diff --git a/src/backend/src/controllers/users.controllers.ts b/src/backend/src/controllers/users.controllers.ts
index 1411e440a8..8076e225d7 100644
--- a/src/backend/src/controllers/users.controllers.ts
+++ b/src/backend/src/controllers/users.controllers.ts
@@ -191,15 +191,4 @@ export default class UsersController {
-  static async sendNotificationToUsers(req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) {
-    try {
-      const { text, iconName, userIds } = req.body;
-      const createdNotification = await UsersService.sendNotifcationToUsers(text, iconName, userIds, req.organization);
-      res.status(200).json(createdNotification);
-    } catch (error: unknown) {
-      next(error);
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/src/backend/src/prisma/migrations/20241211185407_announcements_and_notifications/migration.sql b/src/backend/src/prisma/migrations/20241211195435_announcements_and_notifications/migration.sql
similarity index 70%
rename from src/backend/src/prisma/migrations/20241211185407_announcements_and_notifications/migration.sql
rename to src/backend/src/prisma/migrations/20241211195435_announcements_and_notifications/migration.sql
index 30b887407d..c57afabd25 100644
--- a/src/backend/src/prisma/migrations/20241211185407_announcements_and_notifications/migration.sql
+++ b/src/backend/src/prisma/migrations/20241211195435_announcements_and_notifications/migration.sql
@@ -18,40 +18,40 @@ CREATE TABLE "Notification" (
 -- CreateTable
-CREATE TABLE "_ReceivedAnnouncements" (
+CREATE TABLE "_receivedAnnouncements" (
 -- CreateTable
-CREATE TABLE "_UserNotifications" (
+CREATE TABLE "_userNotifications" (
 -- CreateIndex
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "_ReceivedAnnouncements_AB_unique" ON "_ReceivedAnnouncements"("A", "B");
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "_receivedAnnouncements_AB_unique" ON "_receivedAnnouncements"("A", "B");
 -- CreateIndex
-CREATE INDEX "_ReceivedAnnouncements_B_index" ON "_ReceivedAnnouncements"("B");
+CREATE INDEX "_receivedAnnouncements_B_index" ON "_receivedAnnouncements"("B");
 -- CreateIndex
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "_UserNotifications_AB_unique" ON "_UserNotifications"("A", "B");
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "_userNotifications_AB_unique" ON "_userNotifications"("A", "B");
 -- CreateIndex
-CREATE INDEX "_UserNotifications_B_index" ON "_UserNotifications"("B");
+CREATE INDEX "_userNotifications_B_index" ON "_userNotifications"("B");
 -- AddForeignKey
 ALTER TABLE "Announcement" ADD CONSTRAINT "Announcement_userCreatedId_fkey" FOREIGN KEY ("userCreatedId") REFERENCES "User"("userId") ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE CASCADE;
 -- AddForeignKey
-ALTER TABLE "_ReceivedAnnouncements" ADD CONSTRAINT "_ReceivedAnnouncements_A_fkey" FOREIGN KEY ("A") REFERENCES "Announcement"("announcementId") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE;
+ALTER TABLE "_receivedAnnouncements" ADD CONSTRAINT "_receivedAnnouncements_A_fkey" FOREIGN KEY ("A") REFERENCES "Announcement"("announcementId") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE;
 -- AddForeignKey
-ALTER TABLE "_ReceivedAnnouncements" ADD CONSTRAINT "_ReceivedAnnouncements_B_fkey" FOREIGN KEY ("B") REFERENCES "User"("userId") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE;
+ALTER TABLE "_receivedAnnouncements" ADD CONSTRAINT "_receivedAnnouncements_B_fkey" FOREIGN KEY ("B") REFERENCES "User"("userId") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE;
 -- AddForeignKey
-ALTER TABLE "_UserNotifications" ADD CONSTRAINT "_UserNotifications_A_fkey" FOREIGN KEY ("A") REFERENCES "Notification"("notificationId") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE;
+ALTER TABLE "_userNotifications" ADD CONSTRAINT "_userNotifications_A_fkey" FOREIGN KEY ("A") REFERENCES "Notification"("notificationId") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE;
 -- AddForeignKey
+ALTER TABLE "_userNotifications" ADD CONSTRAINT "_userNotifications_B_fkey" FOREIGN KEY ("B") REFERENCES "User"("userId") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE;
diff --git a/src/backend/src/prisma/schema.prisma b/src/backend/src/prisma/schema.prisma
index 0f010392ea..c06ca3d45f 100644
--- a/src/backend/src/prisma/schema.prisma
+++ b/src/backend/src/prisma/schema.prisma
@@ -180,9 +180,9 @@ model User {
   deletedFrequentlyAskedQuestions FrequentlyAskedQuestion[] @relation(name: "frequentlyAskedQuestionDeleter")
   createdMilestones               Milestone[]               @relation(name: "milestoneCreator")
   deletedMilestones               Milestone[]               @relation(name: "milestoneDeleter")
-  receivedAnnouncements           Announcement[]            @relation(name: "ReceivedAnnouncements")
-  createdAnnouncements            Announcement[]            @relation(name: "CreatedAnnouncements")
-  unreadNotifications             Notification[]            @relation(name: "UserNotifications")
+  receivedAnnouncements           Announcement[]            @relation(name: "receivedAnnouncements")
+  createdAnnouncements            Announcement[]            @relation(name: "createdAnnouncements")
+  unreadNotifications             Notification[]            @relation(name: "userNotifications")
 model Role {
@@ -934,15 +934,15 @@ model Milestone {
 model Announcement {
   announcementId String   @id @default(uuid())
   text           String
-  usersReceived  User[]   @relation("ReceivedAnnouncements")
+  usersReceived  User[]   @relation("receivedAnnouncements")
   dateCrated     DateTime
   userCreatedId  String
-  userCreated    User     @relation("CreatedAnnouncements", fields: [userCreatedId], references: [userId])
+  userCreated    User     @relation("createdAnnouncements", fields: [userCreatedId], references: [userId])
 model Notification {
   notificationId String @id @default(uuid())
   text           String
   iconName       String
-  users          User[] @relation("UserNotifications")
+  users          User[] @relation("userNotifications")
diff --git a/src/backend/src/routes/notifications.routes.ts b/src/backend/src/routes/notifications.routes.ts
index 4701b0f3ea..ff712d8b48 100644
--- a/src/backend/src/routes/notifications.routes.ts
+++ b/src/backend/src/routes/notifications.routes.ts
@@ -1,8 +1,19 @@
 import express from 'express';
 import NotificationsController from '../controllers/notifications.controllers';
+import { nonEmptyString, validateInputs } from '../utils/validation.utils';
+import { body } from 'express-validator';
 const notificationsRouter = express.Router();
 notificationsRouter.post('/task-deadlines', NotificationsController.sendDailySlackNotifications);
+  '/send/users',
+  nonEmptyString(body('text')),
+  nonEmptyString(body('iconName')),
+  body('userIds').isArray(),
+  nonEmptyString(body('userIds.*')),
+  validateInputs,
+  NotificationsController.sendNotificationToUsers
 export default notificationsRouter;
diff --git a/src/backend/src/routes/users.routes.ts b/src/backend/src/routes/users.routes.ts
index 4d7fca68f2..2f95201f6f 100644
--- a/src/backend/src/routes/users.routes.ts
+++ b/src/backend/src/routes/users.routes.ts
@@ -55,14 +55,4 @@ userRouter.post(
-  '/notifications/send/many',
-  nonEmptyString(body('text')),
-  nonEmptyString(body('iconName')),
-  body('userIds').isArray(),
-  nonEmptyString(body('userIds.*')),
-  validateInputs,
-  UsersController.sendNotificationToUsers
 export default userRouter;
diff --git a/src/backend/src/services/notifications.services.ts b/src/backend/src/services/notifications.services.ts
index a443d93588..483e6ed9d6 100644
--- a/src/backend/src/services/notifications.services.ts
+++ b/src/backend/src/services/notifications.services.ts
@@ -11,8 +11,10 @@ import { daysBetween, startOfDay, wbsPipe } from 'shared';
 import { buildDueString } from '../utils/slack.utils';
 import WorkPackagesService from './work-packages.services';
 import { addWeeksToDate } from 'shared';
-import { HttpException } from '../utils/errors.utils';
+import { HttpException, NotFoundException } from '../utils/errors.utils';
 import { meetingStartTimePipe } from '../utils/design-reviews.utils';
+import { getNotificationQueryArgs } from '../prisma-query-args/notifications.query-args';
+import notificationTransformer from '../transformers/notifications.transformer';
 export default class NotificationsService {
   static async sendDailySlackNotifications() {
@@ -193,4 +195,44 @@ export default class NotificationsService {
     await Promise.all(promises);
+  /**
+   * Creates and sends a notification to all users with the given userIds
+   * @param text writing in the notification
+   * @param iconName icon that appears in the notification
+   * @param userIds ids of users to send the notification to
+   * @param organizationId
+   * @returns the created notification
+   */
+  static async sendNotifcationToUsers(text: string, iconName: string, userIds: string[], organizationId: string) {
+    const createdNotification = await prisma.notification.create({
+      data: {
+        text,
+        iconName
+      },
+      ...getNotificationQueryArgs(organizationId)
+    });
+    if (!createdNotification) throw new HttpException(500, 'Failed to create notification');
+    const notificationsPromises = userIds.map(async (userId) => {
+      const requestedUser = await prisma.user.findUnique({
+        where: { userId }
+      });
+      if (!requestedUser) throw new NotFoundException('User', userId);
+      return await prisma.user.update({
+        where: { userId: requestedUser.userId },
+        data: {
+          unreadNotifications: {
+            connect: { notificationId: createdNotification.notificationId }
+          }
+        }
+      });
+    });
+    await Promise.all(notificationsPromises);
+    return notificationTransformer(createdNotification);
+  }
diff --git a/src/backend/src/services/users.services.ts b/src/backend/src/services/users.services.ts
index b680811d1b..d786c04137 100644
--- a/src/backend/src/services/users.services.ts
+++ b/src/backend/src/services/users.services.ts
@@ -38,8 +38,6 @@ import { getAuthUserQueryArgs } from '../prisma-query-args/auth-user.query-args'
 import authenticatedUserTransformer from '../transformers/auth-user.transformer';
 import { getTaskQueryArgs } from '../prisma-query-args/tasks.query-args';
 import taskTransformer from '../transformers/tasks.transformer';
-import notificationTransformer from '../transformers/notifications.transformer';
-import { getNotificationQueryArgs } from '../prisma-query-args/notifications.query-args';
 export default class UsersService {
@@ -568,44 +566,4 @@ export default class UsersService {
     const resolvedTasks = await Promise.all(tasksPromises);
     return resolvedTasks.flat();
-  /**
-   * Creates and sends a notification to all users with the given userIds
-   * @param text writing in the notification
-   * @param iconName icon that appears in the notification
-   * @param userIds ids of users to send the notification to
-   * @param organization
-   * @returns the created notification
-   */
-  static async sendNotifcationToUsers(text: string, iconName: string, userIds: string[], organization: Organization) {
-    const createdNotification = await prisma.notification.create({
-      data: {
-        text,
-        iconName
-      },
-      ...getNotificationQueryArgs(organization.organizationId)
-    });
-    if (!createdNotification) throw new HttpException(500, 'Failed to create notification');
-    const notificationsPromises = userIds.map(async (userId) => {
-      const requestedUser = await prisma.user.findUnique({
-        where: { userId }
-      });
-      if (!requestedUser) throw new NotFoundException('User', userId);
-      return await prisma.user.update({
-        where: { userId: requestedUser.userId },
-        data: {
-          unreadNotifications: {
-            connect: { notificationId: createdNotification.notificationId }
-          }
-        }
-      });
-    });
-    await Promise.all(notificationsPromises);
-    return notificationTransformer(createdNotification);
-  }
diff --git a/src/backend/tests/unmocked/notifications.test.ts b/src/backend/tests/unmocked/notifications.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d3cce68361
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/backend/tests/unmocked/notifications.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+import { Organization } from '@prisma/client';
+import { createTestOrganization, createTestUser, resetUsers } from '../test-utils';
+import { batmanAppAdmin, supermanAdmin } from '../test-data/users.test-data';
+import { NotFoundException } from '../../src/utils/errors.utils';
+import prisma from '../../src/prisma/prisma';
+import NotificationService from '../../src/services/notifications.services';
+describe('Notifications Tests', () => {
+  let orgId: string;
+  let organization: Organization;
+  beforeEach(async () => {
+    organization = await createTestOrganization();
+    orgId = organization.organizationId;
+  });
+  afterEach(async () => {
+    await resetUsers();
+  });
+  describe('Send Notification', () => {
+    it('fails on invalid user id', async () => {
+      await expect(
+        async () =>
+          await NotificationService.sendNotifcationToUsers(
+            'test notification',
+            'star',
+            ['1', '2'],
+            organization.organizationId
+          )
+      ).rejects.toThrow(new NotFoundException('User', '1'));
+    });
+    it('Succeeds and sends notification to user', async () => {
+      const testBatman = await createTestUser(batmanAppAdmin, orgId);
+      const testSuperman = await createTestUser(supermanAdmin, orgId);
+      await NotificationService.sendNotifcationToUsers(
+        'test notification',
+        'star',
+        [testBatman.userId, testSuperman.userId],
+        organization.organizationId
+      );
+      const batmanWithNotifications = await prisma.user.findUnique({
+        where: { userId: testBatman.userId },
+        include: { unreadNotifications: true }
+      });
+      const supermanWithNotifications = await prisma.user.findUnique({
+        where: { userId: testBatman.userId },
+        include: { unreadNotifications: true }
+      });
+      expect(batmanWithNotifications?.unreadNotifications).toHaveLength(1);
+      expect(batmanWithNotifications?.unreadNotifications[0].text).toBe('test notification');
+      expect(supermanWithNotifications?.unreadNotifications).toHaveLength(1);
+      expect(supermanWithNotifications?.unreadNotifications[0].text).toBe('test notification');
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/src/backend/tests/unmocked/users.test.ts b/src/backend/tests/unmocked/users.test.ts
index 4d59d49dd1..c13a0c857f 100644
--- a/src/backend/tests/unmocked/users.test.ts
+++ b/src/backend/tests/unmocked/users.test.ts
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
 import { Organization } from '@prisma/client';
 import { createTestOrganization, createTestTask, createTestUser, resetUsers } from '../test-utils';
-import { batmanAppAdmin, supermanAdmin } from '../test-data/users.test-data';
+import { batmanAppAdmin } from '../test-data/users.test-data';
 import UsersService from '../../src/services/users.services';
 import { NotFoundException } from '../../src/utils/errors.utils';
-import prisma from '../../src/prisma/prisma';
 describe('User Tests', () => {
   let orgId: string;
@@ -49,38 +48,4 @@ describe('User Tests', () => {
       expect(userTasks).toStrictEqual([batmanTask, batmanTask]);
-  describe('Send Notification', () => {
-    it('fails on invalid user id', async () => {
-      await expect(
-        async () => await UsersService.sendNotifcationToUsers('test notification', 'star', ['1', '2'], organization)
-      ).rejects.toThrow(new NotFoundException('User', '1'));
-    });
-    it('Succeeds and sends notification to user', async () => {
-      const testBatman = await createTestUser(batmanAppAdmin, orgId);
-      const testSuperman = await createTestUser(supermanAdmin, orgId);
-      await UsersService.sendNotifcationToUsers(
-        'test notification',
-        'star',
-        [testBatman.userId, testSuperman.userId],
-        organization
-      );
-      const batmanWithNotifications = await prisma.user.findUnique({
-        where: { userId: testBatman.userId },
-        include: { unreadNotifications: true }
-      });
-      const supermanWithNotifications = await prisma.user.findUnique({
-        where: { userId: testBatman.userId },
-        include: { unreadNotifications: true }
-      });
-      expect(batmanWithNotifications?.unreadNotifications).toHaveLength(1);
-      expect(batmanWithNotifications?.unreadNotifications[0].text).toBe('test notification');
-      expect(supermanWithNotifications?.unreadNotifications).toHaveLength(1);
-      expect(supermanWithNotifications?.unreadNotifications[0].text).toBe('test notification');
-    });
-  });