diff --git a/CMakeLists_files.cmake b/CMakeLists_files.cmake
index cda462e0fa5..4d8cd0c39da 100644
--- a/CMakeLists_files.cmake
+++ b/CMakeLists_files.cmake
@@ -1172,7 +1172,20 @@ if(dune-alugrid_FOUND)
+    opm/simulators/flow/ReservoirCoupling.cpp
+    opm/simulators/flow/ReservoirCouplingMaster.cpp
+    opm/simulators/flow/ReservoirCouplingSlave.cpp
+    opm/simulators/flow/ReservoirCouplingSpawnSlaves.cpp
+  )
+    opm/simulators/flow/ReservoirCoupling.hpp
+    opm/simulators/flow/ReservoirCouplingMaster.hpp
+    opm/simulators/flow/ReservoirCouplingSlave.hpp
+    opm/simulators/flow/ReservoirCouplingSpawnSlaves.hpp
+  )
diff --git a/opm/simulators/flow/FlowGenericVanguard.cpp b/opm/simulators/flow/FlowGenericVanguard.cpp
index 1622411b98f..1f6e0af49e5 100644
--- a/opm/simulators/flow/FlowGenericVanguard.cpp
+++ b/opm/simulators/flow/FlowGenericVanguard.cpp
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ void FlowGenericVanguard::readDeck(const std::string& filename)
-                  nullptr, "normal", "normal", "100", false, false, false, {});
+                  nullptr, "normal", "normal", "100", false, false, false, {}, /*slaveMode=*/false);
     modelParams_.setupTime_ = setupTimer.stop();
diff --git a/opm/simulators/flow/FlowMain.hpp b/opm/simulators/flow/FlowMain.hpp
index 24a888c637a..610b735e5fe 100644
--- a/opm/simulators/flow/FlowMain.hpp
+++ b/opm/simulators/flow/FlowMain.hpp
@@ -32,6 +32,9 @@
 #include <opm/simulators/flow/FlowUtils.hpp>
 #include <opm/simulators/flow/SimulatorFullyImplicitBlackoil.hpp>
 #include <dune/fem/misc/mpimanager.hh>
@@ -50,7 +53,6 @@ namespace Opm::Parameters {
 // Do not merge parallel output files or warn about them
 struct EnableLoggingFalloutWarning { static constexpr bool value = false; };
 struct OutputInterval { static constexpr int value = 1; };
 } // namespace Opm::Parameters
@@ -366,7 +368,11 @@ namespace Opm {
         // Callback that will be called from runSimulatorInitOrRun_().
         int runSimulatorRunCallback_()
+            SimulatorReport report = simulator_->run(*simtimer_, this->argc_, this->argv_);
             SimulatorReport report = simulator_->run(*simtimer_);
             return report.success.exit_status;
@@ -374,7 +380,11 @@ namespace Opm {
         // Callback that will be called from runSimulatorInitOrRun_().
         int runSimulatorInitCallback_()
+            simulator_->init(*simtimer_, this->argc_, this->argv_);
             return EXIT_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/opm/simulators/flow/Main.cpp b/opm/simulators/flow/Main.cpp
index 3abc4c07da7..9ce461cce0e 100644
--- a/opm/simulators/flow/Main.cpp
+++ b/opm/simulators/flow/Main.cpp
@@ -44,11 +44,21 @@
 #include <amgx_c.h>
+#include <iostream>
+// NOTE: There is no C++ header replacement for these C posix headers (as of C++17)
+#include <fcntl.h>  // for open()
+#include <unistd.h> // for dup2(), close()
+#include <iostream>
 namespace Opm {
 Main::Main(int argc, char** argv, bool ownMPI)
     : argc_(argc), argv_(argv), ownMPI_(ownMPI)
+    maybeSaveReservoirCouplingSlaveLogFilename_();
     if (ownMPI_) {
@@ -132,6 +142,53 @@ Main::~Main()
+void Main::maybeSaveReservoirCouplingSlaveLogFilename_()
+    // If first command line argument is "--slave-log-file=<filename>",
+    // then redirect stdout and stderr to the specified file.
+    if (this->argc_ >= 2) {
+        std::string_view arg = this->argv_[1];
+        if (arg.substr(0, 17) == "--slave-log-file=") {
+            // For now, just save the basename of the filename and we will append the rank
+            // to the filename after having called MPI_Init() to avoid all ranks outputting
+            // to the same file.
+            this->reservoirCouplingSlaveOutputFilename_ = arg.substr(17);
+            this->argc_ -= 1;
+            char *program_name = this->argv_[0];
+            this->argv_ += 1;
+            // We assume the "argv" array pointers remain valid (not freed) for the lifetime
+            //   of this program, so the following assignment is safe.
+            // Overwrite the first argument with the program name, i.e. pretend the program
+            //   was called with the same arguments, but without the "--slave-log-file" argument.
+            this->argv_[0] = program_name;
+        }
+    }
+void Main::maybeRedirectReservoirCouplingSlaveOutput_() {
+    if (!this->reservoirCouplingSlaveOutputFilename_.empty()) {
+        std::string filename = this->reservoirCouplingSlaveOutputFilename_
+                     + "." + std::to_string(FlowGenericVanguard::comm().rank()) + ".log";
+        int fd = open(filename.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644);
+        if (fd == -1) {
+            std::string error_msg = "Slave: Failed to open stdout+stderr file" + filename;
+            perror(error_msg.c_str());
+            MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, /*status=*/1);
+        }
+        // Redirect stdout and stderr to the file.
+        if (dup2(fd, fileno(stdout)) == -1 || dup2(fileno(stdout), fileno(stderr)) == -1) {
+            std::string error_msg = "Slave: Failed to redirect stdout+stderr to " + filename;
+            perror(error_msg.c_str());
+            close(fd);
+            MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, /*status=*/1);
+        }
+        close(fd);
+    }
 void Main::setArgvArgc_(const std::string& filename)
     this->deckFilename_ = filename;
@@ -166,6 +223,7 @@ void Main::initMPI()
+    maybeRedirectReservoirCouplingSlaveOutput_();
     if (test_split_comm_ && FlowGenericVanguard::comm().size() > 1) {
         int world_rank = FlowGenericVanguard::comm().rank();
         int color = (world_rank == 0);
@@ -230,6 +288,7 @@ void Main::readDeck(const std::string& deckFilename,
                     const bool keepKeywords,
                     const std::size_t numThreads,
                     const int output_param,
+                    const bool slaveMode,
                     const std::string& parameters,
                     std::string_view moduleVersion,
                     std::string_view compileTimestamp)
@@ -265,7 +324,8 @@ void Main::readDeck(const std::string& deckFilename,
-                  outputInterval);
+                  outputInterval,
+                  slaveMode);
     verifyValidCellGeometry(FlowGenericVanguard::comm(), *this->eclipseState_);
@@ -294,7 +354,7 @@ void Main::setupDamaris(const std::string& outputDir )
     //const auto find_replace_map = Opm::DamarisOutput::DamarisKeywords<PreTypeTag>(EclGenericVanguard::comm(), outputDir);
     std::map<std::string, std::string> find_replace_map;
     find_replace_map = DamarisOutput::getDamarisKeywords(FlowGenericVanguard::comm(), outputDir);
     // By default EnableDamarisOutputCollective is true so all simulation results will
     // be written into one single file for each iteration using Parallel HDF5.
     // If set to false, FilePerCore mode is used in Damaris, then simulation results in each
diff --git a/opm/simulators/flow/Main.hpp b/opm/simulators/flow/Main.hpp
index 9a4e0f47c60..6a9e1a7b8e8 100644
--- a/opm/simulators/flow/Main.hpp
+++ b/opm/simulators/flow/Main.hpp
@@ -150,7 +150,8 @@ class Main
     void setArgvArgc_(const std::string& filename);
+    void maybeSaveReservoirCouplingSlaveLogFilename_();
+    void maybeRedirectReservoirCouplingSlaveOutput_();
     void initMPI();
     int runDynamic()
@@ -413,6 +414,7 @@ class Main
+                           Parameters::Get<Parameters::Slave>(),
@@ -697,6 +699,7 @@ class Main
                   const bool keepKeywords,
                   const std::size_t numThreads,
                   const int output_param,
+                  const bool slaveMode,
                   const std::string& parameters,
                   std::string_view moduleVersion,
                   std::string_view compileTimestamp);
@@ -740,6 +743,9 @@ class Main
     // To demonstrate run with non_world_comm
     bool test_split_comm_ = false;
     bool isSimulationRank_ = true;
+    std::string reservoirCouplingSlaveOutputFilename_{};
     bool enableDamarisOutput_ = false;
diff --git a/opm/simulators/flow/ReservoirCoupling.cpp b/opm/simulators/flow/ReservoirCoupling.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8c4499a87ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opm/simulators/flow/ReservoirCoupling.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+  Copyright 2024 Equinor ASA
+  This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
+  OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+  (at your option) any later version.
+  OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+  GNU General Public License for more details.
+  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+  along with OPM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <config.h>
+#include <opm/simulators/flow/ReservoirCoupling.hpp>
+#include <opm/simulators/utils/ParallelCommunication.hpp>
+#include <opm/common/OpmLog/OpmLog.hpp>
+#include <fmt/format.h>
+namespace Opm {
+namespace ReservoirCoupling {
+void custom_error_handler_(MPI_Comm* comm, int* err, const std::string &msg)
+    // It can be useful to have a custom error handler for debugging purposes.
+    // If not, MPI will use the default error handler which aborts the program, and
+    // it can be difficult to determine exactly where the error occurred. With a custom
+    // error handler you can at least set a breakpoint here to get a backtrace.
+    int rank;
+    MPI_Comm_rank(*comm, &rank);
+    char err_string[MPI_MAX_ERROR_STRING];
+    int len;
+    MPI_Error_string(*err, err_string, &len);
+    const std::string error_msg = fmt::format(
+        "Reservoir coupling MPI error handler {} rank {}: {}", msg, rank, err_string);
+    // NOTE: The output to terminal vie stderr or stdout has been redirected to files for
+    //   the slaves, see Main.cpp. So the following output will not be visible in the terminal
+    //   if we are called from a slave process.
+    // std::cerr << error_msg << std::endl;
+    OpmLog::error(error_msg);  // Output to log file, also shows the message on stdout for master.
+    MPI_Abort(*comm, *err);
+void custom_error_handler_slave_(MPI_Comm* comm, int* err, ...)
+    custom_error_handler_(comm, err, "slave");
+void custom_error_handler_master_(MPI_Comm* comm, int* err, ...)
+    custom_error_handler_(comm, err, "master");
+void setErrhandler(MPI_Comm comm, bool is_master)
+    MPI_Errhandler errhandler;
+    // NOTE: Lambdas with captures cannot be used as C function pointers, also
+    //   converting lambdas that use ellipsis "..." as last argument to a C function pointer
+    //   is not currently possible, so we need to use static functions instead.
+    if (is_master) {
+        MPI_Comm_create_errhandler(custom_error_handler_master_, &errhandler);
+    }
+    else {
+        MPI_Comm_create_errhandler(custom_error_handler_slave_, &errhandler);
+    }
+    // NOTE: The errhandler is a handle (an integer) that is associated with the communicator
+    //   that is why we pass this by value below. And it is safe to free the errhandler after it has
+    //   been associated with the communicator.
+    MPI_Comm_set_errhandler(comm, errhandler);
+    // Mark the error handler for deletion. According to the documentation: "The error handler will
+    //  be deallocated after all the objects associated with it (communicator, window, or file) have
+    // been deallocated." So the error handler will still be in effect until the communicator is
+    // deallocated.
+    MPI_Errhandler_free(&errhandler);
+bool Seconds::compare_eq(double a, double b)
+    // Are a and b equal?
+    return std::abs(a - b) < std::max(abstol, reltol * std::max(std::abs(a), std::abs(b)));
+bool Seconds::compare_gt_or_eq(double a, double b)
+    // Is a greater than or equal to b?
+    if (compare_eq(a, b)) {
+        return true;
+    }
+    return a > b;
+bool Seconds::compare_gt(double a, double b)
+    // Is a greater than b?
+    return !compare_eq(a, b) && a > b;
+bool Seconds::compare_lt_or_eq(double a, double b)
+    // Is a less than or equal to b?
+    if (compare_eq(a, b)) {
+        return true;
+    }
+    return a < b;
+} // namespace ReservoirCoupling
+} // namespace Opm
diff --git a/opm/simulators/flow/ReservoirCoupling.hpp b/opm/simulators/flow/ReservoirCoupling.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2308d4ce454
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opm/simulators/flow/ReservoirCoupling.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+  Copyright 2024 Equinor ASA
+  This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
+  OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+  (at your option) any later version.
+  OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+  GNU General Public License for more details.
+  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+  along with OPM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <mpi.h>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <memory>
+namespace Opm {
+namespace ReservoirCoupling {
+enum class MessageTag : int {
+    SlaveSimulationStartDate,
+    SlaveActivationDate,
+    SlaveProcessTermination,
+    SlaveNextReportDate,
+    SlaveNextTimeStep,
+    MasterGroupNames,
+    MasterGroupNamesSize,
+// Helper functions
+void custom_error_handler_(MPI_Comm* comm, int* err, const std::string &msg);
+void setErrhandler(MPI_Comm comm, bool is_master);
+/// \brief Utility class for comparing double values representing epoch dates or elapsed time.
+/// This class is used to compare double values that represent:
+/// - Epoch dates (seconds since the Unix epoch)
+/// - Elapsed time (seconds since the start of the simulation)
+/// \note When comparing against the start of a report step or similar, it is important not to miss
+/// these points due to numerical issues. Communication between master and slave processes is based
+/// on these specific points in time.
+/// \note Epoch values in this century (2000-2100) fall within the range [1e9, 4e9]. A double variable
+/// cannot represent such large values with high precision. For example, the date 01-01-2020 corresponds
+/// to 1.5778368e9 seconds, and adding 1e-7 seconds to this value does not change it. Microseconds (1e-6)
+/// are approximately the smallest time units that can be represented accurately for such numbers.
+/// \note Report steps appear to have a maximum resolution of whole seconds. See the `stepLength()`
+/// function in `Schedule.cpp` in the `opm-common` module, which returns the step length in seconds.
+struct Seconds {
+    /// \brief Absolute tolerance used for comparisons.
+    static constexpr double abstol = 1e-15;
+    /// \brief Relative tolerance used for comparisons.
+    static constexpr double reltol = 1e-15;
+    /// \brief Determines if two double values are equal within a specified tolerance.
+    ///
+    /// Two values \a a and \a b are considered equal if:
+    /// \f[ |a - b| \leq \text{tol} = \text{abstol} + \text{reltol} \times \max(|a|, |b|) \f]
+    ///
+    /// For example, if \a abstol = \a reltol = 1e-15:
+    /// - If \a |a| and \a |b| are below 1, the absolute tolerance applies.
+    /// - If \a a and \a b are above 1, the relative tolerance applies.
+    ///
+    /// \note For epoch dates between 01-01-2000 and 01-01-2100, epoch values are in the range [1e9, 4e9].
+    /// Therefore, \f$ 10^{-15} \times 10^9 = 10^{-6} \f$, meaning differences smaller than one microsecond
+    /// will be considered equal.
+    ///
+    /// \note This approach is not accurate for numbers close to zero, but such comparisons are not expected.
+    ///
+    /// \param a First double value.
+    /// \param b Second double value.
+    /// \return True if \a a and \a b are considered equal within the tolerance.
+    static bool compare_eq(double a, double b);
+   /// \brief Determines if \a a is greater than \a b within the specified tolerance.
+    ///
+    /// \param a First double value.
+    /// \param b Second double value.
+    /// \return True if \a a is greater than \a b.
+    static bool compare_gt(double a, double b);
+   /// \brief Determines if \a a is greater than \a b within the specified tolerance.
+    ///
+    /// \param a First double value.
+    /// \param b Second double value.
+    /// \return True if \a a is greater than \a b.
+    static bool compare_gt_or_eq(double a, double b);
+    /// \brief Determines if \a a is less than or equal to \a b within the specified tolerance.
+    ///
+    /// \param a First double value.
+    /// \param b Second double value.
+    /// \return True if \a a is less than or equal to \a b.
+    static bool compare_lt_or_eq(double a, double b);
+} // namespace ReservoirCoupling
+} // namespace Opm
diff --git a/opm/simulators/flow/ReservoirCouplingMaster.cpp b/opm/simulators/flow/ReservoirCouplingMaster.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c0e82fe3279
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opm/simulators/flow/ReservoirCouplingMaster.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+  Copyright 2024 Equinor ASA
+  This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
+  OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+  (at your option) any later version.
+  OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+  GNU General Public License for more details.
+  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+  along with OPM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <config.h>
+#include <opm/simulators/flow/ReservoirCouplingMaster.hpp>
+#include <opm/simulators/flow/ReservoirCouplingSpawnSlaves.hpp>
+#include <opm/input/eclipse/Schedule/ResCoup/ReservoirCouplingInfo.hpp>
+#include <opm/input/eclipse/Schedule/ResCoup/MasterGroup.hpp>
+#include <opm/input/eclipse/Schedule/ResCoup/Slaves.hpp>
+#include <opm/common/ErrorMacros.hpp>
+#include <opm/simulators/utils/ParallelCommunication.hpp>
+#include <opm/input/eclipse/Schedule/Schedule.hpp>
+#include <filesystem>
+#include <vector>
+#include <fmt/format.h>
+namespace Opm {
+    const Parallel::Communication &comm,
+    const Schedule &schedule,
+    int argc, char **argv
+) :
+    comm_{comm},
+    schedule_{schedule},
+    argc_{argc},
+    argv_{argv}
+    this->activation_date_ = this->getMasterActivationDate_();
+// ------------------
+// Public methods
+// ------------------
+maybeSpawnSlaveProcesses(int report_step)
+    if (this->numSlavesStarted() > 0) {  // We have already spawned the slave processes
+        return;
+    }
+    const auto& rescoup = this->schedule_[report_step].rescoup();
+    auto slave_count = rescoup.slaveCount();
+    auto master_group_count = rescoup.masterGroupCount();
+    if (slave_count > 0 && master_group_count > 0) {
+        ReservoirCouplingSpawnSlaves spawn_slaves{*this, rescoup, report_step};
+        spawn_slaves.spawn();
+    }
+maybeChopSubStep(double suggested_timestep_original, double elapsed_time) const
+    // Check if the suggested timestep needs to be adjusted based on the slave processes'
+    // next report step, or if the slave process has not started yet: the start of a slave process.
+    // NOTE: getStartTime() returns a std::time_t value, which is typically a long integer. It should
+    //     be possible to represent reasonable epoch values within a double. See comment for
+    //     getMasterActivationDate_() for more information.
+    double start_date = this->schedule_.getStartTime();
+    double step_start_date{start_date + elapsed_time};
+    double step_end_date{step_start_date + suggested_timestep_original};
+    double suggested_timestep{suggested_timestep_original};
+    auto num_slaves = this->numSlavesStarted();
+    // Determine the minimum step_end_date and the corresponding suggested_timestep such that no
+    // slave process will report or start during the timestep [step_start_date, step_end_date]
+    // where suggested_timestep = step_end_date - step_start_date
+    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < num_slaves; i++) {
+        double slave_start_date = this->slave_start_dates_[i];
+        double slave_next_report_date{this->slave_next_report_time_offsets_[i] + slave_start_date};
+        if (Seconds::compare_gt_or_eq(slave_start_date, step_end_date)) {
+            // The slave process has not started yet, and will not start during this timestep
+            continue;
+        }
+        double slave_elapsed_time;
+        if (Seconds::compare_lt_or_eq(slave_start_date,step_start_date)) {
+            // The slave process has already started, and will continue during this timestep
+            if (Seconds::compare_gt(slave_next_report_date, step_end_date)) {
+                // The slave process will not report during this timestep
+                continue;
+            }
+            // The slave process will report during this timestep
+            slave_elapsed_time = slave_next_report_date - step_start_date;
+        }
+        else {
+            // The slave process will start during the timestep, but not at the beginning
+            slave_elapsed_time = slave_start_date - step_start_date;
+        }
+        suggested_timestep = slave_elapsed_time;
+        step_end_date = step_start_date + suggested_timestep;
+    }
+    return suggested_timestep;
+sendNextTimeStepToSlaves(double timestep)
+    if (this->comm_.rank() == 0) {
+        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->master_slave_comm_.size(); i++) {
+            MPI_Send(
+                &timestep,
+                /*count=*/1,
+                /*datatype=*/MPI_DOUBLE,
+                /*dest_rank=*/0,
+                /*tag=*/static_cast<int>(MessageTag::SlaveNextTimeStep),
+                this->getSlaveComm(i)
+            );
+            OpmLog::info(fmt::format(
+                "Sent next time step {} from master process rank 0 to slave process "
+                "rank 0 with name: {}", timestep, this->slave_names_[i])
+            );
+        }
+   }
+    auto num_slaves = this->numSlavesStarted();
+    OpmLog::info("Receiving next report dates from slave processes");
+    if (this->comm_.rank() == 0) {
+        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_slaves; i++) {
+            double slave_next_report_time_offset; // Elapsed time from the beginning of the simulation
+            // NOTE: All slave-master communicators have set a custom error handler, which eventually
+            //   will call MPI_Abort() so there is no need to check the return value of any MPI_Recv()
+            //   or MPI_Send() calls.
+            MPI_Recv(
+                &slave_next_report_time_offset,
+                /*count=*/1,
+                /*datatype=*/MPI_DOUBLE,
+                /*source_rank=*/0,
+                /*tag=*/static_cast<int>(MessageTag::SlaveNextReportDate),
+                this->getSlaveComm(i),
+                MPI_STATUS_IGNORE
+            );
+            this->slave_next_report_time_offsets_[i] = slave_next_report_time_offset;
+            OpmLog::info(
+                fmt::format(
+                    "Received simulation slave next report date from slave process with name: {}. "
+                    "Next report date: {}", this->slave_names_[i], slave_next_report_time_offset
+                )
+            );
+        }
+    }
+    this->comm_.broadcast(
+        this->slave_next_report_time_offsets_.data(), /*count=*/num_slaves, /*emitter_rank=*/0
+    );
+    OpmLog::info("Broadcasted slave next report dates to all ranks");
+numSlavesStarted() const
+    return this->slave_names_.size();
+// ------------------
+// Private methods
+// ------------------
+getMasterActivationDate_() const
+    // Assume master mode is activated when the first SLAVES keyword is encountered in the schedule
+    // NOTE: getStartTime() returns a std::time_t value, which is typically a long integer representing
+    //     the number of seconds since the epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC)
+    //     The maximum integer that can be represented by a double is 2^53 - 1, which is approximately
+    //     9e15. This corresponds to a date in the year 2.85e8 or 285 million years into the future.
+    //     So we should be able to represent reasonable epoch values within a double.
+    double start_date = this->schedule_.getStartTime();
+    for (std::size_t report_step = 0; report_step < this->schedule_.size(); ++report_step) {
+        auto rescoup = this->schedule_[report_step].rescoup();
+        if (rescoup.slaveCount() > 0) {
+            return start_date + this->schedule_.seconds(report_step);
+        }
+    }
+    // NOTE: Consistency between SLAVES and GRUPMAST keywords has already been checked in
+    //       init() in SimulatorFullyImplicitBlackoil.hpp
+    OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Reservoir coupling: Failed to find master activation time: "
+              "No SLAVES keyword found in schedule");
+} // namespace Opm
diff --git a/opm/simulators/flow/ReservoirCouplingMaster.hpp b/opm/simulators/flow/ReservoirCouplingMaster.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c8de9316ffc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opm/simulators/flow/ReservoirCouplingMaster.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+  Copyright 2024 Equinor ASA
+  This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
+  OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+  (at your option) any later version.
+  OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+  GNU General Public License for more details.
+  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+  along with OPM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <opm/simulators/utils/ParallelCommunication.hpp>
+#include <opm/simulators/flow/ReservoirCoupling.hpp>
+#include <opm/input/eclipse/Schedule/Schedule.hpp>
+#include <opm/common/OpmLog/OpmLog.hpp>
+#include <mpi.h>
+#include <filesystem>
+#include <vector>
+namespace Opm {
+class ReservoirCouplingMaster {
+    using MessageTag = ReservoirCoupling::MessageTag;
+    using Seconds = ReservoirCoupling::Seconds;
+    ReservoirCouplingMaster(
+        const Parallel::Communication &comm,
+        const Schedule &schedule,
+        int argc, char **argv
+    );
+    bool activated() { return this->numSlavesStarted() > 0; }
+    void addSlaveCommunicator(MPI_Comm comm) {
+         this->master_slave_comm_.push_back(comm);
+    }
+    void addSlaveName(const std::string &name) { this->slave_names_.push_back(name); }
+    void addSlaveStartDate(std::time_t date) { this->slave_start_dates_.push_back(date); }
+    double getActivationDate() const { return this->activation_date_; }
+    int getArgc() const { return this->argc_; }
+    char *getArgv(int index) const { return this->argv_[index]; }
+    char **getArgv() const { return this->argv_; }
+    const Parallel::Communication &getComm() const { return this->comm_; }
+    double getSimulationStartDate() const { return this->schedule_.getStartTime(); }
+    MPI_Comm getSlaveComm(int index) const { return this->master_slave_comm_[index]; }
+    const std::string &getSlaveName(int index) const { return this->slave_names_[index]; }
+    const double *getSlaveStartDates() { return this->slave_start_dates_.data(); }
+    double maybeChopSubStep(double suggested_timestep, double current_time) const;
+    void maybeSpawnSlaveProcesses(int report_step);
+    std::size_t numSlavesStarted() const;
+    void receiveNextReportDateFromSlaves();
+    void resizeSlaveStartDates(int size) { this->slave_start_dates_.resize(size); }
+    void resizeNextReportDates(int size) { this->slave_next_report_time_offsets_.resize(size); }
+    void sendNextTimeStepToSlaves(double next_time_step);
+    double getMasterActivationDate_() const;
+    const Parallel::Communication &comm_;
+    const Schedule& schedule_;
+    int argc_;
+    char **argv_;
+    // NOTE: MPI_Comm is just an integer handle, so we can just copy it into the vector
+    std::vector<MPI_Comm> master_slave_comm_; // MPI communicators for the slave processes
+    std::vector<std::string> slave_names_;
+    // The start dates are in whole seconds since the epoch. We use a double to store the value
+    // since both schedule_.getStartTime() and schedule_.stepLength(report_step) returns
+    // a double value representing whole seconds.
+    // However, note that schedule_[report_step].start_time() returns a time_point
+    // which can include milliseconds. The double values are also convenient when we need to
+    // to add fractions of seconds for sub steps to the start date.
+    std::vector<double> slave_start_dates_;
+    // Elapsed time from the beginning of the simulation
+    std::vector<double> slave_next_report_time_offsets_;
+    double activation_date_{0.0};  // The date when SLAVES is encountered in the schedule
+} // namespace Opm
diff --git a/opm/simulators/flow/ReservoirCouplingSlave.cpp b/opm/simulators/flow/ReservoirCouplingSlave.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..eb16256af37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opm/simulators/flow/ReservoirCouplingSlave.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+  Copyright 2024 Equinor ASA
+  This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
+  OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+  (at your option) any later version.
+  OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+  GNU General Public License for more details.
+  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+  along with OPM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <config.h>
+#include <opm/simulators/flow/ReservoirCoupling.hpp>
+#include <opm/simulators/flow/ReservoirCouplingSlave.hpp>
+#include <opm/input/eclipse/Schedule/ResCoup/ReservoirCouplingInfo.hpp>
+#include <opm/input/eclipse/Schedule/ResCoup/MasterGroup.hpp>
+#include <opm/input/eclipse/Schedule/ResCoup/Slaves.hpp>
+#include <opm/common/ErrorMacros.hpp>
+#include <opm/simulators/utils/ParallelCommunication.hpp>
+#include <dune/common/parallel/mpitraits.hh>
+#include <vector>
+#include <fmt/format.h>
+namespace Opm {
+    const Parallel::Communication &comm,
+    const Schedule &schedule,
+    const SimulatorTimer &timer
+) :
+    comm_{comm},
+    schedule_{schedule},
+    timer_{timer}
+    this->slave_master_comm_ = MPI_COMM_NULL;
+    MPI_Comm_get_parent(&this->slave_master_comm_);
+    if (this->slave_master_comm_ == MPI_COMM_NULL) {
+        OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Slave process is not spawned by a master process");
+    }
+    // NOTE: By installing a custom error handler for all slave-master communicators, which
+    //   eventually will call MPI_Abort(), there is no need to check the return value of any
+    //   MPI_Recv() or MPI_Send() calls as errors will be caught by the error handler.
+    ReservoirCoupling::setErrhandler(this->slave_master_comm_, /*is_master=*/false);
+receiveNextTimeStepFromMaster() {
+    double timestep;
+    if (this->comm_.rank() == 0) {
+        // NOTE: All slave-master communicators have set a custom error handler, which eventually
+        //   will call MPI_Abort() so there is no need to check the return value of any MPI_Recv()
+        //   or MPI_Send() calls.
+        MPI_Recv(
+            &timestep,
+            /*count=*/1,
+            /*datatype=*/MPI_DOUBLE,
+            /*source_rank=*/0,
+            /*tag=*/static_cast<int>(MessageTag::SlaveNextTimeStep),
+            this->slave_master_comm_,
+            MPI_STATUS_IGNORE
+        );
+        OpmLog::info(
+            fmt::format("Slave rank 0 received next timestep {} from master.", timestep)
+        );
+    }
+    this->comm_.broadcast(&timestep, /*count=*/1, /*emitter_rank=*/0);
+    OpmLog::info("Broadcasted slave next time step to all ranks");
+    return timestep;
+receiveMasterGroupNamesFromMasterProcess() {
+    std::size_t size;
+    std::vector<char> group_names;
+    if (this->comm_.rank() == 0) {
+        auto MPI_SIZE_T_TYPE = Dune::MPITraits<std::size_t>::getType();
+        // NOTE: All slave-master communicators have set a custom error handler, which eventually
+        //   will call MPI_Abort() so there is no need to check the return value of any MPI_Recv()
+        //   or MPI_Send() calls.
+        MPI_Recv(
+            &size,
+            /*count=*/1,
+            /*datatype=*/MPI_SIZE_T_TYPE,
+            /*source_rank=*/0,
+            /*tag=*/static_cast<int>(MessageTag::MasterGroupNamesSize),
+            this->slave_master_comm_,
+            MPI_STATUS_IGNORE
+        );
+        OpmLog::info("Received master group names size from master process rank 0");
+        group_names.resize(size);
+        MPI_Recv(
+            group_names.data(),
+            /*count=*/size,
+            /*datatype=*/MPI_CHAR,
+            /*source_rank=*/0,
+            /*tag=*/static_cast<int>(MessageTag::MasterGroupNames),
+            this->slave_master_comm_,
+            MPI_STATUS_IGNORE
+        );
+        OpmLog::info("Received master group names from master process rank 0");
+    }
+    this->comm_.broadcast(&size, /*count=*/1, /*emitter_rank=*/0);
+    if (this->comm_.rank() != 0) {
+        group_names.resize(size);
+    }
+    this->comm_.broadcast(group_names.data(), /*count=*/size, /*emitter_rank=*/0);
+    this->saveMasterGroupNamesAsMap_(group_names);
+    this->checkGrupSlavGroupNames_();
+sendNextReportDateToMasterProcess() const
+    if (this->comm_.rank() == 0) {
+        double elapsed_time = this->timer_.simulationTimeElapsed();
+        double current_step_length = this->timer_.currentStepLength();
+        // NOTE: This is an offset in seconds from the start date, so it will be 0 if the next report
+        //      would be the start date. In general, it should be a positive number.
+        double next_report_time_offset = elapsed_time + current_step_length;
+        // NOTE: All slave-master communicators have set a custom error handler, which eventually
+        //   will call MPI_Abort() so there is no need to check the return value of any MPI_Recv()
+        //   or MPI_Send() calls.
+        MPI_Send(
+            &next_report_time_offset,
+            /*count=*/1,
+            /*datatype=*/MPI_DOUBLE,
+            /*dest_rank=*/0,
+            /*tag=*/static_cast<int>(MessageTag::SlaveNextReportDate),
+            this->slave_master_comm_
+        );
+        OpmLog::info("Sent next report date to master process from rank 0");
+   }
+sendActivationDateToMasterProcess() const
+    if (this->comm_.rank() == 0) {
+        // NOTE: The master process needs the s
+        double activation_date = this->getGrupSlavActivationDate_();
+        // NOTE: All slave-master communicators have set a custom error handler, which eventually
+        //   will call MPI_Abort() so there is no need to check the return value of any MPI_Recv()
+        //   or MPI_Send() calls.
+        MPI_Send(
+            &activation_date,
+            /*count=*/1,
+            /*datatype=*/MPI_DOUBLE,
+            /*dest_rank=*/0,
+            /*tag=*/static_cast<int>(MessageTag::SlaveActivationDate),
+            this->slave_master_comm_
+        );
+        OpmLog::info("Sent simulation activation date to master process from rank 0");
+   }
+sendSimulationStartDateToMasterProcess() const
+    if (this->comm_.rank() == 0) {
+        // NOTE: The master process needs the s
+        double start_date = this->schedule_.getStartTime();
+        // NOTE: All slave-master communicators have set a custom error handler, which eventually
+        //   will call MPI_Abort() so there is no need to check the return value of any MPI_Recv()
+        //   or MPI_Send() calls.
+        MPI_Send(
+            &start_date,
+            /*count=*/1,
+            /*datatype=*/MPI_DOUBLE,
+            /*dest_rank=*/0,
+            /*tag=*/static_cast<int>(MessageTag::SlaveSimulationStartDate),
+            this->slave_master_comm_
+        );
+        OpmLog::info("Sent simulation start date to master process from rank 0");
+   }
+// ------------------
+// Private methods
+// ------------------
+    // Validate that each slave group name has a corresponding master group name
+    bool grup_slav_found = false;
+    for (std::size_t report_step = 0; report_step < this->schedule_.size(); ++report_step) {
+        auto rescoup = this->schedule_[report_step].rescoup();
+        if (rescoup.grupSlavCount() > 0) {
+            grup_slav_found = true;
+            auto grup_slavs = rescoup.grupSlavs();
+            for (const auto& [slave_group_name, grup_slav] : grup_slavs) {
+                auto master_group_name_it = this->master_group_names_.find(slave_group_name);
+                if (master_group_name_it == this->master_group_names_.end()) {
+                    OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error,
+                              "Reservoir coupling: Failed to find master group name for slave group: "
+                              + slave_group_name);
+                }
+                else {
+                    auto master_group_name = master_group_name_it->second;
+                    if (grup_slav.masterGroupName() != master_group_name) {
+                        OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error,
+                                  "Reservoir coupling: Inconsistent master group name for slave group: "
+                                  + slave_group_name);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (!grup_slav_found) {
+        OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Reservoir coupling: Failed to find slave group names: "
+                  "No GRUPSLAV keyword found in schedule");
+    }
+getGrupSlavActivationDate_() const
+    double start_date = this->schedule_.getStartTime();
+    for (std::size_t report_step = 0; report_step < this->schedule_.size(); ++report_step) {
+        auto rescoup = this->schedule_[report_step].rescoup();
+        if (rescoup.grupSlavCount() > 0) {
+            return start_date + this->schedule_.seconds(report_step);
+        }
+    }
+    OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Reservoir coupling: Failed to find slave activation time: "
+              "No GRUPSLAV keyword found in schedule");
+maybeActivate(int report_step) {
+    if (!this->activated()) {
+        auto rescoup = this->schedule_[report_step].rescoup();
+        if (rescoup.grupSlavCount() > 0) {
+            this->activated_ = true;
+        }
+    }
+saveMasterGroupNamesAsMap_(const std::vector<char>& group_names) {
+    // Deserialize the group names vector into a map of slavegroup names -> mastergroup names
+    auto total_size = group_names.size();
+    std::size_t offset = 0;
+    while (offset < total_size) {
+        std::string master_group{group_names.data() + offset};
+        offset += master_group.size() + 1;
+        assert(offset < total_size);
+        std::string slave_group{group_names.data() + offset};
+        offset += slave_group.size() + 1;
+        this->master_group_names_[slave_group] = master_group;
+    }
+} // namespace Opm
diff --git a/opm/simulators/flow/ReservoirCouplingSlave.hpp b/opm/simulators/flow/ReservoirCouplingSlave.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..61a8d3c0cd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opm/simulators/flow/ReservoirCouplingSlave.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+  Copyright 2024 Equinor ASA
+  This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
+  OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+  (at your option) any later version.
+  OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+  GNU General Public License for more details.
+  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+  along with OPM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <opm/simulators/flow/ReservoirCoupling.hpp>
+#include <opm/input/eclipse/Schedule/Schedule.hpp>
+#include <opm/simulators/utils/ParallelCommunication.hpp>
+#include <opm/simulators/timestepping/SimulatorTimer.hpp>
+#include <opm/common/OpmLog/OpmLog.hpp>
+#include <mpi.h>
+#include <vector>
+namespace Opm {
+class ReservoirCouplingSlave {
+    using MessageTag = ReservoirCoupling::MessageTag;
+    ReservoirCouplingSlave(
+        const Parallel::Communication &comm, const Schedule &schedule, const SimulatorTimer &timer
+    );
+    bool activated() const { return activated_; }
+    void maybeActivate(int report_step);
+    void sendActivationDateToMasterProcess() const;
+    void sendNextReportDateToMasterProcess() const;
+    void sendSimulationStartDateToMasterProcess() const;
+    void receiveMasterGroupNamesFromMasterProcess();
+    double receiveNextTimeStepFromMaster();
+    void checkGrupSlavGroupNames_();
+    double getGrupSlavActivationDate_() const;
+    void saveMasterGroupNamesAsMap_(const std::vector<char>& group_names);
+    const Parallel::Communication &comm_;
+    const Schedule& schedule_;
+    const SimulatorTimer &timer_;
+    // MPI parent communicator for a slave process
+    MPI_Comm slave_master_comm_{MPI_COMM_NULL};
+    std::map<std::string, std::string> master_group_names_;
+    bool activated_{false};
+} // namespace Opm
diff --git a/opm/simulators/flow/ReservoirCouplingSpawnSlaves.cpp b/opm/simulators/flow/ReservoirCouplingSpawnSlaves.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..741bbb224aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opm/simulators/flow/ReservoirCouplingSpawnSlaves.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+  Copyright 2024 Equinor ASA
+  This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
+  OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+  (at your option) any later version.
+  OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+  GNU General Public License for more details.
+  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+  along with OPM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <config.h>
+#include <opm/simulators/flow/ReservoirCouplingSpawnSlaves.hpp>
+#include <opm/input/eclipse/Schedule/ResCoup/ReservoirCouplingInfo.hpp>
+#include <opm/input/eclipse/Schedule/ResCoup/MasterGroup.hpp>
+#include <opm/input/eclipse/Schedule/ResCoup/Slaves.hpp>
+#include <opm/common/ErrorMacros.hpp>
+#include <opm/simulators/utils/ParallelCommunication.hpp>
+#include <opm/input/eclipse/Schedule/Schedule.hpp>
+#include <dune/common/parallel/mpitraits.hh>
+#include <filesystem>
+#include <vector>
+#include <fmt/format.h>
+namespace Opm {
+// ------------------
+// Public methods
+// ------------------
+    ReservoirCouplingMaster &master,
+    const ReservoirCoupling::CouplingInfo &rescoup,
+    const int report_step
+) :
+    master_{master},
+    rescoup_{rescoup},
+    report_step_{report_step},
+    comm_{master.getComm()}
+    // spawn the slave processes and get the simulation start date from the slaves,
+    // and finally send the master group names to the slaves
+    this->spawnSlaveProcesses_();
+    this->receiveActivationDateFromSlaves_();
+    this->receiveSimulationStartDateFromSlaves_();
+    this->sendMasterGroupNamesToSlaves_();
+    this->prepareTimeStepping_();
+    OpmLog::info("Reservoir coupling slave processes was spawned successfully");
+// ------------------
+// Private methods
+// ------------------
+std::vector<char *> ReservoirCouplingSpawnSlaves::
+    const std::filesystem::path &data_file,
+    const std::string &slave_name,
+    std::string &log_filename) const
+    // Calculate the size of the slave_argv vector like this:
+    // - We will not use the first argument in argv, as it is the program name
+    // - Replace the data file name in argv with the data_file path
+    // - Insert as first argument --slave-log-file=<slave_name>.log
+    // - Also add the argument "--slave=true" to the argv
+    // - Add a nullptr at the end of the argv
+    // So the size of the slave_argv vector will be argc + 2
+    //
+    // Assume: All parameters will be on the form --parameter=value (as a string without spaces)
+    //
+    // Important: The returned vector will have pointers to argv pointers,
+    //   data_file string buffer, and slave_name string buffer. So the caller
+    //   must ensure that these buffers are not deallocated before the slave_argv has
+    //   been used.
+    auto argc = this->master_.getArgc();
+    auto argv = this->master_.getArgv();
+    std::vector<char *> slave_argv(argc + 2);
+    log_filename = "--slave-log-file=" + slave_name;  // .log extension will be added by the slave process
+    slave_argv[0] = const_cast<char*>(log_filename.c_str());
+    for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
+        // Check if the argument starts with "--", if not, we will assume it is a positional argument
+        //   and we will replace it with the data file path
+        if (std::string(argv[i]).substr(0, 2) == "--") {
+            slave_argv[i] = argv[i];
+        } else {
+            slave_argv[i] = const_cast<char*>(data_file.c_str());
+        }
+    }
+    slave_argv[argc] = const_cast<char *>("--slave=true");
+    slave_argv[argc+1] = nullptr;
+    return slave_argv;
+std::pair<std::vector<char>, std::size_t>
+getMasterGroupNamesForSlave_(const std::string &slave_name) const
+    // For the given slave name, get all pairs of master group names and slave group names
+    // Serialize the data such that it can be sent over MPI in one chunk
+    auto master_groups = this->rescoup_.masterGroups();
+    std::vector<std::string> data;
+    std::vector<std::string> master_group_names;
+    for (const auto& [group_name, master_group] : master_groups) {
+        if (master_group.slaveName() == slave_name) {
+            data.push_back(group_name);
+            data.push_back(master_group.slaveGroupName());
+        }
+    }
+    assert(data.size() % 2 == 0);
+    assert(data.size() > 0);
+    return this->serializeStrings_(std::move(data));
+    // Prepare the time stepping for the master process
+    // This is done after the slave processes have been spawned
+    // and the master group names have been sent to the slaves
+    auto num_slaves = this->master_.numSlavesStarted();
+    this->master_.resizeNextReportDates(num_slaves);
+    // Currently, we only use the activation date to check that no slave process
+    // starts before the master process.
+    auto num_slaves = this->master_.numSlavesStarted();
+    if (this->comm_.rank() == 0) {
+        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_slaves; i++) {
+            double slave_activation_date;
+            // NOTE: All slave-master communicators have set a custom error handler, which eventually
+            //   will call MPI_Abort() so there is no need to check the return value of any MPI_Recv()
+            //   or MPI_Send() calls.
+            MPI_Recv(
+                &slave_activation_date,
+                /*count=*/1,
+                /*datatype=*/MPI_DOUBLE,
+                /*source_rank=*/0,
+                /*tag=*/static_cast<int>(MessageTag::SlaveActivationDate),
+                this->master_.getSlaveComm(i),
+                MPI_STATUS_IGNORE
+            );
+            if (slave_activation_date < this->master_.getActivationDate()) {
+                OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Slave process start date is earlier than "
+                                              "the master process' activation date");
+            }
+            OpmLog::info(
+                fmt::format(
+                    "Received activation date from slave process with name: {}. "
+                    "Activation date: {}", this->master_.getSlaveName(i), slave_activation_date
+                )
+            );
+        }
+    }
+    auto num_slaves = this->master_.numSlavesStarted();
+    if (this->comm_.rank() == 0) {
+        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_slaves; i++) {
+            double slave_start_date;
+            // NOTE: All slave-master communicators have set a custom error handler, which eventually
+            //   will call MPI_Abort() so there is no need to check the return value of any MPI_Recv()
+            //   or MPI_Send() calls.
+            MPI_Recv(
+                &slave_start_date,
+                /*count=*/1,
+                /*datatype=*/MPI_DOUBLE,
+                /*source_rank=*/0,
+                /*tag=*/static_cast<int>(MessageTag::SlaveSimulationStartDate),
+                this->master_.getSlaveComm(i),
+                MPI_STATUS_IGNORE
+            );
+            this->master_.addSlaveStartDate(slave_start_date);
+            OpmLog::info(
+                fmt::format(
+                    "Received start date from slave process with name: {}. "
+                    "Start date: {}", this->master_.getSlaveName(i), slave_start_date
+                )
+            );
+        }
+    }
+    if (this->comm_.rank() != 0) {
+        // Ensure that all ranks have the same number of slave activation dates
+        this->master_.resizeSlaveStartDates(num_slaves);
+    }
+    const double* data = this->master_.getSlaveStartDates();
+    this->comm_.broadcast(const_cast<double *>(data), /*count=*/num_slaves, /*emitter_rank=*/0);
+    OpmLog::info("Broadcasted slave start dates to all ranks");
+    if (this->comm_.rank() == 0) {
+        auto num_slaves = this->master_.numSlavesStarted();
+        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_slaves; i++) {
+            auto slave_name = this->master_.getSlaveName(i);
+            auto [group_names, size] = this->getMasterGroupNamesForSlave_(slave_name);
+            // NOTE: All slave-master communicators have set a custom error handler, which eventually
+            //   will call MPI_Abort() so there is no need to check the return value of any MPI_Recv()
+            //   or MPI_Send() calls.
+            static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(size), std::size_t>, "size must be of type std::size_t");
+            auto MPI_SIZE_T_TYPE = Dune::MPITraits<std::size_t>::getType();
+            MPI_Send(
+                &size,
+                /*count=*/1,
+                /*datatype=*/MPI_SIZE_T_TYPE,
+                /*dest_rank=*/0,
+                /*tag=*/static_cast<int>(MessageTag::MasterGroupNamesSize),
+                this->master_.getSlaveComm(i)
+            );
+            MPI_Send(
+                group_names.data(),
+                /*count=*/size,
+                /*datatype=*/MPI_CHAR,
+                /*dest_rank=*/0,
+                /*tag=*/static_cast<int>(MessageTag::MasterGroupNames),
+                this->master_.getSlaveComm(i)
+            );
+            OpmLog::info(fmt::format(
+                "Sent master group names to slave process rank 0 with name: {}", slave_name)
+            );
+        }
+   }
+std::pair<std::vector<char>, std::size_t>
+serializeStrings_(std::vector<std::string> data) const
+    std::size_t total_size = 0;
+    std::vector<char> serialized_data;
+    for (const auto& str: data) {
+        for (const auto& c: str) {
+            serialized_data.push_back(c);
+        }
+        serialized_data.push_back('\0');
+        total_size += str.size() + 1;
+    }
+    return {serialized_data, total_size};
+// NOTE: This functions is executed for all ranks, but only rank 0 will spawn
+//   the slave processes
+    char *flow_program_name = this->master_.getArgv(0);
+    for (const auto& [slave_name, slave] : this->rescoup_.slaves()) {
+        MPI_Comm master_slave_comm = MPI_COMM_NULL;
+        const auto& data_file_name = slave.dataFilename();
+        const auto& directory_path = slave.directoryPath();
+        // Concatenate the directory path and the data file name to get the full path
+        std::filesystem::path dir_path{directory_path};
+        std::filesystem::path data_file{data_file_name};
+        std::filesystem::path full_path = dir_path / data_file;
+        std::string log_filename; // the getSlaveArgv() function will set this
+        std::vector<char *> slave_argv = this->getSlaveArgv_(
+            full_path, slave_name, log_filename
+        );
+        auto num_procs = slave.numprocs();
+        std::vector<int> errcodes(num_procs);
+        // TODO: We need to decide how to handle the output from the slave processes..
+        //    As far as I can tell, open MPI does not support redirecting the output
+        //    to a file, so we might need to implement a custom solution for this
+        int spawn_result = MPI_Comm_spawn(
+            flow_program_name,
+            slave_argv.data(),
+            /*maxprocs=*/num_procs,
+            /*info=*/MPI_INFO_NULL,
+            /*root=*/0,  // Rank 0 spawns the slave processes
+            /*comm=*/this->comm_,
+            /*intercomm=*/&master_slave_comm,
+            /*array_of_errcodes=*/errcodes.data()
+        );
+        if (spawn_result != MPI_SUCCESS || (master_slave_comm == MPI_COMM_NULL)) {
+            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_procs; i++) {
+                if (errcodes[i] != MPI_SUCCESS) {
+                    char error_string[MPI_MAX_ERROR_STRING];
+                    int length_of_error_string;
+                    MPI_Error_string(errcodes[i], error_string, &length_of_error_string);
+                    OpmLog::info(fmt::format("Error spawning process {}: {}", i, error_string));
+                }
+            }
+            OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Failed to spawn slave process");
+        }
+        // NOTE: By installing a custom error handler for all slave-master communicators, which
+        //   eventually will call MPI_Abort(), there is no need to check the return value of any
+        //   MPI_Recv() or MPI_Send() calls as errors will be caught by the error handler.
+        ReservoirCoupling::setErrhandler(master_slave_comm, /*is_master=*/true);
+        OpmLog::info(
+            fmt::format(
+                "Spawned reservoir coupling slave simulation for slave with name: "
+                "{}. Standard output logfile name: {}.log", slave_name, slave_name
+            )
+        );
+        this->master_.addSlaveCommunicator(master_slave_comm);
+        this->master_.addSlaveName(slave_name);
+    }
+}  // namespace Opm
diff --git a/opm/simulators/flow/ReservoirCouplingSpawnSlaves.hpp b/opm/simulators/flow/ReservoirCouplingSpawnSlaves.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..054f9939b23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opm/simulators/flow/ReservoirCouplingSpawnSlaves.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+  Copyright 2024 Equinor ASA
+  This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
+  OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+  (at your option) any later version.
+  OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+  GNU General Public License for more details.
+  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+  along with OPM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <opm/simulators/utils/ParallelCommunication.hpp>
+#include <opm/simulators/flow/ReservoirCoupling.hpp>
+#include <opm/simulators/flow/ReservoirCouplingMaster.hpp>
+#include <opm/input/eclipse/Schedule/ResCoup/ReservoirCouplingInfo.hpp>
+#include <opm/input/eclipse/Schedule/Schedule.hpp>
+#include <opm/common/OpmLog/OpmLog.hpp>
+#include <mpi.h>
+#include <filesystem>
+#include <vector>
+namespace Opm {
+class ReservoirCouplingSpawnSlaves {
+    using MessageTag = ReservoirCoupling::MessageTag;
+    ReservoirCouplingSpawnSlaves(
+        ReservoirCouplingMaster &master,
+        const ReservoirCoupling::CouplingInfo &rescoup,
+        const int report_step
+    );
+    void spawn();
+    std::pair<std::vector<char>, std::size_t>
+        getMasterGroupNamesForSlave_(const std::string &slave_name) const;
+    std::vector<char *> getSlaveArgv_(
+        const std::filesystem::path &data_file,
+        const std::string &slave_name,
+        std::string &log_filename) const;
+    void prepareTimeStepping_();
+    void receiveActivationDateFromSlaves_();
+    void receiveSimulationStartDateFromSlaves_();
+    void sendMasterGroupNamesToSlaves_();
+    std::pair<std::vector<char>, std::size_t>
+        serializeStrings_(std::vector<std::string> data) const;
+    void spawnSlaveProcesses_();
+    ReservoirCouplingMaster &master_;
+    const ReservoirCoupling::CouplingInfo &rescoup_;
+    const int report_step_;
+    const Parallel::Communication &comm_;
+} // namespace Opm
diff --git a/opm/simulators/flow/SimulatorFullyImplicitBlackoil.cpp b/opm/simulators/flow/SimulatorFullyImplicitBlackoil.cpp
index aac95efe23c..e4f2a8a796c 100644
--- a/opm/simulators/flow/SimulatorFullyImplicitBlackoil.cpp
+++ b/opm/simulators/flow/SimulatorFullyImplicitBlackoil.cpp
@@ -58,6 +58,10 @@ void registerSimulatorParameters()
         ("FileName for .OPMRST file used to load serialized state. "
          "If empty, CASENAME.OPMRST is used.");
+    Parameters::Register<Parameters::Slave>
+        ("Specify if the simulation is a slave simulation in a master-slave simulation");
+    Parameters::Hide<Parameters::Slave>();
 } // namespace Opm::detail
diff --git a/opm/simulators/flow/SimulatorFullyImplicitBlackoil.hpp b/opm/simulators/flow/SimulatorFullyImplicitBlackoil.hpp
index 42e18dd98c3..4198cc3777c 100644
--- a/opm/simulators/flow/SimulatorFullyImplicitBlackoil.hpp
+++ b/opm/simulators/flow/SimulatorFullyImplicitBlackoil.hpp
@@ -24,6 +24,18 @@
 #include <opm/common/ErrorMacros.hpp>
+#include <opm/input/eclipse/Schedule/ResCoup/ReservoirCouplingInfo.hpp>
+#include <opm/input/eclipse/Schedule/ResCoup/MasterGroup.hpp>
+#include <opm/input/eclipse/Schedule/ResCoup/Slaves.hpp>
+#include <opm/simulators/flow/ReservoirCouplingMaster.hpp>
+#include <opm/simulators/flow/ReservoirCouplingSlave.hpp>
+#include <opm/common/Exceptions.hpp>
 #include <opm/input/eclipse/Units/UnitSystem.hpp>
 #include <opm/grid/utility/StopWatch.hpp>
@@ -63,6 +75,7 @@ struct SaveStep { static constexpr auto* value = ""; };
 struct SaveFile { static constexpr auto* value = ""; };
 struct LoadFile { static constexpr auto* value = ""; };
 struct LoadStep { static constexpr int value = -1; };
+struct Slave { static constexpr bool value = false; };
 } // namespace Opm::Parameters
@@ -78,6 +91,8 @@ namespace Opm {
 template<class TypeTag>
 class SimulatorFullyImplicitBlackoil : private SerializableSim
+    struct MPI_Comm_Deleter;
     using Simulator = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Simulator>;
     using Grid = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Grid>;
@@ -171,9 +186,15 @@ class SimulatorFullyImplicitBlackoil : private SerializableSim
     /// \param[in,out] timer       governs the requested reporting timesteps
     /// \param[in,out] state       state of reservoir: pressure, fluxes
     /// \return                    simulation report, with timing data
+    SimulatorReport run(SimulatorTimer& timer, int argc, char** argv)
+    {
+        init(timer, argc, argv);
     SimulatorReport run(SimulatorTimer& timer)
         // Make cache up to date. No need for updating it in elementCtx.
         // NB! Need to be at the correct step in case of restart
@@ -188,8 +209,69 @@ class SimulatorFullyImplicitBlackoil : private SerializableSim
         return finalize();
+    // This method should only be called if slave mode (i.e. Parameters::Get<Parameters::Slave>())
+    // is false. We try to determine if this is a normal flow simulation or a reservoir
+    // coupling master. It is a normal flow simulation if the schedule does not contain
+    // any SLAVES and GRUPMAST keywords.
+    bool checkRunningAsReservoirCouplingMaster()
+    {
+        for (std::size_t report_step = 0; report_step < this->schedule().size(); ++report_step) {
+            auto rescoup = this->schedule()[report_step].rescoup();
+            auto slave_count = rescoup.slaveCount();
+            auto master_group_count = rescoup.masterGroupCount();
+            // - GRUPMAST and SLAVES keywords need to be specified at the same report step
+            // - They can only occur once in the schedule
+            if (slave_count > 0 && master_group_count > 0) {
+                return true;
+            }
+            else if (slave_count > 0 && master_group_count == 0) {
+                throw ReservoirCouplingError(
+                    "Inconsistent reservoir coupling master schedule: "
+                    "Slave count is greater than 0 but master group count is 0"
+                );
+            }
+            else if (slave_count == 0 && master_group_count > 0) {
+                throw ReservoirCouplingError(
+                    "Inconsistent reservoir coupling master schedule: "
+                    "Master group count is greater than 0 but slave count is 0"
+                );
+            }
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    // NOTE: The argc and argv will be used when launching a slave process
+    void init(SimulatorTimer &timer, int argc, char** argv)
+    {
+        auto slave_mode = Parameters::Get<Parameters::Slave>();
+        if (slave_mode) {
+            this->reservoirCouplingSlave_ =
+                std::make_unique<ReservoirCouplingSlave>(
+                    FlowGenericVanguard::comm(),
+                    this->schedule(), timer
+                );
+            this->reservoirCouplingSlave_->sendActivationDateToMasterProcess();
+            this->reservoirCouplingSlave_->sendSimulationStartDateToMasterProcess();
+            this->reservoirCouplingSlave_->receiveMasterGroupNamesFromMasterProcess();
+        }
+        else {
+            auto master_mode = checkRunningAsReservoirCouplingMaster();
+            if (master_mode) {
+                this->reservoirCouplingMaster_ =
+                    std::make_unique<ReservoirCouplingMaster>(
+                        FlowGenericVanguard::comm(),
+                        this->schedule(),
+                        argc, argv
+                    );
+            }
+        }
     void init(SimulatorTimer &timer)
         // Create timers and file for writing timing info.
@@ -212,7 +294,14 @@ class SimulatorFullyImplicitBlackoil : private SerializableSim
             else {
                 adaptiveTimeStepping_ = std::make_unique<TimeStepper>(unitSystem, max_next_tstep, terminalOutput_);
+            if (this->reservoirCouplingSlave_) {
+                adaptiveTimeStepping_->setReservoirCouplingSlave(this->reservoirCouplingSlave_.get());
+            }
+            else if (this->reservoirCouplingMaster_) {
+                adaptiveTimeStepping_->setReservoirCouplingMaster(this->reservoirCouplingMaster_.get());
+            }
             if (isRestart()) {
                 // For restarts the simulator may have gotten some information
                 // about the next timestep size from the OPMEXTRA field
@@ -358,6 +447,14 @@ class SimulatorFullyImplicitBlackoil : private SerializableSim
                           this->adaptiveTimeStepping_->suggestedNextStep(), 0);
+            if (this->reservoirCouplingMaster_) {
+                this->reservoirCouplingMaster_->maybeSpawnSlaveProcesses(timer.currentStepNum());
+            }
+            else if (this->reservoirCouplingSlave_) {
+                this->reservoirCouplingSlave_->maybeActivate(timer.currentStepNum());
+            }
             const auto& events = schedule()[timer.currentStepNum()].events();
             bool event = events.hasEvent(ScheduleEvents::NEW_WELL) ||
                 events.hasEvent(ScheduleEvents::INJECTION_TYPE_CHANGED) ||
@@ -555,6 +652,12 @@ class SimulatorFullyImplicitBlackoil : private SerializableSim
     SimulatorConvergenceOutput convergence_output_;
+    bool slaveMode_{false};
+    std::unique_ptr<ReservoirCouplingMaster> reservoirCouplingMaster_{nullptr};
+    std::unique_ptr<ReservoirCouplingSlave> reservoirCouplingSlave_{nullptr};
     SimulatorSerializer serializer_;
diff --git a/opm/simulators/timestepping/AdaptiveSimulatorTimer.cpp b/opm/simulators/timestepping/AdaptiveSimulatorTimer.cpp
index 2c36efcf56d..4fe45e5ab35 100644
--- a/opm/simulators/timestepping/AdaptiveSimulatorTimer.cpp
+++ b/opm/simulators/timestepping/AdaptiveSimulatorTimer.cpp
@@ -36,25 +36,28 @@
 namespace Opm
-    AdaptiveSimulatorTimer( const SimulatorTimerInterface& timer,
-                            const double lastStepTaken,
-                            const double maxTimeStep )
-        : start_date_time_( std::make_shared<boost::posix_time::ptime>(timer.startDateTime()) )
-        , start_time_( timer.simulationTimeElapsed() )
-        , total_time_( start_time_ + timer.currentStepLength() )
-        , report_step_( timer.reportStepNum() )
-        , max_time_step_( maxTimeStep )
-        , current_time_( start_time_ )
-        , dt_( 0.0 )
-        , current_step_( 0 )
-        , steps_()
-        , lastStepFailed_( false )
+    AdaptiveSimulatorTimer( const boost::posix_time::ptime simulation_start_time,
+                            const double step_length,
+                            const double elapsed_time,
+                            const double last_step_taken,
+                            const int report_step,
+                            const double max_time_step )
+        : start_date_time_{ std::make_shared<boost::posix_time::ptime>(simulation_start_time) }
+        , start_time_{ elapsed_time }
+        , total_time_{ start_time_ + step_length }
+        , report_step_{ report_step }
+        , max_time_step_{ max_time_step }
+        , current_time_{ start_time_ }
+        , dt_{ 0.0 }
+        , current_step_{ 0 }
+        , steps_{}
+        , last_step_failed_{ false }
         // reserve memory for sub steps
         steps_.reserve( 10 );
         // set appropriate value for dt_
-        provideTimeStepEstimate( lastStepTaken );
+        provideTimeStepEstimate( last_step_taken );
     bool AdaptiveSimulatorTimer::initialStep () const
diff --git a/opm/simulators/timestepping/AdaptiveSimulatorTimer.hpp b/opm/simulators/timestepping/AdaptiveSimulatorTimer.hpp
index 3dffd49084d..31ae49f4ce8 100644
--- a/opm/simulators/timestepping/AdaptiveSimulatorTimer.hpp
+++ b/opm/simulators/timestepping/AdaptiveSimulatorTimer.hpp
@@ -44,9 +44,12 @@ namespace Opm
         ///  \param timer          in case of sub stepping this is the outer timer
         ///  \param lastStepTaken  last suggested time step
         ///  \param maxTimeStep    maximum time step allowed
-        AdaptiveSimulatorTimer( const SimulatorTimerInterface& timer,
-                                const double lastStepTaken,
-                                const double maxTimeStep = std::numeric_limits<double>::max() );
+        AdaptiveSimulatorTimer( const boost::posix_time::ptime simulation_start_time,
+                                const double step_length,
+                                const double elapsed_time,
+                                const double last_step_taken,
+                                const int report_step,
+                                const double max_time_step = std::numeric_limits<double>::max() );
         /// \brief advance time by currentStepLength
         AdaptiveSimulatorTimer& operator++ ();
@@ -101,10 +104,10 @@ namespace Opm
         boost::posix_time::ptime startDateTime() const;
         /// \brief Return true if last time step failed
-        bool lastStepFailed() const {return lastStepFailed_;}
+        bool lastStepFailed() const {return last_step_failed_;}
         /// \brief tell the timestepper whether timestep failed or not
-        void setLastStepFailed(bool lastStepFailed) {lastStepFailed_ = lastStepFailed;}
+        void setLastStepFailed(bool last_step_failed) {last_step_failed_ = last_step_failed;}
         /// return copy of object
         virtual std::unique_ptr< SimulatorTimerInterface > clone() const;
@@ -121,7 +124,7 @@ namespace Opm
         int current_step_;
         std::vector< double > steps_;
-        bool lastStepFailed_;
+        bool last_step_failed_;
diff --git a/opm/simulators/timestepping/AdaptiveTimeStepping.hpp b/opm/simulators/timestepping/AdaptiveTimeStepping.hpp
index 822d5ee8a57..a90aefd8e70 100644
--- a/opm/simulators/timestepping/AdaptiveTimeStepping.hpp
+++ b/opm/simulators/timestepping/AdaptiveTimeStepping.hpp
@@ -19,12 +19,23 @@
 #include <opm/simulators/timestepping/TimeStepControl.hpp>
 #include <opm/simulators/timestepping/TimeStepControlInterface.hpp>
-#include <cmath>
+#include <opm/simulators/flow/ReservoirCoupling.hpp>
+#include <opm/simulators/flow/ReservoirCouplingMaster.hpp>
+#include <opm/simulators/flow/ReservoirCouplingSlave.hpp>
 #include <functional>
 #include <memory>
 #include <set>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <stdexcept>
 #include <string>
 #include <tuple>
+#include <utility>
 #include <vector>
 namespace Opm::Parameters {
@@ -55,148 +66,210 @@ class UnitSystem;
 struct StepReport;
 namespace detail {
-void logTimer(const AdaptiveSimulatorTimer& substepTimer);
-std::set<std::string> consistentlyFailingWells(const std::vector<StepReport>& sr);
-void registerAdaptiveParameters();
-           std::unique_ptr<TimeStepControlInterface>,
-           bool>
-createController(const UnitSystem& unitSystem);
+    void logTimer(const AdaptiveSimulatorTimer& substep_timer);
+    std::set<std::string> consistentlyFailingWells(const std::vector<StepReport>& sr);
+    void registerAdaptiveParameters();
+    std::tuple<TimeStepControlType, std::unique_ptr<TimeStepControlInterface>, bool>
+        createController(const UnitSystem& unitSystem);
-    // AdaptiveTimeStepping
-    //---------------------
-    template<class TypeTag>
-    class AdaptiveTimeStepping
+template<class TypeTag>
+class AdaptiveTimeStepping
+    using Scalar = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Scalar>;
+    template <class Solver>
+    class SolutionTimeErrorSolverWrapper : public RelativeChangeInterface
-        using Scalar = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Scalar>;
-        template <class Solver>
-        class SolutionTimeErrorSolverWrapper : public RelativeChangeInterface
-        {
-            const Solver& solver_;
-        public:
-            SolutionTimeErrorSolverWrapper(const Solver& solver)
-              : solver_(solver)
-            {}
-            /// return || u^n+1 - u^n || / || u^n+1 ||
-            double relativeChange() const
-            { return solver_.model().relativeChange(); }
-        };
-        template<class E>
-        void logException_(const E& exception, bool verbose)
-        {
-            if (verbose) {
-                std::string message;
-                message = "Caught Exception: ";
-                message += exception.what();
-                OpmLog::debug(message);
-            }
-        }
-        AdaptiveTimeStepping() = default;
-        //! \brief contructor taking parameter object
-        explicit AdaptiveTimeStepping(const UnitSystem& unitSystem,
-                                      const double max_next_tstep = -1.0,
-                                      const bool terminalOutput = true);
-        //! \brief contructor taking parameter object
-        //! \param tuning Pointer to ecl TUNING keyword
-        //! \param timeStep current report step
-        AdaptiveTimeStepping(double max_next_tstep,
-                             const Tuning& tuning,
-                             const UnitSystem& unitSystem,
-                             const bool terminalOutput = true);
-        static void registerParameters();
-        /** \brief  step method that acts like the solver::step method
-                    in a sub cycle of time steps
-            \param tuningUpdater Function used to update TUNING parameters before each
-                                 time step. ACTIONX might change tuning.
-        */
-        template <class Solver>
-        SimulatorReport step(const SimulatorTimer& simulatorTimer,
-                             Solver& solver,
-                             const bool isEvent,
-                             const std::function<bool(const double, const double, const int)> tuningUpdater);
-        /** \brief Returns the simulator report for the failed substeps of the last
-         *         report step.
-         */
-        double suggestedNextStep() const
-        { return suggestedNextTimestep_; }
-        void setSuggestedNextStep(const double x)
-        { suggestedNextTimestep_ = x; }
+        SolutionTimeErrorSolverWrapper(const Solver& solver);
+        double relativeChange() const;
+    private:
+        const Solver& solver_;
+    };
-        void updateTUNING(double max_next_tstep, const Tuning& tuning);
+    // Forward declaration of SubStepIteration
+    // TODO: This forward declaration is not enough for GCC version 9.4.0 (released June 2021),
+    //  but it works fine with GCC version 13.2.0 (released July 2023).
+    template <class Solver> class SubStepIteration;
-        void updateNEXTSTEP(double max_next_tstep);
+    template <class Solver>
+    class SubStepper {
+    public:
+        SubStepper(
+            AdaptiveTimeStepping<TypeTag>& adaptive_time_stepping,
+            const SimulatorTimer& simulator_timer,
+            Solver& solver,
+            const bool is_event,
+            const std::function<bool(const double, const double, const int)>& tuning_updater
+        );
+        AdaptiveTimeStepping<TypeTag>& getAdaptiveTimerStepper();
+        SimulatorReport run();
+        friend class AdaptiveTimeStepping<TypeTag>::template SubStepIteration<Solver>;
-        template<class Serializer>
-        void serializeOp(Serializer& serializer);
+    private:
+        bool isReservoirCouplingMaster_() const;
+        bool isReservoirCouplingSlave_() const;
+        void maybeModifySuggestedTimeStepAtBeginningOfReportStep_(const double originalTimeStep);
+        bool maybeUpdateTuning_(double elapsed, double dt, int sub_step_number) const;
+        double maxTimeStep_() const;
+        SimulatorReport runStepOriginal_();
+        ReservoirCouplingMaster& reservoirCouplingMaster_();
+        ReservoirCouplingSlave& reservoirCouplingSlave_();
+        SimulatorReport runStepReservoirCouplingMaster_();
+        SimulatorReport runStepReservoirCouplingSlave_();
+        double suggestedNextTimestep_() const;
+        AdaptiveTimeStepping<TypeTag>& adaptive_time_stepping_;
+        const SimulatorTimer& simulator_timer_;
+        Solver& solver_;
+        const bool is_event_;
+        const std::function<bool(double elapsed, double dt, int sub_step_number)>& tuning_updater_;
+    };
-        static AdaptiveTimeStepping<TypeTag> serializationTestObjectHardcoded();
-        static AdaptiveTimeStepping<TypeTag> serializationTestObjectPID();
-        static AdaptiveTimeStepping<TypeTag> serializationTestObjectPIDIt();
-        static AdaptiveTimeStepping<TypeTag> serializationTestObjectSimple();
+    template <class Solver>
+    class SubStepIteration {
+    public:
+        SubStepIteration(
+            SubStepper<Solver>& substepper,
+            AdaptiveSimulatorTimer& substep_timer,
+            const double original_time_step,
+            const bool final_step
+        );
-        bool operator==(const AdaptiveTimeStepping<TypeTag>& rhs) const;
+        SimulatorReport run();
-        template<class Controller>
-        static AdaptiveTimeStepping<TypeTag> serializationTestObject_();
-        template<class T, class Serializer>
-        void allocAndSerialize(Serializer& serializer)
-        {
-            if (!serializer.isSerializing()) {
-                timeStepControl_ = std::make_unique<T>();
-            }
-            serializer(*static_cast<T*>(timeStepControl_.get()));
-        }
-        template<class T>
-        bool castAndComp(const AdaptiveTimeStepping<TypeTag>& Rhs) const
-        {
-            const T* lhs = static_cast<const T*>(timeStepControl_.get());
-            const T* rhs = static_cast<const T*>(Rhs.timeStepControl_.get());
-            return *lhs == *rhs;
-        }
-    protected:
-        void init_(const UnitSystem& unitSystem);
-        using TimeStepController = std::unique_ptr<TimeStepControlInterface>;
-        TimeStepControlType timeStepControlType_{TimeStepControlType::PIDAndIterationCount}; //!< type of time step control object
-        TimeStepController timeStepControl_{}; //!< time step control object
-        double restartFactor_{};               //!< factor to multiply time step with when solver fails to converge
-        double growthFactor_{};                //!< factor to multiply time step when solver recovered from failed convergence
-        double maxGrowth_{};                   //!< factor that limits the maximum growth of a time step
-        double maxTimeStep_{};                 //!< maximal allowed time step size in days
-        double minTimeStep_{};                 //!< minimal allowed time step size before throwing
-        bool ignoreConvergenceFailure_{false}; //!< continue instead of stop when minimum time step is reached
-        int solverRestartMax_{};               //!< how many restart of solver are allowed
-        bool solverVerbose_{false};            //!< solver verbosity
-        bool timestepVerbose_{false};          //!< timestep verbosity
-        double suggestedNextTimestep_{};       //!< suggested size of next timestep
-        bool fullTimestepInitially_{false};    //!< beginning with the size of the time step from data file
-        double timestepAfterEvent_{};          //!< suggested size of timestep after an event
-        bool useNewtonIteration_{false};       //!< use newton iteration count for adaptive time step control
-        double minTimeStepBeforeShuttingProblematicWells_{}; //! < shut problematic wells when time step size in days are less than this
+        bool checkContinueOnUnconvergedSolution_(double dt) const;
+        void checkTimeStepMaxRestartLimit_(const int restarts) const;
+        void checkTimeStepMinLimit_(const int new_time_step) const;
+        void chopTimeStep_(const double new_time_step);
+        bool chopTimeStepOrCloseFailingWells_(const int new_time_step);
+        boost::posix_time::ptime currentDateTime_() const;
+        int getNumIterations_(const SimulatorReportSingle &substep_report) const;
+        double growthFactor_() const;
+        bool ignoreConvergenceFailure_() const;
+        void maybeReportSubStep_(SimulatorReportSingle substep_report) const;
+        double maybeRestrictTimeStepGrowth_(
+                                 const double dt, double dt_estimate, const int restarts) const;
+        void maybeUpdateTuningAndTimeStep_();
+        double maxGrowth_() const;
+        double minTimeStepBeforeClosingWells_() const;
+        double minTimeStep_() const;
+        double restartFactor_() const;
+        SimulatorReportSingle runSubStep_();
+        int solverRestartMax_() const;
+        double suggestedNextTimestep_() const;
+        void setSuggestedNextStep_(double step);
+        void setTimeStep_(double dt_estimate);
+        Solver& solver_() const;
+        bool solverVerbose_() const;
+        const SimulatorTimer& simulatorTimer_() const;
+        boost::posix_time::ptime startDateTime_() const;
+        double timeStepControlComputeEstimate_(
+            const double dt, const int iterations, double elapsed) const;
+        bool timeStepVerbose_() const;
+        void updateSuggestedNextStep_();
+        bool useNewtonIteration_() const;
+        double writeOutput_() const;
+        SubStepper<Solver>& substepper_;
+        AdaptiveSimulatorTimer& substep_timer_;
+        const double original_time_step_;
+        const bool final_step_;
+        std::string cause_of_failure_;
+        AdaptiveTimeStepping<TypeTag>& adaptive_time_stepping_;
-#include <opm/simulators/timestepping/AdaptiveTimeStepping_impl.hpp>
+    AdaptiveTimeStepping() = default;
+    AdaptiveTimeStepping(
+        const UnitSystem& unitSystem,
+        const double max_next_tstep = -1.0,
+        const bool terminalOutput = true
+    );
+    AdaptiveTimeStepping(
+        double max_next_tstep,
+        const Tuning& tuning,
+        const UnitSystem& unitSystem,
+        const bool terminalOutput = true
+    );
+    bool operator==(const AdaptiveTimeStepping<TypeTag>& rhs);
+    static void registerParameters();
+    void setReservoirCouplingMaster(ReservoirCouplingMaster *reservoir_coupling_master);
+    void setReservoirCouplingSlave(ReservoirCouplingSlave *reservoir_coupling_slave);
+    void setSuggestedNextStep(const double x);
+    double suggestedNextStep() const;
+    template <class Solver>
+    SimulatorReport step(const SimulatorTimer& simulator_timer,
+                         Solver& solver,
+                         const bool is_event,
+                         const std::function<bool(const double, const double, const int)>
+                            tuning_updater);
+    void updateTUNING(double max_next_tstep, const Tuning& tuning);
+    void updateNEXTSTEP(double max_next_tstep);
+    template<class Serializer>
+    void serializeOp(Serializer& serializer);
+    static AdaptiveTimeStepping<TypeTag> serializationTestObjectHardcoded();
+    static AdaptiveTimeStepping<TypeTag> serializationTestObjectPID();
+    static AdaptiveTimeStepping<TypeTag> serializationTestObjectPIDIt();
+    static AdaptiveTimeStepping<TypeTag> serializationTestObjectSimple();
+    void maybeModifySuggestedTimeStepAtBeginningOfReportStep_(const double original_time_step,
+                                                              const bool is_event);
+    template<class Controller>
+    static AdaptiveTimeStepping<TypeTag> serializationTestObject_();
+    template<class T, class Serializer>
+    void allocAndSerialize(Serializer& serializer);
+    template<class T>
+    bool castAndComp(const AdaptiveTimeStepping<TypeTag>& Rhs) const;
+    void init_(const UnitSystem& unitSystem);
+    using TimeStepController = std::unique_ptr<TimeStepControlInterface>;
+    TimeStepControlType time_step_control_type_; //!< type of time step control object
+    TimeStepController time_step_control_;       //!< time step control object
+    double restart_factor_;           //!< factor to multiply time step with when solver fails to converge
+    double growth_factor_;            //!< factor to multiply time step when solver recovered from failed convergence
+    double max_growth_;               //!< factor that limits the maximum growth of a time step
+    double max_time_step_;            //!< maximal allowed time step size in days
+    double min_time_step_;            //!< minimal allowed time step size before throwing
+    bool ignore_convergence_failure_; //!< continue instead of stop when minimum time step is reached
+    int solver_restart_max_;          //!< how many restart of solver are allowed
+    bool solver_verbose_;             //!< solver verbosity
+    bool timestep_verbose_;           //!< timestep verbosity
+    double suggested_next_timestep_;  //!< suggested size of next timestep
+    bool full_timestep_initially_;    //!< beginning with the size of the time step from data file
+    double timestep_after_event_;     //!< suggested size of timestep after an event
+    bool use_newton_iteration_;       //!< use newton iteration count for adaptive time step control
+    //! < shut problematic wells when time step size in days are less than this
+    double min_time_step_before_shutting_problematic_wells_;
+    ReservoirCouplingMaster *reservoir_coupling_master_ = nullptr;
+    ReservoirCouplingSlave *reservoir_coupling_slave_ = nullptr;
+} // namespace Opm
+#include <opm/simulators/timestepping/AdaptiveTimeStepping_impl.hpp>
diff --git a/opm/simulators/timestepping/AdaptiveTimeStepping_impl.hpp b/opm/simulators/timestepping/AdaptiveTimeStepping_impl.hpp
index 26343d47ff0..4e113fe5e93 100644
--- a/opm/simulators/timestepping/AdaptiveTimeStepping_impl.hpp
+++ b/opm/simulators/timestepping/AdaptiveTimeStepping_impl.hpp
@@ -1,5 +1,22 @@
+  Copyright 2024 Equinor ASA.
+  This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
+  OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+  (at your option) any later version.
+  OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+  GNU General Public License for more details.
+  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+  along with OPM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
@@ -27,537 +44,1262 @@
 #include <sstream>
 #include <stdexcept>
+#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp>
 #include <fmt/format.h>
 #include <fmt/ranges.h>
 namespace Opm {
+ * Public methods of AdaptiveTimeStepping
+ * ******************************************/
+//! \brief contructor taking parameter object
+template<class TypeTag>
+                                 const UnitSystem& unit_system,
+                                 const double max_next_tstep,
+                                 const bool terminal_output
+    : time_step_control_{}
+    , restart_factor_{Parameters::Get<Parameters::SolverRestartFactor<Scalar>>()} // 0.33
+    , growth_factor_{Parameters::Get<Parameters::SolverGrowthFactor<Scalar>>()} // 2.0
+    , max_growth_{Parameters::Get<Parameters::SolverMaxGrowth<Scalar>>()} // 3.0
+    , max_time_step_{
+        Parameters::Get<Parameters::SolverMaxTimeStepInDays<Scalar>>() * 24 * 60 * 60} // 365.25
+    , min_time_step_{
+        unit_system.to_si(UnitSystem::measure::time,
+                          Parameters::Get<Parameters::SolverMinTimeStep<Scalar>>())} // 1e-12;
+    , ignore_convergence_failure_{
+        Parameters::Get<Parameters::SolverContinueOnConvergenceFailure>()} // false;
+    , solver_restart_max_{Parameters::Get<Parameters::SolverMaxRestarts>()} // 10
+    , solver_verbose_{Parameters::Get<Parameters::SolverVerbosity>() > 0 && terminal_output} // 2
+    , timestep_verbose_{Parameters::Get<Parameters::TimeStepVerbosity>() > 0 && terminal_output} // 2
+    , suggested_next_timestep_{
+        (max_next_tstep <= 0 ? Parameters::Get<Parameters::InitialTimeStepInDays>()
+                             : max_next_tstep) * 24 * 60 * 60} // 1.0
+    , full_timestep_initially_{Parameters::Get<Parameters::FullTimeStepInitially>()} // false
+    , timestep_after_event_{
+        Parameters::Get<Parameters::TimeStepAfterEventInDays<Scalar>>() * 24 * 60 * 60} // 1e30
+    , use_newton_iteration_{false}
+    , min_time_step_before_shutting_problematic_wells_{
+        Parameters::Get<Parameters::MinTimeStepBeforeShuttingProblematicWellsInDays>() * unit::day}
+    init_(unit_system);
+//! \brief contructor
+//! \param tuning Pointer to ecl TUNING keyword
+template<class TypeTag>
+AdaptiveTimeStepping<TypeTag>::AdaptiveTimeStepping(double max_next_tstep,
+                                                 const Tuning& tuning,
+                                                 const UnitSystem& unit_system,
+                                                 const bool terminal_output
+    : time_step_control_{}
+    , restart_factor_{tuning.TSFCNV}
+    , growth_factor_{tuning.TFDIFF}
+    , max_growth_{tuning.TSFMAX}
+    , max_time_step_{tuning.TSMAXZ} // 365.25
+    , min_time_step_{tuning.TSFMIN} // 0.1;
+    , ignore_convergence_failure_{true}
+    , solver_restart_max_{Parameters::Get<Parameters::SolverMaxRestarts>()} // 10
+    , solver_verbose_{Parameters::Get<Parameters::SolverVerbosity>() > 0 && terminal_output} // 2
+    , timestep_verbose_{Parameters::Get<Parameters::TimeStepVerbosity>() > 0 && terminal_output} // 2
+    , suggested_next_timestep_{
+        max_next_tstep <= 0 ? Parameters::Get<Parameters::InitialTimeStepInDays>() * 24 * 60 * 60
+                            : max_next_tstep} // 1.0
+    , full_timestep_initially_{Parameters::Get<Parameters::FullTimeStepInitially>()} // false
+    , timestep_after_event_{tuning.TMAXWC} // 1e30
+    , use_newton_iteration_{false}
+    , min_time_step_before_shutting_problematic_wells_{
+        Parameters::Get<Parameters::MinTimeStepBeforeShuttingProblematicWellsInDays>() * unit::day}
+    init_(unit_system);
 template<class TypeTag>
-AdaptiveTimeStepping(const UnitSystem& unitSystem,
-                     const double max_next_tstep,
-                     const bool terminalOutput)
-    : timeStepControl_()
-    , restartFactor_(Parameters::Get<Parameters::SolverRestartFactor<Scalar>>()) // 0.33
-    , growthFactor_(Parameters::Get<Parameters::SolverGrowthFactor<Scalar>>()) // 2.0
-    , maxGrowth_(Parameters::Get<Parameters::SolverMaxGrowth<Scalar>>()) // 3.0
-    , maxTimeStep_(Parameters::Get<Parameters::SolverMaxTimeStepInDays<Scalar>>() * 24 * 60 * 60) // 365.25
-    , minTimeStep_(unitSystem.to_si(UnitSystem::measure::time, Parameters::Get<Parameters::SolverMinTimeStep<Scalar>>())) // 1e-12;
-    , ignoreConvergenceFailure_(Parameters::Get<Parameters::SolverContinueOnConvergenceFailure>()) // false;
-    , solverRestartMax_(Parameters::Get<Parameters::SolverMaxRestarts>()) // 10
-    , solverVerbose_(Parameters::Get<Parameters::SolverVerbosity>() > 0 && terminalOutput) // 2
-    , timestepVerbose_(Parameters::Get<Parameters::TimeStepVerbosity>() > 0 && terminalOutput) // 2
-    , suggestedNextTimestep_((max_next_tstep <= 0 ? Parameters::Get<Parameters::InitialTimeStepInDays>() : max_next_tstep) * 24 * 60 * 60) // 1.0
-    , fullTimestepInitially_(Parameters::Get<Parameters::FullTimeStepInitially>()) // false
-    , timestepAfterEvent_(Parameters::Get<Parameters::TimeStepAfterEventInDays<Scalar>>() * 24 * 60 * 60) // 1e30
-    , useNewtonIteration_(false)
-    , minTimeStepBeforeShuttingProblematicWells_(Parameters::Get<Parameters::MinTimeStepBeforeShuttingProblematicWellsInDays>() * unit::day)
-    init_(unitSystem);
+operator==(const AdaptiveTimeStepping<TypeTag>& rhs)
+    if (this->time_step_control_type_ != rhs.time_step_control_type_ ||
+        (this->time_step_control_ && !rhs.time_step_control_) ||
+        (!this->time_step_control_ && rhs.time_step_control_)) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    bool result = false;
+    switch (this->time_step_control_type_) {
+    case TimeStepControlType::HardCodedTimeStep:
+        result = castAndComp<HardcodedTimeStepControl>(rhs);
+        break;
+    case TimeStepControlType::PIDAndIterationCount:
+        result = castAndComp<PIDAndIterationCountTimeStepControl>(rhs);
+        break;
+    case TimeStepControlType::SimpleIterationCount:
+        result = castAndComp<SimpleIterationCountTimeStepControl>(rhs);
+        break;
+    case TimeStepControlType::PID:
+        result = castAndComp<PIDTimeStepControl>(rhs);
+        break;
+    }
+    return result &&
+           this->restart_factor_ == rhs.restart_factor_ &&
+           this->growth_factor_ == rhs.growth_factor_ &&
+           this->max_growth_ == rhs.max_growth_ &&
+           this->max_time_step_ == rhs.max_time_step_ &&
+           this->min_time_step_ == rhs.min_time_step_ &&
+           this->ignore_convergence_failure_ == rhs.ignore_convergence_failure_ &&
+           this->solver_restart_max_== rhs.solver_restart_max_ &&
+           this->solver_verbose_ == rhs.solver_verbose_ &&
+           this->full_timestep_initially_ == rhs.full_timestep_initially_ &&
+           this->timestep_after_event_ == rhs.timestep_after_event_ &&
+           this->use_newton_iteration_ == rhs.use_newton_iteration_ &&
+           this->min_time_step_before_shutting_problematic_wells_ ==
+               rhs.min_time_step_before_shutting_problematic_wells_;
 template<class TypeTag>
-AdaptiveTimeStepping(double max_next_tstep,
-                     const Tuning& tuning,
-                     const UnitSystem& unitSystem,
-                     const bool terminalOutput)
-    : timeStepControl_()
-    , restartFactor_(tuning.TSFCNV)
-    , growthFactor_(tuning.TFDIFF)
-    , maxGrowth_(tuning.TSFMAX)
-    , maxTimeStep_(tuning.TSMAXZ) // 365.25
-    , minTimeStep_(tuning.TSFMIN) // 0.1;
-    , ignoreConvergenceFailure_(true)
-    , solverRestartMax_(Parameters::Get<Parameters::SolverMaxRestarts>()) // 10
-    , solverVerbose_(Parameters::Get<Parameters::SolverVerbosity>() > 0 && terminalOutput) // 2
-    , timestepVerbose_(Parameters::Get<Parameters::TimeStepVerbosity>() > 0 && terminalOutput) // 2
-    , suggestedNextTimestep_(max_next_tstep <= 0 ? Parameters::Get<Parameters::InitialTimeStepInDays>() * 24 * 60 * 60 : max_next_tstep) // 1.0
-    , fullTimestepInitially_(Parameters::Get<Parameters::FullTimeStepInitially>()) // false
-    , timestepAfterEvent_(tuning.TMAXWC) // 1e30
-    , useNewtonIteration_(false)
-    , minTimeStepBeforeShuttingProblematicWells_(Parameters::Get<Parameters::MinTimeStepBeforeShuttingProblematicWellsInDays>() * unit::day)
-    init_(unitSystem);
-template<class TypeTag>
-void AdaptiveTimeStepping<TypeTag>::registerParameters()
 template<class TypeTag>
-template<class Solver>
+setReservoirCouplingMaster(ReservoirCouplingMaster *reservoir_coupling_master)
+    this->reservoir_coupling_master_ = reservoir_coupling_master;
+template<class TypeTag>
+setReservoirCouplingSlave(ReservoirCouplingSlave *reservoir_coupling_slave)
+    this->reservoir_coupling_slave_ = reservoir_coupling_slave;
+/** \brief  step method that acts like the solver::step method
+            in a sub cycle of time steps
+    \param tuningUpdater Function used to update TUNING parameters before each
+                         time step. ACTIONX might change tuning.
+template<class TypeTag>
+template <class Solver>
-step(const SimulatorTimer& simulatorTimer,
+step(const SimulatorTimer& simulator_timer,
      Solver& solver,
-     const bool isEvent,
-     const std::function<bool(const double, const double, const int)> tuningUpdater)
+     const bool is_event,
+     const std::function<bool(const double /*current_time*/,
+                              const double /*dt*/,
+                              const int    /*substep_number*/
+                             )> tuning_updater
-    // Maybe update tuning
-    tuningUpdater(simulatorTimer.simulationTimeElapsed(), suggestedNextTimestep_, 0);
-    SimulatorReport report;
-    const double timestep = simulatorTimer.currentStepLength();
+    SubStepper sub_stepper{
+        *this, simulator_timer, solver, is_event, tuning_updater,
+    };
+    return sub_stepper.run();
+template<class TypeTag>
+template<class Serializer>
+serializeOp(Serializer& serializer)
+    serializer(this->time_step_control_type_);
+    switch (this->time_step_control_type_) {
+    case TimeStepControlType::HardCodedTimeStep:
+        allocAndSerialize<HardcodedTimeStepControl>(serializer);
+        break;
+    case TimeStepControlType::PIDAndIterationCount:
+        allocAndSerialize<PIDAndIterationCountTimeStepControl>(serializer);
+        break;
+    case TimeStepControlType::SimpleIterationCount:
+        allocAndSerialize<SimpleIterationCountTimeStepControl>(serializer);
+        break;
+    case TimeStepControlType::PID:
+        allocAndSerialize<PIDTimeStepControl>(serializer);
+        break;
+    }
+    serializer(this->restart_factor_);
+    serializer(this->growth_factor_);
+    serializer(this->max_growth_);
+    serializer(this->max_time_step_);
+    serializer(this->min_time_step_);
+    serializer(this->ignore_convergence_failure_);
+    serializer(this->solver_restart_max_);
+    serializer(this->solver_verbose_);
+    serializer(this->timestep_verbose_);
+    serializer(this->suggested_next_timestep_);
+    serializer(this->full_timestep_initially_);
+    serializer(this->timestep_after_event_);
+    serializer(this->use_newton_iteration_);
+    serializer(this->min_time_step_before_shutting_problematic_wells_);
+template<class TypeTag>
+    return serializationTestObject_<HardcodedTimeStepControl>();
+template<class TypeTag>
+    return serializationTestObject_<PIDTimeStepControl>();
+template<class TypeTag>
+    return serializationTestObject_<PIDAndIterationCountTimeStepControl>();
+template<class TypeTag>
+    return serializationTestObject_<SimpleIterationCountTimeStepControl>();
+template<class TypeTag>
+setSuggestedNextStep(const double x)
+    this->suggested_next_timestep_ = x;
+template<class TypeTag>
+suggestedNextStep() const
+    return this->suggested_next_timestep_;
+template<class TypeTag>
+updateNEXTSTEP(double max_next_tstep)
+     // \Note Only update next suggested step if TSINIT was explicitly
+     //  set in TUNING or NEXTSTEP is active.
+    if (max_next_tstep > 0) {
+        this->suggested_next_timestep_ = max_next_tstep;
+    }
+template<class TypeTag>
+updateTUNING(double max_next_tstep, const Tuning& tuning)
+    this->restart_factor_ = tuning.TSFCNV;
+    this->growth_factor_ = tuning.TFDIFF;
+    this->max_growth_ = tuning.TSFMAX;
+    this->max_time_step_ = tuning.TSMAXZ;
+    updateNEXTSTEP(max_next_tstep);
+    this->timestep_after_event_ = tuning.TMAXWC;
+ * Private methods of AdaptiveTimeStepping
+ * ******************************************/
+template<class TypeTag>
+template<class T, class Serializer>
+allocAndSerialize(Serializer& serializer)
+    if (!serializer.isSerializing()) {
+        this->time_step_control_ = std::make_unique<T>();
+    }
+    serializer(*static_cast<T*>(this->time_step_control_.get()));
+template<class TypeTag>
+template<class T>
+castAndComp(const AdaptiveTimeStepping<TypeTag>& Rhs) const
+    const T* lhs = static_cast<const T*>(this->time_step_control_.get());
+    const T* rhs = static_cast<const T*>(Rhs.time_step_control_.get());
+    return *lhs == *rhs;
+template<class TypeTag>
+maybeModifySuggestedTimeStepAtBeginningOfReportStep_(const double original_time_step,
+                                                     bool is_event)
     // init last time step as a fraction of the given time step
-    if (suggestedNextTimestep_ < 0) {
-        suggestedNextTimestep_ = restartFactor_ * timestep;
+    if (this->suggested_next_timestep_ < 0) {
+        this->suggested_next_timestep_ = this->restart_factor_ * original_time_step;
-    if (fullTimestepInitially_) {
-        suggestedNextTimestep_ = timestep;
+    if (this->full_timestep_initially_) {
+        this->suggested_next_timestep_ = original_time_step;
     // use seperate time step after event
-    if (isEvent && timestepAfterEvent_ > 0) {
-        suggestedNextTimestep_ = timestepAfterEvent_;
+    if (is_event && this->timestep_after_event_ > 0) {
+        this->suggested_next_timestep_ = this->timestep_after_event_;
-    auto& simulator = solver.model().simulator();
-    auto& problem = simulator.problem();
+template<class TypeTag>
+template<class Controller>
+    AdaptiveTimeStepping<TypeTag> result;
-    // create adaptive step timer with previously used sub step size
-    AdaptiveSimulatorTimer substepTimer(simulatorTimer, suggestedNextTimestep_, maxTimeStep_);
+    result.restart_factor_ = 1.0;
+    result.growth_factor_ = 2.0;
+    result.max_growth_ = 3.0;
+    result.max_time_step_ = 4.0;
+    result.min_time_step_ = 5.0;
+    result.ignore_convergence_failure_ = true;
+    result.solver_restart_max_ = 6;
+    result.solver_verbose_ = true;
+    result.timestep_verbose_ = true;
+    result.suggested_next_timestep_ = 7.0;
+    result.full_timestep_initially_ = true;
+    result.use_newton_iteration_ = true;
+    result.min_time_step_before_shutting_problematic_wells_ = 9.0;
+    result.time_step_control_type_ = Controller::Type;
+    result.time_step_control_ =
+                       std::make_unique<Controller>(Controller::serializationTestObject());
-    // counter for solver restarts
-    int restarts = 0;
+    return result;
-    // sub step time loop
-    while (!substepTimer.done()) {
-        // Maybe update tuning
-        // get current delta t
-        auto oldValue = suggestedNextTimestep_;
-        if (tuningUpdater(substepTimer.simulationTimeElapsed(),
-                          substepTimer.currentStepLength(),
-                          substepTimer.currentStepNum())) {
-            // Use provideTimeStepEstimate to make we sure don't simulate longer than the report step is.
-            substepTimer.provideTimeStepEstimate(suggestedNextTimestep_);
-            suggestedNextTimestep_ = oldValue;
-        }
-        const double dt = substepTimer.currentStepLength();
-        if (timestepVerbose_) {
-            detail::logTimer(substepTimer);
-        }
+ * Protected methods of AdaptiveTimeStepping
+ * ******************************************/
+template<class TypeTag>
+void AdaptiveTimeStepping<TypeTag>::
+init_(const UnitSystem& unitSystem)
+    std::tie(time_step_control_type_,
+             time_step_control_,
+             use_newton_iteration_) = detail::createController(unitSystem);
+    // make sure growth factor is something reasonable
+    if (this->growth_factor_ < 1.0) {
+        OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error,
+                  "Growth factor cannot be less than 1.");
+    }
-        SimulatorReportSingle substepReport;
-        std::string causeOfFailure;
-        try {
-            substepReport = solver.step(substepTimer);
-            if (solverVerbose_) {
-                // report number of linear iterations
-                OpmLog::debug("Overall linear iterations used: " +
-                              std::to_string(substepReport.total_linear_iterations));
-            }
-        }
-        catch (const TooManyIterations& e) {
-            substepReport = solver.failureReport();
-            causeOfFailure = "Solver convergence failure - Iteration limit reached";
-            logException_(e, solverVerbose_);
-            // since linearIterations is < 0 this will restart the solver
+ * Private class SubStepper public methods
+ ************************************************/
+template<class TypeTag>
+template<class Solver>
+    AdaptiveTimeStepping<TypeTag>& adaptive_time_stepping,
+    const SimulatorTimer& simulator_timer,
+    Solver& solver,
+    const bool is_event,
+    const std::function<bool(const double /*current_time*/,
+                             const double /*dt*/,
+                             const int    /*substep_number*/
+                            )>& tuning_updater
+    : adaptive_time_stepping_{adaptive_time_stepping}
+    , simulator_timer_{simulator_timer}
+    , solver_{solver}
+    , is_event_{is_event}
+    , tuning_updater_{tuning_updater}
+template<class TypeTag>
+template<class Solver>
+    return adaptive_time_stepping_;
+template<class TypeTag>
+template<class Solver>
+    if (isReservoirCouplingSlave_() && reservoirCouplingSlave_().activated()) {
+        return runStepReservoirCouplingSlave_();
+    }
+    else if (isReservoirCouplingMaster_() && reservoirCouplingMaster_().activated()) {
+        return runStepReservoirCouplingMaster_();
+    }
+    else {
+        return runStepOriginal_();
+    }
+    return runStepOriginal_();
+ * Private class SubStepper private methods
+ ************************************************/
+template<class TypeTag>
+template<class Solver>
+isReservoirCouplingMaster_() const
+    return this->adaptive_time_stepping_.reservoir_coupling_master_ != nullptr;
+template<class TypeTag>
+template<class Solver>
+isReservoirCouplingSlave_() const
+    return this->adaptive_time_stepping_.reservoir_coupling_slave_ != nullptr;
+template<class TypeTag>
+template<class Solver>
+maybeModifySuggestedTimeStepAtBeginningOfReportStep_(const double original_time_step)
+    this->adaptive_time_stepping_.maybeModifySuggestedTimeStepAtBeginningOfReportStep_(
+        original_time_step, this->is_event_
+    );
+// The maybeUpdateTuning_() lambda callback is defined in SimulatorFullyImplicitBlackoil::runStep()
+// It has to be called for each substep since TUNING might have been changed for next sub step due
+// to ACTIONX (via NEXTSTEP) or WCYCLE keywords.
+template<class TypeTag>
+template<class Solver>
+maybeUpdateTuning_(double elapsed, double dt, int sub_step_number) const
+    return this->tuning_updater_(elapsed, dt, sub_step_number);
+template<class TypeTag>
+template<class Solver>
+maxTimeStep_() const
+    return this->adaptive_time_stepping_.max_time_step_;
+template <class TypeTag>
+template <class Solver>
+    auto elapsed = this->simulator_timer_.simulationTimeElapsed();
+    auto original_time_step = this->simulator_timer_.currentStepLength();
+    auto report_step = this->simulator_timer_.reportStepNum();
+    maybeUpdateTuning_(elapsed, original_time_step, report_step);
+    maybeModifySuggestedTimeStepAtBeginningOfReportStep_(original_time_step);
+    AdaptiveSimulatorTimer substep_timer{
+        this->simulator_timer_.startDateTime(),
+        original_time_step,
+        elapsed,
+        suggestedNextTimestep_(),
+        report_step,
+        maxTimeStep_()
+    };
+    SubStepIteration substepIteration{*this, substep_timer, original_time_step, /*final_step=*/true};
+    return substepIteration.run();
+template <class TypeTag>
+template <class Solver>
+    return *adaptive_time_stepping_.reservoir_coupling_master_;
+template <class TypeTag>
+template <class Solver>
+    return *this->adaptive_time_stepping_.reservoir_coupling_slave_;
+// Description of the reservoir coupling master and slave substep loop
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
+// The master and slave processes attempts to reach the end of the report step using a series of substeps
+// (also called timesteps). Each substep have an upper limit that is roughly determined by a combination
+// of the keywords TUNING (through the TSINIT, TSMAXZ values), NEXSTEP, WCYCLE, and the start of the
+// next report step (the last substep needs to coincide with this time). Note that NEXTSTEP can be
+// updated from an ACTIONX keyword. Although, this comment focuses on the maximum substep limit,
+// note that there is also a lower limit on the substep length. And the substep sizes will be adjusted
+// automatically (or retried) based on the convergence behavior of the solver and other criteria.
+// When using reservoir coupling, the upper limit on each substep is further limited to: a) not overshoot
+// next report date of a slave reservoir, and b) to keep the flow rate of the slave groups within
+// certain limits. To determine this potential further limitation on the substep, the following procedure
+// is used at the beginning of each master substep:
+// - First, the slaves sends the master the date of their next report step
+// - The master receives the date of the next report step from the slaves
+// - If necessary, the master computes a modified substep length based on the received dates
+// TODO: explain how the substep is limited to keep the flow rate of the slave groups within certain
+// limits. Since this is not implemented yet, this part of the procedure is not explained here.
+// Then, after the master has determined the substep length using the above procedure, it sends it
+// to the slaves. The slaves will now use the end of this substep as a fixed point (like a mini report
+// step), that they will try to reach using a single substep or multiple substeps. The end of the
+// substep received from the master will either conincide with the end of its current report step, or
+// it will end before (it cannot not end after since the master has already adjusted the step to not
+// exceed any report time in a slave). If the end of this substep is earlier in time than its next report
+// date, the slave will enter a loop and wait for the master to send it a new substep.
+// The loop is finished when the end of the received time step conincides with the end of its current
+// report step.
+template <class TypeTag>
+template <class Solver>
+    bool substep_done = false;
+    int iteration = 0;
+    const double original_time_step = this->simulator_timer_.currentStepLength();
+    double current_time{this->simulator_timer_.simulationTimeElapsed()};
+    double step_end_time = current_time + original_time_step;
+    auto current_step_length = original_time_step;
+    SimulatorReport report;
+    while(!substep_done) {
+        reservoirCouplingMaster_().receiveNextReportDateFromSlaves();
+        if (iteration == 0) {
+            maybeUpdateTuning_(current_time, current_step_length, /*substep=*/0);
-        catch (const ConvergenceMonitorFailure& e) {
-            substepReport = solver.failureReport();
-            causeOfFailure = "Convergence monitor failure";
+        current_step_length = reservoirCouplingMaster_().maybeChopSubStep(
+                                          current_step_length, current_time);
+        reservoirCouplingMaster_().sendNextTimeStepToSlaves(current_step_length);
+        if (iteration == 0) {
+            maybeModifySuggestedTimeStepAtBeginningOfReportStep_(current_step_length);
-        catch (const LinearSolverProblem& e) {
-            substepReport = solver.failureReport();
-            causeOfFailure = "Linear solver convergence failure";
-            logException_(e, solverVerbose_);
-            // since linearIterations is < 0 this will restart the solver
+        AdaptiveSimulatorTimer substep_timer{
+            this->simulator_timer_.startDateTime(),
+            /*stepLength=*/current_step_length,
+            /*elapsedTime=*/current_time,
+            /*timeStepEstimate=*/suggestedNextTimestep_(),
+            /*reportStep=*/this->simulator_timer_.reportStepNum(),
+            maxTimeStep_()
+        };
+        bool final_step = ReservoirCoupling::Seconds::compare_gt_or_eq(
+            current_time + current_step_length, step_end_time
+        );
+        SubStepIteration substepIteration{*this, substep_timer, current_step_length, final_step};
+        auto sub_steps_report = substepIteration.run();
+        report += sub_steps_report;
+        current_time += current_step_length;
+        if (final_step) {
+            break;
-        catch (const NumericalProblem& e) {
-            substepReport = solver.failureReport();
-            causeOfFailure = "Solver convergence failure - Numerical problem encountered";
+        iteration++;
+    }
+    return report;
-            logException_(e, solverVerbose_);
-            // since linearIterations is < 0 this will restart the solver
+template <class TypeTag>
+template <class Solver>
+    bool substep_done = false;
+    int iteration = 0;
+    const double original_time_step = this->simulator_timer_.currentStepLength();
+    double current_time{this->simulator_timer_.simulationTimeElapsed()};
+    double step_end_time = current_time + original_time_step;
+    SimulatorReport report;
+    while(!substep_done) {
+        reservoirCouplingSlave_().sendNextReportDateToMasterProcess();
+        auto timestep = reservoirCouplingSlave_().receiveNextTimeStepFromMaster();
+        if (iteration == 0) {
+            maybeUpdateTuning_(current_time, original_time_step, /*substep=*/0);
+            maybeModifySuggestedTimeStepAtBeginningOfReportStep_(timestep);
-        catch (const std::runtime_error& e) {
-            substepReport = solver.failureReport();
-            logException_(e, solverVerbose_);
-            // also catch linear solver not converged
+        AdaptiveSimulatorTimer substep_timer{
+            this->simulator_timer_.startDateTime(),
+            /*step_length=*/timestep,
+            /*elapsed_time=*/current_time,
+            /*time_step_estimate=*/suggestedNextTimestep_(),
+            this->simulator_timer_.reportStepNum(),
+            maxTimeStep_()
+        };
+        bool final_step = ReservoirCoupling::Seconds::compare_gt_or_eq(
+            current_time + timestep, step_end_time
+        );
+        SubStepIteration substepIteration{*this, substep_timer, timestep, final_step};
+        auto sub_steps_report = substepIteration.run();
+        report += sub_steps_report;
+        current_time += timestep;
+        if (final_step) {
+            substep_done = true;
+            break;
-        catch (const Dune::ISTLError& e) {
-            substepReport = solver.failureReport();
+        iteration++;
+    }
+    return report;
-            logException_(e, solverVerbose_);
-            // also catch errors in ISTL AMG that occur when time step is too large
-        }
-        catch (const Dune::MatrixBlockError& e) {
-            substepReport = solver.failureReport();
+template <class TypeTag>
+template <class Solver>
+suggestedNextTimestep_() const
+    return this->adaptive_time_stepping_.suggestedNextStep();
-            logException_(e, solverVerbose_);
-            // this can be thrown by ISTL's ILU0 in block mode, yet is not an ISTLError
+ * Private class SubStepIteration public methods
+ ************************************************/
+template<class TypeTag>
+template<class Solver>
+    SubStepper<Solver>& substepper,
+    AdaptiveSimulatorTimer& substep_timer,
+    const double original_time_step,
+    bool final_step
+    : substepper_{substepper}
+    , substep_timer_{substep_timer}
+    , original_time_step_{original_time_step}
+    , final_step_{final_step}
+    , adaptive_time_stepping_{substepper.getAdaptiveTimerStepper()}
+template <class TypeTag>
+template <class Solver>
+    auto& simulator = solver_().model().simulator();
+    auto& problem = simulator.problem();
+    // counter for solver restarts
+    int restarts = 0;
+    SimulatorReport report;
+    // sub step time loop
+    while (!this->substep_timer_.done()) {
+        maybeUpdateTuningAndTimeStep_();
+        const double dt = this->substep_timer_.currentStepLength();
+        if (timeStepVerbose_()) {
+            detail::logTimer(this->substep_timer_);
+        auto substep_report = runSubStep_();
         //Pass substep to eclwriter for summary output
-        simulator.problem().setSubStepReport(substepReport);
-        report += substepReport;
-        bool continue_on_uncoverged_solution = ignoreConvergenceFailure_ &&
-                                               !substepReport.converged  &&
-                                               dt <= minTimeStep_;
-        if (continue_on_uncoverged_solution && solverVerbose_) {
-            const auto msg = fmt::format(
-                "Solver failed to converge but timestep "
-                "{} is smaller or equal to {}\n"
-                "which is the minimum threshold given "
-                "by option --solver-min-time-step\n",
-                dt, minTimeStep_
-            );
-            OpmLog::problem(msg);
-        }
+        problem.setSubStepReport(substep_report);
-        if (substepReport.converged || continue_on_uncoverged_solution) {
-            // advance by current dt
-            ++substepTimer;
-            // create object to compute the time error, simply forwards the call to the model
-            SolutionTimeErrorSolverWrapper<Solver> relativeChange(solver);
-            // compute new time step estimate
-            const int iterations = useNewtonIteration_ ? substepReport.total_newton_iterations
-                : substepReport.total_linear_iterations;
-            double dtEstimate = timeStepControl_->computeTimeStepSize(dt, iterations, relativeChange,
-                                                                       substepTimer.simulationTimeElapsed());
-            assert(dtEstimate > 0);
-            // limit the growth of the timestep size by the growth factor
-            dtEstimate = std::min(dtEstimate, double(maxGrowth_ * dt));
-            assert(dtEstimate > 0);
-            // further restrict time step size growth after convergence problems
-            if (restarts > 0) {
-                dtEstimate = std::min(growthFactor_ * dt, dtEstimate);
-                // solver converged, reset restarts counter
-                restarts = 0;
-            }
+        report += substep_report;
-            if (timestepVerbose_) {
-                std::ostringstream ss;
-                substepReport.reportStep(ss);
-                OpmLog::info(ss.str());
-            }
+        if (substep_report.converged || checkContinueOnUnconvergedSolution_(dt)) {
+            ++this->substep_timer_;   // advance by current dt
-            // write data if outputWriter was provided
-            // if the time step is done we do not need
-            // to write it as this will be done by the simulator
-            // anyway.
-            if (!substepTimer.done()) {
-                time::StopWatch perfTimer;
-                perfTimer.start();
+            const int iterations = getNumIterations_(substep_report);
+            auto dt_estimate = timeStepControlComputeEstimate_(
+                                     dt, iterations, this->substep_timer_.simulationTimeElapsed());
-                problem.writeOutput(true);
+            assert(dt_estimate > 0);
+            dt_estimate = maybeRestrictTimeStepGrowth_(dt, dt_estimate, restarts);
+            restarts = 0;         // solver converged, reset restarts counter
-                report.success.output_write_time += perfTimer.secsSinceStart();
+            maybeReportSubStep_(substep_report);
+            if (this->final_step_ && this->substep_timer_.done()) {
+                // if the time step is done we do not need to write it as this will be done
+                // by the simulator anyway.
+            }
+            else {
+                report.success.output_write_time += writeOutput_();
             // set new time step length
-            substepTimer.provideTimeStepEstimate(dtEstimate);
-            report.success.converged = substepTimer.done();
-            substepTimer.setLastStepFailed(false);
+            setTimeStep_(dt_estimate);
+            report.success.converged = this->substep_timer_.done();
+            this->substep_timer_.setLastStepFailed(false);
         else { // in case of no convergence
-            substepTimer.setLastStepFailed(true);
-            // If we have restarted (i.e. cut the timestep) too
-            // many times, we have failed and throw an exception.
-            if (restarts >= solverRestartMax_) {
-                const auto msg = fmt::format(
-                    "Solver failed to converge after cutting timestep {} times.",
-                    restarts
-                );
-                if (solverVerbose_) {
-                    OpmLog::error(msg);
-                }
-                // Use throw directly to prevent file and line
-                throw TimeSteppingBreakdown{msg};
+            this->substep_timer_.setLastStepFailed(true);
+            checkTimeStepMaxRestartLimit_(restarts);
+            const double new_time_step = restartFactor_() * dt;
+            checkTimeStepMinLimit_(new_time_step);
+            bool wells_shut = false;
+            if (new_time_step > minTimeStepBeforeClosingWells_()) {
+                chopTimeStep_(new_time_step);
+            } else {
+                wells_shut = chopTimeStepOrCloseFailingWells_(new_time_step);
+            }
+            if (wells_shut) {
+                setTimeStep_(dt);  // retry the old timestep
+            else {
+                restarts++;   // only increase if no wells were shut
+            }
+        }
+        problem.setNextTimeStepSize(this->substep_timer_.currentStepLength());
+    }
+    updateSuggestedNextStep_();
+    return report;
-            // The new, chopped timestep.
-            const double newTimeStep = restartFactor_ * dt;
+ * Private class SubStepIteration private methods
+ ************************************************/
-            // If we have restarted (i.e. cut the timestep) too
-            // much, we have failed and throw an exception.
-            if (newTimeStep < minTimeStep_) {
-                const auto msg = fmt::format(
-                    "Solver failed to converge after cutting timestep to {}\n"
-                    "which is the minimum threshold given by option --solver-min-time-step\n",
-                    minTimeStep_
-                );
-                if (solverVerbose_) {
-                    OpmLog::error(msg);
-                }
-                // Use throw directly to prevent file and line
-                throw TimeSteppingBreakdown{msg};
-            }
-            // Define utility function for chopping timestep.
-            auto chopTimestep = [&]() {
-                substepTimer.provideTimeStepEstimate(newTimeStep);
-                if (solverVerbose_) {
-                    const auto msg = fmt::format(
-                        "{}\nTimestep chopped to {} days\n",
-                        causeOfFailure,
-                        unit::convert::to(substepTimer.currentStepLength(), unit::day)
-                    );
-                    OpmLog::problem(msg);
-                }
-                ++restarts;
-            };
+template<class TypeTag>
+template<class Solver>
+checkContinueOnUnconvergedSolution_(double dt) const
+    bool continue_on_uncoverged_solution = ignoreConvergenceFailure_() && dt <= minTimeStep_();
+    if (continue_on_uncoverged_solution && solverVerbose_()) {
+        // NOTE: This method is only called if the solver failed to converge.
+        const auto msg = fmt::format(
+            "Solver failed to converge but timestep {} is smaller or equal to {}\n"
+            "which is the minimum threshold given by option --solver-min-time-step\n",
+            dt, minTimeStep_()
+        );
+        OpmLog::problem(msg);
+    }
+    return continue_on_uncoverged_solution;
-            const double minimumChoppedTimestep = minTimeStepBeforeShuttingProblematicWells_;
-            if (newTimeStep > minimumChoppedTimestep) {
-                chopTimestep();
-            } else {
-                // We are below the threshold, and will check if there are any
-                // wells we should close rather than chopping again.
-                std::set<std::string> failing_wells = detail::consistentlyFailingWells(solver.model().stepReports());
-                if (failing_wells.empty()) {
-                    // Found no wells to close, chop the timestep as above.
-                    chopTimestep();
-                } else {
-                    // Close all consistently failing wells that are not under group control
-                    std::vector<std::string> shut_wells;
-                    for (const auto& well : failing_wells) {
-                        bool was_shut = solver.model().wellModel().forceShutWellByName(
-                                                    well, substepTimer.simulationTimeElapsed(), /*dont_shut_grup_wells =*/ true);
-                        if (was_shut) {
-                            shut_wells.push_back(well);
-                        }
-                    }
-                    // If no wells are closed we also try to shut wells under group control
-                    if (shut_wells.empty()) {
-                        for (const auto& well : failing_wells) {
-                            bool was_shut = solver.model().wellModel().forceShutWellByName(
-                                                    well, substepTimer.simulationTimeElapsed(), /*dont_shut_grup_wells =*/ false);
-                            if (was_shut) {
-                                shut_wells.push_back(well);
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                    // If still no wells are closed we must fall back to chopping again
-                    if (shut_wells.empty()) {
-                        chopTimestep();
-                    } else {
-                        substepTimer.provideTimeStepEstimate(dt);
-                        if (solverVerbose_) {
-                            const std::string msg =
-                                fmt::format("\nProblematic well(s) were shut: {}"
-                                            "(retrying timestep)\n",
-                                            fmt::join(shut_wells, " "));
-                            OpmLog::problem(msg);
-                        }
-                    }
+template<class TypeTag>
+template<class Solver>
+checkTimeStepMaxRestartLimit_(const int restarts) const
+   // If we have restarted (i.e. cut the timestep) too
+    // many times, we have failed and throw an exception.
+    if (restarts >= solverRestartMax_()) {
+        const auto msg = fmt::format(
+            "Solver failed to converge after cutting timestep {} times.", restarts
+        );
+        if (solverVerbose_()) {
+            OpmLog::error(msg);
+        }
+        // Use throw directly to prevent file and line
+        throw TimeSteppingBreakdown{msg};
+    }
+template<class TypeTag>
+template<class Solver>
+checkTimeStepMinLimit_(const int new_time_step) const
+    // If we have restarted (i.e. cut the timestep) too
+    // much, we have failed and throw an exception.
+    if (new_time_step < minTimeStep_()) {
+        const auto msg = fmt::format(
+            "Solver failed to converge after cutting timestep to {}\n"
+            "which is the minimum threshold given by option --solver-min-time-step\n",
+            minTimeStep_()
+        );
+        if (solverVerbose_()) {
+            OpmLog::error(msg);
+        }
+        // Use throw directly to prevent file and line
+        throw TimeSteppingBreakdown{msg};
+    }
+template<class TypeTag>
+template<class Solver>
+chopTimeStep_(const double new_time_step)
+    setTimeStep_(new_time_step);
+    if (solverVerbose_()) {
+        const auto msg = fmt::format("{}\nTimestep chopped to {} days\n",
+                    this->cause_of_failure_,
+                    unit::convert::to(this->substep_timer_.currentStepLength(), unit::day));
+        OpmLog::problem(msg);
+    }
+template<class TypeTag>
+template<class Solver>
+chopTimeStepOrCloseFailingWells_(const int new_time_step)
+    bool wells_shut = false;
+    // We are below the threshold, and will check if there are any wells we should close
+    // rather than chopping again.
+    std::set<std::string> failing_wells = detail::consistentlyFailingWells(
+                                         solver_().model().stepReports());
+    if (failing_wells.empty()) {
+        // Found no wells to close, chop the timestep
+        chopTimeStep_(new_time_step);
+    } else {
+        // Close all consistently failing wells that are not under group control
+        std::vector<std::string> shut_wells;
+        for (const auto& well : failing_wells) {
+            bool was_shut = solver_().model().wellModel().forceShutWellByName(
+                        well, this->substep_timer_.simulationTimeElapsed(), /*dont_shut_grup_wells =*/ true);
+            if (was_shut) {
+                shut_wells.push_back(well);
+            }
+        }
+        // If no wells are closed we also try to shut wells under group control
+        if (shut_wells.empty()) {
+            for (const auto& well : failing_wells) {
+                bool was_shut = solver_().model().wellModel().forceShutWellByName(
+                        well, this->substep_timer_.simulationTimeElapsed(), /*dont_shut_grup_wells =*/ false);
+                if (was_shut) {
+                    shut_wells.push_back(well);
-        problem.setNextTimeStepSize(substepTimer.currentStepLength());
+        // If still no wells are closed we must fall back to chopping again
+        if (shut_wells.empty()) {
+            chopTimeStep_(new_time_step);
+        } else {
+            wells_shut = true;
+            if (solverVerbose_()) {
+                const std::string msg =
+                        fmt::format("\nProblematic well(s) were shut: {}"
+                                    "(retrying timestep)\n",
+                                    fmt::join(shut_wells, " "));
+                OpmLog::problem(msg);
+            }
+        }
+    return wells_shut;
-    // store estimated time step for next reportStep
-    suggestedNextTimestep_ = substepTimer.currentStepLength();
-    if (timestepVerbose_) {
-        std::ostringstream ss;
-        substepTimer.report(ss);
-        ss << "Suggested next step size = " << unit::convert::to(suggestedNextTimestep_, unit::day) << " (days)" << std::endl;
-        OpmLog::debug(ss.str());
-    }
+template<class TypeTag>
+template<class Solver>
+currentDateTime_() const
+    return simulatorTimer_().currentDateTime();
-    if (! std::isfinite(suggestedNextTimestep_)) { // check for NaN
-        suggestedNextTimestep_ = timestep;
+template<class TypeTag>
+template<class Solver>
+getNumIterations_(const SimulatorReportSingle &substep_report) const
+    if (useNewtonIteration_()) {
+        return substep_report.total_newton_iterations;
+    }
+    else {
+        return substep_report.total_linear_iterations;
-    return report;
 template<class TypeTag>
-void AdaptiveTimeStepping<TypeTag>::
-updateTUNING(double max_next_tstep, const Tuning& tuning)
+template<class Solver>
+growthFactor_() const
-    restartFactor_ = tuning.TSFCNV;
-    growthFactor_ = tuning.TFDIFF;
-    maxGrowth_ = tuning.TSFMAX;
-    maxTimeStep_ = tuning.TSMAXZ;
-    updateNEXTSTEP(max_next_tstep);
-    timestepAfterEvent_ = tuning.TMAXWC;
+    return this->adaptive_time_stepping_.growth_factor_;
 template<class TypeTag>
-void AdaptiveTimeStepping<TypeTag>::
-updateNEXTSTEP(double max_next_tstep)
+template<class Solver>
+ignoreConvergenceFailure_() const
-     // \Note Only update next suggested step if TSINIT was explicitly set in TUNING or NEXTSTEP is active.
-    if (max_next_tstep > 0) {
-        suggestedNextTimestep_ = max_next_tstep;
+    return adaptive_time_stepping_.ignore_convergence_failure_;
+template<class TypeTag>
+template<class Solver>
+maxGrowth_() const
+    return this->adaptive_time_stepping_.max_growth_;
+template<class TypeTag>
+template<class Solver>
+maybeReportSubStep_(SimulatorReportSingle substep_report) const
+    if (timeStepVerbose_()) {
+        std::ostringstream ss;
+        substep_report.reportStep(ss);
+        OpmLog::info(ss.str());
 template<class TypeTag>
-template<class Serializer>
-void AdaptiveTimeStepping<TypeTag>::
-serializeOp(Serializer& serializer)
+template<class Solver>
+maybeRestrictTimeStepGrowth_(const double dt, double dt_estimate, const int restarts) const
-    serializer(timeStepControlType_);
-    switch (timeStepControlType_) {
-    case TimeStepControlType::HardCodedTimeStep:
-        allocAndSerialize<HardcodedTimeStepControl>(serializer);
-        break;
-    case TimeStepControlType::PIDAndIterationCount:
-        allocAndSerialize<PIDAndIterationCountTimeStepControl>(serializer);
-        break;
-    case TimeStepControlType::SimpleIterationCount:
-        allocAndSerialize<SimpleIterationCountTimeStepControl>(serializer);
-        break;
-    case TimeStepControlType::PID:
-        allocAndSerialize<PIDTimeStepControl>(serializer);
-        break;
+    // limit the growth of the timestep size by the growth factor
+    dt_estimate = std::min(dt_estimate, double(maxGrowth_() * dt));
+    assert(dt_estimate > 0);
+    // further restrict time step size growth after convergence problems
+    if (restarts > 0) {
+        dt_estimate = std::min(growthFactor_() * dt, dt_estimate);
-    serializer(restartFactor_);
-    serializer(growthFactor_);
-    serializer(maxGrowth_);
-    serializer(maxTimeStep_);
-    serializer(minTimeStep_);
-    serializer(ignoreConvergenceFailure_);
-    serializer(solverRestartMax_);
-    serializer(solverVerbose_);
-    serializer(timestepVerbose_);
-    serializer(suggestedNextTimestep_);
-    serializer(fullTimestepInitially_);
-    serializer(timestepAfterEvent_);
-    serializer(useNewtonIteration_);
-    serializer(minTimeStepBeforeShuttingProblematicWells_);
+    return dt_estimate;
+// The maybeUpdateTuning_() lambda callback is defined in SimulatorFullyImplicitBlackoil::runStep()
+// It has to be called for each substep since TUNING might have been changed for next sub step due
+// to ACTIONX (via NEXTSTEP) or WCYCLE keywords.
 template<class TypeTag>
+template<class Solver>
-    return serializationTestObject_<HardcodedTimeStepControl>();
+    // TODO: This function is currently only called if NEXTSTEP is activated from ACTIONX or
+    // if the WCYCLE keyword needs to modify the current timestep. So this method should rather
+    // be named maybeUpdateTimeStep_() or similar, since it should not update the tuning. However,
+    // the current definition of the maybeUpdateTuning_() callback is actually calling
+    // adaptiveTimeStepping_->updateTUNING(max_next_tstep, tuning) which is updating the tuning
+    // see SimulatorFullyImplicitBlackoil::runStep() for more details.
+    auto old_value = suggestedNextTimestep_();
+    if (this->substepper_.maybeUpdateTuning_(this->substep_timer_.simulationTimeElapsed(),
+                                                this->substep_timer_.currentStepLength(),
+                                                this->substep_timer_.currentStepNum()))
+    {
+        // Either NEXTSTEP and WCYCLE wants to change the current time step, but they cannot
+        // change the current time step directly. Instead, they change the suggested next time step
+        // by calling updateNEXTSTEP() via the maybeUpdateTuning() callback. We now need to update
+        // the current time step to the new suggested time step and reset the suggested time step
+        // to the old value.
+        setTimeStep_(suggestedNextTimestep_());
+        setSuggestedNextStep_(old_value);
+    }
 template<class TypeTag>
+template<class Solver>
+minTimeStepBeforeClosingWells_() const
-    return serializationTestObject_<PIDTimeStepControl>();
+    return this->adaptive_time_stepping_.min_time_step_before_shutting_problematic_wells_;
 template<class TypeTag>
+template<class Solver>
+minTimeStep_() const
-    return serializationTestObject_<PIDAndIterationCountTimeStepControl>();
+    return this->adaptive_time_stepping_.min_time_step_;
 template<class TypeTag>
+template<class Solver>
+restartFactor_() const
-    return serializationTestObject_<SimpleIterationCountTimeStepControl>();
+    return this->adaptive_time_stepping_.restart_factor_;
 template<class TypeTag>
-operator==(const AdaptiveTimeStepping<TypeTag>& rhs) const
+template<class Solver>
-    if (timeStepControlType_ != rhs.timeStepControlType_ ||
-        (timeStepControl_ && !rhs.timeStepControl_) ||
-        (!timeStepControl_ && rhs.timeStepControl_)) {
-        return false;
+    SimulatorReportSingle substep_report;
+    auto handleFailure = [this, &substep_report]
+            (const std::string& failure_reason, const std::exception& e, bool log_exception = true)
+    {
+        substep_report = solver_().failureReport();
+        this->cause_of_failure_ = failure_reason;
+        if (log_exception && solverVerbose_()) {
+            std::string message;
+            message = "Caught Exception: ";
+            message += e.what();
+            OpmLog::debug(message);
+        }
+    };
+    try {
+        substep_report = solver_().step(this->substep_timer_);
+        if (solverVerbose_()) {
+            // report number of linear iterations
+            OpmLog::debug("Overall linear iterations used: "
+                          + std::to_string(substep_report.total_linear_iterations));
+        }
-    bool result = false;
-    switch (timeStepControlType_) {
-    case TimeStepControlType::HardCodedTimeStep:
-        result = castAndComp<HardcodedTimeStepControl>(rhs);
-        break;
-    case TimeStepControlType::PIDAndIterationCount:
-        result = castAndComp<PIDAndIterationCountTimeStepControl>(rhs);
-        break;
-    case TimeStepControlType::SimpleIterationCount:
-        result = castAndComp<SimpleIterationCountTimeStepControl>(rhs);
-        break;
-    case TimeStepControlType::PID:
-        result = castAndComp<PIDTimeStepControl>(rhs);
-        break;
+    catch (const TooManyIterations& e) {
+        handleFailure("Solver convergence failure - Iteration limit reached", e);
+    }
+    catch (const ConvergenceMonitorFailure& e) {
+        handleFailure("Convergence monitor failure", e, /*log_exception=*/false);
+    }
+    catch (const LinearSolverProblem& e) {
+        handleFailure("Linear solver convergence failure", e);
+    }
+    catch (const NumericalProblem& e) {
+        handleFailure("Solver convergence failure - Numerical problem encountered", e);
+    }
+    catch (const std::runtime_error& e) {
+        handleFailure("Runtime error encountered", e);
+    }
+    catch (const Dune::ISTLError& e) {
+        handleFailure("ISTL error - Time step too large", e);
+    }
+    catch (const Dune::MatrixBlockError& e) {
+        handleFailure("Matrix block error", e);
-    return result
-        && this->restartFactor_ == rhs.restartFactor_
-        && this->growthFactor_ == rhs.growthFactor_
-        && this->maxGrowth_ == rhs.maxGrowth_
-        && this->maxTimeStep_ == rhs.maxTimeStep_
-        && this->minTimeStep_ == rhs.minTimeStep_
-        && this->ignoreConvergenceFailure_ == rhs.ignoreConvergenceFailure_
-        && this->solverRestartMax_== rhs.solverRestartMax_
-        && this->solverVerbose_ == rhs.solverVerbose_
-        && this->fullTimestepInitially_ == rhs.fullTimestepInitially_
-        && this->timestepAfterEvent_ == rhs.timestepAfterEvent_
-        && this->useNewtonIteration_ == rhs.useNewtonIteration_
-        && this->minTimeStepBeforeShuttingProblematicWells_ ==
-               rhs.minTimeStepBeforeShuttingProblematicWells_;
+    return substep_report;
 template<class TypeTag>
-template<class Controller>
+template<class Solver>
+setTimeStep_(double dt_estimate)
-    AdaptiveTimeStepping<TypeTag> result;
+    this->substep_timer_.provideTimeStepEstimate(dt_estimate);
+template<class TypeTag>
+template<class Solver>
+solver_() const
+    return this->substepper_.solver_;
-    result.restartFactor_ = 1.0;
-    result.growthFactor_ = 2.0;
-    result.maxGrowth_ = 3.0;
-    result.maxTimeStep_ = 4.0;
-    result.minTimeStep_ = 5.0;
-    result.ignoreConvergenceFailure_ = true;
-    result.solverRestartMax_ = 6;
-    result.solverVerbose_ = true;
-    result.timestepVerbose_ = true;
-    result.suggestedNextTimestep_ = 7.0;
-    result.fullTimestepInitially_ = true;
-    result.useNewtonIteration_ = true;
-    result.minTimeStepBeforeShuttingProblematicWells_ = 9.0;
-    result.timeStepControlType_ = Controller::Type;
-    result.timeStepControl_ = std::make_unique<Controller>(Controller::serializationTestObject());
-    return result;
+template<class TypeTag>
+template<class Solver>
+solverRestartMax_() const
+    return this->adaptive_time_stepping_.solver_restart_max_;
 template<class TypeTag>
-void AdaptiveTimeStepping<TypeTag>::
-init_(const UnitSystem& unitSystem)
+template<class Solver>
+setSuggestedNextStep_(double step)
-    std::tie(timeStepControlType_,
-             timeStepControl_,
-             useNewtonIteration_) = detail::createController(unitSystem);
+    this->adaptive_time_stepping_.setSuggestedNextStep(step);
-    // make sure growth factor is something reasonable
-    if (growthFactor_ < 1.0) {
-        OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error,
-                  "Growth factor cannot be less than 1.");
+template <class TypeTag>
+template <class Solver>
+const SimulatorTimer&
+simulatorTimer_() const
+    return this->substepper_.simulator_timer_;
+template <class TypeTag>
+template <class Solver>
+solverVerbose_() const
+    return this->adaptive_time_stepping_.solver_verbose_;
+template<class TypeTag>
+template<class Solver>
+startDateTime_() const
+    return simulatorTimer_().startDateTime();
+template <class TypeTag>
+template <class Solver>
+suggestedNextTimestep_() const
+    return this->adaptive_time_stepping_.suggestedNextStep();
+template <class TypeTag>
+template <class Solver>
+timeStepControlComputeEstimate_(const double dt, const int iterations, double elapsed) const
+    // create object to compute the time error, simply forwards the call to the model
+    SolutionTimeErrorSolverWrapper<Solver> relative_change{solver_()};
+    return this->adaptive_time_stepping_.time_step_control_->computeTimeStepSize(
+        dt, iterations, relative_change, elapsed);
+template <class TypeTag>
+template <class Solver>
+timeStepVerbose_() const
+    return this->adaptive_time_stepping_.timestep_verbose_;
+// The suggested time step is the stepsize that will be used as a first try for
+// the next sub step. It is updated at the end of each substep. It can also be
+// updated by the TUNING or NEXTSTEP keywords at the beginning of each report step or
+// at the beginning of each substep by the ACTIONX keyword (via NEXTSTEP), this is
+// done by the maybeUpdateTuning_() method which is called at the beginning of each substep
+// (and the begginning of each report step). Note that the WCYCLE keyword can also update the
+// suggested time step via the maybeUpdateTuning_() method.
+template <class TypeTag>
+template <class Solver>
+    auto suggested_next_step = this->substep_timer_.currentStepLength();
+    if (! std::isfinite(suggested_next_step)) { // check for NaN
+        suggested_next_step = this->original_time_step_;
+    if (timeStepVerbose_()) {
+        std::ostringstream ss;
+        this->substep_timer_.report(ss);
+        ss << "Suggested next step size = "
+           << unit::convert::to(suggested_next_step, unit::day) << " (days)" << std::endl;
+        OpmLog::debug(ss.str());
+    }
+    setSuggestedNextStep_(suggested_next_step);
+template <class TypeTag>
+template <class Solver>
+useNewtonIteration_() const
+    return this->adaptive_time_stepping_.use_newton_iteration_;
+template <class TypeTag>
+template <class Solver>
+writeOutput_() const
+    time::StopWatch perf_timer;
+    perf_timer.start();
+    auto& problem = solver_().model().simulator().problem();
+    problem.writeOutput(true);
+    return perf_timer.secsSinceStart();
+ * Private class SolutionTimeErrorSolverWrapper
+ * **********************************************/
+template<class TypeTag>
+template<class Solver>
+    const Solver& solver
+    : solver_{solver}
+template<class TypeTag>
+template<class Solver>
+double AdaptiveTimeStepping<TypeTag>::SolutionTimeErrorSolverWrapper<Solver>::relativeChange() const
+    // returns:   || u^n+1 - u^n || / || u^n+1 ||
+    return solver_.model().relativeChange();
 } // namespace Opm
diff --git a/opm/simulators/timestepping/SimulatorTimerInterface.hpp b/opm/simulators/timestepping/SimulatorTimerInterface.hpp
index 6875db8711d..3948609bffe 100644
--- a/opm/simulators/timestepping/SimulatorTimerInterface.hpp
+++ b/opm/simulators/timestepping/SimulatorTimerInterface.hpp
@@ -40,14 +40,15 @@ namespace Opm
         /// destructor
         virtual ~SimulatorTimerInterface() {}
-        /// Current step number. This is the number of timesteps that
-        /// has been completed from the start of the run. The time
-        /// after initialization but before the simulation has started
-        /// is timestep number zero.
-        virtual int currentStepNum() const = 0;
+        // -----------------------------------------------------------
+        // Pure virtual functions to be implemented by derived classes
+        // -----------------------------------------------------------
-        /// Current report step number. This might differ from currentStepNum in case of sub stepping
-        virtual int reportStepNum() const { return currentStepNum(); }
+        /// advance time by currentStepLength
+        virtual void advance() = 0 ;
+        /// return copy of current timer instance
+        virtual std::unique_ptr< SimulatorTimerInterface > clone () const = 0;
         /// Current step length. This is the length of the step
         /// the simulator will take in the next iteration.
@@ -55,6 +56,25 @@ namespace Opm
         /// @note if done(), it is an error to call currentStepLength().
         virtual double currentStepLength() const = 0;
+        /// Current step number. This is the number of timesteps that
+        /// has been completed from the start of the run. The time
+        /// after initialization but before the simulation has started
+        /// is timestep number zero.
+        virtual int currentStepNum() const = 0;
+        /// Return true if timer indicates that simulation of timer interval is finished
+        virtual bool done() const = 0;
+        /// Whether the current step is the first step.
+        virtual bool initialStep() const = 0;
+        /// Return true if last time step failed
+        virtual bool lastStepFailed() const = 0;
+        /// Time elapsed since the start of the simulation until the
+        /// beginning of the current time step [s].
+        virtual double simulationTimeElapsed() const = 0;
         /// Previous step length. This is the length of the step that
         /// was taken to arrive at this time.
@@ -63,30 +83,13 @@ namespace Opm
         /// it is an error to call stepLengthTaken().
         virtual double stepLengthTaken () const = 0;
-        /// Previous report step length. This is the length of the step that
-        /// was taken to arrive at this report step time.
-        ///
-        /// @note if no increments have been done (i.e. the timer is
-        /// still in its constructed state and reportStepNum() == 0),
-        /// it is an error to call stepLengthTaken().
-        virtual double reportStepLengthTaken () const { return stepLengthTaken(); }
-        /// Time elapsed since the start of the simulation until the
-        /// beginning of the current time step [s].
-        virtual double simulationTimeElapsed() const = 0;
-        /// advance time by currentStepLength
-        virtual void advance() = 0 ;
-        /// Return true if timer indicates that simulation of timer interval is finished
-        virtual bool done() const = 0;
-        /// Whether the current step is the first step.
-        virtual bool initialStep() const = 0;
         /// Return start date of simulation
         virtual boost::posix_time::ptime startDateTime() const = 0;
+        // -----------------------------------------------------------------
+        // Virtual functions (not pure) to allow for default implementations
+        // -----------------------------------------------------------------
         /// Return the current time as a posix time object.
         virtual boost::posix_time::ptime currentDateTime() const;
@@ -94,11 +97,17 @@ namespace Opm
         /// 1970) until the current time step begins [s].
         virtual time_t currentPosixTime() const;
-        /// Return true if last time step failed
-        virtual bool lastStepFailed() const = 0;
+        /// Previous report step length. This is the length of the step that
+        /// was taken to arrive at this report step time.
+        ///
+        /// @note if no increments have been done (i.e. the timer is
+        /// still in its constructed state and reportStepNum() == 0),
+        /// it is an error to call stepLengthTaken().
+        virtual double reportStepLengthTaken () const { return stepLengthTaken(); }
+        /// Current report step number. This might differ from currentStepNum in case of sub stepping
+        virtual int reportStepNum() const { return currentStepNum(); }
-        /// return copy of current timer instance
-        virtual std::unique_ptr< SimulatorTimerInterface > clone () const = 0;
diff --git a/opm/simulators/utils/readDeck.cpp b/opm/simulators/utils/readDeck.cpp
index bdb16c75a7c..aae46fcd094 100644
--- a/opm/simulators/utils/readDeck.cpp
+++ b/opm/simulators/utils/readDeck.cpp
@@ -54,7 +54,11 @@
 #include <opm/input/eclipse/Schedule/Action/State.hpp>
 #include <opm/input/eclipse/Schedule/ArrayDimChecker.hpp>
+#include <opm/input/eclipse/Schedule/ResCoup/ReservoirCouplingInfo.hpp>
+#include <opm/input/eclipse/Schedule/ResCoup/MasterGroup.hpp>
+#include <opm/input/eclipse/Schedule/ResCoup/Slaves.hpp>
 #include <opm/input/eclipse/Schedule/Schedule.hpp>
 #include <opm/input/eclipse/Schedule/UDQ/UDQConfig.hpp>
 #include <opm/input/eclipse/Schedule/UDQ/UDQState.hpp>
 #include <opm/input/eclipse/Schedule/Well/WellTestState.hpp>
@@ -151,7 +155,7 @@ namespace {
         if (schedule == nullptr) {
             schedule = std::make_shared<Opm::Schedule>
                 (deck, eclipseState, parseContext, errorGuard,
-                 std::move(python), lowActionParsingStrictness, /*slave_mode=*/false,
+                 std::move(python), lowActionParsingStrictness,  /*slaveMode=*/false,
                  keepKeywords, outputInterval, init_state);
@@ -180,14 +184,14 @@ namespace {
                                         std::unique_ptr<Opm::UDQState>&      udqState,
                                         std::unique_ptr<Opm::Action::State>& actionState,
                                         std::unique_ptr<Opm::WellTestState>& wtestState,
-                                        Opm::ErrorGuard&                     errorGuard)
+                                        Opm::ErrorGuard&                     errorGuard,
+                                        const bool                           slaveMode)
         if (schedule == nullptr) {
             schedule = std::make_shared<Opm::Schedule>
                 (deck, eclipseState, parseContext,
-                 errorGuard, std::move(python), lowActionParsingStrictness, keepKeywords);
+                 errorGuard, std::move(python), lowActionParsingStrictness, slaveMode, keepKeywords);
         udqState = std::make_unique<Opm::UDQState>
@@ -233,6 +237,24 @@ namespace {
+    void inconsistentScheduleError(const std::string& message)
+    {
+        OPM_THROW(std::logic_error,
+                  fmt::format("Inconsistent SCHEDULE section: {}", message));
+    }
+    void checkScheduleKeywordConsistency(const Opm::Schedule& schedule)
+    {
+        const auto& final_state = schedule.back();
+        const auto& rescoup = final_state.rescoup();
+        if (rescoup.slaveCount() > 0 && rescoup.masterGroupCount() == 0) {
+            inconsistentScheduleError("SLAVES keyword without GRUPMAST keyword");
+        }
+        if (rescoup.slaveCount() == 0 && rescoup.masterGroupCount() > 0) {
+            inconsistentScheduleError("GRUPMAST keyword without SLAVES keyword");
+        }
+    }
     void readOnIORank(Opm::Parallel::Communication         comm,
                       const std::string&                   deckFilename,
                       const Opm::ParseContext*             parseContext,
@@ -249,7 +271,8 @@ namespace {
                       const bool                           lowActionParsingStrictness,
                       const bool                           keepKeywords,
                       const std::optional<int>&            outputInterval,
-                      Opm::ErrorGuard&                     errorGuard)
+                      Opm::ErrorGuard&                     errorGuard,
+                      const bool                           slaveMode)
         if (((schedule == nullptr) || (summaryConfig == nullptr)) &&
@@ -282,9 +305,10 @@ namespace {
                                            lowActionParsingStrictness, keepKeywords,
                                            schedule, udqState, actionState, wtestState,
-                                           errorGuard);
+                                           errorGuard, slaveMode);
+        checkScheduleKeywordConsistency(*schedule);
         if (Opm::OpmLog::hasBackend("STDOUT_LOGGER")) {
@@ -480,7 +504,6 @@ Opm::setupLogging(Parallel::Communication& comm,
     logFileStream << ".PRT";
     debugFileStream << ".DBG";
     FileOutputMode output;
         static std::map<std::string, FileOutputMode> stringToOutputMode =
@@ -539,10 +562,10 @@ void Opm::readDeck(Opm::Parallel::Communication    comm,
                    const bool                      initFromRestart,
                    const bool                      checkDeck,
                    const bool                      keepKeywords,
-                   const std::optional<int>&       outputInterval)
+                   const std::optional<int>&       outputInterval,
+                   const bool                      slaveMode)
     auto errorGuard = std::make_unique<ErrorGuard>();
     int parseSuccess = 1; // > 0 is success
     std::string failureMessage;
@@ -573,7 +596,7 @@ void Opm::readDeck(Opm::Parallel::Communication    comm,
                          eclipseState, schedule, udqState, actionState, wtestState,
                          summaryConfig, std::move(python), initFromRestart,
                          checkDeck, treatCriticalAsNonCritical, lowActionParsingStrictness,
-                         keepKeywords, outputInterval, *errorGuard);
+                         keepKeywords, outputInterval, *errorGuard, slaveMode);
             // Update schedule so that re-parsing after actions use same strictness
diff --git a/opm/simulators/utils/readDeck.hpp b/opm/simulators/utils/readDeck.hpp
index 87da15315fe..dc7692ad471 100644
--- a/opm/simulators/utils/readDeck.hpp
+++ b/opm/simulators/utils/readDeck.hpp
@@ -99,7 +99,8 @@ void readDeck(Parallel::Communication         comm,
               bool                            initFromRestart,
               bool                            checkDeck,
               bool                            keepKeywords,
-              const std::optional<int>&       outputInterval);
+              const std::optional<int>&       outputInterval,
+              bool                            slaveMode);
 void verifyValidCellGeometry(Parallel::Communication comm,
                              const EclipseState&     eclipseState);