This is all my random FTC Java code. It contains some work I've done on robots with things such as camera vision and AI (using FIRST's EasyOpenCV and TensorFlowLite), odometry with dead wheels and encoders and multithreading (using an external FTC-Threaded-OpMode library), and PID controllers for the autonomous competition stage. There's some code for different robot drivetrains such as tank and mecanum. Some code for different subsystems like intakes and claws. A lot of it is all over the place or unfinished.
This repository is a project with the full FTC SDK, so to see my actual code go to TeamCode/src/main/java/org/firstinspires/ftc/teamcode. To see some image or video documentation of the robots the code is for, go to the Images folder.
This repository contains the public FTC SDK for the POWERPLAY (2022-2023) competition season. The version used here is 8.1.1.