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File metadata and controls

319 lines (248 loc) · 12.2 KB


Build Status

The role installs Netdata and setups it configuration.

Supported distros

Ubuntu versions currently supported:

  • xenial
  • focal

Installation on bionic is possible with netdata_version override but highly not recommended: many python.d modules were removed in v1.35.0 and the role still has no proper replacement for them.

Deploy example (with all default parametrs)

    - role: netdata
      netdata_python_web_lob_plugin_enabled: false

Make sure that you call this role before the monit role, if used together. Otherwise netdata presence will not be automatically detected and Monit cfg generation for it will be skipped.

Configure only

Changing configuration without installation. For v2+ base images or based on those images only.

    - role: netdata
      netdata_setup: configure

When using legacy images -- make sure to set apikey variable manually:

    - role: netdata
      apikey: 11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555
      netdata_setup: configure

See detailed explanation about API key setting below.

Important parameters

Param Default Description
netdata_setup full Setup mode. See OSSHelp KB article
force_install false Used for reinstall or update (for official)
physical false Used for physical servers (for official)
netdata_enable_app_plugin_in_lxc false Used for enable app plugin in lxc
netdata_force_create_db_user false Used for enable creating users in MySQL, PostreSQL, RabbitMQ, MongoDB
netdata_force_all_plugins_installation false For role builds only! Using this parameter in production builds could cause unforeseen consequences. Forces role to configure all plugins, even if their services are missing
netdata_force_host_system false For role builds only! Using this parameter in production builds could cause unforeseen consequences. Forces role to act like if being deployed to host system (even in lxc-containers)
netdata_go_d_plugin_enabled true Whether to enable go.d plugin. Use with caution, make sure to override default jobs for prometheus endpoints collector. Can overuse CPU and RAM on versions older than v1.29.1, details
netdata_bind9_plugin_version go.d Plugin version for bind9 (go.d or python.d)
netdata_custom_plugin_params [] For describing custom plugins params (see below)
netdata_custom_apps_groups [] List for describing custom process groups for /etc/netdata/apps_groups.conf (see below)
netdata_plugins [] List for enabling and disabling plugins.

Restart timeout control

Param Default Description
netdata_timeout_stop_sec 10 Default timeout in seconds
netdata_dynamic_stop_timeout true Whether to calculate timeout from netdata_dbengine_multihost_disk_space value

When deploying to host system with netdata_memory_mode param set to dbengine, the calculation of TimeoutStopSec parameter in systemd unit override is performed automatically, depending on the value of netdata_dbengine_multihost_disk_space. The formula is:

netdata_timeout_stop_sec + netdata_dbengine_multihost_disk_space / 100

The automatic generation can be disabled entirely by switching netdata_dynamic_stop_timeout to false and overriding netdata_timeout_stop_sec with a value you need.

Another deploy example

    - role: netdata:
      force_monit_plugin_installation: true
      netdata_python_web_log_plugin_enabled: true
        ebpf: 'no'
      plugin_retries: 300
      plugin_autodetection_retry: 300
      mysql_socket_path: '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock'
      nginx_stat_url: 'http://localhost/nginx_status'
      apache_stat_url: 'http://localhost:8080/server-status?auto'
      fpm_stat_url: "http://localhost/fpm-status-{{pool_name}}?full&json"
      monit_url: 'http://localhost:2812'
      memcached_port: 11211
      haproxy_user: user
      haproxy_pass: PaSSw0rd
      haproxy_url: ';csv;norefresh'
      haproxy_config_path: '/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg'
      fping_hosts: ''
      smartd_exclude_drives: some_drive
      tomcat_service_name: tomcat
      tomcat_stat_url: 'http://localhost:8285/manager/status?XML=true'
      tomcat_user: monitor
      tomcat_pass: paSSw0rd
      tomcat_connector: http-bio-8285
        - { name: local, url: }
      redis_stat_url: 'redis://@'
        - prod
        - dev
      general_fpm_url_part: 'http://localhost/fpm-status'
        name: ''
        path: '/var/log/nginx/access.log'
        histogram: '50,100,200,500,1000,2000,5000'
        pattern: '(?P<address>[\da-f.:]+).*(?P<date>\[.+\])\s(?P<code>[1-9]\d{2})\s\".*\"\s\"(?P<method>[A-Z]+)\s(?P<url>.*?)\s.+\"\s(?P<  bytes_sent>\d+)\s(?P<resp_time>\d+\.\d+)'
        - { key: main, value: '^/$' }
        - { key: admin, value: '^/(\w{2}\/)?admin/' }

Multiple logs support in web_log

- role: netdata
    - name: logfile1
      path: '/var/log/nginx/logfile1.log'
      histogram: '50,100,200,500,1000,2000,5000'
      pattern: '(?P<address>[\da-f.:]+).*(?P<date>\[.+\])\s(?P<code>[1-9]\d{2})\s\".*\"\s\"(?P<method>[A-Z]+)\s(?P<url>.*?)\s.+\"\s(?P<bytes_sent>\d+)\s(?P<resp_time>\d+\.\d+)'
        - { key: main, value: '^/$' }
        - { key: cat1, value: '^/cat1/' }
        - { key: cat2, value: '^/cat2/' }
    - name: logfile2
      path: '/var/log/nginx/logfile2.log'
        - { key: main, value: '^/$' }
        - { key: cat1, value: '^/cat1/' }
        - { key: cat2, value: '^/cat2/' }


  • histogram. 50,100,200,500,1000,2000,5000
  • pattern. (?P<address>[\da-f.:]+).*(?P<date>\[.+\])\s(?P<code>[1-9]\d{2})\s\".*\"\s\"(?P<method>[A-Z]+)\s(?P<url>.*?)\s.+\"\s(?P<bytes_sent>\d+)\s(?P<resp_time>\d+\.\d+)

Setting custom plugins params

Is performed via netdata_custom_plugin_params option. For example, this params for role:

        - name: proc:diskspace
            - param: exclude space metrics on paths
              value: /proc/* /sys/* /var/run/user/* /run/user/* /snap/* /var/lib/docker/* /mnt* /var/lib*
            - param: check for new mount points every
              value: 20
        - name: proc:/proc/diskstats:sda
            - param: bandwidth
              value: auto
            - param: i/o time
              value: auto

will result in such lines in netdata.conf:

        exclude space metrics on paths = /proc/* /sys/* /var/run/user/* /run/user/* /snap/* /var/lib/docker/* /mnt* /var/lib*
        check for new mount points every = 20
        bandwidth = auto
        i/o time = auto

Describing custom groups for apps_groups.conf

Is performed via netdata_custom_apps_groups list. For example, this params for role:

        - { regex: "^somegroup:", line: "somegroup: someprocess*" }
        - { regex: "^anothergroup:", line: "anothergroup: anotherprocess*" }

will result in such lines in apps_groups.conf:

somegroup: someprocess*
anothergroup: anotherprocess*

Deploy example with go.d weblog

- role: netdata
  netdata_go_d_web_log_plugin_enabled: true
    - name: ''
      path: '/var/log/nginx/access.log'
      group_response_codes: 'no'
      log_type: csv
      histogram: '.05, .1, .20, .5, 1, 2, 5'
        format: '$remote_addr $geoip2_data_country_code $remote_user $host [$time_local] "$request" $status $upstream_status $upstream_cache_status $request_time $upstream_response_time $request_length $body_bytes_sent $ssl_protocol $ssl_cipher "$http_referer" "$http_user_agent" $connection/$connection_requests'
        - { name: main, match: '~ ^/$' }
        - { name: custom, match: '~ ^/custom' }
        - { name: other, match: '* *' }
    - name: ''
      path: '/var/log/nginx/access2.log'

Example for json log format:

- role: netdata
    netdata_go_d_web_log_plugin_enabled: true
      - name: example_com
        path: /var/log/nginx/example_com.access.log
        log_type: json
          - { name: main, match: '~ ^/$' }
          - { name: api, match: '~ ^/api/' }

Deploy example with custom general params

- role: netdata
  netdata_memory_mode: dbengine
  netdata_page_cache_size: 32
  netdata_dbengine_multihost_disk_space: 4096

You can calculate the required system resources using the official calculator.

Deploy example with fixed Netdata version

- role: netdata
  netdata_version: '1.23.0'

Prometheus endpoint collector

Netdata can gather metrics from Prometheus endpoints and generate new charts with the same high-granularity, per-second frequency as you expect from other collectors. (Only xenial and bionic support in role) See docs for more information.

Supported Prometheus-exporters

Configuration for some exporters will be generated automatically if their service was detected:

  • dnsmasq-exporter
  • mongodb-exporter
  • mongodb-query-exporter
  • nginx-vts-exporter
  • node-exporter
  • proxysql-exporter
  • sql-exporter
  • sphinx-exporter
  • rabbitmq-exporter
  • redis-exporter
  • script-exporter (just metrics of exporter itself, you still need a custom job for your script execution)

More acurate list see here. If you are using unsupported exporter - use netdata_prometheus_jobs to describe needed configuration manually. See example below.

Deploy example with blackbox-exporter job and custom global params

- role: netdata
    autodetection_retry: 150
    max_time_series: 2048
    update_every: 15
    - name: blackbox_exporter_local
      url: ''

Metrics collection from script-exporter

For now only exporter's metrics will be collected with default configuration, so no scripts will be executed at all. You need to prepare a suitable job with netdata_prometheus_jobs, make sure to set the appropriate update_every value or provide your script with metric-caching mechanisms.

About the API key setting

If apikey variable is empty (it is by default) the role will search for environment variable NETDATA_API_KEY and try to use it's value. NETDATA_API_KEY must be set in you test/build plugins' environment in your drone.yml from orgsecret netdata_api_key to be available for role. If by any means this is not possible - you can always override this behaviour by pinning apikey in role params, so NETDATA_API_KEY will be never checked.

Multiple API keys on host system

To use multiple API keys in stream.conf on host system you must provide your keys separated by comma.

Trick for role testing on workspace

NETDATA_API_KEY is being passed to environment in provisioner section of molecule.yml where needed (non-configure scenarios). Without it builds with molecule will fail when executed on workspace.

Useful links


  • add ansible check mode support
  • deal with actual versions support (go.d plugins)




OSSHelp Team, see