharpness: Integer; // range: [0 = off .. 7 = least sharp]
- filter_type: Integer; // filtering type: 0 = simple, 1 = strong
- // (only used if filter_strength > 0 or autofilter > 0)
- autofilter: Integer; // Auto adjust filter's strength [0 = off, 1 = on]
- pass: Integer; // number of entropy-analysis passes (in [1..10]).
- show_compressed: Integer; // if true, export the compressed picture back.
- // In-loop filtering is not applied.
- preprocessing: Integer; // preprocessing filter (0=none, 1=segment-smooth)
- partitions: Integer; // log2(number of token partitions) in [0..3]
- // Default is set to 0 for easier progressive decoding.
- end;
-// Enumerate some predefined settings for WebPConfig, depending on the type
-// of source picture. These presets are used when calling WebPConfigPreset().
- TWebPPreset = (
- WEBP_PRESET_DEFAULT = 0, // default preset.
- WEBP_PRESET_PICTURE, // digital picture, like portrait, inner shot
- WEBP_PRESET_PHOTO, // outdoor photograph, with natural lighting
- WEBP_PRESET_DRAWING, // hand or line drawing, with high-contrast details
- WEBP_PRESET_ICON, // small-sized colorful images
- WEBP_PRESET_TEXT // text-like
- );
- PWebPPicture = ^TWebPPicture;
- //TWebPPicture = record end; // main structure for I/O
- // non-essential structure for storing auxilliary statistics
- PWebPAuxStats = ^TWebPAuxStats;
- TWebPAuxStats = record
- PSNR: array[0..3] of Single; // peak-signal-to-noise ratio for Y/U/V/All
- coded_size: Integer; // final size
- block_count: array[0..2] of Integer; // number of intra4/intra16/skipped macroblocks
- header_bytes: array[0..1] of Integer; // approximative number of bytes spent for header
- // and mode-partition #0
- residual_bytes: array[0..2, 0..3] of Integer; // approximative number of bytes spent for
- // DC/AC/uv coefficients for each (0..3) segments.
- segment_size: array[0..3] of Integer; // number of macroblocks in each segments
- segment_quant: array[0..3] of Integer; // quantizer values for each segments
- segment_level: array[0..3] of Integer; // filtering strength for each segments [0..63]
- end;
- // Signature for output function. Should return 1 if writing was successful.
- // data/data_size is the segment of data to write, and 'picture' is for
- // reference (and so one can make use of picture->custom_ptr).
- TWebPWriterFunction = function(const data: PByte; data_size: LongWord;
- const picture: PWebPPicture): Integer; cdecl;
- TWebPPicture = record
- // input
- colorspace: Integer; // colorspace: should be 0 for now (=Y'CbCr).
- width, height: Integer; // dimensions.
- y, u, v: PByte; // pointers to luma/chroma planes.
- y_stride, uv_stride: Integer; // luma/chroma strides.
- a: PByte; // pointer to the alpha plane (unused for now).
- // output
- writer: TWebPWriterFunction ; // can be NULL
- custom_ptr: Pointer; // can be used by the writer.
- // map for extra information
- extra_info_type: Integer; // 1: intra type, 2: segment, 3: quant
- // 4: intra-16 prediction mode,
- // 5: chroma prediction mode,
- // 6: bit cost, 7: distortion
- extra_info: PByte; // if not NULL, points to an array of size
- // ((width + 15) / 16) * ((height + 15) / 16) that
- // will be filled with a macroblock map, depending
- // on extra_info_type.
- // where to store statistics, if not NULL:
- stats: PWebPAuxStats;
- end;
- decode.h
- Main decoding functions for WEBP images.
- ******************************************************************************)
- // Dynamic load : Vars that will hold our dynamically loaded functions...
-// *************************** functions *******************************
-// Return the decoder's version number, packed in hexadecimal using 8bits for
-// each of major/minor/revision. E.g: v2.5.7 is 0x020507.
-WebPGetDecoderVersion: function(): Integer; cdecl;
-// Retrieve basic header information: width, height.
-// This function will also validate the header and return 0 in
-// case of formatting error.
-// Pointers *width/*height can be passed NULL if deemed irrelevant.
-WebPGetInfo: function(const data: PByte; data_size: LongWord;
- width, height: PInteger): Integer; cdecl;
-// Decodes WEBP images pointed to by *data and returns RGB samples, along
-// with the dimensions in *width and *height.
-// The returned pointer should be deleted calling free().
-// Returns NULL in case of error.
-WebPDecodeRGB: function(const data: PByte; data_size: LongWord;
- width, height: PInteger): PByte; cdecl;
-// Same as WebPDecodeRGB, but returning RGBA data.
-WebPDecodeRGBA: function(const data: PByte; data_size: LongWord;
- width, height: PInteger): PByte; cdecl;
-// This variant decode to BGR instead of RGB.
-WebPDecodeBGR: function(const data: PByte; data_size: LongWord;
- width, height: PInteger): PByte; cdecl;
-// This variant decodes to BGRA instead of RGBA.
-WebPDecodeBGRA: function(const data: PByte; data_size: LongWord;
- width, height: PInteger): PByte; cdecl;
-// Decode WEBP images stored in *data in Y'UV format(*). The pointer returned is
-// the Y samples buffer. Upon return, *u and *v will point to the U and V
-// chroma data. These U and V buffers need NOT be free()'d, unlike the returned
-// Y luma one. The dimension of the U and V planes are both (*width + 1) / 2
-// and (*height + 1)/ 2.
-// Upon return, the Y buffer has a stride returned as '*stride', while U and V
-// have a common stride returned as '*uv_stride'.
-// Return NULL in case of error.
-// (*) Also named Y'CbCr. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YCbCr
-WebPDecodeYUV: function(const data: PByte; data_size: LongWord; width, height: PInteger;
- var u, v: PByte; stride, uv_stride: PInteger): PByte; cdecl;
-// Releases memory returned by the WebPDecode*() functions above.
-WebPFree: procedure(const data: PByte); cdecl;
-// These three functions are variants of the above ones, that decode the image
-// directly into a pre-allocated buffer 'output_buffer'. The maximum storage
-// available in this buffer is indicated by 'output_buffer_size'. If this
-// storage is not sufficient (or an error occurred), NULL is returned.
-// Otherwise, output_buffer is returned, for convenience.
-// The parameter 'output_stride' specifies the distance (in bytes)
-// between scanlines. Hence, output_buffer_size is expected to be at least
-// output_stride x picture-height.
-WebPDecodeRGBInto: function(const data: PByte; data_size: LongWord;
- output_buffer: PByte; output_buffer_size, output_stride: Integer): PByte; cdecl;
-WebPDecodeRGBAInto: function(const data: PByte; data_size: LongWord;
- output_buffer: PByte; output_buffer_size, output_stride: Integer): PByte; cdecl;
-// BGR variants
-WebPDecodeBGRInto: function(const data: PByte; data_size: LongWord;
- output_buffer: PByte; output_buffer_size, output_stride: Integer): PByte; cdecl;
-WebPDecodeBGRAInto: function(const data: PByte; data_size: LongWord;
- output_buffer: PByte; output_buffer_size, output_stride: Integer): PByte; cdecl;
-// WebPDecodeYUVInto() is a variant of WebPDecodeYUV() that operates directly
-// into pre-allocated luma/chroma plane buffers. This function requires the
-// strides to be passed: one for the luma plane and one for each of the
-// chroma ones. The size of each plane buffer is passed as 'luma_size',
-// 'u_size' and 'v_size' respectively.
-// Pointer to the luma plane ('*luma') is returned or NULL if an error occurred
-// during decoding (or because some buffers were found to be too small).
-WebPDecodeYUVInto: function(const data: PByte; data_size: LongWord;
- luma: PByte; luma_size, luma_stride: Integer;
- u: PByte; u_size, u_stride: Integer;
- v: PByte; v_size, v_stride: Integer): PByte; cdecl;
-// Incremental decoding
-// This API allows streamlined decoding of partial data.
-// Picture can be incrementally decoded as data become available thanks to the
-// WebPIDecoder object. This object can be left in a SUSPENDED state if the
-// picture is only partially decoded, pending additional input.
-// Code example:
-// WebPIDecoder* const idec = WebPINew(mode);
-// while (has_more_data) {
-// // ... (get additional data)
-// status = WebPIAppend(idec, new_data, new_data_size);
-// if (status != VP8_STATUS_SUSPENDED ||
-// break;
-// }
-// // The above call decodes the current available buffer.
-// // Part of the image can now be refreshed by calling to
-// // WebPIDecGetRGB()/WebPIDecGetYUV() etc.
-// }
-// WebPIDelete(idec);
-// Creates a WebPIDecoder object. Returns NULL in case of failure.
-WebPINew: function(mode: WEBP_CSP_MODE): PWebPIDecoder; cdecl;
-// This function allocates and initializes an incremental-decoder object, which
-// will output the r/g/b(/a) samples specified by 'mode' into a preallocated
-// buffer 'output_buffer'. The size of this buffer is at least
-// 'output_buffer_size' and the stride (distance in bytes between two scanlines)
-// is specified by 'output_stride'. Returns NULL if the allocation failed.
-WebPINewRGB: function(mode: WEBP_CSP_MODE; output_buffer: PByte;
- output_buffer_size, output_stride: Integer): PWebPIDecoder; cdecl;
-// This function allocates and initializes an incremental-decoder object, which
-// will output the raw luma/chroma samples into a preallocated planes. The luma
-// plane is specified by its pointer 'luma', its size 'luma_size' and its stride
-// 'luma_stride'. Similarly, the chroma-u plane is specified by the 'u',
-// 'u_size' and 'u_stride' parameters, and the chroma-v plane by 'v', 'v_size'
-// and 'v_size'.
-// Returns NULL if the allocation failed.
-WebPINewYUV: function(luma: PByte; luma_size, luma_stride: Integer;
- u: PByte; u_size, u_stride: Integer;
- v: PByte; v_size, v_stride: Integer): PWebPIDecoder; cdecl;
-// Deletes the WebpBuffer object and associated memory. Must always be called
-// if WebPINew, WebPINewRGB or WebPINewYUV succeeded.
-WebPIDelete: procedure(const idec: PWebPIDecoder); cdecl;
-// Copies and decodes the next available data. Returns VP8_STATUS_OK when
-// the image is successfully decoded. Returns VP8_STATUS_SUSPENDED when more
-// data is expected. Returns error in other cases.
-WebPIAppend: function(const idec: PWebPIDecoder; const data: PByte;
- data_size: LongWord): TVP8StatusCode; cdecl;
-// A variant of the above function to be used when data buffer contains
-// partial data from the beginning. In this case data buffer is not copied
-// to the internal memory.
-// Note that the value of the 'data' pointer can change between calls to
-// WebPIUpdate, for instance when the data buffer is resized to fit larger data.
-WebPIUpdate: function(const idec: PWebPIDecoder; const data: PByte;
- data_size: LongWord): TVP8StatusCode; cdecl;
-// Returns the RGB image decoded so far. Returns NULL if output params are not
-// initialized yet. *last_y is the index of last decoded row in raster scan
-// order. Some pointers (*last_y, *width etc.) can be NULL if corresponding
-// information is not needed.
-WebPIDecGetRGB: function(const idec: PWebPIDecoder; last_y, width,
- height, stride: PInteger): PByte; cdecl;
-// Same as above function to get YUV image. Returns pointer to the luma plane
-// or NULL in case of error.
-WebPIDecGetYUV: function(const idec: PWebPIDecoder; last_y: PInteger;
- var u, v: PByte; width, height, stride, uv_stride: PInteger): PByte; cdecl;
- WebP encoder: main interface
- ******************************************************************************)
-// Return the encoder's version number, packed in hexadecimal using 8bits for
-// each of major/minor/revision. E.g: v2.5.7 is 0x020507.
-WebPGetEncoderVersion: function(): Integer; cdecl;
-// One-stop-shop call! No questions asked:
-// Returns the size of the compressed data (pointed to by *output), or 0 if
-// an error occurred. The compressed data must be released by the caller
-// using the call 'WebPFree(*output)'.
-// These functions compress using the lossy format, and the quality_factor
-// can go from 0 (smaller output, lower quality) to 100 (best quality,
-// larger output).
-WebPEncodeRGB: function(const rgb: PByte; width, height, stride: Integer;
- quality_factor: single; var output: PByte): LongWord; cdecl;
-WebPEncodeBGR: function(const bgr: PByte; width, height, stride: Integer;
- quality_factor: Single; var output: PByte): LongWord; cdecl;
-WebPEncodeRGBA: function(const rgba: PByte; width, height, stride: Integer;
- quality_factor: Single; var output: PByte): LongWord; cdecl;
-WebPEncodeBGRA: function(const bgra: PByte; width, height, stride: Integer;
- quality_factor: Single; var output: PByte): LongWord; cdecl;
-// These functions are the equivalent of the above, but compressing in a
-// lossless manner. Files are usually larger than lossy format, but will
-// not suffer any compression loss.
-// Note these functions, like the lossy versions, use the library's default
-// settings. For lossless this means 'exact' is disabled. RGB values in
-// transparent areas will be modified to improve compression. To avoid this,
-// use WebPEncode() and set WebPConfig::exact to 1.
-WebPEncodeLosslessRGB: function(const rgb: PByte; width, height, stride: Integer;
- var output: PByte): LongWord; cdecl;
-WebPEncodeLosslessBGR: function(const bgr: PByte; width, height, stride: Integer;
- var output: PByte): LongWord; cdecl;
-WebPEncodeLosslessRGBA: function(const rgba: PByte; width, height, stride: Integer;
- var output: PByte): LongWord; cdecl;
-WebPEncodeLosslessBGRA: function(const bgra: PByte; width, height, stride: Integer;
- var output: PByte): LongWord; cdecl;
-// Should always be called, to initialize a fresh WebPConfig structure before
-// modification. Returns 0 in case of version mismatch. WebPConfigInit() must
-// have succeeded before using the 'config' object.
-function WebPConfigInit(const config: PWebPConfig): Integer;
-// This function will initialize the configuration according to a predefined
-// set of parameters (referred to by 'preset') and a given quality factor.
-// This function can be called as a replacement to WebPConfigInit(). Will
-// return 0 in case of error.
-function WebPConfigPreset(const config: PWebPConfig; preset: TWebPPreset;
- quality: Single): Integer;
-// Returns 1 if all parameters are in valid range and the configuration is OK.
-WebPValidateConfig: function(const config: PWebPConfig): Integer; cdecl;
-// Should always be called, to initialize the structure. Returns 0 in case of
-// version mismatch. WebPPictureInit() must have succeeded before using the
-// 'picture' object.
-function WebPPictureInit(const picture: PWebPPicture): Integer;
-// WebPPicture utils
-// Convenience allocation / deallocation based on picture->width/height:
-// Allocate y/u/v buffers as per width/height specification.
-// Note! This function will free the previous buffer if needed.
-// Returns 0 in case of memory error.
-WebPPictureAlloc: function(const picture: PWebPPicture): Integer; cdecl;
-// Release memory allocated by WebPPictureAlloc() or WebPPictureImport*()
-// Note that this function does _not_ free the memory pointed to by 'picture'.
-WebPPictureFree: procedure(const picture: PWebPPicture); cdecl;
-// Copy the pixels of *src into *dst, using WebPPictureAlloc.
-// Returns 0 in case of memory allocation error.
-WebPPictureCopy: function(const src, dst: PWebPPicture): Integer; cdecl;
-// self-crops a picture to the rectangle defined by top/left/width/height.
-// Returns 0 in case of memory allocation error, or if the rectangle is
-// outside of the source picture.
-WebPPictureCrop: function(const picture: PWebPPicture;
- left, top, width, height: Integer): Integer; cdecl;
-// Colorspace conversion function. Previous buffer will be free'd, if any.
-// *rgb buffer should have a size of at least height * rgb_stride.
-// Returns 0 in case of memory error.
-WebPPictureImportRGB: function(const picture: PWebPPicture;
- const rgb: PByte; rgb_stride: Integer): Integer; cdecl;
-// Same, but for RGBA buffer. Alpha information is ignored.
-WebPPictureImportRGBA: function(const picture: PWebPPicture;
- const rgba: PByte; rgba_stride: Integer): Integer; cdecl;
-// Variant of the above, but taking BGR input:
-WebPPictureImportBGR: function(const picture: PWebPPicture;
- const bgr: PByte; bgr_stride: Integer): Integer; cdecl;
-WebPPictureImportBGRA: function(const picture: PWebPPicture;
- const bgra: PByte; bgra_stride: Integer): Integer; cdecl;
-// Main call
-// Main encoding call, after config and picture have been initialiazed.
-// 'picture' must be less than 16384x16384 in dimension, and the 'config' object
-// must be a valid one.
-// Returns false in case of error, true otherwise.
-WebPEncode: function(const config: PWebPConfig; const picture: PWebPPicture): Integer; cdecl;
-WebPConfigInitInternal: function(const conf: PWebPConfig; preset: TWebPPreset;
- quality: single; version: Integer): Integer; cdecl;
-// Internal, version-checked, entry point
-WebPPictureInitInternal: function(const picture: PWebPPicture; version: Integer): Integer; cdecl;
-{Special methods for dynamic loading of lib ...}
- LibWebPHandle: TLibHandle = dynlibs.NilHandle; // this will hold our handle for the lib; it functions nicely as a mutli-lib prevention unit as well...
- LibWebPRefCount : LongWord = 0; // Reference counter
-function LibWebPLoaded : boolean; inline;
-Function LibWebPLoad(const libfilename:string = ''): boolean; // load the lib
-Procedure LibWebPUnload; // unload and frees the lib from memory : do not forget to call it before close application.
-uses sysutils;
-// Internal, version-checked, entry point
-function WebPConfigInit(const config: PWebPConfig): Integer;
- Result := WebPConfigInitInternal(config, WEBP_PRESET_DEFAULT, 75.0, WEBP_ENCODER_ABI_VERSION);
-function WebPConfigPreset(const config: PWebPConfig; preset: TWebPPreset;
- quality: Single): Integer;
- Result := WebPConfigInitInternal(config, preset, quality, WEBP_ENCODER_ABI_VERSION);
-function WebPPictureInit(const picture: PWebPPicture): Integer;
- Result := WebPPictureInitInternal(picture, WEBP_ENCODER_ABI_VERSION);
-function LibWebPLoaded: boolean;
- Result := (LibWebPHandle <> dynlibs.NilHandle);
-Function LibWebPLoad (const libfilename:string) :boolean;
- thelib: string;
- Result := False;
- if LibWebPHandle<>0 then
- begin
- Inc(LibWebPRefCount);
- result:=true {is it already there ?}
- end else
- begin {go & load the library}
- if Length(libfilename) = 0 then
- begin
- thelib := LibWebPFilename;
- if thelib = '' then exit(false);
- thelib := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + DirectorySeparator + thelib;
- end else thelib := libfilename;
- LibWebPHandle := DynLibs.SafeLoadLibrary(thelib); // obtain the handle we want
- // second try on Windows without 32/64 suffix
- if LibWebPHandle = DynLibs.NilHandle then
- begin
- thelib := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + DirectorySeparator + 'libwebp.dll';
- LibWebPHandle := DynLibs.SafeLoadLibrary(thelib); // obtain the handle we want
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- if LibWebPHandle <> DynLibs.NilHandle then
- begin {now we tie the functions to the VARs from above}
- end;
- Result := LibWebPLoaded;
- LibWebPRefCount:=1;
- end;
-Procedure LibWebPUnload;
- // < Reference counting
- if LibWebPRefCount > 0 then
- dec(LibWebPRefCount);
- if LibWebPRefCount > 0 then
- exit;
- // >
- if LibWebPLoaded then
- begin
- DynLibs.UnloadLibrary(LibWebPHandle);
- LibWebPHandle:=DynLibs.NilHandle;
- end;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/lightingclasses3d.inc b/components/bgrabitmap/lightingclasses3d.inc
deleted file mode 100644
index 409f223..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/lightingclasses3d.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
- { TBGRADirectionalLight3D }
- TBGRADirectionalLight3D = class(TBGRALight3D,IBGRADirectionalLight3D)
- protected
- FDirection, FBetweenDirectionAndObserver: TPoint3D_128;
- public
- constructor Create(ADirection: TPoint3D);
- function GetDirection: TPoint3D; override;
- procedure SetDirection(const AValue: TPoint3D);
- procedure ComputeDiffuseAndSpecularColor(Context: PSceneLightingContext); override;
- procedure ComputeDiffuseColor(Context: PSceneLightingContext); override;
- procedure ComputeDiffuseLightness(Context: PSceneLightingContext); override;
- function IsDirectional: boolean; override;
- end;
- { TBGRAPointLight3D }
- TBGRAPointLight3D = class(TBGRALight3D,IBGRAPointLight3D)
- protected
- FVertex: IBGRAVertex3D;
- FIntensity: single;
- public
- constructor Create(AVertex: IBGRAVertex3D; AIntensity: single);
- function GetIntensity: single; override;
- procedure SetIntensity(const AValue: single);
- function GetVertex: IBGRAVertex3D;
- procedure SetVertex(const AValue: IBGRAVertex3D);
- function GetPosition: TPoint3D; override;
- procedure ComputeDiffuseAndSpecularColor(Context: PSceneLightingContext); override;
- procedure ComputeDiffuseLightness(Context: PSceneLightingContext); override;
- procedure ComputeDiffuseColor(Context: PSceneLightingContext); override;
- function IsDirectional: boolean; override;
- end;
-{ TBGRAPointLight3D }
-constructor TBGRAPointLight3D.Create(AVertex: IBGRAVertex3D; AIntensity: single);
- inherited Create;
- FVertex:= AVertex;
- FIntensity := AIntensity;
-function TBGRAPointLight3D.GetIntensity: single;
- result := FIntensity;
-procedure TBGRAPointLight3D.SetIntensity(const AValue: single);
- FIntensity:= AValue;
-function TBGRAPointLight3D.GetVertex: IBGRAVertex3D;
- result := FVertex;
-procedure TBGRAPointLight3D.SetVertex(const AValue: IBGRAVertex3D);
- FVertex := AValue;
-function TBGRAPointLight3D.GetPosition: TPoint3D;
- Result:= FVertex.GetViewCoord;
-procedure TBGRAPointLight3D.ComputeDiffuseAndSpecularColor(Context: PSceneLightingContext);
- {$i phonglight.inc}
-procedure TBGRAPointLight3D.ComputeDiffuseLightness(Context: PSceneLightingContext);
-const maxValue = 100*32768;
- vect: TPoint3D_128;
- dist2,intensity: single;
- vect := FVertex.ViewCoord_128 - Context^.basic.Position;
- dist2 := DotProduct3D_128(vect,vect);
- if dist2 = 0 then
- TBGRAMaterial3D(Context^.material).ComputeDiffuseLightness(Context,maxValue,FLightness)
- else
- begin
- intensity := DotProduct3D_128(vect, Context^.basic.Normal)/(dist2*sqrt(dist2))*FIntensity;
- if Context^.LightThrough and (intensity < 0) then intensity := -intensity*Context^.LightThroughFactor;
- if intensity > 100 then intensity := 100;
- if intensity < FMinIntensity then intensity := FMinIntensity;
- TBGRAMaterial3D(Context^.material).ComputeDiffuseLightness(Context,round(intensity*32768),FLightness);
- end;
-procedure TBGRAPointLight3D.ComputeDiffuseColor(Context: PSceneLightingContext);
- vect: TPoint3D_128;
- intensity,dist2: single;
- vect := FVertex.ViewCoord_128 - Context^.basic.Position;
- dist2 := DotProduct3D_128(vect,vect);
- if dist2 = 0 then
- intensity := 100
- else
- begin
- intensity := DotProduct3D_128(vect, Context^.basic.Normal)/(dist2*sqrt(dist2))*FIntensity;
- if Context^.LightThrough and (intensity < 0) then intensity := -intensity*Context^.LightThroughFactor;
- if intensity > 100 then intensity := 100;
- if intensity < FMinIntensity then intensity := FMinIntensity;
- end;
- TBGRAMaterial3D(Context^.material).ComputeDiffuseColor(Context,intensity, FColorInt);
-function TBGRAPointLight3D.IsDirectional: boolean;
- result := false;
-{ TBGRADirectionalLight3D }
-constructor TBGRADirectionalLight3D.Create(ADirection: TPoint3D);
- inherited Create;
- SetDirection(ADirection);
-function TBGRADirectionalLight3D.GetDirection: TPoint3D;
- result := Point3D(-FDirection.x,-FDirection.y,-FDirection.z);
-procedure TBGRADirectionalLight3D.SetDirection(const AValue: TPoint3D);
- FDirection := -Point3D_128(AValue.x,AValue.y,AValue.z);
- Normalize3D_128(FDirection);
- FBetweenDirectionAndObserver := FDirection + FViewVector;
- Normalize3D_128(FBetweenDirectionAndObserver);
-procedure TBGRADirectionalLight3D.ComputeDiffuseAndSpecularColor(Context: PSceneLightingContext);
- {$i phonglight.inc}
-procedure TBGRADirectionalLight3D.ComputeDiffuseColor(Context: PSceneLightingContext);
- intensity: single;
- intensity:= DotProduct3D_128(Context^.basic.Normal, FDirection);
- if Context^.LightThrough and (intensity < 0) then intensity := -intensity*Context^.LightThroughFactor;
- if intensity < FMinIntensity then intensity := FMinIntensity;
- TBGRAMaterial3D(Context^.material).ComputeDiffuseColor(Context,intensity,FColorInt);
-procedure TBGRADirectionalLight3D.ComputeDiffuseLightness(
- Context: PSceneLightingContext);
- intensity: single;
- intensity:= DotProduct3D_128(Context^.basic.Normal, FDirection);
- if Context^.LightThrough and (intensity < 0) then intensity := -intensity*Context^.LightThroughFactor;
- if intensity < FMinIntensity then intensity := FMinIntensity;
- TBGRAMaterial3D(Context^.material).ComputeDiffuseLightness(Context,round(intensity*32768),FLightness);
-function TBGRADirectionalLight3D.IsDirectional: boolean;
- result := true;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/linearrgbabitmap.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/linearrgbabitmap.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ce76e3..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/linearrgbabitmap.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,616 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit LinearRGBABitmap;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BGRABitmapTypes, UniversalDrawer;
- { TLinearRGBABitmap }
- TLinearRGBABitmap = class(specialize TGenericUniversalBitmap)
- protected
- function InternalNew: TCustomUniversalBitmap; override;
- procedure AssignTransparentPixel(out ADest); override;
- public
- class procedure SolidBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; const AColor: TLinearRGBA; ADrawMode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency); override;
- class procedure ScannerBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AScanner: IBGRAScanner; ADrawMode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency;
- AOffsetX: integer = 0; AOffsetY: integer = 0); override;
- class procedure MaskBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AScanner: IBGRAScanner;
- AOffsetX: integer = 0; AOffsetY: integer = 0); override;
- class procedure EraseBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word); override;
- class procedure AlphaBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word); override;
- end;
- LinearRGBATransparent : TLinearRGBA = (red:0; green:0; blue:0; alpha:0);
-operator = (const c1, c2: TLinearRGBA): boolean; inline;
-operator = (const c1, c2: TLinearRGBA): boolean;
- if (c1.alpha = 0) and (c2.alpha = 0) then
- Result := True
- else
- Result := (c1.alpha = c2.alpha) and (c1.red = c2.red) and
- (c1.green = c2.green) and (c1.blue = c2.blue);
-procedure LinearRGBASolidBrushSkipPixels({%H-}AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; {%H-}AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- inc(PLinearRGBA(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
-procedure LinearRGBAChunkSetPixels(
- ASource: PLinearRGBA; ADest: PLinearRGBA;
- AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer; ASourceStride: integer); inline;
-const oneOver65535 = 1/65535;
- alphaOver, finalAlpha, finalAlphaInv, residualAlpha: single;
- if AAlpha=0 then exit;
- if AAlpha=65535 then
- begin
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- ADest^ := ASource^;
- inc(ADest);
- dec(ACount);
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- alphaOver := AAlpha*single(oneOver65535);
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- residualAlpha := ADest^.alpha*(1-alphaOver);
- finalAlpha := residualAlpha + ASource^.alpha*alphaOver;
- if finalAlpha <= 0 then ADest^ := LinearRGBATransparent else
- begin
- ADest^.alpha:= finalAlpha;
- finalAlphaInv := 1/finalAlpha;
- ADest^.red := (ADest^.red*residualAlpha +
- ASource^.red*(finalAlpha-residualAlpha) ) * finalAlphaInv;
- ADest^.green := (ADest^.green*residualAlpha +
- ASource^.green*(finalAlpha-residualAlpha) ) * finalAlphaInv;
- ADest^.blue := (ADest^.blue*residualAlpha +
- ASource^.blue*(finalAlpha-residualAlpha) ) * finalAlphaInv;
- end;
- inc(ADest);
- dec(ACount);
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride);
- end;
- end;
-procedure LinearRGBASolidBrushSetPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- pDest: PLinearRGBA;
- pDest := PLinearRGBA(AContextData^.Dest);
- LinearRGBAChunkSetPixels( PLinearRGBA(AFixedData), pDest, AAlpha, ACount, 0);
- inc(pDest, ACount);
- AContextData^.Dest := pDest;
-procedure LinearRGBAChunkDrawPixels(
- ASource: PLinearRGBA; ADest: PLinearRGBA;
- AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer; ASourceStride: integer); inline;
-const oneOver65535 = 1/65535;
- alphaOver, srcAlphaOver, finalAlpha, finalAlphaInv, residualAlpha: single;
- if AAlpha=0 then exit;
- alphaOver := AAlpha*single(oneOver65535);
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- srcAlphaOver := ASource^.alpha*alphaOver;
- if srcAlphaOver >= 1 then
- ADest^ := ASource^
- else
- begin
- residualAlpha := ADest^.alpha*(1-srcAlphaOver);
- finalAlpha := residualAlpha + srcAlphaOver;
- if finalAlpha <= 0 then ADest^ := LinearRGBATransparent else
- begin
- ADest^.alpha:= finalAlpha;
- finalAlphaInv := 1/finalAlpha;
- ADest^.red := (ADest^.red*residualAlpha +
- ASource^.red*srcAlphaOver ) * finalAlphaInv;
- ADest^.green := (ADest^.green*residualAlpha +
- ASource^.green*srcAlphaOver ) * finalAlphaInv;
- ADest^.blue := (ADest^.blue*residualAlpha +
- ASource^.blue*srcAlphaOver ) * finalAlphaInv;
- end;
- end;
- inc(ADest);
- dec(ACount);
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride);
- end;
-procedure LinearRGBASolidBrushDrawPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- pDest: PLinearRGBA;
- pDest := PLinearRGBA(AContextData^.Dest);
- LinearRGBAChunkDrawPixels( PLinearRGBA(AFixedData), pDest, AAlpha, ACount, 0);
- inc(pDest, ACount);
- AContextData^.Dest := pDest;
- PLinearRGBAScannerBrushFixedData = ^TLinearRGBAScannerBrushFixedData;
- TLinearRGBAScannerBrushFixedData = record
- Scanner: Pointer; //avoid ref count by using pointer type
- OffsetX, OffsetY: integer;
- Conversion: TBridgedConversion;
- end;
-procedure LinearRGBAScannerBrushInitContext(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext);
- with PLinearRGBAScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanMoveTo(AContextData^.Ofs.X + OffsetX,
- AContextData^.Ofs.Y + OffsetY);
-procedure LinearRGBAScannerConvertBrushSetPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- psrc: Pointer;
- pDest: PLinearRGBA;
- qty, pixSize: Integer;
- buf: packed array[0..7] of TLinearRGBA;
- with PLinearRGBAScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- if AAlpha = 0 then
- begin
- inc(PLinearRGBA(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PLinearRGBA(AContextData^.Dest);
- pixSize := IBGRAScanner(Scanner).GetScanCustomColorspace.GetSize;
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- if ACount > length(buf) then qty := length(buf) else qty := ACount;
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextCustomChunk(qty, psrc);
- Conversion.Convert(psrc, @buf, qty, pixSize, sizeof(TLinearRGBA), nil);
- LinearRGBAChunkSetPixels(@buf, pDest, AAlpha, qty, sizeof(TLinearRGBA) );
- inc(pDest, qty);
- dec(ACount, qty);
- end;
- AContextData^.Dest := pDest;
- end;
-procedure LinearRGBAScannerChunkBrushSetPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- psrc: Pointer;
- pDest: PLinearRGBA;
- qty: Integer;
- with PLinearRGBAScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- if AAlpha = 0 then
- begin
- inc(PLinearRGBA(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PLinearRGBA(AContextData^.Dest);
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- qty := ACount;
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextCustomChunk(qty, psrc);
- LinearRGBAChunkSetPixels(PLinearRGBA(psrc), pDest, AAlpha, qty, sizeof(TLinearRGBA) );
- inc(pDest, qty);
- dec(ACount, qty);
- end;
- AContextData^.Dest := pDest;
- end;
-procedure LinearRGBAChunkSetPixelsExceptTransparent(
- ASource: PLinearRGBA; ADest: PLinearRGBA;
- AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer; ASourceStride: integer); inline;
-const oneOver65535 = 1/65535;
- alphaOver, finalAlpha, finalAlphaInv, residualAlpha: single;
- if AAlpha=0 then exit;
- if AAlpha=65535 then
- begin
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- if ASource^.alpha >= 1 then
- ADest^ := ASource^;
- inc(ADest);
- dec(ACount);
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- alphaOver := AAlpha*single(oneOver65535);
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- if ASource^.alpha >= 1 then
- begin
- residualAlpha := ADest^.alpha*(1-alphaOver);
- finalAlpha := residualAlpha + ASource^.alpha*alphaOver;
- if finalAlpha <= 0 then ADest^ := LinearRGBATransparent else
- begin
- ADest^.alpha:= finalAlpha;
- finalAlphaInv := 1/finalAlpha;
- ADest^.red := (ADest^.red*residualAlpha +
- ASource^.red*(finalAlpha-residualAlpha) ) * finalAlphaInv;
- ADest^.green := (ADest^.green*residualAlpha +
- ASource^.green*(finalAlpha-residualAlpha) ) * finalAlphaInv;
- ADest^.blue := (ADest^.blue*residualAlpha +
- ASource^.blue*(finalAlpha-residualAlpha) ) * finalAlphaInv;
- end;
- end;
- inc(ADest);
- dec(ACount);
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride);
- end;
- end;
-procedure LinearRGBAScannerChunkBrushSetPixelsExceptTransparent(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- pDest: PLinearRGBA;
- qty: Integer;
- psrc: Pointer;
- with PLinearRGBAScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- if AAlpha = 0 then
- begin
- inc(PLinearRGBA(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PLinearRGBA(AContextData^.Dest);
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- qty := ACount;
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextCustomChunk(qty, psrc);
- LinearRGBAChunkSetPixelsExceptTransparent(PLinearRGBA(psrc), pDest, AAlpha, qty, sizeof(TLinearRGBA) );
- inc(pDest, qty);
- dec(ACount, qty);
- end;
- AContextData^.Dest := pDest;
- end;
-procedure LinearRGBAScannerConvertBrushSetPixelsExceptTransparent(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- psrc: Pointer;
- pDest: PLinearRGBA;
- qty, pixSize: Integer;
- buf: packed array[0..7] of TLinearRGBA;
- with PLinearRGBAScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- if AAlpha = 0 then
- begin
- inc(PLinearRGBA(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PLinearRGBA(AContextData^.Dest);
- pixSize := IBGRAScanner(Scanner).GetScanCustomColorspace.GetSize;
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- if ACount > length(buf) then qty := length(buf) else qty := ACount;
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextCustomChunk(qty, psrc);
- Conversion.Convert(psrc, @buf, qty, pixSize, sizeof(TLinearRGBA), nil);
- LinearRGBAChunkSetPixelsExceptTransparent(@buf, pDest, AAlpha, qty, sizeof(TLinearRGBA) );
- inc(pDest, qty);
- dec(ACount, qty);
- end;
- AContextData^.Dest := pDest;
- end;
-procedure LinearRGBAScannerChunkBrushDrawPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- psrc: Pointer;
- qty: Integer;
- pDest: PLinearRGBA;
- with PLinearRGBAScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- if AAlpha = 0 then
- begin
- inc(PLinearRGBA(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PLinearRGBA(AContextData^.Dest);
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- qty := ACount;
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextCustomChunk(qty, psrc);
- LinearRGBAChunkDrawPixels(PLinearRGBA(psrc), pDest, AAlpha, qty, sizeof(TLinearRGBA) );
- inc(pDest, qty);
- dec(ACount, qty);
- end;
- AContextData^.Dest := pDest;
- end;
-procedure LinearRGBAScannerConvertBrushDrawPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- psrc: Pointer;
- pDest: PLinearRGBA;
- qty, pixSize: Integer;
- buf: packed array[0..7] of TLinearRGBA;
- with PLinearRGBAScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- if AAlpha = 0 then
- begin
- inc(PLinearRGBA(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PLinearRGBA(AContextData^.Dest);
- pixSize := IBGRAScanner(Scanner).GetScanCustomColorspace.GetSize;
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- if ACount > length(buf) then qty := length(buf) else qty := ACount;
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextCustomChunk(qty, psrc);
- Conversion.Convert(psrc, @buf, qty, pixSize, sizeof(TLinearRGBA), nil);
- LinearRGBAChunkDrawPixels(@buf, pDest, AAlpha, qty, sizeof(TLinearRGBA) );
- inc(pDest, qty);
- dec(ACount, qty);
- end;
- AContextData^.Dest := pDest;
- end;
-procedure LinearRGBAMaskBrushApply(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- pDest: PLinearRGBA;
- qty, maskStride: Integer;
- pMask: PByteMask;
- factor: single;
- with PLinearRGBAScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- if AAlpha = 0 then
- begin
- inc(PLinearRGBA(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PLinearRGBA(AContextData^.Dest);
- factor := AAlpha/(65535*255);
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- qty := ACount;
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextMaskChunk(qty, pMask, maskStride);
- dec(ACount,qty);
- while qty > 0 do
- begin
- pDest^.alpha := pDest^.alpha*pMask^.gray*factor;
- if pDest^.alpha = 0 then pDest^ := LinearRGBATransparent;
- inc(pDest);
- inc(pMask, maskStride);
- dec(qty);
- end;
- end;
- PLinearRGBA(AContextData^.Dest) := pDest;
- end;
-procedure LinearRGBAAlphaBrushSetPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
-const oneOver65535 = 1/65535;
- pDest: PLinearRGBA;
- alphaOver, residualAlpha, finalAlpha: single;
- if AAlpha=0 then
- begin
- inc(PLinearRGBA(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PLinearRGBA(AContextData^.Dest);
- if AAlpha=65535 then
- begin
- finalAlpha := PSingle(AFixedData)^;
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- pDest^.alpha := finalAlpha;
- inc(pDest);
- dec(ACount);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- alphaOver := AAlpha*single(oneOver65535);
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- residualAlpha := pDest^.alpha*(1-alphaOver);
- finalAlpha := residualAlpha + PSingle(AFixedData)^*alphaOver;
- pDest^.alpha:= finalAlpha;
- inc(pDest);
- dec(ACount);
- end;
- end;
- PLinearRGBA(AContextData^.Dest) := pDest;
-procedure LinearRGBAAlphaBrushErasePixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
-const oneOver65535 = 1/65535;
- pDest: PLinearRGBA;
- alphaMul, finalAlpha: single;
- if AAlpha=0 then
- begin
- inc(PLinearRGBA(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PLinearRGBA(AContextData^.Dest);
- if AAlpha<>65535 then
- alphaMul := 1-PSingle(AFixedData)^*AAlpha*single(oneOver65535)
- else
- alphaMul := 1-PSingle(AFixedData)^;
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- finalAlpha := pDest^.alpha*alphaMul;
- if finalAlpha <= 0 then pDest^ := LinearRGBATransparent else
- pDest^.alpha:= finalAlpha;
- inc(pDest);
- dec(ACount);
- end;
- PLinearRGBA(AContextData^.Dest) := pDest;
-{ TLinearRGBABitmap }
-function TLinearRGBABitmap.InternalNew: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- Result:= TLinearRGBABitmap.Create;
-procedure TLinearRGBABitmap.AssignTransparentPixel(out ADest);
- TLinearRGBA(ADest) := LinearRGBATransparent;
-class procedure TLinearRGBABitmap.SolidBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- const AColor: TLinearRGBA; ADrawMode: TDrawMode);
- ABrush.Colorspace:= TLinearRGBAColorspace;
- PLinearRGBA(@ABrush.FixedData)^ := AColor;
- case ADrawMode of
- dmSet: ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @LinearRGBASolidBrushSetPixels;
- dmSetExceptTransparent:
- if AColor.alpha < 1 then
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @LinearRGBASolidBrushSkipPixels
- else
- begin
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @LinearRGBASolidBrushSetPixels;
- ABrush.DoesNothing := true;
- end;
- dmDrawWithTransparency,dmLinearBlend:
- if AColor.alpha<=0 then
- begin
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @LinearRGBASolidBrushSkipPixels;
- ABrush.DoesNothing := true;
- end
- else if AColor.alpha>=1 then
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @LinearRGBASolidBrushSetPixels
- else
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @LinearRGBASolidBrushDrawPixels;
- dmXor: raise exception.Create('Xor mode not available with floating point values');
- end;
-class procedure TLinearRGBABitmap.ScannerBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- AScanner: IBGRAScanner; ADrawMode: TDrawMode;
- AOffsetX: integer; AOffsetY: integer);
- sourceSpace: TColorspaceAny;
- ABrush.Colorspace:= TLinearRGBAColorspace;
- with PLinearRGBAScannerBrushFixedData(@ABrush.FixedData)^ do
- begin
- Scanner := Pointer(AScanner);
- OffsetX := AOffsetX;
- OffsetY := AOffsetY;
- end;
- ABrush.InternalInitContext:= @LinearRGBAScannerBrushInitContext;
- sourceSpace := AScanner.GetScanCustomColorspace;
- if sourceSpace = TLinearRGBAColorspace then
- begin
- case ADrawMode of
- dmSet: ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @LinearRGBAScannerChunkBrushSetPixels;
- dmSetExceptTransparent: ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @LinearRGBAScannerChunkBrushSetPixelsExceptTransparent;
- dmDrawWithTransparency,dmLinearBlend:
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @LinearRGBAScannerChunkBrushDrawPixels;
- dmXor: raise exception.Create('Xor mode not available with floating point values');
- end;
- end else
- begin
- with PLinearRGBAScannerBrushFixedData(@ABrush.FixedData)^ do
- Conversion := sourceSpace.GetBridgedConversion(TLinearRGBAColorspace);
- case ADrawMode of
- dmSet: ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @LinearRGBAScannerConvertBrushSetPixels;
- dmSetExceptTransparent: ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @LinearRGBAScannerConvertBrushSetPixelsExceptTransparent;
- dmDrawWithTransparency,dmLinearBlend:
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @LinearRGBAScannerConvertBrushDrawPixels;
- dmXor: raise exception.Create('Xor mode not available with floating point values');
- end;
- end;
-class procedure TLinearRGBABitmap.MaskBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- AScanner: IBGRAScanner; AOffsetX: integer; AOffsetY: integer);
- ABrush.Colorspace:= TLinearRGBAColorspace;
- with PLinearRGBAScannerBrushFixedData(@ABrush.FixedData)^ do
- begin
- Scanner := Pointer(AScanner);
- OffsetX := AOffsetX;
- OffsetY := AOffsetY;
- end;
- ABrush.InternalInitContext:= @LinearRGBAScannerBrushInitContext;
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @LinearRGBAMaskBrushApply;
-class procedure TLinearRGBABitmap.EraseBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- AAlpha: Word);
- if AAlpha = 0 then
- begin
- SolidBrush(ABrush, LinearRGBATransparent, dmDrawWithTransparency);
- exit;
- end;
- ABrush.Colorspace:= TLinearRGBAColorspace;
- PSingle(@ABrush.FixedData)^ := AAlpha/65535;
- ABrush.InternalInitContext:= nil;
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @LinearRGBAAlphaBrushErasePixels;
-class procedure TLinearRGBABitmap.AlphaBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- AAlpha: Word);
- if AAlpha = 0 then
- begin
- SolidBrush(ABrush, LinearRGBATransparent, dmSet);
- exit;
- end;
- ABrush.Colorspace:= TLinearRGBAColorspace;
- PSingle(@ABrush.FixedData)^ := AAlpha/65535;
- ABrush.InternalInitContext:= nil;
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @LinearRGBAAlphaBrushSetPixels;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/lineartexscan.inc b/components/bgrabitmap/lineartexscan.inc
deleted file mode 100644
index 1724212..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/lineartexscan.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-{$i bgrasse.inc}
- var
- xLen: single; //horizontal length in pixels
- t: single; //initial horizontal position in [0..1]
- texVect: TPointF; //texture vector between start and end of line
- texPos: TPointF; //texture start position
- texStep: TPointF; //texture step
- intTexPos: packed record
- x,y: integer;
- end;
- //loop variables
- pdest: PBGRAPixel;
- i: LongInt;
- light,lightStep,lightDiff,lightAcc,lightMod: word;
- lightLen: integer;
- procedure NextLight; inline;
- begin
- light := (light+lightStep) and 65535;
- inc(lightAcc,lightDiff);
- if lightAcc >= lightMod then
- begin
- dec(lightAcc,lightMod);
- light := (light + 1) and 65535;
- end;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- xLen := info2.interX - info1.interX;
- t := ((ix1+0.5)-info1.interX)/xLen;
- texVect := info2.texCoord-info1.texCoord;
- texPos := info1.texCoord + texVect*t;
- texStep := texVect*(1/xLen);
- pdest := bmp.ScanLine[yb]+ix1;
- if ix2 = ix1 then
- begin
- light := (info1.lightness+info2.lightness) div 2;
- lightStep := 0;
- lightDiff := 0;
- lightMod := 1;
- end
- else
- begin
- light := info1.lightness;
- lightLen := info2.lightness-info1.lightness;
- if lightLen >= 0 then
- begin
- lightStep := lightLen div (ix2-ix1);
- lightMod := ix2-ix1;
- lightDiff := lightLen - lightStep*(ix2-ix1);
- end else
- begin
- lightStep := (-lightLen+(ix2-ix1-1)) div (ix2-ix1);
- lightMod := ix2-ix1;
- lightDiff := lightLen + lightStep*(ix2-ix1);
- lightStep := 65536 - lightStep;
- end;
- end;
- lightAcc := lightDiff div 2;
- {$ENDIF}
- if UseSSE then
- begin
- if UseSSE2 then
- begin
- if WithInterpolation then
- begin
- {$i lineartexscan2.inc}
- end else
- begin
- {$i lineartexscan2.inc}
- end;
- end else
- begin
- if WithInterpolation then
- begin
- {$i lineartexscan2.inc}
- end else
- begin
- {$i lineartexscan2.inc}
- end;
- end;
- end else
- {$ENDIF}
- if WithInterpolation then
- begin
- {$i lineartexscan2.inc}
- end else
- begin
- {$i lineartexscan2.inc}
- end;
- end;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/lineartexscan2.inc b/components/bgrabitmap/lineartexscan2.inc
deleted file mode 100644
index 0bb7c23..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/lineartexscan2.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
- {$IFDEF PARAM_USESSE} {$asmmode intel}
- asm
- xorps xmm4,xmm4
- xorps xmm5,xmm5
- movlps xmm4, texPos
- movlps xmm5, texStep
- cvtps2dq xmm3,xmm4
- movlps intTexPos,xmm3
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- for i := ix1 to ix2 do
- begin
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest,
- scanAtFunc(texPos.x,texPos.y)
- {$ELSE}
- scanAtIntegerFunc(intTexPos.x,intTexPos.y)
- {$ELSE}
- scanAtIntegerFunc(round(texPos.x),round(texPos.y))
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- );
- asm
- addps xmm4,xmm5
- cvtps2dq xmm3,xmm4
- movlps intTexPos,xmm3
- {$ELSE}
- movlps texPos,xmm4
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ELSE}
- movlps texPos,xmm4
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- texPos.Offset(texStep);
- {$ENDIF}
- NextLight;
- {$ENDIF}
- inc(pdest);
- end;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/linuxlib.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/linuxlib.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 623e473..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/linuxlib.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit linuxlib;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
-{ This unit allows to find the implementation of a library from its
- "linker name" whatever its version. Note that between different versions,
- there may be incompatibilities (in the signature of the functions or the
- record types). So make sure the functions you are calling are stable or
- check the version of the library once its loaded using one of its functions.
- Linker name
- -----------
- The linker name normally can only be used when compiling a program.
- It ends up with .so and does not have any version number. There isn't
- necessarily a file with this name though it may be provided in the
- development package (ending with -dev).
- - libwebp.so
- - libportaudio.so
- - libtiff.so
- - libpython.so
- Soname (qualified with a version number)
- ----------------------------------------
- The soname can be supplied to the LoadLibray function to load at runtime,
- without specifying any path. It is the same as the linker name, but with
- a version number. The file exists most of the time and it is generally
- a symbolic link to the implementation (or "real name").
- - libwebp.so.6
- - libportaudio.so.2
- - libtiff.so.5
- - libpython2.7.so
- Implementation or real name (with minor number)
- -----------------------------------------------
- The real name contains the implementation. It has a minor number and
- an optional release number. Most of the time, you don't need to know this
- name to use the library.
- - libwebp.so.6.0.2
- - libportaudio.so.2.0.0
- - libtiff.so.5.3.0
- - libpython2.7.so.1.0
- See: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Program-Library-HOWTO/shared-libraries.html }
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils;
-function FindLinuxLibrary(ALinkerName: string; AMinimumVersion: integer = 0): string;
-uses process;
-function FindLinuxLibrary(ALinkerName: string; AMinimumVersion: integer): string;
- OpenBracket = ' (';
- Arrow = ') => ';
- dataText, s, fileName, flags, path, versionStr: string;
- dataList, flagList: TStringList;
- openBracketPos, arrowPos, posDot: SizeInt;
- versionInt, errPos, i: integer;
- maxVersionInt: integer;
- result := '';
- maxVersionInt := AMinimumVersion-1;
- RunCommand('ldconfig', ['-p'], dataText, []);
- dataList := TStringList.Create;
- dataList.Text := dataText;
- flagList := TStringList.Create;
- for i := 0 to dataList.Count-1 do
- begin
- s := dataList[i];
- openBracketPos := pos(OpenBracket, s);
- arrowPos := pos(Arrow,s);
- if (openBracketPos <> 0) and (arrowPos <> 0) then
- begin
- fileName := trim(copy(s,1,openBracketPos-1));
- if fileName.StartsWith(ALinkerName+'.') then
- begin
- versionStr := copy(fileName, length(ALinkerName)+2, length(fileName)-length(ALinkerName)-1);
- posDot := pos('.', versionStr);
- if posDot > 0 then versionStr := copy(versionStr, posDot-1);
- val(versionStr, versionInt, errPos);
- if errPos = 0 then
- begin
- flags := copy(s, openBracketPos+length(OpenBracket), arrowPos-openBracketPos-length(OpenBracket));
- flagList.CommaText := flags;
- if {$IFNDEF CPU64}not{$ENDIF} (flagList.IndexOf('x86-64') <> -1) then
- begin
- path := copy(s, arrowPos+length(Arrow), length(s)-arrowPos-length(Arrow)+1);
- if versionInt > maxVersionInt then
- begin
- maxVersionInt := versionInt;
- result := path;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- flagList.Free;
- dataList.Free;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/multishapeline.inc b/components/bgrabitmap/multishapeline.inc
deleted file mode 100644
index 19ac4ef..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/multishapeline.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
- begin
- for k := 0 to NbShapeRows-1 do
- with shapeRow[shapeRowsList[k]],shapes[shapeRowsList[k]] do
- if densMinx <= densMaxx then
- begin
- if densMinx < minx then densMinx := minx;
- if densMaxx > maxx then densMaxx := maxx;
- if texture <> nil then
- begin
- texture.ScanMoveTo(densMinx,yb);
- ScanNextFunc := @texture.ScanNextPixel;
- pdens := density+(densMinX-minx);
- for xb := densMinx to densMaxx do
- with sums[xb-minx] do
- begin
- if pdens^ <> 0 then
- begin
- ec := GammaExpansion(ScanNextFunc());
- w := DivByAntialiasPrecision65536(pdens^ * ec.alpha);
- {$else}
- w := (pdens^ * ec.alpha) shr 16;
- {$endif}
- if w <> 0 then
- begin
- inc(sumR,ec.red*w);
- inc(sumG,ec.green*w);
- inc(sumB,ec.blue*w);
- inc(sumA,w);
- end;
- end else
- ScanNextFunc();
- inc(pdens);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- ec := color;
- pdens := density+(densMinX-minx);
- for xb := densMinx to densMaxx do
- with sums[xb-minx] do
- begin
- if pdens^ <> 0 then
- begin
- w := DivByAntialiasPrecision65536(pdens^ * ec.alpha);
- {$else}
- w := (pdens^ * ec.alpha) shr 16;
- {$endif}
- if w <> 0 then
- begin
- inc(sumR,ec.red*w);
- inc(sumG,ec.green*w);
- inc(sumB,ec.blue*w);
- inc(sumA,w);
- end;
- end;
- inc(pdens);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/object3d.inc b/components/bgrabitmap/object3d.inc
deleted file mode 100644
index 59ed8ad..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/object3d.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,310 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-{ TBGRAObject3D }
-procedure TBGRAObject3D.AddFace(AFace: IBGRAFace3D);
- if FFaceCount = length(FFaces) then
- setlength(FFaces,FFaceCount*2+3);
- FFaces[FFaceCount] := AFace;
- inc(FFaceCount);
-constructor TBGRAObject3D.Create(AScene: TBGRAScene3D);
- FColor := BGRAWhite;
- FLight := 1;
- FTexture := nil;
- FMainPart := TBGRAPart3D.Create(self,nil);
- FLightingNormal:= AScene.DefaultLightingNormal;
- FParentLighting:= True;
- FScene := AScene;
- FFaceColorsInvalidated := true;
- FMaterialInvalidated := false;
-destructor TBGRAObject3D.Destroy;
- FMaterial := nil;
- fillchar(FTexture,sizeof(FTexture),0);
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TBGRAObject3D.Clear;
- FFaces := nil;
- FFaceCount := 0;
- FMainPart.Clear(True);
-procedure TBGRAObject3D.InvalidateColor;
- FFaceColorsInvalidated := true;
-procedure TBGRAObject3D.InvalidateMaterial;
- FMaterialInvalidated := true;
-function TBGRAObject3D.GetColor: TBGRAPixel;
- result := FColor;
-function TBGRAObject3D.GetLight: Single;
- result := FLight;
-function TBGRAObject3D.GetTexture: IBGRAScanner;
- result := FTexture;
-function TBGRAObject3D.GetMainPart: IBGRAPart3D;
- result := FMainPart;
-procedure TBGRAObject3D.SetColor(const AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- FColor := AValue;
- FTexture := nil;
- InvalidateColor;
-procedure TBGRAObject3D.SetLight(const AValue: Single);
- FLight := AValue;
-procedure TBGRAObject3D.SetTexture(const AValue: IBGRAScanner);
- FTexture := AValue;
- InvalidateMaterial;
-procedure TBGRAObject3D.SetMaterial(const AValue: IBGRAMaterial3D);
- FMaterial := AValue;
- InvalidateMaterial;
-procedure TBGRAObject3D.RemoveUnusedVertices;
- GetMainPart.RemoveUnusedVertices;
-procedure TBGRAObject3D.SeparatePart(APart: IBGRAPart3D);
- vertexInfo: array of record
- orig,dup: IBGRAVertex3D;
- end;
- i,j: integer;
- inPart,outPart: boolean;
- idxV: integer;
- setlength(vertexInfo, APart.VertexCount);
- for i := 0 to high(vertexInfo) do
- with vertexInfo[i] do
- begin
- orig := APart.Vertex[i];
- dup := APart.Add(orig.SceneCoord_128);
- end;
- for i := 0 to GetFaceCount-1 do
- with GetFace(i) do
- begin
- inPart := false;
- outPart := false;
- for j := 0 to VertexCount-1 do
- if (APart.IndexOf(Vertex[j]) <> -1) then
- inPart := true
- else
- outPart := true;
- if inPart and not outPart then
- begin
- for j := 0 to VertexCount-1 do
- begin
- idxV := APart.IndexOf(Vertex[j]);
- if idxV <> -1 then
- Vertex[j] := vertexInfo[idxV].dup;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- for i := APart.VertexCount-1 downto 0 do
- APart.RemoveVertex(i);
-function TBGRAObject3D.GetScene: TObject;
- result := FScene;
-function TBGRAObject3D.GetRefCount: integer;
- result := RefCount;
-procedure TBGRAObject3D.SetBiface(AValue: boolean);
-var i: integer;
- for i := 0 to GetFaceCount-1 do
- GetFace(i).Biface := AValue;
-procedure TBGRAObject3D.ForEachVertex(ACallback: TVertex3DCallback);
- FMainPart.ForEachVertex(ACallback);
-procedure TBGRAObject3D.ForEachFace(ACallback: TFace3DCallback);
-var i: integer;
- for i := 0 to GetFaceCount-1 do
- ACallback(GetFace(i));
-procedure TBGRAObject3D.Update;
- i: Integer;
- if FParentLighting and (FLightingNormal <> FScene.DefaultLightingNormal) then
- FLightingNormal := FScene.DefaultLightingNormal;
- if FFaceColorsInvalidated then
- begin
- for i := 0 to FFaceCount-1 do
- FFaces[i].ComputeVertexColors;
- FFaceColorsInvalidated := false;
- end;
- if FMaterialInvalidated then
- begin
- for i := 0 to FFaceCount-1 do
- FFaces[i].UpdateMaterial;
- FMaterialInvalidated := false;
- end;
-function TBGRAObject3D.GetLightingNormal: TLightingNormal3D;
- result := FLightingNormal;
-function TBGRAObject3D.GetParentLighting: boolean;
- result := FParentLighting;
-procedure TBGRAObject3D.SetLightingNormal(const AValue: TLightingNormal3D);
- FLightingNormal := AValue;
- FParentLighting:= False;
-procedure TBGRAObject3D.SetParentLighting(const AValue: boolean);
- FParentLighting:= AValue;
-procedure TBGRAObject3D.ComputeWithMatrix(constref AMatrix: TMatrix3D; constref AProjection: TProjection3D);
- i: Integer;
- FMainPart.ComputeWithMatrix(AMatrix,AProjection);
- for i := 0 to FFaceCount-1 do
- FFaces[i].ComputeViewNormalAndCenter;
- FMainPart.NormalizeViewNormal;
-function TBGRAObject3D.AddFaceReversed(const AVertices: array of IBGRAVertex3D
- ): IBGRAFace3D;
- tempVertices: array of IBGRAVertex3D;
- i: Integer;
- setlength(tempVertices,length(AVertices));
- for i := 0 to high(tempVertices) do
- tempVertices[i] := AVertices[high(AVertices)-i];
- result := AddFace(tempVertices);
-function TBGRAObject3D.AddFace(const AVertices: array of IBGRAVertex3D): IBGRAFace3D;
- result := TBGRAFace3D.Create(self,AVertices);
- AddFace(result);
-function TBGRAObject3D.AddFace(const AVertices: array of IBGRAVertex3D;
- ABiface: boolean): IBGRAFace3D;
- result := TBGRAFace3D.Create(self,AVertices);
- result.Biface := ABiface;
- AddFace(result);
-function TBGRAObject3D.AddFace(const AVertices: array of IBGRAVertex3D; ATexture: IBGRAScanner): IBGRAFace3D;
-var Face: IBGRAFace3D;
- Face := TBGRAFace3D.Create(self,AVertices);
- Face.Texture := ATexture;
- AddFace(Face);
- result := face;
-function TBGRAObject3D.AddFace(const AVertices: array of IBGRAVertex3D;
- AColor: TBGRAPixel): IBGRAFace3D;
-var Face: IBGRAFace3D;
- Face := TBGRAFace3D.Create(self,AVertices);
- Face.SetColor(AColor);
- Face.Texture := nil;
- AddFace(Face);
- result := face;
-function TBGRAObject3D.AddFace(const AVertices: array of IBGRAVertex3D;
- AColors: array of TBGRAPixel): IBGRAFace3D;
- i: Integer;
- if length(AColors) <> length(AVertices) then
- raise Exception.Create('Dimension mismatch');
- result := TBGRAFace3D.Create(self,AVertices);
- for i := 0 to high(AColors) do
- result.VertexColor[i] := AColors[i];
- AddFace(result);
-function TBGRAObject3D.GetFace(AIndex: integer): IBGRAFace3D;
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= FFaceCount) then
- raise Exception.Create('Index out of bounds');
- result := FFaces[AIndex];
-function TBGRAObject3D.GetFaceCount: integer;
- result := FFaceCount;
-function TBGRAObject3D.GetTotalVertexCount: integer;
- result := GetMainPart.TotalVertexCount;
-function TBGRAObject3D.GetTotalNormalCount: integer;
- result := GetMainPart.TotalNormalCount;
-function TBGRAObject3D.GetMaterial: IBGRAMaterial3D;
- result := FMaterial;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/paletteformats.inc b/components/bgrabitmap/paletteformats.inc
deleted file mode 100644
index 5687200..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/paletteformats.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,643 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
- PaletteFormats : array of record
- formatIndex: TBGRAPaletteFormat;
- ext: string;
- description: string;
- reader: TPaletteReaderProc;
- writer: TPaletteWriterProc;
- checkFormat: TCheckPaletteFormatProc;
- end;
- GimpPaletteHeader : string = 'GIMP Palette';
- KOfficePaletteHeader : string = 'KDE RGB Palette';
- AdobeSwatchExchangeHeader : string = 'ASEF';
- JascPaletteHeader : string = 'JASC-PAL';
- PaintDotNetPaletteHeader : string = '; paint.net Palette File';
- PaintDotNetPaletteHeaderUTF8 : string = #$EF#$BB#$BF + '; paint.net Palette File';
-procedure SaveToStreamAsPaintDotNet(APalette: TBGRAPalette; AStream: TStream);
- procedure WriteStr(s: string);
- begin
- AStream.WriteBuffer(s[1],length(S));
- end;
- procedure WriteStrLn(s: string);
- begin
- WriteStr(s+#$0D#$0A);
- end;
- i: Integer;
- WriteStrLn(PaintDotNetPaletteHeaderUTF8);
- for i := 0 to APalette.Count-1 do
- with APalette.Color[i] do
- WriteStrLn(IntToHex(alpha,2)+IntToHex(red,2)+IntToHex(green,2)+IntToHex(blue,2));
-procedure SaveToStreamAsGimp(APalette: TBGRAPalette; AStream: TStream);
- procedure WriteStr(s: string);
- begin
- AStream.WriteBuffer(s[1],length(S));
- end;
- procedure WriteStrLn(s: string);
- begin
- WriteStr(s+#$0A);
- end;
- procedure WriteChannelValue(AValue: byte);
- var s: string;
- begin
- s := IntToStr(AValue);
- while length(s) < 3 do s := ' '+s;
- WriteStr(s);
- end;
- i: Integer;
- WriteStrLn(GimpPaletteHeader);
- WriteStrLn('Name: Palette');
- WriteStrLn('Columns: 3');
- WriteStrLn('#');
- for i := 0 to APalette.Count-1 do
- with APalette.Color[i] do
- begin
- WriteChannelValue(red);
- WriteStr(' ');
- WriteChannelValue(green);
- WriteStr(' ');
- WriteChannelValue(blue);
- WriteStrLn(#$09+BGRAToStr(APalette.Color[i],CSSColors));
- end;
-procedure SaveToStreamAsAdobeSwatchExchange(APalette: TBGRAPalette; AStream: TStream);
- procedure WriteStr(s: string);
- begin
- AStream.WriteBuffer(s[1],length(S));
- end;
- procedure WriteInt32(AValue: Int32);
- begin
- AValue := NtoBE(AValue);
- AStream.WriteBuffer(AValue,sizeof(AValue));
- end;
- procedure WriteInt16(AValue: Int16);
- begin
- AValue := NtoBE(AValue);
- AStream.WriteBuffer(AValue,sizeof(AValue));
- end;
- procedure WriteSingle(AValue: Single);
- begin
- LongWord(AValue) := BEtoN(LongWord(AValue));
- AStream.WriteBuffer(AValue,sizeof(AValue));
- end;
- procedure WriteBlock(ABlockType: Int16; AContentLength: Int32); overload;
- begin
- WriteInt16(ABlockType);
- WriteInt32(AContentLength);
- end;
- procedure WriteBlock(ABlockType: Int16; AName: string; AExtraContentLength: Int32); overload;
- var contentLength: Int32;
- wideName: UnicodeString;
- nameBuf: array of byte;
- i: Integer;
- begin
- wideName := UTF8Decode(AName);
- setlength(nameBuf, (length(wideName)+1)*2);
- contentLength:= AExtraContentLength + 2 + length(nameBuf);
- WriteBlock(ABlockType, contentLength);
- WriteInt16(length(nameBuf) shr 1);
- for i := 1 to length(wideName) do
- begin
- nameBuf[((i-1) shl 1)] := ord(wideName[i]) shr 8;
- nameBuf[((i-1) shl 1)+1] := ord(wideName[i]) and 255;
- end;
- AStream.WriteBuffer(nameBuf[0],length(namebuf));
- end;
- i: Integer;
- WriteStr(AdobeSwatchExchangeHeader+#$00#$01+#$00#$00);
- WriteInt32(APalette.Count+2); //number of blocks
- WriteBlock($1c0, 'Palette', 0); //group start
- for i := 0 to APalette.Count-1 do
- with APalette.Color[i] do
- begin
- WriteBlock(1, BGRAToStr(APalette.Color[i],CSSColors), 4+4*3+2);
- WriteStr('RGB ');
- WriteSingle(red/255);
- WriteSingle(green/255);
- WriteSingle(blue/255);
- WriteInt16(2); //normal
- end;
- WriteBlock($2c0, 0); //group end
-procedure SaveToStreamAsKOffice(APalette: TBGRAPalette; AStream: TStream);
- procedure WriteStr(s: string);
- begin
- AStream.WriteBuffer(s[1],length(S));
- end;
- procedure WriteStrLn(s: string);
- begin
- WriteStr(s+#$0A);
- end;
- procedure WriteChannelValue(AValue: byte);
- begin
- WriteStr(IntToStr(AValue));
- end;
- i: Integer;
- WriteStrLn(KOfficePaletteHeader);
- for i := 0 to APalette.Count-1 do
- with APalette.Color[i] do
- begin
- WriteChannelValue(red);
- WriteStr(' ');
- WriteChannelValue(green);
- WriteStr(' ');
- WriteChannelValue(blue);
- WriteStrLn(#$09+BGRAToStr(APalette.Color[i],CSSColors));
- end;
-procedure SaveToStreamAsJasc(APalette: TBGRAPalette; AStream: TStream);
- procedure WriteStr(s: string);
- begin
- AStream.WriteBuffer(s[1],length(S));
- end;
- procedure WriteStrLn(s: string);
- begin
- WriteStr(s+#$0D#$0A);
- end;
- i: Integer;
- WriteStrLn(JascPaletteHeader);
- WriteStrLn('0100');
- WriteStrLn(IntToStr(APalette.Count));
- for i := 0 to APalette.Count-1 do
- with APalette.Color[i] do
- WriteStrLn(IntToStr(red)+' '+IntToStr(green)+' '+IntToStr(blue));
-function LoadFromStreamAsPaintDotNet(APalette: TBGRAPalette; AStream: TStream): boolean;
-var lines: TStringList;
- header,s: string;
- idxComment: integer;
- code: integer;
- hexArgb: int32;
- i: Integer;
- result := false;
- lines := TStringList.Create;
- try
- lines.LoadFromStream(AStream);
- if lines.Count = 0 then
- begin
- lines.Free;
- exit;
- end;
- header := lines[0];
- if (header <> PaintDotNetPaletteHeader) and (header <> PaintDotNetPaletteHeaderUTF8) then
- begin
- lines.Free;
- exit;
- end;
- for i := 0 to lines.Count-1 do
- begin
- s := lines[i];
- idxComment := pos(';',s);
- if idxComment<>0 then s := copy(s,1,idxComment-1);
- s := trim(s);
- if length(s)> 0 then
- begin
- val('$'+s, hexArgb, code);
- if code = 0 then
- APalette.AddColor(BGRA((hexArgb shr 16) and 255,
- (hexArgb shr 8) and 255,
- hexArgb and 255,
- (hexArgb shr 24) and 255));
- end;
- end;
- result := true;
- finally
- lines.Free;
- end;
-function LoadFromStreamAsGimp(APalette: TBGRAPalette; AStream: TStream): boolean;
-var lines,line: TStringList;
- s: string;
- idxComment: integer;
- code: integer;
- c: TBGRAPixel;
- i: Integer;
- result := false;
- lines := TStringList.Create;
- line := TStringList.Create;
- try
- lines.LoadFromStream(AStream);
- if (lines.Count < 3) or (lines[0] <> GimpPaletteHeader) or
- (copy(lines[1],1,6) <> 'Name: ') or
- (copy(lines[2],1,9) <> 'Columns: ') then
- begin
- lines.Free;
- line.Free;
- exit;
- end;
- for i := 3 to lines.Count-1 do
- begin
- s := lines[i];
- idxComment := pos('#',s);
- if idxComment<>0 then s := copy(s,1,idxComment-1);
- s := trim(s);
- if length(s)> 0 then
- begin
- line.CommaText := s;
- if line.Count >= 3 then
- begin
- c.alpha:= 255;
- val(line[0],c.red,code);
- if code <> 0 then continue;
- val(line[1],c.green,code);
- if code <> 0 then continue;
- val(line[2],c.blue,code);
- if code <> 0 then continue;
- APalette.AddColor(c);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- result := true;
- finally
- lines.Free;
- line.Free;
- end;
-function clamp(AValue, AMax: integer): integer;
- if AValue < 0 then result := 0 else
- if AValue > AMax then result := AMax else
- result := AValue;;
-function LabToRGB(L,a,b: single): TBGRAPixel; overload;
-var r,g,blue: single;
- if a < 0 then
- r := L + a + 0.5*b
- else
- r := L + 0.75*a + 0.5*b;
- g := L - 0.5*a;
- blue := L - b;
- Result.red:= clamp(round((r)*255),255);
- Result.green:= clamp(round((g)*255),255);
- Result.blue:= clamp(round((blue)*255),255);
- result.alpha := 255;
-function LoadFromStreamAsAdobeSwatchExchange(APalette: TBGRAPalette; AStream: TStream): boolean;
- function ReadInt16: int16;
- begin
- AStream.Read(result, sizeof(result));
- {$POP}
- result := BEtoN(result);
- end;
- function ReadInt32: int32;
- begin
- AStream.Read(result, sizeof(result));
- {$POP}
- result := BEtoN(result);
- end;
- function ReadStr(ALength: integer): string;
- begin
- setlength(result, ALength);
- ALength := AStream.Read(result[1], ALength);
- setlength(result, ALength);
- end;
- function ReadSingle: single;
- begin
- AStream.Read(Result, sizeof(result));
- {$POP}
- LongWord(Result) := BEtoN(LongWord(Result));
- end;
- function DblToByte(AValue: double): byte;
- begin
- if AValue < 0 then result := 0
- else if AValue > 1 then result := 255 else
- result := round(AValue*255);
- end;
-var header: string;
- nbBlocks,blockSize: int32;
- blockType,nameLength: int16;
- nextPos: int64;
- colorFormat: string;
- colorF: TColorF;
- i: Integer;
- result := false;
- header := ReadStr(length(AdobeSwatchExchangeHeader)+4);
- if header <> AdobeSwatchExchangeHeader+#$00#$01+#$00#$00 then exit;
- nbBlocks := ReadInt32;
- for i := 0 to nbBlocks-1 do
- begin
- blockType := ReadInt16;
- blockSize := ReadInt32;
- nextPos := AStream.Position + blockSize;
- if blockType = 1 then
- begin
- nameLength := ReadInt16;
- ReadStr(nameLength*2);
- colorFormat := ReadStr(4);
- if colorFormat = 'RGB ' then
- begin
- colorF[1] := ReadSingle;
- colorF[2] := ReadSingle;
- colorF[3] := ReadSingle;
- colorF[4] := 1;
- APalette.AddColor(BGRA(DblToByte(colorF[1]),DblToByte(colorF[2]),DblToByte(colorF[3])));
- ReadInt16; //ignore color type
- end else
- if colorFormat = 'CMYK' then
- begin
- colorF[1] := ReadSingle;
- colorF[2] := ReadSingle;
- colorF[3] := ReadSingle;
- colorF[4] := ReadSingle;
- APalette.AddColor(BGRA(DblToByte(1 - colorF[1] + ColorF[2]/10 + ColorF[3]/10 - ColorF[4]),
- DblToByte(1 - colorF[2] + ColorF[1]/10 + ColorF[3]/10 - ColorF[4]),
- DblToByte(1 - colorF[3] + ColorF[1]/10 + ColorF[2]/10 - ColorF[4])));
- ReadInt16; //ignore color type
- end else
- if colorFormat = 'LAB ' then
- begin
- colorF[1] := ReadSingle;
- colorF[2] := ReadSingle;
- colorF[3] := ReadSingle;
- colorF[4] := 1;
- APalette.AddColor(LabToRGB(colorF[1],colorF[2]/128,colorF[3]/128));
- ReadInt16; //ignore color type
- end else
- if colorFormat = 'GRAY' then
- begin
- colorF[1] := ReadSingle;
- colorF[2] := colorF[1];
- colorF[3] := colorF[1];
- colorF[4] := 1;
- APalette.AddColor(BGRA(DblToByte(colorF[1]),DblToByte(colorF[2]),DblToByte(colorF[3])));
- ReadInt16; //ignore color type
- end;
- end;
- if AStream.Position<>nextPos then
- AStream.Position:= nextPos;
- end;
- result := true;
-function LoadFromStreamAsKOffice(APalette: TBGRAPalette; AStream: TStream): boolean;
-var lines,line: TStringList;
- s: string;
- idxComment: integer;
- code: integer;
- c: TBGRAPixel;
- i: Integer;
- result := false;
- lines := TStringList.Create;
- line := TStringList.Create;
- try
- lines.LoadFromStream(AStream);
- if (lines.Count < 1) or (lines[0] <> KOfficePaletteHeader) then
- begin
- lines.Free;
- line.Free;
- exit;
- end;
- for i := 3 to lines.Count-1 do
- begin
- s := lines[i];
- idxComment := pos('#',s);
- if idxComment<>0 then s := copy(s,1,idxComment-1);
- s := trim(s);
- if length(s)> 0 then
- begin
- line.CommaText := s;
- if line.Count >= 3 then
- begin
- c.alpha:= 255;
- val(line[0],c.red,code);
- if code <> 0 then continue;
- val(line[1],c.green,code);
- if code <> 0 then continue;
- val(line[2],c.blue,code);
- if code <> 0 then continue;
- APalette.AddColor(c);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- result := true;
- finally
- lines.Free;
- line.Free;
- end;
-function LoadFromStreamAsJasc(APalette: TBGRAPalette; AStream: TStream): boolean;
-var lines,line: TStringList;
- s: string;
- idxComment: integer;
- code: integer;
- c: TBGRAPixel;
- i: Integer;
- result := false;
- lines := TStringList.Create;
- line := TStringList.Create;
- try
- lines.LoadFromStream(AStream);
- if (lines.Count < 2) or (lines[0] <> JascPaletteHeader) or
- (lines[1] <> '0100') then
- begin
- lines.Free;
- line.Free;
- exit;
- end;
- for i := 2 to lines.Count-1 do
- begin
- s := lines[i];
- idxComment := pos('#',s);
- if idxComment<>0 then s := copy(s,1,idxComment-1);
- s := trim(s);
- if length(s)> 0 then
- begin
- line.CommaText := s;
- if line.Count >= 3 then
- begin
- c.alpha:= 255;
- val(line[0],c.red,code);
- if code <> 0 then continue;
- val(line[1],c.green,code);
- if code <> 0 then continue;
- val(line[2],c.blue,code);
- if code <> 0 then continue;
- APalette.AddColor(c);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- result := true;
- finally
- lines.Free;
- line.Free;
- end;
-function CheckPaletteFormatAsJasc(ABuf256: string): boolean;
- result := (copy(ABuf256,1,length(JascPaletteHeader)+1) = JascPaletteHeader+#$0A) or
- (copy(ABuf256,1,length(JascPaletteHeader)+2) = JascPaletteHeader+#$0D#$0A);
-function CheckPaletteFormatAsGimp(ABuf256: string): boolean;
- result := (copy(ABuf256,1,length(GimpPaletteHeader)+1) = GimpPaletteHeader+#$0A) or
- (copy(ABuf256,1,length(GimpPaletteHeader)+2) = GimpPaletteHeader+#$0D#$0A);
-function CheckPaletteFormatAsKOffice(ABuf256: string): boolean;
- result := (copy(ABuf256,1,length(KOfficePaletteHeader)+1) = KOfficePaletteHeader+#$0A) or
- (copy(ABuf256,1,length(KOfficePaletteHeader)+2) = KOfficePaletteHeader+#$0D#$0A);
-function CheckPaletteFormatAsPaintDotNet(ABuf256: string): boolean;
- result := (copy(ABuf256,1,length(PaintDotNetPaletteHeader)+1) = PaintDotNetPaletteHeader+#$0A) or
- (copy(ABuf256,1,length(PaintDotNetPaletteHeader)+2) = PaintDotNetPaletteHeader+#$0D#$0A) or
- (copy(ABuf256,1,length(PaintDotNetPaletteHeaderUTF8)+1) = PaintDotNetPaletteHeaderUTF8+#$0A) or
- (copy(ABuf256,1,length(PaintDotNetPaletteHeaderUTF8)+2) = PaintDotNetPaletteHeaderUTF8+#$0D#$0A);
-function CheckPaletteFormatAsAdobeSwatchExchange(ABuf256: string): boolean;
- result := copy(ABuf256,1,length(AdobeSwatchExchangeHeader)) = AdobeSwatchExchangeHeader;
-procedure RegisterDefaultPaletteFormats; forward;
-procedure BGRARegisterPaletteFormat(AFormatIndex: TBGRAPaletteFormat; AExtension: string;
- ADescription: string; AReadProc: TPaletteReaderProc; AWriteProc: TPaletteWriterProc;
- ACheckFormatProc: TCheckPaletteFormatProc);
- i: Integer;
- RegisterDefaultPaletteFormats;
- if AFormatIndex = palUnknown then
- raise Exception.Create('Invalid format index');
- for i := 0 to high(PaletteFormats) do
- if PaletteFormats[i].formatIndex = AFormatIndex then
- with PaletteFormats[i] do
- begin
- ext := AExtension;
- description := ADescription;
- reader := AReadProc;
- writer := AWriteProc;
- checkFormat := ACheckFormatProc;
- exit;
- end;
- setlength(PaletteFormats,length(PaletteFormats)+1);
- with PaletteFormats[high(PaletteFormats)] do
- begin
- formatIndex:= AFormatIndex;
- ext := AExtension;
- description := ADescription;
- reader := AReadProc;
- writer := AWriteProc;
- checkFormat := ACheckFormatProc;
- end;
-function BGRARegisteredPaletteFormatFilter(AAllSupportedDescription: string): string;
-var allExt: TStringList;
- allDesc: string;
- i: Integer;
- result := '';
- RegisterDefaultPaletteFormats;
- allExt := TStringList.Create;
- allExt.CaseSensitive := false;
- for i := 0 to high(PaletteFormats) do
- with PaletteFormats[i] do
- begin
- if allExt.IndexOf(ext) = -1 then allExt.Add(ext);
- if length(result)>0 then AppendStr(result, '|');
- AppendStr(result, description + ' (*'+ext+')|*'+ext);
- end;
- if allExt.Count > 0 then
- begin
- allDesc := AAllSupportedDescription + ' (';
- for i := 0 to allExt.count-1 do
- begin
- if i > 0 then
- AppendStr(allDesc, '; ');
- AppendStr(allDesc, '*' + allExt[i]);
- end;
- AppendStr(allDesc, ')');
- AppendStr(allDesc, '|');
- for i := 0 to allExt.count-1 do
- begin
- if i > 0 then
- AppendStr(allDesc, '; ');
- AppendStr(allDesc, '*' + allExt[i]);
- end;
- result := allDesc + '|' + result;
- end;
- allExt.Free;
-var DefaultPaletteFormatsRegistered: boolean;
-procedure RegisterDefaultPaletteFormats;
- if DefaultPaletteFormatsRegistered then exit;
- DefaultPaletteFormatsRegistered := true;
- BGRARegisterPaletteFormat(palPaintDotNet, '.txt', 'Paint.NET',
- @LoadFromStreamAsPaintDotNet, @SaveToStreamAsPaintDotNet,
- @CheckPaletteFormatAsPaintDotNet);
- BGRARegisterPaletteFormat(palGimp, '.gpl', 'GIMP',
- @LoadFromStreamAsGimp, @SaveToStreamAsGimp,
- @CheckPaletteFormatAsGimp);
- BGRARegisterPaletteFormat(palAdobeSwatchExchange, '.ase', 'Adobe Swatch Exchange',
- @LoadFromStreamAsAdobeSwatchExchange, @SaveToStreamAsAdobeSwatchExchange,
- @CheckPaletteFormatAsAdobeSwatchExchange);
- BGRARegisterPaletteFormat(palKOffice, '.colors', 'KOffice',
- @LoadFromStreamAsKOffice, @SaveToStreamAsKOffice,
- @CheckPaletteFormatAsKOffice);
- BGRARegisterPaletteFormat(palJascPSP, '.pal', 'Jasc Paint Shop Pro',
- @LoadFromStreamAsJasc, @SaveToStreamAsJasc,
- @CheckPaletteFormatAsJasc);
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/part3d.inc b/components/bgrabitmap/part3d.inc
deleted file mode 100644
index 755d435..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/part3d.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,581 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
- { TBGRAPart3D }
- TBGRAPart3D = class(TInterfacedObject,IBGRAPart3D)
- private
- FVertices: array of IBGRAVertex3D;
- FVertexCount: integer;
- FNormals: array of IBGRANormal3D;
- FNormalCount: integer;
- FMatrix: TMatrix3D;
- FParts: array of IBGRAPart3D;
- FPartCount: integer;
- FContainer: IBGRAPart3D;
- FCoordPool: TBGRACoordPool3D;
- FNormalPool: TBGRANormalPool3D;
- FObject3D: TBGRAObject3D;
- public
- constructor Create(AObject3D: TBGRAObject3D; AContainer: IBGRAPart3D);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Clear(ARecursive: boolean);
- function Add(x,y,z: single): IBGRAVertex3D; overload;
- function Add(pt: TPoint3D): IBGRAVertex3D; overload;
- function Add(pt: TPoint3D; normal: TPoint3D): IBGRAVertex3D; overload;
- function Add(pt: TPoint3D_128): IBGRAVertex3D; overload;
- function Add(pt: TPoint3D_128; normal: TPoint3D_128): IBGRAVertex3D; overload;
- function Add(const coords: array of single): arrayOfIBGRAVertex3D; overload;
- function Add(const pts: array of TPoint3D): arrayOfIBGRAVertex3D; overload;
- function Add(const pts: array of TPoint3D_128): arrayOfIBGRAVertex3D; overload;
- procedure Add(const pts: array of IBGRAVertex3D); overload;
- procedure Add(AVertex: IBGRAVertex3D); overload;
- function AddNormal(x,y,z: single): IBGRANormal3D; overload;
- function AddNormal(pt: TPoint3D): IBGRANormal3D; overload;
- function AddNormal(pt: TPoint3D_128): IBGRANormal3D; overload;
- procedure AddNormal(ANormal: IBGRANormal3D); overload;
- procedure RemoveVertex(Index: integer);
- procedure RemoveNormal(Index: integer);
- function GetBoundingBox: TBox3D;
- function GetRadius: single;
- function GetMatrix: TMatrix3D;
- function GetPart(AIndex: Integer): IBGRAPart3D;
- function GetPartCount: integer;
- function GetVertex(AIndex: Integer): IBGRAVertex3D;
- function GetVertexCount: integer;
- function GetNormal(AIndex: Integer): IBGRANormal3D;
- function GetNormalCount: integer;
- function GetTotalVertexCount: integer;
- function GetTotalNormalCount: integer;
- function GetContainer: IBGRAPart3D;
- procedure SetVertex(AIndex: Integer; AValue: IBGRAVertex3D);
- procedure SetNormal(AIndex: Integer; AValue: IBGRANormal3D);
- procedure ResetTransform;
- procedure Translate(x,y,z: single; Before: boolean = true); overload;
- procedure Translate(ofs: TPoint3D; Before: boolean = true); overload;
- procedure Scale(size: single; Before: boolean = true); overload;
- procedure Scale(x,y,z: single; Before: boolean = true); overload;
- procedure Scale(size: TPoint3D; Before: boolean = true); overload;
- procedure RotateXDeg(angle: single; Before: boolean = true);
- procedure RotateYDeg(angle: single; Before: boolean = true);
- procedure RotateZDeg(angle: single; Before: boolean = true);
- procedure RotateXRad(angle: single; Before: boolean = true);
- procedure RotateYRad(angle: single; Before: boolean = true);
- procedure RotateZRad(angle: single; Before: boolean = true);
- procedure SetMatrix(const AValue: TMatrix3D);
- procedure ComputeWithMatrix(const AMatrix: TMatrix3D; const AProjection: TProjection3D);
- function ComputeCoordinate(var ASceneCoord: TPoint3D_128; const AProjection: TProjection3D): TPointF;
- procedure NormalizeViewNormal;
- function CreatePart: IBGRAPart3D;
- procedure LookAt(ALookWhere,ATopDir: TPoint3D);
- procedure RemoveUnusedVertices;
- function IndexOf(AVertex: IBGRAVertex3D): integer;
- procedure ForEachVertex(ACallback: TVertex3DCallback);
- end;
-{ TBGRAPart3D }
-procedure TBGRAPart3D.LookAt(ALookWhere,ATopDir: TPoint3D);
-var ZDir, XDir, YDir: TPoint3D_128;
- ViewPoint: TPoint3D_128;
- CurPart: IBGRAPart3D;
- ComposedMatrix: TMatrix3D;
- YDir := -Point3D_128(ATopDir);
- if IsPoint3D_128_Zero(YDir) then exit;
- Normalize3D_128(YDir);
- ComposedMatrix := FMatrix;
- CurPart := self.FContainer;
- while CurPart <> nil do
- begin
- ComposedMatrix := CurPart.Matrix*ComposedMatrix;
- CurPart := CurPart.Container;
- end;
- ViewPoint := ComposedMatrix*Point3D_128_Zero;
- ZDir := Point3D_128(ALookWhere)-ViewPoint;
- if IsPoint3D_128_Zero(ZDir) then exit;
- Normalize3D_128(ZDir);
- VectProduct3D_128(YDir,ZDir,XDir);
- VectProduct3D_128(ZDir,XDir,YDir); //correct Y dir
- FMatrix := Matrix3D(XDir,YDir,ZDir,ViewPoint);
- ComposedMatrix := MatrixIdentity3D;
- CurPart := self.FContainer;
- while CurPart <> nil do
- begin
- ComposedMatrix := CurPart.Matrix*ComposedMatrix;
- CurPart := CurPart.Container;
- end;
- FMatrix := MatrixInverse3D(ComposedMatrix)*FMatrix;
-procedure TBGRAPart3D.RemoveUnusedVertices;
- i: Integer;
- for i := FVertexCount-1 downto 0 do
- if FVertices[i].Usage <= 2 then RemoveVertex(i);
- for i := 0 to FPartCount-1 do
- FParts[i].RemoveUnusedVertices;
-function TBGRAPart3D.IndexOf(AVertex: IBGRAVertex3D): integer;
-var i: integer;
- for i := 0 to FVertexCount-1 do
- if FVertices[i] = AVertex then
- begin
- result := i;
- exit;
- end;
- result := -1;
-procedure TBGRAPart3D.ForEachVertex(ACallback: TVertex3DCallback);
-var i: integer;
- for i := 0 to FVertexCount-1 do
- ACallback(FVertices[i]);
-procedure TBGRAPart3D.Add(AVertex: IBGRAVertex3D);
- if FVertexCount = length(FVertices) then
- setlength(FVertices, FVertexCount*2+3);
- FVertices[FVertexCount] := AVertex;
- inc(FVertexCount);
-function TBGRAPart3D.AddNormal(x, y, z: single): IBGRANormal3D;
- if not Assigned(FNormalPool) then FNormalPool := TBGRANormalPool3D.Create(4);
- result := TBGRANormal3D.Create(FNormalPool,Point3D_128(x,y,z));
- AddNormal(result);
-function TBGRAPart3D.AddNormal(pt: TPoint3D): IBGRANormal3D;
- if not Assigned(FNormalPool) then FNormalPool := TBGRANormalPool3D.Create(4);
- result := TBGRANormal3D.Create(FNormalPool,pt);
- AddNormal(result);
-function TBGRAPart3D.AddNormal(pt: TPoint3D_128): IBGRANormal3D;
- if not Assigned(FNormalPool) then FNormalPool := TBGRANormalPool3D.Create(4);
- result := TBGRANormal3D.Create(FNormalPool,pt);
- AddNormal(result);
-procedure TBGRAPart3D.AddNormal(ANormal: IBGRANormal3D);
- if FNormalCount = length(FNormals) then
- setlength(FNormals, FNormalCount*2+3);
- FNormals[FNormalCount] := ANormal;
- inc(FNormalCount);
-procedure TBGRAPart3D.RemoveVertex(Index: integer);
-var i: integer;
- if (Index >= 0) and (Index < FVertexCount) then
- begin
- for i := Index to FVertexCount-2 do
- FVertices[i] := FVertices[i+1];
- FVertices[FVertexCount-1] := nil;
- dec(FVertexCount);
- end;
-procedure TBGRAPart3D.RemoveNormal(Index: integer);
-var i: integer;
- if (Index >= 0) and (Index < FNormalCount) then
- begin
- for i := Index to FNormalCount-2 do
- FNormals[i] := FNormals[i+1];
- FNormals[FNormalCount-1] := nil;
- dec(FNormalCount);
- end;
-function TBGRAPart3D.GetRadius: single;
-var i: integer;
- pt: TPoint3D_128;
- d: single;
- result := 0;
- for i := 0 to GetVertexCount-1 do
- begin
- pt := GetVertex(i).SceneCoord_128;
- d:= sqrt(DotProduct3D_128(pt,pt));
- if d > result then result := d;
- end;
-constructor TBGRAPart3D.Create(AObject3D: TBGRAObject3D; AContainer: IBGRAPart3D);
- FObject3D := AObject3D;
- FContainer := AContainer;
- FMatrix := MatrixIdentity3D;
- FCoordPool := TBGRACoordPool3D.Create(4);
- FNormalPool := nil;
- FNormalCount:= 0;
- FVertexCount := 0;
-destructor TBGRAPart3D.Destroy;
- FVertices := nil;
- FVertexCount := 0;
- if FCoordPool.UsedCapacity > 0 then
- raise Exception.Create('Coordinate pool still used. Please set vertex references to nil before destroying the scene.');
- FreeAndNil(FCoordPool);
- if Assigned(FNormalPool) then
- begin
- if FNormalPool.UsedCapacity > 0 then
- raise Exception.Create('Normal pool still used');
- FreeAndNil(FNormalPool);
- end;
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TBGRAPart3D.Clear(ARecursive: boolean);
-var i: integer;
- FVertices := nil;
- FVertexCount := 0;
- FNormals := nil;
- FNormalCount := 0;
- if ARecursive then
- begin
- for i := 0 to FPartCount-1 do
- FParts[i].Clear(ARecursive);
- FParts := nil;
- FPartCount := 0;
- end;
-function TBGRAPart3D.Add(x, y, z: single): IBGRAVertex3D;
- result := TBGRAVertex3D.Create(FObject3D,FCoordPool,Point3D(x,y,z));
- Add(result);
-function TBGRAPart3D.Add(pt: TPoint3D): IBGRAVertex3D;
- result := TBGRAVertex3D.Create(FObject3D,FCoordPool,pt);
- Add(result);
-function TBGRAPart3D.Add(pt: TPoint3D; normal: TPoint3D): IBGRAVertex3D;
- result := TBGRAVertex3D.Create(FObject3D,FCoordPool,pt);
- result.CustomNormal := normal;
- Add(result);
-function TBGRAPart3D.Add(pt: TPoint3D_128): IBGRAVertex3D;
- result := TBGRAVertex3D.Create(FObject3D,FCoordPool,pt);
- Add(result);
-function TBGRAPart3D.Add(pt: TPoint3D_128; normal: TPoint3D_128): IBGRAVertex3D;
- result := TBGRAVertex3D.Create(FObject3D,FCoordPool,pt);
- result.CustomNormal := Point3D(normal);
- Add(result);
-function TBGRAPart3D.Add(const coords: array of single
- ): arrayOfIBGRAVertex3D;
-var pts: array of TPoint3D;
- CoordsIdx: integer;
- i: Integer;
- if length(coords) mod 3 <> 0 then
- raise exception.Create('Array size must be a multiple of 3');
- setlength(pts, length(coords) div 3);
- coordsIdx := 0;
- for i := 0 to high(pts) do
- begin
- pts[i] := Point3D(coords[CoordsIdx],coords[CoordsIdx+1],coords[CoordsIdx+2]);
- inc(coordsIdx,3);
- end;
- result := Add(pts);
-function TBGRAPart3D.Add(const pts: array of TPoint3D): arrayOfIBGRAVertex3D;
- i: Integer;
- setlength(result, length(pts));
- for i := 0 to high(pts) do
- result[i] := TBGRAVertex3D.Create(FObject3D,FCoordPool,pts[i]);
- Add(result);
-function TBGRAPart3D.Add(const pts: array of TPoint3D_128
- ): arrayOfIBGRAVertex3D;
- i: Integer;
- setlength(result, length(pts));
- for i := 0 to high(pts) do
- result[i] := TBGRAVertex3D.Create(FObject3D,FCoordPool,pts[i]);
- Add(result);
-procedure TBGRAPart3D.Add(const pts: array of IBGRAVertex3D);
- i: Integer;
- if FVertexCount + length(pts) > length(FVertices) then
- setlength(FVertices, (FVertexCount*2 + length(pts))+1);
- for i := 0 to high(pts) do
- begin
- FVertices[FVertexCount] := pts[i];
- inc(FVertexCount);
- end;
-function TBGRAPart3D.GetBoundingBox: TBox3D;
-var i: integer;
- pt: TPoint3D_128;
- if GetVertexCount > 0 then
- begin
- result.min := GetVertex(0).SceneCoord;
- result.max := result.min;
- end else
- begin
- result.min := Point3D(0,0,0);
- result.max := Point3D(0,0,0);
- exit;
- end;
- for i := 1 to GetVertexCount-1 do
- begin
- pt := GetVertex(i).SceneCoord_128;
- if pt.x < result.min.x then result.min.x := pt.x else
- if pt.x > result.max.x then result.max.x := pt.x;
- if pt.y < result.min.y then result.min.y := pt.y else
- if pt.y > result.max.y then result.max.y := pt.y;
- if pt.z < result.min.z then result.min.z := pt.z else
- if pt.z > result.max.z then result.max.z := pt.z;
- end;
-function TBGRAPart3D.GetMatrix: TMatrix3D;
- result := FMatrix;
-function TBGRAPart3D.GetPart(AIndex: Integer): IBGRAPart3D;
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= FPartCount) then
- raise ERangeError.Create('Index of out bounds');
- result := FParts[AIndex];
-function TBGRAPart3D.GetPartCount: integer;
- result := FPartCount;
-function TBGRAPart3D.GetVertex(AIndex: Integer): IBGRAVertex3D;
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= FVertexCount) then
- raise ERangeError.Create('Index of out bounds');
- result := FVertices[AIndex];
-function TBGRAPart3D.GetVertexCount: integer;
- result := FVertexCount;
-function TBGRAPart3D.GetNormal(AIndex: Integer): IBGRANormal3D;
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= FNormalCount) then
- raise ERangeError.Create('Index of out bounds');
- result := FNormals[AIndex];
-function TBGRAPart3D.GetNormalCount: integer;
- result := FNormalCount;
-function TBGRAPart3D.GetTotalVertexCount: integer;
-var i: integer;
- result := GetVertexCount;
- for i := 0 to GetPartCount-1 do
- inc(result, GetPart(i).GetTotalVertexCount);
-function TBGRAPart3D.GetTotalNormalCount: integer;
-var i: integer;
- result := GetNormalCount;
- for i := 0 to GetPartCount-1 do
- inc(result, GetPart(i).GetTotalNormalCount);
-procedure TBGRAPart3D.ResetTransform;
- FMatrix := MatrixIdentity3D;
-procedure TBGRAPart3D.Scale(size: single; Before: boolean = true);
- Scale(size,size,size,Before);
-procedure TBGRAPart3D.Scale(x, y, z: single; Before: boolean = true);
- Scale(Point3D(x,y,z),Before);
-procedure TBGRAPart3D.Scale(size: TPoint3D; Before: boolean = true);
- if Before then
- FMatrix := FMatrix * MatrixScale3D(size)
- else
- FMatrix := MatrixScale3D(size)*FMatrix;
-procedure TBGRAPart3D.RotateXDeg(angle: single; Before: boolean = true);
- RotateXRad(-angle*Pi/180, Before);
-procedure TBGRAPart3D.RotateYDeg(angle: single; Before: boolean = true);
- RotateYRad(-angle*Pi/180, Before);
-procedure TBGRAPart3D.RotateZDeg(angle: single; Before: boolean = true);
- RotateZRad(-angle*Pi/180, Before);
-procedure TBGRAPart3D.RotateXRad(angle: single; Before: boolean = true);
- if Before then
- FMatrix := FMatrix * MatrixRotateX(angle)
- else
- FMatrix := MatrixRotateX(angle) * FMatrix;
-procedure TBGRAPart3D.RotateYRad(angle: single; Before: boolean = true);
- if Before then
- FMatrix := FMatrix * MatrixRotateY(angle)
- else
- FMatrix := MatrixRotateY(angle) * FMatrix;
-procedure TBGRAPart3D.RotateZRad(angle: single; Before: boolean = true);
- if Before then
- FMatrix := FMatrix * MatrixRotateZ(angle)
- else
- FMatrix := MatrixRotateZ(angle) * FMatrix;
-procedure TBGRAPart3D.SetMatrix(const AValue: TMatrix3D);
- FMatrix := AValue;
-{$PUSH}{$OPTIMIZATION OFF} //avoids Internal error 2012090607
-procedure TBGRAPart3D.ComputeWithMatrix(const AMatrix: TMatrix3D; const AProjection: TProjection3D);
- i: Integer;
- Composed: TMatrix3D;
- Composed := AMatrix* self.FMatrix;
- FCoordPool.ComputeWithMatrix(Composed, AProjection);
- if Assigned(FNormalPool) then FNormalPool.ComputeWithMatrix(Composed);
- for i := 0 to FPartCount-1 do
- FParts[i].ComputeWithMatrix(Composed,AProjection);
-function TBGRAPart3D.ComputeCoordinate(var ASceneCoord: TPoint3D_128; const AProjection: TProjection3D): TPointF;
-var part: IBGRAPart3D;
- newViewCoord: TPoint3D_128;
- InvZ: single;
- newViewCoord := FMatrix * ASceneCoord;
- part := FContainer;
- while part <> nil do
- begin
- newViewCoord := part.Matrix * newViewCoord;
- part := part.Container;
- end;
- if NewViewCoord.z > 0 then
- begin
- InvZ := 1/NewViewCoord.z;
- result := PointF(NewViewCoord.x*InvZ*AProjection.Zoom.x + AProjection.Center.x,
- NewViewCoord.y*InvZ*AProjection.Zoom.Y + AProjection.Center.y);
- end else
- result := PointF(0,0);
-procedure TBGRAPart3D.NormalizeViewNormal;
- i: Integer;
- for i := 0 to FVertexCount-1 do
- FVertices[i].NormalizeViewNormal;
- for i := 0 to FPartCount-1 do
- FParts[i].NormalizeViewNormal;
-procedure TBGRAPart3D.Translate(x, y, z: single; Before: boolean = true);
- Translate(Point3D(x,y,z),Before);
-procedure TBGRAPart3D.Translate(ofs: TPoint3D; Before: boolean = true);
- if Before then
- FMatrix := FMatrix * MatrixTranslation3D(ofs)
- else
- FMatrix := MatrixTranslation3D(ofs)*FMatrix;
-function TBGRAPart3D.CreatePart: IBGRAPart3D;
- if FPartCount = length(FParts) then
- setlength(FParts, FPartCount*2+1);
- result := TBGRAPart3D.Create(FObject3D,self);
- FParts[FPartCount] := result;
- inc(FPartCount);
-function TBGRAPart3D.GetContainer: IBGRAPart3D;
- result := FContainer;
-procedure TBGRAPart3D.SetVertex(AIndex: Integer; AValue: IBGRAVertex3D);
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= FVertexCount) then
- raise ERangeError.Create('Index of out bounds');
- FVertices[AIndex] := AValue;
-procedure TBGRAPart3D.SetNormal(AIndex: Integer; AValue: IBGRANormal3D);
- if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= FNormalCount) then
- raise ERangeError.Create('Index of out bounds');
- FNormals[AIndex] := AValue;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/perspectivecolorscan.inc b/components/bgrabitmap/perspectivecolorscan.inc
deleted file mode 100644
index 1355626..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/perspectivecolorscan.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
- {$IFDEF PARAM_USESSE} {$asmmode intel}
- minVal := 0;
- maxVal := 65535;
- asm
- movss xmm6, invZ
- shufps xmm6,xmm6,0 //xmm6 = invZ
- movss xmm7, invZStep
- shufps xmm7,xmm7,0 //xmm7 = invZStep
- movups xmm4, colorPos
- movups xmm5, colorStep
- movss xmm2, minVal
- shufps xmm2,xmm2,0 //xmm2 = minVal
- movss xmm3, maxVal
- shufps xmm3,xmm3,0 //xmm3 = maxVal
- end;
- for i := ix1 to ix2 do
- begin
- if invZ > zbufferpos^ then
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- zbufferpos^ := invz;
- {$ENDIF}
- asm
- movaps xmm0,xmm6
- rcpps xmm0,xmm0
- mulps xmm0, xmm4
- minps xmm0, xmm3
- maxps xmm0, xmm2
- cvtps2dq xmm0,xmm0
- movups cInt, xmm0
- {$ELSE}
- movups colorPosByZ, xmm0
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- c.red := GammaCompressionTab[cInt.r];
- c.green := GammaCompressionTab[cInt.g];
- c.blue := GammaCompressionTab[cInt.b];
- c.alpha := GammaCompressionTab[cInt.a];
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, c);
- {$ELSE}
- ec.red := round(colorPosByZ[1]);
- ec.green := round(colorPosByZ[2]);
- ec.blue := round(colorPosByZ[3]);
- ec.alpha := round(colorPosByZ[4]);
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, GammaCompression(ec));
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- asm
- addps xmm6,xmm7
- addps xmm4,xmm5
- movss invZ,xmm6
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- inc(pdest);
- inc(zbufferpos);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- for i := ix1 to ix2 do
- begin
- if invZ > zbufferpos^ then
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- zbufferpos^ := invz;
- {$ENDIF}
- z := 1/invZ;
- r := round(z*colorPos[1]);
- g := round(z*colorPos[2]);
- b := round(z*colorPos[3]);
- a := round(z*colorPos[4]);
- if r < 0 then ec.red := 0 else
- if r > 65535 then ec.red := 65535
- else ec.red := r;
- if g < 0 then ec.green := 0 else
- if g > 65535 then ec.green := 65535
- else ec.green := g;
- if b < 0 then ec.blue := 0 else
- if b > 65535 then ec.blue := 65535
- else ec.blue := b;
- if a < 0 then ec.alpha := 0 else
- if a > 65535 then ec.alpha := 65535
- else ec.alpha := a;
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, GammaCompression(ec));
- end;
- colorPos := colorPos + colorStep;
- IncF(invZ, invZStep);
- inc(pdest);
- inc(zbufferpos);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/perspectivescan.inc b/components/bgrabitmap/perspectivescan.inc
deleted file mode 100644
index ac9686f..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/perspectivescan.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-{$i bgrasse.inc}
- var
- //loop variables
- pdest: PBGRAPixel;
- i: LongInt;
- InvXLen: single; //inverse of horizontal length in pixels
- t: single; //initial horizontal position in [0..1]
- texPosByZ: TPointF;
- intTexPos: packed record
- x,y: integer;
- end;
- texPos: TPoint3D_128; //texture start position
- {$ENDIF}
- InvZPos: single; //Z: depth start position
- texStep: TPoint3D_128; //texture step
- {$ENDIF}
- zStep: single; //depth step
- texVect: TPointF; //texture vector between start and end of line
- {$ENDIF}
- zLen: single; //depth difference
- tempVect3D: TPoint3D_128;
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- zPos: single;
- {$ENDIF}
- pzbuffer: PSingle;
- {$ENDIF}
- light,lightStep,lightDiff,lightAcc,lightMod: word;
- lightLen: integer;
- procedure NextLight; inline;
- begin
- light := (light+lightStep) and 65535;
- inc(lightAcc,lightDiff);
- if lightAcc >= lightMod then
- begin
- dec(lightAcc,lightMod);
- light := (light + 1) and 65535;
- end;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- InvXLen := 1/(info2.interX - info1.interX);
- t := ((ix1+0.5)-info1.interX)*InvXLen;
- texVect := info2.texCoordDivByZ-info1.texCoordDivByZ;
- texPos := Point3D_128(info1.texCoordDivByZ + texVect*t);
- texStep := Point3D_128(texVect*InvXLen);
- {$ENDIF}
- zLen := info2.coordInvZ-info1.coordInvZ;
- InvZPos := info1.coordInvZ+t*zLen;
- zStep := zLen*InvXLen;
- tempVect3D := info2.Position3D - info1.Position3D;
- ShaderContext^.PositionInvZ := info1.Position3D + tempVect3D*t;
- ShaderContext^.PositionStepInvZ := tempVect3D*InvXLen;
- tempVect3D := info2.Normal3D - info1.Normal3D;
- ShaderContext^.NormalInvZ := info1.Normal3D + tempVect3D*t;
- ShaderContext^.NormalStepInvZ := tempVect3D*InvXLen;
- {$endif}
- pdest := bmp.ScanLine[yb]+ix1;
- pzbuffer := zbuffer + yb*bmp.Width + ix1;
- {$ENDIF}
- if ix2 = ix1 then
- begin
- light := (info1.lightness+info2.lightness) div 2;
- lightStep := 0;
- lightDiff := 0;
- lightMod := 1;
- end
- else
- begin
- light := info1.lightness;
- lightLen := info2.lightness-info1.lightness;
- if lightLen >= 0 then
- begin
- lightStep := lightLen div (ix2-ix1);
- lightMod := ix2-ix1;
- lightDiff := lightLen - lightStep*(ix2-ix1);
- end else
- begin
- lightStep := (-lightLen+(ix2-ix1-1)) div (ix2-ix1);
- lightMod := ix2-ix1;
- lightDiff := lightLen + lightStep*(ix2-ix1);
- lightStep := 65536 - lightStep;
- end;
- end;
- lightAcc := lightDiff div 2;
- {$ENDIF}
- if UseSSE then
- begin
- if UseSSE3 then
- begin
- if WithInterpolation then
- begin
- {$i perspectivescan2.inc}
- end else
- begin
- {$i perspectivescan2.inc}
- end;
- end else
- begin
- if WithInterpolation then
- begin
- {$i perspectivescan2.inc}
- end else
- begin
- {$i perspectivescan2.inc}
- end;
- end;
- end else
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- if WithInterpolation then
- begin
- {$i perspectivescan2.inc}
- end else
- begin
- {$i perspectivescan2.inc}
- end;
- end;
- end;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/perspectivescan2.inc b/components/bgrabitmap/perspectivescan2.inc
deleted file mode 100644
index 87d80f9..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/perspectivescan2.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-{$i bgrasse.inc}
-{$ifdef BGRASSE_AVAILABLE}{$asmmode intel}{$endif}
- asm
- {$IFDEF cpux86_64}
- mov rax, ShaderContext
- movaps xmm2, [rax+32] //positionInvZ
- movaps xmm3, [rax+48] //normalInvZ
- {$ELSE}
- mov eax, ShaderContext
- movaps xmm2, [eax+32] //positionInvZ
- movaps xmm3, [eax+48] //normalInvZ
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- xorps xmm5,xmm5
- movlps xmm5, texPos
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- for i := ix1 to ix2 do
- begin
- if InvZPos > pzbuffer^ then
- begin
- pzbuffer^ := InvZPos;
- {$ENDIF}
- asm
- movss xmm4, InvZPos
- rcpss xmm4,xmm4 //zPos
- shufps xmm4,xmm4,0 //broadcast
- {$ifdef cpux86_64}
- mov rax, ShaderContext
- {$else}
- mov eax, ShaderContext
- {$endif}
- mulps xmm2, xmm4 //positionInvZ*zPos (A)
- mulps xmm3, xmm4 //normalInvZ*zPos
- {$ifdef cpux86_64}
- movaps [rax+0], xmm2 //(A) Position
- {$else}
- movaps [eax+0], xmm2 //(A) Position
- {$endif}
- //normalize
- movaps xmm1, xmm3
- mulps xmm3, xmm3
- haddps xmm3,xmm3
- haddps xmm3,xmm3
- {$ELSE}
- //mix1
- movaps xmm7, xmm3
- shufps xmm7, xmm7, $4e
- addps xmm3, xmm7
- //mix2
- movaps xmm7, xmm3
- shufps xmm7, xmm7, $11
- addps xmm3, xmm7
- {$ENDIF}
- xorps xmm7,xmm7
- comiss xmm3,xmm7
- jna @skipnormal
- rsqrtps xmm3,xmm3
- mulps xmm3, xmm1 //apply
- @skipnormal:
- {$ifdef cpux86_64}
- movaps [rax+16], xmm3 //Normal
- {$else}
- movaps [eax+16], xmm3 //Normal
- {$endif}
- {$ENDIF}
- mulps xmm5, xmm4
- movlps texPosByZ, xmm5
- {$ELSE}
- cvtps2dq xmm1,xmm5
- movlps intTexPos,xmm1
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- if InvZPos > pzbuffer^ then
- begin
- pzbuffer^ := InvZPos;
- {$ENDIF}
- zPos := 1/InvZPos;
- with ShaderContext^ do
- begin
- Normal := NormalInvZ*zPos;
- Normalize3D_128(Normal);
- Position := PositionInvZ*zPos;
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- zPos := 1/InvZPos;
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest,
- {$IFDEF PARAM_USESHADER} ShaderFunction(ShaderContext, {$ENDIF}
- solidColor
- {$ELSE}
- scanAtFunc(texPos.x*zPos,texPos.y*zPos)
- {$ELSE}
- scanAtIntegerFunc(round(texPos.x*zPos),round(texPos.y*zPos))
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ELSE}
- scanAtFunc(texPosByZ.x,texPosByZ.y)
- {$ELSE}
- scanAtIntegerFunc(intTexPos.x,intTexPos.y)
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- );
- end;
- inc(pzbuffer);
- {$ENDIF}
- asm
- movups xmm5, texPos
- movups xmm1, texStep
- end;
- IncF(InvZPos, zStep);
- asm
- addps xmm5, xmm1
- movlps texPos, xmm5
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- IncF(InvZPos, zStep);
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ELSE}
- IncF(texPos.x, texStep.x);
- IncF(texPos.y, texStep.y);
- {$ENDIF}
- IncF(InvZPos, zStep);
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ifdef cpux86_64}
- asm
- mov rax, ShaderContext
- movaps xmm2, [rax+32] //PositionInvZ
- movaps xmm1, [rax+64] //PositionStepInvZ
- movaps xmm3, [rax+48] //NormalInvZ
- movaps xmm0, [rax+80] //NormalStepInvZ
- addps xmm2, xmm1
- addps xmm3, xmm0
- movaps [rax+32], xmm2
- movaps [rax+48], xmm3
- end;
- {$else}
- asm
- mov eax, ShaderContext
- movaps xmm2, [eax+32] //PositionInvZ
- movaps xmm1, [eax+64] //PositionStepInvZ
- movaps xmm3, [eax+48] //NormalInvZ
- movaps xmm0, [eax+80] //NormalStepInvZ
- addps xmm2, xmm1
- addps xmm3, xmm0
- movaps [eax+32], xmm2
- movaps [eax+48], xmm3
- end;
- {$endif}
- {$ELSE}
- with ShaderContext^ do
- begin
- PositionInvZ.Offset(PositionStepInvZ);
- NormalInvZ.Offset(NormalStepInvZ);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- NextLight;
- {$ENDIF}
- inc(pdest);
- end;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/phongdraw.inc b/components/bgrabitmap/phongdraw.inc
deleted file mode 100644
index b4d771a..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/phongdraw.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
- {$asmmode intel}
- //SSE rotate singles
- const Shift231 = 1 + 8;
- Shift312 = 2 + 16;
- //Light source normal.
- vL: TPoint3D_128; {xmm0}
- //Light source position.
- vLS: TPoint3D_128; {xmm1}
- //Vector H is the unit normal to the hypothetical surface oriented
- //halfway between the light direction vector (L) and the viewing vector (V).
- vH: TPoint3D_128; {xmm2}
- vN: TPoint3D_128; {xmm3} // surface normal
- vP: TPoint3D_128; {xmm4} // position of lighted pixel
- vV: TPoint3D_128; // viewer direction
- LightDestFactor4: TPoint3D_128; // for multiplication
- //Calculate LdotN and NnH
- NH: Single;
- vD: TPoint3D_128;
- Iw, Ic: integer; // Iw: specular intensity, Ic: ambient+diffuse intensity
- sIw: single; // floating point value for Iw
- z, LdotN, NnH,
- dist, distfactor, diffuseterm, specularterm: single;
- eLight: TExpandedPixel;
- mc,mcLeft,mcRight,mcTop,mcBottom: TBGRAPixel; ///map values
- eColor: TExpandedPixel;
- {$ifndef PARAM_SCANNER}
- pcolormap: PBGRAPixel;
- {$endif}
- {$hints off}
- function ComputePixel(x,y: integer; DiffuseLight, SpecularLight: Word; Alpha: Byte): TBGRAPixel; inline;
- var ec: TExpandedPixel;
- eColor: TExpandedPixel;
- {$endif}
- begin
- {$ifdef PARAM_SCANNER}
- eColor := GammaExpansion(ColorScan.ScanNextPixel);
- {$else}
- eColor := GammaExpansion(pcolormap^);
- {$endif}
- {$endif}
- Alpha := ApplyOpacity(Alpha, eColor.alpha shr 8);
- ec.red := (eColor.Red*DiffuseLight+eLight.Red*SpecularLight+PhongLightPrecisionDiv2) shr PhongLightPrecisionSh;
- ec.green := (eColor.Green*DiffuseLight+eLight.Green*SpecularLight+PhongLightPrecisionDiv2) shr PhongLightPrecisionSh;
- ec.blue := (eColor.Blue*DiffuseLight+eLight.Blue*SpecularLight+PhongLightPrecisionDiv2) shr PhongLightPrecisionSh;
- ec.alpha := Alpha shl 8+Alpha;
- result := GammaCompression(ec);
- end;
- {$hints on}
- minx,miny,maxx,maxy: integer;
- pmap: PBGRAPixel;
- pdest: PBGRAPixel;
- x,y : integer; // Coordinates of point in height map.
- vS1,vS2: TPoint3D_128; // surface vectors (plane)
- deltaDown: Int32or64;
- IsLineUp,IsLineDown: boolean;
- if map = nil then exit;
- {$ifndef PARAM_SCANNER}
- if (colorMap.Width < map.width) or (colorMap.Height < map.height) then
- raise Exception.Create('Dimension mismatch');
- {$endif}
- {$endif}
- if (map.width = 0) or (map.Height = 0) then exit;
- if ofsX >= dest.ClipRect.Right then exit;
- if ofsY >= dest.ClipRect.Bottom then exit;
- if ofsX <= dest.ClipRect.Left-map.Width then exit;
- if ofsY <= dest.ClipRect.Top-map.Height then exit;
- minx := 0;
- miny := 0;
- maxx := map.Width-1;
- maxy := map.Height-1;
- if ofsX < dest.clipRect.Left then minx := dest.clipRect.Left-ofsX;
- if ofsY < dest.clipRect.Top then miny := dest.clipRect.Top-ofsY;
- if OfsX+maxx > dest.ClipRect.Right-1 then maxx := dest.ClipRect.Right-1-ofsX;
- if OfsY+maxy > dest.ClipRect.Bottom-1 then maxy := dest.ClipRect.Bottom-1-ofsY;
- eLight := GammaExpansion(LightColor);
- eColor := GammaExpansion(color);
- {$endif}
- //light origin
- vLS := Point3D_128(FLightPosition3D.X-ofsX,
- FLightPosition3D.Y-ofsY,
- FLightPosition3D.Z);
- //surface vectors
- vS1 := Point3D_128(1,0,0);
- vS2 := Point3D_128(0,1,0);
- vV := Point3D_128(0,0,1);
- dist := 0;
- LdotN := 0;
- NnH := 0;
- LightDestFactor4 := Point3D_128(LightDestFactor,LightDestFactor,LightDestFactor,LightDestFactor);
- {$endif}
- if map.LineOrder = riloTopToBottom then
- deltaDown := map.Width*sizeof(TBGRAPixel)
- else
- deltaDown := -map.Width*sizeof(TBGRAPixel);
- for y := miny to maxy do
- begin
- //read map values
- pmap := map.ScanLine[y]+minx;
- mc := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- mcRight := pmap^;
- pdest := dest.ScanLine[y+ofsY]+ofsX+minx;
- {$ifdef PARAM_SCANNER}
- ColorScan.ScanMoveTo(OfsX+minx,OfsY+Y);
- {$else}
- pcolormap := ColorMap.ScanLine[y];
- {$endif}
- {$endif}
- IsLineUp := y > 0;
- IsLineDown := y < map.Height-1;
- mcTop := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- mcBottom := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- for x := minx to maxx do
- begin
- mcLeft := mc;
- mc := mcRight;
- if x < map.width-1 then
- mcRight := (pmap+1)^ else
- mcRight := BGRAPixelTransparent;
- if mc.alpha = 0 then
- begin
- {$ifdef PARAM_SCANNER}
- ColorScan.ScanNextPixel;
- {$else}
- inc(pcolormap);
- {$endif}
- {$endif}
- inc(pdest);
- inc(pmap);
- continue;
- end;
- //compute surface vectors
- if IsLineUp then mcTop := pbgrapixel(pbyte(pmap)-deltaDown)^;
- if IsLineDown then mcBottom := pbgrapixel(pbyte(pmap)+deltaDown)^;
- inc(pmap);
- z := MapHeight(mc)*mapAltitude;
- if mcLeft.alpha = 0 then
- begin
- if mcRight.alpha = 0 then
- vS1.z := 0
- else
- vS1.z := (MapHeight(mcRight)-MapHeight(mc))*mapAltitude*2;
- end else
- begin
- if mcRight.alpha = 0 then
- vS1.z := (MapHeight(mc)-MapHeight(mcLeft))*mapAltitude*2
- else
- vS1.z := (MapHeight(mcRight)-MapHeight(mcLeft))*mapAltitude;
- end;
- if mcTop.alpha = 0 then
- begin
- if mcBottom.alpha = 0 then
- vS2.z := 0
- else
- vS2.z := (MapHeight(mcBottom)-MapHeight(mc))*mapAltitude*2;
- end else
- begin
- if mcBottom.alpha = 0 then
- vS2.z := (MapHeight(mc)-MapHeight(mcTop))*mapAltitude*2
- else
- vS2.z := (MapHeight(mcBottom)-MapHeight(mcTop))*mapAltitude;
- end;
- //position vector
- vP := Point3D_128(x, y, z);
- if UseSSE3 then
- begin
- asm
- movups xmm1, vLS
- end;
- {$i phongdrawsse.inc}
- end else
- begin
- asm
- movups xmm1, vLS
- end;
- {$i phongdrawsse.inc}
- end;
- {$else}
- vP := Point3D_128(x, y, z);
- vL := vLS- vP*LightDestFactor;
- Normalize3D_128(vL);
- //compute bisector of angle between light and observer
- vH := vL + vV;
- Normalize3D_128(vH);
- // compute normal vector to the surface
- VectProduct3D_128(vS1,vS2,vN);
- Normalize3D_128(vN);
- //Calculate LdotN and NnH
- LdotN := DotProduct3D_128(vN,vL);
- vD := vLS-vP;
- dist := sqrt(DotProduct3D_128(vD,vD));
- NH := DotProduct3D_128(vH,vN);
- {$endif}
- if NH <= 0 then
- NnH := 0
- else
- NnH := exp(SpecularIndex*ln(NH)); //to be optimized
- distfactor := LightSourceIntensity / (dist*LightSourceDistanceFactor + LightSourceDistanceTerm);
- if (LdotN <= 0) then //Point is not illuminated by light source.
- //Use negative diffuse for contrast
- diffuseterm := distfactor * NegativeDiffusionFactor * LdotN
- else
- diffuseterm := distfactor * DiffusionFactor * LdotN;
- Ic := round((AmbientFactor + diffuseterm)*PhongLightPrecision);
- //specular (reflection)
- specularterm := distfactor * SpecularFactor * NnH;
- sIw := specularterm*PhongLightPrecision;
- if sIw > PhongLightPrecision then Iw := PhongLightPrecision else
- Iw := round(sIw);
- //intensity bounds (0..PhongLightPrecision)
- If Ic < 0 then Ic := 0;
- If Ic > PhongLightPrecision then
- begin
- If DiffuseSaturation then
- begin
- Iw := Iw+(Ic-PhongLightPrecision);
- if Iw > PhongLightPrecision then Iw := PhongLightPrecision;
- end;
- Ic := PhongLightPrecision;
- end;
- Ic := Ic*(PhongLightPrecision-Iw) shr PhongLightPrecisionSh;
- DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, ComputePixel(x,y,Ic,Iw,mc.alpha));
- {$ifndef PARAM_SCANNER}
- inc(pcolormap);
- {$endif}
- {$endif}
- inc(pdest); //go to next pixel
- end;
- end;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/phongdrawsse.inc b/components/bgrabitmap/phongdrawsse.inc
deleted file mode 100644
index 50ffc25..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/phongdrawsse.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
- //vL := vLS- vP*LightDestFactor;
- movups xmm4, vP
- movups xmm6,LightDestFactor4
- mulps xmm6, xmm4 //keep xmm4 = vP
- movaps xmm0, xmm1
- subps xmm0, xmm6
- movups xmm2, vV //preload xmm2 (A)
- //normalize(vL);
- movaps xmm6, xmm0 //save
- mulps xmm0, xmm0
- haddps xmm0,xmm0
- haddps xmm0,xmm0
- {$ELSE}
- //mix1
- movaps xmm7, xmm0
- shufps xmm7, xmm7, $4e
- addps xmm0, xmm7
- //mix2
- movaps xmm7, xmm0
- shufps xmm7, xmm7, $11
- addps xmm0, xmm7
- {$ENDIF}
- //1/sqrt
- rsqrtps xmm0, xmm0
- mulps xmm0, xmm6 //apply
- //vH := vL + vV; (A)
- //xmm2 = vV
- addps xmm2, xmm0
- //vectproduct(vS1,vS2,vN);
- movups xmm6, vS1
- shufps xmm6, xmm6, Shift231
- movups xmm7, vS2
- shufps xmm7, xmm7, Shift312
- movaps xmm3,xmm6
- mulps xmm3,xmm7
- movups xmm6, vS1
- shufps xmm6, xmm6, Shift312
- movups xmm7, vS2
- shufps xmm7, xmm7, Shift231
- mulps xmm7,xmm6
- subps xmm3,xmm7
- //end of vectproduct
- //normalize(vH);
- movaps xmm6, xmm2 //save
- mulps xmm2, xmm2
- haddps xmm2,xmm2
- haddps xmm2,xmm2
- {$ELSE}
- //mix1
- movaps xmm7, xmm2
- shufps xmm7, xmm7, $4e
- addps xmm2, xmm7
- //mix2
- movaps xmm7, xmm2
- shufps xmm7, xmm7, $11
- addps xmm2, xmm7
- {$ENDIF}
- //1/sqrt
- rsqrtps xmm2, xmm2
- mulps xmm2, xmm6 //apply
- //normalize(vN);
- movaps xmm6, xmm3 //save
- mulps xmm3, xmm3
- haddps xmm3,xmm3
- haddps xmm3,xmm3
- {$ELSE}
- //mix1
- movaps xmm7, xmm3
- shufps xmm7, xmm7, $4e
- addps xmm3, xmm7
- //mix2
- movaps xmm7, xmm3
- shufps xmm7, xmm7, $11
- addps xmm3, xmm7
- {$ENDIF}
- //1/sqrt
- rsqrtps xmm3, xmm3
- mulps xmm3, xmm6 //apply
- //LdotN := vN * vL;
- movups xmm5, xmm3
- mulps xmm5, xmm0
- //mix1
- movaps xmm7, xmm5
- shufps xmm7, xmm7, $4e
- addps xmm5, xmm7
- //mix2
- movaps xmm7, xmm5
- shufps xmm7, xmm7, $11
- addps xmm5, xmm7
- //:=
- movss LdotN, xmm5
- //vD := vLS-vP;
- movaps xmm5, xmm1
- subps xmm5, xmm4
- //dist := sqrt(vD*vD);
- mulps xmm5, xmm5
- haddps xmm5,xmm5
- haddps xmm5,xmm5
- {$ELSE}
- //mix1
- movaps xmm7, xmm5
- shufps xmm7, xmm7, $4e
- addps xmm5, xmm7
- //mix2
- movaps xmm7, xmm5
- shufps xmm7, xmm7, $11
- addps xmm5, xmm7
- {$ENDIF}
- //:= sqrt
- sqrtss xmm5,xmm5
- movss dist, xmm5
- //NH := vH * vN;
- movups xmm6, xmm2
- mulps xmm6, xmm3
- haddps xmm6,xmm6
- haddps xmm6,xmm6
- {$ELSE}
- //mix1
- movaps xmm7, xmm6
- shufps xmm7, xmm7, $4e
- addps xmm6, xmm7
- //mix2
- movaps xmm7, xmm6
- shufps xmm7, xmm7, $11
- addss xmm6, xmm7
- {$ENDIF}
- //:=
- movss NH, xmm6
- end;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/phonglight.inc b/components/bgrabitmap/phonglight.inc
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fcbb65..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/phonglight.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-{$i bgrasse.inc}
- {%H-}dist2,LdotN,NdotH,lightEnergy,diffuse : single;
- begin
- with Context^ do
- begin
- vL := FVertex.ViewCoord_128;
- vH := FViewVector;
- {$ELSE}
- vL := FDirection;
- vH := FBetweenDirectionAndObserver;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- if UseSSE3 then
- begin
- {$i phonglightsse.inc}
- end else
- begin
- {$i phonglightsse.inc}
- end;
- end else
- {$ENDIF}
- with Context^ do
- begin
- vL := FVertex.ViewCoord_128 - basic.Position;
- Normalize3D_128_SqLen(vL, dist2);
- //compute bisector of angle between light and observer
- vH := vL + FViewVector;
- Normalize3D_128(vH);
- //Calculate LdotN and NnH
- LdotN := DotProduct3D_128(basic.Normal, vL);
- NdotH := DotProduct3D_128(basic.Normal, vH);
- {$ELSE}
- LdotN := DotProduct3D_128(basic.Normal, FDirection);
- NdotH := DotProduct3D_128(basic.Normal, FBetweenDirectionAndObserver);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- if dist2 = 0 then
- lightEnergy := 0
- else
- lightEnergy := FIntensity / dist2;
- diffuse := LdotN*lightEnergy;
- {$ELSE}
- lightEnergy := 1;
- diffuse := LdotN;
- {$ENDIF}
- if diffuse < FMinIntensity then diffuse:= FMinIntensity;
- if Context^.LightThrough and (diffuse < 0) then diffuse := -diffuse*Context^.LightThroughFactor;
- TBGRAMaterial3D(Context^.material).ComputeDiffuseAndSpecularColor(Context, diffuse, lightEnergy, NdotH, FColorInt);
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/phonglightsse.inc b/components/bgrabitmap/phonglightsse.inc
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e2bc7a..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/phonglightsse.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
- {$asmmode intel}
- asm
- {$ifdef cpux86_64}
- mov rax, Context
- movaps xmm0,[rax+160] //Context^.vL
- movaps xmm2,[rax+192] //Context^.vH
- movaps xmm1,[rax+16] //Context^.Normal
- {$else}
- mov eax, Context
- movaps xmm0,[eax+160] //Context^.vL
- movaps xmm2,[eax+192] //Context^.vH
- movaps xmm1,[eax+16] //Context^.Normal
- {$endif}
- {$ifdef cpux86_64}
- movaps xmm6,[rax+0] //Context^.Position
- {$else}
- movaps xmm6,[eax+0] //Context^.Position
- {$endif}
- subps xmm0,xmm6 //xmm0 = vL
- movaps xmm6, xmm0
- mulps xmm6, xmm6
- haddps xmm6,xmm6
- haddps xmm6,xmm6
- {$ELSE}
- //mix1
- movaps xmm7, xmm6
- shufps xmm7, xmm7, $4e
- addps xmm6, xmm7
- //mix2
- movaps xmm7, xmm6
- shufps xmm7, xmm7, $11
- addps xmm6, xmm7
- {$ENDIF}
- movss dist2, xmm6 //dist2 := vL*vL;
- rsqrtps xmm6, xmm6
- mulps xmm0, xmm6 //xmm0 = normalized vL
- {$ENDIF}
- addps xmm2,xmm0 //vH += normalized vL
- movaps xmm6, xmm2
- mulps xmm2, xmm2
- haddps xmm2,xmm2
- haddps xmm2,xmm2
- {$ELSE}
- //mix1
- movaps xmm7, xmm2
- shufps xmm7, xmm7, $4e
- addps xmm2, xmm7
- //mix2
- movaps xmm7, xmm2
- shufps xmm7, xmm7, $11
- addps xmm2, xmm7
- {$ENDIF}
- rsqrtps xmm2, xmm2
- mulps xmm2, xmm6 //xmm2 = normalized vH
- {$ENDIF}
- //vL*Normal
- mulps xmm0, xmm1
- //vH*Normal
- mulps xmm2, xmm1
- haddps xmm0,xmm0
- haddps xmm0,xmm0
- {$ELSE}
- //mix1
- movaps xmm7, xmm0
- shufps xmm7, xmm7, $4e
- addps xmm0, xmm7
- //mix2
- movaps xmm7, xmm0
- shufps xmm7, xmm7, $11
- addps xmm0, xmm7
- {$ENDIF}
- haddps xmm2,xmm2
- haddps xmm2,xmm2
- {$ELSE}
- //mix1
- movaps xmm7, xmm2
- shufps xmm7, xmm7, $4e
- addps xmm2, xmm7
- //mix2
- movaps xmm7, xmm2
- shufps xmm7, xmm7, $11
- addps xmm2, xmm7
- {$ENDIF}
- movss LdotN, xmm0
- movss NdotH, xmm2
- end;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/polyaliaspersp.inc b/components/bgrabitmap/polyaliaspersp.inc
deleted file mode 100644
index d20daec..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/polyaliaspersp.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,605 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-{*****************************************TEXTURE WITHOUT SHADING *********************************}
-{with shading: second part of this file}
-{ TPolygonPerspectiveTextureMappingInfo }
-procedure TPolygonPerspectiveTextureMappingInfo.SetIntersectionValues(
- AInter: TIntersectionInfo; AInterX: Single; AWinding, ANumSegment: integer;
- dy: single; AData: pointer);
-var info: PPerspectiveTextureInfo;
- AInter.SetValues(AInterX,AWinding,ANumSegment);
- info := PPerspectiveTextureInfo(AData);
- TPerspectiveTextureMappingIntersectionInfo(AInter).coordInvZ := dy*info^.InvZSlope + info^.InvZ;
- TPerspectiveTextureMappingIntersectionInfo(AInter).texCoordDivByZ := info^.TexCoordDivByZ + info^.TexCoordDivByZSlopes*dy;
- if FLightnesses<>nil then
- TPerspectiveTextureMappingIntersectionInfo(AInter).lightness := round(info^.lightness + info^.lightnessSlope*dy)
- else
- TPerspectiveTextureMappingIntersectionInfo(AInter).lightness := 32768;
-constructor TPolygonPerspectiveTextureMappingInfo.Create(
- const points: array of TPointF; const pointsZ: array of single;
- const texCoords: array of TPointF);
- i: Integer;
- lPoints: array of TPointF;
- nbP: integer;
- if (length(texCoords) <> length(points)) or (length(pointsZ) <> length(points)) then
- raise Exception.Create('Dimensions mismatch');
- setlength(lPoints, length(points));
- SetLength(FTexCoords, length(points));
- SetLength(FPointsZ, length(points));
- nbP := 0;
- for i := 0 to high(points) do
- if (i=0) or (points[i].x<>points[i-1].X) or (points[i].y<>points[i-1].y) then
- begin
- lPoints[nbP] := points[i];
- FTexCoords[nbP] := texCoords[i];
- FPointsZ[nbP] := abs(pointsZ[i]);
- inc(nbP);
- end;
- if (nbP>0) and (lPoints[nbP-1].X = lPoints[0].X) and (lPoints[nbP-1].Y = lPoints[0].Y) then dec(NbP);
- setlength(lPoints, nbP);
- SetLength(FTexCoords, nbP);
- SetLength(FPointsZ, nbP);
- inherited Create(lPoints);
-constructor TPolygonPerspectiveTextureMappingInfo.Create(
- const points: array of TPointF; const pointsZ: array of single;
- const texCoords: array of TPointF; const lightnesses: array of word);
- i: Integer;
- lPoints: array of TPointF;
- nbP: integer;
- if (length(texCoords) <> length(points)) or (length(pointsZ) <> length(points)) or
- (length(lightnesses) <> length(points)) then
- raise Exception.Create('Dimensions mismatch');
- setlength(lPoints, length(points));
- SetLength(FTexCoords, length(points));
- SetLength(FPointsZ, length(points));
- setLength(FLightnesses, length(points));
- nbP := 0;
- for i := 0 to high(points) do
- if (i=0) or (points[i].x<>points[i-1].X) or (points[i].y<>points[i-1].y) then
- begin
- lPoints[nbP] := points[i];
- FTexCoords[nbP] := texCoords[i];
- FPointsZ[nbP] := abs(pointsZ[i]);
- FLightnesses[nbP] := lightnesses[i];
- inc(nbP);
- end;
- if (nbP>0) and (lPoints[nbP-1].X = lPoints[0].X) and (lPoints[nbP-1].Y = lPoints[0].Y) then dec(NbP);
- setlength(lPoints, nbP);
- SetLength(FTexCoords, nbP);
- SetLength(FPointsZ, nbP);
- SetLength(FLightnesses, nbP);
- inherited Create(lPoints);
-{$hints off}
-function TPolygonPerspectiveTextureMappingInfo.CreateSegmentData(numPt, nextPt: integer;
- ASeg: PCustomPointRecord): pointer;
- info: PPerspectiveTextureInfo;
- ty: single;
- CurInvZ,NextInvZ: single;
- CurTexCoordDivByZ: TPointF;
- NextTexCoordDivByZ: TPointF;
- New(info);
- ty := ASeg^.y2-ASeg^.y;
- CurInvZ := 1/FPointsZ[numPt];
- CurTexCoordDivByZ := FTexCoords[numPt]*CurInvZ;
- NextInvZ := 1/FPointsZ[nextPt];
- NextTexCoordDivByZ := FTexCoords[nextPt]*NextInvZ;
- info^.TexCoordDivByZSlopes := (NextTexCoordDivByZ - CurTexCoordDivByZ)*(1/ty);
- info^.TexCoordDivByZ := CurTexCoordDivByZ;
- info^.InvZSlope := (NextInvZ-CurInvZ)/ty;
- info^.InvZ := CurInvZ;
- if FLightnesses <> nil then
- begin
- info^.lightnessSlope := (FLightnesses[nextPt] - FLightnesses[numPt])*(1/ty);
- info^.lightness := FLightnesses[numPt];
- end else
- begin
- info^.lightness := 32768;
- info^.lightnessSlope := 0;
- end;
- Result:= info;
-{$hints on}
-function TPolygonPerspectiveTextureMappingInfo.CreateIntersectionInfo: TIntersectionInfo;
- Result:= TPerspectiveTextureMappingIntersectionInfo.Create;
-{$hints off}
-procedure PolygonPerspectiveTextureMappingAliased(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- polyInfo: TPolygonPerspectiveTextureMappingInfo; texture: IBGRAScanner;
- TextureInterpolation: Boolean; NonZeroWinding: boolean; zbuffer: psingle);
- inter: array of TIntersectionInfo;
- nbInter: integer;
- scanAtFunc: TScanAtFunction;
- scanAtIntegerFunc: TScanAtIntegerFunction;
- procedure DrawTextureLineWithoutLight(yb: integer; ix1: integer; ix2: integer;
- info1, info2 : TPerspectiveTextureMappingIntersectionInfo; WithInterpolation: boolean);
- {$i perspectivescan.inc}
- procedure DrawTextureLineWithLight(yb: integer; ix1: integer; ix2: integer;
- info1, info2 : TPerspectiveTextureMappingIntersectionInfo; WithInterpolation: boolean);
- {$i perspectivescan.inc}
- procedure DrawTextureLineWithoutLightZBuffer(yb: integer; ix1: integer; ix2: integer;
- info1, info2 : TPerspectiveTextureMappingIntersectionInfo; WithInterpolation: boolean);
- {$i perspectivescan.inc}
- procedure DrawTextureLineWithLightZBuffer(yb: integer; ix1: integer; ix2: integer;
- info1, info2 : TPerspectiveTextureMappingIntersectionInfo; WithInterpolation: boolean);
- {$i perspectivescan.inc}
- miny, maxy, minx, maxx: integer;
- yb, i : integer;
- x1, x2: single;
- ix1, ix2: integer;
- If not BGRAShapeComputeMinMax(polyInfo,minx,miny,maxx,maxy,bmp) then exit;
- inter := polyInfo.CreateIntersectionArray;
- scanAtFunc := @texture.ScanAt;
- scanAtIntegerFunc := @texture.ScanAtInteger;
- if zbuffer = nil then
- begin
- //vertical scan
- for yb := miny to maxy do
- begin
- //find intersections
- polyInfo.ComputeAndSort(yb,inter,nbInter,NonZeroWinding);
- for i := 0 to nbinter div 2 - 1 do
- begin
- x1 := inter[i + i].interX;
- x2 := inter[i + i+ 1].interX;
- if x1 <> x2 then
- begin
- ComputeAliasedRowBounds(x1,x2, minx,maxx, ix1,ix2);
- if ix1 <= ix2 then
- begin
- if (TPerspectiveTextureMappingIntersectionInfo(inter[i+i]).lightness = 32768) and
- (TPerspectiveTextureMappingIntersectionInfo(inter[i+i+1]).lightness = 32768) then
- DrawTextureLineWithoutLight(yb,ix1,ix2,
- TPerspectiveTextureMappingIntersectionInfo(inter[i+i]),
- TPerspectiveTextureMappingIntersectionInfo(inter[i+i+1]),
- TextureInterpolation)
- else
- DrawTextureLineWithLight(yb,ix1,ix2,
- TPerspectiveTextureMappingIntersectionInfo(inter[i+i]),
- TPerspectiveTextureMappingIntersectionInfo(inter[i+i+1]),
- TextureInterpolation);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- //vertical scan
- for yb := miny to maxy do
- begin
- //find intersections
- polyInfo.ComputeAndSort(yb,inter,nbInter,NonZeroWinding);
- for i := 0 to nbinter div 2 - 1 do
- begin
- x1 := inter[i + i].interX;
- x2 := inter[i + i+ 1].interX;
- if x1 <> x2 then
- begin
- ComputeAliasedRowBounds(x1,x2, minx,maxx, ix1,ix2);
- if ix1 <= ix2 then
- begin
- if (TPerspectiveTextureMappingIntersectionInfo(inter[i+i]).lightness = 32768) and
- (TPerspectiveTextureMappingIntersectionInfo(inter[i+i+1]).lightness = 32768) then
- DrawTextureLineWithoutLightZBuffer(yb,ix1,ix2,
- TPerspectiveTextureMappingIntersectionInfo(inter[i+i]),
- TPerspectiveTextureMappingIntersectionInfo(inter[i+i+1]),
- TextureInterpolation)
- else
- DrawTextureLineWithLightZBuffer(yb,ix1,ix2,
- TPerspectiveTextureMappingIntersectionInfo(inter[i+i]),
- TPerspectiveTextureMappingIntersectionInfo(inter[i+i+1]),
- TextureInterpolation);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- polyInfo.FreeIntersectionArray(inter);
- bmp.InvalidateBitmap;
-{$hints on}
-procedure PolygonPerspectiveTextureMappingAliased(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- const points: array of TPointF; const pointsZ: array of single;
- texture: IBGRAScanner; const texCoords: array of TPointF;
- TextureInterpolation: Boolean; NonZeroWinding: boolean; zbuffer: psingle);
-var polyInfo: TPolygonPerspectiveTextureMappingInfo;
- polyInfo := TPolygonPerspectiveTextureMappingInfo.Create(points,pointsZ,texCoords);
- PolygonPerspectiveTextureMappingAliased(bmp,polyInfo,texture,TextureInterpolation, NonZeroWinding, zbuffer);
- polyInfo.Free;
-procedure PolygonPerspectiveTextureMappingAliasedWithLightness(
- bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; const points: array of TPointF;
- const pointsZ: array of single; texture: IBGRAScanner;
- const texCoords: array of TPointF; TextureInterpolation: Boolean;
- lightnesses: array of word; NonZeroWinding: boolean; zbuffer: psingle);
-var polyInfo: TPolygonPerspectiveTextureMappingInfo;
- polyInfo := TPolygonPerspectiveTextureMappingInfo.Create(points,pointsZ,texCoords,lightnesses);
- PolygonPerspectiveTextureMappingAliased(bmp,polyInfo,texture,TextureInterpolation, NonZeroWinding, zbuffer);
- polyInfo.Free;
-{****************************************** WITH SHADING ******************************************}
-{$hints off}
-procedure PolygonPerspectiveMappingShaderAliased_DrawTextureLine(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; ShaderFunction: TShaderFunction3D; ShaderContext: PBasicLightingContext;
- solidColor: TBGRAPixel; scanAtFunc: TScanAtFunction; scanAtIntegerFunc: TScanAtIntegerFunction; zbuffer: psingle;
- yb: integer; ix1: integer; ix2: integer;
- info1, info2 : TPerspectiveTextureMappingIntersectionInfo; WithInterpolation: boolean);
- {$i perspectivescan.inc}
-procedure PolygonPerspectiveMappingShaderAliased_DrawSolidColorLine(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; ShaderFunction: TShaderFunction3D; ShaderContext: PBasicLightingContext;
- solidColor: TBGRAPixel; scanAtFunc: TScanAtFunction; scanAtIntegerFunc: TScanAtIntegerFunction; zbuffer: psingle;
- yb: integer; ix1: integer; ix2: integer;
- info1, info2 : TPerspectiveTextureMappingIntersectionInfo; WithInterpolation: boolean);
- {$i perspectivescan.inc}
-procedure PolygonPerspectiveMappingShaderAliased_DrawTextureLineZBuffer(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; ShaderFunction: TShaderFunction3D; ShaderContext: PBasicLightingContext;
- solidColor: TBGRAPixel; scanAtFunc: TScanAtFunction; scanAtIntegerFunc: TScanAtIntegerFunction; zbuffer: psingle;
- yb: integer; ix1: integer; ix2: integer;
- info1, info2 : TPerspectiveTextureMappingIntersectionInfo; WithInterpolation: boolean);
- {$i perspectivescan.inc}
-procedure PolygonPerspectiveMappingShaderAliased_DrawSolidColorLineZBuffer(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; ShaderFunction: TShaderFunction3D; ShaderContext: PBasicLightingContext;
- solidColor: TBGRAPixel; scanAtFunc: TScanAtFunction; scanAtIntegerFunc: TScanAtIntegerFunction; zbuffer: psingle;
- yb: integer; ix1: integer; ix2: integer;
- info1, info2 : TPerspectiveTextureMappingIntersectionInfo; WithInterpolation: boolean);
- {$i perspectivescan.inc}
-procedure PolygonPerspectiveMappingAliased_DrawTextureLine(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; ShaderFunction: TShaderFunction3D; ShaderContext: PBasicLightingContext;
- solidColor: TBGRAPixel; scanAtFunc: TScanAtFunction; scanAtIntegerFunc: TScanAtIntegerFunction; zbuffer: psingle;
- yb: integer; ix1: integer; ix2: integer;
- info1, info2 : TPerspectiveTextureMappingIntersectionInfo; WithInterpolation: boolean);
- {$i perspectivescan.inc}
-procedure PolygonPerspectiveMappingAliased_DrawSolidColorLine(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; ShaderFunction: TShaderFunction3D; ShaderContext: PBasicLightingContext;
- solidColor: TBGRAPixel; scanAtFunc: TScanAtFunction; scanAtIntegerFunc: TScanAtIntegerFunction; zbuffer: psingle;
- yb: integer; ix1: integer; ix2: integer;
- info1, info2 : TPerspectiveTextureMappingIntersectionInfo; WithInterpolation: boolean);
- {$i perspectivescan.inc}
-procedure PolygonPerspectiveMappingAliased_DrawTextureLineZBuffer(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; ShaderFunction: TShaderFunction3D; ShaderContext: PBasicLightingContext;
- solidColor: TBGRAPixel; scanAtFunc: TScanAtFunction; scanAtIntegerFunc: TScanAtIntegerFunction; zbuffer: psingle;
- yb: integer; ix1: integer; ix2: integer;
- info1, info2 : TPerspectiveTextureMappingIntersectionInfo; WithInterpolation: boolean);
- {$i perspectivescan.inc}
-procedure PolygonPerspectiveMappingAliased_DrawSolidColorLineZBuffer(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; ShaderFunction: TShaderFunction3D; ShaderContext: PBasicLightingContext;
- solidColor: TBGRAPixel; scanAtFunc: TScanAtFunction; scanAtIntegerFunc: TScanAtIntegerFunction; zbuffer: psingle;
- yb: integer; ix1: integer; ix2: integer;
- info1, info2 : TPerspectiveTextureMappingIntersectionInfo; WithInterpolation: boolean);
- {$i perspectivescan.inc}
-{$hints on}
-{$hints off}
-procedure PolygonPerspectiveMappingShaderAliased(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- polyInfo: TPolygonPerspectiveMappingShaderInfo; texture: IBGRAScanner;
- TextureInterpolation: Boolean; ShaderFunction: TShaderFunction3D;
- NonZeroWinding: boolean; solidColor: TBGRAPixel; zbuffer: psingle; ShaderContext: PBasicLightingContext);
- inter: array of TIntersectionInfo;
- nbInter: integer;
- scanAtFunc: TScanAtFunction;
- scanAtIntegerFunc: TScanAtIntegerFunction;
- drawFunc : procedure(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; ShaderFunction: TShaderFunction3D; ShaderContext: PBasicLightingContext;
- solidColor: TBGRAPixel; scanAtFunc: TScanAtFunction; scanAtIntegerFunc: TScanAtIntegerFunction; zbuffer: psingle;
- yb: integer; ix1: integer; ix2: integer;
- info1, info2 : TPerspectiveTextureMappingIntersectionInfo; WithInterpolation: boolean);
- miny, maxy, minx, maxx: integer;
- yb, i : integer;
- x1, x2: single;
- ix1, ix2: integer;
- shaderContextMem: TMemoryBlockAlign128;
- shaderContextPtr: PBasicLightingContext;
- inter1,inter2: TPerspectiveTextureMappingIntersectionInfo;
- If not BGRAShapeComputeMinMax(polyInfo,minx,miny,maxx,maxy,bmp) then exit;
- inter := polyInfo.CreateIntersectionArray;
- if texture <> nil then
- begin
- scanAtFunc := @texture.ScanAt;
- scanAtIntegerFunc := @texture.ScanAtInteger;
- end else
- begin
- scanAtFunc := nil;
- scanAtIntegerFunc := nil;
- end;
- shaderContextMem := nil;
- shaderContextPtr := nil;
- if ShaderFunction <> nil then
- begin
- if ShaderContext = nil then
- begin
- shaderContextMem := TMemoryBlockAlign128.Create(sizeof(TBasicLightingContext));
- shaderContextPtr := PBasicLightingContext( shaderContextMem.Data);
- end
- else
- shaderContextPtr := shaderContext;
- if texture <> nil then
- begin
- if zbuffer = nil then
- drawFunc := @PolygonPerspectiveMappingShaderAliased_DrawTextureLine
- else
- drawFunc := @PolygonPerspectiveMappingShaderAliased_DrawTextureLineZBuffer;
- end
- else
- begin
- if zbuffer = nil then
- drawFunc := @PolygonPerspectiveMappingShaderAliased_DrawSolidColorLine
- else
- drawFunc := @PolygonPerspectiveMappingShaderAliased_DrawSolidColorLineZBuffer;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- if texture <> nil then
- begin
- if zbuffer = nil then
- drawFunc := @PolygonPerspectiveMappingAliased_DrawTextureLine
- else
- drawFunc := @PolygonPerspectiveMappingAliased_DrawTextureLineZBuffer;
- end
- else
- begin
- if zbuffer = nil then
- drawFunc := @PolygonPerspectiveMappingAliased_DrawSolidColorLine
- else
- drawFunc := @PolygonPerspectiveMappingAliased_DrawSolidColorLineZBuffer;
- end;
- end;
- //vertical scan
- for yb := miny to maxy do
- begin
- //find intersections
- polyInfo.ComputeAndSort(yb,inter,nbInter,NonZeroWinding);
- for i := 0 to nbinter div 2 - 1 do
- begin
- inter1 := TPerspectiveTextureMappingIntersectionInfo(inter[i+i]);
- inter2 := TPerspectiveTextureMappingIntersectionInfo(inter[i+i+1]);
- x1 := inter1.interX;
- x2 := inter2.interX;
- if x1 <> x2 then
- begin
- ComputeAliasedRowBounds(x1,x2, minx,maxx, ix1,ix2);
- if ix1 <= ix2 then
- begin
- drawFunc(bmp,ShaderFunction,shaderContextPtr,
- solidColor,scanAtFunc,scanAtIntegerFunc,zbuffer,
- yb,ix1,ix2,
- inter1,inter2,TextureInterpolation);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- polyInfo.FreeIntersectionArray(inter);
- bmp.InvalidateBitmap;
- shaderContextMem.Free;
-{$hints on}
-procedure PolygonPerspectiveMappingShaderAliased(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- const points: array of TPointF; const points3D: array of TPoint3D;
- const normals: array of TPoint3D; texture: IBGRAScanner;
- const texCoords: array of TPointF; TextureInterpolation: Boolean;
- ShaderFunction: TShaderFunction3D; NonZeroWinding: boolean; solidColor: TBGRAPixel; zbuffer: psingle; ShaderContext: PBasicLightingContext);
-var polyInfo: TPolygonPerspectiveMappingShaderInfo;
- polyInfo := TPolygonPerspectiveMappingShaderInfo.Create(points,points3D,normals,texCoords);
- PolygonPerspectiveMappingShaderAliased(bmp,polyInfo,texture,TextureInterpolation, ShaderFunction, NonZeroWinding, solidColor, zbuffer, ShaderContext);
- polyInfo.Free;
-procedure PolygonPerspectiveMappingShaderAliased(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap;
- const points: array of TPointF; const points3D: array of TPoint3D_128;
- const normals: array of TPoint3D_128; texture: IBGRAScanner;
- const texCoords: array of TPointF; TextureInterpolation: Boolean;
- ShaderFunction: TShaderFunction3D; NonZeroWinding: boolean;
- solidColor: TBGRAPixel; zbuffer: psingle; ShaderContext: PBasicLightingContext);
-var polyInfo: TPolygonPerspectiveMappingShaderInfo;
- polyInfo := TPolygonPerspectiveMappingShaderInfo.Create(points,points3D,normals,texCoords);
- PolygonPerspectiveMappingShaderAliased(bmp,polyInfo,texture,TextureInterpolation, ShaderFunction, NonZeroWinding, solidColor, zbuffer, ShaderContext);
- polyInfo.Free;
-{ TPolygonPerspectiveMappingShaderInfo }
-procedure TPolygonPerspectiveMappingShaderInfo.SetIntersectionValues(
- AInter: TIntersectionInfo; AInterX: Single; AWinding, ANumSegment: integer;
- dy: single; AData: pointer);
-var info : PPerspectiveTextureInfo;
- AInter.SetValues(AInterX,AWinding,ANumSegment);
- info := PPerspectiveTextureInfo(AData);
- TPerspectiveTextureMappingIntersectionInfo(AInter).coordInvZ := dy*info^.InvZSlope + info^.InvZ;
- TPerspectiveTextureMappingIntersectionInfo(AInter).texCoordDivByZ := info^.TexCoordDivByZ + info^.TexCoordDivByZSlopes*dy;
- TPerspectiveTextureMappingIntersectionInfo(AInter).Position3D := info^.Position3D + info^.Position3DSlope*dy;
- TPerspectiveTextureMappingIntersectionInfo(AInter).Normal3D := info^.Normal3D + info^.Normal3DSlope*dy;
-constructor TPolygonPerspectiveMappingShaderInfo.Create(
- const points: array of TPointF; const points3D: array of TPoint3D;
- const normals: array of TPoint3D; const texCoords: array of TPointF);
- i: Integer;
- lPoints: array of TPointF;
- nbP: integer;
- if (length(texCoords) <> length(points)) or (length(points3D) <> length(points)) or (length(normals) <> length(points)) then
- raise Exception.Create('Dimensions mismatch');
- setlength(lPoints, length(points));
- SetLength(FTexCoords, length(points));
- SetLength(FPositions3D, length(points));
- SetLength(FNormals3D, length(points));
- nbP := 0;
- for i := 0 to high(points) do
- if (i=0) or (points[i]<>points[i-1]) then
- begin
- lPoints[nbP] := points[i];
- FTexCoords[nbP] := texCoords[i];
- FPositions3D[nbP] := Point3D_128(points3D[i]);
- FNormals3D[nbP] := Point3D_128(normals[i]);
- inc(nbP);
- end;
- if (nbP>0) and (lPoints[nbP-1].X = lPoints[0].X) and (lPoints[nbP-1].Y = lPoints[0].Y) then dec(NbP);
- setlength(lPoints, nbP);
- SetLength(FTexCoords, nbP);
- SetLength(FPositions3D, nbP);
- SetLength(FNormals3D, nbP);
- inherited Create(lPoints);
-constructor TPolygonPerspectiveMappingShaderInfo.Create(
- const points: array of TPointF; const points3D: array of TPoint3D_128;
- const normals: array of TPoint3D_128; const texCoords: array of TPointF);
- i: Integer;
- lPoints: array of TPointF;
- nbP: integer;
- if (length(texCoords) <> length(points)) or (length(points3D) <> length(points)) or (length(normals) <> length(points)) then
- raise Exception.Create('Dimensions mismatch');
- setlength(lPoints, length(points));
- SetLength(FTexCoords, length(points));
- SetLength(FPositions3D, length(points));
- SetLength(FNormals3D, length(points));
- nbP := 0;
- for i := 0 to high(points) do
- if (i=0) or (points[i]<>points[i-1]) then
- begin
- lPoints[nbP] := points[i];
- FTexCoords[nbP] := texCoords[i];
- FPositions3D[nbP] := points3D[i];
- FNormals3D[nbP] := normals[i];
- inc(nbP);
- end;
- if (nbP>0) and (lPoints[nbP-1].X = lPoints[0].X) and (lPoints[nbP-1].Y = lPoints[0].Y) then dec(NbP);
- setlength(lPoints, nbP);
- SetLength(FTexCoords, nbP);
- SetLength(FPositions3D, nbP);
- SetLength(FNormals3D, nbP);
- inherited Create(lPoints);
-{$hints off}
-function TPolygonPerspectiveMappingShaderInfo.CreateSegmentData(numPt, nextPt: integer;
- ASeg: PCustomPointRecord): pointer;
- info: PPerspectiveTextureInfo;
- ty: single;
- CurInvZ,NextInvZ: single;
- CurTexCoordDivByZ: TPointF;
- NextTexCoordDivByZ: TPointF;
- Cur3DDivByZ,Next3DDivByZ: TPoint3D_128;
- New(info);
- ty := ASeg^.y2-ASeg^.y;
- CurInvZ := FPositions3D[numPt].z;
- if CurInvZ = 0 then CurInvZ := 1 else CurInvZ := 1/CurInvZ;
- CurTexCoordDivByZ := FTexCoords[numPt]*CurInvZ;
- NextInvZ := FPositions3D[nextPt].z;
- if NextInvZ = 0 then NextInvZ := 1 else NextInvZ := 1/NextInvZ;
- NextTexCoordDivByZ := FTexCoords[nextPt]*NextInvZ;
- info^.TexCoordDivByZSlopes := (NextTexCoordDivByZ - CurTexCoordDivByZ)*(1/ty);
- info^.TexCoordDivByZ := CurTexCoordDivByZ;
- info^.InvZSlope := (NextInvZ-CurInvZ)/ty;
- info^.InvZ := CurInvZ;
- Cur3DDivByZ := FPositions3D[numPt]*CurInvZ;
- Next3DDivByZ := FPositions3D[nextPt]*NextInvZ;
- info^.Position3DSlope := (Next3DDivByZ - Cur3DDivByZ)*(1/ty);
- info^.Position3D := Cur3DDivByZ;
- Cur3DDivByZ := FNormals3D[numPt]*CurInvZ;
- Next3DDivByZ := FNormals3D[nextPt]*NextInvZ;
- info^.Normal3DSlope := (Next3DDivByZ - Cur3DDivByZ)*(1/ty);
- info^.Normal3D := Cur3DDivByZ;
- Result:= info;
-{$hints on}
-function TPolygonPerspectiveMappingShaderInfo.CreateIntersectionInfo: TIntersectionInfo;
- Result:= TPerspectiveTextureMappingIntersectionInfo.Create;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/readme.txt b/components/bgrabitmap/readme.txt
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index d184ada..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/readme.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-BGRABitmap - Drawing routines with transparency and antialiasing with Lazarus. Offers also various transforms.
-These routines allow to manipulate 32bit images in BGRA format or RGBA format (depending on the platform).
-This code is under modified LGPL (see COPYING.modifiedLGPL.txt). This means that you can link this library inside your programs for any purpose. Only the included part of the code must remain LGPL.
-If you make some improvements to this library, please notify here:
-Contact : circular at operamail.com
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/shapes3d.inc b/components/bgrabitmap/shapes3d.inc
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index 04bdd0d..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/shapes3d.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
- { TBGRASphere3D }
- TBGRASphere3D = class(TBGRAObject3D)
- constructor Create(AScene: TBGRAScene3D; ARadius: single; HorizPrecision: integer = 8; VerticalPrecision : integer = 6; HalfSphere: boolean = false);
- end;
-{ TBGRASphere3D }
-constructor TBGRASphere3D.Create(AScene: TBGRAScene3D; ARadius: single; HorizPrecision: integer; VerticalPrecision : integer; HalfSphere: boolean);
-var prevAlpha,prevBeta,alpha,beta,NbAlpha,NbBeta: integer;
- sinBeta,cosBeta: single;
- sinAlpha,cosAlpha: single;
- v: IBGRAPart3D;
- vTop,vBottom: IBGRAVertex3D;
- alphaFactor: single;
- startAlpha: integer;
- inherited Create(AScene);
- NbAlpha := HorizPrecision;
- if NbAlpha < 4 then NbAlpha := 4;
- NbBeta := VerticalPrecision-1;
- if NbBeta < 2 then NbBeta := 2;
- v := GetMainPart;
- if halfSphere then
- alphaFactor := Pi/(NbAlpha-1)
- else
- alphaFactor := (2*Pi)/NbAlpha;
- for beta := 1 to NbBeta-1 do
- begin
- sinBeta := sin(beta*Pi/NbBeta);
- cosBeta := -cos(beta*Pi/NbBeta);
- for alpha := 0 to NbAlpha-1 do
- begin
- sinAlpha := -sin(alpha*alphaFactor);
- cosAlpha := -cos(alpha*alphaFactor);
- v.Add( cosAlpha*sinBeta*ARadius, cosBeta*ARadius, sinAlpha*sinBeta*ARadius );
- end;
- end;
- if halfSphere then
- startAlpha := 1
- else
- startAlpha := 0;
- vTop := v.Add(0,-ARadius,0);
- prevAlpha := (startAlpha+NbAlpha-1) mod NbAlpha;
- for alpha := startAlpha to NbAlpha-1 do
- begin
- AddFace( [v.Vertex[prevAlpha], vTop, v.Vertex[alpha]], HalfSphere );
- prevAlpha := alpha;
- end;
- prevBeta := 0;
- for beta := 1 to NbBeta-2 do
- begin
- prevAlpha := (startAlpha+NbAlpha-1) mod NbAlpha;
- for alpha := startAlpha to NbAlpha-1 do
- begin
- AddFace( [v.Vertex[prevAlpha + prevBeta*NbAlpha], v.Vertex[alpha + prevBeta*NbAlpha],
- v.Vertex[alpha + beta*NbAlpha], v.Vertex[prevAlpha + beta*NbAlpha]], HalfSphere );
- prevAlpha := alpha;
- end;
- prevBeta := beta;
- end;
- vBottom := v.Add(0,ARadius,0);
- prevAlpha := (startAlpha+NbAlpha-1) mod NbAlpha;
- for alpha := startAlpha to NbAlpha-1 do
- begin
- AddFace( [v.Vertex[prevAlpha + prevBeta*NbAlpha], v.Vertex[alpha + prevBeta*NbAlpha], vBottom], HalfSphere );
- prevAlpha := alpha;
- end;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/spectraldata.inc b/components/bgrabitmap/spectraldata.inc
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index d464275..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/spectraldata.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-const //horseshoe shape of visible colors at 2° (illuminant E)
- SpectralLocus: array[0..94] of TSpectralLocusPoint =
- ((W:360; X:0.0001299; Y:0.000003917; Z:0.0006061),
- (W:365; X:0.0002321; Y:0.000006965; Z:0.001086),
- (W:370; X:0.0004149; Y:0.00001239; Z:0.001946),
- (W:375; X:0.0007416; Y:0.00002202; Z:0.003486),
- (W:380; X:0.001368; Y:0.000039; Z:0.006450001),
- (W:385; X:0.002236; Y:0.000064; Z:0.01054999),
- (W:390; X:0.004243; Y:0.00012; Z:0.02005001),
- (W:395; X:0.00765; Y:0.000217; Z:0.03621),
- (W:400; X:0.01431; Y:0.000396; Z:0.06785001),
- (W:405; X:0.02319; Y:0.00064; Z:0.1102),
- (W:410; X:0.04351; Y:0.00121; Z:0.2074),
- (W:415; X:0.07763; Y:0.00218; Z:0.3713),
- (W:420; X:0.13438; Y:0.004; Z:0.6456),
- (W:425; X:0.21477; Y:0.0073; Z:1.0390501),
- (W:430; X:0.2839; Y:0.0116; Z:1.3856),
- (W:435; X:0.3285; Y:0.01684; Z:1.62296),
- (W:440; X:0.34828; Y:0.023; Z:1.74706),
- (W:445; X:0.34806; Y:0.0298; Z:1.7826),
- (W:450; X:0.3362; Y:0.038; Z:1.77211),
- (W:455; X:0.3187; Y:0.048; Z:1.7441),
- (W:460; X:0.2908; Y:0.06; Z:1.6692),
- (W:465; X:0.2511; Y:0.0739; Z:1.5281),
- (W:470; X:0.19536; Y:0.09098; Z:1.28764),
- (W:475; X:0.1421; Y:0.1126; Z:1.0419),
- (W:480; X:0.09564; Y:0.13902; Z:0.8129501),
- (W:485; X:0.05795001; Y:0.1693; Z:0.6162),
- (W:490; X:0.03201; Y:0.20802; Z:0.46518),
- (W:495; X:0.0147; Y:0.2586; Z:0.3533),
- (W:500; X:0.0049; Y:0.323; Z:0.272),
- (W:505; X:0.0024; Y:0.4073; Z:0.2123),
- (W:510; X:0.0093; Y:0.503; Z:0.1582),
- (W:515; X:0.0291; Y:0.6082; Z:0.1117),
- (W:520; X:0.06327; Y:0.71; Z:0.07824999),
- (W:525; X:0.1096; Y:0.7932; Z:0.05725001),
- (W:530; X:0.1655; Y:0.862; Z:0.04216),
- (W:535; X:0.2257499; Y:0.9148501; Z:0.02984),
- (W:540; X:0.2904; Y:0.954; Z:0.0203),
- (W:545; X:0.3597; Y:0.9803; Z:0.0134),
- (W:550; X:0.4334499; Y:0.9949501; Z:0.008749999),
- (W:555; X:0.5120501; Y:1; Z:0.005749999),
- (W:560; X:0.5945; Y:0.995; Z:0.0039),
- (W:565; X:0.6784; Y:0.9786; Z:0.002749999),
- (W:570; X:0.7621; Y:0.952; Z:0.0021),
- (W:575; X:0.8425; Y:0.9154; Z:0.0018),
- (W:580; X:0.9163; Y:0.87; Z:0.001650001),
- (W:585; X:0.9786; Y:0.8163; Z:0.0014),
- (W:590; X:1.0263; Y:0.757; Z:0.0011),
- (W:595; X:1.0567; Y:0.6949; Z:0.001),
- (W:600; X:1.0622; Y:0.631; Z:0.0008),
- (W:605; X:1.0456; Y:0.5668; Z:0.0006),
- (W:610; X:1.0026; Y:0.503; Z:0.00034),
- (W:615; X:0.9384; Y:0.4412; Z:0.00024),
- (W:620; X:0.8544499; Y:0.381; Z:0.00019),
- (W:625; X:0.7514; Y:0.321; Z:0.0001),
- (W:630; X:0.6424; Y:0.265; Z:0.00005),
- (W:635; X:0.5419; Y:0.217; Z:0.00003),
- (W:640; X:0.4479; Y:0.175; Z:0.00002),
- (W:645; X:0.3608; Y:0.1382; Z:0.00001),
- (W:650; X:0.2835; Y:0.107; Z:0),
- (W:655; X:0.2187; Y:0.0816; Z:0),
- (W:660; X:0.1649; Y:0.061; Z:0),
- (W:665; X:0.1212; Y:0.04458; Z:0),
- (W:670; X:0.0874; Y:0.032; Z:0),
- (W:675; X:0.0636; Y:0.0232; Z:0),
- (W:680; X:0.04677; Y:0.017; Z:0),
- (W:685; X:0.0329; Y:0.01192; Z:0),
- (W:690; X:0.0227; Y:0.00821; Z:0),
- (W:695; X:0.01584; Y:0.005723; Z:0),
- (W:700; X:0.01135916; Y:0.004102; Z:0),
- (W:705; X:0.008110916; Y:0.002929; Z:0),
- (W:710; X:0.005790346; Y:0.002091; Z:0),
- (W:715; X:0.004106457; Y:0.001484; Z:0),
- (W:720; X:0.002899327; Y:0.001047; Z:0),
- (W:725; X:0.00204919; Y:0.00074; Z:0),
- (W:730; X:0.001439971; Y:0.00052; Z:0),
- (W:735; X:0.0009999493; Y:0.0003611; Z:0),
- (W:740; X:0.0006900786; Y:0.0002492; Z:0),
- (W:745; X:0.0004760213; Y:0.0001719; Z:0),
- (W:750; X:0.0003323011; Y:0.00012; Z:0),
- (W:755; X:0.0002348261; Y:0.0000848; Z:0),
- (W:760; X:0.0001661505; Y:0.00006; Z:0),
- (W:765; X:0.000117413; Y:0.0000424; Z:0),
- (W:770; X:8.307527E-05; Y:0.00003; Z:0),
- (W:775; X:5.870652E-05; Y:0.0000212; Z:0),
- (W:780; X:4.150994E-05; Y:0.00001499; Z:0),
- (W:785; X:2.935326E-05; Y:0.0000106; Z:0),
- (W:790; X:2.067383E-05; Y:7.4657E-06; Z:0),
- (W:795; X:1.455977E-05; Y:5.2578E-06; Z:0),
- (W:800; X:0.000010254; Y:3.7029E-06; Z:0),
- (W:805; X:7.221456E-06; Y:2.6078E-06; Z:0),
- (W:810; X:5.085868E-06; Y:1.8366E-06; Z:0),
- (W:815; X:3.581652E-06; Y:1.2934E-06; Z:0),
- (W:820; X:2.522525E-06; Y:9.1093E-07; Z:0),
- (W:825; X:1.776509E-06; Y:6.4153E-07; Z:0),
- (W:830; X:1.251141E-06; Y:4.5181E-07; Z:0));
-const //D65 illuminant
- IlluminantSpectrumD65: array[0..94] of TIlluminantSpectrumPoint =
- ((W:360; Y:46.6383),
- (W:365; Y:49.3637),
- (W:370; Y:52.0891),
- (W:375; Y:51.0323),
- (W:380; Y:49.9755),
- (W:385; Y:52.3118),
- (W:390; Y:54.6482),
- (W:395; Y:68.7015),
- (W:400; Y:82.7549),
- (W:405; Y:87.1204),
- (W:410; Y:91.486),
- (W:415; Y:92.4589),
- (W:420; Y:93.4318),
- (W:425; Y:90.057),
- (W:430; Y:86.6823),
- (W:435; Y:95.7736),
- (W:440; Y:104.865),
- (W:445; Y:110.936),
- (W:450; Y:117.008),
- (W:455; Y:117.41),
- (W:460; Y:117.812),
- (W:465; Y:116.336),
- (W:470; Y:114.861),
- (W:475; Y:115.392),
- (W:480; Y:115.923),
- (W:485; Y:112.367),
- (W:490; Y:108.811),
- (W:495; Y:109.082),
- (W:500; Y:109.354),
- (W:505; Y:108.578),
- (W:510; Y:107.802),
- (W:515; Y:106.296),
- (W:520; Y:104.79),
- (W:525; Y:106.239),
- (W:530; Y:107.689),
- (W:535; Y:106.047),
- (W:540; Y:104.405),
- (W:545; Y:104.225),
- (W:550; Y:104.046),
- (W:555; Y:102.023),
- (W:560; Y:100),
- (W:565; Y:98.1671),
- (W:570; Y:96.3342),
- (W:575; Y:96.0611),
- (W:580; Y:95.788),
- (W:585; Y:92.2368),
- (W:590; Y:88.6856),
- (W:595; Y:89.3459),
- (W:600; Y:90.0062),
- (W:605; Y:89.8026),
- (W:610; Y:89.5991),
- (W:615; Y:88.6489),
- (W:620; Y:87.6987),
- (W:625; Y:85.4936),
- (W:630; Y:83.2886),
- (W:635; Y:83.4939),
- (W:640; Y:83.6992),
- (W:645; Y:81.863),
- (W:650; Y:80.0268),
- (W:655; Y:80.1207),
- (W:660; Y:80.2146),
- (W:665; Y:81.2462),
- (W:670; Y:82.2778),
- (W:675; Y:80.281),
- (W:680; Y:78.2842),
- (W:685; Y:74.0027),
- (W:690; Y:69.7213),
- (W:695; Y:70.6652),
- (W:700; Y:71.6091),
- (W:705; Y:72.979),
- (W:710; Y:74.349),
- (W:715; Y:67.9765),
- (W:720; Y:61.604),
- (W:725; Y:65.7448),
- (W:730; Y:69.8856),
- (W:735; Y:72.4863),
- (W:740; Y:75.087),
- (W:745; Y:69.3398),
- (W:750; Y:63.5927),
- (W:755; Y:55.0054),
- (W:760; Y:46.4182),
- (W:765; Y:56.6118),
- (W:770; Y:66.8054),
- (W:775; Y:65.0941),
- (W:780; Y:63.3828),
- (W:785; Y:63.8434),
- (W:790; Y:64.304),
- (W:795; Y:61.8779),
- (W:800; Y:59.4519),
- (W:805; Y:55.7054),
- (W:810; Y:51.959),
- (W:815; Y:54.6998),
- (W:820; Y:57.4406),
- (W:825; Y:58.8765),
- (W:830; Y:60.3125));
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/unibitmap.inc b/components/bgrabitmap/unibitmap.inc
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index dbdc23b..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/unibitmap.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3995 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
- { Working area to be provided to a brush }
- PUniBrushContext = ^TUniBrushContext;
- TUniBrushContext = record
- Dest: Pointer; //target pixels
- Ofs: TPoint; //offset within image (used with textured/gradient brush)
- Custom: array[0..15] of byte; //custom context information
- end;
- { Additional initialization of the brush context (optional) }
- TUniBrushInitContextProc = procedure
- (AFixedData: Pointer; //address of brush fixed data
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext); //address of brush contextual data
- { Outputs pixels from current position defined in context }
- TUniBrushPutNextPixelsProc = procedure
- (AFixedData: Pointer; //address of brush data
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; //address of brush contextual data
- AAlpha: Word; //global alpha modifier (0 to draw nothing,
- // 65535 to draw without opacity adjustment)
- ACount: integer); //number of pixels to output
- UniversalBrushFlag_DoNothing = 1; //the brush does nothing at all and can be skipped
- UniversalBrushFlag_Reserved1 = 2;
- UniversalBrushFlag_Reserved2 = 4;
- UniversalBrushFlag_Reserved3 = 8;
- UniversalBrushFlag_Reserved4 = 16;
- UniversalBrushFlag_Reserved5 = 32;
- UniversalBrushFlag_Reserved6 = 64;
- UniversalBrushFlag_Reserved7 = 128;
- //you can define your custom flags from 256 on
- { TUniversalBrush }
- PUniversalBrush = ^TUniversalBrush;
- TUniversalBrush = record
- private
- FColorspace: TColorspaceAny;
- function GetDoesNothing: boolean; inline;
- procedure SetColorspace(AValue: TColorspaceAny);
- procedure SetDoesNothing(AValue: boolean); inline;
- public
- FixedData: array[0..31] of byte;
- InternalInitContext: TUniBrushInitContextProc; //do not call directly
- InternalPutNextPixels: TUniBrushPutNextPixelsProc; //do not call directly
- Flags: LongWord;
- procedure MoveTo(AContext: PUniBrushContext; ADest: pointer; AOfsX,AOfsY: integer); inline;
- procedure PutNextPixels(AContext: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer); inline;
- property Colorspace: TColorspaceAny read FColorspace write SetColorspace;
- property DoesNothing: boolean read GetDoesNothing write SetDoesNothing;
- end;
- PDefaultSolidBrushIndirectFixedData = ^TDefaultSolidBrushIndirectFixedData;
- TDefaultSolidBrushIndirectFixedData = packed record
- PixelSize: integer;
- Color: packed array[0..23] of byte;
- end;
-procedure DefaultSolidBrushIndirectSkipPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; {%H-}AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
-procedure DefaultSolidBrushIndirectSetPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; {%H-}AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- TPathCallbackData = record
- BrushAddress: PUniversalBrush;
- Alpha: Word;
- Width: single;
- PixelCenteredCoords: boolean;
- end;
- { TCustomUniversalBitmap }
- TCustomUniversalBitmap = class(TFPCustomImage, IBGRAScanner)
- private
- procedure PathStrokeAliasedCallback(const APoints: array of TPointF;
- AClosed: boolean; AData: Pointer);
- procedure PathStrokeAntialiasCallback(const APoints: array of TPointF;
- AClosed: boolean; AData: Pointer);
- protected
- FRefCount: integer;
- FColorspace: TColorspaceAny;
- FReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite;
- FWidth: integer;
- FHeight: integer;
- FNbPixels: integer;
- FPixelSize: integer;
- FRowSize: PtrInt;
- FDataByte: PByte;
- FLineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder;
- //Scan
- FScanWidth, FScanHeight: integer; //possibility to reduce the zone being scanned
- FScanPtr : PByte; //current scan address
- FScanCurX,FScanCurY: integer; //current scan coordinates
- FClipRect: TRect;
- FConvertToFPColor, FConvertFromFPColor,
- FConvertToBGRA, FConvertFromBGRA,
- FConvertToExpanded, FConvertFromExpanded: TBridgedConversion;
- FPenStroker: TBGRACustomPenStroker;
- {** Specifies if linear antialiasing must be used when drawing
- antialiased shapes }
- FAntialiasingDrawMode: TDrawMode;
- procedure Init; virtual;
- procedure ReallocData; virtual;
- procedure FreeData; virtual;
- {TFPCustomImage}
- procedure SetInternalColor(x, y: integer; const Value: TFPColor); override;
- function GetInternalColor(x, y: integer): TFPColor; override;
- procedure SetInternalPixel(x, y: integer; Value: integer); override;
- function GetInternalPixel(x, y: integer): integer; override;
- function CheckEmpty: boolean; virtual;
- function CheckIsZero: boolean; virtual;
- function GetClipRect: TRect; virtual;
- function GetDataBytePtr: PByte; virtual;
- function GetHasSemiTransparentPixels: boolean; virtual;
- function GetHasTransparentPixels: boolean; virtual;
- function GetHeight: integer; virtual;
- function GetLineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; virtual;
- procedure SetLineOrder(AValue: TRawImageLineOrder); virtual;
- function GetNbPixels: integer; virtual;
- function GetRefCount: integer; virtual;
- function GetScanLineByte(y: integer): PByte; virtual;
- function GetWidth: integer; virtual;
- procedure SetClipRect(const AValue: TRect); virtual;
- procedure RaiseInvalidBrushColorspace; virtual;
- procedure RaiseMissingUniDrawer; virtual;
- function CheckHorizLineBounds(var x:int32or64; y: int32or64; var x2: int32or64): boolean; inline;
- function CheckVertLineBounds(x: int32or64; var y, y2: int32or64): boolean; inline;
- class function DefaultColorspace: TColorspaceAny; virtual;
- function InternalDuplicate(ACopyProperties: boolean=false): TCustomUniversalBitmap; virtual;
- function InternalNew: TCustomUniversalBitmap; virtual;
- procedure InternalCopyPixels(ASource,ADest: PByte; ASourceStride,ADestStride: PtrInt; ACount: integer); virtual;
- procedure InternalSwapPixels(ABuf1,ABuf2: PByte; AStride1,AStride2: PtrInt; ACount: integer); virtual;
- procedure InternalSetPixels(ASource,ADest: PByte; ADestStride: PtrInt; ACount: integer); virtual;
- procedure AssignTransparentPixel(out ADest); virtual;
- function GetLinearAntialiasing: boolean; virtual;
- procedure SetLinearAntialiasing(AValue: boolean); virtual;
- procedure SetAntialiasingDrawMode(AValue: TDrawMode); virtual;
- public
- {** User defined caption. It does not appear on the image }
- Caption: string;
- {** Method to use when filling polygons (winding or alternate).
- See [[BGRABitmap Types imported from Graphics|BGRAGraphics]] }
- FillMode: TFillMode;
- {** Creates an image of width and height equal to zero. In this case,
- ''DataByte'' = '''nil''' }
- constructor Create; overload;
- constructor Create(AColorspace: TColorspaceAny; ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder); overload;
- constructor Create(AColorspace: TColorspaceAny; AWidth, AHeight: integer;
- ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder); overload;
- procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
- function NewBitmap: TCustomUniversalBitmap; overload; virtual;
- function NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer): TCustomUniversalBitmap; overload; virtual;
- function NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer; AColor: Pointer): TCustomUniversalBitmap; overload; virtual;
- {** Adds a reference (this reference count is not the same as
- the reference count of an interface, it changes only by
- explicit calls }
- function NewReference: TCustomUniversalBitmap; virtual;
- {** Free a reference. When the resulting reference count gets
- to zero, the image is freed. The initial reference count
- is equal to 1 }
- procedure FreeReference;
- {** Returns an object with a reference count equal to 1. Duplicate
- this bitmap if necessary }
- function GetUnique: TCustomUniversalBitmap; virtual;
- function Duplicate(ACopyProperties: boolean=false): TCustomUniversalBitmap; virtual;
- procedure CopyPropertiesTo(ABitmap: TCustomUniversalBitmap); virtual;
- {** Get a part of the image with repetition in both directions. It means
- that if the bounds are within the image, the result is just that part
- of the image, but if the bounds are bigger than the image, the image
- is tiled. }
- function GetPart(const ARect: TRect): TCustomUniversalBitmap; virtual;
- procedure InvalidateBitmap; virtual; //call if you modify with Scanline
- procedure LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded; virtual; //call to ensure that data is up to date
- {** Clear all channels of transparent pixels }
- procedure ClearTransparentPixels; virtual;
- class procedure EraseBrush(out {%H-}ABrush: TUniversalBrush; {%H-}AAlpha: Word); virtual;
- class procedure AlphaBrush(out {%H-}ABrush: TUniversalBrush; {%H-}AAlpha: Word); virtual;
- procedure SolidBrushBGRA(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; ARed,AGreen,ABlue,AAlpha: Byte; ADrawMode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency); overload; virtual;
- procedure SolidBrushBGRA(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AColor: TBGRAPixel; ADrawMode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency); overload; virtual;
- procedure SolidBrushExpanded(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; ARed,AGreen,ABlue,AAlpha: Word; ADrawMode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency); overload; virtual;
- procedure SolidBrushExpanded(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AColor: TExpandedPixel; ADrawMode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency); overload; virtual;
- procedure SolidBrushIndirect(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AColor: Pointer; ADrawMode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency); virtual;
- class procedure ScannerBrush(out {%H-}ABrush: TUniversalBrush; {%H-}AScanner: IBGRAScanner; {%H-}ADrawMode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency;
- {%H-}AOffsetX: integer = 0; {%H-}AOffsetY: integer = 0); virtual;
- class procedure MaskBrush(out {%H-}ABrush: TUniversalBrush; {%H-}AScanner: IBGRAScanner;
- {%H-}AOffsetX: integer = 0; {%H-}AOffsetY: integer = 0); virtual;
- {TFPCustomImage}
- {** Creates a new bitmap, initialize properties and bitmap data }
- constructor Create(AWidth, AHeight: integer); overload; override;
- {** Sets the dimension of an existing bitmap /!\ Data can be random }
- procedure SetSize(AWidth, AHeight: integer); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- {==== Load and save files ====}
- {** Stores the image in the stream without compression nor header }
- procedure Serialize(AStream: TStream); virtual;
- {** Reads the image in a stream that was previously serialized }
- procedure Deserialize(AStream: TStream); virtual;
- {** Stores an empty image (of size zero) }
- class procedure SerializeEmpty(AStream: TStream); static;
- //there are UTF8 functions that are different from standard function as those
- //depend on TFPCustomImage that does not clearly handle UTF8
- {** Load image from a file. ''filename'' is an ANSI string }
- procedure LoadFromFile(const AFilename: string); overload; virtual;
- procedure LoadFromFile(const AFilename: string; AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions); overload; virtual;
- {** Load image from a file with the specified image reader. ''filename'' is an ANSI string }
- procedure LoadFromFile(const AFilename:String; AHandler:TFPCustomImageReader); overload; virtual;
- procedure LoadFromFile(const AFilename:String; AHandler:TFPCustomImageReader; AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions); overload; virtual;
- {** Load image from a file. ''filename'' is an UTF8 string }
- procedure LoadFromFileUTF8(const AFilenameUTF8: string; AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions = []); overload; virtual;
- {** Load image from a file with the specified image reader. ''filename'' is an UTF8 string }
- procedure LoadFromFileUTF8(const AFilenameUTF8: string; AHandler: TFPCustomImageReader; AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions = []); overload; virtual;
- {** Load image from a stream. Format is detected automatically }
- procedure LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream);overload; virtual;
- procedure LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream; AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions);overload; virtual;
- {** Load image from a stream. The specified image reader is used }
- procedure LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream; AHandler: TFPCustomImageReader);overload; virtual;
- procedure LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream; AHandler: TFPCustomImageReader; AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions);overload; virtual;
- {** Load image from an embedded Lazarus resource. Format is detected automatically }
- procedure LoadFromResource(AFilename: string); overload; virtual;
- procedure LoadFromResource(AFilename: string; AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions); overload; virtual;
- {** Load image from an embedded Lazarus resource. The specified image reader is used }
- procedure LoadFromResource(AFilename: string; AHandler: TFPCustomImageReader); overload; virtual;
- procedure LoadFromResource(AFilename: string; AHandler: TFPCustomImageReader; AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions); overload; virtual;
- {** Save image to a file. The format is guessed from the file extension. ''filename'' is an ANSI string }
- procedure SaveToFile(const AFilename: string);overload; virtual;
- {** Save image to a file with the specified image writer. ''filename'' is an ANSI string }
- procedure SaveToFile(const AFilename: string; AHandler:TFPCustomImageWriter);overload; virtual;
- {** Save image to a file. The format is guessed from the file extension. ''filename'' is an ANSI string }
- procedure SaveToFileUTF8(const AFilenameUTF8: string);overload; virtual;
- {** Save image to a file with the specified image writer. ''filename'' is an UTF8 string }
- procedure SaveToFileUTF8(const AFilenameUTF8: string; AHandler:TFPCustomImageWriter);overload; virtual;
- {** Save image to a stream with the specified image writer }{inherited
- procedure SaveToStream (Str:TStream; Handler:TFPCustomImageWriter);
- }{** Save image to a stream in the specified image format }
- procedure SaveToStreamAs(AStream: TStream; AFormat: TBGRAImageFormat); virtual;
- {** Save image to a stream in PNG format }
- procedure SaveToStreamAsPng(AStream: TStream); virtual;
- {==== Clipping ====}
- {** Stop clipping (clipping rectangle becomes the whole image) }
- procedure NoClip; virtual;
- {** Reduce the clipping region further by intersection and returns the previous clipping rectangle }
- function IntersectClip(const ARect: TRect): TRect;
- {** Checks if the specified point is in the clipping rectangle ''ClipRect'' }
- function PtInClipRect(x, y: int32or64): boolean; inline;
- {** Check if the bounds are within the clipping rectangle and adjust the coordinates to fit
- (similar to IntersectRect but may flip the coordinates) }
- function CheckClippedRectBounds(var x,y,x2,y2: integer): boolean;
- {==== Basic drawing functions ====}
- {** Fill the whole image regardless of clipping rect }
- procedure Fill(const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure Fill(ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AMode: TDrawMode); overload; virtual;
- procedure Fill(ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillTransparent; virtual;
- procedure AlphaFill(alpha: byte); virtual;
- {** Masking }
- procedure ApplyMask(mask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload;
- procedure ApplyMask(mask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ARect: TRect; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload;
- procedure ApplyMask(mask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ARect: TRect; AMaskRectTopLeft: TPoint; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure ApplyGlobalOpacity(alpha: byte); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillMask(x,y: integer; AMask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillMask(x,y: integer; AMask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ATexture: IBGRAScanner); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillMask(x,y: integer; AMask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AMode: TDrawMode); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillMask(x,y: integer; AMask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AMode: TDrawMode; AScanOffset: TPoint); overload; virtual;
- {** Fills completely a rectangle, without any border }
- procedure FillRect(ALeft, ATop, ARight, ABottom: integer; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillRect(const ARect: TRect; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillRect(ALeft, ATop, ARight, ABottom: integer; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillRect(const ARect: TRect; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillRect(ALeft, ATop, ARight, ABottom: integer; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AMode: TDrawMode; AScanOffset: TPoint; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillRect(const ARect: TRect; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AMode: TDrawMode; AScanOffset: TPoint; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure EraseRect(ALeft, ATop, ARight, ABottom: integer; alpha: byte); virtual;
- procedure EraseRect(const ARect: TRect; alpha: byte); virtual;
- procedure AlphaFillRect(ALeft, ATop, ARight, ABottom: integer; alpha: byte); virtual;
- procedure AlphaFillRect(const ARect: TRect; alpha: byte); virtual;
- procedure ApplyGlobalOpacity(ARect: TRect; alpha: byte); overload; virtual;
- procedure DrawCheckers(ARect: TRect; const ABrushEven,ABrushOdd: TUniversalBrush; AGridWidth: integer = 8; AGridHeight: integer = 8); overload; virtual;
- {** Returns the address of a pixel. /!\ Does not check if the coordinates are valid. }
- function GetPixelAddress(x,y: integer): PByte; virtual;
- procedure SetPixelIndirect(x,y: int32or64; AColor: pointer); virtual;
- procedure GetPixelIndirect(x,y: int32or64; AColor: pointer); virtual;
- procedure GetPixelCycleIndirect(x,y: int32or64; AColor: pointer); virtual;
- procedure DrawPixel(x,y: Int32or64; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure DrawPixel(x,y: Int32or64; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure DrawPixelF(x,y: single; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure DrawPixelF(x,y: single; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- {** Erase the content of the pixel by reducing the value of the
- alpha channel. ''alpha'' specifies how much to decrease.
- If the resulting alpha reaches zero, the content
- is replaced by the transparent pixel }
- procedure ErasePixel(x, y: int32or64; alpha: byte); virtual;
- procedure ErasePixelF(x, y: single; alpha: byte); virtual;
- {** Sets the alpha value at (''x'',''y''). If ''alpha'' = 0, the
- pixel is replaced by the transparent pixel }
- procedure AlphaPixel(x, y: int32or64; alpha: byte); virtual;
- procedure AlphaPixelF(x, y: single; alpha: byte); virtual;
- procedure HorizLine(x, y, x2: int32or64; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word = 65535); virtual;
- {** Draws an horizontal line at line ''y'' and
- at columns ''x'' to ''x2'' included, using specified scanner
- and the specified ''AMode'' }
- procedure HorizLine(x, y, x2: int32or64; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure EraseHorizLine(x,y,x2: int32or64; alpha: byte); virtual;
- procedure AlphaHorizLine(x,y,x2: int32or64; alpha: byte); virtual;
- procedure VertLine(x, y, y2: int32or64; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure VertLine(x, y, y2: int32or64; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure EraseVertLine(x, y, y2: int32or64; alpha: byte); virtual;
- procedure AlphaVertLine(x, y, y2: int32or64; alpha: byte); virtual;
- {** Draws an aliased line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) using Bresenham's algorithm.
- ''DrawLastPixel'' specifies if (x2,y2) must be drawn. }
- procedure DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; ADrawLastPixel: boolean; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AMode: TDrawMode; ADrawLastPixel: boolean; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- {** Draws an antialiased line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) using an improved version of Bresenham's algorithm
- ''DrawLastPixel'' specifies if (x2,y2) must be drawn }
- procedure DrawLineAntialias(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; ADrawLastPixel: boolean; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure DrawLineAntialias(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AMode: TDrawMode; ADrawLastPixel: boolean; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- {** Draws an antialiased line with two brushes as dashes of length ''ADashLen''.
- ''ADashPos'' can be used to specify the start dash position and to retrieve the dash position at the end
- of the line, in order to draw a polyline with consistent dashes }
- procedure DrawLineAntialias(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer; const ABrush1, ABrush2: TUniversalBrush; ADashLen: integer; ADrawLastPixel: boolean; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure DrawLineAntialias(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer; const ABrush1, ABrush2: TUniversalBrush; ADashLen: integer; var ADashPos: integer; ADrawLastPixel: boolean; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- {** Erases the line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) using Bresenham's algorithm.
- ''alpha'' specifies how much to decrease. If ''alpha'' = 0, nothing
- is changed and if ''alpha'' = 255, all pixels become transparent.
- ''DrawListPixel'' specifies if (x2,y2) must be changed }
- procedure EraseLine(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer; alpha: byte; DrawLastPixel: boolean); virtual;
- {** Erases the line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) width antialiasing.
- ''alpha'' specifies how much to decrease. If ''alpha'' = 0, nothing
- is changed and if ''alpha'' = 255, all pixels become transparent.
- ''DrawListPixel'' specifies if (x2,y2) must be changed }
- procedure EraseLineAntialias(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer; alpha: byte; DrawLastPixel: boolean); virtual;
- procedure AlphaLine(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer; alpha: byte; DrawLastPixel: boolean); virtual;
- procedure AlphaLineAntialias(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer; alpha: byte; DrawLastPixel: boolean); virtual;
- procedure DrawPolyLine(const points: array of TPoint; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; ADrawLastPixel: boolean; AAlpha: Word = 65535);
- procedure DrawPolyLineAntialias(const points: array of TPoint; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; ADrawLastPixel: boolean; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload;
- procedure DrawPolyLineAntialias(const points: array of TPoint; const ABrush1, ABrush2: TUniversalBrush; ADashLen: integer; ADrawLastPixel: boolean; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload;
- procedure ErasePolyLine(const points: array of TPoint; alpha: byte; ADrawLastPixel: boolean);
- procedure ErasePolyLineAntialias(const points: array of TPoint; alpha: byte; ADrawLastPixel: boolean);
- procedure AlphaPolyLine(const points: array of TPoint; alpha: byte; ADrawLastPixel: boolean);
- procedure AlphaPolyLineAntialias(const points: array of TPoint; alpha: byte; ADrawLastPixel: boolean);
- procedure DrawPolygon(const points: array of TPoint; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word = 65535);
- procedure DrawPolygonAntialias(const points: array of TPoint; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload;
- procedure DrawPolygonAntialias(const points: array of TPoint; const ABrush1, ABrush2: TUniversalBrush; ADashLen: integer; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload;
- procedure ErasePolygonOutline(const points: array of TPoint; alpha: byte);
- procedure ErasePolygonOutlineAntialias(const points: array of TPoint; alpha: byte);
- procedure AlphaPolygonOutline(const points: array of TPoint; alpha: byte);
- procedure AlphaPolygonOutlineAntialias(const points: array of TPoint; alpha: byte);
- procedure DrawPathAliased(APath: IBGRAPath; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload;
- procedure DrawPathAliased(APath: IBGRAPath; const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload;
- {==== Rectangles (integer coordinates) ====}
- {* The integer coordinates of rectangles interpreted such that
- that the bottom/right pixels are not drawn. The width is equal
- to x2-x, and pixels are drawn from x to x2-1. If x = x2, then nothing
- is drawn. See [[BGRABitmap tutorial 13|coordinate system]].
- * These functions do not take into account current pen style/cap/join.
- They draw a continuous 1-pixel width border }
- {** Draw the border of a rectangle }
- procedure Rectangle(x, y, x2, y2: integer; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure Rectangle(x, y, x2, y2: integer; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure Rectangle(const ARect: TRect; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure Rectangle(const ARect: TRect; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- {** Draw a filled rectangle with a border }
- procedure Rectangle(x, y, x2, y2: integer; const ABorderBrush, AFillBrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure Rectangle(const ARect: TRect; const ABorderBrush, AFillBrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure RoundRect(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: integer; DX, DY: integer; const ABorderBrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure RoundRect(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: integer; DX, DY: integer; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure RoundRect(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: integer; DX, DY: integer; const ABorderBrush, AFillBrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillRoundRect(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: integer; DX, DY: integer; const AFillBrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillRoundRect(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: integer; DX, DY: integer; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure EraseRoundRect(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: integer; DX, DY: integer; alpha: byte); virtual;
- procedure AlphaFillRoundRect(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: integer; DX, DY: integer; alpha: byte); virtual;
- procedure EllipseInRect(ARect: TRect; const ABorderBrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure EllipseInRect(ARect: TRect; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure EllipseInRect(ARect: TRect; const ABorderBrush, AFillBrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillEllipseInRect(ARect: TRect; const AFillBrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillEllipseInRect(ARect: TRect; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure EraseEllipseInRect(ARect: TRect; alpha: byte); virtual;
- procedure AlphaFillEllipseInRect(ARect: TRect; alpha: byte); virtual;
- procedure FillShape(AShape: TBGRACustomFillInfo; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word = 65535); virtual;
- procedure FillShape(AShape: TBGRACustomFillInfo; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word = 65535); virtual;
- procedure EraseShape(AShape: TBGRACustomFillInfo; alpha: byte); virtual;
- procedure AlphaFillShape(AShape: TBGRACustomFillInfo; alpha: byte); virtual;
- procedure FillPoly(const APoints: array of TPointF; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillPoly(const APoints: array of TPointF; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AMode: TDrawMode; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure ErasePoly(const APoints: array of TPointF; alpha: byte; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); virtual;
- procedure AlphaFillPoly(const APoints: array of TPointF; alpha: byte; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); virtual;
- procedure FillPathAliased(APath: IBGRAPath; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload;
- procedure FillPathAliased(APath: IBGRAPath; const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload;
- procedure FillPathAliased(APath: IBGRAPath; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AMode: TDrawMode; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload;
- procedure FillPathAliased(APath: IBGRAPath; const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AMode: TDrawMode; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload;
- procedure ErasePathAliased(APath: IBGRAPath; alpha: byte; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload;
- procedure ErasePathAliased(APath: IBGRAPath; const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; alpha: byte; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload;
- procedure AlphaFillPathAliased(APath: IBGRAPath; alpha: byte; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload;
- procedure AlphaFillPathAliased(APath: IBGRAPath; const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; alpha: byte; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload;
- property Colorspace: TColorspaceAny read FColorspace;
- procedure VerticalFlip; overload; virtual;
- procedure VerticalFlip(ARect: TRect); overload; virtual;
- procedure HorizontalFlip; overload; virtual;
- procedure HorizontalFlip(ARect: TRect); overload; virtual;
- procedure RotateUDInplace; overload; virtual;
- procedure RotateUDInplace(ARect: TRect); overload; virtual;
- { Return a new bitmap rotated in a clock wise direction. }
- function RotateCW: TCustomUniversalBitmap; virtual;
- { Return a new bitmap rotated in a counter clock wise direction. }
- function RotateCCW: TCustomUniversalBitmap; virtual;
- { Return a new bitmap rotated 180° (upside down). }
- function RotateUD: TCustomUniversalBitmap; virtual;
- {** Width of the image in pixels }
- property Width: integer Read GetWidth;
- {** Height of the image in pixels }
- property Height: integer Read GetHeight;
- {** Size in bytes of a row of pixels }
- property RowSize: PtrInt read FRowSize;
- {** Clipping rectangle for all drawing functions }
- property ClipRect: TRect read GetClipRect write SetClipRect;
- property LinearAntialiasing: boolean read GetLinearAntialiasing write SetLinearAntialiasing;
- property AntialiasingDrawMode: TDrawMode read FAntialiasingDrawMode write SetAntialiasingDrawMode;
- {** Total number of pixels. It is always true that ''NbPixels'' = ''Width'' * ''Height'' }
- property NbPixels: integer Read GetNbPixels;
- {** Returns the address of the left-most pixel of any line.
- The parameter y ranges from 0 to Height-1 }
- property ScanLineByte[y: integer]: PByte Read GetScanLineByte;
- {** Indicates the order in which lines are stored in memory.
- If it is equal to ''riloTopToBottom'', the first line is the top line.
- If it is equal to ''riloBottomToTop'', the first line is the bottom line.
- See [[BGRABitmap Miscellaneous types|miscellaneous types]] }
- property LineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder Read GetLineOrder write SetLineOrder;
- {** Provides a pointer to the first pixel in memory.
- Depending on the ''LineOrder'' property, this can be the top-left pixel or the bottom-left pixel.
- There is no padding between scanlines.
- See [[BGRABitmap tutorial 4]] }
- property DataByte: PByte Read GetDataBytePtr;
- {** Number of references to this image. It is increased by the function
- ''NewReference'' and decreased by the function ''FreeReference'' }
- property RefCount: integer Read GetRefCount;
- {** Returns True if the bitmap only contains transparent pixels or has a size of zero }
- property Empty: boolean Read CheckEmpty;
- {** Returns True if the bitmap is filled with zero values or has a size of zero }
- property IsZero: boolean Read CheckIsZero;
- {** Returns True if there are transparent and so if the image would
- be stored at least with an alpha channel of 1 bit }
- property HasTransparentPixels: boolean Read GetHasTransparentPixels;
- {** Returns True if there are semitransparent pixels
- and so if the image would be stored with an alpha channel of at least 8 bit }
- property HasSemiTransparentPixels: boolean Read GetHasSemiTransparentPixels;
- {** Current reference white used for color conversion }
- property ReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite read FReferenceWhite write FReferenceWhite;
- {==== Pen style ====}
- protected
- function GetArrow: TBGRACustomArrow; virtual;
- function GetLineCap: TPenEndCap; virtual;
- function GetInternalPen: TBGRACustomPenStroker; virtual;
- function GetPenStroker: TBGRACustomPenStroker; virtual;
- procedure SetLineCap(AValue: TPenEndCap); virtual;
- public
- {** You can use this class set pen style and generate strokes polygonal representations }
- property Pen: TBGRACustomPenStroker read GetPenStroker;
- {** How to draw the ends of a line (applies to arrow as well) }
- property LineCap: TPenEndCap read GetLineCap write SetLineCap;
- {** Properties of arrow ends }
- property Arrow: TBGRACustomArrow read GetArrow;
- {==== Drawing lines and paths (floating point coordinates) ====}
- {* These functions use the current pen style/cap/join. The parameter ''APenWidth''
- specifies the width of the line and the base unit for dashes.
- See [[BGRABitmap tutorial 13|coordinate system]].
- * The coordinates are pixel-centered by default, so that when filling a rectangle,
- if the supplied values are integers, the border will be half transparent.
- If you want the border to be completely filled, you can subtract/add
- 0.5 to the coordinates to include the remaining thin border.
- See [[BGRABitmap tutorial 13|coordinate system]]. }
- {** Draws a line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) using current pen style/cap/join }
- procedure DrawLineAntialias(x1, y1, x2, y2: single; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; APenWidth: single); overload; virtual;
- {** Draws a line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) using current pen style/cap/join.
- ''texture'' specifies the source color to use when filling the line }
- procedure DrawLineAntialias(x1, y1, x2, y2: single; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; APenWidth: single); overload; virtual;
- {** Draws a line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) using current pen style/cap/join.
- ''Closed'' specifies if the end of the line is roundly closed. If it is not closed,
- a space is left so that the next line can fit }
- procedure DrawLineAntialias(x1, y1, x2, y2: single; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; APenWidth: single; AClosedCap: boolean); overload; virtual;
- {** Same as above with ''texture'' specifying the source color to use when filling the line }
- procedure DrawLineAntialias(x1, y1, x2, y2: single; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; APenWidth: single; AClosedCap: boolean); overload; virtual;
- {** Erases a line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) using current pen style/cap/join }
- procedure EraseLineAntialias(x1, y1, x2, y2: single; AAlpha: Byte; APenWidth: single); overload; virtual;
- {** Erases a line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) using current pen style/cap/join.
- ''Closed'' specifies if the end of the line is roundly closed. If it is not closed,
- a space is left so that the next line can fit }
- procedure EraseLineAntialias(x1, y1, x2, y2: single; AAlpha: Byte; APenWidth: single; AClosedCap: boolean); overload; virtual;
- {** Draws a polyline using current pen style/cap/join }
- procedure DrawPolyLineAntialias(const APoints: array of TPointF; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; APenWidth: single); overload; virtual;
- {** Draws a polyline using current pen style/cap/join.
- ''texture'' specifies the source color to use when filling the line }
- procedure DrawPolyLineAntialias(const APoints: array of TPointF; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; APenWidth: single); overload; virtual;
- {** Erases a polyline using current pen style/cap/join }
- procedure ErasePolyLineAntialias(const APoints: array of TPointF; AAlpha: byte; APenWidth: single); overload; virtual;
- {** Draws a polyline using current pen style/cap/join.
- ''Closed'' specifies if the end of the line is roundly closed. If it is not closed,
- a space is left so that the next line can fit }
- procedure DrawPolyLineAntialias(const APoints: array of TPointF; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; APenWidth: single; AClosedCap: boolean); overload; virtual;
- procedure DrawPolyLineAntialias(const APoints: array of TPointF; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; APenWidth: single; AClosedCap: boolean); overload; virtual;
- procedure ErasePolyLineAntialias(const APoints: array of TPointF; AAlpha: byte; APenWidth: single; AClosedCap: boolean); overload; virtual;
- {** Draws a polyline using current pen style/cap/join.
- The last point considered as a join with the first point if it has
- the same coordinate }
- procedure DrawPolyLineAntialiasAutocycle(const APoints: array of TPointF; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; APenWidth: single); overload; virtual;
- {** Draws a polygon using current pen style/cap/join. Use a texture to fill the line.
- The polygon is always closed. You don't need to set the last point
- to be the same as the first point }
- procedure DrawPolyLineAntialiasAutocycle(const APoints: array of TPointF; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; APenWidth: single); overload; virtual;
- procedure ErasePolyLineAntialiasAutocycle(const APoints: array of TPointF; AAlpha: byte; APenWidth: single); overload; virtual;
- {** Draws a polygon using current pen style/cap/join.
- The polygon is always closed. You don't need to set the last point
- to be the same as the first point }
- procedure DrawPolygonAntialias(const APoints: array of TPointF; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; APenWidth: single); overload; virtual;
- procedure DrawPolygonAntialias(const APoints: array of TPointF; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; APenWidth: single); overload; virtual;
- procedure ErasePolygonOutlineAntialias(const APoints: array of TPointF; AAlpha: byte; APenWidth: single); overload; virtual;
- procedure RectangleAntialias(x, y, x2, y2: single; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AWidth: single); overload; virtual;
- procedure RectangleAntialias(x, y, x2, y2: single; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AWidth: single); overload; virtual;
- {** Draws an ellipse without antialising. ''rx'' is the horizontal radius and
- ''ry'' the vertical radius }
- procedure Ellipse(x, y, rx, ry: single; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AWidth: single; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure Ellipse(x, y, rx, ry: single; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AWidth: single; AMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure Ellipse(const AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis: TPointF; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AWidth: single; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure Ellipse(const AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis: TPointF; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AWidth: single; AMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- {** Draws an ellipse with antialising. ''rx'' is the horizontal radius and
- ''ry'' the vertical radius }
- procedure EllipseAntialias(x, y, rx, ry: single; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AWidth: single); overload; virtual;
- procedure EllipseAntialias(x, y, rx, ry: single; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AWidth: single); overload; virtual;
- procedure EllipseAntialias(const AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis: TPointF; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AWidth: single); overload; virtual;
- procedure EllipseAntialias(const AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis: TPointF; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AWidth: single); overload; virtual;
- procedure DrawPath(APath: IBGRAPath; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AWidth: single; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload; virtual;
- procedure DrawPath(APath: IBGRAPath; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AWidth: single; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload; virtual;
- procedure DrawPath(APath: IBGRAPath; const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AWidth: single; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload; virtual;
- procedure DrawPath(APath: IBGRAPath; const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AWidth: single; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload; virtual;
- {==== Antialias fill ====}
- procedure FillShapeAntialias(AShape: TBGRACustomFillInfo; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillShapeAntialias(AShape: TBGRACustomFillInfo; ATexture: IBGRAScanner); overload; virtual;
- procedure EraseShapeAntialias(AShape: TBGRACustomFillInfo; AAlpha: Byte); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillPolyAntialias(const APoints: array of TPointF; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillPolyAntialias(const APoints: array of TPointF; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload; virtual;
- procedure ErasePolyAntialias(const APoints: array of TPointF; AAlpha: Byte; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload; virtual;
- {** Fills an ellipse which axes are parallel to X and Y axes }
- procedure FillEllipseAntialias(x, y, rx, ry: single; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillEllipseAntialias(x, y, rx, ry: single; ATexture: IBGRAScanner); overload; virtual;
- {** Erases the content of an ellipse which axes are parallel to X and Y axes }
- procedure EraseEllipseAntialias(x, y, rx, ry: single; AAlpha: Byte); overload; virtual;
- {** Fills an ellipse with any axes }
- procedure FillEllipseAntialias(const AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis: TPointF; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillEllipseAntialias(const AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis: TPointF; ATexture: IBGRAScanner); overload; virtual;
- {** Erases the content of an ellipse with any axes }
- procedure EraseEllipseAntialias(const AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis: TPointF; AAlpha: Byte); overload; virtual;
- {** Fills a rectangle with antialiasing. Note that the pixel (x2,y2) is
- included contrary to integer coordinates. For example (-0.5,-0.5,0.5,0.5)
- with pixel-centered coords fills one pixel }
- procedure FillRectAntialias(x, y, x2, y2: single; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillRectAntialias(x, y, x2, y2: single; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload; virtual;
- procedure EraseRectAntialias(x, y, x2, y2: single; AAlpha: Byte; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillRectAntialias(const ARectF: TRectF; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillRectAntialias(const ARectF: TRectF; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload; virtual;
- procedure EraseRectAntialias(const ARectF: TRectF; AAlpha: Byte; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillRoundRectAntialias(x, y, x2, y2, rx, ry: single; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AOptions: TRoundRectangleOptions = []; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillRoundRectAntialias(x, y, x2, y2, rx, ry: single; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AOptions: TRoundRectangleOptions = []; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload; virtual;
- procedure EraseRoundRectAntialias(x, y, x2, y2, rx, ry: single; AAlpha: Byte; AOptions: TRoundRectangleOptions = []; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillPath(APath: IBGRAPath; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillPath(APath: IBGRAPath; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload; virtual;
- procedure ErasePath(APath: IBGRAPath; AAlpha: Byte; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillPath(APath: IBGRAPath; const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillPath(APath: IBGRAPath; const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload; virtual;
- procedure ErasePath(APath: IBGRAPath; const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AAlpha: byte; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload; virtual;
- protected {==== 'IBGRAScanner'' interface ====}
- function ProvidesScanline({%H-}ARect: TRect): boolean; virtual;
- function GetScanlineAt({%H-}X, {%H-}Y: integer): PBGRAPixel; virtual;
- function GetTextureGL: IUnknown; virtual;
- public
- {** Offset to apply when the image is scanned }
- ScanOffset: TPoint;
- function ScanAtInteger(X,Y: integer): TBGRAPixel; virtual;
- function ScanAtIntegerExpanded(X, Y: integer): TExpandedPixel; virtual;
- procedure ScanMoveTo(X,Y: Integer); virtual;
- function ScanNextPixel: TBGRAPixel; virtual;
- function ScanNextExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel; virtual;
- function ScanAt(X,Y: Single): TBGRAPixel; virtual;
- function ScanAtExpanded(X, Y: Single): TExpandedPixel; virtual;
- function IsScanPutPixelsDefined: boolean; virtual;
- procedure ScanPutPixels({%H-}pdest: PBGRAPixel; {%H-}count: integer; {%H-}mode: TDrawMode); virtual;
- procedure ScanSkipPixels(ACount: integer); virtual;
- function GetImageBounds: TRect; overload; virtual;
- function GetImageBounds(Channel: TChannel; ANothingValue: Byte = 0): TRect; overload;
- function GetImageBounds(Channels: TChannels; ANothingValue: Byte = 0): TRect; overload;
- function GetImageBoundsWithin(const ARect: TRect; Channel: TChannel = cAlpha; ANothingValue: Byte = 0): TRect; overload; virtual;
- function GetImageBoundsWithin(const ARect: TRect; Channels: TChannels; ANothingValue: Byte = 0): TRect; overload; virtual;
- function GetScanCustomColorspace: TColorspaceAny; virtual;
- procedure ScanNextCustomChunk(var ACount: integer; out APixels: Pointer); virtual;
- procedure ScanNextMaskChunk(var {%H-}ACount: integer; out {%H-}AMask: PByteMask; out {%H-}AStride: integer); virtual;
- function ScanAtIntegerMask(X,Y: integer): TByteMask; virtual;
- function ScanAtMask({%H-}X,{%H-}Y: Single): TByteMask; virtual;
- protected
- //interface
- function QueryInterface({$IFDEF FPC_HAS_CONSTREF}constref{$ELSE}const{$ENDIF} IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult; {$IF (not defined(WINDOWS)) AND (FPC_FULLVERSION>=20501)}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$IFEND};
- function _AddRef: Integer; {$IF (not defined(WINDOWS)) AND (FPC_FULLVERSION>=20501)}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$IFEND};
- function _Release: Integer; {$IF (not defined(WINDOWS)) AND (FPC_FULLVERSION>=20501)}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$IFEND};
- public
- procedure PutImage(X, Y: integer; ASource: TCustomUniversalBitmap; AMode: TDrawMode; AOpacity: byte = 255); virtual;
- public
- //filters
- function FilterBlurRadial(radius: single; blurType: TRadialBlurType): TCustomUniversalBitmap; overload; virtual;
- function FilterBlurRadial(const ABounds: TRect; radius: single; blurType: TRadialBlurType): TCustomUniversalBitmap; overload; virtual;
- function FilterBlurRadial(radiusX, radiusY: single; blurType: TRadialBlurType): TCustomUniversalBitmap; overload; virtual;
- function FilterBlurRadial(const ABounds: TRect; radiusX, radiusY: single; blurType: TRadialBlurType): TCustomUniversalBitmap; overload; virtual;
- function FilterBlurMotion(distance: single; angle: single; oriented: boolean): TCustomUniversalBitmap; overload; virtual;
- function FilterBlurMotion(const ABounds: TRect; distance: single; angle: single; oriented: boolean): TCustomUniversalBitmap; overload; virtual;
- function FilterCustomBlur(mask: TCustomUniversalBitmap): TCustomUniversalBitmap; overload; virtual;
- function FilterCustomBlur(const ABounds: TRect; mask: TCustomUniversalBitmap): TCustomUniversalBitmap; overload; virtual;
- end;
- { TCustomUniversalDrawer }
- TCustomUniversalDrawer = class
- {==== Load and save files ====}
- //there are UTF8 functions that are different from standard function as those
- //depend on TFPCustomImage that does not clearly handle UTF8
- {** Load image from a file. ''filename'' is an ANSI string }
- class procedure LoadFromFile(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const AFilename: string); overload; virtual; abstract;
- class procedure LoadFromFile(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const AFilename: string; AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions); overload; virtual; abstract;
- {** Load image from a file with the specified image reader. ''filename'' is an ANSI string }
- class procedure LoadFromFile(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const AFilename:String; AHandler:TFPCustomImageReader); overload; virtual; abstract;
- class procedure LoadFromFile(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const AFilename:String; AHandler:TFPCustomImageReader; AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions); overload; virtual; abstract;
- {** Load image from a file. ''filename'' is an UTF8 string }
- class procedure LoadFromFileUTF8(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const AFilenameUTF8: string; AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions = []); overload; virtual; abstract;
- {** Load image from a file with the specified image reader. ''filename'' is an UTF8 string }
- class procedure LoadFromFileUTF8(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const AFilenameUTF8: string; AHandler: TFPCustomImageReader; AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions = []); overload; virtual; abstract;
- {** Load image from a stream. Format is detected automatically }
- class procedure LoadFromStream(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; AStream: TStream);overload; virtual; abstract;
- class procedure LoadFromStream(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; AStream: TStream; AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions);overload; virtual; abstract;
- {** Load image from a stream. The specified image reader is used }
- class procedure LoadFromStream(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; AStream: TStream; AHandler: TFPCustomImageReader);overload; virtual; abstract;
- class procedure LoadFromStream(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; AStream: TStream; AHandler: TFPCustomImageReader; AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions); overload; virtual; abstract;
- {** Load image from an embedded Lazarus resource. Format is detected automatically }
- class procedure LoadFromResource(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; AFilename: string); overload; virtual; abstract;
- class procedure LoadFromResource(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; AFilename: string; AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions); overload; virtual; abstract;
- {** Load image from an embedded Lazarus resource. The specified image reader is used }
- class procedure LoadFromResource(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; AFilename: string; AHandler: TFPCustomImageReader); overload; virtual; abstract;
- class procedure LoadFromResource(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; AFilename: string; AHandler: TFPCustomImageReader; AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions); overload; virtual; abstract;
- {** Save image to a file. The format is guessed from the file extension. ''filename'' is an ANSI string }
- class procedure SaveToFile(ASource: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const AFilename: string); overload; virtual; abstract;
- {** Save image to a file with the specified image writer. ''filename'' is an ANSI string }
- class procedure SaveToFile(ASource: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const AFilename: string; AHandler:TFPCustomImageWriter); overload; virtual; abstract;
- {** Save image to a file. The format is guessed from the file extension. ''filename'' is an ANSI string }
- class procedure SaveToFileUTF8(ASource: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const AFilenameUTF8: string); overload; virtual; abstract;
- {** Save image to a file with the specified image writer. ''filename'' is an UTF8 string }
- class procedure SaveToFileUTF8(ASource: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const AFilenameUTF8: string; AHandler:TFPCustomImageWriter); overload; virtual; abstract;
- {** Save image to a stream in the specified image format }
- class procedure SaveToStreamAs(ASource: TCustomUniversalBitmap; AStream: TStream; AFormat: TBGRAImageFormat); virtual; abstract;
- {** Save image to a stream in PNG format }
- class procedure SaveToStreamAsPng(ASource: TCustomUniversalBitmap; AStream: TStream); virtual; abstract;
- {==== Pixelwise drawing ====}
- {** Draws an aliased line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) using Bresenham's algorithm.
- ''DrawLastPixel'' specifies if (x2,y2) must be drawn. }
- class procedure DrawLine(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; x1, y1, x2, y2: integer; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; ADrawLastPixel: boolean; AAlpha: Word = 65535); virtual; abstract;
- {** Draws an antialiased line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) using an improved version of Bresenham's algorithm
- ''DrawLastPixel'' specifies if (x2,y2) must be drawn }
- class procedure DrawLineAntialias(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; x1, y1, x2, y2: integer; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; ADrawLastPixel: boolean; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual; abstract;
- {** Draws an antialiased line with two brushes as dashes of length ''ADashLen''.
- ''ADashPos'' specifies the start dash position and allows to retrieve the dash position at the end
- of the line, in order to draw a polyline with consistent dashes }
- class procedure DrawLineAntialias(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; x1, y1, x2, y2: integer; const ABrush1, ABrush2: TUniversalBrush; ADashLen: integer; var DashPos: integer; DrawLastPixel: boolean; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual; abstract;
- class procedure DrawPolyLine(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const APoints: array of TPoint; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; ADrawLastPixel: boolean; AAlpha: Word = 65535); virtual; abstract;
- class procedure DrawPolyLineAntialias(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const APoints: array of TPoint; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; DrawLastPixel: boolean; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual; abstract;
- class procedure DrawPolyLineAntialias(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const APoints: array of TPoint; const ABrush1, ABrush2: TUniversalBrush; ADashLen: integer; DrawLastPixel: boolean; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual; abstract;
- class procedure DrawPolygon(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const APoints: array of TPoint; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word = 65535); virtual; abstract;
- class procedure DrawPolygonAntialias(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const APoints: array of TPoint; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual; abstract;
- class procedure DrawPolygonAntialias(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const APoints: array of TPoint; const ABrush1, ABrush2: TUniversalBrush; ADashLen: integer; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual; abstract;
- {** Draw the border of a rectangle }
- class procedure Rectangle(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; x, y, x2, y2: integer; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual; abstract;
- {** Draw a filled rectangle with a border }
- class procedure Rectangle(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; x, y, x2, y2: integer; const ABorderBrush, AFillBrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual; abstract;
- class procedure RoundRect(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; X1, Y1, X2, Y2: integer; DX, DY: integer; const ABorderBrush, AFillBrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual; abstract;
- class procedure RoundRect(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; X1, Y1, X2, Y2: integer; DX, DY: integer; const ABorderBrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual; abstract;
- class procedure FillRoundRect(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; X1, Y1, X2, Y2: integer; DX, DY: integer; const AFillBrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word = 65535); virtual; abstract;
- class procedure FillShape(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; AShape: TBGRACustomFillInfo; AFillMode: TFillMode; ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word = 65535); virtual; abstract;
- class procedure FillPoly(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const APoints: array of TPointF; AFillMode: TFillMode; ABrush: TUniversalBrush; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true; AAlpha: Word = 65535); virtual; abstract;
- {==== Using pen ====}
- class function CreatePenStroker: TBGRACustomPenStroker; virtual; abstract;
- class function CreateArrow: TBGRACustomArrow; virtual; abstract;
- class procedure RectangleAntialias(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; APen: TBGRACustomPenStroker; x, y, x2, y2: single;
- const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AWidth: single); virtual; abstract;
- class procedure DrawPolygonAntialias(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; APen: TBGRACustomPenStroker;
- const APoints: array of TPointF; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AWidth: single); overload; virtual; abstract;
- class procedure Ellipse(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; APen: TBGRACustomPenStroker; x, y, rx, ry: single;
- const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AWidth: single; AAlpha: Word=65535); overload; virtual; abstract;
- class procedure Ellipse(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; APen: TBGRACustomPenStroker; const AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis: TPointF;
- const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AWidth: single; AAlpha: Word=65535); overload; virtual; abstract;
- class procedure EllipseAntialias(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; APen: TBGRACustomPenStroker; x, y, rx, ry: single;
- const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AWidth: single); overload; virtual; abstract;
- class procedure EllipseAntialias(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; APen: TBGRACustomPenStroker; const AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis: TPointF;
- const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AWidth: single); overload; virtual; abstract;
- {==== Filling ====}
- class procedure FillRectAntialias(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- x, y, x2, y2: single; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); virtual; abstract;
- class procedure FillRoundRectAntialias(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- x,y,x2,y2, rx,ry: single; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- AOptions: TRoundRectangleOptions = []; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); virtual; abstract;
- class procedure FillShapeAntialias(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- AShape: TBGRACustomFillInfo; AFillMode: TFillMode;
- ABrush: TUniversalBrush); virtual; abstract;
- class procedure FillPolyAntialias(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- const APoints: array of TPointF; AFillMode: TFillMode;
- ABrush: TUniversalBrush; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean); virtual; abstract;
- class procedure FillEllipseAntialias(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- x, y, rx, ry: single; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush); overload; virtual; abstract;
- class procedure FillEllipseAntialias(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- const AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis: TPointF; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush); overload; virtual; abstract;
- //filters
- class procedure FilterBlurRadial(ASource: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const ABounds: TRect;
- radiusX, radiusY: single; blurType: TRadialBlurType;
- ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap); virtual; abstract;
- class procedure FilterBlurMotion(ASource: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const ABounds: TRect;
- distance: single; angle: single; oriented: boolean;
- ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap); virtual; abstract;
- class procedure FilterCustomBlur(ASource: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const ABounds: TRect;
- mask: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap); virtual; abstract;
- end;
- TUniversalDrawerAny = class of TCustomUniversalDrawer;
- UniDrawerClass: TUniversalDrawerAny;
-{ TUniversalBrush }
-function TUniversalBrush.GetDoesNothing: boolean;
- result := (Flags and UniversalBrushFlag_DoNothing) <> 0;
-procedure TUniversalBrush.SetColorspace(AValue: TColorspaceAny);
- FColorspace:=AValue;
- InternalInitContext:= nil;
- InternalPutNextPixels := nil;
- Flags := 0;
-procedure TUniversalBrush.SetDoesNothing(AValue: boolean);
- if AValue then Flags := Flags or UniversalBrushFlag_DoNothing
- else Flags := Flags and not UniversalBrushFlag_DoNothing;
-procedure TUniversalBrush.MoveTo(AContext: PUniBrushContext; ADest: pointer;
- AOfsX, AOfsY: integer);
- with AContext^ do
- begin
- AContext^.Dest:= ADest;
- AContext^.Ofs.X := AOfsX;
- AContext^.Ofs.Y := AOfsY;
- end;
- if Assigned(InternalInitContext) then
- InternalInitContext(@FixedData, AContext);
-procedure TUniversalBrush.PutNextPixels(AContext: PUniBrushContext;
- AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- InternalPutNextPixels(@FixedData, AContext, AAlpha, ACount);
-{ TCustomUniversalBitmap }
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.CheckEmpty: boolean;
- alphaIdx, i: Integer;
- p: PByte;
- alphaIdx := Colorspace.IndexOfAlphaChannel;
- if (alphaIdx=-1) or (FDataByte=nil) then exit(false);
- p := FDataByte;
- for i := NbPixels-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- if Colorspace.GetColorTransparency(p) <> ctFullyTransparent then exit(true);
- inc(p, FPixelSize);
- end;
- exit(false);
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.CheckIsZero: boolean;
- i, dataSize: PtrInt;
- p: PByte;
- p := DataByte;
- if p = nil then exit(true);
- dataSize := FNbPixels*IntPtr(FPixelSize);
- for i := (dataSize shr 3) - 1 downto 0 do
- begin
- if PQWord(p)^ <> 0 then exit(false);
- Inc(p,8);
- end;
- for i := (dataSize and 7) - 1 downto 0 do
- begin
- if PByte(p)^ <> 0 then exit(false);
- inc(p);
- end;
- Result := True;
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.GetClipRect: TRect;
- result := FClipRect;
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.GetDataBytePtr: PByte;
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- result := FDataByte;
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.GetHasSemiTransparentPixels: boolean;
- alphaIdx, i: Integer;
- p: PByte;
- alphaIdx := Colorspace.IndexOfAlphaChannel;
- if (alphaIdx=-1) or (FDataByte=nil) then exit(false);
- p := FDataByte;
- for i := NbPixels-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- if Colorspace.GetColorTransparency(p) = ctSemiTransparent then exit(true);
- inc(p, FPixelSize);
- end;
- exit(false);
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.GetHasTransparentPixels: boolean;
- alphaIdx, i: Integer;
- p: PByte;
- alphaIdx := Colorspace.IndexOfAlphaChannel;
- if (alphaIdx=-1) or (FDataByte=nil) then exit(false);
- p := FDataByte;
- for i := NbPixels-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- if Colorspace.GetColorTransparency(p) <> ctFullyOpaque then exit(true);
- inc(p, FPixelSize);
- end;
- exit(false);
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.GetHeight: integer;
- result := FHeight;
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.GetLineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder;
- result := FLineOrder;
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.GetNbPixels: integer;
- result := FNbPixels;
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.GetRefCount: integer;
- result := FRefCount;
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.GetPixelAddress(x,y: integer): PByte;
- Result := FDataByte;
- if FLineOrder = riloBottomToTop then y := FHeight - 1 - y;
- Inc(Result, FRowSize * y + IntPtr(FPixelSize)*x);
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.GetScanLineByte(y: integer): PByte;
- if (y < 0) or (y >= FHeight) then
- raise ERangeError.Create('Scanline: out of bounds')
- else
- begin
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- if FLineOrder = riloBottomToTop then y := FHeight - 1 - y;
- Result := FDataByte + FRowSize*y;
- end;
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.GetWidth: integer;
- result := FWidth;
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.SetClipRect(const AValue: TRect);
- FClipRect := TRect.Intersect(AValue, Rect(0,0,Width,Height));
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.RaiseInvalidBrushColorspace;
- raise exception.Create('Brush is not in '+Colorspace.GetName+' colorspace.');
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- raise exception.Create('Universal drawer not found. Add UniversalDrawer to the uses clause.');
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.CheckHorizLineBounds(var x:int32or64; y: int32or64; var x2: int32or64): boolean;
- temp: int32or64;
- if (y < FClipRect.Top) or (y >= FClipRect.Bottom) then exit(false);
- if (x2 < x) then
- begin
- temp := x;
- x := x2;
- x2 := temp;
- end;
- if (x >= FClipRect.Right) or (x2 < FClipRect.Left) then exit(false);
- if x < FClipRect.Left then x := FClipRect.Left;
- if x2 >= FClipRect.Right then x2 := FClipRect.Right - 1;
- result := true;
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.CheckVertLineBounds(x: int32or64; var y,y2: int32or64): boolean; inline;
- temp: int32or64;
- if (x < FClipRect.Left) or (x >= FClipRect.Right) then exit(false);
- if (y2 < y) then
- begin
- temp := y;
- y := y2;
- y2 := temp;
- end;
- if (y >= FClipRect.Bottom) or (y2 < FClipRect.Top) then exit(false);
- if y < FClipRect.Top then y := FClipRect.Top;
- if y2 >= FClipRect.Bottom then y2 := FClipRect.Bottom - 1;
- result := true;
-class function TCustomUniversalBitmap.DefaultColorspace: TColorspaceAny;
- result := TBGRAPixelColorspace;
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.InternalDuplicate(ACopyProperties: boolean): TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- result := InternalNew;
- result.SetSize(FWidth,FHeight);
- Move(FDataByte^, result.FDataByte^, FRowSize*FHeight);
- result.InvalidateBitmap;
- result.Caption := Caption;
- if ACopyProperties then
- CopyPropertiesTo(result);
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.InternalNew: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- result := TCustomUniversalBitmap.Create(Colorspace, LineOrder);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.ClearTransparentPixels;
- alphaIdx, i: Integer;
- p: PByte;
- alphaIdx := Colorspace.IndexOfAlphaChannel;
- if (alphaIdx=-1) or (FDataByte=nil) then exit;
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- p := FDataByte;
- for i := NbPixels-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- if Colorspace.GetColorTransparency(p) = ctFullyTransparent then
- AssignTransparentPixel(p^);
- inc(p, FPixelSize);
- end;
- InvalidateBitmap;
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.InternalCopyPixels(ASource, ADest: PByte;
- ASourceStride, ADestStride: PtrInt; ACount: integer);
- while ACount>0 do
- begin
- move(ASource^, ADest^, FPixelSize);
- inc(ASource, ASourceStride);
- inc(ADest, ADestStride);
- dec(ACount);
- end;
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.InternalSwapPixels(ABuf1, ABuf2: PByte;
- AStride1, AStride2: PtrInt; ACount: integer);
-var temp: array[0..31] of byte;
- while ACount>0 do
- begin
- move(ABuf1^, {%H-}temp, FPixelSize);
- move(ABuf2^, ABuf1^, FPixelSize);
- move(temp, ABuf2^, FPixelSize);
- inc(ABuf1, AStride1);
- inc(ABuf2, AStride2);
- dec(ACount);
- end;
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.InternalSetPixels(ASource, ADest: PByte;
- ADestStride: PtrInt; ACount: integer);
- while ACount>0 do
- begin
- move(ASource^, ADest^, FPixelSize);
- inc(ADest, ADestStride);
- dec(ACount);
- end;
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.AssignTransparentPixel(out ADest);
- FillByte({%H-}ADest, FPixelSize, 0);
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.GetArrow: TBGRACustomArrow;
- p: TBGRACustomPenStroker;
- p := GetInternalPen;
- if p.Arrow = nil then
- begin
- if UniDrawerClass = nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- p.Arrow := UniDrawerClass.CreateArrow;
- p.Arrow.LineCap := LineCap;
- p.ArrowOwned := true;
- end;
- result := p.Arrow;
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.GetLinearAntialiasing: boolean;
- result := FAntialiasingDrawMode in[dmLinearBlend,dmXor];
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.GetLineCap: TPenEndCap;
- result := GetInternalPen.LineCap;
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.GetInternalPen: TBGRACustomPenStroker;
- if FPenStroker = nil then
- begin
- if UniDrawerClass = nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- FPenStroker := UniDrawerClass.CreatePenStroker;
- end;
- result := FPenStroker;
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.GetPenStroker: TBGRACustomPenStroker;
- result := GetInternalPen;
- if result.Arrow = nil then GetArrow;
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.PathStrokeAliasedCallback(
- const APoints: array of TPointF; AClosed: boolean; AData: Pointer);
-var pts: array of TPoint;
- i: Integer;
- with TPathCallbackData(AData^) do
- begin
- setlength(pts, length(APoints));
- if PixelCenteredCoords then
- begin
- for i := 0 to high(pts) do
- pts[i]:= APoints[i].Round;
- end else
- begin
- for i := 0 to high(pts) do
- pts[i]:= APoints[i].Floor;
- end;
- if AClosed then
- UniDrawerClass.DrawPolygon(self, pts, BrushAddress^, Alpha)
- else
- UniDrawerClass.DrawPolyLine(self, pts, BrushAddress^, true, Alpha);
- end;
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.PathStrokeAntialiasCallback(
- const APoints: array of TPointF; AClosed: boolean; AData: Pointer);
-var pts: array of TPointF;
- with TPathCallbackData(AData^) do
- begin
- if AClosed then
- pts := GetInternalPen.ComputePolygon(APoints, Width)
- else
- pts := GetInternalPen.ComputePolyline(APoints, Width);
- FillPolyAntialias(pts, BrushAddress^, PixelCenteredCoords);
- end;
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.SetAntialiasingDrawMode(AValue: TDrawMode);
- if FAntialiasingDrawMode=AValue then Exit;
- FAntialiasingDrawMode:=AValue;
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.SetLinearAntialiasing(AValue: boolean);
- if AValue then AntialiasingDrawMode:= dmLinearBlend
- else AntialiasingDrawMode:= dmDrawWithTransparency;
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.SetLineCap(AValue: TPenEndCap);
- if AValue <> GetInternalPen.LineCap then
- begin
- GetInternalPen.LineCap := AValue;
- if Assigned(GetInternalPen.Arrow) then
- GetInternalPen.Arrow.LineCap := AValue;
- end;
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.FillPolyAntialias(
- const APoints: array of TPointF; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- if UniDrawerClass=nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- UniDrawerClass.FillPolyAntialias(self, APoints, FillMode,
- ABrush, APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.FillPolyAntialias(
- const APoints: array of TPointF; ATexture: IBGRAScanner;
- APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- ScannerBrush(b, ATexture,AntialiasingDrawMode);
- FillPolyAntialias(APoints, b, APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.ErasePolyAntialias(
- const APoints: array of TPointF; AAlpha: Byte;
- APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- EraseBrush(b, AAlpha + (AAlpha shl 8));
- FillPolyAntialias(APoints, b, APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.FillEllipseAntialias(x, y, rx, ry: single;
- const ABrush: TUniversalBrush);
- if UniDrawerClass=nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- UniDrawerClass.FillEllipseAntialias(self, x,y,rx,ry, ABrush);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.FillEllipseAntialias(x, y, rx, ry: single;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- ScannerBrush(b, ATexture,AntialiasingDrawMode);
- FillEllipseAntialias(x, y, rx, ry, b);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.EraseEllipseAntialias(x, y, rx, ry: single;
- AAlpha: Byte);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- EraseBrush(b, AAlpha + (AAlpha shl 8));
- FillEllipseAntialias(x, y, rx, ry, b);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.FillEllipseAntialias(const AOrigin, AXAxis,
- AYAxis: TPointF; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush);
- if UniDrawerClass=nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- UniDrawerClass.FillEllipseAntialias(self, AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis, ABrush);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.FillEllipseAntialias(const AOrigin, AXAxis,
- AYAxis: TPointF; ATexture: IBGRAScanner);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- ScannerBrush(b, ATexture,AntialiasingDrawMode);
- FillEllipseAntialias(AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis, b);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.EraseEllipseAntialias(const AOrigin, AXAxis,
- AYAxis: TPointF; AAlpha: Byte);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- EraseBrush(b, AAlpha + (AAlpha shl 8));
- FillEllipseAntialias(AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis, b);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.FillRectAntialias(x, y, x2, y2: single;
- const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- if UniDrawerClass=nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- UniDrawerClass.FillRectAntialias(self, x,y,x2,y2, ABrush,APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.FillRectAntialias(x, y, x2, y2: single;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- ScannerBrush(b, ATexture, AntialiasingDrawMode);
- FillRectAntialias(x,y,x2,y2, b, APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.EraseRectAntialias(x, y, x2, y2: single;
- AAlpha: Byte; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- EraseBrush(b, AAlpha + (AAlpha shl 8));
- FillRectAntialias(x,y,x2,y2, b, APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.FillRectAntialias(const ARectF: TRectF;
- const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- FillRectAntialias(ARectF.Left, ARectF.Top, ARectF.Right, ARectF.Bottom,
- ABrush, APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.FillRectAntialias(const ARectF: TRectF;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- FillRectAntialias(ARectF.Left, ARectF.Top, ARectF.Right, ARectF.Bottom,
- ATexture, APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.EraseRectAntialias(const ARectF: TRectF;
- AAlpha: Byte; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- EraseRectAntialias(ARectF.Left, ARectF.Top, ARectF.Right, ARectF.Bottom,
- AAlpha, APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.FillRoundRectAntialias(x, y, x2, y2, rx,
- ry: single; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AOptions: TRoundRectangleOptions;
- APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- if UniDrawerClass=nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- UniDrawerClass.FillRoundRectAntialias(self, x,y,x2,y2, rx,ry, ABrush, AOptions, APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.FillRoundRectAntialias(x, y, x2, y2, rx,
- ry: single; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AOptions: TRoundRectangleOptions;
- APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- ScannerBrush(b, ATexture, AntialiasingDrawMode, 0, 0);
- FillRoundRectAntialias(x,y,x2,y2, rx,ry, b, AOptions, APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.EraseRoundRectAntialias(x, y, x2, y2, rx,
- ry: single; AAlpha: Byte; AOptions: TRoundRectangleOptions;
- APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- EraseBrush(b, AAlpha + (AAlpha shl 8));
- FillRoundRectAntialias(x,y,x2,y2, rx,ry, b, AOptions, APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.FillPath(APath: IBGRAPath;
- const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- FillPolyAntialias(APath.getPoints,ABrush,APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.FillPath(APath: IBGRAPath;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- ScannerBrush(b, ATexture,AntialiasingDrawMode);
- FillPath(APath, b, APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.FillPath(APath: IBGRAPath;
- const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- FillPolyAntialias(APath.getPoints(AMatrix), ABrush,APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.FillPath(APath: IBGRAPath;
- const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; ATexture: IBGRAScanner;
- APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- ScannerBrush(b, ATexture,AntialiasingDrawMode);
- FillPath(APath,AMatrix, b, APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.ErasePath(APath: IBGRAPath; AAlpha: Byte;
- APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- EraseBrush(b, AAlpha + (AAlpha shl 8));
- FillPath(APath, b, APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.ErasePath(APath: IBGRAPath;
- const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AAlpha: byte; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- EraseBrush(b, AAlpha + (AAlpha shl 8));
- FillPath(APath,AMatrix, b, APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.ScanAtInteger(X, Y: integer): TBGRAPixel;
- if (FScanWidth <> 0) and (FScanHeight <> 0) then
- FConvertToBGRA.Convert(GetPixelAddress(PositiveMod(X+ScanOffset.X, FScanWidth),
- PositiveMod(Y+ScanOffset.Y, FScanHeight)),
- @result, 1, FPixelSize, sizeof(TBGRAPixel), nil)
- else
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.ScanAtIntegerExpanded(X, Y: integer): TExpandedPixel;
- if (FScanWidth <> 0) and (FScanHeight <> 0) then
- FConvertToExpanded.Convert(GetPixelAddress(PositiveMod(X+ScanOffset.X, FScanWidth),
- PositiveMod(Y+ScanOffset.Y, FScanHeight)),
- @result, 1, FPixelSize, sizeof(TExpandedPixel), nil)
- else
- result := ExpandedPixelTransparent;
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.ScanMoveTo(X, Y: Integer);
- if (FScanWidth = 0) or (FScanHeight = 0) then exit;
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- FScanCurX := PositiveMod(X+ScanOffset.X, FScanWidth);
- FScanCurY := PositiveMod(Y+ScanOffset.Y, FScanHeight);
- FScanPtr := GetPixelAddress(FScanCurX,FScanCurY);
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.ScanNextPixel: TBGRAPixel;
- if (FScanWidth <> 0) and (FScanHeight <> 0) then
- begin
- FConvertToBGRA.Convert(FScanPtr, @result, 1, FPixelSize, sizeof(TBGRAPixel), nil);
- inc(FScanCurX);
- inc(FScanPtr, FPixelSize);
- if FScanCurX = FScanWidth then //cycle
- begin
- FScanCurX := 0;
- dec(FScanPtr, FRowSize);
- end;
- end
- else
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.ScanNextExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel;
- if (FScanWidth <> 0) and (FScanHeight <> 0) then
- begin
- FConvertToExpanded.Convert(FScanPtr, @result, 1, FPixelSize, sizeof(TExpandedPixel), nil);
- inc(FScanCurX);
- inc(FScanPtr, FPixelSize);
- if FScanCurX = FScanWidth then //cycle
- begin
- FScanCurX := 0;
- dec(FScanPtr, FRowSize);
- end;
- end
- else
- result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.ScanAt(X, Y: Single): TBGRAPixel;
- result := ScanAtInteger(round(X),round(Y));
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.ScanAtExpanded(X, Y: Single): TExpandedPixel;
- result := ScanAtIntegerExpanded(round(X),round(Y));
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.IsScanPutPixelsDefined: boolean;
- result := False;
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.ScanPutPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel;
- count: integer; mode: TDrawMode);
- //do nothing
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.ScanSkipPixels(ACount: integer);
- fit: Integer;
- if (FScanWidth <= 0) or (FScanHeight <= 0) then exit;
- if ACount >= FScanWidth then ACount := PositiveMod(ACount, FScanWidth);
- fit := FScanWidth-FScanCurX;
- if ACount >= fit then
- begin
- dec(ACount, fit);
- dec(FScanPtr, FScanCurX*PtrInt(FPixelSize));
- FScanCurX := 0;
- end;
- inc(FScanCurX, ACount);
- inc(FScanPtr, ACount*PtrInt(FPixelSize));
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.GetImageBounds: TRect;
- result := GetImageBounds(cAlpha);
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.GetImageBounds(Channel: TChannel;
- ANothingValue: Byte): TRect;
- result := GetImageBoundsWithin(rect(0,0,Width,Height), Channel, ANothingValue);
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.GetImageBounds(Channels: TChannels;
- ANothingValue: Byte): TRect;
- result := GetImageBoundsWithin(rect(0,0,Width,Height), Channels, ANothingValue);
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.ProvidesScanline(ARect: TRect): boolean;
- result := false;
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.GetScanlineAt(X, Y: integer): PBGRAPixel;
- result := nil;
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.GetTextureGL: IUnknown;
- result := nil;
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.GetImageBoundsWithin(const ARect: TRect;
- Channel: TChannel; ANothingValue: Byte): TRect;
- idxChannel: Integer;
- actualRect: TRect;
- maxx, maxy, minx, miny, yb, xb, xb2: LongInt;
- p: PByte;
- minValueF, nothingValueF: Single;
- case Channel of
- cAlpha: idxChannel := Colorspace.IndexOfAlphaChannel;
- cRed: idxChannel := Colorspace.IndexOfChannel('Red');
- cGreen: idxChannel := Colorspace.IndexOfChannel('Green');
- cBlue: idxChannel := Colorspace.IndexOfChannel('Blue');
- else raise exception.Create('Unexpected channel');
- end;
- if (idxChannel = -1) and (Channel in [cRed,cGreen,cBlue]) then
- idxChannel := Colorspace.IndexOfChannel('Gray');
- if idxChannel = -1 then raise exception.Create('Channel not found');
- minValueF := Colorspace.GetMinValue(idxChannel);
- nothingValueF := (ANothingValue - minValueF)/(Colorspace.GetMaxValue(idxChannel)-minValueF);
- actualRect := TRect.Intersect(ARect, rect(0,0,Width,Height));
- maxx := actualRect.Left-1;
- maxy := actualRect.Top-1;
- minx := actualRect.Right;
- miny := actualRect.Bottom;
- for yb := actualRect.Top to actualRect.Bottom-1 do
- begin
- p := GetPixelAddress(actualRect.Left,yb);
- for xb := actualRect.Left to actualRect.Right - 1 do
- begin
- if Colorspace.GetChannel(p, idxChannel) <> nothingValueF then
- begin
- if xb < minx then
- minx := xb;
- if yb < miny then
- miny := yb;
- if xb > maxx then
- maxx := xb;
- if yb > maxy then
- maxy := yb;
- inc(p, (actualRect.Right-1-xb)*FPixelSize);
- for xb2 := actualRect.Right-1 downto xb+1 do
- begin
- if Colorspace.GetChannel(p, idxChannel) <> nothingValueF then
- begin
- if xb2 > maxx then
- maxx := xb2;
- break;
- end;
- dec(p, FPixelSize);
- end;
- break;
- end;
- Inc(p, FPixelSize);
- end;
- end;
- if minx > maxx then
- begin
- Result.left := 0;
- Result.top := 0;
- Result.right := 0;
- Result.bottom := 0;
- end
- else
- begin
- Result.left := minx;
- Result.top := miny;
- Result.right := maxx + 1;
- Result.bottom := maxy + 1;
- end;
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.GetImageBoundsWithin(const ARect: TRect;
- Channels: TChannels; ANothingValue: Byte): TRect;
- c: TChannel;
- resultForChannel: TRect;
- result := EmptyRect;
- for c := low(TChannel) to high(TChannel) do
- begin
- if c in Channels then
- begin
- resultForChannel := GetImageBoundsWithin(ARect, c, ANothingValue);
- if result.IsEmpty then result := resultForChannel
- else result.Union(resultForChannel);
- end;
- end;
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.GetScanCustomColorspace: TColorspaceAny;
- result := Colorspace;
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.ScanNextCustomChunk(var ACount: integer; out
- APixels: Pointer);
- quantity: Integer;
- if (FScanWidth = 0) or (FScanHeight = 0) then raise exception.Create('Zero size scanner');
- APixels := FScanPtr;
- quantity := FScanWidth-FScanCurX;
- if ACount <= quantity then
- quantity := ACount
- else ACount := quantity;
- Inc(FScanPtr, quantity*PtrInt(FPixelSize));
- inc(FScanCurX, quantity);
- if FScanCurX = FWidth then
- begin
- FScanCurX := 0;
- Dec(FScanPtr, RowSize);
- end;
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.ScanNextMaskChunk(var ACount: integer; out AMask: PByteMask; out AStride: integer);
- raise exception.Create('This bitmap does not provide a mask.');
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.ScanAtIntegerMask(X,Y: integer): TByteMask;
- result := ScanAtMask(X,Y);
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.ScanAtMask(X,Y: Single): TByteMask;
- result.gray := 0;
- raise exception.Create('This bitmap does not provide a mask.');
-{ Interface gateway }
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.QueryInterface({$IFDEF FPC_HAS_CONSTREF}constref{$ELSE}const{$ENDIF} IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult; {$IF (not defined(WINDOWS)) AND (FPC_FULLVERSION>=20501)}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$IFEND};
- if GetInterface(iid, obj) then
- Result := S_OK
- else
- Result := longint(E_NOINTERFACE);
-{ There is no automatic reference counting, but it is compulsory to define these functions }
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap._AddRef: Integer; {$IF (not defined(WINDOWS)) AND (FPC_FULLVERSION>=20501)}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$IFEND};
- result := 0;
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap._Release: Integer; {$IF (not defined(WINDOWS)) AND (FPC_FULLVERSION>=20501)}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$IFEND};
- result := 0;
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.PutImage(X, Y: integer;
- ASource: TCustomUniversalBitmap; AMode: TDrawMode; AOpacity: byte);
- oldOfs: TPoint;
- if (ASource = nil) or (AOpacity = 0) then exit;
- oldOfs := ASource.ScanOffset;
- ASource.ScanOffset := Point(-X,-Y);
- FillRect(RectWithSize(X,Y,ASource.Width,ASource.Height), ASource, AMode, AOpacity + (AOpacity shl 8));
- ASource.ScanOffset := oldOfs;
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.FilterBlurRadial(radius: single;
- blurType: TRadialBlurType): TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- Result := FilterBlurRadial(rect(0,0,Width,Height), radius,radius, blurType);
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.FilterBlurRadial(const ABounds: TRect;
- radius: single; blurType: TRadialBlurType): TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- Result := FilterBlurRadial(ABounds, radius,radius, blurType);
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.FilterBlurRadial(radiusX, radiusY: single;
- blurType: TRadialBlurType): TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- Result := FilterBlurRadial(rect(0,0,Width,Height), radiusX,radiusY, blurType);
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.FilterBlurRadial(const ABounds: TRect; radiusX,
- radiusY: single; blurType: TRadialBlurType): TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- if UniDrawerClass = nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- result := NewBitmap; result.SetSize(Width,Height); fillbyte(result.DataByte^, result.Height*result.RowSize, 0);
- UniDrawerClass.FilterBlurRadial(self, ABounds, radiusX,radiusY, blurType, result);
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.FilterBlurMotion(distance: single;
- angle: single; oriented: boolean): TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- result := FilterBlurMotion(rect(0,0,Width,Height), distance, angle, oriented);
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.FilterBlurMotion(const ABounds: TRect;
- distance: single; angle: single; oriented: boolean): TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- if UniDrawerClass = nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- result := NewBitmap; result.SetSize(Width,Height); fillbyte(result.DataByte^, result.Height*result.RowSize, 0);
- UniDrawerClass.FilterBlurMotion(self, ABounds, distance, angle, oriented, result);
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.FilterCustomBlur(mask: TCustomUniversalBitmap): TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- result := FilterCustomBlur(rect(0,0,Width,Height), mask);
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.FilterCustomBlur(const ABounds: TRect;
- mask: TCustomUniversalBitmap): TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- if UniDrawerClass = nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- result := NewBitmap; result.SetSize(Width,Height); fillbyte(result.DataByte^, result.Height*result.RowSize, 0);
- UniDrawerClass.FilterCustomBlur(self, ABounds, mask, result);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.DrawLineAntialias(x1, y1, x2, y2: single;
- const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; APenWidth: single);
- FillPolyAntialias(GetInternalPen.ComputePolyline([PointF(x1,y1),PointF(x2,y2)],APenWidth), ABrush);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.DrawLineAntialias(x1, y1, x2, y2: single;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner; APenWidth: single);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- ScannerBrush(b, ATexture,AntialiasingDrawMode);
- DrawLineAntialias(x1,y1,x2,y2, b,APenWidth);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.DrawLineAntialias(x1, y1, x2, y2: single;
- const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; APenWidth: single; AClosedCap: boolean);
- FillPolyAntialias(GetInternalPen.ComputePolyline([PointF(x1,y1),PointF(x2,y2)],APenWidth,AClosedCap), ABrush);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.DrawLineAntialias(x1, y1, x2, y2: single;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner; APenWidth: single; AClosedCap: boolean);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- ScannerBrush(b, ATexture,AntialiasingDrawMode);
- DrawLineAntialias(x1,y1,x2,y2, b,APenWidth, AClosedCap);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.EraseLineAntialias(x1, y1, x2, y2: single;
- AAlpha: Byte; APenWidth: single);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- EraseBrush(b, AAlpha + (AAlpha shl 8));
- DrawLineAntialias(x1,y1,x2,y2, b, APenWidth);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.EraseLineAntialias(x1, y1, x2, y2: single;
- AAlpha: Byte; APenWidth: single; AClosedCap: boolean);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- c: TBGRAPixel;
- p: TBGRACustomPenStroker;
- EraseBrush(b, AAlpha + (AAlpha shl 8));
- c := BGRA(0,0,0, AAlpha);
- p := GetInternalPen;
- FillPolyAntialias(p.ComputePolyline([PointF(x1,y1),PointF(x2,y2)],APenWidth,c,AClosedCap), b);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.DrawPolyLineAntialias(
- const APoints: array of TPointF; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- APenWidth: single);
- FillPolyAntialias(GetInternalPen.ComputePolyline(APoints,APenWidth),ABrush);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.DrawPolyLineAntialias(
- const APoints: array of TPointF; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; APenWidth: single);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- ScannerBrush(b, ATexture,AntialiasingDrawMode);
- DrawPolyLineAntialias(APoints, b, APenWidth);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.ErasePolyLineAntialias(
- const APoints: array of TPointF; AAlpha: byte; APenWidth: single);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- EraseBrush(b, AAlpha + (AAlpha shl 8));
- DrawPolyLineAntialias(APoints, b, APenWidth);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.DrawPolyLineAntialias(
- const APoints: array of TPointF; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- APenWidth: single; AClosedCap: boolean);
- FillPolyAntialias(GetInternalPen.ComputePolyline(APoints,APenWidth,AClosedCap),ABrush);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.DrawPolyLineAntialias(
- const APoints: array of TPointF; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; APenWidth: single;
- AClosedCap: boolean);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- ScannerBrush(b, ATexture,AntialiasingDrawMode);
- DrawPolyLineAntialias(APoints, b, APenWidth, AClosedCap);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.ErasePolyLineAntialias(
- const APoints: array of TPointF; AAlpha: byte; APenWidth: single;
- AClosedCap: boolean);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- c: TBGRAPixel;
- EraseBrush(b, AAlpha + (AAlpha shl 8));
- c := BGRA(0,0,0, AAlpha);
- FillPolyAntialias(GetInternalPen.ComputePolyline(APoints,APenWidth,c,AClosedCap), b);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.DrawPolyLineAntialiasAutocycle(
- const APoints: array of TPointF; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- APenWidth: single);
- FillPolyAntialias(GetInternalPen.ComputePolylineAutoCycle(APoints,APenWidth),ABrush);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.DrawPolyLineAntialiasAutocycle(
- const APoints: array of TPointF; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; APenWidth: single);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- ScannerBrush(b, ATexture,AntialiasingDrawMode);
- DrawPolyLineAntialiasAutocycle(APoints, b, APenWidth);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.ErasePolyLineAntialiasAutocycle(
- const APoints: array of TPointF; AAlpha: byte; APenWidth: single);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- EraseBrush(b, AAlpha + (AAlpha shl 8));
- DrawPolyLineAntialiasAutocycle(APoints, b, APenWidth);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.DrawPolygonAntialias(
- const APoints: array of TPointF; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- APenWidth: single);
- if UniDrawerClass = nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- UniDrawerClass.DrawPolygonAntialias(self, GetInternalPen, APoints, ABrush, APenWidth);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.DrawPolygonAntialias(
- const APoints: array of TPointF; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; APenWidth: single);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- ScannerBrush(b, ATexture,AntialiasingDrawMode);
- DrawPolygonAntialias(APoints, b, APenWidth);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.ErasePolygonOutlineAntialias(
- const APoints: array of TPointF; AAlpha: byte; APenWidth: single);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- EraseBrush(b, AAlpha + (AAlpha shl 8));
- DrawPolygonAntialias(APoints, b, APenWidth);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.RectangleAntialias(x, y, x2, y2: single;
- const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AWidth: single);
- if UniDrawerClass = nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- UniDrawerClass.RectangleAntialias(self, GetInternalPen, x, y, x2, y2, ABrush, AWidth);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.RectangleAntialias(x, y, x2, y2: single;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AWidth: single);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- ScannerBrush(b, ATexture, AntialiasingDrawMode);
- RectangleAntialias(x,y,x2,y2, b, AWidth);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.Ellipse(x, y, rx, ry: single;
- const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AWidth: single; AAlpha: Word);
- if UniDrawerClass = nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- UniDrawerClass.Ellipse(self, GetInternalPen, x,y,rx,ry, ABrush, AWidth, AAlpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.Ellipse(x, y, rx, ry: single;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AWidth: single; AMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- ScannerBrush(b, ATexture,AMode);
- Ellipse(x,y,rx,ry, b, AWidth, AAlpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.Ellipse(const AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis: TPointF;
- const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AWidth: single; AAlpha: Word);
- if UniDrawerClass = nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- UniDrawerClass.Ellipse(self, GetInternalPen, AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis, ABrush, AWidth, AAlpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.Ellipse(const AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis: TPointF;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AWidth: single; AMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- ScannerBrush(b, ATexture,AMode);
- Ellipse(AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis, b,AWidth,AAlpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.EllipseAntialias(x, y, rx, ry: single;
- const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AWidth: single);
- if UniDrawerClass = nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- UniDrawerClass.EllipseAntialias(self, GetInternalPen, x,y,rx,ry, ABrush, AWidth);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.EllipseAntialias(x, y, rx, ry: single;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AWidth: single);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- ScannerBrush(b, ATexture,AntialiasingDrawMode);
- EllipseAntialias(x,y,rx,ry, b, AWidth);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.EllipseAntialias(const AOrigin, AXAxis,
- AYAxis: TPointF; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AWidth: single);
- if UniDrawerClass = nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- UniDrawerClass.EllipseAntialias(self, GetInternalPen, AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis, ABrush, AWidth);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.EllipseAntialias(const AOrigin, AXAxis,
- AYAxis: TPointF; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AWidth: single);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- ScannerBrush(b, ATexture,AntialiasingDrawMode);
- EllipseAntialias(AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis, b,AWidth);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.DrawPath(APath: IBGRAPath;
- const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AWidth: single;
- APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- data: TPathCallbackData;
- if ABrush.DoesNothing then exit;
- if UniDrawerClass=nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- data.BrushAddress := @ABrush;
- data.Alpha:= 65535;
- data.Width:= AWidth;
- data.PixelCenteredCoords := APixelCenteredCoordinates;
- APath.stroke(@PathStrokeAntialiasCallback, @data);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.DrawPath(APath: IBGRAPath;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AWidth: single;
- APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- ScannerBrush(b, ATexture,AntialiasingDrawMode);
- DrawPath(APath, b,AWidth,APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.DrawPath(APath: IBGRAPath;
- const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AWidth: single;
- APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- data: TPathCallbackData;
- if ABrush.DoesNothing then exit;
- if UniDrawerClass=nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- data.BrushAddress := @ABrush;
- data.Alpha:= 65535;
- data.Width:= AWidth;
- data.PixelCenteredCoords := APixelCenteredCoordinates;
- APath.stroke(@PathStrokeAntialiasCallback, AMatrix, @data);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.DrawPath(APath: IBGRAPath;
- const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AWidth: single;
- APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- ScannerBrush(b, ATexture,AntialiasingDrawMode);
- DrawPath(APath,AMatrix, b,AWidth,APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.FillShapeAntialias(
- AShape: TBGRACustomFillInfo; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush);
- if UniDrawerClass=nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- UniDrawerClass.FillShapeAntialias(self, AShape, FillMode,
- ABrush);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.FillShapeAntialias(
- AShape: TBGRACustomFillInfo; ATexture: IBGRAScanner);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- ScannerBrush(b, ATexture,AntialiasingDrawMode);
- FillShapeAntialias(AShape, b);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.EraseShapeAntialias(
- AShape: TBGRACustomFillInfo; AAlpha: Byte);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- EraseBrush(b, AAlpha + (AAlpha shl 8));
- FillShapeAntialias(AShape, b);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.SetLineOrder(AValue: TRawImageLineOrder);
- FLineOrder:= AValue;
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.Init;
- FRefCount := 1;
- if FColorspace = nil then FColorspace := DefaultColorspace;
- FPixelSize := FColorspace.GetSize;
- FConvertToFPColor:= FColorspace.GetBridgedConversion(TFPColorColorspace);
- FConvertFromFPColor:= TFPColorColorspace.GetBridgedConversion(FColorspace);
- FConvertToBGRA := FColorspace.GetBridgedConversion(TBGRAPixelColorspace);
- FConvertFromBGRA := TBGRAPixelColorspace.GetBridgedConversion(FColorspace);
- FConvertToExpanded := FColorspace.GetBridgedConversion(TExpandedPixelColorspace);
- FConvertFromExpanded := TExpandedPixelColorspace.GetBridgedConversion(FColorspace);
- FReferenceWhite := nil;
- FWidth := 0;
- FHeight := 0;
- FScanWidth := 0;
- FScanHeight:= 0;
- ScanOffset := Point(0,0);
- FScanPtr := nil;
- FScanCurX:= 0;
- FScanCurY:= 0;
- FNbPixels := 0;
- FRowSize := 0;
- FDataByte := nil;
- FLineOrder := riloTopToBottom;
- FClipRect := EmptyRect;
- FillMode := fmWinding;
- FAntialiasingDrawMode:= dmDrawWithTransparency;
- FPenStroker := nil;
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.InvalidateBitmap;
- //not linked to a bitmap
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- //not linked to a bitmap
-class procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.EraseBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- AAlpha: Word);
- raise exception.Create('Erase brush not implemented');
-class procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.AlphaBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- AAlpha: Word);
- raise exception.Create('Alpha brush not implemented');
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.SolidBrushBGRA(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- ARed, AGreen, ABlue, AAlpha: Byte; ADrawMode: TDrawMode);
-var c: TBGRAPixel;
- c2: array[0..31] of byte;
- c.red := ARed; c.green := AGreen; c.blue := ABlue; c.alpha := AAlpha;
- FConvertFromBGRA.Convert(@c,@c2,1,sizeof(c),FPixelSize,FReferenceWhite);
- SolidBrushIndirect(ABrush, @c2, ADrawMode);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.SolidBrushBGRA(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- AColor: TBGRAPixel; ADrawMode: TDrawMode);
- c2: array[0..31] of byte;
- FConvertFromBGRA.Convert(@AColor,@c2,1,sizeof(AColor),FPixelSize,FReferenceWhite);
- SolidBrushIndirect(ABrush, @c2, ADrawMode);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.SolidBrushExpanded(out
- ABrush: TUniversalBrush; ARed, AGreen, ABlue, AAlpha: Word;
- ADrawMode: TDrawMode);
-var c: TExpandedPixel;
- c2: array[0..31] of byte;
- c.red := ARed; c.green := AGreen; c.blue := ABlue; c.alpha := AAlpha;
- FConvertFromExpanded.Convert(@c,@c2,1,sizeof(c),FPixelSize,FReferenceWhite);
- SolidBrushIndirect(ABrush, @c2, ADrawMode);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.SolidBrushExpanded(out
- ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AColor: TExpandedPixel; ADrawMode: TDrawMode);
- c2: array[0..31] of byte;
- FConvertFromExpanded.Convert(@AColor,@c2,1,sizeof(AColor),FPixelSize,FReferenceWhite);
- SolidBrushIndirect(ABrush, @c2, ADrawMode);
-procedure DefaultSolidBrushIndirectSkipPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- inc(AContextData^.Dest, ACount*PtrInt(PDefaultSolidBrushIndirectFixedData(AFixedData)^.PixelSize));
-procedure DefaultSolidBrushIndirectSetPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- pDest: PByte;
- if AAlpha < 32768 then
- begin
- inc(AContextData^.Dest, ACount*PtrInt(PDefaultSolidBrushIndirectFixedData(AFixedData)^.PixelSize));
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := AContextData^.Dest;
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- with PDefaultSolidBrushIndirectFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- move(Color, pDest^, PixelSize);
- inc(pDest, PixelSize);
- end;
- dec(ACount);
- end;
- AContextData^.Dest := pDest;
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.SolidBrushIndirect(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- AColor: Pointer; ADrawMode: TDrawMode);
- ct: TColorTransparency;
- if FPixelSize+4 > sizeof(ABrush.FixedData) then
- raise exception.Create('Brush fixed data size too small');
- ct := Colorspace.GetColorTransparency(AColor);
- if (ADrawMode in[dmLinearBlend,dmDrawWithTransparency]) and
- (ct = ctSemiTransparent) then
- raise exception.Create('Semi-tranparent drawing not handled by default brush')
- else if ADrawMode = dmXor then
- raise exception.Create('Xor mode not handled by default brush');
- ABrush.Colorspace := Colorspace;
- PDefaultSolidBrushIndirectFixedData(@ABrush.FixedData)^.PixelSize:= FPixelSize;
- if (ADrawMode <> dmSet) and (ct <> ctFullyOpaque) then
- begin
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @DefaultSolidBrushIndirectSkipPixels;
- ABrush.DoesNothing:= true;
- end
- else
- begin
- move(AColor^, PDefaultSolidBrushIndirectFixedData(@ABrush.FixedData)^.Color, FPixelSize);
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @DefaultSolidBrushIndirectSetPixels
- end;
-class procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.ScannerBrush(out
- ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AScanner: IBGRAScanner; ADrawMode: TDrawMode;
- AOffsetX: integer = 0; AOffsetY: integer = 0);
- raise exception.Create('Scanner brush not implemented');
-class procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.MaskBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- AScanner: IBGRAScanner; AOffsetX: integer; AOffsetY: integer);
- raise exception.Create('Mask brush not implemented');
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.ReallocData;
- ReAllocMem(FDataByte, FHeight * FRowSize);
- if (FNbPixels > 0) and (FDataByte = nil) then
- raise EOutOfMemory.Create('TUniversalBitmap: Not enough memory');
- InvalidateBitmap;
- FScanPtr:= nil;
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.FreeData;
- Freemem(FDataByte);
- FDataByte := nil;
- FScanPtr:= nil;
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.CheckClippedRectBounds(var x, y, x2, y2: integer): boolean;
- temp: integer;
- if (x > x2) then
- begin
- temp := x;
- x := x2;
- x2 := temp;
- end;
- if (y > y2) then
- begin
- temp := y;
- y := y2;
- y2 := temp;
- end;
- if (x >= FClipRect.Right) or (x2 <= FClipRect.Left) or (y >= FClipRect.Bottom) or (y2 <= FClipRect.Top) then
- begin
- result := false;
- exit;
- end;
- if x < FClipRect.Left then
- x := FClipRect.Left;
- if x2 > FClipRect.Right then
- x2 := FClipRect.Right;
- if y < FClipRect.Top then
- y := FClipRect.Top;
- if y2 > FClipRect.Bottom then
- y2 := FClipRect.Bottom;
- if (x2 - x <= 0) or (y2 - y <= 0) then
- begin
- result := false;
- exit;
- end else
- result := true;
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.PtInClipRect(x, y: int32or64): boolean;
- result := (x >= FClipRect.Left) and (y >= FClipRect.Top) and (x < FClipRect.Right) and (y < FClipRect.Bottom);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.SetInternalColor(x, y: integer; const Value: TFPColor);
- if not PtInClipRect(x,y) then exit;
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- FConvertFromFPColor.Convert(@Value, GetPixelAddress(x,y),
- 1, sizeof(TFPColor), FPixelSize, FReferenceWhite);
- InvalidateBitmap;
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.GetInternalColor(x, y: integer): TFPColor;
- if not PtInClipRect(x,y) then exit(colTransparent);
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- FConvertToFPColor.Convert(GetPixelAddress(x,y), @result,
- 1, FPixelSize, sizeof(TFPColor), FReferenceWhite);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.SetInternalPixel(x, y: integer; Value: integer);
- SetInternalColor(x,y, Palette.Color[Value]);
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.GetInternalPixel(x, y: integer): integer;
- result := Palette.IndexOf(GetInternalColor(x,y));
-constructor TCustomUniversalBitmap.Create;
- Init;
- inherited Create(0, 0);
-constructor TCustomUniversalBitmap.Create(AColorspace: TColorspaceAny;
- ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder);
- FColorspace := AColorspace;
- Init;
- FLineOrder:= ALineOrder;
- inherited Create(0,0);
-constructor TCustomUniversalBitmap.Create(AWidth, AHeight: integer);
- Init;
- inherited Create(AWidth, AHeight);
- if FDataByte<>nil then FillByte(FDataByte^, FHeight*FRowSize, 0);
-constructor TCustomUniversalBitmap.Create(AColorspace: TColorspaceAny; AWidth,
- AHeight: integer; ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder);
- FColorspace := AColorspace;
- Init;
- FLineOrder:= ALineOrder;
- inherited Create(AWidth, AHeight);
- if FDataByte<>nil then FillByte(FDataByte^, FHeight*FRowSize, 0);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
-var pdest: PByte;
- x,y: Int32or64;
- col: TFPColor;
- if Source is TCustomUniversalBitmap then
- begin
- SetSize(TCustomUniversalBitmap(Source).Width, TCustomUniversalBitmap(Source).Height);
- PutImage(0, 0, TCustomUniversalBitmap(Source), dmSet);
- end else
- if Source is TFPCustomImage then
- begin
- SetSize(TFPCustomImage(Source).Width, TFPCustomImage(Source).Height);
- for y := 0 to TFPCustomImage(Source).Height-1 do
- begin
- pdest := GetPixelAddress(0,y);
- for x := 0 to TFPCustomImage(Source).Width-1 do
- begin
- col := TFPCustomImage(Source).Colors[x,y];
- FConvertFromFPColor.Convert(@col, pdest, 1, sizeof(TFPColor), FPixelSize, nil);
- inc(pdest);
- end;
- end;
- end else
- inherited Assign(Source);
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.NewBitmap: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- result := InternalNew;
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer): TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- c: array[0..23] of byte;
- AssignTransparentPixel(c);
- result := NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight, @c);
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer;
- AColor: Pointer): TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- result := InternalNew;
- result.SetSize(AWidth,AHeight);
- SolidBrushIndirect(b, AColor, dmSet);
- result.Fill(b);
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.NewReference: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- if self <> nil then Inc(FRefCount);
- Result := self;
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.FreeReference;
- if self = nil then
- exit;
- if FRefCount > 0 then
- begin
- Dec(FRefCount);
- if FRefCount = 0 then
- begin
- self.Destroy;
- end;
- end;
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.GetUnique: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- if FRefCount > 1 then
- begin
- Dec(FRefCount);
- Result := self.Duplicate;
- end
- else
- Result := self;
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.Duplicate(ACopyProperties: boolean): TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- result := InternalDuplicate(ACopyProperties);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.CopyPropertiesTo(
- ABitmap: TCustomUniversalBitmap);
- ABitmap.FillMode := FillMode;
- ABitmap.ClipRect := ClipRect;
- ABitmap.ScanOffset := ScanOffset;
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.GetPart(const ARect: TRect): TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- sx, sy: integer;
- xSrc0, ySrc, remainX, xSrc, yDest, copyCount, copyByte: integer;
- pSrc, pDest, pSrcLine: PByte;
- sx := ARect.Width;
- sy := ARect.Height;
- if (sx = 0) or (sy = 0) then exit(nil);
- result := InternalNew;
- result.SetSize(sx,sy);
- if (FWidth = 0) or (FHeight = 0) then
- begin
- result.FillTransparent;
- exit;
- end;
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- xSrc0 := PositiveMod(ARect.Left, FWidth);
- ySrc := PositiveMod(ARect.Top, FHeight);
- for yDest := 0 to sy-1 do
- begin
- xSrc := xSrc0;
- pSrcLine := GetScanLineByte(ySrc);
- pSrc := pSrcLine + xSrc*FPixelSize;
- pDest := result.GetScanLineByte(yDest);
- remainX := sx;
- while remainX > 0 do
- begin
- if xSrc+remainX > FWidth then
- begin
- copyCount := FWidth-xSrc;
- copyByte := copyCount*FPixelSize;
- move(pSrc^, pDest^, copyByte);
- inc(pDest, copyByte);
- xSrc := 0;
- pSrc := pSrcLine;
- dec(remainX, copyCount);
- end
- else
- begin
- move(pSrc^, pDest^, remainX*FPixelSize);
- break;
- end;
- end;
- inc(ySrc);
- if ySrc = FHeight then ySrc := 0;
- end;
- result.InvalidateBitmap;
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.SetSize(AWidth, AHeight: integer);
- nbPixels64: Int64;
- if AWidth < 0 then AWidth := 0;
- if AHeight < 0 then AHeight := 0;
- if (AWidth = Width) and (AHeight = Height) then exit;
- inherited SetSize(AWidth, AHeight);
- FWidth := AWidth;
- FHeight := AHeight;
- FScanWidth := AWidth;
- FScanHeight:= AHeight;
- nbPixels64 := int64(AWidth) * int64(AHeight);
- if nbPixels64 > maxLongint then
- begin
- // 2 gigapixels limit
- raise EOutOfMemory.Create('Image too big');
- end;
- FNbPixels := nbPixels64;
- FRowSize := PtrInt(FWidth)*FPixelSize;
- ReallocData;
- NoClip;
-destructor TCustomUniversalBitmap.Destroy;
- FreeData;
- FreeAndNil(FPenStroker);
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.Serialize(AStream: TStream);
-var lWidth,lHeight,y: integer;
- lWidth := NtoLE(Width);
- lHeight := NtoLE(Height);
- AStream.Write(lWidth,sizeof(lWidth));
- AStream.Write(lHeight,sizeof(lHeight));
- for y := 0 to Height-1 do
- AStream.Write(GetPixelAddress(0,y)^, RowSize);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.Deserialize(AStream: TStream);
-var lWidth,lHeight,y: integer;
- lWidth := 0;
- lHeight := 0;
- AStream.Read(lWidth,sizeof(lWidth));
- AStream.Read(lHeight,sizeof(lHeight));
- lWidth := LEtoN(lWidth);
- lHeight := LEtoN(lHeight);
- SetSize(lWidth,lHeight);
- for y := 0 to Height-1 do
- AStream.Read(GetPixelAddress(0,y)^, RowSize);
- InvalidateBitmap;
-class procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.SerializeEmpty(AStream: TStream);
-var zero: integer;
- zero := 0;
- AStream.Write(zero,sizeof(zero));
- AStream.Write(zero,sizeof(zero));
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.LoadFromFile(const AFilename: string);
- if UniDrawerClass = nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- UniDrawerClass.LoadFromFile(self, AFilename);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.LoadFromFile(const AFilename: string;
- AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions);
- if UniDrawerClass = nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- UniDrawerClass.LoadFromFile(self, AFilename, AOptions);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.LoadFromFile(const AFilename: String;
- AHandler: TFPCustomImageReader);
- if UniDrawerClass = nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- UniDrawerClass.LoadFromFile(self, AFilename, AHandler);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.LoadFromFile(const AFilename: String;
- AHandler: TFPCustomImageReader; AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions);
- if UniDrawerClass = nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- UniDrawerClass.LoadFromFile(self, AFilename, AHandler, AOptions);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.LoadFromFileUTF8(const AFilenameUTF8: string;
- AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions);
- if UniDrawerClass = nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- UniDrawerClass.LoadFromFileUTF8(self, AFilenameUTF8, AOptions);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.LoadFromFileUTF8(const AFilenameUTF8: string;
- AHandler: TFPCustomImageReader; AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions);
- if UniDrawerClass = nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- UniDrawerClass.LoadFromFileUTF8(self, AFilenameUTF8, AHandler, AOptions);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream);
- if UniDrawerClass = nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- UniDrawerClass.LoadFromStream(self, AStream);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream;
- AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions);
- if UniDrawerClass = nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- UniDrawerClass.LoadFromStream(self, AStream, AOptions);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream;
- AHandler: TFPCustomImageReader);
- if UniDrawerClass = nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- UniDrawerClass.LoadFromStream(self, AStream, AHandler);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream;
- AHandler: TFPCustomImageReader; AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions);
- if UniDrawerClass = nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- UniDrawerClass.LoadFromStream(self, AStream, AHandler, AOptions);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.LoadFromResource(AFilename: string);
- if UniDrawerClass = nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- UniDrawerClass.LoadFromResource(self, AFilename);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.LoadFromResource(AFilename: string;
- AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions);
- if UniDrawerClass = nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- UniDrawerClass.LoadFromResource(self, AFilename, AOptions);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.LoadFromResource(AFilename: string;
- AHandler: TFPCustomImageReader);
- if UniDrawerClass = nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- UniDrawerClass.LoadFromResource(self, AFilename, AHandler);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.LoadFromResource(AFilename: string;
- AHandler: TFPCustomImageReader; AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions);
- if UniDrawerClass = nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- UniDrawerClass.LoadFromResource(self, AFilename, AHandler, AOptions);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.SaveToFile(const AFilename: string);
- if UniDrawerClass = nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- UniDrawerClass.SaveToFile(self, AFilename);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.SaveToFile(const AFilename: string;
- AHandler: TFPCustomImageWriter);
- if UniDrawerClass = nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- UniDrawerClass.SaveToFile(self, AFilename, AHandler);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.SaveToFileUTF8(const AFilenameUTF8: string);
- if UniDrawerClass = nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- UniDrawerClass.SaveToFileUTF8(self, AFilenameUTF8);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.SaveToFileUTF8(const AFilenameUTF8: string;
- AHandler: TFPCustomImageWriter);
- if UniDrawerClass = nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- UniDrawerClass.SaveToFile(self, AFilenameUTF8, AHandler);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.SaveToStreamAs(AStream: TStream;
- AFormat: TBGRAImageFormat);
- if UniDrawerClass = nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- UniDrawerClass.SaveToStreamAs(self, AStream, AFormat);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.SaveToStreamAsPng(AStream: TStream);
- if UniDrawerClass = nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- UniDrawerClass.SaveToStreamAsPng(self, AStream);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.NoClip;
- FClipRect := rect(0,0,FWidth,FHeight);
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.IntersectClip(const ARect: TRect): TRect;
- remain: TRect;
- result := ClipRect;
- remain := TRect.Intersect(ARect, result);
- ClipRect := remain;
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.Fill(const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word = 65535);
- pDest: PByte;
- delta: PtrInt;
- yb: Integer;
- ctx: TUniBrushContext;
- if ABrush.DoesNothing or (NbPixels = 0) then exit;
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- if LineOrder = riloBottomToTop then
- delta := -RowSize
- else
- delta := RowSize;
- pDest := GetPixelAddress(0,0);
- for yb := 0 to Height-1 do
- begin
- ABrush.MoveTo(@ctx, pDest,0,yb);
- ABrush.PutNextPixels(@ctx, AAlpha,Width);
- inc(pDest, delta);
- end;
- InvalidateBitmap;
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.Fill(ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AMode: TDrawMode);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- ScannerBrush(b, ATexture, AMode);
- Fill(b);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.Fill(ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AMode: TDrawMode;
- AAlpha: Word);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- ScannerBrush(b, ATexture, AMode);
- Fill(b, AAlpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.FillTransparent;
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- EraseBrush(b, 65535);
- Fill(b);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.AlphaFill(alpha: byte);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- AlphaBrush(b, alpha + (alpha shl 8));
- Fill(b);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.ApplyMask(mask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; AAlpha: Word);
- ApplyMask(mask, Rect(0,0,Width,Height), Point(0,0), AAlpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.ApplyMask(mask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ARect: TRect; AAlpha: Word);
- ApplyMask(mask, ARect, ARect.TopLeft, AAlpha);
-{ Apply a mask to the bitmap. It means that alpha channel is
- changed according to grayscale values of the mask.
- See : http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/BGRABitmap_tutorial_5 }
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.ApplyMask(mask: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- ARect: TRect; AMaskRectTopLeft: TPoint; AAlpha: Word);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- MaskBrush(b, mask, AMaskRectTopLeft.X-ARect.Left, AMaskRectTopLeft.Y-ARect.Top);
- FillRect(ARect, b, AAlpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.ApplyGlobalOpacity(alpha: byte);
- ApplyGlobalOpacity(ClipRect, alpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.FillMask(x, y: integer;
- AMask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush);
- yb, remain: integer;
- pScan: PByte;
- delta: PtrInt;
- ctx: TUniBrushContext;
- r: TRect;
- chunkCount, maskStride: integer;
- maskSrc: PByteMask;
- curVal: byte;
- brushCount: integer;
- if ABrush.Colorspace <> Colorspace then RaiseInvalidBrushColorspace;
- r := RectWithSize(x,y,AMask.Width,AMask.Height);
- if not CheckClippedRectBounds(r.Left,r.Top,r.Right,r.Bottom)
- or ABrush.DoesNothing then exit;
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- pScan := GetPixelAddress(r.Left, r.Top);
- if LineOrder = riloBottomToTop then
- delta := -RowSize
- else delta := RowSize;
- for yb := r.Top to r.Bottom-1 do
- begin
- ABrush.MoveTo(@ctx, pScan, r.Left, yb);
- AMask.ScanMoveTo(r.Left - x, yb - y);
- remain := r.Width;
- while remain > 0 do
- begin
- chunkCount := remain;
- AMask.ScanNextMaskChunk(chunkCount, maskSrc, maskStride);
- dec(remain, chunkCount);
- while chunkCount > 0 do
- begin
- curVal := maskSrc^.gray;
- inc(maskSrc, maskStride);
- dec(chunkCount);
- brushCount := 1;
- while (chunkCount > 0) and (maskSrc^.gray = curVal) do
- begin
- inc(maskSrc, maskStride);
- dec(chunkCount);
- inc(brushCount);
- end;
- ABrush.PutNextPixels(@ctx, curVal + (curVal shl 8), brushCount);
- end;
- end;
- inc(pScan, delta);
- end;
- InvalidateBitmap;
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.FillMask(x, y: integer;
- AMask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ATexture: IBGRAScanner);
- FillMask(x,y, AMask, ATexture, dmDrawWithTransparency);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.FillMask(x, y: integer;
- AMask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AMode: TDrawMode);
- FillMask(x,y, AMask, ATexture, AMode, Point(0,0));
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.FillMask(x, y: integer;
- AMask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AMode: TDrawMode;
- AScanOffset: TPoint);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- ScannerBrush(b, ATexture, AMode, AScanOffset.X, AScanOffset.Y);
- FillMask(x,y, AMask, b);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.ApplyGlobalOpacity(ARect: TRect; alpha: byte);
- EraseRect(ARect, 255-alpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.DrawCheckers(ARect: TRect; const ABrushEven,
- ABrushOdd: TUniversalBrush; AGridWidth: integer; AGridHeight: integer);
-var xcount,patY,yb,w,n,patX,patX1,patX1b: Int32or64;
- pdest: PByte;
- delta: PtrInt;
- actualRect: TRect;
- ctxEven,ctxOdd: TUniBrushContext;
- actualRect := TRect.Intersect(ARect, ClipRect);
- if actualRect.IsEmpty then exit;
- w := actualRect.Right-actualRect.Left;
- delta := self.RowSize;
- if self.LineOrder = riloBottomToTop then delta := -delta;
- pdest := self.GetPixelAddress(actualRect.left, actualRect.Top);
- patY := (actualRect.Top - ARect.Top) mod (AGridHeight shl 1);
- patX1 := (actualRect.Left - ARect.Left) mod (AGridWidth shl 1);
- patX1b := (patX1+AGridWidth) mod (AGridWidth shl 1);
- for yb := actualRect.Top to actualRect.Bottom-1 do
- begin
- if patY < AGridHeight then
- patX := patX1
- else patX := patX1b;
- ABrushEven.MoveTo(@ctxEven, pdest, actualRect.Left,yb);
- ABrushOdd.MoveTo(@ctxOdd, pdest, actualRect.Left,yb);
- xcount := w;
- if patX >= AGridWidth then
- begin
- n := (AGridWidth shl 1) - patX;
- if n > xcount then n := xcount;
- ABrushEven.PutNextPixels(@ctxEven, $ffff, n);
- ABrushOdd.PutNextPixels(@ctxOdd, 0, n);
- dec(xcount,n);
- patX := 0;
- end;
- while xcount > 0 do
- begin
- n := AGridWidth - patX;
- if n > xcount then n := xcount;
- ABrushOdd.PutNextPixels(@ctxOdd, $ffff, n);
- ABrushOdd.PutNextPixels(@ctxEven, 0, n);
- dec(xcount, n);
- patX := AGridWidth;
- if xcount > 0 then
- begin
- n := (AGridWidth shl 1) - patX;
- if n > xcount then n := xcount;
- ABrushEven.PutNextPixels(@ctxEven, $ffff, n);
- ABrushOdd.PutNextPixels(@ctxOdd, 0, n);
- dec(xcount, n);
- patX := 0;
- end;
- end;
- inc(pbyte(pdest), delta);
- inc(patY);
- if patY = AGridHeight shl 1 then patY := 0;
- end;
- self.InvalidateBitmap;
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.FillRect(ALeft, ATop, ARight, ABottom: integer;
- const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word);
- yb, sx: integer;
- pScan: PByte;
- delta: PtrInt;
- ctx: TUniBrushContext;
- if ABrush.Colorspace <> Colorspace then RaiseInvalidBrushColorspace;
- if not CheckClippedRectBounds({%H-}ALeft,{%H-}ATop,{%H-}ARight,{%H-}ABottom) or
- (AAlpha = 0) or ABrush.DoesNothing then exit;
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- pScan := GetPixelAddress(ALeft, ATop);
- if LineOrder = riloBottomToTop then
- delta := -RowSize
- else
- delta := RowSize;
- sx := ARight - ALeft;
- for yb := ATop to ABottom-1 do
- begin
- ABrush.MoveTo(@ctx, pScan,ALeft,yb);
- ABrush.PutNextPixels(@ctx, AAlpha,sx);
- inc(pScan, delta);
- end;
- InvalidateBitmap;
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.FillRect(const ARect: TRect;
- const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word);
- FillRect(ARect.Left, ARect.Top, ARect.Right, ARect.Bottom, ABrush, AAlpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.FillRect(ALeft, ATop, ARight,
- ABottom: integer; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- ScannerBrush(b, ATexture, AMode);
- FillRect(ALeft, ATop, ARight, ABottom, b, AAlpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.FillRect(const ARect: TRect;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word);
- FillRect(ARect.Left, ARect.Top, ARect.Right, ARect.Bottom, ATexture, AMode, AAlpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.FillRect(ALeft, ATop, ARight,
- ABottom: integer; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AMode: TDrawMode;
- AScanOffset: TPoint; AAlpha: Word);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- ScannerBrush(b, ATexture,AMode,AScanOffset.X,AScanOffset.Y);
- FillRect(ALeft,ATop,ARight,ABottom, b,AAlpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.FillRect(const ARect: TRect;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AMode: TDrawMode; AScanOffset: TPoint; AAlpha: Word);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- ScannerBrush(b, ATexture,AMode,AScanOffset.X,AScanOffset.Y);
- FillRect(ARect, b,AAlpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.EraseRect(ALeft, ATop, ARight,
- ABottom: integer; alpha: byte);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- if alpha = 0 then exit;
- EraseBrush(b, alpha + (alpha shl 8));
- FillRect(ALeft, ATop, ARight, ABottom, b);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.EraseRect(const ARect: TRect; alpha: byte);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- if alpha = 0 then exit;
- EraseBrush(b, alpha + (alpha shl 8));
- FillRect(ARect, b);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.AlphaFillRect(ALeft, ATop, ARight,
- ABottom: integer; alpha: byte);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- AlphaBrush(b, alpha + (alpha shl 8));
- FillRect(ALeft, ATop, ARight, ABottom, b);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.AlphaFillRect(const ARect: TRect; alpha: byte);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- AlphaBrush(b, alpha + (alpha shl 8));
- FillRect(ARect, b);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.SetPixelIndirect(x, y: int32or64; AColor: pointer);
- pScan: PByte;
- if not PtInClipRect(x,y) then exit;
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- pScan := GetPixelAddress(x,y);
- move(AColor^, pScan^, FPixelSize);
- InvalidateBitmap;
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.GetPixelIndirect(x, y: int32or64; AColor: pointer);
- pScan: Pointer;
- if (x < 0) or (x >= FWidth) or (y < 0) or (y >= FHeight) then //it is possible to read pixels outside of the cliprect
- AssignTransparentPixel(AColor^)
- else
- begin
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- pScan := GetPixelAddress(x,y);
- move(pScan^, AColor^, FPixelSize);
- end;
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.GetPixelCycleIndirect(x, y: int32or64;
- AColor: pointer);
- pScan: PByte;
- if (FWidth=0) or (FHeight=0) then AssignTransparentPixel(AColor^)
- else
- begin
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- pScan := GetPixelAddress(PositiveMod(x, Width), PositiveMod(y, Height));
- move(pScan^, AColor^, FPixelSize);
- end;
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.DrawPixel(x, y: Int32or64;
- const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word);
- pScan: Pointer;
- ctx: TUniBrushContext;
- if ABrush.Colorspace <> Colorspace then RaiseInvalidBrushColorspace;
- if not PtInClipRect(x,y) or (AAlpha = 0) then exit;
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- pScan := GetPixelAddress(x,y);
- ABrush.MoveTo(@ctx, pScan,x,y);
- ABrush.PutNextPixels(@ctx, AAlpha,1);
- InvalidateBitmap;
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.DrawPixel(x, y: Int32or64;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- ScannerBrush(b, ATexture, AMode);
- DrawPixel(x,y, b, AAlpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.DrawPixelF(x, y: single;
- const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word);
- ix, iy: integer;
- fracX, fracY: longword;
- aFracX, aFracY: word;
- if ABrush.Colorspace <> Colorspace then RaiseInvalidBrushColorspace;
- ix := floor(x); fracX := round((x-ix)*65536);
- if fracX = 65536 then begin fracX := 0; inc(ix); end;
- iy := floor(y); fracY := round((y-iy)*65536);
- if fracY = 65536 then begin fracY := 0; inc(iy); end;
- if (ix >= Width) or (iy >= Height) then exit;
- if (ix < -integer(fracX <> 0)) or (iy < -integer(fracy <> 0)) then exit;
- aFracX := (AAlpha*fracX+32768) shr 16;
- DrawPixel(ix,iy, ABrush, ((not aFracX)*longword(65536-fracY)+32768) shr 16);
- DrawPixel(ix+1,iy, ABrush, (aFracX*longword(65536-fracY)+32768) shr 16);
- DrawPixel(ix,iy+1, ABrush, ((not aFracX)*fracY+32768) shr 16);
- DrawPixel(ix+1,iy+1, ABrush, (aFracX*fracY+32768) shr 16);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.DrawPixelF(x, y: single;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- ScannerBrush(b, ATexture, AMode);
- DrawPixelF(x,y, b, AAlpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.ErasePixel(x, y: int32or64; alpha: byte);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- if alpha = 0 then exit;
- EraseBrush(b, alpha+(alpha shl 8));
- DrawPixel(x,y, b);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.ErasePixelF(x, y: single; alpha: byte);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- if alpha = 0 then exit;
- EraseBrush(b, alpha+(alpha shl 8));
- DrawPixelF(x,y, b);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.AlphaPixel(x, y: int32or64; alpha: byte);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- AlphaBrush(b, alpha+(alpha shl 8));
- DrawPixel(x,y, b);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.AlphaPixelF(x, y: single; alpha: byte);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- AlphaBrush(b, alpha+(alpha shl 8));
- DrawPixelF(x,y, b);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.HorizLine(x, y, x2: int32or64;
- const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word);
- pScan: Pointer;
- ctx: TUniBrushContext;
- if ABrush.Colorspace <> Colorspace then RaiseInvalidBrushColorspace;
- if not CheckHorizLineBounds(x,y,x2) then exit;
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- pScan := GetPixelAddress(x,y);
- ABrush.MoveTo(@ctx, pScan,x,y);
- ABrush.PutNextPixels(@ctx, AAlpha,x2-x+1);
- InvalidateBitmap;
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.HorizLine(x, y, x2: int32or64;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- ScannerBrush(b, ATexture, AMode);
- HorizLine(x,y,x2, b,AAlpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.EraseHorizLine(x, y, x2: int32or64; alpha: byte);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- if alpha = 0 then exit;
- EraseBrush(b, alpha+(alpha shl 8));
- HorizLine(x,y,x2, b);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.AlphaHorizLine(x, y, x2: int32or64; alpha: byte);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- AlphaBrush(b, alpha+(alpha shl 8));
- HorizLine(x,y,x2, b);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.VertLine(x, y, y2: int32or64;
- const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word);
- pScan: PByte;
- delta: PtrInt;
- yb: Int32or64;
- ctx: TUniBrushContext;
- if ABrush.Colorspace <> Colorspace then RaiseInvalidBrushColorspace;
- if not CheckVertLineBounds(x,y,y2) or ABrush.DoesNothing then exit;
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- pScan := GetPixelAddress(x,y);
- if LineOrder = riloTopToBottom then delta := RowSize else delta := -rowSize;
- for yb := y to y2 do
- begin
- ABrush.MoveTo(@ctx, pScan,x,y);
- ABrush.PutNextPixels(@ctx, AAlpha,1);
- inc(pScan, delta);
- end;
- InvalidateBitmap;
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.VertLine(x, y, y2: int32or64;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- ScannerBrush(b, ATexture, AMode);
- VertLine(x,y,y2, b,AAlpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.EraseVertLine(x, y, y2: int32or64; alpha: byte);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- if alpha = 0 then exit;
- EraseBrush(b, alpha+(alpha shl 8));
- VertLine(x,y,y2, b);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.AlphaVertLine(x, y, y2: int32or64; alpha: byte);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- AlphaBrush(b, alpha+(alpha shl 8));
- VertLine(x,y,y2, b);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer;
- const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; ADrawLastPixel: boolean; AAlpha: Word = 65535);
- if UniDrawerClass=nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- UniDrawerClass.DrawLine(self, x1,y1,x2,y2, ABrush, ADrawLastPixel, AAlpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AMode: TDrawMode; ADrawLastPixel: boolean; AAlpha: Word);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- ScannerBrush(b, ATexture, AMode);
- DrawLine(x1,y1,x2,y2, b,ADrawLastPixel, AAlpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.DrawLineAntialias(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer;
- const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; ADrawLastPixel: boolean; AAlpha: Word);
- if UniDrawerClass=nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- UniDrawerClass.DrawLineAntialias(self, x1,y1,x2,y2, ABrush, ADrawLastPixel, AAlpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.DrawLineAntialias(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AMode: TDrawMode; ADrawLastPixel: boolean;
- AAlpha: Word);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- ScannerBrush(b, ATexture, AMode);
- DrawLineAntialias(x1,y1,x2,y2, b,ADrawLastPixel,AAlpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.DrawLineAntialias(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer;
- const ABrush1, ABrush2: TUniversalBrush; ADashLen: integer;
- ADrawLastPixel: boolean; AAlpha: Word);
- dashPos: integer;
- if UniDrawerClass=nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- dashPos := 0;
- UniDrawerClass.DrawLineAntialias(self, x1,y1,x2,y2, ABrush1,ABrush2, ADashLen, dashPos, ADrawLastPixel, AAlpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.DrawLineAntialias(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer;
- const ABrush1, ABrush2: TUniversalBrush; ADashLen: integer;
- var ADashPos: integer; ADrawLastPixel: boolean; AAlpha: Word);
- if UniDrawerClass=nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- UniDrawerClass.DrawLineAntialias(self, x1,y1,x2,y2, ABrush1,ABrush2, ADashLen, ADashPos, ADrawLastPixel, AAlpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.EraseLine(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer;
- alpha: byte; DrawLastPixel: boolean);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- if alpha = 0 then exit;
- EraseBrush(b, alpha+(alpha shl 8));
- DrawLine(x1,y1,x2,y2,b,DrawLastPixel);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.EraseLineAntialias(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer;
- alpha: byte; DrawLastPixel: boolean);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- if alpha = 0 then exit;
- EraseBrush(b, alpha+(alpha shl 8));
- DrawLineAntialias(x1,y1,x2,y2,b,DrawLastPixel);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.AlphaLine(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer;
- alpha: byte; DrawLastPixel: boolean);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- AlphaBrush(b, alpha+(alpha shl 8));
- DrawLine(x1,y1,x2,y2,b,DrawLastPixel);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.AlphaLineAntialias(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer;
- alpha: byte; DrawLastPixel: boolean);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- AlphaBrush(b, alpha+(alpha shl 8));
- DrawLineAntialias(x1,y1,x2,y2,b,DrawLastPixel);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.DrawPolyLine(const points: array of TPoint;
- const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; ADrawLastPixel: boolean; AAlpha: Word);
- if UniDrawerClass=nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- UniDrawerClass.DrawPolyLine(self, points, ABrush, ADrawLastPixel, AAlpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.DrawPolyLineAntialias(
- const points: array of TPoint; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- ADrawLastPixel: boolean; AAlpha: Word);
- if UniDrawerClass=nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- UniDrawerClass.DrawPolyLineAntialias(self, points, ABrush, ADrawLastPixel, AAlpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.DrawPolyLineAntialias(
- const points: array of TPoint; const ABrush1, ABrush2: TUniversalBrush;
- ADashLen: integer; ADrawLastPixel: boolean; AAlpha: Word);
- if UniDrawerClass=nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- UniDrawerClass.DrawPolyLineAntialias(self, points, ABrush1, ABrush2, ADashLen, ADrawLastPixel, AAlpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.ErasePolyLine(const points: array of TPoint;
- alpha: byte; ADrawLastPixel: boolean);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- if alpha = 0 then exit;
- EraseBrush(b, alpha + (alpha shl 8));
- DrawPolyLine(points, b, ADrawLastPixel);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.ErasePolyLineAntialias(
- const points: array of TPoint; alpha: byte; ADrawLastPixel: boolean);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- if alpha = 0 then exit;
- EraseBrush(b, alpha + (alpha shl 8));
- DrawPolyLineAntialias(points, b, ADrawLastPixel);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.AlphaPolyLine(const points: array of TPoint;
- alpha: byte; ADrawLastPixel: boolean);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- AlphaBrush(b, alpha + (alpha shl 8));
- DrawPolyLine(points, b, ADrawLastPixel);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.AlphaPolyLineAntialias(
- const points: array of TPoint; alpha: byte; ADrawLastPixel: boolean);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- AlphaBrush(b, alpha + (alpha shl 8));
- DrawPolyLineAntialias(points, b, ADrawLastPixel);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.DrawPolygon(const points: array of TPoint;
- const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word);
- if UniDrawerClass=nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- UniDrawerClass.DrawPolygon(self, points, ABrush, AAlpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.DrawPolygonAntialias(
- const points: array of TPoint;
- const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word);
- if UniDrawerClass=nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- UniDrawerClass.DrawPolygonAntialias(self, points, ABrush, AAlpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.DrawPolygonAntialias(
- const points: array of TPoint; const ABrush1,
- ABrush2: TUniversalBrush; ADashLen: integer; AAlpha: Word);
- if UniDrawerClass=nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- UniDrawerClass.DrawPolygonAntialias(self, points, ABrush1,ABrush2, ADashLen, AAlpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.ErasePolygonOutline(const points: array of TPoint;
- alpha: byte);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- if alpha = 0 then exit;
- EraseBrush(b, alpha + (alpha shl 8));
- DrawPolygon(points, b);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.ErasePolygonOutlineAntialias(
- const points: array of TPoint; alpha: byte);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- if alpha = 0 then exit;
- EraseBrush(b, alpha + (alpha shl 8));
- DrawPolygonAntialias(points, b);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.AlphaPolygonOutline(const points: array of TPoint;
- alpha: byte);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- AlphaBrush(b, alpha + (alpha shl 8));
- DrawPolygon(points, b);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.AlphaPolygonOutlineAntialias(
- const points: array of TPoint; alpha: byte);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- AlphaBrush(b, alpha + (alpha shl 8));
- DrawPolygonAntialias(points, b);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.DrawPathAliased(APath: IBGRAPath;
- const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean; AAlpha: Word);
- data: TPathCallbackData;
- if ABrush.DoesNothing then exit;
- if UniDrawerClass=nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- data.BrushAddress := @ABrush;
- data.Alpha:= AAlpha;
- data.PixelCenteredCoords := APixelCenteredCoordinates;
- APath.stroke(@PathStrokeAliasedCallback, @data);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.DrawPathAliased(APath: IBGRAPath;
- const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean; AAlpha: Word);
- data: TPathCallbackData;
- if ABrush.DoesNothing then exit;
- if UniDrawerClass=nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- data.BrushAddress := @ABrush;
- data.Alpha:= AAlpha;
- data.PixelCenteredCoords := APixelCenteredCoordinates;
- APath.stroke(@PathStrokeAliasedCallback, AMatrix, @data);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.Rectangle(x, y, x2, y2: integer;
- const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word);
- if UniDrawerClass=nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- UniDrawerClass.Rectangle(self, x,y,x2,y2, ABrush, AAlpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.Rectangle(x, y, x2, y2: integer;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- ScannerBrush(b, ATexture, AMode);
- Rectangle(x,y,x2,y2, b,AAlpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.Rectangle(const ARect: TRect;
- const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word);
- Rectangle(ARect.Left,ARect.Top,ARect.Right,ARect.Bottom, ABrush,AAlpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.Rectangle(const ARect: TRect;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word);
- Rectangle(ARect.Left,ARect.Top,ARect.Right,ARect.Bottom, ATexture,AMode,AAlpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.Rectangle(x, y, x2, y2: integer; const ABorderBrush,
- AFillBrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word);
- if UniDrawerClass=nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- UniDrawerClass.Rectangle(self, x,y,x2,y2, ABorderBrush,AFillBrush, AAlpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.Rectangle(const ARect: TRect;
- const ABorderBrush, AFillBrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word);
- Rectangle(ARect.Left,ARect.Top,ARect.Right,ARect.Bottom, ABorderBrush,AFillBrush,AAlpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.RoundRect(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: integer; DX,
- DY: integer; const ABorderBrush, AFillBrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word);
- if UniDrawerClass=nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- UniDrawerClass.RoundRect(self, X1,Y1,X2,Y2,DX,DY, ABorderBrush,AFillBrush, AAlpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.RoundRect(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: integer; DX,
- DY: integer; const ABorderBrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word);
- if UniDrawerClass=nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- UniDrawerClass.RoundRect(self, X1,Y1,X2,Y2,DX,DY, ABorderBrush, AAlpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.RoundRect(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: integer; DX,
- DY: integer; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- ScannerBrush(b, ATexture, AMode);
- RoundRect(X1,Y1,X2,Y2,DX,DY, b,AAlpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.FillRoundRect(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: integer; DX,
- DY: integer; const AFillBrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word);
- if UniDrawerClass=nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- UniDrawerClass.RoundRect(self, X1,Y1,X2,Y2,DX,DY, AFillBrush, AFillBrush, AAlpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.FillRoundRect(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: integer; DX,
- DY: integer; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- ScannerBrush(b, ATexture, AMode);
- FillRoundRect(X1,Y1,X2,Y2,DX,DY, b,AAlpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.EraseRoundRect(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: integer; DX,
- DY: integer; alpha: byte);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- if alpha = 0 then exit;
- EraseBrush(b, alpha + (alpha shl 8));
- FillRoundRect(X1,Y1,X2,Y2,DX,DY,b);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.AlphaFillRoundRect(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: integer;
- DX, DY: integer; alpha: byte);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- AlphaBrush(b, alpha + (alpha shl 8));
- FillRoundRect(X1,Y1,X2,Y2,DX,DY,b);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.EllipseInRect(ARect: TRect;
- const ABorderBrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word);
- RoundRect(ARect.left,ARect.top,ARect.right,ARect.bottom,
- abs(ARect.right-ARect.left),abs(ARect.bottom-ARect.top),
- ABorderBrush,AAlpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.EllipseInRect(ARect: TRect;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- ScannerBrush(b, ATexture, AMode);
- EllipseInRect(ARect, b,AAlpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.EllipseInRect(ARect: TRect; const ABorderBrush,
- AFillBrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word);
- RoundRect(ARect.left,ARect.top,ARect.right,ARect.bottom,
- abs(ARect.right-ARect.left),abs(ARect.bottom-ARect.top),
- ABorderBrush,AFillBrush,AAlpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.FillEllipseInRect(ARect: TRect;
- const AFillBrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word);
- FillRoundRect(ARect.left,ARect.top,ARect.right,ARect.bottom,
- abs(ARect.right-ARect.left),abs(ARect.bottom-ARect.top),
- AFillBrush,AAlpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.FillEllipseInRect(ARect: TRect;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- ScannerBrush(b, ATexture,AMode);
- FillEllipseInRect(ARect, b,AAlpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.EraseEllipseInRect(ARect: TRect; alpha: byte);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- EraseBrush(b, alpha + (alpha shl 8));
- FillEllipseInRect(ARect,b);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.AlphaFillEllipseInRect(ARect: TRect;
- alpha: byte);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- AlphaBrush(b, alpha + (alpha shl 8));
- FillEllipseInRect(ARect,b);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.FillShape(AShape: TBGRACustomFillInfo;
- const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word);
- if UniDrawerClass=nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- UniDrawerClass.FillShape(self, AShape, FillMode, ABrush, AAlpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.FillShape(AShape: TBGRACustomFillInfo;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- ScannerBrush(b, ATexture,AMode);
- FillShape(AShape, b,AAlpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.EraseShape(AShape: TBGRACustomFillInfo;
- alpha: byte);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- if alpha = 0 then exit;
- EraseBrush(b, alpha + (alpha shl 8));
- FillShape(AShape,b);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.AlphaFillShape(AShape: TBGRACustomFillInfo;
- alpha: byte);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- AlphaBrush(b, alpha + (alpha shl 8));
- FillShape(AShape,b);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.FillPoly(const APoints: array of TPointF;
- const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean;
- AAlpha: Word);
- if UniDrawerClass=nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- UniDrawerClass.FillPoly(self, APoints, FillMode, ABrush, APixelCenteredCoordinates, AAlpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.FillPoly(const APoints: array of TPointF;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AMode: TDrawMode; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean;
- AAlpha: Word);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- ScannerBrush(b, ATexture, AMode);
- FillPoly(APoints, b,APixelCenteredCoordinates,AAlpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.ErasePoly(const APoints: array of TPointF;
- alpha: byte; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- if alpha = 0 then exit;
- EraseBrush(b, alpha + (alpha shl 8));
- FillPoly(APoints,b,APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.AlphaFillPoly(const APoints: array of TPointF;
- alpha: byte; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- AlphaBrush(b, alpha + (alpha shl 8));
- FillPoly(APoints,b,APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.FillPathAliased(APath: IBGRAPath;
- const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean;
- AAlpha: Word);
- if UniDrawerClass=nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- FillPoly(APath.getPoints, ABrush, APixelCenteredCoordinates, AAlpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.FillPathAliased(APath: IBGRAPath;
- const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean; AAlpha: Word);
- if UniDrawerClass=nil then RaiseMissingUniDrawer;
- FillPoly(APath.getPoints(AMatrix), ABrush, APixelCenteredCoordinates, AAlpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.FillPathAliased(APath: IBGRAPath;
- ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AMode: TDrawMode; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean;
- AAlpha: Word);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- ScannerBrush(b, ATexture, AMode);
- FillPathAliased(APath, b,APixelCenteredCoordinates,AAlpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.FillPathAliased(APath: IBGRAPath;
- const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AMode: TDrawMode;
- APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean; AAlpha: Word);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- ScannerBrush(b, ATexture, AMode);
- FillPathAliased(APath,AMatrix, b,APixelCenteredCoordinates,AAlpha);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.ErasePathAliased(APath: IBGRAPath;
- alpha: byte; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- if alpha = 0 then exit;
- EraseBrush(b, alpha + (alpha shl 8));
- FillPathAliased(APath,b,APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.ErasePathAliased(APath: IBGRAPath;
- const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; alpha: byte; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- if alpha = 0 then exit;
- EraseBrush(b, alpha + (alpha shl 8));
- FillPathAliased(APath,AMatrix,b,APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.AlphaFillPathAliased(APath: IBGRAPath;
- alpha: byte; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- AlphaBrush(b, alpha + (alpha shl 8));
- FillPathAliased(APath,b,APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.AlphaFillPathAliased(APath: IBGRAPath;
- const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; alpha: byte; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- AlphaBrush(b, alpha + (alpha shl 8));
- FillPathAliased(APath,AMatrix,b,APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.VerticalFlip;
- VerticalFlip(rect(0,0,Width,Height));
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.VerticalFlip(ARect: TRect);
- yb,h2: integer;
- line: Pointer;
- linesize, delta: PtrInt;
- PStart,PEnd: Pointer;
- if (ARect.Right <= ARect.Left) or (ARect.Bottom <= ARect.Top) then exit;
- ARect.Intersect(rect(0,0,Width,Height));
- if ARect.IsEmpty then exit;
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- linesize := (ARect.Right-ARect.Left) * FPixelSize;
- line := nil;
- getmem(line, linesize);
- PStart := GetPixelAddress(ARect.Left, ARect.Top);
- PEnd := GetPixelAddress(ARect.Left,ARect.Bottom-1);
- h2 := (ARect.Bottom-ARect.Top) div 2;
- if LineOrder = riloTopToBottom then delta := +RowSize else delta := -RowSize;
- for yb := h2-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- move(PStart^, line^, linesize);
- move(PEnd^, PStart^, linesize);
- move(line^, PEnd^, linesize);
- Inc(PStart, delta);
- Dec(PEnd, delta);
- end;
- freemem(line);
- InvalidateBitmap;
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.HorizontalFlip;
- HorizontalFlip(rect(0,0,Width,Height));
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.HorizontalFlip(ARect: TRect);
- yb, w: integer;
- PStart: PByte;
- PEnd: PByte;
- if (ARect.Right <= ARect.Left) or (ARect.Bottom <= ARect.Top) then exit;
- ARect.Intersect(rect(0,0,Width,Height));
- if ARect.IsEmpty then exit;
- w := ARect.Right-ARect.Left;
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- for yb := ARect.Top to ARect.Bottom-1 do
- begin
- PStart := GetPixelAddress(ARect.Left,yb);
- PEnd := PStart + (w-1)*FPixelSize;
- InternalSwapPixels(PStart, PEnd, FPixelSize, -FPixelSize, w shr 1);
- end;
- InvalidateBitmap;
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.RotateUDInplace;
- RotateUDInplace(rect(0,0,Width,Height));
-procedure TCustomUniversalBitmap.RotateUDInplace(ARect: TRect);
- yb,h,h2: integer;
- line: PByte;
- linesize, delta: IntPtr;
- PStart: PByte;
- PEnd: PByte;
- w: integer;
- if (ARect.Right <= ARect.Left) or (ARect.Bottom <= ARect.Top) then exit;
- ARect.Intersect(rect(0,0,Width,Height));
- if ARect.IsEmpty then exit;
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- w := ARect.Right-ARect.Left;
- linesize := w * FPixelSize;
- line := nil;
- getmem(line, linesize);
- PStart := GetPixelAddress(ARect.Left, ARect.Top);
- PEnd := GetPixelAddress(ARect.Right-1, ARect.Bottom-1);
- h := ARect.Bottom-ARect.Top;
- h2 := h div 2;
- if LineOrder = riloTopToBottom then delta := +RowSize else delta := -RowSize;
- for yb := h2-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- InternalSwapPixels(PStart, PEnd, FPixelSize, -FPixelSize, w);
- Inc(PStart, delta);
- Dec(PEnd, delta);
- end;
- if odd(h) then
- InternalSwapPixels(PStart, PEnd, FPixelSize, -FPixelSize, w shr 1);
- freemem(line);
- InvalidateBitmap;
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.RotateCW: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- psrc, pdest: PByte;
- yb: integer;
- delta: PtrInt;
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- result := InternalNew;
- result.SetSize(Height, Width);
- if Result.LineOrder = riloTopToBottom then
- delta := Result.RowSize
- else
- delta := -Result.RowSize;
- for yb := 0 to Height - 1 do
- begin
- psrc := ScanLineByte[yb];
- pdest := Result.GetPixelAddress(Height-1-yb, 0);
- InternalCopyPixels(psrc, pdest, FPixelSize, delta, Width);
- end;
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.RotateCCW: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- psrc, pdest: PByte;
- yb: integer;
- delta: PtrInt;
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- result := InternalNew;
- result.SetSize(Height, Width);
- if Result.LineOrder = riloTopToBottom then
- delta := Result.RowSize
- else
- delta := -Result.RowSize;
- for yb := 0 to Height - 1 do
- begin
- psrc := ScanLineByte[yb];
- pdest := Result.GetPixelAddress(yb, Width - 1);
- InternalCopyPixels(psrc, pdest, FPixelSize,-delta, Width);
- end;
-function TCustomUniversalBitmap.RotateUD: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- yb: Integer;
- psrc, pdest: PByte;
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- result := InternalNew;
- result.SetSize(Width, Height);
- for yb := 0 to Height-1 do
- begin
- psrc := ScanLineByte[yb];
- pdest := result.GetPixelAddress(Width-1,Height-1-yb);
- InternalCopyPixels(psrc, pdest, FPixelSize, -FPixelSize, Width);
- end;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/unibitmapgeneric.inc b/components/bgrabitmap/unibitmapgeneric.inc
deleted file mode 100644
index 04fc32b..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/unibitmapgeneric.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1141 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
- { TGenericUniversalBitmap }
- generic TGenericUniversalBitmap = class(TCustomUniversalBitmap)
- private
- type PPixel = ^TPixel;
- function GetDataPtr: PPixel; inline;
- function GetScanLine(y: integer): PPixel; inline;
- protected
- class function DefaultColorspace: TColorspaceAny; override;
- procedure Init; override; //ensure colorspace
- function GetScanlineFast(y: integer): PPixel; inline; //typed function
- procedure InternalCopyPixels(ASource,ADest: PByte; ASourceStride,ADestStride: PtrInt; ACount: integer); override;
- procedure InternalSwapPixels(ABuf1,ABuf2: PByte; AStride1,AStride2: PtrInt; ACount: integer); override;
- procedure InternalSetPixels(ASource,ADest: PByte; ADestStride: PtrInt; ACount: integer); override;
- public
- //typed functions
- {** Creates an image of dimensions ''AWidth'' and ''AHeight'' and fills it with ''Color'' }
- constructor Create(AWidth, AHeight: integer; const AColor: TPixel); virtual;
- function NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer; const AColor: TPixel): TCustomUniversalBitmap; overload; virtual;
- function Equals(comp: TCustomUniversalBitmap): boolean; overload;
- function Equals(const comp: TPixel): boolean; overload;
- function GetDifferenceBounds(ABitmap: TCustomUniversalBitmap): TRect;
- procedure SolidBrushIndirect(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AColor: Pointer; ADrawMode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency); override;
- class procedure IdleBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush); virtual;
- class procedure SolidBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; const AColor: TPixel; ADrawMode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency); virtual;
- function CreateBrushTexture(ABrushStyle: TBrushStyle; APatternColor, ABackgroundColor: TPixel;
- AWidth: integer = 8; AHeight: integer = 8; APenWidth: single = 1): TCustomUniversalBitmap; virtual;
- procedure SetPixel(x,y: int32or64; const AColor: TPixel); overload; virtual;
- function GetPixel(x,y: int32or64): TPixel; inline;
- function GetPixelCycle(x,y: int32or64): TPixel; inline;
- {** Returns the address of the left-most pixel of any line.
- The parameter y ranges from 0 to Height-1 }
- property ScanLine[y: integer]: PPixel Read GetScanLine;
- property Data: PPixel read GetDataPtr;
- procedure Fill(const AColor: TPixel); overload; virtual;
- procedure Fill(const AColor: TPixel; AMode : TDrawMode; AAlpha : Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure ReplaceColor(const ABefore, AAfter: TPixel); overload; virtual;
- procedure ReplaceColor(ARect: TRect; const ABefore, AAfter: TPixel); overload; virtual;
- procedure ReplaceTransparent(const AAfter: TBGRAPixel); overload; virtual;
- procedure ReplaceTransparent(ARect: TRect; const AAfter: TPixel); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillMask(x,y: integer; AMask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const AColor: TPixel); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillMask(x,y: integer; AMask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const AColor: TPixel; ADrawMode: TDrawMode); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillRect(ALeft, ATop, ARight, ABottom: integer; const AColor: TPixel; ADrawMode: TDrawMode = dmSet; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillRect(const ARect: TRect; const AColor: TPixel; ADrawMode: TDrawMode = dmSet; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure DrawCheckers(ARect: TRect; const AColorEven,AColorOdd: TPixel; AGridWidth: integer = 8; AGridHeight: integer = 8; ADrawMode: TDrawMode = dmSet); virtual;
- procedure DrawPixel(x,y: Int32or64; const AColor: TPixel); overload; virtual;
- procedure DrawPixel(x,y: Int32or64; const AColor: TPixel; ADrawMode: TDrawMode); overload; virtual;
- procedure DrawPixel(x,y: Int32or64; const AColor: TPixel; ADrawMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word); overload; virtual;
- procedure DrawPixelF(x,y: single; const AColor: TPixel; ADrawMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- {** Replaces the content of the pixels at line ''y'' and
- at columns ''x'' to ''x2'' included, using specified color }
- procedure SetHorizLine(x, y, x2: int32or64; const AColor: TPixel); virtual;
- procedure HorizLine(x, y, x2: int32or64; const AColor: TPixel; AMode : TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- {** Replaces a vertical line at column ''x'' and at row ''y'' to ''y2'' }
- procedure SetVertLine(x, y, y2: int32or64; const AColor: TPixel); virtual;
- procedure VertLine(x, y, y2: int32or64; const AColor: TPixel; AMode : TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer; const AColor: TPixel; ADrawLastPixel: boolean; AMode : TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure DrawLineAntialias(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer; const AColor: TPixel; ADrawLastPixel: boolean; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure DrawLineAntialias(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer; const AColor1, AColor2: TPixel; ADashLen: integer; ADrawLastPixel: boolean; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure DrawLineAntialias(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer; const AColor1, AColor2: TPixel; ADashLen: integer; var ADashPos: integer; ADrawLastPixel: boolean; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure DrawPolyLine(const points: array of TPoint; const AColor: TPixel; ADrawLastPixel: boolean; AMode : TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload;
- procedure DrawPolyLineAntialias(const points: array of TPoint; const AColor: TPixel; ADrawLastPixel: boolean; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload;
- procedure DrawPolyLineAntialias(const points: array of TPoint; const AColor1, AColor2: TPixel; ADashLen: integer; ADrawLastPixel: boolean; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload;
- procedure DrawPolygon(const points: array of TPoint; const AColor: TPixel; AMode : TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload;
- procedure DrawPolygonAntialias(const points: array of TPoint; const AColor: TPixel; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload;
- procedure DrawPolygonAntialias(const points: array of TPoint; const AColor1, AColor2: TPixel; ADashLen: integer; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload;
- procedure DrawPathAliased(APath: IBGRAPath; const AColor: TPixel; AMode : TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload;
- procedure DrawPathAliased(APath: IBGRAPath; const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; const AColor: TPixel; AMode : TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload;
- procedure Rectangle(x, y, x2, y2: integer; const AColor: TPixel; AMode : TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure Rectangle(x, y, x2, y2: integer; const ABorderColor, AFillColor: TPixel; AMode : TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure Rectangle(const ARect: TRect; const AColor: TPixel; AMode : TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure Rectangle(const ARect: TRect; const ABorderColor, AFillColor: TPixel; AMode : TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure RoundRect(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: integer; DX, DY: integer; const ABorderColor: TPixel; AMode : TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure RoundRect(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: integer; DX, DY: integer; const ABorderColor, AFillColor: TPixel; AMode : TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillRoundRect(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: integer; DX, DY: integer; const AFillColor: TPixel; AMode : TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure EllipseInRect(ARect: TRect; const ABorderColor: TPixel; AMode : TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure EllipseInRect(ARect: TRect; const ABorderColor, AFillColor: TPixel; AMode : TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillEllipseInRect(ARect: TRect; const AFillColor: TPixel; AMode : TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillShape(AShape: TBGRACustomFillInfo; const AFillColor: TPixel; AMode : TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillPoly(const APoints: array of TPointF; const AFillColor: TPixel; AMode : TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillPathAliased(APath: IBGRAPath; const AFillColor: TPixel; AMode : TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload;
- procedure FillPathAliased(APath: IBGRAPath; const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; const AFillColor: TPixel; AMode : TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload;
- //optimized
- procedure SetPixelIndirect(x,y: int32or64; AColor: pointer); override;
- procedure GetPixelIndirect(x,y: int32or64; AColor: pointer); override;
- procedure GetPixelCycleIndirect(x,y: int32or64; AColor: pointer); override;
- function GetPixelAddress(x, y: integer): PByte; override;
- {==== Drawing lines and paths (floating point coordinates) ====}
- {* These functions use the current pen style/cap/join. The parameter ''APenWidth''
- specifies the width of the line and the base unit for dashes.
- See [[BGRABitmap tutorial 13|coordinate system]].
- * The coordinates are pixel-centered by default, so that when filling a rectangle,
- if the supplied values are integers, the border will be half transparent.
- If you want the border to be completely filled, you can subtract/add
- 0.5 to the coordinates to include the remaining thin border.
- See [[BGRABitmap tutorial 13|coordinate system]]. }
- procedure DrawLineAntialias(x1, y1, x2, y2: single; const AColor: TPixel; APenWidth: single); overload; virtual;
- procedure DrawLineAntialias(x1, y1, x2, y2: single; const AColor: TPixel; APenWidth: single; AClosedCap: boolean); overload; virtual;
- {** Draws a polyline using current pen style/cap/join }
- procedure DrawPolyLineAntialias(const APoints: array of TPointF; const AColor: TPixel; APenWidth: single); overload; virtual;
- {** Draws a polyline using current pen style/cap/join.
- ''Closed'' specifies if the end of the line is roundly closed. If it is not closed,
- a space is left so that the next line can fit }
- procedure DrawPolyLineAntialias(const APoints: array of TPointF; const AColor: TPixel; APenWidth: single; AClosedCap: boolean); overload; virtual;
- {** Draws a polyline using current pen style/cap/join.
- The last point considered as a join with the first point if it has
- the same coordinate }
- procedure DrawPolyLineAntialiasAutocycle(const APoints: array of TPointF; const AColor: TPixel; APenWidth: single); overload; virtual;
- {** Draws a polygon using current pen style/cap/join.
- The polygon is always closed. You don't need to set the last point
- to be the same as the first point }
- procedure DrawPolygonAntialias(const APoints: array of TPointF; const AColor: TPixel; APenWidth: single); overload; virtual;
- procedure RectangleAntialias(x, y, x2, y2: single; const AColor: TPixel; AWidth: single); overload; virtual;
- {** Draws an ellipse without antialising. ''rx'' is the horizontal radius and
- ''ry'' the vertical radius }
- procedure Ellipse(x, y, rx, ry: single; const AColor: TPixel; AWidth: single; AMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- procedure Ellipse(const AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis: TPointF; const AColor: TPixel; AWidth: single; AMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; virtual;
- {** Draws an ellipse with antialising. ''rx'' is the horizontal radius and
- ''ry'' the vertical radius }
- procedure EllipseAntialias(x, y, rx, ry: single; const AColor: TPixel; AWidth: single); overload; virtual;
- procedure EllipseAntialias(const AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis: TPointF; const AColor: TPixel; AWidth: single); overload; virtual;
- procedure DrawPath(APath: IBGRAPath; const AColor: TPixel; AWidth: single; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload; virtual;
- procedure DrawPath(APath: IBGRAPath; const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; const AColor: TPixel; AWidth: single; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload; virtual;
- //-------------------------------- antialias fill ---------------------------------------------
- procedure FillPolyAntialias(const APoints: array of TPointF; const AColor: TPixel; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillEllipseAntialias(x, y, rx, ry: single; const AColor: TPixel); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillEllipseAntialias(const AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis: TPointF; const AColor: TPixel); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillPath(APath: IBGRAPath; const AColor: TPixel; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillPath(APath: IBGRAPath; const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; const AColor: TPixel; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillRectAntialias(x, y, x2, y2: single; const AColor: TPixel; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload; virtual;
- procedure FillRectAntialias(const ARectF: TRectF; const AColor: TPixel; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload; virtual;
- {** Fills a rounded rectangle with antialiasing. The corners have an
- elliptical radius of ''rx'' and ''ry''. ''options'' specifies how to
- draw the corners. See [[BGRABitmap Geometry types|geometry types]] }
- procedure FillRoundRectAntialias(x, y, x2, y2, rx, ry: single; const AColor: TPixel; AOptions: TRoundRectangleOptions = []; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); overload; virtual;
- end;
-{ TGenericUniversalBitmap }
-function TGenericUniversalBitmap.GetDataPtr: PPixel;
- result := PPixel(GetDataBytePtr);
-function TGenericUniversalBitmap.GetScanLine(y: integer): PPixel;
- result := PPixel(GetScanLineByte(y));
-class function TGenericUniversalBitmap.DefaultColorspace: TColorspaceAny;
- Result:= TColorspace;
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.Init;
- inherited Init;
- if FColorspace <> DefaultColorspace then raise exception.Create('Unexpected colorspace');
-{ Get scanline without checking bounds nor updated from bitmap }
-function TGenericUniversalBitmap.GetScanlineFast(y: integer): PPixel;
- if FLineOrder = riloBottomToTop then y := FHeight - 1 - y;
- result := PPixel(FDataByte+FRowSize*y);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.InternalCopyPixels(ASource, ADest: PByte;
- ASourceStride, ADestStride: PtrInt; ACount: integer);
- while ACount>0 do
- begin
- PPixel(ADest)^ := PPixel(ASource)^;
- inc(ASource, ASourceStride);
- inc(ADest, ADestStride);
- dec(ACount);
- end;
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.InternalSwapPixels(ABuf1, ABuf2: PByte;
- AStride1, AStride2: PtrInt; ACount: integer);
-var temp: TPixel;
- while ACount>0 do
- begin
- temp := PPixel(ABuf1)^;
- PPixel(ABuf1)^ := PPixel(ABuf2)^;
- PPixel(ABuf2)^ := temp;
- inc(ABuf1, AStride1);
- inc(ABuf2, AStride2);
- dec(ACount);
- end;
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.InternalSetPixels(ASource, ADest: PByte;
- ADestStride: PtrInt; ACount: integer);
- while ACount>0 do
- begin
- PPixel(ADest)^ := PPixel(ASource)^;
- inc(ADest, ADestStride);
- dec(ACount);
- end;
-constructor TGenericUniversalBitmap.Create(AWidth, AHeight: integer;
- const AColor: TPixel);
- p: PByte;
- i: Integer;
- inherited Create(0, 0);
- SetSize(AWidth,AHeight);
- p := DataByte;
- for i := NbPixels-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- PPixel(p)^ := AColor;
- inc(p, sizeof(TPixel));
- end;
-function TGenericUniversalBitmap.NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer;
- const AColor: TPixel): TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- result := InternalNew;
- result.SetSize(AWidth,AHeight);
- SolidBrush(b, AColor, dmSet);
- result.Fill(b);
-function TGenericUniversalBitmap.Equals(comp: TCustomUniversalBitmap): boolean;
- p,pComp: PByte;
- y, x: Integer;
- delta, compDelta: PtrInt;
- if (comp.Colorspace<>Colorspace) or
- (comp.Width <> Width) or (comp.Height <> Height) then exit(false);
- p := GetPixelAddress(0,0);
- if LineOrder = riloTopToBottom then delta := 0 else delta := -RowSize*2;
- pComp := comp.GetPixelAddress(0,0);
- if comp.LineOrder = riloTopToBottom then compDelta := 0 else compDelta := -comp.RowSize*2;
- for y := 0 to Height-1 do
- begin
- for x := Width-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- if PPixel(p)^ <> PPixel(pComp)^ then exit(false);
- inc(p, sizeof(TPixel));
- inc(pComp, sizeof(TPixel));
- end;
- inc(p, delta);
- inc(pComp, compDelta);
- end;
- result := true;
-function TGenericUniversalBitmap.Equals(const comp: TPixel): boolean;
- p: PByte;
- i: Integer;
- p := DataByte;
- for i := NbPixels-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- if PPixel(p)^ <> comp then exit(false);
- inc(p, sizeof(TPixel));
- end;
- result := true;
-function TGenericUniversalBitmap.GetDifferenceBounds(
- ABitmap: TCustomUniversalBitmap): TRect;
- minx, miny, maxx, maxy: integer;
- xb, yb: integer;
- p, p2: PPixel;
- if (ABitmap.Width <> Width) or (ABitmap.Height <> Height)
- or (ABitmap.Colorspace <> Colorspace) then
- begin
- result := rect(0,0,Width,Height);
- if ABitmap.Width > result.Right then result.Right := ABitmap.Width;
- if ABitmap.Height > result.bottom then result.bottom := ABitmap.Height;
- exit;
- end;
- maxx := -1;
- maxy := -1;
- minx := self.Width;
- miny := self.Height;
- for yb := 0 to self.Height - 1 do
- begin
- p := self.ScanLine[yb];
- p2 := PPixel(ABitmap.ScanLineByte[yb]);
- for xb := 0 to self.Width - 1 do
- begin
- if p^ <> p2^ then
- begin
- if xb < minx then
- minx := xb;
- if yb < miny then
- miny := yb;
- if xb > maxx then
- maxx := xb;
- if yb > maxy then
- maxy := yb;
- end;
- Inc(p);
- Inc(p2);
- end;
- end;
- if minx > maxx then
- begin
- Result.left := 0;
- Result.top := 0;
- Result.right := 0;
- Result.bottom := 0;
- end
- else
- begin
- Result.left := minx;
- Result.top := miny;
- Result.right := maxx + 1;
- Result.bottom := maxy + 1;
- end;
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.SolidBrushIndirect(out
- ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AColor: Pointer; ADrawMode: TDrawMode);
- SolidBrush(ABrush, PPixel(AColor)^, ADrawMode);
-class procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.IdleBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush);
- ABrush.Colorspace := TColorspace;
- ABrush.InternalInitContext:= nil;
- PDefaultSolidBrushIndirectFixedData(@ABrush.FixedData)^.PixelSize:= sizeof(TPixel);
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @DefaultSolidBrushIndirectSkipPixels;
- ABrush.DoesNothing:= true;
-class procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.SolidBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- const AColor: TPixel; ADrawMode: TDrawMode);
- ct: TColorTransparency;
- ct := TColorspace.GetColorTransparency(@AColor);
- if (ADrawMode in[dmLinearBlend,dmDrawWithTransparency]) and
- (ct = ctSemiTransparent) then
- raise exception.Create('Semi-tranparent drawing not handled by default brush')
- else if ADrawMode = dmXor then
- raise exception.Create('Xor mode not handled by default brush');
- ABrush.Colorspace := TColorspace;
- ABrush.InternalInitContext:= nil;
- PDefaultSolidBrushIndirectFixedData(@ABrush.FixedData)^.PixelSize:= sizeof(TPixel);
- if (ADrawMode <> dmSet) and (ct <> ctFullyOpaque) then
- begin
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @DefaultSolidBrushIndirectSkipPixels;
- ABrush.DoesNothing:= true;
- end
- else
- begin
- PPixel(@PDefaultSolidBrushIndirectFixedData(@ABrush.FixedData)^.Color)^ := AColor;
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @DefaultSolidBrushIndirectSetPixels
- end;
-function TGenericUniversalBitmap.CreateBrushTexture(ABrushStyle: TBrushStyle;
- APatternColor, ABackgroundColor: TPixel; AWidth: integer; AHeight: integer;
- APenWidth: single): TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- result := InternalNew;
- result.SetSize(AWidth,AHeight);
- if ABrushStyle=bsClear then
- result.FillTransparent
- else
- begin
- SolidBrush(b, ABackgroundColor, dmSet);
- result.Fill(b);
- SolidBrush(b, APatternColor,dmDrawWithTransparency);
- if ABrushStyle in[bsDiagCross,bsBDiagonal] then
- begin
- result.DrawLineAntialias(-1,AHeight,AWidth,-1, b,APenWidth);
- result.DrawLineAntialias(-1-APenWidth,0+APenWidth,0+APenWidth,-1-APenWidth, b,APenWidth);
- result.DrawLineAntialias(AWidth-1-APenWidth,AHeight+APenWidth,AWidth+APenWidth,AHeight-1-APenWidth, b,APenWidth);
- end;
- if ABrushStyle in[bsDiagCross,bsFDiagonal] then
- begin
- result.DrawLineAntialias(-1,-1,AWidth,AHeight, b,APenWidth);
- result.DrawLineAntialias(AWidth-1-APenWidth,-1-APenWidth,AWidth+APenWidth,0+APenWidth, b,APenWidth);
- result.DrawLineAntialias(-1-APenWidth,AHeight-1-APenWidth,0+APenWidth,AHeight+APenWidth, b,APenWidth);
- end;
- if ABrushStyle in[bsHorizontal,bsCross] then
- result.DrawLineAntialias(-1,AHeight div 2,AWidth,AHeight div 2, b,APenWidth);
- if ABrushStyle in[bsVertical,bsCross] then
- result.DrawLineAntialias(AWidth div 2,-1,AWidth div 2,AHeight, b,APenWidth);
- end;
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.SetPixelIndirect(x, y: int32or64;
- AColor: pointer);
- if not PtInClipRect(x,y) then exit;
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- (GetScanlineFast(y)+x)^ := PPixel(AColor)^;
- InvalidateBitmap;
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.GetPixelIndirect(x, y: int32or64;
- AColor: pointer);
- if (x < 0) or (x >= FWidth) or (y < 0) or (y >= FHeight) then //it is possible to read pixels outside of the cliprect
- AssignTransparentPixel(AColor^) else
- begin
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- PPixel(AColor)^ := (GetScanlineFast(y)+x)^;
- end;
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.GetPixelCycleIndirect(x, y: int32or64;
- AColor: pointer);
- if (Width = 0) or (Height = 0) then AssignTransparentPixel(AColor^) else
- begin
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- PPixel(AColor)^ := (GetScanlineFast(PositiveMod(y, Height)) + PositiveMod(x, Width))^;
- end;
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.SetPixel(x, y: int32or64; const AColor: TPixel);
- if not PtInClipRect(x,y) then exit;
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- (GetScanlineFast(y)+x)^ := AColor;
- InvalidateBitmap;
-function TGenericUniversalBitmap.GetPixel(x, y: int32or64): TPixel;
- GetPixelIndirect(x,y, @result);
-function TGenericUniversalBitmap.GetPixelCycle(x, y: int32or64): TPixel;
- GetPixelCycleIndirect(x,y, @result);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.Fill(const AColor: TPixel);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(b, AColor, dmSet);
- Fill(b);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.Fill(const AColor: TPixel; AMode : TDrawMode; AAlpha : Word);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(b, AColor, AMode);
- Fill(b, AAlpha);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.ReplaceColor(const ABefore, AAfter: TPixel);
- p: PPixel;
- n: integer;
- p := Data;
- for n := NbPixels - 1 downto 0 do
- begin
- if p^ = ABefore then p^ := AAfter;
- Inc(p);
- end;
- InvalidateBitmap;
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.ReplaceColor(ARect: TRect;
- const ABefore,AAfter: TPixel);
- p: PPixel;
- n,w,yb: integer;
- if not CheckClippedRectBounds(ARect.Left,ARect.Top,ARect.Right,ARect.Bottom) then exit;
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- w := ARect.Width-1;
- for yb := ARect.Top to ARect.Bottom-1 do
- begin
- p := GetScanlineFast(yb)+ARect.Left;
- for n := w downto 0 do
- begin
- if p^ = ABefore then p^ := AAfter;
- Inc(p);
- end;
- end;
- InvalidateBitmap;
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.ReplaceTransparent(const AAfter: TBGRAPixel);
-var before: TPixel;
- AssignTransparentPixel(before);
- ReplaceColor(before, AAfter);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.ReplaceTransparent(ARect: TRect;
- const AAfter: TPixel);
-var before: TPixel;
- AssignTransparentPixel(before);
- ReplaceColor(ARect, before, AAfter);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.FillMask(x, y: integer;
- AMask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const AColor: TPixel);
- FillMask(x,y, AMask, AColor, dmDrawWithTransparency);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.FillMask(x, y: integer;
- AMask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const AColor: TPixel; ADrawMode: TDrawMode);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(b, AColor, ADrawMode);
- FillMask(x,y, AMask, b);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.FillRect(ALeft, ATop, ARight,
- ABottom: integer; const AColor: TPixel; ADrawMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(b, AColor, ADrawMode);
- FillRect(ALeft,ATop,ARight,ABottom, b,AAlpha);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.FillRect(const ARect: TRect;
- const AColor: TPixel; ADrawMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(b, AColor, ADrawMode);
- FillRect(ARect, b,AAlpha);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.DrawCheckers(ARect: TRect; const AColorEven,
- AColorOdd: TPixel; AGridWidth: integer; AGridHeight: integer; ADrawMode: TDrawMode);
- bEven, bOdd: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(bEven, AColorEven, ADrawMode);
- SolidBrush(bOdd, AColorOdd, ADrawMode);
- DrawCheckers(ARect, bEven, bOdd, AGridWidth, AGridHeight);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.DrawPixel(x, y: Int32or64;
- const AColor: TPixel);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(b, AColor, dmDrawWithTransparency);
- DrawPixel(x,y, b);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.DrawPixel(x, y: Int32or64;
- const AColor: TPixel; ADrawMode: TDrawMode);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(b, AColor, ADrawMode);
- DrawPixel(x,y, b);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.DrawPixel(x, y: Int32or64;
- const AColor: TPixel; ADrawMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(b, AColor, ADrawMode);
- DrawPixel(x,y, b,AAlpha);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.DrawPixelF(x, y: single;
- const AColor: TPixel; ADrawMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(b, AColor, ADrawMode);
- DrawPixelF(x,y, b,AAlpha);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.SetHorizLine(x, y, x2: int32or64;
- const AColor: TPixel);
- pScan: PByte;
- if not CheckHorizLineBounds(x,y,x2) then exit;
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- pScan := GetPixelAddress(x,y);
- InternalSetPixels(@AColor, pScan, sizeof(TPixel), x2-x+1);
- InvalidateBitmap;
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.HorizLine(x, y, x2: int32or64;
- const AColor: TPixel; AMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(b, AColor, AMode);
- HorizLine(x,y,x2, b,AAlpha);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.SetVertLine(x, y, y2: int32or64;
- const AColor: TPixel);
- pScan: PByte;
- delta: PtrInt;
- yb: Int32or64;
- if not CheckVertLineBounds(x,y,y2) then exit;
- LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
- pScan := GetPixelAddress(x,y);
- if LineOrder = riloTopToBottom then delta := RowSize else delta := -rowSize;
- for yb := y to y2 do
- begin
- PPixel(pScan)^ := AColor;
- inc(pScan, delta);
- end;
- InvalidateBitmap;
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.VertLine(x, y, y2: int32or64;
- const AColor: TPixel; AMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(b, AColor, AMode);
- VertLine(x,y,y2, b,AAlpha);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer;
- const AColor: TPixel; ADrawLastPixel: boolean; AMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(b, AColor, AMode);
- DrawLine(x1,y1,x2,y2, b,ADrawLastPixel,AAlpha);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.DrawLineAntialias(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer;
- const AColor: TPixel; ADrawLastPixel: boolean; AAlpha: Word);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(b, AColor, AntialiasingDrawMode);
- DrawLineAntialias(x1,y1,x2,y2, b,ADrawLastPixel,AAlpha);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.DrawLineAntialias(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer;
- const AColor1, AColor2: TPixel; ADashLen: integer;
- ADrawLastPixel: boolean; AAlpha: Word);
- b1, b2: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(b1, AColor1, AntialiasingDrawMode);
- SolidBrush(b2, AColor2, AntialiasingDrawMode);
- DrawLineAntialias(x1,y1,x2,y2, b1,b2, ADashLen, ADrawLastPixel, AAlpha);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.DrawLineAntialias(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer;
- const AColor1, AColor2: TPixel; ADashLen: integer;
- var ADashPos: integer; ADrawLastPixel: boolean; AAlpha: Word);
- b1, b2: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(b1, AColor1, AntialiasingDrawMode);
- SolidBrush(b2, AColor2, AntialiasingDrawMode);
- DrawLineAntialias(x1,y1,x2,y2, b1,b2, ADashLen,ADashPos, ADrawLastPixel, AAlpha);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.DrawPolyLine(const points: array of TPoint;
- const AColor: TPixel; ADrawLastPixel: boolean; AMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(b, AColor, AMode);
- DrawPolyLine(points, b, ADrawLastPixel, AAlpha);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.DrawPolyLineAntialias(
- const points: array of TPoint; const AColor: TPixel;
- ADrawLastPixel: boolean; AAlpha: Word);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(b, AColor, AntialiasingDrawMode);
- DrawPolyLineAntialias(points, b,ADrawLastPixel,AAlpha);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.DrawPolyLineAntialias(
- const points: array of TPoint; const AColor1, AColor2: TPixel;
- ADashLen: integer; ADrawLastPixel: boolean; AAlpha: Word);
- b1, b2: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(b1, AColor1, AntialiasingDrawMode);
- SolidBrush(b2, AColor2, AntialiasingDrawMode);
- DrawPolyLineAntialias(points, b1,b2,ADashLen, ADrawLastPixel,AAlpha);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.DrawPolygon(const points: array of TPoint;
- const AColor: TPixel; AMode : TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(b, AColor, AMode);
- DrawPolygon(points, b,AAlpha);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.DrawPolygonAntialias(
- const points: array of TPoint; const AColor: TPixel; AAlpha: Word);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(b, AColor, AntialiasingDrawMode);
- DrawPolygonAntialias(points, b,AAlpha);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.DrawPolygonAntialias(
- const points: array of TPoint; const AColor1, AColor2: TPixel;
- ADashLen: integer; AAlpha: Word);
- b1, b2: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(b1, AColor1, AntialiasingDrawMode);
- SolidBrush(b2, AColor2, AntialiasingDrawMode);
- DrawPolygonAntialias(points, b1,b2,ADashLen, AAlpha);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.DrawPathAliased(APath: IBGRAPath;
- const AColor: TPixel; AMode: TDrawMode; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean;
- AAlpha: Word);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(b, AColor,AMode);
- DrawPathAliased(APath, b,APixelCenteredCoordinates,AAlpha);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.DrawPathAliased(APath: IBGRAPath;
- const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; const AColor: TPixel; AMode: TDrawMode;
- APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean; AAlpha: Word);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(b, AColor,AMode);
- DrawPathAliased(APath,AMatrix, b,APixelCenteredCoordinates,AAlpha);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.Rectangle(x, y, x2, y2: integer;
- const AColor: TPixel; AMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(b, AColor, AMode);
- Rectangle(x,y,x2,y2, b,AAlpha);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.Rectangle(x, y, x2, y2: integer;
- const ABorderColor, AFillColor: TPixel; AMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word);
- bBorder,bFill: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(bBorder, ABorderColor, AMode);
- SolidBrush(bFill, AFillColor, AMode);
- Rectangle(x,y,x2,y2, bBorder,bFill,AAlpha);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.Rectangle(const ARect: TRect;
- const AColor: TPixel; AMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word);
- Rectangle(ARect.Left,ARect.Top,ARect.Right,ARect.Bottom, AColor,AMode,AAlpha);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.Rectangle(const ARect: TRect;
- const ABorderColor, AFillColor: TPixel; AMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word);
- Rectangle(ARect.Left,ARect.Top,ARect.Right,ARect.Bottom, ABorderColor,AFillColor,AMode,AAlpha);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.RoundRect(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: integer; DX,
- DY: integer; const ABorderColor: TPixel; AMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(b, ABorderColor,AMode);
- RoundRect(X1,Y1,X2,Y2,DX,DY, b,AAlpha);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.RoundRect(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: integer; DX,
- DY: integer; const ABorderColor, AFillColor: TPixel; AMode: TDrawMode;
- AAlpha: Word);
- bBorder, bFill: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(bBorder, ABorderColor,AMode);
- SolidBrush(bFill, AFillColor,AMode);
- RoundRect(X1,Y1,X2,Y2,DX,DY, bBorder,bFill,AAlpha);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.FillRoundRect(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: integer; DX,
- DY: integer; const AFillColor: TPixel; AMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word);
- bFill: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(bFill, AFillColor,AMode);
- FillRoundRect(X1,Y1,X2,Y2,DX,DY, bFill,AAlpha);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.EllipseInRect(ARect: TRect;
- const ABorderColor: TPixel; AMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(b, ABorderColor,AMode);
- EllipseInRect(ARect, b,AAlpha);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.EllipseInRect(ARect: TRect;
- const ABorderColor, AFillColor: TPixel; AMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word);
- bBorder, bFill: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(bBorder, ABorderColor,AMode);
- SolidBrush(bFill, AFillColor,AMode);
- EllipseInRect(ARect, bBorder,bFill,AAlpha);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.FillEllipseInRect(ARect: TRect;
- const AFillColor: TPixel; AMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word);
- bFill: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(bFill, AFillColor,AMode);
- FillEllipseInRect(ARect, bFill,AAlpha);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.FillShape(AShape: TBGRACustomFillInfo;
- const AFillColor: TPixel; AMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word);
- bFill: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(bFill, AFillColor,AMode);
- FillShape(AShape, bFill,AAlpha);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.FillPoly(const APoints: array of TPointF;
- const AFillColor: TPixel; AMode: TDrawMode;
- APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean; AAlpha: Word);
- bFill: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(bFill, AFillColor,AMode);
- FillPoly(APoints,bFill,APixelCenteredCoordinates,AAlpha);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.FillPathAliased(APath: IBGRAPath;
- const AFillColor: TPixel; AMode: TDrawMode;
- APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean; AAlpha: Word);
- bFill: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(bFill, AFillColor,AMode);
- FillPathAliased(APath,bFill,APixelCenteredCoordinates,AAlpha);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.FillPathAliased(APath: IBGRAPath;
- const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; const AFillColor: TPixel; AMode: TDrawMode;
- APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean; AAlpha: Word);
- bFill: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(bFill, AFillColor,AMode);
- FillPathAliased(APath,AMatrix, bFill,APixelCenteredCoordinates,AAlpha);
-function TGenericUniversalBitmap.GetPixelAddress(x, y: integer): PByte;
- if FLineOrder = riloBottomToTop then y := FHeight - 1 - y;
- result := FDataByte + FRowSize * y + IntPtr(x)*sizeof(TPixel);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.FillPolyAntialias(
- const APoints: array of TPointF; const AColor: TPixel;
- APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(b,AColor,AntialiasingDrawMode);
- FillPolyAntialias(APoints, b, APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.FillEllipseAntialias(x, y, rx, ry: single;
- const AColor: TPixel);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(b,AColor,AntialiasingDrawMode);
- FillEllipseAntialias(x,y,rx,ry, b);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.FillEllipseAntialias(const AOrigin, AXAxis,
- AYAxis: TPointF; const AColor: TPixel);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(b,AColor,AntialiasingDrawMode);
- {$PUSH}{$R-}
- FillEllipseAntialias(AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis, b);
- {$POP}
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.FillPath(APath: IBGRAPath;
- const AColor: TPixel; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(b,AColor,AntialiasingDrawMode);
- FillPath(APath, b, APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.FillPath(APath: IBGRAPath;
- const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; const AColor: TPixel;
- APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(b,AColor,AntialiasingDrawMode);
- FillPath(APath,AMatrix, b, APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.FillRectAntialias(x, y, x2, y2: single;
- const AColor: TPixel; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(b,AColor,AntialiasingDrawMode);
- FillRectAntialias(x,y,x2,y2,b,APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.FillRectAntialias(const ARectF: TRectF;
- const AColor: TPixel; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(b,AColor,AntialiasingDrawMode);
- FillRectAntialias(ARectF,b,APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.FillRoundRectAntialias(x, y, x2, y2, rx,
- ry: single; const AColor: TPixel; AOptions: TRoundRectangleOptions;
- APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(b,AColor,AntialiasingDrawMode);
- FillRoundRectAntialias(x,y,x2,y2, rx,ry, b, AOptions, APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.DrawLineAntialias(x1, y1, x2, y2: single;
- const AColor: TPixel; APenWidth: single);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- c: TBGRAPixel;
- p: TBGRACustomPenStroker;
- SolidBrush(b,AColor,AntialiasingDrawMode);
- c := AColor;
- p := GetInternalPen;
- FillPolyAntialias(p.ComputePolyline([PointF(x1,y1),PointF(x2,y2)],APenWidth,c), b);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.DrawLineAntialias(x1, y1, x2, y2: single;
- const AColor: TPixel; APenWidth: single; AClosedCap: boolean);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- c: TBGRAPixel;
- p: TBGRACustomPenStroker;
- SolidBrush(b,AColor,AntialiasingDrawMode);
- c := AColor;
- p := GetInternalPen;
- FillPolyAntialias(p.ComputePolyline([PointF(x1,y1),PointF(x2,y2)],APenWidth,c,AClosedCap), b);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.DrawPolyLineAntialias(
- const APoints: array of TPointF; const AColor: TPixel; APenWidth: single);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- c: TBGRAPixel;
- p: TBGRACustomPenStroker;
- SolidBrush(b,AColor,AntialiasingDrawMode);
- c := AColor;
- p := GetInternalPen;
- FillPolyAntialias(p.ComputePolyline(APoints,APenWidth,c),b);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.DrawPolyLineAntialias(
- const APoints: array of TPointF; const AColor: TPixel; APenWidth: single;
- AClosedCap: boolean);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- c: TBGRAPixel;
- p: TBGRACustomPenStroker;
- SolidBrush(b,AColor,AntialiasingDrawMode);
- c := AColor;
- p := GetInternalPen;
- FillPolyAntialias(p.ComputePolyline(APoints,APenWidth,c,AClosedCap),b);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.DrawPolyLineAntialiasAutocycle(
- const APoints: array of TPointF; const AColor: TPixel; APenWidth: single);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(b,AColor,AntialiasingDrawMode);
- DrawPolyLineAntialiasAutocycle(APoints, b, APenWidth);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.DrawPolygonAntialias(
- const APoints: array of TPointF; const AColor: TPixel; APenWidth: single);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(b,AColor,AntialiasingDrawMode);
- DrawPolygonAntialias(APoints, b, APenWidth);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.RectangleAntialias(x, y, x2, y2: single;
- const AColor: TPixel; AWidth: single);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(b,AColor,AntialiasingDrawMode);
- RectangleAntialias(x,y,x2,y2, b, AWidth);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.Ellipse(x, y, rx, ry: single;
- const AColor: TPixel; AWidth: single; AMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(b,AColor,AMode);
- Ellipse(x,y,rx,ry, b, AWidth,AAlpha);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.Ellipse(const AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis: TPointF;
- const AColor: TPixel; AWidth: single; AMode: TDrawMode; AAlpha: Word);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(b,AColor,AMode);
- {$PUSH}{$R-}
- Ellipse(AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis, b, AWidth,AAlpha);
- {$POP}
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.EllipseAntialias(x, y, rx, ry: single;
- const AColor: TPixel; AWidth: single);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(b,AColor,AntialiasingDrawMode);
- EllipseAntialias(x,y,rx,ry, b, AWidth);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.EllipseAntialias(const AOrigin, AXAxis,
- AYAxis: TPointF; const AColor: TPixel; AWidth: single);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(b,AColor,AntialiasingDrawMode);
- {$PUSH}{$R-}
- EllipseAntialias(AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis, b, AWidth);
- {$POP}
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.DrawPath(APath: IBGRAPath;
- const AColor: TPixel; AWidth: single; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(b,AColor,AntialiasingDrawMode);
- DrawPath(APath, b, AWidth, APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-procedure TGenericUniversalBitmap.DrawPath(APath: IBGRAPath;
- const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; const AColor: TPixel; AWidth: single;
- APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- b: TUniversalBrush;
- SolidBrush(b,AColor,AntialiasingDrawMode);
- DrawPath(APath,AMatrix, b, AWidth, APixelCenteredCoordinates);
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/universaldrawer.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/universaldrawer.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e6e702..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/universaldrawer.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1177 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit UniversalDrawer;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, FPImage, BGRABitmapTypes, BGRAGraphics, BGRAPen, BGRAArrow;
- { TUniversalDrawer }
- TUniversalDrawer = class(TCustomUniversalDrawer)
- class function GetMaxColorChannelDepth(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap): byte;
- {==== Load and save files ====}
- //there are UTF8 functions that are different from standard function as those
- //depend on TFPCustomImage that does not clearly handle UTF8
- {** Load image from a file. ''filename'' is an ANSI string }
- class procedure LoadFromFile(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const AFilename: string); overload; override;
- class procedure LoadFromFile(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const AFilename: string; AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions); overload; override;
- {** Load image from a file with the specified image reader. ''filename'' is an ANSI string }
- class procedure LoadFromFile(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const AFilename:String; AHandler:TFPCustomImageReader); overload; override;
- class procedure LoadFromFile(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const AFilename:String; AHandler:TFPCustomImageReader; AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions); overload; override;
- {** Load image from a file. ''filename'' is an UTF8 string }
- class procedure LoadFromFileUTF8(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const AFilenameUTF8: string; AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions = []); overload; override;
- {** Load image from a file with the specified image reader. ''filename'' is an UTF8 string }
- class procedure LoadFromFileUTF8(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const AFilenameUTF8: string; AHandler: TFPCustomImageReader; AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions = []); overload; override;
- {** Load image from a stream. Format is detected automatically }
- class procedure LoadFromStream(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; AStream: TStream); overload; override;
- class procedure LoadFromStream(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; AStream: TStream; AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions); overload; override;
- {** Load image from a stream. The specified image reader is used }
- class procedure LoadFromStream(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; AStream: TStream; AHandler: TFPCustomImageReader); overload; override;
- class procedure LoadFromStream(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; AStream: TStream; AHandler: TFPCustomImageReader; AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions); overload; override;
- {** Load image from an embedded Lazarus resource. Format is detected automatically }
- class procedure LoadFromResource(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; AFilename: string); overload; override;
- class procedure LoadFromResource(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; AFilename: string; AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions); overload; override;
- {** Load image from an embedded Lazarus resource. The specified image reader is used }
- class procedure LoadFromResource(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; AFilename: string; AHandler: TFPCustomImageReader); overload; override;
- class procedure LoadFromResource(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; AFilename: string; AHandler: TFPCustomImageReader; AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions); overload; override;
- {** Save image to a file. The format is guessed from the file extension. ''filename'' is an ANSI string }
- class procedure SaveToFile(ASource: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const AFilename: string); overload; override;
- {** Save image to a file with the specified image writer. ''filename'' is an ANSI string }
- class procedure SaveToFile(ASource: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const AFilename: string; AHandler:TFPCustomImageWriter); overload; override;
- {** Save image to a file. The format is guessed from the file extension. ''filename'' is an ANSI string }
- class procedure SaveToFileUTF8(ASource: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const AFilenameUTF8: string); overload; override;
- {** Save image to a file with the specified image writer. ''filename'' is an UTF8 string }
- class procedure SaveToFileUTF8(ASource: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const AFilenameUTF8: string; AHandler:TFPCustomImageWriter); overload; override;
- {** Save image to a stream in the specified image format }
- class procedure SaveToStreamAs(ASource: TCustomUniversalBitmap; AStream: TStream; AFormat: TBGRAImageFormat); override;
- {** Save image to a stream in PNG format }
- class procedure SaveToStreamAsPng(ASource: TCustomUniversalBitmap; AStream: TStream); override;
- {==== Pixelwise drawing ====}
- class function CheckRectBounds(var x,y,x2,y2: integer; minsize: integer): boolean;
- class function CheckAntialiasRectBounds(var x, y, x2, y2: single; w: single): boolean;
- {** Draws an aliased line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) using Bresenham's algorithm.
- ''DrawLastPixel'' specifies if (x2,y2) must be drawn. }
- class procedure DrawLine(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; x1, y1, x2, y2: integer; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; DrawLastPixel: boolean; AAlpha: Word = 65535); override;
- {** Draws an antialiased line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) using an improved version of Bresenham's algorithm
- ''c'' specifies the color. ''DrawLastPixel'' specifies if (x2,y2) must be drawn }
- class procedure DrawLineAntialias(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; x1, y1, x2, y2: integer; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; DrawLastPixel: boolean; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; override;
- {** Draws an antialiased line with two colors ''c1'' and ''c2'' as dashes of length ''dashLen''.
- ''DashPos'' can be used to specify the start dash position and to retrieve the dash position at the end
- of the line, in order to draw a polyline with consistent dashes }
- class procedure DrawLineAntialias(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; x1, y1, x2, y2: integer; const ABrush1, ABrush2: TUniversalBrush; ADashLen: integer; var DashPos: integer; DrawLastPixel: boolean; AAlpha: Word = 65535); override;
- class procedure DrawPolyLine(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const points: array of TPoint; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; DrawLastPixel: boolean; AAlpha: Word = 65535); override;
- class procedure DrawPolyLineAntialias(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const points: array of TPoint; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; DrawLastPixel: boolean; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; override;
- class procedure DrawPolyLineAntialias(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const points: array of TPoint; const ABrush1, ABrush2: TUniversalBrush; ADashLen: integer; DrawLastPixel: boolean; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; override;
- class procedure DrawPolygon(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const points: array of TPoint; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word = 65535); override;
- class procedure DrawPolygonAntialias(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const points: array of TPoint; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; override;
- class procedure DrawPolygonAntialias(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const points: array of TPoint; const ABrush1, ABrush2: TUniversalBrush; ADashLen: integer; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; override;
- {** Draw the border of a rectangle }
- class procedure Rectangle(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; x, y, x2, y2: integer; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; override;
- {** Draw a filled rectangle with a border }
- class procedure Rectangle(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; x, y, x2, y2: integer; const ABorderBrush, AFillBrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; override;
- class procedure RoundRect(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; X1, Y1, X2, Y2: integer; DX, DY: integer; const ABorderBrush, AFillBrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; override;
- class procedure RoundRect(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; X1, Y1, X2, Y2: integer; DX, DY: integer; const ABorderBrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word = 65535); overload; override;
- class procedure FillRoundRect(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; X1, Y1, X2, Y2: integer; DX, DY: integer; const AFillBrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word = 65535); override;
- class procedure FillShape(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; AShape: TBGRACustomFillInfo; AFillMode: TFillMode; ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word = 65535); override;
- class procedure FillPoly(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const APoints: array of TPointF; AFillMode: TFillMode; ABrush: TUniversalBrush; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true; AAlpha: Word = 65535); override;
- {==== Using pen ====}
- class function CreatePenStroker: TBGRACustomPenStroker; override;
- class function CreateArrow: TBGRACustomArrow; override;
- class procedure RectangleAntialias(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; APen: TBGRACustomPenStroker; x, y, x2, y2: single;
- const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AWidth: single); override;
- class procedure DrawPolygonAntialias(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; APen: TBGRACustomPenStroker;
- const APoints: array of TPointF; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AWidth: single); overload; override;
- class procedure Ellipse(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; APen: TBGRACustomPenStroker; x, y, rx, ry: single;
- const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AWidth: single; AAlpha: Word=65535); overload; override;
- class procedure Ellipse(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; APen: TBGRACustomPenStroker; const AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis: TPointF;
- const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AWidth: single; AAlpha: Word=65535); overload; override;
- class procedure EllipseAntialias(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; APen: TBGRACustomPenStroker; x, y, rx, ry: single;
- const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AWidth: single); overload; override;
- class procedure EllipseAntialias(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; APen: TBGRACustomPenStroker; const AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis: TPointF;
- const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AWidth: single); overload; override;
- {==== Filling ====}
- class procedure FillRectAntialias(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- x, y, x2, y2: single; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); override;
- class procedure FillRoundRectAntialias(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- x,y,x2,y2, rx,ry: single; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- AOptions: TRoundRectangleOptions = []; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true); override;
- class procedure FillShapeAntialias(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- AShape: TBGRACustomFillInfo; AFillMode: TFillMode;
- ABrush: TUniversalBrush); override;
- class procedure FillPolyAntialias(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- const APoints: array of TPointF; AFillMode: TFillMode;
- ABrush: TUniversalBrush; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean); override;
- class procedure FillEllipseAntialias(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- x, y, rx, ry: single; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush); overload; override;
- class procedure FillEllipseAntialias(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- const AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis: TPointF; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush); overload; override;
- //filters
- class procedure FilterBlurRadial(ASource: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const ABounds: TRect;
- radiusX, radiusY: single; blurType: TRadialBlurType;
- ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap); override;
- class procedure FilterBlurMotion(ASource: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const ABounds: TRect;
- distance: single; angle: single; oriented: boolean;
- ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap); override;
- class procedure FilterCustomBlur(ASource: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const ABounds: TRect;
- mask: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap); override;
- end;
-uses BGRAPolygon, BGRAPolygonAliased, BGRAPath, BGRAFillInfo, BGRAUTF8,
- BGRAReadBMP, BGRAReadJpeg, BGRAWritePNG, BGRAWriteTiff,
- BGRAFilterBlur, Math, FPWritePNM;
-{ TUniversalDrawer }
-class function TUniversalDrawer.GetMaxColorChannelDepth(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap): byte;
- idxAlpha, i: Integer;
- bits: Byte;
- result := 0;
- idxAlpha := ADest.Colorspace.IndexOfAlphaChannel;
- for i := 0 to ADest.Colorspace.GetChannelCount-1 do
- if i <> idxAlpha then
- begin
- bits := ADest.Colorspace.GetChannelBitDepth(i);
- if bits > result then result := bits;
- end;
-class procedure TUniversalDrawer.LoadFromFile(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- const AFilename: string);
- LoadFromFileUTF8(ADest, SysToUtf8(AFilename));
-class procedure TUniversalDrawer.LoadFromFile(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- const AFilename: string; AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions);
- LoadFromFileUTF8(ADest, SysToUtf8(AFilename), AOptions);
-class procedure TUniversalDrawer.LoadFromFile(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- const AFilename: String; AHandler: TFPCustomImageReader);
- LoadFromFileUTF8(ADest, SysToUtf8(AFilename), AHandler);
-class procedure TUniversalDrawer.LoadFromFile(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- const AFilename: String; AHandler: TFPCustomImageReader;
- AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions);
- LoadFromFileUTF8(ADest, SysToUtf8(AFilename), AHandler, AOptions);
-class procedure TUniversalDrawer.LoadFromFileUTF8(
- ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const AFilenameUTF8: string;
- AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions);
- stream: TStream;
- format: TBGRAImageFormat;
- reader: TFPCustomImageReader;
- stream := TFileStreamUTF8.Create(AFilenameUTF8, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);
- try
- format := DetectFileFormat(Stream, ExtractFileExt(AFilenameUTF8));
- reader := CreateBGRAImageReader(format);
- try
- ADest.LoadFromStream(stream, reader, AOptions);
- finally
- reader.Free;
- end;
- finally
- stream.Free;
- end;
-class procedure TUniversalDrawer.LoadFromFileUTF8(
- ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const AFilenameUTF8: string;
- AHandler: TFPCustomImageReader; AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions);
- stream: TStream;
- stream := TFileStreamUTF8.Create(AFilenameUTF8, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);
- try
- ADest.LoadFromStream(stream, AHandler, AOptions);
- finally
- stream.Free;
- end;
-class procedure TUniversalDrawer.LoadFromStream(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- AStream: TStream);
- ADest.LoadFromStream(AStream, [loKeepTransparentRGB]);
-class procedure TUniversalDrawer.LoadFromStream(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- AStream: TStream; AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions);
- format: TBGRAImageFormat;
- reader: TFPCustomImageReader;
- format := DetectFileFormat(AStream);
- reader := CreateBGRAImageReader(format);
- try
- ADest.LoadFromStream(AStream, reader, AOptions);
- finally
- reader.Free;
- end;
-class procedure TUniversalDrawer.LoadFromStream(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- AStream: TStream; AHandler: TFPCustomImageReader);
- ADest.LoadFromStream(AStream, AHandler, [loKeepTransparentRGB]);
-class procedure TUniversalDrawer.LoadFromStream(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; AStream: TStream; AHandler: TFPCustomImageReader; AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions);
-var OldBmpOption: TBMPTransparencyOption;
- OldJpegPerf: TJPEGReadPerformance;
- if (loBmpAutoOpaque in AOptions) and (AHandler is TBGRAReaderBMP) then
- begin
- OldBmpOption := TBGRAReaderBMP(AHandler).TransparencyOption;
- TBGRAReaderBMP(AHandler).TransparencyOption := toAuto;
- TFPCustomImage(ADest).LoadFromStream(AStream, AHandler);
- TBGRAReaderBMP(AHandler).TransparencyOption := OldBmpOption;
- end else
- if (loJpegQuick in AOptions) and (AHandler is TBGRAReaderJpeg) then
- begin
- OldJpegPerf := TBGRAReaderJpeg(AHandler).Performance;
- TBGRAReaderJpeg(AHandler).Performance := jpBestSpeed;
- TFPCustomImage(ADest).LoadFromStream(AStream, AHandler);
- TBGRAReaderJpeg(AHandler).Performance := OldJpegPerf;
- end else
- TFPCustomImage(ADest).LoadFromStream(AStream, AHandler);
- if not (loKeepTransparentRGB in AOptions) then
- ADest.ClearTransparentPixels;
-class procedure TUniversalDrawer.LoadFromResource(
- ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; AFilename: string);
- LoadFromResource(ADest, AFilename, [loKeepTransparentRGB]);
-class procedure TUniversalDrawer.LoadFromResource(
- ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; AFilename: string;
- AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions);
- stream: TStream;
- format: TBGRAImageFormat;
- reader: TFPCustomImageReader;
- ext: String;
- stream := BGRAResource.GetResourceStream(AFilename);
- try
- ext := Uppercase(ExtractFileExt(AFilename));
- if (ext = '.BMP') and BGRAResource.IsWinResource(AFilename) then
- begin
- reader := TBGRAReaderBMP.Create;
- TBGRAReaderBMP(reader).Subformat := bsfHeaderless;
- end else
- begin
- format := DetectFileFormat(stream, ext);
- reader := CreateBGRAImageReader(format);
- end;
- try
- ADest.LoadFromStream(stream, reader, AOptions);
- finally
- reader.Free;
- end;
- finally
- stream.Free;
- end;
-class procedure TUniversalDrawer.LoadFromResource(
- ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; AFilename: string;
- AHandler: TFPCustomImageReader);
- LoadFromResource(ADest, AFilename, AHandler, [loKeepTransparentRGB]);
-class procedure TUniversalDrawer.LoadFromResource(
- ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; AFilename: string;
- AHandler: TFPCustomImageReader; AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions);
- stream: TStream;
- stream := BGRAResource.GetResourceStream(AFilename);
- try
- ADest.LoadFromStream(stream, AHandler, AOptions);
- finally
- stream.Free;
- end;
-class procedure TUniversalDrawer.SaveToFile(ASource: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- const AFilename: string);
- SaveToFileUTF8(ASource, SysToUtf8(AFilename));
-class procedure TUniversalDrawer.SaveToFile(ASource: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- const AFilename: string; AHandler: TFPCustomImageWriter);
- SaveToFileUTF8(ASource, SysToUtf8(AFilename), AHandler);
-class procedure TUniversalDrawer.SaveToFileUTF8(
- ASource: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const AFilenameUTF8: string);
- writer: TFPCustomImageWriter;
- format: TBGRAImageFormat;
- ext: String;
- format := SuggestImageFormat(AFilenameUTF8);
- if (format = ifXPixMap) and (ASource.NbPixels > 32768) then //xpm is slow so avoid big images
- raise exception.Create('Image is too big to be saved as XPM');
- writer := CreateBGRAImageWriter(Format, ASource.HasTransparentPixels);
- if GetMaxColorChannelDepth(ASource) > 8 then
- begin
- if writer is TBGRAWriterPNG then TBGRAWriterPNG(writer).WordSized := true;
- end;
- if writer is TFPWriterPNM then
- begin
- ext := LowerCase(ExtractFileExt(AFilenameUTF8));
- if ext = '.pbm' then TFPWriterPNM(writer).ColorDepth:= pcdBlackWhite else
- if ext = '.pgm' then TFPWriterPNM(writer).ColorDepth:= pcdGrayscale else
- if ext = '.ppm' then TFPWriterPNM(writer).ColorDepth:= pcdRGB;
- end;
- try
- SaveToFileUTF8(ASource, AFilenameUTF8, writer);
- finally
- writer.free;
- end;
-class procedure TUniversalDrawer.SaveToFileUTF8(
- ASource: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const AFilenameUTF8: string;
- AHandler: TFPCustomImageWriter);
- stream: TFileStreamUTF8;
- stream := TFileStreamUTF8.Create(AFilenameUTF8, fmCreate);
- try
- TFPCustomImage(ASource).SaveToStream(stream, AHandler);
- finally
- stream.Free;
- end;
-class procedure TUniversalDrawer.SaveToStreamAs(
- ASource: TCustomUniversalBitmap; AStream: TStream; AFormat: TBGRAImageFormat);
-var writer: TFPCustomImageWriter;
- writer := CreateBGRAImageWriter(AFormat, ASource.HasTransparentPixels);
- if GetMaxColorChannelDepth(ASource) > 8 then
- begin
- if writer is TBGRAWriterPNG then TBGRAWriterPNG(writer).WordSized := true;
- end;
- try
- TFPCustomImage(ASource).SaveToStream(AStream, writer)
- finally
- writer.Free;
- end;
-class procedure TUniversalDrawer.SaveToStreamAsPng(
- ASource: TCustomUniversalBitmap; AStream: TStream);
- SaveToStreamAs(ASource, AStream, ifPNG);
-class function TUniversalDrawer.CheckRectBounds(
- var x, y, x2, y2: integer; minsize: integer): boolean;
- temp: integer;
- //swap coordinates if needed
- if (x > x2) then
- begin
- temp := x;
- x := x2;
- x2 := temp;
- end;
- if (y > y2) then
- begin
- temp := y;
- y := y2;
- y2 := temp;
- end;
- result := (x2 - x > minsize) and (y2 - y > minsize);
-class function TUniversalDrawer.CheckAntialiasRectBounds(var x, y, x2,
- y2: single; w: single): boolean;
- temp: Single;
- if (x > x2) then
- begin
- temp := x;
- x := x2;
- x2 := temp;
- end;
- if (y > y2) then
- begin
- temp := y;
- y := y2;
- y2 := temp;
- end;
- result := (x2 - x > w) and (y2 - y > w);
-class procedure TUniversalDrawer.DrawLine(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; x1,
- y1, x2, y2: integer; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; DrawLastPixel: boolean;
- AAlpha: Word);
- TDrawPixelProc = procedure(x,y: Int32or64; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word = 65535) of object;
- Y, X: integer;
- DX, DY, SX, SY, E: integer;
- drawPixelProc: TDrawPixelProc;
- skip: Boolean;
- r: TRect;
- E64: Int64;
- r := ADest.ClipRect;
- skip := false;
- if ABrush.DoesNothing or (AAlpha= 0) then skip := true;
- if (x1 < r.Left) and (x2 < r.Left) then skip := true;
- if (x1 >= r.Right) and (x2 >= r.Right) then skip := true;
- if (y1 < r.Top) and (y2 < r.Top) then skip := true;
- if (y1 >= r.Bottom) and (y2 >= r.Bottom) then skip := true;
- if skip then exit;
- if (Y1 = Y2) then
- begin
- if (X1 = X2) then
- begin
- if DrawLastPixel then ADest.DrawPixel(X1, Y1, ABrush, AAlpha);
- end else
- begin
- if not DrawLastPixel then
- begin
- if X2 > X1 then dec(X2) else inc(X2);
- end;
- ADest.HorizLine(X1,Y1,X2, ABrush, AAlpha);
- end;
- Exit;
- end else
- if (X1 = X2) then
- begin
- if not DrawLastPixel then
- begin
- if Y2 > Y1 then dec(Y2) else inc(Y2);
- end;
- ADest.VertLine(X1,Y1,Y2, ABrush, AAlpha);
- Exit;
- end;
- DX := X2 - X1;
- DY := Y2 - Y1;
- if DX < 0 then
- begin
- SX := -1;
- DX := -DX;
- end
- else SX := 1;
- if DY < 0 then
- begin
- SY := -1;
- DY := -DY;
- end
- else SY := 1;
- DX := DX shl 1;
- DY := DY shl 1;
- drawPixelProc := @ADest.DrawPixel;
- X := X1;
- Y := Y1;
- if DX > DY then
- begin
- E := DY - DX shr 1;
- if (X < r.Left) and (SX > 0) then
- begin
- E64 := E+int64(DY)*(r.Left-X)+DX;
- E := (E64 mod DX)-DX;
- Inc(Y, (E64 div DX)*SY);
- X := r.Left;
- end;
- if (X >= r.Right) and (SX < 0) then
- begin
- E64 := E+int64(DY)*(X-(r.Right-1))+DX;
- E := (E64 mod DX)-DX;
- Inc(Y, (E64 div DX)*SY);
- X := r.Right-1;
- end;
- if (X2 < r.Left-1) and (SX < 0) then X2 := r.Left-1;
- if (X2 > r.Right) and (SX > 0) then X2 := r.Right;
- while X <> X2 do
- begin
- drawPixelProc(X, Y, ABrush, AAlpha);
- if E >= 0 then
- begin
- Inc(Y, SY);
- Dec(E, DX);
- end;
- Inc(X, SX);
- Inc(E, DY);
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- E := DX - DY shr 1;
- if (Y < r.Top) and (SY > 0) then
- begin
- E64 := E+int64(DX)*(r.Top-Y)+DY;
- E := (E64 mod DY)-DY;
- Inc(X, (E64 div DY)*SX);
- Y := r.Top;
- end;
- if (Y >= r.Bottom) and (SY < 0) then
- begin
- E64 := E+int64(DX)*(Y-(r.Bottom-1))+DY;
- E := (E64 mod DY)-DY;
- Inc(X, (E64 div DY)*SX);
- Y := r.Bottom-1;
- end;
- if (Y2 < r.Top-1) and (SY < 0) then Y2 := r.Top-1;
- if (Y2 > r.Bottom) and (SY > 0) then Y2 := r.Bottom;
- while Y <> Y2 do
- begin
- drawPixelProc(X, Y, ABrush, AAlpha);
- if E >= 0 then
- begin
- Inc(X, SX);
- Dec(E, DY);
- end;
- Inc(Y, SY);
- Inc(E, DX);
- end;
- end;
- if DrawLastPixel then
- drawPixelProc(X2, Y2, ABrush, AAlpha);
-class procedure TUniversalDrawer.DrawLineAntialias(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- x1, y1, x2, y2: integer; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- DrawLastPixel: boolean; AAlpha: Word = 65535);
- dashPos: integer;
- dashPos := 0;
- DrawLineAntialias(ADest,x1,y1,x2,y2, ABrush,ABrush,$1000000,dashPos,DrawLastPixel,AAlpha);
-class procedure TUniversalDrawer.DrawLineAntialias(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- x1, y1, x2, y2: integer; const ABrush1, ABrush2: TUniversalBrush;
- ADashLen: integer; var DashPos: integer; DrawLastPixel: boolean;
- AAlpha: Word = 65535);
- curBrush: PUniversalBrush;
- procedure SkipDash(ACount: integer);
- begin
- if ACount = 0 then exit;
- DashPos := PositiveMod(DashPos+ACount, ADashLen+ADashLen);
- if DashPos < ADashLen then curBrush := @ABrush1 else curBrush := @ABrush2;
- end;
- X, Y, DX, DY, SX, SY, E,count, skipAfter: integer;
- curAlpha: Word;
- skip: Boolean;
- r: TRect;
- E64: Int64;
- r := ADest.ClipRect;
- skip := false;
- if (ABrush1.DoesNothing and ABrush2.DoesNothing) or (AAlpha=0) then skip := true;
- if (x1 < r.Left) and (x2 < r.Left) then skip := true;
- if (x1 >= r.Right) and (x2 >= r.Right) then skip := true;
- if (y1 < r.Top) and (y2 < r.Top) then skip := true;
- if (y1 >= r.Bottom) and (y2 >= r.Bottom) then skip := true;
- if ADashLen<=0 then ADashLen := 1;
- if skip then
- begin
- count := max(abs(x2-x1),abs(y2-y1));
- if DrawLastPixel then inc(count);
- SkipDash(count);
- exit;
- end;
- DashPos := PositiveMod(DashPos,ADashLen+ADashLen);
- if DashPos < ADashLen then curBrush := @ABrush1 else curBrush := @ABrush2;
- if (Y1 = Y2) and (X1 = X2) then
- begin
- if DrawLastPixel then
- begin
- ADest.DrawPixel(X1, Y1, curBrush^, AAlpha);
- inc(DashPos);
- if DashPos = ADashLen + ADashLen then DashPos := 0;
- end;
- Exit;
- end;
- DX := X2 - X1;
- DY := Y2 - Y1;
- if DX < 0 then
- begin
- SX := -1;
- DX := -DX;
- end else SX := 1;
- if DY < 0 then
- begin
- SY := -1;
- DY := -DY;
- end else SY := 1;
- DX := DX shl 1;
- DY := DY shl 1;
- X := X1;
- Y := Y1;
- if DX > DY then
- begin
- E := 0;
- if (X < r.Left) and (SX > 0) then
- begin
- E64 := E+int64(DY)*(r.Left-X);
- E := E64 mod DX;
- Inc(Y, (E64 div DX)*SY);
- SkipDash(r.Left-X);
- X := r.Left;
- end;
- if (X >= r.Right) and (SX < 0) then
- begin
- E64 := E+int64(DY)*(X-(r.Right-1));
- E := E64 mod DX;
- Inc(Y, (E64 div DX)*SY);
- SkipDash(X-(r.Right-1));
- X := r.Right-1;
- end;
- if (X2 < r.Left-1) and (SX < 0) then
- begin
- skipAfter := (r.Left-1)-X2;
- X2 := r.Left-1;
- end else
- if (X2 > r.Right) and (SX > 0) then
- begin
- skipAfter := X2-r.Right;
- X2 := r.Right;
- end else
- skipAfter := 0;
- while X <> X2 do
- begin
- curAlpha := AAlpha * E div DX;
- ADest.DrawPixel(X, Y, curBrush^, AAlpha - curAlpha);
- ADest.DrawPixel(X, Y + SY, curBrush^, curAlpha);
- Inc(E, DY);
- if E >= DX then
- begin
- Inc(Y, SY);
- Dec(E, DX);
- end;
- Inc(X, SX);
- Inc(DashPos);
- if DashPos = ADashLen then
- curBrush := @ABrush2
- else
- if DashPos = ADashLen + ADashLen then
- begin
- curBrush := @ABrush1;
- DashPos := 0;
- end;
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- E := 0;
- if (Y < r.Top) and (SY > 0) then
- begin
- E64 := E+int64(DX)*(r.Top-Y);
- E := E64 mod DY;
- Inc(X, (E64 div DY)*SX);
- SkipDash(r.Top-Y);
- Y := r.Top;
- end;
- if (Y >= r.Bottom) and (SY < 0) then
- begin
- E64 := E+int64(DX)*(Y-(r.Bottom-1));
- E := E64 mod DY;
- Inc(X, (E64 div DY)*SX);
- SkipDash(Y-(r.Bottom-1));
- Y := r.Bottom-1;
- end;
- if (Y2 < r.Top-1) and (SY < 0) then
- begin
- skipAfter := (r.Top-1)-Y2;
- Y2 := r.Top-1;
- end else
- if (Y2 > r.Bottom) and (SY > 0) then
- begin
- skipAfter := Y2-r.Bottom;
- Y2 := r.Bottom;
- end else
- skipAfter := 0;
- while Y <> Y2 do
- begin
- curAlpha := AAlpha * E div DY;
- ADest.DrawPixel(X, Y, curBrush^, AAlpha - curAlpha);
- ADest.DrawPixel(X + SX, Y, curBrush^, curAlpha);
- Inc(E, DX);
- if E >= DY then
- begin
- Inc(X, SX);
- Dec(E, DY);
- end;
- Inc(Y, SY);
- Inc(DashPos);
- if DashPos = ADashLen then
- curBrush := @ABrush2
- else
- if DashPos = ADashLen + ADashLen then
- begin
- curBrush := @ABrush1;
- DashPos := 0;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if DrawLastPixel then
- begin
- ADest.DrawPixel(X2, Y2, curBrush^, AAlpha);
- inc(DashPos);
- if DashPos = ADashLen + ADashLen then DashPos := 0;
- end;
- SkipDash(skipAfter);
-class procedure TUniversalDrawer.DrawPolyLine(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- const points: array of TPoint; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- DrawLastPixel: boolean; AAlpha: Word);
-var i,start: integer;
- if ABrush.DoesNothing then exit;
- start := 0;
- for i := 0 to high(points) do
- if IsEmptyPoint(points[i]) then start := i+1 else
- begin
- if (i = high(points)) or IsEmptyPoint(points[i+1]) then
- begin
- if (i = start) and DrawLastPixel then ADest.DrawPixel(points[i].x,points[i].y, ABrush,AAlpha);
- end else
- DrawLine(ADest, points[i].x,points[i].Y,points[i+1].x,points[i+1].y, ABrush,
- DrawLastPixel and ((i=high(points)-1) or IsEmptyPoint(points[i+2])), AAlpha);
- end;
-class procedure TUniversalDrawer.DrawPolyLineAntialias(
- ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const points: array of TPoint;
- const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; DrawLastPixel: boolean; AAlpha: Word);
-var i,start: integer;
- if ABrush.DoesNothing then exit;
- start := 0;
- for i := 0 to high(points) do
- if IsEmptyPoint(points[i]) then start := i+1 else
- begin
- if (i = high(points)) or IsEmptyPoint(points[i+1]) then
- begin
- if (i = start) and DrawLastPixel then ADest.DrawPixel(points[i].x,points[i].y, ABrush,AAlpha);
- end else
- DrawLineAntialias(ADest, points[i].x,points[i].Y,points[i+1].x,points[i+1].y, ABrush,
- DrawLastPixel and ((i=high(points)-1) or IsEmptyPoint(points[i+2])), AAlpha);
- end;
-class procedure TUniversalDrawer.DrawPolyLineAntialias(
- ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const points: array of TPoint; const ABrush1,
- ABrush2: TUniversalBrush; ADashLen: integer; DrawLastPixel: boolean;
- AAlpha: Word);
-var i,start, dashPos: integer;
- if ABrush1.DoesNothing and ABrush2.DoesNothing then exit;
- start := 0;
- dashPos := 0;
- for i := 0 to high(points) do
- if IsEmptyPoint(points[i]) then start := i+1 else
- begin
- if (i = high(points)) or IsEmptyPoint(points[i+1]) then
- begin
- if (i = start) and DrawLastPixel then
- begin
- if dashPos < ADashLen then
- ADest.DrawPixel(points[i].x,points[i].y, ABrush1,AAlpha)
- else
- ADest.DrawPixel(points[i].x,points[i].y, ABrush2,AAlpha);
- inc(dashPos);
- if dashPos = ADashLen*2 then dashPos := 0;
- end;
- end else
- DrawLineAntialias(ADest, points[i].x,points[i].Y,points[i+1].x,points[i+1].y,
- ABrush1,ABrush2,ADashLen,dashPos,
- DrawLastPixel and ((i=high(points)-1) or IsEmptyPoint(points[i+2])), AAlpha);
- end;
-class procedure TUniversalDrawer.DrawPolygon(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- const points: array of TPoint; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word);
-var i,start: integer;
- if ABrush.DoesNothing then exit;
- start := 0;
- for i := 0 to high(points) do
- if IsEmptyPoint(points[i]) then start := i+1 else
- begin
- if (i = high(points)) or IsEmptyPoint(points[i+1]) then
- begin
- if i = start then ADest.DrawPixel(points[i].x,points[i].y, ABrush,AAlpha)
- else if (i > start) then
- DrawLine(ADest, points[i].x,points[i].Y,points[start].x,points[start].y, ABrush, false, AAlpha);
- end else
- DrawLine(ADest, points[i].x,points[i].Y,points[i+1].x,points[i+1].y, ABrush, false, AAlpha);
- end;
-class procedure TUniversalDrawer.DrawPolygonAntialias(
- ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const points: array of TPoint;
- const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word);
-var i,start: integer;
- if ABrush.DoesNothing then exit;
- start := 0;
- for i := 0 to high(points) do
- if IsEmptyPoint(points[i]) then start := i+1 else
- begin
- if (i = high(points)) or IsEmptyPoint(points[i+1]) then
- begin
- if i = start then ADest.DrawPixel(points[i].x,points[i].y, ABrush,AAlpha)
- else if (i > start) then
- DrawLineAntialias(ADest, points[i].x,points[i].Y,points[start].x,points[start].y, ABrush, false, AAlpha);
- end else
- DrawLineAntialias(ADest, points[i].x,points[i].Y,points[i+1].x,points[i+1].y, ABrush, false, AAlpha);
- end;
-class procedure TUniversalDrawer.DrawPolygonAntialias(
- ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const points: array of TPoint; const ABrush1,
- ABrush2: TUniversalBrush; ADashLen: integer; AAlpha: Word);
-var i,start, dashPos: integer;
- if ABrush1.DoesNothing and ABrush2.DoesNothing then exit;
- start := 0;
- dashPos := 0;
- for i := 0 to high(points) do
- if IsEmptyPoint(points[i]) then start := i+1 else
- begin
- if (i = high(points)) or IsEmptyPoint(points[i+1]) then
- begin
- if i = start then
- begin
- if dashPos < ADashLen then
- ADest.DrawPixel(points[i].x,points[i].y, ABrush1,AAlpha)
- else
- ADest.DrawPixel(points[i].x,points[i].y, ABrush2,AAlpha);
- inc(dashPos);
- if dashPos = ADashLen*2 then dashPos := 0;
- end
- else if (i > start) then
- DrawLineAntialias(ADest, points[i].x,points[i].Y,points[start].x,points[start].y,
- ABrush1,ABrush2,ADashLen,dashPos, false, AAlpha);
- end else
- DrawLineAntialias(ADest, points[i].x,points[i].Y,points[i+1].x,points[i+1].y,
- ABrush1,ABrush2,ADashLen,dashPos, false, AAlpha);
- end;
-class procedure TUniversalDrawer.Rectangle(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; x, y, x2, y2: integer;
- const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word);
- if not CheckRectBounds({%H-}x,{%H-}y,{%H-}x2,{%H-}y2,1) or ABrush.DoesNothing then exit;
- ADest.HorizLine(x, y, x2-1, ABrush, AAlpha);
- if y2-y > 2 then
- begin
- ADest.VertLine(x, y+1, y2-2, ABrush, AAlpha);
- ADest.VertLine(x2-1, y+1, y2-2, ABrush, AAlpha);
- end;
- ADest.HorizLine(x, y2-1, x2-1, ABrush, AAlpha);
-class procedure TUniversalDrawer.Rectangle(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; x, y, x2, y2: integer;
- const ABorderBrush, AFillBrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word);
- if not CheckRectBounds({%H-}x,{%H-}y,{%H-}x2,{%H-}y2,1) then exit;
- Rectangle(ADest, x, y, x2, y2, ABorderBrush, AAlpha);
- ADest.FillRect(x+1, y+1, x2-1, y2-1, AFillBrush, AAlpha);
-class procedure TUniversalDrawer.RoundRect(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; X1, Y1, X2, Y2: integer; DX, DY: integer;
- const ABorderBrush, AFillBrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word);
- BGRAPolygonAliased.BGRARoundRectAliased(ADest, X1,Y1,X2,Y2,DX,DY,ABorderBrush,AFillBrush,AAlpha);
-class procedure TUniversalDrawer.RoundRect(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; X1, Y1, X2, Y2: integer; DX, DY: integer;
- const ABorderBrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word);
- BGRAPolygonAliased.BGRARoundRectAliased(ADest, X1,Y1,X2,Y2,DX,DY,ABorderBrush,ABorderBrush,AAlpha,false,true);
-class procedure TUniversalDrawer.FillRoundRect(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; X1, Y1, X2, Y2: integer; DX,
- DY: integer; const AFillBrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word);
- BGRAPolygonAliased.BGRARoundRectAliased(ADest, X1,Y1,X2,Y2,DX,DY,AFillBrush,AFillBrush,AAlpha);
-class procedure TUniversalDrawer.FillShape(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- AShape: TBGRACustomFillInfo; AFillMode: TFillMode; ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- AAlpha: Word);
- BGRAPolygon.FillShapeAliased(ADest, AShape, ABrush, AAlpha, AFillMode = fmWinding);
-class procedure TUniversalDrawer.FillPoly(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- const APoints: array of TPointF; AFillMode: TFillMode;
- ABrush: TUniversalBrush; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean; AAlpha: Word);
- BGRAPolygon.FillPolyAliased(ADest, APoints, ABrush, AAlpha, AFillMode = fmWinding, APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-class function TUniversalDrawer.CreatePenStroker: TBGRACustomPenStroker;
- result := TBGRAPenStroker.Create;
-class function TUniversalDrawer.CreateArrow: TBGRACustomArrow;
- result := TBGRAArrow.Create;
-class procedure TUniversalDrawer.RectangleAntialias(
- ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; APen: TBGRACustomPenStroker; x, y, x2, y2: single;
- const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AWidth: single);
- hw, bevel: Single;
- if (APen.Style = psClear) or (AWidth = 0) then exit;
- if not CheckAntialiasRectBounds(x,y,x2,y2, AWidth) then
- begin
- hw := AWidth/2;
- if APen.JoinStyle = pjsBevel then
- begin
- bevel := (2 - sqrt(2)) * hw;
- FillRoundRectAntialias(ADest, x - hw, y - hw, x2 + hw, y2 + hw, bevel,bevel, ABrush,
- [rrTopLeftBevel, rrTopRightBevel, rrBottomLeftBevel, rrBottomRightBevel]);
- end else
- if APen.JoinStyle = pjsRound then
- FillRoundRectAntialias(ADest, x - hw, y - hw, x2 + hw, y2 + hw, hw,hw, ABrush)
- else
- FillRectAntialias(ADest, x - hw, y - hw, x2 + hw, y2 + hw, ABrush);
- end else
- if (APen.JoinStyle = pjsMiter) and (APen.Style = psSolid) and (APen.MiterLimit > 1.4142) then
- begin
- hw := AWidth/2;
- FillPolyAntialias(ADest, [PointF(x-hw,y-hw),PointF(x2+hw,y-hw),PointF(x2+hw,y2+hw),PointF(x-hw,y2+hw),EmptyPointF,
- PointF(x+hw,y2-hw),PointF(x2-hw,y2-hw),PointF(x2-hw,y+hw),PointF(x+hw,y+hw)],
- fmWinding, ABrush, true);
- end else
- DrawPolygonAntialias(ADest, APen, [Pointf(x,y),Pointf(x2,y),Pointf(x2,y2),Pointf(x,y2)], ABrush, AWidth);
-class procedure TUniversalDrawer.DrawPolygonAntialias(
- ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; APen: TBGRACustomPenStroker;
- const APoints: array of TPointF; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AWidth: single);
- FillPolyAntialias(ADest, APen.ComputePolygon(APoints, AWidth), ADest.FillMode, ABrush, true);
-class procedure TUniversalDrawer.Ellipse(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- APen: TBGRACustomPenStroker; x, y,rx, ry: single;
- const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AWidth: single; AAlpha: Word);
- if (APen.Style = psClear) or (AWidth = 0) then exit;
- if (APen.Style = psSolid) then
- BGRAPolygon.BorderEllipse(ADest, x, y, rx, ry, AWidth, ABrush, AAlpha)
- else
- begin
- if ABrush.DoesNothing then exit;
- FillPoly(ADest, APen.ComputePolygon(BGRAPath.ComputeEllipse(x,y,rx,ry),AWidth),
- ADest.FillMode, ABrush, true, AAlpha);
- end;
-class procedure TUniversalDrawer.Ellipse(ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- APen: TBGRACustomPenStroker; const AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis: TPointF;
- const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AWidth: single; AAlpha: Word);
- if (APen.Style = psClear) or (AWidth = 0) or ABrush.DoesNothing then exit;
- FillPoly(ADest, APen.ComputePolygon(BGRAPath.ComputeEllipse(AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis), AWidth),
- ADest.FillMode, ABrush, true, AAlpha);
-class procedure TUniversalDrawer.EllipseAntialias(
- ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; APen: TBGRACustomPenStroker;
- x, y, rx, ry: single; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AWidth: single);
- if (APen.Style = psClear) or (AWidth = 0) then exit;
- if (APen.Style = psSolid) then
- BGRAPolygon.BorderEllipseAntialias(ADest, x, y, rx, ry, AWidth, ABrush)
- else
- begin
- if ABrush.DoesNothing then exit;
- FillPolyAntialias(ADest, APen.ComputePolygon(BGRAPath.ComputeEllipse(x,y,rx,ry),AWidth),
- ADest.FillMode, ABrush, true);
- end;
-class procedure TUniversalDrawer.EllipseAntialias(
- ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; APen: TBGRACustomPenStroker; const AOrigin,
- AXAxis, AYAxis: TPointF; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AWidth: single);
- if (APen.Style = psClear) or (AWidth = 0) or ABrush.DoesNothing then exit;
- FillPolyAntialias(ADest, APen.ComputePolygon(BGRAPath.ComputeEllipse(AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis), AWidth),
- ADest.FillMode, ABrush, true);
-class procedure TUniversalDrawer.FillRectAntialias(
- ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; x, y, x2, y2: single;
- const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- fi: TFillRectangleInfo;
- if ABrush.DoesNothing then exit;
- fi := TFillRectangleInfo.Create(x,y,x2,y2,APixelCenteredCoordinates);
- FillShapeAntialias(ADest, fi, fmAlternate, ABrush);
- fi.Free;
-class procedure TUniversalDrawer.FillRoundRectAntialias(
- ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; x, y, x2, y2, rx, ry: single;
- const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AOptions: TRoundRectangleOptions;
- APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- fi: TFillRoundRectangleInfo;
- if ABrush.DoesNothing or (x = x2) or (y = y2) then exit;
- fi := TFillRoundRectangleInfo.Create(x,y,x2,y2, rx,ry, AOptions, APixelCenteredCoordinates);
- FillShapeAntialias(ADest, fi, fmAlternate, ABrush);
- fi.Free;
-class procedure TUniversalDrawer.FillShapeAntialias(
- ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; AShape: TBGRACustomFillInfo;
- AFillMode: TFillMode; ABrush: TUniversalBrush);
- BGRAPolygon.FillShapeAntialias(ADest, AShape, ABrush, AFillMode = fmWinding);
-class procedure TUniversalDrawer.FillPolyAntialias(
- ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const APoints: array of TPointF;
- AFillMode: TFillMode; ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean);
- BGRAPolygon.FillPolyAntialias(ADest, APoints, ABrush,
- AFillMode = fmWinding, APixelCenteredCoordinates);
-class procedure TUniversalDrawer.FillEllipseAntialias(
- ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; x, y, rx, ry: single;
- const ABrush: TUniversalBrush);
- BGRAPolygon.FillEllipseAntialias(ADest, x, y, rx, ry, ABrush);
-class procedure TUniversalDrawer.FillEllipseAntialias(
- ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis: TPointF;
- const ABrush: TUniversalBrush);
- pts: array of TPointF;
- if (AOrigin.y = AXAxis.y) and (AOrigin.x = AYAxis.x) then
- FillEllipseAntialias(ADest, AOrigin.x,AOrigin.y,
- abs(AXAxis.x-AOrigin.x),abs(AYAxis.y-AOrigin.y), ABrush)
- else
- if (AOrigin.x = AXAxis.x) and (AOrigin.y = AYAxis.y) then
- FillEllipseAntialias(ADest, AOrigin.x,AOrigin.y,
- abs(AYAxis.x-AOrigin.x),abs(AXAxis.y-AOrigin.y), ABrush)
- else
- begin
- if ABrush.DoesNothing then exit;
- pts := BGRAPath.ComputeEllipse(AOrigin,AXAxis,AYAxis);
- FillPolyAntialias(ADest, pts, fmAlternate, ABrush, true);
- end;
-class procedure TUniversalDrawer.FilterBlurRadial(
- ASource: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const ABounds: TRect; radiusX,
- radiusY: single; blurType: TRadialBlurType; ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap);
- BGRAFilterBlur.FilterBlurRadial(ASource, ABounds,
- radiusX,radiusY, blurType, ADest, nil);
-class procedure TUniversalDrawer.FilterBlurMotion(
- ASource: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const ABounds: TRect;
- distance: single; angle: single; oriented: boolean;
- ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap);
- BGRAFilterBlur.FilterBlurMotion(ASource, ABounds,
- distance, angle, oriented, ADest, nil);
-class procedure TUniversalDrawer.FilterCustomBlur(
- ASource: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const ABounds: TRect;
- mask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ADest: TCustomUniversalBitmap);
- BGRAFilterBlur.FilterBlurCustom(ASource, ABounds,
- mask, ADest, nil);
- UniDrawerClass := TUniversalDrawer;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/unzipperext.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/unzipperext.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b1e67d..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/unzipperext.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit UnzipperExt;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, zipper;
- { TUnzipperStreamUtf8 }
- TUnzipperStreamUtf8 = class(TUnZipper)
- private
- FCustomOutputStream: TStream;
- FCustomInputStream: TStream;
- procedure SetInputStream(AValue: TStream);
- protected
- Procedure CustomOpenInput(Sender: TObject; var AStream: TStream);
- procedure CustomCloseInput(Sender: TObject; var AStream: TStream);
- procedure CustomCreateOutput(Sender : TObject; var AStream : TStream; {%H-}AItem : TFullZipFileEntry);
- procedure CustomCloseOutput(Sender : TObject; var AStream : TStream; {%H-}AItem : TFullZipFileEntry);
- public
- function UnzipFileToStream(AFilename: string; AStream: TStream; ACaseSensitive: boolean= true): boolean;
- function UnzipFileToString(AFilename:string): string;
- constructor Create;
- property InputStream: TStream read FCustomInputStream write SetInputStream;
- end;
-uses BGRAUTF8;
-{ TUnzipperStreamUtf8 }
-procedure TUnzipperStreamUtf8.SetInputStream(AValue: TStream);
- if FCustomInputStream=AValue then Exit;
- FCustomInputStream:=AValue;
-procedure TUnzipperStreamUtf8.CustomOpenInput(Sender: TObject; var AStream: TStream);
- if Assigned(FCustomInputStream) then
- AStream := FCustomInputStream
- else
- AStream := TFileStreamUTF8.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);
-procedure TUnzipperStreamUtf8.CustomCloseInput(Sender: TObject; var AStream: TStream);
- if AStream = FCustomInputStream then
- AStream := nil
- else
- FreeAndNil(AStream);
-procedure TUnzipperStreamUtf8.CustomCreateOutput(Sender: TObject;
- var AStream: TStream; AItem: TFullZipFileEntry);
- AStream := FCustomOutputStream;
-procedure TUnzipperStreamUtf8.CustomCloseOutput(Sender: TObject;
- var AStream: TStream; AItem: TFullZipFileEntry);
- AStream := nil;
-function TUnzipperStreamUtf8.UnzipFileToStream(AFilename: string; AStream: TStream;
- ACaseSensitive: boolean): boolean;
- i: integer;
- entryName: string;
- OpenInput;
- AFilename := StringReplace(AFilename,'/','\',[rfReplaceAll]);
- Try
- ReadZipDirectory;
- for i := 0 to Entries.count-1 do
- begin
- entryName := Entries.FullEntries[i].ArchiveFileName;
- entryName:= StringReplace(entryName,'/','\',[rfReplaceAll]);
- if (entryName = AFilename) or
- (not ACaseSensitive and (CompareText(entryName,AFilename)=0)) then
- begin
- OnCreateStream := @CustomCreateOutput;
- OnDoneStream := @CustomCloseOutput;
- FCustomOutputStream := AStream;
- UnZipOneFile(Entries.FullEntries[i]);
- OnCreateStream := nil;
- OnDoneStream := nil;
- FCustomOutputStream := nil;
- result := true;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- Finally
- CloseInput;
- end;
- result := false;
-function TUnzipperStreamUtf8.UnzipFileToString(AFilename: string): string;
-var mem: TMemoryStream;
- mem := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- UnzipFileToStream(AFilename,mem);
- setlength(result,mem.Size);
- mem.Position:= 0;
- mem.Read(result[1], length(result));
- finally
- mem.Free;
- end;
-constructor TUnzipperStreamUtf8.Create;
- inherited Create;
- OnOpenInputStream := @CustomOpenInput;
- OnCloseInputStream:= @CustomCloseInput;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/uunittest.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/uunittest.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index df2c3a8..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/uunittest.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit UUnitTest;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BGRABitmapTypes;
-procedure Test(AExpression: boolean; ADescription: string);
- if not AExpression then
- raise EAssertionFailed.Create('Assertion failed: '+ADescription);
-var error: boolean;
- Test(StrToBGRA('red ')=CSSRed,'ignore spaces');
- Test(StrToBGRA('red@')=BGRAPixelTransparent,'error fallback to transparent');
- Test(StrToBGRA('red@',CSSYellow)=CSSYellow,'error fallback to transparent');
- Test(StrToBGRA('rgb(255,0,0)')=CSSRed,'rgb format');
- Test(StrToBGRA('rgb(255,0,0,0.502)')=BGRA(255,0,0,128),'rgba format');
- Test(StrToBGRA('rgb(255,0,?)')=BGRAPixelTransparent,'missing as an error');
- Test(StrToBGRA('rgb(255,0,?)',CSSYellow)=CSSYellow,'missing as an error');
- Test(PartialStrToBGRA('rgb(255,?,?,?)',BGRA(128,128,128,128),error)=BGRA(255,128,128,128),'missing values replacement');
- Test(not error, 'missing is not an error');
- Test(PartialStrToBGRA('rgb(255,?,?)',BGRA(128,128,128,128),error)=BGRA(255,128,128,255),'implicit rgb alpha');
- Test(not error, 'missing is not an error');
- Test(PartialStrToBGRA('rgb(255,abc,0)',BGRA(128,128,128,128),error)=BGRA(255,0,0,255),'error replaced by 0 for rgb');
- Test(error, 'non numeric error');
- Test(PartialStrToBGRA('#ff????',BGRA(128,128,128,128),error)=BGRA(255,128,128,255),'missing values replacement');
- Test(not error, 'missing is not an error');
- Test(PartialStrToBGRA('#f??',BGRA(128,128,128,128),error)=BGRA(255,128,128,255),'missing values replacement');
- Test(not error, 'missing is not an error');
- Test(PartialStrToBGRA('#12??3456',BGRA(128,128,128,128),error)=BGRA($12,128,$34,$56),'html color with missing values');
- Test(not error, 'missing is not an error');
- Test(BGRAToStr(VGARed)='FF0000FF','Default color format');
- Test(BGRAToStr(BGRA(255,0,0), VGAColors)='Red','VGA color names');
- Test(BGRAToStr(BGRA(255,255,0), CSSColors)='Yellow','CSS color names');
- Test(BGRAToStr(BGRA(250,128,114), CSSColors)='Salmon','CSS color names');
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/vertex3d.inc b/components/bgrabitmap/vertex3d.inc
deleted file mode 100644
index bff9fdf..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/vertex3d.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,457 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
- { TBGRAObject3D }
- TBGRAObject3D = class(TInterfacedObject,IBGRAObject3D)
- private
- FColor: TBGRAPixel;
- FLight: Single;
- FTexture: IBGRAScanner;
- FMainPart: IBGRAPart3D;
- FFaces: array of IBGRAFace3D;
- FFaceCount: integer;
- FLightingNormal : TLightingNormal3D;
- FParentLighting: boolean;
- FMaterial: IBGRAMaterial3D;
- FScene: TBGRAScene3D;
- FFaceColorsInvalidated,
- FMaterialInvalidated: boolean;
- procedure AddFace(AFace: IBGRAFace3D); overload;
- public
- constructor Create(AScene: TBGRAScene3D);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Clear;
- procedure InvalidateColor;
- procedure InvalidateMaterial;
- function AddFace(const AVertices: array of IBGRAVertex3D): IBGRAFace3D; overload;
- function AddFace(const AVertices: array of IBGRAVertex3D; ABiface: boolean): IBGRAFace3D; overload;
- function AddFace(const AVertices: array of IBGRAVertex3D; ATexture: IBGRAScanner): IBGRAFace3D; overload;
- function AddFace(const AVertices: array of IBGRAVertex3D; AColor: TBGRAPixel): IBGRAFace3D; overload;
- function AddFace(const AVertices: array of IBGRAVertex3D; AColors: array of TBGRAPixel): IBGRAFace3D; overload;
- function AddFaceReversed(const AVertices: array of IBGRAVertex3D): IBGRAFace3D;
- procedure ComputeWithMatrix(constref AMatrix: TMatrix3D; constref AProjection: TProjection3D);
- function GetColor: TBGRAPixel;
- function GetLight: Single;
- function GetTexture: IBGRAScanner;
- function GetMainPart: IBGRAPart3D;
- function GetLightingNormal: TLightingNormal3D;
- function GetParentLighting: boolean;
- function GetFace(AIndex: integer): IBGRAFace3D;
- function GetFaceCount: integer;
- function GetTotalVertexCount: integer;
- function GetTotalNormalCount: integer;
- function GetMaterial: IBGRAMaterial3D;
- procedure SetLightingNormal(const AValue: TLightingNormal3D);
- procedure SetParentLighting(const AValue: boolean);
- procedure SetColor(const AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure SetLight(const AValue: Single);
- procedure SetTexture(const AValue: IBGRAScanner);
- procedure SetMaterial(const AValue: IBGRAMaterial3D);
- procedure RemoveUnusedVertices;
- procedure SeparatePart(APart: IBGRAPart3D);
- function GetScene: TObject;
- function GetRefCount: integer;
- procedure SetBiface(AValue : boolean);
- procedure ForEachVertex(ACallback: TVertex3DCallback);
- procedure ForEachFace(ACallback: TFace3DCallback);
- procedure Update;
- end;
- { TBGRAVertex3D }
- TBGRAVertex3D = class(TInterfacedObject,IBGRAVertex3D)
- private
- FColor: TBGRAPixel;
- FParentColor: boolean;
- FLight: Single;
- FTexCoord: TPointF;
- FCoordPool: TBGRACoordPool3D;
- FCoordPoolIndex: integer;
- FCustomFlags: LongWord;
- FObject3D: TBGRAObject3D;
- function GetCoordData: PBGRACoordData3D;
- procedure Init(AObject3D: TBGRAObject3D; ACoordPool: TBGRACoordPool3D; ASceneCoord: TPoint3D_128);
- public
- constructor Create(AObject3D: TBGRAObject3D; ACoordPool: TBGRACoordPool3D; ASceneCoord: TPoint3D); overload;
- constructor Create(AObject3D: TBGRAObject3D; ACoordPool: TBGRACoordPool3D; ASceneCoord: TPoint3D_128); overload;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function GetColor: TBGRAPixel;
- function GetLight: Single;
- function GetViewNormal: TPoint3D;
- function GetViewNormal_128: TPoint3D_128;
- function GetCustomNormal: TPoint3D;
- function GetCustomNormal_128: TPoint3D_128;
- function GetSceneCoord: TPoint3D;
- function GetSceneCoord_128: TPoint3D_128;
- function GetTexCoord: TPointF;
- function GetViewCoord: TPoint3D;
- function GetViewCoord_128: TPoint3D_128;
- function GetUsage: integer;
- function GetCustomFlags: LongWord;
- procedure SetColor(const AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- procedure SetLight(const AValue: Single);
- procedure SetViewNormal(const AValue: TPoint3D);
- procedure SetViewNormal_128(const AValue: TPoint3D_128);
- procedure SetCustomNormal(AValue: TPoint3D);
- procedure SetCustomNormal_128(AValue: TPoint3D_128);
- procedure NormalizeViewNormal;
- procedure AddViewNormal(const AValue: TPoint3D_128);
- procedure SetCustomFlags(AValue: LongWord);
- procedure SetSceneCoord(const AValue: TPoint3D);
- procedure SetSceneCoord_128(const AValue: TPoint3D_128);
- procedure SetTexCoord(const AValue: TPointF);
- procedure SetViewCoord(const AValue: TPoint3D);
- procedure SetViewCoord_128(const AValue: TPoint3D_128);
- function GetViewCoordZ: single;
- function GetParentColor: Boolean;
- procedure SetParentColor(const AValue: Boolean);
- function GetProjectedCoord: TPointF;
- procedure SetProjectedCoord(const AValue: TPointF);
- procedure ComputeCoordinateAndClearNormal(const AMatrix: TMatrix3D; const AProjection: TProjection3D);
- property SceneCoord: TPoint3D read GetSceneCoord write SetSceneCoord;
- property SceneCoord_128: TPoint3D_128 read GetSceneCoord_128 write SetSceneCoord_128;
- property ViewCoord: TPoint3D read GetViewCoord write SetViewCoord;
- property ViewCoord_128: TPoint3D_128 read GetViewCoord_128 write SetViewCoord_128;
- property ViewCoordZ: single read GetViewCoordZ;
- property ProjectedCoord: TPointF read GetProjectedCoord write SetProjectedCoord;
- property TexCoord: TPointF read GetTexCoord write SetTexCoord;
- property Color: TBGRAPixel read GetColor write SetColor;
- property ParentColor: Boolean read GetParentColor write SetParentColor;
- property Light: Single read GetLight write SetLight;
- property ViewNormal: TPoint3D read GetViewNormal write SetViewNormal;
- property ViewNormal_128: TPoint3D_128 read GetViewNormal_128 write SetViewNormal_128;
- property CustomNormal: TPoint3D read GetCustomNormal write SetCustomNormal;
- property CustomNormal_128: TPoint3D_128 read GetCustomNormal_128 write SetCustomNormal_128;
- property Usage: integer read GetUsage;
- property CoordData: PBGRACoordData3D read GetCoordData;
- function GetAsObject: TObject;
- end;
- { TBGRANormal3D }
- TBGRANormal3D = class(TInterfacedObject,IBGRANormal3D)
- private
- FPool: TBGRANormalPool3D;
- FPoolIndex: integer;
- function GetCustomNormal: TPoint3D;
- function GetCustomNormal_128: TPoint3D_128;
- function GetUsage: integer;
- function GetViewNormal: TPoint3D;
- function GetViewNormal_128: TPoint3D_128;
- procedure SetCustomNormal(AValue: TPoint3D);
- procedure SetCustomNormal_128(AValue: TPoint3D_128);
- procedure SetViewNormal(AValue: TPoint3D);
- procedure SetViewNormal_128(AValue: TPoint3D_128);
- public
- constructor Create(ANormalPool: TBGRANormalPool3D; ACustomNormal: TPoint3D); overload;
- constructor Create(ANormalPool: TBGRANormalPool3D; ACustomNormal: TPoint3D_128); overload;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- property ViewNormal: TPoint3D read GetViewNormal write SetViewNormal;
- property ViewNormal_128: TPoint3D_128 read GetViewNormal_128 write SetViewNormal_128;
- property CustomNormal: TPoint3D read GetCustomNormal write SetCustomNormal;
- property CustomNormal_128: TPoint3D_128 read GetCustomNormal_128 write SetCustomNormal_128;
- property Usage: integer read GetUsage;
- end;
-{ TBGRANormal3D }
-function TBGRANormal3D.GetCustomNormal: TPoint3D;
- result := Point3D((FPool.NormalData[FPoolIndex])^.customNormal);
-function TBGRANormal3D.GetCustomNormal_128: TPoint3D_128;
- result := (FPool.NormalData[FPoolIndex])^.customNormal;
-function TBGRANormal3D.GetUsage: integer;
- result := frefcount;
-function TBGRANormal3D.GetViewNormal: TPoint3D;
- result := Point3D((FPool.NormalData[FPoolIndex])^.viewNormal);
-function TBGRANormal3D.GetViewNormal_128: TPoint3D_128;
- result := (FPool.NormalData[FPoolIndex])^.viewNormal;
-procedure TBGRANormal3D.SetCustomNormal(AValue: TPoint3D);
- (FPool.NormalData[FPoolIndex])^.customNormal := Point3D_128(AValue);
-procedure TBGRANormal3D.SetCustomNormal_128(AValue: TPoint3D_128);
- (FPool.NormalData[FPoolIndex])^.customNormal := AValue;
-procedure TBGRANormal3D.SetViewNormal(AValue: TPoint3D);
- (FPool.NormalData[FPoolIndex])^.viewNormal := Point3D_128(AValue);
-procedure TBGRANormal3D.SetViewNormal_128(AValue: TPoint3D_128);
- (FPool.NormalData[FPoolIndex])^.viewNormal := AValue;
-constructor TBGRANormal3D.Create(ANormalPool: TBGRANormalPool3D;
- ACustomNormal: TPoint3D);
- FPool := ANormalPool;
- FPoolIndex:= FPool.Add;
- CustomNormal := ACustomNormal;
-constructor TBGRANormal3D.Create(ANormalPool: TBGRANormalPool3D;
- ACustomNormal: TPoint3D_128);
- FPool := ANormalPool;
- FPoolIndex:= FPool.Add;
- CustomNormal_128 := ACustomNormal;
-destructor TBGRANormal3D.Destroy;
- FPool.Remove(FPoolIndex);
- inherited Destroy;
-{ TBGRAVertex3D }
-procedure TBGRAVertex3D.Init(AObject3D: TBGRAObject3D; ACoordPool: TBGRACoordPool3D; ASceneCoord: TPoint3D_128);
- FObject3D := AObject3D;
- FCoordPool := ACoordPool;
- FCoordPoolIndex := FCoordPool.Add;
- FColor := BGRAWhite;
- FParentColor := True;
- FLight := 1;
- SceneCoord_128 := ASceneCoord;
-procedure TBGRAVertex3D.SetCustomNormal(AValue: TPoint3D);
- with FCoordPool.CoordData[FCoordPoolIndex]^ do
- begin
- customNormal := Point3D_128(AValue);
- customNormalUsed := not CompareMem(@customNormal,@Point3D_128_Zero,sizeof(Point3D_128_Zero));
- end;
-procedure TBGRAVertex3D.SetCustomNormal_128(AValue: TPoint3D_128);
- with FCoordPool.CoordData[FCoordPoolIndex]^ do
- begin
- customNormal := AValue;
- customNormalUsed := not CompareMem(@customNormal,@Point3D_128_Zero,sizeof(Point3D_128_Zero));
- end;
-function TBGRAVertex3D.GetCoordData: PBGRACoordData3D;
- result := FCoordPool.CoordData[FCoordPoolIndex];
-function TBGRAVertex3D.GetCustomNormal: TPoint3D;
- result := Point3D(FCoordPool.CoordData[FCoordPoolIndex]^.customNormal);
-function TBGRAVertex3D.GetCustomNormal_128: TPoint3D_128;
- result := FCoordPool.CoordData[FCoordPoolIndex]^.customNormal;
-constructor TBGRAVertex3D.Create(AObject3D: TBGRAObject3D; ACoordPool: TBGRACoordPool3D; ASceneCoord: TPoint3D);
- Init(AObject3D, ACoordPool, Point3D_128(ASceneCoord));
-constructor TBGRAVertex3D.Create(AObject3D: TBGRAObject3D; ACoordPool: TBGRACoordPool3D; ASceneCoord: TPoint3D_128);
- Init(AObject3D, ACoordPool, ASceneCoord);
-destructor TBGRAVertex3D.Destroy;
- FCoordPool.Remove(FCoordPoolIndex);
- inherited Destroy;
-function TBGRAVertex3D.GetColor: TBGRAPixel;
- result := FColor;
-function TBGRAVertex3D.GetLight: Single;
- result := FLight;
-function TBGRAVertex3D.GetViewNormal: TPoint3D;
- result := Point3D(FCoordPool.CoordData[FCoordPoolIndex]^.viewNormal);
-function TBGRAVertex3D.GetViewNormal_128: TPoint3D_128;
- result := FCoordPool.CoordData[FCoordPoolIndex]^.viewNormal;
-function TBGRAVertex3D.GetSceneCoord: TPoint3D;
- result := Point3D(FCoordPool.CoordData[FCoordPoolIndex]^.sceneCoord);
-function TBGRAVertex3D.GetSceneCoord_128: TPoint3D_128;
- result := FCoordPool.CoordData[FCoordPoolIndex]^.sceneCoord;
-function TBGRAVertex3D.GetTexCoord: TPointF;
- result := FTexCoord;
-function TBGRAVertex3D.GetViewCoord: TPoint3D;
- result := Point3D(FCoordPool.CoordData[FCoordPoolIndex]^.viewCoord);
-function TBGRAVertex3D.GetViewCoord_128: TPoint3D_128;
- result := FCoordPool.CoordData[FCoordPoolIndex]^.viewCoord;
-function TBGRAVertex3D.GetUsage: integer;
- result := frefcount;
-function TBGRAVertex3D.GetCustomFlags: LongWord;
- result := FCustomFlags;
-procedure TBGRAVertex3D.SetColor(const AValue: TBGRAPixel);
- FColor := AValue;
- FParentColor := false;
- FObject3D.InvalidateColor;
-procedure TBGRAVertex3D.SetLight(const AValue: Single);
- FLight := AValue;
-procedure TBGRAVertex3D.SetViewNormal(const AValue: TPoint3D);
- FCoordPool.CoordData[FCoordPoolIndex]^.viewNormal := Point3D_128(AValue);
-procedure TBGRAVertex3D.SetViewNormal_128(const AValue: TPoint3D_128);
- FCoordPool.CoordData[FCoordPoolIndex]^.viewNormal := AValue;
-procedure TBGRAVertex3D.SetSceneCoord(const AValue: TPoint3D);
- FCoordPool.CoordData[FCoordPoolIndex]^.sceneCoord := Point3D_128(AValue);
-procedure TBGRAVertex3D.SetSceneCoord_128(const AValue: TPoint3D_128);
- FCoordPool.CoordData[FCoordPoolIndex]^.sceneCoord := AValue;
-procedure TBGRAVertex3D.SetTexCoord(const AValue: TPointF);
- FTexCoord := AValue;
-procedure TBGRAVertex3D.SetViewCoord(const AValue: TPoint3D);
- FCoordPool.CoordData[FCoordPoolIndex]^.viewCoord := Point3D_128(AValue);
-procedure TBGRAVertex3D.SetViewCoord_128(const AValue: TPoint3D_128);
- FCoordPool.CoordData[FCoordPoolIndex]^.viewCoord := AValue;
-function TBGRAVertex3D.GetViewCoordZ: single;
- result := FCoordPool.CoordData[FCoordPoolIndex]^.viewCoord.Z;
-function TBGRAVertex3D.GetParentColor: Boolean;
- result := FParentColor;
-procedure TBGRAVertex3D.SetParentColor(const AValue: Boolean);
- FParentColor := AValue;
- FObject3D.InvalidateColor;
-function TBGRAVertex3D.GetProjectedCoord: TPointF;
- result := FCoordPool.CoordData[FCoordPoolIndex]^.projectedCoord;
-procedure TBGRAVertex3D.SetProjectedCoord(const AValue: TPointF);
- FCoordPool.CoordData[FCoordPoolIndex]^.projectedCoord := AValue;
-procedure TBGRAVertex3D.ComputeCoordinateAndClearNormal(const AMatrix: TMatrix3D; const AProjection : TProjection3D);
-var P: PBGRACoordData3D;
- P := FCoordPool.CoordData[FCoordPoolIndex];
- with p^ do
- begin
- viewCoord := AMatrix*sceneCoord;
- if customNormalUsed then
- viewNormal := MultiplyVect3DWithoutTranslation(AMatrix,customNormal)
- else
- ClearPoint3D_128(viewNormal);
- if viewCoord.z > 0 then
- begin
- InvZ := 1/viewCoord.z;
- projectedCoord := PointF(viewCoord.x*InvZ*AProjection.Zoom.x + AProjection.Center.x,
- viewCoord.y*InvZ*AProjection.Zoom.Y + AProjection.Center.y);
- end else
- projectedCoord := PointF(0,0);
- end;
-function TBGRAVertex3D.GetAsObject: TObject;
- result := self;
-procedure TBGRAVertex3D.NormalizeViewNormal;
- Normalize3D_128(FCoordPool.CoordData[FCoordPoolIndex]^.viewNormal);
-procedure TBGRAVertex3D.AddViewNormal(const AValue: TPoint3D_128);
- with FCoordPool.CoordData[FCoordPoolIndex]^ do
- if not customNormalUsed then
- Add3D_Aligned(viewNormal, AValue);
-procedure TBGRAVertex3D.SetCustomFlags(AValue: LongWord);
- FCustomFlags:= AValue;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/wordxyzabitmap.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/wordxyzabitmap.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 74aae80..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/wordxyzabitmap.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,777 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit WordXYZABitmap;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BGRABitmapTypes, UniversalDrawer;
- { TWordXYZABitmap }
- TWordXYZABitmap = class(specialize TGenericUniversalBitmap)
- protected
- function InternalNew: TCustomUniversalBitmap; override;
- procedure AssignTransparentPixel(out ADest); override;
- public
- class procedure SolidBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; const AColor: TWordXYZA; ADrawMode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency); override;
- class procedure ScannerBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AScanner: IBGRAScanner; ADrawMode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency;
- AOffsetX: integer = 0; AOffsetY: integer = 0); override;
- class procedure MaskBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AScanner: IBGRAScanner;
- AOffsetX: integer = 0; AOffsetY: integer = 0); override;
- class procedure EraseBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word); override;
- class procedure AlphaBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word); override;
- procedure ReplaceImaginary(const AAfter: TWordXYZA);
- end;
- WordXYZATransparent : TWordXYZA = (X:0; Y:0; Z:0; alpha:0);
-operator = (const c1, c2: TWordXYZA): boolean; inline;
-uses XYZABitmap;
-operator = (const c1, c2: TWordXYZA): boolean;
- if (c1.alpha = 0) and (c2.alpha = 0) then
- Result := True
- else
- Result := (c1.alpha = c2.alpha) and (c1.X = c2.X) and
- (c1.Y = c2.Y) and (c1.Z = c2.Z);
-procedure WordXYZASolidBrushSkipPixels({%H-}AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; {%H-}AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- inc(PWordXYZA(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
-procedure WordXYZAChunkSetPixels(
- ASource: PWordXYZA; ADest: PWordXYZA;
- AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer; ASourceStride: integer); inline;
- alphaOver: UInt32or64;
- finalAlpha, residualAlpha, finalAlphaDiv2: UInt32or64;
- if AAlpha=0 then exit;
- if AAlpha=65535 then
- begin
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- ADest^ := ASource^;
- inc(ADest);
- dec(ACount);
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- if AAlpha > 32768 then alphaOver := AAlpha+1 else alphaOver := AAlpha;
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- residualAlpha := (ADest^.alpha*UInt32or64(65536-alphaOver)+32768) shr 16;
- finalAlpha := residualAlpha + ((ASource^.alpha*alphaOver+32768) shr 16);
- if finalAlpha <= 0 then ADest^ := WordXYZATransparent else
- begin
- if finalAlpha > 65535 then finalAlpha := 65535;
- finalAlphaDiv2 := finalAlpha shr 1;
- ADest^.alpha:= finalAlpha;
- ADest^.X := (ADest^.X*residualAlpha +
- ASource^.X*UInt32or64(finalAlpha-residualAlpha) + finalAlphaDiv2) div finalAlpha;
- ADest^.Y := (ADest^.Y*residualAlpha +
- ASource^.Y*UInt32or64(finalAlpha-residualAlpha) + finalAlphaDiv2) div finalAlpha;
- ADest^.Z := (ADest^.Z*residualAlpha +
- ASource^.Z*UInt32or64(finalAlpha-residualAlpha) + finalAlphaDiv2) div finalAlpha;
- end;
- inc(ADest);
- dec(ACount);
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride);
- end;
- end;
-procedure WordXYZASolidBrushSetPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- pDest: PWordXYZA;
- pDest := PWordXYZA(AContextData^.Dest);
- WordXYZAChunkSetPixels( PWordXYZA(AFixedData), pDest, AAlpha, ACount, 0);
- inc(pDest, ACount);
- AContextData^.Dest := pDest;
-procedure WordXYZAChunkDrawPixels(
- ASource: PWordXYZA; ADest: PWordXYZA;
- AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer; ASourceStride: integer); inline;
- alphaOver, srcAlphaOver, finalAlpha, finalAlphaDiv2, residualAlpha: UInt32or64;
- if AAlpha=0 then exit;
- if AAlpha >= 32768 then alphaOver := AAlpha+1 else alphaOver := AAlpha;
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- srcAlphaOver := (ASource^.alpha*alphaOver+32768) shr 16;
- if srcAlphaOver >= 65535 then
- ADest^ := ASource^
- else
- begin
- if srcAlphaOver >= 32768 then inc(srcAlphaOver);
- residualAlpha := (ADest^.alpha*UInt32or64(65536-srcAlphaOver)+32768) shr 16;
- finalAlpha := residualAlpha + srcAlphaOver;
- if finalAlpha <= 0 then ADest^ := WordXYZATransparent else
- begin
- if finalAlpha > 65535 then finalAlpha := 65535;
- ADest^.alpha:= finalAlpha;
- finalAlphaDiv2 := finalAlpha shr 1;
- ADest^.X := (ADest^.X*residualAlpha +
- ASource^.X*srcAlphaOver + finalAlphaDiv2) div finalAlpha;
- ADest^.Y := (ADest^.Y*residualAlpha +
- ASource^.Y*srcAlphaOver + finalAlphaDiv2) div finalAlpha;
- ADest^.Z := (ADest^.Z*residualAlpha +
- ASource^.Z*srcAlphaOver + finalAlphaDiv2) div finalAlpha;
- end;
- end;
- inc(ADest);
- dec(ACount);
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride);
- end;
-procedure WordXYZASolidBrushDrawPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- pDest: PWordXYZA;
- pDest := PWordXYZA(AContextData^.Dest);
- WordXYZAChunkDrawPixels( PWordXYZA(AFixedData), pDest, AAlpha, ACount, 0);
- inc(pDest, ACount);
- AContextData^.Dest := pDest;
-procedure WordXYZAChunkXorPixels(
- ASource: PWordXYZA; ADest: PWordXYZA;
- AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer; ASourceStride: integer); inline;
- alphaOver: UInt32or64;
- finalAlpha, residualAlpha, finalAlphaDiv2: UInt32or64;
- xored: TWordXYZA;
- if AAlpha=0 then exit;
- if AAlpha=65535 then
- begin
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- PQWord(ADest)^ := PQWord(ADest)^ xor PQWord(ASource)^;
- inc(ADest);
- dec(ACount);
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- if AAlpha > 32768 then alphaOver := AAlpha+1 else alphaOver := AAlpha;
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- PQWord(@xored)^ := PQWord(ADest)^ xor PQWord(ASource)^;
- residualAlpha := (ADest^.alpha*UInt32or64(65536-alphaOver)+32768) shr 16;
- finalAlpha := residualAlpha + ((xored.alpha*alphaOver+32768) shr 16);
- if finalAlpha <= 0 then ADest^ := WordXYZATransparent else
- begin
- if finalAlpha > 65535 then finalAlpha := 65535;
- finalAlphaDiv2 := finalAlpha shr 1;
- ADest^.alpha:= finalAlpha;
- ADest^.X := (ADest^.X*residualAlpha +
- xored.X*UInt32or64(finalAlpha-residualAlpha) + finalAlphaDiv2) div finalAlpha;
- ADest^.Y := (ADest^.Y*residualAlpha +
- xored.Y*UInt32or64(finalAlpha-residualAlpha) + finalAlphaDiv2) div finalAlpha;
- ADest^.Z := (ADest^.Z*residualAlpha +
- xored.Z*UInt32or64(finalAlpha-residualAlpha) + finalAlphaDiv2) div finalAlpha;
- end;
- inc(ADest);
- dec(ACount);
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride);
- end;
- end;
-procedure WordXYZASolidBrushXorPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- pDest: PWordXYZA;
- pDest := PWordXYZA(AContextData^.Dest);
- WordXYZAChunkXorPixels( PWordXYZA(AFixedData), pDest, AAlpha, ACount, 0);
- inc(pDest, ACount);
- AContextData^.Dest := pDest;
- PWordXYZAScannerBrushFixedData = ^TWordXYZAScannerBrushFixedData;
- TWordXYZAScannerBrushFixedData = record
- Scanner: Pointer; //avoid ref count by using pointer type
- OffsetX, OffsetY: integer;
- Conversion: TBridgedConversion;
- end;
-procedure WordXYZAScannerBrushInitContext(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext);
- with PWordXYZAScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanMoveTo(AContextData^.Ofs.X + OffsetX,
- AContextData^.Ofs.Y + OffsetY);
-procedure WordXYZAScannerConvertBrushSetPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- psrc: Pointer;
- pDest: PWordXYZA;
- qty, pixSize: Integer;
- buf: packed array[0..7] of TWordXYZA;
- with PWordXYZAScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- if AAlpha = 0 then
- begin
- inc(PWordXYZA(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PWordXYZA(AContextData^.Dest);
- pixSize := IBGRAScanner(Scanner).GetScanCustomColorspace.GetSize;
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- if ACount > length(buf) then qty := length(buf) else qty := ACount;
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextCustomChunk(qty, psrc);
- Conversion.Convert(psrc, @buf, qty, pixSize, sizeof(TWordXYZA), nil);
- WordXYZAChunkSetPixels(@buf, pDest, AAlpha, qty, sizeof(TWordXYZA) );
- inc(pDest, qty);
- dec(ACount, qty);
- end;
- AContextData^.Dest := pDest;
- end;
-procedure WordXYZAScannerChunkBrushSetPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- psrc: Pointer;
- pDest: PWordXYZA;
- qty: Integer;
- with PWordXYZAScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- if AAlpha = 0 then
- begin
- inc(PWordXYZA(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PWordXYZA(AContextData^.Dest);
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- qty := ACount;
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextCustomChunk(qty, psrc);
- WordXYZAChunkSetPixels(PWordXYZA(psrc), pDest, AAlpha, qty, sizeof(TWordXYZA) );
- inc(pDest, qty);
- dec(ACount, qty);
- end;
- AContextData^.Dest := pDest;
- end;
-procedure WordXYZAChunkSetPixelsExceptTransparent(
- ASource: PWordXYZA; ADest: PWordXYZA;
- AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer; ASourceStride: integer); inline;
- alphaOver: UInt32or64;
- finalAlpha, residualAlpha, finalAlphaDiv2: UInt32or64;
- if AAlpha=0 then exit;
- if AAlpha=65535 then
- begin
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- if ASource^.alpha = 65535 then ADest^ := ASource^;
- inc(ADest);
- dec(ACount);
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- if AAlpha > 32768 then alphaOver := AAlpha+1 else alphaOver := AAlpha;
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- if ASource^.alpha = 65535 then
- begin
- residualAlpha := (ADest^.alpha*UInt32or64(65536-alphaOver)+32768) shr 16;
- finalAlpha := residualAlpha + AAlpha;
- if finalAlpha <= 0 then ADest^ := WordXYZATransparent else
- begin
- if finalAlpha > 65535 then finalAlpha := 65535;
- finalAlphaDiv2 := finalAlpha shr 1;
- ADest^.alpha:= finalAlpha;
- ADest^.X := (ADest^.X*residualAlpha +
- ASource^.X*UInt32or64(finalAlpha-residualAlpha) + finalAlphaDiv2) div finalAlpha;
- ADest^.Y := (ADest^.Y*residualAlpha +
- ASource^.Y*UInt32or64(finalAlpha-residualAlpha) + finalAlphaDiv2) div finalAlpha;
- ADest^.Z := (ADest^.Z*residualAlpha +
- ASource^.Z*UInt32or64(finalAlpha-residualAlpha) + finalAlphaDiv2) div finalAlpha;
- end;
- end;
- inc(ADest);
- dec(ACount);
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride);
- end;
- end;
-procedure WordXYZAScannerChunkBrushSetPixelsExceptTransparent(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- pDest: PWordXYZA;
- qty: Integer;
- psrc: Pointer;
- with PWordXYZAScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- if AAlpha = 0 then
- begin
- inc(PWordXYZA(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PWordXYZA(AContextData^.Dest);
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- qty := ACount;
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextCustomChunk(qty, psrc);
- WordXYZAChunkSetPixelsExceptTransparent(PWordXYZA(psrc), pDest, AAlpha, qty, sizeof(TWordXYZA) );
- inc(pDest, qty);
- dec(ACount, qty);
- end;
- AContextData^.Dest := pDest;
- end;
-procedure WordXYZAScannerConvertBrushSetPixelsExceptTransparent(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- psrc: Pointer;
- pDest: PWordXYZA;
- qty, pixSize: Integer;
- buf: packed array[0..7] of TWordXYZA;
- with PWordXYZAScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- if AAlpha = 0 then
- begin
- inc(PWordXYZA(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PWordXYZA(AContextData^.Dest);
- pixSize := IBGRAScanner(Scanner).GetScanCustomColorspace.GetSize;
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- if ACount > length(buf) then qty := length(buf) else qty := ACount;
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextCustomChunk(qty, psrc);
- Conversion.Convert(psrc, @buf, qty, pixSize, sizeof(TWordXYZA), nil);
- WordXYZAChunkSetPixelsExceptTransparent(@buf, pDest, AAlpha, qty, sizeof(TWordXYZA) );
- inc(pDest, qty);
- dec(ACount, qty);
- end;
- AContextData^.Dest := pDest;
- end;
-procedure WordXYZAScannerChunkBrushDrawPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- psrc: Pointer;
- qty: Integer;
- pDest: PWordXYZA;
- with PWordXYZAScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- if AAlpha = 0 then
- begin
- inc(PWordXYZA(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PWordXYZA(AContextData^.Dest);
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- qty := ACount;
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextCustomChunk(qty, psrc);
- WordXYZAChunkDrawPixels(PWordXYZA(psrc), pDest, AAlpha, qty, sizeof(TWordXYZA) );
- inc(pDest, qty);
- dec(ACount, qty);
- end;
- AContextData^.Dest := pDest;
- end;
-procedure WordXYZAScannerConvertBrushDrawPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- psrc: Pointer;
- pDest: PWordXYZA;
- qty, pixSize: Integer;
- buf: packed array[0..7] of TWordXYZA;
- with PWordXYZAScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- if AAlpha = 0 then
- begin
- inc(PWordXYZA(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PWordXYZA(AContextData^.Dest);
- pixSize := IBGRAScanner(Scanner).GetScanCustomColorspace.GetSize;
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- if ACount > length(buf) then qty := length(buf) else qty := ACount;
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextCustomChunk(qty, psrc);
- Conversion.Convert(psrc, @buf, qty, pixSize, sizeof(TWordXYZA), nil);
- WordXYZAChunkDrawPixels(@buf, pDest, AAlpha, qty, sizeof(TWordXYZA) );
- inc(pDest, qty);
- dec(ACount, qty);
- end;
- AContextData^.Dest := pDest;
- end;
-procedure WordXYZAScannerChunkBrushXorPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- psrc: Pointer;
- qty: Integer;
- pDest: PWordXYZA;
- with PWordXYZAScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- if AAlpha = 0 then
- begin
- inc(PWordXYZA(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PWordXYZA(AContextData^.Dest);
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- qty := ACount;
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextCustomChunk(qty, psrc);
- WordXYZAChunkXorPixels(PWordXYZA(psrc), pDest, AAlpha, qty, sizeof(TWordXYZA) );
- inc(pDest, qty);
- dec(ACount, qty);
- end;
- AContextData^.Dest := pDest;
- end;
-procedure WordXYZAScannerConvertBrushXorPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- psrc: Pointer;
- pDest: PWordXYZA;
- qty, pixSize: Integer;
- buf: packed array[0..7] of TWordXYZA;
- with PWordXYZAScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- if AAlpha = 0 then
- begin
- inc(PWordXYZA(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PWordXYZA(AContextData^.Dest);
- pixSize := IBGRAScanner(Scanner).GetScanCustomColorspace.GetSize;
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- if ACount > length(buf) then qty := length(buf) else qty := ACount;
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextCustomChunk(qty, psrc);
- Conversion.Convert(psrc, @buf, qty, pixSize, sizeof(TWordXYZA), nil);
- WordXYZAChunkXorPixels(@buf, pDest, AAlpha, qty, sizeof(TWordXYZA) );
- inc(pDest, qty);
- dec(ACount, qty);
- end;
- AContextData^.Dest := pDest;
- end;
-procedure WordXYZAMaskBrushApply(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- pDest: PWordXYZA;
- qty, maskStride: Integer;
- pMask: PByteMask;
- factor: UInt32or64;
- with PWordXYZAScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- if AAlpha = 0 then
- begin
- inc(PWordXYZA(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PWordXYZA(AContextData^.Dest);
- if AAlpha = 65535 then
- begin
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- qty := ACount;
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextMaskChunk(qty, pMask, maskStride);
- dec(ACount,qty);
- while qty > 0 do
- begin
- if pMask^.gray >= 128 then
- pDest^.alpha := (pDest^.alpha*(pMask^.gray+1)) shr 8
- else pDest^.alpha := pDest^.alpha*pMask^.gray shr 8;
- if pDest^.alpha = 0 then pDest^ := WordXYZATransparent;
- inc(pDest);
- inc(pMask, maskStride);
- dec(qty);
- end;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- factor := AAlpha + (AAlpha shr 8) + (AAlpha shr 14);
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- qty := ACount;
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextMaskChunk(qty, pMask, maskStride);
- dec(ACount,qty);
- while qty > 0 do
- begin
- pDest^.alpha := (pDest^.alpha*((factor*pMask^.gray+128) shr 8)) shr 16;
- if pDest^.alpha = 0 then pDest^ := WordXYZATransparent;
- inc(pDest);
- inc(pMask, maskStride);
- dec(qty);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- PWordXYZA(AContextData^.Dest) := pDest;
- end;
-procedure WordXYZAAlphaBrushSetPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- pDest: PWordXYZA;
- alphaOver, residualAlpha, finalAlpha: UInt32or64;
- if AAlpha=0 then
- begin
- inc(PWordXYZA(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PWordXYZA(AContextData^.Dest);
- if AAlpha=65535 then
- begin
- finalAlpha := PWord(AFixedData)^;
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- pDest^.alpha := finalAlpha;
- inc(pDest);
- dec(ACount);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- if AAlpha >= 32768 then alphaOver := AAlpha+1
- else alphaOver := AAlpha;
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- residualAlpha := (pDest^.alpha*UInt32or64(65536-alphaOver)+32768) shr 16;
- finalAlpha := residualAlpha + (PWord(AFixedData)^*alphaOver+32768) shr 16;
- if finalAlpha > 65535 then finalAlpha := 65535;
- pDest^.alpha:= finalAlpha;
- inc(pDest);
- dec(ACount);
- end;
- end;
- PWordXYZA(AContextData^.Dest) := pDest;
-procedure WordXYZAAlphaBrushErasePixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- pDest: PWordXYZA;
- alphaMul, finalAlpha: UInt32or64;
- if AAlpha=0 then
- begin
- inc(PWordXYZA(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PWordXYZA(AContextData^.Dest);
- if AAlpha<>65535 then
- alphaMul := 65535-((PWord(AFixedData)^*AAlpha+32767) div 65535)
- else
- alphaMul := 65535-PWord(AFixedData)^;
- if alphaMul >= 32768 then inc(alphaMul);
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- finalAlpha := (pDest^.alpha*alphaMul+32768) shr 16;
- if finalAlpha <= 0 then pDest^ := WordXYZATransparent else
- pDest^.alpha:= finalAlpha;
- inc(pDest);
- dec(ACount);
- end;
- PWordXYZA(AContextData^.Dest) := pDest;
-{ TWordXYZABitmap }
-function TWordXYZABitmap.InternalNew: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- Result:= TWordXYZABitmap.Create;
-procedure TWordXYZABitmap.AssignTransparentPixel(out ADest);
- TWordXYZA(ADest) := WordXYZATransparent;
-class procedure TWordXYZABitmap.SolidBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- const AColor: TWordXYZA; ADrawMode: TDrawMode);
- ABrush.Colorspace:= TWordXYZAColorspace;
- PWordXYZA(@ABrush.FixedData)^ := AColor;
- case ADrawMode of
- dmSet: ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @WordXYZASolidBrushSetPixels;
- dmSetExceptTransparent:
- if AColor.alpha < 65535 then
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @WordXYZASolidBrushSkipPixels
- else
- begin
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @WordXYZASolidBrushSetPixels;
- ABrush.DoesNothing := true;
- end;
- dmDrawWithTransparency,dmLinearBlend:
- if AColor.alpha<=0 then
- begin
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @WordXYZASolidBrushSkipPixels;
- ABrush.DoesNothing := true;
- end
- else if AColor.alpha>=1 then
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @WordXYZASolidBrushSetPixels
- else
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @WordXYZASolidBrushDrawPixels;
- dmXor: if PQWord(@AColor)^ = 0 then
- begin
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @WordXYZASolidBrushSkipPixels;
- ABrush.DoesNothing := true;
- end else
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @WordXYZASolidBrushXorPixels;
- end;
-class procedure TWordXYZABitmap.ScannerBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- AScanner: IBGRAScanner; ADrawMode: TDrawMode;
- AOffsetX: integer; AOffsetY: integer);
- sourceSpace: TColorspaceAny;
- ABrush.Colorspace:= TWordXYZAColorspace;
- with PWordXYZAScannerBrushFixedData(@ABrush.FixedData)^ do
- begin
- Scanner := Pointer(AScanner);
- OffsetX := AOffsetX;
- OffsetY := AOffsetY;
- end;
- ABrush.InternalInitContext:= @WordXYZAScannerBrushInitContext;
- sourceSpace := AScanner.GetScanCustomColorspace;
- if sourceSpace = TWordXYZAColorspace then
- begin
- case ADrawMode of
- dmSet: ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @WordXYZAScannerChunkBrushSetPixels;
- dmSetExceptTransparent: ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @WordXYZAScannerChunkBrushSetPixelsExceptTransparent;
- dmDrawWithTransparency,dmLinearBlend:
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @WordXYZAScannerChunkBrushDrawPixels;
- dmXor: ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @WordXYZAScannerChunkBrushXorPixels;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- with PWordXYZAScannerBrushFixedData(@ABrush.FixedData)^ do
- Conversion := sourceSpace.GetBridgedConversion(TWordXYZAColorspace);
- case ADrawMode of
- dmSet: ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @WordXYZAScannerConvertBrushSetPixels;
- dmSetExceptTransparent: ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @WordXYZAScannerConvertBrushSetPixelsExceptTransparent;
- dmDrawWithTransparency,dmLinearBlend:
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @WordXYZAScannerConvertBrushDrawPixels;
- dmXor: ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @WordXYZAScannerConvertBrushXorPixels;
- end;
- end;
-class procedure TWordXYZABitmap.MaskBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- AScanner: IBGRAScanner; AOffsetX: integer; AOffsetY: integer);
- ABrush.Colorspace:= TWordXYZAColorspace;
- with PWordXYZAScannerBrushFixedData(@ABrush.FixedData)^ do
- begin
- Scanner := Pointer(AScanner);
- OffsetX := AOffsetX;
- OffsetY := AOffsetY;
- end;
- ABrush.InternalInitContext:= @WordXYZAScannerBrushInitContext;
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @WordXYZAMaskBrushApply;
-class procedure TWordXYZABitmap.EraseBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- AAlpha: Word);
- if AAlpha = 0 then
- begin
- SolidBrush(ABrush, WordXYZATransparent, dmDrawWithTransparency);
- exit;
- end;
- ABrush.Colorspace:= TWordXYZAColorspace;
- PWord(@ABrush.FixedData)^ := AAlpha;
- ABrush.InternalInitContext:= nil;
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @WordXYZAAlphaBrushErasePixels;
-class procedure TWordXYZABitmap.AlphaBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- AAlpha: Word);
- if AAlpha = 0 then
- begin
- SolidBrush(ABrush, WordXYZATransparent, dmSet);
- exit;
- end;
- ABrush.Colorspace:= TWordXYZAColorspace;
- PWord(@ABrush.FixedData)^ := AAlpha;
- ABrush.InternalInitContext:= nil;
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @WordXYZAAlphaBrushSetPixels;
-procedure TWordXYZABitmap.ReplaceImaginary(const AAfter: TWordXYZA);
- p: PWordXYZA;
- n: integer;
- p := Data;
- for n := NbPixels - 1 downto 0 do
- begin
- if (p^.alpha>0) and not IsRealColor(p^) then p^ := AAfter;
- Inc(p);
- end;
- InvalidateBitmap;
diff --git a/components/bgrabitmap/xyzabitmap.pas b/components/bgrabitmap/xyzabitmap.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 8dc2a4f..0000000
--- a/components/bgrabitmap/xyzabitmap.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,673 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
-unit XYZABitmap;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BGRABitmapTypes, UniversalDrawer;
- { TXYZABitmap }
- TXYZABitmap = class(specialize TGenericUniversalBitmap)
- protected
- function InternalNew: TCustomUniversalBitmap; override;
- procedure AssignTransparentPixel(out ADest); override;
- public
- class procedure SolidBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; const AColor: TXYZA; ADrawMode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency); override;
- class procedure ScannerBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AScanner: IBGRAScanner; ADrawMode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency;
- AOffsetX: integer = 0; AOffsetY: integer = 0); override;
- class procedure MaskBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AScanner: IBGRAScanner;
- AOffsetX: integer = 0; AOffsetY: integer = 0); override;
- class procedure EraseBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word); override;
- class procedure AlphaBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word); override;
- procedure ReplaceImaginary(const AAfter: TXYZA);
- end;
- XYZATransparent : TXYZA = (X:0; Y:0; Z:0; alpha:0);
-operator = (const c1, c2: TXYZA): boolean; inline;
-function IsRealColor(xyza: TXYZA): boolean;
-uses BGRAFillInfo;
-operator = (const c1, c2: TXYZA): boolean;
- if (c1.alpha = 0) and (c2.alpha = 0) then
- Result := True
- else
- Result := (c1.alpha = c2.alpha) and (c1.X = c2.X) and
- (c1.Y = c2.Y) and (c1.Z = c2.Z);
- xyHorseshoePolygon: TFillShapeInfo;
-procedure MakeXYHorseshoePolygon;
- pts: array of TPointF;
- i: Integer;
- n: Single;
- setlength(pts, length(SpectralLocus));
- for i := 0 to high(pts) do
- begin
- n := SpectralLocus[i].X+SpectralLocus[i].Y+SpectralLocus[i].Z;
- pts[i].x := SpectralLocus[i].X/n;
- pts[i].y := SpectralLocus[i].Y/n;
- end;
- xyHorseshoePolygon := TFillPolyInfo.Create(pts, false);
- pts := nil;
-function IsRealColor(xyza: TXYZA): boolean;
-const dim = 0.015;
- n: Single;
- xyza.ChromaticAdapt(GetReferenceWhiteIndirect^, ReferenceWhite2E);
- if (xyza.Y < 0) or (xyza.Y > 1) or (xyza.X < 0) or (xyza.Z < 0) then exit(false);
- if (xyza.Y = 0) then exit((xyza.X=0) and (xyza.Z=0));
- if xyHorseshoePolygon = nil then MakeXYHorseshoePolygon;
- n := xyza.X + xyza.Y + xyza.Z;
- result := xyHorseshoePolygon.IsPointInside(xyza.X/n*(1-dim)+1/3*dim, xyza.Y/n*(1-dim)+1/3*dim, false);
-procedure XYZASolidBrushSkipPixels({%H-}AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; {%H-}AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- inc(PXYZA(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
-procedure XYZAChunkSetPixels(
- ASource: PXYZA; ADest: PXYZA;
- AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer; ASourceStride: integer); inline;
-const oneOver65535 = 1/65535;
- alphaOver, finalAlpha, finalAlphaInv, residualAlpha: single;
- if AAlpha=0 then exit;
- if AAlpha=65535 then
- begin
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- ADest^ := ASource^;
- inc(ADest);
- dec(ACount);
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- alphaOver := AAlpha*single(oneOver65535);
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- residualAlpha := ADest^.alpha*(1-alphaOver);
- finalAlpha := residualAlpha + ASource^.alpha*alphaOver;
- if finalAlpha <= 0 then ADest^ := XYZATransparent else
- begin
- if finalAlpha > 1 then finalAlpha := 1;
- ADest^.alpha:= finalAlpha;
- finalAlphaInv := 1/finalAlpha;
- ADest^.X := (ADest^.X*residualAlpha +
- ASource^.X*(finalAlpha-residualAlpha) ) * finalAlphaInv;
- ADest^.Y := (ADest^.Y*residualAlpha +
- ASource^.Y*(finalAlpha-residualAlpha) ) * finalAlphaInv;
- ADest^.Z := (ADest^.Z*residualAlpha +
- ASource^.Z*(finalAlpha-residualAlpha) ) * finalAlphaInv;
- end;
- inc(ADest);
- dec(ACount);
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride);
- end;
- end;
-procedure XYZASolidBrushSetPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- pDest: PXYZA;
- pDest := PXYZA(AContextData^.Dest);
- XYZAChunkSetPixels( PXYZA(AFixedData), pDest, AAlpha, ACount, 0);
- inc(pDest, ACount);
- AContextData^.Dest := pDest;
-procedure XYZAChunkDrawPixels(
- ASource: PXYZA; ADest: PXYZA;
- AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer; ASourceStride: integer); inline;
-const oneOver65535 = 1/65535;
- alphaOver, srcAlphaOver, finalAlpha, finalAlphaInv, residualAlpha: single;
- if AAlpha=0 then exit;
- alphaOver := AAlpha*single(oneOver65535);
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- srcAlphaOver := ASource^.alpha*alphaOver;
- if srcAlphaOver >= 1 then
- ADest^ := ASource^
- else
- begin
- residualAlpha := ADest^.alpha*(1-srcAlphaOver);
- finalAlpha := residualAlpha + srcAlphaOver;
- if finalAlpha <= 0 then ADest^ := XYZATransparent else
- begin
- if finalAlpha > 1 then finalAlpha := 1;
- ADest^.alpha:= finalAlpha;
- finalAlphaInv := 1/finalAlpha;
- ADest^.X := (ADest^.X*residualAlpha +
- ASource^.X*srcAlphaOver ) * finalAlphaInv;
- ADest^.Y := (ADest^.Y*residualAlpha +
- ASource^.Y*srcAlphaOver ) * finalAlphaInv;
- ADest^.Z := (ADest^.Z*residualAlpha +
- ASource^.Z*srcAlphaOver ) * finalAlphaInv;
- end;
- end;
- inc(ADest);
- dec(ACount);
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride);
- end;
-procedure XYZASolidBrushDrawPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- pDest: PXYZA;
- pDest := PXYZA(AContextData^.Dest);
- XYZAChunkDrawPixels( PXYZA(AFixedData), pDest, AAlpha, ACount, 0);
- inc(pDest, ACount);
- AContextData^.Dest := pDest;
- PXYZAScannerBrushFixedData = ^TXYZAScannerBrushFixedData;
- TXYZAScannerBrushFixedData = record
- Scanner: Pointer; //avoid ref count by using pointer type
- OffsetX, OffsetY: integer;
- Conversion: TBridgedConversion;
- end;
-procedure XYZAScannerBrushInitContext(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext);
- with PXYZAScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanMoveTo(AContextData^.Ofs.X + OffsetX,
- AContextData^.Ofs.Y + OffsetY);
-procedure XYZAScannerConvertBrushSetPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- psrc: Pointer;
- pDest: PXYZA;
- qty, pixSize: Integer;
- buf: packed array[0..7] of TXYZA;
- with PXYZAScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- if AAlpha = 0 then
- begin
- inc(PXYZA(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PXYZA(AContextData^.Dest);
- pixSize := IBGRAScanner(Scanner).GetScanCustomColorspace.GetSize;
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- if ACount > length(buf) then qty := length(buf) else qty := ACount;
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextCustomChunk(qty, psrc);
- Conversion.Convert(psrc, @buf, qty, pixSize, sizeof(TXYZA), nil);
- XYZAChunkSetPixels(@buf, pDest, AAlpha, qty, sizeof(TXYZA) );
- inc(pDest, qty);
- dec(ACount, qty);
- end;
- AContextData^.Dest := pDest;
- end;
-procedure XYZAScannerChunkBrushSetPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- psrc: Pointer;
- pDest: PXYZA;
- qty: Integer;
- with PXYZAScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- if AAlpha = 0 then
- begin
- inc(PXYZA(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PXYZA(AContextData^.Dest);
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- qty := ACount;
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextCustomChunk(qty, psrc);
- XYZAChunkSetPixels(PXYZA(psrc), pDest, AAlpha, qty, sizeof(TXYZA) );
- inc(pDest, qty);
- dec(ACount, qty);
- end;
- AContextData^.Dest := pDest;
- end;
-procedure XYZAChunkSetPixelsExceptTransparent(
- ASource: PXYZA; ADest: PXYZA;
- AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer; ASourceStride: integer); inline;
-const oneOver65535 = 1/65535;
- alphaOver, finalAlpha, finalAlphaInv, residualAlpha: single;
- if AAlpha=0 then exit;
- if AAlpha=65535 then
- begin
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- if ASource^.alpha >= 1 then
- ADest^ := ASource^;
- inc(ADest);
- dec(ACount);
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- alphaOver := AAlpha*single(oneOver65535);
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- if ASource^.alpha >= 1 then
- begin
- residualAlpha := ADest^.alpha*(1-alphaOver);
- finalAlpha := residualAlpha + alphaOver;
- if finalAlpha <= 0 then ADest^ := XYZATransparent else
- begin
- ADest^.alpha:= finalAlpha;
- finalAlphaInv := 1/finalAlpha;
- ADest^.X := (ADest^.X*residualAlpha +
- ASource^.X*(finalAlpha-residualAlpha) ) * finalAlphaInv;
- ADest^.Y := (ADest^.Y*residualAlpha +
- ASource^.Y*(finalAlpha-residualAlpha) ) * finalAlphaInv;
- ADest^.Z := (ADest^.Z*residualAlpha +
- ASource^.Z*(finalAlpha-residualAlpha) ) * finalAlphaInv;
- end;
- end;
- inc(ADest);
- dec(ACount);
- inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride);
- end;
- end;
-procedure XYZAScannerChunkBrushSetPixelsExceptTransparent(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- pDest: PXYZA;
- qty: Integer;
- psrc: Pointer;
- with PXYZAScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- if AAlpha = 0 then
- begin
- inc(PXYZA(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PXYZA(AContextData^.Dest);
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- qty := ACount;
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextCustomChunk(qty, psrc);
- XYZAChunkSetPixelsExceptTransparent(PXYZA(psrc), pDest, AAlpha, qty, sizeof(TXYZA) );
- inc(pDest, qty);
- dec(ACount, qty);
- end;
- AContextData^.Dest := pDest;
- end;
-procedure XYZAScannerConvertBrushSetPixelsExceptTransparent(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- psrc: Pointer;
- pDest: PXYZA;
- qty, pixSize: Integer;
- buf: packed array[0..7] of TXYZA;
- with PXYZAScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- if AAlpha = 0 then
- begin
- inc(PXYZA(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PXYZA(AContextData^.Dest);
- pixSize := IBGRAScanner(Scanner).GetScanCustomColorspace.GetSize;
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- if ACount > length(buf) then qty := length(buf) else qty := ACount;
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextCustomChunk(qty, psrc);
- Conversion.Convert(psrc, @buf, qty, pixSize, sizeof(TXYZA), nil);
- XYZAChunkSetPixelsExceptTransparent(@buf, pDest, AAlpha, qty, sizeof(TXYZA) );
- inc(pDest, qty);
- dec(ACount, qty);
- end;
- AContextData^.Dest := pDest;
- end;
-procedure XYZAScannerChunkBrushDrawPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- psrc: Pointer;
- qty: Integer;
- pDest: PXYZA;
- with PXYZAScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- if AAlpha = 0 then
- begin
- inc(PXYZA(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PXYZA(AContextData^.Dest);
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- qty := ACount;
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextCustomChunk(qty, psrc);
- XYZAChunkDrawPixels(PXYZA(psrc), pDest, AAlpha, qty, sizeof(TXYZA) );
- inc(pDest, qty);
- dec(ACount, qty);
- end;
- AContextData^.Dest := pDest;
- end;
-procedure XYZAScannerConvertBrushDrawPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- psrc: Pointer;
- pDest: PXYZA;
- qty, pixSize: Integer;
- buf: packed array[0..7] of TXYZA;
- with PXYZAScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- if AAlpha = 0 then
- begin
- inc(PXYZA(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PXYZA(AContextData^.Dest);
- pixSize := IBGRAScanner(Scanner).GetScanCustomColorspace.GetSize;
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- if ACount > length(buf) then qty := length(buf) else qty := ACount;
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextCustomChunk(qty, psrc);
- Conversion.Convert(psrc, @buf, qty, pixSize, sizeof(TXYZA), nil);
- XYZAChunkDrawPixels(@buf, pDest, AAlpha, qty, sizeof(TXYZA) );
- inc(pDest, qty);
- dec(ACount, qty);
- end;
- AContextData^.Dest := pDest;
- end;
-procedure XYZAMaskBrushApply(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
- pDest: PXYZA;
- qty, maskStride: Integer;
- pMask: PByteMask;
- factor: single;
- with PXYZAScannerBrushFixedData(AFixedData)^ do
- begin
- if AAlpha = 0 then
- begin
- inc(PXYZA(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanSkipPixels(ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PXYZA(AContextData^.Dest);
- factor := AAlpha/(65535*255);
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- qty := ACount;
- IBGRAScanner(Scanner).ScanNextMaskChunk(qty, pMask, maskStride);
- dec(ACount,qty);
- while qty > 0 do
- begin
- pDest^.alpha := pDest^.alpha*pMask^.gray*factor;
- if pDest^.alpha = 0 then pDest^ := XYZATransparent;
- inc(pDest);
- inc(pMask, maskStride);
- dec(qty);
- end;
- end;
- PXYZA(AContextData^.Dest) := pDest;
- end;
-procedure XYZAAlphaBrushSetPixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
-const oneOver65535 = 1/65535;
- pDest: PXYZA;
- alphaOver, residualAlpha, finalAlpha: single;
- if AAlpha=0 then
- begin
- inc(PXYZA(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PXYZA(AContextData^.Dest);
- if AAlpha=65535 then
- begin
- finalAlpha := PSingle(AFixedData)^;
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- pDest^.alpha := finalAlpha;
- inc(pDest);
- dec(ACount);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- alphaOver := AAlpha*single(oneOver65535);
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- residualAlpha := pDest^.alpha*(1-alphaOver);
- finalAlpha := residualAlpha + PSingle(AFixedData)^*alphaOver;
- pDest^.alpha:= finalAlpha;
- inc(pDest);
- dec(ACount);
- end;
- end;
- PXYZA(AContextData^.Dest) := pDest;
-procedure XYZAAlphaBrushErasePixels(AFixedData: Pointer;
- AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
-const oneOver65535 = 1/65535;
- pDest: PXYZA;
- alphaMul, finalAlpha: single;
- if AAlpha=0 then
- begin
- inc(PXYZA(AContextData^.Dest), ACount);
- exit;
- end;
- pDest := PXYZA(AContextData^.Dest);
- if AAlpha<>65535 then
- alphaMul := 1-PSingle(AFixedData)^*AAlpha*single(oneOver65535)
- else
- alphaMul := 1-PSingle(AFixedData)^;
- while ACount > 0 do
- begin
- finalAlpha := pDest^.alpha*alphaMul;
- if finalAlpha <= 0 then pDest^ := XYZATransparent else
- pDest^.alpha:= finalAlpha;
- inc(pDest);
- dec(ACount);
- end;
- PXYZA(AContextData^.Dest) := pDest;
-{ TXYZABitmap }
-function TXYZABitmap.InternalNew: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
- Result:= TXYZABitmap.Create;
-procedure TXYZABitmap.AssignTransparentPixel(out ADest);
- TXYZA(ADest) := XYZATransparent;
-class procedure TXYZABitmap.SolidBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- const AColor: TXYZA; ADrawMode: TDrawMode);
- ABrush.Colorspace:= TXYZAColorspace;
- PXYZA(@ABrush.FixedData)^ := AColor;
- case ADrawMode of
- dmSet: ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @XYZASolidBrushSetPixels;
- dmSetExceptTransparent:
- if AColor.alpha < 1 then
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @XYZASolidBrushSkipPixels
- else
- begin
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @XYZASolidBrushSetPixels;
- ABrush.DoesNothing := true;
- end;
- dmDrawWithTransparency,dmLinearBlend:
- if AColor.alpha<=0 then
- begin
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @XYZASolidBrushSkipPixels;
- ABrush.DoesNothing := true;
- end
- else if AColor.alpha>=1 then
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @XYZASolidBrushSetPixels
- else
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @XYZASolidBrushDrawPixels;
- dmXor: raise exception.Create('Xor mode not available with floating point values');
- end;
-class procedure TXYZABitmap.ScannerBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- AScanner: IBGRAScanner; ADrawMode: TDrawMode;
- AOffsetX: integer; AOffsetY: integer);
- sourceSpace: TColorspaceAny;
- ABrush.Colorspace:= TXYZAColorspace;
- with PXYZAScannerBrushFixedData(@ABrush.FixedData)^ do
- begin
- Scanner := Pointer(AScanner);
- OffsetX := AOffsetX;
- OffsetY := AOffsetY;
- end;
- ABrush.InternalInitContext:= @XYZAScannerBrushInitContext;
- sourceSpace := AScanner.GetScanCustomColorspace;
- if sourceSpace = TXYZAColorspace then
- begin
- case ADrawMode of
- dmSet: ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @XYZAScannerChunkBrushSetPixels;
- dmSetExceptTransparent: ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @XYZAScannerChunkBrushSetPixelsExceptTransparent;
- dmDrawWithTransparency,dmLinearBlend:
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @XYZAScannerChunkBrushDrawPixels;
- dmXor: raise exception.Create('Xor mode not available with floating point values');
- end;
- end else
- begin
- with PXYZAScannerBrushFixedData(@ABrush.FixedData)^ do
- Conversion := sourceSpace.GetBridgedConversion(TXYZAColorspace);
- case ADrawMode of
- dmSet: ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @XYZAScannerConvertBrushSetPixels;
- dmSetExceptTransparent: ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @XYZAScannerConvertBrushSetPixelsExceptTransparent;
- dmDrawWithTransparency,dmLinearBlend:
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @XYZAScannerConvertBrushDrawPixels;
- dmXor: raise exception.Create('Xor mode not available with floating point values');
- end;
- end;
-class procedure TXYZABitmap.MaskBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- AScanner: IBGRAScanner; AOffsetX: integer; AOffsetY: integer);
- ABrush.Colorspace:= TXYZAColorspace;
- with PXYZAScannerBrushFixedData(@ABrush.FixedData)^ do
- begin
- Scanner := Pointer(AScanner);
- OffsetX := AOffsetX;
- OffsetY := AOffsetY;
- end;
- ABrush.InternalInitContext:= @XYZAScannerBrushInitContext;
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @XYZAMaskBrushApply;
-class procedure TXYZABitmap.EraseBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- AAlpha: Word);
- if AAlpha = 0 then
- begin
- SolidBrush(ABrush, XYZATransparent, dmDrawWithTransparency);
- exit;
- end;
- ABrush.Colorspace:= TXYZAColorspace;
- PSingle(@ABrush.FixedData)^ := AAlpha/65535;
- ABrush.InternalInitContext:= nil;
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @XYZAAlphaBrushErasePixels;
-class procedure TXYZABitmap.AlphaBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
- AAlpha: Word);
- if AAlpha = 0 then
- begin
- SolidBrush(ABrush, XYZATransparent, dmSet);
- exit;
- end;
- ABrush.Colorspace:= TXYZAColorspace;
- PSingle(@ABrush.FixedData)^ := AAlpha/65535;
- ABrush.InternalInitContext:= nil;
- ABrush.InternalPutNextPixels:= @XYZAAlphaBrushSetPixels;
-procedure TXYZABitmap.ReplaceImaginary(const AAfter: TXYZA);
- p: PXYZA;
- n: integer;
- p := Data;
- for n := NbPixels - 1 downto 0 do
- begin
- if (p^.alpha>0) and not IsRealColor(p^) then p^ := AAfter;
- Inc(p);
- end;
- InvalidateBitmap;
- xyHorseshoePolygon.Free;
diff --git a/components/dexif b/components/dexif
deleted file mode 160000
index 2c069a1..0000000
--- a/components/dexif
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Subproject commit 2c069a1b39db7e835852ad899c2200e604e0c41f
diff --git a/components/vampireimaging/Demos/Data/Icon.png b/components/vampireimaging/Demos/Data/Icon.png
deleted file mode 100644
index c7d2898..0000000
Binary files a/components/vampireimaging/Demos/Data/Icon.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/components/vampireimaging/Demos/Data/Imaging.ico b/components/vampireimaging/Demos/Data/Imaging.ico
deleted file mode 100644
index c886676..0000000
Binary files a/components/vampireimaging/Demos/Data/Imaging.ico and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/components/vampireimaging/Demos/Data/Irbis.xpm b/components/vampireimaging/Demos/Data/Irbis.xpm
deleted file mode 100644
index 54dbacd..0000000
--- a/components/vampireimaging/Demos/Data/Irbis.xpm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,331 +0,0 @@
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