This plugin provides basic Android util functions.
- Show Android Toast UI/Popup (Short/Long)
- Check if device has Internet connection
- Check if device is connected to a WiFi
- Check if WiFi is enabled on device
- Check if Hotspot is enabled on device
- Check if Bluetooth is enabled on device
- Check if Developer Mode (USB debugging) is enabled
- Check if Device is Rooted
- Check if Device is Rooted or has any harmful app installed
- Check if Location Service (GPS) is enabled
- Get Android Device Id (Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID or SSAID)
- Get Current Device Battery Percentage
In your unity project, you can use this plugins in your C# scripts.
Download the plugin .aar file (pluginbasicutils-debug.aar or pluginbasicutils-release.aar based on development environment) from releases or
build it by yourself and paste the .aar file in your Unity project's Assets/Plugins/Android
directory. (Follow main for plugin setup info)
const string pluginName = "com.arupakaman.pluginbasicutils.unity.UnityUtils"; // Constant of util static class location
AndroidJavaClass jc = new AndroidJavaClass("com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer");
AndroidJavaObject jo = jc.GetStatic<AndroidJavaObject>("currentActivity"); // jo will be used for Context param
AndroidJavaClass ajc = new AndroidJavaClass(pluginName); // ajc will be used to access UnityUtils class
ajc.CallStatic("toast", jo, "Hello Unity World!"); // toast is function name to show the Toast
ajc.CallStatic("toastLong", jo, "Hello Unity World!"); // for long toast
bool isNetConnected = ajc.CallStatic<bool>("isNetConnected", jo);
bool isWifiConnected = ajc.CallStatic<bool>("isWifiConnected", jo);
bool isWifiEnabled = ajc.CallStatic<bool>("isWifiEnabled", jo);
bool isHotspotEnabled = ajc.CallStatic<bool>("isHotspotEnabled", jo);
bool isBluetoothEnabled = ajc.CallStatic<bool>("isBluetoothEnabled", jo);
bool isDeveloperModeEnabled = ajc.CallStatic<bool>("isDeveloperModeEnabled", jo);
bool isRooted = ajc.CallStatic<bool>("isRooted", jo);
bool isRootedOrHarmfulAppsInstalled = ajc.CallStatic<bool>("isRootedOrHarmfulAppsInstalled", jo);
bool isGpsEnabled = ajc.CallStatic<bool>("isGpsEnabled", jo);
string androidDeviceId = ajc.CallStatic<string>("getAndroidDeviceId", jo);
int batteryPercentage = ajc.CallStatic<int>("getBatteryPercentage", jo);