This library serves two purposes:
- It allows me to understand reinforcement learning algorithms by building them.
- It allows the easy combination of various reinforcement learning extensions, such as Prioritized Experience Replay, Eligibility Traces, Random Ensemble Mixture etc.
Currently all the following can be used and combined:
- All the basic non-mujoco discrete environments, including Atari. Additionally MineRL environments can be used. No default.
- Training for either a fixed number of steps, episodes or hours. No default.
- Uniform Experience Replay and Prioritied Experience Replay. Defaults to uniform exp replay.
- Corrected Experience Replay, CER. Can be combined either with uniform ode rprioritized experience replay.
- Frame Stacking as in DQN. The stacking dimension can be chosen, although dimension 0 performs bestaccording to some rudimentary experiments. Defaults to 4 frames and dim 0.
- Frame Skipping as in DQN. Defaults to 4.
- Optimizations per step - how many batches to sample on for optimization per step in the environment. 0.25 (1 optimization every 4 steps) is the default atm, as in the DQN paper.
- Use of a target net that is updated every N steps or of a Polyak-averaged target network, as seen in DDPG. Defaults to Polyak-averaging.
- Pretraining on Expert Data - currently only for MineRL data.
- Bellman split - adds an additional head to a Q net that takes care of predicting only the immediate reward, whereas the other head is optimized to predict the value of the next state without the immediate reward. I could not yet show that this improves performance.
- QV and QVMax learning
- Efficient Eligibility traces - as described in v1 of the arXiv paper.
- Observation standardization. Turned on by default.
- Use of the RAdam optimizer.
- Two epsilon anneal schedules: DQN style linearly anneal until time T and then keep constant and exponential decay.
- Improved replay buffer making use of the PyTorch dataloader.
- Compatibility with Apex
- Noisy Nets
- Dueling Networks for Q function. Also an addition for it if it is combined with QV learning - the estimated state value in the Q network should be the output of the V network.
The following packages are necessary to run the code:
First we need swig and g++ compilers for box2d environments:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install swig gcc g++
Then, install all python dependencies via the requirements.txt file:
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python --env [ENV_SHORTHAND] --n_[steps|episodes|hours] N
ENV_SHORTHANDs are defined in the script. Please define your own shorthand for additional environments.
All additional options can be seen in
This is only necessary for MineRL environments:
xvfb-run -a -s "-screen 0 1400x900x24 +extension RANDR" -- python --env [ENV_NAME] --n_[steps|episodes|hours] N