This repository contains the scripts and files to be able to reproduce the analysis performed in the article Potential changes in cooling degree day under different global warming levels and shared socioeconomic pathways in West Africa.
The jupyter notebook used are provided in the Scripts folder.
- CDD_and_CDDP_Analysis_Visualisation_Final.ipynb - CDD netcdf files processed to compute analysis and necessary plots in the article
- Bias_Correction.ipynb - Climate projection bias correction
- Compute_Cooling_Degee_Day.ipynb - Set of instructions uses to compute the Cooling Degree Day for each climate model files under RCP 4.5 and RCP8.5
- CDD_per_global_warming_level.ipynb - Set of instructions to compute the Cooling Degree Day for each Global Warming Levels (GWLs)
Base temperature determination has been done in R software.
- Base_temperature.R : code for the base temperatue determination for each country considered alongside the different graph
- Seasonal_load_profile_West_Africa.R : code of the Figure 4 of the article with the seasonal variation
This folder contains the QGIS project created to generate study area map as well as Senegal map overlay by population (Figure 5).
Bias-corrected climate projection datasets used are available at and subset over the study area can be assessed at Output generated as a result of the analysis in csv format are provided in cdd_ouput/cdd folder.