Monitors authoritative server and recursor statistics.
Powerdns charts:
Queries and Answers
- udp-queries
- udp-answers
- tcp-queries
- tcp-answers
Cache Usage
- query-cache-hit
- query-cache-miss
- packetcache-hit
- packetcache-miss
Cache Size
- query-cache-size
- packetcache-size
- key-cache-size
- meta-cache-size
- latency
Powerdns Recursor charts:
Questions In
- questions
- ipv6-questions
- tcp-queries
Questions Out
- all-outqueries
- ipv6-outqueries
- tcp-outqueries
- throttled-outqueries
Answer Times
- answers-slow
- answers0-1
- answers1-10
- answers10-100
- answers100-1000
- outgoing-timeouts
- outgoing4-timeouts
- outgoing6-timeouts
- over-capacity-drops
Cache Usage
- cache-hits
- cache-misses
- packetcache-hits
- packetcache-misses
Cache Size
- cache-entries
- packetcache-entries
- negcache-entries
Edit the python.d/powerdns.conf
configuration file using edit-config
from the Netdata config
directory, which is typically at /etc/netdata
cd /etc/netdata # Replace this path with your Netdata config directory, if different
sudo ./edit-config python.d/powerdns.conf
name : 'local'
url : ''
header :
X-API-Key: 'change_me'