Happened on | External User(s) | Version | Footage |
2021-11-13 | apoem, spectator | 1605_unpreview2 | No Footage |
apoem: 1 againthebeginningthefirstoneofall
apoem: 2 againthenewmilestoneatlargeanewhome
cntrpl joined the game.
apoem: 3 youwontneedtheseagain
apoem: 4 notanymorenotsoon
cntrpl left the game.
apoem: 5 theanteisrisingmuchlikeamonsoon
cntrpl joined the game.
cntrpl left the game.
cntrpl joined the game.
cntrpl: wtf
apoem: 6 andonthishighnoteimustleaveastormiscomingsoon
apoem: 7 aurevoir
apoem left the game.
spectator: in darkness there is solace
spectator left the game.