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STM32H7RSWorkShop-Debug authentication demo

Project Link

The example will guide you through a board provisionning with ST default credential, close the debug port of the board. Then using the debug authentication feature with certificate, we will re-open the debugging link for debuging and also for triggering a platform regression.


  • NucleoH7S3L8 board
  • USB type C cable
  • CubeIDE 1.15.1 (or upper) with STM32H7RSCube V1.0.0 (or upper)
  • CubeProgrammer 2.16.0 (or upper)

Key Steps for the Hands-On

Step overview

Step 1 : Compile LED blonking code and flash it

Import the project

  1. Launch Cube IDE
  2. Go in Menu File -> Open Projects from file system...
  3. Select the folder STM32H7RSWorkShop-Debug_authentication\0-LED blinking project\Test_LED
  4. Finish

Import project

Compile and download the project

  1. Select the Test_LED_Boot
  2. Go in Menu Run->Debug As-> 1 STM32C/C++ Application
  3. Select debug configuration Test_LED_Boot, then OK

Launch debug config

  1. Run the application, then stop the debug session

Run and stop

  • LED LD2 orange is blinking

Step 2 : Provision the target with ST default credential and close the device

Step 1 done

Let's provision the board !

  1. Launch STM32CubeProgrammer
  2. Select connect mode Hotplug, this is a must !
  3. Click on Connect
  4. Select icon for the option byte OB
  5. Select Product State


  1. Change the value from 39 to 17
  2. Select Apply
  3. On the pop-up "Do you want to provision a Deafult DA-Config? ", select YES
  4. On the Warning pop-up, click OK
  5. On the Message pop-up "OBKey Provisioned successfully....", click OK
  6. On the Message pop-up "Secure Option Byte set up succeeded", click OK


Let's close the board !

  1. Change product state value from 17 to 72
  2. Select Apply
  3. On the message pop-up : "Warning : Product state requested, verification could not be done", click OK
  4. On the message pop-up : "Secure Option Byte set up succeeded", click OK
  5. On the message pop-up : "Warning : Connection to device 0x.... is lost", click OK
  6. On the message pop-up : "Error : failed to reconnect after reset", click OK


The device is closed and our LED is blinking ! Device is ready to go on the field.

Step 3 : Reopen the device for debug

Step 2 done

  1. Open STM32CubeIDE
  2. Select the Test_LED_Boot
  3. Go in Menu Debug configurations...
  4. Select Test_LED_Boot_Return_from_the_field_analysis
  5. Select Debugger tab

Debug config

  1. In debug authentication update Key path, thanks Browse...
  2. set it to your installation path ...STM32H7RSWorkShop-Debug_authentication\1-Debug_authentication\dbg_auth_pubkey.pem
  3. In debug authentication update Certificate path, thanks Browse...
  4. Set it to your installation path ...STM32H7RSWorkShop-Debug_authentication\1-Debug_authentication\dbg_auth_chain.EcdsaP256

WARNING : the Key/ Certificate path should not contain any space character !

Debug config

  1. Click on Debug

  2. Please break and then you can debug your application Debug config

  3. Close the debug session Terminate icon

Step 4 : Let's do a regression and reopen the device

Step 3 done

Close the debug link opened previously

  1. Launch STM32CubeProgrammer
  2. Select the shield icon
  3. Select DA tab
  4. Click on Discover
  5. Click on Close Debug
  6. On the message pop-up : Target successfully locked, click OK

Debug config

Debug authentication to trig a regression

  1. Click on Discover

  2. Update Key File path, thanks Browse...

  3. Set it to your installation path ...STM32H7RSWorkShop-Debug_authentication\1-Debug_authentication\dbg_auth_pubkey.pem

  4. Update Certificate path, thanks Browse...

  5. set it to your installation path ...STM32H7RSWorkShop-Debug_authentication\1-Debug_authentication\dbg_auth_chain.EcdsaP256

  6. Click on Continue

    Debug config

  7. Select Full regression

  8. Select Execute

  9. On the message pop-up : Debug Authentication Sucess, click OK

![Debug config ](./img/regression_done.gif)
  1. Select icon for the option byte OB
  2. Select Product State and check the value is 39 Open state
![Debug config ](./img/check_reopen.gif)