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Custom CAN decoder to translate CAN messages to MQTT protobuf encoded packets with low latency and a YAML configuration structure.

Usage: run -h to see the full usage options and defaults.

Develop setup

Go to Settings in VSCode

search Rust-analyzer check and set the command from check -> clippy

Open Settings.json

add following information:

"[rust]": {
    "editor.defaultFormatter": "rust-lang.rust-analyzer",
    "editor.formatOnSave": true

To test it on linux, please install:


Process for testing:

  • run mosquitto and leave it open
  • run mqttui and leave it open
  • setup the can network:
    • sudo ip link add dev vcan0 type vcan
    • sudo ip link set dev vcan0 up

run cargo run -- -u localhost:1883 -c vcan0

To send a can message:

  • cansend vcan0 <ID_IN_HEX>#<PAYLOAD_IN_HEX> Ex. cansend vcan0 702#01010101FFFFFFFF
    Now view calypso interpret the can message and broadcast it on mqttui

Generate Proto


apt-get install protobuf-compiler -y


brew install protobuf

cargo install protobuf-codegen


protoc --rust_out ./src ./src/proto/serverdata.proto

delete the file