PISSMAN-PC: with these new versions it makes at least some sense
PISSMAN-PC: like, they promised so much in the new update
PISSMAN-PC: some kind of ash dimension or something
PISSMAN-PC: and yet noone is talking abouth these weird updates?
PISSMAN-PC: i mean on the forums
PISSMAN-PC: wonder if that's tied to that figure me and another guy looked for once
PISSMAN-PC: btw did they also ban you for a month?
Vivern: wait wait waaaaaaaait
Vivern: they ban people now?
PISSMAN-PC: I mean not me lmao
PISSMAN-PC: but they did ban the guy whose account i borrowed for a while
PISSMAN-PC: because my actual account it not in the tests
PISSMAN-PC: i mean it doesn't get these new versions
Vivern: huh. Well, this is dumb (the ban i mean)
Vivern: i just hope they bring back that Ghoul mob, he's very fun
Vivern: actually, can you log into the game at all? in like, the launcher
PISSMAN-PC: let me try actually
Vivern: k
PISSMAN-PC: i mean i can
PISSMAN-PC: but it like
PISSMAN-PC: puts me into this
PISSMAN-PC: actually i'll show you later