diff --git a/Sources/check3d.f90 b/Sources/check3d.f90
index 404b59c..90095ce 100644
--- a/Sources/check3d.f90
+++ b/Sources/check3d.f90
@@ -323,27 +323,27 @@ SUBROUTINE CheckForces(xc, gc)
       DO ntype = 1, ndims
          DO n = -ntor, ntor
             DO m = 0, mpol
-            icol = icol+1
-            xc(icol,js) = eps
-            CALL funct_island
-            wplus = wtotal
-            xc(icol,js) = -eps
-            CALL funct_island
-            wmins = wtotal
-            force = -(wplus-wmins)/(2*eps)
-            CALL ASSERT(l_getwmhd,'L_GETWMHD = FALSE!')
-            xc(icol,js) = 0
-            IF (lWrite) THEN
-            nt1 = ntype
-            IF (ntype .GT. 3) nt1 = ntype-3            
-            WRITE (3000+iam,100) m, n, ntype, force, force_array(nt1),  &
-                           gc1(icol,js)
-            END IF
+               icol = icol+1
+               xc(icol,js) = eps
+               CALL funct_island
+               wplus = wtotal
+               xc(icol,js) = -eps
+               CALL funct_island
+               wmins = wtotal
+               force = -(wplus-wmins)/(2*eps)
+               CALL ASSERT(l_getwmhd,'L_GETWMHD = FALSE!')
+               xc(icol,js) = 0
+               IF (lWrite) THEN
+               nt1 = ntype
+               IF (ntype .GT. 3) nt1 = ntype-3
+                   WRITE (3000+iam,100) m, n, ntype, force, force_array(nt1),  &
+                          gc1(icol,js)
+               END IF
             END DO
          END DO
diff --git a/Sources/diagnostics_mod.f90 b/Sources/diagnostics_mod.f90
index 7c05987..c84824a 100644
--- a/Sources/diagnostics_mod.f90
+++ b/Sources/diagnostics_mod.f90
@@ -94,25 +94,6 @@ SUBROUTINE divb(ns_min, ns_max)
                     f_cos, nsmin, nsmax)
       END IF
-!      DO m = 0, mpol
-!         DO n = -ntor, ntor
-!            divbmnsf(m,n,nl:nh) =   ohs*(jbsupsmnsh(m,n,nl+1:nh+1) -           &
-!                                         jbsupsmnsh(m,n,nl:nh))                &
-!                                -     m*(jbsupumnch(m,n,nl+1:nh+1) +           &
-!                                         jbsupumnch(m,n,nl:nh))*0.5            &
-!                                - n*nfp*(jbsupvmnch(m,n,nl+1:nh+1) +           &
-!                                         jbsupvmnch(m,n,nl:nh))*0.5
-!            IF (lasym) THEN
-!               divbmncf(m,n,nl:nh) =   ohs*(jbsupsmnch(m,n,nl+1:nh+1) -        &
-!                                            jbsupsmnch(m,n,nl:nh))             &
-!                                   -     m*(jbsupumnsh(m,n,nl+1:nh+1) +        &
-!                                            jbsupumnsh(m,n,nl:nh))*0.5         &
-!                                   + n*nfp*(jbsupvmnsh(m,n,nl+1:nh+1) +        &
-!                                            jbsupvmnsh(m,n,nl:nh))*0.5
-!            END IF
-!         END DO
-!      END DO
       tnorm = hs_i*SUM(jbsupumnch(:,:,nsmin:nsmax)**2                          &
             +          jbsupvmnch(:,:,nsmin:nsmax)**2                          &
             +          jbsupsmnsh(:,:,nsmin:nsmax)**2)
@@ -144,7 +125,7 @@ SUBROUTINE divb(ns_min, ns_max)
 !>  @param[in] ns_max Upper radial index.
       FUNCTION divdb(ns_min, ns_max)
-      USE island_params, ONLY: ohs=>ohs_i
+      USE island_params, ONLY: ohs=>ohs_i, fourier_context
       USE hessian, ONLY: gather_array
 !  Declare Arguments
@@ -156,6 +137,7 @@ FUNCTION divdb(ns_min, ns_max)
       INTEGER                 :: istat
       INTEGER                 :: m
       INTEGER                 :: n
+      INTEGER                 :: n_mode
       INTEGER                 :: nl
       INTEGER                 :: nh
       REAL (dp)               :: tnorm
@@ -184,21 +166,22 @@ FUNCTION divdb(ns_min, ns_max)
       divbmnsf = 0
       divbmncf = 0
-      DO m = 0, mpol
-         DO n = -ntor, ntor
-            divbmnsf(m,n,nl:nh) =    -m*(djbsupumnch(m,n,nl+1:nh+1) +          &
-                                         djbsupumnch(m,n,nl:nh))*0.5           &
-                                - n*nfp*(djbsupvmnch(m,n,nl+1:nh+1) +          &
-                                         djbsupvmnch(m,n,nl:nh))*0.5           &
-                                +   ohs*(djbsupsmnsh(m,n,nl+1:nh+1) -          &
-                                         djbsupsmnsh(m,n,nl:nh))
+      DO n = -ntor, ntor
+         n_mode = fourier_context%tor_modes(n)*nfp
+         DO m = 0, mpol
+            divbmnsf(m,n,nl:nh) =     -m*(djbsupumnch(m,n,nl+1:nh+1) +         &
+     &                                    djbsupumnch(m,n,nl:nh))*0.5          &
+     &                          - n_mode*(djbsupvmnch(m,n,nl+1:nh+1) +         &
+     &                                    djbsupvmnch(m,n,nl:nh))*0.5          &
+     &                          +   ohs*(djbsupsmnsh(m,n,nl+1:nh+1) -          &
+     &                                   djbsupsmnsh(m,n,nl:nh))
             IF (lasym) THEN
-               divbmncf(m,n,nl:nh) =     m*(djbsupumnsh(m,n,nl+1:nh+1) +       &
-                                            djbsupumnsh(m,n,nl:nh))*0.5        &
-                                   + n*nfp*(djbsupvmnsh(m,n,nl+1:nh+1) +       &
-                                            djbsupvmnsh(m,n,nl:nh))*0.5        &
-                                   +   ohs*(djbsupsmnch(m,n,nl+1:nh+1) -       &
-                                            djbsupsmnch(m,n,nl:nh))
+               divbmncf(m,n,nl:nh) =      m*(djbsupumnsh(m,n,nl+1:nh+1) +      &
+     &                                       djbsupumnsh(m,n,nl:nh))*0.5       &
+     &                             + n_mode*(djbsupvmnsh(m,n,nl+1:nh+1) +      &
+     &                                       djbsupvmnsh(m,n,nl:nh))*0.5       &
+     &                             +    ohs*(djbsupsmnch(m,n,nl+1:nh+1) -      &
+     &                                       djbsupsmnch(m,n,nl:nh))
             END IF
          END DO
       END DO
@@ -428,7 +411,6 @@ SUBROUTINE SIESTA_PROFILES (iunit, arr_value, label, fsq_total)
       DO n = -ntor, ntor
          DO m = 0, mpol
             m_array(m,n) = m
-            n_array(m,n) = n
          END DO
       END DO
@@ -437,7 +419,8 @@ SUBROUTINE SIESTA_PROFILES (iunit, arr_value, label, fsq_total)
       WRITE (p_format,1000) mnmax
       WRITE (iunit,p_format) '      ','   ','MPOL--->', m_array
       WRITE (p_format,1000) mnmax
-      WRITE (iunit,p_format) 'RADIUS','RMS','NTOR--->', n_array
+      WRITE (iunit,p_format) 'RADIUS','RMS','NTOR--->',                        &
+     &                       fourier_context%tor_modes
       WRITE (p_format,1002) mnmax
       DO js = 2, ns
diff --git a/Sources/fourier.f90 b/Sources/fourier.f90
index 87fa857..335266a 100644
--- a/Sources/fourier.f90
+++ b/Sources/fourier.f90
@@ -1084,8 +1084,7 @@ FUNCTION fourier_get_index(this, n)
       DO i = 0, SIGN(UBOUND(this%tor_modes, 1), n), SIGN(1, n)
          IF (this%tor_modes(i) .eq. n) THEN
-            n = this%tor_modes(i)
+            n = i
             fourier_get_index = .true.
          END IF
@@ -1138,7 +1137,6 @@ FUNCTION test_fourier()
       four => fourier_class(pol, tor, theta, zeta, nfp, .false., tor_modes)
       test_fourier = .true.
-      DEALLOCATE(tor_modes)
       DO n = -tor, tor
          DO m = 0, pol
@@ -1153,7 +1151,7 @@ FUNCTION test_fourier()
             CALL four%tomnsp(testij, result, f_cos)
             test_fourier = test_fourier .and.                                  &
                            check(testmn, result, pol, tor,                     &
-                                 'cosine_parity_test')
+     &                           tor_modes, 'cosine_parity_test')
 !  Test sine parity transform.
             IF (m .eq. m0 .and. n .eq. n0) THEN
@@ -1165,7 +1163,7 @@ FUNCTION test_fourier()
             CALL four%tomnsp(testij, result, f_sin)
             test_fourier = test_fourier .and.                                  &
                            check(testmn, result, pol, tor,                     &
-                                 'sine_parity_test')
+     &                           tor_modes, 'sine_parity_test')
 !  Test u derivatives of cosine parity.
             testmn = 0
@@ -1175,7 +1173,7 @@ FUNCTION test_fourier()
             testmn(m,n) = -m
             test_fourier = test_fourier .and.                                  &
                            check(testmn, result, pol, tor,                     &
-                                 'du_cosine_parity_test')
+     &                           tor_modes, 'du_cosine_parity_test')
 !  Test v derivatives of cosine parity.
             testmn = 0
@@ -1185,7 +1183,7 @@ FUNCTION test_fourier()
             testmn(m,n) = -n*nfp
             test_fourier = test_fourier .and.                                  &
                            check(testmn, result, pol, tor,                     &
-                                 'dv_cosine_parity_test')
+     &                           tor_modes, 'dv_cosine_parity_test')
 !  Test u derivatives of sine parity.
             testmn = 0
@@ -1195,7 +1193,7 @@ FUNCTION test_fourier()
             testmn(m,n) = m
             test_fourier = test_fourier .and.                                  &
                            check(testmn, result, pol, tor,                     &
-                                 'du_sine_parity_test')
+     &                           tor_modes, 'du_sine_parity_test')
 !  Test v derivatives of sine parity.
             testmn = 0
@@ -1204,8 +1202,8 @@ FUNCTION test_fourier()
             CALL four%tomnsp(testij, result, f_cos)
             testmn(m,n) = n*nfp
             test_fourier = test_fourier .and.                                  &
-                           check(testmn, result, pol, tor,                     &
-                                 'dv_sine_parity_test')
+     &                     check(testmn, result, pol, tor,                     &
+     &                           tor_modes, 'dv_sine_parity_test')
          END DO
       END DO
@@ -1215,6 +1213,8 @@ FUNCTION test_fourier()
+      DEALLOCATE(tor_modes)
@@ -1258,27 +1258,32 @@ FUNCTION check_mn(expected, received, m, n, name)
 !>  @brief Check all test values.
-!>  @param[in] expected Expected value for the test.
-!>  @param[in] received Recieved value for the test.
-!>  @param[in] name     Name of the test.
+!>  @param[in] expected  Expected value for the test.
+!>  @param[in] received  Recieved value for the test.
+!>  @param[in] mpol      Number of poloidal modes.
+!>  @param[in] ntor      Number of toroidal modes.
+!>  @param[in] tor_modes Toroidal modes.
+!>  @param[in] name      Name of the test.
-      FUNCTION check_all(expected, received, mpol, ntor, name)
+      FUNCTION check_all(expected, received, mpol, ntor, tor_modes, name)
 !  Declare Arguments
-      LOGICAL                                  :: check_all
-      REAL (rprec), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in) :: expected
-      REAL (rprec), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in) :: received
-      INTEGER, INTENT(in)                      :: mpol
-      INTEGER, INTENT(in)                      :: ntor
-      CHARACTER (len=*), INTENT(in)            :: name
+      LOGICAL                                    :: check_all
+      REAL (rprec), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in)   :: expected
+      REAL (rprec), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in)   :: received
+      INTEGER, INTENT(in)                        :: mpol
+      INTEGER, INTENT(in)                        :: ntor
+      INTEGER, DIMENSION(-ntor:ntor), INTENT(in) :: tor_modes
+      CHARACTER (len=*), INTENT(in)              :: name
 !  Local Variables
-      INTEGER                                  :: m
-      INTEGER                                  :: n
-      INTEGER                                  :: moff
-      INTEGER                                  :: noff
+      INTEGER                                    :: m
+      INTEGER                                    :: n
+      INTEGER                                    :: n_mode
+      INTEGER                                    :: moff
+      INTEGER                                    :: noff
 !  Start of executable code.
       moff = LBOUND(expected, 1)
@@ -1286,11 +1291,12 @@ FUNCTION check_all(expected, received, mpol, ntor, name)
       check_all = .true.
-      DO m = 0, mpol
-         DO n = -ntor, ntor
+      DO n = -ntor, ntor
+         DO m = 0, mpol
             check_all = check_all .and. check(expected(m + moff, n + noff),    &
                                               received(m + moff, n + noff),    &
-                                              m, n, name)
+                                              m, tor_modes(n), name)
          END DO
       END DO
diff --git a/Sources/metrics.f90 b/Sources/metrics.f90
index fc9e4dc..37b1e03 100644
--- a/Sources/metrics.f90
+++ b/Sources/metrics.f90
@@ -122,9 +122,10 @@ END SUBROUTINE init_metric_elements
 !>  @param[in] mpol_in   Number of SIESTA poloidal modes.
 !>  @param[in] ntor_in   Number of SIESTA toroidal modes.
+!>  @param[in] nfp_in    Number of field periods.
 !>  @param[in] tor_modes Toroidal mode numbers.
-      SUBROUTINE set_grid_sizes(mpol_in, ntor_in, tor_modes)
+      SUBROUTINE set_grid_sizes(mpol_in, ntor_in, nfp_in, tor_modes)
       USE island_params
       USE shared_data, ONLY: mblk_size, ndims, lasym
@@ -133,6 +134,7 @@ SUBROUTINE set_grid_sizes(mpol_in, ntor_in, tor_modes)
 !  Declare Arguments
       INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                              :: mpol_in
       INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                              :: ntor_in
+      INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                              :: nfp_in
       INTEGER, DIMENSION(-ntor_in:ntor_in), INTENT(in) :: tor_modes
 !  Start of executable code
diff --git a/Sources/perturbation.f90 b/Sources/perturbation.f90
index 4fdfc91..e4470dc 100644
--- a/Sources/perturbation.f90
+++ b/Sources/perturbation.f90
@@ -184,6 +184,7 @@ FUNCTION getwmhd(p)
       INTEGER                                 :: iprint
       INTEGER                                 :: mres0
       INTEGER                                 :: nres0
+      INTEGER                                 :: n
       INTEGER                                 :: isign1
       INTEGER                                 :: icount
       INTEGER                                 :: irscale
@@ -283,13 +284,15 @@ FUNCTION getwmhd(p)
          END IF
 !  Scan in radius to determine primary resonance.
-         DO nres0 = -ntor, ntor
+         DO n = -ntor, ntor
 !  Avoid 0/0 chip/phip at origin
             jstart = 3
+            nres0 = fourier_context%tor_modes(n)
 !  Look for multiple resonances
             DO WHILE (jstart .lt. ns - 1)
                IF (.not.FindResonance(mres0, nres0, rad, jstart)) THEN
                END IF
@@ -305,8 +308,9 @@ FUNCTION getwmhd(p)
 !  vanish at endpoints s=0,1
                   DO irscale = 1, irad_scale
-                     CALL GetResPert(irscale, isign1, mres0, nres0, rad,       &
-                                     HelPert0, HelPert0A, chip0, phip0, p_width)
+                     CALL GetResPert(irscale, isign1, mres0, n, rad,           &
+                                     HelPert0, HelPert0A, chip0, phip0,        &
+                                     p_width)
                      xc = 0
 !  FIXME: Why call this again with the same inputs?
                      wmhd = getwmhd(xc)
@@ -343,7 +347,7 @@ FUNCTION getwmhd(p)
                   CALL FLUSH(unit_out)
                END IF
-               CALL GetResPert(irscale, isign1, mres0, nres0, rad,             &
+               CALL GetResPert(irscale, isign1, mres0, n, rad,                 &
                                HelPert0, HelPert0A, chip0, phip0, p_width)
                wmhd = getwmhd(xc)
@@ -503,6 +507,7 @@ SUBROUTINE GetResPert(irscale, isign1, mres0, nres0, rad,                &
 !  Local Variables
       INTEGER                                  :: js
       INTEGER                                  :: istat
+      INTEGER                                  :: n
       REAL (dp)                                :: rho
       REAL (dp)                                :: rhores
       REAL (dp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE     :: pert_prof
diff --git a/Sources/quantities.f90 b/Sources/quantities.f90
index 2356620..00b48d5 100644
--- a/Sources/quantities.f90
+++ b/Sources/quantities.f90
@@ -485,6 +485,7 @@ SUBROUTINE Init_Bfield(jbsupsmnh, jbsupumnh, jbsupvmnh,                  &
 !  local variables
       INTEGER                                                 :: m
       INTEGER                                                 :: n
+      INTEGER                                                 :: n_mode
       INTEGER                                                 :: i
       INTEGER                                                 :: sparity
       INTEGER                                                 :: mp
@@ -501,7 +502,8 @@ SUBROUTINE Init_Bfield(jbsupsmnh, jbsupumnh, jbsupvmnh,                  &
          DO i = nsmin, nsmax
             DO n = -ntor, ntor
-               np = n*nfp*sparity
+               n_mode = fourier_context%tor_modes(n)
+               np = n_mode*nfp*sparity
                DO m = 0, mpol
                   mp = m*sparity
                   jbsupumnh(m,n,i) = phiph(i)*(-np*lmn(m,n,i))
@@ -510,9 +512,9 @@ SUBROUTINE Init_Bfield(jbsupsmnh, jbsupumnh, jbsupvmnh,                  &
             END DO
             IF (parity .eq. f_sin) THEN
-               jbsupumnh(m0,n0,i) = chiph(i)                                      &
+               jbsupumnh(m0,n0,i) = chiph(i)                                   &
                                   / fourier_context%orthonorm(m0,n0)
-               jbsupvmnh(m0,n0,i) = phiph(i)                                      &
+               jbsupvmnh(m0,n0,i) = phiph(i)                                   &
                                   / fourier_context%orthonorm(m0,n0)
             END IF
          END DO
@@ -603,8 +605,10 @@ SUBROUTINE ReCompute_Lambda(lmns, lmnc, jacobh, orthonorm,               &
       INTEGER                                     :: js
       INTEGER                                     :: m
       INTEGER                                     :: n
+      INTEGER                                     :: n_mode
       INTEGER                                     :: mp
       INTEGER                                     :: np
+      INTEGER                                     :: np_mode
       INTEGER                                     :: mn
       INTEGER                                     :: mnp
       INTEGER                                     :: lk
@@ -698,12 +702,15 @@ SUBROUTINE ReCompute_Lambda(lmns, lmnc, jacobh, orthonorm,               &
          mn = 0
          DO n = -ntor, ntor
+            n_mode = fourier_context%tor_modes(n)
             DO m = 0, mpol
 !  Right hand side terms sinmi and -cosmi parts.
                mn = mn + 1
-               btemp = (-m*    (chiph(js)*guv(:,js) + phiph(js)*gvv(:,js)) +   &
-                         n*nfp*(chiph(js)*guu(:,js) + phiph(js)*guv(:,js)))    &
+               btemp = (-m*         (chiph(js)*guv(:,js) +                     &
+     &                               phiph(js)*gvv(:,js)) +                    &
+     &                   n_mode*nfp*(chiph(js)*guu(:,js) +                     &
+     &                               phiph(js)*guv(:,js)))                     &
                      / jacobh(:,js)
                brhs(mn,1) = SUM(cosmni(:,mn)*btemp)
@@ -715,11 +722,14 @@ SUBROUTINE ReCompute_Lambda(lmns, lmnc, jacobh, orthonorm,               &
                mnp = 0
                DO np = -ntor, ntor
+                  np_mode = fourier_context%tor_modes(np)
                   DO mp = 0, mpol
                      mnp = mnp + 1
 !  Node the phip term is folded into the solve for lambda.
-                     atemp = (m*mp*gvv(:,js) + n*nfp*np*nfp*guu(:,js) -        &
-                              nfp*(m*np + mp*n)*guv(:,js))/jacobh(:,js)
+                     atemp = (m*mp*gvv(:,js) +                                 &
+     &                        n_mode*nfp*np_mode*nfp*guu(:,js) -               &
+     &                        nfp*(m*np_mode + mp*n_mode)*guv(:,js))           &
+     &                     / jacobh(:,js)
                      amat(mn,mnp) = SUM(cosmni(:,mn)*cosmnp(:,mnp)*atemp)
 	                 IF (mnp .eq. mn .and. amat(mn,mnp) .eq. zero) THEN
diff --git a/Sources/siesta_force.f90 b/Sources/siesta_force.f90
index 8a069de..6227400 100644
--- a/Sources/siesta_force.f90
+++ b/Sources/siesta_force.f90
@@ -449,6 +449,7 @@ SUBROUTINE GetMHDForce(fsubsmnf, fsubumnf, fsubvmnf, pijh,               &
       INTEGER                                               :: sparity
       INTEGER                                               :: m
       INTEGER                                               :: n
+      INTEGER                                               :: n_mode
       INTEGER                                               :: moff
       INTEGER                                               :: noff
       REAL (dp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE              :: pmnh
@@ -510,9 +511,11 @@ SUBROUTINE GetMHDForce(fsubsmnf, fsubumnf, fsubvmnf, pijh,               &
                                       - m*sparity*pmnf(m,:,nsmin:nsmax)
       END DO
       DO n = -ntor, ntor
+         n_mode = fourier_context%tor_modes(n)
          noff = n + ntor + LBOUND(fsubvmnf, 2)
          fsubvmnf(:,noff,nsmin:nsmax) = fsubvmnf(:,noff,nsmin:nsmax)           &
-                                      - n*nfp*sparity*pmnf(:,n,nsmin:nsmax)
+     &                                - (n_mode*nfp*sparity *                  &
+     &                                   pmnf(:,n,nsmin:nsmax))
       END DO
       DEALLOCATE(pmnf, pmnf_ds, pmnh)
diff --git a/Sources/siesta_init.f90 b/Sources/siesta_init.f90
index c0f44a4..4167d39 100644
--- a/Sources/siesta_init.f90
+++ b/Sources/siesta_init.f90
@@ -182,11 +182,6 @@ SUBROUTINE init_state(lcurrent_only, lpar_in)
       END IF
-      CALL CheckFFT(jbsupsmnsh, jbsupumnch, jbsupvmnch, jpmnch, f_sin)
-      IF (lasym) THEN
-         CALL CheckFFT(jbsupsmnch, jbsupumnsh, jbsupvmnsh, jpmnsh, f_cos)
-      END IF
       IF (.not.lpar) THEN
          startglobrow = startr
          endglobrow = endr
@@ -498,100 +493,6 @@ SUBROUTINE FilterPressure(parity)
-!>  @brief
-!>  @param[in] jbsupsmnh Contravariant magnetic field in the s direction.
-!>  @param[in] jbsupumnh Contravariant magnetic field in the u direction.
-!>  @param[in] jbsupvmnh Contravariant magnetic field in the v direction.
-!>  @param[in] jpmnh     Pressure on the half grid.
-!>  @param[in] iparity   Fourier parity of the s component.
-      SUBROUTINE CheckFFT(jbsupsmnh, jbsupumnh, jbsupvmnh, jpmnh, iparity)
-!  Declare Arguments
-      REAL (dp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(in) :: jbsupsmnh
-      REAL (dp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(in) :: jbsupumnh
-      REAL (dp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(in) :: jbsupvmnh
-      REAL (dp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(in) :: jpmnh
-      INTEGER, INTENT(in)                                  :: iparity
-!  Local Variables
-      INTEGER                                              :: fours
-      INTEGER                                              :: fouruv
-      INTEGER                                              :: fcomb
-      INTEGER                                              :: sparity
-      INTEGER                                              :: m
-      INTEGER                                              :: mp
-      INTEGER                                              :: n
-      INTEGER                                              :: np
-      REAL (dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:)             :: FFT_TEST
-      REAL (dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:)             :: pmnh
-      REAL (dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:)             :: temp
-      REAL (dp)                                            :: rtest
-!  Local Parameters
-      REAL (dp), PARAMETER                                 :: rtol = 1.E-14_dp
-!  Start of executable code.
-#undef _TEST_INIT
-!#define _TEST_INIT
-#if defined(_TEST_INIT)
-      IF (iparity .EQ. f_sin) THEN
-         fours = f_sin
-         fouruv = f_cos
-         sparity = 1
-      ELSE
-         fours = f_cos
-         fouruv = f_sin
-         sparity = -1
-      END IF
-!check independent variables
-      ALLOCATE (fft_test(0:mpol,-ntor:ntor,nsmin:nsmax),                       &
-                temp(ntheta,nzeta,nsmin:nsmax),                                &
-                pmnh(0:mpol,-ntor:ntor,nsmin:nsmax), stat=m)
-      CALL assert(m.EQ.0,' Allocation failed in CheckFFT')
-      temp = bsupsijh0*jacobh(:,:,nsmin:nsmax)
-      CALL tomnsp(temp, fft_test, fours)
-      rTest = MAXVAL(ABS(fft_test - jbsupsmnh(:,:,nsmin:nsmax)))
-      CALL assert(rtest.LT.rtol, ' jbsupsmnh FFT error in siesta_init')
-      temp = bsupuijh0*jacobh(:,:,nsmin:nsmax)
-      CALL tomnsp(temp, fft_test, fouruv)
-      rTest = MAXVAL(ABS(fft_test - jbsupumnh(:,:,nsmin:nsmax)))
-      CALL assert(rTest.LT.rtol,' jbsupumnh FFT error in siesta_init')
-      temp = bsupvijh0*jacobh(:,:,nsmin:nsmax)
-      CALL tomnsp(temp, fft_test, fouruv)
-      rTest = MAXVAL(ABS(fft_test - jbsupvmnh(:,:,nsmin:nsmax)))
-      CALL assert(rTest.LT.rtol,' jbsupvmnh FFT error in siesta_init')
-      temp = pijh0*jacobh(:,:,nsmin:nsmax)
-      CALL tomnsp(temp, fft_test, fouruv)
-      rTest = MAXVAL(ABS(fft_test - jpmnh(:,:,nsmin:nsmax)))
-      CALL assert(rTest.LT.rtol,' jpmnh FFT error in siesta_init')
-! check angle derivatives of pressure            
-      CALL tomnsp(pijh0, pmnh, fouruv)
-      CALL tomnsp(pijh0_du, fft_test, fouruv)
-      DO m = 0, mpol
-         mp = -sparity*m
-         CALL assert(MAXVAL(ABS(fft_test(m,:,:) - mp*pmnh(m,:,:))) .LE. rtol,   &
-                    ' pijh0_du FFT error in siesta_init')
-      END DO
-      CALL tomnsp(pijh0_dv, fft_test, fouruv)
-      DO n = -ntor, ntor
-         np = -sparity*n*nfp
-         CALL assert(MAXVAL(ABS(fft_test(:,n,:) - np*pmnh(:,n,:))) .LE. rtol,   &
-                    ' pijh0_dv FFT error in siesta_init')
-      END DO
-      DEALLOCATE(fft_test, pmnh, temp)
 !>  @brief Check that p > 0.
diff --git a/Sources/siesta_run.f90 b/Sources/siesta_run.f90
index db07b2a..60c75dc 100644
--- a/Sources/siesta_run.f90
+++ b/Sources/siesta_run.f90
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ FUNCTION siesta_run_construct(run_comm, verbose, init_mpi, close_wout,   &
       USE siesta_error
       USE diagnostics_mod, ONLY: toroidal_flux0
       USE blocktridiagonalsolver_s, ONLY: Initialize, GetRanks
-      USE siesta_namelist, ONLY: mpolin, ntorin, ntor_modes
+      USE siesta_namelist, ONLY: mpolin, ntorin, nfpin, ntor_modes
       USE metrics, ONLY: set_grid_sizes
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ FUNCTION siesta_run_construct(run_comm, verbose, init_mpi, close_wout,   &
       siesta_run_construct%time_on = ton
       nprecon = init_data(namelist_file)
-      CALL set_grid_sizes(mpolin, ntorin, ntor_modes)
+      CALL set_grid_sizes(mpolin, ntorin, nfpin, ntor_modes(-ntorin:ntorin))
       CALL second0(toff)
diff --git a/Sources/utilities.f90 b/Sources/utilities.f90
index e5fc42f..27fecfe 100644
--- a/Sources/utilities.f90
+++ b/Sources/utilities.f90
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
       MODULE utilities
       USE stel_kinds
       USE island_params, ONLY: ohs=>ohs_i, ns=>ns_i, mpol=>mpol_i,             &
-                               ntor=>ntor_i, nfp=>nfp_i
+                               ntor=>ntor_i, nfp=>nfp_i, fourier_context
       USE v3_utilities, ONLY: assert, assert_eq
       USE fourier, ONLY: m0, m1, m2, n0, n1, f_sin, f_cos, f_ds, f_none,       &
                          b_ds, b_jac, b_con, f_jac
@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ SUBROUTINE curl_ftoh(asubsmnf, asubumnf, asubvmnf,                       &
 !  (sqrt(g)*B^X)mn
       DO s = nmin, nsmax
          DO n = -ntor, ntor
-            np = sparity*n*nfp
+            np = sparity*fourier_context%tor_modes(n)*nfp
             DO m = 0, mpol
                mp = sparity*m
                jbsupsmnh(m,n,s) = np*asubumnh(m,n,s) - mp*asubvmnh(m,n,s)
@@ -551,12 +551,12 @@ SUBROUTINE curl_htof(bsubsmnh, bsubumnh, bsubvmnh,                       &
       CALL assert(nmax .le. UBOUND(jksupsmnf,3), 'UBOUND wrong in curl_htof')
 !  (sqrt(g)*J^X)mn
-      DO m = 0, mpol
-         mp = sparity*m
-         mo = m + moff
-         DO n = -ntor, ntor
-            np = sparity*n*nfp
-            no = n + noff
+      DO n = -ntor, ntor
+         np = sparity*fourier_context%tor_modes(n)*nfp
+         no = n + noff
+         DO m = 0, mpol
+            mp = sparity*m
+            mo = m + moff
             jksupsmnf(mo,no,nsmin:nmax) = np*bsubumnf(m,n,nsmin:nmax)          &
                                         - mp*bsubvmnf(m,n,nsmin:nmax)
             jksupumnf(mo,no,nsmin:nmax) = np*bsubsmnf(m,n,nsmin:nmax)          &
@@ -901,6 +901,7 @@ SUBROUTINE div_h(jbsupsmnh, jbsupumnh, jbsupvmnh,                        &
       INTEGER                                                 :: sparity
       INTEGER                                                 :: m
       INTEGER                                                 :: n
+      INTEGER                                                 :: n_mode
       INTEGER                                                 :: s
       INTEGER                                                 :: fours
       INTEGER                                                 :: fouruv
@@ -930,10 +931,11 @@ SUBROUTINE div_h(jbsupsmnh, jbsupumnh, jbsupvmnh,                        &
       DO s = nsmin, nsmax
          DO n = -ntor, ntor
+            n_mode = fourier_context%tor_modes(n)*nfp
             DO m = 0, mpol
                divmnf(m,n,s) = divmnf(m,n,s)                                   &
                              - sparity*m*jbsupumnf(m,n,s)                      &
-                             - sparity*n*nfp*jbsupvmnf(m,n,s)
+                             - sparity*n_mode*jbsupvmnf(m,n,s)
             END DO
          END DO
       END DO